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Full text of "The Canadian Almanac and Directory 1887-1888"

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from Greem..,















.epo5itor}1 {If 











The best practical English Dictionary The Attention of School Officers, and others is 
extant.-Quarterly Review, London. invited to the fact that in purchasing the latest is;ue 
. _ of this work, they get 


:t 'J


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containing 3000 more words and nearly 2000 more illus- 
 than any other American Dictionary, 

- G. lJ 
f ',
__ .
Olæ1 L 


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containing 0' er 25,000 Titles, 
"ith their pronunciation and a vast amount of other in- 
formation, (Just Added, 1885) and 


In various Styles of Binding, with 
and wit hout Patent Index. 
"An in,'aluable companion in every 
SChool and at every Fireside." 

giving pronunciation of names 
anù brief facts concerning nearly 10,OUO Koted Persons; 
also various tables gh ing valuable information. 


Sir WILLIA1\l DA "'SON, }
res't 1\IcGill Universit)', 1\Iontreal. 
Yery Uev. G. lU. GRANT, M. A., D. D., I'res't Queen's University, Kingston. 
Rev. D. H. lUcYICAR, D. D., LL. D., Pres't Presbyterian College, 1\Iontreal. 
Rev. S. S. 1'\ELL)<
S, D. D., LL. D., Pres't Yictoria Unh'ersity, Cobourg, Onto 
w. DRYDO:SJ!: JACK, lU. A., D. C. L., Pres't University of N. B. 
W1\I. CROCKETT, Esq., Chief Superintendent of Education, N. B. 
JOHN B. CALKEN, 1\1. A., Prine :Soru1al School, Truro, N. S. 
Prof. n. J. GOGGIN, Prine provincial Noru1al School, WInnipeg. _\ 
Rev. JOHN H. CASTLE, D. D., I'rps't Toronto Baptist College. \ \ U 
Rev. "'1\1. CA YEN, Ð. D., Pres't Knox College, Toronto. 
J. MARCH, Esq., Supt. of Schools, St. John, N. B. , 
J. R. L
CH, A.1\I., LL. D., Pres't :\It. Allison College, N. B. 

For the student, the professioI1l>' u,.... {he teacher, the school, the family, in fact, for every 
one who cares to add to his stRr of lOwledge, \ve consider this splendid work is eminently 
suited.-Canada School Journal, fv 71 , April, 1/:,84. 
There should not be a schoðl' the Dominion, where access cannot readily and constantly 
be had to it.-The Canada Educati al.lUvn;thly, Tororrto, Oct., 1881. 
As a defining, orthographic and pr()nouncin
 dictionary, the 
ew Edition of Webster's Una- 
bridgt'd may be regarded as a standard authorIty in the English Language.-Thc Educational 
RcclJrd lIIontreal, Aug., 1884. 
It has ah\ ays been considered a standard authority, but its value as such has been vastly in- 
crew-ed IJY constant revision and the addition of much new matter. It is a work that should be in 
every library-The 1I1ail, Tomnto, February 5, 188G. 
It may hI' regarded as the one final authority, safely to be relied on.-The Week, Toronto, 1884. 
It has long SInce established its claim, past the power of even envy to dÍF:pute, to a place in 
the very highe!'lt ranks of such publications. Those who have given it the most careful con- 
sideration will be the most enthusiastic in its praise.-The Globe, Toronto, July, 1884. 
The l.Jest and mo!'t useful Dictionary of the English language ever publislwd.-Londun Times. 
In journalistic" ork I ha\ e long kept close company" ith Webster's Unabridged, and rep:ard 
it as the one great Dictionary of the English language.-J. E. B. McCready, E
q., Editor Daily 
Telegraph, St. John, N. B., JIII,II, 1885. 
ï know of no other Dictionary which places within easy reach of the ordinary purse, such a 
bounty of l1i"eful and really necessary information, and which is at the same time sO complete 
and thorough an f'xposition of our noble language.-Hon. John r. Ellis, 1'11. P. P., Editor Dail!1 
Globe, St. John, X. B., August, 181'6. 
Webster is Standard Authority \\ith the r. s. 
UI>rPllle Court and in thp Go,.t'rnnwnt 
Printing- Office. It is recommended by the State Superintendents of Schools in 36 States, 
anfl by the leading College Presidents of the U. S. and Canada. The sale is 20 to 1 of any other 
series. En-ry State purcha!'e of Dictionaries for Schools has been of'Vebster. 
For !'alp by an leading Booksellers. Pamphlet of Specimen Pages, Testimonials, &('., wil: be 
sent, prepaid, upon application to the Publishers. 
G. & C. MERRIAM & CO.. Springfield, Mass.. U. S. A. 






Be wise to-day; 'tis madness to defer; 
K ext day the fatal precedent will plea
Thus on. till wisdom is push'd out of bfe, 
Procrastination ilj the thief of time- 
Year after year it steals, till all are fled, 
And to the mercies of a moment leaves 
The vast concerns of an eternal scene.-YoUNG. 
1\ 1 1 8 ICircumeision. New Year's Day. (Bank holiday.) 
 I I
6 T Epiphnny. 
71F I Battle 
f New Orleans... ................ 1815 
8 8 st. Lucun. 
9 1 18 1ST 8U
12 ' W 8ir Charlt:s Bagot, Governor-General...... 1842 
r '13 1 T St. Hilary. 
14 F 

17 1 M St. Anthony. 

 St. Fobinn. 
211 F St. .A gnes. 
22 1 8 St. Vincent. 
24 1 M 
251 r C01wer8Íon of St. Paul. 
261 W General Gordon killed.................... 1585 



Oh many a shaft at random sent, 
Find!:! mark the archer little meant; 
And many II. worù at random !:!poken, 
:May soothe or wound a heart that s broken.-8cOTT. 

I ' 
1 T St. Bridget. 
2 W Purifieation oj tM Virgin Mary. 
I ; 
 1 St . Blasius. 


;MA SUl>DAY. St. Dorothy. 
1 Hilary Term begins. 
1 \ l l
 f Canada ceded to Great Britain .. . . .. .. .. .. 

I 14:\1 St. Val6ntine. 
1 ,15 T I 
16 W 

198 HUary Term ends. 
120 S QunlQ,tJAGESl.t4A S["}/DAY. St. blildred. 
I 21 
I I 23 W,Ash Wednesday. Fir
t doy of Lent. 
24 T 1 St. Jlatthias. 
'25 F 
28 )1 

We have not wings we cannot soar; 
But we have feet to scale and climb, 
By slow degrees, by more and more, 
The cloudy summits of our time.-LoNGFELLOW. 
True hope is swift and flies with swallow's wings, 
Kings it makes gods, and meMler creatures lings. 

1 T St. David. 
2 W St. Chad. 
3T I 
5 S [1834 
6 S 2ND SUNDAY IY LENT. York changed to Toronto, 
7 M St. Perpetua. 

128 St. Gregory. 
15 T 
17 T St. Patrick. 
18 F St. Edward. 
Iii 8 St. Joseph. 
208 4TH SVliDAY I:S LENT. St. Cuthbert. 
21 ft1 St. Benedict. 
22 T 
23 W 
25 F Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. 
268 Burning of Fort Carleton................ 1885 
30 W 

There is a tide in the affairs of men 
Which taken at the flood leads on to fortune; 
Omitted, all the voyage of their life 
Is bound in shallow!> and in miseries.-J\JLIW'S CÆ8AH. 

3 S 6TH SUNDAY IN LENT. PALM SUNDAY. ::it. Richard. 
I St. .Ambrose. 
7 T [Company formed, 1692 
8 F Good Friday. (Bank holiday.) Hudson's Bay 
10 S EASTER SUNDAY. ClergyReser\'eBillpRSsed,1853 
11 :M EaBter lIfonday. (Bank holiùay.) 
13 W 
15 F 
16 S 
17 S Low SUNDAY. I 
18 M 
19 T St. Alphege. I 
20 W 
21 T 
22 F 



\ 25 
26 T Riots in Montreal. Parl't Buildings burnt, 1849 

 Toronto captured. Battle of York.. .. .. .. 1813 I 







To-morrow, and to-mOrl"OW, and to-morrow, 
Creepi! III this petty palle from day to day, 
To the last syllable of recorded time; 
And all our yesterdays have lighted fooltl 
The way to dusty death. 


l:S 3RD SUNDAY AFTEREASTEIt. St.Phi Zi 1>&St.James 
2?I St. Athanasius. Battle of Cut Knife Creek 1885 
3 i T l-nventw?t of tM Cross. 

 St. Mont
71 S 
8 S tTH SU
lIi M 
I 10['1' 
ll:W Battle of Batoche........................ 1885 
14 S 
1 1 15 S ROG4TION SCMDAY. Riel captured ........ 1885 
I' lû M Easter Term begins. 
: li:T 
1 18 W Montrea1founded .. .. . ... . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1642 
)9'1' Ascens'wn Day. St. Dunstan. 
20 F 
22 S 1ST SUNDAY .u-rr.:R AscExsIO
24 'I' Queen Victoria born (Bank holiday) 
25 W 
2ûT St. Â1lgustine. Surrender of Poundrnaker. 1885 
2ï F Ve-nerabù Becle. Battle of Fort George.... IS13 
31 '1' 


A little learning is a dangerous ihmg; 
Drink deell or taste not the Pierian sllI'Îng: 
These shallow draughts intoxicate the brain 
And drinking largely sobers us again. 

1,w r I St. Nicomede. 
2jT l'rman Skirmish at Lmleridge ............ IS66 
4 S Easter Term ends. 
5[S TRINITY SmrDAY. St. Boniface. 
Û11I j 
8 W First Meeting of Parliament at ottawa .... 1866 
9'1' 1 
11'8 1 St. Barnabas. 
13 1 M St. Antlwny of Padua. 
14,'1' \ 
15 "' , 
16 'I' 
l7IF 1 St. AZba'l\. 
18 S 
19 S '
20 M Accession of Queen Victoria.. .. .. . . .. .. .. 1831 
:nlT 1 
22 1W l Lo n g est day. 
11 24 F St. John the Bapti:;t. 
2- S 
I 2
2i M 
1 28'1' 
II 29, w St. Peter. 
'\30 1 TI 




Not he the happy, wisr, or grtat, 
But he who torn and tempest tossed, 
And bravely litr\lg
ling w1th his fate, 
Finds a new life for that he lost. 
1 F Dominion Day (Bank llOlid>\y) ............ 186ï I I 
2 S Visitation of the Virgin Mary/. I 
3 S 4TH SlTNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Quebec founded ItìOS 

 Declaration of American Independenre .. .. 1 ïï611 
I II M Canada invaded. Battle of Black Rock 1813 I 
):1 T 
13 W I I 
:: f:



itùba entered Confederation 1870 I 
16 S 
19 T 
20 W St. ]'I argaret. 
21 T 
22 F St. Mary Nagdalene. 
23 S [Laue, 1814 II 
24 S 7TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Battle of Lundy's 
25 M St. James. Canada discovered b}' Cartier.. 1;;34 
?6T St Arme. 
27 W St. Joseph of Arimath
28 T 
2!J F St. Martha. 
30 S 


I En a\'ant! en cvant! not doubting núr fearing, 
Though clouds gather round thee obscuring the sun. 
I Yet turn not away from the duties before thee. 
Give each thy whole strength as they come one by one. 

I,M Lammas Day. 
4 \ '1' 
6 1 8 Tranß.figuration. 
 St. Lawrence. 
Hif Battle of Lake Champlain .. - - .. .. .. . 

, :::: II 
14 S 10TH SUNDAY AFTER TRlKlTY. Battle of Fùrt 


 St. Bernard. 
22 M Trinity Term begins. 

 St. BarthollY/'1lÆw. 


2!J 1 M Beheading of John tM Bapti:;t. 

 St. Rose. 






Craft and subtle teaching, 
Gallant youth! are not for thee, 

.: t




e f




Go out among thy fellows 
With looks and words of cheer; 
Return the joyful smile for smile, 
The mourning tear for tear. 

 jSt. Gilts. Long vacation ends. 
3 1 s ,Trinity Term ends. 
7 1 W St. Enllrchus. 
8'1' Nativity of the Virgin Mary. 
9 1 F I 
, 12 
[ Frontenac, Governor of Canada .......... 1672 
I, 13? Quebec takcn by British. Gell. Wolfe killed 1759 
1114 W IIoly Cross. 

i17 1 S St. Lambert. First U. C. Parl't at Kiagara. 1792 
I 191
1 20''1' 
211 W 1St. /trutthew. 
Ji l l 
 16Ta S""DA v A
ßR T.. "T<, 
IISt. Cyprian. 
2ïT I 
2S I W 


:.l and All Angels. 


Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, 
Lie in three words, health, peace and competence. 
But health consists with temperancp alone; 
And peace, 0 virtue! peace is aU thy own. 


1 1 
 ,..;,t. Remigius. 
i l 
 St. Faith. 

 18TH SU

1:l I W 1 COlumbUS discovered America, . . . . . . , . . .. 1492 
13 l' Translation of Edward the Conft's30T. [11112 
14 F Battle of QueenRton Heights. Gen. Brock killed 
15 S 
; 171
1 'St. Etheldreda. 
1 8 1 '1' St. Luke, 
119 W 
120 '1' 
, 21 F' 
2:!IS [Governor-General. 1883 
238 20TH SUWD
Y AFTER TRINITY. Lord Lansdowne, 
2-1 U 
25 '1' St, Cri3pin. 
2(; W 
27 l' 
28 F St. Simon nnd St. Jude. 
29 S 





1,'1' All Saint's Day. 
2 1 W Insurrection in Lower Canada .........., 18S8 
 St. Winnipede. 
6 8 2
ND SU_Dot. Y AFTER TRINITY. St. lÆonard_ 
7 M St. Willibrord. 
9 W Prince of Wales born .................... 1841 
11 F St. Martin. Battle of Chrysler's Farm.. .. 1813 
12 S 
13 8 2S
 SV1fDAY AFTJi:& TRlYITY. St. Brice. 
lS I T St. Maehutu$. 
16 W 
17:'1' St. Hugh. 
18 F 
19 S 
21 M Michaelmas Term begins. 
22 '1' St. Cect'lia. 
23, W St. Clement. 
24 '1' I Battle of Fort Du Quesne ................ 
25 F St. Catharine. 
26 S 

'St. Andrtw. 

1758 1 


Sweet the reward when life's labour is ended 
To feel that each day thou hast faithfully Rtriven ; 
It may be that soon the great Master will call thee 
To render account for the life He has given. 

I, IT f 
2 F I 
6'1' St. Nicholas. Rcl,ellion in Canada.. ,... .. 
7 W' 
8 l' Conctption of the Virgin Mary. 
 Michaelmas Term ends. 
12 )[1 
13'1' ,St. Lucy. 
14 \V'Treaty of Ghent. . .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. ,. 
151' I 
16 F 
1 Fort Niagara captured...... . . . . . . . . .. ... . 
20'1' I 
21 W St. Thoma.. Shortest day. 
22'1' I 
23 F 
1 24 S 
20 M \ St. Sttphw. 
27 '1' 
t. John EVa1lgeli3t. 
I 28 W Tnnoetnt', Day. 

 jSteamer Caroline burnt at Na\y Island.... 
I 31 8.. 1St. S?llvester
___ _ ___ 

1837 \1 


1814 11 





Chronological Cycles. 


:: :: :: :: : 
 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 2


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 6Jg 

The year 5648 of the Jewish Era begins Sept.. 19 .. 1887 1 The 51st of Queen Victoria's Reign begins June 20, 1887 
The year 1305 of the Mahometan Era begms on The 21st of the Uominion of Canada begins July I, 1887 
September 19.................................. 1887 The 112th of the Indep. of the U. S. begins July 4, 1887 
Fixed and Movable Festivals and Anniversaries. 

 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : : :: 

 I i!



 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : : 
Lady Day. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. March 25 Michaelruas Day .......................... 
Easter Sunday............................ April 10 I Birth of PrInce of Wales........... ........ 
St. George ................................ April 23 St. Andrew................................ 
HolyThursday ............................ May 19 Christmas Day ..... ........ .... ........ 
Birth of Queen Victoria .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '. May 24 _ 

May 29 
June 24 
July I 
S(>pt. 29 
Nov. 9 
Nov. 80 
Dec. 25 

Explanation of the Articles in the Calendar. 
These pages are calculated for Toronto and Quebec, and for ordinary purposes will serve with sufficient accuracy 
for every city in the Dominion of Canada. 
Moox's PHASES.-This Table gives the times (stRndard 75th meridian) when the Moon passes the geocentric long- 
tudes Jf OO,9 I P, 1800,and 270 0 east of the sun. It gives also the times of her greatest and least distance from the earth. 
TWILlGHT.-In this Table are given the standard times at which twilight begins in the morning and ends in the 
evening, r:. e., the times when the Sun's centre is 18" below the horizon.- 
NOTB.-8tandard times are given in all column'! headed Toronto or Quebec. In calculating, the mean time at these 
places has been taken at Toronto as 17m. 348. slower, and at Quebec as 14m. faster than standard. 
 OP THE POLE STAR.-This column gives the greatest a:!iimuth of the Pole star east or west 
from the meridian as observed at a place in llititude -15". When the greatest elongation corresponding to any other 
latitude is reqaired, the number given in the column shtJuld be corrected by means of the following Table. 


- - - - 
atitude .............................. 420 43 Q <<O
 4f1 0 46 0 47 1 48 0 490 bO. 
st Oorrection for Degrees......... -fl' 2i" ---'J' 43" -1' õõ" 0' 00" + 2' I" + 4' 8" + 6' 22" + 8' 4-1" +11'1-1" 
nd Correction for each minute 
of iatitude ........................ + 1".7 + 1".8 + 1".9 + 2".0 + 2".1 + 2".2 + 2".4 + 2".fI + 2".6 

The 1st correction for the degrees of l't.titude [s to be subtracted from the greatest elongation given in the calendar 
or adtled to it. according as the degrees oflatitude are less or greater than 4f1 0 . 
The 2ud correction, which ill always additive, is found by multiplying the number given ill the third line of the 
Table by the nnmber of minutes in the latitude. 
Thus foriatitude 43 0 2O'u.lst correction - -3' 43" 2nd correction + 1.8 X 20 =- + 0' 36" 
47 0 40'... " = + 4' 8" + 2.2 X 40 + I' 28" 
45 0 10'... " 0' 0" + 2.0 X 10 
 + 0' 20" 
THB PLANETs.-The local mean times of rising and setting of the five chief planets are calculated for Toronto, and 
are corrected for refraction. The times of cnlmination, although computed for the meridian of TOlonto, will serve 
approximately for the whole of Oanada. The meridian zenith distances, being designed merely to aid in finding the 
phmets, hl\ve been 
lven only to ,he neare!'!t tenth ofa degree, as seen from the latitude of 4:)0. 
The times of the SUN'S RISING AND SETTlNG* are given for the upper limb, and are corrected for refraction for 
Toronto and Quebec, 
The standard times both for the rising and setting of the Moon's centre are given or every day for Toronto and 
The column, SUN OK MERIDIAN, gives the time that a watch keeping local mean time should show when the 
hadow of a sun dial IS on the noon mark. 
MOON'S AGE.-This column shows to the nearest of a day the 1'.loon's age at Toronto mean noon. 
The column, UPPER TRANSIT m' POLE STAR, shows for every day tile mean time at which the Pole Star makes 
ts upper transit across the meridian of longitude 4h. 4ôm. W. [t passes the meridian in the morning from April 
11 to October ll. It passes the meridian twice on October ll: and in the afternoon during the rest of the year. 

.. Although these times are calculated for Toronto and Quebec only, the standard times at ot
ler places differing 
not much in latitude from one of these places may be obtained with sufficient accuracy for ordIDsry purposes, by 
adding four minutes for every degree west of Toronto or Quebec, and subtracting four minutes for every degree 
east of Toronto or Quebec. 





The time at which the lowpr transit of the Pole Star occurs may be fouml by adding 11h. 58m. 2s. to the time of 
tbe preceding upper transit. 
The six last columns will serve with snfficient accuracy for the whole of Canada. 
From the time of the upper transit of the Pole Star may he found the time of its gl'eatcst western or eastern 
elongation, by adding or subtracting the constants given in the annexed Table. 

Latitude 42< I 4.:3 I 4! 4.3 46" I 47. 48. I 49. 50' 
.......... ....... ..... 
,h m s h 111 s Ih m s h III S h III S h III S h m s h III S 11 III S 
Constant ......... .......... ,5 5416 5 54 6,5 53 55 5 53 44 5 53 33 5 5321 5 53 95 52 5; 5 5244 
Difference for 10' of latitude. I -1.7 -1.8 -1.8, -1.8 -2.0j -2.0 I -2.0 -2.2 

Star Table. 

'rom the times of the upper transit of the Poll' Star may be del'ivel!. with the ai"- of the following Table. the times of 
culmination, and of the \"Ísing and setting of the principal fixed stal's, as seen from the parallel of 45 0 n(' latitude. 
To ascertain when any stllr fl'und in the tollowing Table will be ún the meridian, add the number in the left-hand 
column of figures to the preceding meridiau transit of the pole star given in the calendar. To find the time of rising 
ofa star, subtract the numLer opposite to it in the right.hand column of figùl'es from the time of itR meridian passage. 
For the setting of a star, ad,l the s'&rne nu,nber 
 tho time of its meridian pll.8sage. Those stars märked (. . . .) revolve 
In a circle ofverpetual apparition, and do not I'ise or "at at places in all/I to the north oflatitude 45 0 . 



On I Rises 
l\1eridi'D I and Seta 

1 On I Rilles 
Msridi'n ,and 8et8 
h m "- 111 
a Andromedæ... ...........,2242 810 
Y Pegasi (Algenib)...........,22 46 6 59 
a Cassiopeiæ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 23 13 
 Ceti ..................... 123 17 
í3 A rietia ................... 0 31 
a Arietia ........ .......... 0 43 
a Ceti...................... 1 39 
CI Persei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 59 
a Tauri (Aldebaran) ..... .... 3 12 '1 7 
a Aurigæ (Capella) ......... 3 50 
d Orionis (Rigel) . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 51 

 Tauri ........... ... _ . . .. 4 I 
J Orionis.............. .... 4 8 
f Orionis ...... ........... 4 13 
a Columbæ.............. 4 18 
a Orion is .................. 4 31 
a Canis Majoris (Sirius) . .. ... 5 22 
f Canis 
Iajoris ............. Ó 36 
a 2 Geminorum (Castor). . . . . . .. 6 9 
a Canis Minoris (Procyon) .... 6 15 
ß Geminorum (Pollux). . . . . . .. 6 20 
a Hydræ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 3 
a, Leon
s (Regulus) .......... 8 44 
r LeoDls ............... ... 8 55 

4 40 
7 25 
7 39 
6 13 

a Ursæ Majoris. . . , . . . .. . 
í3 Leonis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
ß Corvi..................... 
a Virginis (Spica) ..... ...... 
7J Ursæ Majoris.............. 
a Bootis (Arcturus) .......... 
ß Ursæ Minoris. ..... ..... ... 
ß Li bræ ............... . . . . 
a Coronæ Borealis ........... 
a, Serpe?tia ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 
ß Scorpll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
a Scorpii ( Antares) ......... . 1 
a Herculis . .. .............. 
ß Draconia ................. 
r Draconis ................. 
a Lyræ(Vega) -...... ..... 
a Aqui1æ (Altair) . . . .. . . . . . . . 
C1 Cygni ... ........ ....... 
a Cephei........ ........... 
ß Aquar!.i .................. 
a Aquarn................... 




).:::: I 

9 38 1 
10 24 7 2 
II 9 4 20 
12 0 5 16 
12 24 
12 51 1 '1 23 
13 32 
13 51 5 23 
14 10' 8 2 
14 19' 6 26 
14 39 1 4 36 
15 3 4 2 
15 50 1 6 59 
16 8 
16 34 
]7 13 1 9 31 
18 25 6 38 
19 17 1 11 33 
19 55; 
20 5 5 84 
20 39 5 5ó 
21 311 3 36 
21 3b j 7 0 

5 25 
8 10 
5 57 
5 54 
3 9 
6 2\J 
4 50 
8 46 
8 34 
6 21 
8 9 
5 26 
6 50 

Showin,Q the Illuminated Portions of thi'. Discs 0./ Venus and Nara. 

1887. I Venus. l\lars. 1887. Venus. Mars. 
January... 15. 0.985 0.982 July......... Iii. 0.481 0.987 
February.. 1-1. 0.956 0.991 August ..... 16. 0.269 0.97-1 
:\larch ...... 15. 0.912 0.997 September 15. 0.01-1 0.958 
April ........ 15. 0.842 1. 000 October ..... 15. 0.153 0.941 
May......... Iii. 0.750 0.999 November.. 15. 0.405 0.92-1 
J una . ...... 11i. 0.629 0.995 Dtlcember.. 15. 0.668 0.908 

The Satellites of Jupiter are invisible from Oct. 18 to Dec. 1st: Jupiter being too near the Sun. 
In the year 1887 there will be two eclipses of the Sun, and two of the 1\Ioon. 
I.-A Pal'Ual Eclipse of the 1\loon, Feb. 8, 1887. Visible in Canada. Eastern Standard Time;- 
First Contact with Penumbra, Feb. 8 .......... 3 2 a.m. 
First Contact with Shadow .. .' _...... 4 1-1 .. 
Mirldle of EclipRe 5 22 .. 
Last Contact with Shadow 6 30 .. 




Magnitude of the Eclipse (1\Ioon's diameter = 1), 0'432. The first contact ,\,\'ith the shadow occurs at 52- from the 
Northernmost point of the Moon's limb towards the Enst. Thr last contact at 27 0 towards the West in hoth cases 
for direct image. 

1I.-An Aunualar Eclipse of the Sun, February 22, 188i. Invisible in Canada. 
III.-A Partial Eclipse of the Moon, August 3rd, 188i. Invisible in Canada. 
IV.-A total Eclipse of the Sun, August 18th, ISSi. Invisible in Canada. 


[From observations at the Toronto Observatory.] 

1 ,;- I 

 i' .1 
 'C . 

 .. .... 
 po -0 ,.- p. 
 ø:'- '" ø:. 
 0 II: 

'õ . 

.=. 1.8 -:
"õ f "õ 
"õ .;
'S . 
fl.5.sC? "e:S I 
]- l i==-i""""'
! ...."'
 ø::-o <1)0 ",'" 
I g 
l e. 
! :; 
 -g -; "õ 
 "õ 0 = 
 i;; ;; 

; : 
 I i 
....: 8;;: 
.: M s g 
 õ ã) 
 :: c 

 ce..,. Eo< "'.... ::C-O.. ø::<:C':I ':';:1 0 oa -<P:: c A oC"'1' -<00 0 A.:: Eo<::.! < c 5::;g 
______--- -1-1------- 
' I in. "I 0 I mik.. milu. in. in. in. I 
January...................... 29.1\536 22.60 N.80W. 3.37 1 11.
! 1.112 4.7 1
.74 14.2 2.781\ 1l.4
Febrnary..................... .6366 22.8\1,N.61 W. 3.32 10." 0.901 4.4 1,.17 12.4 2.61SI12.26 .69 
March........................... .6015 29.05 'N. 52 W. 3.57 11.61 1.527 6.4 13.46 10.1\ 2.873 13.59 .63 
April............................ .58-16 -to.Sl N.:l5 W. 2.27 10.84 2.261 11.6 2.31 3.7 2.492 16.25 .59 
May........................... .5774 :;1.\Jfj'N.17 W. 1.64 9.15 3.097 1 12.2 0.14 0.4 3.111 17.87 .56 
June............................ .6673 61.97 ,N.64 W. O.S-I 7.69 2.83.1 11.8 2.S3-1 17.60 .53 
July............................ .5871 67.68 N. 79 W. 0.93 7.53 3.149 11.0 3.149 lS.O'; .50 
Aup:ust ........................ .6211 66.44 N.63 W. 0.92 7.53 2.S42 10.9 2.842 1\}.26 .49 
SeptE'mber ..................... .66-17 68.66 N.54 W. 1.28 8.52 3.414 11.7 3.414 18,43 .52 
October......................... .6-192 46.35 N.70 W. 2.04 9.12 2.328 12.7 0.78 1.8 2.406 16.42 .62 
November ..................... .6222 35.96
. 80 W. 2.81 1û.60 2.72R 9.9 4.64 7.8 3.182 12.43 .76 
December ..................... .t\495 25.8S N. 76 W. 3.tH 11.10 1.539 6.1 14.781 14.1 3.017 11.05 .'is 
year................. 29. {\]'i8 1 44.17 N.6l W. 2.06 9.622;.732 1 111.4 'ð9.'92 ' 65.0 , 34.724184.64 0.62 

Magnetic Observatory, Toronto. 
Latitude, 43 0 .39',4 Xorth. Longitude, i9".23'.32 West, or 5 hours, 17 minutes, 346 seconds slow of Greenwich Time. 
Elevation above Lake Ontario, 10S feet. Approxirn'1te Elevation ahove the Sea, 350 feet. 


The length of the year is strictly expressed by the space now the vernal equinox fell on the 11th of March. To 
()f time rf'quired for the revolution of the earth roum} the correC't the past error, he decreed that the 5th of OC'tober 
i'>un-n:unely, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes. 49 seconlls, that year should be rf'C'koned as the 15th, and, tù keep 
and 7 tenths of a se')onrl, for to fluch a nicety has this time the yrar right in futurf', the overplus being 18 hours, 37 
beru ascertained. But for convenience in reckoning, It miuutes and 10 3eeonds in a century, he ordered that 
has been found necessary to make the year terminate with every centurial year that could not be divided by 4 (liOO, 
11 day instead of a fraC'tion of one, lumping the fractions 1800, 1900. 2100, 2200, &c.) should not be bis!'!extile. as it 
together 80 as to make up a day among thrmselves. otherwise would })e; thus, in short, dropping the extra 
AÙ0ut forty-five years before Christ,JuIius Creaar, having, day three timt's rvery four hundred years. The Gregorian 
1,)' the help of SO'ligenes, an Alexandrian philosopher, style, as it was called, rea,liIy obtained sway in Catholic, 
C'ame to a tolerahly dear understanding of the lrngth of but not in Protestant C'ountrie". It was not aoopted in 
the ye<1.r, decreed that every f.mrth year should he held. Britain till the year 1752, by whiC'h time the discrepancy 
to C'onsillt of 366 days, for the purpose of ahsorbing the between the Julian and Gre!::orian I.criorls amountrd to 
olld honrs. The arrllngempnt IIC ò.ictated was a rather cleven days. An Act of Parliament \
 I\S passed, dictatiug 
clumsy one. A day in February, the sixth bf)fore the that the 3rd of September that year should be rl'C'koned 
C'alends of March (sextilis), was to he repeated in that the 14th, anò. that three of every four of the centurial 
fourth year; and each fourth year was thus to be bisMer- years should, as in Pope Gregory's arrangement, not be 
tile. It was as if ",e were to reckon the 23rd of Ff'bruarr bissextile or leap years. It has consequently ariscn-lS00 
twice over. Seeing that, in reality, a day every fourth not having been a leap-year-that the new and old styles 
)'eltr ill too mnch by 11 minutes. 10 seconds, and 3 tenths now differ by twelve days, our first of January being equi- 
of a second, it inevitably followed that the beginning of valent to the 13th old style. In Russia, alone, of all Chris- 
the year moved onward ahead of the point at which it was tian countries, i:! the old style retained; wherefore it 
in the ò.ays of Cæsar; in other words, the natural time becomes necessary for one writing in that country to any 
fell hdlÍnd the reckoning. From the time of the Council forei gn correspondpnt, to set rlown his date thus: 2 
 tb b 
ïC'e, in 325, when the vernal equinox feU correctly on , 
thr 21st of }Iarch, Pope Gregory found in 15S2 that thel'e March, or 26 7 t: b 
 ; or, it ma} })(', 2I!
hall been an ü\'er-reckoning to the extent of ten days, and 

Second 1Vinter Month.] 

JANUARY, 1887. 


}Ioo:s-'s PH4.SES. 




'l'wilioht,bPgin. ur tnd3. SEMIDIilI. 


-------:- - h- . TORONTO. I 4.lUEBEC. I GrE'RtE'lIt 
. 7 :;a o 
 -- I -- Polar .Elonga- 

 First Quartet. ,.... I 2 ... am :: IWg. End Beg. I End. Sun. 
Ioon. Distance. tion. 
<:) F . uU Moon .-....... !) 5 32 pm .1.11. 1>.)1' 1 .1.11. P.II. I Lat. 45 0 . 
. QuRl'ter..... 16 10 22am ---------- \ -'-- 
ew Moon......... 23 10 01 pm h m h m h m ,h m I / '/ / ,,0 / "1 0 / " 
1 5 506 175556 1316 1814 4S111 17241 4928 
([ Perigee 12 1 on am 11 15 50,6 26:5 64'6 22!16 181 16 2i
1 17 231 49 27 
([ Apogee ..... ...... 28 200am 21 15471636550,634(1617,15 1611723,14927 

The Planets. 

I I 
ler -Mer. 0 }ler. 
Rises. u OI? d Bets. Zen: Rilles. M
d. Sets. Zt!n. Rises. Me
d. Sets. ZeD. 
.....erl . dist. dist. dist. 
h m I J;-;; T;; 0 -,;-;;; -,;-;; -,;-;; -:- -,;-;; --,;-;;;- ---,;-;;-:- 
813a l ' 0:l5p 457p68.2 817a 049p 521p66.2 815a 102p 648p63.2 
9140 153p 632p64.8 8570145,-, 634p62.6 837a 13ip 638p60.1 
2 OJ a 7 19 lJ 036 P 56.2 1 29 a 6440 001 a 56.5 0 M a 6090 11 23 a 56.8 
5 02P I 044a 820021.2 419p1156p 7370 23.1 \ 335p1113p 656022.9 
018a 604a1148a49.311iJ6p 624all10a49.3)056p 445al1028a493 


Venus ... ...... 
:\Iars .. ......... 
JupIter..... ... 
Saturn...... ... 
UrRnus ........ 

Nou.-In the abon Table a slgnltløli A II. and p P.II 

:0:> Day of SU:'I'. I Moo1'\". SUN. Moo1'\". Sun's I:!tln <I'll I Upper 
o Week. 0 I Declina- on Afle Transit of 
E _ ÆjRises. Setll. Rilles. Setll. Ri1l4:l1l., Setll. Rillell. Sets. tion. Meridian. Soon. Pole Star. 
h m
i- h m -
 h m , h m 
 h m 0 , " 
1 I Saturday 1!7 514 6211 64 I1 08 1 7 33,4 0811 2111 35822 59 3912 03 52 7.3 6 32 41 
2 dUND'Y. 27 524 53 'pm 23 a.m. 7 3:3 4 0911 49 a.m. 22 54 22 12 04 2 8.3 6 28 44 
3lMonday. 37 52 1 4 54, 0 47 1 06'7 32'4 10 pm 11 0 35 22 48 37 12 04 28 9.3 6 2 t 47 
4;TuesdRY. 4'7 524: 55! 1 18 2 0617 314 11 0 40 1 37 22 42 2612 05 1610.3 6 20 60 
5 Wednes... 5 i 524 56, 1 49 3 Off,7 3114 12 1 10 2 41 22 35 4i 12 05 4211. 3 \ 6 16 54 
6lThursd'y 6 i 524 5i; 2 28 4 11 1 7 314 13 1 4i 3 4ó; 22 28 41 1 12 06 0912.3 6 12 57 
7 Friday... 7751458 1 3 13 1 5 ]6731414 2 32 41)1 1 22211012063513.3 60900 
8datur.hy 8i 51459,4- 07 6 Iii 314 15 324 564 22131112070014.3 60503 
9SUNO'Y. 9751500 506 7 16'i 304 Ii 423 653 220446 1 12072516.3 6 OJ 06 
10 \lond>\y. 10 i 5] 5 01' 6 14 8 1017 304 18 5 32 7 46' 1 21 55 5612 07 4
 16.3 5 57 10 
11 Tupsday. 117 60502 725 8 58i 304 19 645 832 21 46 4012 08 1317.3 553 13 
121Wednes...12'i 505 03 8 38 9 41 1 7 294 20 8 00 9 13; 21 36 58 1 12 08 3618.3 5 49 ]6 
13 Thursd'y 13,7 605 04 9 5210 1817 284 22 9 16 9 49 1 21 26 5212 08 ó91
. 3 5 4,j 19 
14Fridav...14i 495 05'l1 0410 53'7 284 2310301022 2116201]209 21:!0.3 54122 
15 SMurdl1Y 1517 495 Oi a.m. 11 267 274 24 11 4
 10 53 21 05 2412 09 4221. 3 5 37 25 
16 SU
O'Y. 1617 485 08 1 0 1411 587 2i 4 25 a.m. I1 22 20 54 04112 10 03 
2. 3 6 33 
17 Uonday.17i 48,5 09 1 24pm32'7 2ñ.j 27 05411 54 204220112 102323.3 52931 
18 Tuesday. 18 ' 7 4i 5 10 2 30 1 08'7 254 28 2 O
 pm 28 20 30 1212 10 4224.3 5 25 34 
19 Wednes... 19 1 7 4615 i 1 3 113 1 4i'7 244 30 3 09 1 061 20 17 42 1 ]2 11 0] 25.3 5 21 3i 
20 Thursd'y 20:7 465 12' 4 3i 2 31 i :,,:44 31 4 12 1 49 20 04 4812 11 1826.3 5 17 41 
21 Frhhy... 21 1 7 4!)!5 13 534 3 20i 234 a2 5 11 2 37,196132'12 11 3627.3 5 ]3 44 
22 gRtnrday 227 415 H 6 26 4 13 7 21 4 34 6 03 3 30, 19 37 62112 11 52 28 3 5 09 47 
23 SUNO'Y 23 7 4
15 16 7 12 5 09'7 21 4 35 6 48 4 27 19 23 52 1 12 12 0729.31 5 05 50 
24 \Ionday.24,7 435 17' 7 53 6051720437 729 525 190929121222 O.CI 50153 
25 TuesdRY 257 425 18 8 28 7 027 194 38 8 02 6 24 18 54 4712 12 36 1. 61 4 6i 57 
2() Wednes . 26/i 415 20 1 9 00 8 Ol7 lR 4 40 8 32 7 25 18 39 43 1 12 12 49 2. ûl 4 54 00 
27 Thursd'y 2il7 405 211 9 28 9 007 1i l 4 4] 1 8 59 8 25 18 24 1912 13 02 3.61 4 50 03 
 Friday... 28,7 395 22 9 66 9 6i'7 16443 9 25 9 24 18 08 3512 13 13 4.6! 4 4ñ 06 
2t1 Saturd'l.Y 2917 385 24'10 2210
7'7 1!)4 44 949102511752321121324 6.6\4 4 209 
30 SUND'Y. 30li 375 26,10 4!J 11 54 1 7 134 4610 15 1 11 24 17 36 0912 18 341 6 6 4- 38 13 

1 )'Ionday. 31 1 7 365 2811 17 a.m. 7 124 47 10 41 a.m. 1 17 19 29112 13 43 7: 6\ 4.34 1 6 
L 525] 


FEBRUARY, 1887. 

[ThÙ'd Tlinter l1fonth. 


 ST\NUARD Twilight begim or ends. SEMIDJAM POLE STAR. 

 TIME. ___! , 
 .;, TORO:\TO. QUEBEC. I ' I Greatest 
1 3 27 am 
 I I I Polar Elonga- 
&:I Beg. End. Beg. End. I Sun. :\Ioon. DisÌlmce. tion. 
8 5 1 
 am A.M. , P.M. I A.M. P.M.' I I Lat, 45C. 
14 83
22 440pm hm,hmhmhm'IlIIlO I 110 III 
1 5 386 49'5 406 4716 ]615 ]0117 24149 28 
9 700am 11 52870]528 1 701:161416291172514930 
24 1 00 pm 21 5 14,7 14,5 14 7 15'16 1214 501 17 271 49 32 


f) First Quarter.. ... 
o Full )loon ...... ... 
(.. Last Quarter...... 
. New Moon ....... 
(( Perigee ...... ..... " 
(( Apo
ee . ....... ... 

The Planets. 

NAME or 





h m -

Venus ......... 807 a 113p 619p 58.9 

Iars ......... 814 a 1 27 p 641 P 57.1 
upiter ......0160 529al0420 1 57.1 
saturn......... 247 p 10 27 p 610 a 22.8 
Uranus ...... 1012p 402a 947a 49.2 

On 1Ier. 0 I \Itlr. 
Rises. 'Ie id Sets. Zen. Rises. !ItI 
d Sets. Zen. 
. r . dist. . erl . dist. 

 h m h --;;-1-:-- 
7 55 a 1 21 p 6 46 P 54.4 7 42 a ] 27 P 7] 3 pi 49.4 
7 52 0 1 18 P 6 44 p 54.2 7 29 CJ 1 08 p 6 46 P 51.1 
1135p 452010040 5 7.2 \ 1056 P 41
a 925057.2 
2115p 945p 528022.7 ] 23p 904p 447a i 22.6 
938p 322a 907a 49.2 851p 241 aI828a,49.1 


d. Sets. 

NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. and p PM 

 o '" I TORONTO. QU , EBEC. 
Day of SU:!(. I MOON. SUl'I". MOON. 

 Rises S
ts. Rises. Sets. Rises Sets.1 Rises. 8ets. 


1 Tuesday. 32 1 7 355 29 II 46 0 5217 11 4 4911 08 0 24' 
2 Wednes.. 337 345 30 pUl 23 1 5517 104 60 II 48 1 29 1 
3,ThUrSd' y j I 347 325 32 1 03 2 57i7 084 52 pm 22 2 32: 
4 Friday... 3517 31 5 33 1 50 3 58.7 07 -t 53 1 08 3 341 
Õ Saturda y , '36 7 305 34 2 46 4 5817 064 55 2 03 4 35' 
6 ' 8UND'y. , 377 2H 5 36' 3 4SJ 5 54,7 011 56 3 OJ 6 301 
7 1 
Ionday .138,7 285 37' 4 59 6 45 1 7 03 -t 58 4 19 6 2Ui 
8 TueSda Y ' j 39 7 265 39 6 13 7 30,7 01 4 59 5 35 7 04 
9jWednes.. 40'7 255 40 7 29 8 ] 217 00;) 01 6 5.2 7 44 1 1 
1O,ThUrSd'y / 41 1 7 245 41 8 44 8 50:6 595 02 8 C9 8 19 
111 Friday ... 42 1 7 'J'} 5 43 9 58 9 27 1 6 57 5 (\4 9 26 8 54 
12 1 8aturday 43,7 21 5 4411 0910 00'6 55 ij 06]0 39 9 251 
13 SUND'Y. 44.7 205 45 a.ID. 10 366 54 5 07 II 51 9 59, 
14 1 l\Ionda y . 1 45/7 185 47 0 20 I] J( 11 6 525 09 a.m. 10 32 1 
15 Tuesda,y. 467 16548 1 2611 49651510 1 0011 9 
16 Wednes.. 47 1 7 ]5549 2 32 pm 31/6 495 12 2 07 11 49 
17 Thursd'J 48,7 ì45 61 3 29 1 17 1 6475 13 3 05pm
18 1 Fridll.Y ...149 1 '7 125 52 4 22 2 086 46 / 5 ]51 4 00 I 25' 
19 1 8aturaa, Y1 50 7 115 53 5 09 3 036 445 16 4 45 2 21' 
''w I SUND:y.51'7 095 65 5 51 3 58 1 6 425 18 5 2fí 3 17 
21l\Ionda Y ' 1 52'7 08!5 56' 6 28 4 56 1 '6 41 5 ] 9 6 02 4 ] 7 
22,Tuesday 53 1 7 06;5 57 7 02 5 5;> Ô 395 2i 6 34 6 17 
23IWednes..54 1 7 05 1 5 59 7 30 6 51 , 6 3; 5 22 7 01 6 15 
24lThursd'y 55i7 03,6 00 7 58 7 506 355 24 7 27 7 15 
25 1 Friday ...56/7 01'6 0] 8:l5 8 48 1 6 335 25 7 52 8 ]5 
26 Saturday 5717 00'6 02 8 52 9 46,6 325 27 8 18 9 16 1 
2;1SUND'Y 58 1 '6 5816 041 9 1910 45 1 1 6 30 1 5 28 9 43 10 16 
londay. 596 56 1 6 05, 9 4811 446 285 30 1 9 1011 16 1 



Sun <I's Upper 
on Age Trllnsit of 
Meridian. Noon Pole 8tllr. 

 dayi Y-;:;;--; 
817 02 29 12 13 61 8. 6 4 30 18 
16 4!í 11 12 13 68' 9.6 4 26 21 
]6 27 37 12 ]4 U5 1 1o.6 4 22 25 
16 09 45 1 ]2 ]4 10 1 11. 6 4 18 29 
]5 51 36 12 ]4 1512.6 4 14 32 
]5 33 12 1 12 14 1913 6 4 10 
15 14 31 12 14 22'14.6 4 06 38 
14 55 35 12 14 25 15. ß 4 02 41 
]4 36 24 / '12 14 26 1 16.6 3 58 45 
14 ]6 59]2 ]4 271l7. 6 3 54 48 
13 57 1912 14 27'18.6 3 50 51 
]3 37 26 1 12 14 2719.6 3 46 54 
13 17 18 12 14 25!20.6 3 42 57 
12 56 5912 14 23/21. 6 3 39 01 
12 36 26 ] 2 14 20 22. 6 3 35 04 
]2]5411214 1723.6 33107 
]1 64 44 l2 14 12 , 24.6 3 27 10 
II 33 26']2 1-1 07'25.6/ 3 23 14 
11 12 1712]4 02'26.6i 3]9 Ii 
10504812]355,27.6 / 3]520 
]0 :,:9 08 12 13 48128.6 3 II 24 
1007 1912 13 4129.61 3 07 27 
94520121333 1 0.8 30330 
9 23 12 12 ] 3 24' 1. 8 2 59 34 
9 00 5ü 12 ]3 ]5' 2.8 2 55 36 
8383312]30413.8 25140 
8160212]254 4.8 247 43 
7 53 24,12 12 431 ó.8 2 23 47 

First Sprinq Month.] 





 First Quarter...... 2 8 08 r m 
o Full Moon......... 1 9 3 34 pm 

 Last Quarter...... 1 16 8 42am 
. New 
loou......... 24 11 lOam 
(( Perigee............. 9 700pm 
(( Apogee... -....... ..: 23 2 OOpm 

Twilight begins OT ends. SEMIDIAM. 


.,; TORO
TO. QUEBEC. Greatefl 
r:;; I ' s Polar Elonga. 
A Bpg. ,End. Beg. End. un. I Moon. Distance. tion. 
 __ __ __ _Lat. 45 0 . 
I h m,h mlh m It m ' "I' "0 , " 1 0 ' " 
1 5 2 7 23'4 591 26 16 IO,15 08 1 1 17 291 49 35 
11 14457 36,4 107411608:16 38!1 ]7 311 4938 
21 14 :!517 50,4 1917 56 16 05'14 46 j J 17 34 1 1 49 42 

The Planets. 

o I ì\lt!r. I 0 Mer. 0 
Rises. l\[ 
d Sets. Zen. Rises. I 1\I 
d Sets. Zen. Rises. Mt!
d. Sets. Zen. 
er . dist. 1 . er . dist. dist. 
h m 
 T;;; :- 
-I--';-:;;; --,;-;;; -:- --,;-:;;; -,;-;;; -h;;; 0 
Venus......... 731a 132p 733v45.5 715a 1381' 800p40.1 1000 If3p 827p35.1 

ars ......... 710a o 59 P ' 1 648p48.6 647a 048p 684p45.4 6220 037p 65]p 42.2 
Jupiter ......1023p 340a 853a57.1 941p 259a 813a57.0 858p 2170 732a56.7 
saturn......... 1 051p 831p 415a 22.6 010p 750p 335a 22.511300 711p 256022.5 
Uranus ...... 818p 209a! 757a48.9 737p 128a 715a48.8 656p 048a 635a 48.6 


NOTE.-ln the above Table a signifies A.M. and p P.M. 

.... ' 

 Day 01 
 SUN. I MOON. SUN. I MOON. Sun's I Sun <I '8 1 Upper 
>> Weck. 
 I - Declina- on Age Transit of 
é.... __ 

I St!ts. 
iBe8. Sets"- RiStJS. \ Set8. I !:.ises. I _S ets. tion. ,
Ieridian. Noon . Pole SLar. 
, 'h ffll h m h m h 7n h m h f11 h m h m 0 , " h m 8 days I h m I 
1 Tuesday. 606 5416 0710 21 R.m. 6 26!5 311 9 41 1 a m. S 7 30 28 12 12 31 6.8 2 39 50 

'Wedoes...'(j16 53,6 08 1 10 58 0 45,G 245 3210 17 0 19 7 01 47 12 12 19 7.8 2 35 54 
3 Tbursd'y 626 51i6 0911 41 1 
:!i6 2
,5 34' 10 59 1 18 6 44 50 J:l 12 06 8.8 2 31 57 
,1 Frid3.v... 636 506 10 pm 30 :l 42,6 :W,5 35 11 47 2 18 1 6 21 47 12 11 53 9.8 2 28 01 
.j 8atur'd'y 646 486 11 1 27 3 38!lj 195 37 pm 45 3 15 5 68 38 ] 2 11 4010.8 2 24 05 
6'SUND'Y. 656 4 1i :6 13 2 32 4 3116 17 5 38! 1 51 1 07, 5 35 24 12 11 25i 11.8 1 2 20 08 
7'\lond'lY. 666 446 14 3 45 5 20' 1 6 15540,3 05 4 541 5 12 07 12 11 1112.8 2 16 12 
8 Tuesdl\J. 676 43615 500 6 0!6135 41 , 422 5361 44845 ]210 561t3.8 21215 
9,Wednes.. 686 4116 17 {) 15 6 4216 11 5 43
 5 39 6 13 1 4 25 20 ]2 10 4]'14.8: 2 08 19 
n:Tbursd'y'G96 39 1 1 6 18 734 7 176 0!:J5 44 701 646 4015112 1025]5.8 20423 
ll'Friùay ,.. 706 376 19 8 48 7 53'6 075 15' 8 17 1 19 1 3 38 20 12 ]0 0916.8\ 2 00 26 
12 Saturd'y. 716 :>6 , 6 2010 03 8 2
;6 0,) 5 47: 9 34 7 52 3 14 46 12 09 5317.81 1 56 30 
D'Y. 726 34,6 2111 14 9 0316 035 4810 47 8 2.) 2 51 10 12 09 3618.81 1 52 33 
14::\Iood;ty.736 3
6 23 a.m. 942 1 60155011 51 905 227 311209 1919.81 1 4837 
151 l Tuesday. 746 306 24 0 2110 27,5 595 51 a.Ill. 9 461 2 03 51 12 09 02;20.8, 1 44 41 
1ô, WcJnes... 756 286 25 1 2211 14!} 57'[} 5
 0 5810 32 1 1 40 10 112 08 45,21. 8' 1 40 44 
lì,Tburs.i' Y I 766 276 
6 2 18pmO-i5 55'554 1 M II 21 1 1 1629 1 120828122.8 1 3648 
1"i Fri(hy ... 77 6 256 27 3 08 0 58 1 5 53 5 55! Z 44 pm 16 0 52 45 12 08 13123. 8 1 32 52 
19Saturd'y.1 786 236 29 361 15355]15 561;
:!7 1121 02903 1 120752124.8 12856 
D'Y. 796216 30 430 2 51}5 495 58 4 04 2 10'S 0 05 20120; 34 1 25.8 1 2600 
2 1 1:\londIl.Y. 
06 206 31 5 03 3 47,5 47 1 5 5!:J 4 315 3 09'NO 18 2012 07 ]6:26.8 1 1 21 03 
22,Tue!iday. R16 186 32 I) 35 4 45,5 45\6 01 5 06 4 (J9 1 0 42 01 12 06 5827.8 1 17 07 
23' I Wednes...826 16634 603 544 1 5 43iG 02,533 509[ 1054012 on 4028.8 \ 11 1301 
24Thursd'y 1 83614635 631642541 1 603, 559 609, 12917120622:29.8 10915 
25 I FridIl.Y... 846 126 36 6 56 7 38'5 3\)605 {) 2:J 7 04 1 52 53 12 06 03 1. 011 05 19 
26SaturJ'y.1856 10637 7 
2 840;5376 Of) 646 1 8 101 2 1625 1 120545 1 2.0 10122 
27 I SUND'Y. 866 096 38 7 51 9 36 5 
516 08 7 13 9 08' 2 39 55 1 12 05 27 3.0 0 57 26 
28:\londRY"1876 07 6 39 8 3210 36 1 1 5 33,6 09 7 54,10 101 3 03 21 1 12 05 0814.0 0 63 30 
2<) Tuesday. 886. 0!}6 41 8 5811 365 3116 10 8 1H 11 11 1 3 26 45:12 04 50 1 6.0 0 49 34 
30 1 ,Wednes...,89f) 036 42 1 f1 39 a.m. 52\)6 ]2' 857 1 n..m. 35004 1 1204 32 6.0 04538 
31 Tbursd'y J 906 016 43LO 23 0 345 286 13 9 40, 0 10 4 13 lR,12 ()4 13 7.0 0 41 41 


APRIL, 1887. 

[Second Spring Month. 

a; I EASTER); 


Twilight begin, or enlÙ. 8EMIDIA:II. 


f) First Quarter...... 
o Full MO'Jn......... 

 Last Qu"rter ... ... 
. New Moon......... 
I) First Quarter. .... 
<I. Perigee ..... .... 
(( Apogee ............ 


h m . TORONTO. QUEBEC Orentest 
8 53 am 5 B I - _ I . t:I Moon. Di

e. Elonga- 
o 39 am A A



: un. r.::

11 04pm--________ 
3 53 am I h m Ih m h m h m I " I /110 , ,,-;,--;-;; 
6 00 pm 1 4 0318 051-3 54 1 8 14 16 02 15 45 1 1 ] 7 38 I 49 47 
7 OOam / ll 3 4
 213 308 3
;15 59 1 16 0311741 ] 1 4952 
,1000pm 21 i3 208 378 05:8 52;15 5714 471 17 441 49 57 

The Planets. 

PLUBT. Rises. M On. d I Set". I 

: Rises. M
d. 8ets' l 

: Rises. M
d I Sets. I 

____ en . dist. d18t. df,.t. 

 h-m- -,;-;; -:- Tm -h;; h;;;- 
 h m T;;-:- 
Venu8......... 646a 151p 85ïp30.0 636a 2001' 924p26.1 630a 2JOp 949p22.9 
Mars ........ 5 57 a 0 24 PI 6 52 p 38.9 5 32 a 0] 3 Þ 6 54 P 35. 
 {) lOa 0 ú2 p 6 54 p 3a.
Jupiter ...... 809p 130a 646a56.3 724p 046a 604a55.9 63Rp ' 1158p 522a55.6 
SlI.turn ......... 1048 a 629 P, 2 13 a 22.510 lOa 561 P ] 36 a 22,6 933 a 5 1--1 P 048 a 22.6 
UrR.UUS ...... 610p 003a 551a48.6 529p,1l18p 511a48.3 447p
1037p' 431a,48.1 

Non:.-In the above Table a signifiel A.M. and JI P II. 

"'" Day or;" 8 ' I 
'õ "õ UK. MOON. SUN. MOON. Sun',,' Snn I ([ '" Upper 
>. Week. I>-. - , - - Dec1ina- 1 on , Age Transitof 
!3 __ 
 Rlse". 1 Set!!. Rille!!. _ SfltS. , Ri!\f'I!. Sets. _Rúf'S. 8etl!. 
 1 1Icridian. j NOon 
ole Star. 
h m l h m h m h m:h m h m h m h m 0' /I h m If/days h m If 
1 Friday... 91 6 001 44 11 15 1 3015 26 / 6 15 10 32 1 071N 4 36 2812 03 551 8. 0 0 37 45 
2IS:Ltul'dJ\Y 925 586 45 pm 16 2 2315 246 1611 34 1 5
 1 4 59 3312 03 3í 9.0 03349 
g'SUND'Y. 9315 56:ü 47 1 21 3 1
:5 22 1 6 17 pm 41 2 47 5 2
 32 12 03 19 10. (, 02953 
4::\lonJay. 94,õ 546 48 232 354 1 5206 18 1 53 328 5452612030] 11.0 02557 
5;Tuesday. 95 5 5
16 49 1 1 3 46 4 3415 18'0 20 3 09 4 05
 6 08 13 12 02 44 12.0 02202 
6 I Wednes... 96:551;650 1 503 5 12!5 16 1 6 21 428 442 6305412 O:! 2613.0 01806 
7ThursJ'1 97'549'6516 19 G 48/5 1416 23 547 5 ]5 1 663 :!912 02 C
14.0 01410 
8 Friday... 98:5 47'6 53 7 36 6 2:!15 12'6 24 7 06 5 47 7 15 6512 01 5215.0 01014 
9 Satl1rd"1 995 45 1 6 54 1 8 50 6 595 10:6 25 8 2:l 6 22 7 38 15]2 01 36 16.0 006 18 
10'SUND'Y. 10015 446 55'10 02 7 36 Ó 08 1 6 27 9 36, 6 68 8 00 28] 
 01 1817.0 00222 
UIMondny. 101 1 5 42 1 6 Mill 09 8 19 / Õ 066 2810 45 7 39 8 22 3:3.12 01 O:! ]8.011 5826 
UITuesday. 102 1 5 406 57 0.. ru. 9 055 04 1 6 
9 i1 45 8 23 8 44 
9112 00 46 19.0 11 54 30 
13fWednes...l03 1 5 3!J 6 59 0 09 9 5615 0216 31 a.m. 9 13 9 06 1612 00 3020.011 5034 
J1Tbursd'y 104'537700 104104915011632 0411006 9275411200 ]521.0114639 
15, Friday... 105
5 35 7 01 1 410 11 -J.4 i 4 596 33 1 26 11 O:! 9 49 28 12 00 0022. 0 11 42 43 
16Saturdl\Y 1061534' 1 '7 02 2 3:!Plli41 1 4 57 1 6 35 207pmOl 10 10 43 1 11 5945 1 23.0113847 
17ISUNÐ'Y 107'5 327 03 3 07 1 894 55 1 6 36 2 41 1 01 1(1 31 5211 59 3124.0113451 
18 1 
IOnday.l085 30,7 04 3 38 2 884 5
6 37 3 ]0 200 10 f.2 5111 59 17125.0113056 
l.J Tuesday. lOa'5 297 1.>6 4 07 3 36 1 4 5116 39 3 37 3 00 11 13 39'll {)9 (14 1 26.011 :!ï 00 
2) Wednes... 1105 277 07 4 33 4 3:M: 5016 40 4 02 4 00 11 34 17'11 58 51 27.0 I1 2305 
21lThursd'y lì1:5 257 08 4 59 5 3314 48j6 42 426 501 11 54 43 / '1l 58 3828.011 H}09 
22Fridsv. 112521709527632:4461643452602 12145811582b29.ú!11513 
hltur.dßJ I] 3'5 22 7 111 5 54 7 32:4 4416 44 5 18 7 04 12 35 01;U 58 15 0.3 11 11 18 
21,SUND'Y. 11415 2] ï 12 6 24 8 314 43'6 46 5 46 8 05 12 64 61111 58 03 1. 311 0722 
IMonJf1Y. 115:5 ]1) 7 1:J 6 58 9 32'4 4116 47 6 18 9 07 13 14 27 1 11 57 53 2.311 03 27 
2ò \ TUeSdI\J.1l6 1 5 187 14 ï 3510 314 39;648 6541007 13335211 57 43 3.3105931 
27 W eJnt'H.117 ! 5 ](j 1 7 If) 8 1911 27'4381650 73711 04 13530311 5733 4.3]()5535 
',Thur8d'y 1185 157 16 9 09 o..m.14 36j6 61 8 2611 57 14 12 0011 57 23 5.31051 40 
2IjFriday...119'5 1::J7 1710 ü7 020 1 434652 925 a..m. 14 30 4;
111 57]5 6.3104744 
30IS'1turday 12015 127 Ifill 08 1 094 33!6 54/10 
7 0 45 14 49 12:11 57 06 7.3104349 

Third Spring Month.] 

1\lA Y, 1887. 




----,-:- h;;;- 
o Full 
Ioon '........ I 9 01 am 

 Last Quarter ...... 1 14 3 Ii pm 
. N
w )loon ........ 22 6 05 pm 

 FIrst Quarter....., 30 0 20am 
(( Perigee 5 00 pm 
((- Apogee 17 00 pm 

Twilight lMgim or rnd&. 8EMlDIAlI 


:! TORONTO.: QUEB};C. I Gl"eatest 
-< Polar EI.>nga- 

 Beg. I J.:nd. Beg. ! End. Sun. Hoon. Dil!tance. tion. 
A.M. P.M. A H. P.M. Lat. 45 0 
 ;:; h:"!h;l-;-;
 0 , " 
1 3 lï9 14225859'1554,16061]74;150 01 
11 2579 32!2 009 22115 52 1 153:-31175015005 
21 2 399 60,1 379 45 1 15 50;16 031 17 521 50 08 

The Planets. 

MAY 1ST. , :\IAY 11TH. 
IAY 21sT. 
I On I 
ler' l On I Me r. I 0 I I Mer. 
Rises. Merid Beta. Z"n. Rises. :\I'd S
ts. Zen. Rises. M 
d Sets. Zen. 

 _ dist. _ 
 _ mat. _ 
__ dist. 
hm hm hml o 'hm hm hm. o hm hm hm-;;- 
Venus......... 630a 2tlrl013p20Î 636a 234pl030p19.6 64\)a, 246p'L042pI19.7 

s. ......... 450 d i ll 61 a 653 P 31.21 428 all 41 1.1 / 6 53 p 
8.5 .( 09 U I 11 30 a 652 P I 26.4 
JupIter ...... 550 p II 13 P j 439 a j 5.j.0 506 P 1030 P 357 a 54.6 422 P 946 p' 315 u 54.3 
Saturn......... 857a 437p 021a22.7' 822(J / 402 P I 1l41 P ,22.7 748a132ßplll05p22.9 
Uranus .......1 406p 956p 350 oJ 48.01 325p 916p 310 a 47.9 244pl 835pl 230 a 47.8 


NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. and p P.M. 

::: Day of 
 SUN. MOUN. SUN. I MUON. Sun's Sun \ <I f Upper 

 W"ek. C I I ! 
 Dedina- OD Age Transitof 
ê... _ $ I Rises. , Sete. Risee. _Sets, I Rises. sete' I 
 tion. l\Ieridia
 :-, Noon" Pole Star. 
: Ih m1h m h m h m'h m h m h m l h ",I 0 1 "h m If day' h m If 
1 SUND'Y. 121,5 10,7 19,pm 17 , 1 5
 4 3016 54111 36 1 26 N15 01 2611 56 69 8.310 39 50 
londay. 12
 5 09i7 20 1 27 2 31 4: 
8 1 6 55 pm'48 2 02' 15 25 28 II 56 51 9.3103555 
3iTuesdn.y. 123 5 08,7 21 2 39 1 3 08,4 276 56 2 03 2 38 15 43 10 11 56 4510.3,10 32 00 
4 I WeJues.. 124 5 07:7 22 3 54 3 4
 4 266 57 3 20 3 10 16 00 36 11 56 3911. 3 1 10 
8 05 
Õ Thursd'y 125 5 06 1 7 14 6 09' 4 17 -t 256 59 4 37 3 46' 16 17 51 11 56 3312.3,102410 
6:Friday... 126 5 05!7 25 6 24' 4 52'4 21517 00 5 541 4 151 16 34 45 11 56 2813.3'102015 
turday 127 5 037 26 7 38 1 5 A!84 227 01 7 10 4 49, 16 51 23 11 66 2314.3101620 
8,SUND'Y. 128,5 02'7 27 8 48 6 m:'!4 2 
 7 02 8 22 5 26 1 11 07 48 11 56 1915.3101224 
9i:\Ionday. 1295 01 17 29 9 54 6 62'4 2 7 03 9 29 1 6 101 17 23 52 11 56 1616.3,10 08 
101Tuesday.130,5 00i7 3010 531 7 424 197 0410 29 6 58: 17 39 39 11 66 1317.3100434 
11 Wednes.. 131:4 5917 31 11 44 8 35,4 18? 06 1 11 20 7 52! 17 55 ]3 11 56 11 18.3100039 
12:ThurEd'y 132! 58'7 32 a.m. I 9 32,4 17 1 7 07 a,m. I 8 49' 18 10 24 11 56 1019.3 95644 
13 Frillay.. 1334 57 1 7 33 0 29' 1 10 304 167 08 0 02 9 48 18 25 17 11 56 0920.3 9 b2 49 
I4,8aturda; 1344 5 6 1 7 34 1 0611 29:4 14 1 7 09\ 0 40110 49' 18 39 51 11 56 08i:n.3 94853 
15'SUND'Y. 1354 567 35 1 4 0 'pm 28 4 137 10 1 10'11 491 18 54 07 11 5ó 08 1 22.3 94458 
16 \Ionday. 1364 54'7 361 2 09 1 1 264 127 12 1 40;pm 49 , 19 08 08 11 66 0923.3 1 94103 
17jTuesday. 137,4 5 2 , 7 37, 2 37 2 25,4 11/7 13 2 0611 49: 19 21 4611 66 ]0124.3' 93701 
18Wednes..1384 5117 38 303 1 323'4 1017 14 230 250 19350311 5612125.3193312 
19lThursd'y 1394 50'7 39 3 
1 4 224 09 1 7 15 2 54, 3 50; 19 48 01 11 56 15 \ 26.3 929] i 
20,Friday...1404 49'7 40 3 57 1 5 21:407 1 7 16 3 20 462, 2000 3911 66 182Î.3 92fj21 
211Sn,turdfl,Y 141:4 487 41 4 271 6 22'4 067 18 3 48 1 1 6 64 20 13 02 II 56 2128.3 92126 
22 j SUND'Y. 1424 47'7 42 4 68, 7 2:3'-1 057 19 4 18 6 67 20 24 5911 66 25,29.3 917:31 
23')Iond!\y. 143,4 477 43 5 34 1 8 214 04j7 21 4 52 "; 59 20 86 35 11 66 30, 0.7 913 36 
24 Tuesday. 1444 46744 6 18 9 
34 027 22 5 35 865 20474911 56 35 1.7,90941 
25WeJnes..1454 45'7 45 7 06!10 184011723 622 954 20584311 5641 , 2.7 90545 
26 J Tbursd'yl464 447 46 8 ooln 084001725 1 71711044,210915 Il 564713.7 90150 
27 , 'Frida y ... 147,4 437 4,7 9 Olin 5313 59,7 26 8 19:11 28 1 21 19 25 11 56 54' 4. ÎI 85756 
28,Saturday 1484 427 4810 07, a.m. i3 58 1 7 27, 9 26' a.m 21 29 13 11 57 01, 5.7 85400 
29jSUND'Y. 149 , 4 417 4911 16: 0 :j33 57'7 28 1 10 361 0 06, 21 38 39 11 57 08' 6.7 85005 
30IMonday. 1504 407 50,pm27 1 ' I 10'3 66'7 2811 50 1 0 41' 21 47 42 11 57 16 7.7 84610 
31,Tuesday. 151 4 397 51 1 38 1 44:J 5517 29 pI 03 1 1
, 21 56 22 11 67 25 8.7 8 4


JUNE, 1887. 

[First Summer Month. 

1II00:o/'S PHASES. 

-< I STANDARD Twz"light begins or ends. I 8EMlÐlAM. POLE STAR. 
-'-;:-;',- oÖ TORONTO. QUEBEC. - I I I Greatest 
5 5 88 pm !:; I Polar Elonga- 
13 8 35 am A Beg. End. Heg. End. Sun. Moon. Distance. tion. 
. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. I I Lat. 46 0 . 
21 5 53pm--- -______'__ ____ 
27 5 01 am h 'In h m h ffl' h m I' /I , /I 0 , /I 0 , /I 
2 7 00 am 1 ,2 23 10 10 I 14:10 1115 4816 19'1 17 54 I 50 11 
14 7 OOam 11 12 1310 201 01j10 28 1 15 4714 591 ]7 55 1 50 12 
8 200am 21 2 1310 26055,10 38\15 46;16 39,11755160 12 

o Full Moon ...... 

 Last Quarter... 
. New Moon...... 

 First Quarter .. 
<t Perigee .......oo 
(( Apogee ......... 
(( Perigee ,........ 

The Planets. 

JUNE 1ST. JU NE: 11'1'11. JUNE 21sT. 
. On I '\fer. On Mer. On I . Mer. 
RIses. Merid. Sets. Zen. Rises. M'd Sets. Zen. Rises. M ri d sets. , Zen. 
dlst. en . dist. e . dist. 
hm r-:;;- --,;-;; -:- --,;-;; h-;: hr;; :- hm T-;;- --;;-;; - 
Venus......... 708 a 257 p'lO 46 p 21.1 728 a 305 p 10 42 P 23.4 749 a 310 p:lO 32 P' 26.6 
Mars ......... 348all H,a: 650p24.5 331a1110a 648p23.] 316allOOa; 644p22.1 
Jupiter ".." 1 334p 900p! 230u54.0 252p 819p 149a63.9 212p 739p 1 109a53.8 
Saturn......... 710a 248p/1026P I 23.0 636a 214p 950p23.2 6C3a 139p 915p233 
UrnnuB ...... 200p 7Mp, 147aj47.7 120p 712p 107a 47.7 041p 633pl 028a,47.7 

N AlliE OP 

NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.II andp P.II. 


ay of 
 SUN. I MOON. SUN. I }! O ON. Sun's I Slin cr's l Upper 
þ-. eek. þ-. . I - . . Declina- on Age Transitof 
ë.. _ 
 RIses. Sets. !lses. _Sets. RIses. Sets. RIses. _Sets. tion. I Meridian. Noon. 
I I h m,h m, h m h m h m h m h m h m 0 , 1/ h m If days h m B 
l I Wednes.. 1524 38/7 52 1 P
 61 2 16i3 54 7 31 2 18 1 43 N22 04 4411 6; 34 9.78 38 19 
2;Thursd'y 1534 3717 53 4 04 2 4913 54 7 32 3 32 2 13 22 12 38111 57 4310.78 34 24 
3JFriday.._ 1544 3717 53 5 16 3 24 1 3 54 1 17 33 4 47 2 45 22 20 14;11 57 5211.78 30 29 
4ISaturd'y. 15514 37 1 7 54 6 27 4 003 537 34 6 01 3 20 22 27 22 II 58 0212.7 1 8 26 34 
5'SUND'Y.I56,4 377 65 7 36 4 4
 3 527 34 7 11 4 00 22 34 0711 58 1213.78 22 39 
6:Monday.. 15714 367 56 1 8 38 5 29 1 3 52 1 '7 35 8 14 4 46 22 40 2711 58 23 14.78 18 44 
7'Tuesday. 158 1 4 367 57 9 34 6 21 3 527 36 9 10 5 37 22 46 24 11 58 34 15. 7'8 14 49 
8!Wednes... 1594 367 68110 23 7 163 51 7 37 9 58 6 33 22 51 5711 58 4616.78 10 54 
9lThursd'y 16014 367 59'11 04 8 15 1 :J 517 3710 38 7 33 22 57 0611 58 6617.78 06 59- 
101 Friday ... 161 1 4 367 5911 40 9 15 3 50
7 3811 12 8 34 22 01 6111 59 0818.78 03 04 
ll,Saturd'y. 162:4 35 1 7 59 a.m. ,10 ]3!3 5017 3911 42 9 36 23 06 1111 59 2019.77 59 09 
12 I SUND'Y 16314 35 1 7 59 0 11 1 11 1613 50,7 39 8.m. 10 37 23 10 0711 59 3220.77 65 14 
13i)londay..16414 357 59 0 40pm133 5017 40 00911 37 23 13 3911 594421. 77 51 19 
14 l Tuesday. 16514 35,8 00 1 06 ] 12 1 3 50/7 40 0 34 pm 38 23 16 4111 59 5722. , 7 47 24 
15 I wednes... 1664 34 1 8 00 1 331 2 103 507 41 U 58 ] 38 23 19 2312 00 1023.77 43 29- 
16 Thursd'y ]67 1 4 348 01 1 59 3 10'3 5017 41 1 23 2 :
9 23 21 41 12 00 2224. j 7 39 34 
17IFriday... 1684 348 01 2 28 4 10/3 5017 41 1 50 3 41 23 28 35 1 12 00 3525.77 35 39 
18'Saturd'y. 1694 34,8 01 2 58 5 113 607 41 2 18 4 44 23 25 03 12 00 4826.71 1 7 31 44 
19!5UND'Y. 170 1 4 3418 01 3 33 {) 13 1 3 50!7 42 2 51 5 47 23 26 0712 01 0127.7,7 27 49 
20,:\londay..17114 358 01 4 12,7 13:3 6017 42 3 2Ð 6 48 23 26 4812 01 1528.7:7 23 54 
21,Tuesda y .1724 85 1 802 469 8 11 1 3 5017 42 4 15 7 47 23 2705120128 0.2,; 1959 
22 l Wednes.. 173:4 358 02 5 52 9 053 5017 42 5 08 8 40 23 25 6512 01 41 1. 2:7 16 04 
23 Thursd'y 174'4 358 02: 6 53 9 53 1 3 51 1 7 42 6 09 9 27 23 26 1912 01 64 2.2,7 12 09 
24 I Friday ... 17514 36:8 02 1 7 58:10 35 1 3 51 7 42 7 1610 08 23 25 19 1 12 02 07 3.217 08 14 
25Saturd'y.176'4 36 , 8 U3 9 07'l1 1313511742 82710 44 232364120220 4.2,70419 
26 SUND'Y. 1774 368 0310 18 1 n 48'3 52 1 7 421 
 3911 17 23 22 0412 02 32 5.2:7 00 24 
27 Monday. 1784 37!8 03,11 28 a.m. 13 52!7 42 1 10 5311 47 23 1950 1 120245 6.2;65629' 
28 Tuesday. 1794 3718 03pm40 0203 53i7 42pm06 a.m. 23 17 11120257 7.2;65234 
29 Wednes.. 1804 388 03 1 1 51 / 0 52 1 3 5417 4211 20 0 17 23 14 07112 03 09 8.2 1 6 48 3
30 Thursd'y 1814 3918 03 3 02 1 253 64,7 421 2 33 0 47 23 10 39112 03 2] 9.26 44 44 

Second Summer Month.] 

JULY, 1887. 





7'wilight begins or ends. I Sf.MIDIAM. 


o Full Moon ..... 
<I Last Quarter... 
. New Moon ..... 

 First Quarter... 

h m ,,; TORONTO. r QUEBEC. Greatest 
3 34 am ÞO I Polar EloDga- 

 Beg. I I<:Dd. Beg. I "
"d. Sun. Moon. Distance. tiOD. 
1 67 am . A M. P.M. A.M.' P.M. Lat. 46 0 , 
: - ;;-;(h
Ih-;:-'---;; -;-,-; \ ;;-;-,;
1 2 17 10 26 1 05 10 32\15 46 16 03 1 ] 7 55 1 50 ] 2 
(( Apogee ....... ]2 1 00 n.m 11 '2 3] 10 15.1 2310 231\5 4614 49 \ 1 17 55 1 50 ]2 
(( Perigee ........ 24 1 00 am 21 ,2 47 1 10 02 1 1 45\9 Ó7j15 4716 101 17 54 1 60 11 


The Planets. 

NAME 01' 



JULY 21sT. 

ler. On Mer. On I Mer. 
Rises. !tle
d. Sets. 
: Rises. Merid. Sets. 
: Rises. l'IIerid. Sets. 

Am T-;;' --;;-;;;- ---;;- h 7n h m 
-- -;:- h-
- h;;; h-;;;- :- 
808 a 312 p 10 16 P 304 824 a 309 p 955 p :H.6 836 a 303 p 930 F 39.0 
303al050a , 638p22.4 251al041a 630p21.0 241alO310 620p21.0 
134p 700p 030a53.9 056p 622p1148p54.] 021p 645pl1lOp54.4 
630 a 1 05 p 840 P 1 23.5 457 a 031 P l 8 06 P J 23.8 425011 57 a 730 p 24.0 
002p 554pj1145p47.71124a 515p1105p47.81046a 436p1027p4ï.9 

Venus ......... 

lars. ......... 
Jupiter. ...... 
Saturn...... ... 
Uranus. ...... 

NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. andp P.III. 

. j I 

 D6y of 
 SUN. I MOON. SUN. I 1\100111. Sun's Sun I <I's l Upper 
I>> Week. I I>> I I - DecliDa- on Age Tranllit of 
é.- _ 
 Sets. !ises. Sets
 Rises. \ Sets. .!Uses. _Sets. 

 Meridian. I NOOD : 

I I h m h m h m. h m h m l h m h m h m 0 , " h m 8 daY8 h m 8 
1 Friday... 1824 398 03 4 131 2 003 557 42 1 3 45 I 
 06 54 12 03 33 1 10.2 \ 6 40 49 
2 l S a turdn.y l 1834 408 03 5 20 2 383 6617 42 4 65 1 57 1 23 02 37 12 03 44 11. 2 6 36 54 
3 SUND'Y. 184,4 418 03 6 2i l 3 22:3 6617 4
 6 00 2 39 22 67 56 12 03 55 \ 12. 
1 1 6 32 59 
4,MonJay.'1854 418 03 7 23 4 103577 42 659 326 22625112040613.2629 04 
5 Tuesday.'1864 428 02 8 15 503357741 760 420 2247221204 1614.2162609 
6 I Wednes..h874 438 02 9 01 6 013 68:7 4] 8 34 5 18 1 22 41 30 12 04 2ï 15.2 1 6 21 14 
íThursd'y l 1884 448 02 9 38 7 003 69:7 40 1 9 11 6 19 22 35 14 1204 36116.2'6 17 19 
8 I Friday... 1894 458 0110 11 8 004 00:7 40 9 43 7 21 22 28 34112 04 46 1 17.2!6 ]3 23 
gl l saturda y 1904 468 0110 40 1 9 014 01 7 39 1 10 11 8 23' 22 21 31 1 12 04 65 18.2 1 6 09 28 
IOSUND'Y. \ '1914 468 0010 1210 014 0217381041 924 22 1405120503 1 19.260533 
llli\1onday.1924 478 0011 35 1 11 004 03 1 , 7 3711 011025 2206 161205 1220.2601 39 
12'Tuesday. 193'4 487 59 a.m. 11 584 047 37,11 26 11 26 21 68 03 12 05 ] 9 21. 25 57 44 
Biwednes...:194 1 4 497 59 0 01 1 Pffi 57 4 01 17 3611 51 pm 26 21 49 29 12 05 27 , 22.25 53 49 
14:Thursd'y,1954 507 58 0 28 1 6640517 35 a.m. 1 26 21 40311205 3423.254964 
15,Fridlly.../1964 50757 057 2564067 34 018 228 21 3113120540 1 24.254569 
]6IsaturdftY I 197!4 617 57 1 30 3 574 07:7 33 0 49 1 3 31 21 21 36 12 05 46 25.25 42 05 
D'Y.198 1 4 527 56 207 4684 0 8 1 7 32 1 26 4 33 21 11 3312 05 53 1 26.25 38 10 
18':\londay.1994 53'7 55 ' 2 6015 674 09 1 7 311 2 07 6 34 21 01 0812 05 5627.25 34 15 
HJITuesday..200,4 54 ' 7 54 1 ' 3 40 6 64 1 4 10 7 80 1 ' 2 66 6 30 20 50 21 12 06 00 28.2 5 30 20 
20 Wednes... 1 20114 65 ' 7 54 4 88 7 46,4 11 7 30 3 55 7 21 20 39 14 12 06 06 29.25 26 25 
21 ThUrSd'Y 1 202 1 4 56'7 53 5 4:
 8 32i4 12 17 29 , 5 OJ 8 06 20 27 45 12 06 08 0.85 22 30 

2,FridIlY". 2034 677 52 () 52 9 13 1 4 13,7 29 6 11 8 46 20 15 56 12 06 11 1. 85 ]8 35 
231Saturday 204,4 68'7 51 1 8 05 9 504 14:7 28i 7 26 9 20 20 03 47 12 06 13 2.85 14 40 
21 SUXD'Y"205 1 4 597 50 9 17/10 23 / 4 157 2ï 8 41 9 51 19 51 22 12 06 15 3.85 10 45 
25)londn.y.'2065 00:749,1030110 56,416726: 9551021 1938321206 16 4.850660 
26TuesdaY'j2075 01'74811 42.11 28;4 1172411 10 1 106] 192523120616 6.850265 
27,Wednes.. 208502'7 471pm53 1 ' a.m. 1 4 187 23'pm23 11 23 19 11 55 12 06]6 6.84 69 00 
28,Thur8d'y 2095 037 46 2 03 0 024 207 22 , 1 35 1 11 5ï 18 68 07 12 06 15 7.84 65 05 
29 Friday ..,1210 5 Ot ' 7 44 3 11, 0 39 1 4 217 2]1 2 45 am. ]8 44 06 12 06 13 8.84 61 10 
y2115 05743 414i 1204227201350 038 18294] 120611 9.8447 15 
3 I,SUND'Y.'2125 05,7 42 5 15 , 2 05,4 2317 19, 4 61 1 22 18 14 68 12 06 08 10.84 43 20 


AUGUST, 1887. 

[Third Summer Month. 



TW1.7ioht beoins or ends. SEMIDIAM. 


--- - hm- a'i TOROYTO. I QUBEEC. ' I I Grea.test 
O Full Moon ........' 3 8 40 P m 
 I Polar J+:longa- 
II 6 3 6 A Beg. End. Beg. End. 8un. Moon. . Distlmce. t.Îon. 

 Last Quarter...... 1 9 pm A.M. P.M. 1 A.M. P.M. , Lat 45 11 . 
. New 
toon......... 0 39 am -----____'____ 
f) First Quarter ..... 25 3 21 pm h m h m,h m l h m I " I" 0 
1 3 05 9 42 2 10 9 321] 5 48 ] 5 28 1 ] 7 52 1 50 08 
(( Apogee ........... 8 800pm 11 3 259 212 3319 07116 49]5 561 17 501 5005 
(( Perigee ........... 20 7 00 pm 21 3 42[9 00'2 54[S 42'15 51 ]6 321 17 481 50 02 

The Planets. 

On Mer. 0 I ' l\Ier. I 0 I ;,\oler. 
Rises. Merid Sets. Zen. Rises. M 
d 8ets. Zen. Rifõ6S. 1\'1 
d 8ets. Zen. 
. dist. . er . , dist. erl . dist. 
hm hm hm 0 hm hm'hmo hm hm hm 0 
Venus ......... 844:a 251p 859p 48.8 844a 234p' 826p 1 47.9 834a 210p 746p ' 51.4 
Mars ......... 232al019a 606p 21.6 225a1008a! 55]P I 22.1 218ui 9õ6ll' 534PI
Jupiter ......11
3a 506p1028p f>4.81110a 431pl , 952p 55.
1038a 357p! 915 P 1 55.8 
Saturn........ 34:9 all 20 a 652 p 24.:l 316 a 10 46 a l 616 p 24.5 244 a!10 12 a l 540 p 24.7 
Uranus. ......1005a 3ó5p 944p 4's.] 928a 317p! 906p
48.2 851a: 239p, 82SP148.4 

N AXE 01' 

]S OTE.-I n the above Table a tlignifies A.M. and p P.M. 


 I Day 01 
 SUN. I :\l00N. 8UN. I MOON. Sun's Sun I <I'8 Upper 

 I Week. 
 Rises' l Sets. I Rises. Sets._ Ris6ð. Sets. \ Ris6S' I _ 8ets. D

i:a- lIe

ian. :



Ih m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m 0 , "h m s days h m s 
IIMonday.. 213;5 06 1 7 41 608 2 56!4 257 17 5 4412 12:N1759 5812 06 0511.84 39 25 
2 Tuesùay. 214'5 077 401 6 55 3 51;4 267 15 6 30 1 3 07 17 44 45 / 12 06 0112.84- 35 30 
3:Wednes... 215 5 097 40 7 36 4 49 1 4 27:7 14 7 10 4 07 17 29 08 \2 05 5813.84 31 35 
4 Thursd'y 2165 10739 S 11 6491428/713 743 508 17 13 15120551 1 14.8427 4n 
5jFriday... ] 21716 127 3S H 42 6 51ì4 29' 1 7 11 8 131 6 11 16 67 06112 05 4515.84 23 45 
aturd'y. 21815 137 37 9 11 7 5014 307 091 8 401 7 12 16 40 44 ]2 05 3916.84 19 50 
7SUND'Y.2195 14735 937 849,431708 90518]3 1624 OJ I 12 05 3217.84 1554 
IOndaY.' 1 220 5 ]57 33 10 04 9 484 327 06 1 9 291 9 14 1 16 07 0312 05 25 1 18.8 -t 11 59 
\) Tuesdl'l.Y. 221,5 167 3210 30'10 4614 33 1 7 05 9 53110 14 15 49 5412 05 1719.81'1 OS 04 
lO'Wednes.. 2226 177 8010 57 11 
() 4 347 03110 1 gill 14, 15 32 24112 05 0820.814 01 09 
11 Thursd'y 223 1 5 187 2911 28 pm 48 4 367 02.10 48 1 pm 15, 15 14 44 1 12 04 59 1 21. 84 UO 14 
12 Friday... 2245 197 27 a.m. 1 434 37 1 7 0011l 21 1 16, 14 56 4512 04 4922.83 56 19 
13Saturd'y 225 1 520726 001 2434386 58 / '1l 59 '217 14 38 3]112 0439123.8352 '24 
14'SUND'Y.226'5 227 25 0 41 3 434: 406 57 a.m. a IS 14 20 08 1 12 04 2824.813 48 29 
15)londay..227'5 237 23 1 27 4 404 41 1 6 55 0 44 4 16 14 01 2612 04 17125.8,3 44 33 
16 Tuesdll.Y. 228:5 24721 222 Õ 33 1 4 426 54 1 38 ;; 09 134236 1 120405'26.834038 
17IWednee.',229'5 257 19 3 23 6 224 44 1 6 52 2 40 1 5 57 13 23 2712 03 6327.83 36 43 
18,Thursd'y 2305 267 17 4 31 7 06 1 1 4 466 50 3 50! 6 39 13 04 1112 03 4028.83 32 48 
19, Friday ... 231!5 2t:\ 1 7 16 6 44 7 464 4716 49 5 04 / 7 16 12 44 37'12 03 26 O. Õ 3 28 53 
:!O Saturd'y. 232,5 297 14 6 58' 8 224 48 1 6 47 6 2\ 7 50 12 24 5612 03 13 1. 53 24 58 
21,SUND'Y.233 1 5 30:7 12 8 131 8 554 496 45 7 38 8 22 12 04 58 1 12 02 58 2.53 21 02 
22: MonJay.. 2345 31 7 10 9 28, 9 294 1)0 6 43 8 55 8 53 11 44 5312 02 43 3.53 17 07 
23 Tuesday. 2355 327 0910 42 1 10 034 526 41,10 11 9 25 11 24 3312 02 28 4.53 13 12 
24:Wednee .. \ 236:5 337 0711 5410 414 636 3911 2510 00 1 11 04 06 1 12 02 11 5.53 09 17 
25'Thursd'y 2375 347 05 pi 0311 194 556 37 pm 36 1 10 37 10 43 2112 01 56 6.53 05 22 
26'Fridüy...238',5 357 03 '2 09 a.m. 4 56 [ 6 35 1 41111 21 10 22 37112 01 41 7.53 01 26 
27,Saturd'y 239!j 3617 02 3 10 0 034 576 33 2 45 a.ID. 10 01 34 12 01 23 8.52 67 31 
28'SUND'Y.240I5 377 00 4 05 0 524 586 31 3 41 0 08 9 40 28 1 12 01 05 9.52 53 36 
29 l Monday.. 241 [ 5 38 ] 6 58 4 53 1 50 1 [ 4 59 1 6 2J 4 28 1 02 9 19 1212 00 4810.52 49 41 
30'TuesdllY, 2425 396 57 5 35 2 425 006 28 5 09 1 5 8 57 42:12 00 30111.52 45 46 
31'Wednes.. 2435 406 56 6 111 3 415 026 271 5 44 '2 69 8 36 08, 12 00 11,12.5:2 41 50 

First Fall lJ;Ionth.] 

IBER, 1887. 


I É 
'S PHASES. .::; 
o Full Moon 

 Last Quarter... ...1 10 10 03 am 
. New 
loon ........I 17 9 00 am 
t> First Quarter .... i 24 0 04 am 
(( Apogee ... .........1 5 10 OOam 
(( Perigee ... .... ...1 18 2 OOam 


I Twilight b
gin. OT end..! SEMIDIAM. I POLE STAR. 

TO. QUEBEO. I I Greateø& 
Polar Elonga- 
Beg. End. Beg. End. Sun. I Moon. Distance. tion. 
I A.M. I P.M. A.M. P.M. Lat. 45 0 . 


h m h 111 h m h m' " , "0 , " 1 0 , " 
1 3 418 193 298 30 1 15 54,14 56!1 17 441 49 66 
11 3 568 003 478 0615 5615 2811 ] 7 411 49 52 
21 4 09 1 7 374 027 14j15 5816 16:1 17 38,1 49 48 

The Planets. 

Rises. \ M O
 d I Sets. 

: Rises. I M

d I Sets. I 

':: Rises. I 
d Sets. re
h m 1 
 Tm :- hm, h;; J;-;;-, --:- Tm Tm T-;;;--:- 
Venus......... 802a1129p! ü57pó:.J.8 714a 039p 604p54.2 607a ' 1139a 511p,62.5 
Mars ........., 211a' 942a: 513p124.5 205al929p 453p26.1 159al915a 431Pi27.7 
Jupiter......... I 10 04 al 320 Pi 836 P 56.6 935 a l 247 p 800 P 57.1 905 a j 2 15 P l 7 26 p 57.7 
Saturn.......... 1 206a: 934a , ' 502p 25.0 132a 900a 426p ' 25.2 058a 824a 3 50 P 1 25,4 
Uranus ...... 814ai 201p 748p!48.7 737a ' 124p 711p48.9 70ta 047p 633p49.2 


NOT E.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. andp P.I!. 


 Day of 
 SUY. I !loOY. SUN. MOON. Sun's I Sun I <I '. / Upper 

 Week. 0 I ' I I Declina- on Age Transit of 

. g Rises./Sets. I Rises. Sets. Rises. Sets. _Rises. , Sets. tion. Meridian. ,Noon., Pole Star 

I ThUrSd'y 
 iI ' 
1 : O

 : ;:Y
 l i
 ;; 5
2 Friday ...124515 42 , 6 53 7 13 5 4115 066 24 6 43 , 5 03 7 52 36,11 69 3314.62 34 00 
3 Saturd'y. 246;5 436 51 7 40 6 40 1 5 076 22 7 09; 6 04: 7 30 3711 69 14'15.62 30 04 
4SUND'Y 247 , 5 44'6 49 806 7 405096 20 7 33: 7 Oi l 708 3111 6854 1 16.62 26 09 
Ionday. 248j,) 45,6 47 8 32 8 38 1 5 11 '6 1
 7 59, 8 06 6 46 18' 11 58 35'17.62 23 14 
6 Tuesday. 2495 476 45 9 00 9 375 13 ' 6 16 8 23
 9 Oil 6 23 5811 58 1618. Õ 2 18 18 
7 Wednes... 250i5 486 43 9 27 10 355 15'6 14 8 49'10 07 1 6 01 3111 57 64 19. 6 2 14 23 
8 Thursd'y 251,5 49'6 40 9 ó911 3215 Ii 6 12 9 19 ' 11 06 5 38 58 , 11 57 3420.5 / 2 10 27 
9 Friday... 252'5 50,6 3810 37 pm 3215 18:6 10 9 56!pm 071 5 16 21 11 57 1321. 5 2 06 32 
10 Saturd'y. 253,5 51'6 3611 29 1 2915 20 1 6 0810 461 1 05 4 53 3711 56 5322.52 02 37 
11 SUND'Y.'254
5 52,6 34 R"m. 2 26 , 5 22 1 6 0611 24 2 03 1 4 30 49'11 56 3223.611 68 41 
12 Monday .,255i5 53,6 32 0 07 3 2115 23,6 04 a.m. I 2 58' 4 07 57 1 11 56 11 24.5:1 54 46 
13 Tuesday. 256 1 5 556 30 1 05 4 09,5 246 02 0 241 3 45 1 3 44 58111 65 5025. 611 50 60 
14 Wednes...:257 5 566 29 2 10 1 4 55'5 25:6 00, 1 28 4 30 3 21 56 1 11 55 2926.5 1 1 46 55 
15 Thursd'yi258'5 57 1 6 28, 3 19 5 38!5 2615 58 2 391 5 10 2 58 5011 55 0827.51 43 00 
16 Friday... 259 ' 5 586 26 4 32 6 23'5 27 1 5 561 3 64, 5 54 2 35 4011 54 4728.61 39 05 
17Saturd'y'12ßO!5 59'6 24 548,650;5 285 54, 5 12! 6 19 2 122711 54 26 / 29.51 3509 
18 SUND'Y. 26116 00'6 22 7 05 7 29:5 29,5 52 6 321 6 57 1 49 1311 54 05 1. 1,1 31 14 
19 Monday. 26216 01:6 20 8 2 II 8 00'5 30'5 51 7 50; 7 24 1 25 54 11 63 44 2. 11 27 18 
20 Tuesday. 263 1 6 02,6 19 9 38 8 37'5 3115 49 9 08, 7 69 1 02 35 1 11 63 23 8.1 1 23 23 
21 Wednes... 264 6 046 1710 50 9 15
5 325 4710 23' 8 36 1 0 39 1411 53 02 4.] 1 19 27 
22 Thursd'y'265 6 056 15pm 0110 00'5 335 4511 35! 9 18 N 0 15 5211 52 41 5.11 16 32 
23 Friday...:266 1 6 066 13 1 0410 4815 3415 43:pm 4110 05 SO 07 3211 52 20 6.1'1 11 36 
24 Saturd'y. 267 6 076 11 2 0211 40 1 5 355 4] 1 3910 57, 0 30 5611 51 59 7.11 07 41 
25 SUND'Y. 268!6 086 09 2 52 a.m. 5 36 , 5 39 2 2911 54 0 54 2111 51 39 8. 11 03 45 
26 Monday. 26916 09;6 08 3 36 0 365 3i5 37 3 12 a.m. 1 17 4511 51 18 9. 1'0 59 49 
27 fueSdaY"l270 1 6 106 07 4 13 1 355 3915 35 3 47 0 64 ] 41 0911 60 58 1 ]0.110 55 54 
28 Wednes. 2716 12 ' 6 06 4 48 2 355 40,5 33 4 20' 1 55 2 04 3211 60 3811.110 51 59 
29 Thursd'y l 272 6 1316 04 5 17 3 355 41 1 5 31, 4 4S 1 2 57 2 27 5411 50 1812. 1'0 48 03 
3 0,Friday...,273'6 14;6 021 5 441 4 335 435 29, 5 ]3/ 3 57 2 51 1411 49 58113.1,0 44 0 7 
B [633] 


OCTOBER, 1887. 

[Second Fall Month. 

Mo01ll's PHASES. 




Twilight begin, or end,. 



Ioon .. l
 ;7pm 5 
<t Last Quarter 9 11 57 pm A 
. New Moon... 16 6 36 pm - 

 First Quarter 23 0 46 pm 
o Full Moon... 31 l 4 31 pm 1 
(( Apogee ...... . 2 l 6 00 pm 11 
(( Perigee ...... 6 j I 1 00 pm 21 
(( Apogee ...... 29 6 00 pm 



nd.' Beg. ) ,End. Sun. MOON. 
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 
4 22 7 17 4 17 7 2216 0] 14 44 
J 4 34 1 7 00 4 31 7 02 16 04 1 16 64 
'/ 4 46 6 44, 4 46 6 44 16 0716 52 

Polar Elonga- 
Distance. tion. 
I Lat.4Ii o . 


10 , 111 0 I " 
] 17 34 1 49 42 
1 17 30 I 49 37 
1 17 26 1 49 31 

The Planets. 

PLANET. Oa I Ma,. Oa I M
. On IM
Rises. Me Id Sets. Zen. Rises. M Id Sets. Zen. Rises. ltI Id Sets. Zen. 
r . dlst. er . dlst. er . dlf> t. 
h 111 htr; -,;-;;: 
 Tm """""hm Tm -:- 
Venus ......... 457 a 1042 al4 26 PI 49.2 369 a 966 a 363 P 46.3 322 a 926 a 329 p,44.7 
Mars ......... 1 63 a 900 a 407 PI 29.6 1 45 a 844 a 344 P 31.5 1 3
 a 828 a 3 18 P 33.5 
Jnpiter ...... '886 a 144PI 651 P15S.8 807 a 112p 617 P 59.0 789 a 042 P 544 pi 59.7 
Saturn .......... 023 a 748 al 313 p 25.611 47 P 712 a 236 P 25.811 11 P 635 a 169 pi 25.9 
Uranus ...... 625a 010p! 555p49.4 J 546a1130a' 614p49.6 609al052a 435p49.9 

NOTB.-In the above Table c.I signifies A.III. and p P.M. 


.--- . ' - 
Day of 'I> (['II J Upper 

 SUN. MOON. SUJIf. MOON. Sun's Sun 
Week. 0 Declina. on Age Transit 0 
:d' Rillell. Seta. Rises. Setll. Rilles. Sets. Rises. Sets. tlon. ' Meridian. Noon. Pot.! Star 
-- - 
 h 111 h m - h 111 daYIJ - h m IJ 
h m o , " h m IJ 
1 Saturd'y. 274 6 15 6 00 6 10 5 32 5 44 6 27 5 37 4 57 S 3 14 33 11 49 39 14. ] 040 12 
2 SUND'Y. 275 6 16 5 69 6 36 6 30 Õ 45 5 26 6 0] 5 67 3 37 49 11 49 20 15.1 o 36 16 
3 Monday. 27616 17 Ó 6i 7 08 7 29 5 47 5 24 6 27 6 58 4 01 03111 49 OJ ]6.1 o 32 21 
4 Tuesday. 2776 18 5 65 7 30 8 28 Ó 49 5 22 6 52 7 69 4 24 ] 4 11 48 43 17.1 o 28 26 
6 Wednes... 278 6 19 5 63 8 OJ 9 27 6 50 5 20 7 21 8 59 4 48 22 11 48 25 18. ) o 24 30 
6 Thursd'y 27916 21 5 5] 8 35 10 25 5 6] 5 18 754 9 69 6 10 26:11 48 07 19.1 0203 
7 Friday.... 280 6 23 5 49 9 15 11 23 5 52 5 16 8 33 10 59 5 33 27 11 47 50 20. 1 o 16 38 
8 Saturd'y. 281 6 24 5 47 9 59 pm 19 554 5 15 9 16 11 56 5 66 23 11 47 33 21.1 o ] 2 43 
9 SUND'Y. 282 6 25 5 45 10 52 1 13 666 5 13 10 09 pm 50 6 19 16 11 47 03 22.] 008 47 
o Monday. 283 6 26 5 43 11 5] 2 03 5 57 5 1] 11 09 1 40 6 42 04 11 47 0] 23. 1 00461 
1 Tuesday. 284 6 27 5 41 am. 2 49 5 58 5 08 a.m. 2 25 7 04 45 11 46 46 24. 1 â g 8 H 
2 Wednes.. 285 6 29 5 40 o 56 3 ::JO 6 59 5 06 o 15 3 04 7 27 22 111 46 3] 25. ] 11 53 03 
3 Thursd'y 286 6 30 5 39 2 05 4 07 ,6 0] 5 04 1 26 8 39 7 49 53111 46 1626. I,ll 4907 
4 Friday.... 287 6 3] 5 37 3 20 4 44 I: 

 5 02 2 43 414 8 12 ]611 46 0427. ]111 4511 
5 Saturd'y. 288 6 32 5 35 4 36 Ó 19 5 00 4 01 4 46 8 34 33 11 45 4928.1 1 11 41 16 
(3 SUND'Y. 289 6 33 5 33 6 53 5 63 6 04 4 59 6 2] 5 18 8 56 42 11 45 3629.1111 37 1 
l7 Monday. 290 6 34 5 81 7 10 6 30 6 06 4 57 6 40 Õ 53 9 18 44 11 45 24 O. 8 11 33 2 
8 Tuesday. 291 6 35 5 29 8 26 7 08 6 06 4. 5E 7 58 6 28 9 40 37111 45 13 1. 8 II 292 
9 Wednes... 292 6 36 5 28 9 4] 7 52 6 08 454 9 15 711 10 02 24 11 45 02 2. 8'n 25 31 
o Thnrsd'y 293 6 37 5 2; 10 49 8 40 6 10 4 62 10 25 7 57 10 24 01 11 44 52 .3. 8, Il 21 35 
1 Friday... 294 6 38 6 25 11 53 9 33 6 1] 4 DO 11 30 8 50 10 45 28 11 44 42 4. 8'Il17 39 
2 Saturd'y 295 6 39 1 5 24 pm46 10 29 6 124 48 pm 25 9 46 11 06 46;11 44 33 6.8,111343 
3 SUND'Y. 296 6 41 5 22 1 35 11 28 6 14 4 46 1 11 10 46 11 27 54 Il 44 25 6.811 0947 
4 Monday. 297 6 42 5 21 217 a.m. 6 15 4 44 ] 52 11 48 11 48 51 11 44 17 7.8111 05 61 
ó Tuesday. 298 6 43 5 19 2 51 o 28 6 17 4. 42 2 25 a.m. 12 09 37 11 44 10,8.8,11 0] 66 
6 Wednee.. 299 6 44 5 18 3 2] 1 28 6 19 4 40 2 53 o 50 ]2 30 13 11 44 03.9. 8ilO 5759 
27 Thursd'y 300 6 45 ó 16 3 48 2 28 6 21 4 38 3 18 '1 5] 12 50 37 11 43 5710.81105403 
28 Friday... 30] 6 47 514 4 16 3 
5 6 22 4 36 3 43 '2 50 13 10 4Sr 43 53111.8105007 
29 Saturd'y. 3026 48 ó 13 4 39 4 23 6 21 4 35 4 06 3 50 13 32 48 11 43 49112.8)104611 
80 SUND'Y. 303 6 605 12 Õ 06 5 22 6 26 4 33 4 30 '4 61 13 50 33 11 43 46,13.8 1 1042] 
31 Monday. 3046 62 5 111 6 34 6 21 6 27 4 32 4 56 6 61 14 10 06 11 43 4314,8\10381 







's PH\SES. I 
- -- 1 - h;;;-- ..; TORONlO. I QUEBEC. I I I Greatellt 
O ÞO Polar Elonga- 

 Last Quarter ...... 8 0 2 pm 
 Beg. I End. I Beg. End. Sun. Moon. Distance. tion. 
. New :\loon ...... ...1 15 3 08 am A M. P.M. A.M. I P.M. I Lat. 46 0 

 First Quarter...... 22 5 43am ---1-'-----1--'-- 
o Full 
loon ......... 30 10 20am h m ,h m ,h m h m I /I I 1/ ,0 I /I '0 I /I 
1 ! 596 29:5 006 2816 1014 4911 17 22,1 49 25 
(( Perigee ............ 13 midnight ]1 \ 5 1016 185 136 16 1 16 121626 1 1 ]i 19' 1 1 49 21 
(( Apogee ..... ...... 26 4 00 am 21 5 21:6 11 5 24'6 08 16 14]5 1211 ] 7 15 1 49 16 

Third Fall Month.] 

NOVEMBER, 1887. 

Twilight btgin1l or end.!. 




The Planets. 

0" I Mar. 0 Mer. 
Rises. M id Sets. Zen. Rises. M 
d Sets. Zen. 
. er . dist. er . did. 
--0;----- -,;-;;; 
hmhmhmo hmhm 0 
2 55 a 8 64 a 2 52 pi 46.1 2 58 a 8 48 a 237p 48.4 
1 20 a 7 51 a 2 22 pi 38.01 1 lOa 7 33 a 155p 40.1 
641a1l37a 433 P !61.11613al107a 400p 61.7 
1952p 515a 038p 26.0[912 P 4360 11 59 a 26.0 
354 a 935 a 3 16p 50.3 3lï a 857 a 237p 50.5 

NAME 0. 

1BER 1ST. 

Rises. l'rI

d. Sets. 


h m 

Venus ......... 301 a 904 a 308 p 44.7 ......... 1 29 a 8] 9 a 2 49 P 36.9 
Jupiter ...... 709 a 008 p 506 P 60.4 
Saturn ... ...... to 30 p 5 53 a 1 17 P 26.0 
Uranus......... 430 a]O 12 a 354p 50.1 

Non.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. and P P.M. 





Day of >< 
.... .... 
0 Week. 0 




S'es.! Sets. Rillea. ! _seta. Rillea' i seta. RiBea. ! Sets. ._ 
h Jh m h m h mA 
h m h m h m 
IITuesday. 3056 54 5 10 6 03' 7 206 28 1 4 32 5 23 6 52 
2 Wednes... 306 6 66:5 091 6 35, 8 206 3C 4 30 5 54 7 64 
3 l Thursd'y 3076 66:5 07 1 7 13 9 186 314 28 6 311 8 53 
4 1 Friday... 3086 6715 06 7 62.10 156 33 1 4 26 7 11 9 52' 
5 1 SIlturda y 309 6 595 04 8 4511 106 344 24 8 02'10 47 
6 SUNDT. 1 310 7 00:5 03 1 9 41 pm 016 35 1 4 23 8 58 1 11 38 
Ionday. 311 7 01/5 0] 10 43 0 476 374 2110 01 pm 23 
8.Tuesday. 312 7 03;5 00'11 49' 1 296 384 20'11 09' 1 04 
9:Wednes... 313 7 0414 59 a.m. I 2 076 40,4 19 a.m. I 1 40 
10 Thursd'Yj314 7 0514 58 0 58 2 4
 6 41 1 4 18 0 20 2 13 
n:Friday ..}15 7 074 57 2 111 3 ]56 424 17 1 35 1 2 44 
12 Saturday 316 7 0814 56 3 24 3 47 ß 444 16, 2 51 3 ] 4 
13:SUND'Y' 1 3177 0914 55 4 4114 226 454 15 4 10, 3 46 
14 }londay .,3187 10:4 641 5 58 4 586 474 14 5 30 4 20 
l5,Tuesday./3197 12:4 531 7 14 1 5 396 484 13 6 58' 4 59 
l6'Wednes...,320 7 13'4 52 8 26 1 6 256 5] 4 12 8 02 1 5 43 
1 tThursd'y '321 7 15'4 62 1 9 35 7 1716 52.4 11 9 12 6 34 
l8/Friday... 3227 164 51 10 42 8 136 5414 ]010 19 1 7 30' 
19,5aturdny 3237 17 1 4 51,11 29 9 136 55 1 4 0911 06 8 30 
20 SUND'Y.,324 7 1914 50 pm 1310 146 564 0911 49, 9 33 
21 Monday.,3257 20:4 49 1 ' 05111 176584 09pm21'10 37 
22 Tuesday.,326 7 214 48 1 23 a.m. 7 00 , 4 08 0 64 1 11 38 
23 We<lnes... 327 7 23 1 4 48 1 52 0 167 014 07 1 23, a.m. 
24!Thursd'y'3287 244 47 2 19 1177031406 1 48 041 
25 1 Friday ...,329 7 2514 46 2 45 2 15 7 04 4 05 2 ]2 1 41 
26 1 SII.turdl1. y ,330 7 264 15 3 10, 3 147 054 04 2 35 2 42 
27 SUND'Y. 331 7 274 45 1 3 38 4 127 064 02 3 01 3 42 
28, \londIl.Y. 3327 28/4 45 4 04 5 127 074 01 3 26 4 44 
29'Tuesday. 3337 29,4 44' 4 36 6 11 7 084 00 3 56 5 45 
3 0IWedneB..,3347 30;4 44\ 5 13 7 11 7 094 001 4 31 6 46 

Sun'a I Sun <I'a Upper 
Decllna- on Age Tranllit of 
tion. Meridian. Noon Pole Star 
o I II I h m 8 daY8 -h--';;-;- 
S1429 2511 43 4] 15.810 3423 
14 48 3011 43 40 16.8 to 3027 
15 07 19
11 43 4017. f 10 26 30 
15 25 55.11 43 4018. f to 22 34: 
15 44 17111 43 4219. E 10 1838 
16 02 22,11 43 4320. f to 14: 42 
16 20 11 1 111 43 4821. f 10 1046 
16 37 4311 43 5222.8 10 06 49 
16 54 59111 43 67 23. 
17 11 58111 44 0324.8 95857 
17 28 4011 44 09 1 25. f 95501 
17 45 0411 44 17 26. f' 95105 
18 01 08 i 11 44 2527. f 947 OS 
18 16 53J11 44 35 / , 29. f 948 12 
18 32 19 / 11 44 45 0.4 939]6 
18 47 25 11 44 56 1. 4 9 85 ] 9 
19 02 1211 45 07 1 2.4 9 3i 28 
19 16 40
11 45 20 3.4 92726 
] 9 30 47 ]] 45 33 4. 4 9 23 30 
19 44 33i11 45 47 5.4 91933 
19 57 56 1 '11 46 03 6.4 91537 
20105611 4619 7.4 91140 
20 2J 33 1 11 46 25 8.4 9074-1 
20 35 49111 46 52 9.4 9034:7 
20 47 43,11 47 10 ]0.4 86951 
20 59 14i11 4:7 29]1. 4 85566 
21 10 23,11 47 4912.4 85168 
21 21 02111 48 0913.4 81802 
21 IH 18111 48 30114.4 1 84405 
21 4109,11 48 52\15.4 84010 


DECEl\1BER, 1887. 

[First 1Vinter Month. 

DARD Twilight beginß 0'1' ends. SEMIDIA:II. POLl: STAR. 

' m .,; _ __ Greatest 
..... Last Q uarter 7 10 11 P !ll !< Polar Elon g a- 
"" ...... 2 21 m 
 Beg. End. Beg. End. Sun. Moon. Distance. tion. 
. New Moon ........ 14 P A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. I Lat. 45 0 . 

 First Quarter..... 22 2 01 am --- - - - _ __ __ , 
o Fulll\Ioon ......... 30 3]4 am h m h m h m n m' I /I I ' III

1 5 316 07 1 ;) 36,6 03116 1616 08 1 1 17 12 l 49 11 
(( Perigee ............ 12 500am 11 5 40 j 6 07/:5 46,6 OÙ6 171626117 10l 4908 
(( Apogee ...... .... 33 11 OOpm 21 647610,562605116 ]8,14 65117 0814906 

The Planets. 

NAME 0. 

On Mer. I On Mer. 0 Mer 
R18e8. Merld Sets. Zen. RIBe8. M'd Set8. Zen. Rlse8. M 
 d Set8. Zen: 
. dist. erl . dist. en . dist. 
y;-;;;- y-;;; Tm -:- --,;-;;;- Tm -,;-;;;- :- -,;-;;; --,;m- -,;-;m- 
308 a 845 a 2 22p 61. 7 322 a 846 a 2 10 P 65.0 339 a 849 a 169 P 58.3 
059 a 713 a 1 '27 P I 42.8 046 a 653 a 1 00 P 44.2 1 034 a l 633 a 031 P 46.1 
646a 1036a 327p 62.3 6]7al005a 2 63p 62.8 448a 934a 202p 63,3 
832p 356a , 1119a 26.9 761p 3 ]óa 10a9a 25.8 ! 709p' 4340 969a 1 26.7 
241 a 820a 169p , 60.7 203a 742al121p 50.8 126a: 704a 042p,61.0 
NOTE.-1n the above Table a Blgnlfies A.M. andp P.K. 

Venus ......... 
l\Iars ......... 
Jupiter... ...... 
Saturn... ...... 
U ra.nuB......... 

'"õ Day of 
 SUN. I MOON. SUN. MOON. Sun'8 Sun I (f 'ø Upper 

 W eek. 
. I Declina- on Age TranBit 0 

 Rl8es. Sets. Rises. Sets. RlBes. Sets. Rises. Sets. tion. Merirllan. Noon. Pole Star 
- -- - 
!hfñ -h;;'
 hm -
 --,;-;, 0 I /I h m ø aayø 
1 Thursd'y'3351 7 314 43 6 52 8 10 1 7 104 00 6 09 1 7 4618216038 11 49 1416.48 36 ]3 
2 Friday...133617 324 42' 6 41 9 06 i ]2 1 4 00 6 58 8 43 1 21 69 4] n 49 3717.48 32 16 
3'Saturd'y./337,7 334 42 7 35 9 69,7 133 69 / 6 62 9 36j 22 08 18 II 50 00] 8.48 28 19 
4JSUND'Y.j338;7 344 42 8 36,10 477 14 1 3 69 7 6310 44,22 16 2911 50 2419.48 24 23 
6 1 Monday . 1 339:7 364 42 9 39 11 31'7 153 58 , 8 69 11 06: 22 24 16 11 50 4920.4 8 20 26 
6 t Tuesday.310 '7 3644210 46,pm077 16358101111 4112231 3611 61 ]5,21.481629 
7IWednes,..1341i7 374 4211 57 1 0 44; 173 6711 20pm ]6 1 22 38 3011 61 4022.48 ]2 33 
8 Thursd'y 342,7 384 41 1 am. ] 16'7 183 67 a..m.1 0 45 i 22 44 67 11 52 07'23.4 g 08 36 
9 Friday... 3437 384 41 1 08 1 47 7 193 67 0 33 1 14 1 22 50 67 11 52 3324.48 04 40 
Id Saturd'y. 344'7 394 41 2 20 2 20'7 20:
 57 1 49 1 45 22 56 30 11 53 01 25.48 (10 43 
11 SUND'Y. 346'7 404 42 3 32 2 637 21:3 68 3 03 1 2 16, 23 01 37 11 63 2826.47 56 47 
12 Monday. 346 1 7 414 42 4 49, 3 31 '7 22 
 68 4 21 2 5] 23 06 1511 53 6627.47 62 50 
13,Tuesday.347'7 424 42 6 02 4 127 23 1 3 68 6 36 3 31\ 23 10 24 11 64 2528.47 48 63 
14 Wednes... 3487 434 42 7 12 6 01 7 243 68 6 48 4 181 23 14 07 11 64 54 29.47 44 57 
15 'rhursd'y 349/7 444 42 8 19 6 54 7 25 1 3 58 7 66 6 11 23 17 22 11 55 23 0.97 41 00 
16 Friday... 360,7 46,4 42 9 17 6 657 263 69 8 64 6 12 23 20 10 1 11 55 62 1. 9 7 37 04 
17,Saturd'y.361,7 464 4310 06 7 577 26:3 69 9 48 7 ]6 23 22 2911 66 22 2.97 33 07 
18,SUND'Y. 3527 474 4310 49 9 007 2714 0010 24 8 20) 23 24 2011 66 52, 3.97 29 10 
19 Monday. 3537 484 4311 2310 027 27,4 OO j lO 57 9 24 1 2::J 25 4411 57 22 4.97 25 13 
20 Tuesday. 35417 494 4411 64'11 057 28 1 t 01 11 2610 28 1 23 26 3811 57 61 6.97 21 16 
21'Wednes...3ó5'7 494 44pm22 a.m. 728401 U 6211 29 23270711 682] 6.971720 
22 Thur
d'y 3567 604 45, 0 48 0 047 294 02 1 p m 16 a.m., 23 27 00 11 58 6] 7.9 7 13 23 
23,Friday... %7,1 604 45 1 13 1 04 1 7 29! 02 0 39 0 31 23 26 3511 69 21 8.97 09 26 
24 Saturd'y. 858'7 504 46 1 38 2 01;7 30 ) 4 03, 1 02 1 30 1 23 25 34 11 59 61 9.97 05 29 
25;SUND'Y. :369:7 604 46 2 06 3 00:7 304 03 \ 1 28 2 311 23 24 07 12 00 21 10.97 01 33 
26Monday.:3607 604 47 236 4011731404 166 333 232213 1 112006111.965736 
27 Tuesday. 
361i7 514 47 3 09 1 6 0017 314 05 1 2 28 4 34 1 23 19 4912 01 20112.96 53 39 
28 Wednes.. .
62 1 7 61,4 48 3 49 6 697 324 05 3 06 5 35 23 16 6712 0] 6013.9 1 <<3 49 42 
29 Thursd'y :3637 614 49 4 36, 6 58 1 7 324 061 3 62 6 35 1 23 13 38 1 12 02 19 1 14.9 ) 45 46 
30 1 Friday ... :364 1 7 61.4 60 6 28 7 64 7 324 06 4 46 7 31 23 09 61 12 02 4816.9 ì 4] 49 
81'8aturd'y.:3667 614 6162718447324071644 82123053611203 17jl6.!J) 37 61 





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I 1885. I Average: 
, 45 years., 
Mean temperature 0 
ofthe year......... *,iî.57 4-1.17 
Warmest month...1 July. July. 
Mean temp. of the 
warmest month . 1 68.30 67.58 
Coldest month ...... Feb. Jan. 
Mean temp of the 
coldest month ...1 11.08 
of the warmest & 
coldest months... 57.22 41.98 
lIIean of deviations 
of monthly means 2.81 
Month of greatE'st l 
deviation .... ...... Feb. 
Correspond. magni- 
tude of deviation. 11.81 
Warmeat day .....':.!July 25. 
Mean temperate 01' 
the warmest ds. y .! 75.45 


o I 0 
47.09 40.77 
In 1878. in 1873. 
July, '68 1 ' Aug., '60 
75.80 64.46 
Feb., '75.' Feb., '48 




in 1875. 
Jan. Feb., '75' 1 
3.88 12.73 '.. 
Jnly U' I JU1Y 31, 
1868. 1854. 
77.71 84.50 72.75 

' Dec. 22, 
Jan. 22,1 1842. 
1859. ... 
-2.00 -14.381 9.67 
Aug. 24, Aug. 19, 
1854. _ 1840. 
Highesttemperat.. 8!i.6 90.73 1 99.2 82.4 
Date loweat teæp... Jan. 22. ... .fan.10, Jan. 2, 
1859. 1842. 
Loweat temperat.... -111.1 -12.0 -26.5 1.9 
Range of the year. 104.7 102.7 118.2 87.0 
* 1885 is the coldest year on the records, with the ex- 
ception of 1875, the average of which was 00.80 
colder than 1885. 


Coldest day. ......... Feb.ll. 
Mean tem.of cold. d. -5.90 
Date highest temp. , July 17. 


I 1885. I Average Extremes. 
41 years. , 

Mean preas. of year l 29.5933: 29.6178 1 i

' i

Month hi
hestm Pï Sept. I Sept. IJan.. '49 I June,'64 
Highest mean m.p 29.6"79, 29.6647 29.8046 29.6525 
Month loweat m. Pï Nov. , June. ,Mar., '59INov.,'49 
Lowest mean m. p. 29.5311 29.5673, 29.U43 29.5886 
Date ofhight!stpres. I I Jan. 8, I :.\Iar. 7, 
sure in the year. Dec. 12. ... 1866. 1878. 
Highest pres!!ure... 30.300 1 30.362 30.940 30.139 
Date of lowest pres, I Jan. 2, Mar. 17, 
sure in the year. Jan. 12. ... 1870. 1845. 
Lowestpressure.... 28.714 28.705 28.166 28.939 
Range of the year. 1.586 I 1.656 I i;i

. i:"t


\ 1885 I ' A veragt!' Extremea, 
. 4.. years. 
Meanhumid.ofyear 77 77 182 in '5173 in '58 
Month of greatest 
humidity......... Feh. Jan. I Jan.. '57 Dec., '58 
G'st IDean mono hUe 82 63 89 81 
Month of least hu. Ap.May. May. Feb., '43 Apr., '49 
L'st mean mono hUe 70 67 58 76 


1 1885. I A wrage I Extremes 
___,_I J2y
Mean cloud. of year' 0.61 0.62 0.66in 0.57 
I '69, '76. in 1856. 

MOllt cloudy month, Nov. 
G'at monthly mealli 0.85 
Le8IIt cloudy month I Sept. 
L'st monthly mean' 0.41 





IS Average 
85. 10 yre.* 
Resuït:.t dir
o W ' N 62;W 
Resultant velocity 
in mnea ... .........1 2.60 2.45 
Mean velocity with-' 
out reg. to direct. 9.95 
l\Ionth of greatellt 
mean velocity. ...' Jan. March. 
Greatest monthly 



;;'1 13.57 11.51 13.88 : 1ú.42 
velocity............ July. July. Jnly, '78iJuly, '81 
Lea!!t monthly m'n 
f"eloclty ......... ...1 7.59 
Day great8at mean 
velocity ............1 Feb. 10. NOT. 7, Dec. 24, 
Greatest daily mean 1880. 1878. 
velocity...... ......, 22.79 2B. 92 41. 67 2-1.38 
Day of least mean 
velocity ... ...... "'IApril 21. 
Lea"!t daily mean 
velocity... ......... 1 1. 96 ...... 
Hour of greatest Jan. 17, 

07, I I 

abaolute velocity. 10-lla.m 3-4 a.
. 11-doo'n 
Greatest velocity... 39.0 45.4 55.5 40.0 
* The difference of instruments and elevation during 
thc whole period considerably affecting the results, 
it was judged advisable to confine the comparison 
to the years 1875-1884, inclusive. 



' Is." 
in 1880. Iin 1878 
April,'80 Dec., '75 





1885. I Average' 
___ __ i5yearø. : 

'fotal depth of rain 
in inchea . ......... 26.361 27.732 
Number of daya in 
which rain fell... 103 112 
Month in which the 
greatest depth o( 
rain fell n. .........' Jnne. Sept. 
Greatest depth of 
rain in one month 4.195 3.414 
Month In which the 
daya of rain were 
_t f...a
1. "
>la1Aug Oct. 
Greatest number 0 
rainy days in one 
month ............. 14 13 
Days in which the 
greatest amount 
of rain fell ... .....
 Oct. 13. 
Grell.teat amount 0 
rain in one day... 1.928 1. 887 


43.555 117.574 
in 1843. in 1874. 
132 I 80 
in 1878. in 1B41. 

Sept.,'43 Sept.,'48 
9.760 I 3.11á 
Oct., '64.' May, '41 

22 I 11 
Sep'.,14, I Sept.,U 
1843. 1B-1B. 
3.455 1.000 


Ex tremea 

IB85 Averagt', 
. 32 years 

 I '-- 
in inches. ......... 65.6 69.9 
N umber of days in 
which snow fell .1 73 
Month in which the. 
p;reateat depth of 
anow fell. ........: I Jan. 
Greateat depth of 
snow in onemon. 1 18.8 
MontL in which the 
day" of IIno\\' were 
most frequent.... Jan. 
Greatest number of 
daya of snow In 
one month......... 17 
Day in which the I 
greatest amount 
of snow fell. ......' Jan. 16. 
Greatest fall of snow i 
in one day... ...... 6.0 I 9.1 



122.9 I 38.4 
in 1870. in 1851- 
87 I 33 
in 1859. in 1848. 
Mar., '70 Dec., '61, 
62.4 110.7 
I Dee., '72. I Feb., '48. 
24 8 
I Feb.6,'631 Jan. 10, 
Har.27' 1 1857 . 
. 16.0 6.5 






TC. /. J 


Statistical View oJ the Commerce oJ the Dominion oJ Canada during fiscal year e
uling 30th June, 1885. 

I Value of Tonnage of Britísh t Tonnage of Foreign 
V I f Goods En- D t l andCanadianVeS:iels. Vf;lSSels. 
I a ue 0 tered for u y , 
Export8. Consump- Collected. Entered I Entere4.1 Entt'red I Entered 
J I bon. Inwards. Outwards. Inwards. I Outwards. 
- I -
 I T
Great Britain ..... . 1 n.871,991 41.406,7ï7 7.617,249 45 
United St1.tes . . . .... 34,783,251 47,151,201 6,624.100 39 1 t 
 I ;::: 
Xewfounllland.. .. .. 1,670,968 1 351.105 2,268 31 I t <::>. 
 o. l-. 
Bntish West [nllies.. 1,533.800, 1,442.324 519,337 32 g 
Spanish West Indies l 802,864 1,6
)2.403 804,118 12' 00.00,"', 
French Weilt Indies.. 141,771 19,811 3,054 191 0".> 0".> <0 
Danish West Indies.. 49,90
 5,528 138 621 
BrItish Guiana.. _. .. 202,992 160.5S1 122,958 47 
China ....'......... j 8.113 1,622,168 446,56335 1 
Japan.. .. . . " .. .. .. 21,805 876,283 3,589 90 1 
)[exico ............ 4.1051 7.428 1,966 60 
Central Àmerica.. ..1 2,783 4,578 1.9-li 57 ! 
South America .... 1,2H,350 1,168.249 528,836 O
 l I 
St. Pierre .......... 162,702 4'546 1 725 94 ( '2,303,411 2,292,797' 1,497,253 1,5S1,IM 
France ............ 
3,309 1,935,581 650.515 29 
Germany .......... 264,075 2,121,269 572,9-li 91 
Spain .. .. .. '. .. .. .. 132,6951 349,215 (154,680 2-l 
Portugal ... . . . . . . . 166,730 60,366 29.345 65 
Italy. .............. 14
,550 1 ' 128,1

0 25 
BelgIUm............ 7:,,385 4/9,250 121,00061 
Holland............ 24.0941 337.785 521,31820 
Denmark .......... 930 667 174 401 
Norway.. .......... 83.372 33,030 5,725 HI 
Russia ........... . 9,408 346 20 



n:: :: I 56

: 1,272,672 

. 20 1 
Estimated amount.. 2,948,217' .. . . .. . . 
Totals.. .. . .1 89,23S,361 1 102.ilO.019 1 19.121.253 55 





. '" 
:; 0 
. +> "1:! 
. CIS s::I 
I JU: 

u:t a:! 

> ð 

Comparative Statemlnt of Value of ExJXYf'u and Imporu, Dominion of Canada, since the Omfederation of the Protrinct .. 
Year ending I Total I Total Ent. for Dut Ii Year ending I Total Total I En'. for D 
30th June, ExportiS. [mp.)rts. Con8ump. y. 30th June. I Exports. Imports. Con8ump. uty. 
--- ---;--r$-$--;-II----I-$$----;-
1861L.......... 57.567,81j81 73.-I,59,6!4 71,985.306 8,81g.432 1877. ............, 75.875.396 99,327,962 96,300..&8312,5.1,8,451 
1'369............ 60.!H.i81 70.41ó.165 67,402.170 8,298,910 1878.... ... ...... i 79,323,667 9J,081.787 91,lg9.:m 12.795,693 
IS70............ 73.573.490 1 a,81-l.339 71,237.603 9,462.\1-1,0 1879............. 71.-191,255 81.96-1,,427 80,341;60812,939,5-1.1 
IS71............ 71,173,618 96.092,971 86.9!7,48211.8-1,3,656 1880. ............ 1 87.911.458 86,489.H7 71,782,s.i9 1!,138.849 
1872...... ...... 82.6-'39.663' 111,-!-'30.527 107.709.116 13.0,1.,),-1,93 I 1881. ............ 98,290,823 105.330,8.1,0 91,611.604 18.500,708 
1873............ 89,789.92212'3,011,281 127,514,59113.017.730 1882. ............ 102.137,2031l9.n9,500,1l2,648,927 21.708,886 
187 L.... ..... 8Q.351.928 128,213,582 127.40-1,,169 U.421,882 IS83. ......... ... \ 98,085,80-l132,254.022 123,137,019 2a.172,337 
1 '375............ 77.866,9791123.070.283 119,618,657 15.361.382 188!............. 91,406,496 116,397,0 l3il08.180,6U 
1876............ 80.966,-1,35, 93,210,3-l 91.733.21812,833.114 IS85. ............ 89.23S,361108,9H,186102,710,01919,133.558 


Total.. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. , . .. . . . . . . .. " 11,585 

No. 2.-Nominal Capital raisedJor Railways of the 
I Dominion, June 30th, 1885. 
Ordinary Share Capital .. .. .. .. .. " .. $216,425.-l{)l 85 
Preference Share Capital.. ., .. .. .. " .. 95,7513,670 4-l 
I Bonded Debt ........................ 141,370,963 40 
I Government and }Iunicipal aid.. .. .... 171,672.214 88 
Other Sources ........................ 529.383 28 

Xo. I.-Total Railway Mileage oJ the DomiltWn, 
June 30th, 1885. 
Railways a<)tually in operation,. .. .. ., ,. .. .. .. .. 10,150 
RailwaY3 under construction. partly completed.. 623 
Railways under construction .................. 812 

Oomparative Statement of the number Qf Immigranu arrived at the Port of QUtbtc since the year 1829 to 1885, inclunve, 
the grand total being 1,605,455, and the yearly average 

-72 :
' 1875. 1
' 1878. 187e' 1 1880. J _ 1881. .
1 1884. , 1885. 
En8hmd ... 447,803 25,129 17,631 12,.1,56 1 7,720, 5,9271 7,500 14.1l3 , 18,6'7 24,428 33,660 29,003 1 18,638110,511 
Ireland. .. .. 501.759 4.236 2,503 1,252 688 " 663 913 1,0881 2,485 2,480 5,992 10,688 4,473 2,101 
Scotland ... U3,655 -I,!j.Ja I 2,491 1 1,768 2,131 829 1,425 1'602 1 2.8.1,5 1 2,861 ',478 5,460 3,0401 2,009 
Ger. &; Nor.. 181,-H7 2.GIQ 8;)j .. .. .. I .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,688 1,099 
Oth(\r ports. 13,188 723 412 562 362 324 457 448 1,020 471 732 865 690 au 
1.2ã7-:822 36.9õiJ 23.89.i ï6.õ381 ïõ.OOi l -m3Ilõ.2951 ï7,25i 
 3õ:238,4.I,86õ 45.966/3l.629 i ï7,õ3õ 





.Allùton, Ont....Hamilton.... ...A. M. Kirkland, A!!:ent 
AlmonU. Ont...Montreal....... Thomas Plummer, Manager 
Amherst, N.S. Nova Scotla...John McKeen, Agent 
" Halifax Bk. Co.J. H.Morrison, Agent 
Annapolù,N.S.Nova Scotia ...J.Mowat, Agent 
.. UnionB.ofH..E. D. Arnaud. Agent 
Antigonish .... Merchants' ...... C. E. Harris, Agent 
.. ....Halifax Bk. Co. D. C. !'tIcDoulSall, Agent 
Arnprior. ......Ottawa. .........D. M. Finnie, Manager 
Aurora ... ......Federal..... ...... W. H. Ne180n, Act. 
Aylmer, O......Molsons ........ W. II. Draper, 
.. . . .. Traderb . .... .. A. F. H. Jones, :\Ianager 
Ayr...............Commerce. ......John Wyllie, Agent 
Baddtck, C-B...Merchants' ....J. F. Bløgdon, Act. Agent 
Barrie............ Toronto ... ......J. A. Strathy, Manager 
.. ........ ...Commerce ...... Wm. Gray, Msmager 
Barrington, NS., Halifax Bk. Co.F. W. Homer, Agent 
Bathur,t, N B. Merchants' ....... E. C. Jarvis, Agen t 
Beauharnois ...Jac. Cartier..,.C. H. Hamet, Manager 
Bedford .........E. Townsbips...E. W. Morgan, Manager 
Bdltville...... .... Merchants'.... W. Hamilton, Manager 
.. ............Montreal ......R. Richardson, Manager 
.. ....... ....Commerce......R. Thomson, Manager 
.. ............vominion ......J. W. Murray, Agent 
Berlin ............ * Merchants' ...W. R. Travers. Manager 
, ....... .Commerce .........D. B. Dewar, Manager 
Blenheim. . . . . Commerce ... ...... R. C. Macpherflon, Agent 
Bowmanvltte...Ontario........ ...George McGill. Manager 
" ...Standard......... W. J. Jones. Agent 
Bradford.......Standard.........T. Dewson, Agent 
Brampton ......Central............G. S. Herohmer, Manager 
õ' ....... Merchants' ...J. C. More, Manager 
...... Dominion. ...... W. W. Nation, Agent 
BratuJ.on, Man. * Merchants' ...C. Meredith, Manager 
.. ......Imperial ....... A. Jukes, Manager 
Bramford "....B. N. America. Alex. Robertson, Manager 
.. .....Montreal ...... W. I.. Creighton, Manager 
......Commerce ...... W. Roberts, Manager 
" ......London ..... .Geo. Snartt. IIIanager 
.. ... ... Standard. ...... W. T. Wickham, Agent 
Bridget'n, N.S. Nova Scotia ...T. D. Ruggles, Agent 
Bridgew'r,N.S.Merchants', ...Goo. A. Dudley, Agent 
Brighton..... .Standard.........J. E. Gray, Agent 
BrockviZle ......Montreal. ......Neil McLean, Manager 
" ......:\Iolsons .........P. W. D. Broderick, Mgr 
CampbeUford...8tandard.........E. A. Bog, Agent 
CampbeUton....Nova Scotia.... W. E. Stavert, Agent 
Cannington . ...Standard.........John Houston, Agent 
Canning, N. S. Nova Scotia.... F. W. Borden, Agent 
Carleron Place.Ottawa..........J, A. Bangs, Manager 
CharlotUtown:.Merchants', H...F. H. Arnand, Agent 
.. Merchantø, P.E.I. Wm. McLean, Cashier 
.. Bank of N. S...George McLeod, )Ianager 
Chatham... ... ... Federal...... ... R. N. Rogers, Manager 
.. .........Commerce ......J. E. Thomas, Manager 
. .... .. Merchants' ...F.S. Jarvis, Manager 
..... . Montreal. .... . Angus Kirkland 
Chatham,N.B. Montreal .......F. E. Winslow Manager 
.. Nova Scotia ...F. Kennedy, Al(ent 
Clinton ......... Moisons ......... H. C. Brewer, Manager 
Ooaticook ....... E. Townshipø. B. Austin, Manager 
Cobourg .........Dominion ......E. H. Osler, Agent 
" ......... Toronto .........Jos. Henderson, Manager 
Cblborne......... Standard... ...... C. Larke, Agent 
Oollingwood ...COmmerce..... E. Pangman, Manager 
" ...Toronto ......... W. A. Copeland, )Ianager 
GbrnwaZl.........Montreal ......R. Mackenzie, Manager 
" ..... .Ontario....... A. Denny, Manager 
Cbwanl1!illJ!....E. Townships .J. MacKinnon, Manager 
Digby, N. S ...Nova Scotia.. J. H. Churchill. Agent 
DorchuUr, N.B., Merchants'. .C. J. Jjutcher, Agent 
Drayton..... .Traderø...... .0. H. Smith, Manager 
Drestùn..... . London ......... .J. W. Sharpe, Manager 
DutuJ.a, ... ......Commerce ...... Wm. Smith, 1IIanager 
Dunntrille ......Cúmmerce ......F. C. Minty, Manager 
Durham. . . . ...Central . . . .... D. Jackson, jun., Manager 
Elmira..... .. Traders..... .J. Nicol, Manager 
EslU Centre... Imperial. .... .J. Watt, Manager 
Euur............Molsonø .........A. A. C. Denovan, Manager 
Farnham, Que.E. Townships.E. N. Robinson. Manager 
:ftrgul......... Imperial..... .J. F. Paterson, :\Ianager 
Fraservilk, Q..J ac. Cartier. ...J. F. Pellaret, Manager 
Prederict. N.B.PEOPLE'S.........J. W. Spurden, Cashier 
" " n. N. Amerlca.R. Inglis, Agent 

Ji'rederict. N.B.Nova Scotia.. .D. R. Forgan. Agent 
Galt...............Commerce ...... Wm. Thompson, rtlanager 
" ......... . ImperiaI.........John Cavers, Manager 
" ... ............ * :\lerchants' ...G. V. J. Greenhill, :\Ianager 
Gananoque....... Merchants'...A. Petrie, !\:tanager 
Gaspé Basin La Banq. Nat. J. LeBoutillier.Circnl'n-Agent 
Georgetown... Hamilton ... H. 111. Watson, Agent 
" P.E.I. Merchants'H. C. McLeod. Agent 
Glencoe. .... .. Trhders. . . .. .. Geo. Dobie. Manager 
Goderich.........Montreal ......D. Glass, Manager 
" .........Commerce .... .R. S. Williams, Manager 
Granby, Q.......E. Town. Bk ... W. H. Robinson, Manager 
Guelph .........Central .........G. W. Ssndilands, Manager 
" .........Montreal ......J. H. Finlay, Manager 
.........Ontario .........E Morris. Manager 
.........Commerce ......B. R. McConkey, Manager 
" ......... Federal. ...... ...A. A. Fitzgerald, 
Guy,b:Jro', NS.Merchants' . ...H. M. Jost, Agent 
Halifa:J:, N. S. HALIFAX n. Co. W. L. Pitcaithly,Cashier 
" " NOVA SCOTIA ...Thomas Fyshe, Cashier 
" B. N. America. A. :Eo Elli8, Manager 
" UNION, HALIF.. E. L. Thorne, Oashier 
" MERCHANTS' H. D. H. Duncan. Cashier 
.. " PEOPLE.S.........Peter Jack, Ca8hier 
" Montreal .......C. Sweeney, Manager 
fIamilton ......HAMILTON....... E. A. Colquhoun. Cashier 
" ......B N. America.D. G. Macgregor, Manager 
" ......Montreal .......J. N. Travers. Manager 
....... :\Ierchants'...J. S.1IIeredith, Manager 
. ... Traders..........Æmilius Jarvis, Manager 
......Commerce ......E. Mitchell, Manager 
......Molsons ..... .. J. M. Burns, Manager 
BaTTiston ......Standard......... W. T. Shannon, Agent 
Ierchantø'...A. M. Smith, Manager 
" .........Imperial... .....J. A. Richardson, Manal(er 
" . .......London.......... C. W.1I!. Simp
on, Act. :\Igr 
Jarvil............Commerce.......H. J. Grasett. Agent 
JolutU. .... . . .D'Hochelaga . .J. H. Ostigny, Manager 
Kentville, N.S. Nova Scotia ...L. D. V. CLipman, Agent 
Kincardine .... Merchants'...G. C. Tyre, Manager 
King,ton ......" Merchants'...G. E. Hague, Manager 
" ... ...n. N. America. F. Brownfield, :\lanager 
......:\Iontreal ......R. M. Moore, Manager 
......Federal ....... T. Y. Greet, Manager 
Kingston, N.B.,Merchants' ...J. H. Abbott, Agent 
Lethbridg', Alb.Union..... ...J. G. BlUett. Manager 
Lindsay.........Ontario .........S. A. McMurtry, 
" .........Montreal .......C. (E. L. Porteous, Manager 
" .........Dominion.......T. B. Dean, Acting Agent 
LilÚYWel, Onto Hamilton. ......H. H. O'Reilly, Agent 
Livf:TPool,N.S. Nova Scotia.. .H. A. Flemming, Agent 
Lockeport,N.S. People's...... ...A. Locke, Agent 
" "Halifax Bk. Co. E. A. Capstick, Agent 
London .........Lo
DoN ..........A. M. Smart, Act. Manager 
" ... ......B. N. America. D. Cumberland" Manager 
" .........* lIerchants'...W. F. Harper, l\-Ianager 
" .........Montreal. ...... W. J. Anderson, l\Ianager 
.........Federal .........George Mail'. Managel 
" .........Commerce ..... H. A. Nicholson, Manager 
" .........l\IoIBoD8 ........ Joseph Jeffery_ Manager 
Londtmderry, N.S., ;Uerchants', E. Walsh, Agent 
Lunenburg,.LV.S.Merchants. . . S. Finck. Agt<nt 
,. Halilax Bk... Co. W. G. Greenwood, Agent 
Maitland, N.S. Merchants'... ...Geo. Frieze, Agent 
Meaford.........Molsons .........Peter Fuller, Manager 
Markham ......Standard.........F. A. Reesor, Agent 
Midland ... ... Western. . . . . .. - -, Manager 
Nillbrook . . . . Wetltern.......... - -, Manager 
lJfilton . .........Hamilton. ......Joshua Butterfield, Agent 
Mitckll ....... * :\lerchants'...E. G. Lawrence. Act. 
Monclon..........Montreal.........F. M. Cotton, Manager 
" :........Nova Scotia ....George Sanderson, Agent 
Montreal.........MoNTREAL ...... W. J. Buchanan. Gen. Mgr 
" ......... Do. ......E. S. Clonston. Manager 
.........D'Hochelaga . .A. D. Parant, Cashier 
.........Du PEUPLE......A. A. Trottier. Cashier 
.........M0I.80N8.........F. W. Thomas, Gen. Man 
Branch .... .J. Elliot, Manager 
.........JACQ. CARTIER .A. L. de Martigny, Cashier 
..........MERCHANTS' ...G.lla,zue, Gent'ral Manager 
J. H. Plummer. Asst.Gen.Mgr 
......... .Mont'l. Br'h A.1II. Crombie, Local M. 
.........B. N. America.R. R. Grindley, Gen. 1IIgr 
Jeffrey Penfold, Manager 





MontreaZ.........Qnebec .........T. McDougall, Manager 
" .........Ontario ......... W. W. L. Chipman. !'tlsnage. 
" ......... Toronto .........J. ]\1. Smith, 
" .........Commerce ..... R. Gill, Manager 
" .........Union ............F. 
ash, :\lanal!:er 
.........La Banq. Nat..,C. A. Vallee, Manager 
blorrisburg ....Moisons .........L. W. Howard, :.\Ianager 
Mount Fbrest...Ontario .........A. J. Macdonell, Act. Mgr 
Napanee.........* lIerchant/!'...A. Smith, Manager 
" ........Dominion ......WI\1ter Darling, A
Napiuvilk . .Bank De St. Jean,:\1. Catndal, :\Ianager 
N.GLal{low,NS.Nova Scotia ....T. M. C"rmichllel, Agent 
" " Halifax Bk. Co.J. B. Moorman, Agen' 
Newcustle.......Standard ...... .J. K. Allen, Agent 
Newcaøtìe,N.B.Nova Scotia ...F. R Morrison, Agent 
" "lIJ:ørchants' ....J . Yeoman, Agent 
lYew Hamb'ro.Western..........- -, J\lanager 
New WestminsterBCBk. B. Colnmbia,J. B. Fisher, Agent 
Newmarket ...Federal. ...... ...F. Cole, Manager 
" ...Ontario ...........1. E. Souch, Manager 
lWagara F
ll8.ImperiaJ..... ...Edward H!IY, Manager 
North Sydney, N.S.Kova Scotia, W. Thomson, Agent 
Norwich...... ...Commel'ce ......... W. A. Sampson. Manager 
" .........!.\Ioisons............. T. B. Rhefoe. :\Ianager 
Orangeville ...Commerce... ...B. Shepherd, :\Ianager 
" ..Hamilton... .R. T. Haun. Agent 
Orillia............Dominion ......H. S. Scadding. Agent 
Oshawa .........Dominion ...... W. II. Holland, Agent 
" ......... WESTERN,.... .T. II. MC}]illan, CaMbler 
Ottdwa .........B. N. America.D. Robertson. Manager 
" ...... ...OTTA W A ...... ...George Burn, Cashier 
.........Montreal .......F. Gundry. Manager 
......... Commerce ......J effrey Hale, Man ager 
.........Ontario .........A. Simpson, Manager 
.........* :\lerchants'...W. H. Rowley, J\lanager 
.........Quebec .....,...H. V. Noel, Manager 
......... La Banq. N at...C. H. Cal riere, Manager 
.........Unlon ............l'tl. A. Anderson, Manager 
Owen Sound.... Merchants' ...A. St. L. Mackintosh, }lngr 
" ...l'tlolsons .........L. E. Tate, Manager 
Paris ............B. N. America.G. P. Buchanan. Agent 
" ............Commerce ......R. C. Jennings, Manager 
Parkhill......... Commerce... ...J. M. Duff, }Ianager 
Parrsborrl......Halifax B. Co.A S. Townsend, Agent 
Paspebrac, Q...l\lerchants' H.J. N. Odell. Acting Agent 
Perth ......... ... * :.\Ierchants' ...J ames Gray, :\Ianllger 
" ............ Montreal,...... R. J. Drummond, :\Ianager 
Pembroke ......Quebec ..........T. F.Cox, Manager 
.. ......Ottawa .........Hector Fra
r. !.\Ianager 
Peterborough... Toronto ... ......J. H. Roper, 
c, '" Montreal....... F. J. Lewis, Manager 
...COmmerce..... W. Manson. Manager 
" ...Outario .........Chas. McGill. 
PPjitcodiac, N.B., Halifax Bk. Co.J. Brough, Agent 
Pet1 alia ......... London... ....... P. Campbell. :\Ianager 
Pickering.......Ontario .........Geo. Kerr, Manager 
Picton ............:\Iontreal .... ...R. J. B. Crombie, !lIanager 
" ............Standard..........T. S. London, Agent 
Pictou, N. S. ...Nova Scotia ...Howard Primrose. Agent 
" ...Merchants'......G. R. Chisholm, Agent 
" ...Pictou Bank ...D. C. Chalmers. lIanager 
Port COlborne...Imperial...... ...G. C. Easton, Manager 
Port Elgin......Hamilton ......Wm. Corbould. Agent 
P.Hawkubury.!lIerchants......Fred. L. l'tl. Paint, Agent 
Port Hope ......l'tlontreal .......A. J. C. Galletly, Manager 
" ...... Toronto ......... W. R. Wadsworth, :\lanager 
Port Perry......Ontario ......... W. J. McMurtry, 
Port Arlhur....Ontario .........R. N. King, Manager 
Prucott .......... :\Ierchants'...T. Kirby, i\fanager 
Quebec......... ...QUEBEc ........ . Jat'. Stevenson, Cashier 
" ............UNION ............E. E. Webb, Cashier 
" ............LA BANQ. NAT. P. Lafrance. Cashier 
.. ...........,B. N. America.H.l\1. J. MdIichael, l\lngr 
" ............Montreal ...... John Porteous, Manager 
c, ............. !.\lerchants'...John Gault, Manager 
" ............Du Peuple ... .E. C. Barrow, Manager 
Regina............Montreal......F. J. Hunter. Manager 
Renfrew, Ont.. * l\lerchants'...C. G.l\Iorgan,Manager 
Richmolld......E. Townshlps..W. L. Ball. Manager 
Richmond Hill. Central. .. ....J.!l1. Lawrence. :\Ianager 
Ridgetmon......Molsons .........1. lIIcMahon, Manager 
" . . . . Traders. . ... .J. A. Mal'kAllar, Manager 
Sackville, N.B.:\lerchants' . ...Fnlton !lIcDougall, Agent 
.. .. Halifax Bk. Co. Thos. A. II. Mason, Agent 
8arnia .........yontreal ......Geo. H. Griffin. Manager 
" .........Commerce ......T. W. Nisbet, Manager 



Sarnia .........Traders .........Stnart Strathy, Manager 
Shelburm, N.S.. Halifax Bk. Co. Geo. W. McLean, Agent 
Slterbrooke ......E. TOWNSHlPs.Wm. Farwell. Gen'l. Man. 
.. ...... Merchanta'...J. A. Ready, Manager 
...... La Banq. N at... L. Clapin, Acting Manager 
Seafortlt...... ...Commerce .... A. H. Ireland, Manager 
Simcoe............Commerce ......E. Cowdry, Manager 
" ............Federal .........T. A. Stephen, Act. l\lan. 
Smitlt'l Fall'...lHolsons.........F. A. Bethune, Manager 
1. ............:\Iolsons .........G. Crebasl!la. :\Ianager 
" ......... D'lIocltelaga. .N. Dorval, Manager 
Stanstead ......E. Townships..S. Stevens, :\Ianager 
St.Oatharine...Imperial.........C. M. Arnold. Manager 
.. Commerce ... ...F. O. Cross, J\lanager 
Toronto .........G. W. Hodgetts. :\Ianager 
St. Hyacinthe... La B. J. Cartier.A. Clement, !.\Ianager 
.. LaBanque de St.Hyacinthe, R. S. Jacquell 
St. John, N.B..N. BRUNSWICK W. Girvan, Cashier 
" " B. N. America.W. B.Collier, 'lanager 
Montreal.... ...E. C. Jones. Manager 
Mar. Bk of Do.. Thos. MacLellan, Cashier 
Nova Scotia ...J. M. Robinson, l\lanager 
Halifax Bk.Co.JaR. G. Taylor, Agent 
St. John's, Q....* :\Ierchants' ...E H. Heward, ManaKer 
" " ....Bank de St. Jean, P. Bandouin. Cashier 
" ....Du P6uple ..... . . P. Bandoin, Manager 
St. JerO'YY!Æ, Q.. Du Peuple . . .... . J. A. Theberge, Manager 
St. Mary's ......Montreal ......R. Hillyard, :\Ianager 
" ......Federal. ......C. 8. Rumsey. :\Ianager 
St. Rtm;, Q......Du Peuple.....C. Bedard, Manager 
St.Stephen,NB.ST. STEPHEN's..Robert Watson, Cashier 
" Nova Scotia.. .J. Black, Agent 
St. Thoma........ Merchanta'...W. Pringle Manager 
" ......Imperial. ......M. A. Gilbert, Manager 
" ......Molsonø .........C. W.Clincb, Manager 
" ... .Traders..... .A. G. Simpson, Manager 
Slellarton, N.S.Nova Scotia... .J. Johüstone, Agent 
Stratford ......* Merchants'...T.:E. P. Trew, Manager 
" ......Montreal .......G. A. Farmer, Manager 
" ......Commerce...... Wm. Maynard,jun., Mgr 
Strathroy ......Commerce ......J. S. Small, :\Iana!!:er 
.. ......Federal ......... W. Thomson Smith, Mgr. 
Sum'ln'-rlidl! P.E.1.i\lerchants',. P. W. Morrison, Agent 
" I{ankof N.S. ...Neil McKelvie, Agent 
Uk. Summerside, R l\lc. C. Stavert.Cashier 
Sussex, lv.B....Nova Scotia. . .Geo. W. Daniel, Agent 
S'Jdm'IJ. C B....Merchants', H.J. E. Burchell, Agent 
Thorold... ..Commerce......W. J. Robertson, I'tIanager 
" ..........Quebec ..........D. B. Crombie, Manager 
Tltru River.r...Quebec.........T. C. Coffin, Manager 
" " ... (.a Banq. Nat. Union BanK, Agent 
" ...Du l'euple.., .P. E. Panneton, Manager 
" . . D'Horhelaga . . H. N. Boire, Manager 
'l'ilsonburg ...... Federal. ......... A. F. H. Jones. l'tIanager 
.. ... .Western......- -, Manager 
Toronto ......... COMMERCE. ...... W. N. Anderson. Gen. Mgr. 
c, ........ do. Brand. J. C. Kemp, Mßnager 
. L. Bolster, Sub Manager 
..... .CENTRAL. .... .. .A. A. Allen, Ca8hier 
. ....." Yonge St Br.F. V. Pt.ilpott, Mgr. 
.........ONTARIO .........Cha!!. Holland, Gen'l Man. 
......... do, Branch.W. H. Smith, Manager 
..... do. Q'n St, W. Br. R. B. Caldwell, :\Igr 
. . . .. . STANDARD. ... ...J. L. Brodie, Cashier 
.........FEDERAL.........G. W. Yarker,Gen.Manager 
J. O. Bucbanan, Local :\Igr 
.........DOMI810N .......R. H. BE'tbunE', Cashier 
...... do. Q'n St. E. R. M. Gray, Acting Agent 
. '.... do. Q'n St.W.J. Price, Manager 
. . . . . . do. Mark't Dr. T. G. Brough, Act. Agt. 
...... ...IMPERHL ....... D. R. Wilkie. Cashier 
......... TORONTO......... Duncan Coulson, Cashier; 
H ugh Leach, Asst. Cashier 
... .. . TRADERS.. . .. .11. S. Strathy, Gen. Mngr 
.........B. N. America. Wm. Grindlay, Manager 
........... l\Ierchants'... Wm. Cooke, Manager 
It F. Hebden, Asst. l\lngr 
.........Montreal ......C. Brough, :\1anager 
.........Quebec. .........J. Walker, I'tlansB;er 
" .........Molsons.........O. A. Pipon, Act. ;\lanager 
" .. ...... La Banq. Nat. Bank of Toronto, A
Tott-mham ......IIamilton .......W. P. Robarts. Agent 
Trenton. O'nt.. Molson!! . . . . . . ll. B. Wilson, Act. l\Ianager 
7r'Uro,N.S. ....Merchants' II. Martin Dickie, Agent 
" ......Halitax Bk.Co.A. Allan. AI!:9nt 
U:x;bridge .......Ðominion ......R. ROils, Acting Agent 









Valkyfield, Q...Jac. Cartier....E. de Martigny, Manager 
Vancouver,B.C.Bk. B. Colum.J. C. Keith, Agent 
Victoria, J":1. ...B. COLUMBIA ...W. C. Ward, Manager 
" "... B N. America. rJavin H. Burns, Manager 
Jïcloriavilk, Q.Jac. Cadier.....J. H. Cooke, Man'lger 
JValkerton ...... * Merchants' ...J. C. Paterson, Manager 
" ......Commerce......J. R. Clark-e, Manager 
Trallaceburg.. Traders. ,..... A. W. Murton, Manager 
Waterloo, Q. ...E. Townships..W. I. Brigg8. Manager 
JVaterloo, Ont..
lolson's.........J. He8peler, Manager 
TJ'a(ford......... London. ......... T. A. Telftjr, Act. :\Ianager 
welland ......... Imperia!...... ...J. McG Iw<han, Manager 
ß-eymouth,.N:S.l\lerchant8' ......D. Kemp, Agent 
WhitbV .........Ontluio ......... W. Beith, l'tlanager 
" _.......Dominion ......H. B. Taylor, Agent 
......... We8tern......- -, Manager 
or, Ont..*Merchants'...Wm. Kingsley, Manager 
.. "Commerce ......C. M. Stork, Manager 
Windsor, N. S. COMMEROJAL ... Walter Lawson, Cashier 
" "Halifax Bk. Co.J. A. RU8sell, Agent 
Wingham ......Hamilton . .. .B. Willson, Agent 
Winnipf.g. Com.Bk. of Manitoba. D. MacArthur, 
" ........ Merchant8...D. Miller, 
A, Wick80n, AFst. Manager 
.... ... Montreal... ...James Hogp;, :lIIanager 
. ......Ontario. .........E. Porter, Manager 
. ......Federal .........F. L. Patton, Manager 
.......Imperial.........C. S. Hoare, Manager 
" ...... . Ottawa ..... ....F. H. Mathewson, Manager 
" ......Union ............G. H. Balfonr, l\lanager 
Woodstock ... ...Commerce ... ...D. H. Charles, Manager 
.. . .. . Imperial.. . . . . S. B. Fuller, Manager 
......MoI80ns...... ...C. M. McCuaig, Manager 
.N:B.Nova Scotia .. Wm. Haliburton, Agent 
wotfvílle,.N:S. People's .......A. De W. Bar8s, Agent 
Yarmouth,.N:S.YARMouTH . .... Thomas W. Johns, Cashier 
" .. Nova Scotia ...J. H. Lombard, Agent 
Yarmouth,N:S.Exchange ....A. S. Murray, Cashier 
Yorkvílle.........Centml .........R. J. Montgomery, Manager 
" .........Fedtlral .........G. C. Dunstan, Manager 
* Merchants' Bank of Canads. 

Head Office New York, D. A. JIll-Tavish and H. Stika- 
man, Agents; Chicago, Agent8, H. M. Breedon and 
J. J. :\Iorrison; Boston, U. S., Merchants' National 
Bank; San Prancisco, Wm. Lawson and C. E. Taylor, 
Agents; Flngland, Union Bank of Manchester. and 
Bank of Liverpool; Scotland, National Bank and 
Commercial Bank; Ireland, Provincial Bank and 
National Bank; Paris, Marcuard, Kraus!! & Co.; 
West Indies, Colonial Bank: Australia and New Zea- 
land, Union Bank of AU8tralia. 
FEDERAL BANK-London. National Bank of Scotland; New 
York, AmericAn Exchange National Bank; Buffalo; 
Bank of Commerce; Boston, Maverick National Bank. 
Oswego, Second Nat. Bank; Chieago. First Nat. Bank. 
BANK OF TORoNTo-London, City Bank (LimitE'd); New 
York, Nat. Bk. Commerce, W. Watson and A. Lang; 
Oswego, Second National Bank; Halifax, Union Bank 
of Halifax; New Brunswick, Bank of Nova Scotia; 
Quebec, La Banque Nat. 
BANK OF UAMlLT08-New York, Bank of Montreal, N.Y.; 
London, The National Bank of Scotland. 
BANK OF MONTREAL-London,Bk.ofMontreaJ,C.Ashworth, 
Manager, Hank of England, London & Westminster 
Bank, Union Bank of London; Liverpool, Bank of 
Liverpool; Scotland, Briti8h Linen Company; New 
York, W. Watson & Alex. Lang; Boston. Merchants' 
Bonk; Chicago, Bank of Montreal, W. Munro, 

Ianager; R. Y. Hebden, Assistant Manager; San 
co, Bank of British Colnmbia. 
QU.lBEO BANK-London, Bank of Scotland; New York, 
Agenta, Bank of British North America. 
IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA-London. Lloyds, Barnetts 
& ß08anquet'S Bank (Limited); Nt:l1J York, Bank of 
Montreal, R. Trvin & Co.; Chicago, First National 
Bapk; St. PauL, :;t:
ond National Bank; Detroit, First 
National Bank; Buffalo, Bank of Buffalo; Boston, 
National Bank of the Crommonwealth; Oswego, Second 
Notional Bank. 
BA8K D'HoCHELAGA-London, Clydesdale Bank (Limited); 
...Yew York, National Park Bank; Paris, André, 
Girod &; Co. 

MEROHANTS' BANK OF CANADA-London The Clyde8dale 
Bank (Limited); New York, Bank df New York and 
Merchants' Bank of Canada, 61 Wall Street; New. 
foundland Commercial Bank. N. F.; NCt1a Scotia, 



k of Halifax:New Brunswick, Bank 
Ol(TARIO BANK-London, Alliance Bank (Limited); .New 
YCTk, The Bank of the State of New York; Boston, 
Tremont National Bank: Oswego, First National 
Blink; Chicago, Bank of Montreal; St. Paul'B, Mer. 
chants' National Bank; Nova Scotia, People'8 Bank 
of Halifax; New Brunswick, Bank of Montreal, St. 
John. N.B.; P. E. Island, Merchants' Bank of Halifax 
at Charlottetown. 
ALE- London, National Bank of Scot 
Ian"'; Paris, Grunebaum frere8 & Co.; .New York, 
National Bank of the Republic; Boston, The Revere 
MOLBONS BANK-London, Alliance Bank (Limited), Glynn, 
!tIiIl8, Currie & Co., Morton. Rose & Co.; LiV'-rpool, 
Bank of Liverpool; ÁntweTp, BPlgium, La Banqe 
D'AnveI8; Portland, Casco National Bank; Hdena, 
'}lcmana, Fir8t National Bank; Butte, Montana. Flr8t 
National Bank; Ne11J York. Mechanics' National Bank, 
W. Watson and A. Lang, Morton. Blis!! & Co ; Boston, 
Merchant'8 National Bank; C'leveland, Com. National 
Bank; ,Jlilwaukee, Wiscon8in Marine and Fire Ins. Co. 
Bank: C'lIicapo, First NationalBank; Detroit, Mechan- 
iC8' Bank; Toledo, Second National Bank; Buffaio, 
Third National Bank; Nova Scotia, Halifax Banking 
Co., Halifax, N.S.; NfW Brunswick, Bank of New 
Brunswick, St. John'a, N.B.; Newfoundland. Com. 
mercial Bank of Newfonndland. St. John's, Nfld. 
CANADIAN BANK OP COMMERCE-London, Bank of Scotland, 
London and County Bank, Agra Bank (Limited), 
Chartered Bank of India, AU8tralia and China, Ger. 
man Bank of Lom!on; Irdand, Nortbern Banking 
Co.; New York, J. H. Goadby and B. E. Walker, 
Agents; C'ldcago, Aml!rIcan Exchange Nat. Bank; 
OSllJego, First Nßtional Bank; SyrafJ'Use, First Natio. 
nal Bank; Buffalo, Bank of Commerce in Buffalo. 
UNION BANK 0. CANADA.-London, London ct County 
Bank; New York, National Park Bank. 
LA BANQUE J AOQUES CARTIER.-London, OIyn, Mills & Co; 
New York, National Bank of Republic. 
LA BANQUJ; DU PEUPLE-Quebl!c Oily, E. C. Barrow, Mgr. 
Quebec Branch; London, Alliance Bank, Limited; 
New York. National Bank of the Republic. 
UNION BANK OF HAUFAx-London, London & Westmlnater 
Bank; Newfoundland, Commercial Bank. Newfound- 
land; New York, National Bank of Commerce; Boston, 
Merchants' National Bank; Montrwl. Bank ot 
Toronto; Toronto. Bank of Torouto and Branches. 
MERCHANTS' BANK OP P. K I.-London. City Bank; .New 
York, The Bank of New York, N. B. A.; Bnston,The 
B08ton National Bank; Montual, Bank of Montreal; 
Newfoundland, Union Bank of Newfoundland. 
CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA-In Canada, Can. Bank of 
Commerce; Lond01l, JiJng.: National Bank of Scotland; 
New York: Importers and Traders National Bank. 
of London; New York, Bank of New York; Halifax, 
Bank of Nova Scotia; St. John, .N:B., B
nk of New 
Brunswick; Nontrwl. Merchants' Bank of Canada. 
MERCHANTS' BANK OP HALIFAx.-Ontario and Quebec, 
Merchant!!' Bank of Canada; St. Jolin, N. B., Bank 
of I\ew Brunswick; New York, Bank of New York, 
N. B. A.; Boston. National Hide & Leather Bank; 
st. John's, Newfoundland. Union Bank of Newfound. 
land; London, JiJng., Imperial Bank (Limited), Wil- 
liams, Deacon & Co.; Hamilton, Bermuda, W. F. 
Mitchell, Agent; St. Pif:rn, Nig'Uflon, G. H. Mac- 
kenzie, Agent. 
PEOPLE'S BANK OF HALIFAx-London, Union Bank; Bo,ton, 
New England National Bauk; New York. Bank of 
New York, N. B. A.; Montrwl, Ontario Bank. 
BANK OP NOVA ScoTIA-Minnwpolis, Minn., J. B. Forgan 
and Dauiel Wat.ers, Agent8. Corre8pondents:-Can- 
ada. Merchants' Bank of Canada and branche8, Bank 
of British Columbia; Great Britain: London, Royal 
Bank of Scotland, Williams, Deacon &; Co.; Scotland, 
Royal Bank of Scotland and branches; Newfound- 
land, Union Bank of Newfoundland; United stale,: 
New York, Bank of New York, N. B. A., John Paton 
& Co.; Bo,ton, Merchant!! National Bank, KIdder, 
Peabody & Co.; San Francisco, Bank of British 





K op 
EW BRU1'f3WICK-Lond01l. Williams. Deacon " 
Co.; New York, Mechanics' National Bank; Boston 
ational Bank; Prince Edward's Island, Clulr. 
lott,town, Mert'hants' Bank; SU1n7nerside, Summer
Bank; Prederieton, People's Bau k; Halifa:J:, .N.S., 
Merchl\nts' Bank. 
. B.-London, Union Bank; lYe. 
Fork, Fourth National Bank; Boston, Eliot National 
Back; Nontreal, Union Bank of L. C. 
D0:!4INI08 BANK-London, Xational Bank of Scotland; 
New York, W. Watson and A. Lang, the National 
City Bank. 
EASTERN TOWNSHIPS BANK-London, London National 
Blink of Scotland; Boston, 
ational Exch. Bauk; 
lVPW York. National Park Bank. 
STA8DARD BA8K-New York, W. Wat!!on & A. Lanl!;. Agtro. 
Bk. of Montreal; MiJntreal, Bk. of Montreal; London, 
E" National Bank of Scotland, (Limited). 
YKISG C'l.-Dominion of Canada. Molson's 
Bank and Merchants' Bank of Canada; Boston, Suffolk 
National Bank; New York, Bank of New York, John 
Pawn & Co.; LoruJ.on. Eng., Alliance Bank (Limited). 
Union Bank of London. 
UNIOY BANK OF P. K ISLAND-London, Union Bank of Lon. 
don; .J..Y,w Y07'k, National Park Bank; Boston, Mer. 
chant!!' NatioulIl Bank; Montreal. Bank Montreal. 
. S.-Hall:fa:J:, The Merchantø' Bank 
of Halifax; St.John, The Bank of Montreal and the 
Bank of Britil;h North America; New York, The 
:Sational Citizen!!' Bank; Boston, The Eliot National 
Bank; London, G. B.. The Union Bank of London; 
Montreal and Quebec. The Bank of MontreaL 

MARITIME BANK-London, 33 Lombard Street, A. S. 
Hincks, Manager; Bankt:r" Imperial Bank (Limited), 
Bank of1'tlontr
al, Birchin Lane. 
THB PICTOU BANK-London, Eng., Imperial B'k (Limited); 
.New York, Agentø Bank of Montreal; Montreal, Bank 
lon treal. 
K-Boston, Globe National Bank; Nt!'IIJ 
York, New York Bank and National Bankinl!' A8I!o, 
ciation: London, G lyn. Mills, Currie ct Co.; Montreal, 
Bank of l'rlontreal. 
BANK op BRITISH COLUMBIA - London, Smiths, Payne ct 
Smiths; San Pranci,ro, Bank of British Columbia; 
Ealtlrn Provinces of C:anada, Bank of :\lontreal; New 
York, W. Watson; Chiro.go, Bank of 
[ontreal; Me:ricp 
and South America. London Bank of Mexico and SoutÞ 
America; China, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. 
C,.rporalÌoû; Australia, English, Scottish, and Austra 
lIan Chartered Bank. 
NK op OTnwA-Lrmdon, Eng., Alliance Bank (Limited). 
-,Yew York, Chicago 'ind CUnada, Canadian Bank of 
BANK OF L08DON-Great Britain, National Bank of Scot- 
land, London; Unitld Statu, National Park Bank; 
Canada. The Moisons Bank. 
TRADERS BANI OP CANADA-London, National Bank of 
Scotland; New F"ork, American Exchange 
Bank; Buffalo, Bank of Buffa}.); Ch.iro.go, Fir8' 
National Bank; Ost!ego, Second National Bank; 
Quebec, Quebec Bank. 
NK OP MANIToBA-London, Boyd, Camp- 
bell, Bnxton & Co.; Canada & lYew York. Merchant8' 
Bank of Canada; St. Paul, Firat National Bank. 


All Articlu not hereaftP'1' enumerated as charged with an ad valorem duty, or charged with a specific duty, or declared 
free of duty, are chargeabú with a duty of20 per cent. on tM valm thl':Teof. 

 c. ad val. 
AbsInthe. . . . $2 00 per Imp. gal. 
Acid-Acetic ............... .... 
25c. per Imp. gal. and... 20 
" Sulphuric...l cent. per lb. 
.. Sulphuric and Nitric com. 
bined, and all mixed 
Acids ................ 25 
:\luriatic and Nitric... ... 20 
Oxalic......... ... ............ ...Free 
Carboys containing Acids 
same rate aø empty. 
Aconite............... ...................., Free 
Advertising BiUs a'D.d Folders, 
10 ct8. per lb. and .................. 20 
Advertising Pictures or Pictorial 
Cards and Tailors Fashion 
Plato8, 6 cents per lb. and ...... 20 
Advertising Pamphlets $1 00 per 100 
Agricultural Implement8 ...... 35 
Agaric ... .............................. ...Free 
Agates, Amethyøtfl,.-\qua 
Bloodswnes, Carbuncles. Cats' 
Eyes, Cameo!!, Coral, Corne Ii. 
ans. Crystal, CrYflolite, Crosor- 
dolite, Intaglio, inlaid or in- 
crnsted 8tones, Onyx, Sardonyx, 
Topas, Turquoises, Rubies, 
Pearl8, Sapphires, Emeralds, 
Garnets and Opals, not polj,lh- 
ed nor otherwise manufactured.Free 
Do.. when manufactured ...... 10 
Ale, in bottles. (6 quarts or 12 pts. 
to one gallon) 18 ots per Imp. gl. 
Ale, otherwise than in bottles, 10 
cents par Imp. gal. 
Alkanet Root ...... ...... ............ ...Free 
Almonds, shelled...5 centø per lb. 
" not shelled...&. per lb. 
Aloes .... ......... ........................ Free 
Alum....... ...... ........................ Free 
Aluminum ......... ..................... Free 
Ambergris. ... ........................... Free 
Ammonia, Sulphate of...............Free 
Anatomical Preparations. . . .. . . . Free 
Aniline Dyes, in bulk or packets 
of not less than lIb. each. ... Free 
Do., not otherwløe provided for. 10 
Aniline Oil, crude.....................Free 

 e. ad val. 
 c. ad val. 
Aniline salts. ......... .................. Free lengths for walking øtlckø or 
Animals living, of all kind!!. ...... 20 canes, Or for øticks forumbrellaø 
Animal8 brought into Canada tem- paraøolø or !!nn!<hades ............ Free 
porarily for the purpose of Bamboo8, unmanufactured.........Free 
exhibition ...........................Free Barrels, filled with petroleum or 
Animals for the Improvemen' of itø productø. or any mixture of 
Stock....................... . Free which petrolenm Is a part ...... 
Annato, lIq oid or solid. ............ Free 40 cents each. 
Anchorø. ............... ...... ............ Free Barrels of Canadian manufactnre, 
Antimony. ...... ............... ...... ... Frat' exported filled with domestic 
Apparatus and Philosophical In- petroleum and returned empty. Free 
strnments imported by and for Barilla .... ... ............................ Free 
nse of colleges, øchoolli and Bark, Tanners' ............... ......... Free 
literary societieø ...................Free Bsryte!!, unmanufl\ctured .........Free 
-\ppilorel, wearing and other pt'r- I Bath Bricks. ........................:.. 20 
sonal and hou!!ehold effectø, not Beans. ...... ...15 centø per bushel. 
merchandise, of British subjectø Beans, Vanilla and 
ux Vomica. Free 
dying abroad, but domiciled In Beads and BeM Ornaments......... 30 
Canada............... ......... .........Free Bed Comforterø or QuUtø of 
Argol, dUllt and crude:.......:... ... Free I Cotton......... ............... ......... 271 
Army & :'iavy & Canadian MIlitia: Bees ...... ....... .... ......... ..Free 
Arms, Clothing, Mu!!ical Inøtrn- Bells, except for churche8 . .. ... 30 
mentsfor Band8, l\lilitary øtores Bells, for chnrches............... ...... Free 
and munitionø of war ...... ......Free Belladonna. .... .... . ... .... . . .Free 
Arøeniate of Aniline...... ............ Free Belts and Truflseø ..................... 25 
Ar8enic......... ............ ......... ......Fretl Berrieø for dyeing, or used for 
Articles for nse of the Gov. Gen.Free compoeing dyes.....................Free 
Articleø for the use of Foreign Beer in wood...10c. per Imp. gal. 
Con8nlø Ganeral... .. .. .. .. . . .Free Beer. In bottles 18c. per Imp. gal. 
Articles for the uøe!! of the Domi- Billiard Table8, without pockets, 
nion Government, and for the four feet six Inche8 by nine feet 
Senate and House of Commons. Free or under each $2250 and ad val 16 
Artificial Mowers ..................... 25 BUllard Tableø, over four feet !!ix 
A8bestos, in any form other than incheø by nine feet, each $2500 
crude, and all manufactures and ad val. ........................... 16 
thereof ................................. 25 BUllard Tables, with pockets, five 
Asheø, Pot and Pearl. ...............Free feet six incheø byeleven feet... 
Ash. Soda...... ......... ............... ...Free or under, each $35 00 and ad val. 16 
A!!phaltum 1II1nerai ............ Free Billiard Table8, all over five feet 
Assafootlda Gum. ..................... 20 ølx Inchel by eleven ft'et, each 
Axes ............ ...... ...... ...... ......... 30 $-10 /lnd ad val. ......... ............ 15 
Babbl t Metal... ............ ............ 10 Each table to Incl ude 12 cueø, 
Bagatelle Table!!. ...... .... . . ... 85 one set of four ballø with mark- 
Bl\II;gllge, Travellelø'..................Free ers, clothø and caseø, but DO 
Bags, contllining fine sait ......... 25 pool balls. 
Baking Powder......6 cents per lb. Bird Cages .................... 30 
Bamboo Reeds, not further manu. Bitterø, containing splrlt8 $1 90 
factured than cut into suitable per Imp. gal. 


 c. ad "al. 
Bichromate of Soda ..................Free 
Bismuth. ...... ...... ......... ... ...... ...Free 
Bolting Cloths. ...................... .JJ'ree 
Blacking (Shoe)........................ 2$ 
Black Lead ............ ......... ......... 20 
6iscuit .................................... 20 
Bladders ...... ......... ......... ......... 20 
.Blueing-Laundry ()( all kinds.... 25 
Blue Vitriol........................ ...... Free 
Breadstuffs when damaged by 
water in IranlÍtu . _ . .. . . . . . .. 20 
Bones, crude and not manu- 
factured, burned, calcined, 
ground or steamed ...............Free 
Bone Dnstand bone ash for manuf. 
of phospbat.!s and fertilizers ... Free 
Boracic Acid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Borax ..................... ............... Free 
Botany, eperimens of ...... ......... Free 
Bristles ....... ........................ ...Free 
Brimstone, in roll or flour (crude)Free 

rim-moulds for gold beaters...... Free 
Bromine. ................................. Free 
Broom, Corn. ... ......... ......... ......Free 
.nooks-Printed Periodicals, and 
Pamphlets, not elsewhere spefi- 
fled not being foreign reprints of 
British copyright works, nor 
-Blank Acc't Books, nor Copy 
Books, nor Books to be written 
or drawn upon, nor Bibles, 
PraYl'r Books,Psaim and Hymn 
Books ................ ......... ......... 15 
Ðooks-Bound, printed over 7 
years, except British copyright 
works ...................... Free 
Bookø-Printed by any Govern- 
ment or Scientific Association, 
not for trade .........,...... Free 
Ðookø, British copyright works, 
reprints of, ad val........ 12
 & 15 
Books for the use of Schools for 
the Deaf and Dumb, and Em- 
bossed Bookii for the Blind.... Free 
Ðibleø, Prayer Books, Psalm and 
Hymn Books ......... ............... 5 
Bookø blank. viz.: Account, Books 
Copy Books, or Books to be 
written or drawn upon, Printed, 
Lithographed or Copper or Steel 
Plate Bill Heads, Cbeques, 
Receipts, Drafts, Card!!, and 
othff Commercial Blank Forml3 30 
Ðookbinders' Tools .\ Implements, 
including Ruling l'oIachineø & 
Binders' Cloth. ..................... 10 
Boots and Shoes. Leather.... ...... 26 
Boot, Shoe and Stay Laces, of any 
material .................... 30 
Besds and Bead Ornaments....... 30 
131ankets, Woollen, 71 centl' per 
lb. Rnd ad val. . .................... 20 
Braces or SUflpendt'rs of all kinds 30 
Brandy.........$2 00 per Imp. gal. 
Brass in bars, bolts, wire, tubing 10 
Bmøø, sheets and old scrap.........Free 
Brass, in strips for printers rules. 15 
BraBII, manufactureø of, not else. 
where specified ............... ...... 30 
Brick for bnilding. . . .. .. .... .'. 20 
Britannia and 1'tletal Ware......... 25 
Britannia Metal in Pigø and Barø.Free 
Brooms and Brusheø .... ............ 25 
Buchu leaves ........................... Free 
Buckram, for the manufacture of 
hat and bonnet shapefl............Free 
Buckwheat... ...10 cents per bush. 
Buckwheat meal or flour tc. 
Butter..................! cents per lb. 
Bullion, gold and silver ...... ...... Free 
Ø in blocks. rough or 
unmanufactured,andnot bound 
up into mlllstones..................Free 
Burguudy Pitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . Free 
Buttons ................ - . . . ... 25 
'Button Covers, Crozier. . . .. . . . .. 10 



 c. ad val. 
 c. ad val. 
Calumba Root .........................Free Chicory, raw or green, 3e. per lb. 
Carriages of Travt'llers, and Car. "or other Root, or Vega- 
riage3 laden with merchandise, table used as a øubBtitute for 
and not to include circns troops Coffee, kiln dried, roasted or 
nor hawkerø....... .......... Free ground...... ...4 cts. per lb. 
Cabinets of Coinø, :\Iedals and all Chaire, Wrought Iron or Steel, 
other collections of Antiquitieø.Fre. imported for Railway purpose/! 17 t 
Carpeting, Matting and :\lats of Chalk and Cliff 8tone, unmanufac.Free 
Hemp. . . . .. . . . . . , .. . . ., . . . .. 25 Chamomile Flowers. . . .. .. . . .. . Free 
Carpet Bags, 'frunks,Satchels and Chinchona Bark............ .........Free 
V:\IiS6S . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. ...... 30 Chloralum or Chloride of Alum. 
Carpets, not otherwiøe provided inium. .................................Free 
for ....................,..... 25 Church Vestments.... . . .. .. ... 20 
Casts, as models for the use of Cherry-heat Welding Compound. Free 
schools of design. ............ . Free Chronometers for ships....... . Free 
Camphor Gum. . . . .. .... .. .. ... 20 Chloride of Lime. . . .. . . ...... .. Free 
Canva!l, for :\lanufacture of Floor Chocolate, not sweetened.. . . ... 20 
Oil Cloth, not less than forty- "sweetened. . . .. . . .. . . . 
five inches wide and not pressed 1 ct. per lb. and ad ral. 25 
or calendered. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Free Chip Hatø. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. 25 
Cans or packages made of tin or Cinnabar .................................Free 
any other material containing Cigars and Cigarettes. .. .. . . . . " 
fish orany kind admitted free of $1.20 per lb. and ad val. 20 
duty under any existing law or Citronø and Rinds of, in brine, for 
treaty not exceeding one quart candying ........... . . . . .. . . . Free 
in contents, 1% cents on each Cider, not clarified or refined,. . .. 
can orpal'kage, when exceeding 5 cents pH gall. 
one quart an additional duty of when clariflt'd or r..fined... 
 cents for each additional 10 cents per gall. 
quart or fractional part thereof. Clays. . . .. .. ..... .. ....... .. . . . Free 
Caontchouc, unmanufactured. . . Fre. Clocks, and parts of. . . .. . . . . . . .. 35 
Cane Or Rattan, split Or otherwise I Clock 
prings ........................... 10 
manufactured. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. 25 Clothing, donation 0(, (or chari. 
Cat-gut, Strings Or Gut Corll for table purposes........... ., ... Free 
Musical Instruments..... .... Free Clothing of any matflrl81, includ- 
Cat-gut or Whip. gut., unmanuPd Fru Ing horse clothing shaped, not 
Carriages-Buggies of all kinds, otherwise provided for........ 30 
Farm Wagp;ons, Farm, Railway, Coal, Anthracite,50c'ijHon; Bitu- 
or Freight Carts, Pleasure Carts minous, 60c 
 ton of2,0001bs. 
or Gigs and simiiar vt'hicles, Coal Du8t...................... 20 
not otherwise enumerated .... 35 Coal Tar and Coal Pitch ........ 10 
Railway Cars, Sleighs. Cutters, Coffins of any material.......... 35 
Wheel-barrows and Hand-Carts 30 Coke............ .50 cts. per ton 
ChiidI en's Carriages of all kinds. 35 Com bs, Î,)r dress and toilet, of ail 
Cartridges. . . .. . . .. .. . . . ., .. ... 30 kinds. . ... .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. 25 
Candles, Tallow.....2 cts. per lb. Cocoa :\Iatting.................. 25 
" Parafine Wax,5c. per lb. Cordials..... .$1:90 per Imp, gal. 
all other. . . . . . . .. . . .... 25 Corn. Ind ian. . .7 t cts- per bnshel 
Cabinet Ware or Furniture. . . ... 35 Combs, all other. . . .. . . . . " . . ... 25 
Cards, Playing....6 ctø. per pack Composition ornaments...... ... 30 
Cards Valentineø. Chromo Cards, Coral. . . ,. . . .. ... .... .. . . .. . . .. Free 
Xew Year or Embossed Cards Cod Liver on, medicatt'd........ 20 
and all other, not being business Cotton, manufactures of. vlz.:- 
or advertising cards............... 25 Greyor unblellched, and bleach- 
Canvas for Ships use.. . . '. . . .. .. 5 ed Sheeting Drillø, Ducks, 
" not elsewhere mentioned 20 Cotton or Canton Flannels, 
Carpets. ,iz.: BrU8sels, Tapestry, not stained, paint.ed or print- 
Dutch Venetian and Damask, ed, 1c. per square yd. an.! ad 
and lIats and Rugs of all kinds 25 val.................................... 16 
Caplins.unfinished Le
horn Hats. 20 Printed or dyed Cottons, not 

aps, lIats, Muffs, Tippets, Capes, elsewhere t'pl'cilied . . . . .. . .. 27 t 
Coats, Clollks and olher manu- Jeans, Denims, Drillings. Bed. 
factures of Fur ."........... 25 ticking, Ginghams. Plaids, 
Cases-Jewel and Watch-cases, Cotton or Canton Flannels, 
and other like articles of any Ducksand Drills, dyed or col- 
material .................... 30 ored. Cottonades, Pantaloon 
Celluloid, ig eheets, lumps or Stuff. and goods of like de- 
blo('ks ........................... ......Free I scription, ..... ......... .. 
Celluloid, monlded into sizes for 2c. per sq. Jd. and ad val. 15 
handles of knives or forks, not Jeans and Contilles. when im- 
otherwise mannfactured 
........ 10 ported by Corset makers for 
Cement, raw or in stone (rom U8e in their factories............ 20 
the quarry, per ton of 13 cubic All Cottoa, Wadding, Batting, 
feet. ......... .. .$1.00 per ton. Batts and Warp'!, Carl'et 
Cement, in bulk or in bagø... ... Warps, Knitting Yarn, Hos- 
9 cts. per bushel. iery Yarn, or other Cotton 
Cement, hydraulic or water lime, Yarns un.!er No. to, not 
gronnd, including barrel..... . bleached, dyed or colored...... 
40 cts. per bbl. 2 CIS. per Ib_ and ad vj1.1. 15 
Cement, burnt and nnground... Cotton Yarns, finer than No. 40, 
7l cts. per 100 Ibs. nnbleached. bleached or dyed, 
Cement, Portland or Roman, to be and not finer than 
o. 60, for 
classed with all other Cement. the mannfacture of Italian 
Che!:'se. . . .. ........ 3. cts. per Ib cloths Rnd worsted (abrleø ...Free 
China and porcelain Ware.. .... 30 Cotton 'Varp on beams.. . ... . 
China Clay, natural or ground ...Free 1 ct. per yd. and ad ral. 15 




 c. ad val. 
Cotton Warp, No. 60 and 1Iner. 15 
And if bleached, dyed or color. 
ed...3 cts. per lb. and ad val 15 
Cotton Seamless BllglI.. . . .. . . . 
2 cts. per lb. and ad val. 15 
Cotton Shirts and Drawers, 
wovo!n or made on frames, 
and on all cotton hosiery. . .. 30 
Cotton Sewing Thread on spools 20 
Cotton in hanks...... ...... '. 12j 
Cotton over 36 Inches v.ide 
when imported by manufac- 
turers of window shades for 
use In their factories. . . .. . .. 15 
Cotton, 42 inches wide and over, 
when imported by manufac- 
turers of enamelled cloth for 
ul'e in their flictories .......... 15 
Clothing, or of which Cotton Is 
the component pllrt of chief 
vaJue, including Corsets. . . .. 30 
LampWicks ................ 30 
Canvas of Hemp or fiax,and Sail 
Twine to be used for boats' 
and ships' sails. . .. . . . .. .. .. . 6 
Others not eiliewhere specified 20 
Cotton Bed Quilts ..................... 2ii 
Coffðe, green ......... ............ ......Free 
" "If from the U. S 10 
'. roasted or ground, from the 
U. S, 3 cts. per lb. and.... 10 
" roasted or gronnd, an iml. 
tatlon and substitnte for.. 
3 cts. per lb. 
Copper, old and scrap, in pigs, in 
bars, rods, bolts, ingots, Copper 
Wire, round or 1Iat,andCopper 
Seamless Drawn Tubing...... 10 
Copper in sheets .......,...... Free 
Cordage, of all kinds, H. C'ents per 
lb. and.... .. .. . '" . ... .. . . ." 10 
Copper Rivets and Burrs, an1 all 
manufactnres of copper not 
elsewhere specified.... . . .. . .. 30 
Compasses, ships'...:......... ..Free 
Confectionery and Sugar Candy, 
brown or white. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . 
Ii cts. per lb. and ad val. 35 
Colors, not elsewhere specified.. _ 20 
CorneJian, unmannfactured.... . Free 
" when manufactured. .. 20 
Cochineal. . . .. . . .. ............ Free 
Cocoa Bean and Nibs. .. .. .. . . '. Free 
Coin, Gold and Silver, except U. 
S. Silver Coin..... .......... .Free 
Commnnlon Plate............. . Free 
Coir and Coir Yarn. . . .. . . .. . . " Free 
Collodion 20 cts. per Imp. gal. and 20 
Conium Clcuta, or Hemlock, Seed 
and Leaf. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . Free 
Cork Wood or Cork Bark, unman- 
factured .......................... ...Free 
".. ".. manufac. 20 
Colors, viz.: Bichromate of Pot- 
ash, Ultramarine, Metallic 
colors, Cobalt, Zinc and Tin... Free 
Colors, viz : Blue Black, Chinelle 
Blue, Prusslan Blne, Raw Um- 
ber. Carmine, Lake8, Satin and 
1Ine washed White............ 20 
Cotton Waste ........... ...... .Free 
Cotton Wool...................Free 
Coal Tar and Coal Pitch. ... .. ... 10 
Cocoa Nnt8...... . . . $1.0(1 per 100 
Cocoa Nuts, when Imported direct 
from plllce of growth, 50c 
Cocoa Nut, dessicated...8c. per lb. 
Cocoa Pa
te and Chocolate, not 
sweetened... .. ........ .... ... 20 
Cocoa Pllste and other prepara- 
tions of Cocoa containing sugar 
1 ct. per lb. and ad val. 26 
Cornmeal ....... ,'0 ct8. per bbI. 
Crapes, of all kinds.... .. .. ..... 20 
Cream Tartar................. . Fret 
Crucible II . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. 20 

 c. ad va', 
Cultivators and parts thereof. . ,. 35 
Cutlery. . . .. .. . . ., .. . . .. . . . . ... 25 
D"mask of Cotton or Linen......... 25 
Diamonds. unset, black for borers, 
dust or OOrt. .... . . .. . . . . . . . . . Free 
Diamond Drillß, for prospecting 
for mlneralll . . . . . . . .. . . .' . . . . Free 
Drain-Tile, unglazed. . . .. . . .. . .. 20 
Drain Pipes and Sewer Pipes, 
glazed. ........... . .. .. . . ." 25 
Dragon's Blood.......... ...... .Ii'ree 
Duck, for Belting and Hose, when 
imported by manufacturers of 
Rubber Goods. for use in their 
factories ......... ............... ......Free 
Dyeing or Tanning Articles in a 
crude state, nsed in dyein:r or 
tanning, not elsewhere speci1ledFree 
Dye, jet black.............. ... .Free 
DolIs . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. 30 
Drug1l in a crnde state, used in 
dyeing or tanning........... .Ii'ree 
Dnst, Bone Dnet and Bone Ash for 
manufacture of phosphates and 
fertilizers....... ........ . _.. .}'ree 
Dualin and Dynamite, 00. per lb. 
and ad val. .................. 20 
Earthenwaro alJd Stoneware, viz : 
Demijohn" or Jugs, Churns and 
Crocks, two cents per galIon of 
holding capacity. 
Earthenware and Stoneware, 
Brown or Coloured, and Rock. 
Ingham ware. . .. .. " .... .' . .. 30 
Earthenware, White Granite or 
Iron Stoneware. and" C C," or 
Cream Colored Ware..... .' ... 30 
Earthenware, decorate J, printed 
OJ' sponged, and all Earthen- 
ware not elsewhere specified.. 30 
Earth, FuIlers'...... . . . . .. . . .. . Free 
Edge Tools of every description.. 30 
gggs ..... .................... .Free 
Electrotypes of standard books.. 10 
" for commercial b!anks 
and advertisements. ..... 20 
Electro Plated Wal'e and Gilt 
WareofaIl klnds,not to include 
J ewellery . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. 30 
Embroideries not elsewhere pro- 
vided for . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . ., 30 
Emery ........................ Free 
Emery P/lper. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . ... 25 
Emery Wheels .......... . . . . .. 25 
Engines, Locomotive and other 
Stationary Fire or other Steam 
Engines and Boilers.......... 25 
EngravIngs and Prints.. . . ., ... 20 
En tomology, specimens of ... .. , Free 
Envl;\lopes. . '.. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. ... 25 
Ergot. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . Free ' 
Esparto or Spanish Grass, and 
other grasses aod pulp of, for 
the manufacture of paper. . . . . Fret! 
EssencelJ. Th.: of Apple, Pear, 
Pine Apple. Raspberry, Straw- 
berry, Vanilla and other Fruits 
$1 90 ver Imp. gal. and _..... 20 
Essential oils for manufacturing 
pnrpOlles. ................... 20 
Excelsior for Upholsterers' use.. 20 
Extracts of Logwood .... .. . . . Free 
Ex tract or }<'I uid Beef ... ...... ...... 25 
Feathers, ustrich and Vnlture, 
undressed 20 
dresMed :50 
FeJioes and Whee]s (Wood) rongh, 15 
Felt adhesive fOr sheathing ves- 
s ..... ................... Free 
Felt. pressed, of all kinds, not 
1IIled or evvered by or with any 
woven fßbric ............. ............ 171 
Felt for glove linings. . . ... . .. . .. 10 
Felt Hats................. .. ... 25 
Fibrilla ....................... Free 
Fibre, Mexican. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . Free 

'f> c. ad .."al. 
Fibre, vegetable, for manufactur- 
ing purpOE:es. ...... ......... Free 
Flllcts of Cotton and Rubher not 
exceeding 7 inches wide when 
for manufltctnre of Card Cloth- 
ing.............................. ...... ...Fr_ 
Files .........................30 
Fire Clay ............... ..... Free 
Fire Proof Paint, dry, Xc. per lb. 
Fire 'V orkll. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. 26 
Fire Engines. ................. 23 
Fish-On /lnd after the h,t of 
Jnly, 1885, the Duties on Fish 
shall be as follows;- 
Mackerel... ............ per lb. 
Herrings, pickled or !'alted ...... 

c. per ]b. 
Salmon, pickled.... per lb. 
AIl other fish, pickled, in bar- 
rels . . .. ........... .lc. per lb. 
Foreign caught 1Ish, not speci- 
ally enumerated or provided 
for. . . . . . . .. .50c. per 100 lhe. 
Fish, Smoked and Bonelesll- 
Fish. .. .' .. .. .. .. .lc. per ]h. 
Anchovies and Sardines, packed. 
in oj] or otherwise, in tin 
OOxos measuring not more 
than 1Ive inches long. four 
inches wide and three and' 
one-half inches deep... ......... 
5c. per box. 
In half-boxes measuring not 
more than 1Ive inches long. 
four inches wide and one aUli 
five-eights deep, 21c. per box. 
And in quarter boxes measur- 
ing not more than fonr inches 
and three quarters long. three 
and one-half Inches wide and 
one and a quarter det>p......... 
2c. per box. 
When imported in any other 
form ................................. 30' 
Fish, preserved in oil, except 
Anchovies /lnd Sardines ...... 3() 
Salmon and all other 1Ish pre- 
pared or preserved, including 
Oysters, not speciallyenum. 
erated fir provided for ...... ... 
Oysters, shelled, in bnlk......... 
10c. per gal. 
Oysters in the shell ...... ......... 2b. 
Oysters, canned, in cans not 
over one pint, including the 
cans ......... ......... 3c. per can. 
In cans over one pint and not 
over one quart, Including the 
cans...... ............ 5c. per can. 
In cans exceeding one quart or 
fraction of a qnart of greater 
capacity than a quart, iuclud. 
Ing the cans ...... ...5c. per qt. 
Packages containln
 Oysters or 
other fish. not otherwise pro- 
l'ided for ........................... 2f.- 
Oil 8permaceti,,, hale and other 
fish oils, and all other artlclell 
the produce of the fisheries 
not specially provided for ... 20 
Provided that the whole or part 
of the said duties hereby im. 
polled llIay be remitted upon 
proclamation of the Governor 
In Council, which may be Is- 
lued whenever it appears to 
his lIatisfaction that the Gov- 
ernment8 òfthe United Statelt 
and the Island of Newfound- 
land, or either of them, have 
made changes in their tariffs 
of duties imposed npon arti- 
cles Imported from Canada in 
reduction or repeal or the 
duti". In force In said coun- 


 c. ad val. 
FIBh hookB, nets and seines, and 
lineB and twineB for the use of 
the tlBherieB, bnt not to include 
sporting fil!hing tackle or hooks 
with tlieB, or trolling spoons. . Free 
Fish preBerved, except from U. S. 25 
Fishing Rods of all kindB . . .. ... 30 
Flax ::Ieed. .. .10centl! per bushel. 
Flour ûf Rice or Sago, 2c. per lb. 
Flonr of Rye or Wheat, 50c. p. bbl. 
Fire-brick or TileB, for lining 
BtOYeB or furnaceB .. . .. .. .. ... 2ú 
FlagBtones dresBed. .$1.50 per ton. 
Flax, tiber, scntched. 1 cent perlb. 
Flax, tlber,hackled, 2 cents per lb. 
" tow of, Bcntched or green 1 
cent per lb. 
Flint!! and Ground Flint Stones.. Free 
FoUae Dlgitalill........., ...... .Free 
Foot greaBe {refuse of cotton seed)Free 
FosBlls ........................ Free 
Powl!!, pUTe bred for improveml nt 
of !!tock..................... ......... ...Free 
Frnlt, dried, AppleB, 2 cts. per lb. 
" "Currants, Dates. Fig!!, 
Plums, Prnne....l cent per lb. 
Raisinll, 1 cent per lb. and. . . .. 10 
All othen not elsewhere speci- 
fied ...................... 20 
FruitB, Green, 
Apples...... . .40 cents per bbl. 
Blackberries, Gooseberries, 
Raspberries and Strawber- 
ries, .........01 cents pflr lb. 
Cherries & Currants, Ie. per qt. 
Cranberries. .30 centB per bnsh. 
Grape!!...........2 cent per lb. 
Lemons and Oranges. . . .... ... 20 
Peache!! .. . . .... .1 cent per Ib, 
PlnmB & Quinces 3OC. per bUBh. 
Fruits in air-tight cans. Including 
cans, weighing not over one 
pound, 3 cts. per can; and 3 
cts. additional per can for each 
pound or fraction of a ponnd 
Fruits, preserved In Brandy or 
other SpiritB, $1.90 per Imp. gal. 
Fur SkinB, dressed.. .. ...... .... Iii 
Pur Caps, Capes, CoatI', Cloaks 
Hat!!, Mnffs and Tippet!! ...... 25 
Other Manufactures ot ......... 25 
Fur Skins of all kinds, not dresBdJ 
In any manner.. .. .. . . . . .. . . .Free 
Furniture, of wood, iron Ct p.ny 
other material, House. .. .. . .. 31i 
Cabinet or Omce, incluUng 
Hair, Spring, and other )fat- 
treB8es, Caskets and Qc.mns 
of any material... . . . .. 85 
Show Cues, $2 each and......... 35 
Ou Coke when uPed in Canadian 
Mannfactnres only ......... .Free 
Gas Fitt1ngs ..... ....... ....... 30 
German Silver, mannfactures of, 
not plated. ........................... 2/\ 
Gin, Geneva and Old Tom..... . 
$1.75 per Imp. gal. 
Gentian and Ginseng Root. . . . . . Free 
Ollt Ware of all kinds, except 
J ewellery . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... 30 
Gl&8S Pauer and Saud Paper.... 26 
01aB8, and manufactures of, vi..: 
Carboy!! and Demijohns. Press. 
ed and Cut Glass Rottles and 
Decanters, FIMks and Phials 
of every description, Tele- 
graph and Lightning Rod In- 
sulators, and on Fruit Jan 
and Glass Balls............. 30 
On Lampsand Gas.light Shades, 
Lamp and Lamp Chimneys, 
Globes for Lanterns, Lamps 
and Gas-llghtl.. . ... .... . .. SO 
On ornamental, Flgnred and 
Enamelled Stained GllUIs; 



 c. ad val. 
 c. ad val. 
Stained, Tinted, Painted and On Nitr
Vitrified Glaøs, and Stained 10 cents per lb. and ad val. 20 
G IUB Windows; Figured, Hair Cloth .......,............ 30 I 
Enamelled and Obscured Hair, Curled. . . . . . . . '. .. . . . . . .. 20 
White GlaM. . . .... ...... '.' 30 Hair, Alpaca, Angola, Buffalo, 
Silvered Plate Glass.......... 30 Blson,Camel's, Goat, Hog. Horse, 
GlUI, and manufactures of. viz.: Human, unmannfactured...... }'reø 
On CommtJn and Colorless Hair Olls................ ....,. 30 
Window Glass .................. 30 Harness and Saddlery of every 
On Plate Gla.s, not colored, In deBcrlption .................. SO 
panes not over 30 sq. ft., a Hatters' Fnn, not on the !!kln .. Free 
specitlc duty of 6c. per sq. ft. Hams & Bscon, dried or smoked, 
In panes oYer 30 and not over 
 cents per lb. 
70 sq. ft, .. .. . ...Bc. per sq. ft. Handkerchiefs, Cotton or Linen... 25 
In panel over 70 Iq. ft ... .,. ...... Hay and Straw ................ 20 
9 cts. per !lq. ft. Hay, Mannre and Potato Forks.. 35 
Imitation of Porcelain Shades Hats, Silk, Felt, Straw, Chi
and on Colored Glus, not Gras!!...........,............. 25 
Figured, Painted, Enamelled H"tters' Plnøh of Silk or Cotton. . Free 
or Engraved ..................... 20 H
mlock Bark............ ..... . Free 
On all other gluE' and lIIannfac- Hemp, undressed .............. Free 
ture. of glass, not herein Hemp RagB, for manufacture of 
otherwløepro...idedfor......20 paper only ............ .....Free 
Glass Bent for Manufactnre of Hickory Lumber, nnmannfact'ed.Free 
Show Cases, pJoylded it II not Hldel, raw or uncovered, whether 
Made In Canada . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Free dry-salted or pickled. . . . ... . . . . }'r
Glove!! and Mitts of all kinds. . ., so Hoes. .... ..... . . ...... ............. 35 
Gluco!!e Syrnp...... '.' :2 cts. per lb. Honey, bees' in the comb or other. 
Glucose or Grape Sugar to be wise. .. .. . . .. ... 3 cents per lb. 
cla8Bed and rated for duty al IIop!!. . . .. . . .. .. .. .6 cents per lb. 
lugar, according to grade by Hoofs, horn and horntlpe... . .. . .. Free 
Dutch standard. Horns and Pelh!. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . Free 
Goldbeaterl' Skin!!..... .... .. ... Fre.. Horn strips when to be used In 
Goat Hair, nnmanufactnred.... . Free making Corsets .....................Free 
Gold and Silver Leaf. .... . .. . ... 25 Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Swine, for 
Gold and Silyer, manufactures of, the hnprovement of Stock. ...... Free 
not elsewhere specified. . .. .. .. 20 Hone Shoes ................... 30 
Gold.Beaters' Brim-monlds ..... . Free Horee Shoe Nalls.. .. ...... .. ... 30 
Grains, viz.: Hosiery of Wool, 'lic. p. lb. & ad 
Barley .... .15 cts. per bUBhel. "al.. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . ...... 20 
Bnckwheat...l0 ds. per bushel. Hosiery of Cotton or Silk..... .. SO 
Indian Corn, 71 cta. per bushel. Horn and Ivory, manufactures of, 30 
Oats, . . . .. .. .10 cts. per bnshel. Horses ...........,............ 20 
Peas...... . .10 cts. per bushel. Horse Hair, unmanufactured. . . .Free 
Rice. .... ..... .. .1 cent per lb. Hub!! of.,..ood {rough)..... .. . ... 15: 
Rye. . . . .. . . .10 cts. per bnshel. HYOl't'yamus or Henbane Leaf .. Free 
Wheat. . . ., .15 cta. per bushel. Ice. _ .... .. . , ...... .... .. .. . Free 
Grass and TUlcan (Plaits). ..... . Free Imitation Precious Stones, not 
Grasses, Fancy, dried bnt not col- set... .. ...... .. . . .. . . .... ... 10 
ored or otherwise manufac- India RUcÞber Boots and 8hoes-.. 25 
tured.................................... Free India Rubber CIothln
....... . .. 35 
Gra.øs, Manilla and Sea Gra8B.. . . Free India Rubber vulcanized handles 
Gravel!!................... ..... Free for knives and forks.......... 10 
Grease aud Scraps. . ..... ...... . Free India Rubber Belting,HOII8, Pack- 
Greale, Axle. . . ....1 cent per lb. ing Mats and Matting, 5 cents 
Grindstones, $2 per tOR. per lb. and ........................... 15 
Gums, .... .................... .Free India Rubber, unmanufactured. .Free 
Guano and other animal and Indian Hemp, crude drug.... .. . Free 
yegetable mannres ........... Free Indigo, Pa!te and Extract of.... Free 
Gut and Worm Gut,manufactured Indigo Auxiliary........ .. . ... .Free 
or unmannfactnred for Whip Iodine, crude.................. Free 
and other Cord..... ...... ....Free Ink, writing ..........'.... .... 25 
Gutta percha, crude .......... . Free I Ink, others. .................. 20 I 
Gypsum, crnde(Sulphate of Llme)Free Ipeca('uanha Root............, .Free 
Gutta Percha, manufactures of .. 26 Itl!!, orris root.. . . ... . .. ....... Free 
Guns, Rlfie!! and Muskets. . ..... 20 IsUe or Tampico Fibre..... .. .. . Free 
Gun and Pistol Cartridges & Caps 30 Ivory and hory Nnts, unmanu- 
Gnnpowder & other Explo!!ives, vlz, factnred ...... -.... . -'. . . . .. Free 
On Gun Rifle and Pistol Cart- Ivory Veneers, øawn only, not 
rldlles, and Oartrldge Cales of planed or polished. .... . .... . . Free 
all kinds. . .. .. . . .... .. . , ..' 30 Iron and Steel, old and scrap. . . .Free 
On Gnn Rifie & 8porting Powder Iron liquor for dying and calico 
in kegs, half kegs or qnarter printlug ..............................Free 
kegs, and other !!imilar pack- I Iron Muts for ships, or parts 
ages. . . .. . . .. . . .5 cts per lb. thereof. ...... .. ... ..... .. . . . Free 
On Cannon and Mnsket Pûwder Iron Sand ..................... 20 
In kegs and barrels, 4c. p. lb. Iron, manufactnres. (ree manu. 
On Canister Powder in ponnd facture!!ofiron.) 
and halflb. tins, 15c. per lb. Jalap, Root.....................Free 
On blaBting and Mining Pow- Japanned Ware and Tin Ware.. 26 
der. .........3 cents per lb. Jellies and Jams....5 cts. per lb. 
On GIant Powder, Dnalin, Dyn. Jewelleryand other mannfactures 
amite and other explosives, ofgoldandlilver _........... 20 
in which nitro-glycerine is a Junk, old......... .... .. . . . ... . Free 
constituent part: Jute Butt!!................... ...Free 
fie. perlb. and ad val...... 20 Jute Carpeting or Mats............... 2fi 




 c. ad val. 
Jute Cloth;not le8s tban 40 Inches 
wide, for manufActure of bags. Free 
Jute, manfactures of .......... 20 
Jute Yarn when for manufacture 
of Carpets.................. ......... .., Free 
J ute Canvas, not le.s than 58 
inches wide, for manufacture of 
floor Oil Clotb. . . . . . ... . . . . .. . Free 
Jute, unmanufactured... ....... Free 
Kainite or German Potaah Saltll, 
for fertilizerll . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .Free 
Kelp and Kryollte ............ . Free 
Lsbels for fruit, yegetables, meat, 
fillh and confectionery, 10 dll. 
per lb. and . . .. . . . .. . . ., . . . .. 20 
Lac, dye, crude, lleed, button, .tlck 
and shell .................... Free 
Laces, Braids, Fringes, Embroid- 
eries, Cords, Tassels, Bracelets, 
A:c. ... ......... ......... ... ............... 30 
Lava, unmanufactnred ........ . Free 
Lampblack. .. .... .. .. .... .. '. .. 10 
Lamp Wicks. ...... ......... ............ 30 
Lard, tried or rendered, 2c. per lb. 
Lard, untried........ .Ilc.perIb. 
Lead, bare and blockl.60 cent. 
per 100 Ibs. 
pipe. ... .. .It centll per lb. 
" . old, pig and scraps, 40 centll 
per 100 Ibs. 
Lead IIhot ...... .li cent. per lb. 
" mannfactures of, not ell&- 
where specified.. .. .. ... 30 
red and white, dry........ 5 
white in pulp not mixed 
with oil......... ......... ...... 5 
Lead, Nitrate or Acetate of... ...... 5 
Leather Board.. . . .3 cents per lb. 
" boot and shoe connters, 
I- cent per pair. 
morocco skins, tanned, 
butroughorundre.lled 10 
BOle, tanned, but rongh 
or undressed. .. .. . . .. 10 
1I0ie and belting, tanned, 
but not waxed, and all 
npperleather......... 15 
sole and belting, and all 
upper, dressed A: wAxed 20 
japanned, patent or en- 
amelled ..... ........ 20 
and IIkinll, tAnned, not 
elsewhere .pecified.... 20 
all other manufacturell 
net eløewhere IIpecified 2ó 
Boote and Shoell, and 
Leather Belting.. . ... 25 
Glove, vlz.. Buck, Deer, 
Elk and Antelope. 
tanned or dreseed, col- 
ored or not colored. ... 10 
Leeches ....................... Free 
Lemone and rinds of, In brine, 
for candying ...... .......... Pree 
Linen Duck, Canvas, Diapers, or 
other manufactures of Flax, not 
eløewhbre specified ... .. .. . . .. 20 
Linea and Twines, for UØ8 of 
tI..herlell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . Free 
Llqnorice Juice and Paste for 
Mannfactnrlng purposell . .. . .. Iii 
Liquorice Root. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Free 
Litharge ...................... Free 
Lithographed, Printed or Copper 
Plate Bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 
Liquorice Stick, Extract of, Con- 
fection, 1 cent per lb. and..... 20 
Llthographicstones, not engrayed 20 
Lltmu. and all Llchenll, prepared 
and not prepared............ .Free 
Locks ......................... 30 
Locomotlyes and Railway Cars, 
the property of rail way compan. 
lell In the Uulted Statell, IIn long 
all Canadian Locomotiyes and 


';i\ c. ad 21vl. 
Carl ILre admitted free in the 
United Statell . . . .. .. ........ Free 
Locust Beans...........,...... .Free 
Logs and Round Timber, unmanu 
factnred. not elsewhere pro 
Ylded for .................... Free 
Lumber. Plank and Boards, !lawn, 
of boxwood, cherry, chestnut. 
gnmwood, mahogany,oak ,pitch 
pine, I'OII8wood,lIandalwood wal. 
nut, Spanlllh cedar and white 
wood, not shaped, planed, or 
otherwille mannfactllred, and 
sawdust of the same....... . Free 
Proyided that hickory lumber 
lawn to shape for spokes of 
wheels. but notfurther manu. 
factured. Ihall be aillo ......... Free 
Lumber and Timber, notelsewhere 
specified . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 
Magic Lanterns and Optical In- 
Itruments, Including Microll- 
eopes and Teleecopee. . . . . . . ... 25 
Manganese, Oxide of . . . . .. . . .. . Free 

Ianufacturell of Iron, yill. : 
Pig. . . . . . .... ..... $2 per ton. 
Old and Scrap............... Free 
In IIlabs, bloom I, loops or billets 
puddled or not, and lUuck or 
puddled bars or bllletll...... 10 
Boller plate. . . . . . .. .. .. ..... l
Hoop Iron, not exceeding % of 
an inch In width, Rnd being 
No. 21i Gauge or thinner......Free 
In bars. roned or hammered, 
includJng fiats round and 
equared; nail and epike rod!>, 
and an other iron not eille- 
where proYlded for . . . . . . . .. I'll 
Iron or Steel beamll, sheets or 
platel, angles and knees for 
iron or composite ships. . . , .Free 
On roned, round. wire rods in 
coils, nnder halt an Inch in 
diameter .................. 10 
On Iron rails or railway bars for 
Railways or Tramways. . .. .. Iii 
On R'y Fil!h-plates, Frogll, I"rog- 
points, Chair and Finger BRl'I! l'1j 
On Band and Hoop Sheet, 
smoothed or polished,coated or 
galvanized, and eommon or 
black, No. 1'1 gauge or thinner 121- 
Canada Platell. . . . .... .. . . . ... 121 
On Stovea and other Castlngø.. 25 
On Gall, Water and Soil Pipe. 
of Caat Iron...... .. . . .. . . .. 25 
On Car Wheelll and Axles..... 26 
On Rolled Beams, Channels and 
Anll:le. and T Iron.......... 12j 
On Sheet Iron hoilow ware and 
an manufø.cturetl of sheet Iron 
not elsewhere specified... ...... 25 
On Iron Bridge and structural 
iron work, malleable Iron 
castings, and Iron Bafes, and 
doorB for safes and Yaults.... 21i 
.)n ornamental iron work, and 
wire work ............. . . .. 25 
)n Locomotiye Engines, and on 
ltationary fire or other Iteam 
enginesor bollersand on other 
machinery composed of Iron, 
or of which Iron II the compo- 
nent vart of chief value ..... 21i 
On Locomotive Tires of Steel or 
Bessemer Steel In the rough. 10 
On Seamless Wron
ht Iron 
Tubing, plain, not threaded 
or coupled, or otherwise 
Manufactured, over 2 Inches 
In diam............ ........... 15 
When 2 Inches In diam., or 
under ... ...................... ...... 30 
On Lap.welded Boller Iron Tub- 
Ing, not threaded, conpled or 

 c. ad "al. 
otherwise manufactured, Ii 
Inches in diam. and oyer. . .. 15 
On Skates and Locks of all 
kinds. .. ..' ..... ......... 30 
On Tinned, glazed or t"namelled 
hollowware of calt o.'Wrought 
iron ..... .... . . . . . . .. 25 
On Hardware, fiz.: Builders, 
cabinet makers, upholsterers, 
saddl(Jrs Rnd nndertakers, In- 
cluding coffin trimmings of 
metal ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 30 
On Carriage Hard ware ....... 35 
On House Furnishing Hard- 
ware not otherwise provided 
for .................................... 30 
On Bolts, Washers and Rivets, 
1 cent per lb. and..... .. . .. 15 
On Tacks, Brads and Sprigs, Hun- 
garian and Clout Nails, Horse- 
Ihoes and Horse-shoe Nalls. 
Iron Wire Nail.,calledPointei 
de Pam................... 30 
On Stove Bolts and Nuts. and 
all Bolts and Nutll of 
in diam. and less. . . .. .. . . . .. 35 
On Forks, Cast Iron, not hand. 
led or otberwløe further 
manufactured. .... ...... . .. 10 
On Kall Plate, Iron or Steel, 
16 gauge and thicker. ...... 25 
On Iron and Steel Screws com- 
monly called Wood Screws.. 35 
On Scales, Balances and Weigh- 
ing Beams. . . ...... .. .. . . .. 30 
On Chain Cables, over 9-16 of aD 
Inch in diameter, whether 
shackled or IIwivelled or not. 
On Nails and SpIkes, wrought 
and preøsed, whether galvan- 
ized or not, % cent per lb. and 
ad val...... ....,..... ...... 10 
On Nails and Spikes, cut, %ct. 
per lb. and ad val. . . . .. . . . .. 10 
On Nuts (Iron), 1 cent pt!r lb. 
and ad val....... ......... 15 
On composition Nails A: Spikes 
and Sheathing............. 20 
On Sewin
 Machines, whole or 
on heads, or parts of beads, 
$2 eacb and ad val.......... 20 
Manufactures of Steel, vlz. :- 
Steel uilway bals or rails, not 
Including tram or street ralls, 
and in eheets for the manu- 
factnre of lAWS ..' ........ . ..Free 
Steel for Saws and Straw Cut. 
ters, cut to shape, bnt not 
furtber manufactured ....... . Free 
Staal of Ko. 20 Guage and thin- 
ner, but not thinner than No. 
30 Guage, when Imported by 
mannfacturers for use in their 
factories ................. .Free 
Steel In eheets of not leas than 
11 nor over 18 Wire Guage, 
and costing not l(\ss than $75 
per ton of 2,2-10 pounds. when 
imported by manufliCtnrers 
of shovel!! Rnd spades for use 
In such manufactnre In their 
own factories .............. Free 
Steel imported for tbe manu- 
facture of SkRteS ...... .. " .Free 
Steel, ingots, bars, sheets under 
3-16 of an inch thIck, whole 
or cut to øhRpe, but not fur- 
ther manufactured,and rolled 
round wire rods in coils, not 
elsewhere specified, $3 per 
ton of 2,000 pounds and. . . ., 10 
On Shoyels, 8pades, Hoes. Hay, 
Manure and Potato Forks, 
Rakes and Rake Teeth. . .... 35 
On Carpenters, Coopers,Cablnet- 
makers' and all oth&r Me- 


'f1 c. ad val. 
chanics'Tools, Edge Tools of 
every dellcriptlon, including 
Axes and SawlI, of all kinds, 
and on Steel Skates. . . .. . ... 30 
On Files and Rasps.. . .. . . . ...... 35 
On Cutlery. . . . .. . . .. .. ... .... 25 
On rolled round wire rods, 
under 1 an inch in diameter, 
when imported by wire manu- 
facturers for ulle in their fac- 
toriell..... . . . . .. . . .' . .. ... 6 
On Fire Arms, viz,: :\Iuskets, 
Rifles, Pistols and Shot Gunll 
On Knife Blades or Knife Blankll 
In the rough, unhandied, for 
use by electroplaters. .. .. . .. 10 
eedles, viz.: Cylinder 
needles, hand frame needlell 
, and latch needles ...... ......... 30 
And on all other manufacturell 
of Steel, and of Iron and Steel, 
not elsewhere specified... ... 20 
Man ufactures of Wood, viz. :- 
Woodenware, Pails, Tnbs, 
Churns, Broomll, Brushes and 
other manufacturers of wood 
not elsewhere specified.. .... 26 
Hubs, Spokes, Fenoes and 
Wheels (rough)...... .. . . . .. 16 
l\Ianuøcripts ..... ...... . .... ... Free 
Manilla Grass.................. ...... ... Free 
Manilla Hoodø ................ 20 
Mact' and Nutmegs..... ........ 25 
!lIagnesia ..... . . . . . . . . . . .. .' . .. 20 
Mats and Matting of Cocoa or Coir 
Jute, grus not elsewhere pro- 
vided for. .................... 26 
!!Iatches, wax ..... . . . . . . .. .. . .. 20 
Machinery not elsewhere specified 26 
Machine-Card, Clothing. . . . . . . .. 26 
1\1achine, Sewing, whole, or on 
headll or parts of head. . .. .. . . . 
$2 each and ad val. 20 
Marble, finished, and on all manu- 
factures of Marble not else- 
where I!pecified...... . . . . . . . .. 30 
:\Iarble in blocksfrom the qUlirry, 
in the rough or sawn on two 
sides only and not specially 
Bhapen, containing lesll than 
fifteen cubic feet. . .... . ..... .. 10 
1\Iarble containing 16 cubic ft. or 
over. ..... .' .............. .. .Free 
Marble Blocks and Slabs sawn on 
more than two sides..... .. ... 20 
Marble Slabs sawn on not more 
than two sidell. .. .. ...... . . .' 10 
Jladder and Munjeet or Indian 
Madder, ground or prepared, 
and all extractø of .. .. .. . . .. . Free 
Malt, fifteen cents per bnsh. upon 
entry for Warehouse, subject to 
Excil!e Regulations. 
Malt, Extract of, for Medicinal 
purposeø ................... 26 
Macaroni and Vermicelli........ 20 
Maps and Chartø . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 20 
Meats, fresh or salted, on actual 
weight as received in Canada, 
(except Bacon, Hams, Shouldelø 
and Sides).........1 ct. per lb. 
Shoulderø, Sides, Bacon and 
Hams, fresh, salted, dried or 
smoked. . . .. .. .. .2 cts. per lb. 
Poultry and Game of all kinds .. 20 
All other Dried or Smoked Meats, 
or meats preserved in any other 
way than salted or pickled, not 
otherwise specified.. 2c. per lb. 
Medicines. Proprietary, to \\it:- 
All medicinal preparations or 
compositions recommended 
to the public under any 
general name or title as 
cifles for any diseaøell or affec- 


 c. ad val. 
tionll whatsoever affecting 
the human or animal bodies, 
not otherwise provided for. 
All liquids fifty per cent. ad 
val...... .. .... ...... . ... ... 60 
And all others twenty-five per 
cent. ad val.. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 26 
Milk Food, Man. by Henri Nestle, 
Dr. Gibant, and others, and all 
other similar preparationø. . . .. 30 
Menageries, Horst's, Cattle, Car- 
riages and Harnesses of, under 
reguiations to be preøcribed by 
the :\Iinister of Customs ..... . Free 
Mercury............... ...... .......... ...Free 
Medals of Gold. Silver or Copper.Jt'ref' 
Metal, yellow, in bolts, baril, and 
for sheathing. . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . Free 
Meerschanm, crude or raw..... . Free 
Meerschaum, manufactures of. " 20 
Mica and Mica Waste .......... 20 
Mineralogy, Specimens of ...... Free 
Mill Board of Paper ............ 10 
Mineral Waters, natural, not in 
bottles, under regulations to be 
made by the Minister of Cus- 
toms. oo .. . '.. . . .. .... .. . . . . .Free 
Millinery, not elsewhere provided 
for ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ., 20 
Models of Inventions ... ....... . Feee 
Moss. Iceland and other Mosses, 
crude ....................... Free 
Moss, seaweed and all other vege- 
table substances used for bedø 
or mattresses, in their natural 
state or only cleaned. . . .. . . . . Free 
Mouldings of Wood, plain....... 25 
" "gilded, &c... 30 
Muøical Instruments, not else- 
where specified. . .... .. .. .. ... 25 
M unjeet . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . Free 
Mustard Cake.................. 20 
Mustard Seed, unground...... .. 15 
" ground. . ... .. . " 25 
Musk, In powder or grains...... Free 
Music in Sheets or Bonnd...... . 
10 c6ntB per lb. 
Naptha ..' ': 1-6 cts. per Imp. gal, 
Naval and Military j3tores ...... Free 
NewRpapers & quarterly, monthly 
and semi-monthly :\Iagazines, 
and weekly literary papers, un- 
bound ...... ....... .....................Free 
10 cts. per lb. and ad val. 20 
Nitre, Cubic................... .Free 
Nickel. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. Free 
Nickel Anodes ........................ 10 
Nitrate of Soda or Cubic Nitre . . Free 
Nuts, all kindø, not elsewhere 
specified... .....3 cents per Ib- 
Nut Galls............... .... ....Free 
Oatmeal....... .....1 ct. per lb. 
Oak Bark... .................. . Free 
Oakum... .. ..' . . ...... .. . . ... . Free 
Ochres, dry, ground or unground, 
washed or unwa
hed ..... . . .. 10 
Oil Cake. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. Free 
Oil Cake 
Ieal . . .. . .oo ....... . . Free 
Oil Cloth in the piece. cut or 
shaped, oiled, enamelled, &c., 
not otherwise provided for, 5 
cents per square yard and. . .. 10 
Oil Cloth for floors....... .. .. ... 30 
Oils, Coal and Kerosene, distilled, 
purified or refined, Naphtha, 
Benzole, Petroleum, Products 
of Petroleum, Coal, Shale and 
Lignite not elsewhere specified, 
7 l-õ cts. per Imp. gal. 
Oils, Carbolic or Heavy Oil ......... 10 
Oils, Linseed or Flax Seed, raw or 
boiled .... .. .. .. . .. . . . ... 25 
.. Cod Liver, medicated....... 20 
.. Lard, Neatsfoot, Olive or 
8alad and Sesame Seed. . .. 20 
[ 648] 


 c. ad val. 
Oils,Lubricating,compoøed wholly 
or in part of Pt!trolenm,and 
costing 30 cts. per 
or over ..................... ...... 25 
Do., costing less than 30 etø. 
per Imp gat, 
7 l-õ ctB. per Imp. gal. 
All other Lubricating Oils...... 26 
Oils, Hair. . . .. . ... .. . .. . . . .. ... 30 
" Sperm ....... .... ......... 20 
.. Castor..................... 20 
"Vegetable not elsewhere 

pecified . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ..oo 20 
.. Cocoa Nut and Palm in their 
natural state............... Free 
" not elsewhere specified. . . .. 20 
Opinm, Drug.................. 20 
Opinm, prepared for smoking. . . 
$5.00 per lb. 
Oranges and rinds of, in brine for 


. : : : : : : : : 
 : : : : : : : : : : : F;
Organs, Cabinet, viz. :- 
On Reed Organs having not 
more than two sets of reeds, 
$10 each and ad val. 16 
Over two sets and not over four, 
$15 each and ad val. 15 
Over four and not over six. . . . 
$20 each and ad val 16 
Over six sets, $30 each & ad val. 16 
Ordnance Stores............... . Free 
Ores of Metal of all kinds. . . . . .. Free 
Olnaments of Alabaster, Spar, 
Terra Cotta, &c. .... . .. .. . . ... SO 
Osiers. . . . . . , .. . . . .. . .... . . ... . Free 
Ottar of Roses . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . Free 
Paintings, Drawingø, Engravings 
and Prints. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. 20 
Paintings, in Oil or Water Colours, 
by Canadian artists, under regu- 
lations to be made by the Min- 
ister of Cu6toms....... . . ...... .Free 
Paintings, in Oil or Water Colours, 
by artists of well-known merit, 
or copies of the old masters by 
such artists. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . Free 
Paints and Colors not elsewhere 
specified. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 
Fire Proof Paint, dry, %: c. per 1 b. 
Paper Hangings or Wall Paper, 
in rolls, costing eight cents or 
under, per roll of eight yards 
in length and 18 inches wide... 
2 cents per roll. 
Paper Hangings or Wall Paper, 

. E. S., and glazed, plated, 
marbled, enamelled or emboss- 
ed paper, in rolls or sheets and 
card-board similarly finished... 30 
Paper of all kinds not elsewhere 
specified. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... 20 
Paints and Colours gronnd in oil, 
or any other liquid .oo....... 25 
Paris Grt!en, dry............. ... 10 
Paper, Manufactures of, includ- 
ing envelopes not elsewhere 
specified . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. 25 
Paper, 8and, Glass and Emery. '. 26 
Paper, Union collar cloth Paper 
in sheets not shaped. . . .. . .' . . 5 
Paper Waste or Clipping
(see RagsFree 
Paper, MiIlboard, not 
traw . .' '. 10 
Paper, Calendered, ruled. . ....... 2ó 
.. " unruled . .. ... 221 
Paper, ruled. .. .. .. .. .... .... ... 25 
Paper, ti
sue, when imported by 
manufacturers of artificial fiow- 
ers for UEe in their factorieø ... 10 
Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts 
of paper, linen or cotton...... 30 
ois of all materials. . . .. . .. 30 
Paraffine Wax and Stearine. .Se. per Ib 
Palm Leaf, unmanufactured... . Free 
Paste, perfumed. .... ... . .... ... 30 
Peacheø ...........1 cent per lb. 

lR87. J 



 c. ad val. 
Perfumery, including Toilet Pre- 
parations, Hair Uils, Tooth and 
other Powders and Washes, 
Pümatums. Paste and other 
Perfumed Preparations used for 
hair, mouth or skin. . . .. . .. .. 30 
Pearl, Mother of, not manufact'd Free 
Pepper, un
und.............. 10 
" ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 
is or Extracts of archill and 
cudbear ..................... Free 
ils, Lead, in wood or other. _ 
wIse........................... ........23 
PerCumed Spirits and Cologne 
Waterin bottles, flasks or ûtht!r 
packages weighing more than 
four ounces each ............. 
$2.0b per Imp.gallon and ad val. 40 
PerCumed Spirit!! and CololÇne 
Waterin bottles not weighing 
more than four ounces each. o. 50 
PeM .......... .10 cts. per bush. 
Pelts. . . . . . .. . . .' . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Free 
Phosphorus................... . Free 
Phosphor Bronze in blocks, bars, 
sheets and wire. . .. . .. .. .. .' .. 10 
Picture frames ... ..................... 35 
Pipe", Lt!&d . . . . . .1 i rents per lb. 
Pickles and Sauces. . . . . . . . . . . . '. 25 
Pins, manufactnred from wire of 
any metal . . . . .' . . .. . . . . . . ... 30 
Pipe Ûr!'ans, and sets or parts 
of Sets of Reeds for Cabinet 
Organs. . ... . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. 26 
Pitch \ Pine), in packages of not 
"s than 15 gallons 0......... Free 
Pitch (Coal). . ... .... .. .... .. . .. 10 
urgundy.............. . Free 
Pipe t;.ay..... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Free 
Pianofortes, viz.:- 
On all square pinafortes, whe- 
tLer round cornered or not, 
not over seven octaves...... 
$25 each and ad "al. 15 
On all other I!quare pianofortes, 
$30 each and ad 1Xll. 15 
On upright pianoforte!!. . . . . . . . 
$30 each and ad val. 15 
On concert, semi-concert or 
parlor grand pianofortes.. . . . 
$50 each and ad "al. 15 
Pianoe, parts of . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .' 26 
Plate Glass, silvered. .. '. . . . .... 30 
Platinum Wire.. .....................Fre 
Plumbago .....................10 
" manufactures of. . . . .. 20 
Playinl: Cards... 6 cts. per pack. 
Plaits, Tuscan and Grass....... .Free 
Plants vis. .-Fruit, Shade, Lawn 
and Ornamontal Trees, Shrubs 
and Plants ................ .. 20 
Plated Ware, Gilt Ware and 
Ele-=tro-plate Ware of all kinds 30 
Plates engraved on Wood lind 
on Eteel or other metal. . . . . .. 20 
Plaster ot Paris or Gypsum, grou'd 
10 cents per 100 Ibs. 
Plaster of Paris, calcined or 
manufactured, 15c. per 100 11.8.. 
or 45 cents per bbl. not over 
300 Ibs. 
Plaster of Paris, ground, not cal- 
cined. .. lO cents per 100 11.8. 
Portland and Roman Cement to 
be classed with all other 
C..ments at specific rates. (&e 
Cement.) . 
P,)tal'h, Bichromate of . . . - - - . . . . Free 
h. Germlln mlueral. . ... . . . Free 
Potash, lIInriate oCCrude ..... .I!'ree 
PotlU'h. Red Prussiate of . . . .. . .. 10 
Pomadi!s,l!'rench or flower Odor, 
preserved in fat or oil for the 
purpose of conserving the odors 
of flowers which do not bellr 

<jj! c. ad val. 
the heat of distillation, when 
imported in tins not less than 
ten pound each. ....... . . . .. .. 15 
Potatoes. . . . . . . .10 cts. per bush 
Portable machines, portable steam 
engines, &c.. .., . . .. .... . . .... 35 
Porter when imp. in bottles. 
(See Ale). 18 cts. per Imp. gal. 
Porter when imp. in casks. (See 
Ale). ... .10 cts. per Imp. gal. 
Precipitate of Copper. 0 . . . . . . . . . Free 
Printing Presses of all kinds.. .. 10 
Printed, Lithographed or Copper 
or Steel Plate Bills, Cheques, 
Receipts, Drafts, Cards,Commer- 
cial Blank Forms of every de- 
scription ............... ............... 30 
Printéd àlusic, bound or in sheets, 
10 cts. per lb. 
Advertising Pictures or Pictorial 
Show Cards or Bills, Tickets 
and Posters, 6c. per lb. and ...... 20 
Prnnella and Cotton and Woolen 
Netting for Boots, Shoes and 
Gloves...................... 10 
Pumiceand Pumice Stone,ground 
or unground ........................Free 
Pumps, cistern, well, .tc. . . . . . .. 35 
Putty......................... 25 
QUArcltron, or Extract of Oak 
Bark, for tanning........... .Free 
Quills . . . . .. .................. 20 
Quinine, Sulphate of. . . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Rags of cott('ln. linen, jute and 
hemp, paper waste or clippings, 
and waste of any kind fit only 
for manufacture of paper. .... .Fre
Rattans, unmanufactured ...... _ Free 
.. manufactured. . . . . . . .. 25 
Raisins,l cent "er lb. and...... 10 
Red Liquor, for dyeing and calico 
printing ......... ......... .. .........Free 
Rennet, raw or prepared..... .Free 
Rhubarb Root ......... ............ ...Free 
Rice ......... ......... ... ...1 ct. per I 1.. 
Rice, uncleaned, unhulled when 
imported dried from country of 
growth ................ _ . . .. 1.1 
Rice and Sago Flour, 2 cts. per lb. 
Ribbons. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . ., ... 30 
Rifles............ ............ ...... ......... 20 
Rinds of Lemon in Brine for Can- 
dying...... ...... ................. ...... Free 
Rosin, in packages of not less 
than 15 
allons ,............. Free 
Roots, Medicinal... 0.......... . Free 
Rubber, manufactures of.. ......... 25 
Rubber, India, unmanufactured Free 
Ruhber, recovered and rubber 
substitute... ............ ............ ...Free 
Rye..................l0 cts. per bush. 
Rye Flour ............50 cts. perbrl. 
Safes, of Iron ........................... 2jj 
Saffron and Samower,and extract 
of ..................... ...... ............ Free 
Ssffron, Cake ........................... Free 
Sago ...... ........................ ......... 20 
SSj(o and Rice flour... ...2c. per lb. 
Salls, ready-made, for boats, ships, 
awnings and tents.................. 26 
Sal Ammonia ......... ............. ... ... Free 
81\1 bodti ... ... .................. ...... ... Free 
Snlt Cake (Sulphate of Soda) for 
manufacturing purposes .........Free 
Salt, (excApt Salt imported from 
the United Kingdom or any 
British possession, or imported 
for the use of the Sea or Gulf 
I!'ishories, which shall be free of 
duty,) in bulk ...8c. per 100 lb. 
Salt, in bags, barrels and other 
packages... ......12 c. per 100 Ibs. 
Salt, imported from the United 
Kingdom or any British posses- 
sion. or imported for the use of 
the 8ea or GulfFisheries.........Free 

 c. ad val. 
Saltpetre ................................. 20 
Sand ............... ......... ............ ...Free 
Sand Paper, Glass and Emery 
Paper .... ... ... ... ... ......... ......... 25 
Sarsaparilla Root...... ............... . Free 
Sausage Casings, 1I0t deaned......Free 
Screws, not otherwise provided for 30 
Scythes. . . . .. . . . . .$2.40 11ft doz. 
Sea Weed, not elsewhere specified Free 
eds, viz.: Flower, Garden, Field 
and other Saeds for agricultural 
purposes, when in bulk or in 
large parcels.... ............... ...... 15 
Seeds, in small papers or parcels. 25 
Seeds-Anise. Coriander, Cardi- 
mon, Fennel and Fenugruk. .. Free 
Senna in Leaves...... .._... ......... ...Free 
Settiers' Effects, viz: Wearing 
Apparel, Household Furniture, 
.tc.: Provided that nnder regu- 
lations to be made by the Min- 
ister of Customs, live stock, 
when imported into Manitoba 
or the North West Territories 
by intt:ndin
 settlers, shall be 
free, until otherwise ordered by 
the Governor in Council. 
Shawls, Woollen, ad val. ............ 26 
Shawls, Silk............ .................. 30 
Shellac, White, for manufacturing 
purposes ................... .Fret 
Shingles....... ...... ...... ......... ...... 20 
Shells, manufactnred . ............... 30 
Ships and other Vessels, bunt in 
any foreigu country, whetber 
steam or sailing vessels, on ap- 
plication for Canadian Register, 
on the fair market value of the 
hull, rigging. and all appliances, 
except machinery....... ...... ...... 10 
On boiler, engine, and other 
machinery. ........................ 25 
Shrubs and Plants. .. .. ......... 20 
Sllex or Crystallized Quartz. . . . . . Free 
Sill.. Velvets,alidallmanufactures 
of Silk, or of wbich Silk is the 
component part of chief value, 
not elsewhere specified, exwpt 
Church Ve&tments............ 30 
Silk in the gnm, not more ad- 
vanced than IIlngles, tram and 
thrown orgauzine, and Raw 
Spun Silk, not coverea. ....... 15 
" Sewing and Silk Twist. . ... ... 25 
.. raw or as reeled from the C0- 
coon, not being doubled, twist- 
ed or advanced in mannfacture 
in any way, Silk Cocoons and 
Silk Waste................. .Free 
Silk plush netting, used for 
manufacture of gloves.. . . .. 15 
Silver Coin, United States ...... 20 
Silver Leaf .................... 25 
Silver and German Silver, in 
sheets. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. 10 
Silver and German Silver for 
man ufacturing pnrposes...... Free 
Silicate of Soda............... .Free 
Skins, undressed, dried, or salted 
pickled . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . Free 
Slate of all kinds af'.d mannfac- 
tures, not otherwise specified.. 25 
Slate Mantels. . . .. ... . .. .. .. ... SO 
Slates for Writing and for Schools 25 
Slates, Roofing Slate, black or 
blue. 80 cents per square. 
Slat"!s, red, green, and other 
colonrs, $1 per sqnare. 
Sleighs, Wheelbarrows. and other 
like articles . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. ... 30 
Soap, common brown and yellow, 
not perfumed . .1
 ct. per lb. 
Soap, castile and white, 2c per lb. 
Soap Powders...... .3 cts. perIb. 
Soap, perfumed or toilet, 10 cents 




 c. ad val. 
Snuff, 30 cts. per lb. and ad val.. 12i 
Soda, Caustic ......,........... Free 
80da Ash. .... ........... ....... ..Free 
Sodium, Sulphide of............... ...Free 
Spades ........................ 36 
8pelter in blocks or pigs ....... .Free 
Specimens of Mineralogy ..... . Free 
Specimen!! of Botany..... .. .... .Free 
Spices of all kinJs, exc6pt Nut- 
megs and Mace, unground.... 10 
8pices ot all kinds, except Nut- 
megs and Mace, ground...... 26 
Spiees, Mace!! and Nntmegs... 26 
8I)iritl' and Strong Waters, not 
having been sweetened 01" 
mixed with any article, so that 
the degree of strength thereof 
cann(,t be ascertained by Syke's 
Hydrometer, for every Imperial 
gaUon of the strength of proof 
by such Hydrometer and so in 
proportion for any greater or 
lees strength than the strength 
of proof, and for every greater 
or less quantity than a gallon, 
viz :-Geneva Gin, Rum, Whis- 
key and unenumerated articles 
of like kinds, $1 ';6 per I gal. 
of ,;,)randy ... .$2 00 per I gal. 
.. Old Tom Gin $1 76 per I gal. 
" sweetened and mixed, 80 
that the strength cannot be as- 
certained SI! aforesaid, viz.:- 
Ruw Shru b, Cordials, Schiedam 
Schnapps, Taða-Bittel'!! and 
unenumerated articles of like 
kinds. . . .. . . .. .$1 90 per I gal. 
Spirits and Strong Waters, not 
elsewhere specified,$l 90 per I. gal. 
Spirits and Strong Waters im- 
ported into Canada, mixed with 
any ingredient or ingredients, 
and althongh thereby coming 
under the denomination of Pro- 
prietary Medicines) Tinctures, 
Essences, Extracts or any other 
denomination not elsewhere 
specified, shall be, nevertheles!!, 
deemed "Spirits or Strong 
Waters," and subject to a dnty 
..s such.... $2 00 per I gal. anll 30 
S.pirits, perfumed, and Cologne 
Water, in bottles or flasks not 
weighing more than 4 oz. each CiO 
Spirits, perfumed, and Cologne 
Water in bottles, fiasks or other 
packages weip;hing more than 4 
oz. each,$2 00 per gal. and ad val. 40 
Sponges . .. .. .. ......... ..... 20 
Spnrs and Stilts, uled in the 
mannfacture of earthenware ...Free 
Squills ............ ............... ......... Free 
Starch, incluaing Farina, Corn 
Starch or Flour, and aU pre- 
parations having the qualities 
of Starch ........2 cts. per lb. 
Steel imported for use in the 
manufacture of Skates . . . .. . . . Free 
Steel and Manufactures of. (See 
Mann factures of Steel). 
Stereotypes and Electrotypes for 
commercial blank!! and adver. 
tisements .................... 20 
Stereotypes and Electrotypes of 
Standard Books .............. 10 
Stereotypes and Electrotypes.and 
B88es for same, not elsewhere 
specified. . .. . .. .6 cents per lb. 
Stone, Water Lime, or Cement 
:5tone ..... . . .. .... .$1 per ton. 
Stone, viz.:-Rough Freestone, 
Sand Stone and all buildil'g 
Stone, except Marble, 
$1 per ton of 13 cubic feet. 
Stone for bnilding and dressed 
Freestone, except Marble from 

 c. ad val. I 'ii\ c. ad val. 
 quarry, not bammered or Tails, undressell................Free 
cblsseled, and on all manufac- Tallow..............l ct. per lb. 
tures;>f Stone or Granite. . . ... 20 Tampico, white and black ...... Free 
St Flag ::;to
essed.$1 60W> ton Tanners' Bark............... . . .Free 
oves an ot er Castings, not Taraxacum Root. ...... ......... ......Free 
elsewhere specified.. . .. .. .. ... 26 Tar. Pine. in packages of not less 
Straw . .....:.. ...... .' .... . .. 20 than 15 gallons... .. . . . . .. . . .Free 
,,! Boarr' 10 sheets or rolls, Terra-Japonica ............... .Free 
paIn or arred............... Tea ........................................Free 
40 cents per 100 Ibs. Tea, wben imported from U. S .... 10 
Straw Hats .................... 25 Teasels...................... . Free 
ar, )[elado, Concentrated 1Ie- Telepbones .................... 25 
lado, Concentrated Cline Juice, Thread, Linen.................. 20 
Concentrated Molasses, C<>ncen- Tickets ana Advertising BillF 8Dd 
trated Beet Root Juice and Con- Folders, 10 cts. per lb. and. .. 20 
crett', when imported direct Tiles, Drain. and Drain Pipe
from th
 conn try of growtb and Sewer Pipes, glazed. ............... 25 
production; for refining pur- Tin, in bars, blocks or pig, plate:. 

I}", not.over No. 14 .andsbeets ..................Free 
u '<'-11 . andard In color, and TIn Cr.}'stals ......... ............ ... ... 20 
not testmg over 70 degrees by Tinware. Stamped and Japanned 
tbe polariscope, 1 cent per lb., Ware, and on all manufactures 
and for every additional degree, of Tin not elsewbere specified.. 26 
sbown by polariscope test, 3% Tlnctures,containingSpirits,

cents per 100 1 bs. additional. per 1. gal. and. . ". . ... .. . . ... SO 
Sugar not for refining purposes, Tobacco Pipes. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . ... 20 
not over 14 Dutch Standard in Tobacco, unmanufactured for Ex- 
color, wben imported direct "Cise purposes undt'r conditions 
from the country of growth and of Act 31 Vic
, Cap 61 ........ Free 
productIon, 1 cent per lb. and Tobacco, mannfactured, and :51 uff 
30 per cent. on the Talue tberf'Of 301'. per lb. and ad val. 121- 
free on board at the last port Tools. Edge. .. .. . . .. .. .. . ... ... 30 
of sbipment. Tortoise and other Shells, un- 
Sugars above No. 14 Dntch Stand- manufactured............... . Free 
ard in color, and refined Sngar Towels of every description ... ... 26 
of all kinds, grades or stand. Toys of all kinds _ . . . .. .. .. . . ... 30 
ards, IX cents per lb., and 36 Trees, Shrubs and Plants ...... 20 
per cent. on the value tbereof Treenails. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .Free 
free on board at the last port Trees, Apple of all kinds, eacb... 2c 
of shipment. " Pear ., " " ... 4c 
On Sugars not imported direct "Plum"""... 6c 
witbout tranllhipment from "Cberry " ... 4c 
the country of growth and Quioce " . . 2lc 
production, there shall be when imported into 1I-lani. 
levied and collected an addi. tobs or N. W. T. for plant- 
U:mal dnty of 7% per cent. log .................................Free 
of the wbole duty so other- Tripoli ........................ 2ó 
wise payable thereon. Trunks, Satchels, Valises and 
Provided tbat wben aHY cargo CarpetBags, Pnrsesand Pocket- 
ofsugar imported for refining books. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . .... 30 
purposes is found to grade, Tubes and Piping of Iron (seam- 
in part, above No. 14 Dutcb less), Wrougbt Iron, Tubing 
Standard in color, such part plain. not threaded or coupled 
to the extent of not exceed- or otberwies manufactured.. _ _ 15 
ing 16 per cent. of tbe whole Tubes and Piping of Brass (seam- 
cargo may be admitted to lesødrawn) .................. 10 
entry by polariscopic test. Tubes and Piping of Copper (seam- 
Syrup!!, Cane Jnice, Refined less drawn) .................. 10 
Syrup, Sugar House Syrup or Turmeric..... .... .. ...... .. .. .Free 
Sugar House 1\Iolasses, Syrup Turpentine, raw or crude ..... .FrE'Ø 
of Sugar, Syrup of 11.>lasses, Turpentine, Spirits of .......... 10 
or Sorghum, wbether imported Turtles....................... .Fret 
direct or not, 1 cent per lb. Tuscan and Grass Plaits....... .Free 
and. ...... ...... ... . .. .... ... 30 Twines of all kinds...... ....... 25 

IolaBses, other, when imported Type for Printing. ........ .' ... 20 
direct,without transhipment, Type 
Iet&l ......... .... .... ... 10 
from the country of growth Umbrellaa . ... .. .. ... _ .... . _ ... 30 
and production................... 16 Umbrella and Parasol Steel. Iron 
Molasses when not so imported 20 or Brass Ribs, Runners, Rings. 
The value upon whkb the ad Cap!'!, Notches, Tin Caps and 
valorem duty sb
ll be levied Ferrules, when imported by and 
and collected upon all the for tbe liRe of manufacturers of 
above named Sugars, l\lelado, umbrellas......... ...... ......... ...... 20 
Syrups, 1\Iolas5es, &c.. shall Union Collar Cloth Paper in sbeets 
be the value tbereof free on not sbaped .................. 5 
board. UIIion Co'lar Jloth Paper, glcssed 
Syrnpof Glucose...................... or finisbed ...... ...... ....... 20 
2 cents per lb. Vaccine aod Ivory vaccine points. Free 
Sulphate of Iron .............. Free Valerian Root..... .. .... . . . .. . Free 
Sulphur, in roll or ðour ....... .Free Varnish, black anI! bright, for 
Tafia..... ....... $1 90 per I gal. ships' use.................. ..Free 
Tagging metal, plain, Japanned Varnisb, not elsewberp spccified, 
or coated, in coils not over Ii in. 201'. per Imp. gal. and ad t'al.. 
in width, wben imported by Vasi1ine and all similar prepara- 
manufact'rs ofsboe and corset tions 01 Petroleum in bulk, 
laces, for ul!e in their fac
ories. Free 4 cts. per lb. 




 c. ad val. 
In bottles or packages, not 
oTer llb. in weight each, 
6 cts. per lb. 
Vegetables, viz.: 
Potatoes. .. ... lOco per bush. 
Tomatoes... 30 cta. per bushel. 
Tomatoes and other vegeta- 
bles,including Corn in cans, 
weighing not over lIb., 2c 
per can, and 2c additional 
per can for each lb. or frac- 
tion of a lb. over lIb. 
All other, inclutling Sweet 
Potatoes. . .. .. . . . . . . ... 20 
Velveteens and Cotton Velvets... 20 
Vermicelli and Macaroni. . . . . . .. 20 
Veneers of WOQd, Ivory, &c.,sawn 
only ...,.................... Free 
Verdigris,Sub'lcetate of Cop., dry.Free 
Vegetable Fibres, natural, not pro- 
duced by any mechanical pro- 
cess ........................ Free 
Vinegar. ........ .ISe. per I. gal. 
Vitriol, Blue ................. .Free 
Volatilf' or Essential Oils, for 
man'dfacturlng purposes...... 20 
Wagons. (See Carriages)....... 36 
Wadding,Cotton, unbleached...... 
2c. per lb. & ad val. 15 
Wadding, Cotton. bleached......... 
3 cts. per lb. and 15 
Washers, Bolts. Nuts, &c., of Iron, 
1 cent per lb. and. . . .. . . . . . 16 
Wwnuts. .........3 cents perlb. 
Watches and WatchCases....... 26 
Watches, action8 or movements... 20 
Water-Lime, Stone or Cement 
Stone. . .. . . . .. .. .. .$1 per ton. 
W88te. Cotton..... ............ . Free 
Wax Candles, Paraffine. ..' .... . 
5 cents per lb. 
Wbi"key. ...... .$1 '!5 per I. gal. 
Watches, Watch Cases.......... 25 
Watch Movements.............. 20 
Whips ...... . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. 30 
Wheat........... .16c. per bush. 
Wheelbarrows ..... ........... 31) 
Whiting or Whitening....... .. .Free 
Whalebone, unmanufactured. " .Free 
Willow, for Basket Makers..... . Free 
Willow Furniture..... . . .. .. ... 36 
Winceys of wI kinds not other- 
wise provided for ...... . . . ... 221- 
Checked, striped or fancy, over 
twenty.five inches wide, 2 cts. 
per square yard and ........ 16 
Wines of all kinds, except Spark. 
Hng Wines, including Ginger, 
Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, 
Raspberry, Elder and Currant 
Wines, containing 26 per cent. 
or leBS of Spirits of the strength 
of proof, by Sy ke's Hydrometer, 
imported in wood or in bottles, 
(6 quart or 12 pint bottles to 
1 Imp. gallon), 25c. per Imp. 
gal. and ad val. .............. 80 
And for every degree above 26 
per cent. 3 cts. more per I. gal. 
and ad val...... '. .. .. . . . . . .. 30 
Wines. ChamDagne and all other 
Sparkling Wines in bottles,con. 
taining each not more than a 
quart and more than a pint, $3 
per doz. and ad val. . . .. .. .. . .. 30 
Wines. Champagne and all other 
Sparkling Wines in bottles, con- 
taining one hslf pint or less, 
i6 cents per dozen bottles and 
ad val..... .. .. . ... ...... .' ... 30 
Wines. Sparkling, in bottles, con- 
taining each not more than a 
pint and more than onA half 
pint, $1 50 per dozen and ad 
val........................................ 30 . 

 C. ad tJal. 
 c. ad tJal. 
Wines, Sparkling, bottles contain- combing woolsorwoolsknown 
ing more thl\n one quart each as lustre wools and other like 
shall pay, in addition to $3 per combiIlg wools such as are 
doz. bottles. at the rate of $150 grown in Canada, 3ct8.perlb. 
per Imp. gal. on the quantity in Woollen Rags. . . .. .... .... . . .. .Free 
exr.ess of one quart per bottle: Wood, and Manufactures of 
and aà val .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ... 30 Wooden Ware, viz. :- 
But any LiquorI! imported under Pails, Tubs,Churns,Brooms, 
the name of Wine, and contain- Brushes and other Manu- 
ing more than forty per cen t. of factures of Wood not else- 
Spirits of the strength of proof where sperified .......... 25 
by Sykes' Hydrometer, shall be On Hubs, Spokes, Felloes and 
rated for duty as unenumerated Wheels (Rough) . . ... . . ... 16 
Spirits..... .. .$190 per I. gal. On Lumbel'and Timbernot els8- 
Wire ofIron or Steel, galvanized where specified .......... 20 
01' tinned, 16 gauge or smaller. Free On Mouldings of Wood, plain... 26 
Wira, Iron or Steel, 16 gauge and On Mouldings of Wood, gilded 
coarser ......... . . .. .. .. . . . .. 20 or otherwise manufactnred 
Wire, covered with Cotton, Linen, than plain ..................... 30 
Silk, or other material........ 26 Wood for fuel when imported Into 
Wire of Spring Steel, coppered, Manitoba and N. W. T............Free 
for the manufacture of mat- Wood not further manufactured 
traBBes,No. 9 gsuge and smaller.Free than Bawn or split, viz., African 
Wire, Copper, round or flat..... .Free teak, black heart ebony, ligum. 
Wire, Brass, " " ..... .Free 'Vitae, red cedar and satin wood.Free 
Wire CJoth of Brass or Copper .. 20 I Wrapping Paper. . . .... ......... 20 
ipsandvessels Free Writing Ink. ................... 25 
-Barbed WIre Fencing.... yeast................... ....... 20 
 cents per lb. Yeast Cakes and Compressed 
" Buckthorn and Strip Fenc- Yeast, in Packages of 1 Ib. and 
ing... .1% cents per lb. over, or in bulk ..................... 
Wool, unmanufactured, Hair of 6 cents per lb. 
the Alpaca Goat and other like In Packages ofless than lIb... 
animals, not elsewhere speci- 8 cents per lb. 
fied ....................... . Free Yellow Metal, in bo1tsand bars. .Free 
Wool and Woollens, manufac- Yellow Metal for sheathing ... .Free 
tures of, vlz.:- Zinc, in pillS, blocks and sheets. .Free 
Wool,Worstt!d,the Hairofthe Zinc, seamleBs drawn tubing.... 10 
Alpaca goat or other like Zinc, Chloride, Salts and Sui- 
animals, viz.:- Blankets, phAte of ............................... 6 
ðndfiannelsofeverydescrip- Zinc, Manufactures of, not else. 
tion, not elsewhere speci- where specified .............. 2/\ 
fied, cloths, doeakins, CaBsI- 
meres, tweeds, coatin
s, All good. not enumerated as 
oatings,cloakings, felt charged with any duty of Customs 
cloth of every description, and not dec1
red free of duty, shall 
not elsewhere specified be charged wIth 8 duty of twenty per 
horse collar cloth yarn' cent. ad tJaloTem, when imported into 
knitting yarn, fi
gering Canada, o
 taken o
t of warehouse for 
yarn, worsted yarn, Knit- consumption therem. 
ted Goods, viz.: shirts, 
drawers and hosiery, not 
elsewhere specified, 
il cts. per lb. and ad val. 20 
On clothing ready-made & wear. 
ing apparel of every descrip- 
tlon,includingsocks &stock- 
ings; cloth caps, composed 
wholly or in part of wool, 
worsted,the hall' oUhe Al- 
paca goat or other like ani. 
mala made up or man'fac'd 
wholly or in part by tailor, 
seamøtressor man'facturer, 
except knit goods, 
10 cts. per lb. and ad val. 26 
On all mannfactures compoBèd 
wholly or in part of Wool 
worsted, the hair of the 
Alpaca goat or other like 
animals not herein other- 
wise provided for ........ 22l 
On treble ingrain, three ply and 
two ply carpets composed 
wholly of wool, 
10 cts. p. sq. yd. and ad val. 20 
On two ply and three ply in- 
grain carpets, of which the 
warp Is composed wholly of 
cotton or other material 
than wool, worsted, the 
hair of the Alpa
a goat or 
other like animals 
/I cts. per sq. yd. and ad val. 20 
Wool class one, viz.: Leicester, 
Cotswold, Lincolnshire,Down 

The foUnwiflg articlu ,hall be prohibi- 
ted to be imporúd U1UÙr a penaltfl 
of two hundred doUar., togethe-r 
with the forfeiture of the pared Of' 
package of good. in which the lame 
may be fO'lJlTld, m..:- 
Books, printed papers, drawlngs,paint. 
ings, prin tø, photographs or repre- 
sentations of any kind of a trea. 
sonable or seditioulI, or of an Im- 
moral or indecant character. 
Foreign reprints of British copyright 
works, copyrighted in Canada, 
and Canadian copyright works. 
Coin, base or counterfeit. 
All goods man ufactured by prison 
OleomargarIne, Butterlne, and all 
such substitutBl! for butter. 

ThefolZowing articles being:the natural 
products, or the manufactures of 
the colony of Newfoundland. are 

ptedfTum C'lutom. dtdy when 
impopttd into Canada, viz. :- 
AnimaliJ ofa11 kinds. 

Shingle Bolts p cord ofl28 c. ft. $1 50 
Spruce logs per thouf'llnd feet... 1 00 
Pine logs per thousand feet .... 2 00 
The export of Deer, Wild Turkey. 
Partridge. Prairie Fowl, Woodcock 
and Quail, in careases, is prohibited. 





' ! , " 
': '. 

,' . . 


TIlE QUEEN.-VICTORIA, of the United Kingdom of 
Great Britam and Ireland, Queen, Empress of India, De- 
fender of the Faith. Her Majesty was born at Kensing- 
ton Palace, May 24, 1819; succleded to the throne June 
20, 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV.; 
was crowneù June 28, 1838; and married Feb. 10, 1840, to 
his Royal Highness Prince Albert. Her Maje:sty is the only 
child of his late Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, 
son of King George III. The children of Her Majesty are- 
Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, 
21, 18-10, and married to his Royal Highnf'SS William, the 
Crown Prillce of Germany, Jan. 25, 1858, and has had 
Issue four sons awl four daughters. 
His Royal Highness Albert Eùward, PRINCE OF WALES, 
born Nov. 9, 1841; married March 10,1863, Alexandra of 
Denmark (Princess of Wales), born Dec. 1, 1844, and has 
issue, Prince Albert Victor, born Jan. S, 1864, George 
Frederick Ernest Albert, born June 3, 1865; Louisa Vic- 
toria Alexandra Dagmar, born Feb. 20, 1867; Victoria 
Alexandra Olga :Mary, born July 6, 1868; and Maude 
Charlotte Mary Victoria. Lorn Nov. 26, 1869. 
Her Royal Highness Alice l\faud Mary, born April 25, 
1843 ; married to H. R. H. Prince Frederick Louis of 
Hesse, July 1, 1862, and had issue five daughters and two 

sons: second son killed by accident May, 1873. Died 
December 14th, 1878. 

is Royal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert. Duke of 
Edmùurgh, born Aug. 6, 1844; married Her Imperial 
Highness the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, Jan. 23 
ISH, and has issue one son and four daughters. ' 
Her Royal Highnpss Helena Augusta Victoria, bOl11 
May 25, 1846; married to H. R. H. Prince Frederick 
Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein- 
Sonderburg-Augusteuburg, July 5, 1866, and has issue 
two sons and two daughters. 
Her Royal Highness Louisa Carolina Alberta, horn 

Iafch 18, 1848; married to the Marquis of Lorne, elùcst 
son of the Duke of Argyle, March 21st, 1871. 
His Royal Highness Arthur William Patrick Albert. 
Duke of Connaught, born May I, 1850; married 13th 
March, 1879, to Princess Louise Margaret, daughter of 
Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, and has issue one 
son ancl one daughter. 
His Royal Highness Leopold George Duncan Albert, 
burn April 7, 1853; married April 27, 1882, to Princess 
Helen of Waldeck. Died :\larch 28th, 1884. 
Her Royal Highness neatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, 
born April 14, 1857, married July 23rd. 1885, to Prince 
Henry of Battenburgh. 



GOVERNoR-GENERAL.-The Most Hononrable the Marquess of Lansdowne, G.C.M.G. 

GOVERNOR-GENERAL AND STApp.-His Excellency the 
Most Honourable the Marquess of Lansdowne, G.C.M.G. 
Staff: Capt. Streatfeild, Grenadier Guards. Secretary of 
the Governor-General and \fIlitary Secretary; Lieut. the 
Hon. Henry J. Anson, Highland Light Infantry. Aide-de- 
Camp: Capt. Hon. A. Byng, 7th Hussars, Aide-da-Camp; 
Russell Stephenson, Esq., Extra Aida-de.Camp. 
Streatfeild, Grenadier Guards, Secretary and Military 
Secretary; C. J. Jones, Chief Clerk: W. S. Campbell and 
C. L. Lawrence, Clerks: George Smith, l\lessenger. 
Deputy Governors.-Sir Wm. Ritchie, Kt., Chief Justice 
Supreme Court of Canada: John J. McGee, Esq., Clerk 
of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, 
Prtmin', Pru. P. Omncil, Rt.Hon.SirJ.A.Macdonald,G.C.B 
Minùter of Finance ................ Hon. A. w. McLelan 
Postmalter Gmeral......... ......... " Sir A. Campbell 

Jlinister of Public Works .........Hon. Sir Hector Langevin 
Minister of Railways and Canals " John Henry Pope 
Minister of Oustoms .......... ...... " Mackenzie Bowell 
Minister of Militia. . . . , .. . . ... " Sir A. P. Caron 
J/inister of Marine d Fùherin.. " G. E. Foster 
Minisur oj Agriculture ... ......... " John Carling 
J/inisur of Inland Rtvmue ...... ., John CostiKan 
(Without Portfolio)................. " Frank Smith 
&crdaryof Staû..................... " .1. A, Chapleau 
Minisûr of the Interior ............ " Thomas White 
Minister of Justice ................... " John S. D. Thompson 
Clerk Privy Council-John J. McGee. 
Officers in the Privy CXruncil Office.-P.J.Ubalde Baudry, 
Asst. Clerk. Henry Alexander, W. Horace Lee, Lewis J. 
Burpee, F. K. Bennetts. P. J. Brennan, Simeon Lelievre. 
F. Newby. O. L. E. Moll. L. H. Chute, H. A. May and J. 
Foley, Clerks. R. W. Baldwin, Draftpman and Accountant. 
M. Naughton, Office Keeper and Chief Messenger. 

Hon. Will. MILLER, Speaker (Halifax). F. J. LANGEVIN, Clerk of the Parliaments. 

Hon. Sir- Alexander Campbell. Ottawa 
" David Reesor ............ Yorkville 
" Elijah Leonard... ......... London 
co William McMaster ...... Toronto 
.. Sir D. L Macpherson ... Toronto 
" Billa Flint ............... Belleville 
" George W. Allan ......... Toronto 
" John Hamilton ....Hawkesbury 
" Charles Cormier...... Plessisville 
" J. F. Armand...Riv. des Prairies 
" William H. Chaffers...St.Césaire 
., Jean B. Guévremont.........SOrel 
" James Ferrier............ Montreal 
" Thomas Rvan............ Montreal 
" T. D. Archibald ... Sydney, N. S. 
" Robert B. Dickey.........Amherst 
.. William Miller ............ Arichat 
" A. E. Botsford...Westcock,Wmd. 
William H. Odell.... Fredericton 
David Wark .... .......Fredericton 
John Ferguson. ......... Bathurst 
A.R.McClelan, Hopewell,Alb'Co. 
John Glasier...... Sunbury, N.B. 
James Dever ...... St. John, N.B. 
A. Mscfarlane...... Wallace, N. S. 

Hon.Frank Smith............... Toronto 
" Robert Read '" ......... Belleville 
" M. A. Girard. ...St. Boniface, M 
" J. Sutherland... .... Kildonan. M. 
" W. J. Macdonald. Victoria, B. C. 
" H. A. N. Kaulbach ...Lunenburg 
" M. H. Cochrane ......... Compton 
" Alexander Vidal ............Sarnia 
" George Alexander ... Woodstock 
" J. H. Bellerose...St. Vine de Paul 
" D. Montgomery...... Park Corner 
" R. P. Haythorne...Charlottetown 
" F. X. A. Trudel.. ..........Montreal 
" R. W. Scott ... ...... .........Ottaw8 
" Pierre Baillargeon ......... Quebec 
" A. H. Paquet ........ St. Cuthbert 
" G. G. Steveus.........Waterloo, Q. 
" J. D. Lewin. ......St. John, N. B. 
" L. G. Power..................Ha.lifax 
" R. P. Grant. .........Pictou. N. S. 
" C. A. P. Pelletier............Quebec 
" Jos. Rosaire. Thibaudeau, Mont'l 
" C. E. B. de Boucherville. Bouch. 
.. William J. Almon. ......Halifax 
" H. Nelson... Burrard Inlet, B. C. 

lion. J.S.Carvell.Charlottetown. P.E.I. 
" John Boyd .........St. John, N.B. 
" Joseph Northwocd. Chatham. O. 
" Geo. W. Howlan, Alberton,P.E.I. 
" Thos. l'>lcKay ... Colchester, N.S. 
" Alex. W. Ogilvie.........Montreal 
" Donald MacInnes ......Hamilton 
" T.R.MI'Tnnes,N.Westminster,B.C 
.. John O'Donohne ......... Toronto 
" Juhn Schultz ............ Winnipeg 
" J. ß. Plumb......... ...Niagsra 
" T. Robitaille ...New Carlisle. Q. 
" P. A. De Blois... . Beanport, Q. 
" Donald McMilI an, Alexandria. O. 
" James Turner....... . Hamilton 
" Geo. C. McKindsey....Milton, O. 
" JaB. Gibb Ross ......Quebec. Q. 
" Alexandre Lacoste. .. l'olontreaI 
" W. McDonald..... Cape Breton 
" J. Bolduc. St. Victor de Tring, Q. 
" J.R. Gowan.................Barrie 
" M. Sullivan......... ...... Kingston 
" F. Clemow ............ ....... Ottawu 
" P. Poirier....... Richibucto. N.B. 




NADA.-Robt. Le
Ioine. Esq., honorary; E. J. Langevin, Clerk, 
Ia!'ter in 
Chancery Cashier and Accountant; James Adamson, Clerk. Assistant :\Iaster in Chancery; J. G. A. Creighton, 
Law Clerk and Master in Chancery, Clerk of Committees and English Translator; The Venerable J. S. Lauder, 
Chaplain: Peter Mi:Ier. First English Clerk and Clerk of Englil.h Journals; R. W. Stephen, Second English Clerk and 
Cll'rk of Routine and ProceedingR, &c.: Alex. Soutter, Third En;zlish Clerk and Clerk of Private Bills; A. A. Boucher, 
Second Clerk Assistant. Master in Chancery and Chief French Translator; Altred Garneau, First French Translator; 
J. de St. D. Ll"Ioine, Sergeant-at-ArmR: Ivanhoe Taché. Clerk of French Journals and Deputy Sergeant-at.Arms; C. 
T. Gibbs. Assistant Accountant; F. A. McCord. Junior Clerk: R. Edward Kimber, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod; 
J. B, Myrand, Po;!tmaster; Peter Dunne. Housekeeper: Pierre Rattey, Doorkeeper; Tboma/< Whee]er, News-room 
Keeper: Charles Young. Speaker's Messenger: Frederick Gilbert. Wardrobe Keeper and Assistant Doorkeeper; John 
Dunne, Bank l\Iessenger; Odilon Archambault. Joseph Larose, .J. H. Pelletier and Thomas Davis, Permanent Mes- 
!'enj:ers; André Gravelle, House Carpenter: L. RobilaiIll', Jas. N. Thomson. Wm. L. Lambkin, Thl'odnle Paqnet and 
A. Wilson, Sessional Messengers; Jean Choquette, Gco. McKinnon, A. Fosberig. E. Berube and E. Fitzgerald, SellSional 
ADDRESS.-To the Honourable the Senate of the Dominion of Canada, in Parliament assembled. 
The Petition of - 

[Place and date.] 

Humbly sheweth, 

That. &c. 


Hon. GEORGE A. KIRKPATRICK, Speaker. JOHN GEORGE BOURINOT Esq., Clerk of the House. 

.4.tldington..........John W. Bell .............Desmond, 0 
Álbert...............John Wallace ............ HiIlsboro, N B 
oma .............Simon J. Dawson ......Port Arthur, 0 
Annapolis......... Wm. H. Ray................Clementsp't, N S 
Ántigonish.........Hon.J. S. D. Thompson. Ottawa 
Argenteuil.........Hon. J. J. C. Abbott. ...l\Iontreal 
Bayot... ............Flavien Dupont............St. Liboire, Q 
lkauce ............ T. L. Taschereau ...... ...St.J .de Beauce, Q 
Beauharnois ......J. G. H. Bergeron.........Montreal, Q 
lklZ,.Æhasse...... ...Guillaume Amyot .... ...Quebec, Q 
Berthier ............ E. O. Cuth bert ... ...... ...Berthier( en haut) 
Bonaventurr. ......L. J. RiopeL............ ...Quebec 
Bothwell............Hon. David MiIls.........l'almyra, 0 
Brant, .V'.R. ......James Somerville.........Dundas. 0 
Brant, S. R. ...... Wm. Paterson ............ Brantford, 0 
BroclroiUe. .........Jno. Fisher Wood.. ......Brockville, 0 
BrO'l7te............ ...S. A. Fisher... .............. Knowlton, Q 
Bruce, E.R...... ...Rupert M. Wells......... Toronto 
Bruce, N.R. ......Alex. McNeill..............Wiarton, 0 
Bruce, w:R.......James Somerville .........Lucknow, 0 
rr_ B t { Murray Dodd...........Sydney, N S [N S re on ...... H. F. }lcDou
all......Christmas Island, 
CÙrdVJeU............Hon. Thomas White ...Ottawa 
Carltton, N.B. ...David Irvine........ .......Knoxford, N B 
Cùrleton, O. ...... lion. Sir J. Macdonald. .Ottawa 
CÙriboo.... ........James Reid ...............Quesnelle. B. C 
Chambly......... ...Raymond Prefontaine . Montreal 
Champlain ... ...H. Montplaisir ........... la Maltdel'ne 
Gharlevoiz...... ...Simon X. Cimon.... ...St. Etienne, Malbaie 
Charlotte .........A. H. Gillmor ..............St. Georll;e, N B 
Ghateauguay...... Edward Holton ...... ...Montreal 
Ghicout. &Sa.guen.J. A. Gagné . .............. .Chicoutimi, Q 
OJlehestfT .........Hon. A. W. 1tlcLelan....Ottawa 
Cbmpto)!............Hon. J.H. Pope............Ottawa 
Oumberland ......C. J. Townshend.. .......Amherst, N S 
Digby ...............Hon. W. B. Vail.... ...... Haur8.x, N3 
Dorche$ter .........ChBS. A. Lesage............8te. Claire, Q 
Årthab.D. O. Bourbeau. .......... Victoriaville, Q 
Dundas ............C. E. Hickey................:\Iorrisburg, 0 
Durham, E. R....Heury AUred Ward.... Port Hope 
Durham, W. R...Hon. E. Blake ............Toronto 
Ell/in, E. R. ......John II. Wilson...........St Thomas, 0 
El{jin, w: R......G. E. Casey ................Fingal,O 
&sex, N.R.........James C. Patterson...... Windsor, 0 
Essex, S. R......... Lewis Wigle............ ...Leamington. 0 
Frontmac .........Hon.G. A. Kirkpatrick. Kingst
n, 0 
Gaspé ...............Pierre Fortin...............Onspé Basin, Q 
Glengarry ...... ... Donald Macmaster. ...... Montreal 
9Zoucuter .........Kennedy F. BurDs......Bathurst, N B 
Grenville, 8. R... Walter Shanly ............Montreal 
Grey, E. R.........Thomas S. Sproule ......Markdale, 0 
Grey, N. R.........Benjamin Allen. .........Owen Sound, 0 
9rey, S. R..... ...George La.nrlerkin........Hanover, 0 
GuysOOrough......John A. Kirk..............G1enelg, N S 
Haldimand. ......C. W. Colter ...............Cayuga, 0 
Halifa:r; { John F. Stairs .........Halifax, N S 
............ Malachy B. Daly ......Halifax. N S 
Halton ............ Wm. McCraney...... ......OakvllIe, 0 
HamiUon City { Francis E. Kilvert.... Hamilton, 0 
, ... Thomas Robertson ... Hamilton, 0 
Hants............... Wm. Henry Alllson . ...Newport, N S 
Bastings, E. R...John White. ...............R08lin. 0 
Bastings, N. R...Hon. M. Bowell........ ...Otb\wa 

Ba$tings, w: R... Alex. Robertson....... ...Belleville, 0 
Boehelaga ...... ...Alphon!'e Desjardins. ...Montreal 
Huntingdon ... ...J ulius Scriver. ......... ... Hemmingford, Q 
Huron, E. R......Thomas Farrow............Blul'vale, 0 
Buron. S. R......Sir Richard Cartwright. Kingston, 0 
Huron, w: R....Malcolm C. Cameron....Goderich, 0 
lbertrilte ...._.......François Bechard......... Mt. Johnson, Q 
Inverness. ...... ...Hugh Cameron........ ...Mabou, N S 
Jacques CUrtier... Désiré Girouard. ......... Dorval, Q 
Joliette .......... ...Ed. Guilbault.... ...... ...Joliette, Q 
Kamouraska......C. B. Blondeau .. .........St. Pascal, Q 
Kent, N. B. ......P. A. Landry......... . Dorchester. N B 
Kent, O. ............Benry Smyth....... ......Chatham. 0 
King's, N. B......Hon. George E. Foster...Ottawa 
King's. N. S......Donglal! B. Woodworth.CornwaIlls, N S 
King's P. E. I { Peter A. McIntyre...Souris, PEl 
, . .... A. C. MacDonald ...... Montague Bridge 
Kingston ..........Alexander Gunn .........KingstoD, 0 
Lambton. E. R...J. H. Fairbank............Petrolia, 0 
Lambúnf.; W. R...J. F. Lister..................Sarnia, 0 
Lanark, N. R.... JOII. Jamieson....... .... ... Almontl', 0 
La:nark, S. R. ...J. G. Ha
gart..............Perth. 0 
Lapraine .........Alfred Pinsonneault....St. J. Ie 1\Iineur 
L'Ássr,mptwn ...H.Hurtean.................St. Lln, Q 
laval...............J A.Ouimet..............Montreal 
If'ms and Gren. }C F F I 0 
. " N. R . erguøon.... .... Kemptvll e, 
tit e, . ....... 
Leeds, S. R. ......Geor
e Taylor........ ......Gananoque, 0 
Lennox ............M. W. Pruyn. .... ....Napanea, 0 
Lévis ...............P. 
1. Guay..................Etchemin, Q 
 Niag ..J. C. Rykert ............... St. Catharines, 0 
Lisgar...............Arthur W. ROBS. .........Victoria, B C 
L'Islel ...............P. B. CaAgrain.............Quebec 
LlJndon.............Hon. .John Carling......Ottawa . 
Lotbinière ....... C.!. Rinfret. ........... ...Ste. Croix, Q 
Lunmburg . ......C. E. Kaulbaeh.......... . Lunenburg, N S 
Marqudte. .........Robert Watson ........... Portage laPrairie 
Masldnongé ......A. L. Desaulniers. ......Louiseville 
.Wi'gantic............F. Langelier......... .Quebec 
.Widdlesex, E. R.Duncan Macmillan......London, 0 
Jliddl.esex, N. R. Timothy Coughlin ......Otfa. 0 
Middlesex, S.R...JamesArmstrong.........Wilton Grove, 0 
Middlesex, w: R.D. 1\1. Cameron............Strathroy, 0 
_'Iissisquoi .........G. B. Baker. ...............Sweetsburg. Q 
Monck......... ...... Lachlin McCallum ......Stromness, 0 
Jlontcalm ......... Firmin Dugas ... ......... Montcalm, Q 
Jlontmagny ...... Ph. Landry. ............ ...Qnebec 
Montmortncy . ...Pierre V. VuIln............Quebec 
Montrl'm, Centre. John Jos. Curran .......Montreal 
Wontreal, East...ChBS. J. CourllOl...........Montreal 
Montreal, ße$t ...Matthew H Gault .......l\lontreal 
Musknka............. Wm. Edward O'Brien...Shanty Bay, 0 
Napier1Jille ......Médéric Catl1daI......... Napierville, Q 
New We$tminster.J. A. R. Homer..........New Westminster 
Nicolet ............A. Gaudet ..................GentlIly, Q 
Norfolk, N. R ...Joon Charlton ............Lynedoch. 0 
Norfolk, S. R.....JosephJackøon............Simcoe, 0 
Northum'd,N.B. Hon. Peter }litchell.....Montreal 
Northum, 0., E. R. Ell ward COChranèl......... Brighton, 0 
North'd, 0., W:R.George Guillet............Cobonrg, 0 
Ontario, N. R....A. P.COCkburn ..........Beaverton,O 
Ontario, W.R. ...Jas. D. Edgar. .............Toronto 
Ontario, S. R. ...F. W. Glen . ...............Oshawa, 0 




()Ua Oity { Chas.H. Mackintosh.Ottawa Shdlmrm .........ThomAsRobertson ......Barrington, N S 
wa, ...... Joseph Tassé............Montreal Sherbrooke .......R. N. Hall...................Sherbrooke. Q 
Ottawa, County .Alonzo Wright............lronside, Hull, Q Si11læoe, E.R......Herman H. Cook..........Toronto 
Oxford, N. R. ...James Sutherland....... Woodstock, 0 Si11læoe, N.R......Dalton McCartby..........Toronto 
Oxford, S. R......Arcb. Harley...._.........Harley, 0 Si11læoe, S. R......Richard Tyrwhitt.........Bradford, 0 
Pm . ...............James Fleming............Brampton, 0 SoUlaT/{/u. .........Jas. W. Bain . ...............St. Polycarpe, Q 
Ptrth. N R. ......S. R. Hesson......... ......Stratford, 0 Stanstead. .........Charles C. Colby.... ......8tanstead, Q 
Perth, S. R. ......James Trow... ......... ...Stratford, 0 Stormont d Corn- { Db B' CliO 
PeÚTboro', E. R..John Burnham............Ashburnham, 0 wall............... ar y ergID........... ornwa , 
Peurboro', w: R. tJeorge Hilliard ...... ...Peterborough, 0 Sunbury......... ...Charles Burpee........ ...Sheffield. N B 
Pictou { Charles H Tupper. ... Halifax, N S m-' P E G db ' { Riviere du Loup 
............... John McDougald......Weøtville. N S .Lem1.8eouata ...... . . ran OIS ...... (en bas) Q 
Plmtiac . ........ ...John Bryson... ............ Fort Coulonge, Q Terreblm7U... ...... Hon. J. A. Chapleau..... Ottawa 
Portneuf . .........J.E. A. De St. Georges...Quebec Three Rivers......Hon. Sir H. Langevin...Ottawa 
Prucott ......... ...Simon Labrosse.... ......St. Eugene, 0 Toronto. Centre...Robert Hay. ...... ......... Tor(lnto 
Pri p. B L { Edward Hackett ......Ottawa Thronto, But......John Small... ....... ...... Toronto 
nee, . . ... James yeo...............Port Hill. PEl Thronto, West. ...James Beaty, jun.........Toronto 
Prtnce Edward...John Milton Platt........ Pict
n, 0 Two Mountains...J. B. Daoust ...............St. Eustache, 
p,.ovencher.........Joseph Royal.............St. Boniface, M Vancouver Wm. Gordon....Nanaimo, B C 
Quebec, Ckntre....J. G. Bossé...... ......... ...Quebec Vaudreuù......... .. Hngh McMillan....... Rigaud, Q 
Quebec, EaJt ......Ron. Wilfrid Laurier...Arthabaøkaville Verchéres............Hon. F. Gf>tffrion ...... Verchères. Q 
Quebec. West... ...Hon. Thos. McGreevy...Quebec Victori B C. { Edgar Crow Baker.... Victoria, B C 
Quebec Cbunty. ...Hon.Sir AdolpheCaron.Ottawa a, .... Noah Shakespeare.... Victoria, B C 
Queen's, N B. ...Georj:e G. King............Chipman. N B Victoria,N.B ......Hon. .John Costigan...Ottawa 
Quun's, N. S.. ...JaB. F. Forbes. ............Liverpool, N S Victoria, N.S ......C. J. Campbell...........Baddeck. N S 
Que ' P. E L { L. H. Davies.............Charlottetown Vict01"Ïa,O.,N.R...Hector Cameron. ......Toronto 
en s, . .. John T. Jenkins. ......Charlottetown Victoria,O.. S.R.Jos. R. Dundas............Lindsay. 0 
Renfrew, N. R...Peter White.... ............Pembroke, 0 Waterloo, N.R....Hugo Kranz............. Berlin, 0 
Rerifrew, S. R...Robert CampbeH..........Eganville, 0 Waterloo, S.R ....James Livingston......Baden, 0 
RP-Stigouche . ... ...George Moffat.... ......... Dalhousie, N B Jtelland ... ...... ...John Ferguson....... ...Niagara Falls, 0 
Richtlieu. .........Louis H. Massue.......... Varennes, Q Wellington C.R...George T. Orton .........Winnipeg,M 
Richmond. N.S..H. N. Paint............Pt.Hawkesbury,N S Wi-llington, N.R.Jas. McJ\Iullen...... ....Mount Forest, 
Rich'd d!mlfe,Q.William B. Ives............Sherbrooke, Q Wellington, S.R . James Inues...... .........Guelph, 0 
Rimouski ......... Louis A. Billy. ......... ... Rimouski Jv..ntworth, NR. Thomas Bain....... ...... Dundas, 0 
Rouville............G. A. Gigault...............St. Cèsaire, Q JVentworth, S.R.Lonis Springer............ Hamilton, 0 
Russell. ............ M. K. Dickinson....... ... Manotick, 0 m-Stmordand.... Josiah Wood.............. Sackville, N B 
St. Hyacinthe. ...M. E. Bernier........... ...St. Hyacintbe, Q Wìnnipeg.......... Thomas Scott............. Winnipeg. M 
St.John,NB.,Oity.Frederick E. Darker....St. John, N B Yale.................F. J. Barnard.............Victoria, B.C 
St.Joh9'l,N.B.,City [ Charles A. Everett ...St. John. N B Yamagka .........Fabian Vanasse..........Montreal 
and County.... C. W. Weldon..........St. John, N B Yarmouth .........J. R. Kinney... .......... Yarmouth, N.S 
St. John, Q.........F. Bourassa. ...............St. Valentine. Q York. N.B.........Thos. Temple .............Fredericton, N.B 
St. Maurice. ......L. L. L. Deøaulniers.....l\Iontreal York, 0.. Fl.R ...Hon. A. MacKenzie.....Toronto 
&1kirk . ... ......... Hu
h Sntherland....... Winnipeg, M York, 0., N.R... Wm. Mulock............... Toronto 
Bhefford............Michael Anger.............Roxt
n Pond, Q York. 0.. W.R...N. C. Wallace........ Woodbridge, 0 
OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE.-John George Bourinot. Clerk of the House; F. F. Rouleau, Clerk Assistant; Donald W. 
Macdonell. Sergeant-at-Arms: Henry R. Smith, Deputy ditto and Spl'&ker's Secretary. Chief Branch-William C. 
Dowles. Clerk of Votes and Proceedings and Secretary to the Clerk of 'he Houee; I. B. Taylor, Assistant Clerk of 
Votes and Proceedings; F. McGillivray, Clerk of Rontine and Records; A. G. D. Taylor, Clerk of English Journals: 
J. Dalton, Assistant ditto and Clerk of Petitions; J. R. E. Chapleau, Translator of Votes and Proceedings and 
Journals: P. Rivat, Clerk of French Journals; J. A. Polkinghorne. Clerk of S"ssional Papers; T. Ouimet, Assistant 
French Journal Clerk; E. Tas86, Clerk of Committees; L. D. Duvernay, Assistant ditto; Walter Todd, Clerk (If 
Standing Committees on Private Bills and Standing Ordel's; Charles Panet, Assistant ditto; R. McG. Moffat, Clerk 
of Railways and Banking and Commerce Committees; E. P.Hartney. Assistant ditto and Clerk of Standing Committee 
on Public Acconnts; R. P. King. Junior Clerk. Law and Translation Branch-G. W. Wicksteed, Law Clerk; Wm. 
Wilson. Assistant ditto and Chief English Translator; T. G. Coursolles, Assistant ditto and Chief French Translator; 
F. B. Hayes aud R. J. Wicksteed, Assistant English Translators; J. A. Genand, A. Frechette, D. L. Desaulniers, L. 
Laframboise, E. Query, F. X. Demers and E. Perrin, Assistant French Translators. Nillcdla1WJUS Branch-Henry 
Hartney, Accountant; Robert Brewer, Assistant ditto; Robert Romaine, Clerk of Stationery and Superintendent of 
the Printing of Sessional Papers of Parliament; Cbarles E. Clarke, Assietant ditto and ProofReader; N. Robideaux, 
H. Macdonell and W. Dube, Junior Clerks; J. Stansfeld, Postmaster; E. A. Pelletier, Assistant ditt
; F. X. Lemienx, 
Second ditto. Sergeant-at-ArmJ! Branch-Lucien DuM, Chief Messenger; N. Turgeon, Assistant ditto; R. Harris, 
Doorkeeper; Edward Storr. Curator of Reading Room; Joseph Drown, Bank Messenger; M. Laflamme. J. E. ASl'8lin, 
W. Cairns, George Smith, Claire Hup:g and A. Lizotte, MesllCngers: G. A. Boudrsault. the Clerk's Messenger: Robert 
Craig and Geo. W. Holder, Night Watchmen; James Sinclair, House Carpenter. PrintiT/{/ of Rzrlia'lMnt-Henry 
Hart:Jey, Manager; E. Bottereil, Distributor of Printed Papers; N. Boulet and H. A. Botterell, Assistants; J. 
Wiltshire, J. Rivet and W. Whillock, MesllCngers. 
ADDRESS.-To the Honourable the House of Commo)ls of the Dominion of Oanada, in Parliament assembled. 
The Petition of - 
[Place and Date.] Humbly sheweth, That, &c. 

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.-Hon. John S. D. Thompson, Baker, W, J. Robertson. J. Russell. J. Courtney, J. Camp- 
Minister of Justice; George W. Burbidge, Q.C., Deputy bell. F, J. Code, R. R. Farrow, A. Lacerte and Miss Jessie 
Minister of Justice; A. Power, Chief Clerk; Jr,hn Leslie, Christie, Clerks. Corraplmdence Branch-T. Alder D. 
G. L. B. Fraser. F. H. Gisborne, W. E. Hodgins, W. H. Bliss, A. Morin, W. J. Mackenzie, Clerkll; G. H. Fawcett, 
Blackadar, P. M. Cote and A. J. Horan, Clerks; D. B. Stationery Clerk. Statistical Branch-James Barry. Chief 
stewart, Minister's Private Secretary; R. J. Robertson, Clerk; J. S. Fairweather. C. H. Harding, H. Bennett, A. 
Messenger. Penitt:ntiary Branch-J. G. Moylan, InBpec- C. Bleakney, C. E. McKeil. C. V. Inee. John Ackers, 
tor (If Penitentiaries; George L. Foster, Accountant; H' j Clerks. John Walls, John Carleton and Harry Carleton. 
B. S. Lane, Clerk. Messengers. H. Kavanagh. W. II. Hill. T. C. Mewbnrn, 
CUSTO>lS DEPARTMENT [Eastern Block].-Hon. Mackenzie W. R. lIlingaye, L. Robitaille, J. S. MacLaren, Inspectorll 
linister of Customs; James Johnson, Commis- of Ports. J. F. Wolff. Special Agent. J. A. Grosse, Special 
sioner of Customs; W. G. Parmelee, Assistant Com mis- Revenue Officer. Board of Appraisers-J. Johnson, 
sioner; E. L. Sanders, Minister's Private Secretary. I Chairman (ez-<!tJi.cio); W. H. Frazer, Appraiser; Geo. W. 
Âccounlant's Branch-T. J. Watters, Accountant; W. C. Jesllup, Secretary. 




Tho.e marked thus * are Warehousing Ports. Works, Ron. Sir H. L. LangeTin, C.B., KC.M.G. Deputy 
Am'terstburIJ.* E. Anderson. Napanee, Goo. :\'1. Elliott, Minister of PuNic Works, G. F. Baillairgé. Secretary, 
Bellt:rJüle.* W. Webster. NewCarlisle.* P.C. Beauchesne A. Gobeil. Chief Engineer, H F. Perley. Chief Archi- 
Brantford.* H. B. Leeming. Nf';'UJcastle. F. Farncomb. tect, Thos. Fuller. Chief Acconntant, O. Dionne. Snpt. 
I. K. Lockwood. Niagara,* W. Kirby. of Tel., F. N. Gisborne. Private SecretlU"Y, E. F. E. Roy. 
Brockvil.le.* George Easton. Oakoille,* R. K. Chisholm. Engineering Branch-Chief Clerk. R. Steckel. Seconrl 
Chatham,*J.G.Pennefather. Oshawa.* George Fr. Blamey Claøs Clerk-J. C. Taché, DraughtRman. }Iechanical 
'L"Ï{le.W.)1. Pattison. Ottawa, Z. Wilson. Engineer-Chief Clerk, J. R. Arnoldi. First Class Clerks- 
Clij'wn,* W. Leggett. Owen &und, J. C. Stephens. J. P. Macpherson. F. C. Lightfoot. Second Clasø Clerks- 
Chaticook,* W. S. WilliAml. Paris,* Thomas Hall. E. P. Bance, A. Kingston, E. Dionne, Dr. A. Belleau, J. 
Oibo1,rg,* Ch. E. Ewing. fin'tang'sheneW.M.Thompson Vincent. Third Clasø Clerks-D. A.Macpherson. P. Cartier, 
OJlbar7l'. * D. E. Macfarland. Perd. W. Flynn J. E. Verrault, J. Coté. H. Talbot, S. O'Brien, K J. Smith, 
On-nW:lU,* Alex.V.McMillan.Pd
boro'. James Stratton. Geo. Hennesey, R. J. Robillard. !tIessengerø-H. Potvin. 
Oramahe,*GeorgeA. Fowler Pictnn,* Walter J. Ross. Jos. A. Chabot. 
Darlingtcn,* John Rankin. R>ttan, W. Lynch. POST OFFICEDEPARTMENT-GENERAL P08TOFPICE. OTTAWA. 
Dover.* T. B. Barrett. Prucott,* H. D. Jessup. -Pol;tmaster-Generai, Hon. Sir Alex. C&lDpbell, K.C.M.G.; 
Dunda3," W. Gillspy. Quibtc,* Hon.J.G.Blanchet. Deputy Postmaster.General, W. H. Griffin. Swretary's 
Dundu.* M. M. Smith. Rirrwuski.* J. A. l\Iartin. BI'anch-Chlef Clerks-Lieut..CoI. W. White, Secretary; 
Dunnl'ille, A. Brownson Rmselroum, R. Rogers. W. D. LeSueur, Assistant Secretary. 1øt Class Clerks- 

 Erie,* E. W. Brookfield Sarnia, * G. N. Matheson. II. S. Weatherley, J. Walsh, A. Lindsay and H. G. Hopkirk. 
Pnlighsbl,rgh, W. C. Baker. Saugeen, James Fleming. 2nd Class Clerks-G. H. Hargrave, H. W. Griflln, J. 
Gananoque, J. Ormiston. Sault Ste. Marie,* J. Wilson. Graham, A. W. Throop, C. Falconer, G. R. White, J. M. 
Ga3pP,* J. J. Kavanagh. SMrbroo
. Chas. E. Perry. O'Leary, A. McLennan, G. J. Sinks, G. Marsan, E. P. 
Goderich.* Asher Farrow. Sarel, J. Matthiew. Stanton and W. Greaves. Srd Class Clerks-G. Rance, D. 
OlUlp1z. T. A. Heffernan. Stanstead, C. S. Channell. A. C. MacDonald, A. J. }IacDermid, J. A. Macdonald, W. 
Hamilton,*DaYid}IcCulloch. St. Catharims, H. H. Collier. J. Frechette, H. H. Morton. J. Carter, H. Knauf: W. C. 
mmi12nfm-d, F. S. Proper. St. Hyacintw. J. S. Hamel. Little, J. Brown, G. A. D. }Iailleue, P. B. Powell, T. Roy, 
HQpe.* E. J. W. Bnrton. St. Johns,* H. G. Perchard. F. G. Moon, A. Lampman,C. P. V. Béroard, B. M. Northrop, 
Kingst.on.*ClarkeHamilton. Stratford, John Hamilton. E. L. Taylor, E. Daubney, E. Bunel. C L Hutton, G. C. 
Kingsl-,iIle, S. King. Sut/.Qn, Asa Tracy. Wood, H. Brenot, N. W. Curtis. C. Pope, W. Alford, J. S. 
Lacolle, P. Dozois. Three Rivers, A. A. LanUer. Stevenson, J. Prendergast, K. Merrick, L. Robinson, A. 
Linthay. D. Browne. 7bronto,* Hon. Jaø. Patton. Samuels, E. M. O'Connor, J. Seymonr, M. Mclt Kainø, 'W. 
Landon.* Rob..rt Reid. Trenton,. J. F. McGuire. Smith, J. Grant, E. D. Osgood, F. C. Anderson and G. H. 
MU1ldalenlslands,J. R. F. Wallaceburgh, C. Fraser. Parish. Packers-So Greenfield, T. A. C4fi'arati, J. Marler 
Painchaud. Whüby,* G. A. Carson. Bnd J. Bradley. Printing and Supply Branch-Chief 
Montrtal,* M. P. Ryan. Windsor,* Wm. Benson. Clerk-Sidney Smith, jun., Superintendent. 1st Class 
.J/arrislturg, Hiram Carman. Woodstock,* W. H. VanIngen Clerk-O. Fortier. 2nd Clasø Clerk-We D. O'Brien. Srd 
DEPARTMENT OP INLAND REVENUE.-Hon. J. Costigan, Class Clerks-J. R. Greenfield, R. Greenfield, D. Clarabut 
Minister of Inland Revenue; E. MiaIl, Commiøsloner. and D, H. Gonlden. Packers-We Fergnson, W. Gooch, 
&crt.tary's Branch-W. Himsworth, Chief Clerk and M. Galvin, T. Hartnedy, G. Elbourne, J. Briggs, A. ltlor8e, 
Secretary; W. Carter, Short-hand Writer; A. Lugøignan, J. Barrett, J. Elliott, J. B. Laurie, M. J. Mahon J. Ball. H. 
Clerk and Translator. ACCQUntant's Branch-P. M. J. Cooch, W. H. Cheney, J. C. Benn and P. Kehoe. 
Robins. Chief Clerk and Accountant; F. R. E. Campeau, Âecounlant's Brarn:h-Chief Clerkø-H. A. WicksteeJ, 
Assistant Accouutant; J. E. Valin. C. R.lIall,J.A. Doyon. Accountant; W. H. Smitbson, Aøsistant Accountant. 1st 
G Brunel,J. F. Brown and John Byrnes, Clerks. Statistical Class Clerkø-P. E. Bucke and J. Plunkett. 2nd Class 
Branch-F. Meaøam, W. L. Heron, R. Nettle, J. F. Shaw. Clerks-E. H. Benjamin, L. Blanchet, C. J. B. Higginø, D. 
Canal Branch-B. H. Teakles, N. Stewart, R. Devlin. F. McCarthy, 
. H. Pouliot, N. G. D'AHteuil and A. De.vine. 
Hydraulic, Rmis, de.-C. E. Chnbbnck. FbTm. Branch- Srd Class Clerkø-R.J. Oliver,J. G. Fortier, E. A. D. Jones, 
}'. K. Blatch. Stamps Branch-H. G. La:\Iotbe. Slandc.rds P. T. Leahy, C. O. Doncet, D. A. Barrett, T. McGrail, W. 
Branch-J. BruneI, Clerk. Secretary to Minúw-W. F. H. Bnrpee, N. Champagne. T. M. Oliver. R. H.mderson, 
Walsh. Chi4' Analyst-Thomas }lacfarJane. Lab<n-atm-y G. C. Anderson, E. WIlson, F. K. Rochester, F. Lemienx, 
C!Qk-ThomaøCasey. Messengers--G.Fowler, R. Archam- H. S. Shaw, H. S. Campbell, T Ainsborough, C. R. Robert- 
bauIt and .John Courtman. son, I. 'fraversy, J. P. Howard and W. Q. Ketchum. Chief 
Inspector. of lnlar.<l &venlu. - Henry Godson, of Clerk-J. Ashworth, Cashier. Messengers-M. Bennett, 
Toronto, Chief Inspector; John Davis, of Windsor, for J. Dodd and D. Courtney. Private Secretary-H. G. Hop- 
Windsor District: John Morrow, of Toronto, for Toronto kirk. Money Order Bramh-Chief Clerks-J. C. Stewart, 
Diøtrict; W. L. Hamilton, of Brockville, for Kingston Vis- Superintendent; G. F. Everett. Assistant Superintendent. 
trict: R. Bellemare, of Montreal. for Montreal Diøtrict; J. 1st Class Clerk-We J. Barrett. 2nd Clasø Clerkø-J. P. 
M. Lemoine, of Quebec, for Quebec District; John N. Brophv, R. J. Shaw, S. S Thorne, D. D. McPherson, W. J. 
Moore. of St. John. N.B., for New Brunøwick District; R. Johnstone and J. F. Wall. Srd CI88Ø Clerks-M. K. Dun. 
Borraiaile, of H/l1ifax. N. S.. for Nova Scotia Diøtrict; J. levie. J. C. Bonner, A. W. Wall, J. H. Spencer, F. M. S. 
K. Barrett, of Winnipeg, for Manitoba District; C. T. Jenkins. F. H. F.Mercer, F. E. S. Grout,C. W.Lally,T.E. 
Dnpont. of Victoria, for BriUøh Columbia District; R. Vb.ser, W. R. Hanley, J. L. Olivier. W. Rowan, W. T. 
Borradsile, of Halifux, for Prince Edward Island. John ,V'ilson.J.}Iullin,E.L.Learoyd,G.H.IIayes.J.M.Conroy, 
Davis. of Windsor, Inspector of Diiltilleries. W.J. Gerald. G. L. Plunkett, F. O. O. A. Seguin,C. A. Meikle, J. S. Hale, 
Inspector of Tobacco Factories. W. J. Johnstone, Chief J. G. Fortier and J. C. Martin. Packers-C. A. Clark and 
Inljpector of Standards. A. Wheatley. Savings Bunk Branch-ChiefClerks-J. C. 
r of Finance. Hon. A. W. S
wart, Superintendent; D. Matheson. Assiøtant Super- 
McLelan; Depnty Minister of Finance, J. 1\1. Courtney. intendent. 1st Clasø Clerk-We II. Harrington. 
Accountant of Contingencieø, Thomas Ross. Comptroller Class Clerks-J. Rose Smith. W. H. Eagleson, J. H. Fair. 
of Dominion Currency, F. Toller. Chief Clerk to Savinj!;s weather. E. B. Bell and W. H. Kreps. Srd Class Clerks- 
Banks. C. J. Anderson. Dominion Book-keeper, M. G. W. H. JI[cCuaig. J. C. Beattv, J. Chamard, J. H. Bollard. 
Dickieson. Financial Inspector, T. D. Tims; Aøsiøt,ant P. B. Taylor, E. E. F. Taylor, H. N. P. Chesley, A. E. 
Financial Inspector, G. Y. Crookshank. Inøurance Branch Heming, M. J. Finu. E. F. Jarvis, W. C. E. Stewart. A. F. 
-We Fitzgerald, Superintendent; R. W. Baxter, A. K. L. Geddeø, H. JllcJillivray, E. C. Hayes, J. E. Pelton, E. 
Blackaðar. W. J. R. Mc:\1inn. Secretary to Finance Min- D. Weldon, R. W. Breadner. J. A. J!l.Ckøon, P. Regan, G. 
ister, T. E. McLelan. FirøtClassClerks-Geo. Lowe,jun., A. Hnnt, W. J. II. Adams and S. Short. Messenger-S. 
C. A. Gough, C W. Treadwell, John McNicol, John Fraser. Graham. Packer-We J. Bell. 
Second Class Clerks-G. M. Jarvis, J. B. H. Neeve, J. R. Post Office Inspectors.-ChiefInspector, J. Dewe, Ottawa; 
NMh. C. E. Turgeon. C. F. Street. H. G. R. Fripp, J. A, Nova Scotia, C. J. Macdonald, Halifax; Prince Edward 
Clayton. E. S. Wiggins. N. S. Garland. Jameø Hopkirk, Island, F. de St. Croix Brecken (Postmaøter of Charlotte. 
John Beifonr, Cameron Stanton, W. L Blair, J. P. Nntting, town), Charlottetown; New Brunswick, - -, St. 
T. C. Bovill3, E. Capbert, E. A. Black. Third Cl88s Clerks John; Quehec, - -, Quebec; Three Rivers, G 
-C. J. Ta
ker. Thomas Gilmour, F. A. Cuffin, C. W. C. A. Bourgeois, Three Rivers; Montreal, E. F. King, Mon- 
Tabor. F:. L. Brittain. A. B. (l'o
ter, W. H. Hayes, C. S. treal; Ottawa. T. P. French, Ottawa; Kingston, G. E. Griffin, 
"Icott. Mes
engers-P. Pender, P. Connolly, W, H. Ostrom. Kingston; Toronto, M. Sweetnam, Toronto; Barrie, D. 




Spry, B
rrie; London, Robt. W. Barker, London; British' 1tlRrshall, Secretary and Assistant Draftfman. R. V. 
ColumbIa, Everard 
yde Fletcher, Victoria; Manitoba Ells, Field Geologist; Hugh Fletcher, Jiield Oeol
gj8t; F. 
and North-West TerrItory, W. W. McLeod, Winnipejr. C. Weston, Assistant Curator; n. G. McConnell. Field 
PARTMENT.OFRAlLWAY8ANDCANAL8.-Hon.J.n.P.)pe, Geolo!!'ist; Frank D. Adaml'l, Assistant Chemist; J. B. 
}'hDister of RaIlways & Canals; T. Trudeau, Deputy do.; A. Tyrrell, Field Geologist; Engene Coste, Mining Geologil'lt. 
P. Brad
ey, Secre
hn Page, Chief Engineer Canals; E. D. Ingall, Mining Geolcgist; L. M. LambE', Artist: C: 
C. .SchrIeber, Chief ...ngIneer Governm-nt Railways; J. W. WilIimott. Assistant Curator; A. S. Cochrane. Assist- 
me, A,'coun!ant; H. A. Fi8
iault, Law Cl
rk; W. J. ant Topographer; Jno. McMillan, l:IurveyorandExplorer; 
T1l1ey, F. A. Dlx?n, Chas. CostIn, CorrespondIng Clerks; A. P. Low, Surveyor and Explorer; H. M. Ami, 2nd 
John Short, AssIstant Acconntant; S. L. Shannon, Ac- Assiftant Palæontologist; Jno. Thorburn, LibralÌan' 
countant's Branch; T. Cross, Chief Clerk; L. K. Jones, A. 1\1. O'Farrell. Resident Caretaker; Jno. Meade Mes
:N. Greenfield, Railways in Operation Branch; A. Uriacke DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AfFAIRS-INSIDE SE
Almon. praughtsman; J. .F. N. Bonneville. 1\1 W.Maynard, I Rigbt Hon. Sir John A. :\_ilcdonald, P.C., G.C.B., Sup. 
L. H. Filteau, L. N. FortIer, L. D. Dion, W. A. Hill, H. L.I General of Indian Affairs; L. Vankonghnet, Deputy do.; 
B. Ross, A. Cameron, J. W. Pngsley and J. E. Methot, , Robert Sinclair, Chief Clerk and Accountant; William 
Records; J. N. Deslauriers, J. Deslauriel'8 and Joseph Plummer, Commissioner of Indian Lands and Timber; 
Page. Messengers. A. Dingman. Inspector of Indian Agencies and Rel'lerves' 
DEPARTMENTOV IHILITIAAND DEFENCE.-[Western Block.] W. A. Austin, Cbief Draughtsman; G. W. Burbidge' 
Hon. Sir Adolphe p, Caron, K.C.:\! G., Minister of Militia Solicitor of Indian Altairs; A. N. McNeill, Corresponding 
and Defence; Col. Hon.C. E.Panet,DeputyoftheIHinlster; Clerk; J. V. de Boucherville, French Translator' .F. W. 
Capt.AlphonseBenoit,PrivateSecretary; EugeneVerrault, Smith, Assistant Acconntant; T. F. S. KirkPatrick 
:\Iessenger. Offiee of Minister of Militia and Defence.-B. Clerk; J. D. McLean, Stenographer; D. C. Scott. R: 
Suite, H. D. J. Lane, A. Benoit, Colin Campbell (Retired G. Dalton. Book-keepers; M. Benson. Assistant Cones- 
Assistant Paymaster R. N.), and E. Edmond Lemieux, ponding Clerk; Samuel Stewart. Clerk of Records; John 
. Callanlt, Messenger. Account Braneh-C. H. McGirr, Clerk of Statistics; H. C. Ross, Assistant Steno- 
O'Meara, Chief Clerk and Accountant: Lt.-Col. D. A. Mac- grapher; Samuel Bray, Assi
tant Drauj!;htsman; Thos. Cof- 
donald, F. X. Lambert, W. H. Aumond, ndmund B. Holt, fey. jr., H..J. Brook, J()I!. Delisle, H. G. !IcL. MainlZY, Hiram 
F. E. P. Aldrich, J. 1\1. E. Genest, Clerks; John W. Gow, McKay,J. W. Shore, Wm. A.Orr, HegiøtrarofIndian Land 
)Ies8enger. Slcrre Branch.-Lt.-CoJ. John Macpherson, aPtents; A. E. Kemp. Miss C. ReifTt'nøtein. D. C. .F. Bliøø, 
Director of Stores and Keeper of Militia Propertie!!; Lt.- John Austen, W. A. Hunton, Clerkø; Miss Fannie Yeilding, 
Col. Thomaø Bacon, Capt. J. B. Donaldson, P. Clarke, F. IndexClerk;T.Starmer.HouøekeeperandMesfem
E. Knight, L. Foley, Clerks. Enginur Branch.-H.James, Slocombe, Messenger. OUTSIDE SZRVIOE.- Ontario.-J. 
Architect; F. W. White. Clerk. Alilitary Branclt.-Major- T. Gilkison, Indian Supt. and CommiSllioner, Brantford; 
Gen. Sir Frederick D. Middleton, K.C.lII.G.,C. B., Command- J. C. Phipps. Indian Supt., ì\lanitowaniug; )1
benezer Wat- 
ing the Militia; Col. Walker Powell, Adjntant-General; øon. Indian Landø Agent, Sarnia; Thos. Walton, -"I.D., 
Capt. H. E. Wise. Aide-de-Camp to the Major-General Indian Supt., Parry Sound; John McIntyre, Indian 
Commanding. Adjutant-General'! O./fice.-W. R. Wright, Agent. Fort William; W. Simpson, Indian Lands, 
Chief Clerk; G. St'ymoUl., T. C. Larose, Major W. R. S. Wiarton; Tbos. Gordon, Indian Agent, Strathroy; Wm. 
Wainwright, W. J. Davidson Clerks; C. Dion, Messcnger. Van Abbott, Indian Land!! Agent, Sault Ste. Marie; B. W. 
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.-Hon. Thomas White, Ross, (10., Cockburn bland; J. T. O'naway, do., South- 
Minister of the Interior. {NSIDE SERVICE.-A. M. Burgess, ampton; Chas. B. Savage. Indian Landø Agent. Gore 
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior; L. C. Pereira, Bay; John F. Day, do., Bruce l\lines; T. G. Pile. do., 
Private Secretary. &.cretary's Branch-J. R. Hall, Secre- Deseronto; A. B. Cowan, do., Gananoque; J .hn Beattie, 
tary; P. B. Douglas, Asst.-Secretary; K. J. Henry, Regis- Indian Agent, Highgate; James 1'aul, do., Deacon; 
tration Clerk; G. U. Ryley, in charge of Timber and Mine!!. !Iatthew Hill. Indian Agent, Shannonville; H. H. 
Correspondence Clerks-Il Kinloch, J. Pope, W. Howe, C. Thompsrn, Indian Agent, Penetanguishene; J. P. 008- 
C. Rogers, A. Chisholm, T. G. Rothwell, F. S. Check ley, A. nelly, Indian Agent, Port Arthur; Adam English, do., 
L. Jarviø, N. O. C(lté, J. S. Brough, R. M. Bonfellow, J. L. S1\rnia; Alex. McKelvey, do., Walpole Island; G. B. 
Etoile, G. A. Sparkeø, G. G. V. Ardouin, E. Geneøt, R McDermott, do., Scugog; E. Harris, do.. Gore'ø Landing; 
:Seløon, G. Bell, W. Hatch, F. C. C,preol, H. E. Hnme, F. John Thackeray. do.. Rnseneath; Dnncan J. McPhee, do., 
Loyer, E. Belleau. J. P. Dunne. Surveys Branch-E. Uptergrove;,Georgina; J. \V. Jermyn, 
Deville, Surv..yor.General and Chief Clerk; W. F. King, Indian Agent, Cape Croker. Quebec-James }Iartin, 
Chief Inspector of Surveys; A, Griguard, P. B. Symes, L. Indian Agent. Maniwaki; .Alex. Brosseau, do., Cau.;hna- 
T. Lacasse, B. Billings, R. Ranscher, E. T. W. Sowter, M. waga; L. )1'. Boucher, Iml1an Supt.. Betsiamits; Robert 
Brady. C.J. Steen!. Land Patent Branch-W. M. Goodevl', Tyre,lndian Agent, St. Regis; L. K Otis, do., Pointe Blene; 
Chief Clerk; N. Tètu, B. WalliF, F. H. C. Cox, P. T. Buch- Henry Vassal, do, Pierreville; A. Le Bel, jnn., do., 
anan, H. Sherwood, W. S. Gliddon, G. N. Paterson,D. Dunn. Rivièrc du Lonp; Right Rev. Chas. Guay, do., St. Anne 
H. B. D. Bruce, O. H. Lambert. Accountant's Branch-J. de Rl'sTÌi:(ouche; Hev. J. Gngr:é do. )Jarie. British Columbia 
A. Pinard, Chief Clerk. Accountant; C. H. Beùðoe. Asst.- -I. W. Powell. Vbitimr Indian Supt., VJctOl'ia; P. O'Reilly, 
Accountant; H. H. Tnrner, Ledger Keeper. Ordnance Indian Hesene Commissioner, Victoria: R. H. Pidcock, 
and -Ad7lliraltl/ Lands-W. Mills, Clerk in charge; P. G. Agent to the Kwah-Kewlth Indians; W, H. Lom:ls, do., 
Keyes, Chief Draughtsman-J. Johnston. Chrk in chalge Cowichan Indian!>; P. illcTiernlOn, do., Fraser River In- 
of Survey Recordø-F. Clayton. Messengers-C. Owne, A. dians; J. W. McKay, Indian Agent. Kamloops and 
Fwinburn, P. Robertson, J. Dnnnet. The Land Board, Okanagan Indians; H. Guillod, do, Weøt Coast; Capt. 
ands; W. L. :\Ieeson. do, Lillooet Dibtrict; J. C. Hughes, dJ., 
W. Pearce, Superintendent of Mint's; J. McD. Gordon, In- ?rletlakahtla. New Brunswick-C. Sargeant, Indian Supt., 

pertor of Dominion Lands Agencieø; T. R. Burpé, Secrc- Cha
ham; James }f'arrell. do.. Fr.edericton; Moøes Craig, 
tary; R. A. Ruttan, Asst..Secretary. Inspætorof Culrm.iza- Indian Ag"nt, Perth. .Nova Scotla-George Wells, .Anna- 
tio'l C\Jlllpanies-Rufus Stephenson. Drrminion Lands polis, In,Jian .
gent for the Counties of Annapoh:;: and 
Agel fs-'Vinnipeg. A. H. Whitcher; Souriø, E. C. SlDith; Shelbnrne; Freeman 
IcDorlDand, Bear River. do. for the 
Birtle. W. G. Pentland; Dufferin, W. H. Hiam; Turtle CountiefJ of DiJl:by !lnd Yarmouth: Rev. R. Macdonald, 
Mountain. John Flesher; Little Saskatchewan, W. 1\1. Pictou, do. for the Couuty of Pictou; Rev. J. 
Hilliard: Qu'Appelle, W. H. Stevcnson; Calgary, Amos do., Red blands; Rev. D. MclsRII
. Grendale, do. f()r tbe 
Rowe; Touchwood. T. B. Ferguson, Acting Agent; Prince County of Invernesø; Rev. Rod..nck Grant. Iona. Grand 
Albert, John McTaggart; Edmonton, P. V. Gauvreau; Narrows, do. for County of Victori,,: J. E. Beckwith, 
Cotean, J. J.McHugh; Battleford, E. A. Sash; Sethbridge, Canning, do. for Kin
's County; Rev. Thos. Butler. Cale- 
E G. KIrby. Agent for Mennonites and Irelanders. donia, do. for the Counties of Queens and Lunenburg; 
George Newcomb; New Weøtminster, B.C, H. n. W. James Gasø, Shubenacadie. do. for Hantø Count}; Rev. 
Aikman. Grown Timber Agents-Winnipeg, E. F. Stephen- A. P. Desmond, Enfield. Indian Agent for Halifax County; 
son; Edmonton, T. ADderson; Calgary, C. L. Gouin; Dr. D. II. :\Iuir. Truro, Indian Agent for County of 
Prince Albert, D. J. Waggoner; New Westminster, B.C., Colcheøter: Dr. A. T. Clar!te, I;'arsboro, do. for County of 
T. S. Higginson. Geolo[Jical Survey Braneh-A. R. C. Cumberland; Rev. 1\1. McKenzie, Christl1laslFlanil, do. for 
Selwyn, Director; G. 
I. Dawson, Assistant Director and Caþe Breton County; 'Vm. C. Chisholm, He"therton, do. 
ist; Robert Bt'll, Assistant Director and G('e,lngist; for Countieø of Antigonish and.Gnysboro. p/'inceEdward 
J. F. Whiteaves, Assistant Director and Palæontologi
t; lsland-J. O. Arsenault, Imhan Supt., Lennox Island. 
G. C. Hoffman. A5øistant Director and Chemiøt; Jno. ],[anitoba, Keewatin and North- mst TerritnneB-Hon. E. 
Macoun, Botanist; S. Barlow, Chief Draftsman; J. Dewdney, Indian Commissioner for :\1anitoba and Nnrth. 
[556 J 




West Territories. Regina; E. McColl, Inspector of Indian I Taylor (Clerk to Chairman); G. A. )Iackenzll", E"amiIlH, 
Agencieø for 
Ianitoba and Keewat
ïnJ1ipeg; L. J. A. HaUf
x,:s.S.; Z. Charron, Examiner, Q
ebec; J. Pric

Leveque, A. B. McIntoøh, Clerks, WWDlpeg; Hayter Reed, ExamIner. St. John. N.R: D. Hunter, Exammer. Halhax. 
Aø8iøtant Indian Commissioner for Manitoba and N.'V.T., I N.S.; :We Thomas. Examiner, St. Job!!. N.B 
 R. Ca!Il
Regina; T. P. Wadøworth,JnsPfctorofGovernmentFarmø Exammer, Charlottetown, P.E.I.; H. LeWIS. ExamIner, 
and Agencies for N. W. T.; Alex. 
IcGibbon. do., Regina; Yarmonth, N.S.; T. Killam, Examiner, Yarmouth. 
Wm. McGirr,Commissioner'ø Clel'k; Angus )IcKay, Indian C. M. Lorway. Examiner, S
;dney. C.B.; S. J. Brookman. 
Agent, Grand Rapids; Jos. Reader, do.. TLe Pas; Henry Examiner. Sydney, C.B.; A. J. Wolff. Examiner. I.unen- 
'Iartineau. do.. Manitol,a House; R. Pither, do., Fort I burg; J. E. Hunt, Examiner, Lunenburg;, 
Francis; Geo. McPherøon, do.,A
AAhaøkalling, Lake of the Examiner. St. Catharin6s; M. P.lIIcEllinmey, ExaminH, 
Woods; J. A.Markl.., do., Birtle; F. Ogletree, do., Portllge Ottawa; T. F. Taylor, }:xaminer. Kingøton; E J- )Iann, 
La Prairie; A. )1. Muckle, do., St. Peter'ø: Col. A. 
Iac. Examiner, New Carlisle, Q.; W. C. Seaton, Examiner, 
donald, do., Crooked Ltlkeø; W. Anderson. do.,J'.'dmonton; Quebec; and S. P. Le Blanc. Examiner. Arichat. 
S. B. Lucaø, Acting Indian Agent, Peace Hillø; J. R Lash, Samuel Ridey, Chairman Board of Steamboat Inspection, 
Indial1 Agent, !\Iuscowpetung's Rel'eJVe; W. B. Pockling. Toronto; D. Stevenø, Inøpector of Boilers and Machillery, 
ton, do., }'ort )IcLeod; Rev. J. A. 
IcKay, do., Battleford; St. John, N.R; W. J. Meneilley, Inspectur of Boilers, &c.. 
Magnuø Begg, do.. BhtCkfoot Crossing; II. Keith, do., Toronto; J. BnrgeFø. Inspector of Boi:ers. &c., )Iontreal; 
Touchwood HiIlø; J. A. Mitchell, AcUngdo.. Victoria; P. E. Adamø, Inspector of Boilers, &c., Kingston, Ont.: J, 
J. Williamø. Indian Agent, File HillB; W. S. Grant, do., SamBOn, Inspector of Boilers, &c.. Quebec; E. R. Aben, 
Indian Head: W. C. de Balinhard, do., Sarcee Rellerve; F. InøpectorofBollers.&c., Lower Fort Garry: O. P. St. Jo!::n, 
X. Girard, 
l.D., Treaty 'i; J. C. Nelson, Surveyor, Regina. Inllpector of Boilers, &c., Toronto; and - -, In- 
DEPARTME:s'T OF THE SECRETARY OF ST.4.TE OP CAYADA.- I spector of Boilers, &c., Victoria. B.C.; C, R. Coker. Inspec- 
The Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Q.C., LL.D, Secretary of8tate; tor of Hulls, St. John, N.R; T. Harbottle. Insp!!ctor of 
Grant Powell, Under Secretary of State; B. J. )Iorgan, Hullø, Toron
o; P. Brunelle, Inilpector of Hulls, Qu\:bec; 
Chief Clerk; 11'. Colsoll, G. Emond, E. G. Pulfûrd, E. Har-I )1. P. McElhnmer, Inøpector of Hnlls, O
. F. 
rison, L.C. Labelle, J.F. Waters, H. Rov, E.Y. Steele, ClHks. ; Ti.'ylor (TemporarIly), Inspector ?f Hullø. _ Kmgstún, J. 
Registrar'. Branch-L.A. Catelli.,r. Deputy Registrar Gen- , DIck. Inspec
or o! Hulls, Toronto, R. C91116 t er, .Inspector 
eral of Canada; Lt..Col. A. Audet, Keeper of the Recordø; lof Hulls, Ylctorla, .RO.; C. Carpmael, SuperIDtende
E. Brousseau, I. W. Surr, J. Burnl', A. G. Learoyd, G' \ Meteorologlca
 SHvlce, Toronto; A: R. Gordon. R.
Collins, C. Medlow, P. T. Kirwan, D. D. 
lcDonald, C. L. de Deput
nt. and Officer m d
arge of Hudson 
Villemure, Clerks; T. O'Keefe. A. Elie, J\Iessengers; L. II. Bav ji.xpedltIon; E. Larochelle, Captal
Tachli, Private Secretary to the Miniøter. Board of Oirü Steamer ...vapo.1 WT1 III.; L. 
emers, Cllpt
m Goverroment 
&r'IYÏU Examimrs-J. 'Ihorburn, M.A., LL.D., Chairman; : 8teamer- 
rurd; .R. A. Gmldford, CaptaJD G
A. D. DeCelles, P. LeSeur, Commissioners; P. LeSeur, ; Steamer ñewfield; and 
. B. Belanger, Capt
m Govern- 
8ectretary; J. A. KellYs, Clerk. Dfpartment of Public ment Steam?r!-a Canadtel1'1le; A. B. Lee, Chalrma::J. Har- 
Printing and Stationery.-Under supervision of tbe Hon.1 bour Commlsø)(;m
rs. Toronto: A. Robertøo!l' Cha
the S('c. of State. Lt..Col. B. Chamberlin, C.M.G., D.C.L., Harbour Comm!øs!oners, )Iontreal; P. V. Vahn, ChalJm
Queen'ø Printer and Controller of Stationery; _ _, Harbour CommlssloIl:er
, Quebec.; and J08. Gordon, CbalJ- 
Superintendent of Printing; _ _, Accountant; W. I man Harbonr Commissioners, Pictou, 
Gliddon, A. O. Monøseau, A. Potvin, L A. GriBOn" C. R I DEPARTME:oiT OF AGRICULTURE [Weøtern Block].-Hon. 
SanBOm, N. T..arochelle, G. Andr.ews, C.lerks. Stattonery John Carling, )Iinister of Agriculture; J. C. Taché, 
Braneh-J. Young. Supt. of Stationery, 
. Robertson, T. Depnty :.\Iinister; John Lowe, 
ecretary of the Depart- 
Roxborough, W. Walsh, F. S. Gouldthnte, Clerks; J. ment; H. Beaumont Small, Chief Clerk and Accoul>t- 

:' II. Allen, Mesøengers; J. Foran. D. Beahen, ant; W. F. BoardIPa!l' SecoIl:d Class Clerk; L. Dauray, 
. M J. C. Poper, J. G. Lemlenx, Thud Clasø Clerk8; R Moreau, 
s.-Hon. Geo: E. , D .Cote, A. De!'jardinø, }Iessengers. Archivt8 Branch-D. 
Foster, Mm!ster of and FlsJ;1erleS} Wm. SmIth, I Brymner, Firl't Clasø Clerk; J. }Iarmette, Second do. 
Deputy MiDls
er of 
Ianne; J. Hardie, ChIef Clerk; F. F. Copyrights and. Trade Markf-J. B. Jackson. Fir
t Clas. 
Gourdean, Chl
f C
erk aud Accountant; W. L. Magee, 
. Clerk; G. Tetu, Pecond do. Patents Branch-A. J. Cam hie, 
P. Anderson (EngIn!!er), W. H. Alexander, M. P. McElhn- Chief Clerk; J. F. Dionne. H. Casgrain. First Clal's Clerkø; 
mey (Nautical Adviser), A. W Owen, J. M. Oxley, 
. B. E. Danteuil, W. J. Lynch, D. Routhier, H. H. Bailey, 'F. 
Carleton, J. B. H.alkett, yv. W. Stumbles, M. V. C. NlChol- 
IcCabe, Second do.; L. .J. Beland. A. Leveque, O. Caron, 
øon, S. J. Jenkms (PrIvate Secretary to Minister), A. J. H. Lyster, W. I1anriJ1;ht. A. Taché, J. H. Fra"cr, Tùird 
Halkett, V. H. S
eele, J. E. McClenal!han and J. A. I do.; J. Leveille, l\Iodel Repairer; G. Lemaitre, L. Z. 
}Iclntyre. Cl
rks, J. 
orbett and W. G. Lampey, Chabot, :\lode\ Room Guardilins. Sta.tuiic& Branch- 
Draughtsmen,m Engineer ø Office; M. .l.amonche. M. Grant I. G. Lay ten, Statisticnl Ufficer; Rev. C. Tanguay, Special 
and R. Roy, Extra Clerks; Jules MorIn and J. Robert
on, Attaché; E. H. St. Denis, A. J. Lyster, H. L., 
:\Iessengers; J. U. Gregory, Agent, Quebec; J. H. IIar
Ing, Thild Class Clerks. 
Allent, St. John. N.B.; H. W. Johnston,Agent, lIalIfax, 

.S.; H. G. Lewis, Agent, Victoria, B.C.; A. Lord, Agent, I AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICB. - Auditor General. John 
Charlottetown, P.E-I.; II. St. A. Ol'mond, Agent, Montreal, Lorn McDougall; Assist. Auditor. Jail. Patter80n; Clerke, 
and Inspector Harbour Polico; Jaø. Mitchell, Snperin- J. B. Simpson. E. D. Sutherland, John Gorman, F. Hayter, 
tendent of Lights, Newc
stle, N.B.; C. A. Hutchinø, Snper- I J. B. Lynch, H. G. Dunlevie, H. H. O. GrIlY, T. Porter, J. 
intendent of Lights, Halifax. N.S.; L. A. Demerø, Aoting H. P. Gibson, G. C. BC']ton, J. H. Bulderøon, J. C. :'-lac. 
Superintendent of Lights, Quebec; and P. Harty,Superin- Donald, L. A. Bissonnette. B. W. Sherwood, Arthnr B. 
tendent of Lights, Ottawa; P. A. Scott, R.N., Chairman HudBOn, II. A. Baldwin, J. W. Reid; )Iessengers, J. 
Board of Examiners Masters and )Iates, Halifax, N.
.; J. Pender and F. Cssault. 


Copyrights may be securetl by any }.crson domiciled' for a further term of fourteen F " upon th.' m. 
in Canada, or any part of the British possessions, or conditions. 
heing a citizen of any country having an International An Interim Copyright may be obt.ained, }.elldiLo thL 
Copyright Treaty with the United Kingdolll, who is the I publication of any literary, 
dentific or artistif' WI rK, 
author of any book, map, chart, music:1l compo
ition, or by depositing in the Office of tht, )Iini"ter of Agrll'ult.lrf' 
of any original painting. drawing, design, &c., upon the a Cf)Py of the title, or a description of snch \Vork. Thf' 
onditions :-The books, maps, &c , must be I Interim Copyright mn" for one month, and the fö ,11 
publIshed In Canada; and III the case of a work of art, I fifty cellt'l. The work, however, must be pub" ..
It must be produce(\ in Canada, either prior to or sill1nl- inside the time specifiecl, or the autbor incurs a 1" It v 
hneously \\ith its production elscwherp. Two ropies of not exceeding one hundred dollar,,_ . 
books, maps, &c., must ùe sent to the Minister of Agri- Tbe penalty for infringing a COP} right is th, f r- 
culture; and III the case of paintings, statuary, &c., a feitnre of every copy uf the work tu the o\\ner ot th 
written de8cription of the same must be furnished. I Copyright, am\ the paymel1t uf a fine of not less than ten 
The fee for registering a Copyri
ht is one dollar, and cent;;, nor more than one dollar, for ev..ry cn})! f,mn,l '11 
t runs for twenty-eight years. It lIIay also be l"ellf'Wed I possession. 





(Condensed, and coaected by the /l1ilitia Gmer(fl Orden to BOth October, 1886.) 

CQChc <Queen. 
AIDE-DE-CAMP TO THE QUEEN, Colonel Casimir S. Gzowski, Staff Officer to Engineer Force. (Honorary.) 
l\(O>'iT Hox. ::)IR H. C. K. PETTY FnZ3IAURICE, 1\L\RQUIS 01" LANSDOWNE, G. C. M. G. 
Extra Aides-de-Camp, { Lt.-CoI. H.ewitt Bemard, 
1. G. 
Capt. G. K. Lay tun (ProvIncial, B. C.) 

P. Caroll, K. C. 111. G. 
Deputy J.fi1tistcr of /llilitia and Defence, Colonel Chas. 
Eugt:ne Panet. 
AccO'lmtl1nt, C. Herbert O'}leara. Esq. 
Diredor úf Stores and Keeper of l.fil. Pmpel"ties, Lt.-CoI. 
An itect, Engineer Branch, Henry James, Esq. 
1I1'-',;or-Guteml Com m(f nding the lIfilitia, Sir Frederick D. 
MidfUeton, K, C. 1\[, G., C. B. 
A ide-de-Cmnl), Capt. H. E. Wise. 
Adjutant-Gener(Jloj Militia, Volonel Walker Powell. 
Inspcetor of Artillery and Wal"like Stores, Lt.-CûI. de 1a 
Cherois T. Irwin. 
As. 'tant Inspectors of A rtilla?/, Lt.-CoI. C. E. MontI- 
zJ.l11hert (Quebec): Lt.-CoI. W. H. Cotton (Kingston). 
In. cetúr of Engineers, The Professor of Fortification, 
R. M. College. 
Staff Officer to Engineer Force, C91. C. S. Gzowski (Hon- 
rar!l A. D. C. to the Queen), Toronto. 
EngÏ/:/ur o.fficer a
 Hd. Qrs., Capt. H. }'. Perley(Ottawa). 
.s,rr!,eon-General, Colonel DarLy Bergin (Cornwall, Ont.) 


1\IILI"J"AR\ DI':JTRICT Xo. ], Hd. Qrs. London.-Depy. 
Adjt.-GeIÛ., Lt.-Col. W. H. Jackson; Brigade Uajor, 
._t.-Col. Hcn. Matthew Aylmer; Dist. Pay/nr. and 
".Ipt. of Stous, Bt. Litut.-Col. M. DeB. Dawson. 
'}IILITARY DI:>TRICT 1\0. 2, lId. Qrs. Torollto.-Depy. 
Aujt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. W. D. Otter; Dist. PaYlltr. and 
Supt. of Stores, Hony. Lt.-Col. W. N. Alger. 
MILITARY DISTRICT 1\0. 3, Hd. Qrs. Kingston.-Depy. 
Adjt.-nl'nl., Lt.-Col. H. V. Villiers; Dist. Paymr. and 
8u]Jt. of Stores, Honr. 1Ilaj. Wm. King-. 
T 1\0. 4. Hd. Qr/!. Ottawa.-Depy. 
Adjt.-'; Lt.-CoI. Elzear Lamontagne; Brig,'d 
310.1 . Lt.-CoI. J. W. Lewis. 
MILITARY DISTRICT No.5, Hd. Qrs. Montreal.-Depy. I 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. B. Yan Straubenzee; Brigade 
Maj, r, Lt.-Col. Gregor Mattice (Montreal); Dist. 
Pc Jlnr. (lnd .s1tpt. of ,Stores, Lt.-Cû!. C. de Bellefeuille. 
TRICT No 6, Hd. Ql's. MontreaI.-Dcpy. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. A. C. De L. Harwood; Brigade 
J.fajor, Lt.-CoI. G. E. A. Hughes; Dist. Paymr. and 
Supt. of Stores, Lt.-Col. Chas. de Bellefeuille. 
MILITARY DISTRICT No.7, Hd. Qrs. Quehec.-Depy. 
Adjt.-Gml., Lt.-Col. T. J. Duchesna} ; Bl"igade Major, 
Lt.-Col. J. E. 1\1. Taschereau; Dist. Paymr. and S1cpt. 
f Sf, res, Hony. Lt.-CoI. W. H. Forrest. 
o. 8, Hd Qrs. Fredericton.- 
Den Adjt.-Gcnl. Lt.-Col. G. J. 1I[aunsell; Brigade 
1I1a/l r, ; Dist. Paymr. and 
., . of Stores, Lt.-Col. W. T. Baird (St. John). 
)1ILITARY DISTRICT No.9, Hd. Qrs. Halifax.-Depy. 
Ac"'.-Genl., Lt.-CoI. P. W. Worsley; BlÏgetde !I['ljor, 
Lt -CoI. J. R. MaeShane; Dist. paymr. and Supt. of 
, /'. Bt Lt -CoI. J. R. 1tItu-ray. 

MILITARY DISTRICT No. ]0, Hd. Qrs. Winnipeg.-DepJ/. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-CoI. C. F. Houghton; Dist. Paymr. 
and Supt. of Stores, Hony. Lt.-Col. A. J. L. Peebles. 

MILITARY DISTRICT No. 11, Hd. Qrs. \ïctoria.-Depy. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. J. G. Holmes (Acting); Dist. 
Paymr. and Supt. of Stores, Hony. Major D. J. l\[c. 

MILITARY DISTRICT 1\0. 12, Hd. Qrs. Ch
Depy. At{jt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. P. W. Worsley (Halifa." 
N.S.); Brigade Major, Major J. D. Irving; Dist. 
Paymr. anù S1tpt. of Stores, Major R. A. Cropley. 

Acting Commandant, CoI. J. R. Oliver (R. A.); Professor 
of Surveying, Military Topographl/, d'C., Col. J. R. 
Oliver (R. .A.); Professor of Mathematics. !lIeclwnics 
and Artillery, Major R. A. Rigg (Cal)t. R. A.); Staff- 
Adjt., Bt.-Ma.iur S. C. McGill; Professor of Fortifica- 
tion, Military Engineering,&:c., Majur Edward Raban 
(Capt. R. E.) ; Professor of ,'i-lilitary History, Adminis- 
tration, &:c., 
[a.1or Edwar,l Nash (Capt. R. A.); In- 
structor in lIfathematics and ArtillerN, Lt.-CoI. S. G. 
Fairtlough(R. A.); Instructor in Fortification, MilitanJ 
Engineering, &c., Capt. Stuart Da,'idson (Lt. R. E.); 
Asst. Instructor in Mathematics, &:c., Lt. A. G. G. 
Wurtele; As"istant Instnu:tor Ï1t Surveying, Military 
Topography, &c., Lt. J. B. Cochrane: Profesb'Or of 
Eltglish and German, Rev. K. L. Jones, B.D.; Professor 
of lJrawing, &-c., Forshaw Day, ESIJ., R.C.A.; Professor 
of French, Â. D. Duval, Esq.,M.D.; Professor of Civil 
Engineering, R. C. Harris, Esq., C.E.; 1'1.ofessor of 
Physics, &-c., : iJ-JedicalOfficer, Surg.-Major J. 
L. H. Neilson, /l1.D. ; PaY1naster, Hony. Capt. 1If. W 
Strange. Board of Visitors: President, CoI. Walker 
Powell, A.G.; Member,,: Col. C. Z. Gzowski, Lt.-Col. 
1IlaunseIl, Lt.-CoI. !I[ontizamLert, Lt.-CoI. Ducb.esna:r. 

Commandant, Lt.-CoI. J. F. Turnbull. 

Lt.-Col. Commanding. -De lit Ch
rois T. Irwin (Ottawa). 
"A" Battery Royal School of Arty. (Kingston).-Cúm- 
?l1andant, Lt.-CoI. W. H. Cotton; /llajor, J. F. 
<I B" Battery, Royal School of Arty. (Quebec).-Com- 
mandant, Lt.-Col. C. E. I\luntizambert; Major, C. J. 
"c" Battery (Victoria, B.C.) Commandant, Lt.-CoI. J. 
G. Holmes. 

"A" Company, School of Infantry (Fredericton, N. B.), 
Commandant, Lt.-Col. G. J. 




"B" Company School of Infantry (St. John's, Que.), 
CO/ilmandant Lt.-Col. G. d'O. d'Orsonnens. 
"c" Compl'.ny, 'School of Infantry, (Toronto, Ont.), Com- 
mandant, Lt.-Col. W. D. Otter. 
SCHOOL OF '\IOUKTED INFAKTRY (Winnipeg), Commandant, 
Lt.-Col. J. B. Taylor. 

Cayah'} School Corps-see PERf,[AKE/IoT CORPS (above). 
Tile Governor General"s Body Guard for Ontario (Tor- 
onto). Mojor Commanding. Bt. Lt.-Col. George T. 
Denison. Captains, Bt. Lt..Col. F. C. Denison, C. M.G., 
and Bt. Maj. Orlando Dunn. Adjutant, Capt. C. A. K. 

1st Re
iment of Cavalry (Hd. Qrs., London, Ont.) Lt.- 
Col., John Cole. Major, 
Ttoops: No. I, St. Thomas, Capt. Henry Borbridge; 
Xo. 2, Loudon, Capt. and Bt. :\Iajor F. W. Peters; 
No.3. !lIooretown, Capt. and Bt. Maj. George Stew- 
o. 4, Kingsville, Capt. P't11"WsteT, 
Adjutant, Capt. Ca\'endish Nevile (Sarnia). 
211Cl Regiment of Cavalry (Hd. Qrs., Oak Ridges,Ont.) 
Lt.-Colonel, J. J. Gregory (Port Dalho
lI{ajors, James Elliott (lI[orkhum) and Wm. Marshall 
Trnnps: No. I, St. Catharines, Capt. R. W. Gregory; 
No. ::!, Oak Ridges, Capt. Jas. McConnell; No. 3,Mark- 
ham, Capt. J. R. Button; Yo. 4, Grilllsh
', Capt. F. O. 
Burch: No.5, Burford, Capt. T. L. Jones; No.6, 
Queenstown, Cal.t. No. S, WeIland. Capt. 
Wm. Buchner. PaYllwster, Maj. R. Currie. Adjlttant, 
Cart. J. B. Baldwin (TorOJdo). 
3 r cl ProvIsional RegIment of Ca\'alry, U The Prince of 
Wales' Canarlian Dragoons" (Hd. Qrs., Cob01trg, 
Ont.) ltfnjor CCj}/l7/wnding. Bt. Lt.-Col. D' A. E. Boulton. 
Troops: Xo. 1, Cobourg, Capt. II. S. Casey; No. 2,MilI- 
brook, Capt. H. B. Weller; No.3, Peterborough, Capt. 
and Bt. Lt.-Col. H. C. Rogers. PaymWJteT, J. G. Ha- 
german. Adjutant, Lt. John S. Hetherington (Cavan). 
4th Provisional Regiment of Ca\'alry(Hd. Qrs., Kings- 
ton. Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John Duff. 
o. I, Kingston. Capt. and Bt. Maj. Archd. 
ht; No.2, Kapanee, Capt. D. E. Griffith; No.3, 
Loughhorough, Capt. W. B. Burnett; No.4, Picton, 
Capr. E. A. E. Halliwell. Paymaster, Hony. Capt. 
M. W. Strange. Adjutant, Lt. 11. S. Greenwood. 
5 th Provisional Regiment of Cavalry (Ild. Qrs., Cook- 
. shire, QltC.) Lt.-Colonel, J. II. Taylor. Mf'jor, 
C. W. Sheparrl (Sutton). 
Troüps: No. I, Cooksbire, Capt. J. F. Learned; 1'0. 2, 
Sherbrooke, Capt. J. F. Morkill; No.3, Stanskad, 
Capt. J. W. Moulton; 1\0. 4, Compton, Capt. A. L. 
Pomroy; No.5, Sutton, Capt. Paymaster, 
Lt. O. A. Taylor. Adjtttant, 
6t h Provisional Regiment of Cavalry (Hd. Qrs., lIlon- 
treal, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, JamesBarr(Htmtingdon). 
Troops: Ko. I, Montrpal, Capt. Colin 1tlcArthur; No.2, 
St. Andrews, Capt. Martin Wanless; No.3, Havelock, 
Capt. ; No.4, Clarence\'iIle, CapL H. C. Busb. 
l'aymasta, C. C. Clapham. Adjutant, 

Iiing's Troop of Ca\'alry (Kentvillc, N. S.), Captain, J. 
W. Ryan. 
Prescott Troop of Cavalry (Ont.), Captain, Bt. l\laj. John 
Raney. . 
The Princess Louise Dragoon Guards (OttawfI), Captam, 
F. F. E. Gourdeau. 
WimÜpeg Troop of Cavalry (
[a1t.), Captain, Cornelius 

1st Provisional Brigade of F. A. (Guelph, Ont.), Lt- 
Colonel, A. H. 1\lacdonald. 
Field Batteries-No. I, Maj. Wm. Nicoll; 1\0.2, }Iaj. G 
B. Hood. Adjutant, Capt. Walter Clarke. 
Durham F. B. of Artillery (Port Hope, Ont.), blojOl', 
William 1\1 cLean. 
Gananoqlle F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), lIlajoT, Bt. Lt.-Col. 
William 1IlcKenzic. 
Hamilton F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), Jlajor, H. P. Van 
Wagner (Stony Creek). 
Kingston F. B. of Art1l1ery (Ont.), Captain, Wm. 
London F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), 
[ajor, Bt. Lt.-Col. 
John Peters. 
Montreal F. B. of Artillery (Q1W.), Mojor, Bt. Lt.-Col A. 
A. Stevenson. 
Newcastle F. B. of Artillery (N. B.), lI[ojor, Bt. Lt.-Col. 
Robert R. Call. 
Ottawa F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), j[crjOT, John Stewart. 
Quehec F. B. of Artillery, J[ojor, C. W. A. J.indsay. 
.Richmond F. B. of Artillery (Que.), j[ajor, Hon. Henry 
Aylmer (},[elbourne). . 
Shefford F. B. of Artillery (Granby, Que.), ].[aJor, Bt. 
Lt.-Col. Theollhile Amyrauld. 
Sydney F. B. of Artillery (N. S.), Captain, W. l\kK. 
Toronto F. B. of Artillery (Onf.), !r[ojor, Bt. Lt.-Col. 
John Gray. 
WeIland Canal F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), Mojor, Frank 
King (Port Colbome). CaptoÙt, Wm. Wilt'
' (St. 
Cotlwrincs). . 
Winnipeg F. B. of ArtJIlery(Man,J, lI[ajor, E. W. Jarns. 
Woodstock F. B. of Artillery (N. B.), JlajoT, F. H. J. 

Regimcnt of Canadian 
\rtillery-see PER;\[AXEr.T CORP':! 
British Columbia Brigade of Garrison Artillery (Hd. QI'S., 
Victoria, B. C.). Lt.-Colonel, Richard Wolfenden. 
lIlajor, E. G. Prior. 
Batteries: No. I, New Westminster, Capt. W. N. Bol.e; 
No.2, Victoria, Capt. A. 'V. Jones; No.3, Victona, 
Capt. John Ni"bolles; No.4, Victoria, Capt. W. B. 
SlIJallfielù. Pfcymaster, Walter Shears. Adjutant, 
Captain N. P. Snowden. 
1st.. Halifax" Brigade of G. A. (N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, 
Thom'ts Mowbray. Majors, 
Seven Batteries, Halifax: Captains J. E. CUITen, W. A. 
GaITison, Bt.-Maj. W. A. PurC'ell, John D. Story, W. 
L. Kane, Alex. Anderson and H. A. Boggs Payrrwster, 
Hon'y Maj. C. Aylwin Creighton. AtljtctaJlt, Captain 
L. J. Bland. 

Montreal Brigade of G. A. (Qne.) Lt.-Colonel, 'Y. R. 
8t h H Princess Louise's New Brunswick" Regimcnt of Oswald; Majors, 1'. T. Turnbull and W. H. laurIc. 
Cavalry (Rd. Qrs., Rothesa?l, N. B.) Lt.-Colonel, SÜ Batteries, Montreal: Captains F. 111. Cole, C. H. 
James DOIllviUe (St. John). Majors, Alfred Markham Levin Da\"irl Stevenson Ernest Howard, Camphell 
(.\['!Tkhaml"ille) and R. W. Otty (Apohaqlci). Lane 'and W. H. Lutha;u. Paymnster, Hon'y Maj. 
Trr 1J ': "A," Hampton, Capt. G. O. D. Otty; "B," F d . k C I Ad ' ta t " Ia ' T1 s Atklll' n 
Oo;"ekeag, Capt. \Vm. Langstroth; "C," Apohaqui, re eTlC - 0 e. 'Jlt 
JJ J.' IOma . 0;0 . 
Capt. H. 

mpl>ell; "D," Hamlllond, Capt. D. J. 5ew Bruns\\ick Brigade of G. A. (Ild. Q1S., St. John, 1> 

owl."r ; .E, Johnston, Capt. T. E..
)))} I B.) It.-Colonel, John R. Armstrong; ltfajor, 
F. ShedIae"Capt.
. V: Wedùerlmrn, G, Sprm
- Battel"Ïes: No. I, St. John, Capt. G. B. S...dy; No. 
fIeld, C a 1)t. \\. J. Bnttam. Pnymasler, J. J. W.ood- Carlton, Capt. J. J. Gordon; No.3, Portland, Capt 
ward. Adjutant, C:Jpt. F. V. Wedderburn (Sltedlac). W. 1\1. Botsford; No.4, ::)t. JolIn, Capt. and llt.-Maj. 
A. T. Armstrong; No.5, Lancaster, Capt. E. J. Scam- 
mell. Pnym.aster, Geo. F. Smitb. Adjutant. Capt. 
Chas. F. Langan. 
Prince Edward Island PrO\'isiollal Br gade of G. A. (Hd. 
Qrs., Charlottetown, P. E.!.) 

Till Queen's Own Canadian Hussars (Quebec). Nlajor 
C.nnmandi1t!l, Bt. Lt.-Col. J. B. Forsyth. 
Troú] . "A."Capt. and nt. Lt.-Col. F. W. Gray; "B," 
Capt. T. S. Hétherington. Pnyma/,ter. Maj. W. 1tl. :\Ic- 
Dc.nald. Adjutant, Capt. W. D. Brown. 




},Iajor Commanding, . 
Batteries: No. I, Charlottetown, Capt. Geo, Passmore; 
No.2, Charlottetown, Capt. F. S. Moore; No.3, 
Georgetown, Capt. Chas. Owen; No.4, Souris, Capt. 
John Leslie; No. 5, 
Iont.'tgue, Capt. 
Paymaster, 2nd Lt. (provisionally) Edward Palmer. 
A.dj1ttant, Lt. W. A. O. Morson. 

Cobourg Battery of G. A., (Ont.) Captain, J. H. Dumble. 
Collingwood Battery of G. A., (Ont.) Captain, fit. Lt.-CoI. 
John Hogg. , 
Digby Battery ofG. A., (N.S.) Captain. John Daley. 
Gaspe Battery of G. Â., (Que.) Captain, Bt.-
Iaj. John 

o. ] Battery, Lévis G. A., (Qu p .) Captrtin, J. A. S. 

No. 2 Battery, Lévis G. A., (Que.) Cccptoin, Georges S. 
Vi en. 
Lunenburg Battery of G. A., (N.S.) Captain, James H. 
l\Iahone Bay Battery of G. A., (N.S.) Captain, Edward 
Pictou Battery of G. A., (N.S.) Captain, Jos. A. Gordon. 
1\0. ] Battery, Quebec G. A., Captain, Hermenegilde 
Xo. 2 Battery, QlLCbec G. A., Captain, T. L. Boulanger. 
No.3 Battery, Quebec G. A., Captain, H. D. Morgan. 
St. John's Battery of G. A., (Que.) Captain, Bt.-1\Iaj. 
William Drumm. 
Toronto Battery of G. A., CU1)tain, W. B. McMurl'lch. 
Yarmouth Battery of G. A., (N.'s.) Captain, T. R. Jolly. 
Sault Ste. Marie Half Battcry, (Ont.) Caplatn, Bt.-Maj- 
Joseph Wilson. 

Brighton Company of Engineers, (N.B.) Captain, fit.- 
Maj. D. McLeod Vince, (Lower Brightonl. 
Charlottetown Engineer Company, (P. E. I.) Captoin, 
W. A. Weeks. 
Montreal Company of Engineers, (Que.) Captain, Bt. 
Lt.-Cot William Kennedy. 

Infantry School Corps-see PERMAXENT CORPS (above). 
1st Battalion Governor-General's Foot Guards, (Ottawa.) 
Lt.-Colonel, Thomas Ross. 11lajors, J. Penrângton 
Macpherson and John Tilton. 
Six Compcmies. Ottawa: Captains, Bt.-Maj. H. S. 
Weatherley, Bt.-:Uaj. A. H. Todd, Telmont Aumond, 
Fred. Toller, Fred. White and Edward Waldo. Pay- 
Inaster, Hony. Maj. H. A. Wicksteed. Adj1ctant, Capt. 
W. E. Hodgins. 
1 S t Battalion, "Prince of \-Vales' Regiment," (M'on- 
tr'eal). Lt.-Colonel, Frank Bond. ltfajors, J. F. 
Nott and T. P. Butler. 
Six Companies, Montreal: Captains, C. D. Hanson, C. 
de B. Leprohon, G. F. Cooke, A. S. Henshaw, C. H. 
Godfrey and Frank Scott. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. 
Alexander Milloy. Adj1ct/'nt, Capt. Stewart Campbell 
')n d Battalion, "Queen's Own Rifles of Canada," (To- 
'"-I ronto). Lt.-Colonel, A. A. .Miller. Majors, D. 
H. Allan aud R. B. Hamilton. 
Ten Companies, Toronto: Captains, Thos. Brown, H. E. 
Kersteman, Villiers Sankey, H. M. Pellatt, J. A. Mur- 
ray, J. C. McGee, W. C. Macdonald, W. G. Mutton, P. 
D. Hughes and J. B. Thompson. Paymaster, Hugh 
Blain. Adjutant, Cal,t. J. M. Delamere. 

rd Battalion, "Victoria Rifles of Canada," (lIfontreal). 
v Lt.-Colonel. J. 1\1. Crawford. ].[ajors, C. P. 
Davidson and F. C. Henshaw. 
Six COml)anies, Montreal: Captains, J. P. Edwards, T. P. 
Bar-on, M. S. Blaiklock, G. R. 
t.'trk, H. W. Becket 
and A. H. Sims. Paymaster, Louis Sutherland. .AdJt., 
Capt. C. W. Radiger. 

5th Battalion, "Royal Scots of Canada," (Jfontreal). 
Lt.-Colonel, Frank Caverhill. M(ljors, J. C. 
McCorkill and H. H. Lyman. 

Six Companies, 1tIontreal: Captains, John Hood, C. C. 
Newton, J. A. L. Strathy, E. B. Ibbotson, C. E. Gault 
and Bt.-Maj. W. !lot. Blaiklock. Payrrucster, William 
Foulis. Adjutant, Capt.
in F. L. Lydon. 

6th Batt.'tlion, "FusiIiers," OIontreal). Lt.-Colonel, 
Frederic Massey. Majors, G. A. l\Iooney and 
John Gray. 
SiJ' Companies, :Montreal: Captains, J. D. Anderson, A. 
W. Paterson, J. H. Burland, George Denison, S. D. 
Stewart and H. S. Virtue. Paymaster, Hony. Capt. 
David Seath. A clj1ttant, Captain R. C. Pettigrew. 

7 th Battalion, " FusiIiers," (London). Lt.-Colonel, W. 
1\1. De R. Williams. Jlcrjol"s, A. }Ol. Smitn and 
W. 1\1. Gartshore. 
Companies, London: No. I, Capt. Thomas Beattie; 
2, Capt. F. H. Butler; No.3, Capt. J. W. Little; No. 
4, Capt. T. H. Tracy; No.5, Capt. C. F. Cox.. No. ô, 
Capt. S. F. Peters; Ko. 7, Capt. Edward McKer.zie. 
Pctymaster, Hony. Maj. Duncan 1\[acmillan. Ad]l' tcw t, 
Lt. R. J. Byrne. 

8th Battalion, U Royal Rifles," (Quebec). Lt.-Colonel, 
Henry J. Miller. Mpjor, 
Six C011
panits, Quebec: Captains, G. E. A. Jones, J. 
Dunbar, J. E. Prower, Charles Miller, Edwanl Monti- 
zambert and J. F. Burstall. Paymaster, 
. Adjutant, Capt. E. F. Wurtele. 

9th Battaliou Rifles, II Voltigeurs de Quebec." Lt.- 
Colonel, Guillaume Amyot. Majors, Bt. Lt.-Cols. 
T. A. H. Roy and Arthur Evanturel. 
Companies, Quebec: No.1, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. L. E. 
Frenette; No.2, Capt. and Bt.-}[aj. Mathias Chouinard; 
No.3, Capt. C. F. O. Fiset; No.4, Capt. Elzear Gar- 
neau; No.5, Capt_ Frank Pennee ; No.6, Ca1>t. Alfred 
Fages; No.7, Capt. L. F. PinanIt; No.8, Capt. X 
Z. LeVasseur. Paymaster, Hony. :r.Iaj. George Dugal. 
Adjlttant, Lt. L. G. E. Fiset. 

10th Battalion" Royal Grenadiers," (Toronto). Lt.- 
Colonel, Henr}' J. Grasett. ltf(ljO'f'S, G. D. 
Dawson and A. B. Harrison. 
Eight Compar.ies: Captains, F. A. Caston, John Bruce, 
lason, O. L. Leigh Spencer, R. G. Trotter, F. 
J. Gosling, C. Greville Harston and J. I. Davidson. 
Paymaster, Nicol Kingsmill. Adjutant, Capt. F. F. 
P. Manley. 

11 th Battalion of Infantry, II Argellteuil Rangers," 
(lId. Qrs. St. A?
drews, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, J. 
B. Cushing. (C1cshing, Que.) 11Iajor, William Hoy, 
Companies: No.1, St. Andrews, Capt. Thos. Weight- 
man; No.2, West Gore, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. James 
Smith; No.3, Morin Flats, Capt. Isaac Jekyll; No.4, 
Lachute, Capt. G. D. Walker; No.5, East Gore, Capt. 
Thos. Evans; No.6, Mille Isles, Capt. John Pollock; 
No.7, Carillon, Capt. E. A. Hodgson; No.8, Chatham, 
Capt. G. B. Martin. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. 'l'hOllht8 
Lamb. Adjutant, 

1 9 t 1 1 Battalion of Infantry, "York Rangers," (lId. 
.... Ql"s. Aurora, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, James "'<lY- 
ling, (Shctron). ltfajor, T. H. Lloyd, (Newmarket). 
Companies: No. I, Riverside. Capt. W. M. Cooper; 
No.2, Aurora, Capt. J. F. Smith; No.3, Seaton Vil- 
lage, Capt. G. M. Furnival; No.4, Newmarket, Capt. 
G. J. Ashworth; No.5, Sutton, Capt. W. J. Crosth- 
waite; No.6, Parkdale, Capt. Wm. McSpadden; No. 
7, Sharon, Capt. J. C. McCarty; No.8, YorkviUe, 
Capt. J. T. Symons. Paymaster, J. R. Stevblson. 
Adjutant, Capt. John Thompson, (Padrdale). 

13t h Battalion of Infantry, (Hamiltm, Ont.) Lt.- 
Colonel, John 1\1. Gibson. Majors, A. H. 
1\Ioore and Henry 1tlcLaren. 
Eight Companies, Hamilton: Captains, P. B. Barnard, 
James Adam, John Stoneman, 'Y. G. Reid, E. G. 
Zealand, A. D. Stewart, Geo. 1\IcL. Brown and E. E. 
W. Moore. Paymaster, Hony. MaJ. Charles Armstron:;. 
Adjnta?lt, Capt. J. J. Stuart. 




14th Battalion, "The Princess of Wales' Own Rifles," 
(Kingston,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Henry R. Smith 
(Ottawa). Major, JOlieph W. Power. 
Six C(I/ILpanies, Kingston: Captains, James Murray, 
jun, L. W. Shannon, J. S. Skinner, J. R. Shannon, 
,Yo G. Hinds, Paymaster, William King. 
Adjutant, Capt. James Galloway, jun. 
15th Battalion, "Argyle Light Infantry," (Bell-edUe, 
. Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, S. S. Lazier. Majors, Bt. 
Lt -Cot L. H. Henderson, }taj. J. W. Dnnnet. 
Si:r COlnl'anies, Belleville: Captains, J. E. Walmsley, 
John Henrlerson, W. N. Ponton, W. C. 
likel, R. E. 
Lazier and J. E. Halliwell. PayrrUlstcr, Capt. J. L. 
gar. Adjutant, Capt. T. C. Lazier. 

16th U Prince Edward" Battalion of Infantry (Hd 
QI'S., Picton. Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Thomas Bog. 
Jff1jors, J. R. Cunningllam (Ameliasburg) and W. H. 
Companies: Ko. I, Picton, Capt. 
Xo. 4, Milford, Capt. R. G. Ostrander; No.5, Consecon, 
Capt. Alex. }1l'Donnell; No. û, Picton, Capt. Angus 
hthaU; No.7, Ameliasbnrg, Capt. J. R. Anderson; 
Nu. 8, Rednersville, Capt. James Benson. Payml1ster, 
Hon'y Maj. W. T. Ross. Adjutant, Capt. M. D 
Strachan (Kingston). 
l - t l l "Levis" Battalion of Infdntry (Hd. Qrs., Levis, 
I Que.) Lt.-Colonel, L. G. De
ardins. .Majors, 
Charles Cauchy (Levis) and Auguste Fournier (St. 
Companie:;: Ko. 1, Point Levi, Capt. R. G. Bourget; No. 

, Levis, Capt. Alfred Lefrancois; Ko. 3, Levis, Capt. 
and Bt.-Maj. A. E. Demers; No.4, Nt'w Liverpool, 
Capt. I. E. Demers; No.5, St. Henri, Capt. J. A. 
Guenet; No. û, St. Lambert, Capt. Alexis Gagné ; IS' o. 
" St. Raphael, Capt. Joseph Bolduc; 1'0.8, Ste. Claire, 
Capt. Francois Morin. Paymaster, P. A. Demers. 
Adjutant, Lt. Philippe Boura,ssa. 
18 th "Prescott" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., 
L'Orignal,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John Butterfield. 
,'t{ ajor, 
Companies: No.1, Hawkesbury Village, Capt. T. T. 
ginson; No.2, Yankleek Hill, Capt. J. F. L. Rou- 
thier; No.3, L'Orignal, Capt. S. A. Huntington; No. 
4, St. Eugene, Capt. Felix Routhier; No.5, Plan- 
tabtmet, Capt. C. E. Johnson; No.6, Hawkesbury 

lills, Capt. T. H. W)'man. Paymoster, Alfreù Evan- 
turel. Adjutant, 
19th" Lincoln" Battalion of Infantry (Ha. Qrs., St. 
Cutharines,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, E. H. Thompson 
(Niagara). !J[ajor, G. C. Carlisle (St. Cotharines). 
Companies: 1'0. I, Niagara, Capt. J. V. Dorrity; No.2, 
1:;t. Catharines, Capt. W. H. Dli.v; No.3. St. Cathar- 
ines, Capt. C. J. Moors; 1'0. 4, 'Beamsville, Capt. W. 
A. YOliburgh; No.5, St. Catharines, Capt. Wm. Gar- 
,",on; 1'0. 6, Virgil, Capt. James Hiscott. Paymaster, 

Iaj. George Walker. Adjutant, Lt. George Thairs. 
90th <<Halton" Battalion, "Lome Rifles," (Hd. Qrs., 
- .ðfilton,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, WIlliam Allan (Acton). 
Jlajors, Wm. Kerns (Nelson) and W. P. Appelbe 
( Stewarttown). 
panies: No.1, Oakville, Capt. T. W. Fox; No.2, 
Stewarttown, Capt. J. 1\1. Newton; No.3, George- 
town, Capt. G. S. Goodwillie; No.4, Caml)bell\"ille,'t. A. C. Jones; No.5, Nelson, Capt John Breckon ; 

o. 6, Acton, Capt. David L. Schultz; No. ì, }lilton, 
çar t . Wm. Panton. Paymaster. Hon'y Maj. H. 1\1. 
:switzer. Adjutant, Maj. John Kaitting (llfiltun). 

'>1 st "Essex" Battalion ofInfantry (Rd. QI'S., Wind- 
- sor, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John R. Wilkinson 
(Leamington). Major, James C. Guillot. 
C07fJpanies: 1'0.1, Windsor, Capt. George Che
'ne; No. 
2, Leamington, Capt. Wm. Ley; No 3, Essex Centre 
Capt. A. E. Jones; No.4, Amhertsburg, Capt. Jame
Teml'leton; 1'0. 5, Winùsor. Capt. C. C. Fox. Pay- 
master, F. X. Meloche. Adjntant, 

Comprmies: No.1, Woodstock, Capt. F. W. :i\lacqueen; 
No.2, Embro, Capt. and Bt.-1Ilaj. Wm. Loveys; No.3, 
Princeton, Capt. G. F. Williamson; Ko. 4, Ingersoll, 
Capt. J. C. Hegler: No.5, Xorwich, C,1pt. Geor
Bleakley; No.6, StrathaIlan, Capt. James Sutherland; 
No. 'i, Tilsor.burg, Capt. Thomas Stoddart; No. S, 
Thamesford, Capt. Matthew Day. Pamn'lster, Hon'y 
!llaj. A. R. bIcCleneghan. Adjuta11t, Lt. W. 1\1. Davb. 

23rd <<Beauce" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Ql's., Stc. 
. Marie). Lt. -Colonel, H. J. J. Duchesllay lIf ajor, 
J. George Bi;:;nell (Bea
Companies: No.1, St. Vital de Lamhton, Capt. L. K. 
Lahrecque; No.2, Aylmer, Captain and Bt.-1\lajor 
Damase Paradis: Ko. 3, S1. "ltal de Lambton, CaVt- 
and ßt.-
Iaj. Louis Paradis; No.4, Ste. )Iarie, Capt. 
and Bt.-
Iaj. Thos. Jalbert. Paymaster, Hon'y '&laJ. 
C. G. Labrecque. Adjutant, 
é)4th "Kent"Battalion of Infantry (lId. Qrs., Chat- 
- ham, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Matthew Martin (East 
Tilbury). !J[ojors, C D. Rowe (Foirjìeld) and D. S. 
Denhaldt (Tllppcn'ille). 
Companie.: 1'0. 1, Chatham, Capt. H. A. Patterson; 
No.2, Chatham, CaVt. G. K. Atkinson; Xo. 3, Ridge- 
town, Capt. ; No.4, Chatham, Capt. 
H. G. S. R. Pattinson; No.5, Bothwell, Capt. 
; No.6, Dresden, Capt. Pay- 
1Iwster, Frank Madill. Adjllwnt. Lt. J. B. Rankin. 
95th "Elgin" Battalion of Infantry (lId. Qrs., St. 
.... Thomas, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, C. A. O'1\lalley 
(Wardsville). }'lajors, William Falllds (Aylmær) and 
W. H. Lindsay (St. Th01lws). 
Companies: .No.1, St. Thomas, Capt. A. W. Graham; 
No.2, Vienna, Capt. No.3, Aylmer, 
Capt. H. H. Wright; No.4, St. Thomas, Capt. Jameli 
Bradley; No.5, Port Stanley, Capt. Jno. Edgcombe ; 
No.6, St. Thomas, Capt. G. E. Burns. . Paymaster, 
Capt. W. H. 1loore. Adjutant, 
96th" Middlesex" Battalion of Light Infantry (Hd. 
... Qrs., London, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John English 
[ajor, John Irwin (Strathroy). 
Companies: .No. I, Delaware, Capt. H. C. Garnett; No.2, 
Strathroy, Capt. James Buchanan; 
o. 3, Glencoe, 
Capt. W. G. Lumley; No.4, Dreany's Corners. Capt. 
Henry Dreany; No.5, Lucan, Capt. J. S. Thom; 
No.6, Park HIll, Capt. W. J. }lcRoberts; No. ï, 
Strathroy, Capt. P. H. Matthews; No.8, Ilderton, 
CaVt. T. R. Robson. Paymaster, Hon'y Capt. John 
Stevenson. Adjutant, Capt. J. F. Choate (Dorchester 

27th "Lambton" Battalion of Infantry, "St. Clair 
Borderers"(Hd. Qrs., Sarnia, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, 
C. E. H. Fisher (London). lIfajors, John Savage 
(Petrolia), and J. H. Beattie (Wallaceburg). 
Companies: No.1, Petrolia, Capt. 1\t. J. Woodward; 
No.2, Forest, Capt. J. C. Pollock; No, 3, Widder, 
Capt. Wm. Gattis; No.4, Warwick. Capt. F. Ken- 
ward; No.5, Wallacehurg, Capt. S('ott Woolever; No. 
6, Watford, Capt. Robert Carrol; 'No.7, Sarnia, Capt. 
C. S. Ellis. Paymaster, Hon'y :Maj. S. A. 1\1acvicar. 
98th "Perth" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs.,Strat- 
- ford, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, R S. :r.leKllight. !tlaj01'/j, 
H. A. L. White (St. ,'fary's) and J. R. Hamilton. 
Companies: No.1, Stratford, Capt. J. L. Hotson; No.2, 
Stratford, Capt. G. T. Cooke; No.3, St. Mary's, CaVt. 
W. C. Moscrip: Ko. 4, St. Mary's, Capt. Jas. Hamilton; 
No.5. Listowel, Capt. H. B. Morphy; 1'0. û, Stratford, 
Capt. Pnymastel', William Lawrence. 
Adjlltant, C,lPt. Monis J. Beam. 

.)9th "Waterloo" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., 
-. Berlin, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, George Hespelel' 
(Galt). J1ajor, E. J. Beaumont (GaUl. 
Companies: No.1, Conestogo. Capt. W. J. Palimorc; 
Ko. 2, Galt, Capt. J. L. Co\\an; No.3, New H.llllburg, 
Captain Jonathan Cook; 1'0. 4, Galt, Capt. W. B. 
ncl Battalion" Oxford Rifles," ([[(1. Qrs., Wood- Duck; No.5, Hespcler, Capt. G. K. C. :McGregor; No. 
....-. sfocl;;,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, James 
lunro(ElI1bro). û, Berlin. Capt. J. E. Stanton. PC'Yllwster, Hon'y 
JIIJ.}or, R. Y. Ellis (Ingersoll). Capt. Aùam Cranston. Adjut"nt, 
[361 ] 




O Oth "Wellington" Batta1ion of RIfles (lid. Qrs., 
v r;
(Ælph, Ont.) Lt.-Col., Charles Clarke. J[ ajors, 
W. W. White (Arth1tr) and John Mutrie (Eramosa). 
Companies: No.1, Harriston, Capt. W. W. Mason; No. 
2, Guelph. CalJt. ; No.3, Fergus, Capt. 
John Beattie; No.4, Elora, Capt. D. M. Allan; No.5, 
'Mount Forest, Capt. Wm. Kingston; No.6, Eramosa, 
Capt. Arch. Johnson; No.7, Erin, Capt. Will. lIIc- 
Dowell; No.8, Palmerston, Capt. Will. Jamieson; 
Xo. 9, :l\Iooreficld, Capt. John Bouth; No. 10, Arthur, 
Capt. Pnymaster, Hon'y Maj. Edmund 
Harvey. Adjutant, Capt. G. D. Porter (Whittington). 
') 1 st "Grey" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs.. O
v Sound, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, George Brodie (Me((- 
ford). Major, Bt. Lt.-Coi. John Boyd. 
Coulpanws: No. I, Owen Sound, Capt. A. J. Spencer; 

o. 2, Meaford, Capt. H. R. Cleland; No.3, Leith, 
Capt. and Bt. Lt.-Coi. J. P. Telford; No.4, Durham, 
Capt. John Moodie; No.5, Chatsworth, Capt. John 
\[cDonald; No.6, Flesherton, Capt. A. G. C,ullpbell; 
No.7, Clarksburg, Capt. Joseph Rorke. Paymaster, 
William Heep. Adj1tfcmt, 2nd Lt. J. B. McLean 
 nd "Bruce" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., 
- Walkerton, Ont.) L'.-Colnnel, J. G. Cooper. 
1Ifajors, John Biggar (Southampton) amI B. B. Boyd 
(Port Elgin). 
Companies: No. I, Port Elgin, Capt. J. W. Stanord; 
No.2, Kincardine, Capt. W. C. Loscombe; No.3, 
Lucknow, Capt. B. G. Jefferis; No.4, Paisley, Capt. 
W. C. Valentine; No.5, Walkerton, Capt. W. C. 

Ioffatt; No.6, Arran, Capt. John Donglass; No.7. 
Mildmay, Capt. John Henderson; No.8, Tceswater, 
Capt. Areh. Gillies. Paymaster, A. B. Klein. Adju- 

33rcl "Huron" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qr8., 
Goderich, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, T. T. Coleman 
(Seaforth). Majors, 
C01npanies: No.1, Goderich, Capt. J. R. Miller; No.2, 
Wingham, Capt. Wm. Elliott; No.3, Seaforth, Capt. 
J. G. Wilson; No.4, Clinton, Capt. D. A. Forrester; 
No.5, Ainleyville, Capt. John Leckie; No.6, Exeter, 
Capt. Glynn Elliott; No.7, Porter's Hill, Capt. John 
McDonald; No.8, Gorrie, Capt. John Kaines; No.9, 
Dungannon, Capt. Jos. Mallough. Paymaster, Hon'y 
Capt. Francis Jordan. Adjutant, Maj. Henry Cooke. 
34th "Ontario" Battalion of Infantry (lld. Qrs., 
Whitby, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Michael O'Donovan. 
l1fajors, N. F. Paterson (Port Perry), J. E. Farewell. 
Companies: No.1, WhitlJY, Capt. J. J. O'Donovan; No. 
2, Greenwood, Capt. WilburHenderson;No. 3, Oshawa, 
Capt. T. E. Cleverdon; No.4, Beaverton, Capt. C. A. 
Paterson; No.5, Uxbridgc, Capt. J. A. McGillivray; 
:Xo. 6, Brooklin, Cal)t. W. H. Browne; No.7, Canning- 
ton, Capt. A. E. Hirschfelder. Paymaster,
. H. 
Billings. Adjutant, Capt. James Rutledge (Wh
3 - th Battalion of Infantry, "Simcoe Foresters,"(Hd. 
V Qrs., Barrie, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, W. E. O'Brien 
(Shanty Bay). Majors, W. J. Graham (Barrie) and 
l)eter Burn
t (Orillia). 
Coml'anies: No.1, Eanie, Capt. C. S. F. Spry; No.2, 
Collingwood, Capt. n. G. Campbell; No.3, Jarratt's 
Corners, Capt. lI. McD. Clark
; No.4, Vespra, Capt. 
Allison Leadl}'; No.5, Barrie, Capt. John Powell; 
No.6, Huntsville, Capt. Christopher Peacock; No.7, 
Orillia, Capt. T. H. Drinkwater; No.8, Penetangui. 
shene, Capt. J. Landrigan. Paw.naster, HOll'y Maj. 
Joseph Rogers. Adjlltccnt, Bt.-lIIaJ. James Warel. 

36tl "Peel" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., Bramp- 
1 ton, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Richarcl Tyrwhitt (Brad- 
ford). lI[ajors, Edward Leslie and P. McG. Barker 
(Orangeville). . 
CompaniM: No.1, Braml)ton, Capt. Wm. MIller; No.2, 
Orangeville, Capt. ; 
o. 3, Cooks town, Ca
Christol,her Cook; No.4, AlbIOn, Capt. James Wolfe; 
lS'0.5 Bond Head, Capt. Robert Scott; No.6, Alliston, 
Cal)t.' Duncan McLaren: No.7, MOllo 1\IiJIs, Capt. J. 
A. Patterson; No.8, Orallgeville, Capt. E. E. Williams. 
Pa1/master, Hou'y Capt. Chas. Smith. Adjvtant, Lt. 
G. T. Evans (Albion). 

37th" Haldimand" Battalion of Rifles (Hd. Q1'S., 
York, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Robert H. Davis. 
Major, David Thompson (Demls). 
Companiæs: No. I, York, Capt. Andw. Williamson; 
3, Caledoni
, Capt. R. L. Nelle.s; No.4, Hagersville, 
Capt. B. GrIffith; NO.5, HullsvIlle, Capt. 
; No.6, Cheapsirle, Capt. Alfred Goodwin: No. 
7, Caledonia, Capt. W. T. Sawle; 
o. 8, Cayuga, Capt. 
Wm. Mussin. Pa?/master, Hon'y Maj. John H. Rogers. 
Adjlttant, Capt. John Tuck (York). 
38th Battalion, "Dufferin Rifles of Canada," IBl'ant- 
ford,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, C. S. Jones. Nojol's, 
John Ballachey and G. H.1\I('}[jcbael. 
Companies, Brantford: No.1. Capt.. Jos. Stratford; Yo. 
2, Capt. Edmunci Sweet; No.3, Cal't. T. H. Jones; 
No.4, Capt. B. H. Rothwell; No.5, Capt. W. D. 
Jones; No.6, Capt. J. S. Hamilton. Paymaster, Hon'y 
Maj. F. J. Grenny. Adjutant, Lt. W. H. Nellb. , 
') 9t h" Norfolk" Battalion of RIfles (Hcl. Qrs., Sill/coe, 
v Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, W. C. Thompson. .Mojor, 
H. L. Coombs. 
Companies: No.1, Simcoe, Capt. J. W. Ryerson; No. 
2, Hartford, Capt. J. H. Woodley; No.3, Port 
Rowan, Capt. Geo. Price; No.4, WalsinghaPl, Capt. 
Will. Morgan ; No.5, Waterford, Capt. Matthias Yerks; 
No.6, Simcoe, Capt. J. F. Wilson; No.7, Port Dover, 
Capt. H. W. Ansley; No.8, Fredericksburg, Capt. W. 
S. Wood. Paynw,$ter, Adjutant, 
40th <<Northumberland" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. 
Qrs., Cobmtrg, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Robert z. 
Rogers (Grafton). Major, Bt. Lt.-Col. J. V. Gravely 
( Cobourg). 
Companies: No.1, Cobourg, Capt. H. J. Snelgrove; No. 
2, Cobourg, Capt. Geo. Guillet; No.3, Campbell- 
ford, Capt. R. B. Eonnycastle; No.4, Brighton. Capt. 
W. C. Butler; No.6, Grafton, Capt. H. C. Dennis; 
No.7, Colborne, Capt. ; 
o. 8, Castle- 
ton, Capt. Wm. Duncan; No.9, Warkworth, Capt. R. 
P. Hurlburt. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. W. H. Floyd. 
Acl;1ttant, Capt. G. L. Duncan (Colborne). 

41st" BrockviUe" Battalion of Rifles (Hd. Qrs., Brock- 
ville, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, W. H. Cole. It[njor, 
D. E. Jackson (Gonanoque). 
Companies: No. I, Brockville, Capt. Wm. Cook ; No.2, 
Gananoque, Capt. Wm. H. Asselstine; No.3, Delta, 
Capt. M. L. Day; No.4, BrockvilIe, Capt. G. 
I. Cole; 
No.5, Carlton Pla('e, Capt. Jos. McKay; No.6. Goul- 
burn, Capt. Wm. Garvin. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. D. 
B. JOlles. Adjutant, 

4 9 nd II Eroekville" Battalion of Infantry (Hfl. Qrs., 
... Brocki'ille, Ont.) Lt..ColonÛ, ArthurJ. Mathe- 
son (Perth). l-lajors, 
Companws: No. I, Almonte, Capt. George Williams; 
No.2, Brockville, Capt. T. W. Sparham; No.3, Perth, 
Capt. J. W. l\Iotherwell; No.4, Lansdl.wne. Capt. 
James Dixon; No.5, Lanark. Capt. T. B. Caldwell; 
No.6, Pemhroke, Capt. G. Hollinsworth. p((YllU!.
Christopher F. Fraser. Adj
ttant, Capt. R. T. Steele 

43rd "Ott.1-wa and Carlton" Battalion of Rifles 
(H(l. Qrs., City of Otta1ua). Lt.-Colonel, 
William Whitc. Majors, John Walsh and W. P. 
Companies: No.1, Ottawa, Capt. A. P. Sherwood; 
No.2, Hull, Capt. Joshua Wright; No.3, Wakefield, 
Capt. Will. Fairbairn; No.4, Vernon, Capt. Brarldish 
Billings; No.5, Eardley, Cap
. John Juwsey; Ko. 6, 
Aylwin, Capt. J. C. Chambl'rhn. Paymaster, Lt. J. 
E. Parker. Adjutant, Capt. T. D. B. Evans. 

44tl1 "Welland" Battalion of Infantry (Rd. Qr
Clifton, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Jamc:< 
(Riclgeu'oy). Mojor, . . 
Companies: No. I, Drummondnlle, Capt. HIraUl Ben- 
der' No.2, ThorolrI, Capt. Hugh James; No.3, Chip- 
pe\\?a,Capt. J. A. Greenwooll; No.4, Fort Erie Capt. E. 
A. Cruickshank ; No. 5, WeIland, Cal.t. L. C. Raymoud; 
No.6, Niagara Falls, Capt. G. A. 1\[c
[ichiug; Nu. 7, 




Stevensville, Capt. Joseph Clark; Yo. 8, Fenwick, 
Capt. John Barwell. Paymaster, Hony. 
Iaj. Chas. 
Treble. Adjutant, Capt. John Brennan. 
4 - th "West Durham" Battalion of Infantry (Hil. 
i> Qrs. Bowmanville, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Frederic 
Cubitt. lIIajors, Bt. Lt.-Col. James Deacon (Lindsay), 
:\Iaj. John Hughes (B1LTton). 
Co,npanies: No. I, Bowmanville, Capt. P. J. Rowe; 
Xo. 2, Fenelon Falls, Capt. W. D. Hunter; No.3, 
BurtonviUe, Capt. W. J. Brown; No.4, Lindsay. Capt. 
J. 'V. Wallace; No.5, Omemee, Capt. James Evans; 
80. 6, Lindsay, Capt. J. C. Grace. Paymaster, W. T. 
Scott. Adj1Ltant, Capt. Samuel Hughes (Toronto). 
f 6th "East Durham" Battalinn of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. 
"1:: Port Hope, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, F. A. Benson. 
Majors, John )rcDermi(1 (Janetville), and Roderick 
Dingwall (Port Hope). No.2, Port Hope. Capt. ; 
Yo. 3, Port Hope, Capt. W. J. Robertson; No.4, Mill- 
brook, Capt. C. H. Winslow; No.5, Springville, Capt. 
David Walsh; No.6, Bethany, Capt. J. A. V. Pre!'ton; 
Xo. 7, Janetville, 
apt. J. W. Gray. Paymaster, Hony. 
:\Iaj. Richard Howden. 
4.djutant, Capt. H. A. Ward. 
4 7 th "Frontenac'. Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. 
Kingston, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Hon. Georgc A. 
[ajor, George Hunter (Willetsholmel. 
Companies: No. I, Storrington, Capt. and Bt.-!lIaj. 
Robert Hewton; Xo. 2, Inverary, Capt. Jos. Healey; 
Ko. 3, Elginburg, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. C. N. Spooner; 
Xo. 4, Portsmouth, Capt. and Bt.-)Iaj. Thos. Kelly; 
Xo. 5, Barriefield, Capt. Jas. Byrne; No.6, Napanee, 
Capt. C. Z. Perry; No.7, Harrowsmith, Capt. Elijah 
Joyner; No.8, Tamworth, Capt. Robert Cox; No.9, 
Amherst Island, Capt. ; No. 10, 
Ernesttown, Capt. J. E. Mabee. Payrnaster, Martin 
Stracban. Adjutant, Maj. W. M. Baillie. 
49th .

:t:f;S ft




Majors, Bt. Lt.-Cot G. H. Boulter (Stirling), Maj. P. 
H. Hambly (BelleL"lle). 
ClJl1lpanies: No.1, Bellevilie, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. Edward 
Harrison; No.2, Stirling, Capt. C. E. Hart; No.3, 
Sidney, Capt. John Graham; Ko. 4, Madoc, Capt. J. 
R. Orr; No.5, TJelldenaga, Capt. J. H. Lenox; No. 
6, Trenton, Capt. J. A. Orr. Paymaster, Bt.-Maj. 
R. P. Fidlar. Adjutant, Lt. J. W. Johnston (BeUe- 
50th Battalion of Infantry, "Huntingdon Borderers," 
. (lId. Qrs. Il1mtingdon, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, 
. Majors, 
Robert Johnston (Hinchinbrooke) and Archd. l\Ir.Laren 
Companies: No. I, Hinehinbrookl', Capt. Saml. Hen- 
derson; No.2, Huntingdon, Capt. Jno. Cunningham; 
No.3. Huntingdon, Caþt. and Bt.-lIIaj. Isaac Gardner; 

o. 4, Durham, Capt. and Bt.-lIIaj. Joseph Cairns; No. 
5, Athelston, Capt. Geo. Andel'!;on; No.6, Rockburn, 
Cal't. W. 1\1. Watson; No.7, DewittviHe, Capt. Jno. 
Gilbert; No.8, Dundee, Capt. Peter Buchanan. Pay- 
masti'r, Hony. Capt. Robert Middlemiss. Adjutant, 

18j. W. S. McLaren (Huntingdon). 

51 st Battalion of Infantry, "Hemmingforll Rangers," 
· (Hd. Qrs. Hernmingjord, Que.) Lt.-Colo1&el. 
Robert Rogers. Majors, ltichard Lucas (Roxham, St. 
John's), and F. A. Cantwen (Franklin). 
Companies: No. I, Hayelock, Capt. Alex. Milne; No.2, 
LacúHe,Capt. W. Waters; No.3, Franklin, Capt. Moses 
Row; No.4, Hemmingford, Capt. Donald l\lcNaugh- 
ton; No.5, RoxhaUl, Capt. Geo. Elliott; No.6, Hem- 
mingforll, Capt. Richard Hayes; No.7, St. Jean 
Chrysostome, Capt. J. 1\leG. Stewart; No.8, St. Remi, 
Capt. Louis Stl'. Marie. Pflymaster, Hony. Maj. W. 
B. Johnson. Adjutant, :\Iaj. John McFee. 

E. U. Hall; Xo. 5, .Mansonville, Capt. C. :\1. Bo" en; 
No.6, Bolton, Capt. J. K. Latty; No. ï, }Iar
;, Capt. 
A. E. PIlCbn. Payma,ta. Hony. Cnpt. G. B. H1.I1. 
Adjutant, 2nd Lt. R. M. Hall (East Fflrnhom). 
53rd "Sherbrooke" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. (,!r . 

herbroolæ, Qne.) Lt.-Colonel, E. P. Felton. 
Nlajors. W. A. Morehouse and R. G. Leckie. 
C01npanies: Xo. 1, Sherbrooke. Car-to H. R. Fr" .
No.2, Sherbrooke, Capt. A. C. H. Bowen; X. ", 
Sherbrooke, Capt. E. B. Worthmgton; No -t. 
brooke, Capt. John Fales. Pflymaster, Ht"DI A. 
Odell. Adjutant, Capt. _\. X. Worthingt..IIl. 
54th "Richmond" Battalion of Infant.ry (H . ',)1' 
Richmond, Que.) Lt.-Colonel. Rt. HIJ 
phns, Lord Aylmer (iJltlbwrnc). "[ajors, G '. WIl- 
liamson (Kingsb1L1Y) aUlI E. S. Bernard (.Mclbfil'l"h ). 
Companies: No.1, DamiHe. Capt. Wm. Thorburn; 

, Flodden, Capt. T. L. Brown; Xo. 3, Rio h--.I !IlI, 
Capt. J. W. Harkom; Xo. 4, Brompton aud Wir 1'. 
Capt. E. G. :\Iorey; No.5. South Durham, C' 
Archd. Bothwell; 
o. 6, Kirkda1c, Cal,t. T. S. Bl ,_ 
\\'eH. Paynwstcr, Leonarcl Thomas. A djut'l nt, 
55th "l\Iegantic Light Infantry" Battalion (lId. 'Irs. 
. In-/;erness, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, W. J. Ward 
(Lo11'er Ireland). Majors, Wm. Thompson (Lelllf'.uricr) 
and Oswald Hunter (lnvc)'ness). 
Companies: Xo. I, Kinnear's ?Jills, Capt. Edward 
Lipsey; No.2. Inverness, Capt. J. A. Wallace; Xn. >, 
New Ireland, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. G. H. Porter: Xn.4, 
Maple Hill. Capt. Jas. Watkins; 'No.5, St. .!ulie de 
Somerset, Capt. P. A. Bourk; No.6. St. SylYC>>tre, 
Capt. Francis Carroll. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. James 
:McKenzie. A.lij1Ltant, Capt. TlIos. 
1('Kcnzie (In''p/, 

- 6th "Grenville" Battalion. "Lisgar Rifles," (Htl. 
o Q/'s. Prescott, Ont.) Lt.-Coronel, R. O. Campbell 
(Burritt's Rapids). Majol's, Andrew Carmichael 
(Spencerville) and J. B. Checkley (_Vorth A ug1J..!Jtn.). 
Companies: No. I, Cardinal, Capt. Alpheus Adams: 

o. 2, Prescott, Capt. O. S. Dawson; No. 3, Burritt'
Rapids, Capt. T. A. Kidd; No.4, KcmptvilIe, Capt. 
C. H. McCargar; No.5, Sorth Augusta, Capt. J. E. 
Elliott; No.6, Spencerville. Capt. Wm. Stitt, jun.; 
No. 7, 
Ietcalfe, Capt Ira }Iorgan. Pa?Jnwster. Ens. 
(provis'l) D. P. Snyder. Aðj1Lu'nt, Capt. W. H. 
Burritt (B1/rritt's Rapids). 
57th Battalion of Infantry, "Peterborough Rangprs." 
(1IIl. QrR. Peterborou[Jh. Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, 
James Z. Rogers. Mojors, T. 1\1. Grover (...Vor' 'fiod) 
and R. W. Bell (peterbOT01I[Jh). 
Companies, Pete rho rough : No. I, Capt. E. B. Edwards; 
No.2, Capt. Wm. LangfoPd; Xo. 3, Capt. G. C. 
Rogers; No.4, Capt. R. E. Bird
o. 5, Capt. 
Thos. Burke; No. 6, Cap
. .J. A. Howard. p,,- masfrr, 
58th Co Compton" Battalion of Infantry (Hfl. rs., 
Bury, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, F.:M. POpf' (Rr.bin.on). 
]'fajûrs, J. D. R.lmage (Cooticooke) and 1\1. B. )[ac- 
Auley (Robinson). 
Companies: 'No. I, Bury (Robinson., Capt. ..i. L. 
:McIver; No.2, Gould, Capt. Alex. Ross; X,). 3, 
Marston. Capt. J. T. Mc:Iver; No.4, JIarhleton, Capt. 
W. W. Weyland; Xo. 5, Lake lIIegantic, Capt. Donald 
Beaton; No.û,:\lassawippi, Capt. G. P. H. Hitchc" k; 
No.7, Coaticook, Capt. R. G. Trcnhohn ; Xo. 8, -\1'1,11' 
Grove, Capt. Jno. Clarke; No.9. Winslow, Capt. D. 
IcLeod; No. 10, Cookshire, Capt. E. S. Bak r. 
Plcymaster, Hony. Maj. Edmund LOf'kett. Af/j!/" 
Lt. J. H. Cook (Cookshil'e). 

59th "Stormont" Battalion of Infantry (Hti. lb' 
· Cornwall, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, JanlPs H. Brprlin 
(Farran'" Point). ].[('jors, A. T. Light(FI'I'ran' P 'tl 
and Roderick R. }lcLennan (Corm':all). 
nd "Brollle" Battalion of Light Illfantry (Hd. Qr.<. Comp.'nies: No. I, Cornwall, Capt. Geo. 
Ii1den: So. 
- KnowUon, Que.) Lt.-ColO1lRl, Calvin L. Hall 2, Cornwall, Capt. Robert Smyth; No.3. Cornwall, 
'illl). Major, C. C. Perkins Olansom'ille). Capt. C. H. Wood; No.4, Town"hip of Finch. Ca-t. 
ClJll1paniu: No. I, Abercorn, Capt. W. L. Shepard; No. F. D. F. 1\lacnaughton; N0. 5, Farran's Point. ( 
2. Knowlton, Capt. Will. 1\lacfarlane; No.3, Sutton, Gordon Baker, jun,; No.6, Lunellbllrg, Capt. 
Car,t. Andrew Davison; Xo. 4, Ea"t Farnham, Capt. No.7, Athol, Capt. Rodk. :\Iorrison. Pa'JI.1 




Henry Turner. Adjutant, Capt. Herbert Clarke (Far- , 68th "King's County" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. 
. /n'sPoint). Qrs., Kentville, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, L.1)"y. 
- Chipman. Majors, B::. Lt.-Cols. W. H. Belcher and 
60tl "Missisquoi" Battalion of Infantry (Rd. Qrs., H. W. Lydiard. 
1 Clarcnce/'i/le, Que.) I t.-Colonel, Charles S. C01ItP01t1'cs: No.1, Kentville, Capt. B. H. Dodge; Xo. 
RJ\\e. ].[ajol., Bt. U.-Coi. A. H. Gilmour. 2, Sheffield's 1\lills, Capt. E. III. Beckwith. No. 3 
( mpanÙ?s: Ko. I, Philipsburg, Capt. and Bt.-lIlaj. H. Kentville, Capt. Jno. Redden; No.4, Billbn;n, Capt: 
N. Sixby; No.2, Clarenceville, Capt. Henry Jameson; Edward Steadman; No.5, RnS:i' Corner, Capt. W. E. 
No.3, Dunham, Capt. J3:me.s Rol)inson: No. 4, 
est Roscoe; Xo. 6, Canning, Capt. C. E. Borden; No.7, 
Farnham, Ca})t. Geo. Hlggms; No.5. Stanbndge, Aylesford, Capt. and Bt.-
Iaj. T. R. Harris; No.8, 
Capt. Judson ßlwkus; 1"0. 6, Frelighsburg, Capt. and Aylesford, Capt. W. R. L. Foster; No. 10 Buckley'" 
Bt.-'\Iaj. David Westo\'er. Paymaste1., Hon'y 
Iaj. W. Corner, Capt. D. E. Ross. PaYllwster, Charl
s F. Eaton. 
M. Pattl:rson. Adjt,tan', Capt. J. A. Hawley. Ad.iutl1nt, 2ud Lt. C. R. Coleman (Lakeville). 

t ., Montmagny and L'Jslet" Battalion of Infantry 
,-' (Rd. (Irs., JJontmagny, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, 
Philippe Landr
- (St. P-ierre, Rh'. d1t Sud.) 1Ilnjor, 
Erlouard Lemi""ux (ChicoutimiJ. 
(' J1!panies: No.1, St. Thomas, Capt. J. B. C. Fournier; 
No.2, St. Pierre, Rh'. du Sud, Capt. E. A. H. Talbot; 
No.3, C.lp St. Ignaee, Capt. Alfred Gamache; No.4, 
St. Jean Port Joli, Capt. A. C. Talùot; No.5, L'Islet, 
Capt. J. O. Giasson; 1"0. ß, Chicoutimi, Capt. R. A. 
::"cott. PaYI/!(!stcr, J. B. A. Lepine. Adjutant, Capt. 
Phidyme Belanger (L'Islet). 

6 ->nd Battalion, "St. John Fusiliers," (St. .Tohn, 
- N. B.) Lt.-Cúlonel, Arbuthnot lllaine. 1Ilojors, 
J. J. Tucker and H. H. lIIcLean. 
......t Cümpanies, St. John: Captains, Bt.-Maj. E. T. 
Sturdee, F. H. HHtt, W, C. lItagee, H. J. A. Godard, 
.T. P. Hagan amI 111. B. Edwards. Paymaster. Ron'y 
Maj. Jas. Oe\'lin. Adj1tt(lnt, 

69th "1st Annapolis" Battalion ofJnfantry (Hd, Ql's., 
Paradise, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, W. E. Stan-att. 
hfnjors, De Lancy Harris and C. S. Cole. 
paniex: No.1, Wilmot, Capt. L. W. Elliott; No.2, 
Paradise, Capt. E. :M. 1forse; No.3, Gmnville, Capt. 
David Wade; No.4, Port William, Capt. Jno. Chal'l- 
ton; No.5, Annapolis Royal, Capt. W. 111. Bailey; No. 
6, Bear River, Capt. J. N. Kelly; No.7, Paradise, 
Capt. J. P. Buckler; No.8, Bear River, Capt. J. W. 
TUl'llbull; No.9, Clementsport, Capt. WaHace Harris. 
Paymaster, 2nd Lt. (provis'l) T. H. Millar. Adjutlwt, 
Capt. Osbert IIIarshaU (Port William). 

70th "Champlain" B8ttalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrx., 
Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, 
P. Massicotte. Majors, Bt. Lt.-Cols. Napoleon St. 
Arnaud and Philippe Trudel. 
Companies: No. I, Bte. Genevieve de Batiscan, Capt. 
Ernest Trudel; No.2, St. Narcisse, Capt. Adolphe 
Cossette; No. 3, 
te. Genevieve, Capt. Tanerede Tru- 
del; No.4, St. Prosper, Capt. Jean !\Iassicotte; 1"0.5, 
Ste. Anne de 111. Pemde, Capt. J, A. Rousseau; No.6, 
Ste. Tlte, Capt. F. X. BarH. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. 
Achille Beauchet. Adjutant, Maj. Come P. Trudel. 

t' '3rd " Halifax" Battalion of Rities (Halifax, N. S) I 
 Lt.-Colonel, J. D. Mackintosh. Jr[Oj01'S, T. J. 
Wal:5h and T. J Egan 
SM Cornpcmies, Halifax: Captains, 'Vm. Bishop, Jas. 7 1st "York" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., Fred- 
Furtune, Heny HFchler, A. G. Cunningham, J. T. erict01
,N B.) Lt.-Colonel,J. L.l'rIarsh. Majors, 
Meagher and J. T. Twining. Paymastel' è Hon'y Jeremiah Staples (St. jrary's) and T. L. Alexander 
Maj. J. S. Mitchell. Adjutant, Capt. J. N. ranee (Fredericton Stntion). 
Cornp'mies: No.1, St. Mary's, Capt. Jared Boone; N"o. 
2, 1tlcKeen's Corners, CalJt. Jesse Christy; No.3, Stan- 
ley, Capt. W. T. Howe; No.4, Fredericton, Capt. T. G. 
J. Loggie; No.5, BlissviJIe, Capt. W. D. Hutt; No. 
6, St. t:ltephen, Capt. John McMullen; No.7, FI'ederÏl'- 
ton, Capt. H. A. Cl'Opley; No.8, St. George, Capt. A. J. 
1rIeGee. PaY"nrr.ster, Maj. A. G. Beckwith. Adj!ttant, 

6 4th Battalion of Rifles, .. VoltigeUl'!> de Beauhar- 
nois,"(Hd. Q,.s, , Beauhamois, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, 
Lucius Poitras. 1Ilajo1', L. B. Bakpr. 
(oll/panies, Beauharnois: No.1, Capt. and Bt.-!lfaj. Jos. 
DLslauriers; Ko. 2, Capt. F. C. Basinet: No.3, Capt. 
J. B. Cadieux: Ko. 4, Capt. Julien Poirier; No.5, 
Capt. W. S. Danis; 
o. 6, Capt. Eustache Langevin. 
Paymaster, Ron'y Maj. C)Tillb Guimond. Adjutant, 
Capt. Pierre Bo) er. 

65th Battalion, "!lIOUllt Roya Rifles," (ftlollt1.eal, 
. Que.) Lt.-Colonel, Joseph A. Ouimet. Major, 
C A. Dugas. 
BIght CO'Inpanies, 
fontreal: Captains, Hector Prevost, 
.Joseph Giroux, Alex ROJ', L. G. E. Bauset, L. J. 
Ethier, C. J. DohertJ', J. P. A. des Trois-maisons, J. 
A. \ïlleneuye. l'alnJwster, Hon'y Capt. C. L. Bosse. 
Adjutant, Capt. J. C. Robert. 

f"6th Bathlion, "Princess Louise Fusiliers," (Hf'li- 
) fax, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, C. J. Ma
Afajors, W. M. Humphrey and A. E. Curren. 
Ej'1ht COlHpanies, Halifax: Captains, Jno. Mengel', 
(). H. Jlackinlay, E. G. Kenny, A. W. Spike, A. III. F. 
:JouU, H. L. Chipman. Alfred Browne and AJfred 
Whitman. Pal/rn9,ste1', Capt. R. H, Humphrey. Adju- 
tant, Ülllt. B. A. Weston. 

7211d "2nd A
n<tpoJis" Battalion of Infa
try (1f
Qrs., WÛ-mot, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, Ben.!. H. Pal- 
ker. Majors, Shippy Spurr (Wilmot) and WiHoughb)' 
Shaffner (Fal"/nington). 
Companies: 1"0. 1, Wilmot, Capt. Chas. Jacques; No. 
2, Wilmot, Capt. Get). Roach; No.3, Wilmot, Capt. J. 
G. Bowlby; No.4, Middleton, Capt. O. 1\f. Taylor; No. 
5, Fannington, Capt. H. M. Phinny; No.6, Nicteaux, 
Capt. J. Jr. Morse. Paymaster, Lt. AlLert Gate!>. 
Adjutant, Lt. E. F. 1rlcNeil (Jralvcrn Square). 
73 rd "Northumberland" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. 
Qrs., Cltatha1lt, Mi7'Q,,
ichi, N. B.) Lt.-Cblonel, 
Samuel U. MeCulley. Majo,', 
Complmics: No.1, Buctouehe, Capt. John Sheridan; 
No.2, Chatham, Ca})t. Wm. Fenton; Ko. 3, Black 
Brook, Capt. Alex. McKnight; No.4, Black Ri\'er, 
Capt. Wm. 1\lcXaughton; No.5, Bay dll Vin, Capt 
Hugh Cameron. Pal/ma.ster, Lemuel J. Tweedie. 
Adjutant, Capt. A. S. Templeton (Black Rit'er). 

74th Battalion of Infantry fHd. Ql's., Sussex, N. B.J 
Lt.-Colonel, Edwin Beer. Mojors,O.R. Arnold 
(Sussex) and J. 111. Baird (Sackville). 
C01i1panÎÆ?s: No.1, CJifton, Capt. H. D. Wetmore; No. 
2, Petitcodiac, Capt. J. W. McFee; No.3, Sussex, 
Capt C. H. Fair\\"eathe!; No. 4 1 Shemogue, Capt. 
C. Murray; No.5, SackvIlle. Capt. J. A. Bowes; No. ü, 
Baie Verte, Capt, Bedford Harper. PnY'/lwster, Hon'J' 
Maj. Edwin Arnold. Adj1ttant, Capt. J. M. Kinnear. 

6 - th Battalion, .. Carlton Light Infantry," CHd. Qrs., 
, Wood.tock, ...Y. B.) Lt.-Colonel, 
Majors, Bt. Lt.-Co!. C. W. Haymond, r.laj. J. D. 
C'ompnnies: No.1, Woodstock, Capt. W. H. Bourne; 
:So. 2. Celltrc\'iJIe, Capt. J. W. Adams; No.3, Debee, 
Capt. Robert Kirkpatrick; No.4, Brighton, Capt. G. 
E. Boyer; N"o. G, Waten'ille. Callt. J. T. Fletl'her; 

o. ß, Andover, Capt. A. H. McLauchlan; No.7, 
Eaker Brook, Capt. J. W:. Baker; No.8, East }'lorenc.e- 75th" LunenbUl'g" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. QI'
,.Ue Capt. and Bt.-MaJ. A. D. Hartley; No.9, Wd- I Lunenburg, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, C. Edwm 
hlOt' Cal't. J. S. Carvell. Paymaster, Hon'y lIIaj. J. D. Kaulbach. jrajor, 
Ket;hmJ1. Adjt,tunt, 2ml Lt. Arthur J. Raymond. Companies: 1"0. 1, Lunenburg, Capt. J. W. King; No. 




2, Lunenburg, Capt. 
hos. Curll; 'Yo. 3, Lunenburg, 
Capt. G. A. Ross; 
o. 4, Mahone Bay, Capt. J. P. 
o. 5, 
Iartin's Rh'er, Capt: Jaf'ob Langill; Xo. 
6, Xew Ross, Cal)t. G. H. Wllldrow. POI/master, 
Stephen Finck. Adjutant. 
7 6th Battalion of Rifles, "V oltigeurs de Chatpau- 
guay" (Hd. Qni., Ste. Ala,rtine, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, 
Joseph Beaudreau. Majors, Louis Turcot (North 
Gcorgetotl'n) and Charles D'Amour (Ste. Philomèn.e). 
CmnpanlCs: Xo. 1, Ste. Philomene, Capt. J. B. Damour; 
Xo. 2, Ste. Martine, Capt. E. J. Gagnier: No.3, St. 
1;rhain, Capt. Elzear Sahourin; Ko. 4, St... 
Capt. Francois Laberge; 1"0. 5, Ste. Martine, Capt. 
Ale". :\I,tlette; No.6, Chateauguay, Capt. Alfred 
Robert. Paymaster, Lt. F. Å. Ro}'. Adjltt<lnt, 
77tll "Wentworth" Battalion of Inf,wtry (Hd. Qrs. 
Dltnda,s, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John Brown (Bin- 
brook). ,1lajors, Bt. Lt.-Col. H. C. Gwyn (Dunda
and Maj. F. 1\1. Carpenter (Stoney Cruk). 
o. 1, Dundas, Capt.. Alex. Bertr
rn; No. 
2, Watenlown, Capt. Jas. Mc
lollles; No.3, Rmhrook, 
C,lpt. W. G. Fletf'her; No.4, Ancaster. Capt. T. A. 
Walker; No.5, Saltfleet, Cal,t. H. H. Carpenter; Xo. 
6, Glanford, Capt. Wm. Wells. Paymaster, 2nd Lt. 
Jas. C. Ryan. Adjutant, C,lpt. Jas. Aikens {Binbrook). 
- , 8t11 .. Colchester. Hants and Pictou" Battalion of In- 
fantry, " Highlanders" (Hd. (,!rs. Truro, N.S.) 
Lt.-Colonel, William )L Blair. ltlajors, G. H. Suther- 
land (JIillbrook) and Joseph Burgess (Windsor). 
Companies: No.1, Truro, Capt. H. T. Lawrence, No. 

, Onslow, Capt. 
eo. Rayne; N.o. 3, Shubenacadie, 
Capt. I. L. Barnlllll; No.4, Wmdsor, Capt. J. H. 
Smith; No.5, :\Iillbrook, Capt. and Ht.-Maj. Rodk. 
McKenzie; Ko. 6, :\Iuunt Thorn, Capt. Wm. 'lax well ; 
No.7, Burnside, Capt. Angus 
lcLcocl. Paymaster, 
2nd Lt. S. G. Chambers. Adjutant. 

.... 9t h "Shefford" Battalion of Infantry, "Highland- 
. ers" (Hd. Qrs. Wa,terloo, Qile.) Lt.-Colonel, 
Thos. H. Cox (Gra.nby). Ma,jors, Jas. !\Iaynes (Water- 
loo) and Jos. Galbraith (South Ro;rton). 
Companies: No.1, Granùy, Capt. Richard Seale; 
2, Waterloo, Capt. A. J. Whitehead: No.3, Waterloo, 
C,\pt. R. E. Bell; NO.4, :O:outh Roxton, Capt. J. R. 
Galbraith; Xo. 6, Boscohel, Capt. Robt. Hackwel1; 
No.7. LawrenceviUe. Capt. J. McC. Brown; 
o. 8, 
Waterloo, Capt. H. X. WhitcomlJ. Paymaster, Capt. 
L. H. Brooks. Adjutant, Capt. J. D. BIllman, 
(Wataloo). - 
80t h "Xlcolet" Battalion of [nfantry {Hd. (Jrs. r:en- 
tilly, QIle.) Lt.-Colonel, Edward de For. 
Major, C. H. GlroU" (
Companies: No.1, St. Edouara de Gentilly, Capt. 
Athanase Gaudet; Xo. 2, Klcolet, Capt. J. B. A. 
Rousseau; No.3, Becancuur, Capt. Arthur Landry; . 
No.4, St. Gertrude, Capt. Octa"e !\lousette; No.5, 
St. Gregoire, Capt. J. A. Pratte; No. ô. Yictoriaville, 
Capt. . P('ymc
stfl', Lt. Isaie Bergeron. 
Adjutant, Lt. Oscar Rousseau (Nicolet). 

81 t .. Portnf'uf" B:lttalion 
of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. 
S Po-n
 Rouge, Que.) U.-Colonel, Arthur Beaudry 
(PoÙtte U1lX Tnmbles). Mojor, Isaie Dussault (Les 
Companies: Ko. 1, Pointc aux Trembles, Capt. Edmond 
Gauvin; No.2, St. Raymond, Capt. Elip Frpnette; 
No.3, St. Raymond. Capt. Cyprien Parè: Xo. 4, 
DesC'hambault, Capt. ; Xo. 5, Cap 
Sante, Capt. J. L. Frenet; No.6, Lotbiniere, Capt. Y. 
E. Courteau. Payma$te.'. Hony. Maj. G. D. B. 
Watters. Adjllt<rnf, Capt. .J. G. Coté ((;rondineli). 

82nd "Queen's County" Battalion of Infantry (Hel. 
Qrs. Charlottetmt'n, P.E.I.) Lt.-Colonel, Hpnry 
Becr. 1Iajor, Franc'is Dogherty. 
Comprlllies: No. I, Charlottetown Royalty, Capt. Isaac 
Henderson; Xo. 3, Charlottetown, Capt. Daniel 
alt; No.4, Little York, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. 
Ralph Mabon; No.5. Brookfield, Capt. T. S. Mc- 
Leod; No.6, Covehead, Capt. Geo. Alexander; Xo.7, 
Alberton, Capt. E. C. 
Iaxfìeld: Xo. 8, Tryon, Capt. 
. Pa!lm.aslfr, Hony. Capt. Jnhn !I{"Phail. 
Adjutant, :\Iaj. Elijah Purdy. 

3rd "






ltIajol's, J. U. Foucher (Joliette) and ?II. D'A. Dostaler 
(St. Felir: de Va.lois). 
Companies: No.1, Joliette, Capt. J. H. R. Delfausse; 
No.2, L'Assomption, Capt. M. Grangcr; No.3, S1. 
Felix de Valois, Capt. Gedeon DesRosiers; No.4, 
Ste. Elizabeth, Capt. F. X. O. Lacasse; Ko. 5, Rawdon, 
Capt. J. H. Burns; No.6, Rawdun, Capt. Thos. 
Copping. Pa'lImaster, Capt. Auguste Glâlb:mlt. 
Adjutant, Lt. Godfroi Coffin. 
S4th '




Bruce F. Campbell (St. Hila,iriJ). 
l(ljor, Alphonse 
Denis (St. Hya.cinthe). 
Companies: 1\0. 1, St. Hyacinthe. Capt. N. J. Chaput; 
No.2, St. Pie, Capt. G. '-. }Iorin; No.3, St. 
Capt. Gaudiose Duhaime; Xo. 4, Sorel, Capt. Archi- 
bald Johnston; Ko. 5. St. Hyacinthe, Capt. B. A. 
BenOIt; No.6, Arthabaskaville, Capt. 
p(lymc1ster, J. de la B. Tache. Adjutant, 

85th Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. Montreal, Que.) 
, Lt.-Celonel, Julien Brosseau (Lapra
ltf(ljo"'s, A. D. Aubry (Cote St. Paul) and Peter Jackson 
(Cote St. P"ul). 
Companies: No.1, St Jerome, Capt. C. E. T. D. 
o. 2, St. Jcan Baptiste nUage, Capt. 
J. E. Chagnon; No.3, Laprairie, Capt. J. H. A. 
Sylvestre; No.4, Laprairie, Capt. Toussaint Bourassa; 
Ko. 5, Cote St. Paul, Capt. Joseph Drllln; Ko. 6, 
Lungueuil, Capt. Ferdinand Jodoin. Pa,y'lw.ster, A. 
J. A. Roberge. .1djutC'nt, 

. 86t11 "Three Rivers" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. 
Town of Lún
eville. Que.) Lt. -Coloml, Augustus 
F. Dame. J.lajor, . 
Companies: Ko. 1, Yamachiche, Capt. Alphonse 
Dufresne; Ko. 2, Ri,.iere du Loup (en haut), Capt. J. 
H. Legris; No.3, Three Rivers, Capt. Emile Trudeì : 

(). 4, St. Ga
riel de Brandon, Capt. J. O. Henault; 
No. .5, Berthler, Capt. Chas. Levesque; No.6, St. 
Justm, Capt. C. J. Conlombe. Paymaster, Josenh E. 
I :Chette. AdjICtant, 
 t1 ,. tluebcc" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. 
j I, 1 L'Ancienue Lorette. QlIæ.) Lt.-Colone', V. de 
L. Laurin(QI1eùee). Jlajors, Michel Fiset(L'AncÜmne 
Lorette) and LoUIs Genest {St. Amb1.oise). 
I Companies: No.1, Charlesbourg, Capt. and Bt.-l\laj. 
, Kaþoleon Dorion; No. 2, Ancienne Lorette, Capt. L. 
N. Laurin; No.3, St. Ambroise, Capt. J. E. Frechette; 
Ko. 4, Ste. Foye, Capt. Alphon!oe Routhier; No.5 St. 
Augustin, Capt. and B1. -!\Iaj. Zenol'hile Brunet; 'No. 
6, St. Jean d'Orleans, Capt. Jos. Blouin. Pm/lna.ster, 
Lt. Joseph Blondcau. Adjntant, Capt. H: Octave 
Roy (Ancielltu Lorette]. 

88 th "Kamouraska and Charlevoix" B'l.ttalion of In- 
fantry (IId. Qril. flit'iae OIU'lie, Qlle.) Lt.- 
Colonel, AC'hilles Fraser. Jlajor.y, W. J. Tremblay 
(LeR Eùoulelllcnts) and Romuauld Tetu (St. Gervais). 
COIl/panie,;: l
o. 1, Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, Capt. 
Alfrell potnn; No.2, St. Paul's Bay, Capt. Camille 
Bouchard; No.3, K"lmouraska, Capt. L, A. Gagnë. 
No.4, Ri\-iere Ouelle, Capt. Hercule Tetu ; No.5, St. 
Deni.., Capt. Napoleon Langlais; No.6, Baie St. 
Panl, Capt. G. N. Cimun. Pa!fl1la
ter, Hony. Maj. 
Alexi;;; Df'ssaint. Adjutant, Capt. G. E. Tache 
( l\aJJlfJllraJllm). 

89th "TemisC'ouat.a amI Rimouski" Battalion of In- 
fantry (II d. Qrs. Fra.g('rtJille, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, 
Louis E. HlHlon. ltlajors, Bt. Lt.-C'Jl. E. O. !\Iartin 
(Rill//lIlJlkI). l\faj. L. D. Hudon (Qlubec). 
ClJlI1panips: No. I, Flaserville, Capt. Geor
e LeBel: 
No.2, St. George de Caf'ouna, Capt. David Frcve; Ko. 
3, St. Arséne, Capt. Zachee Blanchet; No.4, Isle 
Yerte. Capt. J. E. 1lareeau; No.5, Ste. Cecile du Bie, 
Capt L. N. Cote; No.6, L'Anse an S'lble, Capt. 
Michel Rinquet; No.7, Rimouski, Capt. J. A. Martin; 
Xu. 8, S1. Anac1et, Capt. Thos. Lebel. Pa.yllla.stl'r, 
Alphonse Poulin. Adjutant, C:lpt. J. K Pouliot 




90th '
3iPlf '


reüf M



C. :\1. Boswell and C. F. Forrest. 
Six Companies. Winnipeg: Captains, H. N. Ruttan, W. 
A. Wilkes, Will. Clark, R. J. Whitla, C. A. Worsnop, 
and H. J. )Iapdonald. Paymaster, Hon'y Capt. A. H. 
Witcher. Ac1juta,nt, Lt. G. F. Bropby. 
91 st "Winnipeg" Battalion of Light Infantry (Winni- 
peg, lI[an.) Lt..Colmlel. W. Osborne Smith, 
c......r.G. "'[njor, W. B. Thiheaudeau. 
S'eren Companies, Winnipeg: Captains, F. J. Clarke, 
Dudley Smith, T. P. Vallancy, D. F, McIntosh, J. A. 
Thirkpll, Paymaster. 
E. P. Leacock. Adjutant, Capt. Chas. Constantine. 

Companies: No. I, Barldeck, Capt. Wm. Cain; No.2, 
!\Iiddle !\Ï\'er, Capt. Chas. McRae; No.3, Grand Nar- 
rows, Capt. J. S. r.lcXeil; No.4, Baddeck, Capt. D. F. 
1IIcRae; No.5, Forks Bridge, Capt. J. D. )lcNeil. Pa,y- 
mflster, Hon'y Capt. J. L. Bethune. Acljutaltt, Cal l t. 
H. A. Foyle. 

95th BattalioJl, "Manitoba Grenaùiers," (Win'l1;ppg, 
. "llcrn.) Lt.-Colonel, Thomas Scott. Na,jors, 
Stewi.rt Mulvey an.l W. H. Nash. 
Eight, WiI\nipeg: Captains, \ViIliam Shèp- 
pam, J. A. Rowe, Thomas \Vastie, J. H. Kennedy. S. 
J Jackson, J. C. Waugh, John Crawford ãnù Adoniram 
Cates. Paymaster, Hon'y Capt. W. C. Copplanù. 
4 d- 
jlltant, Capt. R. W. A. Rolph. 

92ncl "Dorc
ester" Battalion of Infant
 (Hd. Qrs., 
St. Isedore, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, LoUIs C. Genest 
(St. Berna:rd). JI(cjor, . 
Companies: ]Jo. I, Ste. Claire, Capt. A. Fortier; No.2, 
St. Isidore, 
art. Jo<;. Turgeon; No.3, St. Isidore, 
Capt, Omer Genest; No.4, 8te. Justme, Capt. Louis 
er Paymaster, Capt. Edouard Letourneau Ad- 
jutant, Lt. Achille Chabot. 


Emerson Infantry Company (lIla-n.) Captain, William 
H. Nash. 
New Westminster Rifle Company (B. C.) Captain, Adol- 
phus Peele. 
Port Arthur Rifle Company (Ont.) Captain, S1.muel W. 
93rd "Cnmberland" Battalion ùf Infantry (Hd. Qrs., Ray. 
· Amherst, N. S.\ Lt.-Colonel, l\Iatthew B. Har- 
ri.;on(lI-Iaccan St'ltion). Mnjor, J. A. Black (Amherst). Saint John Rifle Company (N. B.) Captain, John T T 
Compa-nies: :1\0. I, Amherst, Capt. G. H. Black; No. Hartt. 
2, Rive.r Philip, Capt. L. B. Donkin; 
o. 3, 
laccan Sault Ste. :\farie Rifle (Halt) Company (Ont.) Attadled 
,md RIVcr Hebmt, Capt. Jeptha Harrison; No.4, for Command to Sault Ste. ?tlarie Half Batten' of 
}Iaccan Mountain, Capt. H. C. 
lllls; No.5, Oxford, Mountain Artillery. Lieutenant, 'fhos. A. P. TOWPfS. 
Capt. Wm. <?xìey. l'a,ymaster, Hon'y Maj. Geo. E. I st. Bonif.lce Infantry Company plan.) Captain, Loui,;; 
Church. Adjutant, A. Prud'homme. 
9 i th "Victoria" Batta lion o fInfantry .. Âr"yle Hicrh- St. Jean Baptiste Infantry Company (Man.) CoptnÏl
-:t lander!'l,"(Hd. Qrs.,B((dde
k,N.'s.) ä.-Colû/
el, I Theophile Thibault. 
William Bingham. Major, C. W. Hill (Forks Bridge). Victuria Rifle Company (B. C.) Capta,in, R. E. Green. 


LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR.-'fhe Hon. John Beverley Robinson, Toronto. Captain Gamble Geddes, Official Secretary; 
S. N. Robinl!On, Private Secretary. 
Attornpy General...........................Hon. Oliver :Howat. I Secretary mul Registrar................. Hon. A. S. Hardy. 
Comlltissioner of C'rown LaMS. ...... " T. B. Pardee. Treas. and Cbmmis. of Âg1.iculture... .. A. M. R06". 
Onnmissioner of Public Works......... " C. F. Fraser. Minister of Education.. .................. .. G. W. Ross. 
E. F. B. Johmon, Clerk qf Executive Cbuncil. J. Lonsdale Capreol, Assistant (Jlerk. 


Hon. Challes Clarke, Speaker. 
Addington ......... ...George Denison.... ... Hartington Hastings. N. R...... A, F. Wood..... . ... ...!\Iadoc 
Algoma Fast.........R. A. Lyon.. .... ... )lichael's Bay Huron, E. R.........'f. Gibson. ............... 'Wroxeter 
..Hgoma W
t.........I. Conmee ......... Port Arthnr. Huron, S. R... ......Arehibald Bishop......Hay 
Brant, N. R.........Hon. James Young...Galt Huron, W. R........Hon.A.!lIcLaganl
Brant, S. R.........Hon. A. S. Hardy ....Tnronto Kent, E. R. ........,E. Ferguscn............TbamcsviUe 
Brockt.ille ............Hon. C. F. FrasH......Toronto K'-nt, w: R... .... ...James Clancey..,...... Wallaceburgh 
Bru"e, N. R. .........John Gillies ............Gillies Hill Ki'1l{lston .... .........James H. 
Bruc,-, S. R. .........H. P. O'Connor......... WlIlkerton La1
bton, E. R.......Peter Graham ......... Warwick 
Cardwell............... W. H. Hammell. ......Beeton Lambton, W R. ... Hon. T. B. Pardee.... Toronto 
Carleton ............ ...G. W. Monk ...... ......Sonth 
Iarch Lanark, N. R....... Wm. C. Caldwell...... Lan ark 
Cbrnwall ............. A. P. Ross ............ ...Cornwall Lanark, S. R. ...... William Lees. ......... Fallbrook 
Du(ferin. . . .. . . . . . Robl'rt \IcGhee . _ . . ,IIorninlfs 
Iill q. L/!'
ds d: Gren.,N.R. H. Merripk. ............ 
DU1Jdas ...... ...... ...Andrew Broder. ...... 'Vest Winchester Leeds, S. R.... ......Robert II. Preston. ...Newboro' 
Durham, E. R.......C. H. Brereton .........Bethany. Mnnnz. ...............G. D. Hawley. .........Bath 
Durham, Jr. R......Jas. W. McLllugblin.Bowmanville Lincoln. ...............Sylvester Neelon ....St. Catharines 
Elgin, E. R. .........C. O. Ermatinger ......St. Thomas London ............... W. R. Meredith. ......London 
Elgin, >>. R....... ...John Cascaden... ......Jona J1fiddlesez, E. R... ...Donald 
lcKenzie. ...IIyde Park 
E$se:!!, N. R. ......... Solomon White . ... ... Windsor Middle-Se:!!, N. R...... John Watera .... ... ... Springbank 
Esse:!!, S. R......... W. D. Balfour..... ..Amherstbnrgh. ltfiddluez, w:R......Hon. G. W. Ross _....Toronto 
F..ontmac ............Henry Wilmot.........Kingston Alonck ................Richarrl Harconrt. ...Wellllnd 
fllengarry .............James Rayside... ,. . Lancaster Muskokad:ParrySd J. W. Dill..,...... . Bl'Ilcebridge 
Gl'mville, 8. R...... Frederick J. French. Prescott Norfolk, S. R.. ...... William Morgan ...... POIt Rowan 
Grpy, N. R. .. ......D. Creighton............Owen Sound Norfolk, .N, R. ......Jobn B. Freeman. ...Simcoe 
Gr"y, E. R ............N. McCol man. ... .....:fhornbury Northumberl'd E. ...Jas. 111. Ferris. ...... ...Campbellford 
Gr",y, 8. R...... . ...John Blythe............Orchard Northumberl'd W:...Robert !lIulholland...Cobourg 
H:J.ldimand . .........Jacob Baxter ..........Caynga Ontario, N. R. ......Isaac J. Gould ......... Uxbridge. 
Halton. ...............W. Kearns. ............Burlington Ontario, S. R. ......John Dryden............Brooklin 
Hamüton . ...... ... ...John .'I. Gibson. ...... Hllmilton Ottawa....... ........Patrick Baskerville... ottawa 
Hasting" W. R......Ephraim G. Sills......Frankfor1 Oxford, N. R. ......Hon. O.lIIowat........:foroRto 
Hasting., B. R...... W. P. Hudson. .........Roslin Oxford, S. R.........G. A. Cooke. ......... ...Norwich 




Toronto, W
.t. ......Henry E. Clarke ......Toronto 
Victoria, N. R......John Fell. ...............Bury's Green 
Victoria, S. R. ......D. J. McIntyre .... ...Lindsay 
WaUrloo, N. R......E. W. B. Snider. ......St. Jacobs 
Waterloo, S. R.......Is8Sc Master............Washington 
Wélland ...............James E. Morin ......Ridgeway 
Wéllington, W. R....Robert McKim. ......Parker 
Wellington, (J. R....Hon. C. Clarke.........Elora 
W"zlingt<m, S. R....James Laidlaw.........Gnelph 
JVentworth, N. R....J. McMahon ...... ......Dundas 
Wéntworth. S. R....Nlcholas Awrey. ......Binbrook 
York, E. R. .........G. W. Badgerow ......Toronto 
York, W. R....... ..,John Gray......... ...... ParkdaIe 
YfYTk, N. R..........J. H. Widdlfield.......Newmarket 

el .... ...... ...... ...K. Chi
holm ... .........Brampton 
PI'.rth, N. R..........Geor
e Hess ............Listowel 
rth, S. R.... ......Thos. Ballantyne......Stratford 
Peterboro', E. R. ... Thomas Blezard ....... ViIliers 
Peterboro', w.: R....John Carnegie..........Peterooro' 
Preseott. ...... .........Albert Hagar. .........Plantagenet 
Princt' Edward.. ...Jaces Hart. ............Picton 
Renfrew, S. R......John F. Dowling......Eganville 
Renfrew, N. R......Thomasl\lurray ......Pembroke 
Russell. ...............Honore Robillard ....Ottawa 
Simcoe, Fl. R. .... ...Charles Drury .........Crown Hill 
Simcoe, S. R.........George P. McKay. ...Lefroy 
Silncoe, w.: R. ......Orson J. Phelps .......Phelpston 
Stormont ............Joseph Kerr ............Farran'a Point 
Toronto, East......... Hon. Alex. Morris ... Toronto 
ÛFFICERB oP THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLy.-Charles T. GlIImor, Clerk of the House, and Clerk of the Crown In 
Chancery; Arthur H. Sydere, Clerk Assistant; J. M. Delamere, Clerk; John Notman, Accountant; John R. 
ht, Law Clerk; F. J. GJackmeyer, Sergeant-at-Arms; P. O'Brilln, House Keeper and Chief Messenger. 

PROVISCIAL SECRETARy'B Opl'lCE.-Hon. A. S. Hardy, Pro- cation; A. Marling, LL.B., Secretary to Educatiùn Depart- 
ial Secretary; Geo. E. Lumsden, Assistant Secretary; ment; F. J. Taylor, Chief Clerk and Accountant; S. P. 
J. B. McLachlan, Chief Clerk; J. D. Warde L. H Irving May, M.D., Superintendent of Mechanics' Imtitutes and 
and R. A. E
ton, Clerks; Arthur BurtchaeIl, Meesenger. Art School; J. T. R. Stinson, H. Alley, H. M. Wilkinson, 
DEPARTME8T OP ASYLUMS, PRISONB AND PUBLIO CHAJI.I'lIEB A. C.Paull, F. N.Nudel,Clerks; J. H.J. Kerr. E. Williams, 
(connected with the Department of the Hon. the Provincial W. W. Jeffers, R. J. Bryce, T. Greene, H. R. Young, 
Secretary).-lIr. W. T. O'Reilly and R. Christie, Inspectors Junior Clerks; W. Lemon, Messenger; P. J. Casry, Care- 
of Prisùns and Publi
 Charitips; H. Hayes. Chief Clerk; F. taker. Offices in the Departmental Buildings. St. James' 
'I. Nicholson, Shorthand Writer; J. Mann, Accountant; Square, Toronto. 
J. Smith, :\Iessenger. Provinrial Bailiffs (attached to In- CROWN LANDB DEPARTMENT, ONT.-Hon. T. B. Pardee, 
spector's Office) for the transfer of prisoners, lunatics &0., Commissioner; T. H. Johnson, Assistant Commissioner; 
J. English, J. Waddell, P. Simser, E. McLanghlin. Asylu7/\ G. Kennedy, Law Clerk; T. W. Gibson, Short-hand Writer. 
for the Insane, 'lbronto.-D. Clark, M.D., Medical Superin- Ji'ree GranlsandSale.Branch-A. Kirkwood, Chit,fClerk; 
tendent; Thos. J. Tracy, Bursar. Asylum for the Insane, J. M. Grant, P. Alma, Julian Sale, Clerks; J. J. Murphy, 
London.-R. M. Bucke, M.D., Medical Superintendent; Clerk Free Grants. Surve.l/s, Patents and Roads.-G. B. 
T. ShOl.t, Bursar. Asylum for tile lnsanl'., KinQston.- Kirkpatrick, P.L.S., Chief Clerk; W. Revell, W. F. Lewis, 
C. K. Clarke, M.D., !ledicaI Superintendent; William Clerks; E. Fox. P.L.S., Chief Clerk, Patents; A. J. Taylor, 
\"Iglin, Bursn. Asylum for thl'. Insam. Hù'milton.-J Clerk; H. Smith, Supt. Colonization Roads; C. CaFhman, 
Ill. Wallace, 
I.D., Medical Superintendent; B. Way, Clerk. Woods and Fbrests Braneh-G. B. Cowper, Chief 
8ursar. Asylum for Idiots, Orillia.-A, H. Beaton, M.D., Clerk; A. White, J. A. G. Crozier, H. R. Hardy, Clerks, 
'Iedical Superintendent: B. Mullin, Bursar. Instit.ution Acrounts Branch-D. G. Rvss, Accountant; R. H. Browne. 
for the Deaf and Dumb. BelleviUe.-R. Mathison, Superin- Chief Clerk, Agents Returns; E. Leigh, Clerk! J. Morphy. 
tendent; A. Livingston, Bursar. lnstitutionfortlu Blind, Registrar; C.P.Higgins,Clerk; J Bradshaw,OfIìceKeeper; 
Brantford.-A. H. Dymond, Priucipal; W. N. Hossie, A. McDonald, Mesl'enger; D. Kinnan, Night Watchman, 
Bllrsar. Central Prison of Ontario, 71JTonto.-Jas. Massie, Drown Timber Agents.-Ottawa.-J. Ponpore, Agent; 
Warden; George Wheler, Bursar. Reformatory for Boys, C. S. McNutt, Assistant; J. Ritchie. E T. Smith, Clerks; 
Pemtanguishene.-Thos. 1\IcOros80n, Supedotendent; W. R. Mills, Messenger. Bellevile,-J. F. Way, Agent. 
P. Band, Bursar. Andrew Mercer Reformatory fur Grown Land .Agents. 

males and Indusf.riaZ Refugl'. for Girls, Toronto.-1\lrs. Apsley ....Duncan Anderson Marksvilk......A. G. Duncan 
O'Reilly, Superintendent; R. W. Laird, Bursar. Bracebridgl'. ......T. C. Taylor Matlawa .......B. J. Gilligan 
INBPECTOR OP DIVISIOS COURTS (connected with the B1"1J.Ce Mines.... John F. Day Minden............W. Fielding 
Department of the Hon. the Provinci"l Secretary).- Br1ldenell.... John Whelan Nipissing ...... .J. S. Scarlett 
Joseph Dickey, Inspector; J. B. Macdonald, Clerk. Eganville.......James Reeves Plt:Vna .........G. W. Dawson 
D CRlllII8AL JUBTICE AOCOUNTS AUDIT BRANCH Emsdale .............E. Handy Parry S'd...Mrs. T. Mackay 
(connected with the Department of the Hon. the Provincial HalilYurúJn.... C. R. Stewart I Pembroke.... Adam Kennedy 
Secretary).-Henry Totten, Chief Clerk; J. P. McDonell, Kingston...... R. Macpherson Sault Ste. Marie. C. P. Brown 
E. A. McLaurin and J. F. Callaghan, Clerks. L'Amabll'. ............J. R. Tait SturgeonFall8.J.D.Cockburn 
REGISTRAR-GENERAL"B OPFIcE.-Hon. A. S. Hardy, Regis- Magneiewan.........S. G. Best Thunder Bay. Amos Wright 
trar-General; H. S. Crewe, Inspector; Frederick Warwick, DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKs.-Commissionpr, Hon. 
ChiefCIf'rk; J. 
lcGilI Ridley, Frank Jones, G. N. Pardee C. F. Fraser; Secretary, Wm. Edwards; Architect. Kivas 
and T. F. Callighan, Clerk/l. Tully; Engineer,R. McCallum; L
w Clerk and Accountant, 
PROVINCIAL REGISTRAR'S OFFICE.-Hon. A. S. Hardy, J. P. Edwards; Dranghtsmen. F. A. HeRkes, R. P. Fair- 
Provincial Registrar; J. F. C. Ussher, Deputy Registrar; bairn, T. M. Hennessy; Clerk!', Marmaduke Wilson, S. 
George Hobbs and Frank Yeigh, Clerks. G. O'Grady; Messenger, C. A. McDonald. 
ATTORNEY-GENERAL'B Opl'loE.-Hon. Oliver Mowat, AttDr- 
MENT.-Hon. A. M. Ross, Treasurer; ney-General; E. F. B. Johnston, Deputy; J. R. Cartwright. 
W. R. Harris, Assibtant 'freasurer; F. A. Carrell, Chief Legai S
retary; J. Lonsdal" Capreol, Assistant Clerk 
Clerk; L. V. PercivIII and W. N. Dou
las, Clerks; C. II Ex-Council; Matthew Currey, .John l\lcLachlan and 

proule, Auditor; L. W. Ord, A. J. Rattray, and T. P. Charlos A. Fitch, Clerks; Michael Smith, Housekeeper; 
Stewart, Clerks; T. W ells, 
Iessenger. Clarenca Bell, Copyin
 Clerk and Messenger. 
partment of the Hon. the Provinci!ll Treasurer).-C. W. Commissioner ofC-rown Lands, President, ez-officio; Mem- 
Covernton, M.D., Toronto, Chairman; Peter H. Bryce, hers, F. F. Passmore, Toronto, T. F. Gibbs, Adolphustown. 
M.A., U.B., Toronto, Secretary. W. H. H. :\Insson, Clerk. A. C. Webb, Brighton; H. Wilson, Mount Forest; P. S: 
INBPECTOR OF INSURANCE (connected with the Depart- Gibson, WiIlowdale; Prof. Chapman (Examiner in Geol. 
ment of the Hon. the Provincial Treasurer).-J. Howard ogy). Toronto. George B. Kirkpatrick, Secretary, To- 
Hunter, M. A., Inspector; T. M. Simon!!'. Clerk. ronto. 
ment of the Hon. the Provincial Treaaurer).-Secretary, 1886-8; :-Presll!ent, G60rge B. Kirkpatrick, Torento; 
David Spence; R. M. Persse, Agent at Quebec and Clerk; Vice-President, John Galbraith, M.A., A.M., Inst. C. E., 
Edwin Jenkinson, Clerk. Toronto; Sec. Treas.. Willis Chapman, B.A., S.C., Brock- 
EDUCATIOS DEPARTME:s"T OP ONTARIO (for the general ville; Councillors. 
Iatthew J. Butler, A.M., Inst. C. E., 
administration of the High and Public School Laws). Napanee; Elihn Stewart, Collingwood; Villiers Sankey, 
Education Office.-Pon. G. W. Ross, LL.B., Minister of Toronto; Audictorll, George B. Abrey, Toronto; Lewis 
Educl\tion; J. G. Hodgins, LL.D., Deputy Minister of Edu- Bolton, Listowel. 




LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR.-Hon. L. F. R. r.laeson; Mr. Henry Sheppard, Aide-de-Camp; Chas. J. Bnrroughs, 
Private Secretary; "alter Lannon, Messenger. 
Attorney-General...........................Hon. L. O. Taillon I Prtmitr,Cbm. of Agric. d Pub. W<lrks.Hon. J. J. ROBS 
Olmmissioner oj Crown Lands....... " W. W. Lynch ProtJincial &crWlry........................ " J. Blanchet 
Treasurer......... ......... .......... ........ " J. G. Robert.on Solicitor-Genera), . ...... ......... ...... ...... ,e E. J. Flynn 
Ol'FlCERS.-J. A. Dðfoy, Clerk Executive C:mncil; G. Grenier, Deputy Clerk; P. 1:\ T. Normandin,Clerk; O. Vallee 
Hon. P. B. DE LABRUEltE. Speaker. 
Alma ...........Hon. La Salk.........I1on. F. X P. Larue Augustin 
rord......... " Thomas Wood ......... Dunham Flats Laurentid'-3..." Jean Elie Gingras. ...Quebec 
aouinigane. " John Jones Ross. ...Ste. la Per Lauzon ......... II G. Couture .... .......... Levis 
D'Lanaudiere " V. P. Felixde 'Talois Mill
 Isks ...... " J". C. Champ!\gne....St. EU8tache 
D"la Durantay " Edou'lrd Rémillard . Quebec .tlontarville .... " C. B. de Boucherville..Bouchervllle 
De la Valliere. " F. X. O. Méthot, St. PIerre II's Bequets Repentigny.... " Louis Archambeault.. I? Assomption 
De Lorimier... II J. G. Laviolette.......Montreal Rigaud ......... " E. Prudhomme .......Parish Montreal 
De SaJaberry. " H. Starnes. ............Montreal RlJugemont.... " P.B.deLaBruère(Sp.).St. Hyacinthe 
Grandville...... " Elizåe Dionne .........Ste An. dela Poco Sorl'1 ..
......... " J. A. Darion............St. Ours 
Gulf. ...... ...... " Thomas Sa"age. ......Cape Cove Stadacona ...... " John Hearn............Quebec 
lnlærman ...... " George Bryson... ...... Mansfield Victoria... ...... " James Ferrier......... Montreal 
Kenneb,c ...... " E. Gerin ....... ......... Three Rivers 'Wellington. ... " W. H. Webb............ Melbourne 
OFFICERS OP THE LEG(SLATIVE COUNCIL.-G. B. de Boucherville, Clerk. Master in Chancery and Accountant; F. L, 
Del!Bulniers, Assistant Clerk, Master in Chancery, Clerk of Private Bills and Assisbmt Accountant; R. Campbell 
Assist.'lnt Clerk. Master in Chancery, Clerk of English Journals and Aocountant; N. Legendre, Clerk of French 
Journals and Translator; N. Beaudry, Clerk of Committees, Translator and Copying Clerk; A. Frenette, PermBnent 
Clerk and Sergeant-at-Arms; S. S. Hatt, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod; FL'allçois Blais, F. Dronin and ElzeRr 
Papillon, Messen


Hon. J. S. C. Wurtele, Spe.Jker. 
Argenteuil.........William Owens. ......Stonefield Mfmtcalm .........J.B.Treffie. U.RicbardSt. J.iguori 
Bagot ...............Antotne Casavant. ...St. Dominique ltlontmagny ......N. Bernatchey .........St. Thomas 
Beauce .............Jean Blanchet .........Quebec N'Intmorency......L. G. Del!jardinl! ......L<:!vis 
Beauharnois... ...Célestin Beri;evin. ...St. Tim8tb6e Mtmtreal, ...James McShane. ......Montreal 
Bellechasse......... N. H. E. Faucher.... Quebuc M-mtreal, o.ntre. G. W. Stephens. ...... \Iontreal 
B,-rthier ....... ...J oseph Robillard...... Lanoraie lflfJntreal, East ... Hon. L. o. Taillon ... 
Bonavmture .., ...H. J. Martin............Carleton Napierville . ... ...)'. X. Paradis.... ......St.
Brome...... ......... Hon. W. W. Y.ynch...Knowlton Nicolet. ......... ... L. T. Dorais......... ...St. Gregoire Ie Grand 
Ghambly . .........Dr. D. rolntel ...... ...Chambly (Basin) Ottawa (O<1unty)..L. Duhamel. ............ Wri"ht Township 
Ghamplain.........Robert Trudel.........Ste. G. de Bati'can Pontiac. ............ W. J. Poupore ...... ...Chichester 
voix .... ...On6sime Ganthier. ...St. Urbain POTtmuf . ...... ...D. Brousseau. ... ... ...Quebec 
Chateauguay ....J. E. Robidoux... ...Montreal Quebec, East ......Joseph Shehyn.........Quebec 
Chicout. d Sague.E. St. Hi/sire. .........St. Prime, L.St.Jean Quebec, wtst...... Felix Carbray.... ......Quebec 
O1mpton .... ...... W. S
wyer. .......... ...Sawyerville Quebec, lkntre. ...R. F. Rinfret......... ...Quebec 
Deux.Montagnu. Ben. Beauchamp......St. Hermas Quebec (County).. Hon. Pierre Garneau. Quebec 
Dorchuter .........N. Audet. ...............St. Anselme Richmo'd dWolfl'.Jacques Picard......... Wotton 
Drum. d: Arthab.W. J. Watts. ............ Drummondville RiÙlelieu . .........Leon Leduc ...... ......Sorel 
Gaspé ...............Hon. E. .T. Fl.ynn......Quebec Rimouski .........L. N. Asselin. .........Rimouski 
BocltiLaga ......... Hon. L. Beaubien. ...Montreal Rouville ......... ...Etienne Poulin......... Ste. M. de Monnoir 
Hunti1l{Jdon ......Dr. A. Camaron.......Huntingdon St. Hyacinthe ....Hon. H. Mercier......Montreal 
Iberville ............ A. L. Dðmers . .........St. Geo. Henryville St. J
an............Hon. F. G. M.rchand.St. Jean d'Iberville 
Jacquet Oartier...A. Boyer........... . Montreal St. ltlaurice. ...... F. S. L. Desaulniers. Yamachiche 
JolÌPtú . ............ ShejJnrd ............bidore Fregeau. ......Lawrenceville 
Kam()ura3ka . ...Chs. Ant. Er. Ga
nonRiviere OueUe Sherbrooke .........Hon..T. G. Robartson.Sherbrooke 
L'1prairie. .........L. B. A. Charlebois ... Village Laprairie Soulangu. ......... Wm. Duckett. .........Coteau Landing 
L' Assomptitm . ...Jolleph Marion... ......St. Paul l'Ermite Stanstead. .........John Thornton. ......Coaticook 
LatJal ... ......... ...P. E. LeBlanc. ......... Montreal Témiscouftta. ... ...G. II. De!!('hêueB. ......Ste. Eplphane 
Lévis ...............F. X L'!mieuz .........Quebec T'-1"rebonnl'.........G. A. Nantel ............St. Jerome 
L'Isz"t . ............Charles Marcottl'...... L'Islet Three Riv
rs... ...Hon. A. Turcotte. . , . Three Rivers 
Lotbinière .........Hon. H. G. Joly. ......Quebec Vaudreuil. ......... Alfred Lapointe... .St. Just. de Sewton 
MaskinfmlJé ...... Edouard Caron ....... LouiseviIle vPrcltères .......... Abraham BPrnard ... Belæll 
."p.gantic... .........John Whyte....... . Leeds Yamaska .......... Hon, J. C. S. Wurtele. Montreal 
JfL"sBisquoi... ...... E. E. Spencer.... ......Freligsburg 
OFFICERS of TOE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.-Louis Delorme, Clerk of the Legil!lative As
mbly; Etienne Simard. 
First AS!listant Clerk; Paul Smith, Deputy Clerk and Clerk of the English Journal; J. Whydden, Assistant Clerk of 
the Enll;lisb Journal; LouIs Fortier. Clerk of the French JouTnal; Buteau Turcotte, Chief French Translator; J. C. 
Vinfl;elier. Assisbmt 17ranch Translator; Crawford Lind
ay; Chief English Translator; Lawrence 8tafford. Assistant 
English Translator; Edouard Lemoine, Clerk of Private ßllls; Charles Delall;rave. Assistant Clerk of Private Biila; 
Charles Lindsay. Clerk of Committees; Ad. E. Demers. Clerk Printing, Statlonerv and R.eP.ords: L'lurcnt Simoneau, 
Accountant; Z. Duhamel, Postma'lter; F. X. Gagnon, Assil!tant Postmaster: Gédéon L"roque.; 
Olivier Robitaille, Chl<:!f Mes
;mger; A. Pðlletier, Speftker'ø Me!ll!enger: Simeon Ga
n", Clerk'fI Messenger: Ed. 
Littlejohn, Gaorge Workman. E. Gauvreau. Messengers. Law Departm'.nt-C. A. Pariseault. Law Clerk; Theophilus 
Olivier, A1Iøistant; J. Roy, Messenger. Library-L. P. Lemay, LIbrarian; Joseph Trndel, Lib rari an MessAnger. 
PROVINCIAL REGISTRAR'S DEPARTMENT. - Hon. JBI\n I L. O. Taillon, Attorney-General; Hon. E. J. Flynn, Solid- 
Blanchet, provincial Registrar; John Langelier, Deputy tor-
enend; Joseph A. Defoy, AssistaJlt to the Law Officers 
Rell;istrar; Etiellne Poitras and Hermenelðlde \toy, Clerks. of the Crown; H. Delallrave and E. A. J. Cote, Cl"rks; 
DEPARTHBNT OP THE L!w OFFICERS 0' THE CRowN.-Hon. W. Dubé and J. T. Lamb, Messengers. 




SECRETARY'!! OFPICE.-Hon. Jean Blanchet, Provincial GauTln, Superintcndent of Surveys; Jules Taché, P. M. A. 
Secretary; P. J. Jolicæur, ASl!il!tant Secretary; o. F. Genest and F. X Genlll!t. Surveyors and Draughtsmen; 
Campeau, Accountant; G. W. Co:fer. Jos. O. Laurin, H. O'Sullivan and D. C. Morency, Inl!pectors of Surveys; 
Charles Leblanc and C. E. Deschamps, Clerks; P. Blouin D. C. Maekedle, Accountant and Cashier; I. E. Lepage, As. 
and F. Forget, Messengers. sll!unt Accountant and Cashier; Alfred Paré, Supt. of 
TREASURY DEPARTMEYT.-Hon. J. G. Robertson, Trea- Woods and Forests; W. E. Collins. Supt. of Land Sales, 
eurer; H. T. l\lachin, ASl!istant Treaeurer Bnd Secretary of Section Weet; L. L. Rivard, Supt.of Jesuits Estates; - 
the Treasury Board; H. Hemming, Book-keeper; S. H. -, Supt. of Land Sales, Section Eaet; C. A. Parant, 
Holt,J. T. Harrower,T. A.Poston. A. Broenan.P. E. Duval, Clerk in charge of Stationery; F. Chassé, T. Morkill, V. 
D. Rea, Clerks; R. H. O'Regan, Stenographer; 1I.lIughes, Derome, T. P. Morin, C. O. Lavoie, J. ì\1. Turcot, F. 
W. Sumner, Messengers. Audit Branch-G. Drolet, Keroack, A. Fauch..r, A. Dumais, Paul Picard, J. Grenier. 
Auditor; F. D. Tlml, 
pnty Auditor; N. A. Giard, T. W. H. Hatch, J. Creighton, G. Rinfret, L. H. B. Garneau, 
R. Nelson, G. T. A. Evanturel, C. J. Burroughs and F. Clerks; J. N. Proulx. Registrar and Fish and Game Supt.; 
Laroche, Clerks; G. 'frudel. Meelenger. F. M. Lnchaine, Inspector of Cadastre; G. A. Varin. Secre- 
DEPARTME:oIT OP PUBLIO INt!TRUOTIOl'f.-Hon. G. Ouimet, tary of Cadastre; C. Chartre. Assistant Secretary of Cad as- 
Superintendent of Public Instruction; P. de Cazes, Secre tre; L. N. Dufreene, Draughtsman; J. Caron, Office 
tary; I. E. Rexford, English 
ecretary; L. Dévisma, First Keeper; J. Fiset and A. Lacasse, Messengers. 
Clerk French and Eoglilh Corrpl!pondencn; J. H. Rich- Crown Timber and Land Agents.-Monrreal, D. TUFe, 
ardson, Accountant; G. Ouimet, Librarian; F. X. Couil- Agent; Three RiveI'll. - -, Agent.; 'fadom;ac. C. H. 
lard, A8sistant Accountant; W. G. L. Paxman, Clerk of Duberger, A
ent; Malbaie, J. A. J. Kaine, Sub-Agent; 
Correspondence; L. J. Préjen, Recording Clerk; L. Chicoutimi, J. O. Tremblay, Agent; Roberval, G. Audet, 
Lefebvre,R. Lamontague, Clerks; P. Prevost, Storekeeper; Agent; New Carlisle. W. Maguire, Agent; St. Alexis 
A. Doré. J. Blouin, J. Bittner, Messengers. l\Ietapedla, O. Martin. Sub-Agent; Quebec, H..l. Cbaloner, 
DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE Al'fD PUBLIO WORK8.-Hon. Collector of Crown 'fimber Dues; Bryson, W. Clarke. 
John J. Ross, Commissioner; S. Le8llge, Asst. Commislioner; Agent; Hull. Robt. Farley, A gent; Maniwaki. J. Comeau, 
1!:rnest Gagnon, Secretary; J. B. Darome, Engineer and AgE'nt; Thurso, J. A. Cameron,jun., Agent; Grenville, A. 
Supt. of Public Works: P. Cousin, Assilltant EnKineer; A. B. Filion. A
ent; Waterloo, E. Kemp. Ageut; ArthalJaskll, 
Trudelle. Draftsman; J. O. 
Iethot. In!lpector of Workl!; vilJe, A. Gagnon, Agent; St. Francail!, Beaure, W. H. B. C. 
P. M. Partridge, Accountant; A. F. d'&3chllmbault, Book- de Lery, Agent; Ste Claire, J. E. Cayouette, Sub-Agent; 
per; L. U. Fontaine, Director of Colonization; II. A. Montmagny, E. Renault. Agent; Rimouski West, G. 
Turgeon, Assistant Director of Colonization; E. A. Barnard, Sylvain. Agent; Rimouski Ea8t, Alex. Fraler, Agent, resi- 
Director of Agriculture; A. C. Guilbault, Registrar; Elz. dence Matane; G8!lpé Ballin, W. H. Annett, Agent; Percé, 
Gauvraau and J. B. C. Hebert. Clerks; P. Archambault, E. Flynn, Sul,..Agent; Cap Chat, Louis Roy, sen., Agent; 
P. Poirier and F. X. Bilodeau, Mes
engers. Quebec, J. K. Boily. Agent; J oliette, J. B. Delfausse. Agent; 
Oouncü of Agricultur'!.-L. H. Massue, Varennes, Prelli. Up. Ottawa, John Poupore, Agent; Robinson, L. Farwell, 
dent; George Leclerc, Secretary-Trel\8urer. Hone. J. J. Agent; Riviere-du-Loup, F. F. Gagnon, Agent; Ottawa, 
Ross, Ste. Anne de la Pérade; G. Ouimet, Quebec; L.Beau- J. Macdonald, Deputy Slide Agent. 
bien, M.P P., Montreal; L. Archambault, I' As'!omptlon; BOARD o. LA
Elisae Dionne, st. Anna da la Pocatiere; :l-Iessrs P. B. (Incorporated under 45 Vic. c.16).-Ma'llagi'llg Directors: 
Eenoit, M.P., st. Hubert; S. N. Blackwood. Shefford ; J. Antoine Painchaud, President. James Addie and John 
:\1. Browning, Longueil; A. Casavant, St. Dominique; E. Bignell, Vice-Presidents. C. E. Gauvin, Secretary-Trea- 
J. Deblois, Quebec; Auguste Guilbault, St. Eliaabt,th; A surer. F. M. Lachaioe, Syndic. D. C. Morency, J. N. 
Somerville, Lower Lachine: Dr. J. Martin, Carleton; A. GMtonguay, J. A. U. Beaudry, Thos. Berlinguet,Oeo. Roy, 
:\Iarsan, l'As
omption; H. Lussiar, St. Vincent-de-Paul; I John Sullivan, Paul Dumais, P. C. Talbot, J. H. Leclair. 
Ang_ Caswain, Rivier&-Ouelle; Jas. Cochrane, Compton; W. A. Ashe. Onnmittu of Examiners: John Bignell, D, 
Eugene Casgraln, L'Islet; L. J. Lemire, Bal
du-FøbYre; C. Morllncy, J. N. Gastonguay, J. A. U. Beaudry, C. E. 
s Gibb, St. Paul, Abbottsford. Office, 76 St. Gabriel I Glluyin. 
Street, Montrea1. I QUEE
'S PRINTER'S OFFICE.-OffictTs-Chas. F. Langlois, 
DEPARTMEYT OP CROWN LANDs.-Hon. W. W. Lynch, Com. Queen's Printer; Charles Pageau. Book-keeper; Edouard 
missioner; .E. E. Taché, Assistant Commissioner; C. E. Trudelle, French Translator; J. N. Bouré, :\Iessenger. 


LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR-His Honour Sir Samuøl Leonsrd Tilley, C.B., K.C.M.G. Major Gordon, I.S.C., 
Colonel Armøtrong,, 
Leader ond .Attornty-
neral. . ...Hon. A. G. Blair I Snlicitur-Gemral ... .........
.... ...lIon. R. J. Ritchie 
PrQ1JÌnciaZ &.cretary ...... .......... .. D. McLellan Member oJ C
Unct"l ...... ............ .. A. Harrison 
Surveyur.Gent!ral...... ... ............ .. James Mitchell .0..... ............... .. Gaius S. Tnrner 
f?hiifOnnmis.Boardof Works... " P. G. Ryan Clerk.....................................F. A. H. Straton, 


Hon.. D. HANINGTON, Preeident. 
Albert............Hon.J. Lewis ............Hilløboro' Rutigouche. ...Hon. .T. C. Barberie ......Campbellton 
o. .0 James Rvan . ......Elgin St. John ......... .. T. R. Jones ...... ...8t. John 
Charlotte. ...... .. George T. HilL....St. Stephen .. " James Holley ......PortIand 
Gloucater ...... .. R. Young ........ ...Caraquete Sunbury. ...... " A. Harrison .........Maugerville 
Kent............. " O. McInerney ......Richibucto JVutmoreland. " A. D. Richard......Dorchester 
Nurtkumbfrl'd " A. A. Dayldson. ...Newcastle Yurk ............ .. F.P. Thompson. . Fredericton 
" " W.Kelly...... ..Chath8lIl ................... u G.H.Flewelling... 
Queen's ......... " Francis Woods......Welsford ................... " G. W. White ....... 
Rutigouche.... " W. Hamilton.......Dalhousie 
OPFICERS OP THE LEGISUTIVE COUNCIL-John E. Perks. U"her Blal'k Rod; Cha!!. H. Biggs, DiJor Keeper; Georg" 
Botsford. Clerk; Henry J. Phair, Clerk Assistant; James S. White, Engros8ing Clerk. 

Hon. - -, Spaaker. 
Albert... ... ... Wm. J. LewIs, M.D...Hill"borough Carleton ...... ...M. C. Atkinson, M.D. 
" ... ...Hon. G. S. Turner ...Harvey (;harlntte ... ...'Vm. Douglas... ... 
Carleton ...... ...G. R. Ketchum... ... " ... ...Hon. Jas. Mitchell ...St. David'lI 




OharloUt. ... ...James RUSBell... ...St. George 
" ...George T. Hibbard mSt. Stephen 
GWucuter... ...Hon. P. G. Ryan ...Caraquet 
" ...John Youn
 ... ... 
Kent. ... ... ...Oliver J. LeBlanc ...St. Marys 
" ... Wm. Wheten ... ...Richibucto 
King's ....... ...Wm. Pugsley,jun. ... 
" ....George L. Tay)or 
...Albert S. White 
Madawaska ......Levite Theriault 
Northumberland.M. Adams... ... ...Nt>wcastle 
" ... W. A. Park ...Newcastle 
" ...Lemuel J. Tweedie... 
" ...Ernest Hutchison ... 

's ...Albert Palmer... ...Hampstead 
... T. Hetherington ... 
ReslÏf!ow;1u. ... Wm. Murray ... ...Campbellton 
...C. H. LaBillois... ...Dalhousie 
OPPICERS OP THE HOUSE OP ASSEMBLy-G. J. Bliss, Clerk; J. Richards. Clerk AssiRtant; John Grieves, Sergeant- 
at-Arms; C. W. Beckwith, Arthur Glagler Lincoln and Albert Gregory, Engrossing Clerks. 

St. John (Oity) ...J. V. Ellis ... ...St. John 
" "...J. Berryman, M,D. ... 
" ...Hon. D. McLellan ...Portland 
.. ...Hon. R. J. Ritchie ...St. John 
... W. A. Quinton... mSt. John 
...A. A. Stockton... ...St. John 
...Arthur Glasier... 
...Chas. B. Harrison 
Victoria ... ...Geo. T. Baird .. ...Centre Perth 
Westmoreland ...Joseph L. Black ... 
" ...Amasa. E. Ki118m......
...D. L. Hanington ...Dorche8ter 
mJ. A. Humphrey ...Salisbury 
...Hon. A. G. Blair ...:I<'redericton 
... Wm. Wilson ... m}'redericton 
...Richard Bellamy mFredericton 
mD. R. Moore, M.D. 


York ... 

Provincial Secretary and Receiver-General; R. W. L. Commissioner; T. B. Winslow, Secretary to Board of 
TibbIts, Deputy Provincial Secretary; G. N. Babbitt, Works; Adolphus G. Beckwith, Engineer; G. Fred. Coy, 
Deputy Receiver-General; E. Hanson, Clerk. Clerk. 
lItchell, GOVERNMENT OFFlCERs.-Jas. S. Beek, Auditor-General; 
Surveyor General; Andrew IncheB, Depnty Surveyor Chas. H. Lugrin. Secretary Board of AgricuIturl'; T. 
General; T. O'Connor, Chh,( Draughtsman; -H. 111. Jack Carleton Allen. Clerk of the Pleas; George J. Bliss, 
and R. S. Barker, Asst Draughtsmen: T. G. Loggle, com- I Deput.y Clerk of the Pleas; H. G. C. Wetmore, Librarian; 
piler; F. Campbell, Clel.k; W. P. Flewelling, Accountant John Lister, CareIaker Parliament Building. 
and Lumber Agent. 

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (and Deputy Governor for signing Marriage Llc(mses)-His Honour Matthew Henry Richey. 
Lt.-Col. H. W. Clerke, Private Secretary; Col. H. W. Clarke, Col. Charles T. Stewart, Col. George R. Anderson. 
Provincial Aides-de-Camp. 
President oj Council and Pro- I Members withont Office. .........Hon. Thomas F. Morrison 
vincial Secretary..................Hon. W. S. Fielding " "...... " Thomas Johnson 
Attorney.General..................... " Alonzo T. White I .. "...... " Isidore Le Blanc 
Cbmmis. of Works and Mines.... .. Charles E. Church " "...... " J. W. Longley 
Retired. Members of H:ucutive ÚJUncil retaining their rank and precedence, by special permWion of Her MaJesty.- 
Hon. Sir Wm. Young, Hon. Charles Tupper, C.B., Hon. William A. Henry, Hon. James McDonald, Hon. Samuel L 
Shannon. Hon. Alexander 1\leFarlane.lIon. Adams G. Archibald. 


Hon. RoBERT BOAK, President. 
Hon. John McKinnon, Antigonishe Hon. W. H. Owen, Bridgewater Hon. C. M. Francheville, Guysborough 
" Samuel Creelman, Stæwiacke " Gilbert McKenna, Shelburne " John B. Dickie, 7'1"uro 
" D.1\lcN. Parker, Halifaz " Charles Dickie, Cornwallis " David McCurdy, Baddeck 
" M. H. Goudge, JHndsor " Robert Boak,jun., Halifaz " H. Black, Curnberland 
" George Whitman, Annapolis " E. R. Dakes, Digby " J. Locke, Shelburne. 
OPFICERs.-Albert Petecs, Cleek; Rev. George W. Hill, A.M., Chaplain; Robert Romans, Gentleman Usher of the 
Black Rod. 


Annapolis. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. Hon. J. W. Longley 
.. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . " Henry Monro 
Antigonishe .............. Angus l\lcGillivray 
" .............. J. Whedden 
Q1pe Breton .............. Hon. A. U. White 
" .. ..,........ William Buchanan 
Colchesur ..............., Wm A. Patterson 
" . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. W. 1\1. Blair 
Cumberland. .... .... __ '" W. T. Pipers 
.. . .... .... .. ... S. W. Black 
Digby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Henry 1\1. Roblchan 
" .................... JohnS.McNeill 
OUysWrough....,...,..... Otto S. Weeks 
" .............. James S. Fraser 
Halifaz . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. Wm. D. Harrington 
" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... M. J. Power 
Hon. W. S. Fielding 
Hanta . . : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : :: Nathaniel Spence 
" . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . '.' Allen Haley 

Inverness ................ A. McLellan 
" . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. Alexander Campbell 
King's. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . ... Thomas E. Dodg
" .... . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . " Thomas R. HarrIs 
Lunenburgh .............. Hon. C. E. Church 
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. George A. Ross 
Pictou. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. Adam C. Bell 
" . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. Robert Hockin 
.,............... .., Charles H. Munro 
Queen', .................. Joseph H. Cook 
" ................,. Jason M. 1\lack 
Richmond . . _ . . . . . . . . . . ... Hon. Isedore LeBlanc 
" . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. M. McRae 
Shelburne ....... ........ Hon. Thomas Johnson 
" . .... .... .... .., W. F. MacCoy 
Vïctoria ....... .... .,.. ... Wm. F. Mc
" .................. John A. 1\lcDonald 
Yarmouth. .. . ... . . . .. . ... Albert Gayton 
" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas E. Corning 

Clerk, H. C. D. Twining. 





LIEUTENANT-GoVERNOR-Hon. C. F. Cornwall. Private Secretary, Captain Tatlow, 
Premier, Chief Commissioner of Lands I Attorney-GeneraL..... ..... .... .. ..Hon. A. E. B. Da\ie 
and Works and President of the Provincial8ecretary If: Mm. of Mines " John Robson 
Council.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... ... . Hon. Wm. Smithe Minister of Finance If: Agricuiture. " Simeon Duck 

Hon. JOHY A. MABA, Speaker. THOBNTO:!i" FELL, Clerk. 

Canôoo District........................ Geoqe Cowan 
" ................._.... Charles WJlson 
........................ Robert McLeese 
lA"lZooet District ........................ Hon. A. E. B. Davie 
" ... ...... ......... ...... Edward Allen District ........................... J. A. Mara 
.. ... ............ ...... ...... C. A. Semlin 
... ......... ............... George B. Martin 
Nelli Wutminster District ... ...... Hon. John Robson 
" "......... James Orr 
Ypw Westminster Oily............... James Cunningham 
Kootenay District .., ......... ......... J. T. Galbraith 
Cas8Íar DistriP.t.... ................... John Grant 

Victoria City............................... Robert Beaven 
.. . ...... ............ ... ......... Theodore Davie 
. .............................. 11-1. W. T. Drak., 
. ... ........................... Hon. Simeon Duck 
Victoria District........................... G. A. McTavish 
" ........................... R. F. John 
Esquimalt District... ............ ......... Hans He)
" ...... ...... ...... ...... C. E. Pooley 
C'owichan District......... ............... Hon. Wm. Smithe 
Nanaimo District ............ ............ Robert Dunsmuir 
.. ........................ Wm. Raybould 
Como:/: District. ........................... Wm. M. Dingwall 

ClÏiefCommisøioner; W. S. Gore. Surveyor-General; J. J. son, Provincial Slecretary ànd Minister of Mines; T. 
Austin, Clerk of Records; F. G. Richards, jun , Draughts- Elwyn. Deputy Provincial Secretary; R. Wolfenden, 
man. Superintendent Printing BniDch. 
ATTORNEy-GENER.U'B DEPARTMENT. - Hon. Alexander 'fRE.\SURY DEPARTMENT.-Hon. Simeon Duck, Minister 
E. B. Davie. Attorney-General; P. Æ. Irving, jun., of Finance and Agriculture; J. Judson Young, Deputy 
Deputy Attorney-General. I Treasurer; J. 
IcB. Smith, Auditor. 


LnUTEx;UIIT-GovERNOR-Hon. Andrew A. Macdonald. Æneas A. Macdonald, Private Secretary. 
Attorney-General .............. Hon. W. W. Sullivan I Member of Council.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hon. A. J. 11acdonald 
MínisterofPublicJVorks........ " Wm. Campbell Ie" .............." SeùMeLeod 
Provineial Secretary If: Treasurer, U Donald Ferguson Ie U .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ie J. O. Arsenault 
Member of Council.. .. .. .. .. .. .. U Samuel Prowse Ie " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. II Stewart Burns 
" U " .. . . .. .. .. .. .. John Lefurgey I 
R. F. DeBlois, Clerk. 


Hon. JOHN BAI,DERSTON, President. 
C { Charlottetown } King's Co.-1st District.... ..J. W. Fraser, M.D. 
Queen's o. and Royalty Thomas W. Dodd !2nd Distriet.... ..James Clow 
1st District .... A. H. McKenzie " .. . . . . Thomas Anneal' 
Ie .. ..John Balderston Prince CO.-1st D

trict ..... . Joseph 
!2nd Diðtrict. . .. Henry Bovyer .. . . .. BenJamm Rogers 
U .. .. J. Nicholson t-nd Distriet.. .. .. Peter l\Iaenutt 
King's Co.- 1st District .. ..Charles }lcEaC'hen " ..... . HOIl. Stewart Burns 
OFFICERS OF LEGI'>LATIVE' COUNClL.-John Ball. Clerk; David Lawson, Usher of Black Rod; Benjamin 
Balderston, Reporter; Alex. Chaisson, Messenger; Alex. MacBeath, Doorkeeper. 

H 0 USE 0 F ASS E 
l B L Y . 
lion. JOHN A. }lcDoNALD, Speaker. 
Qu "n's C@ { Charlotutown l Hon. Keil McLeod King's Co.... !nd District.. ..J. C. Auderhay 

c .. and Royalty J Patrick Blake Srd District.. .. H. L. McDonald 
1st District .... Peter Sinclair .. . . .. Cyrus Sha\v 
" .. . . J. 1\1. Sutherland !,.th District .... Hon. Samuel Prowse 
tnd District.. .. Donald :\lacKay .. .. .. Angus McLeod 
Ie .... Donald Farquharson Prince Co... 1st District.. ..J. A. Jlatheson 
Srd District ., .. Hon. Donald Ferguson ". . .. S. F. Perry 
" ....LuciusO. Kelly. !ndDistrict....JohnYeo 
4th District .. .. D. C. Martin U .. .. James W. Richards 
" .. .. George Forbes Srd District.. .. Hon. J. O. Arsenault 
Kina's Co { Georgetown } Daniel Gordon U .. ..Hon. John A. Macdonald 
O' ... and Royalty Hon. A. J. Macdonald !,.th District .. ..J. B, Bell 
1st District ....JohnMcLe:m " ....G. W. Bentley, 
" ,.. James R. McLean 5th Distriet .... Hon. John Lefurgey 
tnd District.. ..Hon. Wm. W. Sullivan " .. ..J. F. Gillis, M.D. 
ChIef Clerk, Archibald }lcXeil; Assistant do., F. W. Hughes; Law Clerk, A. A. McLean; Reporters, W. C. 
DesBrisay, W. L. Cotton; Engrossing Clerk..H. V. Des Roche ; 
ergpant-at-Arms, Donald }Ickenzie; :\Iessengers. 
John :\lcLeol, W. G. Sabme; Doorkeeper, NLDlall P.\tterson; Secollcl ùù., George Burge. 
[571 ] 




'FlCF.Rs.-Attorney-General, Hon. W. W. Sullivan; Provincial Secrctary-Treasurer 
and CommissIOner of Crown and PubliC' Lands, Hon. Donald Ferguson; Assistant Commissioner of Crown and 
Public Lands, R. A. Strong; Assistant Provineial Secretary-Treasurer, Arthur Newbery; Commissioner of Public 
Work!!, Hon. Wm. CampbeU; Secretary of Public Works, J. W. Mnrrison; Draughtsmen, Thomas McKinlay, 
; Clerks, Frank M. Longworth, Joseph A. 
lcDon!!ld; Registrar of Deehs, Benj. DcsBrisay; Assistant 
o., S: Peterson; Clerks, Duncan l\Iclntyre, W. N. Riggs, Frank Koughan, Peter ::\lcCuurt; Librarian Legisla- 
tIve Lll?rary, Edward Roche; Provincial Auditor and Clerk Executive Council, R. F. DeBlois; Superintendent of 
EducatlOL:, Donald Montgomery; Clerk to do., Rev. Donald l\-Ic:

LIEUTENANT-GoVERNOR-Hon. James Cox Aikens Private Secretary, W. 7. Kerby. 
PremÜ'r and President of Oouncil...Hon. J. Norquay I Provincial Secrelary..................Hon. C. P. Brown 
Pr01JÏncial Treasuytr... ................ " A. A. C. La Riviere Minister of Agricult-u,'e ............. " D. H. Hsnison. 
y.Gent:raZ ........................ " C. E. Hamilton (;lerk ...............................
......C. A. Sadlier, Esq. 
Minister of Public Works ............ " D. H. Wilson 

H 0 U S 

 0 F A S 
J B L Y . 
Hon. ALEX. )IURRAY, Speaker. 
.Assiniboia ........ Alex. ::\Iurray .... ..!Sturgeon Creek I Morris ........... .J. Tennant ........ West Lynne 
Baie St. PauZ.. .. . .J. N. Fairbanks 00 ..l\larquette Portaye la Prairie.. .J. Martin ........ .. P'tge la PrairIe 
Burnside.... .. .. ..J. lIIawh:nney.. 00 . .BUI'lIside Rockwood.. .. .. .. ooS. J. Jackson ..00.. Stonewall 
Ca,rtier 00 .. 00 .. .. . . Joseph Le Comte .. Winnipeg Springfield .. .. .. .. J. II. BeU.. .. .. . . .. Winnipeg 
Dufferín North.. .. D. H. Wilson,:\1. D.. Winnipeg I Ste. Agathe .. .. .. .. J. Cyr.. .. '. .. .. .. .. St. Bonifat:e 
Dufferin South .... William Winram.. ..XelsonviHe St. 
4ndvelV'S ...... Hon. John Norquay.Winnipe:; 
Em<rson 00 00 .. . . .. C. S. Douglas 00.. 00 Emerson I St. Boniface. .. .. .. A. A. C. La Riviere. St. Boniface 
WestbO'Urne . . .. 00 .. Hon. C. P. Brown 00 Winni})eg St, Clements. .. .. . .John AUan ...... 00 St. Andrew's 
High Bluff 00...... W. Crawford...... ..High Bluff St. Francois Xuviel'.E. W. Gegot.... 00 ..St. Fr. Xavier 
I\ildonan.. .. ..... .J. 1\1. Macbeth.. .. .. Winnipeg Winnipeg North. .. E. G. Conklin.. .. ., Winnipeg 
La Vera?
dryeoo 00 ..J. A. Pendergast.... Winnipeg. I Winnipeg South.. . .Hon. C. E. Hamilton. Winnipeg 
M ountam ....... . Thomas Green way ,. Crystal Cily IV oodlands .. .. . . .. W . Wagner ....... . Ossowo 
OFFICERS OF THE HousE.-C. A. Sadlier, Clerk; ::\laurice de Bosllair, Clerk Assistant; John McDougall, 
Sergeant-at- Arms. 


A!o.T-GOvERl'OR-His Honour Edgar Dewdney. 

ORTH-WEST COUNCIL.-No1llinated Memllers-Lieut.- Electoral District of Calgary; Spencer A. Bedford, 
Co}. Hugh Richardson, Lieut.-Col. JameR Farquharsnn Electoral District of Moosomin; Lord Boyle, Electoral 

Iacleod, C.::\I.G., Lieut.-Col. Acheson Gosford Irvine, District of Macleod; Samuel Cunningham, Electoral 
Paschal Breland, Hayter Reed, Charles B. Rouleau and District of Saint Albert. Clerk of Couneil-Amedée F. 
Jeremiah Travis. Elected 1Ilembel's-Owen E. Hughes, Forget, Rf'gina. Stipendiary Magistrates-Liuut.-Col. 
Electoral DiRtrict of Lome; Dr. H. C. Wilson, EleC'toral Hugh nichardson, R
gina; Lieut.-Col. James Farquhar- 
District of Edmonton; Chas. l\IarshaHsay, Electoral Dis- son Macleod, Fort Macleod; Charles B. Rouleau, Cal- 
triet of Broadview; [Seat vaC'ant, election to be held on gary; Jeremiah Travis, Calgary. Sh
Ia.ior A. E. 
Oct. 141 and William Den Perley, Electoral District of ::!t. O. ChalJleau. Registrars-WiUiam J. Seott, BattIe- 
Qu'AppeUe; David F. JeUyand John Secord, Electoral I ford; Lieut.-Cot Alexander Sproat, Prince Albert; 
District of Regina; James Hamilton Ross, Electoral Majur George A. lIIontgomery, Regina; Thomas A. 
District of :\Ioose Jaw; John G. Tlll'ift: Electoral DiRtrict I Lean, Calgary; George Roy, Edmonton. 
of Moose Mountain: H. C. Caylev and J. W. Lauder, 


LETTER RATES, ETC'. united States.-The rate on Letters to the United 
Canada.-Letters posted in Canada, addressed to any States is the same as in Canada, an(1 must be I.repaid. 
place within the Dominion (mcluding ::\Iallitoba, British REGISTRATION OF LETTERS. 
Columbia and Prince Edward Island), 3 cents per! oz.; Persons posting letters containing value should be 
if unpaid. such letters cannot be forwarded, but will be cal'eful to rf'qllire th!Jm to be Registered. and to obtain 
"ent to the Dead Letter Office. If liable to more than from the Postmaster a certificate of receipt for Regis- 
one rate of postage, and in,",ufticiently prcpaid, the letter tration. 
,\ill (provided one full rate of 3 cents be paid) be for- The charge for Registration (use Registration Stamp), 
warded to its destiuation and double the deficiency in addition to the Postage, is as follows, viz. : 
,'harged on delivery. Letters mailed at any offiee for 
delivery at or from the samE' office are chargerl 1 cent On Letters to any other place in Canada or 
 oz., and n:ust be prepaid; otherwise they are sent British Korth A
nerica.... .. .. .. '. .. .. .. ::2 ce::ts. 
to the Dead Letter Office. AU postage must be prepaid On Letters for the Un
d St
tes.. .. .. . . .. .. .. 5 
hy Postage Stamps. On Letters for the Umte
 Kmgdl?IlI........... 5 
. On Parcels, Patterns or !Samph's, m Canada. . .. 5 
Post Cards.-From any plac
 III Çllnada to any other 'On Book Packets and 
ewspapers to Unite.l 
n C:

1l1a. or t
e(l :states, I cent each. I Kingdom. . " . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. '. 5 " 
BrItiS. an . orClgn, cen s eae I. .I. Both the Postage t:harge and Rf'gistratun fee must in 
U1uted Kwg(lom.-
ostage on 
etters, 5 cents per s aU cases be p!"el}aid by stam}). 
oz., whether by Canadian or New Xork Steamers. If sent . 
unpaid double postage wiU be charged. Regl
d Letter Stam}}s have .been Issued of. the 
, denommatwns of 2 amI 5 eents, wInch may he ,)btamed 
Newfoundland --Postage on Letters, 5 cents per t oz. at any Stamp Agency. 

ewspapers (see II Tansient Newspapers "). Post Cards, Registration Stamps cannot be used in payment of 
:! cents each. Prepayment necessary. post.tge, nol' can Pustage Stamps be used in payment of 
Be,.mlldCl (via New York).-Letters, 5 cents per! Registration fee!'. 
oz. Newspapers, 2 cents each. Printed matter, 1 eent I l{pgistration is not an absolute guarantee against the 
per 2 oz. miseaniage or loss of a Letter; but It Regi3teretl Letter 




can be traced where an Unregistered Letter can not, and 
the posting and delivery or non-delivery can be proven. 
A Book Packet may contain any number of separate 
books, publiPations, works of literature or art, maps or 
prints, photographs, daguerreotypes when not on glass, 
or in frames containing glass; and the books, maps, &c., 
lIlay be either written, vriuted or plain, or any mixture 
"f the three, provided that no letter be enclosed or any 
writing intemJed to serve the purpose of a letter; and 
may be either British, Colonial or Foreign. No package 
must exceed 41bs. 6 oz. iu woight, nor must the size ex- 
ceed two feet in length, or one foot ill width or depth. 
Book Packets must be open at both ends 01' both sides, 
and must not contain any letter or sealed inclosure. 
The rate on Bc,ok Packl'ts between any two plaC'es in 
Canada, and to Xewfoundlaml and the United States, is 
1 cent per 4 oz., which must be prepaid by stamps. 
The mte to Great Britain is 1 cent per 2 oz. 


rate thereon prepaid by the publisher or news agent, 
being the sender thereof, under such regulations as till" 
Postmaster-General may from time to time make. 
On all newspapers and periodicals posted m Canada, 
other than those addresse(l to regular subsr'ribers or 
news agents, from office of pnblication or news ageney, 
includihg all newspapers anù periodicals published les.. 
frequently than once a month, thp rate will be O1
e cent 
per t. oz., to lIe invariably prepaid by Postage Stamp. 
:Sewspapels and perIOdicals weighing less than 1 ()z. 
each may be posted singly, if prepaid by Postage Stamp 
! cent each. 


Transient nE:wspapers and periodicals include all neWS- 
papers and periodicals posted in Canada, other tllHII 
Canada nelL'.
papers Mnt from the (lffiæ of pttblicatiotl, 
and British nell'!>"papers posted hy news agents for regula, 
liubscribers in Canada. When addressed to any pla('(' 
within the Dominion, Newfoundland, or the UnitClI 
States, they must be prepaid the following rates by 
Postage Stamp:- 
If weighing less tllan 1 oz., half a cent each. 
If weighi
g over 1 oz., one cent per four oz. or frap- 
tion of four oz. 
Specimen copies of nl'wspapers and periodicals from 
the office of publication are to be treated as transit at 
newspapers or periodicals, the rate upon which is une 
cent per four oz. 
On transient newspapers addressed to the United 
Kin;:;dom the rate will be one cent per 2 OZ.-to be pre- 
paill by Postage Stamp. Canada nf'wspapers 
the office ofpubUeation to subscribers in the United King 
dom-if to be sent in the 11ails forwarded via New York 
or Boston, must be prepaid oy Postage Stamp at the 
transient paper rate of one cent per 2 oz. ; but if sent by 
Canada Packet, such papers may pass, as now, on pre- 
payment by the publisher, at the time of posting, of th, 
ordinary domestk rate of one cent per pound. Canadiall 
Periodicals when sent by mail to the United Kmgdom or 
to British Colonies or Foreign Countries (except tht> 
Gnited States) are liable to ordinary book packet ratp,,_ 
All newspapers and periodicals prepaid at the bulk rate 
of 1 cent per lb., must be stampell .. Prepaill by Puh- 
lisher," at the Post Office where the newspaper or 
periodical is mailed. The English Post Office rPquirf" 
each 1
ell.'spapel' or pe1iodieal to be stamped. If sent in 
packages the English Post Office declines to forwanl 

}liscellaneous matter, described as under, may pass 
hetween places in the Dorninioll. of Canada upon pre- 
l.ayment of a rate of 1 cent per 4 oz. The limit of weight 
is 4 lbs. The regulations of the British Post Office do 
not adnut of the transmission by mail to the United 
Kiñgdom (or other countries beyond the sea) of miscel- 
laneons matter as such; but a great part. of the matter 
refered to unåer taat head may be forwarded to the 
United Kingdom by Book Post. 
On all pamphlets, oc('asional publications, priuted 
. irculars, prices current, hand-bIlls, exhibitors' entry 
tickets for Dominion or Provincial Exhibitions. book 
and newspaper manuscripts. printers' proof sheets, 
whether corrected or not; maps, prints, drawings, en- 
Jravings, lithographs, photographs, when not on glass 
Jr in cases containing glass; botanical and entomo- 
logical specimens, when properly put up, so a,> to pre- 
'-ent injury to the contents of the mails; sheet music, 
whether printeå or written; documents wholly or partly 
printed or written, such as deeds, insnrance policies (in- 
duding renewal receipts when attached to the policies), 
voters' lists, militia and school returns, or oth8r docu- 
ments of like nature, the rate of postage is one cent for 
each fOllr ounces; provided that no letter or other com- 
munication intenlled to serve the purpose of a letter be 
sent or inclùsed ill any such package or thing mentIOned, 
and that thl' same be sent in covers ()pen at the ends or 
silles, or otherwise so put up as to admit of the contents 
being, if l1ecessary, easily withdrawn for examinatIon by 
tbe officers of the Post Office to ensure compliance with Patterns and 1:3am pIes of Merchandise and Goods fol' 
this provision; if enclosed in sealpd envelopes notche(1 sale, not exceeding 24 oz. in weight, may be poste(1 in 
at the ends or siùes, or with the corners cut off, letter Canada, to be forwarded to any place within the Do- 
rate of pOll1.'\ge will be charged; and that the postage minion. on prepayment by Stamp of a rate of 1 
rate be prepaid by postage stamp or stamped post bands cent per 4 oz., under the following regulations: 
'Jr "rappers .in all C1\Ses. Limit of wf'ißht! 4 lbs. T? .all If such rate be not fully prepaid by the stamps affixed, 
part:i of.Mamtoba, the NO
t"l- We;;t Iemtorre<; and J.3ntl
h the packet to be rated with the deficieut postage, amI a 
Columbia (except the. CItIes of Wmmpeg and 
Ictona I fine of 5 cents in adllition. 
.md places along the hne of the C. P. R., to whIch the . 
-I.-lb. limit applies) the limit of welcrht is 2 lbs. 3 oz. Pac
ages of Samples and .Pattt'rns, ad

es,>e.l to auy 
_ .' 0 _ place III Canad.1, Inay be reg\stf'rel.l by aflixmg thereto 1L 

o I?aek
t of ml
latter can be tra!lsmltt
<l I registration stamp of the value of 5 cents in additi()n to 
 maIl If It exceed 24 mches m length or 12 mches m the postage rate. and provided such packet be hal
width or depth. unto the Post Offiee for registration. 
ll<I co.mmercia} papers ge
eml1y (including Patterns or Samples must be sent in ('overs open at th 
Bank Pa
s-Books) are lIable tf) lettCl rate of postage, enlls, so as to be easv of examinatIOn. Samples, h()w- 
,'xcept when sent as parcels by P,lrcel Post, and th
 C}.,- I ever, of st'eds, drugs; &c.. which cannot he sent in Ol,,>n 
, eptlons above given t<? matter of that class are restricted coveI1:J, may be enclosell in bags of linen, or such lik.. 
t,) t

 documents speclfiell, such as Deeds and Insurance material, fastened in such a manner that they may lit> 
POlIcIes. . .. readily o,ened; or in bags entirely dosed, pro,i<I... I 

EWSPAPERS Jl.XD PERIODICALS. that they be transparent, so t.hat the oftil'ers of the P,,

ewspapers and }leriodicals printed (fnd published in I Office may be able to satisfy themselves as to the natnrp 
{ld", and issued not Il'sS frequently than once a I of the contents. 
month from a known office of publication or news agency, The packet may bear on the outside the atl<1re'h ot 
'tnd :l.lrlressc(I amI posted to and from the same for th(' sender, in addition to the address of the person f"r 
sion by mail to regular. subscribers or news whom it may be intended; amI also :L trade mark or 
a;ents m Canada, are sent free; If addressed to Great number, and the l,rice of the sample enelosell; i,lsidp, 
Britain, or the United States, they may be posted by I there must be no enclosure lint the samples or l'attf'1 TI:i 
the same on prepayment of a rate of oue cent for each themselves. The particulars, however, of tJore trad... 
pound weight in bulk, or fraction of a pound; and such I marks, numhers, and prices, may be miLrketl on tht' 
newspapers .aml pe.riodlcals are to be put up into paC'k- articles themselves instead of 011 the outsitle of th(' 
a,;es and delIvered mto the Post Office, and the postage packet, at the option of the 





Goods sent for sale or in execution of au order, how- I MONEY ORDERS. 
eYer small the quantity may be, or any article sent by I In sending money by mail it is always best to transmit 
one private individual to another, which are not actually by Money Order, if possible. 
trade patterns or samples, are not admissible. COMMISSleN ON lIIONEY ORDERS. 
UNITED STATES. On Money Orders drawn ùyany Money Order Office 
. . in Canada on any other Money Order Office in the 
Patte!Ils and 
amples of !l.Iercha
dIse, posted . for Dominion, the Commission is as follows :_ 
places In 
he Umted States, wIll contmue .to be subject If not exceerling .. .. .. $4...... 2 cents. 
to the special rate of 10 cents eac
, prepaId by postage Over 
4 not exceeding 10.0... 0 5 " 
...tamps, and must not exceed 8 oz. ill weIght. " 10" H 20.. . . .. 10 
20 H 40...... 20 
40 " 60...... 30 
60 " 80...0.. 40 
80 " 100.. .. .. 50 
No single r.Ioney Order, payable in the DomililOn of 
Canada, can be issued for more than $100; but as man
of $100 each may be given as the remitter requires. 
Money Orders are issued in Canadli. on the following 
Foreign countries allli British Possessions, at the rates 
, of commission shown below:- 
For SUIllS not exceeding- 
$10 $20 $30 $40 850 
10c. 20c. 30c. 40c. 50c. 
($50 is the limit of a single order.) 
Antigua Grenada Kewfoundland 
Australia,South'n Guiana, British NC'w South Wales 
Anstralia, West'u Holland (Nether- New Zealand 
Austria-Hungary lands) North Bomeo 
Bahamas Honduras(British) Norway 
Barbados Houg-Kong, in- Panama (British 
Belgium cluding Amoy, Ageucy) 
Bermuda Cauton, Foo- Portugal, includ- 
Cape Colouy Chow, Han- ing Madeira and 
Ceylon kow, Hai-how, the Azores 
China (See Hong- Ningl'o, Shang- Queensland 
Kong) bai and Swatow Houmania 
Coustantinople India, British, in- Seychelles Islauds 
(Turkey) cludiug Adeu, Sierra Leone 
Cypr1IS Bagdad, Bandor Smyrna 
Danish W. Indies Abas, Bushire, St. Helena 
Denmark, includ- Busrah,Guadur, St. Kitts 
ing Iceland and Jask, Linga, St. Lucia 
the Faroe Is- Muscat & Zan- 81. Vincent 
lands zibar Straits Settl
Dominica Italy Sweden 
Dutch EastIndies Jamaica Switzerland 
Egypt Japan Tasmania 
Falkland Islands Lagos 'fobago 
FrancC' & Algeria Malta Trinidad 
Gambia }1auritius Turk's Island 
Gennan Empire Montserrat United Kingdom 
Gibraltar Natal United States 
Gold Coast Nevis Victoria (Australia) 
Money Ortiers on the above countries are drawn in 
Canada Currency. Tables showing the sums payable in 
other countries where the money is of a different denomi- 
nation, on Orders issued in Canada, will be found on 
page 41. 
Showing the amount in Canadian },foney to be paid by 
re1nitters fo.r Money Orders on the United Kinqdom, 
India, Jamaica, where paY'TMnt will be made in Ster- 
ling Aloney. 


Patterns and Samples of Merchandise, when addressed 
to places in the Umted Kingdom, must not exceed 8 oz. 
in weight, and must be prepaid by postage stamp at the 
following rates :-1 cent per 2 oz. or fraction of 2 oz. 

CO ')
 . I L t te I News- 
, ". 
 e rs. I papers. 

Africa, West Coast.. .. .. .. .. .. . . 
Australia, South Imd West .....0 
A'istraHa, S. & W. (via Brindisi). 
A",,,tria ........................ 
Bdgium.........o............ .. 
BI'azil (via United States) ...... 
Buenos Ayres (via United States) 
Cape of Good Hope ...... 0..... 
Ceylon . 0 . . . . .. .. . . 00 .. . . . . .. 00 
China (including Hong Kong).... 
CIl ba .......................... 
Egypt.. .. .. .. .. .. .. O' .. .. .. . . .. 
Fiji Islands .................... 
Franee .. 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . .. .. .. . . . 0 
Germany ...................... 
Gibraltar 0..................._. 
Holland.. .. O. .. ., .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 
India .0.0 00 . . .. o. .0 . 0 .0 .0 .0 .. .0 
Italy .......0 O. . . .. .. .. .. .0 .. .. 
Japan (via San Francisco) ...... 
"Iadeira 0 0 . . o. 00 . . .. o. .. . . .0 .. .. 
r.lauritius .. .. . . .. .. .0 .. .. .. .. .. 
:Mexico ........................ 
Monte Video (via United States). 
X.,w South Wales .............. 
Xew Zealand ...0.............. 
Portugal 0..0 00 ., . . .. o. .. .. . . .. 
Queensland .........0...0...... 
Russia ....... . .. 0 0 O. O. .. .. .. . 0 
Sand wich Islands .............. 
St, Pierre et !oIiquelon .......... 
Sielra Leone.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 
Sl,ain ........ ..0.............. 
Sweden .. o. o. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. O. .. 
Switzerland .................. .. 
Tasmania ............ o. . 0 . . . . .. 
Victoria. . .. . . o. o. .. . . o. .. . . . . . . 

P.! oz. 
10 cts. 

7 " 
5 " 
10 " 
15 h 
10 " 
5 " 
5 " 
10 " 
5 " 
5 " 
10 " 
10 " 
15 " 
15 " 
5 " 
15 ., 
5 " 
10 " 
5 " 
15 .. 
15 .. 

Eaeh 2 oz. 
2 cts. 
2 " 


Via New York for Costa Rica, Curacoa, Letters 10 cents 
per! OZ., Nicuaragua, Panama, 5 cents; via New York 
for Hayti and San Domingo, Letters 5 cpnts per! oz. ; 
ria New York for Bermuda, Cuba, Jamaica, Danish 
West Indies and Bahamas, Lctters 5 cents per i oz. ; 
Newspapers, 1 cent per 2 oz. West Indies, except where 
otherwise stated, postage on Letters via New York, 
15 cents per! oz.; Newspapers, 3 cents per20z. 

1 " 
1 .. 
2 " 
2 " 
2 " 
2 " 
2 " 
1 " 
1 H 
2 " 
1 .. 
1 h 
3 H 
1 " 
1 " 
1 .. 
2 0' 
2 H 
4 " 
4 .. 
1 .. 
4 .. 
1 " 
2 " 
2 .. 
1 " 
1 .. 
2 " 
4 " 

J!, s. d. r $ c. II J!, 8. d. 8 c. 
010 -o
o 2 0 0 49 0 17 0 4 14 
o 3 0 0 73 0 18 0 4 38 
o 4 0 0 97 0 19 0 4 G3 
o 5 0 1 22 1 0 0 4 87 
o 6 0 1 46 2 0 0 9 74 
o 7 0 1 ïI 3 0 0 14 61 
o 8 Ù 1 95 4 0 0 19 48 
o 9 0 2 19 5 0 ()" 24 35 
o 10 0 2 44 6 0 0 29 22 
o 11 0 2 68 7 0 0 34 09 
o 12 0 2 92 8 0 0 38 96 
o 13 0 3 17 9 0 0 43 83 
o 14 0 3 41 10 0 0 48 70 
o 15 0 3 65 

Register aU valuable letters. Transmit money by Money 
Orders. Make complaints and inquiries in writing, and 
address the Postmaster-General at Ottawa. Pl'escrve, 
aud request correspondents to preserve, en velopes of IIlis- 
!:'ellt or delayed letters. Senel to the Postmaster-Geneml 
em'elopes of letters about which you seek information or 
make complaint. In addressmg letters add the name of 
the County and Province in which the office addressed is 
located. Place stamp on the right hand upper corner of 
the address side. Put your own name and full address And two cents for each penny to make up the sum 
in or on letter, to insure return if it cannot be deivcred. required. 




4. All Parcels must be securely and substantially 
packed and closed. 
5. Each Parcel must be T.lainly directed, and such 
direetion must include the name and full address of the 
person for whom the Parcel is intended. 
6. For each Parcel the sender must fill up a Customs 
Declaration. On this fonn the sender will supply an 
accurate statement of the contents and vallIe of the 
Parcel, also the address thereof, with signature and place 
of abode of the sender. The Customs Declaration must 
be seeurely affixed by mucilage or paste to the Parcel to 
which it relates. 
As Parcels from the United Kingdom will be liable t 
CanadIan Customs duties, and under existing regulations 
must be examined for the purpose by an Officer of the 
Customs in the presence of the persons addressed, it ha
been necessary in commencing thIs Parcel Post with the 
United Kingdom, to limit its operation for the present in 
, Canada to Parcels addressed to or posted at places where 
PARCEL POST WITH THE UNITED KlYGDOM. Officers ot the Customs are stationed. 
.. I For the purposes of the Parcel Post the Dominion is 
An arrangeme
t has ?een entered Into wIth the Post divided into 4 sections of about 1,000 miles each, from 
Offi.ce of the Umted Kmgdom 
or a Parce.l Pos.t, under East to West, on the line from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to 
WhICh closed Parcels not exceedmg 3 Ibs. III weIght may Victoria British Columbia thus:- 
he posted in the United Kingdom, when addressed for' , 
.!..liYeryat certain Post Offices III Canada, and may in PARCEL PO:,;T CHARGE. 
like manner be posted at those Canadian Post Offices for 
destinations in the United KingdOHI. 
The Parcels exchanged with the United Kingdom will 
pass exclusively in the Weekly Mails conveyed by the 
Canadian Steamers to and from the St. I.awrence in 
Summer and Halifax in Winter, aIJd such Parcels cannot 
be sent via New York. 

The Parcel Post with the United Kingdom will be 
geverned by the folloWIng regulations :- 
1. A Parcel must not exceed 3 Ibs. in weight. Prepayment by postage stamp is required, but when a 
2. The dimensions of a Parcel must not exceed 2 feet Par
ells posted in the United. Kingdom for eithe
 of tho 
in leu"th by 1 foot in width or depth. sectIOns B, C, or D, and. by Inadvertence. prepaId a
'" lower rate than that applIcable to the partIcular sectIOn 
3. A Parcel must not contain any explosive, combust- addressed, the Parcel will come to Canada, liable te 
ible, or dangerons articles, nor any article of a perishable I collection by the Canada Post Office on deilvpry, of the 
or fragile character, nor liquids or matters likely to deficient postage, and it will moreover be olltional with 
injure other Parcels or mail transmissions. the Canada Post Office to impose a fine in addition. 


The charges on Parcels by the Parcel Post to places 
within the Dominion, is 6 cents for every 4 oz. 01' frac- 
tion thereof (with 5 cents additional if Registered). Ko 
letteI' must be inclosed; if any discovered, the amount 
paid will be forfeited, and the Parcel charged at unpaid 
Letter rates. No Parcel must exceed 5 Ibs. in weight, 
and must be prepaid by stamps. 
Parcels cannot be tran!!mitted by Post to any place 
beyond the limits of the DomIllion of Canada (except to 
the Gnited Kingdom), nor can any Paccel be forwarded 
to British Columbia or Manitoba (except to the cities of 
Winnipeg and Victoria, B.C., and places actually upan the 
line of the C. P. R., to which the limit is 5 Ibs.) which 
exceeds in "eight the limit of 2 Ibs. 3 oz. 
Eye-glasses and spectacles may be sent by mail when 
properly put up and prepared by Parcel Post. 


Rate per lb. 
I or fractIOn 
of a lb. 

Iariti.nIe Provinces and Quebec..... . 1 
B.-Ontano ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 
C. -Manitoba and N. W. Territories.. . . . . 
D.-British Columbia.... ,............... 

30 cts. 
35 " 
45 " 


TABLE showing the sums payable in Germany in Marks TABLE showing the sums paJ'able in France, Algeria, 
and Pfennigs, on Orrlers issued in Canada. I Belgium, Italy and Switzerland in Francs and Cen- 
time!!, on Orders issued in Canada. 
:= 1 ::- ã 1::- ã 1=- :: ,::- 






 S I
 ê s s .g 
 S g S .g 
 ê e S 

cents. pf. cents. m. pf. 
-I lll. pf. 
I m. pf. 



 gg \ : 


 gg I 

3 12 30 1 25 3 00 12 48 
5 00 104 00 
4 16 40 1 66 400 16 64 30 00 124 80 
5 20 50 208 500 1 2080 3500114560 
(j 25 60 2 50 600 2496 4000 ]66 40 
29 70 2 91 7 00 29 12 45 00 I 187 20 




 50 00 I 208 00 
41 90 3 75 10 00 : 41 60 
I The above table applies to Austria-Hungary and Rou- 
N on:.-The original order issued in C9.nmla should be mania, but sums payable in either of thosc countrieQ 
retained by the remitter. The payee will receive a pro-I will be !!ubject to a further deduction by the Swiss Post 
per form of 
roneyOrder from the Chief Office at Colo'1'ue.1 Of!ice of 2& centimes 
or each 25 francs, no abatement 
... , bemg less than 50 centimes. * 


::I I:: :: 1- jj . I,," P '"' I "" . 


 - :>, 
 >. 'C :>, 
C) 0.'::'..... 
:::::: I::I
o::: ::I
", g 
 ê E i!: ;:: 
 0..... d Iooooj 
 ...0 ..:: 
o >r...... 0.... >""'... 
-1--- _1____ 
cents. c
ms. cents. fl'. ceo I c. fl'. ceo 8 C. fl'. ceo 
1 5 20 1 00 100 510 1500 765C 
2 10 25 1 25 200 1020 20 00 102 00 
3 15 30 1 55 300 1530 "'"' 1127 50 
4 20 40 2 05 4 00 2040 30 00 153 00 
5 25 50 255 500 2550 3500 178 50 
6 30 60 305 600 3060 40 00 204 00 
7 35 70 355 700 3570 45 00 1229 50 
8 40 75 3 80 800 40 80 50 00 255 50 
9 45 80 4 10 900 4590 
HI 50 90 460 10 00 5100 

* The original Order issued in Canada, and pa
'able in Belgium,Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary or Roumania, 
should be retained by the remitter. The þayee will receive a proper form of Money Order from the Chief Office at 
Antwerp, Turin, or Basle, as the case may be. The original Order, issued in Can 'ula, and pa} able in France, 
1ll1l"Ì be sent to the payee by the remitter. 





The o.{fices printed in Italics fire authorizf'd to grant and Pay Money Orders. The O.oices marked * are Sattings Bank 
Offices. The capital letters on the right of the Electoral Di.trict column indicau the several Provinces of the Dominion, 
thus :-0, Ontario; Q, Quebec; N S, Nova Scotia; N B, New BrufU!wick; PEl, Prince Edward Is'and; H, 
Manitoba; B C, BTÜish (,olumbia; Alta, Alberla; Assa, Assiniboia; Atha, Athabaska; &1ßk, Saskatchewan. 

Abbott's COrñ.;s:. 
Iissisqu Oï----::-::-Q 1rrB. E. S . T racey Alkali Lake 
 C ariboo --:- .=--SC :\IrB. Bos \v;ï! 
.\bbotsford ...... ...... Rouville ......... Q O. Crossfield Allanburg ............ !Welland... ........ 0 B. Tncker, jun. 
Abenaquis......... DorcheBter ..... Q Joseph Patry Allanburn. ............I
lluquette ..... M W.G.K. Porteous 
Abenaquis Spring... Yamaska........ Q E. H. Cassidy AUandale. ............ , Simcoe, SR...... 0 
1. J. Hamlin 
Aberarder ............ Lambton, W. R... 0 D. A. Sinclair Allandale............... york........ N B D. Connolly 
.\bercorn............... Brome ............Q Alfred Nield AlhmPl\rk.......... Orey,SR .........0 C.F.Goodeve 
bercrombie ...... Pictou........ .N. S l\lrs. A. 
Iunro Allan's Corners ...... Chateauguay .... Q John Bryson 
Aberdeen ......... Grey, S. R ..... . 0 Jas. W. Crewford Allan's 
lins. ......... Lanark, SR...... 0 William Allan 
Aberdeen ......... Cariboo- Liilooet BC w. H. Demp
ter tlltenford............... Bruce, N R . ...... 0 Wm. Sharp 
Aberdour............... Bruce. W R. ...... 0 Donald Christie Allensville. ............ Muskoka & P S'(I. 0 .James McNicol 
Aberfeldy ......... Lambton, E R ... 0 J. A. Risk Allenwood. ............ Simcoe, N R... .. 0 John Duncan 
AlJerfoyle............... Wellington, S R.. û S. Falconbridge AlIi80nville ......... Prince Edward... 0 Hebert :\Iabee 
Abernethy......... ............ ... AsSß W. J. Ross .Alliston ............... Simcoe, SR....... 0 John Strachan 
Abingdon ............ Wentworth, SR. 0 John 
Iillar Alloa..................... Peel.................. 0 .T. A. Silverthorn 
Abrams Village.... Prince...... PEl J. A. ArReneault Alhaw... ......... ...... Victoria, N R.... 0 John Danncey 
Abougoggin Road.. Westmoreland.N B G. W. 'l'owse Allumette Island ... Pontiac ............ 0 JI\S J. }IcGuire 
Aboyne . ............... Wellington, CR. 0 R. T. Mills Alma ................. Wellington, CR.. 0 J. H. Walker 
A..adie ...... .. . . .. Ken t. ..... .. N B P. Daigle Alnw...... ............... Albert ...... ... N B Jobn Fletcher 
Aeadia Milles ......... ColcLester...... N ST. K Atkins Alma. .................. Pictou ......... N SA. II. Frazer 
Acadie Siding ___ _ Kent.........N B John 
lcD()nald Alma. .................. Prince......... PEl James Mountain 
'" Aeton ... ...... ......... H"lton............. 0 J. Matthews Alma8ippi ........ Sell.irk........ M J. Lawrenson 
'" -teton Vale........... Bagot ............... Q A. Q. Dubois Almira .................. York, E R ......... 0 James Bowman 
Adamsville ............ Brome............... Q George A. Adam · Almonte ............... Lanark, N R ...... 0 J. II. Wylie, jun. 
Adamsville............ Kent............. N B J. M. Kenned1 Alport ........... .... Simcoe. E R...... 0 H. F . Bichmore 
Adare ...... ............ Middlesex, N R... 0 1\1. Drummond Alsace . . . . . . .... .. Muskoka & P S'd 0 John Gerber 
Adderley............... Megantic ......... Q Thomas Walsh Alsfeldt ................ Gr.-y, S R.......... 0 Htmry Zeigler 
Addington Forks ... Antigonishe... N S N. :\lcDonald Althúrpe ............... Lanark. SR. ... 0 A. H. Norris 
Addison ............... Brockville ......... 0 George T. Lewis Alton .................. Cardwell. ......... 0 G. M. Scott 
Adelaide ............... :\liddiesex, WR. 0 Thos. Brock Alton ............. Colchel5ter.... NS T.Lindsa) 
Adelpha .............. Selkirk........ M John R. Sturt Altona .................. Ontario, WR...... 0 .J. l\Ionkhouse 
AdmBBton . .......... Rellfrew, SR...... 0 John O'Dea Alvanley....... .., Grey, N R...... 0 George Parsons 
Admiral Rock. ...... Hl\ntø........ N S Mrs. Forre.tall " Alvtnston. ............ Lambton, E R.... 0 J. W. Brannan 
Adolphustown ...... Lennox ............ 0 J. J. Watson Amaguadus Pond... Cape Breton ....N S l\"eill\!cInnis 
Adstock .......... Beauee......... Q George Rodrique Amaranth Station... Wellington. N R. 0 J. Armstrong 
Advocate Harbour... Cumberland... Y 8 Natbau B.1\lorri8 Amberley ............ Huron, E R ......0 James Wilkie 
Afton .................. Anti!Çonisbe... N S George H. Irish Ameliasburg ......... Prince Edward... 0 Owen Roblin 
Agincourt ............ York, E R ......... 0 J. W. Kennedy Amherst ............... Cumberland... N S Amos Purdy 
Agnes. . . .. . . . . ... Beauce. . . . . . . . Q J. S. Wilson · Amherstburgh ...... Essex, S R ... ...... 0 Ernest G. Park 
Ahmir Harbour...... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 John Crosswell Amberst Point ...... Cumberland....N S Il!A8c B. Stuart 
Ahmic Lake ......... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 John McCartney Amiens...... ............ :\Iiddlesex, W R... 0 John .<\dams 
AilJa Craig ............ l\liddlesex, N R... 0 Shackleton Hay Amiga ri. .......... Welland ..... . _ 0 Robert )Ioor e 
AiI'd ..................... Missisquoi ...... Q James Creller Amqui .................. Rimouski ...... .Q Alexander Grant 
Airlie .................. Simcoe, SR.... .. 0 Richard Bradley Amulree.......... Oxford, N R..... 0 A. 1\1. Fisber 
Air Line Junction... WellaRd............ 0 Urs.1\1. Grisdale Anagance. .......... King's ......... N B G. H. Davidson 
Aitllin's Ferry .... King's...... PEl B. Aitkin Anagance Ridge.... King's ...... NBC. M. Hunt 
Akerly . ................ Queen's ......... N 
 B. H. Akerly Ancaster ............... Brant, N R ........ 0 Edwin Clark 
Alameda ............... ............. As
a Jas. Walsh Andenne Lorette ... Quebec ............ Q J. Dufresne, sen. 
Alberni ........... Vancouver.... B C Chas. Taylor, sen. Ancienne Lorette ... Quebec ............ Q George Dufresne 
Albany.................. Prince .........P E I D. l\Jatthews A.nderson ............ Perth, SR......... 0 John Anderson 
Albert. .................. Hastings, E R.... 0 Richard Jones Anderson. ............ Westmoreland.N B Arcb. Simpson 
Albert............. Albert .......NB W.C. Pipes Anderson'sCorners. Hnntin/{don...... Q James Anderson 
Albert Briãge......... Cape Breton... N S Alex. 
IcDougall Andover ............... Victoria......... N B J. C. McClusky 
-\.Ibert Mines ......... Albert ........ N B Ed. Woodworth Ange Gardien......... l\[ontmorency ... Q Irenee Goulet 
Alberton ............... Brant, N R. ......0 J. Kerr AnR:e G. de Rouville Rouville... ......... Q F. R. Dubuc 
Alherton ...... ......... Prince......... PEl Thomas Keefe Angelini! ...... ......... Rouville............ Q Onesime Boisvert 
· Albion ... ............ Cardwell. ......... 0 Samuel.J. Snell Angers ......... ......... Ottawa ............ Q L. Moncion 
Albuna..... .... ... Essex, S R...... 0 George Hillier "'Angus ............... I Sifficoe. S R. ...... 0 Wm J. Smith 
Albury . ............... Prinre Edward... 0 Jame!! H Peck Annan ...... ............ Grey, N R ......... 0 Urs. M. Speedie 
Al('ester. ............... Selkirk........ M J. Johl1Rton Annapolis ... ...... Annapolis.... N S A. W. Corbitt 
Aldboro'............... I<:lgin, W R....... 0 S. LOrkpatrick Annl'sley............ Pontiac......... Q 1'. Kiloran 
Aldergrove... ......... N.Westminster BC K Whyman Annidl\le....... .. Queen's......N B Thomas Ward 
Alderne, ......... Ricbmond.... N 8 H. S. Donovan An!'onia. .... ...... Algoma........ 0 J. H. Lawlor 
Alder Print........ Cape Breton... N S S. Plant Anten Mills..... .. Simcoe, N R.... 0 .J. :\lcLaughlin 
Alder.River............ Guysborough...N S John Chisholm Antigoniahe ......... Antigonishe... N S II. P. Hill 
Aldershot ............ Wentworth, N R. 0 A. W. Browd Antig. Harbour ...... Antigonishe... N S Alex. Chisholm 
Aldouane. . . .... ... Kent ............ N B Julien Daigle Antig.Harb.South S. Antigonishe... S S John MclJonald 
Alert Bay. ... ......... Cariboo....... B C S. A. 8pencer Antioch. . . . .. .. . .. Muskoka & P S'd. 0 S. E. Garnett 
Alexander ...... ...... Inverne
R...... N S A. Campbell Antler. .. ... ..... ............. Apsa H. F Hosteller 
Alexanl]er's Point... Gloucpster...... N B Thos. Ahier Antoinettø ............ Argenteuil......... Q Charles Boon 
Alexander Station. 8f.lkÏlJr ............ 1\1 C. T. WPätherley Antrim.................. Halifax ......... N S Mi..hllf'l Cleary 
Alexandra ............ Queen's.....p E I Wm. Woods Autrim ........... Lßnark, N R...... Û Alex. :\ll1rphy 
Alexandria ............ Cärihoo ......... B C A. D. McInnes Apohaqui............... King's ......... N B W. T. Peters,jun 
., Alt.xandria ......... Gh'ngarry .........0 r,. A. Macdonald Appln .................. Middlesex, W R.. 0 A. B. McGregor 
Alexandrina. ......... Kent......... N B T, Stt'pbt'nBOn A ppin ......... ......... 1 Antigonillhe... N S J. A. Stewart 
Alfred .................. Prescott............O L. P. Labrosse Appleby............... Halton ............0 .Jal!. Prescott 
A/guma lr/tllJ........ Algoma ............ 0 Edmund J. Lally Appletlore. ............ Bothwell.... ...... 0 O. B. Arno'd 
Algonquin ... ......... Grenville. S R.... 01 Hiram Larry Apple Grove ......... Stsnstead. ......... Q Mrs.E.D. Christie 
Alison .................. Westmoreland.
 BIS. A. Steeves Apple Hill .... ....... Glengarry........ 0 A. Kennedy 
[ 676] 




Apple River ......... Cumberland ...:S S ,T. H. Copp Auburn 
== Huron
 D. E. Munro 
Appkton ............... Lanark, N R...... 0 T. C. Arthurs Auburn ...... ..... Kin'-'s............K S G. W. Eaton 
Apsley .................. PeterboroughER 0 T G Eastland, Jr Audlt!y ........... Ontario, W R... 0 F. M. Harvey 
Apto ':""""'''''''.''' 1 Simcoe, N R ...... 0 Henry O'Neill Aughrim......... Lambton, E R ... 0 J. McKeune 
ArcadIa.................. yarmouth...... :s S W. V. Brown Augustine Cove.... Prince... ...... PEl N.l\IcFadyen 
Archer. . ... . . . . . .. Dundas . . . ., . .. 0 R. S. Weagant Auguston . ......... ". j Grey, E R. ......... C Wm. August 
Archibald. ........ Selkirk... .... M, Alex. Bethune Auld's Cove............ Guysborough... N 8 ,.John Forristall 
Archibald Sett ......: Restigouche... N B, Mr!!. C. Archibald AuUIvilk.......... Stormont ......... 0 1. R. Ault 
Archvllle......... .ICarleton.... _...0 lIIrs. E. Bray -Aurora......... . I York, N R...... 0 D. W. Doau 
Ardagh .......... . I MURkOka & PS'd.O;Jos. Drher Austin........... Marquette..... M E. Broadfoot 
Arden .................. Addington......... 0 WIll. B.l\IillR Amfli'll9........... l simcoe, N R. ...0 Wm. L. Coulter 
Arden Station.. ... 
Iarquette...... }I M. E. Broughton Avery's Portage. ... York ............ N B A. B. Avery 
Ardaess . ... ............ Pictou........ N S AloJl. McDonald A vlgnon .......... Bonaventure.... Q, Octave Martin 
Ardoch ............... Addington......... 0 Alex. lIIunro Avoca ............ Ar
nteuil......... Q I JOhn McQallum 
Ardpatrick ............ Marquette.........lII I B. !\Iarllhall Avon. . .. . . '" . . .. . , }1iddlesex. E R... 0 James Row 
Ardtrea ...... .........ISimc
, E R...... 0 I Wm. Blair Avonbauk ........ Perth, S R......... OIJames Gillies 
Argyle........ ....' Victoria, N R...... 0\ Donald ;\1itchell 
 v v O on nd da a l l e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I c p a l ' c r to le u to . n . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . :s N B S '-!; r E s " J lI . I lI c I C c re Do a n d a Y ld 
Argyle .................. Carleton ...... N BIF. D Skinner ... \ "J 
Arg}'le .................. yarmouth...... N SIJames Frost Avondale Station ... Pictou.......... N S A. F. Robertson 
Argyle.................. Lisgar ........M Alex Gnthrie Avonmore ........18tormont .........OIE.N.E:haver 
ArgJle Head....... yarmouth...... N SI A. J. :Sickerson Avonport. ......... King's............:r.. 
,Chas II. Reid 
ArgyJe Shore ......... Queen's. ......P E I John McNevin Avonport Station ... King's........ N S:J. B. Newcomb 
Argy Ie Sound ....... yarmouth.... N 8 Richard )IcN air A. vonroy ..........1 B.,tb well . .. . .. . 0 I John Burden 
-Aricltat... ............... Richmond .... :s 8i ;\Irs. S. 1<:. Ballaw !.vonton .........., Perth, S R......... 0 John lIIcKellar 
A rkell ... ...... ...... ... 1 Wellington, SR.. 0 I Geo. Watson 
 W xe em La e k :: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 

a u r s q k u ok et a te & . P ''' S ';. d. ' O I , C J . ' lI ß I e c l p lh h o e u rso se n 
-Arkona ............... Lambton, E R.... 0 Goo. 111. Everest. 
-Arkwrigllt ............ Bruce, N R . ...... 0' W. F. Sithes Ayer's }.lat..... .. .IStamtead ......... Q I Homer G. Ayr 
Arlington ............ Cardwell. ......... O!Wm. Barber -Ayk8ford..........1 King's. ....... N S H. V. Farnsworth 
ArplII.dale ............ York. E R ......... OIJohn Beare "Aylmer (.Eut) .... Ottawa.. ....... Q .J. R. Woods 
Ariøaig .................. Antigonishe... N S, Wm. Gillis ..Aylmer (West) .... Elgin, E R........ 0 Henry Arkell 
Armadale ............ King's......... PEl Neil F. 
IcPhee Aylwin. ........ ... Ottawa. ............ Q B. N. Read 
Armagh ............... Bellechasse ...... Q'C. Roy -Ayr ...... ....... Waterloo.S R.... OIJohn W. Wylie 
Armand ............... Temiscouat.a...... Q Pierre Morin -Ayton..... .... ... Grey, SR......... 0 J. C. F. Miller 
Armow.................. Rruct', W R....... O:John Hiles BAbington ......... Queen's .........N BIJames Babington 
Armstein............... Muskoka & P S'd.O Wm. Brunne Baby's Point... ..... Bothwell............OIMiss K.L.Meuten 
Arm8trong ........... King's. ......... K B ,John Armstrong Baccaro ......... . , Shelburne ......N S, Thos. 
. Crowell 
Armstrong's Bronk. Restigouche... N B1John C. Bent Back Bay............... Charlotte ......N B Joseph 1\lcGee 
Armstrong's Corner Queen's..... . N BI Jos B.Armstrong Back Lands..... .... AntigoniE;h6 ...N S, Henry Bo)'lt! 
Armstrong Lake. ... , ............. Assa,.Jas. Sharp Back Meadow. .... Pictou ............N S James Fraser 
Armstrong's Mills... Wellington, S R. 0' C. Armstrong BaM.eck. ...... . .., Victoria .........N S H. Elmsly 
Arnaud .......... ...... 
rovencher .... :\1: J ?hn Ginn B8ddeck Bar. . . .. . , V!ctor!a ...... N S C. ;\IcDonald 
Arner. . .. .. . . . .... Essex ..... . . . .. 0 Richard Eede Baddeck BrIdge...... VIctorIa ......... N S, ;\Iløs I. McRae 
Arnott .................. I Grey, N R......... O/Wm. G. MurrHY ßaddeck Riv. N. Br'IVictoria .........N SIDonald l\lcluni;;; 
*ÁTnpriqr. ............ Renfrew, SR.... 01 Ezra A. Bates Baddow........ ...., Victoria, N R......O Mrs. Ruth Eade 
Aroostook .Junction l \"ictoria.......:. N R K C. Hopkins "Badm . ......... . , Waterloo. SR. ...0 Edward H. Boye 
Aroostook Portage. Victoria. ..... N B, D. .\Iurchillon Badjeros .......... Grey! ER..........O I H. }lcQuarrie 
Arrochar ............... ............. A!!sa' R. lIIcDiJnald Bagot.... . . .. . ...... Renfrew, SR... ...0 P. Kennedy 
Arrow River. ......... Marquette......... !II James Elliott ßa
otville. ... '.' .... Chicoutimi .........Q E. I.evecq'!e 
Arrowton ...... ... Marquette..... .1\1' James Downey Bale de 111. TrImté... Saujl;enay.......... Q AmbroseBllodeau 
'" Arthab/Ukaville .... Arth8baska .... Q I ùalixte Leblanc Baie des Rochers ... Charlevoix .........Q Gouzague Savard 
.-Arthur........... Wt!lliugton, N R. 0 C. C. Green Baie St. Paul...... Lisgar...............M Lewis Fairbauks 
Arthurette . . ... ... Victoria......... N B J. W. Campbell Bait V'7'te ........ Westmoreland.N B I A. C. A. Wells 
Arthurville ....... Bellechal<se..... Q 1\1. Bernard Baie Verte Road...... Westmoreland.N B Aubrey Copp 
Arundel........... Argenteuil... .QW Wm. Thomson Bailey's Brook .... Pictou ............N Si D. D.lIIacdonald 
Arva . . . .' . . " .... . 1 
Hddleflex. E R... 0 A. Cummiugs Baillieboro'. .. .... Peterboro' W R...O John D. Perrin 
Asbestos........... Richmond...... Q Ww. Church Baillargeon....... Lévis ................Q, F. X. Bilodeau 
Ascot Corner ...... Sherbrooke .... Q Alfred Stacey HailHe ............. Charlotte....... N B A. E. Milligan 
Asessippi. .. .. . . ... ;\Iarquette...... M Henry Gill Baimville.. .... ... . 1 Glengarry. .. . .. 0 I D. D. McCuaig 
Ash ..... ......... Halbm ...... ...... O / wm. Dorland Bairdsville ......... Victoria .........N BIHenry Baird 
Ashburn.... ..... Ontario, S R.... 0 Thos. A. Fisher Raker Settlement... Lanenburg......N S I 'JOsePh Baker 
Aøhcroft ......... . 1 Yale . . . . . . . .. B C H. P. Corn wan Balli.. .. .. . . . ......... Simcoe, J<: R....... 0 Thomas BurgeslI 
Al!hcroft Station.... Yale&KootenayBCIT.G.Kirkpatrick BalClU"res .......... ................ Assa i J. W.Johmton 
Ashdad..... ....... Renfrew, 8 R...... 0 Wm. Felletor Balderson..... .... Lanark, S R. ......0 John W. Cowie 
Ashdale . . . . .. . . ... Antigonishe... N S V. Chisholm BaMoon.... ...... ...... Kent....... ......... 0 W. S. Fenton 
Ashdown ..............., Muskoka.l: P S'd.O F. W. Aøhdown Baldwin ............ York, N R .........0 I John Sowerby 
Ashgrove.... ...... Halton ............ 0 1 F. L. Thornton Baldwin's MillS...... , Stanstead. .........Q, W. K. Baldwin 
Ashland .......... Carleton. ...... N B Henry A. BIIIYeR Baldwin's Road.... King's .........P E I J. A. Moar 
Ashley..... ....... Grey, N R ......... O,Goorge Follis Balfour............. Prince Edward ...0 G.A. McLaughlin 
Ash0n. . . . . . . .' . . . / Carleton. . . . ...... 0 II ugh S. Conn ßalgonie ....... ....... ............. Åf!88 A. R. Dickson 
Askllton .......... Inverness ...... N 8' Wm. McPherson Ballantrae ........ Ontario, WR......... Robert lIiIl 
Askin ............1 :\Ilddlel!ex. SR... 0 George Shaw Ballant::one's Stat'n. Frontenac .........0 John IIysup 
Aspdin ............ Mnskoka &; P S'd 0 ThO!. Lakeman Ballinafud ..... ...... Wellinjlton, SR...O John W. McKee 
Assiniboine . ........ ! Marquette......... M Mrs. S. Setter Ballinvilla ..... ....ICarleton ............0 Chas. J. Graham 
Aston Station...... Nicolet ........ Q Alin Ouellet Ballycroy....... ... Cardwell............O,John McClelland 
Atha ............. ,Ontario, S R.... 0 John M. Bell BallydufI.. ...........' Durham, E R......O J. C. WilUamson 
Athelstan . . .... . .. Huntingdon.... Q P. C. lIIcGinnis Ballymote. . ... . .. Mlddlesl'x, E R.. 0 J. H. Shoebottom 
Atherley . . ... . .... Ontario, N R. ... 0 E. Lanigan Balmerino ........ Marquette..... M W. G. Bßwden 
orfolk. N R.... 0 G. C. Willson Balmoral............... lIaldimand .... ...0 Xile P. Finch 
Athlone. .. .. .. . ... Cardwell ......... 01 John Kidd Balmoral ......... ...... Restigouche ... N B Tho.. Savoy 
Athole .................. Glengarry. _... U' Alex. FraRer BlÙmoral...... ... Usgar .............}[ R. Rutherford 
-At1lOl.. . . . .. . . .. ... Cumberland ... N S D. F. Archibald Balmoral. . . . .. ... Rirhmond.... N S Hugh McLean 
AtterclifIe...... ... Wentworth, S R. 0 James Crowther Balmoral Mills. ... Coll'hpster.... N S A. McKay 
AtterclifIe Station... Monck. ........... 0 Jacob Sundy BaIRam... .'L..... iOutario. W R......O, Wm. ßurgess 
At.wood .....:.......... Perth, N R..... 0 Donald Gordon Balsam Grove ...... Yictoria, N R ....0 John Copp 
rt GallIon. ... Beauce ............ Q Wm. ;'\1. P06er Balsam Lake...... Victoris, N R... ...0 .J. Cunninll'ham 
Aublgny .... . ... . .. Pro...encher..... M G. Pichette Baltimore ........ Northllmb., W R.O J. A. Gordon 
Aubrey. .... .. . . ... Chateauguay.... Q J. Lefebvre Bamberg. .. .. . . ... Waterloo, N R. ...0 Ferdin'd Walter 




luskoka&P8'd.0 , Jas. Bar ;r-- .&amsvilk.-::::::: LiñCõiñ:":: ......... O I J. D. Be n
Bancrojt . .. . . . .. .. Hastings, N R.... 0 I J. C. George Bear Brook. ......... Russell.... ......... 0 I Alfred Hill 
Banda .......... ... 1 Simcoe, S R...... ...0 ,J. D. Carveth Bear Island... ......... I York. . . . .. . . .N B Isaiah Parent 
Bandon ., . .. . . . .. Huron, S R...... ...0 L. Melville Bear Point... ......... Shelburne...... N S John M. 8hand 
Banff ................... .. .... ... .... AUa F. Woodworth &ar R. (w:sidt) ... Digby......... N S V. T. Hardwick 
Bangor ........... King's...... PEl John McGregor Bear River ............ King's .........P E I D. Costello 
Hanks ............ . 1 Grey, E R ... ......0 Wm. Johnston Beaton's Mills. ...... Queen's....... PEl D. Beaton 
Banks of Br'd Cove. Inverness ......N S L. MacDougall Beatrice ............... Muskoka& P Sd. 0 Richard Lance 
B!tnnockburn......... ' HBBtings, N R. ...0 1 S. J. McEwen Beauce Junction ... Beauce ... ......... Q Vital Bilodp,\u 
Barachois .... ........ Westmoreland N B H. Gallang · Beauharnois ......... Beaubarnols ... Q L. R. Baker 
BarachoisdeMalbaie Gaspé. ...............Q Thomas Tapp Beaufort.......... . I Carleton.........N B Sam
l L. Dow 
Barb.............. Pí'escott ............ 0 Alex. LeBoy Beaulac ............... Montcalm ......... Q Georg
Bardolph............... Lennox ............OIWm. Boulton BOilUlieu ............... Montmorency.... Q Prudent Blais 
Bardsville ............ Simcoe, E.R. ......0 I Charles Bard Be,.uly.................. Antigonishe... N S C. H. Chisholm 
Barkervilk ............ Cariboo. .........B C I James stone ßeaumont ............ Bellechasse ...... Q George Conture 
ndrk Lake ............ Renfrew, 8 R......O Thos. Cubertson Beauport ............... Quebec ............ Q Isidore Giroux 
Barkway ............... 'Ontario, N R......O l samuel McCord Beaupré.......... Montmo:-ency . Q A. N. Vezina 
B.unaby River ...... Northumberl'd.N B Zl-Irs. McDonald Beaumaris........ Simcoe. E R..... 0 Edward Prowse 
Barnebville...... ...... King's... ...... ...N B Robert Simpson Beaurivage ............ Lotbinlère ...... Q Napoleon Brochu 
Barnett ............... Wellington,C R...O Tholl. Davidson ßeausejour ........ Lisgar.. ......?d J. L. Turner 
Barney Riv. Station, Pictou. . ... . . . N S John Robertson BeRu voir . . . .. .. ... Vaudrenil ...... Q J. E. Poirier 
Barney's River ......,Pictou.. .........N S,Geo:'ll Beaver Bank ......... ........................... 
Barnston............ ... 'Sumstead . .........Q C. N. RemIck Beaver ßrook ......... Halifax ......... N S Danielllalli8er 
Bar River ............ Algoma ............0 John Evoy Beaver Brook...... Albert ......... N B Mrs. Ira Calhoun 
Barrett............ ...... ,Muskoka& P Sd...O James Corkey Beaver Cove ... ...... COlchester.... N S Walter Marshall 
Barrettsholme ...... Albert............N B Andrew Barrett Beaver Creek...... CRpe Breton ...N 8 Stephen l\lcXeil 
"'Barri.e ............... Simcoe,N R.......O James Edwards Beaver Dam .......... Marquette .... M S.Thompson 
Barriefield ............ Frontenac .........0 John Ry..n Beaver Harbour...... York.........N B W. Hainin
Barrie Island . ...... 'Algoma ......... ...0 O. H. Morden Beaver Point ...... Charlotte ...... N B Leonard Best 
Barrington ............ Huntingdon ... ...Q Miss J M Lyttle Beaver Rapids.. . . " Marquette .........M Goo. Wilson 
Barrington ......... Shelburne ......N 
 R H Crowell Beaver River ......... Digby............ N S R. N. Beveridge 
Barrington Pasll8ge.:Shelburne ......N S A. Trefrey Beaver RiverCorner Digby............ N S Philip Doty 
Barrio's Beach ......: Ant.igonishe ...N S Benj. Boudrot · Beaverton ... ...... ... Ontario, N R...... 0 James Cameron 
Barry's Bay.... ......,Renfrew, N R......O William Martin * Becanevur..... .... Nicolet ............ Q 
HssM. E. Ri.ard 
Barry's Corner.....' Lunenburg . ...N 8 ChaR. Barry BE:cancour Station.. Megantlc ......... Q Joseph Leclerc 
Barronsfield ......... Cumberland ...N 8 Miss Ella. 8eamaD Becher............ Bothwell........ 0 Henry Roebuck 
Bar St.ttlement .... Hants ............N 8 Donald 
lcPhee Beckstead... ...... Dundas............. 0 G. BeckRtead 
Barss' Corners ...... Lunenburg......N 8 Robert Barss Bedeque. ............... Prince .........P E I :\Iajor Wright 
Bartibog ............... Northumberl'd
T B John Doyle lJpfiford ............... Missisquol ...... Q Edward Coslett 
Bartibog Bridge....' Northumberl'dN B Dennis Hayes Bedford Basin......... aaUfax ......... N S Miss A. Cameron 
Bartlett l\Ulls......... Charlotte ......N B Jesse Bartlett Bedford Mills. n... Frontenac...... 0 Benjamin T
Bartonvllle............ Wentworth, S R'O I W. J. Gage Beebl'. Plain............ Stanstead ......... Q J. L. House 
Bas de l' Anse . . . ..' Charlevoix. .... . Q F. Asselin Beech Grove.. . . . ... Pontiac......... Q C. H. Taber 
Basin Dépðt .......... 'Dt of Nipissing ...0 I C. McLachlin Beech Hill ............ Albert ......... N B David Bayley 
Basin Rinr Inhab...lRichmond ... ...N S James Walker Beec\:!. Hill ........ King's........ N 8 Ed. M. JordRn 
Bassin du Llevre.... Ottawa ............Q W. C. Kendall Beech Lane............ Norfolk, 8 R.....O Albert Cameron 
Basinjl;litoke ..........1 Wentwc>rth, 8 R'O I Jas. Heaslip Beechmount. ......... 1 H!tstings, N R ... 0 F. B. [.aeey 
Bau River ............' Colchester ......N 8 Mrs. A. T. Dicke) Beechmont ............ Cape Breton. ...N S Alex. McDonald 
BBBS River ............, Kent. ............N BI H. McKendrick Beech Ridge ......... , Argenteuil ...... Q A. Bell 
Basswood Ridge...... Charlotte ......N B Wm. McKenzie BFe
hwood ............ Huron, S R ...... 0 J. T. Wright 
Basswood. . . . . . . . .. Marquette......:\1 1. Crookman Beeton ......... ......... Simcoe, 8 R .. .... 0 D. A. Jones 
Bateston ............... Cape Breton ...N 8 :\Iark Bates Beggsboro' ............IMuRkoka& P 8d. 0 .John Davie 
. Ba Bat th h ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 1 
n rl n e O to x n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N ...O ß T I! h ' o A s. rm Bo s b tr a o n ng Beltast ... ...............1 Huron, W R. ... 0 James 
\In Belfast ............... ...j Qutoen's . ...... PEl 'M artin Martin 
Bathurst ......... ......I Gloucester... ...N B Helen I. Waitt Belford... ...... ......... York, E R......... 0 Israel Burton 
Bathurst Village...... 'Gloucester ......N R Jos. L. Melangon Belfountain ......... Cardwell. ......... 0 Noah Herrin!; 
Batiscan ......... ....IChampiain......... Q Miss A. Fugere Belgrave ...............1 Huron, E R ...... 0 Mrs. S. Molley 
B1toche........ ...... !SBBkatchewan .... Rev. J. Moulin Helhaven ............ I YOrk, N R......... 0 Nen Morton 
Batteau ............... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 Wm. Bòuchiere Belle Anse.. .......... Gaspe............... Q 'rhos. Tonzel 
Battery Hill ......... 1 Pictou. ......... N S Peter A. Grant Bellednne ............. Gloucæter ... N B J. Chalmers, iun. 
Battersea............... Frontenac ......... 0 W. J. AngUn Belledune River...... Gloucester ... N B John Curry 
Battie'sCorners..... 'Glengarry...... .0 John McDonell ß>ll Ewart ............'Simcoe, SR. ...... 0 S. C. Webster 
Battleford ............ Saskatchewan..... II. Richardson Belle Creek............ QUAen's .... ...P E I Lemnel Compton 
Ba'tter'lI Harbour ...1 King's. .. ., ... N S John 8. Baxt<>r Bellefleur. . . .. .. . .. nctorla...... N B A. de Villers 
Bay du vin............ I Northumberl'd N B Miss Willi'iton Bolleisle ............... Annapolis ......N S R. L. Dodge 
Bay du Vin Mills ... Northumberl'd NB James Graham BelIeil'le ............... King's ......... N B Wm. Kierlltead 
... Bayfield ............ Huron, S R. ......0 James Gairdner Belleisle Bay......... King's ........ N B John F. Downey 
Bayfield ................ Westmoreland N B Frank H!\rper Belleisle Creek ...... King's ......... N B Miss McLeod 
Bayfie1d. ............... Antigonillhe ...N 8 C. S. Strople Bellenden ............ Queen'R......... N B Robert Jeffery 
Bay Fortune. . .. .. . I Klng'lI .... . .. PEl J. H. 
IcKie Bell" Riv,r ...... ...... ERsex, N R......... 0 D. Dumouchelle 
Bayham ...............' Elgin, E R......... 0 J. G. Pauling Belle Rivière ......... Two Mountains. QIC. Robertson 
Bayside ................ I Hastings, W R... 0 Ja
per w. Lent Belle Vallée .......... St John's ......... Q I G. La Valle 
Bayside . ............... Charlotte ...... N B I John Curry Belleview..... ....... Selkirk..... .....M C. T. Bell 
Bay 8t. Lawrence ...IVictoria ...... N S A. 8. )1cDonald .Belkville ............ HaHtings, W R... O j J. H. Meacham 
Baysvill.e ...............IOntario, N R.... 0 Wm. H. Brown Belleville............... Carleton ...... N B James Martill 
Bayswater.........: King'1I ...... N B I Mrs. M. J. Currif Belleville....... ....1 Yarmouth....N SI I L. Porter 
Bay View............... 1St. John ...... N B Charles J. Carr Belleville Station ... Hastings, W R... 0 W. G. Henderson 
Bayview ............... Queen's ...... PEl 
liss E. Martin Belliveaux Cove...... D:gby ............ N S Urb. Belliveaux 
Bayview. ............... Grey, E R ......... OIR. McConnell Belliveaux Village.. Westmoreland N B, Lewis Richard 
Beachburg ............ Renfrew, N R.... 0 George Surtees Bellevue......... Victoria, SR.... 0 1 Tho8. L. Davis 
Bedch Point ......... King's......... PEl John McKenzie Bell Mount......., Pontiac ............ Q George Palmer 
Beaconsfield ......... Oxford, S R. ...... 0 Wm. H. Case Bellrock ......... ...... Addington... ...... 0 I Mrs. M. Coffey 
Beaconsfield. ......... Selkirk........ M Chas. Wright Bell's Garners ......... Carleton............ 0 George Arnold 
Beaconsfield.... ......, Victoria .........N B Jolni Duncan Belmina. ............... Wolfe.......... Q I 'F. H. Parsons 
Beach Meadows... . [Qneen's ......N S Henry Wentzel Belmont ............... l lIiddlesex. SR... 0 W. H. Odell 
.BeachviLU ............ / Oxford. S R ......0 Thomas Taylor Belmont ............... Colchester ....N S I Thomas Lind6a,' 
Bealton . ............... Norfolk, N R.... 0 Frank Turner Belmore ............... Huron, E R ...... 0 Peter TerrIff 




&ïæiïSWion-=:: Verchère; ......... Q J. B. Leb 
Belæl1 Village ...... Verchères ......... Q I J. R. Brillon 
Belton .................. r.Iiddle!!ex, E R... 0 1 ' John Gibson 
* Belwood. ., .. . . ... Wellington, C R. 0 A. Lightbody 
Belyea's Cove ......... Queen's ..... N B 1 J. L. Belyea 
Benacadie . ............ Cape Breton ...N S John McNeil 
Benbecula ............ ...... ............. Assa I David Miller 
Bendale .. ........ York, E R......... O I Wm. Forfar 
Benmiller ............ Huron, W R....... 0 Jon. Miller 
Bennett............ \Iegantic ...... QiJ. Bennett 
Bennies Corners.... Lanark. N.R...... 0,1': B. Carswell 
Bennington............ Oxford, N R ...... 01 P. W. Murray 
Bensfort ............... Peterboro', 'V R.. O I Alex.Oallowa y 
Benton .................. Carleton .........N B Almon J. Teed 
Berestord.............. Gloucester .... N B I 'JosePh Aube 
Bergerville ............ Quebec ............ Q )Irs. C. Petitclerc 
Berkeley............... Grey, N R ......... OIGeorge Fleming 
*&rli'TI ............... Waterloo, N R... O l wm. Jaffray 
Berry Mill Station. Westmoreland, NBC. B. Keith 
Berry ton ............... Albert ......... N B Edward Berry 
Berry ton .............., Leeds, S R......... O I James Berry 
Bersimis ...............,8aguenay ......... Q P. C. Dupuis 
Berthier (en ba!) .... \ Montmagn y ...... Q P. 8. Joncas 
*&rthier (m haut).. Berthier ......... Q Mrs. O. Lavallee 
Bervie .................. Bruce, WK....... OINiChOI McIntyre 
Berwick ............... Stormont ......... O I r.Ioses N. Lobin 
* &rwic" ............... Kin
B ......... N S Edward C. Foster 
* Bethany............... Durham, E R.... 0 C. W. K
Bethel...... ... ... ...... Shefford... ......... Q W. Bartlett 
Bethel.................. Prince Edward... O
John Robinson 
Beihesda ............... Ontario, W R.. ..0' Frederick Pretty 
Beulah .................. Marquette......... M,G. H. Rowswell 
Bewdley ............... Northumb., W R OIJohn Sidey 
Bexley.................. Victoria,:N R...... 0 W. G. Peel 
Bic........................IRimouski ......... QIJ.R. Colclough 
Bienville ............... Lévis ............... Q Honore Girard 
Big Bank............... Victoria......... N 8 Donald Smith 
Big Bar Creek...... Cariboo ...... B C,John Galla 6 her 
Big Bras d'Or ......... Victoria......... N S Miss 
Big Brook ............ Inverness ...... N 8 Malcolm McLeod 
Big Cove ............... Queen's ......... N B,J. 8. Humphrey 
Big Fork ............... Algoma ............ 0' E. !IIcCoEkrie 
Biggar Ridge ...... Carleton ........N B,J. Biggar 
Big Harbour.......... Victoria..........N S Philip Fraser 
Big Intervale (Mar.) Victoria......... N S }lalcolm McLeod 
Big Island ............ Pictou ......... N S John Cameron 
Big Lake. . . .. . . . .. Algoma........ 0 I W. J. Burrow 
Big Loraine............ Cape Breton... N S George Jewell 
Big Mar!!h....... ...... King's...... ...P E I D. :McDonald 
Big :'Iarsh _.......... Antigonlshe.. N S Mrs. McDonald 
Big Point............... Kent... ........... Û Joseph Chelf 
Big Pond ............... Cape Breton ...N 8 Michaell\olcNeU 
Big Port Ie Bear...... Shelburne ... N S George Harding 
Big Ridge ....... ...... Cape Breton.... N S I Anguli McDonalð 
Big 8prings. . . . .. .. Hastings, N.R.... 0 J esee Neal 
Big Tracadie ......... An tigonlshe... N S William Gerrolr 
Billerica ............... Pontiac ............ Q J. Pritchard 
Billings' Bridge ...... Russell ............ Û Mrs. Lougley 
Bill Town ............ King's ......... N S I W. Stub. Sweet 
Binbrook............... Wentworth, S R.. 0 James Gawley 
Bingham Road. ...... Monck............... 0 Nicholas Miller 
Binkham ............... Wellington, SR. 01 W. Vansbrough 
Binscarth............... Ml\rquette . ...... 1\1 ,G. L. 8mellie 
Birch Ridge. ......... Victoria......... N B I Thos. Knowles 
Birchton ............... Compton ......... Q[J. A. McKneight 

l ::.::.:.:::. 




B::.rd's Creek ......... Hastings, N R .. O I J. Murphy 
Birdton ................ York .............N B Robert Bird 
Birdsalls . . . .. . . .. . \ Peterboro', E R. 0: J. Lancaster 
B!rmingham ......... Frontenal' ......... 0: Mrs. Birmingham 
Bunam . ............... 1 Lambton, E R ... O \ J. Hender@on 
Birr ..................... ì\liddlellex, HR... 0 Peter Bowey 
Birtle ................... 
Iarqnette ....... M Albert B. Wood 
BiscQfasing....... . \ Algoma ........ 0, W. C. Sampson 
Bishop's Mills......... Grenville, N R... OIG. Fergueon 
Bishop's Crossing ... Wolfe.......... QI John McFadden 
Bismarck......... ... "' 1 Monck ............. 0 I John Sundy 
Bissett Creek. " ... Renfrew. N R .. 0 X. W. Bernier 
Black Bank............ Simcoe, S R.......!O H. Heitman 
Black Brook ......... North'mb'rl'd. N S I Andrew Loggie 
Black Brook ......... Cape Breton....N 8 H. Livingstone 
Blackburn ............ Russell............. 0 John Cou
Black Gape .. .. . ... Bonaventure.... Q Robert Fair 
BlackCreek............ Welland............ O l H. Allen 
Black's Cornerl ...... Wellington, N R 0 James Graham 
Black Heath ......... Wentworth, S R. 0 Alex. Blain 

Black Lõ.nd........ ::::I Restigonë'be... N -BI Wm. C oo
Black Point............ I Restigouche... N B I David McNair 
Black Point ..........,Halifax ......... N SIC. F. Hubley 
Black Point. ........" Queen's. ......N S' I George A. Shand 
Black River. ........., North'mb'rl'd. N B R. McNaughton 
Black River............, St. John ...... N B John Stewart 
Black River...... ...... ,AntigoniRhe... N S I Colin Grant 
Black River Bridgo. 1 Prince Edward.. 0 Alva Grimmon 
Black Bridge. I North'mb'rl'd. N B A. Cameron 
Black Rock............ Cumberland... N S;JameR WiIliger 
Black Rock............, Glouce8ter .... N B, 
1i8S M. l\iurphy 
mack Rock............ Victoria. .........N B j Leonard Reid 
Black's Harbour.... Charlotte... ..N S G. W. Cro!'s 
Blackville............... North'mb'rl'd. 
 B I W' H. Grindley 
Blair .................. Waterloo. S R.... 0 J. Renshaw 
Blair Athol... ......... Restigouche ...N B , Jos. Parrant 
Bhlirhl\mpton......... Victoria, N R .... 0 Wm. Blair 
Blairton ............... Peterboro'.ER... OtTo C. Caskey 
Blake .................. Huron. SR...... O j John Leslie 
Blake ............ Marquette .... J'tI W m. Cairns 

d &



Blanchard Settlem't Gloucester. . . . N B I Luc Blanchar'} 
Blanche. . . . .. . . . .. Ottawa ............ Q Samuel Campbel1 
Blanche ............... Shelburne.... N 8: Mrs. R. Thomas 
Blanchet...... .... Levis ........... Q' Joseph Paquet 
Blandford ...... ...... Arthabaska ...... Q I D. Bergeron 



W'k .::.

ßlßntyre ............... Grey, E R ......... OiJas (,. PattersoD 


.. :.:..: i


Bles!!ington . ...... Hastings, E R.... 0 I Henry Cole 
Blind River............ Algoma ............ 0 Peter Murrl\Y 
ßlissfield ............... North'mb'rl'd. N B Jamel! Fowler 
Blissville............... Sunbury ...... N B 1IIiss E. rt'rley 
Block Honse ......... Lunen burg ...... N 81 James J odrey 
Blomidon ............. King's....... N S E. J. Loomer 
Bloomfield ............ Prince Edward... 01 A. B. Saylor 

. :::::::::::: 


is Dunn 
Bloomfield ............ King's ......... N B I JOhn Leavitt 
Bloomfield.. ....... Digby....... ....N 8 H. Jones 
Bloomfield Ridge.... York. ............N B Alex. l\Il\cdonald 
Bloomfield Station. King's........ N B I Alfred T!lylor 
Bloomfield Station. Prince...... PE I,Fabien Peters 
Bloomingdale ......... Waterloo, N R... O I V' Kirchner 
Blooming Point ...... Queen'l; ..... PEl Alex. Rattray 
Bloomington ......... Ontario, W R.... Ù I ;\Jaxon Jones 
Bloomsburg ......... Norfolk. N R .... 0 J. H. Linwood 
Blueberry .. ...... Queen's .,... .NS J. E. Hemeon 
Blue Cove......... Glour..ester.... N B,J. H. Doiron 



.. ::: ::: r




Blue Rock. ............ Lunenbourg... N 8 Edward Knickle 
nzuevale ............... HUron. E R ...... 01 James Timmin!' 
Blumenort ..... ... Selkirk ........ :\1' W. Remple 
Blythe .................. Huron. E R ...... O l D. B. IIIcKinnoI! 
Blythfield ........ Lisgar... .......... J'tI Wm. H. Mell(\w 
ßlytheswood ......... Essex, SR....... 0 .J ohn IIIiller 
Boakvlew ......... ............. As!'a j G.A.Boake 
· Bobcaygeon . ......... Victoria. S R...... 0 Irvine .Junkin 
Bocabec . ............... Charlotte ...... N B ! Jl-lra. Hanson 
Bogart .................. Hastings, E R ... 0 Francis :\Iurphy 
Bognor... ...... ......... Grey, N R . . . . . . 0 C. H. Heming 
Boiestown . ............ North'mb'rl'd. N B Dan. :\'lcblillan 
Boileau............ Ottawa ........ Q P. Boileau 
BoisdaleBarachols.. Cape Breton ..N S, D. l\lcSeil 
BoisdaleChapel...... Cape Breton....N SiD. N. Mclnt)re 
Bois de Filion. ..... Terrebonne...... ...Q I O. Chßplf>au 
Bolduc............ Beaueo............. Q Pierre Begin 
Bolingbroke ......... Lanark, 8 R ...... O,John Korry 
Bolsover ............... Victoria, N R . ... 01 Adam Staback 
Bolton Centre ......... Brome ............ Q JOB. J'tI. Holland 
Bolton Forest......... Brome ............ Q'C. J. Fortin 
Bolton Glen.... ...... Brome ............ Q F. A. Hammond 
Bomanton ............ Northumb., W R. OlE. W. Day 
Bonaventure Island Gaspé.... .... .. .QI Philip B08!'y 
Bonavpnture River. Bonaventure...... Q,Jo'red. Forest 
Bon Desir. ............ 8aguenay. ......... Q Thadee Gagnon 
.Ikmdhead ............ York, N R........ O I J. M. Carter 
Bongard'!'! Corners... Prince Edward... 0 Job D. Bongard 
Bonnechere........ Renfrew, SR.. 0 Edwßrd1ll(\or 
Bonne Esperance. .. Saguenay ...... Q W. H. Whitely 
BonneyRiverStation Charlotte.....N B 1 Miss 1. Mathe
Bonshaw ...... ......... Queen's.... ...P E I J. A. Robertson 
Bcokton ............... Norfolk, N R...... 01 P. N. McIntosh 




 ..::=. Inverness... ... N S Alex. ?t1ë

acherD Bridg
w;;ï;,. ---:::::: Lunenburg -:
S Joseph Whitford 
B'XJth .............. Pontiac......... Q Robt. Wilson Brierwood ............ Selkirk ............ M I W' H. GrliY 
Ford à. Plouffe ...... Laval... ............ Q I L. Sauriol Brigden ...... ......... Lam bton . ......... 0 John Armstrong 
fiordeaux . ...... .. Hochelaga. _.... Q Wm. Picard Bri
g's Corner. ...... Queen's ......... N B Hugh McLean 
Bornholm ............ Perth, N R . ...... 0 Mrs. T. Walsh Bri
ham .......... Brome............... Q,John O'Connor 
Bornish . ............... Middlesex, N R... 0 Arch McLeod .Brigltt.................. Oxford, N R ...... 0 Wm. B. Wilson 
Borromée ......... RuFsell............. 0 Chas. Fontaine .Brighton ............ Northumb..ER..O T.C. Lockwood 
Boscobel ............... ShefIord ............ Q Wm Hackwell Brightsidb ............ Lllnark, N R.... U WilliamLochead 
Boscurvis... . . '. . .. ............. Assa W. Galloway Briley's Brook. . ... Antigonishe... N S It Chisholm 
Boskung .......... Victoria. N R .. 0 Joseph Beatty 8rinsley ............... \liddlesex, N R... 0 George Brown 
Boston .................. Norfolk, N R...... 0 Oliver C. Rouse Brinston's 00rn8rs.. Dundas ............ 0 Charles Lock 
Bùrneish ....... .,. Inverness.....N S John l\lcDonald Brlsbanp ...............1 Wellington, f! R.. OIJosbua Ashley 
Boston Bllr........ Yale&Kootenay,BC I Peter Fink Bristol ..................ICarle
on .........N HIJ. H. Hayw
Boston Mills .. ... Peel............ 0 Neil Clark Bristol . .. . . .. .. . . . 'PontIac.. .. .... . Q: Thomas CraIg 
Bosworth ............ Wellingtou, CR. OIJ. Sanderl!()n Britannia ............ Peel.................. OIJ. A. Greenius 
Botany......... ...... EI
in, W R....... 0 C. McBrayne Britannia Mills ...... Bagot... ...... ...... Q' 
Irs. II. Guilbert 
"Bothwell ............ Bothwell.......... O,Wm. RAgan Briton .................. Perth, N R ....... o 'Joseph Freeman 


 ..: :.: :.: :.: :.: 


J I 


ean :


l: :.: :.: :.::.: 

 P.S'd: g i 


tsford Portage.... Westmoreland N ß M. Hallihan Brol\d Cove ChapeL. Invernesl...... N S ,Alex. McLellan 
Buucherville ......... Chambly ......... Q L. Normandin Broad Cove (Lunen.) , Lunenburg ... N 8, 
Ir!;. Ed. Tel'll 
Bouchette ............ Ottawa ............ Q,John Grllce Broad COTe Minps... Inverness...... N 'IJ. J. Oampbell 
Bouck's Hill ........ DunfJas. ............ 0 1 Henry "'-. Ford Broad Cove Ponds... Inverness ...... N S'J. A. McLellan 
Boudreau YiIlage... Westmoreland N B Alex. Boudreau Broadlands ......... Bonaventure .., Q Melvin Adams 
Bougie............ Jacques.Cartier . Q Leon Vervais Broudvj,w. ............ ...... ............. Ass. J. (}lementson 
Rùulogne ............ Drummond....... Q Frederic Wood Brockton ............... York. W R ....... OIl. R. Hill 

 o O u u l r a d r e d a a u rl ' e '. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . V 
[ l .u c S to k r o l .k a a. . . .. . . . . . . . N "O s IW D. . R R . 

m cD e o Y nald *Brochtilù ............ Brockville .
....... OIW. Fitzsimmons 

 . JU Brodhagen ............ Perth, N. R. ...... O'Oeo. L'3onhllrdt 
H'Julardarie B.Lands Cape Breton ...N S I M. McKenzie Brodie.. .. .. ....... Glengarry...... 0 iJohn A. 8mith 





: :


d::::::::: 8 

';.;, <i
Boulardarie West... Cape Breton ... N S,John McNeil Browpton Fallll...... Richmond ......... Q I )1. McDonnell 
Baulter ............... HastingR, N R... olw. D. Parkhurst Bronson ............... Hastings, N R... 0 Fred. Mullett 
Boundary Creek...... Westmoreland N B I R. B. C. Weldon .Brontt.................. Halton ............0 G. Ii:. McCranay 
Boundary,Presqu'ile Carleton ...... N B Elijah Cosman Brookburn ... ...... Annapolis.... N Sill. D. !Janks 
Bourgeois. ............ Kent ............N B J. J. Bourgeois Brookbury ............ Compton ......... Q R. Rowe 
Bourg Louilf ......... Portneuf ......... Q Patrick Russell Brooke............ Lanllrk, SR.... 0 B. \lcKeracher 
Bowesville............. Russell ..... ...... 0 J. Gllmble Brookdale. ............ Ottawa............. Q I W' H.Colquhoun 
Bowling Green ...... Wo:ollington. N R O I Jl!iss B. Brookdale........ Marquette .... M Charles Gowan 
.. Bowmanville... ...... Durham, W R ... 0 J. B. Fairbairn lirookfield. .......... Colcheliter ... N 8 James Graham 
Box Gro\"e ............ York, E R......... 0 John McCaffrey Brookfield ............ Quf'Em's......... N 8 Samuel Neilv 
Boylston ......... ...... Guysboro' ...... N 8 1 J. R. Atwater Brookfield Station... Welland............ 0 Mrs. M. Topp 
Bo,yne .................. Halton. ............ 0 Wm. Galbraith Brookholm ........ Grey, N R ... .. . 0 :Goo. Crane 
Bflynton ............... 8tanstead ......... Q I JOhn Crosbie Brooklaud ............ Pictou ........... N E',Wm. Gray 
"ß)'acell1'wge ......... Ontario. N R '" 0 Robert P. Perry .Brooklin............... Ontario, S R...... 01 A. 80mervUle 
Brackenril!: ............ Muskoka& PS'd. O I 'JOhn DðvJdøon Brooklyn ............ King's .........P E I H. D Compton 
Hrackley Point....... Queen's.......PEI S. McC81lum Brooklyn ............ Queen's ...... N S,J.R. Il>tll 
brnckley Point R'd. Queen's. ......P E I John Mc
lillan Brooklyn ............. yarmouth.... N SIJ. H. Pitman 
Brllcondale ............ York, W R...... 0 1 Frank Turner Brookldale ............ Oxford, N R ...... O' \ Tbos.Heron 
*Brad,ford ............ York, N R . ...... 0 H. S. Broughton Brookvale ............ Queen's ......... N B lIIrs. 1\1. ]4'owlie 
Bradley....... ..... Bruce, E R. ...... 0 Reb'ca Robinson Brookvale, ............ Halifax ......... N S !lIrs. O. Hannah 
Brlldshaw ............. Bothwell. ......... 0 1 Wm. Bradshaw Brook Yillage......... I nverne81 ...... N 8 Robert Frizzle 
iue. ......... Selkirk..,..... M John Parr Brookville ............. Cumberland... N S Leander Hatfield 
Brae ..................... Prince ......... PET A. Campbell Brookville .. .. .. ... Pictou ......... N S Simon Fraser 
Brae Lake......... lIluskoka & P S'd. 0 Jail. N. Guess Brookville.... ......... Carleton. ...... N B Hugh T. London 
Braemar ............... Oxford, N R ...... 0, Al1drew Mackay Brotherston.. .. ... Wellington. N H. 0 Montezuma Bros 
Braeside ............... Renfrew. SR.... O I JOhn Gillis Brougham ............ Ontari<" WR..... O I T. II. Morton 
Bramley............... Simcoe, S R...... 0 John Gordon Broughton ............ Upauee............... Q Chas. H. J. Hall 
. B1'amptoo ...... ...... Peel.................. 0 !II. M. Elliott Brollghton Station. Heauce........ Q, Jawes McGPe 
Brallch La I1ave.... Lunenburg... N S gdward Vienot BrouMe\'ilIp ............ Grenville, SIt... OINewton Jackson 
Branchton ............ Waterloo,S R.... 0 1 Michael Laing Brown Hill............ York, N R......... O,Jobn Brown 
Brandon ............... Selkirk ............ 
I J. C. Kavanagh Brown's Brook ...... Cumberland ... N S;Wm. Anderson 
Brandon Hills .... Selkirk ............ M " James Baker Brownqburg ......... Argenttluil......... Q'D. Smitb 

randyOreek......... Norfolk, N R...... 0 Jas. Wintermute Brown's Creek..... King's...... P E I I JOhn Brure 
Bransfield...... ... Northumberl'd,N B Donald Nowlan Brown's Mountain.. Anti
onilhe... N S A. McEachern 
* Brantford ............ Brant, S R......... 0 A. D. Clement Brownsville............ Norfolk, N R .... 0 Wm. Bnughupr 
Bray's Crossln
.... Ru88t111..........0 C Bray Brownsville . . ..... Pictou ....... . . .N S James CamAros 
Brazil Lake. .... . .. yarmouth.... N S Isaiah Crosby Brovmsville . ......... King's ... ...... N n I C..J King 
Breadalbane ......... Glengarry......... 0 J. R. CampbH Brucefleld ............ HUI"On, S R. ...... OIRobert Mark!! 
Breadalbane ......... Rf>stigouche... N B John Mc'dlllan Br'Ilce Minu ......... Algoma ............0 Miss E. Mlirks 
Brechin ............... Ontario, N R...... 0 .John Bernard Brudenell ............ Renfrew, SR.... OiJ8.B. Costello 
Brenton........ ... Yarmouth....N 8 1 }
dwd. Pennill Brule .................. Colchester ...... N BID. Stevenson 
Brentwood ............ Simcoe, N R ...... 0 John O'Connell Brunner ............... Perth, N R. ...... O l 'JOhn Attridge 
Breslau . ............... Waterloo, N R... 0 Josepb Bieth Brunswick ............ Durham. E R .... 0 Lom. Patt.erson 
Brewer's Mills ...... Frontenac ......... 0 Rohert Anglin *Brussels ............... Huron, E R. ...... 0 .John R Grant 
Brewster ...... ...... ''' 1 Middlesex, N R. 0 William Fulton Bryanston ............. \liddlcl5eI, E R... O,'f. B. Goulding 
Brickley............... Northumb., E R. O l wm. Lynch Bryerton ............... Northumberl'n.NB! Albt!rt Bryerton 
Bridge Creek...... Marquetta ...... M OeD. j<'raser .Bryson. ............... Pontillc ............ Q E. B. D. Lafleur 
Bridgedale ............ Albert .......
. N B I F. N. Stooves *BucJ..-ingham ......... Ottawa ............ QIF..J. Wilson 
Bridge End............ Glen
rry ......... 0 W. C. McGillis Bllckland............... Bellechl\llS8 ...... QT. Roulleau 
Bridgenorth .........' Peterboro', W R.. 0 Marclls S. Dean 8ucklaw ............... Victoria ......... N S "1.1\leLeod 
Bridgeport ............ Waterloo, N R... 0 I H. Schewermann Buckley's............... King'1!I ......... N S '!\Irs S. Buckley 
Bridgeport......... Cape Breton... N S, Daniel Graham '. BIV-touclte ............ Kent ............ N B B. H. Foley 
Bridgeport l\lines ...ICape BrAton... N S F. J. Mitchell Bulger .................. Renfrew, N R ... O'Timothy Gormon 

 Bridgetown .........' Annapolis . ... N 8' E. Dodge. jun. BullMoos
 Hill...... King's....... ... N B K B!'uson 
Bridgeville ............ Pictou ......... N S John A. Cameron Bullock's Corners... Wentworth, N U. 0 W. Bullock, jun 
*Bridgewater .........IJIastingl5, N R... 0 Mrs. J. II. James Bulwer ............... Compton ......... Q,A. Sanborn 




Bumfrau-=== &;.Ieton :: ...... N B ,F
 E. McNally ëambria.-:: .==:: Argente
 i==-Q M:J:'Sti-;mg- 
Bunel!lf!ao............... Grey. S R ......... O l D. Mcinnes Cambridge ............ Queen's ......... N B Wm. H. White 
Bunyan ............... Lsmbton, W Roo. 0 Wm. Johnson Cambridge ............ Hants............ N S James Starratt 
Burden............ .... york........ N B 1 'JOhn Moore Cambridge Station... Kin't's . ......... N S John Colwell 
.. Burford ............. Brant. SR... ...... 0 Henry Cox Camden. East ...... ... Addington...... '" 0 Benjamin Clark 
BurgessviIle ......... I Oxford. S R. ...... O,E. W. Burgess Cameron ............... Vi'Jtoria, N R .... 0 James Brysen 
Burgoyne ............ Bruce, N R....... 0 J. A. Darling Cameron.sMiIls...... Kent ............S B JohnA.Cllmeron 
lle Ba
'. ...... Vancouver...... B CIJobn }laxwtJll Camerontown......... Glengarry......... 0 l\lrs. A. Camerou 
Burketon Station... Durham........ 0 M. E. Quigley Camilla...... ......... l'ardwell .... ...... 0 B. L. Davidson 
ßurk's }I'alls .. oo ... !\Iuskoka & P S'd. 0 David F. Burk Camille. . .. . .. . . .. l\larquette....... 
I W. R. Ross 
Burleigh ............... Peterboro', E R... 0 Alex. Brown Camlachit ............ Lambton, W R... 0 Joseph Cairns 
Burleigh Falls. ......' Peterboro'. E R... 0 John lIolmes Campbellcroft ....... Durham. E R.... 0 A. Smith 
*Burli'f/{/ton .......... Halton ............0 J.T.B8.8tedo *Camphtllford ...... Northumb.,ER..O W. LI.Arooer 
Burlington ............ Princ-e .........P Jo
 I Joseph Davison Campbell's Cross ....' Peel.................. 0 James Cesar 
Burlington ............ King's ... ...... N S I W. E Anderson Campbcll Settlem't. King's ......... N B D. K. Campbell 
ßurlington Beach... Wentworth, S R. OjJohn H
 Campbell Settlem't. York ............ :K B ll. McFarland 
Barnaby... ....... Monck.......... OJ W. A. KmuaJrd CampbeUton. ......... 1 Elgin, W R. ..... 0 Mrs.M'Kerracher 
Burnbrae............... Northumb.. E R. O I Alex. Donlll
 Gampbellton ......... Restigouche... N B A. McKendrick 
B:lrnhamthorpe...... Peel.................. 0 James CurrIe Campbellville ...... .\ Halton ............0 S. R. Lister 
Burnley ...............1 Northumb., WR O:Wm. Lawler Campbellville ..... Selkirk ............ M Peter Campbell 
Burns .................. Perth, N R ....... O,W. B. Freeborn Campdcn............... Lincoln ............ 0 II. W. Moyer 
Burn'iide ............... 1 Msrquette .........M I Thom!1I1 OUver Campo Bello. .oo.. Charlotte ...... N Ii Luke Byron 
Burnside.......... Two Mountains. Q,John Wood Canaan.................. RusseU............. 0 John Larmour 
Bummde .......... Pictou........N S I AngU
 McLeod Canaan.................. yarmouth...... N S G. H. Hurlburt 
Burnst<?Wll ............ Renfrew, S R .... 0 Donald McRae Canaan............ King's ......... N S W. J. Wallace 
Burnsvtlle. . . ... . . j Gloucester. ... N B I R. Montgomery C C:

d o 
 ::. . . . . . . .I 

s or . e .ï a .. n .d N N B B 

 e P r h na . r l d iP8 
Burnt Church. ...... Northumberl'd N B1,/ohn Hamilton 
Burntcoat ............ I Hantll............ N 8 1 RobcrtFaulkner Canada Creek......... ,King's ......... N S Chas. E. Eaton 
Burnt RiTer ......... Victoria. N R . ... 0 Simon Moore Canard. . . . . .. .. .. . ' I ' King's. .. . . ...N S J. E. Lockwood 
Burrard Inlet......... N.Westmin!!terB C I 'John Fannin Canard River ......... Essex. N R ....... 0 C. L. Pare 
Burritt's Rapids .... Grenville, N R... 0 Thos. A. Kidd Canboro' ...............1 Monck ............. 0 Ell BirdsaU 
Burt-ch .................. Brant. 8 R... ...... 0 " David Burtch C Ca a n n d fi 8.8 eld vi . I . I . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . ' !\ H l a O l n d c l .k m . a . n .. d ... . . . .. . . . . . . . Ù o J J 8 0h m n es sw M . .a tz rs e h r all 
Burton .................. Durham, E R. ... 0 James McGill 
B<1rton.................. Sunbury ...... N B M. E. A. Burpee Canmore ........... ... 1 ..... .... ...... Alta Mrs. Cumpston 
Burton.................. Prince......... P E liR. T. Wright Cannllmore ............, Stormont.......... 0 John Hughes 
Bury's Green ......... Ylctoria, N R .... OIJohn Fell Cannes ................ 'Richmond ......N S John E. }I'ortune 
Busbfield............... Huron, E R ...... o ,James Newcomb Cannifton ..............'IIastiugs, E R... 0 J. G. Forester 
Bush Glen.. .... ... 'Stormont. ......... OIGOrdon Bush Canning ............... Brant, N R ...... 0 Sam'l Allchin 
Bute ..................... Megantic ......... Q W. Murchie *l1lnni1lil............... King's ......... N I:! j c. E. Borden 
Butterfield ............ Selkirk ............ M:Henry Dann .Caflni1lilWn ......... Ontario, N R...... 0 Robert Talbot 
Butternut Ridge...... King's ......... N B'II. A. Keith Canobie ................ GlouceFter......N B Robt. Sealey 
Buttonville............ York. E R......... 0: '1'. Thomson Canoe Lake. . . ..... Cape Breton... N S Mrs. A. Munro 
Buxton ................ Kent.... ............ 0 I n. C. Echlin Canuollville... ...... ,Cumberland.. N S E. D. Fullodon 
Byng..................... Monck ............. O!Jos. A.Bicknell *Camo ..................;Guysboro'...... N S/JamesTate 
Byng Inlet. ............ !\Iuskoka & PS'd. O'Jas. White Canterbury......... Compton ......... Q Robt. Groom 
Byng Inùt North ... Muskoka & P S'd.O; Pierre Potvin Canterbury .......... 1 York ............ NBC. Eo Grosvenor 
Brynedale ........ }
SIleX:, N R..... . 0 1 Wm. Byrne Canterbury Station. York ............ N B' William Maia 
ByrRe's Road ......... King's .........P E IiW, 
lcCuIlough Cantley.. ........... Ottawa ............ OjR. Brown 
Byron .................. Middlesex, SR... 0, J. K. Montague Cauton ........... ...... Durham. E R.... 0 John Boyd 
lJable Head............, King's .........P E I : John Mcintyre Cap à I.Aigle.......... Charlevoix......... Q! 
lrB E. Savard 
Cacue Creek...... ./Yale.......... B C ,JameR Campbell Cap Chat ...... .. ..... 'Gaspé ......... ..... QI'felesphore Roy 
O:tcouna. ............... Temiscouata...... Q,.J. B. Beaulieu Cap des Rosiers ...... 'Gaspé ... ......... Q J. A. Whalen 
 ...............iDurham, W R ... O i T. W. !tobertson Cape Bald ........, Westmoreland.N BI Amos Burke 
CadurCls .......... Marquette.........M A. SmIth Cape Co\'e ............ Gaspe ............... Q:James Baker 
Cæsarea ...............IDurham. W R... O:I1enrv Jobliu Cape Chin............. Hruc6J N R ....... OIAlex. Currie 
Cain's River ........ ..., NOl'th'mb'rl'd. N B i I\lrs. C. !\I urdoch Cape Croker. ......... Bruce. N R...... ...0' F. Lamorandière 
CainRviUe ............. / Brant, N R. ...... 0 1 :'o1alachi Seager CapdeMOI!elleCreek Albert... ........N B i ' John Wileon 
Caintown............... Lead!!, SR......... 0 "Irs. lIoJZ;eboom Cape Egmont ........ 'Prince...... PEl A. L. Gallant 
Oairngorm. ............' Middlesex, W R. 0 Thos. Wescott Cape George .. ...... I Antigonishe... N S Robt.llcDonald 
Calrnside. . . .. " . .. Chateauguay .. . Q I James Cairmi Cape George Harbor Richmond ...... N 1'1/ K. McKenzie 
Cais!or Centre ....... Wentworth, S R. O j Wm. Neve1l8 Cape Johu ............Ipictou ......... N S , }{Obert McfÆOd 
CaistorTJille ............ Wentworth. S R. 0 A. SpearR, jun. .CUprliQn...............: Sherbrooke ...... Q S. L. Spafforà 
Calttbog;e............... Renfrew. SR.... 01 Robert l\lclnt
'r" l\labou ......... Inverness...... N 8,A. McQuarrie 
Calder .................. Middl"'l'ex, S R.. OIThomas Hall Capo North ............, Victoria ...... N S , ' Neil McAskii 
Caldt'rwood............ Grey. R R ...... 0 1 A. Calder Cape Negro....... .' Shelburne..... N S 
amuel Swain 
Caldwel1 ............... Cardwell............ 0 - O'Connor Cape Nllgro Island. 
Shelburne...... N S R. T. Perry 
C!lldwe'l .............
. Pontiac ............ Q,T. Lang Cape Ozo ...............IGo.spé ............... QI A. LeHuguet 
Oaldwell'. Mills.... [.anl\rk. N R...... 0' W. C. Caldwell Cape Rich ............. Grn}'. E H. ......... O'J. B. Li'3ter 
CalelYm .......... ...... Ca. dwell............ 0 S. Stubbd Cape Sable bland.. . 'Sheiburne...... N 8 1 ' Mrs. E. Kenney 

 don don

 . 8II . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ca Ha r l d d w . . m el a l n .. d .... . .. . .. . . . . 0 0 T Jo h h o n s. S C c r o a t u t ston Clip La Ronde ...; "' j Richmond .. . . N S Miss M. Latimer 
 Cap \Iagdeleine ...... Champlain ...... Q O. Toupin 
Caledonia...............:Queen's.........P EI 1\1. M. Stewart CliP Rouge .... ...... Quebec ............ Q Leon Laine 
()J.ledonia O1rn'r.... ,Queen's ......... K S J. B. Harlow "Cap Sante ... ......... Portneuf ......... Q Loui!! Jacques 
Caledonix Mills ......IAntigonishe... 1{ S Hod. McDonald Cllpe Spear ............IWestmoreland N B Jobn Mcltay 
Caledonia 1\lInes......, Cape Breton... :K S R. A. II. McKealJ Cap9 Station .......... Albert .... . .ooN B W. Eo CalhouR 
Caledonla,St.Mary'sIGuysboro' .... N S.J. A. Chisholm Cape Traverse .....,iPrince .........P E I Muncey Irving 
caiedoniasetttlem't. ! Albert ......... K B G. D. Reid Cape Wolfe ............ Prince ........ PEl J. J. :}I'ish 
Caledonia Springs... Prescott ............ 0 K. Arnoldi Caplin River. . ..... I Bonaventure.... Q Solomon Poirier 
rg . .............. .....................Alta ! G. C. King Cap St. Ignaoo ......: Montmagny ...... Q Mil's H. C. Larue 
California ......... Victoria ..... N B F. A.Turner Oapuclns............... Rimouski ......... Q Mrs.S. Cðté 
031f Mountain .oo. Marquette .... M F. Bolton <<'01rQ.l[ud. . ............ ,Glouceo!u,r ... N ß J. G.C. Blackball 
Calhoun --....... . 1 Westmoreland.1f B T. B. Calhoun Carberry ...............jMarq.letta ....... M H. A. Perley 
C,lllendel'..... .. '" MU'ikoka & P S'd. 0 Mrs. W. Wilson Cardigan Brldp;e .... King's...... PEl James McVea1l 
Oalton .................. Elgin, E R......... 0 Wm.McGregor Cardigan Road....... I King's .........P E I DennisltlcQnaid 
CalumetIsland ...... Pontiac ............ Q John Cahill .Cardinal ......... Grenville. S. R.. 0 Jno. H. Leacy 
Camborne ............ I Northumb.. W R 0 John Williams Cardwell.......... 'Cardwell....... 0 Rev. G.B.Mouley 
*Oambrøy . ............ Victoria, 1'( R .... 0 II. J. LytJe O1rgill. ... . . . . . . .. Bruce, E R .... 0 Henry Car<<It 
E [681] 




Carholme... .:==. ' Norfolk, R R...... 0 James Smith- Cedar r
q ke........ = I Digby............ NS Daniel Bethune 
Carillon ............... ArgenteuiL ...... Q I 
lrs)lJOFletcher Cedar :n1il
s. ..... .. I C ardwell ...... 0 Rl.bert Robb 
Carleton ............... I Bonaventure...... Q .Jean Lefebvre Cedar Sprmgs.. .... Kent........... 0 G. J. TaylOl' 
.Qtrleton...............:St.John ...... N ß James R.Read Cedars ..................ISoulanges......... Q E Bissonnette 
Carleton............ ...' Prince .........P E I I Charles DouU Cedsrville ............ I 'Grpy. E R......... 0 J. F. McLachlan 
.Ozrleton Pta
 ...... I Lanark. SR...... 0 Pat. Struthers Central Argyle ...... yarmouth...... N S A.M.VanNorden 
Carling.................. Muskoka &P S'd. 0 Robert Blair Central Bed"que... Prince...... PEl Colin Wright 
Carl!ngford ...... . 1 P
rth,. SR......... 0 Mrs. S. J. Dunlo
 Central Blissvllle... Sunbury...... N B I I.Uke E. Bail
Carlmgford .......... VICtorIa ......N B R. Everett Centr
J Clarence.... Annapolis...... N S 
lrs. H. l'ilcholø 
.rJingville. . . .. ... Marquette...... M S. C. Dinsmore Central Cambridge.. Queen.s....o.... N B I 
mos }Iott 
CarlisI..... ...... ......... Wentworth. N R. 0 :\lrs. R. KoeUa Cen tral Chebogue... Yarmouth ... N S t Francis C. C-ook 
Carlisle............... ". 1 Carleton. ...... N B AJexander Sha" Centralia... ............ Middlesex. N R...O Patrick Qui;!ley 
Carlow.................. Huron, W R ...... 0 Jas. McDonagh Central Grove ...... Digby............ N 
 WIn. A. Powell 
Carlow.................. Carleton ...... N B S. Cummins Central Hampstead. Queen's...... N B Pele
Car1sruhe............... Bruce,ER......... 0 Ernst. Seeber CeutralHaynesville. York ............ N B ! Wm. Billing 
Carlton.................. yarmouth...... N 8 John P. Mil1!\r Central Kingsclear... York ...... ...N B Mark Poore 
Carlton West ......... York, W R . ......0 Fmncis Heydon Oentral New Annan. Colchester .... N S I ,wm. Kennedy 
Csrluke ............... Brant, N R ......0 John B. Calder Central Norton ...... King's ......... N B J. W. Wiggins 
earlyJe ......, ..... ......... ........ AS
It J G Turriff Central Onslow...... Colchester...... N S Jehi..l Fu.on 
Carman .......... Selkirk............ M Wm. Badger Centre Augusta...... Grfnville.8 R ... 0 Charles Murphy 
Carmanville....... Addington...... 0 C. Lockwood Centreton ............ Nortbumb., W R. 0 Mrs. T. McAulay 
Carmunnock ......... Perth, N R......... 0 Thomas Moffatt Centreton.... .... King.s....... N ß James Kingston 
Carnarvon ............ Victoria, 
 R .... 0 EdwlI.rd Sisson Gentre Village ...... W a
tmorelaud K B Wm. Read 
CarDduff . . . .. . . . .' ............. AS8a J. P, Carnduff CentreviIle ............ Addington ....... 0 John Hinch 
Caron. .. .. . . .. ..... ............. ARRa J. G. McDonaid Centreville . ............ Carleton ...... N B Ludlow B. Clark 
Caron Brook ......... Victoria......... N B T. Pelletier Centreville ............ King's ......... N S J. M. Roscoe 
Carp ..................... Lanark, N R..... 0 Thos. Brown Centreville ............ Digb:r ............ N S C. H. Denton 
Carpenter ............ Queen.s..........N B F. C. Slipp Chaff!\y':,; Locks ...... Leed!S, SR......... 0 Jas. W. Simmons 
Carriboo Cove......... Richmond...... N S J. lIIalcolm, sen. Chalk. River. ......... Renfrew, N R.... 0 Thûs. Field 
Carriboo Marsh ...... Cape Breton ...N S M. Ferguson Ch
mbers . . . . .. . .. Lennox........ 0 W. J. Chambers 
Carriboo River ...... Pictou ............N S John McIver Chambers Settlem.t Kings........N B Philip Mc
Cariboo Gold Mines. Halifax ......... N S Charles Turple Chambly Basin ...... Chambly ......... Q George Mayrand 
Carrol1's Cornerl> ... Halifax ......... N S John Carroll *Chamb/y Canton ... Chambly ......... Q John Hackett 
Carrolton.......... Selkirk......... M A.H.Carroll Chambord............. Victoria .........N' B Goo. C.Poitras 
Carrville .. ............ York, W R......... 0 Wm. Cook 8hambord ........ Chkoutimi......... Q Job Bilodeau 
Oarson ......... ... ............ Ailsa J. B. Taylor Champlain ............ ChampllÙn......... Q N. Hardy 
Carsonby............... Carleton............ 0 Benj. E88tman Chance Harbour...... St. Jobn ...... N B David Tbompson 
Carsonville ............ Kiug's ......... N B John McLeod Cbance Harbour. ... Pictou............ N S D. Cameron 
dala ........... ASllniboia. N W T Edward Carss Chandos ............... Peterboro', E R... () Billings Kilburn 
Carswell. ............... Renfrew, SR.... 0 DaTid Carswell Cbannay ............... Beauce...............Q Francois PouHn 
e ............... Pertb, N R ..... 0 C. Schneider Cbantelle............... Montcalm ......... Q Arsene Morin 
Carter's Point. . .... Klng's........N B Mrll. E. Carter Chantry... ...... ...... Leeds, SR......... 0 Samuel Chant 
Carterton..... .. ... Algoma ..... ... 0 Daniel McPhail ............... Pontiac............ Q Patrick Lynch 
Cartier............ Algoma ............ 0 F. G. Sinclair Chapleau... ........ Algoma ......... 0 F. A. Austin 
Cartier ........... Beauharnois...... Q O. Brunet Chapman ............... Hß8tings, E R ... 0 Alex. Chapman 
CartiervUle ....0... Jacques Cartier.... Chas. Lagaslle Chapman............... Westmoreland N B B. Chapman 
Oartwright ............ Durham, W R... 0 R. H. Prust Chapman Settlem't. Cumberland... )i S J. Greene 
Cartwright ............ Selkirk ......... M T. S. Menary Chard ............ Prel!OOtt........ 0 Wm. J. Brown 
Cssault............ Montmagny...... J08fph Ouellet Chari'fl/} Or03. . ...... Kent ............... 0 John Hunter 
Cascade. ... ............ Ottawa ............ Q Thomas M. Reid Charlecote......... Durham, E R... 0 Thos. Pur
Case Settlement ...... Kln
's ......... N B Gecrge Case ChRrlemagne ......... L' Assomption.... Q A. DesparaÎ8 
Cashel .................. York. E R .........0 William Jenkln
 CharUnch . ............ Muskoka &: P S'd 0 W. J. Fra
Cashion's Glen....... Glengarry......... 0 Mrs. C. Cashion Charlellbourg ......... Quebec ............ Q J. M. Tromblay 
nddlel!6x, W R.. O I George Mansfiela Charleston ............ Leeds, S R......... 0 P. F. Green 
CaBhtown . ............ Simcoe, N R...... 0 Wm. Cotton Charleston ............ Carleton ...... N B John Lipflett 
 Bridge... ......... Dundas...:... ...... 0 Jeremiah Calls Charl.vUle ............ ÙrenvlJle, B R. ... 0 Rufus S. Throop 
C&8sburn ............... Prescott ............ 0 R. H. Marston CharlOl!' Cove......... Guysboro'...... N 8 Hflnry Delorey 
CaS8el .................. Oxford, N U ...... O I S. Robertson Charlo Station .... Restigouche .. N B James Reid 
Caøselman ............ Russell ............ 0 R. A. Casselman CharZottetmon ......... Queen's .......P E] F.deSt.C Bn-ckeD 
CassUis............ Northumb......N B J.McTavish,8In Charring ton ...... Compt{)n ......... Q Levi Lindsay 
Castalia ..... ....... Charlotte ...... N B R. A. Graham Chart..ris.......... Pontiltc ....... Q Arch. Angus 
Castile.... .. . . . . .. Renfrew, N. R .. 0 Edmond Bennet ChartierTllle ...... Compton ... . . . Q A Daigneault 
Cal!t1eavery. .. .. .... Marquette..... M J. Dugan Cbatboro' ............... Argenteuil... ...... Q Wm. Dougllls 
Castlebar ............... Richmond ......... Q Wm. McKeage Ohateauguay ......... Chateanguay ... Q J. A. Aliard 
Caetlederg............. Cardwell .......... 0 John Wallace Chateauguay BaBin. Chateauguay ... Q Robert Lan
Castleford ............ Renfrew, N R.... 0 Jobn Warnock Chateau Richer ...... Montmorency ... Q P. Cauchon 
Qaøtlemore ........ ... Peel.................. 0 John Taylor Chater .................. Selkirk ........ M. Philip DickBoll 
CasUeton ....... .... Northumb., E. R. 0 H. P. Gould .C1talham............... Kant ...............0 S. Barfoot 
Catalone ............... Cape Breton ... N S John McDonald Chatham ............... Northumb'rl'd N B R. B. Adams 
Catalone Gut. . . . .. Cape Breton.. N S George Dickson ChatiIlon ......... ...... YamaEka ... ...... Q M. BeauchemiD 
Cataract ............... Cardwell.... ......0 John Howard ahatlw(J1'
h ............ Grey, N R ......... 0 James W. EJliott 
Cataraqui............... Frontenac... ...... 0 Jos. Northmore Chatterton .... . . ... Ha
tlngl!, W R... 0 S. P. MordeD 
Cat.hcart ............... Oxford, SR....... 0 AleI. Kenuedy Chaudière Curve ... U"i8. ...... ......... Q A. Lemieux 
Caughnawaga......... Laprairie ......... Q Edward Deblois Chaudlère !dills...... Lévis................ Q AntoineLemleu:II. 
6m8spøcal ............ Rimouskl ......... Q Alfred Blais Chaudière Station... Lévis................ Q A. McFeer 
Cavlgnac ............... Bagot...... ... ... Q Don!l.t Denault Chaumont. . . . .. ... Lotbiniere ..... Q E. T. Paquet 
Cavan .................. Durham, E R.... Ú Mrs. D. Walker Cheapside............... Haldimand . ...... 0 :\lich. Atkinsoll 
Cavendish.... ......... Queen's. ...... PEl A. M McNeil Chebogue Point. ... Yarmouth....N S Wil80n Haley 
Cavendish Road...... Queen's. ......P E I I G. W. McKay Cheddar ............... Peterboro', E R.. 0 Benjamin Wood_ 
*QtY"fla ............... Haldimand. ...... 0 .John Camero!l Chegoggin ............ Yarmouth ...
 S Nelson Corning 
CazavIlle ............... Huntingdon .... Q I F. X. Costagmer Chelml!ford........ NorthumberI d.
 B Geo. Barpe.- 
Cecebe ..... .' . .... Muskok.a & P S'd. 0 W. A. Cowan .Chil3e.a ............... Ottawa ... ......... Q H. B. PrentiFs 
Cedar Camp ......... Kings ............N BiWm. H. Kyle Cbelsea.................. Lunenburg ... N S H. Kedy 
Cedar Dale ............ Ontario, SR...... OIW. Coleman ChtJltenharn ......... Peel.................. 0 Samuel Reaney 
Cedar Grove ......... York, E R ......... OISamuel Ramer Chemainm ......... Vancouver...... B C Halls Downing 
Ced&!" Hill ............ r.anark, N R...... OIS. Connery Chemical Road....... Albert .......... N B W. Hunt 
Cedar Hall ............ Rimouøk.1 .........Q'Joseph Smith Chemin Tache..... 'IIemIK.uata.... Q O. Tremblay 




Chenevil ï;"........ Ottawa......... Q H. Chenier Claverlng... ==. Grey, N R ......... 0 M. D.Devit
Cheney Sattlement. King's ......... N B Jaø. S. Parker Clayton ............... Lanalk, N R...... 0 O. Banning,jun. 
Chepstow............... Kinlt'll ...... PEl Henry Pope Clear Creek............ Norfolk, SR...... 0 Goo. W. Smith 
Chepstowe ............ Bruce, E R......... 0 M. McNab Clear Spring ......... King's...... PEl L. McDona!d 
Cherry Grove 
....... King's .........P E I John McDonald Clear Sþrings...... Provencher.... M Alex.l\lcCa!'kill 
Cherry 6rove......... I Middlesex, E R . 0 I Wm. M.sson Clearwater ............ Selkirk........... M Robt. Rogers 
Cherry River ........., Sherbrooke ...... Q R. A. Buzzell .CiearviUe. ............ Elgin, W R....... 0 Henry Watsoll 
Cherry Vale ......... Queen s....... ...N B i Allan McDonald Ckmenuport......... Annapolis .... N S James P. Hoop 
Cherry Valley....... Prince Edward... O \ wm. Kenny Clementsvale ......... Annapolis .... N S Mrs. J. Sandford 
Cherry Valley......... ,Queen's .......P E I Isaac Brown Clermont............... Prince......... PEl T. DriscoU 
Cherry wood ......... Ontario, W R.... 0 l CharlesP6tt y Clevelands ........ I Simcoe,ER....... 0 CharlesJ.}1inett 
*Chesley . ............... Bruce, N R. ...... 0 D. McN.Halliday .Clifford ..' ............ Wellington, N R. 0 K. McL. Walton 
Chesley'sCorners... Lunenburg ... N S Nelson Chesley Clifton ..................:Gloucester. ... N EIR. W. Knowles 
Chester ............... Arthabaska ...... Q Thomas Booth ClifÚYll ..................,Kinlfs ......... N BIT. B. Whelpley 
Chester .................. Lunenburg ... N S I Victoria Church Clifton... . . . . . . . . . I Colchester. . ., N S I Mrs. R. Davis 
CheEter ............... Carleton ...... N B T. T. l<
I>tabrooks Clinch's :l\Iills......... :St. John .........N B C. F. Clinch. 
Chester Basin......... Lunenbnrg ... N S Josh. Eisenhaur Clinton.................. Cariboo........ ...B C A. Le Bourdais 
Chesterfield............ Brant, N R ....... 0 Wm. Brown .ClinÚYll ............... Huron, SR....... 0 Thom88 Fair 
Chester Grant......... Lunenburg......N S I John Hennigar Clinton. . . .. .. .. ... Queen's..... PEl J. W. Woodside 
.Chesú:rrJil.k............ Dundas ............ O,C. Caslelman Clones .................. Queen's ......... N B S. Corbett 
Cheticamp ............ Inverness...... N S I P. Le Montais Clontarf................ Renfrew, SR.... 0 J. R. McDonald 
Cheticamp Chapel... Inverness.... N S Rev. P. "Iset Clover Bar............. ............. Alta G. A. Simpson 
Chetwynd.......... Muskoka&PSd... Jas.A.Rumohr Cloverdale......... Colchester...... NS I W.w.Winton 
Chevalier............... ESl!ex, N R...... 0 H. R. Marion Clover Hill............ Simcoe, S R. ...... 0 S. C. Everleigh 
Cheverie ............... Hants ......... N SIWm. Gltmn Clover Hill............ King's............N B J. JlWlie60n 
Cheviot ............... Bruce, E R......... 0 1 Andw. McLean Cloverville.. ...... . 1 Anti
onishe... N S' Jas. Thompson 
Chicheeter ............ Pontiac ............ Qillorace Landon Clover Valley...... N.Westminster. BC D. McKenzie 
. Chicoutimi ... ...... Chicoutimi ...... Q' T. Boile Cloyne ...... ............ Addington ....... 0, Bibins Clark 
Ch!gnecto ............. Cu
berl.and....N S I RObt. W:. RiplllY Clyde .................. Wentworth,N R. 0 tirs.E.McNiehol 
Cflllcoten .......... Canb.-LIllooet. B C L. W. RIeke Clyck River . ......... Shelburne...... N S George Thomson 
Chilliwack ............ N.Westminster,B C G. R. Ashwell Clyde River...... . , Queen's ...... PEl J. McLanghMR 
Chilton............ Montçalm...... Q W.Ritchie Clydesdale ............ peterboro', ER. 0 HughCaldweJl. 
Chimney Corner ... Inverness ...... N Sl Hector McKay Clyde Station.....:... I Queen's ...... PEl, Edmund Crabbe 
China Point.. . . ... Queen's..... PEl I M. Gleason Coal Branch StatIon I Kent ... ......... N ß John Swift 
Chipman ...... ......... Queen ,......... N B 1 Mrs. S. C. SalmoJl Coal Creek............. I Queen's ......... N B M. E. Weaver 
Chipman's Brook ... King.'3............ N S John Kirby Coal Mines ............ Queen's ......... N B James Brown 
Chipman's Corners.. King's ... ...... N S John R. ChipmaJI Coates' MUlø. ...... ... Kent ............ N B Thomas Coates 
.Cllippawa ............ Weiland............ OIThos. Macklem *amicook ............ Stanstead ......... Q I Aaron F. AdaIlls 
Chlppawa Hill .... Bruce, N. R .... 0 I Emanufll Gaubl Cobble Hill...... ...... Jdlddlesex, E R . 0 J ol!eph Hardmall 
Chlselhurst...... ...... Hnron, S R. ... ... 0 H. N. M:cTagø:art COboconk.......... Victoria, 11/ R.... 0 Mrs. N. LeRoy 
Chisholm............... Prince Edward... 0 James Eo Huff *
bden ................ Renfrew, N R.... 0 John Delahey 
Chlorydormes......... Gaspé ............... Q P. C. Belanger · Cobourg ...... ...... .. Northumb., W R. 0 Wm. Sykes _ 
Chortitz .......... Provt!ncher .... M Wm. Hilbert Cocagne ............... Kent ............ N B James LUC88 
Christie........ ... Wentworth, N R. 0 8eorge Sweet Coc.gne River ...... Kent ............ N B T. M. Gogue. 
Christie's Corners... Leedl!" Uren.NR 0 Jacob VanAllen Cocagnll Cape ......... Kent ............ N.B L. Herbert 
Christina............... Middlt!sex, SR... 0 J. McKenzie Cochran'lI Lake ...... Cape Breton... N S Wm. McDo.ald 
Christma.Island ... Cape Breton... N S J. McDongall Cockburn Island.... Algoma ............ 0 ß. W. Ross 
Chuml\h. ........ .... Marquette... ...M J!U!. Clarridge Coddle's H.rbour.... Guysboro'.. ..... NS Wm. O'Hara' 
Churchill............... Simcoe, S R....... 0 Jamee Sloane Codrington ............ Northumb.,E R...O Mrø. McArUmr 
Church Hill ......... Albert ......... N B Ale:l:. Bayley Cody's .................. Queen's ......... NBC. F. Cody 
Church Over ...... Shelburne ....N S J
seph Walters Coe Hill Mines.. . .. Hastings, N. R... 0 R. Waddingto. 
Chnrch Point......... Northumberl'dN B J. Anderllon Cogmagun River... Hants .......... N S Charles Thomas 
Church Street ....... King's ......... N S I C' H. Gilliatt Colbeck ............... Wellington, N R. 0 Mr8. L. Colbeck 
Churchville ......... Peel.................. 0 T. A. Fogarty .Colborm ............... Northumb., E R. 0 Jos. Cochrane 
Churchville ......... Pictou ......... 
 S John McMillan Colchester ............ Essex, S. R......... 0 Joseph Bori.g 
 Blondeau... Prescott ............ O I JaH. )IcAllister Cold Brook Station. King's ......... N S Henry Porter 
Chute aux Iroquois. Ottawa ........ Q Ariste Bock Cold Springs. ......... Northumb., W R. 0 D. McIntosh 
Chutes Cove....... Annapolis ......N. (II I H. M. Foster Coldl!tream ............ Middlesex,S R... 0 Jacob Mal'l!h 
Clachan ............... Elgin, W R.........O Fred. Stricker Coldstream ............ Carleton ....... N B Chas. B. Snow 
Clairvaux de Bagot. Bagot ........... . ..Q Denlø Dieudonn Coldøtream.. . . . . .. COlchester.... N S G. A. Cochran 
Clairvaux ............. Charlevoix ...... Q E. Larouche Coldstream East .... Carleton......... NB R. Kent 
Clam Harbour ...... Halifax. ......... N S I ThOl!. Stoddart · Coldwater ............ Simcoe, E R ...... 0 S. Drew Eplet 
CIanbraHsil........ Haldimand .... 0 Mrs. J. Cossar COlebrook............... Addington......... 0 G. A. Shangraw 
........ Liagar ............ M Mrl!.
I.M.Muckle Cole Harbour......... Guysboro' ...... N S G. D. Jamison 
Cla7UÙboye ............ Middlesex, N R...O D. Shoff Colø Lake....... ... Addington......... 0 G. W. Kllllns 
Clanricarde ............ Peterboro', E R...O A. Grahame Coleman .......... York, E. R. .. ... 0 Mr8.S.A.
Clanwilliam . . . .... Selkirk ............ M Peter M. Cudbie Coleman........... Prince...... PEl A. McKinnon 
Clapham ............... Megantic ......... Q A. Johnston Coleraine ............... Pee .................. 0 1 Thos. 8t. Joh. 
Clare... . '" ........ ............. Assai ThOA. Hislop Coleraine Station ... Megantic.......... Q J. Roberge 
Clarnrwnt ............ Ontario. W R.... 0 J. Mci\!. McNab Cole's Corners ...... Lambton, W R... 0 W. Cole 
Claremont ............ Cumberland... N S Mrs. C. A. Black Cole's Island ......... Queen'ø ......... NBC. B. Parker 
Clarenct. ............... RUl>øell. ............ 0 Thom88 Wilson COlen8O..... .... ... Grey, E. R...... O j George Bishop 
Clarence.......... Annapolis ....N S 8. N. Jackson Colinville............... Lambton, W.R... 0 John Butler 
Clarence C
eek ...... Ru8!;ell.... ......... 0 T. Perrin . CoI
an .. .. .. . . . ... Simcoe, S. R " .. 0 1 John Colgan 
Clarencevdle......... Missiøquol......... Q A. H. Dernck College Bridge.. ... Westmoreland.N B D. F. Richard 
Clarendon ............ Cha
lotte ......N BjJohn Sc
tt Coll
eld ............... P
ntiac ............ QIM. HUl/.'heA 
Clarendon Station... Addmgton...,..... 0, B. Watkms Collma .................. Kmg's ......... N BI.Tames M. GibboD 
Clarendon Station... Queen's....... ..N B' l George B. Lacy .CoUingwood ......... Simcoe, N R...... O I W. A. Hamilton 
Clareview............... Addington......... Ù Alex. McDonnell Collin's Bay............ Frontenac .........0 Joseph Lol>ie 
Clarke .................. Durham, W R ... OIJames Lockhart Collin's Inlet ......... Algoma ............ 0 J. S. Pinch 
Clarke', Harbour.... Shelburne...... N siJ. L. Nickerson Colpoy's Bay.......... Bruce, N R ....... 0 J. H. S. Bell 
Clarkleigh. . . . . . . .. Marquette...... :\1 1 J as. Clark Colquhoun ........ Dundas ............ 0 J. ;.r. Colquhoun 
.(1arksburq............ Grey, E R ......... 0 Walter Hunter Colu'/ ............... Ontario, S R ...... 0 Robert Ashton 
Clark'sCorners ...... Queen's ......... N B Hy. F. Clark Colwell............ Simcoe, N. R.... 0 W. W. Colwell 
Clark's Road....... Cape Breton... N S I Nen McLean COlwood.......... Victoria ......... :ß C Arthur Pratt 
Clarkson .............
. Peel.................. 0 W. W. Clllrk80n Oomber. ............... Essex N R......... 0 D. McAlister 
Claude .................. Peel.................. O'David Graham COmbermere ......... Renfrew, 8 R .... 0 J. E. Millel1' 




Comet .: ::::::=-=::: Eijsex S R......... 0 D. Grava Üne- éowichan-=- === Vancouv ;;;'=-B C ïL B.IUcharoson 
Comeauville ......... Digby............ N S A. F. Comeau COxheath............... Cape Breton... N SI P. T. ChLrke 
Commercial Cr08s... I King's .........P E I D. G. Cameron COx:s Point............ Q.ueen's .
;...... N B I C. T. llarris?n 
COmmanda ............1 Muskoka& P S'd. 0 Thomas Carr Ora1{JhUTst ............ Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Thomas Cr
Como.................,... Vaudreuil......... Q John Hodgson Graigie Lea........ Simcoe. E. R...... O J 'JOhn O. Walld 
O'Imoz ..................IVlLncouver.......B CIW, 1\1. Dingwall Craigielea. ............ Selkirk.............M John O. Smith 
*Compton............... Compton ......... Q B. F. Harvey Craigleith ............ Grey. E R ...... .. O/Alex. Fleming 
COnboyville............ Brant, SR. ...... 0 I John Atkinson Craigsholme . ......... Wellington, C R. 0 1 Mrs. Hutchinson 
Conces3ion.....,... Digby............ N SI Peter Doucet Craig Road Station.. Lévis................. Q N. Fournier 
Concord ...............IYork, W R . ...... 0 I Henry McElroy Craigvale ........,...... Simcoe, S R. ...... 0 R. G. McCraw 
Oondon Settlement.. King's. ......... N S Wm. SanfJrd Orampton . ......... ... Middlesex, E R.. 0 ' Alex. }'leming 
Chntslogo ' ............... Wsterloo, N R... 0 Philip Decher Oranbourne............ Dorchester......... Q P. Colgan 
Coningsby ............\ Wellington, SR.. 0 John W. Burt Cranbrook ............ Huron, E R...... O j Alex. ?'lcNair 
Conn..................... Wellington, N R. 0 Wm. )lcLuban Cranbrook............. Yale.Kootenay.BC Wm. French 
Connaught ............ Dundas ............ 0' Patrick Jordan Cranston ............... Haldimand. ...... 0 J. James King 
Connell. .. . . .' .. . .. Carleton. .... N B I H. A. Tompkins Cranton Section.... Inverness....... N S Johll Cranton. sr 
co C 
n n n n O Il \
. I : I . I . II .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . Ca C ur m d b w e e r l l l a . n . d .. . . . . . .. N .. O s l R A o . 
 l e c rt ph L e ee rson Cranworth ............ Leeds. S R......... 0 1 Peter Jones 
u :J. .l' Crapaud. ............... QUflen's .... ...P E I O. B. \Vadman 
Conquerall Bank.... Lunenburg.... N S iJost'ph Rafuse Craven .................. ................... As"a l o. T. Stone 
Conquerall MUll! .... Lunenburg......N S Asaph Vinot Crawford ............... Grey, SR. ......... 0 Hector McRae 
Conroy.................. Perth, SR......... OJ John Grady Oredit .................. PeeL................. 0 Emerson Taylor 
wnsecon ............... / prince Edward... OIJ. A. Johnson IJredit Forks.......... Cardwell....... 0 G. G. Smith 
Constance ...... ...... Huron, S R. ...... 01 James Stauley Crediton............... Middlesex, N R. 0 Jacob Eilher 
Oontrecæur ............ Verchères ... ...... Q I J. Duhamel Creeford. . ... .. . ... Selkirk ............ M W. R. Dunlop 
Conway............... Lennox ............0 Wm. T. Ham Creek Bank............ Wellington. C R.. OIJohn Magee 
Conway Statiou.... PrInce,...... P E J J. W. Palmer 4IOrumare............... Simcoe, N R ...... 0, Alex. Gillespie 
Cook's Brook ......... Halifax......... N S! Mrs. M. Mitchell Creemorne............. PontIac....... ...... Q' J. Sheppllr!\ 
Cook's Cove...... ......1 Guysborough...N S 1 Charles Taylor Creighton... ......... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 1 M. CaV'anagh 
Cook's Creek ......... Lisgar . ...... ...... MI Goo. Miller Crescent Lake. ...... ............. As!!a E. Salisbm'y 
*COOklhire.............. Compton ......... Q s. J. Osgoode Cressy .................. I Prince Edward... O I G. C.Hurlbert 
*Cookstown ............ Simcoe, S R. ......0, Henry Coleman Creswell ............... Victoria, S R.... 0 Joseph 
COOksville...... ......... PeeI... ............ ... 0 I C. A. Rchllier Crewe. . ... . . ....... Marquette ....... !\I,John Ellis 
Cookville ............... Westæoreland,N B Wm. II. Cook Crewe .................. Huron, W R.... 0 M. Shackleton 
Cooper .................. Hastings, N R ... 0 1 Wm. Bond CriefL................... Wellington, SR. OIJa!!. McDolJald 
C:JOper's Falls...... '''1 Ontario. N R...... 0, Thomll.8 Cooper Crinan... ...... ......... EI
in, W R. ...... 0 D. McIntYle 
Copenhagen ......... J<:/gin, E R......... OIG. A. Wannacoll Croftou.................. Prince Edward... 0 1 W. M. Phillips 
COpetown........... ... Wentworth, N R. OIG. W. Howell Croft. ................ Antigonishe. ...N S Donald }'orbes 
Copleston............... Lambton, E R.... 0 iN. Henriod Cromarty......... ...... Porth, SIt... ...... 0 1 M. Williams 
Copper .L
ke....... A!Itigonishe... N SI Alex. Ireland Cross Creek............ York ............ N BI H. Braithwaite 
Coroorrle ............... DIgby.......... N Si A. Melanson Crosshill ............... Waterloo, IS' R... 0 Wm. Campbell 
Corbetton ............ Grey, E R ......... OI.James Corbett Cross Lake Station. ...................... MiJ. W. Brereton 
Coroott......... ......... Middlesex, N R... 0 I John Corbett Cr08sland ............. Simcoe, N R ...... 0 i l1enry Cr08sland 
Corbin .................. Huntingdon ...... Q Albert Denault Crosspoint ..,......... BonaY6nture...... Q,John Fraser 
Corbyville ............. Hastings, E.R.. O,W Bennett OroBS Rd,., Cy. Bar. Guysborough. N S Kinsman Sweet 
Corinth ............... Io
lgin, E R......... 0, Wm.l\lool"f' Cross Rds.. M. Mel'd'Guysborough. N S Jesse Anderson 
Oork Station ......... York. ............ N B,John Sullivan Cross Roads. Ohio... Antigonisbe... N S Jno. McPherson 
Corliss. . . .. . . . . ... Stanlltead ...... Q H. E. Corli
s Cross Rdd., St.G.Chl. Richmond...... N S Alexander Hill 
Oornell... ...... ......... Oxford, S R. ...... 0 Robert Parkes Croton.... .. . ..... Bothwell .... . 0 Levi Philips 
Corner of the Beach. Gaspe........ .. Q John }', ?'lIIbe CI'owell...... ............ Shelburne ...... N S Mrs. L. Crowell 
Corn Hill ....... ...... Kiug's ......... N B l<;ben. Stockton Crowe's Mitis. .. .. Colchester.. .. K B ',Alex. Crowe 
Corn lIill East. . ... King's........N B 
lr8.M. Kelrstead OrOW Bay...... ......... Nortbumb., I<
 R. O J w. J. Morton 
* Cbrnwall ............ Cornwall .........0 G. McDonnell Crow Harbour ....... Guvsborougb. N S A. F. Ehler 
Cornwall............... Cornwall ......... 0 R. Anderson Crowland............... Wèlland............ 0 L. Boardman 
Cornwall Centre...... Queen's .......P E I Hannah Walsh Crown Hill............ Simcoe. E R....... 0 Thomas Drury 
Corraville . ............ King's .........1' E I Io;dward 
harke3 Croydon ............... Addin
ton......... O / J. M. WilliaDIf! 
Cor&on's Siding ...... Victoria, N R.... 0 Wm.lI. Dacater Cruickshank ......... Gr<"y. N R......... 0 J. CruickshlLnk 
Cbrunna ............... j Lambton, W R... 0 II. J. "iller Crumlin ...... ......... Middlesex, E It... 0 A. n. Campbell 
COf\!hin ............... 
gton, SR. 0 A. 
lcKenzie Orysler ..;............... Stormont.......... O I J , ' It. Crysle.r 
CostIgan .......... VICtoria...... N B W. Bowmaster Crystal CIty.... . ... Marquette .... M Rooort !tolhus 
Côteau du Lac . ...... Soulanges ......... Q J. II. Rondeau Culdalf. . ... . . ... D.:>rchester .. . .. Qj W. Wilson 
Côúau Landing...... Soulauges ......... Q' A. B. Prieur Culloden ............... Norfolk, N R...... 0 Andr.,w Smart 
Côteau Station ...... Soulanges ......... Q Rodger Duckett Culloden ............... Digby. ............N S w. Wil
Cðte deS Neiges ...... llochelaga......... Q F. Desmarchais Cultus........ .... Norfolk, S R.... 0 1 Edward Tamley 
Côte St. Antoine .... Hochelaga......... Q F.1\lcCoU OUmberland............ !tussell ............0 1 Wm Wilson 
Cote St. Louis. . .. " lIocheJ8ga... ...... Q Magloire Holte Cumberland Bay.... Queen.s......... N B A. H. Clay 
Cðte St Michel...... Hochelaga......... Q Luc Tassé Cumberland Mills... ßeauce ............ Q T. J. Tayloc 
Cðte St. Paul......... Hochelaga...... Q I<:dmond Latour Cumberland Point.. Queen's......... N B Wm. Smith 
Côte St. Pierre. . . .. Ottawa......... Q E. Quesnel Cumming's Bridge.. Russell ......... 0 1 Mrs. Cummingø 
Côte Villitation ...... Hochelaga......... Q P. Vermette Cumming's Cove ... Charlotte ...... N B O. S, }'ountain 
Cotllwold ............... Wellington, N R. 0: R. H. Conquest Cumminøvllle......... Halton. ...... ...... 0 S. Shol
Cottam.................. Essex. SR......... 0 W. E. Wagtltaff Cumnock................Wellington, e R. OIJohn Anderson 
Oottesloe ..' .... '.' Peterboro', E R. 0 Chas. Griffin Curran ...... ............' Prescott ............ 011\liss M.L.
CouO'hlan............... Northumborl'd.NB J. Ooughlan Cnrrie's Crossing ... Oxford, S R ...... 0 W. D. SmIth 
Coulson ............... Simcoe, E R...:.. 0 Wm. Walker Curry HllI. ............ Glengarry......... 01 Joseph Curry 
County Lin9 ......... Queen'ø . ......P E I I John W. Hughes Curryv:llle. ............ Aloort. ......... N BjJ. A. Beaumont 
Courtland ............ Norfolk, NIt...... 0 W.1tI. M!ickay Cushendall............ }'rontenac...... 0 1 Samuel McKane 
COurtice.............. Durham, W ft... 0 C. W. Lent Cushing ............... ArgenteuU........ QIJII.8. B. Cushing 
Coutlee............ Yale-Kootenay,BCIG. Blair Cyprus . ............... Muskoka& P Sd. 0 1 W. J. McCormick 
Oourtriflht ............ Lambton, W R... 0 Wm. A. Cathcart Dacre .................. Renfrew. SR.... 01 Alfred Morrow 
Covehead Road ...... Queen's. ......P E I, Terence Kelly Dablon............ Chicoutiml..... QIO. Bou('hard 
Coventry............... Cardwell. ......... 0 T. Swlnarton Dale ..................... 1 Durham. E R ....0 T. HeasmaR 
Coverdale. ........... Albert.......... N B. David Smith Dalesboro'.. . .. ... . . ., . . .... .' Assa! W. C. Disne.v 
Coverley ... ............ Grey, S R.... ...... 0 I James Grant Dalesville...............1 ArgenteuU ...... Q I Peter ßlcArthnr 
Covey 11m ...... ...... Huntingdon...... Q I Wm. 01'1' . DallwUBU.. ............ Restigouche... N B 11. .\. John;tOn 
Cowal .................. Elgin, W R. ...... OIJohn Battin Dalhousie, East ...... King.s.............N S C. W. Sanders 
OIwanwille ............ Missisquoi ......... Q,J. P. Stlnehour Dalhousie Jnnctlon Restigouche... N B James MlÌiair 
Qno Bay. ............ Cape Breton... N S R McKenzie Dalhousie Mills...... I Glengarry ......... 01 Wm. BathurBt 




Dalhousl eR oad ...... L-u nenbw.g.... N - S Edmun d H iltz - Dev JZes..====. 
liddle l!ex ,E R... 0 Jas. A. Powell 
Dalhousie Settlem't. Pictou.......... N S I J. R. RoBS De Wolf .......... Charlotte ...... N B Alex. Bagley 
Dalibaire ............... IUmouski ......... Q M. Verreault Dewittville ............ Huutingdon ...... Q James Holiday 
Dalkeith ...............IGlengarry .........0 1 Wm. Robertson Dexter .................. Elgin, E R......... 0 Lewis Jones 
DaIling..................IShefford........... Q Leonard Weed Diamond ............... Lanark, N R...... 0 D.1Iklllillan 
Dalmeny ........ ...... Russell............. O I J. Doualdson Dickenson ............ Ru
sell ............ 0 Edmond Wood 
Dalrymple ............ Victoria, N R.... 0 W. Ivory Dieki'1ll!cm', Landi710;Storwont ........ 0 David Ransüm 
Oalston...... ............ Simcoe, N R ...... 0 T. T. Young Digby.................., Digby......... ...... 0 01'0. R. Burton 
Dalton ....... .......... Selkirk........ :\1 1 John Park Dillonton ....... ...... Brome.............. Q F P Dufresne 
Damascus. ............ Wellingt{)n, N R. Ü, John Bresnaban Dingwall ............... Victoria ......... N S R D. Campbell 
Danhy .................. Drummond ....... Q s. D. McGee Dipper liarbour...... St.John......... N B }lisI; C. Belmore 
Danford Lake ......... Pontiac ............ Q lIenry lieney Dirleton ............... Carleton............ 0 J. Drummond 
Danforth ...... ......... York, E R ........ 0 II. Hogarth Disconse ............... Richmond...... N S Dßvid Grncby 
Daniel ............ Queen's ...... 
 B IsaacSlllith D'[Rraeli................ Wolfe............... Q J. E. Rbeault 
Dante. .................. Rothwell ......... OiThos. 
lcAlpine Dixie..................... Pee!.................. 0 John Kennedy 
*DantJille............... Richmond ......... Q I. W. Stockwell Dixson .................. StOimont ......... 0 Nl'lson Fetterley 
D' Arcy .................. Frontenac...... 0 :\1Iss C. Su@hrue Dixon's Corners...... Dnndas ............ 0 1IIrs. E. Dixon 
Darlingford............ Selklrk............}I W. C. Aldersün Dixon's Point......... Kent ............ N BIJoseph }t
Darlingtou ... ......... 1 Queen's....... PEl D. K Campbell Dixville . ......... h.... Stanstead ......... Q, O. Baldwin 
Darling Hoad ......... Monck............... 0 H. Robbins Doaktown ............. Northumberl'dN B1Heury Swim 

.: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 

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Dartford .. ...... ...... Northumb., E R. O [ W. D. Bailey Doctor's Brook. ...... Antigonishe ....N S! R. McInnes 
Dartmoor..............., Victoria, NIt.... 0 John Gardiner Docror's Cove ......... Sbelbnrne ......N 81 Herman Kenney 

 Dartmouth...... ...... Halifax ......... N S J. E. Leadley Doe Lake............... Muskoka & P &1. 0 I 
lrs. D. Christie 
Dashwood ....... ...... Huron, S R....... 0 1 :Soah Fried Dog Creek.... ......... Cariboo Lillooet B C I W. H. WIill;ht 
D' Auteuil ..... . . . . Arthabaskfl .... Q I Jos. D. 
lorin Doberty............... Snnbury ...... N B I Daniel Dnffy 
Davenport ............ York. W R ....... tl l JOSePh Greeu Doherty's Mil1s ...... Kent ............ N BIV. Legere 
Dayison Street. ...... King's ......... ...N S L. W. Coldwell Doherty Creek .... Cumberland.. N S Nelson Piers 
Davisville ............ York, E R......... 0 John Davis Dolbeau ............... Eaguenay ......... Q I C' Dellloiens 
Dawn Mills ............ Bothwell. ......... 0 W. A. Ward Dollar .................. York, E R ......... 0 George Button 
DawsoQ ................ Russell ............0 John J. McEvoy Dolson .................. Kent................ OIB. Daly 
Dawson Settlement. Albert. ......... N B }t
noch Dawson Domaine de GE\ntllly Nicolet. ............ QI D. Beaucheene 
Dawsonville ....... Restigouche... X B J. Dawson Dominion City...... Provencher ...... 1\1 Robert Taylor 
Day Mills ............. Algoma............. 0 Wm. Harrill Dominionville .... ... Glengarry... ...... 0 I C. R. Campbell 
DflY's Corner...... King's....... N BIC. W. Wallace Domville ............... Grenville, S R... OIG. W. Knapp 
Dayspring. .... .... Lunenburl!:.... N S I H. Newcombe Don ..................... York. E R......... 0 I Miss Agnes Hogg 
Deacon,........... Renfrew, N R.... 0 A. McDougall Donald .............. Yale-l{ootenay..B C I G. H. Preswell 
DE'altown............... Kent ...............0 baac Lambert Doncaster............... York. E R......... 0 James Young 
Dean. . . . . ............. Halifax ......... N S Charlee Dean Donegal............... Perth, N R ....... 0 R. Crittendon 
Deans .................. Haldimand ....... O I C' Stephenson Donegal............... King's .......... N B George Adair 
De Bee ......... ......... Carleton ....... N B Alex. Harron Donore. .. . . .. ..... Lisgar....,..... MIA. McCurdy 
Debert St!'tion ....... Colchester.......N SIPhilip Ifulmore Doon..................... Waterloo, S R ... 0 Thomas Slee 
De Cewsvllle ......... Monel, ...............0, D. P. Foster Dorchuter ............ Westmoreland N B S. W. 1ingley 
D D e e e C!
r n e k .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 , .! US arq k l o le k t a te & . p ' 
' d ' . M o I J H a e m n e ry s B A a Y r e b r e s r t Dorchester Cros
ing. WestmoreJan d.N B I P. L. Bell ivea u 
"" ''''' 
 Dorchester Staticm.. 
IiddleBex, E R... B Willillm Scott 
Deemerton ........ BrucA, E R .... 0 1 Bernard Rnland Dorking ............... Waterloo, 
 R. ...0 Thos. Connolly 
Deep Brook............ Annapolis...... N S C. Pnrdy . Dornocb ............... Arey, N R .........0 Philip !Ielnto
DMrfield ............... yarmouth...... N S R. N. Crosby Dorn Ridge............ YOlk ............ N B H. Haines 
Deerhurst ............ York, N R......... 0 :\1. Kneeshaw Dorset....... .. .. Ontario, N R..... 0 H. Parkinson 
Deer Lake.... ......... Peterboro', E R...O I Wm. Ogilvie Dor1and ............... LE'nnox ......... ...01 R. Dorland 
Deer Park. ............ York, E R ......... 0 Peter Nesbit ...... Dorval...... .... Jacqnes.Cartier. Q D. Descary 
Dee Side................ Bonltventnre...... Q Robert Nelson Douglas ............... Renfrew, N R.... O,John Stewart 
Delap's Cove...... . 1 Annapolis...... X S Benj. R. 
IcCaul Douglas. ............... York ............ N Bi Edward Dunphy 
Delaware ............... Middlesex, SR. 0 David Lawson Douglasfield....... Northumberl'd.N B Andrew Irvine 
Delhaven.. ....... Kln;!;'s........N S Elijah C. West Donglas Harbour.... Queen's ......... N BI Mrs. E. Balmain 
'" Delhi. ...... ............ Norfolk, N R .... 0 J/1.!I. Whitesidee Douglas Lake.. . . .. Yall'-Kootenay. B C Ronald McRae 
Ddoraine............... Selkirk .......... M James Cavers Douglas Station...... Selkirk............ l\I I T. E. Greenwood 
Deloro .................. Hastings, E R.... OIC. J. Vizard Douglastown ......... Gaspê ............... Q Samuel A. 'eit 
orfolk. N R .... 0 T. C. Wilcox Douglastown ......... Northumb..... N B Wm.Rusl'ell,jun. 
Delta..................... Leeds, SR......... 0 John E. Brown Dover ................... WtM!tmoreland r\ B l wm. Steeves 
Demorestville ......... Prince Edward... 0 l\lis!'; S. It:. Baker DovercoUl t ......, . York, Wit....... 0 A.G.Light hüurne 
Dempsey's Corner... King's ...... ......N S Andrew Lee Dover Hill. .. . . . ... Victoria........ N B G. H. Baird 
Denbil{h ............... Addington......... 0 John Lane Dover, South ......... I{ent ............... 0 J. n. Bachard 
Denfield ............... :\liddlðsex, E R.. 0 John Edwards Dover, WeRt .......... Halifàx .........N 8 Wm. Eaker 
Denison's Mills ...... Richmond ......... Q Jos. R. Deuison Downeyville ......... Victoria, SR...... oj Mrs. 11. Tracey 
.: ::: 



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Denville ...... ......... :\Iuskoka & P Sd. 0 John 
ichols Doyle. . . . . . .. . . .. Püntiac ........ Q' I l\IiChaf'1 Doyle 
Dequen ... ........ Chlcoutimi....... 0 Onesime Couture Doyles .......... .. .... Kent ............. 0 l\lichael Doyle 
De Ramsay............ Joliette ............ Q Lewis Boddy Doyles Brook......... Northumberl'd NR!James Grnttfn 
Derby... .............. Northumber'ld N B I Thomas Parker Doyle Settlement ... RE\l'tigouche... N B i T. Hayes, jun 
Derebam Centre...... Norfolk, S R. ...0 R. G. Bigham DracCln .................. Wellington, CR. 0 R. Hammel 
Derrynane ...... ...... Wellington, N It 0 Wm. Hllyes Drayton ............ ... Wellington, C R.. 0 'Iartin !Schneider 
Derry, 'Vest............ Pee!.................. O , Aeorge Earl II<Druden ............... Bothwell. .........0 C. P. Watson 
Derryville ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 Thos. Alliu Drew..................... Wellington, N R. 0 Wm. Cardwell 
Derwent ............... 
1iddlesex, E R... 0 George Geftrey Dromore ............... Grey, S R .........01 Alex. Taylor 
De Sable ............... Queen's .......P E I J. Dixon Dromore ............... Queen's .......P E liP. }IcCabe 
Desboro' ............... Grey, N R ......... O l samuel Palmer Drum .................. Dnrbam, ..
 R .... OIGeorge Coulter 
* Duchambault....... Portneuf ......... Q A. D. lIamlin Drumbo...... ......... Brant, N R . ...... 0 i Jos. .,. Burgess 
Desert................... Algoma. ............0 Joseph Aldersun Drumronnor....... Marqnette...... M 1 I<:liss Brown 
DuerrmttJ .. . .. ..... lIastinKs, E R . . 0 Jame!! Bowen II< Drummcmdville, E. Drummond ...... Q ChaR. H. 1Iill"r 
Desert Lake............ Addington......... 0 Wm. Snook Drumqllin ............ Halton ............ O ! T. II. Patterson 
Desford.................. Selkirk ............)1 Erskine Nicoll Drysdllie ............... lIuron, SR....... 0 Robt. Drysdale 
Desjardins ............ 
Jegllntic ......... Q A. Blondeau Dry River......... Selkirk........ 111 I 01'0. Stewart 
Desmond :.............. AddinKton......... 0 Wm. Irvine Duart .................. ..
lgin, W R....... O I W, M. Cut"tis 
Deux Rivlères ...... Dist. of Nipissing 0 L. 11. Timmins Dublin .................. Pertb, S R......... 0 G. J. Kidd 
[585 J 




DubUn Bho r
. Lunenbu-;g en N B Tho8. Sm
 East Margã rëe:::: In;;rn;8-; =-NB Joseph La Blanc 
Duck and Pringle ... yale............... B C,Jacob Duck Eastman ...... ....... Brome .............. Q Tho8. Perdue 
J)uclos .................. ottawa ............ Q A. F. Duclos Eastman's Springs. Russell. ............ 0 R. J. Kyle 
Dudswell Centre ... Wolfe ............... Q: Zerah Evans East Mapleton. ...... Cumberland.. N S W. W. O'Brien 
Dufferin Bridge...... Muskoka & P S'd. O. Richard Irwin East JtIargaretsville. Annapolis.... N S Henrv Downie 
l>ufresne Mills....... Bagot ............... Q'J. O. J. Dufresne East Minel Station. Colchester...... N S,C. Morrison 
Dufferin Mines ...... HaJifax...... N S I Sidney SaIter Eut New Annan ... Colchester....... N S I G. W. Nelson 
DumblU'ton Station. I Charlotte ...... N B I Mrs. L. Inin Easton'ø Corners.... Grenville, N R... 0 E. H. Tallman 
Dumblane ............ Bruce, W R....... 0 Jno. McFarlane Oro..... ........ Simcoe, E.R........O W. Baskervlle 
Dumfries............... York ............ N B Wm. Whitehead Bast Point ............ King's .........P E I Jas. Beaton.'r 
Dumfries............... G1oncoster .... N B John Nicol Eaøt Port Medway. Queen's ......... N siE. M. Hatt 
Dumoine ........ ...... Pontiac......... Q F. S. Retty Ea!!t RiYer. ............ Lunenburg . ...N SIJameø Davis 
Dunany ............... I Argenteuil....... Q Samuel Smith EastRiyer.St.Mary's Pictou .......... N 8 Goo. Campbell 
>>unbar ............... Dundas ............ 0 T. Stephenson Riv. Sheet Har. Halifax...... N SiJ. F. 
*Dunba,rton .......... ,Ontario, W R ... 0 John Parker But RogervilIe ...... Northumb'd.. N BIDavid Gorgen 
DUftboro' ......... ...... I Mi88isquoi...... ... Q I Edward Lee Hast Scotch Sette ... King's.......... N B John King 
Dun bow . ......... ...... \ . . . , . . . .' . . " AHa R. A. Begg Ea.t S,llrirk .. .... Lisg&r ........ M I Alex. Purdy 
Dunooyno ... .. . .. Elgin, E R. . . . .. 0 I ' J os. Norman East Sberbrooke .... Sherbrooke..... Q I B. :1\1 urray 
Buncan "."'''''''''' 1 Grey, E R ......... 0 A. McKeown J!: side l\1arg-ree Har. Invernells....... N S Ã. D. McLellan 
>>uncan . ............... Lunenbnrg......N S 
Irø. C. Duncan E side Pub. Harbour yarmouth...... N S Byron Hines'ch ............ Muskoka& P S'd. O l wm. Robertson E side Ragged bla'd Shelburne...... N S GoorgeCraig 
Buncrief ... ...... ...... iUiddlesex, S R.. 0 A. F. Barclay East Templeton ...... Otta" a ... ......... Q Levi E. Dunniug 
*Dundalk .............,Grey,ER......... O I 'T. Hanbury Eaøtville ............... COlchester...... N S JamesR.EH1s 
*Dundas ............... I wentworth, N R. 0 J.l\IcQueen.jnn Ealt Wentworth.... Cumberland.. N S D. G. Whidden 
>>und8il ....... ......... King's ... ......P E I S. McDonald East Wallace ......... Cnmberland.... N S H. A. Fulton 
Dundee.................. Huntingdon ...... Q David Baker Bast Williamsburgb Dnndas............. OIJ. E. Summers 
Dundee.................. 'Restigouche... N B D. :McDonald &astwood............... Oxford, S R. ...... 0 James Hayward 
Dundee...... ............ Lisgar ........ MiA. B. Cook Katon ... ............... Compton ... ...... Q M. Letonrneau 
Dundee.................. Richmond...... N S ! DeG. Andrews Eauclaire .......... D. Nipi6slng.... 0 W. Macke,y 
Dundela ............... Dundas ............ 0 J. E. Tuttle Eberts .................. Bothwell ..........0 A. Robertson 
Dundonald ............ Northumb..E R.. O I H. Chesterfield Reho Place........ Brant, N R..... 0 Goo. Westbrook 
Dunedin ............... Simcoe, N R ......0 James Strachan Echo River ............ Algoma ............ 0 Alex. Finilay 
'*Dunganrwn.......... Huron, N R ...... O I .T.}I. Roberts Echo Vale ............ Compton ......... Q J. P. Joneø 
J)l1ngiveu . ............ Westmoreland N B Edward Toole &ooomy ............... Colchester...... N S W. A. Fulmer 
Dunham ......... ...... MÌ8sisquoi......... Q I George D. Baker Economy Point. . ... Colche"ter....... N S 8. G. Moore 
Dunkeld ............... Bruce, E R ....... 0 J. B. Tscheirharf Ecum Secnm ......... Guysborou.\?:h. N S E. McIntosh 
Dunlop ........ Huron,CR.......O Anthony Allen Rddystone ............ Northumb.;WR.O M.Bradley 
Dunkerron ... ......... Simcoe, S R....... 0 J8.8. Molison Eden ...... ............... Elgin, E R......... 0 A. S. Stillwell 
:Dunmaglass... ,... Antigonishe... N S Jno. McGillivray Eden..................... Marquette... ..... M John Houeyman 
DlRlmore.. . . .. .... Antigonishe .. N S O. McGillivray Eden Dale. ............ Argentenil ... ... Q Mrs. H. Burch 
Dunmore Jnnction. ................... Aspal W. B. Higginøon Eden Grove............ Brnce, E R......... 0 S. A. King 
DutWqlan ............ Glengarry......... O
Jas. P. Wells I!:den Mills ............ Wellington,S R.. 0 T. A. Mason 
Dnnvegan ......... Inverness ...... N SI Donald l\IeLeod >>1gar. .................. Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Alex. Miller 
*Dunnvilù ............ Monck ............. O I Thos. Armour Edgar Mills .......... ESlex ............... 0 William Edgar 
Dunphy................ Northumb...... N B Chs. Donalds Edge Hill ............. Grey, SR..... .... 0 JameR Edge 
Dunraven ............ Pontiac ............ Q MichaelO'Hare Edgeley .... ............ York, W R......... 0 A. Winger 
Dnnrobin............... Carleton............ OIH. Yonnghusb'ð Edgeley Farm ....... ................... Assa W. C.Camtll"On 
Bl1nsford ............... Victoria, SR...... O' Wm. Graham I':dgett's Landing... Albert. ......... N B Ward Edgett 
Duntroon............... I Simcoe, N R. .... O'.Jobn Gray Edgeworth ............ Kent ............... 0 James Waddell 
Dupey'sCorner ...... Westmoreland.NB F.J. Herbert Edgington............. Muskoka&PS'd.O John Edgington 
* ......... ...... Grey, S R.......... 0 Archd. McKenzl. Edina. ......... ......... Argenteuil . ...... Q Joseph Tomalty 
Durham ............... Pictou .......... N S A. Cameron Edmonton ............ Peel.................. 0 Robt. Campbell 
Dutch Settlement.... H.lifax ...... N S' Jobn K. Andrewp I<:dmonton ...... ...... .......... .. Alta A. D. Osborne 
Dntch Village ....... Halifax. .........N SI William Corbin Edmund8ton. ......... Victoria......... N B Frank Harte 

 Dutl<m Statitm...... Ehdn. W R ...... 0 Arch. J. Leitch Edwardsville... ...... Wellington, N R. 0 Wm. Edwanls 
l>wlght... ......... Müwkoka & P S'd. O l E. J. Gooldie Eel Brook ............. yarmouth...... l\ SI Peter 8urette 
Dyer's Bay............ Bruce, N R ....... 0 Alex. T. Simpson Eel Cove. . . . . . .. . .. Vict.oria...... N S I Mrs. M McLeod 
Dwyer lIill............ Carleton............ 0 Wm. Fisher &61 Creek............... Cumberland... N S Wm. Fraser 
Dynevor ............... Lisgar ............ 11: Rev. A. CowÌAf Eel River Crosøing. Restlgouche... N B Nath McNair 
Eady..... ......... Simcoe. E R ...... O/Jas. F .Moffit J<Jol River york.......... N BIWm. 
Eagle .................. }<
Igiu, W R ......0 P.J. Lindennann Eel River............... Resti;!;ouche... N B: Wm. Craig 
Ealing .................. l\lIddlesex, E R... 0 \Vatter Andrew Effingham ............ Monck. ............ O / George Redpath 
Eamer I Corners.... Cornwall.......... 0: William Irvine Eganville.............. Renfrew, SR.... 0 Tholl. Quealy 
&rdley ............... Ottawa ............ Q W. H. McLean Egbert ......... ......... . Simcoe, SR...... 0 Mrs. E. Gibson 
EarIt<lwn............... COlchester...... N S I 'Chas. L. Marsh Egerton ...............IWellington, N R. 0 James Hunter 
East Angus ......... COmpton............Q F.P.Buck Egg bland ........,Sa
uenay ......Q I PauICote 
East Artbabaska ... Arthab!lska ...... Qi Hector Poiilson EgIlngton ............ York. E R......... 0 l\liss H Hargrave 
East BaltIc ............ King's......... P E I I Jos. J. Moran Egmondvillf' ......... Huron, SR....... O I R. R. Jack8()n 
Eaøt Bay................ Cape Breton... N S HUlI;h McDonald Egmont Bay........., Prince .........P E IS. H. Arseneault 
East Bay, N. Side... Cape Breton... N SjJ. P.l\IcKinnon Egremont ............ Grey. SR......... 0 N. Roøzel 
East Bolton............ Brome............... Q Norah Scött ElI;ypte .................. Shefford............ Q Desire Chapnt 
East Broughton... ... Benuce.... ......... Q j Louis Beaudoin Elba ............... ...... Cal dwell ......... 0 J. Moore Smith 
East Chebo!Ue ...... Yltrmouth...... N S IsratH Hersey Elb 
Iillli ...... ........., Leedl! ..........0 Jos. Steacy 
East Chezzetcook '" Halifax ......... N S .Tames Smith Elcho..................... :\lonck ............. 0 W. W Krick 
EastClifton............ C'..ompton ......... Q fIpllis A. Cairn Elder...........,......... Cardwell.......... 0 C. Conn 
East Oover ............ TIalifd.x...........N S James Fader Elder's 
IiIls. .._...... York. W R . ......0 David Elder 
East Dud!!well . ... ... Wolfe ......... ...... Q H. R. Bishop Eldon Station ....... i Victoria, N R.... 0 J. McArthur 
East Dunham......... , Missisquoi......... Q .J. G. Wales Eldorado ...... ........"1 Hasting", N R .., OiJ. McClintock 
RastEarltown....... ColchestE>r.......NS Robert Munro Elford ...... ..... El!sex.SR ..... 0 1 Isaac Elford 
Eastern Harbour ... Inverness ...... N S W. Lawrence J<:lfrida .................. Wentworth, S R. O.J. E. Howden 
Ba8t FtLrnharn ...... 1 Brome...... ......... Q Rod. lIutchins Elgin...... ... ............ Lepdll, SR......... 0 P. Pennock 
East Folly MODnfain Colchester ...... N S( H. H. Slack Elgin... ...... ......... Pictou............ N Sj Wm. Chisholm 
Eaøt HaU's Har. Rd. I I Kinl1;'s............N S I O R. Roscoe Elgin ................... Albert .......... N B R. D. Robinson 
East Hereford......... Compton ......... Q G. Lefebvre Elgin ....... ............ N Westmlnster.BClnion B. Smith 
Baøt J"ddore ......... Halifax ......... N S Harrili Arnold Eiginburg ............ Frontenac ......... O I l\Irs. M.M
Eut Linton. ...... Grey, N R . .,... 0 Jas. McKenzie Eiginfield............... Middlesex, E R... 0 Matthew 01888 
East Magdala......... Megantlc ......... Q Wm. O'Neill Elgin Read ............ L'lslet ............. Q FrI. Belanger, fill 





OSI' .Pfl
EUII ..... === York, WR......... 0 J. H. Sn id
- EtaDg dUÑord....... G8I'pé-= ::-.===-Q D. v. Bo 
Etimville ............... Perth, 8 R . ...... 0 I Henry 8mlth liJtch
nin ............... Levis. ......... ...... Q Euøebe Pelti"r 
Elizab6thville....... DurhlUD, R R.... 0 Robert GlliIIs Ethel..................... Huron, E R....... 0 Wm. Spence 
Elkhorn........... Selkirk .... .....M,J. McLeod Etna...................., Killg's............N 8 J. A. Vaughan 
Elld.toR .... ............ Norfolk, N R ...... 0 i Ed. Kobinø Ettrick ...... ............ Middlesex, E R... 0 A. J. Thompson 
EUengowan............ Bruce, E R .......0 1 David Hopper Eugellia ............... Grey, SR......... 0, R. !'deL. Pnrdy 
Ellershouse . ......... Hantø............ N S Jamps Johnson Evandale............... King's. ......... N B ,J. O. Vanwart 
Ellesmere ............ York. E R ......... 0 W. Glendinning Evanl'vale......... Ontario, N R...... O I David Evans 
Ð.liott .................. Lanark,8 R ...... o I John DeWitt Evansville.. ....... Algoma..... ... 0 Isaac CampMI 
Elliott's Mills......... Queen'8 . ... ...P E I I Richard Elliott Evelyn ............ ...... Middlesex, E R... 0 i M. Barber, j un 
Elliott Vale. ......... Kings....... P E IIJOhn Edmondø Everett.................. Simcoe, 8 R. ...... 0 W. M. Lockhart 
EUllIboro'............ ............. A8l1a\J. H. El1Iø Evt!rett.................. Victoria ........ N B G. L. Everett 
EUisville ............... Leeds, B R......... OIRichard Elliott Eversley ............... York, N R......._ O,John McMuUen 
I<:lm ..................... Lanark, N R...... 0 \ Mrø. N. 8mith Everton ............... Wellingt.on,8 R.. 0 John McKinnon 
Elma . .... ......... .... , Dundu. ............ 0 Thoø. 8argeant * Euter ......... ......... Middlesex, N R. 0, David Johns 
Elmb8llk............... Pee!.................. 0 1 Wm.lIfcKay Factory Dale.......... King's ._ ...... N S Robert R. Ray 
Elmcroft ... .. .. ... Charlotte.. ... N B, T. A. Sullivan Fairbank ......... ...... York, W R ....... 0 F. McFarlane 
Elmfield ........... . 1 Pictou... ...... ...N S Angus McKay Fairburne ....... . .... Selkirk ............ M Samuel Oke 
FJmgroye.............. ï 8imcoe. 8 R....... 0 Alex. Kennedy Fairfieid................ King'ø... ......P E I P. McIsaac 
Hlmhedge ........ "I Grey, N R ......... 0 Daniel Smith Fairfield, East ...... Brockville......... 0 A. C. Johnø 
Elmhurst ........ King's ...... N B E. J. Peters' Fairfield ............... St.John......... N B A. Campbell 
*Elmira ............... Waterloo, N R... 0 Peter Winger Fairfield Plain ...... Oxford, 8 R....... 0 Joseph Carter. 
Elmira ............ King's...... PEl Wm. H. Mellick Fairhaven ............ Charlotte ...... N B Caleb Green 
Elmsdale ............... Hants............ N 8 Hugh McIntosh Fairholme...... ...... Muskoka &; P S'd. 0 John 8tevenøon 
dale ... ............ Prinr-8 ......... PEl James Sinclair Fairleigh. . . . . . . . .. Klng'II....... N B F. H. Pt'\arson 
Elmside.. .... . . '" Pontiac ........ Q E. Graham Fairmeade. . .. ..... ............. Asss P. A. Clarke 
Elmsvale.......... Halifsx ...... N S D. B. Reid Fltirmount ............ Grey, E R ......... 0 Robert Orr 
Elmsvilie............... Charlotte.... ...N B Alex. Dyer Fairmount ............ Marquette..... 1\1 
dward McGm 
IiJimvale ............... Simcoe. N R ...... 0 Wm. Harvey Falrview ............... Perth, S R......... 0 Samuel Rob
Elm Valle)' ............ Selkirk ......... ...M D. W. Grimmett Fair Valley...... ...... Simcoe, E R.. .. 0 James Robinson 
EZ"'I000d ............... Bruce, E R......... 0 J. Reinhardt Fairview .......... WeJtmoreland. NB A. Crossman 
Elmwood . ............ King's ......... N B Miss A. Polle)' Fairville ... ...... ..... St. John. '" ...N B C. F. Tilton 
.Elora .................. Wellington, C R.O John Godfrey Falding .... ............ Muskok>i. ......... 0 M. Rankin 
Elphin .................. Lanark, N R...... 0 George Wilson Falkenburg............ Ontario. N R...... 0 Mathias Moore 
Eisin_e ............... Bruce, N R ....... 0 Robert Nel
on Falkirk.................. Middlesex, N R.. 0 A. E. Garden 
Eiton . .... ....... Selkirk......... Ytl Robt. Johnson Falkland ............... Halifax .:.......N 8 Wm.1rlcLellan 
Emberson ............ Muskoka&; PS'd. 0 H. Fdrn"worth Falkland Ridge...... Annapolis.......N 8 Mrs. M.Ytlarshall 
.EnWro . ............... Oxford, N R ...... 0 MløsM.MatbeSOD Fallbrook............... Lanark, 8 R ...... 0 W. CamerOD 
Embnan ............... Russell. ............ 0 Joseph Lalonde Fallowfield ............ Carleton............ 0 Robert Wallace 
Emerald ............... Lennox ............ 0 W. G. McGinness Falmouth ............ HantR............ N S Wm. T. Wüson 
Emerald. . .... ... . InverneB8 . .. . N S P. Tompkins FaIRS Bay Beach.... Cape BrelOn... N S )1. McLeod 
.EflUrson............... 1 Provencher.. _.. M G. B. Nash Falmouth Station.... Hants .... ...... N S W. Armstrong 
Emery............... .. York, W R ....... 0 John Watson Faraday............... Hastings, N R... 0 George 01'1' 
Emigrant Road ...... , westmoreland N B Mrs. J. Mulrine Fardwell...... ....... Wellington, N R. 0 William AWeR 
ant Settlem't. Westmorel
nd N B B. Carrigan Fargo...... ....... Kent ........,...... 0 Wm.Golinetl 
I<1æileYille ........ Bagot.......... Q P. E. Roy Farmerston .......... Carleton ....... N B W. E. Estey 
Emmett ............... Renfrew, N R ... 0 John I. ù'Grady Pa7'1l1DltTJill
 ......... Leedø,8 R......... 0 ArzaParish 
BIDOl"J' ..... .......... Yale...............B C Feed. W. Geister Farmingdale....... King's....... N B J. A. GOl'line 
Høwdak ............... Muskoka &; P 8'd. 0 Robert Scarlett Farmington............ King's......... PEl Edward Power 
Emyvllll.e ............... Queen's....... PEl P. McCardle Fl\rmington ............ Cumberland ... N S I Fred. Austin 
End of Track ......... Rocky Mountains. 'r. A. W. Gordon Farnbom' .............. Brome............... Q John Enright 
Enfield ...............,.. , Durham, W R ... 0 1 '
d. Niddery 
'amdon. ............... Mis
isquoi ......... Q G. A. Truax 
Enfield .................. Hants............ N S U. F. Donaldson Farnham Centre ... Brome............... Q, Adam C. Clark 
English Bay.......... GaRpe ..... ........Q Franci" Cabot . Farnham.... ......... Missisquoi......... Q L.E. 8. Choquette 
lish Corner ...... Halifax ......... N S James ThompsoD Farquhar............... Perth, SR......... 0 John Gardner 
English Settlement. Queen's ......... N B Wm. Pearson Farran's Point ...... Stormont.......... 0 Georj!;e Kerr 
English. Town......... Victoria ......... N S Jane McLean Fasslfern ............... Glengarry......... 0 IIIl
h McMaater . . . . .. .. .. ... Cardwell....... 0 John O'Leary Father Point ......... Rimouski ... ...... Q P. D. Roulea1l 
Enniskillen............ Dllrh'im, W R ... 0 Fred. Rogers Fawcett HilL......... Westmoreland N B Grafton AyeI' 
kinonStation. Queen's ......... N B B. McAloor Fawkham ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 Isaac 8. Wardell 
Ennismore ............ Peterboro', W R.. 0 H.O'Dowd Fawn. .................. Ontario. N R...... 0 L. Wilson, jno. 
EnOÐ..................... Cape Breton... N S Alex. McDonald 
'e('tel\u's Mills .... Wolfe....... _' . Q Joseph Ft'\cttoau 
Entel'priøe ............ Addington......... 0 J. D. Wa
ar Fellows ............... Lennox ............0 Dauiel8hay 
Rpping .................. Grey, E R ...... ...0 Thomas Jordan Ft!lwn............. Rusøe]l ........ 0 
Irs. C. Hall 
Epsom .................. Ontllrlo. N R...... 0 IIenry Quant hmnell.s...............ISimcoe, S R ......0 Mrs. J. Bolwn 
ramoS& ............... l wellington,S R.. 0 James Mitchell 
'enagbvale............ Prescott............ 0 P. C. Downing 
Erb ..................... King's......... N B Fred. Erb Fenella.................. Northumb., W R. 0 Henry Cross 
I!:rbsviile ............... Waterloo, N R... 0 J.Simmermacher *Femlon FWls . ...... Victoria, N R.... 0 G. Cunningham 
Erie ..................... Haldimand .......0 Andrew Finch Fenwick ............... Monck ............. f)' I F. W. lIutt 
$1!.,!,in . .................. Wellington, S R.. 0 1 Robert Wood 
'enwÏ<'k ............... King's .......... N B Joseph Wiley 
ns!llIe ............ Addington......... 0 Patrick Walsh Fenwick ............... Cumberland... N S Geo. Dickinson 
EnnVlew ......... Lis
ar... ..... 1\'1 Mi88 E. Bell *Ffirgutl ............... Wellington, C R.. 0 
Ii"s C 1\IcQueoo 
Erie ..................... Wolfe........ ...... Q I ThOS. Shorteu Ferguson..........\ :\liddlesex, S R.. 0 J. W. Bdwards 
ErinviUe ............... Gu}sboro'...... N 8 Charles Kenny 
'erguson's Falls......, Lanark. S R ...... 0 J. G. Gibson 
-Ernestewn Station. Lennox. ............0 W H. Laidley Ferjl;uson's Point.... Gloucestor.... N B W. Ferguson 
oElIOOtt. .................. f._ds, SR......... 01 W. J. Cavanagh Fergu"onvale ........ Simcoe, N R ......0 W. A. Sneath 
:8Cuml.nac ............ Bonavonture .... QI Alex. Campbell Fermoy.................. Addington......... 0 B. BottinI!; 
!ll'Umm8C ............ Northumb...... N B 1 JameS McLean Fernetville ............ Berthier .......... Q Maxime Fernet 
I<:sdraelon ............ Carleton. ...... N B K 8. Gillmor Ferney Coombe ...... Yale-Kootenay,B C L. A. A
Eskasoni ............... Cape Brpton ... N 8 Henry V. Bown Fem Glen ............ MURkoka & P 8'd 0 Heury Roberts 
E"kdale . ............... Bruce, W R ....... 0 1 Wm. Grierson FernhiU ............... Middlesex, 8 R.. 0 D. R. Owen 
sinK ............ Halton. ............ 0 John Murray Ferry Landing. ...... Victoria ......... N 8 John Ytf.cDonald 
F.sqUlmalt ........... Victoria ......... BCD. T. Howard Ferris .................. Queen's ......... N B R.O'DoneU 
Esquimaux Point "ïSagl1enay ......... QICharles Ahier Ferryville ............. Carleton......... N B J. II. Cluff 
.Essez Om.tre ........ï Essex, 8 R......... 01 Thomas RWlh Fesserton............... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 R. Jancouski 

'J80nvllle .............ï Peterboro', E R. 01 A. Gibson Fetherston ............ Muskoka &; P S'd. 0 S. J. Peake 
J<:stelilaB ............... ................... Assa Julius Vass Feversham ............ Grey, E R .........0 A.IHcGirr 


L 1887. 


Fifteen Mile Stream Halifax . :::::-N'S J. G. S. Hudson 
Fifteen Point ......... Prince ......... PEl A. Gallant 
* Pingal ............. ... Elgin. W R . ...... 0 S. E. Hurv.-ell 
Finger Board . . . .. . , Victoria, 8 R. . .. 0 ThomaH !'IIoaae 
Flntona ............... Cardwell .......... 0 R. J. Lamon 
First South............ Lunenburg... N S Edwlud Allen 
Fish Creek ............' Perth. 8 R......... 0 John Perrin 
F'isherviUe ............ HaJdimand ....... O.C. F. Holterman 
Fish Lake......... Prince Edward.. O l wm. Robinson 
Fitch Bay............... Stanstead ......... Q T. B. Rider 
Fitzgerald Station... Prince .........P E I John 8mith 
Fitzroy Harbonr .... Lanark, N R...... O I W. A. ShiITeff 
Five Island& .......... Colchester. ...... N 8 8. D. Graham 
Five Mile River ..... Hants............ N S Jos. MeLearn 
Flambroro' Centre. Wentworth, N R. OIGeo. Church 
Flatlands............... Reetigouche... N B Mrs.A. McKenzlt 
Flat River ............ Queen's ...... P El l R. K. McKenzie 
Fleetwood. ............ Durham E R...... 0 Wm.8tacy 
Fleming. . ... ..... ............. Assa 1 1\1. )Iorrison 
Fluher1nn............. Grey, 8 R......... 0 Robert J.8proul 
Flesherton 8tation. Grey, 8 R ......... (\ Wm. Purty 
Fletcher................ Kent ............... 0 1 Patrick T. Barry 
Fletcher's 8tation... Halifax ......... N 8 Ed. Largie 
Pleurant ............... Bonaventure...... Q , William Gray 
Fleuriau... ............ RimoUllki ..... Q AugUl,teCaron 
Flinton...... ............ Addington......... 0 E. J. l\IatthewlI 
Flodden. ............... Richmond ......... Q Uilbert Stalker 
Floradale............... Waterloo, N R ... 0 Isaac Devitt 
Florenu ............... Middlesex, W R. 0 John A. Young 
Flc11"ImuviZU ......... Carleton......... N B 8. G. Burpee 
Florenceville,East... Carleton......... N B John Lovely 
Florenta ... ............ lIIarquette . ...... M Alex. McKenzie 
Flowers' Cove......... Queen'II......... N B Mr". 
Flower station. .... Lanark, N R. . . . 0 11. W. Wbite 
Foley.................... Ontario, S R...... O,G. Walkinshaw 
Folly Lake ............ Colcbester ...... N 
 Mrs. McPherson 
Folly 1\lountain ...... Colchester ...... N 8 John McLean 
Folly VIllage ......... Colchtl8ter ...... N 8 D. F. Layton 
Fontenelle............. Gaspê ............... Q Louis Bouchard 
Fontenoy ............... Richmond ......... Q Mrs. 8. }I'rl:ser 
*FIm.lhil.l............... Monck ............. 0 Danson Kinsman 
Forbes .................. Colchester...... N f< John Forbes 
Forbes' Point ......... 8htJburne...... N 8 J. D. Forbes 
Ford's MilllI ....... Kent........ N B Clias. Walker 
Forywich............... Huron, E R ......0 Robt. Mahood 
Fordyce ................ Huron, W R ...... 0 E. Phillip!! 
.Jibrest.................. Lambton, W R.... 0 Mrs.J. :\IcKellar 
ForestFarm.......... ............. Al!sa Robt. :\Iunn 
Forester's Falls ...... Renfrew, N R.... (\ Oliver Forester 
FortJ8t Hill ............ King's ......... PEl John Currie 

: .:::::.::: ,

Foroston ............ ... 1 Carleton......... N B W. H. 8laten 
Forestville ............ Norfolk, 8 R ...... 0 H. C. Gifford 
Jo'orfar .................. Leeds, 8 R......... 0 .J. B. AcklaLd 
Forks .................. Queen's ......... N B D. J. Kjer
Forks, Baddeck ...... Victoria......... N 8 1 ' A. R. Watson 
Forks Road............ Monck .............0 Enos Marr 
Formo8a ............... Bruce,E R......... 0 F. X.1'!Iessner 
Fort Coulonge ....... Pontiac ............ Q J. G. BryRon 
Fer, Alexander...... Usgar............. M Alex. McKenzie 
Fort Augustus ...... Queen's ...... PEl " P. J. Kelly 
Fort Ellice ............ Marquette......M A. l\lcDonald 
* Rlrt Erie ...... ...... Weiland............ 0 I Geol"!!:e Lewis 
Fort Frances.... ...... Algoma............ 0 I A. Reid 
Fortierville........ Lotbinière...... Q I 'J. B. Fortier 
Forties Settlement... Lllnenburg ... N S .J. A. Hiltz 
Fortin .................. Rimouski. ......... Q,Noell<'ortin 
}I'ort Kipp . ... ......... ............. Albl; A. J. Whitney 
Fort L.hvrence........ Cumberland.....N 8 i Chas. E Bake.. 
Port AlcLeod....... ................... Altlll D. J. Campbell 
Fort Simpson......... ,Cariboo ..... B C I R. H. Hall 
Fort Pitt ............... ............. 8ask i Angus McKay 
Fort William ......... Pontiac ............ Q Jamesl\[rCool 
Fort William ......... Algoma............ 0 i :\Iiss C. McVicar 
Fort Saskatchewan. ................... Altai W. G. Ross 
Foster ............ ...... Brome .. ......... Q I c. B. Ingle" 

: Ö;;:




Foster's Croft........., King's............ N 81 P. O'Ll'ary 
Fosterville. ...... ...... York ............ N B I Wm. Fo
Fouchie ............... Richmond...... N S Albert B. Hooper 
Four Falls......... Victoria...... N B J. H. Peat 
Four Mile Brook... Pictou............ N 8 l Geo. McKenzie 
Fournier ............... Prescott............ 0 Fabien Landriau 
Fowler's Corners ... Peterboro' W R. 0 Jno Williamson 
Foxboro' ............... Hastings, E R ... 0 E. W. Ashloy 
[ 588 1 

- -- 
Fox ßãY= === Gßspé ... .=.
.:::Q, John N ick
Fox C . reek ... ...... ... , Westmoreland :il B i ]<}ustarhe Burke 
Fox Harbour ......... Cumberland... N 8 1 )Irs. C. ItobiÐI'on 
Fox Island Main...., Guysboro' ...... )l 8 P. Lukeman 
Foxmead ............... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 .Tames Hadden 
Foxton ..................' Lisgar ............ l\I IJohn Campbell 
Fox River ..... ......... Gaspê............... Q: Charles Parll.nt 
Fox River. ............ Cumberland... N 8 ' l\1rs.J. T
Foymount ........: Renfrew, SR. . . .01 
Irs. E. I'oran 
Framboise............. Richmond...... N S,Neil 8tewart 
Frampton ............. Dorchester... ...... Q' M. Fitz!!er aid 
Franconia. ............ Monck ............. 0 Oliver Clark 
Prankfurd ............ j HastiUgS, W R... 0 John Chapman 
Frank Hill ............ Victoria, 8 R...... 0 C. Lowes 
Frankllu ...... ........./ Durham, E R. ... 0 Wm. Hadden 
ntre... ... , HUntingdon ..... Q Wm. Cantwell 
Franktown ............ Lauark, 8 R ...... Olp. McEwen 
Frankville ............ Brockville......... O f Andrew Parker 
Fraserburg ... .........' Ont,uio. N R... ... 0 Alex. Fraser 
Frailer's Grnnt .... "' 1 Antigonishe... N 8 John }I'raser 
Frnsçr's :\Iills... ...... Antif!onishe... N S Angus Boyd 
Frazervl1le ............ Peterboro', W R. 0 Alex. Lackey 
Frêchette............... Lêvis... ............. Q I N. FråclJette 
li'mltricton ............ York ............ N B r. McPeake 
F'rtfhricton Junction I Sunbury... ..- N B John Shehan 
i'redericton Road ... Westmoreland N B .J. O. 8ullivII.n 
ji'redericton Station. Qut!en's . ......P E I John Weeks 
Freeborn ............... Perth, N R. ......0 John Freeborn 
Freeland ... ...... ......I Leeds. S R. . . .. . 0 W. H. 
Freelltnd ............ ... , PrincE.>. . . . .. PEl G. P. I':tlmer 
Prte1wn ............... Wentworth, N R. 0 John Ross 
Freeman ............... Halton ............ 0 .J. W. Freeman 
Freeport ............... Digby............ N 8 J. W. ]<
Freeport ............... I Watedoo, SR... 0 \liss H. PagSlUl 
Freetown ........... Prince ......... PEl R. Bauld 
* FrdighsbuTg......... M!ssisquoi ......... Q G. E. B:unes 
French Hay............ Bruce, N R....... 01 Henry 8hRnnon 
French Creek......1 Vancouver.... ß C I Neison Park.'! 
French Lake ......... 8unbury.........N B G. E.Armstrong 
French River ......... Pictou .......... N 8 I I Mre. C.HcDoun.ld 
French Riv6r ......... Queen'ß ...... PEl Jane McKay 
!i'rench lliver .. .... Algoma . . .. . . .. 0 J. M. Dollar 
French Road ......... Cape ßreton.. N 8;A. :.\Iacdonllid 
Frenchva!e ............ Cape Breton... N 8ID.. McSwain . 
French VIllage ...... Drummond ...... Q MIs" 
French Village ...... I Queen's ...... PEl Ie. Mcintyre 
French Village ...... King's ......... N B1Georgo Beatty 
French Yiliage ...... Ualitax ......... N 8 1 J. S. Brine 
Friar'tI Head....... Inverness...... N 8 Rv.W.M.LebLanc 
Frogmore ............. I NOrfOlk. 8 R...... O I J. }I'airbairn 
Frome .................. Elgin, W R ...... 0 Johu Arnold 
Ii'rontier ............... Huntingdon...... Q I Arthur Roberts 
Frost Village ......... 8hefTord............ Q Thos. JODes 
Fulford.................. Brome ...... ....... Q I<'. T. England 
Fullnrton............... Perth, 8 R......... 0 Ricbard Francis 
Fuller.... ...... ......... Hastings, N R ... 0 1 Mrs. 11. li'uUer 
Fulton .................. Wentworth, SR. 0 George Cann 
Fulton Brook ......... Queen's......... N B John Fulton 
Furnace Falls........ Victoria, N R... 0 J. Herlibrey 
Fyfi..ld . . . .. .. , . ... Bruce, E. R. ....0 Alfred Gibson 
Gabarou8e Lake. . .. Richmond . . . . N S Hug!! :\-IcDonllld 
Gabtr. 'Ule ... ... ... ... Cape Breton... N S R. It. l\Iorri8011 
Gabriola li!hmd ...... Vancouver.... Be Alex. 8bllw 
Gad's Hill ............ Perth. N R......... 0 1'homns O'DoneU 
Gagttmvn............... Queen's......... N ß Levi TlIck 
Gagnon. ............... Victoria......... N B Jos. Dugal 
Gailey.................. Kent ............ N BI John White 
Galbraith... ....... Lanark, N. R.... 0' R. J. Penman 
tlaletttl............ ...... Lanark, N R...... 0 I G. Whyt.. 
Gallingertown ...... 8tormont ......... 0 G. H. Gal\inger 
on ......... ......... COlllptron............ Q 1 1 M. L. McIver 
.GaIL................... Waterloo. S R.... IJ Wm. Quarrie 
GI,mebri{l,;e ... ...... Ontario, N R...... 0 Wm. St':
*Gantii7oqv, ......... Leeds, 8. R ....... (\ D. F. Britton 
Garden Hill ... ..... Durhllm, I<: R ... 0 James Dyer 
Garden Isl.tuc\ ......'!i'rontenac ......... 0 1 A.l'tlalcne 
Garden of Ec\en ...... Pictou............ N 8 A, A. McKenzie 
Garden River ......... -\lgoma ............ 01 W.R. Cu'uinp;h'm 
Gardiner Mines ...... Capo Breton... ::'II 8,G. H. BouteUier 
Gardner's Creek ... 8t.Jo
n......... N, BiWm. Walla
e . 
Garfield ............... Queen s....... PEl Oeor
e 'lcKenzle 
Garland ............... Châtelluguay......Q F. Z Dpli!'le 
Garneau ............... L'lslet ............ Q',J. Bte. Pelletier 
Garnet............... ... 1 Haldlmand . ...... 0 I John Roulston 
Garnet .................. 8t. John ...... N B R. G. 8tewII.rt 
Gltrretton............... Grenville, 8 R ... 0 N. Uarrett 
Garrison Road ...... Welland............. O,John Hershy 




--- -- 
GOITyowen-::= :::'G ""i-ey, N R......... 0 fu. Godfrey Gleneciën... ==== Grey, S R
 =::O .LB. Dickson 
Garthby Station...... i Wolfe ............... Q Thomas Jacques Glenelg ............... Gnysboro' ......N SIWm. Jordan 
*Gaspé Bcuin......... G'iBpé ....... ....... Q John J. Annet Glenfanning ......... King's .........P E } 'Michael Lavin 
Gaspé Bay South '''1 Gaspê . .. .. .. ... Q J. H. Eden Glen Farnham ...... Brome .... ......... Q I A. L. J\Iorehouile 
Ga6pereaux............ King's......... P E] W. Lewellyn Glen Farrow ...... Huron, E R .... O l wm. MeKersic 
GMpereaux ............ Queen's ......... NBC. E. Langin Glengarry.. .... ... Inverness.... N 8 John McDonnell 
Ga6pereaux............: "ing's ......... N 8 E. A. Davison Glengarry Road...... Cllpe Breton ... :N S D. A. 
Ga8pereaux Station Queen'!!......... N B P. 
loont!Y Glengarry 8tation... Pictou ......... ...N S i David Graham 
Gauthier ............... Proveucher ...... 
I,J. B. Graveline Glen Huron ......... Simcoe, N R...... O'James Hamilton 
G"velton ............... 1 Yarmouth ...... N 8 I W. H. Ganl Glen Huron Station Simcoe, N R .. ... 0: Pett'r Mcllillan 
Gay's River........... Colchester...... N 81 
1. Frame Gleni1a.. ......... ...... Muskoka& P Sd. OIW' McAmmond 
Gsythorne. ............ 
mberl'd.N H!E. 
lcCallum Glen ITer......... Sherbrooke..... Q,Jas. Hclver 
Gay's RiverRoad.... Halifax......... N 8 W. W.Ta)lor Glenlivet............... Ottawa .......... Q Henry Robinson 
Geary................. Sunbury...... N B;Reuben 8mith Glenlivet ............... Restigouche... N B Hugh Smith 
Gelert .................. i Victoria, N R .... 0 1 Wm. F. Ritchit! men Lloyd ............1 Megantic ......... Q J. RockinghaDl 
Geneva.................. I Argenteuil......... Q G. A. Hooker Glen !lIajor ...... ... ... , Ontario, W R.... 0 Chas. Williams 
Genoa ................... Argenteuil ...... Q I James Gordon Gl"n Margaret ...... Halifax ......... N S J. 
lcO. Fraser 
Gentilly ...............INicolet ............ Q Mrs.C.G.Brunellt Glen )Ieyer............ 
orfolk,8 R ...... 0 
athan :\Ianflell 
George's River ....... jCape Breton... N S Luke Day Glen Millar........ Hastings, W R... 0 Fred. It'ord 
Georgdnwn ............, King.s......... P E I ! W. Wightman Glenmore....... ... 'Grenville, 8 R ... 0 Johu G. 8mith 
.Geargdmm1. ......... I Halton ............0 L. Goodenow Glen 1\lorris ......... Brant, N R ...... 0 Thos. 8cott 
Georgeville ............ 8tanstead.... ... Q Increase Bullock Glen Murray .........I!'tlegantic ......... Q John Murray 
Georgevllle ............1 Antigonishe... N 8 , JameS :\Iclnnes Glennevis ............1 Glengarry......... 0 Alex. E. IIlcRae 
Georgina Island ... York. N R .....0 Chas. Bigcanoe Glen Norman ......... Glengarry......... 0 J. McLeod 
Geraldine............... Huntingdon...... Q Charles NewmaD Ghmora ............... Selkirk ............ 1\1 Thomns Feely 
Germania......... . I I Ontario. N R...... 0 Wm 8tamp Glen Orchar<<1..
...... 8imcoe. E R ...... 0 N. Orchard 
German :\11lls......... Waterloo, Ii R ... 0 T. B. 8nider Glen Porter............ Northumbrl'd, N B James Porter 
Germantown. ......... Albert .......... N B 8. P. Fillmore Glen Road ............. Anti
onishe ...N S C. l\lcGillivray 
Gesto ...... ............ Essex, SR... ...... 0 Selina J. WeldoD Glen Robertsoll ...... Glengarry......... 0 W. T. Robinsou 
Get8òn's Point ...... Lunenburg... N S GeorgeJ.McKean Glen Ross......... Hastings. W R... IJ Geo. T. Ive80n 
Giant's Lake ......... Guysborough N S John. McN 
il Glenroy ............... Glengarry......... 0 C. J. McRae 
Gibraltar............... Grey, E R ......... 0 John Glenn Glen Sandfield ...... Glenl!'arry ......... o,Sam.1'!IcCuaig 
Gibson .................. 8imcoe, Jo; R....... 0 J. P. Dean Glen Oak ............... 
liddle8ex, 8 R... 0 1 Levi J. Hixon 
Gilbert Cove .......... Digby............ N S Robt. Donahue Glenshee ............... Norfolk, SR...... O I Quartees Smith 
Gilbert's Mills......... Prince Edward... 0 John D. Gilbert Glenshee ...... ......... Pictou............ N 8 Dondd Campbell 
Gilford .................. York. N R......... 0 J. A. Blain Glen 8mAil ............ Grenville. S. R...OIE..E!lis,jun. 
Gill ..................... HaldlmaBd ...... 0 Mar. Brownridgt Glen 8rewart ......... Dundas ............ O,Wdham Stew!l.rt 
Gillander's Mount.nIVictoria...... N 8 N. McLennan Glen Sutton ......... Brome............... Q' , z. D. Wilson 
Gillespie ............... Victoria. ....... N B It'. Gillespie Glen Tay ............... Lanark.8 R...... 0 C. L. Owen 
Gillies Hill ..........:. Bruce. N R ...... O l wm. A. Stevens Glen Uig ............... Antigonisbe... N S John McIsaa
Gillies Lake ........... Cape Breton... N S R. A.. McDonald Glenvale ............... Frontenac ......... 0 Robert Gibson 
Gillies Point ......... Victoria ......... N S Alex. McDonald Glenvale ............... WestmoreJand.1i' B:J. R. Bleackney 
Gillies Point East... Victoria...... N SI Hector McNeil Olenville ............... Invernes-; ...... K 8lAnd. :\lcLeIJan 
Gimli . .................. Lisgar............. 1\1 1 ' Pjetur Palsson Gl"n Walter ......... Glengarry ......... OlD. J. Deruchie 
Giroux.................. Provencher ...... M Philip Houde Gleu William...... King's...... PEl ,John Martin 
Gladstone............... Middlesex. E R... 0 L. 
Ic.\lurray Glen Williams,........ Halton ............ OICharlt!s Williams 
Gladstolle............... Victoria...... N B R. Watson Glen Willow......... Middlellex, W R. OIJohn Reilley 
GladJÞme............... ' MarqUette.. ...... )1 Edwin Rose Glenwood............... Yarmouth ...... N S A. E. Allen 
Glammú ............... Uruce. W R. ...... 0 1 R. W. Harrison Goble's Corners ...... Brant. N R ....... 0 J. G. Goble 
Glamorgan ............ Durham, E R ... 0 K. Kennedy Godbout ....... ....... SR.guenay ......... Q, N. A. Comeau 
GIandine ............... / victoria, S R...... 0 Chas. H. Jones *Godnich............... Huron, W R...... O:A. Dickson 
tllanford ............... Wentworth. SR. 0 Robt. Murphy GOdfrey... ........... Addington......... O:Rich. II. Howes 
Glanmire ............... Hastings, N R.... 0 D. Ll1IDmis. jun. Godolphin ...., ...... Northumb'd. E R.O' , Jtlrs. E. Thinkle 
Gbmworth ............ Middlesex,S R... 0 John Turnbull Goff ..................... Halifax .........N.8 Wm. Goff 
Gla6cott ............... :6rey, 8 R. ......... 0 Richard English Golden Groye ......... 'St. John......... N B Peter Brennan 
Olasgow ...............'Ontario, W R.... 0 Benjamin Parke, Golden Grove l'1lills. St. John ...... N. BIAlex. Wells 
GlaSSville............... I Carleton ....... N B Hugh }Iiller Golden Lake ......... &nfrew. N R ... O,Frederic Hugly 
G lastonbury .......... Addington...... ... 0 W. S. Ruttan Go!den Ridge ...... ... Carleton....... N BiG. Campbell 
Gleichen. .. . .. .. ... ......... .......... Alta J. E. Fll\herty Golden 8tream .... Marquette ...... 1'!I' D. lIcConnell 
Glen Adelaide ..... ...... ... .......... Assa i Fred. Whitlock Goldenville ............ Guysborough... N 8 ' I rh(,rua... James 
Glen Aida. ............ Petf'rboro', E R... 0 Ira A. Rosebush Goldfield ............... 8tormont............O !II. }lcLean 
*Glen Allan......... ... Wellington, C R.. 0 Alex. Robertson Gold River ...... ...... Lunenburg......N 8 I Benjamin KedJ.y 
Glen Almond. . . ... Cttawa.......... ... Q Thos. II. Henry Goldsmith ...... ...... Essex, 8 R......... 0 Wm. Ogle 
men Alpine ......... :\ntigonlsh", ....N S H. Cameron Goldstone............... Wellington, C R. (' John W. Craig 
Glen Anglin ......... Gloucel!ter ......N B Wm. :\lurphy GoldRtream .......... Victoriß......... ß c,Jnml's 'lcPhair 
Glenannan ............ Hnron, E R. ...... 0 \[rs. A. Audersol' Gondola Point.. ... King.s....... N B,J.L.B. Flewelhn>!' 
Glenarm................ Victoria, N R...... 0 Seth Hickaby Gonor................... LiF
l\r............. !\ol John Gunn 
Olen Dean. ............ , Ottawa............. Q J. M. Bean Good Corner.. ......... Cßlleton .........N BICharles Long 
Glen Bard ,....... Anti!lonisIJe ... N S John McLean Gooderham ............ Peterboro'. E R... olChas. Way 
Glen Becker....... Dundas...:.... 0 L. 8. Becker Goodstown ............ / Carleton............ OIT. H. 
Glenbervie ........ Colchester.... 
 8 1 Frank Fulton Goodwood ............ Ontario, W R..... 0, :\1. Chapman 
men Buell ............ JBrockville ......... 0 Croftou J. GilroJ OOOs",berry Cove ... 8t. John.........N ß,Jlrs. F. Trafton 
Glenboro' ....... . .. ...1 
Iarquettl' .........M / J. Duncßn OooRe Cre"k ... ...... 1 St. John... ......N B " JOShUa PreR
Glenburnie ............1 Frontenac ......... 0 George Hunter Goose River............ King's .........P E I U. 
Glencairn ............ . Simcoe. S R. ...... 0 1 \1. N. 8t.epheu" Gordon.................. Essex, SR.......... 0 J. C. Duff 
Glencoe............ ...... 1 
lfddlesex, W R. 0 Roùt. CIanalJan Gord'JDsville ......... Carieton.........N B I Elijah Brooks 
Glencoe n. .... .... Inverness ...... N 8 R. 
lcDonald Gordonville............ Wellington. N R. O'nob"rt 8im 
Glencoe ........... Restigouche... N B David Duncan Oor"'...................... Hant!! ............N 8 D. Thompson 
Glen Cove.... ......... Guysbol"O' ...... N 8 John Farrel Gm-e Bay..... . ...... Algoma ............ 0 Alex. Irving 
Glen Colin ........... EIl!'in. E R......... 0 S. T. Young Gore'sLanding ...... 
orthumb.d,W R 0 Wm. East 
Glencorradllie .......I Klng.s......... PEl Jas. McIsaac Goring ............... Grey. E.R.......O Mrf. S. Bailey 


..::.. . . . . .. . . . . I?

 n a e rr s Y s ......... 0 A. B. \lcDonald Gormley............... York, E R ......... 0 Colin }lcKenz,i 
......N S Andrew BoJ'd Carrie .................. Huron, E R ...... 0 Henry ßesamotl 
Glendale ............... I Jliddlesex. E R. 0 A. Baughart Goshen ............... Albert.............:N ß J<:. A. Robinson 
Glendale .......... Jlarquette...... JI James 
IILJJand Goshen ...... ......... Guysboro' ...... N S Donald Sinclair 
Gltlndinnlng ......... Selkirk........ !II Henry Mason Gosport ............... Lennox ............ O I Geo. 1\1. Germa1U 
Glendyer... ......... .hlvt!rness..... N S W. McDonald Gould .................. Compton ......... Q Alex. Ross 




(!I.nld St a. U()D.. .. .... Compton.. -:
owa n - Greenfield: 8t.MarY8 I GUY8oor o- . ......N 8 A. W 8utheünd 
60nlMs Bay.. . ..... Algoma ............ 0 And. McAuley Green Hill. ............ Pictou ............N 8 Mrs. J. :\lcKenzie 
Gourock. ............... Wellington, 8 R.O J. U. Ireland Green lUll ............ Cumberland....N B J. A. Maøon 
Gewan Brae... ...... King8 ...... PEl Lazaru8 White Greenock............... Bruce. E R........ 0 S. Hawtho_ 
Gowanøtown. ......... Wellington, N R. 0 Joøeph Bittschen Green Point ......... Prince Edward... 0 Calvin Reynolds 
G.1Ier Point .. ...... Renfrew, N R ... 0 Thoø. M.Carswell Green Point. ...... Glouceøter... N B M. Ellis 
Gowland Mouutaln. Albert... .........N B Wm. McKenzie Green Point Station york....... ......:s B M. Shea 
Gowrie . . .. . .. .. ... Perth, S R. . . ... 0 T. P. Harriø Green Ridge ......... Provencher..... I'll I Wm. Foulds 
Gracefield . . . .. . .. . 1 Ottawa ........ Q Patrick Grace Green River ......... Temi8couata...... Q George APr . U 
Grafton ............... NorthuBlb'd,W RO J. Gillard Green River ......... Ontario. W R.... 0 P. R Hoover 
Grafton. ...... .........ICarleton... w....N B Mis8 H. Shea Green River ......... Victoria .........N B John Lynch 
Grafton. ...............1 King's............ N 8 W. H. Bowles Green's Brook..... Pictou........ N S / peter Green 
Graham's Road ...... !Queen'ø ......P E I Mrs. Ann Cash Green's Creek......... Colche8ter ......N S Daniel Dart 
Grahamsville ".'''''' 1 Peel.................. 0 Peter Lsmpbier Greenside............... Grey, 8.R...........0 R.Legate 
Grainfield.... ......... N(\rthumb'd... N B M. Hayes Green8vill", ... ......... Wentworth, N R, 0 I Andrew Black 
Gr&nboro'............... Shefford............ Q 8am. Diamond Green Valley......... Glengarry......... 0 George Blair 
Granby.................. Shefford ............ Q George Vittie Greenview ............ H
tings, N R ... 01.1. 
Grand Anøe ......... Richmond ......N SjMrF. McPherson Greenville ............ Cumberland. ...N S Isaac O'Brien 
Grande Ance ...... ... j fJlouooster ... ...N BI O. Blanchard Greenville Station.. Cumberland. ...N S' .T. S. For8hner 
Grand 8...y ............ Kiug's...... ......N 8, D.,vid lIarum Greenway............ Middleøex, N Roo 0, W. J. Wilson 
Grand Bend .......... 1 Lambton, E R.... O J ,John Ironside Greenwich. ............ King's..........P E I' F. W. McEwen 
Grande Baie..... ... Chicoutimi ...... Q D. Tremblay Greenwich Hlll...... King's............N 8,A. L. B. McKie 
Grand C!l!lCäpedia... Bonaventure.... QI W. Robertson Greenwood ............ Lisgar ............ \1 Thos. Bowman 
Grande Freniere...... Two Mountains. Q Jos. Payment Greenwood ............ King's............ N 81 M. Foster 
Grande Gràve .........1Ga8pé ..... ......... Q1Cll"rleø Esnou! Oreenwood ............ Ontario,W R...... Or M. Gleeson 
6rande Ligne.........1St. John's ......... Q I Jean Bte. Seneca Greer..................... St.John......... N B;Geo. Richardson 
Grand Entry ......... Ga8pé ............... Q Neil McPhail Greer Mount....... Pontiac......... Q G. McDonell 
Grande Prairie .......j Yal&-Kootenay. B C A. J. Kirkpatrick Gregory............... Simco.., R....... Oi Wm. Grtogory 
GrandesPiles..........,Champlaln........ Q Theophile Roux Grenfel.................. Simcoe. N R ...... o,Henry Parr 
Grande8 CoUdée8. ". 1 Beauee ............. Q I J . L Champagne Grenfell .......... A8siniOOia....... . , Richard Routh 
Grand Etanp: ......... Inverness..... .N. S J. Doucette *Grenvüle ....... ...... Argenteuil......... Q D. Williampon Jr 
Gralliie Vallée ...... Gaspli ...... ......... QI Loui!! Fournier Gresham ............... Bruce, W R...... 0 I Richard 

Granil Fr:ilù ......... Victoria ........N B l patk. McMillan Gretna .................. Provencher .......M J. R HoffWl"n 




: I Ó

.:::::: i: : 
;:ter g

.: :.: :.: 
: 81 

Grand!gue ............ j K.ent ............N B Raphael Leger Grey
 ............ Midd
e8ex, SR... 0 I A. J. ThirlWRll 
Grandlguø Ferry "' 1 Richmond ......N 81D. McDonald Grev s Mills............ King s ............N BjJameø Campbell 
Grandin ...... .....:... ......:............ Sa8k l Rev.J.Fo:Jrmond Greywo?d .. .... ... Annapolls.... N S I W. B. Orde 
Grand Lake StatIon Halifax ......... N 8 George :oilchole Griersvllle ............ Grey, E R ......... 0 James Marilhall 
Grand Manan........ j CharlOuð ......N B I IH. C. Seely Gribbin ............... Peel.................. O , Thomas Ke.y 
Grand Métis ...... Rimouski ........ Q W. E. Page Griffin's Corner" .... Elgin. E R......... 0 Jacob A. Griffin 
lira, North. Cape Breton... N S D. McDou
ll Griffin Cove............ Gaspé ............... Q p",ter Maloin 
Grand Mira, &uth,'ICape Breton... N 8 Donald Gillies Griffith........... ...... Renfrew. 8 R...... 0 1 Thoma
Grand Narrows, R... Victoria ......... N 8 Allan McDonald -Grim.çhy............... Wentworth. 8 R. 0 H. E. Nellet; 
Grand Narrows. S.... J C
reton ... N 8, E. A. McNeil. Gr
møby Park .--.... Wentwortb. 8 R. 0 1 Noah Phe
GraIKt NaITOW8 ......1 Vlct,rl8 ......... N 8\ Stephen McNeil Grlmøton.. ............ Grey, N R..... . 0 D. Gillespie 
GraIKt PaOO" ........ Gasp6 ............... Q ThomaB Soucy Grind8tone I8Iand... Ga8pé ............... Q W. U. LeslE 
Grand. Pre....... ...... King's... ......... N f\ J. W. Borden Gri8wold 8tation .... 1'elkirk ............ M George Llnd8ay 
Grand. River ......... Gaspé ............... QIJ08ðPh O. Siroil Grondines ............ Portneuf ......... Q F. X. Thibodeau 
Grand River ... ...... Victoria ........ N 81 F. Vlvlette Grosøes Coques ...... Digby. ............N S I F. X. Vanto1l1' 
Grand River ......... Richmoud ......N fI H. Murchison Grosse8 Roche8..... Rimouski.......... QrJoøeph Ross 
Chantl St. Bsprit . .. Nicolet...... ....... Q J. A. Pinard Gr08venor ...... ...... GuysOOro' ...... N S I Samuel O'Neil 
Grand TraC4die ...... Queen's ......P E I S. McDonald Grove8end ............ Elgin, E R......... 0 W. E. Godfrey 
Grand Va.l.ley ......... Wellingto. ..... 0 R. F. Taylor Grove Mills............ Bothwell ..........0 Alonzo Ruble 
Grandview ............ Queen's ...... PEl A. W. Martin Groves Point ......... Cape Breton ... N S Solomon Knox 
e . ............... Selkirk........ M Ja8. Gardiner Groveton .... . ... ... Grenville, S R... 0 1 J88. McAuley 
Granger ............... Cardwell ......... O l wm. Dynes Grund..... ..... ... 8elkirk........ M S Christopher80n 
Granite Hall...... Mu8koka........... 0 J. S. Dris!'oll Gueguen ............... Kent. ...... ...N BI M. Gueguen 
Cranite Creek..... Yale-KQotenay.B C Alex. Lindsay -Guelph ............... Wellington, 8 R.O David SUrton 
Grant ..................IRu8øell ............ 0 J. Edmonstone Guigues ............... Ottawa ............ Q \ u. Brazeau 
Grant .................. j Westmoreland, N B Abram Graut Guild8 .................. Kent ............... 0 J. Guild 
Grantley ............... Dundas ............ O I John C. Munro Gulf8hore ............ Cumberland ...N S I W. Waugh 
Grardon ............ ...1 I'tliddieøex, 
 R... 0 Jame!! Grant Gull Cove. ............ Cape Breton ... N 8 Alex. Hardy 
Granton ...............! Picton............ N S Nell Fraser Gull Creek........ Addington...... O.J. H. Jones 
GraBvilla ............. I Queen.s..... ...P E I Edw. Henry Gunning Cove ...... Shelburne ......N S I JOhn Doane 
Grsnville Centre ... Annapolis ......N 8 F. R. Troop Gunter. . . . ... ..... Hastlng8. N R.... 0 Jno. H. Gunter 
Granville Ferrv ...... Annapoli8 ... ...N 8 Hugh M. irvine GuthrIe ... ...... ...... Simcoe, E R.... ... 0 rD. Livingstone 
Gras8mere ............ Muskoka& P S'd. 0 R. Ballantin", GuysOOrough ........ Norfolk, N R...... OIJÐhn W. Doyle 
Grassy's Corners. ... J wentworth, SR. 0 G. M. Marshall Guysbor01l1lh ......... GUY8OOro' ......N S E.J.Cunningham 
Grattan........... ...... Northum'.... ...N B P. Grattsn GuysOOro'Intervale. Guysb'Jro' ......N SjRobert McKay 
Grattan ................ Renfrew,S R.... 0 M. Mc
'arland Gypsum Mine8 .... Hl\ldimand......O C. Watton 
-Gravel Hill............ I "tormont ........ 0 John Crawford Hackett's (Jove ... .:., Halifax ......... :oi S I 
. Grono 
*Gravenhurst ......... Simcoe, E R....... O,J. P. Co!'kburn Hadlow Cove .........1 J,e,"i
. ............... Q,Jame8 Gibl'On 
-Graystúck ............ Peterboro'.E R... O'Mark GraY8tock .lIr.l{Jersvilh ......... Halrlimand ...... 0 l CharJe8 Hager 
Great Shemogne ... We8tmoreland N BIAdam B. Copp Hagerman's Corner8' York, E R...... .. 0 W. !lfilUken 
Greal V"tUage........., Colchl\Bter ......N 81 Robert Dill Hainsville ............ Dundas ............ 0, Mrs. W. Dillon 
Greel, ............! RU8;Jell ........ 0 R Bate8 Haillsville ............ Digby............ N S I !Ill's. W. H. Hains 
Greenbank ............IOntario, N R...... 0 Edward Phænlx Hayley Stalion ...... Renfrew, N R... O'Dudley MOf\re 
Green Bay... ......... ! Algoma ............ 0 John Skipp" lIalcomb....... ...... Northumberl'dN B r Wm Hamilton 
Greenbush ............ 1 Brockville ........ 0 R. E. FORter Haldane HilI ... ...... !tlu8koka & P 8'd. OIGeo. C. Betta 
Greenbuøh......... York. ............ N B S. N. Phillips HalfIsland Cove ... GUY8OOro' ...... :oi S I JOhn Di

Green Co\'e ............1 Victúria . ...... N 8 Donald Smith Halfway Cove......... Guysboro'...... N S John Jamieson 
Greenllaie. . .... ...1 Antig.miøhe.... N 8 J. W. Chisholm Halfway Brook ...... Colchester ......N 8 i Wm. Fi8her 
Greenfield ............ I Glengarry... ...... 0 A. McDou
ld Halfway 
iver....... Cumberland ...N 8 1111'.8. G,F
Greenfield ............ Carleton .........N B Thoma8 Wakem fhlfway River 8t.... Cumberland ....N 8 j fJaID8 LewIs 
Greenfield ............IQueen's .........N 8 J. E. Tibert *Hnlibu1.lon . ......... Peterboro', E R, 0 John F. Young 
Greenfield ............ Colcbeøter ......N S RooortMcKenzle . Halifcu, ..............., Halifax .........N 8 H. W. Blackadar 
. [590 J 




HaUertõB.: .=::: Huntingdon ...... Q E. T. Kenn
 Cumberland ...N 8 Jamer! S;;Y-- 
Halloway............... Hastings, E R ... 0 
Irs. M. A. Clark Hastings ............... Albert............N B 1 J. E. McQuaid 
Hallowell Grant...... Antigonishe... N 8 Hugh Dunn Hatchley 8tation .. Oxford, S R.. ... 0 J. B. Pow
Hal1's Bridge ......... Peterboro', W R, 0 S. Purser HaUìeld Point ....... King's .......... N B,F. D. Ganong 
Hall's Gleu ............ Peterboro', E R, 0 John .J. C. owe Hl11hy .................. Stanstead ......... QIJ. B. LeBaron 
Hall's Harbour ...... King's ............N 8 .John Neville Hathaway..... ... Pontiac........ QI Wm. Cosgrove 
Hall's Mills. .. ..... Lanark, N R. . .. 0 David Barr Haultain ............... Peterboro', E R... 0 Clark 8tone 
Hall's Prairie...... 
_Westminster,B C D. W. Brown Havelock............... Peterboro', E R... 0 A. V. Fuller 
Hall's 8tream......... Compton ........... Q E. Bean Havelock ............... Digby ............N 8 J. G. Nowlan 
Hallville ............... Dundss ............0 Joseph Wal]aC6 Havergal............... Hastings, N R... 0 John Bremner 
Halverson ............ PontillC ............ Q James Moore *HawkutJury ......... PrellCOtt............ 0 J. G. Higginson 
*HamiUon ............ j Hamilton .........0 H. N. Cll8e Hawkestone ......... , simcoe, E R ...... 0 Philip McLeod 
Hamilton............... Prince .........P E I Chas. Stewart HawkuviUt............ Waterloo. N R... 0 Robt. Morrison 
Hamilton Cove..... Saguensy....... Q Dor. Tremblay Rawley............... Lennox ............ OIJohn Hllditllh 
Ham.ton Mountain QUØdD.'S ..... N B Erwin Hamilton Hawthorne ............ Russell ...... ...... 0 1 A. F. Graham 
Hamiota........... Marquette...... M F. M. Hamilton Hawtrey............... Oxford, S R. ...... 0 C. J. Treffrey 
Hammond ............ Perth, N R......... 0 John Grieve Hay......... ............ Middlesex, N R. 0: Abel Walper 
Hammondvale ...... King's............N B W. Fowler Hay Bay............... Lennox ............ OIN. Woodcock 
Hampshire Mills.... Simcoe, E R...... 0 W. H. Leef liay C9ve............... Richmond...... N 8 I ,John McDonald 
Hampst<!ad ............ Oxford, N R....... 0 G. T. Schuck IIaydon ............... Durham, W R... 0 Wm. Broad 
Bampstead ............ Queen's ......... N B Goo. H. Clark Hayesland ...... ...... Wentworth, N R. 0 I Michael Hayes 
Hampden............... Grey, SR.......... 0 Henry Byer Hayfield........ ... Selkirk. .... ... M'L. P. Bobier 
Hampton ............... Durham, W R ... 0 H. lmiott Hay's River............ Inverness ......N sl Rod. McDougall 
Hampton ............ Queen's ......P E I B. W. Cameron Haysville............... Waterloo, B R.... O I R' Puddicombe 
HampÚJn ...... ......... King's............N B W .J.Flewwellln
 Hayward.......... ............. ASl'a H. H. Hayward 
Hamtown ............ York ............N B Henry Bird Hazeldean ...:........ Carleton............ 0 Adam Abbott 
Hanlan.................. Pef\l.................. 0 G. Johnston Hazel Green ........ King's. ....... PEl Joseph Hayley 
lIanllm........... . I Lisgar. .........M James McDonald Razel Grove ......... QueeD's .......P E I J. E. Bagnall 
lIannon ............... Wentworth, 8 R, 0 Mrs. T. Cowie Hazel Hill. ............ lluYRboro'.. ...N S 1 8. S. Dlckinl'On 
HafW'rJtr ............... Grey. 8 R.......... 0 T. 8. Coppinger Hazelwold. ............ Selkirk........ M J. Ii. Clevtland 
Hansford............... CumbecIand ...N 8 A. D. Lockhart Headford ............... York, E R......... 0 James Welma. 
Hanúport ............ Hants ............N 
 \1iils A. 
l. Shaw Headingly ............ Lisgar..... .........M F. H. Francis 
Hanwell ............... York ............N B Wm. Legber Head Lake ............ Victoria. N R ....0 W. A. Maxwell 
Harbour au BoucM. Antigonishe ...N 8 Edward Corbett Hell.d of Amherst ... Cumberland ... N 8 1 It'. Beharrel 
Harbour Road ...... Antij!;onishe ...N 8 Alex. Mcisaac Head of Cardigan ...IKing'fI......P ElM. McA14ay 
Rarbourrllle ........ KlnK's............N 8 D. B. Parker Head ofChezzetcook l HalifRX ......... N 8 j samuel Braden 
Harcourt ............... Renfrew, S R ... (, W. M. Hutton Head of Hilisboro'... King.s......... PEl D. D. Coffin 
Hardinge............... Addington......... 0 ThomasTapping Head Ind.Har.Lake. Guysborough...N S John Hallett 
Hardingville.......... St. John .........N P, V. Harding Head of JedJtore ... , Halifax .........N S A.. A. Uay 
Tlardwicke ............ Northumb.......N B Robert Noble Head of Jordan River Shelburne ......N S I H. Harlowe 
Hardwood Flat ...... Compton ........ Q 8eth W. Tracy Head of Millstream. King's....... N B J. A. Scheck 
Hardwood Lands... Rants ............N S 
Irs. J. Grant H. of River Hebert. Cumberland... N 8,Frank B. Yuung 
Harewood ......... Westmnreland,N B C. Ermine Ryder H.St.Margaret'sBayIHalifax .........N 8lG.Dauphinee 
Harkaway ...... ...... Grey, E R ......... 0 Jas. Logan H. of 8t. Mary's Bay Digby......... ...N 8 i Mrs. W. H. Young 
Harlem ............... Leeds. 8 R......... 0 Wm. Gorman Head St. Peter's Bay King's .........P E I I Angul< McAulay 
Hl\rley.................. Oxford, S R.. ... 0 F. T. Cox H. South River Lake I Antigonishe ...N 8 Donald McNeil 
Harley Road ......... Queen's......... N B J. D. Brown H. Tatamagouche B. Colchester ......N 8 Wm. Dobson 
Harlock . ............... Huron, 8 R ...... 0 Thomllos Neilans Head of Tide. .........IRestigouche ...N B James Gillies 
HarJowe ............... Addington......... 0 Robert Scott HeadofWallaceBlI.y Cumberland ...N 8 A. W. Peers 
Harmony...... ......... Kinll;'s...... ...... N 8 Austin Spinney H. WallaceB.(N.8ide) Cumberland ...N S Goo. Brown 
Harmooy............... Oxford, N R ...... 0 S. Dunsmore Helloslip............ Selkirk........ M 8. A. Heaslip 
Harmony Mills ...... Queen's ......... N B NRth. 8mith Reathbell . .. .. . ... Pictou....... N S A. Fraser 
Harold. ........... HlIostings. N R... 0 Sam'l Bailey Heather ................ Lambton, E R ... 0 D. McIntyre 
Harper.................. Lanark, S R ...... 0 Joseph Warren Heatherton ......... Antigl.nll'he ...N 8 1 A. It'raser 
Harpley ............... Middlesex. N R... 0 T. N. Hayter Heathcote ............ Grey, It: R ......... 0 Thomas J. Rorke 
Harrìetsville ......... IIfiddlesex,ER... 0 Mrs. Mary Barr Hebb'sCross ......... Lunenburg.... N 8 Jas. E. HtJtJb 
Harrigan Cove ...... Halifax .........N 8 John Fraser Hebron.................. Albert............N B I Norman Copp 
Harrington. East... Arl!;enteuil ...... Q D. B. Campbell Hebron.................. Yarmouth ......N S C. Cohan 
n, West... Oxford, N R ...... 0 Mrs. Mary Whit4 Heckston ............... Grenville, N R... 0 Hugh IIugbes 
Harrisburg............ Brant, N R ......0 James Galloway Hedleyvllle............ Quebec............. Q J.dtJ Blois 
Harrison's Corners. Cornwall ......... 0 Cath. Macdonald Heidelburg ............ Waterloo, N R ... 0 1 Adam 8teiss 
Ibrriwn River ...... N.WØ8tminster B C John Barker Helena ..............'... Huntingdon ...... Q J. McGibbon 
HarrisonSettleiuent Cumberland... N 8 Wm. Harrison Hemford ............... Lunenburg......l'i 8 ! wm. Mailman 
"'Harruton ... ........ 1 1 Wemnll'ton, N R, 0 A. McCready Hemisot! ............... Dorcbeswr......... Q Tbos. Smith,jun. 
Harrow... ............ Essex, 8 R......... 0 John McAfee Hemlock. .. .. .. ... Norfolk, 8 R. . . . 0 Albert Burrows 
Harrowsmìth ......... Addiup:ton.........O S. F.8tewart Hvnmingford......... Huntingdon ...... Q John McFee 
HartfeU ............... 1 Musknka a: P Sd. 0 I JOhn Duke Henderson Settlem't Queen's... ...... N B John Huggard 
Hartford ............... Norfolk. N R...... 0 B. W Thomas HtondersonSettlem't Cumberland... N 8 J. HtJnderson 
HartfOl.11. ............... Cumberland ....N 8 John Crawford Henesy............ Pontiac......... Q J. Lafreniere 
Hartford ............... Carleton .........N B \ OeOrge Stickney Henfryn ...............1 Huron, E R. ...... 0 1 A. J. Selwood 
IIartington ............ Addington......... 0 Wm. Patterson Hendrick ............ Middlesex, 8 R... 0 Henry CUlren 
Hartland............... ! carIPton......... N B S.R. Shaw HO!nnigar...............! IIants............ N 8 W. Hennigar 
Hartley............... Vict?r1a, N R ... 0 John Barl\er Henry ..................:Prescott............ 0 H. ('ross 
Hartney. ............... Selktrk. ............M ,J. H. Hartney Henry's Lak........ St. John..... 
 B F. S. Hanford 
Hartsmere ........ Addlnlrton ....!.O Wm. Bremner IIpnrysburg ......... 1 8t.JOhn'S ......... Q Wm.Cockerline 
Hartøville ............ Queen'lI ......P E J :'Jeil McKay HmryV1lk ............ lberville............ Q F. Lafond 
Harty's Station ...... Renfrew. SR.... 0 'lichael Harty Hemllll.................., Huron, 8 R ...... O,J. 8utherland 
.................. Albert............N RIJ. M. StevPWI lIepworth ............ Grey, N R ......... Oi Robert RUl'sell 
narvey Bank........ Albert ......... N B I Lam. It' West Herdman............... Huntingdon ......Q W. Anders9n 
Harvey Creek...... Cariboo ...... B C Donald Rankin Hereford ...............ICompton ......... QI 
Irs. A Workman 
Harvey Statwn ...... ' yOrk ............N BI D. Glendinning HertJward ............ Wellington. C R, O,George Brown 
Harvey Hill Mines... Meltantic ......... Q I ,
eo. H. Porter Hermon ............... HllStings, N R ... 01 Wm. McMaun 
Harwieh ............... Kent ............... 0 Ileorge E. Booth Hermanville..... . I King'II...... PEl II. JIIcDonald 
Harwood ............... 1 Northumb'd,WR, 0 R. Drope Hernefield....... ..ISelkirk........ .
 A. Thompson 
Haseville.. ............ Mlssìsquoi......... Q Thomlll' lIase Heron Island ........., Re!ltigouchtJ ...N B,George Dutch 
Hs.llllett............ Digby............ N S Ryron IIassett Herring Cove ......... Halifax. .........N 8 1 John Rayno 
*Hastings ............Northumb'd,E \ li
1. Fould
 *HesptÙT............... I Watecloo, SR.... 0 Goo. K Chapman 



[ L887. 


 I - POS;
I POS'l1dA;!R
son........... .IPertb. N R ....... 0 W. F. Mack IIorn peÿ--:-.-:.:= C umberl 
d--=-N 8 I GeorgeReeve - 
Hewitt. . ..' .... .. .1 J\lonck ..... . . .. 0 J B. Hewitt Horn's Road ......... Cape Breton. _ N 8 fl. Horn 
Heyworth . ............IOttawa ............ Q James Walker IIorton Landing...... King'!!........ N 8 1 Fred. G. Curry 
IIiawatha ............1 Ppterboro', E R, 01 Wm. Troop Hotspur ............... Peterboro', E R . 0 Thomas Clark 
H!oornia ............... ' Queen's ......... N B D
vld G
rdiner Hougbton ............ Norfolk. 8 R...... O!George Dundy 
Hickson.. ......... Oxford, N R ...... O:MIss 8. 
ance Rouse Harbour ...... Gll8pé ............... Q I P. L. Joncaa 
Higgin's Road ......1 Prince .........P E I D. A. ;\lorrison Housey's Rapids ... Ontario. N R...... 0 1 p, J. Brace 
Higb Bank ........... King's......... PEl D. Livingstone Howe Island ......... Frontenac .. ...... OIJames O'Brien 
High Bluff '" ......... Marquette. ...... M J. A. Drumwond Irowirk ............... Chateaugnay ... Q, Thomas Gebbie 
Highbury ............ King's............ N S N. E. Bibbop Heyt Slation ......... Sunbury....... N B:Abner Mersireau 
Higb }'aUs ............ Renfrew, 8 R .... OI
lrl'.;\1. Dillon H'Lhhard's (JQc,- ...... Halifax .........N S J. E. 8batford 
hfield............... York, W R......... 0 J. Brooks IIudFon ............... Vaudreuil ......... Q Albert Vipond 
Highfield............... Hauts ............N 8, !\Irs. M. BurgesI' HUf>stis Landing.... Queen's...... N B,lsaac Clark 
Highgate...... ......... Elgin, W R....... 0 Henry Bell Huffman ............... Kent........... 0 R A. IIarrington 
lhland Or.eek ...... York. 1<1 R ......... 0 1 Wm. 'fredway .Hull . ................ . Ottawa .......>0... Q Jas. H. Kerr 
HI;::hland Village ... Colchester...... 
 SI D. Geddes Humber ............... York. W R ......0 J. Robinson 
IIighlands ............ Carleton ....... N BIJ. McFarland *Humbersteme...... Welland............ 0 ,James O. Rose 
High River........!............. A Ita. W. J. Bunce Hunter's Home ...... Queen's ......... N ß Wm. Cole 
High Rock...... .... I Ottawa..... ..... QIC. Lapointe Hunter's :\Jountaln. Victoria......... N S John ITunter 
Hillandale ........ Victoria......... N B Lewis Pickett Hunter's River ...... Queen's.........P E I Peter :\lcGrath 
Hi\1burn...... .... ..... ........ Ass8 W. T. Hill Hunterstown ......... MlUlkinond ...... Q John }IcGuire 
Hill Head. ............ Argenteui1 . ...... Q Th')ml\.
 Pollock . Huntingdon ......... Huntin
don ...... Q Chas. :\Jarshall 
IIillhurst.......... Compton....... Q Edward Lang Huntingfie1d ...... Huron, E R .... 0 Johu Gordon 
Hillier .................., Prince Edward... OJ R. Noxon JIuutington ....... Cape Breton... N S N. MclJonald 
Hillman........... E8
ex, SR..... 0 Robert, 1\Ian"ry Huntin
ville ......... I'herbrooke ...... Q .J. W. Gamsby 
Hill!,borough ......... I Lambton, W R... olCharles Hill Huntley............... Lsnark, N R...... 0 W. F. FAnton 
HilIsborough ......... Inverness .....N SIJ. M. McNeil rInnt's Point ......... Queen's ......... N 8 Nat. McKenne 
ffillsborouglt ......... Albert... ... ...... N B I R. K Steeves *lluntsville ............ I :\Iuskoka & P S'I1. 0 James F. Uanes 
Hil.lsburglt ............ Wellington, 8 R,O Wm. Donaldson Hnrdville ............ }Im,koka & P S'rt. 0 John Sirr 
Hillsdale ...."......... 1 8imcoe, E R ......0 Robart Parker Huston.................. ,Wellington, C R, 0 Dltvid CaUaway 
dale ............... King.s............ N B Mrs. J. B. Hicks Hutchinson Settle't" Halifax .........N S S.Hutrbinson 
Hm's Green ......... Huron, 8 R ...... OiChas. Troyer Huttonsville ......... PeeL................ 0 JaB. P. Hutton 
Hillside ............... " cape Breton ...N S W. D. IIiIl IIybla ...... ............1 Hastings, N. R... 0 G. A. Bl\rt.tett 
Hillside ............... Albart............N B P. Collirutt Hyde Pl\rk Corner... l"Uddlesex, E R... 0 R. T. Lord 
Hillview . .. .. .. .... I Selkirk. . . .. .. . M: Wm. Rothwell Hyndman. . . .. . . .. Grenville. ......... 0 J. Hyndman 
IIilly Grove............ Algoma ............0 J Rutledge Icelandic River...... Lisgar ............11 F. Fridrlks,ln 
IIilwn ..................,Northumb'd,ER, 0, W. J. ;\-leAnlay Ida ....................., Durh4m, E R ... 0 Wm. H. Lough 
Hinch ... ............... Addington... ...... 0, :\Irs. Wm. Hinch Ida ...... ............... Queen's... ...... N B W. F. Keir
Hintonburg............ Carleton............ O , rïlijAm Hogg Ignace........ ....1 ... ......... 0 W. n. Cobb 
Hiram .................. Albert .........N. B ohn Lawder Ilfracombe ............,1\fuf!koka& P8'd.0 Ed. Malkin 
H%rd's Station. . .. Northumb'd,E R, 0 I Mrs. J. E. Donald Ildertou ... ............ , 
Iiddlesex, E R.. 0 Robt. Little 
HOlI.8ic .................. Dundar.............. OIWm. Lepoint Imlah ..................,King's ......... N B I,emuel Gillies 
Hoath IIead . . . . ... GrIlY, N R. .. ... 0, Michael Dealy Inchby. A... .. . . ... Queen's...... N B N. Inch 
Hobart .................. Simcoe, E R . ... 0 1 K. Kennedy Indian Brook ......... Victoria ......... N S D. 
.Hochelaga............ Hochelaga......... Q James H. Brown Indian Ford .......... Marquette ....... M HHbertSturton 
Hochstadt ...... ...... Provencber....... 1tI Pett!r J,oewin Indian Harbour...... Halifitx ...... ...N S JI\f!. E. Stratford 
Hockley ...............ICardwell .......... 0 John Hackett Indian Head..... .1................ Alis:! Robt. Crawford 
Hodson. ............... Pictou............ N 8 Wm. Henry Indian Island......... Charlotte ......N B Miss C. P. Dixon 
Holbrook...............,Oxford, SR....... 0 Wm. Wilkinson Indian Mnuntaiu... Westmoreland,N B 8. Somers 
Holdervllle ... ...... .../ King's ... ...... N B T. S. Crawford Indian Point ... ...... Lunenburg...... N S James Moser 
Holland Centre.... Grey, N R...... 0 Carson !'rice Indian River ......... Peterboro', E R,O M. Guprin 
IIolland IIarbour ... Gnysboro ......N S Gideon Flick Indian River ......... Prince......... PEl J. A. :McLellan 
Holland Landing ... York, N R......... 0 W. U. Thorne Indian Road....... Rants........ N 8 John Grant 
Holland. ..... ......... :\Jarquette . ...... 1\1 A. C. Hollaud *Indian T(
wn......... St. John.........N B Wm. G. Brown 
Holland's )li11s.... 'Ott4WI\......... Q A. Holland .Inger8f)1l............... Oxford. S R ...... 0 Joseph Gibson 
lIollbroke . ...... ...... ... ......... ....... AHa J. E. Aylwin Inp;lewond ............. Cardwell. .... . ..0 J. Graham 
Hollen .................. Wellington, N R, 0 T. Thompson Ingli8ville ............ Annapo1is.... N S James Beals 
Holly ............ ...... I 'Simcoe, 8 R....... 0 10:. And
Rby ............I':ictor!lt, N R.... 0 John W. Hunt 
IIoIly Park............ York, N R......... 01'1. J. 0 Neill IngoDish ............... \lctorla......... N 8 J. W. Burke 
Holmes' Mills......... Qnt'en's .......P E J .\1. McLeod [n
ram R.iver.........,IIlilif.1.X.......... N 8 C. A. Whitman 
IIolmesville............ ,Carleton .........N B1Isaac Broad Inholmes ............. 'luskoka & P 8'd. 0 Wm. Bartlett 
Holmfield . ........... I Selkirk ............ M T. 8. Young Inistioge ............... Grey, E R ......... 0 H. ArmstlOn
Holmesville............ , Huron. 8 R ...... 0 J. L. Conrtice Inkerman .......... Dundas ............ 0 Aka Corri;1;an 
Holstein ............... Grey, 8 R.......... 0 N. D.l\IcKenzie Inkerman ............,Gloncester.......N B ì\[rs. Th.bichaud 
Holt .....................'York, N R......... 0 John Quibell lnnt:rkip ............... !Oxford, N R ...... 0 Miss Sarah Begg 
Holton .................. iChateau
lIay .... Q William Hope , [nnlsfil.................. Slm('oe, 8 R ......0 George Barclsy 
Holyrood ............... I Bruce, W R........ 0 A. T. Campbell [nnlsville............... I.Rnark.8 R... ... 0 D. ;o;IIni8 
Homer .................. Uucoln ............ 0 Peter A.Cavers Internat'nal Bridge Weiland............ 0 George Graham 
Houeywood............ Simcoe. 8 R ...... O'George f.awrenc_ [utervale .............1 Westmorelan t.N D H. HorsemlllJ 
Hoodswwn ............ 1l\lnskoka & P S'd. 0 1 E. G. Hillditrh [nverary ...... ......... Frouteroac ......... 0 K Coverley 
IIope... ...... ......... ...1 Yale... ...... ...... B ci J. :\1. Drummond Inverhaugh ... ...... Wellington. C R. 0 Richard Avi!!!1 
Hope Bay. ............1 Bruce, N R .... O'J. Muirhead [nverhuron............ aruce, W R ....... 0 Daniel :\I.uhm 
Ilt.pefìeld. ......... . Renfrew, 8 R .... 0 1 Martin Daly Invermay............... Bruce. N R ...... 0 A. Neelands 
Hopefield............... I Kin g's . . . '. P E [ A. McPhee *Invernl'.8s ...... ....... '}Iegantic ...... ... Q J. E. George 
UopeNess ........ Bruce.N R.......O;JosephWaugh Inverness ............' , rrince......... PEl Lukellughes 
Hope River ............ Queen's ...... P E I I Felix \lurphy Inwood......... ......... Lambton.}] R.... 0 J. l\L CoUt"tright 
IIopetown ............ Bonaventure...... Q Donalù ROil! lema ..................... Elgin, W R ...... 0 Edmund Rocbe 
Hopetown ............ LanRTk, N R...... 0 John White.jun Jona Station .........' Elgin, W R ......0 Wm. Henderson 
HopeviIle............... Grey. ..
 R ......... 0 I. W. }lcAI'dle [rena.....................1 Dundas. ............ 0 Mrs. S. IHunroe 
Hopewell............... Albert............N B James Wright Ireton........... . 'yarmouth...... N 8 ira Pórter 
Hopewell ............... Picton ............N S John Ounn Irish Cove "'''.''.''' 1 Cape Breton ...N S :\1. McDonald 
Hopewell Cape ...... Albert............ N B R. Chester Peck Iri". ..................... Simcoe. N R ...... 0 John Campbell 
HoptJwell Hill ...... Albert............N B Chas. I,. Peck Iris ..................... Queen's ...... PEl AnC!us Beaton 
Hupper ............... Albert............N B W. S. HOI.per Irishtown ............ j Welltmoreland,N B John Larracey 
IIornby ............... Halton ............ 0 John :Uc:\JiUan Iron Dale.......... Victoria, N R.... 0 Peter Barr 
Horncastle ........ Victoria. N. R.... 0 George Sharp Iron Hill ............... Brome ............ Q 'Irs. McCrumb 
Horning" Mill' ...... Grey, E R.......... 0 Jno. F.l\Iatthewt Iron Mines........ Inverness..... N 8 D. Campbell 




---1-;-----1 -- 

S?J:. :
....:::::.::.: !

. ':.::.::.:.

.I1YXJ uuiI ............... \ Dundall ............ OIAdam Harkne8s 
Irvine .................. 
legant1c ......... Q, H. Wark 
Irving 8ettlement... Albert............N BIWm. E. Bishop 
Irwin. . . . .... ..... Kent .......... 0, Thos. Irwin 
Isaac'. Harbour...... : GUY8boro' ...... N S, A. )lc
IilIan, jr. 
["sac's Harbour(e.8.) GUY6boro' ...... N siS. R. Giffin 
Island Brook ..........Compton ........, QIR. H. Wilford 
Islay...... ..............IVictoria, N R .... OiEdward Wilson 
Isie aux Coudre8 "'1 Charlevoi:z....... ... Q ,IUrs.. E. Des
løleRuxGrue8 ......IMontmagny ...... Q I L0U18 LavOIe 
Isie Bizard ............ ,Jacque8 Cartier Q A. Barbeau 
Isle Dupas ...... ...... Berthier............ Q Rev. V. Plingnet 
Isle Perrot ............IVaudreuil ......... (),Jnlien Monpetil 
181e Perrot, North ." I vaudreull ...... Q' L Leduc 
Iflle Velte.......... Temiscouata...... QI LouisA. BertranfÌ 
Islington ...............1 York, W R......... 0 1 Thomas l\lusl'OD 
Ivan .....................Il\Iiddlesex, 8 R... 0 Wm. BULIt 
Ivanhoe ............... Haatings, 8 R ... 0 Wm. B. Tanner 
' ..................... Simcoe, SR.... 0 I Alex. Brown 
Jaekson ............... Cumberland.. N S Wm. Jackson 
Jackson ............... Grey, N R....... OiTho8. Harness 
Jackson Road......... King's....... N S I Asaph Robinson 
Jacksontown ........ Carleton ..... N B Thos. E. Everett 
JaclClIOnville............ Carleton ....... N B,Jaa. Simonson 
Jacksonville. .... .. Cape Breton.. N 8 Jno. B. Jack80n 
JaoquetRiver......... Re8tig. 1 uche... N B Robt. Cormacht'r 
 ................. Elgin, E R...... 01 Wm.J.Ostrander 
Jamel! River....... Antigoni8be...N S,John Chisholm 
James River 8tation Antigonishe....N S Jal'. McDonald 
Jame8to\Vn ........ Huron, E R..... 0 Edward Snell 
Jamesville ............ Victoria .........N S , J. C. Macdonald 
Jamieson.......... Lanark. ............ 0 John Spiers 
Janetville .......... Durham, E R..... 0 John Burn 
Jeneville... .. ...... Gloucester.... N BI Robert C. Caie 
Jarlsberg ......... l\lu8koka & P Sd. 0 1\1. J.ohnslJn 
Jarrett's Corner8. .. Simcoe, E R ...... 0 I Isaac Orsen 
Jarvu .................. Haldimand ...... 0 I Mrs. Urania Sill 
Jasper .................. Gren\'ilIe. N R... 0 Chri8. Richard 
Jauvrin's Harbour.. Richmond.....N 8, Al
x. George 
Jeddore OY8ter Pd's Halifax....... N 81D Mitchell 
Jefferson...... ...... York, W R... .... 0 W. J. Gale 
Jeffry ................... King'8 .._......N BI.T. D. Jeffries 
Jemseg.................. Queen's .........N B I ' N. B. Cottle 
Jenkins ............... Queen'8 .........N E D. l'atterson 
Jericho.......... . Lambton, E R.... 0 1 t
. Campbell 
Jermyn ................ Peterboro'..........O A. C. Brown 
Jersey Mills.. .... Beauce ............ Q Michael Cahill 
Je.l's6yville ............ Brant, N R. ....... 0 A. llendershot 
Jessopville ,........... Grey, 8 It.......... olWiIliam Gray 
Jewett'8 Mills...... York ............ N BI [rlL M. Burtt 
Jocelyn .... .. . ... Algoma . . . .. . . . 0 C. Young 
Jock Vale............... Carleton............ 0 Lewis Cayi8 
Joggin Bridge.. ... Digby........ N S, Wm. H. Randall 
Joggin l\line8......... Cumberland ...N S,A. E. Malonson 
Johnson ......:........ Grey, N R ......... O I 
Johnson Cr088I11g.... COlchester.... ...N 8 Geo, Reue 
Johnson's Landing. N. Westminster BC I R. C. Garner 
on'8 Mills ...... lIuron. S R.... ... 0 David Spencer 
Johnson's Mills..... Westmorland.. N B G. :l\IcFayden 
Johnston's 'River ... Queen's ......P E I, M. Brazel 
Johnston ............... Queen'8 .........N B S. C. Perry 
Johnville............... Compton ......... Q Chas. Smith 
Johnville ............ I Carleton .........N B John Boyd 
Jolicure ............... Westmoreland,NB A. C. Brownell 
"'Jolidtt ............... Joliette ............ Q L. Desaunier8 
Joly............. .. .. .. Provencher ....... M AU. Lasalle 
Jone8 Falls............ Leeds, 8 R......... 0 Thomas Kenny 
Jonquière8............lchicoutimi ...... QIO. Bra
Jordan ... ............... Lincoln ............ 0: Clark Snure 
Jordan Bay............ I Shelburne ......N 8 1 JOhn Downie 
Jordan BI\Y (e. 8.)...IShelburne ....N S M. D.l\IcKenzie 
Jordan Mountain... King's... .........N ß I A. }'. Marr 
Jordan Station ......,Lincoln ............ 0 David G. Smith 
Josdphlne ............. I slmcoe, N.R..... OIJoseph Budd 
Josephsbnrg ......... Waterloo, SR... O I J08. Schwartz 
Jo)nt .. _......... Ottawa ....... Q Robert Joynt 
In''-dhaven ............ 8imcoe, E R....... 0 1 Francb E. Judd 
Judique ...............,lnvernes8 ......N S D. McDonald 
Juniper Mount . . .. Cape Breton.. N 8 George McKay 
Jura .....................'J..ambtou,ER.... 0 Ja8. McCOr.lie 
Juvenile 8ettlement Sunbury...... N B Arthur Graham 
Kagawong ... ... ...... I Algoma ...... ...... 0 R. 
Kaladal' ............... Addington......... 0 E. F. Dunham 
Kamloop. ......... ..IYale............... B C I Albert J. Venn 
KamouTalka .........:Kamouraska...... Q Cyrille Bedard 

Kars ..... =.:== Carleton.: .=:::ÛI C. G. Lin d
Kars... .................. King'8...... ......N B I l\Ir8.D.1'I'[.WOCden 
Katepwe ............... .................. A8sa 'V. F. Johnson 
Katevale ... ............ Stan8te'1d ......... Q, H. Courtemanche 
Katrine ............... I MUSkOka&P8'd.0 Ridley Appleby 
Kazubazua ............ Ottawa ............ QIMr8.A.Prit.chard 
Kay Settlement. . .. Westmoreland, N B Solomon Smith 
Keady.................. Grey, N R ......... O'J. H. Mcinnes 
Kearney............... Muskoka & P 8'd. O! A. J. O'Neil 
Ke . lLtin g '8............... 1 King's............N B Thos. McGovern 
Keats ............... ... Westmoreland N B ,it. F. Keith 
Keenansville ......... Cardwell ......... 0 G. P. IIughes 
"Kune .................. Peterboro', E R, 0 'We CampbeI Mill8... ". 1 ' ............ ......... 0 John Mather 
Keith ............ Bothwell........ 0 Robert [(illins 
Keith...... ........... King's............N B B A. Keith 
Keith . .. .. .. . . .. . I Compton ...... Q 1\'[. McLeay 
Keithley Creek..... Cariboo... ..... B C G. A. Veith 
Keldon ................. Grey, E. R..........O Wm. Bryon 
Kelly'8 Cross ......... Queen'8 ......P E IIJohn Kelly 
Kelly's Cove ......... Yarmouth ...... N 8 
1i8s H. Osborne 
Kellm ............. Huntingdon ...... \l;Peter:UacFarlane 
Kelso. .................. Halton. ............O,A. Alexander 
Kelvin .................. Norfolk,N R...... OIR. J. Harrison 
Kem ble ... ... ... ...... Grey, N R....o.... 0, G. Van8tone 
Kempt ... ... ............ Queen's .........N S i E. P. Freeman 
Kempt Head ......... Victoria .........N S,K. McKenzie 
Kempt Road ......... Richmond ......N SiHughCameron 
Kempt Shore ......... Hants ............N ::Ii'l'hos. Armstrong 
Kempt Town ......... COlchester ......N 8 1 -
' 8. Ringley 
.KemptviUe............ Grenville, N R... 0 RobertLeslie 
Kemptville...... ...... yarmouth...... N 8 1 j C. R. Reeves 
Kendal.................. Durham, W R ... 0 J. D. Fallis 
Kenlis .................. ............. ABIla .J. A. BIl\ckwood 
Kennaway ............ Peterboro'. E R... 0: Malcolm Watt 
Kennebec Line .... Beauce ........ Q! Geo. Bartley 
Kenil worth............ Wellington, N R, 0 I Robert Gordon 
Kenmore ............... RU88ell ............0 D. 
Kennetcoolc ............ IIant8 ............N SIJ. S. Sandford 
Kennington Cove.. Cape Breton.. N S John McLean 
Kenne)' ......... ._. Perth, K R ...... 0 iJohn Kennev 
Kensington............ Huntingdon...... Q G. B. Tuay . 
Kensington. . ... ... Middlesex, E R . 0 
 R. A. Jone8 
Kensington... . . . .... Prince....... PEl I William Glover 
KentJunction....... Iient .......... N B W. F. Brown 
Kerrowgard............1 Pictou............ N SIJ. A. McDonald 
Kent. .................. Halifax ......... N 8 j JameS Keut 
Kent Bridge ......... Bothwell........... 0 J. A. LanJd"ord 
Kentville ............... I King's ............N S Jos. E. Eaton 
Keohan ............... King's............N B'S. P. Taylor 
Keppoch ...... ......... Antl
oni8he ... N 8: Alex. McDonald 
Kerrwood ............ l\1iddlesex, W R. O! Charles }'08ter 
Kerry.................. Albert ......... N B I D. C. O'Connor 
Kertch .................. Lamhton, W R....O:N. R. Nisbett 
Kel!wick ............... York, N R........ OIR. VanNorman 
Ke8wick Ridge ...... York ............N ß Rev.W.L.l\1cKeil 
Ketch Harbour ...... Halifax .........N S !Jame8 Gallagher 
.Kettleby ............... I York. N R......... ()IJacob Walton 
Kewst/)ke ............. Invernesl!... . N SIAlex. McQuien 
Keyser.................. Middlesex, W R. O,B. W. Stephen8 
 .................. !'tIiddlesex, NIt.. 0 1 Val, Ratz 
Kllbnde. ............... H .dton ...... ...... 0, Alex. Rl.binson 
Kilburn'8 Landing. \ïctoria .........N B' B. Kilbnrn 
Kildare ... ...... ...... .Joliette ............ Q' O. Vigneault 
Kildare.................. Prince .........P E 11 Walter J. CablU 
Kildare Capes...... ... / Prince. . . .. . P E 111\1. Dillon 
Kildare Statlon...... Prince ... ......P E I N. J. Perry 
K!ld'?nan......... ...... I,isgar .............. l\IIA. BltnDennan 
KIlfOiI .................. Carleton ...... N B Johu Kilfoil 
Kilgorie ... ...........ISimcoe, 8 R ...... 0 Korton l\law 
Kilkenny Lake ...... , cape Breton ... N S'l<
dward Mahon 
Killaloe .......... Renfrew, N R .. 0 John Kni
Killarney......... ...... Algoma ... ......... 0 I P. Lamorandiêre 
KiIlarney............... iSelkirk ....... M!Chas. Bate 
Khlean.................., Wellingt.on, S R.. 0, D. Ferguson 
Killyleagh ........ 'Simcoe, SR.... o I George Sharp 
Kilmanagh ............ :I'ee1.................. 0,Mr8. W. Graham 
ock ...... !L
nark. SR. ... O I Jaa. MaitJand, sr 
Kilmartm ............IMlddlesex, W R.. 0 D. McIntyrt' 
Kilmaurs...............ICarleton............ O,Mrs. M. Munroe 
Kilsyth ...............IGrey, N R ......... 0 Jame8 "'Iemlng 
Kilworthy ......... Ontario, N R ... 0 G. A. 
Kimball ............... iLambton, W R... O [ James Kiml)811 . 
Kimberley ............ I Grey, E R ......... 0 
L Hammond 
Klnbrae .......... ................... Assa W.H.
Klnburn ............... Lanark, N R..... 0 H. J. Hunt 
-Kincardine .........IBruce, W R........ 01M. McKendrick 



7. . 

Kincardine == V ictoria. :.=. N B David J.l u
 L!tchine R3 pids...... Jacques Carl ier. Q I D. Dunben;- 
King..................... York, N R......... 0 James C. Stokes Ll1chute Mills......... Argentewl......... QIJames Fish 
Kingarf ................ I Bruce, W R ...... 0 Ben. Moulton *Lachuú ............... Argenteuil ...... Q I Geo. L Meikle 
Kingsborough . ..... I{ing's...... PEl J. G. McLeod La Conception ...... Ottawa ............ Q H. GlrOD1I 
King Creek ............ York, N R......... 0 Wm. Humphrey La Déch. Itiv. rOurs Chlcoutimi ...... Q 'Jamell Sheehy 
Kingairth ......... York ............ N B John l\lcKean Lac La Hache......... Carriboo......... B ci A. l\lcKinlay 
Kinglake.......... Norfolk, S R.... 0 Henry WalmsleJ Lac r.faSBon ............ Terrebonne ...... Q I C. C. Lajeunesse 
Kingross .......... Inverness ...... N 8 Archibald Ross Lac Noir ............... L'Islet .............. Q Jean Paradis 
Kingsbridge ......._ Huron, W R...... 0 \'lrs. ß. L. Egan *LacoUe ............... St. Johnll.......... Q;G. 
I. Van Vliet 
Kingsbury ............ Richmond......... Q I L. L. Vallee Lac Ouareau. .........1 MontClilm ...... h. Q f JOSePh Brisson 
Kingsbury............ Lunenburg...... N S Edw. l\!Qf;man Lac Rond ............ ) Ottawa ............ Q ß. C?rbell 
Kingsclear ............ York ............N D I G. A. Hammond Lac St. Jo"eph .... Portneuf. ......... Q R. Slssons 
Kingscote ......... Grey, E. R...... 0 James Phelan Lac Simon. ............ Portneuf....... Q I ' E. Derome 
Kingscourt ........ Lambton, E R... I) John Pelky Ladnt:'r's Landing "'IN.Westmiuster,BC Thos. McKeely 
Kingscroft ........ 8tanstead ...... Q G. M. Hunt Lady Bank........ IGrey, E R ... ... 0 Thos. C}emes 
KinglleY ...... ......... i Drummond ...... Q Goo. A. Evanll La l<'ayette ......... ... , ' Bellechasse ....... Q Feli!;: Fournier 
Kingsey Falls... ......1 Drummond ...... Q Robert Leith Lafontaine.............. Simcoe, E R ...... 0 1 1\1. Beaudoin 
Kingsford ........ . Hastings, E R ... 0 J. B. Gordon Laggan......... ... ...... Glengarry......... 0 J. McGillivray 
Kingsley ............... I selkirk ............ M James Keating La Guerre. ............ jHuntingdon....... Q,John McDonald 
Kingsley............... york......... N B G. N. FOllter La HaveCroI!8Road
. Lunenburg......N SIIsaac Heckman 
Kingsmill............. }<:lgin.ER...... 0 S. W.Teeple L"Havelsland.,.. j LUnen\mr g .... N S Robert Wolf 
KingltpOTt .... ......... King'II............ N 8 Robert Cox Lake Ainslie Chapel Im'erness .......N 8, Allan }fcDonald 
... Kingston ............1 Kingeton .........0 James Shannon L.aktJ Ainslie (w. S.) / Inverness .......N 8 Angus McInnis 
Kingston. ......... ...1 King's.... ...... N B Samuel }'oster Lake Ainslie (e. 8.). Inverness .......N S Chas. McDonald 
KingsWn ...............' Kent ............N B Edward Harnet! Lake Ainslie (II. s.).. Inyerne8ll. .... N 8 Nell McMillan 
Kingston Mills ...... 'Frontenac ......... 0 Joseph Deane Lake Anuis... ......... I Yarmouth ...... N 8 A. Whitman 
Kingston St4tion.... King's ......... N S A.C. Von Buskirk Lake Aylmer .........1 Wolfe .............. Q Geo. Champoux 
Kingston Station ..., Kingston ...... 0 Alex. Campbell Lake Beaul'ort ....... Quebec ............ QIA. SimOBl! 
Kingston Vmage.... I King.s............N S J. W. Graves Lakeburn.............. Welltmoreland.N B F. Leblanc 
.Kinp81JiUe ............ EI!8I1X, 8 R......... 0 Jamell H. Smart Lake Charles.......... Grey, N R.......... 0 Jos. Dnidson 
Kingsville. . . ... ... Invernes8 . . .. N S J. B. l\IcLellan Lake Dorê . ............ Renfrew, N R.... 0 John Shaw, jun 
King'lI Wharf......... Victoria, 8 R...... 0 JamellC. Leary Lake Egmont ......... Halifax ......... N S Wm. Ki.ough 
l{iniBteno .. ....... Saskatchewan Ter. J. Tennant f.ake Etchemin ...... Dorchellter......... Q Joseph Bêgin 
Kinkor" ............... Perth, N R ...... 0 James Moriarty Lak
fleld ............... Argenteuil......... Q T. Copeland 
Kinloss.................. Bruce, W R ....... 0 John Harrison Lakefie\d............... King'II............N B Miss 8herwood 
Kinlough............... Bruce, W R ....... 0 Robert Paxton *Lakf'jield............. Peterboro',ER... 0 W. H. Oasemell.* 
"Km1lWUnt ....... Victoria, N R...... 0 Jamell Wilson Lake France!! .. . . .. Lisgar......... 1\1 C. Hoard 
*Kinnear'1I Milll m }legantic ......... Q Jamell Kinnear Lake George.......... York .............N B Jno. Nicbolson 
Kinros8 ............... Queen's ......P E I Dnid ROIIII Lake George. ......... King'II............N S A. P. Hudgens 
KiBII&1e ............... Ontario, W R .... 0 B. WeatherHl Lake George. ......... Yarmouth ......N 8 Charll's Crosby 
KiD6man's Cornerll. King's...... ._.... N S G. A. Burgellll Lakehurst ............ Peterboro',E R... 0 John Jones 
Kintail............... ... Hurûn, W R...... c') Martin Whitty Lakel.nds .... ......... Cumberland ....N S Jamell B. Brown 
Kintore ............... Oxford, N R ...... 0 Robt. Eldon Lake Law . ............ Invern6ll1l...... N S J. McDaaiel 
Ki'1ltore m............ Victoria .........N B 'fhomaø Watt Lakelet ................ Huron, E R....... 0 A. 
Kippt;n.................. Huron, 8 R. ...... 01 Robert Mellis Lakll Opinicon ....... Frontenac ......... 0 Dariuø Warner 
Kippewa ............... Pontiac ............ Q:J. T. McDougall Lake Paw............. King's. ......... N 8 Obed. P. Young 
Kirby......... ..... Durham, W.R.....O H. R. Thornton Lak.port............... Northumb., Jì1 R. 0 H. 1. lIahhews 
KirkdaIe ............... Drummond ...... Q Wm. Burril Lake Raml8y...... Lunenburg.... N S Jail Seaborn:. 
*Kirkjktd ............ Victoria, N R .... 0 MichaelO'Neil Lake Road ............ Alber
 .......... N B Dayid, Garland 
Kirkhill ............... Gleng.rry ......... 0 Wm McLeod Lakeside ..... ...... ," Oxford. N R ...... 0 H. Hutehinson 
Kirkhill................ Cumberland ...N S John D. Smith Lakeside .............. yarmouth...... N S Jos. H. Crosby 
Kirkl.nd............... Carleton...... ...N B John Nicholøon Lake St. Mary... ...... Ottawa ............ Q L. :Fournier 
Kirk's Ferry......... OttawA ............ Q 
1i1l1l Louiøa Read Lake Ftream ......... Kent ............ N B S. L. Briggs 
Kirkton ............... Perth, SR. ...... 0 John McCurdy Lake Tallon ......... Dist.QfNipissing.O Wm. H.rris 
Kirkpatrick .......... Saskatchewan Ter. ThOll. ScoU LakeTemiscamingue Pontiac ............ Q (1. C. Farr 
Kirkyflle....... .... Simcoe, N R...... 0 John Skelton Lakevale ............... AntigoniBhe....N f:1 J. McGillivray 
Kirkw.ll............... Wentworth, N R. 0 George Christie Lake Verd ............ Queen's ...... PEl Chas. Kelly 
Kleinburg.... ......... York, W R . ...... 0 T. R. Allison Lakeview............... Argenteufl..... Q W. T. HigginsoD 
Klock's Mill, ...... Dist. of Nipill!ling 0 James B. Kloek Lltkeview............... Queen's. .........N ß T. O'Donnell 
KDspdaie.......... Middlesex, W R.. 0 Jail. McDonald Lakeview ......... Elgin, E R ..... 0 Joseph Hobbs 
Knatchbull............ Halton. ._.......... 0 Mrs. E. Langrill Lakeville............... Carleton .........N B R. S. 8tan-att 
Knowlenille ......... Carleton .........N B Robert Ricker LakeviUe............... King's ............N S Goo. B. Sweet 
*Knowlt<m ............ Brome .............. Q R N. England Lakeyille.......... King's...... PEl Thos. ROBe 
Knowlton Landing. Brome.......... Q J. F. Tuck LakeYille Corner ... Sunbury...... ...N B A. 8. Randall 
Knoxford............... Carleton.........N B Thomu Fuiton Lake Weedon......... Wolfe............... Q Francois Brière 
Knoydan ............. Pictou ............N S D. McKinnon L'Amable............... Hastings, N R... 0 John R. Tait 
Kola ... ............... ... Selkirk............ M C. Waillewright L' Amaroux ...... ...... York, E R ... ...... 0 Wm. Na.øh 
Kolapore.......... Grey, E. R......... 0 George Willon L.martine....... ...... L'Islet......... Q P. C. Cloutier 
Kolbeck ............... Cumberland ...N 8 John Henley Lambeth ............... !\1iddlesex, SR... 0 George Kelley 
Kohler.................. Haldimand ....... 0 Lewis Lin
 Lambton ............... Beauce ............ Q J. A. Samson 
Komoka................. Middlesex, 8 R... 0 Wm. McKellar Lambton Mills. ...... York, W R . ......0 F. A. Howland 
Kootenay (lIub) ...... yale.......... B C David Griffithtl Lamlash ............... Grey, 8 R ......... 0 Edward Earls 
Korab ................. Algoma ............ 0 Daniel Everett Lammermoor..... . 1 Lanark, N R...... 0 W. Gibson 
Kossnth ............... Waterloo, S R.... O I John D. Groh *Lanark ............... Lanark, N R...... 0 John McLean 
Kouchibouguac....... Kent ............N B P. Thibide.u *Lancaster............. Glengarry .........0 D. F. McPherson 
KouchibouguacB'ch Kent. ............ N B I A' Lobban Lancelot ............... Muskoka & P 8d. 0 Walter &lIs 
Kurtzville. ............ Wellington, N R. 0 J. T. Doersam Landreville............ Beauharnois ...... Q V. Brault 
· La Ba
 ............... Yamaska ... ...... Q J. L. Belcourt Landry . ...... ......... Gloucester.... N B Michael Landry 
Ioaberge ................ Chat.eaugul\Y .... Q C. primean Lands End ............ King's .........N B James 8mith 
Labarre ................. Chicoutimi......... Q Elzêar Ouellet Land Villa ............ Montma
y ...... Q Miss L. Anctil 
loa. Beauce ............ Beauce ............ Q I MmeAB Pelletier Lanell................... Huron, W R...... 0 R. E. Lane 
"" Broquerie..... . l prOyenCher ." M Aristide Rocan Lang .......... ......... Peterboro'. E R... 0 1\1is8 M. J. Short 
L'Acadie ............... St. Johns .......... Q,GoorgeTremblaJ Langevin............... Dorchester......... Q Juste Caouette 
 1& Tortue ...... / ChamPlain ....... Q,Jos. Brunelle Langford ............... Brant, N R ....... 0 Mrll. M. Dowling 
Lachensie ............. L'Assomption..... Q , 'G. Villeneuve Langille'II............... Lunenberg .... N 8 J. P. Langille 
*Ißchine ............... Jacqu6llCartier... Q Fabien CIÜSS8 Langley................ N. Westm'ster, B C Henry Wark 
La Ghevrotlère ...... Portneuf. ......... QI VIctor Portlance Langley Prairie.... N. Westm'ster, B C Joh. Boye!> 




Langside-= ==. Bruce, W-R.......O Wm. GI 
 .Lennoxmìle- :::=. Sherbrooke ...... QI K W.Ab 
Langstaff ...............IYork. E R .........0 John Langstaff Leonardville...... Charlotte.... N B 
 lrI!l' H. Oo<'k 
Langton ............... 1Sorfolk, S R ...... 0 J. Thompson Leopold ............... Argenteuil...... Q Jos. Thompson 
Langvale ...............,Selkirk............. M G. :\1. Lang L' Epiphank........... L' Al!8Omption ... Q E. Le Blallc 
L' Annonci(\tion .... Ottawa......... Q,J. Demerl:l Leprea1a ............... Charlotte ...... N B H. P. Reynold8 
Lanoraie ...............,Berthier............ Q B. Desrosiers Lequille ............... Annapolis .... N 8 ohn Saunders 
LansburI: _... . . . ..1 Marquette......... M I R. Talbot Les Danes. . . . .. ... Montcalm...... Q I D. Morin 
Lansdowne........ Carleton ....... N B 1 J. B. Foster Les Eboulemenl ...... I 'CharleVúix......... Q I Cleophe Coté 
Lansdown ............ Leeds, S R......... 0 JosephA.Dradle
 Les Ecurenill<......... Portneuf ......... Q Pierre Pllgé 
L' Anse à Giles ....... Montmagny ...... Q J. F. Giasson. Les Escoumains...... ,Sajl:nenay ......... Q I Henry 'ropping 
L'Anse ala Cabane. Gaspe............... Q :\Irs. W. Connler Les Gr. Bergeronnes! 8aguenay ............ !\lédéric Savard 
L' Anse au }'oin ...... Chicoutimi ....... Q P. Potvin Leskard ............... Durham, W R ... OJ Wm. Tigh 
L' Anse aux Gaseons Bonaventure.... Q I A. Brotherston Leslie. .................. York. E R ......... O,Geo. Lel'lie, jnn. 
Lansing ......... ......, York, W R . ...... 0 JOI'eph French Les Pet.Bergeronnes Sagnenay ......... Q I 'R. Bouilliane 
L' Anse St. Jean...... Chicoutimi . ...... Q Réné Gagnon LeteUier ............... Provencher ...... ::u A !aric Thuot 
Lantz ......... ......... Lnnenburg......N S I Harvey Lantz Lethbridge ... ......... ................... Alta H. F. Greenwood 
La P/ltrle.....,......... Compton .......... Q Philias Picher T1Etete.................. Charlotte ...... N B 1 JameS McLean 
La PetIte Rivière ... Quebec..........Q AJJselme Roy Letterkenny ......... Renfrew, SR.... 0 J. Ganagher 
LaP. R.St. François Charlevoix......... Q,MissM.A.Lavoie Lévis..................... Lévis ............... Q Elzear Bédard 
LaPlaine ............... Terrebonne .... Q Calixte Gauthier Lewis Bay..........., Cape Breton ...N S Duncan 111. Gilli:i 
.Laprairie ............ ,Laprairie ......... QI L. Urondin Lewis Head... ......... Shelburne...... N S \ wm. Herkins 
La l'résentation...... ,St. Hyacinthe ... Q' E. Provencal Lewil'hllm. ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 .T. G. Taylor 
Lapland................ Luneliburg......N S Samuel Wile T.ewis Mountain .... Westmoreland N ß Jas. Lounsbury 
L'Archeveque .......,Richmond ......N S'Donl\ld McKay Lewis Mountain .... Inverness...... )i' SINel1 Martin 
L'Ardoise ............. ,Richmond...... N S Keil McDonald Lewisville ............. Westmoreland 
 B Stephen 
Larkin............1 Hastings, E R... 0' D. G. Larkin Libby town ............ btanstead ......... Q Chas. W. Libby 
Larochelle ............ Megantic ......... Q D. Boulanger Lidcote.................. Bothwell ......... 0 D. D. Purdv 
Larry's .River......... Guysboro'...... N S I Edward Pelrine Lienry................... MIddlesex, Y R... 0 Alex. Smit'b 
La 8alette ............ Norfolk, N R...... 0 John Gibbonø Lifford .................. Durham, E R.... 0 Mil'l! J. Fowler 
Laøtelles .......... Ottawa ........ Q: A. Hamilton Lillooet.................. Cariboo ......... Be A. W. Smith 
Laskay ............ ...... I York, N R......... 0 I Henry Baldwin Lily. . . .. .. .. .. ... Cumber land.. II' S, R. So Purdy 
L' ...tlJ&ompticm ......... L' Assomption..... Q I L. Guilbanlt Lily Lake......... ...... King's.......... II' B D. H. Whepley 
La.sswade............... Peterboro', E R. 0 J. W. Ratcliffe Lily Lake............... Algoma ............ 0 S. T. .>>orton 



i..::::::: gl


i:ard t:


:.::.::.: 8 

Latona .................. 'Grey, SR. ......... 0' A McClyment Lime Hill .. ....... King's ......)1 B Thos. Sèribner 
Latour's Mills. . . . . I Pontiac ........ Q I J. O. B. Latour Lime Hill ......... Inverness...... II' S P. R. McIntyre 
Lattie's Brook. ......1 Hants............ N S Walter Burtoll Limehonse ............ Halton ............. 0 John Newton 
Lannching Place .., King's .........P E I D. J. Walter Limekiln. ......... York ........ N B Neil 
Lanrel .................., Wellington, N R. 0 E. B. Cooney Lime Lake ............ Hastings, E R.... 0 J. Henderøon 
Lanrel .................. iArgentenil......... Q M. McClnskey Lime Ridge............ Wolf. ............... Q J. H. Barker 
· La'Urentidu ...... I L' Assomption ... Q' I C. Laurier Lime Rock ............ Pictou ......... N S Miss McDonald 
Lau.n.................. Lévis .... .......... Q, A. Bourget Lincoln ............... Sunbnry ...... N B H. B. Mitchell 
Laval .................. j Montmorenc y ..... Q j JOhn Auclair Linda .................. Compton ......... Q Daniel B. Hall 
Lavaltrie............... Herthier............ Q Joseph CharlaftfJ Linden............ Cumberland... N S G.B. Hunter,øøD. 
Lava.t .................. Lanark, N R...... 0 Arch. Brow-nlnl Linden Valley...... Victoria, SR.... 0 James Allison 
LaWllt Station. ...... , Lan ark, N R.... 0, R. Robertson Lindenwood.......... Grey, II' R ......... 0 Gavin Shaw 
La Vase ........ ... Muskúka ...... 0' H. Ritchie .Lindsay.......... .... Victoria, S R...... 0 H. Gladman 
Lav8I1der............... Simcoe, SR...... OIB. Heaslip Lindsay............... Carleton ...... N B Alex. Lindsay 
L'Avenir ...............,Drummonil ...... QI C. Gagnon Lineboro'............... Stanstead ......... Q Jnd80n Wood 
Lawfield ...............IQueen's ......... N BI Wm. Willlamøe1l Lingan ................ Cape Breton... N S Angnø McNeil 
Lawrence Station ... Charlotte ...... N B j JOhn Taylor Linière.................. Beauce. ............ Q M. Donovan 
Lawrence Station... Elgin, W R. ..... 0 Robert Miller Linton .................. York. N R......... 0 Joseph Lynn 
Lawrtnedown ...... Annapolis .......N S J. W. Jameø Linton's ............... Sunbnry ...... N B Robert Linton 
Lawreucetown ...... Halüax... ......N 8 ' Samuel J. Hilk Lintrathen........ Selkirk ............ M Richard H. Col&- 
LaW'J/e1lUt7ilU ......... ShefTord ............ Q A. B. Roy Linwood ............... Waterloo, N R.oo 0 Robert Y. Fist 
Lawson ................ Queen's..........N BI W. J. Lawson Linwood................ Antlgonb:he... N S W. Symonds 
Layton... ...... ......... Ontario, N R...... 0 I Miss B. Rennie Lion's Head ......... Bruce. N R ....... 0 F. W. Stnart 
Le8dbUry............... I ' Huron, S R ...... 0 I S. McKibbin Lisbon .................. I Oxford, N R ...... 0 Peter Glebe 
Leafleld ................ Peterboro', E R. 0 John Will'on Lisbnrn ............... Bruce, W R....... 0 Daniel Teskey 
*Lu:mington ......... Essex, S R......... 0 J. McK. Selkirk LisCombe............_. , GUysboro' ...... N 8 James Hemlow 
Learned Plain ........ Compton ......... Q E. Learned Liscombe Mills ...... Guysboro' .... N S S. Creighton 
Leaskdale ............IOntario, N R...... 0 George Leask Ul'gar Station ...... I Drummond ...... Q Geor
e Moore 
LebsllOn................ I Wellington,C Roo 0 John Sinclair Lisle ..................... Simcoe, S. R...... 0 R. Wade 
Lebret .................. ................... Aøsa l Rev. L. Lebret L'Islet .................. L'Islet ............ Q MrsM.ßallantine 
La Breton Flats...... I Carleton............ 0 John Lncy Liømore ............... Pictou............N S D. G. McDonald 
LeclercTÍlle............ Lotbinière......... Q I D. Beaudet .Listowd............... Perth, N R . ...... 0 W. H. Hacking 
Le C. D'Arthabaøka Arthabaeka ...... Q F. SymphorleD Little Base River ... Colchester ...... N S W. C. Lewis 
Ledge ................. Charlotte .......N BjMrs. B. Conley Little Branch......... Northumb'd... N B Alex. CameroD 
.Luds .:................ \ Megantic ......... QI Sarah Jiggens Li.tUt Bra, D'Or.... Cape Breton... N S John H. CbriBtie 
Lee4ls VIllage ......... Megantic. ......... Q, H. McCutcheoll Little Bras d'Or (s.s) 1 Cape Breton.... N S John Richard 
Leralvre. ............... Prescott ....... .... 0 1 1 H. Laraivre LitO.e Britain ......... Victoria, SR...... 0 John Broad 
I4rey ......... ...... ... 1 Simcoe. S R. ...... 0 Alex. Edgar Little Brook Station Digby........ }of S A.mbrose Comeau 
Legere ............._... Northumb'd.. N B I. Legere LitUe Ourrent.. ...... Algoma ......... .0, 0 ISalle Turner 
Legerville .. . ... .. '1 Ken t ........ N B I A. D. Leblanc Little Cape.... .... ... Westmoreland.N B T. P. Legero 
Leg Lake. '''''''.'''. 1 Simcoe, E R. ... O I J. Patterson Little Cl\l!capedia... Bonaventnre...... Q Jos. Robertson 
Lehman Landinjl;... Algoma ............ 0 A. Lehman Little Forks .......... Kent ............N B John GanQn 
Leieester ............... Cumbarland ....N S U. Lockhart Little Glace Bay...... Cape Breton... N S John Gannon 
Leinster ............... Lennox ...... ...... (\ Miss A. A. Storr Little Harbour ...... King's ......... PEl Andrew Mooney 
Leltche's Creek ...... Cape Breton... N S D. Johnson Little Harbonr ...... Pictou ... ...... N S Jamf!s Stewart 
Leith..................... I Grey, N R ......... O. A. B. Cameron Little Judique ...... Inverness ...... N S A. Beaton 
Leitrim............ Russell ........ 01 H. Cowan Little Lepreaux...... Charlotte .... ...N B Oscar Hanson 
Lemesurler ............ Megantic ......... Q John Wilkin Little Lorraine ...... I Cape Breton... N S J. ltJcDonald 
Lemienx.. ............ Prescott............ 0 A. Chesser Little Mabou ..... . Inverness ...... N SA. McPhie 
LemenvlIle ............ Ontario, W R.... 0 W. L. White Little MUir........ Rimouski...... 0 Q John Mc:'oífder 
Lenllox . ..............., Selkirk........ M R. M. Hnghes Little Musquash . ... St. John.........N B J. McGuire 
LeI1lOX Ferry . ...... ,Richmond ... N S. Daniel Clough Little Narrows ... ..., Victoria ......... N S Hnlth McAskil 




PFlC; -= 1 


 om;. I ELECTORAL DI8TRlCT. 1 P08' 

abo8 .. . . . .. Ga;
p6.............. Q J. M. Rem

 Lorne ..................: Rich.mond ........ Q I E: D. AdamI! 
t Ie PIerre Jacques P
......... PEl ,J..J. McWIlhamt' Lorne .................. 1 S
lklrk ............ 101 Gllbert Saundl'rI 
LIttle Pond......... ...1 KIng 8 .........P E I, R. R. Macd:lDsld Lorne .................. PICtOU............ N 8 j Th08. Fraser 
Little R
}Jids .........1 Algoma. ...... ......0, Milton L, Bell Lornevale. .. ....... Colchester.... 1'\ S .J. M. Spooce 
Little Rideau......... , Prescott ............ 0 Robart Ross LornevilIe........... Victoria, N R .... 0 '1'. MOITOW 
Little Ridge ..........1 Albetrt............ N B Goo Bartlett Lorneville..... ... Cumberland.. N S I ThOS. V. Jackson 
Little Ridg(>town ...!Charlotte ......l( B W. Blaney Lorraine ............... Cardwell .......... 0 John MiHs 
L. Rit'er (Coverdale) , Albert ......... N B'John Colpitts Lorway Mines ....... Cape Breton.... N 8 John :\Ic
Little River, East ... 1 ' Gasp6 ......... ...... Q IJohn Baker Lost River ............ Argenteuil......... Q 1 M. Bethune 
Llttìe River (Elgin). Albert ......... N B!A. G. Parkin Lolbinièn ............ Lotbinière......... Q \1. LeIDJIY 
Little Rit'er . .........' Sunbury...... N B M. H. Coburn Lot 1. .................. Prince... ...... P E J P. Dalton 
Little River .......... Cumberlaud.. N S,J. L. Purdy 'I 4................... Prince......... PEl John Doyle 
Little River .......... 1 Digby .... ..... N SiP. w. Frost " 6.... ............... Prince......... PEl' A. Hardy 
Lit.Riv.(Mid.lIlnsq) Halifax ......... N S I T. Mc
lullen '. 8. .................. Prince......... P 1<] I,Goo. Clementa 
LittIeRocher.........IAlbert ......... N D Ja8. Anderson ., 10................... Prince......... P EI,Josiah Powe 
L. Salmon Rit'. Mills' St. Jobn.........N B Goo. J. Vaughan "11. .................. Prince......... PEl I Jos J. Kilbrido 
Little Sands ........ 'King's......... P E l i D. Munn " 12................... Prince......... PEl W.lIa:ves 
Uttle Shemogue....1 \\ 6I!tmoreland, NBC. R.Onlton " U. .................. Prince......... PEl J. A. McKinnon 
Lit. Shippigan, W o ,Gloucester .... JS' B Mary Wilson " 16. .................. Prince......... PEl Miss E. Campbell 
Little Tignlsh........., Prince......... PEl Jérome Buote .. 30. .................. Queen's ...... PEl Jas. Keegau 
Littleton. . . .. . . . . . I Marquette .. .. M I A. Creighton " 36................... Queen s ...... PEl H. McLeod 
Littlewood............. Shelburne...... N S Jas, Littlewood " 66................... King's......... PEl W B. Howlett 
Littlewood ............ Middlesex, S R. . 0 Wm. H. I\lay " 67................... Queen's ...... PEl 1\1. McDonald 
Little York ............ 'Queen's.. ... P 1<] I Robert Lawson Lothair. .... .. ..... Selkirk........ M Z. Bailey 
LÚJt1"])()Ql............... 'Queen's ......... N S Alexander Cowie Lotus ..... ........... Durham. E R.... 0 8amuel'McCabe 
Liverpool Market ... Ontario. WIt...... 0 Thos. Moody Louisa .................IArgenteuil......... Q W. Watchorn 
Living Spring. .... j Wellington. ER. 0 D. Black Louisburg.............. Cape Breton... N S Miss W. Kenned;r 
Livin!.tstone Cove.... Antigonishe... N S J. MI'Kinnon Louise...... .......... Grey, SR.......... 0 '3. B. Wilson 
Ll{)ydtown ............ York. N R......... 0 J. W. Wood LoUÌ$f;Vilk ........ Maskinonge. ...... Q L. A. Baribeau 
Lobo ......... ............ I 'l\1iddleøeX. SR... 0 T. W. Edwards Louisville ............ Bothwell........... 0 L. H. Arnold 
Lochaber ............ Antigonishe... N S Mrs. 111. Seers Lourdes ................ }Iegantic... ...... Q Geo. Naüeau 
Lochabar Day......... Ottawa ............ Q J. D. Lamb Lourdes d.ll. Sablon Saguenay. ......... Q J. V. Le Grasley 
Lochalsh ...............IHuron. W R...... 0 J. G. ;'\lurdock Lovat .................. Brnce. S R......... 0 D. Altkpn 
Loch Han............... Inverness ......I( S Angus Kennedy Lovat .................. Pictou......... N S James Fraser 
Lockhartville ......II\Jng's ......... N S Goorge King Lovering ............... Simcoe, E R ...... U W. D. Lovering 
Loch Garry............iGlengarry ......... 0 JameR Frazer Lovett .................. Northumberl'd... 0 C. A. Harries 
Lochiel..................IGlengarry ......... 0 D. B. McMillan Low..................... Ottawa ............ Q'Wm. Brooks 
Lochinvar ............ 'Glengarry......... O , Sim.,n Fraser Lowbanks ............ Monck .... ......... O'ls88c Michener 
Loch Lomond........., St. John ...... NIlE. A. Treadwell Lower Abougoggin. Wcstmoreland.N B D. Hourdrf'l\u 
Loch Lomond.........' Richmond...... N S A. W. Bethune Low
r .ArgyU......... Yarmouth ......N 8 J. H. McLaren 
Lochside ............... Richmond...... N S D. !lIcDougall Lower Barney's Riy. Pictou ......... N S D. McDonald 
Loch Winnoch ...... Rcnfrew, SR.... 0, Robert Storie Lower BIomidon .... King's .......... N S A. Kenhedy 
.. Lock
pOTt. ............ Shelburne...... N S R.llammond Lower Brighton...... Carleton ...... l'ì B Wm. Tedlit! 
Lockton ............... Cardwell .......... 0 B,Iny:oldsby Lower Caledonia ... Guysborough...N S / A. R. McDonald 
Locul!t Hill............ 'York, E R ......... 0 Wm. Armstrong Lower Canard......... King's . ......... N S C. F. Eaton 
Lodi ..................... Stormont ......... 0 John McLellD LowerCanterbnry... York ............ N B,Robert Hall 
Logan's Tannery.... i Pictou ...... I( 8 D. Logan Lower Cape............ Albert ......... N B M. C. I:!urgess 
Loganville ............, Pictou ......... N S H. Williamson L:lwer Caraqnet...... Gloucester......N. B,Jaques Gionet 
Logierait ............... Lambton. W R... 0 Frank Deguise Lower Cariboo Riv. Pictou........ N S,Jno. !\lcKt'nzle 
Logoch .. ............... Marquette.........N: James Stevens Lower Cove ....... Cumberland... N S II R. Wilmot 
'. ............1 Leeds, N R......... 0 Mich8t'1 Dooher Lower Coverdale ... Albert ......... N B W. Steeves 
Londesborough ......, Huron. S R. ...... 0 W. L. Ouimette LOwer J<Jast Pubnico Ylirmouth ......N S Leo. V. Amlro 
*London................'London.............O R. J. C. Dawson LowerEconomy...... Colchester.......N S,G.l\IcLauzhlin 
*Landon, East ...... Middlesex, ER... 0 Fmnk W. Lilley Lower Five Islands. OOlchester...... N S:JOhll Broderick 
Londonderry ......... l{ing's ......... N S James Douglas Lower Fort Garry... Lisgar ............ M IJ. W. Holloway 
I.ondonderry Stat'n Colchester...... N S J. C. Spencer Lower }'reetown ... Prince .........P E I iGeorge BurnH 
Long n"y .............'Algoma ............ 0 Robt. Gamey L. French Village... York ......... N B Dlin'l McKinlay 
 CI'eek...... ...... 'Queen's ...... P J<J J E. Turner I.ower Gagetown " Qneen's ......... N DIChas. U. Ebbett 
 Creek............, Queen'!! ......... N B John 8ecord.jun Lower Granville ... / Annapolil': ... N S,J. K. Winchester 
Longtleet . :........... 1r1arql!ette...... ..1tt Mrs. 
lIen Fry L. Hallowell G
ant. Anligonh!he. ...N S,J. .M
Iongford MlIls ......IOntano, N R...... 0 Ww. Thoms()n Lower llayne\'llle... York ............ N B Wdham H, Ehot 
Long bland ......... I King's............ N S Alex. Fullerton Lower Ireland .... ''' 1 Megantlc ......... Q I Henry Mnone
Long Island 1!Iain... I Cade ßreton....I( S Neil O. Handley Lower La Have ...... Lunenburg ... N 8 Joseph Oxner Lake ..........o.: Addington... ...... 0 Jaml's Bender Low
r L' Ard'nse ... Richmond... ... K S I Rod. Ferguson 
Louglaketon. .... '...... ........... Assa J. A. ShelUer L. Line. Qlleenslmry I York ............ N II J. S. Cliff 
Long Point ............, Hochelllga ......... Q F. Vinet Lower Mu.ccan. ...... l cUmberland.... N S: 1<'. L. Sharp 
Long Point............ Im'ertless...... N S D. Chisholm L. Meagher's Grant. Halifax ......... N S Mrs. D. Dillman 
Long Point ............ King's ......... N B Andrew Leonard Lower Montague.... Kinjl:'s .........P E I I Mrs. S. Johnston 
Long Pt. of ì\lingan. 8aguenay.......... Q J. Vlbt!rt. Lower Napplin.. . ..'m h'rl'd. N B, A. Campbell 
Long Reach ... ...... King's ......... N B W. H. Williams Lower Newcastle. ... 1 ' North'mberl'd, N ß, John Delaney 
Long River ............ Qneen's ...... PEl Arch. Cousins Lower Nicola ......... Yale... .... ....... B C J. W. 
Long Settlement ... Carleton ...... N B James H. Sproul L')wer Northfleld ... Lunenburg.... N SiDaniel Jodrey 
Longtinville .......... Russell.... ......... 0 I.. Mahen Lower Onslow.... ...IColchester...... N S 18. McKinlay 
Longut'Uil ............ Chl\mbly ......... Q P. Ra
ine Lower PoqllillCk...... I York ............ N B 1 W. T. Fraser 
I.ongwood .... ......... Middlesex, S R.oo 0 Daniel Nicolls Low. Prince William York ............ N ß Chas. A. Hoyt 
l.onsQale ............... Hastings.E R.... 0 J. McOullongh Lower Prospect...... IIaIlflUl: ......... N S,S. F. Blackburn 
Lonsdale..... .... King's ...... N B Jas. S. Anderson Lower Queensbnry.. I York ............ N BIMrs. M. BrowlI 
Loon Creek............,.................. Assa Mathias Holtby Lower River Hebert Cumberland ...N 8;John Landels 
Lord's Cove ......... Charlotte ...... N B Golden H. Smith L. Riverlnhabilants Richmond...... N S Joseph lIlt'Carthy 
Loree . . .. . . , . . . ..' ,Grey, E It. . ... .' 0 John N. Smith Lower Sackville. ... Halifax ......... N S Miss H. Wright 
l..orette... ......... ...... Quebec ............ Q Mrs. G. llélangör Lower Selmah ...... Ilants ......... N S I A. Anthony 
Loretto.................. . Cardwell . ......... 0 John Gamble L. Set. !llid.River ..., Victoria . ...... N S Alex. McRae ... ...... Provencher ...... M ß. J. 
rlnce L. Set. South River. 1 AntÏllOnishe .. N S D. McKen,lIie 
L Ori{lnal ............ Prescott............ 0 w. Wn
ht L. Ship Harbour .. , Halifax. .........N SIMrs. M. 0 BrllJn 
Lorimer Lake......... Mn!lkoka a: p S'd. 0 F. B. Ferris L. Southampton...... York ... ......... N I:! Geo. Grosvenor 
L:Jrlng ................... Muskoka.k P S'd.O A. W. Sinclair Lower St. 
ary's. .,. York ............ 
 B l charleø Bieden 
Lorne .................. Bruce, W R.. . .. 0 Angus McKay Lower Steww.c1..'
 ... COlchester..... :rì S W. J. Boomer 




Lower T 
l e Creek Albert .--:.... N B i G. A. Jo'ill m;;;;- 
labou Harbour...... I nvern-;;B s ...... N S D-:-McDõ
Lower Wakefield ... Carleton ...... N B F. W. 
haw ;\Iabou lIa.r. Mouth. Inverness...... N S Lewis McKeen 
Lower Washabuck. Victoria ......... K S Alex. J. )IcNeil Maccan. ............... Cumberland... N S Hobt. D. Roach 
Lower Wentworth... CUu.'-berland... 
 S[Sau.'-uel,B.igney Macdonald ............ Lennox............. S H. Goodfellow 
L. West Jeddore .... H'\hfax ......... N S,Josl8h Jhtchell MacDougall............ Prince... ...... PEl J. MacDougall 
L. West Pubnico ... Yarmouth ......N 8:)1. D'Entremont 
Iacinquac... ...... York. .... .., N B John Donddson 
Lower Windsor...... Carleton.........N B,T. H. Belyea Mackey'p Station.... Renfrew, N R.... O,Jas. Dunlop 
L. Wood Harbour... Shelburne ......N 8 1 S. K. !\Iood 
Iackville .. .... ...' King's. .... ...N B Jno. McCormack 
Lower Woodstock ...\ Carl?ton........ N S J. H. Dugan :\Iace's Bay............ Charlotte ...... N B, Wm. McGowan 
Lowestoft . ............ SelkIrk ............ M: Wm. H. Lowe Macnamara's Island Richmond..,. N S'Jas. Macnamara 
Low Point ........... Inverness ... ...N SI Angus Mc\IasteT \Iacnider..............., Rimouski ......... Q I Louia Déchène 
Lowville................ Halton ............ 0 1 8amuel Nixon :\Iactaquack ..........IYork ............ N B Wm. B. Christy 
Lozier Settlement... Gloucester...... N B Fred. L0zier !\lacton..................: Wellington, C R.. 0 Mrs. McCormark 
*Lucan.................. }Iiddlesex, N R. O J William Porte \Ial'ville ............... ,Cardwell ..........0 Seth WilROn 
Lu{as ................... :Uarquette ....... M F. A. Campbell :\Iaddington Falls''' I ArtbabaSka ...... QIJules Enouf 
Lucerne ...............'Ottawa ............ Q I R. Blackburn Maddock............... Prince......... PEl .Tames Mattix 
*Lucknow ............ Bruce, WR....... 0 .M.Campbell Mader's Cove ......,Lunenburg ... N S C. A. Strum 
Ludlow................ Northumb......N B John Murphy II<Madoc.................. I 'HaStings, N R... 0 Wm. H. O'l<1ynn 
Lulu Island............ ,N.Westminster,B C W. H. London Magagnadavic . ...... York ............ N B Mrs. A. R. Vail 
Lumley............... Perth, Sit......... 0 W. Dinning,jun. l\'lagdalen Islands.... Gaspé ............... Q Lucien Briand 
Lumsden ............... Albert. ......... N B B. W. Fillmore Magenta ............... Rouville............ Q Jacques Fournier 
Lundy.................. Kent........... 0 D. Johnston Magnetawan ......... Muskoka & P Sd. 0 D. McMillan 
I.unenburg ............1 Stormont ......... 0 F. Kirkpatrick }Iaguire. ............... Middlesex, N R . 0 Alexander Tod 
Lunenburg ............ Lunenburg......N S IIenry M. Jost "lagog .................. Stan stead ......... Q Alvin H.1tloore 
Lurgan..................IBruce, W R....... 0 JaEl. "'IcCrindle Magoon'sPoint ...... Stanstead ......... Q Aaron Magoon 
Luskville............... Ottawa......... Q F. Desbiens Ma
pie.................. 8aguenay ......... Q E. Le Marquand 
Lutes Mountain...... Westmoreland N B A. M. Bunnell 
Iagundy............... York ............ N B James Henry 
Lutherville ............ Brockville......... 0 W. J. Canning Mahune B
y ...... Lunenburjt ... N IS Simon Burgoyne 
Luton .................. Elgin, ER......... 0 E.J. Hutchinson l\Iaidstone ............ Essex, N R ....... 01'1homaB Moran 
.Lyn...,................. BrockYille......... 0 N. R. Gardner Mainadieu ............ Cape Breton... N S Clara Rigby 
Lynch Lake....... 
Iuskoka & P Sd. 0 A. Menzies Main River............ Kent ............ N B Robt. Graham 
Lynden.................. Wentworth, N R. 0 RinesI' Hanes Maisonneuve...... Hochelaga....oo Q T. Bellefieur 
Lyndhurst ............1 Leeds, SR......... 0 Henry Green Maitland ............... Grenville, SR.... 0 Frank Dumbrille 
LYnedoch............... I Norfolk, SR...... 0 Wm. A. Charltou Maitland ............... Rants............ N S Alexander Roy 
Lynn ................... COlchester.......N S James E. Lewis Maitland ............... Annapolis ... N S W. H. Dukeshire 
Lynnfield ............. Charlotte ...... N B John G. Getchell Malagash............... Cumberland... N 8 Robert Baillie 
Lynn Valley......... :S-orfolk, SR..... 0 Eben Edmonds Mahlgash Point ...... Cumberland ... N S J. W. Treen 
Lynnville .............. i Norfolk, N R .... 0 A. A. Stewart "Ialagawatch ......... Inverness ...... N S L. 
Lyons .................. 1 Elgin, E R......... 0 Jas. Armstrong MalH.koff ............... Carleton............ 0 Thos. Johnstonl 
Lysander............... Megantic ......... Q Finlay Wark Malcolm ............... Bruce, E R......... O.Danlel Sullivan 
Lyster .................. 
Iegantic ......... Q ChaB. King,jun. \lalignant Cove...... Antigonishe.... N 8 D. A. Mcùonald 
Lyster Station.......' Megantic .... ...... Q I Alfred Rooseau Mallory town ......... Leeds, S R......... U R. W. Tennant 
Lyttleton............... 1 Northumberl'd N B J. A. Somers 
lalmaison ............ Missisquoi ......... Q J'ames Crothers 
Lytt(m .................. yale............... B C Louis Cuvrean Malone ................. Hastings, N R... 0 Geo.ItichardsoÐ 
McAdam Junction.. York ............ N B J. W. Green 
Ialton ................. Peel............ ..... 0 T. B. Allen 
McAdam's Lake...... Cape Breton ...N S Daniel Mcisaac Malta .................. Ontario, N R...... 0 Thos. Whyte 
McAllister......... King's.........N B I '""' 
lcAllister Malvern ............... York, E R ......... 0 G. M. Jacques 
McAlpine... ......... .. I Queen's .........N B C. K. Leonard Mal vina. ............... Compton.... ...... Q :\loyse Roy 
Me Arras Brook ...... Antigonishe ....N S A. :\<lcGillivray Manchester... ......... Ontario. N R...... ù I W. C. Heard 
McAulaY'1! ............ Victoria .........N S 
. McAulay J'lIanda .................. Selkirk ............ M John Cain 
McCormack........ Inverness ,... N S A. 
Iandamin ............ Lambton, W R... O j J. G. Finch 
McCready. ............ 1 
liddlesex, W R. 0 George Leach Manilla ............... Victoria, S R...... 0 J. K. Ockendon 
McCrimmon ......... Glengarry ......... 0 J. P. Mcl\laster Manion............ LRnark, S R .... 0 D. Dion 
McDonald's COrner.IQueen's......... N B H. Humphries ManitmDaning ...... Algoma ............ O I G. McDonsld 
McDonald's Corners. Lan ark, N R...... 0 Wm. Lock Maniwaki . ............ Ottawa ............. Q C. Logue 
McDonald's Point ... Qneen.s ......... N B D. N, Smith Manners Sntton...... York ............ N B i waiter Piercy 
McDougall Sett....... l westmoreland N lllCOI. McDougall Mannheim ............ Waterloo, SR.... 0 HeTiry Gerbig 
McGarry... ............ Lanark, N R . ...0 1 P. McGarry )Iannhurst . .. ..... King's. ......... N BID. Mann 
estmorel'd.. N B Anselm LeBlanc *ltlanotick ............ Carleton............ U I G. L. Dickinson 
McGrath MountaIn. PIctoU............ N S D. Cameron Mansewood............IHalton ............0 A. Wooding 
MeGray ......,... "' 1 Shelburne...... N S MartilJ McGray Mansfield............ ...1 Simcoe, S R....... 01 M. Colquhoun 
McGregor ............ Essex, S R......... 0 D. Sicklesteel 
lal\sfield...............ICumberlaDd.. N SIThomas Seaman 
McGregor Station.. 
Iarquette......... M T. R. Vardon '\Iansfield . ............ 1 King's,..... P E I M. Sullivan 
MacIntosh Milld . ...1 Leeds, SR......... OIJos. J. McIntosb J[ansonvi.u
.. .....:... Brome............... Q John P Heath 
McIver ................ Bruce, N It ...... O I JOhn }lcIver :\lans,mvIlle StatIon Brome ............. Q C. M. Bowker 
\IcIntyre...............IGrey, E R ......... 0 Arch. McIntyre Manvel's Station.. . j Durham, E R.... 0 W. H. Johnston 
McKay's Boint..... Victoria......... N S M. McLean ... JIapk . ............... York, W R......... 0 J. P. ltupert 
,McKellar ..:............I Muskoka & P Sd. 0 S. Armstrong Maple Bay............ Vancouver...... B C W. Bea
l\IcKeesMdlB .. '" Kect ........ N B John McKee Maple (}reek ...... ............ Ailsa J'ohn Dixon 
McKenzie'sCOrner..ICarleton ...... N B B. D. Hoyt Maple Green ......... I Restigouche... N B James FraFer 
Mc Kin lay. . . . .. . .. Lanark, N R...... 0 I Rebt. McKinlay Maple Grove ......... Middlesex, E It . 0 Thom8B Lanford 
McKinnon's Harbor Victoria......... N S DonaldGilHs :\Iaple Grove...... Magantic ......... Q II. Cross, jun. 

kKnlght ............\ King's ......... N B I G. E. McKnight Maple Hill ............ Bruce, S R......... 0 Mrs. E. Sinclair 
McLaren's Depot.... Addington...... 0 Wm. Peverley '\IlI.ple Hill ............ :\Iegantle ......... Q A. McHarg 
!'tIcLaughlin Itoad... Kent ............ N B Ira Hicks Maplehurst ............ Carleton....... N II Wm. Kearney 
McLean........... ................... ASRalJohn B. Davis Mliple Island ......... }Iuskoka & P Sd. 0 Edward Cannell 
McLellan's !\Iount'n l Pictou ......... N S 1 And. Fraser }laple Lake........ Victoria, E R .... 0 James Melville 
!'tlcLellan's Brook.... Pictou ......... N S I Wm. McIntosh Mliple Leaf ..... ...... Compton ......... Q Wm. G. Planche 
McLeod Mills......... Keut ............ NB Simon Barrlanlt Maple Lodge ......... Middlesex,NR... 0 Alex. W. Smith 
McXamee...............i Northumb ......N B I F. McNamee Maple Ridge. ......... N .Westminster B C George Howison 
hton .........1 King's...... ....N B 1 ThOR. :\lcNnught Maple RidKe...... . I Ontario, N R...... 0 T. R. Silverthorn 
McPbaIl........... Lanark, S R ...... 0 D. McPhail :\Iaple Ridge....... Pontiac........ Q WID. Shirley 
McPherllon ........' Antigoulshe.. N S A. McPherson !'tbpleton ............... Elgin, E R. ....... 0 B. KnfKht 
McPherson's Ferry. I Richmond...... N SIJamesSmith Mapleton............... Albert ......... NEW. A.Colpits 
Maberly ............... I Lanark, S It ......0 Henry Rigney Mapelton............... Cumberland... N S W. A. Lodge 
Mabou .................. Inverness...... N S Hugh McDonald Maple Valley......... Simcoe, N R...... 0 B. Bowerman 
MabuuCOal Mines... Inverness ...... N S'D. Beaton Maple View_.......... Victoria......... N B John O. Flanders 
F [597] 




Maplewood .::::::.. [ O;'foï-d' N-L.
O Chri8. G . ht' ;
 : Uaynard --:.::::-:::. G 7env iIle
 S R ... 0 1 .111.8. Simþson 
Maplewood ........ york........ N B1Jas. Johniton Mllynooth ............ Hasting!', N R ... 0 H. Z. Ca!<s..a 
Yaquapit Lake ...... Sunbury....... N B,John Stone Mavo..................... Ottllwa ............ QiAnthom' Bourk 
Mar .....................IBruce, N R ....... OIWm. Heasman Meiulow ....... .... Albert ........ N B Fred. Si.-'<,ves 
Marathon .....:...... I Lanark. N R...... OIWm. Allhfield Meadow Lea ......... Lisgar...............M Ch
B. !Stewart 
lountalD ... In,'erness ...... :\ S I D. McDonald 11leadowrale............ Peel.................. U:C. W. ðwitzer 
Marble Rock.......... Leeds, 1:\ R......... 0 George Emery "'.J[eaford............... Grey, E R ......... OlD. L. Lavton 
Marbleton ............, WoUe ............... t) J. B. Bishop 
Ieagher's Grant... Halifax ......... N S j wm. DiÌlman 
March .................. Carleton............ 0 W. H. Berry 
Ieat Cove ........ Victoria...... N S A. ß. }lcDonald 
Marchbank............ King.s.......... N B A.W.
Ialchbank l\Iechauics'Set. ...... Kin
'11 ......... N B,Alex. Moore 
!Ilarchhurst .......... l'arleton............ 0 1f.0'}1ally Mecunoma ............ 
lullkoka& P8'd. OIOeorgo .Archer 
Marchmont .......... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Chas. Powley 
Iedford ............... King'lI ......... N S I I'"m. West 
Marden ............... Wellington, SR. 0 Jos. :\IcDonald l'ded'icme Hat...... AssiniDoia ...... ..... 'l'hos. Tweed 
Margaree Harbour.. Inverness ...... N S J. 
lcFarll<ne '\Iedina.................. Oxford. 
 R ...... 0 1 Alf. Ooodbûw 
Jllargaree Forks...... Inverness ...... N S Luke Whit e l\-Ieiklefield . . . ., . .. Pictou........ 
 8 Adam Mcinnis 
tsville ....... AnnapoliB...... N S A. B. Strouach l\It'isenerB ............. Lunellburg......
 81J. Meiseuer!! 
Margate ......... ...... Prince.... ......P E I George Ma)hue :\lekiwin..... .. . .. Marquette......:u 
libS J. 8t. ClAir 

Iaria ................... I Bonaventure...... Q "Ire. A. P. Cyr 'Ielancthon ......... Grey. E R ......... O:.J:\mes Brown 
Maria Capes ......... Bonaventure...... Q Alexis Degrace 
elboro ............... R!chmond ......... QiJohn McM,?rilJ 
Marie Bridge ......... King's .........P E I Fred. Cooper Jlelbour1Ie ............ Richmond ......... Q'Wm. BeH.ttIe 

Iarie Joseph ......... Guysboro' ...... N S Elibha H
wbolt Melbourne. .... ... MH.rquette ..... M' W. G. Alcock 

Iarieton ... ............ ............. Assll A. HutchlHon 
leldrum Bay......... Algoma... ......... 0 I R. S. Cundl" 
}larion Brid
e....... Cape Breton... N S N. H. McNeil :\Ielford ................ Invemes!l...... N 
Marion Bridge Road Cape Breton... N E it. McDonala Melgund . . .. . . . . .. Selkirk........ M I W. J. Rigginl! 
MaritAna................ Huntingdon ...... Q Wm. Edwards :\lelisl!a... ............... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 K L. Cou!(hlin 
'" J[ar1cdale ... ......... Grey, S R. ...... ... 0 W. J. McI<"arland Melita ............ Selkirk........ M I I R. M. Graham 
*Narkham ............ York. E R ......... 0 G. J. Chauncey Melocheville ......... Beauharnois .... Q A. D. DAnis 
.Markhamvilú......... King's ......... N H Alfred ltlarkham l\lelr
sf! ............... Hastings, E R .. 0 1 Wm. MundeU 

lalksviHe ............ Algoma ............0 John Marks 
Ielrose ................. Guysboro' ...... N S James Stewart 
Marlbank ............ Hastings, E R... 0 Mrs. D. Allan Melvern Square...... Annapolis...... N 8, B. Spinney 
llarlborough ......... ................... .Assa John O'Flynn Melville ............... Prince Edward... O I Caleb Johnson 
Marlow.................. Beallce ............ Q Jos. Thomp80n MelvilleCrOl!s...... Cardwell ...... 0 Henry Spott 
Marmion ............... Grey. N R.. ...... 0 Mrs. Eliza Ward Memel ............ Albert ...... N B James Stevens 
Marmara............... Hastings, N R... 0 :mss Bentley Memramcook. ......... Westmoreland N 8 1 S' C. Charters 
Marney............. .. Marquette......... M Peter Butchart 
Ienie .................. Northumb'd.ER. 0 James Mather 
Marnoch ............... Huron. W R...... 0 P. Potterfield Menomonee........... Muskoka& PS'd. 0 Isaac Williams 
Marringhurst. .. ... Selkirk............ M M. McQuarrie Menota. . . .. . . ..... &-lkirk........ M E. P. Snider 
Marriott's Cove ...... Lunpnburg ... N S Rupert Millet Menteith. . ....... Selkirk........ M I Jamt'!I Winter 
Marsboro' .... ......... Compton. ......... Q J. F. McIv,;r }Iercier. ........... Montmagny .... Q I Knace Merci.r 
Marsden ...... ......... Compton ......... Q J. D. llorrl80n !tlerigonishe .... ...... Pictou ... ...... N S Wm. Dunn 
Marsh. ............ ...... Pictou... .........N S Malcolm Ross !tlerivale ... ............ Carleton...... ...... 0 E. B. Hopper 
Marshall's Town.... Digby......... N S E. J. Haines Merlin .................. Kent. ............... 0 H. A. Miller 
Marshdale............. Pictou ..........N S A. Fraser Mermaid Farm ...... Queen's...... PEl V. Boyce 
Marshtleld ............ Queen's. ...... PEl Miss I.Robertson .. Merrickvilh ......... Grenville, N R... 0 Samuel Jakes 
Marsh Hill ............ Ontario, N R . ... 0 Wm. 'fomlinson Merritt.................. Grey, E R ......... 0 John Wilson 
Marsh Lake ...... Cape Breton... N S John Martin *Merritùm ............ IJnroln ............ 0 Mrs.G. Schooley 
Marshville ............ Monck............. 0 Edward Lee Merton ........... Halton ........0 John Sheridan 
Marshy Hope......... Pictou ......... N S Angus McDonald Metabechouan ....... Chicoutimi. ...... Q J. P. Gagnon 
Marston ............:.. Norfolk, S R ...... 0 Wm. F. .Anger Metaghan... ....... Digby............ N S I George German 
Marsville... ............ Wellington, 0 R. 0 Wm. Ceoney M . etAghan Rlyer.... Digby............ N S F. J. L. Comeau 
Mllrtin's Head..... St.John...... N B M. Ferguson Metaghan Station.. Digby........ N S Mrs. F. Geddsy 
Martin's Point ...... Lunenburg ... N S Edmund Shupe '* Metcalfe ............... Russell ... ... ...... 0 W. F. Csrupbell 
Martin's River....... Lunenburg ... N S George Strum Méthot's ltlills. ...... Lotbinière... ...... Q, Joseph Fournier 
Martintown .......... Glengany ......... 0 Andrew Foulds l\letchosin . ....... Victoria ...... B O I 
lrs. R. meed 
MartinviIle ........... Compton ......... Q Fred. Pierce Metgermette ......... Beauee. ............ Q Victor Vannier 
Marvelville .......... Russell ............ 0 John JI-lcN
b \Ietropolitan. ......... Perth, SR......... 0 Pat Maloney 
Marvin......... ... King's...... ......N B S. J. ManIa Metz ..................... Wellington, CR. 0 J. R. Bell 
}IR.rydnle............... Antigonishe... N S ().1lin Chishol. Meyersburg .......... Northumberla'd. 0 Geor
e Potu 
MarysviHe ............ Hastings, E R ... 0 Denis Hayes :\1iami ... ............. Selkirk ............ M W. Thompson 
l\Iaryville ............ York ............ N B G. W. FOt!ter Michael's Bay......... Algoma ............ 0 1 Hobt. )lcOee 
Maryvale............... Antigonishe.. N 
. H.oIIII Michie .................. Selkirk ............ 1\1 AI.,x. Michie 
MaBcsrene ........ Charlotte ...... N B Wm. Dick l'tIichipicoton Riv
r. Algoma . ....... 0 P. W. Bell 
Mascouche ............ L'Assomption ... Q J. O. LaIDa.reh. 
licksburg ............ Renfrl'lw. N R.... O,George}lick 
Mascouche Rapids... L'Assomption ... Q 000. Alexander 
liddleboro'............ Cumberland ...N SICyprien Skerry 
Mashllm Mills....... Ottawa ... ......... Q P. Bel trand lrliddle Beaver Bank Halifax ....,. N S I Ed ward Barratt 
Maskawata . . ....... Selkirk........ 1\1 D. McCallua Middle Cape .......... Cape Breton... 
 S A. McDonald 
e ......... Maskinonp;e ...... Q J. O. Belango!ll' Middle Church ...... Lisgar. ............ :U Jos. Thompson 
Ma.sonville. ............ 
liddlesex, E R . 0 John Orr Middle Co. Harbour. Gu)"sboro' ...... N S Fred. Salsman 
Massa1uippi... ......... Stanstead ......... Q ";ugene 
t. Dizier 
IiddllJ Coverdale.... I Albert ......... N B Chas. Trites 
Massie .................. G..ey, N R ......... 0 J. l'artndge Mi,ldlefield ............ 'Queen's .........N S S. Waterman 
Mass Town ............ Colchester ... N S Geo.O. Middle Hainesville. York. .......... N B W. Price 
l\Iastigoche ............ Maskinonge ...... Q J. O. Henault MiddleLaHaveFerry Lunenburg ... N S O. R PelDet
Matane.................. Rimouski ......... Q I G. L. PelIlJti.r Middle Manchester.IGuysborou
h.. N S David Serlin ton 
Matapedia .... ......... Bonaventure...... Q D. Fraser Middlemarch ... ...... I Elgin. W R....... iO Frank Waðtlake 
l\Iatawatchan .........\ Renfrew, SR.... O I JOhn McGregor Middle Mugqundoboit, Halifax ......... N S R. Kauloock 
Matheson............... Victoria..........N S John Matheson Middlemiss ..........I Middlasex, W R. 0 Daniel DeCow 
Matsqui ............... I N.westminster.B0 J. 'fretheway Middle Ohio......... Shelburne...... N S Hugh McKay 
Mattatall Lake .... COlchel'ter.... N S Alex. PlItriquin ;\liddle Porter's Lake Halifax ......... N S James Innis 
.Mattawa............... Dist. Nipil!slng... 0 Chat'. A. McColl MiddleRivpr.......... Victoria......... N S Chas. L. McLeod 
erville .......... Sunbury...... N B I W' H. Bent Middle St. Francis... Victoria......... N 8 Hectol' Nedau 
Mavillette ............ Digby........ N S A. L. 
eveau Middle SlIoCkville.... Westm('reland, N B Alex. Smith 
Mawcook ............... Shdford............ Q L. M.
angerford Middle Saekville... Halifax...... N S P. J. Bla
Maxville ............... Glengarry......... O I J. l\IcI<.wen 
I.Spc.N.E.:\Iargaree In-"erness ...... N S JlUIle!l Frizzle 
Mcnwell ............... Grey, E It ......... 0 Wesley Long 
1.8et.Barney'smver Pictou............ N 8 P. Cavanagh 
Maverville............. Russell ............0 Mrs.l\1. Mayer Middl" Simmonds ." Carleton ...... N B G. W. Melvill

Iayfair . ..:......... Middlesex, W R. 0 Jno. E. Camphell l\lfddleSouthampton York ............ N B MrR.O.Cronkhlte 
Mayfield ............... Peel.................. 0 Wm. Spiers Middle Stewiacke.... Colchester...... N S John Dit;kie 





 :==. Annapoli;...... N S J. Gulllv-;n-- Mirabel 
 ::.-:-:-:-:-: Two Mou I; tains. Q F. Raymond 
:\oIiddleton . ...... .... Prince. .........P E J Wm. Roberts Miranda ............... Missisquoi ......... Q S. B. Derick 
l\<Iiddleton ....... ..... Antigonishe... N 13 John McDonald Miscou Light House Gloucester.... N B Robert Rivcrs 
11iddle Town ......... Guysboro' ...... N 13 J.. Walker Miscou Harbour.... Gloucester......N BIA. Boyd 
. Middleville............ Lanark, N R...... 0 Wm. Croft M!scouche . ............ Prince....... ...P E I I G. Des Roches 
:\lidford. ...............'Muskoka&P.S'd. O. Wm. Smyth 
l1spec .................. st. John ...... N B .James Layman 
Midgell.................. King's......... PEl F. McKay Mississippi Station. Addington......... 0 Norman Clark 
Midgic .............. ... Westmoreland N B Mariner Hicks .ltlitclWl................ Perth,S R......... 0 Wm. W. Hicks 
Midhurst ............. Simcoe, N R ...... 0 George Smeath Mitchell's Bay...... Kent ............ .. 0 C. W. Raymond 
'" .Jlid/and .... .. ...... Simcoe. E R ...... 0 T B. Gladstom. Mitchell River ...... King's......... PEl H. McPhee 
:\Jidland ............... Kiug'B............N B A. M. Sherwood Mitchell Square...... Simcoe. E R ...... OIH. P.l\lerrlch 
Mid ).othian.... ...... Muskoka & P n d.O Goo. Whelpton Mizonet1:e . ............ Gloucester...... N Bi v. Godin 
Midnapore............. .................. Alta F. W. Shaw 
Ioe's River............ Compton ......... Q A. L. Brown 
l\lidville Branch... Lunenburg.... N 13 Jos. Rothnice Yoffat .................. Halton. ............ 0 1 H. P. l<:uglehart 
Midway........... Albert........NB 1. Wilband Moffat .................. .................. Assa Alex. Kindred 
Milburn ...............IKing's.......... PEl Edw. Mullins Mohawk ................ Brant. 13 R . ...... 0 J. K. Ellis 

Iilby ....................8herbrooke ....... Q Simon J. POwers Mohr's Corners ...... LaDluk, N R...... 0 Chas.Mohr 
Jfildmay ............... Bruce, E R........ 0 G. Herringer Moira .................. Hastings, N R... OIJ. Mullett 
l\<liIe Eud .............. Hochelaga......... Q J. R. Lapointe 
loisie.................... Saguenay ......... Q I P, Desmond 
:\Iiletta.................. Stan stead ......... Q Mrs.l\I.A.Murray :\Iolesworth............ Wellington, N n.o C. W. Watson 
Milford. .... .... ... Prince Edward... 0 John Batton, sen Moline............ l'tlarquette...... M David Dick 
}1i1ford.................. AnnaDolis ... N 13 baacFloyd Moltke............ Bruce,ER...... OIFredk. Weisel 
Milford.................. St. John. ...... N B John Irvine Monll
han ............ Queen's. ......P E I James Wisner 
MilfordHavenBridge GUY!lboro' ...... N ST. McDonald Monck .................. Wellington,N R. OIWm. Segsworth 
Milfi>rd Station ...... Hants. ............N 13 T. Andrew :\fonckland ............ Stormont .........01 M. !'Ilaloney 
Milkish .. ............. Kinp;'s............N B John Scott Moncrieff............... Huron, E R ...... OIJohn McTaggart 
Millar's Corne1'8...... Grenville, N R... 0 David :\lillar Moncton............... W I!stmoreland, N B 1 Joseph Crandall 
Millarton.......... Bruce, W R.... .0 Robert Millar Moncton Road. ...... Westmoreland,N BIWm. G. BatemaD 
* Millbank . ............ Perth, N R......... 0 Wm.Rutherford Moneymore ........... Hastings. E R ... O'John Thompson 
Millbank ............... Northumber' . N B D",vid McHardy Mongenats ............ Vaudreuil ......... Q I J. D. Vachon 
Mill Bridge............ Hastings, N R ...0 R. M. Norman Mongolia ............... York, E R......... I) Robert Curtis 
.Mill Brook............ Durham, E R ... 0 Wm. Vance Monk's Head ......... AntigonIshe... N 13 F. Boudriot 
MIIl Brook ............ Pictou ......... N S James Fraser Monkton ............... Perth ............... O,Chas. McKenzie 
Mill Brook. ............ Queen's ......... N B I DaVid Hughes :\olono Centre ......... Oardwell . ......... 0: w. Denton 
Mmbrook............ ... 
Iarquette ...... M John Sutherland Mono Mills ...... ...... Cardwell .... ...... 0 I w. J. MillS 
Mill Cove............... Lunenburg ... N 13 J. W. Jollymore Mono Road Station. Oardwell ..........0 John Judge 
Mill Cove............... Queen's......... N B Jacob Burns Monsell ................ Ontario, N n...... 0 Richard Byen 
Mill('ove.... ........ ... Queen's ....... PET Wm. McGrath Montague ............ Lanark, S R ...... 01 Peter Clark 
Mill Creek ............ Kent ............ N B Wm. Ward Montague Bridge ... King's. .......P E I C. D. Poole 
11ill Creek. ............ Cape Breton ... N S I Dennis Sullivan Montague Cross...... King's. .........P E I P. A. Callagha. 
Millegeville .... ...... St. John ...... N B John G. Tobin Mont Dufresne. . ... Richmond......... Q C. Gelinas 
MilIe Isles ............ ArKBnteuil......... Q I JOhn Wel!tgate MontagueG'd Mines Halifax ......... N S F. W. Cooper 
.Mille Rocha......... Cornwall. ......... 0 George Kazan Montcerf ............... Ottawa ............ Q Phil. Paradis 
Miller's Creek ....... Hants ......... N S Thos. Malcolm Montgomery.......... .................. AS88 M.J. Corbett 
Hi/lerUm................ Northumber'd..N BIJ. C. MilIer MOlJticello ............ Wellington, N R 0 F. L. Holmes 
Mille Vaches.......... Saguenay ........ Q I J. A. Piuze Montcalm ............ Ilontcalm ......... Q }Irø. 11:. CopJing 
Millfieid ............... Megantlc .......... Q Thos. McKenzie Monteagle Valley... lI8Btings, N R. 0 Wm. Rutledge 
:\Iillford ............... Marquette ...... M 'John Hrown Monte Bello............ Ottawa ............ Q \ ChaB. Major 
Mill Grove.............. Wentworth,N R. 0: Miles Markle Montefiore. ............ Selkirk ...._.. 101 G. F. Thorger 
Mill Haven ............ Lennox ............ OIJas. Franklin Montfort..... . ........ Argentenil .... Q M. Bouløire 
Milliken ............... York, E R......... 0 Mrs. S. Milliken Mont Louis............ Gaspé ............... Q I Jos. Lt'mieux 

lilUnllton ............ Brome ............ Q Aylmer Place Montmagny .......... Montmagny ...... Q Stani8las Vallee 
Millington............. Ontario, N R...... OIA. P. MeDonald Montmorency Falls. Quebec ........... Q Pierre Laplant 
Mill River............. Prince.., .....P E T F. Peters Montmorin... ......... Terrebonne ...... Q Jos. Belisle 
:Mill Road.. .......... Lunenburg......N 13 H. B. Meister .Montreal............... Montreal......... Q G. La Mothe 
Mill Settlement...... Sunbury. .......N B N. Hoyt Montreal River Nipissing ......... 0 Thomas Lawlor 
Millstream ............ King's .......... N B J. A. Fenwick }Iontrose.......... Wellalld............ 0 A. Welstead 
MilIsvilIe......... ...... Pictou ... ...... N S Robert Young Mon trose ............... Prince.... ......P E I R. Hockin, jun. 
^'MilUown . ............ Charlotte ...... N B Thos. W. Butler Montrose ............... Marquette...... 1\1 R. Connor 
Milltown CroBII. ...... King's......... PEl J. E. Compton Mt. St. Hilaire ....... RouvilIe............ Q François Lahatll8 
Mill View............. Queen's .......P E I John R. Bourke Mont St. Nichol8B... St. John's ......... Q 'rhos. Girard 
Mill ViUage............ Queen's......... N S , H. H. Mack !\IonumentSettlem't Carlett'n ...... N B James Kennedy 
lvi.lle................ Kinll's .......... N S t Mrs. M. Gates. Moodyville ............ 
.Westminster,BC BenJ. 
lJ[tllv;[k ............... York ............ N B M. S. Ryan Moonstone.... .. ..... SImcoe, E.R.....O Wm. Dunlop 
:\lill ward .... ......... ...... ...... ....... Alta I l\USq McDougall · MOOT' .................. J,ambton, W R... 0 John Morrison 
Milton.... ......... ...... Queen's... ...... N 13 E. Kempton \loorefield ............ Wellington, C H. 0 Mrs. A. Maudsley 
Milton, Eaøt .......... Shafford ............ Q Thos. Hackett Mooresburg..... .... Grey, N.R........ 0 Thomas Moore 
Milton Station ...... Queen's....... PEl W. 
[cNeill Moore's Falls ......... Victoria, N R.... 0 Thoma" Leary 
*jfilton, Wat .......... llalton ............. O,John Lyon Moore'8l\lillB. ....... Charlotte ...... N B Asa Cormick 
jfilverton . ............ Perth, N R . ...... 0 John Pierson :\loom's Station ...... 1\1issisquol... ...... Q P. C. Moore 
Mimico ............... York, W R......... 0 Robert Wixon Mooresvllle ........ Middlesex, N R. 0 Jos. S. Giefillan 
Miminell;ash .......... Prince. ..... ...P E I Richard CostalD Moose Brook. ......... Hants ......... N S Thomas M. Reid 
Mim08a ............... Wellington, SR. 0 ' N. Read Moose Creek .......... Stormont. ......... 0 J. La Brol!se 
l\<lineville..... ....... I Halifltx.. ......N 13 1 A. S. Crook Moose Jaw ........ Assiniboia... NWT J. A. Whitmore 
.Minden................ 'Victoria, N R...... 0 C. D. Curry Mooseland ............ Halifax ......... N S John Prest. jUD 
l\<Hndemoya...... ...... Algoma............ 0 I Francis Wagg Moose MOl1ntain.... Asl!Ïnlboia...N W T T Bat.lwin 
:\lineral . ............... Carleton. ...... N B'James Guest Moose River. ......... Pictou ............N S Jobn Munro 
Mineral Hill....... Albert.........NB Jno. Stevens \fooseRiver .......... Cumberland...N S Wm. Roberts 

1!neral Hock... .... Cape Breton... N S 1\1. 
lcOdrum Moosomin......... Al!siniboia Ter.... Jos. Daniel 
MmesIDg... ............ Simcoe, N R...... 0 Mrs. M. Ronald Moran............ 
orthumb......N B Jas. Moran 
1\1inll;an . ............... Saguenøy ......... Q B. Scott :\loravlantown..... Elgin. W.R.........O Rev. A. Hartman. 
Mink River Road "., King's......... PEl W. Lannigan Moray........ ...... ...... Middlesex, N R. 0 David Poulter 
a ....... . 1 Marquette.........l\1 :J. S. Armitage 
JorC8mbe ............. Kinlfs, ......... N B J. Fowler 
:Minnewawa ......... Selkirk............ M,Johu Young Morden................ Selkirk............ M J. M. Grover 
ka............ ''' 1 Marquette .... . ..M, R. McDonald Morden .......... ...... King's .......... N 13 Silas Balcomb 
M!nudJe ............... Cumberland... N S:W. A. Downey Morell.................. King's .........P E I W. Sterns 
Mira Gut ............... Cape Breton... N S Susannah Martell Horen Rear. ......... King's .........P E I James Phelan 



[ 1887. 

 FFICE. _:



l\1orell Station..... Klug's......... PEl 111 Cüffin 
Iulmur ...............,Simcot:1. S H....... o,John Murphy 
Morewood ............ Dundas... ......... 0 A. McKay Muncey. ......... ......1 Middlesex, S R... 0 A. l\IcGrejl;or 
Morganston........... Northumb'd,ER. 0 Wm. J. NewmaJ Munroe's Bridge... : Inverness .... N S I 'J. J Munroe 
MolÏn Flats............ Argenteuil......... Q Isaac Jekill Munroe's Mills ...... I Glengarry......... 0 M. Munroe 
Morley ..................,Grey, E R .........0 James Lemon Munster ............... Carleton..,......... 0 Thos. 'rubman 
Morningdo.le Mills... I Perth, N R . ...... 0 J. Nicklin Murchison......... Marquette..... M I A. Murchison 
*Morpelh ............... Elgin, W R..... 0 J. C. Nation Murchison ............ 1 Hastings, N. R... 0 J. Taylor ............. Selkirk ............ M R. Johnston Murchyville ......... Halifax ......... N S James Murchy 
Morris. .... ....... Provencher .... MG. A. Glines Murdoch ......... ..... Grey, SR......... O I G. Pollock,jun. 
*],Jorrisburp ......... DundlUl ............0 1 Patrick Gormely l\IuriJIa Station ...... Algollia.. ......... 0 John :McLean 
MorrisonvlIle ......... Stormont ........ 0, Rod. Morrison Murray............... p"!orthumb'd,ER. 0 T. .T. Spofford 
MCJTriston ............. Wellington,S R. 01R. B.Morrison Alurray Bay ........./Charlevoix......... Q I 'Jean Lapointe 
Morristown ............ Antip:onishe... N S,J. McGillivray Murray Harbour, N.: King's .........P E I Pavid McClure 
Morristown............ King's ......... N SjJohn Palmer Murray Harbour,n.d,Queen'!I .......P E I A. McDonald 
Morton .................. Leeds, SR......... O / James R. Leake Murray Harbour, S. , King's ......... PEl Is
c Prouse 
Morton's Corner.... Lunenburg ... N S Wm. Drew Murray Hiver......... King's .........P E I J. D. Prouse 
Morven ............... Lennox ............ 0 W. R. Gordanier Murray Road .........'Westmoreland, N BIW. C. Murray 
Mosborough . ......... Wellington, S R. 0 John Hobson Murray's Corner.... ,Westmoreland,N B:.John MurI"llY 
Moscow............... Addington......... O:Zllra Vanluven Murvale ...............,Addin/Ston......... O:M. Davy 
M08er's River......... Halifax ......... N S,G. P. Moser Muskoka Falls ....... Ontario ......... N R I Hy. A. Clifford 
l\1oshervllle............ Rants............ N S Mrs.M.A. }Iosbel Muskoko. Mille ...... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 A H Campbell,jr 
Moss Glen ............ King's............ N B E. H. Merritt Musquash. ............ St. John......... N B L. D. Carman 
Moøside.................. Middlesex, W R. 0 James McCabe Musquodoboit Har. Halifax ......... N S John Kidd 
MOl'sley ................ Middlesex, E R... O!James Moakes Mussellboro'...... Selkirk......... M, Uy. Mussell .. 
Mossman's Grant.... Lunenburg ... N S; Reuben Baker Musselburg............ Perth, N R . ...... 0 Wm. Burgman 
l\Iotherwell .......... Perth, S R......... OIJohn Pittapiece Myrehall ............... Hastings, E R.... 0, A. A. Coulter 
!\Iou!ie's River....... Kent ............ N B,Joseph Miller Myrtle .................. Ontario, SR...... 0 David A. Brown 
Moulinette ............ Stormont ......... 0, G. :McDonald Mystic .................. ltIissisquoi ...... Q J. A. Phelps 
l\loulton Station.... Monck... .... ...... 0, Rich. Angle No.ckawick............. York ............ N B Wm. H. Clark 
Mountain Brook.... Restigouche... N B,J. Hamilton Nlldeau's Crosølng... Beauce...............Q Paul Roy 
Mountain City .... Marquette... ...... M W. C. Alderson Na
1 Pond ............ P
ince......... PEl, P. Clohosey 
Mountain Dale....... Kin
's....... N B ,J. A. Pattarson NaIrn ................... MIddlesex, N n.... 0 M. Mcintyre 
Mountain Grove...... Addington......... 01 Alex. McDonald Namur .................. Ottawa ............ Q N. Proulx 
Mountain Itoad..... Pictou ............N SI L. Langille lI T anaimo . ............ Vancouver.... B C Wm. Earl 
Mountain View...... Prince Edward... O,John Potter Nanoose Bay,..... Vancouver...... B C James Hamilton 
Mount Albert ......... York, N R......... 0 Mrs. E. Jackson Nanticokf..... ......... Haldimand . ...... 0 1 
1. Wedrich 
!\olount Albion......... Wentworth, S R. 0' Herbert Dat'is Nantye. ...... ......... Simcoe, S R. ...... 0, Stanley SpilIett 

lount Albion......... Queen's. ......P E I! Robert Jenkins *Napanu............... Lennox ............ OIG. Bogart 
*JI'JUnt Br.l/does...... Middlesex, S R.. 0 Thomas Pearce Napanee Mills ...... Addington......... 0 George Lasher 
Mount Carmel....., Kamouraska...... QI R. Lavoie Naphan........... Hastings, E R .. O/John Maphau 
Mount Charles ...... PeeL................. 01 James Savage Napier.................. Middlesex, W R. Q Alex. Arthurs 
Mount Chesney...... Frontenac......... 0 I Anthony English Napiervillt............. Napiel't'ille......... S L. N. McQueen 
Mount CUfsack ...... Cape Breton... N S Hugh Cussack Napinka .......... Selkirk........ MIJ Yeomans 
Mount Denison ...... Hantl; ......... N S :Mrs. J. E. Shaw Nappan. ............... Cumberland... N S I Henry Wood 
Mount Elgin ......... Noñolk, NR...... O'Roger O. Miller Nappan Station...... Cumllerlant1.. N SA. C. Barry 
O/<lIJount JilJrut ...... Wellington,N R. O:T. G. Smith Napperton ............ Middlesex, W R. 0 Thomas Jury 
Mount Hanly......... Ann
polis ......N SICaieb Miller Narrow. ............... Queen'., ......... N BI Henry Todd 
Mount Healy......... Haldlmand. ...... 0 W. Donaldl!on Narrows Creek ...... King'!I......... PEl L. McDonald 
Mount Hope.......... Bruce, N. H.... 0 John Cole Nashville. ...... ... York, WR...... 0 Matthew ElUlt 
Mount Horell......... Victoria, S It...... OIWm. Elliott Na8hwaak ............ York ............N Bj.lames Youn!1; 
Mount Irwin ......... Victoria, N R .... 0 T. Peo.cock Nllshwallk Bridge... York ............ N B I 1\lrs. J. Smith 
Mount JohnllOn...... lberville............ Q j J. O. Pion Nashwaakpis ......... York ............ N B W. McFarlane 
Mount Lehman.... N.Westmlnst'r. BC E. Thomson Nashwaak Station... York ............ N B .Tames R. Garden 
Mount Loyal......... Montcalm ......... Q P. Shevelin Nashwaak Village... York .............N B John L. Fletcher 
Mount Maple...... ArgenteuU ..... Q Mrs. D. Warwick NallOnworth. ......... york........ N B A. A. Nason 
Mount Middleton... King's............N B 'D. S. Sinnott *NU$.agawf.ya. ...... Halton. ............0 J. Ellsterbrook 
Mount Oscar ......... Vaudreutl ......... Q1t'. D. Tessier Natashquan ......... Saguenay. ......... QI D. Dumarez 
Mouut Pleasant...... Durham, E R .... OIJohn W. Ol'eer Nauwigewauk ....... King's .......... N B Wm. Dodge 
Mount Pleasant...... Prince .........P E II Mrs. P. Williams Navan .................. Russell............. O:W. Clark 
Mouu t PlelUlant...... Cumberland... N S I Isaac Simpson Necum Tench... ...... Halifax ... ...... N S' Wm. Smith 
Mount Pleasant...... Carleton......... N B Moses Rideout Nupawa.......... Marquette......... MIAlfred DlIlton 
Mount St. Louis...... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 J. P. Hussey Noebing .......... Algoma......... 0 A. McLaren 
Mount St. Patrick... Renfrew, SR.... 0 Martin Sheedy Neguac.................. Northumb'rl'd N B
L. N. Allain 
Mount Salem ......... Elgin, E R......... 0 l\Jrs. A. Hillaker Neigette ............... Rimouski ......... Q'F. X. Oagnie 
Mountsberg ......... Wentwort.h, NR. 0, Charles Revell Neil's Harbour ...... Victoria......... N S: Thos. Williams 
Mount Sherwood ... Carleton............ 0 I Albert S. Hopper Neilson ville ....... Quebec..... ....Q I Henry 
Mount Stewart ...... Queen's ......P E I David Ejrlin Nelles Corners. ...... Haldlmand. ....,. OJ A. H. Cline 
Mount Thom Set'm't Pictou ......... N S I Andrew McKay Nelson ......... ......... Halton. ............ 0 D. W. Springer 
Mount Uniacke ...... Hants ......... N S' John McLean NelllOn ............ Selkirk ............ M George Leary 
Mount Vernon....... Brant, SR......... O I M. W. Townsend Nenagh ............... Grey. SR.......... 0 Thos. Dui!1;nan 
Mount View. ......... Westmoreland, N B LI\yton Bowser Nerepis Station ..... King's. ......... N ß David McKenzie 
MountviIle ............ Albert ..... N B:Jllmes Wilbur Netherby ............ Weiland............ 0 John Koebel 
Mouutville ............ Pictou............ JS' StJohn Urquhart Neustadt ............... Grey, SR.......... 0 John Weinart 
Mount Whatley...... Westmoreland,N BllII. R. Lowerison New Albauy ......... Annapolis...... N S Albert Oaks 
Mount Wolf .......... Cardwell............ 0 Robert M. White New Annan............ Priuce........ PEl Geo. Walk
Mouth of Jeml!eg.... Queen's ......... N BIElias Scribner New Argyle....... Queen's..... PEl L. McKinnon 
MouthofKeswick... York ............ N B 
Irs. M. Yerxa Newark ............... Oxford. S H....... 0 W. A. Dennis 
Month of Nerepis... King's............N B J. 
I. Nasa New Armagb......... Lotblnière......... Q John Orr,jun. 
Mouth of St. Francis Victoria .........N B John Jones New B!lndon ......... GIouce
ter...... N BIN. H. 
Mowbray............. Selkirk ............ MI A. Johnston Newbhsa ............... BrockvIlle......... 0 John Ji,dKar 
Mud Bay.......... NewWestm'ntr B CI Wm. Woodward Newbois ............... Lotbinière......... Q E. Boisonneau 
Muddy Creek ......... Prince ........ PEl John Dickie *Newboro' . ............ Leeds, SR......... 0, Levi S. Lewis 
Muir Kirk ............ Elgin, W R ...... 0 Mrs.A. 
lcDonald New Boston .._ ...... Cape Breton ... N S A. Ferguson 
MulKI"ave............... Weiland............ O,E. Leo.rDs 
ewboyne ............ Leeds, SR......... 0 
lrs.l\L mack 
Mull..................... Kent...... ......... OiNeil Watson Newbridge ............ Huron, E R ...... O,Robt. Johnson 
Mull Riyer..... ...... Inverness ...... N S I 'James Bso.ton *N.wburgh ............ Addington......... O I 'D. Hooper 
Mullifarry ............ Middlesex, W R. 0 J. McNeice Newburgh ............ Carleton ...... N B It. McKinney 




 . POB: 
burn...... .. :::= Lfiñ enbu-;g.... N S Eric JOlldry N,cola Lake. . . . . . ... / Yale. . . . . . . . . . B 0 1 A. E. Howse 
-Newbury ............ Middlesex, W R. O I JOpePh Kelly "'Nicoltt ................ Nicolet ............ Q ;m
s M. Chillas 
New Campbellton ... Victor
a ...... NBC. L..CamI?bell,Jr Nicolet Falls ......... Richmond ......... Q, W. A. Elliott 
:New Canaan. ......... Queen s ......... N 8 LewIs KeIth Nicolston...............18Imcoe. 8 R ...... 0 John Nichol 
New Canada .......... Lunenburg.... N B I ' :\1. 8emon 
ictaux Falls......... ,Annapolis...... N 8 1 W. J. II. Balcom 
New Carlisle ......... Bonaventure ... Q Thos. Caldwell Nile ..................... Huron. W R...... 0 Robt. McIlwain 
New Carlow.......... Hastings, N R... OIJ. H. Henderson :S'Uestown ............ 
lIddlesex, E R. O'J. C. Burrows 
-Newcastle ............ 'Durham, W R ... 0, Thos. 
lcClung Nimitau ...... .. .... Selkirk ............ M James Rae 
hewca:Jtle............... Northumb'rl'd N B J. Johnston Niue :\liIeCreek...... Queen's .......P E I ;}liss M. Brian 
Newcastle Bridge... Queen's ......... N B' H. P. Yeoman!! Nine :Uile River...... Hants............ N S J. Thompson 
Newcastle Creek .... Queen's ......... N B :.\-11'B.G. 8. Bailey Ninette. ....... .... 8elkirk ............ M James Overend 

ewcomb Corner.... Halifax ......... N S .John Barron 
Jiuga ................... Selkirk ............ ltl Samuel Jones 
Newcomb.. ............ Lunenburg.... N 8 J. Newcomb :-llpissing ............... :\Iuskoka ...... 0 Neil \IcEachern 
Newcomb Mills....... Northumb'd,ER. OIF. 'I. Pearson Nissouri ............... Oxford. N R ...... 0 David Reith 
New Cornwall ....... Lunenburg ... N 88. E. Hallamore Nithbnrg............... Oxford, N R ...... O,James Brown 
Newdale .......... l1arquette.........M J. L. Cook Niverville ............ Provencher ...... :\1 E. Penner 
New Dublin......... ...IBrockville... ...... 0 .J. A. Brown 
lxon ................... Norfolk, N R...... 0 J. G. Bottomley 
New Dunde
 ......... Waterloo, 8 R.... 0 J. G. Wing Nixon................... Albert............N B Geo. Wilson 
New Durham......... Oxford, 8 R....... 0 Marshal Lefler Nober....... ...... HaldimanlÏ..... 0 J. Lemon 
*Ne'w Edinburgh ... Russell............. 0 J. W. Proctor .Nobletrm. ............. York ............... 0 C. Hambly, jun. 
:New Edinburgh.... Digby.............N 8 A. Deveaux Noel..................... Hants...... ..... N 8 Osmond O'Brien 
New Elm.......... Lunenburg......N S John H. Faney Noel Road............. Hants............ N S Joel8cott 
New Gairloch......... Pictou. ......... N S F. Ferguson Noel8hore ............ Hants............ N S J. G. McLellan 
New Germany....... Waterloo, N R.. 0 Andrew Klein Norborough .......... Prince......... PEl J. n1. Webster 
New Glasgow......... Queen's . ......P E I H. Y. :\lcContrey Norcliffe .......... Pontiac ............ Q[ A. Watson 
ow.......... Terrebonne ...... Q L..r. A. Lambert Norham................. Northumb'd,ER. O,W. E. Kemp 
NtlQ Glcugow ......... Pictou .......... N S Wm.1!'raser Norland ............... Victoria, N R .... 0 J. Harshaw 
New Grafton ..... . I Queen's ...... N 8 P. Katherens Normandale ......... Norfolk, 8 It...... OlMis8 
1. B. Fisher 
VfW Hamburu...... l waterloo. 8 R.... 0 C. Ernst Norqllay ............... Relkirk ............ )1 T. H. Pentland 
ew Har
ur.. ...... G?ysb?rough, N 8 W. J. Wright Normandin. ....... Chicoutimi .... Q i Ed. Carbonneau 

ew HarrIb........ VlctorIa.......N 8 D. Morrison North Alton ......... King's ............N S / George Ward 
Newhaven ............ Selkirk............ 1\1 S. 
Ioorhead North Arm............ N.Westmlnster,B C II. Eburne 

ew Haven............ Queen's .......P E I II. Mac
ortham ............... Prince......... PEl Thos. H. Pope 

ew Haven........ Victoria...... N S John :\lcLeod :-lorthampton ......... Carleton ...... N ß'David 8. Gibson 

ewholm............... Muskoka &; P 8d. 01 D. Ferguson North .Augusta ....... Grenville. 8 It ... 0 John Chapman 

ew Horton ......... Albert ......... N B M. Cannon North Bay............. Nipissing DIst ... 01 W. McDonald 
Newington ............ 8tormont. ......... 0 G. F. Jardine North Beaver Bank Halifax. .........N 8 Mrs.;}1. A. Nelson 
New lreland ......... Megnntic ......... Q I R. C. Porter :-lorth Bedeque. ...... Prince .........P E I I Mrs. T. Lefurgy 
New Ireland . ......... Albert ......... N B John Cairne8 North Branch......... Russell. ............ 0 C. Heplnstal 
:-lew Ireland !load... Albert ......... N ß J. DOrl1nan,jun. North Brookfield. .. Queen's ......... N 8 1 M. A. Harlow 
New Jerus'11em ...... Queen's ......... N B A. :.\1. 8hort North Bruce ......... Bruce, W R. ...... 0 A. Ross 
New Larig ............ Pictou ......... N 8 R. McLeod North Buxton ....... Keut ...............0 G. J. Charleston 
:S-ew Liverpool...... Lévis ............... Q A. Forcade North Carleton.... Prince...... PEl J. Wright 
New London ......... Queen's .......P E J' Wm. 
lcKay,jr. NOrth Clarendou.... Pontiac. ............ Q Jas. Ralph 
New Lowell ......... 8imcoe. N R ...... 0 I P. Patton North Coaticooke ... 8tanstead ......... Q I J 08eph 
.New !Jlarket ......... Ontario, W R.... 0 J. A. Bastedo :-lorthcote . ............ Renfrew, 8 It .... 0' J. Atkinson 

ew :\Iarket.......... York ............ N B Dan'l McDade N. E. Br., l\Iargaree. Inverness ...... N 8lMrs. A. 
I. Ross 
New Maryland ...... york........ N B Lewis Fisher :-l. E. Harbour....... 8helburne...... N 8 1 A. R. Greenwood 
New ,Hills ............. Restigonche... N B 'Joseph Windsor N.End Lochab. Lake AntigoDishe.. N S ^ lex. 
New :\Iinaø ............ King's ......... N 8 1 John A.1!'uller N. Esk Boom ......... Northumb...... N B1l\lrs. Hutc
New Oxley........ ................... Alta, Jno. R. Craig 
orthfield ............ Cornwall ......... O. Albert Walt 

ew Park ........ Durham, E R ... O,James Miller Northfleld ............ 8unb1iry ...... N B Jonathan Welton 
:-lew Perth ............ King's..........P E I' R. Plummer Northfield ............. Lunenburg ... N 8 1 II. Ma.ckey 
Newport ............... Brant, 8 IL....... OI.Josiah Woodley. Northfield Centre... Oxford, 8 R ...... 0 Peter Bowman 
Newport... '....... Gasp6.......... Q G. Grenier North Forks, !3al.Cr. Sunbury.........
 B 1 J. A. Currie 
Newport ............... , Hants............ N SIJ. F. Cochrane North Frnmboise.... Richmond .... N 8 A. McQueen 
:-lewport.......... ..... Kin,ts......... P)4
 liD. McIntyre NorthGeorgetown... Chateaugllay...... Q Louis Turcot 
Newport Corner...... Hants............ N 8'Mis'lR.llarvey :-lorthGlanford ...... Wentworth,8R. 0 1<:. Dickenson 
Ntwport Landing... IIants............ N SIJ. W. Allison .North Gower......... Carleton............ 0 l Hiram8cott 
Newport Point... . I Gaspé. ......... Q
R. P. Hamon North Grnnt. ......... Anti
onishe. ...N 8 Duncan 81attery 
Newport 8tation ... Hants............ N 8 1 J. L. Sweet North Greenville ... Cumberland... N 8 Geo. Rushton 
New Richmond ...... Bonaventure...... Q Richard Brash North Gut,St.Ann's Victoria...... N 8 John 8haw 
New River Mills ..... C
arlotte ...... N ß I Joshua .K!1ight North Ham............ Wolfe ......... ...... Q' Patrick Blais 
New Rockland..... RIchmond. .........QiJ. J. WIlliams North Hatley......... Stanstead ......... Q, B. LeBaron 
New Ross............... Dundas ............ 0 Wm. Rylance North IIill ............ Compton ......... QID. W. :\lcDonald 
New Ross. .... ...... Lunenburg ... N S Oscar 8. )4
lliott North Intervnle...... Gu)sboro' ...... N SiD. )lcKenzie 
New Ross Road ...... Kiug's .......... N 8 Owen :\lcGarry North KeppeL....... Grey, N R ......... 01 David Dewar 
Newry .................. Perth, N R . ...... 0 Young Coulter 
orth Lake ............ IHng's .........P E J E. Morrow 
New 8alem ........ Cumberiand....N 8 W. G. Nuttall North Lake............ York ............ N Bill. H. Veysey 
New Sarum............ Elgin, E R......... 0 A. McKenzie North Lancaliter ..... Glengarry......... 01 Emllien Daoust 
Newton .....n ......... Perth. N R....... Q John Zoeger North Low . . ........ Ottawa ............ Q I R. Daly 
Newton ................ Prince......... PEl J. T. 
Iurphy .sorth )leadford .... Klng'B............N S B. Weaver 
Newton Brook....... York, W R....... 0 G R.Goulding NOrth Milton......... Queen'i! ...... P E1 t Wm. Coles 
Newton Cr088...... Queen's..... PEl Jame4 Cody North 110untain .... Dundas. ............ 0 M. McLaul{hlin 
Newton Mills... ..... Colchester...... N 8 James Creelman North Mountain.... Klng's ......... N 8 Wm. Bennett 
Newton Robinson... Simcoe, 8 R ...... 0 J. G. Chantler North Nation )Iills.. Ottawa ............ Q J. C. Edwards 
New Town ....... .IGuy
boro' ......N 8 Thos. McBltin NOrth Onslow... ...... Pontiac............. Q'John O'Donnell 
:-Jew Town .......... King's ......... N B nrs. E. 
1. Pearc" North Pelham ....... )Ionck . ............ 0 1 Mrs.:.\1. )IcQueeD 
NewTusket..........\Digb y --........ N8 H.C. Babean NorthPinnncle ...... Mlssisquol.........Q V.Barnes 
Newville ............... Cumberland... N S C W. Young *NoriltPrrrt ........... Prince Edward... 0 1 Dorland Fox 
.Vew Wéstminster. ''' 1 N .Westminster B C John C. Brown Northport....... ...... Oumberland... N 8 1 George BranJer 
New Wiltßhlre ...... Queen's .......P E I'G. Easter North Range Corner Digby ............N S C. B. McNeil 

ew Z
aland ..... King's......... PEl James Cantwell 
orth Renous ..... Nortbumb...... N B William Hogan 
New Zion............... ,::!unbury ....... N B J. H. Sowers North IUdge ......... Essex, S R ....... 0 Joseph Knight 
· Niagara......... ...... I Lincoln&Niagara,O Robert Warren N'orth River.......... Queen's . ...... P E f I J. R. Warren 
- N
agara Falls. ...... WeIland........ 0 W. W. Woodruff North River .......... Westmoreland, N B J. Taylor 
"'Nw.gara libll:J, S'th Weiland. .... ... 0 T. W. Woodruff North River ..........Colchesìer .... N 8 I A. Fulton 
[601 ] 





Brl dge.... ck;lches te-;:: ... N S Henry B 18
 .Od u;a-:::::= L; Dñox. ..:: ......... 0 P. s. Tim 
N.RiverBridge ...... I Victoria......... N 8 M. McRitchie Offa ..................... Middlesex, N R.. 0 John G. Quarry 
NorthRiverPlatform Westmoreland.N B T. JOnes Ogden .................. Guysboro ...... N S Alex. McFarland 
North Rustico ....... I Q ueen'8 .......P J<.i I Georp:e Budd Ogemah ............... Lambton, W R... 0 John H. Evans 
North Saanich. ...... Vancouver ......B C H. Brackmann Ogilvie .................. King's ......... N S Patterson Foster 
North Salem ......... IIants............ N S S. Nelson Ohio ..................... Antigonisbe... N S R. McGillivray. 
North Seneca ......... Haldimand. ...... 0 P. C. Shafer Ohsweken.... ......... Brant, SR......... 0 James Styres 
North Seguin '........ Muskoka & P &1.0 Elias Aehton Oil City. ............... Lambton E R.... 0 .Tamf's Keating 
North Shore .......... Cumberland... N I Alex. McMillan .Oil Springll ......... Lambton, E R... 0 Georp:e Yates 
North Shore ......... Victoria........ N D. 
lcDonllld Oka ..................... Two Mountains. Q C. Chaurette 
]f. S. St. Marg. Bay. Halifax ......... N 8. Wynott Okanagon ............. Yale...............B C C. O'Keefe 
N. Sec. of Earltown. COlchestt'r...... N 
 A. M. Baillie Okanagon Miseion... Yale...............B C E. Lequin 
North Stanbridge.... Missiequoi ......... Q A. Vanasse Okotoke .. .......... Alberta Territory. J. A. McMll1an 
North Stoke ......... Richmond ......... Q Lewis Duplin Old Barns ............ Colchester...... N S Eben. Archibald 
North Stukely ...... Shefford ............ Q Ant Audette Oldcastle ............... Essex, N R........ 0 M. McCarthy 
North Sutton......... Brome............... Q O. Sweet Old Cheleea ........ Ottawa.......... Q H. W. Edmonds 
* North Sydney. ...... Cape Breton.... N 8 Wm. Forbes Oldfield. ............... Bothwell ... _. 0 A. McDonald 
North Tryon ......... Prince..........P E I Miss \I iHuirhead Oldham. ............... Halifax ......... N S W. G. Pearson 
North Valley... ...... Stormont ......... 0 Mrl!. 1\[, Dunbar Old Lake Road. . ... Temiscouata..... Q P. Caron 
North Wakefield..... Ottawa ............ Q B. E. Blair O'Leary Road ......... Prince ......... PEl Josh. Smallman 
North West .......... Lunenburg.... N S S. Langille U'Leary Station ...... Prince .........P E J John Frost 
North West Arm.... 'Cape Breton... N S G. K. Ball Olinda .................. E!!sex, SR......... 0 John C. Fox 
North West Bridge. Northnmb'd... N B Ed. Sin
lair Olinville ............... Quæn's ......... N B :\liss A. Colwell 
North West Cove ... Lunenburg.... N S Daniel Noonan Oliphant ............... Bruce, N R. ......0 John Hutchinson 
North Williameburg Dundas ............ 0 G. C. Casselman Olive.............. Marquette...... M R. J. Warren 
North Winchester... Dundas ............ 0 Joseph S. Kyle Oliver .................. Oxford, N R ......0 John G. McLeod 
Norton......... ........ King's ......... N B A. B. Hayes ùliver .................. 8tanstead ......... Q George Oliver 
North Wolfest>Jwn . Wolfe... .......... Q Will. Parson!! Oliver's Ferry......... L!\nark, S R...... 0 W. McCue 
Northwood ............ Kent ............... 0 8. H. Knight Olivet .................. Wellington N R. U John Hicks 
Norton Creek......... Chateauguay...... Q Charles South Omagh ............... Halton. ............ 0 Mrs. M. Standish 
Norton Dale ......... York ............ N B J. 111. Dysart *Omtmte ............... Victoria, S R...... 0 Robert Grandy 
Norton Station ...... King's ......... N B S. McCready Ompah ............... Addington......... 0 Mrs. F. Dawsún 
){ortonville ....... Peel............ 0 John Norton 150 Mile Houee ...... Cariboo ......... B C R. Borlau1 
Norval ............... Halton. ............0 D. W. Vance Oneida .................. Haldimand. ......0 James Murray 
Norway ............ ... York, E R... ...... 0 Richard Crew Onondaga......... ...... Brant, S R ...... 0 l\Irs. L. ßuckwell 
orwich............... Oxford, S R. ......0 H. S.lIIoore Onslow Mountain... COlcheeter...... N S Eben. l\lcCurdy 
.Norwood ............ Peterboro', E R... 0 Jos. B. Pearce Onslow Station ...... COlchester...... N S Aug. McCurdy 
Norwood ............... yarmouth...... N S Dav. A. Saunders Opawaka ............... Selkirk......... M P. Angers 
Nosbonsing............ Dis. of Algoma... 0 M. Cahill Opemican ............. Pontiac ............ Q J. Jodoins 
N. Dame des Anges Portneuf . ......... Q Thomas SaTary Orangedale ............ Inverness ...... N S .Tames J. Munroe 
N. Dame du Laus ... Ottawa ............ Q James McCabe Orange Ridge.. ...... Marquette ...... M Paddock Winter 
N. Dame de PI. Verte Temiscouatö ...... Q Theodore Fraser *Orangeville ......... WelllD
ton, C R. 0 Edward Leslie 
Notre Dame de Grace Hochelaga......... Q Leon Descaries Oranmore ........ .... Musk. & P.S'd... 0 Hugh Nelson 
Notre Dame de Bets. 8aguenay ...... Q L. F. Boucher Orchard ............... Grey, SR......... U John Irving 
Notre Dame des Bois Compton. ......... QI Alex. Roberge Oriel..................... O:r.fúrd. SR...... 0 W. B. Somerville 
Not. Dame dela 8al. Ottawa.. .........Q U. G. Pare Orkney.................. Wentworth.N H.. 0 A. P. Tbom
Notre Dallle du Lac. Temiscouata ...... Q A. Cloutier *Orillia ............... Simcoe, E R...... 0 Thomas Goffatt 
N. D. du Pont Main Ottawa......... Qi A. Blais Orleane.................. Russeil ...... .... 0 Hugh Dupuis 
Notre Dame du Port. Temiscouata...... QI )liss A. Michaud Ormond ............... Dundas ............ 0 Arch. McPhail 
Notre Dame de Rim. Rimouskl... ....... Q J. B. Corbin Ormsby................ Hastings, N R ... 0 George ,J arman 
Notre Dam,( de Stan :\Iississquoi .... Q M. E. Plante Orm#own ............. Chateaultuay .... Q R. N. Walsh 
Nottawa ............... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 Andrew Mel'rille OromoctQ .... . . . . . .. Sun bury...... N B Lauch. McLean 
Nouvelle ............... Bonaventure ... Q Thomas Kaaye *Orono............ Durham, W R... 0 R. Moment 
Novar .................. Muskoka & P S'd. 0 R. W. Nicholls Oro Station............ Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Arch. Douglas 
Noyan ...... ............ Missisquoi......... Q T. B. Oerrick Orr Lake... ............ Siml'oe, E R ...... 0 Samuel Reid 
Nugent. ............... Hastings. N R... Oll'homas Nugent Orton .................. Wellington,O R. 0 Wm. l\I'>oney 
Nutt's Corners ...... :\lissisquoi......... Q,J. A. Hawley OrtonviUe. ............ Victoria....... NBC. C Gallagher 
Nnttby . ............... Colchester...... .. S I John A. McNutt Orwell.................. Elgin, E R. ...... 0 D. Sutherland 
Nyanza............ Victoria......... N S Alex. McDonald Orwell... .... ......... Queen's.... PEl \:Irs.A. LoughrlWl 
Oak Bank '. . .. . .. Lisgar......... M Thomas Farrow Orwell Cove .......... Queen's...... P E J \lrs. M. llìtflphens 
Oak Bay............... Charlotte ...... N B A. J. !'tIorrill Orrwold ............... Marquette...... M J. Brownridge 
Oakburn . .. '.. .. . .. Marquette.........l\1 S. B. Paul Osaca......... ............ Durham, E. R.... 0 Wm. Finlay 
Oakfield ............... Halifax ......... N 8, Mrs. F. Laurie Osborne ............... Lambton. WIt... 0 A. Lamond 
Oakham.... ............ Queen's......... N B James Stron
, Jr "Osceola... ...... ...... fu3nfrew. N R.... 0 A. McLaren 
Oak Hill ............... Victoria, N R ....0 Robert Staples Osgoode Station...... Russell ............ 0 James Bu('kels 
Ollk IIiIl ............... Charlotte ...... N B Wm. McCan .Oshawa................. Ontario, SR...... 0 Jas. Carmichael 
Oak Lake............... 8Alkirk ............ 
I Goo. D. Miller 
 o m S a

 t . l : O . . n ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... I ' . .l d id d d l . n le: t e o X n . . W .... R ... ,. 0 0 C S h . ß as o ' tt l r ,a k ughton 
Oakland ............... Oxtord, S R. ...... 0 Geor
e Taylor VI> ... "'... 
Oakland ...... ......... \Iarquette. ...... 
I r. H. Metcalf Oeoyoos . .............. Y
le&Kooten"y BC Thomas Kruger 
Oak Leaf ...... ......... Le.ds, S R... ...... 0 Peter Johnson Osprey......... n. ...... I :\Iarquette...... ...M Wm. Kiue!! 
O&k P,uk... ........... Shelburne ......N S N. N. Adams Oapringe ... ............ , Weilington, S R. 0 C. B. Griffin 
OaK Point. ............ ßonaventure.... Q Mrs. E. Young OS6a....... .... ... ArMington......... 0 J. A. Sanderson 
Oak Point ............. King's .......... N BjJohn W. Inch O.sikeCl{J ............... King's ......... N B A. McN. 'fravis 
Oak Poiut ............ Northumb......N B!A. McDougall ÛB8ian .................. Lambton, ER.... 0 Wm. Postell 
Oak P
int ............ Lis
 .......... ... M I Will. Stooke Od!!OWa ............... , J.illgar . ........ :'II Wm. Wagner 
Oak Rt<if{l's............. OutarlO, W R..... 0 1 George Harper Ostrant1f'r ............ Norfolk, N R...... 0, H. B. Olltrander 
Oak River ............ :'Ilarquette...... ... M JameR Little Otenaw. . .. . . .,. . . . , Selkirk ...... ...... l\f W. Playfllir 
.Oakut7.le................ Halton ............. 0, R. Balmer Jtnabog ............... Queen's ......... N B David Reid 
Oakvill" ............... Carleton. ...... N B John Quinn .Ottawa ... ............ I Ottawa. ............ 0 James A. Gouin 
Oakwood ............... Victoria, S R...... OIR. P. Butler Otterburue ............ Provencher ...... M L. Ewing 
Oates..................... Frontenac ......... O,.James Cosgrove Otter Lake.. .........1 Pontiac. ............ Q H. Donnolley 
Oban ............. Richmond...... N 8 1 colin Kichol
on .OtUrviUc ............jOxford, SR....... 0 Wm. F. Kay 
Oberon .................. Marquette......... M 'r. }IcKinnon Oungah ............... Bothwell. ......... O'John W. Dwyer 
O'Connell ............. Pontiac............. Q James Greer Oustic ......... ........ , Wellington, S R. 0 John McMahon 
Oconto ............ Addlnjtton...... O,A. :\I
Ginnis,jr. Outer Duck Island. Algoma ............ 0 C. W.Gauthier 
Odell..................... lliddiesex, E R.. 0, W. L. Odell OuterIsl'd PorUlood Iuverness ...... N 
,Wm. D. Smith 
Odelltown ............ St. Johns ......... Q W.1\lcCallulll Outremont ............ Hochelaga...... Q Charles I.umkin 




 .___ E LJ!:CTORA 
 DlI:!TRICT ' 1 

Ouvrv .................. Kent ............... 0 Geo. Gonlet PendenDls ............ SelkIrk........ M 1 W. J. Sargent 
OVeTt.on ............... Addington......... O I G. W. Fox Pendleton ............ Pre800tt............ O[ Henry Moffatt 
Overton .......... yarmouth.... N S Israel Rose .Pendanguishene ... Simcoe, E R ...... 0, J. S. Darli!lg 
.OlDffl S>u.nd ......... Grey. N R ......... O I Rob..rt Crawford Peugarth............... ................... Assa' Wm. McKIllop 
Owl's Head Harbour; Halifax ..........N S Wm. Palmer Peniac .................. York ............ N B Chas. F. Wf'ade 
Oxenden ...............IOrey. N R ......... 0 Thomas B. Reeve Peninsula-Oaspé ... Gaspé ............... QI 
liss M S. Miller 
"Oxford ................ , cUmberland... N S Henry S. Smith Penin.ula Harbour. Algoma ............ O I Renr y Wilson 
Oxford Centre... ...... Oxford, S R....... 0' N. Schooley Penn field ...... ......... Charlotte ...... N B Robt. J Boyd 
lills ......... Grenville, YR... 0 1 Murdoch Hair Pennfleld Ridge...... Charlotte ...... N B Samuel 
Oxford Station .. ...,Orenville. N R... 0 W. J. Black ............ King's ......... N B Joel Grol1s 
Oxley ................."1 Essex. SR......... 0, Allan80u Elliott Penrith...... ...... Selkirk... ...... M John McKinnon 
/)'tmead ......... . , Grey, E R ...... 0 ' Samuel Anning Pense. ... ............... ............. As
a Andrew Blair 
Oyster Bl.'d Bridge... Queen's ... ... PEl Rector McRae Pentl.'cost River. . .. S
nenay ....... Q O. Bonenfant Ponds .........IGuysborough, N S I .Tames W. Carr Pentland ............... Wellington, C R. 0 Richard Amy 
Oznabruck Centre... !Stormont ......... 0 Gordon Baker Penville ....... ...... Simcoe, E R. ...... 0 E. T. Turner 
Paddock .......... Kil1g's ......... N BjJamell Jones 'Percé. .................. G8ilpé............... Q J. E. 'fuzo 
Pu.inchaud......... Megantic....... QI P. L. Painchaud Perch Station ........ Lambton, W R... 0 John Irwin 
painSI'C.................. , Westmoreland N ß I Eustache Babin Perivale ........... Algoma ........ 0 A. :\lcColeman 
Painswick ............ Simcoe, SR....... 0 Wm. Thompson Perkins.................. Ottawa ............ Q P. J. Hannon 
. Paisley............... Bruce, N R ....... 0 Mrs. M. Saunderl Perm ...... ............ Simcoe, S R. ...... 0 J J. Morrow 
.Pake7Ìham............ Lanark,N R...... O I R. R. Dickson Perretton............... Renfrew, N R.... 0 MrsKMcCracken 
R.ù6mo ............... Halton. ............ 0 H. M Switzer Perott Settlement... Annapolis ...... N S Tho
. Goldsmith 
Palsz:rave ............... Cardwell .......... 0 Wm. McMinn Perryboro' ............ Compton ......... Q l calVin Perry 
Palmer Rapids ...... Renfrew, S R...... 0 I Alex. McPhee Perry Settlement ..' KinK's ...... ...N B R. Elder 
PAlmer Road ......... Prinoo......... PEl T. Kennedy Perry............. Addington...... 0 J. R. Perry 
.PalmersWn .......... WellinKton, N R. 0 R. Johnston Perry town ............ Durham, E R.... 0 Wm. Purcell 
Palmvra ............... Elgin, W R . ...... 0 John Mills .Perth .................. Lanark, S R ...... 0 Thomas Cairns 
Panmlll"e ...............ILanark, N R...... 0 M. D. Nagle Perth .................. Victoria......... N B A. Morehouse 
Papineauville...... "'1 Ottawa ............ Q Xiste Tetreau Perth Centre ......... Victoria... ...... r.i B Douglas Baird 
Paquette .............. ,Compton ........... Q F. Paquette Perth Road............ Addington....... 0 Jno. S. Roberta 
Päradise Lane ...... Annapolis ...... N S W. F. Morse PetHwawa ............ Renfrew, N R.... 0 Solomon Devine 
Parents. ...... ......... 'Victoria......... N B 
1ichael Lebel · PtúrlHITough......... Peterboro', W K. 0 II. C. Rogers 
Parham ... ............1 Addington . ...... 0 John Hamilton Petersburg ...... ...... Waterloo, S R. ... 0 llenr,Y Ernst 
Park Corner .........IQueeu.s .......P E I J. W. Cousins Peter's Road ......... Kiug's .........P E I Wm. Johnston 
. Paris ..................' Brant, :"J R ....... 0 Goo. Stanton Peterson's Corners. Victoria, N R. n' 0 John Dawson 
tatlon ......... !Brant. N R . ...... 0 Wm. R. Baker Peterl!ville ............ Queen's ......... N B Timothy Malone 
Parisville. ...... . .. 
 J..otbiniere . .. ... Q lliaie Paris · pg"'rsviile.. ... ....... London ............ 0 John R. Gurd 
Parker .................., Wellington, C R. 0 :'.Irs. Stephen Bon Petersville Church.. Queen's ......... N B Thoms!! Leonard 
Parkd!lle ............... Lisgar... ...... ...... M J. Pritchard Peterville..!'............ Prince......... PEl John Brenan 
Parkdak ..............IYork. W R ....... 0 W. T Grav Pethertùu ............ Wellington,N R. 0 John Cushing 
Parker's Cove......... Anuapolis ...... N S ThomM Milner 1+.litcodiac ............ Westrnoreland,N B W. W. Price 
Parker's Ridge.... York ............ N B J. W. Parker Petite de Orat ...... Richmond...... N SIJ. R. Thompson 
Park Head ............, Bruce. N R ....... 0 1(rs. F. Patterson Petite Lamegue ...... Gloucester ... N B L. Gauvrien, jr 
"Park Hill............ :.\liddlesex.N R... 0 John Noble PetiteMatane......... n.imoullki ......... Q Pierre Marqu18 
Parkburst ' ............ Lotbinière......... Q Robert Lipsay Petite Hiv. Bridge... Lunenburg ... N S Wm. Rolden 
n. .......... ..... ......... .......... Aillla j Art
ur Roberts Pet
te Val.ée ......... Oaspé ............... Q Oeo. Brouss
Parkl'ilmo....... ....' Marquette........ 
I DavId Rowan Pdd Rocher ......... Gloucester ......N B Mrs. Des Brlsay 
Parkland" .. ....... 1 ........ .......... ASBIL, Thos. l\lurray Petit/! Meschlns ...... Rimouski ......... Q Wm. Verreau 
Park'ø Creek ......... Lunenburg ... N 
 I Peter Parks PetlJeswick I1lU'bour Halifax ......... N S Mrs. T. Y'>ung 
Parlee Settlement...' King'!! ......... N B H. Parlee Petrel.................. Marquette......... M 000. Armstrong 
Parma ..................iLennox ............ 0 David Ori
th *fitrnlea ............... Lam.bton, E R... 0 P. Barclay 
Pu.rrloorough......... Cumberland... N S .Tohn W.Jmks Petworth.......... AddIngton...... 0 J.C. Wallace 
Parrsborotlgh Shore. Cumberland... N S \Vm. Grant Peven;;ty............... \luøkoka & P S'd. 0 W. Whittington 
Parry Harbour ......IMusk'a & Parr
'S 0 J. C. \Vhitchelo Peverll .................. VaudreuiI......... Q Alex. Morri8on 
.Parry ðound.........' Muskoka & P.Sd. 0 J. M. Ansley Pheasant Forks..... ............. ASBa J. M. Ptlregrine 
Partridge Island ... Cumberland ...N S D. M. Pettis Phdpston............... Simcoe. N R ...... 0 Samuel Haney 
Pu.spébiac ............. I Bonaventure...... Q P. D. J.oisel Philipsburg, }
I18t ... MisBi!!quoi......... Q D. 1'. R. Nytl 
Paslll.'\el\.g ............ King's............N B J P. Waterbury Philipsbl1rg, West... Waterloo, SR.... 0 Dall.i.,1 Lohr 
Pasteur...........' Chicoutimi .... Qi A. Tremblay Philipston ............ Hastin
s. E R.... O I Geo
e Philips 
squa.................. ................... AS8ß J. W. Brookfield Phiiipsville ............ Leeds. SR......... 0 Mrs. II. Brown 
Patillo .................. Essex. N R....... 0' 1 Donald Coutts .Pickf'] ............ Ontario. W R.... OIWm. Logu.u 
RtUPTson............;..iYork. W R ....... 0 A. S. Patterson .1!ctrm.................. P
ince Edward... 0 1 Thos. Aha
Patterson Settlem t. Sunbury...... N B T. B Roberts PirlmJ, .................. PIctoU............ N S E. }lcPh!t11 
Paudl\Sh ............... Peterboro', E R. O,John Dickson Picton (sland ..... Pictou........ N S A. }<'. Climpbt>U 
Pauline. .... . ....... Rouvill(.... ....... Q: A. Lanier Pictou Landing ......1 Picton... ......... N S MlsH A.I<: Mc Leod 
Pu.villiQn ........ ...... ealiboo . ....... B CI Wm. Lt'e Pi",dmout . n. ......... rerrebonne. ...... Q W. 'fou('hptt.e 
Pt'aborly ............... Grey, S R ......... O , 'JOhn Millburn Piedmont Valley... Pictou............ N SIJames McDonllld 
Peake :ltat'n, No. 38.1 Kin!r's .........P E I A. \lcDonald ,. Piur
mlk........ ... Yamaska ......... Q, '\frs. Boucher 
Pesrceley............... Musko'" & Par.S. 0 T. P. Pearce Pierreville Mills...... Y!lmaska ... ...... Q I Napoleon Gill 
Pearceton...... ......... 
isBisquoi......... Q ,Jas. Briggs Pi..rston ......... ...... King's. ......... N BI Edward Peers 
Pears'm's ............1 KinK's ...........:"J HI W. W. pears.on 
geon Hill............ '"i;:;quoi ......... Q:Nt'lson 
Peebles.................. Oxford, S R ...... 0: James D"nDlI! Pill;eon Lake ......... LlsKar............. M'J. 
I HOUl,e 
Pe..l ..................... Carleton .........N BIChas. A. IIarmol Pike Bay............... Bruce, N R ...... O I JO<I Bellaml\re 
Peepabnn............... Wellington,N R. O,Robt. Dick"on Pike Creek ........ E6sex, N R....... 0 Gilbert 
Petrerlaw ............... I Yor
. N R......... O,Oen. Johnson Pike River ............ !\lissisquoi ......... Q L. A. U. H')gle 
Peggy's Cove ......... Rahfax ......... N S W. Crooks Pl.lot "[<fund. ..... Selkirk ......... M J. 'I. Fra
Peguis ..................ILlsgar ............ 
J :\[. }Iclver Pincher Creek......... .................. Alt"i I J. H. Schofield 
Pekisko. ......... ...... ............. Alt.1 
lrs.:\I.G. Stinson Pine Dale............... Ontario. N R...... 0 D. J. Carmicbael 
Pelee {sland ......... I Essex' S R......... UtA. McCormick Pinedale ............... Antigonisbe ...N SA. McDonald 
Pelee Island, East..., Esse.... SR......... 01 L. S. Brown Pine Grove ............ York. W R . ...... 0 A. L. Gooderham 
l'elee Island, South. E
se'l. SR......... O,Jal!. Ferguson Pine Orchard ......... Ontario, WR...... O'Nelson May 
'Pelis"ier ............... 'Ottawa ............. Q P. N. E. Pell8!!iel Pine IUdge ............ Kent .............N B I T. D. Holmden 
Pelh'ilD Union ...... :\Ionck. ............0 H. N. Cosby Pine River ............ Bruce, W R. ...... 0 John \fcKenzie 
Pl'mbroke ... ........ Hant
........... N Si.J. Hiltz Pinetti!.................. Queen's.........P E I R. SteveD1\On 
mbroke ............ Renfrew, N R. ... 0 1 Alex. Moffatt Pine Tree... ............ Pictou............ N S' Rohtlrt Mitchell 
Pembroke ............ Carleton.........N HI H. D. Shaw Pinkerton ............ Bruce, E R......... 0lRob8rt Keys 
2embroke Shore.... Yarmouth....N B C. More!l Pioneer.................. Carleton......... N B ' James Bradley 




Piopolis ... : .-:::::::=: ëompton .::-...... Q Arthur Grenier Ponds ....:':...... .=. Pï

 -:'........ N S A. S. G-roy- 
Pipestone,............. Selkirk........ M Jas. Lothian Pond Mills. ............ 1 Mid
leaex, S R.. 0 I Robert Nichol 
Pirate Harbour ...... Guysboro'...... N S Robert Peoples POll8onby.............. WeHmgton,C R. O,Jas. L. Halle,) 
Pil5arinco._ ............ St. John ...... N B John Galbraith Pont Chateau......... I Soulanges ......... Q J. B. Beaner 
Pisquid.................. Queen's. ......P E I A. McDonald Pont de Mal!kinongé/ Maskinongé ...... IJ I A. Saucier 
quid Road ......... Queen's. ......P E I, M. Curran Pont Rol1ge............, Portneuf ......... Q' l'tIissJ. Bordeleau 
Pitt's Ferry............ Frontenac ......... O I Mrs. E. R(1ot Pontypool........ Dnrham, E R .. 01 Richard Gillis 
Pittston ................ Grenville, S R... 0 Wm. Pitt. sen. Pont Viau ............ I,aval ............... Q,T. Belanger 
Piusville ............... Prince......... PEl Alfred Wedge Poodiac . ............... King's ......... N BIJames Jfaulkner 
Plainfield............... Hastings, E R.... 0 John Gilespie Poole .................. Perth, N R......... O J ''JOhn gngel 
Plainfield............... Pictou ......... N S D. D. Sutherland Poplar .................. Algoma............. 0 Thos. Sides 
PlldnvUle............... N orthumb'd, W R 0 John Jewill Poplar Grove ......... Algoma. ......... ... 0 J as. Coward 
Plaisance............... Ottawa ............ Q J. Ð. Landriau Poplar H!ll...... .... Pi
tou ......... 
 S I JO!In Morrison 
* Plantagenet. ......... Prescott............ 0 L. Charbonneao Poplar Htli . .... ... MIddlesex, S R..O Ell R. Barclav 
Plaister Mines. ...... Victoria......... N S D. McKenzie Poplar Point. ......... 1 Marquette......... 1\1 I H. Armstrong 
*PlattsviUe ............ I Brant, N R ...... 0 Johu Smart Poquiock............... York ............ N B N. B. Hill 
Playfair ............... Lanark, SR...... 0 George Mills Port Acadie............ Digby............ N S L. A. Melancon 
PIl'a"ant Bay......... Inverness ...... N S Angus McIntosh .PortageduFort...... Pontial' ............ Q John Amey 
Pleasant Grove ...... Queen's..... PEl W. W. Duck * Portage la Prairie. : l\1arq Ul'tte.. . . . . )1 ' Will. W. hillEr 
Pleasant Harbour ". 1 Halifax ......... N S Henry Shelnut Portaj!:e River. . . .. .1 Northumb'd... N B L. 
PleBB3nt Home ...... Lisgar......... 1\1 .James )Iadill Port Albert............. I Huron, W R...... 0 ThOB. Hawkins 
Pleasant Lake......... Yarmouth ...... N S John Earl Port Alma. ........... {{ent................ 0 J. Cusack 
Pleasant Point ...... Halitax....... ...N S John ,\.iauffts .. Port .Arthur.... . .. AI!rQma ....... 0 Frederi<'k Jones 
Pleasant Ridge ......ICharlotte ...... N B John Burns Portapique ............ j COichester...... N S Mrs. D. Starritt 
Pleasant River ......IQueen's ......... N SIRufu.s Hendry Portapique l\Iount'n Colchester ......N S JII111e8 J.. Jenks 
Pleasant Vale......... Albert ......... N B R. A. Colpitts Portapique Rear..../Colchester...... N SO. Prel'per 
Plellsant Valley...... Digby............ N S Leslie nt. Craig Port au Pel'8il ..... Charlevoix. ...... Q C. Harvey 
Pleasant Valley...... Pictou ............N S Jobn Beaton Port Beckerton ...... Gu}
boro' ......N S G. S. Taylor 
Pleasant Valley...... yarmouth...... N S Robt. T. King Port Bruce .... ....... Elgin, E R......... 0 T. Thompson 
Pleasant Valley...... Dund88 ............ 0 S.1!:Uis .Port Burwell......... Elgin. "
R......... 0 W. Y. 1!:mery 
Pleasantville ......... Lunenburg......N S Albf'rt McKean Port Caledonia ...... Cape Breton... N S Mis8 M.BoutiIlier 
Plevna .................. Addington......... 0 G. W. Dawson Port Carling ......... Simcoe, E R...... 0 B. H. Johnston 
Plover Mills....... Middlesex, E. R.. 0 Chas. N. Perrin Port Clyde ............ Shelburne ......N S Arthur Coffin 
Plum Hollow......... Leeds, S R......... 0 !thamer Knapp Port Cockburn. ...... MUl'koka& P S'd. 0 II. Fraser 
Plumper Pass...... Vancouver....B C W. 1'. Collinson .Port Colborne ....... Welland............ 0 L. G. Carter 
Plymouth Road...... Pictou............ N 8 'f. D.l\IcDonald Port Credit ............ Pee!.................. 0 J. Hamilton 
Plymouth ............. yarmouth...... N SJW. G. l5ims .Port DalhO'USie...... Lincoln ............ 0 Eugene F. Dwyer 
Plymouth ............ Carleton .........N B Neleon Tnrney Port Danie!............ Bonaventure...... Q P. Sweetman 
Plympton ............ , Selkirk ............ M Ed
rd llu.dson · Port Dover............ Norfolk, SR...... 0 W. F. Tibbetts 
Plymton .......... Digby............ N S Alex. McDonald -Port Elgin............ Bruce, W R .......0 Mrs. }Iary Roy 
Pockmouche.......... Gloucester...... N B Michael Hayden Port Elgin ............ Weetmoreland.N B G. Siddall 
Pockshaw ............. Gloucester...... N B P. J. l!'oley Port 1!:lmsley ......... Lanark, S R ...... 0 Wm. Huntfr 
Pocologan .. .. . .. .. Chadotte ...... N B Sam'l Andl'rson Porter's. ... ............ st. John. ...... N B W m. Pùrter 
Point Aconl....... ... Cape Breton... N S D. J. Walker Porter's Hill ......... Huron, SR. ...... 0 Horace Newt.(ln 
Point Alexander ..... }{enfrew, N R.... 0 Jal'. 'McAnulty Porter's Lake ......... Halifax.......... N S G. E. Orman 
Point au Car ......... Northumb'd... N B A. F. Russell Port Finlay........ Algoma ........ OIM. ;\1('Lennan 
Point Clear ............ Victoria .........N S D. McKenzie Port Felix.. ....... GUYl'borough...N S/Miss 11. ßoudrot 
Pointe à Pic. ......... Charlevoix......... Q Hubert Warren Port Franks. ......... Lambton, E R ... 0 J. JIa
Pointe au Bouleau . Saguenay ......... Q Jos. Imbeault Port George. ......... Annapolifl...... N S A. Elliott 
Pointe au Chêne. .. Argenteuil . ...... Q T. Matthews Port Granby ......... Durham. W R ... 0 Wm. Bradley 
Pointeaux Pins...... Algoma ............ O I H. Wood PortGreville.......... Cumberland... N S JalJeElderkin 
Pointe aux Trembles Hochelaga......... Q H. Provost Port Ham1nond.... N. Westminstl'r,B C W. J. Harris 
Pointeaux Trembles Portnèuf .......... Q I MiSS M. Grenier Port Hr.ney........ N.Westmlnster,B C D. Docksteader 
PointeauxOrignaux KaIDouraska...... Q J. Bte. Hudon Port Hastings......... Inverness...... N S C. S. McKeen 
Pointe Bleue ....... Chicoutimi .... Q I L. E. Otis *Port Hawkesbu.ry. Inverness...... N S Mrs.A.A.Beaton 
Pointe Claire ......... JacquesCartler... Q Moise Leelerc Port llillford ......... Guysborough..N S J. R. Hewitt 
Pointe de Bute. ...... 'Westmoreland,N B H.C. D. ChapmalJ Port Hill............... Prince. .........P E I Thos. Murphy 
Pointe du Chêne.... Westmoreland,N B E. McDouald Purl Hood ............ , IDverness...... N S A. C Thompson 
Pointe du Lac......... St. Maurice ...... Q Arthur Biron Port Hood Island ... Inverness. ......N S J08hua Smith 
Point Edward ....... Lambton, W R... 0 John F. O'NelJ .Port Hope ............ Durham, E R ....0 E. J. Baird 
Point Edward......... Cape Breton... N S Mrs. J. Lewis Port Howe....... ..Cumberland... N SIC W. Elliott 
Point El'cumin8C ... Northumb'd... N B lIenry Phillips Port Joli ............... 'Qut'f'n's ......... N S L. Robertson 
Pointe 8eche ...... Kamouraska..,. Q ThOB. Pelletier Port Lamhton......... Bothwell. ......... 0 W. H. McDonald 
Point Fortune......... Vaudreuil......... Q E. A. St. Dennis Portland ...............II.eads, S R......... 0 W.ll. Gailagher 
Point Kaye............ Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Charles Raye Portllind .......... St. John...... N B Thomas Dale 
Point la Nim ......... Restigouche... N B Peter Stewart Port la Tour ......... Shelburne...... N S S, McK. Snow 
Point Michaud ...... Richmond...... N S S. J. Clanmm Port Lewis ............ Huntingdon ...... Q s. B. B. Carson 
Point of Cape ......... Antigonii'he... N S Hugh McInniø Port Lorne ............ Annapolis ......N S J. P. Foster 
Point Petre......... .. Prince Edward... Q James Scott Port}Iaitland......... Monck. ............ 0 Mrs. R. MORI!! 
Point Platon ... ...... Lotbinière......... Q Joseph Angé Port Maitland... ... yarmouth.... N S W. S. Porter 
Point Poplar....... King's...... PEl Pet-er Campbell Port Matoon ......... Queen's ......... N S :\11'8. N. Les lie 
Point Prim ............ Queen's....... PEr Arch. McHae Port Mfdway ......... Queen's ......... N.S F. Cohoon 
.Point St. CharlelJ... Montreal Centre. Q John Skeith Port Moody.......... K.Westminster,BC D. B. Grant 
Point St. Peter ...... Gaspé ............... Q Geo. Packwood PI1rt 1I1ulgmve ...... Ouysborough, N S Mrs. R. Trite8 
Point Sapln ......... Kent ............ N B F. Daigle Port Nell'on............ Halton. ............ 0 Wm. Bamford 
Point Travers.. ...... I)rince Edward... 0 AbrahamCannoL Portneuf ...... ......... Portneuf .......... Q F. X. T. Hamelin 
Point Wolfe............ Albert ......... N B W. M. Fowler Portneuf Station... Portneuf ... ..... Q Elzéar Marcotte 
Poirier. .... .... _.. Kent........ N B Jules Gueguen . PrYrl Perry......... iOntario. N R...... 0 J. W. Burnham 
Poland .................. Lan ark, N R...... 0 !lIrs. G. S. Connor Port Philip ............ Cumberland ...N S George King 
Pollett River ......... Wel'tmoreland,N B B. R. Colpitts Port Richmond ......' l\ichmond...... N S Lewis}I urray 
PolJeyhurst . ......... Queen's ......... N BI Hu
h Wallace .Port Robinson ...... Weiland............ 0 Jameøl\1cCoppen 
POlrI?-ont. ............... Northumb., E R. 0, 
I. Vanvolker; b'rg . Part Rowan ... ......: Norfolk, SR...... 0 Miss l\IcLennan 
PoltIIlIore ........ Ottawa ........ Q J. H. Bonøall Port Royal ... ......... Norfolk, S R...... 0 II. W. Anderson 
Pomeroy............... Selkirk ............ MI Mrs. E. Curry Port Hoyal ............ &ichmond...... N S WID. Doiron 
Pomeroy Ridge ...... Charlotte ...... N ß Mrs. J. POilltlroJ Prwt Ryt.rlJe............INorf(>lk, SR...... 0 Wm. II. Ryerse 
Pomona ................ Gr",y, S R. ......... 0- John S. Black Port Sandfield......... Simcoe. E R...... 0 Enoch Cox 
Pomquet Chapel .... Antigonlshe... N S' Constant Duong Port Severn ... . ...... Simcoe E R. ...... 0 A. H. Meneilley 




PortsmoUth ---=::::: FrontenM......... 0 .I. Campb
 Radstock--: ::::'= Joliette .: ........ Q A. Árcl;'ambault 
-PortSlanley ......... }
lgin, E R......... O,M. Payne Ragged Head.......... Guysboro'...... N S D. McMasters 
*Port Sydney......... Muskoka& P S'd 0 H. G. Ladell Ragged Island ...... Shelburne...... N S Loui
a T. Allen 
Port Talbot............ Elgin, W R ......0 .John Brown Raglan .................. Ontario, S R ...... 0 Watson Hodgson 
Portuguese Cove.... Halifu.......... N S John Power Railton.................. Addington......... O;Jas. O'Reilly 
Port Union.... ......... Ontario, W R.... 0 James Pratt Rainy River. .. .... AljtoIl1l\ .... . . .... 0 William Cameron 
Port Williams......... King's ......... N S J. W. Fullerton Rainham ............... H'tldimand .......0 Miss Honsberger 
Port Williams Stat.. King's ......... N SF. A. Forsyth RainhamCentre...... Haldimand .......0 Abram B.l\'Iiller 
Pottagevilla . ......... York, N R......... 0 G. N. :Munshaw Ralphtown ............ Selkirk ............ M W. J. Uelli"ell 
Powassan............... Muskoka &P S'd. 01 John Clark Rama .................. Ontario, N R...... O,Jas. McPherson 
Powell .................. Lanark, N R...... 0 C. Mahoney Ramsay's Corners... Russell ............ 0 Robt. Ramsay 
Powerscourt ......... Huntingdon...... Q J. H. McClocthis Ramsay. ............... COlchester.... N S Wm. Ramsay 
Power's Creek......... Yictoria .........N B P. O. Byram Randboro.......... Compton ...... Q A. B. Jones 
Pownall ............... Queen's ......P E I John R. 
oore Randwick ............ Simcoe, SR. ...... 0 
Irs. A. Parkhill 
Prairie GrovE" ......... Provencher ...... 11 J. F. Robertson Randolph. ............ Simcoe, }] R ...... OITheo. Bras
Prt' d'en haut...... ... Westmoreland. N B Vital Richard Ranelagh... ...... ...... Norfolk, N R...... 0 B.mjamin Lake 
Preneveau......... Peterboro', E R. 0 P. J. GarL'Îson R.ankin................... Renfrew, N R.... 0 John Gray 
*Prescott ............... Grenville, SIt... OIJohn Dowsley Rannock ...... ........'Pontiac ........ Q W. Rattray 
Presqu' Isle . ......... Grey, N R......... 0 1 John McKenzie Raper. ........ .... ...' Middlesex, SR... 0 Joseph Howlett 
-Preston ............... Waterloo, SR.... O,Carl Nispel Rapide de Femme... Victoria......... N B F. 
Prestou . ............... Selkirk ............ 
 James Murdock Rapid Oity ........ Marquette......... M D. A. Hopper 
Price's Corner......... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 T. Ptice, sen. Rapids des Joachim!! Pontiac ............ Q A. '\IcDougall 
h........ Victoria...... N 13 I J. W. Gallop Rathburn......... Ontario. N R...... 0 Mrs.F.Cuddahee 
Priavük ............... Grey, S R .........0 Alex. Brown Ratho. ..................'Oxford;N R ...... 0 G. Steedsman 
Priest Ponlt ...... Kin
's...... PEl M. Gregory Ratigan. ............... York ............ N B Thcs. Ratiga;:J. 
Prie@t's Valley..... Yale-Koottmay, B C , Luc Girouard Hatter's Corner ...... King's ......... N BI It. McManamon 
Primrose ............... Cardwell. ......... 0, Gt!orge Dodds Rat Portage. ......... Algoma ............ O,A. J. Par SODS 
Prince Albert... ...... ... ......... ....... Sask I Charles Mair Raven Lake ......... Marquette. ...... 11 , Thos. ParkiDs( [I 
Prince Albert......... Ontario, S R...... OIP, Hurd Ravenna ............... Grey, E R.. ...... 0 Ùeo. Strllchn 
Prince Albert.... . Annapolis. ...N S,John W. Reigh Ravenscliffe .......... :Unskoka& P
'd. 0 John 1. Piper 
Prince of Wales...... St.John......... N B John Cairns Raven's Glen...... r.larquette......}I C. A. Rea 
Princeport ............ Colchester...... N sl J. Sanderson Ravenshoe ............; York. N R......... 0 J. L. .tIagerman 
*Princeton. ............ Bran t, N R ....... 01 Fran. Galbraith Ravenswood ......... i Lambton, 1<.: R... 0, Wm. :S-immo 
P p n ri 'n n c c e e t to ow w n n . R ''' o . a .' d '' . .. . . . Q Pr u l e n e C u e, s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P p E E I J ' H R_ ' M E' c M Do ac na k l a d Y Ravensworth ......... , Muskoka & P S'd. O.J. C. Harvey 
Rawdon ... ............ Montc-alm... ...... Q M. !Skelly 
PrlncevilIe............. Inverness ...... N SIJohn Mc
Iaster Rawdon ................ Hants............ N S ThoIll&l! Moxon 
Prince William ...... , YOrk ............ N B T. L. Fraser Rayfield.......... Selkirk ....... }I, W. Latimer 
Prince William Stat. York ............ N B Wm. G. Hatch Raymond............... Muskoka& P Sil. 0 A. Suffern 
Prinyer.................. Prince Edward... 0 Thom&!! Hurst Reaboro ............... Victoria, SR.... O'John Holbert 
Prospect ...............! I.anark, S R ...... 0: Wm. Burrows Reaburn ...... .........' Lisgar ............ 
I J. W. Patterson 
Prospect ......... ......I Halifax ......... N S J. H. Powers Read. ...,............ ... Westmoreland N B, E. Read 
Prosser Brook. ......, Albert............N BI D. H. Beeman Read ..................... Hastings, E R.... OIJohn C. Hanley 
Prt}tectionville .... I Norlhumberl'd,N B W. E. Baker Reading ... ...... ...... Wellington, C R. 0, R. Donaldson 
Proton Station ...... Grey. E R ... ...... 0, Fred. Freeman Rear of Baddeck Bay Victoria...... :N S John McKay 
Providence Bay...... Algoma ............ 0' R. S. Ogle Rear of Ben }]oin.... Cape Breton... N 81 Á. Gillis 
Public Landing ...... King's.......... N B' W. J. Cheyne Rear of Black River. : Richmond...... N S':\1. Morrison 
Pubnico Beach. ...... Shelburne...... N S! Moses Larkin Rear Little Judique., Invl'rness ......N S, D. 
Pubnico Harbour... yarmouth...... N S I John Carlaud Rear L. Sporting Mt. Richmond...... N S. Wm. Urquha:-t 
Puckahn ..... .. ... ... ............ .... Sask Herbert Porter Rear Ball's Creek .. Cape Breton.. N S:)1. McMiIlau 
Pngh's Crossing...... York ............ N BIJ. PU/l:h Reav..................... Simcoe, E R ...... O,J. Tasker 
*Pugwcuh. ............ Cumberland... N S: Levi Borden RebèCC& . ............... i:Middlesex, E R. 01 J. Henderson 
pugwash River ......1 Cumberland ... N S. ThoR. A. Fraser Red Bank ...... ...... 1 Northumberl'd.N B I Mrs. Sutherland 
purbroOk............... I 'ontariO, N R..... 0' J. Crockford Red Bay........... Bruce, N R ...... 0' J. )lcFarlane 
Purdy.................. Hastings, N R... 0 1 Henry Deuniøon Red Deer............... ................... Alta i Leonard Gaetz 
Purlbrook. ............ Autlgonishe... N StJames Thompson Red Head.......... St. John ....... N B JaR. Osborne 
Purple Grove ......... Bruce, S. R. ...... 0 1 1 John N. Logan Red.Ho
se ............! King's......... P E IIJ. 
Purple Hill............. Durham. W R... 0 M. Hamblv Redlckvllle .... .... Grey, E R ......... OiJohn Wheeler 
Purple Valley...... Bruce, N R . ...... 0, Thos. Hambly Red Islands............ Richmond...... N S, M. M.cKenzie 
Purpleville ............ York, W R......... OIMrs. J. Stump Red Mountain..... Compton .......... QIChas. Smith 
Puslinclt ............... Wellington, SR. 0 , J. A. McDoJ;ald Rednel'8ville ......... Prince Edward... O \ ùeorge E. Yott 
Putnam ............... 
liddlesex, E R. OIR. 
IcKenÛe Redpat
. ......... ...:............... AssII. John Burnell 
Quaco Road............ St.John......... N B B. D. KirkpatricÞ Red POlllt ............ Klllgs .........P E I J('hn Robertson 
Quadra .................. vancouver..... B CjR. T. Swan Red Rapids........ Victoria...... NBC. Roberts, jun. 
Qual des Eboulem'ns Charlevoix ..... Q Alexis Tremblay Red Rock.......... Algoma ............ O I N. Flauagan 
Qual de Rimouskl... Rimouski ......... Q IJ. Beaulieu Red Win
 ............; Grey, E R ......... 0 J. L. G. Conkling 
Quamichan............ Vancouver.... BC1W. P.JaJul's Red Wood ............,Simcot'. E R ..... OIJohn Nixon 
Qu' Âpptlk ............ ................... A!'1Ia Wm. Sutherland Reedham.......... 
Iegantic. ......... Q .James Savage 
Qu' Appelle Station. ............ ....... Åssa S. H. CaEwell Reedsdale ......... ... , 
Iegantic . . . . .. . Q John Quon 
-Quebec ............... Quebec ............ Q A.G. Tourangeau "Regina........... ................... Assa .T. C. IrviDe 
Queensborough ...... Hastings, N R.... 0 T. W. Jeffs Reid's :\.tills............ DundaB ............ 0 W. Reid 
Queensbury . ......... York. ............N ß , W. Prescott Reinland ..........' r.larquette...... 
J Jacob Kroecker 
Queen Hill ............ Bruce, W R ....... O l D. :\-1..Kinnon Relesll6v ...........;... ,Cardwell. ......... 0 Robert Wilson 
Queenston ...... ...... Lin. & Niagara.. 0 J. A. Hamilton Renaud's Mills. . ... Kent............ N B M. ß. Leger 
Queens\iIle............ York, N R......... 0 Jas. H. Aylward Renforth ..............., Brant, N R....... 0 Robt. Mahew 
9ueensville............ Inverness ...... N SI D. J. McMasters .Rtnfrew............... fumfrew, SR.... 0 Wm. McKay 
Queensville............ King's ...... N B J. Johnston Renfrew............... Hants .......... N S D. )I..Lauchlin 

ndl.e... .,......... ! Cariboo....... BC }liS:l 1. Barlow RenousBridge.......'Northumberl'd.NB F. Jardllle 
Quesnelle Forks.... Cariboo...... B C R. Stephenson Renton ....- ............: Norfolk. N R...... 0 Mrs.Aun RentoD 
Quilchena . ............ yale............... B C Robert McGaw Renton Station ...... Wentworth, S R. 0 Henry Clarke 
Quinan . ............... yarmouth.... N S 8. Gardner Hepentigny............ L' Assomption..... Q F. X. O'Brien 
Quinn .........
....... Kent ............... 0 P. W. Richards Restoule ............... 'Iuskoka & P 8<<!. 0 O. Stevenson 
Quinnville ............ Ottawa ............ Q .T. Gah8jtau Hevelstoke ............ \'ale&Kootenay.ßC T. A. W. Gord(. 
Quisibus ............... Victoria...... N B 1 8. Beaulieu Reynardton............ Yarmouth ...... N S D. Andrews 
Quispamsis ............ King's ......... N B I W' Darling Reynolds............... Northumberl'd,NB ß. Rt!ynolds 
m...........:...... 1 Pontiac ............ Q w. ':1. )Ieredlth Rhodes .................. King's.............N S I. Kailey 
RabbIt }Iountam .., Algo!lla ............ 0 DamelMcPhee Rhode's Cornel' ...... Lunenburg.... N S D!lni81 Dares 
Radford ... ............, PontIac ............ Q J. A. Armstrong Riceburg....... ......... 1 :\IiFsisquoi......... Q J. B. BuLeau 




ï Üchard' ;L anding -
 A lgoma .-:- .......... 0 John Richards RObichaud .==-:: West
d N B ÎI. Robichaud 
* Ric
iJk............... Prescott...... ...... 0 P. McLauriu Robillar.l............ ... Russell ............ 0' L. Gravelle, jun 
Richardville .......... Mégantic. ......... Q L. Bernier Robinson ............... Compton ........... Q 1 1 Lemuel Pope 
Richardville ...... Kent .........NB C.D. Cormier Robinsonville...... Restigouche... N II A.Robertson 
Richibucto ............ ! Kent ............ N B J. C. Vautour Robill
iIle.......... Bonaventure.... Q: Ernest Allard 
Richibucto Vm"ge. Kent. ............ N B 
'. J. Richard Robins .................. Richmond...... N S!Gt;orge L
Richland ...........,... Li
gar ............ M John Houri! Roblin .................. Lennox ............ 0 Wm. Paul 

:: : I 



:yl"e ::.

.: :.: :.: :.: :.: 

. ::: :..Ä
1 I
':: i{.e
*Richmcmd . ......... Carleton............ 0 W. H. Butler Rochelle ............... Shefford............ QI A. Desautf'ls 
· RIchmond Hill... ... York, W R... ...... 0 Matthew 'feefy Rochestenille ....... Carleton... ... ...... 0 I MrslMc Kechney 
Richmond Station... Richmond......... Q L. J ntras Rock Barra ............ King.s......... P E 11 R. McDonald 
Ricnmond ............, Marquette .... .1\1 James Anderson Rockbnrn ............ Huntingdon...... Q / A. Olivllr 
Richview ............... I Peel, N R. ......... 0 Miss J. Burgess Rockdale.... ....... Richmond.... N 8 D. A. Currie 
RiChwoOd............... ! Brant. N R. ......0 David Kyte Rockfield .. .......... Leeds. S.R .........0 J. Herbison 
Ridgeton ........ ...... PontiM ............ Q J. J. Cu. hing Rockford ............... Norfolk. N R...... U I Wm. Lemmon 
. Ridg
town... .........1 Elgin. W R. ...... 0 L. S. Hancock Rock Forest. ... . .. Sherbrooke .... Q Miss 8. Simps(ln 
Ridgeville ............ I Monck ............. 0 J. H. Thnmpson .Rocki'l11JJwTl
......... Renfrew. SR.... 0 J. S.J. Watson 
Rld!l:e.iIle ............tProvencher ...... M Robt. Mdlilian Rockingham ......... yarmouth...... N S L. Hamilton 
· RilJ'WiL!I '" .........1 WeHand.... ....... tJ P. W. AuthollY Rockingham Stat'n. Halifax...... N S Thos. Payne 
Ridley. .... ... ...... Kent............... 0 Isaac Swarthout Rock Island. ......... Stanstead ......... Q 
liss W. M. Barry 
Bigaud .................. Vaudreuil......... Q MissJ.Charlebois Rockland............... Russell. ............ I) W. C. l':dwards 
Rifey Brook. ......... Victoria.. ... ...N B ISMc Gaunce Rockland. ............ \Vestmoreland N B Jones Taylor 
Rimington......... Hasting.!.N R.... 0 John Rimington RocklandStatlon.... Westmoreland.N B Hiram Hicks 
.Rinwuski ............ Rimouski ......... Q Samuel Coté Rockliffe ............... Renfrew. N R ...0 W. H. McIntyre 
Ringwood ............ l ontariO, N R...... 0 G. H. Sylvester Rocklin .... ..... ...... Pictou ......... N S Robt.. }t'raser 
Ripley.................. Bruce. S R......... 0 P. D. Mcinnes Rockly.................. Cumberland ...N S Wm. Burnside 
Ripûu .................. Ottawa. ............ Q J. B. St. Pierre Rocklyn. ............... Grey. E R ......... 0 W. H. Dodson 
Ritct'y'll CoVb ......... Lunenburg .......... Joseph Ritcey Rockport............... Leeds, S R......... 0 C. Cornwall 
RiVerbank............. I Wellington. CR. 0 Mrs. M.Hollis Rockport ............. Westmoreland.N B Rufus Ward 
Riverbank ........... Carleton ....... !Ii B R. "'. Tompkins Rockside ............... Cardw611 . ......... 0 John Kirkwood 
River Beaudette...... SoulangeR ......... Q P. Langlois Rock Springs ........ HrockviIJe....... U H. S. Mofratt 
r B()Urgt.ois
. ... \ Richmond...... N S G. H. llisl!ett Rockton...... ......... Wentworth. N R.O B. Cornell 
River Clwrlo ......... ReatiJlouche... N B P. HamiIton,juL Rock\"ille............... King's ......... N B J. L. H,trrlson 
......... Digbÿ............ N S John H. 
abine Rockville............... yarmouth...... N 8 Cha". Weston 
Ri...erdale... ...... ...... Queen's..... PEl John McFayden Rockwell Settlement Cumberland.. N S Chili!. Rockwell 
RivtT David. ......... Yømaska .......... Q J. B. Commeault Rockway Valley.... Ottawa. ............ Q C. Sinclair 
r de Chute ...... Carleton ...... N n Joseph B. Porter Rockwood............... Wellington, SR.. 0 Robt. Pasmore 
River Dennis ......... Invernesø....... N S R. McKenzie Rocky Bay............ Richmond ......N S Chas. Doyle 
River Dennis RO.1d... Inverness.......N S John Morrison Rocky Mountain ... Pictou ...... ......N S J. J. Sutherland 
River Désert ......... Ottawa ............ Q S. R. Brock Rocky Point ...... Queen's . . .. PEl John Smith 
Riverfield ............. Chateauguay...... Q Rotlert McLeod Rocky Saugeen ...... Grey, S n. . . . .. . 0 D. McKechnie 
River Cilbert... ...... Beauce ............ Q L. Rancourt Rogervilk . ............ Perth, SR. ...... 0 Jill!. Bonthron 
Riv. Gilb't G. Mines, Beallce ............ Q J. 'r. Lachance Rogersville... ....... Sortbumberl'dN B D Fontaine 
Ri...erHebert..........ICumberland... N S Michael Pugsley Rodnl'y.................. Elgin. W R....... 0 A. Humphrey 
RiverHebert,w.Side I CUmberland... N S J. H. Rockweli Roebuck ............... Grenville, S R... I) A. Lawrence 
River Inhab. Bridge. Richmond. ...... N S W. R. Morrison Roger's Hill... ......... Pictou............ N S Jos. C. McLeod 
RiT!tTJohn ............ Pictou ........ N S Geof.!e Gordon Rollo Bay............... King's .........P E I A. MacDougall 
River John Road. ... / colchester ...... N 8 MiB8 M.E. Waugh Rollo Bay Cross ...... I King.s .........P J<: I Alex. Chaisl!on 
River Joseph ......... Ottawa ............ Q A. Boisanltult Rollinjt Dam ......... Charlotte...... N B Robt McKinney 
River LmiBon . ...... Re!tigouche... N B Donald Swwart Roman's Valley...... Guysboro' ...... N S D. Kelly 
r Philip ......... Cumberlanll... N S I Mrs. G. Philips Romny........... Cardwell........O B. Fanning 
RiverBdalt. .............1 Bruce, E R......... 0 Wm. McDonald Romney............... Kent ............... 0 C. Coatsworth 
Rlverlidale ............ Colchester...... N SM. C. Webstt;r Rona............. ....... Queen.s.........P EI N. McKenzie 
River Side ............ Albert ......... N B W.J. Carnworth Rondeau ............... Kent ...............0 W. Stirling 
............... Ycrk, E R........ 0, Henry Parry Ronson.................. Norfolk, N R...... 0 }Irs. A. Burnett 
Ri\'"enide... ....... :S-.Westminster.B CIC. B. Sword Rose ....... ....... Cumberland..N S G. H. Smith 
verside............... InvernesR ...... N S I David Dowlipg Roseberry. . ... .. .1 Selkirk. . .. . ... :\1 A. Kelso . 
Rlven'town ............ Wellington. N R. 0 John McGuue Rosedale ...............' Victoria. N R.... 0 Moses McNeIl 
Riverview .....,.. Grey, It: R . . .... 0 ' I J. H. Petert! Rosedale ......... ......I Carleton......... N B W. E. Hoyt 
River View............ Albert .... ...... N B T. W. Church Rosedene ...............1 Monck. ............ 0 Cor. :\IcKay 
Rivier.. aCIaude...... Gaspe........... Q. T. Auclair Rosehal1 ......... ......1 Prince Edward... 0 R. }lcCartney 
Rivií>reà la Jlhrtre. Gaspé ............... QIJean Ganthier Roseland ............... Selkirk............ M J. D. McBurniflr 
.diviere a POurs. .. Chicoutimi.. ... . Q J. H. Gaudin '" R()$
mont ... ......... 'Simcoe. SR. ...... 0 J. Cumberland 
P..iviere a Pierre. . .. Portneuf......... Q F. Morrisette Roseneath ............1 Northumb., W R. 0 J. J. Muirhead 
Rlvière aux Pin"...., Quebec. ............ Q F. Armstrong Rose Plain ............ ............. Assa C. Stl/wart 
Rivière Bois Clair... Lotblnièrll...... .., Q Alphonse Lord ROI!t;tt........ ............ I.smark, N R...... 0 Robt. McFarlane 
Rivière des Caches. Northumberl'd.N B, R. Savoy Rose Vale. ............ 1 Albert ......... N B John StevenI' 
Rivière dell Plantes. Beauce ............ Q,George Plante Rose Valley............ Qufen.s.........P E ( Jas.<? N
Rlvière des Prairies.. Hochelaga ......... Q' Louis Belanger Roseville ............... Waterloo, S R ... 0 :\-1. Gmgrlch 
* Ric.duLmp(en bas) I Temiscoultta ...... Q Chas. A. Gaudry RosewaJ.... ............ Shelburno...... N S J<
lijah HaJl;ar 
Riv. du Loup Stat'n. 'femillcouata ...... Q Felix Saintlon Roslin ...... ............ , Hao;ting". B R ... 0 Miss J. Hewitt 
Ri\'"ière Gae;non ...... :'ferrebonntJ. ...... QI Wm. Scott ROdlin ......... ......... Cumberland ...N S David Stewart 
Rivière la Fleur..... Montmorenci ... Q 1'. Langlois Ross ... .................. Renfrew, N R.... 0 Mrs.l\I. McLaren 
RiTière la Madeleine! Ouspé . .. . . . . ... Q, Daniel Ouellet R08sburn. . ... . . . .. ,Marqnette... ...... III R. R. Ross 
Rivière Noh.e......... 1 Arthabaska. ...... Q,A 
. Heauch..min Ross' Corner. ........ King's ............N S D. E. Ross 
Rivière Ouelle ....... Kamûuraska...... Q Miss C. Anctil *Rosseo.u ...............1 }Iuskoka & P Sd. 0 Wm. Ditchburn 
Revière St. Jean.... Saguenay.......... Q B. Ch"mbcrs Rosseau Falls......' \/URkoka& P S'd. 0 Wm. Snider 
Riv. 5te. Marguerite' Saguenay. ......... Q J. Harvey ROBser. ............1 Lisgar...............1\1 P. J. Sherlock 
Riv. Trois Pistoles...' TemiRcouata...... Q J. G. Setou Ros8 'lUlls. ...... ....."1 Levis ...... ......... Q John Elexton 
Rivington ............ Argenteuil......... Q D. McIntolih R08smore............... Prince Edward... 0 I\eter W. Fair 
RIvulet. . . .. .... ... lnvernesø .... N S M. McDonald Ross Mount. ......... Durham. E. R. ... 0 Joshua LUI 
Roach's POint.........:York. N R......... 0 R. McCordick Rossway ............... Digby ............N S .TolihuaReid 
Roach Vale ............IGuysboro' ...... N 8 IIfrs. H. 
lunroe Rostock .............. Perth, N R. ...... 0 Justus Kreuter 
Rohertson's Point ... Queen's ......... N B E. L Colwell Rothes ............ Ontario, W R .... 0 Charles Alcox 
on Station... ' Megantic. .... . ..Q Arthur Talbot Rnth
ay ... ...... ...... Wellington, C R. 0 W. H. Lowes 
Roberval ............... 'Chlcoutimi ........ Q Joseph Dum
18 Rothsay . .............., King's............N B G. W. Sherwood 




Rouge H ill=::::-.:: Ontario, WR...... 0 Hu
h Grabam St. Anne ............... Kent. =.
 ...... N B A. McEwen 
RoulZemont............ Rouville............ Q Z. Batchelder Ste.Anne deBellevue , JacquesCartler... QIT. Raymond 
Ronnd Hill............ King's............N B Wm. McLeod Ste.AnnedeBeaupré :\Iontmorency.... Q I AdOIPhe Paré 
Bound Hill............ Annapolls ..... N S C. E. Spurr Ste. Anne de la Per. I Champlain......... Q Jos. U. Marcotte 
Round bland....... Cape Breton..N S George Dillon Ste.Anne des Monts. Gaspé ............... Q A. Tasseville 
Round Lake ... ...... Peterboro', E R... 0 Henry Gerow Ste.Anne desPlaine
 I ' Terrebonne ....... Q D. Gaudette, M.D. 
Round Plains......... Norfolk,N R...... 0 }lrs..I<:. Lutes 8te.AnnelaPocatiére Kamouraska...... QIMad.A. Leve:;que 
Rounthwaite ...... Selkirk ............ M S. Rounthwaite Ste. Anne de Presc. Prescott. ......... O,Robt. Br888ard 
Routhier .. ....... Prescott........ 0 J. O. Poirier St.A de Restigouche Bonaventure ... Q I Rev Chas.Ouay 
Rcwan Mills ......... Norfolk, S R...... 0 John Biddle Ste.Anne de Sorel.. Richeliøn ......... Q E. LatraverHe 
Rowanton............. Pontiac ............ Q Hugh Grant St. Ann's ............... Victoria ..........N S John McLeod 
Rowena. .... .. . . .. Dundaø............ 0 Thos. S. Carter St. Ann's ............... Provencher...... M " Isaie Richer 
Rowena. ............... Victoria......... N B Jail. E. Simmons St. Ann'II............... Quel'n's ...... P E I A. Murphy 
Rowland. . ... .' ... Selkirk......... M Oeo. Haight St. Ann's ......... }Ionck. ............ 0 I .JosePh H. Snider 
Roxbury............... Annapolis ...... N S Wm.!ey St. Anselme ......... Dorchester......... Q Miss J. Fortier 
Roxburgh ............ Albert............N B John Kelly S,. Anthony.......... Kent ..... ...... N B Cyprien Donne 
Roxham ... ............ St. Johns ... ...... Q W. C. Kingsbury St. Antoine. Lotbi're Lotbinière......... Q Edmond Lam!! 
Rozton JiWl&.... ...... ShefJord ............ Q John Wood st. Antoine, Riv.Ric. Verchères ......... Qi
. Cartier 
Roxton Pond ......... Shefford............ Q S. Bachand St. Antonin .......... Temiscouata...... Q Miss O. Fortin 
Royal ............. Provencher ...... 
I I T. C. J. Gilley St. Apollinaire ...... Lotbinière......... Q E. Boucher 
Royal Road............ York ............N B Chas. W. Elltey St. Armand Centre... :\lissisquot......... Q A. Titomol' 
Royal Road, West... Y"rk ............ K B Thomas Sanson St. Armand Station. l\lissillquoi......... Q Peter Smith 
Royalton ............... Carleton ...... N B G. WeadtJ St. Arsene ............ Temiscouata ...... Q F. Pelletier 
Rugby.................. Simcoe, E R...... 0 James Ball St. Athana&e ......... [berville............ Q P. Rignier 
sl'au a Sem ...... Rimousqui .... Q /4;Izear Rosø st. Aubert ............ [lblet ............. Q' A. Blais 
Runnymede .......... Bonaventure...... Q :\Irs. B. Wheeler st. Augustine.. ...... Huron. W R...... 0 Peter Kearney 
Rupert.................. Ottawa ............. Q Allan Murphy St.Augustin,P'tneuf Portneuf........... Q'JI'elh:: East 
Rusagornis...... ...... Run bury.......N B Abner Smith st. Augustin,Two }I. ! Two 
Iountains.. Q I.J. B. Ouellette 
Rusagornis Station Sunbury.......N B J. Alexander dte Rube ........ Huntingdon.... Q :s Lemieux 
Ruscom River......... Essex, N R......... 0 J. Duprey St. ßarnabé, R.Yam. St. Hyacinthe ... QI A. Bouvier 
Rascom Station..... Essex, N R......... 0 Jno. D. )Iathers St. Barnahé. St.Mau. St. Maurke ...... Q F. Bdlmare 
Rush Point............ Peterboro, E R.. 0 Justus Alley 
St. Bartllélémi ...... Berthier............ Q Miss U. Sylvestre 
Ruskview . ............ 
imcoe, SR.... 0 Robt. Reid St. Bazile de POItn'l Portneuf .......... Q U. Collette 
RUSl!eldale ............ Perth. SR......... 0 .John Wilson st. Bazile Ie Grand. Chambly .......... Q E. Lalumiere 
Rwsel.l... ......... ...... Russell ............ 0 W. R. Petrie St. Bazile Station... Portneuf .. eo .. Q C. A. Delage 
Russelton ........ Simcoe, N R .... 0 James RUS8ell ste. Beatrix............ Joliette ........... Q G. L.ditMar80lait 
Russeltown............ Chatel\uguay .... Q C. Struthers St. Benoit .............. 'fwo Mountains.. Q Sevère Daoust 
Ruøtico......... ...... ... Queen'lI ...... PEl J. Gallant St. Bernard de Dorc'r Dorchester......... Q L. C. Genest 
RusticoviUe .......... QUf>en.s ...... P J<: I Dominick BuoUe St. Bernard, South. St. John's ......... QT. Samoi!!ette 
Ruther Glen ...... Carleton......N B E. D. :\Iartin St. Bernard. ......... Digby............ N S James Holden 
Ruther Glf'S ......... Renfrew, N R ...0 Charles Legris St. Blandine ...... Rimouski ...... Q Rev. A I'remont 
Rutherford ............ Bothwell. ......... 0 G. A. Stepbenson St. Bonaventure... ... Drummond....... Q O. 
Ruthveu ............... Essex. S R......... 0 Francis Wi./;le St. Boniface....... Provencher. ......
I P. W. Allaire 
tl.uttanville ...... Sl'lkirk... ......... 
I W. D. Ru ttau Ste. Brigide............ Iberville.... ...... Q G. D. Lamarche 
Ryckman's Corners.. \\ entworth, S R. OI.James Tyner Ste.Brigitte des S'lts l Nicolet ............ Q N. D. Houde 
Rydal Bank. ......... Algoma ...... ...... 0 1 W. R. Smith St. Bruno............... Chambly . ......... Q J. M. Cote 
Rye ..................... MUQkoka& P S'd OIWm. Parks St. Bruno de Kam. 1 Kamouraska..... Q Emma Coté 
Ryllltone ............... Northumb., E R. 0 1 D. Allan St. Bruno Station... Chambly ......... Q G. Fitzgibbon 
Ste. Adele ..........., Terrebonne ....... Q H. B. Lalltmr St.Calixte, Kilkenny Montcalm ......... Q A. Perrault 
Ste.Ådelaided.Pabos Gaspe............... Q GeorgeMau
er St. Camille............. Wolfe............... Q J. H.Crepeau 
St. Adolphe de How. Argenteuil. ...... Q: lIubert Paquet St. Canute ............ Two 'Iountains.. Q John Makereth 
St.A<1rien ........... Wolfe............. QiF.X.Charland .St.('a.
ir ......... Portneuf...........Q /4'.X.Gingr8.l! 
St. .Agapit ............ [.otbinière ......... Q, George Olivier St. Cassien des Caps Charle1'oix .... Q !\Irs. M.DuchØi!no 
St. Agatha ............ Waterloo, S R ... 0 1 Anthony Kaiser st. Castin . ............ Kl'nt ...... ... ...N B M. L. Jaillet 
8te. .Agathe...... ...... Provencher. ...... M Erne
t Bernier ste. Catherine. ... ... I I'ortneuf .......... Q Pierre Julien 
gte. Agathe de Lotb. Lotbiniere ......... QI L. Boulanl
er Ste. Catherilles Riv. Queen's ......... N S Jal'ob McDonald 
St. Agathedes Mon's Terrebone ......... Q' F. Forgettè "'St. ('-atharinl" .... Uncoln ............ 0 Robert Lawrie 

te.AgnèlldeCharl'x Charlevoix ....... QI , Rev. }'. Gendron Ste. Cae. de r..evrard.\ NI.:olet ............ Q F. M. Eailhoit 
Sce.AgnèsdeDundee Huntingdon ...... Q Thos. Rowley St.Ceeile dtJ Whitton Compton .......... Q Acbelas Loubier 

t. Aimé ............... Rlchelieu ......... Q Pierre Gelinas St. Céle8tin ...........,:sicolet ............ Q }lme. Vignean 
"'t. Alban............... Portneuf .......... Q..Jean Savard 
St. Cüair
............ I Rouville............ Q C. Pepin 
st. Albert ............ Russell ............ Q!Victor Fortier St. Charles........ Lisgar ............ M HeDlY Burke 
st. Albert ............ Arthabaska ...... Qi D. Rheault St.Charles de Caplan I Bonaventure...... Q Josl'ph Cyr 
St. Albert. ............ ... eo . . . ... AlIa I H. W. McKenny st. Chas., Riv. Boyer Bellechaslle ....... Q Ed. Bilodeau 
15t. Alexauder Stat. !verville.... ...... Q Joseph Bouvier St. ('has. Riv..Rich'ui St. Hyacinthe ... Q J. E. I.eBlanc 
St. Alex. d'IbenIlle IbervUle..... .... Q A. A. L. Brien St. Chrll&o.çw'mi' ...... 'ChRto>auguay...... Q r. J. L. Derome Kam'rska Kamouraska...... Q GeorJ(6 Brochu St. Clair Siding.... ." 1 Essl'x...... .......... 0 L. Soucherf!au 
St. Alexis de Monte. 
Iontealm ......... Q' Egide Omon Ste. Claire ............ Dorche"ter......... Q J. t
. Caouette 
dc. AJexisdtJs 
Iontø. Maskinong6 ...... Q J. Bte. Drolet St. Clements .........1 Waterloo. N R... 0 J. [,. Kroetsch 
St. AIDhoD!!O ......... .Joliette ............ Q F. M. Trudeau St. Clement............ Temiscouata...... Q Geor;re Afril 
St. .Alphonse ......... Sf\lkirk ............ M .J. A. De Cosse St. Clet.................. Soulunges ......... Q A. Borqul' 
dt.Alphonsede Gran Shetford.....,...... Q Antoine Cote Ste. Clothilde......... I Arthabaska ...... Q C. Gélina
St. Amédée ............ Ottawa............. Q R. Robimon Ste.Clothilde deChati Chatpau
ay ... Q Francoi" Delage 
St. Amour.. ..... Prl"8cott........... 01 H. St. Amour 8t. Columbin .........1 Two Mountain".. Q 
\I. J. Phelan 
.:it. Anaclet............. Rimouski ......... Q O. Couture St. Come ............... .Joliette ............ Q Alphonse LRbine 
St. André Avelin ... Ottawa ............. Q H.:S. Baby f't.Constant .........I LRprairie .......... Q J. O. Longtin 
St. André de Kam... Kamoul"l\lIka...... Q Alf De
jllrdins St. Croix ............... Hants ............N S D. MO'lher 
St.Andre de 8hediac Westmoreland N ß L. P. Leblanc. St. Crr,ix ...............' York ............N B D. Gallagher 
St. .Andrew. _....... Charlotte .......N B G. F. Campbell Sie. Oroiz...............,Lotbinière......... Q J. H.imel 
st. Andrews ......... Antlgonishe ...N S DuncanChisholm St.Cunegonde ....... I Hochelaga......... Q G. N. Dl1l'harme 
*81. AwirewB. Ea&t.. Argenteuil......... Q ThomaR Lamb St. Cuthbert ......... Berthier............ Q C. N. I'lIquin 
8t. Androwø, West... Cornwall. ......... 0 L. 
Ialltersou St. Cuthbert Station BBrthier... ........ Q James :\lorin 

t. Andrews. ......... Lisgar. ............ I'tI Sltm. E. Smalley ::It. Cyprien............. Temiscouata...... Q H. Dallaire 
St. Andrew!! ......... King.ø......... P JI: [ J. Macdonald St, Cyr...................' Richmond......... Q R. E. Dy
lit. Anp;éle de :\Ionn'r Rou\'"iIle............ Q Bf\noni L..i
elle ðt. Cyriac.. ........... Chlcoutimi........ Q Jf\S\D Deschenes 
g S t te . . A A n n l ' c g e é t le de Laval, Nicolet ............ Q Olivier Dél\ilets st. Cyrille de L'I"let L'Islet... ......... .. Q .J. B. Cloutier 
............ Huntingdon ...... Q F. S. Bourgeault St. Cyrille de Wend. Drummond....... Q Don. Brassard 




---- --- --- - ----.- -- --- 
St. Damase .......:.... S
. Hyacinthe ... Q P. H. Peti
 Ste. Hel. 
e Chester Arthaba
ka .... Q I Hector Payeur 
St. Damase de Rim. Rimousk1 ... .... Q A. LanglalB St. Ht'len s ............ Huron, W R...... 0 Robert Murray 
St.Damie.deBrandon Berthier............ Q Mrs. J. Deshayea Ste. I1unedine......... Dorchester..... Q Joseph Mercier 
S.DamiendeBuckl'd Bellechasse ...... Q I J. Gagne St. Henri de Levis. Levis ............... Q Gilbert Roy 
St. David de Lévis... Levis ............... Q Mrs. ]'. HalM St. Henri de Mont'l. Hocheloga......... Q Ferdinand Faure 
St. David's ............ Lin. 8;; Niagara... 0 I Samuel Read St. Henri Station... Levis .......... Q I George Demers 
St.Denisdela Bout.'re Kamouraska...... Q Joseph Dionne St. Hennas ............ Two :Uountaine. Q j P, E. Clairoux 

t. D
nis, Riv. Rich St. Hracint.he ... Q 
. I?urocher. St. H?rI?enegilde ... S.
anstead......... Q L.' Latourneau 
::st. Dldace ........ MaskInou
'e . ... Q, E
zear GermaIn St. H.Ilß.lre......:...... 
la......... N H I HO!1ore Cy
St. Dom. de Bagot... Bagot... .......... Q VIctor Vachon St.IIIl8lre Stl\tIon... Ronville............ Q FelIx MartIn 
St. Dominique Stat. Soulanges...... Q Richard 'ryner St. Hilaire Village... Rouville............ Q E. Goulet 
::it. Ðom. des Cèdrul! Soulanges ...... Q, L. Cown St.Hipp.deKllkenny Terrebonne....... QIF. X. Reglmbal 
::It. Donat..... ..... Rimouski ....... Q S. Levesque St. Honore ............ Beauce ............. Q I B. Tanguay 
;ò;t. Donat de 
lont... Montcalm...... Q C. H. Coutu St. Hubert. ............ Cb:Lmbly .......... Q Jf. Robert 
Ste. Dorothée....... Laval ....... . .. Q I C. Valequette St. Hugues ............ Bagot......... ...... Q E. Lafontaine 
::it. Edouard de Nap Napierville .... Q[J. Blain *St. H.lIacinthe....... St.llyaciIlthe... QICamilie Lussier 
St. Ed. de Framptou Dorchester.... _. Q I Miss B. Butler st. Ignace. ............ r Kent. .. . . ... N B I BeJoni Richard 
dwidge ...... Co
pton, ....... Qi Gaspard Boulay St. I
enee .... ....;.... Charlevoix ....... (l Josep.h Gosselin 
St. Eleanors .. . .... Pnnce ... .... P E 1, R. H. MacDonald St.Isldore, Dorch ter Dorchester .... .. Q Antome Nadeau 
St Eleuthère....... Kamouraska.... Q, F. Garneau St. Isidore,Loprairie'I.aprairie .......... Q l!'. T. Langevin 
St. Elie. . . .. .. . . ... St. Maurice ...... Q E. Lacerte St. Isidore ........, Gloucel!ter ... N B I Chas. de Legarde 
Ste. Elizabeth. " ... Joliette ........ Q M. RobiIlRrd St. IIIidore Junction I I Laprairie.......... Q F. Baillargeon 
:5t. Elmo.......... Glengarry......... 01 D. A. McDougall St. Isidore de Presc't Prescott............ OIJoseph Parent 
St. Eloi............ Temiscouata. .'.. Q, S. Lapoiute St. !ves.................. Middlesex. E R . 0, Thomas Howard 
St. Elzear .. .... ... Beauce ............. QIJeall Bilodeau *St. Jacob's ............ I Waterloo. N R... O,J. L. Wideman 

tt>. E. de l'Energle. Joliett
 ............ QI A. Bazinais st. Jacques............ I MontCIIlm ..... . Q' Z. Cloutier 
St. Ephrec do Tring Beauce ............. Q' Olivier Begin St.Jacques leMlnt'nr Laprllirie ..... '. Qi Mrs. K Poirier 
St. Ephrem d'Upton Eagot ............... Q C W. Warner St. James......... ......'r.isgar. .... .... ![ , wm. F. Lane 
St. .l<:l!prit . ............ Montcalm,..... Q' C Dalpe St. JameB Park. . .. I Middlesex, SR... 0 John Taylor 
St. Esprit. ............ Richmond.... N :s! D. Matheson St. Janvier....... . I Terrebonne ...... Q Jos. Desroches 
St.E. de Beauharnols Beauharnois.... Q: Patrick Lynch St. Jean Baptiste.... Provencher.... III P. Parenteau 
ôt,Etienue de Bolt'n Brome ............. Q Louis Poulin St.J.Bp. de Montreal Hochelaga...... Q:Emile Hubert 
St. Etienne des Gres St. Manrice ...... Q U1doric Brunelle St.J. Bp. de Rouville ROl1ville............ QI L. G. .1<:. Goulet 
St. Et. du Saguenay Saguenoy ...... QllIugh P. Blair St. Jean Chry. Levis Levis ............... Q' 
lrs. Gosstolin 
St. .l< ........ Prescott............ 01 Victor Lalonde St. Jean de Dieu.... Temiscouata.... Q Rev. L. Arpin 
St.Eug.deGrantham Drummond ...... Q J. Rondeau St. J,des Chaillo7l8 . / Lotbiniere...... QIE. Ch
St. Eulalie.....:....... Nicolet............. Q Narcisse Legris St. Jean de MaIha... Joliette ............ Q'J. R. Lippe 
St. BUðtache . ......... Two Mountains. QI Philias Gauthier St. JeRu d'Orleans... }loutmorency... Q I F. X. Turcotte 
var. de Forsyth Beauce ... ......... Q, Honore Blais st. J. l'Evangeliste. Bonaventure...... Q I Mrs. M. Ouellet 
St. Fabien......... Rimouski ......... Q: Adolphe Gagnon St. Jean Port Joli..., L'Islet ............. Q I Marie }'Olllnier 
St.l!'austin ........ Terrebonne ...... Q Hector Cota *St Jerome ............,Terrebonne. ...... QI.I<:.l\Iarchand 
Ste. Famille .. .. ... Montmorency... Q F. X. AS8elin St.Joachim de Mont., Montmorency.... Q Isaie Simard 
St. Felicien... ..... Chicoutlmi......... Q I Louis F. Roy Shefl'ord Shefford............ Q I Joseph liachaud 
St. Eelicite ..... ... Rimouski...... ... Q, H. Gagnon St.Joach.Riv.Rusc'm Essex ............... 0 Eugene Beulet 
'lliz de Valois... Jollette. ............ Qi Max Crepeau St. John. ...............1 St. John.,...... N B Stephen J. King 
St.l!ardinand......... Megantlc.......... Q' Arthur P",lletler St. John Suburb...... Quebec............. Q L. B. Demers 
St. }'ereol............... Montmorency.... QI Pierre Berube *St. John's, East...... St. John's...... Q I Ja8. McPherson 
St. }'idele.. ........ Charlevoix ..... Q,Achille Bherour St. John's, West. ...IWeliand............ 0 A. W. Wadelow 

te. I<'lav!e. . . . :. ... R
mouskl....... Q, Leon Langlois St. Joseph d' Alma... / Chicoutiml ....... Q I F. Gag
ðte. Flavle StatIon. Rlmouskl....... QI Au
uste Cote St. Joseph de Bl'auce Beauce............. Q D. Mûrl!<et 
St. Flavien ...... ...... Lotbiniere...... Q I L. Bedard St. Joseph de Lepage I Rimouskl ......... Q Mrs. G. Roussel 
Ste. Flore............... Champlain..... Qi F. Vincent St. Joseph. ............ Westmoreland,N B Alfred Roy 
St. Fortunat ...... ... Wolfe.......... Q D. St. Pierre St. Joseph. ............ Antigonlshe... N SI A. McGillivray 
St. Foy.................. Quebec ............ Q I Felix Bellaau S. Joseph de Lévl!<, Levis .......... Q .l<:douard Huel 
rancÐ'fs, Be?u
 Beauce ........ QI Dr.
. Desrochers St. J08eph de Sorel :Rlchelieu ........ Q Rev. A. BOl
St. }j rancOlS de 
ales Laval.......... Q ,Clov}!; Gascon St. Joseph du Lac... Two 110uutalns. Q J. Legault,jun 
St. I<'ran. d'Orleans. Montmorency... QI Emilif>n Pepin St. Jovite.......... Terrebonne ...... Q J. Charbonnean 
St. Francois du Lac. Yama
ka....... Q; F. E. N. Boucher St. Jude .........., St. Hvacinthe... Q J. B. V. Lemay 
Ste. Eranc?iíle
. ...... Temiscouata.... Q N. Beaulieu Ste. Jul
e de .Verc
ï Vf!rchèr
s ......... Q J. Collette 
St. FrancOIs, :N. East Beauce. ............ Q P. F. Reneault Ste. JulIe de S.:;mer t Meganhc ...... Q I Louis Roberge 
St.Francoi,,;,Mont'ny Montmagny .... Q E. C. Boulet Ste. Julienne...... 
rontcalm ......... Q Jos. Racette 
St. }'rancoh! Xavier. Li
gar............. M P. McCaughan St. Justin ......... Maskinongé.... Q E.
I. Chapdeleine 
St. Viger Tem18couata..... Q G. Caron St. Just. de Newtoll i vaudreuil ...... Q M. Meynard Blompt'n Richmond...... Q Rev. J. I.evesqm St. Lambert de Lévis Lévis ............. Q O. Dion 
St. Frederic............ Beauce ............. Q F. X. Plante St. Lambert, Mont. I Chambly .... ... Q D. O. DavIs 
st. Gab. de Brandon Derthier .......... Q I M. O'Hljlr St.Lßure'td'OrleansIMontmorency ... Q Joseph Chabot 
St.}Iontreal Hochela!fa......... Q H. D. Cote St. Laurent, Mont'l Jacques Cartier. Q J. LeCavaIier 
St. Gabriel Station . 1 Portnenf....... Q A. W. Landrigan St. Laurent......... Llsgar ..... .... M W.G. Hunton 
8t. Gedeon............ Chicoutimi . . . .. Q C. Duche"nay St. Lawrence ....... I Frontenac . . . .... 0 8. D. WoodmaD 
Ste. Genevieve ... ... Jllcques Cartier. Q Godtr..i Boileau St. Lazare de BeIle'e I Bellec188se. . . .. Q I L. Kenneur 
Sie. Gen. de BatÍ$ca71 Champlain...... Q D. Lacourcier St. Lazare de Vaudr'l, Vaudreuil ..... . Q 
*St. George ............ Charlotte... N B E. R. O'Brien St. Leon........... 
Ia!!kinongé ...... Q E. Lesage 
St. George, Beauce..., Beauce ............ Q Hubert Catellier St. Léon...... .. ... Selkirk........ }1 J. lIlessner 
*St. George, Brant..., Braut, N R ....... 0 Cha!!. P. Keefer St. Leonard d' Aston I Nicolet ............ Q Joseph Picher 
St. Geo. de Windsor'Richmond......... Q }'. X. Hoy St. Leonard Station[Victorla .........N B L. C. Akerly 
St. George .l<:st . ....."1 Beauce . . .......... Q Louis }Ioison St LE'onard'i.... . ... Victoria... ....N B I Patrick Martin 

t.Ueorge'8Channel Richmond...... N 
'AnIl:UR McInni8 St. Libolre.......... Bagot.......... Q J. C. BI
St. MontRrvilleiOttl\wa......... .. Q' P. C. Benoit St. Liguori.. ....... ,}[o')tc:dm ........ QI U. B. Desroehera 
St.G.deGrantham. Drummond....... Q 
liíls E. Pare St.Louis de Bons(.c'r8'Richelleu........ Q'A.St. Uartin fila, Kamollraska Kamoural!ka...... Q ,Joseph Mn'eau St.LouisdeGonzague: Beauharnols '.. Q L. Vachon 
Ste. Gertrude..... . I Nicolet............ . Q Leon Ohampoux St. Louis de Kpnt.. Kent...... .... N Q A. Legar 
St. Gervais ........ Bellechas!le..... Q, Gervliis Carrier St. Louis de Ha Ha I Temiscouata ... B A. Thib
S,t. Giles. :.............., L'?tbiniere......... Q I George 
o.te Ste. Louise. .... ...' L'Islet .; ........ Q H. PotVIn 
1St. Grtgmre............ NIcolet.... ..... ... Q J. A. POIlIer St. Lu
........... . 1 St. John s . .. .... Q 
[. Marcen t 
St. Guill'me d'Upton I Drummond. ...... Q I JOllePh .Jasmin Ste. Luce.......... Rimou8ki.,.. .... Q J Tremblay 
Ste. Helene de Kam. ' Kamouraska. . . . Q Paul De!lsaint Ste. Luce Station. ... Rimouski. ......... Q I A. Laber@ie 
Ste. Helene de Bagot Bagot ". .... ...... Q Louis Lussier Stew L. de Doncaster Terrebonne .... Q Noe Forget 
[6 08 1 




 C.!:1 PO
Ste. Madeleine....., St. Hyacinthe... Q I. RaInville St.Roch de Richelieu ! Richelieu -......... Q .T. B. Paquette 
St ì\Iagloire ...... . 1 ßellechasse..... Q P. Tanguay St.RochdesAulnaies I L'Islet ............. Q I Mrs . v . :.\1.Gagnon 
St. :\hlachie . ......... Dorcbester ..... Q G. Duncall St. Rochl' Achigan... L' Assomption..... Q J. Deslongch'mps 
St. Malo. .......... Compton ..... ... Q L. Gendron St. Romain ............ Compton............ Q E. Bélanger 
St. Marc. . ...... ... Verchères ...... Q 1'. Duvernay Ste. Rosalie ............ Bagot ......... ...... Q Oscar Pelletier 
St. Marcel.......,. Richelieu ....... Q G. Angers Ste. Rose............... Laval......... ...... Q A. E. Leonard 
St. Margaret's...... King's...... l' E I D. B. FeehRn St. Rose de WRtford DorchesttJr.........Q 1 A. Chabot 
Ste. Marguerite.... Dorcbester..... Q J. H. C
drin Sto. Rose du l)egele. Temiscouata...... Q I H. Lapointe 
&,e. ,'If.dt! MonnfYÏr. Bouville ....... Q /.. ORben St.Sam.deGayhurst. Beauce ............ Q,R.DalIaire 
Ste. :\Iarthe.......... .... Q 
I. Herthlaulme St. Ssuveurde!; Mon. I Terrebonne ...... Q W. Sioaue 
\1artin.......... Laval............ Q Dr.R J.Cbarette St. Sauveurd, Qut!bec Quebec City, E... Q J. L. Saucier 
Stæ. Martine....... .ICbatlleugulIY .... Q A. Hébert Ste. SCholastique...... Two Mountains.. Q A. Fortier 
St. Nartin's........, St. John.......N ß 
Irs J. S. Moshel St. Sébastien ......... Iberville............ QIG. P. Eo Fortier 
.St. Jfary's ......... ." 1 Pertb, SR......... 0 Peter M. Nicol St. Sévère ........... ... , St. Maurice ...... Q Pierre Heroux 
Jary's . ...........: Kent......... N B O. O. LeDIanc St. S. de Beaurivage Lotbiniére ...... .. Q J. B. Champagne 
St. Mary's Ferry.... York ............N B C. L. 
stRb.rooklil St. Simeon......... Charlevoix......... Q Rev. J. Dumas 
Ste. Mary's River ... Gllysborough...N S T. A. MartIn St. Sim. de Rimouski Rimouski ......... Q I J. I!'ournier 
St. :'\Iary's Road...... King's .........P J!: I JameslJormley St. Simon deYamas'a Bagot ............... Q P. Lacroix 
St. Mathias ............ Rouville............ Q S. BertrRnd St. Sophie de MegRn. I l\legantic ......... Q I Joseph Vigneau 
St. Mat.hieu............ Rimouski ......... Q'T. Levêque St.SophiedeLlI.come Terrebonne ...... Q Ulric Leveque 
St. Maurice ............ Champlain......... Q G. Eo ßistodea
 SU'ophiedeLevrard ,Nicolet ...... ...... Q G. Morisette 
St. :\Iallrice Forges.. St. Maurice. ...... Q J. ß. Beauchemu. St. Stanislas de Ch'n I Champlain......... Q A. J. Lacourcière 
Ste. Mell\nie ......... Joliette ............ Q Fabien Michaud St. Stanis. de Kostka Beauharnois...... Q A. Raymond 
St.Micbelde Bellech. Bellechas88 ...... Q G. Forgues *St. Stephen. ......... Charlotte ......N B D. Sullivan,jun. 
licheldeNprvl'e Napierville . ...... Q P. Laberge St. Sulpice ............ L'Assomption.... Q Jacques Royal 
St. Michel de8Saints Berthier............ Q H. Gendron St. Sylvt.,ter, East... Lotbinière......... Q S. Vaillancourt 
St.Michelde Went'h Argenteuil ..... Q M. l\Ieil!ellre &-. Sylvestær, West... Lotbinière ......... Q John 
St. .\Iodeste............ Témiscouata ...... Q S. Choumard Ste. Thecle ............ Champlain......... Q T. Magnan 
St. }toise .............. Rimouski ......... Q,Joseph Smith St.Telesphore......... Soulanges......... Q André Elie 
St. Mon. deux Mont. Two Mountains. Q D. Leonard St. Theodore d' Acton Bßgot ...... ......... Q Paul Decelle 
Ste. 'Ion. de Nicolet Nicolet ............ Q J. H. Biron St.Tbeod.deChertBtly Montcalm ......... Q André Morin 
St. 'li'arcisse............ Champlain ....... Q D. Hamelin Ste. Theodosie ....... Vercheres . QIL. A. Hanùfield 
St. Nérée.......... Bellechasse..... Q Rev. J. K Breton Ste.7hérèsede Blain. Terrebonne ...... Q Augullte Seguin 
St. Nicholas............ Lévis ............... Q B. Paquet St. Thomas ......:..... Car}eton .........N B I D. :\lcCaffe
St. Norbert............ Berthier............ Q Mrs. N. Roch St.ThomasdeJohette Johette ............ Q S. DesmaraIs 
St. Norbert.......... Provencher .... M ElieBrisebois *St. Tlwmas, West... EIgin,ER......... 0 F.E. Ermatinger 
St. Octave ............ Rimouski ......... Q Narcisse Richard st. Timothée ......... Beauharnois ...... Q I 'A. Lesperance 
St. Odilon. ............ Dorchester......... Q'J. Drapeau St. Tite .................. I ChamPlain......... Q J. N. Buist 
St.Ola .................. Hastings, N R... 0 Wm. Morton St.TitedesCaps ...... Montmorency.... Q Rev. J. Perusse 
St.Onézime............ Kamouraska...... Q / 'Clement Dube St. Ubalde. ............ Portneuf............ Q J. Denis, Ben 
St.Onge................ RU8sell ............ 0 C. St. Onl!'e St. Urbain deCbat... Chateaugllay.... Q J. B. Poupard 
St. Ours ............... Richelieu ......... Q H. Duhamel St. Urbain de Chari.. Charlevoix ....... QIJ. Girard 
St. Pacôme ............ Kamouraska...... Q Alex. IIudon Bte. Ursule ............ Maskinongé ...... Q, L. Lupien 
St. Pamphile ......... L'Islet............... Q Alfred Caron St. Valantin............ St. John .......... Q,G. Girard 
St. Paschal............ Kamouraska...... Q'E. Blondeau St. Valere de Bul.... Arthabaska....... Q;Jos. Trudel 
8t. Patrick. ............ Simcoe, E R .... 0 I Bazile 
ayment St. Valérien............ ' I Shefford............ Q, P. S. Grandpré, 
St. Patrick ........ Temiscouata...... Q J. C. PIcard St. Vallier ............ Bellechasse ...... Q: K Bélanger 
St.Patrick'sChanuel Victoria .........N 8 J.l\fcNaughton St. Vallier Station... , Bellechasse ...... QILouis Pelchat 
St. Patrick's Hill ... Arthabsska ...... QIJ. S. Beaudette Ste. Victoire........... Richelij3u ......... Q H. Paulhns 
St. Paul de la Croix Temiscouata...... Q Alex. Boucher St. Victor de Triug. I Beauce ............ Q, F. Gosselin 
St. Paul d'Industrie Joliette ............ Q JOI,eph Guilbaulr St. Vincent de Paul. Laval............... Q;C. Germain, jun. 
St. Paul du Buton... Montmagny ...... Qi M. bt. Pierre St. Vital............... Provencher ...... M I Andlé ]';ault 
St.PaulI'IIermite... L'Assomption..... Q/Joseph :\larion St. Wencesll..s......... Nicolet ............ Q A. DavelßY 
St. Paul's........, ...... Kent .............N B,Joseph llernard St. Wi:lliams .......... Nortolk, S R...... OIH. L. Kitchen 
St. Paulin ...... ...... Maskinongé ... ... Q I p. Desmarais St. Zacharie. .......... 1 Beauce........... ... Q 1 Rev. Mr. Meunier 
St. Paul's............... Pictou ............N SI D. McDonald St. Zenon. .,........ Berthier............ 01 Agarie Rivet 
St. PIl1tl's Bay. ...... Charlevoix......... Q Miss V. Clement St.Zéphirin...._...... Yamaska ......... QI G. P. Roussean 
St. Paul's Station... Perth, S R..... ... 0 A. Thom St. Zotique ............ Soulanges ......... Q O. F. Prieur 
St. Perpetue . ......... Nicolet......... Q T. Décoteau Sable..................... I 
1iddle88x, N R. O! Allan McDonald 
St. P-tær's............... Ricbmond ... ...N S R. G. Morrison Sable Rive'r ...... ...... , Shelburne ......N S! W. Dunlop 
St. Philippe de Lap. Laprairie ......... Q F. C. Larose Sabrevois............... lberville............ QIS. H. Jones 
St.phil.d' Argenteuil Argenteuil......... Q E. Leblanc Sackville ............ ... Westmoreland, N B 1 Jos. Dickson 
St. Philippe de Néry Kamouraska...... Q Fr. Deschène Sacré.Cæur de :\Iarie Megantic....... Q:J. Vallier, jun. 
Ste. Phllomène ...... ChJ\teauguay ..... Q Mrs.M. D'AmoUl Sadowa............ Victoria, N R '.. 0 J. H. VanTlack 
Ste. p. d' Echaillons. Lotbiniére....... Q II. Tousi
e.hanatien . .. . . ... Muskoka iii. P S'd. 0, L. Sahanatien 
St. PiÆ .................. Bagot...... ......... Q A. Gauthier Sailor's Hope...... King's......... l' ElF. Macdonald 
St. Pie .................. Provencher ...... M Rev. N.C. Jutras Saintfield............... Ontario, N R...... 0 D. McKay 
St. Pie de Guire.... Yamaska ...... Q Jos. Lavalle Saint :\Iary's River. Guy!!boro'.... N SIThoma!; Martin 
St. Pierre Baptiste. Megantic .......... Q P. A. Drolet Saint Norbert...... Kent........ N B' Jean J. Richard 
St. Pierre d'Orleans Montmorency... Q L. F. Tardiff Saint Pierre...... . 'Kent. . ... . .. N B ! J. J. Leblanc 
St.Pierre lesBecquets Nicolet ............ Q Thomas Phillip!! Saints Anges ......... , BeRuce . ...... ..... Q Jos. Cloutier 
St.Pierre.Montma'y Montmagny ...... Q Sarah D.Bacon Salem .................. Wellington, C R.. O'John R. Wissler 
St. Placide ............ Two Mouutains . Q Z. Raymol1d Salem .................. Albert .......... N B Joshua Steeve!! 
St. Polycarpe.......... Soulanges ......... Q,John Taylor E!a!em .................. ' Cumberland ...N SIK Black 
fit. Prime. ............ / Chiroutimi . ...... QI Rev. T. D. Bellay Salem .................. yarmouth.... N S A. W. Kenney 
St. Prosper ............ Champlain......... Q Jos. Frigon Salem Road ....... Cape Breton. ...N S D. McCinsb, 8r 
St. Prosper de Dor.. Dorchester. ...... Q L. N. RieBdeau Salford ..................! Norfolk, N R..... 0 Alfred Stevens 
St. Raphaël, Jc
ast.... i Bellechssse ....... Q' l). C. A. Fournie Salina............. 1 King's............N B J. M. Campbell 
St. Raphaël, West... I Glengarry......... 0 I Mrs. M,:\lcDonel Salisbury... ............ , Westmoreland, N B, J. Ta
"St. RaYTMnd......... , Portneuf ......... Q I JosePh Goulot Salisbury............... Marquette......... M Wm. Millar 
St. Redempteur. . . . j Vaudreuil . .. .. . Q K David Salmon Beach.... ...1 O:oucester ......N B R. Butt.imer 
St. Regi
 ............... Huntin
don ...... Q' I Robert Tyre Salmon Creek......... 1 Sunbu,ry .........N B James Fowler 
St. Rlml ............... 'NapiervIlle ....... Q Chas. Bedard Salmondale...,.... Queen s ...... .. N B .TRs. Thompson 
St. Remi de Tingw'kl Arthabaska........ Qi N. Champagne Salmonburst. .........1 Vict.oria .........N B Fred. Brinkman 
St. Remi d'Amherst j Ottawa.............. Q I E. Thomas Salmon Point......... Prince Edward... 0 R. W. Dunham 
St. Robert ............ Richelieu ......... Q O. Dup
e Salmon River ......... St. John .........N B Edward H. Foster 
.St. Rochde Quebec. Quebec City, E.. Q Louis P. Huot Salmon River......... I Cape Breton ...N S'.J. McDonald 




Salmon R
ver ... ...... Gn

boro..... N S :0.- L'ãwle r, se
 ' 8ea Dog Cove 
 King's... ::-:-::N B J-;)hnLluton- 
Salmon RIver ......... HalIfax .........N SIAnu GaUaght!r Seap:ravt! ............... I ontario, SR...... 0 John Allen 
Salmon R.iver.........IDigby ............N SI Henry C. Perry Sea Gull....... ..... Algoma. .. ...... 0 J. M. ROils 
Salmon RIVer (L. 
.) Guysboro' ......N 8 Thomas O'Neil Sea Island ............ N Westminster.BC J. C. Vermilvea 
8almonville... ......... P6t!I......... ......... 0 I James Carroll Sea Side ...... ......... i Restigouche... N B Alex. Dickev 
Saltford ...... ......... Huron, W R... . 0 I J. Walter Seal Cove......... ......1 Charlotte...... N B Wm. RusseÌl 

alt Spring Island... Vancouvl!r ......B C'Joel Broadwell . Seaton.. ............... York, W R......... 0 E, T. HaTJdcock 
Salt Spr.ings .........'s... .........N B! Wm. Smith Searletown ... ...... ... Prince......... PEl H. Trueman 
Salt Sprmgs ......... PIctOU............ N S,Georgl! \lcKay 8ebril[ht ............... Ontario. N R...... 0 E. T. H. Herring 
Salt Sprinl!\s ......... Anti
oni"he... N S, A. Cameron Seblingville .......... Perth. SR......... O I JOhn PearsC'v 
Salt Springs Station Cumberland... N S J. W. Black Seck.t!rtnn ............. Lambton, W R... 0 'rhos. Johmton 
Salterville ............ 
elkirk............ M Richael8!1lter Second .'aUs. ......... Charlotte ...... N B R. John
Sambro . ............... Halifax .. ......N S .Joseph Martin Second Peninsula... Lnnenburg...... N :; 1 Edward )Iason 
Sanborn ...............1 Wolfe ............... Q T. Hurley, jun, Second Westcock.... We!'tmoreland.N ß J. E. Atkin!'on 
Sand Bay ............... I Leedtl, S R......... 0 ' Wm. Tnrnl!r Seeburn ............... }Iarquette . ...... ?II Otto 
Saud Beach............ Yarmouth....N S, Wm. Cain Seely... .................. Muskoka & P S'd. 0 W. Broadbent 
Sandfield............... Algoma ............0 Wm. MrDonald ::!eely's Bay............ Leedll,8 R......... 0 W. W. Williams 
Sandford ...............,Ontario, N R...... 0' Edward Taylor Seguin Falls ......... Muskoka& P S'd. O I Willism FQ' 
Sandford......... . I Yarmouth. ... N SI A. Thurston 8t!lby..................... Lennox. ............ 0 David Wartman 
Sandhil.l ............... PeeL................ 0, W. C. Hughes &lJ.."i.rk .................. Lisg
r ............ M J. COlcl
Sand HIll............... Compton........... Q D. Caswell &lktrk .................. Haldlmand .......0 R. J. WIllyard 
Sandhurst ............ Lenuox ............ O!Silas Benjamin Selkirk Road ......... Queen's ...... PEl Jas. Callaghan 
Sand Lake. ..... ..,Musk. & P. S'd... O'Josepb Hunter Sellarville.. .... .,. Bonavenlure...... Q James Sellar 
Sand Point ............ Renfrew, SR.... û Geor..e Dry..dale Selmah.................. Hants............ N S A. Frame 
Sand Point ............ Guysboro ...... N ð Josiah A. Miller Si!lton .................. Elgin. W R. ...... 0 Robt. Watt 
Sand Point Roaa ... St. John......... N B David Peacork Selwyn .................. Peterboro', W R. 0 James Bell. 
Sand River...... ...... Cumberland .. N SI E. J. White Serpent River......... Algoma ............ 0 C. E. Smith 
.Sandwich ... ......... Essex, N H........ 0 I V. Ou
nette St!ttrington ...... ...... Charlevoix......... Q Eugene.
Sandy Beach ......... G/l.flpé ............... Q N. BaIley Seven Islands......... Ssguenay ......... Q J. A. WIlson 
Sandy Beaches ...... Lunenburgh... N S baac Clevellmd . SeV'-1"n Bridge......... Ontario. N R...... 0 J. H Jackson 
Sandy C\roe ............ Digby............ N S L. J. Morehouse s.,vllle .................. Elgin, E R......... 0 Mrs. Mary Baker 
Sandy PoInt ......._. Shelburne...... N S John purney Sevogle ............... l
orthumberl'd.N B Thos.8mith 
Sangster.......... Addington..... .0 James Young Sewell .................. Marquette ....... M George B. Litster 
Sarepta.......... ...... Huron, S. R....... 0 Wm. Reynolds Shad Bay. ............ Halifàx ......... N S Charles Coolen 
Sargent. ...... ......... N orthumb'rl'd,N B H. Sargent Shadeland ............ Selkirk...... ...... M Thos. McInrue 
Sarginøon............... Hastings, N R ... 0 James Finch 8hag Harbour ...... Shelburne ...... N S haac Goodwin 
*Sarnía ............... Lambton, W R... 0 James Daw&on Shalæspeare .... ...... Oxford, N R ...... 0 George Brown 
Sarsfield ............... Russell ............0 Mrs. E. Delaney Shamrock ............. Renfrew. S R...... 0 P. Gormon 
Sartell ............ King's. ......... N B J. C. Sartell Shamrock ......... Prince...... PEl James Kelly 
Saskawhewan .. ... .. ................ SlI.IIk Jno. F. Clark Shanklin ............... St. John ...... N B 8. J Shanklin 
Saøkatoon . ............ ................... 8ask J HCWilloughby Shanly.................. Grenville, S R ... 0 Wm. Pitt, jun. 
Sauble Falls........... Bruce, N R ...... 0 Norman McLean Shannon ............... Queen's ......... N B W. Green 
*Saugun ............... Bruce, N R. ....... 0 Thom88 Lee Shannon Hall......... Muskoka 4; P S'd.O Wm. .'letcher 
Saulnierville ......... Digby............ N S'lIliss A. Potter Shannonvalø ......... Restigouche...N B Wm. Wright 
Sault au Cochon .... Saguenay.......... Q G. W. Forrest Shannoovilù........... H88tings, E R ... 0 Thomas Creepar 
Sault au Récollet ... Hochela&a......... Q I J. Labelle Shanty Bay............ Simcoe, 8 R ......0 Thomas Linton 
Sault Stt-. Mark...... Algoma ............ 0 Mrs. M. Plm Sharbot Lake......... Addington ....... 0 Malzar Avery 
Saurin................ .. Simcoe, N R....... 0 D. A. Cooper Sharon.................. York. N R......... 0 John Kavanagh 
Savage's Mills ...... 8hefford............ Q H. T. 'ramlin Sharp .................. King's .......... N B I. N. Sharp 
Savona's Ferry...... Yale ............ B ciG. O. McGuire Sharpton ............... Frontenac ......... O I Mrtl. Ellen Bell 
Saw Mill Creek ...... Aunapolis ...... Ii S Rich. Harris Shawbridge............ Terrebonne ...... Q Wm Shaw 
Sawyerville............ Compton............ Q Robert Cairns 8hawenegan ......... St. Maurice ...... Q J. Desaulnien 
Sayabec. .............. Rimouski ......... Q H. Boulay Shawvüù............... Pontiac ............ Q J. H. 8haw 
Sayward-Albernl ... Vancouver.... B C Frank
[cQulllon Sheba. .................. Queen'II......... N B 1 J. K. Johnstone 
8cat&rie Island..... Cape Breton... N 8 W, Phlllip8 Shedden ............... Elgin, W R .... 0 John Mo
*&ar/xYro' ............ York, E R......... 0 Z. Knight "'Shtdiac. ............... Westmoreland, NBC. W. SmIth 
Scarboro' Junction. York, E R......... 0 Robert Davidson Shediac Bridge ...... Westmoreland,N B D. Babineau 
Scarlet HIll... ...... ...1 Sim
oe, S R....... 0 Robt. L
nnox Shediac 
ad ......... West!lloreland, N B J8;s. Rodgerson 
Schanzenfelt ......1 SelkIrk. .. .. . .. M B. LoewlD Sheenbol'o ............ PontIac .......... Q 
hrha.el Haye.. 
.Schomberg ...........jYork, 
 R......... 0 James F. Gray Sheet. Harb. Passage Halifax ......... N S J. Wambault 
Schreiber............... I Algoma ........0 D. R. Bruce Sheffield ............... Wentworth,N R. 0 ]4]dwin BonG 
Scone .................. Bruce, N R ....... 0 Thos. Bearman Sh
tfidd ................ SUllbury ....... NBC. J. Burpee 
ScoWh Block ......... Halton........ 0 John McKenzie Sheffield Academy... Sunbury....... N B W. Barker 
8cotchfort. ............ Queen's ...... PEl A. McDonald Sheffield MIllII......... Kinlt's. ......... N S S. :\'[. &ntley 
Seotch Lake. '''''.''' 1 York ............ N B I J. S. Jackson Sheffington ............ Shefford ............ Q James Hayes 
Scowl!. Line.. ......... Lansrk ............ 0 K. McLennan ShefforrlMountain.. Shefford .......... Q Octave Pepin 
Scotch Ridge ......... Charlotte ...... N B M. D. Gleeson Shefford Vale......... Shefford............ Q IIIrs.?II. Irwin 
Scotch Settlement... W eRtmoreland, N B .s-. McDougall Sheguindah... ......... AIl(oms ............ 0 M. L. McGrath 
Scowh Town .........IQueen's ......... N B I [lenry H. Carle "'Sllelòur/U. ............ Grey, E R.......... O I Edward Herwick 
Scotch Village.. "". 1 Hants.............N S H. S.Cochran Shelburne............... Shelburne...... N S C. B. Kelley 
Scotia .................. Muskoka& P S'd. 0 Jc,hn Buck Sheldon ............... Cardwell. ......... O I M. Webstpr 
Scott Junction....... Beauce. ............ Q'G. G.tron Shl'ldrake ............ Saguenay .......... Q P. Touze 
ScoUand ............... Oxford, SR.. ... 0 John A. Eddy Shellmouth.... ... l\Io.rquettè . ...... M I 
latthew Whaley 
Scotsburn .............lpictou............N S Wm. Smart Shellltiver............ lIIarqllette.........l'I1 John Brown 
Scotteville ........ Inverness..... N S James Fraser Shenstone. ............ Albert. ......... N B ,l\I. T. Steeves 
Scott's Bay............ King's............ N 8 Daniel Jess Shepody Road......... King's............N B I Luther Wallace 
Scott's BRY Road.... King's. ......... N S B. Le
ge ShepPl\rdt
u ......... Hur
n, W R ...... 0 Charles Hawkins 
Scottsmore ............ Mi8sil5quof......... Q F. E. Scott ShoppardvIlle......... SelkIrk ............ ?II Robert Sheppard 
Scuttstown ............ICompton. ......... Q R. B. Scott "Slrerbrooke............ Sherbrooke ...... Q S. J. FOII
Scovill's Mills...... ". 1 Kent. ... ......... N B Laurent LeBlanc Sher
rool(e.... ......... Guysboro'...... N S J. H., Mc
Scouten.... ............ Addington...... 0 S. 8. Scouten SherIdan ............... Halton. ............ 0, R. "atel house 
Scribner ............... King's ......... N B f. H. Perkins Sherkston ............. WeIland... ........ O'B. It'. Sherk 
Scugog .................. Ontario, N R...... 0 John Burke Sberlock ...... ........ I{ing's....... N B' John Tait 
Seaforth ............... Halifax ......... N S Mrs.8hort Sherrington ........... Napiervllle.........Q;R. Lamar
.&aforth............... Huron, SR. ...... 0 I S. Dickson Sherwood ........ York, W R... .. 0 frank WltchEolo 
Sea Cow Head ...... Prince... PEl Chas, McFarlan
 Sherwood Spring.. L,:ed8, S R......... 0 I S. Latham 
Sea Cow Pond . ...... Pri nee......... PEl J. C. }1cCarthy Shetland ...... ......... MIddlesex, W R. O. Royal Badgeley 




Shigawa k
I Bonaventure...... Q Andrew You
 Srmris, East .......... Kh;
's-::=PEI , 
L Paqu
:5hHoh .................. Welliugton, SR. 0 John I,eslie &mris. ................. Selkirk ............MI,J. Dolmage 
8hinemicas Bridge. Cumberland... N S J. Brander Souris City............, Selkirk... ... ...... :\1 I Thomas 
Shinnickburn......... Northumber....N B Wm. Shinnick Sourifford .... .... .. 'Selkirk............ .111 1 Alfred Gould 
Ship Harbour......... Halifax ......... N S Chas. Dean Sourfs. West ......... King's .........P E I R. Burke 
Ship Harbour Lake. Halifu. .........N S :\11'8. S. Webber South .................. Lunenburg.......N S,Edward Culp 
Shipka ............ ...... ?lIiddlesex, N R. 0 1<'. Heitzman Southampton ...... ... York ... ......... .N B I :.\Ir!!. Z. Way 
Shipley.................. Wellington. NR. 0 R. G. Roberts Southampton ......... Cumberland ... N S John Davhon 
Slnppl{Jan ............ Glouce!\ter...... N B MIss A. Hamon SouthBarofSid.Riv. CapE Breton ...N S,Mi!\s I. G. Fraser 
Shippigan Island ... Gloucester...... N II Jacques Godin South Barn!\ton...... Stanstead ......... QiF. C. i'urbank 
Shirlt!Y.. ............... Ontario. N R...... 0 J. Stonehouse South Bay............ Prince Edward... ú,Alva Rose 
Shoal Lake ............I!>larquette.........l\1 M. W. ThompsolJ South Bay............. Victoria......... N S I J<', A. Brew"r 
Short He!ich ........"1 Yarmouth ...... N S I Robert Rent tsouth Bay............ St. John......... N B W. Roxborongh 
Shortholme............ Queen's......... N B W. H. Short South Bolton ......... l:Irome............... QIJohn l\'ldlllDnis 
Shouldice. . . . . .. . . . 1 Grey............... 0 Thos. Skinner South Branch .... ... Colchester...... N 8 C. B. Cox 
Shrewshury........... Arr;anteuil.........Q John Chamber!! SouthBranch(I{en.) King's............ N B j lJOhn C. Godard 
Shrigley ............... GrAY, E R ......... 0 George Bailey ê. Br. St. Nichola>! R. Kent ............N B C. :u.cDor;ald 
Shrubmount... ..... York, W R...... 0 Frances Boake :South Casselmltn.... Russell......... 0 P. Ih!<sonet'e 
Shube'ßacadie ......... I Hants ............ N S A. Kirkpatrick South Cayuga ........ Monck .......... ... O,Isaac Fry 
Shulie .................. Cumberland... N SA. W. Grant South Clones ......... Queen's......... N B Johnston Co.per 
Shunacadie............ Cape Breton... N S S. 
lcKinnon South Cove ...... ..... Victúria ......... N S I MisS McDonald 
Shuswap ............... Yale. ............ B C A. McBryan South Douro ......... Peterboro', E R... 0 l\Irs T. Hanrahan 
Sidney ..................!},larquette.........l\I Thomas Bahb Bouth Dudswell...... Wolfe ............... Q J<:no

 F. Urr 
Sidney Crossing...... I Hastings, W R... 0 N.RVanderwoort South Dummer ...... Peu,rboro'. E R... U \ wm. Speer 
Sight Point............ Inverness ...... N 8 Mrs. McEachern .South Durham...... Drummond.........Q .F. Prefontaine 
Sillery Cove .......... ! Quebec ............ Q :\lrs. C. Brown South-East Passage. Halifax ......... N S Jehn A. Sbiers 
Sillsville ............... Ltlnnox............. 0 S. H. 1'tlellow South Ely ............ Shefford............ Q Ira Jamison 
Siloam ... . . . . . . . .. Ontario, W R.... 0 John Dike South End ........... Welland ... .... ... 0 J. S. Collard 
Silver Creek. ......... Marquette.........l\1 J. Rutherford S. End of Lochaber. Guysboro' . ... N S J. R. Stewart 
Sliver Creek ......... Otta",a ......oo Q d. ROB8 South Esk ............ Northumberl'd NB ?llr!!. 
I.A. .Fisher 
Silver Hill ............ Norfolk, S R ......0 R. E. Smith South Farmington. Annapolis...... N S D. K McGregor 
Silver Lake. .. .... Victoria, N R. ... 0 A. Coulter South Finch ......... Stormont. ......... 0 D. G. JIoIcl\llllan 
Silver Mountain ... Al
oma ............ 0 0 Dannais South Gloucester... Russell ............ 0 Francis McGee 
Silver Spring ..... Selkirk ............ M R. Armstrong South Gower ......... Grenville, N R... 0 David McGregor 
SUverstream ......... Victoria... ......N B Bte. Guimond Sonth Granby ....... Shefford............ Q John Duncan 
Silver Water ......... Algoma ...... ...... O I LeWiS Kemp S. Gut of St. Ann's. Victoria ......... N S Mrs. M. Munro 
*Simcoe ............... 
orfolk, S R ...... 0 Henry Mulkins South Ham............ Wolfe ............... Q I:<:. S. Darche 
Sinclairville . ......... Wentworth. SR. 0 James R. Wilson S. Head of Cow Bay Cape Breton ... N S D. Ferguson 
Sine.._ .................. Hastings, N R... 0 David Sine South Indian ....... Russell ......... 0 D. B. McDonell 
Singhampt<m ......... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 John Stinson South Knowlesville Carleton......... N B Ada Spinney 
Sittakaw......... ...... ?tlarquette ..... M F. W. Lipsett South Lake............ Leeds, SR......... 0 J. Bermingham 
Six Mile Brook....... Pictou............ N SIJohn McKay 80uth Lake........ King's...... PEl F. J. McKinnon 
Six Mile Road. ...... Cumberland... N S I William Cooke South Lancaster ... Glengarry ......... 0 David Fraser 
Six Nations............ Haldimand. ...... 0 J. A. Beaver South Louisburg ... Cape Breton ...N S 
1. McRury 
Six Portages ......... Ottawa ............ Q J. McCallum South Maitland...... Hants... ........ N S John Fraser 
Six Roads. ............ Gloucester.... N B J. A. Fergu60n South March ......... Carleton...... ...... 0 David McMurtry 
Skead's Mills ......... Carlewn............ 0 J. McCormick South Herland. ...... Guysboro'........N S WlIliam Gavin 
Skeena.................. Cariboo ......... B C James E. WhIte South Middleton ... Norfolk, N R...... 0 Mrs. E Wilson 
Skinner's Pond ...... Prince......... PEl J. Doyle South Monaghan ... Peterboro'. W R. O I Edward Ball 
Skipness ............... Bruce, N R ....... 0 David Morton South Mountain .... Dundas............. 0 G . eoro!;e Stacey 
Skir Dhu............... Victoria ......... N S J. McDonald South Nelson ......... Northumberl'd N B Henry Gitchell 
Skye ...... ...... ......... Glengarry......... 0 J. R. McKenzie South Nelson Road. N orthumberl'd N B I Ch8ll. Vye, jun 
Sky Glen ............... Inverness ...... N S T. H. Smith Soutb Ohio ............ yarmouth...... N SIWiIliam Croilby 
Sky Mountain.. ,.. Inverness ...... N S A. G. Nicholson Southport ............ Queen's.........P E 1 I Henry Burke 
Sleswlck ............... Cardwell .... ...... 0 Wm. Parkhill South Quebec......... Lévis ............... QIJohn Ritchie 
Sluice Point .......... Yarmouth ......N S Gabriel Babin South Range ......... Digby ............N S I 'B. Marshall 
Smithfield ............ 
orthumb'd,ER. OIJohn Rankin South Rawdon....... Hants ............N S George Cr
Smithfield ............ Guysboro'...... N S I J. W. Archibald South Ranons......... NorthumOOrl'dNB '\'1. Hayes 
Smith'.................... Westmoreland,N Be. A. Wood South River ........... M11skoka& PS'd U Wm Holditch 
Smith's Cove ......... Digby............ N S E. W. Potter South Rockland ... Westmnreland, N H R. A. Chapman 
Smith's Creek......... King'8............ N B John King South Roxton...... Shefford........ 0 Onesime l'are 
.Smith', JitIUS......... Leeds&Gren..N R 0 I D. A. Ferguson S. S. BailIn Riv.Denis Inverness ...... N S Mrs M. 
lcA ulðy 
Smith's Hill ....... Selkirk ........... M J. N. Hewitt S. Side Baddeck R, Victoria... .... N S Alex. McKay 
Smith's Mills ......... I Stan stead ......... Q \ wm. Knight . S. Side Boulardarie. Victoria... ...... N sl Mrs. F. :UcKenzle 
Smith Town. ......... I King's............ N n Charles T. Smitb S. S. Cocagne River. Kent........ N n l ' A. Gagnon 
Smithurst ............ Wellington, N R. O'Wm. 'I'urner S.S.WhycocomaghB Inverness ...... N S Jno. 
. Lincoln Wentworth, SR. 0 'J. B. Brant South Stukely. ...... Shefford ............ QIL. H. Knowlton 
Snake Rinr ...... Renfrew, N R.. . 0 George Dougla.s South Tilley.... . Victoria...... N B Chf\rle
Snider Mountain ... King's....... ]S B G. H. Keirl!t6l\d South Vale........ Colchester.... N S I William l!'raser 
SnowFlake............ Selkirk........... MS. üke South Victoria..... I CUmberland....N S John Ross 
&x1a OTuk ............ Cariboo....... B C 1 R. McLeBlle Southville ............. Digby ..............N 8 W. H. Sabine 
ler's Cove......... Richmond ......N SiD. Gillies South-W.r.targaree. Inverness ...... N S Angus CvlIins 
Sohna .................. Durham. W R ... 0 1 Henry Hooper South-West Mabou. Inverness ...... .N S A. i\lcDonald 
Solmesville ............ Prince )4]dward... 0 Frank Solmes South-West, Lot 16. Prince .........P E 1 A. ?llcL6aL 
Sol way . ...... ......... Bruce, E R ....... 0 John M'CIIll um South. W I"st Point ... Gao;pé ............... Q Ed ward Pope 
&nnbra.................. Bothwell .......... OiP.Cattanach,jun South Wlltshire...... Queen'Ii.........P E I I Thomas Yeo 
Somenos................ Vancouver ......B CI Arch. R. Kier 80uthwold Station. Elgin, W R ...... 0: "'r
. J. Ordish 
StrrrlÆTl!tt ...... ......... Megantlc.... ...... Q I H. Jutras South W oodslee...... Esse:s N R... ...... 0 Richard Hogan 
80merset ............... King's............ N S DaTid Bartau:!!; South Zorra........... Oxford, N R ...... olThomas Izzard 
Somorset ............... Prince .........P E 1 J
mes Fltrmer Sownrby................ Algoma..,...., O,James Hagen 
Somerset.......... Selkirk............ M Charles Clark Spaffordton ............ Addington......... 0 H. Connter 
Somerville ............ Carleton......... N B ! JOSePh McGee Spanish River ...._ Algoma ............ O!J. Andrew 
Sonora ..................' Guysboro'...... N S JBII. 
lcCutcheon Sparfa. .......... ...... Elgin, E R......... 0 John A. }:akb" 
Sonya .................. Ontario, 
 R . ... 0 1 Alex. Black Spa Springs. ......... Annapolis ......N SI Edwin Dodg" 
Sooke .. .......... Vancouver ......B C M. Muir Sparrow I.ake........ Üntario, N R...... 0 A. Wiancko 
Soperton ....... ..' Leed", S R......... 0 S. W. Stafford Speedlilde............... Wc111ington, SR. 0 A. SherKtt 
*&n.d .................oIRichelleu ......... Q J. O. Duplessis Speerville ............ Carleton ....... N B10liver Speer 




EDeilche's Cove ...... Digby.... ......... N S I L. McKay Stockdale... ............ Northumb'd.ER. 0 H. S. Bowerman 
Epence ..... . ......... ,Muskoka & P S'd. 0 D. McEachern Stockton ............... Selkirk ............ M 1 A. F. Andrews 
Spence......... ...... ... I Westmoreland. N B f S. A. Spence Stockwell............... Chat
auguay ... Q M. Patnaude 
Spencer Cove ......... Quebec ............ Q Mrs. A. Cullen Stoco..................... Hastings, E R ... 01 Patrick Murphy 
Spencer's Island .... Cumberland ...N S W. H. Biglow 
toddarts............... Annapolis ....N SIJohn StoddArt 
-Spencerville .......... : Grenville, SR.... 0 A. Carmichael Stodderville............ Selkirk........ MIJames Stodder 
Spence's Bridge ...... Yale ...............B C I James Yair Stoke Centre ......... Richmond ......... QI Anthony Byron 
5peyside ............... Halton ............. 0 James Conley Stokes Bay............ Bruce, N R ...... O,John Shute 
5pillamacheen ......., Yale ... ......... Ii C. G. J. Wallace Stoketon ............... Richmond ......... Q, Asa Hall 


. Å.rb
: gJ

:: ;;






Uddlesex. N R... 0 Daniel M00re Stonehaven . ......... Gloucester...... N B, H. C. Read 
3pring Brook ......... Hastings, N R ... 0' Peter Welch Stone House.......... Cumberland... N SI1\I. Nichols 
.3pringbrook ........., DOI'chester... ...... Q I Wm. Gordon Stoneleigh ............ Ontario. N R... ... 0 1 Willian1 GohI!: 
"'Springfield............' Middlesex, E R . 0 K Chax.dler Stone Quarry......... Weiland............ 0 Aaron House 
8pringfield ............ Lisgar............... M,Henry Jickling St.o-MwaU............... Llsgar...............1\1 J. B. Rutherford 
8pring/uld ............ King.8............N B 1 'J. A. S. Kierstead Stoney Mountain... Lisgar...............l\I Arthur Perry 
Springfield ............' York ............ N B Ben Reed Stony Oreek ............ Wentworth. S R. 0' Alva G. Jones 
Springfield ......... ''' 1 Annapolis ...... N S C. GriIxm Stony Creek. ... ...... Albert ...... ... N B I John Scott 
:O:þringfield ............ Queen's.........P E T Benj. HasI-em Stony Lake ............ Peterboro', E R. 0 James Robb 
Springford ............,Oxford, SR...... 0 G. A. McGuire Stony Point............ Essex,N R......... 0 H. Desjardins 
,.pring Hill........ Compton ...... Q M. McLean Stormont............... Guysboro' ...... N S'Thos. F. Milward 

ng l
ill Junc ."ICumberland... N S Mrs. J. A. Dunn Stornoway ............ Compton ......... Q'Colin Noble 

Drmg HIlL..... ...... York ........ N B Mrs. S. Wheeler Stottville ......... ...... St. John's ......... Q I M. Rheaume 
'.<;pl'ing HiU 
linu. Cumberland ...N S John Anderson .Stouffville. ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 W. B. Sanderr. 
Springvale ............' Haldimand ....... 0 John Holdbrook Strabam ............... Wentworth,N R. OIMatthew Peeb(es 

alleY.""'." 1 Leeds. S 
......... 0 Alex. Lang Strader'8 HilL..... Dundas. ............ 01 W. C. Strader 
:-pcIDgVIlle ............ Peterboro, W R. 0 A. Goodfellow Stra./frn'dtJille ......... Elgin, B R......... 0, L. John

Spriugville ...... ...... Pictou............ N iii Peter Grant Strange..... . . ....... York, N R......... 0 i Thos. GIllies 
Sprucedale ....... . , Muskoka & P S'd. 0 Archibald Thorn Strangfield............. Kent. ............... OIT. Strangford 

pruce Grove
.....:... OttawB...............Q Geo. 
ainboth Strasburg. ............ Waterloo, SR... 0, Henry Walder 

pruce Lake tltatIOn St. John......... N B MI'\!.E. McCarthy Strassburg. ...... ...... ......... .......... ABEla! C. Henry Hinck 
Spruce Lake .......... St. John. ..... N B Jas. Robinson .Stratford ............ Perth, N R ....... OIWm. Blair 
Spry................ Bruce, N R .... ... 0 George Jenks Strathabo ............ Northumberl'd N B,John McDuff 
Spry Bay............... Halifax ...........N S Chas. Hanley Stratha.dam............ Northumberl'dN BI Robert Adam 
Sprytield................ Halifax ......... N S Mills A. J. Dart Strathallan............ Oxford. N R ...... O
Miss A. Lappi 
:';taffa .................... Perth. S R......... 0 James Hamilton Strathavon ............ Grey. N R ......... 01 A. F. Lee 
Stafford ................. Renfrew. N R ... 0 R. Childerhose Strathburn ............ Middle!lex, W R. 0 1 Hugh ;Uc.Rae 
Stagsburn ............. Ottawa............. Q A. McDonald Stratbclair ............ Marquette ...... MiJoseph Dler 
:oitsmford ............... Weiland............ 0 J. R. Md,1icken Stratherne ............ Selkirk........ 1t1 Georp:e Stewart 
Stanbrldge, J
ast....'loIl8sisquoi......... Q C. J. Chandler Strathewen............ Lisllar ............. !tI I Dugald McEwen 
Stanbridge Rid
e... !tfis..isquoi......... Q N. 
Iartindale Strl\thlorn ............ Inverness ...... N S A. D. 
lissisqnoi......... Q H. F. Delisle Strathnairn............ Grey. E R ......... O,J'Jseph Bowls 
5tanbnry............... '\Iissisquoi......... Q Charles Short .Strathroy ............ Middlesex, W R. 0 Hugh McColl 

tandon ............... Dorchester ...... Q T. Gagnon Street's Ridge.;....... Cumberland... N S, Patrick Gahun 
Stanfold ............... Arthabsska ...... Q James Huston .StrutB1Jille ............ Peel.................. 01 Robert Graydon 
Stanhope ............... Stanstea.d ......... Q D. H. Cameron StromneBs ............ Monck. ............ 0 A. Ben80n 
Stanhope ........ . 1 Queen's..... .P E I Henri C. Lawson Stronach Mountain. AnaapoliB ... N SIGeo. Stronach 
Stanley.................. York ............ N B George Pelton Stroud .................. Simcoe. S R....... O'John ChantIer 
Stanley Bridge ...... Queen.s.........P E J E. H. l\IcMillan Stuartburn ........... Provencher. ...... MI L. G. Ramsay 

tanleydale............ Muskoka & P S'd. 0 A. Lamb Sturgeon ............... King's .........P E I Mrs. Eo Lanigan 
Stanley's Mills ...... , peel.................. 0 John Smith Sturgeon Bay......... Simcoe. E R...... OIJamcs Playfair 
Stanleyville............ Lanark, SR...... 0 P. McFarland Sturgf!iJn Falls. ...... Dist. of Nipissng. 0 I J. D. Cockburn 
*Stanstead ............ 'Stanstead ......... Q 
IissN.CHubbarl' Sturgeon Point ...... Victoria, N R...... 0 Geo. Crandell 
:::\tanstead Junction. Stanstead ......... Q J. J. Jenkins Stymast Settlement. Northumberl'd N B'John Sty mast 
Stanton ................ Simcoe, SR....... 0 .Tohn A. Leve Sudb-ury ............... Algoma ............ O,S. Fournier 
Stanwood. ............ Northum'd.E R. 0 Amos Hubbel Suffield.................. Sherbrooke.........Q P. Fitzpatrick 

tardltle ................ Prescott ............ 0 J. Steele Sugar Loaf............. Victoria ......... N S Geo Wilkie 

t8rker's...............IQueen.s ......... N B 8. M. Starkey SU'T1UU ............ N.'!e
inster B C j D. W. Miller 

tarkvIlle .............. Durham, W R.... 0 John Sharp Summerberry . ...... AsslmbOla Ter.... Jas. H. Love 
:"tar Lake ............. loluskoka& P S'd. 0 Robt. Hamilton ðummerfield.......... Carleton ....... N n M. A. Smith 
Starnesboro' ......... Huntingdon ...... Q S. Huet Summer Hill ......... Qneen's ......... N B James Kerr 
Starrat.................. Muskoka.& PS'd. 0 Andrew Starrat SUmmersùù............ Prince .........P E I,H. C. Green 
*Staymr ............... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 W. B. SandeI'\! SummeI'\!ide. ......... Antigonishe... N S Wm. A.Chif'holm 

:Ilynerv!lle ....... '1 A
teuil. . '" . Q J. M. Dorion Summers
own . ...... Glellgarry ......... 0 G. Nicholson 

"e8m }llll Vlllage.IKmgs ......... N S H. Patterson SummerVIlle.......... Peel.................. 0 l'Iernard Morris 
Steele .................. Simcoe, E R ...... 0 John C. Steele Summerville.... ...... King's .........P E I P.J. D. Edmundl 
Steep Creek............ Guysboro' .... N S John Maguire Summerville.......... Hants ......... N S I ,A. Youn
cote........ Albert........N B I Y' Steoves Summerville Centre Queen's ......... N S Mrs.M.l\-IcGowan 
Steeve'!! lI-Ivuntain... Westmoreland, N B Amos Wilson Sumner. ............... Assiniboia Ter.... Jas. Sumner 
Steeve's Settlement. Westmoreland. N B A. Steeves Sunbury............... Frontenac ......... 0 John loIcBride 
Steinbach. ............ Provencher..... :\I I A. Friesen Sunderland ............ Ontario. N R...... 0 John C. Jones 
SÚJlla......... ...... ...... Lennox. ...... ...... 0 J. S. Neilson Sundridge . ............ Muskoka & P S'd. O I .JOhn Carter 
SfÆll.arton ............ Pictou ......... N S John Fraser Sundridge ............ Pictou............ N S James Brown 

terling Falls......... Muskoka. .......... Q ! J. K. Lane Sunnidale Corners.. Simcoe. N R.... O!John S. Dixon 
*Stevnl-81JiUe ....... ... WeIland............ 0 J. Edgeworth Sunnldale . ............ Simcoe. N R...... O,James McGreaV}' 

tewart . .......... Kent. ...... ...... 0 Robt. Kaul Bunnybrae............. Pictou............ N S I James Fraser 
5tewart Bay.......... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 AJex. Stewart Sunnymede .... ...... AssiniOOia Ter ...... Alex. McKenzie 
-;tewarton ......... King's ......... N B Alex. Stewart SuunYBide ............ Klng's............N S H. Manning 
.:5tewartville ....... Renfrew. SR.... 0 Alexander Duff Sunnyside ............ Lisgar ............ M D. Gillespie 

tewiacke C. Roads. COlchester...... N S F. J. LOjl;an Sunnyside ............ Restigouche... N B 
Irs. H. 
Still Water ............'OuysOOro. ...... N S Henry Elliott Sunshine ............... Huron,)4] R ...... 0 Wm. H. Hothan 
"-Stirling ............... Hastings, N R ... 0 Mrs. A. Judd Surette Island.... . I Yarmouth...... N S A. Surette 
Stirling ................ Riehmond ...... N SR. McLeod Surrey.................. Albert............N BIT. A. Bray 
Stirtvn .................. Wellington, CR. 0 Johu Hambly Sussex Coruer . ...... I King's ......... N B G. H. Barnes 
5tittsville............... 'Carleton............ 0 Samuel Mann Sussex Portage ...... King's ......... N B Wm. S. Teakles 
Stiles Village ......... Westmoreland, NB David P. Stiles Busse:!: Vale ............ King'l ......... N B'Robert D. Boal 





TER:- =-

CE. - 1 1 ';L 
T. 3
S_T ;1iT
Sutherland's Cor.... ,Middlesex, W R. OIJ. W. McKeown Thlstletown............ York! W R:;....... 0 D. stewart, 
Sutherland's Mills...' Pictou ......... N S D. Holmes 7/wmalburg. ......... Hastmgs, E R.. .0 Edward EllIott 
Sutherland's River. Pictou ......... N 8 1 Duncan Ross Thomond ...... .... King's............N B James Smith 
Sutt()1'/, .................. Brome............... Q G. C. Dyer Thompson ........ Algoma ............ 0 W. K Bateman 
Sutton Junction. '''1 Brome... ............ Q N. P. Emerson Thompsonville...... Simcoe, S R....... 0 J. Schmietendori 
'* Sutt()1'/, W;st....... York N R......... O. J. M. Bourchier Thompson's Mills... Cumberland... N S "Irs. S. J on6S 
Swan Creek......... ...ISunb
ry ...... N B I H. A. Eastabrook Thorburn............. Pictou...... ...... N S Francis Love 
Swan Lake............. Selkirk ............ M J. G. Tulloch Thornbrook............ King's. ......... N B R. M,.A. Dobson 
Swansbllrg ............ Shelburne ...... N S J. Swansburg Thornbury............. Grey. E R ......... 0 Thos. McKenny 
Sweaburg ._........... Oxford, SR....... 0 T. A, Cody Thornby ............... Pontiac ............ Q Joseph Hill 
Sweenyville... ....... Kent... ......... N B, P. R. Leger Thorndale ............ Middlesex. E R... 0 Wm. H. Salmon 
Sweetsburg ............ :\Ii:<sisquoi......... Q j IC. S. Boright Thorn Centre ......... Pontiac ............ Q E. E. Holt 
Sweet.s Corners...... Leeds. SR......... 0 G. Church Thorncllffe... .......... Kent........... 0 George B. Shaw 
Swift Current. ...... j Assiniboia Ter ...... W. G. Knight Thornetown . ......... Queen's ......... N B W. H. Doney 
Swindon ............... Muskoka& P S'd. 0 James Large *ThOTflhill ............ York. W R......... 0 J. T, B. Lihdsay 
Lwitzerville .......... 1 Lennox. ............ 0 P. E. R. Miller ThornhilL... .. . . .. S
lkirk ............ M W. Bradley 
'*Sydenham ............ Addinllton.........O Hugh Madden Thornton............... Simcoe. SR...... 0 M. Blackstock 
Sydenham Place..... , Drummond ...... Q Mr. Mflington Thorneville........ Annapolis ...... N S,J. H. Thorne 
Sydmy ................. Cape Breton... N S A. Matheson Thornyhurst.......... Bothwell.......... 0 n. G. Waybraut 
Sydney Forks......... Cape Breton... N S Colin 1IIcMullin .Thorold ............... WeIland............ OIJohn Dale 
Sydm:y Jlina......... Cape Breton... N S Miss H. F Rigb, Thorpe........,... Lennox ............ 0 J. B. P6terø 
8ykeston ............... Lambton, W R... 0 Robert Heal Three Brooks......... Victoria......... N B Jolin Edgar 
Sylvan .................. Middlesex, N R. 0 Mrs. E. Dawson Three Lakes. ......... Beauce............. Q W. H. Flint 
Synton ..... ............ Albert............N B i synton Hopper Three Mile House... St. .John......... N B Philip O'Nei1l 
Syphers' Cove......... Queen's ......... N B Jacob Syphers Three Mile House... Halifax .........N S J88. McDonald 
Table Falls.,...... Argenteuil .... Q C. W. Johns9n .Thru Ri1Jn'I......... Three Rivers...... Q C. K. Ogden 
Tabucintac ............ North'mb'rl'd. N B J. W. Robertson Three Sisters ......... Cumberland. ...N S F. R. Eaton 
Tadou15ac............... SagueDay ......... QIC, Dubergl'r Three Tree Creek... Sunbury ....... N B J. McGllestien 
Talbotville Royal... Elgin, W R. ...... 0 John Tucker Throoptown ....... Grenville, S R ... 0 E. J. McMahon 
'Camworth ............. Addington......... 0 Daniel E. Rose .ThuJ'IO ............... Ottawa ............ Q Georgp Edwards 
Tancook bland ...... Lunenburg ... N S John W. Pearl Thwaite.......... Hastings, N R .. OI
lrs. J. Thwaite 
Tangi r ................. Halifax......... N S William Hay Tichborne... ......... A4dington... ...... 0 I Geo. Matthews 
Tandey .... ...... ......1 Halton......... ... ,..0 John Banton Tidnish .... ............ Cumberland... N S Oliver KIng 
Tapley town ......... ". 1 Wentworth, S R. 0 Arthur Halstead Tiduish Bridge. ,..... Westmoreland. N B Calvin G. Strl\ng 
Tara ..................... Bruce, N R......... 0 Wm. Young fi gnish... , ............... Prince .........P E I S. J. Perry 
Tarbert ................ Wellington,N R. 0 M. McMurcLy Tikonobe.......... Chicoutimi ..... QI A. Perreault 
Tarbut .................. Victoria ......... N S Don. :\IcLeod Tilbury Centre ...... Essex, N R......... 0 John Bartley 
Tatamagouche .....ïCOlchester...... N S Robt. Purves Tilley.................. Victoria......... N B, Wm. Brayall 
Tatamagollche Mt... Colchester...... N S L. Drysdale Tilley................... Leeds, S R......... 0 Miss M. Doyle 
Tatlock.................. J Lanar
, N R...... 0 Peter GuthrIe ;iI!e y Road........ Glo
cester. ... N BI L. Ars
Tannton ...............' OntarIO, SR...... 0 
I. S. Bowman TiLJonb-urg... ......... Norfolk, N R...... 0 E. D. TIllson 
TavilVick ...............iOxford, N R ...... 0 Frederick Krng Tilton .................. Northumb'd,ER O ! A. E. Bailey 
Taylor Village. ...... Westmoruland, NB Chas. Taylor Tintern . ............... Lincoln ............0 John J. Romp 
Tay Mill................ I York... ........ N B Nathan Boone Tioga..................... Simcoe, S R ...... 0 John Smith 
Tay Settlement ...... York ............ N B Wm. Tomilson Titusville............... King's ......... N B;James M. Wear 
Tayside ................ Stormont ......... 0 John McPhail Ti1JtrWn ..... ..,...... Bruce, W R....... 0 N. McInnes 
Tecumseh . ............ Essex, N R......... 0 .Toe. ChrÌiltie Tiverton ............... Digby...... ...... N S' Milton Outhouse 
*1eawaler ............ Bruce. ER......... 0 H. B. O'Connor Tobermory........ Bruce, NR...,.. O'S. McDonald 
7UUrtliUt.. ............ Norfolk, N R...... 0 Geo. O. Teeter Tobique River..... Victoria..........N B, David Curry 
Tehkummah ......... Algoma ......... ... 0 Laban Amer Toddburn ..... ..... IIfarquette..... 1\1 I William Todd 
Telfer .......n ......... Middll'sex. E R... 0 Henry Scott Toledo ...... ...... ...... Brockville.......... 0 Mrs.C. A. McLean 
Temperance Vale ... York ............ N B James K. Pender Toney River. ......... Pictou ......... N sl A. Fraser 
Temperanceville .... York, N R......... 0 William Butler Topping ............ .. I oxford, N R ...... O'John Henry 
Temple.................. york............. N B John !dcAm
ter Tooleton ............... King's ......... N B,.T. W. Toole 
'fempleton ............ Ottawa ............ Q John 
IacGrady Torbay............ ...... Guysboro' ...... N S, Robt. Morrison 
Tempo .................. Middlesex, S R... 0 Wm. VieRrey 'forbrook ...............1 Annapoli!! ......N SIWm. Brown 
Tenby Day........ Algoma ........0 B. P. Fuller Tormore ............... J York, W R......... O,Thomas Smyth 
pe ............... ,Hants............ N 
 wm. Stephens :TOT()1'/,W ............... I Toronto ............ O / T. C. Patteson 
Ten lIhle Creek ...... St.John......... N John S. Parker Toronto North, O.:lr. Yona:e&Cltrletonsts Andrew Jeffrey 
Ten Mile Houpe.... QUl'en's .......P E I J. Fitzpatrick *'lbronto Ealt, Cor. Queen&Parl'm'Dt" W. C. Price 
Tennant's Cove ......' King's ... ...... N B }Irs. l\I. Worden * 1bror.w ffist, cør. I ' Qlleenl 
athurst " I Follis Johnston 
Tennyson............... Lan
rk, SR...... O l D. McGregor Torrance ............... Simcoe. ß R....... 0, W. G. Je
e Bay.... ......IHalIfax ......... N S S. G. Slaunwhite Totonka ............... Marquette. _.... M John Reid 
Terrehonm ............,Terrebonne ...... Q Dr. Archambau .ToUmlLam............ Simcoe. SR....... OIWm. P.La\'eroe 
Tes&Ïerville ... ......... I Rimouski ......... Q Hennyle Parent Tonchwood Hills... ............. Assa, Angus McBeitb 
Teston .................. : York. W R . ...... O J George Wilson Tower Hill ............ ,CharJotte ...... N n John Irons 
Tete a GaucheR.N.S.!GlouC6"ter .... N B John Colnan Town Plot ............, Kinj1;'s . n....... N SjJ. T. Jackson 
Tete 8 Gauche R.S.S, I GloUl'ester . .. N n Stephen Kent TOWDlLend Oentre .../ Norfolk, N R...... 0, W. J. Smith 
Teviotdllie ............ Wellington,N R. 0 
I. G. !'tIiller Toy's Hill. ............. Dundas ............ O,J. Toy 
ury ......... Quebec ............ Q X. Decchampl! 1Iracad
 ...............'Glollcester .... N BiJohn McMahon 
Texas River. ........., york....... ..N n James Fairleigh 7'racadie .............../ Antigonishe... N 8 1 Placid Delorey 
7'hamaford............ I Oxford, N R ...... 0 N. C. M('.Qs.rty Tracadie Cross ...... Queen's ......P E I A. Johnson 
 ......... Bothwell .......... 0 John DunCAn Tracey'll Mills......... Carleton..... ... N B Isaac Adama 
Thanet.................. Hastings, N R ... 0 John Cbrb.tie fracey Station ....... 8anbury ...... N B, D. S. Duplesea 
The Barony ....... York.............NB G. W. Ebheft Tracyville ........ Sl1ubury.......N B J F. Tracy 
Tht'l Brook........ Rlls'!ell......... 0 Joseph Menard Trafalj1;8r ............... Halton ............. 0 Jno. K. Applebe 
.Th,.I.l.!ord - ............ I LlUDbton. E R.... 0 T. Kirkpatrick Trafalp;u ......... ......, Guy!;borough...N S I John Neløon 
The Falls... ............ COlchel'ter....... N S Robt. l\IcIntol!J. Trafford... ....... ...... ,Addington ...... 0 M. Whalen 
The GortJ ..... ... . Middlel<ex, E R... 0 Peter Ackland Tralee .................., Perth. N R . ...... 0 Hugh Wright 
The Granp;e........ ,. Cardwell ... ....... 0 A. McLaren Tramore ............... Renfrew. N R .... OJ Peter Foy 
'fhe G:-ove. ............ Middlesex, E R .. 0 T. A. Robin!!on TraverstoD ............ Grey, SR. ......... O I JOhn Delaney 
The Lllke............... Russell ............ 0 Simon Ouellet Traveller's Relit ......! Prince .........P E I T. Townsend 
The Poinu, W. Bay. I Richmond...... N B Sam'l McLeod Treadwell ............1 Prescott ............ 0 Ed. A. llall 
'{'he Range. ............ I Queen's ......... N B _
ndrew Barton Trecastle ............... Wellington, N R. 0 1 D. McCaughrin 
'he Ridge ............ Hastings, N R ... 0 Mrs. J. McGregor Tregarva......... _ : . .. .. . . .. . ... ASIIa J. E. Petrie 
Thessolon ....... _. Algoma ............ 0 J. B. Dobie Treherne .. ............I}f8rqllette.......
 M: W. H. Smith 
Thetford Mines . . .. Megantic....... Q S. Blondeau Tremblay............... 'Chlcoutimi ...... Q, Marcel Cot6 
G [613] 




'rremon t.-:.==:: Ring's ......::. N S jR-:-R. Baker Upper Gagetown. ... 
 ...... N B I Thomas Crother 
Trenholm .............. Drnmmond ...... Q Simon Stevens UpperGaspereaux... Qu..en'fI ......... N BIIsaac C. Burpe 
Trent Bridge ......... Northumb'd,ER. Oi Mrs. Mary L. Le
 Upper Goshen. ...... Albert ......... N B l B. B. Hayward 
Trenton. . .... ..... Pictou. ......... N 8 1 W. Fraser Upper Granville.... Annapolis...... N SI A. Walker 
*7!enton ............... Hastings, W R... Ol":
' R. Chrls1lle Upper Greenwich ... King's ......... N B Henry Walton 
T T r r o lll l ' s g p S l - s t
 s n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . B Te t m au iS c C e O '.:.
 t " a " . . . ' . ::: Q Q i

eti e r Upper Hamp8tead... Queen's ......... N B S. Cameron 

 Upper Hayneville... York ............ N B J. H. McMann 
Trois Saumons ...... L'Islet... ........... QjGermain Caron Upper Kennetcook. Hants............ N S Jacob Hennip:ar 
Trout Brook ......... Northumb'd... N B, A. Cain Upper Kent. ......... Carleton......... N B A. Hawthorn 
Trout Brook.. . . ... Arthabaska ...... Q: P. D. Lariviere Upper Keswick ...... Yark ... ......... N B Whitfield Estey 
Trout Brook. ......... Cape Breton... N S Donald Lomond Up. Keswick Ridge. York ............ N B H. T. Coburn 
Trout Lake ......... .. Muskoka& P.S'd. 0' 1 Rankin Lawson Upper Kincardine... l victoria......... N B J. B. Adam 
Trout River ........... Huntingdon ...... Q Jas. 
Iarl;hall Upper Iiintore .... Victoria ........ N B Ja!l. Farquhar 
Trout River. ......... Inverness.... N S I Angus McLean Upper Knoxford . .. Carleton... ......N B Jas. 1\1. Laggin 
Trowbridge ............ Perth, N R . ...... 0 Cbas. Cosens Upper La !lave. ......, Lunenburg ... N S Josillh Rudolf 
Troy...................... Wentworth,N R. OIGeorlte Clark Up. Leitche's Creek. ,Cape Breton... N 8 Murdock Beaton 
Trudell... ............... Essex, N R. ...... 01 David HendersoD Upper Loch Lomond l st. John......... N B Thomas McAfee 
Truemanville ......... Cumberland.. N SIR. Beattie Up. Magaguadavic... York ............ N ß Joseph Gartley 
Truro .................. Colchester...... N S W. McCnlly Upper Mala
ash .... Cumberland... N ß Amos Purdy 
Tryon .................. Prince .........P E I 'Irs. C. Crawford Upper Margaree...... Invernel!s ...... N S John McLennan 
Tuam ................... Simcoe, 8 R ......0 M. CasS8rley Upper Maugerville.. Sunbnry ...... N B Thos. Perley 
Tuftsville............... Hastings, W R.. 0 Stephen Tufts UpperMelbourne.... Richmond...... Q N. Coburn 
Tullamore ............ PeeI.................. 0 William :!'tIoore Upper Mills............ Charlotte ...... N B Mrs. A. King 
Tupperville............ AnnnpolJs .... N S W. 
'. Willett Up. MusquodobCYit ... Halifax ......... N S J. S. Stewart 
Tupperville............ Bothwell. ......... 0 John Sutor Upper Neguac . ...... Northumb'd... N B A. Martin 
Turin ................... Elgin, W R ...... 0 R. F. Dickson Upper New Horton. Albert ......... N B Mrs. S Reid 
Turnerville............ Bothwell ........., 0 Wm. Turner Upper Newport ...... Hants............ N S J. A. Vaftghan 
Turtle Creek.......... Albert ......... N B Solomon Berry Up. Nine :\tile River Hantfl............ N S Mrs. McDougall 
Turtle Lake ......... l\-Iuskoka &; P S'd. 0 Donald Ros
 Upper North River.. Colchester...... N S A. .\lcKenzie 
Turtle .\lountain.... Selkirk ............ M A. N. Tregent Upper Otnabog. ...... Queen's ......... N B Mrs.T. C. Dougan 
Tuscarora............... Brant, SR. ...... 0 S. J.l\IcKelvey Upper Peel............ Carleton ...... N B W. B. Tomkins 
Tusket .................. yarmouth...... N S A. S. Lent Upper Pereaux. ...... King's ......... N S J. L. Newcomb 
Tusket Wedge ....... yarmouth...... N S Mrs. Le Blanch Upper P'nt de Bute Westmorel'd... N B G. R. Dixon 
Tweed. .................. Hastings, E R ... 0 W. J. Bowell Upper Port Latour. Shelburne...... N S Mrs. E. Crowell 
Tweedside ............ Wentworth,S R. 0 S. Johnson UpperQueensbury.. York ............ N B D. C. Parent 
Tweedside ............ York ............ N B .Jas.Rutherford Upper Rawdon....... Hants ......... N S Andrew PAarson 
Twin Elm. ............ Carleton............ 0 W. Moodie Upper Rockport, WO Westmoreland.N B .John G. Read 
Two Islands . . . .. .' Cumberland.. N S T. W.lIIcKsy Upper St. BazfI ...... Victoria... ...... N B Cyprien Martin 
Two Rivers.. ....... Marquette ....... M:Geo. Newc0mb Upper St. Francis... Victoria........ N B Robert Connors 
Two Rivers ............ Cumberland... N S' B. B. Barnhill Upper Sackville...... Westmoreland,N B Jas. J. Wheaton 
Tyne Valley......... Prince .........P.E I N. McLellan Upper 8ackville...... Halifax. ......... N 8 
 m. McKenzie 
Tyneside..... . . . . .... Haldimand....... 0 J. A. Duncan UpperSet.BaddeckR. Victoria... ...... N S D. Mc
Tyrconnell ............ )4]lgin, W R ...... 0 John O'Brien Upper Set. MiddleR. Victoria ......... N S John McLennan 
Tyrone .................. Durham, W R ... 0 John T. Welsh Upper Set. South R. Antigonishe... N 8 A. McPhee 
Tyrrell.................. Norfolk, N R...... 0 Augustus Sloat Upper Sheffield ...... Sunbury ...... N B W. 8. Garrison 
Udora .................. Ontario, N R...... 0 R. S. Webster Upper Southampton York ............ N B J. W. Lenentine 
Uffiugton ............... Outario, N R...... 0 John Doherty Upper Slewiacke .... Colche8ter...... N S Francis Cox 
Ufford .................. Muskoka & P S'd. 0 Nelson Sherwood Upper Sumas...... N. Wt'stminøter. BC W.1\1. Campbell 
Uhthoff ........... Simcoe, E R .... 0 Jeremiah Lynes Upperton................ King"s............N B John S. Baird 
Ullswater............... Muskoka& P S'd. 0 George Bunn Upper Wakefield..... Ottawa. ............ Q Wm. Farrell 
Ulverton ............... Drummond ...... Q James Miller Upper Washa}mck... Victoria......... N S AnjtusMcDonald 
Umfraville ............ Hastings, N R ... 0 D. Kavanagh Upper Wicklow ...... Carleton.........N B M. Hutchinson 
Underwood ............ Bruce, W R ...... 0 Hugh l\lurray Upper Wood Har.... Shelburne ......N S Ezra Jeffrey 
Undine.................. Victoria......... N B ,Janet W. Watson Upper Woodstock.... Carleton......... N B G B Wolhampton 
Union .................. Elgin, E R......... 0 James McKenzi
 Uptergrove ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 T. Mulvihill 
Union Corner......... Carleton ...... N B J. E. Chase Urbania ............... Hants............ N 8 George Dimock 
Union Centre ......... Picton............ N S Mrs. N. McLeod Urquharts. ............ King's ......... N B Nath. Urquhart 
Union Road .......... Queen's .......P E I ISRac Sellar Ursa ..................... Peterboro', E R. 0 8tephen Kettle 
Union Spring......... Leeds, SR......... 0 Ezra Armstrong U"her. .............
... I Antigonishe... N S Richllrd Carroll 
*Unionvilù ............ York, E R ........, 0 J. F. Davison Utica..................... Ontario, N R...... 0 D. W. Macdonald 
Upham.................. King's ......... N R Chas. Titus Utoka .................. ! Wellington,S R. 0 Hugh Malone 
Upham Station.... Ring's ......... N B J. D. Titus Utopia .................. Simcoe, 8 R. ...... 0 Philip Connor 
Uphill ...... ............ Victoria, N R .... 0 Joseph Calhoun UUerson... ...... ......1 Muskoka & P S'd. 0 Erastus Hanes 
Uplands ............... Mnskoka &; P S'd. 0 P. She.ugne8sy Ut.toxeter...............1 Lambton, W R... 0 S. Shl'pherd 
Upper .................. Monck ............ 0 G. S. Best .Uxbridge ............ Ontario, W R ... O I W.Hamilton 
Upper Abougoggin . Westmoreland, N B J. Beaudreau Vachell... ...... ...... ... j York, N R......... 0 Robt. McClellan 
Upper Baydu Vin... Northumb'd... N B Wm. Dickeus Valcartier............. ï Queb6c ............ QIChas. S. Wolff 
Upper Bedford....... Missisquol......... Q N. C. Martin Valcartier Vill....... Quebec. ............ Q I W. Billing 
Upper Big Tracadie. Guysboro'.... N S Thos. Fitzgerald Valcourt ............... , 8hefford ............ QIC. St. Onp:es 
Upper Branch.. ....... Lnnenburg ... N S A. Knack Val des Bois. ......... Ottawa ............ Q Baptiste J)avid 
Upper Brighton.....; I Carleton .... ... N B Chas. Chase, sen. Valencay _.............. Ottawa ...... ...... Q ?II. St. Pierre 
Upper Burton.........,Sunbury.........N B Philip Goan Valenfl ..................Iwentworth. ...... O'W. C',ook 
Upper Buctouche.. . 1 ' Kent ............ N B 8. B. Girouard. Valentia... ............ Victoria, SR...... 0 , ' Wm. Suggitt 
Upper CaledoBia .... Guysboro' ..... N S D. Caml'ron Vale Perkins .........: Brome... ............ Q M. {Jeer 
Upper Canard......... I King's............ N S C. B. Dickey ValAtta ................. Kent ............... 0 J. Richardson 
Upper Cape............, Westmoreland,N B A. Raworth Vallentyne ............' Ontario, N R...... 0 C. Switzer 
UpperCaraquet...... Gloucester ... N B I CharleSGOdin Valletort ............... Beauce ............ Q L. Paradis,jun. 
Upper Ciarence ...... Annapolis ...... N S John L. Morse Vt.tlkyfield .......... '''1 Beauharnois ...... Q DaLliel Dion 
UpperCaverhill...... York ............ N B Robert Glen Valleyfield ............ King's .........P E I Norman McLeod 
Upper Clements...... Annapolis. ......N S }t'red. Williams Valley Mills. ......... Inverness ...... N 8 Geo. Crowdis 
Upper Clyde River... Shelburne...... N S I Jesse Bow6r'J Valley Station .......'COlches
r .... N S WI!l' .[\<1. Christie 
Upper Coal Creek... Queen's......... N H Je,hn Bonnell Val
ont ............... ChamplaIn......... Q PhIllIppe 
Uppt-r Coverdale... Albert.......... N B N. C. Geldart ValOIs .................. Jacques-Cartier. QIP, G. ValOIs 
Up. Cr. Rds, St. M'ys, Guysboro' ...... N 8 1 .T. McGrath Vanatter ............... ' I Wellington, C R. 0 W. J. Glover 
Upper DykeVillage. i King's ......... N S Mrs.1\1.Newcomb Vanburgh ............ Renfrew, SR.... O I A. KOf'mack 
Upper Economy......iCOlchester...... N S Miss R. Durning Vancamp ''''''''''.''1 Dundas ..._....... 0 Mrs. S. V!lnca 
Up. Fort Lawrence. ,Cumberland... N SM. Chapman Vancouver ............ .N.Wefltminster.BC,Calvert SImp80 




Vandecar ............... ,Oxford, S R. ...... 0 Th08. Mighton Wabash........... Bothwell....... O
A. Anderson 
Vandeleur ............IGrey, S R ......... 0 Wm. Hutchison Wagram....... ......... Wellington, N R. 0 James Craig 
Vanessa ...............INorfolk, N R...... 0 H. Bartholomew Wahnapitae....... Nipiesing.......... OlD. 
Van Horn ............. Kent................ 0 Jos. Zink Wakefield ............ Ottawa ............ Q'Jas. McLaren 
. VanklMk Hill ...... I prescott ...... ...... 0 P. R. McLaurin Wakopa . ......... ...... Selkirk ............ M: Clovis Guerin 
Vankoughnet ....... Ontario, N R...... 0 James Denison Waldemar ............ Wellington,N R. 0 1 David Jenkins 
Vanneck ............... 
Iiddlesex,.R... 0 1 John W. Robson Walu .................. Stormont ......... 0 Mrs. A. Baker 
Vanvlack ............... Simcoe. ............ 01 John Vanvlack Walker's.......... 
Iiddlesex, W R. OIJas. Greaves 
Van Winkle. ......... Cariboo . .........B C 1 W. W. Dodd Walker's Cutting ... Arthabaska .... Q I }lrs. R. D. Pepin 
Varency. ............... Norfolk, SR...... 0 Jesse Parker Walker's Point. ...... Simcoe, E R. ...... 0 John Walker 
Varennes............... Verchèrf's ......... Q Mrs.E.Geoffrion Walker's BettI'nt.... King's............N BiWm. Adair 
Varna .................. Huron, S R. ...... O ! J08. Morrow .Walk"tm
 ............ Bruce, E R......... 0 Malcolm Maclean 
Varney.................. Grey, SR......... 0 Francis Eden WalkerviUe ............ Essex, N R......... O \ J. H. WaJker 
Vars ... .................. RUMell ... ......... 0 I Wm. Armstrong Wallace ..... ......... ... Wellington, N R. 0 Henry Horner 
Vasey.................. Simcoe, E R...... O I JOhn Thompson Wallace ................ Cumberland... N S B. S. Seaman 
Vaucl,lse ............... L' Assomption ... Q Ferd. Crepeau Wallace.. ......... ............. Assai A. E. Boake 
Vaudreuil ............ Vaudreuil......... Q G. N.l$rabant Wallace Bridge ...... I Cumberland ... N SIJ. L. }lcKin 
Vaudreuil Station... Vaudreuil ......... Q Victor Lalonde · WaU4ceburg ......... Bothwell.......... 01 D. B. McDonald 
Vaughan ............... Hants............ N S, Wm Vaughan Wallace Grant.. ... Lunenburg... N S I Geo. E. Colter 
Vellore .................. York, W R... ...... 0 J. MacDonald Wallace Ridge. ......\ Cumberland... N S David R08S 
Venice... ............... Missisquoi... ...... Q Thomas Hunter JJaUacetown ....... ...1 1 Elgin, W R ...... 0 1 Robert Gunn 
Vennachar ............ Addington......... 0 Geo. Sweetnam Wall bridge ............ Hasting!!, W R... 0 F. B. Prior 
Venosta ............... Ottawa ... ......... Q James McCaffre) Wall brook ............ King's ............N S A. Mitchell 
Ventnor ............... Grenville, S R ... 0 John McAulay Wallenstein ........... Waterloo, N R... 0 Lemuel Powell 
Ventry.................. Grey, E R ......... O;E. Johnston Waller .................. , RuMell ............0 Patrick Haney 
Verchères ............ Verchèr8l! ......... QJN. Chicoine. Walmer ................ Oxford, N R ...... O I JOhn McDonald 
Verdun.................. Bruce, W R....... O,Stephen IrwlD Walnu1; ................ Lambton, E R... 0 P. E. Willoughby 
Vereker.. ............... ElI8ex, S R... ...... 0, Hilaire Bondy Walsh .................. 1 Norfolk, S R ...... 0, Frank ?rlcCall 
Vermillion Bay...... Algoma............. O[James Gregg WalsinghAm Centre. Norfolk, S R...... 0 Wm. Morgan 
Vllrnal......... ........ Antigonishe... N SI Angus Power Walter'sFalls ........ Gr('lY, N R......... 01 Jas. Campbell 
Verner .................. Nipissing ...... 0 J. L. }Hchaud Waltham ............... Pontiac ............ Q,J. G. Poupore 
V Ve e r rn ne o t n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O R t u 
: el a l ". . . .. .. .. ' . " .. " . . .. . Q O i Th A. O B m o

t Bow Walton.................. Huron, SR...... O , WilUam NellI 

 _ Walton.................., HantB............ N S I JOhn McCulloch 
Vernon Mines ....... King's. .......... N S I J. F. Whitney Walton'lI Lake.... . I King's.......... N B D. W. Long 
Vernon River ......... Queen's. ......P E I George O'Neill Waneche..........1 Selkirk.,...... M D. Gibson 
Vernon Riv. Bridge. Queen's. ...... PEl George Forbes Wanstead .... ......... 1 Lambton, W R... 0' 1 !fl. McVicar 
Vernonville............ Northumb., WR. 0 John G. Boyd Wapaha........... Selkirk........ 111 E. B. Madill 
Verona.................. Addington......... 0 Alex. Grant Wapella................ ............. Åssa E.P. Benoit 
Versailles............... Iberville .......... Q L. Lacombe Warburton ............ Leeds, SR......... 0 1 John Stacy 
Verschoyle ...... ...... Oxford, S R. ...... 0 E. C. Corbitt Warden ................ Shefford... ......... Q L. E. Richardson 
Vert Island............ Algoma ........ 0 I John E. Berg Ward's Creek Road. King's ......... N B A. Stableford 
Vellta ... _............. Bruce, E R ...... 0 Robert CannoJl. '" Ward.tville... ......... Middlesex, W R... 0 E. T. DufWn 
Vesuvius ............... KinJr's ............N S Denis Reden Wareham .............. Grey, E R ......... 0 George Wright 
Vicar8 .................. Hun-Unp;don ...... Q,James WllsoB Warina ................ Stormout.......... 0 A. Cummingø 
Victor............. Norfolk, B R.... O , wm. R. Reid Warkworth ............ Northumb., E R.. 0 I. Humphreys 
Victoria. ............... Victoria ......... B C Robert Wallace Wariston ............... Hastings, N R... 0 D. Vansickle 
Victoria .............._ Carleton ...... N B,J. W. Boyer Warleigh............... Marquette.........M Wm. Howe 
Victoria ............... Cumberland... N S I. M. Henny Warmlnster .... ...... Simcoe. E R ......0 Henry Ball 
Victoria ................ Queen's. ......P E I P. H. Palmer Warner ................. Wentworth, S R. 0 Henry Porter 
Victoria Beach. ...... Annapolis...... N S I JOS. Haynes Warrington..... ... Selkirk ............ M John Lapointe 
Victoria Cross......... King's .........P E I John Gillis Warsaw............... Peterboro',ER... 0 ThomasChoat 
Victoria Corners .... Ontario, N R .... 0 Robert Acton Wartburg ............ Perth, N R . ...... 0 
Victoria Harbour.... King'ø............ N S W. Sturk Warwick ............... Arthaba.øka....... Q Louis Triganne 
.Victoria HarlJuur... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Mark Vaøey Warwick ............... Lambton, E R.... 0 Thos. G. Morris 
Iine8. ...... Cape Breton ... N S I T. Fortune Washago ............... Simcoe, E R...... 0 Abial Marshall 
Victoria Road......... Victoria, N R .... 0 W. R. Cavana Washburn ............ Frontenac ......... 0 J. McGillivray 
Victoria Square ...... York, E R......... O I JOhn Perkins Washington ........... Brant, N R ....... 0 Wm. Dunn 
Victoria Vale ......... Annapolis ...... N S Avard Chesley W88kada ............... Selkirk............. M James Reid 
.Victoriatrille ...... Arthabaska..... Q Louis Foisey Wascana . .... .. ... ............. ASII8 C. Martin 
Vletory .................. Queen'a......... N B John Coyle Wassewa . .... .. ... Selkirk........ M Geo. Morton 
· Vienna ............... I<:lgin, E R......... 0 R. 
L McCally Waterborough ...... Queen's .........N B Jas. B. WiggiDII 
Vienneau.. ....... Northumb'l'd. N B Peter Vienueau *Waterdown ........... Wentworth,N R. 0 J.B.Thompson 
Vienots.................. Lunenbnrg.... N S I Enos Vie not * Waterford ............ Norfolk, N R...... 0 B. H. Rammage 
Viger ........ ............ Témb!couata...... I B. Cailliouet Waterford . ............ Digby... ......... N S W m. Johnson 
Vigo ..................... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 John Grey WaterfonL............ King'ø............N B Andrew McAfee 
Village dale ....... Shelburne.... N S Samuel Black WaV>rford........ Prince......... PEl R. Aylward 
Village óeø Aulnales L'Islet... ...... ...... Q A. DupuiB Waterloo ............... Lunenburg.... N S I Enos Wile 
Village Richelieu ... Rouville ............ Q' I N. D. D. Beesette * Waterloo......... ...... Shefford............ Q Gardner Stevenl 
Villa Mastai.......... Quebec.... ......... Q Andrew Kay * Waterloo............... Waterloo, N R... O I C. Kumpf 
Villanova .............. Norfolk, N R...... O!W. R.Shearer Waternish ............ Greysboro' .... N S K. McKenzie 
Villette.... ............ Compton............ Q' J. McConey Waterside. ...... ......I Albert .... ...... NBC. W. Anderson 
VUliers.................. Peterboro', E R. 0 Wm. Weir Waterton.......... Leeds, S R......... 0 Thos. Abraham 
V!ncennes ............ C
amplafn......... Q:M. Dusureault Watervae............... Pictou............N S Mi8s B. Reed 
VlUe ..................... SnDcoe, S R ...... O.V. P. Kelcey WatervilIe ..... 1 ..... COmpton............Q L. w. Wyman 
Vinton .................. Pontiac ............ QI Wm. Gilchrliit Watervllle ..... ..... Carleton ......N B I J. N. FerguSOD 
Viola Dale............. Marquette......... l\1 F. Middleton. *Wateruilù ............ King's ..,...... N S I. B. Pineo 
Violet ...... ............ Lennox....... ...... 0 Wm. B. Perry . Walford . ............ Lambton, E R.... 0 David Rosa 
Violet Hill ............ Cardwell.......... OIF.Roblnson WatklnsMflls ...... Drummond ....Q J88. Watkina 
Virden...... ........... Selkirk. ..........M I W. F. Scarth Wattenwyl ..oo... . I MuskokactP. S'd. 0 1 Frederick Egger 
Virgil.................. Lincoln & Niagara 0 James O. Fisher Watson's COrnera ... Lanark, N R...... 0 John Munroe 
Virginia ............... York, N R......... 0 John Kay Watson Settlemeut. ,Carleton ...... N B1John Watson 
"'Vittoria ............... Norfolk, S R...... 0 George D. McCall Watt Sectiou,S.Har.< Halifax ......... N S John McPhail 
Vivian ... ............... Ontario, W R...... 0; Robt. MeCormicll Wattsview ............. Marquette..... M S. W. Chamber. 
'V-ogler's Cove ......... Lunenburg ... N SIJohn Parka Waubamick . ......... I MUllkOka& P f:!'d O \ H. Watkins 

tomantou. ......... Ontario, N R...... o 1 Thomas Francia .Waubawhem ...... Simcoe, E R ......0 James Boott 
 .................. Lambton, W R ... O I John Gates Waubuno............... Lambton, W R... 0 T. Capes 
T-'!lalS Station ...... Sunbury... n. N B George Grass Waugh's RiTer ....... OOloheøter...... N S J. MathewsoD 
[ 616 1 




- -- - 
 8TRlCT' P08TH 
Waupoos ............... Prince Edward... 0 James Kerr West Lak;;Vale ..... . Antigoni 
h-; ... N 8 : JOhn R. BoYd 
Waverley............... 8im
oo, E R ...... O,J. Banl!iøter Weøt Leicester....... Cumberland... N 8 I Josf>ph 8bipley. 
Waverley ............... 
 ......... N 8 1 John Lmgley West Lorne............ , Elgin. W R. ...... 0' D. McKillop 
Wavy Bank .......... LIsgar......... M 1 J. Grahame WeøtLynnl'.... we.. ,Provencher.... MI A. J. Simpson 
Waweig ............... Charlotte ....... N B M. J. Greenlaw West McGillivray ...\ Middlesex. N R... 0 Wm. Fraser 
Wawota.,......... ............. Assa John Greenbank WefltIliagdala .......mgLn. WR....... O'Donald Turner 
Wayertou ......... Northumb'd... N BIJohn Way W9stmeath ............' Re:t'frew, N R.... 0' 1 Alex Fraser 
Way's Mill............. 8tanstead ......... Q, E. 80uthmayd West MerigoI1IBhe...' Pictou .......... N 8 J M'cDonald 
Weaver Settlement.. Digby............ N S I W' Weaver West Montrose ...... I Waterloo, N R... 0: Amos Michener 
Webster's Corner.... Queen's .......P E J J. H. Cummisky Wutmortlaml Point Westmoreland, N BIThos. E. Oulton 
Weedon ............... \ Wolfe ............... Q, Louis P. Coté Weøt New Annan... COlchester...... N SIRobt. H. Byers 
Weedou Centre ...... Wolfe ............... Q , S. Font
ine West NewdyQuoddy I Halifax ......... N 81M. O'Leary 
Weedon 8tatiou. ... Wolfe ............... Q N. Tangu.y Welt Newton..... . I Queen's. . ... PEl B. McCabe 
Weidmann ............ , Lambton .......... OIR Weidmann .Wuton .............. York, W R ....,.. 0 Robt.Johnston 
ir..................... Brant ......... ...... 0, E. Wj
liamson Wellt Ollgoode ......... I Russell ............ 0 Hugh Cleland 
Welssenburg.......... Waterloo, N R ... 01 Jos. Zmger Westover ............ ... Wentworth, N R. 0 James Mills 
Welcome ............... Durham, E R.... 0 Wm. Hill · ffi.ltport............... Leeds, 8 R......... 01 John H. Whelan 
ffi ldford............... I Kent ............. N B18. M. Dunn Wutport ...............IDigby............ N S B. H. Ruggle 
Weldon ................ Kent ............... O I 'J. E. Weldon West Point ............ ,Prince .........P E I Angus 8tewart 
· Wèlland ............... Well.nd............ 0 Geo. H. Burgar West Pot ton .........IBrome ............. Q M. L. Elkins 
weiland Port ......... Monck. ...... ...... 0 D. O. Holmes WeBt Pubnico... ...... 1 ' yarmouth.... ...N S MrllD'Entremont 
* Welluley ......... .....'1 Waterloo, N R ... 0 ' wm. Morton West Quaco............ St. John...... ...N B Henry Whitney 
Wellington... ......... Prinee .........P E I Patrick Ayers Wellt River..... ... Albert........N B John Cox 
Wellington ............ Marquette ....... M Â. Mooney West River ............: Pictou .... ...... N S Wm. Munro 

ington ............ Prince Edward... 0 D. Campbell w: River Shut Har.IHalifax ...... N 8 W. Sutherland 
Wellington ............ Albert. .........N B Wm. G. Duffy West River 8tatlon..1 Pictou ......... N 8 Daniel Graham 
Wellington ............ Vancouver ......BOIJames HUl W.8l'otch Bettlem't,Klug'I............N B D. McLaughlin 
Wellington ............ yarmouth...... N 8 1 Jacob Landers WeBt 8heffOrð......... 1 8hefford............ Q I George Tait 
Wellington station. Prince..... PEl F. J. ArøODa,dt West SheffordStat.. 8hefford. ...... Q,R. W. Cutler 
Wellman'ø Corners. Hastings, N R ... 0 GW.Vandervoort W. 81de of Lochaber Antil/;Onishe... N 8 Hugh McPhee 
Wells. .................. Kingø............ N B: H.McLau
hlin,sr W. 8ide Middle Riv. Victoria. .........N 8 1 JOhn Campbell 
Wellwooi ......... Marquette..... MiCyrus Turner Weøt St. Peter'II...... King's .........P E I Jas. McDonald 
mZsford ............... Queen's......... N B; Hl'Dry Woods West Toronto Junc/,. York, W R...... O , J. J. Kirkwood 
Welwyn........... ............. Assa l A. ?tIc Arthur - n'f"tvilU............... Pictou ......... N 8 Duncan Balfour 
ße7ldigo........... Middlesex, W R. 0 James G. Begg · Wut mnchu
.... Dundaø ............01 Wm. Bow 
Wendover ............ Prescott ............ 0 H. Legault Wostweod . ............ Peterboro', E R.. 01 WDI. Goo. Read 
Wentworth............ Cumberland ...N 8 G. P. Betts Wexford ............... York, E R......... O I John Tingle 
Wentworth Creek... I Hants....... .... N 88. H. 8weet ffivmouth ............ Digby............ N 8 C. D. Jones 
Wentworth 8tation. l cumberland... N 8 J. H. Livingston ßeymouth Bridge... Digby............ N 8 ' George J. Hoyt 
West Advocate....... Cumberland... l' 8 Judlon Reid Whalen ............... Middlesex, N R... 0 J. H. Milson 
West Arichat ......... Richmond...... N 8 Emile 
Iouchet Wheatland ............ Marquette. ...... M Wm. 8myth 
WeBley Church ...... I\ddington...... 0 Andrew 8hane Wheatland............. Drummond ...... Q Ed. McCabe 
Wesley Park. ......... 1 WeIland. ....... 0 Rev.G.A.MitchelJ Wheatley.... ......... Essex, 8 R......... o 'James Moore 
Wellleyville...... ...... Dnrham, E R .... 0 J. Borrowclough Wheatley River...... Queen's....... P E I James Power 
Weat Bay............... Inverness...... N 8 James McDonald Wheaton Mills ...... Westmoreland,N B I H. B. Klllam 
West Bolton. .........1 Brome ............. Q M. Dubolø Wheaton 8ettlem't. Westmoreland, N B Thos. Wheaton 
Westbourne. .........' 
Jarquette ........ M A. E. 8malley Wheeler........... Lambton, E R.. 0 JaB. Gallaway 
W.Br.8t.NlcholaBR.IKent ............ N B A. Mc1\Hch.el Whim Road Cross... King's .........P E I John McDonald 
W.Br'chRiverJohn , Plctt1U .........:8 8 J.Dilworth Whitburn ........ Pictou........ N8 John McDonald 
W. Br'ch. Riv. Philip Oumberland... N 8 J. W. 8churman · Whitby............... Ontario, 8 R...... 01 J. D. Howden 
West Brome .........,Brome............... Q Luther Scott White ...... ........... Lanark. N R...... 0 ' Robert Jordan 
West Brook......... "'1 Frontenac ... ...... 0 Andrew Bridge White Ohurch ...... Bruce, W R. ...... 0 , H. D. Henderson 
WeBt Brook............ I Oumberland ....N f\ J. O. Taylor Whitehead ........... Guyllboro'...... N 8 J. H. Fellmate 
Westbrook Millø ... Cumberland... N 8 JOS. A. Killam Whitehead ............ King's............ N B Alex. Roulston 
West Broughtou .... Megantlc .......... Q j J. S. Beaudoin White Head ......... ChlIi-lotte ...... N B Edward Carroll 
Westbury............ Compton .......... Q .J. P. Woodrow White Hill ........ Pictou........ N S A. McGillivray 
Wef.\tbury Basin.... Compton ......... Q O,.esime Lepitre Whftehurst...... ...... Brockville......... 0 James Bell 
West Caledonia... . I Queen's ..... N 8 Wm. Butler Whit.e Lake............ Renfrew, 8 R.... 0 ' A. 8tirlIng 
West Cape ............ Prince .........P E J A. McWilliams Whitemouth ......... ............... K Jos. J. Corrigan 
West Cariboo .... ..I Pictou. . .. . . .. N S Mrs. Sutherland White Oak ........ Middlesex, 8 R. . 01 Caleb Flawn 
Westchester. ......... ,Cumberland... N 8 Mrs. M. J. Purdy White Point ......... Victoria ......... N 8 J. Challoner 
Westchester Lake ". l cUmberland... N 8 
lrs.N.Pequiguol White Rock Mills... King's............ N 8 ]\Irs. IlL O'Leary 
West Chezzeteook.. Halifax....... N S D. McLaren White Rose........... Ontario, W R.... O,.Tared Uoyd 
Westcock............... Westmoreland N B Henry Purdy White Sands. ......... King's..........P E I James Bell 
West Ditton ......... I compton. ......... Q I ISI1le Beaudry Whiteside ............ 8imcoe, E R ...... 0 Wm. D. White 
West Dublin. ......... Luuenburg... N 8 Mrs. E. Currie White's Cove ......... Queen's ......... N B 8. V. White 
Western Oovehead.. Queen's. ......P E 1 Wm. Shaw White's Milll.........1 King's ......... N B Ja8. R. White 
Western Head _.. ." 1 Q
een'I!......... .N, 8 I Henry Hartman Wh
te's Point......... Queen's....... ...N D Thos. Carmichael 
Western Road ........ Prince .........P E J I JOhn Beaton Whltestone. .... ... Muskoka ...... 0 G. Montgomery 
West ElISa ............ Simcoe, S R....... 0 David Henderson Whitev(Ùe .............. Ontarlo,W R...... 01 Donald McPhee 
Westfield ............... Huron, W R ...... O!T. R. MitcheH Wbitewater ....... 8elkirk.......,. M , D. Duncan 
Westfield............... Klng'1I ......... N B j James Hyland Whitewood Station. Assiniboia 'ferrit'y'T. G. I,yonll 
t Flamboro'...... Wentworth,NR. 0 Archer Dnrrant Whitfield............... 8imcoe, 8 R ...... 0 P. D. Henry 
Westrord .......... Druce .......... O'A. W. Haldenby Wliitney ............... Northumb .... NB:Chas.80mers 
West Glassvllle ...... Carleton ...... N B J. R. Roland Whittier's Ridge .... Charlotte ...... N BiJoel B. Craig 
'\\estGravenhunt.. Simcoe, E R ...... 0 D.l\IcPherson Whittington ......... Wellin
ton, N R. O,Andrew Keys 
West Gore ............ Hants............ N 8'
1. Wallace,jun. Whit wick ............ Oompton ....... Q J. R. McDonald 
West Grove ............ 
iuskoka&P.8'd. 0 Mrs M. E. West Whonnock........ New Westm'r.. B C;N. Oliver 
West Hall. .' . . . ... Selkirk........ M Mrs. Weight,man Whycocomallh.... ... Inverness...... N 8, Mrs. McDonald 
West Hanøford..... Cumberlaud... N S Wm Sutherland Whycocom'h B.(NS) Inverness.... N S I A. Mathewson 
West HilL......... York, E R ......0 J. H. Richardson Whyoocomagh,Rear Inverness. ......N 81 II. McDonald 
West Huntley....... Lauark, N R.... 0 John Manion · Wiart07l............... Bruce, N R. ...... OIN. Mcl'rlillan 
West Huutin
don... Hastings, N R ... o ,James Gay Wick........ ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 Thomas Tran 
Wellt In
liøvme...... Annapolis ......N 8'G. C. DRnks. Wickham, West...... Drummond. ...... Q Mich. Leonard 
West Jeddore ......... Halifax ......... N 8 P. W. }laøkell Wickham. ............ Queen's... ...... N D L. 8. Vanwart 
West La Have Ferry Lunenburg......N 8 1 Mrs. M. A. Fraser Wicklow ............... Northumb., W R. O,J. B. McDon;\ld 
West Lake ............ Prince Edward... O,James A. Platt Wicklow.... ......... Carleton......... N BIThoo. H. Estey 






18TRlIJT. 1 
Widder.................. Lambton, E R.... 0 1 Adam Duffus Woodbourne. .........: l'ict.ou ............N S, F. J. Christison 
Wigginll .......... Queen's...... N B R. G. Barton · Woodbridgl! ........ ...1 York, W R ....... 0' R. T. Wallace 
Wilberforce.. ...... , Peterboro'. E R. 0' William Riley Woodburn ............ Wentworth. 8 R.. OIWm. McEvoy 
Wilbur.................. Westmoreland.N B:N. K Wilbur. Woodford ............' / Gre y , N R......... 0 John Thompson 
Wilbur Station.... Lanark. N R.... OIT. B. Caldwell Woodham............... Perth.::! R.... ..... OIJameM Neely 
Wilfrid...... ............' Ontario. 
 R...... 0 )Iark Kay Wood hill .... .. .... ...!Peel...... ...... ...... 01 Thos. Ward 
Wìlkaport ............ Bothwell. ......... 0, Wm. Kimball Woodlands ...........IStormont ......... 0 ,R. II. Stewart 
Willetsholme ......... 1 Frontenac ......... 01 X. H. Darling Woodlanùs ............1 Llsgar ............. l\I G. A. Broadfoot 
Williams. . . .. . . ... Kent........... 0 R. Williams Wood I!!land ........., Queen's . ...... PEl I Geo. Offer 
WiUiamsdale .........' Cumberland... N 8' Andrew Taylor Woodla",n ............ : Carleton............ 0' A. Fetherston 
Williamsford ......... Grey. N R......... 0 Wm. Buchanan Wood north.. ....... 'Selkirk ........ . )1 iJo
hua Pickering 
Williamstown.. ......: Glengarry... ..... 0 Wm. 
l1Ion Wood Point............ I Westmoreland, N B ,J. M. Barnes 
WilIfamstown ......., Carleton......... N B' Thom811 Lindsay Woodrous. ...... ...... Prince Edward... O! Iaaac May bee 
Williamsville...... Kingston ...... O/G. R. Carnovsky Woodside............... iMegantie ......... Q, W. Gardner 
Williscroft ............ Bruce, N R....... 0 I George Field Woodside................ Marquette....... MI K. Cameron 
Willoughby ...... Saskatchewan Ter. jJ. )I..
lcFarlaud Wood8ide..... ...... Sunbury..... N B , George Wood 
Willow Creek......... Bruce, N R...... ...O,G. Patt8rso::a · JVoodskl!..............., 
ssex, N R.. ...... 0 Robt. Taylor 
WlIfowdale ............1 York. W R.........O 18. Pickering · Wòodstock ............ iOxford, N R ...... 01 A. 
Willowdale ... ......... Queen's..........N B 1 S. :.\Iartin JVoodstock ............ \ Carleton... ...... K B J. C. Winslow 
Willow Grove......... 8t John .., ......N B' l'rlrs. l'rL Frand!! Woodstock R. 8tat'n, Carleton...... ...N E John ShIelds 
WilIowgrove .......... Haldimand... ......0 Hugh Stewart * Woodm"lle ......... ."1 Yictoria, N R.... 0 I John C. OilchrisS 
Wilmot... ............... Annapolis...... N S' E. Cumminger Woodville ............ Hants ............N S 8hnbael Parker 
lmot Valley ...... Prin
e ......... PEl' D. Dickleson Woodville;..... ....1 Victoria...... N B Thos. Gagnon 
WIImur . ............... Addmgton ....... 0, D. W. Henry Woodward s Cove ... ,Charlotte ...... N B,J. G. Fraser 
Wilno ............. Renfrew........ 0 1 Adam Prince Wooler .................., 
orthumb., E R.. O' I Mrs. J. Gould 
Willlon Croft. ......... Lambton, E R... O,J. L. Wilson Woonona............... I Lillgar ......... M John A. Fraser 
Wil80nville...... ...... N{'rfolk,:N R...... Oi P. L. Hays. Workmau ..... .... ... ......... .......... ASIIa I W. A. W. Smith 
Wilson's Beach ...... I Charlotte...... N BI)lrs. S. Brown Wotton ................IWolfe ............... QIEenj. Mllette 
Wjlson's Corners.... Ottawa ............ Q I Henry WilBOn Wreck Oove...... ......I Victoria... ...... K8 I John MorrisoB 
Wilson's }lill
 ....... Megantic ...... ... Q William Wilson Wright ...... ...... ...... Ottawa ............ Q, Joshua Ellard 
WUøon's Point.... Gloucester...... N EIR. J. Wilson .Wrozder ............ Huron, E R ...... O'Robt. Dickson 
Wilstead .......... Leeds... _.. ......... 0 N. Gardner Wyandot ............... Wellington. C R. 0 I Thos. Grieves 
Wilton .................. I Lennox.... ......... 0 1 L. r.. Gallagher Wyebridge ............ Simcoe, E R ...... 0 i Nelson l\IcRae 
Wilton Grove......... Middlesex, 8 R... 0 Peter Murray Wyecombe......... Norfolk, S R...... 01 Joseph Cattle 
Winchelsea ............ Huron, SR. ...... 0 1 Fred. Godbolt Wyevale .......... Simcoe,.E R .. .. 0 S. Ellery 
Winchester 8prings Dundas. ............ 0 Solomon Coons Wylie. ...... .... . ." 1 Renfrew, N R.... 01 John Lyons 
Windermere ......... Mu!!koka& P S'd. OIThom811 Aitkin *Wyoming ............ Lambton, W R... 0' D. D. Anderson 
Windfall ......... . / Essex, N R .. . .. 0 I 1\1. )lcCuIlough WYIl6's Corner ....... 'Halifax ...... ...N S i John Mc}lulUn 
Windham Centre ... Norfolk, ......N R OfT. Ed!l:eworth Wyton Station....... I Middlesex, E R. O,G. Scatcherd 
Windham Hill ...... C
mberland... N 8 1 '.1. l\1. Bragg,jun Yall! ....:................, yale............... B 01 /t'. S. Brown 
Winding Ledges.... Vlctorla..........N B A. Landry Yamach\CM............ 8t. Maurice ...... Q'Arthur Lacerte 
.Jfindsor............... EsBex.:N R........ 0 Alfred Wigle Yamaska ............... , 'Yamaska ......... Q Louis Lafleur 
Windsor ... ............ : Carleton......... N B' Wm. H. Britton Yarker...... ...... ...... Addington... ...... 0 .J. A. Shibley 
JJindsor ...............' Rants............ N 8 I P. 8. Burnham Yarm . ............... ... , Pontiac. ............ QI Robt. McJanet 
Wind81)1' Mills.........' Richmond ......... Q J. A. E. l'rlcCabe YaNl&outh ............ yarmouth...... N S' A. J. Hood 
WIne Harbour ......IGuysboro. ...... N S:Geo. B. Irwin Yarmouth Centre... Elgin, E R......... Ù D. W. Newcomb 
Winfield ............... i Wellington. 0 R.. 0 1 Wm. Hill Yatton .................. Wellington, 0 R. 0' John Owen" 
Winger.................. Monck. ............0 W. H. Swayze Yearley's ............... Muskoka& P S'd. 0 Geo. S. YearJey 
.Wingham............. I Huron, E R ...... 0 Peter Fisher Yelverton ............. Durham..E R.... 0 Geo. Reynolds 
Wingle............ Rlo!nfrew, SR.. 0 J. Win!l:le Yeovil. .................., Grey, 8 R.......... 0 Joseph BunstoD 
Wmlaw ........... Allsiniboia Ter... . I Thos. ColquhoUD Yoho .................... York ............ N BI R.l\lcLoughlin 
.>>innipeg ............ 1 \\ innipeg ......... )1 1 Wm. Hargrave Yoho Island. .........1 Muskoka & P 8'd. 0 :\lrs. Campbell 
Winona ................. Wentworth, SR. o ,Joseph Carpente. *York ..................: Haldimand. ...... 0; D. J. Hannah 
Winsloe Road......... Queen'!! .......P E Ii D. Younker York Mills ............ 1 York. E R......... O,J. H. Fulton 
Winslow.......... Monck.......... 0 1 E. Winslow York Mills... ...... york......... N B'C. E. Kelly 
Winterbourne . ....../ Waterloo, N R... 0 P. S. Kilbarne Yorkton..... ..... . , ............ ....... Assai Jot. I Reaman 
Winthrop ..............' Huron. S R. ......0' Alex. Murchie *Yorkvilll! . ............ York, E R......... O'James Dobsoll 
Wisawasa ........ Muskoka& PS'd. 0 ' W. E. Oronkhltt> Young's Cove ......... Queen's ......... N E George Smith 
WISbeach............... , Lambton, E R.... 0 Joanna Bowes Young's Point ........IPeterboro', W R.. 0, Patrick Young 
Wishart ..... ...... ................... Assai :\1icha..1 Hall Youn
sville............ Oxford, N R ...... 0 1 Wm. )lcDonald 
Wlttenbury .......... COlchester...... N S R. N. Sibley Zanesville .............IAddington ....... O I A. Brown 
Woburn ............... I York. E R ......... 0, Mary Collins Zealand. ...... ......... i Addington. ...... 0 Wm. Armstrong 
Wolf Creek. ..... .' ................... Aøøa J88. P. Dill Zealand Station...... I york............. N B 1 P. O. Ree! 
Wolfe Island ......... Frontenac ......... 0 Edward Baker Zephyr .................. Ontario. N R...... 0 M N. Dafoe 
Wolfe Ridge. ......... Mississquoi.........Q'P. C. Chilton Zimmerman ......... Halton. ...... ...... OllllislIZ mmerman 
Wolfstown ............ Wolfe............... Q Norbert Roy Zion ..................... Durham, E R.... 0 S. Taylor 
nolfvilù .............., King's ......... N S,George V. Rand Ziska ................... I Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Jamel! Killen 
Wolseley .... .......... jGrey, N R......... 0; Wm. Wilson Zurich .................. Huron. 8 R. ...... O [ Daniel S. Faust 
Wolverton ............ I Brant, N R ....... O,A. Wolverton 



al ,_Lan d T itle Office. R. M. Howard, Inspector of Public Offices, Winnil)fg. 
;B eautifu l.Plains. Wm. Currie, Necpawa; Bmndõñãñd-bërry;Põï-iágela Pniirie, W. J. James, Portage 13. 
Brandon Clt}, M. J\lcDonald, Bmndon; Carillon, Paul Prairie; Riding l'rIountain. E. A. Bri!:>bois, Minueùosa; 
, Julys P.; Dennis. W. T. B. Kennedy, Virden; Rock Lake, John Knox, Pilot Mound; Rockwood, Thos. 
D Ibcrville. C. H. Pa<;aud, St. Norbert; Dutferin, A. Lusted, Stonewall; Rnssell, C. A. Boulton, Birtle: SeI- 
Laughlin. Nelson: Fairford, John G. Fairbanks, J\lar- kirk, Geo. Ham, St. Boniface; Shoal Lake. C. A. BouI- 
ctte; Lis,;ar, Plessis and Gimli, Thos. Sinclair. Sel- ton, Birtle; Souris Rn"er, J. P. Ale'\:ander, Souris; 
kirk; Lorette, Tho,>. Pare. St. Anne; :\Ianehester, W. H. Turtle Mountain, A. P. Stuart. Deloraine; Varen- 
Nash, Emersun; Marquette, John G. Fairbanks. }lar- nes, - --; Wessboumc, John :\Iason, Glad- 
ette; l\linnedosa, E. 
. B'2sùois, :\Iinneùusa; Morris, stone; Winnipeg City, :\-l1s. W. N. Kennedy. Will- 
C. A. Skeffington, )lorrls; 
orfolk, W. H. Black, Car- nipeg. 





The year which has just closed is one that I opponents. This brings us to the end of 1873. 
will live in the me
ory of Can
 as the The new Government had, when in opposition> 
year of the completion of that gIgantIC enter- opposed many of the plans for the construction 
prise, the Canadian Pacific Railway. Arising of the railway on the ground of undue haste 
out of the Act of 1871, under which the Pro- and too large an annual expenditure. But 
vince of British Columbia was admitted te action had to be taken, and negotiations were 
Confederation, it was, through the indomitablo opened, in 1874, with British Columbia for a 
courage, the enterprise, the financial and ad- modification of the original terms of the Act 
ministrative skill of a handful of individuals, of 1871. The policy set forth was to substitute 
presented to the nation in 1886 as a complete for an "all-rail" line across British America a 
and rapid means of intercommunication with line which should consist partly of railway and 
the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. \Ve could find partly of lake and river navigation. The 
no more appropriate subject to devote a few British Columbians, ulleal:!Y and distrustful, 
pages of this annual, and in brief, therefore, agreed finally to refer the question of their 
we give an outline of the history of this great rights to Lord Carnarvon as arbitrator, and in 
work. 1875 an extension of ten years (or until 31st 
The isolation of the Crown Colony of British December, 1890,) for the completion of the 
Columbia was her chief obstacle in entering into railway was determined upon, and the sum to 
the consolidation of the Provinces. She was be expended annually in British Columbia in 
separated from older Canada by ranges of its construction was increased to $2,000,000. 
absolutely unexplored mountains, by over a The Government let a contract in 1874 for 
thousand miles of then called" barren rocky the building of 63 miles of the railway to con- 
wastes," known only to the Indian tribes and nect Emerson, on the international boundary, 
servants of the Hudson Bay Company. In with St. Boniface, on the Red River; opposite 
view of this the British Columbians made it a Winnipeg. They now, in 1875, let further 
sine qua non that a means of access from their contracts; one for a stretch of 113 miles, from 
Colony to the known East (then the head of Selkirk, on the Red River, eastwards to Kee- 
Lake Superior) should be their condition of watin, on the Lake of the \V oods; and another 
joining the Sisterhood. They were verymodest, for 32 miles, from Fort Williams, on Lake 
however, and in 1868 stipulated merely for a Superior, westwards to Sunshine Creek. In 
"waggon road" at first, to be followed within the following 
rear, 1876, a further contract 
three years by the commencement of a trans- was let for 80 miles, from the latter point to 
continental railway, upon which $1,000,000 English River, making for the three years 288 
was to be expended annually in British miles under contract, and up to the end of this 
Columbia. It was not until the 20th June, year over $3,000,000 had been spent on surveys. 
1871, that British Columbia became a Province In 1877 the gap of 22 miles between St. 
of the Dominion of Canada under the pledge Boniface and Selkirk was put under contract. 
that the railway should be immediately com- The following year, 1878, as the result of the 
menced and completed within ten years. work of the numerous surveying parties, it was 
Surveys were at once started here and else- announced that the route selected was from 
where and vigol'ously pushed forward by the Lake Superior to Selkirk, thence across Lake 
fanitoba to Battleford and Edmonton, and 
It was contemplated from the first by the through the "Yellow Head" Pass, down the 
Act of Parliament that the railway "Shall be Thomson and Frazer rivers to Burrard Inlet. 
"constructed and worked by private enter- The year 1878, however, saw another change 
" prise and not by the Dominion Government, of Government, and the reins were resumed 
"and that the public aid to be extended shall with the determination to vigorously push the 
" consist of such liberal grants of land and such work. Accordingly in March, 1879, contracts 
"subsidy as the Parliament of Canada shall were let for llS miles westward from English 
" hereafter determine." River and for the intervening gap of 67 miles 
To this end two companies were formed in between that point and Keewatin: thus the 
1872 to undertake the work, but difficulties line from Lake Superior to Red River was 
arising they dissolved, and a new one under under construction. Contracts were let also 
the presidency of the late Sir Hugh Allan re- for a bridge across the Red River at St. Boni- 
suIted, and to it the contract for the building face, for the first 100 miles west of 'Winnipeg, 
of the railway from a point near Lake Nipissing and for 127 miles of difficult work from Kam- 
to the Pacific Ocean was let, the Government loops Lake to the navigable waters of the 
undertaking to contribute S30,OOO,000 and Frazer River below Yale in British Columbia. 
50.000,000 acres of land. After a year's nego- In all, 722 miles under contract at the end of 
tiation Sir Hugh Allan's company faileò to 1879 as against :no at 31st December, 1878. 
secure the assistance of European capitalists, At the same time rails were laid from Emerson 
and finally surrendered itÆI charter. Here fol- to a point 90 miles east of Selkirk-or 175 
lowed a change of Administration, and the miles-l61 of which were used for regular 
Government under whose auspices the scheme traffic, and from Fort \Villiam westward 136 
was inaugurated had to make way for their I miles of track were ready for operation. 




During the following year an association of I veal' the new company acquired from the 
a few capitalists who had been among those Government of the Province of Quebec that 
who had undertaken and accomplished the portion of their system, the Quebec, Ottawa 
task of saving from a wreck and completing I and Occidental Railway, between Ottawa and 
profitably and successfully what is now known Montreal, which now became the terminus. 
as the :st. Paul, :Minneapolis and Manitoba On the prairies a contract was let for 670 miles 
Railway (connecting with the Canadian Pacific of railway, and by the end of the year trains 
Railway at the international boundary) turned were running 605 miles west of Winnipeg, and 
their attention to the work which the Govern- the grading beyond was so far advanced that 
ment had in hand, and made a proposition to only 150 miles remained to complete that con- 
carry it out as originally contemplated, by tract. In the East the line had been com- 
"private enterprise." A provisional contract pleted to Callender, and the rails laid to North 
was entered into, ratified by Parliament on the Bay beyond-364 miles from Montreal. East 
15th of February, 1881, when the charter was of Port Arthur work was advancing, rails 
. granted to the present "Canadian Pacific were laid for 20 miles, and surveying parties 
Railway." Under this charter the company were out in force along the north shore of Lake 
undertook to connect Callemler (the termiuus Superior, and thence eastward toward Korth 
of the Canada Central Railway) with the east- Bay. In all, nearly 25,000 men were engaged 
ern terminus of the Government line on Lake on the work, and they had to be provided with 
Superior-estimated at 650 miles-and to con- every necessary to sustain life and prosecute the 
nect the west end of the Government line in work. 

Ianitoba with Kamloops, in British Columbia On the 2nd 
Iay, 1881, the Government had 
-aq estimated distance of 1,350 miles. In handed over the line from \Vinnipeg to Telford 
consideration the Government were to com- for operation by the company, as also the line 
plete the line from Yale to Fort Moody, 88 miles from Emerson to Stonewall; this was followed, 
and to hand over to the company completed on the 10th April, 1882, by the section of the 
all their lines then under contract-in all, 71] Thunder Bay line from Telford to Rat Portage, 
miles,-pay them 825,000,000 and give them and in 1883, on the 11th May, by the section 
25,000,000 acres of land. The company under- from Rat Portage to Port Arthur, thus giving 
took to have the 8ystem completed throughout the company the line from Lake Superior to 
in ten years, or by the 1st .May, 1891. Winnipeg. 
In February, 1881, the position was briefly By the 27th November, 1883, the rails had 
this: That the company undertook to build, reached within four miles of the summit of the 
equip throug-hout, and have in operation by Rocky Mountains, and the road was being 

Iay, 1891, 2,000 miles of railway, for the most operated to that point. An excellent line had. 
part across a tf'Tra incognita. in the meantime been found through the 
Assuredly there was no time to be lost, and Rocky )Iountains to the Columbia River. 
none was wasted, for active work was im- From North Bay the line had been completed 
mediately commenced. The Government line to Sudbury, 80 miles west of North Bay, and 
west of \Vinnipeg to Portage 180 Prairie was, in the gap intervening between that point and 
with the exception of 18 miles-what is now Port Arthur the company had a force of over 
known as the Stonewall Branch-taken up, 7,000 men on hand to prosecute the work dur- 
and a new and more southerly location-the ing the wintcr. 
wisdom of which has since been incontestibly In 1884 untiring energy continued to be dis- 
proven by results-selected; and by the end of played. One hundred and thirty-nine miles of 
the year, in spite of opposition and difficulties track were completed west of Sudbury; the 
that would have discouraged most men, the rails work on the north of Lake Superior, the most 
were laid to Flat Creek, 162 miles west of \Vin- difficult and expensive of any yet undertaken, 
nipeg; fÌnallocation was completed to Moose- was being hurried on, rails being laid in dis- 
jaw, 398 miles, and a preliminary line to Cal- connected sections as circumstances permitted 
gary was approved. The new location neces- and necessity demanded; through the Rockies, 
sitated a more southerly pass through the down the Kicking Horse Valley to Donald, on 
Rocky )Iountains than that selected by the the Columbia, the rails were laid; the prac- 
Go'\-ernment, and to an engineer of experience ticabilityof the pass through the Selkirks was 
was entrusted the responsibility of finding it. assured; engineers were at work in this range 
The Canada Central Railway, which was I and beyond it, and work was let from Savonas 
looked to to furnish a connection eastward Ferry eastward, the calculation being that the 
from Callender, had now reached Mattawa, 199 1 construction parties from the east and from 
es west of Ottawa, and ha.d 26 miles to the west would meet in the Gold Range. 
bmlcl to re
ch Callender. At this junctur
 an In or
er to get the full b
nefìt of their com- 
amalgamatlOn was brought about, under whIch, pleted lines, the Company m 1884 established 
on the 9th June, the Canada Central was their Lake Superior Steamships, which served 
alJsorbed by the Çanadian Pacific Railway, I the purpose o
 a ferry between the disconnected 
whose eastern termmus now became ottawa. ends of the hne. 
1882 was a busy year. The necessity for a Throughout the winter of 1884 and 1883 
further extension eastward from Ottawa be- I there was no cessation to operations: north of 
came apparent, and during the course of the Lake Superior in the Selkirks, Gold Range 




and Shuswap Lake country, all were busy, I not only to Canada but to the British Em- 
nothing stopped the way. Difficulties, at first pire. 
sight insurmountable, melted away, and the I 2. Its vastness, the difficulties "rhich were 
gaps decr
ased. In the ea
 spring the uti
ity I encounte
ed, the rapidity with which the work 
of the raIlway from a pohbcal pomt of VIew was carrIed on, and the thoroughness '" ith 
was .demonstrated. The large bodics of troops which it is completed. 
destmed to suppress the North-'Vest rebel
ion I 3. The effec
 it must have in changing the 
'" ere taken charge of by the company, carned, centre of gravity of the commerce of North 
fed, housed, and landed at the seat of war in I America internally and with trans-oceanic 
good order, in a short space of time, without countries. 
accident, and in spite of intervening sections The desirability of railway communication 
of unfinished railway, On the 19th May the throughout the provinces was, as a broad prin- 
rails from the east were connected with those ciple, pretty generally conceded by all grades 
from Port Arthur, 714 miles west of 
Iontreal, of politicians. It wa.s merely the question of 
thus completing the all-rail line from Montreal how long this desirable end should be delayed, 
to the Selkirk .Mountains; later on the section and whether too lavish a railway policy-in - 
of the line from Port Moody to Kamloops Lake point of time-would or would not be injurious 
was opened for traffic, and on the 7th Novem- to the country in the main. It resolved itself 
bel' of the same year the connection was made into advancement step by step as the country 
between east and west parties in British Col- west of \Vinnipeg became settled, for a bold 
umbia at Craigellachie-2, 552 miles from Mon- effort, which should at once accomplish that 
treal, and the national highwa
r from the At- which was sought for by those who concei,'ed 
lantic to the Pacitic was an accomplished fact, the scheme,-the connection of British Col. 
the company having contributed their share of I umbia with old Canada,-and at the same 
it in 4 years and 9 months-or less than half time give the company the benefit of through 
the stipulated time, and the Government kept traffic from ocean to ocean, in addition to the 
faith with the Province of British Columbia, purely local traffic which the first alternative 
with five years and seven months to boot! would only have permitted. The question 
The equipment of the line had in the mean- was one that lacked not discussion, and the 
time been in progress, and in carrying it out more advanced policy was carried to a success- 
older methods were discarded for new where ful issue. Politically and commercially, we 
these could tend to the profit of the young can to-day realize the wisdom of the course 
company. Having to provide large quantities adopted-Canada is in a position to reap at 
of rolling stock, the most recent improvements once the advantages which, varied to a degree, 
were adopted throughout: the comfort of the are found in the development of the natural 
rich was studied in the sleepings cars, the ne- resources of thousands of miles beyond her 
cessities and comfort of the poor in the free reach. A new market is found for the products 
colonist sleepers. No expense was spared to and industries of the east; a new field is 
have the best, refined taste was combined with opened to the enterprise of her youth, who, 
the useful, and the consequence is that a train instead of having to serve others in the more 
of the Canadian Pacific Hailway, as it may be crowrled east, can now serve themselves in 
seen any day, either in the older provinces, the west, and send the fruits of their labor to 
the plains, the mountains, or on the Pacific the older provinces and abroad. The wealth 
Uoast, stands as a model, which experience of the wheat regions of the North-'Vest, the 
has been ably assisted by taste and art in pro- highly favored cattle ranges, the mineral re- 
ducing. It was a well known fact that sleep- sources in the intervening country, and in the 
ing car companies made handsome profits from mountains, must all redound to the profit of 
the railway companies who used their cars. the country, and help materially to make it 
It was argued therefore by the management of what it is bound to be, a "land of plenty." 
the Canadian Pacific Railway that if these And we have already felt the touch of the 
sleeping car companies could deri,'e so much Orient trade. We have seen teas from Japan 
benetit from this service, why should not these and China landed in Canada, carried overland 
advantages be enjoyed by the railway company through Canada, delivered in Canada, and, 
itself; and consequently they built, equiPped" furthermore, forwarded to cities throughout 
and now operate with every satisfaction to the the United Statesfmln Canada. 'Thy should 
traveller their own sleeping cars. I we not be in a position to COIlllllence to-day a. 
The same argument applied to the commer- profitable commerce, rather than that it should 
cial telegraph service, to the grain elevators, be postponed for years-perhaps for many 
and other subsidiary services which had hither- years? 
to always fallen to the lot of outside organiza- From the scattered nature of the possessions 
tions, and these the Canadian Pacific Uailway of Great Britain rapidity of communication 
Company took in hand, and have learned the between them, and invulnerability of such 
advantage of so doing. channels of communication, are probably t
The reasons why the Canadian Pacific Rtil- most important points to which the Imper
way deserves the prominent position it occu- authorities have to look, and upon their
pies are easily stated. They arc :- I the bases of supply must depend. AlIve to 
1. The national importance of the l'ailway- this, the British Gm'ernlllent have not heell 

1887. ] 



slow in seeing that, so far as her Eastern chiefly of cutting a
d tunnelling through 
Uolonies and Dependency are concerned, the' of the hardest possIble chamcter, or hewmg a. 
Canadian Paciric Railway combines the neces- I bench or ledge around the face oÎ beetlin
saryqualifications. India, China and Australia, cliffs towering hunòreds of feet above. Hen., 
and the lesser :British Colonies in the Pacific, and to some extent in the mountains, the com- 
were dependent until now, in case of pressing pany found it prudent and economical to manu- 
need, upon the integrity of the Suez Canal. facture their explosives largely on the spot, 
England has neighbours of uncertain temper, I and the total sum spent on explosives 011 the 
and a canal can be effectually blocked-as has entire works amounted to over :-:;:
already occurred-by a sunken dredger. Not and from this figure some idea may be formed 
so with the new Canadian route; running of the amount of blasting that was necessary. 
through British territory, it is always open, On this section occurs the most costly work 
always free to British troops. It has naval per mile of the whole railway, some particular 
and military depots-stores, docks and un- miles having cost from 
600,OOO to 
limited steam coal at either end-within hail, I per mile. It is true that in the summer tune 
so to speak, of Bermuda, and five days' sail access could be had to the scene of action at 
from England. Halifax, at one end, can I sundry points along the shore of the lake, the 
supply men and materials of war to be for- I railway following pretty closely all its sinu- 
warded to the Pacific terminus, within com- osities, but the mOlllent navigation close(l it 
paratively short steaming distance of all was an entirely different thing. The vast body 
strategic points on the Pacitic, and the demand I of men at work there were completely cut .oif 
cannot overtask the carrying capacity which, I from the outer world until the followlllr-; 
so far as the railway is concerned, can be spring, and they had to be provided before- 
placed at the services of the Government in I hand with every thing that experience could 
time of need. suggest. No waggon roads were practicahle 
In point of time China, Japan and Australia I here; intercommunication was possible by boat 
can be reached from England in less time than in the summer, but in the winter pedestrians 
by the old routes and India as soon, and the only coulLl visit their neighhours. 
deadly Red Sea will be avoided. With fast There was nothing out of common in the 
steamships an improved mail service will surely I work on the prairies. Good progress could be 
be established by the British postal authori- made, and supplies and material easily for- 
. ties to the Pacific Colonies; the argument of ' warded by teams; hut the speed with which 
.. time saved" can lead to no other result, amI the track was laid, and laid for good on all, 
on this point they are satisfied. It will be was phenomenal. The average for one month 
seen, therefore, that our Canadian Railway is was over three miles per working day, and one 
assuming already a broader character, and has particular day over six miles were laid! 
earned for itself in the British press the title When the mountains were reached it was a 
of "The Imperial Highway." different matter; "tote" roads again had to 
The longest continuous line of rails in the be built at great expense; difficult engineering 
world, it presented difficulties in its construc- questions bristled on all sides; rivers had to be 
tion which are unparalleled. Commencing at diverted, lakes drained, mountain:> tunnelled, 
the east from Callender, through what was chasms bridged, and the material required for 

{'rmed the " N ipissing Section" to Lake all these works anticipated for months. Yet, 
::;uperior, some four hundred miles, the country throughout the whole period of these works. 
to be traver!:'ed was a broken tract, rocky, the Transportation Department ne\'er once 
timbered, and interspersed throughout were failed to respond promptly to the call of the 
innumerable lakes and streams. It was entirely Construction Department, which was not (le- 
uninhabited, and provisions, clothing and layed a day for material! 
necessaries of every description for the men To carryon these operations on three ex- 
engaged in building the railway had to be pro- tended sections (at one time four), to pay the 
vided by the company. Storehouses had to be wages, buy the supplies, clothing, food for 
established, hospitals built and medical staff men, and fodder for horses, was in itself a 
provided, fodder for horses, material, tools and financial undertaking such as only nations 
explosives for the work. There were neces- before had attempted; but it was ,lone. In 
sarily camps for long distances ahead of the spite of a depressed market when the com- 
tracks as it advanced, and to keep them sup- pany's shares were offered to the public, in 
plied waggon roads, called" tote" or " cadge" spite of opposition from rivals, from an un. 
roads, had to be built, and in many cases at a friemUy section of our public press, all of which 
cost per mile exceeòing the cost of many a was more or less effective, the company man- 
mile of some completell railway. From the aged to hold its own. The government dill 
nature of the situation access could only be it is true, at a critical point, offer some mea- 
had to the works from one end, and the trans- sure of relief in the shape of a temporary loan, 
portation of all the necessaries for the mainte- but this the company were ill a positiou t.' 
nance of life and uninterrupted prosecution of repay almost simultaneously with the opellin"" 
the works of construction was a task of no of the through line for traffic. These are 
mean order. Next to this came the Lake I some of the difficulties which had to be sur- 
Superior Section, where the work consisted mounted; did space permit and occasion W:L" 




rant, more could be given, but we must con- to and from the Pacific is felt, and so substan- 
tine ourselves to the outline sketch, as pro- tially appreciated by the public, that Canada 
mised. has experienced the benefit of a share of the 
'Ve have in the foregoing indicated wherein, business hitherto confined to the more southern 
1n some respects, trade which has until now routes across the continent. 
followed certain grooves by years of constant The great north-western country of thlil 
habit, is likely to be turned into this new United States, which with its cereals feeds the 
channel. Tourists from older Britain to the mills of :Minneapolis, stocks the elevators of 
east, those who have settled in the Pacific Chicago, and furnish
s breadstuffs for European 
colonies and India, weary of dusty, burned up markets, will shortly find a readier and more 
Aden in the Red Sea, and broiling heat of speedy route by which to reach the shipping 
Egypt, will gladly take advantage of our tem- of the Atlantic. A.nd here we think we see a 
perate clime, varying their journey with land fund of wealth for Canada, which at present 
and sea, visiting new cities, new people, and has far from been recognized by her people. 
enjoying mountain scenery which no other Geographically, a line drawn from St. Paul awl 
country can offer to them. Instead of turning Minneapolis to Montreal, and with scarcely 
their faces to the east on leaving England, we any deviation produced to St. John, N. B., and 
shall of a certainty see them facing west, and Halifax, N. S., would cross our boundary line 
be ready to welcome them as they pass through at Sault 
te. Marie. And this line is precisely 
our Dominion. Our neighbors south have in the one that is being followed by railways 
the past monopolized all men and things that under survey and construction which will be 
had to cross the continent of America, but finished by the close of the present year. 
years are passing, and thanks to a progressive Once at Sault Ste. Marie, the American line 
age we have placed ourselves in the position from St. Paul will be joined by the Algoma 
to vie with them; and there is room for all. Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway, now 
'Ve have spoken of the Canadian Pacific being extended to the Sault Stew Marie River, 
Railway only so far as its main line was con- and with the short line to St. John and Halifax, 
cerned; but it must not be forgotten that the wheat fields of the American North-'\Vest 
while all we have described was in active pro- will find an outlet to the seaboard four hun- 
gress, a very complete system was being put dred miles less distant than by any other ex- 
together, piece by piece, in Ontario and Mani-I isting outlet, and a shorter route to New York, . 
toba. It reaches every important city and Boston and other United States ports than the 
town in Canada, and Ly purchase of the gov- shortest now available, and, in addition, the 
ernment line reaches Quebec from Montreal. heavy expense at Chicago and the present 
In addition it has provided the more advanced shipping ports will be avoided. It only rests 
of its newer districts with branch lines, and with Canada to foster this new trade and 
all the advantages railway service can con- open her eyes to the advantages which must 
tribute towards the welfare of the pioneer. inevitably follow its development. 
rade of the Pacific Slope, and eastern How these changes have been wrought in a 
merchandise for its people, will now, to a short five years, how Canada has been forced 
greater or lesser extent, so far as the country into prominence, its hundreds of thousands of 
south of the 49th parallel is concerned, have a miles of unknown country brought to light, 
new candidate, young, vigorous, and amply rendered accessible, and now furnishing homes 
able to hold its own with its neighbours. These to all who care to come, will be known to future 
words are not prophetic, for already the influ- generations as the outcome of "The Canadian 
ence of the new element in the carrying trade Pacific Railway." 



IAt Home. Abroad. I Total. At Home. I Abroaù. i Total. At Home. Abroad. I Total. 
4":8224:805 1 

 84'848 I 85,969 I 170,81
 I 89,6 7() 90,7 
18.2.... ..... 4,848 4,144 8,992 99,306 83.709 183,01;) 104,154 87,853 192,007 
IS73.. .. .. .. .. 4,815 3,877 8,692 95,768 83,919 179,687 100,583 87,796 188,379 
1874.. .. .. .. .. 4,521 3,763 8,284 93,1I4 84,991 178,10;) 97,635 88,754 186,389 
1876.... .... 4,365 3,776 8141 92,781 83,511 176,29:1 97.146 87,287 184,433 
:iSi8. ........ 4,195 3,750 7.945 105,006 87,807 192,813 109,201 91,557 200,758 
1879.. .. .. .. .. 3,835 4,007 7,842 
4,380 99,068 183.448 88,215 103,C75 191,290 
11',80.......... 1 4,044 3,1;3 7,817 87,843 93,326 181,169 91,887 97,099 188,986 
2.. .. .. .. .. 3,818 3,518 7,336 90,477 91,416 181,893 94,295 94,934 189,229 
1883.......... 3,714 3,479 7,193 86,357 88,421 174,778 90,071 91,900 181,971 
181'4.. .. .. .. .. 3,578 3,519 7,097 86,416 89,491 1.5,907 89,994 93,010 183,004 






The Grand Lodge oC Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada. 
List of Grand Offiar. for 1886-87. 

M.W. Bro. H. Robertsou, LL.B.,Collingwood,Grand l\lallter 
R. W. " R. T. Walkem, Q.C.. Kingston, Dep. Grand Jllas. 
" Robt. M. Stuart, Dresden, D. D. G. M. 
" John Sinclair, Petrolia, 
" Luke Slater, St. Thomß8, 
" Chris. McLellan, Stratford, 
" J. F. H. Gunn, Walkerton, 
" J. C. Hegler, Ingersoll, 
" T. P. Smith, Elora, 
" W. Kernll, Burlington, 
" H. S. Broughton. Bradfo. d, 
" T. L. M. Tipton, DunnvUle, 
" J. Roell RobertBOn, Toronto, 
" Robert McGaw, Oshawa, 
" James Tulloch. Stirling, 
" "" Frederick Welch, Kingston, 
" "A. L. Riddel, BrockvilIe, 
" James H. Burritt, Pembroke, 
" A. W. Thomp80n. Port Arthur, 
" J. E. D'Avlgnon. Windsor, G. S. Warden. 
" W. J. Simp.oD, Broekville, G. J. Warden. 
" Rev. O. L. Worrell, Morriøburg, G. Chaplain. 
" E. Mitchell, Hamilton, G. Treasurer. 
" G. J. Bennett, Parkdale, G. Registrar. 







R.W. Bro. J. J. Mason, Hamilton. G. Secretary. 
V. W. " C. W. Postlethwaite, Toronto, G. S. Deacon. 
" "La F. A. "aingy, Ottawa, G. J. Deacon. 
" "Wm. H. Ponton, Belleville, ú. Supt. of Works. 
" "John E:err, Ingerl!oll, G. Director ofCer. 
" "Richard E. Gallagher, HamÏiton. Asst. G. Sec. 
" H. C. Simpson, London, Ass. G. Dir. ofCer. 
" H. J. Wilkinson, Kingston, G. Sword Bearer. 
" Arthur W. Carkeek. Toronto, G. Organist. 
" Levi Secord, M.D., Brantford, Ass. G. Organist. 
" Alex. Stewart, Brockville, G. Pursuivant. 
" Wm. B. Doherty, St. Thomas, } 
" Ichabod Baker, Stratf0rd, 
" Edward H. Thompson, Niagara, 
" Frank B. Gregory, CoUingwood, 
James Scott. Wallaceburgh, 
" John M. Hart, Cannington, Grand 
" Walter Patterson, Jr., Peterboro', Stewards. 
" John Tindale, Fergus, j 
" Ric},ard Nokes, Southampton, 
" Alva Tru8ler, Oamlachie, 
" J. J. Buckley, Penetanguishene, 
" David T. Ferguson. Rat Portage, 
" John Grant, Brockville, G. Tyler. 




Grú.nd lùprumtatitJU from th
 Orand Lodg
 oj Canada. 
land ..........R. W. Bro. The Right Hon. Lord de Tably Nebrß8ka ....... .M.W.Bro. Robt. O. Gordon, Grand Island 
Ireland ............" "Humphrey Minchin, Dublin Nevada ............R. W. " S. W. Ohubbuck, Gold Hlll 
800tland ............ "Lill.dsay Mackeny, Edinburgh New Hampshire.M. W." Andrew Bunton, Manchester 
Brit. Columbia." Wm. Dalby. Victoria New Jersey......" "Henry R. Cannon. Elizabeth 
Manitoba .........M. W. " Rev. S. P. Matheson, Win'peg. New Mexlco......R. W. " Simon B. Newcomb. Mesilla 
New Brunswick." "John F. Ellis. St. John New york......... W." Sydney F. Walker. New York 
Nova Sootia ...... W." Andrew K. McKinlay. Halifax North Oarollna.M. W." Goo. W. Blunt, Wilson 
P. Ed. IsIand....M. W. " Hon. John Yoo. Port Hill Ohio ..............." "C. A. Woodward. Cleveland 
Quebec.............R. W. " Alex. Murray, Montreal Oregon ............R. W. " Donald McKay, Portland 
Alabama ......... W." Geo. F. Moore, Montgomery Pennsylvania.." "Sam'l C. Perkins,Philadelphla 
Arizona. ..........R. W. " Benjamin Titus, Tombstone Rhode Island. ...M W." Ariel Ballou, Woonsocket 
Arkansaø ......... oJ "R. M. Johnson, Fort Smith South Carolina. W." A. Doty,jun., Charleston 
OalifornIa .........M. W. .. W. C. Belcher, Marysville Tennessee.........M. W. .. Elihu Edmundson, Pulaski 
Colorado. ........." "Byron L. Oarr, Longmont Texas..............."., Philip O. Tucker. Galveston 
Connecticut ...... W." Wm. Knox. Hartford Utah ...............R. W. " Alex. Topence, Corinne 
Dakota.............R. W. " John Davidson, Bismarck Vermont .........1\1. W." Levant 
I. Read, Bellow's Fallll 
Delaware..........M. W." Jos. W. H. WRtIlOD. Newport Virginia ..........R. W. " Rev. G. W.Dame, D.D., Danville 
DiE-t. Columbia. R. W. " Jos. H. Jochum, Wallhington Waøhlngton Ter.l\I. W. " John P. Jordan, Seattle 
Florida ............" "DeWlttO. Dawkins, Jacks'villa West Virginia ...R. W. .. W. H. Freeman. Clarksburg 
Georgia ............" "Jas. A. Gray, Atalanta Wisconsin........." oJ Charles Kahn, Milwaukee 
Idaho..............." "B. M. Davü, Silver City Wyoming ........." ,. James E. Gates, Laramie Ofty 
nUnols ........... " Wiley M. Ep;an, Chicago Brazil .... ... en... " Frane de Paula Roma8 
Indian Territ'ry.M. W. " John Rennie, Savanna Central America "L. l\lontafar 
Indiana............" "R. Van Valzab. Terra Haute Chili. .............., .. A. M. Medina 
Iowa ..............." "Thoo. S. Parvin. Cedar Rapids Greece. ............M. W." H.1. H. Prince Rhodocanakls 
Kan8811 ...... .....R. W. " E. T. Oarr. Leavenworth Italy............... "Francisco de Luca 
Kentucky . ........ "Jas. W. Hopper, Lebanon Mexico. ............ "Louis Guapil 
Louisiana.... ...." "J. C. Batchelor. MD. N. Orleans New Grenada.... "J. M. 8amper Angiano 
Maine ............}I. W." David Cargill, East Livermore N. South Wales.M. W." Hon. J. So Farnell 
Maryland ... ......R. W. cc W. Abrahamø, Baltimore Peru.....n... ...... "Gustavo Lama 
Michigan .........H. W. " Jonn W. Finch, Adrian Portugal. ......... " Joas Caetano D' Almeida 
Minnesota ......." "Ed. W. Durant. Stillwater St. Dom
ngo...... " Jacinto de Castro 
Mississippi ......R. W. " W. G. Paxton, Vicksburg Uruguay.......... "Reli8arioConrado 
Missouri ........ .M. W." Xenophon Ryland, Lexington Vi!nezuela......... " Antonio M. MolleJas 
!Iontana ......... W." Jos. A. Hyde, Butte City Victoria............R. W." Edwin Parnell 

Orand &pruentativt. in 'h
 Grand Lodg
 oj Canada. 

England. ......... R. W. Bro. Rt. Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald 
Ireland ............" "Kivas Tully. Toronto. 
Scotland ........." "Hugh A. Mackay, Berlin 
Brit. Columbia." "J. CreallOr, Q.O., Owen Sound. 
Manitoba ........." "Æ. Irving, Q.C., Hamilton. 
New Brunswick.V. W. " Hon. T. B. PRrdee.Q.C. Toronto. 
Nova Scotia......R. W. " G. J. WRugh, Stratford. 
P. Ed. Island....M. W." Hugh Murray, Hamilton. 
Quebec ............R. W. " Robt. McKay, St. Thomas. 
Alabama ........." "S. B. Harman, Toronto. 
Arizona....... .... W." R. Hendry. Jun.. Kingston. 
Arkans&ll ......... II " A. J. Camble, Ottawa 
California . ...... " " E. Mitchell, Hamilton 
Colorado ......... " lP. J. Menet, Toronto 
COnneatlcut......M. W." A. A. Stevenson, 
Dakota ............R. W. II J. G. Burns, Toronto 
Delaware ........." "J. B. Trayes, Port Hope 

Dist. Columbia. M. W. Bro. Henry Robertson, Collingwood 
Florida ............R. W. " J. J. Mason, Hamilton 
Georgia. ........." "David McLellan, Hamilton 
Idaho . ............ \I. W. " Jame8 Moffat. London 
Illinois ............R. W. " David 
lcLellan, Hamilton 
Indian Territ'ry." "E. H. D. Hall. Peterborough 
Indiana............M. W. " J. K. Kerr. Q.C., Toronto 
Iowa ........._....R. W. " J. J. Masou. Hamilton 
Kansas. .........." "J. J. MaHOn. Hamilton 
Kentucky.........M. W." Daniel Spry. Barrie 
Louisiana.........R. W. " Georjl;e S. Birrell, London 
Maine. ............" .. John-W. Murton. Hamilton 
Maryland ........." "Hy. \Iacpberon. Owen Sound 
MIcMKan ........." "llujl;h A. )Iackay. Berlin 
Minnesota. ......M. W." A. A. StevenSon. Montreal 
Mississippi ......" "Jas. Seymonr, St. Catharines 
Missouri. ........." "J. K. Kerr, Q.C., Toront 




Grand Reprl!.8tntative. in the Grand Lodge of Canada-CorItinued. 

Montana. .........R. W. Bro. J. M. Gibson, Hamilton 
Nebraska ......... V. W. " C. W. Brown, Toronto 
Nevada ............1\1. W. " Hon. Thomas White, l\lontreal 
New IIampl'lhire" "J. A. Henderson,Q.C, Kingston 
New JerB
Y ......" "J. K. Kerr, Q.C. Toronto 

ew Mexlco......R. W. " P. J. Brown, Ingersoll 
Yew York......._M. W." J. A. Henderson,Q.C, Kingston 
North Carolina.R. W. " L. H. IIenderBon, Belleville 
Ohio. ..............." "L. G. Jarvis. London 
Oregon ............" "C. D. J\lacdonnell. Peterboro' 
Pennsylv'nla. ...M W. " James Moffat. London 
Rhode Island ...V. W. " Robert Lewis, London 
South Carollna.R. W. " T. C. Macnabb, Chatham 
Tenne88ee........." "s. B. Harman, Toronto 
Texas .... ......... M. W. " J. K. Kerr. Q.C., Toronto 
Utah ...... ........." "J. K. Kerr. Q.C., Toronto 

Vermont .........R. W. Bro. A. J. Cambie, Ottawa 
Virginia. ........." "J. Ross Robertson, Toronto 
Washington Ter.M. W." Otto Klotz, Preston 
West Virginia...R. W. " J. E. Harding. Stratford 
Wisconl'lin . ........ "Thos. Sargant, TorGnto 
Wyoming . ......" "R. P. Stephens, Torento 
Brazil. ............M. W. " A. A. Stevenson, Montreal 
Chili ...............R. W. " Rev. Clementi, B.A., Peterboro 
Col. & Isle Cuba." "G. II. F. Dartnell, Whitby 
Greece ............M. W. " Daniel8pry, Barrie 
N. South Wales." ,. Daniel Spry. Barrie 
Peru ...............R. W. " R. T. Walkem, Q.C., Kingston 
St. Domingo......M. W." Otto Klotz. Preston 
U.S. ofColombia.R. W. " John Walsh, Ottawa 
Uruguay............ "Hy. Macpherllon, Owen Sound 
Victoria............" "Wm. Gibson, Bl\lUl1sville 

ø- L?dge. marketl thus (*) hoTd. their ImtaUation of Officer. on the 
.tival of St. John the Evangeli.t-all other. Of! thot 
Qf St. John the Bapti8l. 

2 Niagara.... ...... Niag-;;:: : Wed. on or bef.f. m. of every month W. Br.J. P. Clement . ! Br. T. Fred Best 
3 .Anc.St.John's.IKingllton ...
FlrstThursday "" S.G.Fairtlough .. Jno.Sutherland 
6 ..Sussex..... ......' Brockville ... , Wednesday on or before f. m." "A. L. RiddeI. ... "Alex. Stewart 
6 Barton ....... ..... Hamilton ... Second Wednesday .... J. Hoodless .... "Colin McRae 
7 Unioll......... ..... Grimsby...... Thursday on or before f. moon" "W. E. Millward "D. Van Dyke 
Q *Union ....... ..... Napanee...... I!'riday on or before f. moon" J.Walt6rs(Act.) "C. Z. Perry 
10 *Norfolk........... Simcoe ......ITuesday on or before f. moon .. G. H. LUllcombe "Jas. F. Wilson 
11 I *Moira ....... .... Helleville ...1 Wednesday before f. m. " A. :\lcGinni..... "Chas. Lockerty 
14 *True Britons ... Perth ......... I }'irst Monday W. J. PIli k. . . . "w. A. Moore 
16 St. Goorge's .. .... St. Cath'ineslTuesdayonor before f. moon (). H. Connor... "H. C. Eccles 
16 *13t. Andrew's.... Toronto ......'Second Tuesday F. McDonald... "Jas. Glanville 
17 St. John's ......... Cobourg ......I)londay on or beforef. mOOD J. A. Jameson. "R. Buck 
18 *PrlnceEdward.. Picton......... '.rhursday on or bef. f. moon" W. P. Reynolds "H. Wellbaukil 
20 ...St.John.s........ London ......l l secondTUesday .. A.B. Greer.... "M.D. Dawson 
22 .King Solomon'H I Toronto ...... Second Thursday Jail. Spooner... "Wm. Anderson 
23 Richmond......... Richm'dHilll\-Iondayouorh"foref.moon .. J.CroRby...... "R.E.Shaw 
24 *St. Francis. ...... 1 Smith's Falls' Friday on or before f. moon" S. M. Perch.... .. S. M, ag 
25 .Ionic ............... Toronto...... !First Tuesday F. F. Manley... .. G. S. Ryerson.M.D. 
26 ...ontario............ 1 Port Hope ...1 Third Thnrsdßy .. T. A. Thompson .. W. B. Wallace 
2': *Strict Observ'ce Hamilton "' j 'Third Tuesday .. E. W. Klotz.... .. P. D. ()arse 
28 "'
Iount Zion... .. KemptviIle.. Wednesday before f. moon" O. Bascom ...... , .. W. H. Bottum 
29 "'United... ........ Brighton .... Thursday on or before f. moon" J. B. Thayer... .. F. S. Demorest 
30 .COmpollite.... Whitby...... First Thursday "" Jas. Shaw..... .. Robt. Willis 
31 *Jerusslem.... Bowmanville Wednesday on or before f. m." .. R. R. LOI!combe, "John Percy, jun. 
32 *Amity ............ 1 Dunnville ...' Wednesday on or after f. m." .. Wm. Logan.... "w. D. Swayze 
33 Maitland. ......... Goderich...... First Wednesday " C. A. Humber. .. H. W. Ball 
54 .Thistle ............1 Amherstb'rgjTuesday before f. moon " "R. Sample.... "R. Elliott 
35 . St. John's ......_ ()ayuga ...... Thnrsday on or after f. moon .. J.n. Cameron. .. J. JrwiB 
36 WeIland ............ Fonthill...... Thursday on or before f, moon" J. F. Brasford. .. J. O. Emmett 
37 *King Hiram .... Ingersoll .... 1 Tuesday on or before f. moon " W. L. Underw'd .. D. Secord 
38 .Trent............... Trenton ......ITuesday before f. moon " John S. Dench. "G. Collins 
39 *
Iol1nt Zion...... Brooklln ..... Tuesday on or before f. moon " W. J. 
Iurray. .. R. C. Warren 
-10 "St. John's......... Hamiltou ... Third Thnrsday " C. W. Fielding. "w. J. McAllister 
n .St. George's ...... Kingsville... Thursday on or before f. moon" S. T. Copus. . . . .. Geo. Rumble 
-12 .St. George's ...... , London ......, First Wednesday .. A. Dale....... ., A. Ellis. jun. 
-13 King Solomon's.. Woodstock... Tuesday on or before f. moon " Geo. Middleton .. G. J. Fraser 
44 I *St.l'homas ...... St. Thomas... First Thursday "E. H. Raymour .. S. L. Smith 
45 Brant ......... ...... Brantford ... Tuesday on or befbre f. moon " I. J. Birchard. "D. Curtis 
-I(! , *WelIington...... Chatham .... First Monday .. 8am Trotter.... "Jas. Birch 
-Ii *Great Westeru.. Windsor ...... Thursday on or before f. moon" Chas. Wright... .. D. T. Wilkie 
-18 \ "')Iadoc ............ M,'doc......... Tuesday on or before f.moon .. .. J.
. Loomis.... "Jas.O'Hara 
50.Consecon.........Consecon....'Fridayonorbeforef.moon" "F,J.HllIier.... "J.J.Ward 
52 Dalhonsie...... ...1 Ottawa. ...... 1 First Tuesday .. J. D. Wallis.... "C. S. Scott 
54 .Vaughan... ...... I 
I"Ple ......... Tuesday on or before f. moon " R. B. Orr...... .. A. Carley 
55 I "'Merrickville .... Merrickville., Tuesday on or before f. moon " A. McDonald... "J. H. 
56 I Victoria.. ......... Sarnia......... TUesday on or before f. moon " Ohaø. Mole.... .. Robt. Kerr 


:::::::::: 1 


 beforef. m" :: 


I:: :

61 "'Acacia ............ Hamilton ...IFourth Friday ".. w.w.Greenhill , " Alfred Poult
62 *13t. Audrew's ...ICaledonla ... Wednesday on or before f. m." .. L. H. JohBson. "A. J. Nellis 
63 .St. John's. ...... ()"rlet'nPI'ce Wednesday on or before f. m." "W. F. Lattimer .. A. T. Huds
64 .l{llwinning..... 'London ......,Third Thursday ".. J. H. Ferltuson , .. John Overell 
65 .Rehoboam ......IToronto ...... First Thursday " A. 
IcLachl.m. .. Wm. Bain 
66 "'Durham ........ Newcl\8tle... 'Tuesday on or before f. moon" .. Jas. Parker.... "E. Simmons 
68 "'St. John's ...... Ingersoll ....'ThurBday on or before f. moon" .. John i\lorrison. "Wm. Ewart 
69 Stirling ............ Stirling ...... Thursday after f. moon .. .. G. W. FaUlkner ! " John Shaw 
72 Alma ............... or before f. moon" "T. l\lcGiverin... "Thos. Patter8{'p 
':3 "'St. James' ...... St. Mary's... First Monday u" J. Chalmers.... "D. S. Rupert 
7-1 j"'St. James' ...... ,
Iaitland .... Monday nearest f. moon " A. Burrett.... "C. B. Lemon 

1887. ] 



7ô St.J 
Monday- --;;;;-;;; W.Br.R.McKim .... Br.R.B.Harcourt 
76 .Oxford ............ Woodstock.. Second Wednesday "" W.J. Wilkinion .. G. 
1. Gamble 
77 .FaithfuIBrethr. Lindsay...... First Friday "" A. Mill!! ......1 " F. H. Dobbin 
7t! .Klng Hiram .... Tilsonburg.. Wednesday on or before f.m." "Wm. McDonald "Jas. McIntosh 
79 .Simcoe ............ Bradford .... Thursday on or before f. m." "H.S.Hroughton I " Frank Stewart 
ISO Albion ............. Newbury.... First Tuesday "" WF.Roome,MD .. J. D. Anderson 
81 .St. .John's ....... Mt. Brydges Tueøday on or before f. moon" .. J. B. Burwell . j " H. Gillam 
t!;! St. John's ......... Paris ......... Tuesday on or before f. moon .. P. Buckley.... "C. M. Foley 
!Iii .Beaver ............ 8trathroy ... Friday on or after f. moon A. Ballantine... "A. A. Cockburn 
 .Clinton............ Clinton ...... Friday on or before f. moon Jas. young...... "w. F. !Iurray 
8:1 Rising Sun ....... Farmersville Thursday on or before f. m." "Wm. Johnston. ".J. P. Lamb 
8ti .Wiløon ............ Toronto ...... Third Tuesday J S. Klnjl.',M.D "J. Oliver 
87 l\-Iarkham Union Markham... FrIday on or before f. moon" "J&8. Speight.... .. G. R. Vanzant 
118 St. George's ...... Owen Sound Wednesday on or before f. m." "w. J. Graham. .. E. Camo-ron 
90 .
anito ............ Collingwood Wednesday on or after f. m." .. T. P. Fluent.. .. C. Moore 

olborne ......... Colborne .....1 Friday on or before f. moon:: :: w. n. Smith.. .. Geo. Keyes 
. .Oataraqul......... Kingston .... SE!ðOnd Wednesday J. A. Charles... .. D. Gallaghan 
\13 eSVTthern Light Kincardine.. First Wednesday "" Edward Fox ... "R. D. Hall 
 .St. Mark's ...... Port Stanley Second Tuesday .John Pollock... "AltJx. Pollock 
gO) Ridout ............. Otterville.... Thursday on or before f. m." M. Durkee.... .. W. T. Kay 
116 .COrinthian...... Barrie ......... First Thursday ":: G. Monkman... "John Dicklnøon 
97 '.Sharon ............ Sharon ...... Tuesday on or before f. m. BFPearl!on,MD II Jas. Wayling 
98 True Blue ......... Albion ........ Friday on or before f. m. E. J. Snell..... II W. G. Jessop 
99 Tuscan. ............ Newmarket Second Wednesday Thos. Ratcliff... .. J. It Hughes 
100 Valley............... Dundll.8 ...... Monday on or before f. moon " Johu Poole...... "A. Paine 
101 .Corinthlan ...... Peterboro'... Wednel!day on or before f. m. " E. J. Toker.... "Rev.WC.Bradshaw 
103 *\Iaple Leaf ...... St.Cath'rinea Thurøday on or aft. f. moon" T. H. Tavlor. ... "H. J. Johnston 
1Q4 St. John's ......... Norwich....... Wednesday on or after f. m." Á. H. S. "'Hill... "J. B.. Miller 
lOb 8t.M'l.rk'ø.......... Drum'dville Tueødayonorbeforef.moon " 
.E. Depew.... "W.A..Kennedy 
106 *Burford .......... Burford...... Wednesdsyonorbeforef.m. " W..F.lIileø.... "Á. E.Kennedy 
 St. Paul's ......... Lambeth .... Wednesday on or before f. m. h :: G.RoutiedgeHD "J. Thornicroft 
Blenheim ......... Drumbo ...... Wednesday on or before f. m. " W. P. Patton... "J. F. Goodwin 
9 · Albion .., ......... Harrowsm'h Friday on or before f. m. " B. P. Day. . . .. "Jas. Cooke 
 .Central............ Prescott ...... First Tuesday E. C. Fields.... "C. C. Brouse 
.Wilson ............ Waterford ..., Wednesday on or before f. m. " L. Becker.. ... "A. N. Parney 
n: .Hope............... Port Hope... First Thnrsday :: It Budge. ...... "J. Harmer 
1 6 .Ivy ................ Beamllville... Tuesday on or before f. moon JBO. Ritchie.... "Hullh 

6 .CasRia ........... Thedford.... \Ion day on or before f. moon" "W. N. Ironside. "J. G. Brown 

19 Union ............... Schomberg. Honday on or before f. moon " R. McKee..... "w. J. Brereton 




:::::: !t



?:..=:= :: "


12' .Renfrew ......... Renfrew...... First Monday D. Balr....... "A.Injl.'lis 
 The Belleville. ... Belleville .... First Thnrsday " Henry Pringle. "Wm. 
.Cornwall ......... Cornwall .... First Tuesday C. J. Hamilton. "J no. Ridley 

 *Golden Rnle .... Campbellf'rd Tnesday on or before f. moon" "R. Bonnycutle. "Hy. McKelvie 
128 Franck ............. Frankfort.... Monday before f. moon .. C R. Wilson.. .. John Brown 
 .Pembroke ....... Pembroke ...1 First Thursday " J. P. Miller.... "J. S. Fraser 
131 The Rillin
 Sun.. Aurora ...... First Friday " F. J. Daville... "Eo W. Love 
183 St. L"wrence .... Southampt'niTue8day on or after f. m." R. NokE'II ..... .. W. Godfrey 
13â .Leb"non Forll8t Exeter... ...... Monday on or before f. moon "Geo. Willis.... "}I. Eacrett 
Ë '




In .Mal"hide ......... Avlmer...... Wednesday on or before f. m. "C. Marlatt,M.D. "'r. H. Collins 
14,2 .Tudor ............ Mitchell...... Tuesday on or before f. moon " W. White..... "R. W. Hulburt,?tI D 
143 .It;xceIRlor... ...... \Iorril!burgh Friday on or before f. moon .. .. C. E. Hickey... "W. A. NlI.8h 
14,4 .FriendlyBroth's IroquoiS...... / Wednesda y before f. moon .' T.A.Thompson "J. N. Tnttle 
145 .recumo;eh ....... Stratford .... First Thursday A. E. Neil.. ... "J. M. Moran 
.,T. n. HaiL.. ...... 
lilIbrook.... Second Thursday " H. Turnpr, 111 JJ "H McCartney 

 .Prinl',e of Wales Newbur
h... Wednesday before f. mooD" W. W. Bðll.... .. .Jno. Jackson 
148 .MiI!RilOl!ippi....... Almonte...... First Friday Wm. Smith .... j " J. M. Munro 
14,9 .Civil Service ... Ottawa. ......ISecond Tnel!day C. Campbell.... "A. N. McNeill 
160 .F:rie. ............... Port Dover.. }Ionday on or before f. moon" "W. Duncan. ... "L. Skey 
161 .H8I!tinjl;s... ...... Hastings .... I Thursday on or before f. moon" "Thos. Hill. . . .. "A. B. German 
153 The Grand River Berlin... ...... !Tuesday on or before f. moon" "D. For..yth . . '" I " A. Mneller 
1M .Burns ............ Wyoming .",Thursdayonorbeforef.moon" "R. McGreggor. "J.Newell 
165 .IrvlnQ: .,. .,. ...... Lucan......... Thursday on or before f. mogn " "John Fox. . ... "C. C. H('dgins 
156 .PeterborouKh... Pet,erboro' '''1 First Friday "Wm. Brundrett "w. Smith 
 .York ................ Et;linl{ton .'. Friday on or before f. moon Johu Cudmore. I " Hugh CO,'per 
158 Simp'lon............ Newboro' .... I Tuesda y on or after f. moon" R. Preston. ftl.D' " J. B. Butler 
169 .Alexandr" ...... Oil Springs.. Thnrsday on or after f. moon J. W. Ford.... 1 " W. Miller 
161 .Ooodwood ....... Richmond... First Tuesday .John 
atchell.1 · W. V. Beman 
.Percv ............ Warkworth.. Wednesday before f. moon G. L. Duncan... , T. S. Baker 
162 Forellt............... Wroxeter ... I Monda y on or before t. moon " D.M. Walker. Jno.8l1nderl!on 
 .Star In tho EaRt Wellington.. Tuesday on or before f. moon S. W. F!agler... A. M. Osborne 
160) .R.ulinQ:ton...... BurliuKton . I WedneRday on or before f. m. " Tho... Campbell Fred Bray 
166 .Wentworth...... StoueyCreelt \fonday on or before f. moon " F.;\1. Carpenter' W. 11. Thornton 
168 .'Ierrltt............ Wel1and...... ! Monda y on or before f. moon E. 1'th lchril.t ...1 W. E. Burgar 
169 .'hcnab ......... P'rtCOlborn... Tnesday on or before f. moon E. McKay. ... C. McNeal 
170 .Rritannla......... Seaforth...... First Monday A. II. Ireland.1 .John Steet 
171 .Prlnce of Wales Iona ........ "' j Fridav on or after f. moon " "S. H, Weldon ... D. McCall 
 .0\ vr .............. Ayr _.. ......... Tuesfiay on or b!ltore f. moon" "W. WiIIillOn.... I D. G. Lewis 
174 ,.Walslngham ... Port RowaI:&. First Thursday Jas. Ryan.. .... Wm. Ros8 




1'16 I Spartan ............ Sparta ....... W.Br. W. B. Cole...... Br.P. McDiarmld- 
177 ,The Builders...... Ottawa ....... Second Friday .." John Biehler... "H. H. Calms 
1'18 i.Plattsville ...... Plattsvllle... Fridayonor beforef. moon " "w. 
I. Veitch... "G. Sauer 
1'19 I "'Bothwell ......... Bothwell .... Wedneøday on or before f. m. " "H. F. Smith.... Co W. N. Johnson 
180 I.Speed ............. Guelph ...... First Tuosday ".. Jas. Parker .... "Woo. Gibson 
181 I .oriental.......... PortBurwell Tnesday on or before f. moon" M. G. Burwell. "D. M. Chute 
183 .Prlnce Albert... Port Perry. Friday on or before f. moon" Henry Toy...... "Woo. Spence 
184 ,.Old Light......... Lucknow ... Thursday on or before f. moon" Cap.McPherson "Woo. Mellis 
186 I .EnniSkillen... ." 1 ' York ......... Monday on or before f. moon" "Wm. H. Melton "Woo. Clarke 
186 .Plantagenet "', Plantagenet Monday on or before r. moon" "C. E. Johnston. .. N. G. Rosø 
189 .Filius Vidnæ "' I AdOlPhuøt'n Wednesday on or before f. m. " C. W. BeDjamin "w. H.lngersoll 
190 Belmont............ Belmont...... }t'rlday on or before f. moon" J.C.Carrutherø. .. John Boyd 
192 .Orillia... ......... Orillia......... Friday on or before f. moon" Wesley Moor... "Woo. Ironside 
193 I .scotland ......... Scotland...... Monday on or before f. m." L. Winegarden. "E. Malcolm 
UI4 .Petrolia ......... Petrolia ...... Second Wednesday " E. D. Kerley... "Robt. Jackøon 
195 .The Tuscan .... London _... First Monday .. G. F. Durand... "R B. Hungerford 
196 I .!tladawaska .... Arnprior .... Thursday on or before f. moon" .. W. W. Stirling. "J. E Thomplon 
197 .Saugeen...._.... Walkt'rton... Second Tnesday "" W. R. Telford. "C. F. Harris 
200 1 St. Alban's .... .. MountForest Friday on or before f. moon" "J. N. Cringle... .. R. O. Kilgour 
201 "'Leeds. ............ Gananoqut!... Tnesday on or before f. m. " "Jas. C. Ross... .. J88. Hayward 
203 Irvine............... Elora ......... Friday before f. moon " Ed. Burns.... "Jno. McDonald 
205 New Dominion... New Hamb'g Monday on or after f. moon" R N Kerr..... .. Woo. Millar 
207 "'Lancaster. ...... Lancaster.... Wednesday on or before f. m. " Jno. P. Snyder. "Woo. C. DickMon 
209a l .St. John's ....... London....... Second 'fhursday " W.O.Brian...... "JohnSiddons 
209 .Evt!rgreen ..... Lanark ...... First Tuesday .1 A. P. 'tfotrose. .. W. A. Field 
210 I .HawkeSbUry.... Hawkesbury Wednesday on or before f. m. " R. McFarlane... .. Jaø. Ryan 
212 .Elysian .......... Gardenlsla'd First Monday "" John !tlnllin... .. A. H. Mallone 
214 I.Craig............... Ailsa Craig . Monday on or after f. m. " John McKay... "J. W.Tibeando 
l16 Lake ............... Ameliasburg Monday on or before f. moon" "w. E. Delong... "J. Coleman 
216 1 
Harris....... ...... 1 Orangeville. Tuesday on or before f. moon" "Robt. Hewitt... .. Woo. A. McLlm 
217 .Frederick ....... Delhi ......... Monday on or beforet.moon J.Sovereen.... .. W.A.Ferguson, 
218 .Stevenøon ....... Toronto ...... Second Monday "Robt. Cuthbert. "W. F. Clarke 
219 .Credit ............ Georgetown. Friday on or before f. moon" G. R. Anderson .. T. J. Wheeler 
220 Zeredatha .....,... Uxbridge .. Monday on or before f. moon Woo. Hogg.... .. Geo. Hobøon 
221 I"Mountain . ...... Thorold ...... Wednesday on or before f. m. John Dale ...... "w. T. Fish 

2 .Marmora ......... Marmora ... Tuesday before f. moon J. T. Aunger... "Walter Craske 
223 .Norwood ......... Norwood ... 'l'uesday on or before t. moon .. W.H.Stephen'n "Thoø. Burke 
224 .Zurich ............ IIensall ...... Thul'!!dav on or before f. moon" R. Buswell.... "Jas. Bonthron 
225 *Bernard. ......... Listowel........ Wedntwtday on or before f. m." "S. Hacking....... "A. B. McCallum. 
228 .Prince Arthur. Odessa ...... Monday after r. moon .." M. McDonald... "A. P. Booth 
229 .Ionic............... Bramp';on... Wednesday on or before f. m. II C.G.Moore,M.D. II W. W. Woodø 
230 Kerr . ............. Barrie......... Fourth 
Ionday .." J. F. Pauling... "J. H. McKeggie 
231 I Lodge of}'idelity Ottawa ...... Second Wednesday II II F. C. Lightfoot. II P. H. Varney 
232 .Cameron ......... Wallacetown Wednesday on or before f. m. A. B. Backus... .. R. Jordan 
233 .Doric............... Park Hill ... Tuesday on or before f. moon Woo. Caw.. ... .. W. Dawson 
234 "Beaver ............ C1arkøburg. Tuesday on or before f. m. " Richard Carrol. II Chas. Pye 
286 I Aldworth .......... Paløley ...... Friday on or before f. m. ., J. Richardson. "T. Gray, M.D. 
236 .Msnltoba ........ Cookstown... Tuesday on or after f. m. II T. S. Patterson. .. Woo. Stewart 
237 l vieDDa ............ Vienna ...... Friday before f. m. J. H. TealL..... II H. G. Weinhold 
238 Havelock ......... Watford ...... Tuesday before f. m. II F. Kinward.... "H. Morrison 
239 Tweed............... Tweed......... Friday on or before f. m. .. "WID. Wriiht... II W. B. Empey 
241 I .Qulnte ... ... ... ... Shann'nville Tueøday on or after r. m. " "John Kern p . ... II D. L. Brown 
242 I .MaCOy.... ......... Escott Front Monday on or before f. m. " Ja!'. C. Dickey. II H. Griffin 
'St. George .... ... St. George... Thursday on or before fm. Chaø. Haas..... II C. P. Keefer 
246 Tecnmseh ......... Thame8ville Tnesdayon or before f. m. II John Davidson. .. E. H. Moran 
247 Aøhlar. ............ Toronto ...... Fourth Tnesday .... W. H. Best..... "Benj. Allen 
249 "'Caledoni"n ...... Midland...... Second Tuesday .." W. H. Bennett. II R. Finch 
260 Thiøtle ............. Embro ....... Thnrsday on or before f. m. II Anguø Munro. "C. ROls 

53 .Mlnden............ Kingston. ... First Monday II A. LeRlcheux. "R. R. Creighton 

 Clifton. ...... ...... Niag. Falls... Thursday on or be
re r. m." II John Wills...... II H. Prpston 
2ó6 Sydenham ......... Dresden ...... Wednesday on or after f. m." "W. H. Switzer. .. J. H. Burmie 
266 .Farran's Point. Farran's Pt. First Wednesday " J. C. Wagner... "C. C. Farran,jun. 
257 *Galt ............. Galt............ First Tuesday .. John Shnpe ... "C. A. Powell 

á8 Guelph ..........Guelph.......SecondTuesday "" R.Mabony.... "G.J.Brill 
269 Springfield. ....... Springfield.. Monday on or before f. m. .. "H. Honsberger. "J. B. Lucaø 
260 , .Washington.... Petralia ...... First Tuesday .." Chas. Wilson... "Jas. Peat 
261 .Oak Branch... .. Innerkip ..... Thnl'!!day before f. m. " Thomas Beard. "C. FJ. Foster 
262 .Harriøton......... Harrlston ... Monday on or sfter t: m. .. II R. Dowling.... "J. L. Eedy 
263 .Forest ............ Forest......... Wednesday on or before f. m." "R. A. Hill ...... "P. McKellar 
264 .Chaudiere ...... Ottawa. ...... Fint Monday Woo Hill . ...... "W. A. Dangø 
26á Patterson......... Thornhill. ... Thursday on or before f. m. W. R. Bowman. II J. C. Steele 
266 *Nortkern Light Stayner ...... Tuesday before f. m. .. H. W. Silby. ... .. W. Watson 
261 .Parthenon ..... Chatham.... Fll'!!t Wednesday .. Chas. Dnnlop... c, A. M. Smith 
268 .Verulam ......... Bobcaygeon. Last Friday .. II W. Kennedy... "R. Ventress 
269 .Brougham Un'n Brougham.. Wednesday on Or after f. m." "G. D. Linton.... .. D. R. Beaton 
270 I *Cedar. ... ......... Oshawa. ...... Fourth Tueøday .." A. L. Rundel... "A. Mackie 
271 Wellington....... Erin .......... Wedneødayon or befol'etm. " ,e C.Overland,Jr. "W...A.Richardao'D 
272 ISeymour............ Ancaster .... Wedneldayon Or before f. m. .. "S. A. Findlay... II A. D. Roberts 
274 .Kent . ............ Blenheim.... Monday on Or before r. m." J. S. Upper.... "E. H. Halfpenny 
276 Teeøwater ......... Teeswater... Friday on or before f. m. ,e "Wm. Mason.... "Walter Coats 
277 I -seymour ......... pt.Dalhousie Wednesday on or before f. m. II John Patterson "John Green 
2111 Mystic ............. Roslin......... Thursday before f. m. II C. Hudson,jun. "Henry Hudson 
279 New Dope ......... Hespeler .... Wednesday OD or beforef. m. " P. Jsrdine ...... "W. Jardine 
280 Mount Sinal...... Napanee...... First Thursday "A. H. Allison.. "Á. L. Morden 
281 .-rhornej........._. Orlilia ..... First Tuesday J. W. Dlair...... .. J. W. Buck 

1887. ] 



282 Lorne ............ Gleneoe ...... Thurliday on or before f. W. Br. W. G. Lumley. 
283 "Eureka . ......... Belleville ... Wednesday after f. m. " .. W. 8mæton.... 
284 "St. John's ....... Brussels ...... Tuesday on or b'Jfore f. m. " .. Tholl. Town.... 
285 8even Stars. ...... Alliston ...... Wednesday bef'Jre f. m. " "J. R. Scroggie . 
286 "Wingham ....... Wingham .., TUAsdayon or before f. m. " "J. E. Tamlin ... 
287 .Shuniah. ......... P. Arthur.... Tuesday on or before r. m. " G. R. Thomp
289 "'Doric ............ Lobo .......... Thursday on or before f. m." "Alex. Sinclair. 
290 · Leamington...... Lelimington. Tuesday on or before f. m. " "W. R. Pizer .... 
291 "'DutIerin ....... W.Flamboro' Thursday on or before f. m." "G. M. Biggs.... 
292 .Robertson ....... Nobleton ....IWednesday on or before r. In. " H. Kennedy.... 
293 "'Ry'l Sol. Mother ' Jerul!Alem P. FirAt Wednesday "" Wm. Else. ...... 
294 "'Moore .... ......' I\looretown. Thursday on or before f. m. " D. Armstrong. 
295 ConeBtogo . ...... Drayton.... Tuesday on or after f. m. " D. W. Haye". ... 
296 "'TempI.. ... ...... St.Catharln'/I Last Wt:dnesday W. H. Charles. 
297 Preston......... Preston.... Friday on or before f. m." A. Webster. . .' 
299 Victoria... ... " Centreville. Thursday on or before f. m." Robt. Cox..... 
SOO Mount Olivet.... Tborndale... Tuesday on or before f. m." W. F.. Kennedy 
302 8t. David's.. . ... St. Thomas. Third Thursday W. G. Morgan. 
303 "'Blythe ........... Blyth.. ...... Tuesday on or after f. m. W. L. Ouimette 
304 "Minerva. ......... Stroud.. ..... Tuesday on or before f. m. 8. J. Reid.. .., 
806 "'Humber ......... Weston ...... Wednesday on or before f. m. "w. R. Burrage. 
306 Durham ...... ... Durham..... Tuesday on <>r before f. m. " C. L. Grant... ... 
807 '" Arkona ... ...... Arkona.... ... Thursday on or before f. m. " Beu Parker.... 
808 "Grafton ......... Grafton ...... Tuesday on or before f. m. W. W. Boyce... 
309 "'Morning Star... Smith's HUl. Wednesday on or before f. m. Jas. young.... 
811 .Blackwood....... Woodbridge. Friday on or before f. moon " P.D.McLean,
812 *Pnyx.... ......... Wallace burg 
Ionday on or before f. moon Jas. Scott. . . . . 
313 ..clementi ......... Lakefield.... First Tuesday W. H. Casement 
8U .Blair . ............ Palmerston. Friday after r. moon H. Clements.. 
816 Cliffurd...... ...... ClitIord....... Third Monday E. Toltvn .' . . . 
816 "'Doric ............ Toronto ...... Third Thursday " Geo. McDonald. 
818 Wilmot............. Baden.. ...... Friday on or after f. moon " Jas. 
cCall ... 
819 .Hlram............. Cheapside... Wednesday on orbef. f.moon G. Shirk, M.D.. 
320 *Cheøterville...... Chesterville. 3<Ionday on or before f. moon "J. G. Gillespie... 
321 .Walker............ Acton West. 3<londay on or before f. moon "John Shaw.... 
822 "'North Star ...... Owen Sound Wednesday after f. moon " D. Rutherford. 
323 "'Alvinøton....... Alvinston ... Wednesday on or before f. m. "Eli Warner. . .. 
824 ...Temple............ Hamilton.... Second Tuesday .. Wm. Georing... 
825 .Orono ............ Orono ......... Thursday on or before!. moon .. Thos. Smith.. . 
326 .Zetland. ......... Toronto ...... Fourth Friday '" Sam. Davidson. 
127 The Hammond... Wardsville... Third Tueøday ".. E. Aitchison ... 
828 Ionic ...... ......... Napier. ...... Friday before f. moon " W. J. French... 
329 '.King Solomon . Jarvis......... Friday on or before r. moon R. J. WeUø.... 
330 .Corinthian ...... London Eaøt First Tueøday "0. E. Br"ner.... 
381 Fordwich ......... Fordwich.... Thursday on or before f. m." "W J. Brumpton 
832 Stratford .......... Stratford.... Second Monday .." J. G. Moore.... 
333 Prince Arthur... Flesberton... Friday on or before f. moon" "R. J. Sproule... 
334 .Prince Arthur. Arthur ...... fuesùayon or before f. moon " W. HendersoD. 
835 .Langton ......... Lanp;ton ... Monday on or before f. moon" "0. D. Dewitt ... 
336 .Highgate . ...... Highgatt> ... Wednesday on Or before f. m. " ,. D. MeFarlane . 
837 "'Myrtle ........... Pt.Robiuson Tuesday on or before f. moon" "C. B. Bennett... 
838 DutIerin ......... WeIland Pt. Tuesday on or before f. moon" "J. E. Cohoe.... 
839 .Orient ............ Don Mount Firøt Tuesday "" D. Hunter. . .. 
340 .St. John's ...... " Pittøburg ... , Wednesda y before f. m. " J. A. Wilmot... 
341 "'Bruce. ... ......... Tiverton...... Tuesday on or before r. moon A. J. Patterson 
342 Hiram ............, Wolfe Island Friday on or before f. moon W. H. Goodwin 
343 Georgina ......... 1 Sutton ...... Thursday on or after f. moon " Wm. Brooks ... 
34-1 MerrIll ............ Dorchester
 Tuesdayonorbeforef.moon " Lyman Shaw... 
345 NileBtown ......... Nilestown... Tuesday on or before f. moon T. McDougall... 
346 ,.Occident. ......... Toronto ...... First Wednesday AIr. Curran. ... 
3-17 .:.\It!rcer . ......... Fergus ...... Thursday after f. moon G. A. Reid.... 
3-18 *Georgian ....... Penetang'ne Thursday on or before f. m. " G.A.Charlwood 
349 *Eigin.. ............ St. Thomas.. Second TúeBday " Peter Stover ... 
850 .Port Elgin. ...... Port Elgin... Frida.y on or before f. ID.OOO" "Wm.. Mitchell .. 
352 .Granite............ Parry Sound Wednesday on or before f. m." "R. Spring .... 
853 Excelsior.... ...... Colborne .... First Wednesday ,," W. L. Payne. ... 
364 "'Brock.... ......... canuington. 1 Wednesd.y on or before f. m." "J. M. Hart ...... 
856 -River Park ...... Streetsville.. Tuesday on or before f. moon " G. H. Falconer. 
3.i7 Waterdown ...... Waterdown.. TueAday on or before f. moon " J.McGregor,MD 
358 .Delaware Valley Delaware.... Friday on or before f. moon " W. A. Guest. . . 
369 :*Vittoria .. .......... Vlttoria ....... Friday on or before f. moon " G. L. Reirl......... 
860 Muskoka ......... Bracebridge. Tuesday on or before f. moon" "Rich. Mills...... 
361 i.Waverley......... Guelph ...... Fourth Tuesday "" T. S. Petrie.... 
862 ,.'Iaple L-aaf ...... Tara . ......... Monday on or before r. moon " A. McDonald... 
863 "'Frontenac. ...... Cataraqui ... Tueøday on or before f. moon R. Baker...... 
864 .Dufferin. .._...... Melbourne... WedneRday on or before f. m. .. "D.A. Sinclair... 
366 I"'Euclid ............ Strathroy .., Thursday before f. moon " "J. P.Whitehead 
367 St. George.. ...... Toronto ...... First Frlday "" J.Hetherringt'n 
368 Salem......... ...... I Brockvllle... Second l\lond8y "" J. D. Smith...... 

g i ri


y. ::: :::::: : \ 

.: ::: ir



: f.m.:: : i'i.DË.F
371 : .Prince of Wales Ottawa. ...... Second Thursday .." W. Northwood. 
372 I.Palmer... ......... , Victoria ...... Tuesday on or after f. m IC "AIr. Hurrell. ... 
873 .*Copestone ....... Weiland....... First Thursday " J. M. Dunn...... 
374 .Keene. ............ Keene......... Thurødayon or bef. r. moon" "H. J. Euglish... 
876 I.Lorne. ............ Omemee...... First Thursday .,,, Chas. Cornen... 


Br.J, E. Platt 
" O. J. Diamond 
.. John Shaw 
" E. Thompson 
" J. A. Morton 
" N. McDougall 
" P. S. Graham 
" John Wilson 
" G. H. Ford 
" F. Attridge 
.. E. Unl{er 
" A. A. Knight 
" s. W. Fossett 
" L. R. Smith 
" H. Van I<.:nde, jun' 
.. J. D. Wagar 
" Robt. Smith 
" M. A. Paine 
" Chas. E. Tanner 
" R. G. McCraw 
" G. W. Lyons 
" Geo. RUllsell 
" N. GeorKe 
" W. Lawless 
" John 'Viløon 
" D. AHlin 
" E. Pllrker 
" R. Q. Deneb 
" H. Hindman 
" Hugh Rosl 
.. A. A. S. Ardagb 
" JaR. Erbach 
" Alf. Godwin 
" M. Brown, M.D. 
:. W. J. Pij.(ott 
" Goo. Inl/;lis 
" A. McKinnon,M.D. 
" A. D. Stewart 
" J. J. Coulter 
" H. J. Craig 
" D. Johnson 
" H. Thompson 
" David Hill 
" C. L. Driefer 
.. JaR. Foster 
" I. Baker 
" W. J. Bellamy 
" A. :McPherson 
" W. WiuKTove 
" J. D. Gillis 
" W.
" D. C. Holmeø 
" F. H. Anderøon 
" P. G. Wilmot 
" John Seaton 
" C. D. Horne 
" F. G. Tremayne 
" E. T. Shaw 
" A. R. Rowat 
" G. M. Donovan 
" Jas. DaBS 
" C. R. Swath 
" A. .J. Clark 
" J. W. StatIord 
Co Chas. Clarke 
" J. Boyer 
" :M. L. Nutting 
" W. Webb 
" A. M. Robøon 
" R. R. Mr>ntgomery 
" J. W Stitt 
.. Wm. Simmons 
" R. C. Cb'ise 
" A. McCulloch 
" J. L. Haycock 
" A. Carrutherø 
" Jas. Fullerton 
" L. B. Montgomery 
" C. G. Griffin 
" B. Johnston 
" Orner Brown 
" J. J. Mulligan 
" Wm. Thompson 
" C. Swayze 
" T. Campbell 
IC J. A. Calder 




876 .Unity. ............ HuntBVille. First Wednesday every mo. W. Br. B. G. Beattie... Br. C. Pascock 
377 .Lorne. ............ Shelburne... Wednesday after r. m. " .. Benj. Tansley. "Alex. Smith 
378 .Klng Solomon'!!' Petersville... Third Wednf'flday "" D. C. McDonald "R. M. Graham 
3'79 *
iddlel'ex. ...... Bryanston ". I wednesda y on or before f. m. " "W. Johnston... "Thos. Gowan 
880 .UnIoa... ...... ...... London ...... Second Monday "" Jas. Peace ...... "Jas. Learn 
382 Doric................ Hamilton.... Third Monday "" J. J. Mason.... "Geo. Purrott 
383 .nenderøon ...... W.Winches'rIFlrst Tuesday "c. Arch. Tripp .... "E. L. White 
384 .Alpha.............lparkdale...ïFirstThursda y " JohnChambers "W.O.Beddome 
385 .SIJry..... ......... Beeton. ...... j Wednesda y on or after f. m. G. N. Clark.... "W. G. Stephens 
386 .
ccon ............ West Lorne. Wednesday after full moon P. St.alker ...... "John Chsseley 
387 Lansdown ...... ...1 Lansdowne. Thursday on or before f. m. " "Chas. Stewart. "Rev. S. Tighe 
388 Hesderson. ...... Ilderton...... Monday on or bofore f. moon" "And. Brown... "R. E AHen 
3jj9 "'CrYl't!lIFount.'nIN. Augusta. Wednesdayonorbeforef.m." "John Chapman" J.B.Love 
390 · Florence ......... Florence...... Thnrsday on or before f. moon" J. J. Rheintgen l " W. Drew 
3Pl "Howard __........ Rldgetown... 1 Monday on or before f. m." D. Cochran. . .. "R. W. Youngs 
SP2 "'Huron ............ ,CamlßChie ...,Wednesday on or after f. m. John Furguson "John McIntyre 
3P3 Forest.. ............ 'Chesley...... First Tuesday A. Dobbin ...... "Geo. Knowlson 
SPt King Solomon... Th8me&ford. Wednesday on or after f. moon" M. Day ...... "C. Garner 
395 Parvaim............ I Comber ...... j Thursda y on or before f. m." R. H. Abbott... "C. L. Mc-Dermott 
396 "Cedar. ............ Wiarton ...... Tuesday on or before f. moon " Jas. McKim.... "w. W. Hicks 
89i "'Leopold. ......... Brigden ......, Tuesday on or after f. moon" F.R.Se8.j(ar,M.D "W. Manley 
398 Victoria. .......... VictoriaRoad Second Tuesday " F. G. Millar.... "Andrew Paterso 
399 Moffat.. ............ Harriptsville I Wodnesday on or befor f. m. " Rich. Thomas. .. F. Kunz 
400 "'Oa
ville...... ... Oakville .... T!lel;day on or before f. moon Jas. 
ndrew... :: Henry Wilson 
CraIg............... Deseronto... FIrst Tuesday G. ClInton.M.D. W. O. McRae 
402 ,.Central............\ Essex Centre I Wednesday on or before f. m. Daniel Welsh... "John Dewar 
403 :'Windsor.......... 'Windsor...... Second Wednesday J. C. Guillott... "A. G. McWhinney 
40-1 Lorne ............... Tamworth . Friday on or before f. moon J. M. Smith ... "Jail. Ayillworth 
405 .Matt.awa.......... :'tlattawa.... First Tuesday W. Hogarth... "W. H. Smith 
406 *The Spry...... FenelonFalls l }.'irst Friday "H. McDona1d... "F. McDougall 
407 Manitoulin..... Gore Bay ...ITuellda y on or after f. moon" R. W. McTooke. "C. B. Savage 
lnrray.......... Beaverton... First Wednesday A. P. Cockburn "John Lesley 
409 "Golden Rule. ...' I GraVenhurst I Monday on or before f. moon" "Wm. B. Irving. "J. C. Anderson 
410 .Zeta........... Parkdsle.... Fourth Thursday "" J.T.ThompsoD "H.S.Langton 
-HI Rodney.. . . . ... Rodney .... Thursday on or before f. m." "T W Kirkpatr'k "W m. Morris 
412 Keystone..... . , S'ltsee Mar'eiTuesday on or before f. moon" "N.A.McDiarmid" Fred. Rogers 
-113 Napthali ...... TilburyC'ntr I Tuesday on or before r. moon" "W. E. Bottoms. 
U.D., Fort William. ... Ft. William. I Wednesday onor before! m. " W.H.Ca.rpenter 
U. D. . Lyn . .............. Lyn......... Tuesday on or after f. moon N. H. FIelds ... 

M. E. Compo Tholl. Sargant, Toronto. Gr. z. } 
R. E. " R Hendry.jr., Kingston." H. Gr'dCouncil. 
" "R.B Hungerford. London," J. 
" "P. A. Craig, WiLidsor, Gr. Sup. St. Clair Dis. 
" s. S. Clutton, Avlmer, " London .. 
C. L. Beard, Woodstock, Wilson 
William CowRn. Galt. Wellin!l;t'n" 
Henry Bickford. Dundas, " Hamilton" 
DeW.H.Mart.yn.Kincard'e," Huron " 
John M. Clement. Niagara, " Niagara 
Seymour Porter, Toronto." Toronto 
J. B. Trayes, Port Hope, Olltario 
J. J. Farley, Belleville, P. Edw'd " 
Edwin Plant, Ottawa, Central 
Wm. J. Logan, St. John N. Brnns. " 
J. K Brydon, Rät Portage, " Manitoba" 
David McLellan, Hamilton, Grand Scribe E. 

The Grant1 Chapter oC Royal Arch 
la8on8 oC Canada. 
R. E. Compo J. D. Christie, Chatham. Grand Scribe N. 
" "Joseph Beck, 8altford, "Prill. Sojour. 
E. Mitchell. Hamilton, "Treasnrer. 
John A. WillI', Toronto, .. Regilltrar. 
John S. Dewar. London, "1st Asst. Soj. 
John Warin
. Picton. "2nd"". 
I<.:lias T. Malone, Toronto, " Sword Bearer 
S. G. Fairtl(\UKh, Kingston," Mas. of Veil.. 
H. J. M. Wilson, Toronto, " Stand. Bearer 
W. S. S. Jackson, Toronto, " Dir.ofCer. 
Jas. M. Dunn, Weiland, "Organist. 
Goo. J. Bennett, Parkdale. " Pursuivant. 
W. Paterson, Peterboro', } 
J. A. Malcolm, Hamilton, "Stewards. 
Nath. Greening. Dundas, 
A. Born
asRer, Sharon, 
John Grant, Brockville, ., Janitor. 


Representatives near the Grand Chaptpr of Canada.':CIm Fbre'ÎfJn Grand Chapters. 
Alabama,...... R. E. Compo Isaac F. Toms...... Goderich. N.Hampsbire,R. E. Compo D. McLellsn ..... Hamilton. 
Arkansas " " John McLarell ... Orangeville. New Jerbey, '\I. E. .. Daniel Spry. ...... Barrie. 
California, 1!I.E." TIen. Macpherson, Oweu Sound. Nevada, R.E." J. J. Mason. ..... Hamilton. 
Colorado, " L. H. Henderson. BelleviJle. New York, H. HobertRon...... Collingwood. 
Connecticut, Donald ROl's.... ... Picton. N. Carolina, James Wililon .... Toronto. 
Dakota, R. E. " R. B. Hungerford. London. Nova Scotia, R Hendry.jun... Kingston. 
Delaware. " T. C. Macnabb ... Chatham. Ohio, V. E." H. A. Mackay...... Berlin. 
Dil't.ofColnm., .. " H. Robtlrtson...... Collingwood. Oregon, R. E. " R. J. Hovenden... Toronto. 
Florida, "" James l\-IofIat...... London. PennRylvania, " Dona1d McPhie... Hamilton. 
Gporgia. D. McLellan ...... Hamilton. Quebec, 11-1. E. " Daniel 
pry ....... Barrie. 
Illinois, Woo. Forbes. ...... Grimsby. Rhode Island, R. E. " J. B Trayes ...... Port Hope. 
Indiana, M. E. " James Seymour... St.Catharines. S. Carolina, M. E. .. C. D. )lacdonald. Peterboro'. 
I,'wa, " James Seymour... St. Catharines. Tennessee, R. E. " Woo. Gibl;on ....... Beamsville. 
Kansas. R. E. " J.1\1. Gibøon ...... Hamilton. Texas, R. Brierley......... Hamilton. 
1. E." T. Sargant ......... Toronto. J Virginia, Wm. Brydon ...... Rat Portage. 
Louil'lsD8, R. E. " Edward Mitchell, Hamilton. Vermont, Jas. B. Nixon...... Toronto. 
:'tlaine. D. R. Munro ...... St. John, N.B. Washington T. E. " Hugh Murray. ... Hami.ton. 
Maryland, .T. G. Burns......... Toronto. W. Virginia M. E. " S. B. Harman...... Torontt>. 
M8S8achuRetts. " .T. A. Henderson... Kingston. Wisconsin, R. E. " Gavin Stewart.... Hamilton. 
1. E. " F. J. Menet......... Toronto. Scotland, J. K. Kerr ......... Toronto. 
'lisBissippi, R. E. " Henry Robertson, Collingwood. Gr.Mark L'
e of 
"IIRsouri. " W.J.B.McL.Moore Prescott. Eng.&Wales,M.E. " Jas. Seymour...... St.Catharinel 
Nebraska, J. R. Robertson... Toronto. 





làpruentativu near Foreign Grand ChapÚ1's from tM Grand Chapter of Clxnada. 
Alabama ......... E. Comp. J. H. Johnson.... Talladega. Nebraska, R. E. Compo H. P. Duel......... Omaha. 
Ark8n88l!, "" G.L.Kimball ...... Dardanelle. N.Hampsh'e, R." " A. Baker............ Lebanon. 
Cali1ornla, M. " " N. W. Spaulding.. Oakland. New.Jersey, M." .. W. H. McIlIhaney, New York. 
Oolorado, "" L. N. Greenleaf ... Denver. Nevada, R..... S. W. Chubbuck... Gold Hill. 
Connecticut, "W. R. Higby...... Bridgeport. New York, R." .. H. G. Hopkins.... Willard. 
Dakota M." Wm. Blatt....... Yankton. N. Carolina," C. C. Clarke ....... New Berne. 
e, " G. F. Young ..._ Wilmington. Nova Scotia," L. F. Darling ...... Halifax. 
Dist. Colum., R. .. J. S. McCoy, M.D., Washington. Ohio, R. II C. A. Woodward.. Cleveland. 
J!'1or1da, M." R. J. Perry......... Key West. Oregon, " Donald Mackay... POJ;"tland. 
Georgia, M. " W. A. Graham. ... Fort Gaines. Pennsylv'la, R." .. T. R. .Patton ...... PhIladelphia. 
Illinois, " Arch. McLellan... Chicago. Quebec, R. .. II Thomas Milton ... Montreal. 
Indiana, E. L. McLallen... Colum. City. Rh. Island, R." W. R. Greene...... Providence. 
Iowa, " J. W. Wilson ...... Newton. S. Carolina. .. J.M.Bratt.en,M.D. Charleøto'Wn. 
Ireland, "" J. H. Neilson ...... Dublin. Tennessee, .." E. Edmondson.... PuI8.t\kt. 
Kans88 M. " II Jacob De Witt. .. Salina Texas, ".. Henry 8cherffius. Houston. 
Itentucky, M." H. R. French...... Mt. Sterling. Virginia, M." " G. W. D
e ..:.... Danv.ille. 
Louisiana R." " And. Hero,jun... New Orleanø. Vermont, P." Wm. Bnnsm8Id... Burlmgton. 
Maine, , M. :: " A. J. Fuller. ...... Bath. Wash'gton T.M." A. MeCalley..... Walla Walla. 
Maryland, J. 
1. Carter. ...... Baltimore. W. Virginia, R." " Frank Johnson... Wheeling. 
MMilachus'ts,R." Edwin Wright.... Boston. Wisconsin, M." II R. D. Pulford...... Mineral P'nt. 
Minnesota, R." O. G. Miller ....... St. Paul. Scotland, R." Earl of Kin tore ... Carlton Club, 
Mis8Í88ippi, M." .. A. H. Barkley.... Crawfordsville Gr.MarkL'geof Lon., Eng. 
Missouri, R. .. " M. A. Fyke......... Clinton. Eng.&Wales,M. " " Fred. Blncke8 .... London, E


1 Anc.Fronten8C Kingston.........C Third Wednesday ofevery month ......... G. M. Wilkinson.. W. S. Smyth 
2 The Hiram ... Hamilton ......H First Mondayev. m. exoopt July "Aug. C. W. Mulllgan...... W.J. Grant 
8 St. John's..... London, ........L Fourth Wednllsdayln every month..... Jos. Hook......... John Siddon8 
4 St.And.&St.J.. Toronto .........T Third Friday of every month ............... John Ritchie...... Thos. Hills 
6 St. George's ... London .........L Third Tuesday In every month........ Edward Burke.... C. C. Reed 
6 St. John's ...... Hamilton ......H 2nd Thursday eVe m. except July "Ang J. A. Malcolm....... C. W. W.Ffeldlng 
7 Moira ............ Bellevllle......P.E First Tuesday of every month............... J. J. Farley. ......... P. C. Jones 
8 K. Solomon's. Toronto .........T First Wednesday of every month.... .... George Clarke.... John Akers 
10 N. Brunswick. St. John. .. .N.B First Thursday of every month ............ A. R. Campbell...... D. S. Stewart 
11 St. Mark's ...... St. Andrewl, N.B Second Thursday of every month ......... T. Armstrong..... T. R. Wren 
15 Wawanosh .... Sarnia ............L Second Friday in Jan. April, July.\ Oct. James Wood...... C. B. Johnston 
16 Carleton......... Ottawa............C Third Thursday of every month............. J. D. Wallis....... W. H. Morgan 
18 Oxford .......... Woodstock.... W Third Friday ofevery month ............... James Sutherland. James Wilson 
19 Mount Morlah. St. Cathariaes.N Friday on or before f. moon ofev. month J. E. B8f!ton ...... George Burch 
20 Mount Horeb. Brantford ...... W FirBt Wednesday of every month ......... Wm. Watt, Jnn. ... David Curtis 
22 Grenville ...... Prescott .........C Second Tuesday In every month. . . .. ... John Carruthers ... M. Dowsley 
23 Ezra ............. Simcoe .........W Second Wednesday of every month ...... .................. 
24 Tecumseh ...... Stratford ...... HN Last Tuesday of every month ...... ......... John E. Harding... . Baker 
26 St. Mark's ...... Trenton ......P.E Second Wednesday of every month ...... ........................... 
2i Manitou......... Collingwood ...T Flnt Friday of every month ............... Henry Robertson. F. B. Gregory 
28 Pentalpha ...... Oshawa. .........0 Second Friday of every month ............ .................. 
29 McCallum...... Dunnville.......N Frldayon or aft. f. moon .......... ...... W.N.Braund....... L.A.Congdon 
80 Huron .......... Goderich .....HN Third Tuesday of every month ............ IIIII&C F. Toms. ...... Henry Clucas 
81 Prince Edward Picton .........P.E Monday on or after f. moon .................. John H. Murney... Donald Ross 
32 Waterloo ...... Galt ............WN Second Monday of every month..... ....... John Shupe ......... J. M. Hood 
M Si
et............ Barrie ............T Second Tuesday of every month............ Wm. Downie...... R. R. Holt 
85 Keystone ....... Whitby .........0 Third Thursday or every month............ ........................... 
rint!tian .... Peterboro' .. .'O I Thlrll Tuesday of every month ............ B. Shortly........ OhM. Cameron 
87 VlctoTla ......... Port Hope ......0 Second Thnrsday or every month ......... G. B. Salter ...... W. B. Wallace 
88 Seymour ...... Bradford . . . .. . T Friday on or before f. m. of every month... .................. 
89 Botsford......... Moncton... .N.B Third Monday of every month ............ .................. 
40 Guelph ......... Guelph...... WN I Second Friday of every month. ............ Alex. Bruce. ......... R. Gemmell 
41 Harris ......... Ingersoll... ..W First Tuesday afterf. m. of every month. I ........................... 
44 Monnt Sinal... Napanee ......P.E Wednesday afterf. moon ................... C. Z. PHTY ....... J. H. Flynn 
41> Excelsior ...... COlborne..... .0 1 First Thursday of every month ............ ........................... 
46 St. James ...... St. Mary's ....HN Second Wednesday ofevery month ...... ........................... 
47 Wellington.... Chatham.... ST.C I Second 'l'hursday ofeYery month. ......... W. L. TackAberry . 1 James Birch 
48 St. John's ...... Cobourg .........0 Friday on or bef. f. moon of ev. month.../D. McNaughton.... J. G. Orr 
49 El<.>ra ............ Elora. .........wN I 
ednesday on or after f. m.ofev. monthlT. P. Smith....... W.6.ay 
62 Prmce Rupert Winnipeg. ......M Firat Thursday of evet.y month............. C. F. Forrest ......... T. NIxon, Jnn 
53 1 Bruce ............ Petro1ia ......... L First Thursday In each month. ............. Robert Scott... ...... James W. Ford 
fi4 Palestine...... St. Thomas ...... L Second 'rhursday In the month ............ W. E. Idsardl . . . .' H. Kirkland 
65 Niagara.. . ... Niagara. _.. .. . N Thursday after full moon...... ............... Robert Shearer. .., Thomas N. BaIl 
f>6 1 Georgian.. . .. Owen Sonnd... T Third Tuesday of every month. . . .. .. ... Robert Edgar. ...... H. P. Adalr 
67 King Hiram... Pt. Colborne ...N First Thursday ofevery month ............ J. B. Neff. ............ Charles Lugsdin 
68 Pembroke ...... Pembroke ......C First Monday of every month............... ........................... . j 
69 Sussex. ......... Brockville ... ...C Friday on or bef. r. moon of every month George Gale.. . ... C.H.Fltzslmmon. 
60 I Doric............. Newmarket. .... T First Wednellday fnmonth. .................. A. Borngasser..... W. A. Ewing 
61 Granite. ......... Almonte .........C Second Monday of every month............ J. M. Munro......... Ralph Hill 
62 York ............ Egllngton ......T Thursday on or after full moon............. ........................... 
6.'i Havelock ...... Kincardine ...HN Third Thursday In each month............. B. Freer ............... J. S. Greenhill 
64 Willson ......... Welland .........N Last Wednesday ofeyery month .......... I. P. Willson...... M. W. Brldgmaa 
65 St. Paul's .... Toronto .........T Second Wednesday of every month. ..... C.W.Postlethwaite. C. P. Sparling 
66 The Malloch... Clinton. .......HIf Friday before f. moon of every month ... D. M. Malloch ...... W. F. Murray 
67 Enterprise...... Barrlston .., WN First Tuesday of every month............... ........................... 
68 Maitland ....... Maitland . ......C Third Thun. in Mar., June, Sept. & Dec. A. T. Dunn. ......... 
69 Grimsby......... Grimsby... ......N F. Wed. In July.,Sep.,Nov.,Jan.,Mar.,May E. E. Loosley .. ... Wm. Forbes 
70 Grand River... Berlin .........WN First Monday after f. moon of ev. month J. M. Scully...... Alex. Miller. 
H [62



[ 1887 . 

- -- -- 
7i- PrlnceofWales Amherstb'g .ST.C First Wednesday on or before f. moon... George Gott ... .... George Green 
'13 Erie...... ....... Ridgetown...ST.C Wednesday on or before full moon......... D. Cochrane...... B. F. Sutherland 
'14 j Beaver. ......... Strathroy .......L Second Tuesday of every month............ .................. 
T6 st Clair......... Milton ..........H Second Wedneädayofev. alternate month, W. H. McNabb...... John Lyon 
7ft Mo
nt Nebo... NiagaraFallsS.N Friday on or before f. m. of every month i James McGarry... George 
7'1 Occldent......... Toronto .........T Second Monday of every month............ A. G. Horwood.... J. W. HIckson 
78 Minnew,,'Wa... Park Hill ....... L Third Monday of every month. ............ .................. 
79 Orient............ Toronto .........T Fourth Thursday of every month ......... Andrew Park.... F. H. Anderson 
80 Ark... ............ Windlor .... ST. C Second Monday in each month ............ Peter A. Craig.... D. L. Carley 
81 Aylmer ......... Aylmer ..........L Friday on or after f. moon ofev. month. Samuel S.Clutton. C. C. Miller 
82 Shuniah......... P.A.Landing.HN Friday on or before full moon............... W. J. Clarke...... Jas. A. Fr88er 
83 Ionic. ............ Orangeville...WN Tuesday after full moon of everymonth. John C. Fox...... John McLaren 
84 Lebanon.... ... Wingham .... HN First Wednesday of every month. ... ...... ! Thom88 Bell. . . ,... C. E. Willb.mø 
8li Exeter. ......... Exeter.. ......HN First Tuesday of every month.. ............: M. Eacrett ........ Charleø Senior 
86 Macpherøon... Meaford ......... T I Second Thursday of each month... ........., Thomas Mc
arroll. H. McDonald 
87 Wentworth ... I Dundas .........H Tueøday on or before full moon ............ Frcderick Bennett. William Graham 
88 Macnabb....... Dreøden ... ST. C Second Wednesday aft f. m. ofev. month I' . . .. .... .... .. ... 
81 Woodøtock.... Woodstock ...N.B Third Thursday in each month ............ D. F. Merritt...... D. McL. Vince 
90 Golden....... Rat Portage ...M Fonrth Wednesday of every month. ...... David T. Ferguøon. Edwin Newell 
91 Antiquity...... Parkdale...... Tjsecond Tueøday of every mO/lth............IGeorge G. Rowe ... j wm. H. Taylor 
92 8pry ............. Allløton ......... T Friday on or before f. m. of every month IT. S. Patterøon. . .. S. W. Howard 
NOTR.-The capital letters on the right of .. where held" colnmn indicate the several DistrictB, viz. :-ST. C, St. 
Clair; L., London; W., Wilson; WN ., Wellington; H., Hamil ton: HN., Huron; N.. Niagara; T., Toronto; 0., 
Ontario; P. E., Prince Edward; C., Central; N. B., New Brunøwick: M., Manitoba. 


.Address oj the Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ontario for the year ending August, 1887. 
Jehn Donogh, Toronto, Grand Master. Wm. MacDiannid, Lucan, Grand Representative. 
J. R. Reid, Brockville, Deputy Grand Master. Wm. Fleming, Orangeville, Grand lrlarshal. 
E. R. Robinson, London, Grand Warden. G. M. Francis, Port Arthur, Grand Conductor. 
J. B. King, Toronto, Grand Secretary. Wm. Bushell, Windsor, Grand Guardian. 
Wm. Badenach, Toronto, Grand Treasurer. W. H. Lowe. WeIland, Grand Herald. 
Cl. T. Campbell, London, Grand Representative. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Toronto, Grand Chaplain. 



Brock.. .. .. 00 . . . . 9 Broc kville.. .. .. Tuesday 
Cataraqui .. .. .. .. 10 Kingston ...... Tuesday 
Union............ 16,St. Catharines.. Monday 
Phænix .... " . . .. 22 IOshawa .. .. .. .. Monday 
Rose .......,.... 28 1 Amheratburg 00 Wednesday 
Chatham ....... . 29, Chatham ...... Tuesday 
Eureka .......... 3111 London ........ I Tuesday 
Elgin ............ 32 St. Thomas .... Thursday 
Erie ............ 33 Pt. Burwell .... Thursday 
Gore ............ 34, Brantford .. .. . . 1 Monday 
Samaritan.. .. .. . . 35 
 Ingersoll ...... Wednesday 
St. Mary:!!........ 36 1 St. Mary's...... Tuesday 
Forest CIty...... 38:London........ Monday 
Bond Eau .. .. .... 40; Blenheim ...... Friday 
Avon ............ 41 Stratford .... 00 Wednesday 
ExcelsIOr ........ 44 Hamilton ...... Thursday 
Frontier.. .. .. .. . . 45 Windsor....... . Wednesday 
Mt. Zion ..._.... 46'NewbuI1 T ....., Thursday 
Unity.... .. ...... 47 I Hamilton...... Wednesday 
Dominion .. .. .. . . 4M London .. .. . . . . Wednesday 
Canada .......... 49 1 Toronto.. .. .. .. Friday 
Otter ............ 50 Tilsonburg .... }Ionday 
Bissell .......... 51 I l\litcbell.. .. .. .. Friday 
Covenant ........ 52' Toronto.. .. . . .. Tuesday 
Niagara Falls .... 531 Clifton ........ Tuesday 
Collingwood.. .. .. 54, Collingwood.. .. Thursday 
Fidelity.. . . .. .... 55' Seaforth.. .. . . . . Wednesday 
-Queen City of Onto 561 Toronto.. .. . . .. Monday 
:Maple Leaf ...... 57/0rangeville.... Thursday 
Howard.. .. .. .... 581 Strathroy ...... Wednesday 
Kingston ........ 59' Kingston ...... Friday 
WardsviIle ...... 60 Wardsville .... Alter. Monday 
Corinthian ..... . 61 Oshawa .. .. .. .. Thursday 
Huron .......... 62 Goderich ...... Thursday 
Barrie.. .. .. . . . ... 68 Barrie........ 00 Monday 
Victoria.. .. .. .. .. 64 Hamilton ..,... Tuesday 
Friendship ...... 65 Petrolia........ Friday 
Florence Night'g'le 66 Bowmanville .. Wednesday 
Exeter .......... 67/Exeter ........ Tuesday 
Nerth8tar ...... 6S:Stayner ........ Friday 
Hope ............ 69 / ' Harrietsville.. .. Saturday 
Lucan.. .. .. .. .... 70 Lucan.. .. .. .. 00 Tuesday 
The Toronto...... 71 Toronto........ Wednesday 
Eac;tern Star.. .. .. 72 Whitby ........ Tuesday 

I OF :

I Fergus ..... . . . 00 13 Fergus ........ Tuesday 
Bothwell ....... . 1 74 Bothwell ...... Tuesday 
I Warriner ........ 75 Port Perry .... Monday 
St. Thomas ...... 76 St. Thomas ... . 1 Wednesday 
Oxford .... ,..... 77 Ingersoll ...... Monday 
Durham.. .. .. .. .. 78 Port Hope.. .. .. Tuesday 
Nipissing ........ 79 Uxbridge ...... Thursday 
: Amity............ 80 Prescott.. .. .. .. Thursday 
I , Belleville ........ 81 Belleville ...... Thmsday 
Beaver .......... 82 Ruthven ...... Tuesday 
I' Clinton .....,.... 83 Clinton ........ Tuesday 
1 ' 1 Walkerton........ 84 Wa1kerton...... ,Friday 
Constellation ... . 85 Burgessville .. . . 1 Tuesday 
I I Napanee ........ 86 Napanee ...... Tuesday 
I Empire .......... 87 St. Catharines .. Thursday 
Olive Branch .... 88 Woodstock .... Monday 
I Reliance ... . .. .. 89 Guelph ........ lrlonday 
I Ivy.............. 90 Park Hill ...... Thursday 
I Grand River...... 91 Paris .......... Thursday 
Milton ......, , . . 92 Milton ..... . .. Tuesday 
Western City .... 93 Chatham ...... :\Ionday 
I Aylmer ......... . 1 94 Aylmer ........ Tuesday 
Port Stanley.. .. .. 95 Port Stanley.. .. Monday 
Nith ............ 96 
ew Hamburg. Thursday 
Grand Union .... 97 Berlin.......... Friday 
Minto.. .. .. .. .. . . 98 Harris ton ...... Friday 
Lindsay.. .. .. .... 100 Lindsay.. .. .... Monday 
Golden Star.... ..1 1 101 Brampton.... 00 Thursday 
Dosoronto.. .. .... 102 Mill Point.. .. .. I Wednesday 
Cataract ........ 103 Dru
mond ville.1 Th!lrsday 
Cres<::ent ...... 00 , 104 HamIlton ...... FrIday 
Manilla ...... .. .. 105 Manilla....... . I Monday 
St. Clair.......... 106 Point Edward.. ThTlrsday 
Waterloo ........ 107 Galt ......... . I Monday 
Royal Oak.. .. .... 108 Forest ........ Monday 
Orion.. .. .. .. . ... 109 Georgetown ... . , l\IOnda y 
Laurel .......... 110, Toronto.. .. .... Monday 
Peterboro'........ 111,Peterboro'.... .. I Thurs
Lucknow ........ II:! Llleknow ...... 1st Fri. III mo. 
Trenton.. .. .. .... 1131 Trenton.. . . .. .. 
Gananoque ...... 114 Gananoque .... Wednesday 
Harmony ..... .. 1151 Brantford ....., Tuesday 
Naomi .......... 1I6 MarkhltID .....ï
Valley City ...... 117lDundas ...... 00 Wednesday 






w. 11 L.ODGB. No ' 1 LOCATION. I OF :

Maitland. . . . . .. ., 119 Wingham ...... Thursday Chorazm . .. .. .. .. 190 London East. .. ' Monday - 
Sydenham Valley. 120 ! Wallacebur g .... Friday Jarvis............ un Jarvis.......... Monday 
Saxon .........'.. 121 Ailsa Craig. .. " Wednesday Howick .. .. .. .. .. 192 GOITie...... .... Tuesday 
Streetsville. .. .. .. 1221 Streetsville. .. .. Friday Victor.. .. .. .. . ... 193 st. Mary's..... . 1 Friday 
Palmerston ........ 123 1 Palmerston. .. .. Thursday A!bert ........... 194 Toronto.. .. .. .. Friday 
Dresden......... 124 Dresden........ Monday CIcerone......... 195 Woodville...... Tuesday 
Stella.. .. " .. .. ., 125 Carleton Place.. Tuesday Florence " ., .. ... 196 Florence....... Monday 
Sarnia ., .. .. .. ... 126 1 Sarnia. . .... .. .. Tuesday 1tfi
erv3:'. .. .... .. 197 Hamilton.. .. ., 
lter. Friday 
Mizpah. . . .. .. .. .. 127 I Belleville. .. .' .. Monday BntanDla. .. .. .. .. 198 Bollil! '. .. " ... Alter. Friday 
Mystic........... 128 Kilbride....... Mouday Scotia............ 199 Port Robinson.. Wednesday 
Livingstone ...... 130 I Thorold........ Tuesday Weston........... 200 Weston ........ Saturday 
Manon. .. .. .. .... 131 Renfrew........ Friday Beacon. .... .. .. .. 201 Port Colborne . . Wednesday 
Oakville. . .. . . . ... 132 1 OakviIle.. .. .... Monday Silver Star. . . . . . . 1202 Milverton .. . . .. Friday 
Glencoe .. .. .. '. .. 133 Glencoe .... .. .. Wednesday Pembroke.. .. .. .. '203 Pembroke...... Tuesday 
Orient ..... .. .... 134 Welland.... .. .. Tuesday Acton.. " .. .. .. .. '204 Acton.. .. . . .. .. Frirlay 
Peaceful Dove.. .. 135 Cannington. .. .. Thursday Ahiram. . . .. .. .. .. /205 Paisley. .. .. .. .. Tuesday 
Cobourg.. .. .. .. .. 136 Cobourg.. .. .... Friday Silver City.. .. ..' 206 Tiverton ..... .. Friday 
St. Lawrence. .. .. 131: Brockville.. .. .. Monday Egremont .. .. .' .. '207 Adelaide....... Saturday 
Ancaster... .... .. 138' Ancaster. .. .. .. l\londav Alvinston .. .. .. .. '208 Alvinston .... ., Friday 
Garnet. .. .. . . .. ., 139 Mount Forest .. Tuesdåy Millbank . . . .. .. . . 1209 }lillbank . .. .. .. We.dnesday 
Leamington ...... 140: Leamingtoll .... Thursùay Brucetield.... .... 210 Brucetield.... .' Friday 
Concord.......... 142 , Kingsville.. .... Friday Lily............ ..1211 N. Dorchester.. Tuesday 
Bay of Quinte .... 143 Picton......... WednelSday Argyle......... "1212 Napanee ....... Thursday 
Ridgetown . , . .. .. 144, Ridgetown ... . . Wednesday Zéphyr .......... 213 Zephyr... .. .. .. Wednesday 
Vivian.,......... 146,Arnprior....... Tuesday Chfford......... ..1214 Clifford .. ...... Thursday 
Model.. .. .. .. .. .' 1471 Wyoming ...... Alter. Monday Freestone.. " .. .. 215 Beamsville . .... Tuesday 
Aurora .......... 148IAurora......... Alter.Tuesday Elmira...........!216 Elmira.. ...... Wednesday 
Western Star. .... 149 Brussels ..... .. Thursday Mount Brydges. .. 217 1\It. Brydges.. .. Alter. Thurs. 
Bertie.. .. .. . . .. .. 150 Ridgeway ...... Monday Enterprise ....... 218 Essex Centre... Thursday 
Sycamore.. .. .. .. 1511 Arko
a ........ Tu.esday Georgian Bay. .. .. '219 Waubaushene .. Thursday 
yden .... ....... 152 1 NorwICh ....... Friday Woodslee ........ 220 South Woodslee. Monday 
WIldey........... 153 I Granton........ Wednesday Chesley.......... 221 Chesley........ Friday 
Alpha.. .. .. .' .... 154 Almonte....... Monday Mount Elgin.. .. .. 222 Mount Elgin.. .. Tuesday 
Brougham ....... 155 1 Brougham.. .... Thursday Hensall .. .. .. .. .. 223 Hensall .. .. .... Wednesday 
Pyramid......... 156,Newmarket ., ..iTuesday Ottawa.......... 224 Ottawa........ Tuesday 
ThamesviUe .... .. 1571 Tbamesville .. .. Thursday Norfolk .. .. . . .... 225 / Port Dover ... . Wednesday 
Prol!ress ......... 158: Guelph. , . .. .. .. Thursday Merlin ....... ... 226 Merlin ... .. .. .. Saturday 
Oa 1 r,eaf......... 1591 Hamilton ...... Tuesday Sauble .......... 221 Tara. .. . . .. . . .. Tuesday 
Listowel . " .. . ... 160 I Listowel . .. .... Tuesday International. . . .. 228 , Fort Erie. .. .. .' Thursday 
Simcoe...,....... 161,Simcoe......... Friday EmbroStar....... 229 Embro......... Tuesday 
Orienta .. .. .' .. .. 163 Cornwall... .... Monday Prince of Wales.. 230' Brockton. .. .. .. Tuesday 
Romeo.. .. .. ..' .. J 164/Stratford... .... Tuesday Elora ............ 2311Elora .... ..... Thursday 
B,;ethoven.. .. .. .. 165 l B
ooklin '.. ., . . / Fr!day Equity. .. .. .. .. .. 232 Hagarsville. .. . . Wednesday 
HIllsburgh . ., " .. 167 HIllsburg " ., .. FrIday Hanover... .. .. .. 233 Hanover... .. .. WednelSday 
Sutt.on . .. . ... .. .. 168, Sutton.. .. .. . .. , Monday Ilderton ......... 234 Ilderton.. .. .... Thursday 
Grey. .. .. .. ., .... 169 \ Durham.. .. .... Monday Waterford .. .. .. .. 235 Waterford.. .... Thursday 
Denovo .......... 170 Port Elgin . . . .. Thursday Acorn .. .. .. .. .... 236 Camlachié .. . . .. TueAday 
Alliston.. .. .. .. .. IiI Alliston........ }<'riday Farmersville.. . . .. 237 Farmersville.. . . Wednesday 
Penetangore . . .. .. 172 1 Kincardine. .. .. Tuesday Temple. .. .. .. .. .. 238 PenetaDguishene Tuesday 
Emerald ......... 173 1 Dunville . . . .... Tuesday Stirling .......... 239 Stirling ........ Wednesdaf 
Dolman.... .... .' 174 Ayr.. .. .. .... .. Wednesday Carleton. .... .. .. 240 Ottawa ........ Monday 
Lome.. . . .. .. .. .' 175 West Lorne .... Thursday Rideau .......... 241 Smith's Falls... 
Dauncey . .. .. .. ., 176 Thedford. .. ., . . Wednesday Wilton. . .. .. .... 242 Toronto.. ., .... Tuesday 
J.'ontana ..... .. . .1177 Wroxeter ...... Wednesday Thornbury... .. " 243 Thornbury..... Friday 
Wellington Square I 178 I Burlington ..... Monday Port ArthuT...... 244 Port Arthur.... Wednesday 
Madoc . . . .. .. .. .. 11791 Madoc. . . .. ., .. Alter. Monday 1tlallorytown.. .. .. 245 MaUorytown.. . . Wednesday 
Owen Sound.. .. .. 180 IOwen Sound.. .. Tbursday Orillia.. . . .. . . . . .. 246 OriIlia.. . .. . .. .. Tuesday 
Ark.. . . . . .. .. .. .. 181 Springfield..... Thursday Gordon. .. ., .. . . .. 247 Palmerston..... Wednesday 
Te'èumseth ....... 182 iOtterville .. .... Monday Campbellford. .. .. 248 Campbellford. ., Thursday 
Teeswater.. .. .. .. 1183/ Teeswater .. .. .. Friday Beaverton. . . .. . .. 249 Beaverton ..... Monday 
Germama ........ IM4, Waterloo. .. ... Thursday Ridgely. . . .. . .... 250 Oil Springs.. . .. Monday 
Live O.ak......... 185 I Strabane....... Alter. Wed. Bracebridge ...... 251 Bracebridgl'.... Wednesday 
Duffcnn.. . . . . .. .. 186 Flesherton . .. .. Tuesday Floral ........... 252 Parkdale....... Tuesday 
Cypress.. .. .. .. ., 187 Bradford....... Monday Caledonia. .... . .. 253 Caledonia...... Friday 
Cambridge. .. .. .. 188 Preston.... .. .. Wednesday Alba ............ 254 Pakenham...... Thursday 
P arry Sound...... '189.Parry Sound.... Monday Tottenham ....... 2 55 Tottenham ..... Wednesday 





13 St. Tho mas. 
14 Guelph. 
16 Prescott 
17 Cannin gton. 
18 W oodst ock. 
19 Almont e. 
20 Dresden 

Reynolds ..... . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 
Wentworth .................. 2 
J.Ietropolitan ..... . .. .. .. .. .. 3 
Banner ...................... 5 
Riverside ......,............. 7 
J.lystic ...................... 8 
Moira ........................ 10 
Waterloo.................... 11 
Oshawa " .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. 12 

RaInbow................... .. 
Excelsior .................... 
Lennox ...,.................. 
Greenville ., .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .' 
Union.. .. ., .. .. . . .. .. .. .' .. .. 
j Woodstock............. ...... 
Alpha.. .. .. .. .. , . . . .. .. ., .. . . 
Dresden ..................... 

Vict?ria, No. I, Lon
on. Oshawa, No. 4, 
shawa. May Queen, No.5, London East. Naomi, No.6, Windsor. 
r SIsters, No. .1, Pomt Edv.:ard. Ruth, No.8, Napanee. Bethnel, No.9. Barrie. Louise, No. 10, Kingston. 
Pwtou, No. 11, PIctoU. Beatnce, No. 12, Guelph. J. B. King, Grand Sec., Office, No. 42 King St. East, ToroRte. 
[ 631 1 





[Assented to 30th March, 1885.] 
W HEREAS great difficulty is experienced Act respecting wages passed during the present 
in determining cases arising under the session, or to prevent a debtor providing for 
present law relating to the transfer of property payment of wages due by him in accordance 
by persons in insolvent circumstances, or on with the provisions of any such Act. (Amenried 
the eve of insolvency, and it is desirable to by Sec. 1, Chap. 25, 49 Vic.) 
remedy the same; (3) In case a payment of money is made to 
Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the ad- a creditor under the circumstances mentioned 
vice and consent of the Legislative Assembly in the second section, and within one month 
of the Province of Ontario, enacts as fol- before the execution of an assignment for the 
lows:- general benefit of creditors under this Act, the 
I.-Section 2 of the Act respecting the same shall be void as against the assignment, 
Fraudulent Preference of Creditors by persons but not as against persons claiming in any 
in insolvent circumstances, chapter US of the other way. 
Revised Statutes, and Section 3 of the Adminis- (4) The debtor may, in the first place, with 
tration of Justice Act, 1884, are hereby re- the consent of a majority of his creditors hav- 
pealed, and the following sections are sub- ing claims of $100 and upwards commuted 
stituted therefor: according to the provisions of section IS, 
2.-Every gift, conveyance, assignment or make a general assignment for the benefit of 
transfer, delivery over or payment of any his creditors, to some person other than the 
goods, chattels or effects, or of any bills, bonds, Sheriff. 
notes, securities, or of any shares, dividends, 4,-Everyassignment made under this Act 
premiums or bonus in any bank, company or for the general benefit of creditors shall be 
corporation, or of any other property, real or valid and sufficient if it is in the words follow- 
personal, made by any person at a time when ing, that is to say, all my personal property 
he is in insolvent circumstances, or is unable which may be seized and sold under execution 
to pay his debts in full, or knows that he is on and all my real estate, credits and effects, or 
the eve of insolvency, with intent to defeat, if it is in words to the like effect; and an 
delay, or prejudice his creditors, or to give assignment so expressed shall vest in the 
anyone or more of them a preference over his assignee all the real and personal estate, rights, 
other creditors, or over anyone, or more of property, credits and effects, whether vested 
them, or which has such effect, shall, as against or contingent, belonging at the time of the 
them, be utterly void. assignment to the assignor, except such as are 
othing in the preceding section by law exempt from seizure or sale under ex- 
shall apply to assignments made to the sheriff ecution, subject, however, as regards lands, to 
of the county in which the debtor resides or the provisions of the registry law as to the 
caITies on business, or to another assignee registration of the assignment. 
with the consent of the creditors as herein- 5.-If any assignor or assignors executing 
after provided, for the purpose of paying an assignment under this Act for the general 
ratably and proportionately and without prefer- benefit of his or their creditors owes or owe 
ence or priority all the creditors of the debtor debts, both individually and as a member of a 
their just debts; nor to any bona fide sale or co-partnership, or as a member of two different 
payment made in the ordinary course of trade co-partnerships, the claims shall rank first 
or calling to innocent purchasers or parties; upon the estate by which the debts they repre- 
nor to any payment of money to a creditor sent were contracted, and shall only rank upon 
1'ln1ess an assignment for the general benefit of the other after all the creditors of that other 
creditors is made within one month after the have been paid in full. 
payment is made, nor to any bona fide gift, 6.-A majority in number and value of the 
conveyance, assignment, transfer or delivery creditors who have proved claims to the amount 
over of any goods, securities or property of of $100 or upwards may, at their discretion, 
any kind, as above-mentioned, which is made substitute for the sheriff a person residing in 
in consideration of any present actual bona fide the county in which the debtor resided or car- 
payment in money, or by way of security for ried on business at the time of the assignment. 
any present actual bona fide advance of money, An assignee may also be removed, and another 
or which is made in consideration of any assignee may be substituted, or an additional 
present actual bona fide sale or delivery of assignee may be appointed by a Judge of the 
goods or other property; Provided that the High Court, or of the County Court where the 
money paid, or the goods or other property sold assignment is registered. 
or delivered bear a fair and reasonable relative 7.-(1) Save as provided in the next sub- 
value to the consideration therefor. section, the assignee shall have an exclusive 
(2) Nothing herein contained is to effect any right of suing for the rescission of agreements, 




deeds and or other tran
actions I credito
s failing to provide therefor, subject te 
made or entered mto m fraud of credItors, or the reVIew of the County Court of the county 
made or entered into in violation of the Act in which the assignment is registered, or the 
respecting the fraudulent preference of credito,,:s Judge thereof, if c<?mplained of by the assignee 
by persons in insolvent circumstances, or of thIS or any of the creditors. 
Act. . .. 12.-(1) No assignment for the benefit of 
(2) If at any tIme any credItor desires to creditors under this Act shall be within the 
cause any proceeding to be ta.ken which, in his operation of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 
opinion, would be for the benefit of the estate, chapter lI9. intituled An Act respecting Mort- 
and .the, under the authority of the gages and Sales of Personal Property,. but a 
creditors and mspe
tors, refuses f?r neglects to notice of the assignment shall, as SOon as con- 
take such proceedmg, af
er bemg duly re- veniently may be, be published (amænded by 
quired to do so, such creditor shall have t
e Sec. 3, 1;9 Vie., Chap. 26) in the Ontario Gaz- 
right to obtain an order of the. Jud
e authonz- ette and in one newspaper at least, having a 
ing him to take such pro?eedmgs m the name general circulation in the county in which the 
o! the trustee, but at hIS own 
xpense and property assigned is situate; and the publica- 
rIsk, upon such terms and conditIOns as to tion in each shall be continued therein for at 
indemnity to the assignee, as the Judge may least four times. 
prescribe, and th
reupon any benefit de
ived (2) A counterpart or copy of every such 
from such p
s s
all belong eXclusivel.y assignment shall also within five days from the 
to the credl
or mstitutlllg the sa;me for hIS execution thereof be registered, (together with 
benefit,. but If, befo
uch order IS grante
, an affidavit of a witness thereto of the due ex- 
sslgnee. sb
ll slgmfy to the. Judge hIS ecution of such assignment or of the due execu- 
ess to lllstltu
e such proceedlllgs for the tion of the assignment of which the copy filed 
efit of tJ:te cre
ht?rs, t
e order shall pre- purports to be a copy), in the office of the clerk 
e the bme Wlthlll whlCh he sh
ll do so, of the county court of the county or union of 
and III that c
se t
e a;dv8: nta g e de
d from counties where the assignor, if a resident in 
lCh proceedmg, .If lllstituted Wlthm such Ontario, resides at the time of the execution 
time, shall appertalll to the estate. thereof, or if he is not a resident then in the 
8. -If the 'person to whom any s
lCh gift, con-office of the clerk of the county court of the 
ent, trans,fer, de
very o
 pay- county or union of counties where the personal 
ment, as III SectIOn 2 of thIs Act IS 
enboned, property so assigned is or where the principal 
has been made s
all have sold or. dIsposed of part thereof (in case the same includes pro- 
e property WhICh. was the subject of .such perty in more counties than one) is at tne time 
g1ft, conveyance, assIgnment, transfer, dehvery of the execution of the assignment; and such 
or payment, or any par
 thereof, the moneys clerks shall file all such instruments presented 
or. other proceeds r
ahzed the
.'efor may be to them respectively for that purpose, and 
selzed or 
ecovere.d m any actIOn under the shall endorse thereon the time of receiving the 
last preceding se
s as ful
y. and, effectually same in their respective offices, and the same 
as tþe property If stIll remallllllg m the pos- shall be kept there for the inspection of all 
sessIon. or control of such person could have persons interested therein. The said clerks 
been seIzed or recov
red. respectively shall number and enter such 
9.-An assignment for the general benefit of assignments, and be entitled to the same fees 
creditors under this Act shall take precedence for services in the same manner as if the assign- 
of all judgments and of all executions not ments had been registered under the Act res- 
completely executed by payment. (Amended peeling Z'Jfortga[Jes and Sales of Personal Pro- 
by Sec. 2, 49 Vie., Chap. 26.) perty. 
W.-No advantage shall be taken or gained 13.-Ifthe said notice is not published in the 
by any creditor of any mistake, defect or im- regular number of the Canadian Gazette, and 
perfection in any asignment under this Act of such newspaper as aforsaid, which shall res- 
for the general benefit of creditors if the same pectively be issued first after five days from 
can be amended or corrected, and if there be the execution of the assignment by the assig- 
any mistake, defect or imperfection therein the nor, or if the assignment is not registered as 
same shall be amended by any Judge of the aforsaid within five days from the execution 
High Court of Justice, or of the County Court thereof, the assignor shall be liable to a penalty 
aforesaid, on application of any creditor of the of twenty-five dollars for each and every day 
8>ssignor, or of the assignee, on such notice which shall pass after the issue of the number 
being given to other parties concerned as the of the newspaper in which the notice should 
Judge shall think reasonable, and such amend- have appeared until the same shall have been 
ments, when made, shall have relation back to published; and a like penalty for each and 
the date of the said assignment. every day which shall pass after the expiration 
lI.-The assignee shall receive such re- of five days fro
 the ex
cution of the assign- 
muneration as shall be voted to him by the ment by.the assIgnor untIl the same shall have 
creditors at any meeting called for the purpose been registered. 
after the first dividend sheet has been pre- (2) The assignee is to be subject to a like 
pared; or by the Inspectors, in case of the penalty for each and every day which shal 




pass after the expiration of five days from the (3) In case of a tie the assignee, or if thel'e 
delivery of the assignment to him, or of five are two assignees, then the assignee appointed 
days after his assent thereto, the burden of by the creditors, or by the Judge, if none has 
proving the time of such delivery or assent been appointed by the creditors, shall have a 
being upon the assignee. casting vote. 
(3) Such penalties may be recovered sum- (4) Every creditor in his proof of claim shall 
marily before a Judge of the High Court, or of statc whether he holds any security for his 
the County Court of the county in which the claim or any part thereof; and if such security 
assignment ought to be published or registered, is on the estate of the debtor, or on the estate 
one-half of the penalty shall go to the party of a third party for whom such debtor is only 
suing and the other half for the benefit of the secondarily liable, he shall put a specified \ralue 
estate of the assignor. thereon and the assignee under the authority 
of the creditors may either consent to the right 
14.-Incasethe assignment be not registered, of the debtor to rank for the claim after 
and notice thereof published, an application deducting such valuation, or he may require 
may be made by anyone interested in the as- from the creditor an assignment of the security 
signment to a Judge of the High Court, or of at an advance of ten per cent. upon the speci- 
the County Court aforesaid, to compel the pub- fied value to be paid out of the estate as soon 
lication and registration thereof; and the as the assignee has realized such security; and 
Judge shall make his order on that behalf, in such case the difference between the value 
and with or without costs, or upon the pay- at which the security is retained and the 
ment of costs by such person as he may in his amount of the gross claim of the creditor shall 
discretion direct to pay the same. be the amount for which he shall rank and 
15.-The omission to publish or register as vote in respect of the estate. 
aforesaid, or any irregularity in the publication (5) If a creditor holds a claim based upon 
or registration, shall not invalidate the sssign- negotiable instruments upon which the debtor 
ment, is only indirectly or secondarily liable, ami 
16.-It shall be the duty of the assignee to which is not mature or exigible, such creditor 
mmediately inform himself, by reference to shall be considered to hold security within the 
the debtor and his records of account, of the meaning of this section, and shall put a value 
names and residences of the debtor's creditors, on the liability of the party primarily liable 
and within five days from the date of assign- thereon as being his security for the payment 
ment to convene a meeting of the creditors for thereof; but after the maturity of such liability 
the appointment of inspectors and the giving and its non-payment, he shall be entitled to 
of directions .with reference to the disposal of amend and revalue his claim. 
the estate, by mailing prepaid and registered 19.-(1) Every person claimillgto be entitled 
to every creditor known to him, a circular cali- to rank on the estate assigned shall furnish to 
ing a meeting of creditors to be held in his office the assignee particulars of his claim proved by 
or other convenient place to be named in the affidavit and such vouchers as the nature of 
notices not later than twelve days after the the case admits of. 
mailing of such notice, and by advertisement 
in the Ontario Gazette; and all other meetings (2) A person whose claim has not accrued 
to be held shall be called in like manner. due shall nevertheless be entitled to prove 
under the assignment and vote at meetings of 
17.-At any meeting of creditors the credi- creditors, but in ascertaining the amount of 
tors may vote in person, or by proxy authorized any such claim a deduction for interest shall 
in writing, but no creditor whose vote is dis- be made for the time which has to run until 
puted shall be entitled to vote until he has the claim becomes due. 
tiled with the assignee an affidavit in proof of 
his claim stating the amount and nature 20.-1'he law of set-off shall apply to all 
thereof. claims made against the estate and also to all 
suits instituted by the assignee for the recovery 
18.-(1) Subject to the provisions of section of debts due to the assignor, in the same man- 
6, all questions discussed at meetings of cre(ü- ner and to the same extent as if the assignor 
tors shall be decided by the majority of votes, were plaintiff or defendant, as the case may 
and for such purpose the votes of creditors be, except in so far as any claim for set-off 
shall be calculated as follows: shall be affected by the provisions of this or 
For every claim of or over- any other Act respecting frauds or framlulent 
$100, and not exceeding $200...... 1 vote. preferences. 
8200, $500.. .... 2 votes. 21.-Any affidavit authorized, or requirell.. 
$500, 81,000...... 3 votes. under this Act may be sworn before any person 
additional $1,000, or fraction tbereof. 1 vote. authorized to administer affidavits in the High 
(2) No person shall be entitled to yote on a Court, or before a :Tustice of thTe Peace. or,. if 
claim acquired after the assignment unless the sworn out of OntarIo, before 
 :r\ otary Pub.hc. 
entire claim is acquired, but this shall not I 22.-This Act shall not go mto force untIl a 
apply to persons a
quiring notes? bills or other day 
o be name
 by the Lieutenant-Governor 
securities upon WhICh they are lIable. by hIS proclamatIon. 






[Assented to 25th March, 1886.] 
4.- 'Vhere a new assignee is appointed under 
the said Act the estate shall forthwith rest in 
him without a conveyance or transfer. The 
new assignee may register an affidavit of his 
appointment in the office in which, under the 
said Act or under any Act passed during the 
present session, the original assignment was 
filed, such an affidavit may also be registered 
under Tlte Registry Act. The registration of 
the affidavit under The Re[listl.Y Act shall have 
the same effect as the registration of a con- 
5.-Section 12 of the said Act is hereby 
amended by inserting the words, "at least 
once," after the word "published," in the 
sixth line thereof, and by striking out the 
words, "and the publication in each shall be 
continued therein for at least four times," 
w here the same occur at the end of the said 
section, and substituting therefore the words, 
., not less than twice." 
6.-Upon the expiration of one month from 
the first meeting of creditors, or as soon as 
may be after the expiration of such period, and 
afterwards from time to time at intervals of 
not more than three months, the assignee shall 
prepare and keep constantly accessible to the 
creditors accounts and statements of his doings 
as such assignee, and of the position of the 
estate ; and he shall declare dividends of the 
estate whenever the amount of money in his 
hands will justify a division thereof, and also 
whenever he is required by the inspectors. 
7.-As soon as a dividend sheet is prepared, 
notice thereof shall be given to each crellitor, 
inclosing an abstract of receipts and disburse- 
ments, shewing what interest has been recei,'cd 
by him for moneys in his hands, together with 
a copy of the dividend sheet, noting thereon 
the claims objected to, and stating whether 
any reservation has or has not been made 
therefor; and after the expiry of eight days 
from the day of mailing such notice, ahstract, 
and dividend sheet as aforesaid, dividends on 
all claims not objected to within that perio{l 
shall be paid. 

H ER Majesty, by and with the advice and 
consent of the Legislative Assembly of 
the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :- 
l.-Sub-section 2, of Section 3, of Tlte Act 
'/"e8pectil/g .A8signment8 for tlte Benefit of Cre- 
ditors, is amended by adding to the said sub- 
section the following words :- 
., Nor shall anything herein contained affect 
any payment of money to a creditor, where 
such creditor by reason or on account of such 
payment, has lost or been deprived of, or has 
in good faith given up, any valicl security which 
he held for the payment of the debt so paid, 
unless the value of the security is restored to 
the creditor. Nor shall anything herein con- 
tained invalidate a security given to a creditor 
for-a pre-existing debt, where by reason or on 
account of the giving of the security, an ad- 
vance in money is made to the debtor by the 
creditor, in the bona fide helief that the ad- 
vance will enable the debtor to continue his 
trade or business, and to pay his debts in 

2.-Section 9 is amended by adding thereto 
the following words: "Suhject to the lien, 
if any, of an execution creditor for his costs, 
wHere there is but one execution in the she- 
riff's hands, or to the lien, if any, of the credi- 
tor for his costs who has the first execution in 
the sheriff's hands." 

3.-Section 12 of the said Act is amended by 
adding thereto t
e following sub-section:- 
(3) In provisional judicial districts, and ter- 
ritorial districts, and in the temporary judicial 
district of Nipissing, the counterpart or copy 
of the assignment shall be filed in the same 
office and within the same time respectively, as 
mortgages and other instruments are directed 
to be filed in such districts under the provisions 
17, 18, amI 19, of The Act reiJpectillg JIol.tgages 
and Sale8 of PI'1'80nal Property, and the clerk 
shall perform the same duties and have the 
same fees as clerks acting under sub-section 
2 of the said Section 12. 


Declaration oj Indepencknce, 4th July, 1776. 
General Washington, first Prel;ldent..... .1789 and 1793 General Zachary Taylor (died 9th July, 1850).. .... 1849 
John Adams.. .. 0 , . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1ï97 }Iillard Fillmore (elected as Vice-President)...... 1850 
Thomas Jefferson.. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1801 and 1805 General Franklin Pierce.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 1853 
James Madison.. .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ..1809 and 1813 James Buchanan.. .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. " ...... 1857 
James Monroe .....................0.. ..1817 and 1821 Abram. Lincoln (assassinated 14 April,l8(5)1861 and 1S6!) 
John Quincy Adams.. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 1825 Andrew Johnson (elected as Vice-President)...... IB65 
General Andrew Jackson.............. ..1829 and 1833 General Ulysses S. Grant.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1869 and 1873 
}Iartin Van Buren.. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. _ . .. .. .. .. .... 1837 Rutherford B. Hayes............ ...... .. .. .. .. .... 1877 
Gen. 'William Henry Harrison (died 4th April)..... 18U Gen. J. Abram. Garfield (died 19th Sept., 1881). .. 1B81 
John Tyler (eJected as Vice-President).. .. .. ..... .. 19.u Geu. Chester A. Arthur (elected as Vice-President). 1881 
James Knox Polk ................................ 1845 Grover Cleveland..............................,. 18

Population in 1776, including slaves, 2,614,300. Population in 1881, all free, 50,152,866. 




Alphabetically arranged, with tMir Po.t O:fji,a Addre.., ucept in a few in.tancu where the retuTft has bun made wit-' 
the name of the (Jmgregation attached. Thil, how/!t)t1', iI generally the .ame a. the addre... 
The Church of England In Canada. 
The Most Rev. John Medley, D.D.. 1845, Bishop of Frederlcton. Metropolitan. 
Right Rev. Hibbert Binney,D.D...... 1861 Nova Scotia. Right Rev. Llewelyn Jones. D.D...... 1878 Newfoundl'd. 
:: '
G. Hills, D.D. ................ 1869 Columbia. "" Wm.B. Bond. D.D.,LL.D. 1879 Montreal. 
.. J. Travers Lewis, D.D. ... 1862 Ontario. " Arthur Sweatman. D.D... 1879 Toronto. 
" "J. W. Wllllams,D.D. ...... 1863 Quebec. " A. W. Slllltoe.D.D......... 1879 N.Westminst'r 
" "Robert Maohray. D.D...... 186.'> Rupert'sLand " " W. Ridley, D.D ............. 1879 Caledonia. 
" John Horden. D.D..... . .. 1872 Moosonee. " E. Sullivan, D.D. ......... 18R2 Algoma. 
" "J. McLean. D.D., D.aL... 1874 Saskatchewan." M. S. Baldwin. D.D. .... 1883 Huron. 
e< Wm. C. Bompas, D.D....... 1874 Mackenzie R'r" R. Young. D.D.. . . .. . . .. 1884 Athabaska. 
Hon. and Right Rev. Adelbert AnllOn. D.D., 1884. Qu' Appelle. 
Right Rev. Charles Hamilton, D.D., 1885. Niagara. 
Right Rev. H. T. Kingdon, D.D.. Coadjutor. . . .. . . .. . ... ... . ... 1881. Fredericton. 
DIOOESE OF MONTREAL. Jones, W...........................Montreal Eames, Joseph. B.A.......Sandy Beach 
Right Rev. W. B. Bond, LL.D., Johnson.George ............Chelsea Foster,John.M.A..............Coaticoke 
Lord BuMp (1879). Ker, John (Rector)...............Dunham FothergUl,M.(St.P.,S.O.S. d:S.) Quebec 
Very Rev. J. Oarmichael.D.aL.,Dean. Kln.g,. E. A. W...................Montreal Faulconer, J..................S. Sylvester 
Ven. R. Lonsdell, M.A.. Arehd. La Lan l v l lere, D V " B.A......... . Montreal Harding, G. T.. M.A............ Durham 
Ven. D. Lindsay, MA., Archd. r v ere. ., M.A. ..................Borel Hepburn, J., M.A..................Magog 
Ven. Lewlt; Evans, MA, .Archd. Lewis, B. P., B.A.......... Christievllle Hewton, R.. B..A.......... New Ireland 
Rev. W. Anderson. Lindsay. D., M.A. (Ven. Ar.) Waterloo Housman, G. V., MA. (wth.)..Quebec 
Rev. E. DuVernet. MA. Lindsay, R..MA. (St.Thoma.)Montreal Jenkinll. J. H., M.A...... Three Rivers 
Rev. J. Ellegood. M.A. Lo Lin k ds h a y . J A .... oo ............. . Como Judge. Arthur. M.A...... .Cookshire 
Rev. W. Henderson. MA- cart, . D..................Ormstown Kemp. John, B.D................... Leedll 
Rev. R. W. Not"man, D.O.L. Lookhart, R. O. E..... . New Glasgow Ker, M., B.D. (Rdired)......... Niagara 
Rev. J. B. Davidson. M.A. Hon. Longhurst, W. B..................Granby King. W. (Retired) Sylves
Rev. F. Robinson. MA. Cùnonl. Lonsdell. R. M.A., Cv. Ar.) ...Kingsey Lloyd. F. È. J...................Shlgawake 
Rev. J. Empson. M.A. M M BC M farlane, R. L.. B.A..........Lachine Lyster.W.,B.A.(RuT.Dean)CapeCove 
Rev. S. Belcher. c anus. E..... " .Portage du Fort Parker, G. H..................... Compton 
Rev. W. L. Mills. B.D. M
rrick. J......................Adamsville Parkin, E. 0................ Three Rivers 
Rev. T. W. Mussen, M.A. Mills. W. L., B.D. (R. Trin.).Montreal Petry.H.J.,M.A. (Rdired)......Quebec 
{ BUhop" Montgomery. II. (R'red) Phlllpsburg Read, P.O.. M.A. (Bps. Cbll.) Lennoxv. 
Rev. Canon Mills, B.D. &am'ng Moore, S........................... Montreal Reld,O.P.,D.O.L.(R.D.,Rt.)Sherbrooke 
Chaplain. Mussen. T. W., M.A. (R
ct.). Farnham Richardson. T. (St. Rlul's)......Quebec 
Ven. 'Archd. Evans, M.A., Dom.Ohap. Naylor, W. H., B.A. (R.D.).Clarendon Richmond, J. P. ............ Gaspé Basin 
Rev. Canon Empson M.A. &c. Synod Newnham, J. A.. .M..A.........Montreal Roe. H., D.D. (Bp.. OoU.).Lennox
Abbott, O. P.. ........: .......:. ...Boscobel 
o o 
m to a n n' J R G . W.. D.(J.L. ...... Montreal 
e. P. ... ............ ......... ...Invernt;'sll 
Acton. R.......................... Montreal . . ., M..A.............Montreal RIopel. S., M.D. ...............Valcartler 
Allan, J. ............St. Vincent de Paul Nye, H. W., M.A. (Rector)..... ßedford Scarth. A. 0.. MA.......... Lennoxville 
Allen, A. A., .M.Å..........Clarenoevllle Plaisted, H., .M.A. .........River Desert Scott. G., B.A.......... DrummondvUle 
Allen. P. A.. B.A.............Phlllpsburg Pyke, J.............................. Hudson Stuart, H. 0., M.A.........Bourg Louie 
Anderson. W., (Rector) ............Sorel :en b !'-Ud, J. F F. (Rector) St. John's, Que Smith. F. A. .............New Liverpool 
Baldwin, F........... ....... Waterloo 0 
nson, .. MA..... ......Abbotsford Sykes. J. S.,........................Klngsey 
Ball, J............................ Poltlmore RobInson, W...............West Shefford Stevens. A..M.A....................Hatley 
Bancroft.O.,jr.. MA. .........Knowlton Rogers. G., B.A. (Rec"St.L.). Montreal Tltmbs,R.O.,M.A.RiviéreduLoupen bas 
Bareham, A... ................. ...Franklln Rogers, Isaac...... ...... ............ Kildare Thompson, I......... ............. Danvllle 
Baylis, J. G.. B.D... ......... . Longueuil Rollit, John ............ .......... Montreal Thorneloe, G., M.A.... ...... Sherbrooke 
Belcher, S. (Rector). Point St. Charles Roy, J.............. ...........Sabrevois Thompson. Geo., B.A...............Levis 
Borthwick.J.D.(St..Mary'.) Hochelaga 8and
rs..W................ . Lachute Vial, W. S.................. Montmorency 
Bourne, N. A. F'" ...............Montreal Saphlr. E. J ...............North Shefford Yon Imand,A.A., M.A. (St.M) Quebec 
Boyd. Ohas., B.A.... North Wakefield Scully. John J. ................ Knowlton Walters. G. .R...... ...... ... . Pt. St. Peter 
Brown, W. R ............ ...Mansonville Senior, J... .......... . ......... ...Lakefield Washer, O. B....... ....Dixville, Barford 
Oarmiohäel,J..D.O.L.(St.Geo.)Montreal Smlth,J..(Rector)..................Sutton Wurtele. L. 0.. M.A............... Acton 
Oarmichael. J.,jun..Berthier en haut Smith. F. R. (Rector).... ......... Hull 
Cattermole, J...............Papineauville Sutton, E.G................ Edwardstown 
Chambers, W. P., M.A. . .. . . . Aylwin Trotman. Ohas............. ... ...Montreal 
Clayton, F. H. ...... ............... Bolton Tucker, L. N.. B.A. ... ......... Montreal 
Constantine, I., MA. Stanbridge East Weaver. W..................Hemmingford 
CunnIngham. T. E., M.A......... Aylmer Windsor, W...............;........... . Sorel 
Dart, W. J., MA..... .......St. Lambert WO?d,E..M.A. (St.JohnsCh.) Montreal 
Davidson, J.B.,MA.(Rec.) Frelighsb'g WrIght, W., .M'.D................Montreal 
Davies. W................. .Rawdon Young, T. A., MA...... Coteau du 
DeGruchy. P. .... .................. Milton Z:ltes, N. P..... .... ....... FranklIn 
Dixon. J. H. (St. Jude'.) ......Montreal 
DuVernet. E.. M.A. ............Chambly 
Ellegood, J ..MA.( St.Jallle.). Montreal 
Empson, J., M.A. ...............Montreal 
Evans. H. J.. M.A...............Montreal 
Evans. L., MA. (Ven.Ar.)...Montreal 
Everett, T... Cote St. Antoine. Mont'l 
Forsey. G...........;. ..Oowansville 
Frenoh. A., B.A. ...... ......... Montreal 
Pulton, J., M.A.................. Maritana 
Garlanr1. J. W. .........SouthStukeley 
Garrett, John O. (Rector)... ..Lacolle 
Given. A. B. ...... ......... .......... Quyon 
Gomery, H............. Huntingdon 
I1reer. A. J., B.A.................. Thorne 
Hackenley. H............ ...Bucklngham 
Henderson. W., M.A. ...,.. Montreal 

Right Rev. J. W. Williams, D.D., 
Lord Bishop (1863). 
Rev. Prof. Roe, D.D. } Buhop'. 
Rev. Prine Adams.D.aL Ohaplain.. 
Allnatt, F. J. B., D.D.(&. .M.) Quebec 
Balfour, A. (Retired)... ...... ...Montreal 
Halfour, A. J., MA........ ...Melbourne 
Ball, T. L.. MA.................. Windsor 
Bernard, S.. B.A.... ..................Bury 
BI"ylock. Thomas,B.A...New Oarlisle 
Boyle, F. M.A.......... East Frampton 
Burrage. H.. MA. (Retired)... Hatley 
Oolston, R., (M.A.). ............Portneuf 
Ohapman. T., MA...............Dudswell 
Debbage. J. B., B.D.... West Frampton 

Rt. Rev. A. Sweatman. D.D.. D.(J.L., 
Lord BiBllop (1879). 
Yen. S. J. Boddy, M.A., Archd. York. 
Ven. J. Wilson.M..A.,Archd. Peterboro' 
Rev. H. Scaddlng, D.D. } BiBho 'I 
Rev. A.J. Broughall.M.A Oha z! 
Rev. W. Stennett. .M.A. P &7U. 
Rev .A.J.Broughall.M..A., &am-Ohap. 
Rev. Henry Brent, M A. 1 
Rev. H. Seadding, D.D. 
Rev. Walter Stennett, M.A. CùflOfU. 
Rev. F. A. O'Meara, LL. D. I 
Rev. J. P. Dumoulin, MA. J 
Rev. H. Bath Osler. ! Hon. 
Rev. F. Tremayne, MA. (ßnom. 
Rev. H. B. Osler. 
Rev. John Fletcher, M.A. Rural 
Rev. A. Stew8rt, M.A. DeanI 
Rev. T. W. Allen, M.A. . 
Rev. W. T. Smlthett. D.D. 
Rev. C. O. Johnson. Rural 
Rev. W. R. Forster, Dw.ns 
Rev. J. W. R. Beck, M.A.. . 
Allen, T. W., M.A. Rector... Mlllbrook 
Allen. W. C., B.A. ............ Mlllbrook 




Angel, T. B..................Peterborough 
Armitage, W. J..................... Orillia 
Arml!trong, F. W. (On kave.)............ 
Baker, J. S. ......... ...... ......Port Hope 
Baldwin, Arthur H.,M.A......Toronto 
Baldwin, H. G., B.A. ............Toronto 
Ball, Thomas. ..................Bond Head 
1Ja11ard, J. M., B.A.... ... ... ... . Toront<J 
Batel!, W. W., B.A. ... ......... Thornhill 
Beck, J. W. R., M.A...... ...Peterboro' 
Bell, O. R. (MUI. Bac.)...Roach'l! Point 
Bethune, O.J .S.,M.A.,D.O.L., Pt. Hope 
Bilkey, R. A........................Toronto 
Boddy, S. J.,M.A. (Arch.York).Toronto 
Body,C.W.E.,M.A,D.O.L( T.d.)ToIonto 
BOYI!, Alg. (Prof. T. O.).........Toronto 
Bmdl!haw, W. Ò................Peterboro' 
Brent, Henry, M.A.(Rector)NewC8.iltle 
Brent, O. H. (On IMm.) 
Broughall, A.J., M.:A. (&.8U.) Toronto 
Brouihall, G. H., B.A..... Tullamore 
Bryan, Bernard ................ Bradford 
Burgel!, H. F......................Bethany 
Burt, F........................ Scarborough 
Carry, J., D.D..................Port Perry 
Cayley, J. D., M.A. ...............Toronto 
Chafee, A. B.. B.A. ............. Allil!ton 
Clark. W.,M.A.(Prof. Trin.01l). Toronto 
Clarke, W. H., B.A.. ............ Toronto 
Clementi, Vincent, B.A......Peterboro' 
Cooper, H. D., B.A.... ......... Lloydtown 
Cooper, J. E.......... .......... ...Oambray 
Cooper, W. E., M.Â. ......... Port Hope 
Creighton, J., B.D. .........Cartwright 
Daniel, A. W................. Crown Hill 
Daniel, Edwin, B.A............. Toronto 
DarHng, Charlel!, B.A.. ......... Toronto 
Dand..!on, J., M.A......... ...... Uxbridge 
Davidl!on, J. O. (On kave.)........ .,. 
Davies, H. W., D.D.... ...... ...... Toron to 
DeøBarrel!, T.C., M.A............ Toronto 
DuMoulin, J. P., M.A.(O:tnon).Toronto 
DuVernet, F. H...................Toronto 
Farncomb, John, B.A..........Lakefield 
Parncomb, Wm., B.A.......Bobcaygeon 
Farncomb, P. E., B.A.........Lakefield 
Fidler, A. J., B.A.................. Wbltby 
Fletcher, Alfred, B.A. (On leave.) ...... 
Pletcher, John, M.A.... ...... Unionville 
Fletcher, JOl!eph, B.A......Streetl!ville 
Ford, Ogden P., B.A. ......Woodbridge 
FOl"llter, W. R.(RuralDean)Oreemore 
French, W. H.................. Coldwater 
French, H. W. A.............Oookøtown 
GibllOn, John, B.A............. Norwood 
Grant, W., M.A., B.D. (On leave.) 
Greene, R. W. E.. L.T.. ..........Wellton 
Grovel!, F. J. S. (Retired) ......Toronto 
Gurney, E. T. (On kam.)............ 
Hanna, J. A. ..................... Midland 
Harding, Philip.................. ...ApFley 
Harper, Edward J................Grafton 
Harris, Jas. H... ............... ... Brooklin 
Harris. R. H., B.A............ ...Brighton 
Harrison, Richard, M.A...... ... Toronto 
Hart, Anthony.... ............Markham 
Hal!lam, G. E...................... Toronto 
Heaton, H... ............ ...... Haliburton 
Hindes, R. W., B.A................ Credit 
Hobson, H. P...................... Toronto 
Hodgkin, T. J., M.D............COlborne 
Howard, J. Scott, B.A............Toronto 
Inglel!, Charle!!, L.B.A.........Parkdale 
Johneon, C.O. (Rural Dean)Brampton 
Jonell, John ............. Price's Corners 
Jones, S. Weston.................. Lindsay 
Jonel!,W., M.A. (Prof. T.o.)... Toronto 
J onel!, Septim UH, M.A... ......... Toronto 
Jone.., F. W. Bayley..........:.. Toronto 
Jupp, Wm. ,........... ......... ...Midland 
Kingl!ton, G., M.A... Penetan
Kirkby, L. H................ Oolllngwood 
Lampman, A., B.A. ............ Toronto 
Langtry, John, M.A. ............Toronto 
Ledlngham, G.......... Gore's Landing 
Lewis, J. P. ........................Toronto 
Lloyd, G. E...................... Penetang 

Logan, Wm., M.A. ......Fenelon Falls 
McCleary, John..................Hastings 
McCleary, J. W. (On leam.) 
McCollum, J. H., M.A...Seaton Village 
Macklem, T. E. B., B.A.........Toronto 
Macnab, Alex.,D.D...... Bowmanvllle 
Marsh, O. H.............. . Rol!emont 
Middleton, I., B.A................Oshawa 
Miles, A. C......................... Elmvale 
Moorll, R. J., M.A ......... ...... . Toronto 
Morley, George B......... .Oardwell 
Murphy, E. W., B.A. .........Painswick 
Mussen. E. H.. B.A................Aurora 
Nattress, George, L.T...... ...... Toronto 
Nesbitt, G., M.A. ...............GeorKina 
Nichol, R. T., B.A . . . .. . . .Port Hope 
Oliver, E. A., B.A.................. Bolton 
Osler, H. Bath (Canon)......York Mills 
O'Meara,F. A., LL.D. (Ree.) Port Hope 
Owen. H. B., F.R.S.L. (On leave). . ... 
PaterllOn, T. W., M.A.........Deer Park 
Pearson, J. (HoIU Trin.).......Toronto 
Rooney, Robt. A.............. Perry town 
Roy, James, LL.D......... .Cobourg 
Ruttan, C... ... ......................Norway 
Sanl!on, Alex. ..................... Toronto 
Scad ding, Henry, D.D. .........TorolJto 
Scad ding, C. (On leave.) . .................. 
Sheraton, James P., D.D...... Toront.o 
Shortt, C. Harper, B.A. .. Woodbridge 
Sills, C. E., B.A....... ...... ...... ...... Ivy 
Simpson, James, M.A. . . ., . Port Hope 
Smithett, W. T., D.D............Omemee 
bottley, Henry... ...... ............ Toronto 
Soward, Edward...............Kinmount 
Spragge, Albert W., B.A..Newmarket 
Squire, F. W. ...................... Toronto 
Starr, R. H., B.D..................Toronto 
Stennett, Walter, M.A. (Rec.)Oobourg 
Stewart, A., M.A. ......... ........ Orillia 
Swallow, W. F.............Oaledon. East 
Sweeney, J. F., B.A......... .Toronto 
Symoodl!, H. ...... ......... Toronto 
Taylor, George I., M.A......... Toronto 
Thompson, J. A.................. Cheddar 
Thomson, O. E., M.A.............Oarlton 
Tocque, P. (Retired) ............Toronto 
Tremayne, F., M.A...... ......... Mimico 
Vicars, John, A.B. ......... Cannington 
Walker, T., B.A............Campbellford 
Watt, A. C.............. Mono Mill!. 
White, Jos. Fras., B.A.... Shanty Bay 
Whitcombe, C. E. (On leave.) 
Westney, W. S., B.A. .........Pickerlng 
Williams, A., M.A. ...............Toronto 
Will!on.John, M.A............... Grafton 
Wrong, Geo. M., M.A............Toronto 

Rt. Rev. J.Travers Lewis, D.D., LL.D., 
Lord Bishop (1862). 
Very Rev. James Lyster, LL.D., Dean. 
Ven. J. S. Lauder, D.a.L., Archdeacon 
of Ottawa. 
Ven. T. B. Jones, LL.D.. Archdeacon 
oj Kingston. 
Rev. W. Bleal!dell,D.O.L. } 
Rev. J. A. Mulock, 
Rev. G. W. White, B.A 017i!m1. 
Rev. C. B. Pettit, M.A. 
Rev. F. R. Tane, 
Kev.Can.Bleasdell,D.C.L 1 Bish 'I 
Ven. Archd. Jonel!,LL.D} Oh 
Rev. E.P.Orawford,M.AJ ap &nl. 
Rural DeanB. 
Rev. W. B. Carey, M.A., Frontenac. 
Rev. R. Lewis, M. A., Grenville and 
Rev. T. f!tanton, B.A., Hastings and 
Prince Edward. 
Rev. G. W. G. Gront, M.A., Leeds. 
Rev. R. S. Forneri, B.D., Lennox and 
Rev. J. J. Bogert, M.A., Carleton. 
Rev. A. C. Nesbitt, Lanark & Renfrew 
Rev. Canon Pettit, M.A., Stormont. 

Anderson, G. A., M.A. .. .. .Deseronto 
Armstrong, F. W. (Ouraú) . .Trenton 
Auston, H., M.A.............Gananoque 
Baker, E. H. M................Bearbrook 
Bailey, T., B.A................. ...Arnprior 
Beaven, E. W., M.A. (Sup.). ...Ottawa 
Bennetts, Samuel..... ..Thomasburg 
Bleal!dell,W .,D.C.L. (R. fun.) Trenton 
Bliss, C. V. Forster .............Mattawa 
Bogert, D. F., M.A...............Belleville 
Bogert, J. J., M.A. (R. Dean)..Ottawa 
Bousfield, T. (On leam) .... . ...Thorold 
Brown, Algernon T., B.A....Waupoos 
Brown, R. W., MA...South Mountain 
Burke, J. W., B.A. (Rector). Belleville 
CarE-Y, W. B., M.A.(R. D.)...Kingl!ton 
Ohristie, I. J. ............... Wolf bland 
Codd, F......... ............ ......Lyndhurst 
Coleman,A. H., M.A., North Augusta 
Cooke, A. W. (Curate).........Kingston 
Orawford, E. P., M.A. . ......Brockville 
Daw, Samuel............... North Gower 
Daykin, W. Y., LL.B. ..... .. . Madoc 
Dobbs, F. W... ............... Portsmouth 
Elliott, A., B.A.............Oamden East 
Elliott, Joseph .................. Cornwall 
Emery. C. P. (Rector)...... KemptvlIle 
Farrer, H............... .......... Balderson 
Fidler, A. J., M.A...... ...Lombardy 
Fleming, W.,M.A.(Rec.) South March 
FornerI,R.S..B.D( R.,R.D)Adolph ust'n 
Forster, J. W......................... Selby 
Forsythe, J. W., MA.........Pembroke 
Foster, S., M.A. (Sup.)............ Picton 
Fraser, J. F., B.A................ Crysler 
Garrett, T., B.A... ..... . ......... Ottawa 
Godden, T., B.A. ....... ..........Stirllng 
Godfrey, J., B.A. (Sup.)...... Kingston 
Grout, G.W.G.,M:A. (lùc.) (R.D.).Lyn 
ue, Dyson, M.A.......... Brockville 
HaUlwell, John................... .Hillier 
HaJ)ington,E.A.W.,B.A N.Edinburgh 
Harding, R. (SUp.)...............Napanee 
Harris, C. M............ .......... Marmora 
Hlirris, J. (Sup.).............. Kemptville 
Harvey. R. J........................R.ankin 
Hood, T. ......... ..... ,.Newington 
Houl!ton, R. L. Mo, B.A...Merrickville 
Jarvis, A, M.A. (Rector) Carleton Place 
Jemmett, G., M.A. (Rector). Richmond 
Jones, K. L., B.D ............ Barrietield 
, P. Owen, M.D............ Ottawa 
Jonell,T.B.,LL.D(Rec.,Arch.) Napanee 
Jones, R. N., B.A..........Farmersvllle 
Lander, J. S., D.o.L. (Arch.)...Ottawa 
Lee, Laurence C. (On leave) .' . . . . . . . 
Lewin, W., B.A... ...... .......... Prel!Cott 
Lewil!, R., M.A. (Rec.) (R.D.)Maitland 
Loucks, E. (Rector) ............... Picton 
Low, G. J........................ BrockviUe 
Lyster.J.,LL.D.(R.,D.)Denbigh, Wales 
Mackay, A. W ...................... Ottawa 
MRcMorine, J. K., M.A....... Kingston 
Mac Morine, S., M.A ......... Pakenham 
Mercer, W. D., B.A......... Franktown 
Metzler, G., B.A......... .........Cardinal 
MUls, R. D., M. A...... ...... ...Eganville 
Morris, J. A., M.A ...............Murray 
Muckleston, W.J., M.A.(Our.).Ott8wlI 
Mulock, J. A. (Cbnon).........Montreal 
Nesbitt, A. C. (R.Dean).Smith's Falls 
Nimmo, J. H.. M.D....... Birmingham 
Ol!borne, J.. .................. ...Frankvilie 
Patton, H. B., B.A.......BeU.1! COrnen 
Phillips. A............ ....... Hawkesbury 
Pick, Edward..................... Metralte 
Plees, H.E., B.A. (Depolit'y). Kingston 
Pollard. H. ...... ......... ............ Ottawa 
Poole, M. G......................Aultsvllle 
Poole, S. G... ................... W oodlandll 
Prime, Frederick......... ...... Kingston 
Read, W. A.................. Oxford Mill!! 
RobertI". W.(Mw.Bac.)Amherst Island 
Scammell, E............ ......... ...Bronl!On 
Bcantlebury, Geo. . . ... Sharbot Lake 




8cudamore, Cornelius......... ...... Oarp 
Serson. J. R., B.A...... .......Tamwl'rth 
Sibbald, E. W ...... ............ . Belleville 
Simpson,J. n. (Sup.) ............ottawa 
Smith,B.B..M.A.(.A68't Rec.).Kingston 
Snowdon, J. F.........Fitzrüy Harbour 
Spencer, A. (Ckrical &c.).... Kingøton 
Stanton, T., B.A............... Deseronto 
Stephenson, 11'. L., B.A.........Almonte 
Stephenson, R. L., ALA. (R!Ctor) Pertb 
Stiles, Thomas J... ...............&berly 
Tane, F. R. (Rector, Canrm) . ...... Bath 
Taylor, Morris......... ...... ....... Ompah 
Tighe, S., B.A. (Rector)... Lansdowne 
Weather don, J. W., B.A.... Beachburg 
White, G. W. M.A. (Canon)...Iroqnois 
Worrell, C. L., M.A. (Rec.) Morrisburg 
Wright, W. ..................... Newboro' 
"Bate, Thomas..................... Griffith 
&ylee, O. O'Dell......... ....... Rlceville 
4Burns, Robert T. . . .. . . .. . Kingston 
Burtou, Wm. W....... Queensborougb 
*Green, Albert L. . . '. .. eo. Belleville 
Gorman, J. F. (Oura
)...North Gower 
.Parker. H. G. (C'uraU, On leave} 
Quartermaine. W.M.H.( Our.) Mattawa 
Snowdon, J.lII., B.A... Billing's Bridge 
Stiles, W. H......... ..............Parhl\m 
Youn!!:, O. J.. B.A....... ... Renfrew 
· Ordained under Proviucial Canon 
Right Rev. Ptl. S. Baldw!n, D.D., Lord 
Bi8hop (1883). 
Very Rev. Ptr. Boomer, LL.D., Dean. 
Ven. E. L. Elwood,A.M,Archd.Huron. 
Ven. .T. W. Mnrsh,M.A.,Archd.London. 
Ven. F. W. Sandys, D.D., Arehd. Kent. 
Rev. A. O. Hill, MA. 1 
Rev. J. P. Hir;lcks, 1 1 
Rev. G. M. Innes. M.A. 
Rev. A. H. R. Mulholland Ca , 
Rev. E. E. Newman, non . 
Rev.G.J. R. Salter. M.A. 
Rev. J. W. P. Smith. 
Rev. A. Townley, D.D. 
Rev. Canon Hill, M.A , Exam. Ohap. 
Rev. J. B. .H.ichardson, M.A., E:cam. 
Ven. Archd. Marsh and Rev. Evans 
Davis, Dvmutic Ohaps. 
Rural. Deans. 
Rev. G. C Mackenzie, Brant. 
Rev. R. S. Cooper, B.D.. Bruce. 
Rev. Canon Hill, M.A., Elgin. 
Rev. A. S. Falls, A.B., Essex. 
Rev. George ({eJ'l!, Grey. 
Rev. Wm. Craig, B.D., Huron. 
Rev. John DJwnie, B.D., Kent. 
Rev. P. E. Hyland, Lambton. 
Rev. Canon Smith, l\Iiddleøex. 
Rev. John Gemley, Norfúlk. 
Rev. James J. Hill. ,V. A., Oxford. 
Rev. Jo:. Patten;on, M.A., Perth. 
. Freeman Harding, Waterloo. 
Anthony, A. .....................Tuscarora 
, D., D.D................Moore 
Asbury, S. R.. B.A., B.D.... Deleware 
ABhton, R................. ...... Brantford 
Ball, O. W., B,A...............Glanworth 
Ball, J. A.............. Port Rowan 
BanwelL Ii .................. 
Bearfoot, 1....... ............ Wallaceburg 
Batøtone, C. J. A.......... Essex Centre 
Beaumont.. .T. W., D.D.............Berlin 
BoomAT. - LL.D.(Dean,Sup.) London 
Bridgman, O. H...oo ... .... Hensall 
Brown, T. H................ Comber 
BrowlJ. A., B.A....... ................ Parill 
Burt, 4.. F....... ................Alvinston 
Campbell, J. W., B.

Carrie. James... ......... ... ...Duugannon 
Caswell. D. J., B.D............ Brantford 
Ohase, H. P. (Sup.) . ............... Sarnia 
Chance, J ...................... . Tyrconnell 
Ohanner, C. H., M.A............l\ll'aford 
Cluff, W. T ....... .................. Brussels 
Cooper, R. S., B.JJ. (R.D.)...Invermay 
Cox, Geo........................... Tuscarora 
Oralg, W.. B.D. (R. Dtan)......Clinton 
Curran, J. P. (Sup..)...... .'It. Pleasant 
Daunt, W., M.A...................A
Davis, E., M.A. .... ............ ...London 
Davis, W. ...........................Simcotl 
Davis, T, R., M.A. ....... .......... Sarnia 
Deacon, D., MA.............. ...Stratford 
DeLom, P. B...................... Petrolea 
Dewdnsy, A. D ...... ...... . Port Burwell 
Dixon, R. F........... .......... Tllsonburg 
Desbriaay, L.. B.A....... .....Strathroy 
Downie, J., B.D. (R. D.). ......Morpeth 
Edelstein, S...... ............... Fairmount 
.. dgelow, O. .. .... ........ Dundalk 
Edmonds, J. ...................... Seaforth 
Ellerby, T. S. (Sup.). ............Toronto 
Ellwood,E. L.,A.M(Archd.)...Goderich 
English, E. N., ALA. ............LondoD 
Fairlie. J. H...................Chatllworth 
Falls, A. S., A.B.(R.D.)...Amherstburg 
Farthing, J. C., B.A........ Durham 
Fisher, A... ........................... Paisley 
Fowell, - M.A. (Principal)... London 
Fletcher, R.............. ...... Thamesvilll' 
Freeman, R. D... ............... Eastwood 
Gauder, Jabez. ...................Drumbo 
Gemley, J. (R. D.).... ............ . Simcoe 
Graham, W. A., B.A. ..........!lrillbank 
Griffin, A. K...................... Attwood 
Guillemont. O. B., B.A......... London 
Gunm,. J. M............... ...... Wyoming 
Hall'. J ..' .. .................. ...... Kirkton 
Harding, F (R.D.)...... ...... lIaysville 
HenderflOn, W..................... Wiarton 
Hicks, R.. B.D..................... London 
Hill, A. 0., M.A. (Can.).... St. Thomas 
Hill, J. J.. M.A................ Woodstock 
Hill, J., M.A..................... Chatham 
Hill, W. T., B.A............. Kincardine 
Hincks. - ({,anon)..... .... Windsor 
Hind, D. H., B.A..... .. ..oo .Ohesley 
Hinde, W...... ............. Point Edward 
ins, J. W...... ...... ...... ... Bayfleld 
Holmes. J . ....... ............... Thorndale 
Hughes, E. W............... Lion's Head 
Hutchinson. E. (Onl
Hyland, P. E. (R. D.).......... Warwick 
Innes, - M.A. (Canon) .........London 
Ireland, W. P.... .......... Pelee Island 
Jacobs, J. ...... ............... .........8arnla 
JohnEon, Wm............... ......Godericb 
Johnstone. R. W. ............. S8ndwich 
Kerr, F. W.. M.A................Hanover 
Keys. G.. (Rural Dean)... .Clarksburjt 
Mackenzil', G. O. (R.D.)......Brantford 
Magahy, T. W...... ...... ............Lucan 
Marsh, - M.A. (Arch.).......... London 
Martin, N. H..................... Chatham 
Matthew, C. R., M.A......... Kingsville 
1\1iles, C.. B.A............ ......... Bel mont 
:\Iiller, A. E. (Sup.).............Hamilton 
Moore, H. G., B.D............ Shelburne 
Moorehouse, J. H ............ ....... Gorrie 
Mulholland, - (C'an.) ....Owen Sound 
Murray, E. W. (Sup.)...... Aillla Craig 
McCosh. R........................ WinJ!:bam 
Newell,J. R................... Port Donr 
Newman, - (OJn.)(Sup.).. ... London 
Newton. F. G............... ..Bervie 
Parke,J. F............................ Blyth 
Patterson. E., A.M.... .......... Stratford 
Racey, G. W.................. South Zorra 
Rally, W. B. (Sup)............Ridgetown 
Richardson, - M.A. (Cl:Lnon )...London 
Ridley, John...... ............ ......... .Galt 
Roberts, R. J. (Sup.)...... Br. Columbia 
Robinson, E. J. (On leave.) 
Robinson, S. F ......... ...... ...... . Exeter 
Ryan, F., B.D..................... Florence 

Sage, G. B., B.A................... Londen 
Sandys,- D.D. (Archd.)......Chatham 
Salter, - M.A. (C'an.) (Sup) Brantford 
Sanders, T. E. (Sup.)............. Aylmer 
Saunders, E. 0...... ............. Ingersoll 
Schulte, J., Ph.D.(Sup.). Thomas 
8cott, W. E. ............... .........Norwlch 
Seaborn, W. M.....................London 
Seaborn, W. R............... Thamesford 
Shaw, R... ......... ............ ...Teeswater 
Shore, W. Murton............Ridgetown 
Shortt, W., B.D............... 
Smith, A. G......................... Muncey 
8mith, - (Canon) (R.D.).... London 
:3mith, S. L.....................St Thomas 
Softley, E., B.D........................ Delhi 
Stl'ele, H. D.......................Goderich 
Strong, J. L.................. ....Brantford 
Taylor, G. B. (On leave.) 
Taylor, W. J .... ...... ......... Wardsville 
Tibbetts, W. (Sup.)......... Port Dover 
Thomas, H. A... ............... Ailsa Craig 
Townley,- D.D.(Canon, Sup.) . Pari!! 
Turnbull. M................. .... Listowel 
U niacke. R. J., B.A... ...... ... Blenheim 
Wade, W. H... ......... ...... ...... Burford 
Ward, J........................... Markdale 
Watson, Thomas............ WalkervlUe 
Wilson, R... ......... ............... .
Wood, W. (Retired)........ Port H.Owan 
Wright, J. T.....................St.l\lary's 
Wye, G. W......................... Watford 
Young, W. A., B.D............... London 
Right Rev.Chas. Hamilton, D.D.,D.CL. 
Lord Bi3hop (1885). 
Very Rev. J. G. Geddes, D.O.L., Dean. 
Ven. Wm. IUc:Uurray, D.D., D.aL., 
Ven. Alex. Dixon, B.A., Archdeacon. 
Rev. T. B. Read, D.D. 1 
Rev. J. B. Worrell. J/.A. 
Rev. S. Houston, J/.A. Can:m8. 
Rev. F. L. Osler, M.A. J 
Rev. W. B. Curran, M..A. 
Ven. Alex. Dixon, B.A., Bi,lwp', Ez- 
amini'TI/I Ohaplain. 
Adams, C. G., M. A. ......... Goorf{9towD 
Ardill, James................... Fort Erie 
Arnold, Robert,A.B. (Rector) Fort Erie 
Belt, A. J., M.A................BßrnstoD 
Belt, W., M.A., R.D.(Rec.) Burlington 
Bevan, Wm. (On leave.) 
Blachford, Wm. R................COlbeck 
Bland, E. Catharine. 
Bonny, A... ............ ......... Moorefield 
Boultbee, A ...... ...... ......... ...Cayuga 
Bull, G. A., j(.A., R.D....... Hamilton 
Llull, Goo. B..................... Hamilton 
Carmichael, H., J/.A. .........HamlitoD 
Clark, W. R., M.A................ Ancaster 
Cooke, G. B................... Pslmerston 
Cordner, Robert.......... Port Colborne 
Curran. W.B.. M.A. (Can.)... Hamilton 
Fennell, Joseph. ...... ...St. Catharines 
Fessenden, E. J., B.A (Rec.)Chippawa 
Fletcher, John H................Palermo 
Forneret, Geo., M.A............Hamilton 
Francis, J., B.D. ............ Waterdown 
Gardiner, R... ......... ...... ...... Welland 
Geddttll, J. G.. D.aL. (Re
.) Hamilton 
GeoJ!:hegan, T......... Bullock's Corners 
Grahsme, W. E. (lùc.) ......... Thorold 
Gribble, John. (Rector) Port Dalhousie 
Harvey, Geo. A.....................Gnelph 
Henderson, Alex., B.A... Orangeville 
Holland, H., B.A. (Rec.) St.Catharinell 
Houston, Stewart, M.A. Niagara Fallll 
Howitt, F. E............... Stoney Creek 
Irving, E. A............ ............ Dundas 
Johnstone, Gabriel, B.D.......... Jarvis 
Jones, E. Stewart. ... ...... ...... Niagara 




Lee. C. R.. M.A....... ............ Thorold 
Locke. R. S.. M.A ..................Norval 
Mackenzie. W. J ...................Milton 
lIacnab. A. W............ St. Catharine!! 
Massey. W.. AlA...............Hamilton 
McMurray, W.,D.D..D.C.L(R.)Niagara 
MelUsh. H. F. (Rural Dean) Caledonia 
Mockridge, O. H., D.D . ......Hamilton 
Moore. R. J. B.A. (On leave.) 
Morton. James... ... ............... . Fergus 
MotherweU. Thos.. B.A... .... LowvilIe 
Munson, J. O..................Waterdown 
Oøler, F.L.. M:A. (Can.. Ru.)... Dunda. 
Pigott. W. J ............... ............ Acton 
Piper. F. 0..,........... Smlthvllle 
Radcliffe. R. S............. )tount Forest 
Read. T. B.. D.D. (Can..Ree.) Grlmøby 
Seaman. J...... ............... ...N an tlcoke 
Smith. P. W.....................Dunnvllle 
Smith. Thomas............... Tapley town 
Spencer. P. L. (Rural Dean)... .Elora 
Sutherland, R. G., M.:A......Hamilton 
Webb. G. H...... ............. Hil1stmrgh 
Webb, R. T. W. . ... ... Grand Valley 
Westmacott. A. G. E. (On leave.) 
Worrell, J. B.. M.A. (am.)... Oakvl1le 
R.ight Rev. Edward SuUivan. D.D. 
(7.0.0.) S.T.D.. D.aL.. Bulwp. (1882.) 
Rev. Ed. F. Wilson. Bishf'p's Commill. 
A. H. Campbell. Esq.. Treas. Diocese. 
Beer. H.... Hilton. St. Joseph'ø Island 
Berry. F. C.......... ...Bruce Mines 
Boydell, Jas................... Bracebrldge 
Obowne. A. W. H............... RosBeau 
Cole, J. S., B.A. ......... Manltowanlng 
Crompton, Wm.....................Aspdin 
French. O. A............... Garden River 
Frost. F...... ...... ............ Shegulandah 
Gavlller, G. H...............Parry Sound 
Gillmor. Gowan............... North Bay 
Greene. F. W............Sault Ste. Marie 
Greeson. John. ..................Uffington 
Llwyd. Thomas............... lIuntsville 
Machin. O. J. ...Prince Arthur'ø L'd'g 
Manning. John............... Ilfracombe 
Mosley. R. .......Dist. of Parry Sound 
Oøborne, A... ............... . Gravenhur!!t 
Plan te. R. W... ............ . Port Sydney 
Renison. R............ ............. Nepigon 
Tooke. W. M.. B.A.Gore Bay. 
Vacant ...... .............Burke.s Falls 
Wilson. E. F.........Shlngwauk Home 

Most Rev. R. Machray, D.D.. LL.D.. 
Bishop's Court. Winnipeg. 
Aitkens. G.. B.A........ .. . Nimitau 
Barber. II. H.... ......... Winnipeg 
'Bruce. G., C.M.S.......... Fairfonl 
Bunn. T. W............ ..Stonewall 
Burman. W. A.. B.D...... Gri!lwoltl 
Cheney, W. L............ ..Millford 
COggR, T. C., B.D............ Souris 
C'oombes. G. F.. lIE.A.. ... Winnipeg 
Cook. T................ West bourne 
Cowley. A., D. D.. . , .. . . .. . Dynevor 
Cowley. A. E.............Winnipeg 
Davis. F. F.. .. .. .. .. . . .. ... Virden 
Flewelling. E. P........... Brandon 
Fortin, 0.. B.A........... Winnipeg 
Fortin, A. L.......... St. Andrew's 
Fortin. I. C., B.D......... Emerson 
Goulding. A. W.. B.D.... Ston\" Mt. 
Grisdale. J.. B. D. . . . . . .. .. Winnipeg 
Hooper. G. H.... ...... Springfield 
Irvine, J.. C.ftf.S... Wabigon Station 
Jeffery. C. N., B.D...Purt. la Prairie 
Jukes. 101., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Minnedosa 
T.leslie. H. T., B.Â.. .. .. .. Wmnipeg 
Littler, C. R........... ... Gladstone 
Lowry, W. H., B.A.. .. .. .. Hamiota 
Machray, R., B.A........ Winnipeg 
:Mackenzie, B,. .. .. '. .. . . . . Dynevor 

1olartin. N. C., B.A.. .. .. .. .. Selkirk 
Matheson..S. P., B.D..... Winnipeg 
1Iorton. J. J .. .. .. ., .. .. . . . . . Birtle 
O'Meara. J. D.. M.A......Winnipeg 
Pentreath, E. S W....... Winnipeg 
Phair, R.. C.M.S.......... Alberton 
Pinkham, W. C.. B.D..... Winnipeg 
Pritchard, S.............. Fairbault 
Settee, J., C.M.S.......... Dynevor 
Spence, B.. C..lJf.S........ . Islington 
Stunden. A., B.A.. .. .., Rat Portage 
Wilson. T. N................Nelson 

Rornan Catholic Church. 
s the Dioceses of 7oronto, 
King.tnn. Hamüton. London and 
Most Rev. J.J. Lynch. D.D., Arehb'p 
Right Rev. T. O'Mahoney. Auz. B'p. 
Very Rev. F. P. R:)(mey. Vicar General, 
St. Mary',. Toronto. 
Very Rev. J. M. Laurent. Y. G.. Rector, 
St. MichalZ', Cathedral. Toronto. 
Very Rev. C. Vincent. Y.G.,St.BasiZ's. 
Ven. E. J. Oassidy. Archdw.eon,IHzU. 
Very Rev. W. R. Harris. Dean St. Oath. 
Very Rev. R.A. O'Conllor. Dean Barrie 
Rev. J. F. McBride, &C'y, St. John's 
Gr01Jt, Toronto. 
Allain. L. A. H. (P.P.) ......Merrltton 
Beausang, J. (Invalided.)...... ..... 
Bergin. W. (l
P.).......... Newmarket 
Brady. A. (0. C. 0.) ...... Niagara Fallll 
Brennan, L. (St. &UÜ's) .". Toronto 
Campbell. K. A. (P. P.) .......... Orillia 
Cassidy. E. J. (P. P.)............... Dixib 
Chahmdard.P. (St. Basil.s).... Toronto 
Cherrier. L. E. (St. BIUÜ") ... Toronto 
Corduke. M.J.(St. Patrick's).Toronto 
Cushing, E. (Sup. Bt. Basil's). Toronto 
Davis M. (P.P.) .................. Brechin 
Duffy, F. W........... ......... .......Dixie 
DuMouchelle, A. (St. Basil's).Toronto 
Egan. J. J. (P.P.) ...... ...... Thornhill 
Feehan. J. C. (0. O. 0.)...... Niag. Falls 
rinan. A. (Invalidfd) . ......... 'îoronto 
Gallagher. E. F. (P. P.)... ......Caldwell 
Gavan. P. J. (St. J[ary.s)...... Toronto 
Gearin, M. J. (P. P.) . ....... .......Apto 
Gibbons, J. .....................Lafontaine 
Gibney. H. (P. P.) ........... . Alliston 
Glbra. L. (P. P. ofB. & B )......Barrie 
Grennan, M. (0. C. o.)...Niagara Falls 
Guenther. J. (0. O. C.)... Niagara Falls 
Guinane. J. (St. Basil.s)...... Toronto 
Hand. J. L. (St. Mich. Oath.). Toronto 
Harold. P. J. (P. P.)............Niagara. 
Hayden. F. ... ...... ............ ...... Apto 
Harrill. W. R. (P. P.)...St. Catharineø 
Hobin, J. (Invalided) .......... Toronto 
Hours. 'F. (St. Basil's) ......... Toronto 
Jeffcott. M. J. (P. .P.)......Orangeville 
Keane, P. J. (P.P.)............ Uxbridge 
Kiernan, E. J. (P. P.).... Collingwood 
Kiernan. P. (P. P.)......... Schomberg 
Kilcullen. J. (P. P.)... Port Colborne 
Klauder. A. (St. Patrick's) ... Toronto 
Kreidt. A. (0. a C.).... Niagara Falls 
Laboureau. Th. F. (P. P.)....Penetang 
Laurent. J. 1\1. (Ru. St. M.). . Toronto 
Lawlor. E. B. (379 Jarvis St.) Toronto 
Leibfritz, J. (St. Patrick.s).... Torontc 
Lynett. J. F. (P. P.)............}I1dland 

lcBride.J. F.( P.P. Our L.of L. )Toronto 
McCabe. P. F. (Ohaplain).... Penetang 
McCann. J. J. (P.P.St. Hel.)...Toronto 
McOoll. P. J. (P. P,) ....... Whitby 
MctoJntee, J. J. (P. P.) . .........Oshawa 
loIcGlnley, W. J. (P. P.)... Uptergrove 
Mcnahon, P. (P .P.) .........Smithville 

lcSpiritt. F. (P. P.) ...... ...... Coll1:an 
Michel. J. (P. P.)............ Lafontaine 

1IIlller. F. X. (St. Patrick")....Toronto 
Minehan. L.. ...... ......... ......Brockton 
Morris. D. (St. Paul.').......... Toronto 
Moyna. 101. (St fbul's)... ...... Toronto 
Mulcahy, M. (St. Ban?!s)...... Toronto 
Mulligan. P. (absent) ............... 
Murray, E. (St.Basil's) .........Toronto 
O'Connor, R. A. (P. P.) ..........Barrie 
O'Hagarty ,C.J.( P.P.StMarys). 
O'Reilly,M.McC.(P.PSt.Jos.). Toronto 
Rey, P. (absent on leave) .................. 
Rohleder. F. F. (P. P.).... Vrooman ton 
Rooney. F. P.(P.P.St.Mary's). Toronto 
Shanahan, Too ............ St. Catharin"s 
Shea. J. J. (131 Seaton St.).... Toronto 
Sheahan, D. (P. P) ...... Pickering 
Sigl, O. (Sup. St. Patrick's) .... Toronto 
Smits. (Cmn.Gen.O. O. a)... Niag. F51ls 
Sullivan. T. (P. P.)............. ThoroIJ 
Thume). J. (St.Patrick.s) ......Toronto 
Trayling. J. (St. Paul.s).........Toronto 
Vincent, C. (Prov. a S. B.)....Toronto 
Voisard. F. A. (P.P.)......... Fort Erie 
Whitley, E. (0. C. C.)..... .
iag. Falls 
Whitney, P. (P. P.) ............ Grib':lio 
Right Rev. James Vincent Cleary 
Rt. Rev. ,J. V. Cleary.S.T.D.. B j 3ho].'. 
Rev. D. A. Twomey, Chancellor and 
Chaplain of Penitentiary. 
Rev. Thos. Kelly. Bi.hop's Secret,".y. 
Rev. Joseph :McGrath, Chaplain of 
Hotel Dietl. 
Rev. D. C. 
[acRal', Chaplain Rouse 
oj Provitlence. 
Brennan. John.............. Pi"ton 
Cicolari. George.. .. . . . . .. ErinsviU.. 
Connolly. J. J........ Williamstown 
Corbett. George.. .. .. .. St. Andrews 
Davis, Thomas..... . . .. .. .. .. !II:J.ltoc 
De Saunhac, P. A... . Brewer's Mill
Dntths. C. J .. . . .. .. .. 
t. Uap1l\el's 
Farrelly, M.. V.G...... ..' Belleville 
Fitzpatrick. T.......... Chesterville 
Fleming. John P...... ..Hungerforll 
Fox, William.. .. .. . ...... . .. Crysler 
Gauthier.C. H.. V.F.....Brockville 
Gauthier, C. H.. .. .. . St. }[argaret"
Hanigan, P. J........... Frankfort! 
Higgins. Bernard (Asst.). Hungerfor,l 
Hogan. John.......... ..Gananoqne 
Kelly, Jolm (Pastor).. ..Merrickville 
Leahy. !\I. J.. " .. .. ... :\[oose Creek 
Lynch. M.. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. Camden 
loIacCarthv, I. J.. .. .. Wil1iam'ltown 
McCarthy, ThoR.. . . .. .. BlessingtD:i 
McCarthy. John (Asst.).... Westport 
McDonalll. In.. .. . . .. .. . Kemptville 
McDonagh, J. H.......... Nap!l.nee 
:Me Williams, C. .\.. .. . . .. Loboroagh 
Macdonell. Alex.. V.G.. '. Alexandna 
lIIacdonell. Wm.. . . .. st. Margaret's 
Mackey. Miehael........ Tyendinag.\ 
Masterson, J uhn.. .. .. .. .. . Prescot.t 
Murray, C. B.......... . ..Cornwall 
0' Brien. P (Asst.)........... Mador 
0' Brien, Morgan C.. . . .. l\Iorrisbur.; 
O'Connor. J uhn S.. V. F.. .. .. . Perth 
O'Connor. T. P. (Asst.)...... ..Perth 
0' Donoghue. 1'[,. .. .. Carleton Place 
O'Gorman. J ulm (.1.88t.). . ,. Belleville 
O'Rorke. Michael (Asst.).. .. Prescott 
Quinn. John S........ 
Spratt, M. J.......... .. .. ..' Kitley 
Spratt. Thos. J........ Wolfe Isl.1nd 
Stanton. '!If. ,J...... .. . Smith's Falls 
Twohey. P. A.......... ... Westport 
Twomev. John............. Loclliel 
Walsh,"W. E................ Yonge 
Walsh. W. E. (St. James' Ch.) Yonge 
Walsh. E. J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Trenton 
N.B.-Sharhott Lake is atten..Ie<l 
from Westport. 




Right Rev. J. J. Oarbery, Billwp of 
VeryRev.E.J.Heenan, Vicar-General, 
Very Rev. T. J. Dowling, Vicar-Gen., 
Very Rev.E. Lanssier, Dean, Walker- 
Rev. J. Keough, Chan., Dundas. 
Rev. E. M.Oarre, Sec., Hamilton. 
Bardou, M. P., M.A.............. Cayuga 
Bergman, G. R........... .Hamilton 
Hrohman, G. ..................... Mildmay 
-Burke, R.................... Arthur 
CaSlin, P. ...................Mount Fores
Corcoran, J...................... Teeswater 
Cosgrove, P........... .. .. Hamilton 
Crinnon, E. J.............. .Dunville 
Doherty, F., S. J.................. Guelph 
Doherty, J........................... Arthur 
Dowling, Very Rev. T. J., v.G.....Paris 
Dumortier, F., 8.J. ...... ...... ...Guelph 
Eleua, L......... ...... ............ Formosa 
Feeney, J. ........................PIIceville 
Forster, S....................New Germany 
lI'uncken, L., D.D., CoR.......... Berlin 
Funcken, E., O.R............. St. Agatha 
Gehl, J......................... St. Clemenll 
Granotier, F., O.S.B. ...... Owen Sound 
Granotier, F. F., O.S.B.... Owen Sound 
Halm, M. ........................ . Hamilton 
Halm, M.. ........................Hamilton 
Halter, J., G.R...................... Berlin 
Kelly, J. (.Adm.)............... Caledonia 
Keough, J. (Chan.)............... Dundall 
Kiely, J., S J........................Guelph 
Kloepfer, W., CoR. .. . ... . . ... Berlin 
Laus8Íer, E., v..F............. Walkerton 
Lennon, P... ..................... Brantford 
Madigan, M. J. (Assistant).... Dundal 
Murphy. J. (A8Bistant).......Brantford 
O'Connell. - ...........................Galt 
O'Le:w-y, J.S...... ............... .ooFreeJton 
O'Reilly, F. .... .. ............. .Macton 
Owens, P. S. ........................ Ayton 
Plant, D., S. J. . . .. .. . . '. ... Guelph 
Rassaerts, F. ... ............... ...Carlsruhe 
Slavin. E. P......... ....... ....OakvUle 
Spetz, F., Co R... ...... ............. Berlin 
Synnet J, S.J...................... Guelph 

weitzer, J., O.R. ..................Berlin 
Wadel, Soo....... ......... ...... ...Cbepstow 
Weiler, E....................Berlin 
Wey, J. (Assistant)......... FormoM 

Right Rev. John Walsh, D.D., Bishop. 
Rt. Rev. Mgr. J. M. Bruyere, Vicar- 
Aboulin, Too .. ...... ..... Sandwich 
Andrieux, P............ ..Tccumseh 
Raur, J ... ,........... Stony Point 
Bayard, Joseph.. . . .. .. .. oo . . Sarnia 
Bernardiue, F., O.S.F..., ..Chatham 
Boubat, B.. .. .. .. . . .. oo .. . ABhfield 
Brady, M............... Woodstock 
Brennan, Poo .. oo .. . . .. .. St. Mary's 
Carriere, F.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Big Point 
Connolly, J.. .. .. .. oo .. .. . Biddulph 
Corcoran, P.. .. .. oo .. .. ... Parkhill 
Cornyn, T........oooo.... Strathroy 
Cote, A........ ......... Sandwich 
Crf:!'opin, - ........... Amhertsburg 
Cummins, M.............. Woodslee 
Cushin, D.............. ..Sandwich 
Cook, J.. . . .. .. .. .. oo .., Wawanosh 
Dillon, Wm.. .. .. .. .. .. .. La Salette 
DIxon, N.. .. .. .. .. .. Port Lambton 
Donohoe, --............oo Sandwich 
Dunphy, L. A.............. London 
Faure, E. J.............. Sandwich 
Fauteux, P.......... ..Stoney Point 
Ferguson, M. J........... Sand wich 

Flannery, Wm.......... 8t. Thoman 
Gaban, N.. .... .. .. . . .. .l\It. Carmel 
Gausepohl, Wm.. O.S.F.. ".Chatham 
Gerard, J os.. .. .. .. .. .. . Belle Hi ver 
Gnam, P................. Wyoming 
Haitman, W............... Listowel 
Hodgkinson, E.. .. .. .. . . .. Fletcher 
Kealy, J. A........ ....... Drysdale 
Kelly, M............ . Mount Carmel 
Kennedy, J................ London 
Kilroy, E. B.. .. .. .. .. .... Stratford 
Lamont, A.. oo .. .. .. .. ....... Dublin 
Lapierre, A. Moo........ Walkerville 
Lorion, J............ Ruscom River 
Lotz, H. Boo .. .. .. .. .. oo .. Goderich 
McBrady, R..oooo...... ..Sandwich 
McGee, C. E.. . . .. .. .. .. .. Corunna 
McGrath, M.. .. .. .. ..... .La Salette 
McKeon, A............... Bothwell 
McManus, C............... Windsor 
McRae, l).. .. . . .. .' ....... . . Parkhill 
Mazinod, - .... .. ...... ..Sandwich 
MichaeL, F., O.S.F........ . Chatham 
Molphy, J. P............ ...Ingersoll 
Mongovan, M............ . Sandwich 
Murphy, Jas. (Dean)........ . Dublin 
Northgreaves, G. R.... .. ..Ingersoll 
O'Connor, D. (Sup.,O.S.R) Sandwich 
O'Connor, J. G.......... . Maidstone 
O'Neil, J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Kinkora 
O'Shea, P.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Seaforth 
Quigley. T................ Stratford 
Renaud, L............... Sandwich 
Ronan, J.............. Wallaceburg 
Ryan, J.................... Dublin 
Ryan, P............. Amherstburgh 
Scanlon, J.. .. ..... .. .. .. .. . Windsor 
Schneider, A............ .McGregor 
l:3emande, F.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sandwich 
Tiernan, M. J.. .. . . .. .. .. .. London 
Traher, H. G.. .. . . .. .. .. St. Thomas 
Villeneuve, A. D...... ..Stony Point 
Wagner, J. T.............. "'indsor 
Walsh, J......oo........... London 
Wasserau, L. A.. St. Francis Trudel 
Watters, B. J............ . Goderich 
West, T................. Wawunosh 

Very Rev. P.D.Laurent,Vicar.General. 
Baudin, Alphonse...... Manitowaning 
Baxter, R..................... Port Arthur 
Bloem, Joseph............ North Bay, 0 
Bretherton, C. S...... ...... Bracebridge 
Browne, Joseph......... .... Port Hope 
Caron, H. ...... ...... ............. 8udbury 
Cssey, D. J..... .... . ...Oampbellford 
Chambon, J. F.... Sault 8te. Marle, 0 
Oonnelly, M. E.............. Downeyville 
Conway, P.................. Peterborough 
Dannel, A............ Manitowaning 
Du Rauquet, D... ...... ...Manitowaninl!; 
Frayolle. E...... ......... ...Peterborough 
lIamel, P .... . ................ Port Arthur 
Hebert, Joseph............ Fort William 
Keilty, W. Joo........ .....Ennismore 
Larkin, MichaeL.. . ... . . .. .' Grafton 
Laurent, P. D., V. 0............. Lindsay 
McCloskey, W. J......... Victoria Road 
McGuire. Peter...... ............. Lindsay 
McVay, F. P................Fenelon Falls 
Murray, E. H... ............ ...... . Cobourg 
Nadeau, P........... ....Manitowaning 
O'Brien, M. J. . . .. .. . . . Peterborough 
O'Connell, Daniel.... .... South Douro 
O'Connell, Thomas .............Brighton 
Ouellet, M...................Garden River 
Quirk, John.. .... ............. Hastings 
Rudklns, Patrick... ......Peterborough 
Specht, Joseph. .... ... Fort William 
Sweeney, James...... ............ Burnley 

rNo returns received at the time of 
goIng to press.-ED.] 

fNo returns received at the time of 
going to press.-ED.] 
[No returns received at the time of 
going to press.-ED.] 
rNo returns received at the time of 
goIng to press.-ED.] 
Mgr. L. Z. Moreau. 
Mgr. J. La Rocque. 
J. A. Gravel, V. G. 
Alexander, W............. .S. Simon 
Angers, 0........................... Dunham 
Archambeault, L. M.........8t. Hugues 
Blanchard, 0......... .St. Hyacinthe 
Balthazard, H. .., ......... ...... RicheIieu 
Balthazard, J. M...... ......... . Richelieu 
BaIthazard, J. A.......... St. Hya!'inthe 
Bachaud, I...................... 8t. Robert 
Beaudry, Jos. .................. St. Marcel 
Beaudry, A............. La Presentation 
Beauregard, J............ St. Hyacinthe 
Beauregard, L...... ............ ... ... . Sorel 
Belanger, }I..................... St. lIelene 
Bernard, A. X... .......... St. Hyacinthe 
Bernard. L. C..................Adamsville 
Bernier, A...... ............... ......St. Ours 
Bertrand, F. X.................8t. Liboire 
Bessette, J ................ St. Hyacinthe 
Bessette, O. ......... ...... ...... . Ste. Marie 
Blanchard, 0...... ...... ...... Ste. Angele 
Blanchard, J. 0............. St. Alphonl!e 
Boivin, T......... ............... . St. Hilaire 
Boivin, L............ ......... ....... Bedford 
Bourque, L. A......... La PrésentatJon 
Bourret, A... ......................... Acton 
Bou vier, A. X... ......... ...... . St. JOl!eph 
Brodeur, N...................... Ste. Marie 
Browne, G. J...................St. Hugues 
Oardin, P ...... ............. 8t. Alexandre 
Caron. J..................... St. Hyacinthe 
Chaffers, W..................... Ste. Marie 
Charbonneau, U................... Milton 
Chartier, J. V............. St. Hyacinthe 
Chartier, J. B............ Ste. Madeleine 
Choquet. P ............... ...St. Hyacinthe 
Cordeau, M.................. ... ... Waterloo 
Cormier, 0.................. St. Hyacinthe 
Cote, F. P.......................St. Valerien 
Oourtemanche, J................ st. Louis 
Danth, G............ ...... St. Hyacinthe 
DeceIles, M.........................St. Roch 
Decelles, P...... ......... ...St. Hyacinthe 
Derome, G. S. ..................St. Cesaire 
Desnoyel'l!, 1.....................St. Cesaire 
Desnoyers, R.................. ...Knowlton 
Desorey, 0............... ............ 8t. Ours 
Dion. G... ...... ...... ............. St Denls 
Duenes, P............ St. Hyacinthe 
Duhamel, J. B............. 8t. Dominque 
Duhamel. L................ St. Hyacinthe 
Dumesnils, A ............ St. Hyacinthe 
, L. S. .................. .........Sorel 
Dupuy, A. S. ......................St. Paul 
Dupuy, J. B................... St. Antoine 
Dupuy, J. P......................Farnham 
Durocher. J. B...............Ste. Victoire 
Fanteuse, A...................... Farnham 
FiLiatreau, E..........Ste. Pudentienne 
Filiatreau, H..................... St. Aimé 
Foisy, A......... ......... ...... ... .... Roxton 
Fortin, O. E. ...............St. Hyacinthe 
Gaboury, J.... ......... ....... 8t. Mathiall 
Gatlneau, V................ St. Alexandre 
Gaudreau, G ...... ... ....... Clarenceville 
Gauthier, N.....................St. Damase 
Gauvreau, A... ....... St. Hyacinthe 
Gendron, S... ............ ...St. Hyacinthe 
Germain, J. E.... ...... .......... St. Indes 




Gill, M... ...................... St. Joachim 
Girard, L. ..................St. Hyacinthe 
Godard, M......................... St. Alme 
Goyette, A...... ...... .......... Ste. Angele 
CJravel, J. A................ St. Hyacinthe 
Guertin, T..................... Sweetsburg 
Guy, O. ...........................St. Rosalie 
Hardy, .1.............................. St. Pie 
Jodoin, .1...... ...... ........... ....... Acton 
Jeannotte, A..................... St. Marie 
Jeannotte, F. X. ...............Ste. Marie 
Larocque, L................ Roxton 
Larocque, P ................ St. Hyacinthe 
Larochelle, P...............St. Hyacinthe 
Larose, V........................ Ste. Marie 
Lsssalle, L. R.................. St. Cesalre 
Lavallee, G ...... ...... .......... Ste, Marie 
Lawrence, A............. St. Rosalie 
Leclaire, B. J...............St. Hyacinthe 
Lecours, E. ................ St. Hyacinthe 
Leduc, 0............ ... ......... Rougemont 
Lemay, A........................... St. Marc 
Lemieux, J... _............. St. Athansse 
LeSBard, E............................. Upton 
Lheureuse, F............. ......St. Damase 
Leveeque, P... ...... ....... St. Hyacinthe 
Limogee,A. D........................ Belæil 
Marcamele, L.................St. Hugues 
Maricourt. A...............St. Hyacinthe 
M888ier, H............................ St. Pie 
MenDier, D. .................. St. Barnabé 
Michon, J. B...................Stanbridge 
Michon. J. D................... St. Charleø 
Mignault. N. ............. St. Hyacinthe 
Millier, H............ ....... St. Hyacinthe 
Nadeau, J. A............... ...... ...Granby 
Nadeau. H... ............ ............. Upton 
Noieeux, J....................Ste. Victoire 
O'Donnell, A............ ......... 8t. Denis 
OueIlette, R................St. Hyacinthe 
Para, P. L...................Ange Gardlen 
Pelletier, 0..................... St. Robert 
Petit. A........................ W. Shefford 
Poulin, C................... .St. 8ebastlen 
Pratte, F ...... ...... ... ............ St. Simon 
Prince, J. J................ St. Hyacinthe 
ProTencal, J. A................ St. Oesalre 
Raymond, S............... St. Hyacinthe 
Rl('hard, C............................. Sorel 
Rivard, E........... ......... St. Armand 
Roy, V......... ............ . st. Dominique 
Santenac, J. F......................Roxton 
Sieart. 0............... ......... ...Frelleburg 
Springer, DenIs 
St. Aubin, T.....................St. George 
St. George, 0............... St. Athanaee 
St. Louie, A. ..................... Waterloo 
8t. Pierre. A...... ............. St. Oharles 
Taupier, J. S..................Ste. Brlgiò.e 
Tetreau, F.................. St. Hyacinthe 
Tetreau, J.................. ... ... .8abrevoie 
Vaua.eee, F. ............................Sorel 
Verronneau, J. B....St. .Tean Baptiste 
Vincent G..... ................ St. Ignace 

Right Rev. J. Langevin, D.D.,Bishop. 
Very Rev. E. Langevin,ficar.General. 
J. O. Simare, Sel:T'etary. 
S. Mahen, UnfÙT.&cretary. 
Very Rev. E. Langevin, PrlflJost, 1 
Rev. L. D8!ljardine, 
Rev. J. B. Dlanchet, 
Rev. M. R. Bilodeau, ! t3 S: s: oÖ 
Rev. D. Vézina, <:> 
Rev. C. A. Carbonneau, 
Rev. L. J. Langle, Tlw>l. 
Rev. P. J. Saucier, Secretary, 
Rev. P. Audet, 
Rev. F. M. Fournier, 
Rev. L. Roulesu. 
Rev. J. O. Cloutier, } H01&O'1'ary 
Rev. F. A. Blouin, Canons. 

OA'rHEDRAL.-Rev.J.O. Simare,Rutor; 
Rev. Pretot and D. Rioux. Rimoueki. 
OOLLEGE.-ReV. P. J. Sauéler, SUPT., 
L. Rouleau, A. Bérnbé, S. Siroie, 
Procur., M. Bellesiles and E. Martin. 
Amiot, .1... ......... .......... St. Valerien 

rpln, Louis ............S. Jean de DIeu 
Audet, And.................. Ste. Felicite 
Audet, P...........................S. Fabien 
Besumont (Vie.) Ste. Anne des Monte 
Belanger, J. B. A................ Malbaie 
Bernier, L. N.
...... .........S. Epiphane 
Berube, J. O.............St. Benoit Labre 
Bsrube, Ph.................. ...Caecapediac 
Berube, Thomae ...............St. Simon 
Iart................ S. Anaclet 
Blanchet, J. B. ..................Ste. Luce 
Blouin, F. Ad. V. F........... Oarleton 
Bolduc, MI\) .. ...............Father Point 
Brillant, Pre...................... St. Moise 
Oarbonnesu, O. A............St. Modeste 
Cayonette, R (Vicar)..................Bic 
Ohalifour, A.....................Cape Cove 
Ohouinard, Ant.........S. Octave, Métie 
Olnqmars, F..................... S. Alexis 
Cloutier, J. O......................Cacouna 
Cloutier, F. X..................St. Daml\se 
Coté, Phil. (V"tC.)...... ......... ...Cacouna 
D' AnteuU, L........................Mechinl 
De Ohamplain, .1011.................. Pabos 
Delage, F. X....... ........... Cap Rosier 
Delage, D. E....... .... Anse au Griffon 
Desjardins, L......... Ste. Cecile du Bic 
Drapeau, J. O. ..................... S. Ulric 
Drapeau, Octave...... ............ Caplan 
Dumas. J08. ........................St. Eloi 
Duret, Th. O.............Rlv. au Renard 
Duval, A........................... St. Donat 
Fournier, Chas. G............ Ste. Flavie 
Fournier, F. MagI............. S. Arsene 
Fraser, Slm...... ......... ...... Clorldorme 
Gagné, Oyp............ ...... ...Ste. Angele 
Gagné, J. ..............................Marla 
Oagnon, Aug..................Port Daniel 
non, N .........N. D. Sept Douleurs 
GIlUs, D. ......... ...... ......Dougla8town 
Gravel, Th. .......St.e Anne desMontB 
Guay, Mp;r. O. ...............Restlgouche 
Jean, J. Z. .........St. Paul de la Croix 
Lamontagne, A.(Sick}......Terrehonne 
Langevin, J. (Bishop) .........Rimouski 
Langevin, E. (Vic. Gen.)......Rimouski 
Langis, L......... .St. J. B. TIe-Verte 
Larivée, Cyp......... ............ Paspebiac 
Lavoie, H. .1 ......... ............ Cap Ohatte 
Lavoie, L.O.......... .........S. Olément 
Lebel, D.............S. Jean Evangeliste 
Leblanc, Ant......................... Maria 
Leblanc, Arth..................St. Gabriel 
Leveque, N....... ............ ...... . Matane 
Monge, J. (Sick).......... United Statel 
Moreault, Ph....... .........N. D. du Lac 
Morisset, D...... ASlomptlon, McNider 
Morris, Elias......... ... .Grande Riviere 
Normandin. J. O. V. F.,Grande Rivlére 
Perusse, J. A......................... Percé 
PouUot, J. B. E. (Sick).......... Quebec 
Premont, A..................Ste. Blandine 
Rioux, J. ........................ Rlmouski 
Ro1desu, L............ Semln, Rimouskf 
Saindon, B. 0................ Mont Louis 
Simare, J. O. (Cathedral).... Rimonski 
St. Laurent, Ulf......Amherst. Ottawa 
St. Laurent, .108................ New Port 
Saucier, P...............Semin, Rlmouski 
Sirois, Sif...............Semin. Rlmouski 
Smith, Theo....... ......... ...St. Godefrol 
Soncy, Ant... ......... St. Louis d u ha-ha 
Sylvain, Ph............N. D. du S. Coour 
Theberge, Tobie (Sick)... United States, P. N......... S. Bonaventure 
Theriault, N. M................S. Honoré 
Thibault, A. ..... Ste. Rose du Dêgelé 
Tremblay, H............... St. l\[atthieu 
Trudel, C. E...................S. Françoise 
Van de Moortel, F.................. Gsspé 
Vezina, Déslre. ............Trols Pletoles 

Most Rev. L. F. Laf!.eche, Bi31wp. 
Very Rev. C. O. Caron, VIcar General. 
J. F. Béland, Ohancdlor. 
Very Rev. O. O. Caron, Y.G. ) 
Very Rev. L. Deeilete. Y.G. I 
Rev. J. O. Prince. 
" L. S. Rheault, 1 
" Ls. Richard, 
" J. B. Comeau, .. 
., T. X. Cloutier, 
" B. C. Bochet, 
" K. A. Noiseux, [ I 
" Th. Martel, 
" N. Caron, 
" J. Boucher, J 
" D. Marcoux, 
" L. Ed. Bois, 
Baril, H. (Se1nimzry)......Three Rivers 
Barolet, O. A.....................St. Paulin 
Beauchesne,A. (Vicar)...Mont Carmel 
Beaudet, F........................Ste. Flore 
Beland. J. 1'.:. (Vicar)............Batiscan 
Beland, J. F. ( (''hanoolor) Three Rivers 
BeUveau, Ed.................. Ste. Uraule 
BeUveau, A. (Vicar).........Ste. Ursole 
Bellemare, O. T...............Shawenigan 
Bellemare, A. (Vicar)......Shaweneg-an 
BeUveau, A. (Vicar).........ste. Ursule 
Bergeron, L. (Seminary) Three Rivers 
Biron, A. (Vicar) Ste. Anne Laperade 
Bochet, C...... ...... Ste. Anne Laperade 
Bois, L. Ed...... ............ ...Maskinonge 
Boucher, J...............Riviere du Loup 
Oaisse, R. (Bem.)............ Three Rivers 
Oaisse, T. (Juuit).......... Three Ri
Carufel, D. (Retired)...... . St. Barnabe 
Carufel, 0....... N. D. du Mont Carmel 
Caron, 0.0. VoG. ( Three Rhers 
Ouon, N ......... ............ Three Riven 
Chapdelelne, H. (Sem.}...Three Rivers 
Chretien, J. Bte...............St. Narcisf;e 
Cloutier, F .X. .......:....... Three Riven 
Cloutier, P. . ..................St. Etienne 
Oomeau, D. (Retired)... Pointe du Lac 
Comeau,J. B. (Seminary) Three Riverø 
Dèguise, E. (Vie.).......... St. Stanislas 
Desaulnlel"f!, E......... ...... Yamachiche 
Desaulniere, Fri. .........Pointe du Lac 
Dorion, J. Ii.................. Yamachirbe 
Duguay, E..........Cap de la Madeleine 
Dupuis, A.................... St. Staniølas 
Fleck (Jesuit)............... Thrt'e Rivers 
Fortin, D........................ St. Prosper 
GeUnas, D. (Retired). ...... Yamachic:he 
Gerin, D........................... St. Justin 
Gouin, A. (V" Yamachiche 
Gravel, T. . . ... St. Jacques des Piles 
Grenier, H. (Seminary). 'fhree Rivers 
Grenier, J. B. .................. St. Thecle 
Grenier (Jesuit)............ Three Rivers 
Herbretean, T. (Jesuit)... Tbree Ri',ers 
Houde, D. (Vicar). . . . .. Three Rivers 
Janelle.M. E. (Vie.}...... Ma.ekinonge 
Jourdain, Jos. (V" Three Rivers 
Joyal, T. ......... ..................St. Didace 
Lafleche, A. E. (V" River du Loup 
Laflèche, T. (Seminary)...ThreeRivers 
Lamothe, L. (V"uar)...... Three Rivera 
Leclair, J. B. (Vicar) ...... St. Maurice 
Marchand, P .................. Champlain 
Marcoux, D. (Retired) ......Champlain 
!\Iartel, T........................St. Barnabe 
IIlayrand, J. A. (Retired)... St. Ursule 
Mayrand, Enlt. (&m.).... Three Rivers 
Montour, L. (V"tCar).........St. Etienne 
Nault. O. (Jesuit).......... Three Rivers 
Noiseux. A....... ......... Ste. Genevieve 
Prince, J. 0 .................. St. Maur;ce 
Proulx, M...... ...................... St. Tite 
Proulx, P. (Vicar).......... Yamachiche 
Richard, L. (&minary)...Three Rivers 
Richard, J. (Seminary)...Three Rivers 
Rhesult, L. S................ Three Rivers 
Savoie, C. O. ............... ...... St. Alexie 




Tesfjier, N. ... ...... ...... . . ...... .8t. Léon 
Thibodeau, H................. ... Batlscan 
Trahan, H......... ............... st. 8evere 
VerviJIe, F............ 8t. Elie de Oaxton 
Vi1Ieneuve, N. (J'iear)...... Champlain 
Prellbyterlau Church In 
The General Assembly will meet In 
Knox Church, Winnipeg, on the 

e('ond Thursday (9th day) of June, 
1887, at 7.30 p.m. 
Officerll 1886-87. 
Moderator : 
Rev. James K. 8mith, M.A., Galt. 
Rev. W. Reid, D.D.......... Toronto 
Rev. W. Fraser, D.D.......... Barrie 

Rev. P. M. Morrison. Dartmouth, N.8.. 
Aitken, Wm.............Newcastle, N.B. 
Allan. James ..... . Cove Head. PEl 
Allan, J. M ..... ..... Halifax, N S 
Anderson. J ..M.A.. Musquodoboit Bar 
Archibald, W. S., B.D...Kentville. N 8 

rchibald.W.P.,M.A.Cavendish, PEl 
, E 8.M.A. M.Musquodoboit,N 8 
Bearisto, J. K............Glassville, N 8 
Bennett, J., D.D. (Ret.).8t. John, N B 
Blair, D. B.. . . .. .Barney's River, N 8 
Boyd. 8amuel...............WalIace, N 8 
Brown, A. Ogllvle...Campbellton, N S 
Bruce. George. B.A......8t. John, N B 
Bru('-E', W. T., M.D.......... Valley, N 8 
Burnl', R. F.. D.D...... . Halifax, N 8 
Cahill. J. A. (MillI.)...8pringfield, N B 
Cairns,J.A.,M.A., U.Musquodoboit,N 8 
Calder, W. O. (MiBB.)...Pil!&rinco, N B 
Calder. W. R............. . Mira. 0 B 
Campbell. :!IIalcolm... Wood "fille, PEl 
Cameron, Alex.. . . .. . Portapique, N S 
Cameron, .T. 0..... ..... 80uris, PEl 
Cameron, John....... Bridgetown, N S 
Carr. A. F., M.A.. ...Alberton, PEl 
Carruthers, Jas.. Charlottetown, PEl 
Carson, G. 8., B.A. ...... Pictou. N 8 
Cattanach, J. G., M.A.... Halifax, N 8 
Chase. J.Jt., M.A. Onslow Station, N 8 
Christie. George. . . . . . . . Bedford, N S 
Clark. Peter........ .Capl\ North, 0 B 
Crawford. H....Mossman.s Grant, N 8 
Cumming, Rtlbert . . .. Westville, N 8 
Cumming, Thos..............:rruro, N S 
Currie, J., D.D. (Prof.)...Halifl1x, N 8 
Darragh, W. 8..... .... .Linden, N 8 
Dawsfln, W., B.D. .. .. .. . Canard, N 8 
Dickie, A. B.. ............... Milford, N S 
Donald, A. (Rdir
).. . Hamptún, N B 
Drummond, D ..... .Boularderie, C B 
Duff, W. (Pas'r Em.) Lunenburg, N 8 
Dustan, J. F.. .... ....... Truro, N S 
Farquharson, A. ....... . Sydney, C B 
Ff.'rry. John.................. Glenelg, N S 
Fiëher. George. . . .. ... Montrose, N S 
Fiske, D. . . . . .' New Kincardine, N B 
Fitzpatrick. J. R... ... Chebogue, N S 
Forbes, J. A...............Glace Bay, C B 
Forbes,J. F............ Durham, N S 
Forrest,J.,D.D.C Pr.D.Col.) Hl1lifax.N S 
Fotheringham,T. F.,M.A. 8t. John,N B 
Frame, W. R. (W ch.)...Charlottetown 
Fra;;er. D. S., B.A... Mahone Bsy, N S 
George, F. W.,M.A....New Carlisle, Q 
George, J. L., M.A... Sherbrooke. N S 
Gillies, Ewen............Cardigan. PEl 
Gordon, G. L.......... River John, N 8 
Graut, Alex. .... E. Lake Ainslie. C B 
Grant. Edward....... Stewiacke, N 8 
Grant, W.....................Cow Bay, C B 
Gray. James. M.A....... Sussex, N B 
Gunn. A., B.A... Up. Kennetcook. N S 
Gunn. A. . .. . . . St. Andrew's, N B 

Gunn, 8. C...... Upper 8tl\wiacke, N 8 
Haddow.R.(Mis.)Riverside,Albert.N B 
Hamilton, W...Kingston. Kt. Co., N B 
Harvey, Moses, (Ret.) 8t. John'l, Nfld 
Henry, M. G. . . .. .8huben8Cadie, N S 
Hogg, Joseph......, . ..Moncton, N B 
Jack, L. (lùtired)......8pringfleld, N B 
Jack, T. è., B.A...... Maitland, N S. 
Johnston, S................. Chipman, N B 
Johnston, Thos. G. ... Blackville, N B 
Laing, Robert, M.A. . . . . Halifax, N 8 
Laird, Robert ....Little Harbour, N S 
Langili, P. (Milll.)...... Hampton, N B 
Layton, Jacob....... . Elmsdale, N 8 
Lindsay, Peter ...... N. Richmond, Que 
Logan, J. A.......... Acadia Mines, N S 
Lord, O. S., B.D...... Merigomish. N 8 
McCarter. John....... Redbank, N B 
McClure, J. K. Clyde River, She Co. N S 
McCulloch, W., D.D. (Ret.) Truro, N S 
McCurdy, E. A. . . .New Gla
gow, N 8 
McDonald, W... ...... ...... ...Quaco, N B 
McDougall, A............. St. John, N B 
McDougall, Donald.... West Bay, 0 B 
McGillivray, J. D. ..... .Olifton, N 8 
McGregor, D............... Amherst, N 8 
McIntosh, Abraham....
t. Ann's. C B 
McKay, H. B.......... Wallace, N S 
McKay, J. MeG...... 8hemogue. N B 
McKay. Neil. ,....... .Chatham, N B 
McKay, K., B.A_.... Richmond, N B 
McKeen, J. A., B.A...Hamilton, Bar'a 
McKenzie. J. A....... Pugwash, N 8 
McKenzie, Kenneth. . . .Baddeok, 0 B 
McKenzie, J. W.......... Midgell, PEl 
McKnight, A., D.D. (P. P. a). Halifax 
McKinnon. D... ......... Lockeport, N 8 
McLean, Alex., M.A.... Hopewell, N 8 
McLean, Allan..... .Hampton, P I!: I 
McLean, J. A....Harvey, York Co. N B 
McLeau, Jameø .. .Great VJlIage, N S 
McLean. Roderick... Valleyfield, PEl 
McLeod, A. B....... Mt. Stewart, PEl 
McLeod,A.W.,Ph.D., ValeColliery.N 8 
McLeod, Hugh, D.D. . .. 8ydney, C B 
McLeod, John...... 8trathalbyn, PEl 
McLeod, J. McL. Oharlottetown, PEl 
McLeod, Rod'k...... 8trath Lorne. 0 B 
McMillan, Angus. . Malagawatch, C B 
McMillan, D. .... . Sydney :!Innes, 0 B 
Mc'\olillan, G., B.A., Prlncetown. PEl 
McMillan, John, B.D.... Halifax, N 8 
McNab, Ebenezer. ....... Newport, N S 
McNeill, L. G.. M.A. .. .st. John, N B 
McPherson, H. H., M.A., Halifax, N S 
McQuarrie, H......Leitch's Creek, 0 B 
McRae, Alex. . . ... Middle River, C B 
Macrae, Donald, D.D.. 8t. John, N B 
Mahon,.A. W...... Marøbfleld. PEl 
Mason,W.A.....L. Riv.& N.Lon., P EI 
Maxwell, Wm....... Annapolis, 
:!\IiIlar, A. P. (Rd.)...l\Ierigomish, N S 
Millar, H. D., B.A...Lunenburgh, N 8 
Millen. Wm..........8t. Andrew's, N B 
Morrison, P. M. .... .Dartmouth, N 8 
Mowatt, A. J. ..... . Fredericton. N B 
Mullen, J. S. .... ...... Stanley, N D 
Munro, J. B., B.A.... Antigonish, N 8 
Murray, I"D.D....North Sydney, C B 
l\lurray,J........... .... ...Sydne., 0 B 
Murray, J. D. ...... . Buctouche, N B 
Murray, T. H..... L:lUrencetown, N 8 
Nelson, Thos. A........... Windsor, N 8 
Nicholson, Thos. (Rd.) R. Charlo. N B 
Pollok, A., D.D. (Prof.).Halifax. N 8 
Quinn, R. 0... .... . New Annan, N 8 
Raulston, Alex...Murray Harb., PEl 
Robbins, John .. ........ .. Truro, N S 
Roberts, Edward. .......... Mabou.O B 
Robinson, J. M.........Springhlll, N S 
Robertson. J., M.A.. Black River, N B 
Rogerl. Anderson,B.A,Yarmouth, N 8 
Roeborough, J., M.A...Shelbnrne, N S 
Rosborough, S., B..A., 8. Harbour, N 8 
Rose, John...... Whycocomagh.O B 
Ross, E. (Rdired). . .. . . .. . Truro, N S 
Ross. J. (Miu'y).... S. Richmond, N B 

Ro8s, R. D. .. . . .. _.... Wolfville. N 8 
Ross, Wm., B.A. PrInce William, N B 
:Russell, Alex......... Dalhousie, N B 
8cott, Ephraim. . . .New Glasgow, N S 
8cott, Wm...... North Bedeque, PEl 
Sedgwick. Thos... Tatamagouche, N 8 
8hore, Godfrey......8t. 8tephfln's, N B 
Simpson, Allan. .' .... .. Halifax, N 8 
Slmpson,J. S., B.A....L.La Have, N S 
Simpson, N. W. (0. M.)...Maccan, N 8 
8inclalr, A. McLean...8pringville, N 8 
Sinclair, James.... Folly Village, N 8 
Smith, E., B.A..... Mid. Stewiacke. N 8 
Stirling, Alex. . .. .. . .. Clifton, PEl 
Spence, W. H. ...... Georgetown, PEl 
Stewalt, A. 8.. .. .... .. Belfast, PEl 
8tewart. Thomas. . '.' St. George, N B 
Stuart. Wm...Carleton, 8t. John, N B 
Sutherland, D ...... . .Gabaru8, C B 
Butherland, J. A. F.... St. James, N B 
Thomson,A.F... Bathurst Village, N B 
Waits, E. Wallace.........Chatham, N B 
Jibreign Miuionariu. 
Annand. J., M.A....SaLto, N. Hebridel 
Gibeon, John, B.D....... . Demerara 
Grant, K. J. .San Fernando, Trinidad 
McKenzie,J. W.Efate, New Hebrides 
MacRae, W. L.....Princestown. Trin'd 
Morton, J...... Tunapuna, Trinidad 
Robertson, H. A.... Eromanga. N. Heb 
Wright, J. K. . . . . .. Couva, Trinidad 
.Evangelilt : 
Lal Behar! . .8an Fernando, Trinidad 
Tw.chtrll ; 
Miss Blackadder,Princestw'n,Trlnidad 
J. Corsbie... .San Fernando, Trinidad 
Miss Agnes Semple.. Tunapuna, Trin 
Mis8 Copeland,San Fernando,Trinidad 
Miss Hilton... ..Tunapuna, Trinidad 

.J. Watson, M.A., HuntingdoD,Q.. 
Ami, Mare................ Ottawa, 0 
Anderson. D. (Rd.). .... .. .. Levis, Q 
Andrew, J o8eph ..... . Mlddleville, 0 
Armstrong, W. D.. M.A ....Ottawa, 0 
Baillie. John K... .. .. Woodlands, 0 
Bain, Wm., D.D. (Retired) Kingston, 0 
Ballantyne, W. D., B.Á....Pembroke, 0 
ßar/:lay, .Tames, B.A......... ...Montreal 
Bayne, G. T.. . . .Ramsay's Corner8, 0 
Bayne, G. Dunlop. B.A.. . Morr18burg 
Bennett. J., B.A.....COte de Nelges, Q 
Bennett, John, D.D. . . .. . Almonte. (J 
Bennett. Thoe. ... . . .. . . .. . Montreal 
Blakely, W .D.M.,B.A. For'ter'sFallø,O 
Bouchard, T. (Ord. MiI..).....Montreal 
Boudreau, :Moses F. . New Glasgow, Q 
Boyd, James M., B.D. BeauharnoiB, Q 
Bremner, Georp;e. .. .. . White Lake, 0 
Burnfleld, G.. B.D..........Brockvil!e, 0 
Burnet, John S....... Martintown, 0 
Calder, John A. G..... . Lancaster, 0 
Campbell, Jobn 0.. . . .. . . .Doup;laø, 0 
Oampbell,J., M.A. (Prof.)...Montreal 
Campbell, R., M..A. . . . .' . . . Montreal 
Campbell, R., D. SC..........Renfrew, 0 
Oampbell, NeiL..... Port Elmsley, 0 
Cameron, Hugh........ Hallsville,O 
Canning. W. T. (Ret.) Oxford Mills, 0 
Caven, Wm............... Buckingham, Q 
Ohristie. W. M., M..A. (Rd.). Ottawa, 0 
Clark, Oeo. M .. ...New Edinburgh, 0 
Clark, W. B.(Ret.) ........._... Quebec 
Cook, John, D.D. (Raired)....Quebec 
Cormack, Jameø, B.A...... Lachine. Q 
Ooull, G., M.A. ( w: ch.) Valleyfleld, Q 
CousBÌrat,D.M. A.B.D.( Prof ).Montreal 
Crombie, J. Myles.... Oumberland, 0 
Crombie, John, M.A.Smith's Falls, 0 
Oruikshank. W.R.B.A.Pt.8t.Charles,Q 
Oruchet, Alfred B............ ...Montreal 
Currie. D., B.A. .... . Three Riven, Q 




Dewey, Finlay M., M.A..... Montreal Patterson, And. (MiI.'y).Eganville, Q 
Dey, W. J., M.A. CW: ch.)....Montreal Patterson, Jamel ...............Montreal 
Doudiet, Charles A............ . Mon treal Porteous, George. ...... ... ... ... Toledo, 0 
Duclos, R. P. ...... ......... Montreal Pritchard, J. G.......... . Danville. Q 
Edmondson, John B. ...... Almonte,O Pullar, James.............Moorewood, 0 
Fairlie, John................ L'Orignal, 0 Richards, J. J...................... Lyn, 0 
}'arries, Fra. W... ............. Ottawa, 0 Robertson, J ................ Madrid, N Y 
}'erguson,J., B.A.(W:ch.)...Marlow, Q Robertsou, Wm.......Hemmlngford, Q 
Ferguson, Wm............... Klrkhill,O Ross, D. Y. ...... ..........Weøtport, 0 
Findlay, David. B.A......... Cantley, Q Ross, James, B.D..... .... ..Perth, 0 
}'Ieck, James, B.A. ............Montreal Rowat, Andrew.......... Athelstane, Q 
Forlong, Wm.................. Lachute, Q Scott, A. A., M.A ...Carleton Place, 0 
Fraser, James, B.A..........Ouøhing, Q Scott, Matt. H.. B.A...... }\Ianotick, Q 
F.aser, John (W: charge). ...Montreal Scrimger, J., M.A. (Prof.)....Montreal 
Fraser, John.................. St. Elmo, 0 Seylaz, E. F......... Ste. Sylvestre, Q 
Gamble, Robt., B.A...... Wakefield, Q Shearer, Wm. ..................Aylwin, Q 
Gandier,Joseph....... .Coulongue, Q 8hearer, W. K., B.A..Fitzroy Harb., 0 
Geddes, W. H............. Rus8ell, 0 Sinclair, James............... Huntley, 0 
Glassford, T. S., B..A......Richmond, 0 Smith, G. A............. Glensandfleld 0 
Graham. John H.............. Bristol, Q Smyth, W. J., Ph.D...,... .Montreal 
Grant, John P..,......... Dunbar,O Stewart, Donald..........Newington, 0 
Hally, J. ............... ...Ste. Therese, Q Stewart, J ...... ................ Arundel, Q 
Hamilton, R......... ...Grenville, Q Stewart, J. B............Lochwinnoeh, 0 
Hanran, J. (W: charge)...Inverne8s, Q Stewart, R., B.A...... North Gower, 0 
HlLRtie, James. . . .. . . .., Cornwall, 0 Stuart, J ............... ......... Prescott, 0 
Heine, G. Colborne, B.A......Montreal Stuart, J. G., B..o4..... .Balderst.on, 0 
Herridge, W. T., B.D. ..... Ottawa 0 Sutherland, JIUI............ InveJ"n.Jss, Q 
Hughes, Robert ...............Vernon, 0 Tait, J. (W. chg.) ...............Ottawa, 0 
Iuternoscia, A. (Ord. MiI..)..Montreal Tanner, Chas. A.. .......... . Levis, Q 
Jamieson, George (Ret.)... " .Ottawa Taylor, H................... Pakenham,O 
Jenkins, John, D.D. (Ret.). . Turnbull, J.... St. L. de Gonzague. Q 
Johnston, W. A. ( St. Ch'les Turnbull. M................ Pembroke, 0 
Jones, Jno. (Wdhout charge) Montreal Vernier, P. S............. Angers, Q 
Jordan, L. H., B,D......... Montreal Vernon, J. A............. . Duclos, Q 
Keliock, David, M.A...Spencervllle, 0 Warden, R. H...................Montreal 
Kinnear,G. B.A. (O.M.). Mas8llowippl,Q Watson, J., M.A....... Huntingdon, Q 
Knowles, Robert........... Blakeney, 0 Whillans, R., M.A... ... Hintouburg,O 
Lamont, Hugh, D.D........J\larsden, Q White, Joaeph, B.A, Rochesterville, 0 
Lee, Arch'd, B.A. ..... Sherbrooke, Q Wilson, Jas., M.A............ Lanark 
Lefebvre, T. Z., D. C. L..... Joliette, Q SYNOD OF TORONTO .t KINGSTON. 
Leitch, M. L.. .... .. ... Valley field, Q 
Lo.,e, And. T........................Quebec Rev. J. Gray, M.A.,D.D.,Orillia. Ckrk. 
MacLaren, D., M.A. . . . Alexandria, 0 Abraham, J. ...... ...... ...... ...... Whitby 
McAlister, John A., M.A....Ashton, 0 Acheson, Stuart, M.A....... Cloverhill 
McArthur, Geo., B.A.......Oardinal, 0 Alexander,Joserh. M.A......... Norval 
McAuley. M............ Dalhousie, 0 Amos, W..............................Aurora 
McCaul, J., B.A. CW: ek.).... Montreal Anderson, W., (W. ck.)......... Oakville 
McCullough, W.. .. Kinnear's Mills, Q Andrews, Francis ... ............... Keene 

cDiarmld. Henry J... Kemptville,O Armstrong, W. C.............Hillsburgh 
McDonald, D., M.A. . Carleton Plac4II,0 Aull, J. M......................Palmerston 
McEachren, D, St. Agnes de Dundee, Q Baikie, J. ........................ Harristou 
McFarlane, A..... Farnham Centre, Q Ballantyne, G...... ......... Mono Centre 
McGillivray, Alex.. Wiliiamstown,O Barclay, J., D.D. (W: charge). Toronto 
McGillivray, Malcolm, B.A...Perth, 0 Beattie, R. J........................ Guelph 
McIlroy, J (W:ch). Dixon's Corners, 0 Bell, A........................... Peterboro' 
McKay, A. B. ........... ..Montreal Dell, G., LL.D. (W. chargt). Kingston 
Mr.Kay, D. (Ord. Mil.) ......... Metis, Q Bennett, W ............ .......... Peterboro' 
McKay, A., M.A............... Bickell, D............... .Mt. Forest 
Mackie, John. . ". .... . .. Lachute, Q Blair, Arch.. .... .. .... .... .... Acton 
McKechuie, Dun. L....... Mattawa, 0 Bryant, J...........................Bradford 
MeKenzie, John.........MooBe Creek, 0 Burnett. J. R. S.................. Alliston 
McKeracher, Chas. M....... Howick, Q Burns, W. (Agt. Knox Cbl.).... Toronto 
McKibbin,R.V.,B.A. ('}...Ottawa Campbell, C. (Retired) . . .. .. . Toronto 
McLaren, John............. .Carp. 0 Campbell,J., M A., Ph.D...Collingw'd 
McLean, DonaldJ., B.A. . Arnprlor, 0 Cameron, J., B.D...............MUlbrook 
McLean, Hugh...............Laguerre, Q Cameron, J. J., M.A....... Pickering 
McLennan. Finlay....... Dunvegan, 0 Oamelon, D.................. Maple 
McLeod, John R...... Kingsbury, Q Cameron, J. M.....................Toronto 
'lcLeod, }[alcolm . .. . . . .. . . Gould, Q I Cameron, M. C., B.D. .... .. .. . Milton 
abb, Robert, B.A...Beachburg, 0 Cameron, J. W., B.A...Rlchmond Hill 
McSish, N., D.D., LL.D...Cornwall, 0 Carmichael, James ... ... ........ Strange 
McPhee, N.. ...... Dslhousle MUls, 0 Carmichael, J. A...............Columbus 
rolcVicar,D., LL.D. (P.M.G.) Montreal Carmichael, J., M.A............ Norwood 
Matheson, Alex.. ..... Lunenburg, 0 Oarswell. James......... ......Bond Head 
Mf\theson, Israel (Misr'y).. Namur, Q Oaven, W., D.D.(P. K. Cbl.)...Toronto 
Mathe'lOn. J., B.A...... Martlntown, 0 Chambers, T. S. ............ Wolfe Island 
Matheson, Wm. ....... Stornaway, Q Clarke, N. (W: charge) ....... Lakefleld 
J\hthews, G. D., D.D. ............Quebec Clarke, W., M.c., P. d!S.Bracebrldge 
Maxwell, Georll;e.......St. Sylvestre, Q Clelaud, James ............... Port Hope 
l\I')fflit, R. C., D.D... W. Winchester,O Cleland, Wm. (Retired).........Toronto 
}loore, Wm., D.D ............. Ottl\wa,O I Cochrane, J. J., M.A...... . Thornton 
Morrisou. D. W. .......... Ormlltown, Q Cockburn, E., M.A............. Uxbrldge 
Muir, J. B., M.A....... Huntingdon, Q Cooke, O. H., B.A. ............ Baltimore 
Mylne, Solomon. ......Smlth's Falls,O Colter, A. T., M.A............... Meaford 
Nichols. JOhn.....................Montreal l Coulthard. W.........................Plcton 
Oxley, M.S. (Ord. JIil.).. ...Montreal Craig, R., M.A................... Deseronto 
Paterson, Dan'l, .M.A., St. Andrews, Q OraIg, R. Hunter ............... Peabody 

Craig, R. M.....................Duubarton 
Craig, S. 8.. ........ ......... Olaude 
Craigie. J. R., M..A............Bobcageon 
Ora w, G. .................. .......oo Hillsdale 
Crozier, Hugh ............ Grand Valley 
Oumberland, J., M.A...............Stella 
Ourrie, Archibald, M.A........... Bony. 
Ourrle, H.. .. .. . . , . . Penetanguishene 
Davidson, J. .................. ......... Alma 
Davidson, Thomu............ Woodland 
Dawson, A., B.A.......... Gravenhurst 
Dewar, Robert (Ret.) .............Annan 
Dickson, J. A R., B.D............... Galt 
Dobson, Abraham (W: 00.) Ballinafad 
Drumm, A. H.... ......... Severn Bridge 
Drummond, A. A ............ Newcastle 
Duff, J. (Retired)..................... Elora 
Dunbar, J. ( Retired) ............. Toronto 
Duncan, Peter... ............... ...Colborne 
Duncan, W. A., M.A .......... Churchill 
Eastman, S. H., B.A. . . ., . .. Oshawa 
Edmison, H., M.A.......... . Rothsay 
Ewing. J......... .........1\Iount Pleaøant 
Fairbairn, R., B.A... Jarratt'" Corners 
Fergason,G. D., B.A. (Prof) Kingston 
Findlay, A. (Supt. MiBS.)...... Barrie 
Fleming. P ....... ...... ......... ... Laskey 
Forrest, Wm. (Retired)......... 
Fowlie. R......... ............... ...... ...Erin 
Fraser, Alex........................ ...Orono 
Fra.øer, J. B., M.D...................Leith 
Fraser, J. ........................Sutton, W 
Fraser, R. D., M.A.. ...... Bowmanville 
Fraser, W., D.D. (Retired) ......Barrie 
Freeman, G. E. .. .. .. .. .. . Deer Park 
Frizzell, W.... .................... Toronto 
Gallaher, J. B.A. ............ Pitts Ferry 
Geddes, J. CW: charge)....... . Minesing 
Gibson, J., B.D................ Demerara 
Gilchrist, J. n., B.A...... Cheltenham 
Gilray, A........................... Toronto 
Girvan, Arpad (Mi.r'y)....... L'Amable 
GI'acey, H...... ............... . Gananoque 
Grant,G .M.,D.D.(P. Q.Cbll.). .KiugstoD 
Grant, R. N..................Orlllia 
Gray, James M.....................f!tirling 
Gray, John. D.D. (P. Em.)...... Orillla 
Gregg, W., D.D. (Prof.). .......Toronto 
Gunn, R. (Wïthout charge)... .Arg,le 
Haigh, G................... Hespeler 
Hamilton, A. M., M.A..Winterbourne 
Hancock, Wm. (Retired)....... Toronto 
Hay, J., B.D......... ..Campbellford 
Henry, J. K............. .........Creemore 
Houston, Samuel, M.A....... Kingston 
Hudson, A.... ............ .... Parry Sound 
Hunter, Wm. A., M.A. ...Orangevllle 
Hutchison, S. (Ret.)... .. . Shanty Bay 
Inglis, W. (Withovi charge)... Toronto 
James, D. .......................... Midland 
Jamieson, J. (Mils.)... .1'amsui, China 
Jamieson, W. H., M. A. . ...Perrytown 
Johnston, T. T.........................Wick 
Kellogg, S. H., D.D............. Toronto 
Kelso, D ...........................Roslin. 0 
Kennedy, A. (Ret) . . . . .. . . N ewcasUe 
Kippen. A. H........... . . Claremont 
Knox, H. (Ord. Mis..)...Maganetawan 
Lawrenee, G. ( Rttired).......... Toronto 
Leishman, John.....................Angup 
Leslie, A.. . ...... ............... ...... Clarke 
Little, James, M.A. (W: ch.)...Toronto 
Lochead. W. ............... Fenelon Falll'l 
Lowry, Thoa. (Retired)........ Toronto 
McAlpine, John. .... .. .' Chatsworth 
}lcAulay, A., B.A....
IcDonald'8 Cor's 
McAulay, Evan, B. A.. . .... . .. Crelff 
McClelland, A. M., M. A. . . . ÅI'hburn 
McClelland, T. J......... .Shelburne 
McConnell, W................... CraigvaJe 
McOuaig. F....... ............... Kingston 
r.lcDiarmid, Arch.... ............ Dornoch 
r.lcDonald, A., B.A............ Duntroon 
McDonald, D. .....................Glenarm 
McDonald, D. B... ............. Uxbridll9 
McDonald. J. A.........Hornlng's Mills 
M8Cdonnell, D. J., B.D.......... Torontu 




McEwan, J. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . Lakefield 
McFaul, Alexander... h....... ...Caledon 
McFayden, H. CW: charge). .CresBwell 
McInnes, John............ Blantyre 
McIntosh, D. .................. Unionville 
McKay, A., II.D. ...............Morrlston 
McKay, Angus......... .......... Eramosa 
McKay, G..... 0......... Cartwright 
McKay, J., B.A... .. .. .' . .. Agincourt 
McKay, R. P., M.A. ......... ...Parkdale 
McKee, Thos. (Ins. P. School.!)...Barrle 
McKee, W., B A.(W: ch.). Cookstown 
Mackie, John, EA. ......... ...Kingston 
lIIcKenzie, W. A., M.A.. .. .. . Grafton 
McLachlin, A. G., B.A.......Le&l!kdale 
McLaren, Alex. . . .. .0 . . . Enniskillen 
McLaren, E. D., B.D.......... Brampton 
McLaren, J. B. . . .. . . . .. Cannington 
McLaren, J. F., B.D............ Rocklyn 
MacLaren, W., D.D. (fl'of)...Toronto 
McLean, M. W., M.A. .........Belleville 
McLennan, A................Owen Sound 
McLennan, D, D. . ... . .. Lion's Head 
n, K. (W: eh.) . .. .. . Whitby 
)lcLeod, A. K..... ...... '.. Brighton 
McLeod, Donald, B.A......... Prlceville 
McLeoð, D. D. . . .. . . . . . . . ... . Barrie 
'\-lcLeod, P. McF .. ......... .Toronto 
M('Mechan, J....... ,... . Port Perry 
MC, Robt..................... Durham 
McNaughton, D. (W: ch.) ... 

lcRae, D. L., Ph.B. . . '. . . .' Cobourg 
McTavish, Daniel, D.Se. ....... Lindsay 
Meikle, W .................. .........OakvUle 
Meldrum, W. (Retireà) ......MorriBton 
Middlemiss. James, D.D........... Elora 
Millard, E. B. N., M.A..... LanBdowne 
ican, W....................... Belwood 
an, G. M., B.A............Toronto 
Mitchell, J. W., M.A.........Port Hope 
:\lonteath. R. (Pres. Clerk) .. Toronto 
)Ioodie, Robt. . . . . . .. .. .. .. Stayner 
:Morrison,D" M.A. (Ret.) Owen Sound 
Morrison, John.......... Cedarville 
:\Iorrison. J. A. (Without charge.) 
Mowat, J. B., D.D. (Prof.) Kingston 
Mullan, Elias.............. Kilsyth 
:M ullan, James B.. .. .. . . . . .. Fergus 

I1irray, James, B.A.... Streetsville 
Mutch, John, M.A........ ..Toronto 
Neil, John, B. A.. .. '. .. .. .. Toronto 
Neill, Robt., D.D. (W. eh.) Burnbrae 
Nicol, Alex. (Without charge.) 
Nicol, Peter.. . . .. .. .. .. .... Albion 
Niven, D. P.. .. .. .. . . .... Dromore 
Nixon, Thos............. ..Stouffville 
Norris, Henry.. .. . , " '" Glenallan 
Park, Will. (Retired).. .. . . .. Durham 
Parsons, Henry M.. . . .. .. .. Toronto 
Patterson, G. C., M.A... . Beaverton 
Patterson, J. T. (Without charge.) 
Patterson. Wm..... .. ...... Toronto 
Peattie, Wm. (Retired).. o. .. Toronto 
Porter, Samuel (Retired).. ..' Barrie 
Pringle, James.. O' .. .... Brampton 
Reid, Walter.............. . Weston 
Reid, W., D.D. (Agt. (]h.).. Toronto 
Robertson, John.. oo . . .. .. .. .. Bath 
Rodgers, Robt. (W. eh.) Owen Sound 
Rose, Hugh, M.A.. .. ... .... Elora 
Ross, Alex., M.A.. .. .. Woodville ' I 
Ross, Donald. B.D, (Prof.) Kingston 
Ross, J allles, B.A. . . . .. .. Harwood 
Ross. John, B.A........., Dundalk I 
Scott, Jas. R. (Retireá).... Cambray 
Scott. Alex. H., M.A.. Owen Sound 
ht, Jas., M.A .... Huntsville 
Simpson, Geo. (W. eh.).. .. . Toronto 
Sinclair, Henry (W. eh.).. Uptergrove 
SmeUie, George, D.D... . .. .. Fergus 
Smith, Jas. C., B.D.. .... ... Guelph 
Smith, Jas. K., M.A........... Galt 
Smith, Frederick........ ..Markham 
Smith, Juhn........ 0 ..... Toronto 
Smith, J. W. (Retired).. . . .. Grafton 
Smith, R. Bo...... 0.... ..Rosemont 

Smith, Wm. S.. .. .. .... Centreville 
Smith,J. C. ,B.A .(Catech't)N ewmarket 
Somerville, John, M.A. Owen Sound 
Spencer, Adam (W. ch.) Bowmanville 
Strachan, Donald........ Rockwood 
Straith, Peter, .M.A.. . . .. .. Holstein 
Stewart, A. C.. .. . . .. .. .. .. Belmore 
Stewart, John.. .. . . .. .. .. . .. Keady 
Stewart, Wm. (Retired).... .. Hornby 
Stuart, James (W. eh.).... ..Toronto 
Sutherland, D., M.A.... Warkworth 
Sym, F. P...... .. .. .. .. . .. Wiarton 
Tait, Alex.. ........ .... Mono Mills 
Tait, Donald, B. D.. .. .. .. .. .. Berlin 
Thorn, L. W............ .... Arthur 
Thompson, D. A.. .. .. .. .. . Hastings 
Torrance, E. F., M.A. . .. Peterboro' 
Torrance, Robt., D.D. (Ret.)..Guelph 
Wallace, W. G., B.D... Georgetown 
Wardrope, Thos., D. D. . .. . . . Guelph 
White, Wm. (Retired).... .Peterboro' 
Wilkie, J., ]1-1..04. (Miss.) Indore, India 
Wilkins, Wm. Thos., B.A...Trenton 
Williamson,J.,LL.D.(Prof.) Kingston 
Wilson, Andrew.. o. .. . . .. Markdale 
Wilson, Andrew (W. ch.).. .. Toronto 
Wilson, Thomas.. . . . . . . . Tottenham 
Windell, W. C. (Retired).. .. .. Lotus 
Wishart, David.............. Madoc 
Young, Alex ........... Napanee 
Young, Stephen.. .. .. .. . . .. Clifford 
Young, W. C. (Retired).... . Toronto 
Rev. W. Cochrane, D.D., Brantford, 
Abraham, R. H........ ..Burlington 
Acheson, Samuel. 0 oo .. .. .. .. Kippen 
Alexander, Thos. (Retired).. Mohawk 
Anderson, J. A., B.A.. Whitechurch 
Anderson, John........ Ailsa Craig 
Anderson, John.. .. .. . . ... Tiverton 
Archibald, F. W., Ph. D.. St. Thomas 
Atkinson, Thos.......... ..Ingersoll 
Ball, W. S.. .. .. .. .. . . .... Vanneck 
Ballantyne, F.. .. ...... .... Walton 
Barr, Matthew (Retired).... Seaforth 
Battisby, J. R., M.A.. .. .. Chatham 
Beamer, A.. ..... .. .. .. .. .. . Petrolea 
Beattie, D. M., AI.A.Goble's Corners 
Beattie, F. R
, Ph.D.... ..Brantford 
Becket, John. . .. . . .. .. . Thamesville 
Bell, J. W., M A........ .. . Niagara 
Black, James......:..... Caledonia 
Boyd, James.. . . .. '. .. " .. Crosshill 
Boyle, W. H. W.,B.A........ Paris 
Brown, George. 0 .. .. .. .. . . 'Vroxeter 
Brown, J. A., B.A.....o.. Belmont 
Bur!fon, George...... S1. Catharines 
Campbell, Isaac.......... Listowell 
Campbell, J .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Granton 
Campbell, J. L........... . Gore Bay 
Cameron, Charles.......... .Armow 
Cameron, D.......... }Ianitowaning 
Cameron, D. G. . .. . . . . .. Dungannon 
Cameron, Hugh............ Watford 
Cameron, Lachlan.. .. .. Thamesford 
Carriere. S. A.... .. ...0.. Brewster 
Carruthers, Samuel.. .. .. .. Kirkwall 
Caswell, A. K.. .. .. .. . . .. .. Dufferm 
Cathcart, J. W.... __ .... . Strabane 
Cham bers,R.( Miss. )Erzeroum, Turkey 
Chiniquy, C. (Ord. JIiss.)St. Anne, Ill. 
Chrystal, George....... .. .. . Avonton 
Cochrane, W., D. D. . '. ..' Brantford 
Croll, R. M.. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . Mimcoe 
Crombie, George.. .. .. .. .. St. Ann's 
Currie, Archd.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. Duart 
Currie, Donald........ Wallaceburg 
Currie, Hector, B.A.. .... Thedford 
Currie, John.............. .Clachan 
Currie, Peter, (W. eh.).... Strathroy 
Cuthbertson, George...... Wyoming 
Davidson, Duncan.. .. . . .. Langside 

Doak, Wm. (W. eh.).......... Sarnia 
Duft, DanieL............. . Malcolm 
Duncan, J. Boo............. Paisley 
Eadie, John.. . . .. .. " .. . . Pillkerton 
Eakin, J. B. (W. eh.)...... Wingham 
Fenton, S. (Retired).. .. .. .. . Harley 
Ferguson. J., ]l-I.A., B.D.. ..Chesley 
Fisher, S.. .. .. .. ... West Plamboro' 
Fleming, Wm. M.... ..Essex Centre 
Flfotcber. Colin, M.A.. .. .. 00 Exeter 
Fletcher, D. H.......... ..Hamilton 
Forrest, David............. Barfield 
Fraser, Mungo, M.A.. .. .. Hamilton 
Galloway, Wm... Dorchester Station 
Gauld, John (W. eh.),... .Hamilton 
Goldsmith, Thos........ ..Hamilton 
Gordon, Daniel...... .., Harrington 
Gordon, Jas. (W. eh.)..Niagara FaIis 
Gourlay, James, M.A .. .. Purt ElgiD 
Graham, Wm. (W. ch.)..Egmond\"ille 
Grant, A.. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. St. Mary's 
Grant, Alex. (W. eh.) ..... Lucknow 
Gray, John.. .. oo .. .. .. .. .. Windsor 
Gray, Ro bt . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . Kinlos8 
Hamilton, J. A., B.A.. ..' Lynedoch 
Hamilton, J. B.......... Wards\'ille 
Hamilton. Robt,........ Motherwell 
Hanna, W. G., B.A.. ........ .
Hardie, J. S.................... . A '11' 
Hartley, Alex. G.. .. . . . . .. Blue\"llle 
Henderson, Alex.. . . . . .. Hyde Park 
Henderson, A., M.A.... .....Atwood 
Henderson, J. Sm.. .. .. ... Wendigo 
Hume, Robt., M.A.. o. .. ... Arkona 
James, John, D.D.. ...... Walkerton 
Johnson, D. C.. .. .. .... Oil Springs 
Johnston, J. R., Al.A.... . Alvinston 
Johnston, John...... ...... .... Ivan 
Jones, Samuel............. Brussels 
Kay, John.. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. Milverton 
King, Wm. (Retired).. . . .. .. Buxton 
Lafontaine, C.. .. .. .. Ste. ånne, Ill. 
Laidlaw, R. J..oo........ Hamilton 
Laing, John, D.D.......... Dundas 
Law, George.............. Belgrave 
Leask, Rubert.......... St. Helen's 
Lees, John.. . . .. .. .. ... Springbank 
Leitch, Robert.. .. ... Point Edward 
Linton, A. R., .ðI.A...... Teeswater 
Little, James. . . . ... . ., . .' Princeton 
Livingstone, M. W. (Retired) Simcoe 
Lochead, John S., .M,A .... Parkhill 
Logie, John.. .. .. .... .... ., Valetta 
Lyle, Samuel, B. D.. . . .. .0 Hamilton 
McAdam, Thos.. . . .. .. .. . Strathroy 
l\lcAlmon, John A........ ..Oungah 
l\lcClung, J.. .. . . .. .. .. Shakespeare 
McColl, Angus............ Chatham 
McConechy, A. W...... Port Stanley 
McConnell, J as. A.. .. . . .. Delaware 
McCoy, Joseph........ Egmond\iUe 
McCutcheon, Jas.......... Corunna 
McDiarmid, Neil.. .. ..... Elmira, Ill. 
McDonald, A. D........... Seaforth 
McDonald, C. D.. B.D...... Thorold 
McDonald, John A.. .. .. .. . Brig-den 
McDonald, Kenneth......... Kintail 
McEwan, Jas. (W. eh.)..... . London 
McFarlane, John........ Pine River 
McGillivray, D .,.......... London 
McGregor, M., M.A...... Tilsonburg 
McIntyre, D. C., M.A.. ..Beamsville 
McIntyre, R.. . . . . .. .. .. . ... Nelson 
McKay, G. L., D.D. (Miss.).. Tamsui 
McKay, R. D. (Retired).. .. .. Toronto 
McKay, Wru. A., B.A.... Woodstock 
McKenzie, A. (W. ch.)... Kincardine 
McKenzie, Alex.......... Luckno\V 
McKenzie, A. F. (Miss.).. ..Glammis 
McKibbin, W. M.. .. .. .. .. Millbank 
McKinley. W.......... ... . Innerkip 
McKinnon, Neil...... .... Kilmartin 
McLean, Archd....... . . .. .. .. . Blyth 
McLennan, D. H., M.A.. . Thessalon 
McLennan, George....... Camlachie 
McLintock, Jno. W..... Mandßlinnn 




)lr}lillan, Duncan (Retired) London 
:Mc;\lillan, John.... ....... Glammi.'! 
:lIe )luIlen, W. T.. .. .. .. . Woodstock 
abb, John (Retired)... Lucknow 
aughton, D.... ..Manitowaning 
McPherson, T. (Retired)... Stratford 
]'JpQuarrie, Hector.. '. .. .. Wingham 
:r.lcQueen, Adam F.. .. .. .. .' Ripley 
McHae, Donald B...... ..Cranhrook 
McRobie, John (W. eh.).... Petrolia 
l\lcRobbie, G. G....... ..' Ridgetown 
:McTavish, W. S.... ... .St. George I 
],[aleolm, James........ Underwood 
Martin, Wm. }I............ ..Exeter 
Millov. John.. .. .. . . .. .. ,. ., Crinan 
)Ioorè, .J ohn, B. A . . . . .... Allenford 
:Mon]r, John, .."'I. A .... .... :Mildll1ay 
Jtluir, Th9I1las.. .. .. .. .... Fordwich 
ltlullro, G., ],I.A..........._ Embro 
Jlunro, John 111.. .. . . . . .... Kintore 
Murray, J. A.............. . London 
Murray, John G.. ....... _. ..Grimsby 
Murray, J. L., AE.A .. ..' Kinr'ardine 
Musgrave, Peter.. .. .. .. ... Seaforth 
l\lyers, Robert............. Norwich 
Panton E. W............. Stratford 
Paradis: Jos. H....... Amhertsburg 
Patcrson, Nathaniel.. .. . . .. Hanover 
Penman, J. W........... Thorndale 
Pettigrew, Robt., M.A.. Glenmorris 
Porteous, Jobn (Retired)....... Galt 
Pritchard, James.. ...... ... Auburn 
FroUllfoot, J. J. A., D.D.. ..London 
Ramsay,D.M.,B.A.,B. D., Londesb'gh 
Ratcliffe, J. H.. .. ... st. Catharines 
Rees, W. D............. Blackheath 
Rennie, John.. .. . . .. .., Ailsa Craig 
Robertson, Wm......... Waten]own 
Robertson, Wm., M.A.. Chesterfield 
Roger, Walter M., ..'I. A .. London East 
Ross, John.. .. .. .. .. .... Brucefield 
Ross, John, B. A .. .. .. .... Brussels 
Ross, P. R................ Ingersoll 
Russell, Alex,. .... .. " ... . Bothwell 
Sawers, E. H.. . . . .. ... Wilton Grove 
!'-icott, John B.......... Leamington 
Scott, John, D.D. (Retired) Dunhlane 
Scott. Ro bt.. .. . . .oo . . .. Brooksdale 
Sl'ott, Peter.. _....... .... Cromarty 
Bcouler, Thos. . .. .. . . .. .. . Hamilton 
Simpson, I. H.. . . . . . . .. .. Brucefield 
Sinclair, R. G.....,...... ..Mohawk 
Smith,Jas. (A[iss.)Ah(l1edna
ar, Iudia 
Stevenson, Arch'II.. . .. .. Molesworth 
Stewart. Alex., B.A........ Clinton 
Stewart, A.. . . .. . . .. .. . Shakespeare 
Stewart, Donald...... Wallaretown 
Sutherland, Alex.. .. ., .. . _ ., RIpley 
Sutherland, George.. .. .. .. .. Fillgal 
Sutherland, W. R. (Ret'd) Strathburn 
Tallach, Thos., M.A...... ..Dresden 
Ta}lor, .J. B. (W. charge).. .. ..Blyth 
Tibb,J. C.. l1I.A., B.D. Cole'sCorners 
Thomson, John, D.D.,AI.A.. ..Ayr 
Thompson, John, D.D...... ..Sarnia 
Thomson, R. Y.,M,A.,B.D..Hensall 
Tbynne, R........... .. Port Dover 
Tolmie, Andrew.. ......... .Saugeen 
Tully, A. F.............. ..Mitchell 
Turnbull, J. A., LL.B... .St. ì\lary's 
Ure, Robert,D.D........ ..Goderich 
Urquhart, Alex.............. Cowal 
"addcl1. A. W.... ........ Blenheim 
Walker, Wm........ ..... Chatham 
Walker, W. P........ ..... ..Elfrida 
Wardropc, David.. .. '. .. Teeswater 
Wells, John, M.A.... .... .. . . Jarvis 
Wilson, Thomas.. . . .. . . .. Caledonia 
Wilson, W.A. ,ftI.A.(Miss) l\lhow,lnflia 
Wright, J. K. (Niss.)...... Trinidad 
Wright, Peter, B.D.. .... ..Stratfon] 
"'ylie, Wm................... Paris 
Yeomans, G. A., M.A... . Dunnville 


t %W::S
NORTH WEST TERRITORIES. Builder, Joseph, B.A........ .:Mhow 
Rcv. D. B. Whimster, Winnipeg, Campbell, J. Fraser........ . Rutlam 
Clerk. l\lurray, R. C.. . . . . .. .. 
WIlkie, John, M.A...... .. .. Indore 
Baird, A. B., B.D..Edmonton,NWT Wilson, W. A., M.A...... .:Keemuch 
Bell, Allan.. " Portage la Prairie, )1 
Borthwick, H. J., M.A.. 110rden. )1 
Brown, John.. ........ .. Menota, l\I 
Brown, Robt.. .. ...oo.. Deloraine,)1 
Bryce, G., LL.D. (Prof.) Winnipeg,
I I 
BI'yden, C. W., B.A..... . Selkirk, }I 
Cairns, John...... .l\larringhurst, M 
Campbell, A.. . Prince Albert, N W T 
Cameron, A. H.. .. .. .. . Nimitau, :\1 
Chh,holm,J., B.A ..Nicola Valley,BC I 
Currie, A. (0. Mias.).. .. Cathcart, 1\1 
Douglas, James.. .. .. .. .. Morris, )1 I 
Douglas, James 111.... .. Brandon, l\I 
Dunn, A. (W. eh.) N Westminster,BC 
Duncan, James........ Hamiota, M 
Farquharson,J.,B.A. Pilot Mound,}J I 
Flett, George.. .. ..' Okanase, N W T 
Fotheringham,JI Grenfell,NWT 
Fraser, D., M.A.. .. .. . Victoria, B C 
Fraser, S. C. (W. ch.)... Brandon, 111 
Gardiner,J .)I.,M.A. Battlpford,NWT 
Gon]on, D. 111., B.D.... Winnipeg, 1\1 
Goudie, R. (Ord. Miss.).. Carlyle, }I . 
Haig, D. 1\lcD.. .. .. .. I 
Hamilton,A.,M.A. Qu'Appelle, :NWT 
Hamilton, James.. .. .. 
Hart, T.,I1[.A.,B.D. (Pj.) Winmpeg, M 
Herald, James. . }Iedicine Hat, NWT 
Herdman, J. C., B.D..Calgary,NWT 
Hodnett, Wm.... ......... Birtle, }I 
Hodges, D. H.. . . .. .. Whitewood, 1\1 
Jaffery,J.A..B.A., Spullmuchcf'n, BO 
Jamieson, R. (Ret.).N. Westm'str, BO 
Jardine, R., D. SC.... Prinre Albert 
Kelley, J. }I.. . .. .. .. .. .. Virden, }I 
King, J.1\I.,D.D. (Prin.) Winnipeg, 1\1 
Lantrow, David.. . . . . Cartwright, M 
T,awrence, James..... . Stonewall, M MethodløtChurchoCCanada. 
McFarlane, Alex....... Balmoral, M 
)lcKay, John........ Strathclair,1I1 
)lcKay, J. (Mist. Reg.) Prin.Alb.,N W T 
1\lcKay, Hugh... . Broad"iew, N W T 
}IeKellar, Hugh...... High Bluff, )1 
)lcKillop, Charles.. .. Lethbridge, 1\1 
1\lcKenzie, Malcolm.. .. .. Morden, }I 
l\lpLaren, A., B.A... ..Springfield, }I 
}IcRae, D. ........... _ Victoria, B C 
}lcRae, Farquhar.. Beaver Creek, )1 
1IIcTavlsh, Alex.... .. .. .. .Chater, }J 
1Ilowat, John.......... Strathern,}1 
Munro, Duncan.... Wapella, N W T 
Murray, S. C.......... . Necpawa, }I 
Nairn, R., B.A. .. ..Fort WIlliam, 0 

icholl, Wm...... _. ..Moosomin, 1\1 
Omand, W. }I... _ . .. .. .. 
Pitblado, C. B... .. .. .. Winnipeg, M 
Polson, Samuel.. . . .. ., .. Nelson, 111 
Pringle, John...... ..Port Arthur, 0 
Quinn, James, Ph.D.... Emerson, M 
Hoberts, W. D., B. A. . .. 
Hobertson, A" A.I1!.. Calgary, N W T 
Robertson,J. (S:.:-pt.l}I iss. )Winnipcg M 
Robs0n, Alex.. _ . Qu' AppeHe, N W T 
Ross, Walter R.. .. ,.... Carman, :II 
Rowanll, W.H.,M.A., Bat'ford, N W T 
Russell, W. D.......... 
Simpson, J. L.... .. .... Cadurcio;, M 
Smith, Alex........ ..... 
Stalker, Daniel, B.A.. Gladstone,}1 
SutherJand, J. M... . . .. Roseland, M 
Taylor,S.J., M.A. . Moose Jaw,N WT 
Thomson, Thos. G.... Vancouver, B C 
Todd, James. . .. .. ... 1\linnedosa, 111 
'l'ibb,R. C., B.A.. Fort)lcLeod, N W T 
Townsend, J. S.. M.A.... }bnitou, 111 
Tuncansuiciye, Solo.. .. .. Beulah, 1\1 
Urquhart, Aiel!:.. .... Regina, N W T 
WeUwood, J. }I., B.A. .ì\Iinnedosa, 11 
Whimster, D. B.. . . .. . . Winnipeg. M 


Rev. J. McKay. . Mista was-sis Reserve 
" George Fleet.......... Okana.<;e 
Sol. Tuncausniciye.. Bin] Tail Cr 
" H. McKay. Cr'k'd Lakes,Br'dv'w 
.. A. Campbell.B.A.Prmce Albert 
l\lr. CuthbertG.l'tlcKay..Crow Stand 
Mr. D. H. McVicar...Cole's Reserve 

Mr. J. G. Burgess. ..Bird Tail Creek 
Miss Baker. . . . . . .. .. .. Prince Albert 
:\Ir. John A. Lauder...... ..Okanase 
Miss Rose.. Piapot's Reserve, Regina. 
Mr. l\lagnus Anderson.. ..Edmonton 
1I1r. James Scott...... Indian Head 
Miss Sebastian.. .. Portage la Prairie 
G. L. McKay, D.D.......... Tamsni 
John Jamieson.. .. .. , . .. .. .. Tamsni 
John Wilkie, M.A......... ..Indore 
J. Fraser Campbell. ....... ..Rutlam 
Joseph Builder, B.A.. ...... ..Mbow 
W. A. Wilson, 111. A.. .. .. .. N eenmclI 
R C. Murray. 
Miss McGregor. 
.. Rodgers. 
.. Ross. 
.. E. R. Beattie, M.D. 
" Oliver, .'l.D. 

Rev. A. Cannan, D.D., } General 
Rev. J. A. Williams, D,D., Supts. 
Rev. J. F. Gennan,lII.A., President. 
'Rev. William Pirritte, Seeretary. 
John T. Moore, Esq., } Âsmtant 
Rev. John A. Bedditt, Secretarie.
Rf>v. E. Barrass,I1E.A., J01trnal Sec'y. 
Abbs, George.............. 
Addison, Peter.. .. .. ., . . . . U xbridge 
Andrews, W. W... . College, Cobourg 
Annis, J. W., B.A. (Fin. Sec.) Barrie 
Arkels, Stephen A.. .. Little Current 
Armstrong, A. (Sup'd).... ..Meaford 
Armstrong, John B...... . . . .Orillia 
Bacon, Wilham......... Oro Station 
Baker, Isaac........... Collingwood 
Barker, William R.. . Richmond Hill 
BarkweU, J. H., I1E.A.... ..Toronto 
BarkweU, W. J.. B.A.... .. Islington 
Barrass, Ellward, lI[.Â.. .. Hampton 
Bartley, Thomas E.. .. .. .. .. College 
Baskervi1le, J. rSup'd)?tlanitowaning 
Bedford, John, (Fin. &e.) Thessallm 
Bedford, A............... Uffington 
Bee, William (Sup'd).. . . .. .. Toronto 
Benson, Manly............. Toronto 
Beynon, R. B.. .. ., .. . . .. .. .. Innisfil 
Beynon, George (Sup'd)... Bramptou 
Bishop, George J....... .. .. Toronto 
Blanshard, Shem.. .. . .. .. .. .. Alton 
Blackstock, Wm. S......... Toronto 
Booth, William........... Rosemont 
Bowell, J. P ................ Nicola 
Bowles, R. P., B..A.........Weston 
Boyle, Robert (Sup' d). . .. Bramptoll 
Briggs, William, D.D....... Toronto 
Browne, G. (Dist Supt.) Parry Sounrl 
Brown, George.......... Schomberj!:" 




Brown, George M. . .. . . . . StreetsviIle 
Brown, W. P.. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. Beeton 
Br(1\\ n, Alfred.... ........ . . Alliston 
Brown, Hugh A.. St. Joseph's Island 
Burns, RobertN., B,A ..Gravenhur8t 
Bryant, Charles.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sumas 
Cade, Robert.......... Port Arthur 
Caldwell, J. W., B.A... ..At College 
Campbell, Peter.. .. .. .. .... Malton 
Camp hell Thos.. .. .. .. .. .. Thornhill 
Cannom, J. W............ ..Elmvale 
Campbell, T. W., B.D...... Toronto 
Cather, Wm. (Sup'd).. .. .. .. Tomnto 
Cattanach, D........ ...... Rosseau 
Chapman, J. A., lIf.A.. .. Union\'ille 
Chantler, William M.... ..... Sutton 
Clarke, George.. . .. Penetanguishene 
Clarke, R. (Dist. Supt.) ..Bracebridge 
Clappison, D. C. (Sup'd).. .. Toronto 
COl'hran, Geo.. D.D..Japan Colìege 
Cocking, Charles.... .. .. Shidzuoka 
Courtice, A. C., B.A., B'D..Toronto 
Conron, M. B........ Scarboro' East 
Creighton, K. (S1/p'd).. . .. . . Toronto 
Crosby, T. (Dist. Supt.) Port Simpson 
Cuyler, W. B............Bella Bella 
Davey, R. Geo.,..... Scarboro' East 
DemilI, A. B. (Sup'y).. . . . . . .Oshawa 
Dewart, E. H., D.D. (Editor)Toronto 
Degeer, J. (Sup'y)......... Uxbridge 
Deprose, Charles.. .. .. '. At College 
Dobson, C. J .. .. .. . . . . Prince Albert 
Doel, John (Sup'y).. . . .. .. .. Toronto 
Dowler, John A.... . Homing's 
Dowler, W. J.,...... ..Saanich, B.C. 
Downs, Samuel.. .. .. .. Magnetawan 
Dunlop, Thos........ ,..... ..Orono 
Eby,C. 8., M.A.,D.D..Tokio,Japan 
Egan, Jeremiah...... . Severn Bridge 
Edwards, George...... ..Bond Head 
E(lwards, Thomas........ Lambton 
Elias, William A .. .. .. .. At College 
Fawcett, Michael (Sup'd(.... . Maple 
Ferguson, T. A. (Sup'd).... .Toronto 
Ferguson, J. J.. .. .. .. . .Streetsville 
Ferrier, W. F.............. Maxwell 
Ferrier, Thompson.. .. . Fort William 
Flint, Paul.. .. . . . . . . .. Singhampton 
Foster, Thomas (Sup'd).... Uxbridge 
Foster, J. (Sup'd).... ..Singhampton 
Fox, Thomas.. .. .. .. .. . .?llono l\lills 
Franks, David....... _ . . .. Bradfonl 
Galbraith, W., LL.B. (D. Supt.) Orillia 
German, J. F.,lIf.A. (D. Supt.) Whitby 
Glover, Thomas W.. .. .. .. .. Toronto 
Goodman, John...... ..Albion West 
Green, Alfred.. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. Naas 
Griffith, Thomas, Ph. D.... Toronto 
Grose, Richard.. ......... ..Avening 
Hadden, Thomas (WithoutstatÙm). 
Hagar. W. K...... ........ .
Hall, Thomas W.. . .. .. Clinton, B.C. 
Hall, Joseph...... Vancouver, B.C. 
Hall, Wm................ Hillsdale 
Hare,J. J.,M.A.Ladles'CoI., Whitby 
Barper,E.B.,D. D.(D.S. )Collingwood 
Harper, Henry.......... Etobicoke 
Harris, John.. . . .. .. .. Mount Albert 
Hassard, R.. .. .... .' .. . . Cartwright 
Harano, Hikotaro. .Shidzuoka, Japan 
Hashimoto,Bokushi. Numadzu, Japan 
Hemlaw. R. B.... ..Maple Bay, B.C. 
Hewitt, George, B.A.. '. St. Vincent 
Hicks, William (Sup'd).... Thornhill 
Hirks, William T.. .. Brampton West 
Hill, Newton.............. Oshawa 
Hill, E(lward.... ..Holland Landing 
Hill, L. W., B.A........ ..Stouffville 
Hill, R. N. (Sup',!!).. .. .. ., Hillsdale 
Hodgson, John (Sup'd).. Walkerton 
Hogg, Joseph.............. ..Adjala 
Ho pkins, G. F. Queen Charlotte Island... 
Howson, W. G,. .. .. .. .. .. Allandale 
Hunt, John (Sup'd).. .. .. .. Toronto 
Hunt, George S.. ..College, Montreal 

Hughan, Wm. S. (Fin. Sec.) Shelhurne Rice, J. P. (Sup'y). .. . .. .. Bramptoll 
Idle, Dunning............ Palgrave Richard, A................. Dalston 
Irwin, W. H................ Maple Roach, Wm. R............ A vening 
Jarques, George (Snp'd).. Brampton Robbins, Paul (Sup'd), . Bowmanville 
Jamieson, W. N.. .. .. ., Queensville Roberts, E. (Dist. Supt.) Bowmanville 
Jeffery, Thomas W.. .... ..Brampton Robson,E.(Dis. Supt.) Nanaimo,B.C. 
Jennings, David (Sup'd).. Davenport Rose, Samuel, D. D. (Sup'd) Toronto 
Jennings, D... .... Port Essington Routliffe, C. H.......... Cooksville 
Johnstun, Hugh, B.D...... Toronto Rowe, E.. .. ...... ........ .. .. York 
Jolliffe, T. W.. ............. Toronto Rutledge, Geo.......... Downsview 
Jones, Philip............ Sunhridge SaIl owes, E. (Sup'd).. ..Collingwood 
Kearn. Frank C.. .. .. _. Greenwood Salt, Allan.. .. .. . . .. .. l'arry Island 
nny, George A.. .. . . .. " '. .. Oro Salton, Samuel......... Enniskillen 
Kerr, J. ?II (Evangelist).. .. .. Toronto Sanderson, Robt.. South Darlington 
Kenner, 'Vm................ Tyrone SI\nderson, J. E., M.A... Thornbury 
Laidlaw, W. H.......... ..Sandfield Savage, J. W..... .......... Aurora 
Laird, John G. (Sup'd)..Orangeville Scales, Wm. (S1cp'd)........ Oshawa 
Langdon, John (Sup'd) Prince Albert Scott, N. E............... Seagrave 
Langford, Charles,. .. . . . . . . Toronto Scott, Thomas G.. .. Ma11itowaning 
Large,Richard.............. Weston Seccombe, Wm. B..... . Maple Ridge 
Lavery, J.............. Cookstown Shaw, John, D.D.... .. .. ., Toronto 
Leach, George.............. Barrie Shaw, Calvin, (Fin. Sec.).. Huntsville 
Lee, George F. (Sup'd).. .... Allison Shorey, S. J.. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. Toronto 
Leek, J. D. (Without station.) Shuttleworth, J. (Sup'd).. .. Toronto 
Leek, Wm.............. At College Silvester, C. (Sup'd)., .. .. ., Toronto 
Leggott, Thomas W...... West Essa Simpsen, J. M......... ..Cooksville 
Leonanl, Thomas 'V.. Richmond Hill I Simpson, C. A... .. .. .. .. Claremont 
Liddy, James.. " " .. .. .. " .. Myrtle Simpson, J. (Sup'y)... .. Orangeville 
Locke, J. H. (Dist. Supt.) Brampton Sing, SamueL........ _...... Laurel 
Locke, John.. ...... .. .. .. .. Toronto Slater, J. C. (Sup'd).. .. ., .. Toronto 
Lomas, WIiliam (Sup'd).... Toronto Smith, James.. .. .. .. .. Whitl'hurch 
Long. Joseph.. .. .. .. .. Windermere Smiley, John (Sup'd).. . .' .. Toronto 
Longley, Benjamin......... Toronto Snowdon, Thos..,........ . McKellar 
Madden, D. B. (Sup'd)..PrinceAlbert Speer, J. C...... ..Campbell's Cross 
?lladden, William A.. .. .. ... Sutton Stafford, E. A., LL.B. .. .... Toronto 

lah'Un, John........ ..Newtonbrook Starr, J. H. (Sup'd)...... ..Parkdale 
}Ianly, John G. (Sup'y)...... Toronto StaIT, J. E............. _ ..Toronto 
Manning, H. ?II.. '. .. .. .. .. ..Epsom Stevenson, G. W. (Fin. Sec.) Heathcote 
l\lanning, Thomas, B. A. . . . . .Oshawa Stevenson, James A.. .. . . At College 
l\lanning, Charles E..... .At College Stewart, J. W.... .. .... Vroomanton 
?llarshall, William G.. .... .Emsdale Strangways, Briton..... .At College 
l\latheson, Jas. (Evangelist).. Toronto Strachan, Richanl.. .... .. Kleinburg 
Matthews. H. S.. ... .. .... Pickering Sutherland, A., D.D.... .. .. Toronto 
}Ietcalf, J. F.... .. .. .. .. .. Eglinton Takeda, Y oshisaboro. .. ...... Japan 
}Ieacham, G. }I., D.D.. .. ...Parkdale Tate, C. }{.... Flathead Indians, B.C. 
l\liller, George.......... Willowdale Taylor, C.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Midland 
}lilner, Jonathan.......... Toronto Thompson, James. .. .. .. ..Creemore 
Morgan, John.......... ..Coldwater 'rhom, J., B.A. (Fin. Sec.) Sunderland 
Moore, Herman.. '. . . . . . . .. Sandfonl Thornley, Wm...... '. .. . . .. Innisfil 
?llorris, J. T.. .... ......... Tyrone Totten, J. W............. Markham 
}leAllum, Jos. W. (Sup'd).. Toronto Toye, Reuben..........Bnrk.s Falls 
}lcClung, James A.. Sault Ste. Marie Toyahamia, Kohei..... Tokio, Japan 
}lcCuiloch, George.. .. .,... Anltrea Touchiya, Hikoroko.. .. KoflI, Japan 
l\lcCullough. Robt...... Cookstown Trollope, J. A. .. .. .. .. .. . .l\linesing 
McDmrmid,N.A.(Dis.Supt.)Bradford Tsunekara, Si(lzuka.......... Japan 
McDonald, D.,.M.D.(D.S.)Tokio,J'p'n Tncker, Samuel (Sup'd). .... Toronto 
MI'Donald, Wilson.... .. Port Carling Van Wyck, J., B.A......... Toronto 
McDowell, Henry............ ..King Vickery, John........... .. Ravenna 
McIntyre, Charles E.. . Bowmanville Walker, Robert........ ..Newcastle 
McKee, Robt...... ..Scarboro' 'Vest Walker, Geo........... ..Greenbank 
l\lc ravish, Hector.. .. .. .. .. Toronto Washington, G., M.A. .. Mono Road 
Norman, William T.. .. .. " Sandford Washington, W. C., M.A.. .. Scugog 
Nixon, W............ .. .. Snndridge Wass, John B., Jf.A. .. .. Goodwood 
Oaten, J. F.. .. .. .. .. .. .. " Hillsdale Watson, C. (D. Supt.) N. Westminster 
Patterson, J. W.Mount Lehman, B.C. Webber, Geo........... Newmarket 
Pattyson, W. A. V. E.... Davenport Wetherell,}1. J...... ..Bruce l\lines 
Paull, Ernest F. . .. .. .. .. .. .. Korah Well wood, N. .. .. . . .. .. Queensville 
Pearen, James A., lII.A... .. ..?llaple Whitlock, J.......... .. Newtonville 
Perry, Charles E.. .. .. .. .. .. Angus Wilkinson, Henry (S1cp'd). .. Stayner 
Pierce, William H.. Kitzequilk, B.C. Wilkinson, J. M., B.A.. .. .. Torxnto 
Percival, Wm.. .. . .. . Victoria, B.C. Wilkinson, J. W........ ..l\larkham 
Phelps, Leonard.. .. .. ... Columbus Will, P. D. (Sup'd)... ...... Torontc 
Philp, S. C. (Sup'd).... Prince Albert Williams, Thos. (Sup' d).. .... OriIlili 
Bhilp, Samuel C., jun. (Sup' d). Willmott, J. C., M.A.. Brampton E. 
Pickering, John.. .. .. . . .. .. Toronto WillougÞ by, N. R.. .. .. . . Port Pe
Pinch, Ril'hard(Snp'y)......Toronto Wilson, W. F............ Davisville 
Pirritte, Wrn. (Dis. Supt.)Orangevilie Withrow, W.H,D.D(Ed.Mag) Toronto 
Potts, J., D.D. (Dilit. Supt.) Toronto Whittington, R., M.A.. TokioCollege 
Pollard, Wm. (Sup'd).. Victoria, B.C. Wood,E.,D.D.(H.M.Sec.)..Davenport 
Rllnkin, J. A.............. ..Aurora Wood, George.............. . Bolton 
Real, Josf'ph R........ Warminster Wood, James A... ...... Delta, B.C. 
Reitl, J. W.. .. .. .. .. .. . . " .. College Woolsey, Thos. (Sup'd)..... Toronto 
Redditt, J. J. (Fin. Sec.).. .. Brook1in Wright, Stewart (Without station) .. 
Reed, Thomas.......... Honeywood Woodger, F........... ..Greenwood 
Richarilson, Wm...... ..Lloydtown Yamanaka, Yemu.... ....., .. Tokio 
Richanlson, G. T.. ...... " .. Laskay Yanagawa, Shushim.......... Tokio 




Yuki, Munizo........... ..Katsnma Inson, James A.......... .St. Clair 
Young, E. R.....,....... ..Meaford Jackson, George........ Wardsville 
Jackson, Thomas. . .. ..... Morpeth 
Jewitt, George.... ... .Pelee Island 
J ohnstoll, George H. . . South Mersea 
Hcys. A. Carman, D.D., and Jolm A. Jones, Peter W.......... .Bismarck 
Williams, D.D., Gcn. Supt's. Kelly, Samuel J... .......,. Napier 
Rev. W. R. Parker, D.D., Pres. Kennedy, David M,....... .Crediton 
ennedy, James (a).. .. .. Thorndale 
l{e\'. WIn. McDonagh, Sec1'etary. Kennedy, James (b)........ Thedford 
Hev. B. Clement, Assist. Secretary. I 
err, George J. J .. . . .. .. Camlach!e 
Rev. W. Rigsby, JournC!t Secreta/'y. 

rshaw, Edward.. ...... .CeD;tralla 
I Kld,land, John H..... 'Vestmmster 
Allin, Samuel J. . . . . . ... Louis\'ilIe Knott, Stephen.. .. . . . . . . .. .. A \'on 
Andrews, G. W., B.A.... ..Bothwell Lanceley, E.......... London West I MOKTREAL Cü
Anger, R. W. (Sup'd).. .. ,. Chatham Latimer, James (Sup'y).. .., London 
Austin,B.F.,B.D.(Prin.).AlmaCol'ge I Lawrence, Benj. (Sup'd).. . Newbury Revs. A. Carman, D. D., and John A. 
Anderson, Selborne.... . Grand Bend Little, Wm. J.... ...... ..Courtright I Williams, D.D., General Sup'ents. 
Baker, Geo............ ..Bosanq
et Livingston, James........ B\e
n I Rev. Ricllard Whiting, President. 
Earltrop, Charles. . . ., .. .. 'VarwlCk Locke, Hugh W.. .. .. ., .. .. ., Sarma R . Wlr J k Se 
Bennett, Geo. (,.. Lam beth I :Mason, Thomas.. .. .. . . . . . . .. Merlin 1'\. I lalll ac son, cretary. 
llartlf'tt, Samuel T.. .. " Dawn ?llIlls Medd, E.. .. . . ., .. . Montreal College I Rev. J. .B. Saunders, M. D., and Jas. 
Blatchford, T. W.. B.A. . MarthavilIe I Middleton, Eli........... .Strathroy I 
lcBrIde, Esq., Asst. &cretaries. 
Bristol, Charles W .. .. .. .. ., .. 
est(J l\1
'e!8, Peter.... . . .. ..,'. .. . Comber Rev. Will. Philp, Journal Secretary. 
Brown, George.. .. .. . . .. .. .. Fmgal ?lhlhken, Andrew (Sup d).. ., Sarnla . 
Brown, W.G.,M.A.(F.S.). Springfield .Millyard, Reuben... _.. Westminster Ada
s, Wilham...;..... ..Barnston 
Bryers, Wm. (Sup. Dis.) Leamington :Moore, James E.. .. . Mount Brydges Adkms, T. 0., (Sup y). ..Lansdowne 
Burdett, Cheney.. ,..... Oil Springs I 1\Iuxworthy, Samlwl W.. .. . . Melrose AIlen, James, lI[,A. ..... Brockville 
Butt, Wm. H............ St. John's I Morden, John P. (Snp'd) . St. Johns Allum, CarL........... ..Clarendon 
Chapman, Wm. (Sup'd)... .. London MacAllister,W.G.H.,B.A. Melbourne Armstrong, John.......... Lachute 
Cleruent,H.(Su]Jt. of Dist.)Ridgetown McCollum, Edwin (Sup'y) Rid
n And
ews, J. H.. A ugusta (Stratllr
Cobb, Thos.. .............. . London McCutchen, Thomas L.... MUlrkuk Anthff,J.C.,M.A.,B.D.l\IontrealFth 
Cooper, Wm. H......... .. Gttoxeter McD.Jnagh,W.(S.Dis.,S.C'.) Strathro}' Austin, William.. _ ..Fitzroy Harbor 
Collms, J. M. (S1Ip'd)...... FlorencQ McNair, Thomas R...... Springfield Awde, James, B.A,..... Kemptvillf' 
Cosford, T. (Sup'dl... Kew Brighton Murray, James Holt...... .ltlalahide Baldwin, C. D...... Wes. Theol. Col 
Coupland, Thos. B. .. .. .. .. .. Appin Nattrass, Timothy (Sup'd).. London I Barnett, William... .. .. .. .. .. Delta 
Couzens, Charles C.. ., .... Belmont Neelands, Jllhn.... .. .. .. .. Caradoc I I Beaudr)", l.<mis N.. Montreal Centre 
Cre\fS, Heber W., B.A _ . Browns\'ille Nethercott, J. C.. .. '. .. ., Wooùslee Bell, Thomas.. ........ Little Metis 
Cridland, Will..... _ .. .. .. Thorndale Orme, .James H.. .. '. .. .. . Malahide I Bell, G. A............ Harrowsmith 
Deacon, Jos........... .Orand Bend I ParkerW. R,D.D(S.D,P.C')St Thomas Blair, William. B.A...... ..Almonte 
Dickson, G. K A. F. T.. . . .. London I Parsons, R. C. . .. .. .. .., Talbot "ille Bland, Henry F .. .. .. . . .. .. .. PertIl 
Earle, T. R.,. .. .. . ... Amherstburg Pas{'oe, Wm. S.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Exeter I Bland, S. G., B.A.. Kingston Second 
E.lwards, Abel S;........ .. Muncey Pe
lhall, \Vm............ 
 Bl'yanston I mand, C. E., B.A.. ..Carleton P}.ace 
Ed wards, Wm. \\ .. .. .. .. Dorchester Philp, Joseph.. . . .. .. .. .:st. Thomas Bond, Stephen. . . . .. . Montreal FIfth 
Evans, E., D.D. (Sup'd). .. .. London Phillips, John R.. .. .. .. .. NJlestown I Borland, J. (SI/p'd)... Montreal First 
n, John H. (Sup'd)..... . Exeter Pickard, Mahl?n.. ......... H?,",
rd Brock, Jas. (S1/p'd) ., Fillgston First 
Falhs, John G............. Corunna Pomeroy, DameI........... Oil CIty Brown, T. C. ........ Carleton Place 
Fansher, Walter......... Thamesville Pomeroy. Wm. ?lI..... .. .... Highgate Brown, W. D. (Sup'd). ..ltloulinette 
Ferguson, John A... .... .. .' Sylvan Preston, Walton.... Walpole Island I I Brown, William (Sup' d). . .. Iroquois 
Fessant, Edwin.......... Gold8111itll Qua.nee, Wm................ ..Burr Brown, S. R.. ...... Wes. Theol. Col 
Fife, W
. H.. ., _ . .. .. . . .. Fai,l field Redmond, Richard.. .. .. .. .. A}:kona I Br
lI, Da \'id.. .. . . .. .. .' . . Lom ba
Ford, W. J., LL. B. .. .. Essex Centre Re}'nolds. John.. . . .. .. .. .., '\ lenna Calms, Hugh.. .. ... .. . . Clareneevllle 
Ford, James E.. .. .. . . . . .. . . Siloam Rigsby, Walter.. .. . . .. .. . Kings\'ille Campbell, A... Montreal Home 1tliss 
Fowler, R., M.D. (Sup'd).. . . London Robinson, Joseph H.. .. .. .. Lonilon , Card, Stephen.. .. .. .. .. MerrickviIle 
]<'reenllln, Jobn W., B.D.. Pt. Stanley Russell, Alfred L., B.D...... Forest Carson, W. W...... ..Ottawa Centre 
Gaetz, L. (Sup'd)............ London Russell, John...... .. .. .. .. Florence Chambers, A. B., LL.B.. .. Stanstead 
Gaue, W m. H. .. . . .. . . .. .. Elill1\'ille Ryan. David (Sup' d).. . . . . .. London Chambers, R. C.. . . .. .... I nkerman 
Garbutt, R. J.. .. .. Victoria College Ryckma.n,E.B.,D.D(Sup.Dis)London Chant, Joseph H....... _.. .. Thurso 
Godwin, Wm.. .. .. .. .. London East Sanderson,G.R. ,D.D(Sup.Dis) 
arnia Chisholm, Francis... North Augusta 
Graham, James............. . Exeter Saunhy, .John W... Cobourg College Chown, Samuel D....... .Sydenham 
Gundy, James.. .......... Kewbury Savage, Da\'id (Without Station.) Clipsham, John W.......... Granby 
Gundy, J. R. (Supt. of Dist.).Aylmer Scott, .101m G. (Supt. Dist.) Chatham Coates, H. II., B.A... Mallory town 
Guing, Arthur H... __ Charing Cross Scott, Edmund E.... .Charing Cross CornelI, Joseph C...... ..Melbourne 
Griffin, }lichael.. .. .. .. ., .. Romney Scott, Charles T,. .. Victoria College Conley, Lewis.. .' .. .. .. . . .. Wilmur 
Griffith, A. E. (Sup'd)... St. Thomas Shaw, Wm. H............ . Kerwood Conley, T. B., B.A. . South Mountain 
Hadwen, Thos.. __ _ _...... ..London Shepherd, W. W... _...... ..Muncey Constal)le, T. D. (Sup'd)..l\felbourne 
Hamilton, R. D.. .. . . . . .. T;\"Tf'onnelI Smith, Charles.. .. .' .. . Wallaceburg Craig, William............,.. Ashton 
Hannah, Thos. (Sup'ù)..WalIaceburg Smith, J. V. (Fin. Spc.)..... London Craue, Edward W........ ..Cardinal 
HalTis, A. G.. . . .. .. ., .. .. . Parkhill Smith, Nathaniel (Sup'ù).. Th
dford Crowle, Fred'k W., B.A.. " Rawdon 
Harrison, T. E....... ....Enniskillen Snyder, Adam I........... Wroming Crothers, W. J., M.A.. ..Morrisburg 
Bayhurl\t, Wm. Win. Sec.). .Petro1ia Stacey, Frank B...... .. .... London Crummy, Eber, (Student).,. Yic. Col 
Henderson, G. W...... _... Dresden Staples, S. G., B.A... Point Edward Curtis, Charles J.. .... West Brome 
Henderson, John.......... ..Brooke Stinson, Joseph H....., Tupperville Cummings, Duncan T..... NipiRsing 
Henderson, Wm........... . Glencoe 
tonehol1se, John.. .. .. .. .. Adelaide Davis, Geo. B. (SlIp'd)... Peterboro' 
Hayworth, A. (Sup'd).. .. ..Chatham Sutherland, D. G., LL.B.... London DeGruchy, E..Ac'nvale, St Thf'o., &r 
Hill, Jns
ph (St/p'd). . Port Lambton Swift, John R. (Sllp'd) , . .. . Newbury Delong, Francis..... .. .. .... Hudson 
Hod'ion, J. M., B.D.. ...... Windsor Smith, Wm. J.... .. .. .. ... Florence Delong, Albert ?II..... _.. .. '. Leeds 
Holmes, Edwin.. .. . . . . .... Londou Thomas, RIchard.. .. .. ...... London Dorion, Joseph A.. .. .. .. .. .... Oka 
Holmes, James E.. . ... ... Elimville Thompson, George H.. ,. .. Lambeth Dorion, Thomas A.. Sherbrooke, ctc 
Holmes, John.. ............ London Thompson, Robert.... .... .Sheddan I>ouglas,G., LL.D.(Prin.).Montreal F 
Howie, R. A.... .,. ........ Harrow Treleavan, R. J...... .New Brighton Drennan, A. (SlIp'd)..Hudson cStrat.) 
Hugbrjn<>, W. (Sup' d)... ". Uttoxeter Tuffonl, John C. (Sup'd)...Malahide I Eagleson, James S. ............. .... 
Hughson, W. D. (SlIp'd).. . Delaware Tyler, Henry D...... Port Lambton Eason, Richard........... Cookshire 
Hurlburt, E.. .' .. .. .. .. .. .. O!leida 
eal.e, John......;. .. .. .. .Df'l
ldridge, G. S., B.A...... 
B ussar, James.. .. . . .. . . . .. BrIgrlen , olhek, Charles W . . .. .. . .. BrIgden hllery, Samuel .. .. . . . . . . N ewmgton 
Hunter, John E. (With61lta Stafion) Waddell, R. H., B.D.... St. Thomas ElIiott,J.,D.D.(Sllp'd).KingstonFt 


Ward, Joseph, B.A........ ..Sparta 
Warner, R. I., .\[.A. (Prof.) .\lma ('01 
Webster, T., D.D. (Sup'd). . Nrwbury 
Wells, Charles P.. .. \ïctoria CoUf'ge 
Whiting, James.. .. .. .. .. . Chatham 
Whiting, Richard.. .. .. .. Dorchester 
Wickett, Louis W.. . . . . .. Alvinston 
Williston, John K. (Sup'd) Strathroy 
Wilson, Jásper, E.A........ Watford 
Wood, John.......,..... Wilkesport 
Wigle, Hamilton.... Victoria College 
Yelland, John G.. . . . . . . .. .., Dover 
Yokom, Wm. (Sup'd)........ .Sarnia 




f.lliott. James.. .. .' . Richmond, Que 
Ellis, John D.,B.A....... .Korth Bay 
Ellis, W. J. ........ Victoria College 
England, L. 
I., B.A.. West Sheffi)rù 
English, William (Sup'd).. .. Granby 
Ferguson, John.. .. .. .. .. Aultsville 
Flanders, C. R., B.A... .. Coaticook 
Follick, J. (Sup'd). .. .. Kendall, Ont 
fowkes, John... \Vinchester Springs 
Fowler, J. H., M.A. (S1
p'd). . Sutton 
Fowler, Hiram........ ..St. Armand 
Freshman, J. (Sup'y).. ?lIontrcal See 
Galley, A. (St1
dent). . Victoria College 
Geoffroy, Ant.... Lawrence\'ille, ete 
Gibson, John.. .. . . . . . . .. .. )Ietcalfe 
Grenfell, John.. .. .. .... .. . . Bedford 
Graham, William H.. " . LennoxvIlle 
Hagar, J. ?II., lI[.A.. W. Winchester 
Hall, William, 1If.A.... ..Gananoque 
Hanna, William A.. .. Vankleek Hill 
Hansford, William.. Montreal Second 
Hanson, C. A... n. .. :\Iontreal Eighth 
Hardie, Alex., M.A.. .. Ottawa East 
Harris, TIwmas S.. ..' Shur bot Lake 
Harris, Thomas.. . . . . .. .. Ormstown 
Haylock, Joseph J.. .. '. .... Verol1a 
Henderson, James.. . Montreal Sixth 
Henderson, Andrew. . Montreal Ninth 
Henderson, William G.. .. .Pittsbnrg 
Hiscocks, John (Sup'y).. .., Lachute 
Holden, Alva............ ..Arnprior 
Holmes, A. Lee, lIE.A..... Stanstead 
Holmes, J. . Three Riv's & B'rg Louis 
Horner, R. C.. ..Cobden & Locksley 
Houghton, L. (Sup'y)..... Brockville 
Howard, Erastus S. . . . ..' Inverness 
Howard, N. H................ Elgin 
Howitt, W. (Stud.).. Wes. Theo!. Col 
Huntingdon, Silas. .. ... North Bay 
Hunt, Francis, (Sup'y).. Lcnnoxville 
Hicks, John B.... ........... Agnes 
Hughes, Silas J., lIf.A.... ..Danville 
Huxtable, George G.. .. .. .. Iroquois 
Irvine, Henry, (Sup'y)..... Arnprior 
J Ilckson, W.(Sec. Gon)r.lontreal Eighth 
J I'Ickson, S'tm. (Sup'y). . Frelighsburg 
.Jamieson, \V.S., ]I[.A . Bil'ngs' Br., ctc 
JolifIe, William J., B.G.L....Quebec 
Johnston, A. (St1uient).. Vic. College 
Johnston, G. F., (Stud.). Wes. Theo. C 
Kendall, Sydney C.. .. .. .. St. Henri 
Kennedy,D.,S. T.D.(Prin.).Stanstead 
Kines. James...... ..Montreal Third 
Knowles, Henry W. .... Chcsterville 
Knowlton, F. B. (Sup'd)..... Verona 
Knox, William,..... .. .. Beachburg 
Krupp, Henry. _ . . .. .. .. .. Battersea 
Lawrence, C. H.. .... South Stukely 
Lawson, J .. .. Cobden and LocksIey 
Larmour, J. (Stud.)..... Vic. College 
Lett, Francis G. . .. . Portage du Fort 
Lucas, D. V., 11[. A .. Montreal Fourth 
Lillstone, Joseph E... .. .. Elgin burg 
Mansell, Thomas J .. ..... Beebe Plain 
Mark, R., IrI.D. (Sup'd).Ot'wa Ce'tre 
}{assicotte, Leo.. .. St. Jean Baptiste 
Mandsley,S.E. (Sup'd).Hemll1ingford 
Mavety, John E......... .. Kingston 
lIIcCann, Alfred.. .. . . .. Smith's Falis 
McAmmoLd, Thomas.. ....... Elgin 
McDowell, J. V., B.A........ ..Carp 
McDonald,}1. (Sup'd).... .Stanstead 
McGill, WiUlam .. .. .. .. .. Waterloo 
lldlullen, William........ Grantley 
McRitchie, George . .. .. . . .. Prescott 
Meyers, Henry........:. Sawyerv:ille 
Meyer, Fred. W. A... Kmgston FIfth 

[iller, William W.. . . .. Wolfe Isiand 
)Iight, Samuel (Sup'd).. . . .. Prescott 
}[ussell, J. A. (Stud.)... Vic. CoI:ege 

[nnroe, Charles \V.. .. .. .. Cardinal 
Xortun Wm.. Avonmore & Berwick 
I)'Hara; James. . ... Franklin Centre 
Olivant, E............. Seeley's Bay 
Oliver, Robert E.. .. .. Vankleek Hil1 
Orser, A. R.. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. \V olford 

Osborne, John C... North 'Wakefield 
Parent, A.. .... Waterloo and Berea 
Pearson, William...... North Gower 
Peck, William.. .. . .. .. .. .. lnvemry 
Perley, William F _ . . . .. Frelighsburg 
Petit, Eugeue.. . . . . .. Montrpal East 
Philp, William............ !IIanotick 
Philp, John, lILA.. __ Montreal First 
Phillips, S. G., M.A...... ..Augusta 
Pierce, Barry.. .. .. .. . Windsor }Illls 
Pinel, Joseph.. . . .. :Muntreal Centre 
Pitt-her, J. T........... .Sherbrooke 
Purter, G. H., B.A.. .. .. .. Compton 
Poyser, George C....... ..Oddltown 
Pratt, :\Iagee....... .. .. New Glasgow 
Pyke, William..... Lansdowne West 
Quinn, S.. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. Bea.rbrook 
Radley, Alfred A......... Calabogie 
Raney, William.. . . . . '. Spencerville 
Read, F. A.. .. Hatley and Cassville 
Rennie, T. (Sup'd)..Waterloo (W.F.) 
Re) nolds, Francis C.. .. .. . Cornwall 
Richardson, James E. .. . . . . .. . . Lyn 
Rilance, William........ Lansdowne 
Roadhouse, Job. . .. . . West Farnham 
Robinson, Richard......._ Ulverton 
Roger8, George.. .. . . .. Farmersville 
Robeson, J. B.. . . .. Haley's Station 
Richards, T. H.. . Playfair & Glentay 
Robertson, Arch'd G... Oxford }Iills 
Ryan, William W. .. .. .. oo St. J ohu's 
Sadler, ?lHtchell.... ..?lIontreal West 
Salls, Se) mour E. . .. . '. . . .. lIIatilda 
Sanderson, D. C.. .. ... Mallory town 
Saunders, J. B., M.D. .P. St. Charles 
Scanlon, John......... Ottawa West 
Scott, W. (Sup' d).. .. Ottawa Centre 
Service, William........... Addison 
Shaler, Henry, (Sup'd)...Kemptville 
Shaw, W. I., M.A., LL.B..Mont. F'th 
Shibley, Samuel .. . . .. .. .. .. Onslow 
Shields, A. (Stud.).. Victoria College 
Short, Wm. (Sur/d).. Kingston First 
Shortt, W. K., lIE.Aoo .. .. .. Renfrew 
Shorts, Alex.. .. .. Thousand Islands 
shorey, Edmund S.. ...... ?llaitland 
Simpson, James.. .. ...... Cataraqui 
Smith, Daniel (Sup'd).. ..Beachburg 
Smith, William.. " ..... East Bolton 
Smith, Robert.. .. .. . . ... MarbJeton 
Smith, William T.. . . . . . . . . . Matilda 
Sparling,J.W.,lIl.A.,B.D. King'n F'st 
Sparling, W. H., B.A... Huntingdon 
Sparling, W., B. A .. .. .. .. Clarendon 
Sproule, F. H. (Stud.)... Vic. College 
Stewart, J uhn .. .. . . . .. .. Pakenham 
Stewart, John H.. . Richmond (Ont.) 
Steuning, George (Sup'd).. Coaticook 
Somerville, William........ Mattawa 
S til well, Reuben.. . Kingston Fourth 
Taylor, ?lIel vine. . .. . . .. .. .. .. 
Taylor, E9ward H.... Bishop's Mills 
Taylor, Ernest )L, M.A.. ..Chamhly 
Teeson, Samuel .......... Knowltou 
Tennant, Elisha.... .. ..... Newboro' 
Thurlow, Isa.'tl' E.. . . . . .. . .. Chelsea 
Timberlake, Wilham.. .. .. .. Aylmer 
Toppmg, Nassau B........ Maberley 
Tripp, Fred.. .. .. .. .. .... N ewboro' 
Visser, A. H.. .. . . .. . . T.awrenceville 
Walton, John (S1tp'd) ...... .. .. .. .. 
\Vatson, James.. .. . .. Hemmingford 
Watts, Asa 0.. .. .. .. .. .. Cataraqui 
Webster, John.... . Easton's Corners 
Weese, W. W........... .. Lakefield 
Wells, William.. Wes. Theo!. College 
Wheatley, Isaac.. .. .. .. Cowansville 
Whiting. R. (P. Gon.).. King'n Sec'd 
Whiteside, Arthur,. .. .. . . Cooksbire 
White, Gilman Soo ..Amherst Island 
Wilkinson, Isaac............ Lacolle 
Williams, Thomas GI.. .. .. Pembroke 
Wilson, John, B.A...... Westmeath 
WilBon, R.. ..Brockville (George St.) 
\Vinter, David.. Conference Evang'st 
Young, Henry A............ . Sutton 

Revs. A. Carman, D.D., and John A. 
Williams, D.D., Gen. Supts. 
Rev. \Vm. J. Hunter, D.D., Pres. 
Rev. J. S. Williamson, Secretary. 
Rev. J. S. Ross, M.A., Assi-st. Sec. 
Rev. Wm. J. :\Iaxwell, Journal Sec. 
Adam s, Ezra.. .. .. ... .... Cath cart 
Ames, Wm..........oo... Otten ille 
Archer, Joseph............. Dereham 
Atkins, Thomas J.. .. .. .. .. Fenwick 
Athoe. Thomas.. . . .. .. .. . Swea borg 
Barraclough, Wm. H.. . . .. Cainsville 
Baxter, Michael (Sup'd).. .. Fenwick 
Bell, James P................ Delhi 
Bennett, Cliffonl T., B.A... Sheffield. 
Bowlby, Charles L.. __ .. .. . Fairfiel(l 
Buyd, Thomas.. .. .. .. . . .. }\[illgrove 
Brethour, D. L. (Dist.Supt.) Brantford 
Bristol, Burness (Sup'd). . Jerseyville 
Bristol, Emerson (Sl
p'd).. . Anca.'iter 
Brock, Thomas............... . Pans 
Brown, T. J .. .. International Bridge 
Brownell. Daniel E. . . . .. .. .Oakville 
Burns, A., D.D., LL.D.. ..Hamilton 
Burns, Robert, Ph.B... Washington 
Calvert, G. W. (Fin. Sec.) Port Dover 
Cassidy, F., M.A..... . Niagara Fl\lls 
Chalmers, David.... Mount Pleasant 
Clea ver.S.,B.A.(Fin.Sec.) Burlington 
('larke, Edward J.. .. .. .. .. . LYllden 
Clark, George.......... ..St. George 
Clarke. Thomas R.. . . . . .. Eastwood 
Clement, Ephraim L.. .Straffordville 
Cohoe, Benjamin L........... Brant 
Coleman, F. (Sup'd).. Zion Tabernacle 
Collamore, Owen G.. . . .. . Palermo 
Colling,T.,B.A. (Dist. Sllpt.) WeIland 
Collins, James H.... ..Stoney Creek 
Cook, Henry A. . .. .... Wellandport 
Cook, R. B. (S1tp'd).. .. Straffordville 
Cookman, ChrIstopher.. . Watenlo\\ n 
Cooley, John W.. .... .... Dunnville 
Cosens, Charles W. . . . . . . . .. . Bright 
Crews, Albert C.. .. . . St. Cathariue
Cross, Wm. (Sup'd)...... .Cainsville 
Culver, Herbert.... .. ....... . Jarvis 
Cutler, J. B. (Sup.d)........oo ..Ker 
Davis, John T.. .. .. ..... Tailleytown 
Deacon, Charles. . . . . . . - Port Rowan 
Dean, George \V.. .. .. . . Zimmernlan 
Duff, Robert........ ..Humberstone 
Dyer, James E.... .. .. .. .. Anca.'1ter 
Ecker, Daniel....oo ..Port Robinson 
Edwards, Andrew (Sup'd) Caledonia 
Elliott, Robert J.. .. .. .. .. Caledonia 
Emory, Vernon H.. .. .. .. Hamilton 
Evaus, John S. (Sup'd)... . Hamilton 
Fairchild, J. F.. .. .. .. ... Chippawa 
Ferguson, George.. .. . . .. Bartonville 
Footð, James G.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Troy 
Forman, Richard J.. West FlambOl'o 
Gardiner, J.,D.G.L. (Sup'd) Ingersoll 
Garnham, \Vm. H.. .. .. .. Brantford 
Gee, Abram L.. .. .. .. .. . . Smithville 
German, Pet
r (Sl
p' d).. .. Cainsville 
Gilbert, C. W. 1\1. (Sup.d)..... . Delhi 
Goodwin, James.. ...... .. 'Waterford 
Hall, Harvey M. .. . .. .. .. .. oo ReI vin 
Harris, Henry.. .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton 
Harris, \V.. ....... . . .. ... Jerseyville 
Haynes, Frederick (Sup'y) Beamsville 
Hazlewood, James 11....... Fonthill 
Histon, John (Sup'd).... Burlington 
Hobbs, H.... ...Niagara Falls South 
Hockey, John E.. . . . . .. Caistorville 
Holden, Samuel.. .. .. .. .. }Ierritton 
Hooker, Le Ror (Dist. Supt.) Simcoe 
Howard, Thomas S.. . . .. . . . Fairfield 
Hunt, David........ .. .. .. Tmfalgar 
Hunter, W.J .,D. D(Pr.Gon. )Ham
Hunter, S. J., D.D...... ..Hamtlton 
Jackson, Thomas \V.. .. .. . . .. Jarvis 
Jamieson, \Valter S.. .. .. . Lynedoch 
Jeffris, Thomas !II. (Sup'd)..Oakville 




.Jolley, W. C. (Sup'd).. .. ... Korwich I 
Johnson, C. 0.. .. .. .. .... Hamilt.on 
Kay, John ............... Hamilton 
Kappele. Stephen.. .. .. '. . Rockford 
Kearns, David.. .. .. .. .. .. . . . Bertie 
Keefer, B. B. (Sltp'y) Hamilton First 
Kelley, T. W., B.A.... ..Hagersvllle 
Kelly, D. Ward...... .. Grand River 
Kennedy, Albert........ ...Bookton 
Kennedy, J. H.. Louth & Grantham 
Kf'rruish, T. L. (W.Th.Col.) }Iontreal 
Kettlewell, Wm........... Ingersoll 
Kerby, G. W. (Student). Victoria Col 
Koyle. Eardly H., B.A.. .' .. .. Paris 
J.aing, B. (Stu<ùnt).. Victoria College 
Laird. James.. .. .. .. . . .. SpringConl 
Laird, W. H. (Dist. Supt.) Woodstock 
Lanceley, J. E. (Fin. Sec.).. TLorold 
Lanton, Henry (Sup'd).. .. Hamilton 
Lanll, C. A. (Sup'd) Kiagara Falls S 
Lawrence, G. (Sup'd)...... Ingersoll 
Laycock, John.. .. .. .. .. ., Ingersoll 
Livingston, Henry G.. .. .. Townsend 
Lund, \Vm. (Sup,d)...... Woodstock 
:\If-Carter. John H........... Kelvin 
:\lr'Cartney, James H...o Beamsville 
)lcKenzie, D. M. (Sup'd)..... 1Iilton 
:\lcLean, Hngh.............. Salford 
Maitland, Robert R.. .. .. " Grimsby 
)Iasson, James (Fin. Sec.) Ridgeway 
Maxwell, W.J(J.S..D.S)St.Catharines 
:\1 iller, A. D.. .. . Walsingham Centre 
:\rïtcb.ell,G.A.,B.A. (F. S.) Tilsonburg 
:\Iooney, James.. .'....... GlanCord 
:\loore, .Charles A.. .. .... Plattsville 
)loore, Thomas A.. .. . . . . . Princeton 
:\Iorrow, C. R. (Fin. Sec.) Strathallan 

ewtoll. Wm. (Sup'd) St. Catharines 
Udery, J. (Fin. Sec.).. .. .. Hamilton 
Orme, Thomas H., 1If. A.. .. .. .. Ayr 
Pearson, T. D. (Sup'd).... Brantford 
Pescott, Walter E.. . Victoria Coll
Preston, J. (Sltp'd). .Mount Pleasant 
Procunier, Charles A.. Oxford Centre 
Robinson, John H.. .. .. .. Trafalgar 
Rose, Samud P.. .. .. .. .. Brantford 
Ross, J. S., M.A. (Assis. Sec.) Dundas 
Rowe, Richard B. . . . .. .. .. . Tintern 
Russ, A. E., '}1.A. (nist.Supt.) Milton 
Russ, James E........ ...Townsend 
Saunders, John, lIfA.. .. Hagarsville 
Spanlan, Richard W.. .. .. .. Canboro 
SherIdan, Wm. (Sup'd)... Beamsvi1le 

ifton, J. W.,B.A.Burlington Plains 
Slater, J. C. (Sup'd).... . Hagarsville 
Smith, John T.......... Jerseyville 
Smith, Wray R.. .. .. .. .. Teetervi1le 
Snider, David W.. .. .. .. .. Hamilton 
Stewart, John........ ..Mountsberg 
Stevenson, E. B., B.A.... . Binbrook 
Stobbs, Thomas............ Carlisle 
Stringfellow, Charles.. .. .. LowvIlle 
Taylor, David H.. ., .. .. .' Courtland 
Teeple, Wm.M............. Cayuga 
Terwilligar, 8. (Sup'd).. ... Ingersoll 
Thompson, D. W.. .. .. .. .. Stamford 
To\\ler, John (Sup'd)..... Brantford 
Trimble, Thomas B...... ... Selkirk 
Truax, A. (Wes. Tlteo. Col.) :\Iontreal 
Yoaden, Thomas........... Drumbo 
Yollipk, W. N................. York 
field, John (Sup'd).. . Brantford 
W'llker, Wm........... ... Rainbam 
Wa!>hington, G. (SÚp'y).... .Oakville 
Watson, Wm. C., M.A.. ..Cain
Weaver, Francis G...... Xew Crtdit 
Webb, James.. .. .... .. ..... Oakland 
White, James H.. ., .. . ... Hamilton 
'Whitworth, Edward.......... Ker 
Wilkinson, T. L. (Sup'y).. . Bmntford 
\Yilson, Samuel.. .. .. .. .. .. . Niagara 
Williams, David (Slt1>'tI).. .. .. . Delhi 
Williams, John A., D.D. (Gen. Supt.) 
Williamson,J. S.( S. Con. ,D.S);.f orwich 
Willoughby, Wm. (Sltp'd) Brantfonl 
n-iII810w, Joseph W. Victoria College 

Woodsworth, R. W. (F. S.) Brantford 
Wright, Rorert W.. .. Oxford Centre 
Young, George, D.D.... ..Brantfonl 
Young, James.. ... ..... .. College 

Revs. A. Carman, D.D., and J. A. 
Williams, D.D., General Sup'ents. 
Rev. John S. Clarke, Preside'nt. 
Rev. Joseph Young, Secreta'ry. 
Revs. F. H. Wallace, B.D., and R. T. 
Courtice, Assistant Secretaries. 
Rev. J. J. Rice, Journal Secretary. 
Adam, Alexander L.. .. Hall's Bridge 
Adams, R. N....... ... ..Smithfield 
Allen, H. 1. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . Trenton 
Allin, Rogor.... .. . . .. Little Britain 
.Anderson, Jas.. ......... ..Norwood 
Andrews, J. W.. " ., .. .. .. :Marmora 
Ash, J. C.. .. .... .. .. . Demorestville 
August, Frederick A.. .. Cannington 
Badgley E.L.,LL.D.(Prof.) Vie. Un'ty 
Baker, E. N., M.A...... Wellington 
Balfour, David............ ..Roblin 
Bates, M. J .. .. .. ... . . . . .. .. Yarker 
Ba}ley, H. E.............. . College 
Bell. Joseph C.. .. .. .. .. . . .. Canton 
Beer, William C.. ...... ..... . Madoc 
Betts. L A. (Sltp'd).. .. .. .. Napanee 
BIrd, William (Sup'd)...... Belleville 
Bodle,George(Sup'y).... ..Belleville 
Bredin, John, D.D........ Colborne 
Briden, William........ ..Beaverton 
Brown, Thomas...... .. .. Plainfield 
Brooking, Robert (Sltp'd)..Cobourg 
Browning, Arthur.. . .. . . .. Belleville 
Buchanan, William........ Trenton 
Buckler, William H...... .. College 
Burns, William........ Warkworth 
Burwash, N.,S. T.D. (Proj.)Vic. Un'ty 
Calvert, James....... _. .. Roseneath 
Campbell, A. (Bursar).... Belle ille 
Campbell, A. R.......... Northport 
Carman,A. ,D. D. (Gen.Supt. )Belleville 
Carr, George (Sltp'd)...... Colborne 
Carpenter, George.. .. .. .. .. College 
Clarke, Wilmott.. .. .. ., .. .. College 
Clarke,J. S. ,(Pres. Con. )Cam pbellford 
Clarkson, John B., lI.f..A.. Port Hope 
Cleworth, Thomas........ .... Selby 
Coombe, Wm............. Plainville 
Cook, William H........ Wall bridge 
Coon, C. H.. 0.....0.. . Little Britain 
Courtice, R. T.............Betbany 
Copeland, George H...... ..Cobo'ug 
Cragg, Edwanl.. .. ., . .. .. Hiawatha 
Crookl\hanks, S......... ..Chisholm 
Crossley, D. 0.......... DeReronto 
Curt;s, Jas. (D
to. Supt.) Newburgh 
Davis, John.. .. .. .. .. .. . . lloseneath 
Denike, R. B. (Sltp'y)..Campbellford 
Depew, Sidney F....... 0 Tamworth 
Dewey, George W.. .. .. Brirlgewater 
Dingman, G. J. (SlIp'd).. .. Belle,'ille 
Down, \Vesley.............. Cloyne 
Dexsee, Archelaus........ 'Yelcorue 
Drew, N. D................ Omemee 
Duke, Richard................ Bath 
Dunkley, George.. .. .. .. .. .. W ooler 
Duprau, S. A: .............. Hilton 
Dyer, W. P., M.A. (P. A. C.)Belleville 
Edmison, Thomas J., B.D. Frankford 
Emsley. W. H............ Napanee 
English, John............ ..Cobourg 
s. Ed ward.. .. " .. Victoria Road 
Fallis, R. J, . .' .. .. .. .. .. .. Marmora 
Faull, James.. .. .. .. .. '. Centreville 
Fergusoon, John (Sup'd).. .. Canifton 
Ferguson, S..... Black River Bridge 
Fish, Charles (Sup'd)..Kewtonbrook 
Frizzell, C. P........ 0" 0 . . Napanae 
Fusee, Hiram............ Kinmonnt 
Garbutt. H. C.......... ..Newburgh 
Galt, Thomas,. .. .. .. .. .... College 
Gee, D. F.. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 1>lillbrook 
[ 649 1 

Greatrix, Benjamin...... Fraserville 
Green. Alexander T.. .. .. Port Hope 
Greener, James.. .. .. .. .... Lindsay 
Hammond, R. M. (S1tp'd)..Colborne 
Hewitt, R. (Sup'y).. .. . . .. Brighton 
Houck, D. S................ College 
Horton, Gilbert.. ....... Haliburton 
Howard, E. E............ Foxboro' 
Hudgins Wm G. (Sup'd)..BeUeville 
Hugbes,' James (Sup'd).. ..Colborne 
Hull. T. R............ ..Port Hope 
Hurley, R. (Sup'd)........ Welcome 
Jacques.J.R. .D.D.(S.)
lac'd'n Centre 
Jpffers, W., D.D. (Sup'd)..Belleville 
Jewell, .John A., B.A..... .. ?tlorven 
Johnston, William.. .. . . CanningtoD. 
Johnson, Francis.. .. .. . . .... Keene 
Jolliffe, William......... Bloomfield 
Jones, Richard.... .. .. .. .. Cobourg 
Jones, C. A. (Sup'd)......... Tarker 
Kilgour. JOsf-ph........ ..Baltimore 
Ladu, S. W.(Sup'd)Coral, Mich. U.S. 
Lam by, O. R.,lI[.A. (D. Supt. ) Stirling 
Lawrence, John.. " .. .. .. Dalrymple 
Leach, John J .. '. .. .. . .. ., Brighton 
Learoyd, J. (Dist. Sllpt.)..Belleville 
Lellroyd, William H ....... Grafton 
Leitch, Robert K. .... ..Eldorado 
Lewis, John G.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Canton 
L>wis. E. D.. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. N orham 
Limbert. William.......... Hastings 
Lloyd, W. W...... .. . .. .. Plainville 
Love, G. A.................Co11ege 
Macfarlane, James........ Lakefield 
1IIa11et, Richard, B.A.. .. .. Atherley 
Marsh, R. W. 0 .. .. .. . .. .. .. Cobonrg 
1IIartin, Alex.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. Manilla 

Iarvin, George W. . . . . .. .. Oakwood 
Maybee, A. C. (SlIp'd).... . Foxboro' 
?tIcAmmond, F., B.A..Fenelon Fall,; 
1IIcCauley, SamueL.. . Cherry Valley 
}lcCam1ls, John A.. .. .. Huntingdon 
}I('Camus, D. N............ ..Cava. 
?lie Donald, Thomas H.. ., . . Bancroft 
}lcKee, Thomas S. . . .. .' .. Coboconk 
!IIcl'Ilullen, James S.. .. . . .. Lakefield 
McQuade, Henry......... Frankford 
Mearing, Chas. . .. . .1IIountain Grove 
Mears, John............. ..Cambray 
:\lptherilI, Moses......... .. .. Arden 
Meyers, Tobias........... .Colborne 
Moran, J. X.. o. ....... .. . .Chand03 
1IIounteer, Hedley V... .. .. Camfton 
Nelles, S. S., LL.D. (C. V.C.) Cobourg 
Norman, W. E. (Sup'd)..... Trenton 
Ockley, J. F............... ..Picton 
Ockley, R. L............. Vennachar 
Oke, J. H.. 0 . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. Flil1ton 
Orser, E. A. (Sud'd) Mountain Grove 
Osterhout, Abraham B. . . . . A therley 
Ostrom, Henry F.. ......... . Picton 
Palmer, William H......... Melrose 
l'attyson. William H.. .. .. Dun:Jford 
Peake, Wm. H.. .. . .. .. Shannonville 
Pearson, M. L. (D
t. Supt.) Lindsay 
Philli ps, S. B........, .. . . .. Glenora 
Pickett, T. W....... .... ..Conseeon 
Pope, Robt. M............ ..Stirling 
Power, John.. .. .. . .. .. . . Janetvillc 
Puffer, Isaac W............ Blairton 
P\mshon, Percy M.... .. .. Hamilton 
Rae, J. J.. .Carrying Place (Murray) 
Raley, Geo. H.. .. .. .. . . Bobcaygeon 
Rpynar, A. H., M.A. (Prof.) Cobourg 
Reynolds, Geo. S.......... Brighton 
Rice, James J....... ,.... . Belleville 
Robeson, J. E.. .... .. Bay (Napanee) 
Robinson, Robt. (Sup'd)... Belleville 
Robinson, Geo.. . . .. . . .. .. .. Wilton 
Rogers. John A............ Lindsay 
Rorke, Samuel G......... ..Ivanhoe 
Sanders. Wm. J........... ..Minden 
Sanderson, E. A.. .. .. ,. . . lIarlbank 
Sanderson, \\T m ....... . Rednersville 
Scott, Wm. L. (Sup'd).. . .Port Hope 
Sexsmith, Wm. V....... .. Castleton 




Seymour, J. C.. .. . . .. .. Thomasburg 
Steel. Thos. P......... Ameliasburg 
Stone, S. G., D.D. (Editor).. Toronto 
Stratton, F. B...............
Taggert, Chas. (Sup.d)..... Brighton 
Taylor, Robt.. .. ..... .. ..Centreton 
Thomas, Henry... . . .. . . . .1\lillbrook 
Thompson, ChI's. L. ........ ..Odessa 
Thompson, S. J.. .. . .. .. .. .. Cullege 
Tomblin, Wm...... ....... ..Milford 
Tonkin, E. A............. .Canifton 
Tovell, I. (Dist. Supt.).. .1 Peterboro' 
Tozelanll, John. . .. . ,. . . . .. . 'Varsaw 
Tucker, Wm......... .Campbellford 
Tucker. Wm. B. . . . . . . Seymour West 
Wallace, Francis H., B.D.. Peterboro' 
Wakh, Chas. W........... Omemee 
West, Wm. J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ballyduff 
Williams, Wm. (Dist. Supt.) Cùbourg 
Williams, H.. . .. Bayside (Belleville) 
Williams, Damiel ........... St. Ola 
Wilson, David (Sup'd)... ..Napanee 
Wilson, J ohu C. . .. .. .. Ashburnham 
Wilson, Albert C.. .. .. . . .. Oakwood 
'Vilson, Andrew...... .. Bobcaygeon 
Wilson, Wm. D. P........ Wuodvllle 
1. E........ ...... Welcome 
Wilson, James P., Jf.A.. . . Napanee 
W oodpock, Eli........... Brockville 
Workman,G. C..M.A.(Proj.) Vic. Col. 
Wrig:lt, Alex. (Sztp'd)... ..Hastings 
Young, Wm. (Sup'd).. ... ..Trenton 
Young, 'Vm. R.. . . . . . Adolphustown 
Young, Will. John........... Tweed 
Young, Jos. (Sec. ojCon.)..BellevIlle 
Rev. Wm. S. Griffin, D.D., Preð't. 
Itev. Thus. 1\1. Campbell, Secretary. 
Revs. J. E. Howell, 1\[.A., aml J. C. 
Stevenson, Assistant Secretaries. 
Rev. J. S. Fisher, Journal Secretary. 
Al1ley ThOlnas............ Tivertun 
Armstrong, J. (Sup'd)... Trowbridg-e 
Auld, David ( . Eugenia 
Ayers, Walter........... Flesherton 
Aylesworth, I. B.,LI,.D.. 1\It. Forest 
Barnby, R. H........ Hensall North 
Ball, John.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W oodforll 
Baugh. William.. .. .. .. .. . . .. Ripley 
Bell, Thos. C.. .. Palmerston Circuit 
Berry, Henry (Sup'd) ...... Drayton 
Bielby, Willialll1\I.... . Grand Valley 
Birks, William.. .. .. .. 
Birks, Alexander K., Guelph Second 
Bower!), Alfred A., B.A.. .. Waterloo 
Brandon. William J .. . . . . .. Henfryn 
Broley, James.. .... .. .. .. .. ., Elora 
Bugi!,m, Geo. (Fin. Su.).. .. Drayton 
Burns, N., M.A. (Sup'y).Georgetown 
Burton, Robert C.. .. .. .. Arkwright 
Bunvash, Nathaniel :::I.... ..Belgrave 
C:\ldwell, Henry.... Victoria College 
Campbell, T. M. (D. S.).Owen Souud 
Campbell, Wesley F. ....Dungannon 
Carson, John H. .. .. .. .. .. Stratford 
Carson, Robert .. .. . . .. Lion's Head 
Casson. W. (Fin. Sec.).... .. Mitchell 
Caswell, James. .. . . . . .. .. Fullal.ton 
Charlton, James (FÎ1&. Sec.). ..Gorrie 
Chown, E. A., B.D........ ..Clifford 
Clarke, A. (S1tp'd). .. .. .. .. Ranover 
Cobbledick, G. H., B.A..Georgetown 
Colbeck, }<'. C., B.A....... ..Luther 
Colling. Joseph S.. .. .. .. .. .. Fergus 
Cooke, Joseph S......... ..Bluevale 
Corcoran, John S. . .. .. . . .. Eugenia 
Cornish, Geo. HOo... .... ..1\larkdale 
Crane, Isaac. . . . . , . . . . . .. Ponsonby 
Crookshanks, J. J.. Victoria College 
Crossley, Hugh T......... ..Guelph 
Culbert, Thos.. . . . . .. . . Cape Croker 
Cunningham. A. (Dis. Sup.). Stratfonl 
Danard, W. B. (,sup'd). Owen Sound 
Davey, Robert............. ..Lucan 

Dudley. T. (Sup' d)... .}Iount Forest Potter, Austin........... Teeswater 
Dyke, Jabez H. .......... Fullarton Pomeroy,J.C.,B.A..(Sltpy)..Georget'n 
Ellge. Joseph...... . .. . .. .. Hanover Pring, J oseJlh W.......... Nis;lonri 
Edmunds, S. C., B. D. .. .. Allanford Rapp, John J. . . . . . . .. Nassagaweya 
Ed warlls, I:)amuel IT. . . . . .. Wroxeter Rice, Luther O. (Sup'd).. Dungannon 
Fah', Hugh J. (Student) ............ Richardson. G. (Dis. Supt.).Listowel 
Fear, Ezra J............. Woodham Robinson, John W. ..New Hambm'g 
Fear, Samuel (Sup'd)........ ..Elora Rolston, D. D. (Sup' d). .. Walkerton 
Ferguson, James........... AtwoOlI Rupert, E. S., M.A....... .. Clinton 
Fisher, J. S. (Fin. Sec.)..Holmesville Sabine, Thos. J............ Walton 
Flagg, E. L.. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. Erin Salton, Geo. T. .. .. .. .. .. . . Goderich 
Frizzell, J. W. (St.ud't). Victoria Coil. Sanderson, John W.. .. .. .. Wiarton 
Fydell, Thomas R...... Eden Grove Sanderson, Thos. C.... Whitechureh 
Galloway, J. (Fin. Sec.). .... Paisley Savage, Wm....... ...... .. .. Guelph 
Garner, John (Sup'd)...... Ehnwooll Scott, John, M.A. (D. S.t Walkerton 
Geddes, James (81tp'y). .. ... . Bervie Scratch, Alex. .. .. .. .... Thamesfortl 
Gee, Thomas.. .. .. .. .'. . . .. Bayfield Sellery, Samuel, B.D.......... Bervie 
German, John W... .. ........ Berlin Service, RÏPhard (S1tp'd).. St. Marys 
Gibson, J. R.. .. .Palmerston Circuit Sharp, Dixon.. .. .. ..' .. .... Embr() 
Gilpin. John W.............. Staffa Sherlock, Benjamin.. .. . . . . .. Arthur 
Gifford, G. A........... Sebringville Shannon, Wm............ Teviotdalt} 
Glazier, Adam. .. .. .. .. .. Cedarville Shilton, J. Walker, B. A.. Georgetown 
Godfrey, Robert.. .. " Hensall South Shaw, E,l. A. (Student).... :Montreal 
Grandy, Thomas. .. . . .. .. . . Bel wood Smith, A Ifrcd E.. .. .. .. .. . . .. Varnn 
Gray, J. (Treas. S. F.)...... Toronto Smith, Finley )1........ Kenilworth 
Greene, J usias. .. .. .. .. .. Port Elgin Smith, Geú... .., .......... Kemble 
Griftin,W.S..D.D.(Dis. Sup.)..Guelph Smith, Thos. J............ Linwood 
Hall, Henry (Snp'y).. .. .. Arkwright Smyth, Wm............. .. Brussels 
Hall. Robert H.. .. .. .. .. .. Kirkton Snow{lon, Thos. J. .. .. .. .. .. Elmira 
Hamilton, C.. .. .... .. . . . . Milverton Sparling, Wm. W........... Clinton 
Haunon. James.. .. .. . . .. .. Saugeen Sparling, P. (Sltp'y).. .. Colpoy's Bay 
Harris, James.. .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. Peel Stafford, Chas. E.. .. .. .. Palmerston 
Hart, John.,. .. .. .. .. . .Chatsworth Stevenson, John C. .... .. .. Granton 
Hartley, George......... Dobbinton Stl'Ongman,W.A,Jf.A.Ph.D. Dundalk 
Henders, Richard C.. . .. .. . Hespeler Swann, Francis.. .. .. .. .. Roc kwoOll 
Henderson, W. C., 
'{.A.lD. 8)..Galt Swann, }Iatthew......... ..Mitchell 
Herridge, ,V Ill.. .. . . . . .. .. Stratford Teskey, Ebenezer.. .. .. . . Brookholm 
Hill, Henry E.... .. .. .. .. .. Kintore Tindall, Wtll. (Sup'd).. .. Walkerton 
Hilts. Joseph H. (Sup'd).Kincar(line Thiballeau, Alex... ..Holland Centre 
Hincks, Wm. H.. . . .. ,. .. .. Preston Tonge, Al>raham W .......... Alma 
Holmes, J. H. (SUp'y).... ..Hanover. Torrance, Wm. ..... Hensall North 
Holmes, J. W............. .. Guelph Turk, Geo. R............. . Godprich 
Hosking, Robert........ Euphrasia Turner, John.... .... .. .. .. Auburn 
Rough, John.. .. .. .... Londes.boro' Tyler, H.. J. (Sup'(l). .... Kemlworth 
Howell, J. E., M.A. (D. S.)..Se:tforth Walker, James............ Eramos:!. 
Husbanll, Robert J .. .. .. .. Holstein Walker, John (Sup'd).. .. " Lucknow 
Hutton, Benjamin... .. .. .. Durhalll Walwiu, I. B. (Student) Vict. College 
Irvine, H... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Alma 'Vass, Jabez . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stirton 
Isaac, John R.. .. .. .... .. .. Wallace Watson, Geo. (Sup'd).. "Walkerton 
Johnston, Robt........Walter.s Falls Watts, John R.............. Salem 
Kennedy, John............. Bervie Webster, John.......... ..Mildmay 
Kenner, John.. .. . . .. .. .... Chesley West, Edward H. .. .. Wal ter's Fall,; 
Kestle, James.. .. ...... .. Benmiller Williams, John (Sup'd) .... l\litchell 
Kerr, S. L. (Sup'y)... .. Owen Sounll Williams. Richard W... .. Invermay 
Kerr, John L....... ...... Brussels Willimott, Wm............ }Iarsville 
Kerr, 'v. E.............. Rockwood White, James ............ . Hespeler 
Lake, Charles V.. . . . . . . . Trowbridge 
Leech. Webster W. .. .. . . Arkwright. MANITOBA CO
Legate, Thomas.... .
:... .Ehnwood Revs. John A. Williams. D.D.,anlt A. 
Legear, James T.. .. "lctona College Carman, D.D., Gelt. Supts. 
Leith. Hamilton (8up'd)..Port Elgin . 
Lounds, George.. .. .. .. .. Amberley Rev. A. Langford, PreS'tdent. 
Mahood, John W.......... Dunllalk Rev. J. F. Bett
, Secretar.1I.. . 
Markham, Joseph.. .. .. ...... .. Erin Rev. J.)1. 
arrIson and ": A. Plest, 
Miller, Will. T............. Durham Esq.. A.88
nt Secretar
Mins, John.......... .. .. Harriston Rev. G. K. Adams, Jour. Secretary. 
Mills, Wm.................. ..Blyth Adams,G.K.(Jour. tt F.Scc.)Griswolol 
Moil', Dllvid A..... .. .. .. ..l\fonkton Andrews, A. (Dist. Supt.) Qu' Appelle 
l\loss. Will. H........, ......Ashfielll Argue. T. (Fin. Sec.)...... ..Carman 
'1('Allister, James. .. .. .. Kincardine Anderson, A. R......... Snowflake 
McCulloch, Andrew 1\1. . .. }Ioorefield Atkins. It. A.. .. .. .. . Crescent Lake 
McLJowell, D. C. (D. S.)... Winghalll Avison. R. N.... .. .. .. ., ... . College 
McLal"hlan, Jas., JI.A.... Harmony Aldridge. A. R.. .... ...... Rossburn 
blcKibbon, A. ......... . Dungannon Bell, J. "L, B.D.......... . Carberry 
McLachlin, J. F.... Victoria College Betts, J. F. (Sec. Con.)...... Calgary 
Newcombe, Hpnry A....Hawkes\'ille Beynon, T. B., B.A........ )lelgunrI 
Noble, Jabcz J .. ..' .. .. .. Hepworth Bridgeman, W.. .. ,. .. Fort }Ic
Nugent, Francis E. .. ...... Lucknow Buchanan. T. C.. .. .. . . .. .... Birtle 
Ottawell. Will............ Fordwich Colpitts, W. W.. ........ ..Neel'a":,!. 
Patton, W. )1...... .. .. .. Holmes\'ille Cui will. S. E.. .. .. . . .. .. Alexandna 
Parker A. J .. ..... ....... .Priceville Cook, W. A.... .,.... ... . Wolseley 
Paul Ril'har<L............... Ethel Crichton, Charles.. .... Crystal City 
Pcpper John. B.A.. .. .. Glen Eden Darwin. 0.. .. _ . . .. Fort Qu' Appelle 
Perry O. (.sup'd) ...... Georgetown Davis. P. W.......... .. . . .. . Clla
Philhils. Alfred M., B.D. ..St. Mary's D
niel! George (Fin. Sec.)..:..Regllla 
Phillips, Robert.. .. .. .. .. .. . . Acton DllumlCk, Moses.. .. .. :\ledlCllle H \t 




Dyke, Joshua............ .Winnipeg 
Elliott, Joshua.. .. . }Ioose Mountain 
Elliott, Wm., B. A. . .. .. .. . Killarney 
Franklin, B., MA., Ph.D.. Burnside 
Finn, F. M.. .. .. .. . ... l\[eadow Lea 
German, Orrin..... White FIsh Lake 
Gordon, A .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. 1\[anitou 
Greenway, J. (Sup'y)... Crystal City 
Glass, E. B., B.A...... Battle River 
Hames, A. B............. Stonewall 
Halstead, W m . . .. .. .. .. . Minnedosa 
Hoskins, James.. .. .. .. .. .. otenaw 
Helliwell, T. L. (Sup'y).... Brandon 
Howard, J. H.......... ..Edmonton 
Harrison. J. M. (Fin. Sec.). Emerson 
Hanna, George.. .. . . Victoria College 
Jackson, J. A.. .. .. .. .. .. Winnipeg 
.Joslyn, J. H. L.............. Virden 
Kenner, H.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Rapid City 
Kinley, Wm.. .. .. .. . . .. .. Gladstone 
Long, G. H.. .. .. . . .. . Rat Portage 
Langford, E,. .. .. .. .. Beren's River 
Lawson, Thomas........... Morden 
Laidley, R. B........ Domin ion City 
Langford, A. (Pres. Con.).. Winnipeg 
Ladner, C. (8up'd).. ., ., ... Brandon 
)[eDou 6 oall, J. (Dist. Supt.).. .1\[orley 
?tIonlen, T. E., B.A. (Sup'y) Winnipeg 
McLachlan, J. A........... Victoria 
)lcLran,J.,B. A. (F. B.) Blood Indians 
)lcHaffie, W. P.. .. .. . . .. .. .. Beulah 
Nelson, John............. Woodville 
Pooley, J.. .. ...' .... _ ..Broadview 
Parker, Caleb.... .. .. .. .. .. .. Sonris 
Peters, John.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Antlers 
Peters, N. D. (S1
P'Y).. .. .. .. Virden 
Powell, J. B............ ..l\lcGregor 
Pimlott, Wm............ . Oak River 
Rawson, J. (Sup'y).......... Beulah 
Robinson, I. N.. . . ., .. .. Souris City 
R(\ss, A. W.......... ..Fisher River 
Rutledge,W.L(D.S)Portage la Prairie 
Ruttan, J. H. (Fin. Sec.).. High Bluff 
Roddick, G. (Sup'y).. ... Souris City 
Rogers, Wm.......... ..Crystal City 
Semmens, J.. .. .. .. . Norway House 
Stewart, A., B.D. (D.S.).. Deloraine 
Steinhauer, E. R............. Morley 
Teeter, C.. .. . _ .. .. .. . . Maple Creek 
Wheeler, A. D.............. Antlers 
Williams, Clement.. . . ., .. .. Selkirk 
Wilson, T. B......._.... .}Ioosomin 
Wilson, W. G.. .. ... Cypress River 
Woodsworth, J. (Dis. Supt.) Brandun 
Willis, C. S. (Sup'y).. ..P. M. Colony 

EvanaeUcal AM!ilodntion of 
North ADleriea, Uanadn. 
Will hold its next Conference in 
Hamilton, Ont., on the 14th Apnl, 
Rev. Thos. Bowman, Bislwp, Allen- 
town, Pa. 
Rev. C. F, Braun, Secretary, Port 
Elgin, Onto 
Rev. D. Dippel, Conference Treas., 
Heidelberg, Onto 
Rev. H. Dierlamm, Mission President, 
Rev. C. Staebler, Miss. Sec'y, New 
Hamburg, Onto 
Rev. S. Krupp, Mils. Treas., Mild- 
may, Onto 
Bechtel, J. (Local)........ Mildmay 
Berberich, Wm..... ..New Hamburg 
Braun, G.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. Crediton 
Braun, C. F............. Port Elgin 
Braun, G. F.. . . ... .... Sebringville 
Braun, G, K. (Local).... ..Crediton 
Brand, D. H.. " .. . . . .. . . .. Hanover 
Bolender, C.. ...... ..Rye, l\1uskoka 
Clemens, D. (Local).... Washington 
Devitt, J. K. (Local).. .. . .. .. Bprlin 
Dierlamm, H.............. Waterloo 
Dippel, D............... Heidelberg 

Eby, Elias.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ridgville 
Finkbeiner, G............ ..Alsfeldt 
Finkbeiner, C.. . . . . .. .. ... Sullivan 
Frey 1. (Local)...... ..South Cayuga 
Frey, }1. C. (Local).. . . . . . . Listowel 
Graeb, S. C.. . . .. .. ... .. . . Campden 
Graff, G. M.. .' ........... Plattsville 
Garret, J. C............. Tilsonburg 
Goebel, A. (Local)... ..Gowanstown 
Grenzenbach, J........ Rockingham 
Hllist, G. F........... ..Sebrin
Hauch, Th.. .. ..' .. . . .. .. l\lilverton 
Hauch, J. P.............. . Listowel 
Herlan, 1<'.. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. Berlin 
Kli phanlt, J. J......... Se bringville 
Knechtel, S. R....... . South Cayuga 
Kraft, S. B.. . . . .. .. . . . . . . Benmiller 
Kreh, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Berlin 
KTIlpp, S.. ............... Mihlmay 
Litt, J. G.................Hanover 
:\[aurer, 1\1.................. . Zurich 
Meyer, F. . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . Pembroke 
Miller, J. (Local)........... . Elmira 
l\[orley, St. (Retired)..... .Campden 
:\Iorlock, J. C ........... Arnprior 

Ioyer, S. NW........ .Golden Lake 
l\loyer, H. D.. .. .. .. .. . . . .. Bismark 
Nash, Jo:;. (Local)........ Campden 
Ortwein, J. W.... ....... . Dashwood 
Pfeffer, C. (Retired)....... Benmiller 
Rieder, D........ ... .New Hamburg 
Rife, D. (Local)........... Hespeler 
Sauer, H. (Retired). .... ..Chippawá 
Scharffe, F. (Retired).. . .. Dasl1wood 
Schetlpr, A. (Local)......Dashwood 
Schmidt, W. (Retired)....... . Berlin 
Schmidt, H. G. G..... .Golden Lake 
Schmitt, J. A............_ Tavistock 
Schneider, N. (Local). . South Cayuga 
Schwalm, J. K. (Local).... Port Elgin 
Schwandt, W............ Bro(lhagen 
Schwarz, F. G..........., ,l\[ildmay 
Spies, C. A. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. Hamiltün 
Staebler, J......... .. .. .. .. Rodney 
Staebler, Ch.. ..... .. New Hamburg 
Steuernagel, C. (Retired)... Waterloo 
Thede, Jos. (Lowl)..... . .. Port Elgin 
Thomas, H. A......... Gowanstown 
Umbach, Jos.... .. .New Hamburgh 
Umbach,S. L........... ....Berlin 
Wagner, L. H...... ....... Hespeler 
Walter, J. (Local)..... .Gowanstown 
Weber, S. (Retired)....... Walkerton 
\V erner, H. . .. ... . .. .. .. .. 
WilMang, L. (Local)...... Tavistock 
Wing, M. L............ ..St. Jacobs 
Winkler, Ph. (Retired).. ..St. Jacobs 
Wittish, L.. .. ,. ....... PhilivslJUrg 
Yenni, J. D.. ......... Waterdown.. 
UonKre"ntional Denolllina- 
The Congregational Union of On- 
tario and Quebec will hold its next 
Annuall\1eeting iu Toronto, on Wed- 
nesday, June 8th, 1887. 
Rev. H. D. Hunter, lILA., Cltairman. 
Rev. H. Pedley, B.A., Cobourg, 0., 
Secretary- Treasurer. 
Rev. George Robertson, B.A., Mel- 
bourne, Q., Statistical Secretary. 
Rev. A. F. McGregor, B.Å., Toronto, 
Sun. School Statistical Secretary. 
Congregational Ministers in Canada. 
Adams, L. B.......... Fitch Bay, Q 
Allworth, Will. H.... St. Thomas, 0 
Barker, E.. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . Toronto 
Barker, Joseph.. .. '.. Sheffield,. N B 1 
tBaker, Thomas.......... HamIlton 
Black, J. R., B A.. .. .. Garafraxa, 0 
Black, R. K.. . . .. . . . .... Sarnia, 0 
Bolton, Charles E.. . . . .. Wiarton, 0 
Burgess, E. J............ Valetta, 0 
Burgess, William... .. .. Li>itowel, 0 

Burton, J., B.D.......... ..TOrolltO 
Cameron, D. W................ .. . . 
Ciaris, W. H. A.. .. . . . .. .. Frome, 0 
tClarke, W. F...................... 
Colclough, S. . . . .. St. Catharines, 0 
tCornish, G., LL.D. (Prof.). :\Iontreal 
Cox, Jacob W... Lower Selmah, X S 
Cuthbertson, W., B.A. Woodstock, 0 
Day, B. W.. .. .. .. .. . . ... Lanark, 0 
Dutf, C., M.A.... "........ Toronto 
Dunlap, George H. . . .. Stanstead, Q 
Fuller, George.... ... . Bran tford, 0 
Goddard, H.. .. . . . . . . .. :\Iilton, K S 
Gordon-Smith, W..,... Stratford, 0 
Gunner, Frederick, M.D............ 
Gerrie, J. D.. .. .. .. .. Pine Grove. 0 
t Hall, Thomas.. .. .. .. . . Kingston, 0 
Hay, R.. . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. Warwick, 0 
Hay, William .. .. .. .... Scotland, 0 
Hay, James... .. Franklin Centre, Q 
Hill, E. M., B.A........ o ..
Hindley, J. I., JI.A.. .. .. Granby, Q 
Hodgkinson, Will... St. John's, Nthl 
Hunter, H. D.......... ..Londun, 0 
Jackson, S. N., M.D...... Kingston 
Jameson. G. A.. .. . 0 .. Brol'kvtllp, 0 
Johnson, G. W........ ..1Iilton, N S 
l\II'Coll, E. C. W., J,f A. . :\liddleville, 0 
McFadyen, A. L., B.A.. .., Kingston 
tl\IC'Gill, A., 11f. A...Ryckman'sCor., 0 
l\[cGregor, A. F., B.A...... Toronto 
1IcGregor, Duncan...,... Guelph, 0 

lcLeod, L. F.. . . . . .. Economy, N S 
lcKillican, J. (C. S. S. U.). j\10ntreal 
;\Iain, A. W.. .. .. , . '. .. Belle\'ilIe, 0 
l\lacallum, D. . . . . . . . .. .. St. Elmo, 0 
MacIntosh, W... . . .. Yarmouth, N S 

Iorton, J. . .. .. .. .. ,. .. Hamilton, 0 
Peacock, W.... . Pleasant River, N S 
Pedley, Hugh............ ..Couourg 
Pedley, C., B.A.. ,. New Durham, 0 
Pedley, J. W., B.A.. . Georgetown, 0 
Purkis, G..... ....... Waterville, Q 
Riehardson,N. W.,B.A. The Grange, 0 
Rivarù, A. F.. ., ... Belle Riviere, Q 
Robertson, G., B.A... l\lelbourne, Q 
Reikie, T. 1\1.. .. .. .. .. .. ... Toronto 
Ross, C. D . . . . . . .. . Kincardine, 0 
Saer, J. B., B.D...... St. John. N B 
Salmon, John, B. A. . .. .. .. . Turonto 
Sanderson, J. G.. ..... .. Danvillp, Q 
Shannon, W. H. N........ Forest, 0 
Shipverley, J. .. . .. ... Baddeck, X :::; 
Silcox, E. D..............Emhro, 0 
Silcox, J. B......... .. Winnipeg, )[ 
Skinner, George.. .. .. .. .. . Eaton, Q 
Smith, W. W........ Newmarket,O 
tSolandt, A.. . . .. .. .. .. Inverness, Q 
Sykes, S.. . . .. . .. . . " Brooklyn, N S 
Squires, John.. .. .. .. Random, NIJ.(l 
Totten, ?II. J ,. ,. .. .. . . .. Howick, 0 
Unsworth, Joseph.. . . . Stoutfville, 0 
Warriner, W.H.,B.A.Bowmanville, 0 
\Vatson, W. H... .. .. Chebogue, N S 
Whitman, J.. .. Keswick Ridge, N B 
'Vild, Joseph, D.D......... Toronto 
tWllkes, H., D.D., LL.D.. Montreal 
Wilmot, W. F.. . .. .. .. Unionville, 0 
WIllet, George. . . . . . Cowansville, Q 
Wetherald, W...................... 
Woo(l, John.... ............ Ottaw:t 
Wright, J. C.... ......... Edgar, 0 
Whyte, George.. .. ., .. .. . Manilla, 0 
[t Not in Pastoral Charge.] 
United Brethren in Uhrl..t. 
The next Annual Conference meets 
at Port Eló-in, on the first Friday in 
April, 1888. 
G. Plowman, Chftirman. 
D. B. Sherk, P. Elder. 
Thomas M. }[ott, Secretary. 
Bachus, C. W.......... 0 . Port E1óin 
Bachus, G. H., sen. . Griffin's Corners 
Bachus, G. H....... ... . Forks Ito:ld 




Bachus, J. B................ Vienna 
Bowman, J. L., Ä.M........ . Berlin 
Bowman, J. B.. . . . .. .. .. .. .. Berlin 
Charlesworth, W... Griffin's Corners 
Clark, R. A.. .. . .. .... Strafford ville 
Cornell, W............ Straffordville 
Durkee, J. F.. .. " .. .. .. . Shelburne 
Groh, J. W............ .Stevensville 
Hambly, M. C.. ,. . .. .. .. .. Freeport 
Holloway. R................ Detroit 
Mager, J............ ..Bloomingdale 
MeCombs, J.......... ..Forks Road 
1IIichener, J.., .. " .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. 
Moore, W.................... Duart 
Plowman, G. .. ........... Sheffield 
Rosen berger, S. S.. .. . . .. .. Hanover 
Rott, G.. .. .. ... " .. West Montrose 
Sherk, A. B.. . . .. .. . . .. .. Corry, Pa 
Sherk, D. B................ . . Berlin 
Sherk, 111.. .. .. .. ... Deanville, 1IIich 
Showers, J. . .. . . .. . . .. .... Canning 
'\Yait, G.. .. . . . . .. .. . .. . ... Canning 

Cunnings, S. J . . . . . . .. .. .. W yoming 
Iason, G.. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Calton 
Cunningham, K. M. . . . . . . . . . Bunyan l\Iasset, S. F............. 1tIontreal 
Cunningham, S........... Waterforll McArthur, D. D........ . Kemptville 
Currie, J...... . . . . . . . . . .1IlÜldleville 1IkCa ul, D.. .. . . . . West Lynne, Man 
Dack, D.. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. McConnell, S.. . . . . .. .. .. . Lake" iew 
Dadson, E. W., B.A..... . Claremont I\IcDonald, N. (Retired) Wallace burg 
Davil!son, D. B.. .. .. ... . . . .. Sparta McDonald, P.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Londoll 
Dann, C.. .............. New Sarum McDonald, J; C............ .Paisley 
Davis, G. B., B.D.......... .Salford 1IIeDonald, A. R......... Algonquill. 
Davis, S. H............... . Dresden McDiarmid, A. P.,M.A..... . Ottawa 
Dayfoot, P. K., B.Ä..... ..Strathroy M('Diarmid, D............ . DalkeItlt 
Dempsey, John......... . Ailsa Craig McEwen, J............ ..Port Perry 
Denovan, J.. .. .. .. .. . . . ... Toronto McEwen, J. P.. .. .. .. .. .. .Stratford. 
DoolIttle,J. H.,B.A..Emerson,1IIan l\I('Ewen, P. A., B.Ä........ Vernoll. 
Dougharty, G. A., M.Ä. . Leamington 
lcEwen, P. H............ Cornwall 
Dowling, J. T......... .... Colborne McFadyen, A.............. Tivertoll. 
Durling, R. M.. . . . . . . . Amhertsburg McGregor, D. A., B.A.. . . .. Toront. 
Dyke, S. A.. . ... :......... Toronto McGregor, W......... Fenelon Falls 
Dunlop, J. C............. ..Durham McGregor, W.......... St. William8 
Emerson, C. H.. . . . . .. .. .. Westport Mdntyre, A.. .. .. .. .. .. '. .. Stayner 
Everton, G.. . .. . .S. Spring Is., B. C. McIntyre, R.. .. .. .. . . .. . . Priceville 
Facey, A. M..... ..... KpntBridge McKinnon, J. B............ Chesley 
Freed, W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stouffville M(' Laurin, C. C.. .. . . . . .. St. Mary's 
Rt'"nlnr Baptist I?Iinisters. Farlkner, J. W........,.. Sandwich McLaurin, J.... Missionar31 to India 
ONTARIO, QUEBEC AND Fellman, J.. ............. .. . . Berlin McLaurin, D. P.. ........ .. Toront. 
MANITOBA. Fountúin, R.. .. .. . . .. .... Park Hill McLennan, D.. .. .. .. .. .. Springford 
Gay, A............................ 1\I('Nabb, F. F., Â.M.......Arnprior 
Ainsworth, W............ . Brighton Gardiner, F........... Cüaticook, Q McNeill, D.............. Pl>rt Elgin 
Alexander,John.. .......... Toronto Gibson, J........ . Portage la Prairie Mellick, H. G........ . Carman, }Ia.. 
Anderson, G.. .. . . . . . . ... Aldershot Gillies, A....... . . . . Sawyersville, Q Myers, J. H............. . Wool wJeli 
Anderson, J. W...... Emerson, Man Gold, ?II. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. Whitby Mihell, D.. .. .. ., .. . ... Cheltenham 
Anderson, W. K........... . Lindsay Grant, A................... Toronto Moore, J. B.............. Waterford 
Arms, A. L.......,.... Richford, Vt Grant, J .........,........... Paris Moyle, W, (Lie.).......... Tavistock 
Arthur, S. J.............. ..Arthur Grant, W........ ...... o-Jerseyville Moyle, J. E.... ..Moosomin, N.W.T. 
Auvache.......Missionary to India Gray,J ....................Clinton Muir, Will................. Toront
Baker, Ä. C. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. Sarnia Green, J. (Bible Society). . . . Montreal Munro, A. H.. .. .. . . . . .. St. Thomas 
Baker, J. J., M.A.. ... .. . . Belleville Green, 'rhos. Roo.. ...... ..Bolton, Q Munro, J. M.. .. .. ...... ., .. Toronto 
Baker, C. R. . . . .... ... . Wallace burg Hammet, J. . ..... . .... .. . . . . .. Holt Munro, R. 1\1.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Toronto 
Baker, C. E.. .. .. ., . .. .. . . Scotland Harryet, W.. . . .. , . . . . . .. .. Toronto Murden, W......... Gladstone, Man 
Balllwin, J. A.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Dresden Harris, R., B.Â.. .. ........ Toronto Murdoch, A., LL.B.. St. Catharines 
Barber, J. T............. Algonq nin Harris, S. G.. . . .. .. .. .. .. Bin brook Newman, A. H., LL.D.. .. . Toronto 
Barker, J. F..... .......... Whitby Hastings, J. G. . . . .. .. . .. .' Clachan Ohlgart,?l1. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Wilmot 
Barker, W. S......... ....... ..Morley Haviland, W. H...... ......Drumbo Osborne, W. T.... ...... ..Newbury 
Bates, S. S., B. A. . .. . . .. .. . Toronto Hayco(' k, C. W.. .. " .. . . . . . . Cowell Parker, A............... Dixville, Q 
Beard, J.......... .. " .. . Port Hope Helmrich, A......... .Sebastopol, Q Parker, P................... Simcoe 
Becker, S................... Zurich Henderson, T.. .. .. .. .. . .. Montreal Peer, W.............. Campbell fort 
Best, J. H.. . . . . .. ... . . .. .. Brandon Herrington, C. S..... .. .. Tilson burg Pickard, W................. Guelllh 
Best, A. R .... . . . . . . . . . . . . HI11sburg Herrington, R. D. . . . . . .. . Kingsville Pæhlman, T.. .. .. .. . . . New Dundee 
Binga, A.. . . .. . . . .. . .Amhertsburg Higgins, J.. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. La Chute Prosser, W.............. Ril!getown 
Bone, T.(Missionary).St. Catharines Hillyard, W.......... ...Ridgetown Porter, W. H., M.Ä........ London 
Booker, 'l'heoph...... _Mount Forest Hind, G.......... ....... . Glenville Pugsley, 'V.............. Cheapside 
BoswortJl, E.........., Collingwood Holbein, W............ White Lake Rainboth, E... . .. .. Beauharnois, Q 
Boundy, S......................... Holmes, R.. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. Orillia Randall, L. M.. . . . . " .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 
BO\'ille, R. G., M.Ä.,B.D...Toronto Hooper, E................Kingston Ratcliff, Frederick....... Peterboro' 
Boyd. D. S...... ........ Villa Nova Huff, J. B.............. ..Louisville Reddick, D............... Uxbridge 
Boyes, J. H....... .. .. .. ., Stromness Hulbert, W............ .. .. Langton Reid, H............ .. .. .. . Brisbane 
Bridgman, R.. .. " . . . . . . . . . Langton Hutchinson, D. ......... Brantford Richardson, G.. .. .. .. .. ... Toront. 
Brouillet, T.. ..... Boxton Pond, Q Hyde, T. L.. .... .... . Port Colborne Riendeau, T.... ...... . St. John's,4t 
Burk, J................. ..Hartford lIer, J. A...... ............ . Palmyra RoLerts, J. (Ret.)... . Drummondville 
Burns, Geo.. .. .. .. . , .. . . Forestville Her, L.... .... .. ... .. .. .. .. . . Oxley Robertson, G. F....... London East 
Bnrtch, D. D.....,..... Leamington Jackson, S. . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. W oodslee Robertson, J.. .. .. .. .. London East 
Burwash, A. . .. . . ... Drummondville Johnson, J.... . . ... .. . . .. .. Toronto Robison. J ........................ 
Bush, F. (Retired)......... Chatham Johnson, T. S.........,.... London Rock, G. C............... Wingham 
Calder, J. G.. .. . . ..... .... Windsor Johnson, T. C.. ... .. .. .. .. Windsor Ros!:!, R.. ............. Chatswortlt. 
Cameron, J.. . . .. . . .. ... .. Tiverton Kelley, S. J.. .. .. .. .. .... .. Clarence Rouleau, F. E. .............. .. .. .. 
Cameron. A. A............ Winnipeg Kelly, R. W.......,.. ..Collingwood Rowland, D. W...,..... St. Thomas 
Campbell, M. P......... .Hillsburgh King, John........ ....Dalesville, Q Sale, G.................... Toront. 
Carey, T. H...... ...... .... Stayner King, Joseph D.... ..... ..Brantford Scott, F. L................. Londot 
Carey, W.... .. .... ..... . St. Mary's I Kmney, W. B.......... ..Granby, Q Seaborn, J.... ...... ....... Nugent 
Carey, R. R.............. Blenheim Klinker, T. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . Tavistock Sherman, E. D.. .. .. .. .. . Ringwooci 
Carey, G. W.l\l., ........ ..Brantford Kose, H................. ..Hanover Silcox, J. W........... Mt. Brydges 
Castle, J. H., D.D.. .... .. .. Toronto Kræsch, W................. Elmira Silter, S. P.. .. .. .. .. .. . _ ... Mortot 
Chapman, I. ?II.......... Beamsville Lacey, W.......... ..... . Claremont Sindair, T............ Port Burwell 
Chandler, J........... Coaticook, Q Lafleur, T.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. JlJontrpa} Sirrell, J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Cheapside 
Chittenden, G.. .. .. . . .. .. Brantford Laing, D. T.. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. Perth Slaght, A................ Waterfort 
Clark. J. W........... ... Ingersoll Lambert, W................ .Orillia Smith, A................... Aylmer 
Clark, W. N., D.D... .. .. . . Toronto Lee, C. E.............. Wallace burg I Smith, F. (ReCired).... .. . . ., Vienna 
Cheetham. W........... . Brockville Lennie, R.. .. .. .. Westminster, B.C. 
peller, H. C.. .. " .. .. .. . . Ingersoll 
Cocks, H.. .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . Almonte Luckens, T. . .. .. .. .. .. Smith's Falls Smith, 'V., M.D.. .. .. .. . Brookhohu 
Cohoe, D. R................. Aurora Lyman, W.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sylvan Smith, Ira.. .. .. . . .. .. .. ... Toront. 
Colling, T.. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . StL'athroy Mackie, J.. ....... .. .. ... Beamsvilie Smith, J...... .. .. .. .. .. ... Stirlin
Coutts, J.. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . Glammis )Iarholtz, R.. .. .. ..... .. .. Neustadt Smith, J. T................. Renton 
Cook, Chas. A.. .. .. ........ Toronto ?IIcVi('ar, 
I., LL.D........ Toronto Smith, R.. .... .. ...... ..... Wals1/. 
Cook, R. B..............,.. ..Acton Manning, J. W............. Toronto I Smith, ,J. M.............. Ahinstolt. 
Craig, J.,B.Â...Missionar'l/to India Marquardt, C. L.......... ...Zurich Smith, J. W., D.D........ Montre
Currie, E. (Retired)...... Wolverton Marsh, D.................. .Quebec St. Dalmas, A. E. de.. .. .. .. PetrolIa 




Stewart, A.. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. . Durham 
Stewart, J. W. A., B.A... Hamilton 
Stillwell, J. R., B. A.. . jlis. to India 
Stuart,J.,M.A.,B.D.,Ph.D.Owen S'd 
Stobo, E. J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Quebec, Q 
Storey, H.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Burgesville 
Stumpf, J.. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . Hanover 
Tapscott, S.. .. ., .......... Aylmer 
Tapscott, W. T.. .. .. .. ... Brampton 
Teale, J. H.. . . . . .. .. .. Victoria, B. C 
Therrien, A. L.. . . . . ., '. ., .Montreal 
Thomas, B. D., D.D.. .. .. .. Toronto 

Tinkham, p, A..............._ lona 
. Topping, E.. .. .. .. .. ... Woodstock 
Treadwell, W. H...... ..Clear Creek 
Trotter, T., B.A.......... Woodstock 
Troy, W.... .. .. .. .. ..... \Vindsor 
Turner, C. B........... Barnston, Q 
Turner, E.. Tnrtle Mountain City, M 
Upham, A. G.. .. .. .. .. ,. .. ltIontreal 
Vanloon, J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Delhi 
Walker, J. A. K........... Renfrew 
Walker, Wm. 1\1............ ..Barrie 
Walker, Wm. S.............. ..Galt 

\Vare, H .................... ..... 
Washington, J. H.... .. . . Buckstone 
\Vabmn, E.. .. .. . . ., .. .. .. ., Sarnia 
Weir, W. C.......... .......Guelph 
\Villiams, J.. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . Vienna 
Wiiliamson, J .. .. . . .. . . .. .. Arkona 
Woodward, H............. Norwich 
Wright, D.............. ..' Lindsay 
Willett, C. C...... .Sout.h Woodslee 
Wittet. G. L.. .. .. .' .. .. Schomberg 
Wolverton, N.. B.A..... Woodstock 



NAME. District or County. Residence. NAME. I District or County. Residence. 
m. Barrett .... Bruce. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. Walkerton. Frederick Davis.. Middlesex............ London. 
obert Lyon .... Carleton ... .. .. . . .. .. Ottawa. Thos. M. Benson. North'berl'd & Durham Port Hope. 
amuel J. Lane.. Grey. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Owen Sound. Geo. H. Dartnell. Ontario .............. Whitby. 
dison B. Fraleck Hastings. .. .. . . .. . . . . Belleville. Wm. F. A. Boys.. Simcoe. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . Barrie. 
ernard L. Doyle. Huron... .. .... .... _ Goderich. Robt. B. Carman. Stormont, Dun. &Glen'y Cornwalt. 
obert S. Woods. Kent............ .... Chatham. A. Lacourse. . . .' Waterloo... .. ........ Berlin. 
. A. Mackenzie.. Lambton......... .. .. Sarnia. A. C. Chadwick.. Wellington.. . .. . . . . .. Guelph. 
ames Reynolds. . Leeds and Grenville. .. Brockville. Edward Morgan.. york................. TOTOnto. 

Addington......... W. H. Wilkison 
Algoma, East.... ..Hon. W. McCrae 
Algoma, West.... ..J. M. Hamilton 
Both well. . . . . . . . . . A. Bell, Chatham 
Brant, North and South.. S. J. Jones 
BrockviIle.. . . . . .. H. S. Macdonald 
Bruce, North............ W. Barrett 
Bruce, W. & E.......J. J. KingsmiIl 
Canlwell............ T. A. McCarthy 
Carleton.. .. .. ., . . .. \Vm. .Mosgrove 
.comwall, Stormont, Dundas, and 
Glengarry.. . . .. ... . R. B. Carman 
Durham, E. & W.. .. .. T. M. Benson 
Elgin, East and West..D. J. Hughes 
Essex, South and North..C. R. Horn 
Frontenac........ ...... C. V. Price 
Grenville, SoutL.. .. H. S. Macdonald 
outh and East..... S. J. Lane 
Grey. North.. .. .. .. H. Macpherson 
Haldimand. . .. .. .. .. .. M. C. Upper 
Halton........ ...... .... T. Miller 
Hamilton.................. W. Bell 
Hastings, West........ T. A. Lazier 

Oxford, North and South..A. Finkle 
Peel.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . A. F. Scott 
Peterboro', W. & E.. Chas. A. Weller 
Prescott.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Peter O'Brian 
Prince Edward. . .. .. .. R. P. J ellett 
Renfrew, North...... ..Jno. Deacon 
Renfrew, South.... ..M. O'Driscoll 
Russell.. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. J. Daniell 
Simcoe, N. & S.. .... W. F. A. Boys 
Simcoe, East. . .. .. .. .. J. A. Ardagh 
Toronto, W. & C..J. E. Macdougall 
Toronto, East.. .. .. .. .. .. .. J. Boyd 
Victoria, N. R........ .A. Hudspeth 
Victoria, South........ W. W. Dean 
Waterloo, North...... ..A. Lacourse 
Waterloo, South...... ..A. Lacourse 
WeIland.. .. .. .. .. .. .... G. Baxter 
Wellington, N. & S.... ,.G. A. Drew 
Wellington, Centre..A. C. Chadwick 
Wentworth, N. & S.. ..J. S. Sinclair 
York, North and East.. ..E. Morgan 
York, West............ ..John Boyd 

Hastings, E. & N.... E. B. Fralick 
Huron, West and East..B. L. Doyle 
Huron. South.. .. .. .. Isaac F. Toms 
Kent.:.. .......... .. ..R. S. Woods 
Kingston.. .... ..... W. H. Wilkison 
Lambton, W. & E..J. A. Mackenzie 
Lanark, North.... W. H. Radenhurst 
Lanark, South.. .. .. .. W. S. Senkler 
Leeds and Grenville, North, and 
Leeds, South.. .. H. S. Macdonald 
Lennox.................C. V. Price 
Lincoln and Niagara.. E. J. Senkler 
London.. '. ........ .. . .J. H. Fraser 
Middlesex, E., N., & W.. W. Elliott 
Middlesex, South...... ..J. F. Davis 
Monck.. .............. M. C. Upper 
l\luskoka.. .. .. ... .. W. C. Mahaffy 
Norfolk, S. & N...R. T. Livingstone 
Northumberland, E.& W., G. M. Clark 
Ontario, North.. . .. .. G. H. Dartnell 
Ontario, S. & W.... .Z. F. Burnham 
Ottawa City... .. .. .. .. .. .. R. Lyon 


Post Office Savings Banks in Ontario and Quebec are 
open daily for the receipt and repayment of deposits, 
during the ordinary hours of Post Office business. 
The direct security of the Dominion is given by the 
Statute for all deposits made. 
Any person may have a deposit account, and may de- 
posit yearly any number of dollars, from $1 up to $300, 
or more with the permission of the Postmaster-General. 
Deposits may be made by married women, and deposits 
80 made, or made by women who shall afterwards marry, 
will be repaid to any such woman. 
Deposits for children under 10 yrs of age may be made- 
Firstly-by a parent or friend as trustee for the child, 
in which case the deposits can 1:,1' withdrawn by the 
trustee until the "hild shall attain the age of tcn years, 
after which time repayment will be made only on the 
joint receipts of both trustee and child. 
Secondly-In the child's own name-and, if so de- 
posited, repaymeut will not be made until the child 
shall attain the age of ten years, 
A depositor in any of the Savings Bank Post Offices 
may continue his deposits at any other of such offices, 
without notice or change of Pass Book, Ilnd can with- 
draw money at that Savings Bank Office which is most 
convenient to him. 
Each depositor is supplied with a Pass Book, which 
is to be produced to the Postmaster every Ûme the 
depositor pays in or withdraws money, and the sums 

paid in or withdrawn are entered therein by the Post- 
master receiving or paying the same. 
Each depositor's account is kept in the Postmaster- 
General's office, in Ottawa, and in addition to the Post- 
master's receipt in the Pass Book, a direct acknowledg- 
ment from 
he Postmaster-General for each sum paid in 
is sent to the depositor. If this acknowledgment does 
not reach the depositor within ten days from the date of 
his deposit. he must apply immediately to the Post- 
master-General, by letter, being careful to give his 
address, and; if necessary, write ar;ain, becal1se the Post- 
master's receipt or entry in the Pass Book is not suffi- 
cient without the further receipt for the money from 
Every depositor must send his book once a year, viz., 
on the anniversary of his first deposit, for comparison 
with the books of the Department, and for insertion of 
interest. The book will be returned to him by next mail. 
At no other time should a depositor suffer his book to he 
out of his own possession. 
When a depositor wishes to withdraw money, be can 
ùo so by applying to the Postmaster-General, who will 
send him by return mail a cheque for the amount, pay- 
able at whatever Savings Bank Post Office the depositor 
may have named in his application. 
Interest at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum is allowed 
011 deposits, and the interest is added to the principal 
on the 30th June in each year. 




Âiùa Craig.. J. H. Priestley I Kent Co...... A.)IcDougall,Wal'b'rg 
.Aylmer...... W. .A.. Glover Kingston..... J. Duff 
Belle'llille .... J. J. B. Flint I Lambton Co. .. }I. Campbell, Watford 
Brockville.... Joseph Deacon I Lunark, N. R. J. A. Allan, Perth 
Bowmanville. Geo. Haines Lanark, S. R J. A. Allan, Perth 
Brantford.... JIlS. Weyruss Lindsay..... Arthur O'Leary 
Cardinal .. .. Magnus Cormack i London ...... E. J. Parke 
Chatha1ß .... :M. Houston I L'Orignal .... E. P. Johnson 
Clifton ...... A. G. Hill Merritton " .. P. H. Ban 
Cobourg...... J. H. Dumble Middlesex,N R. J. McLeod, Lon. East 
Cornwall. . ... A. Bethune l1liddlesex,E R. J. H. Priestley. A.Craig 
Dresden.. " .. J. Ch&l'ple Middlesex, WR. J. Noble, Strathroy 
D1L1ferin Co... F. Munro, Orangeville IltIillbrook .... R. Holland, Pt. Hope 
Durham Co... G. Haines, Bow'nville l}fitchell..... J. H. Flagg 
Gananoque .., Philip Heaslip I Oshawa .. .. .. Geo. A. Grierson 
Grey, S. Roo.. W.H.Ryan,Mt.Forest Ottawa....... Martin O'Gara 
Guelph. .. .. .. T. W. Saunders Owe1
 S01Lnd oo Geo. Spencer 
Halton Co... .. W. H. Young, Oakville Oxford Co..... H. Parker, WoodRtock 
Hamilton.... Jas. Cahill Park Hill.... Wm. Wells 
Hastings Co. .. J as. Cleak, Madoc Pembroke .... S. E. Mitchell 
Hope 1"nship. R. Holland, Pt. Hope Peterboro' T'n. D. W. Dumble 
Huron Co..... J. Scott, Clinton Peterboro' Co. D.W.Dumble,P'rboro' 
Ingersoll. .. .. C. E. Chadwick Pickering.. .. Maj. Harper, Whitby 
Kemptville. .. E. Saunders Port .Arthur.. A. ?II. Thompson 

Port Hope.. oo R. H. Holland 
Port PErry ... Henry GonIon 
Port Colborne. W. B. Pringle 
Prescott .. .. .. Wm. Dunn 
Prince Ed. Co.. G. C. Currey, Picton 
Rat Portage.. W. D. Lyon 
Ridgetown ... J. P. )IcKinlay 
Simcoe... oo.. T. G. ?lIatheson 
St. Catharines. J. H. Comfort 
St. Thomas... W. J. White 
Stratford .... J. O'Loane 
Strathroy ..oo Jas. Noble 
7'ilsonburg '" L. McLean 
Toronto.. .... G. T. Denisolíl 
Trenton.. oo .. G. H. Gordon 
Vankleek Hill. James Boyd 
Wallaceburg.. A. McDougall 
Weiland. oooo E. R. Hellems 
Wellington Co. W. H. Lowes 
Wellington,CR A. Taylor, Fergus 
Whttby Town. ?tIajor Harper 
Whitby 7"ship. Maj. Harper, Whitby 
Windsor. .. .. Alex. Bartlett 
Woodstock 'oo G. C. Field 

Haliburton ........ .. --, Minden 
Muskoka ..oo........ Chas. W. LO'.lnt, Braccbridge 
Nipissing oo......... Wm. Doran, Pembroke 


I Nipissing ........... E. B Borron, Sault Ste. Marie 
Parry Sound. .. .. .... Patrick McCurry, Parry Soumi 
Algoma ............. W. D. Lyon, Rat Portage 

Inspector of R eg istry Offices-Sidney Smith , Cobour g . 

ALGOMA DlB.. C.J.Bampton, Sault Ste.:\1. 
BRANT......... T.S. Shenøton, Brantford 
HRUCE ......... D. Sinclair, W&lkerton. 
OAaLEToN..... - -, Ottawa. 
DUPPERlN.... Wm. McKim. Orangeville. 
DUNDAS....... S. S. Cook, Morrisburg. 
DURHAM, B.R. Geo. C. Ward, Port Hope. 
" W.R. R. Armour, BowmaDville 
ELGIN ......... A McLachlin, St.Thomas. 
ESBBX ......... J. W. Askin. Sandwich. 
PBONTBNAO... R. U. Roøe, Kingston. 
GLKNGARRY... A. McDonald, Alexandria. 
GRiNVILLE... Patrick McCrea, Prescott. 
GRBY, N.R..... R.McKnight,Owen Sound 
" B.R..... Thomas Lauder, Durham 
HALDIMAND.. A. P. Farrell. Cayuga.. 
HALIBURTON. F. \1ooney, Minden. 
HUTo'f ....... Franciø Barclay. Milton. 
HASTINGS..... W. H. Ponton, Belleville. 
HURON ........ Jas. Dickson, Goderich. 

GB"'OI'f (0) J. P.G ild"I'Rl
" ve, K !.ngst'n 

KENT .......... P. D. McKellar,Chatham PERTH. N.R... D. D. Hay, Stratford. 
LAMBTON ..... E. M. Proctor, Sarnia. "a.R.... P. Whelehan. St. MarY'II. 
LANARK, N.R. John Menzies. Almonte. PETERBORO'... B. l\Iorrow, Peterboro'. 
" S.It. James Bell, Perth. PRESCOTT ..... J. Hil!;ginson, L'Orignal. 
LEEDB ......... W H. Cole, BrockviIle. PRo EDWARD.. W. McKenzie, Picton. 
LENNOX" AD. M. P. Roblin, Napanee. RAINY R.DIa. F.J. Apjohn,RatPort'ge. 
LINCOLN....... Hon.J. G.Currie, St. Oath. RENFREW..... A. Irving, Pembroke. 
DON (C.).. W. C. L. Gill, London. RUBBELL... ... Jas. Keayø, Duncanvllle. 
 John Walker, London. SIMCOE......... Samuel Lount, Barrie. 
" W 8. Blackburn, Glencoe. STORXONT..... J. Copeland, Cornwall. 
:\IU9KOKADlS!J. E. Lount, Bracebri:lge. THUN. B.DIB.IW.H. Laird. Pmt Arthur 
NIPISSINGDIB John Doran, Pembroke. TORONTO(C.). \ C. LindRey,Toronto. 
NORFOLK...... -\. J. Donly, Simcoe. VICTORIA......,H. Dunsford, Lindsay. 
NORTHUB,E.R. J. M. Grover, Colborne. WATERLOO.... I D. 
lcDougall, Berlin. 
" W.R. Wm. H Eyre, Cobourg. WELLAND ..... D. D'Everardo, WeIland. 
ONTARIO....... J. Ham Perry, Whitby. WELLG'N.N.R. J. Anderson, Arthur. 
OTTAWA (C.).. Alex. Burritt, Ottawa. I " B.R. N. Hil!;inbotham, Guelph 
ÜXFOItD ....... E. R. Pattallo, WoodRtOCk WENTWORTH. J.M.Wllliamø,Hamilton. 
P. SOUND DIB, A. Starkey, P. Sound. YORK,E.AW.R' I J. Ridout, Toronto. 
PEEL ........... A. Dick, Brampton. "N.R..... J.J.Pearson,Newmarket. 

DURHAM.-East Riding-Townships of Hope, Cavan, 
and Manvers; Town of Port Hope and Village of 
l\I ill brook. West Riding-Townships of Darlington, 
Clarke and Cartwright. Town of Bowmanville and 
Village of Newcastle. 
GREY.-North Rilling-TownshIps of Collingwood, 
Euphrasia, St. Vinc
nt, Sydenham, Holland, SullI- 
van, Sarawack, Keppel, Derby; Towns of Owen 
Sound and Meaford. South Riding -Townships of 
Artemesia, Bentinck, Egremont, Glenelg,Nonnanby, 
Osprey and Proton; Town of Durham. 
LANARK-North Riding-Townships of Ramsay, Dal- 
housie, Lanark, P.lkenham, Darling, Lavant and 
North SherlJrooke ; Village of Lanark and Town of 
Almonte. South Riding-Townships of Beckwith, 
Montague, North Elmsley, North Burgess, Bathurst, 
Drummond and South Sherbrooke ; Town of Perth; 
Town of Smith's F'l.lls and Village of Carleton Place. 
MIDDLESEX.-East and North Riding-Townships of 
London, Westminster, Dorchester, West Nissouri, 
Adelaide, Lobo, J<:ast and West Williams, l\lcGillivray 
and Biddulph, and the Villages of London East and 
West, Park Hill, Ailsa Craig and Lucan. West 
Rilling-Townships of Delaware, Caradoc. Ekfrid, 
Mosa and ?tletcalfe; Town of Strathroy, and Villages 
of Newbury, Wardsville and Glencoe. 

NORTHUMBERLAND.-East Riding-Townships of 
Cramahe, Brighton, :.'Iurray, Percy and Seymonr; 
Villages of Colborne, Brighton, Campbell ford and 
Hastings. West Riding-Townships of Hamilton, 
Haldlmand, Alnwick and South Monaghan; Town 
of Cobourg. 
PERTH.-North RidilLg-Townships North Easthol'e, 
Ellice, Logan,Elma,Mornington anù Wallace; Towns 
of Stratford and Listowel. South Riding-Town- 
ships of South Easthope, Downie, Fullarton, Hibbert, 
and Blanshard; Towns of St. Mary's and Mitchell. 
WELLINGTON.-North Riding-Townships of Arthur, 
West Luther, Minto, Peel & Maryborough: Villages 
of Arthur, Clifford and Drayton; Towns of Harriston. 
Mount Forest and Palmerston. South and Centre 
Ridings-Townships of WeRt Garafraxa, Erin, Era- 
mosa, Puslinch, Kichol, Pilkington and Guelph; 
City of Guelph; Villages of Fergus and Elora. 
YO RK.-North Riding-Townships of King, Whitchurch. 
East and North Gwillim b ' lrY, and Georgina; Villages 
of N ewmarket. Aurora, Holland Landing and part of 
Stouffville. East and West Ridings-Townships of 
York, Markham, Vau/l.han, Scarborough and Etobi- 
coke; Villages of Markham, Richmond Hill, Park- 
dale. Weston, Woodbridge, and parto! Stouffville. 





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A bin
er ......... A
dington... E. W 
nl'ley, V en
acher. ' I Carlow...... ... , Hastings..... .J. Bremner, !.fuvergal. 
AdelaIde......... Mlddlel:lex... W. MIller, AdelaIde. Carnarvon...... Algoma D.... W. Vincer. Wmdemoya. 
Adjala . ......... Simcoe ...... I ThOS. )lcCabe, Loretto. I Carradoc ...... Middlesex ...IA. M. McEvoy, l\It. Brydge!!. 
Admaston ...... Renfrew...... G. Berlangnet, Admaston. Carrick .........IBruce ......... , c. Schurter, Mildmay. 
Adolphustown. Lonnox ...... F. ;\-Iembery, Adolphustown Cartwright... Durham...... Wm. LUCRs.Cartwright. 
Albemarle ...... Bruce... .......C. Whicher. ColpoY'1j Bay. II Cashel ... ...... i Hastings ...IChM. Donaldson, JlIillbridge. 
Albion. ......... Peel............IR Evans, Palgrave. II Cavan ............I Dnrham ......jJ. W. Sootheran, Millbrook. 
Aldborough ... Elgin ......... I J . Halley, Rodney. [P.Q Cavendish ...... Peterboro' I 
Alfred .......... Prescott...... J. R. Brownrigg, Monte Bello, Cayuga, North' Haldimand.. Jas. Mitchell. Cayuga. 
Algona ......... Renfrew .....'ThomaB Lett. Eaganville. Cayuga, Sonth:Haldimand.. Isaac Fry, South Cayuga. 
Alice ............ Renfrew......IJ. Kennedy, Pembroke. Cha1fey .........i Muskoka.... J. R. Reece, Huntsville. 
Alnwick ....... Northumb'I.' I J. Roberts, Fenella Chandos ......... Peterboro' 
Amabel......... Bruce ......... R. H. Murray, Allanford. Chapman ...... I Parry sound l T. G. Pearce, Pearcely. 
Amaranth ...... DUfIerin...... \ c. Braiden, Laurel. Charlottenb'rg. Glengarry... G. H. McGillvary. Williamst'n 
Ameliasburgh. JPrince Edw'. James Benson, Ameliasburg. Charlotteville. Norfolk ...... John Machon, Vittoria. 
Amherst Isl'd. Len. & Add.. W. H. Montmy, Stella. Chatham ......IKent ......... \ W. G. Merritt. Louisville. 
Ancaster... ." I wentworth.. iJohn Heslop, Ancaster. Chinguacousy.1 Peel......... IWbert Kee, Mayfield. 
Anderdon ...... Essex .........IW. Kelly. Gordon. I Clarence. ...... I Russell ...... I G. Menard, Clarence Creek. 
Anglesea....... Len. & Add.. O. M. RolufIs, Flinton. I Clarendon ...... Frontenac... E. Playfair, Plevna. 
Anson. .......... Haliburt'n... F. R. Currie, Minden. I Clarke............ Durham...... l w. L. Broad, Orono. 
Anstruther ... Peterboro' '''IP. W. C. Shewen, Apsley. I Clinton ......... Lincoln ...... D. Albri
ht, Campden. 
Arran ............ Bruce ......... J. M.lIlonkman, Arkwright. Colborne ......' Huron ........ J. H. Richards, Carlow. 
Armour ......... Parry Sound,James Sharpe, Burk's Fall's. I Colchester, S'h. Essex ......... Charles Bell, Oxley. 
Artemesia ...... Grey......... W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. ColcheBter, N'h Essex ......... C. F. Cooke. Gesto. 
-\rthur .........'Wellington..'W. Cushing, Kenilworth. Collingwood... Grey .........IE. Rorke, Thornbury. 
Ashly............IAddington... E. Wensley, Vennachec. I CornwaU ....... Stormont... R.Anderson,Cornwall Centre 
Ashfield ...... ... , Huron ......, W. Lane. Lanes. Cramahe......... NortImmb'l. H. P. Gould, Castleton. 
Asphodel...... Pewrboro'... John Powell, Westwood. I Crosby, North. Leeds ......... John McGuire, Westport. 
Assiginack...... Algoma D.... ! ThOS. Flesher, Hilly Grove. I Crosby, South. Leeds ........ J. R. Dargavel, Elgin. 
Athol ............ Prince Edw'. W. Moore, Cherry Valley. Crowland ...... WeIland..... A. Reid, Crowland. 
Augusta.........,Grenville ... J. Mellafont, Prescott. Culross ......... Bruce ......... T. AlIis?n, Teeswater. 
Bagot ............ I Renfrew......'A. Taylor, Burnstown. Cumberland... Russell ...... J. D. WIlson. Cumberland. 
Bangor ......... Hastings ..... I D. Card, Maynooth. Dalhousie ...... Lanark ...... Geo. Campbell. Elphin 
Barrie............ I Fronwnac ... Thos Neal, Cloyne. Dalton ......... Victoria...... John Walw, Kirkfteld. 
Barton ......... Wentworth.. R. D. Benslie, Hamilton. Darling ......... Lanark ...... A. Watt, Hall's Mills. 
Bastard ......... Leeds ........., .John E. Brown. Delta. Darlington ... Durham...... R. Windatt, Bowmanville. 
Bathurst. ...... Lanark ...... 'Thos. Brooke, Perth. Dawn . ... ...... Lambton ... J. M. Webster. Rutherford. 
Bayham .........IElgin .........IJ. G. Pauling. Bayham. Delaware ...... Middlesex.. Robt. Bodkin. Delaware. 
Beckwith ...... I Lanark ...... P. McEwen. Franktown. Denbigh ........ Len. & Add.. E. Wensley, Vennacher. 
Bedford ......... Frontenac... R. Cook, Fermoy. Derby.......... Grey......... W. Beaton, KiIsyth. 
Belmont. ...... Peterboro'... P. Preston, Blairton. Dereham ....... Oxford ...... Geo. Lish, Brownville. 
Bentinck . ...... Grey......... D. Campbell. HanoTer. Digby............ Victoria ...... W. Maxwell, Head Lake. 
Bertie ............ Welland... ".IJas. E. Morrin, Ridgeway. Dorchester, N. Middlesex... D. P. Aylesworth, Dorch. S. 
Beverly......... Wentworth.. W. McDonald, Rockton. Dorchester,S... Elgin ......... Matt. Fullerton, Lyons. 
Bexley ......... Victoria ...... E. B. LelWy, Coboconk. Douro . ......... Peterboro' ... W. O'BrIen, S. Douro. 
ulph ...... Middlesex ... / H. Hodgins, Clandeb<;>ye. Dover ........ ... Kent ......... J. Welsh,. Dover S
BIllIngs ......... Algoma ...... W. A. Porter, Kagawmg. Downie ......... Perth ......... Petel' Smith. Sebnngvi1le. 
Binbrook ......IWentworth.. W. Ptolemy, Woodbourne Draper .......... Muskoka.... Fred, Toy, Uffington. 
Blandford ..,.... Oxford ..... D. Burke. Bright. Drummond.... Lanark ...... Thomas Moore, Perth. 
Blanøhard...... Perth .........18. Clark, Granton. Dudley......... Peterboro'... W. Prust, Haliburton. 
Blenheim ...... Oxford ...... M. F. Ainslie, Lrumbo. Dumfries,N.... Waterloo ... Thomas Marshall, Ayr. 
Blythefield .... Renfrew... ... ! A. Taylor, Burnstown. Dumfries, S.... Brant ...... ... D. Baptte, St. George. 
Bosanqnet ...... Lambton ... Adam Duffus, Widder. Dummer. ...... Peterboro'... Wm. Darling, Hall's Glen. 
Brant ............ Bruce ......... J. .;:. Laurie, Walkerton. Dungannon.... Hastings..... A. C. Barker, L'Amable. 
Brantford ...... Brant ......... R. M. Willson, Brantford. Dunn...... ...... Haldimand. S. W. Hornibrook. Dunnville. 
Brighton ......,Northumb.l.. C. Richmond, Hilton. Dunwich ....... Elgin ......... D. C. Clay, Dutton Station. 
Brock ............IOntario ......IT. H. Walshe, Sunderland. Dysart. ......... Haliburton.. W. Prust. Haliburwn. 
Bromley......... 1 Renfrew... ... I Isaac Grenier, Osceola. Easthope, N ... Perth......... A. M. Fisher, Amulree. 
Brooke .........iLambton ". I w. G. WiIlouKhby, Walnut. Ea.sthope, S.... Perth.......... R. Reii!. Tavistock. 
Brougham ......' Renfrew... '.' M. Sheedy, M. St. Patrick. Eastnor ......... Bruce ......... C. W. W. Dalton, Spry. 
Bruce ............:Bruce ......... H. Murray, Underwood. Edwardsburg. Grenville ... G. Fairbairn. Spencerville. 
Bruce :Mines... Algoma ......I I ThOS. Collins, Druce Mines. Egremont ...... Grey......... D. Allen, Halstetn. 
Brudenell ......!Renfrew...... John Whelan, Bru
enell. Ekfrid.:.......... Middlesex... H. McFarlane, Gle
Brunei.......... 'JlIuskoka D. A. Trusler, HuntsvIlle. Eldershe . ...... Bruce ... ...... D. McKechnie, GillIes Hill. 
Bruton ......... I Peterboro' ... W. Prust. Haliburton. Eldon ............ Victoria...... J. A. Jackson. Woodville. 
Buchanan ...... Renfrew.....IThos. Cuthbert, Chalk River. Elizabethtown. Leeds ......... N. E. Brown, New Dublin. 
Burford .........,Brant ......... Albert Foster, Scotland. Ellice ............ I Perth ......... J. Pearson, Sebringville. 
Burge6s, NortblLanark ......IThomas Brooke, Perth. Elma ............ Perth ......... T. Fullarton, Newry. 
Burgess, South I Leeds ........jJohn E. Brown. Delta. Elmsley,North Lanark ...... P. McKinley, Perth. 
Burleigh ...... Peterboro'... P. W. C. Shewen, Apsley. Elmsley, South Leeds & Gren 'rhos. O'Reilly, Lombardy 
C:listor ......... Lincoln ...... H. J. Sharp. Caistorville. Elzevir ......... Hastings ... E. James, Bridgewater. 
Caledon ......... Pee!...... ......I n. Kirk'!I'ood. Brampto.n. Emi!y ... ......... I Victoria ...... Robert 
randy.. Omemee. 
Caledonia ... ". I Pl.escott ...... J. Downmg, Fourniervllle En
llskillen.... Lambton ... J. L. WIlson, WIlsoncroft. 
Cambridge...... Russell ...... \ 0. LaFrance, St. Albert. Ennismore......IPeterboro'... J. F. Sullivan. Ennismore. 
Camden ......... Kent ......... J. Houston, Dresden. Eramosa......... Wellington.. H. Black. Rockwood. 
Camden, East. Len. & Add.. J. S. Miller, Centreville. Erin ............. Wellington.. Thomas Young, Erin. 
Canboroul!;h ... Haldimand.. E. Birdsall. Canboro'. Ernestown...... Len. & Add.. P. A. l\'Iabee, Odessa. 
Cnnonto, South I Frontenac.... J. Elkington, M.D.. Ompah. Escott, Front of Leeds ......... H. C. T.ynch, Escott. . 
Carden .......... Vic
oria... ". I .JOhn Walsh, Kirkfield. Escott, 
ear of. Leeds ......... J. H. Blackburn.F
Cardiff ........... HalIburton. A. Southworth. Cheddar. Esquesmg ...... Halton ...... J. Murray. EsqueslDg. 
Cardwell ........ Muskoka. ... .H. J. Coate, ROBseau. ESBa . ............;Simcoe ......'R. T. Banting, CookstoWB 





Etobicoke ...... York .........lA. McPherson, Islington. Kitley . ........ ! Leeds ......... S. Edgar, Toledo. 
Euphemia ...... Lambton ...,D 1'tI. Smith, Suth. Cor. Korah .......... Algoma Dls./C. Brown, Sault Ste. Marie. 
Euphr88ia ...... Grey...... ... I Robt. Dunlop, Griersville. Lake. ............ hAst-ings ... H. M. Jones, Itlarmora. 
Faraday .........,Hastings..... A. C. Bvker, L'Amable. Lake NipissinglAlgoma Dls. W. Hart!ey, 
Fenelon ......... Victoria ...... W. J. Lyt
e, Cambray. Lanark ..........Lanark ...... I A. Rankm, MlddlevIlle. 
Ferris ..........., It!uskoka .... M. H. Ritchie, La Vase. Lancaster .., ...
Glengarry... A. E. 
lcRae, Glen Nevis. 
Finch ............ Stormont ...IJ. A.Cockburn, Orysl<lr. Lansdowne, Ft./Leeds ......... J. D. W. Darling.Lansdowne.. 
Fitzroy .........:Carleton......IW. P. Taylor, Fitzroy Harb. Lansdowne, Itr I.eeds ......... \ J. Burney, S"eley's Bay. 
F1amboro' East Wentworth..'John Bremner, Waterdown. Lavant . ......... j 'Lanark ...... R. E. Lyon. Mississippi. 
Flamboro'West wentworth..iR. McNeill, Strabane. Laxton. ......... Victoria ...... W. Maxwell, Head Lake. 
Flos . ............ I Simcoe ...... Wm. Harvey, Elmvale. Leeds, Front of Leed!! ......... J. D. W. Darling,Lansdowne 
Foley............ . Parry S'd DisiA. Osler. Featherstone. Leeds, Rear of. I Leeds ......... J. !Jurnpy, Seeley's Bay. 
Fredericksb'gNILen. It Add.. P. R. McCabe. Napanee. Limerick ........,Hastings .... C. Donaldson. Millbridge. 
Fl'edericksb'g,S'Len. & Add"jEgerton R. Sills, SilIsville Lindsay... ... ...1 Bruce ...... ... , A. Currie, Capo Chin. 
FuUarton ...... Perth ........'1J. Wilson. Russelldale Lobo .... ... ...... ,Middlesex... E. R. Ban'lay, Poplar HiU. 
Gainsborough. Lincoln ...... S. Kennedy, St. Ann's. Lochiel ......... ; Glengarry ... D. B. McMillan, Lochiel. 
Galway......... Peterboro' "' I M. Hartnett. Kinmount. Logan ............rPerlh ......... W. Featherstone, MonktoD 
Garafraxa, E... Dufferin .... J. Preston, Marsville. London ......... Middlesex ". I Jas. Grant, Ana. 
Garafraxa, W . Welltngton.. Jas. Kennedy. Garafraxa. Longford ."'''. 1 Victoria ...... W. Maxwell. Head Lake. 
Georgina. ...... York ......... I ADgUS Ego, Virginia. I Longueil . ...... PreBCott ...... A. Leduc, L'Orignal. 
Glamorgan .. Haliburton.. S. Kettle, Ursa. Loughborough. Frontenac... J. Wilson, Loughboro. 
Glanford...... .. Wentworth.. i T. Choate, N. Glanford. Louth ............ Lincoln ...... Clark Snure, Jordan. 
Glenelg ...... .. Grey ......... I Johu S. Black. Pomon1lo. 1 Luther West... Wellington.. Jas.:!'tlcLuham, Egerton. 
Gloucester... Carleton...... I C. Billings, Billings' Bridge. Luther East ... Dufferin.... R. E. Hamilton, Luther. 
Goderich .... . Huron ...... James Patton, Goderich. Lutterworth... Haliburton.. W. McKay, Minden. 
Gordon ...... .. Algoma D.... A. Porter, Gore Bay. Lynedoch....... Renfrew...... John Whelan, Brudenell. 
Gosfield ...... .. Essex ......... J. Buckland, Cottam. Macaulay...... Muskoka.... W. Gohme, Stoneleigh. 
Gonlburn ...... Carleton......IA. Abbott, Halleldean. Madoc............ Hastings.... John Ketcheson, Madoc 
Gower, North. Carleton......!J. E. Craig. North Gower. Maidstone ...... Essex ......... T. F. Kane, l\faidstone. 
Gower, South. Grenville ...rE. Pelton, Jr. South Gower. Malahide. ...... Elgin ......... T. :!'tl. Nairn, Aylmer. 
Grantham ...... Lincoln ......:L. S. Bessey, St. Catharines. Malden ........ Essex ......... H. Botsford, Amherstburg. 
Grattan ......... Renfrew ......1 R. A. Matheson, Eganville. Manitoulin .... Algoma D.... A. Porter, Gore Bay. 
Greenock ...... Bruce .........iJohn McNab, Chepstow Manmouth .... Peterboro'... M. H. Ritchie, Wilberforce. 
Grey. ............ Huron ...... W. Spence, Ethel. Manvers......... Durham...... Alfred Ryley, Bethany. 
Griffith ......... Renfrew...... E. Strain, Griffith. Mara ............ Ontario ...... W. R. McPhee, Uptergrove. 
Grimsby ...... Lincoln ...... E. Irvine, Smithville. March............ Carleton...... T. Richardson, South 1'tlarch. 
Grlmsby, N.... Lincoln.... W. V. Hare, Grimsby. Mariposa. ...... Victoria ...... J. F. Cunnings, Oakwood. 
Grimsthorpe... Hastings ... E. James, Bridgewater. Ma.rkham ...... York ......... J. Stephenson, Unionville 
Guelph ......... Wellington.. A. McCorkindale, Guelph. Marlborough... Carleton...... '1'. Wiggins, Malekoff. 
Guilford......... Haliburton.. C. A. Wastell, Haliburton. Marmora. ...... Hastings ... H. M. Jones, Marmora. 
GwillimburY,E York ......... John T. Stokes, Sharon. Maryborough. Wellington.. E. Dynes, Moorefield. 
Gwillimbury,N York ......... HeDry Sennett, Belhaven. Marysburgh,N Pro Ed-ward.. W. Harruon, Prlnyer. 
GwillimburJW Simroe ...... Z. Evans, Bradford. Marysburgh, S Pr. Edward.. R. B Turnbull. Milford 
Hagal-ty . ...... Renfrew...... T. Roche, Brudenell. Matawatchan. Renfrew.. .... ! E. Strain. Griffith. 
Haldimand. ... Northumb'... Thomas Lawless, Grafton. Mattaw.......... I Alsoma D.... Jas. McMeekin, Mattawa. 
Hallowell ...... Prince Edw'. T. H. Morgan, Bloomfield. Matchedash ... Simcoe ...... A. Fowley,OrilIia. 
Hamilton ...... Northumb'...IJ. Wilgar, Cold Springs. Matilda ......... Dundas ...... G Dickl<t)n,DickBon's Corne ra 
Harburn . ...... Haliburton .. I C. A. Wastell, Haliburton. Mayo ............ Hastings ..... / JOhn :Rremner. Havergal 
Harcourt... ... Haliburton.. C. A. Wastell, Haliburton. Medonte......... , Simcoe........ Wm. '\i1son. Hillsdale. 
Harwich ....... Kent ......... W. R. Fellows, Blenheim. Medora ......... Muskoka .... H. C. Guy, Bala. 
Harvey......... Peterboro'... J. Cairnduff, Bobcaygeon. Melancthon ... Dufferin...... Jas. Brown. :!'tlelancthon. 
Hawkesbury, E prescott...... I P. LeBrosse, St. Eugene Merøea ......... I Essex ......... N. Rolfson, Leamington. 
HawkesburyW Prescott...... J. Shields, VankleekIIill. Metcalfe ....... Middlesex... John Hutton. Napier. 
Hay............... HUl'On ...... Samuel Foster, Zurich. Methven ...... Peterboro'... P. Preston, Blairton. 
Bead ............ Renfrew...... R. McPhee, Des Joachims. Middleton ...... Norfolk ...... J.C.H.Herron.Courtland 
Herschel. ...... Hastings .... Jas. Tone, Maynooth. Miller ............ Frontenac... E. Playfalr, PleVDa. 
Hibbert ......... Perth .........IT. Carroll, Dublin Minden ......... Haliburton.. E. Moice, Minden. 
Hillier. ......... Prince EdW'. I F. Jones, Hillier. Minto ............ Wellington.. A. C. R. Saunderø, Harriston 
Hilton....... Algoma D. ... P. Brown, l\larksville. Monaghan, N. Peterboro'... John Wood. PeterIJOro'. 
Hinchinbrwke Frontenllc ... J. Hamilton, Parham. Monaghan, S... Northumb... Alfred Dawson Bailieboro' 
Hindon ..... .... Haliburton.. F. R. Currie, Minden. Monck. ......... Mu!lkoka.... M. H. Spencer, Bracebridge. 
Holland ......... Grey ......... I C. Price, Holland Centre. Monmouth.... Peterboro.... J. H. Anderson, Wilberforce. 
Hope ............ Durham...... E. E. Dodd, Canton. Mono ............ Dufferin...... A. Henry, Mono Centre. 
Horton ......... nenfrew.....ïGeo. Eady,jun., Renfrew. Montague ...... Lanark ...... J. Ferguson, Smith's Falls. 
Houghton ...... Norfolk ...... G. Bundy. Houghton. M()nteagle.. ... Hastings .... Jas. Tone, Maynooth. 
Howard ......... Kent ......... \ C. Grant, Rid!l;etown. Moore . ......... Lambton ... Jas. Watson, Brigden. 
Howe Island... Frontenac... M. Melville, Howe Island. Mornington ... Perth ......... J. Watl!On, Burns. 
Bowick ......... Huron ......! W. Dane, Gorrie. Morris .......... Huron ...... Wm. Clark. Blythe. 
Howland. ...... Ah
oma, D..., L. W. Ferlluson, Green Bay Morrison. ...... Muskoka.... T. White, Malta. 
Hullett ......... Huron ...... J Braithwaite, Londesboro'. MOBS ............ }liddleøex ... A. Wilson, Glencoe. 
Humbf'rstùne. Wel1and...... Daniel Near, Humberstone. Moulton......... Haldimand... T. J. Galbraith, Stromnesll. 
Humphrey.... Parry Sound W. Ditchburn, Rosøeau. Mountain....... Dunda.'! ...... C. Dnrand, Inkerman. 
EIungf\ñord ... Hastings ..,[T. Graham. Tweed. Mulmur . ...... Dufferin...... M. Colquhoun, Mansfield. 
'Iuntingdnn ... Hastings .., J. G. Foster, Moira. Murray......... Northumb... T. R. Garratt, Wooler. 
fIuntley . ...... Carleton...... ! JOhn Fenton, Huntley. Muskoka ...... Muskoka. ... R. E. Suttaby, Gravenhur;;t. 
-Iurnn . ......... Bruce ......... R. Montgomery, Piue RIver. McClure......... Hastings .... D. Card, Maynooth. 
:nnisðl ......... Simcoe ...... I C. Palling, Allandale. McDo11gall .... Parry Sd. D. Chas.Clark. Parry Sound. 
{all\d..r ... ...... Len. & Add., MORes r.essard, Flinton. McGillivray... Middlesex... W. Fraser. W. McGillivray. 
{enneooc ...... ,^'rontenac... J. R. Helm, Arden. McKay......... Renfrew...... Thos. Cuthbert, Chalk River. 
{en yon ......... Glengarry... J.D.McIntosh,DominionvUle McKellar ...... Parry Sd. D. G. B. Lee, McKellar. 
\:eppe1 . ......... Grey......... Geo. Atkey, Oxenden. I McKillop ...... I Huron ...... J. O'Sullivan, Seaforth. 
\:incardine .... Bruce. ........ .John Hiles, Armow. McLean ......... 
Iuskoka.... S. Langmaid, BaysvilJe. 
{tug ............ York ......... Joseph Wood, Laf!kay. McNab ......... Renfrew...... A. Hamilton, Stewartville. 
nngston ...... Frontenac... John Simpson, Cataraqui. Nassßg&weya. Halton ...... C. Cameron, Nasf!ag8w. 
\:inloøs ......... Bruce ......... Peter Reid, Langslde. N eebiDg......... Algoma ...... W. McLean, Neebing. 
[667 J 





Nt'leon . ......... Halton ...... D. McLaren, Nelson. Sherbrooke.... Haldimand. W. Chalmers, Low Banks. 
Kepean ......... Carleton...... ,F. W. Harmer, Hintonburgh. Sherbrooke,N. Lanark ...... Geo. Campbell, Elphin. 

Iagara ......... Lincoln ...... C. Fisher, Queenston. Sherbrooke, S. Lanark..... Henry RIl;tney, Maberly. 
1igIU"8. Falls. Well
nd...... J. Robinl!on, Niagara Falls. Sherbourne... Victoria ...... Jas. ?t[elville, Maple Lake. 
NIchol............ WellIngton.. James McQueen, Fergus. Sherwood ...... Renfrew...... Jos. Kender, Rockingham. 
Nipissing .... Algoma ...... W. Hartley, Nlplsslng. Shuniah . ...... Algoma ...... A. W.Thompson. Port Arthur 
Nissouri, East' j OXfOrd ...... C. R. Commander, Mt!d.ina. I Sidney......... Hastings.... T. B. Prior, Wall bridge. 

ïs!louri, West. Middlesex ... William Lee, Thorndale. Smith ............ Prterboro'... F. J. Bell, 8elwyan. 
Normanby...... Grey......... G. Hopf, Moltke. Snowden. ...... Haliburton.. E. B. Munn, Minden. 
Norwich, N'th. Oxford ...... C. E. Burgess, Norwichville. Sombra. ...... ... Lambton. ... Orra Elshop, Wilkellport. 
Norwich, S'th. Oxford ........ A. McFarlane, Otterville. Somerville .... Victoria...... W. S. Daw
on, Baddow. 
Nottawasaga... Simcoe ...... Augus Bell, Singhampton. II SOPhiasburgh. P. Edward... T. Moore, Demorestville. 
Oakland ....... B
ant ......... Henry Key, Oakland. Southwold .... Elgin ......... 1\.1. Campbell, Fingal. 
Oakley. ........ VIctoria ...... Fred. Toy, Uffington. Springer. ...... Muskoka. ... J.D.Cockburn,Sturgeon Falls 
Olden ............ Frontenac... M. W. Price, Arden. Stafford ......... Renfrew..... W. Hawkins, Micksburg. 
Oliver . ......... Algoma ...... O. Duross, Murilla Station. / Stamford. ...... Weiland...... F. A. Hutt, South End. 
Oneida. ......... Haldimand.. Jno. Senn, Yurko IStanhope ...... Haliburton.. Jas Melville, Maple Lake. 
Onondaga ...... Brant ......... S. J. McElvey, Tuscarora. I Stanle y ......... Huron ...... G. Stewart. Varna. 
Ops ............... Victoria ...... J. O'Leary, Lindsay. St. Edmonds... Bruce ......... A. Currie, Cape Chin. 
Orford............ Kent ......... H. Watson, Clearville. Stephen ......... Huron ...... Chester Prouty, Hay. 
OriIlia............ Simcoe ...... A. Fowlie, Orillia. Stephenson ... Muskoka.... D. Baln, Utterson. 
Oro ............... Simcoe ...... George Tudhope, Rugby. St. Joseph's Is. Algoma D.... A. Clifford, Richard's Land'g 
Osgoode ......... Carleton...... F. heson, Metcalfe. Stisted ......... Muskoka.... T. Lakeman, Aspdln. 
Osnabruck .... Stormont ... R.VaUance,Osnabruck Centre Storrington... Frontenac ... A. Ritchie. Inverary. 
Oso ............... Frül1tenac... H. Rll1;ney, Maberly. Strong .......... Parry S'd D. G. E. Gibbon. HartfeU. 
Osprey. ......... Grey......... W. Milne, Maxwell. St. Vincent.... Grey......... John Albery. Meaford. 
Otonabee . ...... Pt'terboro'... George Read, Keene. Sullivan . ...... Grey......... A. Stephen, Marmion 
Owenge ......... Algoma Dis. C. Brown, Sault Ste. Marie Sunnidale ...... Simcoe ...... Geo. Burrows, Sunnidale. 
Oxford .......... Grenville ... Robt. Leslie, Kemptvllle. Sydenham . ... Grey......... C. Gordon, Owen Sound. 
Oxford, East... Oxford ...... J. G. Pettit, Burgessville. Tarentorus .... Algoms Db. C. Brown, Sault 8te. Marie. 
Oxford, North. Oxford ...... A.llillødon, Ingersoll. Tay............... Simcoe ...... S.L.Montgomery,VictoriaHar 
Oxford, West. Oxford ...... Ohas. MasOD, Beachville. Tecumseth ...... Simcoe ...... Henry Stone, Tottenham. 
Pakenham...... Lanark ...... J88. Connery, Cedar Hill. Tehkummah... Algoma .... II. Cowan, Tehkummah. 
Palmerston ... Frontenac... J. Elkington, M.D., Ompah. 'fhorah ......... Ontario ....... Geo. Smith, Beaverton. 
Parke ............ Algoma Llis. C. Brown, Sault Ste. Marie. Thorold ......... Weiland...... P. S. Mussen, Allanburgh. 
Peel............... Wellington.. M. Henderson, Glenallen. Thurlow......... Hastings ... Ed. Thrasher, Foxboro'. 
Pelee Island ... E
sex ......... E. Wardroper, P"lee Island. Tilbury,East... Kent ......... D.R.Farquharson, Tilbury E. 
Pelham ......... Weiland...... .John B. Crow, Ridgeville. Tilbury, West.. Essex ......... J. B. Chauvin, Chevalier. 
Pt'mbroke .... Renfrew...... H. W. Perrit, Pembroke. Tiny............ Simèoe ...... T. Tremeer. Penetanguishene 
Percv ............ N'thum'land R. P. Hurlburt, Warkworth. Torbolton ...... Carleton...... D. B. McLaren. Dirleton. 
Pettewawa .... Renfrew...... Paul Dannhaner, Pettewawa. Toronto ......... Peel............ John Eakins, Streetsville. 
Pickering. ...... Ontario ...... D. R. Beaton, Whitevale. Toronto Gore Peel............ N. Harrison, Castlemore. 
Pilkington...... ! Wellington.. R. Cromar, Salem. Tossorontlo ... Simcoe ...... H. Pettigrew, Everett. 
Pittsburgh...... Frontenac... Chas. Belwa. Barriefield. Townsend ...... Norfolk ...... L. N. Collver, Waterford. 
Plantagenet, N Prescott ...... P. Gareau, Plantagenet Trafalgar ...... Halton ...... J. K. Applebee,OakviUe. 
Plantagenet, S Prescott...... A. McLean, Riceville. Tuckersmith... Huron ...... W. McConnell. Seafortb. 
Plympton ...... Lambton ... T. R. K. Scott, Forest. Tudor...... ...... Hastings ... C. DoDaldson, Millbridge. 
Port Arthur... Algoma D ... W.H.Langworthy,Pt.Arthur Turnberry...... Huron ...... Thos. Fortune. Wingham. 
Portland. ...... Frontenac... J. Donnelly, Harrowsmith. Tyendinaga ... Hastings ... A.R. Randall,Shannonville. 
Proton. ......... Grey......... J. Cavanagh, Ventry. Unorg'ed T'ps.. Muskoka.... W. Harris, Day's Mills. 
Puslinch ....... Wellington.. J. McLean, Aberfoyle. Usborne......... Huron ...... N. J. Clarke, Farquhar. 
Radcliffe ....... Renfrew...... J. E. Miller, Combermore. Uxbridge...... Ontario ...... E. H. Hilborn, Uxbridge. 
Rajllan ......... Renfrew...... J. E. Miller, Combermore. Vauithall ...... York ......... J. M. Lawrence, Rich'd H. 
Rainham ...... Haldimand.. R. A. Havill, Rainham. Verulam......... Victoria ...... I. Junkin, Bobcaygeon. 
Raleigh ......... Kent ......... J. G. Stewart, Fletcher. Vespra ......... Simcoe ...... Geo. Sneath, Midhurst. 
Rams ............ Ontario ...... J. Johnston, Rathburn. Wainfleet ...... Welland...... J. Henderson, J't1arshvllle. 
Ramsay... ...... Lanark ...... James Caskey, Almonte. Wallace ........., Perth ......... !t. G. Roberts. Shipley. 
Rat Portage... Algoma D... A. Alexander, Rat Portage. Walpole.........,Haldimsnd.. C. E Bourne, Jarvis. 
Rawdon ......... Hastings ... G. D. Wiggins. Sprlngbrook. Walsingham ... , NOrfolk ...... J. Phelan, Walsingham C. 
&ach ............ Ontario ...... J. Christie, Manchester. Warwick ...... Lambton ... W. H. Stewart, Warwick. 
Richmond...... Lennox ...... A. Winters, Selby. Waterloo ...... , WaterlOO ... Geo. A. Tilt. Blair. 
Ridont . ......... r.luskoka .... S. Lallgmaid, Baysville. Watt ............ Muskoka..oo F. Richardson, mlswater. 
hester ...... }jssex ......... P. J. Freeman, RURcom Stn. WawanosÐ, E. Huron ...... P. Porterfield, Marnoch. 
Rolph ...... ...... Renfrew...... ThOfl. Cuthbert, Chalk River. Wawanosh, W Huron ...... R. Miller, St. Helens. 
Romney . ...... Kent .......... A. Coatsworth, Romney. Wellesley ..... I Waterloo '" J. L. Kroetsch, St. Clements. 
Ross . ............! Renfrew...... J. Reynolds, Foreøter'ø Falls. Westmeath .... Renfrew...... A. Cameron, Beachburgb. 
Roxborough ...'Stormont ... R. C. McGregor, Tayside. Westminster... Middlesex... H. AndersoD, Wilton Grove. 
Russell .........IRussell ...... W. Loux, Embrun. Whitby, East.. Ontario ...... W. Purvis, Columbus. 
Ryde ............ Muskoka.... J. G Taylor. Lewisham. Whitby, West. Ontario ...... D. Holliday, Brooklin. 
Ryerson ......... Parry Sonuà E. Geddes, r.lidlothian. Whitchurch ... York ......... J. W. Collins, NewmarkeL 
Sa1tfleet ......... Wentworth.. R. R. Smith, Winona. WI('klow ...... Hastings ..... D. Card, Maynooth. 
Sandfield ...... Algoma ...... J. H. Johnston, Big Lake Wlddifleld.... Muskoka. ... James Agnew, North Bay. 
Sandwich, E... Essex ......... J. Dugall, Tecumseh. Wllberforcø ... &nfrew...... Thos. LeU. Eganville. 
Sandwich, W... Essex ......... D. Rocheleau, Canard River. Williams, East Middlesex ... David Wyllie. Nairn. 
Sarawak......... Grey......... C. Julyan,jun., Pr6!lq' Isle. Williams. West'Middlesex '.. W. Dawson. Sylvan. 
Sarnia . ......... Lambton ... John Lowrie, Sarnia. Williamsburg.. Dundas ...... G. C. Tracey, Archer. 
Saugeen ......... Bruce ......... R. B. Fleming, Aberdour. Willoughby... Welland...... James Smith. ChippawL 
Sault Ste.Marie Algoma Dis. C. P. Brown, Sault St. Marie. Wilmot......... Waterloo ... H. Liersch, Baden. 
Scarborough ... York ... ...... Thos. Crawford, Malvern. Winchester ... Dundas ...... Wm. Rae, Chesterville. 
Scott ............. Ontario ...... W. Nelr:;on, Uxbridge. Windham ...... Norfolk ...... R. Green, Windham, Cell. 
Scugog . ......... Ontario ...... John Foy, Port Perry. Wolfe Island... Frontenac ... Thos. Hatfield. Wolfe Is. 
Sebastopol...... Renfrew..... C. Walther, VaDburgh. Wolford ......... Grenville ... H.M. Brown. Easton'sCor. 
8.meca ......... Haldimand. A. Williamson,jun.. York. Wollaston ...... Hastinl!;s .... W. Howe, Nugent. 
Seymour ...... :Sorthumb'l. W. Morton, Campbellford. Wood.. ...... Muskoka ... H. C. Guy, Bala. 
Sheffield......... Len & Add.. .James Shields, Tamworth. Woodhouøe... Norfolk ...... T. M. England, pt. Dover. 




York ............ York ......... J. K. Leslie. Eglington. 
Zone ............ Kent ......... S. Harris, FIC'rence. 
Zorra, East ." I oxford ...... D.W.!1cKsy,Hick!!on. 
Zorra, West.... Oxford ...... G. Innes, Brooksda1e. 

Woolwich ......,Waterloo ... J.L.Wideman.8t.Jacobllo 
Wylie ......0. Renfrew... .IT. Cnthbert, Chalk River. 
Yarmouth ...... Elgin ......... K. W. McKay, St. Thomu 
Yonge,Frontof'Leeds ......... I M. J. Connolly. Caintown 
Ynnge, Rear of'Leedø ......... J.H.Blackburn, Farmeny. 

NOTE.-Cities in Caps. Villages in Italics. 


TC. ' COUNTY. ::: ' AND P. 


.Acton.. .. .... Halton .... J. E. r.IcGarv
, Act<>.n. Garden Island Frontenae.. G. Malone, Garden Island. 
.Ailsa Craig .. / Middlesex.. W. McKay, Ailsa CraIg. Georgetown . . I Halton .... IG.S.Goodwillie,Georgetown 
.Alexandria .. Glengarry.. S. Chisholm, Alpxandria. Gravenhurst .. Muskoka .. : Henry Castle, GravenhuTst. 
.Alorwnte .... Lanark ..0. Lewis Coulter, Almonte. Glencoe ...... r.liddlesex "IG. M. Harrisou, Glencoe. 
Allit;Um...... Simcoe.... J. C. Hart, Alliston. Goderich .. ,. Huron... ..IW. Campbell, Godericb.. 
All inston -... Lambton .. I Richard Code, Alvinston. Grimsby... .. Lincoln .0. .IE. M. Mihell, Grimsby. 
Amherstburg. Essex...... J.Templeton,Amhprstburg. GUELPH...... Wellington . I R. Mitchell, Guelph. 
Apsley ...... Peteròoro' .. I P, W. C. S.hewen, 1\psley. HAMILTON.... Wentworth. Thos. Beasley, Hamilton 
.Arkona ...... Lambton... W. S. DaVIdson. Arkona. BaTTiston.... Wellington. M. P. Empey, Harriston. 
Arnprior .... Renfrew.... James Bell, Arnprior. I Hastings .... Northumb'dlJohn Sharpe, Hasting!>. 
Arthur.... o. Wellington. Wm. W. White, Arthur. Hawkesb1try.. Prescott.... ,M. J. Costello,Hawkesbury 
Ashburnham . Peterboro' o. J. Wood, Peterboro'. Hespeler.. .... Waterloo .. I A. J. Brewster. Hespeler. 
.Aurora...... York ...... S. H. Lundy, Aurora. Holland Landg York ...... T.Thompson,Holland Land 
.Aylmer...... Elgin.... .. , w. A. Glover, Aylmer. Ingersoll .... Oxford... "' I 'V' Tennant, Ingersoll. 
.Ayr .... .. .... Waterloo .. A. Robinson, Ayr. Iroquois:.. .. ,. Dundas.... James Tindale, Iroquois. 
Barrie ...... Simcoe .... H. Bird, Barrie. Kemptville.... Grenville .. O. Bascom, Kemptville. 
Bath ........ Lennox& Ad,C'. L. Rogers, Bath. Kincardine... Bruce.... .. , AMWIlliamson.Kincardine 
Bayfield . . .. .. Huron .0 o. W. A. -:\Iorrison, Bayfield. KINGSTON,. . 0 Frontenac.. 
I. Flanagan, Kingston. 
Beamsville .. Lincoln.... R. VanNorman, Beamsvllle. Kingsvtlle .... Essex.... . . l iS. F. Copus, Kingsville. 
Beaverton o. .. Ontario.... G. Smith, jun., Beaverton. Lake.field.. .. Peterboro' . Alex. Bell, Lakcfield. 
Beeton........ Simcoe .. " j 'V. H. Dicksou, Beeton. Lanark ...... Lanark .. ..JW. A. Field, Lanark. 
Belle Rtver.. .. Essex...... A. Papineau, Belle River. Leamington .. Essex.. 00.. J. M. Selkirk, Leamington 
BELLEVILLE.. Hastings... D. B. Robertson, Belleville. Lindsay.. .. .. Victoria.. o. J. B. Knowlson. Lindsay. 
Berliu........ Waterloo .. I. D. Bowman. Berlin. Listowel..... Perth ...... H. B.lolorphy, Listowel. 
Blenheim .... Kent ...... J. W. Gibson, Blenheim. LONDON.. o. .. Middlesex.. Alex. S. Abbott, London. 
Blyth '..".0.. Huron.... .IW, Wilson. Blyth. London East.. Middlesex 00 A. Isaacs, London, East. 
Bobcaygeon .. Victoria.... J.H. Thompson,BobcaygeoIl London West.. Middlesex.. T. B. r.linton, Petersville. 
Bolton 00.... Peel.o...... S. A. Walford, Albion. L'Orignal .... Pres't&Rus'l E. A. Johnson, L'Orignal. 
Bothwell.. ". Kent ...... H. F. Smith, Bothwell. Lucan.. .. .. Middlesex.. G A. Stanley, Lucan. 
Bowmanville . Durham ... R. Windatt, Bowmanville. Lucknow.. .. Bruce. 0 . . " W. H. Smith, Lucknow. 
Bracebridge .. Victoria.... James Boyer, Braf'pbridge. Madoc.. o. .. Hastings .. Chas. Gream, Madoc. 
Bradford.... Simcoe .. ..IR. Stewart, Bradford. Markham.... York.. .... J. J. Barker, r.Iarkham. 
Brampton.... Peel........ 'John McCulla, Brampton. r.leafonl...... Grey....... John Albery, 
BRANTFORD... Brant.... .. Jas. Woodyatt, Brantford. Merrickvil:e .. Grenville... John Kerr. Merrickville. 
Brighto,n .0. . I NorthuIDb'd M. K. Lockwood, Br
ghton. Merritton.... Lincoln.... R. Clark, Merriton. 
BrockVIlle.... Leeds..... ïJ. Dargavel, BrockvIlle. Midland ..... Simcoe .... H. Switzer, Midland. 
Brussels.. .... Huron..... F. S. Scott, Brussels. Millbrook. .... Durham.... W. Turner, 
Burlington .. Halton ... .IG. C. Bastedo, Burlington. -:\lilton.. .. .. Halton .... Geo_ Smith, Milton. 
Caledonia... . I Haldimand . James Aldridge, Caledonia. Milverton.... Perth 0..... W. D. Weir, MilvertoB.. 
Campbellford . , Northumb'd D. Kennedy, camPbellford. , Minden.. _." Haliburton .IE. Moice, Minden. 
Cannington .. Ontario .... George Horne, Cannington. Mitchell.. .... Perth...... Robt. Chri!>tie, 1litchell. 
Cardinal .... Leeds&GrenIC, T. Glasford, Cardinal. Morrisburgh.. Dundas.... .John Fetterly, Morrisburg. 
Caruton PlaCe j Lanark .0. . ! A.R.G.peden.carlet'nPlace I Mount Forest. Welliugton . W. C. Perry, Mount Forest. 
Cayuga ...... Ha1dimand. E. C. Campbell, Cayuga. Napanee.... Len. & Add. P. Emhury, Kapanee. 
Chatham.... Kent ...... John Tissiman, Chatham. Bewboro o ..... Leeds...... L. S. Lewis. Newboro'. 
Chts1Æy ...... Bruce...... ,.J. K. Clarke, Chesley. Newburgh .... Addington.. J. B.Aylebworth,Newburgb 
Chippawa .. ..'Weiland . .. I W' Greenwood, Chippawa. I Neu'bury . ... Middlesex.. J. J. An'her, Newbury. 
Clifford.. .. .. Wellington. J. D. Allan, Clifford. Newcastle .... Durham.... George Curtis, Kewcastle. 
Clinton...... Huron.. o .. John Callander, Clinton. New Edinb'rgh Carleton. .. / T. Tu'hman,KewErlinburgb 
Cobourg .... Northumb'd, W. H. Flo
'd, Cobourg. Bew Hamburg Waterloo .. W. 1oliIlar, New Hamburg. 
COlborne...... Northumb'd G. Keyes, Colborne. 

wmarket... Y?rk ...... David Lloyd,.Newmarket. 
Collingwood.. Simcoe .. ..IR.G.Campbell,Collingwood NIagara...... Lmcoln .... D. Servos, NIagara. 
Cornwall .. ,. Stormont .. Geo. S. Jarvis, CornwalL Niagara Falls. WeIland ... J. Robert!;, Niagara Falls S 
Deseronto .... Hastings .. R. W. Irvine. Deserouto. Norwich ..... Oxford .... W. Walker, Korwich. 
Drayton.. .... Wellington. H. S. Mitchell Drayton. Norwood. .... Peterboro'.. W. H. Mullins, 
Dresden. . .. .. Kent....... John Chapple, Dresden. OakviIIe .. .. .. Halton .... R. Balmer, OakvIlle. 
Dundas...... Wentworth. E. Woodhou=,e, Dundas. Oil Springs... Lambton .. H. Brown, Oil Springs. 
Dunville .... Haldimand. J. W. Holmes, Dunnville. Omemee ...... Victoria.... G. A. Balfour,Omemee. 
Durham. 0 . . .. Grey... .. .. J. 1100die, Durham. II Orangeville... Dufferin.... P. M. Barker, Orangeville. 
Eiora ........ Wellington. Edward Bllrns. Elora. OriIlia........ Simcoe .... C. E. Grant. OrilIia. 
Embro ...... Oxford .0'. E. Cody, Embro. Osha1lJn....... Ontario.... Charles W. Hmith, Oshawa 
Erin ........ Wellington 0 Wm. Tyler, Erin. O'ITAWA...... Carleton.... Wm. P. Lett, Ottawa. 
ESJltx Centre.. Essex..,... O. C. Bame, Essex Centre. Owed Sound.. Grey ...... T Gordon, O\\"en So un.. 
ExttÆr.. .. . . .. Huron..... -:\1. Eacrett, Exeter. II Paisley ...... Bruce...... John Claxton, Paisley. 
Fenelon Falls.. Victoria.. .. Geo. Cunnin
ham> Fen'In F Palmerston. .. Wellington. E. M. Dumas, PalmerstoB. 
Fergus ...... WelIin
n . I wm. Ross, Fergus. II Paris ........ Brant...... S. Dadson, Paris. 
FOTtBt ........ Lambton .. H. Barron, Forest.. II Parkdal
..... york...... A. ?tkMiIlan. Parkdale. 
Fort Eru .... Weiland.... Jas. Battley, Fort Ene. Park H
ll __.. Middlesex.. T. A. -:\Iaybury Park Hilt. 
Galt... o. 0... Waterloo. o. J. G. Dykes, Galt. Parry Sound.. Parry Sound Chas. Clark, Parry Sound. 
4ranalto2ue .. Leeds...... S. 
lcCammon,Gauanoque. Pttmbroke.... Renfrew.... A. J. Fortier, Pembroke. 
[ 659] 





Penetanguis'e. 'Simcoe .. ..IH. Jeullings, Penetangllis'e 
Perth.. .. .. . . \ Lanark ...., Thos. Brooke, Perth. 
orough. Peterboro'.. C. D.MacDonald, Peterb?ro 
Petroha...... Lambton .. G. S. McPherson, Petroha. 
Picton.. .. .. .. I Prince Edwd John Twigg, Picton. 
Point Edward. Lambton .., W. Mitchell,Pomt Edward. 
Port Colborne .IWclland.... S. J. Hopkins, pt.Colborne 
Port Dalhousie'Lincoln .. ..IJ.W.Considine,Pt.Dalho'sie 
Port Dover.... !Norfolk .. ..IT. ?tI. England, Port Dover. 
Port Elgin.... Bruce...... N. A. Ray, Port Elgin. 
Port Hope.... Durham.. .. I H. V. Sanders, Port Hope. 
Port Perry... Ontano.... N. F. Patterson, Port Perry 
Port Stanley.. Elgin .... : R. Thomson, Port Stanley. 
Portsrrwuth . .. Front
nac. . I R. M. 
raham, Portsmouth 
Prescott ...... Grennlle .. B. WhIte, PresC'ott. 
Preston... ... . , WaterlOO .. \\r m . A. Husband, Preston. 
Renfrew.. .. .. Renfrew... . 1 R. Drysdale, Renfrew. 
Rich17l,ond .... ,Carleton.. .. Thos. Miller, RIchmond. 
Richmond Hill' York ...... M. Teefy, Richmond Hill. 
Ridgetown.. ..IKent ...... D. Cochrane, Ridgetown. 

anð;wich .... Essex..... . I J. A. Stuart" Sar: dwICh . 
Sarnla.. . . . . ..1 Lambton .. Wm. Doak, Sarma. 
SaultSte Marie I Algoma Dis. ,C. .Brown, S.ault Ste. 1Ilarie. 
Seaforth '. .. .. Huron .... I WillIam EllIott, Seaforth. 
Shelburne.... ,Dutferin.... F. G. Dunbar, Shelburne. 
Simcoe ...... Norfolk.... W. W. Livingstone, Simcoe 
Smith's Falls . 1 Lanark .... W. M. Keith, Smith's Falls. 
SouthAmpton. BrnC'e ..... .,Jas. Howe, Southampton. 
Springfield . .. Elgin ...... J. B. Lucas, Springfield. 
Stayner ..... . , Simcoe ..., G. L. Darby, Stayner. 
Stirling .. .. .. Hastings .. A. Glass, Stirlin
Stouffville .... York ...... ,H. W. Woodgate, Stoutfville. 
Stratford ....' Perth ...... R. R. Lang, Stratford. 
Strathroy .... ,l\liddlesex.. ,.J. B. Winlow, Strathroy. 
Strsetsville.. .. ,Peel.. .. .. . .IW. J. Pinney, Streetsville. 




S. CATHA,RlNES Lincoln.. .. .J. Ro
on, St. Cathari.lles. 
St. ?tlary s .. ,. Perth .. .. .. W. WIllIams, St. ]\[ar
' s. 
ST. THOMAS.. .Elgin .... ..In. F. Ell's, St. Thomas. 
S'un'rJ.idaZe ... ,Simcoe. .. .. Geo, Burrows, Sunnidale. 
Iara ...... ..IBruce ..... J. D. Tobey, Tara. 
Teeswater... ..IBruce...... ,John Logan, Teeswater. 
ThamesviZle ",Kent ...... John Duncan, Thamesville. 
ThÆdford... .. ,Lambton .. James Dobie, Thedford. 
Thorold.. .. .. iWelland.. .. W. T. Fish, Thorold. 
Tilsonb1trg ... Oxford ... . I W. S. Law, Tilsonburg. 
Iiverton .... . I Bruce .. .. .. J. C. Graham, Tiverton. 
TORONTO .... York ...... .John Blevins, Toronto. 
Tottenham.... SimC'?e... ..jG. 
. Hughes. Tottenham 
Trenton. . .. ., ,Hastmgs . .,J. SImmons, Trenton. 
nt:ario .. .. I A. D. William
! Uxbridge. 
V-wnna ...... Elgm ...... C. Draeseke, \ lenna. 
Walkerton.... Bruce.... .. :J. Chambers, Walkerton. 
WallacelJurgh. Kent .... ..IH. E. Johnson, Wallaceù'h' 
Wardsville '.' 1\1 iddlesex .. I D . Johnson, Wardsville. 
Waterdown... Wentworth. J. G. Daviss, Waterdown. 
Waterford .. .. Norfolk.. ..IS. N. Collver, Waterford. 
Waterloo .... 'Waterloo ..' F. Colquhoun, Waterloo. 
Watford ..... Lambton .. !Johu Reid, Watford. 
Weiland...... Weiland.... 'E. R. Hellems, WeIland. 
Wellington... PrinceEdwd:J. H. Osborne, Wellington 
Weston. . . .... york....... W. J. Conron. Weaton. 
Whitby ...... Ontario .... Thos. Huston, Whitby. 
Wiarton ..... Bruce...... T. D. Galloway, Wiarton. 
Windsor.. .. .. Essex...... S. Lusted, Windsor. 
Wingham .... Huron .... J. B. Ferguson. Wim>ham. 
Woodbridge .. york..... ",J. ?tlcClure, Woodbridge. 
Woodstock .. I OXford .... ,G. C. Eùen, Woodstock. 
WoodvillP .... Victoria.. .. , J. C. Gilchrist, Woodville. 
Wroxeter ..... Huron .... Jos. Cowan, Wroxeter. 
Wyoming .. . Lambton ..IH. G. Taylor, Wyoming. 




Argyle ......... W. Stark, Roseberry 
Arehte ......... H. Chipperfield,Declare 
Arth ur ...... ... W. Thomas, fìourisford 
Assinibota .... I"rank !'\ess. St. CharJ
Brandon City. J. C. Kerr, Brandon 
Belcourt ...... J.N.Fairbanks.!l-larqu'e 
.Blanchard. <.. Wm. !tliller, Oak Ri\'"er 
Boulton. ...... E. Armstrong, Assissipi 
Birtle Town . A. Morton, Birtle 
.Birtle. ......... J. }t. Lawrie, Birtle 
Brenda ......... C. M. CoughiII,Napinka 
Cornwallis.... Geo. Halle, Brandon 
Cartier ......... C. H. Pacaud, St.Norb't 
Carlton......... C. }<'. Collins, Nelson 
Clanwilliam . J. Cudhie, Clanwilliam 
Cypress No.... M. Collins, Petrel. 
Cypress So.... W. T. Sutcliffe, Millford 
Daly...... ...... D. Cascaden, .Brandon 
De8a1aberry. L. M. P.Noel,Otterburn 
Derby. ......... A. Davidson,Cartwright 
Deloraine...... James Rae, Minitaw 
Douj!:las . ...... F. Kliever, Gretna 
Dufferln No... D. Campbell. Camp'ville 
Dufft!rln So... W. Conner, Mountain 
Elton. ......... l\1. G. Abey, Cha
Emerson ...... W. Unsworth, Emerson 
Elm River.... W. Finch, Cal man 
Ellice. ......... J.C.Wilkinson,Ft.Ellice 
Fairford. ...... Not organized 
Franklin ......'T. Coulter, Dominion 
Glenwood...... J. Dalmage, Souris 
Glendale. ...... R. Dunsmore, Bridge 
Gimli............ Not organized 
Gladstone .... D. Budge, Gladstone 
Hanover. ...... Cor. J4)pp, Chortitz 
Hespeler. ...... Cor. Epp, Chortitz 

Harrison ...... A. R. Fanning,Newdale' ROlIsburn .... G. Manson, Rossburn 
lnchiquin .... Not organized Russell......... J. Brown, Shell River 
Kildonan ...... G. F. Munroe,Winnipeg Sifton. ......... E. Dickson. Oak Lake 
LaBroquerie. A.Taillefer,LaBroquerie Saskatchøwan J, Rogerson, Rapid City 
Lansdowne ...1 M. E. Broughton,Arden Silver Creek. W. M{":Kay,Silver Creek 
Lorne .......... Geo. Crawford, Swan Selkirk......... J. McDougall, Selkirk 
Lake Selkirk East. C.C. Stewart, ]<]. Selkirk 
Louise.......... M. Young, Crystal City Shoal Lake... A.R.l\lcDougald,Raven 
Macdonald ... J. Cuddy, Winnipeg Lake 
Medora . ...... W. R. David, Herne- Shell River... H.I.Teulon,Shellmouth 
field Springfield ... W.Gooårid
e,Oak Bank 
Minnedosa .., R. H. Meyers, Minne- Strathclair.... S. Geekie, Marney 
dosa St. Annli ...... Theo. Pare, St. Anne 
Miniot& . ...... I W.Howard.ArrowRiver St. Andrewfl. J. ?tlcDougaU,Ft. Garry 
Morris ......... D. M. Ure, Morris St. Boniface... J. A. Prendergast, St. 
Morrill Town. B. J. Short, Morris Boniface 
Montcalm .... J. Baril, St. J. Baptiste St. Boniface J. Prendergast, st. 
Neepawa ...... I W. Currie, Neepawa Town Boniface 
Nelson ......... J. J. Cochrane, Nelson St. Clements. J. Gemmell, Middle 
Norfolk No.... T. R. Varden, McGregor Church 
Norfolk So. ... W. R. Ross, Camille St. Franc.Xav P. Lavallee, St. Fran. 
Oakland ...... W. S. Moody. R'thwaite Xavier 
Oak River .... J. Andrew, Chumah st. Laurent... M. Dunlea, st. Laurent 
Odanah......... J.Cumming, Minnedosa l st. Norbert... T. LlUldry, St. Norbert 
O'prey ......... J. W.Drysdale. Neepawa l St. Pa.ul . ...... A. J. KayIl, Middle 
Pipestone...... A. P. Power, Virden Church 
Pfisen .......... H. Yardley, Clarkleigh Tache .......... W.Lagimodlere,Lorette 
Plessis ......... Not organized Turtle Mt'n... ,J. R. Sturt, Adelpha 
P. la Prairie W. Prest, Portage 1a Varennes ...... Not organized 
Town Prairie Wallace ....... W.H. McDougal, Virden 
P. la Prairie J. W. Jackson, Portage Westbourne... J. Chambers, Gladstone 
1a Prairie Winnipe
...... C. J. Brown, Winnipeg 
Pilot Mound. T. Bellamy,Pilot Mound, Whitehead.... G. Armstrong, Dalton 
Rosedale....... R. Edward!!, Neepawa ! Whitewater.., J.C.R.Wightman,West 
Rapid City.... .J. ?tIc Tavish, Rapid City Ran 
Rockwood .... T.I',rankland.Stonewau l Woodworth... T. R. Todd, Hillvtew 
Rhineland ... W. Rempel, Reinland Woodlands... J. A. McGuire,Woodl'dll 
Riverside .... Wm. Gordon, Heaslip Youville ...... A. Beaubien, St. Jean 
Riding Mt'n . Not organized Baptiste 


l66 0 1 





Dav. Vice-Consul. Montreal, F. C. Henshaw. 
ArsiRO-HuNGARIAN E:UPIRE.-Consuls, Montreal, E. 
Schultze; Halifax, H. Hart. 
BELGIU:u.-C01Isul-General, Dom. of Canada, Quebec, 
Ferd. van Bruyssel. Consuls, Q1tebec, Andrew C. 
Joseph, with jurisdiction over easter
 portion. of 
Prûvince of Quebec. (The eastern portIon comprises 
judicial districts of Arthabaska, Beauce, Chicoutimi, 
Gaspe, Kamouraska, Montmagny, Quebec, Rimouski, 
Saguenay, st. Francis, Three Rivers.) Montr
Jesse Joseph, with jurisdiction over western portIOn 
of Province of Quebec. Halifax, C. E. Ronne. 
BRAZIL. -Consul-General, Montreal, W. D. Bentley. 
CHILI.-Consul-General, .![ontreal, Geo. B. Day; Vice- 
Consuls, Chicoutimi, Hon. David C. Price; Montreal, 
F. C. Henshaw; Vice-Consul, Quebec, John Laird; &. 
John, N.B., J. H. Scammell. 
DEX:\IARK.-Consul, Halifax, Stephen Tobin. 
FRAxCE.-Consul-General, Quebec, Mr. Georges Dubail; 
Chancellor, Leon Duchastel; Clerk, Antoine Dessane. 
Vice-Consuls, St. John's, N.F., Mr. Riballier des Tsles; 
Halifax, Geo. E. Francklyn; ft[ontreal, Mr. )1. 
Sf'hwob; Toronto, W. J. Macdonell. Cmlsular .Agents, 
Charlottetown, H. Hobkirk; Chatlutm, J. B. Snow ball; 
Gaspe, L. Robitaille; St. John's, N.B., William Burke 
CarviIl; Sydney, F. Fisher; Thru Rivers, G. Balcer; 
Winnipeg, Man., J. Royal. 
-GERMAN E:UPIRE.-Consuls, Toronto, E. Freiherr von 
Heimrod; Quebec, C. Pitl; Montreal, W. C. Munderloh; 
Halifax, N.S., C. A. Creighton; Cluttham, N.B., Alex. 
)[oTTison; St. John, N.B., Robert Thomson; St. John's, 
T!d., Robert H. Prowse; Victoria, V.I., vacant; 
Winnipeg, .![an., W. Hespeler. 
General, Ottawa, C. Elliott Anderson,K.C.K.; Consuls, 
i'['Jntreal, Q., Dickson Anderson; Halifax, N.S., Geo. 
Fraser; St. John, N.B., Allan O. Crookshank; Winni- 
f., William Murdoch, C.E.; Regina, N.W.T., 
Xicholas F. Davin; Victoria, B. C., R. P. Rithct; 
nce-Consuls, Ottawa, 0., Frederic G. Boswell; Tor- 
onto, 0., Lt.-Col. Geo. A. Shaw; Hamilton, 0., Adam 
Brown; Kingston, 0., George Richardson; Quebec, Q., 
Vacant; Belleville, 0., Alexander Robertson, }1. P. ; 
Brockville, 0., Lt.-Col. J. D. Buell; Peterborough, 0., 
Henry H. Smith, Q.C.; Rimouski, Q.. J Norbert Pou- 
liot, Q.C. ; Fredericton, N.B., James S. Beek; Yar- 
mouth, N.S., E. F. Clcments; Prince Albert, N. W.T., 
Charles Mair_ 
hALy.-ConSUl' Halifax, N.S., Wm. Wingfied Bonnyn. 
nee-Consul, Toronto, E. Bendelari, 50 Front St. East. 
LIBERIA, REPUBLIC of-Consul-General, Ottawa, C. 
Elliott. Anderson, K.C.K.; Consul, Montreal, Frederick 

.-Consul-General, Toronto, B. H. Dixon, 
KN.L. .Acting Consul-General, Toronto, Albert 

(1rdheimer. Vice-Consuls, Quebec, A. K. Hansen; 
Halifax, N.S., W. N. Wickwire, M.D.; Montreal, 
Stephen B. Heward. 
PBRu.-Consul, Montreal, Oeo. B. Day. Vice-Conrnls, 
Jlontreal, F C. Hen!'lhaw ; Quebec, John Laird; Chiccu- 
timi, Hon. D. E. Price; St. John, N.B. J. H. Bcamo.ell. 
PORTUGAL-COnsul, Halifax, Thomas Abbott; Vice- 
Cnnsuls, Halifax, John Henry Abbott; Bridgewater, 
Charles Henry Davison. 
SPAlx.-Consul-General, Quebec, H. E. the Count of Pre- 
mio-Real, G.C.I.,G.C.
.,G.C.H.,&c. Consul, Halifax, 
S.S., A. M. de Zea. Vice-Consuls, Quebec, D. Taboa; 

Montreal, Q., J. L. Leprohon; Ga$pe, Q., N. E. Roy; 
North Sidney, W. Purves; St. John, N.B., D. R. Jack: 
St. John's, Nftd., A. Sin
ala; St. Pürre et Mi'lueWn, 
F. J. Mazier; Belize, Britts1/. Honduras, J. W. Fronski; 
Georgetown, British Guiana, E. ?tl. Wight. Consular 
Agents, Three Rivers, Q., G. Balcer; lofagdalen Islands, 
J. Fontana; Annapolis, N.S., J. M. Owen; Little 
Glace Bay, C. H. Rigby; Liverpool, Robie S. Stearns; 
Lunenburg, Daniel Owen; Pictou, Howard Primrose; 
Yarmouth, John W. Moody; Cluttlutm, M'iramichi, G. 
B. Fraser; St. 
orge, S. Johnson; St. Stephe1
. D. 
Brown; B1tTin, Nfld., F. Berteau; Togo,H. FindlatE:r; 
Gaultois, E. C. Gallop; Harbor Breton, P. Hubert; 
Harbor Grace, R. S. !tlunn; Little Harbor, J. C. Le 
Scelleur; Rose Blanche, P. Sorsoleil; Trinity, G. H. 
Cole; Twillingate, W. Lethbridge. Secretary, Quebec, 
O. Fréchette. 
SWEDEN AND NORWAY.-ConsuIs, Quebec, W. A. SchwR.rtz; 
Victoria, B.C.,R. Ward. Vic..
Consuls, Ottawa, R. C. 
W. MacCuaig; Hamilton, S. E. Gregory; Toronto, J. S. 
McMurray; .![ontreal, J. F. Wulff; Thru Rivers, G. 
Balcer; River Ouelle, Ach. Fraser; Chicoutimi, B. A, 
Scott; St. Etienne de Sagtunay, Edwin Hillier; Sault 
au Corhon, G. W. Forrest; Bersimis, T. Girouard; 
Trois Pistoles, N. Tetu; Rimouski, G. Sylvain; J[atan, 
A. Fraser; Metis, D. Blair; St. .Anne des ,\lonts, T. J. 
Lamontagne; Gaspe,F. G. Eden; DalJwusu,G. Haddow; 
Bathurst, John Sievewright; Caraqttette, Philip Rive; 
Miramichi, R. Hutchison; Richtòueto, R. Hutchinson; 
Butouche, J. C. Ross; SMdiac, I. Inglis; St. Jo
n, J. H. 
Thomson; St. George, H. Ludgate; St. John's, Njld., 
R. H. Prowse; Cascumspec, G. W. Howlan; P1tgwash, 
A. A. Stevens; Pictou, J. R. Davies; Yarmouth. J. 
W. Moody; Sydney and North Sydney, J. E. Burchell; 
Quebec, E. H. J. Schwartz; Ejcoumain, J. Topping; 
Campbelltown, N.B., J. McAlister: Halifax, N.S., J. 
H. Mathers; Liscomb, N.S.. S. Creighton; Parrsboro', 
N.S., N. C. Nordby; Winnipeg, J. A. Green; St. 
Margaret's Bay, N.S., C. R. Hill. Sheet Harbour, 
N.S., F. Macl\lillan; Bridgewater, iI.s., F. B, Wade; 
St. Stephen, N.B., J. Mitchell; Northport, N.S., D. P. 
Ferguson; Ship Harbour, N.S., L. F. Hill; 
brooke, N.S., D. McLean; Bait Verte and Tidnish, 
!-I.B., Jos. Read: Little Glace Bay and Cow Bay, N. S., 
E. D. Rigby. 
USITED STATI':S OF AMERJCA.-ConsuZ-r.eneral, Montreal, 
Seargent P. Stearns. Vice and Dep. Consul-General, 
Montreal, Bernard Courlaender, jr. COfI,ßul8, Cli,fton. 
F. Hazelton; Fort Erie, La Rue Peck; HamiltOl
, J. 
Jas. Low; Kingston, M. H. Twitchell; Prescott, H. L. 
L. Slaight; Belleville, F. W. Prince; Po'rt Sarnirt, S. 
D. Pace; Toronto, Walter E. Howard; Guelph, 
Harry P. Dill. Vice-Consul, Toronto, Chas. A. Hirsch- 
feldeI'. Consuls, Coaticook, John G. Crawford; Queber, 
John N. Wasson; Sherbrooke, Q., Benj. S. Parker; 
St. Johns, Q., S. P. Hubbell; Winnipr.g, M., J. W. 
lor: Victoria, B. C., Robt. J. Stevens; Gaspe 
Bosin, Geo. H. Holt. Halifax, N.S.-Consul-Gene- 
ral, Wakefield G. Frye. Vice-Co1l,8ul-General, James 
F. Phelan. Deputy Consul-General, Robie G. Frye. 
URUGUAy.-Vice-Consuls. ft[ontr4'al, F. C. Henshaw; 
Sydney, C.B., H. H. Archibald: Pictou. N.S., Chas. 
W. Ives; Bristol, S. C. Tupper; St. Mary's Bay, 
C. E. Everett; .Annapolis, T. A. Gavaza; Quebec, C 
P. Champion; Three Rivers, J. McDougall; St. John, 
N.B., A. D. Goodwin: Ottawa, C. E. Anderson; 
Peterborough, Ont., Arthur White; lIali/ax, H. W. C. 
Boak. Consul for Uruguay, Quebec, J. 

General Registrar, W. L. Scott, Battleford. 
PRISCE ALBERT DlSTRlCT.- Composed of all that por- I SOtJRls.-Bounded On the East and West same aR 
tion of the Provisional Di<;trict of Saskatchewan East Touchwood, and extending from Townships 1 to 10 
of the 3rd P. Meridian. Registrar, A. Sproat, P. Albert. inclusive. Registrar at Regina. 
TJL"CHWOoD.-Composed of that portion of the Pro- CALOARv.-Composod of the Southern portion of the 
,i;;:ional Distrif't of A5siniboia lying between the Western Provisional District of Alberta, and extending from the 
Bl'lmdary of Manitoba and the 3rd P. }Ieridian, and I international boundary line to the ninth correction line 
cxt,.urling from Townships 23 to 34 inclusive. Registrar of the Dominion Land s)'stem of Survey. Registrar, 
at Regma. T. A. :\lcLe:m, Calgary. 
RWlNA.-Bounded on the East and West same as ED:uoNToN.-Composed of all that portion of the Pro- 
Tonchwood, and extending from Townships 11 to 22 
.i!lional DIstrict of Alberta, not included in Ca]gary 
inclusive. Registrar, Geo. A. }[ontgomery, Regina. . Registration District. Registrar, Geo. Roy, Edmonton. 
K [661] 





PROYINCIAL NOR1.IAL AND MODEL SCHOOLS FOR must be a graduate of 0. British or Colonial rnÏ\ersity. 
IKG OF TEACHERS. and certified as experienced in teaching. Besides fees. 
local rate'! must be raised. EveQ- High School \\ ith two 
qualified teachers receives a fixed amount of :1:-400, and 
also a cerhin sum on salaries of teachers, general equip- 
ment and attendance. High Schools whieh have an 
averag-e attendance of ß(I pupils, may be made Collegiate 
Institutes, and receÏ\-e additional grant. An extra g-rant 
is provided for masters taking certain meteorologieal 
observations. Pupils attending these school., are pre- 
pared for 
Iatriculation in the Uninrsities. There were 
S9 High Schools and 18 Collegiate Institutes, \\ ith 1-1,259 
pupils, in Ontario in 1886. J. E. Hodgson, M.A., and 
John Seath, B.A., Inspectors of High Schools. 
Each Township is divided into School Sections of a 
suitable extent for one School; and in each of these Sec- 
tions three Trustees are elected to mo.nage its 
affairs. In Cities, Towns and \ïllag-es, the Schools are 
managed by a Board of School Trustees elected from the 
IIlunicipality. There were 5,395 Public School,;:. with 
472,458 pupils, in Ontario in 1885. 
Connected with the Educational Department is a 
}Iuseum, containing specimens of school apparatus and 
furniture, a valuable collection of Italian, Dutch and 
D HIGH SCHOOLS. Flemish Oil Paintings, and Statuary casts and busts. The 
Each of the High Sehools (which fonn the intermediate Museum is freely open to the public from 9 a.Ill. to 5 p.m. 
link between the Public Schools and the Universities) is TOTAL NG}IBER OF EDCCATIOXAL INSTITCTIONS 
managed by a Board of Trustees, appointed jointly by Of all kinds reported by the Educationo.l Department as 
the County and Town Councils. In cities the Trustees in operation in the Pro\-ince of Ontario during 1
8.3 was 
are all appointed by the City Councils, except where 5,508, attended by 485,500 pupils, and expendinz upwards 
there is onl) one school in the County. The head master of 83,950,000 in their support. 

Inspector. County. P.O. Inspector. County. P.O. 
D. McDiarmid, .tLD..... ..Glengary... ..Athol Tames C. }Iorgan, M.A....N. Simcoe.. ..Barrie 
Alexander McNaughton.. . Stormont .... . Cornwall Donald J. McKinnon .... ..Peel.. ....... Bmmpton 
Arthur Brown. . .. _..... _ . Dundas ..... .}Iorrisburg Joseph H. Smith.......... \Ventworth. ..Anca"ter 
\Y. J. Summerby.. .. .. .. . .Presc't& Rus'l.Rus"ell 1.lichae] Jos. Kelly, M.D.. . Brant ....... . Brantford 
O. Duford (Assi!>tant).. .. .. do. Curran James B. Grey.. . . .. .. .. .. Lincoln ...... St C,\tharines 
Arch'd Smirle. .. . . .. . . . . . . Carlton.. .. .. . Ottawa James H. Hall, Jf. A.. . . . .. Weiland.. .. '. Thorold 
Robert Kinney, Jf.D.. ... . Leeds, No.1.. Brockdlle Clarke }Ioses.. .. .. .. .. .... Haldimand .. . Caledonia 
Rev. Geo. Blair, J'[.A.. .... .. No.2&GrenPrescott J.J. Wadsworth,M.A .,lIf.B.Norfolk... ... . Simcoe 
F. L. }lichell, B.A... .. .. .. Lanark .. . . .. . Perth Wm. Carlyle.............. Oxford.. .. '. . Wood
R. G. Scott, B.A........ ..Renfr'w&Dist. Thomas Pearce.. .......... Waterloo.... . Ber]in 
of Nipissin
.Pembroke D. P. Clapp, B.A......... .N. Wellinbrton.Ha.rriston 
Wm. Spankie, B. A., ftf. D... Frontenac .. .. Wolfe Island J. J. Craig.. .. .. . . ,. .. .. .. S. .. Fergus 
Frederick BurrouA'hs.. .. .. Lennox & Ad..Napanee N. Gordon.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. Dufferin.. .. .. Orangè\ ille 
Wm. Mackintosh.. .. .. .. .. N. Hastings... Madoc Thomas Gordon. ....,.... W. Grey.. .. .. Owen Sound 
John Johnston.. . . .. . .... .. S. .. . .. Belleville Andrew Grier. . .. .. .. .. .. . E. " ...... Thornbury 
Gilbert D. Platt, B..A . ... . Prince EdwardPicton '....m. Ferguson... ........ S. .. .... . . Price\Îlle 
Edward Scarlett......... . Northumberl'dCobourg Wm. Alexander....:..... . Perth ....... . Stratford 
Wm. E. Tilley, M. A..... ..Durham.... ..Bowmanville John Elgin Tom.......... .S. Huron.... . Gorlerich 
James Coyle Bro\\ n.... ... .Peterboro' .. ..
orwood D. McG. Maloch.. .. .. .. ,. .N. .. .. .. .Clinton 
Chas. D. Curry, B.A.. .... Ha.liburton .. .l\linden W. S. C]endennin
 .. .. .. .. E. Bruce.. .. .. \Valkerton 
James H. Knight.. .. .. .. . . E. Victoria.. .. Linc'lsa.v A]ex. Campbell.. . . .. .. . .. \V. " .. .. .. Kincardine 
Henr.}- Reazin ............W. " ....LindenValley John Dearness. ..........E.}liddlesex..London 
James McBrien.. .. ...... . Ontario. ..... . Prince Albert Joseph S. Carson.. .... .... W. .. ..Strathroy 
D. Fotheringham....... ..S. york...... .Toronto Welbern Atkin.......... ..El
rjn ...... ..St. Thomas 
A. B. Davidson,B.A......N. .. ...... Newmarket W.H.G. Colles.......... E.Kent.......Chatham 
{ So SimCOe& } Wilmot M. Nicools, B.A... W. .. ....... Blenheim 
Rev. Thos. McKee... .. .. .. Dis. of Barrie Chas. A. Barnes, B.A.. .. .. Lambton No. IForest 
Muskoka. John Brebner............. .. NO.2Sarnia 
J. S. Deacon.... .. .. .. .. .. Halton.. . .. .. }[ilton Theodule Girardot.. .. .. .. Essex, No.1.. Sandwich 
Rev. D. McCaig........... Dis. of A]goma. Rockwood D. A. Maxwell.. '. .. . . .. .. .. No.2.. Amhertsburg 
Rev. G. Grant......... .... D. of P. Sound.Petrolea 
I W. G. Kidd.... .... Kingston I John }IcLean....... st. Thomas 
J.B. Boyle......... London James L.Hughes... Toronto 
John C. Glashan. . .. Ottawa 
..<Yote.-Belleville, Brantford, Stratford are under the Inspectors of their respective Counties; St. Catharines, 
under the Inspector of Pee]. 
Rev. A. }lcColl...... Cha
ham I Rev. G. Washington Meaford,1\Iono I Thomas Hilliard..... Waterlol? 
Re\-. R. Rodg-ers.... Collingwood Road P.O. S. Harcourt, B.A..,M.PP..'\\elland 
R. B. Carman, ..}f.A... Cornwall Rev. S. H. Eastman. Oshawa J. C. Patterson, JE.P.. Windsor 
Re\'. J. Gordon, ""f.A. Niagara Falls James Stratton.. . .. Peterboro' other to\\ns are under the Inspectors of their respective Counties. 
J. E Hodgson, J/.A.................. Toronto I John Seath, B.A.................... St. Catharines 

.Normal School, Toronto.-T. Kirkland, }I.A., Princi- 
pa]; Jas. Carlyle, }I.D., Mathematical Master; J. H. 
McFaul, Drawing Master; S. H. Preston, Teacher of 
Yocal Music; T. Parr, Teacher of Gymnastics and Calis- 
thenics, ltlodel School, in u'hich the .Normal School 
Students practice the .A1't of Tcaching.-Chas. Clarkson, 
B.A., Master ofthe Bo)'s' Schoo]; Angus McIntosh, First 
Assistant; James McLurg, Second Assistant; Hattie 
McLellan, Third Assistant; Margaret T. Scott, :!\Iistress 
of the Girls' School; Kate F. Hagarty, First ASRistant; 
Mary l\1. Meehan, Second Assistant; Julia }Ieneill;\', Third 
Assistant, and the Teachers of Dra\\ ing, Music, G)'mnas- 
tics and Calisthenics in the Norma] Schoo]; Caroline 1\1. 
Hart, Kindergarten Teacher. .Normal School, Ottawa.- 
John A. 
IcCabe, M.A., Principal; G. Baptie, Science 
:Master; William Scott, B.A., Mathematical Master; R. 
H. Whale, Drawing l\laster; \V. G. 'Workman, Music 
Master. ],[odel School.-E. D. Parlow, Master Boys' 
Schoo]; Thos. S\\ift, First Assistant; Robt. H. Cowley, 
Second Assistant; 1\1. Thomson, Third Assistant; Adeline 
Shenick, }Iistress Girls' School: M. G. Joyce, First 
Assistant; Marg-aret A. 1lills, Second Assistant; 
1. E. 
Butterworth, Third Assistant; E. H. Cope, Clerk and 

Rev. R. Torrance.... Guelph 
W. H. Ballard, JI.A.. Hamilton 




John J. Tilley.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . _ . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .' .. . . . . .. . . .. ... Toronto 
James F. White..................... Toronto I Cornelius Dono1'an, M.A.. .. .. . . . ... Hamilton 
J. A. McLellan, LL.D.................................................................... YorkviU 
Alexandria... J. Smith, M.A. Hamilton, 0. 1. P. S. Campbt'II, B.A. Picton ...... ... ... R. Dobl<oo, B A. 
Almonte........, P. C. McGregor, B.A. Harriston .... J. Mcll1nrchie, B.A. Port DoTer...... R. A. Barron. B.A. 
Arnprior......... L. C. Corbett, B.A. Hawkeebury... J. A. Howton, B.A. Port Hope...... A. Purslow,J!.A.,LL.D 
Aylmer. ....
... W.W.Rntherford,B.A Ingersoll, C. I. W. Bridan, B.A. Port Perry......D. McBride, B.A. 
Barrie, C. I. ... H. B Spotton, M.A. Iroquois ......... J. A. Carm.n. B.A. Port Rowan.... A. G. MacKay, M.A. 
BeamsvUle...... A. W. Reavley, B.A. Kemptv1lle.... W. S. Cody, B.A. Prescott ......... M. McPhereon, M.A. 
BellevUle . ...... G. S. Wright, M.A. Kincardine.... B. Freer, B.A. Renfrew......... C. McDowell. B.A. 
Berlin ............ J. W. Connor, B.A. Kingston, 0.1.. A. P. Knight, M.A. Richmond Hili. T. H. Redditt, B.A. 
Bowman vIII e... W.W. Tamblyn. M.A. Lindsay.......... W.O'Oonnor. M.A. Ridgetown,C.I. G. A. Ohase, B.A. 
Bradford......... W.Forrest,M.D.,B.A. Listowel......... A. B.McCallnm,M.A. Barnla............ W. Sinclair, B.A. 
Urampton ...... A. Murray, M.A. London, O. I., Re1'. F. L. Checkley.B.A. Seaforth...... J. O. Harstone, B.A, 
Urantford, 0.1. W. Oliver, B.A. Markham....... C. R. Gunne, B.A. Simcoe............ D. S. Paterson, B.A. 
Brockvflle...... A. W. Burt, B.A. Mitchell ......... W. Elliot, B.A. Smith's Falls... N. Robertson, B.A. 
Brighton ....... S. T. Hopper, B.A. Morrlshurg .... J. S. Jamieson, M.A. SmithvUle ...... A. C. Oroaby, B.A. 
Caledonia ...... L. A. Kennedy, M.A. Mount Forest. J. Reid, B A. S.Cath'nes ,C.I. J. Henderson, M.A. 
Csmpbellford... A. G. Knight, B.A. Napanee ......... C. Fessenden. B.A. St. Mary's, C.l. I. M. Levan, B.A. 
Carleton Place.. J. R. Johnston, B.A. Newburgb ...... T. 
IcK. Henry, B.A. \ Stratford,O. I... W. McBride, M...4. 
Cayuga. ......... A. Cole, B.A. Newcastle. ...... W. W. Jardine, B.A. Strathroy C. I. J. E. Wetherell, B.A. 
Chatham......... J. D. Chriltle. B.A. Newm.rket .... J. E. Dickson, B.A. StreetavUle .... A. B. Cooke, B.A. 
Clinton. ......... J. Turnbull, B.A. Niagara. ......... A. Andrews. St. Tbomaø,C.I. J. Millar, B.A. 
Cobourg, C. I... D. C. McHenry, M.A. .NiagaraFalll,S. M. M. Fenwick, B.A. 
ydenham ...... J. E. Burgess, M.A. 
COlborne......... J. S. Bellamy, B.A. Norwood......... J. Da1'idson. M.A. Thorold ......... A. McCulloch, M.A. 
Collingwood, C. J. W. Williams, B.A. Oak1'llIe ......... N. J. Welhrood, B.A. Toronto, O. 1.... A. MacMurchy, M.A. 
Cornwall. ...... W. D. Joho.ton, B.A. Oakwood ....... J. C. Pomeroy. B.A. Trenton ......... B N. Davis, B.A. 
Drummondvllie B. C. Sellll, B.A. Omemee ......... J. A. Tanner, M.A. Uxbridge . ...... J. J. Magee, B.A. 
Dundas ......... J.D. Bissonnette. B.A.. Orangevllie .... A. Steele, B.A. Vluikleek Hm. A. H. Watson. BA. 
DunnvUle ...... J. P. Hume, B.A. Ortllia............ J. Ryerøon, B.A. Vienna .......... A. Miller. M.A. 
Dutton....... W. Rothwell. B.A. Oshawa ......... L. C. Smith, B.A. Walkerton..... J. Morgan. M.A. 
Elora ......... .. D. Mackay, B.A. Ottawa, O. I.... J. Maemlllan, B.A. Wardsvllle.. ... W.G.MacLachlan.B.A 
Essex Centre.. A. Weir, B.A. Owen S'nd, C.1. F. W. Merchant,M.A. Waterdown..... T. O. Page, B.A. 
FarmerlJVfIle... W. Johnston, M.A. Pari!! ............. J. W. Acres, B.A. Weiland... ...... J.M.DunD,B.A.,LL.B. 
Fergus. ......... O.F. McGlIlivray.M.A Parkhill ......... E. M. Blgg, M.A. Weston ......... R. D.....lIOn, B...4. 
Galt, C. I.. ...... T. Cal"8cadden. M.A. Pembroke. ...... E. Odium, M.A. Whitby, C. I.... L. E. Embree, B.A. 
Oenanoque .... W. K.T. Smellle. B.A Perth, C. I...... R. R. Cochrane, B...4. WUllamstown_ 3. A. Monroe. B.A. 
Goderlch......... H. I. Strang, B.A. I Peterboro',0. I. W. Tassle,M A.. LL.D. Windsor ......... A. Sinclair. M.A. 
Grimsby......... C. W. Mulloy, B.A. Petrolea ......... S. Phillips, B.A.. Woodstock...... D. H. Hunter, B.A. 
Guelph, C. I.... W. Tyt!er, B...4. 


The law as to the solemnization of marriages is con- 
tained in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 124, 
which proYides for the solemnization of a marriage by 
any minister or clergyman of every church and religious 
denomination, duly appomted or ordained according to 
the rights and ceremonies of the church or denomiuation 
to which they respectively belong, resident in Ontario: 
but no such minister or clergyman shall celebrate the 
ceremony unless duly authorized so to do by license 
under the hand and seal of the Lieutenant-Governor, or 
by a certificate under the Act, 01' nnless the intention of 
the two persons to intermarry has been proclaimed once 
openly and in an audible voice either in the church, 
chapel, or meeting house in which one of the panies has 
been in the habit of attending worship. or with which the 
minister or clergyman who performs the ceremony is 
connected, and in the local municipality, parish, or charge 
where oue of the partie:! has for the space of fifteen da.ys 
immediately preceding had his or her usual place of 
abode; such proclamation to be on a Sunday, immedi- 
ately after the service begins, or after it ends, or at 
some intermediate part of the service. 
Section 3 of the Act provides for the substitution of a 
certificate instead of the usual marriage license. Such 
license or certificate shall be issued from the office of the 
ProvincIal Secretary, and shall be furnished to parties 
requiring the same by such persons as the Lieutenant- 
Governor in Council may name for that purpose; and 
unauthorised persons Issuing any such license or certi- 
ficate for the :!olemnization of marriage shall forfeit the 
sum of $100 for every license so issued. This does not, 
however, apply to the case where a deputy has been ap- 
pointed with the approval in writing of the mayor or 
reeve of the city, township, or incorporated village 
wherein he resides, when the issuer is vrevented by iU- 
ness. or unavoidable occident, or temporary absence 
from acting himself. Section 7 gives him authority to 
appoint a deputy to act in his absence, who while so 
acting shall possess the powers and privileges of the 
issuer appointing him. 
Before any license or certificate is granted by any is- 

suer, or deputy issuer, one of the parties to the intended 
marriage shall personally make an affidavit, stating fa) 
the county or distrirt wherein the marriage shall be 
solemnized; (b) that he or she believes that there is no 
affinity, consanguinity, pre-contract, or other lawful 
cause or legal impediment to bar or hinder the solemni- 
zation ofthe marriage; (c) that one of the parties has for 
the space of fifteen days immediately precedmg the Issue 
of the certIfieate or license had his or her usual place of 
abode within the county or district in which the mar- 
riage is to be solemnized; or should the place for its 
solemnization be not that in which either of the parties 
has for the space of l'ifteen days immediately preceding 
the issue of the license or certificate had his or her usual 
place of abode, that the reason for procuring the marriaae 
to be solemnized in such place is not in order to ev;de 
due publicity or for any other improper purpose. 
Then, in case either of the parties (not being a widower 
or widow) is under the age of twenty-one years, the 
aflìjavit shall further state that the consent of the per- 
Bon whose consent to the marriage is required by law 
has been obtained thereto. If there is no person having 
authority to gÏ\'e such consent, then upon oath made to 
that effect by the party requiring the license or certifi- 
cate. it shall be lawful to grant a license or certificate 
notwithstanding the absence of any such con!<ent. 
Should the issuer have personal knowledge. or reason to 
suspect that the affidavit is untrue, he shall not issue a 
license or certIficate. The father, if living, of any per- 
son under the age of twenty-one (not being a widower 
or widow), or if the father is dead, the guardian or 
guardians of the person so under age, or one of the- 
guardians. if there are more than one; or in case there ill 
no such guardian, then the mother of the minor, if tha- 
mother is not married, shaH have authority to give con- 
sent to the'marriage. 
Every clergyman or minister who celebrates a marriage 
shall, if required at the time of the marriage by eitht'r of 
the parties thereto, give a certificate of the marriage 
under his hand, for which he may demand twenty-five 
cents from the person requiring it. 





SL'PREME COl-RT OF THE DOMINION AND / of Justice; Hon. Samuel Hume Blake, retired Yice 
COURT OF EXCHEQUER. ChanceUor 1881. 
:r he Supreme <:o.urt, as 0. high C<?!-lrt of Appeal, con- Electi't'l!-E. T. 1881-E. T. 188ß.-James Beat.", jun., 
stItuted by. Domml.on Statute,38 'IC. <;ap. 2. a
sented Q.C., M.P., Toronto; John Be[l, Q.C., Belleville: B. 
to 8th .Apnl, 187ri, IS composed of a C
f JustH;e !lnd :'II. Britton, M.A., Q.C., Kingston; Hector Cameron, 
live PUIsne Judges, and has appellate, CIVIl and cnmmal 
I.A., Q.C., }I.P. Toronto. W. G. Falconbridge <,>.C. 
juri8rliction within an
 throughout the Dominion of Toronto; J. Har
y Fergu;on, Toronto; -.Jas. J: Foy: 
Canada. The Judges resIde at Ottawa, where the Supreme Q.C., Toronto; Hon. C. F. Fraser, Q.C" !lI.P.P., Bro('k- 
Courts h
lds annually. three Sessions-the first beg-inning \ ille: D. Guthrie, Q.C., Guelph: Hon. A. S. Hard), Q.C., 
on the th.Ird Tuesdaym Feb.ruar
-, the second on the first Brantford; J. Hoskin,Q.C., Toronto; A. Hud
peth, Q.C., 
Tuesday m May, and the thud on the f
)Urth Tuesday in Lindsay; Æ. Irving, Q.C., Hamilton; J. K. Kerr, Q.C., The Exchequer Court, presIded over by the Toronto; Z. A. Lash, Q.C. Toronto: James H. :'Ilorris 

ame Judge
, poss
sses concur
ent o
al )urisdiction Q.C.,. Toronto; Hyson W: M. Murray, Toronto; E: 
m the Dommion m all cases m whIch It IS sought to :\Iartm, Q.C., HamIlton; W. R. :\Ieredith, LL.B., Q.C., 
elat!ng to the re
 and exclusi,:e )I.P.P., London; Jas. ?tlacLennan, ?tI.A., Q.C., Toronto; 
origmal Jur
B(hctlOn m. all ('ases m whI
h demapd IS D'Alton McCarthy, Q.C., ::\I.P., Toronto; F. McK, elcan 
made or rehef sought m resped of a SUIt or actIOn of Q.C., Hamilton: D. ?Ic:
Iichael, LL.D., Q.C., Toronto; 
the Court of Exchequer on its revenue side against the Charles 
Ioss, Q.C." Toronto; B. B. Osler, Q.C., Toronto; 
Crown, or any officer of the Crown. Hon. T. B. Pardee, Q.C., !lI.P.P., Sarnia; T. H. Purdom, 
on; Thos. Robertson, Q.C., ?I'P" Hamilton; C. 
DOMIKIOS OF CANADA.-Hon. J. S. D. Thompson. Robmson, Q.C., Toronto; L. W. SmIth, D.C.L., Toronto. 
Hon. Sir William Johnston Ritchie, Knt., Chief Justice. Se
retary,S1lb-Trea-81!rerand.Librarian-J. H. Esten, 
Hon. Samuel Henr." Strong, Puisne Judge. Bar
-Law; SenIor AssIstant, C. B. Grasett; 
Hon. Telesphore Fournier, Puisne Judge. JUnIor AssIstant, J. J. Daley. 
lIon. ''''ïlliam Alexander Henry, Puisne Judge. EXAMINERS.-Equity, A. H. Marsh; Criminalla\\ and 
Hon Henry Elzear Taschereau, Puisne Judge. torts, W. A. Ree,'c, Q.C.; Real property, E. D. Armour; 
Hon. John Wellington Gwynne, Puisne Judge. 1>lercantile law, R. E. Kingsford. 
R. Cassels, jun., Registrar. 
Gworge Duval, Reporter. 

The Law Society was first estahlished in 1797, by the 
Act Bi, Geo. III., c. 13, which enabled the then practi- 
tioners of the law to form themselves into a societ
-, and 
make rules for its government. By the Act of 1822, 
2 Geo. IV., c. 6, "the Treasurers and Benchers of the 
Law Society" were formally incorporated; and under 
these and other statutes the Society has continued to he 
governed by a Board of Benchers, in the same manner 
as the various Law Societies of EnglanJ. By Revised 
Statutes of Ontario, c. 138, the Benchers theretofore 
appointed, from time to time, by their own bod
', are 
made, exclusive of' ex-officio memhers, elective by the 
Bar, tbe ex-officio consisting of the Attorney-General of 
the Dominion for the time being, if a member of the Bar 
of Ontario, and all members of the Bar of Ontario who 
have at any time held the office of Attorney-General of 
the Dominion or of Ontario, or of Attorney or Solicitor- 
Genrral of the former Province of Upper Canada, and 
an} retired Judge of the Superior Courts of Law or 

luity of Ontario; the elective, thirty in number, beíng 
chosen by the ballot, for a term of five years, by the 
members of the Bar, in manner prescribed bJ' the Act. 
Vacancies during the term are filled bJ' the remaining 
Benchers. On the first day of Easter Term, annually, 
the Benchers appoint one of their body to be Treasurer, 
who is also President of the Society. The Benchers sit 
in Convocation every term for the call of Barristers, the 
admission of AttorneJ s and Solicitors to Practice, and 
of Students to enter the Society, the fees paid by whom 
form the revenue of the Socioty. Osgoode Hall, appro- 
priately named after the first Chief Justice, is the 
Ontario" Inn of Court," or head-quarters of the Sodety, 
in which is provided accommodation for the Court of 
Appeal and Courts of Equity, and for the sittings in 
term of the Superior Courts; with a ,-aluable and exten- 
-sive library. 
The severa] Judges of the Supreme Court of Judica- 
ture for Ontario. 
Trea-8Urer-Hon. Edward Blake, M.A., Q.C., M.P. 

Ex-OfficW--Right Hon. SirJohnA. ?tlacdonald, KC.B., 
D.C.L., Q.C., Atty.-Gen. 1854; .Hon. Jas. Patton, Q.C., 
SoL-Gen. 1862; Hon. A. N. RIchards, Q.C., Sol.-Gen. 
1864' Hon. Adam Crooks, Q.C., Atty.-Gen. Onto 18ïl; 
Hon.' Oliver Mowat, Q.C., retired Vice-Chancellor 1872, 
present Atty.-Gen. Ont.; Hon. Edward Blake,. 
late Minister of Justice and Atty.-Gen. of the DonllnIon; 
Hon. Sir Alex. Ca.mpbell, R.C.M.G., Q.C., late Minister 

COCRT OF ApPEAL FOR OXTARIO.-Constituted for the 
hearing of appeals in ci\'il ('ases from the Queen's Bench, 
Chancery, and Common Pleas Dhisions of the High 
Court of Justice, and from the County; and by recent 
Statute, the Division Courts also in cases defined as to 
amoUIJt, and appeals from criminal cases from the Queen's 
Bench, Common Pleas, and County Courts. From the 
judgment of this Court an appeal lies, at the option If 
litigants, either to the Supreme Court of tbe Dominion, 
or to Her lIIajest
' in Privy Council, in cases over Æ.I,OOO, 
or where annual rent, fee, or future rights of any amount, 
are affected. The Judges of this Court, in adcUtion to 
their appellate duties proper, take part in presiding over 
Courts of Oyer and Ternliner and General Jail Deliverv 
and sittings' of the Queen's Bench, Chancery, and Coni- 
mon Pleas Dh isions of the High Court of Justice, and 
may be placed on the rota for the trial of Election 
petitions, \\ith the Justices of the High Court, who, as 
ex-officio Judb"es of this Court, choose from their number 
a Judge or Judges to sit in Appeal in case of there being 
0. vacancy in this Court, or if, from illness or some other 
cause, one of the Judges of the Court is unable to be 
present, or is unrler any lega] disqualification to hear an 
appeal. Chief JlI-8ti.ce of Ontario-Hone John Hawkins 
Hagarty, D.C.L. J1lstieeS of Appeal-Hon. G. W. 
Burton, Hon. Christopher S. Patterson, Hon. F. Osler. 
Regi8trar-Alexander Grant. Usher and }We8senger- 


QUEEY'S BEXCII DIVISloK.-The jurisdiction of this 
Dh islon extends to all manner of actions, causes and 
suits, criminal and ch il, real, personal and mixed, within 
Ontario, and it ml!,y proceed in such, by su('h process 
and course as are provided hJ law, and as shall tend 
with justice and despatch to determine the same; and 
may hear and determine all issues of law, and also (with 
the inquest of twelve good and lawful men in the cases 
pro\ided for) try all issues of fact, and give judgment, 
and award execution thereon, and also in matters whi('h 
relate to the Queen's Revenue (induding the condem- 
nation of contraband or smuggled goods) as may he 
done b
- Her 
Iajesty's Superior Courts of Law in Ell\<- 
land. Chief JuJltice-Hon. Adam Wilson. Members of 
the QW!en's Bench Ditrision-llon. J. D. Annour, and 
Hon. John O'Connor. RegiRtrar-James S. Cartwright. 
Iacdonnell, J. L. Whiteside, Miss C. Jarvis. 
Crier and Usher-James Rollo. 
CH.A.:SU;RY DIVISIO!I/.-This Division bas the like juris- 
diction as the Court of Chancery in England, in cases of 
fraud, accident, trusts, executors, administrators, co- 




partnerships, acoount, mortgages, awards, dO"l'er, InfantA. t'lections for the Local Legislature of Ontario, the Judge. 
I.dlotl!, lunatics and their estates, waste, specific perform- of the Court of Appeal and of the Superior Courts of Law 
anee, d1ecovery, and to prevent multlplldty of SUU8, and Equity meet annuaIly In Mlcbaelmaø Term ani 
and may decree the Issue, repeal, or yoldance, of letters severally select, by a ml\!orlty ofvoteø, a Judge of theh 
patent, ani generally the like powers which the Court of respeotlve Courts to be placed on tbe rota 
r the triM ot 
Chancery in England po88esses to administer justice in election petitions. In the case of death or tbe Illne88 of a 
all cl\8es In which tht>re Is no adequate remedy at law. Judge so chosen, the Court of which hela a member meet 
ChanceUor-Hon. John A. Boyd. Member.oftht. Dimncm. and elect another Judge. Trial!! Inyohlng corrupt 
-Hon. Wm. Proudfoot and Hon. Thomas Ferguson. practices are pr68lded oyer by two Judges, otherwlBe a 
Special .&aminer.-George M. Enns, W. D. Gwynne, single judge prettldes, and an appealliel &0 the Court of 
and Shorthand only, John Bruce. 
trar-G. S. Appeal of the Proylnce. 
Holmt>!lted. A.nstant Rt.{JUtrar-A. F. McLean. Clerk COUNTYCOURTB-Presldedoverby a resident Judge ID 
of RwoTda and Writ.t-G. M. Lee. DoclØing C'lerk-A. J. each county, assisted In some counties by a Deputy or 
Elliott. Oopyi7I{J Clerk.-Mrs. M. B. BlAck. Enteri7I{J Clerk- Junior Judge. Their jurlsdlctioD extends to all personal. 
H. Eemple. USMr-R. Parkes. Homekuper and Me.- actions where the debt or damages claimed do Dot exceed 
.enger-D. Sutherland. 1200; and to all suits relating to debt, covenant or COD. 
COIilMON PLEA8 DIVISIOy-ThJs DlvI!!lon has the same trMt, where the amount I. ascertained by the act!! of the 
powers and jurisdiction as a Court of Record, as the partiell or signature of the deft>ndant., to $400; and to all 
Queen's Bench Division. Writs of summons Bnd capias ball bonds and recognizance. of ball gI'fen In tbe County 
issue alternately from either Division. (;/iiif JUB
- Court, to any amount; but not to caøeø inyohlng the 
Hon. M. C Cameron. Member. of eM Di17isiofl.-1Ion. T. title to lands, nlldity of willi!, or actions for libel, slan- 
Galt and Hon. John E. Rose. Registrar-M. B. Jackson. der, crlm. con., or seduotlon. An appeal lies to the Court 
Clerk.-M. I. Macnamara, C. O. Strange. Crier anå UIher of Appeal of Ontario. 
AU Divisions of the High Court h!iye now concurrent -The County Judge In each county holdø a littlng of hll 
Jurlsdiotlon under the Judicature Aot, 1881. Court and a Court of GeneralS_ions In hili Munty 8eml.- 
CH.\MBER.'T-Chambers are held each day for BUch annually on the Becond Tuesday in June and December, 
bU8lne88 relating to actions as may be transacted by a except In the county ot YorJt.ln which county said Coun 
lingle Judge out of Court. The Master in Chambers I. is held four times, commencing on the tirst Tuesday In 
- empowered to obtain the assistance of the Registrar of December and March, and the second Tuesday In May 
the Queen's Bench Division or of any Official Referee to and September, the latter Oourts for the trial of cases of 
lit with or for him. MasSer in Chambers-R. G. Dalton, felony and mll'demeanor, but treason and capital felonle. 
Q.C. CXMk8-F. Arnoldi and A. Y. Blain. are eXl"mpted from their jurisdiction. The Judge may 
also, in his discretion, hold BddltloDal sitting!! at such 
MASTER'S OPJ!'IOE-.ðlasteT in Ordinary oj the SuprtTM times as may be deemed expedient to expedlta businesø, 
rt-Thos. Hodgins, Q.C. Clerk-No McLean. JU'fIWr but only for the trial oflasues of fact without a jury. 
Ot.erk-L. B. Young. (For list of Local Masters, see COUNTY JUDGES' CRIMINAL CoURT.-PerfilOns committed 
page 139.) to jail for trial, on charge of being guilty of any offence 
ACCOUNTANT'S Opnc.ø-Accouma'llt-Geo. S. Holmested. for which they may be tried at a Court of General Sa.. 
Clerk of Accounú-Benjamln W. Murray. C'lerklf-Geo. sions may, with their oum come'llt, and subject to the p
Behan, E. J. Harding, Mi88 M. Buchan,;C. Gilbert. visions of the Act In that behalf, be forthwith tried by 
TAXING OFPICERS-J. H. l'hom, S. B. Clark. the Judge of the County Court and General8t-lIslons with. 
MARITI'IE CoURT OP ONTABIo-Constltuted bv Dominion out a jury. and if conylcted, be sentenced by the 
Statute, W Vie., cap. 21, as a 8uperior Court õf Maritime Judge; and the Judge sitting on any such trial for all 
J'unsdlctlon; Is composed of one Judge for the whole the purpo&es thereof, is constituted a Court of Record, 
ProvinC':!, and durrogate Judges fur certain localities ap- and the rt>cord In any such case shall be flIed amon
pointed by the Governor In Council, are Invested with records of the Court of General Sa88lonslast mentioned. 
such powet'll as may be conferred on them by their com. CoURTS OP REV1SloN.-TheCounty Judges hold annuall, 
mløøion. The Maritime Court Is a Superior Court of Courts of final reylBion of the AS8ef;liment Roll!! of each 

rd, having, with some exceptions mentioned In tbe Municipality, being In the light of Courts of Appeal from 
Act, the like rights and remedies in all IIiatters, Including the first Court of Re'fÍslon held by the Municipality; and 
eases of Contract and Tort, and proceedings in rem anå in also Courts for the Revision of the Toters' Lists for 
perøonam, arising out of or connected with navigation, Provincial Elections. The Voters' Llstll for Dominioc 
shipping, trade or commeroo, on any river, lake, canal, or Elections are now settled by :&evlslng BarrIsters under 
!nland water, of which the whole or part IBln the Province the Act of 1885. 
of Ontario, aø any existing Vice-Admiralty Court would INI!OLVENT DEDTORS' CoURTB.-These Courts, which 
have Iflts process extended to the Province of Ontario. had reference to traden only, were regulated by the 
Ths Sittings of the Court and In Chamberil Bre fixed and Act known as the "Insolvent Act on876." This Statute 
regulated by the Judge and Surrogate Judges at such bas now been repealed, and the Courts and A881gneee are 
times as they shall think fit and neceBBal"Y for the due only continuing CO wind up pending C88Øs. 
administration of Justice. Judge for tM wMk PrQOÎ.nce- 
lIon. John Boyd. RtgiItrar-John Bruce. MarshaL- SURROGATB COUR7s.-The jurisdiction of these Courtl 
William Boyd. relates to all teBtamentary matters and can-. and to the 
granting and reyoking of probate of wills, and letters of 
REPORTERS-Editor-James F. Smith, Q.O. ReJÞfWÚt in administration of the effects of deCØ8l!6d persons having 
Q1v..en'. Bench-S. J. Vankoughnet. Reporter '" Gbmmon estate or effect in Ontario, and all matters arising 
.Aða.!-G. F. Harman. Repurterlf in O'hance-ry-G. A. out of or connected with the grant or revocation of pro. 
Boomer, A. II. F. Lefroy. ReporÜT Oourt of .App!(Il--A. bat d I I t ti b' t to J to th Ch 
Grant. In Ohamberø-T. T. Rolph. Distributm- of Law e or a m n s ra on,su 
ec an appea_ e an. 
Slam p ..-W. W. Baldwin. aery Division. Tha County Judg68 are also Jud8es of the 
Surrogate Courts. Chief SurrogaU (Jf.erk at Toronto- 
HEIR A...'iD DEVISEE CoURT-Commissioners, the Judges Sir J. L. Robinson, Bart. .A.sistant-F. A. Robinson. 
of the Superior Courts, and such other persl)ns as may be DIVISION COURTS, for the summary disposal of cases 
appointed by commission under the Great Seal. Their by the preblding Judge, being the County Judge or hili 
duties are to determine claims to lands In Ontario, Deputy, or any Barrister appointed to hold the same; 
for which no patent has Issued from the Crown In favour but a jury of five persons may be demanded in certain 
of the proper claimant.., whether as heirs, devisees or M- cases. Their juriødiction extends to actions of debt or con. 
signees. SittingsM Toronto, first Monday In January tract where tb t' balanc.. claImed is over $100 and under $200 
and July in each year. Cluk of CbmmisBionerø-W. B. and the original amount was asoortalned by the signature 
Heward. of the defendant. and to $100 In other cases of debt, sub- 
COURTS POR THE TRIAL OP CO:-iTROVERTEn ELEOTION8.- ject to an appeal to the Court of Appeal; but the snm 
The nature of these courts is sufficiently Indicated In ottheaccounttobegonelntocannotexceed$400; injurl611 
their title. In respect to elections for the IIouse (>f Com- or torts to personal chattels amounting to $60; and per- 
mon!! of Canada, the Superior Courts, by one of their sonal actiolls to that amount, if not exC!epted from their 
.Judges appointed in that behalf, are invested 1rItb special jurisdiction; but not to actions for gambling deMs, 
Jurlsdlctiun for the trial of contested elections, and ap- liquors drunk in a tavern, or notes of hand given therefor 
peals lie to the Supreme Oourt at Ottawa. In respect CO ejectment, title to land, &c., or any toll, custom or fran 




ehil!e, will or settlement, mallcloul! prosecution, libel, 
I!lander. crlm. con., eeductlon or breach of promll!e, or 
actions against a J. P. for anything done by him In the 
exeeution ot hili office, If he objects to It. Each Judicial 
District is dhided Into Court Divisions, and C!>urts are 
held once In two months In each Division, or oftener at 
the discretion of the Judge. Tbe Divisions are elltabllshed 
by the Court!! of General Se88ions, and in certain eases 
by the Judges. 
BOARD OF COUlI'TY JuooEs-Ohairman-J. R. Gowan, 
late sen. Judge County Simcoe. Member,-S. J. Jones, 
County Brant; D. J. Hughes, County Elgin; James 
Daniell, Counties Prescott and Russell; and J. S. Sin- 
clair, County Wentworth. 
Drown Law OjftUT,. 
Hon. O. Mowat, Q.C. 
Ojficf:T' of the Courts. 
TORONTO.-G. 8. Holmested. 
Ordinary of the S'lperior Court, the Registrar of the 
Queen's Bench Division, the Registrar of the Common 
Pleas Division, the Referee in Chambers (vacant), the 
Accountant, the Inspector of Titles, anù the Referee of 
CLERK OF AsSIZE.-High Court of Justice, G. B. 
Nicol, Toronto. 
DEPUTY CLERKS OV THE CROwN.-The Clerks of the 
County Courts will be ex ojficio Deputy Clerks of the 
Crown and Pleas of their several Counties as the present 
incumbents vacate by death or otherwise. 
CLERK ov THE PROCESs.-For sealing and issuing 
Writs of Summons and otlher Writs in the Queen's Bench, 
Chancery and Common Pleas Divisions (alternately), W. 
B. Heward. Assiçtant-C. A. Stewart. 
Clerk- W. O'Neil. 
Sittings oj the COltrts. 
CoURT OF ApPEAL.-This Court holds its sittings at 
such time and for such periods as the Judges shall, from 
time to time, deem necessary or convenient for the speedy 
dispatch of business, the timcs now fixed being the first 
Tuesday in March and September, and the second Tues- 
day in January, May and November; notice of the hold- 
ing of such sittings being given according tù the usual 
DIVISlOxs.-Hilary begins first Monday in February, 
and ends Saturday of the ensuing week; Easter begins 
third Monday in May, and ends Saturday of the second 
week thereafter; Michaelmas begins third Mond.:.y In 
Kovember and ends Saturday of the second week there- 
after. Trinity Term begIns on the Monday after the 21st 
August, and ends on Saturday of the following week, but 
may be dispensed with by order of Court. The Queen's 
Bench and Common Pleas Divisions have power also, at 
their discretion, to hold sittings in banco in time of va.
tion (except long vacation), by virtue of a rule or order 
of the Court, respectively to be made in or out of term, 
for the hearing of such special cases or rules for new 
trials as shall be named in a list to be attached to any 
such rule or order, and for giving of judgments in cases 
previonsly argued, and for disposing of such other busi- 
ness as the Court in its discretion shall see fit; and one 
of the Judges of either of the said Divisions sits in opcn 
Court on Tuesday and Friù'lY of every week, as well in 
as out of Term, except during vacation, for the purpos8 
of disposing of all Court business which mELY be trans- 
acted by a single Judge. 
CERY SITTINGS.-8iUing' fO'r the maring oj eaUla, 
Including examination of,are held twice in e8<'h 
year, at Toronto and on Circuit, the places and dates 
being previouilly arranged by the Judges (8ee Circuits). 
Bitting. fO'r the rehearing qf caUla are held on the 3rd 
Thursday in February, the last Thursday in August, and 
the first Thursday in December. Th.e Oourhituvery week, 
except during vacation, for the deS}!atch ofbusineslI, in the 
following order: Munday. chamber busine88; .J'u,uday, 
motions; Wednesday, motions for jndgment, fUl'ffier direc- 

tlons, petitions, and demurreR; Thursday, appeals from 
Haster'lI reports. 
Loll'G VAOATIOll' extends from the 1st of July to the 
1st of September. In Chancery, there Is also a vacation 
trom the 24th December to 6th Jannary. 
COUNTY COURT 1:ERMs.-The several County Courts In 
Ontario hold fonr sittings in each year, commencing respec. 
tlvely on the first Monday in the months of January, 
April, .July, and October, except the County of York, 
which commences on the first Monday In January and 
April, and the øecond Monday in .June and October, and 
ending on the Saturday of the 8&me week. 
C'ircuiú of 1m Clmru. 
LAw CmCUITB.-8itting,fO'r Hearinu of Actiom.-Courtl 
of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery are 
held twice a year In each County or onion of Counti6ll, 
In the vacation between Hilary and Easter Terms, and 
between that period of the vacation after the 21st ot 
AUp:.Ist and Michaelmu Term, except the Counties of 
York and Wentworlh,lB each of which Counties there Is 
held a third such Court In every year, in the vacation be- 
tw..en Michaelmas aud Hilary'ferms; and In the County 
of York there Is held a fourth such Court, between Easter 
Term and the first day of July. The I!ittings for hea... 
Ing of actions may, in the discretion of the Judges, be 
held separate and apart from the Courts of Oyer and 
Terminer, and General Gaol Dehvery. and the Assizes for 
any County are not pnt an end to by the commencement 
of Term, but may continue and be holden during Term, 
subject to llpecial rulell In such case for moving against 
the verdict or for new trials. There are sb Circuits al 
follows, viz:- 
Ecutern: Brockville. Cornwall, Kingston, L'Orignal, 
Ottawa, Pembroke, Perth. Midland: Belleville, Cobourg, 
Lindsay. Napanee, Peterborough. Picton, Whitby. Nia- 
gara: Barrie, Hamilton, Orangeville, Owen Sound, St. 
Catharlnes, WeIland. Ozford: Berlin, Brantford, Cayuga, 
Guelph, Simcoe, Stratford, Woodstock. Watern: Chat- 
ham, Goderich, London, Sandwich. Barnla, St. Thomas, 
Walkerton. BQ"fM,: Brampton, Milton, Toronto. 
Tbe Courts In each Circuit shall be preBided Over by one 
of the Chief Justices or Justices ot the High Court or of 
the Courts of Appeal, or, in their absence, by a Judge of a 
County Court, or some one of Her Majesty's Counsel learned 
in the law, requested by anyone of the Chief JU8tices or 
Justices to act in that behalf. 
CHASCERY CIRCUITS, for the Examination of Wltnesøel 
and Hearing Causea, are held in the Spring and Fall of 
each year as follows:- 
Tortmto: Toronto. Ecutern: Belleville. Brockville, C0- 
bourg, Cornwall, Kingston, Lindl!&Y, Ottawa, Peterboro'. 
Western: Chatham, Goderlch, London. Sandwich, Sarnia- 
Stratford, Walkerton, Woodstock. Home: Barrie. Brant, 
ford, Guelph, Hl\IIlllton, Owen Sound, Simcoe, St. Cath. 
arines, Whitby. 
The Courts in each Circuit are presided over hy the 
Chancellor or one of the Members of the Chancery Divl- 
lIion. Of" by a retired or preøent Justice orthe High Court 
or of the Court of Appeal. or by a Jndge of a County 
Court, or by some one of Her Majesty's Counsel learned 
In the law. requested by the Chancellor or one of the Jus- 
tices to act In that behalf. 
MASTER OF TITLES. under Land Titles Act. 1885 (Torrens 
A<,t), J. G. Scott, Q.O. Clerk, W. B. McTavish, 
Owing to the large increase in this list and the demands on 
our space we are obliged to omit this inJormaiivn.-[ED. 

Queen'. Bench. 
CHIEF JUSTlCB.-Hon. Sir Aimé A. Dorion. 
PUISNE J('DGEs.-Hons. Samuel Cornwallis Monk, 
Thos. K. Ramsay, Ulric J. Tessier, Alex. Cross, George 
CLERK OF ApPEALS.-L. T. W. Marchand. 
AT QUEBJ!:C.-W. C. Duggan. 
AT MONTREAL.-Louis Ouimet 
Schiller & Sicotte. 

1887. ] 

Superwr Court. 



Arthabaska .. . . Hon. IlL A. Plamondon 
Beauce ........ " A. R. Angers...Z. Vezinn 
Beauharnois ..' .. Louis Belauger. C. Durauceau 
Bedford ....... .. G.C.V.Buchan'nHall&Leonard 
Chicoutimi .... " A. B. Routhier.. F. X. Gossetin 
G ' . fGaspé.. " J E R- R J. X Larvie 
aspe l Bonv're .. a ue.... G. F. Maguire 
lberville .. ..... " H. W. Chagnon. F. J. Marchand 
J oliette.. . . .. .. " H. T. TaschereauD'sroch'rs& D'sil'ts 
Kamouraska .. . " , E. Cimon .. .. . . J. C. Pelletier 
M ontmagny .. . . " A. R. Angers.. . A. Bender 
ftIontreal ...... " F. G. JOhuson ) 
.. R. }lackay... 
F.W. Torrance 
H. F.Rainville 

 Honey & Gendron 
)1. Doherty.. 
C. Gill....... 
11. )Iathieu .. 
L. O. Loranger 

Otta wa and Co. 
of Argenteuil. .. J. S. C. Wllrtcte. A. Driscoll 
.hec........ " A.Stuart,Ch.J) 
K. Casault... t Fiset, Burroughs 
L. B. Caron.. j & Camvbell 
I W. .!.ndrews 
Richelieu ..... " J. A. Ouimet. .. A. K Gouin 
Rimouski. . .... " H. C. Pelletier.. Letcndre &. Cham- 
Saguenay....... .. A.B. Routhier..C. Duberger 
St. Francis.... " E. T. Brooks. ..Short & Cabana 
I::\t. H vacinthe.. .. L. V. Sicotte.. .. Roy & Richer 
Terre bonne .... " L. Belanger.... Chs. de Montigny 
Three River!!... " J. B. BourgeOls.A. Desiters 
Alexander C1tannence, Quebec; 11. C. Desnoyers, Esq., 
JUDGE OF THE AD:\IIRAJ.TY.-Hon. George Irvine. 
Registrar-James Dunbar, Q.C. Marshal-J. B. Parkin, 

SUPREME COURT JUDGEs.-Hon. John C. Allen, Chief 
Justice; Huns. A. Raillsforù V{etmore, A. L. Palmer, 
George E. King, John J. Fraser, William H. Tuck. 
CLERK OF THE PLEAs.-T. Carleton Allen. 

COUNTY COURT J{TJ)GES.-Hons. James G. Stevens, 
William Werld
rhurn, James Steadman, Bliss Botsford, 
William WiJliston, Charles Watters. 
 of the Courts. 
Alhert ............... Samuel G. Morse 
Carleton. . . . . . . . . . . .. William M. Connell 
" ............ A. B. Connell (Circuits) 
Charlotte ............ George S. Grimmer 
Gloucester. . . . . . . .. .. Theophilus DesBrisay 
Kent ................ James D. Phinney 
" .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. Robert Hutchinson (Circuits) 
g's . .. .. .. .. . . .... Ora P. King 
............... John H. Cother (Circuits) 
Madawaska .......... Barry R. Plant 
Northumberland. .... Samuel Thomson 
Queen's.. .... ........ James R. Curry 
.. .. .. .. ........ T. Medley Wetmore (Circuits) 
Restigouche ......... James S. Morse 
St. John's.. ........ .. Mont. McDonald 
.. .. . . . . . . . . .. Jolin Willett (Circuits) 
Sunbury.. ... .. .. .... George J. Bliss 
" .. .. . . . . .. . .. Charles W. Beckwith (Circuits) 
Victoria ............. Dennis B. Gallagher 
" . .. . . .. .. .... W. Fred. Kertson (Circuits) 
'Vestmoreland........ Joseph B Peck 
.. '. .... Barry R. Smith (Circuits) 
York ...... ......... JeremiahH. Barry 
" ...... .. .. .. .... J. F. McManus (Circuits) 

SUPERlOn COURT JUDGEs.-Hon. Ed. Palmer, Chief 
Justice; HODS. Horsfield Peters and Joseph Hensley, 
Assistant Judges. 
COUNTY COURT JUDGt:s.-George Alley, Esq., Queen's 
County; Dennis O'M. Reddin, Esq., King's County; 
Thomas Kelly, Esq., Prince County. 
T. Weeks 
DEPUTY PROTHüNOTARlES.-J. A. Longworth, Queen's 
County; Wm. Sanderson, King's County; William T. 
Hunt, Prince County. 
CLERKS, C. C.-F. W. Hughes, Chief Clerk, Charlotte- 
town, Queen's COUIIty: George A. Aitken, Chief Clerk, 
Georgetown, King's County; W. T. Hunt, Chief Clerk, 
Summerside, Prince County. 

CHmF JUSTICE. -Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie, Kt. 
PUISNE JUDGEs.-Henry P. P. Crea:>e. John Hamilton 
Gray, John Foster McCreight, George A. Walkem. 
REGISTRAR S. C. VlCTORlA.-JamesC. Prevost. 

Division Court Clerks, Ontario. 
II. P. McKim.................. Cataraqui 
III. C. Ruttan................ Sydenham 
IV. Alex. Grant................... Verona 
. V. D. J. Walker............... Inverary 
I. John Stephens ......Owen Sound 
II. David Jackson ...... .....Durham 
Ill. Thomas Plunkett .........Meaford 
I V. Thomas J. Rorke ... ...Heathcote 
V. J. W. Armstrong...... Flesherton 
VI. John McDo1lald .....Chatsworth 
I. D. McGregor.............Caledonla 
II. Wm. Mussen. ........... ...Cayuga 
III. Thomas Armour. ......Dunnville 
IV. R. A. Havill............... Rainham 
V. Seth K. Smith. ......Canborough 
VI. Charles E. Bourne.......... Jarvi. 
I. Chas. D. Curry............. Minden 
II. Wm. Prust...... ....... Haliburton 
I. Wm. Panton...................Milton 
II. Robert Ba}mer ...... .........Oakvlll. 
III. Lachlan Grant...... ...Georgetown 
IV. J. Matthews................... Acton 

ALGOMA DIsrRIOT. III. John Fenton ............ ...Huntley 
1. Edw. Biggings...Sault Ste. Marie IV. 'Y m . P. T
ylor, Fitzroy Harbour 
U. Thomas CollinI' ......Bruce MineI.' V. Chas. G. 
[II. Samuel McLean....I.ittle Current VI. Ira Morgan...............:...Metcalf 
IV. Wm. S. Francis....Manitowsning VII. Fred. W.Harmer....Hmtonburg 
V. Jas. Fraser..................Gore Bay DUPFERIN. 
BRANT. I. Gu)' Leslie............... Oranlleville 
I. Joseph Robinson.........Brantford II. Alex. McLachlin.........Shelburne 
II. John K. Finlayson............Paris III. John A. Love ............... Stan
HI. John P. Galloway....... St. George IV. George MoHanus...... Mono Mills 
IV. Henry Cox............... .... Burford V. R. G. Hamilton............. Luther 
V. J. R. 
blcolm...............Scotland EtOlfl'. 
VI. John Henderson.........Onondaga I I. Alexander Love............. Aylmer 
BRUCE. II. Charles Askew..........8t Thomas 
I. Wm. Collins............Walkerton 1 111. Charle
II. H. B. O.Connor.........'
eeswa.ter IV. F. 
lcDlarmld............... Bismark 
HI. Joseph B4rker....... Kmcardme ESSEX. 
IV. Xeil 
lcKechnie............Paisley I. J. A. Stewart............Sandwich 
V. James \lcKlnna-n.... Port Elgin II. J. II. C. Leggatt...Amherstbl1rg 
VI. HI1:;h Murrav.........Underwood III. E. Allworth............ K!ngsville 
VII. A. Neeland8.............Invermsy IV. Charles Bell............ Colchester 

hl. Bryce B. Miller.......... Wiarton V. George A. Morse.... Leamlngton 
IX. J amps McLeod ...... ...... Ripley VI. F. P. BouteUier ...... Belle River 
X. W. Moshier. ...............Esstnor VII. John McCrae. .... ...... Windsor 
VIII. John Milne...... .......... Gosfield 

I. .J-hn R. Armitrong.........Ottawa 
H. II ugh Riley............. Richmond 

I. William Robinson ... ... Kingston 





V. S. R. Lister............Nassagswey. 1 IV. C. J. Fox.................. Delftware 
VI. G. C. Bastedo. ......... Burlington V. Goo. WIlson............... . Glencoe 
HASTINGS. VI. John English ..........Strathroy 
I. R. Croft Hulme ...... Belleville vVM. N. Burdick, Dorchester atation 
II. D. R Ketcheson......Wallbrldge I . B. E. 81ft
n .................. Arva 
III. A. B. Randall...... ahannúnvllle IX. E. 8. JarvIs.......... London East 
IV. Thomas McCann............Tweed MUSKOKA DISTRICT. 
V. F.B. Parker ...............Stirling I. T.M. Bowerman....Bra('ebrldge 
VI. J. S. Loomis..................Madoc II. J. H. Jackson ....aevern Brlllge 
VVII. A. a. Va.lleou. ......... Deseronto III. J. R. Reece............. Huntsville 
Ill. Jacob Sllls................Canlfton IV. R. G. Penson.........PortCarling 
IX. Jerel1!lah 8immons......Trenton 
X. David Bentley............Marmora NIPISSING DISTRICT. 
XI. Jas. E. Harrison...Brldgewater I. J. D. Co('kburn......8turgeon Falls 
XII. John Wilson ............L'Amable H. John McMeekin............ Mattawa 
I. J. S. McDougall.........Goderich I. W. R. Griffin ...............Slmcoe 

. John Beattie. ............ 8eaforth II. Edward Matthews ....Waterford 
I . W. W. Farran............. Clinton III. Robt. Green....Wlndham Centre 
. Alexander Hunter ......Brussels IV. C. S. Harris ............ Courtland 
. Thomas Trivett............ Exeter V. M. J.l\IcCall............. Vlttorla 
VI. Wm. McArthur .....DungannoJl VI. S. P. Mabee ......... Port Rowan 
VII. John 
Iorgan...... ....... Bayfield VII. D. C. Brady...... ...... Hou!(hton 
VIII. James McGuire ....... Wingham VIII. Lawrence Skey ...... Port Dover 
IX. Joseph Cowan.............Howic. 
X. Michael Zeller...............Zuricb 
XI. WIlliam !.awis. . . . . . . Crediton 
I. Wm. B. Wells... .........Chatham 
II. J. Duck...................Ridgetown 
III. Simeon Wallace............Dresden 
IV. G. young................... Harwich 
V. D. C. McDonald ... Wallaceburgh 
VI. Geor
e Moore.......... ...Bothwell 
VII. D. R. Farquharson.......Fletcher 
I. H. M. Pousette.. ............aarnia 
H. J. D. Eccles ............... Watford 
III. William Webster. ......Florence 
IV. P. Catt.anach................aombra 
V, Thomas R. K. 8cott. ...... Forest 
VI. T. Kirkpatrick ..........Thedford 
VII. John McRae ......... Mooretown 
VIII. W. G. Fraser...............Petrolia 
IX. John W. Hranan......Alvlnston 
I. Robert Jamieson............... Perth 
II. W. H. FIeld................... Lanark 
III. Findlay McEwan, Carleton Place 
IV. Wm. M. Keith .......Smith's Falls 
V. John Cowan. ............Pakenham 
VI. Wm. P. McEwen......... Almonte 
I. David B. Jones.........Brockvllle 
II. Bartholomew White.... Prescott 
III. 8. McCammon.........GR.nanoque 
IV. O. Bascom...... ........Kemptville 
V. E. H. Whitmarsh ..MerrickvlUe 
VI. W. H. Denaut ................Delta 
VII. llir8m McCrea.........Frankville 
VIII. Horace Kllborn.........Newboro' 
IX. Reid B. Ah.uire... Farmersville 
X. G. Fairbairn......... 8per:cervHle 
XI. B. Bellamy.......North Augusta 
XII. M. J. ConnolJy..........Caintown 
I. Charles James............Napanee 
II. Charles L. Rogers ............Bath 
III. .Tno. J. Watson...Adolphustown 
IV. Peter Johnstone...Camden East 
V. Wm. Whelan......... Centreville 
VI. J. A. Zimmerman......... Odessa 
VII. Thomas MUler.........Tamworth 
I. J. B. Secord..................NIagara 
II. W.A.Mittleberl(er. st. Cathllrines 
IH. Isaac Sprfn!(stead.........Avlndon 
IV. Charles E. Riggins... Beamsvllle 
I. W. Joseph McIntosh ...London 
II. W. Dickson............. Park Hill 
III. J. Flanagan.......... Clandeboye 

I. Jfred. Cnbitt.........BowmanviUe 
II. 8amuel Wilmot ...... Newcastle 
III. George M. Furby......Port Hope 
IV. John Hunter............MHlbrook 
V. A. G. Boswell ............CObourg 
VI. Hllnry Lawle8s............Grafton 
VII. Wm. Johnstone......... Colborne 

III. M. P. Ketchum......... Brighton 
IX. R. P. Hurlbut. ...... Warkworth 
X. T. R. Garratt ............. Wooler 
XI. Daniel Kennedy...Campbellford 
1. D. C. Macdonell ............ Whitby 
II. M. Glee80n............... Greenwood 
III. Jo-hn Burnham ......... Port Perry 
IV. Zachariah Hemphill .... Uxbrldge 
V. Goo. Smlth...............Cannlngton 
VI. George F. Bruce .........Beaverton 
VII. F. J. Gillespio . ......... Uptergrove I 
I. F. W. Macqueen .......Woodstock 
II. M. F. Ainsley............... Drumbo 
III. Robt. Murray. ............... Embro 
IV. James Barr............ Norwichvllle 
V. Jamel! 8tevens............ Ingersoll 
VI. John Hodgson.........Tilsonbnrgh 
I. R. H. Stewart.........Parry Sound 
II. H. Armstrong... ...McKellar P. O. 
HI. E. Sirett........................Rossean 
IV. James 8harpe......... Burk's Falls 
V. J. G. Dest...............:Uagnetawan 
VI. Melton Carr............. Commall da 

I. J. W. Main ............... Brampton 
II. T. K. Beatty............ Streetsville 
III. John Harris ............... Caledon 
IV. H. H. Bolton..............,... Bolton 

I. David B. Burritt ......... Stratford 
II. Thomas Matheson......... Mitchel] 
III. E. Lon{{...................... St. Marys 
IV. George Brown......... Shakespeare 
V. Thomas Trow.............Mllverton 
VI. W. J. Hay................... Listowel 
I. R. W. Errett ... ......... Peterboro' 
II. Thomas Fraser......... ...Norwood 
III. Thomas Campbell ......... Keene 
IV. S. Sherin...... ...... ....... Lakefield 
V. C. R. D. Booth. ...............Apsley 
I. David Buchan.......... L'Orlgnal 
II. John Shields...... Vankleek Hill 
III. Wm. Allison, Hawkesbury EBst 

IV. Thos.iVan Bridger...Plantagenet 
V. J. a. Cameron.... ...Cumberland 
VI. A. Carson.....................Russell 
VII. R. Lawlor............Hawkesbury 
VIII. John Downing ......... Fournier 
IX. Frederick Langrell......... Alfred 
X. A. H. Edwards ......... Rockland 
XI. Peter Stewart....... ...Casselman 
I. Robert Boyle................ Picton 
II. Henry Haight............ Milford 
III. J. Hamilton....... Demorestville 
IV. W. C. DeLong......Amelia
V. J. B. Garratt. ......... Wellington 
VI. A. B. Saylor............Bloomfield 
VII. Joshua M. Cadman.....Consecon 
VIII. B. E. Harrison........... Waupoos 
I. Thos. A. Findlay. . . .. Rat Portage 
n. Wm. Wilson........ ...Fort Francis 
I. W. C. Irving............ Pembroke 
II. T. E. Thwaites......... Bfachburg 
III. George Elldy,jun....... Renfrew 
IV. G. E. Neilson ......,..... Arnprlor 
V. John Bernard........ .8hamrocll: 
VI. James Reeves............EgllnvUle 
VII. Robert Allen............. . CoM en 
VIII. John. C. Gnrney... Rockingham 
I. A. J. Lloyd.............. ... . Barrie 
II. H. W. Manning......... Bradfurd 
III. Joel Ro
ers........ .... ...Beeton 
IV. R. G. Campbeel......Collin!(wood 
V. Abraham Craig ...... Cralghurst 
VI. J. P. Henderson............Orlllla 
VII. Ja8. A. Mather ......New Lowell 
VIII. J. G. lIood...................Allit'ton 
IX. H. Jennlngs...Penetanguibhene 
X. John C. Steele ...............Steele 

I. G.H.McGilllvray, WllJiaDJstown 
II. C. D. Chisholm ...... Alexandria 
III. C. J. IIIatt.lce...., ......Cornwall 
IV. A. Dawson.... Dickinson's Lan'g 
V. Wm. GaTVey,jun... Morrisburg 
VI. J. N. Tuttle ...............Iroquois 
VII. Wm. J. Ridley, South Mountain 
VIII. John A.Cockbnrn.........Cryslu 
IX. P. Stuart..................LaDclister 
X. Wm. Rae... ......... ...Chestenille 
XI. D. McIl1to!!h............MoncklaDd 
XII. James R. McKenzie. ...... ...Skye 

I. W. H. Laird............Port Arthur 
II. John Aikin!!, EngllBh River P. O. 
III. Frank J. ApJol1n......Rat Portage 
IV. Alex. Reid...............Fort Frllncls 
I. Peter McSweyn....... ... Wood vllle 
II. G. Cunningham.... Fenelon Falls 
Ill. J. Junkin ...............Bobcaygeon 
IV. Jas. D. Thornton. ... .. .Omemee 
V. O. J. McKibbon............ Lindsay 
VI. J. F. Cunnings.. ......... Oakwood 
VII. A. C. Grahl\IIl....... Victoria Road 
I. A. J. Peterson ............... Berlin 
II. Otto Klotz ...... ............ Preston 
III. Peter Keefer..................... Galt 
IV. Wm. D. Watson..................Ayr 
V. John Allchln .....New Hamburg 
VI. R. Morrison............ Hawkesville 
VII. John L. Wideman...... at.Jacoh" 

I. G. L. Hobson.............. Welland 
II. Edward Lee.......... ....MarshvUle 





1887. ] 



V. John J. Gearin............. Thorold 
VI. .A. K. Schofield.... Port Colborne 

I. H..T. Bunbury .........Hamilton 
II. F. D. Suter,................. Dnnd", 
III. J. McMonfes,jun... W.terdoyrn 
IV. W. McDonald............ Rockton 
V. A. G. Jones. ......... Stony Creek 
VI. L. A. Gurnett............AnC&8ter 
VII. John McClemont. ...... Glanford 
VIII. J. S. Taylor...............Binbrook 
IX. R. L. Gunn ...............Hamilten 
I. A. McLean Howard ... Toronto 
II. John Stephenson... Unlonville 
III. J.M.Lawrence...Rlchmond TIm 
IV. David Lloyd. .........Newm.rket 

V. Wm. Fry .....................Su1.ton 
VI. A. Armstrong......... Lloydtown 
VII. John Nattres8....... WOO41brldge 
VIII. John Paul ..................Weston 
IX. J.H .Richardson,llIghland Creek 
X. E. H. Duggan ............ Toronto 

I. A. A. Baker ............... Guelph 
II. Wm. Nichol...............Puslinch 
III. D. L. Schultz............Rockwood 
IV. T. W. Thompsou..........Fergus 
V. Wm. Tyler ..................... Erin 
VI. Hugh Hamilton............ . Elora 
VII. George Allen............Glenallen 
VIII. Daniel Drl8coll ............ Arthur 
IX. Guy Leslie ............ Orangeville 
X. A. C. R. Sannders......Harrlston 
XI. James C. Wilkes...Mount Forest 
XII. L. R. Adams.... ...... ... . Drayton 

Exohange & Stook Brokers 
22 KrNG ST. EAST, 

Cox & CO., 



Stock :Ð3rokers, 



Ne-w York, Canadian and English Stocks, 

Petroleum. Cotton and Chicago Crain and Provisions. 

Ha\e independent direct Telegraph Wires and receive daily cable quotations of Hudson Bay and other Stocks. 


1873.. .. .. $ 1,798,630 
1876.......... 4,004,089 

$ 113.293 




Agriculture, Department of...... 41 
Anniversaries. ...... ............... ... 6 
AppelLl, Court of..................... 148 
Auditor-General's Office............ 41 
Bankruptcy Act, Ontario....... 116 
BRnks and Branches ............... 24 
Bankl', Foreign Agents of... ...... 26 
Baptil't Ministers .......... ... ...... 136 
Benchers, Law Socillty,Ont...... 148 
Bishops of B N. A..... . . .... ...... 120 
Board of County Judges.......... 160 
Book Post ................ ............. 57 
British Army. . ..' .. .. . . . .. .... 106 
British Columbia, Province of... M 
Calendar....... ..... .................. 9 
Calendar. Explanat'n of Articles 6 
C81((ary District, N. W. T... .... 146 
C.madian Pacific RaIlway......... 102 
ChlUIlbers, High Court ............ 149 
Chancery Circuits. .................. 160 
Chancery Division, High Court. 148 
Chancery Sittings. .................. 150 
Chronologiral Cycles ... ............ 6 
Chureh of England in Canada... 120 
Cireuits of the Courts... ............ 150 
Cities, Towns and Villages ...... 143 
ClMgy of Canada..................... 120 
ColIect(lrs of Customs............... 39 
Collt-giats Institutes, Ontario... 146 
Commerce, Dominion of Canada 23 
Cflwmis8Ïonerstortaking Affidt. 160 
Common Pleas Division, High 
Court ................................. 149 
Commons, House of.... ...... ...... 37 
Congregational Denomination... 135 
Consuls, Foreign, in Canada...... 145 
Controverted Eledions Court... 149 
Copyrights in Canada... ........... 41 
County Courts............ ............ 149 
County Court Terms............... 150 
C-ounty and Judicial Officer,... 139 
-Connty Registrars, ManItoba-... 101 
County Registrars, Ontario...... 138 
County Registration Divisions... 138 
C"urts of General Sessions ...... 149 
Courts, Officers of............... ... ... 150 
Courts of Revision... ............... 149 
County Judges' Criminal Court 149 
Crown Land Agents. Ontario.... 51 
Crown Lands DeplLrtment, Que. 53 
Crown Law Officers.... .. .......... lóO 
Customs Department ............... 88 
Customs, Tariff of. .................. 27 
Divi!i'ion Courts............ ............ 149 
Division Court Clerks............... 151 
Dominion of Canada ............... 36 
EcUJ'ses ................................. 'j 
Edmûnton District, N. W. T.... U5 
EducationaL...... ......... ............ 146 
Educational Institutions, Total 
Number.... ................. ....... 146 
Educationai Museum............... 146 
Emigration ... ...... ......... ...... ... . 23 
:EJlCchs. ................................. 6 
Evangelical A88ociatlon ....... 135 
Examiners P. L. Surveyors, Ont, 51 
ExaminersP. L. Surveyors, Que. 53 
E%ehequer. Court of ............... 148 
Executive Council, B. Columbia 55 
Executive Council, Manitoba.... 66 
E::Iecutive Council,N.Brunswick 53 
Executive Council, Nova Scotia M, 
Executive Council, Ontario ...... 60 
Execl1tive Council, P. E. Island. 55 
Executive Council, Quebec ...... 62 
Exports and Imports, Dominion 23 
Festivals, Fixed and Movable... 6 
Finance Department. ............ ... 39 


Foreign Consuls in Canada ...... 145 
Foreign Money Orders............. 69 
Freemasons, Grand Lodge of.... 107 
Governor.General and Staff ... ... 36 
Gl'lUld Lodge, Freemasons......... 107 
Head Masters Co. High Schools 147 
Heir and Devisee Court............ 149 
High Court of Justice, Ont ...... 148 
High School Inspectors............ 146 
Holidays, Romark'e Events, ate. 3 
House of Commons ................ 37 
House of Assembly, Manitoba... [)6 
House of AII8embly,N.B.......... 63 
House of Assembly, N.S.......... 64 
House of Assembly, Ontario...... 60 
House of Assembly, P.E. Island 55 
Immigrants arrived at Qpebec... 23 
Indep. Order of Odd Fellows... 114 
Indian Affairs, Department of... 40 
ln1and Revenue Department ... 39 
Insolvent Debtor'1I Court......... 149 
Inspectors, School................... 146 
Interior, Department of............ 40 

Judiciary. ... .......... . . . . .... ...... 148 
Junior Judges, Ontario..... .... 137 
Justice, Department of............ 38 

Land Title Office, Manitoba...... 101 
Law Circuits... .................. .. .... 150 
Law of Marriage.............. 147 
Law Reporters........................ 149 
Law Society of Ontario............ 148 
Legal at Judiciary, Ontario ...... 148 
Quebec ...... 150 
. N. Br'wick. 151 
P. E. Island 151 
B. Columbia 151 
Legislative Assembly, B.C......... 55 
Legislative Assembly, Quebec... 52 
Legislative Council, N B.......... li3 
Legislative Council, N.S.......... 64 
Legislative Council, P.E. Island 65 
Legislative Council, Quebec...... 62 
Letter Rates............... ... ......... 56 
Long Vacation...... ...... ............ 150 

Magnectlc Observatory, Toronto 8 
Manitoba, Province of............... 56 
Marine at Fisheries Department 41 
Maritime Court, Ontario.......... 149 
MarrIage Law................ 147 
 Lodges............... ...... 108 
Master's Office, High Court ...... 149 
Methodist Church in Canada.... 129 
Meteorological Averages.......... 8 
Meteorological Register, 1885... 21 
Militia at Defence Department. 40 
Militia List of the Dominion.... 42 
Artillery, Field................... 43 
GarrlaOD............... 43 
Mountain. ..........., 4-1 
Regiment,at 8e1s of. 42 
Cavalry, Corps of.................. 43 
School Corps . ......... 42 
Command in -Chief................ 42 
Department of Mil. at Def...... 42 
Engineers, Corps of . ... ... ...... U 
Infantry at Rifies, Battalions... 44 
Indept. Cos. 50 
Schcol Corps....... 42 
Royal Military College. ......... 4'
Staff, District............... 42 
Head-Quarters .... . . . ... 42 
Money Orders ............... ......... 58 
Money Orders, Foreign ......... .. 59 
Monthly Register.......... ......... 3 
Moon's Phases............... ......... 9 



Municipal Information, Ontario. 140 
Municipalities in Manitoba ...... 144 
New Brunswick, Province of.... 53 
Newspapers, Rates of Postage... 5'i 
Normal and Model Schools. ...... 146 
North-West Territories ............ 66 
Nova Scotia, Province of.......... M 

Odd Fellows, Independent Or- 
der of.................. ......... ...... 114 
Officers Legis. ASBem., Ontario. 61 
Officers Legis. A88Øm., Quebec... 62 
Officers Legis. Â81-embly, N.B.... 64 
Ontario Bankruptcy Act ........ 116 
Ontario, Province of. ... ............ 50 

Pacific Railway...................... 102 
Parcel Post............................ 59 
Planets.......... ........................ 9 
Police Magistrates, Ontario ...... 138 
Postal Information...... ............ 56 
Post Office Department............ 39 
Post Offices, List of.................. 60 
Post Office Savings Bauk ...... 137 
Presbyterian Church in Canada. 126 
Presidents United States ...... ... 119 
Privy Council. ........................ 36 
Prince Albert Dist., N W T. . .. 145 
Prince Ed. Island, Province of... 65 
Public School Inspectors ......... 146 
Public S
hools, Ontario............ 146 
Public Works, Department of... 39 

Quebec, Provinee of. ............... 52 
Queen and Royal Family......... 36 
Queen's Bench Division, High 
Court. ............................... 148 

Railways and Canals, Depart- 
ment of .............................. 40 
Railwav Statistics .................. 23 
Regina'District. :K W T.. ......... 145 
Registration Districts, N.W.T.... 1-15 
Registration Divisions, Ontario. 138 
Registration of Letters... ......... 56 
Rt!gistrars, County, Ontario.... 138 
Registrars. County. 1tlanitoba... 101 
Revi8ing Officers, Ontario.. ...... 13'i 
Roman Catholic Church.......... 12.'3 
Royal Arch Masons......... ......... 112 
Royal Family.................. ...... 36 

Savings Bank, Post Office. . . ... 13'i 
Senate of Canada... .... . ............ 36 
Separate School Inspector. ...... U'i 
Shipping, Tonnage of............... 23 
Sittings of the Courts...... ......... 150 
Souns District, N W T ............ 145 
Star Table...... ... ...... ............... '7 
State, Department of... ............ 41 
Stipendiary Magistrates,Ontario 138 
Supreme Court of the Dominion 14') 
Supreme Court of Judicature, 
Ont .................................... 1<18 
Surrogate COurtø............ ......... 149 

Tariff of Customs. ...... ......... ... 2'i 
Touchwood District, N W T..... 1-15 
Towns, and Officials of............. 143 
Township Municipalities ......... 140 

United States, Presidents of .... 119 

Venus and Mars, Diøc of ......... 'i 
Villages, and Officials of . ......... 1-13 
Visitors, Law Society, Ont....... 148 

Year, The .............................. 8 

1887. ] 

e ..... 
111 >- 
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E!'3T ..A.:DLJ:S::S::ED :1.836. 


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Official: Gover'nn
ent, Raillvcty and City Timekeepers, 

fl.f'JE GOL
Sterling Silver and Plated 'Yare, Diamonds. French Clocks and Bronzes, 
Split Seconds and Repeating 'Vatches. 
J. E. ELLIS & co. No.1 King Street East. Toronto. 

----- ---- -----
--- -- - - -

 :.. c .', 
" ,

:,., ':,011, ",- EAGLE 
'" ," 
 ." "

'"ï " t''iY

. - Steam Washer. 
- - . I" ",'ð 1 
11", "
- \ 
. '.- 
' ..":;;:;
: ';

E, .::-...
 fl":: \
-' 1\ !I!::
 " - ''\\.../ I 
.,......""HITZ .!iT... The only perfectly success- 
ful Washer ever invented. 

Manufacturers of the 


Steam Washer 






,I rt 
_ ..... 1.....-.- 

No Home is Complete 


Good Live Agents wa.nted in every COl1nty. 
MESSRS. FERRIS & Co., Toronto. South Water Stred, Galt, Ont., At/g. 12, 1886. 
Gentlemen,-It gives me gr
at þleasure to say that after giving your" Steam W as/ur" a th0107tgh trial 
(Ill wlllte goods, white mid colo1"ed flannels mid calicoes. I COllsÙÜr it a þrictdess boon, and feel sure that its 
merits rcquiri! only to bi! knO'ltJll to be aþþreciated. Yours trttly 




This is the leading Commercial School in Canada, Its location is in the business and 
educational centre of this Province. The course of studies has been sp
cially arranged to 
give a sound business training. 

Arithmetio, Commeroial Law, Book-Keeping, Correspondenoe, Penmanship, 
Phonography and Type Writing praotioally taught. 
For Circular, giving full particulars, address 
C. O'DEA, Secretary. 





Jobn lIðacöonalö & <to 



:::. c 


(tarpets, 'tlXllcoIlens & jfanc

T<>FI..<>1-"TTC> . 


B EG to call the attention of the Trade that to the combined efforts 
of expert Departmental Buyers going to Britain twice a year 
and a resident buyer and staff there, they are enabled, by watching 
the home markets thoroughly, to contract and purchase lines oí goods 
not obtainable elsewhere. 

They can confidently assert that no house in the Dominion has elabor- 
ated and systematized their business to such an extent; the effect and 
consequence are that year by year the trade constantly and uniformly 
increases. The stock is always large and varied and continually 
supplemented by new purchases of the latest novelties and value. 

They solioit an Inspeotion at all Times. 


Letter orders or orders through travellers receive careful and 
prompt attention, but personal inspection is solicited. 





.. ' 

acOonalo & (to 

1 1 Jß 
 ÐI; : 

Second and Third Floors. 
Canadian and Foreign Woollens, Rubber 
Goods, Carriage Cloths, Tailors' Trim- 
mings, etc. 
First Floor-Staple Department. 
Linens Cottons, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, 
Duck's, Denims, Tickings, Yarns, Battings, 
Waddings, Shirtings, Sheetings, Grain 
Bags, Towelings, etc. 
Second Floor-Stuff Department. 
Dress Goods, Lustres, Cashmeres, Winceys, 
Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Stays, Scarfs, 
Handkerchiefs, etc. 
Third Floor-Mantle Department. 
Silks, Crapes, Jackets, Shawls, Parasols, 
Laces, Muslins, & Fancy Wool Goods, etc. 
Fourth Floor-Haberdashery Department. 
Sewing Silks and Cottons, Buttons, Braids, 
Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, U mbrellas, Yarns, 
Woolwork, Valises, Fancy Goods, Notions, 
Japanese Fans, etc. 

Fifth Floor-Carpet Department. 
Carpets, Oilcloths, M attings, Curtains, Repps, 
Damasks, Cretonnes, etc. 


28, 30, 32, 34 FRONT STREET, EAST, f · 




, Gas; Bitters, Ilot mater ls gtea
 I2eatiQg EQgiQeers, 

Our objE'ct is to set forth brief sketches of the various manufacturing and commercial enterprises of this 
city. Of those which are practically worth) of mention, none are more so than those which confer upon us 
increased comfort and safety in our homes and public edifices, and of these the above house is entitled to 
a pre-eminent position. 
Steam heating is beyond question the best means of obtaining artificial heat. It is clean, less complicated 
",hen constructed upon s<'Íentific principles, and ultimately is more economieal. 
The house of }Iessrs. BE:SNETT &, WRIGHT are transacting a business indic.ated by the headin'
 of this 
sketch. Their premises are located at 72 Queen Street East, and consist of Four floors, each of which "occupies 
a space 120 x 20 feet in dimensions. Here is carried a full and complete stock of gas fixtures of all kind
plumbers' gas and steam-fitters' supplies, sanitary appliances of the very best description and latest improved 
character are here available in connection with the mechanical departments of the business, which indudes gas 
fitting- and plumbing in all its branches. The specialty of the house, however, is the application of hot water 
and steam for heating purposes to public buildings and prh-ate residences. The reputation which.has been 
aC<juired by the house, in this regard, is of the nry highest nature, and has been gained owing to the perfect 
satisfaction which has always been the result of all contracts executed. Aß instances of the superior character 
of this finn's productions, we will mention that they ha\-e been awarded, at the Industrial Exhibition, a silver 
medal for the best sanitary water closets, bronze medal for hot water and steam heating apparatus, and first 
prize for gas fiJ.tures, plumbing- work, plumbers' brass work, and engineers' brass work. The finu have fitted 
up some of the prineipal buildings in Toronto and neighborhood with steam and hot water heating apparatus, 
besides a very large number of private residences. Among these the limits of our space only permit the men- 
tion of the following, viz. :--}!anning's Arcade, Collegiate Institute, Dufferin School, The Arcade, Toronto Gen. 
eral Hospital, Horticultural Gardens, Bo)s' Home, 'Vyeliffe College, Osgoode Hall, Orphans' Home, Baptist 
College, Loretto Abbey, Homewood Retreat, Guelph; House of Refuge, Newmarket; Court House, etc., 
Whitby; Post Office, Windsor; Middle and Modell:5chools, Sarnia. In all instances the most fiattering testi- 
monials have been received, vouching for the complete and perfect manner in which the work has been executed. 
The sole proprietor of the business is }lR. JOSEPH 'VRIGHT, who is in all respects a thoroughly praetiealman in 
all details of the trade, over whiph his closest and critical supervision is constantly exercised. The trade of 
the house includes this city and the Province generall), and fifty-fi\'e skilled mechanics are given emplo) ment 
in the various departments. In concluding this sketch, we are aware that we do but scant justice to the facili- 
ties of this house. Its reputation, however, is well-known and has been achieved by its just merits, and offers 
by far a stronger commendation than we can presume to offer. 
They also show a large assortment of GAS FIXTURES. 

OF 1lV'ATERT01lVN, N.Y., 

No. 26 Victoria Street, 

Arcade Building. 

This Company insure nothing more hazardous than Dwellings, with their Outbuildings. 
Churches, Convents and Educational Institutions, take no Commercial nor :Manufacturing 
Risks, and are therefore not subject to sweeping fires, making a safe security for the home. 
Having done business for thirty-two years, they can point to an honorable and successful 
career, having now nearly two million of assets. Are writing 70,000 Policies per 
Annum, with a Yearly Income of over 6800,000. 

CAPITAL, $500,000. 


Parties desiring to insure their City Houses and contents will find this Company a safe 
one and the rates reasonable. 
Agents wanted in all unrepresented towns, and five good men required as 
City Canvassers. 

J. F'l YNN, 
Chief Agent. 

WilliAM & lYONS, 
City Agents. 


1887. ] 




J. n. S


The Toronto Business College 

One of the largest, leading and most complete Educational Institutes in Canada, 
affording accommodation for 300 Ladies and Gentlemen. 
HEADQUARTERS l Corner Yonge and Shuter Streets, l T ORONTO C 

 and 37, 39 & 41 Adelaide Street East, 
 I I 1 an. 

Typewriting, Penmanship, Arithmetic and Grammar. 
Latin, French. Greek and Mathematics, Drawing, 
Painting and Perspective, and all other Commercial, 
Educational and Fine Art branches, thoroughly taught 
by highest masters. All Students receive private les- 
sons: may commence at any time and take any subject 
or suLjecLs they desire. Terms extra low. 
BUSINESS MEN will be supplied with office help 
on shortest notice, without charge. 


This is the College where young ladies and gentle. 
men are thoroughly prepared to enter in any bu
or profession. Its rapid progress is sufficient proof to 
the public of its proficiency. On account of its many 
advantages over other institutions, new Students are 
almost daily entering. 
Day and Evening Departments always open. All 
graduates helped to good situations. 
Or Teachers sent to places where Classes can be form- 
ed. Terms extra low. 

Shorth;tnd Books Wbolesale and Retail. Large (jirculars Fl"f"e. 


13!" Note the Address, and don't forget to send for our Large Cat-a-Iog before going 



! . .ß
.' I 


L I 10: n 1 . 

Conger Coal Co. 







E ,'; S 




o ' 






Cor. Esplanade & Princess Sts., 
Bathurst St., nearly opp. Front, 
Fuel Association, Esplanade St., 
near Berkeley St. 
Also 244 Queen 

20 King Street West, 
409 Y onge Street, 
765 Yonge Street, 
552 Queen Street West. 
Street East.. 

ELI.' S .

1\1:iners and Shippers. 

:. CO. 
Wholesalers and Retailers, , 


. ,j 

'I I 

, t\r 
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 ::::::. " 
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" \,1' 1,-' t -.fJ lo.' ,
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" I

......,Þ ''''!!',.-:::


Old Gent.-" Hello! Central!" 
Oentral.-" Hello! what's the matter? Please 
don't hit the telephone like that!" 
Old Gent.-" 'Vhy, I didn't know I was ex- 
cited! Please ring me up C. 'V. DENKIS, 
No. 342." 
O. W. Dennis.-" Hello! do you want me?" 
Old Gent.-" No, I don't want you, exactly; 
hut I want another of your Improved 
Model Washer and Bleacher Machines. 
My wife lent hers to a neighbour who has 
moved away, and FORGOT TO RETUR
 IT ! 
Send us up another one, as my wife says she 
can get through her washing in less than 
half the time, when using your machine. 
The next neighhour who borrows our 'Vash- 
er, we will refer to you.'" 
The Improved Model Washer & Bleacher 
. Weighs only 4 pounds. Can be car- 1t"ì.,"1'h 
ried in a small valise. Satisf3l'tion 
guaranteed or money refunded within /' ...;;;;. I 


O REWARD FOR t //! ,I', 
Washing mad!' light aHd easy. The I I

clothes have t]Jat pure whiteness I 1 
which no other mode of washing can. f 
produce. No rubbing required, no , li e ' 
friction to injure the fabric. A 13 _ 
year old girl can do the washing as 
well as an older person. - -" 
To place it in every household THE 6 
PRICE HAS BEEN PLACED AT $3. De- I'at. Aug. 2, 188 
livered to any express office in the 
Province of Ontario and Quebec. Charges paid $3.50. 
Send for Circulars. Agents wanted. 





1876-PHILADELPHIA-International )Iedal and Diploma of Honor. 1876-Lmmox-First 
Prize. 1877-AusTRALIA-First Prize. 1878-PARIs, FRANCE-International Medal 
and Diploma of Honour. 1879-ToRoxTo-Two First Prizes. 1880-ToROxTo-Medal 
and Diploma. 1880-Mm<TREAL-First Prize and Two First Diplomas of Honor. 
To-:Medal and Diploma. 1881-HA1\JJLToN-First Prize. I 884--H.ul- 
ILTo:s-Three First Priz5S. 
1885-ANTWERP. BELGIUM-International Exhibition. An International Diploma. of 
Honor (the highest award given). And over 130 First Prizes in 1883, 1884 & 1886. 

.....Two of our instruments, an Organ and a Piano, have been selected for Ridpau Hall, ottawa, for the specIal 
use of the new Governor-General, Lady Lansdowne, and Lady ltIelgund. 
EN'Z'S FOE. ..A.B':I:':I:S'Z'S ..A. S:E"ECJ:.A.J:..'Z'''Y_ 
Boudoir, Parlor amI Concert Grands, Square and Upright Pianos. Parlor, Student's, Chapel 
and Church Organs. Organs with two )lanuals and Pedal Bass. 
Pn..ZCES FI=i..C>1\I.I: $60 TO $:L"C>C>C>. 

 TQ1Uple Qf M"
68 KI








HEAD OFFICE: Equity Chambers, 20 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. 

 made on City or Town Properties. Lowest Current Rates of Interest. Arrangements can be made 
to repay principal by degrees, interest ceasing on amounts repaid. 
DEBEN'I'rRES issued in Currency or Sterling, with half-yearly interest Coupuns attach::d. Executors 
and Trustees are authorized to invest in these Debentures. 



CAFITAL 7 $500 7 000. 
ANDREW ROBERTSON, Esq., President. HARRY CUTT, Secretary-Treasurer. 
. J. R THIBAUDEAU, Vice-President. G. H. McHENRY. Manager. 
DUNCAN McINTYRE, Esq., J. HODGSON, Esq., Messrs. Hodgson, Sumner & Co. 
(Messrs. McIntyre, French & Co.) GEORGE W. ROSS, Esq. 
HUGH MACKAY, Esq., (Messrs. Mackay Bros.) WM. SMITH, Esq. 
Fire and Marine Risks taken at current Rates, and Losses promptly adjusted and paid. 

CAPITAL, $ 2,876,000, in Shares of $100 Each. 
RESERVE FUND, $450,000. 
P.residnzt-HoN. ,V. McMASTER. I Manager-Hox. S. C. 'VOOD. 
OFFICE :-Cor. of Church and Court S treets. Toronto. 
N.B.-Cash advanced on Freehold Property on long credit and easy terms of payment. 
Deposits received on interest. Trustees and Executors are allowed by law to invest in the 
Bonds of this Company. 

Authorized Capital , $2,000,000. Subscribe d Capital, $1,000,000. 

Hon. FRANK SMITH, President. EUGENE O'KEEFE. Vice-President. 
JAMES J. FOY, SolicitOf'. 
Deposits received from Twenty Cents upwards, and interest at current rates allowed thereon. 
lUoDt!T 18 I.oa. for long or short periods on the SE.CURITY OF MORTGAGES os REAL ESTATE at lowest 
rates of interest and on easy terms of repayment; also on collateral security of Bank and other Stocks, and 
Government and Municipal Debentures. Mortgages and Debentures purchased. 
JAMES MASON, Manager. 






Paid-up Capital, $2,300,000. Reserve Fund, $1,150,000. 

Total Assets, $9,000,000. 

EDWARD HOOPER, President. SA?IUEL NORDHEIMER. Vice.President. 
BanJ..n's in Oanada-The Bank of Toronto, The Merchants Bank, The Bank of Commerce, 
The Federal Bank, The Standard Bank. 
Bankers in B1'itain-The City Bank, Limited, London, The British Linen Co. Bank, 
Edinburgh and Aberdeen. 

!'iA "ING
H.-Sums of $4. and upwards received at current rates of interest 
l'aid or compounded half-yearly. ' 
_ DEJlENTUKES.-Money received on deposit for a fixed term of years, for which Debentures are 
issued, with half-yearly interest coupons attached. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in 
the Debentures of this Company. The Capital and Assets of this Company being pledged for money thus 
recei\ ed, Depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. 
j'.D" AN
 made on Real Estate at current rates and favorable conditions as to repayment, 


be jfarmers' '-Loan & $a"íngs (!ctnpanr 
CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED, $1,057,250. CAPITAL PAID-UP, $611,430.27 
ASSETS, $1,300,000. 
President-.-WM. MULOCK, ESQ., M.P. Vice-President-JAMES SCOTT, ESQ. 
Solicitor-JAMES TILT, ESQ. 
Bankers-The Dominion Bank. The National Bank of Scotland. 
Money advanced on Improved Real Estate at lowest current rates. Straight Loans 
No I<'ïnes. No Commissions. 
DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards leceived, and interest allowed thereon, payablc, or cOlllpounded, half-yearly. 
STERLum AND CURRENCY DEBENTURES ISSUED. By Vic. 42, cap. 21, Statutes of Ontario, Executors and 
Administrators are authorized to invest Trust Funds in the Debentures of this Company. 
Full information Can be obtained by applying to 
GEO. S. C. BETHUNE, Secretary and Treasurer. 


(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1833.) 

CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. 

ASSETS, $1,358,097.22. 

Governor-JOHN MORISON. Deputy-Governor-JOHN LEYS. 
Secretary-G. E. ROBINS. 





Capital paid up, $6,000,000. Rest, $ I ,600,000. 

G, President. 'VM. ELLIOT. Vice-Pre"idellt. 
, ESQ. 
HON. 'VM. 
. E
New York-J. H. GOADBY, and ALEX. LAIRD, Agents, 



God erich, 


St. Catharines, 

\" oodstock. 

Commercial Credits issued for use in Europe, the East and West Indies, China, Japan, and South America. 
Sterling and Amt>rican Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on the most favorable terms. 
Interest allowed on deposits. 
New York-The American Exchange National Bank. London, England-The Bank of Scotland. 



CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED, $1,500,000. PAID UP, $1,500,000.. 
RESERVE FUND, $500,000. 


A. M. S
C. HOLLAND, General Manager. 


Guelph, Lindsay, Montreal, Peterboro', Ottawa, Port Perry, Pickering, Bo\\mam-ille,. 
'Vhitby, Mount Forest, Toronto, Port Arthur, 'Villnipeg, Cornwall, Newmarket, and 
480 Queen Street West, Toronto. 
London, England, Alliance Bank; New York, The Bank of the State of Sew York; 
Boston, Tremont National Bank. 





CJAPITAL...... -..........,.....,.... 65,799,200 
RESER1"E FIJSD ."................ 1,500,000 


oatb of ;;Jindot5. 
DREW ALLAN, ESQ" President. ROBT. AKDERSON, ESQ., Vice-President. 


GEORGE HAGUE, General.JlanQ[Jer. 





Owen Sound 
Sherbrooke, Que 

St. John's, Que 
St. Thomas 
Winnipeg, Man 
Brandon, Man 

Bankers in r;reat Britain.-The Clydesdale Bank, Limited, 30 Lombard Street, London, Glasgow and elsewhere 
Agency in 
ew York, 61 \Vall Street, Messrs. Henry Hague and John B. Harris, jun., Agents. 
Bankers in New York-The Bank of New York, N. B. A. 
Money received on Deposit and Current Rates of Interest allowed. 
A general Banking business transacted. 
Drafts issued, available at all points in Canada. Sterling Exchange and drafts on N ew York bought and sold. 
Letters of Credit issued, available in China, Japan, and other foreign countries. 
Collections made on favorable terms. 





CJal)Ïtal Paitl-UI)........... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . $1,500,000 
Reserve Fuud.................................................. 500,000 

H. S. HOWLAND, Esq., President. 
T. R. MERRITT, Esq., Vice-President, St. Catharines. 
D. R. WILKIE, Cashier. B. JENNINGS, Inspector. 



Drafts on New York and Sterling Exchange bought and sold. Deposits received 
and interest allowed. 






CAP IT AL, $2,000,000. 

REST, $1,200,000. 

I HENRY BEATTY, Vice-Prp8idrnt. 



DUNCAN COULSON, Gashier. HUGH LEACH, Assistant G'a8!1ipr. 
J. T. )1. BURNSIDE, /lIspecto1.. 

Montreal-J. :MURRAY S]\IITH, Manayer. 
Peterboro'-J. H. ROPER, 
Port Hope- 'V. 

Barrie-J. A. STRATHY, Manayer. 
St. Catharines--G. 'V. HODGETT:" 
Collingwood- 'V. A. COPELA..''W, 
R. 'V ADSWORTH, Mananer. 

LONDON, ENG.-The City Bank, Limited. NEW YORK-National Bank of Commerce. 

Capital Authorized, $1,000,000. Capital Subscribed, $500,000. 
CAPITAL PAID UP, $500,000. 



DAVID BLAIY, Esq., President. SAMUEL TREES, Vice-Pre
BRANCHES.-Brampton, Durham, Guelph, Richmond Hill and North Toronto 

Agents in Canada-Canadian Bank of Commerce. New York-Importers and Traders National Bank. 
London, England-National Bank of Scotland, Limited. 




PAID-UP CAPITAL, $2,000,000. REST FUND, $800,000. 
THO)'IAS \VORKMAN, President. J. H. R. 
IOLSON, Vice-Pl.esidenl. 
Aylmer, Ont., Brockville, Ont., Clinton, Ont., Exeter, Ont., Hamilton, Ont., London, Ont., Meaford, Ont., 
Montreal, Que., Morrisburli> Ont., Norwich,Ont.., Owen Sound, Ont., Rid
etown, Ont., Smith's Falls. Ont., 
Sorel, Que., St. H yacinthe, 
ue., St. Thomas, Ont., Toronto, Ont., Trenton, Onto , Waterloo. Ont., \V oodstock, Ou. 
London, Eng.-Alliance Bank, Limited. New York-Mechanics :National Bank. 
Boston-Merchants National Bank. 
d" Collections made i':,r 

( t


a:;g ,;

:;;:ÆClllittcrJ at 1010",1 rutc'! 

1887 ] 








_ 4IÞ- _ 


28 & 30 TORO






, &


1\, &.c. 
 T O R O 
 TO C " 
, A. ADA. 


Established 1871. 



ical, (0bemical 
Optical ']!pparatll

.A.N" .A.TC>1\4::EC.A.L J.\<<C>X>ELS" 
./lstron01nical Inst1'UTnents, ann School Goods oj" every description. 

Improved Tæpler-Holtz Electrical Machines with Patent Current Breaker, 
Importe1's of tl
e best grades qf Chemical Glassu;are and Apparatus, 

141 & 143 'W' ABASH AVENUE, 




Keel)S in stock Sarven autl other Wheels, 

] - 
 fjj'r I
 -= II -
.a. 'T]j) n 
 . 'T'>>' Ð 
UÂ )R 

GE - 
Enamelled Top and Dash Leather. Rubber Cloth. Moquette, 
Enamelled and Oil Cloth, Curled Hair, .Moss and Fibre. 



All kinds of lIfunicipal Blanks and Stationery s
tpplied at Lowest Rates. 




64, 66 & 68 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. 

tock of Paper, Staple .Mercantile and Fancy Stationery, Bookbinders' and Printers 
Material, Wallets, Purses, Diaries, &c. Bookbinding in ever;y style of the Art-Close prices. 




gaper, f8nvelo,e, and IJlanh lJooh l}Janu!atJllrtrk. 







Importer and Dealer in 

113 a tt
 :}nstrtt 1t\Ctt ts, 



Catalogues Free. 


Bll-,<illesae.<; Sold and Pm.tlle1'sltip.<; Negotiated. Valuable Fa1"1lls 101' Sale in all Sections. 





H. STONE, Sr. 



239 YONGE ST. 

Telephone So. 931, 



Flannel Shirts, Scarfs and Ties, 
Cricket Shirts, Fine Underwear, 
Camping Shirts, Jerseys, all colors, 
Tennis Shirts, Boating Pants, 
Collars, Cuffs, &c., Cricket Pants. 






:\Ianufac.tures of Rqbber & Metal Stamps of every descrip.tion, Daters Self-Inking, Num- 
bermg PenCIls and Pocket Stamps for Banks, RaIlways and General Office Use. 
Seals for Notaries. Societies, Lodges, Corporations, School Sections, &c. 


The most practical and experienced man on this continent 
for relieving and curing RUIJtnre and D..formitif's 
of all descriptions. It will be to your advantage to call 
on me. 55,000 adjusted in person. Established 15 years. Send 6 cent 
stamp for Registered Book (by Chas. Cluthe. 
Address CIIAS. CLUTHE,118 King Street West, Toronto, Onto 

Q..1'I ADA:S


EN 0 RI At i\
",C?LAS S . p WEL

,, @!lÞ:
ol\ \9 &s 



Jj:MES ej-lADWleK & 



CALDECOTT, BURTON & CO.. SellinA' Agents, TORONTO, Onto 

Dies, Cutters & v. S. Instruments tl} Order. 


 T 1 . J o RES 
General Blacks1uit1l . 
 '. · .


Printers Chases and Steel Forgings 




Loan & I nvestl1'lent C omþany 

To Payoff Existing Mortgages, 
Erect and Improve Buildings, 
and for All 9ther Purposes 

- ..... - 

Liberal Privileges as to Repayment 

Expenses Low. 

-- .. 

Mortgages and other Real Estate Securities Purchased or Advances 
made on the same. 

For full particulars apply to 
R, I-L TO.1..llLINSO
30 Adelaide Street East, Tot'onto. 






30 West Market Square, TORONTO. 







Information for Candidates. 


THE ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS for Cadetships in the RoyallVlili- 
tary College will take place at the Head Quarters of the several 
military districts in which candidates reside, in June each year. 

In addition to the facilities the College affords for an education in 
l\'lilitary Subjects, the course of instruction is such as to afford a 
thoroughly practical, scientific and sound training in all depart- 
ments which are essential to a high and general modern education. 

The Civil Engineering Course is complete and thorough in all branches. 
Architecture forms a separate subject. 

The Course of Physics and Chemistry is such as to lead towards Elec- 
trical Engineering, l'vleteorological Service, and other departments 
of applied science. 

The Obligatory Course of Surveying includes what is laid down as 
necessary for the profession of Dominion Land Surveyor. The 
Voluntary course comprises the higher subjects required for the 
degree of Dominion Topographical Surveyor. Hydrographic Sur- 
veying is also taught. 

Length of Course Four Years. 

Four commissions in the Imperial Regular Army are awarded annually. 

Board and instruction $100, for each term, consisting of ten months' 

For further information apply to Adjutant-General of Militia, 
Ottawa, before 15th May. 



1887. J 




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,"',' .. :.' 

The Direct Route between the West and all points 
on the Lower St Lawrence and Baie des Chaleur; 
also, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward 
Island, Cape Breton, St. Pierre, Newfoundland, 
Bermuda and Jamaica. 

CLOSE CONNECTIONS made at Rimouski, P. ?, during 
the Summer, aD;d at Halifax, N. S., 
fortnightly in Summer, weekly in Winter, with the Royal Mail Steam- 
ships of the ALLAN LINE to and from Liverpool, making the shortest 
Ocean Passage between America and Europe. 

NEW and ELEGANT Buffet Sleeþzlzg and 
Day Cars rU1Z 012- all through Exþress Trains. 


Have proved the Intercolonial in connection with Steamship Lines to 
and from Liverpool, London and Glasgow, to be the Quickest Freight 
Route between Canada and Great Britain. 

Superior Elevator, Warehouse, and Dock Accommodation at Halifax 
for Shipment of Grain and General Merchandize. 

... . .. 

Tickets may be obtained and all informa.tion as to Route, Passenger and Freight 
Rates on apphcation to 

Eastern Freight and Passenger Agent, 
t. James Street, opp. St. Lawrence Hall, 


\Vestern Freij!;ht and Pa
enger Agent, 
93 Rossin House Block, York St. 

Chief Superintendtnt. 
RAILWAY OFFICES, MONCTON, N.B.. 25th August, 1886. 

Chief Engineer & General IJIanager, Gov't Railways, 




N" .A.P .A.N"EE" C>N"T .A.EI..:J:O. 

w. F. HALL, Secretary, NAPANEE,Ont. 
.A fltll line of weiJ!hts and sizes kept at OIU' Western Agency, 
112 Bay Street, TORONTO. 
GEO. E. CHALLES, Agent. 


Rooms C. Arcade, Toronto, 
Prepare Pupils to undergo Examinations for Matriculation in 


The Pupils, should they desire it, are boarded in the house of the Principal, 



s--.e....- I.-




L..f:?',::::y J 

G. E. PALEN, Ph.B.,l\i.D. 
f('... t Rr('.IST

:.! !jD
. '/.k.

. .
('T'{ "



"'. ....JI'iJ......"'........... 1

" - 
1 11'1.-1.1 'I. " ,,' ...1 " 
.. N _O,
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148 6TH AVENUE: 











1529 Arch St., Philadelphia, Paw 10 MARLST.. WADSWORTH. S w. 
Home Treatment b.ll Inhalation for 'the CU1"C of all Chronic Diseases. 


E. 1lV'. D. KING, 58 Church Street, 







Is the Most Substantial and Perfectly Built Railway on the Continent of America. 
It is equipped with the Most Elegant and Luxurious 


surpassing in Accommodation and Finish any in the world. It now offers to 
the travelling public a New Route, far exceeding all others in its Grandeur of 
Scenery, and being under the control and management of one Company from 
the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, it can give to all trans-continental tra'vellers 
advantages that cannot be procured elsewhere. 


will find this a most enjoyable route. The journey is one of uninterrupted 
magnificence from start to finish. The scenery on the North Shore of Lake 
Superior must be seen to be appreciated, as pen fails to do justice to its beauty. 
The Sublime Grandeur and Dizzy Heights of the Rocky Mountains, the Selkirks 
and the Gold Range, rival and eclipse the wonders of Switzerland. 
The Company have spared no expense in providing for the wants and comfort of their 
patrons, as their line of Dining Cars will at all times testify, being supplied with all 
that the most fastidious can desire. Their 

Trans-Continental line of Sleeping Cars 

Are provided with Sofas, Sections and Bathing Accommodation, and offer all the 
comfort and com enience of First-class Hotels. They are specially constructed to 
admit of the Scenery being viewed in all directions. · 


Through Tickets from Halifax, Quebec, Montreal, Otta\\a, Prescott, Brockville, 
Toronto, Hamilton, London, and a)) points in Canada j also, from Boston, New York, 
and aU the principal points in New England States, to Y ancouvcr, Victoria and other 
points in British Columbia, & to Portland, Ore., Puget Sound Ports, San Francisco, &c. 
Colonists receive special attention by this route, Free Colonist Sleeping Cars being 
supplied from Ocean to Ocean. Freight Shippers can have their goods transported 
without the ve:xatious delays and damage incidental to the frequent transfers necessary 
by other routes, and without the expense and annoyance of Customs requirements. 
Ratcs as Low as tile Lowest. 
Business Correspondence is invited, and will meet with prompt and courteous atten- 
tion if addressed to any of the undermentioned Officers or Agents 

General Freight Agent, 

District Passp.nger Agent, Toronto. 

1111 King street West, ToronLo, Onto 

(;eneral Pa!3Sellger Agent, Toronto. 






.. ..-... - 

M ANUFACTURERS of the Celebrated \Varrior Stoves, conspicuous 
among which are the Excellent Cooking Stoves 

Warrior Chiet: 
Indian Warrior, 
Young Warrior, 

Warrior King, 
Warrior Queen, 
Warrior Prince, 
Gladstone Warrior, 

All of which are supplied with Reservoirs and Closets or Squar
 with our 
. New Shelf. . 

AN"""G-ES : 
Roy-al 1lVarrior,. IlDperial1lVarri.:)r, 
Novel Acorn,. FairJr Ranges. 

in every style, fitted with water fronts if so ordered. 


of the latest types and best construction, prominent among which are the 
renowned line of Base Burners, 

Grand 1lV'arriGrs, Grecian 'W'arriors. 

Hollow and Enamelled Ware, Tin ànd Copper, Stove Furniture, &c. 


, III I l 

'". ]1 
 "lIll f 
'" II . 
COpp BROTHERS are also sole manu- r .."I, l"r.. 
facturers for Canada of the ';;; ..... 
.1 II iii 


'S ',lr 
mm j : tl -:' 
 " '\ 
, I I III . 
1 i 
Four Sizes for Brick W01:k, I h .1 i' l ' """ Jl LiJ 
 '\ ( '1 1 I 
Nos. 113, 114, 116, 118. . .{ 
I .' 
Four Sizes Portable Form, - I I J . 
Nos. 113,114,116,118. .; 
 ' . 
\1 [(m:{] 


, I 


.t ..;'1 
, 1. 
m. ".2..-. 




':: .urdoOJi 

:; LOJ)D 



Cures Impure Blood, Dyspepsia. 
Liver Complé\ints Billiousness 
Kidney Complaint, Scrofula. ' 
t{t"glllatt"s the Stolllach, Liv("r, Bow. 
e1s :uld Blood. {:lIres {'onstil.ation, 
Headuche, Felllule <<;ollll.laints, Gen- 
t"ral Dt
bility, ulld ull Brol{cll Down 
{'onditious of tile Sysh"m. 
1'4 n PUF('ly ,. ('I'('tnblt" Blood ('Ienn.iu
, !oil) Mtelll_ 

HÞ1 .J:l.r,'is Street. 


lr lIe\\ 
'olllhillatio!) Baths, a
h. anÏc, '-apor, Sulphur, ek , are a great improve- 
ment 1\1 treatlllg" many diseases, dern mg the henefit recened from the best 
Springs, \\ ith Elel't\"il'it
 combined. Pleasant to take, powerful to cure, beautif)in u 
the comple\.ion. ::;. t; ('\RC{;L4.R. Our Improved Family Battery for home use, 
others from 
j' up. For the treatment of lIíen'ous, Chronic and Obscure Diseases not 
{'ured by other kiufls of tI'eatment (nor by the un skilful and inexperienced). Diseases 
that follow lien ou,; e\.haustion (a laek of vitality or nerve force) from \arious ('auses 
-' as 0\ er hl'ain work, m"er ph). ical work, excesses-abnormal secretions and excretions 

':"producing the q'riou,", phases of disease and sufl'el'ing. Those \\ho wish to ha,,'e the 
 -::;- tl'e
tment at home m

 do so.h) ol'
of Pr?f. Vemoy'.s Improved Family Bat- 
_ tel"les, and follow the IIIstl'uctlOns gl\en \\ Ith It, whleh are plam and simple. 
The cures lIla(le with these impl"Oved maehines, and the new system of treatment are incredible. To lUanv 
requiring" the testilllon
 and referem'es of persons in high standing', like those whose names we gÌ\ e below, to 
('om in('e the s('eptil' (our space is limited to these few) :- 
Chas. Stark, Esq., :\[erehant,!'i2 Church ::;t., TOl"Onto: Rev. G. 
l. Milligan, 384 Sherbourne St., Toronto; Re\. 
rh'o Kellogg, Pa"tOl' St. ,James' ::;qu:Lre Presh
 terian Church. Toronto; Rev. J. H. Castle, President McMaster 
Hall, Toronto; ,I. R. Barher, Esq., Ueor:.\'etuwn, President of Barber & Ellis Co., Toronto; Wm. Elliott, Esq., 
Wholesale Dru', Frollt St., TOl"Onto; T. G. Foster, Esq., of T. G. Foster & Co., Wholesale Merchants, 16 
Colhurne ::;t., T

onto; ::;am Osborne, Esq., Freig-ht and Passenger Agent, 40 Yonge St., Toronto; Jas. '''atson, 
ESl[., :\[arla
er People's Loan and Deposit Co., Adelaide ::;t. E., Toronto; Dr. L. Closson, 
Ialvern P. C., Ont.; 
E. '-1. Sha(ILolt, :\[allag-er Bank of :\[ontreal, )[ontreal; S. J. 
loOl'e, Grip Publishing Co., FI'ont St. W., Toronto; 
. (:ray Dominion Bank, Toronto: Y. ß. Wads\\orth, Et:òq., Inspector Loan and Agency Co., Toronto; Rev. 
Dr. Potts; Toronto; Ja,;. S. Amos, Esq , Hamilton, Ont.; John Hud,;on, Esq., Lumber Merchant, St. 
Ont.; ". B. 
k:\lu\'Ii('h. Esq.. )1..-\., Bal'rister, Toronto; Hon. T. B. Pardee, Sarnia; D. D. Hay, Esq., M.P., 
LbtO\\el; Thos. Ballant\ne, Esq., :\1.1'., :-:tratford' Rev. John Currie, Middle\iIle; Robert II. Henry, Esq., 
Wilmipe"; Alex. ,Jardilie, Esq., PUI'e Gold :\[anufaeturing Co., Toronto; Thos. Brown, Esq., Ingersoll; J. J. 
Ho\ t, ,[
})., Ingersoll; Prof. H. Hills, Ringhampton, ?oí. \.: Harpel' Dusenbury, Esq., Binghampton, 
. Y. ; .J. 
Hröadhent, Esq., of Di\.on :\Ifg-. Co., SCl"antoll, POl.; H. Covert, Esq., Director Toronto Bank, Port Hope; W. 
H. Store
, Esq.. GIO\ e :\[anufaeturer, Acton; D. 
[aster, nlo\'e Manufaeturer, '''eston; Wm. Hersee, Est}., 
\n: J. Lister, Esq., 42 James St., Hamilton; Thomas Simpson, Esq., Barrie; ]0'. W. Easterbrooke, 
Esq.. :\1. 1'., l'as,",a/.ra\\eya; Wm. Peers, Esq., 
\ ?odsto('k; Col. J. .F. 
rsh, De
 :\Ioines, Iowa; C. C. Job, :\I;Ð., 
Peterhoro', Ont.; Bl"aclle
" Tuttle, Aullul'll, i\ .1. ; J. Hebble White, ESll-, Collmgwood; RoLert. E. Hall, Esq., 
P.tI"is :-:tation; He\. DI'. Wil
on, Clergy House, 20
 E. 11th ::;t., ?oíew York Cit,y (late of Kinu-,ton); Wm. Hall, 
E!-olJ., :\[oni,;lIurg-; W. S. Clark, :\I.D.. Toronto; Thos. Hengough, Esq.. 19 King St. We,",1. Toronto: D. A. 
\[d[iehael, Esq., Welling-toil St., Toronto: .-\. Lloyd Thoma,;, Esq., ::;
, Austr'alia; 1.. M. Heald, City 
Bank, London, Eng. 
The cures h\" Eleetricit\- are not limited to any partieular das
 of diseases, acute or chron'('. 
Call or semi for l'ir('ulår, with testimonials all o\"er Canada, and leal'll \\ hat can be done thl"Ough science an,l 
art. Adclress 
.ß.OF. tEl. "V"E




ROOJn 20; MillichalDP's Building, 
31 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. 








Amount of Assurances Proposed during 1885.. . ... .' .. ... ... $ 7,350,000 
Total Sum Assured at 15th Nov., 1885, about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000,000 
Accumulated Funds invested in Mortgages in Great Britain, 
United States and Canada Government Securities, 
Lands, &c., over.................................. ..... 
Revenue over. . . . . . . . . .. ........................................ 
Claims Paid in Canada, over.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Deposited in Ottawa for benefit of Canadian Policy holders. 
Other Canadian Investments.... ........ ...... ... ... ... ... .... 

2,000,000 . 

Prospectuses, Annual Reports, Tables of Rates, &c., can be obtained on application at 
the Head Office, .Montreal, or at any of the Agencies throughout Canada, where every in- 
formation on the subject of Life Assurance will be given. 
W. .M. R A:\l SAY, .Jfanager, .àlo

Wholesale Dry Goods and Woollens, 







-- =













SUBSORIBED OAPITAL,: : $2,500,000.. 


Vice- President. 


Savings :Ba:n.k :Branch.. 
Money received on Deposit, and interest allowed, compounded half-yearly. 
. DEBENTl'RES issued, Sterling or Currency, for amounts to suit Investers. Iuterest 
Coupons attached. 
Money to Lend. Straight Loans at Lowest Current Rates. 

For further information apply at the Offices of the Uompany. 

WALTER S. LEE, Manager. 

. , 


NG · C9 'r. 
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gtful !inotulebgt, 


. I tf 
C-q I} ..3 











The best practical English Dictionary The Attention of School Officers, and others is 
extant.-Quarterly RI-1iiew, London. invited to the fact that in purchasing the latest is;ue 
. '. _
 of this work, they get 


" t
.'.i ",' 

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-,,,,= ", I' 
( """ - '0 . .. t 
,: )j1
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_SYERS ,\ 
ëï,ONARY l 



- D-,Æ.;p, 
- :ß1q
.:t. ' 
 ' ..... - 



j,: -
ii.'L õ 


containing 3000 more words and nearly 2000 more illus- 
trations than any other American Dictionary, 




containing over 25,000 Titles, 
with their pronunciation and a vast amount of other in- 
formation, (Just Added, 1885) and 


giving pronunciation of names 
and brief facts concerning nearly 10,000 Noted Persons; 
In various Styles of Blndiug, with also various tables giving valuable information. 
and wit hout Paten t Index. 
"An invaluable companion in every 
School and at every Fireside." 


Sir WILLIAM DAWSON, Pres't McGill University, Montreal. 
Very Uev. G. 1\1. GRANT, M. A.,D. D., Pres'tQueen's University, Kingston. 
Rev. D. H. McVICAR, D. D., LL. D., Pres't Presbyterian College, 1\Iontreal. 
Rev. S. S. ]S'ELLES, D. D., LL. D., Pres't Victoria University, Cobourg, Onto 
K, 1\1. A., D. C. L., Pres't University of N. B. 
WM. CROCKETT, Esq., Chief Su})erintendent of Education, N. B. 
JOHN B. CALI{EN, 1\1. A., Prin. Norlnal School, Truro, N. S. 
Prof. D. J. GOGGIN, Prine Prodncial Normal School, Winnipeg. 
Rev. JOHN H. CASTLE, D. D., Pres't Toronto Baptist College. 
Uev. Wl\I. CAVEN, D. D., Pres'tKnox College, Toronto. 

 \ J. MARCH, Esq., Supt. of Schools, St. John, N. B. 
, \ J. R. INCH, A. M., LL . D., Pres't 1\1t. AlIison College, ]S'. B. 
/ I I \

a For the student, the professional man, the teacher, the school, the family, in fact, for every 
one who cares to add to his store of knowledge, we consider this splendid work is eminently 
Buited.-Canada School Journal, Toronto, April, 1884. 
There should not be a school in the Dominion, where access cannot readily and constantly , 
be had to it.- The Canada Educational Monthly, Toronto, Oct., 1881. I 
As a defining, orthographic and pronouncin
 dictionary, the New Edition of Webster's Una- 
bridged may be regarded as a standard authorIty in the Englis
 Language.-The Education l 
ReclJrd :lIIontreal, Aug., 1884. 
It has always been considered a standard authority, but its value as such has been vastly i 
ed by constant revision and the addition uf much new matter. It is a work that should be I 
every library-The Mail, Toronto, February 5, 188G. 
It may be re
arded as the one final authoritYl safely to be relied on.-The Week, Toronto, 1884. 
It has long smce established its claim, past the power of {'ven envy to dispute, to a place in 
the very highest ranks of such publications. 'fhose who have given it the most careful con- 
sideration will be the most enthusIastic in its praise.-The Globe, Toronto, July, 1884. 
'fhe best and most useful Dictionary of the English language ever published.-London Times. 
In journalistic work I have long kept close company with Webster's Unabridged, and regard 
it as the one great Dictionary of the English language.-J. E. B. .J.'rfeCready, Eliq., Editor Daily 
Telegraph, St. John, N. B., July, 1885. 
I know of no other Dictionary which places within easy reach of the ordinary purse, such a 
bounty of useful and really necessary information, and which is at the same time so complete 
and thorough an expoeition of our noble language.-Hon. John V. Ellis, 1"1. P. P., Editor Daily 
Globe, St. John, N. B., August, 1885. 
Webster is Stan(lard Authority with the U. S. Supreme Court and in the Government 
Printing Office. It is recommended by the State Superintendents of Schools in 36 States, 
and by the leading ColIege Presidents of the U. S. and Canada. The sale is 20 to 1 of any other 
series. Every State purchaf'e of Dictionaries for Schools has been of Webster. 
For sale by all leading Booksellers. Pamphlet of Specimen Pages, Testimonials, &c., wm be 
Bent, prepaid, upon application to the Publishers. ... 
G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. 










, I 





. . - - - '- 














The ice-bound stream, the cutting gale, 
The crunching snow, and driving hail, 
Attest old winter's sway; 
But still the sleigh-bell's merry noise, 
Proclaims that winter has its joys, 
To sweep dull care away. 
5 r 
6 F Epiphany. 
ï 8 St. Distaff's Day. 
I H 
 I ' Sir Charlts Bagot, Governor-General. . . . ., 1842 
13 F St. Hilary. 
14 S 
16 1 
17 T St. Anthony. 
18 W St. Prisca. 
19 r 
20 F St. Fabian. 
21 S St. Agnæs. 
22 1 8 3RD IÎiUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. St. Vincent. 
24 r ( 
I i 
 Conversion oj St. Palll. 

I: I 

 I I
131 T 


And now the glittering bay invites 
Indulgence in the keen delights 
Of winter's healthful g,llues : 
The rapid skater plies his skill, 
The .. curling list" begins to fill 
With weil-remembered names 
1 W,St. Bridget. 
2 r iPurification oj the Virgin Mary. 
3 F St. Blaise. 
l 5 S 8EXAGi:SlMA SUNDAY. St. Agatha. 
6 M Hilary Term begins. 

9 r 



: :: :: 

r 12 S QUlNQVAGESIMA SCNDAY. Randolph Caldecott 
1 13 
I [died.. 1886 
1 14 r St. Valentine. I 
15 W Allh Wednesday. First day oj Lent. John B. I 

 I [0 )Ugh died .. 1886 
II 16 
 Hilary Term ends. 
20 .\I ,st. Mildred. 

21 r 
22 N 
23 r 
24 F St. Matthias. 
28 r, 
29 WI 

Now the loud groaning of the northern blast 
Betokens winter breathing out his last, 
And struggling with his fate. 
The pendent icicle, the softening snow, 
The later twilight's ruddy glow, 
On Sol's bright car await. 
l i T St. David. 
2 F St. Chad. 

7 1 W St. Perpetua. 
10 S 
I St. Gregory. 
13 l' 
14 W 
15 l' 
16 F 
17 S St. Patrick's Day. 
I St. Joseph. 
20 l' St. Cuthbert. 
21 W St. Benedict. 
23 F 
248 1 
26 1 
I Burning of Fort Carleton ................ 
27 l' 
28 W 
29 1'1 
SO F Good Friday. 



April, the month that ever shrouds 
The face of heaven with weeping clouds; 
These tears some tidings bring: 
Are they of grief that winter dies? 
Or gladness taking this disguise 
To hail the dawn of spring? 
2 \1 Easter Monday. 
4 W St. Ambrose. 
5 l' W. E. Forster died ......... . .. . .. .. .. 1886 
 Hudson's Bay Company formed ,......... 1692 
13 F 
16 M 
17 l' 
18 W 


21 ') 
23 \l St. George. , 
24 r Battle of Fish Creek .... _ . .. .. 1885 1 
25 W st. Mccrk. 
26 T Riots in Montreal. Parl't Buildings burnt, 1849 
27 F 1'oronto ca.ptured. Battle of York.. .. .. .. 181S 
- - 










Now Nature in her gayest robe is drest, 
And hails the gentle breathing of the West, 
With all her .'harms displayed. 
The feathered songster serenades his mate; 
The ba.chf'lor resolves to try his fate, 
And woo somc pretty maid. 

lIT 1St. Philip and St. James. 
2, W I Battle of Cut Knife Creek.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 
3:T [nvention of the Cross. 
4 F St. J[onica. 
7 1 M 
9 1 W 
10 l T Ascension Day. 
11 F Battle of Batoche.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. 
15! r Riel captured 
16 W 
18 F 
] 9 S ,t. Dunstan. 
1 Easter Term begins. 
23 ' W Prof. Von Ranke, historian, died...... ... 
24 T Quecn Victoria born. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 
25 F 
26:8 '>t. Augustine. 

I rRINlTY SUND\Y. Venerable Bede. 
29'T I 
31 T I 


Now is the interesting timp, 
,V hen summer, in its youthf'Il prime, 
Sheds hopc on all around: 
Rich promise that the grateful soil 
Will well repay the farmer's toil, 
On every side is found. 
1 F 'St. Nicomede. 
2 S Fenian Skirmish at Llmeridge ............ 1866 
1 4M 
5!T 'S t . Boniface. 
61 W 
8' F First Meeting of Parliament at Ottawa .... 1866 
9'8 I Easter Term ends. 
11 M :St. Brtrnabas. 
12 T 
13, W St. Anthony of Pccdua. 
14 T I' 
15 F 
161 8 
1718 3RD SUNDAY AFTER TRINJT\". St. Alban. 
20 W Accession of Queen Victoria.............. 1837 
21'T Celebration of Queen Victoria's Jubilee.... 1887 

 St. John Baptist. 
27 W 
28iT Queen Victoria crowned.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 1838 
29, F St. Peter. 

ow the fiercc radiance of the noontide ray, 
With ardent beam proclaIms the God of day, 
Oppressive in his might. 
The panting cattle seek the grateful Ehade, 
The tender flowers of morning droop and fade, 
To bloom again at night. 


[ Visitation of the Virgin Jlary. 
3 T Quebec founded.. . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . _ . . . . .. 1608 
4 W LJeclaration of American Independenee .... 1776 
ii tIB"'" of Black "'k: .. .. .... .. ......... . 18" 
158 liTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. St. Swithin. 
16 M 
Ii r 
18 W 
19 r 
20 F ,t. Jlargaret. 
2] 8 
22 83TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. St. Jlary Magdalene. 
23 }I I 
24 r Battle of Lundy's Lane. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18]4 
25 W ';t. James. Canada discovered by Cartier.. 1534 

6 r St Anne. 
2ï F St. Joseph of Arimath
30 U 
31ri Franz Liszt died....... -................. 1886 11 




Now harvest calls the reaper to the fleld, 
The products of Ins former toil to yield, 
And fills his barns with food. 
The faithful earth is not a niggard friend, 
But pa}'s with ample interest what we lend, 
And pro'"es its credit good. 


 I ' 
3 1 F 
4;8 Samuel J. Tilden di
d .................. . 1886 
1 Transfiguration. 
8 1 W 
 St. Lawrcnce. 
HI8 Battle ot Lake Champlain ....".......... ]814 
13 1 

 Battle of Fort Erie... .... ............... ]814 



 1 St. Bartholomew. 
1 Trinity T
rm begins. 
28'T \ ';t. Augustine. 
29' W Beheading oj John the Baptist. 
31 F 









Pomona now prefers her welcome suit-, 
Aud brings her offenng of luscious frUIt, 
To magnify our debt; 
The rosy apple bends the yielding twig; 
The downy peach, the apricot, and fig, 
In ttmpting order set. 

I I 
1 S St. Giles. Long vacation ends. 

I -4 T 
, 6 T Commencement of Jewish Year .......... 5649 
7 F 1 St. Enurehus. I 
8 S Nativity of the Virgin ltrary. Trinity Term ends. 
10M I 
12 W,Frontena('. Governor of Canada .......... 1672 
13 T ,Quebec taken by British. Gen. Wolfe killed 1759 
11 14 F Holy Cross. 
15 S ' 
168 '16TH SUNDAY AFTER TRIIS'ITY. St.lrIiria-l1. 
I 'St. Lambert. First U. C. Parl't at 
iagara. 1792 
1 19 W 

 j St. Matthew. 
22 S 
1 238 j 17TH SU
24 M 
) 25 T 

 l iY I St. Cyprian. 
128 F 
29 S , St.lIHehael. 
1 308 18TH SU


This is the month when Canada displa)'s 
A beauty unexampled, to the gaze 
Of all who beauty prize. 
The forest now assumes a gorgeous dress, 
Composed of every fonns of loveliness, 
And steeped in riehest dyes. 
1 St. Remigius. 

, 5 F 
6 S St. F(,ith. 
9 T St. Denytl. 
10 W 
11 r [1492 
12 F St. Wilfrid. Columbus discovered America .. 
113 S Battle of Queenston Heights. Gen. killed 
14 8 20TH Smi'D \ Y A
'TER TRINITY. [1812 
I 15 
1 17 W St. Etheldredo. 
, 18 T St. T,uke. 

221 M 
23 T Lord L.msdowne, Governor-General ...... 1883 

 St. Crispin. 
271S [St. Jude. 
28 1 8 22
 I M 
30 r 
31 \\ I 

Now a rude trumpet sounds upon the ear, 
And boldly speaks of winter coming near 
With all his bitter storms; 
The vanguard of his army is at hand, . 
And nothing can restrain the arùent band 
That with his banner forms! 

1 l' All Saint's Day. 
2, F All Souls. Insurrection in Lower Canada.. 1838 
3,S St. Winnipede. 
6 , 1 1 St. Leonard. 
9; F Prince of Wales born .................... 1841 
1118 24TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. St. Martin. 
12 1 1\1 
14 W 
15 11 St. Maehutus. 
16 F 
17:S St. Hugh. [died.. 1886 
188 25TH SCSDAY AFTEI! TRINITY. President ArtJmr 
1!J:M Michaelmas Term begins. 
20,T St. Edmund. 
21!W Charles Francis Adams died...... ....... 1886 
22, T St. Cecilia. 
23iF St. Clement. 
24 S 
258 26TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. St. Catherine. 
 St. Andrew. 



Now pile the hearth, and let the ruddy light, 
To thoughts of joy and merriment invite, 
For Christmas time is near. 
Let every breast witl1 warmer feelings fill, 
To meet the coldness of the ky chill 
That marks the dying year. 

] S I 

6 r St. Nicholas. Rebellion in Canada. . . . . . .. 1837 
7 F W. H. Vanderbilt die{l.. .... ............. 1886 
8 S IConception of the Virgin Mary. Michadmas 

 S ,2ND SUNDAY IN ADVENT. [Tenn ends., 
I I 
12 W 
13 r ,St. Liley. 
14 F ITreaty of Ghent. . .. .. .. .. .. ., .. ., .. .. .. .. 18 1 4 
15 S 
If r I 
11) W Fort Niagara captured...... .... __.. ...... 1813 
20 r I 
2] F 1St. Thomas. Shortest day. 
22 S 
23 84TH SUNDAY lIS' ADvEr;T. 
25 r Christmas DUll. 
26 W St. Stephen. . 
27 r St. John EI'onge!Ïi;t. [of France.. 1885 
28 F ITnnoeent's Dav. 1\1. Grevy re-elected President 
2f1 S Steamer Caroline burnt at Navy Island.... 1837 
308 1ST SCNDAY AFTt.R CHlusnlAs. 
311\1 1St. Silvest
_ _ . 



Chronological Cycles. 
Golden Number.................................. 8 / Dom inical Letters ............................. . AG. 
Epact ... . .. .. " .. .. ... ........................ 17 Roman Indiction................................ 1 
S.)lnr Cyde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . 21 Julian Period .................................. 6661 

The year 56t9 of the Jewish Era begins Sept.. 6.. .. 1888 I The 52nd of Queen Vi
t?ria's Reign begins June 20, 1888 
The year 1306 of the Mahometan Era begIns on The 22nd of the DomInIOn of Canada begins July I, 1888 
September 7 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 1888 The 113th of the Indep. of the U. 8. begins July 4, 1888 
Fixed and Movable Festivals and Anniversaries. 

Ash Wednesday.................. .. .. .. .... Feb. 15 
St. David.............................. _ ... March 1 
St. Patrick................................ March 17 
Lady Day.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. March 25 
Easter Sunday ............................ April 1 
St. George ................................ April 23 
Holy Thursday ............................ May 10 
Whitsunday.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... May 20 
Explanation of the Articles in the Calendar. 
These pages are calculated for Toronto and Quebec, and for ordinary purposes will serve with sufficient accuracy 
for every city in the Dominion of Canada, 
'8 PHA8J:s.-Thls Table gives the times (standard 75th meridian) when the Moon passes the geocentric long. 
tud81 of 00, 9(JO, 1800, and 2700 8&IIt ot the sun. It gives also the tlmell of her greatest and least distance from the earth. 
TWlLIoHT.-In this Table are given the standard times at which twilight begins In the morning and ends In the 
evening, i. e., the times when the Sun's centre Is 18
 below the horl.on.. 
NOTR.-Standard times are given In all column'l headed Toronto or Quebec. In calculating, the mean time at thel8 
places has been taken at Toronto as 17m. 31s. slower, and at Quebec as 14m. taster than standard. 
GREATEST ELO:fOATlO:f OP THB POLB STAR.-Thls column gives the greatest a:.dmuth ot the Pole Star east or west 
trom the meridian as observed at a place In latitude -I5
. When the greatest elongation corresponding to any other 
latitude Is reqalred, the number given in the column should be corrected by means of the tollowlng Table. 

Birth of Queen Victoria .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .... May 24 
Midsummer Day.......................... June 24 
Dominion Day............................ July 1 
Michaehuas Day .......................... Sept. 29 
Birth of Prince of Wales.................... Nov. 9 
St. Andrew................ ,............... Nov. 30 
Christmas Day .............. _ . .. . Dec. 25 

Latitude .............................. 420 43" 44 0 45 0 46 0 47 0 48 0 490 60. 
1st Oorrection tor Degrees... ...... -5' 18" -a' 37" _I' 51" 0' 00" + I' 57" + 4' 1" +6'12" + 8' 30" +10' 55" 
2nd Oorrectlon tor each minute 
of latitude ........................ + 1".7 + 1".8 + 1".9 + 2".0 + 2".1 + 2".2 + 2".3 + 2".4 + 2".6 

The 1st oorrectlon for the degrees of h,tltude Is to be subtracted from the greatest elongation given In the calendar 
or added to it.aecordlng as the degreell oflatltude arele88 or greater than 45 0 . 
The 2nd correction, which Is always additive, Is found by multiplying the number given In the third Une ot the 
Table by the number of minutes In the latitude. 
Thus tor latitude 43 0 2O'...løt correction - -3' 37" 2nd correction + 1.8 X 20 - + 0' 36" 
47 0 -10'... " - + 4' 1" "" + 2.2 X 40 = + l' 28" 

50 10'... " 0' 0" + 2.0 X 10 - + 0' 20" 
THB PUIU2!s.-The looaJ mean times ot rising and setting ot the five chief planets are caleulated for Toronto, and 
are correeted tor refraction. The times of culmination, although computed tor the meridian ot Toronto, wUll!8rY. 
approximately ror the whole ot Oanada. The meridian zenith dlstanees, being dt'slgI:ed merely to aid In finding the 
planets, have been given only to the nearellt tenth of a degree, as seen from the latitude ot 46 0 . 
The times of the SUN'S RISING AND SETTING. are given for the upper limb, and are corrected for refraction for 
nto and Quebec, 
The standard times both for the rising and setting of the Moon's centre are given for every day for Toronto and 
The column, SUN OK MERIDIAN, gives the time that a watch keeping lo('al mean time should show when the 
shadow of a sun dial IS on the noon mark. 
Moo)i's AGE.-This column shows to the nearest te
th of a day the Moon's age at Toronto mean noon. 
The column, UPPER TRANSIT 01' POLE STAR, shows for every day the mean time a.t which the Pole Star makes 
its upper transit across the meridian of longitude 4h. 46m. W. It passes the meridian in the morning from April 
10 to October 9. It passes the meridian twice on October 10: and in the afternoon during the rest of the year. 
The time at which the lower transit ot the Pole Star occurs may be tound by adding llh. 58m. 2s. to the time of 
the preceding upper transit. 
The six last columns will serve with sufficient accuracy for the whole of Canada. 
* Although these times are calculated tor Toronto and Quebec only, the standard times at other places differing 
not much in latitude from one ot these places may be obtained with sufficient accuracy tor ordinary purposes, by 
adding tour minutes for every degree west of Toronto or Quebec, and subtracting four minutes for every degree 
east of Toronto or Quebec. 

1888. ] 



From the time of the upper transit of the Pole Star may be found the time of its greatest western or eastern 
ation, by adding or subtracting the constants given in the annexed Table. 

46. I 47. I 48. I 49. I 50. 
m s h m s h m s h m s,h m s 
53 42:5 5331'5 53 19 53 7 , 5 52 54 
-1.9 1 -2.0 I -2.0) -2.1 

43 I 44. I 45. I 
In s h m 8th m s h 
54 14 5 54 415 53 53 5 
-1. 7 1 -1.8, -1.8/ 
Star Table. 
From the times of the upper transit of the Pole Star may be derived, with the aid of the following Table, the timell 0( 
culmination, and of the rising and setting of the principal fixed ltars, as seen from the parallel of 41'>0 north latitnde. 
To ascertaIn when any star found in the following Table will be on the meridian, add the number in the left-hand 
column of flgureø to the preceding meridian transit of the pole lltar giveu in the calendar. To find the time of rliling 
of a lltar, IUbtract the number oppollite to it In the right-hand column of fignres from the time of Its meridian paseage. 
I'or the ltUing ofa star, add the number to the time of its meridian p:issage. Tho8Ð starll marked (....) revolve 
In a circle ofperpetnal apparition, and do not rise or set at placell in and to the north of latitude 41'>0. 

Latitude ................ .. I 420 , 
h m s h 
Constant .................. 5 54 24 ! 5 
Difference for 10' of latitude. -1.6 



On Rises 
Meridi'n and Sets 

a Andromedæ............... 22 41 8 10 
Y Pegasi (Algenib)........... 22 46 6 69 
ø Cassiopeiæ . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .123 13 
ß Ceti .. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 16 
P Arietis .................., 0 Sl 
ø Arietis ........ .......... 0 43 
a Ceti...................... 1 38 
ø Persei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. 1 68 
ø Tauri (Aldebaran) ..... . . .. 3 11 7 '1 
ø Aurigæ (Capella) . .. . . . . .. 3 60 
d Orionis(Rigel) ............ 3 61 
ß Tauri ........... ...,.... 4 1 
I Orionis.............. .... 4 8 
, Orionis....... ........... 4 12 
a Columbæ.............. 4 1 '1 
a Orionis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 31 
ø Canis Majoris (Sirius) ...... 6 22 
f Canis Majoris ............. 6 36 
at Geminorum (Castor). . . . . . .. 6 9 
ø Canis Minoris (Procyon) .... 6 15 

 Geminorum (Pollux). . . . . . .. 6 20 
a Hydræ ................... 8 3 
ø Leonis (Regulus) .......... 8 4:1 
y' Leonis ..........,.... .., 8 65 

a U rsæ Mal..>ris . .. ...... 
,3 Leonis ................... 
ß Cor vi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
I a Virginis (Spica) ..... . . .. . . 
7J Ursæ Majoris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
a Bootis (Arcturus) .......... 
ß U rsæ Minoris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
ß Libræ ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 
a Coronæ Borealis ........... 
a, Serpe?tis ... . . . . . . . :. .. . . . 
6 25 ß Scorpll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
8 10 ø Scorpii (Antares) .......... 
5 67 a Herculis . .. .............. 
6 54 ß Draconis ................. 
3 9 II y Draconls ....,............ 
6 29 .a Lyræ (Vega) ........ ..... 
4 60 a Aquilæ (Altair) . . . . . . . .. . .. 
3 46 a Cygni ... . . . . . . . 
8 34- 1 ' a Cephei....,... ........... 
6 21 I ß Aq uarii .................. 
8 9 I a Aquarii................... 
6 26 a Piscis Aust. (Fomalhaut) . . . . 
6 50 II a Pegasi.................... 
7 26 

4 40 
'1 25 
'1 39 
6 13 

On I Rises 
Meridl'n and Setø 
9 38 1 .... 
10 24 1 '1 2 
11 91 4 20 
12 0 1 6 16 
12 28 
12 61 \ '1 23 
13 31 
13 61 1 ' 6 23 
14 10 8 2 
14 19 1 6 26 
14 39 4 36 
16 2 4 2 
16 49 6 69 
16 8 
16 34 
17 13 9 31 
18 25, 6 83 
19 17' 11 33 
19 651 
20 ð I 6 84 
20 39 5 6ó 
21 30 1 3 36 
21 38 '1 0 

Showing the IUuminakd Portion. of the Dires oj VenUl and Marl. 

1888. Venus. Mars. 1888. Venul!. Man. 
January... 11'>. 0.fo93 0.904 July......... 15. 1. 000 0.868 
February.. 14. 0.787 0.923 August ..... II'>. 0.986 0.8tH 
March ...... 11'>. 0.860 0.970 September 11'>. 0.952 0.874 
A.pril ........ 15. 0.920 0.999 October ..... 11'>. 0.90-& 0.890 
May......... 11'>. 0.96-& 0.9ôO November.. 11'>. 0.8U 0.009 
June ....... 11'>. 0.992 0.893 Ddcember.. 11'>. 0.765 O.P28 

In the year 1888 there will be three Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the Moon. 
I.-A Total Eclipse of the Moon, January 28, 1888. Standard 75th meridian:- 
It. m. 
First Contact with Shadow. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. 4 30'5 p. In. 
Beginning of Total Phase............ ...... ., .... 5 31'1 .. 
Middle of the Eclipse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 6 20.1 " 
Eml of Total Phal:le. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... j 9'1 " 
Laøt Contact with the Shadow .......... _ . . .. . . " 8 9.7 .. 
Last Contact with the Penumbra. ................!) 11'2 .. 
Magnitnde of the Eclipse (l\[oon's diameter = I), 1'643. The first contact with the shadow occurs at 93. from 
the Northernmost point octhe Moon'l! limb towards the East. The last contact at 74. towardii the West; in each 
caSE', for direct image. 





1I.-A Partial Eclipse of the Sun, February 11, 1888. Invisible in Canada. 
III.-A Partial Eclipse of the Sun, July 8, 1888. Invisible in Canada. 
IV.-A Total Eclipse of the Moon, July 22-23,1888. Standard 75th meridian:- 
h. ?n. 
First Contact with the Penumbra, July 22 ............... 9 56'9 p.m. 
First Contact with the Shadow, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 55.0 .. 
Beginning of Total Phase," 11 M.O .. 
l\1iddle of the Eclipse, July 23 ............... 12 44'8 a.m. 
End of Total Phase, .. . _ _ _. .. _ ..... 1 35'6 .. 
Last Contact with the Shadow, .... 2 34.'6 .. 
Last Contact with the Penumbra, . .... .. .... .... 3 32'7 .. 
Magnitude of the Eclipse (Moon's diameter = 1), 1'816. The first contact with the shadow occurs at 95 0 from 
the Northernmost point of the Moon's limb towards the East. The last contact at 82 0 towards the West. in each 
case, for direct image. ' 
V.-A Partial Eclipse of the Sun, August 7, 1888. Invisible in Canada. 

[From observations at the Toronto Observatory.] 

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'; 6 
in. -;-1-:;- -;ä;;:-;;;;;I
Jannary ...................... 29.6626 22.43 N.80 W. 3.39 11.21/ 1.112 4.7 16.7-1 14.3 2.786 1 11.3 0.7 
February .....................1 .6355 22.56 N.62 W. 3.40 10.77 1 0.901 4.4 ]7.17 12.6 2.618 12.3 .7 
March........................... . .6007 28.86 N.52 W. 3.61 11.41 1.527 6.6 13.-16 10.7 2.873, 13.6 .6 
April............................ .6887 40.83 N.2-1 W. 2.30 10.8-1; 2.261 9.7 2.31 3.8 2.492 16.2 .6 
May........................... .6757 62.00 N.18 W. 1.70 9.16 3.097 12.2 0.1-1 0.6 3.111 17.8 .6 
June............................ .6679 61.92 N.65 W. 0.88 7.691 2.83-1 11.9 2.83-1 18.1 .5 
July............................ .5859 67.57 N. 79 W. 0.92 7.63 3.149 11.1 3.149 19.9 .6 
Angust ........................ .619-1 66.36 :S-.63 W. 0.95 7.63 2.8-12 10.9 2.842 20.1 .6 
September..................... .6&17 68.52:S-. 66 W. 1.30 8.62 8.414 11.7 3.41-1, 18.3 .5 
October......................... .6508 16.39 N.69W. 2.10 9.12 2.328 12.8 0.78 1.9 2.406116.3 .6 
November..................... .6190 36.01 N.8IW. 1 2.86 10.61 2.721; 9.8 4.6-1 7.7 3.182 12.6 .7 
December ..................... .6-191 25.8J N. 76 W. 3.6-1- 11.10 1.539 6.0 14.78 1-1.2 3.017' 11.1 .8 
Average.................. 29.6 rnl H.ll N.62W . Wi 9.62 , 27.732 ïlL7169.'!i2/65.6 
ïã7.61 0.61 

Magnetic Observatory, Toronto. 
Latitude, 43 0 .39',4 North. Longitude, 79:>.23'.32 West, or 5 hours, 17 minutes, 34.6 seconds slow of Greenwich Time. 
Elevation above Lake Ontario, 108 feet. Approximate Elevation above the Sea, 350 feet. 


The length of the year is strictly expressed by the space 
of time required for the revolution of the earth round the 
sun-namely, 366 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 49 seconds, 
and 7 tenths of a se30nd, for to such a nicety has this time 
been ascertained. But for convenience in reckoning, it 
has been found necessary to make the year terminate with 
a day instead of a fraction of one, lumping the fractions 
together so as to make up a day among themselves. 
About forty-five years beforeChlist,JuliusCæsar, having, 
by the help of Sosigenes, an Alexandrian philosopher, 
came to a tolerably clear understanding of the length of 
the year, decreed that every fourth year shoulcl be heM 
to consist of 366 days, for the purpose of absorbing the 
odd hours. The arrangement he dictated was a rather 
clumsy one. A day in February, the sixth before the 
calends of !\larch (sextilis), was to be repeated in that 
fourth year; and each fourth year was thus to be bissex- 
tile. It was as if we were tl) reckon the 23rd of February 
twice over. Seeing that, in reality, a day every fourth 
year is too mnch by 11 minutes. 10 seconds, and 3 tenths 
of a second, it inevitably followed that the beginning of 
the year moved onward ahead of the point at which it was 
in the da}'s of Cæsar; in other words, the natural time 
Cell behind the reckoning. From the time of the Council 
of l'ìI:ice, in 325, when tht' vernal equinox fell correctly on 
lst I)f March, Pope Gregory found in 1582 that thel'e 
bad been an over-reckoning to the extent of ten days, and 

now the vernal equinox fell on the 11th of March. To 
correct the past error, he decreed that the 5th of October 
that year should be reckoned as the 15th, and, to keep 
the year right in future, the ovel'plus being 18 hours, 31 
minutes and 10 seconds in a century, he ordered that 
every centurial year that could not be divided by 4 (1700, 
1800, lQOO. 2100, 2200, &c.) should not be bissextile, as it 
otherwise would be; thus, in short, dropping the extra 
day three times every four hundred years. The Gregorian 
style, as it was called, rearlily obtained sway in Catholic, 
but not in Protestant countries. It was not adopted in 
Britain till the year 1752, by which time the discrepancy 
between the Julian and Gregori'ln periods amounted to 
eleven days. An Act of Parliament was passed, dictating 
that the 3rd of Sevtember that year should be reckoned 
the 14th, aurl that three of every four of the centurial 
years shonld, as in Pope Gregory's arrangement. not be 
bissextile or leap ye'trs. It has consequently arisen-180:> 
not having been a leap-year-that the new and old styles 
now differ by twelve days, our first of January being equi- 
valent to the 13th old style. In Russia, alone, of all Chri<;- 
tian countries, is the old style retained; wherefore it 
becomes necessary for one writin ó in that country to any 
foreign correspondent, to set down his (late thus: Sitb 
l\Iarch,orl6; :bs:
:-r ; or, it maybe, S8;:h

Second Winter ]}Ionth.] 

JANVARY, 1888. 


 STANDARD Twilight begin. 0'1" ends. SEMIDIAM. POLE STAR. 
e Tl:lrE. 
- --;;-1'1- . TORONTO. QUEBEC. I I Greatest 

 ---;--- --- Polar Elonga. 

 6 4
 Bog. End. Beg. I End. Sun. 
loon. Distance. tion. 0 
10 3 3L am .\.II. , P.M. A.M. P.M. I Lat. -15 . 
20 11 49pm ----'- 1 -----'--'-- 
28 6 19 pm h m h m h m h m ' ",' "0 , "0 , " 
1 6 08'6 355 41!5 581618,]54411706114903 
8 80Uam 11 608644540 , 6081618'160211705:14902 
20 8 00 pm 21 6 05,6 5515 36,6 19!16 17,14 4
 1 17 05
1 49 02 

Moo:s's PIlASES. 

 Last Quart er ..... 
. New :Moon......... 

 First Quart e1" .. n. 
<:) Full )Ioon ......... 

(( Perigee 
(( Apogee ..... ...... 


The Planets. 




I 0 Mer. 0 Mer. 
Rises. Me
d. Sets. Zen. Rises. )!er
d. Sets. Zen. 
dist. dist. 
h m h m h m --;-Tm Tm h m 
3 58 a 856 u 1 53 p 60.3 4 18 0 904 0 1 50 P 6
. 9 
o 19 a t:i 09 a 001 P 46.6 11 59}' 5460 11 30 a 48.4 
413a 9000 1471' 62.4 1 34au 8280 1131' 62.9 
622 P 1 48 a 9090 24.2 5381' 1 050 8280 24.0 
048 a 622 all 55 u 49.8 009 a 5450 tl 16 a 49.8, 

Venua ......... 

Iars........ ... 
Jupiter..... ... 
Saturn...... ... 
Uranus..... ... 

JANUARY 21sr. 

o I Mer. 
Rises. Me
d. Sets. Zen. 
4360 9140 1 52 P 64.7 
11 89 P 521 u 11 00 a 50.8 
3120 7550039p63.2 
4 55 P 0 23 a 7 46 a 23.8 
11 27 P 504 a 1037 a 49.8 

NO'U:.-In the above Table a signifies A M. and p P.M. 


 Day of 
:. Week. 

 ë \ Rises. Sets. , !Uses. _ Sets. 
----- h mh m' h m h m 
1 SUND'Y 1 7 52 4 52 1 7. 35 9 29 
Ionùay. 2'7 5:l t 5BI 8 38 10 07 
3 TuesùR.Y, 3 \ 7 5
 4 54, 9 48 lO 47 
4 \Vednes... 47 52455110 6911 21 
6 Thursd'y 517 52 4 561 a. m. 11 52 
\) Friday... 6,7 524 57, 0 Oö pm 22 
7 Saturday 77 51 4: 58 ] 18 0 53 
E SUND'Y. 8,7 51 t 591 2 3] 1 28 
9 :\Ionday 9 1 7 61 5 01' 3 42 2 07 
10 Tuesday 107 51 5 02 1 63 ;! 50 
11 Wednes... 11 7 505 031 6 01 3 4] 
121Tbursd'y 12 1 7 505 04 7 04 4 39 
13 Friday... 1317 605 05 1 7 56 6 39 
14 Saturday 147 4{15 06 1 8 41 6 41 
15 SUND'Y 16 7 4f! 5 07 9 2ú 7 46 
16 :\Ionday. 167 485 08 9 54 8 49 
17 1'uesday. 17 7 48 5 09; 10 24 9 50 
18 Wednes... 18,7 47 Õ 101'0 4910 50 
19 Thursd'y 19746512,111511 51 
20 Friùay.. 20 7 466 13111 40 a.lD. 
21 Saturd!\y 21 7 455 14 1 pm 05 0 50 
22 SUND'Y 227 445 16 0 33 1 47 
23 \Iondn.y . 23,7 445 17 1 1 06 2 46 
24 Tuesday 247 435 18 1 44 3 46 
28 Wednes .257 425 19 1 2 2614 43 
2f i fbursd'y 26 , 7 415 21 3 14 5 4] 
27 Fri(lay.. 27,7 405 22 4 12: 6 35 
 SaturdaJ 28!7 395 231 . 5 16 1 7 23 
I 2V SUNO'Y 29/7 385 25, 6 25 8 06 
30 :\Ionday. 30 1 7 375 26 7 34 8 46 
31 Tuesday. 
1 7 365 271 8 47 9 21 


SUN. MOON. Bun's 
1 Decllna. 
Rlst!s., Sets. Rises. Sets. tlon. 

h;'-h m 0 , " 
17 324 08 6 54 9 05 \ 823 00 54 1 
1 782409768 1 941226543' 
732410 91010 19 1 22 50 04 
17 324 11 10 24 10 5] 22 44 001 
17 314 12 11 3611 201 22 37 27 
'7 31.4 13 a m. 111 481 22 30 291 
'7 3] 4 14 0 48 pm 181 22 23 02 1 
17 314 15 2 02 0 51 22 15 10 
'7 304 16 3 16 1 28' 22 06 5]' 
7 304 18 4 28 2 08! 21 67 06\ 
,7 304 19 5 37 2 59 21 48 50 
'729420641356 1 1 213921 , ' 
,7 28 4 21 7 33 4 56 21 29 20 
" 7 284 22 8 ]7 6 00 1 21 18 54 1 
7 27 4: 24 8 54 7 06 1 21 08 04' 
7 27 4 25 9 26 8 111 20 56 49 1 
7 2t 4 26 9 54 9 141 20 45 ]0 
7 264 2710 1710 16i 20 33 09 
1 '7 254 2810 4:! 11 19 1 20 20 43 
7 24 4 3011 05 a.m. 20 07 55 
7 23 4 31 11 29 0 20 19 54 44 
:72243311 55 1191194] 11 1 
72]434pm26 220192716 
'7 204 35 1 O
 3 2] I 19 ] 2 5f' 
17 If! 4 37 1 4
 4 201 18 58 211 
,7 ] 8 4 38 2 31 1 5 18 ] 8 43 22 
17 17440 1 329 6 12 1 , 182804 
'7 16 4 4] 4 34 1 7 00 18 12 25 
!7 164 43, 5 45 1 7 411 17 56 26 
7 14 4 45 6 56 8 20 17 40 08 
17 134 471 8 1] 8 521 17 2

l:Iun (['11 I Upper 
on Age Transit of 
Meridian. Noon. Pole Star. 

8 daY8 l h m I 
12 03 46 17. 9 6 33 54 
12 04 13 ]8. {I 6 29 57 
12 04 4] 19.9 6 26 00 
12 05 09 20. 9 6 22 03 
12 05 3f) 21.!:J 6 18 06 
] 2 06 02 
2. 9 6 ] 4 09 
] 2 06 29 23. 9 6 JO 12 
12 06 54 24. 9 6 06 16 
12 07 ] {I 25. 9 6 02 19 
12 07 44 26. 9 5 58 22 
12 08 Of' 27, 9 5 64 25 
12 08 32 28.9 5 50 
12 09 1 7 1. 3 6 42 34 
12 09 39 2.3 5 38 37 
12 09 59 3. 3 5 34 40 
12 10 20 4. 3 5 30 44 
12 10 39 5. 3 5 26 47 
12 10 58 6. 3 5 22 60 
12 11 33 8. 3 6 14 56 
]2 11 50 9.3 5 ]0 59 
12 12 06 10. 3\ 5 07 02 
12 ì 2 :20 11. 3' 5 03 05 
12 12 3412.3 1 4 59 08 
12 12 4713.3 4 55 12 
12 13 0014.3 4 51 15 
] 2 13 1] 15. 3 4 47 ] 8 
12 13 2216.314 4321 
12 13 321]7. B 4 39 24 
12 13 4118.3 4 35 27 



FEBRU ARY, 1888. 

[Third Winter .Month. 


-< TIME. 
- --,;m- 
.., Quarter...... t 2 26 pm ÞO< 
. New Moon ......... 11 6 53 pm Q 

 First Quarter..... 19 8 59 pm - 
Full 1\1oon ...... ... 27 6 68 am 
Perigee ... ... ..... 1 
lidnighl 1 
(( Apogee . ....... ... 17 I 5 00 pm 11 
(( Perigee ............ 29 11 OOam 21 

'l'wilight begin, or 'ncù. SEMIDIAII. 


Polar Elonga. 
Beg. r End. Beg End. Sun. Moon. Distance. tlon. 
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Lat. 41)0, 

 h: h:: ;:; ;-'; I 

5 57,7 07'5 276 3316 1616 14 1 1 17 06 1 49 03 
5 46!7 1915 1564616 14,1522117 0714904 

The Planets. 


On Mer. On Mer. I 0. 
Risell. Merid. Sets. Zen. Rises. Merid. Setll. Zen. Risell. !deride Sets. Zen. 
dist. dist. dist. 
- - - - - - It -m -;- 
h m h m h m 0 h m h m h m 0 h m h m 
462 a 927 a 2 02p 65.
 605a 940 a 2141' 1)5.2 5 12 al 9 52 II 
 32p 64.0 
. 11 15 P 452 a 10 26 0 51.0 10 49 P 422 u 963 a 51.9 10 18 p, 3500 9 18 a 58.5 
237 a 719. 00Ip68.6 203. 646.1126.63.7130.1610.1060163.9 
407 P 11 31 P 7 00 a 23.5 3 24 p 10 49 P 6 19 u 23.3 240 PlIO 07 P 5 37 0 23.2 
. 10 46 p 4 20 a 954a 49.81003p 340u 914049.7 922p 300a 834a 49.6 

Venus ........ 
Mars ........ 
J I1piter ..... 
Saturn...... .. 
Uranus ..... 

NOTB.-In the above Table a signiflell A.M. and p PM 


Q Day or 
. I MoO
. SUN. I MOO!!f. .Sun's Sun <r'1I Upper 
>, Week. I>> De(lina- on Age Transit or 

 Rilles Sets.1 Rises. Sets. Rises Setll. Rises. Setll. tion. Meridian. Noon Pole St"r. 
- -- -I
 ;;-;;; y;-m h
 0 I /I h m , dayi -
I,Wednes.. 3
7 355 29 1 9 5
 9557 1] 449 926 9 2tS17 06 37 12 134919.3 431 30 
2 Thursd'y 33 / 7 345 3011 II 10 257 10 t 5010 4(1 9 5.l 16 49 24 12 13 5720.3 4 27 34 
3'Friday...347 335 31: a.m. 10 67709152,11581021 16315412140421.3 42337 
4 SaturdaY l 35 1 '7 3:! 5 33 0 2
 II 317 07 ! 53 8.m. 10 53 1 16 14 06 12 14 0922.3 4 19 40 
5 I SUND'Y. 367 31 5 34, 1 34 pm 077 06 t 54 1 Of< 11 27 15 56 01 12 14 1523.3 4 15 44 
6 Monday. 37 7 305 35: 2 43 0 487 Of> ! 561 2 19 pm 06 15 37 40 12 14 1824. 3 4 11 47 
7 Tuesday. 38:7 295 371 3 5l, 1 357 03 t 58 3 27 0 52 1 15 19 03 12 14 22\25.3 4 07 50 
8 \Yednes.. 3917 275 38 4 52 2 27'7 025 00' 4 2
 1 44 1 15 00 10 12 14 25126. R 4 03 54 
9\ rhl1rsd'y 40,7 265 40 1 6 46 3 25 1 7 OO,j 011 5 2
 2 42 1 14 41 02 12 14 27' , '27.3 3 59 57 
10 Friday... 41 1 7 245 41 6 35 4 27 1 6 595 02 6 12 3 45 14 21 39 12 14 2828.3 3 56 00 
1l l Saturùa y 42 7 
3 5 43 7 17 5 306 57 5 03 1 6 5
 4 50 14 02 01 12 14 29 1 29.3 3 52 03 
12 SUND'Y. 4317 21 5 44 7 52 6 35 1 6 565 05 1 7 2t- 5 57 13 42 10 1 12 14 29 0.7 3 48 07 
Ionday. 44 1 7 205 451 8 
2 7 376 555 07 7 54 7 00 13 
2 06:12 14 27 1. 7 3 44 10 
14 Tuesday. 45 7 195 47 8 50 8 38,6 5H 5 08 8 Ii 8 03 13 01 4912 14 25 1 2.7 3 40 13 
15 Wednes.. 46,7 175 48 9 17 9 3716 5] 5 10 8 44 9 04 12 41 19 12 14 23 3.7 3 36 17 
16 rhursd'y 4717 155 49 9 4210 376 495 11\ 9 OJ 10 06 12 20 37'12 14 20' 4.7 3 32 20 
17 Friùay... 48 1 7 14 5 50: 10 0711 34 6 4
 5 121 9 31 11 05 11 59 42 12 14 17 1 6.7 3 27 22 
18 l Sa.turday 49 7 135 6] 10 35 a.m. 6 465 13 1 9 57 a.m. 11 38 36'12 14 12 6.7 3 24 25 
19 ! 5UND'Y. 507 12;) 52 tl 06 0 336 455 1510 26 0 07 11 17 19112 14 05 7.7 3 20 29 

OMOnday.51 1 7 10.> 5411 38 1326435 17:1Q 5710710565212 1400 8.7 31632 
21 Tuesday 527 086 56'pm 18 2 296 415 1811 36 2 05 10 34 15'12 13 52 9.7 3 12 36 
221 Wednes.. 53,7 075 57' 1 04 3 266 395 20!pm 2] 3 03 10 11 29 1 12 13 45 1 10.7 3 08 40 
23:Thursd'y 54 1 7 055 59 1 56 4 21 Ö 38 I) 22 1 13 3 58 9 50 31 12 13 3611. 7 8 04 43 
24 Friday... 557 036 001257 5 12636524 2 14 449 927 28 1 12 1327,12.7 30046 
25: Saturday 567 01 1 6 01 4 01 5 596 34 I) 25 1 3 20 6 35 9 06 15 12 13 1813.7 2 56 50 
26,SUND'Y.576 59602 1 5 13 640632526 433 606 84354'121308114.7 25253 
27 1 
Ionday. 68 6 5816 04 6 27 7 176 30 1 5 281 5 50 6 43 8 21 25 12 12 57 15.7 2 48 56 
6 67 1 6 05 742 751629529' 1 707717 75849 1 121246116.7 1 24459 
29:Wednes...606 556 06, 8 56 8 246 27631 8 24 7 51 7 36 0612 12 35.17.7 2 41 0 3 



First Spring Month.] 

MARCH, 1888. 


gi", or endl. SBIlIDIAX. POLE STAR. 

------ . ToaoNTO.\ QD"'O.] G"".... 
h m 

 Last Quarter...... 4 10 26fm 
 Polar Elonga- 

 Bpg. End. Beg. I End. Sun. Moon. Distance. tion. 
. New :\loon......... 12 11 21 am A.II. P.II. A.M. P.M. Lat. 45 0 . 
I> First Qua.rter...... 20 3 43 pm -----------1---- 
o Full Moon......... 27 5 07 pm h m h m I^ m h m , "I' "0 , "0 , " 
1 16 18i7 42,4 427 13 16 10,16 27'1 17 11 ' 1 49 10 
(( Apogee... -....... .. 16 9 00 am 11 5 01,7 65:4 247 28 16 08 1 15 04:1 17 14'1 49 13 
(( Perigee............ . 28 6 00 pm 21 4 41,8 09,4 03,7 43.16 06.15 18
1 17 17.1 49 18 

The Planets. 

. I Ga Ya,. G Mer. 
PLANET. RIaaa.1 M?:i.. .... Zen. Rises. M id 8ets. Zen. Rises. l\I 
d 8ets. Zen. 
dist. er . dist. < er . dist. 
h 11& h m h m 
 };fñ- T--;; 
 -;;- T--;; 7ïm T-;; 0- 
Venus ......... 513 a'lO 02 a, 252p 61.0 1 609410120 316p 69.0 602010210 339p 66. 
Mars ......... 9 36 p 3 181 846 a 52.7 905 P, 2380 S 06 0 52.4 818 P 1530 732 a 52.1 
J upi ter ... ... 057 a 5 37 a 10 17 a 63.9 020 a 5000 9390 64.1 11 38 r 421 a 
 01 a 64. 
Saturn ......... 2 02 P 9 29 p 5 00 a 23.0 121p 848p 420a 22.9 040p 808p 8390 22. 
Uranus ... ... 8 45 P 2 24 a 7 59 a 49.51 804p 143 a 718 a 49.4 723 p 103 a , 638 a 49. 


NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.K. and P P.K. 

:;;j ;:, 
.... Day of ...1 SUN. }IOON. SUN. I MOON. Sun's I Sun I ({ 's I Upper 

 Week. 0, I I - Declina. on Age Transit of 
ê... _ i, RiseS. 1 Sets. Rises. Sets._ Rises"! Sets. I Rises. __S ets. tion. 
Ieridian. Noon ., Pole SLar. 
'h ml h m h m h m l ^ m h m h m ^ 111 0 , /I h m a daya h m , 
1 Thursd'y ül'6 53:6 08 1 10 11 8 56 1 6 255 321 9 41 8 21 S 7 13 16 12 12 22 1 18. j 2 37 06 

;Fridav ...162 6 516 0911 24 1 9 316 235 33,10 56 8 61 6 60 20 12 12 10'19.7 2 33 09 
3'Saturd'y. 636 4\1,6 10 a.m. 10 076 21,5 35, a.m. I 9 27 6 27 19 12 11 57120.7 2 29 13 
4'SUND'Y. 646 486 11 0 3610 46!6 195 3;. 0 1110 04 6 04 11 12 11 43i21.7. 2 25 17 
londll.y.656 47'612 144.11 311617538,1211058 540591211 3022.7 221 20 
6 l Tuesday. 666 45,6 13 2 4
 pm 23'6 155 39' 1 
 2611 40, 5 17 12 12 11 16;23.7 1 2 17 24 
7,Wednes. .1676 44!6 14 3 44 1 186 13'5 40 3 21 pm 35 4 44 21 12 11 00i24.7 2 13 28 
8 Thursd'y 686 40'6 16 4 36 2 196 115 42 4 11 1 36 4 30 56 12 10 45 1 25.;.2 09 32 
9[Friùay...:69,6 39;6 18 5 17 3 2016 09:5 4{ 4 52 2 39 4 07 2812 10 30126.7 1 2 05 35 
l')\Saturd'y. 706 38 1 6 191 1 5 53 4 23 1 6 08 1 5 15 5 26 3 44 3 43 56 12 10 14'27.; I 2 01 39 
11 SUND,y. \ 71'6 366 20 6 24 5 266 065 47 5 66 4 49 1 3 30 21 12 09 58 1 28. 7 1 57 03 
londity . 72'6 35 1 6 22. 6 52 6 276 04'5 48: 6 22 5 52 2 56 45 12 09 52!29.71 1 53 46 
13 Tuesday. 73633[6 23 7 18 7 266025 50 1 6 46 6 53 2 33 061209 2Ó l l.Û l l 49 50 
14 Wednes...'74 6 31,6 24' 7 44 8 26!6 00'6 511 7 11 7 54 2 09 26 12 09 08 2.0 1 45 54 
15\ThurBJ'y 756 296 25 1 8 H' 9 26 1 5 58!5 521 7 35 8 56\ 1 45 44 12 08 51 3. (\ 1 41 58 
16 Friday ...176 6 276 26 8 3710 245 565 53 7 59 9 56 1 22 02 [ 12 08 34, 4.0 1 38 01 
17 I Saturd'y.;77 6 256 27, f1 0511 21'5 54 \ 5 541 8 2610 55 1 0 58 20 12 08 16, 5.0 1 34 05 
18 SU
D'Y.,78 6 246 29 \ 9 36 a.m. ,5 525 56 1 8 4511 54 0 34 47 12 07 59 1 6.0 1 30 09 
Ionday .1796 2t 6 3010 13 0 20 1 5 50
5 57 9 31 a.m.;s 0 10 64 12 07 41 7.0 1 26 12 
2JITuesdaY.' 1 
06 20631 1 1054 11754855910 11 0 54 I NO 1247120723 1 8.0 122 16 
21 Wednes.. 816 186 3211 42 2 09;5 46,6 01,10 59 1 46 0 36 28 1 12 07 04 9.0 1 18 20 
22'Thursd;y 826 166 33' l pm 39 3 035 446 0211 56 2 40 1 1 00 07 12 06 46ilO.0 1 14 23 
23 Friday ...!83 6 14: 6 31 1 40 3 495 42'6 04 pm 58 3 26 1 23 44 12 06 28'l1.0 1 10 27 
24ISatur.1'y.'846 126 36 2 47 4 32 1 5 40,6 05 2 07 4 07 1 1 47 19 12 06 09:12.0 1 06 31 
25ISUND'Y. 856 11 6 37 3 59 5 126 386 06 3 21 4 46 2 10 62 12 05 51 1 13.0 1 02 36 
26 :\londay..:86 6 096 38 5 13 5 4615 36'6 07 4 37 5 17 2 34 21 12 05 32114.0 0 58 38 
2i'Tuesda.y. 1876 086 39 6 30 6 195 34:6 09 5 5; 5 48 2 57 48 12 05 13'15.0 0 54 43 
28,Wednes...'886 066 41 7 47 6 535 32 1 6 10 1 7 16 6 19 1 3 21 11 12 04 55:16.0 0 60 47 
2C) I Thursd'yI896 046 42 1 904 7275306 12 836 661 3442912 04 3
 1 17.0 04651 
30 Friday...;906 026 4310 20 812528613 964 724 40744 1 1204 It-lKO 04264 
31 Saturday,91,6 00,6 44: 11 33 8 426 266 14 11 09 8 021 4 30 65 12 04 0019.0 0 38 68 




APRJL, 1888. 

[Second'Spring Month. 


--- --- 
h m .,; TORONTO. QUEBEC. Greatest 
<t Last Quarter... ... 3 7 41 am 
 Beg. I End. Beg' j End. :3un Moon Di

e E:f:n ga - 
. New Moon......... 11 4 08 am A.M. P.M. A M. P.M. I . f,at 45 0 
I) Fir8tt
uarter..... 19 6 52 am - - - - _ _______
o Full MO
JD......... 26 1 22 am Ih m I h m ,h m h m'l/ I 1/ 1 0 I /I 0 I /I 
1 . 198 243 3[<:8 0116 0216 111 17 201 49 23 
(Apogee ............ 12 600pm 11 13 58 1 
 401314 1 82015591444117 2314927 
(( Perigee ..... .... 26 4 00 am 21 13 37 8 56]2 5ûl8 39:15 56,15 591 17 26 1 49 31 

Twilight begins or end.. 



The Flanets. 

Pm... 0. I 1M". On . M., I 0 I I y". 
__ RiBas. Merid. Sets. 
: RiBas. ...rid Bata.j Zaa. ""N. y 
d B.'" Zan. 
. dist. - erl di"t. 

 Tm h-;;: -:- 
 --:- -y;-;; Tm 'hm -;;- 
Venus ......... 45101028a/405 P 505 440a 10 35 0 430 P 458 427 a 10 40 a 453 P141.0 
Mars ........ 719p 058a 631 a 51.2 621p 0050 542a50.1 523 P 1 1106 P 4520,49.] 
Jupiter ...... 10 Mp 337 a 817 a 64.110 12p 2560 736 a 6!.0 929 P 214 a 6540 63.8 
Saturn ......... 11 57 0 724 PI 256 ai 22.91118 a 6 46 P 2 17 a 22.9 10 40 a 6 08 p 1 39 a'22. 9 
Uranus ...... 637 p 0 18 a 554 a, 49.0 556 P 1133p 514a,48.9 51lpi1049p 4330148.7 

NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. and p P II. 

Day of 
orT:-..,.. Bu.. QUEB:.... Bau', I C: u : ADj' <<', Up..' 
Week. >. I 1 - r I Decllna- on Age rransit of 
B_ RiBas. Sets. Rises. _ Sats. Rises. Sets. 
lses. Sets. tion. .Meridian. I Noon 
 ole Star. 
jh m h m l h m h mlh m,h m h m h m 0' /I h m B 'daYB h m B 
1 SUND'Y 9215 58 
 45; a.m. 9 26'5 2416 16 8.. m. 8 431N 4 54 01 12 03 4220.0 03501 
2MonJny 931556646,041 1 10 17!5 22'6 Ii 018 934 51658120324121.0 03105 
3'Tuesday. 94'5 54 1 6 4711 4( 11 U'5 20' 1 6 If! 1 Ji 10 
8 5 39 6[,12 03 06,t2.(' 02709 
4 Wednes... 9515 536 491 2 3:31pm 12 , '5 186 20 2 1011 29: 6 02 4512 02 48 1 23.0 02314 
5 l Thursd'y 9615 516 50 1 3 1; 1 135 16ö 2] 253pm31 6 25 2812 02 3124.0 01918 
6'Friday... 97,549651 35512 16514623 329 1 36 1 648051202 1425.0 01522 
7 Saturda.y 98i5 4816 53 1 4 2i 3 185 12 1 6 24 3 59 2 40 7 10 3412 01 5i 1 26.0 01126 
8 SUND'Y 99'5 4716 54 4 5; 1 4 20'5 106 26 4 27 3 43 7 32 5712 01 4027,0 00730 
9 Monday. 100:5 '46 6 65
 5 23 5 19 1 5 086 2i 4 5] / 4 451 7 55 ] 212 01 23 1 '
8. 0 00334 
10 l Tuesday. 10] 5 446 56 1 5 4f< 6 195 06,6 2
 5 15 5 47 8 17 2(112 01 0729.0115938 
11 Wednes... 102j5 426 5i l 6 14 , 7 175 04 1 6 3û 5 39 1 6 471 8 39 1912 00 51 1 0.31154 42 
12'Tbur:,;d'y 1035 406 58 6 39 8 16 1 '5 0216 32 6 02 7 48 9 01 0612 00 36 1. 3 11 5046 
13 Friday... 1045 3f- 6 59 7 0; 9 155 00,6 33 6 29 1 8 49' 9 22 4912 00 20 2.311 4650 
11 Saturday 105 1 '5 3f 7 01 7 37 10 14 , 4 59' 1 6 34 6 57 9 491 9 44 21 1 12 00 05 3.311 4255 
15SUND'Y11065 34702 8121111457636 7301048 1 10054311 595] 1 4.3113959 
16 :\Iond:1Y, 107,5 327 03 8 5( a m' 1 4 556 3e 8 08 1 11 43 10 26 55'1l 59 36 5.3 11 3604 
17 Tuesday. 1085 317 04 93( 006453637 853 a.m. 1047 5711 5922 6.3113208 
18Wednes...lI095287 U 51026 05045163[< 943 03611084811 69097.3112813 
1\J ' Thursd'y 110 5 27i7 07 11 24 1 1 4514 50j6 3f; to 4] 1. 221 11 29 2811 58 56, 8.:
 11 24 17 
2:)1 Friday . 111,5 26 7 08 pm 2t< 2 27 4 48:6 41 , 11 4i 2 04 1 11 49 6611 58 431 9. 3 11 2022 
21 Saturday 11215 257 09 13b 306447'6 42pm55 t 4]112101311 583110.3111626 
22 SUND'Y 113,5 23'7 H.I 2 4E I 4 424 46'6 43 2 09 3 ]5112 30 1711 58 1
111. 31112 31 
2:3:\Ionday.i1145 2
!7 11 4 O
 4 ]54 44645 326 346 12501011 5807 ' 12.3110835 
2JTuesday.'1155 20712 5 lEI4 474421647444416 13095011 57 56;13.3110440 
2;) Wednes. :116,5 1
,7 14 6 3f 5 2014 40 1 6 4
 (j 04 4 46 13 29 1811 57 46114.311 0044 
20'ThUrSd'Y I 117 1 516,715 755 1 5 M I 4 38650 726 5 18 13483011 5735,15.3105649 
27,Friday...1185 15,7 16 9 13 63343765] 846 554 14072911 57261]6.3105253 
28 1 Snturdny 119 1 5 117 1710 2& 1 7 ]614 35165210 01 6 35 1426 1611 57 17i17.3104858 
29SUND'Y 1205 127 1811 31 8 06't 336 5
 11 08 724 14 444711 57 09,]8.3104502 
30 Monday 1215 1] '7 If11 a.m. 9 0114 3116 56/ a.m. 8 18 15 03 0411 57 0119.310 4107 




Third Spring JJIonth.] 

MAY, 1888. 



---- - h
I C! Polar ElJnga- 
(j Last Quarter ...... 2 6 47 pm 
 Beg End. Beg, I End. Sun. Moon. Distance. Hon. 
. New 1\Ioon ........ I 10 8 24 pm A.M. P.M. A M. P.M. Lat. 45 0 



::::::: I 

: - ï:; ;;-;;: ;;:; 1:;;; -;-;;1 ;-;;I;-;-
1 3 169 14 1 2 259 0115 54115 481 17 291 49 35 
(( Apogee 9 800pm 11 1256932201'924,15521445'.173214939 
(Perigee.. ........1 24 200pm 21 ,238:9501137,947,1550116211173414942 

7im1ight begins or end,. 



The Planets. 


MAY 1ST. . !\lAY 11TH. I MAY 21sT. 
Rises. I M O
d set
. 1 
: Rises. M O
d Sets. 

:, Rises. M O
 d Sets. I 
e . dist. en . dist. , erl . dist. 
h m hm 
 -:- hm hm Tm -:-
413ailO46a 519p'37.7 40IalO53a 545p33.] 35101101a 611p29.1 
434pl1014p 403a49.5 341p 927 P I 317a49.] 330p 844p 234a49.2 
848 P j IlOa 608a 65.0 8030 0460 525a
64.8 718p 002a 441a 64.5 
959a 530p 101a 24.4 9230 454 P / 028a 24.5 848a 417p1l47p 24.7 
429plO11pj 358a 49.9 348p 931p 318p!49.8 307p] 850p 234a 49,7 

Venu!! ......... 
l\lars. ......... ...... 
Saturn ....oooo. 
Urånus ....... 

Nou.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. andp P.M. 

: Day of 
 SUN. I MOON. SUN. I MOON. Sun's Sun I <I I Upper 

 Declina- on Age Transitof 
 Rises. , Sets. Rises. I 
ets. Rises. Sets. Rises. j._sets. tiOD. !\1ljridlan.:.. Noon. Pole Star. 
_ I -Ih m,h m h m h m,h m h m h m h mOl "h m 3 Idays'h m 3 
1 ruesday. 122',j 0917 21 1 0 2810 024 296 56 0 05! 9 19'N1521 06 II 56 6320.3'103711 
2 \VedDes..1235 087 22' 1 1711 07428658 054,10 24 1 15 38 52 11 564721.3'103316 
3'fhursd'y 1245 07 1 7 23: 1 58 1 pm 08 4 276 59 1 :H 11 271 15 56 27 11 56 40,22.3110 29 21 
4 Friùay... 1255 067 :24: 2 31 1 014 257 00 2 OO,pm 3
 16 ] 3 41 11 56 35 1 23.310 25 25 
aturday'126 5 047 25 3 01 2 124 24 7 0] 2 34 1 34 1 16 30 44 11 56 3024.3110 2130 
UND'Y '127') 027 261 3 28 3 124 2ö 7 02 2 5
 1 2 361 16 47 27 11 56 25[25.3 1 10 1735 
7 \londay.11285 00\727 3 54 1 4 131422703 323 3 39,17035311 5621[26.3 1 101339 
8 ruesday. 1294 59,7 29 4 22 5 104 2ú 7 05 3 46 4 38 17 20 01 11 56 18 1 27.3 1 10 09 44 
9\Vednes.. 1 1304 58,7 30 4 48,6 11\41
7 07 4131640117356711 56 1528.3
10 Thured'y 131157'7 31 5 10' 1 7 084 17708 4 33 641 17 5] 3211 56 1329.3100153 
11 Fritlay... 1 1324 5017 32 540 8074 It)] 09 501 741 1 180648 II 56 1] 0.6 95758 
12 Saturday,1331 55,7 33 6 13 1 9 0;:)'4 Hq 10 5 32 1 8 41 18 21 46 11 56 10 1. 6 9 b4 02 
13 SUND'Y' 1 134 4 54,7 35 1 6 5010 02'4 14 7 12 6 08 9 39 18 36 26 11 56 10 2.6 95007 
14 \Ionday. 1354 537 36 7 31 10 5514 127 13 6 48,10 321 18 50 52 11 56 10 3.6 fl4611 
15 Tuesday. 136'4 52 \ 7 37 9 16111 464 HJ] 14 7 3811 21 19045311 5ó 10 4,6 94216 
16 Wednes . 1 1374 5017 38110 171 a.m. t 097 15 8 33 a.m.! 19 18 35 11 56 12 5.6 1 93821 
17 rhursd'y 1384 .197 39 II 22 1 0 27'4 087 16 9 31 0 04 1 19 31 59 11 56 13 6.6 93425 
18 Friday ... \ 139 i 49;7 40 l pm 3011 05'4 077 17 10 40 0 42 19 45 02 11 56 16 7.6 93030 
19 Saturday 1404 48,7 41 1 1 41 2 014 06!7 1911 50 1 16 1 19 57 49 II 56 ]8 8.6 9 2ô 34 
20 SUND'V.1141 4 47:7 42 2 531 2 134 0517 20 pI 03 1 47 1 20 10 12 11 56 22' 9.6 92239 
21 :\londay .11424 46,7 43 4 08i 2 45 1 4 04 1 7 21 2 17 2 16 20 22 13 11 56 2610.6 91844 
22 ruesdaY' 1 14314 45'7 44 1 5 261 3 15 i 03'7 22 3 36 1 2 44, 20 33 54 11 56 3011. 6 1 91448 
Wednes.. 1444 417 45 6 44 1 3 49'4 O
ii 23 4 51 3 151 20 45 13 11 56 3512.6 91053 
24 rhursd'y 145'4 417 46 1 7 59 4 25 t 01 1 7 24 6 15 3 48 1 20 56 11 11 56 4013.6 1 90657 
25 Frida.y,.. 1464 437 471 9 12 5 01 4 007 25 7 32 1 4 22! 21 06 47 11 56 4614.6 1 90302 
aturday 1474 427 4810 1415 4813 591 7 26 8 47 1 5 061 2] 17 02 11 56 5215.61 85906 
UND'Y. 148 t 42 ï 4911 09 6 46 1 3 5f!'7 27 1 9 51 6 02i 2] 26 55 11 56 59'16.6, 85511 
28':\10nday. 1494 41'7 50 II 51 7 44'3 57'7 2f 10 46 7 01 21 36 30 1l 57 0617.6 85] 16 
29'Tuesday. 1504 41'7 50 1 , B.m' 1 8 48 1 3 57 1 7 29 1 11 3] 1 8 05 21 45 39 II 57 1418.6, 84720 
30 I Wedoes...lóI4 407 51033 954356; 30 a..m. 911 1 2154 2411572219.6 84325 
31IThursd'y,1524 39752,10511 0,3 56 731 00810 19 22024711 5731.2 0.6,83930 

 --- - - 


JUNE, 1888. 

[First Summer Month. 



ginll or ends. SEMIDIAM. POLB STAR. 

-- - -- 
h m rÐ 8.".1 Moo
Last Quarter... 1 7 53 am ÞO< Polar Elonga- 
New 1\1oon...... 9 11 34a.m 
 Distance. tion. 
Lat. 41)0. 
First Quarter .. 17 1 50 am 
 ----- ---- 
Full Moon ...... 23 4 08 pm I ,,1, ",0 , "0 , " 
Last Quarter... 30 10 53 pm 1 15 48 1 15 091 17 3611 49 44 
Apogee ......... 6 4 00 am 11 15 47 1 15 061 17 37 1 49 46 
Perigee ......... 7 7 00 pm 21 I Ó 46J16 32 I 17 37 1 49 47 



Beg. End. Beg. , End. 


h m h m h ml h m I 
2 23 10 09 t 15'10 12, 
2 H 10 21 1 1 00110 311 
2 13 10 2610 57,10 89. 

The Planets. 


Rises. M
::d sets. ' M:
: Rises. M

d Sets. 

e:: RiBes. M O
d I sets. / 

h WI 
 -,;-;;: h---;;: -:- h--;;; y-;;- --,;-;;- :- 
345a1112a 639 P , 25.5 345a l 1l24a 703p 

.O 351a1137a 724p 21.6 
220p 803p 150a49.9 151p 730p 112050.9 127p 70lPI 038a52.2 
627pll08p 354a64.2 542pl024p 310064.0 458p 941p 228a 1 63.8 
810a 338 P )1l07 P ! 24,9 7360 j 303P1030P 25.8 702a 228p, 954P I 25.4 
223p 806p, 150a49.6 143p 726p 11Oa49.6 103p 647Pi 031a 49.6 

Venus ......... 
l\Iars ......... 
Jupiter ...... 
Saturn...... ... 
Uranus .oooo. 

NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M andp P.M. 

SUN. MOON. SUN. MOON. Sun's I SNn ({'s I Upper 
I I Declina- on Age TraDsitof 
Rises. Sets. Rises. Sets. Rises. Sets. Rises. Sets. tion. I Meridian. Soon. Pole Star. 


 0 , /I T;;-; tlaYlJ j h---;;-; 
1 1 Friday... 153,4 387 53 1 05pm02.
 657 32 03811 23 N2210 49 1 11 57 40U.68 35 36 
2 Saturd'y. 154.( 3817 54 I 34 ] 048 54 1 7 33 1 04 pm 29 22 18 2611 57 60 !2. 68 31 41 
3ISUNDT. 15514 3817 64 1 58 2 053 54 7 34 1 27 1 32 22 25 4011 58 00 !3. 68 27 46 
Iond3Y.. 15614 37 1 7 65 2 23 3 023 54 7 35 1 50 2:JI 22 32 31 11 58 10 !4. 68 23 51 
5:Tuesday. 15714 3t7 661 2 49 / 4 033 537 35 2 14 2 33 22 38 57 1 11 58 2025.68 19 56 
6, Wednes... 1584 3717 66 1 3 14 5 OJ 3 537 36 2 36 3 33 22 45 00 11 58 31 l6. 6 8 16 00 
d'y 159,4 36 1 7 571 3 43 5 593 537 37 3 03 5 33 22 60 3911 58 43 
7. 6 8 12 05 
8, Friday... 1604: 367 68: 4 131 6 598 527 38 3 32 1 6 34 22 55 34 11 58 54 !8. 6 1 8 08 10 
9 r Saturd'Y. 161 1 4 367 581 4 48 7 55:J 527 38 4 05 7 32 23 00 0611 59 06 !9. 68 04 15 
1O,SUND'Y. 162 ' 4 367 59 1 6 301 8 513 517 39 4 47 1 8 28 23 05 1311 59 18 1. 0 1 8 00 20 
lll}londay.. 163'4 357 69 6 17 9 433 517 40 5 34 , 9 20 23 09 1511 59 30 2.0 , 7 56 25 
12 Tuesday. 164!4 358 00 7 10'10 283 51 1 7 40 6 27 10 05 23 12 50 11 59 43 3.07 52 30 
13IWednes... 165i4 368 00 1 8 10;11 07 1 3 517 41 7 27 lO 43 23 16 0611 69 56 4.017 48 35 
14 l Thursd', 166'4 358 011 9 13,11 4613 517 41 8 3211 19 23 18 5512 00 08 5.017 44 40 
15 1 Frida,... 167 1 4 358 01 10 19 a.m. 3 5117 42 9 40 11 49 23 21 1912 00 20 6.07 40 45 
16 1 'Saturd'Y. 16814 358 02,11 27 0 17 a 51 7 42 10 50 a. m. 2:J 23 1812 00 38 7.0:7 36 50 
17 SUND'Y. 169'4 35,8 02;pm 37, 0 4!13 51 7 42 pm 02 0 19 23 24 5312 00 46 8.0:7 32 55 
IoDday. 17014 3618 02 1 49 1 193 517 43 1 17 0 46 23 26 0212 00 5
 9.0'7 29 00 
19ITuesd"ý. 17114 36 1 8 03 3 03; 1 493 5117 43 2 33 1 14 23 26 47 1 12 01 1:J lO.0!7 25 05 
20iWednes.. 172 1 4 3618 03 4 18, 2 323 52 1 17 43 3 50 1 44 23 27 0712 01 2l> 11. 07 21 10 
21 Thursd'y t 73 4 36,8 03 5 37 1 2 57 3 527 43 5 09 2 17 23 27 03 12 01 38 12.0;7 17 15 


';: g: l l: 

I : 

: g




 I g 8
:: 8} 

24SUND'Y. 1764 36 1 8 04 8 56 1 5 243 52 1 7 44 8 83 441 23 24 1812 02 1615.07 0530 
ionday. 177j4 37 1 1 8 04 9 47 6 273 537 441 9 24 5 44 23 22 34 1 12 02 2g 16.0;7 01 35 
26 Tuesday, 1784 378 04 ' 10 281 7 333 5317 44 10 04 6 50 23 20 2612 02 41 17.0 1 6 57 40 
27 WedneB.. 1794 38 j 8 04 11 04 8 413 647 44 10 38 8 01 23 17 5212 02 54 18.0,6 53 45 
28 Thured'y 1804 388 04 1 11 35 9 463 54!7 4411 06 9 08 23 14 5512 03 0619.06 49 50 
29 Frida y ... ! 1814 398 03 a.m. 10 603 55 / 7 4411 31 10 14 23 11 33 1 12 03 1820.0:6 45 55 
30 3aturd'y. 1824 398 03 0 02 11 523 557 44 11 54; 11 18 23 07 46 12 03 3
 21. 0,6 42 00 
1 14 ] 


::S <1> 
.... Day of :: 
Q Week. 0 
ÞO. >. 




Second Summer Month.] 

JULY, 1888. 



PHASES. ÞO< STANDARD 7'wílight begin, or end,. SEMIDIAM. POLK STAR. 
-- --- TORONTO. [ 
h m ..; QUEBEC. Greates 
)Ioon ..... 9 1 17 am ÞO< Beg. I End. I Beg.] End. SUD. Hoon. Di

. Elonga 
C! tlon. 
16 7 13 a.m A 
Qilarter ... AM. P.M. A.M. P.M. Lat. 46 0 
)loon .... 23 o 45 am ï:;;;1-h--:: 
Qilarter ... 30 3 30 pm , "0' " 0 , , 
ee -... ... 3 7 00 pm 1 2 19 10 241 0710 33 1 16 46 146311737 1 49 4 
ee ........ 19 2 00 pm 11 2 3210 161 25'10 1816 46 16 32 1 17 3ß 1 49 4 
ee ......... 31 1 00 pm 21 1"2 48!1O 00 1 1 47\ 9 Õ7]15 47 16 13 1 17 35 1 49 4 


. New 

o Full 
<I Last 
(( Apog 
(( Perig 
(( Apog 


The Planets. 

Rises. M

d I Sets. 
: Rises. M

d. Sets. ree
: Rises. I \:I O
d Sets. I 

. dist. dist.' er . dist. 
It m T--;; 
 0 T---;; hm' h m :- h- m T-;:;; hm' 
Venus ......... 404 a 1162 al 740p 21.3 422 a 006p 7 49p 22.3 446 a 019p 7 52p 24.2 
Mars.......... 107p 634p 1 006a63.8 061p 611 P I 1131 P 56.6 037p 649P1101P 1 67.4 
JuPiter.......1 1 4161' 868P: 146a63.i 333p 817p ]05a6
.6 263p 737p 026a63.6 
Saturn......... 629a 154 p / 919 p 26.7 666a 119p 843p 26,(1 624a 045p 807p 26.3 
Ut:a.nus. ...... 024 pi 608 p II 52p 49 ß 11 45 a 529 p 1112p 49.7 II 08 a 461 p 10 34P149.8 

NAME 01' 

NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. andp P.M. 

'õ Day of ,:: BUN. I MOON. SUN. MOON. Sun's Sun I <I's I Upper 

 Week. I 
 . I I . r - ., . I De
lina- on Age Tranl!lt ef 

 _ I 
16: I :et: ;Ise: :ets

18: I :et:;lse; h set : 

erl:a:. I :::. I ;ol:St:r . 
UND'Y. 1834 408 03 1 0 27'pm 54 3 66 1 7 43 a.m. pm 21 1 N23 03 36 12 03 4] 22.0,6 38 05 
2 \londa y .,184 1 4 4] d 03 0 51 1 1 633 66 i 43 0 171 1 23 22 59 02 12 03 62 '23. Oi6 34 10 
3Tuesday.118544]803 11;1262:357743 040 224 22540212040324.U63015 
4 Wednes...'186,4 4] 
 03 1 441 3 5] 3 68 1 7 43 1 06 3 26 1 22 48 40 12 04 14 25,0 1 6 26 20 
6 Thursd'y 1187i4 42>3 02 2 14' 1 4 603 59'7 4:2 1 34 4 25 22 42 63,12 04 24 1 26.0\6 22 26 
6IFridaY."'188 1 4 428 02 248 648369 1 742 206 625 22364212043427.01 6 1830 
7 Saturday 1894 4318 02 3 27 6 434 00'7 41 / 2 44 6 20 22 30 09 12 04 44 28.06 14 35 
8 I SUND'Y.:1904 44 1 3 0] 4 12, 7 384 017 411 3 29 7 16 1 22 23 11'12 04 6329.06 10 40 
londay . " 1914 45 ij 0] 6 031 8 264 02 1 7 40, 4 20 8 03 22 15 6] 12 05 02) 0.416 06 45 
10 ruesday. 1924 468 00 t) 01 9 07 1 4 03:7 40' 5 18 8 431 22 08 07 12 06 10 1.46 02 60 
11 Wednes... 1934 478 00 7 051 9 464 047 39 1 6 24 9 20 22 00 02 '12 06 18 2.45 68 65 
12 Thursd'y'1944 4817 69 812,1021405,738 732 963 1 216137120526 3.456500 
13 FridaY""l19514 4817 68 9 20i LO 52 1 4 057 38 8 4210 22, 21 42 46112 05 33 4. Jj 5 61 05 
atllrdayI96'4 497581028,11 22406737 96310 601213333120639 5.4.) 4710 
155UND'y.'19714 607 5711 3
111 53 1 4077 36 1 11 Oß 11 18121 23 671120646 6.4543 15 
16::\Ionday.119814 61 7 66 pm 60j a.m. 4 087 35 pm ]911 45 21 14 00 12 05 61 7.4.) 
9 20 
17 Tllesday.,19914 627 66 2 03, 0 21 1 4 09,7 34, 1 35 a.m. 21 03 42112 05 56 8.4') 35 25 
18;Wednes... 200 4 53,7 65 3 16! 0 56 1 4 107 341 2 49 0 18 20 63 00 12 06 00 9.4 ') 31 30 
H,Thursd'y 2011 1 4 54;7 54 4 27' 1 344 11 7 33/ 4 03 0 63 20 41 68 l2 06 04 10.4 j 27 35 
20 Friday... 2024 66,7 53 5 38, 2 17 1 4 127 32 5 16 ] 34 20 30 35 l2 06 07 1 11.4 j 24 40 
21 :-;aturday 203 4 56,7 62 6 40 1 3 10 4 137 3]1 6 17 2 27 20 18 61 l2 06 10 12.4.) 19 46 
22 SUND'Y.'20414 67 1 7 62 7 36 4 084 16'7 30 7 13 3 25 20 06 52 12 06 12 13.4 .j 15 60 
23 Monday .;206!4 687 6] 8 22 6 1314 16'7 28 7 58 4 30 19 64 28 12 06 14 14.4.j 11 65 
21 TuesdaY.,20614 69 1 7 60 9 OJ 6 20 1 4 177 27 8 351 6 39 19 41 43 12 06 16 15.45 08 00 
26 Wednes.. 20715 007 49 9 36' 7 284 187 26 9 Oi l 6 48 1 19 28 39 l2 06 15 16.4 .') 01 06 
26'Thllrsd'y208/5 01'74810 04' 833.419,726 934 765' 19161612061517.450010 
27'Friday...'2095 027 4710 30 9 384 207 24 1 9 58 9 03 19 01 38 12 06 14 18.41 56 15 
28iSatllrday l 21O 6 037 46 LO 63110 40 1 4 22'7 22,10 20 10 07 18 47 37 12 06 13 19,4 1 62 20 
29 SUND'Y. 2116 Ot 7 4411 1911 414 23'7 21110 43 11 10 18 33 16 12 06 11 20.4 i 48 26 
30:\londay.'2125 06i7 4311 46 j p m414 24'7 20:11 08pm14 181838 l2 06 0821.4 t 44 30 
3 ]ITllesday.,2135 06:7 42 a.m. 1 39.4 25,7 19,11 34 1 12! 18 03 41 l2 06 06,22.4 i 40 35 


AUGUST, 1888. 

[Third Summer Month. 

E STANDARD Twüight lMgin, or end,. SEIßDlAM. 
.... Tl)IE. 
--- - h",,- ..; TORONTO. I QUBEEO. I I . Greatest 
. New )loono....... 7 1 21 pm 
 ] Sun M ,
olar I Elonga- 
14 11 44 "m A Beg. End. Beg. End. . oon., DIstance. I tion. 

 First Quarter..... 21 .. A.M. P.M. I A.M. P.M. I I Lat 45 11 . 
o Full 
loon ........" 11 20am ---- --------- 

 Last Quarter...... 29 9 18 am h m h m;h m h m l ' ,,1, " I 0 ";0 , " 
I 1 3 079 41'2 129 3215 48'14 49 1 1 17 341 49 42 
(( Perigee ..........., 14 7 00 am 11 3 259 21,
 35 9 07 1 15 49,16 051 17 321 49 39 
(( Apogee ........... 28 8 00 am 21 3 428 5Wl 558 42 1 15 51,15 3i1 17 291 49 35 



The Planets. 

N AMI! or 
PLANET. Rises. On M
. 0. I I M
. 0 I MM 
Merid. Sets. Z
n. Rises. Me id Sets. Z
n. Rises. M 
d Sets. Zen. 
_ _ .dlst. _ 
 _ dlSt. _ er. dist. 
h m h m h m 0 h m h m h m' 0 h m --,;-;;: T-;; --:- 
Venus ......... 5170 0311' 744p 28.3 541 a 040PI 739p l 31.5 6080 048Pl728P 36.0 
Mars ......... 025[ 5281' 1031p 59.5 016p 51lp,1005p 61.5 009p 455p 941p 63.3 
Jupiter ...... 21OF 1 654p1138p63.7 134p 617p;1l00p,63.8 058p 540p I 1022p64.0 
Saturn........ 4480 008p 728p26.6 41501134ai 652p127.0 343a1100al 616p21.3 
Uranus. ......10260 409p 951p 49.
 949a 331pI 9-13P:50.1 912a 253p 834p 50.2 

N OTE.-J n tbe above Table a !lignifies A.M. and p P.M. 

:S I 
'õ Day of 
'S Sun I ({'s Upper 
>. Week. >. " . . DecIma. on Age, fransit of 

 Rises. sets' l 
lses. Sets._ Rlses. l sets. I 
lses. _Sets. _

 \Ieridian. Noon. 
I - h m h m h m h m]h m h ml h m h mOl /I h m " day' It m , 
1 Wednes...1214'5 O. 7 41 0 07 2 384 277 171 a.m. 2 12 N17 48 32 l2 06 0123.4 t 36 40 
2'Thursd'Y I 1 215 1 5 08 7 40 0 46 3 37 t 28 1 1 7 161 0 04 a 14 1 17 33 00 12 05 5724.4 I 32 45 
3 Friday... 216!5 091739 123 4344297 16 040; 4 11 17 17 1112 05 52
5.4l28 50 
41.3aturd'y.!21715 10 1 7 38 2 06 5 29,4 30 17 13 1 23 1 !) 06 17 01 1012 05 4726.41 24 55 
5 SUND'Y, 2185 11 7 36 2 55 6 20 i 31 7 12 2 12 5 57 16 44 47 12 05 4127.4 t 21 00 
Ionday.' 1 219 1 5 127 35 3 51 7 064 327 11 8 08 1 6 43 1 16 28 09 12 05 34 1 28.4 1 17 05 
7 Tuesday. 2205 131734 452 7464337 10 4 11 721 16 11 1912052729.4 t i3 10 
8 Wednes. . 1 22115 14 \ 7 32 5 59 8.23 1 4 357 08 5 12 1 7 57 15 54 0812 05 19 1 0.9 t 09 15 
91Thursd'y 2225 167 31 7 07 8 54 1 4 37 ) 7 06 6 29 8 25 15 36 4212 05 10 1. 9 -t 05 20 
101 Friday "' 1 223 5 177 29 8 18 9 264 387 04 7 42 8 55 15 19 0612 05 01 2.914 01 25 
11,Saturd'y.224!5 1817 28' 9 28 9 54 4 397 02 1 8 55 9 21 15 01 lû 12 04 52 3.9,3 57 30 
12SUND'Y. 1 225,5 1917 27110 4110 26 1 44170010 10 950 14 43 0012 0442 4.9' 1 31)334 
londfl.Y.. 226i5 21 7 25 11 51 11 0614 4 2 6 5911 22 to 2;' 14 24 4012 04 31 5.93 49 39 
14 Tuesday. 2275 22 1 7 23 pI 0511 344 446 57 pm 3910 54 14 06 0212 04 20 6.93 45 44 
15 weùnes...1228 1 5 23 1 7 21 2 17 R.ID. 4 456 56 1 5211 33 1 13 47 1512 04 08 7.9i3 41 49 
16 Thursd'y 2295 247 20 326,015446654 303 a.m. 1328101203568.933754 
17 Friday... 23015 257 19 4 3D, 1 034 486 52 4 07 0 20 1 13 08 5612 03 43 9.9'3 33 59 
18 I S:J.turd'y. 2315 26\7 17 5 27 1 574 4 9 6 50 5 O
 1 14 12 49 2512 03 
9 10.9'3 30 04 
19SUND'Y.232 1 5 27 1 7 15 6 ]5 2 5914 1)06 49 5 52 2 16112 29 4t l 12 03 1511. 93 26 09 
londaY.' 1 '233 5 287 14 6 5t 3 04,4 5 1 6 47 6 32 3 21 12 09 54 12 03 01 12.9,1 3 22 14 
21 Tuesday. 2345 29712 731 1 511452645 705: 431111 495312024613.931819 
22 Wednes ..1235 1 5 307 11 8 02 6 17 1 4 5 3 6 43 7 33 5 39 11 29 36 12 02 31 14.93 14 23 
23 ThUrSd'Y l 236 1 5 32'7 09 Ii 29 1 7 214 54 6 41 7 58 6 45 ' 11 09 12 12 02 15 15. 9'3 10 28 
24 Friday... 23715 33 \ 7 07 8 55 8 26 1 4 5 6 6 40 8 22 7 52 ' 10 48 33 12 01 59 16.93 06 33 
25'Saturd'y 2385 341 05 9 21 9 28 , 4 576 38 8 46 8 56 1 10 27 4912 01 4217.93 02 38 
26 SUND'Y. 239 1 5 3517 03 9 47 1 10 291t 5
 6 36 9 10 9 59 10 06 55 12 01 2618.92 58 43 
27 Monda y .. ! 240 1 5 367 02 10 13 1I 284 596 34 9 3
 11 00 , 9 45 46 12 01 0819.92 54 48 
28' I Tue3dl1y.24115 381j 0010 43 1 pm365 00 1 6 3210 02pmOl 9243212005120.925053 
29Wednes..2425 396 591118 12550163010 35 101 9030412003321.924658 
301ThUrSd'Y \ 243 1 5 40 1 6 57 11 5
 1 ' 2 245 0 3 1 6 23 1 11 15 2 01 [ 8 41 32112 00 14 22, 9 2 43 03 
31 Friday... 2445416551 a..m. 3 
05 05,6 27 a.m. 257 8 1951,11 595523.92 3908 

First Fall Month.] 




. New Moon .......' 
t) First Quarter .... 
o Full 1\1oon . ... 
<t Last Quarter...... 
(( Perigee... ..... ... 
(( Apogee ... ......... 

Twilight btgi1ll! or tnd,. SEMIDIAIIl. I POLE STAR. 
>< I !;: Polar Elonga- 

 Beg. End. Beg. , End. ",un. . Moon. Distance. tion. 
A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. I Lat. 45 0 . 
- I h m lh:
: h 11I -;-;;-r

1 4 00 1 '8 353 17 8 15]6 64,]5 ]2;1 ]7 261 49 31 
11 4 ]58143347611556]614,117 22 J '] 4926 
21 4 2817 543 5017 27J15 59:]4 59:1 17 191 49 21 

A TlJlIE. 

h 111 
6 11 56pm 
12 5 OOprn 
20 0 24 am 
28 3 30am 

9 6 00 am 
25 3 00 am 

The Planets. 





Ier. 0 lI-Ier. 0 Mer. 
Rises. M

d. Sets. Zen. Rises. Me
d. Sets. Zen. Rises. Merld. Seta. Zen. 
dist. dist. dist. 
Tm ---,;-;; hm -:- ----,;:-;; -h;;; T;;; ---;- -,;-;; ----,;:-;; --,;-;; -;- 
Venus........, 6380 1 0541' 71lp40.0 7030 lOOp 658p4õO 728a ]06p 644p50.0 
Mars .........1l59a 440p 9211'64.011540 428p 901p 65.5 1150a 417p 844p67.8 
Jupiter......... 016p 50:lp 945P I 63.01144a 4'1.7p 91Op63.31113a 3Mp 835p63.6 
Sa.turn........ 31OalO220 ô34p263 23609470 458p26.6 203a 912a 421p26.9 
pranus 823a 2]2pI048p.J9.1 759a 134plOlOp49.3 723a 057p 93]p49.6 

NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. andp P.IIl. 


:<i Day ()f ;.. 
,.., .... 

 Rises. Sets. 

aturd'y. 2455 4:.! 6 53 
2 SU:ND'Y 2465 436 51 
londay .1 2475 44 1 6 60 
4iTuesdaY.12485 456 48 
5;Wednes...12-195 466 46 
6lThursd'y ,250 5 47 6 44 
7 Friùay "' 1 251 5 48 1 6 42 
8lS a turd'y 2525 4fJ 6 40 
9IsUND'V,'2535 5(; 6 39 
IO,Monday . 1 2545 526 37 
Tuesday. 255 5 5
 1 6 35 
]2iWednes...,256'õ 54 6 33 
1311'hursd'y 1 2575 56 6 31 
14, Friday... 2585 5716 30 
15 l Saturù'y '2595 58:6 28 
16 i SHND'y 6 1260 5 59/6 26 
lonùay . 1 261 6 OOj6 24 , 
18[Tuesday 2626 0 1 1 6 23 
19 WedDes...,263 6 O
 6 21 
20'l'hursù'y i264'6 O
 Ö ] 9 
.21 I Frida y ...,265\6 04 1 6 17 
22 Saturù'Yol266 1 6 056 15 
23 j SUND'Y'12676 OJ ,6 13 
24 \Ionday ,1268,6 086 11 
251 Tuel!day .1
69 6 0
16 ] 0 
26 Weùnes . '2706 10.6 08 
27 Thursd'y/2716 1I/6 06 
28 Friday ."1272 Ô ]ì16 04 
29 daturd'y' 1 273 6 ]416 O
I I 
30SUND'Y.27416 1516 01 
 - - --

 - - --- 

ON'I'O. I.lU
I Moo.. 8us. 
illeø. _ Set8. _ -" 1 8 '" _Rises. I!

h m h 111 h mh 111 h 111 h 111 
o 4:; 4 1] 5 06 6 25 o 0 I 3 48 
1 36 4 59 5 08 6 23 o 53 4 36 
2 35 5 41 5 09 6 2ù ] 5
 5 17 
3 41 6 19 510 6 l
 3 00 5 63 
4 5t 6 53 511617 4 lû 6 25 
[ 6 02 7 24 5 126 15 5 25 6 54 
I 7 14 7M 5 136 ]P 6 39 7 22 
I 8 28 8 26 514611 7 56 7 51 
I 9 43 8 59 5 166 09 9 ]3 8 2] 
]0 56 9 33 5 18 6 07 10 28 854 
 10 13 5 ]9 6 05 11 40 9 31 
11 19 10 59 5 20 1 6 03 pm 56 10 16 
2 24 11 505 2:! 6 01 2 01 1] 07 
3 24 a. m. 5 24 Õ 59 3 01 a,m. 
4 1
 o 5015 255 5j 3 4
 0 07 
I 4 55 ] 6215 265 55 4 3; ] 09 
5 3:! 2 58 ' 5 285 53 5 06 2 ] 7 
6 03 4 0115 295 51 6 35 3 25 
6 3] 5 0015 3ù 5 49 6 0] 4 32 
6 56 6 14r 315 4i 6 23 5 39 
7 23 7 165 325 4fJ 6 48 6 43 
7 47 8 165 335 43 7 ]] 7 45 
8 13 917 5 35 5 41 7 35 8 49 
8 43 10 Ii 5 3f) 5 39 8 03 9 51 
9161117 5 37!) 37 8 34110 52 
9 53 pm 13 5 38 5 35 9 If 1] 50 
'10 35 1 10 5 39 5 33 9 5:! pm 47 
l] 23 2 02 5 40 5 31 10 40/1 39 
R..m. 2 51 5 4:.:) 29 1 11 36 2 28 
o ]8 3 3! 5 415 27 1 a..m. 3 11 


Sun <I'll Upper 
on Age Transit 0 
Meridian. Noon. Pole Star 



 daYlJ h--;;-; 
N 7 58 03 11 59 37 24. 
 2 35 12 
7 36 0611 69 1825.92 3] ]6 
7 140111 585826.922721 
6 51 48 1 '11 58 39;27.92 23 25 
6 29 29 11 68 ] 9 28. 9 2 19 30 
6 07 03 11 67 59 O. 5 2 15 34 
5 44 32 11 67 39 1. 5 2 11 39 
6 21 64 11 57 18 2.52 07 43 
. 4 59 1211 56 58 3. Ó 2 03 48 
4 36 24 11 66 37 1 4.51 59 52 
4 13 31 11 66 16 5.51 55 57 
3 50 34 11 55 65 6.51 52 01 
3 27 33 11 65 341 7: 5 I 48 06 
3 04 29 11 55 13 1 8. 5 1 41 10 
2 41 20 II 54 52 9. Ó I 40 ]5 
2 J7 0911 64 30,JO.5 1 36 ]9 
] 54 56 11 54 09 11. 5 I 32 24 
1 31 39 11 53 413 12. 5] 28 28 
1 08 21 11 63 27 13.5 I 24 33 
o 46 02 1] 53 Ö5 14. 6 I 20 38 

 0 21 39 11 52 44 15.6 1 16 42 
SO 01 43 1I 52 24 16.5] 12 47 
o 25 0611 62 0317.61 08 5] 
o 48 3011 51 4218.5] 04 56 
1 ]2 54 11 51 2] 19.61 01 00 
1 35 1811 6] 0020.6057 06 
1 69 4] 11 50 41 21. 5 0 53 09 
2 22 14 II 50 21 22. 5 0 49 14 
2 50 25 1I 50 04 23.6 0 45 18 
3 08 4411 4!) 4224.50 41 22 



OCTOBER, 1888. 

[Second Fall JJfonth. 






gins or ends. 

---1- h:",- oÕ TORONTO. QUEBEO. I Greatðst 
. N ]\[00 I 6 9 34 am 
 I Polar Elonga- 
ew n... 0 29 A BEG. End. Beg. End. Snn. MOON. Distance. tion. 

 First Quarter 12 am A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. 1 Lat. 45 0 . 





: - h
 h; -';-': 1 -';-;;; -,-;; -,-;;i
---;-;I ;-;-;; 
I 1 4 41 7 34 4 04 7 0716 0116 39!1 17 151 49 16 
(( Perigee ...... 7 2 00 am 11 4 53 7 16 4 18 6 4716 04,16 011 Ii 11 ' 1 49 11 
(( Apogee ...... 22 I 6 OOpm 21 5 05 7 00, 4 3216 2916 07114 46:1 17 0811 49 06 

The Planets. 

PLANET. On I Mer. On I Mer. On I Mer. 
I Rises. Merid Sets. Zen. Rises. M.d Sets. Zen. Risee. 1\1 id Sete. Zen. 
. dist. erl . dist. . er . dist. 
h m 
 --,;-m- hm,T;;; 
Venus.........1 7640 112P 1 631P55.1 820a 120p 620p59.6 847a 130p 614 P I 63.4 
Mars ......... 11 450 408 P I 8 30 P167.8 1 1140 G I 3 59 P 818 P 68.511 340 1 3 52p 8 09p 68.7 
Jupiter ...... 1 1041a 321p 801p64.01010a 249p 728p64.3'9410 218p 655p64.6 
Saturn......... 129a1037a 345p 1 27.2 0540 801a 308p27.4 0190 7250 231p2í.7 
Uranus ...... 647a 021p 854p!49.8 1 611aI1144a 817p50.0 63501106a 737p!50.3 

NOTE.-In the above Table c1signifies A.M. andp P.M. 


 Day of 

 Week. "õ 

 g Rises. Sets. Rises. Sats. Risas. Sets. Rises. 











Sun ({' Upper 
on Ag; Transit 0 
oon. Pole Star 

 h;. h;;"'h;ñ
 h m h mOl II 
1 Monday. 2756 J(j:) 69 1 21 4 145 455 25 0 39 3 49 S 3 32 03 
2 Tuesday. 276,6 17,5 57 2 2f 4 49' 1 5 47 5 23 1 48 4 22 3 65 18 
3 Wednes... 27716 185 55 3 3
 l) 215 485 21 3 01 4 52 4 18 31 
4 Thl1rsd'y 278:6 205 54 4 51 5 5115 505 19 4 15 5 20 4 41 40 
5 Friday.... 279 ' 6 215 5
 6 Ob 6 285 515 18 5 33 5 54 5 04 46 
6 Saturd'y. 28016 225 5<) 7 2] 6 54 1 5 525 ]6 6 5ú 6 18 5 27 ôO 
7 SUND'Y. 2816 23 5 4
 8 38 7 295 54 5 14 8 HI 6 50 5 50 48 
8 :\Ionday. 28216 256 4b 9 51 8 08,5 555 ]2 9 28 7 27 6 13 42 
9 Tuesday. 283 6 265 45 L1 09 8 64 5 575 10 10 4U 8 11 6 36 31 
10 Wednes.. 284 1 6 275 43 pm If:- 9 45 , 5 585 0811 54 9 02 6 59 13 
11 Thursd'y 2856 285 4] 1 21 10 4216 005 06 pm 5
 9 59 7 21 51 
12 Friday.... 286,6 295 39 2 13 L1 46 1 6 025 04 1 50 11 05 7 44 23 
13 Saturd'y. 287,6 3] 6 37 2 57 a.m. 6 035 02 2 33 a.m. 8 06 49 
14 SUND'Y. 288 1 6 325 35 3 34 0 52 1 6 045 00 3 08 0 10 8 29 05 
15 :\Ionday. 289633534 407 1 56i6 054 58 3 39 1 16 851]6 
Ie Tuesday. 290 1 6 34 5 3
 4 33 3 0] 6 064 56 4 04 2 
3 9 13 21 
17 Wednes... 291 6 355 30 5 00 4 03'6 074 5é 4 29 3 28 9 35 15 
18 l'hursd'y 2926 37 5 29 6 24 5 07 6 094 54 4 5] 4 34 9 67 03 
19 Friday... 293,6 386 2b 5 49 6 0816 104 52 5 ]3 6 37 10 18 42 
aturd'y294639526 6]57076124505376381040]0 
21 SUND'Y. 2956 405 24 6 43 8 09 1 6 13 j 48 6 03 7 4] 11 01 28 
22 1 :\londay. 2966 425 23 7 14 9 08,6 144 46 6 33 8 42 11 22 37 
23 Tuesday. 2976 435 22 7 50 lO 06 1 6 164 44 7 07 9 42 11 43 37 
24 Wednes.. 2986 446 20 8 2
 11 036 18 1 4 42 7 46 10 40 1 12 04 27 
25 Thursd'y 2996 45519 9 ]511 5616 ]94418321133 1 122506 
26 Friday... 3006 465 Ii 10 07 pm 476 204 39 9 24 pm 22 12 45 32 
27 Saturd'y. 3016 485 16 11 05 1 3] 6 2] 4 37 10 22 1 08 13 05 47 
28 SUND'Y. 3026 491) 15 0. m 2 106 234 35 11 27 1 46 ] 3 25 48 
29 :\Ionday. 303 1 6 506 13 0 Of< 2 456 214 33 a.m. 2]9 13 45 39 
30Tuesday.304651512 115 3186264320352601405]5 
31 Wednes.. 3056 536 11\2 25 3 496 284 3111 48 3 19 14 24 38 

h m 8 days h m 8 
11 49 23 
6. 5 0 37 27 
11 49 05 26. 5 0 33 32 
11 48 47 27. 5 0 29 36 
1 11 48 2f 28. 5 0 25 40 
11 48 I1 29.5 02144 
,11 47 54 1. 1 0 17 49 
11 47 3; 2. 1 0 1353 
11 47 20 3.100957 
1 11 47 04 4.] 1 00602 
11 46 4
 6. 1 1 1 0 1 5 2 8 1 6 
11 46 34 6. 1 11 54 14 
11 46 19 7.1115018 
11 46 06 8. 1 11 46 22 
111 45 52 9.] 111 4226 
111 45 3910. ] 11 3830 
11 45 26 11. ] II 34 34 
I II 45 1512.111 3038 
11 45 03 1 13.111 2642 
I II 44 53 14.1 11 2246 
II 44 43 15. 1 11 1850 
11 44 34 16. 1 11 14 54 
III 44 25117.1111058 
11 44 17 18. 1 11 07 02 
III 44 10 1 19.] 11 0306 
111 44 03:W.] 105910 
11 43 57121. 110 55 ]4 
II 43 52'22. 1 10 51 18 
III 43 4h!23. ] 10 47 22 
11 43 45 1 24.110 43 26 
11 43 42 25. I 10 39 30 
11 43 40126 1,10 35 34 


Phird Fall Month.] 

NOVE1\-IBER, 1888. 



I A 


Twilight begins or ends. SEMlDlU[. 


I h m 
. New 
Ioon ......... 3 7 02 pm 

 First Quarter...... 1 10 III 16 am 
<:) Fulll\1oon ......... 18 1 10 16am 
<I Last Quarter .,....1 26 0 21pm 
(( Perigee ... ......... J 4 110 00 am 
(( Apogee ...... ,.....: 18 10 OOpm 

. TORONTO. I QUEBEC. I I Oreateøt 

 I Polar Elonga- 
à Beg. I End. Beg. End. Sun. I Moon. Diøtance.' tion. 

 M. P.M. / A.M. P.M. I I Lat 450 
Ih; ï;-,-;; J:;;; -/
1 15 18 1 6 464 466 13 16 1016 23 L 17 03 1 48 59 
11 15 30,6 35 / 4 686 03 1 16 1215 251 Ii 00'1 48 54 
21 :540,6295 111553:161414481165714849 

The Planets, 

Rises. I " 1 
 d I sets. j Zen. Rises. M Id I Sets. I Zen. Rises. M l . d Sets. I Zen. 
-------- 1 ---- / - 
hm l hmlhm 0 hm hm hm 0 hm hm hm 0 
Venus ......... 915 a 144p 612p 66.5 937 a 1 68PI 618p168.3 955 a 212p 630p 68.8 
Mars .........1126a 345p' 803 p1 68.51116a j 338 P 1 800p167.81l04a 332p 759 p 166.7 
Jupiter ......1909a' 144p, 619p65.1 840a 114p 547P165.4 812a 044p 516p'65.6 
Saturn...... ...i 11 35 p 644 al 160 Pi 27.9' t lO 58 P j 607 a l lll P I 28.0 t lO 21 p 528 a 032 p! 27.9 
nus.......... 455a11026a, 656p150.5 419a 948a 618p 5
.7 343a 912a 641P!60.9 


NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. and p P.M. 

. 1 
:;;t a> 
... Dayof:: SUN. I MOON. SUN. I MOON. Sun's I Sun I <I's Upper 

 [ I I Declina- on Age Transit of 
! l 
 Rises.! Sets. Rises. Sets. Rises. Sets. Riøes. Sets. tion. Meridian. 
oon. Pole Star 


 0 I /Ilk m 8 daY8 '1--;;-;- 
1 Thursd'y 3066 655 09 1 1 3 39 4 18 1 1 6 304 29 3 04' 3 46:314 43 48 1 11 43 3927.1 LO 3138 
2,Friday...307 6 56508 453 461631428 421 416 15024311 43 39:!8.1lO2742 
3 Saturday 3086 585 07 6 10 1 6 236 32:4 27 5 40' 4 45 15 21 2411 43 3929. 1 lO 23 45 
4 SUND'Y. 3096 59;) 05, 7 28 6 006 33' 1 4 26 7 02 5 20 1 16 39 4811 43 411 0.7 lO 19 49- 
6 l Uonday.3107 005 041846 643635424 822: 601 155757'11 43 44 1.7lO1553 
6 Tuesday. 311 7 025 02 10 03 7 34 Ô 364 22 9 40 6 61 16 15 51 11 43 47 2. 7 lO 11 66- 
7 \Vednes... 3127 035 0111 06 8 316 384 2010 47 7 48 16 33 3011 43 61 3.7 to 08 O(} 
8rhursd'y , 3137 Ot5 00'pm09 933639'41911 45 850 16506111 43 55 4.7lO0404 
9 Friday... 314 7 054 591 0 57'10 416 41:4 18 pm 34 9 68 17 07 64 11 44 01 6.7 10 00 07 
10 Satu1'day'315 7 064: 58 1 37 11 476 4314 17 1 12 11 07 17 24 39 11 44 07 6.7 96611 
11 SUND'Y. 3167 084 67 1 2 10 a.m. 6 4414 16 1 44 a.m. 17 41 0611 44 16 / 7.7 95214 
Ionday. 3177 094 66 1 2 39 0 526 4514 14 2 10 0 14 17 57 1611 44 23 8.7 94818 
13Tuesday.13187 114 55 3 06 1 656 464 13 2 35, 1 19 18 13 0711 44 32 9.7 94422 
14 Wednes...'319 7 124 64 1 3 31 2 686 48i4 12 2 58 2 22 18 28 38,11 44 41:10.7 9 --1025 
15 Thursd'y 3207 134 63 3 55 4 01 6 504 11 3 20 1 3 29 18 43 4911 44 52,11. 7 93629 
16 Friday... 321 7 144 52 , 4 2,) 5 006 51 4 10 3 43 4 30 1 18 58 4011 45 0312.7 93233 
17 Saturday 322 7 154 51 4 47 6 016 524 09 4 08 5 33 19 13 1111 45 16;13.7 92836 
18SUND'Y. 323 1 7 16450 517 700654408 436 634 19272211 45 1914.7 92440 
19 }Ionday. 3247 18'4 49 1 5 49 7 696 554 07 5 06 7- 35 1 19 41 1111 45 43'16.7 92044 
20 Tuesday. 3257 19449 628 8 5ï6 674 06 545 834 1 1954 3911 4657116.7 91646 
21 Weines... 326 7 204 48 7 11 9 5:36 58,4 06 6 28 9 30 20 07 4411 46 1217.7 91250 
22 Thursd'y 3277 224 47 80010 416 594 06 7 1710 20 1 20 20 2811462918.7 90R64 
23 Frid;1.Y .. 3287 234 461 8 5511 29 1 7 00 1 t 04 8 12 II 06 20 32 49 11 46 4719.7 90457 
24 Saturday 329 7 244 46 9 56 pm 10 1 7 024 03 9 1411 47 20 44 4811 47 0320.7 901 01 
25 SUND'Y.1330 7 254 1511 00 0 477 044 0310 20 pm 221 20 66 2311 47 2321. 7 85706 
26 \fonday .'3317 264 451 B.m. 1 19 1 7 064 0211 27 0 52 1 21 07 3511 47 4222.7 85308 
27 Tuesday.'3327 27444 005 1 49707 1 401 a.m. I 1 20 1 21 182411 480223.7 84912 
28 Wedne
.. 3337 284 44 1 16 2 187 08 14 01 0 40 1 47 21 28 4811 48 2324.7 84516 
29 Thursd'y 3347 304 43 2 26 2 46 1 7 094 00 1 53 1 2 12 21 38 4811 48 4525.7 1 84110 
3 0,Friday ... 3357 31 1 4 43, 3 41 3 177 10, tOO) 3 10 2 41 21 48 2111 49 0726.7 83723 



DECEMBER, 1888. 

[First Winter Month. 


Q TI"lE. 

Twilight beginl or ends. SEMIDIAM. 


. New Moon ........ 

 First Quarter ..... 
D Full 1100n '........ 

 Last Quarter ..... 
(( Perigee 
(( Apogee 
(( Perigee ........... 

h m oÖ TORONTO. QUEBEC. Greatest 
1 g 





:: Sun. Moon. D

e. :i!
18 6 4] am --- - - ______ 
26 I 00 am h 111 h m h m n 111' " , " I 
2 ,11 OOpm I 5 506 25 1 5 2:l 1 6 47'16 16 1 16 401 16 64 1 48 46 
16 1100p!ll 11 559625531648161716041166]14840 
31 10 00 am 21 '6 066 28!5 38,6 61 16 18J16 051 16 4E I 48 37 

The Planets. 


PUNET. On I Me. · 0 Mer. 0 !'Iler. 
Rises. Merld. Sets, 
ist Rises. I Me::d. Sets. Zen. Rises. M I?d Sets. Zen. 
diet. en . dist. 
hm hm hm 0 hmlhm hm --:- --,;-;;; 
en us ......... 10 07 0 226p 6 46p168.510 09 a 239 P 7 lOp 66.1 10 06 a 2 50 p 734p 63.3 
Mars .........10510 325p 759 P 1 65.31034a l 3]5p 80l F 63.4 10 16 a 3 lOp S03p 61.0 
upiter......... 7430 014p 445p 66.0 7]6a1l46a 416p 66.2 6 46a( 16 a 344p 66.4 
Saturn......... 942p 449a 1154a I 28.0 901 P ! 410a11114a 28. 0 8 20 P 3 30 0 10 35 0 27.9 
Uranus......... 3060 834a 502p51.1 229a 766a 523p 513 161a 7180 44óp 51.4 

NOTE.-In the above Table a signifies A.M. andp P.M. 

SUN. I MOON. SUN. MOON. Sun's Sun I <I's Upper 
I Declina. on Age Transit of 
RiBes' l Sets. Rises. !ets. Rises. Sets. 
tises. Sets. tion. Meriðian. !NOon . !ole Star. 
h m h m l h m h m h 111 h m h mi h m 0 , "h m IJ days h m IJ 
t.!Saturd'y.3367 32442,468 351712359 430,3 13S2]573111 493027.783327 
iISUND'y. 1 337? 334 42i 6 15 4 32 i 133 6P 5 49 1 3 61 22 06 ló 11 49 64 28.78 29 31 
Ionday .1338,7 344 42 7 33 1 6 197 14 3 69 7 101 4 36 22 14 34 11 60 18: 0.38 25 34 
4 'ruesda y . 1 339? 354 42 8 49 6 1217 153 68 8 26 6 29 22 22 2] 11 60 43 1. 38 21 37 
5;Wednes...,310 7 364 42 9 64 1 7 1517 Hi 3 58 9 321 6 31 22 29 63 11 61 081 2.38 17 41 
6 I ThUrSd'Y 341;7374421061 8237 173581028 740 22 366411 6134 3.38]344 
7 Friday ...1342" 384 4211 35 9 
2 1 1i 183 5811 111 8 61 22 43 28 11 62 OOi 4.38 09 47 
8 I Saturd'y. 3437 394 42 pm 12 1 10 417 193 5811 46;10 01 22 49 34 11 62 27 6.38 05 51 
9SUNO'Y.344'7 404 4:l 1 , 0 4211 48 1 7 203 58pm1411 11 2266 1411 6254 6.380154 
10 Monday. 345 1 7 414 42 1 11 a.m. 7 21 3 68 0 41 1 a.m. 23 00 27 11 63 22 7,37 67 57 
l1 i Tuesday. 346;7 424 42' 1 36 0 52 1 7 223 68 1 04' 0 17 24 06 12 11 53 49 8,37 54 00 
12, Wednes... 347 7 4J 4 42 2 01 1 537 223 58 1 26: 1 20 24 09 2811 54 18 9.37 60 04 
13! rhursd'y 34817 444 4:l: 2 24 2 537 233 58 1 48 2 22 24 13 191J 54 4610.37 46 07 
14'Friday...34917 44442 260 353 1 7243 5fo 2 12 3 
5 2! 164011 56 1511.374210 
15iSaturd'y. 3507 454 42 1 3 18; 4 53'7 253 68 :l 38 4 27 22 19 35] 1 65 4812,37 38 14 
16 SUND'Y. 351 1 7 464 43, 3 60 6 5217 263 59 3 08 6 27 24 22 0] 11 56 1313.37 34 17 
17 1 l\Ionday. 3527 464 43' 4 27 6 50 1 7 263 69 3 44 6 27 24 23 6911 66 4314.37 30 19 
18 Tuesday. 3537 474 43 1 6 08 7 47 7 273 59 4 25 7 24 1 24 26 3911 67 13 16.37 26 23 
19 Wednes... 354 1 7 474 441 6 67 8 40 1 7 283 59 6 13 8 18 24 26 3011 67 4216. g 7 22 26 
20!Thursd'y 3557 484 44' 6 49 9 2917 284 00 6 06 9 07 24 27 03 1l 58 12 17. 3 7 18 29 
21lFriday... 3567 484 44 7 5010 1117 294 OÛ 7 07 9 48 24 27 Of 1l 68 4
 18. 3 7 14 32 
22 8aturd'y. 357'7 494 451 8 52'10 48 1 7 294 OÙ 8 1110 241 24 26 4511 59 1219.37 10 36 
23SUND'Y.3587 604 45,955 1 11 217 30400 9171055,24256311594220.370639 
2.1! Monday 3597 604 46 1 11 0311 51 1 7 3(14 01 10 27 11 23 2J 24 33 12 00 1221. 3 7 02 42 
26, Tuesday 3607 604 46 1 1 a. m. pm 21 1 7 3) 4 02 11 3611 60 24 22 44 12 00 4222. 36 68 46 
26i\Vednes. 361 7 514 47 0 12 1 0 487 3] 4 03 a.m. pm 11, 24 20 2912 01 1223.36 54 49 
27 Thursd'y 362751448 1 1 22 117731\404 060 042 24]94512 OJ 4224.365062 
28,Friday... 3637 614 49 1 2 34 1 1 4817 314 05 1 04 1 10 24 ]4 3212 02 ]] 25. F / 6 46 56 
29 i Saturd'y. 3647 614 60 3 48 2 42 1 7 3214 06 2 21 1 1 42 24 10 6012 02 4026.2 6 42 59 
80 SUNO'Y 3657 614 51 1 6 06 3 037 32:4 07 4 411 2 21 24 06 4312 03 09 27. 
 6 39 01 
3 1 I Monday.. 3667 624 521 6 20' 3 627 32\4 08 6 6i, 3 09 24 00 0612 03 38 28. 
 6 35 06 


 Day of 
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I 1886. I Average I Extremes. 
1 -16 years 

ge tempe 
I--:- -----;:- I 
of the year... ...... 4
. 71 4-1. 13 4
. 09 48.77 
I in 1878. In 1873. 
Warmest month ... July. July. July,'68IAu
Aver. temp. of the I 
warmest month. I 66.79 67.59 75.80 64.-16 
Coldest month ...... Feb. Jan. Feb., '75.' Feb., '48 
Aver. temp. of the I 
coldest month... 19.04 22.50 10.16 26.00 
of the warmest & 
coldest months... 47.75 45.09 
Aver. of deviations 
of monthly means 1.95 
Month of greatest 
deviation.... ......1 Dec. 
Correspond. magnI- 
tude ofdeviatlon.\ 4.38 
Warmest day...... July 6. 
Aver. temperate o
the warmest day I 76.58 
Coldest day. ......... I Feb.-1. 

Aver.tem.ofcold. d. -9.25 
Date highest temp. July 6. 

Highest temperat.. 89.5 
Date lowest teæp... Feb. 5. 
Lowest temperat.... 1 -22.8 -12.11 
Range of the year. 112.3 102.9 



In 18-75. 
Feb., '75. 



July It, July 31, 
1868. 1854. 
8-1.50 72.75 
Feb. 6, 
1855. Dec. 22, 
2'1 18-12. 
-14.38 1 9.57 
.\ug. 2-1"Aug. 19, 
1851. 18-10. 
1 99_2 82.4 
.Jan. 10, Jan. 2, 
1859. 1842. 
-26.5 1.9 
118.2 87.0 

... { 


I 1886. I.o\.verage l Extremes. 
45 years. , 

Aver. press. of year 29.6255 1 ' 29.61i! 29.6770' 29.5602 
in 1849. in 1864. 
l\lonthhlghestav.p. Oct. Sept. Jan., '-19 June,'64 
Highest mono av.p 29.77391 29.66-13 29.80-16 29.6525 
IIlonthlowestav.p.' \lay. I June. Mar.,'59,Nov.,'49 
Lowest mono avo p. 29.5328 1 29.5678 1 29.4113 29.5886 
Date of highest pres I Jan. 8, I 
Iar. 7, 
sure In the year. Jan. H. ... 1866. 1878. 
Highest pressure..., 30.283 30.361 30.9-10 30.139 
Date oflowest pres-I I Jan. 2, Mar. 17, 
sure in the year. Mar. 21 1870. 1845. 
Lowestpressure...., 28.752 28.705 28.166 28.939 
Range of the year. I 1.531 I 1.656! In2i

. i



; 1886. 14
1 Extremes. 
Aver.humid.ofyear 77 77 1 82 in '51 73 in '58 
Month of greatest 
humidity .........' Jan. Jan. Jan., '57 Dec., '58 
Q'st aver. mono hu I 85 83 89 81 
Month of least hUe July. May. Feb., '43 Apr., '49 
L'st aver. mono hUe 68 67 I 58 76 


1886. I Average I Extremes. 
_____ 33ye!irs. 1 
Aver. cloud. of year 0.61 0.62 0.66 In 0.57 
'69, '76. in 1856. 

Most cloudy month 
G'st monthly aver. 
Leallt cloudy month 
L'st monthly aver. 






1886. Average 
11 Yr8. * 


Resultant direction N 56 0 WIN 62 0 W 
Resultant velocity 
in miles ... ......... 2.13 
Aver. velocity with) 
out reg. to direct.' 9.73 
Month of gre
average veloCIty. Feb. March. 
Greatest monthly 
averaj!;e velocity. 13.1,1 11.53 
Month of least aver. 
velocity ............1 July. July. 
Least monthly av. 1 
velocity ............1 7.31 
Day grea.test aver. 
velocity............ Uar.23. Nov. 7, Dec. 2-1, 
Greatest daily aver. 1880. 1878. 
velocity............ 27.71 28.78 41.67 2-1.38 
Day of least aver. 
velocity............ Aug. 24. 
Least daily aver. 
velocity......... ... 2.08 
Hour of greatest April 1, 

absolute velocity lo-aa.m 3--1 a.m. 11-noon 
Greatest velocity...\ 40.0 45.1 55.5 40.0 
* The difference of instruments and elevation during 
the whole veriod considerably affecting the results, 
it was judged advisable to coniine the comparison 
to the years 1875-1885, inclusive. 



10.54 . 8.32 
In 1880. in 1878 
A P ril,'80 , Dec., '75 
13.88 10.42 
July, '78 July, '81 





1886. Averagel Extremes. 
ToW d.pth of ....a - to y.....j I 
In Inches.......... 27.726 27.7321 43.555 17.574 
Number of days in I in 18-13. In 1874. 
which rain fell'hl 112 112 132 I 80 
Month in which the In 1878. In 18U. 
greatel't depth of I 
rain fell ............' Sept. Sept. sept.,'43 I sept.,'-I8 
Greatest depth of I 
rain in one month 3.830 3.414 9.760 3.115 
Month In which the 
days of rain wer 
most frequent.... Sept. Oct. Oct., '6-1. May, '41 
Greatest number 0 
rainy days in one 

1 17 
greatest amount 
of rain fell........ 
 Jan. 4. ... Sept.,14, Sept.,14 
Grel\test amount 0 I 1843. I 1848. 
rain in one day... 1.300 1.917 3.455 1.000 





1886. Average 
31 years 


Total depth of snow 122.9 I 38.4 
in inches. ......... 73.5 69.0 
Number of days in In 


which snow fell . 66 65 
Month in which the in 1859. In 1848. 
I!;reatest depth of 
snow fell. .........1 Jan. leb. I >la, · 7T.... 'S. 
ta.t <Iopth of l 29.1 17.0 62.4 10.7 
snow In one mono 
Month in which the 
days ofønow were Jan. I Dao: 72(':'1& 
most frequent.... Jan. 
Greatest number of, 
days of snow In 
one month... ,.. ...1 16 It 
Day in which the , 
greatest amount Fe..5,'63 Jan. 10, 
of snow fell. ...... Jan, 2-1. I 
Iar. 27'r 1857. 
Greatest fall of snow 1870. 
in one day...... ...' 13.8 9.2 16.0 5.5 




. CO:\ll\iERCE, DO
Statistical View of the Commerce of the Dominion of Canada during fiscal year ending 30th .Tune, 1886. 



I I Value of Tonnage of British I Tonnage of Foreign 
I Value of I Gt


- Duty and Canadian Vessels. Vessels. Total 
1 Exports. Consump- Collected. Entered I Entered Entered Entered 
___ I I
I tlO$
s. OU;:::
S. I ' In
::s. ou::::
s. __ 
Great Britain ...... 41,54(1,304: 40,601,199 7,817,357 45 1 1 
United States ...... 33,747,471 1 44,858,0396,769,384 69 (....oro
 I "" 



;.: gg

, 1,




I j;

Spanish West Indies 744,052' 1,685.723 853,524 33 \ o. o
French west Indies.. I 86,147' 1l,090 75 30 I "'" '"" oQ 
Danish West Indies.. 34,822' 1,473 65 40: 
British Guiana.... .. 182,680 1 100,002 127,836 08' 
China.. .. .... .. .. .. 61,415 946,264 143,[>89 35 , I 
Japan.. .. . . .. .. .. ..\ 1,703 1,486,321 4,509 32 
:i\lexico ............ 1,718 1 11,340 297 00 
Central America.... ...... 5,168 2,071 84 1 
South America ....I 1,010,034 1,117,668 503,735 53, L I 
St. P
erre ........ .. 286,423 3,744 4

 5!' ( 2,431,115 2,453,793 1,595,300 1,564,363 
Fran"e ............ 534,363 1,975,218 735,600 52j 
Germany .......... 253,298 2,155,523 588,168 44 1 
Spain.. .. .. .. '. .. .. I 53,0751 379,465 150,268 4i 
Portugal .......... 245,450 56,477 30,51
 74 1 
Ital)' .............. 108,601 106,697 35,661 84 1 
Belgium............ 6,565 510,907 132' 11662 1 
Holland.. .. .,. ... . 1 7'587 1 301,972 602,570 19 
Denmark .......... ...... S17 157 40 ] 
Norway & Sweden.. 71,747 34,811 6,304 44 
Russia -........... 496 1O,!J21 185 70' J 
Other Countries.... 1 427,111 1 1,414,432 1 390,259 29 
Coin and Bullion. . .. 56,531.. .. .. .. .. .. . . I 
Estimated amount.. 
short at Inland Ports' 2,781,198 , ...... ...... .. 
Totals......' 85,251.314 99,602,69419,427,39763 



. +" '" 




l 11i 
....0'8 0 


> t5 

OJ_ mP l11"ative Stateme.!l-t_of falue of Exports and Imports, D!lminion o/!}anf!.i/- a,!!n 

 of th
Year ending I Total I Total l Ent. for I D t I Year ending I Total [ Total Ent. for I D t 
30th June, Exportø, [mports. Consump. u y. 30th June. Exports. Imports. Consump. u y. 
-r-$-$-I$- -----S l $-"$-'---s 
l868 ......... ." 1 57,567,8'18 i3 . ,-159,6'U I 71,985,3061 8,819,432 1878.... ... ...... 79,323.667 93,081,787 91,199,5ii'12,795,693 
1869............ 60,47-1,781 70,-115,165 67,-102,1701 8,29'1,910 1879....... ...... 71,-191,255 81.96-1,-127 80.3-11, 608 1 12 ,939,5-11 
18iO... ......... 73,573,-190, 7-I,81-l,339 71,237,6031 9,-I62,V-I0 1880.... ......... 87,911,458 86,-189,747 71,782,3-19 14,138,8-19 
l871... ......... 71,173,618 96,092,971 86.947,-182,11,843,656 1881............. 98,290,823'105,330,8-10, 91,611,604 18,500,708 
1872............ 82,6-39,6631111,430,527107,709,11613,045,493 1882. ............ 102,137,203:119,-119,5001112,6-18,927 21,708,886 
1873......... '.' 89.789.922,12'1,011,281,127,51-1,594,13,017,730 1883. ,.. ......... 98,085,804 132,254,022123,137,019,23,172,337 
187 -I...... ...... 8Q.351.928 12'1,213,582 1 127,404,169'14,-121,882 188-1. ............ 91,-106,496 1 116,397,0131 108 ,180,6U 20,164,963 
1875............ 77,866,979 1 123.070,283 1 119,618,657,15,361,382 1885....... ...... 89,238,3611108,911,486,102,710,019 1 19,133,558 
1876... ...... ... \ 80,966,-135 1 93,210,346, 9U33,218,12,833,114 1886.... ......... 85,251,314 1 1(;-1,-124,561 99,602,69" 19,448,123 
187; ............ 75.875,393 99,327,962 96,300.-183112,548,-151 . I , 

No. 2.-
Vominal Capital raisedf01' Railway!' cl
Dominion, June 30th, 1886. 
Ordinary Share Capital .............. $220,681,122 9!) 
Preference Share Capital .... .. .. .. . . .. 96,460.825 44 
Bonded Debt . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 16!1,359.306 05 
Government and 
[unicipal aid.. .. .. .. 156,904,439 9:3 
Other Sources ........................ 9,970,449 75 

Xo. I.-Total Railway Mileage of the Dominion, 
June 30th. 1886. 
Railwaysaetually in operation.................. 10,697 
Railways under construction, partly completed.. 826 
Railways under <::onstruction ............... .. 751 
Total. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,274 

$653,376,144 16 

OJmparative Statement of the number of Immigrants arrivpd at the Port of Quebec sinet the year 1829 to 1886, inclulive, 
=- _ the grand total being 1.623.237, and th e ye(J, Tly a ver 
8.07S.--= = = 

-73 1 1874. 1 1875. 1 1876' 1
1 1878. 1 1879. 1880. 1 . 1881. 
 1882' 1 
 188-1. 1 1885. \ 1876. 
England... 472,932 17,631 12'456 1 7'720 5,927 ' 7,500 14,113 18,641 2-1,-126 33,650 29,003 18'638110'511 1 13'109 
Ireland..... 50
,995 2,503' 1,252 688' 663 913 1,088 2,485 2'480 1 5'992 1 10'638 4,473 2,107 2,491 
Scotland ... 148,458 2,4911 1,768 2,131 829 1,425 1,602 2,845 2,861 4,476 5,460 3,040 2,009 2.508 
Ger. & Nor.. 183,427 85j .. .. I .. I .. I .. .. I .. .. .. 4,688 1,999 3,
Oth{\r ports. 13,911 4121 562 362 32-1 457 448 1,020 471 732 1 865 690, 314 798 
ï:32-1-:723 23.89.i ,16.õ38 1 ïõ.9õi 17:743 ïõ.295 ï7.25i 2!,99i' 3õ.238 ,44.85õ 
 131.529' ï7,õ3õJ 22.782 





All Ârliclu not herea.fter enu7MTated as charged with an ad valorem duty, or charged with a specific duty, or dtclartd 
free of duty, are chargeable with a duty of 20 per cent. on the value tllereof. 

 c. ad Val. , 
 c. ad val. 
 c. ad val. 
Absinthe. ... $2 00 per Imp. gal. .o\rticles for the nse of For(\ign Billiard Tables, all o,'er five feet 
Acid-Acetic .............. ..... Consuls General..... . . . ... . . . Free I!ix Inches by t!J
ven feet. eacb 
25c. per Imp. gal. and... 20 Articles for the uses of the Domi- $-10 and nd val. ..... ............... 15 
Sulpburic.... cent. per lb. nion Government, and for the .Each table to include 12 cues, 
Sulphuric and Nitric com. Senate and House of Commons. Free one set of four balls with mark- 
biued, and all mixed Artificial flowers ..................... 25 ers, cloths and casel', but no 
Acids ................ 25 Asbe!'tús. in an)' form other than pool balls. 
Muriatic and Nitric. .. ..' 20 crude, and all manufactures Bit d Cages .................... 30 
Oxalic...........................Free thereof ................................. 25 Ditterll. containing IIpirits $190 
Carboys containing Acids "-she!!, Pot and Poarl............. ...Free per Imp. gal. 
same rate as empty. Ash. Soda... .... ................... ...... Free Bichromate of Soda ......... .........Free 
Aconite...... ...... ........................ Free Asphaltum !lIineral ............ Free l Bil<muth. ...... ......... ............ ......Free 
Advertising Bills and Folders, AssafætidK Gum. ..................... 20 Bolting Cloths. ...................... .J1'ree 
15 cts. per lb. and .................. 25 Axes. Chopping, $2 par doz. and Blacking, Shoe, and Shoemakers' 
Advertising Pictures, Pictorial 10 per c. H"y Knives, and 4, Ink ..................................... 30 
Show.cardl, Illustrated adver- ó, and 6-pronged fork;J of aU Black J.ead ............ ...... ............ 20 
tising Periodicals. Illustrated kind!', 

 p..r doz. and 20 per c. Bill!'uit ...... ............... ............... 20 
Price-list, Adverti16ing Calen- Gar Jf'n Rakel<, 5 cts each, and 25 Bladders... ..................... ......... 20 
dars, Advertising Almanacs, Axes ofall kindl<, adz
!!, hatchets, Blueing-Laundry (}f all kinds.... 30 
and Tailors' and Mantle-m'lk- and hammerli, not elsewhere Blue VitrioL.......... ............... ...Free 
ers' Fashion Plates, a specific specified ............ ..........o.... 35 Breadstuffs when damaged by 
duty of 6 cents per lb. and ...... 20 Picks, Mattocks. Blacksmiths' water in transitu ............ 20 
Adt"erthing Pamphlets, not iUus- Hammers. SledKes, Track Tooll<, Bones, crnde and not manu- 
trated .............. .1c. each. Wedges, and Crowbars of iron factured, burned, calcined, 
Agaric ... ......... ......... ......... ......Free or steel, 1 cet;t per lb. and...... 25 ground or steamed ......... '.' ...Free 
Agates, Amethysts,Aq ua Marines, Axles and SprinllS of tron or 8teel Bone Dust and bone ash for manuf. 
Bloodstones, Carbuncles. Cats' partl! thereof. Axle Barl<, Axle ofphosphat6s and fertiUserø ...Free 
Eyes, C-'imeos, Coral, Corneli- Blanks, or Forging for Car- Boracic Acid. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . '. . Free 
ans, Crystal, Crysolite, Crosor- riages other than railway and Borax ....................................Free 
dolite, Intaglio, inlaid Or In- tramway vehicles, without re- Botany, specimen's of ...............Free 
crusted I!tones, Onyx, Sardonyx, ference to the stage of manu- Books-Printed Periodicals, and 
Topas, Turquoises, Rubies, facture .......1 cent per lb. and 30 Pamphlets, not elsewhere speci- 
ar1s, Sdpphires, Emeralds, Babbit Metal........................... 10 fled not being foreign reprintøot 
Garnets and Opals, not polish- Bagatelle Tsbles. .... .. .... ..... 35 British copyright works, nor 
ed norotherwisl' manufactured.Free Baggage, Travellers'...... ......... ...Free Blank Acc't Books, nor Copy 
Do.. when manufactured ...... 10 Bt,gs, contllining fine salt ......... 25 Books, nor Books to be written 
Ale, in bottles. (6quu.rts or 12 pts. Baking Powder......6 cent!; per lb. or drawn upon. nor Bibles, 
to one gallon) 18 cts per J mp. gl. Bam boo Reed", not further manu- Prayer Book5.Pt1alm alld Hymn 
Ale, otherwise than in bottles, 10 factured than cut Into suitable Books .................................. 15 
cents per Imp. gal. lengths for walking sticks or Bookll-Printed b,. any Govern- 
Alkanet Root ... ......... ............ ...Free I"anes,orfor sticks for umbrella!! ment or Scientific Association. 
Almonds, shellt,d...5 cent!! per lb. parasols or sunl<hades ............ }'ree not for trade ................ Free 
" not shelled...3c. per lb. Bamboos. unmanufactured.........Free Books, British copyright works, 
Aloes. ............ ......... ...... ......... Free B:trrels, filled with petroleum or reprintll of, ad val....... 12
 &; 15 
Alum. ....................................Free its products, or any mixture of Books, Educational, for the use 
Aluminum ......... .....................Free which petroleum is a part ...... of Schools for the Deaf and 
Ambergris...............................Free 40 cents each. Dumb, and Embossed Book
Ammonia, Sulphate of... ...... ......Free Barrels, contaIning salted meats, for the Blind. , . '. . , .' . . .. . . . Free 
omical Pr!!paratlons....... . Free 20 c
uts each. . Bibles. Prayer Books, Psalm and 
AnHme Dyes, In bulk or packets BarrelsofCanadlanI?anufactur
, Hymn Books ........................ 6 
of not less than lIb. e
ch .. ..Free exported filled wIth domestIc Books blRnk. viz.: Account, Books 
D?! not ?therwlse provIded for. 10 p
troleum and returned empty . Fret' Copy Book!!, or Book!; to be 
}Ine 011, crude............... ......Free Barilla. ...... ..;.......... ...... ......... Frt'e written or drawn upon. Printed, 
An!line s
It!'. ......... ............... ... Free Bark, Tanners ... ...... ............... Fret' Lithographedor Copper or Steel 
An!mals IIvmg, of all kinds. ...... 20 Barytes. unmanufactured .........Free Plate Bill Heads, Cheques, 
broughtintoCanadatem. Bath Bricks. ........................... 20 Receipts, Drafts. Carde. and 
poranly for the purpose of Beans. .........15 cent!! per bushel. other Commercial Blank Formi! 35 
exhibition ... ......... ... ...... ......Free Beans, Vanilla and Nux Vomica. Fre.. Bookbinders' ToolR &; Implementl', 
Animals for the Improvement of I Beads and Bead Ornaments... ...... 30 including Ruling Machines &; 
Stock. . . .. . . . ... . . . . .. .. . ... . Free Bed Comforters or cotton bed Binders' Cloth .......... ............ 10 
Anna to, liquid or solid.......... ...Free qullts, not including woven Bootl! and Shoel<. Leather. ......... 25 
Anch)r8. .....................................ree quilts or counterp'lnes.. ......... 35 Boot, Shoe and Stay Laces, ofaDY 

;;d" Phii

ïÏ;;_Free I ::fl


;:::::: F

e B m:teri
1 D . d Ö . .. .. '. 
... ... :
struments imported by and for Bells, for churches.....................Free n::c:II 


se of col!eg.e8, schools and Belladonna .................. ..Fret' Brandy...... ...$2 00 per Imp. gal. 
lIterary socIetIes. ..................Free Belts and Trusses ..................... 25 ß i b bit. t b'ng 10 
Apparel, wearing and other per- I B
rrie!! f?r dyeing, or used for B
:::. :hee

d :

sonal and household effects, not compollIng dyes.................. ... Free B . t' r. . tIes 15 
merchandise. of British subject!! Beer in wood ..10c. pAr Imp. j!;al. ral<1I1 In 8 rips or prID( pr
dying abroad, but d{'lmiciled In Beer. In bottleti18!'. per Imp. gal. Bra/;s. manuf
ctures 0 . n 
C.mada.................................Free Hilliard Table", without pockets, whpre specified ..................... 30 
Argo!. dust and crude...... ......... Free four feet six tncbell by nine feet Brllll". in bars "nd!, drawn, 
Army &; Navy &; Canadian 1'!liUtla: or nnderoach $2250 and ad val 16 pilltn, and fancy tubmg ..,... 10 
Arms. Clothing, Musical I n!!trn- lIi11tard TallIes, over four feflt six Briøtle" .... ,..... h....... ... h....... ...Free 
mentRfor Bands. Military store!! I inches by nine feet, each 
2õ 00 Br!mlltone. in roll or flour (crude)Free 
and mUBitionll of war ...... ......I"ree Rnd ad val.... ..... ...... ......... 16 1 Brim-moulds for gold beater!;... ,.. Free 
Arøenlate of Aniline.................. Free Hilliard Table!'!. with pocket II. five Bromine_ ............ ................0.... Free 
Arsenic...... ..................... ......... Frell I feet Rix inchel< bv eleven feet... Broom. Corn. h. ........,...... .........Free 
Artfcl6s for use of the Gov. Gen.Free orunder,each$3500andadval.16 Brick for building.............. 20 



 c. ad tlal. 
 c. ad val. 
Brick, fire, for all processes of Cards, Playing....6 cts. per pack 
manufacturt! ................ Free Canvas for Ships use.. . . '. , . .. .. 5 
Britanniaand 1Iletal Ware......... 25 "not elsewhere mentioned 20 
Britannia :\letal in Pif(saI\d Bars.Fret' Carpets, viz.: Bru
sels, Tapestry, 
British Gum. DreB8ine, Sizing Dutch Venetian and Dama8k, 
Cream, aud Enamel Sizing...... and Mds Bnd Rugs of all kinds 25 
1 ct. per lb. CapIins.unfinished Le;thornIIats. 20 
Brooms and Brushe!! ................ 25 "aps, Hats. Muffs. Tippets, Capes, 
Buchu leaves ....._..................... Free Coats, Cloaks and olher manu- 
Buckram. for the manufacture of factures of Fur .............. 25 
hat and bonnet shapes............ Free CRses-Jewel and Watch-ca/'e/', 
Buckwheat......l0cents per bush. and other like articleI' of any 
Buckwheat meal or flour ic. material. 10 cts. each and ..., 30 
Bug.zies of all kinds, Farm Wllg- Celluloid, iR flheets, lUDlps or 
gon!'. Farm, Railway or Frl'ight blocks ...... ............ ............ ...Free 
C.uts, Pleasure Carts or l7igs Celluloid. mould
" into sizeß for 
and similar vehicles, costing bandle!! of knives or forks, not 
le>s than $50. a specific duty 01 I otherwise manufactured ......... 10 
$10 each; costing $5U and less Cement. raw or in stone from 
than $100, a specific duty of I the quarry, per tOIl of 13 cubic 
$15 each, and in each case...... 20 feet. . ... . . . . . . . .$1.00 per ton. 
All such Carriages costing $100 Cement, in bulk or in bags. .' . . . 
each and ovor..... . ............. 35 9 ct8, per bu!'hel. 
Butter..................4 Ctmts per lb. Cement. hydraulic or water lime, 
Bullion, gold and silver ............ Free I ground. including barrel..... . 
Bnrr-stoneß In blocks. rongh or 40 cts. per bbl. 
unmanufactured.andnot bound Cement, burnt and nnground... 
up into millstones..................Free 7t cts per 100 Ibs. 
Burgundy Pitch. . . ., .. . . '. . . " . }'ree Cement, Portland or Roman, to bl! 
Buttons, of Vegetable, Ivory, classed with all other Cement. 
or Horn. 10 cents per gross and 25 Cbeese.... ........ 3. cts. per Ib 
Buttons. rIot elsewhere specified. 25 China and porcelain Ware.. .... 30 
Button Covers, Crozier..... ..... 10 China Clay, natural or ground ...Free 
Calumba Root............. ............ Free Chicory, raw or green, 3c. per lb. 
Cabinets of Coi nil, Medals and all "or other Root, or V ege- 
other collections of Antiqultles.Fret table used as a substitute for 
Carpeting, Matting and Mats of Coffee, kiln dried, roasted or 
Hemp. . . . .. , . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... 25 ground. . . . .. . . .4 cts. per lb. 
Carpet Bag., Trunks,Satcheh;and Chairs, Wrought Iron or Steel, 
Valisell .. . . . , .10 cts. each and 30 imported for Railway purposes 171 
Oarpets. not otherwil!e provided Chalk and CliffStone, unmanufac.Free 
for ................. .. . . .. . .. 25 Chamomile Flowers. . . .. . . .. . . . Free 
Casta, as mod
lil for the u!!e of Chinchona Bark ........... .........Free 
schools of design. ........... ..Free Chloralum or Chloride of Alum. 
oawphor Gum................. 20 inium . .................................Free" for Manufacture of Floor Chromos, Chromot) pel', i)leo- 
011 ÇJloth, n
t less than forty. graphs, and oth"r cards, pic. 
11 ve mches wide and not pressed turel!. or artistic works of simi- 
or calendered. ... . . . . .. . . .: .. . Fre.. lar kinds. produced by any 
Cana or package!! 
ade of tll
 or process other than hand paint- 

ther ::a
er d lal i

lmn1 Ing or drawing ..................... 
s 0 any n a I? . e ree 0 6 ctH. per lb. and 20 
duty under any e
lstmg law or Church Vestment" ............. 20 
treaty not exceedmg one quart Cherry-heat Wehling Compound. Free 
In content!!. I
 cents on each Chronometers for ships. .... .. .Fret' 
can or paçkage. wh
n exceeding Chloride of Lime . . . .. . , .. . . .. . . }'ree 
e quart an additional 
uty of Chocolate. not sweetened. ... ... 20 
 cent!! for. each addItional "sweetened..... ....... 
quart or fractIOnal part thereof 1 ct. per lb. and ad val. 25 
Caoutchouc, unmanufactured.. .Frel 
Cane or Rattan split or otherwise I Chip Hats. . . ..... .. ...... .. . . .. 25 
manufactured 25 Cinnabar ......... .., ......... ...... ......Free 
Cat-gut, Stri ngs '0'; Ö 
t ö

i f

 I Cigars and Cigarettes. . . . . .. . . . . 
lIJusical InstrumentB........ .}'ree $200 per lb. and ......... 25 
Oat-gut or Whip gut, unmanuPd }'rn I Citrons 
nd Rinds of, in brine, for 
Carriages of Traveller!!. and Car- . candymj!: ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free 
e81aden with merchandise, Cld.:r, not clarified or refined,. ,., 
and not to inclu<1e circuli troopa 5 centl; per gall. 
nor hawker!! . .... .. . . .. .. " . . Free " when clarified or refined ... 
Carriu.g"I'-Buggies of all kinds, 10 cents per gall 
Farm Waggons, Farm. Railway, Clays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free 
or Freight Cart II. Pleasure Carts Clocks, 1\1
d parts of. . . .. . . .. . . .. 35 
or Gigs and similar vehiclt!s. Clock.8prlDltS m:.............. ... ...... 10 
costing less .than $50, $10 ellch; Clothmg, dpnalIon of, for charl- 
costin'" $50 and less tban $100 tah]e purpo!<e8... ., .. . . .. .. . . ,Free 
$11) ea
h 'a
d ............. . 
 20 Clothing made of cotton or other 
All Ruch carTÍagl's costing $100 matl'rial. not otherwille pro- 
ea..h and over. .......... ..... 35 vided for. includinlZ corsptF and 
Rtihray Cars. Sleigbs. Cutter!';. similar articleR made up hy the 
Wheel-barruws and Hand-Carts 30 spamstrp!'1! or tnilor: alFo tllr. 
Chlldlen'I' Carriages of all kindl'. 35 pllulin pldin or crated with oil. 
CartridgeF ...... .............. 30 paint. tar, pr other compoFition. 
Candle!', Tallow.....2 ctB. per lb. and cotton bal!;s made up by 
.. Parafine Wax. 5c. per lb. tbe U
f\ of the needle. not 
all other. .. .' . .. .. . .... 25 I otherwil'e provided for ....... 36 
Cabinet Ware or Furniture,..... 35 Clothing of any matoriaI. includ- 



 c. ad val. 
Ing horse clothing shaped, not 
otherwise provided for. . . ., . " 30 
Clothes Wringers ... $1 each and 30 
coal, A nthracit e... . . . .. . . .. .. .... FI ee 
Coal, Bituminous, 60c 
 ton of 
2.000 lbs. 
Coal Dust...................... 20 
Coal Tar and Coal Pitch ........ 10 
Coffins of an)" material. . . ... . . .. 35 
Coke........ .. .. .50 chi. per ton 
Combs, ,.Jr dreEs and toilet. of all 
I kinds........................ 30 
Cocoa l\latting........... ....... 30 
Cordials..... .$1.90 per 1m}), gal. 
Corn, Indian... 7i ct8. per bushel 
Composition ornaments.. .... . .. 30 
Coral. . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Free 
Cod Liver Oil, medicated. .....,. 20 
Cotton, manufactures of. vlz. :- 
Greyor unbleached. Bnd bleach- 
ed Sheetin!! Drills, Duckb, 
Cotton or Cantpn Flannels, 
not stained. painted or print- 
ed, Ic. per square yd. and ad 
val.......................... ......... 15 
Printed or d)"ed Cottons, not 
elsewhere specified. . . . .. . .. 32. 
Jeans, Denimli, Drillings. Bed- 
ticking, GinghamB. Plaids, 
Cotton or Canton Flannels, 
DuckRand DlillB. dyed or col- 
ored. Cottonadt's, 'Pantaloon 
Stuff, and good!' of like de- 
scription, ..... ......... .. 
2c. per aq. yd. and ad t'al. 1& 
Jeans and Coutille!'. 'When im- 
ported by Corset maker8 for 
e in their factories...... ...... 2b 
All Cotton, Wadding, Batting, 
Batts and Warps, Carl-et 
Warps. Knitting Yarn. Hos- 
Iery Yarn, or other Cotton 
Yarns under No. 40, not 
bleached. dyed or colored...... 
2 cts. per Ih and ad val. 15 
Cotton Yarns, finer than No. 40, 
unbleached. bleached or dJed, 
for the manufact ure ofI taHan 
clotbs and worst..d fabrics ...Free 
Cotton Warp on beams....... 
1 ct. per yd. aud ad val. 16 
Cotton Warp. No. 60 and finer. 16 
And if bleached, dyed or color- 
ed...3 cta. per lb. and ad val 16 
Cotton Seamless Bagll......... 
2 cts. per 1 b. Bnd ad tlal. 15 
Cotton Shirts and Drawers, 
wO'l"en or made on framea. 
and on all cotton hosiery. . ., 30 
Cotton or Linen Col1ars, 24c. 
per doz. and .......... ......... 30 
Cotton or Linen Cuffs, 4c per 
pair alld ............. ............... 30 
Cotton or Linen Shirts, $1 per 
dO:7. and ...................,...... 30 
C01ton Sewing Thread on spools 25 
Cotton in hanks...... ... .. . .. 121 
Cotton over 36 inchps wide 
when imported by manufac- 
tUrerI' of window shadl's for 
l1se In tbeir factories. . . .. . ., 16 
Cotton. 42 Inches wide and over, 
when imported by manufac' 
turprs of enamelled cloth for 
u!'e in their factories .... '..... 16 
Lamp Wicks ................ 30 
Canvas of Hemp or flax.and Sail 
Twint' to be uspd for boat/" 
OtherI' not eillewher.. I'peclfied 20 
Cotton Bed Quilts ............ .., ...... 35 
Culored Fabrics WOTen of d"ed or 
col,)red cotton J arn or part jute 
and part cotton yarn8, or other 
material 8. except Bilk, not ehoe- 
where specified...................... 2õ 



[ 1888. 

 c. ad val. 
Coffee, green ...........................Free 
" "if from the U. S. 10 
roasted or ground, from the 
U. S, 3 cts. per lb. and. ... 10 
" roasted or ground, an imi- 
tation and substitute for.. 
3 cts. per lb. 
Copper, old and scrap, In pigs, in 
bars, rods, bolts, ingots, Copper 
Wire, round or flat, and Copper 
Seamless Drawn Tubing...... 10 
Copper in sheets .............. Free 
Cordage, of all kinds, It 4'ents per 
lb. and. . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. 10 
Copper Rivets and Burrs, and all 
manufactures or copper not 
elsew here specified ...... . . ... 30 
Com passel!, ships'. . . ,. . . .. . . . . .. Free 
Confectionery and Sugar Candy, 
brown or white. . .. . . .. .... .. . 
It cts. per lb. and ad val. 35 
Colors, not elsewhere sDecified. .. 20 
Cornelian, unmanufaciurod.... . Free 
" when manufactured. .. 20 
Cochineal. . . .' . . .. ............ Free 
Cocoa Bean and Nibs. . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Coin, Gold and Silver, except U. 
S. Sil ver Coin . . . . . .. . . . . . . . , ,Free 
Communion Plate............. . Free 
Coir and Coir Yarn. .... .... .... Free 
Collodion 20 cts. per Imp. gal. and 20 
Conium Cicuta, or Hemlock, Seed 
and Leaf.....,............... Free 
Cork Wood or Cork Bark, unman- 
factured .......................... ...Free 
"" "" manufac, 20 
Colors, viz.: Bichromate of Pot- 
ash, Ultramarine, :\Ietallic 
colors, Cobalt, Zinc and Tin. . . Free 
Colore, viz.: Blue Black, Chinese 
Blue, Prul!sian Blue, Raw Um- 
ber, Carmiue, Lakes, Satin and 
fine washed White............ 20 
Cotton Waste..... .. .... .... .. . Free 
Cotton Wool ..... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . Free 
Coal Tar and Coal Pitch......... 10 
Cocoa Nuts........ .$1.00 per 100 
Cocoa Nute, when importðd direct 
from place of growth, 50c 
Cocoa Nut, dessicated...8c. per lb. 
Cocoa Paste and Chocolate, not 
sweetened. . . .. . . . . . ... .. . . ... 20 
Cocoa Paste and other prepara- 
tions of Cocoa containing sugar 
1 ct. per lb. and ad val. 26 
Cornmeal....... .-to cts. per bbl. 
Crape", of all kinds. . .... . . ..... 20 
Cream Tartar. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . Free 
Crucibles ...,....... . . . . . . .. . .. 20 
Cnltivators and parts thereof. . .. 35 
Cutlery. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . ... 25 
Cutlery, Knives, wholly or in 
part plated, costing under $3.50 
per doz., 50c. per doz. an<l ...... 20 
Damask. of Cotton or Linen.......... 25 
Diamonds. unset, black for borers, 
dust or bort. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . Free 
Diamond Drillß, for prospecting 
for mineral!! . . . . . . . .. . . .' . . . . Free 
Drain-Tile, unglazed. . . .. . . .. . .. 20 
Drain Pipes and Sewer Pipes, 
glazed. ........... . .. .. . . . .. 35 
Dragon's Blood................ . Free 
Duck, for Belting and lIost', when 
imported by manufacturers of 
Rubber Goods. for USe in their 
factories ......... ..................... Free 
 or Tanning Articles in a 
crude state, used in dyeing or 
tanning, not elsewhere specifiedFree 
Dye. jet black..... ............ .Free 
Dolle.. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 30 
Drugs in a crude st"te, used in 
dyeing or tanning........... .Free 
Dust, Bone Dust and Bone Ash for 

 c. ad val. \ 
manufacture of phospbates and 
fertilizers....... ........ .... . Free 
Dualin and Dynamite, 5c. per lb. 
and ad val. .................. 20 
Earthenware alld Stoneware, viz : 
Demijohn" or Jugs, Churns and 
Crocks, three cents per gallon of 
holding capacity. 
Earthenware and Stoneware, 
Brown or Coloured, and Rock- 
ingham ware. . .. .. .. . . .. .. ... 35 
Earthenware, White Granite or 
Iron Stoneware, and" C C," or 
Cream Colored Ware..... .. . .. 35 
Earthenware, decorate J, printed 
Or sponged, and all Earthen- 
ware not elsewhere specified " 35 
Earth, Fullers'................. Free 
Edge Tools of every description.. 30 
ftJggs ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. . Free 
Electrotypt's of standard book!!.. 10 
" forcommercialb!anks 
and advertisements. . . ... 20 
Electro Plated Ware and Gilt 
Ware of all kinds, not to include 
Jewellery............... .. ... 30 
Embroideries not elsewhere pro- 
vided for ..... . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 30 
Emery ........................ Free 
Emery Paper................... 25 
Emery Wheels ................ 25 
Engines, Locomoth'e and other 
Stationary Fire or other Steam 
Engines and Boilers.......... 25 
Engravings and Prints...... . .. 20 
Entomology, specimens of..... . Free 
Envelopes. . ... .' .. .. .... .. . . ... 35 
Ergot. .... .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .Free 
Esparto or Spanish Grass, and 
other grasses and pulp of, for 
the manufacture of paper. . . . . Freel 
Essences, vl:.:.: of Apple, Pear, 
Pine Apple, Raspberry, Straw- 
berry, Vanilla and other Fruit! 
$1 90 per Imp. gal. and ...... 20 
Essential oils for manufacturing 
purposes. ................... 20 
Excelsior for Upholsterers' use.. 20 
Extracts of Logwood .... .. . . . Free 
Extract or Fl uid Beef ... ...... ...... 26 
Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture. 
undressed 20 
" "dresled :00 
Felloes and Wheels(Wood) rough, 15 
Felt adhesive for sbeathing ves- 
so!s ..... ................... Free 
Felt. pressed, of all kinds. not 
filled or cc.vered by or with any 
woven fabric. ........................ 17 i- 
Felt for glove linings. . . .. . . ., . .. 10 
Felt Hats................. '.... 25 
Fibrilla...................... . Free 
Fibre, Mexican....".......... . Free 
Fibre, vegetable, for manufactur- 
Ingpurposes. ..... .........Free 
Fillets of Cotton and Rubber not 
exceedinj!; 7 inches wide when 
for manufacture of Card Cloth- 
f': .::.:: .:.::.::: .:: .:: :.: :.: .:::.: :.: F;ge 
Fire Clay .......,....... ..... Free 
Fire Proof Paint, dry, 
c. per lb. 
Vire Works.................... 25 
Fire Engines. ................. 25 
Fish-On and after the 1st of 
July, 1885, the Duties on Fish 
shall be as follows:- 
Mackerel...... ......... per lb. 
Herrings, pickled Or !!alted ...... 

c. per lb. 
Salmon, pickled.... per _b. 
All other fish, pickled, in bar- 
rels .... .......... .1c. per lb. 
Foreign caught fish, not specI. 
ally enumerated or provided 
for......... .50c. per 100 lbs. 

<tJj c. ad val. 
Fish, Smoked and Boneless 
Fish. .. .' . . . . .. . . .1c. per lb. 
Anchovies and Sardines, packed 
in oil or otherwise, in tin 
boxos measuring not more 
than five inches long. four 
inches wide and three and 
one-half inches deep... ......... 
5c. per box. 
In balf-boxes measuring not 
more than five inches Jong, 
four inches wide and one and 
ftve-eights deep, 2lc. per box. 
And in quarter boxes measUl- 
ing not more than four inches 
and three quarters long. three 
and one-half Inches wide and 
one and a quarter dec>p......... 
2c. per box. 
When imported in any other 
form ................................. 30 
Fil!h, preserved in oil, except 
Ancbovies IInd j';ardines ...... 30 
Salmon and all other fish pre- 
pared or preserved, Including 
Oyster/!, not specially enum- 
erated or provided for ......... 25 
Oysters, shelled, in bulk......... 
lOco per gal. 
Oysters in the shell ............... 25 
O)'sters, canned, in cans not 
over one pint, including the 
cans .................. 3c. per can. 
In cans over one pint and not 
over one quart, including the 
cans.................. 5c. per can. 
In cans exceeding one quart or 
fractipn of a quart of greater 
capacity than a quart., incl ud. 
Ing the cans ...... ...óc. per qt.. 
Packages containin
 OY8ters or 
other fish. not otherwise pro- 
-vided for ......... .................. 25 
Oil, 8permaceti, "hale and other 
fish oils, and all other artlclee 
the produce of the fisheries 
not 8pecially provided for ... 20 
Pro-vided that the whole or part 
of the said duties hereby im. 
posed may be remitted upon 
proclamation of the Governor 
In Council, which may be is- 
sued whenever it appears to 
his 8atisfaction that the Gov- 
ernments òfthe Uni16d States 
and the Island of Newfound- 
land, or either of them, have 
made changes in their tariffs 
of duties imposed upon arti- 
cles imported from Canada in 
reduction or repeal of the 
dutie!! in force In said coun- 
Fish hooke, nets and seines, and 
Iinee and twines for the use of 
the fisheries, but not to incl ude 
sportingfi!!hlng tackle or hooks 
with fiies, or trolling spoons. . Free 
Fish preserved, except from U. S. 25 
Fishing Rods of all kinds. . . . ... 30 
Flax Seed... .10cents per bushel. 
Flour c.f Rice or Sago, 2c. per lb. 
Flour of Ryeor Wheat, óOc. p. bbl. 
Fire-brick or Tiles, for lining 
stoves or furnaces. . . .. . . . . .,. 2ú 
Flagstones dressed. . $2.00 per ton. 
Flax, fiber, scutched. 1 cent per lb. 
Flax, fiber,hackled, 2 cents per lb. 
" tow of, scutched or green i- 
cent per lb. 
FUnts and Ground Flint Stone!!. . Free 
Follae Digi talis. . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . Free 
Foot p:rease (refuse of cotton seed)Free 
"'ossils .......,................ Free 
Fowls, pure bred for improveml nt 
of stock............... ...... .., ......... Free 



1888 ] 



. W> c. ad val. 
Fruit, dried, Apples, 2 cts. per lb. 
" "Currants, Date8. Fig8, 
Plnm8, Prnnef. . .1 cent per lb. 
Raisins, 1 cent per lb. and. . . .. 10 
All other8 not elsewhere 8pecl. 
fied . . .. . .... .. .. .. .. . . . .. 20 
Frnit8, Green, 
Apple8...... . .40 cent8 per bbl. 
Blackberries, Go08eberries. 
Raf'pberries and Strawber- 
rie8, .........-lcentsperlb. 
Cherrie8 &: Currants, lc. per qt. 
Cranberrie8. .30 cent8 per bush. 
Grape8...........2 cent per lb. 
Lemon8 and Orange8. . . .. .. ... 20 
Peache8 .........1 cent per lb. 
Plum8 &: Quince8 30c. per bush. 
Fruits in air-tightcans.inclnding 
can8, weighing not over one 
pound, 3 cts. per can; and 3 
ct8. additional per can for each 
pound or fraction of a pound 
Frnit8, preserved in Brandy or 
other Spiritr;, $1.90 per Imp. gal. 
Fruit and Flower BU8hes, and 
Tree8 or Grape Vines, c08t1ng 
20 ct8. and les8, 6 Ct8. each: 
Grape Vine8, costing 10 ctf'. and 
le8s, 3 ds. ('ach: Gooseberry 
Bushes, 2 cts. eaeh: Ra8pberry 
and Blackberry BUl!he8, 1 ct. 
each; Peach Trees. 4 ds. eaeh; 
Rose Bushe8, 6 ct8. per plant; 
Seedling 8tock for Grafting, a8 
Plnm, Pear. Peach, and other 
Fruit Trees ......................... 10 
Fur Skin8, dres8ed. . . ....... .... 15 
Fur Cap8, Cape8, Coatf', Cloak8 
Hats, Muffs and Tippets...... 25 
Other Manufactures ot ....... 26 
Fur Skin80fall kind8, not dreslleJ 
In any manner........ .... . .Free 
Furniture, of wood, iron C1' "ny 
other material, House. .. .. . .. 36 
Cabinet or Office, inclu ling 
Hair, Spring. and other .\lat- 
tre8f'eS, Caskets and l"c.ffin8 
of any material... .. . .. 36 
Show Cases, $2 øach and......... 86 
Gan nister............ ............. . . .. . Free 
Gas Coke when u
ed in Canadian 
Manufacture8 only ......... .Free 
Gas Fittings ................... 30 
Gas Meter8 ........................ 30 
German Silver, manufactures of, . 
not plated. ............... ............ 25 
Gin, Geneva and Old Tom..... . 
$1.76 per Imp. gal. 
Gentian and Ginseng Root. . . . . . Free 
Gilt W8re of all kind8, except 
Jewellery................. .. 30 
Glas8 Paver and 8and Paper. . .. 26 
Gla8s, viz.: 
Carboys and Demijohn8, Bottle8 
and Decanters, Flask8 and 
Phial8, of le88 capacity than 
8 oz.. . . ........ . . .. .............. 30 
Flasks and Phial8 of over 8 
oz. . . . . .. 6 ct8. per doz. and 30 
Telegraph and Lightning Rod 
Insnlator8, Jar8 and Glass 
Dalls, and Cut, Pressed, or 
:\Joulded Tableware........ 
6 Ct8. per doz. plecer;, and 30 
, On Lampl and Gas-light Shades, 
Lamp and Lamp ChlmneY8, 
Globes for Lanterns, Lamps 
and Ga8-lights.. .. .. . . .. . .. 30 
On ornamental, Figured and 
Enamelled Stained Glass; 
Stained, Tinted. Painted and 
Vitrified Gla1l8, and Stained 
Gl8.8S Windows; Figured, 
namelled and Obscured 
\Vhite Glas8... .. .. .... .. ... 30 

 c. ad val. 
t!i\vered Plate Glas8 . . ... .. ... 30 
Gi888, and manufactures of, viz.: 
On Comm(,n and Colorless 
Window Glas8 .................. 30 
On Plate GlaEs, not colored, in 
panes not over 30 sq. ft.. a 
f'pl'cific dnty of 6c. per sq. ft. 
In pane8 over 30 and not over 
jO sq. ft. . . .. . ...8c. per 8q. ft. 
In pane8 over 70 !lq. ft ............ 
9 ct8. per !lq. ft. 
Imitation of Porcelain Shades 
and on Colored Glass, not 
Figured, Pain ted, Enamelled 
or Engraved ...... ...... ......... 20 
On all other gla88 and Mannfac- 
tureø of gla81!, not herein 
otherwise prodded for . . . . .. 20 
Gla8s Bent for Manufactnre of 
Show Case8, provided it i8 not 
iIlade in Canada. . . .. . . .. . . .. . Free 
lItts of all kind8 . . .. 30 
Glncose Syrup......... 2 ct8. per lb. 
Glucose or Grape 8ugar to be 
classed and rated for duty a8 
8ugar, according to grade by 
Dutch standard. 
Glue, Sheet, broken sheet, and 
ground ......... 3 ct8. per lb. 
Goldbeaterø' Skins. .. .. . . . . .. .. . Fre.. 
Goat Hair, unmannfactured.... .Free 
Gold and Sil ver Leaf... .. .. .. ... 30 
Gold and Silver, manufactures of, 
not elsewhere specified...... . 20 
Gold-Beaters' Brim-moulds..... .Flee 
Grain8, viz.: 
Barley.... .16 ct8. per bnshl'l. 
Buckwheat...l0 ct8. per bnshel. 
Indian Corn, 'i 1 cts. per bushel. 
Oat8. . . . .. ...10 cts. per bushel. 
Pea8 ...... . .10 Ct8. per bushel. 
Rice.. ... ..... .. .1 cent per lb. 
Rye.... .. .. .10 cts. per bn8hel. 
Wheat..... .16 ct8. per bUllhel. 
Gra88 and TU8can (Plait8)...... .Free 
Gra8se8, Fancy, dried but not col- 
ored or otherwise manufac- 
tured........................... ......... Free 
Gra88, Manilla and 8ea Grass. .. . Free 
Gravel8 ....................... Free 
Grease and Scraps. . ... .. .. .. .. . Free 
G rease, Axle. . . '. . .1 cent per lb. 
Grindstones, $2 per tOB. 
Gums, Amber, Arabic, Anstra- 
lIan, Copal, Damar, :\la8t1c, 
8andarac, Shellac, and Traga- 
can th . . . .. .. .... . . . .. .. . . . . . . Free 
Gum, Britisb, Dre8sine, 8izin
Cream, and Enamel Sizing, 1 
ct. per lb. 
Gnano and other animal and 
vegøtable manures ........... Free 
Gut and Worm Gut,manufactnred 
or unmanufactnred for Whip 
and other Cord. . . .. ... . . . . . . . Free 
Gntta Percha. crude ........... Free 
Gypsnm, crnde(8ulphate of Lime)Free 
Gutta Percha, manufactures of .. 26 
Gun8, Rifles and Mnskets .. ..... 20 
Gun and Pistol Cartridge8 &: Cap8 30 
Gnnpowder&: other Explosive8, viz. 
On Gnn Rifie and Pistol Cart- 
ridp:es, and Cartridge Caøes of 
all kinds.............. . . ... 30 
On Gun Rifie &: 8porting Powder 
in keg8, half keg8 or quarter 
kegfll, and other similar pack- 
age8 . .. .. . ... .. .6 cts per lb. 
On Cannon and Musket pc,wder 
in keg8 and barrels, 4c. p. lb. 
On Canister Powder in ponnd 
and half lb. tins, 16c. per lb. 
On blasting and }linlng Pow. 
der. .........3 cent8 per lb. 
On Giaut Powder, Dualln, Dyn- 
amite and other explosive8, 

W> c. ad val. 
in which nitro-glycerine i8 a 
constituent part: 
5c. per lb. and ad val...... 20 
On Nitro-glycerine: 
10 cents per lb. and ad val. 20 
Hair Cloth .................... 30 
Hair, Curled.... ..............20 
Hair, Alpaca, Angola, Buffalo, 
Biøon,Camel's,Goat,Hog, Hor8e, 
Human, unmanufactured...... Fre8 
HairOil8................ ...... 30 
Harne88 and Leather dre8sing ... 26 
Harness and Saddlery of every 
description .................. 36 
Hatters' Fur8, not on the skin. . Free 
Hay Knives, 2- and 3-Pronged 
Forks c,f all kind
, and Hoes, 
5 clIO. each and .........,..... 25 
Hams &: Bacon, dried or smoked, 
2 cents per lb. 
Handkerchiefs, Cotton or Linen... 26 
Hay and Straw ................ 20 
Hats, 8ilk, Felt, 8traw, Chip, 
Gras8..... ...... ...... ........ 26 

IL tters' PI uøh of Sil 11. or Cotton. . Free 
r1>mlock Bark..... ... .......... .Free 
Hemp, undre88ed .............. Free 
Hemp Rag8, for mannfacture of 
paper only ............ ..... Fr('e 
Hickory Lnmber, unmanufact'ed.Free 
Hides, raw or uncovered. whether 
dry-salted or pickled. .. ....... .Fr
Honey, bees' in the comb or other. 
wise..... .... .. .3 cents per lb. 
Hop8. .. .. . . ...... . 6cent8 per lb. 
Hflof8, horn and horntlps...... .. . Free 
Horn8 and Pelt8. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . Free 
Horn StriP8 when to be nsed in 
making Corset8 ... ...... ......... ...Free 
Hor8es, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, for 
the improvement of 8tock.... ...Free 
Horse Shoes ................... 30 
Hor8e Shoe Nails. . .. ...... . . ... 30 
Hosiery, 10 cts. p. lb. &: ad val... 30 
Horn and Ivory, manufacture8 of, 30 
Horses ........................ 20 
Horse Hair, unmanufactured... .Free 
Hub8 of -wood (rough)..... ...... 16 
I1YOF!'yamusor Henbane Leaf . . Free 
Ice._ .......................Free 
Imitation Precious Stone8, not 
set eo... ......... ..... ....... 10 
India RUl>ber Boots and 8hoe8- .. 26 
India Rnbber Clothing..... .. . .. 36 
India Rubber vulcanized handles 
for knives and forks. ......... 10 
IDdia Rutber Belting. Hose, Pack- 
ing .\tat8 and Matting, 5 cen ts 
per lb. and ........................... 15 
India Rubber, unmannfactured. .Free 
Indian Hemp, crnde drug. ... .. . Free 
Indigo, Paf'te and Extract of... .Free 
Indigo Auxiliary .............. .Free 
Iodine, crude................. . Free 
Ink, writing... ....... ........ 25 
Ink, others. ..... ...... ........ 20 
Ipecal.uanha Root. . . .' .. .. . . . . .Free 
Iri8, 01 ri8 root. . . . . .. . .. ....... Free 
btle or Tampico Fibre..... . . . . . Free 
Ivory and Ivory Nnts, unmanu- 
factured .................... Free 
Ivory Veneer8, sawn only ...... Free 
Iron liquor for dying and calico 
printing ... ........................ ...Free 
Iron Ma8t8 for 8hip8, or parts 
thereof ................. .....Free 
I ron Sand .............. . . .. ... 20 
Iron, manufactures. (t!ee manu- 
factures of iron.) 
Jalap, Root. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .' . . . Free 
Japanned Ware and Tin Ware.. 26 
Jellle8 and Jam8....6 cts. per lb. ' 
J ewelleryand other manufactures 
of gold and silver ............ 20 
J ute Butts..... ... . .. .. .. .. . .... Fre9 



[ 1888. 

 c. ad val. 
Jnte Carpeting or Mat8......... ...... 26 
Jute Cloth, not lef<s than 40 Inches 
wide, for manufll.cture of bags. Free 
Jute, mantactures of .... ..... 20 
Jute Yarn when for mannfacture 
of Carpets......... ............ ......... Free 
Jnte Csnva8, not le8s than 51! 
inche8 wide, for manufacture of 
fioor Oil Cloth. .. . . . ... . . . . .. . Free 
Jute, unman ufactured... ....... Free 
Kainite or German Potash Salts, 
for fertilizer8 . . . " . . .. . . .. .. .Free 
Kelp and Kryolite ............. Free 
bels for fruit, vegetabll'8. meat, 
fi8h and confectionery, 15 ct8. 
per I b. and .................. 25 
Lac, dye,crude, seed, button, stick 
and shell ...... ............. Free 
Lace8, Braids, Fringes, Embroid- 
eries, Cords. Tassels, Bracelet8, 
&:c. ............ ...... ... ... ...... ......... 30 
Lava, unmanufactured. . . . . .. .. Fn'p 
Lampblack.... ..... ..........10 
Lamp WIcks................ _........... 30 
Lard. tried or rendered. 21'. per lb. 
Lard, uRtried.. ...... .1Ic.per lb. 
Lard Oil . . .. ............. _ . . . .. 20 
Lead, bars and blockll.60 cent8 
per 100 Ibs. 
pipe...... .1i cent8 per lb. 
old, pIg and scrap8, 40 cents 
per 100 Ibs. 
Lead 8hot ..... .li cent8 perlb. 
" mannfactures of, not else- 
where specified. ....... 30 
red and white, dry. .. .. ... 6 
white in pulp not mixed 
with oiL..... .................. 6 
Lead, Nitrate or Acetate of......... 6 
Leather Board.. ...3 cents per lb. 
" boot and shoe counters, 
I cent per pair. 
morocco 8kin8, tanned, 
but rough or undressed 10 
801e, % ct. p
r lb. and... 16 
.. rough or undrpssed 10 
beiting, tanned ordreE8- 
ed, but not colored, 
waxed, or glazed, and 
all upper leather ..... 16 
belting, and all upper, 
dressed ønd waxed... 2u 
japanned, patent or en- 
amelled ............. 25 
and skins, tanned, not 
elsewhere IIpecified. ... 20 
all other manufactures 
not elsewhere specified 26 
Boot8 and Shoe!!, and 
Leather Belting. .. eo. 26 
Glove, viz.. Buck, Deer, 
Elk and Antelope, 
tanned or dre8sed, col- 
ored or not colored.... 10 
Leeches ....................... Free 
Lemon8 an.1 rinds of, in brineFret< 
for candying . . .:. .......... 
Linen Duck. Canvas, Diapers, or 
other manufactures of Flax, not 
el8ewhere specified .......... 20 
Lines and Twines, for use of 
fi8heries . . .. ................ Free 
Liquorice Root Past!', Extract of, 
2 cts. per lb. 
Liquorice Root. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Litharge ...... ...... ........ Fret' 
Llthr'graphed, Peinted or Copper 
Plate Bills. ................. 30 
Llthographicstones. not engraved 20 
Litmus and all Lichens, prepared 
and not prepared. . '. eo .. . . .. . Fret' 
Locks ...., ................... au 
Locomotive8 and Railway Cars, 
the prùpertyofrail way compan- 
les in the United States, 80 lon
&S Canadian Locomotives and 

 c. ad val. 
Car8 are admitted free in the 
United State8....... ........ Free 
Locu8t Bean8................ .. .Free 
Logsand Round Timber, unmann 
fsctured. not elsewhere pro 
vided for .................... F ref' 
Lumber. Plank and Boards. 8awn, 
of boxwood, cherry, chestnut. 
gnmwood. mahogany.oak,pitch 
pine, rO!lewood,sandal wood wale 
nnt. Spanish cedar and white 
wood, not 8haped, planed, or 
otherwise maftUfactl1red, and 
8awdu"t of the same........ Free 
Provided that hit'kory lumber 
8awn to shape for spokes of 
wheel8_ hutuotfurthermsnu. 
factured. ",hall be also ......... Free 
Lnmberand Timber, not elsewhere 
specified . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. 20 
Magic Lantern8 aud Optical In- 
8trnments. including Micros- 
cope8 and Telescope8. . . . _ .. ... 26 
Manganese. Oxide of.......... . Free 
:\lanufactllres of Iron, \'iz.: 
Iron in pig.. iron ken tledge and 
ca8t 8crap iron... $,1, per ton. 
Scrap Iron and Scrap Steel, old 
and fit only to be re-manu- 
factured, being part of or re- 
covered from any vessel 
wrecked in waters 8ubject to 
the jurisdiction of Canada...Free 
Wrought Iron, scrap iron. and 
scrap steel, being waste or 
refuse wrought iron or 8teel 
that has been in actual u8e, 
and is fit only to be re-manu- 
factured......... $2 per ton. 
In !'lab8. bloom8. loop8, or other 
forms less fini8hed than Iron 
in bat8. and more ad v8nced 
than pig iron, except cast- 
ings ........... ,$9 þer ton. 
Bar Iron. rolled or hammered, 
comprising fiats, rounds and 
squares. and bars and shapes 
of rolled iron, not elsewhere 
specified. .. . . .. . $13 per ton. 
Iron or 8t..el rolled round wire 
rod8 under half an Inch in 
diameter, whl'n importl'd by 
wire Dlan ufll.cturers for use in 
their factories........... .. .Free 
Iron and Steel WIre, lI;alvanized 
or not, smaller than No. 5 
guage, and not smaller than 
No 14guage ..............20 
When 15 guage and coarser, 
not elsewhere spl'cified . .... 25 
Wire of spring steel, coppered 
or tinned, 
o. 9 gauge. not 
el!'ewhere specified ......... 20 
Boiler or other plate iron, 8hear- 
ed or uusheared, skelp il"On, 
sheared or rolled in groove8, 
and shept iron. con..mon or 
black, not thInner than No. 
2u guage, not elsewhere spe- 
cified ..... . . ... $13 per ton. 
Sheet Iron. common or black, 
8moothed or poli8hed, and 
coated or 
alvanized, thinner 
than No. 20 1(1lage, Canada 
plates and boiler or hridge 
plates of irCJn or steel not less 
than thi"ty inchl'8 wide. and 
not less than one-fourth of an 
ch in thickness........... 121 
Hoop or hand or "croll or other 
iron. eight inches or lel>s in 
width and not thinner tllan 
No. 20 guage.. ..$13 per ton. 
Iloop or b:\nd or scroll or other 
iron, eight InchE'S or 11'88 in 

 c. ad val. 
width al1d thinner thøn No. 
20 guage .............. .. 1 2 i 
Railway Fi
h Plants.$12perton. 
Iron bridge8 and structural iron 
work, Ii cts. per lb. or not 
les8 than ..,..... ......... 36 
Forgings of iron and steel. or 
forged iron of whatever shape 
or in whatever fltage of mann- 
facture. not elsewllere 8peci. 
fied. Ii ch. per lb. or not less 
than . . ... ............... 35 
l ingots, cogged Ingots, 
bloom8, "nd slabs. by wh'tt- 
ever process made, bilIet8and 
bars, band
, hoopø, stripfl, and 
sheets. of all guages and 
width!', (all of above classes 
of !'teelnot elstlwht're provid- 
ed for valued at -I cb. or less 
per lb., except ingot8. cogged 
ingots, blooms, and fllabs, 
upon which the duty 8hall 
not be less than $" per ton). 
3U per cent., but not less than 
$12 per ton. 
When of greater val ue than 4 
ct8. per I b........................... 12i 
Steel rllils, wpighing not leEs 
than 25 Ib
. per lineal yard, 
for nse in railwav tracks... . Free 
Steel, valued at 2% ct!!. per lb. 
aud upwards, f\Jr U8e in the 
manufacture of skate8. . . .. . Free 
Steel not speci:ill,y enumerated 
or provided for ... ......... ...... 30 
Provided that on all Iron or 
8teel bar8, rod8, litrips. or steel 
sheets, of whatever 8hape, 
and on all iron or 8teel bar8 
of irregular ('hape or section, 
cold rolled, cold hammered, or 
polished in any way in addi- 
tion to the ordinary proce88 
of hot rolling or hammering, 
Yií ct. per I b. additional. 
Provided further, that all metal 
producfd from iron or its 
ores, whicll is ca8t and mal- 
leable of whatever de8crip. 
tion or form, without r..gard 
to the percentajle of carbon 
con tained t, whether 
produced by cementation, or 
converted. cast, or made from 
iron or it!< ores by the cru- 
cible, Bessemer, pneumatic, 
Thoma8 Gilchrist, blsic, Sie. 
men8-Martin, or open hearth 
proces8, or by the equivalent 
of either. or by the combina- 
tion of two or more of the 
prOCef<Se8, or their equiva- 
lent", or by any fu!'ion or 
other proce8s which produces 
from iron or its ore8 a metal 
either grannlou80r fibrous in 
8tructure, which is caflt and 
malleable, eAcept what is 
known as malleable Iron cast- 
Ing8, shall be classed and de- 
nOIl,inlltl'd as steel. 
And provided further, that all 
art Icll'8 rated as iron or manu- 
facture of iron, shall be 
chargeable with 1he same 
rate of duty if made of steel, 
or of steel or Iron comWn d, 
unle8s otherwiøe "pecially pro- 
videa for. 
Malleable iron c<\stings, and 
.teel ca8tingø not ebewhere" 
specified. J25 per ton, but not 
less than .................. 30 
Ca8t iron Vtssel8, plate!', "tove 
plates and irons. 8ad irons, 

1888. ] 

 c. ad val. 
hatters' Irons, tailors' irons, 
and castings of Iron not elfe- 
where specified, $16 per ton, 
butnotleøsthan ..........80 
Cast iron pipe of every descl ip- 
tion, $I
 pt'r ton, bnt not leS8 
than .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . ., 31) 
Axleø and fprlngs of Iron or 
skel for carriages, other than 
railway and tramway vehi- 
cles, 1 cent per lb. and...... 30 
Iron or stæl car axles. parts 
thereof, axle baril, axle blanks 
or forgings for axles, and car 
springs of aU kinds, and aU 
other springs not elsewhere 
"pecified, without reference to 
the stage of manufacture, $80 
per ton. bnt not less than .... 85 
Fire Engines .... .. . .. .. .. ... 35 
Locomotives and otÏler steam 
engines, boilers and machine- 
ry, composed whoUy or in 
part of iron or steel, not else- 
where specified, provided that 
any locomotive which with 
its tender weighs thirty tons 
or over shall pay a duty of 
not less than $2,000 . . .. . .. 30 
Portable machines, portable 
steam engines, thre!!hers and 
separators, horse powers, por- 
table saw mills and planing 
mills, and parts thereof. in 
any stage of manufacture.... 36 
Locomotive tires of Bessomer 
steel in the rough .......... Free 
Boiler tubes or fiues or stays of 
wrought iron or steel. ...... ... 16 
ht iren tubing, plain, 
not threaded, coupled, or 
otherwise manufactured, over 
two inches in diameter ..... 16 
Tubes, Dot welded, nor more 
than IX inches in diameter, 
of rolled steel......... ............ 15 
Swedish rolled iron nail rods, 
 Inch in diameter, 
for the manufacture of horse 
shoe nails......... ... ......... ...... 20 
Lap.welded Iron tubing, thread- 
ed and coupled. or not, 1
inches in diameter and over. 20 
RoUed iron or steel angles, 
channels, f'tructural shapes, 
and special sections. weighing 
less than 25 Ib
., per lineal 
yard, not elsewhere specified, 
%ct.perlb.alld ...........10 
RoUed iron or steel beams, gird- 
dt'rs, joists, angles. channels, 
structural sbapes, and spe- 
ci.1 sections. weighing not 
less thAn 2:í lbs. per lineal 
yard .' ..... ........... 12i 
Rolled iron or steel beam
, gird- 
ers, joists, anglell, channels, 
eye bar blanks, made by the 
Kloman process, to
ether with 
all '!ther structural shapf's of 
rolled iron or steel bridge 
plate, not less than % of an 
inch thick, nor less than 15 
inches wide, when imported 
by bridge manufll.rturers for 
use exclusively in the manu- 
fø.cture of iron nnd steel 
bridges .. ... ............. 121- 
Wrouj!;ht iron tnbes, not other- 
wiFe specified. six-tenths of a 
ct. per lb. and .............. 80 
RoUed rods of steel, under 
Inch in diameter, or under 
incb square, when imported 
by knob or lock manufactur- 
ers or cntlers for use exclus- 



 c. aå Nl. 
ively in such manufactures in 
their own factories......... ......Free 
8afes, doors for safes and vaults, 
scales, blllances, aed weighing 
beams of iron or steel......... 81í 
Skates, 20 cts. pel pair, and ... 30 
Wire rope of iron or "teel, not 
otherwise provided for. . . ... 25 
Sledges, track tools, wedges and 
crowbars of iron or steel, 1 
ct. per lb. and..................... 25 
Builden', cabinet makerll', and 
carriage hardware, and locks. 85 
Muskets, rifies, Bnd other fire. 
arms, and surgical instru- 
ments ..................... 20 
Nails and spikes, wrought and 
pre88ed, galvanized or not, 
and horse, mnle, or ox shoes, 
 cts. per lb., but not less 
than. .................. ............... 85 
Horse shoe nailE', hob Dails, and 
wire nails, and aU other 
wronght iron or "teel nail 8, 
not elsewhere spt'cified, 1
ets. per lb., but not le
s than 35 
Cut tacks, brads, or sprigs, not 
exceeding sixteen ounces to 
the 'housand...:: cts per l,Ot 0 
Exceeding sixteen ounces to 
the thousand... 2 cts. per lb. 
Iron or .teel rivet
, bolts witb 
or without threads, or nuts 
or bolt blanks, lefs than % of 
an incb in diam., 1 % ets. per 
lb. and. .............................. 30 
Wrongbt iron or steel nuts and 
washers. Iron or steel rivets, 
bolts with or without threads 
or nuts and bolt blanks. and 
finished binges or hinge 
blanks, not elFewhere speci- 
fied, 1 cent per lb. and...... 25 
Cut nails and spikes of iron or 
steel. . ..' . . .. .., 1 ct. per lb. 
,commonly called "wood 
screws," two inches or over in 
length, 6 cts. per lb.; one 
incb and less than two inches, 
8 cts. per lb.; less tba.n one 
inch. II cts. per lb. 
Iron or steel railway barP, and 
rails for railways and tram- 
ways of any form. punched or 
not, not elsewhere specified, 
$6 per ton. 
ManufactureE', articleø, or wareS 
not specially enumerated or 
provided for composed whoUy 
or in part of iron or steel, 
and whether parlly or whoUy 
manufactnred ..... ......8') 
Ferro-manganese, ferro.sillcon, 
stel'l bloom ends, and crop 
ends of steel rails, for the 
manufacture of steel. . . . . . . . 
$2 per ton. 
Steel bowl II for cream separatcrs, 
steel for the manufacture of 
file!!, when Imported by file 
man ufacturers for nse in their 
factories ............ ..... Frce 
Nan plate of iron or steel 16 
gllageand thicker.$13 per ton. 
On 8hovels and 8pades... ......... 
$1 per doz. and 20 
On Carpenters,Coopers.Cablnet- 
makers' and all other Me- 
chanics' Tools, Edge Tools of 
every de8l'riptlon, including 
Saws, of aU kinds, and on 
8teel Skates ... .. .... ... 30 
On Files and Rasps... .. . . . ...... 36 
On Cutlery. . ........ ......... 25 
On Fire Arms, vh:.: Muskets, 
RUle., Pistols and Shot Gun. 20 

 c. ad val. 
OD Knife Blades or K niCe BlaD ks 
in the rough, unhandled, for 
use by electroplaters ....... 10 
On Needles, viz.: Cylinder 
needles, hand frame needles 
and latch needles ............ ... 80 

Ianufactures of Wood, viz.:- 
Woodenware, Pails, Tnbs, 
Churns, Brooms, Brushefland 
other manufacturers of wood 
not elsewhere speeified...... 26 
Hubs, 8pokes, Fenoes and 
Wheels (rough)...... .. ..... 15 

lanu8Cripts ..... ...... . .. . . . . . Free 
Manilla Grass...... ............ ...... ...Free 
Manilla Hoods ....... ......... 20 

Ian tlefl, 8late. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. 30 
Mact' and Nutmeg!!. ....... ..... 26 

Iagnesia . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 
Mats and :\Iatting of Cocoa or Colr 
Jute, grass not elsewhere pro- 
vided for .................... 25 
Matches, wax ..... . . . . .... . . . .. 20 

Iacbinery not elsewhere specified 26 
Machine-Card. Clothing. .. .. . . .. 26 
\1arble. fini8hed.and on aU manu- 
factnres of 
Iarble not else- 
where specified........ .. ..... 30 
Marble in blocks from the quarry, 
in the rough or sawn OD two 
sides only and not specially 
sbapen, containing less than 
fiftet'n cubic feet. . .... ........ 15 
Marble containing 16 cubic ft. or 
over. . . . .. ., . . .. . . . . .. . . " . .. 10 
Marble Blocks and Slabs sawn on 
more than two sides. .. .. . . , .. 26 
Marble 81abs sawn on not more 
than two sides .............. 15 
Marble. Fini
hed. and all manu- 
factnres of marble not elsewhere 
f'pecified . . . . . . . . . . . .' .. . . . . .. 85 

Iadder and }lunjeet or Indian 
Madder, ground or prt'pared, 
and aU extracts of .... .. . . .. . Free 
Malt, fifteen cents per bush. upon 
entry for Warehouse, subject to 

xcise Regulations. 
Malt, Extract of, for Medicinal 
purposes ...... _ . . . . . . .. .. .. 25 
MacBroni and Vermicelli. . ... .' . 
2 ets. per lb. 
Maps and Charts... .. .. ....... 20 

Ieats, fresb or salted. on actnal 
weight as received In Canada, 
(except Bacon, Hams, Shonldel8 
and 8ides).........1 ct. per lb. 
8honlders, 8ldes, Bacon and 
IIams, fresh, saIted, dried or 
smoked. . .... . .. .2 cts. per lb. 
Poultry and Game of aU kinds .. 20 
All other Dried or Smoked Meats, 
or meats preserved In any other 
way than saIted or pickled, not 
otherwise øpecified . .2c. per lb. 
Hedlcines. Proprietary. to \\ it:- 
All medicinal preparations or 
compositions recommended 
to the public under any 
general name or title as 
cifics for any diseases or affec. 
tions whatsoever affecting 
the human or animal bodiell, 
not otherwise provided for. 
All liquids fifty per cent. ad 
val...... ...... ....... ...... I)() 
And all others twenty-five per 

nt. ad val.... .. .... .. . . . . 25 
Milk Food. :\lan. by Henri Nestle, 
Dr. Glbaut. and otht'n, Bnd an 
other similar preparations. . . " 80 
Menageries. Horses, Cattle, Car- 
riall;eø and Harnesses of, under 
regulations to be prescribed by 
the Mini.ter of Customs. . . .. . Free 
Mercury............... ......... ..........Free 




 c. ad val. 'f> c. ad val. 
Medals of Gold, Silver or Coppu.Free Do., costing less than 80 ets.' 
Metal, yellow, In bolts, bars, and per Imp gal., 
for sheathing. . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . Free 7 1.5 cts. per Imp. gal. 
Meerschaum, crude or raw..... .Free All other Lubricating Oils...... 25 
Meerschaum, manufactures of... 20 Oils, Hair. .. ...... .. .. .. . . .. . .. SO 
MicaandlHicaWaste ..........20 "Sperm ....................20 
Mineralogy, Specimens of ..... .Free c, Castor..................... 20 
Mill Board of Paper ..... . . . . ... 10 .. Vegetable not elsewhere 
}lineral Waters, natural, Dot in spt!cified . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. 20 
bottles, under regulations to be .. Cocoa Nut and Palm in their 
made by the Ministt!r of Cus- Datural state.. . . .. . ... . . ... Free 
toms . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . oo .Free " not elsewhere specified .. . .. 20 
Millinery, not elsewhere provided Opium, Drug ........ .$1 per lb. 
for... ., .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. 20 Opium, prepared for smoking. . . 
Models oflnvelitions .......oo.. Free · $5.00 per lb. 
Moss. Iceland, and other Mosses. Free Oranges and rinds of, in brine for 
Moss, seaweed and all other ve!!:&- candying ........ _. . . . . . . . . . . Fne 
table substances used for beds Oranges and Lemons, in boxes of 
or mattresses, in their natural. capacity not exceeding 2
state or only cleaned......... Free feet, 25 cents per box. In half 
Mouldings of Wood. plain.. . . ... 26 boxes not exceeding IX: cubic 
.. .. gilded, &c... 80 feet, 13 cents per box. In ca
Mowing machines, self- Linding and all other packages, 10 cents 
harvesters, harvesters without per cubic foot holding capacity. 
binding, binding attachments, In bulk, $1 60 per thousand 
reapers, sulky and walking Oranges or Lemons. In barrels 
ploughs, and all other agricul- Dot exceeding in capacity that 
tural machines and implements of the 196 pounds fiour barrel, 
not otherwise pro\'ided for.... 85 65 cents per Larrel. 
Mucilage ...................... 80 Organs. Cabinet,viz.:- 
Musical Instruments, not els&- On Reed Organs having not 
where specified. . . . .. .. . . . . ... 25 more than two sets of reeds, 
M uDjeet .. .. .. .. .. . , .. . . '. .. .. . Free $10 each and ad val. 16 
Mustard Cake.................. 20 Over two sets and not over four, 
Mustard Seed, unground.... .. .. 15 $16 each and ad val. 16 
" ground. . . .. . . . '. 25 Over four and not over six. . . . 
Musk, in powder or grains..... . Free $20 each and ad val 15 
Music In Shj!ets or Bound...... . Over six sets, J3a each & ad val. 15 
10 C6nts per lb. Ordnance Stores.............. ..Free. 
Naptha .. .7 1-6 cts. per Imp. gal. Ores of Metal of all kinds, oo .. .. Free 
Naval and Military Stores..... . Free Olnaments of Alabaster, Spar, 
Newspapers & quarterly, monthly Terra Cotta, &coo...... ....... 80 
and semi-monthly Magazines, Osiers. .. .. . . .. . . ... . . '.' .. . . . . Free 
and weekly literary papers, un- Ottar of Roses. . . .. . . .. . . ., . . . Free 
bound ...... .......... ...... ...... ...... Free Paintings, Drawings, Engravings 
:Newspapers, partly printed, and and Prints..... ......... ..... 20 
intt!nded to be completed and Paintings, in Oil or Water Colours, 
published in Canada. . . '. . . . .. 25 by Canadian artists, under regu- 
Nitro-Glycerine, lations to be made by the Min- 
10 cts. per lb. and ad "al. 20 Ister of Cu6toms....... . . ...... .Free 
Nitre, Cubic................... .Free Paintlngs,in Oil or Water Colours, 
Nickel. . . .. .... .. .... .... .. .... Free by artists of well-known merit, 
Nickel Anodes ........................ 10 or copies of the old masters by 
Nitrate of Soda or Cubic Nitre ..Free such artists. ........ ........ . Free 
Nuts, all kinds, not elsewhere I Paints and Colors not elsewhere 
specified... . ....8 cents per lb. specified.. .... . ... ... .. . . .... 20 
Nut Galll!.. . .. .. . . ...... .. . . . ...Free Fire Proof Paint, dry, x: c. per lb. 
Oa tmeal. . .. ... .....1 ct. per lb. Paper Hangings or W all Paper, 
Oak Bark...................... Free in rollll, on each eight yards :- 
Oakum....................... . Free Drown Blanks ............ 2 cts. 
Ochres, dry, ground or unground, White Papers. Grounded 
washed or unwabhed ..... .... 10 Papers, and Satins... 3 cts. 
Oil Cake. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. Free Single Print BrODZt!S ... 7 cts. 
Oil Cake Meal........ ........ .Free Colored Bronzes ......... 9 cts. 
Oil Cloth in the piece, cut or Embos8ed Bronzes...... 11 cts. 
shaped, oiled, enamelled, &c., Col'd Borders, narrow... 8 cts. 
Dot otherwise provided for, 5 Colored Dorders, wide. 10 cts. 
cen ts per square yard and. . .. 15 Bronze B'ders, narrow. 16 cts. 
Oil Clotb for fioors... ,... .. .. .. . Bronze B'ders, wide ... 18 cts. 
5 cts. per IIq. yard, and 20 EmLossed Borders...... 20 cts. 
Oils, Coal and Kerosene, distilled, Paper of all kinds. Calendered or 
purified or refined, Naphtha, otherwise .............................. 26 
Benzole, Petroleum, Products Paints and Colours ground in oU, 
of Petroleum, Coal, Shale and or any other liquid .......... 26 
Lignite not elsewhere specified, Paris Green, dry. . . .. ...... .. , .. 10 
7 I-b cts. per Imp. gal. Paper, Manufactures of, IncIud- 
Oils, Carbolic or Heavy 011 ......... 10 ing envelopes, papeteries, and 
Oils, Linseed or Flax Seed, raw or paper in boxes, not elsewhere 
boiled ...... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 specified. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 
.. Cod Liver, medicated....... 20 Paper, Sand, GlaBs and Emery... 26 
.. Lard, Neat!lfoot, Olive or Paper, Union collar cloth Paper 
Salad and Sesame Seed..., 20 in sheets not shaped.......... 6 
Oils,Lubricating,composed wholly Paper Waste or Clippings (see 
or In part of Petroleum,and Rags. . ... .. .... .. . . .. .. . . .. .. Free 
costing 80 cts. per Paper, Miliboard, not straw. .' .. 10 
or over ........................... 25 Paper, Calendered,ruled......... 36 

 c. ad val. 
Paper, ruled or bordered........ 36 
Paper, tissue, when imported Ly 
manufacturers of artificlalllow- 
ers fur u
e in their factories '" 10 
Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts 
of paper, linen or cotton ...... 80 
Paper tarred......... % cent per lb. 
Parasols of all materials. . . . . . .. 30 
Paraffine Wax and Stearlne. .3c. per Ib 
Palm Leaf. unmanufactured .... Free 
Paste, perfumed................ 80 
Peaches...........l cent per lb. 
Perfumery, including Toilet Pre- 
parations, Hair Oils, Tooth and 
otber Powders and Washes, 
Pomatums. Paste and other 
Perfumed Preparations ul!ed for 
hair, mouth or skin.......... 80 
Pearl, Mother of, not manufact'd Free 
Pepper, unground.... .. . . . .. . .. 10 
.. ground. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 
Persis or Extracts of archill and 
cudbear ..................... Free 
Pencils, Lead, in wood or other- 
wise. .......... . ............... ........ 26 
Perfumed Spirits and Cologne 
Water in bottles, fiasks or other 
packages weighing more than 
four ounces each ............. 
$2.00 per Imp.gallon and ad val. 40 
Perfumed Spirits and Cologne 
Water in bottles not weighing 
more than four ounces each. .' 50 
Peas . . . . . . . . . . .10 cts. per bush. 
Pelts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Phosphorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Phosphor Bronze in blocks, bars, 
sheets and wire............... 10 
Photographic Dry Plates. . . . . .. . 
15 cents per square foot. 
Picture frames ........................ S5 
Pipes, Lead.. . . . .It ('ents per lb. 
Pickles in bottles, 40 cents per 
gallon. 16 half pints, 8 plnts,4 
quarts to a gallon. In jars, bot- 
tles or other vesBels, the quan- 
tity to Le ascertained and same 
duty charged. duty to include 
Lottles and other packages. 
Pickles in bulk, in vinegar, or 
vinegar and mustard, 35 cents 
per gallon. In brine, 25 cents 
per ganon. 
Pins, manufactured from wire of 
any metal ...... . . . . . . . . . . . .. SO 
Pipe OrKans, and sets or parts 
of sets of Reeds for Cabinet 
Organs. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. 25 
Pitch (Pine), in packages of not 
less than 15 gallons . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Pitch (Coal). ........ ... ... .. ... 10 
Pitch, Burgundy.............. . Free 
Pipe Clay..... . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . Free 
Pianofortes, viz.:- 
On all square pinaforteB, whe- 
ther round cornered or not, 
not over seven octaves. . . . . . 
$25 each and ad val. 20 
On all other square pianofortes, 
$30 each and ad val. 20 
On upright pianofortes. . . .... . 
$30 each and ad val. 20 
On concert, semi-concert or 
parlor grand pianofortes.. . . . 
$50 each and ad val. 20 
Pianos, parts of . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. 25 
Ploughs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85 
Plate Glass, silvered. . . '. .. . .... 30 
Plati n um Wire ........... ............ Fre 
Plumbltgo ..................... 10 
.. . manufactures of. . . . .. 25 
Playing Cards. .. 6 ct8. per pack. 
Plaits, Tuscan and Grass. . . .. .. . Free 
Plants viz. .-Fruit, Shade, Lawn 
and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs 
andPlant8 ..................20 

1888. J 



 c. ad val. 
Plated Ware, Gilt Ware and 
EI&.:tro-plate Ware of all kinds 80 
Plates engraved on Wood and 
on Steel or other metal. . .. . .. 20 
PIlISter ot Paris or Gypsum, grou'd 
10 cents per 100 Ibs. 
Plaster of Paris, oalcined or 
manufactured, 15c. per 100 Ibs., 
or 45 cents per bbl. not over 
800 Ibs. 
Plaster of Paris, ground, not cal- 
cined. .. 10 cents per 100 Ibs. 
Portland and Roman Cement to 
be cbssed with aU other 
Cements at specific rates. (&e 
Potash, Bichromate of . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Pota_h, German mineral. . . .. . . . Free 
Potash, Muriate of Crude ..... . Free 
Potash, Red PrUBfiate of . . . .. . .. 10 
Pomades, French or fiower Odor, 
preserved in fat or oil for the 
purpose of conserving the odors 
of fiowers which do not be
the heat of distillation, when 
imported in tins not less than 
ten pound each............... 16 
Potatoes. . . . . . . .15 cts. per bush 
Portable machines, portable steam 
engines, &c. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .., 86 
- Porter when imp. in bottles. 
(Set! Ale). 18 ctB. per Imp. gal. 
Porter when imp. in casll.s. (See 
Ale). ... .10 cts. per Imp. gal. 
Precipitate of Copper .......... . Free 
Printing Presses of all kinds. . .. 10 
Printed, Lithographed or Copper 
or Steel Plate Bills, Cheques, 
Receipts, Drafts, Cards,Commer- 
cial Blank Forms of every de- 
scription .............................. 30 
Printed Music, bound or in sheets, 
10 cts. per lb. 
Advertising Bills, Tickets and 
Posters, 15 cts. per lb. and.... 25 
Prunella and Cotton and Woolen 
Netting for Boots, 8hoes and 
Gloves ...................... 10 
Pumiceand Pumice Stone,ground 
or unground ... ......... ............ Free 
Pumps, cistern, well, .tc........ 36 
Putty. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 
Quercitron, or Extract of Oak 
Bark, for tanning ............ Free 
Quills in their natural state or 
unplumod .................. . Free 
Quinine, Sulphate of. . . .' . . . . . . . Free 
Rags of cottc>n, linen, jute and 
hemp, paper waste or clippings, 
and waste of an)' kind fit only 
for manufacture of paper ...... Free 
Rattans, unmanufactured ... c . . Free 
" manufactured. . . . . . . '. 25 
Raisins, 1 cent per lb. and...... 10 
Red Liquor, for dyeing and calico 
printing ......... ......... ........... Free 
Rennet, raw or prepared..... .Free 
Rhubarb Root ...... ............... ...Free 
Rice . ..................1
 cts. per lb. 
Rice, uncleaned, unhulled when 
imported dried from country of 
growth ..................... 17' 
Rice and Sago Flour, 2 cts. per lb. 
Ribbons. .... .... .. .. .. .' . . .. ... 30 
Rifles............ ......... ......... ......... 20 
Rinds of Lemon in Brine for Can- 
dying............ ....................... Fret! 
Rosin, in packages of not less 
than 15 gallons . . . . . . . . .. . . . Free 
Roots, Medicinal. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . Free 
Rubber, manufactnres of.. ......... 26 
Rubber, India, unmanufactured Free 
Rubber, recovered and rubber 
substitute............ ............... ...Free 
Rye...... ......... ...10 cts. per bush. 
Rye Flour ...... .._ ...60 cts. per brl. 

 c. ad val. 
Safe8, of Iron .......................... 21i 
8affron and 8affiower, and extract 
of ..................... ............ ...... Free 
Saffron, Cake........................ ...Free 
Sago ......... ............ ......... ......... 20 
Sago and Rice fiour......2c. per lb. 
Sails, ready-made, for boats, ships, 
awnings and tent!!.................. 26 
Sal Ammonia......... ................... Free 
8al Sodt\ ............ .................. ... Free 
Salt Cake (Sulphate of Soda) for 
manufacturing purpo!!es .........Free 
8alt, (except 8alt imported from 
the United Kingdom or any 
British possessiQn, or impl,rted 
for the use of the 8ea or Gulf 
Fisheries, which shall be free of 
duty,) in bulk...10c. perlOO Ibs. 
Salt, in bags, barrels and other 
packages, bags or barrels same 
duty 88 if im ported empty...... 
15 cents per 100 Ibs. 
Salt, fine, in bulk.10c. per 100 Ibs. 
Saltpetre .................. ............... 20 
8and ................................. ......Free 
Sand Paper, Glass and Emery 
Paper .................................. 80 
Sarsaparilla Root...................... Free 
Sauces and Catsup in bottle!!, 16 
half pints, 8 pints. 4 quarts to 
gallon, pf'r gallon 40 cts. and... 20 
8ausage Casings, Dot rlt!aned......Free 
Screws, not otberwiseprovided for 36 
8cy thes . . . . .. . . . . .$2.40 Ðf r doz. 
8ea Weed, not elsewhere specified Free 
8t!eds, viz. : Flower, Garden, Field 
and other 8eeds for agricultural 
purposes, when in bulk or in 
larj[e parcels.... ..........._... ...... 16 
Seeds, in small papers or parcels. 26 
Seeds-Anise, Coriander, Cardi- 
mon, Fennel and Fenngruk.. . Free 
8enna in Leaves........................Free 
8ettlers' Effects, viz: Wearing 
Apparel, Household Furniture, 
.tc.: Provided that under regn- 
lations to be made by the Min- 
ister of Customs, live stock, 
when imported into Manitoba 
or the North West Territories 
by intt:nding settlers, !!hall be 
free, until otherwise ordered by 
the Governor in Council. 
8ewing Machines, whole or on 
heads, or parts of heads, $3 each 
and val ad ...... . . '. ......... 20 
8hawls, Woollen. ad val. ............ 26 
Shaw Is, 8i1k..................... ... ...... 80 
Shellac, White, for manufacturing 
purposes ................... . Frel 
Shingles. ................................. 20 
Shells, manufactured. ............... 30 
Ships and other Vessels, built in 
any foreign country, whether 
steam or salling vessels, on ap- 
plication for Canadian Register, 
on the fair mark
t value of the 
hull, rigging, and all appliances, 
except machinery.......... ......... 10 
On boiler, engine, and other 
machinery .... ............ ......... 26 
Shrubs and Plants..... .. .. .. . .. 20 
Silex Or Crystallized Quartz. .. .. . Free 
Sill. Velvets, aud all man utactures 
of 8ilk, or of which Silk is the 
component part of chief value, 
not elsewhere specified, except 
Church Vestments..... ....... 30 
Silk in the gum, not more ad- 
vanced than singles, tram and 
thrown organzlne, and Raw 
Spun 8ilk, not covereQ. .... ... 15 
" Sewing and 8ilk Twist. . . .. . .. 26 
" raw or as reeled from the Co- 
coon, not being doubled, twist- 
ed or advanced in manufacture 
[31 ] 

 c. ad val. 
In any way, Silk Cocoonø and 
8ilk Waste ................. .Free 
Silk plush netting, used for 
manufacture CJf gloveø . . . . .. 16 
8ilver Coin, United 8tates ...... 20 
8ilver Leaf ........... ......... 26 
Silver and German Silver, in 
øheets ....................... 10 
8il ver and German ISil ver for 
manufacturing purposes..... . Free 
Silicate of 80da ............... . Free 
8kins, undressed, dried, or salted 
pickled . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . Free 
Slate of all kinds al d manufac- 
tures, not otherwise specified.. 25 
Slate Mantels.. . .. ... . .. .... ... 30 
81a tes for W rUing and for School!!, 
1 cent each and. ... .................. 20 
Slates, Roofing Slate, black or 
blne 80 cents per square. 
Slates, red, green, and other 
colours, $1 per square. 
Slates of all kiuds, aDd manufac. 
tnres of, )Jot elsewhere fpecìfied, 
1 cent per square foot and. . ... 25 
81eighs, Wheelbarrows. and other 
like articles. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. 30 
Soap, common brown and yellow, 
not perfumed . .1% ct. per lb. 
80ap, castile and white, 2c per lb. 
Soap Powders...... .3 cts. per lb. 
80ap, perfumed or toilet, 10 cents 
per lb. and. ... .. .... .. .... ... 10 
8nuff, 30 cts. per lb. and ad val.. 12' 
80cks and stock ings of cotton, 
wool, worsted, the hair of the 
alpaca goat or otherlikeanimal, 
10 cts. per lb. and ............ 80 
80da, Caustic .................. Free 
80da Ash. . . . . . .......... . . .. . . . . . Free 
80dium, Sulphide of..................Free 
Shovels slid 8pades, and sbovel 
and spilde blanks, $1 per doz. 
and . ........................... ......... 26 
Spelter in blo<'ks or pigs ....... .Free 
Specimens of Mineralogy ...... Free 
Specimens of Botany. .. .. . . . . .. . Free 
Spectaclts and Eye Glasses. . . ... 30 
Parts of aboTe unfinished. . . .. 25 
Spices of all kinds, except Nut- 
megs and Mace, unground. . .. 10 
8pices of all kiLds, except Nut- 
megs and Mace, ground...... 26 
es. Maces and Nutmegs... 25 
Sþirib' and Strong Waters, not 
having been sweetened or 
mbed with any article, so thai 
the degree of strength thereof 
cann(Jt be ascertained by 8yke's 
Hydrometer, for every Imperial 
gallon of the strength of proof 
by such Hydrometer and so In 
proportion for any greater or 
less strength than the strength 
of proof, and tor every greater 
or less quantity than a gaHon, 
viz :-Geneva Gin, Rum, Whis- 
key and unenumerated articles 
of like kinds, $1 
5 per I gal. 
of Brandy ... .$2 00 per I gal. 
" Old Tom Gin $1 75 per I gal. 
" sweetened and mixed, so 
that the strength cannot be as- 
certained as aforesaid, viz.:- 
Rum Shrub, Cordial!!, 8chiedam 
Schnapps, Tafia-Bitters and 
unenumerated articles of like 
kinds......... .$1 90 per I gal. 
Spirits and Strong Waters, not 
elsewhere specified,$1 90 per I. gal. 
Spirits and 8trong Waters im- 
ported into Canada, mixed with 
any inKredient or Ingredients, 
and although thereby coming 
under the denomination of Pro- 
prletary Medicineø, Tinctures, 




11> c. ad val. 
Essences, Extracts or any other 
denomination not elsewhere 
specified, shall be, nevertheless, 
deemed "Spirits or Strong 
Waters," and subject to a dnty 
,s such.... $2 00 per I gal. and 30 
Spiritø, perfumed, an 1 Cologne 
Water, in bottles or flasks not 
weighing more than 4 oz. each 60 
Spirits, perfumed, and Cologne 
Water in bottle!!, fiasks or other 
packages weiRhing more than 4 
oz. each,$2 00 pergaI. and ad val. 40 
Sponges . . . .. . . .. .. . . ... ..... 20 
Spurs and Stilts, used in the 
mannfactnre of eartbenware ...Free 
Squills .................................... Free 
Starch, inclllGing Farina. Corn 
Starch or Flour, and all pre. 
parations having the qualities 
of Starch ,.......2 ctl!. per lb. 
Steel and Manufactures of. (See 
Manufactures of Steel). 
Stereotypes and Electrotypes for 
commercial blanks and adver- 
tisements .................... 20 
Stereotypes and Electrotypes of 
Standard Books .............. 10 
Stereotypes and Electrotypes.and 
Bases for same, not elsewhere 
specified........6 cents pt'r lb. 
Stone, Water Lime, or Cement 
Stone. .... . . .. .... .$1 per ton. 
Stone, vlz.:-Rough Freestone, 
Sand Stone and an buildir g 
Stone, except Marble, 
$1 per ton of 13 cubic feet. 
Stone for building and dressed 
Freestone, except Marble from 
the quarry, not hammered or 
chisseled, and IIn all manufac- 
tures of Stone or Granite. . . . .. 20 
Flag Stones,dressed.$:l (10 
Stoves and other Castings, not 
elsewhere specified..... ....... 26 
Straw . .......... ...... ....... 20 
Straw Board, in sh(\(\ts or rolls, 
plain or tarred............... 
40 cents per 100 Ibs. 
Straw Hats .................... 26 
Sugar, Melado, Concentrated Me- 
!ado, Concentrated Cane Jnlce, 
Concentrated Molasses, Concen- 
trated Beet Root Juice and Con- 
cratt', when imported direct 
from the country of growth and 
production, for refining pur. 
poses only, not over 
o. 1-1 
Dutch 8tand'ird in color, and 
not testing over 70 degrees by 
the polariscope, I cent per lb., 
and for every additional degree, 
shown by polariscope teet, 3% 
cents per 100 Ibs. additional. 
Sugar not for refining purposes, 
not over 1-1 Dutch Standard In 
color, when imported direct 
from the country of growth and 
production, I cent per lb. and 
30 per cent. on the val ue thero>of 
free on board at the last port 
of shipment 
Sugars above No. 1-1 Dutch Stand- 
ard in color. and refined Sugar 
of aU kinds, grad..s or stand. 
ards, 1
 cents per lb., and 36 
per cent. on the value thereof 
free on board at the last port 
of shipment. 
On Sugars not imported direct 
without transhipment from 
the country of growth and 
production, there øhall be 
leTled and collected an addi- 
tional duty of 7
 per cent. 

 c. ad val. 
of the whole duty so other- 
wise payable thereon. 
Provided that when aBY cargo 
of 5u
ar imported for refining 
purposes is found to grade, 
in part, above No. 14 Dutch 
Standard in color, such part 
to the extent CYf not exct'ed- 
Ing 16 per cent. of the whole 
cargo may be admitted to 
entry by polariscopic test. 
Syrups, Cane Juice, Refined 
Syrup, Sugar House Syrup or 
Sugar House Molasses. Syrup 
of Sugar, Syrup of M )Iasses, 
or Sorghum, whether imported 
direct or not, I cent per lb. 
and. . . . . .. . . . ... .. . . .. . . . . ... 30 
MolaslreS, other, when imported 
direct, without transhipment, 
from the country of growth 
and production.......... ......... 15 
Molasses w hen not so Imported 20 
The value npon wbl"h the ad 
valorem duty shall be levied 
and collected upon all the 
above named Sugars, Melado, 
, Molasses, .tc., shall 
be the value thereof free on 
Syrup of Glucose. ..................... 
2 cents per lb. 
Sulphate of Iron ........ ..... Free 
Sulphur, in roll or flour....... . Free 
Tafia. .... ...... . $1 90 per I gal. 
Tagging metal, plain, Japanned 
or coated, in coils not over 11 in. 
in width, when imported by 
manufact'rs of shoe and corset 
laces, for use in their factories. Free 
Tails, undressed........... .... . Free 
Tallow..............1 ct. per lb. 
Tampico, white and black ...... Free 
Tanners' Bark. ................ .Free 
Taraxacum Root. .....................Free 
Tar, Pine. in packages of not less 
than 15 gallons. .... . . . ... . .. Free 
Terra-Japonlca ............... . Free 
Tea ...;... ...... ......... ............... ...Free 
Tea, when imported from U. S.... 10 
Teasels..... ...... ...... ..... .Free 
Telephones .................... 25 
Thread, Linen.................. 20 
Tickets and Adverti!'ing Bill II and 
Folders, 16 cts. per lb. and. ... 25 
Tiles, Drain. and Drain Pipes and 
Sewer Pipes, glazed. ............... 26 
Tin, in bars, blocks or pig, plates 
and sheets ................. . Free 
Tin Crystals ........................... 20 
Tinware, Stamped and Japanned 
Ware, and on all manufactures 
of Tin not elsewhE'ra specified.. 26 
Tinsmiths' tools, harness makers' 
and saddlers' hardware, indud. 
ing curry combs..................... 36 
Tlncturell.containing Spirits, $2.00 
per I. gal. and. . , .. .... .. . . . .. 30 
Tobacco Pipes, Clay. . . . .. . . . . ... 36 
Tobacco, unmanufactured for Ex- 
cise purposes, undt'r conditions 
of Act 31 Vic.,Cap51 
Tobacco, manufactured, and Snuff 
30c. per lb. and ad val. 121 
Tomatoes, frt'sh, 30 cents per 
blliJhE'1 and .................. 10 
Tools, Edge. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. 30 
Tortoise and other Shells, un- 
Towels of every description ...... 26 
Toys of all kinds. . . . .. .. . .. . ... 30 
Treenails. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. 
Treeø, Apple of all kinds, each... 2c 
" Pear .. .. .. ... 4c 
.. Plum ... 6e 
Cberry II ... 4c 

 c. ad val. 
Trees, Quince, of all kinds, each... 210 
" when impo..ted into Mani- 
toba or N. W. T. for plant- 
ing ........................... ......Free 
Tripoli ........................ 20 
Trun ks of all kinds, Pocket books 
and Purses .................. 30 
Tubes and Piping of Iron (seam- 
less), Wrought Iron, Tubing 
plain. not threaded or coupled 
or otherwies manufactured.... 15 
Tubes and Piping of Brass (seam- 
less drawn) .................. 10 
Tubes and Piping of Copper (seam- 
lessdrawll) ..................10 
Turmeric.. ... .. .' .. .. .... .. . . .Free 
Turpentine, raw or crude ..... . Fr('e 
Turpentine, Spirits of .......... 10 
Turtles. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . Fret 
Tuscan and Grass Plaits. .... . . .Free 
Twines of all kinds, 1 cent per lb. 
and ......................... 25 
Type for Printing . . ... .. .. . . ... 20 
Type Metsl .................... 10 
Umbrellas. . .... .. ......... . ... 30 
Umbrellß and Parasol Steel, Iron 
or BraFs Ribs. Runners, Rinjl;s, 
Capp, Notches, Tin Capø and 
Ferrules, when imported by and 
for the tIse of manufacturers of 
umbrellas......... ..................... 20 
Union Collar Cloth Paper in sheets 
not shaped .................. 6 
Union Collar Jloth Paper,glcssed 
or fin iF hed . .. . .. ... . ... ..... 20 
Vaccine Rnd Ivory vaccine points. Free 
Valerian Root.................. Free 
Valises, Satchels, Carpet Bags, 
CRses for jewels and wat('hel', 
and other like articles of any 
matt'rial, 10 cents each and. . ., 30 
Varnish, black anll bright, for 
ships' use........... .. .... .. .Free 
Varnish, not elsewherp I!pecified, 
20c. per Imp. gal. and ad val.. 25 
Vasiline and all similar prepara- 
tions of Petroleum in bulk, 
4 cts. per lb. 
In bottles or packages. not 
over lib. in weight each, 
6 ch. per lb. 
Vegetables, vlz.: 
Potatoes. ..... 10c. per bush. 
Tomatoes... 30 cts. per bushel 
and ............................... 10 
'romatoeø and other vegeta- 
bles,lncluding Corn in cRnll, 
weighing not over lIb., 2c 
per can, and 2c additional 
per can for each lb. or frRc- 
tion of a lb. over lib. 
All othe.., inc1uùing Sweet 
Potatoes. . . . .. .' . . . . . . . .. 26 
Velveteens and Cotton Velvets... 20 
Vermicelli and Macaroni. . . .. . .. 20 
Veneers of Wood, sawn only.... 10 
VeneHB of Ivory, sawn only... .Free 
ris, Subacetate of Cop., dry. Free 
Vegetable Fibres,nl\tural.not pro- 
duced ' J y any mechanical pro- 
ceøø .............. . . . . . . . . . . Free 
Vinegar . . . . . . . . . .15c per I. gal. 
Vitriol, Blue .................. Free 
Volatll" or Essen tial viis, for 
mamlfacturlng purposes...... 20 
WaKons. (See Carriages)....... 36 
Wadding,Ootton, unbleached...... 
2c. per lb. .\ ad val. 16 
Wadding, Cotton, bleached......... 
3 ch. per lb. and 16 
Walnuts. .... .... .3 centø per lb. 
Watches and Watch Calles.. ..... 26 
Watches, action. or movements... 10 
Water-Lime, Stone or Cement 
Stone. . . .. .. . . . . .. . $1 per ton. 
Waite, Cotton.................. Free 

1888. ] 



 c. ad Ðai. 
Wax Candles, Paraffine. '.' .. .. . 
6 cents per lb. 
Whillkey....... .$176 per I. gal. 
Watches, Watch Cases.......... 25 
Watch Movements.............. 10. 
Whips ........................ 30 
Wheat........... .IDc. per bush. 
Wheelbarrows . . . .. .. . . .. . . ... 3t) 
Whiting or Whitening......... .Free 
Whalebone, unmanufactured... .Free 
Willow, for Ba!!ket Makers..... . Free 
Willow Furniture....... . . .. ... 36 
Winceys of all kinds not" other- 
wise provided for ............ 221 
Checked, striped or fancy, over 
twenty-five inches wide, 2 cts. 
per square yard and. .. .. ... 16 
Wines of all kinds, except 8park. 
ling Wines, including Ginger, 
Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, 
Raspberry, Elder and Currant 
Wines, ('ontaining 26 per cent. 
or less of Spirits of the strength 
of proof, by 8yke'ø Hydrometer. 
imported in wood or in bottles, 
(6 quart or 12 pint bottles to 
1 Imp. gallon), 25c. per Imp. 
gal. and ad val. .............. 80 
And for every degree above 26 
per cent. 3 cts. more per 1. gal. 
and ad val................... 30 
Wines, Chamuagne and all other 
Sparkling Wines in bottles,con- 
taining each not mOTe than a 
quart and more than a pint, $3 
per doz. and ad val. . ... .. .. ... 30 
Wines, Champallne and all other 
8parkling Wines in bottles.oon' 
taining one half pint or less, 
j5 ('ents per dozen bottles and 
ad val.............. _...... ... 30 
Wines, 8parkling, in bottles con- 
taining each not more than a 
pint and more than on" half 
pint, $1 60 per dozen and ad 
val............. ._......................... 30 
Wlnes,8parkling, bottles ,'ontain- 
ing more th'\D one quart each 
shall pay, in addition to $3 per 
doz. boUle!!. at the rate of $1 60 
per Imp. !ld. on tbe quantity in 
eXI'.e88 of quart per bottle: 
and ad val .. ................ 30 
But any Liquor!! imported under 
the name of Wine, and contain- 
ing more than forty per cent. of 
8pirits of the IItrength of proof 
by Sykes' Hydrometer, shall be 
rated for duty as unenumerated 
Spirits. . . ,. . . .$1 90 per I. gal. 
Wire of Iron or 8teel, galvanized 
or tinned, 16gauge or smaller. Free I 
Wire, Iron or 8te
l. 16 gauge and 
coarser, not elsewhere specified 26 
Wire, covered with Cotton, Linen, 
8ilk, or other material.. ..... 25 
Wire of 8pring 8teel, coppered, 
for the manufacture of mat- 
trasses,No.9 g'luge and smaller.Free 
Wire, Copper, round or flat..... . Free 
'Vire, Bra88, " " ...... Free 
Wire Cloth of Brass or Copper.. 20 
Wire Rill:gingforøbipsand vessels }I'ree 
Wire-Barbed Wire Fencing.... 
 cents per lb. 
Bnckthorn and 8trip Fenc- 
ing. .. .1
 cente pertb. 
Wool, nnmanufactured. Hair of 
the Alpaca Goltt and other lIke 
animals. not elsewhere speci- 
fied . .. ... ..... ........... Free 
Wool and Woo]lens. manufac. 
tures of. vlz.:- 
Manufactures composed wholly 
or in part of wool, worsted, 
the hair ofthe alpaca. goat, 
or other like animals, viz.:- 

 c. ad Ðal. 
blankets and fiannels of 
every description; cloths, 
doeskins, casslmeres, tweeds, 
coatings, overcoatings, felt 
cleth of every description- 
not specified, 
horse.collar cloth; yarn, 
knitting yarn, fingering 
yarn, worsted yarn, knitted 
goods. viz.: - shirts ac.d 
drawers, and hosiery not 
elsewhere specified, seven 
and a-half cents per pound, 
and in addition thereto, 
twenty per cent. ad val. . .. 20 
All fabrics composed wholly or 
In part of wool. worsted, 
the hair of the Alpaca goat, 
or other like animal, not 
otherwise provided for, on 
all luch goods cOllting 10 
cts. per yard Bnd under.... 22-1 
Costing over 10 and under ]4 
cents. .... .. .. . . .... ... 25 
Costing 14 cents and over..... 271 
On c101òhinl!" ready-made & wear- 
ing appare1 of every d68Crip- 
tlon, including clothing, 
ready-made, and wearing 
apparel of every description, 
Including cloth caps, and 
horse clothlng, 
pOlled wholly, or in part, of 
wool, worsted, the hair of 
the Alpaca goat, or other 
like animals, made up by 
the tailor, seamstress, or 
manufacture's, not other- 
wise provided for, 
10 cte. per lb. and ad val. 25 
On socks and stockings of cot- 
ton. wool, worsted, the hair 
of the Alpaca goat, or other 
like animlllø. 
10 ctl. per lb. and ad val. 30 
On all manufactures composed 
wholly orin part of Wool 
worsted, the hair of the 
Alpaca goat or other like 
animals not herein other- 
wise provided for ........ 221 
On treble ingrain, three ply and 
two ply carpets composed 
whony of wool, 
10 ctl. p.lq. yd. and ad Ðal. 20 
On two ply and three ply in- 
grain carpet!', of which the 
warp is compoled wholly of 
cotton or other material 
than wool, worsted, the 
hair of the Alpaca goat or 
other like animals 
6 ds. per sq. yd. and ad val. 20 
Wool clase one, viz.: Leicester, 
combing wools or wools known 
as lustre wools and other like 
combing wools luch as are 
jtrown in Canada, 3 cts. per lb. 
Woollen Rags. . . .. .... . '" . . .. . Free 
Wood, and Manufacturee of 
Wooden Ware, viz.:- 
Pails. Tubii,Churns,Brooms, 
Brushes and other Manu- 
facture8 of Wood not else- 
where spe,itìed .......... 26 
On Hubs, Spokes, Felloes and 
Wheels (Rough) . .... ..... 15 
On Lumbel'and TlmlJernot else- 
where llpecified .......... 20 
On Mouldings of Wood, plain... 25 
On Mouldings of Wood. gilded 
or otherwise manufactnred 
than plain ......... ............ 30 
Wood for fuel when Imported Into 
Manitoba and N. W. T............Free 
Wood not further manufactnred 

 c. ad val. 
than sawn or split, viz., African 
teak, black heart ebony, ligum. 
vitae, red cedar and lIatin wood.Free 
Wrapping Paper. . . ...... ....... 20 
yeast..... ..................... 20 
Yeast Cakes and Compressed 
YeRst, in Packsges of 1 lb. and 
I)ver, or In bolk ..................... 
6 cents per lb. 
In Packages of le8s than lIb... 
8 cents per lb. 
Yellow Metal, in bolts and bars. . Free 
Yellow Metal for IIhl'athing ." .Free 
Zinc, in pijtB, blocks and Iheets. . Free 
Zinc, seaml6l\8 drawn tubing.... 10 
Zinc, Chloride, 8alts and Sul. 
phate of . ...... ... ..................... 6 
Zinc, Manufactures of, not else- 
where specified .............. 25 
All goods not enumerated as 
charged with any duty of CU8toms 
and not declared free of duty, !!haH 
be charged with 8 duty of twenty per- 
cent. ad valorem, when Imported Into 
Canada, or taken out of warehouse for 
consumption therein. 
The following articlu .hall be pTohibi 
ted to be imported undtr a penaltll 
of two hundred dollar8, togethe? 
with the forfeiture of tile parcel or 
package of good, in which the ,ame 
may be found, m.:- 
Books, printed paper!!, drawing!!, paint. 
ings, printl, photographs or repre- 
sentations of any kind of a trEa. 
sonable or seditiou!!, or of an im- 
moral or indecent cbaracter. 
Foreign reprints of BritlBh copyright 
works, copyrighted in Canada, 
and Canadian copyright works. 
Coin, base or counterfeit. 
AU goods manufacture by prison 
Oleomargarine. Butterine, and aU 
lIuch subBtitutell for butter. 
Thefollowing articlcs being the natural 
products, or the manufacturu of 
the colony oj Mwfoundl.and, are 
e:r:emptedfrmn Oiutom, duty when 
imp07"ttd into Canada, 11Íz. :- 
Animals of all kinds. 
Shingle Bolt8 of Pine or Cedar, 
and Cpdar logs capable of be- 
Ing made ioto Shingle Bolts, 
per cord of12.8 c. ft...... ......... $1 50 
8pruce logs per thonsand feet.. 1 00 
Pine logs pu thousand feet .... 2 00 
The Export of Deer, Wild Turkey, 
Partridge, Prairie Fowl, Woodcock 
and QU8il. in carcalell. is probibited. 
Any or all of the followinjl things, 
that is to IIay, animals of all kinds, 
green fruit, hay, fotraw, bran, lleðds of 
all kinds, vegetablls (including pota- 
toes and other roots), plants, trees and 
shrubs, coal and coke, salt., hops, 
wheat, pease a.d bealJs, barley, rye. 
oats, Indian corn, buckwheat and all 
othfr grain, fiour of 'Wheat and fiour 
of rye, Indian meal and oatmPBl. and 
fiour or meal of any other grain. but- 
ter: cheese, fish (salted or Bmoked), 
lard. tallow, meats (fre!!h, 8alted or 
smok..d, !\nd lumber may be imported 
into Canada frEe of duty, or at a less 
rate of duty than ill provided .by this 
Act. upon proclamation of the Gover- 
nor in Council, which may be iS8ued 
whenever it appesrB to his satisfaction 
that similar articles from Canada may 
be imported into United States free of 
duty, or at a les8 rate of duty not ex- 
ceeding that payable on the same un. 
der such proclamation when Imported 
into Canada. 




... 2lc 
Allúton, Ont....Hamilton.......- -. Agent Galt...............*Merchants. ...G. V.J.Greenhll1,' t'i 
Ál11l.OflÜ. Ont...Montreal....... Thomas Plummer, Manager tiananoqm....... Merchants....A. Petrie. Manager 
Amherst. N.S. NOTa 8ootia...John McKeen, Agent "......Toronto .. ......T. F. How. Act'g Manager 
" Halifax Bk. Co.J. H. Morrison, Agen t Gaspé Bann La Banq. Nat. J. LeBoutillier ,Circul'n-Agent 
AnnapoZú.N.8.Nova 8cotia ...J. Mowat. Agen' 
orgt.lown .. . Hamilton ... H. M. Watson, Agen' 
.. Union B.ofH..E. D. Arnaud, Agent "P.R.I. Merchants'H. C. McLeod, Agent 
Antigoni.h. ... Merchants'...... C. E. Harris, Agent Glencoe....... Tn.ders..... . .Geo. Dobie. Manager 
" .... Halifax Bk. Co. D. C. McDou
all, Agent Goderich...... ...Montreal ......D. Glass, Manager 
Arnprior .......Ottawa . .........D. M. Finnie, Manager "... ......Commerce . .... R. S. Williams. Manager 
Aurora .........Federal...........W. H. Nelson. Act. Mgr Granby, Q.......E. Town. Bk ...E. N. Robinson, Manager 
Aylmer, O......Molsons ........ W. H. Draper, Manager Guelph .........Central .........G. W. Søndilands, Manager 
" ... .Traderfl....... A. F. H. Jones, Manager .. .........Montreal ......J. H. Finlay. Manager 
Áyr...............Commerce. ......John Wyllie. Agent .........Ontario .........E Morris. Manager 
Barrie............Toronto .........J. A. Strathy,Manager .........Commerce ......B. R. McConkey. Manager 
.. ........ ...Commerce......H. H. Morris, Manager .........Federal..........A. A. Fitzgerald, Manager 
Barrington, N. S., Halifax Bk. Co. F. W. Homer, Agent G-",y.boro', N.S.Merchants' . ...H. M. Jost. Agent 
Bathur.t.N.B.Merohants' . ......0. H. McLoughlin. Agent Hagersville.. ..Central...... .J. G. C!l>rdon, Agent 
Beauharnoi. ...Jac. Oar tier .... O. H. Hamet. Manager HaliJ4z. N. S. HALIFAX B. 00. W. L. Pitcaithly. Cashier 
Bedford. .........E. Townships...E. W. Morgan. Manager "" NOVA 800TIA ...Thomas Fyshe, Oashier 
BelleviUt........... Merchants'.... W. Hamilton. Manager " B. N. America.A. E. Ellis. Manap:er 
" ............Montreal ......R. Richardson, 1\lanager .. UNION. HALIP..E. L. Thorne, Cashier 
.. ....... ....Commerce......R. Thomson, Manager " MEROHANTS'H. D. H. Duncan, Cashier 
C( .............Í1ominton ......J. W. Murray, Agent " PEOPLE'S.........Peter Jack, Csehier 
Berlin ............ * Merchaots' ... W. R. Travers. Manager " Montreal .......0. 8weeney, Manager 
., .. ..... .Commercfl.........D. B. Dewar. Manager Hamilton ......HAMILTON.......E. A. Colquhoun. Cashier 
Blenheim.... . Commerce .........R. O. Macpherf1on, Agent " ......B N. America.D.G. Macgregor, Manager 
Bowmanvlue...Ontario...........George McGill, Manager "......Montreal.......J. N. Travers, Manager 
" ...8tandard.........W. J. Jones, Agent ".......Merchants....J. Pottenger, Manager 
Bradford.. ......8tandard......... T. Dewson. Agent . . . . Traders... .......Æmilius Jarvis, Manager 
Brampton ......Central............W. Wallace, Manager ......Commerce ......Wm. Roberts, Manager 
" ....... Merchants' ... W. A. Bellhouse, Manager ...... Molsons . ...... H. A. Ambridge, Act. Mgr 
...... Dominion. ...... W. W. Nation, Ap;ent Harridon ......Standard......... W. T. Shannon, Agent 
Brandon. Man. * Merchants' ...F. W. Ferguson. Mannger Huntingdon. Q.E. Townships. W. H. Robinson. Manager 
.. ......Imperial .......A. Jukes, Manager Ingersoll.......... Merchants'...A. M. 8mlth,Manager 
Bramford. "....B. N. America. Alex. Robertson. Manager ".........ImperiaL. ....J. A. Richardson, Manager 
" .....Montreal ...... W. L. (Jrelghton, Manager Iroquois,..... ..Union Bank....-, Man. 
......Oommerce... ...Jeffrey Hale, Manager Jarvis.. ....... ...Commerce....... H. J. Grasett, Agen t 
......8tandard . ...... W. T. Wlokham, Agent Jolit.lte. ...... .D'Horhelaga . .J. H. OStigDY, MaDager 
Bridget'n. N.S. Nova Scotia... T. D. Ruggles, Agent Kuwatin, Ont.Ottawa............- -, Manager 
Bridgew'r,N.8.Merchants', ...Geo. A. Dudley, Agent Kentville. N.S. Nova Scotia ...L. D. V. Cbipman, Agent 
Bright<m..... .8tandard.........J. E. Gray, Agent Kincardine .... Merchants'...G. C. Tyre. Manager 
Brockville ......MontreaJ .......NeilMcLean, Manager Kingston ......* Merchants'...G. E. Ha!l:ue, Manager 
" ......Molsons .........P. W. D. Broderick. Mgr "......8. N" America. F. Brownfield. Manager 
OampbeUford...Standard.........E. A. Bog, Agent ......Montreøl ......R. M. Moore. Manager 
campbellt<m....NoTa Scotia.... W. E. 8tlivert, Agent ......Federal . ......T. Y. Greet. Manager 
Oannington. ...8tandard.........John Houston, Agent Kingst<m, N.B..Merchants' ...J. H. Abbott. Agent 
canning, N. S.NoTa Scotla....F. W. Borden, Agent Lethbridge, Alb.Union..... ...J. G. Billett. Manager 
Carleton Place. Ottawa......... .J, A. Bangs, Manager Lind.ay .........Ontario .........8. A. McMurtry. Manager 
Cayuga...... ..Hamllton......J. H. Stewart, Agent ".........Montreal .......C. (E. L. Porteous. Manager 
OharloUdown..Merchants', H...F. H. Arnaud, Agent ".........DominloD.......T. B. Dean, Agent 
" Merchants, P.E-I. Wm. McLean, Cashier Li8towel.Ont. Hamilton. ......H. H. O'Reilly, Agent 
Bank of N. 8...George McLeod, Manager Liverpool,N.S. Nova Scotia.. .H. A. Flemming, Agent 
Ohatham.........Federal .........R. N. Rogers, Manager Lockeport.N.S. PeopJe's.........A. Locke, Agent 
" .........Commerce ......J. E. Thomas, Manager "" Halifax Bk. Co. E. A. Capstick, Agent 
.. . .... .. Merchan ts'... F .8. Jarvis, Manager London ... ...... LONDON ... ....... (susptnded payment). 
..... .Montreal..... . Angus Kirkland " .........B. N. America.D. Cumberland, Manager 
Chatham.N.B. Montreal....... F. E. Winslow Manager "......... * Merchants.... W. F. Harper, Manager 
.. "Nova 8cotia ...F. Kennedy, Agent .........l\Iôntreal ....... W. J. Anderson, Manager 
Olinton .........Molsons .........H. C. Brewer, Manager .........Federal .........George Mair. Manage! 
O>aticook .......E. Townships. B. Austin. Manager .........Oommerce .....H. A. Nicholson. Manager 
Oobourg .........Dominion ......E. H. Osler, Agent .........Molsons .......:\1. Heaton, Acting Mgr. 
" ... ...... Toronto .........Jos. Henderson. Manager Londonderry, N.S., Merchants', E. Walsh, AgeDt 
Oolborne.........8tandard.........C. Larke, Agent Lunenburg,.N..S.Merchants.. .8. Finck, Agent 
Oollingwood ...Commerce. ....James Brydon, Manager .. Haliliu: Bk... Co. W. G.Greenwood. Agen' 
.. ... Toronto ......... W. A. Copeland. Manager Madoc............ Traders. ......... T. H. 1\lcOlellan, MaDager 
Oornwall.........Montreal ......R. Mackenzie, Manager Maitland.N.S Merchants'......Geo. Frieze, Agent 
" . .... .Ontario. . . .. .. A. Denny, ;\lanager Meaford......... Molsons .........Peter Fuller, Manager 
....E. Townships. J. MacKinnon, }lanager Markham ... ...Standard.........F. A. Reesor. Ap:ent 
Dig'"" N. S ...Nova 8cotia .. J. H. Churchill, Agent Midland ......Western..... ..F. H. Holland. Manager 
Dorch<<.úr. N.B., Merchants. ..W. R. Racey, Agent Millbrook .... Wel!tern..........8. V. Hutchins, Manager 
Drayton. .. .. . Traders...... .0. H. 8mlth, Manager Milton. .........Hamilton.... ...Joshua Butterfield, Agent 
Dunda. .........Commerce ......E. Pangman,Manager Mitehell .......* Merchants'...E. G. Lawrence. M
Dunnnlie ......Oúmmerce ......F. O. Minty, Manager .Moncton..........MoDtreal.........F. M. Cotton, Manager 
Durham... ....Oentral ... .... R. H.Milne, Manager .. .........Nova 8cotia ....George Sanderson, Agent 
Elmira..... .. Traders..... .J. Nicol, Manager .........Merchants' H. C. J. Butcher, Agent 
Esstz lÆntre...lmperial..... .J. Watt. Manager Montreal.........MoNTREAL ...... W. J. Bu.
hanan. Gen. Mgr 
&eter............Molsons .........A. A. C. Denovan, Manager " ......... Do. ......E. 8. Clouaton, Manager 

rgus.... . .. .. ImperiaL. . . . . J. F. Paterson, Manager "......... D'HocheJaga .. A. D. Parant, Oashier 
Jilraserville, Q..Jac. Cartier....J. F. PeJlaret, Manager .........Du PEUPLE......J. S. Bomqut<t,Cashier 
Fredericl. N.B.PEOPLE'S.........J. W. 8purden, Cashier .........MOLSONS.........F. W. Thomas, Gen. Man 
" " B. N. America.R. Inglla, Agent Branch.... .J. Elliot. Manager 
" .. NovlI Scotia.. .D. B. Forgan, Agent .........JAOQ. CARTIER .A. L. de Martigny, CaBhler 
Galt... ......... ...Oommerce ...... Wm. Thompson, Manager ........ .Quebec ......... T. McDougall, Manager 
" ....,.... . Imperial.........John Oa1'8rs. Manager .........Ontarlo ......... W. W. L. Chipman, Manager 
[ 34 1 

1888. ] 


ax \!. 
.........Toronto .........J. M. 8mith. Manap:er 
Who k .........*MERCHANTS'...G. Ha
ne, Genl'ral Manager 
'P1' :fl 1 e- W. N. Anderson. Br. Supt. 
 .........Commerce .... .A. M. Crombie, Manager 
.........Union............F. Nash, Manager 
......... .Mont'I.Br'h.J. 8. Meredith, Manager 
John Gault, Asst, Mgr. 
.........B. N. America.R. R. Grindley, Gen. Mgr 
Jeffrey Penfold, Manager 
... ......La Banq. Nat...C. A. Vallee, Manager 
Morrilburg ....Moisons .........L. W. Howard, Manager 
Mount Jibrut...Ontario .........A. J. Macdonell, Act. Mgr 
Napanu.........* Merchants'...A. 8mith, Manager 
" ........Domlnion ......Walter Darling, A(lent 
Napil;rfJílU . .Bank De 8t. Jean, M. Catudal, Manager 
N.Gta'gow,NS.Nova 8cotia ...J. M. Carmichael, Agent 
" .. Halifax Bk. Co.J. B.Moorman, Agent 
Nt'WCaltlt. ......8tandard .......J. K. Allen, Agent 
Nt,wcallk,N.B.Nova 8cotia ...F. R. Morrison, Agent 
" .. Merchants' ....J. Yeoman, Agent 
Nt,w Hamb'rg.Western......... .T. D. Allen, Manager 
Nt,w Wutmimtu B aBk. B. Columbia, J. B. Fisher, Agent 
Nt,wmarkt,t ...Federal. .........F. Cole, Manager 
.. ...Ontario ..........J. E. Bouch, Manager 
Niagara JiWb.Imperial........Edward Hay, Manager 
North Sydrny, N.S.NovaScotia, W. Thomson, Agent 
Norwic!i.........Molsons............. T. B. Phepoe, 
Orangmllt, ...Commerce ......B. 8hepherd, 
" .. Hamilton. . . .R. T. Haun, Agent 
Or&1lia............Dominion ......H. S. 8cadding, Agent 
.. ............Traders ..... .A. W. Murton, Manager 
Oshawa .........Dominion ......W. H. Holland, Agent 
" .........WESTBRN...... T. H. McMillan, CMhier 
Ottawa .........B. N. America.D. Robertson, Manager 
" .........OTTAWA .........George Burn, Cash if( 
.. .........Montreal.......F. Gundry, Managtlt' 
" ...... ...Commerce ......Robt. Gill, Manager 
" .........Ontario .........R. Gm, Manager 
.........* Merchants'...W. L. Marler, Itlanager 
.........Quebec .........H. V. Noel, Manager 
.........La Banq. Nat...C. H. Caniere, Manager 
.........Union ............M. A. Anderson, Manager 
Owm Sound.... Merchants' ...A. 8t. L. Mackintosh, Mngr 
.. ...Molsons ...... ...L. E. Tate, Manager 
Paislly...... .Western..... .0. L. Rennie, Manager 
Paris ............B. N. America.G. P. Buchanan. Agent 
.. ............Commerce ......R. C. Jennings, Manager 
Parkdak..... .8tandard... ....J. M. Martin, Agent 
ParkhiU.........Commerce......J. M. Duff, Manager 
Parr,boro' ......Halifax B. Co.A 8. Townsend. Agent 
Pt,rCh ............ * 
Ierchants' ...James Gray, Manager 
" ...... ...... Montreal....... R. J. Drummond. Manager 
Pt,mbrokt, ......Quebec ..........T. F.Cox, Manager 
Pembrokt, ......Ottawa .........Hector Fraser. Manager 
PdI!rOOrough... Toronto ...... ...J. H. Roper, Manager 
" ...Montreal .......F. J. Lewis, Manager 
" ...Commerce ..... W. Manson, :\Iünager 
.. ...Ontario .........Chas. McGill, 
Pt,trolia ......... Toronto ......... P. Campbell. :\Ianager 
Petitcodiac, N.B.. Halifax Bk. 00..1. Brough, Agent 
Pickering.......Ontario .........Geo. Kerr, Manager 
Picton ............Montreal .......R. J, B. Crombie. Manager 
.. ......... ...8tandard... ......J. 8. Loudon, Agen t 
PicWu, N. S. ...- - .... ...- -, Agent 
.. ...Merchants'......G. R. Chisholm, Agent 
,. ...Pictou Bank ...D. C. Chalmers, Manager 
Plulirvi'Zt" Q. J Be. Cartier.... H. Dorion, Mana!l:er 
Purt Colborne... Imperlal...... ...G. C. Easton, Manager 
Port Elgin......Hamilton ......Wm. Corbould, Agent 
.P.Hawkubury.Merchants......Fred. L. lIl. Paint, Agent 
PtJrt Hopt, ......Montreal .......A. J. C. Galletly, Manager 
" ......Toronto ......... W. R. Wadsworth, Manager 
Port Perry......Ontarlo ......... W. J. Mc:\'Iurtry, 
.. ......Central ...... W. McGill, Manager 
Port Arthur....Ontarlo .........R. N. King, Manager 
Prucott .......... Merchants'... T. Kirby, 
Quebec............QuEBEc .........JaB. Stevenson, Cashier 
" ............UNION ............E. E. Webb, Cashier 
" ............LA BANQ. NAT. P. Lafrance. Cashier 
" ............B. N. America.H. M. J. Mdlichael, Mngr 
............Montreal ...... John Porteous. Manager 
" ............. Merchant8'...J. C. More, Manager 
......... ... Du Peu pie ... . E. C. Barrow, Manager 
Regina............Montreal......F. J. Hunter, Manager 
&rifrt,w. Ont.. * Mercbants'...C. G. Morgan, Manager 
d......E. Townships..W. L. Ball, Manager 



Richmond Hill. Central. .. ....J. M. Lawrence, Manager 
RidgW>wn...... Moisons ......... 1. McMahon, Manager 
" . . . . Traders. . . ., .J. A. Mackellar, Manager 
SacktJiUt" N.B.Merchants' . ...Fulton McDougall, Agent 
Sac1cvtllf, N.B.Halifax Bk. Co.Oeo. A. Thompson, Agent 
8arnia .........Montreal ......G
o. H. Griffin. Manager 
" .........COmmerce ...... T. W. Nisbet, Manager 
......... Traders .........8tuart 8trathy, Manager 
Sault SU. Marie.Central ...,. W. B. Powell, Manager 
Shelburne, N.S., Halifax Bk. Co. Geo. W. McLean, Agent 
Sht,rbrookt,...... E. TOWNSHIPS. Wm. Farwell, Gen'l. Man; 
" ...... Merchan ts' ...J. A. Ready, Manager 
......La Banq. Nat...P. T. Badn, Act. Manager 
&aforCh...... ...Commerce .... A. H. Ireland. Manager 
SimcOt,...... ......Commerce ... ...E. Cowdry, Manager 
.. ............Federal .........T. A. Stephen, Act. Man. 
Smith', JiUll'...Molsons.........F. A. Bethnne, Manager 
Bord . ...... ...... Moisons ...... ...H. Lockwood, Manager 
" ........ .D'Hochelaga. .N. Dorval. Manager 
SpringhIll... .Halifax Bk. Co.D. I. Forbes, Agent 
Stan,úad ......E. Townships..S. 8tevens, Manager 
St. aatharinu.. Imperial.........C. !I. Arnold, Manager 
" Commerce ... ...F. O. CroBB, Manager 
Toronto .........G. W. Hodgetts, Manager 
St.Hyacintht,...LaB.J. Cartier.A. Clement, Manager 
" LaBanque de 8t.Hyacinthe, R. 8. Jacques 
MolBons..... .G. Creb8888, Manager 
St. John, N.B.. N. BRUNSWICK W. Girvan, Cashier 
" " B. N. America.W. E.Collier, :\lanager 
Montreal. ......E. C. Jones. Manager 
" Nova Scotia ...J. M. Robinson, Manager 
" Halifax Bk. Co.Jas. G. Taylor, Agent 
St. John'" Q..... Merchants'... E H. Heward, Manager 
St.John'" Q....Bank de 8t. Jean, P. Bandouin. Cashier 
" "....Du Peuple ....... P. Bandoin. Manager 
St. Jl!romt" Q.. Du Peuple ....... J. A. Theberge, Manager 
St. Mary', ......Montreal ......R. Hillyard, Manager 
" ......Federal. ......C. 8.Rumsey. Manager 
St. Remi, Q......Du Peuple.....C. Bedard, Manager 
St.StqJht.n,NB.8T. STEPHEN'B..Robert Watson, Cashier 
" Nova Scotia.. .J. Black, Agent 
St. Thoma,... .... Merchants'... W. Pringle Manager 
" ......Imperial . ......!I. A. Gilbert. Manager 
......Molsons .........C. W. Clinch, Manager 
.. ... .Traders..... ,A. G. 8impson, Manager 
Stdlarton, N.S.Nova 8cotia....J. Johüstone, Agent 
Straiford ......* Merchants'...T. E. P. Trew, Manager 
" ......Montreal.......G. A. Farmer, Manager 
" ......Commerce...... Wm. Maynard,jun.. Mgr 
Strathroy ......Commerce ......L. H. Dampier, Acting Mgr 
.. ......Federal ......... W. Thomson SmUh, Mgr. 
Summulid" P .E.1.MerchantB'.. P. W. Morril!on, Agent 
" "ankof N.8. ...Neil McKelvie, Agent 
tJk. 8ummerside, R. Me. C. 8tavert, CaBhler 
SWJ,U:, .N.B....Nova 8cotia.. . Geo. W. Daniel, Agent 
SlJdrny. a BOo., Merchants', H.J. E. Burchell, Agent 
Thorold... __Commerce ...... W. J. Robertson, Manage!: 
" ..........Quebec ..........D. B. Crombie, Manager 
7'hru Rivt,r'...Quebec.........T. C. Coffin, Manager 
" .. ... La Banq. Nat. Union Bang, Agent 
.. .. ...Du Peuple... .P. E. Panneton, Manager 
. . D'Hochelaga . . H. N.Boire, Manager 
'l'I.'l,onb'Urg ......Federal. .........N. P. Dewar. lIlanager 
" ... .Western..... .A. L. 8. Guy, Manager 
Toronto .........COMMERCJ:. ......B. E. Walker, Gen. Milr. 
. J. H. Plummer, Asst. G. M 
..... ... do. Branch J. C. Kemp, Manager 
L. Bolster, Sub Manager 
..... .CENTRAL....... .A. A. Allen, Cashier 
......" Queen St E..F.V. Philpott. Mgr. 
.........ONTARIO .........ChaB. llolland. Gen'! Man 
......... do. Branch. W. H. 8mith. Manager 
...H.... do. Q'n8t, W. Br.R. B. Caldwell, Mgr 
..... .8TANDARD. ......J. L. Brodie, Cashier 
... ... ... FEDERAL...... ...G. W. Y arker, Gen. Manager 
J. O. Buchanan, Local Mgr 
...... ...DOMI!fION .......R. H. Bethune, Cashier 
J. H. Kane, Asst. 
do. Q'n 8t. E. R. &1. Gray, Agent 
do. Q'n 8t.W.J. Price, ManaKer 
do. Mark'tBr.T. G. Brough, Agent 
. . . .. . do. D'das, B'kton 
. .\ Q'n St. Br..F. O. Cayley, Agent 
.........IMPERIAL. ......D. R. Wilkie. Cuhier 
.........TORO!fTO.........DuDcan Coulson, Cashier; 
Hugh Leach, Asst. Cashier 







Toronto...... TRADERB..... .H. 8. 8trathy. Gen. Mngr 
" .........Montreal ......C. Brough. Manager 
... ...... B. N. America. Wm. Grindlay, Manager 
.......... Merchant8.... Wm. Cooke, Manager 
E. F. Hebden. AS8t. :\lngr 
........,Quebec. .........- -, Manöl/;er 
...... ...Molson8......... O. A. Pipon, Manager 
. ......La Banq. Nat. Bank of Toronto, Agent 
Tottenham ......Hamilton ....... W. P. Robart8. Agent 
Trenton, Ont.. Mol80n8 . . . . . . B. B. Wil8on. Manager 
7ruro.N.S. ....Merchants. H. Martin Dickie. Agent 
" ......Halifax Bk. Co.J. A. H. Mall(n, Agent 
Uzbridge .......Dominion ......R. ROIl8. Agent 
VaUeyßdd, Q ...Jac. Cartier. ... E. de Martlgny, Manager 
Vancouver,B.C.Bk. B. Colum.J. C. Keith. Agent 
., B. N. America.C. K Taylor, Agent 
Victoria. V. I. ...B. COLUMBIA ... W. C. Ward, Manap;er 
" "...D N. America. Gavin H. Burn8, Manager 
J'ïctoriavilk, Q.Jac. Cartier.....A. Marchand. Manager 
Walkerton ......* Merchants....J. C. Paterson, Manager 
" ......Commerce......G. W. McKee, Manager 
Jtallaceburg.. Trader8. ...... F. J. Winlllow, Manager 
Wawloo. Q. ...E. Town8hips..W. 1. Briggs, Manager 
Waterloo, Ont..Molson'8...... ...J. He8peler, Manager 
Weiland...... ...Imperial.........J. McGlashan, Manager 
Wéymomh.N.S.MerchaÍlt8' ......D. Kemp. Agent 
Whitbv .........Ontario ......... W. Beith, Manager 
.. _.. .....Dominion ......H. B. Taylor, Agent 
......... We8tern...... Th08. Dow, Manager 
or, Ont... Merchant8'... Wm. King8ley, Manager 
" "(Jommerce ... ...C. M. Stork, Manager 
Wincùor, N.S.COMMERCIAL ... Walter Lawson, Ca8hier 
" "Halifax Bk. Co.J. A. RU8sell. Agent 
Wingham ......Hamilton . .. .B. WilI80n. Agent 
Winnipeg.Com.Bk. ofManltoba.D. MacArthur, Manager 
" .... .... MerchantB...D. Miller. Manager 
A. Wick80n, AFst. Manager 
.... ...Montreal ... ...Jame8 Hogg. Manager 
. ......Ontarlo. .........E. Porter, Manager 
.......Federal.........F. L. Patton, Manager 
....... Imperial...... ...(J. S. Hoare, Manager 
.......Ottawa..... .... F. H. Mathew8on, Manager 
......Union ............G. H. Balfonr, Manager 
......B. N. America.H. M. Breeden, Manager 
Wóodstock ......<Jommerce ......D. H. Charles, Manager 
.. . .. . Imperial. . . .. .8. B. Fuller. Manager 
...... Mo180nB... ......C. M. McCuaig, Manager 
" N.B.Nova 8cotia .. Wm. Haliburton, Agent 
" .. .!tlerchants' H.E. C. Jarvi8. Agent 
Wolfville,N.S, People'8 .......A. De W. Bar8s, Agent 
Yarmouth,N.S. yARMOUTH..... Thoma8 W. Johns, Ca8hier 
" .. Nova8cotia ...J. H. Lombard. Agent 
Yarmouth, N:S.Exchange .... A. 8. Murray. Cashier 
Yorkvilk.........Central .........R. J. Monte:omery. Manager 
" .........Federal .........G. C. Dunstan, Manager 
... Merchant.' Rank of Canada. 

ondon, Elngland. 
Head Omce New York, D. A. McTavish and H. Btike- 
man. Agent8; Boston, U. S.. Merchant8' National 
Bank; San Ji'rancÍlco, Wm. Law80n and J. C Welch, 
Agent8; >>ngland, Union Bank of Manche8ter, and 
Bank of Liverpool; &otland, National Bank and 
.commercial Bank; Ireland, Provincial Bank and 
National Bank; PariB. Marcuard, Krau8s &: Co.; 
West Indies, Colonial Bank; Australia and New Zea- 
land, Union Bank of AU8tralia. 
fEDERAL BAftK-London, National Bank of Scotland ; New 
York, American Exchange National Bank; Buffalo, 
Bank of Commerce; Bostml, Maverick National Bank; 
Oswego, 8econd Nat. Bank; Chicago, Am. Ex. Nat. 
BAftK OF TORONTo-London, City Bank (Limited); New 
York, Nat. Bk. Commerce, W. Wat80n and A. Lang; 
Ogw,.uo. Second National Bank; Halifaz. Union Bank 
of Halifax; New Brunswick, Bank of Nova Scotia; 
Quebec, La Banque Nat. 
BANK OF UAMlLToN-New York. Bank of Montreal, N.Y.; 
London, The National Bank of Scotland. 
B AftB: OF MONTREAL-London, Bk.ofMon treal, C.A8h worth, 
Manager. Bank of England. Ll1ndon &: We8tminster 1 
Bank, Union Bank of London; Liverpool, Bank of I 
Liverpool; Scotland, British Linen Company; New 
York, W. Watson &: Alex. Lang; BOlIton, Merchants' 

Bpnk; (]hicago. Bank of l\1ontreal. W. Munro, 
Manager; R. Y. Hebden, Assistant Manager; San 
Francisco, Bank of British Columbia. 
QU.BECBANK-London, Bank of 8colland; New York, 
Agent8, Bank of British North America. 
IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA-Lonaon. Lloyds, Barnett8 
&: B08anquet's Bank (Limited); Ntw York. Bank of 
Montrea], R. Irvin & Co.; Chicago, First National 
Bank; St. Paw, S6cond National Bank; Detroit. First 
I National Bank; Buffalo. Bank of Buffalo; Boston. 
National Bank of the Commonwealth; Oswego. Second 
National Bank. 
BANK D'HoCHELAGA-London, Clydesdale Bank (Limited); 
New York, National Park Bank; Paris, André, 
Girod .\ Co. 
MERCHANTS' BANK OF CANADA-London, The Clydesdale 
Bank (Limited); New York. Bank of New York and 
Merchants' Bank of Canada,61 Wall Street; New. 
foundland. Commercial Bank. N. F.; .Neva &otia, 
Merchants' Bank of Halifax New Brungwick, Bank 
of Nova 8cotia. 
OftTARIO BANK-London, Alliance Bank (Limited); New 
York, The Bank of th9 8tate of New York; BOBton, 
Tremont National Bank; Oswego, Firl>t National 
Bank; Chicago. Bank of Montreal; St. Paul's, Mer- 
chants' National Bank: Nova &otia. People's Bank 
of Halifax; New Brunswick, Bank of Montreal. 8t. 
John, N.B.; P. E. Island, Merchants' Bank of Halifax 
at Charlottetown. 
LA BANQUE NATJOftALE- London. National Bank of 8cot 
land; Paris. Grnnebanm freres &: Co.; New York. 
National Bank of the Republic; Boston, The Revere 
}fOLBOftB BANK-London, Alliance Bank (Limited). Glynn. 
Mill8, Currie &: Co.. Morton, Rose &: Co.; Liverpool. 
Bank of Liverpool; Ân'werp, Belgium. La Banque 
D'Anvers; Portland. Casco National Bank; Helena, 
Memana. Fir8t National Bank; Butte, Montana. Fir8t 
Nationa] Bank; New York. Mechanic8'National Bankl 
W. Watson and A. Lang, Morton. Bli88 & Co ; Boston. 
Merchant's National Balik; (;leveland, Com. Nationa, 
Ban k; Milwaukee, Wiscon8in Marine and Fire In8. Co. 
. Bank; (;hicago, First National Bank: Detroit, Mechan, 
ics' Bank; Toledo. 8econd National Bank; Buffalo- 
Third N. Bank of Buffalo; Nova Scotia, Halifax Bank- 
ing <Jo., Halifax, N. 8.; New Brunswick. Bank of New 
Brnnswick. 8t. John'8, N.B.; Newfoundland, Com. 
mer.cial Bank of NewfoundlaDd, St. John's, Nfid. 
CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE-Lúndon, Bank of 8cotland, 
London and County Bank, Agra Bank (Limited), 
Chartered Bank of India, Australia aDd China, Ger- 
man Bank of Lonaon; ireland, Nortbern Banking 
Co.; New York, J. H. Goadby and Alex. Laird. 
Agent8; (;lticago, American Exehange Nat. Bank; 
Oswego, Fir8t National Bank; Syracuse, First Natio- 
nal Bank; Buffalo, Bank of Commerce in Buffalo. 
UftJON BANK OF CANADA.-London, London & County 
Bank; New York, National Park Bank. 
LA BANQUE JACQUES CARTIER.-London. Glyn, Mill8 &: Co ; 
New York. National Bank of Republic. 
LA BANQUE DU PEUPLE-Quebec City, E. C. Barrow, Mgr. 
Qnebec Branch; London. Alliance Bank, Limited; 
Ntw York, National Bank of the Republic. 
UNION BAftK OF HALIFAx-London, London &: We8tminster 
Bank; Newfoundland, Commercial Bank. Newfonnd- 
land; New York, Nationa] Bank of Commerce; BOBton. 
I Merchants' National Bank; Montreal. Bank ot 
Toronto; TOTonto, Bank of Torouto and Branches. 
. I.-London, City Bank; New 
York, The Bank of New York, N. B. A.; Boston,The 
B08ton National Bank; Montreal. Bank of Montrea]; 
Newfoundland, Union Bank of Newfoundland. 
CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA-in Canada, Can. Bank of 
Commerce; Lond01J, ]!}ng.: National Bank of 8cotland; 
New York: Importers and Tradel'8 National Bank; 
Chicago, American Exch. National Bank. 
of London; New York. Bank of New York; Halifaz, 
Bank of Nova Scotia; St. John, N.B., Bank of New 
Brunbwiek; Montreal. Merchants' Bank of Canada. 
MERCHANTB' BANK OF HALIFAX.-Ontario and Quebec, 
Merchant8' Bank of Canada; St. John. N. B., Bank 
of New Brunswick; New York, Bank of New York, 
N. B. A.; Boston. National Hide &: LeathE'r Bank; 
St. John'B Newfoundland. Union Bank of Newfound- 
land; L
d01J:Bng., Imperial Bank (Limited). Wil- 
liams, Deacon & Co.; HamiUon, Bermuda, W. F. 


1888. ] 



Mitchell, Agent; St. Pierre, Miguelon, G. H. !'tlac- 
kenzie, Agent. 
PEOPLE'8 BANK OP HALIPAx-London, Union Bank; Bollon, 
New England National Bank; New York. Bank of 
New York, N. B. A.; Montreal, Ontario Bank. 
BANK OP NOVA SooTIA-Minneapolis, Minn., J. B. Forgan 
and Dsnit'l Waters, Agents. CorrespondentB:-Can- 
ada. Merchants' Bank of Canada and branches. Bank 
of British Columbia; Great Britain: London, Royal 
Bank of Scotland, Williams, Deacon &; Co.; &otland. 
Royal Bank of S/'otland and branches; 
land, Union Bank of Newfoundland; United Statu: 
New York, Bank of New York, N. B. A., John Paton 
&; Co.; Boston, !'tIerchants National Dank, KIdder, 
Peabody &; Co.; San PranciBCO, Bank of British 
BANK OP NEW BRUN8wICK-London, Williams, Deacon 4 
Co.; New York, Mechanics' National Bank; Boilon 
Eliot National Bank; Prince Edward's Island, Char- 
loU,town, Merchants' Bank; SummerlÍd" Summersidt 
Bank; Fredericton, People's Bank; Halifaz, J.V.S., 
Merchants' Bank. 
PBOPLE'8 B.4.NK OP N. B.-London, Union Bank; Nett} 
York, Fourth Nat.ional Bank; Bostor., Eliot National 
Bank; Montreal, Union Bank of L. C. 
DOMINION BANK-London, National Bank of Scotland; 
New York, W. Watson and A. Lang, the National 
City Bank. 
EA8TERN TOWN8HIP8 BANK-London, London National 
Bank of Scotland; Boston, National Exch. Bank; 
N,,-w York, National Park Bank. 
STANDARD BANK-New York, W. Watson &; A. Lanl/;, Agtl. 
Bk. of I'ttontreal; Montreal, Bk. of Montreal; London, 
E., National Bank of Scotland (Limited). 
HALIPAX BANKIYG CO.-Dominion of Canada. Molson's 
Bank and 
Ierchants' Bank of Canada; Boston,Suffolk 
National Bank; New York, Kidder, Peabody 

London, Eng., Alliance Bank (Limited), Union Bank 
of London. 
UNION BANK OP P.E.I8LAND-London, Union Bank of Lon- 
don; New York, National Park Bank; Bolton, Mer- 
chants' Natiol1al Bank; Montreal, Bank of Montreal. 
BANK OP YARMOUTH, N. S.-Halifaz, The Merchants' Bank 
of Halifax; St.John, The Bank of Montreal and the 
Bank of Brltb.h North America; N,w York, The 
National Citizens' Bank; Boston, The Eliot National 
Bank; London, G. B.. The Union Bank of London; 
Montreal and Quebec, The Bank of Montreal. 
THE PICTOU BANK-London, Eng.,Imperlal B'k (Limited); 
New York, Agents Bank of Montreal ; Montreal, Bank 
of Montreal. 
ST. STBPHBN'B BANK-Boston, Globe National Bank: New 
York, New York Bank and National Bankin
dation: London,Glyn, Mills, Currie &; Co.: Montrtal 
Bank of Montreal. 
BANK or BalTl8H COLUMBIA-London, Smiths, Payne &; 
Smiths; San Francilco, Bank of British Columbia, 
Eastt:rn ProvinceB of Oanada, Bank of Montreal; New. 
York, W. Watson; Chicago, Bank of Montreal; Mezicp 
and South Ámerica. London Bank of Mexico and Sout)> 
America: China, Hon
 Kong and Shanghai Bank 
Cl'rporatio(J; Áultralia, Enidish, Scottish, and Austra- 
lian Chartered Bank. 
BANK OP OTTAWA-London, Eng., Alliance Bank (Limited). 
New York. Clticago and Canada, Bank of 
TRADBR8 BANK or CANADA-London, National Bank of 
Scotland; New Fork, American Exchauge :Sational 
Bank; Buffalo, Bank of Buffal,); Chicago, First 
National Bank; Oswego, Second National Bank; 
Quebec, Qnebt'c B!ink. 
COMMBRClAL DANK or MANITOBA-London, Boyd, Camp- 
bell, Buxton &; Co.: Canada &; New York, Merchants' 
Bank of Canada; St. Paul, First National Bank. 
WE8TERN BANK-New York, "er('hanb' Bank of Canada; 
London, Jilngland, Royal Bank of Scothnd. 




Great Britain & Ireland. I ViC

'I'ia ............ l

AfO'hanistan . . . . . . . . . . _. Abdurrahman Khan . . . . .. .. 
tro-Hungarian Emp. Fra
cis Jus.
ph I. ......... 

Belaium ...... _ . . . . _ . .. Leopold II. .............. 1835 
il ......... .. DOlll Pedro II. 1825 
Bulgaria . . . . . . . . . .. ........................... 
China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,. Kuang HsÜ ....... 
Denmark .......... Christian IX. . . . . . .. ,... 
EgJpt ...........:.., . }I..hammed Tewfik Pd,>ha.. 
France ................ François Paul Jules Grévy. 
German Empire ., . . . . .. Wil
!am I. .. 

Greece ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 
Holland ..... _ . . . . . . 
Italy.... .. 
Japan ...... ....... .. 
itexico ................ 
}tontenegro .......... .. 
Morocco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Persia ........ _ . . . . .. . 
Peru ...... ........ .... 
Portugal ..... . . . . . . . .. 
Roumania ............. 

George I. " .......... 
William III, .............. 
Humbert. ............ 
}lutsuhito ... . . . . . . . . .. . 
Porfirio Diaz ........, 
Nicholas ................. 
Mulai Hassan ............ 
N asser-ed - Deen 
General Caceres 
Dom Luis I. . 
Charles I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Alexander III. .. . . . . . , 

'itch) I. 
Alfonso XIII. ............1 
Maria Christina. . 
ûs['arlI. .......... . 
Dr. A. Deuchar .. . .. _. . . 
Sidi Ali Pashi ... _ . . . . . . .. 
Abdul Hamid II........... 
GrQver . . . . . . . . . 
Savyid Burghash bin Sael'd. 

Russia ........ _ . .. 

Spain .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 
Sweden and :Kúrway .... 
Switzerland " . . . . . . . . .. 
Tunis ................_. 
Turkev ................ 
United States .......... 
Zanzibar .....,........ 



I Ye ar of 
or as- 
I sumption 
of IIffice. 



Queen of Great Britain and In'land .. 
Empress of India.. . . . . . . . . . . . 
Ameer of Afghanistan 
Emperor of Austria.. . . . . . . 
King of Hungary and Dohemia 
King of the Belgians 
Emperor of Brazil 
Prince ....... '" _ . . . 
Emperor of China 
Kiug of Denmark ............ 
Khedive of Egypt .........,......... 
President of the French Republic 
German Emperor............... 
King of Prussia ............ 
King of the Hellenes .. . . . . . .. I 
ng of the Netherlands. _............ 
Kmg of Italy.. ... _ . .. . . . . . . . . 
}Iikado of Japan.................... 
President of the Con. Rep. of }lexico. 
Prince of Montenegro.. . . . . . . . . . . . 
Sultan of Morocco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Shah of Persia ...................... 
President of the Republic of Peru 
King of Portugal .......... 

ince of Ro
.mania... .......... ... ! 
Kmg .._.._.... ...... 
Czar of Russia ................... 

Queen Regen t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " . . . . . . 1 
King of Sweden and Norway.. ., '" 
President of Swiss Confederatiun'" .. . 
Bey of Tunis ................. _ . . " .. , 
Sultan of Turkey .................... i 
President of the United States ....... 
Sultan of Zanzibar .................. 


... Elected annually. 






[ 1888. 


THE QUEEN.-VICTORIA. of the United Kingdóm of 
Great Britam and Ireland, Queen. Empress of India. De- 
fender of the Faith. Her Ma.iesty was born at Kensing- 
ton Palace. May 24. 1819; succ(eded to the throne June 
20, 1837. on the death of her uncle. King William IV. ; 
was crowned June 28. 1838; and married Feb. 10,1840, to 
his Royal Highness Prince Albert. Her Majesty is the only 
child of his late Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent. 
son of King George Ill. The children of Her Majesty are- 
Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Mary LouiRa. 
21.1840, and married to his Royal Highness William, the 
Crown Prmce of Germany, Jan. 25. 1658. and has had 
Issue four sons and four daughters. 
His Royal Highness Albert Edward. PRINCE OF WALES. 
born Nov. 9, 1841; married March 10.1863. Alexandra of 
Denmark (Princess of Wales). born Dec. 1. 1844. and has 
issue. Prince Albert Victor. born Jan. 8, 1864. George 
Frederick Ernest Albert. born June 3. 1865; Louisa Vic- 
toria Alexandra Dagmar. born Feb. 20. 1867; Victoria 
Alexandra Olga Mary. born July 6. 1868; and Maude 
Charlotte Mary Victoria. born Nov. 26. 1869. . 
Her Royal Highness Alice Maud Mary. born April 25. 
1843; married to H. R. H. Prince Frederick Louis of 
Hesse, July 1, 1862, and had issue five daughters and two 

 i ' .' 

': -.- 
-<. iæ : ,'" 
, , 


sons: 8econd son killed by accident May. 1873. Died 
December 14th, 1878. 
His Royal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert. Duke of 
Edinburgh. born Aug. 6.1844: married Her Imperial 
Highness the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, Jan. 23, 
1874, and has issue one son and four daughters. 
Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victoria. born 
May 25, 1846; married to H. R. H. Prince Frederick 
Christian Charles Augustus of Scbleswig-Holstein- 
Sonderburg-Augustenburg, July 5.1866, and has issue 
two sons and two danghters. 
Her Royal Highness Louisa Carolina Alberta, born 
March 18. 1848; married to the Marquis of Lome, eldest 
son of the Duke of Argyle. March 21st, 1871. 
His Royal Highness Arthur William Patrick Albert. 
Duke of Connaught, born May 1. 1850; married 13th 
March. 1879, to Princess Louise Margaret, daughter of 
Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, and has issue one 
son and one daughter. 
His Royal Highness Leopold George Duncan Albert, 
born April 7, 1853; married April 27, 1882, to Princess 
Helen of Waldeck. Died March 28th. 1884. 
Her Royal Highness TIeatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, 
born April 14, 1857. married July 23rd. 1885, to Prince 
Henry of BattenbuNh, and has issue one son. 


GOVERNoR-GENERAL.-The Most Honourable the Marquess of Lansdowne. G.C.M.G. 

MOI!t Honourable the Marquess of Lansdowne. G.C.M.G. 
Staff: Capt. Streatfeild, Grenadier Guards, Secretary of 
the Governor-General and 
Iilitary Secretary; Lieut. the 
Hon. Henry J. Anson, Highland Light Infantry, Aide-de- 
Camp; Lit'ut. H. A. Pakenham. Grenadier Guards, Aide- 
de-Camp; Russell Stephenson, Esq., Extra Aide-de-Camp. 
Streatfeild, Grenadier Guards, Secretary and Military 
Secretary; C. J. .Tones, Chief Clerk; W. S. Campbell and 
C. L. Lawrence. Clerks; George Smith, Messenger. 
Deputy Governors.-Sir Wm. Ritchie. Kt., Chief Justice 
Supreme Court of Canada; John J. McGee. Esq., Clerk 
of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. 
Premür. hu. P. Cbuncil, Rt.Hon.SirJ.A.Macdonald,G.C.B 
Minister of Public Works .........Hon. Sir Hector Langevin 
Mi7tister of Finance .... ............ " Sir Charles Tupper 
MinisüT of Railways and Canals .. John Henry Pope 
Minister of Oustoms ................ " Mackenzie Bowell 
Minil<t,r (If Militia ...... . ... " Sir A. P. Caron 

Postmasür General..................Hon. A. W. McLelan 
Minister oj Agriculture ............ " John Carling 
Minister of Inland Revtnm ...... .. John Costigan 
(Without Portfolio)................. " Frank Smith 
&cretary of State...... ......... ...... " J. A, Chapleau 
Minister of the Interior ............ " Thomas White 
Minister of Justice ....... h.......... " John S. D. Thompson 
Minister of Marine cf Þisheria... " G. E. FOI!ter 
Clerk Privy Council-John J. McGee. 
Officers in the Privy O>uncil Office.-P.J.UbaldeBaudry, 
Asst. Clerk. R. W. Baldwin, Drart
man and Accountant. 
W. Horace Lee. Lewis J. Burpee, F. K. Bennetts, P. J. 
Brennan, Simeon Lelievre, F. Newby, O. L. E. Moll. L. 
H. Chute. H. A. May. and J. Foley, Clerks. M. Naugh- 
ton. Office Keeper and Ch;ef Messenger. 
Charles Tupper, G.C.
I.G.. C.B., Minister of Finance. 
(actillg). 9 and 10 Victoria Chambers. London, S.W.; 
Joseph G. Colml'r. (address as above). Set"Ietary Canadian 
GoverDment Office8 in London; Clarence C. ChipmaD. 
ASI<;"taut f:I'crl'tRry aDd ACt'onntRnt. 

Hon. J. B. PLUMB, Speaker (Niagara). F. J. LANGEVIN. Clerk of the Parliaments. 

Hon. David Reesor ............ Yorkville 
., Elijah Leonard ............ London 
" William McMaster ...... Toronto 
" Sir D. L Macpherson... Toronto 
" Billa Flint ... ............. Belleville 
" George W. Allan ......... Toronto 
" J. F. Armand...Riv. des Prairies 
" William H. Chaffers...St.CésaÏre 
" Jean B. Guévremont.........Sorel 
" James Ferrier............ Montreal 
" Thomas Ryan............ Montreal 
" T. D. Archibald ... Sydney, N. S. 
" Robert B. Dickey.........Amherst 
I; William Miller ............ Arichat 
" A. E. Botsford... Sackville, N.B. 
" William H. Odell.... Fredericton 
" David Wark . ..........Fredericton 
" John Ferguson. ......... Bathurst 
.. A.R.McClelan, Hopewell.Alb.Co. 
" John Glaøler...... SunbUlY, N.B. 
" James Dever...... St. John, N.B. 
A. Mscfarlane......Wallace, N.S. 
I' Frank Smith............... Toronto 
" Robert Read ............ Belleville 
" M. A. Girard. ...St. Boniface, M. 
J. Sutherland... ... Kildonan. M. 

Hon. W. J. Macdonald. Victoria. B. C. Hon. T.R.Mclnnes,N.Westminster.B.C 
" H. A. N. Kaulbach...Lunenburg .. John O'Donohue ......... Toronto 
" M. H. Cochrane ......... Compton "John Schultz ............Winnipeg 
" Alexander Vidal ............Samia "J. B. Plumb......... ...Niagara 
" George Ale:r:ander ... Woodstock "T. Robitaille ...New Carlisle, Q. 
" J. H. Bellerose... St. Vine de Paul "P. A. De Blois... . Beauport. Q. 
" D. Montgomery...... Park Corner .. Donald McMillan, Alexandria, O. 
" R. P. Haythorne...Charlottetown "James Turner....... . Hamilton 
" F. X. A. Trudel..........Montreal "Goo, C. McKindsey....Milton. o. 
" R. W. Scott ..................Otts.wa "JaB. Gibb Ros8 .. ... . Quebec, Q. 
" Pierre Baillargeon......... Quebec "Alexandre Lacoste. .. Montreal 
" A. H. Paquet ........ St. Cuthbert "W.McDonald. L'Ue Glace B.,C.B 
" G. G. Steveno.........Waterloo. Q. "J. Bolduc. St. Victor de Tring, Q. 
" J. D. Lewin.......St. John, N. B. "J. R. Gowan.................Barrie 
" L. G. Power..................Halifax "M. Sullivan...............Kingston 
" R. P. Grant ..........Pictou, N. S. U F. Clemow ...................Ottawa 
" C. A. P. Pelletier............Quebec "P. Poirler.......Rlcbibucto. N.B. 
" JOI!. Rosaire, Thibaudeau, Mont'l "S. Merner.... New Hamburg. o. 
" C. Eo B. de Boucherville, Bouch. "C. E. Cas'?;rain....... Windsor, O. 
" William J. Almon. ......Ranfax "L. McCallum ...... Stromne8B, O. 
"J.S.Carvell.Charlottetown,P.E.I. "L. A. Senécal ........ Montreal 
"JohnBoyd.........St.John,N.B. "W.E.Sanford.......Hamilton 
" Geo. W. HowlaD, AlbertoD,P.E.I. "J.J.Ross, Stew Anne de la Pérade 
" Thos. McKay... Colchester. N.S. "J. J. C. Abbott.... ,.. Montreal 
" Alex. W.Ogilvie.........Montreal I " P. Fortin......... Laprairie, Q. 
Donald MacInnes ......Hamilton 




PERIIUl'IENT OPFIOERS OF THE SENATEOP CANADA.-Robt. LeMoine. Esq., honorary; E. J. Langevin, Clerk, Masterln 
Chancery, Cashier and Accountant; James Adamson, Clerk Assistant, Master in Chancery; J. G. A. Creighton, 
Law Clerk, Master In Chancery, Clerk of Committees and English Translator: The Venerable J. S. Lauder, 
Chaplain: Peter MiUer, First English Clerk and Clerk of Englil.h Journals; R. W. Stephen. Second English Clerk and 
Clerk of Routine and Proceedings, .tc.; Alex. Somter, Third English Clerk and Clerk of Private Bills; A. A. Boucher, 
Second Clerk Assistant, Master in Chancery and Cbief French Translator; AUred Garneau, First French Translator; 
J. de St. D. LeMoine, Sergeant-at-Arms and Clerk of French Journals; C. T. Gibbs, Assistant Accountant; C. Young, 
Junior Clerk; R. Edward Kimber. Gentleman Usher ofthe Black Rod; J. B. l\Iyrarid, Postmaster; Peter Dunne, 
Housekeeper; Pierre Rattey, Doorkeeper; Tbomas Wheeler, News-room Keeper: Joseph LarOl!e Speaker's Mes. 
senger; Frederick Gilbert, Wardrobe Keeper and Assistant Doorkeeper; John Dunne, Bank Messenger; Odilon 
Archambault, J. H. Pelletier, Thomas Davis, Edward Ashe, and William L. L.mbkin, Permanent Messenp:ers; 
André Gravelle, House Carpenter; L. Robitaille, Jas. N. Thomson, Wm. L. Lambkin, Thoodule Paquet, ;So A. 
Choquette, and F. C. O'Meara, Sessional Messengers; Goo. McKinnon, A. Fosbery. E. Berub6, E. Fitzgerald, A. 
Wi1son, and C. Nevi1le, Sessional Pages. 
ADDRESS.-To tbe Honourable the Senate of the Dominion of Canada, In Parliament assembled. 
The Petition of- 

 and dafe.] 

Humbly sheweth. 

That, &r. 


Addington..........John W. Rell .............Desmond. 0 Hants...............Alfred Putnam...........MaitJand, N 8 
Alb,rt ...... .........Rlr.hard C. Weldon. . . . Halifax, N S Baltings, E. R...Samuel B. Burdett....... Belleville, 0 
rta ...... .. .D. W. Davis....... .. ..F. McLeod, NWT Ra,.tings, N. R...Hon. M. Bowell........ ...Ottawa 
Algoma .............Slmon J. Dawson ......Port Arthur. 0 Bastings, Tv. R...Alex. Robertson. .........Belleville, 0 
Annapolis .........John B. Mills......... .l\nnap3lis; N 8 Hochelaga.........Alphonse DetÜardlns....Montreal 
Antigonish......... Hon.J. 8. D. Thompson.Ottawa Huntingdon ......Julius 8criver. ............Hemmingford, Q 
Argenteuil.........James C. Wilson.... ...Montreal Huron, E. R......Peter M8cdonald .........Wingham, 0 
Assinwoia, East. W. D. Perley... WolfCr'k, WOl'ley,NWT Huron. S. R......John McMillan ............Constance, 0 
.Assiniboia, West. Nicholas F. Davin.... . Regina, N W T Huron, w: R....Hobert Porter ............. Blmvale, 0 
Bagot... ............Flavlen Dupont............St. Llbolre. Q Iberville............François Bechard.........Mt. Johnson, 
Beauce ............Joseph GOdbout..........8t.Fr.çois,B.ce,Q lnverne&s ..........Hugh Cameron...........Mabou, N 8 
&aultarntJÏs ......J. G. U. Bergeron.........Montreal, Q JacquelCartier...Déslré Girouard. .........Dorval, Q 
BelZ,chasse.........Guillaume Amyot .... ...Quebec, Q Joliette .... .........Ed. Guilbault.... .........Joliette, Q 
Berthier ............OIéophall Beausolell.....Montreal, Q KamouTalka......Alexls Dessaint .......... Kamouraska, Q 
Bonaventur'- ......L. J. Riopel.................Quebec Kent, N. B. ......P. A. Landry......... . Dorchester, N B 
Bothwell............Hon. David ì\llIls.........l'almyra, 0 Kmt, O.............Archibald Campbell....Chatham, 0 
Brant, N.R. ......James SOmerville.........Dundas. 0 King'l, N. B......Hon. George E. Foster..Ottawa 
Brant, S.R. ......Wm. Paterson ............Brantford. 0 King's. N. S......Fr('deri
k W. Borden....Oanning. N B 
Brockvilk. .........Jno. Fisher Wood.. ......Brockvllle, 0 King's P. E 1 { Peter A. McIntyre...Souril', PEl 
Brome...............S. A. Fisher................. Knowlton, Q , . .... James E. Robertl'on.Montague Bridge 
Bruce, E.R......... Henry Cargill.......... ...Cargill, C Kingston .......... Hon. 8ir J. Macdonald. Ottawa, 0 
Bruce, N.R. ......Alex. McNeill..............Wiarton, 0 Lambton. E. R...Goorge Moncrleff.........Petrolla, 0 
Bruce. w:R.......Hon. Edward Blake......Toronto, 0 [N S Lambtlm, W. R..,J. F. Llster..................Sarnia, 0 
Cape Breton J H. F. McDougall... ...Chrlstmas Island, Lanark,.N. R....JOI!. Jamieson.............. Almonte, 0 
......1 David McKeen.........Ltt. Glace B., N S Lanark, S. R. ...J. G. Haggart. .............Perth, 0 
Ca,.dwell............Hon. Thomas White ...Ottawa LaprairIe .........Cyrllle Doyon.............8t. Isidore, Q 
Carleton, N.B. ...I<'rederick H. Hale....... Woodstock, N B L' Assfl/nption ...JOI!eph Gauthier..........Laurentides, Q 
Carleton, O. ......lIon. SirJ. Macdonald..Ottawa Laval ...............Hon. J. A.Oulmet......Montreal 
Cariboo .... ........James Reid ...............Quesnelle. B. C Leeds and Gren. } C F Fe 0 K t"I1 0 
Chambly............Raymond Prefont.alne . Montrl.'al ville,N. R....... . rgus n........ emp VI e, 
Champlain ...... H. Montplalsir ........... la J\1agdel'ne Leeds, S. R. ... ...Georp:e Taylor. ....... ... ...GlLnlLnoque, 0 
Cltarlevoi:c ......... ...... ........................... Lennox ... ........, Uriah Wilson......... Napanee. 0 
Charlotle ...... ...A. H. Gillmor ..............St. Georl!;e, N B Lévis ...... ...... ...P. M. Guay ...... ............1<
tchemin, Q 
Chateauguay......Edward Holton .........Montreal Lincoln clNiag ..J. C. Rykert ...............St. Catharines, 0 
Chicout.&S:zguen,Panl COuture..............Latterlère, Q Lisgar...............Arthur W. Ross..........Vanoouver, B C 
Colchester .........Hon. A. W. McLelan....Ottawa L'l&let...............P. B. Casgrain.............Quebec 
Cbmptnn............ Hon. J.H. Pope............Ottawa London.......... ...Hon. John Carling... ...Ottawa 
Cbrn. & Stor'nt...Darby Bergin .............Cornwall, 0 Lotbini
re ....... .C.1. Rinfret...............Ste. Croix, Q 
CUmberland ......Hon.SlrChas.Tupper...Ottawa, 0 Lunenburg .......James D. Eisenhauer..Lunenburg, N S 
Digby......... ...... Herbert L. Jones......... Weymouth, N 8 Marquetle. ...... ...Robert Watson ........... Portage laPrairle 
Dorchuür .......................................... [Q Maski1Wngé ......Charles J Coulombe....St. Justin. Q 
Drum'd clArthab.JOI!eph Lavergne.........Arthabal'kaville, Mpgantic............ueorge Turcot....... .Ste. Julie, Q 
Dundas......... ...C. E. Hickey......... ....... 
Iorrisburg, 0 Middlesex, E. R. Joseph H. Marshall......London, 0 
Durham, E. R....Hellry Alfred Ward ....Port Hope Middlesex, N. R. Timothy Coughlin ......Offa, 0 
Dur,ham, W. R...Hon. E. Blake ............Toronto Midàlesex, S.R...James Armstrong......... Wilton Grove, 0 
Blgm, E. R. ......John II. Wilson...........St. Thomas; 0 Middlesex, Tv. R. William F. Roome ......Newbury, 0 
Elgin, w: R......G. E. Casey ................Fingal, 0 Jlissisquoi .........Georl!;e Clayes '" .......... Bedford. Q 
Essex, N.R.........James C. Patterson...... Windsor, 0 Monck...............Arthur Bovle .............Dunnville, 0 
Essex, S. R...... ...James Brien... ......... ... Essex Centre, 0 Montcalm ...... ...0. Thérien ...... ......... ...Ste. Julienne, Q 
F'rontenac ......... Hon. G. A. Kirkpatrick. Kingston, 0 Mont'TM{Jny ...... P. Aug. Choquette...... .I'tlontmagny, Q 
Gaspé ...... ......... L. Z. Joncas................ Percé, Q Montmorency . ...Charles Langelier...... ...Quebec, Q 
Glengarry.........Peter Purcell...............SummeI'l!town,Q Montreal, Cl!ntre.John Jos. Curran .......Montreal 
ter .........Kennedy F. Burns......Bathurst, N B JlontreaJ, East...Chas. Jos. Coursol........8t. Thomas, Q 
Grmvi.lle, S. R...Walter 8hanly ............Montreal .Montreal, flut ...8ir Donald A Smith....l'tlontreal 
Grey, E. R.........Thomas S. Sproule ......Mark.dale, 0 Muskoka............ Wm. Edward 0'Brien...8banty Bay, 0 
Grey, N.R.........James MlU!son............Owen Sound, 0 Napierville ......Louis 8te. Marle.........St. Réml, Q 
Grey, S. R.........George Landerkin........Hanover, 0 New Westminster. Donald Chillholm.......NewWestmlnllter 
Guysborough......Johu A. Kirk..............Glenelg. N S Nicolet ............A. Gaudet ..................Gentilly. Q 
Haldimand. ...... Walt
r H. Montague.... Dunnville, 0 Norfolk, N. R ...Jolm CharltoR ...........,Lynedoch, 0 
Halifax { lion. A. G. Jones ......Halifax, N 8 Norfolk, S. R.....David Tlpdale. ............Slmcoe, 0 
............ Thomas E. Kenny.... Halifax. N 8 Northum'd, N.B. Hon. Peter Mitchell..... Montreal 
Halton ............John Wa'die...............Toronto. 0 Northum,O.,E.R.Albert E. Mallory....... Warkworth, 0 
Hamilton Oity { Adam Brown .......... Hamilton, 0 North'a, 0., Tv. R.Georp:e Guillet...... ......Cobourg, 0 
, ... Alexander McKay.... Hamilton, 0 Ontario N. R....Frank MadUl...............BelLverton 0 




Ontar!o, 8. R. ... William Smith ......... ...Columbus, 0 
Ontano, >>.R. ...Jas. D. Edgar. ............. Toronto 
vttawa Ofty { Wm. Goodhue Perley.Ottawa, 0 
, ...... Honoré Robillard.... Montreal, Q 
Ottawa, Oounty .Alonzo Wright............lronside, Hull. Q 
Oxford, N. R. ...James Sutherland....... Woodstock 0 
Oxford, S. R......Sir Richard Cartwright.Kingshm, 0 
el ................ William A. McCulla.... .Brampton, 0 
Perth. N. R.......Samuel R. Hesson....... Stratford. 0 
 8. R. ......James Trow ...............Stratford. 0 
Peter oro'. E. R..Jobn, 0 
terboro'. Tv. R.James Stevenson.........Peterborougb. 0 
Pictou { Charles H Tupper. ... Halifax. N S 
...... ......... John .McDougald...... Westville. N B 
-"mtiac ...........John ßryson...............Fort Coulonge, Q 
PrYrtneuj' . .........J.E. A. De St. Georges... Quebec. Q 
Prucott ............Simon L!l.brosse. .........St. Eugene. 0 
Prince P. B L { B. F. Perry. . , ......... Tignish. PEl 
· . . ... James Yoo...............Port Hill, PEl 
 liHward...Jobn Milton Platt........ Picton, 0 
Prootncher.........Joeeph Royal. ............St. Boniface, M 
c. C1mtr
. ...Franç,)ls Ls.uge1ier,_....Quebec 
Quebec, liltut ......Hon. Wilfrid Laurier...Arthabaskaville 
Qutbec. Wut......Hon. Thos. McGreevy...Quebec 
QLV.beC Cbunty. ... Hon.Slr Adolphe Caron. Ottawa 
Quun's, N. B. ...George F. Baird. . . '" ...St. Jobn. N B 
Quun's, N. 8.. ...J. N. Freeman. ............Liverpool, N S 
Qzuw', P. E. L { L. H. Davies.............Chariottetown 
, . " William Welsh..........Charlottetown 
nfrew. N. R...Peter White. ...............Pembroke, 0 
w, S. R...John Fergnflon... ...... ...Admaston, 0 
. ......George Moffat.... .........Dalhousie. N B 
Richelieu . .........J. B.'lle.... ,....... ...Montreal, Q . 
Rich7M1td. N.S..Edmund P. Flynn.......Arichat. N S 
Rich'd dWó{fe,Q.WilIiam B. Ives............8herbroob, Q 
Ri11l,()Wki .........J. B. R'Jmuald Fiset... . Rimouski, Q 
Rouvilk... ...... ...G. A. Gigault...............St. Càsaire, Q 
Russen . ............ Wm. C. Edwards.... .....Rockland, 0 
St. Hyacin'M. ...M. E. Bernier........ ......St. Hyacintbe. Q 
St.Joll11.NB..Oity.John V. Ellis..... .. ....St. John, N B 
&.Jolm,N.B.,Oity f Charles N. Skinner...St. John. N B 
and (À)f.J.nty . ... C. W . Weldon.......... St. John, N B 
St. John, Q.........F. Bourassa. ...............St. Valentine. Q 
St. Maurice .......F. S. L.,Désa.ulnlers.....Yamachiche. Q 
Sa.katchewan.... D. H. Macdowall..... . Prince Alb't,NWT 
OFFICERS OF THE HOU8E.-John George Bourinot, LL.D.. Clerk of the House; F. F. Rouleau, Clerk Assistant.; 
Donald W. Macdonell. Sergeant-at-Arms; Henry R. Smith, Deputy ditto. LL.D. Chüf Branch-William C. 
Bowles, Clerk of Votes and Proceedings and Secretary to the Clerk of the Houae; I. B. Taylor, Assistant Cierk of 
Votes and Proceedings; F. McGillivray, Clerk of Routine and Records; A. G. D. Taylor. Clerk of English Journals; 
J. Dalton. As
ist.nt ditto and Clerk of Petitions; J. R. E. Chapleau. Translator of Votes and Proceedings and 
Journals; P. Rivat. Clerk of French .Tournals; J. A. Polkinghorne. Clerk of Sflssional Papers; T. Ouimet. Assistant 
French Journal Clerk; E. Tasse. Clerk of Committees; L. D. Duvernay, Assistant ditto; Walter Todd. Clerk of 
Standing Committees on Private Bills and Standing Orders; Charlell Panet, Assistant ditto; R. :.\lcG. Moffat, Clerk 
of Railways and Banking and Commerce Comwittees; E. P.Hartney. Aisistant ditto and Clerk of Standing Committee 
on Public Accoun ts; R. P. King. Junior ClElrk. Law and Translation Branch- W. WII80n,Q.C..M.D., Law Clerk; F. A. 
McCord, Assistant ditto and Chief English Translator; T. G. C01\1'so11es. Asaistant ditto and Chief French Translator; 
F. B. Hayet! alld R. J. Wicksteed, Assistant English Tranllators; J. A. Genand, A. Frechette. D. L. Desaulniers. L. 
Laframboise, E. Query, F. X. Demers and E. Perrin. Assistant French Tran.ldors. MúcelianetYU6 Branch-Henry 
Hartney. Accountant; Robert Brewer. Assi1!tant ditto; Robert Romaine. Cler
 of Stationery and Superintendent of 
the Printing of Sessional Papers of Parliament; Cnarles E. Clarke. Assistant ditto and Proof Reader; Wm. Cairns, N. 
Robldeaux. H. Macdonell and W. Dube. Junior Clerks; J. StansMd, Postmaster; A. E. Pelletier, Assistant ditto; F. 
X. Lemieux. Second ditto. &rgeant-at-Arms Branch-Lucien DuM. Chief Messenger; N. Turgeon, Assistant ditto; 
R. Harris, Doorkeeper; Edward storr. Curator of Readiug Room; lJeorgl' Smith. Bank Messenger; M. Laflamme. J. 
E. ASl'elin, Georie Smith. Claire IIu
g and A. Lizotte, Messengers; G. A. Boudreault, the Clerk's Messenger: Robert 
Craig and Goo. W. Holder, Night Watchmen; Jamea Sinclair, House Carpenter. Printing of Rxrli2ment-Henry 
Hartney, Clerk of Joint Committee; E. BottereIl, Distributor of Printed Papers; N. Boulet and H. A. Botterell, 
Assistants; J'. Wiltshire, J. Rivet and W. Whillock. Messengers; R. Harris. Doorkeeper. 
ADDRE88.-To the Honourable the House ofComlD('lI.s of the Dominion of Canada. In Parliament assembled. 
The Petition of - 
Humbly øhewetb, That. .tc. 

[Plact and Date.] 

S,lkirk . ............ Thomas M. Daly......... Brandon, M 
Shefford............Antoine Audet.............North Btukely, Q 
 ......... Tbomas Robertson... ...Barrington, N B 
Sherbrooke .......R. N. Hall...................Sherbrooke, Q 
Simcoe, E.R...... Herman H. Cook..........Toronto 
Simcoe, N.R......Dalton McCarthy..........Toronto 
Simcoe, S. R......Richard Tyrwhitt.........Bradford, 0 
Sn'UÙJ.ngu. .........Jas. W. Bain. ...............St. Polycarpe. Q 
Stan.teaà . ...... ...Charles C. Colby. ...... ...Stanstead, Q [N B 
Sunbury............R. D. Wilmot. Jun......Burton, Sunbury, 
71 '
 . P E db . { Riviere du Loup 
"m'&Scouata ...... . . Gran OIS ...... (en bas) Q 
Terrebonne...... .,. Hon. J. A. Chapleau.... . Ottawa 
Three River. ...... Hon. Sir H. Langevin ...Ottawa 
Toronto, Centre...G. R. R. COCkburn.......Toronto 
Thronto. .Ðut......John Small... ....... ...... Toronto 
1bronto, Wut.... F. C. Denison.......... ....Toronto 
Two Mountains...J. B. Daoust ..............,St. Eustacbe. 
J7ancouver Island.David Wm. Gordon. ...Nanaimo, B C 
"l... ...... .. Hugh McMillan....... Rigaud, Q 
Verchéres............Hon. F. Gboffrion ...... Verchères. Q 
Pi' tor' B C. { Edgar Orow Baker.... Victoria. B C 
a, . ... Noah Shakespeare.... Victoria. B C 
Victoria,N.B ......Hon. .John Costigan...Ottawa 
Victoria, N.S ......John A. McDonald.....ßaddeck, N S 
Victoria,O.,N.R...Jobn A. Barron.........Lindsay, 0 
Victoria.O.. S.R.Adam Hudspeth.........Lindsay. 0 
Waterloo, N.R.... I. E. Bowman............ St. Jacob, 0 
Waterloo. S.R ....James Livingston...... Baden. 0 
Welland ............John Ferguson..........Niagara Falls. 0 
Wellington G.R...Andrew Semple .........Fergus,O 
JJ7i.llington, N.R.Jas. McMullen...... ....Mount Forest. 
Wellington, S.R .James Innes...............Guelph, 0 
Wimtworth,N.R.Tbomas Bain.............Dundas. 0 
Wentworth, S.R. F. W. Carpenter..... ...Stony Creek. 0 
wP.itmoreland....Josiah Wood..............Sackville. N B 
Winnipeg..........Wm. B. Scarth. ..........Winnipeg. M 

.. ::: ::: ::::

Yarmouth .........John Lovitt ..... ......... Yarmouth, N.S 
York. N.B.........Thos. Temple .............Fredericton. N.B 
York, 0.. J!J.R ...Hon. A. MacKenzie.....Toronto 
York, 0., N. R... Wm. M ulock......... ...... Toronto 
York, 0., W.R...N. C. Wallace. .... .. . Woodbridge, 0 

DEPARTMENT OF JU8TICE.- Hon. John S. D. Thompson, 
Minister of Justice; George W. Burbidge. Q.C.. Deputy 
Minister of Jnstice; A. Power, Q.C', Chief Clerk;' 
Leslie. G. L. B. Fraser. F. H. Gisborne, W. E. Hodgins. 
Jobn Chisholm. W. H. Blackadar. P. M. Cote. J. E, 
Narraway and A. J. Horan. Clerks; D. B. Stewart. 
Minister's Private Secretary; R. J. Roberlson, Messenger. 
Penitentiary Branch-J. G. Moylan, Inspector cof Peniten- 
tiarieø; t}eorge L. Foster. Accountant; II. B. S. Lane, Clerk. 
CU8TOMS DXPARTM&l'fT [Eastern Block).-Hon. Mackenzie 
BoweU, Minister of Customs; James Johnson, Commis- 
8ioner of Customs; W. G. Parmelee, Assistant Commi/!- 
sioner i E. L. Sanders, Minlster'ø Private Secretary. 
Áccountant'. Branch-T. J. Watters, Accountant; W. C. 

Baker. W. J. Robertson. J. RU8I'ell, J. Courtney. J. Camp- 
bell. F. J. Code, R. R. Farrow, A. Lacerte and Miss Jessie 
Christie, Clerks. Corrupondence Branch-T. Alder D. 
Bliss. A. Morin. W. J. Mackenzie. Clerks; (j. H. Fawcett. 
Stationery Clerk. Statistical Br meh-James Barry, Chief 
Clerk; C. H. Harding. H. Bennett. A. C. Bleakney. C. E. 
McKeil, C. V. Ince. Jobn Ackers. Clerks. John Wall", 
John Carleton and Harry Carleton, Messengers. H. 
Kavanagh, W. H. Hill. T. C. Mewburn, W. R. Mingaye, 
L. Robitaille. J. S. MacLaren. Inspectors of Ports. J. F. 
Wolff. Special Agent. J. A. Ilrosse, Spl'cial Re:venue 
Officer. Board of Appraisers-J. Johnson, Chairman 
(e:lJoQfficio); Geo. W. Je8sup, Appraiser and Secretary. 




Those -marked thus * are Warehousing Ports. 
Amhustburg,* E. Anderson. Napante, Goo. :\1. }4
Bl'lkvilù.* W. Webster. NewC'arlisù.*P.C.Beauchesne 
Brantford,* H. B. Leeminll;. N
wca.tle, F. Farncomb. 
Brighton,* M. K. Lockwood. Niagara." W. Kirby. 
Brockville,* George Ellston. Oakvilù.. R. K. Chisholm. 
Ghatham,. J.G.Pennefather. Oshawa.. George Fr. Bl"mey 
Clarencevilù. W. M. Pattison. Ottawa, Z. Wilson. 
Clifton,* W. Leggett. Owen Sound, J. C. Stephens. 
Coaticook, * W. S. Williamll. Paris,. Thomas Hall. 
Oobourg,* Ch. E. Ewing. Rm'tang'silentW.M.Thompson 
Oolborm,. D. E. Macfarland. Percé. W. Flynn 
lhrnwall,. Alex.V. McMiIlan.Peúrboro', James Stratton. 
Oramal}e, * George A. Fowler Picton,. Wal ter J. Ross. 
Darlington,* John Rankin. Potton, W. Lynch. 
D01Jer,* T. B. Barrett. Prucott," H. D. Jessup. 
Dundal,. W. Gillspy. Quebec," Hon.J.G.Blanchet. 
Dundee," M. M. Smith. Rimouski,* J. A. Martin. 
Dunnrille, A. Brownson Russeltown, R. Rogers. 
.Jbrt Erie,. E. W. Brookfield Sarnia," G. N. Matheson. 
Prelighsburgh, W. C. Baker. Saugeen, James Fleming. 
Gananoque, J. Ormiston. Sault Ste. Mam,. J. Wilson. 
Gaspe,. J. J. Kavanagh. Sherbrooke. Chas. E. Porry. 
Gaderich,. Asher Farrow. Sorel, J. Matthiew. 
Guelph, T. A. Heffernau. Stanstead, C. S. Channell. 
Ha-milton,"David McCulloch. St. Catharinu, H. H. Collier. 
Hemmingford, F. S. Proper. St. Hyacinth,. J. S. Hamel. 
Hope." E. J. W. Burton. St. Johns,* H. G. Perchard. 
Kingston.*Clarke Hamilton. Stratford, John Hamilton. 
Kingsville, S. King. Sutton, Asa Tracy. 
Lacolù, P. Dozois. Three River., A. A. Lant1er. 
Lindsay, D. Browne. Thronto,. Hon. Jas. Patton. 
London,. RobPrt Reid. 1'rentrm,* J. F. McGuire. 
Magdaùn Islands, J. R. F. Wallacrourgh, C. Fraser. 
Painchaud_ Whitby,* G. A. Carson. 
Mont1'eal,. M. P. Ryan. Windsor,. Wm. Benson. 
Harrisburg, Hiram Carman. Woodstock.* W. H. VanIngen 
Minister of Inla.nd Revenue; E. Miall, Commissioner; 
W. J. Gerald, Assistant Commissioner. &crttary'. 
Branch-W. Himsworth, Chief Clerk and Secretary; W. 
Carter, Short-hand Writer; A. Lug8ip:nan, Clerk and 
Translator. Accountant's Branch-P. M. Robins, Chief 
Clerk aud Accountant; F. R. K Campeau, Assistant Ac- 
countant; J. E. Valin. C. R. Hall, J. A. Doyon, G Brunei, 
J. F. Brown, John Byrnes, H. G. Lamothie and R. Quain, 
Clerks. Statistical Elranch-W. L. Heron, R. Nettle, J. F. 
Shaw. Canal Branch-B H. Teakles, N. Stewart, R. Devlin. 
Hydraulic, Rents, de.-C. E. Chubbuck. Form. Branch- 
F. K. Blatch. Stamps Branch-George Fowler. Standards 
Branch-J. Brunei, Clerk. &cretary to Minister-
1. F. 
Walsh. Ghv,f Analyst-Thoma8 MacfarJane. A. McGill 
F. X. L. Lefebvre, Asftistant Analysts. Laboratory Clerk 
-Thomas C<l
ey. Messengers-- R. Archambault, John 
Courtman and A. McCullou
Inspectors of Inland Rev,nue. - Henry Godson, of 
Toronto, Chief Inspector; John Davis of Windsor, for 
sor District; John Morrow, of Tordnto, for Toronto 
stnct; W. L. Hamilton, of Brockville, for Kingston Vis- 
tnct; R. Bellemare, of Montreal, for Montreal District; J. 
M. Lemoine, of Quebec, for Quebec District; John N. 
Moore, of St. John. N.R, for New Brunswick District; R. 
Borraiaile, of Halifax, N. S.. for Nova Scotia District; J. 
K. Barrett, of Wiunipe
, for Manitoba District; Wm. 
GlII. of Victoria, for British Columbia District; R. 
Borradaile. of Halifax, for Prince Edward Island. John 
Davis, of Windsor, Inspector of Distilleries. W. J. Gerald, 
Inspector of Tohacco Factories. W. J. Johnstone, Chief 
In8pector of Standards. 
linister of Finance, Hon. Sir 
Chas. Tupper, C.B.. G C.M.G.; Deputy Minister of Finance, 
J. M: Courtney; Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance, 
W. Fitzgerald. Accountant of Contingencies, R. W. Bax- 
ter. Comptroller of Dominion Currency, F. Toller. Chief 
Clerk to Savings Bank8, C. J. Anderson. Dominion Book- 
keeper, M. G. Dickieson. Financial Inspector, T. D. Tims; 
Assistant Financial Inspector, G. Y. Crookshank. Secre- 
tary to Finance Minlster. C. C. Chipman. First Class 
Clerks-Geo. Lowe, jun., C. A. Gough, C. W. Treadwell, 
John McNicol, John Fra8er. Second Class Clerks-G. M. 
Jarvis, J. B. H. Neeve, J. R. Nash, C. E. Turgeon, C. F. 
Street, H. G. R. Fripp, J. A Clayton, E. S. Wiggins, N. S. 
Garland, James Hopkirk, John Belfour, Cameron Stanton, 
W. L Blair, J. P. Nutting. T. C, Bovilld, E. Capbert, E. A. 
Black. Third Cla8s Clerks-C. J. Tasker, Thomas Gil- 
mour, F. A. Cvfiìn, C. W. C. Tabor, Eo L. Brittain, A. B. 

Foster, W. H. Hayes. C. S. Scott, A, J. O'ReiUy, J. C. 
Saunders. MeI!
engers-P. Pender, P. Connolly. W, H. 
Ostrom, F. A. Evans. Insurance Brrnch-W. i'itzgeraId, 
Superintendent; A. K. Blackadar. W. J. R. McMinn. 
Works, Hon. Sir H. L. Langevin, C.B.,'K.C.M.G. Deputy 
Minister of Pul'lic Works, G. F. Baillairgé. Secretary, 
A. Gobeil. Chief Engineer, H F. Perley. Chief Archi- 
tect, Thos. Fuller. Chief Accountant, O. Dionne Supt. 
of Tel., F. N. Gisborne. Private Secretary, E. F. E. Roy, 
Engineering Branch-Chief Clerk. R. Steckel. Mechanical 
Engineer-Chief Clerk. J. R. Arnoldi. First Cla8sClerks- 
J. P. Macpherson, F. C. Lightfoot. Second Class Clerks- 
E. P. Bance. J, C. Tsché, A., Kingston, E, Dionne, Dr. A. 
Belleau, J.Vincent. Third Class Clerks-D. A.Macpherson, 
J. E. Verrault,J. CoM. H. Talbot, S. O'Brien, E. J. Smith, 
Goo. Hennesey, R. J. Robillard. Me8sengers-H. Potvin, 
Jos. A. Chabot. 
-Postmaster-Generai, Hon. A. W. McLelan; Deputy Post- 
master-General. W. H. Griffin. Su:retary's Branch-Chief 
Clerks-Lieut.-Col. W. White, Secretary; W. D. LeSueur, 
Assistant Secretary. 1st Class Clerks-H. S. Weatherley. 
J. Walsh, J. Plunkett, A. Lindsay and C. Falconer. 2nd 
Class Clerks-G. H Hargrave, II. W. Griffin, A. W. Throop, 
G. R. White, J. M. O'Leary, G. J. Binks, G. Marsau, E. P. 
Stanton, W. Greaves. C. Pope. R. G. Dunlevie and F. G. 
Moon. 3rd Class Clerks-G. Rance: D. A. C. MacDonald. 
A. J. MacDermid, J. A. Macdonald, W. J. Fréchette, H. H. 
Morton. J. Carter, H. Knaut
 W O. Little. J. Brown, G. A. 
D. Mailleue, P. B. PoweU, T. Roy, A. Lampman, C. P. V. 
Béroard. B. !.\1. Northrop, E. L. Ta}<lor, E. Daubney, E. 
Bunel. C L. Hutton, G. C. Wood, H. Brenot, N. W. Curtis, 
W. Al
ord, J. S. Stevenson, J. Prendergast, K. Merrick, 
L. Robinson, A. Samuels, E. M. O'Connor. J. Seymour, W. 
Smith, J. Grant, E. D. Osgood. F. C. Anderson, G. H. 
Parish, K. E. Falconer, E. M. Walker, K. T. 'Vaddell, T. 
E. McLelan. H. S. Stewart, H. McGuire, P. D. Bentley, T. 
I. D. Moffat, J. Buckley. Packers-S. Greenfield, T. A. 
CalIarati, J. Marier and .J. Bradley. Cashin's Br7l'TIclt- 
ChiefClerk-J. Ashworth, Cashier. 2nd Class Clerks- 
A. McLennan, L. H. Pouliot. 3rd Class Clerk-J. P. 
Howard. Printing and Supply Branch-Chief Clerk- 
Sidney Smith, jun., Superintendent. 1st Cla8s Clerk- 
O. Fortier. 2nd Clas8 Clerk-W. D. O'Brien. 3rd Class 
Clerks-J. R. Greenfield, R. Gl'eenfield. D. Clarabut, D. 
II. Goulden, W. Ferguson and J. Brigl!s. Packers-We 
.Cooch. M. Galvin, T. Hartuedy, G. Elbourne, A. 
IoI"l'e, J. 
Barrett, J. Elliott, J. B. Laurie, M. J, Mahon, J. Bell, H. J. 
Cooch, W. H. Cheney, J. C. Benn. P. Kehoe and J. II. 
Lewis. Accountant's Branch-Chief Clerks-H. A. Wick- 
steeJ, Accountant; W. H. Smithson, Assistant Account- 
ant. 1st Class Clerk-Po E. Bucke. 2nd Class Clerks- 
E. II. Benjamin, L. Blanchet, C. J. B. Higgins, D. F. Mc- 
Carthy, N. G. D'Auteuil, A. Devine, D. A. Barrett and T. 
McGrail. 3rd Class Clerks-R. .J. Oliver, J. G. Fortier, E. 
A. D. Jone",P. T. Leahy, C. O. Doucet. W. H. Burpee, N. 
Champagne. T. :\1. Oliver, G. C. Anderson, E. WIIt;on. F. 
K. Rochester, F. Lemieux, H, S. Shaw, H. S. Campbell, T. 
Ainsborough, C.'R. Robertsson, 1. 'fraversy,W. Q. Ketch- 
um, 'V. J. Glover and E. B. 'Vood. Messengers-M. Bfn- 
nett, J. Dodd, D. Courtney and J. Spence. Private Secre. 
tary-T. E. I'tIcLelan. Money Order Braneh-ChiefClerks 
-J. C. Stewart, Superintendent; G. F. Everett. Assistant 
Superintendent. 1st Class Clerk-We J. Barrett. 2nd 
Class Clerks-J. P. Brophv, R. J. Shaw. S. S Thorne, D. 
D. M,<Pherson. W. J. Johnstone. J. F. Wall and W. 
Rowan. 3rd Class Clerks-
1. K. Dunlevie. A. W. WaU, 
J. H. Spencer, J. C. Beatty. F. 1\1. 8. Jenkins, F. II. F. 
Mercer, F. E. S. Grout, C. W. Lally, T. :K Visser, W. R. 
Hanley, J. L. Olivier. W. T. wilson. J. Mullin, E. L. Lea- 
royd, G. H. Haye8, J. :H. Conroy, G. L. I'lunkett, S. Short, 
F. O. O. A. Sep:uin, C. A. Meikle, J. S. Hale, J. G Fortier 
and J. C. Martin. Packers-C. A. Clark and A. Wheatley. 
Savings Bunk Branell-ChiefClerks-J. C.Stewart, Super- 
intendent; D. Matheson, Assistant Superintendent. 1st 
Class Clerk-W. H. Harrington. 2ndClass Clerks-J. 
R08e Smith, W. H. Eagleson. J. H. Fairweather, E. B. 
Bell, W. H. Kreps and W. H. McCuaip;. 3rd Class Clerks 
-J. C. Bonner, J. Chamllrd, J. H. Bollard. P. B. Ta:ylor, 
E. E. F. Taylor, H. N. P. Chesley, A. E. Heming, 1\1. J. 
Fin.... K F. Jarvis, W. C. E. Stewart, A. F. L. Geddes, H. 
Mc Jillivray, Eo C. Hayes, J. E. Pelton, R. W. Breadner, 
J. A. Jackson, P. Regan, G. A. Hunt and W. J.II. Adams. 
Messenp:er-S. Graha.m, 'V. Cherry Packer-We J. Bell. 
Po,' Office Inlptxtor.-ChiefInspector, J. Dewe, Ottawa; 
Nova Scotia, C. J. Macdonald, Halifax; Prlnce Edward 




Island, F. de St. Croix Brecken (POBtmaster of Charlotte. T. S. HIgginson. Geological Survey Branch-A. R. C. 
town), Charlottetown; New Brnnswir.k, S. J. King, St. Selwyn, Director; G.,M. Dawson, Assistant Director and 
John; Quebec, A. Bolduc, Quebec; Three Rivers, G Geolofo(ist; Robert Bell, Assistant Director and Geologist; 
A. Bourgeois, Three Rivers; Montreal. E. F. King, Mon- J. F. Whlteaves, Assistant Director and Palæontologi8t; 
treal;Ottawa.T.P.French,Ottawa;Kingston,G.E.Grimn, G. C. Hoffman, Assistant Director and Chemist; Jno. 
Kingston; Toronto, M. Sweetnam, Toronto; Barrie, D. Macoun, Botanist; S. Barlow, Chief Draftsman; J. 
Spry, Barrie; London, Robt. W. Barker, London; Strat- Mar8hall, Secretary and Assistant Draft8man; R. V. 
ford, Henry G. Hopkirk, Stratford; British Columbia Ells, }4'ield Geologist; Hugh Fletcher, Field Geologist; F. 
E. H. Fletcher, Victoria: Manitoba and North-West C. Weston, Assistant Curator; R. G. McConnell, Field 
Territory, W. W. McLeod, Winnipeg. Geolol!'ilt; Fran!:: D. Adams, Assistant Chemist; J. B. 
DEPARTMENT OP RAILWAYS AND CANALs.-Hon. J. B. P.:>pe, Tyrrell, Field Geologist; Eugene Coste, 
1ining Geologist; 
l\Iinisterof Railways & Canals; T. Trudeau, Depnty do.; A. E. D. Ingall, Mining Geologist; L. M. Lambe, Artist: C. 
p. Bradley, Secretary; John Page, Chief Engineer Canals; W. WllIlmott, Assistant Curator; A. S. Cochrane, Assist- 
C. Schrieber, Chief }4
ngineer Governm"nt Railways; J. ant Topographer; Jno. McMUlan, !:Iurveyor and Explorer; 
Baine, A,'countant; H. A. Fissiault. Law Clerk; W. J. A. P. Low. Surveyor and Explorer; H. M. Ami, 2nd 
Tilley, F. A, Dixon, Chal. Costin. Corresponding Clerks; Assistant Palæontologist; Jno. Thorburn, Librarian ; 
S. L. Shannon, Accountant's Branch; T. Cross, Chief M. O'Farrell, Resident Caretaker; Jno. Meade, Messenger. 
Clerk; L. K. Jones, A.N.Greenfield, Railways in Operation DEPARTMENT OF INJ)IAN AfPAIRS-INSIDE SERVICE.- 
Branch; A. Uriacke Almon, Draughtsman; M W. Mav- Honourable Thomas White, Superintendent General ot 
nard, L. H. Filteau, L. N. Fortier, L. D. Dion, W. A. HiÍI, Indian Affairs; L. Vankoughnet, Deputy Supt. do.; 
H. L. B. Ross, A. Cameron, J. W. PUj!;sley and J. E. 
bert Sinclair, Chief Clerk and Accountant; A. 
Methot, Records; J. N. Deslauriers, J. Deslauriers, and Dingman, Inspector of Indian Agencies and Reserves; 
JOBeph Page. Messengers. W. A. Austin, Chief Draughtsman; G. W. Burbidge, 
IILITIAAND DEPENOE.-[Western Block.] SolIcitor of Indian Affairs; A. N. McNeill, Corresponding 
Hon. Sir Adolphe P. Caron, K.C.
I G, Minister of Militia Clerk; J. V. de Boucherville, French Translator; }4'. W. 
and Defence; Col. Hon. 0- E. Panet, Deputy of the Minis
r; Smith, Assistant Accountant; T. F. S. Kirkpatrick, 
Capt.AlphonseBenoit,PrivateSecretary; EugeneVerreult, Clerk: J. D. McLean,8tenogTspher; D. C. Scott. R. 
}Iessenger. Office of Minister of Militia and Deft:n
.-B. G. Dalton. Book-keepers; M. Benson, Assistant Corres. 
Suite, H. D. J. Lane, A. Benoit, Colin Campbell (Retired pondlng Clerk; Samuel Stewart. Clerk of Records; John 
Assistant Paymaster R. N.), and E. Edmond Lemieux, McGirr, Clerk of Statistics; H. C. ROBS, Assistant Steno- 
Clerks; N. Casault, Messenger. Account Branch-c. H. grapher; Samuel Bray, ASlli..tant Draughtsman; Thos. Cof. 
O'Meara, Chief Clerk and Accountant; Lt.-Co!. D. A. Mac- fev.jr., H..J. Brook, JOB. Deli!'le. H. G. McL. MainllY. Hiram 
donald. F. X. Lambert. W. H. Aumond, Edmund B. Bolt, McKay,J. W. Shore, Wm. A.Orr, RegistrarofIndian Land 
F. E. P. Aldrich, J. M. E. Genest,Olerks: John W. Gow, Patents; A. E. Kemp, Miss C. Reiffenstein, D. C. F. Bliss, 
Messenger. Stm-e Branch.-Lt.-Co!. John Macpherson, J ohu Austen, W. A. Hunton, Clerks; Miss Fannie Yeilding, 
Director of Stores and Keeppr of Militia Properties; Lt.: Index Clerk; T. Starmer. Honsekeeper and MessenF;er; Jas. 
Col. Thomas Bacon, Capt. J. B. Donaldson. P. Clarke, F. E. Siocombe, l\IeSBenger. OUTSIDE SERVIOE.- Ontario.- J. 
Knight, L.Foley, ClerkB. Enginur Branch-H.James, Archi- T. Gilkison, Indian Supt. and Commlslioner, Brantford; 
tect; Lieut. F. W. White, Clerk. Military Branch.-Major- J. C. Phipps, Indian Supt., Manitowanlug; Ebenezer Wat- 
Gen. Sir Frederick D. Middleton. K.C.M.G"C. B., Command- son. Indian Lands Agent, Salnia; Thos. W"lton, M.D., 
Ing the Militia; Col. Walker Powell, Adjutant-General; Indian Supt., P"rry Sonnd; John 1lcIntyre, Indian 
Capt. H. E. Wise. Aide-de-Camp to the MaJor-General Agent, Fort William; W. Simpson, Indian Lands, 
Oommandlng. Adjutant-Gmeral's Q{fice.-W. R. Wright, Wiarton; Thos. Gordon, ludian Agent, Strathroy; Wm. 
Chief Clerk; G. Seymour, T. C. Larose, Major W. R. S. Van Abbott, Indian LandA Agent, Sault St.e. Marie; B. W. 
Wainwright, W. J. Davidson Clerks: C. Dion, Messen!,!;er. Ros!!, do., Cockburn Island; J. T. c.-naway, do., South- 
DEPARTMENT 01' THE INTERIOR.-Hon. Thomas White, Iilllpton: John F. Day, do., Bruce 
Ilnes; T. G. Pile, do. 
Minister of the Interior. lNSIDE SERVICE.-A. M. Burgess, Deseronto; A. B. Cowan, do.. Gananoque; J )hn Beattie 
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior; L. C. Pereira, Indian Agent, HIgh
ate; Edmund Bennett, do., Castile 
Private Secretary. &cretary's Branclt-J. R. Hall, Secre- Matthew Hill, Indian Agent, Shannonville; H. H. 
tary; P. B. Douglas, Asst.-Secretary; K. J. Henry, Regis- Thomp.C'n, Indian Agent, Penetanguishene; J. P. DOD- 
tratlon Clel'k; G. U. Ryley, in charge of Timber and )lInell. nelly, Indian Agent, Port Arthur; Adam English, do., 
CorrespondenceClerks-H Kinloch,J.Pope, W.Howe,C. Sarnia; Alex. McKelvey, do., Walpole Island; G. B. 
C. Rogers, A. Chisholm, T. G. Rothwell, F. S. Cheekley, A. McDermott, do., ScugoF;; E. Harris, do., Gore's Landing; 
L. Jarvis, N. O. Coté, J. S. Brough, R. M. BonfelIow, J. L. John Thackeray. do.. Roseneath; Duncan J. McPhee. do., 
Etoile, G. A. Sparkes, G. G. V. Ardouin. E. Genest, F. Uptergrove; J.R.Stevenson,do.,Georglna; J. W.Jermyn, 
Nelson, G. Bell, W. Hatch, F. C. C-'preol, H. E. Hume, F. Indian Agent, Cape Croker. Quebtc-James Martin, 
Loyer, E. Belleau, J. P. Dunne. Surveys Branch-E. Indian Agent. Maniwaki; Alex. Brosseau, do., Caughna. 
Deville, Surv"yor-General and Chief Clerk; W. F. King, waga; L. 1<'. Boucher, Indian Supt.. Betsiamits; Georga 
Chief Inspector of Surveys; A. Griguard, P. B. Symes, L. Long, Indian Agent, St. Regis; L. E. Otis, do., Pointe Bleue; 
T. Lacasse, B. Bil\ings, R. Ranscher, E. T. W. Sowter, M. Hy. V88sal. do, Pierreville; A. Le Bel, jun., do., Rivière 
Brady,C.J.8teers. LandPaüntBranch-W.M.Goodeve, du Loup; Rev. J. GagI:.é, do., 
farie. British OJlumbia 
Chief Clerk; N. Têtu, B. WalliE, F. H. C. Oox. P. T. Buch- -I. W. Powell, Visiting Indian Supt., Victoria; P. O'Reilly, 
anan, H. Sherwood, W. S. Gliddon, G. N. Paterson,D. Dunn, Indian Reserve Commissioner, Victoria: R. H. Pidcock, 
H. B. D. Bruce, O. H. Lambert. Accountant'. Brancll-J. Agent to the Kwah-Kewlth Indians; W. H. Lomas, do., 
A. Pinard, Chief Clerk, Accountant; C. H. Beddoe, Asst.- Cowichan Indians; P. McTiernlàn, do., Fraser River In- 
Accountant; H. H. Turner. Ledger Keeper. Ordnance dians; J. W. McKay, Indian Agent, Kamloops and 
and Admiralty Lands-W. Mills, Clerk in charge; P. G. Okanagan Indians; H. Gulllod, do., West Coast; Capt. 
Keyes. Chief Draughtsman-l. Johnston. Cierk in chalge W. L. Meeson, do, Lillooet District; Michael Phillips, 
of Survey Records-F. Clayton. Mu.engers-C. OWDe. A. do., Kootenay District; S. Y. Wootton, Stipendiary 
Swinburn, P. Robertson, J. Dunnet. The Land Board, Magistrate, Metlakathla. New Brunswick-C. Sargeant, 
'fJ'înniptg-H. H. Smith, Commissioner of Dominion Lands; Indian Supt., Chatham; James Farrell, do., Fredericton; 
W. Pearce, Superintendent of MinE's; J. McD. Gordon, In- Moses Craig, Indian Agent. Perth. Nova Scotia-George 
spector of Dominion Lands Agendes; T. R. Burpé, Sacre. Wells, Annapolis, Indian Agent for the Counties of Anna. 
tary; R. A. Ruttan, Asst.-Secretary. In.pectorofOJlnniza- polis and Shelburne; Freeman }lcDormand, Bear River, 
tion OJmpaniu-Rufus Stephenson. Dominion Lands do. for the Counties of Digby and Yarmouth; Rev. R. 
Agents-Winnipeg, A. H. Whitcher; Sourls, E. C. Smith; Macdonald, Pictou, do. for the County of Pictou; Rev. J. 
Birtle. W. G. Pentland; Dufferln, W. H. Hiam; Tltrtle 
cDougall, do., Red Islands; Rev. D. McIsaac, Grendale, 
Mountain, John Flesher; Little Sø.skatchewan, W. M. do. for the County of Inverness; Rev. Rod
rlck Grant, 
Hilliard: Qu'Appelle, W. H. Stevcnson; Calgary, Amos Iona, Grand Narrows, do. for County of Victoria; J. E. 
Rowe; Touchwood. T. B. Ferguson. Acting Agent; Prince Beckwith, Canning, do. for Kinj{'s County; Rev. ThOB. 
Albert, John McTaggart; Edmonton, P. V. Gauvreau; Butler, Caledonia, do. tor the Counties of Queens and 
Coteau, J. J. McHugh; Battleford, E. A. Nash; Sethbridge, Lunenburg; James Gass, Shubenacadie, do. for Hants 
E G. Kirby. Agent for MennQnites and Icelanders, County; Rev. A. P. Desmond, Enfield, Indian Agent for 
George Newcomb; New Westminster, B.C., H. B. W. Halifax County: Dr. D. H. Muir, Truro, Indian Agent 
Aikman. Orown Timber Agent.-Winnipeg, E. F. Stephen- for County of Colchester; Dr. A. T. Clarke, Parsboro, do. 
80n; Edmonton, T. Anderson; Calgary, C. L. Gouin; for County of Cumberland; Rev. M. McKenzie, Christmas 
Prince Albert, D. J. Waggoner; New Westminster, B.C., Island, do. for Cape Breton County; Wm. C. Chisholm 

1 1e&the:ton, do. for Counties of Antigonish and Guysboro. Intendent of Lights, Halifax, N.S.; L. A. Demers, Aotin g 
I FnnCl Edward lllland-J. O. Arsenault, Indian Supt., Superintendent of Lights, Quebec; and P. Harty, Superin- 
..ennox Island. Manitoba, Kuwatin, and North- Wut ten dent of Lights, ottawa; P. A. Scott, R.N., Chairman 

-Hon. E. Dewdney, Indian Commissioner for Board of Examiners !\Iastersand Mates, Halifax, N.
.; J. 
I \:Ianitoba and North West Territories, Regina; E. McColl, Taylor (Clerk to Chairman); G. A. 
Iackenzle, Examiner, 
-nspector of Indian Agencies for Manitoba and Keewatin, Hallfax,N.S.; Z. Charron, Examiner, Quebec; J. Prichard, 
Ninnipeg; L. J. A. Leveque, A. B. McIntosh, Clerks, Examiner, St. John, N.B.; D. Hunter, Examiner. Halifax, 
Winnipeg; Hayter Reed, Assistant Indian Commissioner N.S.; W. Thomas, Examiner, St. John, N.B.; R. Cameron, 
"or Manitoba and N.W.T., Regina; T. P. Wadsworth, Examiner, Charlottetown, P.E.I.; H. Lewis. Examiner, 
fnspt;ctorofGovernment Farms and Agencies for N.W.T.; Yarmouth, N.S.; T. Killam, Examiner, Yarmouth. N.S.; 
I Uex. McGibbon. do., Regina; W. McGirr, Commissioner's C. M. Lorway, Examiner, Sydney, C,B.; S. J. Brookman, 
:}lerk; Angus McKay, Indian Agent, Berens River; Jos. Examiner. Sydney.C.B.; A. J. Wolff, Examiner, I.unen- 
Reader, do., The Pas; Henry Martineau, do.. Manltoll& burg; J. E. Runt, Examiner. Lunenburg; W. McIlwain, 
House; R. Pither. do., Fort Francis; Geo. McPherllOn, Examiner, St. Catharines; M. P. McElllnmey, Examiner, 
10., Assabask8lling, Lake of the Woods; J. A. Markle, do., Ottawa; T. F. Taylor, Examiner, Kingston; E J. Mann, 
Birtle; F. Ogletree, do., Portage La Prairie; A. M. Muckle, Examiner, New Carlisle, Q.; and W. C. Seaton. Examiuer, 
JO., St. Peter's; Co1. A. Macdonald, do., Droadview; W. Qul!bec; S. Risley,Chalrman Board of Steamboat Inspection, 
Anderson, do., Edmonton; S. B. Lucas, Indian Agent, Toronto; D. Stevens, Inspector of Boilers and Machinery, 
Peace Hills; J. B. Lash, Indlau Agent, Muscowpetung'lI St. John, N.B.; W. J. 
Ieneilley. Inspector of Boilers, &c.. 
&a.eI've; W. B. Pocklington. do., Fort 
lcLeod; P. J. Toronto; J. Burgess, Inspector of Boilers, &1'., Montreal; 
I Williama, Acting do., Battleford; Magnus Begg, Indian E. Adams, Inspector of Boilers, &1'., Kingaton, Ont.; J,, Blackfoot Crossing; H. Keith, do., Touchwood Samson, Inspector of Boilers, &1'., Quebec; E. R. Abell, 
I Hills; J. A. Mitchell, Acting do., Victoria; J. P. Wright, Inspector of Boilers. &1'., Lower Fort Garry ; O. P. St. John, 
Acting do., File Hills; W. S. Grant, Indian Agent, Indian Inspector of Boilers, &1'., Toronto; and W. A. Russell, In- 
Head; W. C. de Balinhard, do., Sarcee Reserve; F. X. spector of Bollers, &1'., Victoria, B.C.; C, R. Coker, Inspec- 
Jirard, M.D., Treaty j; J. C. Nelson, Surveyor, A. W. tor of Hulls, St. John, N.B.; T. Harbottle. Inspector of 
I Ponton, Assistant Surveyor, Regina. Hulls, Toronto; P. Brunelle, Inspector of Hulls, Quebec; 
DEPARTMENT OP THE SECRETARY OP STATE OP CANADA.- M. P. McEllinmey, Inspector of Hulls, Ottawa; T. F. 
rhe Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Q.C., LL.D , Secretary of State; Taylor (Temporarily). Inspector of Hulls. Kingstún; J. 
Grant Powell, Under Secretary of State; Henry J. Morgan, Dick. Inspector of Hulls, Toronto; R., Inspector 
Jhief Clerk; F. Colsoll, G. Emond, E. G. Pulford, E. Har. of Hulls, Victoria, B.C.; C. Carpmael, Superintendent 
rison, L.C. Labelle, J.F. Waters, H. RO.f, E.Y. Steele, Clerka. Meteorological Service, Toronto; A. R. Gordon, R.N., 
Registrar'. Branch-L.A. Catelliør, D(>puty Registrar Gen- Deputy Superintendent. and Officer in charge of Hudson 

rai of Canada; Lt.-Co1. A. Audet, Keeper of Records; Bay Expedition; E. Larochelle, Captain Government 
E. Brousseau, I. W. Storr, A. M. P. Dronin J. Burns, A. Steamer Napoleon IIL; L. Demers, Captain Government 
G. Learoyd. G. Collins, C. Medlow, P. T. Kirwan, D. D. Me Steamer Druid; R. A. Guildford, Captain Government 
Donald, L. H. Globensky, Clerks; T. O'Keefe, A. Elle, V. Steamer Newfidd; and J. B. Belanger, Captain Govern- 
Ricard, :.\Iessengers; L. II. Taché. Private Secretary ment Steamer La Canadienne; A. B. Lee, Chairman Har- 
to the Minister. Board of Civil Service Ezaminers- bour Commissioners. Toronto: A. Robertson, Chairman 
1. Thorburn, M.A.. LL.D., Chairman; A. D. De- Harbour Commissioners, Montreal; P. V. Valin, Chairman 
Calles, P. LeSueur, Mdmbers of the Board; P. LeSueur, Harbour Commissioners, Quebec; and JOB. Gordon, Chair. 
8ectretary; J. A. Keays, Clerk. D'partment of Public man Harbour Commissioners, Pictou, N.S. 
Printing and Stationery.-Under supervision of the Hon. DEPARTMENT OF AGRIOULTURJ: [Western Block].-Hon. 
the Sec. of State. Lt.-Col. B. Chamberlin, C.M.G., D.C.L., John Carling, Minister of Agriculture; A. L. Jarvis, 
Queen's Printer aud Controller of Stationery ; A. Séhécal, Private Secretary; J. C. Taché, Deputy Minister; John 
Superintendent of Printing; - -. Accúuntant; W. Lowe, Secretary of the Department; H. Beaumont Small, 
Gliddon, A. 0 Mou88eau, A. Potvin, L A. Grison. C. B. Chief Clerk and Accoulltant; W F. BoardIPan, Second 
Sansom, N. Larochelle, G. Andrews, Clerks. Statio1lery Class Clerk; L. D'Auray, J. C. Poper, J. E. Lemieux, 
Branch-J. Young, Supt. of Stationery; T. Robertson, T. Third Class Clerka; B. Moreau, D. CoM, A. Del'jardins, 
Roxborough. W. Walsh, }4'. S. Gouldthrite, Clerks; J. l\lessengers. J. Beaudoin, H. Pruneau. Packers. Archives 
Hughes,H. Allen, Messengers; J. FOTan, D.Beahen, Packers. Branch-D. Brymner, First Clß8s Clerk; J. Marmette, 
DEPARTMJ:NT OP MARlNE.-Hon.Geo. Eo Foster, Minister Second do. Onpyrightl and Trade Mark
-J. B. Jackson. 
of Marine and Fisheries; Wm. Smith, Deputy Minister of FirEt CIRSI Clerk. PaUnt, Branch- - -, Chief 
Marine; J. Hardie, Chief Clerk; F. F. Gourdeau, Chief Clerk; J. F. Dionne, H. Casgrain, Firat Class Clerks; E. 
Clerk and Accountant; W. L. Magee, W. P. Anderson Dauteuil, W. J. Lynch. D. Routhier, H. H. Bailey, T. 
(Engineer', W. H. Alexander, M. P. McEllinmey (Nautical McCabe, Second do.; L. J. Beland, J. W. D Verner. J. G. 
Advi!;8r), A. W Owen, J. 
1. Oxley, W. B. Carleton, J. B. H. Copping, A. Leveque, J. H. Lyster, W. Hanright, A. 
I1alkett, W. W. Stumbles, M. V. C. Nicholson, S. J. Jen- Taché, A. E. Caron. Tbird do.; J. Leveille, Model Re- 
kinB (Private Secretary to l\I1nister). A. Halkett, V. palrer; G. Lemattre, L. Z. Chabot, Model Room Guardi- 
H. Steele, J. E. McClenal1;han, W. H. Noble and A. IIns. StalütiCl Branch- J. G. Layton, Statistical Officer 
H. Guion, Clerks; W. G. Lampey and Wim. Mence, Rev. C. Tanguay, Special Attaché; E. H. St. Denis, A. F 
Draughtsmen in Engineer's Office; M. Lamouche, III. Lyster, EI. L. FraBer, ThiJ d Class Clerks. 
Grant, R. Roy, 'V. A. Bangs and J. Waller, Extra AUDITOR GENERAL'S OPFICE. - Auditor General, John 
Clerks; Jules Morin and J. Robertson, Messengers; Lorn McDougall; Assist. Auditor, Jas. Patterson; Clerks, 
J. U. Gregory, Agent, Quebec; J. H. Harding, Agent, J. B. Simpflon. E. D. Sutherland, John Gorman, F. Hayter, 
St. John, N.B.; H. W. Johnston, Agent, Halifax, N.S.; J. B. Lynch, H. H. O. Gray, T. Porter, J. H.P. Gibson, G. 
H. G. Lewi!!, Agent, Victoria, B.C.; A. Lord, Agent, C. Bolton, J. H. BalderBon. J. C. :\lacDonald. L. A. Bis- 
Charlottetown, P.E.I.; H. St. A. Ormond, Agent, Montreal, sonnette. B. W. Sherwood, Arthur B Hudson, H. A. Bald- 
and Inspector Harbonr Police; Jas. Mitchell, Superin- win. J. W. Reid, W. Kearns, J. Graham; Messengers, J. 
tendentofLhzhtl<. New(,liI'tI... 
.ß : C. A. Hnt.('h;ns,Snpf'r- P"nd.... ßnd F. f!!l.l<ßnlt. 


Copyrights may be secured by any person domiciled for a further term of fourteen years upon the same 
in Canada, or Rny part of the British possessions, or conditions. 
being a citizen of any country having an International An Interim Copyright may be obtained, pending the 
Copyright Treaty with the United Kingdom, who is the publication of any litcrary, scientific or artistic work, 
author of any book, map, chart, musical composition, or by depositing in the Office of thE; Minister of Agriculture 
of any original painting, drawing, design, &c., upon the a copy of the title, or a description of such work. The 
following conditions :-The books, maps, &c , must be Interim Copyright runs for one month, and the fee is 
published in Canada; and in the case of a work of art, fifty cents. The work, however, must be published 
it must be produced in Canada, either prior to or simul- inside the time specified, or the author incurs a. penalty 
taneously with its production elsewhere. Two copies of not exceeding one hundred dollal"i'l. 
books, maps, &c., must be sent to the Minister of Agri- The penalty for infringing a Copyright is the for- 
cu1ture; and III the case of paintings, statuary, &c., a feiture of every copy of the work to the owner of the 
written description of the same must be furnished. Copyright, and the payment of a fine of not less than ten 
'l'he fee for registering a Copyright is one dollar, and cents, nor more thaIi one dollar, for every copy found n 
it runs for twenty-eight years. It Inay also be renewed possession 





(Condensed, and corrected by the Militia Gemrol Orders to 13th October, 1887.) 

AIDE-m:-CAMP TO THE QUEEN, Colonel Casimir S. Gzowski, Staff Officer to Engineer Force. (HOIwrary.) 
f Lt.-Col. Hewitt Bernard, C. M. G. 
Extra Aides-de-Camp, j Lt.-Col. H. R. Smith, 14th Batt., (Honorary.) 
\ Capt. G. K. Layton (Provincial, B. C.) 

P. Caron, K. C. 1\1. G. 
Deputy Jfinisur of 1'ftlitia and Defence, Colonel Chas. 
Eugène Panet. 
Accounta.nt, C. Herbert O'Meara, Esq. 
Di;'ector of Stores and Keeper of }'fil. Properties, Lt.-CoI. 
John Macpherson. 
Architect, Engineer Branch, Henry James, Esq. 
Major-General Commandin,q the J.[ ilitia, Sir Frederick D. 
Middleton, K. C. M. G., C. B. 
A, Capt. Henry E. Wise. 
Adjlltant-GeneraloJ Militia, Colonel Walker Powell. 
Inspect01' of Artillery and Warlike Stores, Lt.-CoI. De la 
Cherois T. Irwin. 
Assistant Inspectors of Artiller.y, Lt.-Co!. C. E. MontI- 
21mbert (Quebec): Lt.-CoI. W. H. Cotton (Kingston). 
Inspector of Engineers, The Professor of Fortification, 
R. III. College. 
Staff Officer to Engineer Force, Col. C. S. Gzowski (Hon- 
ora-ry A. D. C. to the Queen), Toronto. 
Engineer Officer a
 Rd. Qrs., Maj. H. }<'. Perley (Ottawa). 
S1/,rgeon-Geræral, CuI. Darby Bergin, M. D. (Cornwall, 0 nt.) 


TRICT Xo. I, Hd. Qrs. London.-Depy. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-CoI. W. H. Jackson; Brigade Major, 
Lt.-CoI. Hen. IUatthew Aylmer; Di
t. Paymr. and 
Supt. of Stores, Bt. Lieut.-CoI. lIl. D
B. Dawson. 
MILITARY DISTRICT No.2, Hd. Qrs. Toronto.-Depy. 
AcUt.-Genl., Lt.-Co\. W. D. Otter; Dist. l'aymr. al
Supt. of Stores, Hony. Lt.-CoI. W. N. Alger. 
.MILITARY DISTRICT No.3, Hd. Qrs. Kingston.-Depy. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. H. V. Villiers; Dist. Paymr. and 
Supt. of Stores, HOllY. }Iaj. Wm. King. 
MILITARY DlSTRWT NO.4. Hd. Qrs. Ottawa.-Depy. 
Aùjt.-Genl. Lt.-Co\. Elzear Lamontagne; Brigade 
Jlajor, Lt.-CoI. J. W. Lewis. 
MILITARY Dl'>TRtcT No.5, Hd. Qrs. Montreal.-Depy. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. B. Van Straubenzee; Brigadt 
Major, Lt.-CoI. Gregor Mdttice; Dist. Paymr. and Supt. 
of Stores, Lt.-Co!. C. de Bellefeuille. 
MILITARY DISTRICT No.6, Hd. Qrs. MontreaI.-Depy. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. A. C. De L. Harwood; Brigade 
}'fajor, Lt.-Col. G. E. A. Hughes; Dist. Paymr. and 
Supt. of Stores, Lt.-Col. Chas. de Bellefeuille. 
MILITARY DISTRICT No.7, Hd. Qros. Quebec.-Depy. 
Adjt.-Geltl., Lt.-CoI. T. J. Duchesnay; Brigade Major; 
Lt.-CoI. J. E. M. Taschereau; Vist. Paymr. and Supt. 
of Stores, Hony. Lt.-Co!. W. II. Forrest. 
IIhLlT4.RY DISTRICT No.8, Hd. Qrs. Frederictoll.- 
Depy. Adjt.-Genl. Lt.-CoI. G. J. Maunsell; Dist. 
Paymr. and Supt. of Nons, Maj. Andrew J. Armstron
(St. John). 
MILITARY DISTRICT No.9, Rd. Qrs. Halifax.-Dtpy. 
Adjt.-Genl" Lt.-Col P. W. Worsley; Brigade Major, 
Lt.-CoI. J. R. MaeShane; Dist. Paymr. and Supt. of 
Stores. ßt Lt -Col. J. R. Murray. 

MILITARY DISTRICT No. 10, Hd. Qrs. Winnipeg.-Depy. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-CoI. C. F. 1I0ughton; Dist. Paym,'. 
and Supt. of Stores, Hony. Lt.-CoI. A. J. L. Peebles. 
MILITARY DISTRICT No. 11, Hd. Qrs. 'Ïctorla -Depy. 
Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-CoI. J. G. Holmes (Acting); Dist. 
Payrnr. and Supt. of Stores, 
MILITARY DISTRICT No. 12, Hd. Qrs. Charlottetown.- 
Depy. Aqit.-Genl., Lt.-Co1. P. W. Worsley (Halifax, 
N.S.); Brigade Major, Lt.-CoI. J. D. Irving; Dist. 
Paymr. and Supt. of Stores, Major R. A. Cropley. 

Commandant, CnI. John R. Oliver (R. A.) ; Professor 
of Sur veyi ny, Militm'y Topo,qraph,!/, &:'c., Maj. Chas. B. 
lIlaYlle (Capt. R. E.); P,'ofessor of Mathematics, }'Ie- 
chanics and Artillery, Majur R. A. Rigg (Capt. R.
Staff-A djt., Lt.-Co\. S. C. McGill; Professor of ForttJica- 
tion, Military Engineering, <t.c., Capt. Stuart Davidson 
(Lt. R. E.); Professor of ,'lilitary History, Adminis- 
tration, &:c., MaJor Edward Nash (Capt. R. A.); Pro- 
ssor of Mathematics and Artillery, Lt.-Col. S. G. 
F,tirtIough (Jfq1. R. A.); Instr1lctor in Fortification, 
Jfilitary Engineering, d':c., Capt. A. H. VanStraubenzee 
(Lt. R. E.); Asst. Instructor in Mat1unnatics, <t.c., Capt. 
A. G. G. Wurtele; AsÛstant Instructor in Surveying, 
Military Topography, <t.c., C,tpt. J. ß. Cochrane; Pro- 
fessor of English and Germnn, Rev. K. L. Jones, B.D.; 
Professor of Freehand Drmving, <t.c., Forshaw Day, Esq., 
R.C.A.; Professor of French, A. D. Duval, E
'l., ]'f./J.; 
Professor of Civil Engineering, R. C. Harris, Esq., C.E.; 
Professor of Physics, <t.c., Juhn Waddell, Esq., B.A., 
Ph. D. ; ,bledicalOfficer, Surg.-Major J. L. H. Neilson, 
1!f. D. ; Paymaster, Hony. Capt. M. W. Strange. Board 
of Visitors: President, Co1. Walker Powell, A. G. ; 
1!lemberA: Col. C. Z. Gzowski, Lt.-CoI. lIlaunsell, Lt.- 
Col. Montizambert, Lt.-Col. Duchesnay. 


Royal School of Cavalry (Quebec.)-Commaltdant, Lt.-Col. 
James F. Turnbull. 

Lt.-Col. Commaltding.-De III Cherois T. Irwin (Ottawa,. 
.. A" Battery, Royal School of Arty. (Kingston).-Com- 
'1nandant, Lt.-Co\. W. H. Cotton; 1Ilajor, J. F. 
"B" Battery, Royal Schoo) of Arty. (Quebec).-Com- 
mandant, Lt.-Co\. C. E. Montizambert; Major, C. J. 
"c" Battery (Victoria, B.C.)- Commandant, Lt.-Co\. J. 
G. Holmes. 

mandant, Lt.-Co\. J. ß. Taylor; Captain, Maj. L. 





Regiment of Canadian Artillery-see PER}[AXENT CORPS 
5 t h Regiment of Cavalry (Hd. Qrs., Cookshire, Que.) (above). 
Lt.-Colonel, J. II. Taylor. Major, C. W. Shepard 
Troops: Ko. 1, Cookshire, Capt. J. F. Learned; No.2, 
Sherbrooke, Capt. J. F. Morkill; No.3, Stanstead, 
Capt. J. W. ltlou1ton; :So. 4, Compton, Capt. A. L. . 
Pomroy: No.5, Sutton, Capt. Paymaster, 
Lt. O. A. Taylor. Adjutant, 
6th Regiment of Cavalry (Hd. Qrs., Montreal, Que.) 
Lt.-Colonel, James Barr (Huntingdon). 
I Troops: No.1, ltJontreal, Capt. Colin McArthur; No.2, 
St. Andrews, Capt. Martin Wanless; No.3, Havelock, 
I Capt. John G. Barr; No.4, Clarenceville, Capt. H. C. 
Bush. Paymaster, C. C. Clapham. Adjutant, 

 t h "Princess Louise's New Brunswick" Regiment oJ 
U Cavalry (Bd. Qrs., Rothesall, N. B.) Lt.-Colonel, 
James Donn ille (St. John). ]'Eajors, Alfred Markham 
ClIIu.rkhamville) and R. W. otty (Apohaqui). 
Troops: "A," HamIlton, Capt. ; "B," 
OSl'ekeag, Capt. Wm. Langstroth; "C," Apohaqui, 
Capt. H. M. Campbell; "D," Hammond, Capt. D. J. 
Fov. ler; "E," Johnston, Capt. T. E. A. Pearson; 
.. F," Shediac, Capt. G. S. Maunsell; "G," Springfield, 
Capt. Paymaster, J. J. W"od- New Brunswick Brigade of G. A. (Hd. QIS., St. John, N. 
ward. Adjutant, ClJpt. F. V. Wedderburn (Hampton). B.) Lt.-CololUl, John R. Armstrong; Major, 

. A" Company Royal School of Infantry (Fredericton, 
N.B.)-Com";"-andant, Lt.-Col. G. J. Maunsell; Cap- 
tain, Maj. W. D. Gordon. 
" B" Company, Royal School of Infantry (St. John's, 
Que.).-Cmnmandant, Lt.-Col. G. d'O. d'Orsonnens; 
Captain, l\Jaj. B. H. Vidal. 
"c" Compl',ny, Royal School of Infantry, (Toro!"to, Ont.). 
-Commandant, Lt.-Col. W. D. Otter; Captain, . 
"D" Company, Royal School oflnfan
ry, CLondon, Ont.). 
-Commandant, Lt.-Col. Henry Smith. 

::Javalry School Corps-see PER
[ANENT CORPS (above). 
The Governor General's Body Guard for Ontario (Tor- 
onto). Major Commanding, Bt. Lt.-Col. George T. 
Denison. Captains, Bt. Lt.-Col. F. C. Denison, C.!tE. G., 
and Bt. ltJaj. Orlando Dunn. Adjutant, Capt. C. A. K. 

1 s t Regiment of Cavalry (Hd. Qrs., London, Ont.) Lt.- 
Col., John Cole. Major, . 
Troops: No. I, St. Thomas, Capt. Henry Borbndge; 
Xo. 2, London, Capt. ; 
Xo. 3, :\looretown, Capt. and Bt. l'olaj. George Stew- 
art; No.4, Kingsville, Capt. Paymaster, 
Adjutant, Capt. Cavendish Nevile (Sarnia). 
;:> 11(1 Regiment of Cavalry (Hd. Qrs., Oak Ridgu, Ont.) 
- Lt.-Colonel, J. J. Gregory (North Bay, Nipissing). 
Jlajors, James Elliott (Markham) and Wm. Marshall 
froops: No.1, St. Catharines, Capt. R. W. Gregory; 
No.2, Oak Ridges, Capt. Jas. McConnell; No.3, 1olark- 
ham, Capt. J. R. Button; No.4, St. Ann's, Capt. }<'. o. 
Burch: Yo. 5, Burford, Capt. T. L. Jones; No.6, 
Queenston, Cal't. No.8, Welland, Capt. 
Wm. Buchner. Payrrwster, Maj. R. Currie. Adjutant, 
Capt. J. B. Baldwin (TorO/do). 
31 ' (1 ProvIsional Regiment of Cavalry, "The Prince of 
Wales' Canadian Dragoons" (H d. Qrs., Cobourg, 
Ont.) ]'Eajor Commanding. Bt. Lt.-Col. D'A. E. Boulton. 
Troups: .. A," Cobourg, Capt. W. 'V. Brown; .. B," MilI- 
brook, Capt. H. B. Weller; .. C," Peterborough, Capt. 
and Bt. Lt.-Col. H. C. Rogers. Paymaster, J. G. Ha- 
german. Adjutant, Lt. John S. Hetherington(Cavan). 

4: th Regiment of Cavalry (Hd. Qrs., Kingston, Ont.) 
Lt.-Colonel, John Duff. 
Troops: No. I, Kingston. Capt. and Bt. :\Iaj. Archd. 
Knight; No.2, Napanee, Capt. D. E. Griffith; No.3, 
Loughborough, Capt. W. B. Burnett; No.4, Picton, 
Capt. E. A. E. Halliwell. Paymaster, Hony. Capt. 
)1. W. Strange. Adjutant, Capt. H. S. Greenwood. 

The Queen's Own Canadian Hussars (Quebec). !tEa/or 
Commanding, Bt. Lt.-Co1. J. B. Forsyth. 
Troops: "A."Capt. and Bt. Lt.-Col. F. W. Gray; "B," 
Capt. T. S. Hethrington. Paymaster, }laj. W. M. Mc- 
Donald. Adjutant, Capt. W. D. Brown. 

King's Troop of Cavalry (Kentville, N. S.), Captain, J. 
W. Ryan. 
Prescott Troop of CavalI'}' (Ont.), Captain, Bt. Maj. John 
The Princess Louise Dragoon Guards (Ottawa), Captain, 
F. F. E. Gonrdeau. 
Winnipeg Troop of Cavalry (!tEan.), Captain, Cornelius 

1st Brigade of F. A. (Guelph, Ont.), Lt.-Colonel, A. H. 
Field Batteries: No.1, Maj. Wm. Nicoll; No.2, Maj. G. 
B. Hood. Adjutant, Capt. Walter Clarke. 

Durham F. B. of ArtIllery (Port Hope, Ont.), Jlajor, 
William :\JcLean. 
Gananoque F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), 
lajor, m. Lt.-Col. 
William 1IIe Kenzic. 
Hamilton F. B. of Al'tillery (Ont.), lJlajor, H. P. Van 
Wagner (Stony Creek). 
Kingston F. B. of ArtIllery (Ont.), Jlajor, Wm. )1. 
London F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), J/ajor, Bt. Lt.-Col. 
John Peters. 
Montreal F. B. of Artillery (Que.), l'\-lajor, Bt. Lt.-Col. A. 
A. Stevenson. 
Newcastle F. B. of Artil1eI'}' (N. B.), Major, Bt. Lt.-Col. 
Robert R. Call. 
Ottawa F. B. of ArtilleI'}' (Ont.), Major, John Stewart. 
Quebec F. B. of Artillery, !tlajor, C. W. A. Lindsay. 
Richmond F. B. of Artillery (Que.), Major, Hon. Henry 
Aylmer (Me'bourne). 
8befford F. B. of Artil1ery (Granby, Que.), 
Iajor, Bt. 
Lt.-Col. Theophile Amyrauld. 
Sydney F. B. of Artillery (N. S.), lrlajor, W. McK. 
Toronto F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), !tEnjor, Bt. Lt.-Col. 
John Gray. 
Welland Canal F. B. of Artillery (Ont.), Mojor, Frank 
King (Port Colborne). Captain, Wm. Wiley (St. 
Winnipeg F. B. of ArtIllery (Man.), Major, L. W. P. 
Woodstock F. B. of Artil1ery (N. B.), !tIC/jor, F. H. J. 

1st .. Halifax" Brigade of G. A. (N. S.) Lt.-CololUl, 
A. E. Curren. Majors, 
Seven Batteries, Halifax: Captains, J. E. Curren, W. A. 
Garrison, Bt.-1IIaj. W. A. Purcell, John D. Story, W. 
L. Kane, Alex. Anderson and H. A. Boggs Paymrrsttr, 
Hon'y )Iaj. C. Aylwin Creighton. Adjutant, 

British Columbia Brigade of Garrison Artillery (Hd. Qrs., 
Victoria, B. C.). Lt.-Colonel, Richard Wolfenden. 
Jlajor, E. G. Prior. 
Batteries: No.1, New Westminster, Capt. W. N. Bole 
No.2, Victoria, Capt. A. W. Jones; No.3, Victoria, 
Capt. John Ni"holles; Ko. 4, Victoria, Capt. W. B. 
Smallfield. Paymaster, Walter Shears. Adjutant, 
Captain N. P. Snowden. 

Montreal Brigade of G. A. (Que.) It.-Colonel, W. R. 
Oswald; Majors, T. T. Turnbull and W. H. Laurie. 
Six Batteries, Montreal: Captains, F. :\J. Cole, C. H. 
Levin, David Stevenson, Ernest Howard, Campbell 
Lane and W. H. Lulham. Paymaster, 
Adjutant, Maj. Thomas Atkinson. 





Batteries: No.1, St. John, Capt. G. B. Seely; No.2, 
Carleton, Capt. J. J. Gordon; No.3, Portland, Capt. 
So D. Crawford; No.4, St. John, Capt. G. W. Jones; 
No.5, Fairville, Capt. E. J. Scammell. Paymaster, 
Geo. F. Smith. 
djutant. Capt. Chas. F. Langan. 
Prince Edward Island Provisional Brigade of G. A. (Hd. 
Qrs., Charlottetown, P. E. I.) 
Majo-r Commanding, F. S. :Moore. 
Batteries: No. I, Charlottetown, Capt. Geo. Passmore; 
No.2, Charlottetown, Capt. J. A. Longworth; No.3, 
Georgetown, Capt. Chas. Owen; No.4, Souris, Capt. 
John Leslie; No.5, Montague, Capt. 
Paymaster, 2nd Lt. Edward Palmer. 
Adjutant, Capt. W. A. O. Morson. 

Cobourg Battery of G. A., (Ont.) Captain, J. H. Du mble . 
DIgby Battery of G. A., (N.S.) Captain. John Daley. 
Gaspé Battery of G. A., (Que.) Captain, Bt.-Maj. John 
No.1 Battery, Lévis G. A., (Que.) Captain, J. A. B. 
No. 2 Battery, Lévis G. A., (Que.) Captain, Georges S. 
Lunenburg Battery of G. A., (N.S.) Captain, James H. 
Mahone Bay Battery of G. A., (N.S.) Captain, Edward 
Pictou Battery of G. A., (N.S.) Captain, Jos. A. Gordon. 
No. 1 Battery, Quebec G. A., Captain, Hermenegilde 
Ko. 2 Battery, Quebec G. A., Captain, T. L. Boulanger. 
Ko. 3 Battery, Quebec G. A., Captain, H. D. :Morgan. 
St. John',; Battery of G. A., (Que.) Captain, Bt.-Maj. 
William Drumm. 
Toronto Battery of G. A., Captain, W. B. McMurrich. 
Yarmouth Battery of G. A., (N.S.) Captain, T. R. Jolly. 
Sault Ste. Marie Half Battery, (Ont.) Cap
atn, Bt.-l\Iaj. 
Joseph Wilson. 
Brighton Company of Engineers, (N.B.) Captain, Bt.- 
Maj D. McLeod Vince, (Lower Brightonl. 
Charlottetown Engineer Company, (P. E. I.) Captain, 
W. A. Weeks. 
Montreal Company of Engineers, (Que.) Captain, Bt. 
Lt.-Col. William Kennedy. 
Infantry School Corps-see. PERMANENT CORPS (above). 
The Governor-General's Foot Guards, (Ottawa.) Lt.- 
Coloml, J. Pem1Ïngton Macpherson. Majors, John 
Tilton and H. S. Weatherley. 
Six Companies, Ottawa: Captains, Bt.-Maj. A. H. Todd, 
Telmont Aumond. Fred. Toller, Fred. White, Edward 
Waldo and G. H. Bate. Paymaster, Hony. Capt. C. 
Berkeley Powell. .Adjutant, Capt. W. E. Hodgins. 
1 st Battalion. U Prince of Wales' Regiment," (Mon- 
treal). Lt.-Colonel. Frank Bond. Majors. T. P. 
Butler and Stewart Campbell. 
Six Companies, Montreal: Captains, C. de B. Leprohon, 
G. F. Cooke, A. S. Henshaw, C. H. Godfrey, Frank 
Scott and C. D. Hanson. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. 
Alexander Milloy. .Adjutant, Capt. G. R. Lighthall. 
2nd Battalion, "Queen's Own Rifles of Canad
," (To- 
ronto). Lt.-Coloml, D. H. Allan. Majors, R. 
R. B. Hamilton and J. 1\1. Delamere. 
Ten Companies, Toronto: Captains, Thos. Brown, 
Villiers Sankey, H. M. Pellatt, J. A. Murray, J. C. 
McGee, W. G. Mutton, P. D. Hughes, J. B. Thompson, 
C. C. Bennett and P. L. Mason. Paymaster, Hugh 
Blain. .Adjutant, Capt. W. C. Macdonald. 
3rd Battalion, .. Victoria Rifles of Canada," (Montreal). 
Lt.-Colonel, F. C. Henshaw. Majors, C. W. 
Radiger and J. P. Edwards. 
Six Companies, Moutreal: Captains, T. P. Bal"on, M. S. 
Blaiklock, G. R. 8tark, H. W. Becket, A. H. Sims 
and Edwin B. Busteed. Paymaster, Louis Sutherland: 
Ad;utant, Lt. Duncan Macpherson. 

5th Battalion, "Royal Scots of Canada," (Montreal) 
Lt.-Colonel, Frank Caverhill. Majors, J. C 
McCorkill and B. H. Lyman. 
Six Companies, Montreal: Cn.plains, John Hood, C. C 
Newton, J. A. L. Strathy, E. B. Ibbotson, C. E. Gauli 
t.-Maj: W. M. Blaiklock. Paymaste-r, Willian: 
Foubs. Adjutant, Captain F. L. Lydon. 
6th Battali
n, " Fusiliers," . (Montreal). Lt.-Colonel 
Fredenc Massey. ltfUJors, G. A. Mooney ane 
John Gray. 
Six COill'nanies, Montreal: Captains, A. W. Paterson, J 
H. bUll" uti, George Denison, H. S. Virtue F. W 
lke aud H. iI. Ross. Paymaster, Hony. Capt, 
DavId Seath. A qj1ltant, Captain R. G. Pettigrew. 

7th Battalion, U Fusiliers," (London). Lt.-Colonel, W. 
M. De R. Williams. Majors, A. M. Smith ane 
W. M. Gartshore. 
Companies, London: No.1, Capt. Thomas Beattie; No. 
2, Capt. F. H. Butler; No.3, Capt. J. W. Little; No. 
4, Capt. T. H. Tracy; No.5, Capt. C. F. Cox; No. 6 
Capt. S. F. Pett'rs; No.7, Capt. Edward McKer:zie. 
Paymaster, Hony. Maj. Duncan Macmillan. Ad1utant, 
Lt. R. J. Byrne. 

8th Battalion, .. Royal Rifle!!," (Quebec). Lt.-Colonel 
Henry J. Miller. ltfajo-r, 
Six Compani.s, Quebec: Captains, G. E. A. Jones, J. S, 
Dunbar, J. E. Prower, Charles !\liller, Edward Monti- 
zambert and J. F. Burstall. Paymaster, Arthur W. 
Colley. Adjutant, Capt. E. F. Wurtele. 
9th Battalion Rifles, "Voltigeurs de Quebec." Lt. 
Colonel, Guillaume Amyot. Majors, Bt. Lt.-Cols. 
T. A. H. Roy find Arthur Evanturel. 
Companies, Quebec: No.1, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. L. E. 
Frenette; No.2, Capt. and Bt.-l\laj. Mathias Chouinard' 
No.3, Capt. C. F. O. Fiset; No.4, Capt. Elzear Gar
neau ; No.5, Capt. Frank Pen nee ; No.6, Capt. Alfred 
Fages; No.7, Vapt. L. F. Pinault; No.8, Capt. N. 
Z. LeVasseur. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. George Dugal. 

10th 13attalion .. Royal Grenadiers," (Toronto). Lt.- 
Colonel, HenIJ' J. Grasett. Majors, G. D. 
Dawson and A. B. Harrison. 
Eight Companies: Captains, F. A. Caston, John Bruce, 
James Mason, R. G. Trotter, C. Greville Harston, J. 
I. Davidson, D. M. Howard and G. P. Eliot, PaY'ltas- 
ter, Nicol Kingsmill. Adjutant,Capt. F. F.P. Manley. 

11 tb Battalion of Infantry, "Argenteuil Rangers," 
(Hd. Qrs. St. Andrews, Que.) Lt.-Col01lÆl, J. 
B. Cushing, (Cushing. Que.) 
[ajor, William Hoy, 
Companies: No.1, St. Andrews, Capt. Thus. Weight- 
man; No.2, West Gore, Capt. William Good; No.3, 
Morin Flats, Capt. Isaac Jekyll; No.4, Lnchute. Capt. 
G. D. Walker; No.5, East Gore, Capt. John Rogers; 
No.6, 1\lille Isles. Capt.. John Pollock; No.7, Carillon, 
Capt. E: A. Hodgson; No.8, Chatham, Capt. G. B. 
Martin. Paymaster, Hony. :Maj. Thomas Lamb. 
12th Battalion of Infantry, "York Rangers," (I/d. 
Qrs. Aurora, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, James Way- 
ling, (Sharon). Major, T. H. Lloyd, (Newmarket). 
Companies: No.1, Riverside, Capt. W. M. Cooper; 
No.2, Aurora, Capt. J. F. Smith; Ko. 3, Seaton Vil- 
lage, Capt. G. M. Furnival; No.4, Newmarket, Capt. 
G. J. Ashworth; No.5, Sutton, Capt. W. J. Crosth- 
waite; No.6, Parkdale, Capt. Wm. McSpadden; Ko. 
7. Sharon, Capt. J. C. McCarty; No.8, Yorkville, 
Cal,t. J. T. Symons. Paymaster, J. R. Stevenson. 
Adjutant, Capt. John T. Thompson, (Parkdale). 

13th Battalion of Infantry, (Hamilton, Ont.) Lt. 
Colowl, John M. Gibson. Majors, A, H. 
Moore and Henry McLaren. 
Eight Companies. Hamilton: Captains, Bt.-Maj. P. B. 
Barnard, James Adam, John Stoneman, W. G. Reid l 
E. G. Zealand, Geo. McL. Brown, E. E. W. Moore ana 
J. C. Gillespie. PaY7ltaster, Hony. Maj. Charles Arm- 
strong. Aqjutænt, Capt. J. J. Stuart. 





14t h Battalion, .. The Princess of Wales' Own Rifles," 
(KingsWn,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Henry R. Smith 
(hony. A.D.C. to tke Governor-Gen'l.) Major, Joseph 
W Power. 
Six Companies, Kingston: Captains, James Murray, 
jun , L. W. Shannon, J. S. Skinner, W. G. Hinds, Alex. 
G. Farrell and . Paymaster, 
Alljutant, Capt. James Galloway, jun. 
15t h Battalion, "Argyle Light Infantry," (Belleville, 
Ont.) Lt..Colo-nel, S. S. Lazier. Majors, Bt. 
Lt,-Col. L. H. Henderson, Maj. T. C. Lazipr. 
Six Companies, Belleville: Captains, John Henderson, 
W. N. Ponton, R. E. Lazier,J. E. Halliwell, 
Paymaster, Capt. J. L. Biggar. Adjutant, 
16t h U Prince Edward" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. 
Qrs., Picton, Ont.) Lt.-Colunel, Thomas Bog. 
Nojors, J. R. Cunningham (Ameliasburg) and W. H. 
o. I, Picton, Capt. F. J. Horrigan. 
Ko. 4, Milford, Capt. R. G. Ostrander; No.5, Consecon, 
Capt. Alex. McDonnell; No.6, Picton, Capt. Angus 
Lighthall; No. ï, Mountain View, Capt. J. R. Anderson; 
No.8, Rednersville, Capt. James Benson. Paymaster, 
Hon'y Maj. W. T. Ross. Adjutant, Capt. M. D. 
Strachan (Kingston). 

1 7 th" Levis" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., Levis, 
Que.) Lt.-Colonel, L. G. Desjardins. Majors' 
Auguste Fournier (St. Raphael) and A. E. Demers' 
Companies: No. I, Point Levi, Capt. R. G. Bourget; No. 
2, Levis, Capt. Alfred Lefrancois; No.3, Levis, Capt. 
Philéas Begin; No.4, New Liverpool, Capt. I. E. 
Demers; No.5, St. Henri, Capt. J. A. Guenet; No. 
6, St. Lambert, Capt. Alexis Gagné ; No.7, St. Raphael, 
Capt. Joseph Bolduc; No.8, Ste. Claire, Capt. Francois 
Morin. Paymaster, Hony. Capt. C. G. Beaulieu. 
.Aqjutant, Capt. Philippe Bourassa. 
18th "Prescott.. Battalion of Infantry (Rd. Qrs., 
L'Orignal, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John Butterfield. 
Companies: No.1, Hawkesbury Village, Capt T. T. 
Higginson; No.2, Vankleek Hill, Capt. J. F. L. Rou- 
o. 3, L'Orignal, Capt. S. A. Huntington; No. 
4, St. Eugene, Capt. Felix Routhier; No.5, Plan- 
tagenet, Capt. C. E. Johnson; No.6, Hawkesbury 
}Iills, Capt. T. H. Wyman. Paymaster, Alfred Evan- 
turel. Adjutant, 

19th" Lincoln" Battalion of Infantry (Rd. Qrs., St. 
. Cutharines, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, G. C. Carlisle. 
or, . 
Companies: No.1, Niagara, Capt, J. V. Dorrity; No.2, 
8t. Catharines, Capt. W. H. Döy; No.3. St. Cathar- 
ine8, Capt. C. J. Moors; No.4, BeamsviIIe, Capt. W. 
A. V08burgh; No. f>, St. Catharines, Capt. Wm. Gar- 
son; No.6, Virgil, Capt. James Hiscott, Paymaster, 
Maj. George Walker. Adjutant, Lt. George Thairs. 

20th" llalton" Battalion, "Lome Rifles," (Hd. Qrs., 
M Won, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, W dliam Allan (A cton). 
Jlajors, Wm. Kerns (Nelson) and W. P. Appelbe 
(Stewarttown ). 
Compani,es: No.1, Oakville. Capt. T. W. Fox; No.2, 
Stewarttown, Capt. W. P. Moore; No.3, George- 
town, Cal>t. G. S. Goodwillie; No.4, CampbeJlville, 
Capt. A. C. Jones; No.5, Burlington, Capt John Brec- 
kon; No.6. Acton, Capt. Da'\id L. Schultz; No. i, Mil- 
ton, Capt. Wm. Panton. Paymaster. J. R. Barber. 
Aq;utant, Maj. John Kaitting (Milton). 

21 st Battalion, "Essex Fusiliers," (Rd. Qrs., Wind- 
sor, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John R. Wilkinson 
(Leamington). Major. James C. Guillot. 
Companies: No.1, Windsor, Capt. George Cheyne; No. 
2, Learnington. Capt. Wru. Ley; No 3, Essex Centre, 
Capt. A. E. Jones; No.4, Amhertsburg, Capt. James 
Templeton; No.5, Windsor, Capt. W. W. Dewson. 
Paymaster, F. X. Meloche. Adjutant, Capt. C. C. Fox. 

Compl1nies: No.1, Woodstock, Capt. F. W. Macqueen; 
No.2, Embro, Capt. D. R. Ross; No.3, Princeton, 
Capt. G. F. Williamson; No.4, Ingersoll, Capt. J. C. 
Hegler; No.5. Norwich, Capt. George Bleakley; 
No.6, Strathallan, Capt. A. S. Ball; No.7, Tilso:r;.- 
burg, Capt. Thomas Stoddart; No.8, Thamesford, 
Capt. Matthew Day. Pallmaster, Hon'y Maj. A. R. 
McCleneghan. Adjutant, Capt. W. :M. Davis. 

 d" Beauce" Batta1ion of Infantry (Rd. Qrs., Stt. 
· r Marie). Lt.-Colonel, J. George Bignell (Beauce). 
Major, . 
Companies: No.1, St. Vital de Lambton, Capt. Ed- 
mond Fortier; No.2, Aylmer, Captain and Bt.-Major 
Damase Paradis; No.3, St. VItal de Lambton, Capt. 
and Bt.-Maj. Louis Paradis; No.4, Ste. Marie, Capt. 
and Bt.-Maj. Thos. Jalbert. Paymaster, Hon'y :Mal. 
C. G. Labrecque. Aqj1ttant, 

24th" Kent" Battalion of Infantry (Rd. Qrs., Chat- 
ham, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, :Matthew Martin (East 
Tilb1try). Majors, C D. Rowe (Fairfield) and D. S. 
Denhmdt (Tupperville). . 
Companie,..: No.1, Chatham, Capt. H. A. Patterson; 
No.2, Chatham, Capt. G. K. Atkinson; 
o. 3, Ridge- 
town, Capt. ; No.4, Chatham, Capt. 
T. R. Coogan; No.5, Bothwell, Capt. 
; No.6, Dresden, Capt. A. W. Young. Paymaster, 
Bon'y :Maj. H. G. Reed. Adjutant, L1. J. B. Rankin. 

25th "Elgin" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., St. 
Thomas, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, C. A. O'MalleJ' 
(Wardsville). Ma.iors, William Faulds (Aylmer) and 
W. H. Lindsay (St. Thomas). 
Companies: No. 1, St. Thomas, Capt. A. W. Graham; 
No.2, Vienna, Capt. No.3, Aylmcr, 
Ca11t. H. H. Wright; No.4, St. Thomas, Capt. James 
BC{ldley; No.6, S1. Thomas, Capt. G. E. Burns. Pay- 
maliter, Capt. W. H. Moore. Adjutant, 

96th" Middlesex" Battalion of Light Infantry (Hd. 
- Qrs., London, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John English 
(Strathroy). Major, John Irwin (Strathroy). 
Compani,es: No.1, Delaware, Capt. H. C. Garnett; No.2, 
Strathroy, Capt. James Buchanan; No.3, Glencoe, 
Capt. ; No.4, Dreaney's Corners. Capt. 
Henry Dreaney; No.5, Lucan, Capt. J. S. Thom; 
Ko. 6, Park HIll, Capt. W. J. McRoberts; No. ï, 
Strathroy, Capt. P. H. Matthews; No.8, IIderton, 
Capt. T. E. Robson. Paymaster, Hon'y Capt. Juhn 
Stevenson. A djutant, Capt. J. F. Choate (Dorchester 

2 7 th "Lambton" Battalion of Infantry, "st. Clair 
Borderers"(Hd. Qrs., Sarnia, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, 
C. E. H. Fisher (London). Majors. John Savage 
(Petralia), and J. H. Beattie (Wallaceburg). 
Companies: No.1, Petrolia, Capt. }I. J. Woodward; 
No.2, Forest, Capt. J. C. Pollock; No, 3, Widder, 
Capt. Wm. Gattis; No.4, Warwick. Capt. F. Ken- 
ward; No.5, Point Edward, Capt. J. F. O'Neil; No. 
6, Watford, Capt. Robert Carroll; Ko. 7, Sarnia, Capt. 
C. S. Ellis. Paymaster, Hon'y }[aj. S. A. )[acviear. 

28th" Perth" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., Strat- 
ford, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, R S. McKnight. lIIajo1"s, 
H. A. L. White (St. 
Iary's) and J. R. Hamilton. 
Companies: No.1, Stratford, Capt. J. L. Hotson; No.2, 
Stmtford, Capt. G. T. Cooke; No.3, St. Mary's, Cart. 
W. C. )foscrip; No.4, St. Mary's, Capt. Jas. Hamilton; 
No.5. Listowel, Capt. H. B. Morphy; No.6, Stratford, 
Capt. Paymaster, William Lawrence. 
Adjutant, Capt. Monis J. Beam. 

2 9 th" Waterloo" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs.. 
Berlin, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, George Hespeler 
(Galt). MCJjoT, E. J. Beaumont (Galt). 
Companies: No.1, Elmira. Capt. W. S. Henderson, 
No.2, Galt, Capt. J. L. Cowan; No.3, New Hamburg, 
Captain Jonathan Cook; No.4, Galt, Capt. James 
nd Battalion "Oxford Rifles," (Hd. Qrs., Wood- P. Martin; No.5, Hespeler, Capt. . 
- stock,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, James Munro (Embro). No.6, Berlin, Capt. J. E. Stanton. Paymaster, Hon'y 
Majors, R. Y. Elha (Ingersoll) and Wm. Love)'s (Emwo). Capt. Adam Cranston. Ädjutant, 




30th U Wellington" Battalion of Rifles (Hd. Qrs., 
Guelph, únt.) Lt.-Col., Charles
larke. .Majors, 
W. W. White (.Arth1tr) and John MutTle (01tShc). 
Companies: No.1, Harriston, Capt. W. W. Mason; No. 
2, Guelph. Capt. G. D. Porter; No.3, Fergus, Capt. 
John Beattie; No.4, Elora, Capt. D. 1\1. Allan; No.5, 
Mount Forest, Capt. Wm. Kingston; No.6, Eramosa, 
Capt. Arch. Johnson; No.7, Erin, Capt. Wm. }Ic- 
Dowell; No.8, Palmerston, Capt. Wm. Jamieson; 

o. 9, Moorefield, Capt. John Booth; No. 10, Arthur, 
Capt. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. Edmund 
Harvey. .Adjutant, 
31 st "Grey" Battalion of Infantry IlId. Qrs., Owen 
Sound,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, George Brodie (Mea- 
ford). Majors, Bt. Lt.-Col. J. P. Telford (Leith), Maj 
Joseph Rorke (Clarksburg). 
Companies: No.1, Owen Sound, Capt. A. J. Spencer; 
No.2, Meaford, Capt. H. R. Cleland; No.3, Leith, 
Capt. ; No.4, Durham, Capt. 
; No.5, Chatsworth, Capt. John 
lII('Donald; No.6, Flesherton, Cart. A. G. Campbell; 
No.7, Clarksburg, Capt. Edward Rorke. Paymaster, 
.W. E. Lech. .Adjutant, Capt. J. B. McLean (Durham). 

nd "Bruce" Battalion of Infantry (lId. Qrs., 
- Walkerton, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, J W. S. Biggar 
(Sonthampton). Major, B. B. Boyd, (Port Elgin). 
Cumpanies: No.1, Port Elgin, Capt. J. W. Staftord; 
No.2, Kincardine, Cart. W. C. Loscombe; No.3, 
Lucknow, Capt. n. G. Jefferis; No.4, Paisley, Capt. 
W. C. Valentine; No.5, Walkerton, Capt. W. C. 
Mnffat; No.6, Arran, Capt. John Douglass; No.7, 
Mildmay, Capt. John Henderson; No.8, Teeswater, 
Capt. Arcl.. GiIIi
s. Paymastu, A. B. Kldn. Adj1t- 
tant, Lt. J. H. Scott (Kincardine). 

 d "Huron" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., 
Goderich, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, T. T. Coleman 
('3eaforth). Mojors, 
Companies: No.1, Goderich, Capt. J. R. }Iiller; No.2, 
Wingham, Capt. Wm. Elliott; No.3, Seaforth, Capt, 
J. G. Wilson; No.4, Clinton, Capt. D. A. Forrester; 
No.5, Ainleyville, Capt. John Leckie; No.6, Exeter, 
Capt. Glynn Elliott; No.7, Porter's Hill, Capt. John 
McDonald; No.8, Gorrie, Capt. John Kaines; No.9, 
Dungannon, Capt. Jos. Mallough. Paymaster, Hon'y 
Maj. Francis Jordan. .Adj1ttant, }Iaj. Henry Cooke. 
34t h "Ontario" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., 
Whitby, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Michael O'Donovan. 
j[ajors, N. F. Paterson (Port Perry), J. E. Farewell. 
Companies: NO.1, Whitby, Capt. J. J. O'Donovan; No. 
2, Green wood, Capt. Wi! bur R enderson ; No.3, Osha wa, 
Capt. T. E. Cleverdon; No.4, Beaverton, Capt. C. A. 
Paterson; No.5, Uxbridge, Capt. J. A. McGillivray; 
No.6, Brooklin, Capt. W. H. Browne; No.7, Canning- 
ton, Capt. J. R. Vicars. Paymaster, Frank Madill. 
Adj1ttant, Capt. James Rutledge. 

35th Battalion o
 Infantry, "Simcoe Foresters':'(l!d. 
Qrs., Barne, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, W. E. 0 Bnen 
(Shanty Bay). Majors, W. J. Graham (Barrie) and 
Peter Burnet (Orillia). 
COlnranies: No.1, Barrie, Capt. H. E. McKee; No.2, 
Collingwood, Capt. R. G. Campbell; No.3, Jarrett's 
Corners, Capt. John Gray; No.4, Vespra, Capt. Allison 
Leadly; No.5, Barrie, Capt. John Powell; No.6, 
Huntsville, Capt. Christopher Peacock; No.7, Orillia, 
Capt. T. H. Drinkwater; No.8, Penetanguishene, 
Capt. John Landrigan. Paymaster, Bon'y Maj. Joseph 
Rogers. Adj1dant, Ht.-Maj. James Ward. 

3 7 th" Haldi and" Battalion of Rifles (Hd. Qrs., 
York, Ont.) Lt.-Coloml, Robert H. Davis. 
Companios: No. I, York, Capt. Andw. Williamson; No. 
3, Caledonia, Capt. R. L. Nelles; No.4, Hagarsville, 
Capt. B. A. Griffith; No.5, Jarvis, Capt. 
; No.6, Dunnville, Capt. John Robinson; No. 
7, Caledonia, Capt. ; 
o. 8, Cayuga, Capt. 
Wm. Mussin. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. John H. Rogers. 
.Adjutant, Capt. John Tuck. 

38th Battalion, "Dufferin Rifles of Canada," (Brant- 
ford,Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, John Ballachey. Majors, 
B. H. Rothwell and T. H. Jones. 
panies, Brantford: No. I, Capt. Jos. Stratford; No. 
2, Capt J. H. McLean; No.3, Capt. H. F. Leonard; 
No.4, Capt. H. J. :McGlashan; No. 5, Capt, Georgr 
l{idney; No.6, Cart. J. S. Hamilton. Paymaster, 
Hon'yMaj. F. J. Grenny. .Adjutant, Capt. W. D.Jones. 

39th "Norfolk" Batt..lion of RIfles (Rd. Qrs., Simcoe, 
Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Major. H. L. Coombs. 
Companies: No.1, Simcoe, Capt. J. W. Ryerson; No. 
2, Hartford, Capt. J. H. Woodley; No.3, Port 
Rowan, Capt. Geo. PrÍf'e: No.4, Walsingham, Capt. 
; No.5, Waterford, Capt.. I. E. York; No. 
6, Simcoe, Capt. ; No.7, Port Dover, Capt. 
R. W. Ansley; No.8, Fredericksburg, Capt. W. S. 
Wood. Payma..<ter, J. M. Tweedale. Adj1ttant, 

40th "Northumberland" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. 
Qrs., Cobo1trg, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Robert Z. 
Rogers (Grafton). Major, Bt. Lt.-Col. J. V. Graveley 
Companies: No.1, Cobourg, Capt. H. J. Snelgrove; No. 
2, Cobourg, Capt. John McCaughey; No. 3, Campb
ford, Capt. R. H. Bonnyeastl
; No.4, Brighton, Capt. 
W. C. Butler; No.6, Grafton, Capt. H. C. Denms; 
No.7, Colborne, Capt. F. C. B. Gr
er ; No.8, Castle- 
ton, Capt. Wm. Duncan; No.9, Warkworth, Capt. R. 
P. Hurlbut Paymaster, Hon'y 1laj. A. J. Van Ingen. 
.Adj1dant, Capt. G. L. Duncan (Morganston). 

41 s t" B 
oc kville" Battalion of Rifles (II 
l. Q rs., Br.ock- 
lle, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, W. H. Cole. A[aJors, 
D. E. Jackson (GnnanO'l1te) and G. 1\1. Cole. 
Companies: No.1, Brockville, Capt. Will. Cook; No.2, 
Gananoque, Capt. H. M. Jackson; No.3, Delta, Capt. 
M. L. Day; No.4, Brockville, Capt. ; 
No.5, Carleton Place, Capt. Jos. McKay; No.6, Goul- 
burn, Capt, Wm. Garvin. Paymaster, Wm. J. Wright. 
Adjutant, Capt. W. H. Asselstine (Gananol}lte). 

42 I" Brockville" Battalion of Infantry (lId. Qrs., 
TIC Brock,ville, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, ArthurJ. Mathe- 
son (Perth). ],[ajors, T. W. Sparham (Brockville) and 
Geoghegan Hollinsworth (Pembroke). 
Companies: No.1, Almonte, Capt. George Williams: 
No.2, BrockviIle, Capt. J. E. Chrysler; No.3, Perth, 
Capt. J. W. Motherwell; No.4, Lansdowne, Capt. 
James Dixon; No.5, Lanark, Capt. T. B. Caldwell ; 
No.6, Pembroke, Capt. Lennox Irving. Paymaster, 
Christopher 1<'. Fraser. Adjutant, 

43rd "Ottawa and Carleton" Battalion of Rifles 
(Rd. Qrs., City 01 Ottawa). Lt.-Colonel, 
William White. .Majors, John Walsh and W. P. 
Companies: No.1, Ottawa, Capt. A. P. Sherwood; 
No.2, Hull, Capt. Joshua Wright; No.3, Wakefield, 
Capt. I. B. York; No.4, Vernon, Capt. Braddish 
Billings; No.5, Arnprior, Capt. John A. Macdonald; 
No.6, New Edinburgh Ward, Ottawa, Capt B. H. Bell. 
Paymaster, Lt. J. E. Parker. Ac(jutant, Capt. T. D. 
B. Evans. 

36th" Peel" Battalion of Infantry(Hd. Qrs., Bramp- 
ton, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, Richard Tyrwhitt(Brad- 
ford). Alajors, Edward Leslie (Orangeville) and P. 
McG. Barker (Orangeville). 
Companies: No.1, Brampton, Capt. A. G. Murray; No.2, 44th" Weiland" Battalion of Infantry (Rd. Qrs., 
Orangeville, Ca pt. John Mole; No.3, Cookstown, Ca pt, Niagara Fnlls, Ont.) Lt. -Colonel, James Morin 
Christopher Cooke; No.4, Albion, Capt. James Wolfe; (Ridgeway). Major, 
No.5, Bond Read, Capt. Robert Scott; No.6, Alliston, Companies: No. I, Niagara Falls, Capt. Hiram Ben- 
Capt. Duncan No.7, Shelbume, Capt. E. E. I der; No.2, Thorold, Capt. Hugh James; No.3, Chip- 
Williams; No.8, Orangevillp, Capt. pewa,Capt. J. A. Greenwood; No. 4, Fort Erie, Capt. E. 
Paymaster, Hon'y Capt. Chas. Smith. Adj1dant, Capt. A. Cruickshank; No, 5, Weiland, Capt. L. C. Raymond; 
G. T. Evans (Albion). No.6, Niagara Falls, Capt. G. A. MdIicking; No.7, H. 




Stevens\"ilIe, Capt. Joseph Clark;. 
o. 8, Sand HilI, 
Capt. John Bal'wèIl. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. Chas. 
Treble. Adjutant, Capt. John Brennan (Clifton). 

4 5 th "West Durham" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. 
· Qrd. Bowmanville, ant.) Lt.-Colonel, Frederic 
Cubitt, bfajors, Bt. Lt.-Co!. James Deacon (Lindsay), 
Maj. John Hughes (B1trton). 
Companies: Xo. I, Bowmanville, Capt. P. J. Rowe; 
:So. 2, Fenelon Falls, Capt. W. D. Hunter; No.8, 
BurtonvilIe, Capt. W. J. Brown; Xo. 4, Lindsay, Capt. 
J. \V. Wallace; No.5, Omemee, Capt. James E,'ans; 
No.6, Lindsay. Capt. J. C. Grace. p(lymaster, W. T. 
Scott. Adj1ttaltt, Capt. Samuel Hughes lUndsc'y). 

46th ., East Durham" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. (}r8. 
Port Hope, Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, F. A. Benson. 
Majors, J. McDermid (Janetville), and R. Dingwall. 
CompaniÆs: No.2, Port Hope. Capt. Robert Deyell; 
No.8, Port Hope, Capt. W. J. Robertson; No. 
brook, Capt. C. H. Winslow; No.5, Springville, Capt. 
David Walsh; No.6, Bethany, Capt. J. A. V. Pre!'ton; 

o. 7, Janetville, 8apt. J. W. Gray. Paymastcr, Hony. 

Iaj. Richard Howden. Adjutant, Ca}.t. H. A. Ward. 

4 7 th "Frontenac" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Ql'S. 
Kingston, ant.) Lt..Colonel, Hon. George A. 
Kirkpatrick. j[ajors, George Hunter (Willetsholllle), 
ami Chas. :So Spooner (Elginb1tl'q). 
Companies: No.1, :\liIburn, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. Robert 
Hewton; No.2, Inverary, Capt. Jos. Hcaley; No.8, 
Sydenham, Capt. C. S. Irvine; No.4, Portsmouth, 
Capt. and Bt.-
Iaj. Thos. Kelly; No.5, Barriefield, 
Capt. Jas. Byrne; No.6, Napanee, Capt. C. Z. Perry; 
No.7, Harrowsmith, Capt. Elijah Joyner; No.8, 
Tamworth> Capt. and Et.-:\Iaj. Hobert Cox; No.9, 
Amherst Island, Capt. ; Xo. 10, 
ErnsttQwn, Capt. J. E. Jlabee. Paynur.ster, 
Strachan. Adjutant, :\Iaj. W. M. Baillie. 
âO th "Hastings" Battalion of Rifles (11d. Qr8. Stir- 
 ling, ant.) Lt.-Colonel, Jas. Browll (Bclin'me). 
Majors, Bt. Lt.-Col. G. H. Boulter (Stirling), :\Iaj. P. 
H. Hambly (BeUemlle). 
CIJ/tIpaniÆs: No.1, BeIlevilI"" Cltpt. and Bt.-
Iaj. Edward 
Harrison; No.2, Stirling, Capt. C. E. Hart; Ko. 8, 
Sidney, Capt. John Graham; No.4, :\Iadoc, Capt. J. 
R. Orr; No.5, Tyelldenaga, Capt. J. H. Leno},.; Ko. 
ü, Trenton, Capt. . PaY17taster. )Iaj. R. P. 
Fidlar. Adjutant, Lt. J. W. Johuston (Belleville). 
50th Battalion of Infantry, "Huntingdon Borderers," 
(lId. Qr". Iluntin.'Jd01t. Que.) Lt.-Colo,tel, 
Iadaren (ll.ockbur't). .\Iajor, 
Companies: No.1, Huntingdon, Capt. and Bt.-
Isaac Gardner; Ko. 2, Orm-stowll, Capt. Jno. Gilbert; 
No.8. Hurdmau's Corners, Capt. S. H. Henderson; 

o. 4, Atl1elstan, Capt. P. C. 
[cGinnis. p(lymaster, 
Hony. Capt. Robert Middlemiss. Adjutant, Maj. W. 
lcLaren (I1!tJttingdon). 

51st Battalion of Infantry, "Hemmingfonl Rangers," 
(Hd. Qrs. Hemmiltgford, Quc.) Lt.-Colonel, 
Ri('ha.r(i Lucas (Roxham, oS!. John's). JI.I,'jor, F. A. 
Cantwell (Franldin). 
Compcl!t;es: Ko. 1, Havelock, Capt. Alex. 1IIilne; 
o. 2, 
Lacolle, Capt. W. Waters; :So. 8. Franklin. Capt. Joseph 
Waddell; No.4, Hemmingford, Capt. G. .1. 
No.5, Roxhalll, Capt. GeorJ!e Elliott; 
o. ü, Hem- 
mingforll, Capt. Richard Hayes; No.7, St. Jean 
Chrysostorne. Capt. J. 
lcG. Stewart; K... 8, St. Remi, 
Capt. Louis Ste. 
Iarie. P(lym./ster, Hony. 1\Iaj. W. 
B. Johnson. Adjutant, !ilaj. J. McFee (He',nmingfo;rd). 

:; 3 rd "Sherbrooke" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qr.s. 
v Shel'brooke, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, E. P. Felton. 
J[ai01's, W. A. l\Iorehouse and R. G. Leckie. 
Companies, Sherbrooke: No. I, Capt. H. R. Fraser; 
:No.2, Capt. A. C. H. Bo\\en; No.8. Capt. E. B. 
Worthmgton; No.4, Capt. John Fales. Paymaster 
Henry A. Odell. Adjutant, 
:;4th "Richmond" Battalion of Infantry ([{d. Ql'S. 
U Richmond, Quc.) Lt.-Colonel. Rt. Hon. Udol- 
phus, Lord Aylmer (Melb01trne). A[ojors. Geo. Wil- 
liamson (Kingsbury) ami E. S. Bernard (Jfeibo1trne). 
Companies: No.1, Dam'ille, Ca{lt. Wm. Thorhurn; No. 
=!. Melbourne, Capt. T. L. Brown; 
o. 8, Rlehlllond. 
Capt. J. W. Harkom; No.4, Brompton and Windsor, 
Capt. E. G. Morey; No.5, South Durham, Capt. 
Archd. Bothwell; No.6, Kirkdale, Capt. T. S. Black- 
well. Paymaster, Leonard Thomas. Adjutant, 
55th" Megantic Light }nfantry" Battalion (Hd. Qrs. 
Inverw-ss, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, W. J. Ward 
(Lower Ireland). Majors, Wm. Thompson (Le11les1trier) 
and Oswald Hunter (Inverness). 
Companies: No.1. Kinnear's Mills, Capt. Edward 
Lipsey; No.2. Inverness, Capt. J. A. Wallace; No. :s 
New Ireland, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. G. H. Porter; NO.4' 
Maple HIll, Capt. Jas. Watkins; No.5, St. Julie d
Somerset, Capt. P. A. Bourk; No. ô, St. Sylvestre 
Capt. Francis Carroll. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. Jame
McKenzie. Adjutant, Capt. T. McKenzie ( 
56th "Grenville" Battalion, "Lisgar Rifles," (Hd. 
Qrs. Prescott, ant.) Lt.-Colonel. R. O. Campbell 
(Burritt's Rapids). Majo-rs, Andrew Carmichael 
(Spencerrille) and J. B. Che('kley (North AJlgusta). 
Companies: No. I, Cardinal. Capt. William Stitt; 
:So. 2, Prescott, Capt. O. S. Dawson; No.8, Burritt',; 
Rapid;;, Capt. T. A. Kidd; No.4. Kemptville, Capt. 
D. W. Beckett; No.5, North Augusta, Capt. J. A. 
Elliott; No.6, Spencerville, Capt, G. Å. Drummond; 
Xo. 7, :Metcalfe, Capt Ira l\lorgan. Paymaste
'. Ens. 
(provis'l) D. P. Snyder. Adjutant, Capt. W. H. 
Burritt (Burritt's Rapidtl). 
5 7 th Battalion of Infantry, "Peterborongh Rang"rs," 
(Ild. QTK PeterborO'ltgh. Ont.) Lt.-Colonel, 
James Z. Rogers. Majors, T. M. Grover (...Yoru'ood) 
and R. W. Bell (Peterborough). 
Companies, PeterlJorough: No.1, Capt. E. ß. Edwards; 
No.2, Capt. Wm. Langford; Xo. 8, Capt. G. C. 
Rogers; No.4, Capt. R. E. Birdsall; No.5, Capt. 
Thos. Burke; :So. 6, Ca})t. \V. H. Cooper. .Pc1:J1I!aster 
Hony. Maj. J. A. Howal'cL Adjutant, ' 
58th .. Compton" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., 
Bury, Qne.) Lt.-Colonel, F. 1\1. Pope (Robinson). 
],[ajors, J. D. Ramage (Coatirooke) and 1\1. B. }Iac- 
Auley (Robinson). 
C'YTIlpanies: No.1, Bury (Robinson), Capt. A. L. 

lcIver; No.2, Gould, Capt. Alex. Ross; No.8, 
1\Iarston. Capt. J. T. MI'lver; No.4, 1\larbleton, Capt. 
W. W. Weyland; No.5. Lake 
Iegantic, Capt. Donald 
Beaton; No.6, :\Iassawippi, Capt. G. P. H. Hitchcock' 
No.7, CoatIcook, Capt. R. G. Trenhohn ; No. 8, AppI
Grove, Capt. Jno. Clarke; No.9, Winslow, Capt. D. 

. :\1
Leod; No. 10, Cook:.hire, Capt. E. S. Baker. 
Paymaster, Honv. l'tlaj. Edmund Lo('kett. AtUutcmt. 
Lt. J. H. Cook (Cooklihire). 

59th "Stormont" Battalion of Infantry (Hù. Qrs. 
Cornwall, ant.) Lt.-Cololtd, James H. Brellin 
(Woncllaltd.5). loll/jors, A. T. Light (Farran's Point) 
anll Roderick R. 1\[cLennan (Cornwall). 
Comp,'nies: No.1, Cornwall, Capt. Geo. :MUden; No. 
2, COlTlwall, Capt. Robert Smyth; No.8, Cornwall, 
Capt. C. H. Wood; 
o. 4, Township of Finch, Capt. 
52nd "Bmme" Battalion of Light lufant!"y (lld. Qr.
. F. D. F. )Iacllaughton; No.5, Farran's Point, Capt. 
Knowlton, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, Calvin L. HaIl Gordon Baker, jun,; No.6, Luneuburg. Capt. ; 
(Cowansville). Major, C. C. Perkins (It[I/nsonville). No.7, Roxborough, Capt. Rodk.l\1orrison. Fa'fllI-aster, 
Companies: Xo. I, Abercorn, Capt. }1. I.. Shepard; No. Henry Turner. Adj1ttant, Capt. H. Clarke (Fan'an's 
2, Knowlton, Capt. 'Vm. 
Ia('farlane; Ko. 3, Sutton, I Point). 
Capt. Andrew Davison; Xo. 4, East Farnham, Capt. 
E. U. HaIl; No.5. -'lansonvilIe, Capt. C. 1\1. Bowen; 6U th "'lissislIuoi" Battalion of Infantry (11([. Qrs., 
:So. 6, Bülton, Capt. J. K. Latty; No. 7, 
Iagog, ('apt. Clarencerille, Que.) Lt.-Cololld, C. S. Rvwe. 
A. E. Phelan. PaYlllastl/', Hony, Capt. G. ß. Hall. I Major/!, Bt. Lt.-Cot A. H. Gilmour and J. A. Hawley. 
Adjutant. 2nd Lt. R. )r. Hr,ll (East Famlw1/t). , Cmnpanies: 
o. 1, Philips burg, Capt. and Bt.-1\Iaj. H. 




[I 888 

X Sixby; No.2, Clarenceville, Capt. D. J. A. Macfie; I Aylesford, Capt. W. R. L. Foster; No. 10, Buckley's 
Xo. 3, Dunham, Capt. Joel H. Baker: No.4, West Corner, Capt. D. E. Ross. Paymo.ste1', Charles F. Eaton. 
Farnham, Capt. Geo. Higgins: No.5, Stan bridge, Adjutfmt, 2ud Lt. C. R. Coleman (LakeL'ille). 
Capt. Judson Bockus; No. ô, Frelighshurg, Capt. Z' I - 
Y. Whitman. PaY1naste1', Maj. D. Westover. A diu- 69th "1st Annap'Jlis" BattalIon of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., 
, Capt. Claude B. Jameson. Paradise, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, W. E. Starratt. 
- Jlajors, C. S. Cole (Paradise), and J. O. Marshall (Port 
t "MontmagllY and L'Islet" Battalion of Infantry Williams). 
:s (Hd. QI'S., !t[ont,nagny, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, Compnniex: Ko. I, Wilmot, Capt. L. W. Elliott; No.2, 
Philippe Landry (St. Pierre, Riv. du S1ul.) lIla"or, I Paradise, Capt. E. 1\1. Morse; No.3, Granville, Capt. 
Edouard Lemieux (Chicoutimi). David Wade; No.4, Port Williams, Capt. Juo. Charl- 
COJ,!panif's: N? ,1, St.. Thomas, Capt. J. B. C. Fournier 
 ton; No.5.. Annapolis Royal, Cåpt. .W. 1\1. Bailey; No. 

o. 2, St. Pleae, Rlv. du Sud, Capt. E. A. H. Talhot, 6, Bear River, Capt. J. N. kelly, No.7, ParadIse, 
Xo. 3, Cap St. Ignace, Capt. Alfred Gamache; No.4, Capt. J. P. Buckler; No.8, Bear River, L'apt. J. W. 
8t. Jean Port Joli, Capt. A. C. Talbot; No.5, L'Islet, I Turnbull; No.9, Clementsport, Capt. Wallace Harris. 
Capt. J. O. Giasson; No.6, Chicoutimi, Capt. B. A. Paym.aster, 2nd Lt. (provis'l) T. H. Millar. Adj1lfant, 
Scott. Paymaster, J. B. A. Lepine. Adjutant, Capt. Lt. C. B. Cornwell (Clarence). 
Phidyme Belanger (L'Islet). 
,... Oth "Cham?lain" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., 
, Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan, Qlle.) Lt.-Colonel, N. 
P. Massicotte. ltlajorli, Bt. Lt.-Cols. Napoleon St. 
Arnaud and Philippe Trudel. 
Companies: No.1, Ste. Genevien de Batiscan, Capt. 
Ernest Trudel; 1\;0. 2, St. Narcisse, Capt. Adolphe 
Cossette; No.3, !:!te. Genevie\'e, Capt. Tancrede Tru- 
del; No.4, St. Prosper, Capt. Jean :Massicotte; No.5, 
Ste. Anne de la Perade, Capt. J. A. Rousseau; No.6, 
Ste. Tlte, Capt. F. X. Baril. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. 
Achille Beauchet. Adjuta.nt, Maj. Come P. Trudel. 

lld Battalion, "St. Johu Fusiliers," (St. John, 
- N. B.) Lt.-Colonel, Arbuthnot Blaine. lIfgjors, 
J. J. Tucker aud H. H. McLean. 
Sir Companies, St. John: Captains, Bt.-1\laj. E. T. 
Sturdee, W, C. Magee, H. J. A. Godard, J. P. Hegan, 

1. B. Edwards amI G. A. Feasel'. Paymaste1', Hon'y 
Maj. Jas. Devlin. Adjutant, Bt.-Maj. F. H. Hartt. 

nrd "Halifax" Battalion of Rifles (Halifax, N. S.) 
u.) Lt.-Colonel, J. D. Mackintosh. Maiors, T. J. 
Walsh and T. J Egan 
Six Comprmies, Halifax: Coptains, Wm. Bishop, H. 
Hechler, A. G. Cunningham, J. T. Meagher, J. T. 
Twining and W. J. Butler. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. 
,J. S. Mitchell. Adjutant, Capt. J. N. Crane. 

64 th Battalion of Rifles, "Voltigeurs de Beauhar- 
nois, " (Hd. QI'S., Bea1tharnois, Qlle.) Lt.-Colonel, 
L. Poitras. Majors, L. R Baker and J. Deslallriers. 
Companies, Beauharnois: No.1, Capt. André Leduc; 
No.2, Capt. J. B. Bonhomme; No.3, Capt. J. B. 
Cadieux: No.4, Capt. Julien Poirier; No.5, Capt. 
W. S. Danis; 
o. 6, Capt. Eustache Bergevin. Pay- 
master, Hon'y Maj. Cyrillt: Guimoud. Adjutant, Capt. 
Pierre Boyer. 
6 ;;th Battalion, "Mount Royal Rifles," (Montreal, 
U Que.) Lt.-Colonel, Juseph A. Ouimet. Majors, 
C A. Dugas and Hector Prevost. 
Eight CO'IILP'lnieS, Montreal: Captains, Joseph Giroux, 
L. G. E. Bauset, L. J. Ethier, C. J. Doherty, J. P. A. 
des Trois-maisons, J. A. Villeneuve, . 
Paymaster, Hon'y Capt. C. L. Bosse. Adj1ttant, Capt. 
.Alex. Roy. 

66th Battalion, "Princess Louise Fusiliers," (Hnli- 
fa-.;, N. S.) Lt.-Colond, C. J. Ma
][ajors, W. M. Humphrey and B. A. "-eston. 
Eight Companies, Halifax: Captains, Jno. Menger, 
C. H. 1\Iackinlay, E. G. Kenny,.A. W. Spike, A. M. K. 
DonIl, H. L. Chipman, Alfred Browne and Alfred 
Whitman. PaY1n'1,ster, Capt. R. H. Hllmphrey. Aqju- 

718t "York" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs., Fred- 
ericton, N B.) Lt -Colonel, J. L.l\Iarsh. Majors, 
Jeremiah Staple:i (St. Jr[ary's) and T. L. Alexander 
(Frederictolt Stah'on). 
Companies: NQ. 1, St. Mary's, Capt. Jared Boone; 1'10. 
2, 1\lcKeen's Corners, Capt. Jesse Christy; No.3, Stan- 
ley, Capt. W. T. Howe; No.4, Fredericton, Cal)t. T. G. 
J. Loggie; No.5, Blissville, Capt. W. D. H'lrtt: No. 
6, St. 
tephen, Capt. John Mc1\lulleu; 
o. 7, Frederic- 
ton, Capt. H. A. Cropley; 1'10. 8, St. George, Capt. A. J. 
Me Get:. Paymaster, Maj. A. G. Beckwith. Adjutant, 
72nd "2nd Annapolis" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. 
Qrs., Wilmot, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, Shippy Spurr. 
Major, C. W. Shaffner (Smtth Fannington). 
Companies: No.1, Wilmot, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. C. Jacques; 
No.2, Wilmot, Capt. G. Rnaf'h; No.3, Wilmot, Capt. J. 
G. Bowlby; No.4, Middleton. Capt. O. 1\1. Taylor; No. 
5, Farmington, Capt. H. M. Phinny; No.6, Nicteaux, 
Capt. J. M. Morse. Pa?/master, Lt. Albert Gates. 
Adjlltnnt, Lt. E. F. McNeil (J1[elvern Sq1utre). 
... , 3rd "Northumberland" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. 
Qrs., Chatham, Miramichi, N. B.) Lt.-Cownel, 
Samuel U. 1\f(:Culley. MajtJr, 
Companies: No.1, Buctouf'he, Capt. John Sheridan; 
No.2, Chatham, Capt. Wm. Fenton; No.3, Black 
Brook, Capt. Alex. 1\lcKnight; 
o. 4, Black River, 
Capt. Wm. McNaughton; No.5, Bay du Vin, Capt 
Hugh Cameron. l'aytnaster, Lemuel J. Tweedie. 
Adjutant, Capt. A. S. Templeton (Black River). 

i 4th Battalion of Infantry (lId. Qrs., SltSSex, N. B.J 
67th Battalion, "Carleton Light Infantry," (Hd. Qrs., Lt.-Colonel, E. B. Beer. lI[(Ijors, O. R. Amold 
Wood$tock, N. B.) Lt.-Co'onel, J. D. Baird. (Sussex) and J. 1\1. Baird (Saekville). 
Major,. Companies: No. I, Clifton, Capt. H. D. Wetmore; No. 
Companies: No.1, Woodstock, Capt. n. W. Bourne; 2, Petitcodiac, Capt. J. W. McFee; No.3, Sussex, 
No.2. Centrcville, Capt. J. W. Adams; No.3, Debec, Capt C. H. Fairweather; No.4, Shemogne, Capt. W. 
Capt. R. Kirk}Jatrick; No.4, Brighton, Ca}Jt. and Bt.- C. Murray; No.5, Sackville. Capt. J. A. Bowes; No.6, 
}Iaj., G. E. Boyer; No.5, Waterville, Capt. J. T. Fletch- I Haie Verte, Capt. B. Harper. Paymaster, Hon'y Ma.i. 
er; No.6, Andover, Capt. A. H. McLaughlan; No.7, I T. E. Arnolll. Adj1ttant,C&.pt. J. 1\1. Kinnear(&rekville). 
Baker Brook, Capt. J. W. Baker; Ko. 8, East Florenf'e- - 
. "ille, Capt. and Bt..-
aj. A. D. Hartley; No; 9, 
Vil- 7 - th "Lnnenburg" Battaliou of Infantry (Ild. Qrs., 
 Capt. J. W. \yIlhams. Paymaster, Hon y Maj. J. I ó) Lttnenhurg, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, C. Edwin 
D. Ketchum. Aqj1tfant, Lt. Arthur J. Raymond. KalIlbach. 
Companies: No.1, Lunenbllrg, Capt. J. W. King; No. 

 8t h "King's County" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. I 2, Lllnenburg, Capt. Thos. CnrB; No.3, Lnnenburg. 
U Qrs., Kentville, N. S.) Lt.-Colonel, L. l)eV. Capt. G. A. Ross; No. 4, 
Iahone Bay, Capt. J. P, 
Chipman. Majors, B
. Lt.-Cols. W. H. Belcher and Ham; No.5, Martin's Ri\'er, Capt. J. Langille; No.6, 
H. W. LydiaI'd. I Kew Ross, Capt. G. H. Windrow. Paymaster. Hon'y 
Companus: No.1, Kentville, Capt. B. R. Dodge; Ko. }Ia
. Stephen Finck. A djutant, Lt. R. H. Griffitlu!. 
2, Sheffield's Mills, Ca}Jt. E. 1\1. Beckwith; No.3, I - 
Kentville, Capt. Jno. Redden; No.4, Billt.,wn, Capt. 7 6th Battalion of Rifles, "Voltigeurs de Chatpau- 
Edward Steadman; No.5, Ross' Corner, Capt. W. E. gllay" (lId. Qr/;., Ste. !t[artine, Qlte.) Lt.-Colonel, 
o. û, Canning, Capt. C. E. Borden; No.7, I Joseph Beaudreau Mujors, Louis Turcot (North 
Aylesford, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. T. R. Harris; No.8, Georgetown) and Charles D'Amour (Ste. Philo'fltène). 




C01npanus: Xu. I, Ste. Philomêne, Cat->t. J. B. Damour; 
Xu. 2, Ste. M<lrtine, Capt. E. J. Gagnier; No.8, St. 
Urhain. Capt. Elzear Sabourin; Ko. 4, Stp. 
Capt. Fr:lncois Laberge; No.5, Ste, )Iartine, Capt. 
Juseph Landry; No.6, Chateauguay, Capt. Zotique 
Reiù. Paymaster, Lt. F. X. Roy. Adjutflltt, 
7 - I "Wentworth" Battalion of Inf<lntry (Hd. Q/"s. 
, t 1 Dnndas, Vnt.) Lt.-Colonel, John Brown (Bin- 
). J[ajm's. Bt. Lt.-Col. H. C. Gwyn (Dundas) 
anù )bj. F. r.t. Carpenter (Stoney Creek). 
Compftnies: No I, Dlllula8, Capt. Ale''- Bertram; No. 

, Watenlown, Capt. Jas. :\lc:\Iouies; No.8, Billbrook, 
Capt. W. G. Fletcher; NO.4, Anc;1stel', Capt. T. A. 
o. 5, Saltrteet, Capt. H. H. Carpenter; No. 
li Glallford, Capt. Will. Wells. Paymaster, 2nd Lt. 
'!. C. Ryan. Adjutlt1tt, Capt, Jas. Aikens IBinbrook). 
7 '\ tll "Colchester, Hants and Picton" Battalion of In- 
- fantry, co Highlanders" (Hd. Qrs. Truro, N.S.) 
Lt.-Colonel, William :\L Blair. 1[ajors, G. H. SutilPr- 
land (.1lillbrook) and Joseph Burge::!s (Wind.
Companies: No. I, Traro, Capt. H. T. Lawrence, No. 
2, Onslow, Capt. Geo. Rayne; No.8, Shllbenal'adie, 
Capt. 1. L. Barnhill; No.4, Windsor, Capt. J. H. 
Smith; No. 5, 
Iill Brook, Capt. and fit.-Maj. Rodk. 

IcKellzie; No.6, Mount Thorn, Capt. Wm. Maxwell; 
Nu. 7, Burnside, Capt. Angus 1\IcLeod. Pnymaster, 
2nd Lt. S. G. Chambers. Adjutant, 2nù Lt. T. A. 
Blackburn (J[ilfOl'd). 

 9tll "Shefford" Battalion of Infantry, c'Highlanù- 
, . ers" (lId. Qrs. Waterloo, Que.) Lt.-ColonÚ, 
Thos. H. Cox (Granby). Majors, James llaynes anù 
J. D. Bulman. 
Companies: No. I, Granby, Capt. R. Seale; No.2, Water- 
loo, Capt. A. J. Whitehead; No.8, Watel'loo, Capt. R. 
E. Bdl; No. 4, 
ol1th Roxton, Capt. J. R. Galbraith; 
Xo. û, Boscobel, Capt. and BtA.laj. R. Hackwell; No. 
" Lawrenceville, Capt. J. !llcC. BI'uwn; No.8, Water- 
loo, C1tpt. H. N. Whitcomb. Puyuw.ster, Capt. L. H. 
Brooks. Adjutant, 
8 0th" Nicolet" BattaHolJ of Infantry (lId. Qn Gen- 
tilly, Qlte.) Lt.-Colonel, Edonard {le Foy. 
Mojor, C. H. Gu'oux (Nicolet). 
Companies; No.1, St. Eùouard de Gentilly, Capt. 
Athanase Gaullet; No.2, NlcQlet, Capt. J. ß. A. 
Rousseau; No, 3, Becancour, Capt. Arthur Lanùry; 
No.4, St. Gertrude, Capt. Octave 
Iousette; No.5, 
St. Gregoire, Capt. J. Å. Pratte; 
o. 6. \ïctodaville, 
Capt. . P"ym(Lster, Lt. Isaie Bergeron. 
Adjutant, Lt. Oscar Rousseau (Nicolet). 
C 1 t "Portneuf" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. 
o S Pon
 Rouge, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, Arthur Beaulh'y 
(Pointe au:/: Tnmbles). bfajor, Isaie Dussault (Les 
Companies; No. I, Pointe aux Trembles, Capt. 
; No.2, St. Raymond, Capt. Elie Frenette; 
No.8, St. Raymond. Capt. Cyprien parè; No.4, 
Deschambault, Capt, J. G. Pdquin; No.5, Cap Santé, 
Capt. J. L. Frenet; No.6, Lotbiniere, Capt. V. E. 
Courte,,'\. Pa!lmaster, Hony. :\Iaj. G. D. B. Watters. 
AdJutrmt, Capt. J. G. Coté (G1'ondines). 
8é)nd c. QlIet'n's Connty" Battalion of Infantry (Ild. 
- Qrs. Charlntteton'n, P. E. I.) Lt.-Colonel, Frands 
D":,;herty. Major, . 
Companies; No.1, Charlottetown Uoyalty, Capt. Isaac 
Henderson; No.8, Charlottetown, Capt. Daniel 
Stewart; No.4, Little York, Capt. George Crockett; 
No.5, Brookfielù, Capt. T. S. :\lcLeod; No.6, Cove- 
heall, Capt. Geo. Alexander; 
o. 7, Alberton, Capt. 
E. C. JIaxfleld; No.8, Tryon, Capt. John G. Sheriff. 
l'aYllwster, Hon'y Capt. John McPhail. Al1j1ttant, 
Capt. anù Bt.-1Iaj. Elijah Purdy. 

Capt. J. H. Burns; No.6, H'\wdon, Capt. Thos. 
Copping. Paumaster, Capt. Auguste Guilb,mlt. 
Adjlttant, Lt. Godfroi Coffin. 

4th "St. Hyacinthe" Battalion of Infantry (lId. 
Qrs. Town 01 St. Hyacinthe, Que.) Lt.-Colonel 
Alphonse Denis. 
f{/jor, M. Macdonald (Actonvale): 
Companies: No.1, St. Hyacinthe, Capt. N. J. Chaput; 
No.2, St. Pie, Capt. G. V. Morin; No.8. St. 
Capt. Gaudiose DuhainH'; No.4. Sorel, Capt. Archi: 
bald Johnston; No.5. St. Hyacinthe, C.tpt. E. A. 
Benoit; No.6, Arthabaskaville, Capt. 
ster, J. de la B. Taché. Adjutant, 

R.5th Batt,llion of Infan
ry (Hd. QI'S. 
fonfreal, Que.) 
Lt.-Colonel, Juhen Brosseau (Lapralrie). 
M(tjors, A. D. Aubry (Cote St. Pa1ti) and Peter Jackson 
I (Cote St. Puul). 
Companies: No.1, St Jerome, Capt. C. E. T. De 
l\Iontigl!,y; Xo. 2, St. Jean Bap
te Villagt', Capt. :\1. 
J. E. Chagnon; No.8, Laprame, Capt. J. H. A. 
, Sylvestre; No.4, Laprairie, Capt. E. "1. BesaiIlon' 
I No.5, Cote st. Paul, Capt. C. Letourneux' No.6' 
Longueuil, Caþt. Fenl. Jodoin. Paymaste;, Capt: 
Joseph Dunn. Adjlltant, . 

86th" Three Rivers" Battalion of Infantry (Rd. Qrs. 
Town of. L01liseville. Que.) Lt. -Coloml, Augustus 
F. Dame. MaJíJT, . 
panies; No.1, Yamachiche, C:tpt. Alphonse 
Dufresne; No. 2, Riviere du Loup (en haut), Capt. J. 
H. Legris; No.8, Tlu'ee Rivers, Capt. Emile Trudel; 
No.4, St. Ga:t>riel de Brandon, Capt. J. O. Henault; 
No.5, Berthler, Capt. H. G. S. Dixon; No.6, St. 
Justin, Capt. C. J. Coulombe. Paynuu;ter Joseph E. 
Pichette. Adjutant. ' 
8 ..., th ,. Qupbec" Batt;tlion of Infantrv (lId. Qrs. 
f L' Ancimne Lorette. Q,Le.) Lt.-Colonel, V. de 
L. Laurin(Qllebec). ]fajors, Michel Fiset(L'AncielU
Lorette) and LoUIs Genest (St. Ambroise). 
Companies: No.1, Charlesbourg, Capt. anrl Bt.-l\Iaj. 
Napoleon Dorion; No.2. Aneienne Lorette, Capt. L. 
N. Laurin; No.8, St. Ambroise, Capt. J. E. Frechette' 
No.4, Ste. Foye, Capt. Alphon!oe Routhier; No.5, St: 
Augustiu. Capt. anti Bt. -Maj. Z. Brunet; No. 6 Ste 
FamilJe ù'Orleans, Capt. Joseph Blouin. Paym-dlJter 
Lt. Joseph Elondeau. Adjutant, Capt. H. Oetav
Roy (Ancienne Lorette). 
88th" Kamouraska ami Charlevoix" B'lttalion of In- 
fantry (lld. Qrs. Riviere Olwlle, Qlle.) Lt.. 
onel. Achilles Fraser. Jfaiol's, W. J. Tremblay 
(Les Eb01llellumts) and Romualtl Tetu (St. GervaÙ!). 
Companies: No.1, Ste. Anile de III. Pocatiere, Capt. 
Alfred Potvin; No.2, St. Paul',.; Bay, Capt. Camille 
Bouchard; No.8, Kamoul"aska, Capt. J. E. Rossignul; 
No.4, St. Pacome, Capt. Hercule Tetu; NO.5, St. 
Denis, Capt. Napoleon Langlais; No.6, Baie St. 
Paul, Capt. G. N. Cimon. PaYllla.
ter, Hony. Maj 
Alexis Dê;;saint. Adjlltant, Capt. G. E. Tach
ka). _ 
I 89th "Temiscouata and Rimouski" Battalion of In- 
. fantry (lId. QI'8.ß'l"a8Crvilw, Qlte.) Lt..Colonel, 
LouIs E. HlHlon. 
fa)OI'8, Bt. Lt.-C,>l. E. O. Martin 
(Rilltfl1tsTri), Maj. L. D. Huùon (Qltebec). 
CompaniM: No.1, Fraserville, Capt. Gporge LeBel; 
No.2, St. George ùe Cacoun:l, C'\pt. David FI'ève; No. 
8, St. Arséne, Capt. Zachèe Blanchet; NO.4, Isle 
Yerte, Capt. J. E. 
Iarceau; No.3, Ste. Cecile du Bic 
Capt. L. N. Coté; No.6, L'Anse an S'lble, Capt: 
}[ichel Rinqllet; No.7, Rimouski, Capt. J. A. 1\Iartin; 
No.8, St. Anaclet, Capt. Thos. Lebel. PaymaIJta 
Capt. J. N. Pouliot (Rimouski). Adjutant, : 

90th" Winnipeg" Battalio
 of Rifles (Winnipeg, 
· "'[an.) Lt.-Colonel. C. 1\1. Boswell. Majors, 
C. F. Forrest an,l H. N. Ruttan. 
 Companies, Winnipeg: Captain,ç: Will. Clark, lJ. 
J. l\Ia('(lunald, Herbert Swinford, F. C. Campbell, A. 
E. l\h'Philhps, and G. F. Brophy. PaYIt
aster, Hon',. 
Capt. A. H. Whitcher. Adjutant, Cavt. H. 1\1. Arnold. 

l'( l co Joliette" Battalion of Infantry (Hd, Qj's. Town 
,..1 of Jolictte,.Que.) Lt.-Colonel, John J. Sheppard. 
Jfajo/'s,.J. U. Foucher (Joliette) anù M. D'A. Dostaler 
(St. Felix de Valois). 
COlflpalÛes: No.1, Juliette, Capt. J. H. R. Delfausse; 
No.2, L'Assomption, Capt. J. E. B. NOI'manùeall; No. 91 st .. Winnilleg" Battalion of Light Infantry (Winni- 
. St. Felix de Valois, C,lPt. G. DesRosiers; No.4, pC!1, J[(tn.) !.t.-Colonel, 
....:e. Elizabeth, Capt. F, X. 0 [,al'a
se; No.5, Rawdou, i1[ajors, W. B. Thib.tudeau anù S. L. Bedson. 




Six Companies, Wiunipeg: Captains, F. J. Clarke, T. 
E. Valiancy, C. Graburn, 1\1. T. }<'eroll, . Pay- 
master. E. P. Leacock Aqjutallt, Capt. J. S. Hur"t. 

o')nd .. Dorchester" Battalion of Infantry (lId. Qrs., 

 - St. Isidv1'e, Que.) Lt.-Colonel, Louis C. Gt:nest 
(Sf. Bernard). Major, 
Co11tponicl>: No.1, Ste. Claire, Capt. A. Fortier; !So. 2, 
St. Isidore, Capt. Jos. Turgeon; No.3, St. Isictore, 
Capt, Orner Genest; No.4, Ste. Justine, Capt. Louis 

lercier. Paymaster, Capt. Edouard Letourneau Ad- 
jutant, Lt. Achille Chabot. 
0 3 rc ! "Cumberland" Battalion ùf Infantry (lId. Qrs., 

 Amherst, N. S.I Lt.-Colonel, l\latthew B. Har- 
rison (,uaccan Station). ],[ajo
', J. A. Black (A mhe1'st). 
Companies: No.1, Amherst, Capt. G. H. Black; No. 
2, River Philip, Capt. R. L. Black; No.3, Maccan 
and River Hebert, Capt. Jeptha Harrison; 
o. 4, 
l\laccan Mountain, Capt. H. C. Mills; No.5, Oxford, 
Capt. Wm. Oxìey. Paymaster, Hon'y }laj. Gpo. E. 
Church. Adjutunt, Lt. L. B. Donkin (River Philip). "Victoria" Battalion of Infantry, .. Argyle High- 
landt:rN,"(Hd. Qrs.,B(lddeck,N.S.) Lt.-Colonel, 
William Bingham. .Major, C. W. Hill (Sydney). 
COlllpanies: No.1, Baddeck, Capt. WIl1. Cain; No.2, 
ì\-liddle hiver, Capt. Chas. McHae; No.3, Grand Nar- 
rows, Capt. J. S. l\IcXeil; No.4, Baddeck, Capt. D. F. 
McRae; No.5, Forks Bridge, Capt. J.,D. McNeil. Pay- 
"wster, Hon'y Capt. J. L. Bethune. Aðjlltant, Capt. 
H. A. Foyle. 

D. :\leIntosh; Xo. 5, 
lorrlpn, Capt. J. C. Waugh: Xu. 
6, /Stonewall, Cllpt. S. .T. Jllckson. Paymaster, Hon'y 
Capt. W. C. Coppland. Adjutant, Capt. R. W. A. 
Rolph (Winnipeg). 
96 th .. Di
trjpt of Algoma" Battalion of Rifles (lId. 
,-/1'8., Purt Art/wI', Ont.) J[ajor Command- 
ill!I, S. W. Itllr. 
COIII])(lnieil: No.1, Port Arthur, Capt. T. H. EJ.liott ; 
No. :1, Fort William, Capt. J. Niblock; 
o. .
, Rat 
POl'tagp, Capt. A. Carmichael; No.4, Gore Bay, Capt. 
J. !tI. Fraser; Xo. 5, Little Current, Capt. 
Paymaster, Adj1ltant, 

Npw Westminster Rirte Company (B. C.) Captain, Ed. 
S Scoullar. 
St. John Rifle Company (N.B.) Captain, J. T. T, Hartt. 
Sault Ste. Marie Rifle (Hal!) Company (Ont.) Att;a.ched 
for Command to Sault Ste. 
-Iarie Half Battel)' of 
Mountain Artillery. Lie1ltenant, Thos. A. P. Towers. 
St. Jean Baptiste Infantry Company (Man.) Cal't(lin, 
Theophile Thibault. 
Victoria Rifle Company (B. C.) Captain, P. Woollacott. 

The Militia is divicied into active and resen'e land and 
marine force. The aptive land and marine force is com- 
posed of men raised either by voluntary enlistment or 
ballot, amI the reserve force consists of the whole of the 
men not serving in the active militia of the time being. 
The period of service is three years. 
95th Battalion, "Manitoba Grenadiers," (lId. (J1S. The strength of the Active ì\lihtia in October, 1887 
Portage la Prail"ie, Jlan.) Lt.-Colonel, D. (not including "C" Battery Regiment of Canad:an 
Ic}lillan Najors, Btew..rt Mulvey (Winnipeg) Artillery, in process of formation at Victoria, B.C., and 
and 'V. H. Nash (Emerson). "D" Company, Infantry School Corps, about to be 
Companies: No.1, Brandon, Capt. Thos. Wastie; No. establish
d at London, Ont.) 'was as follows :-Cavalry, 
2, Portage la Prairie, Capt. Wm. Sheppard; No.3, 1,987; Field Artillery, 1,440; Garrison Artillery, 2,300; 
Neepawa, Capt. J. Crawford; 1'\0. 4, 
1il1nedosa, Capt. . Engineers, 179; Infantry, 31,832; Total, 37,738. 

LUUTENANT GOVERNoR.-Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G. C. Law, Official &c''JI; H. Vernon, PM11ate &c'y. 
mral...........................Hon. Oliver Mowat. I &cretary and Registrar................. Hon. A. S. Harjy. 
Chmmissio'lUr of Orown LaMS. ...... " T. B. Pardee. Treas. and Cbmmis. of Agriculture... " A. M. Ross. 
Chmmiuiomr of Public Works......... " C. F. Fraser. Minister of Education.. .................. " G. W. Ross. 
E. F. B. Johneton, C'luk qf Executive O1uncil. J. Lonsdale Caprt!Ol, Assistant C[,rk. 

Hon. JACOB BAXTER, Speaker. 
Addington ............John S. Miller.. ......Centreville Hastings, E. R...... W. P. Hudson. .........Roslln 
Algoma East.........R. A. Lyon........ .
lichael's Bay Hastings, N. R.....,A F. Wood. ..... ......i\Iadoc 
Algoma West.........J. Conmee ........ . Port Arthur Huron, E. R.........T. Gibson. ............... Wroxeter 
Brant, N. R.........William B. Wood ....St. George Huron, S. R... ......Archibald Blshop......Hay 
'ant, S. R.........Hon. A. S. Hardy ....T/,ronto Huron. W. R........I1on.A.McLaganRosI!Toronto 
Brockville ............Hon. C. F. Frasllr.....,Toront{) Kent, E. R. .........R. Ferguscn............ThamesviJIe 
Brut;e, N. R. .........John W. S. Biggar....Bur
oyne Kent, w: R....... ...James Clancey......... Wallaceburgb 
Bruce, S. R. ...... ...H. P. O'Connor......... Walkerton Kingston.... .........James H. Metcalfe...Klngston 
Bruct, Co R.. . . .. .. Walter McM. Dack.... Kincardine Lambton, E. R.......Peter Graham ......... Warwick 
CardweU............... W. H. Hammell. ......Beeton Lambton, TV R. ...Hon. T. B. Pardee. ...Toronto 
Carleton... ............G. W. Monk ............South March Lanark, N. R. ......Danlel Hilliard .......Pakenharu 
Oorn'tl cf Storm'nt.. William Mack ... ... ...Cornwall Lanark, S. R. ...... William Leel!. .........Fallbrook 
Dufferin......... ,Falkner C. Stewart ...Orangeviile Leeds, S. R.... ......Robert H. Prel!ton. ...Newboro' 
Dundali ...... .......T. F. Chamberlain ...)Iorrlsbl1rgh Lennoz. ........... ... w. W. Meacham......Odes
Durham, E. R.......Thomas D. Craig ......port Hope Lincoln. ............... Wilham Garson . ...St. Catharines 
Durham, W. R......Jas. W. McLaughlin. Bowmanviiie landon ............... W. R. Meredith .......London 
Elgin, E. R. ........:fh.)mas 
Ic1. Nairn. Aylmer Jfiddlesez, E. R......Richard Tooley. ......Harrietsvi'le 
Elgin, W. R..........Andrew B. Ingram ...St. Thomas Jfiddlesez,N.R......John Waters ..........Springbllnk 
&Stz, N. R. .........Gaspard Pacaud ....... Windsor bliddlestz, w:R......Hon. G. W. ROl!s ....:foronto 
&."z, S. R......... W. D. Balfour....... Amherstburgh .Alonck. ...............Richard Harconrt. ... WeIland 
. Frll1IÜnac ............Henry Wilmot.........King8ton Muskoka ............. George F. Marter....Gravenhur..
GTl'.ngarry ... ... ......James Rayl!ide...... Lancaster Norfolk, S. R........ William Morgan ...... Walsingham Cen. 
Grenville .......... ...Frederick J. French. Prescott Norfolk, N. R. ... ...John B. Freeman. ...Simcoe 
Grey, N. R. .. ......D. Crelghton............Owen Sound Northumbul'd E ...W. A. Willoughby....Colborne 
Grey, Co R ............Joseph Rorke....... ...Clarksburgh Northumberl'd JV:...Corelli C. Field ....... Cobourg 
Grey, S. R ..... .....John Blythe............Orchard Ontario, N. R. ......Isaac J. Gould .........Uxbridge 
Haldimand .......... Hon. Jacob Baxter ...Cayuga Ontario, S. R. ... ...John Dryden......... ...Brooklin 
Halton. ............... W. Kerns . ............Burlington Ottawa. ...............E. H. Bronson.... .. .Ottawa 
Hamilton. ............John :\1. Gibson. ......Hamllton Ozford, ..Yo R. ......IIon. O. \lowat.........Toronto 
Hastings, W. R......Gilbert W. Ostram ...Trenton O:iford, S. R.........Angus :\I"Kay..... . Ingersoll 




Parry .s }Und......... Sam. Armstrong..,. ...
[cKellar 7in'onto... ....... ... { Henry E. Clarke ...... 'l:oronto 
Peel . ............... ...K. Chhlholm... ........Brampton John Leys ..... ....... Toronto 
Perth, N. R..........Geor
e Hess ............Listowel Victoria, E. R......John Fetl................Bury's Gr,,"n 
Pt:rth, S R. ... ......Thos. Batlantyne......Stratford Victoria, W R......John S. Cruess.........Linden Valley 
PeûrOOro', E. R ... Thomas Blezard .... .,. V ill iers Wa
Tloo, N. R... ...E. W. B. Snider. ......8t. Jacobs 
P/!Úrboro'. w.: R....Stratton ....... . ......... Peterboro' IVllt'Tloo, S. R....... Isaac 
laster............ W 8J'hington 
Prucott. ...............Albert Evanturel..... Alfred. W;'lland ...............James E. Morin ......Rldjteway 
Prince Edward.. ...J. A. Spragu". .........Demorestville W
lIingt(,n, S. R....Donald Gulhrie.........Guelph 
Rt;1Ifrtw, S. R......J. A. MeA ndrew....... Rt'nfrt:w W..llington, E. R....Charles Clarke.........]<
Renfrew, N. R......Thomus :\Iurray ......Pembroke W;,llington, W R....A. S Alhm .... .......Clifford 
Russell. ...... ... ...... !\lex. Robillard .... ...Ottawa w;.ntworth, N. R....J. }lcMahon ...... ......D.lndas 
&;mCO/!, E R .......Charles Drury .........Crown Hill Wentworth,.s. R ...Nlct>oIBl! Awrev.......Binbrook 
Simcoe, w: R.... ...Thomas Wylie...... ...Stayner York, E. R. ...... ...George B. Smith....... Toronto 
Si11WOl!, C. R.. ......OrBon J. Phelpø. ...... Phelpøton YOTk, W. R..........John T. Gilmour......W. Toronto Ju'n. 
1orcmlo............. .Edward F. Clarke. ...Toronto York, N. R. .........J. H. Wlddlfield.......Newmarket 
OFl'IOERS 01' 'lHB LEOlSU,TlVJ: ASSKMBLY.-Charles T. Gillmor. Clerk of the Houlle, and Clerk of the Crown In 
-Chancery; Arthur R. Sydere, Clerk Assistant; .J. !\I. Delamere, Clerk; John Notman. Accountant; John R. 
-Cartwright, Law Clerk; F. .J. Glackmeyer, Sergeant-at-Arm,,; P. O'BriAn. Houst' Keepttr and Chlef!'lleR!lenller 

PROVI'YctAL SECRETARY'I! OI'FIcE.-Hon. A. S. Hardy, Pro- cation; A. Marling, LL.B., Secretary to Educati,)ß D!'part-- 
ylneial Secretary; Geo. E. LumRdeD, ARRlstant Secretary; ment; F. J. Taylor, Chief Clerk aud Accountant; Henry 
J. B. McLI\chlan, Chief Clerk; J. D. Warde L. H Irving Alley, Private Secretary tOlhe .mnister; S. P. May. M.D.. 
and R. A. E'itoD, Clerks; Arthur Burtch8o:!1l, Yeesenger. Superintendent of :\Iechanics' InstituteR alld Art S,'hools; 
DEPARTMENT OF ASYLUM!! PRI!!O:sø AND PUBLIC CSAIU'I'IES J. T. R. Stinson. H. M. WilkinRon. A. C. Paull. F. N .,Nudel, 
{eonntocted with the Department of the Hon. the Provincial Clerks; J. H. J. Kerr, E. WiUiams, W. W. Jeffers. R. J. 
SecretAry).-[)r. W. T. O'Reilly and R.Christie, Inspectors Bryce, T. Greene, H. R. 
oung,JlInlorClerks; W. Lemon, 
of PriRùns and Publi:: Charities; H. Hayes. Chief Clerk: F. :\Iessenger; L. \IcC!orlnndale, C"
etaker. Oftlces In the 
!vI. Ni
hol8on, Shorthand Writer; J. :\Iann, Accountant; Departmental Bul1l\lDgs, St. James Square, Toronto. 
J: Shea, :\lel!l!8nl!:er. Provinl'l,,1 Bailiffs (attached to In-I CROWN LANDS DEPARTMEf{T, ONT.-Hon. T. B. Pardee, 
tlpector's Office) for the transfer of prisoners, lunatic!! &:0., I Commissioner; Aubrey White, Assistant Commisl!ioner; 
J. English, J. Waddell, P. Simser, E. McLaughlin. Ãsylum G. Kennedy, Law Clerk; T. W. Gibson, Short-hand Writer. 
for the Insa'IU, 7bronto.-D. Clark, !'II. D., Medical Supenn- Free Grant8 and Sales Branch- A. Kirkwood. Chlo.f Clerk; 
tendent; Thoø. J. Tracy, Burøar. Asylum for tht Imam, J.1\I. Grant, P. Alma. Julian 8ale, Clerks; J. J. Murphy, 
London.-R. :\1. Bucke, 
I.D.. Medical Superintendent; Clerk Free Grants. Surve,!!s, Patents and Roads.-G. B. 
- -, Bursar. .Asylum for the Insane, KinQston.- ' Kirkpatrick, P.L.S., Chief Clerk; W. Revell, W. F. Lewis, 

. K, Clarke, M.D., }ledical Superintendent; William Clerks; E. Fox. P.L.S., Chief Clerk. Patents; A. J. Taylor, 
Al'lglin, Burs'IT. A8ylum fOT the Imam, Hamílton.- Clflrk; B. Smith, Supt. Colonization Roads; C. Cashman, 
J Russell, !'I1.D., Medical Superintendent; B. Way, Clerk. Woods and libre8t8 Branch-G. B. Cowper. Chief 
Bursar. Âsylum for Idiots, Orillia.-A. H. Beaton, M.D., Clerk; A, White, J. A. G. Crozier, H. R Hardy, Clerks. 
Medical Superintendent; B. Mullin, Bursar. Institution .AclWunu Branch-D. G. R->ss, AccoUl.tant; R. H. ßrowne. 
for tM Dwf and Dumb. Bd.ùviUe.-R. :\Iathison, Superln- Chief Clerk. A
eDts Returns; E. IÆi
h. Clerk! .J.1tlorphy. 
1;endent; A. Livingston, Bursar. InstitutWnfortlu Blin. d , Registrar; C.P.Higgins.Clerk; J B.adshllw.OmceKeeper; 
BranifoTd.-A. H. Dymond, Principal; W. N. Hoss!e, A. 1\lcDonald, l\1ellllenger; D. Kinnan. Nigbt Watchman, 
BurslI1". Ontral Pri80n of Ontario, 71JTIJnto.-Jaø. MaSSie, Drown Timber Agents.-Ottawa.-J. Poupore, Agent; 
Warden; George Wheler, Bursar. &fIJTmaloryfor Boys, C. S. 'McNutt. Assistant: J. Ritchie, E T. Smltb. Clerkø; 
AmtanguuhtJM.-Thos. McCrosRon, Sllp8lintendent; W. R. :Uills, Messenger. Bellevile.-J. F. Way, Agent 
P. Band, Bursar. Andrew Me:rar Rf"formato:ry for (;rown Land Agent, 

malu ar.d Indu
trial Refuge for Girls, 7bronto.-}lrs. . D 
-O'Reilly, Superintendent; R. W. L!lird, Bursar. .Apsley .:.. Duncan AnderPOn Idark8mlle... ...A. G. . Ul;tcan 
Bract.bridge ...... T. C. Taylor Jfattawa ....... B. J. Gliltgan 
ected with the BruCtJ Alints... .John F. Day .J/i'fI(Ùn............ W. Fielding 
Department ,1f the Hon. the ProVIncIal Secretary).- Brudemll. ...John Whelan Nipilring .......J. S.Scarlett 
Joseph Dickey, Inspector; J. B. Macdonald, Clerk. EganviUe.......James ReevE's Pltfma .........G. W. Dawson 
LICENSE A'D CRlllIlN.\L JUSTICE ACCOUNTS AUDIT BRANCS Emsdale .............E. Handy Parry S'd...Mrs. T. Mackay 
<connected \\ ith the D
partment of the Hon. the provincial Hr;liburton.... C. R. Stewart I PembToke.... A
am Kennedy 
:8ecretary).-Henry Totten. Chief Clerk; J. P. :\lcDonell, Kmg'ton......R. Macpherson Sault Sit. Jfaru.C. P. Brown 
E. A, McLaurin and F. X. Kerman, Cierke. L'Ámablt ............J. R. Tait Sturgwn Fllls.J.D.Cockburn 
REOISTRAR.GENERAL'S OI'FlcE.-Hon. A. S. Hardy, Regis- M
wan.........8. G. Best Thundt:r Bay. Amos Wright 
tror-General; H. S. Crewe, Inspector; Frederick Warwkk, DEPARTMENt' OF PUBLIC WORKs.-Commls"ionl'r, Hon. 
'ChiefClerk; J. 
lcGiII Ridley, Frank Jones, G. L. Pardee C. F. Frllser; Sel'retary, Wm. Edwards; Architect, Kivu 
and T. F. Call1ghan, Clerk!!. Tully;, Engineer,R. McCallum; Law Clerk and Accountant, 
P&oVINClAL RBOISTRAIt'S OI'FlCE.-Hon. A. S. Hardy, J. .P. F.dwardll: Draughtsmen, F. A. Heakes, R. P. Fair- 
Provincial Reghtrar; J. F. C. Ussher, Deputy Registrar. balr
, T. ;\1. Hennessy; Clerks, Marmaduke Wilson, B. 
George 1I0bbs Chief Clerk: and Frank Yeigh, Clerk. G. 0 Grady; Messeuger, C. A. McDonal
, , . I . ATTORNEy.GESERAL'S OFFIcE.-Hon. OlIver 1tlowat, Att:Jr- 
TREASURER SDEP:'Rl MENT.-Hon. A. M. Ross, TreBl!

ei ney.General; E. F. B. Johnston, Deputy; J. R. Cartwrllzht, 
W. R..Harris, A8S!stant Treasurer; F. A. Carrel
, C H Legal S3Cretary; J. Lonsdald Capreol, A"lIistant Clerk 

lerk, L. v. .Per
lv81 and W. N. Douglafo, Clerks, 
 t' Ex.Council; Matthew Currey, John McLachlan and 
. prou1e, Auditor, L. W. Ord. A. J. Rattray, T. P. Ste ar, Charles A. Fitch, Clerks; Michael Smith, lIousekeeper; 
T. Wells, Cierks; J. J. Walsh, Meæenger. Clarence Bell. Copyln
 Clerk and Messenger. 
partment of the Hon. the Provincial Treasurer).-C. W. Commissioner of (rown Lands. prel!'ident,':I",oofficio; rtlem- 
{Jovl!rnton, }I.D., Toronto, Chalrmau; Peter H. Bryce, bers, F. F. PasRmore, Toronto, T. F. Gibbs, Adolphustown; 

I.B., Toronto, Secretary. W. H. H. .\tuRson, Clerk. A. C. Webb. Brijthton; H. Wilson. Mount Forest; P. S. 
INSPECTOR 01' INSURANCE (connected with the Dep8lt- Gibson, Wiltowdale; Prof. Chapman (Examiner In Geoi- 
ment (,( the Hon. the Provincial Treasurer).-J. Howard ogy). Toronto. George B. KIrkpatrick, Secretary, To- 
I. A., lnl!pector; T. M. Simon!', 
Ierk. rO

IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT (C<?nnected wIth the Depart. 1887-S8 :-Presi
ent, George B. Kirkpatrick, Toronto; 
-men.t of the Hon. t
e Prov.inC11t1 Treasurer).-Secretary, Vice-President, .John Galbraith. M.A., A.
1. Inllt. C. K, 
David Spence; EdwlD JenkIDson, Clerk. Toronto; Sec. Treøs.. Willis Chipman. B.A.Bc., Brock- 
T OP ONTARIO (for the general ville; Coundllors, 
1R.tthew J. Butler. A.M. lnl't. C. E., 

dmi1)istraUon of the High and Public School Lawsl. Xllpl\nfle; Villier
 Sankey, Toronto; P. S. Gibson, 8.BI'., 
Education Offia.-Hon. G. W. Ross, LL.B., 
1iniRter of Witlowd!\le; Audictou, George B, Abrey, Toronto; Lewiø 
!Education; J. G. Hodglm. LL.D., Deputy Minister of Edu. Bolton, Listowel. 




LIEUTENANT GOVERNoR.-Hon. L. F. R.l\Iasl!on; 1I1r. Henry Sheppard, Aide-de-Camp; Chas. J. Burroughs, 
Private Secretary; \\ alter Lannon, Me88enger. 
Premür and Attorney-General........ Hon. L. O. Taillon l 7'reasurer............................ ......... .Hon. J08. Shehyn 
Cbmmissionu oj Grown Lands....... " P. Garneau Provincial &eretary........................ .. C. A.K GagnoD 
(Without Portfolio) ......,.., ...... " D. A. Ross Com. of Agric. 
 Pub. Works...... .... " .Tas McShane 
.. "..................... " Arthur Turcotte Solicilor-G
ural............,................. ., Geo. Duhanul 
OFFICER8.-G. Grenier, Clerk Executive C:>uncil; P. S T. Normandin, Clerk; o. Vallee and S. Gilbert, Messengers. 
Hon. P. H. DE LABRUEIlE, Speaker. 
Âlma ...........Hon. S.ltivard ........ ....Montreal La Salle.........Hon. F. X P. Larue ......St. Augustin 
Bedford......... " Thomas Wood .........Dunham Flats Laurentidu..... Jean EIle Gingras. ...Qnebec 
CJhaouinigane. .. John Jones Ross ....Ste.An.delaPer. Lauzon......... .. G.COuture..............Levis 
De Lanaudwe " V. P. Lavallee.........St. Felixde Valois I Mille Isles ...... " L. C. Champagne. ...St. Eustache 
DdaDurantay " Pierre Garueau. .. .' Quebec I Jfonlarville.... " C. B. de Bouchervllle..Bouchervllle 
De la Valliere. " F. X. O. }Iéthot, St. Pierre les Bequets I Repentigny .... " Louis Archambeault.. L' Assomption 
De Lorimier... " J. G. Lavjolette.......Montreal Rigaud ......... " E. Prudhomme .......Parish Montre.: 
De Salaberry. " H. Starnes. ............Montreal RlJugemont.... " P.B.deLaBruère(Sp.).St. Hyacinthe 
Gro.ndville...... " Elizée Dionne ... ......Ste An. de la Poc., Sorel............ " J. A. D,:>rion ... .........St. Ours 
Gulf. ...... ...... " D. A. Ross ....... ......Quebec I Stadacona ...... .. John llearn............Quebec 
lnkerman ...... " George Bryson.........Mansfleld Victoria......... .. James Ferrier.........1\-Iontreal 
Ken'ltebec ...... " L. E. PlIcaud....... ...Arthabaskaville Wellington.... " F..K Gilman. .........Monereal 
OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL.-G. B. de Boucherville, Clerk, Master In Chancery and Accountant; F. L, 
Desaulniers, Clerk of Private Bills; R. Campb, II Assistant Clerk. Clerk of English Journals and Accountant; K. 
Legendre, Clerk of French Journals and Translator; A. Frenette, Permanent Clerk and Sergeant-at.Arms; S. S. 
Hatt, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod: F. Drouin, Z. Fortier and G. Nolet, MesSengerA. 

Hon. J. S. c. Wurtele, Speaker. 
.Argenteuil.........William Owens. ......Montebello Montcalm .........Hon. 1..0. Taillon.... Montreal 
Bagot ...............JolKJph PilC'n............St.Ephrem a'Upton ...'lontmagny ......N. Bernatchez. .........St. Thomas 
Btauce ............. Hon. Jean Blanchet...Quebec UlJntmfJrel1cy ...... L. G. Debjardins ...... Levis 
Beauharnois.......mle Hercnle Bisson .Beauharnois lJlontreal, East ...L. O. David ............l\Iontreal 
Bellecltasse... ...... N. II..K Faucher ....Quebec Nnntrwl, Jfést ...J. S. Hall. jun.. .... ...Montreal 
Berthier .... ...... Louis Sy I vestre . ......Isle de- Pads UfJl1treal. Cmtre. J ameø McShane....... Mon treal 
Bonaventure ...... Dr. H. .1. Martin ... ...Carleton Napien.ille . ...... Eugene L'ifol1taiue...l\Iontreal 
Brome...............Hon. W. W. Lynch...Knowlton I Nicolet. ............L. T. Dorais............St.GregoireleGrand 
Chambly ..........Antoine Rocheleau...St. Hubert Ottawa.............A. Rl)chon...............Hull 
Champlain.........Ferdinand Trudel. ... St. Stanislas Quebec. East ... ...Hon. Jos. 8hehyn . ...Quebec 
C!harlevoiz . ......Jol!eph Morin....... ...Baie St. Paul I Pontiac....... ...... W. J. Poupore .........Chichester 
Chateauguay ....J. Eo Robidoux.... ..Montreal Portneuf . ...... ...Jules Tessier. .........Quebec 
 Sague.E. st. Hihire . .........St. Prime. L.St.Jean Quebec, Centre. ...Dr. R. 
'. Rinfret ... ...Quebec 
Compton . .........John l\Iclntosh, jun. Waterville I Quebec, JVest.....,Owen Murphy .........Quebec 
Deux-Montagne8. Ben. Beauchamp......St. Hermas Quebec (CoU1tty).. T. C. CaFgrain ..... .Quebec 
Dorchester .........L. N, LarochfJlIe......St. Anselme Ridtdim. .........L. P. Cari1in ............Sorel 
Drum. cf: Arthab.J. E. Girouard .........DrUlnmondvIllA Richl1W'd æR-oifeJacques Picard.........Wotton 
Gaspé ............... Hon. E. .1. FI
 nn... ...Quebec Ri'mouski ......... E. O. I\Iartin............ St. Octave de Metis 
Bocltelaga ... ......J. O. Villeneuve.... ...l\Iontreal Rouville ............ Edmond Lareau....... Montreal 
Bunti'TllJdon ......Dr. A. Cameron.......Huntingdon St. Byacinlhe ....Hon. H. Mercier ......Montreal 
lberville ............Hon. D. Duhamel... . Montrbal St. Jean............ Hon. F. G. I\Iarchand.St. Jean d'Iberville 
Jacquu OIrtier...Arthur Boyer...... . Montreal I St. Maurice. ......L. T. N. L. Duplessis. Three Rivers 
Joliette . ............LoUlS Basinet...... .St. Chaø. BorrEmee Sh
fffJrd... ......... 
Ka'TMuraska . ...C. A. E. Gagnon, . .. Riviere Ouelle Shl'Tbrooke ...... ...lIon. J. G. Robertson.Sherbrooke 
Laprairie. .........0. Goyetle..... . .......St. Constant Soulanges. .........0. G. Bourbonnais ...Montreal 
L' AssomptÙm . ... Luogar Forest......... L' A88omption Stanslead. ......... OZro Baldwin. ......... Dixville 
Laflal...... .........P. E. LeBlanc. .........l\Iontreal Témiscouata. ......G. H. Deschênes. ......Ste. Epiphane 
Lévis ...............F. X Lfjmieuz .........Quebec I T..rrtbonne.........G. A. Nantel ............St. Jerome 
L'Islet . ............F. G. M. Dechtme......Quebpc I Three Riv
rs......Hon. A. Turcotte... .Three Rivers 
Lof.binière ... ......It H. Laliberte......... Warwick I Vaudreuil.......... Alfred Lapointe. .. .St. Just. de 
Maskinonqé ......J
douard Caron.... ... LouiseviIle Vprclu!res .......... A. E. E. LUI!Aier. ...... Varenne!! 
.ft1..gantic............A. S. Johnson...... . Thetford Yamaska . ......... Victor Gladu...... St. Fraucois du Lac 
Missisquoi.........E. E. Spencer. .........Freligeburg I 
 Delorme, C1t:ork of the Legislative Assembly; Dr.Gédéon Laroque, 
Sergeant-at-Arms; Paul E. Smith, Deputy Clerk, Clerk of the En
IÏ!,h JOUInal and RecordA; J. Whydden, _
Clerk of the English Journal; Laurent Simoneau Accountant; Edouard Lemoine, Clerk of Private Bills Committee ; 
Charles Dela
rave, Assistant Clerk of Private Biils; Buteau Turcotte, Chief French Translator; N. Legendae, Antoine 
Dessane J. E. Z. Bouchard and Philippe Bouchard. Assistant French Translators; Crawford Lindeay, Chief English 
Translatnr; Lawrence 8talford and Joseph E. Treffry, Assistant English Translators; B. Marquette. Clerk of Votes 
and Proceedings; G. Villeneuve, AssIstant Clerk of Votes ond Froceedings, Louis Fortier, Clerk of the French Jour- 
nal and Petitions; J. A. Macdonald, AFsistant Clerk of French Journal and Petitions; Ed. Demers, Clerk of Com. 
mittees; Adjutor E. Demers, Clerk of Printing and Rel'ords, Stationery; Z. Duhamel, Postmaster; F. X. Gagnon, 
Assistant Postmaster; P P. Daunais, Chief Copying Clerk; Olivier Robitaille, Chief Messenger; A. Pelletier, 
Simeon Gagné. E. Gauvreau, E. Littlejohn, George Workman, André Bouchard and George Dubois, Messengers. 

PROVINCIAL REGISTRAR'S DEPARTMENT.-Hnn. C. A E. L. O. Taillon. Attorney-General; lIon. G. Duhame, Solici- 
Gagnon, Provincial Regi8trar; l. C. Langelier, Deplity I tor-tJeneral; Joseph A. Defoy, Assistant to the Law Officere 
Registrar; EUellne Poitras and Hermenegilde Koy, Clerks. 01 the Crown; H. Delal/rave and E. A. J. Cote, Ch,rks; 
DEPARTMENT OF THE L&\V OFFICERS O' THE CROwN.-Hon. W. Dubé and J. T. Lamb. :\lessengerR. 

1888. ] 



SECRETARY'S OFPlCE.-Hon. Charles A. Ernest Gagnon, Gauvin, Superintendent ofSnneys; Jules Taché, P. M. A. 
ecretary; P. J. Jolicæur, ASilistant Secretary; Genellt and F. X. Genflat. Surveyors and Draughtsmen; 
G. W. Co:fer, Chief Clerk; O. F. Campeau, Accountant: H. O'Sullivan and D. C. Morency, Inspectors of Surveys; 
Jos. O. Laurin, Charles Leblanc, and C. E. Deschamps, D. C. Mackedle, Accountant and CasLier; L E. Lepage, As. 
Clerks; P. Blouin and F. Forget, Messengers. slstant Accountant and Cashier; Alfred Paré, Supt. of 
TREASURY DEPARTMENT.-Hon.J.8hehyn, Treasurer; H. Woods and Forests; W. Eo CoUlns, Supt. of Land Sales, 
T. Machin, Assistant Treasurer and Secretary of the Tree.- Section West; L. L. Rivard, Supt. of Land Sales, Section 
sury Board; H. Hemming, Book-keeper; S. H. Holt. J. T. East; C. A. Parant. Clerk in charge of Stationery; F. 
Harrower, T. A. Poston, A. Brosnan. P. E. Duval, D. Rea, Chassé. T.'Morkill. V. Derome, T. P. Morin, C. O. Lavoie, 
Clerks; R. H. O'Regan, Stenographer; H. Hughes. W. J. 1\1. Tnrcot, F. Kerol1ck, A. Fauch
r, A. Dumais, Paul 
Sumner, Messengers. .Audit Branch-G. Drolet. Provln- Picard, J. Gnnier, W. H. Hatch. J. Creighton, G. Rinfret, 
cial Auditor; F. D. Tima, Deputy Anditor; N. A. Giard, L. H. B. Garneau, Clerks; J. N. Proulx, Regi8trar and 
T. R. Nelson, G. T. A. EvantureI. C. J. Burrough8, F. Fish and Game Supt.; G. A. Varin, Secretary of CadlUltre; 
Laroche, and E. Drolet, Clerks; G. Trudel. Mel!senger. C. Chartre. Assistant Secretary of Cadastre; L. N. Du- 
T OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTJON.-Hon. G. OUÏmet, frellne, Draughb;man; J. Caron. Office Keeper; J. Fiset, 
Superintendent of Public Instruction; P. de Cazes and A. Lacasse, and L. S. Caron, Messengers. 
Rev. E. L Rexford, 
ecretaries; L. Dévisme, First Clerk Orown Timbtr and Land .Agents.-Montreal, D. Tas8e, 
French and English Corrpspondences; J. H. Richardson, Agent; Three Rivers. E. Lacerte, Agent; Tadousac, A. 
Accountant; G. Ouimet, Librarian; F. X. Couillard, As- Gingras. Agent; Malbaie, L. A. Eoulianne. Sub.Agent; 
sistllnt Acconntant; W. G. L. Paxman, Clerk of Corres- Chicoutimi, J. O. Tremblay, Agent; Roberval, G. Audet, 
pondence; L. J. Préjen. Recording Clerk; L. Lefebvre, Agent; New Carlisle. W. Maguire, Agent; St. Alexis 
Charles Blanchet, Clerks; P. Prevost, Storekeeper; A. :Yetapedla, O. MllJ'tin, Sub-Agent; Quebec, H. .1. Chaloner, 
Doré. J. Blouin, J. Bitt.ner, Messengers. Collector of Crown Timber Dues; Bryson. W. Clarke, 
t; Maniwakl. J. C
J. McShane, Commissioner: S.Lesage, Asst. Commissioner: Age!!!; Thurso,.J. A. Camer
n'Jun., Agent;. Grenvllle,
Ernest Gagnon, Secretary; J. B. Dere-me, Engineer and B. FIlIon. A,7;ent, Waterloo, E. Kemp. Agent, Arthabaska, 
Supt. of Public Works; P. Cousin, Assistant Engineer; A. vllIe, A. Gagnon, Agont; St. Francais. Beauce, W. H. B. C. 
TrudelIe, Draftllman; J. O. Methot, Inspector of Works; de Lery, Agent; Ste Claire, J. E. Ca
P. M. Partridge, Accountant; A. F. d'Eschambault, Book- Mont':llagny, E. 
 Agent; RlmOul!'kl West, 
keeper; L. U. Fontaine, Dir. of Colonization; II. A. Tur- 8ylvaID. Agent; R1mousk
 ES!.Iit, Alex. Fraøer, Agent, reS1. 
geen, Asat. Dir. of Colonization; E. A. Barnard.Dir.ofAgri- , dence Maune; Gaspé Basin. W. B Annett, Agent; Percé, 
culture; J. C. Cnapais, Al!st. do.; A. C. Guilbault, Regis- E. Flynn, S
gent; Cap, Louis Roy, sen., Agent; 
r; E.Gauvreauand J.B. C. IIebert. Clerks; p. Arch- Quebec,J.E.BoJly.Agent; JolIette.J.B.Delfausse,Agent; 
ambault, P. Poirier, S Coté, and F. X. Bilodeau, MeS'gers. , Upper Ottawa, Jl?h!l Poupore, A
nt; Sherbrookc. L. 
Ovuncl1 of AgTicuUur,-.-L. H. Massue, Varennes, Presi Farwell, Agent; Rlvlere-du-Loup,. F. F. Gagnon. Agen.t; 
dent; George Leclerc, Secretary-Treasurer. Hons. J. J. utta.wa, J. Macdonald, Deputy Slide Agent; Fort Temls- 
Ross, Ste. Anne de Is Pérade; G. Ouimet, Quebec; L.Beau. camIDgue, L. Gendreau. 
bien, M.P P., Montreal; L. Archambault. l'Asiomptlon; I BOARD or LAND SURVEYORS of THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC 
Elisee Dionne, St. Anne de la Pocatiere; H. G. Joly, Lot- (Incorporated under 45 Vic. c.16).-Manoging DirectortJ: 
biniere; Messrs Col. Rhodes, 8illelY; S. N. Blackwood, I Antoine Painchaud, President. James Addie and John 
Sherrord; J. M. Browninj;t, Longueil; A. Casavant, St. Bignell, Vice-Presidents. C. E. Gauvin, Secretary-Trea. 
Dominique; E. J. Deblois, Quebec; Auguste Guilbault, surer. D. C. Morency, J. N. Gastonguay. J. A. U. Beaudry, 
Jmzabt!tb: A. Somerville, Lower . Lachine: S. Lellage, I Thos. Berlinguet, 6eo. Roy, John SuJIivan, Paul Dumais, 
Quebec; A. Marsan, l'As-omption: II. Lussier, St. '\'in- P. C. Talbot. J. H. Leclair, W. A. Ashe. Committee of 
cent-de-Paul; Aug. Cas
ain, Riviere-Ouelle; E. Casgraln, Examin,rs: John Bignell, D. C. Morency, J. N. Gaston- 
L'Islet; L. J. Lemire. Bale-dll-Febvre; Cbarles Gibb, St. guay, Wm. A. Ashe, C. E. Gauvin. 
Paul, Abbottsford. Uffice, j6 8t. Gabriel St., Montreal. I QUEEN'S PRINTER'S OPPlcE.-Qtficers-Chas. F. Langlois, 
DEPARTMENT OP CROWN LANDs.-Hon. P. Garneau, Com. Queen's Printer; Charles Pageau. Book-keeper; Edouard 
missioner; E. E. Taché, AS8istltnt Commissioner; C. E. I Trudellfl, French Translator; J. N. Bouré, }IesseDger. 

LIEUTEYANT.GOVERNoR-His Honour Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, C.B., K.C.M.G. Major Gordon, I.S.C., 
Colonel Armstrong, Aides-de-Camp, 
Premier and Attormy-General. . Hon. A. G. Blair I Snlicitor-Gemral .....................Hon. R. J. Ritchie 
Pr011incial Secretary...... .......... " D. McLellan Member oJ Counct'l .................. " A. Harrison 
Surveyor.G"neral..................... " James MitcheJI "" .................." Gaius S. Turner 
ChiefOommis.&ardof Works... " P. G. Ryan Cltrk.....................................F. A. H..Straton, 


Hon. D. HANINGTON, President. 
ALbert............Hon.J. Lewis ............HilIsboro' Restigouche....Hon. W. Hamliton.......Dalhouøie 
o. " James Rvan . ......Elgin .0" J. C. Barberle ......Campbellton 
CharlotU . ...... " George T. HilI......St. Stephen St. John......... " T. R. Jones .........St. John 
Gloucult-r ...... " R. Young ........ ...Caraquete " " JameslIolley......Portland 
Kent............. " O. }Iclnerney ......Richibucto SunburJï::::::: " A. Harrison .........Maugervllle 
Kings.......... . " G. H. Flewelling... Westmoreland. " A. D. Richard ......Dorchester 
Northumbtrl'd " A. A. Davidson. ...Newcastle York ............ " F. P. Thompson. . Fredericton 
u " W.KeJly....... ...Chatham .................... " G.W.Whlte....... 
Queen's ......... " Francis Woods...... Welsford 
OPFICERS OP THE LEGISLATIVE CfJUNCIL-John E. Perks. U"hp, BIllrk Rod: Chu. H. Biggs, D>or Keeper; George 
Botsford, Clerk; Henry J. Phair, Clerk Assistant; James S. White, Engrossing Clerk. 

Hon. - -, Speaker. 
Âlbert ... ... ... Wm. J. Lewis. M.D... Hill
borough Carleton ...... ...M. C. Atkinson, M.D. 
" ... ...Hon. G. S. Turner ...Haney (;harlotte ... ... Wm. Douglas... '.. 
Carùton ...... ...6. R. Ketchum... ... " ... ...Hon. Jas. Mitchell ...St. David's 




Oh'Lrlotú ... ...James RUl!sell... ...St. George 
" ...George T. Hibbard ...St. Stephen 
GWucuttr... ...Hon. P. G. Ryan ...Caraquet 
" ...John Young ... ... 
Kent.... ... ...Oliver J. LeBlanc ...St. Marys 
" ....T. D. PhImey .... ...Richibucto 
Kirl{}} ....... ... Wm. Pugsley,jun. ... 
...George L. Taylor 
... ...Albert S. White 
Iladawalka ...... Levite Theriault 
Northumbtrland.J. B. Burchill ... ...Ntlwcastle 
" ... W. A. Park ... ...Newcastle 
" ...Lemuel J. Tweedie... 
.. ...Ernllst Hutchison 
...Albert Palmer... ...Hampstead 
... T. Hetherington 
RestYtoUCM. ... Wm. rtlurray ... ...Campbellton 
...C. H. LaBillois... ...Dalhousie 
OUICER8 OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY-G. J. B1188, Clerk; J. Richards. Clerk Assistant; John Grieves, Sergeant. 
at-Arms; O. W. 
eckwith, Arthur Glagler Lincoln and Albert Grell.'ory, Engrossing Clerks. 


St. John (C'ity) ...S. Alwood, D.C.L. ...St. John 
" "...J. Berryman, M.D. ... 
...Hon. D. McLellan ...Portland 
...Hon. R. J. Ritchie ...St. John 
... W. A. Quinton... ...St. John 
...A. A. Stockton... ...St. John 

ry ...Arthur Glasier... 
Victoria ... :::



 :::eentre Perth 
Westmoreland ...Joseph L. Black 
" ...Amasa E. Killam......l\Ioncton 
...D. L. Hanington ...Dorche
...J. A. Humphrey ...Sallsbury 
...Hon. A. G. Blair ...Fredericton 
... Wm. Wilson ...Frederlcton 
...Richard Bellamv ...Fredericton 
...D. R. Moore, M.D. 

York ... 

Provincial Secretary and Recelver-General; R. W. L. 
Tibbltø, Deputy Prodncial Secretary; G. N. Babbitt, 
Deputy Reeeiver-General; E. Hanson, Clerk. 
Surveyor General; Andrew Inches, Deputy Surveyor 
General; T. G. Loggie, Chlbf Draughtsman; W. P. 
Flewelling, Accountant and Lumber Agent. 

Commissioner; T. B. Winslow, Secretary to Board of 
Works; A. G. Beckwith, Engineer; G. Fred. Coy, Clerk. 
GOVERNMENT OFFIOERS.-.Jas. S. Beek, Auditor.General; 
Chas. H. Lugrln. Secretary Board of Agrlculturf'; T. 
Carleton Allen. Clerk of the Pleas; George J. Bliss, 
Depu'y Clerk of the Pleas; H. G. C. Wetmore, Librarian 
John Lister, Caretaker Parliament Building. 


LIJ:UTESANT GOVERNOR (and Deputy Governor for signing Marriage Licenses)-His Honour Matthew Henry Richey. 
Lt.-Col. H. W. Clerke, Private Secretary; 001. H. W. Clerke, Col. Charles T. Stewart, Provincial Aides-de-Camp. 
.President of Cbunmï and Pro- I Membns without Offiu .........Hon. Thomalll Johnson 
vindal &cretary..................Hon. W. S. Fielding " "...... " A. M. McGillivray 
.AUorney-Otneral..................... " J. W. Longley I " .. " Daniell\IcNell 
Oommis. of 'ffi>rks and Mines. ... .. Charles E. Church" ...... " John D. McLeod 
Retired Membtrs of JfJucutive Council r
taining their rank and preoov.nce, by Ipecial permission of Her MoJuty.- 
Hon. CJharles Tupper, C.B., Hon. William A. Henry, Hon. Jamel! l\IcDonald, Hon. Samuel L Shannon, Hon. Alex. 
McFarlane. Hon. Adams G. Archibald. 


LIEUTENANT-GovERNoR-Hon. Hugh Nelson. Private Secretary, H. Stanton, 
President....... .. .... .... ...............Hon. R, Dunsmuir 
Premier and Attorney-General.. .. .Hon. A. E. B. Davie I Chief Com71tis8i01\er of La'/lds and 
Provincial Secretary Min. of Mines Works................... .......... Hon. F. G. Ver non 
and (Jlerk of Exec
tive Council.... " John Robson Minister of Finance &; Agriculture. .' J. H. Tu mer 

Hon. C. E. POOLEY, Speaker. THORNTON FELL, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. 

co NSTITUENCU:8. NAM!. P. o. AEDRE88. 
{ Geor
e Cowan. ......Barkerville 
CUTÏboo... .......... J oReph Mallon....... Barkervllle 
Robert McLeese... Soda Creek 
Guliar.............John Grant............ Victoria 
Comox...............A. M. Stenhouse.......Comox 
0:Iw' h { Henry Croft ....... ...Chemainus 
/,c an....... ... Henrv Fry ....... .Quamichan 
Esquimalt ......... { D. W. Hlp:gins ....... Victor!a 
C. E. Pooley... ....... VictorIa 
Kootmay ..........Col. Jaø. BaKer..........Kootenay 
Li '''---- { Edward Allen.......Clinton 
""""'" ............. Hon. A. E. B. Davie.Victoria 
Nanaimo. ...... '.. { Robt. Dunsmuir.... Victoria 
Geo. Thompøon......Nanalmo 
Ron, Provincial Secretary and Minister of Mines; T. 
Elwyn. Deputy Provincial Secretary; R. Wolfenden, 
Superintendent Printing Branch. 
E. B. Davie, Attorney-General; P. Æ. Irving, jun., 
Deputy Attorney-General. 

NewJYestm',trC'yW. N. Bole .............New Westminster 
(W. H, Ladulr.......Ladner's Landing 
New Westminster
 James Orr ............New Westminster 
lHon. John Robson. Victoria 
f Robert Beaven....... Victoria 
Vi.tori Oit Theodore Davitl..,...Victorla 
Ie a y...... l E. G. Prior ............ Victoria 
J. H. Turner.........Victoria 
.". to . { G. W. Anderson....Saanlch 

&c na ............ R F John Saanich 
{ G: B: Marti
.:.:.:.:.:.:.: S. Thompson River 
Yale ......... ....... C. A. Semlin.......... Cache Creek 
Hon. F.G. Vernon. Victoria 

ChiefCommisøloner; W. S. Gore, Surveyor-General; B. H. 
John. Draughtsman; S. Phipps, Olerk of Records. 
TRE4.S11RY DEPARTMENT.-Hon. J. H. Turner. Minister 
of Finance and Agriculture; A. Flett, Deputy Treasurer; 
J. McB. Smith, Auditor. 


1888. ] 



LlEUTENANT-GovERxoR-Hon. Andrew A. lIIacdonald. .iEneas A. :\Iacdonald, Private Secretary. 
Attorney-General ............ ..Hon. W. W. Sullivan I Member of Council.. .......... ..Hon. A. J. Macdonald 
MinïsterofPublieWorks........ .. G.'V.W.Bentler .. .. .............." 1\eIlblcLeod 
Provincial Secretary tt Treasurer, II Donald Ferguson " .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. " J. O. Arsenault 
Membe'r of Council.. ............ " Samuel Prowse " .. ................ Jas. Xicholson 
.. .. . .. .. . .. ... ... " John Lefurgey 
R. F. DeBlois. Clerk. 

Hon. JOHX BAI.DERSTON, President. 
Q ueen's Co. { Charlottetown } Th W D dd King's CO.-1st District .... ..J. W. Fraser, }I.D. 
and Roycilty omas. 0 
nd District.. .. .. James Clow 
1st District.. ..A. H. :\lcKenzie .. .... ..J. G. Scringeour 
.. .. ..John Balderston Prince CO.-1st District ..... .Joseph Murphy 

nd J)
trict.. .. Alex. 1I1artm .. .. . . . . Benjamin Rogers 
II .. .. J. Kicholson 
nd District.. .. .. Peter Macnutt 
King's Co. - 1st District .... Thos. Kickham .. .. .. . . Alex. Laird 
OFFICERS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL.-John Ball. Clerk; G. Montgomery, Usher of Black Rod; Benjamin 
Balderston, Reporter; Alex. Chaisson, 
Ies"enger; Alf'x. 
lacBeath, Doorkeeper. 

H 0 USE 0 F ASS E 
I B L Y . 
Hon. JOHN A. 11cDoXALD, Speaker. 
Queen's C8 { CharlottetoWn } Hon. K eillllcLeod Kmg's Cð.... 2nd District.. .. J. C. Umlerhay 
.. and Royalty Patrick Blake Srd District.. .. H. L. Mc Donald 
1st District .... Peter Sinclair " . . .. Cyrus Shaw 
" .. ..J. 111. Sutherland District.. ..Hon. Samuel Prowse 

nd District.. ..Donald :\lacKay .. .. ..Angus McLeod 
.. .. .. Donald Farquharson Prince Co... 1st District ....J. A. Matheson 
Srd District.. .. Hon. Donald Ferguson .... .. S. F. Perrr 
" .. .. Lucius O. Kelly. 
nd District... . John Yeo District.. " D. C. Martin " .. . .Jamps W. Richards 
" .. .. George Forbes Srd District.. .. Hon. J. O. Arsenault 
Killi.!'s Co { Georgetown } Daniel Gordon " .. .. Hon. John A. lIIacdonald 
o ... and Roycilty Hon. A. J. 
Iacdonald t.thDistrict ....J. B, Bell 
1st District.. ..John McLean " .. ..G. W. Bentley, 
" .., James R. lIIcLean 5th District.. .. Hon. John Lefurgey 

nd District.. ..Hon. Wm. W. Sullivan " .. ..J. F. Gillis, 1I1.D. 
Chief Clerk, Archibald McXeil; Assistant do., F. W. Hughes; Law Clerk, A. A. McLean; Reporters, Geo. 
F. Owen, W. L. Cotton; Engrossing Clerk. H. V. DesRoche; lSergpant-at-Arms, Donald Mckenzie; Messengers, 
John McLeod, W. G. Sabine; Doorkeeper, Kinian Patterson; Second do., George Burge. 
CIAL Go, ERN\lEXT O.'FlCF.RS.-Att'y-Gen., Hon. "'. W. Sullivan; Provo Sec.-Treas. and Com. of Crown 
and Pub. Lands, Hon. D. Felguson; Asst. Com. of Crown and Pub. Lands. R. A. Strollg; Asst. Provo Sec.-Treas., 
A. 'Newbery; Com. of Pub. Work:!, G. W. W. Bentley; S
c. of Pub. Works, J. W. Mnrrison: Draughtsmen, T. 
:McKinlay, - - ; Clerks, F. 111. Longworth. J. A. }lcDon!lld; Reg. (If, B. DesBrisay; Asst. do., S. 
on; Clerks, D. McIntyre, W. N. Riggs, F. Koughan, P. McCourt: Libr. Lef1,'is. Library, E. Roche: Pro\'. 
Aud. and Clerk Exec. Coun., R. F. DeBlois; Supt. of Educati':m, D. 1lontgomery; Clerk to do., Rev. D. }lc1\eill. 

LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR-IIOD. James Cox Aikens. Private Secretary, L. Clarke. 
m.,Pre$.ofOuun. tf:Prov. &C'y.HOD. J. Norquay I Minùterof Public 'JVorb ................HoD. D. H. Wil80D 
Prarincial Trta8uytr... ................ " A. A.C. La Riviere Minisur of .Agricv1ture .... ............. " D. H. Hal rlsoD 
.Atturney-lñnercil ........................ " C. E. HRmilton úlerk...............................e............C. A. S"dlier. E8Q 

Hon. DA nD GL \S', Speaker. 
As8iniboia .. .. .. .. Hon. Alex. Mimay.. Winni;.cg Jforris .. .. .. ... . .A. F. :\Iartin .. .. .. .. Emerson 
Beautiful PlaillJJ.. .J. Crawford.. ...... Keepawa Mountain. .. .. .. .. Thomas Gr
enway .. . Crystal City 
Brandon E,,
t. .. ..James A. I5mart.. ..Brando:J. Porwye la Prairie.. Jcseph Martin... _.. Winnipeg 
Brandon West.... .J. X. Kirchholfer . ..Souris Rockwood.. ...... ..S. J. Jackson..... ..Stonewall 
CariUi(m . . . . . . . . . . Roger 'Marion . ... .St. Boniface Rlt8stll . . .. .. . . . . . . E. P. Leacock....... Winnipeg 
Cartúr.. .. .. .. .. .. Thllmas Gelley.. .. . . Winnipeg ShOrt I Lake.. .. '. .. Hon. C. E. Hamilton. Winnipeg 
C?/pre o 8.. . . .. . . . . . . R. 
. Thompson . .Glenboro' SOl/Tis.. .. .. .. .. .. .J. P. Alexander.... .. Sourisford 
Dmni. ........... DaniellllC'Lpan. .... Pipestone Springfield.. .. .. .. T. H. Smith. .. .. . . .. Springfield 
Vort1t .. ..Hon. D. H. Wilson.. Winnipeg St. .Andrew's...... Hon. John Norquay.. Winnipeg 
DuffpJ"in South .... William Winram .... 11anitou I St. Boniface. .. . . . . Hon. A. A. La Riviere. Winnipeg 
son .......... C. S. Douglas ...... EI!1er
on St. Cle/ll
nts,. .: .. .. Hon. David Glass.. .. Winnipeg 
KÛd a1t&:'8t Pauls. John 1Iacheth.... .. WIDDlpeg Sf. Frants }lovur ..Joseph Burke...... ..St. Charles 
Ln kr ilk . . .. .. .. .. . Kenneth }fç- Kenzie . . Burnsidp Turtle ,'I01tnta in.. F. :\1. Young .... . _ .. Wakopa 
La Verandrye.... ..J. E. P. Pendergast.. Winnipeg Westbourne...... ..Hon. C. P. Brown... Winnipe
Lfl1"I1Ji. . .. .. .. . . .. . John A. Macdonell .. :\Ianitou Winnipeg North. .. E L. Drewery ...... Winnipeg 
rfol .....,'......8. J. Thompson. .. . . Carb
rry I Winnipeg South.. . . W. F. Laxton... . . . . . . Winnipeg 
' f.(I/;t.... Hon. D. H. Harn"on. WmDlpeg fVoodlonds ...... ..James :\kRobmson .. Bmndon 
M i ilnedosa Weft ... J. D. Gilles ......... 
OFFICERS OF THE Hot:sE.-C. A. Sadlier, CI
rk; John :\JC'Dougall, 8ergeant-at-ArlUs. 





A;ST-GOVERSOR AND INDIAN COMIIIISSIONER-Hon. Edgar Dewdney, C. E. Asst. Indian Com., H. Reed. 
NORTH- 'VEST COUNCIL.-Paschal Breland, St. Francois 1 St. Albert, S. Cunningham; Calgary, J. C. Lander and 
Xa\-ier; Lt.-Vol. A. G. Irvine, Ft. Macleod; H. Reed, H. S. Cayle}'; ::\lacleod, [election pending]. Board of 
Regina. Elected ""[embers-lIloose Monntain, J.G. Turiff; Eùucation-His Hon. the Lieut.-Gov., Chairman; John 
:\Ioosomin, S. A. Bedford; Broadview, C. lIIarshallsay; Secord ana C. ::\hrshallsay, Protestant members; Hon. 
Qn'Appelle, R. Crawford and W. Sutherland; Regina, 1 ::\11'. Justke Itouleau and A. E. Forget, Catholic mem- 
D. F. Jdly and J. Secord; :\Ioose Jaw, James H. Ross; bel's; James Brown, Secretary. Cluk of Council and 
Lorne, Owen E. Hughes; Edmonton, Dr. H. C. Wilson; 8ecret.a1'y-Amedee E. Forget. 


The follo\\ ing figures taken from the Census of Manitoba are interesting as showlIlg the great l)rogress made by 
tIle Province from 1881 to 1886. This is all the more gratifying when it is remembered that since the year 18.,2 a 
nUlnber of ('auses have conspired to retard settlement; such as a succession of poor crops, early frosts, amI tht' 

orth-'Vest rebellion of 1885. 

I 1881 1886 IxcREAsE. 
Population . 62,260 108,640 I 46,:180 
Acre.,. ACI'ell. 
Lands occupied.. ....1 2,384,337 4,171,224 1,78G,8R7 
.. cultivated ... . 1 <!5J,416 752,571 I 502,155 
.. under crop... 230,264 593,!JVl 3(j3,727 
14,189 29,150 
<! 22CJ 8,335 
n5 13,802 1 
20,296 46,208 
27,611 84,675 
6,071 16,053 I 
17,282 101,490 

Horses an
 1!lUles. . . 1 
Colts and tilhes . . . 
Working oxen . 
Milch cows .... ..... 
Other horned cattle . . / 
Sheep ..... .. . . 
Swine . .. .. .. 

25 912 
9 '-Is-) 

Lbl'. Lbx. 
HOll1e-madehutter ...1 957, 152 1 3 ,469,524 2,512,372 
.. f'het'se ... l!.1,Gl:1 74,825 1 55,212 

1881 -r 
6 ---;::f-ASE. 
Crol ;;----- BIISI-';- IB lIsh. 1-- 
Wheát .. _ _. 1,0::\:3,673 6'711'186 1 5'677'513 
Barley 25::\,604 1,054,234 800,630 
Oats 1 270,'2liS 4,740,947 3,470.t;79 
Rye ................. 1,203 2,574 1,:
Peas and ueRns .. .... 8,!)91 13,030 I 4,039 
Flax seed ..... ....... 62,203 .......... 
Potatoes............ 556,193 1,203,575 647.::\82 
Turnips ............. 149,025 l.j8.374 9,::\4
Other root
.. ....... 49,mll'i 72,737 23,641 
Hay (tons) ........ _. lS5,27(I 450,749 265,470 
Flax and helllp (Ills).. 2,14::; 2,960 I 81:? 
Summary of 11ldllxtrial Edabli"hmellt>. 
No. of pstab'ments .. I 344 I 545 201 
Hancls employed (No.) 1,921 I 2,208 287 
Yearly w
ges in ::;....1 755,507 92!',9;-\7 I 174.430 
Capital invested in::; . , 1,3IB,331 3,411,133 2,027,802 
Value raw mat'ials ($1. 1,924,821 2,814,827 890,016 
Value of arts. I'r'd .$). 3,413,02li 1 5 ,3!J9,4t:)6 1.98G.-UO 


 RATES, ETC. j On Letters to any other place in Canada or 
Canada.-Letters posted in Canada, addressed to any British Xurth AI.nerka. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 ce,r;ts. 
"lace within the Dominion (mcluding Manitoba, British I On Letters for the Un!ted S!
ttes.. .. .. .. ., .. .. 5 
Columbia and Prince Edward Island), 3 cents per l oz.; On Letters for the UUlte
m...,....... 5 
if UnI)aid. such letters cannot be forwarded, but will be On Parcels, Pattf'rlls 01' Samph's, mCauada:. .. 5 
"ent to the Dead Letter Office. If liable to more than On Boo
 Packets and Newspaper!! to Umted " 
one rate of postage, and in.
ufficiently l)rcpaid, the letter I KIngdom. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. '. .. . . .. .. 5 
will (provid
j one f
ate of 3 cents be paid) b
 for- Both the Postage charge and Registration fee must in 
warded to Its destlllatlOn and double the deficiency all cases be prepaid by stamp. 
,'harged on delivery. Letters mailed at any uffice for . h 
delivery at or from the same offif'e are charged 1 cent I Regl
d Letter. Stamp
een .Issue
. t ,E' 
per l oz. and n:ust be prepaid' otherwise they are sent 1 denommatlOns of 2 and 5 ccnts, "ludl may be ,bta1lle[} 
to the D
ad Letter Office. All 'postage must be prepaid at any Stamp Ageu.'y. 
uy P:Jstage Stamps. I Registration Stamps cannot be used i.n payment of 
Post Cords.-From any p1ace in Canada to any oUlPr postage, nOl' can Postage Stamps be used III payment of 
pla,>e in Canada or to the United States, I cent each. Registration fees. 
British and Foreign, 2 cents eat h. .Rt'''istration is not an ahsolute guarantee against the 
United Kingd01n.-
age on Letters, 5 cents per I misc
rriage or loss of a Letter: bllt a Registered Letter 
oz., v:hether by Canadlan?r New York Steamers. If sent can be traced where an Unregistered Letter can not, and 
unpaId, double postage wJlI be charged. the posting and delivery or non-delh-ery can be pro\"en. 
Newfoundland -Postage on Letters, 5 cents per l oz. 
:"ewspapers (see" Tansient Newslmpers "). Post Cards, ßOOK POST. 
2 cents each. Prepayment necessary. 
Bennud(l (via New York).-Letters, 5 I'ts. per! oz. 
Xewspapers, 2 cts. each. Printetl matter, lc. pf'r 2 oz. 
United StHtes.- The rate on Letters to the United 
Statcs is the same as in Canada, and IIInst be I-repaid. 
Persons postmg letters containing value should be 
eareful to require th'3l11 to be Re
ered, and to oIJtain 
fmm the Postmaster a certitkate of rel'eipt for Hf'gis- 
The charge for Rcgistration (use Registration Stamp), 
in addition to the Pustage, is as follows, viz. : 

A Book Pal'ket may contain any number uf separate 
hooks, publications, works of literature or art, maps or 
prints. photographs, da
uerreotnles wher
 not on g).tss. 
or in frames containing glass; and the lJool,s, maps. &c., 
may be either Writtl'II, printed or plain, or any mixture 
of the three, provided that no letter be enclosed or any 
writing intent 1 ed to serve the purpose of a letter; and 
lIlay he either British, C
 or Foreign. No p
must eXf'eed 4 Ibs. 6 oz. IU \Voight, nur must the SIZ.. t>X- 
ceed two feet in length. or one foot in width or depth. 
Book Pilf'kets mu4 IJe open at both enùs 01. both sidl.. 
and JIInst not contain any letter or sealetl inclo





The rate on Bc,ok Packets between any two plar-es in I within the Dominion, Newfoundland, or the United 
Canada, and to 
ewfoundland and the Uniied States, is I States, they must be prepaid the following rate>> ùy 
1 cem per 4 oz., which must be prepaid by stamps. Postage Stamp:- 
The rate to Great Britain is 1 cent per 2 oz. If weighing less than 1 oz., llale a cent each. 
I If weighi
g over 1 oz., one cent per four oz. or frac- 
:l1I<;CELLAXEOUS IIIATIER. . tiun of four oz. 
l'oliscellar:eous matter, described as under, may pass I Specim,en copies of newspapers and periodicals from 
between places in the DominiOI'. of Canada upon pre- I the office of publication are to be treated as tl"l'!nsieut 
payment of a rate of 1 cent per 4 oz. The limit of weight newspapers or periodicals, the rate upon which is one 
is 4 Ibs. The regulations of the British Post Office do cent per four oz. 
not admit of the tmnsmission by mail to the L'nited On transient newspapers addressed to the United 
Kingdom (or other countries beyond the sea) of miscel- Kin
dom the rate will be one cent per 2 oZ.-to be pre- 
laneous matter as such; but a great part of the matter paid by Postage Stamp. Canada newspapers posted from 
referred to unãer that head may be forwarded to the the office of publication to subscribers in the United Kin;;- 
United Kingdom by Book Post. dom-if to be sent in the Mails forwarded /'ia Ne\\ York 
On all pamphlets, oCl'asional puùlications, pI"inted or B?ston, must be prepaid uy Postage Stan
p at the 
circulars, prices c'urrent, hand-bills, exhibitors' entry transient pal'er rate of one cent per 2 oz.; but If sent by 
tickets for Dommion or Provincial Exhibitions. book Canada Packet. such. papers may pass, as n
w, on pre- 
and newspaper manuscripts. printers' proof sheets, pay.ment by the publisher, at the time of postmg, of 
whether corrected or not; maps, prints, drawings, en- ord
J' domesb,: rate of on
 cent per p.ound: Canadian 
gravings, lithographs, photographs, when not on gla"s I PerlO(
lcals when 
ent by maI
 to the Um
ed Kmgdom or 
or in ca<;es containing glass; botanical allll entolllo- t
 .BrItIsh Colome
 or ForeIg
I CountrIes (except the 
logical specimens, when properly put up, so as to pre- , Cmted States) are liable t
 ordmaQ' book packet ,rates. 
vent injury. to 
he co
te , nts of the lll#ils; !:!heet music, All newspapers and perIOdICals prepa

 at th
whether prmtea or wrItten; documents wholly or partly 
f 1 c
nt per lb.. must be stamped PrepaId bS Pub- 
l'rinted or written, such as deeds, insurance policies (in- I, at. the 'post Office w
ere the ne
...spaper. or 
cluding renewal receipts when attached to the policies), perIOdICal IS mmled. :rh
 Em;lIsh Post Office reqlUr
voters' lists, militia and school returns, or other docu- each newspaper or to be stamped. If sent III 
ment<; of like nature, the rate of postage is one cent for packages the EnglIsh Post Office declines to forward 
each four ounces; provided that no letter or other com- them. 
munication intended to serve the purpose of a letter he RATES OF POSTAGE ON LETTERS AXD 
sent ;)r inc1o]sed in any such package or thing mentIOned, FOREIGN PL.,"CES. 
and that the same be sent in covers open at the ends 01' I 
sides, or otherwise so put up as to admit of the contents I I 
being, if pecessary, casily withdrawn for examinatIOn h) COtTNTRIES. Letters. l
the officers of the Post Office to ensure compliance with _ _--.:.... 
this provision; if enclosed in sealed envelopes notched P.loz. Eac-h 2 oz. 
at the ends or sid,:s, or with the corners cut off, letter I Africa, West Coast.. .. .. .. .. ....I 10 cts. 2 cts. 
rate of posta
e wIll be charged; and that the postage Australia, South and West .. .. " I 7" 2" 
rate be preP3: 1d by postage s
Ip or st:amped post bauds Australia S. & W. (via Brindisi). I 15 
or wrappers m all cases. LImIt of wp.Ight, 4 Ibs. To all Austria' 5 
IJartsof.Manitoba, theNo!!elTitorie<;and 
h Belp"iu;n:::::::::::::::::::::::: 5" 
ColumbIa \Pxcept tilt'. CltIt'S of '
mHllwg amI '
IctOl"la Bra
il (/'ia United States) ...... I 10 
and p alon.g the lm
 (!f the C. P. .R. to WhICh the Buenos Ayres (via United States) 10 
. lImit applIes), the lumt of weIght 1'> 2 lbs. 3 oz: Cape of Good Hope .......... I 15 
;'0 l?a
t of mI,cella!leou!:! n.latter can be tra
d Ceylon ................ ....... 10 
 mall If It exceed 24 mches m length or 12 mches m China (includincr Hong Kong) 10 
r de d rlth. . I II ( . I d . Cnba.... .. .. .
 .. . . .. .. .. .. :: :: 5 
eg" an commerCIa papers genera y mc u mg E
'pt 5 
Bank Pass-Books) are liahle to letter rate of postage, Fijilsl

. :: :: :: :::: :: :: :: :: :: 7" 
except when sent as parcels by P.ucel Post, and the ex- France 5 
ceptions above given to matter of that class are restricted I German ........................ 5 
to t

 documents specified, such as Deeds and Insurance Gibra1t!r' . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . 5 
 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 1

ewspapels and periodicals printed and pub'ishezl in U!lly.. .... '. ... .............. 5" 
Canada. and issued not less frequently than once a Japan (1:ia San Francisco) ...... . 5 " 
month from a known office of publication or news ageney, \Iadeira .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. 5 
and adllressed and posted to and from the same for :'tlauritius,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 
transmission by mail to regular subscribers or news r.lexico. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 1 5" 
agents in Canada, are sent free; if addressed to Great Monte Video (VUt linited States). 10 
Britain, or the linited States, they may be posted by New South Wales .............. 15 
the sallIe on prepayment of a rate of one cent for each New Zealand . . ., ., .. .. . . .. .. .. 15" 
pound weight in bulk, or fraction of a l'olwd; and such Portugal ......... . .. .. . . .. . . .. "5" 
newspapers and periodu'als are to he put up into l,ack- Queensland.. '" .............. 1:;'( 
ages and delivered into the Post Office, and the postage Russia ........................ I 5 " 
e thereon prepaId by the publisher or news agent, Sandwich Islands .............. 5 
bemg the sender thereof, under such regulations as the St. Pierre et :\Iiquelon .......... 5 
Poötmaster-General may from time to time lI1ake. Sierra Leone.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I 10 .. 
11 allllewspapers and periodic'lls posted III Canada, Spain.. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 
other than those addressed to regular subscriber!:! or Sweden.. .. ., .. ... ............ ,j" 

gents, from office of publication or news agency, Switzerland.. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5" 
l f ncludmp allnewspaþers and periodicals published less Tasmania.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1;:'" 
reqILently than once a month, the rate will be one cent Victoria.. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. . .. I 15 .. 
per 4 oz., to l,e invariably prepaid by Postage Stamp. 
Newspapers and perIodicals weighing less than 1 oz. ." . . 
each may be posted f>mgly, if prepaid lJy Posta"e Stamp I WEST IIIDIE:;-VIA NEW ):ORK. 
! cent each. "Viet New,?, ork for CosL.'l Rica, Curacoa, Le
 10 c< nts 
 oz., NlCuaragua, P.anama, 5 cpnts; via New York 
. " .. for HaytI and San DonlIngo, Letters 5 cents per l oz. ; 
TransIent nt\V
pa})ers and peru
dICals mcludc allllcws- l'ia New York for Bermuda. Cuba, Jamaica, Danish 
papers and IJeTiodIcals posted III Canada, othcr t"(!I! I West Indies and Bahamas, Letters 5 cents per; oz. ; 
Canada. !U 'spapers bent fro1l1 the nffi
e of p1t1,lication, N c\Vspapers, 1 cent per 2 oz. West Indies, except whele 
h.neu:spapers p"
ted llY news agent" for 1"f!J1l1w' otl,erwise stated, post age on Letter!:! l'Îa New York, 
:'11/'.' Ilb,/s III Canada. \'i hcn a(ldre>>sed to all)" place 15 cents per 
 oz. ; N e\\ spapers, 3 cents pel' 2 oz. 
[jf l ] 

1 .. 
1 .. 
2 .. 
2 u 
1 .. 
2 .. 
1 .. 
1 .. 
1 .. 
1 .. 
2 .. 
4 .. 
4 .. 
1 .. 
1 .. 
2 .. 
1 .. 
1 .. 
1 .. 



nNION. I like manner be posted at those Canadian Post Offices for 
Patterns and ::Iamples of Merchandise and Goods for destinations tn the United 
ingdol1l. '" . 
,;ale, not exceeding 24 oz. in weight, may be posted in I The ex
lmnged wIth the U:mted Kmgdom will 
C.mada, to be forwarded to any place within the Do- pass e.xcluslvely m the Weekl)" 
Ialls conveyed by t
'ninion, on prepa
"ment by Postage Stamp of a rate of 1 Canadian Steam
o al
d from the St. Lawrence 1D 
'ent per -l oz., under the following regulations: Summer 
 HalIfax III Wmter, aIJd such Pal'cels cannot 
If suc-h rate be not fully prepaid by the stam ps affixed, be sent 1'W, JS e\V York. 
the packet to be rated with the deficieut postage, and a The Parcel Post with the United Kinadom will be 
tine of 5 cents in addition, geverned by the followmg regulations:- '" 
ages of Samples and .Path'rns, add
essed to any 1. A Parcel must not exceed 3 lbs. in \\ eicrht. 
t>lace m Canada, may be registered byaffixmg thereto a " '" t 
registration stamp of the value of 5 cents in addition to . 2. The dlmensIO
s of. a Parcel must not exceed 2 fee 
the postage rate, and provided such packet be handed III length by 1 foot m width or depth. 
into the Post Office for registration. 3. A Parcel m11st not contain any explosive, combust- 
Patterns or Samples must be sent in covers open at the ihle, or rlangerous articles, nor any article of a perishable 
ènds, so as to lIe easy of eX/uninahon. Samples, how- or fragile character, n(lr liquids or matters likely to 
ever, of seeds, drugs, &c.. which cannot he sent in open injure other Parcels or mail tl'ansmis"ions. 
"o\'eI'8., may be en
losed in bags of linen, or sUf'h like 4. All Parcels mllst be securely and substantially 
l'lal, fastened Ill. such a man.ner that they ma
 be packed and closed. 
readily o,ened; or m bags entIrely closed, pro\'Ided . . 
that they be transparent, so that the officers of the Pust . 5. 
ach Parc
l must be plamly dIrected, and such 
Office may be able to satisf)' themselves as to the nature dIrectIOn must !Dclude the 
al!1e and full address of the 
of the f'ontents. person for whom the Parcells lIltended. 
The packet may bear on the outside the address of 6. For each Pattel the sendcr ;'".1lIst fill up a Customs 
the sender, in addition to the !!,ddJ'ess of the person for Declaration. On this form the sender will supply an 
whom it ma;\" be intendcd: and also a trade mark or accurate statement of the contents and vable of the 
number, and the price of the sample enclosed; inside, Parcel, also the address thereof, with signature and place 
there mu:;t be no enclosure hut the samples or patterns of abode of the sender. The Customs Declardtion must 
themselves. Thc particulars, however, of the trade be seeurely affixed by mucilage 01' paste to the Parcel to 
marks, numbers, aud prices, may be marked on the which it relates. 
articles themsel\"
s instead of on the outside of the As Parcels from the United Kingdom will be liaille to 
packet, at the optIOn of t
e bender.. CanadIan Customs duties, and undf'r e"{isting regulations 
Goods sent for sale ?r III executIOn of an 
rder, ho\V- must be examined for the purpose by an Officer of the 
e\"er s!nall !he. q.uantIty may be, 01'. any artIcle sent by Customs in the presence of the persons addressed, it ha!' 
one pnvate mdlvldual to another, WlllC
e not actually been necessary in commencing thIS Parcel Post with the 
trade patterns or samples, ar6 not admissible. United Kingdom, to limit its operation for the present in 
Canada to Parcels addressed to or posted at places where 
OffiCeI'd of the Customs are stationed. 
For the purposes of the Parcel Post the Dominion is 
divided into 4 sections of about 1,000 miles each, from 
East to West, on the line from Halifax, 1'o\"a Scotia, to 
\Tictoria, British Columbia, thus:- 

Patterns and Samples of Merchandise, posted for 
places in the United States, will continue to be subjef't 
to the special rate of 10 cents each, l))'epaid by postage 
stamps, and mllst not exceed 8 oz. in weight. 

Patterns and Samples of Merchandise, when addressed 
to places in the Umted Kingdom, must not exceed 8 oz. 
in weight, and must lIe prepaid by postage stamp at the 
following rates :-1 cent pel' 2 oz. 01' fraction of 2 oz. 

Register all \'aluable letters. Transmit money by Money 
ûrders. Make complaints and inquiries in writing, and 
address the Postmaster-General at Ottawa. Preserve, 
ami request correspondents to l)resen"e, envelopes of mis- 
-sent 01' delayed letters. Sen.l to the Postmaster-General 
envelopes of letters about which you seek information or 
make complaint. Iu. nddressmg letters add the name of 
the County and Province in which the office addresbed is 
located. Place stamp on the right hand upper corner of 
the addre:;s side. Put your own name and full address 
in or on letter, to insllre return if it cannot be deivered. 

The charges on I'arcels by the Parcel Post to places 
within the Dominion, is 6 cents for every 4 oz. or frac- 
tion thereof (with 5 cents additional if Registered). No 
JetteI' must be inclosed; if any discovered, the amount 
paid will be forfeited, ami the Parcel charged at unpaid 
Letter rates. No Parcel must exceed 5 lbs. in weight, 
and must be prepaid by stamps. 
Parcels cannot be transmitted by Post to any place 
'ond the limits of the DOlDmion of Canada (except to 
the United Kingdom), nor can any Parcel be forwarded 
to British Columbia 01' Manitoba (except tú the cities of 
Winnipeg and Victoria, B.C., and places actually upon the 
line of the C. P. R., to which the limit is 5 Ibs.) which 
exceeds in \\eight the limit of 2 Ibs. S oz. 
Eye-glasses and spectacles may be sent IIY mail when 
}Jroperly put up and prepaid by Parcel Post. 

An arrangement has been entered into with the Post 
OftiCf' of the United Kingdom for a Parcel Post, under 
which closed Parcels not e"{ceeding Sibs. in weight may 
be po,>t-ed in the United Kingdom, when addressed for 
delivery at certain Post Offices III Canada, and may in 




Rate l>er lb. 
or fraction 
of a lb. 

Iaritime Provinces and Quebec ......' 
B.-Ontario ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 
C. -
Ianitoba and K W. Territories. . . . .. 
D.-British Columbia.. .. .. ,. .. .. ...... .. 

30 cts. 
35 " 
40 " 
45 " 

Prepayment by postage stamp is required, but when a 
Parcells posted in the United Kingdom for either of tho 
sections B, C, or D, and h)" inadvertence prepaid at a 
lower rate than that applicable to the particular section 
addressed, the Parcel will come to Canada, liahle te 
collection by the Canada Post Office on delivpry, of the 
deficient postage, and it will moreo\'er be optional with 
the Canada Post Office to impose a fine in addition. 

In sending money b
' mail it is ahva
"s best to transmit 
by Money Order, if possible. 


On :\Ioney Orders drawn by any Money Order. Office 
in Canada on any other Moner Order Office III the 
Dominion, the Commission is as follows :- 
If not exceerling .. .... $4...... 2 cents. 
Over $4 not exceed ing 10...... 5 .. 
" 10" " 20.. . ... 10 
20 " 40...... 20 
40" tiO......30 
60 " 80...... 40 
80 .. 100.. .... 50 
No !!lingle Money Order, payable in the Domimon of 
Canada, can be issued for more than $100; but as many 
of $100 each may lIe gÏ\'en as the remitter requires 



:\Ioney Orders are issued in Canadr. on the following 
Foreign countries amI British Possessions, at the rates 
of commission shown below:- 
For sums not exceeding- 
$10 $20 $30 $40 
10c. 20c. 30c. 40c. 50c. 
($50 is the limit of a sil
gle order.) 
Antigua Grenada Xewfnundland 
Australia,Snuth'n Guiana, British New South Wales 
Australia, West'n Holland (Sether- Xew Zealand 
Austria-Hungary lands) North Borneo 
Bahamas Honduras(British) Norway 
Barbados Hong-Kong. in- Panama (British 
Belgium duding Amoy, Agency) 
Bermuda Canton, Foo- Portugal, indud- f 
Cape Colony Chow, Ban- ing :\Iadeira and 


Ceylon kow. Hoi-how, the Azores 
China (See Hong- Xing!,o, Shang- Queensland 0 1 0 
Kong) hai and Swatow Houmania 0 2 0 
Constantinople India, British, in- Seychelles Islands 0 3 0 
(Turkey) duding Aden, Sierra Leone 0 4 0 
Cyprus Bagdad, Bandor Smyrna 0 5 0 
Danish W. Indies Abas, Bushire. St. Helena 0 6 0 
DenmllTk, includ- Busrah,Guadur, St. Kitts 0 7 0 
ing Ireland and Jask, Linga, St. Lucia 0 8 0 
the Faroe Is- 
Iuscat & Zan- St. Vincent 0 9 0 
lands zibar Straits SettI'jments 0 10 0 
Dominica Italy Sweden 0 11 0 
Dutch East IndIes Jamaica Switzerland 0 12 0 
Egypt JaI-'an Ta.'!mania 0 13 0 
Falkland Islands Lagos Tobago I 0 14 0 
France & Algeria :\Ialta Trinidad I 0 15 0 
Gambia :\Iauritius Turk's Island - 
German Empire :\lontselTat United Kingdom I And two cents for each penny to make up the sum 
Gibraltar Xatal United States reqUIred. 
Gold Coast Nevis Victoria (Australia) 


Ioney Ortiers on the above countries are dra\\n in 
Canada Currency. Tables showing the Mms payable in 
other countries where the money is of a different denomi- 
nation, on Orders issued in Canada, will be found 


Showing the amount in Ca1
adian Money to be paid l"y 
remitters for Money Orders on the United Kinqdmn 
India, Jamaica, 1vhere pccy-me11t will be made in SteT 
ling jloney. 

o 24 
o 7a 
1 22 
1 46 
1 05 
2 19 
2 44 
3 17 

-- I 
.e s. d. $ c_ 
0 lô 0 3 90 
0 17 0 4 14 
0 18 0 43__ 
0 19 0 4 63 
1 0 0 4 87 
2 0 U 9 ;4 
3 0 0 14 61 
4 0 0 19 48 
5 0 0 24 35 
II 6 0 0 2
' 22 
7 0 0 34 09 
8 I) 0 38 96 
9 0 0 43 83 
10 0 0 48 ;0 


T_"BLE showing the sums payable in Germany in Marks' TABLE showing the sums payable in France. Al
and Pfennigs, on Orders issued in Canada. I Belgium, Italy and Switzerland in Francs and Cen- 
times, on Orders issued in Canada. 

hlih h U
lh ih h 'ih i 
 to:;:; ü::;:; >0::;:: d::=; _ >0::;:; ü
 ::-0::;:: I 
cents. 1)f. cents. m. pf. $ c. 'me pf. . c. m. pf., 
1 4 20 I 0 83 1 00 4 16 15 00 62 40 
2 8 25 1 04 2 00: 8 32 20 00 I 83 20 


 : gg 



g I 
5 20 50 2 08 5 00 20 80 35 00 145 60 
6 25 60 2 50 600 2496 4000 166 40 
7 29 ;0 2 91 7 00 29 12 45 00 187 20 
8 33 ;5 3 12 8 00 33 28 50 00 208 00 
9 37 80 3 33 9 00 37 44 
10 41 90 3;5 10 00 . 41 60 

 . 1.:= ç: . .
.. '.5 ç: " .
 . I. S ::: . I '
 _ .:: ç: . 
 _ to 
 -=.... 0> to
. -= >. '" to:;--. "::! >. 
 : _ __ ' .
 . : =_ c >, _ = = 
S ê .= E ê 
õ::;:; ;;&
 ;;&::;:; c3

 ç::;:; >:<..::3 
cents. c
ms. cents. fl'. ceo $ c. fl'. ceo $ c. fl'. ceo 
1 I 5 20 1 00 1 00' 5 10 1:) 00 ;6 5C 
2 10 25 I 1 25 2 00 10 20 20 00 102 00 
3 I 15 30 1 55 3 00 I 15 30 25 00 127 50 
4 20 40 I 2 05 4 00 I 20 40 30 00 153 00 
5 25 50 2 55 5 00 25 50 35 00 178 50 
6 r 30 60 305 600 3060 4000 20406 
7 35 70 1 3 55 7 00 I 35;0 45 00 229 50 
8 40 75 3 80 8 00 40 80 50 00 255 50 
9 45 80 4 10 9 00 , 45 90 
10 50 90 J 4 60 10 00 , 51 00 

Non:.-The original order issued in Canaùa should be The above table applies to Roumania, but SUlIl;; par- 
able in that country will be subject to a further dedu - 
retained by the remitter. The payee will receive a pro- tion by the Swi!<s Post Office of 25 centimes for each :!5 
per form of :\Joney Order from the Chief Ottke at Colo
ne. I francs, 110 abatement being less than 50 centimes.. 

'" The ol'lginal Order is!<ued in Canada, and payable in Belgium,Italy, Switzerland, or Roumania, should be 1'- 
tained by the remitter. The þayee will receivc a proper furm of Money Order from the Chief Uffice at Anh\erl', 
Turin, or Easle, a<; the case may be. The original Order, issued in Canada, and pa
'able ill France or A '
must be sent to the pa
'ee by the remitter. 

ADA COMPARED, 1868 At\D 1886. 

Xlunber I :\Iumber )Iiles of. AI
oJmt I . I Xumber of I I Total I Xumber 
YEAR. of of 1\Ioney I Post lthles. paid for 
umber of 1 }" '_ Cost of 
Officcs. O\der Route. I Travelled. I com'eY
Dce Letters, &c. pap:r:,s &c. per Lettel 
Officps. I I of 1\Ialls. \ Head. IPel H...,d. 
-- - --,-- ----$---- 1 --- $ ('ts. , -- 
';I>_. 3,6 n 8 ;;1.'; 2;,674 10,6:!2.'.?lG 543,109 I 18,100,000 18,8f.4,ROO I 0:31 '-'.31 
ISS'; .....' :-,295 '
IO 52,
lìû :l:1,IiO!',750 1,594.02ô b,j,lO!I.Oon ;û,844,Oli4 0 ,0 14.





Tile u.tJiees printed in Italics tlre auth9riud to grant and Pay Money OrlÙrs. TIle OjJices marked * are Savings Bonk 
qtJices. 'I'h,- capital letters on the right of the Electoral District column indicate the several Provinces of the Dominion, 
thus :-0, Ontario; Q, Quebec; N S. IYova Scotia; N B, New Brunswick; P E I, Prince Edward Island. M, 
.U.mitoba; B C; British Lolumbia; Al
a, Alberta; Assa, .Assiniboia; Atha, Athabaska; Sask, Saskatchewan. ' 

Abbott's COr"iim-::: 
lissisqu õi---:::::Q :\1rs. 1<:. S . -Tracey Alkali Lake 
 C ariboo 
.-:-:--:-:-B C I 1\lrl\' Bos 
Abbotsford .., ...... ...1 Rouville ......... Q O. Crossfield Allanbur
 ... ......... Weiland... .. ,..... 0 B. Tucker, jun. 
Abenaquis. . .. .. . " Dorchester ..... Q Joseph Patry 
 Allandale. ............ Simcoe, SR...... 0 1\1. .T. Hamlin 
o\.benaquis Spring... Yamaska.,......Q E. l\londoux Allandale... ............ york........ N ß D. Connolly 
Aberarder ............ , Lamhton. W. R... 0, D. N. Sinclair Allan Park ....... ... Grey, S R ......... 0 C. F. Goodeve 
Abercorn ............... Brome ............ Q B. P. Spencer Allan's Corners ...... Chateauguay .... Q '.John Bryson 
Abercrombie ...... Pictou........ .N. 81 !\Irs. A. !.\Iunro Allan's Mills. ......... Lanark, SR...... OJ William Allan 
Aberdeen.... .... .IOrer. S. 
 ......0 .Jas. W.Crawford Allenfo":,d............... Rrnce, N R. ....... O / wm. Sharp 
_\berdeen ......... Canboo-Llllooet BC W. H. Dempster Allansmlk. ............ Muskoka & P S d. 0 .JamesltlcNicol 
Aberdour............... Bruce. W R. ...... 0 Donald Christie Allenwood. ............ Simcoe, N R .,. .. O,J. G. Dickinson 
Aberfeldy .......oo Lambton, E R ... 0' J. A. Risk AUisonville ......... Prince Edward... O I B. C. Ainsworth 
Aberfoyk ............... 1 Wellington, S R.. 0 1 S. Falconbridge "'Alliston ......... ...... Simcoe, S R. ...... 0 John Strachan 
Abernethy. . . ... . .. ............... ASSa l James :\Iorrison Alloa..................... Pee!.................. O J 'T. A. Silverthorn 
Abingdon ............ Wentworth,SR. 0 .John '1illRr AI..llw.................. Victoria,N R.... 0 John Dauncey 
.\brams Village.... Prince..... ,P K I .J. A. Arseneault Allumette Island... Pontiac ............0 .IllS J. McGuire 
Abollgoggin Road.. Westmoreland.N B G. W. Towse Alma ................. Wellington,C R.. 0 .T. H. Walker 
Aboy.n e ................ j Wellington,c R. Ol"
, T.l\1ills Alma..................... A!bert ......... N B I JOhn Fletcher 
Acadle ...... ...... Kent. ..... ..N B,Urbain Van tour Alma ....,.............. PIctou ......... N SA. H. Frazer 
Acadia Mines ......... Colchester...... N SiT. K Atkins Alma ................... Prince......... P E I I .James 1IIountain 
Acadle Siding Kent. ........ N B .John McDnnald Almasippi ........ Selkirk........ 111 .J. Lawrenson 
'" Acton ..................1 Halton. ............ 01 J. 3'Iatthews Almira...... ............ York, I<
 R ... ...... 0 .James Bowman 
"'Acton Vale.......... . I Bllgot ............... Q A. Q. Dubois "'Almonte ............... Lanark, N R ...... 0 .J. H. Wylie,jun. 
Adamsville ............ Brome............... Q:Oeorge A. Adam
 Alport ............... Simcoe. E R...... 0 H. F. Bickmore 
Adamsvllle...... ...... Kent............. N B,.T. M. Kennedy Al8ace ............ Muskoka & P S'd O I JOhn Gerber 
Adare .................. Middles.ex, N R... 011\1. Drummond Alsfeldt . ............... Grey, SR.......... 0 Henry Zeì/oller 
rley ............... Meg!,-ntlc ......... QIThomas Wdsh Althorpe ............... Lanark. SR.... O,A. H. NorrIs 
Addmgton Forks ...1 AntIgonishe... N S, N. McDonald Alton .................. Cardwell. ......... O I G. M. Scott 
Addison ............... Brockville ......... 0 H. H. l\loffatt Alton............. Colchester.... N S T. Lindsay 
Adelaide ............... I Midd.esex, WR. 0 Thos. Brock A . ltona .................. Ontario, WR...... O,.J.1\lonkhouse 
Adelpha .............. Selkirk........ M John R. Sturt Alvanley.......... Grey, 
 R...... 0 George Parl!onø 
Admaston . .......... Rel1frew, SR...... 0 .John O'Dea "Alvinston. ............ Lambton, E R.... 0 J. W. Branan 
Admiral Rock. ...... , HantH. ....... N S 1\:(rs. Forrestall Amaguadus Pond... Cape Breton ....N S Neil Mcinnis 
Adolphustown ...... Lennox ............ 0 .T. J. Watson Amaranthðtation... Wellington, N R. () J. Armstrong 
.-\dstock ..........1 Beauce ..... .... Q George Rodrique Amberley ... ......... lIuron, E R ...... 0 .Tames Wilkie 
Advocate Harbour... 'Cumberland... N::! G A. Morris Ameliasburg ......... Prince Edward... 0 Owen Roblin 
Afton .................. AntiKQnlshe... N S F. R. Irish Amherst ............... Cumberland... N S Amos Purdy 
Agincourt ............ York, E R .........0 J. W. Kennedy "'Amherstburgh ...... Essex, S R ......... 0 I<
rnest G. Park 

 Agnes............ Beauce. ........ Q .T.'S. Wilson Amherst Point ...... Cnmberland....N 8 Isaac B. Stuart 
Ahmic Harbour...... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 Samson Paul Amiens... ......... ...... Middlesex, W R... 0 Joshua Lindsay 
.-\hmic Lake ......... Muskoka & PS'd. 0 John McCartney Amigari........... WeIland....... 0 Robert Moore 
Ailsa Craig ............ Middlesex, N R... 0 Shackleton lIay Amqui .................. Rimouski.......Q Alexander Grant 
Aird ..................... ltlissisquoi ...... Q JamesCreller Amulree .......... Oxford.NR..... 0 A. 1\1. Fisher 
Airlie .................. Simcoe. S R.... ..0 Richard Bradley Anaganee. ........... King's ......... N B G. H. Davidson 
Air Line Junction... Wella!oJd............ 0 
Irs. M. Grisdale Anagance Ridge.... King's ...... NBC. M. Hunt 
Aitkin's Ferry ..,. King's...... PEl B. Aitkin Ancaster ............... Brant, N R ........ 0 Edwin Clark 
Akerly ................. Queen's......... N Ii B. H.Akerly AncienneLorette... Quebec ............ Q J.Dllfresne,sen. 
a ............... 1 ..... .. . . .. .. Assa Jas. Walsh Ancienne Lorette ... Quebec ... ......... Q George Dufresne 
Alberm .,......... Vancouver.... B C Chas. Taylor, sen. A.nderson ............ Perth, S R......... 0 John Anderson 
Albany.................. I Prince .........P E I D. Matthews Anderson ............. Westmoreland.N B Arch. Simpson 
Albert. .................. Hastings, E R.... 0 R. C. Atkinson Anderson'sCorners. Huntingdon...... Q James Anderson 
Albert............. Albert.......N B Robt.C.Atkinson Andover ............... Victoria......... N B J. C. McClusky 
Albert Briãge......... Cape Breton ... N S Alex. McDougall Ange Gardien......... Montmorency... Q Irenee Goulet 
Albert Mines ......... Albert ........ N B Ed. Woodworth Anl!:e G. de Rouville Rouville............ Q F. R. Dubuc 
Alberton ............... Brant, N R. ......0 Ed. l\lorwlck Angeline ............... Rouvllle............ Q Bern. Bélanger 
Alberton ............... Prince .........P E I Thomas Keefe Angers .................. Ottawa ............ Q L. Moncion 
'" Albion ............... / .Cardwell. ......... 0 Samuel J. Snell "'Angus ............... Simcoe. S R. ...... 0 Wm. .T. Smith 
Albuna..... ....... I<
ssex, S R..... . 0 George lIillier Annan .................. Grey, N R ......... 0 Mrs. M. Speedie 
Albury '''''''.'''''''' 1 Prince Edward... 0 .Tames H. Peck Annapl)lis ........... Annapolis .... N S A. W.Corbitt 
Alcester. ............... Selkirk........ M J. Johnston Annesley.. .... ...... Pontiac......... Q P. Kiloran 
AldIJoro'. ............... EI!1:in, W R. ...... 0 S. Kirkpatrick Annidale......... Quean's...... N B Thomas Ward 
Aldergrove............ N.Westminster BC E. Wh)'man Ansonia. ... ...... Algoma........ 0 J. H. Lawlor 
AlderneJ ......... Richmond.... N S H. 8. Donovan Anten Mills........ Simcoe, N R.,.. 0 J. :\lcLaughlin 
Alderpcint........ l cape Breton... NS S. Plant Anthracite ........ ,............ Alta ArthurlHorglln 
Alder River............ Guysborough...N S Jobn Chisholm Antigonishe ......... Antigonishe... N S H. P. Hill 
Aldershot ............ Wentworth, N R. 0 A. W. Brown Antig. Harbour ...... Alitigonishe ... N S Alex. Chisholm 
Aldouane. . . .. . . ... Kent ............ N B Julien Daigle Antig.Hllrb.South S. Antigonishe... N S John McDonald 
Alert Bay. ............ Cartboo....... B C S. A. Spencer Antioch. . .. .. .. . .. )Iuskoka & P S'd. 0 K E. Garnett 
Alexander ............: Inverness ...... N S A. Campbell Antler. . . ... ..... ............. A
sa H. F Hosteller 
Alexander's Point... ' I Gloucester...... N B Thos. Ahier Antoinett8 ............ Argenteuil......... Q Charles Boon 
Alexander Station. Selkirlr ............ M Jas. F. Walker Antrim.................. Halifax ......... N S Michael Cleary 
Alexandra ............ Queen's.....P E I Wm. Woods Antrim........... Lanark, N R...... 0 Alex. Murphy 
Alexandria ............ ! CarihOO ......... B C I A. D. McInnes Apohaqui............... King's ......... N B W. T. Peters,jun 
"'Alexandria ......... Glengarry......... 0 D.A.l\Iacdonald Appjn .................. Middlesex, W Roo 0 A. B. McGregor 
Alexandrina. ......... Kent......... N BI T. 8tephenwn Appin ......... ......... Antigonil!he... N 8 J. A. Stewart 
Alfred .................. Prescott............ OIL. P. Labrosse Appin Road .......... Qu;>pn's,.....P EI John Matheson 
Algl)ma Mills........ Algoma ............ 01 H. F. !.\IcGuire Appleby............... Halton ............0 Jas. Prescott 
Algonquin ............ ' I Grenville. SR.... 0 Hiram Larry Appledore . ............ Bothwell... ....... 0 O. B. Arnold 
Alison .................. Westmoreland.S B S. A. Steeves Apple Grove ......... St
nstead.......... Q Mrs.E-D. Christie 

1888. ] 



Apple HilI .... ....... Glengarry........ 0 A. Kennedy 
Apple River ......... Cumberland ...
 S T. H. Copp 
Appleton ............... Lanark, N R...... 0 T. C. Arthur 
Apsløy.................. PeterborougbER 0 T G EaRtland, Jr. 
Apto ..................... Simcoe, N R ......0 Henry O'l'ieill 
ArClidia.................. yarmouth...... 
 S Jame8 F. Allen 
Archer. .... .... ... Dundas........ 0 R. 8. Weagant 
Archibald. .,...... Selkirk........ M Alex. Bethune 
Arcnibald . ............ ,Colchester....... N S J. H. Archibald 
ArchibRld Sett ...... Restigouche... N B 1\lrs.C. Archibald 
Archville. .... .. ... Clirleton........ 0 Robt. J. Blgl!;ers 
Ardagh ..... ...... 
IuRkoka & PS'd.O Jos. Driver 
Arden ..................; Addington......... 0 Wm. B. Mills 
Arden Station.. . .. ')Iarqllette. . ..' . 
I M. E. Boughton 
Ardaess ................ Pictou........ N S AleJl. 
Ardoch ............... i Addington......... O'Alex. 
Ardpatriek ..,......... ;\larquette.........
1 B. MarRhall 
.Ardtrea ..... .........,8imc
, E R ...... 0 Wm. Blair 
Argyle. ...... . .... Vicu>ria, N R... ... 0 Donald 
Argyle ..................' Carleton ...... N B GfO.O Sproule 
Argyle .................. yarmouth...... N S James Frost 
Argyle .................. Lisgar ........ M Alex Guthrie 
Argyle Head....... yarmouth...... N 8
 A. J. Nickerson 
Argyle Shore ........., Queen's. ......P E 1 John 
Argyle 80und .......' yarmouth.... N S'Richard)lcNair 
Arichat.................. Richmond .... N 8 Mrs. S. K Ballaw 
Arkell ..................; Wellington, SR.. 0 Geo. Watson 
*.Ârkona ............... Lamhton, E R.... O , Geo. 1\1. Everest 
Arkwright ............, Bruce, N R . ...... 0 W. F. 
Arlington ............ j CardwelI. ......... O I Wm. B,ubar 
Armadale ............ York, E R......... 0 John Heare 
Arisaig ... ............... A ntigonlshe... N S, Wm. Gillis 
Armadale ............ King's......... PEl I Neil F.1\lcPhee 
Armagh ..............., Bellechasse ...... QIC. Roy 
Armand ............... I Temiscouat.a ...... Q! Pierre Morin 
Armow.................. 1 Bruce, W R....... 0 I John Hiles 
Armstein......... ...... ,Muøkoka & P S'd.O Wm. Brunne 
Armstrong .........."1 KinK's. ......... N B1John Armstrong 
Armstrong's Brook., Restigouche... N B1John C. Bent 
Armstrong'ø Corner'Queen's...... N B,.Joø.B.Armøtrong 
Armstrong Lake.... ............. Assa, Jas. Sharp 
Armstrong's Mills... I Wellington, SR. O:C. Armstrong 
Arnaud ................ , Provencher .... 
J M Martineau 
Arner............. Essex .......... O'RichardEede 
Arne8 ... ............. ...1 Lisgar............. M S Rigurbjorn@son 
Arnott .................. Grey, N R......... OIWm. G. 1\Jurray 
· ÂrnpTÌIJT ....... ...... I Renfrew, SR.... 0 Ezra A. Bates 
Aroostook Junction Victoria......... N ß E. C. Hopkins 
Aroostook Portall;6 . 1 Victoria. . . ... N BID. ;\lurchison 
Arrochar... ............ ............. AsSl\ IR. !\JcDonald 
Arrow River. ........ 
larqt1ette......... M James Elliott 

ïiii ':.. , 

å . : :: : 

e D

* Arthur. . . . .. . . ... Wellington, N R. 0 C. C. Green 
Arthurette ........1 Vi<'toria......... N B I J. W. Campbell 
Arthurville .......' Bel1echal!se . . . , . Q 1\1. Bernard 
Arundel. . .... ..... A.rgentenil.. ..QW I Wm. Thomson 
Arva . . . .. . . .. . . .. .1 
liddle"ex, E R... 0 A. Cummin
Asbesu>s. . .... . .... Richmond...... Q Wm. Church 
Ascot Corner ..... . \ 8herbrooke ,... Q' Alfred Stacey 
Asessippi . .. . . .. ... )larq uette. .. .. . !\I, Henry Gill 
Ash ........,..... Halton...... ......0 Wm. IT Dorland 
Ashburn.... .... . I Ontario, S R.... O:Thos. A. Fisher 
Ash Creek.... ......... Selkirk ............ M: Ken. McA.uley 
Ashcroft .......... yale......... BCIH.P.C'ornwRIl 
Ãsh"roft Station.... Yale & KootenayBC T.G. Kirkpatric . 
Ashdad. .... .......' Renfrew, 8 R...... 0 ' Wm. Felletor 
Ashdale...........1 A.ntigonishe... N S'V. Chisbolm 
Ashdown ............... l\lu!\koka.t P S'd.O I F. W. Ashdown 
Ashfield ............... Inverness....... N 8 Hugh 
Ashgrove.... .. .... Halton ............ 0 F. L. Thornton 
Ashland ..........' Carleton. ...... N B Henry A. Bnlyea 
Ashley . . . . . . . . . . . . , Grey, N R ... ...... 0, George Follis 
Alòhton. .... ....... CRrleton. ......... O'Hugh S. Conn 
Ashworth. ............ \Iuskoka & P.S'd.OrS A8hworth 
Askilton . ......... Inverness ...... N SIWm. !\If'Pher80n 
Askin ...,........ \liddle!->ex. 8 R... 0: George Shaw 
din . .... .... '" Muskoka.t P S'd.O, Thos. LRkeman 
Al!8iniboine . ....... \larquette......... M: 
lrf!. S. Setter 
ton Station. .. ... Nicolet ........ Q I A lin Ouellot 
Atba .............' Ontario, 8 R.... 0 John }1. Bell 
Athelstan ......... Huntingdon.... Q1 1 P. C. !\lcGinnis 
Atheriey .......... Ontario, N R.... U E. L'inil/:I\n 
Atherton .......... \.iorfolk. N R. ... O,G. C. Will sou 
Athlone. .......... Cardwell ......... O [ JOhn Kidd 
Athole ......... ........ ,Glengarry. n... \) Ales. Fraser 
Ath8l. . . . . . . . . .. . . .' Cumberland ... N S D. F. A.rcbiba\J 

Attercli ffe:
 ' Wentworth, SR. O ,James Crowther 
Attercliffe Station... Monck. ........... O,Jacob Sundy 
Atwood ................ Perth, N R..... 0 Donald Gor don 
Aubert Gallion .... Beauce ........... Q Wm. 1\1. Poser 
AU bigny ...' . . .. ... Provencher..... 
1 'G. Pichette 
Aubrey............ ChateaulZuay.... Q, J. Lefebvre 
Anburn .. ..... .... Huron, SR.... 0 D. E. Munro 
Auburn........ .,. Kin""'s............ N S G. W. f]aton 
Audlt'Y . .......... Ontario, W R... OIF. M. Harvey 
Aughrim ......... Lambton, E R ... 0 J. McKeune 
Augustine Cove.... Prince......... PEl: N. McFadyen 
Auguf!ton .... ......... I Grey, E R. ......... 0' Wm. August 
Anld's Cove............ Guy!\borough... N 8 1 John Forristall 
Aultsville....... ... Stormont ......... 0, I. R. AuIt 
-.Aurora .......... York,N R......O D. W. Doan 
AUBtin . . . . . . . .' . .. 1\larquette..... 111 R Broadfoot 
Avming........... Simcoe, N R.... 0 Wm. L. Coulter 
Avery's Portage... . , YOrk ............ N B A. B. Avery 
A vignon .....,.... Bonaventure.... Q, Octave !.\1artin 
Avoca ............ Argenteuil.........Q John )lclJallum 
Avon. . ... . '" . . ... Middlesex. E R... 0 James Row 
Avonbank ........ PE'rth, SR......... 0, James Gillies 
Avondale ......... Carleton........ N B J. E. McCready 


::: 8t;ti

. :.: I 
:.::.:: : : : g 
.J R

Avonmore . ....... Stormont ......... OlE. N. Shaver 
A vonport.. . .. . .... King's...... ...... 1'1 ;g Chas. H. Reid 
Avonport Station ... King's........ N S I ,J. B. Newcomb 
A vonroy .........., Bothwell. .. ... . 0 John Burden 
!.vonton .......... Perth, 8 R... ...... 0 John l\1{'Kellar 
Aweme ........... Selkirk............. MI C. Bellhouse 
Axe Lake......... . I Muskoka & P 8'd.0 , J. McPherson 
Ayer's Flat. . . .. . . .1 Stan stead ......... Q I Homer G. Ayr 
AyZ,-3ford.......... King's........ N 8 H. V. Farnsworth 
-Aylmer (East) .... Ottawa......... Q,J. R. Woods 
-Aylmer (west) .. ../Elgin, E R........ 0; Henry ArkelI 
Aylwin. ........... Ottawa. ............ Q I B. N. Read 
*Ayr .............'Waterloo,S R.... 0 John W. Wylie 
.Ayton........,.. . I Grey, S R......... O:J. C. F. Miller 
Babington ......... Queen's .........N B'James Babington 
Baby's Point. . . . .... Bothwell...... ......0, Miss K. L.Menten 
Baccaro .......... 8helburne......N 8 I Thos. W. Crowell 
Back Bay............... Charlotte ......N B / JosePh McGee 
Back Lands......... Antlgonishe ... N S Henry Boyle 
Back Meadows.... Pictou ............N 8 James Fraser 
Baddeck .......... Victoria .........N S' R. Elmsiy 
Baddeck Bay...... Victorla......N S'C. McDonald 
Baddeck Bridge...... Victoria .........N 8' :\lIss I. 31cRae 
Baddeck RiT. N. Br. 1 Victoria .........N 81 Donald McInDis 
Baddow ............ Victoria, N R......O Mrs. Ruth Fade 
*Badt:n ........... Waterloo,8R ....0 Edward H.Boye 
Badjeroø ........ "IGrey, E R..........O, N D McKinnon 
Bagot ...............,Renfrew, S R......O P. Kennedy 
Bagotville ..... .... Chicoutimi .........Q E. I.evecque 
Ha!e de la Trtnlté...ISaguena
 ..........Q, Ambro@eBilodeau 
BRIe des Roebel1l ... CharIevOlx .........Q,Gonzague Savard 
Baie S1. paul...... I Lisgar...............M Lewis Fairbanks 
Baú Verte ........ Westmoreland.N B I A. C. A. Well 8 
Baie Verte Road...... Westmoreland.N B Aubrey F,Copp 
BaileJ's Brook .... Pictou ............N S D. D.Macdonald 
Bailiitboro' '" ....1 Peterboro' W R...O' John D. Perrin 
Baillargeon ... .... Lévis ................Q F. X. Bilodeau 
Baillie ............ . I Charlotte ....... N B A. E. 
Bainsville. . . . .. ., .. Glengarry...... 0 D. D. McCuaig 
Bairdsville ..... ."'1 Victoria ...... ...N B Henry Baird 
Raker Settlement... Lunenburg......N S,Joseph Baker 
Bala ....,... ......... Simcoe, Ii: R.......O Thomas Burges. 
BalcarrE's ..... .... . , ..... ........... Assa j e. E. John'lton 
Balderson . . . .. .... Lanark, S R.... ...0 l\lrs. I. Cowie 
Baldoon. ............... Kent. ...... ......... 0 W. T. Fenton 
Baldwin ............ York, N R .........0 John Sowerby 
Blildvrln's 'Ims...... Stanstead. .........Q W. K. Baldwin 
Baldwin's Road.... King's ...... ...P E I J. A. Moar 
Balfour....... .. .... Prince Edward ...0 G.A. McLaughlin 
Bah!:onle ....... .......1. . . . . .. .' . . .. Assa. A. R. Dickson 
Ballantrlie ........ Ontario. W R... ...... ,Robert Hiil 
Ballant."ne's Stat'n. Frontenac .........0 John HYBOP 
Bal1inafad ...... .... Wellin!!:ton, 8 R...O .John W. McKee 
ßallinvll1a ..... .... I Carleton ............0 John Chrilltian 
Ballycroy....... ..., Cardwell............0 John McClelland 
BlIllydnff... .......... Durham, E R......O J. C. Williamson 
Ballymote ....... . l lIllddle81'X' E R.. 0 J. H. Shoebottom 
Balmerino ........ Ml\rquette ..... M W. G. Bawden 
Balmoral............... Haldimand . ......0 I 
ìle P. Finch 
Balmoral............... Restigouche ...N B Thop. Savoy 
BalmoraI...... ... Lls
ar ............. M R. Rutherford 
Balmoral ......... Richmond.... N 8 lIngb Mc Lean 





Balmoral MIlls... .IColchester.... N S;A. McKay Bayswãte --;:-:-:-:-::::: J
. ... N B Mrs. 1\1. 
Balsam .......... . I Ontario, W R......O, Wm. Burgess 8ay View...............I
t. John ...... N B Charleø J. Carr 
Balsam Grove ...... Victoria, N R.... 0 .John Copp Bayview ...............IQueen's ...... PEl Miss E. Martin 
Balsam Lake...... Victoria, N R......O I J. Cunninl!ham Bayvlew. ............... Grey, E R ......... 0 R. McConnell 
m Hill. ......... I Renfrew, SR...... 0 P G CampbtJll &achburg ............ Renfrew, N R.... 01 George Surtees 
BaltImore ........ Northumb., W R.O J. A. Gordon Beach Point ......... King's......... PEl I John McKenzie 
Bamberg. . ... . . ... Waterloo, N R....O I FE'rdin'd Walter Beaconsfield ......... Oxfurd, S R. ...... 0 ' Wm. H. Cas.! 
Banbury....... ." I "'luskoka& P S'd.O:Jas. Barry BeacolJsfield .......... Selkirk ..... ...1\1 Chas. Wright 
BU'T1crojt : . ". . .... Hastings, N R.... 0 J. C. George Beaconsfield .... ...... Victoria ... ......N B I John Duncan 
Banda......... ....18imcoe, S R.........O J. D. Carveth Beach Meadows.... Queen's ......N 8 Henry Wentzel 
Bandon ..........1 Huron, 8 R.........O Wm. Stewart .&achviUe ............ Oxford, a R ...... 0 1 Thomas Taylor 
BU'T1þ'. .................. .... ........ Alta F. Woodworth BeaHon . ............... 
orfolk, N R.... 0 Frank Turner 
Bangor ........... i King's. ..... PEl Wm. Johnston .BtamS1Jille............ Lincoln. ............ 0 J. D. Bennett 
llanks ............. Grey,.E R.........O John McGregor BearBrook. ......... Russell............. 0 Alfred Hill 
Banks of Br'd Cove.. Inverness .. ...N S L. MacDougall Bear bland... ......... York .. . ... .. .N B Isaiah Parent 
Bannockburn......... j Hastings, N R....O 
.l\Ic.Ewen Bear Point... ......... 8helburne...... N S H. L. 
hand . 
Barachois .... ........ Westmoreland N B H. Gallang &ar R. (W:Iidt) ... Dighy ........ N S V. T. Hardwick 
BarachoisdeMalbaie l GasPé. ...............Q Thomas Tapp Bear River ............ King's .........P E I D. Costello 
Barb. . . . . .. . . . . . .. Pí'eøcott............ 0 Alex. ..... LeRoy Beaton's Mills. ...... Queen's....... PEl D. Beaton 
Bardolph ............... Lennox ............0 / Wm. Bonlton Beatrice ............... \luskoka & pad. 0 Richard Lance 
Bardsville ............ 8imcoe, E R. ......0 Charles Bard Beauce Junction ... Beauce ............ Q Vital Bilod
BarkerviUt ............, Cariboo . .........B C James 
tone .&auharnoil......... Beauharnois ... Q L. H. Baker 
Bark Lake ............'Renfrew, S R......O/Thos. Culbertson Beaufort........... Carleton.........N B Joseph Le9 
Barkway...............IOntario, N R......O Samnell\lcCord Beaulac ............... Montcalm ......... Q George Mason 
Barkerton ........ Muskoka & P S'd.O Neil Mcl<
achren Bt!äulieu ............... Montmorency.... Q Prudent G. Blais 
Bamaby River ...... I Northumberl'd.N B i\lrs. McDonald Be'luly ...... ............ Antlgonlshe... N 8 C. G. Chisholm 
Barne..ville............ Klng's............N' B Robert 8impson ßeaumont ............ Bellechaøse ...... Q George Cont.ure 
Barnett ..............., Wellington,C R...O Thos. Davidson Beauport ............... Quebec ............ Q Isidore Giroux 
Barney Riv. 8tation Pictou........N S Hugh McPhee Beaupré.......... Montmorency .. Q A. N. Vézina 
Barney's River ...... Plctou............N 8 Geo. Campb<lll Beanmaris. . . .. ... 8imcoe, E R. . . .. 0 Edward Prowse 
BarDsley ......... Lisgar ........ M Stephen Bb ks Beaurivage ............ Lotbinlère ...... Q Napoleon Brochu 
Barnston......... ...... 8tanstead. ...... ...Q C. N. Remick Beausejour. .... ... Liøgar.. ...... M J. L. Turner 
Bar River ............1 Algoma ...... ......0 John Evoy Beauvoir . . ... ., ." Vaudreuii...... Q J. E. Poirier 
Barrett.................. Muskoka& P ad...O James Corkey Beaver Bank ......... Halifax ......... N 8 Daniel Halliser 
Barrettsholme ...... Albert............N B Andrew Barrett Beaver ßrook ......... Albert ......... N B 1\Irs Brewster 
· Barrie ............... Simcoe, N R....... 0 James EdwardJ Beaver Brook...... COlchester.... N S Walter Marshall 
Barriefield ............ Frontenac .........O I .JOhn Ryan Beaver Cove ......... Cape Breton ...N 8 Stephen M.:Nei1 
Barrie Island . ...... Algoma ............0 W. N. Runnalls Beaver Creek...... Marquette .... M 8. Thompson 
Barrington ............ Huntingdon ... ...Q Miss J M Lyttle Beaver Dam...... .... V ork .. . .. .. . . N B W. Haining 
Bo:rringtun ......... 8helburne ......N 
 R II Crowell Beaver Harbour...... Charlotte ...... N B E. W. Cross 
Barrington Passage. 8helburne ......N 8 A. Trefrey Bsaver Point...... Vancouver...... B C A. McLennan 
Barrio's Beach ...... Antigonishe ...N 8 1 f HUb. Beaudroit Beaver Rapids...... Marquette.........M Geo. Wilson 
Barry's Bay.... ...... Renfrew, N R... ...0 William Martin Beaver River ......... Digby............ N 8 1 R. N. Beveridge 
Barry's Corner..... Lnnenburg . ...N 8 ChaR. Barry Beaver RlverCorner Digby............ N 8 Philip Doty 
BarronBfield ......... Cumberland ...N 8 
nss Ella 8..ama
 .Bta."t:rlon ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 James Cameron 
Bar 8ettlement .... Hants ............N S, Donald McPhee * Becanoour ..... .... Nicolet ............ Q Miss M. E. Rivard 
Barstl' Corners ...... Lunenburg......N S;Robert H. Barrs BLcancour Station.. Megantic ......... Q,Joseph Leclerc 
Bartibog ............... Northumberl'dr- T B John Doyle Becher............ Bothwell........ 01 Henry Roebuck 
Bartibog Bridge.... Northumberl'dN B I Dennis Hayes Beckstead...... ... Dundaø............. Oi G. Beckstead 
Bartlett MiIlB......... Charlotte ......N B I Jesse Bartlett Bedeque. ............... Prince .........P E I I Major Wright 
Barton ..... . . . . .. Digby ........ 
 S L. McKay Btd/ord ... ... ...... ... Missisqnol- ...... Q Edward Coslett 
Bartonville ............IWentworth, S R.O W. J. Gage Bedford Basin......... Halifax ......... N 81 Miss A.Gammon 
Bas de I' Anse ..... Charlevoix,..... Q F. Asselin BedfOl:d Mills...... Frontenac .... .. 0 I Benjamin Tett 
Basin Dépðt .......... Dt of Nipissln(Z...O C. McLachlin Bttb
 Plain............ 8tanstead ......... QIJ. L. House 
Basin RivnInhab... Richmond ......N S James Walker Beech Grove........ Pontiac... ...... Q I C, H. Taber 
Bassin du Lievre.... Ottawa ............Q W. C. Kendall Beech Hill ............' Albert ......... N B David BayiðY 
Basinj!;stoke .......... Wentw(\rth, 8 R.O JaB. Heaslip Beech Hill ........ King's........ N 8 1 Ed. M. Jordan 
Bau River ............ Colchester ......N S 8. G. Dickey Beech Lane............ Norfolk, 8 R.....O Albert Cameron 
Bass RiJ'er ............ Kent. ............N B Mrs. H. )Iurph) Beechmount. ......... H!lstings, N R ... 0 F. B. Lacey 
Basswoðd Ridge...... 'Charlotte ......N B Wm. Beechmont ............ Cape Breton....N 8 Alex. McDonald 
Basswood.......... Marquette......:\1 I. Crookman Beech Ridge ......... Argenteuil ...... Q A. Bell 
Bateston ...............,Cape Breton ...N S l\lark Bates ß(e
hwood ............ Huron, 8 R ...... OIJ. F. Wright 
· Bath .................. 1 Lennox. ......... ...0 H. Armstrong Beeton ...... ............ 8imcoe, S R ...... 0 D. A. Jone8 
Bath ..................... Carleton .........N U Thos. Bohan Beggøboro' ............ Muskoka& P 8d. O I JOhn Davie 
Bathurst ............... Gloucester ......N B Helen I. Waitt Belfast .................. Huron, W R.... 0 .James )Iullen 
"'Bathurst Strut.... 'Toronto, West... 0 Follis Johmton Belfast .................. Quoen's . ......P E I, Martin Martin 
Bathurst Village.. "' I Gloucester ......N R Jos. J. MelançoD Belford .................. York, E R......... 0 Israel Burton 
BatiBcan ......... .... Champlain......... Q Miss A. Fugère Belfountaln ......... Cardwell .......... 0 Noah Herring 
Batoche........ ...... 'Saskatchewan.... Rev. J. Moulin Belgrave ............... Huron, E R ...... 0 1 Mrs. S. 
Batteau ...... ...... ...'8imcoe, N R ...... 0 Wm. Bouchiere Belhaven ............ York, N R......... 0 Neil Morton 
Battery Hill .....,... Pictou. ......... N 8 Peter A. Gr!tnt . Belle Anse. . . ......... I Gaspe ............... Q Thos. J. Touzel 
Batters6li............... Frontenac ......... 0 W. J. AnglIn Belledune ............. Gloucester ... N B Mrs. S. Chalmerø 
Battie'sCornerB..... ,Glengarry.......O Alex. l\lacLella.n Belledune River...... Gloucester ... N B,John Curry 
Battleford ............'8askatchewan..... H. Richardson Belll<
wart....... 8imcoe, SR. ...... 0 1 8. C. Webster 
Battle Hall....... Victoria, N R. . ..0 Alfred Cooper Delle Creek............ Queen's.... ...P Eo I Daniel :\lcLaren 
Ba"[ter's Harbour... King's,....... N 81John 8. Baxter Bellefieur.......... Victoria...... N BI A. de Villers 
Bay du Vin.....
...... Northumberl'd N B, Miss WUliøton Belleisle ..............., Annapolis ......N S I R. L. Dodge 
Bay du Vin Mms ... Northumberl'd N B I James Graham Belleisle ............... King's ......... N B Wm. Kierstead 
"Bayfitld ............ Huron, 8 R. ...... O,James Gairdner Belleisle Bay......... King's ........ N B 1 JOhn F. Downey 
td.......... ...... Westmoreland N B' Frank Harper Belleisle Creek ...... I King's ......... N B Miss McLeod 
ld. ............... Antigonishe ...N S C. S. Strople Bellenden ............ Queen's ......... N B I Robert Jeffery 
Bay Fortune.. .. ... King's .... . . .P E 1 J. H. 
IcKie &lù River ... ......... I<:s
ex, N R '........ 0 D, Dumouchelle 
Bayham ............... Elgin, E R......... 0 J, G. Pauling Belle Rivière ......... Two Mountains. Q C. Robertson 
Bayside ................ Hastings, W R... 0 Ja
per W. Lent Belle Vallée .......... 8t J.ohn's ......... Q:G. La Valle. 
Bayside . ............... Charlotte ...... N B Mrs. M. Curry Bellevlew.... ........ SelkIrk..... .....:\1, G. R. CampIon 
Bay 8t. Lawrence... Victoria ...... N 8 A. S. :\lcDonald .Btllev'j1Ü ............ Hastings, W R... OIJ. H. Meach
BayS'IJille............... Ontario, N R.... 0 Wm. H. Brown BellevIlle............... Carleton ...... N B .James1\lartID 





Eellevil1;:-: . . . . . . ... 1 Y annou lb. .. . N 8 L. Porter 
Belleville 8tation ... Hastings, W R... 0 W. G. He!1derson 
Bellivean:!: Cove...... Digby............ N 8 Urb.. Bel.hveaux 
Belliveaux Village.. Westmoreland N B LeWIs RIchard 
Bell }Ionnt........ Pontiac ............ Q George Palll1er 
Bellrock ... ......... ...1 Ad<'.ngton......... 0 Mrs.}1. Coffey 
Bdl', Uorn"s ......... CI'":"leton............ 0 George Arnold 
Belmina. ...............1 Wolfe......... Q Gustave Martel 
Belmont ............... )liddlesex.8 Rm 0 W. H. Odell 
Belmont ............... I Colchester ..,.N 8 Thoma!! Lindsay 
Belmore ............... Huron. E R ...... 0 Peter Terrllf 
Belæil 8tation ....... Verchères ......... Q J. B. Leblanc 
Belæil Village ...... Verchères ......... Q J. R. Brillon 
Belton ..................j Jliddlesex. E R.. 0 John Gibson 
... Belwrlod. .. .. .. . .., Wellington. C R. 0 A. Lightbody 
Belyea's Cove ......... Queen's ..... N B J. L. Belyea 
 . ............ (' &pe Breton ...N S John McNeil 
Benbecula ......... .. ................... AHa David Miller 
Bendale .......... York. ER......... 0 Wm.F?rfar 
Ben miller ............ Hnron, W R....... 0 Jon. MIller 
Iegantic ...... Q J. Bennett 
Bennles Corners.... LJ.nark. N.R...... 0 T. B. Carswell 
Bennington............ Oxford, N R ...... 0 P. W. l\{urray 
Bensfort ............... Peterboro', W R.. 0 Alex.Galloway 
Benton .................. Carleton .........N B Almon J. Teed 
Bent path . ............ Bothwell ....... IJ John l\lcLachlir 
Beranger . .... .. ... Missisquoi .... Q 8amuel Cook 
Berestord..............IGloucester.... N B Joseph Au
Bergerville ............ Quebec ............ Q MI1I. C. PetItcler 
Berkeley............... Grey, N R .........0 George Fleming 
"'Berlin ............... Waterloo, N R... 0 Wm. Jaffray 
Berriedale ............ Muskoka & P8'dO J. A. Crawford 
Berry Mill Station. Westmoreland, NBC. B. Keith 
Berry ton ............... Albert ......... N B Edward Berry 
Berry ton ............... Leeds, 8 R.........O James Berry 
Bersimis ............... 8aguenay ......... Q P. C. Dupuis 
Berthier (
bas).... Montmagny ...... Q P. 8. Joncas 
"'Berthùr (en Itaut).. Berthier ......... Q Mrs. Z. Lavallee 
Benie ...,.............. Bruce. W R. ...... 0 :'ilichol }lcIntyre 
Berwick ............... 8tormont ......... 0 M. ies N. Tobin 
'" &rwic" ............... King's ......... N 8 Edward C. Foster 
'" lPthany ............... Durham, E R. ... 0 C. W. Kelly 
Bethel.................. Shefford............ Q W. Bartlett 
Bethel.................. Prince Edward... 0 .Tohn Robinson 
Bethesda............... O.:J.tario, W R. ...0 1!.
prick Pretty 
B.,lllah '................. Mllrquette......... M G. H. Rowswell 
Bewdley ...............IN?rth
mb., W R 0 John Sidey 
Bexley.................. VICtorIa. N R...... 0 W. G. Peel 
Bic... .................... 1 Rimouslti ......... Q J. R. Colclough 
Bienville ............... Lévis ............... Q Honore Girard 
Big Bank .............. 1 Victoria......... N S Donald 8mith 
Big Bar Creek. .. '.. ()ariboo ...... B C John Ga"'1gher 
Big Bras d'Or......... Victoria......... N 8 Miss McDonald 
Big Brook ...... ...... Inverne88 ...... N S Malcolm McLeod 
Big Cove ............... Qu.,en's ......... N B Jas. Humphrey 
Big Fork ............... Algoma ............ 0 R. M. Park 
Biggar Ridge...... ( &rleton ....,...:s- B J. Biggar 
Big Harbour. ......... Vietorld.. .........N 8 P('''jp Fraser 
Big Intervale (Mar.) Victoria......... N 8 )laloolm Mer)()d 
Big Island ............ Pictou ......... N 8 .John CameroD 
Big Lake . .. .. . . . .. Algoma ........ 0 Ad'"D Aelick 
Big Loraine............ Cape Breton... N 8 George Jewell 
Big Marsh ............. King's .........P E I D.McDonald 
ll&rsh ............1 Antigonlshe.. N S 
I.s. McDonald 
Big Point..............., Kent. .. . .......... 0 Joseph Chelf 
Big Pond...............;Cape Breton ...N 8 Michael :\lc
Big Port Ie Bear ...... Shelburne ... N 8 George Harding 
Big Ridgtj ............. 1 Cape Breton.... N S Angus McDonald 
Big Springs........ HOisting!!. N.R...O Jr )eN('"\1 
Big l'racadie ......... Antlgonishe... N S William Gerrolr 
BiJleric" ............... Pontilic ............ Q J. Pritchard 
Billings' Bridge ...... Ru!!
ell ............ 0 )!rs. Longley 
BiU Town ............ King's ......... N 8 W. Stub. Sweet 
Bin brook ............... Wentworth. 8 R.. 0 James Gawley 
Bingham Road. ...... ..:lonck............... 0 Nicholas Miller 
nkham ............... Wellington, 8 R. 0 W. Wallsbro
e . ......:\1 A. r. ù:oldsmld. 
Binscarth Farm ...... :\Iaf:luette . .. .. 111 G. L. 8mellie 
Birch ......... Vicwria......... N B rbos. Knowlc 
Birchton ............... Compton ......... Q ,J. A. McNeight 
rd'!! Hill ........ Lisgar ........ 1\11 G. Chudleigh 
Buchtown ............ I 
helburne ......N 8 I Rufus HrowD 
rd'l! Creek ......... H8o;tings, N 
 . . 0 J. r.lm phy 
Blrdton ................ Yo.'k .............N B Robert Bifd 
Birdsalls . ..... ....\ Peterboro', E R. O I J. Lomc8st9r 
Birmingham ........., Front-enl\e ......... 0 
Irs. BirmlnghRD. 
Birnam . ................ Lambton, E R... OJ. Hendt't:80n 

Birr ... ::==== 
Iddlese i , E R.. :O Peter E )w;Y- 
Birtù . .................. :\Iarqnette . ...... 1\1 W. H. H. W(.xJ 
inll;. ....... Biscotasing..... O'J. de G. Stuart 
Bishop's MillS......... \ GrenVille, N R... 0 1 0. FfofgU80D 
B!shop's Crossing ... W.olfe.......... Q I J ohn M
B.shopvllle........ K1ngs........ N8 Robert Bishop 
Bismarck............... Monck. ............ OIJohn Sundy 
Bissett Creek. ..... Renfrew, N R ..0 R. M. PI\
Bisson ............ Beauce .........Q F.HamA'Jne 
Black Bank............ Simcoe, 8 R....... 0 II. Heitman 
Black Brook ......... North'mb'rl'd. N S Andrew Loggit' 
Bll\ck Brook ......... Cape Breton....N S H, Livingstone 
Blackburn .............Russell............. 0 John Coughlin 
Black (Jape ........ I Bonaventure.. .. Q Robert Fair 
Black Creek............ Welland............O Isaac H. Allen 
Black's Corners ...... Wellington. N R 0' James Graham 
Black Heath ......... Wentworth, 8 R. 0 1 Alex. Blain 
Black Land............ Restlg01lche... N B Wm. Cook 
Black Point...... ...... Restigouche... N B David l\lc:S-air 
Black Point .......... Halifax ......... N S.C. F. Hubley 
Black Point. . ......... Queen's.......N SIGeorge A. Shand 
Black River. ......... I North'mb'rl'd. N B R. Mc:S-aughton 
Black River............ ,St. John ...... N B,Robert Stewart 
Black River............ Antigonillhe... N 8 1 Colin Grant 
Black River Bridge. Prince Edward.. 0 Aha Grimmon 
Black River Bridge 'North'mb'rl'd. N BIA Cameron 
Black Rock............ Cumberland... N S Ijames Williger 
Black Rock...... ...... Gloucest9r .... N B I Miss M. 1\Iurphy 
Black Rock............ Victoria. .........N B. Leonard Reid 
Blackstock... ..... Ll1rhll1D, W R.... 0 R. H. Priest 
ater . ..... O
tariO, N R...... 0 I W. J. 8hannon 
Black s Harbour.... GaarloUe ..' ..N 8 G. W. Cross 
BlackviUt...,........... North'mb'rl'd. 
 B W. H. Grindley 
Blair .................. Waterloo. 8 R.... 0 J. Renshaw 
Blair Athol............ Restigonche ...N B Jos. Parrant 
Blairhampton......... Victoria, N R .... 0 Wm'. Blair 
Blairton ............... Peterboro', E R... 0 T. C. Caskey 
Blake .................. Huron. 8 R ...... 0 John Leo;lie 
Blake ............ Marqnette .... MI Wm. Cairns 
Blakeney............. Lanark, N R...... 0 IPeter :\lcDouO'slJ 
Blanchard Road.... Pictou............ N81Donald Ross ... 
Blanchard Settlem't Gloucester.... N B' Luc Blanchard 
Blanche. . . . .. . . . .. Ottawa ............ Q 18amuel Campbell 
Blauche ............... Shelburne.... N S , Mrs. R. Thomas 
Blanchet. . ... . .. .. Levis ........ ... Q Joseph Paquet 
Blandford ............ Arthabaska ...... QID. Bergeron 
Blandford ............ Lunenburg ... N SI :\liss E. 8eaboyer 
Blandford 8tation"' I Oxford, N R ...... 0 1 E. Wilson 
Blantyre ............... Grey, E R ......... 0 Jas C. Patterson 
ßlayney Ridge. ...... York ............ N B1Josiah Davis 
· Bluktr street .... Toronto, Centre. 0 I Mrø. E. Newton 
* Blenheim. . . . . .. . Ken t ............... 0 .J. K. Morris 
Blessington. .... Hastings, E R.... O I Henr y Cole 
B1ind River............ Algoma ............ 0 G. A. Butterfield 
Blissfield ............... North'mb'rl'd. N B James Fowler 
Block House ......... Lunenbnrg......N SI:M.lss 8. Jodrey 
Blomidon ......... .... King's....... N 8 1 Philip Brown 
Bloomfield ............ Prince Edward... OIA. B. Saylor 
Bloomfield. ............ Prince. .........P ElM. Gallant 
Bloomfield ............ Carleton ...... N B 1 MiB8 R. J. DUDD 
Bloomfield ............ King's ......... N B John Leavitt 
Bloomfield. . ....... Digby...........N 8 1 H. R. Jones 
Bloomfield Ridge.... York .............N B Alex. Macdonald 
Bloomfield Station. King's........ N B, Alfred Taylor 
Bloomfield Station. Prince...... PEl I Fabien Peters 
Bloomingdale ......... Waterloo, N R ...0 V. Kirchner 
BloolT'ng Point ...... Queen'ø . . . ., PEl I Alex. Rattray 
Bloomington ......... Ontario, W R.... \) Maxson Jones 
Bloomsburg ......... Norfolk, N R .... 0 J. H. Lingwood 
Blue Bonnets...... Hochelaga...... Q I Alf Dore 
Blue Cove......... Gloucester.... N B J. H. Doiron 
Blue Mountain ...... Pictou ... ..... N 8, A. McDo11gall 
Blue's Mill ............ Inverness ...... N 81l\1alcolm Blue 
Blue Rock. ............ Lunenbourg... N SI Edwm'd Knickle 
'lluevalt ............... Huron. E R ...... O \ .Tames Timmins 
Blumenort ........ Selkirk........ M W. Remple 
Blythe .................. Huron, E R ...... 0 D. B. McKinnon 
Blythfield ........ Lisgar ............. MIWm. H. Mellow 
Blytl:1esw(){lc} ......... Essex, 8 R ....... 0 r John Miller 
Boakview ......... ............. Assa Hugh Mowbray 
.Bobcaygeon. ......... Victoria, 8 R...... 0 Irvine Junkin 
Bocabec . ............... Charlotte ...... N B Mrs. HanllOn 
Bogart .................. Hastings, B R ... 0 8. \1. Dafoe 
Bognor... ......... ...... Grey, N R..... . 0 C. H. Hemin'" 
Boiestown ............. 
orth'mb.rl'd. N B Dan. McMiIl
Boileau..... ...... Ottawa ........ Q P. Boileau 
Boisdale Barachols.. Cape Breton .. N S D. McNeil 
t 65 ) 


[ 1888. 


dal ëCh apel...... Cape Bre
n....N S 'D
Mc lntyre 
Boh de Filion. .. ... Ttlrrebonne...... ...Q' O. Chaplt'au 
Franc ........ Pontiac ........ Q C. A.Prijlg 
BoiJset'ain ... ......... Selkirk........ M Alex. McKnight 
Bolduc..........., Beauce. ............ QI Pierre Begin 
Bolingbroke ......... Lanark, S R ...... O'John Korry 
Boisover ......... ...... Victoria, N R . ... 0: Adam Staback 

::::t::::::::: :
:: :::::::


Bolton Glen .......... Brome ............ Q F. A. Hammond 
Bomanton ............ Northumb., W R. O'T. W. Forbes 
Bon Accord. .. .. ... VIctoria......... N B 1 James B. Adam 
Bonaventure Island G8.8pé.... ".. ...Q Philip Bossy 
Bonaventure River. Bonaventure...... Q Fred. Forest 
Bon Desir ............. Saguenay.......... Q'Thadee Gagnon 
.Bondhead ............ York, N R........ O l E. J. Carter 
Bongard's Corners... 'Prince Edward... 0 .Job D. Bongard 
Bonnechere.... eo. . I Renfrew, SR.. 0 Edward Moor 
Bonne Esperance. .. Saguenay ...... Q I W. H. Whitely 
BonneyRivelStation Charlottt! ., ...N B :\liss L Matheson 
Bonnie Doon ...... Lisgar......... M Thomas Hiltcn 
Bonshaw ...... ......... Queen's.... ...P E I J. A Robertson 
BO.:Jkton ............... Norfolk, N R....., 0 P. N. Mcintosh 
Boom ... ...... ......... Inverness...... N S Alex. l\IcEacherlJ 
Booth. . ... . ........ Pontiac......... Q Robt. Wilson 
Bord à Plouffe ...... Laval............... Q L. Sauriol 
Rordeaux . ...... eo Hochelaga. .... Q Wm. Picard 
Bornholm ............ Perth, N R ....... 0 1\Irs. Eo Walsh 
Bornish . ............... Middlesex, N R... 0 Arch McLeod 
Borromée ......... Russell. ............ 0 Trefie Vachon 
B06cobel ............... Shefford............ Q Wm. Hackwell 
curvis.......... ............. AS88 \V. Galloway 
Boskung ..... . . . .. Victoria. N R .. 0 Joseph Beatty 
 .................. I Norfolk, N R...... 0 Oliver C. Rouøe 
B.:Jl"nelllh . . . .. .' . .. Inverness.....N S John McDonald 
HOdton Mills '.... PeeL... ........ 0 Neil Clark 
B.)dworth ............ Wellington. CR. 0 J. Sanderson 
Botany......... ......I Elgin. W R....... 0 C. McBrayne 
· Bothwell... ......... Bothwell. ......... 0 Wm. Regan 
Bothwell...............IKing's .........P E I David 1\IcVean 
Botrtlaux ......... Chateauguay....Q O. Bere:evin 
Botsford Portage. ... Westmoreland N B M. Hallihan 
B.)ucherville ......... Chambly ......... Q L.Normandin 
Bouchette ............IOttawa ............ Q .John Grace 
Bouck's HilI ......... Dundas. ...... ...... 0 Henry W. Ford 
Boudreau Village... Westmoreland N B Alex. Boudreau 
B.)Ugie............ ,Jacques.Cartier . Q Leon Vervais 
B')ulogne ............ Drummond....... Q Fre
eric Wood 
Bourdeau ......... MusKoka........O W H Rhamey 
Boulardarie ......... Victoria ...... N S D. R. McDonald 
B')ulardarie B.Lands'Cape Breton ...N S M. l\lcKenzie 
BúulardaJie Centre. Victoria......... N S Alex. Matheson 
Boularwu Ie East ... Victoria......... N S John PRtterson 
Boulardarie West..., Cape Breton ... N S John McNeil 
Boulter ............... Hastings, N R ... 0 W. D. Parkhurst 
Boundary Creek...... Westmoreland N B R. B. C. Weldon 
Bvundary,Preøqn'.e Carleton ...... N B Elijah Cosman 
B'>urgeois ............. I Kent ............N B J. J. Bourgeois 
Bourg Louill ......... Portneuf ......... Q Pat,rick Russell 
Bowesville............. Russell ..... ...... 0 J. GHmble 
Bowling Green ......IWellington. N R 0 Miss B. Edgar 
..&wmanvilk......... Durham, W R... 0 J. B. Fairbairn 
Box Grove ............1 York, E R......... (\ John l\IcCaffrey 
B()ylston ............... GuysOOro' ...... N S J. R. Atwater 
Boyne ...... ............1 Halton. ............ 0 Richard Dolby 
Boynton ...............1 Stllnstead ......... Q John Crosbie 
 ......... Ontario, N R ... 0 Robert P. Perry 
BrackenriK ...... ...... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 John Davidllon 
Brackley Point. ...... Queen's. ......P E I J B McCallum 
Brackley Point R'd.IQueen's . ......P E I John Mcllillan 
Bracondale ............ 1 York, W R...... 0 Frank Turner 
*Bradford ............ York. N R .......0 H. S. Bcoughton 
Bradley. .... .. ..... I Bruce, E R. ...... 0 Reb'ca Robinson 
Bradshaw............. Bothwell .......... 0 Wm. Bradshaw 
ine. .........1 Selkirk, .... ... M John Parr 
Brae ..................... Prince .........P ETA. Campbell 
Brae Lake......... I Muskoka & P S'd. 0 Wm. J Taylor 
Braemar ...............IOxford, N R ...... 0 Damel Burke 
Braeside ..............., Renfrew. SR.... 0 John Gillis 
Bramley............... ; Simcoe, S R ...... 0 John Gordon 
. Brampton ... .........1 Peel...... ...... ...... 0 M. M. Elliott 
Branch La Have .... Lunenburg... N S Edward Vienot 
nchton ............ 1 Waterloo, SR.... 0 Michael Laing 
Brandon ............... Selkirk ............ M J. C. Kavauagh 
Brandon Hilla .... Selkirk ............ M James Baker 
Brandy Creek......... Norfolk, N R...... 0 Jas. Wintermut 
Bransfield...... .,. I Sorthumherl'd,N B J SullÏ\an 

· Brantford ':::::::: Brant. SR......... 0 A. D. Clement 
Bcay's Croøsin
.... Russell..........O CBray 
Brazil Lake. ....... yarmouth.... N S Isaiah Crosby 
ßreadalbane ......... Glengarry......... 0 J. R. Campbe l ' 
Breadalbane ......... Restigouche... N B I JOhn :\Ic}lil1an 
Brechin ............... Ontario, N R...... 0 John Bernllrd 
Brenton........... Yarmouth....N 8 Samuel Pennell 
Brentwood ............ Simcoe, N R ...... 0 John O'Connell 
Breslau ................ Waterloo. N R... O'Joseph Bieth 
Brewer's Mills ...... Frontenac .........0 Rohert Angìin 
Brewster ............... Middlesex, N R. 0 William Fulton 
Briekley ............... Northumb., E R. 0 Wm. Lynl'h 
Bridge Creek...... Marq uett<> ...... M Goo. FrKser 
Bridgedale ............ Albert ......... N B F. N. Steevtl" 
Bridge End ............ Glengarry......... 0 1 W. C. 
ßridgenorth ... ...... , PeterOOro', W R.. 0 !Iolarcus 8. Dean 
geport ............\ Waterloo, N R... 0 H. S.chewennann 
Bn.dgeport . . . .. .... ,Cape Breton... N S i Damel Graham 
Bridgeport Mines ... Cape Breton... N SI F. J. Mitchell 

Bridgetown ......... Annapolis .... N 8,E. Dodge. jun. 
Bridgeville ............ Pictou ......... N 8 1 John A.CHmeron 
.Bridge'water ......... Hastings, N R... OiMrs. J. H. James 
Bridgewater ... ...... Lunenburg ... N 8!JoseVh Whitford 
Brierwood ............ Selkirk ............ 1>1 W. H. Gmv 
Brigden ..............., Lawbton . ........ OIJohn Armstrong 
Brigg's Corner.... ... \ Queen's ......... N B I Hugh !IolcLean 
Brigham.......... Brome............... Q John O'Connor 
.Bright.................. Oxford, N R ...... 0 Wm. B. Wilson 
Brighton ............... Digby............ N S Elizabeth Young 
tiJBngltton ............ \ Korthunlb..E R.. O I T. C. Lockwood 
Brightsidb ............ LaD/uk, N R.... U William Lochead 
Briley's Brook. . . . .1 Antigonishe... N SI R Chisholm 



;:: I 

::: g I g

Brlsbanfl ............... Wellington, S Roo OIJ08hUlI Ashley 
Bristol.................. Carleton .........N ß J. H. Hayward 
Bristol............ Pontiac........ .QIThom8.8 Craig 
Britannia ............ PeeL....... ......... OJJ. A. Greenius 
Britannia l'o1íIIs ...... Bagot ............... Q. :\lrs. H. Guilbert 
Briton .................. 1 Perth. N R . ...... O!JOseph Freewan 
Brltonville ............ Are:enteuil ...... Q .I Geo. Hamilton 
Broadbent ........ Muskoka& P S'd. 0 Thos. Patterson 
Broad Cove Chapel... Inverness...... N 8 Alex. McLellan 
Broadcove<Lunen') I LUnenbur g ... N 8 Mrs. Ed. TeAl 
Broad Cove Mines... Invt!rness...... N 
,J. J. Campbell 
Broad Cove POl1d ... Inverness...... N S .J. A. :\IcLttUan 
BroadlandR ......... Bol1aventure ... Q Melvin Adams 
Broad view ............1................... ASS8 1 Robt Patterson 
"Brockton ........... York, W R. ...... 0 L R. HilI 
.lJrockville ............ Brockville ......... 0, W. Fitzsimmons 
Brodhagen ............ Perth, N. R. ...... OIOeo. Leonhardt 
Brodie............. Glengarry...... O,John A. Smith 
Brokenhead. ......... Lisgar............. .\\lIEd A Dugard 
Brome .................. B!'ûme ............ Q , Io:dgar 
Rrompton ............ RIchmond ......... Q He1iry Addl!
Brompton Falls ...... I Richmond... ...... Q M. McDonnell 
Bronson ............... Hastings, N R ... O l Fred.l\!Ullett 
.Brantc.................. Halton ............ 0 G. K. McCranay 
Brookburn ... ..... . j Annapolis.... N S H. D. Banks 
Brookbury ............ Compton ......... Q I R. Rowe 
Brooke. .. .. ... . ... La.nark, 8 R . ... 0 B. :\lcKeracher 
Brookdale . ...... ......IOttawa......... .... Q I Fred G Meyer 
Brookdale. ..... "I Selkirk............ M Charles Gowan 
Brookfi\:Jld . .......... Colchester ... N S James Graham 
Brookfield "."''''''- 1 Queen's ......... N S / 18amuel Neily 
Brookfield Station... Weiland............ 0 
lrs. !IoI. Topp 
Brookholm ........ Grey, Nit...... O,Oeo. Crane 
Brookland ........... Pictou ........... N 8 l wm. Grav 
.Brooklin............... Ontario, SR...... 0 A. Somerville 
Brooklyn ............ King's .........P E I I 'H. D. Compton 
Brooklyn ............ Queen's ...... N S J. R. Hall 
Brooklyn . ............ yarmouth.... N SI.J D Morrill 
Brooksdale ............, N R ...... 0, Thos.Heron 
Brookvale ............ Queen's ......... N B Mrs. M. Fowlie 
Brookvale . ............ Halifax ......... N S' Mrs. O. Hannah 
Brook village......... l lnvernesll ...... N S Robsrt Frizzle 
Brookville ............. Cumberland... N S Leander Hatfield 
Brookville .. .. . . ... Pictou ......... N S Simon Fraser 
Brookville.... ......... Carleton. ...... N B liugh T. London 
Brophy'!! ............... Ántigonisheoo....... Thos Brophy 
Brotherston ... ... Wellington. N R. 0 l\lontezuma BI'os 
Brougham ...... ...... Ontario, W R..... 0 T B Willi" 
Broughton ............ Beau
e............... Q Ch8.8. H. J. Hall 
Broughton Station. Beauce........ Q James :\IcGee 
Broulle.,.illp............ Grenville. SR... 0 Wm. Anderson 
Brown HilL........... York. N R......... 0 John Brown 
Rrown's Brook ...... Cumbsrland... N S Wm Anderson 




Brownsburg ... ...... Ärgenteui i ......... Q D . Smith - Õ aistor Centre....... Wentwort h; S R. 0 Wm. N e
Brown's Creek. . . . . \ King's.. . .. . PEl, John Bruce Caistm-ville ... ......... Wentworth, 8 R. 0 A. Spears, jun. 
Brown's Mountain.. Antigoni6he... N S A. 
lc Eachern Calabogie...... ......... I Renfrew, S R .... 0 Robert 
Icln tyre 
Brownsville............ Norfolk, N R .... O'Wm. Boughner Calder .................. Middlesex, SR.. 0 Thomas Ba.ll 
Brownsville ....... Pictou ..........N S ,James Cameros Calderwood............ Grey. 8 R ...... 0 A. Calder 
Brownsville . .........1 King's ... ...... N B I c. J KIng Caldwell ......... ...... CliI'dwell............ 0 r Jas Connor 
BruCi!field ............ Huron, S R. ...... O
Robert Marks Caldwell ............... Pontiac ............ QIT. Lang 
Br'.lCl Mine! .........1 Algoma ............ O,Geo. Marks Caldwell's Mills.... Lanark. N R...... 0, W. C. ClÙdwell 
Bru':\enell ............ Renfrew, SR.... O,Jas. Costello Caledon ................ Caldwell............ OIS, Stubbs 
Brule ..................ICOlchester ...... N S'D. Stevenson CaIedon East ......... Cardwell............ OIThoø. Cranston 
Brunner ............... I Perth, N R . ...... OIJohn Attridge CllÙdonia.,..... ... Haldimand .... OIJohn Scott 
Br<1nswick ... ......... Durham. E R .... 0, Lem. Patterson Caledonia... ............ Queen's...... ...P 1<n I Ill. n. Stewart 
""Brussels ............... Huron, E R. ...... OIJohn R. Grant Caledonia On-ni>r.... Queen's ......... N S J. B. Harlow 
ßryanston ............. , Middlesex, 1<1 R... O:T. B. Goulding Caledoni>lMills ...... Antigonishe... N SIRod. McDonald 
BrY9rton ... ...... ......, 
 B Albert Bryerton Caledonia Mines...... Cape Breton ." N S I D M Burchell 
""Bryson. ..............., Pontiac ............ Q 1<1. B. D. L!tfleur caledonta,St.MarY'S I GUYllboro, .... N :3 J. A. Chisholm 
* Bz.d.-ing"am ......... ,Ottawa ............ Q F. J. Wilson CaledoniaSetttlem't. Albert ......... K B, G. D. Reid 
Bw:kland............... Bellechaslle ...... QT. Roulleau Caledonia Springs... Prescott............ OIK.Arnoldi 
Bnc!daw ..............ïVictori:t......... N SM. McLeod CalQary. ,............. .....................AltaIG. C. King 
Bu'kley's............... King's ......... N S Mrs. S. Buckle) CaliforIJia ......... Victoria .....1\ B Jas Fitzsimmons 
Bw;touCM ...... ...... ,Kent ... ...... ... N B B. H. Foley Calf .Mountain .... Selkirk ...... . ... M' F. Bolton 
Bu'.:!;er ..................IRenfrew, N R .., 0 Timothy Gormoll Calhoun .......,.. Wætmoreland.N B'T. B. Calhoun 
BuH Moose Hill...... I King's . ......... N B E. Benson Callender.......... Muskoka & P S'd. 0; Mrs F S Wilson 
Bullock's Corners... Wentworth, N R. 0 W. Bullock, jun Calton .................. Elgin. E R......... O , 'wm. Ml'Gregor 
wer ............... Compton ......... Q A. Sanborn Calumet.... .... ...... Argenteuil.........Q Mrs H Bnrch 
Bumfr"u.............., Carleton......... N B E. F. :McNally Calumet Iøland ...... Pontiac ............ QIJohn C
an............... Grey. SR......... 0 D. Mcinnes Camborne ............ Northumb., W R 0 John WIllIams 
Bunyan .............../Lambton, W R... 0 Wm. Johnson *Cambray . ............ Victoria. N R .... 01 H. J. Lytle 
Bl'rden............ ...", York. ....... N B John Moore Cambria. ............... Argenteuil......... QI M. J. Strong 
'" B'4rford .......... ... , Brant, S R......... 0 Henry Cox Cambridge ............ Queen's ......... N Bi Wlli. H. White 
Bur,;;e!!sville ......... Oxford, 
 R....... 0 E. W. Bur
ess Cambri"ge ............IHants............ N S,James Starratt 
Bu.goyne ............ Bruce, N R....... 0 J. A. Darling CambridgtlStation...:King's .......... N SIJOhn Colwell 
goyne Bay. ...... Vancouver...... B C John :Maxwell Camden. ...... ......... Coll'hestèl"...... N SI Edward Logan 
Bu!'keton Station... ,Durham........ 0 
1. E. Quigley Camden, East ......... Addington......... 0 1 BenjamiJl Clark 
Bu.r!.:'s Falls....... 'lu8koka & P S'd. 0 David F. Burk Cameron...... ...... ... Victoria. N R .... O,Jamel! Bryøen 
Bt:rlaigh ...... ......... Peterboro',1<1 R... 0 I Alex. Brown Cameron's1'llills...... Kent ............:,IJ B' John A. Climeron 
Bu.rleigh Falls ....... Peterboro', 1<1 R... 0 John Holmes Camerontown......... Glengarry ......... 01
lr8, K Cameron 
*B!l.rlington .......... Halton ..... ...... OIJ. T. Bastedo Camilla ............... l'ardwell .......... OJM J Morrt
Burlington ............ Prince .........P 1<1 I Joseph DavÌ80n Camille.. ......... Marquette ....... ::\1 1 Robt Robertson 
Burlington ............ King's ......... N S W. E. Anderson Co.mlachû ............ Lambton, W R... 0 Joseph Cairns 
Bu,lington Beach... Wentworth. S R. 0 John Hughes Campbell ............. In'Vernelò8...... N S,Hullth Campbell 
BU!"Daby ......... .llIIonck. . ... . .... 0: W. A. Kinnaird Campbellcroft....... Durham, E R.... 0 i A. Smith 
Burnbrae............... Northumb., E R. o ,Alex. Donald *Camp1Jdlford ...... Northumb.,E R.. O I W. Ii. Archer 
B:J1"nhåmthorpe......1 PeeL................ OjJames Currie Campbell's Cross .... Peel.................. 0 James Cesar 
nley ............... Northumb.,WR. OIWm. Lawler Campbell Settlem't. King's ......... N BID. K. Campbell 
Buens ..................' Perth, N R . ...... 0, W. B. Freeborn Campbell Settlem't. York ............ 1\ B' H. McFarland 
Burnside ............... }larquette.........M W A McIntosh Campbellton.......... Elgin, W R. ..... OiMrs.M'Kerracher 
B:unside... ...... ïTwo Mountains. QIJohn Wood *Campbellton ......... I RestigOUche... N B, A. lUcKendrick 
Burnside. . . .. . . ... Pictou........N SI Angu't )lcLeod Campbel1vW'....... Halton ............ O' S. R. Lister 
Burnstown ............ Renfrew, SR.... 0 Donald McRae Campbellville ..... Selkirk ............ 
I 8t3.nley F Carr 
Bu!"DsvilJe...... .. Gloucester.... N B It. }Iontgomery Campden ............... Lincoln ............ O:H. W. }Ioyer 
Burnt Church. ...... i Northumberl'd N B John Hamilton Campo Bello. ..... Charlotte ...... N Ii I Luke Byron 
Burntcoat ..........., Ranta............ N 8 1 RobertFaulkner Canaan.................. I Russell. ............ O!Jobn Larmour 
Burnt River ......... VIl'toria. N R .... O,Mrs S }Ioore Canaan.................. YarulOuth...... N S;G. H. Hurlburt 
......... i N.Wes.tminster B CiGeorge Bla4?k Canaan........... . I King's ......... N SI w. J. Wallace 
B!1rrltt s RapIds .... GrenvIlle, N R... 0 I Thos. A. Kldd Canaau Rapids ......' Queen's ... ." ,.. N B, Robert Phillips 
Burtch .................. Brant, SR......... OIDavid Burtch Canaan Station ...... I Westmoreland N B J. L Bernard 
:-ton .................. 'Durham, 1<1 R. ... O,James }IcGill Canada Creek......... I King's ......... N SIChas. 1<1. Eaton 
Burton ..................' Sunbury...... N B, M. E. A. Burpee Canard............ King's........N S J. E. Lockwood 
Bluton.................. Prince......... PEl R. T. Wright Canard River ......... I EslleX. N R ....... 0; P Drouillard 
Bury's Green ......... Victoria, N R .... 01 1 John Fell Canborn' ... _.......... Monck ............. 0, Ell W Birdsall 
Bushfleld ............... Huron, E R ...... 0 James Newcomb Candasville... ........ :\Jonck . ............ Oi James Marshall 
Bush Glen.. .... ... Stormont. ......... OIGordon Bush Canfield. ......... ...... Haldimand ...... OIJohn Switzer 
Bc.te ...... ...............1 Megantic ......... Q W. 'Murchie Catlmore ........... ." 1 . . ..' . ......... Alta' 
Irs. Cumpston 
terfield ............ 'Selkirk ............ 
I, Henry Dann Cannamore ............ Stormont. ......... OIJohn Hughes 
B. Uernut Ridge...... I King's ......... N BI H. A Keith Cannes ................,Richmond ......N S I JObn 1<1. Fortuna 
Buttonville ............' \ YOrk, E R ......... 0 T. Thomson Cannlfton ..............' Hastiup:s, E R ... 0 J. G. Forester 
Buxton ................ Kent................ OlD. C. Echlin Canning .............../Brant, N R ......0 Sam'l Allchin 
B7ng..................... Monck. ............ OIJos. A.Bicknell .."anning............... King's ......... N SiC. 1<1. Borden 
 Inlet ............ /Iful!koka& PS'd. O!Jas. White .Cannington ......... Ontario. N R...... 0, Robert Talbot 
Byng Inlet North ... MUl'koka & P S'd.O Pierre Potvin Canobie . ............... Gloucester......N BRott. Sealey 
Bnnedale ........ Essex, N R..... . 0' Wm. Byrne Canoe Lake........ Cape Breton... N Sl1\Irs. A. Munro 
Byrøe's Road ......... Kiug's ...... ...P 1<1 I:W. McCullough Cannonville ........., Cumberlaud.. N SI E. D. Fullarton 
Byron ............ ......: Middlesex, SR... 0 I Robert Sadler '* Camo ............... ...1 Guyøboro'...... N S .James Tate 
Ca,;)le JIead............ 'Klug's .........P E I John McIntyre Canterbury .......... , compton ......... Q'Robt. Groom 
Oache Creek...... . I Yale. ......... B CrJamesCampbelI Cantørbury .......... York ............ NBC. E. Grosvenor 
úl.::ouna. ............... I Temiscouata...... Q,J. B. Beaulieu Canlnbury Statùm ., York ............ N B William Main 
CaJmus ............... Durham. W R ... OIT. W. Robertson Cantley.. ........... Ottawa ............ Q,R. Brown 
Cadurcis .......... Marquette......... 111 I A. Smith Cauton .................' Durbam. E R.... O,John W 
Cæsarea ............... Durham, W R... 0 Henry Joblin Capà.I'Aigle.......... Charlevoix......... Q Mrs E. Savard 
Cahore'... ............... Stormont. ......... 0, G S Johnstone Cap Chat ...... " ..... Gasp6 ......... ...... Q ''felesphore Roy 
O'iin's Mountain. ." I Victoria .........N SID 
lcKenzle Cap des Rosiers ...... Oasp6, '... ........ Q \ J. A. Whalen 
Cain's River ........... North'mb'rl'd. N B, Mrs. C. Murdoc\! Cape Bald ........: Westmoreland.N B Amos Burke 
Cains\'ille .... ...... ...1 Brant, N R ....... 0 :\falachi Seager Cape Cove ............ GMpe ...... ......... Q James Baker 
Ca;ntown..............., Leeds. SR......... 0' :\lrø. I1olZeboom Cape Chin.............' Hruca. N R . ...... 0 Alex. Currie 
C.i;rngorm. ............I
liddleøex. W R. 0' Thos. Wescott Cape Croker. ......... Bruce, N R.........O F. Lamonmdière 
CII..Tnside......... .IChatt!auguay ... Q' James Calrns CapdeMoøelIeCreek Albert... ........N B,John Wilson 




Cape Eg ñïõni-
 I P rince. : .-:- ::-P 1<1 1: A. L. Gal
 Cal'sburn -==:::= Presco
 .:() R. H. M a
Cape George .. ...... Antlgonb,he... N S Robt.:Mc Dc.nald Cassel...... ...... ...... I OXford. N R ...... 0 Wm. Arm"trong 
Cape George Harbor I Richmond ...... N 8' K. McKenzie Casselman ............ Russell ............ 0 I R. A. Cas
Cape John ............ Pictou ......... N S, Robert McLeod Cassilis........... .1 Northumb......N B 1 J.1IflcTavish. sen 
.Capelton............... Sherbrooke ...... Q/8. L.8pafford Cassvi!le .. ......, . I Stan stead ...... Q, L. J. Ban!{s 
Caþe Mubou ...... ...1 Inverness ...... N 8 A. McQuarrie Castaha.. ... . ...... Cbarlotte ...... N B ' I H. R. Grabam 
Cape Nortb ............ Victoria ...... N 8 1 Neil l\1cAI'kil Castillo' .......... .. , Renfrew. N. R .. 0 Jfdmond Bennet. 
Cape Negro. .. . . .. . I Sbelburne..... N S I ðamuel R Swain Cast)eavery. .. .. .... M!irquette..... 11 J. Dugan 
Cape :Negro Island. Shelburne...... N S,R. T. Perry Castlebar ..,............,Richmond......... Q Wm. }lcKeage 
Cape Ozo ... ...... ...... Gasp6 ......... ...... Q I A. Lelluguet CaEtlederg. ... ......... ,Cardwell .... ...... 0 John Wallace 
Cape Rich.. .......... Grey. 1<1 R ......... O!J. B. Lister Castlefcrd ............,Renfrew. N R.... 0 Jobn Warnock 
CapeSableIfland... Sbelburne...... N Sl1\Irs. E. Kenney Castlemore ........... PeeL................ 0 John Taylor 
Cap La Ronde .... "' I Richmond .'. ,N SICbas Latimer Casildo", ....... .... j Nortbumb., 1<1. R. 0 H. .... Gould 
Cap l\Iagdeleine ....., Cbamplain ...... Q I O. Toupin Catalone ...... ......... Cape Breton... N 8 John 
Cap Rouge .... ...... Quebec ............ Q Leon Laine Catalone Gut...... Cape Breton.. N SI Miss 1\1. Dickson 
"'Cap Sante ............ I Portneuf ......... Q I LoUil! Jacques Cataract ............... I Cardwell ..........0 Jo':1n Howard 
Cape Spear ............ WE'stmoreland N B John McKay Cataraqui............... Frontenac .........0 Jos. Nortbmore 
Cape 8tation ......... Albert .... ....N B W. E. CaJboun Cathcart ..... ......... Oxford, S R. ...... 0 Alex. Kennedy 
Cape Traverse ...... Prince ........,P 1<1 I I Muncey Irving Jaughnawaga......... Laprairie ......... Q,Edward Deblois 
Cape Wolte ............ Prince ........ PEl J. J. Fish Causapscal ............jRimouski ......... Q Alfred BlaiR 
Caplin River.. .' ... Bonaventure.... Q Solomon Poirier Cavlgnac ............ ''' 1 Bagot...... ...... Q Don!lt Denault 
Cap St. Ignace ...... Montmagny ...... Q Mifs H. C. !.arut Cavan .................. Durham, E R.... Û Mrs. D. Walkt'r 
Capucins ............... Rimouski ......... Q. Mrs. S. Cðt6 Cavendish.... ........., Queen's. ...... PEl A.:\I !\IcNeil 
"'Garaquet ............. G1oucest6r ... NB I J.G.C. Blackhall Cavendish Road......'Queen.s.......P 1<1 I G. W. McKay 
Carberry............... Marquette ....... 1\1 H. A. Perley Cawvod ..... ......, Pontiac ............ Q George Tanner 
Carden ... ............... Victoria, N R... ...0 I Robert Cowan *Cayuga......... ...... I Haldimand . ...... 0 .John Cameron 
Cardigan Bridge.... King's......P E I Jamef McVeau Cazaville ............... j llUntingdon .... Q X. Castagni..r 
Cardigan Road. ...... King's .........P E I Dennis I\IcQuaiè Cecebe....... . .... l\1uskoka & P S'd. û W, A. Cowan 
*Cardinal ......... Grenville. S. R.. 0 IJno. H. Leacy Cedar Camp ......... Kings ............N B Wm. H. Kyle 
Cardwell.......... CU'dwell ....... 0 iRev. G. B. Morley Cedar Dale . .........IOntario. 8 R...... 0 W. Coleman 
Cargill............ Bruce, 1<1 R .... 0 C W Keeliug Cedar GlOve .......... York, E R ......... 0 James Mal(:ome 
Carholme...... ......... Norfolk, R R...... 0 James Smith Cedal' Hill ...... ...... 1 Lanark, N R...... 0 S. Connery 
Carillon ............... Argenteuil ...... Q MrsMJOFletcber Cedar Hall ............ Rimouski .........Q Josepb Switb 
Carleton ............... Bonaventure...... Q Jean Lefebvre Cedar L>
ke............ Digby............ N S Daniel Bethune 
*Carleton ............... St. Jobn ...... N B James R. Reed Cedar Mills. .......\ Cardwdl ...... 0 Rubert Robb 
Carleton. .............. Prince .........P E I ,Charles Doull Cedar Springs...... Kent........... 0 1.1\1. Taylor 
Carleton. ............... Yarmou.b ...... N 8 I Edwin Cro
by Cedars .................. Soulanges ......... Q E. BisBonnett
*Carleton Place ...... Lanark, S R ...... 0 Pat. Strutbers Cedarville ............ Grey. E R......... 0 J. F. McLachlan 
*Car[tlon Street.... Toronto, Centre. O J Andrew Jeffrey Central Argyle ...... Yarmonth...... N S A.M.VauNordo!n 
Carleton West.. . .. Bonaventure...... Q N. Arseneau Central Bedeque ... Prince...... P 1<1 I I Colin WI ight 
Carleton, West..... York, W R ....... 0 James Hayes Central Bli88vilie... Sunbury ...... N B Luke 1<1. Bailey 
Carling............ ...... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 Robert Blair Central Clarence.... Annapolis ....
. N S 1 1\Ir8. H. i\" 
Carlingford ....... Perth, SR......... 0 R. H. Cowie CentraHYambridge.. Queen's ......... N B Amos ì\Iott 
Carllngford .......... Victoria......N B R. Everett CentralCbebogue... Yarmouth '" N SjFrancisC. Cook 
Carlingville..... ... }Iarquette...... M S. C. Dinsmore Centralia... ............ Middlesex. N R...O Beuj. P. Qnauy 
Carlisle.................. Wentworth. N R. 0 }lrs. R. Koella Central Grove ...... I Digby............ N SIWm. A. Powell 
Carlisie.................. Carleton. ...... N B Alexander Sbaw Central Hampstelld. Queen's...... N D, Pt'leg Smitb 
Carlow.................. Hu..on. W R ...... 0 Jas. McDonagh Central Haynesville. York ............ N BI Wm. Billing 
Carlow.................. ClU"leton ...... N B S. Cummins Central Keswick R. York ............ N B John McKet'} 
Carlsruhe............... Bruce, E R......... 0 1<1rnst. Seeber Central Kingsclear... York ...... ...N B 1 111's. Mary Poor 
Carluke ............... I B pnt. N R ...... O I JOhn B. Calder Central New Annan. I Colchester .... N S Wm. Kennedy 
Carlyle ............ ......... ........ Assa J G Turriff Central Norton ...... King's ......... N B I J. W. Wi/.!
Carman .......... Selkirk............ 1\1 James Bru
 Central Onslow...... Colcbester...... N 
 Jehiel Fulton 
Carmanville....... .\dcl;ngton......O ,C. Lockwood Centre Augusta...... Grenville, S R ... 0 Cbarleø Murphy 
Carmunnock ......... Perth. N R... ...... 0 I Thomas 
I01l'att Centreton ... ......... I liorthumb., W R. 0 turs. I. McAulay 
Carnarvon ............ Victoria, N R .... 0 1<1dward 8iBBon Centreton........ King's....... N B James Kingston 
Carnduff ......... . , .....,....... AS88 J. p. Carnduff Centre Village ...... W8I!tmoreiand N B'Wm. Read 
Caron. . . .. . . . . ..... ............. Assa J. G. McDonald Centreville............ Addington ....... 0 I John Hincb 
Caron Brook ......... Victoria......... N B T. Pelletier Gentreville ............. Carleton ...... N BILudlow B. Clark 
Carp ..................... I Lanark, N R..... 0 Tboø. Brown CentrevJlle ............ King's ......... N S J. M. Roscoe 
Carpenter ............ Queen's..........N B J.T.H. Carpenter CentreviIle ............ Digby............ N 8 S. M. Dak.n 
Carriboo Marsh ...... I cape Breton ...N S M. Ferguson Cbafi'ey's Locks ...... Leeds, SR......... 0 Jas. W. Simmon 
Carriboo River ...... Pictou ...... ......N S John }IcIver Chalk River. ......... Renfrew, N R.... 0 Tb0s. Field 
Cariboo Gold Mines. Halifa.x... ...... N S Charles Turple Chambers.. . ... ." Lennox . .. .. ... 0 W. J. Cbambers 
Oarroll's Corners ... j Halifax ......... N S John Carron Ch8.Ilibers 8ettlem't Kings........N B Philip 1\Ic:\lanus 
Carrolton.. . .. ..... Selkirk......... M A. H. Carroll Cbambly Basin ...... Chambly '" ...... Q George Mayrand 
Carrville .. ............ York, W R......... 0 Wm. Cook *Chambly Canton ... Cbambly ......... Q .Jobn Hackett 
Oarson ............ ............ Assa G. C.Battiscomte Chambord. ............ Victoria .........N n Geo. C. Poitras 
Carson by ......... ...... Carleton..........., 0 Benj. Eastman Cham b0rd ........ Chiroutimi......... Q .Job Bilodeau 
CIITBOnviJIe ... ...... ...J King's ... ...... N B John McLeod Cbamplain ............ Cbamplain......... Q N. Hardy 
 ........... Assiniboia. N W T 1<1dward CaT8s Chance Harbour......: St. John ...... N ß David Thom
Cat"swell. ... ............ ,Renfrew. SR.... 0 I David Carswell Cban('e Harbour. . . . I Pictou...... ...... N S D. Cameron 
Cartha(Çe ...............1 Pertb, N R ....'. 0 C. Scbnelder Cbandoll ............... Peterboro',1<1 R... 0 Billings Kilburn 
Qarters Point..... . , King's........N B Mrs. E. Carter Cbannay ...............' Beauce...............Q. Francois Poulin 
Carterton.......... Algoma ........ o I Jobn G. Kirk' Chantelle............... 'l\lontcalm ......... Qi Arsene Morin 
Cartier..... .......' Al
owa ............ O I C' Landers Cbantry ............... I Leeds. S R......... 0, Robt. N. Barker 
Cartier ........... Ueaubarnois...... Q O. Brunet Chaptau................ Pontiac. .......... . QI Patrick Lynch 
CartlervUle ....... ./Jacques Cartier. "ïChas. Lagasse Cbapleau... ........1 Algoma ........ . 0 F. A. Austin 
Cartwright ............ Selkirk ........ . M 1 T. S. Menary Chapman............... I Hastingø, E R ... 0, Alex. Cbapman 
Casault............ Montmagny ..... . , Jollfopb Ouellet Chapman............... Westmoreland N B' B. Cbapman 
C8IIcadeø ............... Ottawa ............ Q Thomas )1. Reid Chapman &ttlem't. Cnmberland... N S,L. Greene 
Case Settlement ...... King'ø ......... N DIGec.rge Cnse Chard ............' Prescott........ OiWm. J. Brown 
Cashel .................. York, 1<1 R ......... 0 William Jenkim Charing CroBB . ......, Kent ............... 0 John Hunter 
Casbion's OIen....... ! Glengarry......... 0 1 :\Irs. C. Casbion Cbarlecote. . . . . . . .. Durham, E R... 0 Wm. A. Beebe 
Cashmere............... Middlesex. W R.. 0 George l\Iansfielð Charlemagne ......... L'As!lomption.... Q A. Desparais 
Casbtown . ............ Simcoe, N R...... 0 Wm. Cotton Cbarlincb . ............,lI-Iuskoka & P S'd.O W. J. Fraser 
Cass Bridge... ......... Dundas....... ...... 0 David Halliday Cbarl8l!bourg .........' Quebec ............ Q. J. M. Tremblay 




Charlesboor'" Ouest. Quebec .. : ==-Q Pierre L e gare Church Pclnt ......... Nortl:1umberl'd N B J ADder soo- 
Charleston ::.......... Leeds. SR......... 0 P. F. Green Church Street. ...... King's ......... N S I C' H Gilliatt 
Charleston ............ Carleton ...... N B'Johu Lipsett Ohurchville ......... Peel.................. 0 T. A. Fogarty 
Charlevllle ............ IJrenville, SR.... 0 Rufus S, Throop Church,
lle ......... I Pictou ......... N S John McMillan 
Charlos' Cove... ...... GuysborO' ...... N SI R. 1<1. Sweet Ohute à. Blondeau... F rescott ............ 0 Jaø. :\JcAllister 
Charlo Station .... Restlgouche .. N B James Reid Chute aux Iroquois. Ottawa ........ Q J C Ariste Bock 
CharlotütmJm ......... Queen's. ......P E I F.deSt.C Brecken Chutes Cove....... Annapolis ......N. 8 1 H. M. Foster 
Charrington ...... Compton ......... Q Levi Lindsay Olachan ............... I!1lgin, W R.........O Fred. Stricker 
Charteris .......... PontifiC ..... .. Q' Arch, Angus Cia!rvaux de Bagot. ....:...... .. .Q I Ulric Durocher 
Chartiervllle ...... ComDton ...... Q A Daigneault Churvaux . ............ CharlevOlx ...... Q E. Larouche 
Chatboro' ...... ......... Argent.euil......... Q, Wm. Douglas Cl>lm Harbour ...... Halifax.......... N S I Thos. Stoddart 
Chateauguay ......... Chateauguay ... Q J. A. Allard Clanbraøsil........ Haldimand .... 0 Mrs. J. Cossar 
Chateauguay Basin. ChateAllguay ... Q I Ro
rt !"'ng Clandeboye ............ Li
gar ............ M I Mrs.l\I.M.Muckle 
Ohateau Richer...... \Iontmorenry ... Q II.OUl!! LHeureux Cflandeboye ............ MIddlesex. N R...O D. Shoff 
Chater .................. Selkirk........ MjPhilip Dickson Clanricarde ............ Peterboro', E R...O A. Grahame 
.Chatha.m............... Kent ............... OjS. Barfoot Cl.anwilliam. ..... Marquette ....... MIDavid Hyndman 
Chatham ............... Northumb'r!'d N B R. B. Adams Clapham ............... Megantic ......... Q A. Johnston 
Chatillon ............... YaIllilska ......... Q I MiqsBeauchemin Clare............... ............. Ass'l Thos. Hislop 
nhatsworth ............ Grey. N R ......... o IJames W. Elllotl ClarP.mont ............ Ontario. W R .... 0 J. McM. r.lcNab 
Chatterton ......... Haqtings, W R... 0 S. P. 
Iorden Claremont ............ Cumberland... N S :Mrs. C. A. Black 
Chaudière Curve ... Lévis.... ............ Q 1 A, Lemieux Clarence ............... Russell.. ...... ...... 0 Thomas Wilson 
Chaudière :\lills...... Lévi". ............... Q Antoine Lemleu) Clarence....,..... Annapolis ....N S S. No Jackson 
Chaudière Station... Lêv1S................ Q A. :\IcTeer Cbrence Creek ...... RUbseIl. ............ 0 T. Perrin 
Chaumont.... ..... Ll.biniere ..... QII!1. T. Paquet *Clarenl:_
illt......... Mlssisquoi......... Q A. H. Derrick 
Cheapside............... Haldimand ....... 0 :mch. Atkinson Clarendon ............ Charlotte ......N B John Scott 
Chebogue Point.... Yarmouth....N S WiI
on Halev Clarendon Station... Addin!1;ton......... O I B. Watkins 
Cheddar ............... Petort)\ J', W R. 0 Berojamin Wood. Clarendon Stauon... Quet'n.s....... ..N B George 8, Lacy 
Chego"'llin ............ yarmouth...... N SINelson Corning Clareview............... Adilington......... Ù Alex. McDon nell 
ford ........ Northumber!'d.K B Geo. Harper Clarke ... ............... Durham, W R ... 0 James Lockhart 
.Chelsl'a ............... Ottawa ............ QIH. B. Prentiss Clarke.'RarbwT.... Shelburne...... N S J. L. Nickerson 
Chelsea... ............... Lunenburg ... N S I H. Kedy (;18rl;lelgþ... . .. ... Lisgar... ............?II Jas. Clark 
Cheltenham ......... PeeI.................. 0 Samuel Reaney *Clark'burq............ Grey, E R .........0 Walter Hunter 
Chemaivus ......... Vancouver...... B C Henry C.'oft Clark'sCorners ...... Queen's ......... N B Hy. F. Clark 
Chemical Road. ...... Albert. ......... N B W. Hunt Clark's Ro: 
....... Cape Bret:m... N S Neil 
Chemin Tache..... Tt'miøcouata.... QIO. Tremblay Clarkson ............... Peel.................. 0 W. W. Clarkson 
Chaneville.. . ...... Ottawa......... Q H. Chenier Claude ... ............... Peel... ............... 0 David Graham 
ChenE'Y Sett'ement. King's ......... N B Jaø. S. Parker Clavering............... Grey. N R ......... 0 M. D.D(ovitt 
Ohepstow............... Kin
s ......P E I Henry POI J Clayton ............... Lanalk, K R...... 010. Banning.jun. 
Chepstowe ............ Hruce,ER......... 01'11. McXab C1ear Creek............ Norfolk, SR...... O \ Geo. W.Smith 
Cherry Grove ........ King's .........P E I John )1.cDonald Clear Spring ......... King.s......P 1<1 I L. 
Cherry G:ove... ...... :\liddlesex, 1<1 R . 0 Wm. Masson Clear SprIngs...... Provencher.... M \ Alex. '\1cCaskill 
Cherry River ......... Sherbrooke ...... Q R. A, Buzzell Clearwater ............ Selkirk....... .... 1\1 Hobt. Roger!! 
Cherry Vale ......... Queen's. .........N B Allan McDonald .C1earviU
. ............ Elßiu. W R....... 0 Henry Watson 
Cherry Valley. ...... Prince Edward... 0 Abijah Spafford Cle
nt$port ......... Annapolis .... N S James P. Roop 
Cherry Valley......... Queen's .......P E I Isll.>lc Brown Clemenb;vale ......... Annapolis .... K S Mrs. J. Sandford 
Cherrywood ......... Ontario, W R.... 0 Charles P"Uj' Clermont............... Prince......... PEl T. Driscoll 
.Chesley . ............... llruce, 
 R....... 0 D. McN.Ha11iday Clevelands ........ Simcoe, E R........ 0 Charlet' J. Minett 
Chesley'sCorners ... Lunenburg ... N S Nellion Chesley *Clifford ............... Wellington, N R. 0 K. McL. Walton 
Chester ............... Arthabaska ...... Q Thomas Booth Clifton .................. Gloucestßr. ... N B R. W. Knowletl 
,ti>T.................. Lunenburg ... N S Victoria Church Cl
ft()n .................. King's ........ 
 B T. B. Whelpley 
Chf<ter ............... Carleton ...... N B 'r. T, E
tabrooks Clifton ............ Colchest3r..... N S :\lrR. R. Davis 
Chester Basin......... Lunenburg ... N S Josh. Eisenhaur Clinch's )1ills......... St. John .........N B C. F. Clinch. 
Chesterfield............ Brant, N R ....... 0 Wm. Brown Clinton.................. Caribo........ ...B C A. Le Bourdais 
Chester Grant......... Lunenburg......N S John Hennigar .ClinÞ1n ............... Huron. S R. .....0 Thomas Fair 
.Chesterville............ Dundas ............ 0 C. Casselman Clinton. ........... Queen.s..... PEl J. w. Woodside 
Cheticamp ............ Inverness ...... N S P. Le :\1ontl"s Clones ... ............... Queen's ......... N B Jaces Wilson 
Cheli'amp Chapel... Inverness.... N S Rev. P. lIiset Clontarf................ Renfrew, SR.... 0 J. R.McDonald 
Chetwvnd .. ... ..... Muskoka &. P Sd.. Jas. A. Rumoh r Clover Ba............... ............. Alta G. A. Simpson 
Chevø<Íer............... Essex, N R...... 0 H. R. r.larion Cloverdaltl. . ....... Colchester...... N S W. W. Winton 
CheI' ............... Hants ......... N S Wm. Glenn Clover Hill............ Simcoe, SR....... 0 S. C. Everleigh 
Cheviot ............... Bruce, E R......... 0 AItdw. JllcLean Clover Hill ............ King's............N B J. Jamieson 
Chichester ............ Pontiac ............ Q Horaee Landon Cloverville...... .., Antigonlshe... N S Jßs. Thompson 
Chickney ............. ................... ASIia 
 Clipperfield Clover POIt............ Simcoe, E R...... 0 :llartin C,.lIins 
icoul:mi .........\Chicoutimi ...... Q T. Boil
. Clover VaUe
. .... X.W:utminster.BC D: 
nec .) . ............ Cumberland.... N S Robt. ", RIpley Cloyne ......... ......... Addmgton ....... 0 BlbIns Clark 
Chilcote"l .......... Carib.-LiJ1oot't. B C F L Beaumont Clyde .................. Wentworth, N R. 0 Mrs. Eo McNichol 
Chill'wack ............ 
.Westminster.B C G. R. Ashwell fJlyfÙ River .......... Shelburne...... N S George Thomson 
Chilton. .. . .... . .., Montcalm...... Q W. Ritchie Clyde River.... .. Queen's ...... P 1<11 J. 
Chimney Corner ... Inverness ...... N S Hector McKay Clyde8dale ............ Pt:terboro'. E R. 0 Hugh Caldwell 
China Point... . ... Queen's:.... p ..
 I M. Glt'-8son Clyde Station ........ Queen's ...... PEl 1<:dmund Crabbe 
Chipm,an ............... Quet'::! f......... N B )lrs. 8. C. SalmoD Coal Branch Station I Kent ............ N B John Swift 
Chipman'lI Brook ... King.s............ N S John Kirby Coal Creek....... ...... Queen's......... N B M. E. Weaver 
Chipman's Corners.. King's ......... N S JohnR.Chlpm8.D Coal MInes ............ Queen's......... N' B Jame
"f]hippawa ............ Weiland ........... 0 Thos. Macklem Coates' IIlillø. .........I , Kent ............ N Bll\Irs H C Coate!! 
<Jhippawa Hill .... Bruce, N. R .... 0 Geo W;ukler *OJatic()()k ............ Stan stead ......... Q' Aaron F. Adams 
Chlse'burst............ Huron. SR. ...... 0 H. N. McTag
rl Cobble IIiIl............ Middlesex. E R. 0 Joseph Hardman 
Chisholm............... Prince Edw/lrd... 0 James E. Huff Coboconk..... ..... Victoria, 
 R.... OIl\lrs. N. LeRoy 
ChlorydOl.1les......... G8I!pé ............... Q P. C. Belanger *Cbbden ................ Renfrew, N R.... OIJohn Delahe
z .......... Prov
ncher . . .. 1\1 Wm. lliebert · OJbourg ............ .. N ort bum b., W R. 0 I Wm. Sykes 
-<:hrIstie ........... Wentworth. N R.O George Sweet Cocagne ............... Kent ............ N R 0 A B..argeoiø 
Christie's Cotners... Leeds & '.ren.NR 0 Jacob VllnAHf 1 Cocag"le River ...... Kent ............ N B T. M. Goguen 
stinll .............., l\Iiddl
sex. S R... 0 J. McKenzie Cocagne Cape ......... Kent ............ N.n L D Herbert 
ChnstmcuIsland ...,CapeBreton... N S J.l\lcDougall Cochrane..... ........ ................... AHa James Jol1nson 
Chumah. ........ .... :\lal"qut'tte...... M Jas. Clarridge Cochran's Lake ...... Cape Breton... N S: Wm. McDonald 
Cburchill...............\ i;imcoe, S R....... 0 Jllmes Sloane Cockburn IBlard.... Algoma ............ 0 1 R. W. Ross 
Church IIill ......... Albert ........ N B Ale:r. Bayley Coddle's Harbour.... Guysboro.... ....NS Wm. O'Hara 
Church Over......J Shelburne. ...N SlIisl! I'll Ballard Codrington ............ NorthumiJ.,E R...O. Mrs. McArthur 




Cody's .: :::::=:. Queen's.:...... N B I C . F. Cod Y- 
Coe Hill Mines..... Hastings, N. R... 0 R. Waddington 
Cogmagun River ... Rants. ......... N S, Charles Thomas 
Colbeck ............... Wellington, N R. o I Mrs. L. Colbeck 
.COlborne............... Northumb.,1<1 R. o I Jos. Cochrane 
Colchester ............ Essex, S. R......... 0 Joseph Boring 
Cold Brook Station. King'a ......... N S nenry Porter 
Cold Springs. ...... ." 1 Northumb., W R. 0 D. McIntosh 
Coldlltream ............ Middleøex,S R... 0 Jacob Marsh 
Coldstream ............,Carleton ....... N B Chas. B. Snow 
Cold8tream . . . . . .. . I Colch8llter .... N S G. A. Cochran 
Coldstream East. ...' I Carleton......... N B R. Kent 
.O>ldwaur ............ Simcoe, 1<1 R ...... 0 IS. Drew 1<1plet 
Colebrook............... Addington......... O , G. A. Shangraw 
Cole Harbour ......... GUj'sboro' ...... N S G. D. Jamison 
Cole Lake.......... Addington......... OIG. W. Killins 
Coleman ......... . York, E. It. . , . . . 0 I Mrø.S.A.aolemalJ 
Colemøn........... Prince...... PEl A. McKinnon 
Coleraine ............... Peel.................. OIThos. St. John 
Colemine Station ... Megantic .......... Q'J. Roberge 
Cole's Corners ...... Lambton, W R... 0 W. Cole 
Cole's Island ......... Queen's......... NBC. B. Parker 
Colenso. . . . . . . .. . .. Grey, 1<1. R. . . . .. 0 George Bishop 
Colinville............... LRmbton, W.R... 0 John Butler 
Colgan.. .. .. . . .... Simcoe, S, R .. .. 0 John Colgan 
College Bridge..... Westmoreland.N B I D. F. Richard 
COllegeville... ........ Antigonisbe.... N S Alex Castoy 
Collfleld ............... Pontiac ............ QIM. Hughes 
Cbllina .................. King's ......... N BIJames]lI. Gibbol. 
.O>Ui'T1{J1000d ......... Simcoe, N R...... O I W. A. Hamilton 
Collin's Bay............ Frontenac ......... 0 JO!<eph Losee 
Collin's Inlet ......... Algoma ............ O I J. 8. Phtch 
COlpoy', Bay. ......... Bruce, N R . ...... 0 J. H. S. Bell 
Colquhoun ......., Dundas ............ O \ J. J. Colqubour 
COlumbul............... Ontario, SR...... 0 R 1<1 Hodgøøn 
Colwell.... ...... ..'Simcoe, N. R.... 0 Jas Campbell 
Colwood .......... Victoria ......... B C Arthur Pratt 
Comber. ...............IEssex N R......... 0 D. McAlistpr 
Combermere ......... Renfrew. SR.... O I J. 1<1. H. Miller 
Comet .................. Essex SR......... 0 D. Graveline 
Comeauville ......... Digby............ N S A, F. Comeau 
Commercial Cross... King's .........P E I D. G. Cameron 
Commands ............ Muøkoka & P S'd. O I Tbomas Carr 
OOmo..................... Vaudreuil......... Q Mrø. E. Hodgson 
Cbmoz .................. Vancouver.......B C W. l\1. Ditlgwall 
..Compton............... Compton ......... Q B. F. Harvey 
Conboyville............ Brant. SR. ...... OJJohn Atkinson 
Concession......... Digby............ N S: Peter Doucet 
Concord ............... York, W R ....... O,Henry McElroy 
Condon Settlement.. &ing's. ......... N S Wm. Sanf.
Omwogo ............... Waterloo, N R... OlpbUip Decber 
Coningsby ............ Wellington, S R.. OIJohn W. Burt 
Conn..................... Wellington, N R.O Wm. ì\IcLuban 
ConDllUgbt ............ Dundas ............ 0 Patrick Jordan 
Connell... ......... Carleton. ....N B H. H. Tompkins 
Connor ......... ......... Cardwell.......... 0 Robert Lee 
Cenns Milia .... ...... Cumberland... N S A.McPberson 
Conquerall Bank.... Lunenburg.... N S Joseph Rafuse 
Conquerall Mills. ... Lunenburg......N S Asaph Veinot 
Conroy.................. Perth, S R......... 0 John Grady 
Ú1nseeon ............... Prince Edward... 0 J. A. Johnson 
Constance ............ Huron, S R. ...... 0 James Stanley 
Contrecæur ............ Vercbères ......... Q J. Duhamel 
Conway............... Lennox ............ O l wm. T. Ham 
Conway Statlou.... Prince....... P 1<1 J l\lrs. M. Palmer 
Cook's Brook ......... Halifax ......... N S Mrs. M. Mitchell 
Cook's Cove............ Guysborough...N S Cbarles Taylor 
Cook's Creek ......... Lisgar .............!l1 R. .J. Pitts 
.. Oook,hire . ............ Compton ......... Q I S. J. Osgoode 
"Cookstmon ............ Simcoe. S R. ...... 0 Henry Coleman 
...... ......... Peel......... ......... 0 C. A. Schilier 
Cookville ............... Westmoreland,N B'Wm. H. Cook 
Cooper .................. Hastings, N R ... O ! wm. Bond 
C:JOper'ø Falls......... Ontario, N R...... 0 Tbomas Cooper 
Copenhagen ......... J<:lgin, E R......... 0 G. A. Wannacot 
COpetown........... ... Wentworth, N R. O I G. W. Howell 
Copleston............... Lambton. E R.... 0 N. Henriod 
Copper L
ke.... . .. Antigonishe... N S Alex. Ireland 
Corberrie ............... Digby.......... N S , A. Melanson 
Corbetton .......... .' Grey, E R ......... 0 .Jameø Corbett 
Corbett .................. Middlf\sex, N R... 0 .John 
Corbin .................. Huntingdon ...... Q Albert Denault 
Corbyville . ...... ...... Hastings, 1<1. R.. 0 W. Bennett 
Oorfield ....... ......... Vaucouver...... Be, H. T. Corfield 
Corintb ............... Corinth ............ 0 Ricbard Evans 
Cork Station ......... York. ............ N B John Sullivan 
Corliss. . . .. . . . . ... Stanstead...... Q H. E. Corliss 

Õormier's Cove ....../ Westmo ;; land.N B , D:- A. Cormier 
Cornell.................. , 'oxford, S R. ...... OIRobert Pllrkes 
Corner of the Beach. Gaspe.......... Q John F. Mabe 
Corn Hill ............. King's ... ...... N B Eben. Stockton 
Corn HiIJ East.....' King's..... ...N B James DunLeld 
.Cbrnwall ............ Cornwa]] ......... OIG. Jl-IcDonnell 
Cornwall............... Queen's .......P E I I David Walsh 
Cornwall Centre...... Cornwall ......... 0 R. Anderson 
Corraville . ............ King'ø .........1' 1<1 I Edward Ebarke:y 
Conon's Siding ...... Victoria, N R.... 0 Wm. H. Dec
Cürunna ............... Lambton, W R... 0 H. J. 'liIler 
Corwhin ............... Wellington, SR. 0 A. McKenzie 
Costigan .......... Victoria...... N B I H. Bowmal!ter 
Côteau du Lac ....... Soulanges ......... Q O. S. Bissonnette 
C6üau Landing...... Soulanges ......... Q A. B, Prieur 
Côteau Station ...... SC'ulange8 ......... Q Rodger Duckett 
Côte des Neiges ...... Hocbelaga......... Q' F . Desmarchais 
Côte St. Antoine.... Hocbelaga ......... Q F. McColl 
Cote St. Louis...... Hocbelaga ......... Q Magloire Hc.lte 
Côte St I1Iicbel ...... Hocbelaga......... Q f.uc Tasl'é 
Côte St. Paul......... Hochelaga...... Q Edmond Latouy 
Côte St. Pierre. . . .. Ottawa......... Q E. Queønel 
Côte Visitation ...... Hocbelaga......... Q P . Vermette 
Cotswold ............... Wellington, N R. O I R. H. Conquest 
Cottam.................. Essex. S R......... 0 W. 1<1. Wagstaff 
Cottesloe . . . . . . . . .. I Peterboro', 1<1 R. 0 Chas. Griffin 
Coughlan............... Northumberl'd.NB 1 Jas. Couwhlaa 
Coulson ............... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Wm. Walktr 
County Line ......... Queen's. ......P E T John W. Hughe& 
Courtland ............ Norfolk. N R...... 0 W. M. Mackay 
Courtice.... ......... . Durham, W R ... 0 I C. W. Lent 
Contlee............ Yale-Kootenay,B C G. Blair 
Courtright ............ Lambton, W R... 0 Wm. A. Cat heart 
Covebead Road ...... Queen's .......P E I TerencII Kelly 
Coventry............... Cardwell. ......... 0 T. Swinarton 
Coverdale. ........... Albert .......... N B David Smith 
Coverley ............... Grey. SR.......... 0 Patrick Kildee 
Covey Hill ............ Huntingdon...... Q, Wm. Orr 
Cowal .................. Elgin, W R. ...... O I JOhn Battin 
Cüwansville ............ Missisquoi ......... Q J. P. Stinehour 
*Cbw Bay. ............ Cape Breton... N S,R. McKenzie 
COwichan............... Vancouver...... B C I R. B. Ricbardson 
COxheatb............... Cape Breton... N S P. T. Clarke 
Cox's Point............ Queen's......... NBC. T. Harrison 
Oraighurst ............ Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Joseph H. Swan 
Graigle Lea........ Simcoe, E. R...... 0 John C. Walls 
Craigilea . ............. Selkirk.............M John C. Smith 
Cralgleitb ............ Grey, 1<1 R ...... .. 0 Alex. Fleming 
Craigsholme. ......... Wellington, C R. 0 l\lrs. Hutchinson 
Craig Road Station.. Lévls................. Q N. Fournier 
Cralgvale ............... Simcoe, S R. ...... 0 R. G. McCraw 
Crampton. ....,....... Middlesex, E R.. 0 Alex. Fleming 
Cranbonrne............ Dorchester......... Q P. Colgan 
Cranbrook ............ Huron, 1<1 R...... 0 Alex. :nlcNair 
Cranbrook.... ......... Yale-&ootenay. B C Wm. Frf\nch 
Cranøton ............... Haldimand ....... 0 James Ki
Cranton Section.... Inverneøs....... N S Joh!) Cranton. !!]' 
Cranwortb ............ Leeds, SR......... 0 Mrs. B. Jones 
Crapaud................ QUf\en's .......P E 10. B. Wadman 
Cratbie......... ......... Middleton... N W 0 John Sands 
Craven ... ...... ......... ' ......... .......... ASFa L. H. Hoskin'! 
Crawford ............... Grey, S R. ......... 0 Hector McRae 
Ore.dit .................. Pee!.................. 0 ] Emerøon TaylOl!' 
Credit Fork!!.......... Cardwell....... 0 G. G. Smitb 
Orediton ............... Middlesex, N R. 0 Jacob EillJ.,r 
Creeford . . . .. .. . . .. Selkirk ... ......... M W. R. Dunlop 
Creek Bank ............ Wellington. C R.. O I JObn 
.Crumnre............... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 Alex. Gme
Cre..morne. ............ I)ontiac............. Q I J. Sheppard 
Creigbton ............ Simcoe, E R ...... 0 I M. Cavanagh 
Crescent Lake. ...... ..,.......... AlIsaj E. Salisbury 
Cressy.................. Prince Edward... 0 G. C. Hurlbert 
Creswell ............... Victoria. S R.... O'Josepb '\tilDe 
Crewe ....... ....... Marquette ....... l\1 John Ellis 
Crewe ..................1 Huron. W R.... 0 M. Shackleton 
Crieff.....................jWellington. SR.. 0 Jas. McDonald 
Crinan ............... n. ,Elgin. W R. ...... 0 D. McIntyre 
Crofton.................. I 'Prince 
dwa.rd... OIW. M. Pbillip'j 
Croft . ,................. AntigoDlshe. ...N S Donald Fùrbes 
Cromarty............... Pertb, S R......... 0 ,James HisIo? 
Cross Creek............ York ............ N' n H. Braithwaite 
hill ............... Waterloo. N R... O',J. J. Wilford 
Cross Lake Station. .....................Kee J. W. Brereton 
Crossland. ............ Simcoe, N R ...... OJJer. 
Crosspoint ............, Bonaventurl'...... Q, .Jobn FrasH 
Or08' Rd,., Cy. Har. Guysborough. N S Kinsman í'weet 
Cross Rds.. :\l.lI-Iel'd Guysborough. N S,James }Ieagber 




Cross RoãdS. Ohio ... 1 Añ tigon ls he... 
 S Jno. )lcPherson 
Crolls Rds., 8t.G.ChI. Ricbmond...... N S Alexander Hill 
Croton ............ Bothwell .... . 0 I Levi Philip!! 
Croul!e Town ......... Lunenburg.... N S Samnel Hilton 
Crowell.................. Sbelburne...... N 8 )lrs. L. Crowell 
Crowe's )Iills . .. .. Colchester.. . . N B Alex. Crowe 
Orow Bay............... Nortbumb.. E R. O I W. J. 
Crow Harbour ....... Guysborough. N S A. F. I<:hler 
Crowland............... 1 Wellantl............ 01 L. BoardIlliln 
Crown Hill ............ Simcoe. E R....... 0 Thomas Drury 
Croydon ............... Addington......... 0 
I. A. WilIiam
Cruickshank ......... Gr..y. N R......... O'J. Cruickshank 
Crumlin ............... Middlesex.ER... O'Robt. II. Read 
Oryslu .................. Stormont.......... 01.T. R. Crysler 
Crystal City.... . ... Selkirk ....... 1\1 Robert Rollins 
Culdalf ......... . I Dorl'hester .. ... Q W. WillKln 
Culloden ............... . , NOrfOlk, N R...... 0: Audrew Smart 
Culloden ............... Digby. ............N S Davi
Cull ton. ............... Renfrew, S R.... 0 PatrICk Cull 
CuItus ........ .... Norfolk, SR.... 0 Edward Tan
OUmb'rland............ Russell ............ 0 Wm Wilson 
Cumberland Bay.... Queen's......... N B'A. H. Clay 
Cumberland 1\l1lls... Beauce ............ Q'T. J. Taylor 
Cumberland Point.. Qneen's......... N B Wm. Smith 
Cumming's Bridge.. Russell ......... 0 Mrs. A. Cummim 
Cumming's Cove ... Charlotte ...... Y B O. 8. Fountain 
Cumming's Mount'n Pictou............ N S Don. McIntosh 
Cumminsville......... Halton. ............ 0 Alex. FrMer 
Cumnock............... Wellington, C R.O John Anderson 
Cnl1"an ... ......... ...... Prescott...... ...... 0, Miss M. L. Bauln,. 
Currie's Cros
ing ... Oxford, 8 R ...... 0 W. D. Smith 
Curry Hill............. Glengarry .........0 .Joseph Curry 
Curryville ............. Albert .......... N B1J. A. Beaumont 
Cushendall ............ Frontenac...... OISamuel :\IcKane 
Cushing ............... Argenteuil........ Q'Jas.B.Cushing 
Cypress River......... I )Iarquette .... III A. Crel"hton 
Cyprus ................ Muskoka&P8d. 0 W. J. McCormick 
Dacre .................. RenfrE\w. SR.... 0 Alfred Morrow 
Dablon . . ... . . .. . . . 1 Chicoutlmi. . . .. Q' O. Bouchard 
Dale ..................... Durham. E R ....0 T. Hessman 
Dalesboro' ........ ............. Assa H. C. Disney 
Dalesville............... Argenteuil ...... Q Peter McArthur 
DallI6USÍ1!.. ............ 1 Restigouche... N B H. A. Johnson 
Dalhousie. East ...... King's.............N S C. W. Sanders 
Dalhousie Junction Restigouche... N B Wm. Jamieson 
Dalhousie Mills...... Glengarry......... 0 Wm. Bathunt 
DalhOI1"ie Road ...... Lunenburg.... N S Edmund Hiltz 
Dalhousie Settlem't. Pictou .......... N 8 A. W. RoBS 
Dalibaire ............... Rimouf'ki ......... Q M. Verreault 
Dalkeith ............... Glengarry ......... 0 Mrs. Robertson 
Dalling......... ......... Shefford ........... Q Leonard Weed 
Dalmeny ........ ...... Rullsell....... ...... O,.J. Donaldson 
Dalrymple ............ Victoria, N R.... 0 W. Ivory 
Dalstou.................. Simcoe. N R...... O'T. T. Young 
Dalton ........ ......... 8elkirk........ \1 ,John Park 
Damascus. ............ Wellington, N R. 0 John Brernahan 
Danby... ............... Drummond. ...... Q s. D. McGee 
Danford Lake ......... Pontiac ............ Q Henry Heney 
Danforth ............ ... York. E R ........ 0 A. Hogarth 
Daniel... . .... _... Queen.s.... _ . N B Isaac Smith 
Dante. .................. Bothwell ......... O'Thos. MI'Alpine 
.Danm7ù............... Richmond......... Q'I. W. Stockwell 
D' Arcy .................. Frontenac...... 0 )Iil's C. SUl!hrue 
Darlingford............ Selkirk............ M W. C. Alderson 
Darlington ............ j Queen's . ......P E 1 D. K Campbell 
Darling Road......... Monck...... ......... 0 H. Robbins 
Darnley. ............... Prince... .....P E I Alex. 
Darrell .................. Bothwell............O IMward Hall 
Dartford .. ........._. Northumh.. E R. 0 W. D Bailey 
Dartmoor............... l victoria. N R.... 0 John Gardiner 
DaTtT1VlU'h............ Halifax ......... N S'J. E. Leadley 
Dashwood ............. Huron, S R. ...... 0 Noah Fried 
D' Auteuil ........ Arthabaska .... Q Jos. D. Morin 
Davenport ............ York. W R ....... o ,Joseph Green 
Davis Mills..... ...... Renfrew, N R. ... 0 W J Leech 
Davison 8treet. ...... King's ............N 8 J.. W. Coldwell 
Davisville ............ York. E R......... 0 John Davis 
lills ............ Bothwell. .........0 W. A. Ward 
Dawson ................ Russell ............0 John J. J'lIcEvoy 
Dawson Settlemeut. Albert. ......... N R Enoch Dawson 
Dawsonville . . .. ... Restlgouche... X B J. Dawson 
Day Mills. ............ Algoma. ............0 Wm. Harris 
DaY'1! Corner ...... Klng.s....... X B C. W. Wallace 
Dayspring. . . .' . . .. Lunenburg.... N 8 II. :Sewcombe 
Deacon..... ....... Rt'nfrew. N R.... 0, A. )II'Douj1:!lll 
DeaItoWD...... ......... Kent ............... 01 :\.r8 }: A Lambert 
Dean...... ............ Halifax ......... N S'Charleø Dean 

Deans .. :=:==: HaldlmarÎd ....... 0 C. Steph 
De Bee ...... ............ Carleton . ...... N B Alex. Harron 
Debert Station. ...... Colchester. ......N 8 Philip Fulmcre 
DeBlois Station...... Prince......... PEl Ct!iestine Peery 
De Cewsville ......... :.\lonck...............O D. P. Foster 
DeClare.... . . .. . . .. Marquette..... 1\1 Henry AyerEt 
Deebank ............... )Iuskoka & P Sd. 0 James 1\1 Barber 
Deemerton ........ Bruce, E R .... 0 Bernard Ruland 
Deep Brook............ Annapolis...... N S C. Purdy 


:sï.:::::::::::: i


Deer Lake. ............ Peterboro', E R...O Wm.Ogilvie 
Deer Park.......... ... York, 1<1 R ... ...... 0 Pet!'r Nesbit 
Dee 8ide. ............... Bonaventure...... Q' Robert Nel
Delap's Cove....... Annapolis...... N S Benj. R. :\lcCaul 
Ddaware .............."1 :\Iiddlesex, SR. 0' David LawI'on 
Delhaven.. ....... King's........N 8 Elijah C. WeEt 
.Delhi................... , Norfolk, N R .... 0 Jas. White
Dt"lol'aine............... Selkirk .... ...... M James Cavers 
Deloro ......... ......... Hastings, 1<1 R.... 0 !'rlrs)1 Devine 
Delmer........... . j NOrfOlk. N R .... 0 T. C. Wilcox 
DeUa..................... Leeds. SR......... 0 John 1<1. Br()wn 
Demorestville ......... Prince Edward... 0 lIIiss H. L. Baker 
Dempsey's Corner... King's ............N S, Andrew Lee 
Denbigh ............... Addington......... 0 , ' John Lane 
Denfield ...............1 :\Hddlesex. E R.. 0 John };dwart!s 
Denison's Mills ... ... 1 Richmond ......... Q' Jos. R. Deni
Dennington. ......... ............. Assa Wm D Kisbey 
Dennlstown .... ......1 Inverness....... N S John Gillies 
Densmore's Mills.... Hants ...... ...... N S R. T. 
Denville ...............1 Muskoka & P 8d. 0 John Nichols 
Dequen .. ...... ... i Chlcoutiml ....... 0 Onesime Couture 
De Ramsay ............ I JOliette ............ Q Lewis B Boddy 
Derby................. Northumber'ld N B Thomas Parker 
Dereham Centre...... Norfolk, N R.... 0 William Short 
Derrynane ............, Wellington, N R 0 Wm. Tla}es 
Derry, West............ PeeI.................. 0 H McClelland 
DerryviIle ............, Ontario, N R...... 0 Thos. Allin 
Derwent ..............., Middlesex, E R... 0 George GetJrey 
De Sable ......... ...... i Queen's ....... P 1<1 I J. Dixon 
DeilOOro' ............... Grey, N R ......... 0 8amuel Palmer 
chamba1Ùt.......IPortneuf ......... Q A. D. Hamlin 
!>esert. ..................1 Algo!lla. ............0 Joseph Alderson 
Deseronto . . . .. ..... HastIngs, E R . . 0, r S Rathbun 
Desert Lake............i Addington......... 0 Wm. Snook 
Desford..................,8elklrk ............ 111 Erskine Nicoll 
Del'jardins ...... ...... , )Jegantlc ......... Q A. Blondeau 
Desmond ............... Addington......... 0 Wm. Irvine 
Deux Rivières ...... Dist. of Niplssing 0 Thomas Legge 
Devlzes..................Il\liddlesex,1<1 R... 0 Wm. McKone 
Devon.......... ......... , Halifax.......... N S Thos. Cox 
Dewe..................... Muskoka& P. S'd 0 John Wright 
De Wolf .......... I Charlotte ...... N B Alex. Bagley 
Dewittvl1le ............ Huntingdon ...... Q James Holiday 
Dexter ..................' Elgin, E R......... 0 Lewis Jones 
Diamond ...............1 Lanark. N R...... 0 D. McMillan 
Dlckt'nson ............ 1 Russell ............ 0 Edmond Wood 
Dickinsan'lI Landing Stormont ......... 0 David Ransom 
Digby .................. I Digby............... 0 Geo. R. Burton 
Dillontou . ............ Brome........ ...... Q IF P Dufresne 
Dingwall ...............1 Victoria ......... N SIR D. Campbell 
Dipper Harbour...... St.John......... N BI1\liss C. Belmore 
Dirleton ............... Carleton............ O,J. Drummond 
Discou8e ............... Richmond...... N S'David Gruchy 
D' [sraeIl....... ......... Wolfe............... Q J. E. Rheault 
xle.....................,PeeI.................. O'John Kennedy 
DIxsOn ... ...... ... ...... Stormont ......... 0: Nt'I80n Fett('rley 
Dixon's Corners...... Dundas ............ 0' !llrs. E. Dixon 
Dixon's Point... ...... ,Kent ............ N B, Joseph Elliott 
Dixville. ............... Stanstead ......... Q O. Baldwin 
Doaktown . ............ 'Northumberl'd N B,lIenry Swim 
Dobbinton. ............ Bruce. N R ...... OIJ. N. Gardner 
Dobson's Corner .... Westmorela'd. N B j Obadiah H')ar 
Doctor's Brook. ...... Antigonil'he ....N S R. McInnes 
Doclor's Cove ......... Shelburne ......N 8 Jas. K. Kenney 
Doe Lake............... :\Iu!'koka & PSd. 0 !'tIrs. 8. Chri
Dog Creek .... ......... 'Cariboo Lillooet B C Jos. S. Plal'e 
Doherty............... Sunbury...... N B Daniel Duffy 
Doherty's Mills ...... Kent ............ N B V. [.pgt!re 
Doherty Creek .... I Cumberland.. N SNelson W. Piers 
Dolbeau ......... ...... 8ag11enay ......... Q C. Desblens 
Dollar .................. York. E R ......... 0 Sam. LPggatt 
Dol!'en .................. Kent................ 0 B, Daly 
Domainede Gf'lntilIy :'Jjicolet. ............ Q D. Beal1che
DiJ7ninion {JUg. ...... Provencher ...... )1 Robert Tayl(.r 
Domlnionville ....... Glengarry......... 0 C. R. CampheU 
DomvllIe ............... Grenville, 8 R... O,G. W. Knapp 




Don .... ::.==. York, E R ......... 0 Miss Agnes Hogg Dunkeld -::::::::::: Bruce. E R--:::-:::-O 
Donald ......... ..... Yale-Kootenay..B C G. H. Preswell Dunlop........ Huron, C R....... 0 1 Anthony Allen 
Doncaster............... York. 1<1 R......... 0 James Younlt Dnnkerron ............ Simcoe. 8 R....... 0 Jas. !lIolillOn 
Donegal............... Perth, N R . ...... 0 I J. B. BuchaDan Dunmaglass . . . .. .. Antigonishe... N S Jno. :\lcGiIlivray 
Donegal ............... King's .......... N B George A. Adair Dunmore.......... Antigonishe ..N SID. !llcGillivray 
Donore ...... ...... Lisgar.......... M ß. Braddick Dunmore.......... Renfrew, N R.... 0 D. McLllren 
Doon ..................... Waterloo, S R ...0 Thomas Slee Dunmore Junction. ................... Aspa l W. B. Higginson 
 ............ Westmorelllnd N B S. W. 'Lingley Dunvegan ............ Glengarry......... 0 Jas. P. Wells 
DorchesterOrossing. Westmoreland.N B P. L. Belliveau Dunvegan. .... .... Inverness ...... N 8 Donald MeLeod 
DiYrchester Station.. Middleøex,1<1 R... B William Scott .Dunnville ............ Monck ............. 01 Tbos. Armour 
DorkiDg ............... Waterloo. N R. ...0 Thos. Connolly Dunphy................ Northumb...... N B,Chs. Donald 
DornfJch ............... Grey, N 11. ......... 0 Philip :\lalntollh Dunraven ............ Pontiac ............ Qi Michael O'Hare 
Dorn Ridge...... ...... YOI k ... ......... N B H. Hanes Dunrobin... ............ Carleton... ......... 0 I J. Younghusband 
Dorset ............ Ontl\rio, N R..... 0 I! Parkinson Dunsford ...... ......... Victoria. SR...... 0 Wm. Graham 
Dor!and ............... Lennox... .........0 T. F. Ruttan . Duntroon............... Simcoe. N R. .... 0 John Gray 
Dorval . . . . .. .... Jacques-Cartier. Q D. J'esca-y Dupey's Corner ... ... Westmoreland. N B IF. J. Hebert 
Douglas ............... Renfrew. N R.... 0 1 John Stewart · Durham......... ...... Grey, S R.......... 0, Archd. McKenzie 
Dougla.s. ............... York ............ N B Benj. Grant Durham ............... Pictou. ......... N 8 1 ' A. Cameron 
Douglasfield ........ Northumberl'd.N B Andrew Irvine Durland ............... Lunenburg. on N S W. H. Durland 
Douglas Harbour.... Queen's ......... N B Mrs. E. Balmaln Dutch Settlement.... Halifax...... N S I John K.Andrews 
Douglas Station...... 
elklrk.........:.. M I T. E. Greenwood putch Village ....... 
al.ifax ..........N S William Co.rbin 
Douglastown ......... Gaspé ............... Q Samuel A. Veit Dutton ............... EII/:ID, W R ...... 0' Arch. J. LeItch 
Douglastown ......... Northumb..... N B Wm.Russell.jun Dwight............ :Mti"koka & P S'd. 0 ' E. J. Gooldie 
Dover. .................. Westmoreland N' B'Wm. 8teeves Dyer's .Bay............ Bruce, N R....... 01 Alex. T. Simpson 
Doverco';l,'t ........ Y?rk, 
 11. ....... O I A.G.Lightbourn Dwyer Hill............ Carleton............ O,Wm. Fisher 
Dover H' .1......... VIctorIa........ N B G. H. Baird Dynevor ............... Lisgar ............:M Rev. A. Cowipy 
Dover. South ......... Ke
t ............... O , J. B. Bechard Eady........... ... Simcoe. E 11. ...... OIJas. F. l\loffit 
Dover. West .......... HalIfax .........N S Wm. Baker Eagle .................. Elgin. W R ...... O I P.J. Lindenman 
Downeyville ......... Victoria, 8 R...... 0 !\Jrs. H. Tracey Eagll' Head .......... QUEen's ......... N S Amos Leslie 
Downeyville ......... King.s............N B Jacob Downey Ealing .................. lIIlddlesex, E R... 01 Walter Andrew 
Downsview............ York, W R......... 0 J. E Clark Eamer's Corners .... Cornwall. ......... 0' William Irvine 
Doyle ............ Pontiac ........ Q :Michael Doyle t<:ardley ............... Ottawa ............ QI w. H. McLean 
Doyles ............ .... Kent ............. 0 Michael Doyle Ear1swood ............ ................... Assa, Mrs. 1<1. J. Dring 
Doyles Brook......... Northumberl'd NB James Gratt
n Earltown............... Colchester...... N 8 l Chas. L. Marsh 
Doyle Settlement... Restigouche... N B T. Hayes, jun East Angus ......... Compton............Q F. P. Buck 
Drawn.................. Wellington,C R. 0 R. Hammel East Arthabaska ... Arthabaska ...... Q Hector Poisson 
Drayton ............... Wellington. 0 R.. 0 Martin 
chnelder East Baltic ............ King.s......... PEl Joseph Moran 
.Dresden ............... Bothwell .......... 0 C. P. Watson East Bay................ Cape Breton... N S Hugh !llcDonald 
Drew..................... Wellington, N R. 0 Wm. Cardwell 
ast Bay. N. Side... Cape Breton... N 81J. P. McKinnon 
Dromore ............... Grey. 8 R ......... O ! Alex. Taylor East Bolton............ Brome............... Q I Morah Scott 
Dromore ... ............ Queen's ....... PEl P. McOabe East Broughton...... Beauce....... ...... Q Louis Beaudoin 
Drum ......... ......... Durham. E R .... 0 George Coulter East Chebogue ...... yarmouth...... N S [srael Hersey 
Drumbo ............... Brant. N R ....... 0 Jos. L. Burgess East Chezzetcook... Halifax ......... N SIJames Smith 
Drumconnor....... Marquette...... M Elias Brown I!:ast Clifton............ Compton ......... Q Hollis A. Cairns 
 mmordvilZe. E. Drummond ...... Q Chas. H.1\lillar 
ast Dover ............ Halifax. ..........N S, James Fader 
Drumquin ............ Halton ............ 0 T. H. Patterson East Dudswell....... Wolfe ............... Q H. R. Bishop 
Drysdale ............... Huron, 8 R ....... 0 Robt. Drysdale East Dunham......... Missisquoi......... Q,J. G. Wales 
Dry River.. ....... Selkirk........ 1\-1 Gt!O. 8tewart 
ast Earltown . ...... COlchestl1r.......N 8, Maggie McKay 
Duart .................. 
lglD. W R....... 0 Ii? E. Walker 
astern Harbour... Inverness ...... N SI W. Lawrence 
Dublin ................., Perth. SR......... 0 G. J. Kidd Elut Fhrnham ...... Brome............... QIRod. Hutc1:.ins 
Dublin Shore ......... Lunenburg ... N S Thos. Smith East Folly :Mountain Colchester ...... N S, H. H. Slack 
Duck and Pringle... yale............... B C Jacob Duck East Hall's Har. Rd. King.s............N S 0 R. Roscoe 
Duclos .................. Ottawa ............ Q , A. F. Duclos East Hereford......... Compton ......... Q'G. Lefebvre 
D old swell Cel! .re ... Wolfe............... Q Zerah Evans East J eddore ......... Halifax......... N S Harrill Arnol d 
Dofferi.:! ............... Frontenac ..,...... U Sam. Donaldson East Linton. ...... Grey. N R ...... O'Jas. :McKenzie 
DufIerin Bridge ...... lIIuskoka& P S'd. O,John !llagany East Magdala......... :\Iegantic ......... Q Wm. Neill 
ne :\lillo....... Bagot ............... QIJ. O. J. Dufresn
Iargaree ...... Inverness ...... N S Joseph Le Blanc 
Dufferin :Mines ...... ßaJifax...... N 8 Thos. Balcom Eastman.... .. ....... Brome .............. Q Thos. Perdue 
Dumbarton Station. Charlotte ...... N BI !llrs. L. Irvin 
astman's 8prings . Russell. ............ 0 R. J. Kyle 
Dumblane ............ Bruce. W R....... OIJno. :McFarlane 
ast Mapleton. ...... CUlY\berland.. N 8 W. W. O'Brien 
Dumfries............... York ............ N B Wm. Whitehead East Margaretsvllle. Annapolis.... N S David A. Downie 
Ðumfries............... Gloucoster.... N BIJohn Nicol 
ast Mines Station. Colcheater...... N S C. Morrison 
Dumoine ........ ...... Pontiac......... Q F. S. Ratty East New Annan... COlchester.......N S G. W. Nelson 
Dunany ............... Argentt!uil ....... Q I SamuelSmlth Easton's Corners.... Grenville. N R... 0, E. H. Tallman 
Dun bar ,................. Dundas ... ......... 0 T. Stephenson East Oro. .... ........ Simcoe, E.R........O W. Baskerville 
.Dunbarton ...... .. Ontario, W R ... O J 'JOhn Parker East Point ............ King's .........P 1<1 I Jas. Heaton.jun. 
Dunboro' ............... :!Ilissisquoi......... Q Edward Lee East Port Medway. Queen's ......... N S E. M. I1att 
Dunbow................ ............. AHa R.A.Begg Ea!<tRiver............. Lunenburg ....NS James H. DaHs 
Dunboyne ........ Elgh}, E R...... 0 JOB. E, Norman EsstRiver.St.Mary's Pictou .......... N 8 Geo. Campbell 
Duncan ............... Grey. E R ......... 0 A. McKeown East Riv.SheetHar. Halifax ...... N 8 J. F.l\lcKenzie 
Duncan ................I Lunenburg......N 
 !llrs. C. Duncan 
ast Rogerville ...... Northumb'd.. N B David Gorgen 
Dunehurch ............ !lluskoka& P S'd. 0 Wm. Hobertso.:! East Scotch Sette ... King's .......... N B John King 
Duncl ief ............ ...1 Middlesex. 8 R,. 0 A. F. Barclay East S-l!:irk .. . ... Li
g!ir ........!lI Alex. Purdy 
Dundatk ........ ......IGrey, 1<1 R ......... 0 T. Hanbury Eai!t 8herbrooke .... Sherbrooke..... Q B. 1\Iurray 
'" Dundas ... ...... ...... Wentworth, N H.. 0' J. :\lcQueen. jun E side :\Iarg'ree Har. Inverness....... N' S A. D. McLellan 
Dundas. ...... ......... K'1J.g's .........P 1<1 II S. McDonald E side Pub.lIarbour yarmouth...... N S Byron Hines 
"'Dundas Street ...... Toro
to, West... 0 1 Albt;rt Hodgin E side Ragged Isla'd Shelburne...... N S George Craig 
Dundee.................. HuntIDgdon ...... Q DavId Baker East Southampton Cumberland... N 8 N. F. Lewis 
Dundee.................. Restigouche... N BID. l\lcDonald East Templeton ...... Ottawa ...... ...... Q Levi 1<1. Dunning 
Dundee.................. Lisgar ........ M A. B. Cook Eastville ............... Colchester...... N S'James R. Ellis 
Dundee.................. Richmond...... N SI De G. Andrews East Wentworth.... Cumberland.. N 8 D. G. Whidden 
Dundela ............... Dundas ............ 0 .T. E. Tuttle East Wallace ......... Cumberiand....N S H. A. Ji'ulton 
Dundonald ............ Northumb.. E R.. O I H. Chesterfield East WilliamslJUrgh Dundas. ............ 0 J. 1<1. Summers 
Dunedin ............... Simcoe, N R ......0 James Strachan Eastwood............... Oxford. 8 R. ......0 James Hayward 
*Dunpanaoll.......... Huron, N R ...... 01.T. M. Roberts Eaton .................. Compton ......... Q 1\1. Lebourveau 
Dungiven . ............' Westmoreland N B Edward Toole Eauclalre ..........' D. Nipisslng.... 0 W. :\Iackey 
Dunham ...............' :!IIiBsisquoi... ...... Q George D. Bakel" Eberts ..................1 B;>thwell .... ...... 0 A. Robertson 

1888. ] 



Echo Place 
. B nmt, N -R
O Goo. West brOOk 
Echo River ............ Algoma ............ 0 Alex. Findlay 
1<1cho Vale ............ Compton ......... Q J. P. Jones 
Economy............... Colchester...... N S W. A. Fulmer 
Economy Point..... Colcbe!\ter. ......N 8 8. G. 
Ecum Secum ......... N S J E. McIntosh 
Edd;) ;stone ...... ...... Northumb., W R. 0 I 
I. Bradley 
Eden..................... Elgin, E R......... OIA. S. Stillwell 
Eden..................... 1\Iarquette... ..... M 1 JOhn Honeyman 
Eden Grove............ Bruce, E R......... 0 S. A. King 
lills ... ...... ... Wellington, S R.. 0, T. A. Mason 
Edgar. ... ............... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 l Alex. 
Edgar l\1i1l8 .......... Essex ............... O j Wiltiam Edgar 
1<1dgarton............... Muskoka & P S'd.O James 1<1dgar 
1<1dge Pl1 ....... ...... Grey, SR..... .... 0 James Edge 
Edgeley.... ............ Yo=-k, W R......... 0 L. Whitmore 
Edgeley Ferm . ...... ................... Assa W. C. Cameron 
Edge t's Landing ... Albert. ......... N B Ward Edgett 
Edgeworth ............ Kent ...............0 James Waddell 
Edgington. ............ l\Iuskoka & P S'd. 0 John Edgington 
Edina ................... Argenteuil ....... Q J08eph Tomalty 
Edmonton ............ Peel.................. 0 1 1 Robt. Campbell 
Edmonton ............ ............ Alta A. D.Osborne 
Ðimundsron .......... Victoria......... N B Frank Hart 
Edwardsville ......... Wellington, N R. 01 Wm. 1<1dwards 
Eel Brook ............. yarmouth...... r\ 8 1 Peter Surette 
Eel Cove. . . . . . .. . .. Victoria...... N 8 
Irs.. 1\1 1I1cLeod 
Eel Creek............... Cumberland... N S Wm. 
Eel River CroF
ing. Restigouche... N B Xath McKair 
EelK/er Lake...... york.......... N B l wm. :\lcKav 
EtEngham ............ 
Ionck. ............ 0 1\lr8. 1<1. Redpath 
EganvilZt.... ..... ...... Renfrew, 8 R .... 0 Mr8. C. Qu..aly 
Egbert ......... ......... Simcoe, 8 R ...... 0 Mrs. E. Gib80n 
Egerton ............... Wellington, N R. 0 1 James Hunter 
Egg Island........ Saguenay ...... Q Paul Cote 
Eglington ............ York, E R......... 0 Mi88 H HargraVf 
EgmonduilZt. ......... Huron, 8 R....... 0 Geo. E. Jack80n 
Egmont Bay......... Prince .........P 1<1 I S. H. Arseneault 
Egremont ............ Grey, SR......... 0 N. Ro8zel 
Egypte .................. Sheffnrd ........... Q I ' Desire Chaput 
Elba ..................... Caldwell .........0 J. Moore Smith 
Elb :\lills ............... Leeds.......... 0 I Jame8 Gibson 
1<1Icho..................... Monck ............. 0 W. W Krick 
Elder..................... Cardwell. ......... O I C. Conn 
 Mills. ......... York, W R . ...... 0 David Elder 
Eldon Station....... Victoria, N R.... 0 
Iarg. McArthur 
Eldorado ............... Hastings, N R ... O I J. McClintock 
Elford ...... ..... Essex. SR. . ... 0 Isaac E)ford 
F.lfrida .................. Wentworth, SR. 0 J. 1<1. Howden 
EI({ip..................... Lt!l'ds, SR......... <?I P. Penn<;,ck 
Eigm .................. Pictou... ......... N S Wm. ChIsholm 
E1.JÙt ................... Albert.......... N B I R. D. Robinson 
Elgin ....... ............ N Westminster.B C 1 ' W. C. 
Elginburg .....,...... Frontenac ......... 0 Mrs. M.lI1t:echan 
iddlesex, E R... 0 :Uatthew Glas8 
Elgin Road ............ L'lslet . ............ QI Frs. Belanger, fih 
1<1lia ..................... York, WR......... O \ J. H. Snider 
Elimvitle ............... I Perth, 8 R . ...... 0 Henry 8mith 
1<1Iizabethville ....... Durham, E R.... 0 Robert Glass 
Elkhum.... ....
. Selkirk .... .....lII I J. McLeod 
1<maton ................ Norfolk,NR...... OIEd. Robins 
Enengowan............, Bruce, E R . ...... 0 David W. Hopper 
Eltershouse .... ...... 1 Hants............ N S I James JohD80n 
Ellesmere ............ York. E R ......... 0 ' W. Glendinning 
Elliott .................. Lanark, S R...... 0 1 John DeWitt 
Elliott'8 :\Iills......... Queen's.... ...P E I Richard Elliott 
Elliott Vr'e . ......... Kings....... PEl, John Edmonds 
borO'............ I ............. AssaiJ. H. EIIIs 
ville ............... Leeds. SR......... 0, Richard Elliott 
Elm ..................... Lanark, N R...... 0 1 Mrs. N. 8mitb 
Elml\ ................ Dundas. ............ 0 Thos. Sarl!;eant 
Elmbank............... Peel.................. 0 Wm. McKay 
EJrucroft .., .... ... Charlotte.. ... N B T. A. Sullivan 
Elmfield ............ Pictou...... ...... N S Angus l\lc Kay 
Elmlrrove...... ......... Simcoe, S R. ...... 0 I Alex. Kennedy 
Elmhedge ......... Grey, N R ......... 0 DaDiel Smith 
Elmhurst ........ King's ......NBIE.J.P
.Elmira ............... Waterloo, N R... 0 ' Peter Winger 
Ehr'ra .. . .. ... ... .1 King's. .. .., PEl I Wm. H, :\Ielllck 
t:Jmore ........ ...... ...1. .. .. . ... . ... Assa J. F. Shillington 

: ::::::::::::::: I :



}1Jmside.. .... '. . "I Pont''l.c ........ Q I E. Graham 
EJmsvule.......... Halifax...... N SI D. W. B. Rt>id 

:lmbville... ............ Charlotte....... N B I Alex. Dyer 
Elmvale ............... . Simcoe. N R ...... 0 Wm. Harvey 
Elm Yalley ............Selkirk ............M D. W.Grimmett 

E lmwood-: ==. B ruce,ER...........O 
Reinb8l"dt - 
Elmwood ............. Kin/t's ......... K B Miss I. A. Polley 
"'Elora .................. Wellington. 0 R.O John Godfrl'Y 
Elphin .................. Lanark, N R...... 0 George Wilson 
Eiphlnstone. ......... 
larquette.........l\1 J. A. McDonald 
El8ie ................... Victoria. NR...... 0 Samuel Gnhert 
Eisinl)re ............... Bruce, N R . ...... 0 Robert Nelson 
Elton ... .. .. . . ... Selkirk......... M Robt. Johnson 
Emberson ............ Muskoka &; P S'd. 0 H. F,unsworth 
... &nbro ....... ......... Oxford, N R ...... 0 
Embrun ............... Russell. ............ O I JOSel'h Lalonde 
Emerald ............... Lennox ............ 0 W. G. 
Emerald. . . .. ... . Inve. neßs . . .. K 8 P. Tompkins 
.&nerson............... ProveDcher..... M G. B. Nash 
Emery.................. York, W R ....... O I JOhn Watson 
Emigrant Road ...... We8tmoreland N B IIIrs. J. Mulrine 
Emill;rant 8etHem't. We8tmorellJ.lld N BIB. Carrigau 
EmileviUe ........ Bagot.......... Q P. E. Roy 
Emmett ............... Renfrew, SR... 01 JOhD O'Grady 
Erno Rivt!r ............ AI!,oma ............ O I A. Luttrell 
Emory..... .......... yaie...............B C Fred. W. Gei8ler 
Mrnsdale ...oo. ......... 1\luskoka & P S'd. Ù I Joseph l\1itchell 
Emyvale ............... Queen's .......P E T I P. Ml'Cardle 
Enfield .................. Durham, W R ... 0 1M. Kiddery 
Enfield .................. Rants............ N 8 H. 
'. Donaldson 
English Bay... ....... GMpe...... .... ...Q I Francis Cabot 
English Corner ...... Halifax ......... N 8 James Thomson 

Dglish Settlement. Queen's ......... N B Wm. Pl'arson 
English Town... ...... Victoria ......... N S Jane lIlcLean 
EnDis ............. Cardwell ....... O I JOhn O'Leary 

nn!sk!llen......:..... Durha:n, W R ... 0 Fred. Rogers 
Enmskillen StatIOn. Queen s ......... N B B. lIIcAloor 
Ennismore ............ Peterboro', W Roo 0 I patrick Gorman 
EDon..................... Cape Breton... N S , Alex. McDonald 
Enterprise ... ......... Addington......... 0 J. D. Wagar 
I':pping .................. Grey, E R ......... 0 1\Irs. S. Jordan 
Epsom .................. Ontario, N R...... 01 Henry Quant 
Eramosa .............. Wellington, S R., OIJames Mitchell 
Erb ...... ............... King's......... N B Fred. Erb 
Erbsville ............... Waterloo, N R... O!J.Simmermacher 
Erie ..................... Haldimand . ...... 0 Andrew Finch 
.Erin .................. Wellington, 8 R.. 01 Robtlrt Wood 
ErinsvilIe ............ Addington......... 01 Patrick Walsh 
Erinview ......... Lisjlar......... 
I I Mi8s E. Bell 
ErIe ......... ............ Wolfe........ ...... Q I Thos. Shorten 





Erskine. ............... Grey, E R ......... O I JOhn McKeen 
Escott .................. Leeds, S R......... 0 W. J. Cavanagb 
E8('uminac ............ Bonav
nture .... Q .Jo8eph Doherty 
Es('uminac ...... ...... Northumb...... N B Miss E. McLean 
Esdraelon ............ Carl
ton ....... N B IE. S. Gillmor 
E8ka8oni ............... Cape BrAtou ... N 8 Henry V. Bown 
Eskdale .......... ...... Bruce, W R ....... 0 ' I Wm. Grien,on 
E8que8iDII; ............ Halton. ............ 0 John Murray 
Esquimalt ........... Victoria ......... B CI J. T. Howard 

8quimaux Point... Saguenay ......... Q Charles Ahier 
8M Oentre .......... Simcoe. 8 R ...... O,J. B. Coulson 
.Essex Centre ......... E8sex,8 R......... O J ThoITllls Rush 
Essonvllle .............. Peterboro', E R. 0 A. Gibson 
Esterhaz ............... ................... AsSlt Julius Vass 
Estmere ............... Victoria......... N S ' I J. 11. lIlacdonald 
Etang du Nord....... GRI'p6 ....... ....... Q D. V. Bourque 
Etchemin ... ............ Levis.......... ...... Q Eusebe pelleÜer 
EtheL................... Huron, 1<1 R....... OIWm. Spence 
EtnIJ. ...... ...... ......... King's ............N S I J. A. Vaughan 
Ettrick .................. Middlesex, 1<1 R... 0 A. J. Thompson 

ugeuia ............... Grey, 8 R ......... 01R. !llcL. Purdy 
Eureka ....... ......... Pictou............ N S I Hugh Grant 
Evan dale............... Kjug's.......... N 8 J. O. Vanwart 
Evanfvale . . . . .. . .. Ontario, N R...... 0 I David H. Evans 
Evan8ville. . . . .. . .. AJgomå........ 0 I IMac Campbell 
Evelyn .................. Middlesex. E R... 01 M. Barber. ju n 
verett.................. 8imcoe, S R....... 0 I W. M. Lockhali; 
Everett.................. 'fictoria ........ N B G. L. Everett 
Ever8ley ............... York. N R......... O'John !lIC}lutlen 
Everton ... ......... ''' 1 Wellington, S Roo 0: John IIIcKinnon 
... E:t:ehr .'. ............... Middleßex, N R. 0, David Johns 
Factory Dale..........' King's . ...... N SIRobert R. Ray 
Fl\irhl\nk............... York, W R ....... O,
Fairburn ........ ..... 
elkirk ............ 111 Samuel Oke 
Fai rfax ....... ......... Stanstead ......... Q D. l\I. Pau! 
Fairfield................ King's... ......P E I 1'. 
Fairfield. East ...... Brockvillo......... 0 A. C. Johns 
Fairfield ............... St.John......... 
 B A. A. Cahlpb.. l \ 
Fairfield Piain ...... Oxford. SR....... 0 Joseph Carter 
Fairhaven ............ Charlotte ...... N B Caleb Green 




Fairholm-;: :-:-::=. :\Iuøkokã & P 8'd-:- 0 I JObn 8tevenso n 
Fairleigh..... .. ... King'I...,... N B E. H. Pearson 
Fairmeade. . .. .. ... ............. ASM John Kidd 
Fairmount ............ Grey, 1<1 R ......... 0 Robert Orr 
Fairmount ............ :\Iarquette ..... M Edward McGill 
Falrview ............... j perth, 8 R......... O,Mrs. Tbompson 
Fair Valley............ Simcoe, E R.... o IJames Robinson 
Fairview .......... We,tmoreland. NB I A. Crossman 
Fuirpilk. .............. ,St. John..... ..N n' l c, F. Tilton 
FaldIng ... ....... ...... Muskok:i. ......... 0 1\1. Rankin 
Falkenburg............'Ontario. N R...... 0 Matthias Moore 
Falkirk.................. Middlesex. N R.. 0 1 A. E. Garden 
Falkland ..............ïHalifax .........N 8 Wm.McLellan 
Falkland Ridge...... Annapolis....... N 8 Mrs. M. Marshall 
Fallbrook............... Lanark, 8 R ...... OjW. Cameron 
Fallowfield ............:Carleton............ 0 Robert Wallace 
Falls View......... ''' 1 Welland......... ... 0 James C. Hull 
Falmouth ............ Hants............ N 8 Wm. T. Wilson 
False Bay Beach .... Cape Breton... N 8M. McLeod 
Falmouth Station.... Hauts . ......... N S W. Armstrong 
Faraday......... ...... 1 Hastings, N R... 0 Geor
e Orr 
Farewell...... .......1 Wellington, N R. 0 William Allen 
Fargo ............. Kent ............... 0 Wm.Gosnell 
Farmerston . ......... I Carleton . ...... N B I W. 1<1. 1<1i!tey 
JibTlMr,rÜle ......... Leeds, 8 R......... 0 Arza Parish 
Farmingda.te. . . . ... King'ø....... N B J. A. GOIIUne 
Farmington............ King'ø......... PEl Edward Power 
Farmington ............ Cumberland... N 8 O. Fred. Austin 
Farnboro' .............. Brome...... ......... Q I John 1<1nright 
Farndon. ............... Missisquoi ......... Q 8. Paquette 
Farnham Centre ... Brome............... Q: Adam Clark 
· Farnham. ............ Mis8isquoi......... Q I L.E. 8. Choquett4! 
Farquhar............... Perth, SR......... Or Robert Gardiner 
Farran's Point ...... 8tormont.......... O:Geor@;e Kerr 
Farrelton . ............ Ottawa ............ Q/William Farrell 
Fa.øsifern ............... Glengarry......... 0 Hugh McMaster 
Father Point ......... Rimouski ......... QI P. D. Rouleau 
Fauxbourg .......... Lunenbnrg ... N 8,Jameø Hyson 
Fawcett Hill.......... Westmoreland N BIGraflon Aver 
Fawkham ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 1 ISMC 8. Wardel 
Fawn. .................. Ontario. N R...... 0 L. Wilson, jun. 
Fecteau's Mills .... Wolfe.......... Q Joseph Fecttoau 
Fellows ............... Lennox ............ OJ Daniel Shay 
Felton.... ......... Russell........ OIMrs. C. Hall 
Fennell's............... Simcoe. SR...... 0 1 Mrs. M.J. Bolton 
Fenaghvale ............ Prescott............ 0 P. C. Downing 
Fenella.................. Northumb., W R. 0 Henry Cross 
nWm JiùIZs . ...... Victoria, N R ....0 G. Cunningham 
Fenwick ............... Monck ............. 0 F. W. Hutt 
Fenwil'k ............... King'ø. ......... N B Thomas Keys 
Fenwick ............... Cumberland... N 8,Geo. Dickinson 
rgUl ............ ... Wellington, C R.. 0 I ' Miss C !\lcQueen 
Ferguson......... . 1 1\liddJeøeX' 8 R.. 0 J. W. Edwards 
Ferguson's Falls...... Lauark.8 R ...... OIJ. G. Gibson 
Ferguson's Point.... Gloucester.... N B W. Ferguson 
Fergusonvale ........ 8imcoe, N R ...... 0 W. A. 8neath 
Fermoy .................. Addington ...... ... 0, B. Dotting 
Ferndale House...... 8imcoe, E R ...... O I R. G. Penson 
Fernetville ............ Berthier . ......... Q Mrs. H. Fernet 
Ferney Coombe ...... Yale-KootenaY,B C L. A. A
Fern Glen ...... ...... :\1 uskoka & P 8'd 0 Henry Roberts 
Fernhill ............... Middlesex. 8 R.. 01 D. R. Owen 
Ferry Landing. ...... Victoria ......... N 81Jobn McDonald 
Ferris .................. Queen's ......... N BI R. O'Donell 
Ferryville . ............ !Carleton... ...... N B I J. II. Cluff 
Fesserton............... 8imcoe, E R ...... 0 R. Jancouski 
Fetherston ............ Muskoka & P S'd. O:S. J. Peake 
Feversham ............ Grey, E R .........01 A. McGirr 
Fifteen 1\IileStream Halifax ......... N 8 1 J. G. 8. Hudson 
Fifteen Point ......... Prince......... PEl A. Gallant 
"'Fi:ngal ................ Elgin. W R. ...... 08. E. Burwell 
Finger Board. . .... Victoria., 8 R. .. . 0 1 Thomas Moase 
Fintona ...............,Cardwell .......... 0 R. J. Lamon 
First 80uth... ......... Lunenburg... N S Edward Allen 

: :::::::::::: 

.::::::: gig


Fish Lake. ........ Prince Edward.. 0 Wm. Robinson 
Fitcb Bay............... Stanstead ......... QIT. B. Rider 
Fitzgerald Station... : Prince.........P 1<: I 18mith John 
Fitzroy Harbour .... ì Lanllrk, N R...... 0, W. A. 8hirrefJ 
Five Island, . .........,Colchester....... N 8 1 8. D. Graham 
Five Mile River ..... Hants............ N 81Jos, McLearn 
Flamboro' Centre . Wentworth, N R. O.J. T. 1I1itcheIJ 
Flatlands... ...... ...... Re!!tigouche... N B 'lIIrs.J. M.
Flat River ............ ,Queen's ...... P E IIR. K. 
Fleetwood. ............ Durham E R...... 0 Wm.8tacy 
Fleming........... ............. Assa 

Pluhe,.ton. ===: i Grey, 8 R ." 
.:::.O, Robert J . Spr01 
Flesherton 8tation. ,Grey, SR......... 0, Wm. Purdy 
Fietcher. ............... r Kent ............... O I Patrick T. Barr 
Fletcher's 8tation ... I Halifax ......... N 8 Ed. Largie 
Fleur!lnt ...............'B?naven
ure...... QI William Gray 
Fleunau... ......... ...1 Rlmouøkl ..... Q, Auguste Caron 
Flinton... ...... ......... Addington......... 0 r 1<1. J. Matlhewø 
Flodden . ......... ...... I Richmond ... ...... Q r Gilbert Stalker 
Floradale............... Waterloo, N R... OrIsaac Devitt 
 ..............., :\liddlesex, W R. OIJohn A. Young 
Florence-fJ111e ... ...... ,Carleton......... N B 18. G. Burpee 
Florenceville, East... , Carleton......... N B j JOhn Lovely 
Floreuta ............... )Iarquette . ...... M Thos. l'tIcKenzi 
Flowers' Cove......... Queen'!!!......... N B Mrs. Flowers 
Flower 8tation..... Lanark, N R.... OIG. W. Whit
Flume Ridge ......... I Charl?tte ...... N B I M. Noon
Foley.................... OntarIo, 8 R...... OiG. Walkmt:baw 
Folly Lake ...... ...... Colchester ...... N 
 Mrs. McPherso: 
Folly l\ N 8 John l\lcLean 
FbUy Village ......... Colcher.ter ...... N 8 D. F. LaytoD 
Fontenelle. ...... ....../GaSpé ... ............ Q John 8tanley 
Fontenoy ..............., Richmond ......... Q Mr"'. 8. Fraser 
· Jibnthill ...... .......... WeIland .......... 0 Fred. Kinsman 
Forbes ............... ...1 Colchester...... N fI John Forbes 


t. :.: :.: :.: I 

:.: :.: 

. F'

Ji1Jrywich...............1 Huron, 1<1 R ...... O'Robt. Mahood 
Fordyce ................IHuron, W R ......0 E. Phillips 
· Jibrut ..................' Lambton, W R.... 01 Mrs. J. !\IcKellll 
Forest Farm. .., ...... , . . . .. ...... .. A!M: Robt. Munn 
Forester's Falls ...... Renfrew, N R.... 0 Oliver Forelò'er 
Forest Hill ............ / Kin.rø ......... P 1<1 I Colin McBeith 
Forest Mills ......... Lennox ............0 Wm. M. Fox 
Foreston ............... Carleton......... N B W. H. 81aten 
Forestville ... ...... .../ Norfolk, 8 R ...... 0 r H. C. Gifford 
Forfar .................. Leeds, 8 R......... 0 .J. B. Ackland 
Forks .................. jQueen's ......... N B D. .J. Kierstead 

:' :


. ::: ::: ,



Formosa ............... Bruce, 1<1 R......... 0 F. X. Messner 
Fort Coulonge ....... PontißC ............ Q J. G. Bry
Fer' Alexander...... Lisgar ............. 1\1 Rev. L. Lebret 
Fort Augustus ...... Queen's ...... PEl Patrick Kelly 
Fort Ellice ............ IIlarquette......M A. McDonald 
· Jibrt Erû ... ...... ... \ Weiland... ......... 0 George Lewis 
Fort Frances. ......... Algoma............ 0 John O. Armit 
Fortier ... ............. Lisgar....... ...... 1\1 1ev. J. ForCer 
Fortierville........\ Lotbinière...... Q J. B. Fortier 
Fortieø Settlement..., Lunenburg ... N 8 J. A. Hiltz 
Fortin ................., Rimouski. ......... Q Noel Fortin 
Fort Kipp . ............1 ............. Alta A. J. Whitney 
Fort La.vrence........ I Cumberland.....N S Cbas. E Baker 
Fort McLwd....... ................... Alta D. J. Campbell 
Fort 8impson......... r Cariboo ..... B C R. H. Hall 
Fort Pitt ............... ............. Sask Angus McKay 
Fort William ......... Pontiac ............ Q James McCooi 
Fort William ......... Algoma ............ 0 Miss C. 
"'Fort Jhltiam We,t. Algoma ............ 0 A. McLart.n 
Fort Saskatchewan .1................... Alta W. G. Ross 
Foster .................. Brome .. ......... Q O. B. Ingles 

'oster's ................ Lunenburg..., N 8 Hermon Rafu!!e 
Foster's Cove ......... Victoria......... N B Wm. Everett 



::: ::: ::: 

Fouchie ............... Richmoud...... N 8 Albert B. ROOþl'll 
Four Falls.. . ... ... Victoria...... N B J. H. Pen.t 
Four Mile Brook... Pictou............ N 8 Geo. McKenzie 
Fournier ... ............ Prescott ............ 0 Fabien Lauò ñau 
fowler's Corners ... Peterboro' W R. 0 Jno. Williamson 
110xboro' ............... Hastings. E R ... 0 E. W. AI'hley 
Fox Creek ............ Westmoreland N B Eustache Burke 
Fox Harbour ......... Cumberland... N 8 Mrs. C. Robinson 
Fox Island Main.... Guysboro' ...... N 8 P. Lukeman 
Foxmead ............... 8imcoe,1<1 R ...... 0 James Hadden 
Ff'xton .................. Lisgar ............ !II John Camp
Fox River .............. Gaspé ............... Q Jean C. ParEnt 
Fox River. ............ Cumberland ... N 8 Mrs. KO.Hatfield 
Foymount ........ i Renfrew, 8 R. . . .0 Mrs. E. Foran 
Framboise.............IRichmond...... N 8 NeilSt.ewart 
Frampton . ......... ". 1 Dorchester......... Q Mrll. 1<'itZjl;eJ sid 
Frø.nconia . ............ lIIonck... ... ....... 0 Mrs. A. Clark 
Prankford ... ......... Hastings, W R... 0 John Chapman 
Frank Hill ............ Victoria. 8 R...... O , C. LoweR 
Franklin ...... .........1 Durham, E R. ... 0 Joseph Hadden 
Pranklin Centre...... Huntingdon ..... Q Wm. CantweH 
Franks Bay .......... I Muskoka& P S'd O,J. McA. Smith 
Franktown ............ Lanark. SR...... 0 P. McEwen 

L7 4 1 




. -!
FrankvilIe ............ Brockville......... 0 Andrew Parker Genoa ..:=== Argenteuii -:=<l James Gordon 
 ............ ,Ontario. N R...... 0 Alex. Fraser Gentilly ............... Nicolet ............ Q l\lrs.C.G.Brunelle 
Fnu>er's Grant ....... Antigonishe... N 8 John Fraser George's River ....... Cape ßreton... N 8 Luke Day 
Iills.........' Antigonishe... N S Angus Boyd Georgetown ...... ...... King.s......... PEl W. Wightman 
Frazerville ............ 'Peterboro'. W R. 0 Alex. Lackey "Georgetown ......... Halton ............0 L. Goodenow 
Fr6chette............... L6vis................ Q N. Fréchette Georgeville ............ Stanstead.... ... Qllncrease Bnllock 
Prw..eridon ............ York ............ N B P. McPeake GeorgtwiIle ............ Antigonishe... N S Stephen Gillis 
Prf-(ÙrictonJunctionlSunbury ....... N B John 8hehan Georgina Island ... York. N R .....0 Chas. Bi
Fredericton Road... Westmoreland N B .J. O. 8ullivan Geraldine............... TIuntingdon...... Q Charles NewmaD 
Fredericton 8tation.; Queen's ....... P E I John Weeks Germania. . . .. .. ... Ontario. N R...... 0 Wm 8tamp 

:::d ::::::::::::::: Ir=

: :.::.: g 

: ir::
n g:

::::::::: Z
. Ñ 

Freeland ............... Prince...... P 1<1 I G. P. Palmer Gesto .................. 1<1ssex. 8 R......... 0 Selina J. Weldon 
Prfiltnn ............... 'Wentworth, N R.O John Ross Getson's Point ...... Lunenburg... N S GeorgeJ.McKean 
Freeman ............... Halton ............ 0 .J. W. Freeman Giant's Lake .........IGuysborongh N 8 John McN-:til 
Freeport ...............' Digby............ N 8 "tIrs. M. Havey Gibraltar ............... Grey. E R .........0 John Glenn 
Fr Fr ee eep to o w rt n .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1 W pr ll l ' n te c r e lo .. o .. , .. 8 .. R . P " Ji . > , 0 1 R M . iS B s . H A ' u P ld agøan Gibson .................. 8imcoe, 
 R ...... O I J. P. Dean 
Gilbert Cove .... ...... Digby............ N 8 Robt. Donahne 
... ffi-el(gh.!burU.........: M!ssisqnoi......... Q G. E. Barnes Gilbert's Mills......... Prince Edward... 0 John D. Gilbt>rt 
French !Jay............ Bruce, N R....... 0 Henry 8hannon Gilford ..................IYork, N R......... 0 J. A. Blain 
French Lake ......... Sunbury.........N B G. E.Armstrong Gill ..................... Haldimasd ...... 0 
1ar, Brownridge 
French River .........' Pictou. ......... N S Mrs.C.}IcDonald Gillander's Mount'nl Victoria...... N 81 N. McLennan 
French Riv6r ......... : Queen's ...... PEl Jane McKay Gille!!!pie ...............1 Victoria........ N B F. Gillespie 
French River..... . , Algoma ........ 0 J. }I. Dollar Gillies Hill ............ Bruce, N R ...... 0 Wm. A. Stevens 
French Road ......... Cape Breton.. N 8 A. :\Iacdonald Gillies LakE:! ........... Cape Breton ... N S R. A. McDonald 
Frenchvale ............ : Cape Breton... N S D. McSwain Gillies Point ......... 1 Victoria ......... N S Alex. :McDonald 
French Village ...... Drummond ...... Q :Miss M.A.Pothie. Gillies Point East... Victoria...... N S Hector McNeil 
French Village ...... Queen's ...... P 1<1 I C. Mcintyre Gilmour ............... Hastings, N R.... OIJ. Caverly 
French Village ......1 King's ......... N B George Beatty Gimli. .................., Lillgar............. M Pjetur Pals80n 
Frenoh Village ...... Halifax ......... N S J. S. Brine Giroux.................. Provencher ...... M'AdoL Duhamel 
Friar's Head...... . l lnverness...... N S Rv.W.M. Leblanc G1adstone............... I 
Iiddlesex. E R... 0- L. McMurray 
Frogmore . ............ Xorfolk.8 R...... 0 J. 1<'airbairn Gladstone............... Victoria...... N B, R. Watson 
Frome .................. 
lgin, W R ...... 0 John Arnold Gladstone..............., Marquette.. ...... M Edwin Rose 
Frontier ............... Huntingdon ...... Q Arthur Roberts Glammil... ............, Bruce, W R. ...... 0 1 R. W. Harrison 
Frost Village ......... ShefJord............ Q Thos. Jones Glamorgan ,........... Durham. 1<1 R ... 0 K. Kennedy 
Fulford.......... ......... Brome ... .......... Q J. B. Hubert G landine............... Victoria. S R...... 0: 1<1dmond Pogue 
FuUarton............... Perth. S R......... 0 Richard Francis IJlanford ............... Wentworth. S R. O,Robt. Murphy 
Fuller................... Hastings, N R ... 0 }Irs. )1. Fuller Glanford 8tation .... Wentworth. SR. 01 Henry (,)Iarke 
Fulton .................. Wentworth. 8 R. 0 George Cann Glanmire ............... Haøtings. N R.... 0' D. Lnmmis.jun. 
Fulton Brook......... 'Queen's......... N ß John Fulton Glanworth ............ Middlesex,!:! R... O'John Turnbnll 
Furnaee Fall!!!........ Victoria. N R... 0 J. Herlibrey G1ascott ............... I Grey. S R. ......... 0 1 ' Richard English 
i'yfield . . . .. .. . . ... Bruce, 1<1. R. .... 0 Alfred Gibson Glasgow... ............ Ontario, W R.... 0 Wm. Forsyth 
Gabarouøe Lake.... Richmond....N 8 Hugh l\IcDonald Glassviile............... Carleton. ...... N B ,Hugh 
Iiller ............ Cape Breton... N S R. R. }Iorrison Glastonbury .......... \ Addington......... 01 W. 8. Ruttan 
nse Barach's.' Cape Breton... N H Thos. Bagnel
 Gleichen...:....... ................... Alta,V. J. Bea.npr6 
Gabnola Island ......I Vancouver. ... B C Alex. Shaw, Jun. Glen AdelaIde..... ................... AS8II.' Fred. WhItlock 
Gad's Hill ............ ,Perth. N R......... 0 Thomas O'Donell Glen Aida. ............ iPeterboro'. E R... O,lra A. Rosebmh 
Gagdnwn............... Queen's ......... N ß Levi Tuck .Gùn Allan............ l wemngton, Ü R.. 0, Alex. Robertson 
G&plon . ............... Victoria......... N R Jos. DUl!;al Glen AI
ond ...... Ott
wa. :........... Q 18. P. Franchot 
Galley ..................1 Kent ............ N B John White Glen AlpIne ......... AntIgonIshe ....N 8 D. H. Cameron 
Galbraith......... .'Lanark,
. R.... O I R. J. Penman Glen Anglin ......... Gloucester ......N BI Wm. Murphy 
Galetta.................. Lanark, N R...... 0 G. Whyte Glenannan ............ ,Huron. 1<1 R....... 0 
Gallingertown ...... Stormont ......... 0 G. H. Gallinger Glenarm................ Victoria.NR...... 01 Seth Rickaby 
Galson ............... ... Compton............ Q }l. L. McIver Glen Bean............. Ottawa... .......... Q I J. 
. Bean 
*GaU..................... Waterloo. S R.... 0 Wm. Quarrie Glen Bard ........ Anti
onishe... N SIJohn McLean 
Gamebridge ......... Ontario, N R...... 0 Wm.8tewart Glen Becker....... Dundas........ 0, L. 8. Becker 
-Gar.ano'l'IU ......... Leeds, S. R. ...... 0 C. P. Richardson Glenbervie ........ COlchester.... N SIFrank Fulton 
Garden Hill ... ..... Durham. 1<1 R ...0 J. G. Honey Gien Buell ............ Brockville......... 0 Crofton J. Gilroy 
Garden Island ...... Frontenac ......... 0 A. Malone Glenboro.......... .... Marquette .........1\J J. Duncan 
Garden of Eden ...... Pictou............ N 8 A. A. }lcKenzie Olenburnie ............ Frontenac ......... 0, Wm. Shurtldr 
Garden River ......... Algoma ............ 0 W.R. Cu'ninl!;h'w G1encairn ............ Simcoe. S R. ......0,:\1. N. Stephenl! 
Gardiner Mines ...... Cape Breton... N S G. H. Boutellier GZmcoe.................. Middlesex, W R, 0 Robt. Clanaban 
Gardner's Creek ... St. John......... N B Wm. Walilice Glencoe.... .. .. .... Inverne8s ...... N S, R. McDonald 
Garfield ............... Queen.s....... PEl George }IcKenzÍf Glencoe........... Restigouche... N R:David Duncan 
Garland ............... Châteaugnay ......Q F. z. Deli
le Glen Cove .............IGuysboI'O. ...... N SIJohn Farn'l 
Garneau ............... L'lølet ............ Q J. Bte. Pelletier Glen Colin .......... . I Ellrin. E R......... 0 S. T. Young 
Garnet ...... ............ Haldimand....... 0 John Roulston Glencorradøle ....... King's... ...... PEl Jas. McIsaac 
Garnet.................. St.John ...... N B R. G. Stewart Glen Cross ........ Cardwell............O Jos. Jeffers 
Garr?tton............... Grenville, 8 R ... 0 N. Garrett Glen Donald ........ IUlengarry ......... O[ A. B. :\lcDonald 
Garrison Road ...... Welland............ 0 John Hershy Glendale ........ ...... Inverness ......N SIAnJrew Boyd 
Garryowen ............ Grey, N R......... 0 Jas. Godfrey Glendale ............... ' I :\1iddlesex, E R . 0 A. Baughart 
tation...... Wolfe ............... Q'Thomas Jacques Glendale.......... :\Iarquette...... M Jame8 :\Iolland 
Gasparine ........... Chateauguay .... Q Francois Delage Glendinning .........; Selkirk. . . .. . .. M 1 Henry Mason 

Gaspé Basin. ........ G8.Spé ....... ....... Q ,John J. Annet Glendyer . .. .........1 Invern8l's . .... N S W. McDonald 
Gaspé Bay South ... Gasp6.......... Q J. H. Eden GlelJeden ............... Grey. S R. ......... 0 ' J. H. Dick80n 
Gaspereaux............ King.s......... PEl H. Lewellyn Glenelg ............... GUY8boro' ......N S Wm. JordalJ 
GMper8aUX ... ......... Queen's ......... NBC. E. Langin G1enfanning ......... King's ...... ...P E I' Michael Lavin 
Gaspereaux............ King's ......... N S E. A. Ollvison Glen Farrow ...... Huron. E R .... 0 Wm, :\leKerf'ic 
Gaspe,:eaux Station Queen's......... N B P. W. 
Ioont!y Glenfinnan . . . " ... Queen'8..... PEl' D. A, IIlacdoDllld 
GauthIer ............... Provencher ...... 1\1.J B. Graveline Glengllrry . . . . .. . .. Inverness.... N S John 
Gavelton ............... Yarmouth ...... N S W. H. Ganl Glengarry Road...... Cape Breton ... 
 S D. A. 
Gay's River........... Colche.ter...... N S M. Frame Glengarry Station ... Pictou ............N S David Graham 
Gaythorne............. North:Imberl'd.NB K :\lcCailum Glen Huron ......... Simcoe. 
 R...... OIJalllt's Hamilton 
Gay's River Road.... Halifax ......... N S W. W. Ta)lor Glenna.. ............... MU8koka & p 8d. Û W. :McAmml>nd 
Geary................. Sunbury...... N B Reuben Smith Glen her......... Sherbrooke..... Q Jas. :\lcIvt!r 
Gelert ............ ......1 Victoria, 
 R .... 0 Wm. F. Rit<,hie Glenlivet ......... ...... Ottawa .......... Q Henry RüLin8cn 
Geneva.................. Argt'ntel!ll......... Q G. A. Hooker Glenlivet ............... Re8tigouche... 
 n, Hugh Smitb 




Glen Llo yd -:::::::; I Uegantic . ::-.:::Q J :R ockingham 
laJor ............ Ontario, W R.... 0 Chas. Williams 
Glen [\[argaret ...... Halifax ......... N S J. FraISer, sen. 
leyer............, Norfolk, S R ...... 0 1 Nathan Mansell 
[illar........ Hastings, W R... 0 Fred. Ford 
Glenmore. . . .. . . ... Grenville, S R ... 0 l\Ianuel Mylks 
Glen ;\Iorris ......... Brant, N R ...... 0 I Thos. Scott 
Glen Murray......... :\legantic ......... Q John Murray 
Glennevls ............ CUengarry ..,...... 01 Alex. :K l\1I'Rae 
Glen Norman ......... Glengarry......... OlD. J. l\lcl,eod 
Glenora ...... ......... Selkirk ...... ...... l\1 Thomas Feely 
Glen Orchard......... 8imcoe. E R ...... O'N. Orchard 
Glen Porter............ Northumbrl'd, N B j JameS I"orter 
Glen Rae ............... Lambton. 13 R. 0 Sebastian Ray 
Glen Road ............. AntiJl,'onishe ...N 8 C. McGillivray 
Glen Robertson ...... Glen!!;arry ......... OIW. T. Robinson 
Glen Ross. . .. .. . . .[ HRstings, W R... U I Geo. T. Iveson 
Glenroy ............... Glengarry......... 0 C. J. McRae 
Glen Sandfield ......IGl.enllarry .........0 Sam. Mc
Glen Oak ............... i !\hddlesex, S R... 0 Levi J. HIXon 
Glensbee ............... Norfolk, SR...... 0 Quartees Smith 
Glenshee ............... Pictou............ N 8 Donald Campbell 
Gll:on Smail ............ Grenville, S. R... O l E. Ellis, jun. 
Olen Stewart ......... Dundas ............ 0 William Stewart 
Glen Sutton ......... Brome............... Q Geo. W. Brock 
Glen Tay ............... Lanark.8 R...... O' I C' L. Owen 
Glen Uill.' ............ ... Antigonisbe... N S Ron. McDonald 
Glenvale ............... Frontenac ......... 0 Robert Gibson 
Glenvale ...... ......... Westmoreland.N B J. R. Bleakney 
Glenville ............... Invernes
 ...... K S And. McLellan 
Glen Walter .........,Glengarry .........0 D. J. Deruchie 
Glen William ..... King's...... PEl John Martin 
Glen Williams ........ Halton ............ 0 And. Wheeler 





Gloucester 8tation . Gloucester...... N B W. R. Walsh 
Goble's Corners ...... Brant, N R ....... 0 J. G. Goble 
Godbout ...... ,....... SaRuenay ......... Q N. A. Comeau 
.Goderieh............... Huron, W R...... 0 A. Dickson 
Godfrey... ........... Addington......... 0 Rich. It Howes 
Godolphin ... _ ....... :Korthumb'd, E R.O 
[rs. E. Thinkle 
Goff ..................... Halifax .........N 8 Wm. Goff 
Golden.. ....... _. Yalf\-Kootenay. B C RobeIt Lang 
Golden Grove ......... 8t. John......... N B Peter Brennan 
Golden Grove IIIill
. 8t. John ...... N. B A. Willis 
Goldeu Lake ......... Renfrew, N R ...0 Fritz Hu
Golden Ridge ......... Carleton. ...... N B G. Campbell 
Golden Stream .... Marquette ......:!'II D. McConnell 
Golden Valley...... Muskoka & P S'd.O Geo. Dobbs 
Goldenville ............ Guysborough...:S S rhomas James 
Goldfield ............... Stormont............O M. l\lcLean 
Gold River ............ Lunenburg......N 8 Benjamin Kedd) 
Goldsmith ............ Essex, S R......... 0 Wm.Ol/;le 
Goldstone............... 'Wellington, C R. (' John W. Craig 
Goldstream . ......... Victoria ......... R C James McPhair 
Gondola Point.. ..' King.s....... N ß J.L.B. Flewelling 
Gonor ................... Lisgar............. l\1 John Gunn 
Good Corner........... Cal'løton.........N BICharles A, Long 
Gooderham ............ Peterboro', ER... O'Chas. Way 
Goodstowu ............ Carleton............ O:T. H. Mills 
Goodwood ............ Ontario, W R..... O I M. Chapman 
Gooseberry Cove ... ::!t. John.........N B 
Irs. F. Trafton 
GooRe Creek ......... St. John... ......N B I Joshua Prescott 
Goose River............ King's .........P 1<1 II
Gordon.................. Essex.SR.......... O'J. C. Duff 
Gordonsville ......... CRrleton......... N B I Elijah Brooks 
Gordonville...... ...... Wt!lIington, N R. O I ROb
rt 8im 
Gort!...................... Hants ............N S D. Thompson 
Gore Bay...... ...... Algoma ......... -.. 0 Alex. Hogg 
Gore's Landing ...... Nol'thumb'd.W R 0 I Wm. East 
Gorina; ............... Grey. 1<1.R.......o , James Sparling 
Gormley............... York, E R ......... 0 Colin McKenzie 
 .................. Huron, E R ...... OIHenry Besanson 
Goshen ............... Albert.............N B E. A. Robinson 
Goshen ... ........... Guysboro' ...... N S Donald Sinclair 
Gosport ............... Lennox ... ......... 0 Geo. l\1. Germair 
Gould .................. Compton ......... Q Alex. Ross 
GouldStRtbn....... Compton.. .....Q R.CowRn 
Goulais Ba" .... .... Algoma ............0 And. IIIcAuley 
lourock ............... Wellington, S R.O J. U. Ireland 
Gowan Brae... ...... Kings . . . ... PEl Lazarus WbUe 
GowRnRtnwn. ......... , Wellington. N R. O l l,TosePh Bittschen 
\pr Point ......... Renfrew, N R ... 0 Thos.1II.Ca
Gowland Mouutain. \ Albert............N B,Wm. McKenzie 
Gowrie . .... .... ... Perth, S R... ... O I T. P. Harris 
GrRcefield '. . . .. . ,. Ottawa ......., Q Patrick Grace 
Grafton ............... Northumb'd, W R.O J. Gillard 

Grafton :-=::::::=' I carleton :. _....N B IIIisR H: Shea 
Grafton ................ King's............ NH W. W. Bowles 
Graham's Road ...... Queen's ......P 1<1 I 
Irs. Ann Cash 
GrahamsvUle ......... PeeL................ 0 Peter Lanphier 
Grainfield ............. \ K(\rthumb.d... N B :!'II. Hayes 
Granboro'......... ...... Shefford ............ Q H. Cunningh8'll 
Granby.................. Shefford ............ Q George Vittie 
Grand Anse ......... Richmond ......N S MrF. McPherson 
Grande Anee ......... Gloucester ......N B O. Blanchard · 
Grand Bay............ King's............N B David Hamm 
Grand Bend .... ...... Lambton, E R.... 0 Jobn Ironside 
Grande Baie....... Chicoutimi ...... Q D. Tremblay 
Gland Cascapedia... Bonaventure.... Q W. Robf\rtson 
Grand DelSert , .. ... H,tlifax ...... N S I Miss L. Wolfe 
Grande Freniere...... Two 
Iountains . Q 
os. Pay
ent ç 
Grande Grève ......... Gaspe ..... ......... Q,Charles Esno\' 
Grande Ligne......... St. John's ......... Q Jean Bte. Senecal 
Grand 1<1ntry ......... Gaspé ............... Q NeilIlIcPhail 
Grande Prairie ...... Yale-Kootenay. B C A. J. Kirkpatrick 
Grandes Piles.......... Champlain........ Q Theophile Roux 
Grandes Coudées.... Beauce ............. Q J. L Cnampagne 
Grand Etang ......... Inverness..... .N. 8 J. Doucette 



GrandFallsPortage, Victoria .........N B'W. Roach 
Grand Harbor. ...... Charlotte ...... N B R. 1<1. Foster 
Grandigue ............ Kent ............N B Raphael Leger 
Grandigue Ferry... Richmond ......N S !\Irs.S. McDonald 
Grandin .............. ................... Sask Rev.J.Fo'Jrmond 
Grand Lake Station Halifax ......... N S George 
Grand Alanan........ Charlotte ......N B H. C. Seely 
Grand Métis ...... Rimoufki ........ Q W. E. Page 
Grand Mira, North. Cape Breton ... N S D. McDougall 
Grand 1tIira, South.. Cape Breton... N 8 Donald Gillies 
Grand Narrows, R... \'ictoria......... N 8 Allan ,McDonald 
Grand Narrows. S.... Cape Breton ... N 8 E. A. McNeil 
Grand NarrC'ws ...... Vict')ria ......... N S R. A. Macneill 
Grand Pabo" ........ Gaspé ............... Q Thoma!! Soucy 
Orand Pre............. King's............ N Po J. W. Borden 
Grand River ......... Gaspé ............... Q Joseph O. Sirob 
Grand River ......... Victoria ........ N B F. Viúlette 
Grand River ......... Richmond ......N E H. Murchison 
Grand St. Esprit... Nicolet............. Q J, A. Pinard 
Grand Tracadie ...... Queen's ......P 1<1 [ S. McDonald 
*Grand Valley. ...... Wellington..... 0 R. F. Taylor 
Grandview ............ Queen's ...... PEl A. W. 1Ilartln 
Gramre . ......... ...... S"lkirk ........ :l\[ Jas. Gardiner 
Grang6r ............... Cardwell ......... 0 Wm. Dynes 
Granite Creek. . . .. Yale-Kootenay. B C Wm. Jansen 
Granite HaU ...... IIIuskoka......,.... 0 J. S. Drisl'oll 
Grant .................. Russell ...... ...... 0 J. Edmonstone 
Grant .................. Westmoreland, N B Abram Grant 
GI'antley ............... Dundas ............ O,John C.Munro 
*Granton ............... Middlesex, 
 R... O,Jameø Grant 
Granton ............... Pictou............ N 8 1 J. G. English,jun 
Granville ............. Queen.s..... ...P 1<1 I Edw. Henry 
Granville Centre ... Annapolis ......N 8 F. R. Troop 
Granville Ferry ...... Annapolis ......N S Hugh l\1. irvine 
GraMmere ............ M uRkõka & P S'd. 0 R. Ballantine 
Grassy's Corners.... Wentworth, S R. 01 G. M. IIIarsl>"11 
Grattan........... ...... I Northum'.... ...N B P. Grattan 
Grattan ................ Renfrew, 8 R.... O'l\[. McI<'arland 
Gravel Hill............ Rtormont ........ OjJohn Crawt'ord 
*Gra'Venhurst ......... Simcoe, 1<1 R....... O,J. P. Cockburn 
GraYlltock ............' Peterboro', E R... 0 1 Mark Graystock 
Great Shemogue ...' Westmoreland N B Adam B. Copp 
* Grtat ViUage... ...... \ COlcheRter ......N H Robert Dill 
Greely ............ Russell ........ 0 R. Bates 
Greenbank ............ Ontario. N R...... 01 Edward Phænlx 
Green Bay............ Algoma ............ OIJühn Skippen 
Greenbush ............ Brockville ......... 0 R. E. Foster 
Greenbush........ . ! ,:?rk. :........... N BI 8. N. 
Green Co\'e ......... ... 'lctona....... N S Donald SmIth 
ali!......... Antig..nishe.... N S J. W. Chisholm 
Greenfield ............ Glengarry... ...... 0\ A. McDougald 
Greenfield ............ Carleton.........N B Thomas Wakem 
Greenfield ............IQueen's .........N SIJ. 1<1. Tibert 
Greenfield ...... ...... , l COlChPster ... ...N 
 i Robert IIIcKpnz' a 
Greenfield. St.l\Iarys Guysboro'. ......N S A. W Suthf\rlaT , 
Green lIi1l. ............ Pictou ............N 81 Mrs. J. \lcKemml 
Green Hill ............ Cumberland....N 8 1 J. W. Mason 
Greenock ................ Bruce. E R........ 0 1 S. Hawthorn '. 
Green Point ......... I Prince Edward... O I CalVin Re)noJ('Q 
Green Point. . . . . .. Gloucester... N B M. Ellis 
Grf\en Point Station York. ............ 
 B, MichHf\18hea 
Grf\en Ridge ...... .,. Provenchpr . .... 1111 Wm. FouJds 
Green River ......... Temiscouata...... Q George April 





Green'Rlver ......... Ontario. W R .... 0 P. R. HooTer 
Green River ......... Victoria .........N B John Lynch 
Green's Brook. . . .. Pictou........ N 8 Peter Green 
Green's Creek......... Colchester ......
 8 Daniel Dart 
Greenside... ............ Grey, 8. R........... 0 R. LeI/ate 
Greensville ............ Wentworth, 
 R, 0 Andrew Black 
Green Valley .........IGlengarry ......... O l ,ooorge Blair 
Greenview ............ H!l.stings, N R ... 0 J. Fitzgerald 
Greenville ............ Cumberland....X 8 Isaac O'Brien 
Greenville 8tation'. I Cumberland. ...N 8 J. 8. Forshner 
Greenway............ 1liddlesex, N R.. 0 W. J. Wilson 
Greenwich.............jI{ïng's..........P ElF. W. McEwen 
Greenwich Hill ......j King's............N B A. M. Mabee 
Green wood ...... ......I Lisgar ... ......... ì\1 Thos. Bowman 
Greenwood............ : KinK's............ 
 8 nI. Foster 
Oru:nwood ............ j Ontario. W R...... 0 1\1. Gleeson 
Greer..................... St. John......... N B Geo. Richardson 
Greer Mount....... Pontiac......... Q G. Mt'Dowell 
Gregory ...............,Simcû<', R....... O l wm.Gngor y 
Grenfel...... ...... ...... , '!l' 
 R ...... 0 H
nry Parr 
Grenfell .......... AsslDlbola.......; I RIchard Routh 
OrenviUe .......... ...IArgenteuil......... Q D. Wllliam
on, jr 
Gresham ...... ......... Bruce. W R ...... 0 Richard \-Tills 
Gretna ..................18elkirk ............ 
I J. R Hoffmpn 
Grey Eagle....... . I Muskoka & P 8'd. 0 F. A. QuIrt 
Gretna.......... ......... Lennox. ............ 0 W. J. Mellow 
Greystead ............ l\Iiddlesex.8 R... 0 A. J. Thirlwall 
Grey's nIills...... ...... King's...... ... ...N B James Campbell 
Greywood ......... ,Annapolis.... N 8 W. B. Orde 
Grlersville ............ Grey, E R ......... 0 James Marshall 
Gribbin ......... ...... Peel......... ......... 0 Thomas Splan 
Griffin ............ 8tanstead ...... Q Joshna Little 
Griffin's Corners.... ElgiD. E R... ...... 0 Jacob A. Griffin 
Griffin Cove............ Gaspé ............... Q Peter Maloln 
Griffith.......... ...... Renfrew. SR...... 0 Thoma
.(}rimsby............... Wentworth. S R. 0 H. E. Nelles 
Grimsby Park .... ''' 1 Wentworth. 8 R. 0 Noah Phelps 
Grimston .. ............ Grey. N R...... O l D. Gillespie 
Grindstone Island... Gaspé ............... Q W. U. Leslie 
Griswold 8tatlon .... I Selkirk ............ M I George Lindsay 
Grondlnes ...... ...... Portneuf ......... Q F. X. Thibodeau 
Grosses Coques ...... Digby. ............N 8 F. X. Vantour 
Grossel! Roches.... .!Rimouski.......... Q Joseph Ross 
Grosvenor ............ Guysboro' ...... N S Samuel O'Neil 
Grove!!end ......... ... , Elgin, E R......... 0 W. E. Godfrey 
Iills...... ...... Bothwell .......... 0 Alonzo Ruble 
Groves Point ......... Cape Breton ... N 8 Chas. Cordiner 
Groveton .... .... . .. ,GrelJvill
, 8 R ... 0 Jas. McAuley 
Grund..... ....... . [8elkirk ........ M 8 Christophersou 
Guegueu ............... Kent.......... ...N B M. Gueguen 
.Gtulph ............... 1 Wellington, 8 R.O DaTld Stirton 
Guigues ............... Ottawa ............ Q 
I. BrazellU 
Guilds .................. Kent ............... 0 J. Guild 
Gulf Shore ............ ' I Cumberland ...N 8 W. Waugh 
Gull Cove ............. CIIpe Breton... N 8 Alex. Hardy 
Gull Creek ........ Addington...... 0 J. H Jones 
GunningCove ......:8helburne ......N 8 John Doane 
Gunter............ Haøtlngs. N R.... 0 Jno. H. Gunter 
Guthrie ............... 8imcoe. E R....... 0 D. Livingstone 
Guysborough ......... Norfolk, N R...... 0 John W. Doyle 
Guysborrmgh ......... Guysboro' ......N 8 W. G. Hadley 
Guysboro'lntervale. Guysboro' ......N 8 Robert McKay 
Iines .... Haldimand......O C. Watton 
Hackett's Cove ...... Halifax ......... N 8 E. Grono 
Hadlow Cove ......... Levis. ............... Q James Gibson 
 ......... Haldimand ......0 Charlel! Hager 
erman's Corners York, E R ...... ..0 W. )Iilllken 
HlllnsvUle ............ Dundas ..._........ 0 J\Irs. E. 8. Dillon 
Hainsville ............ Digby............ N 8 W. H. Hains 
Halcro .................. ............. 8a!!k \Vm. Gerrond 
Haley Station ....... Renfrew, N R. . . 0 Dudley nIwre 
Halcomb ............. Northumberl'dN B Wm Hamilton 
Haldane Hill ......... 'Iuskoka.t P S'd. 0 Goo. C. Betts 
Half1sland Cove ... Guysboro' ...... 
 8 1 JOhn Dlggden 
HlIlfway Cove......... Guysboro' ...... N 8 John Jamieson 
Halfway Brook ...... , Colchester ......N 8 Wm. Fisher 
Halfway River....... Cumberland ...N 8 John Davison 
Halfway River 8t.... l cumberland ....N S I JOhn Davison 
.Haliburtcm . ......... Peterboro'. E R. 0 Johu F. Young 
Halifax ............... Halifax .........N 
 H. W. B1ackadar 
Hallerton............... Huntingdon ...... Q I E. T. Kenney 
lIalloway............... I Hastings. E R ... 0 :\Irs. lit. A. Clark 
Hallowell Grant...... Antlgonishe... N 8 Hugh Dnnn 
Hall's Bridge ......... Peterboro', W R, O I S. Purser 
Hall's Glen ............ Peterboro', E R, 0 John J. Clowe 
Hall's Harbour ......I King's ............N S .John :Neville 
Hall's Mills........ Lanark, N R.... O'Davld Barr 

Hall's Prairie ...... N.Westminster,BC tî"'W-:-Br
lIall's Stream......... Compton ........... Q E. Bean 
Hallville .............. I Dundas ............ 0 Joseph Wal]ace 
Hfllston -.......... Hasting!!. E R ... 0 James Boyd 
Halverson ............ Pontiac ............ Q Jumes1Uoore 
*HamiltO'Tl ............ Hsmilton ......... 0 H.
. Case 



.::.::.: I 


p' Ë 


Hamilton Mountain Que<,n'(I ..... N B Erwin Haxrlton 
Hamiota. . . . .. .. .. . 1 \larquette. . . .. . 1\1 Oeo. Elliott 
Hommond ............ Perth. N R......... 0 W. D. Gray 
Hammondvale ...... King's............N B W. Fowler 
Hampshire l\Iille.... 8imcoE', E R ...... 0 '". H. Leef 
Hampl'tead ............ I Oxford. N R. ...... 0 G. J. 8tuprk 
Bampstead ............ Queen's .........;,1/ B I. 8. Van Wort 
lIamPden............... , Gre y . 8 R. ......... O i llem y Byer 
Hampton............... Durham, W R ... 0 H. Elliott 
Hampton ............ ' Queen's ......P E I B. W. Cameron 
Hamptøn ............... King's ......... ...N B W.J.Flewwellinj! 
lIamtown ............ York ............N B I Henr y Bird 
HalJlan.................. Pee!.................. 0 G. W. Johnston 
R .. anlan........... . \ Lisgar ......... .M I James 
Hannon ............... Wentworth. 8 R. 0 
rs. T. Cowie 

 Ha'TW'l:er ............. Grey. 8 R. ......... 0 1 T. 8. Coppinger 
Hansford............... I Cumberland ...N 8 A. D. Lockhart 
* HanUpOTt ............ 'Hants ............N !!II \liss A. 
1. Shaw 
Hanwell ............... York ............N B 1 wm. Legher 
Harbour au Bouche. Antigonishe ...N 8 Edward Corbett 
Harbour Road ...... Antigonlshe ...N!!I Alex. Mcbaac 
Harbonrville ........ King's ............N 8 D. B. Parker 
Harconrt ......... ...... Renfrew, 8 R ... () I W. N. Hutton 
Hardinge............... Addington......... 0 Thomas Tapping 
Hardlngvllle.......... St. John .........N B V. Harding 
lIardwicke ............ Northumb.......N B , RObert Noble 
Hardwood Flat ...... Compton ........ Q Seth W. Tracy 
Hardwood Lands ... Hants ............N 8 
r8. J. Grant 
Harewood .' . . . . . .. Westmoreland,N B C. Ermine Ryder 
1Iltrkaway ............IGrey. E R ......... 0 Jaø. Logan 
Harlem ............... L8eds.8 R......... 0 Wm. Gorman 
Harley ..................IOxford, 8 R..... 0 }'. T. Cox 
Harley Road ......... Queen's......... N B J. D. Brown 
Harlock ................ Huron, 8 R ...... 0 Thomas Neilan!! 
Harlowe ............ ... 1 Addington......... 0 1 A. M. CIIn pbell 
Harmony...... ......... King's............ N 8 Austin 8pinney 
Harmony............... Oxford. N R ...... 0 Mrs. Eo Powell 
Harmony Mills ...... Queen's ......... N 8 Nath. 8mith 
Harold ........... Hastings. N R... 0 Ssm'l Bailey 
Harper ............ ...... Lanark, 8 R ...... 0 Joseph Warren 
Harpley ............... Middlesex. N R... 0 T. N. Hayter 
Harnetsville ......... 
1iddlesex, E R... 0 8amuel Adams 
Harrigan Cove ...... Halifax .........N 8 Fenwick Fraser 
Harrington. Eaøt ''' 1 Argenteuil ...... Q D. B. Campbell 
Harrington, West... Oxford, N R ...... 0 Mrs. Mary White 
Harrisbnrg ............ Brant. N R ...... 0 James Galloway 
Harrison's Corners. Cornwall ......... 0 Cath. Macdonald 
Harrison River ...... N.Westmlnster B CIJohn Barker 
Harril!on Settlement Cumberland... N 8 Wm. Harrison 
.BaTTiston ... ........ Wellinl!:ton, N R, 0 A. l\Iacready 
Harrow............... i':s8ex. 8 R......... 0 John McAfee 
Harrowsmith ......... Addington......... 0 8. F.8tewart 
Hartfell ............... Muskoka.t P 8d. 0 John Duke 
Hartford ............... Norfolk, N R...... 0 B. W Thomas 
Hartford ............... Cumberland ...N 8 John CI'8wford 
Hartford ............... Carleton .........N B A. F. Lockhart 
Hartington ............ Addington......... 0 Wm. Patt..rsolJ 
Hartland............... Carlpton......... N B 8. H. 8haw 
Hartley...... ......... Victoria. N R ... 0 John Baril er 
Hartney.... ............ 8elkirk. ......... ...M J. n. Hartney 
Hartsmere ........ Addln
ton ...... 0 , Wm. Bramner 
Hartsville ............ Queen's ......P E J Neil McKay 
Harty's 8tatlon ...... Renfrew. 8 R .... 0 1 Tholl. Culhane 
Harvey.................. Albert............
 B J. M. 8tevt'n
Harvey Bank ........ Albert ......... N BI Lam. F. West 
Harvey Stalicm ...... York ............N B D. Glendinning 
rTarwich ............... f Kent ............... O,Goorge E. Booth 
Harwood ............ ... 1 
 orthum b'd, WR, 0 ' W. Drope 
Haseville.. ............ J\I.issisquol......... QIThomas Hase 
Hassett. .. .. .. .. ... Digby............ N 8 i Byron Hw,sett 
"Bastings ............ Northumb'd.E R. 0 Henry 
1. Fouldll 
Haøtings ............... Cnmberland ...N 8.James 80y 
Hastings ............... Albert ...... ... ...N B J. E. McQuaid 
Hatrhlpy 8tatlon .. Oxford, 8 R..... 0: B. Powell 
Hatfield Point .......IKlng's .......... N B I F. D. Ganong 
Hatley.................. Stanstead ......... Q J. B. J.eBaron 
Hathaway........ I;mtiac ........ Q Wm.Cosgrove 
Hllult.ain ... ...... ...... Pete.boro', E R... 0 Clark 8tone 
HAvelock ...............1 Pe
el'boro', E R... 0 A. V. Fuller 


[ 1888. 



 DlSTRlC !'1 
Havelock ............... Digby ............N S,J. G Nowlan 
Havergal............... Hastings, N R... O,John Bremner 
Haviland. ........ . 1 8elkirk ............ M John Nelin 
.HawktSbury......... Prescott............ O j J. G. Hig
Hawkestone ......... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Thos. Liuton 
HawktSViUe............ Waterloo, N R... 0 1 1 Roht. 
Hawley............... Lennox ............ 0 John Hilditch 
Hawthorne............ Russell ............ OIA. F. Graham 
Hawtrey............... Oxford, 8 R. ...... O I C. J. Treffrey 
Hay..................... l\liddlesex, K R. 0 Abel Walper 
Hay Bay............... Leunox ............ OIN. Woodcock 
Hayburn . ............ Lennox............. 0 W. H. Rirkely 
Hay Cove............... Richmond...... N S 1\1. .1. McDonald 
Haydou ............... Durham, \\T R... O'Wm. Broad 
Hayesland ............ Wentworth,N R. 0 'Ikhael Hayes 
Ha)'fieJ d. . . .. .. .... 8el kirk. .. .. . .. 1\1 L. P. Bobier 
Hay's River............ Inverness ......N S'Rod. l\lcD:>ugall 
HaysviIle............... Waterloo, SR.... 01R. Puddicombe 
Hayward.......... ............. As
a H. H. Ha,ward 
Hazeldesn ............ Carleton............ 0 Adam Abbott 
Hazel Green ........ King's.. ...... P E I,Joseph Hayley 
Hazel Grove ......... QueelJ's . ......P E I,J. E. Bagnall 
HazellIiII.... ......... Huysboro'... ..K 8 8..s. Dickin"on 
Hazelwold. ............ 8elKir k . .. .. ... 
I J. n. Cleveland 
Headford ............... York. E R......... O,Jl\mes WeIman 
Headingly ...... ...... Li
l!:ar..... .........MI F. II Franeis 
Hearl Lake ............ Victoria. N R ....0 W. A. Maxwell 
Head of Amh
rst ... I 'C

rland '" N 8, F. Bt'!harrel 
Head of Cardigan ..: KIng 8. . . .. . P E I, M. :\IcAulay 
Head of Cbezzetcook Halifax......... N 8 Samuel Braden 
Head of HiIIsboro' ... I King's......... P E II D.O. Coffin 
Head Ind.IIar.Lake. Guysborough...N SjJohn IIallett 
Head of Jeddore ..., Halifax. ...... _N 8 A. A. Oay 
Head of Jordan River'8helburne ......N 8 H. H, Harlow 
Head oOlillstreKm. King.s....... N B,J. A. 8check 
H. of River Hebert. Cumberland... K 8'Ben. F. Yuung 
R8t. 'Iargaret's Bay Halifax .........N S G. Dauphinee 
Head 8t. Peter's Bay I King's .........P E I ^n!ru
H. South River Lake Antij!;onishe ...N S I Donald McNeil 
H. Tatamsgouche B. Colchester ......N S Wm. Dobson 
Head of.fide.......... Restigouche ...N B:James Gillie!! 
Helld of Wallace Bay , Cumberland ...N 8 'Caroline A. Peer8 
H.WallaceB.(N.8ide)'Cumberland ...N 8'Geo. Brown 
Heaslip. . . .. .. .. ... Selkirk........ lit: 8. A. Heaslip 
Heathbell ......... Pictou....... N 8 A. Fraser 
Heather ................ Lambton, E R ... 0 D. Mcintyre 
Heatherton ......... Antig(.nishe ...N 8 A. Fraser 
Heatheote ............ Grey, E R ......... O I ThomaR J. Rork. 
Ho>athton............... 8taustea1 ......... Q Wm. W. Heath 
Hebb's Cross ......... Lunenburg.... N SjJ!,s. E. Hebb 
Hebron...... ...... ......' Albert............N B 1'ìiormßn Copp 
Hebron............... ... I Yarmouth ...... N 8' C. Cohan 
Heckston... ...........ïGrenville, N R... O I HUgh IIugheli 
Hedgeville ............ Pictou........ N 8 Hugh Holmeø 
Hedleyville ... ......... Quebec.... ......... Q I J. de Blois 
Hednl'!'ford............ ....... ... . Assa Thos. Barton 
Heldelburg............ Waterloo. N R... 0 Adam Steiss 
Helena .................. Huntingdon ...... Q ,J. McGibbon 
Hemford ............... Lunenbllrg......IS 8 Wm. l\lailman 
Hemisofl ............... Dorche!!ter......... Q Thos. Smith,jun 
Hemlock. .. .. .. ... Norfolk, 8 R. . .. 0 W. II. Johnstone 
R"-mmiTlgford......... Huntingdon ...... Q!John 1\lcFee 
Henderson 8ettlem't, Queen's ......... N B:John HUI1;
Henderson8ettJem't Cumberland... N 8 J.1\I. Hender80n 
Henesy........... . 1 POntiac......... Q:J. Lafreniere 
Henfryn ............... Huron. E R....... 0 A. J. 8elwood 
Hennigar............... Hantll............ N 8 w. Heunigar 
Henry.................. Preseott ............ 0 H. Cross 
Henrysbnrg ......... 8t. John's ......... Q Wm. Cockerline 
H"-nrymlle ............ l lberville............ Q F. Lafond 
Hp-nsall.................. Huron, SR...... 0 J. 8utherland 
Hepworth ............/Grey, N R ......... 0, Robt'rt RUllsell 
Herdman... ......... '" : Huntingdon ...... Q W. Anderson 
Hereford ............... Compton ......... Q :\lrs.M. WorkmaD 
HereWBrd ............ i Wellington. C R, O,George Brown 
Hermon ............... Hasting!'. N R... 0 Wm. Mdlaun 
Hermsnville.. . .. . Kinl/:'II...... PEl H. McDonald 
Hernefield.. ... .. .. St'lkirk........ 1\1 A. E. ThompRon 
Heron Island ......... Re!itigouche ...N Bi Georjte Dntch 
Herrlnu; Cove ......... Halifax. .........N 8 John ReJ'no 
kr............... Waterloo. 8 R.... O!Geo. E. ChapmaD 
He!'son............ Perth. N R ....... 0 W. F. Mack 
Hewitt. . .., .... . .. Monck......... HI J B. Hewitt 
Heyworth ............. Ottawa ............ QIJames Walker 
Hiawatha ............ Pflterboro', E R, 0 Wm. Troop 
Hibernia ............... Queen's ......... N BI David Gardiner 
Hickson...... ..... Oxford. N R ...... 01 Levi Elsley 

Higgin's Road --== Prince-: .:: .....P E- 1 D. A. Morrison - 
High Bank ....... .... King's......... PEl D. Livingstone 
High Bluff ............ Marquette. ...... 1\1 J. A. Drumn.ond 
HiglJbury ............ King's............ N 8 N. E. BiJ;hop 
High Falls ............ Renfrew. 8 R .... OIMrs.lII. Dillon 
IIightield......... ... ... York, W R... ...... 0' J. Brooks 
Hightleld......... ...... Hants... ... ......N iii Mr8. !\I. Burges8 
Highgat.e ............... Elgin, W R....... 0: E. T. Beattie 
Highland Oruk ...... York,}
 R......... 0 James Duucan 
Highlsnd Village ... COlchester...... N 8 D. Geddes 
Highlands ............ Carleton ....... N B J. McFarland 
Hil!:h River........ , ............. AltaIW.E. Holmes 
High Rock.......... Ottawa.......... Q'C.Lapointe 
Hillandale ........ Victoria......... N B I Lewis Pickett 
Hillburn . ..... ... . , ............. Assai W. T. Hill 
Hill Farm.......... .............. Assa Wm. 8tarling 
Hill IIead .... ......... Argenteuil ....... Q: Thoml\.ll Pollock 
HilIhnrst......... . I Compton ....... Q' Edward Lang 
Hillier .................. Prince Edward... Ollt. Noxon 
IUHman... _...... . \ '1<.:88eX, 8 R .' .. 0 1 Robert Manery 
lIil1sborough ......... Lambton, W R... O,Charies Hill 
Hillsborough ......... Inverness .....N S!J. M. l\IcNeil 
HilJ.'Ibor01l{Jh ......... Albert...... ......N B I R. E. 8teeves 
HiUsburglt ............ iWellington, 8 R, OJ Wm. Donaldson 

:.::.::.::.::.: I

. :.:.N 


Hillsdale ...............: King's............ N B I Mrs. J. B. Hicks 
Hill's Green ...... ". 1 ' Huron, 8 R ...... 0 Chas. Troyer 
Hillside ............... Cape Breton ... N 81 W. D. Hill 
Hillside ...............1 Albert............N Bi P Collicutt 
HiIlsvale . .. .. . ...... " Hants. . . .. .... N SHy. Canavan 
Hillview ........... Selkirk........ M' Wm. Rothwell 
Hilly Grove............ Algoma ............ OIJ Rutledge 
Hilton .................. Northumb'd,E R, OIW, J. McAulay 
Hinch ... ...... .........1 Atjdington... ...... 0 ,l\1rs. M. HIuch 
ntolJ burg...... ...... 1 Carleton...... ...... 0 A. Wilson 
HIram .................. Albert .........N. B1John Lauder 
Ho..rd's 8tation ... . I Korthumb'd,E R,O :\.Irs.J.E. Donald 
HORSic .................. Ðunda". ............ 0 '\tm. Lepoint 
Hoath Head...... . I Grey, K R...... 01 Michael Dealy 
Hobart .................. Simcoe. E R .... 0 K. Kennedv 
.Hochelaga ............; Hochelagß......... QjJames H. :Brown 
Hochstadt ...... ...... : Provencher....... M Peter Loewin 
IIockley ............... i C
rdwell .... ...... 0 i John Hackett 
Hod80n . ...............1 PIctoU............ N 8 i Wm.Henry 
IIolbrook...............IOxford, 8 R....... 0 Wm. Fleming 
Holderville ............: King's ......... N B I T. 8'. Cra)w!ord 
Holland Centre.. "IGrey, N R...... 0 Carson I rIce 
1I0lland Harbour ...iGuysboro ......N 8 Gidpon Flick 
Holland Landing ... I York, N R......... OiW, H. Thorne 
1I0lland . ...... ......... Marquette. ...... M A. C. Hollaud 
Holland's 11ills .... Ottawa......... Q: A. Holland 
Hollbroke . ............ ...... ...... ....... AItaiJ. E. Aylwin 
Hollen ... ............ ... , Wellington, N R, 0 IT. Thompson 
Holly................... 8imcoe. 8 R....... O,E. G. Andrews 
Holly Park......... ... York, N R ......... 0 1M. J. O'Neill 
Holmes' .Mills......... I Qupen'8 .... ...P E J , M. McLeod 
... ......I Carletou ... ......N B: B. Mc Vane 


 sïi".:::::. rg:I

Holstein ............... / ' Grey, 8 R. ......... 0, N. D. Mc.Kenzie 
Holt ..................... York, N R......... O'John QUI bell 
Holton .................. Chateauguay .... Q, William Hope 
Holyrood ............... Bruce, W R........ 0, A. T. Campbell 
Homer .................. Lincoln ............ 0 Peter A.Cavers 
Honeywood............ 8imcoe.8 R ...... 0' George Lawrence 
Hoodstown ............ Mnskoka.t P 8'd. 0 E, G. HilIditch 
Hope... .................. Yale... ............ B C 1 James Wardle 
Hope Bay. ............ Bruce, N R ....0 J. Muirhead 
Hopefield. . . .. .. .. . i Renfrew, 8 R .... 0 I Martin Daly 
Hopefield............... I 'King's ..... PEl A.McPhee 
Hope NellR ........ Bruce. N R. ...... 0 Joseph Waugh 
Hope River............!Queen's ...... PEl Felix Murphy 
Hopetown ............1 Bonaventure...... Q I Donald ROIls 
Hopetown ............1 Lanark, N R...... 0 John White,jun. 
Hopeville............... I Gre y . E R ......... 0 I. W.lIIcArdle 
Hopewell............... Albert............N B James Wright 
HnpeweU ............... Picton ............N 8 John Gnnn 
U O:lpe ...... 1 Albert............N B R. Chester Peck 
Hnpewell HiU ....... Albert............N B Chas. L. Peck 
Hopper ............... Albert............N B W. 8. Hor>per 
Hornby............... Halton ............ 0 John McMillan 
lIorncsstle ........ Victoria, N. R.... 0 GeorK6 8harp 
Hnrning'. Mills ...... Grey. E R.......... 0 Jno. F. Matthews 
Hornsey ............... Cumberland ...N 8 George Reeve 
Horn'!! Road ......... Cape Breton.. IS 8 If. Horn 
Horton Landlng......i King's. .... ... N 8 Fred. G. Curry 




Hotspur -= .-=::=:. Peterboro'; E R . 0 Thomas Clark I ron 0 " -:-::.=:-:-:-: : Pictou. ..-:- :::-.N8 Jas. McDonald 
Houghton ............ Norfolk, 8 R...... 0 George Bundy Ironside... ........... Ottawa ............ Q Henry J. Cole 
House Harbour ...... Gaspé ............... Q P. L. JonC3s .lroqullis ...............' Dundas ............ 0 Adam HarknesS 
Housey's Rapids ... Ontario. N R...... 0 P. J. Brace Irvine .................. " !'.Iegantic ... ...... Q H. Wark 
Howe Island ......... Frontenac... ...... 0 James O'Brien [rviug 8ettlement... Albert............N B Wm. E. Bishop 
EIowick ............... Chatesuguay ... Q Thomas Gebbie Irwin. . . . .. .. . . ... Kent .......... 0 Thos. Irwin 
Hoyt Station ......... 8uubury....... :x B Abner Mersirean Isaac's HaToouT...... 'Guysboro' ...... N 8 A. !'.Idlillan,jr. 
Hubbard's C\:J1I'- ...... Halifax .........N SA. W. 8hattord IRaac's Rarbour(e.s.)'Guysboro' ...... N 88. R. Giffin 
Hudson ............... Vaudreuil......... Q Albert Vipond Island Brook ......... Compton ......... Q R. H. Wilford 
Huestis Landing.... Queen's...... K B Isaac Clark [slay...... .............. Victoria, N R .... 0 Edward Wilson 
-Hull ...._............. Ottawa ............ Q Jas. H. Kerr Isleaux Coudres ... Chsrlevoi1......... Q Mrs. :\I. Degagné 
Humber ............... York, W. R....... 0 J. Robinson IsleauxGrues , ...... 1\Iontmagny ...... Q Louis Lavoie 
Humber Bay....... York, W R ......0 M. L. Carlisle Isle Bizard ............ Jacques Cl\rtier QI E. Roussin 
.Hum.berstmu. ..... Welland............ 0 .James O. Rose Isle Dnpas ............ Berthier... ......... Q I Rev. V. I'lingnet 
Hun's Valley... ...... ,!'.larquette...... ... M :\1. Ruby hIe Perrot ... ......... Vaudreuil......... Q .Julien Monpetit 
Hunter's Home ...... Qneen's .........N B Wm. Cole Isle Perrot, North... Vaudreull ...... QIJ Lednc 
Hnnter's :\lountain. Victoria......... N 8 John Hunter Isle Vel.te......... .ITemillcouata...... QI Louis A.Bertrand 
H H !l u n n te te r' r' s s R P l .o v i e n r t . . . . . .. . . . . . Q Po ue n e t n i
 s O . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. p ". E Q I ' A Pe ' t H er an i\l s C e G n r u th Islington ...... ...... ... York. W R... ...... 0 I Thom88 Musl'on 
 Ivan ..................... Middlesex, 8 R... 0 N. A. Graham 
U'lDterstown ......... :\Iaskinongé ...... Q John McGuire [vanhoe ............... Hastings, 8 R... 0 1 \fm. B. Tanner 
-Huntingdon ......... Huntingdon...... QIChas. Marshall !ves .............. Wolfe............... Q John :\olcKay 
Huntingfield . ..... " Huron, E R .... 0 John Gordon Ivy..................... I Simcoe, 8 It .... 0 Alex. Brown 
Huntington ....oo. Cape Breton ... K 8 X. 
IcUonald Ivy Lf\a ........... Leeds. 8 R . ...... 0 I John Ivey 
Huntingvllie .........I 8herbrooke ...... Q .J. W. Gamsby Jackfish Bay ...... Algoma ............ 0 John G. Ulloch 
Huntley ..............., Lanark, N R...... 0 W. t'. Fenton Jackson ............... 'Cumberland.. N S I Wm. Jllckson 
Hunt's Point ......... Queen's ......... N 8 :'IIat. 
IcKenne Jackson ............... ,Grey, N R...... . 0 Thos. Harness 
· Hunls11ilh ............ :\Iuskoka &; P S'd. 0 James F. Hanes Jackson Road......... ,King's. . . .. .. K 81 Asaph Robinson 
Hurdville ............ Muskoka &; P 8'd. 0 John Sirr Jacksontown ........ I Carleton. . . .. N B 18. Everett 
Hurdman's Bridge. Ru8sell.......... OI1\I1"s. J. Cassidy JacTcsontJilk............ Carleton ....... N B,Jl\s. Simonson 
Huston.................. Wellington, CR. 0: David Callaway Jacksonville....... 'Cape Breton.. N S Jno. B. Jackson 
Hhtchinson 8ettle't. Halifax .........N 8 S. Hutchinson JacquetRiver......... Restigouche... N BILouis Julien 
Huttonsville ......... Peel.................. 0 Jas. P. Uutton Jaffe. ................. Eigin, E R..... . 0 1 Wm. J.Oøtrander 
Hybla ... ............... Hastings, N. R... 0 G. A. Bartlett James River....... Antigonishe...N S John Chisholm 
Hyde Park Corner... Middlesex,E R... 0 1 8. McNames James River8tation' Antigonishe....N 8 I Jas. McDonald 
Hyndman. . . ... ... Grenville.......... 0 J. HyndIwm .Jamestown . .. .. ... lluron, E R..... 0 Edward Snell 
Icelandic River...... Lisgar ...... ...... M G. Eyolfsson Jamesville ...... ...... I Victoria .........N 8 1 J. C. Macdonald 
Ida ..................... Durham. E R ... 0 Wm. H. Lough Jamieson..........1 Lanark. ............ 0 John Spiers 
Ida .....................IQueen's... ...... N B W. F. Keirstead JanetTille..... ...../ Durham, E R..... 0 John Burn 
h;nace ............1 ............ 0 W. H. Cobb Jeneville ... .. ...... Gloucester.... K B, Robert C. Caie 
I1iracombe ............ Muskoka &; P 8'd. 0 Ed. Malkin Jarlsberg .........' l\luskoka.t P 8d. 0 1 M. Johnson 
[llerton ............... Middlesex, E R.. 0 Robt. Little Jarrett's Corners.. .18imcoe, E R ......0 Isaac Orsen 
Illicillewaet........... Yale-Kootenay. B C W. J. Atherton Jarvil .................., Haldimand ...... 0 Mrs. Urania 8ill 
Imlah .................. King's ......... N B Lemuel Gillies Jasper ..................iGrenyille. N R... O,Chris. Richard 
IDChby. .... .. .. ... Queen's...... N B N. Inch Jauvrin's Harbour.. Richmond.....N 8 Al.x. George 
Indian Brook .........1 Victoria ......... N S D.1\IcLennan Jeddore Oyster Pd's J Halifax. .. .... N 8 ' D Mitchell 
In lian Ford. ......... 
Iarquette. ...... l\1 HerbertSturton JefferilOn..... ....... York. W R... .... 0 W. J. Ga Ie 
Inlian Harbour......' Halifax .........N S,Jas. E. Stratford Jeffry. .................. King's ..........N B'J. D. Jeffries 
Indian Head ..... .1............. ... Assai Robt. Crawford Jemseg.................., Queen's .........N B N. B. Cottle 
InJian Island......... Charlotte ......N B
Miss C. F. Dixon Jenkins ............... Queen's .........N E D. Patterson 
indian Mountain ...IWestmoreland,N B18. Somers Jericho.......... . Lambton, E R.... 0 R. Campbell 
 P?int ......... Lunenbu
g......N 8 1 James !'.
oser Jermyn ................ Peterboro'.......... OIA. C. Brown 
In.l18n River .........1 Peterboro, E R. 0' M. Guenn Jersey Mills.. .... Beauce ............ Q I Michael Cahill 
Indian River ......... Prince......... P E IIJ. A. McLellan Jeulayville ............ Brant, N R. .......01 A. Hendershot 
*lndian Town......... 8t. John.........N B Wm. G. Brown .Je88opville ............ Grey. 8 R.......... 0 William Gray 
.Ingf:l"soll............... Oxford, S R ...... OIJoseph Gibson Jewett's Mills...... York ............ N B I Ira M. Burtt 
Inglewood ............. Cardwell..... ... OIJ. Graham Jocelyn ...,...... Algoma ........ 0 C. Young 
Inglitlville ............ Annapolis.... N S,James BellIs Jock Vale............... Carleton............ 0' Lewis Cayls 
Ingoldsby ............ Victoria, N R.... O:John W. Hunt Joggin Bridge.. ..' Digby........ N S Wm. H. Randall 
Ingonish ......... ...... Victoria......... N 8 I J. W. Burke JOKgin Mines......... Cumberland ...N S A. E. MalonsoD 



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Ini;jtioge ............... Grey, E R ......... OiR. ArmstlOng Johnson's Croft...... Kinlls............ N B I F. Johnson 
Inkerman ...oo..... Dundaø ............ OIAlva CorriWID Johnson's Landing. N. Westminster BC R- C. Garner 
Inkerman ............ G1oucester.......N B, Mrs. R(,bichaud Johnson's MUls ...... Huron. S Po. ...... 0 David Spencer 
I7!mTkip ... ......... ".1 Oxford, N R ...... 0 Il\liss 8arah Begg J J O o h hn n s so to n n '
 s M R il i l v S e . r " . .. . . Q W u 88 ee t n n: s orl . a .. n . d .. . p . N E B I I G M . . S B ' r M az c e F l adden 
Innisfil......... ......... Slml'oe. 8 R ...... 0 i George Barclay 
Innisville............... I,anark, SR...... O / D. J. Ennis Johnston............... Queen's .........N B18. C. Perry 
Internat'nal Bridge Weiland............ 0 Georl!;e Graham Johnvllle............... Compton ......... Q Chaø. 8mith 
Intervale ............. Westmorelanl,N B H. Horseman Johnville ............ Carleton .........N B I John Boyd 
Inverary ............... Froutel.lac ......... OIK. Cover ley Jolicure ............... Wetltmoreland,NB A. C. Brownell 
[nverhaugh ......... WelIington.C R. 0: Richard Avisll .JolidU ............... Joliette ............ Q,J. J. 8hepp"rd 
Inverhuron............ ,Bruce, W R ....... O! Daniel :\Iuhm Joly................... Provencher ....... M, AU. Lasalle 
In vermay ............... I ' Bruce, 
 R ...... 01 A. Neelands Jones Falls............ Leeds, S R......... O'Thomas Kenny 
rnus ............. Megantlc ......... Q J. E. George Jonqulères ............ C
icoutimi ...... QIO. Br&ll88rd 
Inverne88 ............,Prince......... P E II Luke Hughes Jqrdan.................. Lmcoln ............ O,Clark Snure 
Inwood.................. Lambton. E R.... 0 .J. M. Courtri
ht Jordan Bay............ Shelhurne ......N 8jJohn Downie 
Iqrza ..................... Elgin, W R ...... OJ Edmund Roche Jordau Bay (e. II.)... 8hellmrne ....N 81 M. D. 
IQna 8talion ......... Elgin, W R ......0 Wm. tIenderson Jordan Mountain... King.s............N B A. F. Marr 
'1rens.....................'Dundas............. O I 
Irs. S. !'.Iunroe JOI'dan 8tation "..'. 1 Lincoln ............ 0 David G. Smith 
ton ............ yarmouth...... K S Ira P(,rter Josephine ............. Simcoe, N.R..... 0 Joseph Budd 
Iri;jh Cove ............ Cape Breton ...N 8 
1. E. !\IcXeil Josephsburg ......... Waterloo, 8 R ... 0 Jos. Schwartz 
Iri5 . ..................... Simcoe. N R ...... 0 , ' John Campbell .Joynt -.........., Ottawa ....... Q Robert Joynt 
Iri" ..............._..... Queeu's ...... PEl Anltus Beaton Ju'ldhaven ............ '8imcoe, E R....... 0 Franci.. E. Judd 
Il'lshtown ............ Westmoreland,N ll l JOhn Larracey Judique ............... Inverness ......N 8 D. McDonald 
Iron D
le. . . .. .. ... Victoria, N R. . . . 0 Peter Barr J uoiper Moun' . ... (}ape Breton.. N 8 George McKay 
011'0::1 Hill ............... Brome ............ Q Mrs. McCrumb Jura ..................... Lambton, E R.... 0 Jas. 
Iron Mines........ Inverness..... N S D. Campbell Juvenile 8ettlement ,l3unbury ...... N B, Arthur Graham 




Kagawong :=:=. A. lg
ma .
=.::o Johu Ura Y- K!lmanagh .-==== \ p eel...... ==:::O Mrs. M.. Graham 
Kaladar .......... ..... AddIngton......... 0 A. A. Dunham Kllmarnock. . . ... Lanark. 8 R. . .. 0 Jas. MaItland, sr 
Kaml.oops ........ .. yale............... Be Albert J. Venn Kilmartin ............ Middlesex, W R.. 0 D. McIntyrf' 
Kamouraska ......... Kamou..sska...... Q L. 8troppiana Kilmaurs........
...... I Carleton............ 0 MI'8. M. Munroe 

ars ..................... C
on............ 0 C. G. Lindsay Kilsyth ............... Grey,.N R .........0 James Fleming 
Kars ........;............ Kmg s............N B Mrs.D.M.Worden Kllworthy ......... OntarIo, N R ... 0 G. A. Lehmann 
Kstepwe ............ .. .................. Assa W. F. Johm.on Kimball ...............,Lambton. W R... 0 James Kimball 
Katevale ............... 8tanste"d .........Q H.Courtemanche Kimberl
y ............ O.ey, E R ......... 0 :\1. Hammond 
Katrine ............... j lUUSkOka & P 8'd. 0 Ridley Appleby Kinbrae. . . .. ...,. ............ ....... Assa W.H.Minhinnick 
Kazubazua ............ Ottawa ............ Q Mrs.M Pritchard Kinburn ............... Lanark, N R..... 0 H. J. Hunl 
Kay Settlement. . . . I Westmoreland, N B 8010mon 8mith * Kincardine ......... Bruce, W R........ 0 M. McKendrick 
Keady .................. \ Gre y , N R .........0 J. H. Mcinnes Kincardine ............ Victoria......... N B David Burns 
Kearney............... Muskoka & P 8'd. 0 A. J. O'Neil Kin!}............... ..... York, N R......... 0 James C. 8tokes 
Keating's............... King's............N B Thos. :\lcGovern Kíngarf ................ B.uce, W R ...... 0 Ben. Moulton 
Keats ................. Westmoreland N B R. F. Keith KingsborouKh ...... Kiug's...... PEl J. G. McLeod 
Keenansville ......... Cardwell ......... 0 G. P. Hughes King Creek ............ York, N R......... 0 Wm. Humphrey 
*Kune .................. Peterboro', E R, 0 W. Campbell Kingairth ......... York ............ N B John McKean 
Keewatin Mills...... Algoma............ 0 John Mather Kinglake.......... Norfolk,S R.... 0 Henry Walmsley 
Keith ... ... ..... Bothwell........ 0 Robert KUlins Kingross . . '" . .... Inverness...... N 8 Archibald Ross 
Keith. ..... ........... King's... ........N B B A. Keith Kingsbridge ......... Huron, W R...... 0 Mrs. B. L. Egan 
Keith ............ Compton ...... Q 1\1. McLeay Kingllbury ............ Richmond ......... QIL. L. Vallee 
Keithley Creek..... Cariboo... ..... B C U. A. Veith Kingsbury............ Lnnenburg...... N 8, Edw. Mosman 
Keldon................. Grey, E. R..........O Wm. Bryon Kingsclear ............ York ............N B G. A. Hammond 
Kelloe 8tation ...... I \Iarquette ....... M Jas. Higham Kin
scote .. .. . . ... Grey, E. R. .... . 0 1 JamB!! Phelan 
KeUs. .... .. .. ... . MusKoka & P lid. 0 H. Anderson Kingscourt . .. .. ... Lambton, E R ... f) John Pelky 
Kelly's Cross ...... .,. Queen's ...... P I<J I John Kelly Kingscroft ........ 8tanstead ...... Q I G. M. Hunt 
Kelly's Cove ......... Yarmouth ...... N 8 Miss H. Osborne Kingsey ............... Drummond ...... Q Geo. A. Evans 
KelEio . . .... .. '. ... Huntingdon...... I.l Peter:\IacFarlaDt * KinQsey Falls..... Drummond ...... Q Robert Leith 
Kelso. .................. Halton. ............0 A. Alexander Kingsford. ....... Hastings, E R ... 0 J. B. Gordon 
Kelvin .................. Norfolk, N R...... 0 R. J. Hl\rrison Kingsley............... Selkirk ............ M I James Keating 
Kemble ............... Grey, N R......... 0 W. G. Vanstone Kingsley............... york......... N B G. N. Foster 
Kemnay .......... 8elkirk ............ 1\1 John A. 8cott Kingsmill. ............ Elgin. E R...... 0 1 8. W. Teeple 
Kempt .................. Qneen's .........N 8 K P. Freeman Kingsport ............. King's............ N 8 Robert Cox 
Kempt Head ......... Victoria .........N 8 K. McKenzie "Kingston ............ Kingston ......... 0 James 8hannon 
Kempt Road ......... Richmond ......N 8 HughCameron * Kingston. ............ King's. ......... N B 8amuel Foster 
Kempt Shore ......... Hants ............N 8 Thos. Armstrong Kingston ............... Kent ............N B Edward Harnett 
Kempt Town .........IColchl'lster ......N 8 A. 8. Hingley Kingston Mills ...... Frontenac .........0 Joseph Deane 
· Kemptvüle ............1 Grenville, N R... 0 Robert L
slie Kingston Station.... King's ......... N 8 A.C. Von Buskirk 
Kemptville ............ Yarmouth ...... N 8 C. R. Ref'ves Kingston Station ... Kingston ...... 0 Alex. Campbell 
Kendal.................. Durham, W R ... 0 J. D. Falli
 Kingston Village.... King's ............N 8 J. W. Graves 
Kenlis ............ ...... ............. A
sa .J. A. Bla 'kwood · KingsviUe ... ......... Essex, 8 R......... 0 James H. 8mart 
Kennaway ............ Pl'lterboro'. E R... 0 Malcolm WaU Kinll;sville. . . . . . ... Inverness .... N 8 A. Black 
Kennebec Line .... Beaues ........ Q Geo. Bartley Kiuli;'s Wharf... ...... Victoria, 8 R...... O \ Jamesc. Leary 
Kenil worth ... ...... ... Wellington, N R, 0 C. J. Gord..n Kinistino... . . . . . . .. Saskatchewan Tel'. J. Tennant 
Ken more ............... Russell ............0 D. McArtlllu Kinkora ............... Perth, N R ...... 0 James Moriarty 
Kennetcook ... ........ Hants ............N 8 
liss F. S.llter Kinkora..... ....... Prince......... PEl James Farmer 
Kennetcook Corner. Hants............ N 8 John Anthony Kinlos!!.................. Bruce, W R ....... 0 John Harri
Kennington Cove.. Cape Bretou.. N 8 John McLean Kinlough............... Bruce, W R ....... 0 Robert Pa:!..Lon 
Kenney........ .... Perth, N R ...... 0 John Kenney * Kinmount ....... Victoria. N R...... 0 James Wilson 
Kensington............ Huntingdon...... Q G. B. Tully "'Kinrwar's Milll ... Megantic ......... Q James Kinnear 
Kensington. .. .. ... Middlesex, E R . 0 R. A. Jones Kinosota . . ..... Marquette...... 1\1 Hebron Moar 
Kensington.... . ..... Prince ....... PEl lordon Glover Kinross ............... Queen's ......P E I David Ross 
KentJunction....... Kent. ......... N B W. F. Brown Kinsale .............. Ontario, W R ....0 B. Weatherill 
Kent ................... Halifax ......... N 8 James Kent KiBsman's Corners. King's............ N S G. A. Burgl'l8s 
Kent Bridge ......... Bothwell........... 0 J. A. Lan
ford Kintail.................. Hurún, W R...... c) Martin Whitty 
Kentville ............... King's ............N 8 Jos. E. Eaton Kintore ............... Oxford, N R ...... 0 Roht. Eldon 
Keoban ............... King's............N B 8. P. Taylor Kintore ............... Victoria .........N B 1 Thomas Watt 
Keppoch ............... Antigonishe ...N S Alex. McDonald Kippen.................. Huron, 8 R....... 0 Robert Mellis 
Kermeos .......... Yale.Kootenay.B C Thomas Daly Kippewa ............... Pontiac ............ Q .J. T. 1\IcDougall 
Kerrowgard............ Pictou............ N 8 J. A.1\IcDonald Kirby......... ..... Durham, w.R.....O I H. R. Thornton 
Kerrwood ............ Middlesex, W R. 0 Charles Foster Kirkdale ............... Drummond ...... Q Wm. 8tevens 
Kerry.................. AIJ:!ert ......... N B D. C. O'Connor *Kir
Mld ............ Victoria, N R ....0 Michael O'Neil 
Kertch .................. Lambton, W R....O N. K. NfSbett Kirkhill ............... Glengarry......... 0 Wm 1\IcLeod 
Keswick ............... York, N R........ 0 R. VanNorman Kirkhill................ Cumberland ...N 8 John D. 8mith 
Keswick Ridge ...... ' York ... ......... N B Rev. W. L. McKell Kirkland... ............ Carleton......... N B John Nil' holson 
Ketch Harbour ......1 Halifax .........N 8 James Gallagher Kh k's Ferry......... Ottawa ............ Q :\l1ss Louisa Read 
*1{ettleby ............... York, N R......... 0 Jacob Walton Kirkton ............... Perth, 8 R ....... 0 Job.n McCl'.dy 
KewstrJke ............. Inv.,rness... . N 8 Alex. McQuien Kirkpatrick .......... Saskatohewan Tel'. Robtert Adams 
Key!!er .................. Middlesex, W R. 0 B. W.8tephens Kirkville........... 8imcoe, N R...... 0 John Skelton 
Khiva .................. Middlesex, N R.. 0 Val. Ratz Kirkwall ............... Wentworth. N R. 0 George Chrh,de 
Kilbain . ............... Huntingdon...... Q James Welsh Kleinbur.Q .... ......... York, W R . ...... 0 R. HoHin/o!:snead 
Kilbride. ............... H'\lton ............0 Alex. Robinson Klock's Nill, ...... Diat. of NipisRing O l 'James B. Klock 
Kilbnrn's Landing. Victoria .........N B B. Kilbnrn Knapdale.......... 
Iiddlesex, W R.. 0 Jas. 
Kildare ............... Joliette ............ Q O. Vigneault Knatchbnll............ Halton. __.......... O[ Mrs. E. LangriH 
Kildare.................. Prince .........P E I Walter J. Cahill Knowlesville ......... Carleton ....t...N B Byron Ricke" 
Kildare Cape!!...... "' j Prince. . . ... PEl 1\1. Dillon '" Knowlton ... ......... Brome .............. Q R N. Euu;land 
Kildare 8tation...... Prince... ......P E I N. J. Perry Knowlton Landing. Brome.......... Q J. F. Tuck 
Kilrlonan..............., Lisgar.............. M A. Bannerman Knoxford............... Car!etou.........N B Thomas Fulton 
Kilfoil ..................ICarleton ...... N B John Kilfoil Knoydart ............. Pictou ............N S D. McKinnon 
orie ... ........... 18imcoe, 8 R ...... 0' Newton Maw Koksilah.. .... . ...... Van
ouv8r...... B C C. Cro
ier . 

lkenny Lake ... ... 1 Cape Bret:m ... N S II<;dw
rd Mahon Kola ... ........... ...... I Selkirk. ...... ...... M C. Wallle,!nght 
KIllaloe . . .... . .. Renfrew, N R .. 0 i 1\h.rhn Rocke Kolapore . . . '. .. ... Grey. E. R ........ 0 George WIlsoll 
Killam's Mills ....... We&tmoreland NB Allen Killam Kolbeck ............... Cumberiand...N 8 John Henley 
Killarney............ "' 1 ... ........ I) 
. L"morandlérp Kohler............ ...... H
ldimand. ...... 0 Lewis Lin} 
K!lIarney ...... ......... S
lkl.rk ....... !'II l l'ha
. Bate Komoka................. Middlesex, 8 R... 0 Wm. Mc
Kulean......... ......... Wellington. 8 R.. 0 D. Ferguson Kootenay (snb) ......' yale.......... B C David Grlffith
Killyleagh ........ Simcoe, SR. ... 0 George Sharp Korah ... ...... ........ 'AlgoID/\ ............ 0 Daniel I<Jverett 





Kossuth --====. l w aterlOõ, s R-:-.-:-O By. S?hrt Lambton ...:........... Beauce ............ Q,J. A. Sa
....... Kent ............N B P. Thlbideau Lambton Milu ....... York, W R ....... 0 1 Thos. EJl
KouchibouguaeB'cb Kent. ............ N B A. Lobban Lamlash ............... Grey, SR......... 0 Edw8
d Earls 
Kurtzville ............. Wellington, N R. 0 J. T. Doersam Lammermoor...... Lanark, N R...... 0 W. GIbBOn 
Kutawa .... ....... ......... .... Assa A. VonLindebr'g *Lanark ...............1 Lanark, N R...... Ol l JObn McLean 
*La Bau:.............. Yamaska ......... Q I J. L. Belcourt *Lancastðr............. Glengarry .........0 D. F. McPberson 
Laberge. ............... Chateaugusy .... Q C. Primeau Lancelot. ............... I Muskoka &. P Sd. 0 John Hagan 
Labarre ........... ...... Chicoutimi......... Q Elzéar Ouellet LaudreVIlle... ...... ...1 BeaubarnOls... ... Q I V. Brault 
La Beauce ............ Beauce ............ Q 
lmeAB Pellet
er Landry.. ............... G
ouc;ester.... N B,Michsel L
La Broquerie...... Provencher . .. M Rev. P. PeI1etler LandI! 
nd ............ KIDg s .........N B IJames Smltb 
L'AcadiB ............... St. Johns .......... QIGeorgeTrembla
 l..snd VIlla ............IMontmagny ...... QIC. Bélanger 
Lac à III. Tortue ...... Cbamplain ....... QIJos. Brnnelle Lanes................... Huron, W R...... 01R. E. Laue 
La Carriere. . . .. .... Bagot ............... Q Alf. Brodeur Lang ... ....... ...... ... 1 Peterboro', E R... O,lIIiss M. J. Sbort 
Lachenaie .... ......... L' Assomption..... Q I G. Villeneuve Langevin ......... ...... Dorcbester ......... Q I J uste Caouette 
*Lachim ............... JacquesCartier... Q Fabien Caisse Langford ............... Brant, N R .......0 !lira. M. Dowling 
Lacbine Locks........ Jacques Cartier...Q F: X. Gariepy Langille's............... Lunenberf .... N S I J. P. l,angil
La Chevrotière ...... Portneuf. ...... ... Q Victor PortlanCt' Langley....... ...... ... 1 N. Westm ster, B C Wm. SinclaIr 
L,.chine Rapids ...... Jacques Cartier. Q D. Dunberry Langley Prairie.... N. Westm'ster, B C Jobn Boyes 
Lachute Miils......... Argenteuil......... Q James Fish Langside ............... Bruce, W R....... 0 Wm. Gleeson 
*LachuU ............... Argenteuil ...... Q Geo.!- Meikle Langstaff ............... 
ork, E R ......... OiJohn Langstaff 
La Conception .....IOttawa ........... Q H. GIrOUX Langton ............... Nor
olk, SR...... O I J. Thompson 
La Déch. Riv. 1'0urs Chicontimi ...... Q James I"-beehy Langvale ...............ISelklrk. ............ M G.1\1. Lang 
Lac La Hache......... Carriboo......... B C O. McKinlay L' Annonciation . . .. Ottawa......... Q I J. Demers 
Lac Masson ............ Terrebonne ...... Q C. C. Lajeunesse L&noraie ...............' Bertbier............ Q / B. Desrosiers 
Lac Noir ............... L'Islet .............. Q N. Lapointe Lansbur& ......... ,Marquette...... ... M R. Talbot 
*Lacolk ............... St. Johns .......... Q G. M. Van Vliet Lansdowne....... . I Carleton . ...... N B J. B. Foster 
Lac Ouarean. ......... Montcalm... ...... Q J osepb Brisson It Lamdown ............ Leeds, SR......... 0 JosepbA.Bradley 
Lac Rond ............ Ottawa ............ Q B. Corbell L' Anse à Giles ....... I Montmagny ...... QiJ. F. Giasson 
Lac St. J osepb .... Portneuf.......... Q R. SisBOns L' Anse a III. Cabane. Gaspe......... ...... Q, 
lrs. W. Cormier 
Lac Simon. ............ Portneuf:...... Q J. A. Reny L:Anse au B
aufils. Qa
pe...:..:........ Q ,J. Leterreau 
Ladnt/I"S Landing... N.Westmmster,B IJ Thos. McNeely L Anse au FOIn ...... CblcoutlllIl ....... Q P. PotvlD 
Lady Bank..... . .. Grey. E R . . . . .. 0 Th"s. Clemes L' Anse aux Gascons Bonaventure . ... Q I A. Brotberston 
La Fayette ............ ß.ellecbasse. ...... Q Felix 
our!lier l1nsing ......... ......IYo
 . ...... O,Josepb French 
Lafontaine........ ...... SImcoe, E R ...... 0 1 M. BeaudolD L Anse St. Jean...... ChlcoutllDl ....... Q I Réné Gagnon 
Laggan.................. Glengarry ......... 0 J. McGillivray Lantz .................. I Lunenburg......N S l 'Harvey B. Lantz 
La Guerre. ............ Huntingdon....... Q John McDonald La 1'IItrie............... Compton. ......... Q A. L. Gendreau 
La HavpCr088Roads Lunenburg......N S Isaac Heckman La Petite Rivière ... Quebec..........Q AlJselme Roy 
La Have Island... . 1 Lunenlmrg.... N S Robert Wolf La P. R. St. François Charlevoix......... Q Miss M.A. Lavoie 
Lake Ainslie Chapel Inverness .......N IS Allan :\[cDonald LaPlaine ...............jTerrebonne .... Q,Calixte Gautbier 
L.ak.. Ainslie(w. s.)!lnverness .......N S I ' Angus Mcinnis *LapTaiTÜ ............ I Laprairie ......... ",L. Grondin 
Lake Ainslie (e. s.).1 Inverness .......N S Chas. McDonald La l'résentation...... St. Hyacintbe ... Q I E. Provencal 
Lake Ainslie (s. s.).. InverneRs..... N SI Annie McMillan Lapland. ............... 1 Lunenburg......N SiSamuel Wile 
Lake Annis............ Yarmouth......N S A. Whitman L'Arcbeveque ....... Richmond ......N IS/Donald McKay 
Lake Aylmer ......... Wolfe .............. Q' Mrs.. Champoux L' A

oise . ............ IRicb
ond...... N S , Neil McDonald 
Lake Beauport ....... Quebec ...... ...... Q, A. SImons LarIvlcre .......... Selkll k ............ M W. H. Swales 
Lakeburn.............. Westmoreland.N B, F. Leblauc Larkin............ 'Hastings, E R... O,D. G. Larkin 
Lake CbarleR.......... Grey, N R.......... O,Jos. Davidson Larochelle ............ ;
Iegantic ......... Q:D. Boulanger 
Lake Doré ............. Renfrew, N R.... O[Jobn Shaw,jun Larry's River......... iGuysboro'...... N S ) EdW8rd Pelrine 
Lake ElWlont ......... HalifllX ......... N S WID. Killougb La Salette ............,Norfolk, N R...... 0 John Gibbons 
Lake EÏcbemin ...... Dorchester......... Q:Joseph Bégin Lascelles .......... Ottawa ...... . Q j A. Hamilton 
Lakefield ............... Argenteuil......... Q, T. Copeland Laskay.................. York, N R......... 0 Henry Baldwin 
Lakefi.,Jd............... King's ......... ...N B I Miss Sberwood L' Ássomption ......... L' AsBOmption..... Q I L. Guilbault 
fi,dd. ............ I .p
terbOro', E R... 0 1 W. H. Casement Lassw
de............... Peterboro'
 E R. 0 J.. W. Ratcli1fe 
Lake Frances... . .. LIsgar......... 1\1 C. Hoard Laternère .............. Chlcoutiml ....... Q Dldyme Simard 
Lake George. ...... ... York .... .........N B Jno. Nicbolson Latimer. ... ............ Frontenac......... 0 I B. Wartman 
Lake George. ......... King's............N sl A. P. Hudgens Latona .................. Grey, SR. ......... O I A McClyment 
Lake George....... ... Y armou tb ...... N S, Charl..s Crosby Latonr's Mills. . ... Pontiac ........ Q J. O. B. Latour 
Lakehurst ............ Peterboro',E R... O'Jobn Jones Lattie's Brook. ...... Hants............ N S Walter Burton 
Lakelands. ............ Cumberland ....N S' James E. Brown La Tuque ............ Cbamplain.........Q D. MacGregor 
Lake Law. ............ Inverness...... N S J. McDaniel Launching Place ... King's .........P E 1 1 D. J. Walter 
Lakelet ................ Huron, E R....... 0 A. Dulmage Laurel............... ... Wellington, N R. 0 E. B. Cooney 
Lake Opinlcon ....... Frontenac ......... 0 Darius Warner Laurel.................. Argentenll.........Q M. McClnskey 
Lake Paul............. King's .......... N S:Obed. P. Young *LaUTtntidu ...... L'Assomption ... Q R. C. Laurler 
LakP..pørt ............... Northumb., E R. 0 H.!. Matthews Lauzon.................. Lévis .... .......... Q A. Bour<<et 
Lake K.am88Y ...... Lunenburg.... N S Jas Seaborn Laval.................. Montmorency..... Q,John Auclair 
Lake !load ............ Albert. ......... N B. David Ga
land Lavaltrie ............... ßertbler............ Q Josepb Charland 
LakesIde ..... ...... .. Oxford, N R ...... 0, H. HutchInson Lavant .................. Lanark, N R...... 0 Arcb. Browning 
Lltkeside .......... .... Yarmoutb...... N SI Jos. H. Cro8by Lavant Station. ......, L.anark, N R. ... 0 R. Robertson 
Lake 8t. Mary... ...... Ottawa ............ Q L. Fournier Lavender... ...... ...... Simcoe, SR...... 0 B. Heaslip 
Lake Stream ......... Kent ............ N B,S L. Briggs L'Avenir ............... Drummond ...... Q C. Gagnon 
Lake Tallon ......... Dist.ofNipisslng.O Wm. Harris Lawfield ............... Queen's ......... N B Wm. WilliamsoD 
LakeTemiI;CaminguejPontiac ............ Q (1. C. "'ar
 Lawrence Stat!on... 
rlotte ...... N B I Jl)hn Taylor 
Laketou ............_. Kent....... .... N B P. FlanDlgan I_awrence StatIOn... ElgIn, W R. .... 0 Robert Miller 
Lakevale ............... Antigonishe. ...N S: J. McGIllivray LaWTtncd.own ......IAnnapolis .......N S I J. W. James 
Lake Yerd ............ QUHen's ..:... PEl Chas. K"UJ: Lawrencet?wn ...... Halifax... ......N 8 Samuel J. Hiltz 
LakeVIew............... Argenteud..... Q W. T. Higl,unson LawrenctviUt ......... Shefford ............ Q A. B. Roy 
Lakeview............... Queen's. .........N ß f. O'Donnell Lawson ....... ......... Queen's..........N B W. J. Lawson 
ew .' . . . . . .. Elgin, E R ..... 0 Josepb Hobbs Layton............... ... , Ontario, N R...... 0 John Som berger 
Lake't'llle............... Carleton... ......N B R. 8. Starratt [.eadbury............... Huron, S R ...... 0 S. McKibbin 
LakevilJe............... King's ............N 8 Geo. B. Sweet J.eafield. ............... Peterboro', E R. 0 John Wiløon 
Lakeville ......... King'8...... PEl Tho!!. ROlle Leamington .....,. Cumberlvfti.. N S Geo. L. Nelson 
LakeviUe Corner ... Sunbury.........N B A. S. 
1 *Ltamingt
 .........' Essex, S R......... 0 J. nIcK. Selkirk 
Lake Weedon......... Wolfe............... Q FrancOlI! Brlère Learned PlaIn ........ICompt,on ......... Q E. Learned 
............... H88tings, N R... 0 John R. Tait Leaskdale ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 George Leaek 
L' Amaroux ............ I York, E R ......... 0 Wm. Nash Lebanon. ............... I Wellington CR.. 0 John Sinclair 
Lamartine............. 1L'!slf't . .... .... Q I P. C. Cion tier Lebret ...... ...... ...... ............ ....:.. Assai Kev. J. Magnan 
Lambeth ............... 
bddlesex, SR... 0 George Kelley Le Breton Flats...... Carleton............ 0 Jobn Lucy 
F [81] 




Leclercvllle...... .. :::: I Lotbinière ......... Q I>.BeMid
 Lisgar ......... .=-:: I Peel... ............ '.. 0 Mary Marllhall 
Le C. D'ArthablUllrI, Arthabaska ...... Q F.8yrupborien Lisgar 8tation ...... Drummond ...... Q'Geor
e Moore 
Ledge ................. Charlotte .......N H Mrs. B. Conley Lisle .....................,Simcoe, 8. R...... OiR. Wade 
.Ll!I'ds ... .............. Megantic ......... 0 Sarah Ji
gt!nll L'Islet .................., L'hlet ..,......... Q,MrsM.Ballantine 
Leeds Village ... ...... Megantic.......... Q H. McCutcheon Llllmore ...............' Pictou...... ......N 8 D. G. McDonald 
Lefaivre................ Prescott....... .... Q II. Lafaivre .Listowd...............'Perth,N R ....... OIW.H. Hacking 
L,-froy .................. Simcoe. 8 R....... Û G. P. McKay Little Bass River ...iColchef;ter...... N 8 W C. Lt'wif; 
Legere .................. Northumb'd.. N B I. Legere Little Branch.........: Northumb'd... N B I Alex. Cameron 
Legerville ......... Kent ........ N B A. D. Leblanc Litt
 Bras D'Or....1 Cape Breton... N 8 John H. Christie 
Leg Lak" . ............ 8imcoe, E R,... 0 J. Patterson Little Bras d'Or (e.s) I Cape Breton....N 8 John Richard 
Lehman Landing... Algoma ............0 A. Lehman Little Britain ......... Victoria, 8 R...... O'John Broad 
Leiceste,' ..............- Cumberland .... N 8 fl. B. Lockhart Little Brook Station I Digby. . . . . ... N 8 .\mbrose Comeau 
L"inster ............... Lennox............ (\ 
1if;S A. A. 8torr Little Current. . ...... I Algoma ......... ... 0' ISl\8c Turner 
Leltche's Creek ...... Cape Breton... N 8 D Johnson Little Cape.... ......., WeRtmoreland.N B T. P. Legere 
Leith..................... Grey, N R ......... 0 
Irs. E. Cameron Little Cspcapedia.. . I Bonaventure...... Q Joseph Cyr 
Leitrim. . . .. .. . . ... Russell ........ 0 I H. Cowan Little Gla
 Bay...... Cape Breton... N 81 Anthony Gannon 
Lemesurie'r ............ Megantic ......... Q Wm. Wilkin Little Harbour ......'ø ......... P E J Andrew MflonlJY 
Lemieux .. ............ Prel!cott............ 0 A. H. Chesser Little Harbour ...... PIctou .. ...... N 8 JamAF ðtewart 
Lemonville ............ Ont
rio, W R.... O;W. L. White 1,lttle Judique ...... Invernells...... N 8 A. Beaton 
Lennox ................ SelkIrk ........ !\I,R. M. Hnghes Little Lake............ 8unbury....... N B,Fred, Phillips 
Lennox Ferry. ...... Richmond ... N S I Daniel Clough Little Lepreaux...... Charlotte .... ...N B Oscar I1anpon 
.LennozviUe ......... 8herbrooke ...... Q E. W. Abbott Little Lorraine ...... Cape Breton... N 8 1 J. l\lcDonl&ld 
Leonardville ...... Charlotte.... N BIGeo. A. Welch Little Mabou ...... Invernel'1I ...... N 8 A. MrPhie 
Leopold ... ............ Argenteuil...... Q Jos. Thompson LiWI! blétis . . . " ... Rimonllki....... Q John l\lc;l/lder 
L' EpiplLanie ........... L' Assomption ... Q' E. Le Blanc Little Metis 8tation RimonFki ...... Q Mrs. E. Bonrjtoin 
L'-prfaux............... Charlotte ...... N ß H. P. Reynolds Little MUI!quash .... St. John.........N B I Galbraith Wenn 
Lequille ...... ...... ... Annapolis .... N S Mrs. L. 8aunders Little Narrows ...... Victoria ......... N 8 AI chit' MacaRkill 
Les Dalles. . .. .. ... Montcalm...... Q D. :\Iorin Little Pabos ....... GaFpé... ...... .. ... Q J. 1\1. Remon 
Les EboulelMnI ...... Charlevolx... ...... Q' Cleophe Coté Lit'le Pierre Jacques Prince......... PEl J. .J. McWilliams 
Les Ecureuils......... Portneuf ......... Q' Pierre Pagé Little Pon
............ King's .........P Ell R.. R. Macd Æald 
t:: :



; ::::::::: 8 


ng t::::: 


:t :::::::::::: gl


Les Fonds ............ Lotbiniere......... Q' F. X. Dion Little Ridge .......... Albert............ N B Geo T. Bartlett 
Les Gr. Bergeronnes 8aguenay ......... Q 'Médéric Savard Little Ridgf'town ... Charlotte ...... N B W. Blaney 
l.eskard ............... Durham, W R ... 0 Wm. Tigh L. Rlver(Coverdale) Albert ......... N H John Colpitts 
Leslie. .................. York, E R ......... 0 Geo. Leslie, jun. Little River, East... GaFp6 ............... Q,JOhli Baker 







::t t:m: 




: :

t:":rÿ..:::::: :: :: N.i

Lethbridge ............ ................... Alta H. F. Greenwood Little River .......... Cumberland.. N 8'J. L. Purdy 
L'Etete.................. Charlotte ...... N B!James McLean Little River .......... Digby.... . ... N 8 ' P. W. FroRt 
erkenny ......... Ren.frew, 8 R .... OiJ. Gallagher Lit.Riv.(Mid.Musq) Halifax ......... N 8 1 T. McMullen 
Lt!V1.;;...... ............... LévlS ............... Q Elzear BMard Little Roeher ......... Albert ......... N B Jas. Anderson 
Lewis Bay............ Cape Breton ...N 81
lrs. 1. Gillis L.8almonRiv.Mills St. Jobn.........NBIGeo. J. Vaughan 
Lewis Head... ......... 8helburne...... N 8 Wm. Herkins Little 8ands ......... King's......... PEl I D. Munn 
Lewishl&m . ............ Ontario, N R...... O,J. G. Taylor Little 8hemogue.... \\ estmoreland, NBC. R. 011lton 
Lewis :\Ililll ....... Hants ..... . . . N 8' Wm. Lewis Lit. 8bipplgan, W 0 Gloucester.... N B I Mary Wihò!on . 
Lewis Mountain.... Westmoreland N B Jas. Lounsbury Little Tignlsh......... Prince... ...... PEl Jérome Buote 
Lewis Mountain .... Inverness...... N 8'Nell Martin Littlt'wood............. 8helburne...... N 8 1 Jas Littlewood 
Lewisville . ............ Westmoreland N B / 8te P hen :\lills Littlewood ............ MlddleFex,8 R.. 0 Wm. H. :.\Iay 
Libby town ............ ðtanstead ......... Q Chas. W. Libby Little york............ Queen's.. ... PEl Robert Lawson 
ote......... ......... Bothwell ......... 0 D. D. Purdy Livt:rp(JOl... ............ Queen's ......... N S Alexander Cowie 
Lleury................... Ulddlel!ex. N R... 0 1 Alex. 8mith Liverpool Market ... Ontario. W R...... 0' Thos. Moody 
LlfIord ...... ............ Durham, E R .... 0 Miss J. Fowler Living Spring ....... Wellington, E R. 0 D. Black 
Lillooet.................. Carlboo ......... B C Mrll. C. A. Phair Livingstone Cove.... Antlgonishe... N 8 J. nlrKinnon 
Lily .............. Cumberland.. N S! J. R. 8. Purdy Llaydtown ............ York. N R......... 0 J. W. Wood 
Lily Lake............... King's. ......... N B D. H. Wbepley Lobo ..................... Middlesex. 8 R... 0 J. W. Edwards 
Lily Lake............... Algoma ............ 0 S. T. Norton Lochaber ............ Antigonishe... N 8 T. J. 8eers 
Lily Oak.......... Grey, N R...... 0 James Bruce Lochaber Bay......... Ottawa ............ Q J. D. Lam!> 
Lime Bank............ Russen ............0 F. Hardy LochalRh ............... Huron. W R...... O I J. G.Murdock 
Lime Hill ......... King's ...... N B Thos. 8cribner Loch Ban............... Inverness ... ...N 8 1\1. Kennedy 
Lime Hill ......... Inverness ...... N 8 P. R. McIntyre Lockhartville . ...... King's ......... N 8 George King 
Limehouse ............ Halton .............0 John Newton Locb Garry............ I Glengarry ......... O I .James Frazer 
Limekiln.......... york........ N B Neil1\lcKlnnon Lochlel.................. Glengarry......... 0 D. B. McMillan 
Lime Lake ............ Hastings, E R.... O\J. Henderson Lochinvar ............ Glengarry......... 0 81ml)n Fraser 
Lime Ridge............ Wolf. ............... Q J. H. Barker Loch Lamond......... 8t. Jobn ...... N H E. A. Trelldwen 
Lime Rock ............ Pictou ......... N 8 Miss McDonald Loch Lomond......... I Ricbmond...... N 8 A. W. Bethune 
Lincoln ............... 8unbury ...... N B H. B. Mitchell Lochslde ............... Richmond...... N S K. McLeod 
Linda .................. Compton ......... Q Daniel B. Hall Loch Winnoch ...... Renfrew. 8 R .... 0 Robert 8torie 
Linden. ........... Cumberland... N 8,G.B. Hunter,sen *Lockfpart............. Shelburne...... N 8 R. Hammond 
Linden Valley...... Victoria, SR. ... 0 James Allison Lockton ............... Cardwell. ......... 0 B. lnjtoldsby 
Llndenwood.......... Grey, N R ......... 0 Gavin 8haw Locust Hill...... ...... York, E R ......... 0 Wm. Armstrong 
.Lindsay........., .... Victoria, 8 R...... 0 H. Gladman Lodi ..................... Stormont .........0 John McLean 
Lindsay...... ......... Carleton ...... N B Alex. Lindsay Logan'ø Tannery.... Pictou .. . ... N 8 D. Logan 
Lineboro'............... 8tanstead ......... Q Jndson Wood Loganville ............ Picton ......... N 8 H. Williamson 
Lingan .. ............. Cape Breton... N 81 Angus McNeill Logieralt ............... Lambton. W R... 0 Frank Degurse 
Llnlère... ............... Beauce............. Q M. Donovan Logoch .. ............ ". 1 Marquette .........1\1 James Stevens 
Linton .................. York. N R......... 0 Joseph Lynn Lombardy. ............ Leeds. N R......... 0 Michael Dooher 
Linton's ............... 8unbury ...... N B Robert Linton Londesborough ...... Huron, 8 R....... 0 W. L. Ouimette 
Lintrathen ........ 8elkirk............ M 1 Rlchard H.Cole .Loodtm................'London.............O R.J.C. Dawson 
Linwood ............... Waterloo, N R... 0 C. Heinbu('h .London. Ealt ...... Middlesex, ER... 0 Frank W. Lilley 
Linwood Ant1goDlshe N8 W Symonds Londonderr Y ......... ! Kin g '8 ......... N 8 R. Fergullo n 
Lion's H
;d...::::::::: Bruce.; R :::.... 01 F. .W. 8tuart Londonderry 8tat'n COlchester...... N 8 J. C. Spencer 
Lippentott ............ 8elkirk............ M 1 W. F. Lon
man Long Bay............. Algoma ............ 0 Robt. R. Gamey 
Lisbon .................. Oxford. N R ...... 0 Peter Glebe Long's Cove. .. ....... ) Klng's........N B A. !tlcBeth 
Lisburn ............... Bruce, W R....... 0 Daniel TeRkey LonR: Creek............ Queen's ...... P E J E. Turner 
Liscombe .............. Guysboro' ...... N 8 James Hemlow Long Creek............ Qupen's ......... N B John 8ecord,Jun 
Liscombe MiUs ...... Guysboro' .... N 8 8. Creighton Longford Mills ...... Ontario, N R...... 0 Wm. Thomson 




Lower G ag-e town .. I Queen' B:'.
::::-N- B Chas. H . Ebbett 
Lower Granville ". 1 Annapolis ... N 8 J. K. Winchester 
Lower Hayneville... York ............ N B William H. Eliot 
LowerIreland ....... :.\legantic ......... Q 1 IH. R. Mooney 
Lower La Have ...... Lunenburg ... N 8 K. 8mith 
Lower L'ArdfJise ... Richmond...... N 8 Rod. Ferguson 
L. Line. Queensbury York ............ N B J. 8. Cliff 
Lower Maccan. ...... Cumberland....N 8 1 F. L. 8harp 
L. 1\leagher's Grant. Halifu ......... N 8 Mrs. A. Dillman 
Lower :.\Iontague.... King's .........P E 11 Mrs. 8. JohDston 
Lower Nappan..... North'mb'rl'd. N B, A. Campbt!ll 
Lowt!r lIIewcastle.... North'mberl'd. N Ii' John Delaney 
Lower Nicola ......... Yale-Kootenay B C I J. W. 
larBh . 
Lower Northfield ...' Lunenburg.... N S Daniel Jool'6Y 
Lower Onslow. ...... I Colchester ...... N 8 8. McKinlay 
Lower Poquiock...... York ............ N B W. T. Fraser 
l.ow. Prince William I York ............ N B Chas. A. Hoyt 
Lower Prospect ...... Halltax ......... N 8 8. F. Blackburn 




d ":..
 I r::

L. River Inhabitants Richm')nd...... N 8 Joseph :.\IL-Carthy 
Lower 8ackville. .. .' Halitax ......... N 8 1 Miss H. Wri
Lower 8elmah ...... Hants ......... N 8 A. Anthony 
L. 8et. 
Iid. River ... Victoria . ...... N 8 Alex. McRae 
L.8et. 80uth River. Antil1;onishe.. N S D. McKenzie 
L. Ship Harbour .. Halifax ..........N 81 Mrs. M. O'Brien 
L.80uthampton...... York ............ N B,Geo. Gro
Lower St. Mary's.... York ............ K B Charles Biaden 
UJwer St.ewiacke ... Colchester..... K 81 W. J. Boomer 
Lower Turtle Creek Albert ...... N BI G. A. Fillmore 
Lower Wakefield... Carleton ...... N B, F. W. Shaw 
Lower Wal'habuck. Victoria......... K 81 Alex. J. McNeil 
Lower Wentworth... Cumberland... N 8, Mrf;. M. Mcivor 
L. West Jeddore .... H!\lifax ......... N 81.Josiah 'Uitchell 
L. Wef;t Pubnico ... Yarmouth ......N S M. D'Emremont 
Lower Windsor...... Carleton.........N B'T. H. Belyea 
L. Wood Harbonr... 8helburne ......N S18. K. Mood 
Lower Woodstock... Carleton........ N S .J. H. Dugan 
Loweøtoft ....... ...... Sf"lkirk...... ...... M Wm. H. Lowe 


.. ::: ::: ::: ::. 

:l MJ

Lozier Settlement... Gloucester...... N B I Fred. LiJzier 
* Lucan.................. Middlesex, N R. 0 William Porte 
Lucas. .................. :\Iarquette ....... nil F. A. Campbell 
Lucerne ............... Ottawa ............ Q R. Blackburn 
.Lucknow ............ Bruce, W R....... OIM. Campbell 
Lndlow . ............... Northumb ......N B John Murphy 
Lulu Island............ N.Westmlnster.B C 1 W. H. London 
Lnmley ............... Perth, 8 R......... 0 W. Dinning.jun. 
Lumsden ...........,... Albert. ......... N B B. W. Fillmore 
Lundy.................. Kent........... 0 D. Johnston 
Lundyville ... ....... Lisgar............. M F. J. Lundy 
r,unenburg ............ Stormont ......... 0 F. Kirkpatrick 
wnenburg ............ Lunenburg......N S Henry M. Jost 
Lurgan.................. Bruce. W R. ...... 0 Jas. McCrindle 
Luskville......... ...... Ottawa......... Q F. Desbiens 
Lntes Mountain...... Westmoreland N B A, M. Bunnell 
Lntherville ............ Brockville......... Ù W. T. Canning 
Luton ............ ...... Elgin. I<, R......... 0 E. J. Hutchinøon 
. Lyn... ...... ......... Brockville ......... 0 :S-. R. Gardner 
Lynch Lake....... Mu
koka & P Sd. 0 Mrs. M. A. 8haw 
Lynden.................. Wentworth. N R.O Rinear Hanes 
Lyndhurst ............ Leeds, SR......... 0 Henry Green 
Lymdoch ............... Norfolk. 8 R...... 0 Wm. A. Charlton 
Lynn. .................. Colchester. ......N 8 James E Lewis 
Lynnfield ... .......... Charlotte ...... N B John G. Getchell 
Lynn Valley......... Norfolk, 8 R ..... 0 Eben Edmonds 
Lynnville .............. Norfolk, N R .... 0 A. A. 8tewart 
Lyons .................. Ell1;ln, F. R......... 0 Jas. Armstrong 
LYllander ............... Megantic ......... Q Finlay Wark 
LYlter .................. Megantic ......... Q Chas. King, Jun. 8tatlon . ...... Megan tic . ......... Q Alfred Rooseau 
LyttletrJn............... Northumberl'd N B J. A. 80mers 
LyUnn .................. yale............... B CILonisCuvrean 

1cAdam Junction.. York ............ N B J. W. Green 
"lcAdam's Lake...... Cape Breton ...N S Daniel :\lcIsaac 
McAllister..... .... King.s.........N B W. "lcAllister 
McAlpine............ .. Queen's .........N B C. K. Leonard 
\fc.\rr88 Brook ...... Antigonlshe. ...N 8 C. J. McDooald 
McAulay'!' ............ Victoria .........N 8 N. McAnlay 
McCormack. ....... Inverness.... N 8 D. l\IcCorm"ck 
McCormack.. ........ Glengarry......... OIH. R. McDonald 
\icCreø.rly ............. \lIddlesex, W R. O I George Leach 
McCrImmon ......... Glengarry......... 0 J. P. 1\lcl\laster 
McDonald's Corner. Queen's ......... N B II. Humphries 
:\lcDonald'lI Corners. Lanark. N R...... 01 Wm. Lock 
r.lcDonald's Cove.... Gaspé...... ....... 0 P. McDonald 

Long Isl ãïïÏl --:::::::: 
 Klng's.... -: ...... N 8 Alex. Fu ll erton 
Long Island Main... Cade Breton. ...N 8 Neil O. Handley 
Long Lake ............ Addington......... 0 James Bender 
Longlaketon. ... .' ...... ............ AS8al Jas. Russell 
Long Point ............ Hochelaga......... Q L. Dutour 
Long Point............ 'Invernesø ...... N 8 D. Chisholm 
Long Point ............ Klng's ......... N B Andrew Leonard 
Long Pt. ofl\ling:m. 8aguenay. ......... Q J. Vibert 
Long Reach ......... King's ......... N B W. H. Williams 
Long River ............ Qneen's ...... PEl, Arch. Cousins 
Long 8ettlement ... ,Carleton ...... N B James H. 8proul 
Lonl1;tlnvUle .......... / Russell............. 0 I.. l\[ahen 
Lnngue.uil ............ Chambly ......... Qi P. Racine 
Lon'5wood .... ......... Middlesex. 8 R... 0, Daniel 
Lonsl1ø.le ............... lIastings, E R.... O,J. McCullough 
Lonsdale ......... King's ...... N B
Jas.S. Anderson 
Loon Creek............ I.................. Assal:\lathiall Holtby 
Lord's Cove .........jCharlotte...... N ß 1 GOlden H. Smith 
Lor6e . . ... .... .... I Grey. E R. .... .. 0 John N. Smith 
Lorette..................:Quebec ............ Qll\Irs. G. Bélangel 
Loretto.................. Cardwell. ......... OIJohn Gamble 
r oretto.................. Provencher ...... MI E. J. Prince 
L.Orignal ............ Prescott............ 0 i W. Wright 
Lorimer Lake......... Mnl'koka &: P 8'd. 0: F. B. Ferris 
Loriog .................. Muskoka& P 8'd.O K Kelcey 
Lorlie .................. ..... ......... Assa A. Cantelon 
LorOtt _................. Bruce. W R.. . .. 0 Anltus :.\lcKay 
Loroe ......... ...... ..., Richmond ........ Q E. D. Adams 
Lorne .................ï8elkirk ............ 
I Gilbert Sannden 
Lorne '''''''''''.'''''. 1 Pictou............ N 8 Thos. Fraser 
Lornevale '" ....... Colchester.... r\ 8 J. M. 8pence 
Lo'l"oeville .. ......... Victoria. N R .... 0 Mrs. C. Morrison 
Lorneville ........ Cumberland.. N 8 J. H. .Jackson 
Lorraine ............... C!\rdwell . ......... 0 John Mills 
Lorway :.\lines .......' Cape Breton.... N 8 John Mc:mllan 
Lo!!t River ............1 Argentenil......... Q 1\1. Bethune 
re ............' Lotbinière ......... Q }I. Lemay 
Lt)t 1. ..................1 Prince......... PEl P. Dalton 
., .1. .................. 1 Prince......... PEl John Doyle 
6................... Prince......... PEl W. Hardy 
" 8. ..................1 Prince......... PEl Geo. Clementi 
., 10. .................. I Prince......... PEl II. Rilrhie 
.. 11. .................. Prince......... PEl Jos J. Kilbride 

: ::::::::::::::::::, 


" 16. ......
..........I Prince......... PEl Miss E. CampbeH 
.. 30. ..................,Queen's ...... PEl Jas. Keegan 
.. 35. .................. : Queen s ...... PEl H.:\1. McLeod 
" 40........ .......... Kings. ...... PEl H. l\[cEwen 
.. 56................... King's......... PEl J. Howlett 
.. 67. ...... ......... ... 'Queen'ø ...... PEl .J. nlcKenzie 
Lothair. . ... .. .. ... Selkirk........ M Z. Bailey 
Lotns ..... ..........
 Durham. E R.... 0 
amuel McCabe 
Lonisa .............. Argentenll......... Q I W' Watchorn 
Louisburg. ............. 
Cape Breton... N 8 :.\lIss W. Kenned\ 
Lonise................!Grey. 8 R.......... 0 s. B. Wilson . 
LouiletJilk ........ Masklnonge....... Q L. A. Baribeau 
LouiRville ............ Bothwell........... 01 L. H. Arnold 
Lourdes ................ Megantic.......... Q J. B. G. Nadeau 
Lourdes d. B. Sablon l ' Haguenay.......... Q:J. v. Le Gresley 
Lovat .................. Bruce. SR......... 0 D. Aitken 
at ............ ...... Pictou......... N S IJames Frailer 
Lovering ............... Simcoe. E R ...... 01 E. W. Kitchen 
Lovett .................. 
orthumberl.d... OiC' A. Harries 
Low............ ......... 'Ottawa ............ Q Wm. Brooks 
Lowbanks ............ 
lonck .... .........0 1 ' Isaac Michener 
Lower Abougoggin. Wcstmo",land.N B D. Bourdrpau 
Lower Argyk..... ''' 1 Yarmouth ......N S J. H l\lcLaren 
Lower Barney's RiT. Pictou ......... N 8 D. McDonald 
Lower Blomldon .... King's.......... N 8 A. Kenlledy 
Lower Brighton...... Carleton ...... N B Wm. Tedlle 
Lower Caledonia '.. I GuysbOrough...N 81J. A. :\lcDonald 
Lower Canard......... King's .......... N 810. F. Eaton 
Lower C!lnterbnry ... York ... ......... N B I Robert Hall 
Lower Cape............ Albert ......... N B :.\1. C. BUrges8 
LJwer Caraquet...... Oloucester......N. B I Jaques Gionet 
Lower Cariboo Rlv. Pictou........ N 8 Jno. McKenzie 
Lower Cove ....... Cumberland... N 8 H R. Wilmot 
Lowør Coverdale ... Albert ......... N B' W. Steeves 
Lower Derby.......... Northumberl'd. NBIl\L Amos 
Lower Dumfrles...... york.......... N B')o[. Culliton 
Lower .
&8t Pubnlco YarmQuth ......N 8' MrR. L C. Amlr 
Lower Economy...... Colchester....... N 8' G. :.\lcLau!!blin 
Lower Five blanM. ,COlcheater...... N 8,John Broderick 
Lower Fort Garry... LiRgar ............ 1\1, 
 J. :.\Ic Lean 
Lower Freetown ... Prince .........P E I I George Burns 
L. French Village... York ......... N B J W.llcKinlay 




L_ Dl8TRCT. 1 

 DI8TRlCT ' I _ P08TI\I
McDonald's Point ... Queen's ......... N B I D. N. Smith Manilla ............... Victoria, 8 R...... 0 .T. K. Ockendon 
Douga1l8ett,.,,,,., Westmoreland N B Col. McD
ugall }I:mi!'n... .......... Lanark,8 R .... OlD. Dion . 
McGarry............... LaDark, SR.... 0 P. McGany JJla.mtrJwamng ...... Algoma ............0 W. H. PrIce 
McGinley............... We
tnlOrel'd.. N ß Anselm LeBlanc Ma.niwald ............. Ottawa ............. Q,C. Logue 
McGrath Mountain. Pictou............ 
 8 1 D. C
øron "lanner
Sutton...... York ............ N BiWalter Pler
McGray.... ..,...... 8helburne...... Iii S :\I"rtIIJ McGray 
Isnnholm ............ Waterloo, 8 R.... OIHeDry GerbIg 
McGregor ............ Essex, SR......... 0, D. 8icklesteel lUanDhurst........ King'". ........, N BID. 8. 1IIRon 
McGregor 8t
tion.. Marquette......... M:T. R. Vardon *Manotick ............ tlarleton............ VIG. L. Dickinson 
MacIntosh Millll .... Leeds, S It......... O.Jos. J. McIntosh Mansewood............ \ lIalton .......--...0 A. Wooding 
McIver .... ............ Bruce, N R ...... O!John Mciver Mansfield............... Simcoe. 8 R....... 0 M. Colquhoun 

Iclntyre............... Grey, 1<: R ...... .. OIArch. :\lc1ntyre :\1al\Rfield............... Cumberland.. N S I T. W. Cl\rter 
McKaY'1I Boint.. ... Victoria......... N 8 M. McLean :\Iansfield . ............ , Ring's...... PEl T. Bolen 
McKellal................ Muskoka & P 8d. 0 1 H. Moffat Man..
onville ........... Brome............... QIJohn P Heath 
:UcKl!8s Mills ..... Kent..,..... N B John McKee \Isns,'nville 8tation i Brome . ............ Q I C' lU. Bowker 
McKenzie'sCorner.. Carleton ...... N BIB. D. Hoyt 1Ilanvers Station ... Durham, E R.... 0 W. II. Johnston 
}IcKinlay . . . ... ... Lanark, N R...... 0 J. Sullivan 't Maple . ............... York, W R......... 0 J. P. Rupert 
McKinnon's Harbor V
ctofia......... N S!DonaldGilliR. Maple Bay ............ I Vancouver...... B C, W. BeaumtJnt 
McKnight ............ Kmgs .........NBIG.E.McKmgbt Maple Vrel'k ...... ............ A8!!a,JohnDixon 
McLaren's Depot. ... Addington...... 0, A. McLaren Maple Green .........IRestigouche... N B;James Fraser 
McLaughlin Road... Ken
 ............ N B Ira Hicks . Maple Grove .........1 
ex, E R . OIThomas 
McLeau ...... .. ... AddIngton....,.... OlD. C. Mclean :\Iaple Grove ..... . 1 1IIegantIC ......... Q' H. Cross, Jun. 
McLean .:........... ................... Assa,John B. Davis MapleH
ll ............ Bruce, SR......... OiT.J. Jenkin8 
::\lcLelanvdle... ..... Cape Breto!:... N S l 'John l\IcLean :Ul\ple HIll ............ j llIe!!antic ......... Q1A. McHarg 
McLellan'e Mount'n'Pictou ......... N S And. Fraser Maplehnrst............ Carleton ....... N B Wm. Kearney 
McLellan'8. Brook.... I Pictou ......... N S r'm. l\1cInt,?sb Maple Islam I ......... I M.uRk
ka k P 8d. 01.1. K. CannøJ) 
McLeod MIlls......... Kent ...... ...... N B dmon BartIault Maple Lake..... ... VIctorIa. E R .... 0: Mrs. C. Melville 
McNamee............... Northumb......N B,F. McNamee 
IapleLeaf..... ...... Compton ......... Q,Wm.G. Planche 
McPhail........... Lawuk, S R ...... O l D. Mc['hail Maple Lodge ......... Mlddlesex,N R... 0' Alex. W. Smith 
McPhetlion . . . . . ... AntigoniRhe.. N S A. McPherl!on Maple Ridjle.... ...... Ontario, N R...... 0: J. Garrison 
:\lcPherson's Ferry. Richmond...... N S j JamesSmitb Maple Ridge....... Pontiac ........ Q Wm.Shirley 
'lcPherson's Stat'n Vancouver...... B C Geo. Jones Maple Ridge....... York ......... N B,J. Lockard 
McQuade.. ..... ...... Welltmorel'nd, N B I J. McQuade Mapleton ............... I Elgin, E R. ....... O,E. Knight 
Mabee...... ......... Norfolk, N. R..... 0 G. A. Mabee MBpleton ............... Albert ......... N B W. A. Colpits 
Maberly ............... Lanark, S R ...... 0, Henry Rijl:nøy 
pelton............... Cumberland... N S W. A. Lodge 
Mabou .................. Inverness ...... N S: Hugh McDonald Maple Valley......... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 B. Bowennan 
Mab<lu Coal Mines... Inverness ...... N S I D. Beaton Maple View........... Victoria......... N B John O. Flanders 
:.\Iabou lIarbour...... Inverness ...... N S D. McDonald Maplewood ............ Oxford, N R ..... O\Chrill. G. Bean 
Mabon Har. Mouth. Inverness ...... N SIAllan McLean Maplewood ........ york........ N B,J811. .Tohn
Maccan ................ Cumberland... N SIRobt. D. Roach Maquapit Lake ...... Sunbury....... N B John Stone 
Macdonald ............ Lennox............. SIH. Goodfellow Mar ..................... / Brnce, N R ....... 0 Wm. lleallman 
MacDougal!... ......... Prince......... PEl I J. MacDougall Maratbon ...... ...... Lanark. N R...... 0 Wm. Ashfield 
Macinquac... ...... york........ N B I John Donaldson Yarble Mountain ... InverneRs ...... 1'1 S I Je8sie McDonald 
 Station. ... , ' Renfrew, N R.... 0 Jas. Dunlop Marble Rock. .........1 Leeds, S R......... 0 George Emery 
l\Iackville .. .... ... King's........N B1Jno. McCormac). -'Iarbleton ............, Wolfe ............... Q J. B. Bishop 
Mace's Bay... ......... Charlotte ...... N B I W m. !'tlcGowan 
Iarcb... ......... ...... Carletoll...... ...... 0 W. H. Berry 
Hacnamara's Island Richmond.... N S I Jas. Macn
mara Marchbank............ King's.... ...... N B I A.W.Marcbll:lDk 
Macnider............... Rimuuski ......... Q Lonill Décbène Marchhurst .......... l'arleton............ O,E J Boucber 
Mactaquack . ......... York ............ N BiWm. B. Christy Marcbmont .......... Simcoe, E R...... 0 Cbas. .T. Powley 
.!'tlacton.................. WelIlngton.C R.. O / 1I1rs. McCormac' Marden ............... Wellington, S R. O,J08. McDonald 
:\Iacville ............... Cardwell .......... 0 A. MeDougall MargaruHarOOur.. Inverness...... N S/,T. P. McFarlane 
Maddington Falls... Arthabaska ...... Q Jules I<
nouf Margaree Forks...... Inverness ...... N S Luke White 
Maddock ...... ......... Prince......... PEl, .James Mattix Margaret31Jille . ...... Annapolis...... N S A. B. Stronach 
Mader's Cove...... Lunenburg ... N SiC. A. 8trum Margate ............... Prince..........P E } I George Ma)'hue 
.Madoc.................. Hastings, N R... OjWm. H. O'FlynIJ Maria ................... Bonaventure...... QIMrs. A. P. Cyr 
Magagl1adavic ....... York ............ N B11I11'8. A. R. Vail Maria Capes ......... Bonaventure...... Q I Alex. Degrace 
Magdalen Il!landø.... Gaspé ............... QI Lucien Brland Marie Bridge ......... King's .........P E I Cball. DingwaU 
Magenta ............... Rouville............ Q Jacques Fournier Marie Joseph ......... Guysboro' ...... N S Elillha Hawbolt 
Magmtawan ......... Muskoka& P Sd. 0 D. McMillan Marieton ............... ............. Assa A. Hutcbison 
Maguire. ......... ...... lIIiddlesex, N R. 0 Alex8.Dder Tod Marion Bridge....... Cape Breton... N SIN. H. 
* Magog...... ...... ...... Stanstead ......... Q Alvin H. Moore Marlon Bridge Road Cape Breton... NE i l R. McDonald 
Magoon'sPoint ...... Stanstead ......... Q Aaron Magoon Maritana................ Huntingdon ...... Q Wm. Edwards 
:\Iagpie.................. Saguenay ......... Q Geo. Malloy . Markdak ............. Grey, S R. ......... 0 1 W J. McFarland 
Magundy............... York ............ N B James Henry *Markham ............ I York; E R .........0 G. J Cbauncey 
Ma1wne Bay...... Lunenburjt ... N 8 1 SImon Burgoyne MarkhamV\71
......... King s ......... N B Alfred Markbam 
Maidstone ............ Essex, N R . ...... 0 'J bomasl\Ioran Mal ksvilIe ............IAlgoma ............ OIJobn Marks 
MainadÜu ............ Cape Breton... N S Clara R. Rigby Marlbank ............ 'HBRtings, E R ... 0 Mrs. D. Allan 
Main River............ Kent ............ N B Robt. Graham 
Iarlborough ......... ................... As8llo John O'Flynn 
lIIaisonneuve ...... Hochelaga...... Q C. Bellerose :\-Iarllngton............ Bt.anstead.... ...... Q E. B. GURtÍn 

Iaitland ............... Grenville, S R.... 0 Frank Dumbrllle :\larlo
 ......... ...... ...1 BCßuce ............ QI Jos. Tb?mp
Maitland ............... Hants............ N SIAlexander Roy !\IarmlOn ............... Grey. N R.. ...... 01 Mrll. Ehla Ward 
Maitland ............... Annapolis ... N 8, W. H. Dukesbitf MaTmOTa...............1 Hastings, N R... 0, :\Iiss A H Bentley 
Malagash............... Cumberland... N S I Robert Baillie Marney............. .. I Marquette......... MIPeter Butcbart 

Ialagasb Point ...... Cumberland ... N S J. W. Treen :.\Iarnocb ............... lIuron. W R...... 0, P. Potterfield 
"Ialagawatch ......... lnVernel<8 ...... N 8 1 L. McDonald :\-Iarringburst......' Selkirk............ 
II M. :\lcQuarrie 
!\Ialakoff ... ............ Carleton............ 0 Thos. Johnston' Marriott's Cove ... ... 'Lunenburg ... N S I Rupert l\lilIet 
!Ualcolm ............... Bruce,}
 R......... O'Daniel Sullivan i\1ar!!boro' .... ......... !Compton . ......... Q,J. F. McIv

f alignant Cove...... Antigonishe.... N 8, D. A. McDonald 1\larsden ...... ......... i Ü?mpton ......... Q' J. D. Mortlson 
!'IhUorytown ......... Leeds, SR......... U, R. W. Tennant Marsh. ..................1 PIctou ............N SjMalcOlm Ross 
:\lalmaison ,........... :\-lissisquoi ......... Q ,Jame!! Crothers :\larshaU's Town. ..., Digby......... N 8 1 K J. Haines 
Malone ................. Hastings, N R ... O'Geo. Richardson lIbrl'bdale.......... ... 'Pictou . .........N 8, A. Fraser 

Ialton ........... ...... Pøel............ ..... 0 I T. B. AlIen Mal'8bt!f'ld ... ......... Quøen'.'I....... P E J I Miss I.Rob.ert@on 
Malta .................. Ontario, IS' R...... 0, Tbos. Whyte :\Iarl!h Hill ............IODtario, N R .... 0 WUI. Tomhnson 
'Ialvern ............... York, E R ......... 0 1 G. M. .Jarques Marsb Lake ......1 Cape Breton ... N S , JObn l\lartiu 
1IIal vina.... ...... ...... Compton:......... Q: :\IoYRe Roy \Iarsh..-ille ... .........1 :\I.onck .... ........:. 0 Mrs M E Hann 
:!\Iancbester............ Ontario, N R...... UjW. C. H"ard :\Iarsby Hopt! ......... PH,toU ......... IS S,Angus 
:.\Ianda .................. Selkirk ............ II .John Cain \farllton ............... 'Norfolk, 8 R ...... OiWm. 1<'. Anger 
1\oIandamin ............ Lambton, W R... O'J. G. Finch Marsville............... Wellington,C R. 0 WUI. Cooney 




Martin's Head..... St.Joh

.... ND 1 M. FergÛ 
Martin's Point ...... Lunenburg ... N 8 Edmund Shupe 
n's River. ...... Lunenburg ... N S Gl'orge Strum 
Martmtowu .......... Glengal"rY ......... O,Andrew Foulds 


;m: .:.:.:.:.:::: 

..::::::::: gi!


lIIarvin. . . .. . . .' . .. Kin
's..:......... N B i I!. 
. }Itl.rvin 
Marvdale............... AntlgoDlshe... N S,O,)lm Chisholm 
Marysville ............ Hastings, E R ... O:Geo Anderson 

laryvillt' ...... ...... York ............ N BIG. W. Foster 
Maryvale............... AntigonishI.'.. N E1,Jamei! G. Ross 
}Iaacarene ....... . , Charlotte ...... N B i Wm. C. Dick 
Mascouche ............ L' Assomptlon ... Q .T. O. Lamarche 
Mascouche Rapids... L' Assomption ... Q IGeo. Alexander 
Mashl\m Mills ....... I Ottawa ............ Qip. Bertrand 
Maskawata . . ....... Selkirk........ M'D. McCallum 
Masklnonge ......... :\Iaskinonge ...... Q IJ. O. B..langer 
Mllosonville............. \liddlesex, E R. O:Crowell Swartz 
Massawippi... ......... Stanstead ... ...... Q i Eugene St. Dizier 
Maqsie .................. Gley,N R ......... O , J. Partridge 
Masson . ............... I Ottawa. ........... Q S. Desormeau 
'lass. Town ... ...... ... Colch
ster ... N S I Geo. C. Stephens 
MastIgoche ............'kmo1,lge ...... Q,J. O. Henau!t 
Matane ................. I Rlmouskl ......... Q,G. L. PeUI-tler 
Matapedia ............. Bonaventure...... Qi Eusebe Doiron 

latawatchan ......... Renfrew, SR.... OI.Tohn 
Matheson...... ......... Victoria.......... N S: John 'fatheson 
Matsqui ............... 
.Westminster.BC I 'J. Trethew.ay. 
Mattatal1 Lake .... Colche!'ter.... N S Alex. Patnqum 
.Mattawa............... Dist. Nipisslng... 0 Chas. A. 
Mattie .................. Guysborough...N SIßerTIard Clinton 
er'l"ille .......... Sunbury...... N B I IW. II. Bent 
MavilleUe ............ Digby........ N S A. L. Deveau 
Mawcook ............... ShefIord ...... ...... Q I Ed wd Bradford 
MaxviIle ............... Glengarry......... 0 J. McEwen 
Maxwell............... Grey, E R ......... 0 We'de} Long 

layerviIle. ... ......... Rusllell ... ......... 0 Mrs. Ada Mayer 
Mayfair ............. Middlesex, W R. 0 Jno. E. Camphell 
Mayfield ............... Peel.................. O l wm. Spiers 
1\Iaynard ............... Grenville, S R ... 0 Jas. Simpson 
Maynooth ............ HaAtings, N R ... O' I H. Z. Cal'sell 
Mayo..................... I Ottawl\ ............ Q Anthony'Bourk 

leadow . . . .. .. .... Albert ........ N n i Fred. Steeves 
ME'adow Lea ......... Lisgar...............
s. Stewart 
'I.dows ............... Charlotte ...... N B Geo F Beach 
Mi'adowvak............ Peel.................. 0 I i C. W Switzer 
.Mpaford............... Grey, E R ......... 0 D. L. T.ayton 
Meagher's Grant ... Halifax ......... N S Wm. J. Dillman 
)Ieat Cove ........ Victoria...... N S I A. B. 
Mechanics'Set. ...... King's ......... N B Alex. Moore 
Mecbanicsville....... Carleton... ......... 0 I ' Hector T.-lpointe 

Iecnnoma ............ I 
lnskoka&: PS'd. 0 George Archer 
Medford ............... King's ...... ... N S Wm. WeRt 
Me'licme H
t . ..... ASRiniooia... ...Assa Thof'. Tweed 
:\!edina...... ............ ,Oxford. :>I R ...... 0 Alf. Goodbow 
Medora . ......... ...... j 
(Jlkirk.............:\1 Wm COl'grove 
Meiklefield . . ... , .. Pictou........ X 8 Adam I\lcInnis 
} . ...... ...... Lunenhurg......N 8 .T. l\Ielsenerf' 

Iekiwin ....... ,. Marquette....,. '\I :msll J. St. Clair 
Melancthon ......... i Grey, E R ......... 0 .James Brown 
Melboro ...............;Richmond ......... Q John 
Mp/bourne . .......... . 1 Jlliddlesex, W R. 0 JIIS G Begg 
.J,[plbolJ,Tfle ............ Ri('hmond ......... Q Wm. Beatti.. 
Meldrum Bay......... I AI
oma ............0 Daniel ß \1('Rae 
)II'Jford ................ Invernel'1I ...... N S 'I. 1\lc1)nuald 
Melgl1nd . . .. . .. . .' Selkirk........ M W. J I1iggins 
Melissa... ............... \luskoka &: P S.d. 0 Henry Mal'on 
Melita ........... .1 Selkirk . . . .. ... M R. 1\1. Graham 
}Ielocheville ......... Beauharnois .... Q .J. D. Roy 
Melr0se ............... Hastings, E R .. 0 Wm. Mundell 
Melrose ................. GUVI'boro' ...... N S James Stewart 
Melvern Square...... Annapolis...... N S B. Spinnf'Y 
Melville ............... Prince Edward... 0 Caleh Johnson 
Melville Cross. ..... Cardwell ...... 0 Henry S('ott 
Memel ............ Albert ...... NB James Stevens 
J,f,mramcook. ...... ... Westmoreland N B S. C. Charters 
\lenie ......... ....... Xorthumb'd.ER.O Jamel' Mather 
1\lenomonee........... 1\luøkoka& PS'd. 0 Isaac Williams 
){enota. .. .. . .. .... S..lkirk........ M F. D. Warren 
Menteith ......... S..lkirk ........ 1\1 Jamf'1I WintH 
}I"rcier. . . ... . .. ... \lontmagny .... Q 'gnaC8 1\lercier 
/l(prigornislte.......... I'icton ......... N S Wm. Dunn 
l\Il'tivale ............... Carleton............ 0 I
BC Plunkett 
IIltJrlin ...... ............ Kent. ... ............ 0 H. A. Miller 
ME'rmaid Farm ...... Queen'''...... PEl V. Boyce 
"J,ll'rT'ick"ViUe ......... Grenville. N R...O Samuel Jakes 
MerrltL................ Grey,}
 R......... 0 John Wilson 


 OF !:C

 STER :.. 
. MerritlÆm ............ Lincoln ... ......... 0 \1r8.1\1. Schooley 
Merton ...........1 Halton ........ 0 John fotheridan 
ME'tabechouan. ...... Chicoutlml. ...... Q J. P. Gagnon 
Metaghan .......... I Digb y ............ N S George German 
\1etaghan River.... Digby............ N S F. J. L. Comeau 
M..taghan Station.. Digby........ N S Mrs. F. GE'ildsy 
*Mp.lcalfe............... RURsell ............ 0 W. F. CamplJell 
Méthot's 1\lillll. ... ... Lotbinière......... Q Joseph Fournier 

Ietehosin ....... . 1 Victoria. . . .. . B C :\Irs. R. GI
M l'tgermette ......... Heauee. ............ Q Victor Vannler 
\Ietropulitan. ...... ... Perth, S R... ...... 0 Pat Maloney 
Metz..................... Wellington,C R. OjJ. R. Dell 
Yeyersburg .......... Northumberla'd. O'George Potts 
'1iaml ... ............. Selkirk ............ lIllw. Thompson 



: .:::::..::'.::. 

'lichipicotonRiver. Aljtoma ........ O:P. W. Bell 
urg ............ Renfrf'w. N R.... 0; George Mick 
Middleboro'............ Cumberland ...N SI:\lrl' N Skerry 
Middle Beaver Bank Halifax ...... N S I Ed ward P.arratt 
Middle Cape .......... I cape Breton... N S A. McDonald 
Middle Church ...... Lisgar. ............ )1 .Jos. Thompson 
Middle Co. IIarbonr. Gnysboro' ...... :II' S;Frf'd. Salsman 
Middle Coverdale.... I Albert. ......... N B:Chas. Trite" 
Mi.1dlefiE'ld ............IQueen's .........N S:S. 1<' Watl'rman 
Middle 118inesvme. l york. .......... N B'W. Prlre 
'IiddleLaHa'l"eFerry Lunenbnrg ... N siC. R Pernette 
Middle Manchester. GUYl'borollll;h.. N S:Davld Scranton 
Middlemarch ......... Elgin. W.R....... !O!Frauk Westlake 
.Viddle M"squndoboit l Ha1iftlX ......... 
 S: R. I{aulbflck 
Middlemiss . ......... 
1iddlesex, W R. 0 Daniel DeCow 
'\fiddle Ohio. ........ Shelburne...... N S T M G McKay 
\IiddlePorter'sLake Halifax ......... N S James Innis 

liddle River.......... Victoria......... N S Chas. L.lIIcLeod 
Middle St. Francis... Victoria......... N B ,Toha T Hartt 
Mid.Jle Saclrvif'" .... Westmoreland, N B Alex. Smitb 

nddle Sackvilh,... HalifAx ...... N S 
 P. J. Bla kf'ney 

1.Sec.N .E.Margaree Inverness ...... N S' James Frizzle 






iddleSouthamptoD I York ............ N ß,Thos Hull 
Middle Slewiacke.... Colchester...... N SI.John Dirkie 
*Middll'.tnn . .......... Annapolis...... N S"J. Gnl1lven 

ddleton ....... .... Pri
ce. .:.......PI<J T I wm. Roberts 
MlddletolJ . ........... :\nt.JgoDlshe... N S .Tohn ::\lcDonald 
\fiddle Town ......... I GUVOborO' ...... N S' {.. Walker 
..tliddltviUe............ Lañark, N R...... O , 'Wm. Croft 
Midford. ............... Muskoka&:P.S'd. O. Wm. Smyth 
Midgell.................. King's......... PEl I F. 
Uidj!;ic .............. ...1 Westmoreland N BIMarinE't Hickll 
\Ii.lImrAt ............. Simcoe, N R ...... o I George Sneath 
. Nidland .... ........ Simcoe. E R...... (} T ß. Gladstone 
'lid land ............... King's............N B A. M. Sherwood 

1id Lothian.... ... ... Yuskoka &'; P n' d. 0 I Geo. Whelpton 
Midnapore............. .................. AltalS. W. Shaw 
:\1idviJ1e Bra.nch ... Lunenburg....N S,JOl'. Rf'denlisSiir 
:\1idway.. ...... ...IAlbert........N B'T. Wilband 
Milburn ... ............ ,King's... ....... PEl Edw. Mul1inR 
:\li1by ...................1 
herbrooke ....... Q Simon J. Powers 
ß(ildmay ...............1 Bruce, E R........ 0,0. Herrlnger 
:\1111.' End ..............' H<Y.:helaga ......... Q Trefile Dubois 
l\li1ettn.................. Stanstead ......... Q :\lrll.l\I.A.MutTay 

lliford............ Prince Edward... 0 John Batton, sen 
)li1ford.................. AnnaDolis ... N S {I'MC Floyd 
Milford.................. St. John. ...... N B John IrvinE' 
MilfordHa'l"E'nBridge GUYilboro' ...... N S!T. McDonald 
Milford Station...... Hant!!.......... ...N 
 Geo. L Colter 
Milkish ... ............ Kinjl;'A............N B John Scott 
\1iJ1ar's Corners...... GrenviJIe, N R... 0 lJavid MiJ1ar 
"illarton... ....... Bruce, W R.... . 0 Robert Millar 
'< JfiUbank . ............ P'3rth, N R......... 0 Wm. Rutherford 
Millbank ............... Northumber' . X ßID.'I.'I"id l\IclIarlly 
Mill Bridge............ Halltings, N R... 0 R. M. 
· Mill Brook............ Durham, E R ...0 Wm. Vance 
MiJ1 Brook ............, Pictou ......... N S Jame" Fraf'er 
'Iill Brook. ............,Queen's ......... N ß David lll1lrhel' 
:\1iJ1brook... ............ {.i
gar ............ )11.John Sutberland 
MiJI Cove............... Lunenburg ... N S J. W. Joll} more 


::::::::: ::.::: &

.:::::::p N E 


M!ll Creek ............ Kent ............ N ß I Wm. 
1\[,11 Creek. ............ 'Cape Breton... N S DenDI'! Sullivan 
\IiJ1edge'l"ille ......... \ St. .Tohn ...... N ß,John G. Tobin 

lille Isles ............ Aru;enteui1......... Q'.John Welltgate 
· Milk ,RfJCh'
""""., Cornwall. ....,..... 0 !Georgp W. Kezar 


..: ::: ::: I 






[ 1888. 


Mille Vaches.......... Saguenay ........ Q J. A. Piu-Z; - 
Millfield ............... Megantlc .......... Q Tboll. McKenzie 
)[ilIford ...... ......... SelKirk .......... M Jobn Brown 
Mill Grove.............. Wentworth,N R. 0 Daniel Flatt 
Mill Haven ............ Lennox ............ 0 1 Jas. Franklin 
Milliken ............... York, E R......... 0 Mrs. 8. Milliken 

IilliDilton ... ......... Brome ... ......... Q Aylmer Place 
:Millington............. Ontario, N R...... 0 A. P. 1\lcDonald 
Mill River............. Prince... .....P ElF. Peters 
1IIill Road .. .......... Lunenburg... ...N 8 H. J. Meister 
Mill 8ettlement...... 8unbury. .......N B N. Hoyt 
Mill8tream ... ......... King's .......... N B J. A. Fenwick 

lmlStrl>am .. . . . ... Bonaventure.... Q !\Irs. A.. Lavoie 
:\Iillsville......... ...... Picton ... ...... N 8 Robert Young 
"'Milltown ............. \ charlotte ...... N B Thos. W.Butler 
Milltown Cross. ...... Kiug's......... PEl J. E. Compton 
Mill View. ............ Queen's .......P E I Jobn R. Bourke 
Mill Village............ Queen's ......... N S H. H. Mack 
Millville....... ......... King's. ......... N 8 Mrs. M. Gates. 
j[illviUe ............... York ............ N B 
I. 8. Ityan 
)IiIlward ............. ................... Alta 1\[i811 McDougall 
Milton. ............ ...... Queen's......... N S E. Kempton 
Milton, East ..........' SbefIord ............ Q Thos. Hackett 
Milton 8tation ...... ' Queen's. ...... PEl W. McNeill 
. Milton, Wut .......... Halton............. 0 John Lyon 
Milvt:rton . ............ Perth, N R ....... 0 Jobn Pierson 
Mimico ............... York, W R......... 0 Robert Wixon 
Miminegash .......... Prince...... ...P E I Ricbard Costain 
Mimosa ..............., Wellington. 8 R. 0 Illaiah Cawtbra 
l'tIineville. .... . ...... Haliflix........N 8 A. 8. Crook 
· Minden. ............... Victoria, N R...... 0 C. D. Curry 
Mindemoya............ Algoma ............ 0 Francis Wagg 
:\Iineral . ............... Carleton. ...... N B James Guest 
Mineral HIlI....... Albert.........N B Jno. Stevens 

Iinent.1 Rock... .... Cape Breton... N S M. l\IcOdrum 
Minesing ............... Simcoe, N R...... 0 Mrs. M. Ronald 
Mingan .... ............ Saguenay ......... Q B. Scott 
Mink River Road ... Kin
's......... PEl W. Lannigan 
Minned08a ........ :\Iarquette.........M J. 8. Armitage 
Winnewakan ....... Lisgar............. M Wm. A. Fiddler 

Iinnewawa ......... Selkirk ............ M Jobn Young 
l\Iinniska......... ...... Marquette.......M R. McDonald 
JIinton. .. .... ..... Stan8tead ...... Q A. E. Fish 
Minudle ............... Cumberland... N S W. A. Downey 
!\lira Gut...... ......... Cape Breton... N 8 8usannahMarteil 
Mirabt'l ... .. . . ... Two Mountains. Q 8. Godmer 
1\1iranda ............... Mil'8i8quoi ......... Q 8. B. Derick 
Miscou Light House Gloucester.... N B Robert Rivcrs 
l\liscou Harbour .... Gloucester...... N B A. Boyd 
1\Iiscou('be . ............ Prince..........P E I G. Des Roches 

Iil!pec .................. St. John ...... N B .JamesLyman 
Mississippi Station. Addington......... 0 Norman Clark 
."Jfitch,Jl. ............... Perth, 8 R......... 0 Wm. W. Hicks 
:\Iitchell's Bay...... Kent ............ .. 0 c. W. Raymond 
Mitchell River ...... King's......... PEl H. McPheto 
Mitchell 8quare...... Simcoe. E R ......0, H. P. Merrich 
Mizonette ............. Gloucester...... N B v. Godin 
'Ioe's River............ Compton ......... Q A. L. Brown 
Moffat .................. Halton. ............0 H. P. Inglebart 
Moffat ................. .................. Assa Alex. Kindred 
M()hawk ................ Brant. SR. ...... 0 J. R. Ellis 
Mobr's Corners...... Lanark, N R...... 0 Chas. :\Iobr 
Moira .................. Hastings, N R ... 0 J. C. Mullett 

Ioi"ie.................... 8al{uenay ... ...... Q Hilarion Portier 
Molesworth... ......... Wellington, N R. 0 C. W. Wat80n 
Moline. . ... .. . . ... 
Iarqnette...... 1\1 David Dick 
1\Ioltke............ Bruce.ER...... O'Fredk. Weigel 

Ion...ghan ............ Queen's .......P EJ .James Wisner 
Monck .................. Weliington,N R. 0 Wm. 8el!;swortb 
Monckland ............ 
tormont ......... 0 
I. :\Ialoney 
MoncriefI............... Huron, E R ...... 0 .Jobn McTaggart 
.'IIoncton ............... Westmoreland.N B Josepb Crandall 
Moncton ROl\d . ...... Westmoreland, N B Wm. G. BatemaL 
Moneymore ........... Hastings. E R ... OIJohn Thompson 
Mongenals ............ Vaudreuil ......... Q J. D. Vachon 

Ion"olia ............... York. E R......... 01 Rohert Curti!! 
Monk's Head ......... Antl
onisbe... N 8 F. Boudrlot 
1\[onkton ............... Perth ............... OIChas.1\[cKenzie 
MonoCentre ......... Cßrdwell .......... 0 Robt. Turnbull 
M()no Alilis ............ Cardwell .......... 0 W. J. Mills 
Mono Road Station. Cardwell. ......... 0 John Judg p 
ell . ...... ......... Ontario. N R...... 0 Jam.." Clark 
Montague ............ '"",nark, 8 R ...... 0 PetElr Clark 
 Bridge ... Klnjl;'s. .......P E I C. D. Poole 
MontßJlue Cross...... Kinlfs. .........P E I P A. Callaghan 
Mont Dufresne..... Richmond......... Q C. Gelinas 
ltIontagueG'd Mines Halifax ......... N 8 F. W. Cooper 

Montc;- rf -= ==. \ Ottäwa .::::::::-::- Q I Phil. P8 radis 
Montgomery.......... .................. ASIIa M.J. Corbett 
Monticello ............ WeHington, N R 0 1 1 Edmund 8witzer 
Montcalm ... ...... ...1 Mont('.alm ......... Q Mrs. E. Copping 
:\Ionteagle Valley ."1 IIastings, N R 0 I Wm. Rutledge 
Monte Bello............ I Ottawa ............ Q Cba8. Major 
:\Iontefiore. ............ 8elklrk ....... MIG. F. Thonger 
Montfort.... . . . ....... I Argenteuil .... Q 1M. Boulaire 
Mont LOuls............IGaspé ............... Q Jos. IRmieux 
Montmagny .... ...... I Montmagny ...... Q,8tanl
las Vallee 
Montmorency FallsïQuebec ........... Q'Plerre LaplliDt 
.Monlreal..............ïMontreal ......... Q I G. La Motbt- 
:\Iontreal River. . .. Nlpissing......... 0 Tbomas Keuney 
:\Iontrose.......... WellalJd............ 0 A. Welstead 
Montrose ...............1 Prince. .........P E I R. Hockin. jun. 
Montrose ...............Il\Iarquette...... 1\I I RiChardManbaIl 
Mt. St. Hilaire ....... iRouviIIe............ Q Miss C. Lahaise 
Mont 8t. Nicholas... St. John . ......... Q 'rhos. Girard 
Monnment8ettlem't Carlet.'n ...... N BIJames Kennedy 
MoodyvilIe ............ N.We8tminster,BCIBenj. ::\pringer 
Moonstone...... ..... ,8Imcoe, E.R.....O Wm. Dnnlop 
.NOOT' .................. Lambton, W R... 01 John Morri80n 
\loorefield ............ Wellington.C R. OiMrs. A.Maud!!ley 
Moore8burg ........ Grey, N.R........ OiThomas Moore 
Moore's Falls ......... 
 Victoria, N R .... 0' Tboma" Leary 
Moore'", Mills. ....... CharlottE> ...... N B' Asa Connick 
Moore's Station ...... Mlssi8quol......... Qlp, C. Moore 
MooresvilIe ........ I Middlesex, N R. O,Jos. 8. Giefillan 
M008e Brook. .........IHantll ......... N 81 Thomas M. Reid 
Moose Creek .......... I 8tormont. ......... O,J. La Brosse 
Moose Jaw ........ AS8Inibola... N W T 
 J. A. Whitmore 
Mo08eland ......... ... I Halifax ......... N 8 1 John Prest, jUD 
Moose Múuntain.... Asslnlbola...N W T:T BaI.Jwln 
Moo>.le River. ......... Pictou ............N 8 1 .Jobn Munro 
\loose River .......... Cumberland ...N sjWm. Roberts 
}loose R.Gold Mines Halifax "........ N S Jost'pb Blair 
M() ........ . 1 Asslnlbola Ter . . . .! Jos. Dani..l 
Moran ............ Northumb......NBIJa8.Moran 
Moravlantown . ....1 Elp;ln. W.R.........O Rev. A. Hartman 
Moray.................... I Middlesex, N R. 0; David Poulter 
Morcambe............. Kinlt's. ......... N B'J. Fowler 
Mnrden.......... ...... 8elklrk ............ M I J. M. Grover 
Morden ................ Klng:s .......... N 8i8i1as Balcomb 
MurebAad . ............ 1 PootIac ...... ...... Q Dl\vld Clarke 
\lorell Hear .......... Kinp;'s .........P E J 1 IJames Phelan 
Morell 8tation. _... King's......... PEl M. Coffin 
:\Iorewood ... ...... ''' 1 Dunda8 ............ 0 I A. McKay 
Morganston........... Northumb'd,ER.O Wm. J. Newman 
MOl in Flats............ I Argenteuil......... Q 1 18MC JekiU 
Morley ..................,Grey. E R ......... O:Jam
s Lemon 
Morningdale Mills... I Perth, N R . ...... 0: J. Nlcklln 
.AJurpeth ............... J<:lgln. W R..... 0 J. C. Nation 
Moropano ....... ...... / 8elklrk ............ !II! R. Jobn8ton 
Mnrris ............ Provencher.... 1\1, W. A. Russea 
· Morrisburfl ......... Dundaø ... ......... 0 Patrick Gormely 
Morri80nvllle .........18tonnont ........ 0, Rod. Morril'on 
MMTiston .............,Wellinjtton.8 R. O/R. B. 1oIorrll!f)n 
Morril'town ............ AntÏllonlshe... N S' J. McOlIlivrav 
Morri"town............IKing's ......... N 8' I JObnR. Palmer 
Morton .................. Leeds, 8 R......... 0 James R. Leake 
Morton's Corner . ...1 Lunenburg ... N 8: Wm. Drew 
Morven ............... Lennox ............ 01 W. R. Gordllnier 
Mosborougb . ......... 'Wellington, 8 R. O I JObn I. HobEon 
Mnl!COw ... ... .........1 Addington......... 0 Zara Vanluven 
Moser's River......... Halifax ......... N !'! G. P. 
:\IoshervlIle....... .... Hants............ N 8 1 Mrs.M.A. :\Iosher 
)\.IOII(JIII'o Creek. ....1 .... ........ AltajJ. Trolir,ger 
Moss men ............ King's............ N B E. H. Merritt 
'\108side..................' Middlesex, W R. 0' Jame8 McCßbe 
:\Iol'sley . ............... !\Iiddlesex, E R... 0 James Moakes 

Iossman's Grant.... Lunenburg ... N 8 Reuben Baker 

Iotherwell .......... Perth. 8 R......... () Jobn Pitt/lpit'('e 
:\loulle'8 River ....... Kent...... ...... N B J08epb B. Miller 
:\Ioullnette ...... ...... I St.ormont ......... 0 H. Harri

Ioul ton Station. ... ,
Ionck ............. 0 Ricb. Augle 
Mountain B.'ook .... Rel!tlgonche... N B J. Hamilton 
\lountain City .... Felklrk....... ......!l1 W. C. AldersOD 
Mountain Dåle....... 'Kinl/;'s....... N B J. A. Patt..r80n 
"Iountaln Grove...... 1 Addington......... 0 Alex. M('D,1nflld 
Mountain Road.... .1 Pictou ............
 S L. LRDI!lIle 
d II View...... Prince Edward... 0 Jobn Potter 
M()'Unt Albert ......... York. N R... ...... 0 :\Irs. ß. J 8ck
Monut 4.lbion......... Wentworth. 8 R. 0 Herbert Davis 
'Iount Albion......... QUAell's .......P E I Robert JenklDs 
fr.},[()unt Brl/dge3...... Mldrllellex.8 R.. 0 Thomas PeRr"" 
:\Iount Carmel ......1 Kamouraska...... Q R. Lavoie 
Mount Charles ......1 PeeL................ 0 James Savag.. 


1888. ] 



Mount C h
rÎ;-y-..::: F rontenac .=='0 Åntb,'ný Engli8b Napanee Miïlø-= I Addingtoñ......... o lÔ eorge 
}Iount ('Dføack ...... Cape Breton... N 
 Hugh CuøFack 
apban........... HlUltingø, E R .. 0 John D. Nøphan 
:.\Ionnt Deniøon ...... Hantl' ......... N 8 1 Mrs. J. E. Shaw Napier .................. 1 :\1iddleøex, W R. Q Alex. Artburø 
j[()unt Elgin .........jNorfolk, N R...... O I ROiter O. Mi1ler Napiervilù ............ Napierville......... Q L. N. McQueen 
.Mount Jibre3t .....ïWellington,NR. 0 T.G.Smith Kapinka .......... j Selklrk........ M J. S. Yeomanø 
Mount Hanly........., Annapolis ......
 S Cal"b Miller Nappan . ............... Cumberland... N 81 Henry Wood 
Mount Healy .........1 Haldimand. ...... 01 W. Donaldson 
appan Station......, Cumberlanð . N SI A. C. Barry 
:llount Hebron.. .. Kinlt's..... ...N B I C' PaUerl'on :S-apperton ............ Middlesex, W R. 0 Thomas Jury 
}Iount Hope. ........., Bruce, 
. It .... 0 Jobn Cole NaTTIJW3 ............... Queen's ......... N B T. McK. Todd 
Mount Horeb......... , Vicrorla, S R...... 0 Wm. Elliott Narrows Creek ...... King'II......... P E IiL. McDonald 
Mount Irwin ......... Victorl", N R .... 01 T. I'escock Na"hvi1le. ......... York, WR...... 0 :.\Iattbew East 
'\:Iount Johnllon...... lberville............ QIJ. O. Pion Nasbwaak ............ York ............N B James Young 
Monnt Lebman.... N.We6tmlnst'r. BC I E. Thomllon Nasbwaak Bridge... York ............ N B J. T. McBean 
Mount Loyal......... Montcalm ......... QI P. Shevelin., Nashwaakpls ......... York ............ N B W. McFarlane 
Mount Maple...... Argentenil ..... Q Mrs. J. Warwick 
asbwaak Station... York ............ N B IJames R. Garden 
)Iount :\1iddleton... King.s............N B I D. 8. Sinnott N'ashwaak Village... York .............
 B John L. Fletcher 
:\Ionnt Oscar ......... Vaudreull ......... Q F. D TeR"ier 
asollwortb . ......... york........ N B IA. A. Nli!ion 
}Iount Plsgsb.. ...... King's............N B 1 J. L. }IcCrossin .Nas3agaweya. ...... Halton. ............ OIJ. E.'I.8terbrook 

Iount Pleasant...... Durbam. E R .... 0 John W. OreRr Natasbquan ......... Saguenay.......... Q D. Dumarez 

Iount Pleasant...... Prince ...... ...P E I I }Irø. C. William. National Park........ ,....... ... ....... Alta R.O'Donogbue 
Mount Pleasant...... Cumberland... N S Iøaac Simpson Nauwigewauk ....... King's .......... N B:Wm. W. Dodge 
Mount Plcaøant...... Carleton......... N B I Moses Rideout 
avan .................. RusRell............. 0 W. Clark 
Mount St. Louis...... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 .1, P. HUMey Necum Teucb......... Halifax ......... N S Wm. Smltb 
Mount St. Patrick... Renfrew, 8 R .... 0 J. Carter Ntepawa ..... .. ... :\Iarquette... ...... M Alfred M. Dalton 
:\Iount Slilt'm .........1 EIJl;in E R......... 0 
Irs. A. Hillakel :segusc.................. Nortbumb'rl'd N B L. N. Allain 
)Iountl'berg ...... ... , Wentwortb, NR. 0' Cbarles Revell 
elgette... ............ Rimouskl ......... Q F.)C. Gagnia 
Mount Sherwood ... Carleton............ 0 Albert S. Hopper Xeil's Harbour ...... Victorla......... N S Thos. Williams 
)Iount Stewart ...... I Queen's ......P E I David Ellan Neilsonville ....... Qnebec..... ....Q Henr) Moss 
MountTbomSet'm't Pictou ......... N S Andrew lIcKay Nelles Corners....... Haldimand ....... 0 A. H. Cline 
Monnt Uniacke ...... Hants ......... N S Jobn :\lcLean Nelson ... ...... ......... Halton. ............ 0 D. W. Springer 
11. UnicakeGold M'ø Hantø... ......... N S S. Dimock Nelson..... ....... Selkirk ............ M P. Anderson 
:\Iount Vernon....... Brant, S R......... 0 }I. W. Townsand Nenagh ............... Grey. SR.......... O'Tbos. Duignan 
:\Iount 'iew. ......... Westmoreland, 
 B Layton Bowser Nerepis Station ..... King's. ......... N B David McKenzie 
Monntville ............ Albert ..... N B Jobn Clark Netherby ............ WeIland............ O,John Koebel 
Mountville ............ Pictou ...... X S Jobn Urquhart Nemtadt ............... Grey, SR.......... 0 Jobn Weinart 
:\Iount Whatley...... WeRtmoreland,N B M. R. Loowerison New Albany......... Annapolil...... N B Albert Oaks 
!'flount Wolf ..........ICardwell............ 0 Robert \-1. Wbite New Annan............ Prince........ PEl Geo. P. Walker 
:\Iouth of Jemseg. ... \ Queen's ......... N B Elias Scribner New Argyle....... Queen's..... PEl L. McKinnon 
)Iouthot Ket<wick... York ............ N ß Mrs. M Yerxa Newark ............... Oxford, SR....... 0 W. 'f. Minard 
Mouth of N'erepls... King's............N B J. }1. Nase New Armagh ......... Lotbinlère......... Q Jobn Orr. jnn. 
Moutb of St. Francis VictorIa .........N B Jobn Jones New Bandon ......... Gloucester...... N H N. R. Rtcbt'Y 
:\Iowbray .............ISelkirk ............ 
I A.Johnston Newbllss ............... Brockville......... o I Jobn Ed!(8r 
l\Iud Bay. ......... 
ewWestm'ntr B C Wm. Woodward Newbols ............... Lotbinière ......... Q E. Boisonneau 
3-luddy Creek .........1 Prince ........ PEl Jobn Dickie .Newbaro' . ............ Leeds, S R......... 0 Levi S. Lewis 
Muir Kirk ............ Elgin. W R ...... 0 
lr8.A. McDonald New Boston. ._...... Cape Breton ... N S A. Ferguson 
:\lulgrave............... Wetland............ 0 E. Learns 
ewboyne ............ Leeds, S R......... 0 J. Lyons 
Mull ..................... Kent...... ... ...... 0 Neil WahlOn Newbridge ............ Huron, E R ...... 0 Robt. Jobnson 
:\luIl River..... ...... Inverness ...... N S Jamel' Beaton .Ncwburgh ............ Addington......... 0 D. Hooper 
:\Iullifarry ............ Middlesex, W R. 0 J. 
lcNeice Newburgb ............ Carleton ...... N BI R. McKinney 
:\Iulmur ............... Simcua. S R. ...... 0 John Murphy Newburn............... Llinenburg.... N S J. Eric Joudry 
Muncey. ......... ..... \lIddlel-ex. SR... 0 A. :\lcGregor .Newbury ............ Middlesex, W R. 0 JOI!epb Kelly 
Munro..'s Brldgt' .., Invernel's.... N S J. J )Iunroe New Campbellton ... Victoria ...... N B Mrs !I. Campbell 
Mnnroe's Mills ...... Glengarry... .. 0 M. :\Iunroe New Canaan .......... Queen's......... N S Lewis Keitb 
Munster ............... Carleton............ 0 Tbos. Tnbman New Canada .......... Lunenbnrg.... N B M. Semon 
Murchlwn. . . .. . . .' :\Iarq ueUe . . . .' M 'liss Murcbison New Carlisle ......... Bonaventnre ... Q Thos. J. Caldwell 
}Iurcblson ............ Hatitings, N. R... U J. Taylor New Carlow.......... Ulistlngs, N R... 0 J. H. Henderson 
Murchyville ......... Halifax ......... N S James :\Iurcby .Newean
 ............ Durham, W R ... 01 Thos. }lcClung 
Murdocb ......... ..... Grey. S R ......... 0 G. Pollock. jun. """ewcast
. ............ Nortbumb'rl'd N B J. Johnston 
:\Iurilla Station ...... Algoma ... ......... 0 Jobn M('Lean NewCAstle Bridge ... Queen's ......... N B R. P. Yeomanl! 
Murray............... 'lJorthumb'd,ER.O T. .J. Spofford NewCAstle Creek .... Queen's ......... N B Mrs. R. Bailey 
J[uTTay Bay......... Charlevoix......... Q Mrø. A. Lapoint.. Newcomb Corner.... Halifax......... N S Jobn Barron 
Murray Harbour, N. King's .........P E I David :\JcClure Newcomb.. ............ Lnnenburg.... N S J. Newl)()mb 
Murray Harbonr.Rd Queen'R .......P E I A. McDonald Newcomb Mills....... Northumb'd,ER. OIF. :\1. Pearson 
Murray Harbour, S. King's .........P E I IsaacR. PrOU8e New CornwøIl ....... Lunenburg.... N S,S.E. Hallamore 
Murray River......... King's ......... PET D. H. Hume New Cumberland... Lunenburg.... N B Joseph Meisener 
1\Iurray Road ......... Westmoreland, N IJ W. C. 
Iurray Newdale. ........ l\larquette.........M J. L. Cook 
Murray's Corner.... Westmoreland,N B D. Walton New Dublin............ Brockvllle ......... 0 1 N. E. Brown 

Iurvale ............... Addington......... 0 :\1. Davy Yew Dundu ......... Waterloo, S R.... 0 J. G. Wing 
MU8koka Falll! ....... Ontario......... N R A. R. Cameron New Durham......... Uxford. S R....... 0 Marsbal Lefler 
Mnskoka MIlls ...... Simcoe. E R ...... 0 A H Campbell,jl -New Edinburgh ... Russell............. O,J. W. Proctor 
Musquash . ............ St. John......... N B L. D. Carman New Edillburgh.... Di
by. ............N SI A. Deveaux 
:\Iusquodoboit Har. Halifax ......... N S Jobn Kidd New Elm.......... Lunenburg......N SIJobn H. Faney 
:\Iu8sellboro' ...... i!elkirk.. ......},I Hy. Mussell New Gairlocb......... I Plctou . ........, N S Mrs. }IcPberson 
Musselburg............ Perth, 
 It ....... 0 Wm. Burgman New GtTmany ....... Waterloo, N R.. 0 Cbarles Halter 
:\Iyrtlhall............... lIøstings, E R.... 0 A. A. Coulter New Glasgow......... Queen's .......P E I'R. Y. :\IcContrey 
l\lyrtle .................. Ontario, S R...... 0 David A. Brown New Glasgow.......... Terrebonne ...... Q L. J. A. Lambert 
MYI'tic .................. :\li"",isquot ...... Q J. A. Phelps New Glasgow ......... Pictou .......... N S Wm. Fraser 

Brk"wtck............. York ............ N B Wm. II. Clark 
ew Grafton ...... Queen's...... N S Nelson Chesley 
Nadaau's CrOS81Dg... Beauce...............Q Paul Roy . ...V,w Hamburg...... Waterloo, 8 R.... 0 C. Ernst 
Nail Pond .__......... Prince......... PEl P. ClohOl!ey New Harbour........ Guysborougb, N S W. J. Wright 
Kairn ................... :\1iddlesex,NR... 0 \1. McIntyre New Harrill........ Victorla.......N S'1>. Morrison 
NlWlur.................. Ottawa ............ Q 
. Proulx Newbaven ............ Selkirk............ M S. }Ioorhead 
NanaiTTW . ............ Vanconver....1J C Wm. Earl 
ew lIaven............ Queen's. ......P E 1 H. !U1I.C}lillan 
noose Bay ...... Vancollver ...... B C, Wm. Roberts New Haven. . . .. . ., Victoria...... N S I John McLeod 
Nanticokt ............. Haldimand .......0 \1. Wedrlch Newholm............... MU6koka&PSd. 0 D. Ferguson 
Nantye ................ Simcoe, SR....... 0 Stanley Spillett New Horton ......... Albert ......... N B I M. Cannon 
.Napa:me............... Lennox ............0 G. Bog!\rt Newlngton ............ Stormont.......... 0 G. F.Jardine 





ia;i d ......... Mëgantl c-=-==-Q R. C. Por 
 Nor t ham.... 
. P
i nce... :- .... PEl H. J. Fe>lJand 
New Ireland. ......... Albert ......... N B 1 John Cairnes Northampton ......... Carleton ...... N B David S. Gibson 
New Ireland Road... Albert ......... N B J. Dornan,jun. *Nrrrth Augusta...... Grenville, S R... OIJohn Chapman 
Sew Jerus'ilem ......I Queen'ø ......... N B A. l'tl. Short *Nrrrth Bay ....... Nipissing Diøt ... 0 W. McDonald 
New Larig ............ I Plctou ......... N SiR. McLeod NorttI Beaver Bank Halifax..........NS Mrø.M. A. Neløon 
New Liverpool...... Uviø ............... Q A. Forcade North Bedeque. ...... Prince .........P E I Mrs. .T. Lefurgy 
New London ......... Queen'ø .......P E J Wm. McKay,jr. North Bend .......... Yale-Kootenay.B C Peter Fink 
New Lowell ......... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 P. Patton North Branch........ Ruøsell. ............0 C. Heplnøtal 
.New Market ......... Ont.ario, W R.... 0 J. A. Bastedo North Brookfield. .. Queen's ......... N SM. A. Harlow 
New Market.......... York .....:...... N B Dan'l McDade North Bruce ......... Bruce, W R. ......0 A. Rosl! 
New Maryland ...... York. ...... N B Lewiø Fisher North Buxton ....... Kent ...............0 G. ß. Shreve 
New Mexico. ......... Compton. ......... Q W. H. Taylor North Carleton.... Prince...... PEl I. Wright. 
.New "fills ............. Reøtlgouche... N B Jos. T. Wlndøor 
orth Clarendon.... Pontiac. ............ Q Jaø. R.t&lph 
New Minas ............ King'ø ......... N SI.John A. Fuller NortIPCoaticooke... Stanstead ......... Q Joøeph Meade 
:New Oxley........ ................... Alta Jno. R. Oraig 
orthcote . ............ Renfrew, SR.... 0 J. Atkinson 
Kew Park ........ Durham, E R ...0 Jameø Miller N. E. Br., Margaree. InTerneøø ...... N S 1\Irs. A. !I. Roøs 
New Perth ............ I King'ø..........P E J R. H. Plnmmer N. E. Harbour ....... Shelburne...... N S A. R. Greenwood 
Newport ............... Brant, SR......... 0 Josiah Woodley. N.End Lochab. Lake AntigoDishe.. N S Alex. Manson 
:Vewport... '...... . I Gaøpé .......... Q G. Grenier N. Eøk Boom ......... Northumb...... N B Mrs. Hntchinson 
N'1uport ............... Hantø............ N S J. F. Cochrane 
orthfleld ............ f'ornwall ......... 0 Albert Wait 
Newport.......... ..... King's......... PEl D. l\lcIntyre Northfield ............ Snnbuy ...... N B Jonathan Welton 
Newport Corner...... Hantø............ N S Mis'! R. lIarvey 
orthfleld ............. Lunenburg ... N S H. Mackey 
Newport Landing...' Hants............ N S J. W. Allison Northfield Centre... O'tford, SR...... 0 Peter Bowman 
Newport Point ....IGaspé.......... Q R. P. Hamon NorthfieldFarm.. Ottawa ............ Q Wm. Hastey 
Newport Station. .. I Rants............ N S l\tiss L. Sweet North Forks, 8al.Cr. Sunbury.........N Ii J. A. Currie 
New Richmond ...... Bonaventure....., Q Richard Brash North Framboise.... Richmond.... N S A. Mcqueen 
New River Mills..... Charlotte ...... N B Joshua Knight North Georgetown... Chateauguay...... Q Loutø Turcot 
New Rockland.. ...j Richmond. .........Q,J. J. Willi>tmø NorthGlanford ...... Wentworth, B R. 0 E. Dickenson 
New Roøs............... 1 Dundas ............0 Wm. Rylance .North GoW(:f"... ...... Carleton............ 0 Hiram Scott 
New Ross. .... ...... Lunenburg ... N S' Oøcar 8. Elliott North Grant. ......... Anti
oniøhe. ...N S Duncan Slattery 
New Rosø Road ...... King's .......... N BOwen :.\IcGarry North Greenville ... Cnmberland... N S Geo Ruøhton 
Newry ..................1 Perth, N R . ...... 0 Young Coulter North Gut.St.Ann'ø Victoria...... N S John A. Shaw 
New Salem........ Oumberland....N SI W. G. Nnttall North Ham............ Wolfe ............... Q Pat.rick Blaiø 
New sarum............ ' EIgfn, E R......... 0 A. McKenzie North Hatley......... 8tanstead ......... Q B. LeBaron 
Newton ................ Perth. N R ....... Q John Zooger 
orth Hill............ Compton ......... Q D. W. McDonald 
Newton ................ Prince......... PEl J. T. !tlurphy North Intervale...... Gu
'sOOro'...... N S D. K. McKenzie 

ewton Brook ....... York. W R ....... O,G R. Gonlding North Keppel......... Grey, 
 R ......... 0 David Dewar 
Newton Croøe...... Qneen'ø..... PEl Jameø Cody Korth lAke ............ King's .........P E I E. B. Morrow 
Newton Mills... ...... I Colcheøter...... N S Jameø Creelman North Lake............ York ............ N B H. H. Veysey 
Newton Robinøon... Simcoe, B R ...... 0 J. G. Chantler North Lancaster ..... Glengarry......... 0 l<:miUen Daoust 
Newtonville. ......... Kings............ N 8 N. Caldw(\ll North Low . .. ....... Ottawa ............ Q R. Daly 
New Town ....... _ OuysOOro' ...... N 8 Thoø. McBain North '\Ieadford .... Klng.s...... ......N S B. Weaver 
New Town .......... ! King'ø ......... N B Mrs. E.M. Pearet: :S-orth Milton......... Queen'ø ...... PET Wm. Coleø 
New Tusket .......... Digby......... N S H. O. Babean North }Ionntaln .... Dnndas. ............0 M. McLan
Newville ............... Cumberland ... N S,C W. Young North Mountain.... Klng'ø ......... N S Wm. Bennett 
New JVi?stminsttr.... N.Weøtminøter B CIJohn C. Bro\vn Nc.rth Nation Millø.. Ottawa ............ Q J. C. Edwardø 
New Wiltshire ...... [Queen'ø .......P E liG. Easter North Onølow......... Pontiac............. Q John O'Donnell 
1'iew Z
aland ..... King.s......... PEl' Jamel< Cantwell North Pelham ....... !tlonck . ............ 0 Mrs. M. MCQueeD 
New Zion............... Sunbury....... N B J. H. Sowerø North Pinnacle ...... Missisquoi... ...... Q V. Barnes 
Yiag!J.ra............... Lincoln&Niügara,O Robert Warren .NortltPort ........... Prince Edward... 0 Dorland Fox 
"'l\í"agara Falls. ...... WeIland........ 0 W. W. Woodruff Northport.... ......... Cumberland... N S George Brander 
1'iiagara Fallø O'tre. Weliand............O S. .T. Smyth North Range Corner Digby ............N S C. B. McNeil 
*...viuoara Palls, S'th WeIland........ O,T. W. Woodruff North Renous ..... Northumb...... N B M. Ha
Nicola Lake. . .. . . ... yale.......... B 0' A. E. Howøe North Ridge ......... I<;ssex, SR....... 0 .1 oSAph Knight 
*Nicolet ................ Nicolet ............ Q l'tli...ø M. Chillaø North River .......... Qneen'ø .......P E T J. R. Warren 
l\lcolet Falls ......... Richmond ......... 0 W. A. Elliott North River .......... Weøtmoreland, N B J. Taylor 
Nicoløton... ............ Simcoe. SR...... 0 John Nichol North River. ......... Colchester .... N S, A. F. Fnlton 
Kictau ...............
.. Victoria......... N B W. H. !tIiller N. River Bridge.... COlcheøter...... N S j U.,nry Blair 
Nictaux Fallø......... AnnapoIiø ...... N S W. J. H. Balcom N. River Bridge ...... Victoria......... N S M. :McRitchie 
Nile ..................... Huron. W R...... 0 Robt. McIlwain NorthRiverPlatform l weøtmoreland.N B T. Jones 
Nilestown ............ Middleøex, E R. 0 J. C. Barrowø North Ruøtico ....... Queen's .......P J<.. J George Bndd 
Nine Mile Creek...... Queen's. ...... PEl I\Iiøø M Brian North Saanich. ...... Vancouver ...... B C H. ßrackmanu 
Nine Mile River...... Hantø............ N S J. Thompøon North Salem ......... Rants............ N S N. Nelson 
Ninette. .. ..... .... Selkirk ............ M Jamoø Overend North Seneca ......... Haldlmand. ...... 0 P. C. Shafer 
1'iinga .... ...... ......... Selkirk... ......... 1\1 Samuel Joneø North Segulu... ...... l'tIuøkoka & P Sd. 0 Ellae Aøhton 
Nlpiøslng ............... l\Iuøkoka ...... 0 Neil :\1cl<;achern North Shore. ......... / Cumberland... N S Alex. McMillan 
Nissouri ............... Oxford. N R ...... 0 Henry 8traitch North Shore ......... Vic
oria........ N S D. !tlcDonald 
Nithburg............... Oxford. N R ...... O,Jameø Brown N. S. St. l\larg. Bay' Halifax ......... N S 8. Wynott 
Kivervllle ............ Provenchet ...... M Stephen Lawøon N. Sec. of Earltown. ;COlcheøtl'r...... N S A. M. Baillie 
Nixon ................... Norfolk, N R...... 0 J. G. Bottomley North Stanbridge....IM
øsisquoi ......... Q A. L. Van&
Nixon................... Albert............N B Geo. Wilson North Stoke ......... RIchmond ......... Q Lewiø DuplIn 
Nober............. Haldimand..... 0 J. Lemon North Stukely ...... 1 Shefford ............ Q F X Malhiot 
"'Noblt.tIm ............. York ............... O'C. Hambly, jun. North Sutton......... Brome............... Q O.Sweet 
Nod ..................... Rantø...... ..... N S, Osmond O'Brien .. Nortll Sydney. ...... ,Cape Breton.... N 8 Wm. Forbeø 
Noel Road............. Hants............ N 8 Joel Scott N Temiøcamingue...1 Po
tiac ............ Q A?gus Mc
Noel8hore ............ Hants............ N S, J. G. McL(\I1an North Tryon ........., PrInce.... ...... PEl !'tltsø'\:l MUIrhead 
Kominlnque ......... Ottawa ............ Q Vital Martineau North Valley......... Stormont .........0 Mrs. 1\1. Dunbar 
Norborough . ......... Prince... ...... PEl, J. M. Webøter Nrrrth Wak
ld . ...1 Ottawa ............ Q s. E. Blair 
K orc1iffe .......... Pontiac ............ Q A. Watson North West .........., Lunenburg.... N S S. LaLgille 
Norham................. Northumb'd.ER. O'W. E. Kemp North West Arm.... Cape Breton... N S G. K. Ball 
Norland ............... Victoria. N R.... 0,.1. Harshaw North Weøt Bridge. 'Northumb'd... N B Ed. Sinclair 
Normandale ......... Norfolk, S R...... 0 I\Hsø M. B. Fløher North Weøt Cove ... Lunenburg.... N S Daniel Noonan 
Norquay ............... 
elklrk ............ l\I,T. H. Pentland North Williamøburg Dundaø ............ 0 G. C. Caøselman 
Norman ............... Algoma ............ 0 A. Carmichael N'orth Wincheøter... 'Dundaø ............0 Joseph S. Kyle 
Normandin. .... '" Chicoutimi .... Q: Ed. Carbonneau Norton......... ......... King's ......... N B A. B. Hayes 
North Alton ......... King'ø ............N SIGeorge Ward North Wolfeøtown. Wolfe. ............ Q Wm. Parøons 
North Arm............ N. Weøtminøter,B C W. H. Eburne Northwood ...... ......, Kent ............... 0 S. H. Knight 

1888. ] 



Norton Creek......... Chateauguay...... Q Charles South 
Norton Dale ......... York ............ N B J. JI. Dyslnt 
Norton Station ...... King's ......... N B S. :\IcCready 
Nortonville ....... Peel............OJohnNorton 
Norval ..............ïHalton ............. 0 D. W. Vance 

orway ............... York, E R......... 0 Richarrl Crew 
..Lyorwich............... Oxford, S R. ...... 0 H. S.l\[oore 
* Norwood, ............ Peterboro', E R... 0 J os. B. Pearce 
Xorwood ............... yarmouth...... N S, Dav. A. Saunders 

osbonøing............ Dis. of Algoma... 0 M. Cahill 

. Dame des Anges Portneuf . ......... Q J Chatpauvert 

. Dame du LaUl
 ... Ottawa ............ Q James 
N. Dame de 1'1. Verte' Temiscouata ...... Q' Theodore FraE'er 
Notre Dame de Grace I Hochelag& ......... Q Leon Descaries 

 otre Dame de Bets. Saguenay ...... Q, L. F. Boucher 

otre f)amedes Bois i Compten . ......... Q Alex. Roberge 
:S-ot. Dame dela 8al. ,Ottawa.. ........ .Q,J A Filiatreault 

otre Dame du Lac. I Temiscouata ...... Q I A. Cloutier 
N. D. du Pont Main Ottawa......... Q A. Blais 
Notre Dame du Port.ITemlscouat-a...... QI
Iiss A. Michauè 
:S-otreDamede Rim.IRimou!'kl.......... Q / J. B. Corbin 
NotTe Da1M de Stan' Mississquol .... Q M. E. Plante 
Nottawa ............... ; Simcoe, N R ......0 Andrew:.\lehillt 
Nouvelle ............... Bonaventure ... Q Thoma!! Keays 
N ovar ......... ......... I MUllkoka & P S'd. 0 i R. W. Nicholls 
Noyan .................. :\Iisslsquoi......... Q I T. B. Derrick 
Nugent. ............... , Hl\8tings. N R... 0 Thomas Nugent 
Nutt's Corners ...... Missisquoi......... Q J. A. Hawley 
Xuttby . ............... Colchester ...... N S I John A. J[cNutt 
Nyanza. . ... .. . . ... Victoria......... N 81 Alex. McDonald 
Oak Bank ... . . . .. Lisgar......... :\I I Thomas Farrow 
OR.K Bay ............... 
 Charlotte ...... N B A. J. Morrill 
Oakburn .......... Jlarquette......... M; J A Hamilton 


 .::::::::. ::.::.. ; 

.: ::: :::'Ñ 


Oakham................IQueen's ......... N BIJamps Strl)n
VI\ :::::::::::::::I




Oak Lake............... I Selkirk ............ M: Geo. D. Miller 
OlJ.kland ............... Oxford, SR. ......0 George Tnylor 
Oakland ...............! \larquette ....... M! T. H. Metcalf 




Oak Point. ............1 Bonaventure. .,. Q [!\Irs. E. Young 
Oak Point ............. I Klnl/:'S .......... N B J"hn W. Inch 
Oak Point ............ Northumb...... N B A. :'\[c})ougaU 
Oak paint ............ Lisgar............. M 1 Wm. Stooke 
Oak Ridl/:ss.... ...... ... I Ontario, W R..... 0, George Harper 
Oak River ............; :.\Iarquette... ...... MIJames Little 
*OakVÜle................ I . Hatton. ............ 0 1 R. Balmer 
Oakvill. ............... Carleton ....... N B,John Quinn 
Oakwotld ............... Victoria, S R...... 0 R. p. Butler F
ontenac ......... O I .JIt
e!! 9.0II
Oban ............., RIchmond...... N S Cohn 1'ì I('hol
Oberon ............... ... 1 Marquette... ...... M' J. McKinnon 
O'Connen ............. Pontiac............. Q;GeorJ/:e Grier 
Oconto... .. .. . . ... Addinjtton...... 0, A. :\[
Ginnis, jr. 
Odell..................... Middlesex, E R.. 0: W. L. Od..11 
Odelltown ............ St. Johns ......... Q W. D. :\IcCallum 
*Odessa ............... Lennox............. OIP.S.Timmerman 
Odin...... ............... Colchester...... N S' Alex. \lcKav 
Offa ..................... Middlesex, N R.. OIJohn G. Quårry 
Ogden .................. Guysboro ...... N S I Alex. 
Ogemah ............... , L"mbton, W R... 0 John H. Evans 
Ogil vie .................. King's ......... N 8 i Patterson Foster 
Ohio .....................1 Antigonishe... N S I R. McGillivray. 
Ohsweken............. I Brant, SR......... 0 James Styrps 
Oil City................ Lambton ER.... 0 .Jaml's Keating 
.Oil Spring. ......... Lambton, E R ... O . George Yates 
Oka ...... ............... Two Mountains.. Q C. ChaurfJtte 
Okanagon ............. Yale...............B C C. O'Keefe 
Okanagon Mission... Yale...............B C E. Lequin 
Okotokil ............ h................. Alta J. A. 'lcMillan 
Oland. .................. Hauts ............N SiC. W. Oland 
Old Barns ............ COlchester...... N SI Eben. Archibl\ld 
Oldcastle ............... Essex, N R........ O! M. McCarthy 
OldChel1l88 ........ Ottawa .......... QIII. W. Edmonds 
Oldfield. ............... Bothwell ..... 01 A. McDonald 
Oldham ..............." Halifax .........oN S W. G. Pearson 
Old Lake Road. . . .. Temiscouata..... Q' I p. Caron 
O'Leary Road ......... Prince .........1' E I Josh. Smallman 
O'Leary Station ...... 1 Prince .........1' E I John Frost 
Olinda .................. Essex, S R......... 0' John C. Fox 
Olinvill.. ............... I Qu8f!n's ......... N BI :\[lss A. Colwell 
Oliphant ............... Druce, N R ....... 0 John Hutchinson 
Olive.............. \larquotte......!\I1 R. J. Warren 
Oliver .................. Oxford. N R ...... 0 John G. McLeod 

Oliver .................. 8tanstead ......... Q George Oliver 
Oliver's Iferry......... Lanark, SR...... 0 W. McCue 
Olivet .................. Wellin
ton N R. U John Hicks 
OIscamp................ Champlain.........Q T. Pelter 
Omagh ............... Halton. ............0 Mrs. M. Standish 
.Omemu ............... Victoria. S R...... 0 Robert Grandy 
Ompah ............... Addington......... 0 Mrs. F. Daw!<on 
Ompah Station....... Addington....... 0 Adam Wlight 
150 l\liIe Honse ...... ,Cariboo ......... B C R. Borland 
Oneida .................. Haldimand....... 0 James Murray 
O'Neil................... Westmoreland, NB D.O'.\eil 
Onondaga............... Brønt, S R ......0 l\lrs L Buckwell 
Onslow MountIJln... COlchester...... N S Eben. McCurdy 
Onslow Station ...... Colchester...... N S AUj!;. McCurdy 
Opawaka ...............' Selkirk. . . .. . ... l\[ p. Anj!;ers 
Opemican . ............' Pontiac ............ Q :\Ire 1\1. J. Jodoin 
Orangedale ............ Inverness ...... N S Nell McKinnon 
Orange Rid
e.. ...... }Iarquette ...... M Paddock Winter 
Orang:e Valley....... Muskoka & P.S'd 0 Robert White 
"Orangrolù ......... Wellinjtton, C R. 0 Edward Leslie 
Oranmors ........ .... I Musk. & p. S'd... 0 Hugh Nelson 
Orchard ............... I Grey, S R ......... " John Irvlnj!; 
Oriel..................... Oxford. SR...... 0 W. B. Somerville 
Orkney.................. Wentworth.N R. 0 A. P. Tbom
.Orillia ............... Sim(:oe. E R...... 0 ThomRs Goffatt 
orleanll.................. 1 Russell ...... .... 0 HUj!;b Dupuis 
Ormond ............... Dundas ............ 0 Arch. McPhail 
Ormsby................ Hast.inge, N R... 0 George Jarman 
Ormstown ............. Chateau
uay .... Q R. N. Walsh 
mocro .......... . I Sunbury ...... N B I Lanch. McLean 
.Orono ............ Durham, W R... 0 R. Moment 




 :::::: gl


Orton .................. Wellington. C R. O l wm. Mooney 
Ortonville ............. Victoria....... NBC. C Gallagher 
Orwt.l.l.................. EI
n, E R. ...... 0 D. Sutherland 
Orwell. . .............. Queen's.... I' E II Mrs.A. Loughran 
Orwell Cove. ......... Que..n's ...... PEl \Irs. }I. S
Orrwold ......:........ Ml\rquette...... MIJ. Brownridge 
OIl8C8..................... I Durham, E. R.... O. Wm. J. Finlay 
Osborne ............... Lambton. W R... 0 A.I,amond 
.O.ceola ............... Renfrl'w, N R.... 0 A. McLaren 
OSl/:node StlJtlon...... Russell ............ 0 James Buckels 
.oshawa................ l ontario, SR...... 0 Jas. Carmichael 
Osman .................. Middlesex, W R. 0 Chas. Laughton 
O Station ......... '.. Addln!(ton... ...... 0 S. C. Bourk 
Osoyoos . ............... YRI..&Kootenay BC I Thomas Kruger 
[arquette......... 1\1 Wm. Kines 
OBpringe ..............., Wellington, SR. 0 W A Rirhard80n 
01188 ........,..... Addington......... 0 1 J. A. Sanderson 
keag ............... , King's ......... N B A. McN. TrRvls 
08sian .................. Lambton, E R. ...0 Wm. pORten 
08S0WO ............... Lisgar......... :\1 Wm. W8gner 
Ostrander ............ Norfolk, N R...... 0 fl. B. Ostrander 
Otenaw......... ... S<Jlkirk ............ )[ A. W. PJayfair 


 ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 

:s :::::::::. 
 I Y::.i

ntterburne ............ I Provencher ...... 1\11 John L. Ewing 
Otter Lake .. ...... "' 1 Pontiac. ............ Q H. Donnolley 
Otter Point ............ Vancouver...... BC I ThOS. TUj!;well 
.OtterviUe ............ Oxford, SR....... 0 Wm_ F. Kay 
Ounj!;ah ...............IBothwell. .........0 John W. Dwyer 
Oustic ......... ........ Wellingttm, SR. 0 John Mc\lahon 
Outer Duck Island. Algoma ............ 0 C. W. Gauthier 
OuterIsl'd Port Hood Inverness ...... N 
 Wm. D. Smith 
Outremont ............ Hochelaga...... Q Charles l,umkin 
Ouvry .................. Kent ............... 0 Geo. Goulet 
Overton ...............1 Addington......... 0 G. W. Fox 
Overton ..... . . ... yarmouth.... N S Israel Rose 
.Owen Sound .........IGrey. N R ... ...... 0 Robert Crawford 
Owl's Head Harbour Halifax ..........N 8 Wm. Palmer 
Oxen den ............... Grey. N R ......... 0 Thomas H. Reeve 
*Ozford ................ICumberland... N S Henry 8. Smith 
Oxford Centre......... I Oxford. S R. ...... 0 N. Schooley 
[ilIs ......... Grenville, 
 R... 0 Wm. Lindsay 
Oxford Station .. ...IGrenville. N R... 0 W. J. Blark 
Oxley.................. Essex. S R......... 0 Allanson Elliott 
Oxmead ......... . I Grey. E R ...... O/Samuel Annill







Paddock ..........IKing.s ......... 
B Jame!<Jones 
Painchaud...... ... \1egantlc....... Q P. L. Painchaud 
patnøec.................. l westmoreland N B I<:usta('he Babin 
Palnswlck ............ Simcoe, S R....... 0 C. T. Hunter 
.Paisùll ............... Druce. N R ....... 0 l\1r1l.
1. Saunðerø 
Pakan................... .................. AS88 J. A. \lcLachlan 
· .ftIkenltam... ......... Lanark, N R...... 0 H. H. Dickson 
[ 89 1 




Rzkrmo ..: .:.-=:: I Halton. .... : ......0 o. A. Sni 
Palltrave ............... Cardwell. ......... 0 Wm. 
Palmer Rapids ...... Renfrew, B R...... 0 I Alex. McPhee 
Palmer Road ......... Prin..-e......... P E liT. Kennedy 
epalmtrJlUm .......... WellinjZton, N R. 0, R. Johnston 
Palmyra ......... ...... Elgin, W R . ...... 0 1 ' .Tohn )Iills 
Panmure... ............ Lan ark, N R...... 0 P. J. Grace 
Papineauvllle......... ,Ottawa ... ......... Q I Xistl' Tetreau 
Paquette .............. I Compton ........... QI F. Paquette 
Paradise Lane ...... \nnapolis ...... N S W. F. Morse 
Parents . ......... ...... Victoria ... ...... N B I Michael Lebel 
Parham ............... Addington ....... O'John Hamilton 
Park Corner ......... Queeu's .......P E I J. W. Cuusins 
ePnriJI .................. Brant,:S R ....... 0 Geo. Stanton 
Paris Station ......... Brant. N R . ...... 0 Wm. R. Baker 
Parlsvllle. .... .. . .. J.otbiniere...... Q hail' Paris 
Parker .................., Wellington, C R. 0 !\Irs. StephecsoD 
Parkdale ...... .........1 Lisgar............... M T. Collins 
. Parkdale ............. York. W R ....... 0 W. T Gra}" 
Parker's Cove......... Annapolis ...... N S Thomas Milner 
Parker's Ridge.... 'York ............ N B J. W. Parker 

1l :::::::::::: '


Ñïi::: g 
Parkhurst ...... ...... Lotbinière......... Q Robert Lipsay 
. Parkin ............... ................... Assa Robt. Reid 
Parklsimo ....... .... I MarqUette........ M David Rowan 
Parklands ......... .................. Ailsa Thos. Murray 
Park'lI Creek ......... Lunenburg ... N S Peter Parks 
Parksvllle....... ... ... Vancouver.... B C N. Parks 
Parlee Settlement... I King's ......... N B H. Parlee 
Parma .................. Lennox ............ 0 David Griffith 
PaTTBbOTmJgh ......... Cumberland... N S John W. Jinks 
Parrsborough Shore. Cumberland... N 13 Wm. Grant 
Parry Harbour ...... Musk'a &: ParryS 0 J. C. Whitchelo 
.Parry &Yund......... Muskoka& P.Sd. 0 J.:\1. Ansley 
Partridge Island ...'Cumberland ...N S James Kelso 
Paspébiac ............. Bonaventure...... Q P. D. Loisel 
Pasøekeag ............ King's............N B Wm. Denison 
Puteur ........ . ../ Chicoutlmi .... Q A. Tremblay 
Pasq ua... ............... ............ ....... Assa H. U. Rorison 
Patillo ...... ............ Essex, N R....... 0 Donald Coutts 
Pntterson............... York, W R ....... 0 A. S. Patterson 
Patterson Settlem't. Sunbury...... N B T. B. Roberts 
Paudli"h ............... Peterboro', E R. 0 John Dickson 
Pauline..... ........ Rouvill{........... Q A. Lanier 
PaviIlion ........ ...... Cariboo ........ B C Wm. Lt'e 
Peabody............... Grey, N R .........0 John Millburn 
Peake Stat'n, No. 38. KinjZ's ......... PEl A. !\Ic Donald 
Pearceley............... Musko'a&:Par.S.O T. P. Pearce 
Pearceton............... :\lissisquoi......... Q Jas. ßrh
Pears'm's ...... ...... Klng'ø ...........N B W. W. Pearson 
Peebleø.................. Oxford, SR...... 0 W. Corey 
Peel..................... 'Carleton ........,N B Chas. A.lIarmoD 
Peepabun............... WellinjZton,
 R. 0 Robt. Dickson 
Pefferlaw............... York, N R......... 0 Geo. Johnson 
PeF;gy's Cove ......... Halifax ......... N S W. Crooks 
Peguis .................. Lisl{ar ............ 1\1 M. :\lcIver 
Pekisko ................ ................... Alta Mrs.M.G.Stinson 
lce Island .......... EBBex, SR......... I) A. McCormick 
Pelee Island, East... I Essex, SR... ...... 0 L. S. Brown 
Pelee Island, South. E.s8q. SR......... 0 Jas. Fer(l:uson 
Pelissier ... ...... ...... Ottawa. ............ Q P. !II. E. Pelissiel 
Pelham Union ...... Monck. ............0 H. N. C08by 
Pembroke ... ........ Hants............ N S C. Millett 
*PembTokt ............ Renfrew, N R.... 0 Alex. :\Ioffatt 
Pembroke ............ Carleton.........N B Wm. Hale 
Pembroke Shore.... Yarmouth....N S C. More!1 
Pendennis ............ Selkirk.... ... 1\1 W. J. 8arj!;ent 
Pendleton ............ 0 Henrv Moffatt 
.. P
nI'j{Lnguishent ... Simcoe, E R ...... 0 J. S. b"rling 
PeTlgarth ...... ... ...... .. ...... ... ....... Ass4 W m. !'tIcK ilIop 
Peniac .................. York ............ N B Chas. F. Weade 
Peniusula.Gaspé ... GIIspé ...... ......... Q :\Iis!! M S. Miller 
ula Harbour. All/;oma ........... 0 Henry Wilson 
Pellinllular Park.... SImcoe, S. R...... 0 R. Pawer 
Pennfield............... Charlotte...... N B Robt. J Bovd 
Pennfield Ridge...... Charlotte ...... N B Samuel McKay 
Pmnhsquis ............ Kin!!:'!! ......... N ß Joel Gro8s 
Penrith . .... ....... Selkirk... '" ... !\I .John :\1cKinnon 
Pense. .................. ................... A!!I'a A. BI
Pentecost Riv\Jr. ... Sa\ruenay '" .... Q I T. GI!.
Pentland ............... Wellington, CR. 0 Ilichard Amy 
PenviIle ...... ...... Simcoe, E It. ...... 0 G. I<
. ElIiR0u 

rcé................... GII.Hpé............... Q. J. E. Tllzo 
t!\tion ........ Lllrnhton. W R... O I T. Irwin 
Perl vale.........., AlgoIDa ........ 0 A. :\lcColeman 
Perkins.................. OttlLwa ............ Q P. J. lIannon 

Perm .. ===. Si
 S R. ...... 0 J J. Morrow 
Perretton............... H.enfrew, N R.... 0 MrsE.McCracken 
Perott Settlement... Annapolis ...... N S I Th08. Goldsmith 
Perryboro' ............ Compton ... ...... Q Calvin Perry 
Perry Settlement ...,King's .........N B IA. 
. Elder 
Perry . . . .. . . . . . . .. Addington...... 0 I J. R. Perry 
Perry's Point......... King's.... ...... N B J. H. :\1 urphy 
Perry town ............ Durham. E R.... 0 Wm. Purcell 
th .................. Lanark, S R ...... O I Thomas Cairns 
Perth .................. Victoria......... N B A. Morehome 
Perth Centre ......... Victoria......... N HI Dougl8B BRird 
Perthius................ P,'rtneuf.... .... Q K L. Sewell 
Perth Road..........:. Addington....... U!Jno. S. Robertø 
Petawawa ............ Renfrew, N R.... O l 'solomon De
.Petn-bOTmJgh......... Peterboro', W R. 0 H. C. Rogers 
Petersburjl: ............ Waterloo, SR.... O I H. Doelle 
Peter's :\11118.......... Kent ............ N B F. S. Peter!! 
Peter's Road ......... King's ...... ...P E J Wm. Johnst()D 
Peterson's Cornen;. Victoria, N R. ... 0 John Døwson 
Peterbvllle ............ I Qlleen'8 ......... N B1Timothy Malone 
rB1JiUe ............ London ............0 John R. Gurd 
PetersviIle Church.. Queen's ......... N B Thomas Leonard 
Peterville............... Prince......... PEl John Brenan 
PethertolJ ............ Wellington,N R. 0 John Cushing 
Petitcudiac ............ Westmoreland,N B W. W. Price 
Petite de Grat ...... Richmond...... N S D. LeBlanc 
Petite Lamegne ...... Gloucester ... N B L. Gøuvrien, jr 
Petite Matane......... Rimouskl ....... . Q Pierre MarQUl!! 
Petite Riv. Bridge... Lunenburg ... N S Wm. S. Holden 
Petite Vallée ......... Gwpé ............... Q Geo. Brousseau 
Petit Rocher ......... Gloucester ......N B A. Des Brisay 
Petits Meschln8 ...... Rimouskl ......... Q Wm. Verrea'.l 
Petpeswick Harbour HalIfax ......... N 8 A. 8hatford 
Petrel ... ......... ...... Marquette......... M I Goo. Armstrong 
*Petrolta ............... Lambton, E R... 0 P Barcll.y 
Petworth.......... Addington....,. OIJ.C. Wallace 
Pevens. y...... ......... 
Iuskol\a &: P S'd. 0 W. Whittington 
Peverll ......... ......... Vaudreull......... Q I Alex. Morrison 
Pheasant Forks..... o ....... . . .. .. ASM J. :\[. Peregrine 
Phelpston............... Simcoe. N R ...... 0 Samuel Haney 
PhlIipsburg, East... 
Iisslsquol......... Q;D. T. R. :Nye 
Philipsburg, West... Waterloo, SR.... 0 1 Daniel Lohr 
Philipston ............ Hastilljl:s. E R.... 0 Goorjl:e PhIlips 
PhillpsvlIle ............ Leeds, SR... ...... 0 I Mrs. H. Brown 
*Pickf'Tinu ............ Ontario, W R.... O t wm. Logan 
.Picton.................. Prince Edward... 0 Thos. Shannon 
PicWu .................. Pictou............ N S E. 
Pictou Island ..... Pictou........ N 8 A. F. Campbell 
Pictou Landing...... Pictou... ......... N 8, Mill!! A.E.}lcLeod 
Piedmont.... ......... Terrebonne. ...... QI W. Touchette 
Piedmont VaHey... Pictou............ N S I James McDonald 
* Pierrevillt......... ... Yamaska ......... Q Mrs. S. B(
Pierreville Mills...... Yamaska ......... Q Napoleon Gill 
PIArston ............... Kinl/:'s .......... NBC. H. Whiting 
Pigeon Hill...... ...... MiRslsquol......... Q. P. H. Titemore 
Pigeon Lake ......... Lisgar............. M J. }t. HouJ;e 
Pike Bay............... Bruce, N R ...... 01 JOII Bellamore 
Pike Cree k ........ Essex, N R ....... 0 Gil bert Bedell 
Pike Ri
er ............ Missisquoi......... Q I L. A. H. Hogle 


.:::::.::. AI
: :::

Pine Creek ............ .................. Alta'1!. Watson 
Pine Dale............... I Ontario. N R...... oil. Cunningham 


' ::: ::: ::: ::: I 


Pine Orchard ...... ... , ' Ontario, W R...... 0 I Nelson :hlay 
Pine Ridge ............ Kent.... .........N BiT. D. Holmden 
Pine River ............ Bruce, W R....... 0 John Dick 
Pinette ......... ......... Queen's......... PEl R. Steven lion 
Pine Tree... ............1 Picton............ N S I Robert l'rlitchell 
Pinkerton ............ i Bruce, E R......... 0 I Robert Keys 
A.r......._.........,Carleton......... N BIJames Brødlo;Y 
PlOpohs ................ . Compton ......... QI Arthur GrenIer 
Pipestont!.............. Selkirk........ M'.Jas. Lothian 
Pirate Harbour ...... Guysboro'...... N S, Robert PAoples 
Pisarincn._ ............ !"t. John ...... N B John Galbr..ith 
Pisquid.................. Queen's. ......P El l A. McDonald 
Plsquid Road ......... Queen's. ......P ElM. J. Cnrran 
Pitt'll Ferry... ......... Frontenac ......... 0 Mrs. E. Rrot 
Pitt.øton .... ............ Grenville. S R ... "0 Wm. Pitt. sen. 
PiullviIle ............... Prim.e......... P E I,Alfred Wedge 
Plainfield............... lIastinF;s, I<
 R ... Oi.John Gil..spie 
PIRinfield............... I Pictou ......... N S I D. D. Sut
PlainviIle............... 1 Northumb'd,W R 0 John Jewtll 
Plaisance............ ''' 1 Ottawa ............ Q I D. 
* Pl(}.ntageTl
t. ... ...... PreRcott...... ...... 0 I L. Charbonneau 
ines. ...... Victoria.... .... N S D. :\lcKenzie 

1888. J 



*PlatúvtUe ............ Brant, N R ...... OIJobn Smart Poplar Hill.......... Pictou ......... N S John .ì\lurrJson 
Playfair ............... Lanark, 8 R ...... O,George C. Mills Poplar Hill ........ Middlesex, S Roo 0 Eli R. Barcla
PlelU'ant Bay......... Inverne88 ....., N S I Peter McIntosh Popl,,:r Point.......... Marquette......... MG. 1\1. J.ackson 
Pleasant Grove ...... queen's..... PEl W. W. Duck PoqUlock ............... York ...... ...... N B N. B. Hdl 
Pleasant Harbour... Halifax ......... N SIHenry 8helnut Port Acadie............ Digby............ N S L. A. Melancon 
ant Hills..... Colchester...... N S I D. McLaughlin .Portagedu FDr!.:.... Pontiac ............ Q John Amy 
Pleasant Home ...... Lisgar......... lU .lames ì\ladill Purtage la PraITU.. 
J 1 Wm. W. 1I1i1ler 
PleaSll.nt Lake......... Yarmouth ...... N S John Earl Portal!'e River...... Northumb'd... N B L. Manzrol 
PI_nt Point ...... Halifax ..........N S John..aulIts Port Albert............. Huron, W R...... 0 Thos. Hawkins 
Pleasant Ridge ...... Charlottf' ...... N B John Burns Port Alma............ Kent................ 0 J. Cnsack 
PleaSll.nt River ...... Queen's ......... N S I Rufus C. Hendry · Port Arthur ....... A]goma ....... 0 Frederick Jones 
Pleasant Vale......... Albert ......... N B I R. A. Colpitts Portapiqne ............ Colchester...... N S I :Mrs. M. Starritt 
Pleasant Valley...... Digby............ N S Leslie M. Craig Portapique .ì\lount'n Colchester ......N S J"well L. Jenks 
Pleasant Valley...... Pictou ............N S John Beaton Portapique Rear.... Colchester...... N SO. Prel'per 
PI61U18nt Valley...... yarmouth...... N R I Robt. T. King Port au Persil ..... Charlevoix.. ...... Q C. Harvey 
Ple8l'ant Valley...... Dundaø ............ O l s' Ellis Port Beckerton ...... GUYllboro' ......N 
 G. S. Taylor 
Pleasantville .........!LunentlUrg......N S Aloort McKean Port Bruce .... ....... Elgin, E R......... 0 T. Thompson 
Plevna ...;..............!A
dington......... O I G. W. 'Y. Dawson .Port Burwe'!......... El
n. E R......... 0 W; Y. Emer:r . 
bIls . . . . . . . : MIddlesex, E. R.. 0 W. SmIth Port CaledoDla ...... Cape Breton... N S 
hlls M.Boutdher 
Plum Hollow .........'Leed!!, S R......... 0 !thamer Knapp Port Carling ......... Simcoe, E R...... 0 B. H. Johnston 
Plumper PasB......, Vancouver....B C W. T. CollinBon Port Clyde ............ 8helburne ......N S J. F. Coffin 
Plymouth Road...... I Pictou... ......... N 
 T. D. McDonald Port Cockburn. ...... Muskoka& P S'd. 0 H. Fraser 
Plymouth ............. yarmouth...... N SIW. G. 8imB .Port Oolb
 ....... Weiland............ 0 L. G. Carter 
Plymouth ............ICarleton .........N B Nelson Turney Port Credit ............ PeeL................ O I J. Hamilton 
Plympton ............ Selkirk ............ M I Edward Hudson .Port Dalhousie...... Lincoln ............ 0 Eugene F. Dwyer 
Plymton .......... I Digb y ............ N S Alex. McDonald Port DanieL.......... Bonaventure...... Q P. Sweetman 
Pockmouche.......... G1oucester...... N B'1IIichaei Hayden :Pm-t Dov
............ Norfolk, SR...... O I W. F. Tibbetts 
Pockshaw ............. Gloucester...... N B P. J. Foley Prtrt Elgm............ Bruce, W R ....... 0 Mrs.l'tbr:)' Roy 
Pocologan ........ . 1 Charlotte ...... N BISam. T Anderson Port Elgin ............ Westmoreland. N B G. Siddall 
Point Ae<>ni. ......... Cape Breton... N 8 D. J. Walker Port Elmsley ......... Lanark. S R ...... 0 Wm. Huntn 
l'ointAlexander..... l1.enfrew, N R.... 0 Jas. McAnulty Porter'B ................ St. John ....... N B Wm. Pùrter 
Point au Car ... ...... N orthumb'd... N B I A. F. RUBsell Porter'B Hill ........., Huron, SR. ...... 0 I Horace Newton 
Point Clear ............ Victoria .........N SI D. McKenzie Porter'B Lake ......... Halifax.......... N 8 1 G. E. Orman 
Pointe à Pic. .........,Charlevoix......... Q Hubert Warren Port Finlay........ Algoma ....... . 0 ì\1. :\lcLennan 
Pointe au Bouleau . I saguenay ......... Q,JUI!. Imbeault Port Felix......... Guy
borongh...N SI1IIisB 11. Boudrot 
Pointe au Chêne . .. Argenteull . ...... q! T. MatthewB Purt Franks. ......... Lambton, E R ... 0' J. B. Hssselwood 
Pointe aux Pins...... Algoma ............ O I H. Wood Port George. ......... AnnapoliB...... N S I A. T. Elliott 
Pointe aux Trembles Hochelaga......... Q H. ProvoBt Port Granby ......... Durham, W R ... 0 Wm. Bradley 
Pointeaux Trembles I Portneuf .......... Q Mi!lsl'tJ. Grenier PortGreville.......... Cumberland... N S Jane Elderkin 
PolnteauxOrlgnauxl Kamouraska...... Q J. Bte. Hudon Port Hammond.... :So Westminster.BC W. J. Harris 
Pointe Bleue ....... Chicoutimi .... Q I L. E. Otis Port Haney........ N.WestminBter.B C D. Docksteader 
Pointe Claire .........I.Jacque8Cartier... Q Moise Leclerc P,wt Hastings......... Inverness ...... N S C. S. McKeen 
Pointe de Bnte. ...... 1 Westmoreland.N B I H. c. D. Chapman Port Hawkesbury. Inverness ...... N S ì\lrs.A. A. Be
Polnte du Chêne.... WeBtmoreland,N B It;. McDonald Port Hillford ......... GUYBborough..N S J. R. Hewitt 
Pointe du Lac ........ St. Maurice ...... QiArthur Biron Port Hili............... Prince. .........P E I ThoB. Murphy 
Pmnt Edward ....... Lambton, W R... 0 1 John F. O'Neil Port Hood ............ Invernes8...... N SA. C. Thompson 
Point Edward......... Cape Breton... N S Mrs. J. Lewis Port Hood IBland ... Inverness. ......N S Joshua 
Point E
cnminac ... Northnmb'd... K B Henry Phillip .Prtrt Hope ............ Durham, E R ....0 E. J. Baird 
Pointe :Seche ..... . j Kilmouraska. . .. Q A. De
j.udins Port Howe ........ CumberlaDd... N 8 C W. Elliott 
Point Fortune......... Vaudreuil......... Q E. A. St. Dennis Port Joli ............... QU8f'n'B ......... N B L. Robertson 
Pointe Gatineau .... Ottawa...... ....... Q John 
lacGrady Port Lambton......... Bothwell. ......... 0 T Fitzpatrick 
Point Kaye............ j Simcoe, E R ......0 CharleB Kaye Portland ............... Leeds. S R......... 0 W. H. Gailallher 
Point la Nim ......... l{eBtigou('he... N B Peter Stewart Portland... .... ... St. John...... N B Andrew l1yleB 
Point \1ichaud ...... Richmond...... N S S. J. Clannan Portia 7bur ......... Shelburne...... N S S. McK. Snow 
Point of Cape ......... 1 Antigonishe... N S' Hugh MchmiB Port Lewis ............ Huntingdon ...... Q s. B. B. Carson 
Point Petre......... .. Prince Edward... QIJamesScott Port Lorne ............ Annapolis ......N S J. P. Foster 
Point Platon ......... Lotbinière......... Q Joseph Angé PorUIaitiand......... Monck. ............0 Mrs. R. :\IosB 
Point Poplar....... King'I!...... P E I. Peter Campbell Port Maitland...... yarmouth.... N 8 W. S. Porter 
Point Prim ............ Queen'tj . ...... PEl Arch. McRae Port Malcolm ..... Richmond...... N S 
1rB. A. Malcolm 
elmnt St. Charlu... Montreal Centre. Q John Skeith Port Matoon ......... Queen's ......... N S Mrl!. N. Ler.lie 
Point St. Peter ...... Gaspé ............... Q Goo. Packwood Port Medway ......... Queen'B ......... N S F. Cohoon 
Point Sapin ......... Kent ............ N E l F. Daigle Port Moody.......... N.WeBtminBter,BC D. B. Grant 
Point Travers ....... Prince Edward... 0 AbrahamCannon Port Mulgrave ...... Guysborough, N 8 
Irs. R. Trites 
Point Wolfe............ Albert ......... N B W. M. Fowler Port Nelson............ Halton. ............ 0 Wm. Bamf(,rd 
Polre..................... Portneuf.......... Q L
o. Perusse Portneuf ............... Portneuf .......... Q F. X. T. Hamelin 
Poirier. ............ Kent........ N B I JuleB Gueguen Portneuf Station... Portneuf ... ..... Q Elzé/u 
Poland .................. L:l.Dark, N R...... 0 
Irs. G. Connors e Port Perry......... Ontario. N R...... 0 J. W. Burnham 
Pollett River ......... Westmoreland,N B B. R. Colpitt8 Port Philip ............ Cnmberland ...N S George Kinl!' 
Polleyhurst .... ......I Qu..en'B ......... N B i HUlCh Wallace Port Richmond ...... Richmond...... N S Lewis A. 
Polmont................INorthumb..E R. 0 M.Vanvolkerb'r
 .PvrlRohinson ...... WeIland............ 0 James :.\IcCoppen 
Poltimore ........IOttawa ........ Q"T. H.Bousall .Pr1rtRowan......... Xorfolk,S R......0 1 'n88 
Pomeroy ............... I Sdkirk ............ M 1\Irs. E. Curry Port Royal............ Norfolk, SR...... 0 H. W. Auderson 
Pomeroy Ridge ...... Charlotte ...... N B Mrs. M. Pomero) Pr.rt Royal............ Richmond...... N 8 'Irs. E. LeBlanc 
Pomona ...............ïGrey, 8 R....
.... O,.John S. Black Port RVerse............ Norfolk, S R...... 0 Wm. H. Ryerse 
Pomquet Chapel .... Antigonishe... N 8 Constant Duong Port 8andfield......... Simcoe. E R...... 0 Enoch Cnx 
Ponds ,... ............... Pictou. ...... ... N S, A. S. Grey Port Saxon ............ Shelburne.... N S Jost'ph :\IcLean 
lills. ............ }liddleBex, S R.. 0 Robert Nichol Port Severn .... ...... Simcoe E R. ...... 0 1 A. H. lIIt'neilley 
Ponsonby............ ..,Wellin
ton,C R. O'Jas. L.llalley Portsmouth ......... Frontenac ......... 0 .J. Campbell 
Pont Chateau.........,8oulaugeB ......... Q'J. B. Hesner -Port Stanley ......... 1<;lgin, E R......... O j l'tl. PaY-De 
Pont de :.\Iaskinongé :.\Iasklnongé ...... Q A. Saucier .PrYTt Sydney ... ...... 1 
koka & P S'd 0 II. G. LadeIl 
l'ont Rouge............ Portneuf ......... Q 'lissJ. Bl)rdeleat; Port Talbot............ EI!rin, W R ...... 0 .John Brov;lJ 
Pontypool ........ Durham, E R .. 0, Tholl. Stanton PortuJZ:uese Cove. ...IHalifax.... ...... N S John Pr.wpr 
Pont Viau ............ J.llval ............... Q T. Belan
er Purt Union............. Ontario. W R.... 0 James Pratt 
Poodiac ................ King's ......... N B ,TameB Faulkner Prtrt Williams......... / King'f\ ......... N S .J. W. Fullerton 
Poole .................., Perth, N R......... OIJohn 
:ngeJ Port William/! Stat.. King's ......... N S F. E. Forsyth 
Poplar .................. Algoma............. 0 ThO!!. Sides Potters burg .... ...... Mlddleflex. E. R. 0 Wm. Grav 
Poplar Grove .........' Algoma............. O,JIIS. Cuward Powa.;san...............IMuskoka & P S'd. 0 Jl,hn Cla



[1 888. 

POWaqSanStation... l\ luskoka -&;-P-S'dO J. G. Du 
 Ba ilton.. ::::::::::: Addhigto
 ......... 0 J

Powell .................., Lanark, N R...... 0 C. Mahoney Rainy River. . . . ... Ale:oma .... . . . ... 0 WiUiam Cameron 
Powerscourt .........1 Huntingdon...... Q A. M. \Iason Rainham ............... H"ldimand. ...... 0 Mis8 Honsberger 
Power's Creek......... Victoria .........N B P. O. Byram Rainham Centre...... Haldimand. ...... 0 Abram B. Miller 
Pownall ............... Queen's ......P E I John R. Moore Ralphtown ............ Selkirk ............ M W. J. llelllwell 
Prairie Grovf' ......... Prover.cher ...... M J. F. Robertson Rama .................. Ontario, N R...... 0 Jas. McPherson 
Pre d'en haut......... Westmoreland. N B Vital Richard Ramllay's Cornere... Rus!!eil ............ 0 1 R.obt. Ramsay 
.. ....... Peterboro'. E It. 0' P. J. Garlieon Ramsay. ............... COlchester.... N S I Wm. Ramsay 
.Prescott ............... Grenville. S R ... OIJohn Doweley Randboro.......... Compton ...... Q A. B. Jones 
PresQu' Isle. .........IGrey. N R......... o ',John McKenzie Randwlck ............ Simcoe, 8 R. ...... OIJohn Bridal 
Preston................. H.J.liflix ......... N S' I D. De Loughrey Randolph. ............ Simcoe. E R ...... OITheo. Brasseur 
ePrpston ...... ......... 1 Waterloo, S R.... 0 Carl Ni!lpel Ranelagh... ............ Norfolk, N R...... 0, Benjamin Lake 
ton ................/Selkirk ............ M .Jame!! Murdock Rankin.................. Renfrew, N R.... 01 1 John Gray 
Pretty River ValleY 1 Gre y , E. R... ......01111. Gillies Rannock ...... ........ Poutiac ........ Q W. Rattray 
Price's Corner... ...... Simcoe. E R ... ... 0, T. Price. lien. Raper. .... .... ....... l\liddlesex, SR... 0 Joseph Howlett 
Pricebur.,h........ Yictoria...... N II J. W. Gallop Rapide de Femme... Victoria......... N B I F' McCormack 
t,ille ............... Grey, SR......... 0, Alex. Brown Rapid Oity ....... . I Marquette......... M D. A. Hopper 
Priest Ponrl ...... Kin
's...... PEl 1\1. Gregory Rapids des Joachimll Pontiac ............ Q A. l\1cDougall 
Prie!!t's Valley..... Yale-Kootenay,B Ct Luc Girouard Rapid River..... ...... Algoma ........... 0 .Jacob Smith 
Primrose ............... Cardwell. ......... 0 Gt
orl/:e Dodds Rathburn......... Ontario. N R...... 0 Mrs.F. Cuddahee 
Prince Albert... ...... ............ ....... Sask Charles Mail' Ratho. .................. Oxford, N R ...... 0 G. Steedsman 
Prince Albert......... Ontario.S R...... 0;0. Fallis Ratigan ................ York ............ N B Th08. Ratigan 
Prince Albert ..... Annapolis ....N 81 John W. Reigh Ratter's Corner ...... King'8 ......... N B Jobn Wilson 
Prince of Wale8...... St.John......... N Bi I'llI'll. J. Cairns "Rat Portage ......... Algoma ............ 0 A. J. ParsonR 
Prlnceport ............ ColcheRter...... N S .T. Sanderson Raven Lake ......... Marquette ....... M A H Scouten 
ePrincdon. ............ Brant, N R ....... 0 Fran. Galbraith Ravenna ............... Grey. I<
 R .........0 Geo. Strlfchn 
Prlncetown ............' Prinre .........P E I' H. E. :\'1ackay Ravenscliffe .......... Muskoka& P S'd. 01 Miss A. Tipper 
Prlncetown Road ... Queen'ø.........P E J R. McDonald Raven's Glen...... Marquette..... .1\1IC, A. Rea 
Prlnceville............. Inverness ...... N S'John Mc
laster Ravenshoe ............ York. N R......... O,T. Hindmarsh 
Prince William ...... York ............ N ß T. L. Fraser Ravenswood ......... Lsmbton,l<; R... O l wm. Nimmo 
Prince William Stat. York ............ N B'Wm. G. Hateh Ravensworth ......... Muskoka &P S'd. 0 J. C. Harvey 
Prlnyer.................. Prillce }
dward... 0 Thomas Hurst Rawdon ............... Montcalm ......... Q M. Skelly 
Prospect ............... Lanark, SR...... 0 Wm. Burrows Rawdon .......... ...... HantA............ N S Thomas Moxon 
Prospect ......... ...... Halifax ......... N S J. H. Powers Rawdon Gold l\fines Hantll.......... N S I R. McNau
Prollser Brook. ...... Albert... ...... ...N B D. H. Beeman RA).field..... . . ... Selkirk ....... l\I W. W. LatImer 
P"i)tectionville .... Northumberl'd,N B W. E. Baker Raymond............... 
1uskoka & P Sd. 0 1 A. Suffern 
Proton Station ...... Grey. E R ......... 0 Fred. Freeman Reaboro ............... Victoria, SR.... 0 John Holbert 
Providence Bay...... Algoma ............ 0 R. S. Ogle Re Rea s d bu . r . n .... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 
B e g s a tm r or " e ' I ' a " n " d ... N . ?t B I' E W . . R P e 8 a t d terson 
Public Landing ...... Kin
's.......... N B J. S. Smith 
Pubnico Beach. ...... :Shelburne...... N S 1IIose8 Larkin Read ..................... Hastings, E R.... OJ.John C. Hanley 
Pufmico Harbour... yarmouth...... N S John Carland Reading ............... Wellington,C R. 0 1 R. Donaldson 
Puckahn .......... ................... Sask G. Taylor Rear or Baddeck Bay Victoria...... N S John McKay 
Pugh's CrosRing... ... York ............ N B J. Pu
h Rear of Ben Eoin.... Cape Breton... N S A. Gillis 
* Pu!Jwash . ............ Cumberland... N S Levi Borden Rear of Black River. Richmond...... N S 1\1. 1IIorrison 
PUl/:wash River ...... Cumherllmd... N S Thos. A. Fraser Rear Little Judique. Inverness ......N S'D. McMillan 
Purhrook .............. Onhtrio, N R..... 0 J. Crockford RearL.8porting Mt. Richmond...... N S I ,wm. Urquhart 
Pnrdy ............ ...... 1 Ha.stingll, N R... 0 Henry DelJnison Rear Ball's Creek.. Cape Breton.. N S !\I. McMillan 
Pnribrook . ............ AntigOl'illhe... N S Jame8 Thompson Reay..................... Simcoe. E R ......0 1 Wm. Buck 
Purple Grove ...... ... , Bruce, S. R. ...... 0 John N. Logan Rebecca . ......... ...... 1\Iiddle!!ex, E R. 0 J. IIenderson 
Purple Hill............. Durham. W R... 0 1\1. Hambly Red Bank ............ Northumberl'd.N B Mrs. Sutherland 
Purple Yalley. . .... ß.uce. N R ....... 0 Thos. Hambly Red Bay. .. . Bruce, N R ...... 0 J. I\fcFarlane 
Purple'\"ilIe ............ York. W R......... 0 ?ill's. J. Stump Red Deer:.::.::.....:.: ...........
....... Altai Leonard Gaetz 
linc" ...............1 Wellington, SR. 0 J. A. McDo...ald Red Head............... St. John ....... N B IR. ConnoUy 
PutnaDl ...............I;\Jiddlf'sex. E R. 0 R. 
rcJ\:enzie Red' House ............ King'R......... PEl .T. Needham 
Qusco ROsd............ 1 St.John......... N B B. D. Kirkpatrick Redickville ... ..... Grey, E R ......... 0' John Wheeler 
Qlladra ............ ...... vancouver..... B C R. 'r. Swan Red Islands............ Richmond...... N S M. McKenzie 
Quai des l<
bOUlem'ns l {"harlevOiX ..... Q Alexis Tremblay Rf'd Mountain..... Compton .......... Q ChM. Smith 
Quai de Rimouski... RimouRki ......... Q L. 8t. Laurent RednersviJIe ......... Prince Edward... O'George E. Yott 
Qu'lmið/a. , ........... Vancouv
r.... BC W. P.J&1nl'8 Redpath. ......... ................... ARsa'John Burnell 
Qu'Â:opelle ............ ................... AS88 Wm. Sutherland Red Point ............ KinJl:S .........P E I J('hn Robertson 
Qu' 4pp-lle Slation. ... ...... .......... Assa S. II. Caswell fuJd Rapids..... ... Victoria...... N B i C. Roberts, jun. 
.QueblX ............... j Quebec ............ Q A.G.Tourangeau Red Roek.......... Algoma ............ OrNe Flanagan 
Queensborough ...... Hastings, N R.... 0 T. W. Jeffs Red Winl/: ............ Grey, E R ......... 0 \ J. L. G. Conklin[r 
Qneensbury ..........1 York. ............N B W. Prellcott Red Wood ............ Simcoe. E R ..... 0 John Nixon 
Queen Hill ............IBruce. W R ....... 0 D. MrKinnon Reedham.......... 1\1e
antlc. ......... Q James Savage 
Queen'lton ............ Lin. & Nialrara.. 0 J. A. Hamilton Reedsdale ............ I\legantic....... Q,John Quan 
*Qlll'en Strpet, Ea.çt. Tor()nt(). East .... 0 W. C. Price Reed'il Point........ King's............N B J. B. Flewelling 
::m:::: :::::: ::: f
::..::. N 




:.::.: :.::.: D.
. ::: ::::..

sÔ I 

Quef'nsville............ King's ...... N B J. Johnllton Reidway................ Pictou.......... N SI J. S. Reid 
QUf'rry .................. Bonavo>ntllre...... Q A. Leblanc Rein)ßnd .......... l\Iarquette...... M Jarob Kroecker 
({utsne1lp.... . ......... Cariboo....... B C Miss 1. Barlow Rtllessey... ...... ...... Card well . ...... ... 0 1 Robert Wilsoll 
QlIesnelle Forks...., CRribr.o ...... B C W. Stephenson Renaud's Mills..... Kent ............ N B M. B. Lpger 
Quilchena _ ........... \ Yale-Kootena y B CR. Charters Renforth ............... Brìmt, N R....... OIRo\)1. Mahew 
Quinan . ............... yarmouth.... N S S. GRrdner .Rrnfre:w............... Renfrew. SR.... 0, Wm. McKay 
Quinn ................. Kent ...............0 P. W. Richards Renfrew............... Hants .......... N S D.!t1..Lanchlin 
Quinnville ...... ... ... 1 ottawa ............ Q J. Gahagan Renous Bridge. ...... Northumberl'd.N B F. H. Jardine 
QuiQibus ... ............ Victoria...... N B X. Beaulieu Renton __............. Norfolk. N R...... 01 
1rs.Ann RentoD 
Quispamsis ............ Kinjl;'11 ......... N B W. Darling Repentignv............ L'As80mption..... Q'P. X. O'Brien 
*Q/tVlJ"I....-............. Pontiac ............ Q W. H. 
Ipredith Restoule .:............. l\luskoka& PSd. O'Wm. Rradll'Y 
Rabbit l\Iollntt\Ïn ... , Algoma ............ 0 Danipl McPhee Revelstoke ............ Yale&Kootenay.BCIT. A. W. Gordon 
Racine...................IShefford............ Q L. Belisle Reynardton............ Yarmouth ...... N S D. Andrews 
RRdford .............."1 Pontiac ............ Q J. A. Armstrong Reynolds............... Northumberl'd,NB B. Reynolds 
Ra.18tork .... .......... ,Joliette ........... Q A. Archambault Rhodes ...... ............ King'R....... ......N S 1. Nelley 
Ragg!'d Head.. . ...... \ Guysooro' ...... N S D. McMasterR Rhode's Corner ...... Lunenburg.... N S Daniel Dareø 
Raggf'd Island ...... Shelburne...... N S J.ouisa S. Allen RlcAburl/:....... ......IIIIis8Isquol......... Q J. V. Rire 
Ragian .................. Ontario. S R...... 0 Watson Hodgson Richard's Landing. AlgomA. ............ o 'John Richards 




-Riceuill z:..=.=
. Prescott .: ......... 0 P -:-McLs 
Pci nt......... Yurko N R.. :=O R. )lcCordick 
Richardville . ......... Mégantic. ......... Q' L. Bernier Roach Vale ............ Guysboro' ...... N 
I. '\-1unroe 
Richardville ...... Kent ..... .... N B I c. D. Cormier Robertson. ....... . .. Kings............ N B John Robertson 
RichilmcJo ............ Kent ............ N B J. C. Vantour Robertson's Point... Queen's ......... N B E. L. Colwell 
Richlbuctú Village.. Kent. ............ N B F. J. Richard Robert'Jon Station... I 
legantic..... ...Q Arthur Talbot 
Richland ............... Li
g.J.r .......... MIJohn Houier Roberval............... 'Chicoutimi........ Q Juseph Dumais 
Richmond OoTmr... Carleton ...... N B,Robt.lIclntyre Itobichaud ............IWestmureland N B H Robichaud 
eRu;hmond ....... Richmond ......... Q' F. H. Foster Robillard............... Rus"ell ..........._ 0 L. Gravelle, jun 
-Riclt'TTWnd . ......... Carleton............ 0 W. H. Butler R()bamon ............... Co.npton ........... Q Lemuel Pope 
-Richmond Hill...... York, W R......... 0 lIatthew Teefy Itobinson's Corners. Lunenbnr
......N S Joseph Robinson 
Richmond St.'\tion... Richmond ......... Q I L. Jutras Robinsonville . ......, Resligouche... :K B; A. Robertson 
Richmond ............ Marquette...... :\'1 ,James Anderson Robitaille.......... Bonaventure.... Q Ernest Allard 
Rlchview............... I York, W R ....... O ! DaVid Watt Robins .................. Richmond...... N 8'George LlBrun 
Rlchwood............... Brant. N R. ...... 0 Da\"id Kyte Roblin ..................' Lennox ............ 0 Wm.I'lIul 
Ridgemount. ......... Well"nd . ......... 0 Jacob Lee Rob Roy............... 'Grey, E R ......... 0 Thomas Freethy 
Ridgeton ........ ......Ipontiac ............ Q,J. J. Cu-hing Robson ............... ,Drummond ...... Q Horace Gagnon 
* Ridgetmon............ 1 Elgin. W R. ...... 0' L. S. Hancock Rocanville.. ...... .1................... Assa' A. H. R. Bastien 
Rldgeville ............I Monrk ............. OIJ. H. Thompson Rochefort ............ Renfrew, N R... OITbos. Roche 
RldgeviUe ............ Provencher ...... :\'1 Ww. Wilkiuson Rochelle ............... :Shefford............ Q' A. Del'auÞ,ls 
-Ridgeway ............!Welland............ olp. W. Anthony Itochesterville ....... Carleton............ O'John Dixon 
Ridley ...... ........1 Kent... .......... .. 0 Isaac Swarthout Rock Barra ............ , King's... ...... PEl' R. 
BÏj/atld .................. v!I'udr
un......... Q I MissJ.Charlebuih Rockburn ............ H,nntingdon ...... Q' A. Oliver. 
RIley Brook. ......... VIctorIa.. ... ...N B ,John McDou)o:all Rockdale..... ...... RIchmond.... N S D. A. CurrIe 
Rimington......... Hastings, N R.... 0 John Rimington Rockfield... ......... Leeds. S.R ......... O'J. Herbison 
-RimOlUki ............ Rimouskl ......... Q I Samuel Coté Rockford ...............1 Norfolk. N R...... 01 Wm. Lemon 
Ringwood ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 G. H. Silvester Rock Forest....... Sherbrooke .... Q' :\1iss S. SiIVpSf'n 
Ripley.................. Bruce, 8 R......... 0 P. D. -,"clnnes - Rockingham ......... / 'Renfrew, SR.... 0' J. S. J. Watson 
Ripon .................. Ottawa. ............ Q J. B. St. Pierre Rocklngham ......... Yarmouth ...... N 8 L. Hamilton 
Ritcey's Covt> ......... Lunenbnrg. ......... Joseph Ritcey Rockingham Stat'n. Ha1lfax ...... N S I Thos. PaYDe 
Riverlmnk. ............ Wellington, C R. 0 Mrs. M. Hollis Rock Island. ......... I Stanstead ......... Q I :\1iss J. Whitcher 
Riverbank ........... Carleton ....... N B R. W. Tompkins Rockland............... Russel)............. O,1\lil's J. Dtont 
R\ver Beaudette...... Soulanges ......... Q Z. P. Langlois Rockland. ............ I Westmoreland N B' Jones Taylor 
RiveT Bourgeoise.... Richmond...... N S G. H. Bissett Rockland Station.... Westmoreland.N B Hiram Hick" 
Rivt:r Charla ......... Restijl:ouche... N B P. Hamilton.juL Rockllffe ............... Renfrew, N R ...0, W. H. McIntyre 
Rlverdale...._......... Digby............ N 8 John H. :,ablne Rocklin ......... ...... Pictou ......... N S Robt. Fraser 
RI'f'erdale............... Queen's..... PEl J. A. McFayden Rockly.................. Cumberland ...N S, Wm. Burnside 
Rivt:f'David. ......... I Yamaska .......... Q J. B. CommeauIt Rocklyn. ............... Grey, E R ......... 0, W. H. Dodson 
River de Chute ...... Carleton ...... N B Joseph B. Porter Rockport ............... Leeds. SR......... O'C. Cornwall 
:::; g:




:d: .:.:::::::::::: 




River Désert ......... I 'Ottawa ............ Q s. R. Brock IWck Springs ........ BrockvilJe....... 0 T. P. Moffatt 
Riverfield ............. Chateauguay...... Q Robert McLeod R()ckton...... ......... Wentworth, N R. 0 David Bell 
River Gilbert ......... Beauce ............ Q L. Rancourt Rockville ............... Klng'ø ......... N B J. L. Hsrrison 
R!v. Gilb't G. Mlnes 1 Beaùce ............ Q J. T. Lachance Rockvllle............... yarmouth...... N 8!Cha
. K Weston 
RIver 1Iebert.... ...... Cumberland... N S M. K. Pugsley Rockwell Settlement Cumberland... N S Chas. D.Rockwell 
River Hebert Bend. Cnmberland.... N S John Barnes Rockway Valley.... Ottawa............. Q C. Sinclair 
RiverHebert,W.Side Cumberland... N S J. H. Rockwell Rockwood............... Wellington, 8 R.. 0, Robt. Pasmore 
River Inhab. Bridge.IRichmond.......N S W. R. Morrison Rocky Bay............ Richmond ......N S Chas. Doyle 
River John ............,Pictou ........ N S Georjl:e Gordon Rocky Mountain ... Pictou ............N S'J. J. Sutherland 
River John Road. ...IColchester ...... N 8 Miss M.E. Waugh Rocky Point ...... Queen's.... PEl' John Smith 
River Joseph ...... ." 1 Ottawa ............ Q Thomas White Rocky Saugeen ...... Grey, S B. . . . ... 0 I D. McKechnie 
Rivt:f'llmuon . ...... Restlgouche... N B Donald Stewart Roden .................. Selkirk ............ 
I : Thomas Seens 
Rivt:r Phüip ......... I CUmberland... N S Mrs. G. Philips Rodgerville .......... Perth. SR....... 0 Jas. Bonthron 
RiveTsdak ............. Bruce, E R......... O l wm. McDona1d "Rodney. ............... Elgin, W R. ...... OIA. Humphrey 
Rlversdale ............ Colchester ...... N S Miss B. A. Wall Roebuck ............... Grenville, S R ... 0 , A. Lawrence 
River Side ............ Albert ......... N B W. J. Carnworth Roger's Hill............ Pictou............ N S:Jos. C. McLeod 
* RiveTMe. ............ York, E R........ 0 Henry Parry Rogervllle ............ Nortbumberl'dN B'D. Fontaine 
Rlvenide. .... .. ... N. Westminster,B C C. B. Sword Rollo Bay............... King's ...... ...P E I I A. MacDougall 
Riverllide...............!InverneBII ...... N S David Dowling Rollo Bay Cross ...... King's .........P E J Alex. Chai
Riverside Corner .. .I::Iant8............ N S Miss McDoull;ltll Rolling Dam ... ...... Charlotte...... N B Robt. McKinney 
Riverstown ............, Wellington, N R. 0 John McGuire Roman's Valley...... Guysboro' ...... N S' D. Kelly 
Rlverview ........ i Grey. E R . .. ... 0 J. H. Peters Romily ........... Cardwell........ 0: B. Fanning 
River View............ Albert .......... N B I T. W. Church Romney............... Kent ............... O I C. Coatsworth 
RivierA aCiande...... Gaspe........... Q T. Auclair Rona............. ....... Qneen's.........P EI N. McKenzie 
Rlviloreà la Martre. GlUlpé ............... Q,Jean Ganthier Rondeau ............... Kent ............... OIW. Stirling 
Riviere a l'Onrs. . Chlcol1timi...... Q,J. B. Gandin Ronson.................. Norfolk. N R...... 0 1 )11'1'. A. Burnett 
Riviere a Pierre.... Portneuf . ........ QI Louis Saintonge Rose.............. Cumberland ..N S G. H. Smith 
Rivière au Rat ...... Champlain......... Q Hercule Desilets Roseberry ........ Selkirk........ 
! A. Kelso 
Rlvière aux Pins. ... , Quebec . ............ Q F. Armstrong Rost>dale ............... Victoria; N R.... () Moses McNeil 
Rlvière Bois Clair... Lotbinfère......... Q' Alphonse Lord Roseda1e... ...... ...... CarletoD... ...... N B W. E. Hoyt 
Rlvière dee Caches . I Northumberl'd.N B R. Savoy Rosedene ............... Monck. ............ 0 Cor. !\IcKay 
Rlvière des Plantes. Beauce ............ Q I George Plante Roseball ...... ......... Prince Edward... 0 R. }[cCartney 
Rlvlère des Prairies.. I Hochelaga ......... Qj Louis Belanger Rose Island. . .... . . 'Halltings, N R ... 0 John McKee 
-Riv.duLnup(mbaB) Temiscouata ...... Q Chas. A. Gaudr) Roseisle. ............... Sf'lkirk............ 1'01' Alex. Bejl:g 
Rlv. du Loup StRt'n. 
 Temillcouata....... Q I Felix Saindon Roseland ............... Selkirk............ 1'01 .1. D. }[cBurnie 
Rlvière Gagnon ......ITerrebonne. ...... Q Wm. Scott _Rostrnont ............ Simcoe, S R....... 0 J. Cumberland 
Rlvière la Fleur. ....IMontmorencl ... Q 1'. Langlois Rosenealh ............ Northllmb., W R. 0 J. J. Muirhead 
Rlvière la 
ladeleine l Ga5Pé .......... Q'Dnniel Ouellet ROl'e Plain ............ ............. Assa C. 8towart 
Rivière \lattawin ... Champlain......... Q' lsaie Neault RosettA.................. I,anark, N R...... 0 Robt McFarlane 
Rivière lI-leskinac... Cbamplain......... Q Louis Vaul/:eois HOlle Valf' . ............ Albert ......... N B John Stevens 
R!v!ère Noire......... I Artbaba
kR....... Q A E. 
RlIche!llliI ROfI(o 
alley............ QUfen's... ...... PEl :\[rs .T. McKtcnzie 
Rlvlère Ouelle ....... Kamuurallka...... Q 
Jrll. '\. ADcnI R08evllle ............... Waterloo, S R ... 0 1\1. Ginjl:rich 

vière St. Jean .... Sal!:uenay.......... Q B Chambers Roseway................ Shelburne...... N 8 Elijah lIagar 
RI\". Ste. Marguerite Sagllenay.......... Q J. Harvey Roslin .................. Hasting
, E R ... 0 
 J. Hewitt 
l{iv. Trois Pistoles... Tt'millcrJUata...... Q J. G. Seton Roslin.......... ......... Cumberland .;.N S DRviil Stewart 
Rivington ............ Argenteuil......... Q D. :\'JcIntol'h ROI'IIl ..................... Renfrew. N R.... 0 
Rivulet. . ... . . .. ... InverneBII .... N S M. McDonald Rossburn. . . .. . . . .. Marqnette......... 
I R. R. Ross 



[ 1888. 

Ross' Cor ñer-:::::::- Ki ng's ............N S D. E. Ros8 St. Amour ........ Pr
sco tt..-:--:-.-:-:.:-;ï H. St. Amour 
.Rossw.u ............... J\luslwka& P Sd. O I Wm. Ditchburn òt. Anaclet............. Rimouski ......... QIO. Couture 
Rosseau Fan8. . .... .\. uskoka & P S'd. 0 Wm. Snider 8t. André A velin ... Ottawa ............. Q H. N. Raby 
er. ........... Lisgar ............ ...I'tl P. J. Sherlock St. André de Kam... ! Kamouraska...... Q Alf. De!'jardlnl! 
Ross ;\lills ............. Levis ............... Q John Sexton St. Andre de Shediac W
stmoreland N B L. P. Leblanc. 
Rossmore............... Prince I!:dward... O!W. W. Post St. .Andrew. ......... Charlotte .......N B G. F. Campbell 
Iount .......... Durham, E. R.... OIJoshua Ull St. .Andrew. ......... Autigonishe ...N S DunclmChisholm 
Rossway ............... Digby ............N S Joshua Reid 'ò't. .Andrew., East.. Argentt'uil......... Q Thoma!' Lamb 
Rostock .............. Perth, N R. ...... 0 Justus Kreuter 8t. Andrews, West... Cornwall. ......... 0 Mrs.l\Iaøterson 
Rothe8 ............ Ontariu, W R .... OICharles Alcox 8t. Andrews. ......... Li8gar. ............ M G. Kennedy 
Rothsay. ............... Wellington, C H. 0 W. H. Lowes St. Andrews ......... King.s......... PEl J. Macdonald 
Ro!hsay . ............... King.s...... ......N B G. W. Sherwood :'It Angélede Monn'r. Rouvillø............ Q Benoni Lniselle 
e Hill ............ Ontariu, W R...... VIT. Holbourn 8te. Angéle de Laval' Nicol
t ............ Q Mrs. M. Désilets 
Rougemont... ......... Kouville... ......... Q Z. Bat<'helder :'It. Anieet ............ , Huntingdon ...... Q F. S. Bourgeault 
Ronnd llill............ j KllIg's............N B Wm. McLeod :5t. Anne ............... Kent............. N ß 
. Baom 
Ruund Hill............ Annapolill ..... N S,C. K Spurr 8te.AnnedeBellevue JacquesCartier... Q T. Raymond 
Round 18Iand......ïCape Breton ..N :5 j George S. Dillon i
Iontmorency.... Q Adolphe Paré 
Round Lake ......... Pe
rboro.,E H... 0 1 Henry Gerow Ste. Anne de la Per. I Champlain......... Q Jos. U. 
Hound Plains......... !.Iiorrolk, N H...... 0 I 'Irs. E. Lute8 gte.Anne des Mont8. Gaspé ...... ... ...... Q A. Tasseville 
Hounthwaite ...... Selkirk ............ M S Rounthwaite Ste.AnnedesPlainel! Terrebonne ....... Q D.Gaud
Routhier ......... Prellcott........ V' J. O. "oirier gte.Anne lapocatiél'e , Kamoura8ka...... Q Mad.A. Leve8que 
Rrwan lIlill8 ......... ""orfolk, S R...... V'John Biddle Ste. Anne de Presc. PreRcott ...........0 Robt. Brllssard 
Rowanton ............. Pontiac ............ q Hugh Grant St.A de Rl'stigouche Bonaventure ... Q Rev Chas. Guay 
Rowena..._....... uundas ............ 4} Tho,;. 8. Carter Ste.Anne de Sorel. . 1 Richeli
u ......... Q K La
Rowena. ............... Victoria......... Nil Jas. K Rim mons St. Ann's ............... Victoria ..........N S Mrs. I. McLeod 
Rowland.......... Selli::irk......... :\1 A. R. Hyder St. Ann's ............... Provencher ...... M Isole Richer 
Roxbury...... ......... Annapolis ...... N 8 Wm. Gormley ðt. Ann's............... Queen's ...... PET A. :.\Iurphy 
Roxburgh ............ Albert............N B John Kelly St. Ann's ....... '" I 'Ionck . ............ 0 .l()f;eph II. Snider 
Roxhu.m ............... St. Johns ......... Q w. C. ',in!lsbury :ìt. Anselme ......... Dorchester......... Q L. V. Bernier 
RfY.I:trm Jiùlls.... ..... 
helford............ Q .John Wood St. AnthoQy.......... Kent ..... ...... LV B 1 CYPril-'n Dionne 
Roxton Pond... ...... 8hefl:"ord...... ...... q N. Normandin St. Antoine. I.oibi're Lotblnière......... Q l<
dD1ond Larue 
Royal............. Provencher ......1\1 J. A .Turcottt' St. Antoine. Riv.Ric. Verchère8 ......... Q K.Cal.tier 
Royal Road............ York ............N H Chas. W. E8tey St. Antonin .......... Temlscouata...... Q MissO. Fortin 
Royal Road, West... Y'>rk ............ N BIThomas S'aneon St. ApoUinaire ...... Lotbinière......... Q E. Boucher 
Royalton ............... Cu.rleton ...... N B I G. Weade St. Armand Centre... Mlsslsqnoi......... Q A. 'l'itemor 
Ruby.......... ......... R.enfrew, N. R.... 0 J. Rankin St. Armand Station. 1\I1881sqnoi ......... Q Peter Smith 
Rugby.................. Simcoe, .E R ...... 0 James Ball St. Arsene ............ T"mlscouata ...... Q F. P
Rui8seau a l'Eau C'e Uor..h"ster......... Q G. Hender80n St. .Athanase ......... lberville............ Q P. Rignier 
RuiFs"au 8 Bem ...... Rlmousqul .... Q, Elzear Ros8 St. Aubert ............ L'Islet ............. Q A. Blais 
Runnymede .......... Bonaventure ...... Q :.\lrs. B. Wheeler St. Augustine.. ...... Huron, W R...... 0 W. J. Bickle 
Rupert.................. Ottawa ............. Q John Harri8 
t.Al1gustin,P'tneuf Portneuf ........... Q Felix East 
unbury .......N 13 Abner Smith st. Augustin,TwoM. Two 
Iountalns.. Q .T. n. Ouellette 
Rusagornl8 Station Sunbury.......N 13 1 J. Alexander 8te. Barbe ........ Huntingdon.... Q N Lemieux 
Ruscol1l River......... I!:S8ex.!.Ii R......... 0 J. Duprey St. B&rnabé, R.Yam. St. Hyacinthe ... Q .\. Bouvier 
Rnscom Stu.tlon..... Essex, N H ......... ulJno. D. !.\lathers St. Barnabé. St.Mau. St. Maurice ...... Q F. Bellmare 
KU8h Point ............ Peterboro, E R.. 0 Justus AlJey * St. Barthélémi ... on Derthier............ Q Mi8s C. Sylvestre 
Ruskview . ............ I:!imcoe. SR. ...0 Robt. Reid St. Bazile de POI tn'! Portueuf .......... Q U. Coll
Russeldale ............ Perth, SR......... u .John Wilson St. Bazile Ie Grand. Chambly .......... Q E. Lalumiere 
Russell.................. RU8sell ...... ...... 0 W. R. Petrie St. Bazile Station ... POitneuf ...... Q C. A. J)elage 
Russelton .. . .. . .. Simcoe, N R . ... () James Russell Ste. Beatrix... ......... Joliette ........... Q G. L.dltMarsolalt 
Russeltown............ Chateauguay .... Q C. Struthers St. Benoit ..............I.rwo !\fountains.. Q Sevère Daoust 
Rustlco... ...... ......... I Queen's ...... PEl I J. Gallant St. Hernard de Dorc'r Dorche8ter......... Q L. C. Genest 
Rustlcovllle .......... Queen"s ...... P E II lIominick Buotte St. Bernard............ St. John's ......... Q J. B. Bedard 
Huther Glen .,... . 1 ' 
arleton... ,..N BI E. D. Martin St. Bernard. ......... Digby............ N S .JameF Holden 
Ruther GleB ......... ISlpisslng.......... 0 F. McDonald St. Blandine ...... Rimouski ...... Q Rev. A. Premont 
Rutherford ...... ...... 
othwell. ......... \) I G. A. Stephenson St. Bonaventure...... Drummond....... Q O. 8810is . 
Ruthven. ......... ...... , EBse
, SR......... 0 I Francis A. Wigle St. Boniface . . . .. .. rrove.ncher. ...... M L. Lafranchlse 
Huttanvdle ...... S..lklrk ............ l\I W. D. Ruttan Ste. Brlglde............ Iberville .... ...... Q G. D. Lamarche 
Ryckman's Corners.. I Wentworth, S R. u James Tyner Ste.Brigitte des 8'lts Nicolet ............ Q N. D. Houde 
Hydal Bank .......... j AlgOWa ............ 0 W. R.Smyth St. Bruno............... Chambly .......... Q J.1't1. Cote 
Rye ..................... :.\Iu
kuka & P S'd (,) Wm. Parks St. Bruno de Kam. 1 Kamouraska..... Q Emma Coté 
Rylstone ............... 
orthumb.. E R. 01 D. All!l.n St. Bruno Station... Chambly ......... Q G. Fitzgibbon 
Ste. Adele ... ........ Terrebonne ....... Q H. B. Lafilmr St.Callxte,Kllkenny'!\lontcalm......... Q A. Perrault 
Ste.Adelaide d. pa'>OB j liaspe ......... ...... Q George Maugl'r St. Camille............. I Wolfe ......... ...... Q J. H. {"repeau 
St. Adolphe de How Argenteuil. ...... Q Hubert Paquet St. Canute ............ Two Mountaln8.. Q John Makereth 
St. Adri,:n ........... Wolfe:.. .......... \.l,F. X. Charland .St. Cas-jmir ......... Portneuf........... Q F. X. Gingra!! 
St. Agaplt ............ Lotblmère......... Q,J. Paquet St.CaøslendesCapl!. Charle'f'olx .... Q !lIrR.M.Duchesne 
St. Agatha ... ...... ...1 Walerloo, SR... 0 ì Anthony Kaiser St. Castin .... ......... Kent ...... ......N B M. L. JaiUet 
Bte. Agathe............ Pruvencher....... M, Ernest Bernier Ste. Catherine. ...... Portneuf .......... Q Pierre Julien 
Ste. Agathe de Lotb., Lotbilliere ......... Q' L. Boulanger. Ste. Catherines Riv. Queen's ......... N S I Don'ld McDonald 
St.AgathedesMon.s,Terrebone......... Q V. F.Forgettè .8l.Catharint.l .... J.incoln ............0 Robert Lawrie 
f!te.Agnès deCharl'x I Charlevoix ....... Q Rev. }'. Gendron Ste. Cec. de Levrard. NI
olet ............ Q L. P. Beaudet 
 Huntingdon ...... Q Thos. Rowley St. Cecile de Whitton Compton. ......... Q I Ach
las Loubier 
St. Almé ............... Richelieu ......... Q Pierre Gelinas St. Célestin ........... Nicolet ............ Q Mrs. V
St. Alban............... Portneuf .......... Q Jean Savard "St. Césaire ............ Rouvllle............ Q;C. Pepm 
st. Albert ............1 Russell ... ......... Q Victor Fortier St. Charles. . . . . . ..1 Li8gar ............ M I HeDlY Burke 
8t. Albert ...... ...... I Arthabaska ...... Q, D. Rheault St.Charles 
e Caplan Bonaventure...... Q i Jpøep
8t. Albert. ............ ...... ..... Alta H. W. lIlcKenDY St.Chas., Rlv..Boyerl Bellechasse ....... Q, Ed. BIlodeau 
St. Alexander Stat .1 Iverville .... ..... Q JOl'eph Bouvier St. Chas. RIV.,RiCh'u l St. Hyacinthe ... Q Miss. M. LeBlanc 
Bt. Alex. d'lbervlllellbervllle..... .... Q A. A. L. Brien Ste. Christine...... Bagot............... Q Rev. J. Tourigny 
St.Alex de Kam'rska Kamouraska...... Q R. Fortin St. ChrllSOStome ...... Chateauguay...... Q I. J. L. Derome 
St. Alexl8 de Monte. / Montealm ......... Q Egide Omon 
t. Clair Siding....... I Es8ex...... .......... 0 L. Souchereau 
St. Alexlsdes Monts. Masklnongfi ...... Q J. Bte. Drolet Ste. Claire ............ Dorchester......... Q J. E. Caouette 
St. Alphonse ......... Joliette ............ Q F. :.\1. Trudeau St. Clements ......... Waterloo, N R... 0 .T. L. Kroetsch 
St. Alphonse ......... Selkirk............ M J. A. De Cosse St.C1ement............,Temlscouata...... Q George Afl;il 
St. Alphonse de Gran ShelIord............ Q I Antoine Cote St. Clet... ............... Soulanges ......... Q A. Borque 
St. Améd6e ............'Ottawa. ............ Q R. Robinßl)n Ste. Clothilde.........! Arthaba8ka ...... Q C. Gélinas 





Ste.ClothUd ed eChat Cha
u gu. ay ... Q Fran-;; Is Dl!xtras 8te. GeneYieve ...... Jacques Cartier. Q 
Godfroi Boileau 

t. Columbin ......... Two }Iountalns.. Q :\1. J. Phelall Suo (kn.lÙ Batúcan Champlain...... Q I D. Lacourcier 
St. Come ............... Joliette ............ Q Alphonse Labin. *St. Gem-ge ............ , Charlotte ... N B' to:. R. O'Brien 
8t. Constant ......... Laprairie .......... Q' J. O. Longtin St. George. Beauee... Beauce ...... ...... Q: Hubert Catellier 
St. Croix ............... Hants ............N 8 D. :\Iosher *St. George. Brant... Brant. N R ....... O,Cha". P. Keefer 
8t. Croix ............... York ............N B'D. Gallligher St. Geo. d" Wind80r I Rlchmond......... Q! F. X. Roy 
SU. Ormx............... Lotblnière... ...... Q J. Hawtli Bt. George Est. ...... Beauce...... ...... Q I Louis Moi80n 
St. Cunegonde . ...... Hochelaga......... Q G. N. Ducharmt I'1t. George's Channel Richmond...... N S, An
us McInnis 
St. Cuthbert ......... Berthler............ Q C. N. Paquin St. G. de Montarville Ottawa......... .. Q P. C. Benoit 
St. Cuthbert Station. Berthier... ........ Q James Morin St. G. de Grantham. Drummond....... Q 1\Iiss E. Pare 

t. Cyprien............. Temiscouata...... Q G. Dallaire 8t.G.dé Kamouraeka I Kamouraeka...... Q!.Joseph Moreau 
öt. Cyr................... Richmond......... Q R. E. Dyson Ste. Gertrude...... Nkolet............. Q Leon Ohampoux 
St. Cyriac. . ............ Chicoutimi........ Q Jean Deschenes Bt. Gervais. .... ... ßellecballl'e..... Q' Oervai!! Carrier 
St. Cyrille de L'lslet L'lslet... ......... .. Q J. B. Cloutier St. Giles. ............... 1 Lotbinlere... ...... Q George Cote 
St. Cyrille de Wend. I Drummond. ...... Q \Irs L. Brassard + St. ()rtgmre ......... :s'lrolet.... .. ...... Q J. A. Poirier 
15t. Damase ............ St. H)acinthe ... Q P. H. Petit St. Guill me d'Uptoni Drummond....... Q Josepb Jasmin 
St. Damase de Rim. Rimoul!kl ... .... Q A. Langlais Ste. Helene de Kam., Kamouraska.... Q Paul De"saint 
St Damase dell Auln L'Islet............... Q F. Belliuger Bte. Helene de Bagotl ßagot .... ......... Q Louis Lucier 
8t.Damie.deBrandon Bertbier............ Q Mrs. J. Desbayet- Ste. Hel. de chester l Arthab8Fka .... 
 Hector Pa) eur 
S.DamlendeBuckl'd Bellechasse ...... Q J Gagne St. Hplen's ............ Huron, W R...... U Robert :Mnrray 
St. David de Lévi!l... Levis ............... Q Mrs. J. Hailé Ste. Henedlne......... Dorchester... . Q JOlleph !\Iercier 
St. David's ............ Lln. &; Xlagara... 0 Samnel Read St. Henri de Levis. Levis ............... Q Gilbert Roy 
St.Denisdela Bout're KamoUrRska... '" Q .Josepb Dionne 03t. Henri de Mont'!. I Hochelaga......... Q 
. BlsFonnette 
8t. Denis. Riv. Ricb St. Hyacintbe ... Q A. Dnrocher St. Henri Station... Levis .......... Q George D"mers 
St. Didaee ........ :\laskinolI
 é . ... Q "
Izear Germain St. Hermas ... ......... Two Monntainf. Q p, E. Clalroux 
8t. Dom. de Bagot... Bagot.. ........... Q Vietor Vachon St. Hermenegllde ... 8tanstead ......... Q, L. LdonrDt'au 
St. Dominique Stat. Soulan
es...... Q Richard Tyner St. Hilaire. ............ Victoria......... N BI Honore Cyr 
St. DOIII. des Cèdres Soulanges ...... Q L. Cf)wn St. Hilaire Station... Rouville............ Q I Felix l\lartin 
8t. Donat. . . .. . . . .. Rimoullki ....... Q I E Hudon St. Hilaire Village... Rouville............ Q E. Goulet 
St. Donat de Mont... Montcalm...... Q J. O. Lachanelle St.Hlpp.deKlikenny Terrebonne....... Q F. X. RpJl:lmbal 
Ste. Dorothée....... Laval.......... QIC. Valequette St. Honore ............ Beauce ............. Q B. Tan
St. Edouard de Nap Naplerville .... Q J. Blain St Hubert. ............ I CbUmbly .......... Q F. Robert 
St. Ed. de Frampton ()orcbester..... .
Q! Mrs. B. Conroy St. Uugues ............ Bagot............... Q E. Lafontaine 
St. Edwidge ...... Compton .. ..... Q 'Oaspard Boulay *St. Hyacinthe. ...... 8t. Hyaclntbe ... Q Camille Lussier 
St. ":Ieanorø .. . .... Prince.... ... P E II R. H. MacDonaJd St. Ignace. ...... ...... Kent........ N B I N. ß. Léger 
St. Eleutbère....... Kamouraska.... Q F. Oarneau St. Irenee . ............1 Cbarlevoix ....... Q Josepb Gosselin 
St. Elle..... ....... St. 
Iaurlee ...... Q: K Lacerte St. Isidore. Dorcb'terl Dorcbester...... Q,Antoine Nadeau 
Ste. Elizabetb...... Junette........ Q I JI. Roh1lJard St. Isldore.Laprairie l Laprairie .......... Q I F. T. Lallgevin 
St. Elmo ....... . .. Glengarry......... 0 D. A. McDougall St. Isidore ........ Gloucester.... N B Chas. de Lagarde 
8t. Eloi............ Temløcouata.... Q S. Lapolr:te St. Isidore Junction I Laprairie .......... Q F. Baillargeon 
St. Elphege............ Yam8l!ka............Q, A. Parent St. Isidore de presc't l ' Pre8cott............ 0 Josepb Parent 
St. Elzear .. . . . . ... ßeanee............. Q I Jean Bilodeau St. !ves...... ............ 
liddlesex. E R . 0 Thomas Howard 
;"Ite. E. de l'Energie. Joliett
 ............ QI A. Bazlnais *St. Jacob', ............ Waterloo, N R... 0 J. L. Wideman 
St. Ephrem do Tring Beauee. ............ Q Olivier Bpgln St. Jacques............ Montcalm,..... Q Z. Cloutier 
em d'Upton Bagot ............... Q[ C W. Warner St.Jscquesltðllnenr l L
prairie ....... Q rtlrs. E. Poirier 
St. Espnt ............. Montcalm...... QrC Dalpe St. James....... ...... Lll1gar......... .M Wm.F. Lane 
St. E1pril . ............ Richmond.... N ::I'D. Matheson St. James Park . . .. Middlesex. SR... 0 .Jobn Taylor 
St.E. de BeauharnolF Beauhal'nois.... Q I ' J. U. B"dard St. Janvlf'r .' . . . ... Terrebonne ...... Q Jos. Desrocbes 
8t. Etienne de Bolt'n Brome ............. Q Louis Poulin 8t. Jean Baptiste.... Provencher.... M P. Parenteau 
St. Etienne des Gres St. Maurice ...... Q Uldoric Brunelle St J.Bp. de Montreal Hochelaga...... Q Emile Hubert 
8t Et. du Sagnenay Saguenay ...... Q I Hugh P Blair St.J. Bp. de RouvillAI Ronville............ Q L. G. K Goulet 
St. Eug
ne ........ Prescott............ 0 Victor Lalonde St. Jean Chry. Lavis I Levis ............... Q Mrs. D. Goss"lin 
St.Eug.deGrantbam Drummond ...... Q J. Rondeau St. Jean de Dleu.... Temlscouata.... Q Rev. L. Arpin 
St. Enlalle. ............ Nicolet............. Q I Karcisse Legris St. J. des Ohaillom . 1 Lotblniere...... Q E. Cb'l.ndonnalll 
St.Eusèbe de Oabano Temlscouata...... Q 1 1 Rev. J. Andette St. Jean de 'datba... Joliette ............ Q J. R. Lippe 
St. FJudac
e . ......... Two :\-Iountains. Q Phillae Gautbier St. Jean d'Orleans... 
Iontmorency... Q F. X. Turcotte 
St. Evar. de Forsyth Beanee ............ Q Honore Bhis St. J. l'Evangel1ste. Bonaventure...... Q 'Irs. M. Ouellet 
St. Fabien......... Rimouski ......... Q Adolpbe Gagnon St. Jpan Port JoIl... L'Iølet ............. Q :\lar1e Fournier 
8t. Faustln ........ Terrebonnt! ...... Q I Hector Cote *St Jerome ............ I Terrebonne. ...... Q E. MarC'band 
Ste. Famille ....... Montmorency... Q F. X. Allllelin St.Joachim de Mont. 
Iontmoroncy.... Q lsaie Simard r;. 
St. Fellcien........ Cblcoutlmi......... QI Louis F. Roy Shefford ShelIord............ Q Josepb Bacbaud 
8t. EeIlcite ........ Rlmouskl. ..... ... Q' H. Gagnon St.Joacb.Rlv.Rusc'm,Essex ............... 0 Eugene Beulet 
St. F'eli:1: lÙ Valois... JoIlette ............ QI :\Iax Crepeau 
 St. John ...............1 St. Jobn.... . ... N B E. Willis 
St. Ferdinand......... \Iegantic.......... Q Arthur 1>..lIet1er St. John Suburb...... 'Quebec.... ...... ... Q L. B. Demers 
81. Fereol............... Montmorency.... Q Pierre Berube 
 St. John',. Ecut...... I St. John's. ..... Q Jas. McPberson 
St. Fldele.......... Charlevolx ..... Q Achille Bherour St. .John's. West.... Weiland............ (} .John Misener 
Ste. Flavie.. ....... RimoDl'lkl....... Q Leon Langlois St. Joseph d' Alma... Chlcoutimi ....... Q F. Gagne 
Ste. Flavle Station. H.lmou
kl....... Q AUlluste Cote St. .Josepb de Beauce Beauee. ............ Q D. Moriset 
St. Flavien ............ r.otblnlere...... Q L. Bedard St. .Josepb de Lepage Rimouøkl ......... Q Jllrs. H. Roussel 
Ste. Flore............... Champlain..... Q F. Vincent St. Josepb. ............ W8i!tmoreland.1'\ B Alfred Roy 
St. Fortunat ......... Wolfe.......... Q D. St. Pierre St. Josepb. ............ Antlgonløhe... N S A. McGillivray 
St. Foy.................. Qnebec ............ Q Feilx Belleau S. Joseph de Lévls Levis.......... Q Edouard Ruel 
&. PranCfJÍl. Beau
 Beauce ........ Q Dr. B. Desrocbers St. Joseph de Sorel Rlchelieu .. ...... Q Rev. A. ßouvier 
St. Francois de Sales L"val . .. .. .. . .. Q Clovis Gascon St. .Josepb du Lac... Two Mountains. Q .J. Legault, jun 
St. Fran. d'Orleans. Montmorency... Q EmillAn Pepin St. Jovlte. .... ..... Terrebonne ...... Q J. Charbonneau 
St. Francois du Lac. Yama
ka....... Q F. ..
. N. Boucber St. Jude.......... St. Hvacinthe... Q J. B. V. Lemay 
Ste. Francoise.. ...... Temløcouata.... Q N. Bpaulien Ste. Julie de Vercb. Verchèreø ......... Q J. Collette 
ast Beauce............. Q P. F. Reneault Ste.JuliedeS,mer't Megantlc ...... Q Louts Roberge 
St. Francoll'l.Mont'ny \Iontmagny . .., Q 

. C. Boulet Ste. Julienne...... :\-Iontcalm ......... Q Jos. Racette 
St. Francoi
 Xavier. Lll'Igar ...... ....... l'rIl P. McCaughan St. JUl!tin ......... Maskinongé.... Q E.
I. Chapdelelne 
!'t. Fran. Vlg
r 1'
mll'lcouata. .... QtG. Caron St. .Just. de New,to.n Vau
reuil...... Q M.I1!lInard 
St.Fr.X.deBlomptn RIchmond...... Q Rev.J. Lpveøqut St.LambertdeLevll, LevIs ............. Q O. DlOn 
St. Frederic............ Beauce ...... ....... Q I F. X. Plante St. Lambert, Mont. Chambly ...... . Q D. O. Davis 
St. Gab. de Bmndon B
rth1er _......... Q M.O'Hllir St.Laure'td'OrleaDf' Montmorency... Q Josppb Chabot 
St. Gab. de Montreal Hocbtlla
a... ...... Q I H. D. Cote St. Laur..nt, Mont'l Jacques Cartier. Q J. LpCavalier 
St. Gabriel Station. Portneuf....... Q A. W. l.anrlrigan St. Laurent.... . .... Lls
ar ......... M A. G. Hepwortb 
8t. Gedeon... ......... Cblcoutlml . . . .. Q C. Duche
nay 8t. Lawrence ....... Frontenac....... 0 03. D. Woodman 





--- ------- -- -- --1----- 
St. Lazare de Belle'tI Belltlcl.ssse..... Q L. Kenneur St. Pie de Guire... .IYamaska . .... Q Jos. Lavalle 
St.Lazare de Vaudr'l, Vaudreuil ..... . Q H. Thauriette St. Pierre Baptiste . I Meb'8Dtic .......... Q P. A. Drolet 
St. Leon........... Maskinongé ...... Q 1 E.LeSage St. Piene d'orleans , 'Montmorency... Q L.F.TardilI 
St. Leon........ ... Selkirk........ ::\1 F. J. Messner :it.PierrelesBecqueta Nicolet ............ Q Thomas Phillip! 
St. Leonard d' AB
on I N
 n.... ...... Q, Joseph Picher St. Pi err!!. Montma'y l\Iontmagny :..... Q Sarah D. Bacon 
St. Leonard StatIon'VlctorIa .........N B L. C. Akerly St. PlaClde ............ / TWO Mountams. Q Z. RaymolJd 
8t Leonard."..... .. . I Victoria .. .....N B Patrick Martin St. Polycarpt. ......... Soulanges ......... Q I Firmin Hudon 
St. L.iboir
..... .. ... Bagot.......... Q P. 8. Beaur';'Jl:ard 
t. Prim
 ....... ....."1 Chicou tiI,Di ....... Q H.6V. T. D. Bellay 
St. LiguorI. . . ... ...1 Montcalm .. ...... Q T. G. BellevIlle St. Prosper ............ Champlam......... Q Jos. A. Frigon 
St.Louis de Bonllec'rs Hicht-lieu. ....... Q A. St. Martin tib St. Prosper de Dor.. Dorch" ....... Q L. N. Riesdeau 
St.Louis deGonzaguej Beauharnois ... Q L. Vachon St. Rllphaël, EaBt.... Bellechasse ....... Q[ P. C. A. jt'ournier 
St. I.ouis de Kent.. Kent...... .... N Q A. Leger St. Raphaël, West... Glengarry......... 0 1 Mrs. M.McDoneli 
St. Louis de Ha HalT"mil'COuata ... B'A. Thibault .St. Raymond......... Portneuf ......... Q Joøeph Goulet 
8te.Louise .....,.. / L'hlet .......... Q H.Potvin St. Redemptßur.... Vaudreuil......Q I Barn.Lalonde 
St. Lu
............ St. John's....... Q M. Marøen St. Regis ............... Huntingdon ...... Q G. Long 
Ste. Luce. . ". . . ... Rimouski.,...... Q J Tremblay St. Rémi ... ............ Napierville ....... Q ! Cbas. Bedard 
8te. Luce Station.... Rimouski.......... Q A. Laberge St. Remi de Tingw'k Arthabatlka........ Q N. Champagne 
Ste. L. de Doncaster I ferrebonne .... Q Noe Forget St. Itemi d'Amherst,Ottawa.............. Q E. Thomas 
Ste. Madeleine.... . I St. Hyacinthe... Q I. Rainville St. Robert ............ Richelieu ......... QIO. Dupré 
St Magloire ....... Bellechasse..... Q P. Tanguay .St. Roclt de QmbfC. IQuebec City, E.. Q Louis P. Huot 
St. l\hlachie . ......... Dorchester..... Q G. Duncan St. Roch de Richelieu 'Richelieu ......... Q J. B. Paquette 
St. Mltlo. . . ., . .. '. . 1 Compton..... . ., Q L. Gendron St.RochdesAulnaies ! L'Islet ............. Q Mrs.V. M.Gagnon 
St. Mltrc. . . . ." . ... VerchèreB...... Q P. Duvernay St. Roch I' Achigan... L' Assomption..... Q J. Deslongch'mps 
St. Marcel......... Richelieu .. ..... Q , IG. Angers 8t. Romain ............ Compton............ Q E. Bélanger 
St. Margaret'B. . . ... King's...... PEl D. B. Feehan 8te. Rosalie ...... ......1 Bagot ...... ......... Q Oscar Pelletier 
Ste. Marguerite... . , DorChester ..... Q I J. B. Cadrin Ste. Rose............... Laval............... Q A. E. Leonard 
&to M. de Monnf1ir. Bouville ....... Q L. Gatien St. Rose de Watford, Dorchester...... ...Q A. Chabot 
Ste. Marthe.......... Vaudreuil ... .... Q I M. Berthiaume Ste. Rose du Degele.ITemiscouata...... Q H. Lapointe 
St. MarLin. ......... Laval........ .... Q Dr.R J.Charette Gayhurst., Beauce ............ Q R. Dallaire 
Sw.. Martin/! ..... . . . r Chataeuguay .... Q A. Hébert St. :5auveur des Mon.1 Terrebonne ...... Q W. Sloane 
St. Mu.rtin'......... St. John.......N BI MrB J. S. Moøh'3r St. &uveurcù Qutbec Quebec City, E... Q J. L. Saucier 
.St. Mary'. ............ Perth, S R......... 0 Peter M. Nicol Ste. &ltolastique...... Two ß!ountains.. Q A. Fortier 
St. l\Iary's . ............ Kent..... .... N B O. O. LeBlanc St. Sébastien ......... Iberville............ Q G. P. E. Fortier 
St. Mary's Ferry.... York ............N B C. L. Jl:stabrook. St. Sévère .............. St. Maurice ... '.. Q Pierre Heroux 
Ste. Mary's River... Guysborough...N ST. A. Martin St. S. de Beaurivage Lotbiniére...._. .. Q J.B.Champagne 
St. Mary's Road...... King's .........P .E I James Gormley St. Simeon......... Charlevoix......... Q Rev. J. Dum88 
St. Mathias ............ Rouville............ Q S. Bertrand St. Sim. de Rimouski l Rimouski ......... Q J. Fournier 
St. Mathieu............ I Rimouski ......... Q T. Levêqutl St.Simon deYamas'al fugot ............... Q F. X. Denis 
St. l\!aurice ............ Champlain......... Q G. E. Bistodeau St. Sixte ............... I Ottawa ............. Q Aug. Boivin 
St. Maurice Forges.. St. Maurice. ...... Q J. B. Heallcl'emin St. Sophie de Megan. :\Iegantic ......... Q JOllf'ph Vigneau 
Ste. Melanie .........I,Joliett.. ............ Q Fabien Mi,'haud St.80phit:deLacorneiTerrebonne ...... Q Ulric Leveque 
St.MichelJe Bellech. Bellechasse ...... Q G. Forgue
 St.::\ophiede Lt-vrardl Nicolet ...... ...... Q C. B. PoÍJIøon 
St. \lichelde Nprvl'e r Napierville . ...... Q P. Laberge St. St80islas de Ch'n I Champlain......... Q A.. J. Lacourcière 
St. Michel dtls Saints [ Berthier...... ...... Q H. Gendrou St. Stanis. de Kostka I Beauharnois ...... Q A. Raymond 
St.Michel de Went'h Argent.euil ..... Q M. Meillenre * St. Strplten . ......... Charlotte ......N B D Sullivan.jun. 
St. ,\1odeste............ I Témiscouata ...... Q S. ChouinH.rd St. Sulpice ..........."1 L' Assomption. ... Q Jacques Royal 
St. Moise .............. Rimouski ......... Q Joseph Smith St. S y t1)/'. . 
ttr, East ..., Lotbinière... ...... Q S. Vaillancourt 
St. Moise Station.. Rimou
ki ......... "l J. Vaillancourt tJt. Sytvuw.r, Wat... 'Lotbinière......... Q John Machell 
8t. Mon. deux Mont. Two Mountains. Q D. Leonard Ste. Thecle ............ 'Champlain......... Q T. Magnan 
Ste. Mon. de Nicolet Nicolet ............ Q .J. H. Biron St. Telesphore.........! Soulanges ......... Q André EliI.' 
8t. Narcisse............ Champlain ....... Q D. Cloutier :5t.Theodored'ActoniBagot ............... Q Paul Decelle 
St. Nérée ......... Bellech8B8e..... Q Rev. J. E. Breton St.Theod.deChertsI'Y I Montcalm ......... Q André Morin 
St. Nicholas............ Lévis ............... Q B. Paquet Ste. Theodosie . ...... Verchereø Q L. N. Handfield 
St. Norbert............ Berthier............ Q Mrs. N. Roch Ste.TMrèsede Blain. ' Terrebonne ...... Q AugusteSeguin 
St. Norbert .... ... ... Kent... .......... N B J. J. Richard St. Thomas ... ......... Carleton .........N B D. 
St. Norbert ........... Provencher.... M Elie Brisebois St.ThomasdeJoliette Joliette ............ Q S. Desmarais 
St. Octave ............ Rimoul1ki ......... Q Narcisse Richard *St. Th.omas, Wut... Elgin, E R......... 0 F. E. Ermatinger 
St. Odilon . ............ Dorchester......... Q J. Drapeau St. Timothée ......... Beauharnois ...... Q A. Lesperance 
St.Ola .................. H&8tings, N R... 0 Wm. Morton St. Tite .................. Champlain......... Q J. N. Buist 
St.Onézime............ Kamouraska...... Q Chas. Ouellet St.TitedesCaps ...... Montmorency.... Q Rev. J.L.Perusse 
St. Onge. ............... Rusllell .........:..0 C. St. On
e St. Ubalde. ............ Portneuf............ Q P. C. Gravelle 
St. Ours ............... Richelieu ......... Q H. Duhamel St. UrblÚn de Chat... Cbateauguay.... Q J. B. Poupard 
8t. Pacôme ............ Kamouraska...... Q Alex. Hudon St. Urbain de CharI.. Charlevoix ....... Q J. Girard 
St. Pamphile ......... L'lslet...... ......... Q Alfred Caron 
te. U rBule ............ Maskinongé...... Q L. Lupien 
St. Paschal............ Kamouraska...... Q E Blondf3au St. Valentin............ St. John .......... Q G. Girard 
St. Patrick. ............ Simcoe, E R .... 0 Bazile Payment St. Valere de Bul.... Arthabaska....... Q Jos. Trudel 
St. Patrick. ..... .. I Temiscouø.ta...... Q J. C. Picard St. Valérien............ I ShelIord............ Q I P. S. Grandpré 
St.Patrick'sChannel Victoria .........N S J. :\lcNaughton St. VH.1. de Rimo'ki. Rimouski....... Q Jean MeisaB 
St. Patrick's Hill ... Arthabaska ...... Q Phil. Hebert St. Vallier ............ Bellechasse ...... Q, E. Bélanger 
St. Paul de la Croix TemiøcOuata...... Q Alex. Boucher St. VaJlier Station... I Bellechasse ...... Q l.ouis Pelchat 
St. Paui d'InduBtrie Joliette ............ Q Joseph Guilbaul' Ste. Victoire ........ ..., Ricbelieu ... ...... Q H. Paulhus 
St. Paul du Buton... Montmagny ...... Q M. St. Pierre St. Victor de Tring. r Beauce ...... ...... QI F. Gosselin 
St. PauII'Hermite... L' Assomption..... Q Joseph Marion St. Vincent de P81l1.: Laval...... ......... Q 1 C. Germain, jun. 
St. Paul's........, ...... Kent .............N B Joseph Bernard St. Vital............... Provencher ...... M A.ndlé Nault 
St. Paulin ......... ... 
Iaskinongé ...... Q P. Desmarais St. Wenceslh!'......... I Nicolet ............ Q I A. Davelay 
8t. Paul's............... Pirtou ............N S D. McDonald St. Wï:lltams . ......... Norfolk, S R...... O'J. H. Cope 
St. Paul's Bay. ....... Charlevoix......... Q Mis!' V. Clement st. Yvon ...... ........ Gaspe.......... QI Fred. Girard 
St. Paul's Station... Perth, S R..... ... 0 A. Thom St. ZachH.rie........... BAauce-............. Q I Rev. P. Meunier 
St. Perpetue . ......... Nicolet......... Q T Décoteau St. 1A!llon. . . .. ...... Berthier .......... 0 A.garie Rivet 
St. P',úr's............... Rirhmond ......N S R. G. Morrison St.Zéphirin... .........1 YamMka ......... Q G. P. Ro.usseau 
St. Philippe de Lap. Laprairie ......... Q F. C. Larose St. Zotique ............ Soulanges ......... Q O. F. Pneur 
St.Phil.d'Argenteuil Argenteuil......... Q 1<1. Lflblanc Sable..................... 
1iddlesex. N R. 0 Allan McDonald 
St. Philippe de Néry Kl\mouraska...... Q FT. Descbène Sable River............ 8helburne ......N S W. Dunlop 
8te. Philomène ...... Chateauguay ..... Q :\Irll. M. D'Amour 8abrevoiR...... ......... ,Iberville... ......... Q S. H. Jones 
Ste. P. d'Echaillons. Lotbinlére.......Q H. Tousij,tnant *Saclroillt. ........... Westmoreland,NB Jos. DiXBOll 
St. Pie .................. Bagot...... ......... Q A. Gauthier Sacré-Cæur de 'Iarie' 
antic . . . . .. . Q J. Vallier. jun. 
St. Pie .................. Prõvencher ...... :\1/ Hev. X. C. Jntras Sadowa............, Virtoria, N R ... 0 J. H. Vanvlack 

lSbS. ] 



I I 

oka 4 P S'd; 0 I L. Sa ban aUen . Scotcbfort. ............ Queen's ...... PEl A. McDonald 
SaIlor's Hope...... Kmg 8......... PEl F. Macdonald Scotcb Lake. ......... York ............ N B IJ. S. Jackson 
Saintfield............... ' Ontarlo, N R...... O,D. McKay Scotcb Line. .......... Lanark ............ OIK. McLennftn 
Saint Pierre.. . . ... Kent ........ N B J. J. Leblanc Scotch Ridge ... ...... 1 Charlotte ...... N B I Mrll. G. l\IorrisoIl 
8ftint 8imon ......... Gloucester... - N BIJ. Lftnteigue Scotcb Settlement... Westmoreland,N B 
. McDougall 
Saints _"-nges ......... Beauce ....... .... QIJos. Cloutier Scotch Town ......... Queen's ......... N B Henry H. Carle 
Salem .................. I Wellington,CR.. 0 Jobn R. Wissler Scotcb Village.. ..... I Hants.............N SIJ. Northup 
Salem ........,......... Albert .......... N B,H. J. flteeYes Scotia .................. Muskoka& PS'd. OIJOhn Buck 
Salem .................. Cumberland ...N SI E. Blai'k Scott Junction. ...... Beauce. ............ Q G. G
Salem .................. I ' Yarmouth. .oo N SA. W. Kenney Scoaand ............... Oxford, SR. ... OIJohn A. Eddy 
8alem Road....... Cape Breton. ...N S D. McInsh, sen. Scotsburn. ............ Pictou ............N S Wm. Smart 
Salford .................. Norfolk, N R. .... 0 Alfred Stevens ScottsviIle........ Inverness..... N S,James Fraser 
Salina. . .... ... . . .. King.s............N B J. 1\1. Campbell Scott's Bay............ King's............ N S Daniel Jess 
Salisbury............... Westmoreland,N B .J. Taylor Scott's Bay Road.... Kinft's .......... N S B. Legge 
Salisbury......... ......llIlarqulJtte......... M Wm. Millar Scottsmore ............ Missisquol......... Q IF. E. Rcott 
Salmon Beach. .....ïG:oucester ......N B R. Butt.lmer Scott3tflwn ............ Compton. ......... Q R. B. Scott 
Sftlmon Creek......... Sunbury.........N B James Fowler Scovill's Mills......... Kent. ............ N B Laurent LeBlanc 
Salmondale........ I Queen's ...... .. N B,Jas. Thompson Scouten ................ AddIngton...... 0 S. S. Scoutl'n 
Salmonhurst. ......... 1 Victoria .........N B Fred. Brinkmftn Scribner ............... King's ......... N B f. H. Perkins 
Salmon Point ......... Prince Edward... 0' D. R. Nobl...s Scujtog .................. Ontario, N R...... 0 John Bnrke 
Salmon River......... 8t. John .........N BI Edward H. Foste. Seafortb ............... Halifax ... ...... S Mrs. J. 
Salmon River ......... Cape Breton ...N SIJ. l\I('Donald .&afortlt ............... Huron, SR. ......0 S. Dickson 
Salmon River ......... [ GuyBboro..,.. N S!D. Lawler. sen Sea Cow Head ...... Prince... PEl Chas. McFarlftn" 
Salmon River ......... Halifax .........N S, Ann Gallagher Sea Cow Pond. ...... Prince......... PEl T. C. McCarthy 
Salmon River......... Digby ............N SI Henry C. Perry Sea Dog Cove ......... King's...... ... N B John Linton 
Salmon River (L. S.), Guysboro' ......N S'Thomas O'Neil Seagrave ............... Ontario, SR...... 0 1 Robt Thompson 
Sftlmonville... ,..... ...1 PeeL.... ............ 0 I James Carroll Sea Gull. .... ....... A IltQma. . ....... 0 J. !'ti. Ross 
Saltford ............... Huron, W R.... O,J. Walter Sell. Island ............ NW8I!tminster.BC J. C. VermilYl'a 
Salt Spring ISland... ! Vancouver ......B C I Joel Broadwell Sea Side ............... Restigouche... N B Alex. Dickey 
Salt Springs ......... King's ............N B Wm. Smith Seal Cove............... Charlotte ...... N B IWm. Russell 
Salt Springs ......... Pictou............ N S George }'IcKay Seamo................... Lisgar ............. M Tom Seaman 
prings ......... AntÏltoniehe... N S D. Chisbolm Seaton.. ............... York. W R......... 0 E. T. HaDdcock 
Salt Springs Station Cumberiand... N S J. W. Black Searletown ............ Prince......... PEl H. Trueman 
Salterville ............ / Selkirk............ M,Richael8alter Sebright ............... Ontario. N R...... 0 E. T. H. Herring 
Sambro ................ Halifax .........N S'Joøepb Martin Sebrlngville .......... Pertb, N R.........O John PearsoD 
Sanborn ............... Wolfe ............... Q T. Hurley. Jun. Seckerton ............. Lamhton, W R... 0 'rbos. Jobnston 
Sancte Andreft ...... .. ......... ....... .\.ssa Rev D Gilli
s 5!econd Falls.......... Charlotte ...... N B R. JohnllOn 
Sand Bay...... ......... Leeds. S R......... 0 Wm. Turner Second Peninsula... J.unenburK...... N fI Edward Mason 
Sand BAach............ Yarmoutb ....N S Wm. Cftin Second Westcock.... Westmoreland.N B J. E. Atkin
San,jfl"ld............... Algoma ............ 0 Wm.1\IcDonald Seeburn ............... 1\larquette ....... MOtto 8eebftcb 
Sandford ............... Ontario, N R...... 0 Edward Taylor 8eely..................... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 W. Bror.dbent 
Sanltford . .. .. .... . , Yarmouth . .. . N S A. Thur.ton Seely's Bay............ Leeds, S R......... 0 W. Williams 
Sandhill ............... Peel.................. 0 W. C. Hugbes Sel!:uin Falls ......... Muskoka& P S'd. 0 William Fry 
Sand Hill............... " Compton........... Q D. 1\1. Caswell Selby..................... Lennox. ............0 David Wartman 
Sandhurst ............ Lennox ... ......... 0 Silas Benjamin &Iki1'k ... ............... Lisgar ... ......... !'ti J. Colcleugh 
Sand Lake........ Musk. & P. S'd... 0 Joseph Hunter &lkirk .................. Haldimand. ...... OIR. J. Winyard 
Sand Point ............: Renfrew. SR.... Û' Ed. De Renzy Selkirk Road ......... Queen's ...... PEl .fas. Callaj;han 
Sand Point ............:Guysboro ...... N S I JOsiah A.MilIer Sellarville......... RonavenluIe...... Q I JII.IDA
Sftnd Point Road ...,St. John......... N B David Peacock Selmah.................. Hants............ N S D S MeDougall 
Sand River............l l cumherland.. N S'E.J. White Selton .................. EIl!:in. WR....... 0 Robt. Watt 
-Sandwich ... ......... Essex, N R........ 0 I V. Ouellette Selwyn ...... ............ Peterboro', W R. 0, James Bell. 
Sandy Beacb ......... I GaSPé............... QIN. Bailey Serpent River......... Algoma ............ O l c. E. Smith 
Sandy Be8Ches ...... Lunenburgh... N S 1 Isaac Cleveland Settrington ...... ...... Cbarlevoix......... Q I EUlI'eneTremblay 
&mdy Cove ............ Digby............ N S I L. J. l\lorl'bouse Seven Islands......... Sajtuenay ......... Q J. A. Wilson 
Sandy Point .........IShelburne ...... N S John Purney &vern Bridge......... Ontario. N R...... 0 J. H Jackson 
Sangster....... ... ,Addington..... .0 .James Young Seville .................. Eljtin. E R......... 0 1 ' Mrs. Mary Baker 
Sarl'pta.......... . .... . 1 Huron, S. R....... 0 Wm. Reynolds Sevojtle ...... ......... l
orthumberl'd.N R Thos. Smith 
Sftrgent ....... ......... N orthumb'rl'd.N E I H. Sargent Sewell ...... ............ Selkirk. .......... !'tIt GeorKe B. Litster 
Sarginson............... Hastinjts, N R... OI.Tames Fincb Shad Bay............. Halifàx ......... N S,Charles Coolen 
-&rnia ............... Lambton, W R... OIJno P Daw&on Shadf'lftnd ............ Selkirk ............ M I RiChftrd Sweet 
Sarsfield ............... Russell ............ 0 1 Mrs. E. Delaney Sh
 Harbour ...... Sbelburne...... N S Iøaac Goodwin- 
Sartell ........oo.. King's. ......... N B J. C. Sartell Sllaku
are .... ...... Oxford. N R ...... o ,George Brown 
katchewan ..... . ................. Sask Jno. F. Clftrk Shamrock ............. Renfrew. S R...... OtP. Gormon 
Saèkatoon ............. ................... 
asklJHCWllloughby Shamrock ......... Prince...... P E I I ' James Kelly 
8auble Falls........... Bruce. N R ...... 0, Norman McLean Shanklin ............... St. John ...... N B R J 8hanklin 
eSaugef!n ............... Bruce. N R. ....... O!Thomas Lee Shanly.................. Grenville, SR... 0 Wm. Pitt, jun. 
SftulnilJrville ......... Digby............ N SIl\lilis A. Potter Shannon ............... Queen's ......... N B W. Green 
Sault au Cochon . ''' I saguenay. ......... Q I G. W. Forrest Shannon Hftll......... ,"uskoka.t P S'd.O:Wm. Fletcher 
Sault au Récollet ... Hochelai:a...... ... Q J. Labelle Shannon vale ......... Restigouche... N B l wm. Wrll!;ht 
Sault S
. jJar
...... AI
omft ............ 0 1 !\Irs. M. Pim Shannonville...........IIIastings. E R ... 0 TbomailCreepar 
Sfturin................ .. Simcoe. N R....... 0 D. A. Cooper Shanty Bay............ Simcoe, SR...... 0 Jftmes Grftham 
Sftvage's Mills ...... I Shelford............ Q H. T. Tamlin Sharbot Lake......... Addinjtton .......0 )Ialzar Avery 
Savona's Ferry...... Yale ............ B C .J. I1_ 
lcXab Sharon.................. York. N R......... 0 .Tohn Kavanagh 
Iill Creek ...... , Annftpülie ...... N S Rich. Har
is Sharp .................. King's .......... N BII. N. Sharp 
8awyerville............ Compton............ Q Robert Cairns iìharpton ............... Frontenac .........0, Mrs. Ellen Bell 
Sayabec ............... Rimouski ......... Q H. Boulay Shftwbridge.. ......... Terrebonne ...... QIWm Shaw 
Sayward-Alberni ... Vanconver.... B C Frank
[cQuillon Shawenegan ......... St. Maurice ...... Q J. Desaulniers 
Scandinftyia . ....... Mftrquette.........l\1 J I1pmmlngseu Sha1DÐille............... Pontiac ............ Q J. H. Shaw 
8catarie Island..... Cape Breton... N S W. Phillips Sheba. .................. Queen'" ......... N B J. Johnston 
.Scarboro' ............ York. E R......... 0 Z. Knigbt Rbedden ............... EIl!:in, W R ...,0 John Morton 
Scarboro' Junction. York. E R......... 0 Robert Davidson Sh,,diac. ............... Westmoreland. NBC. W. Smith 
Scarlet Hill............ SimcOf>. S R....... 0 Richard Lennox ShlJdiac Bridl!;e ...... Westmoreland,N B D. Bftbineau 
Schanzenfelt ...,.. Selkirk........ 1\1 B. Loewln Shediac Road ......... Westmoreland, N B Jas. Rodllerson 
bug .. ......... York. N R......... O I Jame
 F. Grfty Sh('..dv......... ......... Renfrew, SR. ...0 Martin She
Schreiber............... Algoma ........0 D. R. Bruce Sheenhol'o' ............IPontiac . .......... QIMlchael Have.. 

cone ... .............. BruclJ. N ß. ......0 Thos. Bearma
 flheAt Harb. Pallll3ge, Halifax ......... N S J.
. Wambbold 
SCI)[ch Blol'k ......... Halton........ O\John McKenzIe Sheffield ............... Wentworth,N R. 0 SmIth Willaro 
C; [97] 





{fidd ................ ,Sunbury. ...... NBC. J. Burpee Smith's Cove ......... Digby ...........
 I E. W. Põ 
She1tield ACftdemJ'... Sunbury. ...... N B, W. Barker Smitb's Creek......... King's............ N B Jobn n. Ki!:g 
Sheffield Mills......... King's. ......... N S; S. M. Bentley "S1nith', Fb.lls......... Leeds&Gren..N RO D. A. }'ergus..u 
Sbeffington ............ ,SbefJord ...... ...... Q' James Hftyes Smith's Mill.,. ......... Stanstead ......... Q I Wm. T. Knhrht 
Shefforrl Mountain.. Shefford .......... QIOcta\'e Pepin Smitb Town. ......... King's............ N B Charles T. Smith 
Shefford Vale......... Sbefford............ Q !\Irs. M. J. Irwin *Smithville,Li'TICQln I wentwortb,SR. O j J B. Brftnt 

heguindab... ........, Algom
 ............ 01}1. L. McGrat
nake R
ver ...... Marquette......}1 W. A. S
Shelburne. ............ 
rey, E R. ......... 01 Edward 
er:wlc. Sn!,ke RI\'er. ......... R
ew, N R... O,George Dot.glfts 
Shelburne............... "'helburne...... N S, Sftm. MUlr,Jun Smder Mountain ... KIng s ....... III BIG. H. Keirdtead 

heIdon ...... ......... Cardwell .... ...... 01 M.. 
ebster Snow Fluke...... ...... Selkirk........... MIS. Oke 

heldrake ............ Saguenay .... ...... Q PbllIp Touzel Snyder ............... ... Weiland..... ...... 01 T. Snyder 
Sbellmouth ....... :\!arquette . ...... M Matthew Whale) Soda Oruk ............ Cariboo....... B C R. McLE'ase 
Shell River............ l\fftrquette......... M.John G Boulton Soldier's Cove......... Richmond ......N SiD. Gillies 
Shenstone.............,Albert .......... N B l ì\!. T. Steeves Solina .................. Durbam, W R... OiHenry Hooper 
Sbepody Road......... King's............N B Luther Wallace Solmesville ............ Prince Edward... 01 Frank Solmee 
Sheppard ton ......... Huron, W R ...... OICharles Hawkin Scldgirtb..... ........ Marquette......... M W. G. Porteou
Sheppard\.ilJe......... Selkirk ............ M,Robert Sheppard Sol way ................ Bruce, E R ....... OIJobn M'CaIlum 
rbrooke............ Sherbrooke ...... Q I S. J. Foss Sombra............ ...... Bothwell.......... 0 i P.Cftttanftch.juIl. 
Sherbrooke. ............ Guysboro' ...... N S IJ. H. McDonald Somenos................ Vancouver ......B CI Arch. R. Kier 
Sheridan ............... Halton. ......... ... 0, James Jenkins Somerut ...... ......... Megalltlc .... ...... Q I H. Jutras 
Sberkston .............' WeIland... ......... 01 B. F. Sbelk Somerset ............... 1 ' King's............ N S, David Bertftux 
Sherlock ............... King's....... N 
IJobn Tait Somerset.......... Selkirk..... ...... M I Charles E. Clark 
Sherrington ........... NapiervUle......... QI Cesaire Gagne Somerville ............ j Carleton......... N B Joseph MeGe.! 
Sberwood ........ York, W R...... 0 1 Frank Witchelo Sonora .................. Gnysboro'...... N S I ' Jas. McCutcbeon 
Sherwood Spring.. Leeds, SR......... 0 1 ' S. Latham Sonya .................. Ontario, N R .... 0 Alex. Black 
Shetland ............... Mlddleøex, W R. 0 R. H. Badltt'ley Sooke .. .......... Vancouver ......B C M. !\Iuir 
Shiga wake ............ I Bonaventnre...... Q Andrew Young Soperton......... . 1 Leeds, S R......... 0 S. W. Stafford 
I5bilob .................. Wellington, SR. O,John J..eslie *SoreZ .................. Richelieu ......... Q,J. O. Duples.sis 
Sbinemicas Bridge. Cumberland... N S I J. Brander &YUri,. ...... ...... ...... Selkirk ...... ...... Ztl J. Dolmage 
Shinnickburn.........1 Northnmber....N B Wm. Shinnick Souris City............ Selkirk ............ M Thoma6 Nichol 
Ship Harbour......... Halifax......... N S I Cbas. Dean Souriøford ........ .' Selkirk......... ....111 Alfred Gould 
Sbip Harbour Lake. Halifax ..........N S Mrs. So Webber &YUrÍ3, liJa8t .'''.''.'' 1 King's .........P E! M. Paque\ 
Shipka ..................' l'tIlddlesex, N R. 0, F. Heitzman Souds, West ......... King's .........P E I rR. W. Burke 
Shipley.................. 'Wellington, NR. O'R. G. Roberts Sonth .................. Lunenbnrg......N S Edward Culp 
Shippigan ............ Gloucester...... N B I Miss A. Hamon Southampton ......... York ............ N B, Mrs. Z. Way 
Shippigan Island... Gloucester...... N ß' Jacques GodIn Soutbampton ... ...... Cumberland... N S i John Davi!ion 
Shirley.. ............... I Ontario. N R...... OIJ. Stonehouøe SOUthBarOfSid.Riv, / cape Breton ...N S Miss I. G. Fraser 
Sboal J.ake ............ Marquette......... M M. W. Tbompøon South Barnøton...... Stanstead ......... Q'F. C. lIurb9.nk 
Short Deach ......... Yarmoutb ...... N SI Robert Bent South Bay............ Prince Edward... U,Alva Rose 
Shortholme............ Queen's......... N B W. H. Short Son th Bay. ...... ...... / Victoria......... N S iF. A. Brewer 
ShouldJce.......... Grey............... 01 Tbos. Skinner I:!outh Bay............ St. Jobn......... N B W. Roxborough 
Shrewsbury........... Argenteuil......... Q John Chambers South Bolton ......... ßrome............... Q I JOhn l\JcMaunis 
8hrigley ...............,Grey, E R ......... OIGeorge Bailey Sonth Branch ....... C
lcbester...... N S C. B. Cox 
Shrubmount... ....., York, W R.. .... OrFrances Boake South Brancb (Ken.) I KIng's............ N B,John N. Goggin 
Shubmacad'k ......... Rants...... ...... N S A. Kirkpatrick S. Br. St. Nicholas R. I K1mt ............N B! C. M.cDonald 
Shulte .................. Cumberland... N S A. W. Grant Soutb Casøelman.... Russell......... Oi P. Blssonett.. 
Shunacadle ............ ,Cape Breton... N SI S. McKinnon South Cayuga ........, Monck ............. 0, haac Fry 
Shuswap ............... Yale.Kootenay. B.C A.McBryan South Clones .........IQueen's......... N B 1 JOhnston Cooper 
Sidney.................. Marquette......... M I Tbomas Bahb South Cove ............ I Victoria... ...... N S Miss McDonald 
Sidney Crossing...... HllStings, W R... O / N.Rvanderwoort South Douro .........1 Peterboro',E R... 0 !\Irs T. Hanrahftn 
Sight Point............ Inverness ...... N Ii?- Mrs. McEachern South Dudswen...... ! Wolfe ............... Q Enoch F. Orr 
Sillery Cove ..........1 Qnehec ............ QI Mrs. C. Levie South Dummer ...... Peterboro', E R... 0 Wm. Speer 

n8vil1e ...... ...... "'I Ù!nnox....... ...... 0 S. H. M
l1ow * -Purham...... Dru!llllond...... ...
 I<'. Prefonta
SIloam ............ ,Ontario, W R .... 0 Jobn DIke Sonth-East Passage. HalIfax ......... N S John A. Shlers 
Silver Creek .......... j ?lar q uette.........1! J. Rntherford Soutb Ely ............ Sbefford............ Q Ira Jamison 
Silver Creek ....... . . . Ottawa ........ Q G. ROBS South End ... ........ WeIland .......... 0 1 J. S. Collard 
Silver Hlll ............ Norfolk, IS R ...... 0 R. E. Smith S. End of Lochaber. Guysboro' . . .. N S J. R. Stewart 
lver Lake.. ...... . I Victoria, N R. ... 0, A. Coulte.r South Esk ............ Northu
berl'd NB Mrs. 
.A. Fisber 
SIlver MountaIn ...' AIl!;oma .... ......... 010 Dannals Sou th Farmington. AnnapolIs...... N SIC. H. ShafJn
Silver Spring. ..... ,Selkirk ............ l\1 ! R. Armstrong South Fincb ......... Stormont. ......... O l D. G. ì\ICMillll.n . 
Sftverstreaw ......... Victoria... ......N B Bte. Guimond South Gloncester ... Russell ............ 0 Francis McGtJe 
Silver Water ......... I Algoma ............ 0 1 Lewis Kemp Soutb Gower ......... GrenvlIIe, N R ... 0 David McGregor 
*8imooe ............... Norfolk, SR...... 0 Henry Mulkins South Granby ....... Shefford............ Q,John Duncan 
SinclairviIle . .........1 Wentworth. SR. 0 James R. Wilson S. Gut of St. Ann's. Victoria ......... N S Mrs. M. Munro. 
Sine.._ ......... ........ Hastings, N R... 0 David Sine Soutb Ham............ Wolfe ............... Q/E. S. Darche 
Singhampton .........,Simcoe. N R ...... OIJohn Stinson S. Head of Cow Bay, Cape Breton... N S I D. Ferjtu80n 
Si8!lOn Ridge... ....... Victorlft.... ... N B J. A. Berryman Soutb Indian ....... I Russell ......... 0 D. B. McDoIlell 
Sittakaw... ...... ...... , I1larquette ... .. M F. W. Lipsett Soutb Knowlesville j Carleton......... N B I Ada Spinney 
Six Mile Brook....... Pictou............ N S John McKay South Lake............ J..eeds, S R......... O,J.Bermingham 
8ix Mile Road. ...... Cumberland... N S William Cooke 80nth Lake........ I King's...... PEl, F. J. McKinuon 
Six l\ations............ ,Haldimand. ...... 0 J. A. Reaver Soutb Lancftster ... ,Glengarry......... O!David Fra8t>r 
Six Portages .........IOttawa ............ Q J. McCallum South Louisburg ... ,Cape Breton ...N S! M. McRury 
Six Roads. ............, Gloucester.... N B J. A. FerguFon South I1Ialtland...... 'Hants... ......... N SIJ()h
8kead's Mills ......... Carleton............ 0 I J. MeCormlck Sou th }Iarch .........1 Carleton......... ... 0 I DaVId Mcl\IlIrtry 
Skeena .................. Cariboo ......... B C R. Cunningbam S. McLeIlan's Mo'nt' Picton .......... N S J. G. Webster 
Skinner's Pond ...... Pri!lce......... P E Ji.T. D.oyle Soutb M
rlftnd....... I GuySboro'........N S;WiIlia,m 
i'kipness ............... Bruce, N R ....... 0 DavId Morton Soutb MIddleton ... Norfolk, N R...... 0 Mrs. E WlII!rn 

kir Dbu............... Victoria ......... N SIJ. McDoDftld Sontb Monaghan ... Peterboro'. W R. 0 Edward Ball 

kye ..................... Glengarry......... 0 J. R. M<,Kenzie Soutb Monntain .... Dundfts. ............0 George Stacey 
8ky Glen ............... Inverneøs ...... N S T. H. Smith Soutb Nelson ......... Northumberl'd N B Henry Gitchell 
Sky Mountain..... Inverness ...... N S A. G. l\lchoIson Soutb Nelson Road. 'Korthumberl'dN B C
aB: Vye,jc.n 
HOIIwick ............... Cardwell .......... 0 Wm. Parkhill Sontb Ohio ............ / Yarmouth...... N I:; WillIam Cruêby 
Sluice Point ........." Y.armoutb ......N S, Ga
l Babin Soutbport ............ Q

n's... ......P E I Henry 
Smithdale ....... ...... Slmcoe,.N. R...... 0 C. :smIth Soutb Quebec......... LeVIs ............... Q John RItchIe 
Smithfield ............1 Nortbumb'd,ER. 0 John Rankin South Range ......... Digby ............N S B. MarFhftll 
Smithfield ............IGuysboro'...... N S J. W. Archibald Soutb Rawdon.......IHftntl\ ............N 
 George Creed 
Smith'..... ......... ...... Westtnoreland, N B J. H. Uateman Sonth Renous......... N orth\1m berl'd K:B W m. Hoga::!. 
[98 1 




E. I 
I }'

,:)Uth River ........... 3I'1skoka & P S'd. 0 Wm .ßolditcb Stftrbuck......... . I Ll8gar ......... 11-1 Jobn Powers 

outh Roxton...... Shefford........ (,) OnesJme Pare Stardale .......... ...... Pre8cott............ 01 J. Steele 
South Saanich. ... ." Vancouver..... B C J D. Bryant Starkey's............... Queen's...... ,.. N B I S. M. 8tarke
8. S. Basin Riv.Denis Inverness ...... N 8 1\Irs M. 1I-icAuley 8 S ta ta r r k L v a il k l
 :.::: . .::. . . . . .. . . . . . 
: u Jr s h k 
m k 
 P R S ' ; d " . O O ! ft o b b n t. S ß h a a m rP J " l ton 
8. Side Baddeck R. Victoria....... N S Alex. McKay v .w. 
8. 8ide Boulardarie. Victoria......... K S Mrs. F . MoKenzle Starnesboro' ... ...,.. Huntingdon...... Q; s. H uot 
8. S. Cocagne River. Kent........ N B A. G8j!;non Starrat .................. :Muskoka& P S'd. 0 1 Andrew 8t8rrat 
:;. S.WhycocomaghB Inverne8s ...... N S Jno.l\IcEftchen .Staym:r ............... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 W. W. B. Sanders 
50uth Stukely ....... Sbeffurd...... ...... Q L. H. Knowlton St8ynenille. . .. ... ArgenteuiJ...... Q I ' J. 1\1. Dorion 
2ûutb Tilley .... . Victoria...... N B Charles Lindsay Steam Mill Village. King's ......... N S H. Patterson 
South Vale........ Colchester.... N S William Fraser Steele .................. Simcoe, E R ...... OiJohn C. Steele 
"outh Victoria..... Cumberland....N S Jobn Ross Steep Creek............ I Guysboro' .... N SI Jobn Maguire 
80utbvllle ............. Digby.... ...... ...N 8 W. H. Sabine 8teeveo-cote. .... . ., Albert........N B l\I. Steeves 
Soutb-W. :\Iargaree. Inverness ...... N S Daniel Collins Steeve's Múuntaln... Westmoreland, N B Amos'Vilson 
South. West Mabon. Inverness ...... N S A. McDonald Steeve's Settlement. Westmoreland.N BIA. Steeves 
:5outb- West, Lot 16. Prince ...... ...P E I A. McLean Stein bach ....... ...... Provencber..... MIA. S Friesen 

onth.West Point... Gaspé............... Q Edward Pope súua..................... I L
nnox............. O\J. S. 
SouthW.Pt. Yatoun Queen's.......... N S Chas. Thereau 
SteUarWn ............ PIctou ......... N S John Fra8er 

')uth Wiltsbire...... Queen's.........P E I Thomas Yea Stephenfield........ Selkirk ............ 
I IJ. Stevenson 
80uthwold Station. Elgin, W R ...... 0 Mrt;. J. Ordisb Sterling Falls......... l1uskoka. .......... Q,J. K. Lane 
South Wood8Iee...... Esse:s, N R......... 0 Ricbard Hogan "'Stet)ms"iUt ....... ... WeIland............ OIJ. Edgewortb 
Soutb Zorra........... Oxford, N R ...... O'Thomas Izzard Stewart........ .., Kent.. ..... ...... 0 Robt. Kane 
Sowcrby ....... ......... Algoma . . . .. . .. 0 James Hagen Stewart Bay. ......... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 I _
]ex. L. Stewar& 
'" Sp.:zdina Åvenw:.... Toronto, West... 0 J. ReadIng Stewarton .........\ King's ... ...... N B Alex. Stewart 
ï;panish River ....M Algoma ............ 0 J. Andrew Stewartville ....... Renfrew. SR. ... 0 Alexander Du1J 
Sparta ................. Elgin, E R......... 0 JohnA.Eakins StewiackeO.Roads. COlchester...... N S F.J. Lojtftn 
Spa Springs. ......... Annapolis ......N S, P. S. Marsball Still Water ............ Guysboro' ...... N SIHenry Elliott 
Sparrow Lake........ I)ntario, N R...... 0 A. Wiancko "'Stirling ............... Hastings, N R ... 0 1 Mrs. A. Judd 
:;:peedside............... Wðllington, S R. 0 Wm. D. Wood Stirling. ............... Richmond ...... N S R. McLeod 
Speervill!j ............ Carleton ....... N B Tbos. Forrest Stirton .................. Welllngton,C R. O I Jobn Hambly 

pence ...... ......... Muskoka & P S'd. 0, D. McEachern Stittsville............... Carleton............ 0 Samuel Mann 
nce ...... ............ Westmorelftnd. N B S. A. Spence Stiles Village ... ...... Westmoreland. NB David P. Stile8 
Spencer Cove ......... Quebec ............ Q Mrs. A. Cullen Stockdale............... Northumb'd,ER. OJ H. S. Bowerman 
ï;pencer's Island.... Cumberland ...N S W. H. Biglow Stockton ............... Selkirk ............ M A. F. AndrewI!' 
*Spenarville.......... Grenville, 8 R.... OIA. Carmichael Stockwell............... Chateauguay ... Q I M. Patnaude 
Spence's Bridge ...... Yale ...............B C Jobn Murray 8toco.....................IHastings, E R ... 0 Patrick Murpby 
Speyside ............... Halton. ............0 James Conley Stoddarts............... Annapolis ... N S Jobn Stoddart 
Epillamacheen ....... Yale... ......... Ii C,G. J. Wallace 8todderville..........., Selkirk........ M James 8todder 
F-pire!l .... ............. We1lington. C R. 0' Forbes Moir Stoke Centre ......... Richmond ......... Q Antbony ByroDo 
Epring Arbour ...... Norfolk, SR...... O;James McKay Stokes Bay............ Bruce, N R ...... 0 Jobn Shuta. 

pringbank............ :\Uddlesex, N R... OIDaniel Mrore Stoketon ............... Ricbmond ......... Q Aøa Hall 
Spring Brook ......... Hastings, N R ... 0 1 Peter Welch 8tonefield .............. ArgenteuU ...... Q Thos. Owens 
2pringbrook ......... Dorcbester......... QIWm. Gordon Stonebam .............. Quebec ............ Q Micbael Dunn' 
.Springfuld............ Middlesex, E R . 0 E. Challdler Stonehaven . ......... Gloucester...... N B H. C. Read 
Springfield ............ Lisgar............... M I Henry Jickllng Stone House.......... Cumberland... N S I M. Nicbolson 
f'Jpring/Wd ............ King's............N B J. A. S. Kierstead 8toneleigb ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 William Gohm 
8pringfield ............ York ............ N B'Ben Reed Stone Quarry......... WeIland............ 0 Aaron House 
Epringfield ............ Annapolis ...... N S C. Grimm Stonewall............... Lisgar...............1\I J. B. Rutherford 
Springfield ............ Queen's.........P ET Benj. Haslem Stoney Mountain... Lisgar...............1\I Arthur Perry 
Spri'Tl1lfOTd ............ Oxford, B R ...... OIG. A. McGuirø Stony Oruk ............ Wentworth, S R. 0 Alva G. Jonås 
:;pring Hill........ Compton ...... Q I 
1. McLean Stony Creek. ......... Albert ......... N BIJohn Scott 
Epring Hill Junc ... Cumberland... N 8 Mrs. J. A. Dunn Stony Lake ............ Peterboro', E R. o IJames Robb 
Epring Hill...... ...... york........ N B Mrs. 8. Wheeler 8tony PoInt............ Essex,N R......... 0 H. Desjardins 
*Spring HtU Mines. Cumberland ...N S:John Anderson Stormont............... Guysboro' ...... N S I Thos. F. Milward 
fpringvftle ............ Hftldimand. ...... 0 Jobn Holdbrook Stornoway ............ Compton ......... Q Colin Noble 
Spring Valley......... Leeds, SR......... 0 Alex. Lftng Stottville............... St. John's ......... Q M. Rbeaume 

pringville ............ Peterboro', W R. 01 A. Goodfellow .SWuffvilh ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 1 W. B. Sanders 
Springville ... ......... Pictou...... ...... N 8 Peter J. Grant, Strabam......... ...... Wentwortb,N R. 0 I Arcb. Cocbrane 
2prucedale ........ Muskoka & P S'd. 0 Wm. Pearce Strader's Hill...... Dunda8. ............0 W. C. Strader 
Epruce Grove ......... Ottawa...............Q G6O. Rainboth StrafIordville ......... Elgin, E R......... 0 L. Jobnson 
Spruce Lake 8tation St. John... ...... N B Mrs.E. McCartby 8trange....... ....... York. N R... ...... 0 Wallace Bailey 
ï;pruce Lftke .......... St. Jobn. . .... N B IJas. Robinson Strangfield............. Kent. ... ...... ...... 0 Tbomas Strang 

pry 0............... Bru
e, N R .... ... 0 George Jenks Strasburg ............. Waterloo, SR... 0 1 Henry Walder 
pry Bay............... Hahf8x ...........N S W. Chas. Hanley Stra8sburg............. ................... AS8a'C. Henry Hinck 

pryfield................ Halifax ......... N S Miss A. J. Dart .Stratford ............ Pertb, N R ....... 0 1 Wm. BI8ir 

talfa .................... PlJrth. SR......... 0 Jftmes Hamilton Stratbabo ............ Nortbumberl'd N B ' I John McDuff 
Stafford ................. Renfrew, N R ... OlD. Childerhose Strathadftm............ Northumberl'dN B R\Jbert Adams 
i'tagsburn ............. Ottawa...... ....... Q' A. McDonald Str8thallan............ Oxford. N R .. ... 0 Miss A. Lappin 
Stake Road....... ICurnberlftnd... X S D. }lcDonald 8trathavon ............ Grey. N R ......... 0' A. F. D. Lee 
I5tamford ...............: WeIland............ 0 J. R. 1\Ic)1icken Strathburn ............ Middlesex, W R. 0 Hugb l\IcRae 
Eranbridge, EaRt.... 1\1issisquoi......... Q C. J. Chandler 8tr8thclair ............ }Iarquette ...... Y'Joseph Dier 

tanbridge Station.. 
 ......... Q L. N. Se
esac Stratbclair Station. l\Iar9uette .... M: H. G. Clftrk 
danbury ......... ...... \lJSl'J8q UOl... ...... Q Charles Sbort Stratherne ..... ....... SelkIrk........ M I Georjre Stewart 
Standon ............... Dorl'hester ...... Q T.Gagnon Strathewen............ Lisllar ............. M,Dugald McEwen 
Slanfold ............... Arthabftska ...... Q Jftmes Huston Str<tthlorn ............ Inverness...... N S A. D. McLean 
8tanhope ............... Stanstead ......... Q D. H. Cameron Stratbmore....... Stormont....... 0' Don. McIntosh 
Stanhope ......... Queen's......P E I Henry C. Lawson Strathnairn............ Grey. E R ......... 0 I J'J6e P b Bowe
Stanley.................., York ............ N B George Pelton -Strathroy ............ )!iddlesex, W R. 0 Hu
h McColl 
Stanhy Bridge ...... Queen's.........P E J E. II. 
lc1\Iillßn Street's Ridge......... Cumberland... N SIPfttrick Gahun 
Stanleydale............ I M uskoka & P S'd. 0 I A. Lftmb .StreelS1Jilk ...... ...... PeeL.... ............ 0 Robert GraydoJ) 
Stanley'!!!l\Iills ...... Peel.................. 0 John Smitb Stromness ............ Monck ............. 0 A. Benson 
Stanleyville..........._ T,anftrk. SR...... 0 P. McFarland Stronacb Mountain. Anupolis ... N S Geo. Stronach 
.Stanstead ............ 
tansteftd ......... Q '1iss
.ClIubbarð Stroud .................. Simcoe. SR....... O:John Chantler 
:;stansteftd Junctiou. Stanstead ......... Q J. T. Jenkins Stuftrtburn ........... Provencher. ...... M L. G. Rams8\" 
:taDtOD ....... ........ Simcoe, S R.o.... Oi.John A. Love Sturgeon ............... King's .........P E I Mrs. E. Lanfgftn 

taDwood . ............ 
ortbum.d. E R. 01 Amos Hubbel Sturgeor."Bay......... Simcoe. E R...... 0 James Playfair 
's urook .... Crolch"..ter...... X 8 1 M. J. Staple!!! Stur!Jl'.()n Palls. ...... I Dist. of 
ipissng. 0 J. D. CockburQ 




- P
;. r. POS;MA;TER. --;OST i;I;.- I EL
Sturgeon Point ...... Vlctorlä, N R...... 0 I Geo. Crandall Tehkummah......... AI.goma ... ...... ... 0 Laban Amer 
Stymast Settlement' j :'o!orthumberl'd N B John Stymsst Telfer .................. :\hddlesex. E R... 0 Henry Scott 
Sudbury............. Algoma ........,...0,8. Fournier Temperance Vale ." I york ............ N B JllmeiJ K. Pender 
i'uffield.................. Sherbrooke.........Q P. FitzPatrick Temperancevilla .... York, N R......... 0 William Butler 

ufflJlk Station .... Queen'iJ......P E I I J. A. Fi!rguson Temple.................. york............. N B'John }lcAllister 
Sugar Loaf............. Victoria......... N 8, G4:>O Wilkie Tempo ......... ......... Middlesex, S R... 0 Wm. Vicary 
SUlna, ............ N. Westminøter B C 1 ' D. W. Miller Tenby Bay ........ Algonia ........ 0 B. P. Fuller 
Summerberry . ...... Assiniboia Ter.... Jfts. H. Love Tenecape ............... Hantø............ N S Wm. Stephen
:,ummerfield. ......... Carleton. ...... N B M. A. Smith Ten l'tIile Creek ...... St. John......... N B,John S. Parker 
Summerhill ....... Huron, SR.... 0 G. 1\1. Kilty Ten Mile Hou
e. ... Queen's ....... PEl, J. Fitzpatrick 
Summer Hill ......... Queen's ......... N B James Kerr Tennant'ø Cove ...... King's ......... N B Mrs. 1\1. 'V orden 
SumlMr8ÜÙ............ Prince .........P E I H. C. Green Tennyson............... Lanark, S R ...... O'D. McGregor 
i'ummerside. ......... Antigoniøhe... N 8 1 Wm. A.ChishoIIlJ Terence Bay.... ...... Halifax ......... N S' S. G. Slaunwhite 
Summerstown. ...... Gleugarry ......... 0 G. Nicholøon 7'errebonne ............ Terrebonne ...... Q Dr. Archambault 
Summerville.... ...... Peel.................. 0 Bernftrd !\lorris Tessierville ... ......... Rimouski ... ...... Q Hermyle Parent 
Summerville.... ...... King's .........P E I P.J. D. Edmond!! Teston .................. , York. W R ....... o I George Wilson 
ville .... ... Hants ... ...... N S A. YounK T4Ite a GaucheR N.S. Gloucester .... N B John Coinan 
Summerville Centre QUt!en's ..... ... N S Il\Irs.
1. McGowar; Tete ft Gftucbe R.S.S. Gloucester. ., N B' 8tephen Kent 
Sumner. ............... Assinlboia Ter..., iJfts. Sumner Tetreauville ......... I ottawa ............ Q'Oliver Leduc 
Sunbury............... Frontenöc ......... O'Jobn McBride T..tu .................... Temiscouata ...... Q Edmond Tetu 
Sunderland ............ Ontario. N R...... O I JOhn C. Jones Teviotdftle ............ Wellington,N R. 0 i\1. G. Miller 
Sundridge............. MUiJkoka&PS'd. 0 .John Carter Tewkesbury ......... Quebec ............ Q X. Defchamps 
Sundridge ............ Pictou............ N 8 Jameø Brown Texäs River. .........1 york....... ..N B James Fairley 
SunnidaleCorners.. Simcoe, N R.... 0 John S. Dixon Tham,uford............ I Oxford, N R ...... 0 N. C. McCarty 
Sunnidale ............. Simcoe. N R...... O,James McGreev) *ThamuviUe ......... Botbwell .......... 0 John Duncan 
Sunnybrae............. Pictou............ N S'James Fraøer Tbanet.................. HaRtingB. N R... O,Jobn ChrlRtie 
Sunnymede . ......... Assiniboia Ter...... 1 Alex. McKenzie The Barony....... York. ............N B ,G. W. Ebbett 
Sunnyside ............ King's............N 8 H. 
lanning The Brook ....... . \ Russell. ........ OIJoseph Menard 
Sunnyside ............ Lisgar ............ 1\1 D. Gillel'pie .7'h<<tford. ............. Lambton.E R.... O,T. Kirkpatrick 
Sunnyside ............ Restigouche... N B 11\Irs. H. Miller The Falls............... Colchefter....... N 8 Robt. 1\lcIntosb 
Sunsblne ............... Huron. E R ...... 0 , Wm. H. Hothan The Gore..... ..... Middlesex. E R... 0 Peter Ackland 
Surette Island..... yarmouth...... N S, A. Surette The Grange........ ..' Cardwell .... ...... 0 A. !'tlcLaren 
Surrey.................. Albert............ N B' T. E. Bray 'rhe Grove. ............ Middlesex. E R... 0 T. A. Robinson 
Sussex Corner. ...... King's ......... N B G. H. Barneø Tbe Lake... ............ Russell ............ 0 Simon Ouellet 
Sussex Portage ...... King's ......... N B, Wm. S. Teakles The Pointø. W. Bay. Richmond...... N S Sam'I1\lcLeod 
Sussez Vak ............ King'. ......... N B Robert D. Boal The Ränge............. Queen'ø ......... N B Andrew Barton 
Sutherland's Cor.... Middlesex. W R. OIJ. W. McKeown The Ridge ............ Hastings, N R ... 0 
Irs. J.ltlcGregor 

n u t t 
e e 
:: n nd d :: M R ii
:;: P p l l 'c c to to U u . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . N N S SI D D ' u H n .?!m n e R s oss Thessalon ......... Algoma ............ 0' J. B. Dobie 
 Thetford Mines. . . . 1 Megantic . . .... . Q S. Blondeau 
Suthwyn . .. .. .. ... Lisgar ............. 1\1 I D. Sutherland 'rhistletown............ York.. W R;........ 0 D. Stewart. Jun. 
 .................. Brome............... Q G. C. Dyer 7l&oma.burg . ......... Haøtmgs. E R.. .0, Edward EllIott 
Sutton Junction .... Brome............... Q N. P. Emerson Thomond ...... .... Klng.s............N B Jftmes Smitb 
'Sulton W
t....... York. N R......... OIJ. R. Bourchier Thompson........ Algoma ............ 0 W. E. Bateman 
Swan Creek............ Sunbury...... N BI H. A. Eaøtabrook Thompsonville ......'Simcoe,S R....... 0, J. Scbmietendorf 
Swan Lake............. Selkirk ............ 
I J. G. Tullocb Thompson's Mills ...iCumberland... N S Mrs. S. Jones 
Swansburg ............ Sbelburne ...... N SIJ. Swftnøbur
 Thorbu7n . ..........."1 Pictou............ N S Francis Love 
Sweaburg ............. Oxford, S R....... O \ J. A. Cody Thornbrook............ King's. ......... N B R. Mf)A. Dobson 
Sweenyville... ....... Kent............ N B P. R. Leger Thornby ...............IGrey. E R ......... 0 Thos. McKenny 
Sweetsburg ............ Misslsquoi......... Q C. S. Borigbt 7'horndah ............ Pontiac ........... Q,Joseph Hill 
Sweet's Cornerø...... Leeds, S R......... 0 1 G. Church *Thornbu7Y .... ...... !\Iiddlt!sex, E R... 0 Wm. H. S.i.lmon 
Swi.ft Current. ...... Assinibois Ter ...... W. G. Knight Thorn Centre ......... Pontiac ............ Q E. E. Holt 
8windon ............... Muøkoka& P S'd. OiJames Large ThornclifJe............. Kent........... 0 George B. 8baw 
Swinton ParI.. .... ... Grey. E R ......... 0 John Martin Thornetown . ......... Queen's... ...... N B W. H. Doney 
Switzerville .......... Lennox. ............ 0' P. E. R. }Iiller .Thornhill ............ York. E R ......... O,J. T. B. Lindøay 
"Sydenham,... ......... Addington......... 01 Hugh Madden ThornhilL......... Selkirk ... ......... 1\1 W. Bradley 
Sydenbam Place ..... Drummond ...... Q, MriJ Eo :\Illington Tbornton............... Simcof\, S R ......0 M. Blackstock 
Sydnt:y ................. Cape Breton... N 81 A. Matheson Thornville........., Annapolis ...... N S David Covert 
.5ydney Forkø......... Cape Breton... N S Colin McMullin Thornyburst.... ......1 Both well. ......... 0 H. G. Waybrftn t 
.sydney Mines......... Cape Breton... N SIMisø H. F Rigb) .7fzorold .,............. , Welland............ OIJohn Dale 

ykeston ............... 
mbton. W R... OJ Robert Heal Thorpe....... ..... Lennox ............ 0 J. B. Peters 

ylvan .................. Middlesex, N R. O,lIlrs. E. Dawdon rhree Brooks......... Victoria......... N B John Edgar 
:Synton ..... ............ Albert............N B Bynton Hopper Three Lakes. ......... Beauce............. Q George Flint 
Syphers' Cove......... Queen's ......... N B;Jacob Syphers Three Mile HoulJe... St. John......... N n Philip O'Neill 
Table Falls........ Argenteuil .... Q IC. W. Johnøon Three Mile House... Halifax .........N S,Jas.l\IcDonald 
Tabucintac ............ Nortb'mb'rl'd. N B1J. W. Robertson .Three River'......... Tbree Rivers...... Q C. K. Ogden 
Tadou!!ac ............... Saguenay ......... QiC. H. Duberger Three Sisters ......... Cumberland. .uN S F. R. Eaton 
Talbotville Royal... Elgin. W R. ...... O,Jobn Tucker 'rhree Tree Creek ... j Sunbury . ...... N B,J. McQueRtion 
Tamworth ............. Addington......... 01 Daniel E. Rose Throoptown....... Grenville. S R ... 0 E. J, 1\lclllfthon 
Tancook Island ...... Lunenburg ... N S John W. Pearl \ .Thur30 ............... Ottawa ............ Q;Georj!'p Edwards 
TanQier............... lIalifax ......... N S William Hay Tbwaite .......... Hastings, N R.. 0 Mrs. W. Thwaita 
Tansley ................ Hälton...............O John Bunton Tichborne ............ Addington......... O,J. A. Charlton 
Tapley town............ Wentworth, SR. 0 W. H. Trut!sdale Tidnish . ............... Cumberland... N S Oliver KinK 
Tara..................... Bruce.NR......... 0 Wm. Yo'ung Tidnisb Bridge....... Weøtmoreland,N B Calvin a.Stlang 
Tarbert ................ Wellington.N H. 0 M. !\Ic
lurchy 7'ignish.................. Prince .........P E I S. J. Perry 
Tarbut ......... ......... Victoria ......... N S Don. .\IcLeod Tlkonabe . . . .. . . ... Chicoutimi .. ... Q A. Perrftult 
Tatamagouclte ...... Colchester...... N S Robt. Purves Tilbury Centre ...... Essex, X R......... 0 John Bartley 
It... Colcheøter...... N S Isaac Harris Tilley.................. Victoria......... N B Wm. Brayall 
Tatlock.................. Lanark. N R...... 0 Peter Guthrie Tilley................... Leeds. S R......... 0 :\lIsø III. Doyle 
Taunton ............... Ontario, S R ......0 }1. S. Bowman Tillt!Y Road........ Gloucester.... N B L. Arseneäult 
7'avistock ............... Oxford. N R ...... 0 Frederick Krllg ...Ti18011burg............ Norfolk, N R...... 0 E. D. Tillson 
Tftylor Village ....... Westmoreland. NB Chas. Taylor Tilton .................. Northumb'd.ER 0 A. E. Bailey 
Tay Mills............... York ... ........ N B Nathan Boone Tlntern ................ Lincoln ............ 0 John J. Romp 
Tay Settlement ...... York ............ N B Wm. Tomilson Tioga..................... Simcoe. 8 R ...... 0 John Smith 
Tayside. ............... Stormont .........0 John ;\IcPhail Tltuøville............... King'ø ......... N B James M. Wear 
Tecumøeb . ............ Esøex. N R...,..... 0 .Jos. Christie Tiverton ..... ......... Bruce. W R. ...... 0 N. McInnes 
"'7 ,.uwaler ..... ....... Bruce. E R... ...... 0 II. B. O'Connor Tlverton ............... Digb.... ...... ...... N 8 l\lilton Outhouse 
Te,t,rllille.. ............ Norfclk. N R...... 0 Geo. O. Teeter Tobermory ........ Bruce, N R..... . 0 Jas. Simpson 

lSSS. ] 



 I I 
Tobiquë ruv

 Victoria..... .-:: .N B David Curry Tyne Valley......... Prince .........P E I N.l\IcLellan 
Toddburn ..... ..... \Iftrquette..... M William Todd Tyneslde..... .... .... HaJdimand. ...... 0 J. A. Duncan 
Todmorden ............ York. E R......... 0 Georl!:e Bftter Tyrconnell ............ Elgin, W R ...... 0 .Jobn O'Brien 
Toledo .................. Brockville..........O }lrs.C.A.}IcLe:u Tyrone .................. Durbam, W R... 0 Jobn T. Wel
Toney River. ......... Pictou ......... N S A. Fml!er Tyrrell.................. Norfolk, N R...... 0 A ugush1l! Sloat 
Topping .............. Oxford, N R ...... OIWm. Henry Udora .................. Ontario, N R...... 0 R. 8. Webster 
Tooleton ............... Kinlt's ......... K B .J. W. Toole Uftlngton ............... Ontario, N R...... 0 John Doherty 
Torbay ............... .,. Guyøboro' ...... N S I Robt. 
Iorrison Utford .................. 1'Iluskoka & P S'd. 0 Nelfon Shcrwf\od 
forbrook ............... Annapolis ......N SI Wm. Brown Uhthotf ....... .... Simcoe, E R .... 0 Jeremifth LJne!S 
Tormore ............... York. W R......... O,ThomRs Smyth Ullswater............... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 George Bunn 
>tTrwonto ............... Toronto ............ O I T. C. Patt6ll\Jn Ul1)
rton ............... Drummond ...... Q:.1amesMiUer 
Bathurst Strvt... Toronto, West .., 0 Follis Johnston Umfravllle ............ Hastings, N R ... 0 D. Kavanagb 
Bluker Slr
et.... Toronto, Centr
. 0 1 Mrs. E. Newton Underhill.............. 
orthumber1d,N.B W. T. Underbill 
Carleton Street ... Toronto, Centre. U Andrew Jetfrey UnlÙrwood ............ Bruce, W R ...... 0 Hugh IHurray 

 DUMa, S' ... Toronto, West .., 0 Albert Hudgin Undine.................. Victoria......... N B .Janet W. WfttsoD 
Q.ven Slre,t E... Toronto, East ....0 1 W. C Price Union .................. Elgin, E R......... 0 Jamel' :\IcKenzie 
Spadina Avenue. Toronb, West... 0 JOI'. Reading Union Corner......... Carleton ...... N B J. E. ChMe 
Torrance ............... Simcoe. E R....... 0 W. G. JeRtin Union Centre ......... 1 Pictou............ N S l wm. Munro 
Totonkft ............... Marquette...... }ll John Reid Union Road. ......... Queen's. ......P E T Isaac Sellar 
-T(,tUnham ............ Rimcoe. S R....... O l wm. P. Laveroc "'Uni0fl1:i1le ............ York. E R .........0 J. F. Dftvi"on 
Toucbwood Hills. .. ............. Asea Angus McBeith Upham...... ............ King's ......... N II Cbas. Titus 
Tower Hill ............ ChaÑotte ...... N B Jobn Irons Upbftm Stfttfon .... King'lI ......... N B' J. D. TUu," 
Town Plot ............ King's ....,..... N S J. T. Jftckson Uphill .................. Victoria, N R ....0 Joseph Cal1ioun 
Townsend Centre ... Norfolk, N R...... 0 W. J. 
mitb Uplands ............... Muskoka & P S'd. 0 P. Shaugnes
Toy's Hili. ............. Dundas ............0 Oeo. Carter Upper .................. Monck ............ 0 G. S. Best 
1'racadù ............... Gloucester .... N B .John McMahon Upper Abougoggtu. Westmoreland, N B .1. Beandnau 
Tracadù ...._......... Antigonlshe... N 8 Placid Delorey Upper Bay du Vln... Nortbumb'd... N B Wm. DickenI' 
TrBCadle Cro!!s ...... Queen's ...... PEl A. Jobnson Upper Bedford....... Missisquol... ...... Q ,1. P. Martin 
Tracey's Mills......... Carleton..... ... N B Ieaac F. Adams Upper Big Traeädie. Gnysboro'.... N S Thos. Fitzgerald 
Trac6Y Station. ...... Sanbury ...... N B D. S. Duplesea Upper Brancb.. ...... Lunenbnrg ... N 8 1 A. Knftck 
Tracyvllle ..... . .. 8unbury....... N B F. Tracy Upper Brigbton...... Carleton. ...... N B Cbfts. Chase. sen. 
Trafalgar ............... Halton. ............ 0 Jno. K. Applebe Upper Burton......... 8unbury.........N B Philip Goan 
Trafalgar ............... Guysborougb...N S John Nelson Upper Buctouche... Kent ............ N B S. B. Girouanl 
Trafford ................ Addington ...... 0 M. Whelan Upper Caledonia.... Guysboro' ..... N S D. Cameron 
Trahan's Mills. ...... Wolfe............... Q A. Trahan Upper Canard......... King'II... ...... ... N S C. B. DIckey 
Tralee .................. Perth. N R .......0 Hugb Wrlgbt Upper Cape............ Westmoreland,N B A. Rftwortb 
Tramore ............... Renfrew, N R .... 0 Peter Foy Upper Caraquet...... Gloucester ... N B Cbarles Godin 
Traverøton ............ Grey, S R. ......... 0 John Delaney Upper Clarence ...... Annapolis ...... N S .John L. :\Iorse 
Traveller's Rest ...... Prince .........P E I T. Townsend UpperCaverbfll...... York ............ N B Robert Glen 
Treadwell ............ Preøcott ............0 - Rodden Upper Charlo......... Restigouche... N.B Wm. Crftig 
Trecaøtle ............... Wellington, N R. 0 D. )lcCaugbrin Upper Clements...... AnnftpoUs. ......N S Fred. Williams 
Tregarva ... .. ..... ............. Assa J. E. Petrie Upper Clyde River... Sbelburne...... N S, Jesse BO"6r1 
Treherne ............. \flU'quette.......
 M W. H. Smith Upper Coal Creek... Queen's......... N B 1 'J(,bn S. BOD Dell 
Tremblay............... Chicoutiml ...... Q Marcel Coté Upper Coverdale.., Albert.......... X B N. C. Geldart 
Tremont. ............... King's. ......... .N S I R. R. Baker Up. Cr. Rds, St. M'ys GuysOOro' ...... N 8 .1. 1tlrGratb 
Trenholm .............. Drummond ...... Q W. W. Stevens Upper Dyke Village. King's ......... N S !IIrs.l'tt. Newcomb 
Trent Bridge ......... Nortbumb'd,ER. 0 Mrs. Mary L. Let Upper Economy...... COlchester...... N S Mis!! R. Durning 
Trenton........... Pictou .......... N S W. Fraser Up. Fort Lawrence. Cumberland... N S M. Chapman 
"Trenton ............... I Hastings, W R... 0 1 Ja8. R. Christie Up
r Gagetovm.... Queen's ......... N B I Thomas Crotber 
Tring Station......... Bt'auce............. Q Eli Vftllé UpperGaspereaux... Queen's ......... N B Iøaac C. Burpe 
Trois Pistoles ......... \ Teml8Couata ...... Q T. P. Pelletier Upper Goshen. ...... Albert ......... N B B. B. Hftyward 
Trois Saumons ...... L'Islet... ........... Q Germftin Caron Upper Grftnville .... Annapolis...... N S I A. WalJler 
Trottier ................ Arthabaska ...... QIJ. Dubois Upper Greenwich ... King's ......... N B Henry WaltoD 
Tront Brook ......... , Northumb'd... N B A. Cain Upper Hampstead... Queen's ......... N B S. Cameron 
Trout Brook.,..... Artbabaska ...... Q P. D. Lariviere Upper Haynevflle... York ............ NBC. VanBuskiak 
Tront Brook.......... Cape Breton... N S Donald Lomond Upper Kemptown... Col('hester...... N 
 G. Mathiøon 
Trout Lake ......... .. Muskoka& P.S'd. 0 Rankin Lftwson Upper Kennetcook. Hants............ N S I JaCOb Hennigar 
Trout River ........... , ' Huntingdon ...... Q Jas. MarRhaJl Upper Kent .......... Carleton......... N B A. Hawtborn 
Trout River. ......... Inverness.... N S Angusl\IcLean Upper Keswlck ...... York ............ N Bi Whitfield Elltey 
Trowbridge ............ , pertb, N R . ......0 ChaR. Cosens UP. Keswlck Ridge. York ............ N B H. T. Coburn 
Troy...................... Wentworth,N R. 0 Oeorjte Clark Upper Kintore .,.. Victoria ........ N B Jas. Farquhar 
Trudell..................' ES86X, N R . ......0 David Henderson Upper Knoxford '.. Carleton.........K B Jas. 
I. Laggin 
Truemanville .........ICumberland.. N S R. Beattie Upper La Have. ...... Lunenburg ... N S Josiab Rudolf 
7'ruro .................. I COlcheater...... N S W. McCully Up. Ù!itche's Creek. Cape Breton... N S :\Iurdock Beaton 
Tryon .................. Prince .........P E I Mrø. C. Crawford Upper Loch Lomond St. Jobn......... N BIThomas McAfee 
Tuam ...................iSlmcoe,S R ......0 P. Sykes Up. Magftguadftvic... York ............ N B,Josepb Gftrtley 
Tuft8vllle................ Hastings, W R.. 0 Stephen Tufts Upper 1I1alftgasb .... Cumberland... N BI Amos Purdy 
Tullamore ............ Peel.................. 0 WUliam Moore Upper Margaree...... Inverness ...... N S,John l'tIcLennan 
Tumbell................ Marquette......... M P. McDou
all Upper Mangerville.. Sunbury...... N BIJames Sbield!! 
Tuppervllle............ Annapolis .... N S W. F. Willett UpperMelbourne... Richmond...... Q N. Coburn 
Tuppervllle... ......... Bothwell. ......... 0 John J. Sntor Upper !\liddleboro... Cumberland... N S C. A. Fonntaln 
Turin ................... Elgin, W R ...... 0 R. F. DIckson Upper Mills............ Chftrlotte ...... N B 
Irll. A. King 
Turnervllle............ Bothwell .......... 0 Wm. Turner Up. MlUquodoboit .., Halifax ......... N S J. S. Stewart 
Turtle Creek.......... Albert ......... N B Solomon Berry Upper Neguac . ...... Northumb'd... N B A. Martin 
Turtle Lake ......... 
Iuskoka & PS'd. 0 Donald Ro8s Upper New Horton. Albert ......... N B Mrs. S Reid 
Iountaln.... Selkirk ............ }I A. N. Tregent Upper Newport ...... Hants............ N 8 1 E. Sweet 
Tuscarora............... Brant, SR. ...... 0 1 s. J. McKelvey Up. Nine 
Iile River Hanh............ K S Mrs. McDougall 
1ulkd. .................. yarmouth...... N S A. S. Lent Upper North River.. Colchester ...... N S I A. :\lcKenzie 
Tusket Wedge ....... yarmouth...... N 8 i\Irs. J.e Blanch Upper Otnftbog. ...... Queen's ......... N B 'hs.T. C. Dougan 
Tweed. .................. Hftstinjts. E R ... 0 1 W. J. Bowell Upper Peel............ Carleton ...... N B W. B. Tomkim 
Tweedside ............ Wentwortb, SR. 0 A. Laud Upper Pereaux. ...... King's ......... N S I .J. L. Newcomb 
Tweedside ............ York ............ N B Jail. Rutherford Upper P'nt de Bute Wel'tmorel'd... N B G. R. DixOn 
Twin Elm. ............ Carleton............ 0 1 P. Green Upper Port Latour. Shelburne ...... ::tJ S iMrs. E. Crowell 
Two Islands....... Cumberland.. N f; T. W. ::\[cKay UpperQueensbury.. York ............ N B D. C. Parent 
Two Rivers... ...... SElkirk ........... 111 Geo. Newcl)mb Upper Rawdon. ...... Hants ......... N S Andrew Pearson 
Two Rivers ... ...... ... ( Cumberland... :N S B. B. Barnhill Upper Rockport, WO Westmoreland. N B (.Jobn G. Read 
Tyotown. ............... Glengarry......... 0 Jos. Tyo Upper St. Bftzil ...... Victoria......... N B Cyprien Martin 
r10\ 1 






Upper St. Francis ...1 Victoria. ....... N B Robert Connors Vernon.................. RUllsell ............ O,Thomas Bow 
Upper SackvIlle...... Westmoreland,N B Jas. J. Wheaton Vernon Mines .......;King's. .......... N SiJ. F. Whitney 
Upper Sackvllle...... BoIifax. ......... N S Wm. McKenzie Vernon River .........1 Queen's. ......P E I: George O'
Upper Set BaddeckR. Victoria......... N S D. Mcltl1llan Vernon Riv. Bridge. Queen's ....... P E IIDan. Macdonald 
Upper Set.1mddleR. Victoria ......... N S John McLennan Vernonville............ Northumb., W R. 0' John G. Boyd 
Upper Set. South R. Antlgonishe... N S A. McPhee Verona .................. Addington......... 0, Alex. Grant 
Upper Sheffield ...... Sunbury...... N B W. S. Garrill'on Versailles... ............ IberviUe .... ...... Q' L. Lacombe 
Upper Southampton York ............ N B J. W. Lenentine Verschoyle ............ Oxford, S R. ...... 01 E. C. Corbitt 
Up. South W.!llabou Inverness....... N 8 J. McDouald Vesta... ............. , Bruce, E R ...... 0, Robert Cannon 
Cpper Stewiacke .... Colchester...... N S Francis Cox Vesuvius ............ ... King's .,.... ......N S i Denis Re
Upper Sumas...... N.Westminøter.BC W.l\I. Campbell Vicars ............... . Huntingdon ...... Q James WIlson 
Up. Thorne Centre. Pontiac..... .... Q Duncan Ross Vickers.................. I Grey, SR......... OIJ. W. Vickers 
Upperton................ King's......... ...N B John S. Baird Victor............. Norfolk, S R.... 0 Wm. R. Reid 
Upper Wasbabuck... Victoria,........ N S I A nl!:us McDonalc Vìctoria.... ............ Victoria... ...... B C Robert Wallace 
Upper Wicklow ...... Carleton.........N B M. Hutchinson Victoria ............_. I Carleton ...... N B J. W. Boyer 
Upper Wood Har.... Shelburne ......N S Ezra Jeffrey Victoria ............... Cumberland... N S'Thos. Giles 
Upper Woodstock.... Carleton......... N B G B Wolhampton Victoria ................ Queen's. ......P E I P. H. Palmer 
Uptergrove ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 T. Mulvihill Victoria Beach....... Annapolis...... N S ,Jos. Haynes 
Upton... .......... ...... King's...... PEl Wm. Wftrd Victoria Cross........ I King's ...... ...P E I John Gillis 
Urbania ............... Hants............ N S George Dimock Victoria Corners .... Ontario, N R .... 0' Robert Acton 
Urney................... King's ......... N B'.T. A. Leak Victoria Harbour.... King's............ N S J. W. Sturk 
Urquharts. ............ King's.......... N B Nath. Urquhart .Victoria Harbmt,r... Simcoe. E R...... 0 Mark Valley 
Ursa ..................... Peterboro', E R . 0 Stephen Kettle Victoria l\-linell. ......ICaps Breton... N S,T. Fortune 
Usher ................... Antlgonlshe... N S Richard Carroll Victoria Road........, Victoria, N R .... 0 W. R. Cavanl1 
Utica..................... Ontario, SR...... 0 Mrs. J. Dafoe Victoria Square ...... York, E R......... 0 John Perkins 
Utoka .................. Wellington, SR. 0 Hugh Malone Victoria Vale ......... , Annapo1is...... N S Avard Chesley 
Utopia ... ............... Simcoe, S R....... 0 Philip Connor · ViCÚJriaville ...... Arthabaska..... Q, Louill Foisey 
Utterson ... ............ Muskoka & P S'd. 0 Erastus Hanell VI.-tory... ............ ... , Queen's......... N B John Coyle 
Uttoxeter............... Lambton, W R... 0 S. Shepherd .Vienna ............... ";lgin, E R......... OISam. Brasher 
.Uxbridge ............ Ontario, W R ... 0 W. Hamilton Vienneau......... Northumb'l'd. N B l peter Vienneau 
Vachell.................. York, N R......... 0 Robt. McClellan vienots.................. I Lunenbur g .... N S Enos J. Vif'not 
Valc'lrtier ........... "' l Queb6c ............ Q Chas. S. Woltf Viger .............. ...... Témiscouats ....... B. Call1louet 
Valcartier V1ll. ...... Quebec. ............ Q W. Billing Vi
o ..................... Simcoe, N R ...... 0 Thomas Smith 
Valcourt ............... 8hetrord ............ Q C. St. Onges Villagedale ....... Shelburne.... N 
 'Samuel Black 
Val des Bois. ......... Ottawa ............ Q Baptiste David Village ues Aulnales I L'lslet............... Q I A. Dupui8 
Valencay .............. Ottawa ... ......... Q l\1. St. Pierre Village Richelieu ... Rouville... ......... Q N. D. D. Bessette 
Vftlens .................. Wentworth....... 0 W. Cook Villa Mastai.......... Quebec............. Q,Andrew Kay 
Valentia ............... Victoria, S R...... 0 Wm. Suggitt Villanova .............. I Norfolk, N R...... O'W. R.Sheart!r 
Vale Perkins ......... Brome............... Q C. B. Gordon Villette ................ Compton............ QIJ. McCooey 
V al
tta ........ ......... Kent ......... ...... 0 J. Richardson VlIliers...... ......... ...1 Peterboro', E R. 0 Wm. Weir 
Vallentyne ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 C. Switzer Vincennes ............ Champlain......... Q: M. Dusureault 
VftUetort ............... Beauce ............ Q L. Pftradis,jun. Vine ..................... Simcoe, SR...... 0, V. P. Kelcey 
Valltyfield ............. Beallharnois...... Q Dauiel Dion Vinton .................. Pontiac ............ Q Wm.Oilchrist 
VaUeyfield ............ King's .........P E I,Norman McLeod Viola Dale............. l\Iftrquette......... M I F. Middleton. 
Valley Mills. ......... Inverness ...... N S Geo. Crowdis Violet .................. Lennox. ............ 0 Wm. H. Perry 
Valley Station ....... Colchellter .... N S :\1. A. .Tohnson Violet Hill ............ Cftrdwell .......... 0 F. Robinsou 
Valmont ............... Champlain......... Q Philippe Lor Virden..... .. .......... Selkirk...........M I W. F. 8carth 
Valmorin...... ......... TerreboIJne. ...... Q C. Ouellette Virgil ...... ............ Lincoln & Niagara 0 I James O. Fisher 
Valois .................. Jacques-Cartier. Q P. G. Valois Virginia ............... York. N R......... 0 John Kay 
Valracine............... Compton. ...... Q J. Beaudry f'Vittoria ............... Norfolk, SR...... 0 Heorge D. McCan 
Vanfttter ............... Wellington, C R. 0, W. J. Glover Vivian .................. Ontario, WR...... 0: Robt. }lcCormlck 
VllDburgh ............ Renfrew, SR.... 0' A. Kosmack Vogler's Cove ......... Lunenburg ... N S I John ParkA 
Vancamp . ............ Dunde.ø ... "....... 0 Mrs 8. Vancamp Vroomanton. ......... Ontario, N R...... 0 Thoma!! -"'rands 
Vancouver ............ N.Weptminster.BC J. Miller Vyner .................. Lambton, W R... OIJohn Gates 
Vandecar ............... Oxford, S R. ......0 A. R.W. Burrows Waasil< Station ...... Sunbury...... N BIOeorl'e Gras!! 
Vandeleur ............ Grey, SR......... 0 Wm. Hutchison Wabash........... Bothwell....... 0 A. Anderson 
Vandorf. ............... Ontario, W R .... 0 060. H. Powell Wsjtram....... ......... Wellington, N R. O/Jamel< Crftig 
Vanessa ............... Norfolk, N R...... 0, H. Bartholomew Wahnapitae.. ... .. Nipissing.......... 0 D. McLaren 
Van Horn ............. Kent................ OI.JOS. Zink Wakefield ............ Ottawa ............ Q t Jas. ;\lcLftren 
· Vankluk Hill...... prosc,?tt..; ......... 0 P. R. :McLau
in Wakopa. ............... Selki!k ............ 1\1 Clo-.:is Guerin 
Vankoughnet ....... OntftrIo, N R...... 0 !.\Irs. M. Deml<on Waldemar ............ WellIngton, N R. 0 DavId JenklDs 
Vanneck ......,........ :.\lIddleøex, E R... O'John W. Robson Wales .................. stormont ......... O,Mrs. A. Baker 
Vanvlack ............... Simcoe. ............ 0 John Vanvlack Walker's.......... Middlesex, W R. () Jas. Greaves 
Van Winkle .......... Cariboo . .........8 CIW. W. Dodd Walker's Cutting ... Arthaba.,ka .... Q :.\Irs. R. D. Pepin 
Varency. ............... Norfolk. SR...... OIJesse Parker Walker's Point. ...... Simcoe, E R. ...... 0 JC'hn Walker 
Varennes ............... VercbèrE'1I ......... QI 
lrs.E.Geotfrion Walker's 8ettl'nt.... King's............N B j wm. Adair 
Varna .................. Huron, S R. ...... O,Jos. Morrow ... Walkerton ............ Bruce, E R......... 0 Malcolm Maclean 
Varney.................. Grey, S R ... ...... OJ Francis Eden Walkerville ............ Ellllex, N R......... 0 H. 
I. Crittenden 
Vars ..................... Russell ............ 0 A. N. Dunning Wallace................. Wellington,N R. 0 1 Henry Homer 
Vavftsour............... Muskoka & P sd.ol D. L. Valentine Wallace ................ Cumberland... N S B. S. Seaman 
Vasey ..................1 Simcoe, E R ...... 0, John Thompson Wsllace... ... .. ... ............. Assa A. E. Boake 
Vaucl,se ...............\ L' Assomptlou ... Q' Ferd. Crepeau Willi ace Bridge ...... Cumberland... N S J. L. l\lcKin 
Vaudreuil ... ........ , Vaudreuil ......... Q:G. N. Bra.bant ... Walwceburg ......... Bothwell .... ...... 0 D. B. ;\lcDonald 
 Stl1tion... Vftudreuil ......... Q Victor Lalonde Wallace Grant..... Cumberland... N S Oeo. E. Colter 
Vau::han ............... ,Hants............ N 8 Jo, Vau,ll;han Wnllace Ridge. ...... Cumberlftnd... N 8, David Ross 
Veil ore .................., York. W R......... 0 J. MacDonald ßalla.cetown ..........1 Elgin. W R ...... 0, Robert Ounn 
Venice .................. Missisquol......... Q Thomas Hunter Wallbrld
e ............ Hastings, W R... 0 F. B. Prior 
Veunachar ...... ....., 1 Addinll;ton......... 0, Geo. Sweetnam Wallbroo
 ...... ......1 Klnl!:'s ......... ...N S A. Mitchell 
Venosta ............... Ottawa ............ QIJamesl\lcCftffrey WallensteID ........... Waterloo, N R... 0 Lemuel Powell 
Ventnor ............... Grenville, SR... 0 John IIlcAula.y Waller ..................1 Russell ............0 Patrick Hanl!v 
Ventry .................. Grey, E R ......... 0 E. Johnston Walmer ................ I ûxford, N R ...... 0 John !\lcDonald 
Verchères ............ Verchères ......... Q N. Chicoine Walnut ................ Lambton, Jl1 R... Olp. E. Willoughby 
Verdun.................. ,Bruce, W R....... 0 Stephen Invin Walsh .................. Norfolk. SR...... 0 
Irs. J. Johnson 
Vereker.. ............... Essex, S R......... 0' Hilaire Bondy Walsin:z:ham Centre. Norfolk, S R...... 0 Wm. Morgan 
Vernal......... ........ ,Antfgonishe... N S Anll;l1s Power Walter's Falls ........ I ore y . N R ........ 0 .Jas. Campbell 
Verner .................. Nlpisslng ...... 0 J. L. }I1chaud Wftltham ............... Pontiac ............ Q .J. O. Pouporø 
Ver::let .................. Ottawa............. Q'A. Bouet Walton.................. Huron, S R ...... O'Wllliam Neill 
[ 1021 




Wa'um.................. Bants............ N S'John McCnlloch Wellwoo 

. ;\larquet te-:-::::-iI Cyrus T u
Walton's Lake..... King's.......... N B D. W. Long Jl7tlsford ............... Queen'.......... N B Henry Woods 
Wanache.......... Selkirk........ MID. Gibson Welwyn........... ............. Assa, A. l\lcArthur 
tead ............. Lambton, W R... 011\1. 
lcVicar Wendover ............ Prescott............ OIA. CunniJjgham 
Waraha........... Selkirk........ 
I E. B. Madill Wentworth............,Cnmberland ...N S G. P. Betts 
WaJH!lla ................ .......,..... AS8A E. P. Benoit Wentworth Creek... Hants....... .... N S S. H. Sweet 
Warburton ...... ...... ,Leeds, S R......... 0 John Steacy Wentworth Station. Cumberland... N 8' J. H. Livingston 
Warden ................' Shefford ............ <t: L. Eo Richardson West Advocate....... Cumberland... 
 S ,G. Jedllon Reid 
Ward's Creek Road. I King's ......... N B: A. Stableford West Arlcbat ......... Richmond...... N S Emile l\Iouchet 
· Ward.ntilù............ r.nddleøex,W R... 01 E. T. Dutlon Wellley Church ...... Addington...... 0 Andrew Shane 
Wftrl'ham .............. Grey, E R ......... OIGeorge Wright Wesley Park. ......... WeIland........ 0 Rev.G.A.l\litchell 
Warlna ................ Stormont.......... OIA. J. Cummings Wesleyville............ Durham, E R ....0 J. Borrowclough 
"Warkworth ..........1 Northumb., E R . 0 1 I. Humphreys West Bay............... Inverness ...... N S James McDonald 
Waridon............... Hastings. N R... 0 J. A. Allen West Berlin ....... Queens,......... N B!J. E. Hemeon 
Warleigh...............,l\larquette.........M' J. C. Dudley West Bolton. ......... Brome ............. Q M. Dubois 
Warminllter .... ...... Simcoe. E R ...... 0: Henry Ball Westbourne . ......... )larquetta ....... MI A. E. Smftlley 
Warner..... ............ I Wentworth, 8 R. 0: Henry Porter W W . . B B r r '. S Ch t.N R i j c v h e O r l J a O s h R n '! K pl e C 
.t U '" . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 
 B s I J A . . D 1\l l ' l c w M o i rt Ch h ael 
Warrington. . ... .. . , Selkirk ............ M John Lapointe ......
War8aw ............... Peterboro'.ER... OIThomasChoat W.Br'ch. Riv. Phfllp Cumberland... N S,J. W. SchurmaD 
Wartburg ............ Perth, N R ....... 0: MrsFrommhaget West Ðrome ......... Brome... ............ Q I Luther Scott 
Warwick ......... ...... Arthabe.øka. ...... Q' Louis Tril!:anne West Brook..........., Frontenac... ...... 0 I Andrew Bridge 
k ...............' Lambton, E R. ... OIThOIl. G. 310rrls West Brook............ Cumberland. ...N 
,J. C. Taylor 
Wa8cAna. .........'....... ...... AS8A,C. Martin Wetltbrook MIllII ... Cumberland... !\ S 8. Roscoe 
Washago ..............., Simcoe. E R...... 0' Abiftl Mar.hall West Broughton .... Mel!:antlc .......... QIJ. L. Beaudoin 
Washburn ............ 
 Frontenac ......... 0 J. McGillivray We8tbury ............ Compton .......... Q J. P. Woodrow 
Washington ........... 'Brant. N R ....... 0, Wm. Dunn Westbury Basin .... Compton ......... Q,Olo68ime Lepltre 
W&I!kada ...............' Selkirk............. l'tl' Jam
s Reid West Caledonia.... Queen's..... N S, Wm. Bntler 
ewa .......... i Selkirk. ....... M I W. Millions West Cape ............1 Prince .........P E I A. McWilliams 
rborough ...... Queen's .........N B Jas. B. Wiggtn. West Cariboo ...... Pictou........ N S :\Irs. Sutherland 
* Wain-down ........... / wentworth, N R. OIJ.B.ThompsoD Westchetlter. ......... Cumberland... N S Mrø. 1\-1. J. Purdy 
...Watafm-d...... . ... 
orfolk,N R...... 018. H. Rammage Westchester Lake ... I cumberland... N S 1\Irs.N.Pequignot 
Wåt!\rford ............. Digby............ N S Wm. Johnson Wellt Chezzetcook.. Halifax....... N S D. :\lcLaren 
Wakl ford. ......... ... j King's... .........N Bi Andrew McAfee W estcock......... ...... Westmoreland N B Henry Purdy 
WafÞrford . ....... Prince......... P E IIR. Aylward West Ditton ......... Compton .......... Q Isaie Beaudry 
Waterloo ............... Lunenburg ....N S Enos Wile West Dublin. ......... Lunenburg... N S Mrs. E. Currie 
* W!1
rl()o...... ......... Shetford... ......... Q' Gardner Steven. Welltern Covehead" l Queen's. ......P E I I Wm. Shaw 
*Watn-loo............... Waterloo, N R... oiC. Kumpf Wel<tern Head 
..... Queen.II..........N S Henry Hartman 
Waternillh ............ Greysboro' .... N S I K. McKenzie Western ROlld ......../Prince .........P E J John Beaton 
Waterside ............. Albert .......... NBC. W. Anderson West EII8A ............ Simcoe, SR....... 0 David Henderson 
rton.........., Leeds. S R......... OIThos. Abraham Westfield ............... Huron, W R ...... 0 T. R. Mitchell 
Wati!nale ............ I PlctOU............N 8 1\IIsII B. Reed W6IItfteld............... Klng'!! .........:N B,James Hyland 
WaÙ'rville ............ Compton............ Q L. W. Wyman Wf'lstfielcl............... Queen's......... 
 S Abial Harlow 
Wllterville ............ Carleton ......N B,J. N. Ferguson West Flamboro'...... ' wentworth,NR. OIJohn A. Durrant 
* Wal-rville ............ KinK's ......... N SIT. 8. Pineo W we e s st t fi G or l d as . s . v ' il ' I ' e ' . . . . . . .. . . C B ar ru I C e e to ' n " . . . .. . .. . . . . N ' O B I
: R W . .RH o 
 a l n d d enby 
* Watford . ............ Lambton. E R.... 0, David RoSII 
Watkins Xflls ......[ Drummond. ... Q,JIIII. Watklnll West Gravenhunt. . I Simcoe. E R ...... 0, Wm. 
Wattt'nwyl ....... .1 :\Iuskoka& P. S'd. 0 Frederick Egger West Gore ............ Hants............ N S 31. Wallace. Jun. 
Watl'ûn'tl Corners... Lllnark, 
 R...... 0, Wm. Gavin West Grove ............ lluskoka& P.S'd. 0 Mrs M. E. West 
Wat@(ln Settlement. Carleton ...... N B John Watson West Hall........ .jSelkirk ........ M Mrs. Weightman 
Watt Spctfon,S.Har. Hallfftx ......... N B I JOhn McPhail West Hansford.. ... Cumberland... N S Wm. Sutherland 
WattFview. ............ Marq uette . . ... M S. W. Chftmbt-rs We8t Hill. . . .. . . .. .1 York, E R '. . ... 0 I J. H. Rlchard80n 
Waubftmick .......... Muskoka& P S'd 0' H. Wa'kins West Hnntley ....... , Lanark, N R. ... 0 1 John Manion 
.Wauoowhene ...... Simcoe. E R ...... 01 James Scott West IIuntinp;don... Hastings, N R... 0 Arch. Adami! 
nno............... Lambton. W R... O'T. Capps Weet InglløvUle...... Annapolis ......N S'O. C. Banlu. 
Waugh's River ....... Colche
ter... '" N BI Wm. McKay West Jeddore .........rHalifax ......... N S, P. W. :\Iaskell 
Waupool! ......... .. '. Prince Edward... 0 James Kerr West LaHave Ferry Lunenburg......N 8 1 Wm. Rennette 
Wa\"erley...,......... Simcoo. E R ...... 0 'J. Bannister West Lake ............IPrlnce Edward... 0 James A. Platt 
WavEclrley............... 1 Halifu ......... N fI John Lingley West Lakevale ...... Antil!:onlshe... X S I John R. Boyd 
Wftvy Bank... ..... [,illp;'U.,....... :\1 J. Grabame West Lawrenootown Halif"x. ......... N S :\Ialcolm Hiltz 
ig ............... I Chllrlotte ....... N B M. J. Greenlaw West LeiCester....... 'Cumberland... N 8 1 J08t'ph Shipley 

. : : :: : 
:: N


:;nbank ::
 t;::. :

'n:!; .::.::. ß I 

i1lIl............ 8tanstead ......... Q K Soutbmayd West McGillivray ...1 Middlesex. N R... 0 1 Wm. Fre.øer 
Welltherley........ Lunenburg......N S Enos Wolfe W6IIt 31agdala ...... EIgtn. W R. ...... 0 Donald Turner 
Weaver Settlement.., Digby............ N S W. Weaver W9stmeftth ............ , Renfrew, Y R.... 0, Alex. Fraser 
Webster's Corner.... Queen's .......P E J J. H. Cummisky West 1\lerigonltlhe... Pictou .......... N S I J R. McDonald 
Weedon ......... ,...., Wolfe .....:......... Q Louis P. Coté West Montrose ...... Waterloo, N R... 0 Henry Whitcher 
Weedon Centre...... WoJf
......... ...... Q S. Fontaine Westmoreland Point ! Westmoreland, N B, Thos. E. Oulton 
Wet'don Station.... Wolfe ............... Q N. Tanguay West Xew Annan... COlchester...... N S I Robt. H. Byers 
Weidmann ............, Lambton . .....,... úlOtto Jonsohn West NewdyQuoddyl Halifax ......... N S M. E. O'Leary 
Weir..................... Brant ...............0 E. Williamson West Newton..... . I Queen'lI. .... P E I B. }[CCllbe 
Weissenbutg.......... Waterloo. 
 R... 0 Jos. Zinger .JVuton .............. York. W R ....... 0 Robt.Johnston 
Welc-Ome ............... Durham, E R.... 0 Wm. Hill WestOsgoode ......... RUBseIl ............ 01 Hugh Cleland. 
: ;i
O n r
.:. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 
e e n n t t .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N .. O B J S. . E liI . ' w D e u I D d n on Westover ...... ...... ...1 Wentworth, N R. 0 , James Mills 
Wel!t Plain ............1 Lennox ............ 01 Michael Young 
· Jv.'lantl ... ............ Welland... ......... 0 Geo. H. Burgar · Wutport......... ......; Leeds, SR......... 0 1 John H. Whelan 
Jv.lland PoTt ......... Monck. ............ 0 D. C. Holmes ßulport...............1 Digby............ N S B. H. Ruggle 
.Wdlulty............... W!l.terloo, N R... 0 Wm. :\Iorton West Point ............ Prince .........P E I An/l:us Stewart 
Wellington ...... ...... Prince ......... P E J Patrick Ayers West Potton ......... Brome .... ......... Q':\1. L. Elkins 
Wellington ............ Marquette. ...... :\1 A. Mooney West Pubnico........., Yarmouth. ......N S, 
lrl.:\1. C. Gaudt!t 
Jh"i71glon ............ Prince Edward... 0 D. Campbell West Quaco............ !:It. John.........N BiHenry Whitney 
Wellington ... ......... Albert. .........N B Wm. G. Duffy West River........ Albert........N B John Cox 
Wellington ............ Vftncouver ......B C,James Hill West River............ Pictou.......... N SIWm. Munro 
WeIlington... ........ yarmouth...... N S' Jacob Landen w: River Sheet Har. Halifax...... N SI W. 8utherland 
ton Station. Prince..... PEl F. J. Arøenault West River Station.., Pictou ......... N 8, Daniel Graham 
Wellman's Corners. Hastings, X R ... 0 GW.Vftndervoort W. St'otch 8ettlem't Kinp;'s............N B D. McLau
Well8 .... ............... King!'............ N B H.McLallghlin,sr West Shefford......... 'Shefford............ Q I George Tait 



[ 1858. 


West 8hefford Stat. ï Shefford. ...... Q R. W. Cutler 
W. Side of Lochaber Antlgonisbe ... I\ 
 Hugb McPhee 
W. Side l\liddle Riv. Victorlft..........N S,Mrs. E.Campbell 
Weøt St. Peter'II...... King's .........P E IIJaø. McDonald 
Wpst Toronto Junet. York, W R...... 0, J. 8. Kirkwood 
. Wi--sttrilù... ... ......... Pictou ......... N 8 I Duncan Balfour 
... Wut WinchuÜT .... Dundaø ... ......... 0' Wm. Bow 
Weøtwood. ............ Peterboro', E R.. 01 Wm. Geo. Reftd 
Wexford ............... York, E R......... O,Jobn Tingle 
ffiymouth ............ Digby............ N SiC. D. Jones 
Upymouth Bridge... Digby............ N 81George J. Hoyt 
"halen ............... Middlesex, N R... 01 J. H. Milson 
Wheatland ............ Marquette. ...... M' Wm. Smytb 
Wheatland............. Drummond ...... Q i Ed. McCabe 
Wbeatley ............. Essex, 8 R......... 0 I James ;\Ioore 
Wbeatley River... ... Queen's....... PEl James Power 
Wheaton Millll ...... Westmoreland, N B H. B. Killam 
Wheaton Settlem't. Westmoreland, N B Tbos. Wheaton 
Wbeeler........... Lambton, E R.. 0 Jas. Gallaway 
Whim Road Cross... King's .........P E I John McDonald 
Whitburn ........ Pictou........ N S John McDonald 
.Whitby ............... Ontario, 8 R...... 0 J. D. Howden 
White ...... ........... Lanark, N R...... 0 Robert.Jordan 
White Church ...... Bruce, W R. ..... 0 1 H. D. HendersolJ 
Whitehead ........... Guysboro'...... N S J H. Fellmate 
Whitehead ............ King's............ N B Alex. Roull!ton 
White Head ......... Charlotte ...... N B Edward Carroll 
White Hill . . ... . .. Pictou........ N S I A. McGillivray 
Whiteburøt............ Brockville ......... 0 Jftmes Bell 
White Lake............ Renfrew, 8 R .... 0 A. Stirling 
Whitemouth ......... ............... K Jos. 8. Corrigan 
White Oak ........ Middlesex, SR. . 0 I Caleb Flftwn 
White Point ......... Victoria ......... N S J. Cballoner 
Wbite River ......... Algoma ............ 0 D. 8. l\lcCarthy 
White Rock MUIs ... King's............ N S Mrs. M. O'Leary 
White Rose........... Ontario, W R.... 0 8 Wallftce 
White Sftnds. ......... King'ø..........P E I Jftmes Bell 
Whitellide ............ Simcoe, E R ...... 0 Wm. D. White 
White'ø Cove ......... Queen'II......... N B 8. V. White 
Wbite's Mills......... King's ......... N B Jas. R. White 
Wbite's Point......... Queen's. ......... N B I Thos. Carmichael 
Wbiteøtone..... ... 1IIuskoka ...... 0 G. l\lontgomery 
ß'hikrole .............. OntarIo, W R...... 0 Donald McPbef' 
Whitewater ....... Selkirk......... M I J. McCutcheon 
JHittw?Od Station... A8I!iniboia Territ'y T. G. Lyons 
WhItfield............... Simcoe, 8 R ...... 0 P. D. Henry 
Whitney............... Northumb .... N B Chas.80mers 
Whittier'lI Ridge.... Charlotte ...... N B Josepb Hill 
Whittington .....,... Wellington, N R.O Andrew Keys 
Whl twick ...... ...... Compton....... Q J. R. McDonald 
Whonnock ........ New Westm'r.. BeN. Oliver 
Whycocomagh . ...... , Inverness ...... N S Mrll. McDonald 
Whycocom'h B.(NS) Inverness. ......N 8 A.l\lathewlOn 
... WiaTton............... 1 Bruce, N R . ...... 0 N. McMillan 
Wick........ ............ Ontario, N R...... 0 Thomas Tran 
Wickham, West...... Drummond....... Q I Mi
b. Leonard 
Wickham. ............ Queen's ......... N B L. 8. Vanwart 
Wicklow ............... Northumb., W R. 0 J. B. McDonald 
Wicklow ............ Carleton... ...... N B Tbeo. H. Estey 
Widder......... ......... Lambton, E R.... 0 IJ obn Chester 
Wigginll .......... Queen's...... NB R.G.Barton 
Wilberforce. ....... Peterboro'. E R. 0 r R. A. Riley 
Wilbur.................. Westmoreland.N B N. E. Wllbnr. 
Wilbur Station.... Lanark, N R.... OIT. B. Caldwell 
Wilfrid.................. Ontario, N H...... O,;\lark Kay 
Wilkuport ............ Bothwell.......... 0' Wm. Kimball 
WilkinlOn ............ Addington ....... 01 Peter Finn 
Willetsboime ......... Frontenac ......... 0 N. H. Dftrling 
Williamll ....... . .. Kent........... 0 R. Williams 
William's POInt.... Antigonisb... ...N 8 1 D. McDonftld 
Williamsdale ......... Cumberland... N 8 Mrll. J. Taylor 
Williamsdale East. Cumberland... N S Hazell Johnson 
Williftmsford ......... Grey, N R......... 0 Wm. Buchanan 
· "WiUiamlto1On.......' Glengarry... ..... 0 Wm. McPherøon 
WilllamBtown ......., Carleton... ...... N n Thomas Lind..y 
WilliamøvUle . . . ... Kingston ...... 0 G. R. Cftrnovsky 
Williscroft ............ Bruce, N R . ...... 0 George Field 
Willoughby ...... ,Sftsk"tchewan Ter. 1 A. Cameron 
Willow Creek......... Bruce,N R.........OIG. Pat
Willowdßle ............ York, W R.........O Wm. SrevenlOn 
Willowdale ... ......... Queen's..........N B' S. lIIartin 
Willow Grove......... St John .........N B:
1. Francis 
Willowllrove . ......... Haldimand.........O HUllh Stewftrt 
Wilmnt.................. Annapolis...... N S'E. Cumminger 
Wilmot Vall..y ...... Prince ......... PEl D. Di..kiellon 
Wilmur ................ Addington ....... 0 J. K. Fref'man 
Wilno .. .. .. . . . . ... Renfrew......., 0 Adam Prince 

on Croft. ......... Lambron, EIl: .-:-G .J:'L:' "il80n - 
(\rfolk. N R...... 0, P. L. HaJs. 
Wilson's Beach ...... Charlotte...... N B Mrs. S. Brown 
Wilson'lI Corners.... Ottawa ............ QIHenry Wilson 
Wilson's Mill- ....... Megantic ......... QIWilliam Wïl'!on 
Wilson's Point .... Gloucester...... N B R. J. Wilson 
Wilstead ..... ..... Leeds, S R......... 0 N. Gardner 
Wilton .................. Lennox............. O l õL. r.. Gallagher 
Wilton Grove......... Middlellex, 8 R... 0 Peter Murraor 
Wiman. ............... I 
Iuskoka & P Sd.O 1\Irs.1\I. Truëman 
Wincbelsea ............'lluron, S R....... 0 Fred. Godbolt 
Winchester Springs I Dundas. ............ 0 Solomon Coons 
Windermere ......... MUllkokll & P S'd. O'Tbomas Aitkin 
Windfall ......... . \ Essex. N R .. . . . 0 M. McCulloU'1:b 
Wlndhftm Centre ... Norfolk, ......N R OIT. EdgewortÌl 
Windham Hill ......1 C
rland... N S' A. A. Schurman 
Winding I..edgetl . ... / Vlctor1a. .........N B' j A. Landry 
· Winwor... ............ ESflex, 
 R........ 0 Alfred Wigl!! 
Windsor ............... Carleton......... N B Wm. ll. Britton 
Jfind,or ............... Hants............ N 8' P. 8. Burnham 
Windsor Junction . Rants...... ...... N 8 
Wìndsor Milll......... Richmond ......... Q:J. A. E. l\lcC:1be 
Wine Harbour ...... Gnysboro' ...... N SiGeo. B. Irwin 
Winfield ...... ......... Wellington. C Ro. 0 Wm. Hill 
Winger.................. Monck ............. Oiw. H. SwaY
· Wi7lgham............. Huron. E R ...... 0 Peter Fisber 
Wlngle............ R
nfrew. SR.. 0 J. Winll:1e 
Wmlaw ........... Assiniboia Ter.... Tholl. ColqubouD 
· ßinniptg ............1" innlpeg ......... l\1 Wm. Hargrave 
Winona................. Wentworth, S R. 0 JosephCarpenteJ 
Wlnsloe Road......... Queen's .......P E I D. Younker 
Winsloe Station...... Queen.s.........PEI Jobn Burrows 
Winslow .......... Monck.......... 0 E. J. Winslow 
Winterbourne ....... Waterloo, N R... OIP. S. Kilbarnl! 
Winthrop .............. Huron, 8 R....... 0 1 Alex. )1urcb
Wisawasa ... .. . .. Muskoka & P S'd. 0 W. E. Cronkhite 
Wisbeach............... Lambton, E R.... 0 Joanna Bowel! 
Wishart ...... ..... ............ ....... Assa l\lichaE'1 HaE 
Wolf Lake ........... Pontiac ............ Q I J. :M('Kenn
Wlttenbury .......... Colchester...... N SR. N Sibley 
Woburn ............... York. E R ......... 0 Mary Collin
Wolfe Island ......... Frontenac ......... 0 Edward Bak!!r 
Wolfe Ridge. ......... Mississqnoi...... ...Q I P. C. Chiltoa 
Wolfstown ............ Wolfe ......... . ... Q Norbert Roy 
n.olfville ...... ......... King's ..........N t! George V. Rand 
Woløeley .... .......... Grey, .N R......... 0 Wm. Wilson 
JVulseley ...... ......... ...... ............. Assa James P. Dill 
Wolverton ............ Brant. N R ....... 0 A. Wolverton 
Wood Bay............ Selkirk ............ M 'Irs. M. CampbeU 
Woodbourne. ......... Pict.ou ............N S T. J. Christi80n 
.Woodbridge........... York, W R ....... 0 R.T. Wftllace 
Woodburn ............ Wentworth. S R.. 0 Wm. McEvoy 
Woodford ............ Grey, N R......... 0 John TbomtþðoD 
Woodham............... Perth, 8 R......... OIJames .Neely 
Wood hill .... . . ....... Peel... '.. ......... ... 0 Thos. Wftrd 
Woodland!! ........... Stormont ......... OIR. H. Stewar1 
Woodland II ............ I Lillgar ............. M I G. Broødfoot 
Wood IslftDd ......... Queen'lI . ......P E 1 Goo. Offer 
Woodlawn ....... ...,Carleton............ O , 'H. 8. Martin 
Woodnorth .., ...... Selkirk ........ . ;\1 Wm. Clayton 
Wood Point............ I westmoreland,N B J. M. Darnel! 
Woodrous ............. Prince Edward... OIIsaøc :Maybee 
Woodside............... l\leganU
 ......... Q W. Gardner 
Woodside............... I Marquette ....... M I K. Cameron 
Woodl'ide..... ...... Sunbury..... N B George Wood 
... Woodslte............... }<;sflex, N R........ 0 Robt. Ta}'lor 
. JVoodstock ............ I OxfOrtl, N R ...... 0 A. McClenei:ba1) 
Wnodstock ............ICarleton......... NB J. C. Winslow 
Woodstock R. Stat'n ,C8rleron.........:N B I JOhn Shleldd 
. Wnodvilù ............ Victoria, N R.... 0 Jobn C. GiJrhrist 
Woodvllle ............ Hants ............N S Shnbael Parker 
Woodvllle ..... ..... Victoria...... N B' I ThOIl. Ga!ln"n 
Woodward's Cove ... Charlotte ...... N B J. G. Fraser 
Wooler .................. Northumb., E Roo 0 ,Mrf;. J. Gonld 
Woonona......... ...... Lisgar ..... .... M ,Jobn A. Fraser 
Workman. .... ....... ................... Asu 'We A. W. Smitb 
Wotton ................ Wolfe ............... Q Benj. Milette 
Wreck Cove............ Victoria......... NS I John l'tIorri'liJIl 
Wrigllt.................. Ottawft ............ Q Joshua Ellard 
. Wrouter ............ Huron, E R ...... O'Robt. Dickson 
Wyandot ............... Wellington. C R. 0 Thos. Grieve!! 
Wyebrldge ............ F-imcoe. E R ...... 0 Nelson Mclù
Wyecombe......... X'orfolk, S R......O'Joøeph Catt
Wyevale .......... Simcoe,"
 R . . .. 0 W. T. Stewart 
Wylie....... ..... ... / Renfrew, N R.... 0 Jobn I.yons 
... Wyoming ............ Lambton, W R... 0 D. D. Andf'lr!loD 
Wy@e's Corner ....... Hallfftx .........N S ,John !1c:\luiUD 




WJton Station. ...... M iddlesex. E
Õ O. Scfttcherd York :\JilI" == York, EIt: ........ 0 J-: H. Fulton - 
Tale ..................... Yftle............... B C Wm. Teague York :\llIIs ... ...... york......... :N B C. E. Kelly 
Tamachichl!...... ......I St. Maurice ...... Q Arthur Lacerte Y orkton. . . .. . . . . .. I......... .......... ARPa J od Reaman 
Yama,,1cft ............... Yamaska ......... Q Louis H. Lafteu *Yorkville ............. York, E R......... 0 James DobsoB 
Yamaska Eftst ...... I Yama8ka ......... Q L. Leveille Young's Cove .........IQueen's ......... K B Georjte 
Yarker......... ......... Addington......... U T. E. McDonough Young'!' pOint........ 1 Peterboro', W R.. 0 Patrick Youn:! 
Yftrm . .................. 1 Pontiac. ............ Q Robt. McJanet Youn[C8ville............ Oxford. N R ...... 0 Wm. :\lcDonal) 
Yarmouth ... ......... yarmouth...... N S A. J. Hood Zanesville . ............ Addington . ...... 0 .Tame!' Coulter 
Yarmouth Centre... Elgin, E R......... 0 D W. :Newcomb Zealand ................ Addington. ..... 0 Wm. Arm"'tron1 
Yatton .................. Wellington. C R. 0 John Owen1 Zealand Stfttlon...... york............. K B P. O. Refill 
Yearley's............... Muskoka&PS'd.O John Boulter Zephyr.................. Ontarlo.N R...... 0:\1 
. Dftfof! 
Yelverton ............ Durham. E R.... 0 Oeo. Revnolds Zimmerman ......... Halton. ...... ...... 0 Wm. R. Bell 
Yeovil................... Grey,S R.......... 0 JON!ph Bunstoll Zion ..................... Durham, E R.... 0 S. Taylor 
Yoho .................... York ............ N B R.1>lcLoughlin ZllIka. .................. Simcoe, E R ...... 0 .Tame.. Kmen 
! ;

.: ::: ::: ::: 

:?. g 

1I Zurich ... ......... ...... Huron. S R. ...... 0 I Daniel S- Fau'It 

NOTE.-The figures gh'en for Fare are for Summer rates, and are liable to be increased in Winter. 


I I 
Ailsa Cra
g................. . 1 1,000 121 \ ><3 
5 11 
Albany, 1'ì. Y. .............. 100,000 300 8 ,5 
Almonte ...... _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . 2,6(10 260 7 20 
Amherstberg . . . . . 2,000 241 7 00 I 
AnJprior .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 2,100 277 / 7 75 
Aurora...................... 1,900 30 090 I 
Aylmer .................... 1,800 217 3 35 
Barrie ...................... 5,500 64 1 95 
Reamsui1le .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. 800 61 1 80 
Beaverton .................. 1,400 128 2 15 11 
"ílie........ ............ ]0,000 113 3 7
BerlIn .......... _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . 4,500 62 1 9::> 
Boston.. ....... . . 1 363,000 582 13 7
Bowmam Ille . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . 3,500 43 1 4::> I 
Bradford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 41 1 25 
Brampton ............ ..... 4,000 21 0 65 
Brantford .................. 12,600 70 1 95 
Brighton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2,000 92 3 05 
Brock\i1le ......... ........ 7,600 208 62.') I 
Buffalo.... .. ................ 15;;,000 IlO 3 15 I 
Carleton Place ......... _ . . . . 3.300 253 i 00 I 
Charlottetown . . . . .. _ .. I 11,000 24 40 

h!ltham . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . 
,OOO 179 I 5 30 
O :................... 7!::>,
 512 14 00 I 
Cmcmnatl .................. 230,:.39 529 1 14- 50 I 
Clinton . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . 2,600 165 3 70 
Cobourg .................... 5,000 69 2 35 I 
Collingwood ................ 4,500 94 2 8.
Cornwall. ... . .. . .. . .. . . . .. .. 4.500 266 8 00 
Denver.. .. .. . . . . " .. .. .. . . . ' I 36,000 1672 1 44 65 I 
Detroit...... -.......... .. 80,000 231 6 75 i 
Dundas ........... . . . . . . . .. 3,500 45 1 35 
Dunm-i1le .................. 1,800 165 3 10 
Elora ... . . . .. . . . . . . .. :. . . .. 1,700 93 1 90 
Exeter. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 2.000 I 146 3 95 
Fergus.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 2,000 I 101 1 90 
(;aIt ........................ 6,000 76 1 75 
Gananoque ................. 3,500 178 560 
(;eorgetown ....... . . , . . . . . . I,son 29 0 90 
(;oderich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . " 4,500 133 4 05 
(;ravenhurst. . 2,000 II 5 3 50 
Guelph.. ... . ... ............ 10,1\()(1 48 1 50 
Halifax ..................... 36.000 1,191 2G 0() 
Hamilton. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . 45,1100 40 1 20 
Harriston 2.2('0 92 2 8:; 
In!;"er'loll .. .. ... . .. .. .. . . .. ;,,000 117 2 90 
Kincardine.................. 2,800 4 65 
ston ................... 1,j,f)(l0 161 4 85 
Lindsay................... 6,000 7
1 205 
Lis:o\\ell.................. 3,500 11G 2 95 
London ...... :m,ooo 116 3 40 
lIIeaford . . . .. . .. .. .. 2,500 Il.') 3 .,11 I 

Ii\ton ................ . . . . . . 1,400 32 1 00 
lI!itchell ...... ............. 3,000 98 3.1.0 


Iontl'eal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186,000 :
Mount Forest....... ....... .) 500 :." 
Kapanee ...... __....... _. 3:81111' ]35 



s. ::: : : . . . . . . . . . 21

: 15Ò; 
New York .................. 1,!I!4J,OOO :;:!:- 
KiagaraFall.,................1 3,000 HI; 
Urangeville.................. :\000 49 

a'::::::::::::::::::::: I ?:

d: : : : . : : : : : : . . . . . 3

Ò I n
Paisley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ .. . . . . 1.20n 169 
Paris.. ...... ........ .. .... .. 3,;;01) I (;9 
Pembroke .................. 2.800 I :!bl 
Perth . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . 2,:;on I 248 
Peterboro' .................. 10.000 !)t 
Petrolia .... .......... ...... 4,000 11;2 
Philadelphia................ 861,,000 522 
Port Hope ................:. 6,(100 (j3 
Prescott _......... _ _ 3,1)00 2:H 
Quebec.... _ _ _... _ _.... . 63,000 :i0.; 
Regina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 1.2nO 163(; 
Rochester .................. 63,500 I 159 
St. Catharines ......... - .... 

 ) ' , O O O O ' I 
 i 7
St. .John, N.B. .... ......... 1 u 1(j!)3 
St. Louis.................... 500.IJOO I 1-60 
St. :\Iary's .................. 4,500 9
St. Thomas.................. In, 000 , 131 
San Francisco .... _ . .. ., _ _ .. 234,1100 i :?

alt .Lake City . . . . . . .' _.. "1 0011 "0.....' 
S S ar' f lla rth . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . I - 5 ) :
0 () O f I - I Ú; I : 1 3 I :; 
. ea 0 .................... :',1 
 ' .


Stratford. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10,0(10 
Strathro\' .................. 4.0011 I 1:
6 I 
Streets\{lIe ................. 2.000 20 
SI1"pension Bi'idge .......... 1 :-3 
Teeswater .. _ _ .. .. . 1.200 122 
Thorold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a,OI)0"'2 
Toronto .................... ] 2G.200 I 
Trenton .................... ;;.01111 
r'\.bridg-e.................... l,ðllll 

.:::::::::::::::::: ;:g
Walkerton .................. 2,
Washing1;on ................ 142,000 
Wel1and ..........----...-.. 8,000 I 
Weston.. 1,200 

Winnipeg . . . . . . . . . .. ... ".J 0(/11 
\\ oodstock .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -b:UOO 

1 CI (In 
4 ..') 
1 Oil 
3;; f) 
2 bO 
1 ;)0 

1 1

"J !'
3 UlJ 
]0 ,
... 1 
2 -Ii) 
2 If' 
6 ,'- 
13 :-- 
51 7') 
21 ;;0 
:!f) ï;; 

3 ( 
66 -) 

2 ,;; 
4 I'" 
II (,. 
l' . 
2 . 

1111 I I' 
41 1 :. 

s4i ;.. 1)1 
]:;5 .J f') 
5;;i 1"! 
...., L. . 
, 0 ' 
:,0 I 1 I 
2:!,j H 

 I 4'; I., 

poprLATIUX OF THE PRHìCIPAL CITIES OF THE \\ORLD.-London, 3,9;.5,hlü-Pal'is, 2.:!,;!1.r.2:
1.500,OOO--Xew York, l,400,OOO-Aitche, Japan, 1,::>32.0;)II-Berlin, 1,129,OllO-Tohio Japan, 
...,- -S:utall1 
Japan, 962,717-St. Peter8Im
;!, 9:!9,()!)3-Philadclphia, 868,1I00-Constantinollle, 819,o'OO-ßroohlnl, X. Y., "1,( 
-;-,Calcutta,}6G,2ÜS-Yienna. i31,OI O-Chicago, 71;),Ooû-)Ioscow, 6<J4,OOO-Bomhay, 644,On I J-Lh'el'pool. .
(..a,,):o", 5i2,OOo-:\lanche..ter, f>.I9,000 - 'Iadrid, 5fH),00ü-St. Louis, 500,lIOO. 




It IS safe to say that no single question has enters that country a charge of S100 is made 
bet'n so much discussed in the Dominion of by the United States Go\'ernment in the shape 
Canada within the past year as the proposal of of a duty of 10 cents per bushel. The farmer 
" Commercial Union between the United in the United States gds the same price and 
tate8 and Canada. In Ontario, especially, pays no duty, and hence is 8150 better off 
the subject has occupied :t place more pro- than the farmer who grew the barley in 
mincntly in the press, and among the people, Canada If, with the money received from 
than any other topic; and while in other the barley, the Canadian farmer buys a thou-. 
Provinces the matter has not been so actively sand bushels of coni, which he canllot grow to 
promoted in the shape of public meetings, advantage in many parts of Canada, aUlI 
resolutions, or organization, etc., nevertheless, which he can use to advantage in feeding his 
the subject has been to a greater or less extent pigs, his poultry, or his stock. he has to 
before the people, both in the press and in pay :3;.30 to the Canadian Government for the 
private discussion. The question has the merit admission of the corn into the Dominion. 
. p to the period of this writing of being com- \Yhether the Canadian farmer pays both dutie:; 
paratively free from party bias. The men or not in this case matters not, for he himself 
who have been most active in promoting the has decided that if he goes again to the United 
discussion, either have not been pronounced States with his pigs, fattened hy the corn, and 
politicians, or where prominent party men pays a heavy duty for the admission of the 
have discussed the question, they have been pork, and buys with what remains mer- 
adherents of either one or the other of the chandise in the shape of clothes for himself or 
",reat political parties that divide the Do- dresses for his wife, and pays a heavy duty to 
minion. In the country localities this has the Canadian Go\'ernment On these goods as he 
espt:cially been the case; ancl where political returns home, he will have but little left 
jatlers h
we not interfered, and where the in the shape of principal, much less of profit. 
people, themselves, have been allowed to if he continues in this line of business. In 
-:hoose their own path, the party lines ha,-e other words, the operations of the two bene- 
been less obsen'ed than almost ever before in ficient Governments, which guard this imagin- 
the discussion of a semi-political subject. ary line are to rob him of the fruits of his toil, 
Tories aUlI Liherals have ranged themselves ancl to entirely cliscQurag
 him in his attempts 
side by side in favor of the proposition in the to trade with his rich and prosperous neigh- 
newspapers and in public meetings; while in bor. The same condition applies to every- 
the press and elsewhere, the discussion has thing the farmer has to sell, excépt his eggs. 
ueen carriell on against it with equal vigor hy his poultry, and his fruit. These being ad- 
representatives of both parties. In view, mitted free into the United States, serve to 
therefore, of the wide-spread interest attach- illustrate the other side of the question, anll 
ing to thi'3 movement, and its non-partisan show how ad\.antageous is the operation of an 
'haracter, one of its most active advocates has open market for the Canadian farmer. Eggs, 
oeen asked to contribute to these pages the formerly dutiable, but now free of duty, from 
arguments in favor of the proposal, which he being one of the most in!3ignificant products, 
has eUllea,-ored to do as follows :- ha\'e become one of the most important, 
Commercial Union between the Unitecl hecause of their freedom of admission to the 
,";tates and Canada is a singularly simple 1'1'0- United States. The enterprise of egg mer- 
po!<al, hut with conseqnences of the most far- chants, mostly Americans, or employed by 
hing chamct
r. Its simplicity consists in them throughout the Dominion in gathering in 
the proposition that there should be no Custom- eggs from all quarters, has been stimulated by 
houses between the two countries, but that the good prices and the profits to be realized in 
trade between them shoultl be just as free as the United States. The yearly export of eggs 
the trade between the States themselves, or has, therefore, risen to no less than four- 
between the Provinces themselves. At pre- teen millions of dozen, and the money realized 
"'lout an imaginary line of nearly 4,000 miles in in one year hy Canadian farmers for' this com- 

xtent, exists right through the middle of the paratively tritling article, foots up to m-er 
'flntinent, o\'er which products or merchan- <;;1,800,000. This SlUn approaches the amount 
clise of one country cannot come or go to realized from the total export of manufac- 
'the other without the intervention of the tures, and the point is made, which the farmer 
c';oyernment, and the exaction of a high rate greatly appreciates, that the unobtrusi\'t', 
t duty. The operation of this tariff of unprotected hen has clone quite as much for 
..uties ha:s Lt familiar illustration in the case of the country as the pampered, protected manu- 
farmer who has a thousand bushels of harley facturer, to support whom the farmer is heayily 
sell. He can only fincl a market for this I taxecl. 
[' -'HInct in the United States, but before it Healizing the contiguity of Canada to the 




great consumptive markets at the manufac- minimum of cost, than the tarmers of Canada. 
turing centres of the United 
tates; and the 'Vhile, on the other hand, in all the world 
growth, right on the long border-line of the there is to be found no better market for these 
Dominion, of the greatest money-making, very products than is afforded in the chief 
money-spending aggregation of humanity centres of population in the United States, so 
umler the sun, is it any wonder that there is readily aml so easily and cheaply reached 
trongest desire on the part of the Can- from Canada. This conjunction of affairs, 
adian farmer to have free access to this market coupled with the struggle which the Canadian 
for his products? To be shut out from this farmer has had to endure, from increased taxa- 
market is to be shut out from the best oppor- tion. limited or distant markets, heavy mort- 
tunity he will ever have for making money. gage and stOl'e indebtedness, and a general 
It is true the Ïanner has a free market in depreRsion in agricultural circles, leads him to 
reat Britain, and in neighhoring provinces. look upon Commercial Union "ith the L'nited 
But Great Britain is :
,OOO miles away, and States with great favor, as it promises him 
needs only three or four out of a dozen pro- about the ouly hope that brightens his pro- 
ducts which the farmer can profitably grow, spect. 'Vith this conviction Rettled am1 
and which, being furnished hy all the world determined upon in the minds of the vast ma
besi{le, realizes so small a price as to render it of the farmers of Canada, politicians may ""ell 
impossible that protit should. b
 made on these take Commercial Union into account as a 
products, As to the demand from the neigh- factor of consequence. For as the farmers, by 
boring province, they all grow very much the a great majority, hol(l the key to the political 
same thing; and if they do not are too remote condition of affairs, their wishes and their in- 
to purchase what the farmer has to sell, terest'i must be paramount among their repre- 
'Vith abundant power to produce, unlimited sentatives, especially when the object to be 
spltces, now waste, ready to be covered with accomplished for their lasting benefit has no 
crops if l)rotitable ; with a strong soil, great political significance, except such as political 
climatic advantages, the best breeds and leaders themselves unwisely impart to it. 
varieties of animals; ample supplies of imple- But asi(le from the interests of farmers and 
ments, and above all, a thrifty, industrious the creation of a direct market for a greater 
and economical people, there is no reason why variety of pl'oducts, there are numerous other 
the largest success should not be achieved by considerations urged by the aclvocates of Com- 
the Canadian farmer, if the vast market on his mercial Union in its behalf. Perhaps the next 
bor{ler is only freely opened to him. To ac- most important claim for it is, that by an open 
complish this most desirahle result is the one and free market in the Unitecl States, a great 
object sought by Commercial Union. \Vith development would follow in numerous natural 
that ol)ject in view, plainly set forth before products which are now yielding a very meagre 
the farmers of the Dominion, it is not surpris- return. Thus, in iron, copper, nickel, lead, 
ing that the movement has been popular coal, and other minerals the development is 
among them, and that there is a settled de- extremely slow, notwithstanding the fact that 
termination that if it can be honorably Canada is exceedingly rich in all these most 
achieved and consistent with loyalty to British I important products. In the article of iron the 
titutions, it is the one thing above all increase in its production, manufacture, and 
others that they desire. I consumption on this continent is almost pheno- 
'Vhen it is recalled that upon the farmer, I menal ; yet Canada, with miles and miles of 
and upon the farmer alone, depends the pros- the best qualities of ore, gets no benefit what- 
perity of nine-tenths of all other interests, it ever. 'Yhile on the southern shores of Lake 
is clear that what benefits him is of enormous 
uperior, in the United States, there is the 
importance to the rest of the community. 
 0 greatest activity, and the expenditure of mil- 
one is better calculated than himself to judge lions and millions of dollars yearly; on the 
to what extent these belletits may come from northern shores of the same gr
at body of 
an open market among the neighhoring people water, within the Dominion of Canada, not a 
for a great variety of products which he now dollar is being expended. 'Vhile in the south- 
grows in limited quantities, regulatcd by the ern states, as in AL'tbama, Tennessee, and 
home market, to which alone he has access, elsewhere, development in iron mines within 
thus, if in aildition to a free and enlarged the past five years has been enormous; in the 
demand for eggs, poultry and fruit, he could I north, in Canada, the only sign of change in 
sell without doub.le taxation, increased quan- this regard has been that every farmer and 
tities of butter, cheese, potatoes and other every mechanic ha'3 had a fresh increase in his 
root crops; lambs, sheep, wool, oats, barley, taxation for the iron that he uses. "Thy 
horses and all grades of cattle, he would be should the low grade ores of the south, loaded 
far less dependent on wheat and its far away with phosphorus, have development, amI the 
Liverpool market, competed for by all the high grade, bessemer steel ores of Canada, 
""odd, and yieltling no protit whatever. .Ko almost free from phosphorus, lay silent, and 
country Imder the sun can grow to greater ad- dormant, and dead '? Simply because inl'anaila 
,-ant.tge the products above enumerated; no there is not a market large enough to encour- 
aggregation of people arc by thrift, industry age the proper development of her va&t mineral 
and !-Jkill hetter llualiiied to produce thcm at a lleposits. Simply because the great market to 




the south is as closely sealed to her as if it I I behalf would be created by a repetition and 
were ten thousand miles away. 'Yhen one an extension of its principles. It is claime(l 
recalls the man-ellous combinations of ma- that prior to the enforcement of this treaty, 
terials favorahle to iron development in Kova I or from 1819 to 1854, there was a strong an- 

cotia; the enormous deposits in the vicinity nexation sentiment; and that in recent years. 
of Ottawa, in Quebec; the miles and miles of since the repeal of that treaty, there has been 
splendid ore along the valley of the Trent; a steady growth in numbers, influence, anll 
the riches on the lines of the Central Ontario bol<<lness or the annexation party. It is 
llallway, the Kingston and Pemhroke, and the claimed that all this woula disappear, if no 
vast mineral wealth made accessible by the argument in behalf of a political union could 
opening up of the Canadian Pacitic, in the be adduced, and especially if prosperity, and 
northern regions of Ontario and Algoma, it enlarged area of trade, and great natural de- 
seems as if the one thing needful now is to velopment followed the adoption of Commer- 
hreak down the barriers that shut out all these cial rnion. 
great resources from their natural market, and The lliscrimination against English goods by 
give free access to the people whose wealth, I exacting a heavy rate of duty, and the free 
enterprise, and vast absorpti\"e power have I admission of Ameriaan goods, it is urged is 
been provided by Providence for the full de- disloyal to I<
ngland. It is shown, however, 
velopment of these great natural riches. If that inasmuch as the total imports from Eng- 
by Commercial L nion between Canada and land are about forty millions, the profit to the 
the United States, the mineral resources of English manufacturer thereon being about ten 
the northern half of the continent should be per cent., yields four millions. it is urged. 
developed with anything like the rapidity that that supposing English importations were cut 
has prevailed in the southern half, the whole down one-half, the loss to English manufac- 
commercial aspect of Canada would be changed. turers would be only two millions a year, a 
K ot only would a great home market for sum regarded as a mere bagatelle, compared 
farmers' products be thereby created, but the with the advantages which Canada would ob- 
mechanic, the manufacturer, the merchant, tain by a free market in the United States, and 
the banker, the forwarder, the railways, and the free admission of her goods. The question 
e\-ery other interest woulrl be benefited. With is not inaptly asked,-ls Canada to forever 
development of resources, other than that of remain an undeveloped continent, without 
the farmer and the manufacturer solely depen- access to the vast markets at her border, for 
<<lent upon him, would follow in time the the mere sake of furnishing two millions a year 
opening up of mines, the employment of large of profit to individuals who have no possible 
hoJies of miners, the growth of manufactures interest beyond making money out of her dis- 
for the supply of machinery, and other needs; ability? It is further urged, that inasmuch 
the possible erection of manufactures of the as nearly all the money used building the 
raw material developed, and the thousand and railways and public works; all the govern- 
one possibilities growing out of greatly en- mental and mortgage indebtedness of Canada, 
larged opportunities, resulting from develop- I is supplied by England, that the owners of 
ment of natural wealth and large investment this money would be immensely benefited by 
of capital on the one hand, and an open market the improved condition of affairs in lJanalb, ; 
among a great and prosperous nation for these that the railways would earn more, that the 
products, on the other. farmers would be better able to pay interest, 
Space prevents further allusion to other and that every liability of the country would. 
advantages which Commercial Unionists claim be immensely improved in value by the pros- 
would flow from the realization of their pro- perity that would follow Commercial Union; 
posal. Those who are most active in promot- and that in this sense English interests wouM 
ing the scheme maintain that it would com- greatly advance. So that the prosperity 
pletely remm-e all desire for annexation; and which it is claimed would follow to Canada by 
that British connection woula by this means Commercial Union would atfectadvantageously 
he perpetuated much more firmly than under a class of British parties interested in Canalla, 
existing conditions. It is argued that there is as would greatly exceed the manufacturers 
no attraction whatever in annexation except adversely affected. 
such as the material advantage furnishes; and The details of the plan of Commercial Union 
that inasmuch as all the material advantages between the United States and Canada, so far 
of a connection with the United States would as they have been developed in public speeches 
be obtained under Commercial Union, the only and prints, are as yet meagrè, they imply that 
argument in behalf of a political union would there being a common or uniform tariff Im'ied 
he extinguished. The reciprocity treaty which throughout the continent on importecl goods, 
was in operation for twelve years yielded, it and excise duties of precisely the same height 
is claimed, enormous allvantages to Canada. exacted, that a. common purse should hold the 
Commercial Union, it is claimed, is but an ,proceeds of both these sources of revenue. 
extension of the principles underlying that That at the eml of each year a division of these 
treaty, awl it is urged if during that period I proceeds should take place tl) each f'ountey, 
there was little or no talk of annexation, there in propertion to population, it is maintained 
need. be no eJo..pectation t lat a sentiment in its that this StUn woul L yield to Canada as large 




a revenue as she now possesses, and if there population in Canada, from th
:öhould be any deficiency it should be collected that enlarged markets and natural develop- 
by taxes of some other character. The general ment, would give, ought to make the ar- 
vrinciple upon which this scheme of revenue. rangement an extremely favorable one for the 
is urged is that whatever is sufficient to pay Dominion. 
for the expenses of Government in the United The whole subject, however, is in a very 
States, ought to be sufficient to pay for the crude condition; and the foregoing attempt to 
expenses of Government in Canada. That the I give a sketch of its salient points is submitted 
bargain would be very advantageous to Canada with considerable hesitation and doubt, it being 
because the extravagance of people in the difficult to apprehend all the bearings of the 
l:"nited States, is notably larger than that of matter, because of the magnitude and many- 
people in Canada; while the growth of sided nature of the question. 

Thequestio of a Co nmercia Union with the I I present tariff. The people of the united 
United Htates ha:s b en much discussed d
tates re represented as eagerly anxious to 
the year, and threatens to occupy a pronllnent spend an untold wealth of money in becoming 
place in the discussions of the future. It has the possessors of the farm products of Canada. 
met with considerable support from the Far- I So anxious are they to secure these products 
mers Institutes in some parts of Ontario, and that they are willing to pay fabulous sums for 
generally with the opposition of the mercantile, their possession-two .dollars a pair for chickens 
the manufacturing, and the trading classes in and a corresponding advance 011 everything the 
all parts of the country. Canadian farmer can raise, High prices are no 

o far it can scarcely be said to have come object 
th such millionaries, only b
eak down 
within the reg on of practical púIitics because, the t.anff and let them have CanadIan goods, 
though pressed, in some quarters, \\ ith an th
t IS all they want. \Vhat care the
 for the 
urgency not easily understood, and with an prICe so long 
s they can have tha
\-lllch they 
ability worthy of a better and more patriotic so. I?uch desIre? They al:e. waIting by the 
cause, it has failed to gain a hold upon the mIlhon, by t
f nulhons to turn tlw 
veople. Xoparty cares to adopt it. Ko leader 8trean
 of thelr rIches .mto 
he pockets of the 
is bold enough to commit himself to its inevi- CanadIan farmer. It IS a pIty 
hat argUl
table result amI cleclare for annexation nakecl such as these should be permitted to lllSUlt 
or veiled. But just outside the political net, the intellig.ence of the 9
nadian peoJJle, but a 
the loose fish of party are nibbling at the bait thousan
 more pItiful that owmg. to t
as if it might some day serve a useful purpose, favor wIth Whl?h they have been reCel \Oed 1Il 
and as their leaders from a distance look on some quarters, It should he necesbary to waste 
with" a smile that is child-like and bland," it a. 
oment of time .in calling attention to their 
rel!uires but little skill in prophecy to predict, rl(
CUlO1li assumpt!ons. 
 at no distant day, whether for good or for Surely the mo
tIgnorant farm boy that ever 
ill, the question is destined to playa consider- to.ok up an. axe m the back\\ oods of Ca.nada, 
ahIe part not only in determining the fate of wIll 
e (!luck to se
 glance! that If the 
varties, but in determining the future con- AmerICans are burnmg w.lth a desIre t? possess 
dition of the country. our goods, and care nothmg for the prICe, then 
I . f th f t . t . f th they will not be hindered in their tastes 01' 
n new 0 ese ac san exanllna IOn 0 e t't b th It 'tt 11 I 
<1uestion will not be without interest and it is appe 1 eye pa ry In ance co ecte( at 
. .. .. the border b y wa y of Customs dues The 
vroposed III thIs artICle to state wIth faIrness. . 
d t . t . t . I ' t th t tl t utter dIshonesty of all such arguments be- 
an s rIC nnpar Ia lye ar
umen S la can .. 
1. I I . . t ' t th d comes apparent, when It IS remembered that 
ue a( vance( In O1'pOSl IOn 0 e propose h . . . 
. I I . tl ' . t . 11 b t t e AmerICans are pre-emmentl y an a g rICul- 
uniOn. n (omg liS I WI e necessary 0 I I I 
I t th . f t f th 1 . . t tura peop e, am that from the product of th{' 
g ance a e mam ea ures 0 e po ICy as 1 f th . f t t' h. 
affects the people in their agricultural pursuits, a
m 11 eY C raise l . or f expor a f lOn, more t an IS 
in their manufacturing industries in their trade ralSe( JY ana(.lan armel'S or export and. fC?r 
I . '. I . . home consum l >tlon both P ut to g e t he r T ill " I " 
am commerce as well as m thelr po ItICal . 
relationships a
 Canadians and as members of caref
lly c<;mccaled by the a
Ivocates of l'oIll- 
the great British Empire. mercIal Umol!-' 
\.hen addrcsslllg the farmers of 
Canada, but It IS not so concealed when they 
. address themselves to the farmers of the 
Finding no SupIJort from the mercantile and 'Gnited States. 
o one douhts that the 
manufacturing interests or the country, the American farmer would be only too ulad to hnd 
a(h'ocates of Commercial Union rlirect their a Canadian market for the surplus "'product of 
attention chiefly to the farmel's, and hope by his farm. and it is not to be wondered at that 
al'pealing to cla8s interests, to enlist the American orators from Ohio 3.1111 X ew York 
sympathies of a large and influential body of should use their best talents in the effort to 
men in favor of the movement. The most remove the tariff that bars their 1'roduct out 
astounding statem nts are malle as to the I of Canada. But that Canadians, anù espe- 
-effects that will follow upon a repeal of the I cially Canadian farmers, shouhI lend them- 




selves to such insi<lious efforts, and invite such fully realize that their best customer is at 
dangerous competition, is a something alto- their own doors, that they ha\Te only to han.l 
gether beyond the comprehension of ordinary their produce over the fence. The cities, 
intelJigence. ::\Iany, no doubt, are led away towns aud villages everywhere springing up as 
by the unblushing assertions of the wild manufacturing industries increase, these are 
theorists, who assume that COlllmercial Union what he must rely upon for the consumption of 
will open up to the farmers of Canada an his goods, and they help him to consume fully 
immense market for all their products, and nine-tenths of all he can raise on his farm. 
who paint in glowing colors a picture of the His surplus stock for which he must find a 
wealth that may be secured by throwing down foreign market amounts in value to only 
all the barriers of trade, and gaining access :;;40,000,000. 
to a market of fifty millions of people. This This the most important feature of the '\\ hole 
market of fifty millions is the great theme of case Reems to be altogether over-looked a:; the 
the Commercial Unionist, when addressing question of Commercial Union is discuf'sed, 
the farmers of Canada. But he never tells that nine-tenths of the produce of Canada is 
the farmer that the :fifty millions will become required to meet the wants of the Canadian 
competitors as well as consumers, and that people, and that as population increases by the 
while the :five millions of Canadians are look- spread of manufacturing industries, the day is 
ing for a market in the United States for their not far distant when it will tax the best 
surplus product, :fifty millions of Americans energies of Canadian farmers to produce enough 
wIll be over running Canada with the surplus for home consumption. And yet this is what 
product of the United States. should constantly be kept in view. At present 
It will be necessary in this connection to over and above what is required for the home 
look for a moment at the enormous value of market the farmer lIas a surplus of $40,000,000. 
the trade controlled by the agricultural classes How is he to dispose of this? The :figures 
in Canada, then, by looking at the markets given above show that Great Britain consumes 
upon which they must rely for the consump- $22,000,000; the United States $15,500.000 
tion of their goods, it will be seen, that either and all other countries $2,500,000. Next to 
through ignorance, or of a set purpose, an Canada, Great Britain offers to the farmer the 
effort is being made to get the farmers of best market, and yet the American orators 
Canada to throw open their best market to and Americanized writers, try to persuade him 
their most dangerous competitors. to discriminate against England and close that 
THE A:SXUAL VALUE OF ALL FAR:\I PRO- market for the sake of the market he fiI!.ds in 
DUCTS in Canada is estimated in rountlnum. the United States. Now the question is, what 
bel's at $400,000,000. \Yhere does the farmer risk will the Canadian farmer run in seeking 
find his market for this enormous yield? to secure an American market for the whole of 
Who are his best customers? These are vital his surplus product, if he prefers that market 
questions to the farmer, and the answer', taken before all others? To answer the question it 
from the trade and navigation returns for will be necessary to present some figures gÍ\-ing 
1886, is, perhaps, the best answer that can be the productive capacity of the Amcrican 
given to the assertions of those who claim fanner, as it is with him that the Canadian 
that Commercial Lnion will better the con- farmer must compete if he wants to gain a 
dition of the Canadian farmer. Facts, they larger access to the American market. 
say, are stubborn things and figures are The annual value of all farm produce in the 
sometimes just as stubborn as facts. Let us United States is variously estimated at from 
examinc a few figures bearing on the question, 82,500,000,000 to double that amount, the gross 
ana see if the farmer in an effort to secure a product is of little importance as it is with the 
doubtful trade of inconsiderable amount does surplus product we have more particularly to 
not risk the loss of the only trade, which to do, and that surplus we ha\Te from the official 
him is of any real value. 'Vho are his records. The annual export of animals and 
best customers? Undoubtedly, those who farm products from the United 
tates amounts 
buy most of his produce. \Vhere are they to in round numbers to 
550,000,UOO. So that 
be found? Here is the answer from the after supplying the home market the surplus 
official returns of 1886 :- product for which the American farmer must 
Exports of all animals and all farm products tind a foreign market, and which must come 
To the t;nited States... ...... ... _. ::Ii 15,500,noo into competition with the Canadian farmers 
To Great Britain.. " .. .. .. .. _.. _. 22,000,000 surplus, not only e'luals that surplus. hut 
To all other Countries............ 2,500,0110 actually exceeds hy $1.10.000,000 all that is 
CüXf'l"\IED in C.-\XADA .. .. .. .. .. . . . 360,UOO, 

 produced by the Canadian farmer whether for 
Total. _ .. _. .. .... ......... 8400,UflO,ooo home consumption or foreign sale. 
This shows at once where the farmer tinds .BARRED OUT OF THE CAXADIAN' MARKET by 
his best market. Out of a total prolluct of the tariff against which all the assaults of the 

400,000,OUU, no less than $:
60,000,001) finùs a Commercial Unionists are hurled, the Ameri- 
rearly sale in ('anada. How many farmers can farmer has to go elsC'\\,here to find a market 
have we in Ontario, who have counted the for this surplus of :0;350,000,000. Take do\\n 
cost of opening this market to their competi- the tariff wall aud he would find at his door:3 a. 
tors in"the United States? How many who l'an:1.(lian market consuming an annual prt,duct 




360,OUO,OOO and promising at no 
listant I of our manufacturing inùustries, while it 
day to consume. much m<?re. The struggle is would utterly destroy some of them, The 
for the }Joss.esslOn of thIS market, which at admission has a terrihle significance when it i" 
present. is sec
red to. the Canadian farmer by co
sidered that ab.o
t one-fourth of the 1'01'1.1- 
the tarIff ,;'hICh he IS SO earnestly urged to latIon of the Donlllllon is dependent on these 
remove. ?,ow the (!uesti?n is, w!1Ïch runs t
e ind
stries. for t
eir d
ily bread, that the capi- 
test rIsk, the <?ana
lan takmg down hIs tal llnpenlled IS est.lmated at 
tanff wall and op
.?!ng hIS market to a surplus I and that th.e w.ealth created. by this iny

rodu?t of ::'a.JO,OOO,O
O or .the AmerIcan I ment of capItal IS somewhere III the neighbor- 
remonng hIs wall and or.emng hIs market to a hood of 8300,000,000 a year. Terrible as v.ell 
surplus faml product of 
40,OlIO,OOO. I to the farmer as to the mechanic, seeing that 
The mere statement of the question ought to the des
ruction of these industries is the 
satisfy any Canadian farmer of the tremenùous (!estructlOn of the farmers best market for the 
danger he incurs by tampering with the ques- product ?f his field. And, undouhtedly, all 
tion of Commercial Union. The movement in of 
he:,e mterest
 would be placed in deadly 
favor of this uuion will not 8ucceeJ, and does p
rIl, If brought m
o unrestricted com}Jetition 
not deserve to succeed. Its appeals to the wIth the larger capital.. 

e costlier plant, and 
rs ar
 not honest. All the dangers that the more tho
ough d!\"1slOn of labor. that is 
he hIdden m the policy are carefully concealed, to be found m th
 Immense estabh8hments 
while the advantages are exaggerated where that have been bUl
t up by the accumulated 
they are not invented. Reference is frequently wealth?f the :-\mencan people. It may suit 
made to the prosperity of the farmer under the the phIlosophICal theorIst to sneer at the 
last treaty of reciprocity, and no one denies Cana.d
an mech
nic, and say that if under the 
that a well considered treaty could be made condItIon of thmgs proposed, Canadian manu- 
mn,tually advantageous to both countries, but facturers c
nnot compete with their more 
even here there is a want of candour and a powerful neighbors, then that they ouaht to 
partial concealment of the truth for it must make way for the invaders, and allo\\- them to 
orne in mind that the prosperity of the have undisturbed pos:,ession of the Canadian 
pen<?d covered by the last treaty of reci- mar
. Rut 
 IS not the language of 
proclty, was not due to the treaty alone, but pat
otIsm, nor IS It the way to build up a 
to other causes co-incident with it in point natIOn or a people. Ko nation c 'n exist 
of ti
e. The enormous outlay on the great without its manufacturi
g industries, and a<; a 
pubhc works of that day-the construction of I ule these only grow wIth the growth of the 
the Grand Trunk and Great 'Yestern railways State, keeping pace ',vith the ad ,-ancing wants 
-would be sufficient to account for the abnor- of the people. 'Vhlle they are in their in- 
mally high prices which prevailed. The out- fancy, it would be unreasonable and unjust to 
break of the Crimean 'Yar, the Indian 
Iutiny, as
, that before they had time to de,-elop 
the rebellion of the :';outhern States anyone theIr s
ngth. they should be brought into 
of these would have a tendency to enhance c?mpetItlOn '
'Ith tne more powerfulorganiza_ 
the value of anything we had for sale and to t
ons of a stro
ger Stat
. Hence, the protec- 
enrich the people of Canada had there been no tlOn they find m the tarIff laws of all civilized 
ciprocity treaty in existence. The stagna- nations. . Canada in this particular has only 
tIon of trade in 1857 followina immediately on followed 111 the footsteps of the wise. It does 
the completion of the gre
t public works not follow .as C
mmercial. Unionists affirm, 
spoken of above, and the termination of the that CanadIan prIces are hIgher, or that the 
qrimean 'Val' and Indian :i\1utillY shows how con.sumer !Jays more for his goods, while the 
httle. reliance can be placed in reciprocity tarIff wall pro
cts .the manufactu.rer from the 
treatIes alone for the prosperity of a people. powerful c
bmatlOns of. a for
Ign. coun

 0, our Canadian fanners are not dependent The com!JetItlOn of CanadIans wIth CanadIans 
upon any treaty of reciprocity with their neigh- m1!st always regulate the market, an
l ke
bors. As a class they have done well and are prices at the lowest figure: :So true IS tIllS, 
doing well. A body of men that have a thou- 
hat as a matter of fac
 It IS known, that 
sand millions of dollars invested in farm lands m .nearly every staple artIcle of manufacture. 
and stocks is not a body that can be called poor, I ppces 
re lowe
 to-day than ,,:hen a protec- 
and yet we have impudent men going about the bve tarIff 'Y'as . mtrotl,!cetl t. gl\-e encourabe- 
country holding meetings, making speeches and ment to natIve mdustr
es. Canada has gre.atly 
publishing to the world that the Canadian far- prospered under the \\ Ise encouragement 
mer is miserable and wretched and poor and I to develope h,er resources, and th
 henefit has 
hlind and naked. It will be for the fanners 
ot been contmed. to anyone partIcular class, 
when they get the opportunity to hurl the false- I
 e\.tends to every c
ass in the community. 
hoo(l back in their teeth. The. people. are. benehted, because they arf> 
{'u:\DIERClAL 1::XIO
 A STAB AT XATIVE gettmg theIr goods at a cheaper rate. Tho-. 
re benefited, because the pro- 
DUSTRY. tectlOn gIves Canada to the Canaòians aud 
It is admitted with somcthing of a brutal theI:e is market enough here to enco'ura<, 
frankness on the part of Commercial t;'uionists t:uterprise. The mechanics are benefited h
that the measure would ",eriously cri!Jple most cause the establishment of industries in' OUT 


IElt(,IAL UNIOl'i. 

[ t888. 

midst gi\'es them constant employment. ments th:tt are now doing duty in favor of 
Tradesmen reap the benefit, because mechanics Commercial Ln on, w re advanced to prove 
must he fed and clothed, and for this purpose that" Canadian nationality being a lost cause, 
their money is freely spent among the differ- the ultimate union of Canada with the United 
t'ut trades. "Tholesale merchants are bene- States appears now to be morally certain." 
tited, because they supply the tradesmen with There stands the declaration of the chief 
the goods retailed to the mechanic. The apostle of the new creed, there is no pretence 

'. I
le Province, the whole Dominion is about it, no beating about the bush, it is 
I,enefited, because we keep our people and our annexation pure amI simple. That was his 
',yealth in our own midst, and do not send teaching when he wrote the article for the 
them to :uld to the strength and wealth of a Fortnightly Review "On the Political Destiny 
foreign country. This is the only policy that of Uanada," amI that is his teaching to-day. 
will builll up a people, and tit them for a In his opinion annexation was morally certain 
place in the rank of nations, and this is the ten years ago. It has not bpen accomplished 
position to which we aspire. Canada is a yet, and seems as far off as ever, not, how- 
l"ountry of \'ast extent and unlimited re- ever, for want of effort on the part of the 

ources, the value of which her people are just Seer, who prophe
ied the dismemberment of 
lot'ginning to realize. 
Iuch has been said the Empire, for he has strained every effort to 
about her debt, and the fashion of annexa- bring about the desired result, and now he 
tioIlist:s is to harp upon the increase since lends his rare literary talents and scholarly 
('lJnfederation. It is perfcctly true that the attainments to the cause of Commercial 
.lcbt of Canada has increased since Confedera- Union, as a step towards the fulfilment of hið 
tion. It has increased enormously. So h8,s ancient prophesy. The other two apostles of 
('anada increased since Confederation. Canada the new creed are American citizens, one 
has increased enormously. Then we were four from Ohio, and the other from Xew York, 
Provinces, with a total area of three hundred who, however, respectable and honored in 
thousand square miles. Sow we are seven their own country, are certãinly not the men 
Pro\-inces and four territories, with a total' who would be selected to formulate a policy 
area uf three millions of square miles, and for for the Uanadian people. If they are honest 
t"\"ery dollar of debt, Canada ca.n show more and true to the land of their birth, or the land 
than an equi,'alent asset. Her people have of their adoption, then the policy they advo- 
taxed themselves freely to enable her to cate will be in the interests uf the United 
,1evelop her vast resources, spending inunense States, or in the supposed interests of Canada 

ums on canals, railways and other public as a part of the United States. To suppose 
iJnprû'-ements_ Now, when the completion of they would advocate a policy in the interests 
our great Xational highway is opening up to us uf Canada, as distinguished frolll the United. 
every day new markets for the products of States, would be to argue that they were 
(.ur industries, and the world stands astonished traitors to their own country, and untrue to 
at Canadian enterprise, we do not their own people. .Kow, we are not a part of 
take a backward step, either at the bidding of the Unitt'd States, and we do not intend to 
false friend or open foe, and yield to our become a part of the United States. '.."hen 
lIeighLors the fruit of our sacrifices just when the time comes to sever our connection with 
It is ready to be plncked. the Mother Land, it will he to set up for our- 
selves, not to he come a part of the neighbor- 
SEXATTOJS IX lHSGUISE. ing Republic. And whether we set up for 
In matters of great political moment, it is ourselves, or remain a part of the British 
not wise to accept as gospel every doctrine Empire, we haye interests and hopes and aims 
propoundt'd from our platforms hy strangers that belong to us as a people, separate and 
and foreigners, whether imported for the pur- distinct from the pt:ople of the United States. 
f'(.se, or coming themselves on a voluntary 'Ve ought, therefore, to look to Canadian 
JJilgrimage. It will be wiser to be guided hy leaders for a policy, not to an Ohio statesman, 
thc common sense ,hat influcnces us in the or a Staten Island politician. But Uncle Sam 
t very day occurrences of onlinary life. If a has more ways than one to carry out the 
lICW teacher p
esents hill!self, ou!' fir
tquestioll I 
Ionroe doctri
le, and if Commerc
 Union ið 
\\oill be as to hIS crellenbals. \\i ho IS he? By looked upon wIth the gravest SUSpiCIOIl by all 
whose authority does he come? How does he true Canadians, it is because its advocates are 
propose to accomplish his purpose? These, or either American citizens, or men not known 
like (luestions will naturally occur to the mind for their loyalty to Canada, or Canalla's con- 
 we listen to his arguments, and before his nection with the British Empire. COnlmer- 
teaching is allowed to have weight, II ise lUen cial Union discriminating agaÌI

t the com- 
will have to be satisficd that his object is high, merce of England, with a tanff framed at 
or holy, or patriotic, or good, according to the \Vashington. means political uniùn, CiO matter 
doctrine he undertakes to teach. .K ow, apply how the pill may be sugar-coated, and if that 
the test to the question of COUlmcrcial Union, is not what the (lnack doctors mean, who 
and see 'what the result \\ ill be. \Yho are the present the pill, then they are dealing in 
alJostles of the new creed? And what is drug.., whose properties they themselves do 
their' mission? Ten years ago all the argu- not understand, and are as likely as not to be 
[ 112] 




administering poison to their too confiding sacrifice to bring it about. \Ve have the 
patients. highest respect for our American neighbors, 
ANXEXATIOX WOULD BE PREFERABLE TO we want to live upon the most friendly terms 
COltIMERCIAL U:SIOX, if the choice had to be with them. \Ye know that along an eJ\.tended 
made between the two, because then as a line of frontier we can interchange products to 
:-;tate, we would at least have a voice in the advantage of both people, and if a treaty 
framing our fiscal policy, while under the can be arranged that will be mutually advan- 
union advocated, we would be voiceless and tageous to both nations without a surrender of 
powerless, a dependency ana not an inde- independence on the part of the weaker power, 
pendent State. That is not the position any it will meet with the cordial support of e\'ery 
Canadian, worthy of the name, would wish to Canadian in the land. But we will make no 
see bis country.occupy. Xo one dare preach concession of our independence. "'Ye will 
annexation openly in Canada, but any mis- buy with our American neighbors, sell "ith 
chief maker can lend his influence to sow the them, talk with them, walk with them" inter- 
seeds of dissension wherever they are likely change commodities with them, but we won't 
to grow, Any agitator can help to create change our flag for them, and we won't be 
discontent, which may be turned to dis- bluffed by them into the surrender of any of 
affection, and that seems to be the main busi- the rights and privileges we enjoy as an 
ness of the Commercial Unionist at the independent nation. 
fJresent time. In what other way can we Perhaps the meanest, the most despicable, 
account for the determined and persisting the most cowardly argument ever addressed to 
attempts that are made to write down the a spirited people, is that which is addressed to 
trade, the commerce, the manufacturing in- Canadians, when they are urged to adopt 
terests, and the credit of the country? and to I Commercial Union as the only settlement of 
write them down in the face of all the our fishery disputes. Xo Canadian, with the 
evidence. Column after column is written to backbone of a mackerel, would suggest a 
prove that the country is staggering under a settlement so humiliating to the manhood of 
load of debt that threatens to mortgage every the nation. 'Ve may have disputes with our 
taxpayer beyond the possibility of redemp- powerful neighbors, and sometimes they may 
tion. And yet the writers know that so be urged to take advantage of our weakness 
lightly do the taxes press upon us, that it is in umluly pressing their claims, but they are 
extremely doubtful, if from one end of the too spirited themselves to have anything hut 
land to the other, there is a single taxpayer contempt for the cowardly cravens who woul{l 
who is conscious that he carries them to yield their rights, rather than dare to assert 
the extent of a feather's weight. Article after them. Talk about retaliation, it has been 
article is published to prove that the public tried before to-day, and has proved a miser- 
accounts of the country point always and only able failure. 'Yhile we wish to have the 
towards insolvency and ruin. And yet the freest possible intercourse with the Unit p l1 
authors know that the financial barometers of States, we know that we can do ",ithout them 
the Old 'Vorld-the recognised standards just as well as they can do without us! 
everywhere-show its credit higher than it nay better, for we have commodities which 
ever stood before. \Vriters and speakers they must have, no matter what tariff walls 
teach and preach that poverty's gaunt aml are erected, and our people are not all such 
ghastly form is everywhere seen throughout fools as to accept the new doctrine of the 
the land. And yet the deposits in the savings Commercial Unionist, and believe that Cus- 
banks have never reached so high a point. toms dues come out of the pockets of those 
Everywhere, and at all points they are con- who sell. Our duty as Canadians is to guard 
fronted by facts that directly contradict their our own. 'Ve have rich markets for farm 
reckless assertions, and falsify their rash products that are eagerly coveted by Ameri- 
assumptions, but they only shift their ground, can farmers, and the apostles of the new creed 
and repeat in another form the story to their would have us throw them open to the world. 
own shame. It is unpatriotic anù untrue to 'Ve have everywhere springing up around us 
rep."esent the people of Ca.nada as poverty industries, young and yigorous, that give em- 
stricken, or unable to compare favorably with ployment to our people, and keep the wealth 
their neighbors in the United States, and yet of the nation for circulation in our own 
this seems to be the stock in trade of the country, And Commercial Union would crush 
Commercial Unionist. This is the text upon these industries, and scatter the "ealth to 
which he founds every sermon, and no matter build up the industries of another people, and 
what the argument, or how the sermon is gi ve employment to our competitors abroad. 
divilled, the application always points in one \\T e are rich in river, and mine, and forest, 
llirection, and that is anuexation. and field, and have a brilliant future before 
It is unpatriotic and untrue to represent us, if only Canadians to themselves be true 
the people of Canada as clamouring tor a closer and reject the cra\'en counsels of Commerciai 
commercial intercourse with the people of the Unionists, who would sell their country for a 
United States, and as willing to submit to any mess of pottage. 
H [113] 





M W. Bro.H, Robertson, LL.B.,Co11lngwood,Grand Master 
R. W. " R. T. Walkem, Q.C.. Kingston, D6p. Grand 
" Robt. M. Stuart, Dresden, D. D. G. M. 
" James Newell,!l1 D., WyominK, " 
" C. N. Spencer, London, 
.. Chris. 
lcLellan, Stratford, 
" E. E. Wade, Brussels, 
" J. C. Hegler, Ingersoll, 
.. Andrew Jardine, Hespeler, 
" George Rus.ell, HamUt.on, 
" Henry Jenning., Penetanguishene, " 
" C. G. McDermott, St. Catharines, " 
" E. T. ftlah.'De, Toronto, " 
" Benj. Shortly. Peterbor,mgh, 
II Wm. Smeaton, ßel1evllle, 
" Frederick Welch, Kingaton, 
" .Tohn M. Sinclair, M.D., Delta, 
" David Taylor, Ottawa, 
" A. W. Thompllun. Port Arthur, 
" A. W. POlte, London, G. S. Warden. 
" G. G. Rowe, Park dale, G. J. Wllrden. 
.. Rev .C. L.WorreH, M.A.,Morrlsburg, G. Chaplain 
" E. Mitchell, Hamilton, G. Tressurer. 
" D. Derbyshire, Brockvllle, G. Registrar. 
.. J. J. Maaon, Hamilton, (l, Secretary. 

The Gra.ltl Lodge or Ancl.ellt Free and Accepte(l Ma80ns of" Canada. 
Lid of Grand OfficeTl! fOT 1867-88. 
V. W. B
o. Fred. Manley, Toronto, G. S. Dearon. 
., .. J .Jhn !\-IcL. Stev.n
on. Ba.rrie. G. J. DeacoD. 
" Wm, Webster, Bl'lleville, ú. Supt. of Works. 
.. James W. Findlay, Guelph, G. Director of Cere 
" John 1IIalloy, Hamilton, Asat. G. Sec. 
" Thos. Millman, Kingston, Ass. G. Dlr. ofCer. 
" John A. Cowan. Toronto, G. Sword Bearer. 
" John Callard. London, G. Organist. 
" James D. WaHl., Ottawa, Aaa. G. Organist. 
Samuel Davison, Toronto, G. Pursuivant. 
" Wm. A. WoolsoD, [ngerllolI, 1 
John A. C. Anderson, Rldgewood, 
Thomll.a W. Chappl6, Uxbrldge, 
John Shaw. Bru
William Miller,Omemee, 
John Ma\lon, Strathroy, Orand 
J. P. Thompson, Belleville, I Stewards. 
Allan Irvine, London, I 
G. M. Richardson, Tamworth, 
W. T. Wllklllson, Woodstock, j 
" Wm. Melrose, Baden, 
" G80rge B. Coy, St. Catharines. 
'. Goo. lleekle, Thornbury, G. Standard-Bearer. 
.. David Barr, Renfrew, G. Standard-Bearer. 
" J. H. Pritchard, Toronto, G. Tyler. 





Grand Rtprt.t.ntalifJt.. from tht. Grand Lodgt. oj Canada. 
England ..........R. W. Bro. The Right Hon. Lord de Tø.bly Nebraska ........ 
I.W. Bro. Robt. O. Gordon, Grand Island 
Ireland .............. "Humphrey Minchin, Dublin Nevada ............R. W. .. S, W. Chubbuck, Gold lUll 
Scotland .........." "LJl!d.ay Mackeny, Edinburgh New Hampshire.M. W." Andrew Bunton, Manchester 
Brit. Columbls." "Wm. Dalby, Victoria New Jeraey ......" "Henry R. Cannon. Elizabeth 
Manitoba .........M. W. " Rev. S. P. Matheson, Win'peg. New Mexfco......R. W, " Simon B. Newcomb, Mesllla 
New Brunawfek. ,. John F. Ellis, St. John New york......... W." Sydney F. Walker, New York 
Nova Scotia ...... W." Andrew K. McKinlay. IIalifa:l North Oarollna.M. W." Geo. W. Blunt, Wilaon 
P. Ed. laland....M. W." lIon. John Yeo, Port Hill Ohfo ..............." "0. A. Woodward, Cleveland 
Quebec.............R. W. " Alex. Murray, Montrøal Oregon ............R. W. .. Donald McKay, Portland 
Alabama ......... W." Oeo. F. Moore, Montgomery Pennaylvania .... .. 8am'l C. Perkin., Philadelphia 
Ari.ona.. .........R, W. .. Benjamin Tltua, Tombstone Rhode biand....M W." Ariel Ballou, Woonsocket 
Arkan88a ........... "R. M. Johnson, Fort Smith South Carolina. W." A. Doty,jun., Charleaton 
Oallfornia .........M. W. u W. C. Belcher, Marysvllle Tennesaee.........l\1. W." Elihu Edmund.on. Pulaaki 
Oolorado .........." "Byron L. Oarr, Longmont Texas...............".. Phlllp O. Tucker, Galveston 
Oonnectlcut ...... W. " Wm. Knox, Hartf.)rd Utah ...............R. W. .. Alex. Topence, Corlnn<i 
Dakota.... .........R. W. .. John Davidson, BÜlmarck Vermont .........:\1. W." Levant !.\1. Re&d, Bellow's Falla 
Del"ware..........M. W. U Jos. W. H. Watton, Newport Virginia. .........R. W. " Rev. G. W.Dame,D.D., Banville 
DiE-t. Columbia. B. W. U JOII. H. Jochum, Waøhington Waahlngton Ter.M. W." .Tohn P. Jordan, SeatUe 
Florida ............ U "DeWlttC. Dawkln., Jacks'ville West Virginia ...R. W. .. W. II. Freeman. Clarksburg 
Georgia .............. "Jas. A. Oray, Atalanta Wlaconsln ........... "Charleø Kabn, Milwankee 
.Idaho................. "B. M. Davjø. Silver City Wyoming ........." .. James E. Gate., LaraUlie City 
Illinois .............. "Wiley "I. Egan, Chicago Bra.1l ............. "Franc de Paula Romas 
Indian Terrlt'ry. W." John R'mnie, Sayanna I Central America "L. .Montafar 
.Indiana............M. W." R. Van Valzah, Terra Haute Ohlll................ "A. M. Medin" 
!Iowa ............... U "Thea. S. Parvin, Cedar Rapld.s Greece. ... .........:'01. W." H. I. H. Prince Rhodocanakls 
Kaoøaø ........ ...R. W. " E. T. Oarr, Leavenworth Italy............... U Francil1co de Luca 
Kentucky . ........ ".Jail. W. Hopper, Lebanon Mexico. ...... ...... "Lonia Guapll 
Louisiana..... ..." "J. C. Batchelor, MD. N. Orle!lna New Grenada.... "J. 1\1. Samper Angiano 
M'llne ............Y. W." David Cargfll, East Livermore N. South Wales.Y. W." Hon. J. S. Farnell 
Maryland .........B. W. " W. Abrahama, Baltimore Peru................ " Gustavo Lama 
Michigan .........M. W. " Jonn W. Finch, Adrian Portugal. ......... " Joas Caetano D'Almelda 
Minnesota. ......" "Ed. W. Durant. Stillwater St. Domingo...... " Jacinto de Castro 
Mississippi ......R. W. " W. G. Padon, Vicksburg Uruguay.......... "Ue1iaarloConrado 
Missouri ........ .M. W." Xenophon Ryland. Lexington Vene.uela......... "Antonio M. MolleJaø 

Iontana ......... W." J-os. A. Hyde, Butte City Victoria... .........R. W." Edwin Parnell 
Grand Rt.prt.8entati1..tB in &lIt. Grand Lodgt. oj Canada. 
England. ..........11.. W. Bro. Rt. Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald Diilt. Oolumbia .31. W. Bro. Henry Robertson. Collingwood 
Ireland ............" "Kivas Tully, Toronto Florida ............R. W. " J. J. Maaon, Hamilton 
Scotland ........." "Hugh A. Mackay, Berlin Georgia. ........." .. David McLelhm, Hamilton 
Brit. Columbia." .. J. Cr6aaor, Q.O., Owen Sound Idaho. ............ \I. W. u James Moffat. London 
Manitoba ........." "Æ. Irving, Q.C., Hamilton Illinois ............R. W. .. David McLellan, lIamilton 
New Brunawick.V. W. .. lIon. T. B. Pa.rdee,Q.C. Toronto Indian Territ'ry." "E. H. D. Hall. Peterborougb 
Nova Scotia......R W. " G. J. Waugh, Stratford Indi&n&............
I. W. " J. K. Kerr. Q.O., Toronto 
P. Ed. bland....:\!. W." Hugh Murray, Haml1ton Iowa ...............R. W. .. J. H. Widdifield, Newmarket 
Quebec ............R W. " Robt. McKay, St. ThoUlas Kan.aa. .........." "J. J. Maaon, Hamilton 
Alabama ........... "S. B. Harman. Toronto I Kentllcky.........J\I. W." Dø.niel Spry, Barrie 
Arizona.............. "R. Hendry,jun., Ktnll;ston Loulalana .........R. W. .. Georp;e S Birrell, London 
Arkansaa ........... "J. C Hegler,Ing6rsoll Maine. ...,........" "John W. Murton. Hamilton 
California ......... .. E. :.\1itchell, Hamilton Maryland ........." "Hy. \Iacpheron. Owen Sound 
Colorado ........." "F. J. Menet, Toronto \Ilchlp;an .........., "Hu
h A. !\Iackay. Berlin 
Connectlcnt...... M. W." A. A. Steven'ûn. :\lontres.1 'Unnesota . ...... M. W." A. A. Stevenson, Montreal 
Dakota ............R. W. .. E. T. 'lalone, Toronto 'Ula"lssippi ........ "Jas. Seymonr, St. Oatharines 
Delaware ........." "J. B. Trayes, Port Hope ::'t1isaourl. ........." "J. K. Kerr, Q.C., Toront 

88. ] 



Grand Rt,prumtativtl in tht, Grand Lodgt, of C-anada-Qmtinutd. 

r.lontana. .........R. W. Bro. J. U. Gibson, Hamilton 
Nebrsska ......... V. W. " C. W. Brown, Toronto 
Nevada ............M. W." Hon. Thomas White, Montreal 
New Hamptlhire" "J. A. Henderson,Q.C, Kingston 

ew Jersey......" "J. K. Kerr, Q.O. Toronto 
New l\Jedco......R. W. " P. J. Brown, Ingersoll 
New York......._M. W." J. A. HeDderaon,Q.C, Kingston 
North Carollna.R. W. " L. H. Henderson, Belleville 
Ohio. ..............." "L. G. Jarvia, London 
Oregon ............" "C. D. Macdonnell, Peterboro' 
Pennaylv'nla. ...M W. " Jamea Moffat, London 
Rhode Island ...V. W. " Robert Lewia, London 
South Carollna.R. W. " T. O. Macnabb. Chatham 
Tennesll6Ø........." II S. B. Harman, Toronto 
Taxaa .............M. W. II J.K.Kerr.Q.C.,Toronto 
Utah ............... II "J. K. Kerr. Q.C., Toronto 

Vermont .........R. W. Bro. DeWitt H. Martyn, Kincardine 
Virginia.........." "J. Rosa Robertlion, Toronto 
W sshlngton Ter.l\I. W. " Otto Klotz, Preston 
Weat Vlrginla...R. W. " J. E. Harding, Stratford 
Wisconaln . ...... II .. Thos. Sarjlant, TorGnto 
Wyoming ......." II R. P. Stephens, Torento 
Brazil. ............M. W. " A. A. Stevenson, Montreal 
Chili ...............R. W. II Rev.V.Clementl,B.A.,Peterboro 
Col. .t Isle Cuba." .. G. II. F. Dartnell, Whitby 
Greece ............!!. W. II Daniel Spry, Barrie 
N. South Wales." II Daniel Spry, Barrie 
Peru ...............R. W. " R. T. Walkem, Q.O., Klngaton 
St. Domingo...... M. W." Otto Klots, Preeton 
U.S.ofColombla.K. W. " .John Walsh, Ottawa 
Uruguay. .........., .. Hy. Macpherøon, Owen Sound 
Victoria.............. .. Wm. Gibson, ßeamllVllle 


 IrKlgu mar1wl thu.. (*) hold their Inltallation of O.fJi,ar. on the Altival of St. John tht, Bva'llgelilt-aU othtr. on that 
of St. John tht, Baptút. 

2 Slagara.... ...... I Nia';;:;:= I Wed. on or bef.f.m. of every month W. Br. John Knox.... Br.J. Redhead 
3 *Anc. St. John's. Kingston ... Firat Thursday II.. E. H. Smythe. "Jno. Sutherland 
b .Susaex..... ...... BrockvlJle... Wedneaday on or before f. m. II II T. W. Sparham "Alex. Stewart 
6 Barton....... ..... Hamilton ... Second Wedneaday .... J. Hoodless .... "T.Clappisf)D 
. Union ... ...... ..... 1 Grimsby ...... I Thursday on or before f. moon" .. W. F. Clarke... "G. N. Loosley 
9 .Union ....... ..... Napanee......: Friday on or before f. moon" W. C. 8cott...... .. L, A. Scott 
10 .Norfolk......., .'. SImcoe ...... 1 ' Tueaday on or before f. moon " G. H. LUl!Combe "W. P. Kelley 
11 .Molra ....... ....!HeUeviUe ... Wednesday beforef. m. .. A.McGinni..... .. Ch&!!. Lockerty 
1-1 *True Britona ... Perth ......... First Monday .. B. Warren...... "w. A. Moore 
15 St. George'a ..... st. Cath'inea Tuelday on or before f. moon " J. Clench.. . . . . "H. O'LongbJin 
16 eSt. Andrew'a.... Toronto ....../Second W. l'tIcMurrlch. "Jos. Watson 
Ii St. John'a ......... Cobourg ...... Monday OD or before(. mOOD II Roht. Buck..... II G R. Hareraft 
18 *Prlnce Edward.. I Picton......... Thurøday on or ber. (. moon" E. W. Case........ Ie H.. Wallbank.. 
2(j .St. John'a...... .. London ...... 1 Second Tuel!day Goo. Elliott.... "M. D. Dawson 
22 .King Solomon'/'! Toronto ...... Second Thursday " W. J. Hambly. .. Wm. Cook 
23 Ricbmond........ Richm'dHill Mondayouorbeforef.moon " J.CroabJ'...... .. R.E. Law 

 eSt. Francia. ......, Smith'a Falls Friday on or before f. moon Ogle Carss ...... II S. M. ag 
.. .Ionic............... Toronto ...... First Tueaday F. !'tl. Moraon... .. R. L. Barwick 
26 ...Ontario............ Port Hope... Third Thuraday T. A. Thompson .. W. B. Wallace 
2';' .Strict Observ'ce I Hamilton ... Third Tueaday W. McGivern... II T. H. Husband 
28 *:\Iount Zion... .. KemptvlJle.. Wednesday before f. moon :: J. Jonl's, M.D.. r .. W. H. Bottum 
29 *United .......... . Brighton .... Thursday on or before f. moon" J B. Thayer ... , " F. S. Demoreat 
30 *Compoøite .... . 1 Whitby...... First Thurøday "Mlljor Harper.. .. Robt. Willis 
31 ..Jerusalem..... BOWIDanville Wedneadayon or before f. m. .. Wm. McKay.... II R. B. Andrew 
32 *Amity ..........., Dunnville ...IWednesday on or after f. m," :: Jos. 'Mumby.... "T. J. Galbraith 
33 :\Ialtland. ......... Goderich._... Second Tueaday' c' C. A. Humber. .. Rees Ripce 
34 *Thistle .........".1 Amheratb'rgiTueaday beforef. moon .. .. Geo. Grel'n.... . 1 " R. Elliott 
35 1 St. John's ........ I oayuga ...... I Thuraday on or after f. moon " J. H. Cameron. .. J. JrWIB 
36 WeUand ............ Fonthill...... Thursday on or before f. moon" J. F. Brasford. "J. O. Emmett 
31 I*KlngHiram.... fngeraoll .... Tuesday on or beforef. moon " W.L.Underw'd "A.J.Reid 
38 1 .Trent............... Trenton...... Tneadaybefore f. moon " John S. Dench. .. G.Comnø 
39 .
Iount Zion....., Brooklin ..... Tuesday on or before f. moon" "W. J. Murray . \ " R. C. Warren 
-10 .St. John'ø......... Hamilton ... Third Thunday "'C W. R.. Job... ...... "Wm. Birrell 
41 .St.George'a......,KingSVille... , ThursdayOnOrbeforef.moon.. "S.T.Copua...... J.A. Fitch 
42 j .St.George'ø...... , London ...... First Wednesday .... W.R.Vining.. .. A.EllIs.jun. 
-i3 King SOlomon's..! Woodf!tock... Tuesday on or before f. moon" .. Geo. Middleton .. G. J. Fraser 
t4 1 .St.Thomaa....../St.Thomas... \ FlrstThnraday .... R.r.IøCuUy.... II S. L.Smith 
-i5 Brant ............... Brantford ... Tuesday on or before f. moon " John Bbbop... .. D. Curtis 
46 .Wellington... '.. 1 Ohatham .... First Monday "Sam Trotter.... "R. J. Birch 
47 .Great Western.. Windsor...... 'Thursday on or before f. moon " Jo
. Ha1J...... .. G. T. Wilkie 
-i8 \ *
Iadoc ............, Madoc......... I Tueaday on or before f. mo(\n co J. Cayerley...... "Jas. O'Hara 
60 *Coll'tecon ......... Cons8Con .... Friday on or before f. moon" "J. H. YounJt.... "J. Á. Johnson. 
62 Da1housie """." 1 Ottawa . ...... First Tueaday .. C. A. Douglaa. .. C. S. Scott 
6-& *Vaughan......... 
ll\ple .........,Tuesday on orbeforef. moon J. S. Kinnee... .. A. Carley 
65 I *MerrickyflJe.... 
Ierrickvme. Tuesday on or before f. moon A. McDonald... .. J. H. 
56 Victoria.. ......... Sarnla......... Tue8day On or before f. moon " C.8. EIJls..... Ii' W. P. Evanø 
67 I.Harmon l ......... I BinbrOOk.... WednelldayoDorbeforef.m .. Jaa.N.Duncan .. E. J. Duffy 
68 *Doric............... ottawa ...... First Wedneøday " A. Pratt....... "Samu('J Rothwell 
61 .Acacia ............ Hftmilton ... 8econd Friday " AJex. Smith.... "J. D. CJarke 
62 I.St. Andrew's ... Caledonia ... Wednesday on or before C. m." .. Wm Galer..... II A. J. NeUls 
63 '*St. .Tohn'a . ...... Ol\rlet'nP)'ce Wednelldayon or before f. m." "w. F. Lattimer .. W. Sutht'rland jr 
 .Kilwinnlng..... \ LondOn ...... Third Thursday P. Birtwll'tle... .. John Overell . 
6i> .Rehoboam ...... Toronto ...... First Thursday " M. Gibbs......... "A. Wood 
66 *Durham ........ NewCAstle ...ITuesday on or before f. moon .. Jas. Parker.... .. 1<: Simmona 
68 .St. John's ...... IngerllOH .... Thursday on or before C. moon" Jobn l\lorrison. .. Wm. Ewart 

9 Stir1ing ............ Stirling ...... \ ThUrtlda y aCter f. moon .. .. G. W. Faulkner .. John Sha.... 
:.. 2 I Alma ............... Galt............ Thul'1!dl\Y on or berore r. moon" .T. H. Radford.. I " Tholl. Patterson 
.:. 3 *';\t. James' ...... St. Mary's... First 
Ionday .. .J. Chalmers.... .. D. S. Rupert 
. t ,.St. James' ...... 
lalt1and .... Monday nearest f. moon .. A. Burrett . ... .. C. B. Lemon 




76 St. John's ......... Toronto ...... First Monday every mo. W. Br. J. L. Kerr. ....IBr.R. B. Harcourt 
78 .Oxford ............ Woodstock.. Second Wednesday .... W.T. Wilkln.on .. G. M. Gamble 
77 .FaltbfuIBrethr. Llndll8.y...... First Friday .... J. Graham...... .. F. H. Dúbbln 
78 .Klng Hiram .... TUsonburg.. Wednesday on or before f.m." "C. McDonald ... , " P. G. Bromley 
79 t -Slmooe ............ Bradford .... Thursday on or before f. m. J. S. Boddy.... "Flank Stewart 
80 Albion ............. Newbury.... First Tuesday "WF.Roome,MD "J. D. Allderson 
11 .St. John's ....... Mt. Brydges Tuesday on Or before 1. mlJOn" ., D. Small... .... / " H. G. Lind
82 St. John'. ......... Paris ......... Tuesday on or before f. moon "W. R. Baker... "P. H. Cox 
83 I*Beaver ............ Stratbroy ... Friday on or after f. moon John Mallon ". 1 .. A. A. Cockburn 
84 f*Ollnton............ Clinton ...... Friday on or before I. moon " Wu,. JODtilil...... "W. F. MUfrs) 
:" ,Rising Sun ....... Farmenvllle Thursday on or before f. m.:: "Wm. Johnston.i "J. P. Lamb 
6 1 -WIl80n ............ Toronto ...... Third Tuesday " S. Brown. ...... / " J. Firstbrook 
87 Markham Union Markham... Friday on or before f. moon" Jas. Speight.... .. John fimpsún 
88 St. George's ...... Oweo Sound Wedn8sdayoD or before I. m. " Hu
h Reid.... "J. H. Natter 
110 .Manito ............ Collingwood Wednesday on or after f. m. W. T. Toner. .' .. J. L. Cox 
91 '.Oolborne ......... Colborne ..... Friday on or before f. moon G. F. Mackla m' " Geo. Keyes 

 'tIOatarø.qul......... Kingston .... Second Wednesday Jas. Crawford.. "D. Gallaghan 
93 aN"rtherB Light Kincardine.. First Wednesday Edward Fox... "R. D. Hall 
IH .St. Mark's ...... Port Stanley Second Tuesday .. John Pollock... "Alex. Pollock 
95 Ridout .............. Otteryllie .... Thursday on or before r. m." M. Durkee...... ., W. T.. Kay 
96 .Corinthlan ...... Barrie ......... First Thurøday G. G. Smith .... .. John Dickinson 
97 *Sharon ............ Sharon ...... Tuesday on or before f. m." O. E. Lundy.... "Jas. Wayling 
98 True Blue ......... Albion ......., Friday on or before f. m." F. W. Bolton... J " W. J. LBpper 
99 Tuscan. ............ Newmarket Second Wednesday J. Allan. j
n... .. J. E. Dickson 
100 Valley............... Dundas ...... Monday on or before f. moon " R. Somerville. .. J. O. Rooke 
101 .COrinthiaD...... Peterboro' ... Wednesday on or before r. m. " R. E. Wood..... "E. Á. P('ck 
103 .
Iaple Leaf ...... St.Oath'rlneli Thursday on or aft. f. moon" R. Bruwnlow... .. H. Southcott 
104 8&. John's ......... Norwich...... Wednesday on or after f. m." A. H.. S.llin... "J. H.l\lilier 
10D St. M!Lrk'ø ......... Niag. FalløS. Tue8day on or before f. moon " J. E. Jones....... "W. A. Kennedy 
106 .Burford .......... Burford ...... Wednesday on or before f. m. " 'V. F. Miles..... ., H. O. Cox ... 
107 St. Paul's ......... Lambeth .... Wednesday on or before f. m. h "w. Plncombe... "J. Thoruicroft 
108 Blenheim ......... Drumbo ...... Wednesday on or before f. m. " W. P. Patton... .. J. F. Goodwill 
109 4<Alblon ............ Harrowsm'h I Friday on or before r. m. " B. P. Day. . . .. "Jas. Cooke 
110 entra!............ Prescott ...... First Tuesday 11. n. Wells.... "C. H. Mosman 
113 -WUson ............ Waterford... Wednesday on or before f. m. W. M881<ecar.... "It H. Long 
114 .Hope............... Port Hope..., First Thursday G. B. Salter.... "J. Harmer 
lID *Ivy ................ BeamITille....!Tuesday on or before f. moon :: JBO. Ritchie. ... "C. B. Brioe 
116 .Cassia ........... Thedford....' Monday on or before f. moon W. N. Ironllide. "J. G. Brown 
118 Union ............... Schomberg . I Monday on or before f. moon A. Wilkinson... "w. J. Brereton 
11\1 .Maple Leaf ...... Bath ."."'''' 1 Monday before f. moon " FW.Armstrong "}I. Robinson 
120 Warren ............. Flogal.......... First Tuesday "G. E. Casey.... "S. E. Burwell 
1 *Dorfc............... Brantrord ... Tuesday after f. mOOD U L. Secord, bI D "J. P. Excell 
122 .Renfrew ......... Renfrew...... First Monday Jas. Olaig..... "A. Inglis 
123 The Belleville.... Belleyll1e.... First Thursday Henry Pringle. "Wm. McKeown 
125 .Cornwall ......... Cornwall .... 1 First Tuesday C. J. Hamilton. .. Jno. Ridley 
126 .Golden Rule .... Campbellf'rd Tuel!dayon or before f. moon R. BonDyca
tIe. .. J. Turner 
127 Franck .... ......... Frankfort.... Monday before f. moon C. W Clarka... c. A. Terrill 
128 .Pembroke ....... Pembroke... First Thursday G. E. Josephs. "J. G. Forgie 
129 The RillinK Sun.. Aurora ...... Firat Friday C. C. Robinson .. E. W. Love 
131 St. Lawrence .... Southampt'n I Tuesdayonorafterf.m." Jobn Jnhns... "W.Godfrey 
133 .Leb'lnon FOl'Mt Exeter... ...... Monday on or before f. moon ,. Geo. Willis.... "11. Eacrett 
136 *St. Clair ......... Milton ,.... .../ Thursday on or before f. moon" "J. McCollum... "John Lyon. 
136 Richardson....... Stoutrvil1e ". 1 Wednesday on or before f. m. " "Wm. Todd....... "R. P. Coulson 
137 .Pythagoras...... Heaford...... Friday nearest f. moon ., W" Chisholm... " J. D. l\fcGee 
139 Lebanon............ O.hawa ...... Second Tneaday " J. S. Beaton.... "JaB. McGaw 
140 .Malahide ......... Aylmer...... Wednesday on or before f. m." .. C. Marlatt,M.D. "T. H. CoUlns 
141 .-rudor ............ MlCchell...... Tuesday on or before f. moon" "W. White..... "Wm. Elliott 
142 .Excelslor ......... :\Iorrlsburgh Friday on or before f. moon E. B. Fell ....... "W. A. Nash 
143 .FriendlyBroth's Iroquol....... Wednesday beforef. moon " T.A.Thompson "w. L. Redmoud. 
144 *Tecumseh ....... Stratford .... First Thursday "" A. Deune ..... .. J. M. Moran 
146 *.T. B. HalL.. ...... Milibrook.... Second Thursday " J. C. KeIJs . ... "H McCartney 
146 .Prlnce of Wales New burgh... I Wedne8day before f. moon J. Mulholland. ., Jno. Jackson 
147 .Mlssls!!ippl....... Almonte...... \ 'll'llt Friday .. Ralph Hill.... "R. Pollo
148 *CIvil Servloe ... Ottawa. ......, Second 'fuesday " W.F. Boardman "w. A. IJlair 
149 .Erie. ............... Port Dover "1 Monday on or before f. moon " W. Duncan. ... "L. Skey 
ISO .Hastings ......... Hastings .... I ThUr8day on or before f. moon" Thos. Hill..... "A. B. German 
151 The Grl\nd River Berlin......... Tuesday on or before f. moon " D. For
yth.... "I. J. West 
163 .Burns ............ Wyoming ...,Thursday on or before f. moon" A. N. Wood .... "J. Newell 
154 .Irvlnsc ............ Lucan.........,Thursdayon or before f. moon" ThOll. Kitt .... ".J. 'V. Dlack"t!ll 
155 .Peterborough... Peterboro''''1 First Friday "" W. Thompson. "D. Sr encH 
166 *York ............... EgIJngtoD ... Friday on or before r. moon" "John ('udmore. "R. Williams 
157 Simpson............ Newboro'. ... , Tuesda y on or before f. moon .C J. R. Dargaval. .. J. H. Butler 
158 .Alexandra ...... on Spring... Thursday on or before f. moon U J. W. Ford.... "W. Millar 
159 *Goodwood ....... / Rlchmond... FlrlltTuesday "John f'atcbell. "W. V. Beaman 
161 .Percy ............ Warkworth.. Wednellday before f. moon " "G. L. Duncan... "R. McPherson 
162 Forest..........".... Wrox:eter ... Monday on or before t. moon &I "D. M. Walker. "Jno. Sanderton 
1M .Star In tho East Wellington.. Tuesday on or before f. moon" "s. W. Flagler... "A. M. O.borne 
165 *Burlington ...... Burlington Wednel!day on or before f. m. " ThOl!. Campbell "Fred Dray 

: :








. ::
:: :: 


:::: :: 
169 *Macnab ......... P'rtColborn. Tuesday on or before r. moon U "Thos. Rae..... "J. McRae 
170 .Britannia......... 8eaforth...... FIrst Monday u.. W. Ballantyne "John Steet 
171 .Prince of Wale. lona ........... Friday on or after f. mOOn" D. Sinclab.... "D. McLean 
172 .Ayr ... ...........1 Ayr............ Tuesday on or before f. moon W. WlIIillon.... "D. G. Lewis 
17. .Walslngham... Port FIrst Thnrsday "I Jas. Ryan..... "Wm, Ro88 









176 'Spartan ............ Sparta ....... 
171 I The Builders...... Ottawa ....... Second Friday .. 
178 '.Plattsvllle ...... Plattnllle... Friday on or before f. moon 
179 I .Bothwell ......... Bothwell .... Wedneøday on or before f. m. .. 
180 .Speed.... ......... Gnelph ...... Firøt Tuellday .. 
181 .Oriental.... ...... Port Burwell Tueødayon or before f. moon .. 
183 .Prlnce Albert... Port Perry. Friday on or before f. moon ,. 
llU .Old Light......... Lucknow ... Thursday on or before f. moon .. 
186 ,.Ennlskillen...... York ......... Monday on or before f. moon .. 
186 I.Plantagenet ... Plantagenet Monday on or before f. moon .. 
189 .Filins Vlduæ ... Adolphullt'n Wedneldayon or before f. m. " 
190 I Belmont............ Belmont...... ]<'rlday on or before f. moon .. 
192 "Orlllia... ......... OriUia......... Friday on or before f. moon 
193 ,.Scotland ......... Scotland...... Monday on or before f.lIl. 
104 .Petrolla ......... Petrolla ...... Second Wednelday " 
196 .-rhe Tuscan .... London .... Firllt Monday .. 
196 '.Madawaøka .... Arnprlor .... Thursday on or before f. moon .. 
191 :.Sangeen.......... Walkf'rton... Second Tuetday " 
200 St. Alban'lI .... .' MonntForeøt Friday on or before f. moon ,. 
201 ' .LeedS. ............ Gananoque... Tuesday on or before f. m. " 
203 Irvine............... Elora ......... Friday before f. moon .. 
205 Xew Dominion... New Hamb'g Honday on or after f. moon .. 
207 "'Lancallter....... Lancaster .... Wednesday on or before f. m. .. 
209a I .St. John'lI ....... London....... Second Thurllday .. 
209 .Evergreen ..... Lanark ...... First Tuesday .. 
211 , .HawkellbUry.... Hawkesbury Wedneaday on or before f. m. .. 
212 .Elysian .......... GardenIsla'd Firat Monday " 
214 .Craig............... Aillla Craig. Monday on or after f. m. " 
215 Lake ............... Ameliasburg Monday on or before f. moon " 
216 1 ' .Harrls....... ...... Orangeville. Tnellday on or before f. moon " 
217 . .Frederick ....... Delhi ......... Monday on or before f. moon 
218 .Stevenllon....... Toronto...... Second Monday 
219 .Credit ............ Georgetown. Friday on or before f. moon 
220 I Zeredatha ......... Uxbrldge .. Monday on or before f. moon " 
221 .ÞMountaln . ...... Thorold ...... Wedn8llday on or before f. m. 
'ÇZ2 .Marmora......... Marmora ... Tnesday before f. moon 
223 I.Norwood ......... Norwood '.. Tuesday on or before f. moon .. 
224 .Zurich........... llensall ...... Thursdav on or before f. moon .. 
225 , .Bern!Ud. ......... Listowel...... Wedn8lldayon or before f.m. " 
228 .Prlnce Arthur. Odesll& ...... :.\-Ionday after f. moon " 
229 .ronic............... Brampton ... Wednesday on or before f. m. II 
230 Kerr ........ ...... Barrie... ...... Fonrth Monday II 
231 Lodge of Fidelity Ottawa ...... Second Wednellday II 
232 .Cameron ......... Wallacetown Wednesday Dn or before f. m. 
233 j.Doric............... Park Hill ... Tuesday on or before f. moon 
234 .Beaver ............ Clarksburg. Tuesday ou or before f. m. 
235 Aldworth ......... Pailliey ...... Friday on or before f. m. 
236 1 .Manitoba ........ Cookstown... Tuesday on or f. m. 
23';' Vienna ............ Vienna ...... Friday before f. m. 
238 Havelock ......... Watford...... Tnellday before f. m. 
239 Tweed...... ......... Tweed......... Friday on or before f. m. 
241 I.Quinte ...... ...... Shann'nvllle Tnesday on or after f. m. 
242 · )Olacoy.... ......... Malloryt'wn Monday on or before f. m. 
St. George ....... St. George... Thnrsda, on or before fm. 
245 ,Teeumseh ......... Tbamesvllle I Tuesday on or before f. 10. 
247 Allhlar. ............ Toronto ...... Fourth Tnesday 
249 .
ledonian ...... Midland... ... 'Sf'Cond Tuesday 
250 I Thllltle ............. Embro .... ... \ Thnrsda y on or before r. m. 
253 · Minden... ......... Kingllton.... First Monday 
25-1 Clifton. ...... ...... Nlag. Fallll... Thurødav on or be
re f. m. 

 j SYdenham ......... Dresden ......1 WedneRday on or after f. m. " 
.Farran'lI Point. Farran's Pt. 1 First Wedneøday .. 

alt .... ......... Galt...... ...... , FirRt Tn8llday .. 
8 Gn
lph . ......... Guelph....... Second Tnesday II 

9 Spnng
eld.. ...... SprinKtl.eld.. \Ion day on or before f. m. " 
2e: .Washmgton.... Petrolia ...... Firat Tuesday II 
 I . oak Branrh... - Innerkip ..... Thursday before f. m. .. 
263 .Harriston......... Rarrillton ... 1\Ionday on or after f. m. II 
264 '.Forest ............ ForeRt......... Wednesday on or before f. m. II 
. .Chaudlere ...... Ottawa. ...... First Monday .. 

 I Patterllon ......... Thornhill.... Thnrødayon or before f. 10. 
26. I * Nortkern Light Stayner ...... Tneøday before f. m. 
26 8 ' :Parthenon ..... Chatham .... First Wednelday 
Verulam ......... Bobcay
eon. L'lIIt Frtday 

g .Brougham Un'n Brougham.. WedneRrlayon or after f. m. " 
dar ............. Oshawa.......IFourthTnesday 
272 Wellington. ...... Erin. ......... Wednellday on or before f. 10. 
2-4 Seymour............ Ancatlter .... WednMdayon or bf'fore f. m. .. 
27' .Kent . ............ Blenheim .... Monday on or before f. m. .. 
 Ieeswater ......... TeeAwater ...' Frlday'on or before f. m. II 

 ;eymonr ......... Pt.D
lhouRlei Wednellday on or before f. 10. .. 
2i9 . ystic . ............ ROAhn......... Thursday before f. m. 

w no
e '" ...... Hespeler . "' ! Wednesday on or before f. m. " 
281 . nnt Smal...... NapsQee...... FirAt Thnrllflay I< 
*Tborne..........._ Odilia..... Firllt Tuesday 




,e G. H. Haight... Br. F. A. Hendenon 
U H. F .. Webb..... "H. H. Cairns 
" WR.Henderllon II G. Saner 
" H. P. Smith..... " W. K. Johnson 
S R. Moffatt... I< Wm. Gibson 
M. G. Burwell. II D. M. Chute 
Henry Foy...... II Wm. Spence 
J. McPherllon .1 .. Wm. Mellis 
I< W. J. Ramsay. I II Wm. Clarke 
" C. E. Johnston. "M. G. RoØI 
C. W. Benjamin "w. H. Ingenoll 
D. Sinclair ...... I< John Boyd 
A. B. Perry. '" I< Wm. Ironside 
LA Winegarden "Thos. Kerr 
E. D. Kerly .... II Robt. Jackson 
.. GD Sntherland "R B. Hungerford 
.. A. C. pye ....... .. J. E Thompllon 
C. Dempsey.... .. George Shank 
" J. N. Crlngle... ., R O. Kilgour 
.. A. C. Watt...... II Jail. Hayward 
Ed. Burns.... .. Jno. McDonald 
.. John R. Feick. "Wm. Millar 
.. J. D. Houston. II John McGillill 
A. E. Cooper... "John !:liddon II 
A. P. Melrose. I< W. A. Field 
R. McFarlane... I< Jaa Ryan 
.. John Mnllin... I< A. H. Dugdale 
.. John McKay... .. J. W. Tibeandll 
" D. Roblin.. ...... "I. Co]eman 
John C. Scott... "Wm. A. McLim 
J. Sovereen.... II W. A. Fergnson 
John Nicholson I< Thos. H. Smith 
J.A..Todd, M.D .. T. J. Wheeler 
T. W. Chapple. I II W. A. McCnllough 
B. F. Morley... II W. T. Fish 
R. B Proutt... "A. W. Cartlcallen 
W.H.Stephen'n II Thoø. Burke 
R. Bnswell. . . . I< Jas. Bonthron 
T. Blackmore... I< J. B. Dinkel 
" L. H. stover... "John A. McIray 
" Jas. Anderllon. II W. W. Woodll 
J. H. Bennett. "D. c. 
F. O. Lightfoot. .. P. H. VarDey 
" A. S. Backus.... "R. Jordan 
" D. N.1tlcLeod... ., J. W. Johnson 
James Rorke... C Chas. Pye 
J.J. Richardson T. Gray, M.D. 
O. R. Fergullon. T. S. Patterson 
J. H. Teall....... H. G. Weinhold 
" 8. Howden ..... John Cameron 
" Wm. Wriaht ... W. B. Empey 
" John Kemp.... A. W. Vancott 
F. ThomplJOn. H. Griffin 
E.Kitchen,M.D. C. E. Keefer 
John Davldllon. E. H. Moran 
A. D. Ponton. J. G. Howarth 
R. Raikes. M.D. R. Finch 
Jamell Munro.1 C C. Rolli 
" L. W. Shannon. I< John P. Oran 
" John Wi11s...... "H. Preston 
W. H. Switzer. "S. Hodgins 
A. S. WylIe.... I< C. C. Farran.jun. 
John Shupe ... I< C. A. Powell 
W. l'tlarcroft.... II G.J. Brill 
llF Honsberger I< J. B. Lucal 
" ChaR. Wfll!lon ... "JaR. Peat 
" Daniel Peat.... .. Geo. McFarlane 
Frank ß[rlls.... "J. L. Eedy 
R. A. Hill ...... "P. McKellar 
Wm Hill . ...... I< W. A. Dangll 
Jas. CI,erry .... .. J. C. Steele 
H. B. Selby.... .. W. Watson 
Chaø. Dnnlop... c. A. M. Smith 
Wm. Farncomb "R. Vel,tresll 
G. D. Linton.... ' " D. R. Beaton 
" G. E. Scott. . .. "L K. Mnrton 
" C.Overland,Jr. II W. Conboy 
" ThoR. E. Eppl!l... "A. D. Robarts 
" E.H. Halfpenny / I< P. HalIltRrt 
" JOII. Whytück. .. H. C. Brown 
Jobn Patterson .. A. Ken", 
.. C. HndllOn,jUn. I " Henry Hudson 
P. Jardine...... .. C. Bapl't 
A. H. Allison.. .. A. L. l\lorden 
J.B.Tudhope. .. J.H.Dut'k 




282 Lorne ............ Glencoe ......tThursday on or before f. W. Br. .J. L. Charles... Br. W. G. Lumley 
283 *Eureka. ......... BellevllJe ..., Wednesday after f. m. .... W. Smeaton.... .. W. J. Diamond 
284 *St. John's ....... Brussels...... Tuesday on or b'lfore f. m. .. Tholl Town .... .. John Shaw 
- 281i 
m Stull....... AI
iston ...... Wednesday before f. m. " R. Tð!1:art.. .... .. H. McO. Wright 
286 Wmgham....... Wmgham ... Tuesday on or before f. m. :K L. Dickinson "J. A. Morton 
287 .Shuniah. ......... P. Arthur.... Tuesday on or before f. m. T. J. Redden... "F. C. McCready 
289 .Doric ............ Lobo.. ....... Thursday on or before f. m. " N. A. Graham. .. P. So GrahAm 
. 290 .Leamlngton...... Leamington. Tuesday On or before f. m. .. A. T. Bristow. .. P. H. Martin 
291 *Dufferin ....... W. Flamboro' , Thursday on or before t:m. .. Wm.Clark...... .. A.Jones 
292 .Robertson. ...... Nobleton.... Wednesday on or before f. m." .. II. Kennedy.... .. T. H. Robinson 
293 9Ry'ISol. Mother I JeruB&lem P. I 'First Wednesday Wm. Else. ...... .. E. Unger 
29i .:Uoore . ......... }Iooretown. Thursday on or before f. m. " D. Armstrong. .. 1\1. Day 
29ó Conelltogo ....... Drayton....ITuelldayonorafterf.m. " C.lIend.y.jun .. A.A. Benning 
296 .Templ.. ... ...... St.CatharJn'"I Last W
dnesday J. R. Seymour. .. Ii'red. Kilmer 
297 Preston...... ... Preston ...., Jo'riday on or before f. m. A. \Ve bster . . . . .. J. Daltzer 
299 Victoria........ Centrevl11e . I Tbursday on or before f. w. Robt. Cox...., .. J. D. Wagner 
SOO Mount Oliveto ... Thorndale... Tuesday on or before f. m. n. Gueøt. . . . .. .. Robt. Smith 
302 St. David'II...... St. Thomas. Third Thnrllday J. Sherman. ... .. .\lex. Hess 
303 .Blythe ..... ...... Blyth..... ''' 1 fuesday on or after f. m." A. 
Iurdock .... .. Chas. E. Tanner 
304 .Minerva.......... Stroud....... Tuesdayonorbeforef.m. Wm.Metthlf... .. R.G.}JcCraw 
SOli *Hnmber ......... Weston ...... , Wednesday on or before f. m. .. I .. W Charlton.:UD .. J. Cruickshank 
306 Durham ......... Durham..... Tuesday on f)r before f, m. " H. W. Mockler .. Geo. Russell 
307 .Arkona ......... Arkona. ...... Thursday on or before f. m. ,. A.l'tlcL"ehlan.. .. A. W. AIlgustiD9 
308 .GraftoD ......... Grafton ...... Tuesday on or before r. m. .. W. W. Boyce... .. W. Lawle
309 .:Uornlng Star... Smith'!! HUt.. Wednesday on or before f. m. .. A. Robertson... .. John Wilson 
311 .Blackwood....... Woodbrillge.IFridayonorbeforef.moon " "P.D.McLean,MD" D. Allun 
312 *Pnyx ............. Wallaceburg! :\londay on or before f. moon C. Chubb. ...... "E. Parktor 
313 -Clementi ......... Laketìeld. ...1 First Tuesday "8. Sheldrake... "R. Q. Dench 
814 .Blalr . ............ Palmerston. ! Friday after f. moon .J. Nicoll ..... .. R. Doherty 
3Ui Clifford ............ I Clífford....... Third Monday J. S. Dewar .... .. R. E. BijZgar 
816 .Dorio ............ Toronto ...... Third Thursday .. T. Downey...... "R. F. WilIh.DlI! 
818 Wilmot.... ......... Baden.. ...... 1 Friday on or after f. moon .. "W. II. Erbach. "A. Kaufmall 
819 .Hiram. ............ Hagersvllle. Wednesday on orbef. f, moon .. G. Shirk. M.D.. "Alt. Godwin 
320 *Chesterville...... ChesterviUe., Monday on or before f. moon .. J. G. GiIle
pie... ":\1. Brown, 'J.D. 
321 .Walker............ , Acton West. :\Ionday on or before f. moon "W. J. Pigott... "W. R. Kenned,r 
822 .North Star ...... Owen Sound: Wednesday after f. moon .. J. Miller...... "H. Duril 
323 .Alvlnllton....... Alvlnston "' 1 Wednellday on or before f. m. G. A. Marlatt. "E. Warner, jun 
82J .TemPle............' 1 Hamilton.... Second Tuellday H. Markelcan. .. G. S. ßinghum. )ID 
325 .Orono ............ Orono :........ I Thursday on or before!'. moon W. Thompson. "A. J. Lockhurt 
326 .Zetland.......... Toronto ...... , Fonrth Monday J. Fltotcher...... .. H. J. Craig 
'127 The Hammond... Wardsville... Third Tuesday "i W. 
lcLacblan "D. Johnson 
828 Ionic ...... ......... , Napier. ...... Friday before l moon " I " J. Buchanan.... "H. Thompson 
329 .King Solomon'. Jarvill......... Friday on or before r. moon E. H. Hart.... "David H:l1 
830 .COrinthian...... LondoD East Flrllt Tuesday .. F. W. Lilley. ... "0. E. Brener 
381 Fordwich ......... Fordwich.... Thursdav on or before f. m." "R.O.Hutchison" Jas. Foster 
332 Stratford.......... Stratford.... BecondMonday " I .. J.J.Moore .... .. I. Baker 
338 Prince Arthur... FlelhertoD... FrIday on Or before f. moon" R. J. Sproule... "W. J. ß.,Jlam)' 
3M .Prince Arthur. Arthur ...... 1'uesJayon or before f. moon " W. Henderson. "A. McPherson 
335 .Langton ......... Langton ... Monday on or before r. moon" .. O. D. Dewitt... .. W. Wlnl(rove 
386 .Highgate . ...... Highgatu ... Wednesday on or before f. m. .. "P. H. Davey.... "J. D. Gillis 
387 .Myrtle ........... Pt. Robinson Tueøday on or before f. moon " O. B. Bennett... "W. U. Andrew 
338 Dufferin ......... WeIland Pt. Tnesdayon or before f. moon .. J E. Cohoe. ... "D. C. IIolmE\s 
339 .Orlent ............ 1 Don !\Iount Firllt Tuesday .." J. Hewitt..... .. O. E. P"tter 
340 .St. John'lI ...... Pittsburg ... Wednesday before I. m. " "J. GaIlahtlr...... 1 " A. Brown 
341 .Brnce. ............ Tlverton...... !Tuesday on or before f. moon " A. J. Patterson "J. Walk"r 
342 Hiram ... .........\ Wolfe hland Friday on or before f. moon I' W. H. GOOdWin j "C. D. H()rne 
343 Georgina ........./Sutton ......IThursday on or after f. moon W. R. Mann.... .. II. s. llllI 
344 Merrill ............1 DorchesterS ï Tuesday on or before r. moon .. W, II. Collins, "E. T. Shaw 
345 Nilelltown... ...... Nileøtown ... Tuellday on or before f. moon J. Wilson.. . .. "A. R. Rowat 
846 "Occident. ......... Toronto ...... 1 Flrøt Wednesday AIr. Curran. ... "G. !\1. DonoTan 
347 · :\Iercer . ......... Fergns ...... Thurllday after f. moon G. A. Reid .. .. / .. Jail. Dass 
348 .Georgian . ...... Penet&ng'ne I Thurllday on or before f. m." G. H. Wright... .. C. R. Sneath 
3-19 .EIgin. ............ st. Thomas. ! Second Tueøday " Ell. Redman.... .. A, J. Clark 
31i2 .Granlte............ Parry Sound Wednellday on or before f. m. .. ,V. McGowan... .. ChM. Clarke 
353 Excelsior.......... Oolborne .... First Wednesday W. L. Payne.... "J. Boyer 
3M .Brock....... ...... Cannington. Wedneøday on or befol'8 f. m. " II. Wibon . . . . .. E. Sandison 
856 .River Park ..... Streetsville.. Tnesday on or before r. moon " G. H. Falconer. "J. W. Rolls 
357 Waterdown ...... Waterdown.. Tneflday on or before f. moon" .. J..\nderson,MD .. A.M. Robson 
358 .Delaware Valley Delaware.... Friday on or before f. moon" J. D. Reily,... .. H. C. Oarnett 
359 .Vittoria. .........1 Vlttoria ...... Friday on or before f. moon" D. W. MrColl... .. J. W Stitt 
860 IMuøkoka ......... \ BraCebridge. Tueøday on or beforef. moon "Rich. Mills...... "Wm. Simmonll 
361 I.Waverley......... Guelph ...... Fourth Tnesday :: A. J. Little .... "R. C. Ch'ise 
862 1.}laple Leaf ...... Tara. ......... Monday on or before f. moon Z. Williamson. "A. 
363 I*Frontenac.. ...... Cataraqul .... Tuesday on or before f. moon "J. II. Berry..... U J. L. IIayc9ck 
3M .Dnff
rin.. .h...... I 
Ielbourne... Wednesday on or before ro. m. "D.A. SInclair... "A. Carruthers 
366 .*EucUd ............I Strathroy ... Thurllday before r. moon " .. G. :\lcBeth .... "R. S. McGowan 
367 8t, George.. ...... Toronto ...... First Friday It.. W. J. Gay...... "Wm. B"11 
368 .Salem...............IBrockvIlle... Second Mond"y ".. J. A. Stayner. "P. W. D. Broderkk 
869 .Mimlco. .........ILambton .... Tueøday before f. moon J. D. Evanll. ... .. J. M. Cotton, M.D. 
870 I Harmony ...... ".1 Delta h........ Wednesday on or after f.m. O. Brown ....... .. A. Stevens 
371 .Prlnce of Walell Ottawa. ...... Second Thursday .. W. Northwood. "J. J. Mulligan 
372 .Palmer............1 Victoria ...... Tueøday on or after f. m " AIr. Hurrell.... "Wm. Thompson 
373 ,.COpestone. ...... WeIland...... Flrllt Tbnrød"y " I. P. Willlon.... .. W. G. S,'werville 
374 ,.Keene. ............ 1 Keene......... Thurlldayon or bef. r. moon J.!I. S,"aw.M.D "K. Mark 
876 ,.Lorne. ............ Omt'mee...... Flrllt Thnrlldav ChM. Cornpl1... .. J. A. Calder 
"76 ,.Unlty............. Huntsville. First WedneRday B. G. Beattie... .. C. P

1888. ] 



877 -Lorne. ............ Shelburne "'j Wednesday afh'r f. m. cvery mo.,W.Br. F. A. Campbell. "AJex; Smith 
378 .Klng Solomon'" Petersvllle... Third Wednellday .." Wm. Duff. ...... "Wm. Nich01l11 
8'19 .Mld(Ueøex. ...... Bryanston ... , Wednellday on or before r. m. " "D.McPherllon... I " J. NicholfOn 
1180 .UnIoa"............. London ...... Second Monday "" A. C. Stewart... I " Geo. Hampton 
382 Dorie. ............... 1 Hamilton. ...jThird Monday " Jas. Cheyne..., I " C. V. Emory, M.D. 
383 .Henderson ....., W.Wlnches'r Fine Tuellday Arch. Tripp .... "E. L. White 
384 .Alpha............. Parkdale.... FirlltThurllday J.E. Verral .... "W.C.Bedelome 
385 .SJlry .............. Beeton ....... Wednelldayon or after f. m." O. N. Clark.... .. W. H. Hammell 
386 *lIcColl ............ West Lorne. Wednegday after rull moon" P. Stalker ....... "Ja8. Hind 
387 Lansdown ......... Lansdowne. Thnrøday on or before f. m. " .. Chaø. Stewart. "Rev. S. Tighe 
38S BeDder.on. ...... Ilderton...... 
Ionday on or bofore f. moon" "J. D. O'Neil.... "Tho!. OUTer 
3SQ -CrJ'sthl Fount'n N. Augusta. Wednesday on or before f. m." "J. H. McCully. "R. H. HalladllY 
890 r' Florence '........ 1 Florence...... Thnrøday on or before f. moon" "W. E. Morton. "I. Unsworth 
891 *Howard .......... Ridgetown''' j MOnda y on or before f. m. .. "D. Cochran.... "R. W. Yonngll 
392 *Huron... ......... I Camlachie... Wednellday on or after f. m.' John Ferguson "J. K. Cairns 
393 Forest.. ............ Chesley ...... I First Tuellaay "Geo. KnowlEon "J. M. Stewart. MD 
89t King Solomon... Thamehford. Wedneøday on or after f. moon" J. D. McNee.... "E. A. Dundas 
395 Parvaim............ Comber ...... Thursday on or before f. m." W.A. McIntOllh "C. L. M('Dermott 
396 *Cedar ............. wiarton...... I 'Tuesda y on or before f. moon" "H. w. Hickll....1 " F. S. J"nnlngs 
897 -Leopold. ......... Brigden ...... Tuesday on or after f. moon "F.R.
eagar,M.D "W. Manley 
398 Victoria.. ......... VictoriaRoad Second Tuesday A. Patf'rson .... "L. Matchett 
399 rtloffat.. ............ HarriptRvdle l Wodnesda y on or befor f. m. :: Rich. TholLali. II F. Kunz 
too -OakvUle ... ...... Oakvllle .... Tuesday on or before r. moou Jas. An1rew... "Henr)' Wilton 
401 *Cralg............... Delleronto ...1 First Tuesday G. Clinton,M.D. "W. Ð. McRae 
402 *Ceptral............ Es
ex Centre I ' Wednesday on or before f. m. " Wm. Chnrch... :: John Dewa
403 .WIDdilor.......... Wmdsor...... Second Wednesday G.o. Adams ... G. P. Van SIckle 
-lOt Lorne ............... Tamworth . 'Third Tuesday G
f.Rir.hardson "J. F. Sherman 
-105 .Mattawa.......... 
IRttawa.. ..1 First Tuell!day "W. Hogarth ... "C. P. Westgage 
406 .The Spry...... FenelonFaHs' First Friday "Alex. S. Hart... "F. :PtlcDougall 
407 'Manitoulin..... Gore Bay... Monday on or after f. moon J. Johnllton . ... "J. M. Fraser 
408 Murray...... .... Beaverton... i First Wednesday " A. P. Cockburn "J. Leelie 
t09 *Golden Rule.... Gravenhurst Monday On or before r. moou Wm. B. Irving. "Geo. Toleu 
no .Zeta........... Parkdale. "' 1 Fourth Thurlday C. F. Manøell... "W. L. Weatherly 
tll Rodney........ Rodney.... Thnnelay on or before f. m. " T W Kirkpatr'k "Wm. Morris 
.u2 KeYlltone ...... S'ltSte :\-Iar'el Tuesday on or before f. moon" "E. BiglZins ...... "R. H. Carney 
.u3 Napthali ....,. TllburyC'ntr Tueldayon or before f. moon" "w. E. Bottomll. 
U-t Pequonglt...... Rat Portage. I ' \'Vedneøelay on or before f m. " A.Carmlchael... .. J. K. Bryden 
tI5 Fort William.... Ft. William. Wedneeday on or before f. m. W.B-Carpenter "F. C. Perry 
-H6 Lyn. .............. Lyn........ Tuesday on or after f. moon N. H. Fields ." 1 " C. M. Taylor 
U7 Keewatln ......... K'watln 1\l'ls First Friday "" J. A. Warr,.n... .. R. A. Mather 
U.D. 1 Maxvllle .......... Maxville ....jSecond Friday "" S. Henry...,... 
U.D. Point Edward ... Point Ed'ard :;Zecond 
Iondav J. !tlcIntyre .. 
The Gralul Chapter of Royal Arch nIasons of Canada. 
M. E.Comp. R. Hendry,jr,Kingston, Gr.z. } R. E. Compo J. S. Dewar, London. Grand Scribe N. 
R. E. " R.B.Hnngerford,London," H. Gr'dConncil. " "J. Nettleton, Collingwood, " Prine Sojour. 
" "J. J. )Iason, Hamilton " J. " E. Mitchell, Hamilton, "Treasurer. 
" ." T.C Macnabb,Chatham, Or. Sup. St. Clair Dis. " T. McCarroll, Mearord, ,. Regiøtrar. 
E. Bnrke, London, "London" V. E. 1'01. Houswn, Chatham, "1st Asst. Soj. 
C. L. Beard, Woodstock, " Wilson " W. E. IdFludi. St. Thûms8, " 2nd" " 
H. Lot:kwood, Guelph, Wellingt'n" " J. Sntherland, Woodstock, " Sword Bearer 
" Hugh Murray. Hamilton," Hamilton" " HUlI;h Walker, Guelph, "1\las. 01 Yell,. 
" Joseph Beck, Sß1tford, "Huron " J. E. Harrison, Milton, "Stand. Bearer 
J. M. Dunn, Weiland, Niagara " M. Eacrett, Aylmer, " Dir.ofCer. 
.. J. H. Widdlfleld, Newmk't, " Toronto" " "A. G. Horwood, Toronto, ,. Organist. 
" D. McNaughton. Cobourg," Ontario " " J. B. Hav, Toronto, " Pnrlluivant. 
J. J. Farlel', Belleville, P. Edw'd " R. J. Winch. Cobourg, } 
Geo. Gale. Broekvi11e, Cf'ntral" G. H. Pope, Rf'lIeville, "Stewards. 
" John Leslie. Winnipeg, ]\.[anitoba "" T. Wilkinson, Brol'kYille, 
" Y. Bramwell. Melbourne " Australian"" E. Smith. Port Colborne, 
David McLellan, Hamilton, Granel Scribe E. J. H. Pritchard, Toronto, "Janitor. 
&presentatives near the Grand ChapUT of Canada frmn Fareign Grand ChapUT,. 
Alabama,......R. E. Comp.lEaac F. Tom8...... Goderlch. N. Brunøwick,R. E. Compo 
Arkanll88 " " John McLareu ... Orangevllle. N.Hampøhlre," " John S. Dewar .... Hamilton. 
California, }I.E." Hen. 
facpherson, Owen Sound. New Jeney, M. E. " Daniel Spry....... Barrie. 
Colorado, " L. H. Henderson. BelleviJle. Nevada, R.E." J. J. Mason. ...... Hamilton. 
Connecticnt, Donald R0811....... Picton. New York," H. Robertllon...... Collingwood. 
Dakota, R. E. " R. B. Hungerford. London. N. Carolina, James Wilson .... Toronto. 
Delaware, .. T. C. Macnabb ... Chatham. Nova Scotia, "R Hendry,Jun... Kingston. 
Dlst.orColum., " " H. Robertson...... Collingwood. Ohio, V.E." H. A. Mackay...... Berlin. 
Florida, "" James Moffat....... London. Oreg
n, R. Eo. " R. J.. Hovenden... Toronto.. 
Georgia, "" D. McLellan ...... Hamilton. PennRylvanla," Donald McPhie... Hamilton. 
Illinois, " Wm. Forbes. ...... Oriml'by. Quebec, M. E. " Daniel Spry. ...... Barrie. 
Indiana, M.E." .James Seymour... St.Catharines. Rhode bland, R. E. " J. B Trayell ...... Port Hope. 
Inwa, " James Seymonr... St.Catharines. S. Carolina, M. E. .. C. D. Macdonald. Peterboro'. 
Kansß8, R. F:. " J. 1'01. Gibson ...... I1amllton. Tennes@88, R. E." Wm. Gibson. ...... Beamaville. 
Kentucky, }I. E." T. Sargant ......... Toronto. Texa8, R. Brierley......... Hamilton. 
Louisiana, R. E. " Edward Mitchell, llamllton. Vermont, Ja8. B. Nixon...... Toronto. 

Ialne. Virginia, A. Patterllon ...... Toronto. 
Maryland, R. L. Patterson... Toronto. WuhingtonT. E. " Hu
h Murray.... llamlaon. 
lIassachofetts. U " J. A. Henderson... Kingston. W. Virginia 
I. E. ., 8. B. Harman...... Toronto. 
." F. J. 
lenetu........ Toronto. Wisconsin, R. E. " Gavin Stewart.... Hamilton. 
MtI!l818lippi, R. E." llenry Robertson" Collingwood. Scotland, J. K. Kerr ......... Toronto. 
Mls8ourl, ,'" W.J.B.l\lcL.Moore Pre
cott. Or.Mark L'geof 
Nebraøka, .. " J. R. Robertson... Toronto. Eng.&Wales. M.E. " Jail. Seymour...... St.Catbarlneø 







[ 1888. 

Reprumtativu near Fbreign Grand Chapler3from th
 Grand (Jhap
r of Canada. 

Alabama ......... E.Comp.J. H. Johnson .... Talladega. 
Arkansas, II.. G.L.Kimball .'.... Dardanelle. 
California, M. II N. W. Spanlding.. Oakland. 
Colorado, .." L. N. Greenleaf ... Denver. 
Connecticut, "W. R. Higby...... Bridgeport. 
Dakota, M. " " Wm. Blatt. . . .. .. Yankton. 
Delaware, "" G. F. Young ..._ Wilmington. 
Dlst. Colum.,M." J. S. McCoy, M.D., Walhlngton. 
I'lorida, M. " R. J. Perry......... Key Wellt. 
Georgia, M. I. W. A. Graham.... Fort Gaines. 
Illinoiø, " A.rch. McLellan... Chicago. 
Indiana, " E. L. McLallan ... Colum. City. 
Iowa, "J. W. Wilson ...... Ne"ton. 
Ireland, J. H. Neilson ...... Dublin. 
Kansas, M. " Jacob De Witt. .. Salina 
Kentucky, M." H. R. French...... Mt. Sterling. 
LouillianB, R." " And. Hero,jun... New Orleans. 
Maine, M. " II A. J. Fuller. ...... Bath. 
Maryland, "'" J. M. Carter. ...... Baltimore. 
MU8&chus'ts, R. " Edwin Wright.... Boston. 
Minnesota, R. " O. G. Miller....... St. Paul. 
Mississippi, M." A. H. Barkley.... Crawfordsville 
MlsllOurl, R. " M. A. Fyke......... Clinton. 
Nebraska, " F. H. Young. ...... CUiòter. 

N. Brun'ck, E.Comp. ................. 
N.Hampsh'e, R." II A. W. Bakar ...... Lebanon. 
New Jerlley, M." " W. 8. McIlhaney. New York. 
Nevada, R. " S. W. Chubbuck... Gold Hill. 
New York, R. " H. G. Hopkins.... Willard. 
N. Carolina," C. C. Clarke ....... New Ber-ne. 
Nova Scotia, L. F. Darling ...... Halifax. 
Ohio, R. " C. A. Woodward.. C1.e1'llIand. 
Oregon, " Donald McKay... Portland. 
Pennsylv'ia, R." T. R. Pl\tton ...... Philadelphia. 
Quebec, R. " Thomas Milton ... Montreal. 
Rh. bland, R." W. R. Greene...... Providence. 
S. Carolina, " J.M Bratten, M.D, YorkvUle. 
Tennellsee, E. Edmondson.... Pulallkl. 
Texall, Henry Schermlll. Houston. 
Vermont, P." Wm. Brinlmaid... Burlington. 
Virginia, 1\1. " " G. W. Dame....... Danville. 
Wuh'gton T. Jlrl. " " A. McCalley. . . .. Walla Walla. 
Wisconsin, M. " R. D. Pnlford...... Mineral P'nt. 
W. Virginia, R." Frank Johnson... Wheeling. 
Scotland. R. " Earl of Kintore ... Carlton Club, 
Gr.MarkL'geof Lon., Eng. 
Eng.&Wales,M." Fred. Binekes.... London, Enp:. 


1 Anc.FrontenRC Kingston.........C!Third Wednesday of every month ......... S. Angrove ....... W. S. Smyth 
2 The Hiram ... Hamilton ......H 1 FirS' Mondayev. m.exoeptJuly &: Aug. H. Sweetman .......10. S. Hillman 
8 St. John's.. ... London, ..... ...L Third Wednfllday In every month ..... Alex. McQueen. ...,John Siddons 
4 St.And.&:St.J.. Toronto .........T Third Friday ofevery month ............... Wm. Simpson ...... Wm. Medland 
6 St. George's... London .........L Third Tueøday In e1'llry month........ A. B. Munson ...... \ C. C. Reed 
6 St. John's ...... Hamilton ......nI2nd Thursday ev. m. excep' Jnly &: Aug E. Mitchell....... W. F. McGivern 
7 Moira ............ BeIl6ville......P.E, Flrllt Tuellday of every month............... J. J. Farley. ......... P. C. Jones 
8 K.Solomon's. Toronto .........TlFirstWednesday of every month........ J. H. Knlfton .... R.Oll
16 Wawanosh .... Sunia ............L,Seoond Friday la Jan. April, July &: Oct. ,James Woods.... . \ 'C. B. Johnllton 
16 Carleton......... Ott&wa......... ...C I Third Thursday of e...ery month............. David Taylor. ...... W. G.S. Reynolds 
18 ' Oxford .......... Woodstock.... W I Twrd Friday of every month ............... James Sntherland. James Wilson 
19 Mount Moriah. St. Catharinel. N Friday on or before f. moon of eVe month C. G. McDermott... Levi Yale 
:00 Mount Horeb. Brantfurd ...... W First Wednesday of every month ......... Wm. WaU, Jun. . .. David Curtis 
22 Grenville ...... Prescott .........0 Second Tuelday in every month. . ... ... John Francis.... ... 1 M. Dowsley 
23 Ezra ............. Simcoe .........W I Second Wednesday of every month ...... .................. 

 Tecumseh ...... Stratford ......HN Lalit Tuesday of every month ............... A. J4':. Ahrens ..... . 1 1. Baker 
26 St. Mark's...... I Trenton ......P.R Second Wedne
dayofeverymonth ...... ........................... 
r. Manitou......... Collingwood ...T I FlCllt 1!'rJday of every month ............... John Nettleton .... James Lindaay 
28 Pentalpha ...... Oshawa. .........0 Second Friday ofevery month ............ L. K. Murton ...... I S. S. Edsall 
29 McCallum...... DunnvUle.......N Friday on oraft.f.moon .......... ...... T.J.Galbralth .... L. A.Conll;don 
SO Huron .......... Goderich .....IIN Third TUellday of every month ............ James Green....., H. W. Ball 
81 Prince Edward Picton .........p.E ! Monda y on or after f. moon .................. H. Welbankll ...... Donald Ross 
32 Waterloo ...... Galt ............WN SIoeond Monday of every month..... ....... G. V. J. Greenhill. J. M. Hood 
S4 Sil1;net............ Barrie ............T Second Tnelday of every month............ GeorKe Monkman. R. R. Holt 
35 I Keystone ....... Whi'by .........0 Third Friday of every month ............... W. R. Howse...... J. H. Addison 
36 Corinthian .... Peterboro' .. ..O:Thirll Tuesday of every month ............ B. Shortly....... . j ChU' Cameron 
37 I Victoria ......... Port Hope ......0 Second Thursday of every month ......... G. B. Salter ...... W. B. Wallace 
38 Seymonr ...... Bradford...... T Friday on or before f. m. of every month... .................. 
-10 Guelph ......... Guelph...... WN Second Friday of every month. ............ Walter Clarke. ... W. Gibson 
-Ii Harris ......... I InW!rsoll.....W First Tuesday afterf. m.ofevery month. C. II. Slawson .... W.A. Woolson 
-14 :'flount SinaL.. Napanee ......P.E Wednesday afterf. moon ................... J. Walters....... .'Jas. Aylsworth 
45 Excelsior ....../COlborne......O First Thursday ofenry month ............ ........................... 
46 Rt. Jamell ......, St. Mary's .... HN Second Wedneilday of every month ...... ........................... 
47 I Wellington.... Chatham .... ST.C' I Second 'rhnrsday of every month. ......... ThomlU! ScuUard... Jamcs Birch 
 St. John's ...... L Cobourg .........0 Friday on or bef.f. moon of eVe month... D, McNaughton.... J. G. Orr 
49 "llora. n ......... Elora. ......... WN Wednesday on or after I. m. of eVe month A. Spaldinjl ...... W. Gay 
 Prince Rupert Winnipeg.... ...M I First Thursday of evel'y month............. Wm. G. Bell ......... D. Hope 
63 Hruce ............ Petrolia .....,... L First Thursday In each month. ... .......... Robert Scott ......... James W. Ford 
f.i Palestine...... St. Thomas ...... L Second Thnrsday in the month ............ A. N. Pettit ......... W.E.ldsardi,Aet. 
65 Niagara...... Niagara. .....N Thursday after fnU moon..................... Robert Best. ......... J. G. Rousseau 
..... Owen Sound ...TIThlrd Tuesday of every month.. ........ Samuel Lloyd.... Ewing Cameron 
51 Kmg HIram... Pt. Colborne ...N First Thul"8day of every month ............ J. B. Neff. ...... ...... Charles Lugsdin 
5'S I Pembroke ...... Pembroke ......C I First Monday of every month............... J. H. Burritt ...... 
59 Sussex. ......... Brockville ......C Friday on or bef. f. moon of every month George Gale...... C.H.Fitzslmmons 
60 Doric. ... ... ...... N ewmarket. . ... T I First Wednesday in month. ...... ... ...... ... / Thomas Ratcliffe... W. A. Kwln
61 Granite.......... Almonte .........C Second Monday of every month............ J. H. Thrall...... Ralph Hill 
62 I York ............ Eglington ...... T Thursday on or after fnIl moon............. John M. Carter.... J. E. Hopkinp:8 
63 ,Havelock ...... Kincardine ...HN Third Thursday in each month............. B. Freer ............... J. S. Greenh1ll 
6-1 I Willson ......... Weiland .........N 1'88t Wednesday of e...ery month. ......... I. P. WiIlllon...... M. W. Bridll;man 
65 St. Paul's .... Toronto .........T Second Wednesday of every month...... W, H. Best .......... Jamell Hewlett 
66 ' The l\laIloch... Clinton. .......HN Friday before f. moon of every month... A. Worthiugton ... W. F. Murray 
67 Enterprille...... Ilarrlston ... WN First Tuesday of every month............... ........................... 
Ialtland. ...... N. Augusta....C ThIrd Thurs. in Mar., June, Sept. &: Dec. A. T. Dunn. ......... J. Chapman 
119 Orimsby......... Grimsby.........N F. Wed. in July.,Sep.,Nov.,Jan.,l\-Iar ,MaYlE. E. L0081ey ..... Wm. Forbes 
70 ,Grand River... Berlin ......... WN Mondav on or before f. moon..... .......IJ. M. Scully...... Alex. Miller 
a 1 Princeof Wales Amherstb'g .ST.C First Wednesday on or before f. moon... George Gott ....... George Green 




-73 Erie....... ...... Ridgetown...8T.C Wedneøday on or before full mo,m......... .................. 
74 Beaver.......... Strsthroy .......L Second Tueød&y of every month............ .................. 
15 St. Clair......... Milton ..........H Second Wedn8lldayof81'.alternatemonth J. K Harrison.... .. W. H. M
16 I Mount Nebo... Niagara Falls 8. N Friday on or before f. m. ore very month .James MeGarry... George Hyatt 
17 I Occident......... Toronto ......... T Second Monday of every month............ 'J. Hetherington ... R. OgIlvie 
18 MinnewAwa ... Park Hill ....... L Third Monday of every month. ............1..... . . .. ....... .. . 
 Orient...... ...... Toronto ......... T Fourth Thursday of every month ......... .J. K. Lellie. ........ F. H. Anderlon 
80 Ark............... Windsor ....ST. C Second Monday In each month ............ I Thos. McGregor.... W. H. Miner 
81 Aylmer ......... Aylmer. .........L Friday on or after f. moon ofeT. month. 8.8. Clutton... ... C. C. Miller 
82 'Shuniah......... P.A.Landlng. HN Friday on or before full moon............... R. E. Mitchell..... W. G. Smith 
83 I Ionic . ............ Orangeville... WN Tuesday after full moon of every month. John C. Fox...... John 
8-1 " Lebanon. ...... Wingham ....HN First Wedneøday of every month. ......... ............. ....... 
Sõ Exeter. ......... Exeter.. .....HN First Tuesday of every month.. ............ M. Eacrett ........ C. Senior 
86 l M6CPherllOn ... Meaford ......... T Second Thnrsday of each month............ D. Bole...... ....... H. McDonald 
87 Wentworth ... Dundas .........H / Tuesda y on or before full moon ............ F. Bennett........ F, A. LaÚ!haw 
88 I\lacnabb. ...... Dresden... ST. C Second Wednellday aft. r. m. ofeT. month. .... ............. 
90 Golden...... . j Rat Portage ...1\1 Third Tnellday of every month. ........... David T. FergnllOn. J. K. Brydon 
91 Antiquity...... Parkdale...... T Second Tuesday orevery mouth............ T W. Todd. ......... M. M3clsod 
 I Spry ......:...... Alliston ......... T I Friday on or before f. m. of every month T. 8. Patterson. ... T. W. Howard 
9", I MetropolItan. Melbourne. Aus. 1st }I. In Jan. Mar. May,July,Sep. &: Nov. Tholl. '\fain.... .... Y. Brsmwell 
9-1 ,Midland....... Lindsay..... ...0 Se"cnd Friday ofevel".8 month... .. .. .... I J. W Wallace....... 
NOTB.-The capital Jetters on the right of .. where held" column Jndlcate the Beveral Districts, vlz. :-ST. C, St. 
Clair; L., London; W., Wllllon; WN., Wellington; H., Hamuton: HN., Huron; N.. Niagara; T., Toronto; 0., 
Ontario; P. E., PrIDl
8 Edward; C., Central; N. B., New Brunllwick: M., Manitoba. 



Address oj the O.fJìurs oj the Grand Lodge of Ontario for the year ending Áugust, 1888. 
J. R. Reid, Brockville, Grand Master. Wm. !tlacDiannid, Lucan, Grand Representative. 
E. R. Robinson, London, Deputy Grand 1laster. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe. Toronto, Grand Marshal. 
R: W. Bell. Peterboro', Gmnd Warden. Richard Brockhank, Paris, Grand Conductor. 
J. B. King, Toronto, Graml Secretary. A. Jordan, Prescott, Grand Guardian. 
Wm. Badenach, Toronto, Grand Treasurer. G. T. BiCkle, Cobourg, Grand Herald. 
CL T. Campbell, London. Grand ReprMt'ntative. Hev. J. H. Simpson, Brucefield, Grand Chaplain. 



rm' l l LODGE. I NO.! LOCATION. I OF =


 g Brockville...... Tuesday -- I Fer9us .......... 73 Fergus ........ Tuesday 
C u a n t l .a o r n a'l . . U . i . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . I 10 Kin
ton ...... Tuesday Hotmvell ........ ' I 74 Bothwell ...... Tuesday 
16, St. Catharines .. 110nday Warriner ........ 75 Port Perry .... Monday 
Phænix .......... 22 Oshawa ........ 110nday I St. Thomas ...... 76 St. Thomas.... Wednesday 
Ro,>e ............ 28 Amherstburg .. Wednesday o.xford.. __...... 77 Ingersoll ...... )Ionda)" 
Chatham ........ 29 Chatham ...... Tuesday Durham.. .. .. .. _. i8 Port Hope.. .. .. Tuesday 
Eureka . - .. .. .. .. 3u London.... _ .. Tuesday Nipissing ........ 79 Uxbridge ...... Thursday 
Elgin ............ 32 St. Thomas .... Thursday Amity............ 80 Prescott........ Thursday 
Erie ......... . .. 33 Pt. Burwell .... Thursday Bellevillé ........ 81 Belleville ...... Thm sday 
Gore ............ 34, Brantford .. .. .. 110mlay Beaver .......... 82 Ruthven ...... Tuesday 
Samaritan.. ......1 35 Ingersoll ...... Wednesday Clinton .......... 8;$ Clinton ........ Tuesday 
St. Mary's.. .. .... 36 St. }Iary's .. .... Tues{lay Walkerton.. .. .... 84 Walkerton...... Friday 
Forest City ...... I 38 London .. .. .. .. }Ionday Constellation .... 85 Burgessville .. .. Tuesday 
Rond Eau .. .. .. .. I 40' Blenheim ...... Friday Napanee ........ 86 Napanee ...... Tuesday 
Avon ............' 41, Stratford ... _ .. , Wednesday Empire .......... 87 St. Catharines.. Thursday 
ExcelsIOr ........ 14 Hamilton ... ... Thursday Olive Branch . .. 88 Woodstock .... Monday 
Frontier...... 45 windsor........ l wednesday Reliance ........ 89 Guelph ........ Monday 
:'oft. Zion ... . . ... 46 Newbury ...... Thursday Ivy.. .. .. .. .. .... 90 Park Hill ...... Thursday 
Unity............ 47 Hamilton ...... , WedneSday G
andRiver....;. 91 P
ris .......... Thursday 
Dominion.. .. .. .. 4
 London .. .. . . .. Wednesday }hlton.. .. .. .. . . 92 Milton ........ Tuesday 
Canada .......... 49 Toronto.. . . .. .. Friday Western City .... 93 Chatham ...... I }Ionday 
Otter ............ 50 I Tilsonburg ... .' 1 .\Ionday Aylmer .......... 9-1 Aylmer ........ Tuesday 
Bio;sell .......... 51 }IitcheIl........ Friday P'?rt Stanley.. .... 95 Port Stanley.. .. , }Ionday 
Covenant........ 52 Toronto........ TUesday Nlth ............ 96 Xew Hamburg. Thursday 
Ki?-gara Falls .... 53 Clifton ........ Tuesday Grand Union .,.. 97 Berlin.. .. .. .. .. Fdday 
Collingwood.. .... 54 Collingwood.... Thursday 
linto .. .. .. .. .... 98 Harriston .... .. , Fdday 
Fidelit y .......... 1 55 Seaforth........ Wednesday Lindsay.......... 100 Lindsay........ Monday 
Queen City of Onto 56 I Toronto ...... '. I )IOnda Y Golden Star ...... 101 Brampton...... Thursday 
!lIaple Leaf ...... 57/0rangeville.... Thursday Dosoronto.. .. .... 102 :\IilI Point.. .. .. I Wednesday 
}!?ward.......... 58IS
rathroy...... W
dnesday Cataract........ 103 Drummondville. J Thursday 
Kmgston ........ 591Kmgston ......,Frlday Cres
ent ........ 104 Hamiltun ...... Friday 
d:;v!lle ...... 60 , wardsville .... , Alter.l\IODllay ì\lanil
 ..........105 !tI3:nilla ........ 1\[onday 
Connthlan ...... 61 Oshawa .. .. .. .. Thursday St. Clair.. .. .. . . .. 106 Pomt Edward.. Thmsday 
Huron .......... 62 j GOderiCh ...... 'l'hursday' Waterloo ........1107 Galt .......... !lIonday 

rrie:. .. .. . . . ... 63 Barri.e.... .. .. .. : }[onday Ro
-al Oak. . .. .. .. 108 Forest ........ Monday 

 lctor16 .. .. .. .... 64 Hamilton -.. .. I Tuesday OrIOn.. .. .. .. . . .. 1(19 Georgetown .. .. }Ionday 
Friendship ...... 65 Petrolia.. .. . _ .. Friday Laurel ........,. 110 Toronto.... .. .. :\Ionday 
FlorelJce Night'g'le 66 Bowmanville .. Wednesday Peterboro'........ 111 Petcl.boro...... . I Thurs
Exeter ....... . .. 67 Exeter ........ Tuesday Lucknow ........ II:! T.llcknow ...... 1st Fri. In mo. 
N,)rth Star ...... 68 Stayner .. . . .... Friday Trenton .. .. .. . ... 1131 Trenton.. . . .. .. 
Hope ............ 69 Harrietsville.... Saturday Gananoqlle .... .. 1 1l4'Gananoque .... Wednesday 
Lupan.. .. .. .. .... 70 Lucan _ . .. .. .... Tuesday llann
>ny ..... .. 1151 Brantford .... .. I Tuesday 
oronto...... 7
>nto........ Wc?nesday NaomI :..... ... ll
 Markham ...... }Ionday 
E.!".rnStar...... 1z; Whitby........ Tuesday Valley City ...... llllDundas ........ Wednesday 
[ 121 1 


[18ö '5. 




--- --- -- --.- 
11aitland . . . . . . . .. 119 Wingham ...... Thursllay 
Sydenham Valley. 120, Wallace burg. ... Friday 
Saxon ........... 1211Ailsa Craig..... Wednesday 
Streetsville. .. .. '. 122, Streetsville. .... Friday 
Palmerston no..... 123 1 Palmerston. .. .. Thursday 
Dresden ......... 124 Dresden.. .. .. .. ,!llonday 
Stella.. . . " .. .. .. 125, Carleton Place.. Tuestlay 
Samia .. .. . . . . . '. 126 Sarnia ..... .. .. Tuesday 
IIliz}Jah. . . " .. .. .. 127; Belleville. .. .... Monday 
Mystic. .. . . .. .... 128, Kilbride ....... Monday 
Livingstone...... 130 I Thorold ........ Tu
MarlOn... .. ...... 131 ,Renfrew ...... .. Fnday 
Oakville.. . . .. .... 132, Oak,'ille.. " . ... Monday 
ncoe .... .. .. " 133,Glencoe ........ Wednesday 
Orient ........... 134 1 Weiland.. .. .... Tnesllay 
Peaceful Dove.. " 135 Cannington. . . .. Thursday 
Çobourg.......... 136ICobour
........ Friday 
St. Lawrence. .... 137 Brocknlle...... Monday 
Ancaster....... ..,138 Ancaster....... Monday 
Garnet. . . '. . . .. .. 139 110unt Forest .. Tuesday 
Leamington .. .. .. 1 1 140 Leamingtor. .... Thursday 
Concord.. '. .. .. " 142 KingsvilIe.. . . .. Friday 
Bay of Quinte .... 143 Pieton ... . . .. .. Wednesday 

etown ....... :144JRidge
own ..... Wednesday 
VIvian. .. .. '. .. . . I 146 I Arnpnor . .. .. .. Tuesday 
Mudel.. .. .. .. .. .. 147 Wyoming...... Alter. :Monday 
Anrora ....... ...,148,Aurora.......... Tuesday 
Western Star. .... 149 l BrusselS . .. .. .. Thursday 
Bertie.. .. ... . .. .. 150 Ridgeway ...... Monday 
Sycamore ........1151 Arkona ........ Tuesday 
Hayllen ...........1152 Norwich ......, Friday 
Wildey. .. .. .. .. .. ' 153 Granton.. .' .. .. Wednesday 
Alpha.. .. .. .... .. 154 1 Almonte. .. .... Monday 
am .......; 155 Brougham.,.... Thursday 
'rallll(l ..... .. '. 156 Newmarket .... Tuesday 
Thamesvllle ..... . 1 11571 Thamesville .... Thursday 
Prollress ......... 158 I GueIPh...,..... Thursday 
Oak r.eaf... .. .. .. 159 Hamilton ...... Tuesday 
Listowel . '. .... " '160, Listowel . .. .. .. Tuesday 
Simcoe. .. .. .. .. . . '161, Simcoe. .. .. .. .. Friday 
Orienta .. .. . . .. " '163 Cornwall. .. .. .. Monday 
Romeo........... 164 Stratfurd....... Tuesday 
Beethoven.. . . . . . . '165 Brooklin ... . . .. Friday 
Hillsbnrgh . .. .. " 167 Hillsburg .. . . .. FridaJ' 
Sutton. .. . , .. .... 168 Sutton.. .. .. ... Monday 
Grey. .. .. .. .. .... 169 Durham.. .. .... Monday 
Denovo ...... .... 170 Port Elgin..... Thursday 
Alliston.......... 171 Alliston........ I<'riday 
Penetangore .. .. .. 172 Kincardine. .. .. Tuesday 
Emerald .. .. . . . .. 1173 Dum'ille . . . .. .. Tues(lay 
Dolman.. .. .. .. '. 174 Ayr.. .. .. .. .... W ('dnesrla
Lome............ 175 West Lorne .... Thnrsday 
Dauncey . '. .. .. 176 Thedford. .. .... Wednesday 
l\lontana ..... .. " 177, Wroxeter ...... Wednesday 
Wellington S'luare 178 Burlington. .... Monday 
Madoc ... '. .. .. .. 179 Madoc. .. .. . . .. Alter. Monday 
Owen Sound.. .. " 180 Owen Sound. . .. Thursday 
Ark.. .. . . .. .. .... 181 Springfield..... Thursday 
Tecumseth ....... 182 Otterville ...... Monday 
Teeswater.. .. .. .. 183 Teeswater.. .. .. Friday 
Gennama ........ l!i4 Waterloo... ... Thursday 
Live Oak.. . .. .. .. 185 Strabane . .. .... Alter. Wed. 
Dutferin.. '. . . .. . 186, Flesherton . .. .. Tuesday 
Cypress.. '. .. .. " 187 ßrallfor(l....... Mon(lay 
Cambridge . .. .. " 188 Preston .. . . .... Wednesday 
Parry Sound.. . . " 189 P arl'Y Sonnd.. .. l'tlonday 
Chorazin . .. . . .. .. 190 London East ... 1\londay 
Jarvis............ 191 Jarvis.......... Monday 
Howick .. '. .. .... 192 Gorrie...... .... Tucsday 



Victor....., '..,.. 193 St. I1lary.s...... Friday 
Albert ........... IH4 Toronto.. .. .... Friday 
Cicerone. .. .. .... 195 Woodville .. .... Tuesday 
Florence.. .. .. '.' 196 Florence... " .. Monday 
Minerva.. .. .. .. .. 197 Hamilton.. . . .. _-\lter. Frid.tV 
Britannia. .. . . .. .. 198 Bollill .. .. . . . .' Alter. Frid.iÿ 
Scotia. .. .. .. .. .., 199 Port Ro binsun. . Wednesday 
Weston........... 200 Weston ......,. Saturday 
B.eacon.. . .. ... ... 201 1 P<?rt Col borne.. W 
Sil vcr Stãr . . .. . .. 202 1\hl verton ...... FrIday 
Pembroke. . '. .. .. 203, Pem broke. . .. .. Tuesday 
Acton .. .. . . . . .... 204 Acton.. .. .. .... Friday 
Ahiram....,...... 205 Paisley....,.". Tuesday 
Silver City ....... 206, Tiverton ... .. .. Friday 
Egremont .. '. .. .. 207, A(lelaide ... . . .. Saturday 
vinston ........ 208,A
vinston...... Friday 
k . . . . . . . .. 2091 :r.hl1bank . . . .. .. W 
ucefield .. '. .. .. 210, Brucefieill. . .. .. Fnday 
LIly.. .... .... .... 211 N. Dorchester.. Tuesday 
Argyle........... 212 Napanee ....... Thursday 
Zéphyr .......... 213' Zephyr. .. .. .... W ednesd iy 
Clifford. .. .. .. . . .. 214 Clifford.... ,. .. Thursday 
Freestone .... . . .. 215 Beamsville . .. .. Tuesday 
Elmira........... 216 Elmira.. ...... Wednesday 
Mount Bryllges . .. 217 l\It. Brydges.. .. Alter. ThUl'S. 
Enterprise ....... 218 Es
 { Centre. .. Thursday 
Georgian Bay..... 219 Wd'!'l )aushene .. Thursday 
Woodslee ........ 220 South Wooùslec. l\Ionday 
Che3ley ........ ..1221 Chesley........ Friday 
Mount Elgin.. .. . .1222 Mount Elgin.... Tuesday 
Bensall .. .. .. .. .. 223 Hensall .. .. .... Wednesd.IY 
Ottawa .......... 224 Ottawa ........ Tuesday 
Norfolk...... .... 225 Port Dover .... Werlnesda,y 
Merlin .......... 226 l\lerlin ....... .. I Saturday 
II Sauble .......... 227 Tara......... ..ITuesday 
T nternational . . . .. 228 Fort Erie. .. . . . . , Thursday 
Embro Star....... 229 Embro...
. .... Tuesday 
Prince of Wales.. 230 Bl'ockton. ,..... Tuesday 
Elora ............ 231 Elora .. . . . . ... Thursday 
Equity. " . . .. .. .. 232 Hagarsville. .. .. W edneslÍay 
Hanover. .. .. .. .. 233 Hanover... .. .. I Wellnesd1.Y 
Ilderton ......... 234 Ilderton.. .. .. .. I Thursda v 
Waterforll .. .. .... 235 Waterford.. .. .. Thursdaÿ 
Acorn. . . : .. " .. .. 236 Camlachi
 .. . . .. Tuesday 
FarmersvIlle.. . . .. 237 FarmersvIlle.. . . 1 Wednesday 
Temple. .. .. '. .. .. 238 Penetanguishene Tues(lay 
Stirling .......... 239 Stirling .. .. .... Wednesllay 
Carleton ......,.. 240 Ottawa ... .... Thursl 1 ay 
Rideau .......... 241 Smith's Falls. .. ì\londay 
Wilton .......... 242 Toronto.. .. .... Tueslla \. 
Thornbury. .. .... 243 Thornbury..... Friday' 
Port Arthur ...... 244 Port Arthur.. .. ! WedneSll.IY 
ll?rytown.. .... 245 M,
ll?ryto\Vn.. . . Wednesday 
01'lll1a.. . . . . . . .. .. 246 OrIiIIl\.. . . . . .. . . I Tuesday 
GonIon... .. ...... 247 Palmerston... .. Wednesday 
Campbellford..... 248 CampbellfOld... Thursday 
Beaverton........ 249 Beaverton ..... l\londay 
Ridgely . . . .. . . ... 250 Oil Springs. . . .. Monday 
Bracebridge ...... 251 Bracebridgp, .... Wedncs(hy 
Floral........... 252 Parkdale....... Tuesday 
Caledonia . . . .' . .. 253 Caledonia .. . . .. Friday 
Alba ............ 254 Pakenham...... Thursday 
Tottenham ....... 255 Tottenham . . . . ./ Wednesday 
Grand Yalley..... 2.56 GraUlI Valley... Friday 
Credit. . . . . . . . . . .. 257 Erin.. . . . . . . ... Tuesday 
Thamesford. . . . . .. 258 Thamesford . .. Thursda
Lymlen. .. .. .. . . .. 259 Lynden .. . . . . ..1 
Menford .. .. .. .. .. 260 ì\leafonl.. . . . . . . 




J. B. King, Granll Ser., Office, No. 42 King St. East, Toronto. 



Victoria.. " .. . . .. .. .. " ., .. .. 
Oshawa .. " .. .. " . . . . '. .. .. . 
l\lay Qucen . . . 
NaomI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Our Sisters.......... . . .. .... 


London East. 
Point Edward. 



Bethnel ... ...... . 
T,ouise ....................... 
Pictou. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . 
Beatrice. . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. 








Alphabetically arranged, with their Po,t Office Addre.., exCtpt in a few in,tances where the return has bun made willa 
the name of the Congregation aUac/led. This, however, is generally the same as the addre6l. 
Tile Church of" England In Canada. 
The :\Iost Rev. John 1Iedloy, D.D., 1845, Bishop of Frederlcton, Metropolitan. 
Right Rev. G. Hills, D.D. ................ 1859 Columbia. Right Rev. Arthnr Sweatman, D.D... 18i9 Toronto. 
" "J. Travers Lewis, D.D. ... 1862 Ontario. '... A. W. Sillitoe. D.D......... 1879 N.Westminst'l' 
" J. W. Williams, D.D. ...... 1863 Quebec. W. Ridley, D.D ............. 1879 Caledonia. 
.. Robert :\tacbray, D.D...... 1865 Rupert'sLand 'I E. Sullivan, D.D. ......... 18R2 Algoma. 
Jobn IIorden, D.D..... . .. 1872 }Ioosonee. I "M. S. Baldwin, D.D. .... 1883 IIuron. 
Wm. C. Bompas, D.D....... 1874 Mal kenzie R'r R. Young, D.D.. . . .. . . .. 188-1 Athab8l!ka. 
Llewelyn Jone!!. D.D...... 18i8 NewfoundI'd. Hon. and Rt. Rev. A. Anl'lon, D.D... 1884 Qu' Appelle. 
Wm.ll. nond,LL.D......... 1879 
Iontreal. Right Rev. Charlf's IIamilton, D.D.. 1885 Niagara. 
Right Rev. W. C. Binkham, D.D., 1887, 
Rlgbt Rev. H. T. Kingdon, D.D., Coadjutor....... ............. 1881, Fredericton. 
DIOCESE OF MONT REA T.. Lariviere, D., B A. . . .. . . .. . }Iontreal Eames, J()(I., B A..... Barnøtún Corner 
Right Rev. W. B. Bond, LL.D., Larlyiere, V., M.A. ......St. H!a
in!he Foster, -!ohn, .JI.A..............Coaticoke 
Lord BisJwp (1879). LewIS, B. P., B.A.......... Chru;hevIlle Fotherg
ll,M.(St.P.,S.C.S. dS.) Quebec 
Very Rev. J. Carmlchael,D.O.L.,Dean. Lindsay, D., .Jl.A. (Ven. Ar.) Waterloo FothergIll, R. J. (Cur. St. P.)...Quebec 
Ven. R. Lonsdell. JJl.A., Archd. L
ndsay, R.,M.A.(St.Thomas)Montreal Faulconer, J ......... .........S Sylvester 
Ven. D. Lindsay, M.A., Archd. LlUdsay, J................... . Como Harding, G. T.. M.A......Sandy Beach 
Ven. Lewi" Evan!!, JJl..A, Archd. Lockhart. A. D..................Ormstown Hepbu\"D. J., M.A..................:\lagog 
Rev. W. Anderson. 1 Lockhart, R. C. E..... ....Terrebonne Hewton. R., B.A.......... New Ireland 
Rev. E. DuVemet, M.A. Longhurst, W. B..................Granby Jenkins. J. H.. .11..11...... Three River!! 
Rev. J. Ellegood, "'1..11. 
nsdell, R. "'l.A., (Yo Ar.) ...King
ey Judge, Arthur. .M.A...... .Cookshir@ 
Rev. W. Henderson, D.D. .Tlacfarlane. R. L.. B.A.......... LachIne Kemp, John. B.D................... Lf'ed" 
Rev, R. W. Norman, D.C.L. Hon fc:\lanus, E..... .. .Portall;e du Fort Ker, :\1., B.D. (Rttired)......... 
Rev..J. B. D
vldson, ltl.A. t Ca
 1 1
ek, H................ ......:Glen Sutton Lobley. A. ,J.. D.(;.L. (Cath.)... Quebee 
Rev. F. RobInson, M.A. .T IUS. W. L.,B.D.(R. 7'rin.).:\lontreal Lloyd, F. E. J...................Shlga'i1'ake 
Rev. .J. Empson, M.A. I 
Iontgomery. II. (R'red) Philip!!burp: l,yster,W.,B.A.(Rur. Dean) Cape Cove 
Rev. S. Belcher. doore, S.................,......... Montreal Psrk
r, G. II..................... Coll1.pton 
Rev. W. L. :\li11!!, B. D. Mus!!en, T. W., JJl.A. (Rect.). Farnham ParkIn. E. C................ Three RIver. 
Rev. T. W.l\lussen, M.A. J Naylor, W. H., B.A. (R.D.).Clarendon Petry. H.J., M.A. ........ ....... Quebec 
{ Bi.&hnp', Newnham. J. A., .Jl.A.........:\lontreal Re
d. P. C., M.A. (Bps. ctll.) Lenno:u. 
Rev. Canon Mills, B.D. &am'ng Norman, R. W.. D.C.L. ......Montreal Reld.C.P.,D.(;.L.(R.D.,Rt.)
Chaplain. Norton, .J. G., M.A.............Montreal Richard:!On, T. (St. Rzul's)......Quebe
Ven. Archd. Evans, M.A., Dom. Chap. Nye, II. W., M.A. (Reclor).....ßedford Richmond, J. P. ............ G8I!pé Basin 
Rev. Canon Empson, M.A., &c. Synod Pearse, L. B................... ......Aylwin Robertson. A. H...... .bland Broc k 
Abbott. C. P.................... ...Boøcobel Plaisted, II., AlA.......... River Desert Roe, H., D.D. (Bp,. Coil.). LennoxTille 
Acton. R.......................... Montreal Pyke. J.............................. Hudson Roe, P. ...........................Invernel'!! 
Allan, J. ............St. Vincent de Paul Ren
ud, J. F. (Recror) St. John'", QUI! Rlopf'l, S., N.D. ............... Val cartier 
Allen, A. A., .f/.A.....Portage du Fort n.obmson, F., M.A. ..........Abhotsford Scarth. A. C.. MA.......... Lennoxville 
Allen. F. A.. B.A.............Philfpøburg Robinson, W............... West Shefford Scott, G. F.. B.A....... Drummondvill" 
.-\nderson. W., (Reeror) ............Sorel ROKers, G., B.A. (Rtc.,St.L.).
lontrf'al, H. C, Louie 
Baltlwin. F..... ..........Papineauville Rolllt, John......................Montreal SmIth, F. A. .............New Liverpool 
Bancroft,C..jr.. JJI.A. .........Knowlton Roy, J........... .. . . ..........Sabr.evols Sykes. J. S.,............... .........Kiñgsey 
Ba} lis, J. G.. B.D. (Rector) Longueuil Fand!,rs, W.......... .. '. . . . Lachute Steven!!. A.. M.A ..... ............ ...IIatley 
Belcher. S. (RecloT).Point st. Charles Saphlr, E. J...............North Shefford T..mbs.R.C..l\I.A.RlviéreduLoupenbaA 
Borth wick, J.D. (St.Nary's) lIochelaga Scully, John .J. ................ Knowlton Thompson, I......... ............. Danvllle 
Bourne. N. A. F .. ...... ...... ...... Thor ne Se
lor, J... .......... . ............. Alleyne Thorneloe, G., 
Boyd, Cbas., B.A.... NOI th Wakefield SmIth, J., (Rector)............... ...Sutton Thompson, Geo., B.A............... Levis 
Brown, W. R ...............Manscnvllle I Smith, F., R. (Recror).... . ........lIu11 Vial. W. S.................. :\lontmoreDcy 
Carmicbael.J.,D.C.L.( St. Ow. )Montreal Sutton, E.G................ Edwardstown Von Hiland, A.A., .1/..11. (St.M.) Queber 
Carmichael, J.. jun. .Berthier en haut I Trotman, Chas.......... ....Clarencevme Walters, O. R............ .... Pt. St. Peler 
Chamhrs, W. P., J/.A...... ..' BûIton Troop. G. 0.. .JI.A...............:\lontreal Wa8her, C. B...........DI
ville, Barford 
Clayton, F. II. .............New Glasgow Tucker, L. N., B.A.............!\I?ntreal Williams, L. W.. M.A (Rtc.)... Quehee 
gstantino, I.. ,tI.A. Stanbrldge East I Weaver, W..................Hemmmp:ford Wurtele. L. C., .'l.A............... Acton 
Cunninl1;ham, T. E.,M.A.........Aylmer I Wlnd!!or, W............................Sorel 
Dart. W. J.. M:A..... .......St Lambert Wlnterbourne, N. 

............ Lachine DIOCESE OF TORONTO. 
D!l.Vidson. J.B.,.v.A.( Ree.) }o'relighsb'g WO?d. E.,hl.A. (St.J/Jhn'sCh.) 1I0ntreal 
Davies, W................. .Rawdon WrIght, W., JJlD................
Dixon, J. H- (St. Jude',) ......110ntreal 
onl1g. T. A., M:A...... Coteau du Lac 
DuVernet. E.. jJ/.A. ............. Toronto Yate!!, N. P.. B.A.. ......... Franklin 
!o:lIegood. .J., "f.A.(St.Ja1lles). Montreal DIOCESE OF QUEBEC. 
Empson. J., Jl.A. ............ ...
Evans, H. J., M.A...............:\lontre..t Right Rev.J. W. WUliarus, D.D., 
Evaus, L., M.A. (Ven. Ar. )...Montreal Lrrrd. Bi,hop (1863). 
Everett, T... Cote St. Antoine, Mont'l Rev. Pror. Roe, D.D. } Bi.hop's 
ForKey, G............... Cowansville ReT. Prln. Adams. D.C.L Chaplaim. 
French, A.. B.A ................l\o1(,ntreal Allnatt,F.,D.D (B.OJl.)..Lennoxville 
Fulton. J., .!t/. A.. ......... ...... .l\larltana nalfour, A. ( Retired)... ......... Montreal 
Oarlan'l, J. W. .........SouthStukeley I llalfonr, A. J., M.A...........Melhourne 
Garrett. John C. (&ctOT)..... Lacolle Ball. T. L.. AlA.................. Wind
Given, A. B..........................Quyon Ball. Josiah ..................... I,,,brador 
Gomery, II............. Huntingdon Bernard. S.. B.A. ............... Portneuf 
Greer, A. J.. B.A............. ...Grenville Bldylock, Thomas, B.A...Xew Carlisle 
enley, 1I...............Buckingham Boyle, F. hl.A.......... "
ast Frl\ml,ton 
HarrIs, W.............. ..........Arnndel Burrage. II., M:A. (Retired)... Hatley 
Henderson. Woo D.D. ..... . Montreal I Cole. R. II. ( P
t. St. M.)...Quehec 
JohnRon, George ............ Chelsea Colston. R . (M.A.) . ............... Ascot 
Ker, John (R'A:lnr)......... ...... Dnnham Chapman, T., M:A...... ......... Dudswell 
King. E. A. W...................lIlontreal Dehbage,J. B., B.D....West Frampton 

Rt. Rev. A. 
weatman. D.D.. D.C'.L.. 
Lord. Bishop (18;9). 
Ven. S. .J. Bl)ddy. J/.A.. Archd. York. 
Ven. J. Wilson.JI.A.,ArcM. fiterbortl 
Rev. II. Scaddinp:, D.D. ) Bish ' 
Rev. .-\.J. Broughall..v.A j Cl ,01>.' 
Rev. W. stennett. J/.A. lap am.. 
Rev.A.J.Broujtha11,,".A.. Exam.Chap 
Rev. Henry Brent. M A. ) 
Rev. H. 8caddlng. D.D. I 
Rev. Walter 8tennett. ,".A. 
Rev. F. A. O'l\lf'ara, LL. D. I 
Rev. ,J P. Dumoulin, M.A. J 
Rev. H. Bath Of leI', } HOfl. 
Rev. F. Tremayne, .}t.A. Cano"\l 
Rev. H. B. Oslf'r. 1 
Rev. John Fletcber. M.A. 
Rev. A. Stewllrt, ..}l.A. I Rural 
Rev. L. II. Kirkby. 
Rev. Tholl. BBII. I 
Rev. T. W. Allen, M.A. j 
Rev. W. T. 8mithett, D.D. 




RoIv. W. F. Swallow, } Rural 
Rev. J. W. R. Beck, M.A., Dean,. 
.'\11en. W. C.. M.A. ............l1illbrook 
Allen. T. W.,B.A.Rector... Millbrook 
Aston, W. G. . . ..... ......Bowmanvilie 
Baker, J. S. .....................Port Hope 
Baldwin, Arthur H., M.A......Toronto 
Baldwin, H. G., B.A. ............Toronto 
Ball, Thos. (Rural Dean) Bond Head 
Ballard. J. M., B.A. ............. Toronto 
Bates, W. W.. B.A. ............Thornhill 
Beck. J. W. R., M.A. ..... ...Peterboro' 
Bell, C. R. (MUJJ. Bac.)...Roach's Point 
Bethune. C.J.S.,M.A.,D.C.L., Pt. Hope 
Bilkey, R. A........................Taronto 
Boddy.S.J.,M:A. (Arch.York).Toronto 
Body ,C. W.E.,M.A,D.C.L( T.d.)ToIonto 
Boys. Alg. (Prof. T. C.).........Toronto 
Bradshaw, W. C................Peterboro. 
Brent, Henry, .M:A.{RectorìNewcaøt)p 
Brent, C. H.....................Port Hope 
Broughall, A.J.. M.A. (St.Stt.) Toronto 
Broujlhftll. G. H., B.A..... . Port Hopt' 
Bryan. Bernard ................ Bradford 
Burge8, H. F... ......... .......... Bethany 
Burt. F........................ Scarborough 
Carry, J., D.D.................. Port Perry 
C&Bwall, R. C., M.A... ........... Toronto 
Cayley,J. D., M.A................Toronto 
Chafee, A. B., B.A. ............. Alliston 
Clark, W.,M.A.(Prof.7'rin.O>l).Toronto 
Clarke, W. H., B.A.. ............ Toronto 
Clementi. Vincent, B.A......Peterboro' 
Cooper, H. D., B.A.... .............Batte.u 
Cooper, J. E. ......................Hastingll 
Cooper, W. E., M:A.,S.T.B. Port Hope 
Creighton, J., B.D. ...... ...Cartwright 
Croft, O. T. B......................Stayner 
Daniel, A. W.......... ....... Crown Hill 
Daniel, Edwin, B.A.......... Rosemont 
Darling. Charles, B A.. ......... Toronto 
Dav.ddun, J., M.A............... Uxbridge 
David80n, J. C., B.A. . . ..... Colborne 
Davies, H. W., D.D....... ......... Toronto 
Dean, J. D......... ...... ............)linden 
DellBarres, T C., M.A............ Toronto 
DuMoulin, J. P., Jl.A.{Canon).Toronto 
DuVernet, F. H................... Toronto 
Ellerby, T. 8.... .......... .......Toronto 
Farncomb, John, B.A.......... Lakefield 
Farncomb, Wm., B.A.......Bobcaygeon 
Farncomb, F. E., B A...... Haliburton 
Fidler, A. J.,B.A..................Whltby 
Fletcher, Alfred, B.A. (On leave.) 
P'letcher, John. M.A..........Uniol1ville 
Fletcher, Joseph, B.A ......Strl!etsville 
Ford, Ogden P., B.A............ Toronto 
French, W. H.................. Cold water 
French, H. W. A............. Cook
Gibson, John, B.A............. Norwood 
')rant, W., .Y:A., B.D. (On lea'L't.) DIOCESE OF ONTARIO. 
(/ reene, R. W. E.. L. T. (On lea'l'e.) Rt. Rev. J. Travers Lewill. D.D., LL.D., 
'.hoves, F. J. S. (Retired) ... ...Toronto Lord Bishop (1862). 
Hanna, J. A....... ...... ......... )lidlsnd Very Rev. James Lyster, LL.D.. Dean. 
Harding, PhiIlp.....................Ap!'ley Ven. ,T. S. Lauder, D.aL" ArchdeaCO'1l 
Harper, Edward J................Grafton of Ottawa. 
ITarris,Jas. H.....................nrõoklln Ven. T. Bedford-Jones, LL.D., Arch- 
Harris, R. H., B.A...............Brighton deacon 01 King3ton. 
llarrison, Richard, M.A......... Toronto Rev. W. Bleasdell, D.C.L. } 
H!,rt, Anthony . ...............lIIarkha
 Rev. J. A. l'tlulock, 
Ihndes, R. W., B.A................ CredIt Rev. G. W. White, B.A CúnOH.'. 
, n. P...................... Toronto Rev. C. B. Pettit, M.A. 
HodgkIn, T. J.. N.D............ Toronto' Rev. F. R. Tane, 
Uoward, J. Scott. B.A............Toronto I Rev.can.BleßSdell,D.G.L } Bisho , 
Ingles, Charles, L.B.A.........Parkdale Ven. Archd. Jones,LL.D Cha :pla 
Johnson, C.C........ ........ßrampton Rev. E. P.Crawford,MA . 
Jones,John ............. Price's Corners R al D 
Jonell,W.,M.A.(Prof. T.C.)... Toronto I ur eans. 
Jones, Septimus, M.A............Toronto Rev. W. B. Carey. MA., Front-enac. 
Jupp, Wm. ........................}lidland j Rev. R. Lewis, M.A., Grenvllle and 
Kingston, G., M A... Penetanguishene . Dundas. 
Kirkby, L. H. (RuralD.)Co1lin
wood Rev. T. Rtanton, B.A., I1astin
s and 
Kemp, C. C., B.A................ Toronto Prince Edward. 
Kenrick, C. B., brA..... ......Toronto Rev. n. W. G. Grout. }'f.A., Leeds. 
Lampman. A., B.A. ............ Toronto Rev. R. S. Fornerl, B.D., Lennox and 
Langtry, John, M.A. ............Toronto Addinjl;ton. 

dingham, G.......... Gore's Landing Rev. J. J. Bogert, },[.A., Carleton. 

Lewis, J. P. ........................Toronto Rev. A. C. Nesbitt, Lanark &: Renfrew 
Lloyd, G. E...................... Penetang Rev. Canon Pettit, M.A., Stormont. 
Logan, Wm., M.A. ......:Fenelon Fallll Priatl. 
McCleary, J. W. (On leave.) Anderson, G. A., M.A...... Deseronto 
McCollum,J. II., M:A...Beaton Village Armstrong, F. W. (Curate) . .Trenton 
Macklem, T. E. S., B.A.........Toronto Auston, H., M.A.............Gananoque 
Macnab, Alex., D.D...... Bowmanville Baker, E. H. M............... .... .... Bath 
Marsh, C. H.. .............. Lindsay Bailey, T., B.A....................Arnprior 
Middleton, I.. B.A................OShawa Baylee, C. O'Dell................ Riceville 
Miles, A. C., B.A................ Elmvale I Beaven, E. W., M.A.(SUp.)....Ottawa 
Moore, R. J., },I.A................ Toronto Bedford-Jones,T.,LL.D(R..A.)Napanee 
Morley, George B........ Tullamore Bleasdell,W.,D.C.L.(R. Can.) Trenton 
}Iurphy, E. W.,B.A..........Painswick Bliss, C. V. Forster .............l\bttawa 
Mussen, E. H., B.A................Aurora I Bogert, D.F.,M.A...............BellevlIle 
Nattress, George, L.T............ Toronto Bogert, J. J., M.A. (R. Dean). .Ottawa 
Nesbitt, G., M.A. ...............Georp:lna Bousfield. T. (On leave) .... .Klnp:.ton 
Nichol, R. T., B.A....... . Port Hope Brown, Alp:ernon T., B.A.......Nann 
Owon, H. B., F.R.S.L.........Crefjmore Burke, J. W., B.A. (Rector). Belleville 
Oliver, EA., B.A.................. Bolton Burton. Wm. W....... Qneensborough 
Osler, II. Bath(Canon)......York MilllI Carf'Y, W. B., M A.{R. D.)... Kingston 
O'Meara,F. A., LL.D. (Rec.) Port Hope Ohristie, I. J. ............... Wolfblan
Paterson, T. W., M.A.........Deer Park Codd, F...........................Lyndhnrst 
Pearson, J. {Holy Trin.)........roronto Coleman,A. H., MA., North Augusta 
Reiner, W................... ........ Barrie Cooke, Å. W. (Curate)......... Kingslon 
Rooney, Robt. A.............. Peri'ytown Crawford, E. P., M.A.. ......Brockville 
Roper, J. 0., M.A., Trin. C... Toronto Daw, Samue!................... Belleville 
Roy, James, LL.D.. ....... .Cobonrg Daykln, W. Y., LL.B..... . Pembroke 
Ruttan, C... .........................Norway Dobbs, F. W... ............... Portømonth 
Sanson, Alex. ............ ......... Toronto Elliott, A., B.A....... ......Camden East 
Scaddlng, Henry, D.D. Elliott, J08l!ph .................. Cornwall 
Beadding, C. (On leave.). .................. Emery. C. P. (Rector)...... Kemptville 
Sheraton, James P., D.D... ... 'I'omnto Farrer, H... ... ...... ............. BalderllOn 
Shortt, C. Harper, B.A... Woodbridge Fidler, A. J., M A...... ...Lombardy 
Sibbald, E. W..................Lloydtown Fleming, W.,M.A.(Rec.) Vankleek H'I 
Sills, C. E., B.A......................... Ivy Forneri,R S.,B.D(R..R.D)Adolphust'n 
Smithett. W. T., D.D...... ......Omemee Forster, J. W....... .................. Selb, 
boftley, Henry......... ............ Toronto Forsythe, J. W., MA. (On leave.) 
Soward, Edward...............Klnmount Foster, S., M.A. (Sup.)............ Pictùn 
Spragge. Albert W., B.A..Newmarket Fraser, J. F., B.A................ Crysler 
Squire, F. W. ......... ...... ....... Toronto Garrett, T., B.A... ..... .......... Ottawa 
Stennett, Walter, M:A.(Rec.)Cobourg Godden, T., B.A. ....... ..........Stirllng 
Stewart, A., M.A. ......... ........ Orillia Godfrey, J., B.A. {Sup.)...... Kingston 
Swallow, W. F............ .Caledon, East Gorman, J. F............ ...Manotirk 
Sweeney, J. F.. B.A.......... ToroDto Greeson, J........... ............. Melcalfe 
Symonds, H. Trin. Col....... Toronto Grout, G.W.G.,bl.A. {Rec.)(R.D.).Lyn 
Taylor, George I., M.A......... Toronto Haltue, DYllon. M.A.......... Brockville 
Thompson, J. A. (On leave.). Halliwell, John............ Ameliasburg 
Thomson, C. E., M.A.............Carlton Hmington,E.A.W..B.A N.Edlnburgh 
Tocque, P. (Retired) ............Toronto Harding. R. (8up.)...............Napanee 
Tremayne, F., M.A. (Canon)...Mimico Harris, C. M...................... Marmora 
Vicars, John, A.B. ......... Cannington Harris, J. (Sup.).............. Kemptville 
Walker, T., B.A............Campbellford Harvey, R. J............... North Gl)wer 
Watt, A. C. ............. Mono lIIlll& Houston, R. L. M., B.A...Merrickville 
White, JOII. Fras., B.A.... Shanty Bay Jarvis, A, M.A. (Rectnr) Carleton Place 
Westney, W. S., B.A. .........Pickering JemUlett,G., }'I.A. (Rector). Richmond 
Williams, A., M.A. ..........:....Toronto Jones, K. L., B.D ............ Barrlefield 
Wilson, J., M.A. (Arch Pel.)...Grafton Jones, R. N., B.A..........Farmersville 
Wrong, Geo. M., .,v.A............Toronto LlI.uder, J. S., D.C.L. (Arch.)...Ottawa 
Webst.r, F. M., M A. .... .....Toronto Lee, Laurence C. (On leave)......... 
Lewin, W., B.A...................Prescott 
Lewis, R., M.A. (Rec.) (R.D )Maitland 
Loucks. E. (Rector) ...............Picton 
Low, G. J...........................Almodte 
Lyster .J.,LL.D(R.,D)Ruthin,N. Wales 
Mackay, A. W. ..................... Ottawa 
MacMorine, J. K., M. A....... Kingston 
l\lac\1orine, S., M.A.........Pakenham 
Mercer, W. D., B.A......... I!'ranktown 
Metzler. G., B.A......... .........Cardinal 
Mills. R. D., M A............... Eganville 
Morris. J. A., M.A ...............MurraJ 
}Iur.kleston, W. J., M.A.(CUr.).Ottawa 
:\IIIIlJck, .T. A. (CUnon).........Montreal 
Nesbitt, A. C. {R.Dean).Smith's Falls 
Nimmo, J. II.. N.D............ KinJl;ston 
Osborne, J.. .................. ...Frankville 
Owen-Jone., P. M.D..............Ottawa 
Partridge, John........ Thoma.burg 
Patton, H. B., B.A....... Bell's Cornen 
Pettit.C. B .,M.A.{ R., C.,R.D.).Corn wall 
Phillip!'!. A............ ....... Hawkesbury 
Pick, Edward ...................... Cmp&h 
Pollard. H. ...........................Ottaw. 
Poole, M. G............... ....... Aultsville 
Poole, S. G...................... Woodlandll 
Porter, T. G. (On ùav/!.)... .KllJgston 
I Prime. Frederick............... I{jngston 



1 9W 

Sandys, - D.D. (Archd.)... ...Chatham 

alter, - M.Â. (Can.)(Sup) Brantford 
Sanderll. T. E. (Sup.).............Aylmer 
8anndt!rll, E. C...... ............. In Kersoll 
Schult... J., Ph.D.(Sup.). ...8t. Thoma;, 
8cott, W. E. ........................Norwicb 
Seaborn, W. 
Seaborn, W. R... ...... ...... Thamesford 
8haw, R............ ............... Teel'water 
Shore, W. Murton. ............ Hij/;hgatö 
Shortt, W., B.D............... \\alkerton 
Smith, A. G......................... :\Inncey 
Smith, - (Canon) (R.D.).... London 
8mith, 8. L........................... Berlin 
Sortley. E., B.D........................Delhi 
St('81e, H. D................Point l<:dward 
Strong, J. L.................. ....Brantford 
Taylor, W. J................... Ward
Tibbetts, W. (Sup.)......... Port Dover 
'fhomas. H. A..................Ailsn CraÏlr 
Turnbull. M................. .... Lil'towel 
Wade, W. H................... Wocdstock 
Ward. J........................... Millbank 
Watson. Thomas............... Eastwood 
Wilson. R............ ..................... Birr 
Wood, W. (Retired)........Port Rowan 
Wright, J. T.....................St. 
Wye, G. W......................... Watford 
Young, W. A., B.D............... London 

Burt. 4.. F....... ............. Ridgetown 
CarriE', Jamell... ......... ......Dungannon 
Callwell. D. J., B.D............ Dr.ntford 
Chase, H. P. (Sup.) ................Sunia 
Chance, J......... ............. . TyrconneH 
Channer, C. H., M.Ä............l\IE'atbrd 
Cluff, W. T. ...... ......... ......... Brussels 
Cooper, R. 8., B./J. (R.D.)...Invermay 
Cox, Geo........................... Tuscarora 
Craig, W., B.D. (R. Dean)......Clinton 
Curran, J. P. (Sup..)...... :.\Jt. Pleasant 
Daunt, W., M.A...................A)lmer 
Davis, E., M.A. ...................London 
DaviA, W. .... .................... ...Simcof' 
Davis, T. R., ,V.A. .... ............. Sarnia 
Davis, F..... ........ .. ....Thorndale 
Deacon, D., M.Ä........ .. .... ...Stratford 
DeLom. P. B...................... Petrolea 
Dewdney, A. D.............Port Burwell 
Dixon. R. F..................... TiJsonburg 
Desbrisay, L., B.A....... .....Stmthroy 
Downie, J.. B.D.................... Lucan 
Edelstein, S........................ Atwood 

 dgelow, 0....... ........ Dundalk 
Edmonds, J...................... IIaysville 
Ellerby, T. S. (Sup.). ............ Toronto 
EngJish, E. N., M.A. ............Londou 
Fairlie, J. II...................Chat.worth 
Falls, A. S., A.B.(R.D.)...Amherstburg 
Farthing, J. C., B.A........ Durham 
Fisher. A..............................Paislt"y DIOCESE OF NIAGARA. 
Fowell, R. G., M.A. (Prin).... London Right Rev.Chas.Hamilton,D.D.,D.CL. 
Fletcher, R............... ....... Blenheim Lord Bi..hrp (1885). 
Freeman, R. D.....................London Very Rev. J. G. Geddes, D.C.L., Dtan. 
Gauder, Jabez. ...................Drumbo 
Gemley,J.(R. D.).................8imcoe Ven. Wm. McMurray, D.D., D.C.L., 
Graham, W. A.. B.A. ......... Markdale and A. Dixon, B..A., ArchdeaCIJlII. 
Griffin. A. K. (On leave). ... Rev. R Arnold. A.B. ) 
Guillemont, C. B., B.A......... London Rev. W. Belt. M.A. I 
DIOCESE OF HURON. Gunne,J. M.....................Wjoming Rev. G. A. Bull, M.A. 
R' ht R M 8 B ld. D D Lord I Hale. J... ..........................Parkhill Rev. W. B. Curran. M.A. l 
Ig ev... a w:n, . ., Harding, F..................... Morpeth Rev. H. Holland, R.A. 
Bishop (1883). Henderl!On. W ......... ............ Wlarton Rev. 8. 1I0uston. 1'I..A. Canon,. 
Ver y Rev.M. Boomer , LL.D. , Dean. Hicks , R..B.D..................... London R V C H 'U k .. DD I 
e. . . .uoc riuge, . . 
Ven. J. W. Marllh,M.A.,Archd.London. IIiIl, A. C., M.A. (R.D.)....St. Thomlls Rev. F. L. Osler, AI.A. 
Ven. F. W. Sandys,D.D., Archd. Kent. Hill, J. J., JI.A. (R.D.).... Woodstock Rev. '1'. B. Read, D.D. I 
Rev. A. C. lliU, N.A.) Hill, J , M.A. (R.D.) ......... Chatham Rev. R. G. 8uthprland..,r.A 
Rev. J. P.Hincks, I I Hill. W. T., B.A............. Kincardine Rev. J. B. Worrell. M.A. J 
Rev. G. :\1. Innes. M.A. Hincks. J. P. (l..'znon). ....... Windsor RU1"al Dean,. 
Rev. A.H. R. 
Iulholland Ca IIind, D. H., B.A. ........ Sandwich 
Rev. K E. Newman, non,. Hinde, W......................... Adelaide Rev. A. J. Delt, .U.A., IIarristoD. 
Rev. G. J. R. Salter. M.A. Hodgins, J. W...... ...............Bayfield Rev. G. Forneret. M.A., Hamilton. 
Rev. J. W. P. Smith. Holmes. J. ................... WalkerviUe Rev. J. Gribble, Port Dalhousie. 
Rev. E. Patkrson. I1ughe!!, E. W............... Lion's Head Rev. W. J. :\fackeDzie, Milton. 
1 M. Hyland. P. E. (R. D.).......... Warwick Rev. H. F. Mellish, Caledonia. 
Rev. Canon IIIl, .Ä., Ezam. Chap. Innes, G. M.. .V.A. (Canon)... London Ardill, James .................. MerrittOB 
Rev. J. B. lUchardllon, MA., Exam. Ireland, W. P.... .......... Owen Sound Armitag.., W. J...... st. Catha'inel'! 
Chap. Jacobs, J. ..............................Sarnia Arnold, R., A.B. (a.m. Rec) ...Niagara 
Ven. Archd. Marsh, Domatic Chap. . Johmon, Wm........,............Goderich Belt, A. J., M.A. (R.D.)....Huristen 
RuraZ Deanl. Johnstone, R. W. ..........South Zorra Belt, C. E...................... Hamilton 
Kerr, F. W.. M.A. (On leave) Belt, W., M.A. (Can.)....... Burlington 
Rev. G. C. Mackenzie, Brant. Keys, G., (Rural Dum)... .Clarkllbur
 Bennetts. 8... ............... Waterdown 
Rev. R. S. Cooper, B.D.. Bruce. 
lackenziE', G. C. (R.D.)......Brantford Bevan, W....... .... .... Greens\'ille 
Rev. Canon Hill, M.A., Elgin. Magahy, T. W................... Seaforth Blachford, W. R................ Colbeckø 
Rev. A. 8. FaUs, A.B., Essex. 
Iarsh, _ .V.Ä. (ATch.).......... I..ondon Bland, E. M...... .......... St. Catharine. 
Rev. George Key!!, Grey. :\Iartin, N. H..................... ChathAm Bonny, A........................ Moorefield 
Rev. Wm. Craig, B.D., HUron. Matthew, C. R., .M.A......... Kingsville Boultbee, A ........................Cayuga 
Rev. Jeffery. Kent. 
lilell, C., B.A............ ......... Belmont Bull, G. A., M.A. (Can.Rec.)..N.Falls.S 



. lliUer, A. E. (Sup.)............. Hamilton Dull, G. B........................ Stamford 
Rev. John Gemley, Norfvlk. M M
 e eh o H us G e .' J B' H D... ......... 
h 'V e l lb

.ne C C l a a r r r;:i

aek H M " A M.A. .........ll A ft n milt t On 
Re J J Hill M 0 tc d ' . .............. ngUltm I ,..,. ................ CAS er 
1'. ames. '11 .A., x or . :.\Iulholland, - (Can.) ....Owen Sound Cooko, G. B. .................. Palmerston 
Rev. E. Patte
son, I.A., Pertll. f Murray, E. W. (Sup.)...... Ailea Craig Cordner, Robert.......... Port Colborne 
Rev. C. L. SmIth, Waterloo. l'tlcCo"h, R. (On leave).... . I CUrran. W.B.. M.A. (Can.)... Hamilton 
Armstrong, D., D.D....... ......... :\Ioore I N'ewell, J. R............... .... Port Dovpr I Dixon,Alex.,B.A.(Archd.,R.)...Guelph 
Asbury, S. R._ B.A.. B.D.... Deleware Newman, - (Can.) (Sup.).. ... Lolldon Fennell, Joeeph. ............ Georgetown 
Ashton, R... .............. ...... Brantford Newton, F. G. .. .. . ... . ... .... Bervie Fessenden, E. J., B.A (Rec.) Chippawa 
BaU, C. W., B, A...............Glanworth Parke, J. F. (On It..ave) .......... . Fletcher, John II......... ....... Palermo 
Ball, J. A.............. Port Rowan Patterson, K, A.M.............. Stratford Forneret, Geo., M.A. (R.D.). Hamilton 
BanweU, li .................. Wellt Lorne Racey, G. W............. ......... Goderich Francis, J., B.D............. Waterdown 
Bearfoot. L.................. Wallaceburg Rally, W. B. (SliP . )......... ...RidJl;etown I Gardiner, R...... ...... ............ Weiland 
Batatone, C. J. A.......... E8I!ex Centre Richardson, - M.A. (Canon)...London Geddeø, J. G.. D.G.L. (Re-::.).Chippawa 
Beaumont. J _ W., D.D..... i:\t. Th.>mas Ridley, John............ ...... ...... .... Galt Goop:heglln. T. ... ......... ......Hamil ton 
Boom",. M. LL.D.(Dean,Sup )London Roberts, R. J. (Sup.)......Br. ColumbIa Grahame, W. E. ................... FE'rgns 
Bridgman, O. II............ Hensall Robinson, S. F...................... Exeter Gribble, John.(R D.)..Port Dalhonsle 
Brown, T. II.......... Tilbury 8tation Ryan, F.. B.D..................... Florence Harvey. Geo. A.....................Guelph 
Brown. A., B.A.......................Parilll Sage, G. B., B.A................... Londen Henderson, Alex., B.A... Orangevllitl 

Read, W. A.................. Oxfúrd l'tIlllø 
Roberts, W.(Mus.Bac ).A.mherllt bland 
Scammell, IL................... 8 ydenham 
8cantlebury, Geo...... 8harbot Lake 
Scudamore, Cornelius......... ...... Carp 
Serson, J. R., B.A.............Tamw.'rth 
8impson,J. H. (Sup.) ............uttawa 
Smith,B.B..M.A.(A,,'t Rec.) Kingston 
Smythe. W. H............ Wellington 
Snowdon. J. F........, Fitzroy Harbour 
Snowdon, .1.1\1., B.A ...Billing'lI Bridge 
::!pene.ðr, A. (C1ÆriooJ &c.).... Kingston 
Stanton, T., B.A............... Deseronto 
Stephenson, F. L. B.Ä......Bro
8tephemon, R. L.. M.A. (Redor) Perth 
Stilell, Thun::as J..................Maberly 
Tane, F. R. (Ree.)... Richmond, Sur., E. 
Taylor, Morris................ Bear Brook 
Tighe, 8., B.A. (R
cWT)... Lansdowne 
Weatherdon. J. W., B.A.... Beachburg 
White, G. W. M.A. (Canon)...Iroquoill 
Worrell, C. L., AI Ä. (Ree.) MorIisburg 
WrIght, W. ..................... Newboro' 
Young, C. J., B.A..... .. ... Renfrew 
Anderson, G. S.................. :\Iøitlllnd 
Atkinson, Robert......... De
*Bate, Thomas..................... Griffith 
*Burns, Robert T. . . .. . . .. . Kingllton 
*ù8en, Albert L. . . .. . . . ... Belleville 
Jenkius, David ...............Newington 
.Parker, H. G. (C'urau, On leavt, 
Robinljon, James. .... .. CombHmere 
Smithcman, J. P............ . RftnklL 
Stiles, W. H.......... .. ............ ;\larch 
· Ordained under Provincial Canon 




Holland, H., B.A. {Rec.)St.Catharines 
Houston, S.. M.A. (Can.). .Nlltg. Falls 
Howitt, F. E............... Stoney Creek 
Ir"ing, 1<:. A........................ Dnndas 
Johnstone, Gabriel, B.D.... ...... Jarvis 
Lee, C. R., M.A................. llamllton 
L'>Cke, R. S., M.A ................... Elora 
Mackenzie, W. J. (Rural D.).;\Iilton 
:MacIlab, A. W ...... ...... St. Catharines 
Massey, W.. M.A............... Hamilton 
McMurray, W.,D.D.,D.C.L{R.)Niagara 
Mead, Ja.. B........................Niagara 
Melli.h, H. F.{RuralLJean) Caledonia 
Mignot, P. T......... .............Arthur 
Mockridge, C. II., D.D.( C'n) Hamilton 
Morton, J ameli...................... Fergus 
Motherwell, '1'hos., B.A.......Grlmsby 
I'll unson, J. C... ...... ............ ... Wal ner 
Osler,F.L.,M.A.{Dzn., Ru.)... Dundall 
Pigott, W. J...................... FOrt Erie 
Piper. F. C.............. Smlthville 
Radcliffe, C. E. S, B.C.L.... ...Arthur 
Radcliffe. R. S............. \fount Foreøt 
Read, T. B., D.D. (Dzn.,Rec.) GrimAby 
Seaman. J..................... ...N antieoke 
Smith, Lenox I...... ............ Ha'1lilton 
Smith, P. W....................Dunnville 
Smith. Thomas............... Tapley town 
Spencer,P. L. (Rector).... ....Thorold 
Suthetland. R. G., Al.A.{C.) IIamilton 
Webb, G. H... ...... .......... ....... ...Erin 
Webb, R. T. W. ....... Grand Valley 
Whit combe, C. E. ............IIamilton 
Worrell, J. B.. !JI.A. {GUn.)... Oakville 
W'.estmacott, A. G. E.. .. ..... ... Acton 

Most Re\'. R. 1I1achray, D.D., LL.D., 
Bishop's Court, Winnipeg. 
,. ery Rev. John Grisdale, D. D., Dean, 
the Deanery, Winnipeg. 
Ite\'. J. B., O'Meara, M.A 1 
Rt. Rev. W. C. Pinkham, 
B.D., LL.D., BishoJ' of 
Saskatchewan. :.Canons 
Rev. S. P. Matheson, B.D. i . 
Re\'. R. Machray, B. A. J 
Rev. G. F. Coombes,lIE.A., 
St. John's, Winnipeg. 
Barber, W. D., B.A.... . . Clearwater 
Bruce, G., C.lIf.S.. . . .. . . .. Fairfùrd 
Bunn, T. W., B.A...... ..Stonewall 
Burman, W. A., B.D...... Griswold 
Cheney, W. L.............. Millford 
f'oggs, T. C., B. D.. .. .. .. High Bluff 
Cook, T.. . . . . __ . . .. .. . . West bourne 
Cowley, A. E............. Winnipeg 
Drummond, II. :\1., B. A .. . " Russell 
Flewelling, E. P........... Brandon 
Fortin, 0., B, A.. .. .. .. .. . Winnipeg 
Fortin, A. L.... .. .. .. St. Andrew's 
Fortin, I. C., ß.D ....... Emerson 
Goulding, A. W., B.Ð.... Stony Mt. 
Hooper. G. H.... ...... Springfield 
Irvine, J.. C. 1'0[. S. .. Wabigon Station 
Jukes, AI.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..lIlinnedosa 
Leslie, H. T., B.A.. .. .... Wmnipeg 
Littler, C. R., B. D.. .. ..' Gladstone 
Lowry, W. H., B.A...... ..Hamiota 
Mackenzie, B...... ........ Dynevor 
Martin. N. C., B.A .. .. .. .. .. Selkirk 
Morton, J. J.. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . Birtle 
Nichols, E. P.............. Manitou 
Owen, 8., C.lIE.S.....Fort Alexander 
Pentreath, E. S. W., B.D.. Winnipeg 
PhaiI', R., C.M.S.......... Alberton 
Pritchard, S.... . . .. .. .. .. Faribault 
Roy. H., lIf.A.. .... .... .. Winnipeg 
Settee, J.. C.M.S.......... Dynevor 
Spence, B., C.M.S...... .. . Islington 

tunden, A., E. A.. " .. . Rat Portage 
Tudor, H. A., B.A.. .. .. .. Winnipeg 
Turnbull, - .. ......... . Rapid City 
Wpatherly, W. C...... .. . Alexander 
Wilson, T. N.............. ..Nelson 

ALGOl'll A. 
Rip;ht Rev. Edward Sullivan, D.D. 
(7 .C.D.) S.T.D . D C.L.. Bishop, (1882.) 
Rev. Jo
d. F. Wilson, C'vmmÙII. & Syc. 
Rev. A. Osborne, Exam. Chaplain. 
Rural Deans. 
Rev. C. J. Machin, Thunder Day. 
Rev. H. Beer, Algoma. 
Rev. A. W. H. Chowne, Parry S. & N. 
Rev. T. Llwyd, Muskoka. 
A. H. Oampbell, E
q., 17 Manning 
Arcade, Toronto, Han. Treasurer. 
Beer, H.... Hilton, St. Joseph's bland 
Berry, F. C..,........ ..Bruce l'!lIneø 
Boydell, Jas................... Bracebridge 
Chowne, A. W. H............... Ros8e8u 
Cole,J. S., B.A.......... Manitowaning 
Orompton, Wm............ ...... ...Aspdin 
French, C. A........:...... Garden River 
Frost, F ............ ............Shegulandah 
Gauder, G.........,..... South River 
Gaviller, G. H...............Parr). Sound 
Gillmor, Gowan............... North Bay 
Greene, F. W...... ......Sault Ste. Marie 
Jephcott, F....... .........Bnrke'll Fans 
Kirby, M.C.........Fort William, West 
Knight, S. E ..............Poot Carling 
LI wyd, Thomas............... 1I untsville 
Machin, O. J. ............. ...Port Arthur 
Manning. Jobn............... Ilfracombe 
1I10111ey, R........... .........Parry Sonnd 
O.bornp, A................... Gravenhnrst 
Renillon, R .............. ...Negweamang 
Willlon, E. F.........Shingwauk Home 
Youn", A. J ............... Magnettawan 

Ir. C. Eaton (Lay RI'.atkr).GoreBay 

ROOlan Catholic Church. 
Cbmprisl" tm Diocuell of 7oronto, 
King'lon, ITamiUon, London and 
Most Rev. J.J. Lynch, D D., Ârchb'p 
Hight Rev. T. O'Mahone)', Aux. B'p. 
Very Rev. F. P. R:JOney, Vicar Gtmral, 
St. MaryI'll, Toronto. 
Very Rev. J.lIl. Laurent, V. G., Rector, 
St. MichlUl'lI Cathedral, Toronto. 
Very Rev. W. R Harris, Dean se. Cath. 
Very Rev. R.A. O'ConBor. Dw.n Barrie 
Ven. E. J. Cas!lidy,Archdtacon,Colgan. 
Rev. J. P. McBride, See'y, St. John', 
Grove, Trnonto. 
.Allain, L. A. H. (P.P.) ......Merritton 
Bergin, W. {P.P.).......... Newmarket 
Brennan. L. (St. &UÜ',) ... . Toronto 
Campbell, K. A. (Po P.) .......... Orillia 
CUllsidy, E. J. {Po Po)............ Colgan 
Chah.udard,P. {St. Basirll).... Toronto 
Cherrier, L. E. (St. Basil',) ... Toronto 
Curduke, M. J. (St. Patrick'II). Toronto 
Cnsbing, 1'. {Sup. St. Basil's).Toronto 
Defl\ins, P. J. (St. Patrick's).. Toronto 
Duffy, F. W. .......... ....... ... Colgan 
Du Mouchelle, A.. (St. Baril',) Toronto 
I<:gan. J..J. (P.P.) .
.......... Thornhill 
Feehan, J. C. CO. C. C.)......Niag. Falls 
Vinan, A. (Chaplain Orph.). Parkdale 
Gailagher, E. F. {P. P.)... _....Caldwell 
Gavan, P. J. CSt },rury")...... Toronto 
Gearin, M. J. (P. P.) . ....... ......Apto 
Gibbons, J. {P.P.)............St. Patrick 
Gibney, H. (P. P.) ........... . Al1iston 
Gibra, L. {Po P. orB & B )......Barrie 
Guinane, J. {St. Basil")...... Toronto 
Hand, J. L. (St. Mich. Cuth.), Toronto 
Harold, P. J. {Po P.)............... Dixie 
Harrill, W. R. {Po P.) Catharines 
lIenning.J. {Sup.St.Patrick',)Toronto I 
Hobin, J. (lnvalided) . ......... Toronto 
Hours, F. (St. Basil's) ......... Toronto 

Jeffcott, M. J. (P. P.)...... Orangeville 
Keane, P. J. (P.P.)............ Uxbridge 
Kiernan, E. J. {P P.).... Collingwood 
Kearnan, P. {Po P.)......... Scbomberg 
Kilcnllen, J. {P. P.)... Port Colborne 
Laboureau, Th. F. {Po P.)....I'enetang 
Laurent, J. M. (Rtc. St.M.).. Toronto 
Lynch, Jno. J. (St. Paul's)....Toronto 
Lynett, J. F. (P. P.)............MidlaDd 
Mt' Bride,J. F.{P.P. Our L.of L.)Toronto 
McCann, J. J. (P.P.St. Hd.)...Toronto 
I\lcColl, P. J. (P. P,) ....." Whitby 
McEntee, J. J. (P. P.) . .........Oshawa 
McGinley, W. J. {Po P.)... Uptergrove 
McMahon,P. (P.P.) ............Bret'hin 
McPhillips, Hy. J..... ............. Apto 
McRae, K.. ...... ...... ............ . Coljl:an 
McSpirltt, F. (Po P.) ............Gribbin 
Maguire J. E. (Cathedral)......Toronto 
l\licbel. J. (P. P.)............ Lafontaine 
Miller, F. X. {St. Patricl.:")....Toronto 
1Ilinehan, L.( Chaplain )penetanguillh'e 
Moorland, A. C.(O.C.C.) Niagara FaUll 
Morrill, D. {St. Paul").......... Toronto 
1IIoyna, 111. {P.P.)... ............ Stayner 
Mulligan, P. (absent) ......... ..... 
Murray. E. {St. Baril',)... ...... Toronto 
Nevin,M. (Cathedral)...........Toronto 
Nolan, J. E. {St. Mary")...... Toronto 
O'Connor, R. A. (Po P.) . .........Barrie 
O'Hagarty,C.J.( P.P.StMary,). St.Cath 
O'Neil. Ii:. (St. Basil's).......... Toronto 
O'Reilly,M.McC.{P.PSt.Jos.). Toronto 
Rein, J. {St. Patrick'.)..........TorolJtc 
Rohleder, F. F. (P. P).... Vrooman ton 
Rooney, F. P.(P.P.St.Nary',). Toronto 
Shanahan, T.. ............ St. Catharines 
Shea, J. J. (IS1 Soaton St.)....Toronto 
Sheahan. D. (P. P) ...,.. Pickering 
Smltll, {Cbm.Gen.O. C. C.)....Niag. Falls 
Sullivan, T. (P. P.).... ......... Thorold 
Thumel, Aug. {S/.Palrick.,,)...Toronto 
TrayUnp:. J. {P.P.)............ F.)rt Erie 
Vincent, C. {P,'01J. C. S. B.).... T,>ronto 
Voisard, F. A. (In't'alided)... Fort J<
Whitley, E. (0. C. C.)..... .Niag. Falls 
Whitney, P. (Po P.) ............ Gribbin 
Lawlor, E. B. (379 Jarvis St.) Toronto 
Right Rev. James Vincent Cleary 
S. T. D., Bishop. 
Rev. D. A. Twomey, Chancellor and 
Chaplain of Penitentiary. 
Rev. Thos. Kelly, Bishop's SecretClry. 
Rev. Joseph McGrath, Chaplain of 
Hotel Diett. 
Rcv. P O'Brien, Chaplain House 
of Providence. 
Boilson, T. (Asst.). . . . . . .. Brockville 
Brennan, John........ .... .. Picton 
Carey, T. {Asst.)...... . St. R
Cicolari. George.. .. .. .. .. Erinsville 
Connolly, J. J. {Asst.).... .. Prpscutt 
Corbett, George.. .. .. . . St. Andrews 
Davis, Thomas..... _ . .. .. .. .. Madoc 
])c Saullhac., P. A.. _ . Brewer's Mil1s 
Duffus, C. J.. . . .. .. .. St. Raphael's 
Farrellr, J., V.G......... Belleville 
Fitzpatrick, T.......... Chcsterville 
Fleming, John P.. .. .. .. .... Tweed 
Fox, William.. .. .. . . ... .. . .. Crysler 
Gd.uthier, C. H., V.F.... . BrockvilIe 
Hartigan, P. J.......... CelltrevilIe 
Higgins, Bernard (Asst.). Alexandria 
Hogan. John.. .. . _ .. " .. Gananoqne 
Kellr, John P........ ..lIIcrrick\-ille 
Kellr, J. J.............. ..Cornwall 
Kelly, T. P. . .. ...... .. ... . Kingston 
Leahy, M. J.. .. .. .. .. . Moose Creek 
lIbcCarthy, I. J.. .. .. Williamstown 
McCarthy, Thos.. .. .. .. Blessington 
Mp-Carthy, John {Asst.).... Westport 
l'!lc Donalel, M.. .. . . .. ... Kemptville 
McDonagh, J. H.. .. .. .... 

1 ';:88.] 



McRae, D. C. (Asst.). St. lIIargaret.s 
IIlcWilliams, C. A........ Loborough 
Macdonell, Alex., V.G.. .. Alexandria 
Macdonell, Wm.. .. .. St. Margaret's 
lIIackey, }I ichael. . ,. . . . . T
lIIasterson, John........ .. . PrelScott 
lIInrray, C. B.. .. .. .. .. . . .. Cornwall 
O'Brien, }Iorgan C.. . . .. lIIorrisburg 
O'Connor, John S., V.F...... . Perth 
O'Connor, T. P. (Asst.).. .. .. .. Perth 
0' Donoghue, 1'1.. .. . . Carleton Place 
O'Gorman, John (Asst.). . ..Belleville 
O'Rorke, Michael. .......... Y onge 
Q'1Ïnn, JohnS. (Asst.).. .. .. .. }1adoc 
Spratt, }1. J.......... .. .. .. . Kitley 
Spratt, Thos. J...... .. Wolfe Island 
Stanton, )1. J.. .. .. .. . Smith's Falls 
Twohey, P. A............ - Westport 
'Twomey, John............. Lochiel 
Walt;h, W. E............ . Frankford 
Walsh, E. J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Trenton 
N.B.-Sharbott Lake is attended 
from Westl)Ort. 

Right Rev. J. J. Oarbery, Bi&llOp of 
ry Rev. E. J. Heenan, Vicar. Gentral, 
Vt'ry Rev. T. J. Dowling, Vicar-Gen., 
Very Rev. E. La.nlsier, D
an, Walker- 
Rev. J. Keough, C!w.n., Dundllo8. 
Rev. E.ltI. Carre, &c., Hamilton. 
Bardou, M. P., }I.A............. .Cayuga. 
Bergman, G. R........... . Hamilton 
Hrohman, G. ..................... }Iildmay 
Durke, R....,............... Arthur, P. ... ............... .lIIount Foreøt 
Corcora.n, J ...................... Teeswater 
CoRgrove, Po. . . . .. . . .. .' '. Hamilton 
Crionon, E. J... ......... . Dunville 
Doh"rty, F., S. J.................. Gnelph 
Doherty, J...... ..................... Arthur 
Dowling, Very Rev. T. J., v.G.....Paril 
Dumortier, F., S.J. ...............Guelph 
Elena, L........................... FormoR8 
Feeney, J. ......... ......... ......Pdcevllie 
Forster, S....................New Germany 
Funcken, L., D.D., CoR.......... Berlin 
Funl'ken, E., C.R............. St. Agatha 
Gehl, J......................... St-Clemenl 
Granotier, F., C.S.B. ...... Owen Sound 
Granotier, F. F., O.8.B.... Owen Sound 
Halm, M. .........................Hamllton 
Halm, 1't1. .........................Hamilton 
Halter, J., G.ll,..................... Berlin 
Kelly, J. (.Adm.)............... Caledonia 
Keough, J. (Chan.)............... Dundas 
Kiely, J., SJ..............._.......Guelph 
Kloepfor, W., CoR. .. ......... Berlin 
Laussier, E., v.P...... ....... Walkertoa 
Lennon, P... .................. ... Brantford 
)Iadil?;an, M. J. (Assistant).... Duodafl 
Murphy, J. (Aøøilt&nt).......Brantford 
O'Connell. - ...........................GaU 
O'I,eary, J.S...... ......... .........FreeIton 
O'Reilly, F. . ... . . ........... . ..Macton 
Owenll, P.S......................... Ayton 
Plant, D., S. J. 0............ Guelph 
R!U!saertl, F. .................. ...Carlsruhe 
Slavin, E. P......... ....... ....Oakvllle 
Spetz, F., C. R...................... Berlin 
Synnet J, S. J......... ............. Guelph 
Sweitzer, J., C.R. ............... ...Berlin 
Wadel, S.................. ...... ...Chep.tow 
Weiler, E. 0......... ........ . Berlln 
Wey, J. (AlI8iHtant). .... .... FormoM 

Right Rev. John Walsh, D.D., Bishop. 
Nt. Rev. IIIgr. J. 1't1. Bruyere, Vicar- 
A l'oulin, T.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Sandwich 
AYlflrieux, P.......... .... Tecumseh 

Aylward, J. T........ ... Wawanosh 
Bechar(I, A.. .. .. .. .. . .. Stony Point 
Bayard, Joseph............ ..Sarnia 
Bernardine, F., O.S.F.... ..Chatham 
Bou bat, B.. .. .. ... ....... Ashfield 
Brady, 1't1.. .. .... .. .. ... Woodstock 
Brennan, P..............St. Mary's 
Carriere, F...............Big Point 
Connolly, J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Biddulph 
Corcoran, P...... .......... Parkhill 
Cornyn, T................ Strathroy 
Cote, A.. .. .. .. .. .. .. " Sandwich 
Cr<>&pin, - 0.......... Amhertsburg 
Cummins, 111............ Wes, Lorne 
Cushin, D................ Sandwich 
Cook, J.............. ...St. Thomas 
Dillon, Wm.......... .... La Salette 
DIxon, N.. .. .. .. .. .. Port Lambton 
Donohoe, -............ ..Sandwich 
Dunphy, L. A............. . London 
Fauteux, P.......... ..Stoney Point 
Fergnson, 1't1. J........... Sand wich 
Flannery, Wm.......... St. Thoma
Gahan, N.. .. .. .. .. .. ... Mt. Carmel 
Gausepohl, Wm.. O.S.F.. ..Chatham 
Gerard, J os.. .. .. .. .. .. . Belle Hiver 
Gnam, P.. . . .. .. .. .. .. ... Wyoming 
Haitman, W.............. . LisJ.owel 
Hodgkinson, E.. .. .. .. . . .. Fletcher 
Kealy, J. A............... Drysdale 
Kelly, 111.. ...... .. .. .1II0unt Carmel 
Kennedy, J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. London 
Kilroy, E. B.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stratford 
Lamont, A............ .......Dublin 
Lapierre, A. 1\1.. .. .. .. .. Walkerville 
Lorion, J .. . . .. .. .. .. Ruscom Rh'er 
Lotz, H. B.. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. Goderich 
l\IcBrady, R............ ..Sandwich 
McGee, C. E.............. Corunna 
McGrath, 1't1.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .' Windsor 
UcKeon, A.. .. .. .. '. .. .. . Bothwell 
McManus, C.............. Woodslee 
McRae, D.. .. . . .. ., ....... . . Dotnish 
Maziood, - ............. . Sandwich 
Michael, F., O.S.F........ . Chatham 
lIIolphy, J. P............ ...Ingersoll 
lIIongo\'an, III.. .. .. .. .. .. . Sand wich 
Murphy, Jas. (Dean).. .. .. ... Dublin 
Northgreaves, G. R...o.. ..Ingersoll 
O'Connor, D. (Sup.,O.S.B.) SandwIch 
O'Connor, J. G.. .. . . . . .. . Maidstone 
O'Neil, J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " Kinkora 
O'Shea, P................ ..Seaforth 
Quigley, T................ Stratford 
Renaud, L. _.... .. .. .. ... Sandwich 
Ronan, J .. .. .. .. .. ." .. Wallace burg 
Ryan, J.................... Dublin 
Ryan, P.. . . .. .. .. 0' . All1hersthurgh 
Scanlon, J .. ....... .. .. .. .. . Windsor 
Schneider, A............ .}lcGregor 
8emande, F.............. Sandwich 
r. J.. .. .. .. .. .... London 
Traher,II. G......... ......Simcoe 
Villeneuve, A. D.. .. .. .. Stony Point 
Wagner, J. T.... .......... Windsor 
Wal:!h, J.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . London 
Wasserau, L. A.. St. Francis Trudel 
Watters. B. J.. .......... . Goderich 
West, T................. Wawanosh 

Rt. Rev. T. J. DowUog, D.D., Bishop. 
Baudio, Alphonle...... Manltowaning 
Baxter, R..................... Port Arthur 
Bloem, Eugene............ North Bay, 0 
Bretherton, C. S...... ...... Bracebrldge 
Browoe. J o8t'ph....... . . .... Port Hope 
Caron, H. ......................... Sodbury 
ClIo8ey, D. J.......... ...Campbellford 
Cbambon, J. F.... Sault Ste. Marie, 0 
Connelly, M. E..............Downeyville 
Conway, P.................. Peterborough 
Du Rauql1et, D............Maoitowaning 
Frayolle. E.................. Pett'rborough 
lIudoo, H.... . ....... ....... Port Arthur 

RI fthard, S. J ...... ... .... Manitowanin g 
Hebert, Joseph............ Fort William 
Keilty, W. J.......... .....Ennismore 
Larkin, IIlicbael.... . . .' . . . . .. Grafton 
Laurent, P. 1>., V. G...... ....... Lindsay 
McCloskey, W. J......... Victoria Road 
McGuire, Peter................... Liadsay 
McVay, F. P... ............. Fenelon Falls 
Mnrray, E. H......................CObourg 
l'adeau, P........... ....lIIanitowaning 
O'Brien, 111. J. . . . . . . . . . Peterborough 
O'Connell, Oaniel.... . . .. Soutb 1>ouro 
O'Connell, Thomas ............ . Brighton 
Ouellet, 111......... ...... .... Garden Rivar 
Quirk. John...... ............. Bastings 
Rudklns, Patrick...... ...Peterborough 
Specht, JoSt'ph . . ... . .. Fort William 
Sweeney, James...... ...... ...... Burnley 

rNo returns received at the time 0. 
goIng to pre8s.-ED.] 
rSo returns received at the time of 
going to preøø.-ED.] 
[No returns received at the time of 
going to preøs.-ED.] 
[No returns received at tbe time of 
going to pre
8.- ED.] 
Mgr. L. Z. Moreau. 
Mgr. J. La. Rocque. 
J. A. Gravel, V. G. 
Alexander, W........;.... Farnham 
Angers, C............ ...... ......... D"nham 
Archambeault, A ......... Ste. Marie 
Archambeault, L. M.........St. HngueL'! 
Blanchard. 0......... ,St. Hyaciothe 
Balthazard. H. ...............Ste. Briglde 
Balthazard, J. A.......... St. Hyacinthe 
Bachaud. I...... ...... .......... St. Damsse 
Barre. H.... ......................... Acton 
Beaudry, Jos. .................. St. 
Beaudry, A............. La. Presentation 
Beauregard, J ...... ...... St. Hyacinthe 
ard, L............... St. Joachim 
1..................... St. Helene 
Bernard, A. X............. St. Hyacinthe 
Bernard. L. C..................Adamsville 
Bertrand, F. X.... ............. St. Liboire 
Bessette, ,1...... ......... St. Hyacintbe 
Bessett.!. C............. ...... .... Ste. Marie 
Blanchard, C............ ...... Ste. Angele 
Blanchard, J. C.............S. t. Mathias 
Boivin, T ......... ................ St. Hilaire 
Boivin, L...... ...... ................ Bedford 
Bourque, L. A......... La Préøentation 
Bourret, A..................St. Hyacinthe 
Bouvier, A. X...... ............. St. Joseph 
Brodeur, N...................... Stf!. Mari.. 
Browne, G. J...................St. Huguel 
Cardin, P......................... St. Matie 
Caron, E... . . . ................. St. Llboire 
Caron, J ............ ......... St. Hyacinthe 
Cadotre, A... ........ . St. Hyacinthe 
Chaffers, W.........................St. OurI' 
Charbonneau. U................... 1'tliltoo 
Chartier, J. V............. St.llyaciotbe 
Chartier, J. B............ Stt'. Madeleine 
Ohoquet. P ............... ...St. Hyacinthe 
Coderre, J ................... ......... Upton 
Cordeau, 1't1...... ............. .... Watf'rloo 
Cormter, C............. .......... Richelien 
Cote, F. P.......................
t. Valerien 
Courtemanche, J................ St. Louis 
Danth, G............ ...... St. Ih'aclnthe 
Decelles, r.1......................... St. Roeh 
cellep, P..................St. Hyacinthe 




Derome, G. S...................St. ee"aire DIOCESE OF ST. GERMAIN DE Normandin. J. O...................St. }':oi 
Desnoyerø, I.....................St. Ct'sain RIMOUSKI. Ou..llt!t. J. (Vic',r).......Troiø Pht,les 

snoyer6 R.....................Knowlton Right Rev. J. Langevin, D.D., Bi8hop. Pilletrer, J. (Vica'r). .Grande Rh ieer 
D' sor(!, .......................... S .S t t. D Our l l Very Rev. E. Langevin, Viear-Gemral. Perruse, J. A................ Perce 
Ion. ............................ en I J 0 SI Pouliot, Olph. (Vicar).... ..Cacouna 
Dueneø, P............ St. Hyacinthe '. mard. Secretary. Pouliot, J. B. E. (Sick)ünitect States 
Duhamel, J. B............. St.Oominque P.F. Siroiø, Undt:r-&crdary. Permont, A..... .... Ste. Blandine 
Dnbamel, L................St. Hyacinthe Very 
v. E. Langevin, ProvO&t, 1 Rioun, J. D. (VÙ:ar)..... . Rimouski 
Dumeønils, A ...... ...... St. Hyacinth. Rev. J. B. Blanchet, Riouv, J.. .. .. .. ...... Trois Pistoles 
Dupr6, L. S. .................. .........80rel Rev. M. R. Bilodean, Rouleau, L. (SI
Dupuy, A. S. ...................... St. Paul Rev. D. V6zina, I .; I Haindon, B. C.. .. .. ..... Mont Louis 
Dupny, J. B................... St. Antoine Rev. C. A. Carbonneau, 
 SimaI'd, J. O. (Cathedral) Rimouskl 
Dupuy, J. P......................Farnbam Rev. L. J. Langis, TWßl. 
 r:: I 
t. Laurent, UU...... Ullit
d States 
Dnrocher, J. B...............Stt'. Gee
oire Rev. P. J. Saucier, Secretary, I cS 1St. Laurent, Jos.... .. .. . .:rìew Port 
Fanteuøe, A......................Farnbam ' Rev. P. Audet, Saucier, P........ Semin, Rimouski 
Fillatreau, E..........Ste. Pudentienne Rev. F.lII. Fournier, :Sirois, Sif ............ .Ste. Felic-ite 
FiUatreau, H..................... St. Aim6 Rev. L. Rouleau, J I Smith, Theo........ ...8t. Codefroi 
Foisy,A..................................Sorel Rev. J. C. Cloutier, } Bottora,.y I Soney, Ant.... ..St. Louis du ha ha 
}'ortin, C. E. ...............St. Hyacinthe Rev. F. A. Blouin. Oanom. I Sylvain, Ph.. ., ...N. D. du S. Cæur 
Gaboury, J. ................... St. Mathi.. CATHEDRA.L.-Rev.J. O.Slmard. Rector; Svlvain, O. E. (Vicar)... ..Rimouski 
Gatineau, V...... .......... St. Alexandre D.Rioux and J .0.Syl vain, Rimouøki. ! Thiv
erge, \. N .. .. 8. nOl
Gaudreau, G................Clarencevllle COLLEGE.-Rev. P. J. Saucier, Supr. Th
nault, N. M.:...... ..S. Honor
Gauthier, N.....................St. Damaøe and PrOC?Jr.; J. R. Roy, Dl.r.; III. ;rhlbault,A. ..:ste. Ros
Gauvreau, A.. . ..... .. St. Hyacinthe BeIl!'/!ilt'8 PreF of Stud. E Coff
 y rrembla
, H.. .. .. .. .. St. Matthleu 
Gendron,S..................St. Hyacinth. oJ' I Trudel C E St Fa ç o s 
Gill , l't1.................................Granl y and J. B.' Rnest: .,. .' '. ...... .... . I' n i e 
A I t J ' 'an de :Moortel, F.. .. . . . . . .. Gasp!' 
Girard, L. ..................St. Hyacinthe m.o, ...................... St. Val!'r!"n Yezina, Désil'e........ Trois Pi stoles 
Godard, M......................... St. Aime ArpID, L. (Anc.P.P.)..S. Jean de Dleu 
Gravel, J. A................ St. Hyacinthe Audet, And.................. Ste. Felicite I DIOCESE OF THREE RIVER8 
Guertin, T..................... Sweetsburg Audet, P...........................S. Fahien . 
Guy, O. ...........................St. Roøalie Beaulieu, P........................St. Ulric Most Rev. L. F. Lafleche, Bishop. 
Hague, A..... ...........St. Hyacluthe Beaumont (Vie.) Ste. Anne de!; Monts Very Rev. C. O. Caron, V
car General. 
Hardy, J .............................. St. Pie Belanger, J. B. A...... .......... Malbaie J. F. Béland, Chancellor. 
Jodoin, J....................... .......Acton Bern
er. J. H..................St. M.odeste Very Rev. C. O. Caron, v.G. 1 
,Jean notte, F. x. ...............Ste. Marie Bermel', L. N.. ...............S. Eplphane I Very Rev. L. Desilets, V.O. I 
Larocque, P................St. Hyacinthe Berube, J. C..... St. Joseph de Lepage Hev..J. O. Prince, 
Larochelle, P ............ ...St. IIyacinthe Berube, Ph... ......... .........Cascapediac "L. S. Rheault, I 
Larose, Y ......... '.. ............ Ste. Marie Beru be, Thomas ............ Simon "Ls Richard, 
Lassalle, L. R.................. St. Cesaire Bllodeau.lIIart................ S. Anaclet "J. E. Comeau, 
Lavallee, G......................Ste, Marie I Blallchet, J. B. ..................8te. Luce "T. X. Cloutier, I - 
nce.A.............St.R?øaUe Blonin,}..Ad.V.F........... Cl!.rl)e
on .. D.C. Rochet, t 
LeclaIre, B. J...............8t. H y acmthe Bolduc, MI\! . ...............Father [omt .. R A N I 

. . oiøeux. - 
Lecours. E. ................St. Hyacinthe " Brillant, Pre................... .. St. :Moise "Th. Martel, 
Leduc. 0........................ Rougemont Connel, Nie..................... 8te. Yerte .. N. Caron, 
LemIlY. .0\............................ St. Mare Carbonnean. C. A.... Ste. (kcile dn Bic I "J. Boncher I 
Lemieux, J... 
............. St. Athallase I Cay
nette, R (Vicar)..................l3ic " D. Marcou
Lessard. E............................. Upton OhalIfour, A.....................C:ape Cove "L. Ed. Doi
, J 
Leveøque. P................St. Hyacinth. Chouinard, Ant.........S. Octave, }Iêtitl 
Limoges. A. D........................ Belæil Clnqmarø. F..................... 1:5. Alexis Baril, II. (Seminary)......Three Riven 
l\larcamt-le, L.................8t. Hugues Cloutier, J. C......................Cllcouna Heauchesne,A. (Vicar)... Mont Carmel 
Maricourt. A...............St. Hyacint.he Clontier,F. X..................St. Daml11'e Beaudet. F........................Ste. Flore 
lleseier, H............................8t. Pie Cot6, Phil. (Vie.)...... St. Benoit Labre Beland. J. K (Vicarj...... Yamachiche 

Iennler, D. .................. St. Barnabé D' Anteuil, L........................Mechins Beland,J. F.(ChanceUor) Three RiveI'll 
Michon, J. B...................Stanbridg. De Champlain, Jos.................. ['abos Beliveau, Ed.................. Ste. Ursule 
Michon, J. D...... ......... St. Hyacinthe Delage, F. X....... . .......... Cap Rosier Beliveau, A. (Vicar)...... ...8te. Ur8ul(> 
Mignault. N. ............. St. Hyacinthe Delage, D. E....... .... Anøe au Griffon Bellemare, C. T...............Shawenigan 
MillieI', H...................St. Hyacinth. Drapeau, J. O. ..................... S. Ulric Bellemare, A. (Vicar)......8hawenegan 
Nadean, J. A............... ...... ...Gran by Drapeau, Octave...... ...... ...... Caplan Bochet, C............8te. Anne Laperade 
Nadeau, H................... St. Alpbl'nll6 Dufour. Elz. (Vicar)... ......... ?tIatane Bois, L. Ed............ ...... ...Maskinonge 
Nolseux, J....................Ste. Vlctolre Duret, '1'. C., v.P...... Grande Riviere Boucher, J...............Riviere du Loup 
O'Donnell, A..................... 8t. Denis Duval, A........................,.. St. Donat Boulay, F. (Vicar)...............Batiscan 
Ouellett(>, R................St. Hyacinthe Fournier, Chal. G............ Ste. Flavie Caisse, R. (Se1lt.)............ Three Rivers 
Pare, P. L...................Ange Gardien Fournier. F. MagI............. S. Arf;ene Caislle, T. (Jeluit)..........Three Riverl 
Pelletier, 0............ ......... St. Robert Fraøer, Slm............ ...... ...Cloridorme Carufel, D. (Retired)....... 8t. Ba!'nabe 
Petit. A........................ W. Shefl'ord Gagn6, Oyp.....................8te. Angele Carufel, 0....... N. D. du Mont Carmel 
Poulin, C.................... St. Sebastien Gagn6, J. ..............................Maria Caron, C.O. V.G.(UTI.Ch) Three Rivers 
Pratte, F...........................8t. Simon Cagnon, Aug..................Port Daniel C.ron, N.....................Three Rivers 
Prince, J. J ................ St. Hyacinthe Gap;non, N.........N. D. Sl'pt Douleurs Caron, Thos. (Vicar)......... St. Justin 
Provencal, J. A................ St. Ceøaire Gillis, D. ...... ......... ......Dougl&Atown Chapdelelne, H. (Bem.)... Three RiveI'll 
Rkhard, C...................... ...St. Dellis Gravel. Th. ....... St.e Anile des Monts {;hretien, J. Bte... ............8t. NarciFf'e 
Rivard, E...,....... ......... St. ArmalUd Guay, Mill'. C. ............... Resti
ouche Clout-ieI'. F.X. ...... ......... Three Rivers 
Roy, A............. .... . ...St. Hyacinthe Jean, J. Z....... ...St. Paul de la Croix Cloutier, P. . ..................8t. Etienne 
Roy, V........,.............St. Dominique Joben, A. D.......... St. .Tel\n de Dieu Comeau, D.(lletired)... Pointe dll Lac 
8antenac. J. F..................... . Roxton Lamontagne. A.(Sick)......Ter
bonne Comeau,J. B. (&minary) Three Riven 
Senelac. L... .. ..... .. ....... 8t. 
Iarie Langevin, J. (Bishop)... ......Rimouski Dègt1ise, E. (FIC.).......... St Stanislas 
Sicart. C......... ...... ...... ......FreIlsburg Langevin, E. (Vie. Gen.)...... Rimoufiki Desdulniers, E... ............ Yamachiche 
SpriI!.ger, E........................St. Denis Langis, L......... .St. J. B. Ile-Verte Deøaulniers. Fr"..........Polnte du Lac 
St. Aubin, T.....................St. George Lariv6e. Cyp..................... Paspebiac Dorion. J. B.................. Yamachiche 
St. George, C............... St. AthanRlie Lavoie,H.J.....................CapChatte Du"nay, E..........Cap de la Madeleine 
8t. Lonis, A. ..................... Watt!rloo Lavoie, L.C.......... .........S. Clément Dupuis. A.................... SI. Stanidas 
St. Pierre. A............... ........ Beloeil Lebel, D... .......... S. Jean EvanlleIiste Fortin, D......... ............... St. Prosper 
Taupier, J. S.................. St. Charleø f Leblanc, Arth..................8t. Gabriel G
neur (Je.!uit)............Three Rivers 
Tetreau, F... ............... St. Hyacinthe Leveque, N............. ............. Matane GelinM, D. (Retired)....... Yamachiche 
Tetreau,J.........................8I\bre...ois Monge, J. (Sick).......... United States Gerin, D........................... St. .Jnstin 
Vanaøse. F. ........................... . Sore) MoreauIt, Ph....... .........N. D. du Lac Gouin. A. (Vicar!.8te. Anne Laperade 
Verronneau, J. B... .St. Jean Baptiete Morls/!et, D...... Assomption, McNider Gravel, T. ..... St. Jacques de" Pileø 
ViDcen\ G._.. ................ St. Ignace Morris, Elial.............Rlv. au Renard Grenier, B. (&minary).'fhree Rivers 




Grenier, J. B. .... ............ St. Thecle 
Grenier (JtBUÜ)............ Three RlverB 
IIoude, D. (Vicar). . .. .. Three Riven 
Janelle.M. E. (Vie.). . . .. . Maøklnonge 
Joyal. T. ............... ...... ......St. Didace 
Laft8Che, A. E...................8t. Baulln 
Laflèche. T. (&minary)...Three RiverB 
Lacorte, H. (Vicar)......River du Loup 
Lamothe, L. (J'ïcar)...... Three Rhera 
Leclair, J. B. (V"&C4r) ...... St. Maurice 
Marchand, P.................. Champlain 
Marcoux, D. (Rttired) ......Champlain 
l\Il:U'tel, T............ ......... ...St. Barnabe 

Iayrand, J. A. (lùtired)... St. Ursule 
Mayrand, EDg. (&m.).... Three Rivt!rB 
}Iilot, .\. (Vicar)... ............. ...St. Tite 
Xault, O. (Juuit).......... Three Rivere 
Noiseux, A................ Ste. Genevieve 
Prince, J. 0 ... ...... ......... St. Maurice 
Proulx, M...... ...... ...... .......... St. Titø 
Proulx, P. (Vicar).......... Yamachiche 
Richard, L. (&m.inary) ..Three Rivers 
Richard, J. ..................Three Rivers 
Rheault, L. S.... ...... ...... Three Rivers 
Savoie, C. O. ..................... St. Alexiø 
Tessier, N...........................St. Léon 
Thlhodeau, H... ...... ... ......... BaUøcan 
Trahan, H........................St. Severe 
Verville, F............St. Elie de Caxton 
Villeneuve, N. (Vicar)......Champlain 

P......b)'tf'rinu <'hul'ch iu 
Ttie l;eneral Assembly \\ ill meet 
in st. Matthew's Church, Halifax, on 
the second Wednesda) (13th d,
y) of 
.June, 1588, at 7.30 p.m. 
OjJicas l
.1loderator : 
Rell. R. F. Burns, D.D., Halifa\:. 
Clerks : 
ev, W. Reid, D. D.. . .. .... Toronto 
Re". W. fmsel', D.D........ . Barrie 
Rev. T. Sedgwick, Tatamagouche, 
:S.S., Clerk. 
Aitken, Will.. ..... . Kewcastle, X B 
AIIa.n, James..... . Cove Head. PEl 
Allan, .J. 
l., Jf.A....... .. .. Halifax 
on, J., Jf.A..)lusquodoboit H 
Annand, J. A., JI.A. (JfÏ8s)..N. Heb. 
Archibald, W. S., B.D. . Kent" ille, N S 
Archibald, W.P, B.. r.Ca\"endish, PEl 
Baird, Isaac..... .River Charlo, N B 
Bay-ne,E S,JI.A. C.)lw,quorloboit,NS 
Bearisto, J. K. '" .. Glass\'ilIe, X S 
Beg-g, W. P., B.D.... Kentville, X S 
Benllett,J., D.D. (Ret.). St. John, NB 
Blair, D. B.... . . Barney's River, N S 
Blair,J.T. (Ord.Jliss.)Greenfield, Y B 
Boyd, Samuel.. ..... Wallace, :s S 
Brown, A. 0.. . ., Camhelltown. N B I 
Brown, Arch. ..... . Port Hill, PEl 
Bmce, Geo., B. A. . . .. St. John, N B 
Bruce, W. T., Jf. D.. Yalley Stat., N S 
Burns, R. F., D.D.. . . . . . ... Halifax 
Cahill, J. A.. . . . . .. Springfield, N B 
Cairns, J.A., M.A.. U. 
Calder, W. C.,..... Woodstock, N B 
Calder, W. R.... 
Iarion Bridge, C B I 
Cameron, Alex.. . .. Portapique, 
Cameron, J. G..... .Souris E., PEl I 
Cameron, J. H. . . . . . Bas'! River, K B 
Cameron, John.. . . Bddgetown, X S 
Campbell, Alexamler. .. . Noel, N S 
I.. Wood Islands. PEl 
Carr,.A. F., Jf.A... Alberton, PEl 
Cacruthers, J. . Charlottetown, PEl 
Carson, G. S., B.A... . .. Pictou, Y S 
Cattanach, J. C., .}f.A.. .... Halifax 
Chase, J.H., Jf.A. . Onslow 
tat., N S 
Christie, Geor!'e.. . . .. Bedford, N 

Clark, Peter.. . . . . .. Aspy Ba
-, C B .\Ic Leod, M.. . . .. Loch Lomond, C B 
Coffin, J. R.. .... Bloomfield, PEl )lcLeod, John. . . . StrathalbYIl. PEl 
Crawford, II.. Mosman's Grant, N S .\IcLeod, J.)I . Charlottetown PEl 
Cumming-, Robert". .. W estville, 
 S )IcLeod, Roderick.. Strathlom
 C B 
Cumming, Thomas...... Truro, :s S 
1(")I!llan, Angus..)lalagawatch: C B 
Currie, John, D.D. (Prof.).. Halifa
llan, 1J0nald.Srdne.r 'lines, C B 
Darrag-h, W. s. . . . . . ... Linden, N S )k)l
llan, G., B.A. Princeto\\ n, P E J 
Dawson, Wm., B.D.... Canard, N S )Idhllan, John, B.D....... Halifa
Dickie, A. B........... ..\nIford,1" S Mc
, Ebenezer... Newport, N S 
Donald, A. (Ret.)... . Hampton, N B )IcXelll, L. G., '}1.A.. St. John, N ß 
Drummond, D.. .Big Bras d'Or, C B )IcPherson, H. H., .1:f.A.... Halifax 
Duff, W. (P'IS. EIIl.).Lunenburg, XS )lcliuarrie, H. .Leitche's Creek, C B 
Falconer, Ale
......... . Pictou, N S McRae, Alex..... )liddle Rh-er, C B 
Farquharson, Alex. . . . . S,\ dney, C B }Iacrae, Donald, D.D.. St. John N B 
Fern-, John.. .. .. Brid
ewater, N S Uahon, A. W.... .. )Iarshfield Þ E I 
Fishèr, George..... Montrose, PEl .\Iason, W. A...... ' 
Fiske, D. (0. Jf.).N. Kincardine, NB )Ia
well, Wm..... .Sherbrooke N S 
Fitzpatrick, J. R..... Rockville, N S .\I!llar, A. P. (Ret).. 11erigomish', N S 
Forbes, J. A...Little Glace Ba,\', C B )I
llar, E.. D., B.A ..Lunenbmg, N 
Forbes, J. F. . . . . . . . .. Durham, N S }blle!l, W. (Ret.).. St. Audrew's, K B 
Forrest. J., D.D. (Pf".D.Col.). Halifa
 MorrIson, P. M. (Agt.Ch.).. .. Halifa\: 
Fothering-ham,T.F.,.'IlA.St.John,1"B )Iowatt, A. J..... . Fredericton, N B 
Frame, W. R. (Ret.). .Charlotteto\\n 
Iullen, J. S........... Stanley, N S 
Fraser, D. S.. BA..)lahoneBar,1"S )Iurll'o, J. B., B.A..AntiO"onish N S 
George, F. W., Jf.A, .NewCarlisle, Q .\Iurra,\', I., D.D..Xorth S')"dney: C B 
George, John L., -'I.A... Dartmouth .\Iurray, John.. . . . . .. .. S\'dney, C B 
Gerrior, John P. . SUllllllerside, PEl )Iurray, J. D. . " . .. .. Bhciouche 
Gillies, E.. ..Cardi":l.n Brid
e, PEl .\!urray, T. H.Little River,H. CO.,XS 
Gordon, D. )1., B.D........ Halifax Xelson, T. A.......... Windsor X S 
Gordon, J. L... ". " River John, N S Nicholson, T. (Ret.).Rher Cearl
Graham, Will."..... St. John's, Xfid Patterson, G., D.D. N.Glasgow, N S 
Grant, Alex... .E. Lake Ainslie, C B Perr)-, John...... Bridgewater, N S 
Grant, Wm......... ..Cow Bay, C B Pol.lok, A., D.D. (Pro!.) ., Halifa\: 
Grant, Edward...... Ste\\ iacke, N S Qumn, R. C.. . . . . .. X ew Annan, N :oj 
Gray, J., B.D. (Ret.)... Sussex, 1" B Robbins, John.......... Truro Y S 
Gunn, A., B.A.. Lp. Kennetcook, K S Roh
rtson, J.. .1I,A.Black Rive;. -:SB 
Gunn, S. C.. . . . .. LOp. Stewiacke, X S Robmson, J. 
I. . . " . . Springhill, X S 
Gunn, A......... St. Andrew's, :s H I Rog-ers, A., B.A.... Yarmouth, N S 
Hamilton, W.. Kingston,KentCo. N B Rosborough, J., JI.A.Shelburne, NS 
Har\ey, .\1., .II. A ..' 
t. John's, 
fid I RosborouICh, S., Jf.A.Sheet Ha'r:S S 
Hawley, John. ,... ::st. George, X B Rose, John..... Whycocomagh, C B 
Henry, )1. G.. .. Shubenacadie, Y S Rose E. (Ret.)... ... .... Truro, N S 
Hog-g. Joseph. . . . . , . . .\Ioncton, N B I Ross, J. . . . .. South Riphmond, N B 
Hunt,W.H. (O.Jf.)..Sprin
 BRoss, R. D..... ...... . Wolfville, K S 
Jack, L. (Ret.)..... Buctollche, X B Ross, Will., B:A.Prince William, N B 
Jack, T. C., B.A.. .... .\Iaitland, X S Roulston, A...\Iurray Harbour, PEl 
Johnston,J.(O.."'I).Country Harb. is'S Russell, Alex... .. . Dalhousie N B 
Johnson, J. A., B D.Isaac'sHarh. N 
 Scott, Ephraim. ..Xew GlasO"o\\: N S 
Johm,tone, S.. ..... Chipman, X B 
Vm.. ..NorthBedeq
e, PEl 
Johnstone, T. G. . . ., Black\ille, 
edg'wlck, T..... Tetamag-ouche, N S 
Laing, Robert, .V. A . . . . . . .. Halih \: 
!Iore, Godfre,\' .. . . St. 
tephen, N B 
Layton, Jacoh ....... Elmsdale, N S Simpson, Allan... . . . . . . . . . . Halifa \: 
Linds:l.), P., B.A...N. Richmond, Q Simpson, I. S., B.A.L. La Have N S 
Logan, A. P.... ... . West Cornwallis S!ncla!r, A. )IcL.. .. Springville: Y S 
Logan, J. A.. . . . . Acadia AJines, N S Smclalr, G. . Loch Lomond C ß 
Lord, C. S., B.D.. Hamilton, Herm'a Sinclair, Jas..... . Foil v Yillacre' N S 
MeClure,J.IL CI)de Riv. Shel. Co. NS Smith, E., B.D. 
lid. Stewiacke: N 
)lcCulloch, W.,D.D.(Ret.). Truro, 1" S Spen
er, W. H.}lontague Bdg., PEl 

fcCurdy, E. A.. .New Glasgow, N S Sterling, Alex.. .... ...Clifton, PEl 
)IcDonald, D.... POl-t H:i.stings, C B Stewart, A. S.West Rinr,Q. Co. PEl 
McDonald, W. (O.M.).Hamptoh, :s B Stewart, T. (O'rd. Jfis>?))lcArlam NR 
}lcDougall, A........ St. John, N B Stuart, Wm..Cal"leton, St. John, N B 
all, Donald...West Bay, C B Sutherland, Donald... . Gabarus, C B 
)lcGillivray, J.D... .... Clifton, N S Sutherland, IT. A. F. .St. James, N B 
.\lcGregor, D......... Amherst, X S Thompson, J. (W.C.).. Durham. N S 

lcIntosh, Abraham.. St. Ann's, C B Thompson, W. G.Harh'r Grace Nfid 
McKay, H. B......... Wallace, N S Thomson, A. F..Bathurst YiiI: N B 
)lcKa,\", J. 
lcG..... Port Eig-in, N B Turnbull, J. H., llr.ASt,ellarton' K B 
)lcKay, K.,.B.A ..De Bee Richmond I Y

IcKay, Ned........ Chatham, N B Walts, E. W., B.A.. ..Chatham, K B 

een! J. A., B.A. I Foreigl
 Jfis8'ionar' 8 . 
.\lcKenzle, J. A...... Pug-wash, N S Ie . 

lcKenzie, Kenneth... Baddeck, C B I 

nand J., JI.A..Santo' N. Hebrides 
)IcKenzie, J. W...... Midg-ell. P E [ Gibson 
ohn, B.D....... . Demarara 
.\kKnight,A. (Pr.P.Cnl.).Dal.tmouth ' Grant.. I.... J..San Fe.nando, Trinidad 
)IeKinnon, Duncan.. Lockeport, N S I Hel
drle....... St. Joseph, TI'inidad 

kLean, Alex., Jf.A.. Hopewell, N 8 1 )lcKenzle! J. W.: Efate, N. Hehrides 
.\lcLean, Allan.. . Hampton, PEl )lcRae, W. L..PrmcestO\\n,Trinidad 
:\JcoLean, H. R... ". ... Lochaber, N S )Iorton J. .... Tunapuna, Trinidad 
.\IcLean, J. A..Harve,), York Co NB Robertson, A. A.. Eromang'a, 
. H's 
)lcLean, James... Gr
at VillaA"e, 1'o..S I EvangtJli.fJt.- 
)fcLean, Rooem.k ., 
eld, P 
.I Lal Behari.. San Fernando, Trinidad 
,Ie Leod, A. B... . .\ft. Stewart, P f. I I 

kLeod, A. W.. Ph.D.Thorburn, N S Teachers: 
:\f('Leorl,D. B.. B.A... On\ ell HIt PEl )lfss Blackadder.. Princestown Tr'd 
'lc-Leod, H., D.D. (Ret.).S,\ dlrey, C B ' J. Corsbie. . San Fernando, Tri;lidad 





Mi88 A. Semple. . Tunapuna,Trinidad 
Miss Copeland.. San Fernando, Trin. 
R('v.J. Watson,M.A. ,II untingdon,Q., 
Ami, Ware.............. . Ottawa, 0 
Andel'son, D. (Ret.)... " .. Levis. Q 
Andrew, Joseph. .. ..MiddlevilIe, 0 
Anustrong, W.D., Ph.n., Ottawa, 0 
Haillie, J. K.. .. .. .. .. Woodlands, 0 
fuin, W., D.D.,.. .. .. .. Kingston, 0 
Ballantyne, W. D., B.A..... Ottawa 
Barclay, James, B.A...... Montreal 
Bayne, G. Dunlop,B.A.. Morrisburg 
Bayne, G. T . . .. Ramsay's Corners, 0 
Bennett, J., B. A .. Cote de N eiges, Q 
Bennett, John, D.D.... Almonte, 0 
Bennett, Thos.. ......... Montreal 
Birrell, J. A. Ord. Miss) Plantagenet 
Hlakel)',W. B.A., Forrester's Falls,O 
Bouchard, T. A.... .. . . . .. Montreal 
Boudreau, M. F.. ..New Glasgow, Q 
Boyd, J. M., B.D...Beaucharnois, Q 
Bremner, George.. .. White Lake, 0 
Burnet, John S.. .. . . llartillto\\ n, 0 
Burufleld, G., B.D.... Brockville, 0 
l,'alder, John A. G.. ... Lancaster, 0 
Cameron, Hugh. . . . . .. Hallsville. 0 I 
Campbell. J, Jl..A. Cote Ste. Antoine I 
Campbell, John C.. . . .. .. Douglas, 0 
Camphell, Neil.. . _ Port Elmsley, 0 I 
Campbell, R., M.A., D.D..Montreal 
Campbell, R.. D.Se... ...Renfrew, 0 
Canllinll', W. T. (Ret.).. Lutherville,O 
Cavan, Wm.... _... Buekingham, Q 
Christie, W. M., lrJ.A. (Ret.) Ottawa 
('larke, G. M.. .. New Edinburgh, 0 
CI:trk, W. B. (Ret.)..........Quebec 
Cook, John, D.D. (Ret.).. ...Quebec 
Cormaek, Jas., B.A..... Lachine, Q 
Coull, Geo., M.A.... .. Sylvestre, Q 
Coussirat,D. M., B.D. (Prof. ) 
Crombie, Jas. Myles. .Oumherland,Q 
Crombie, John, j1{.A.Smith's Fa!ls,O 
Cruikshank,W. B.A. Pt. St. Chas., Q 
Cruchet. Aifred........... Montreal 
Dewey, Finlay M. ,M. A " . Montreal 
Doudiet, Chas. A.. . . . . " . . Montreal 
Duclos, R. P.............. Montreal 
EdmondAon, John B.... Almonte, 0 
Jl'airlie, John.. .. _ . . . .. L'Orignal. 0 
Tarries, Francis 'W.. .. " .0ttawa,0 
J'erguson,J. D.,B..A. Windsor MiIls,Q 
Ferguson, J . . . . . . . . .. Sawyerville, Q 
"erguson, Wm.. ...... . Kirk Hill, 0 
J'inlay,D.,M.A.(Ord.Mis.) Cantley,Q 
rIeck, James, B.A.. . . .. .. Montreal 
J'orlong, Wm.. .. .. .. . .. Lachute, Q 
Fraser, James, B.A..... Cushing', Q 
J1'raspr, John (Ret.)...... ..Montreal 
Gamble, Robt., B..A... Wakefield, Q 
(!a.n-iier, Joseph.. .. ... .Coulonge, Q 
Geddes, Wm... .. . . . . .. .. Russell, 0 
fHassford, T. S., B..A. . Richmond, 0 
Craham, John H... . . . . .. Bristol, Q 
flrant, John P., B.A..... Dunbar, 0, Ja.mes....... .Ste. Therese, Q 
Ha.milton, Robt...... ..Grenville, Q 
lIanran, James (Ret.)..Inverness. Q 
Ila.stie, James.. . . . . . . .. Cornwall, 0 
lleine, Geo. C., B..A. ..... Montreal 
lIerridge, W. T., B.D... .. Ottawa, 0 
Hughes, Robt........ ..Vernon,O 
Internoscia,.A (Ord. Miss.) Montreal 
Jenkins, J., D.D. (Ret.) London,Eng 
Johnston,W.A. fOrd.MiBB.)Marlow,Q 
Jones, .John (Ret.)...... ...Montreal 
Jordan, L. H.,B.D........ Montreal 
Kellcck, David...... SpencenilIe, 0 
Kinnear, G., B.A .. ..Massawappi, Q 
Knowles, Robt.. .. .. .. Blakeney, 0 
Lamont, Hugh, D.D.. ..Marsden, Q 
}.ee, Ar
hibald, B.A _ _ Sherbrooke, Q 
Lefebvre, T. z., B.C.L...... Quebec 

Leitch, MalC'ohn L.... Valleyfield, Q 
Love, A. T., B.A........... . Quehec 
M('Alister, John 1.1., B.A . Iroquois, 0 
MeArihur, Geo., B A ... . Cardinal, 0 Rev. .Juhn Gra
',lr[..A., D.D., Orillia
McCullo('h, W. K.. Kinnear's Mills, Q ClRrk. 
li<' Diarmid, H. J..... Kemptville, 0 Ahraham, J. . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . W1litby 
McDonald, D., .A.1Jf..Barleton PI., 0 A('heson, S., M.A.. ." Clover Hill 
MeEachern, D., Ste. A. de Dundee,Q Alexander, J., Jl..A. (Ret.)...Norval 
MC'Farlane, A. A.Farnham Centre. Q Allan, Wm '" . ..:Newburg 
MPGilJivray, Alex..... Brockville, 0 Amos, Walter.............. Aurora 
MeGiIlivray,J.,B.A. CoteSte.Ant., Q. Andérson. W. .Il.A. (W.C)..Oakville 
Mackay, A. B............. Montreal Andrews, Frands......... . . Keene 
1tleKay, D. (Ord. 
li-88.).. .. . Metis, Q Argo, James. .. ...... . .. Norval 
Mackie, John.... oo..... LaC'hute, Q Armstrong, W. Coo... '.. HilIsburj:;' 
Ml'Keehnie, Duncan L. ..Mattawa, 0 Aull, John M..... . Palmer
Meli:enzie, John.... Moose Creek, 0 Baikie, .John.. ...... ... Harrieton 
Ml'Kerraehcr, Chas. 
I. ..Howiek, Q Ballantyne, Geo.... _. ..Yono Centre 
,Meli:ibhin, R. V., B.A.Farnham W. ,f.,) Beattie, R. .J. . . . . _ _ . . _ . . . . . . Guelph 
McLaren, David, 1JI..AAlexandria, I,) Beattie Da\"Îd (Ret.).. Peterborough 
Me Laren, John.. .. . .. .. .. .. Carp, 0 Bell, Aiex............ Peterboroug-h 
McLean, D. J., B.A.... . Arnprior, 0 Bell, Geo., LL.D. (W.C). . Kingston 
MeLean, Hugh.... ... .. Lal{uerre, <l Bennett, Wm.. . . . . Springville 
M('Lennan, Finlay.. .. Dunvegan,O Bickell, David.. ..... .}fount Forest 
}feLennan, D.D. (0. If) Apple HiIl,Q Blair, Arch., B..A..... Xassag-a.\ve) a 
M('Leod, John, B.A .. .. .. Melbourne Bryant, Ja.
. (W C.). .. .... Bradford 
Ml'Leoil, John R .... . Ii:ingsbury, Q Burnett, ,J. R S ......... ..Alliston 
MeLeod, .J., },{.D... ... .}laxville, Q Burns, W. (A",f. Knllx Cui.). Toronto 
McKabb, Rohert, B.A.Beachhurg, 0 Cameron, Ha\id............. .Maple 
M('Nish, Neil, LL.D.. ..Cornwall, () Cameron, J., B D...... ...lfillbrook 
McPhee, Norman. Dalhousie Mills, 0 Cameron, J. J., Jf A .. . . . . Pickerin
MaC'Yicar,D.H.,LL.D.D.D.Montreal Cameron,J. N......... ...Toronto 
Matheson, Alex. ... Lunnenburg, 0 Cameron, J. \ ., B..A.. .... 
Matheson, ,John, B.A.Martintown,O Cameron, M. C., B.D..... H:trri.eton 
Mathieson, Wm.. ....... Stonaway, Q Camphell, Chas. (Ret.).. .. .. Toronto 
Mathews, G. D., D.D.. .... ..Quebec Camphell, J., M,A., Ph.D.Collin,,'d 
MaJ\.well, Geo. R.. .. .. Three Rivers Carmiehael, James. .. _ _ .. . Strange 
Moffat, Robt., D.D. W. Winchester,O I Carmkhael, Jas., 
J.A. _. ..Norwood 
Moore, Wm., D.D.. .. ... Ottawa, 0 Carmichael, J. A.. .. ..... Columhus 
Morrison, D. 'V., B.A ..Ormstown, Q Carswell, Jas.. .. ....... .Bend Head 
Muir, J. B., A.J'I.. ..Huntingdon, 
 I Ca..en. W., D.D. (P.K.Cul.).Toronto 
Mylne, Solomon.. .. Smith's Falls, 0 Chambers, T. S.... .... Wolfe Island 
Nichols, John... ... ., .. .. }Iontreal I Childerhose, Stephen, B..A.. .Madol' 
on, Tho,mas.... .
mith's Falls, 0 c;larke, N. (W.C.)..... ..... . Lake!'lel . d 
OXley,1I. S., B.A ........ Montreal Clarke, W., M.C.S. &- S.BracebrJdge 
Paterson, D., A.J'[. . St. Andrew's, Q Cleland, James (!let.).... Port Hope 
Patterson, A., B.A.. ..Egansville, 0 Cleland, Wm. (Ref.)... _. ..Toronto 
Patterson, James......... . Montreal CoC'hrane, .J. J., Jf.A... ...Thornton 
Porteous, Geo.. .. .. .. .. .. Tolerlo, 0 Cockburn, E., M.A... .. . Uxbridge 
PUllar, James.... ...Farmersville, 0 Cooke, C. H., B.A. . Baltimore 
Richards Jno. J. .......... ..L)n, 0 Colter, A. T., M..A,..... .. Meaford 
Robertson, .James.. .. .. Madrid, N. Y Coulthard, Walter.. . . . . . . . .. Picton 
Robertson, Wm.. ..Hemming-ford, Q Craig, R. J" JI.A........ Desoronto 
Ross, C. B... .. . . . . .. .. .. .. Lachine Craig, R. M,. . . . . . . . .. .. Dunbarton 
Ross, David Y., M.A...Westport, 0 Craig, S. S..................Claude 
Ross, James, B.D.......... Perth, 0 Craigie, J. R., M.A. _.. .. BobeB.A"eon 
.Rowat, Andrew... .. . Athelstane, Q Craw, George...... ...... HilIsda)e 
Scott, Alex.A.,M.A.Carleton Pl., 0 Crozier, Hugh.........Grand Talle." 

C'ott, Matthew H., B.A. Manotick,O Cumberland J., M.A... . .... ..S
Scrimger, J., M.A. (Prof.).Montreal Currie Arch., H..A......... ..Soaya 
Seylaz, E. F. . .. . . Ste. Hyacinthe, Q Currie, Hugh.. .. . . Pedetanguisherll
Shearer, W. K.,B...AFitzror Harb.,Q Davidson, John............ ...Alma 
Shearer, Wm., B.A.... . Norwood, 0 Davidson, Thos.
 M..A....... ..Oonn 
Sinclair, James. .......... .Carp, 0 Dawson. Alex., .b'.A.. ..Grayenhurst 
SmIth, Geo. A.. . .. Glen Sandfleld, 0 Dewar, R. (Ret.) ............ Ana.JI 
Smyth. W. J., Ph.D...... Montreal Dickson, Jas. A. R., B.D..... ..Galt 
Stewart, Donald.. '" Xewlngton, 0 Dobhin, J. S.. ..... . .Caledon 'lDaEt 
Stewart, James......... . Arundel, Q Dohert.r, E. A., M.A ..North Keppel 
Stewart, Robt., B..A.North Gower, 0 Drumm, A. H... ... ...... Washago 
Stewart, James H.. .Lochwinnoch, 0 Drummond, A. A. .. . . . . . . Newcastle 
Stuart, James........ .. Prescott,O Dunbar, John (Ret.) .... DunbarÞo.. 
Stewàrt, James G..... Baldersou, 0 Duncan, W. A., M.A.. ... . Churchill 
Sutherland, James.. .. .. Inverness,Q Duncan, Peter. . .. ... .... Corbome 
Tait, James (Ref)........ . Ottawa, 0 Duff, John (Rd.).. ........... Elora 
Tanner,Chas.A.......... ,.Levis, Q Eastman, S. H., B..A........Oshaw8 
Taylor, Hugh.. ..... Pakenham, 0 Edmison, Henry, M..A. .... Rothða
Turnbull, J .. Ste. L. de Gonzague, Q Ewing, John.. . . . . . . Wount Pleatmnt 
Vernier, Paul S.... .... .. AlIg-ers, Q Fairhairn, R., B.A. (O.M.) :Mildmay 
Vernon, John A..........Duclos, Q Ferguson,G,D. B.A.(/'ro/.).King!!
Waddell, Nathan.... Musseltown, Q Findlay, A. (Supt. Miss.) .. .. Ba.rrie 
Warden, R. H. (A. Ch.).... Montreal Fleming, P............. ClarksborJ:' 
Watson, James, .A.MHuntingdon, Q Forrest, Wm. (Ret.)....... Chath&m 
Watson, Murray Alil'e, Pembroke,O Fowlie, R.. ., " .. ... ...,...... Jlrin 
Williams, G., B..A.N. Georgetown, Q Fraser, Alexander. . . . . .. . . .. Orono 
Williams, Robt., M.A.Hintonburg, 0 Fraser, J. B., M.D.......... ..
White, Jos., B.A.. .. .. _.. Ottawa, 0 Fraser, James. . .. .... ...... Sut
Wilson..James. A.M..... Lanark,O Fraser, R. D., M.A.... Bowman-nIle 




Fraser, W., D.D. (Rtt.). _.... Barrie 
Freeman, G. E.. . . . . . . . . . _ . Toronto 
FrizzelJ, Wm., Ph.B ....... Toronto 
Gallaher, John, B.A....... Dufferin 
George, J. H., M.A... .. .. BelJeviJIe 
Hibson, .John, B.D... ... .tDemerara 
Uilchrist, J. R., B.A.... Cheltenham 
Gillies, John. . . . . . .. . . . . . LorneviJIe 
mlray. Alex............... Toronto 
Oirvan, Arpad, B.A...... L'Amable 
Ulassford, R. J. H... _ Waubaushene 
Um,ci!Y, Henry...... ... .Gananoque 
Hrant,G.M,D.D.(P.Q Col.). Kingston 
({rant, Jas. A..... Toronto Junction 
Grant, R. N.. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. Orillia 
Bray, James M. .. . . . . . . .. .. tStirling 
Hra,y, J.,ltl. ....., D.D. (P.Em.).QriJIia 
Gregg, W., D.D. (Prof.).... Toronto 
Hunn,,R.. ...... ...... ...... Argr1e 
Haig-h, George. . . . .. . . . . .. Hesp(>ler 
Hamilton,A.M.,M.A.. Winterbourne 
Hamilton, J. B....... .Sing-hampton 
Hancock, Wm. (Ret.).. .. .. Parkdale 
Hay, John, B.D...... CamplJellford 
Henry, J. K ............. Creemore 
He,",itt, W. J. (0. }[i.
s.). ..l'ìorth Bay 
Houston, Samnel, 
[.A ... King-ston 
Howie, G. C. (IF. charge) .' Toronto 
Hudson, Andrew..... Parr,} Sound 
Hunter, W. A., M.A.... Orang-e\iIIe 
Hutcheson, Smith. . .' .. Shanty Bay 
Hyde, Richard.. . . ........ Warsaw 
InKlis, Wm. (W. charge).. . . Toronto 
James, Da\id............. . JoIidlaJld 
,Jåmieson, J. (J[iss.).. Tamsui, China 
Jamieson, W. H., ,Y.A.. Perryto\\n 
.Johnston, Joseph _... ...... Hornhy 
Kellog-g S. H., D. D.. .. . . .. Toronto 
Ii:elso, Donald. ........ _.... Roslin 
Kennedy, Alex. (Ret.) ... Newcastle 
Kippan, A. H........... . Claremont 
Knox, H. (Ord. ltliss.). .. Joloonstone 
Laird, Robert......... .. " Sunbury 
I.eishman, John... ......... . Angus 
lie, A., .bLA............ Clarke 
Little, James (W. charge) .. Toronto 
Lochead, Wm..... . . . . Fenelon Falls 
Lowry, Thomas (Ret.) .... Stratford 
McAlpine, John. _ . . . . . . Chats worth 
AC'Aulay, A., B.A. . HeLaren's Depot 
llcAula,\', Evan.. .. .. ........ Crieff 
McClelJand, A. M., B.A.,.. Ashburn 
1tcClelJand, T. J... . . . . ., Shelburne 
llcConnelJ, Wm.,... . . . . .. Craigvale 
:McCurdy ,J. F.,Ph. D.(W. C. ).. Toronto 
j,lclJiarmid, ArC'hibald..... DornoC'h 
.McDonald, Alex., B. A .. .. Duntroon 
McDonald. D..... .... . _. G1enarm 
t.lcDonald, D. B..... . . . . .. Uxbridge 
t.It'Don!l.ld, J. A..... Horning's Mills 
1taL-donnelJ, D. J., B. D. . . . . Toronto 
]Ud;wan, .J. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . Lftkt'ltit'lc1 
McFa ul, Alexander... ......... ...Cal.doD 
McGilllvr"y, M. M.Á. .... ...Kin

loJcTlroy, James... ...CaldwE'II'
Mclnnee, John......... ... Blantyr. 

lcInt08h. D. .................. UnionvllI. 
McKay, A., D.D. ...............ltlorrbtf.D 
MeKay, G. .............. Cartwrijl;lot 
McKlly,J, B.A........... . Agincourt 

lrKay, R. P.. M.Á.............l'arkdllle 
MrKetl, 'l"ho
. (In.. P &hool.)...ßarrle 
McKeo, W.(Weh.)............lilurie 
Mllckle. John....,. ......... ...Kinp:f'ton 
lIcK..nzle, W. A., B.A.. . . .. . GraftoD 
?tIcLachlin. A. G.. B.A....... Ù'a.kdllie 
lIIcLRren, Alex..... .. . . . Ennlf'killt'n 
McLaren, E. D.. B D..........Brampton 
Mcl.aren. J. F. B.D............ R"cklyn 
]UeLaren', J. B.......... Cannlngton 
M...Laren, W., D D. (fi-of)...Toronto 
Rn, D. A........... ...... Rembl.. 
!IIcV>l\n. :tl. W., M.Á. .........Bellevlllt' 
McLennan, A................Owen Round 
Mal'ltm U . n, R. (w.: eh.) . .. .. . Whit by 
Mc:Leod, A. K. . ... .. .. .. ... Brighton 

. , 
:\lcl..,..II. Dmlllid. B.A......... Prll'evillf! Wilson, Andrew (W. ch.).. .. Toronto 
. II. D......... ...... Barrie Wilson, Thomas......... Tottenham 

lcI.t"od. ".Met ..... .......Tf'ronto Wilson, Thomas (Rd.).... ...Toronto 
MrMf'chan,.J....... .... . Port Perry WindeJl, W. C. (Rdired)... .. Lotus 
McM illlu,. John. . ... . . ... .. .... Wick Wishalt., David.............. Madoc 
McNair. Robt..................... Durham Yeomans, G. A., M.A. HarrowsmltJJ 
MrPhaden, II. (Welt.)....... Crell.wE'lI Young, Alex ........... Napanl'e 
McRae, D. L.. PII.R. . . '. . . .' Cobourg Young', Stephen.. .. .. . . . . .. Clifford 
McTnif'h, Daniel. D.Se. ....... Lind!!a, Young, W. C. (Retired).... . Toro11t" 
McWilliam, W., M.A., LL.B. Pt. Hope 
IIIeik Ie. W ......... ......... ........ .Oak viII. 
M..ldrum, W. (Jv. el,agre)...?tIorrløwn 
Middlemisl;. JRmeli. D.D........... Elora 
Millard, K B. N., Jr.A..... Lau.downe 

macan, W ...................... Belwood 
Milligan, G. M., ..................Toronto 
Mills, Wm. G.. B.A......... Sunderland 
MltchE'lI. J. W., M.A.........Port Hope 
Monteath. R. (Pres. Clerk) . . Toronto 
Moodie, Robt. . . . . . .. .. .. .. Stayner 
f.A. (lùt.) Owen Sound 
}Iorrison, John.. . .. . _ ... Cedarville 
Mowat, J. B., D.D. (Prof.) Kingston 
Mullan, Elias.. .. " .. .... .. Kilsyth 
Mullan, James B.. oo .... .. .. Fergus 
.Murray, James, B.D.... Streetsville 
Mutch, John, }'{.A.. .. .. .. .. Toronto 
Neil, John, B.A.......... ..Toronto 
NeilI, Robt., D.n. (Ret.).. Burnbrae 
Nicol, Alex. (Without charge.) 
l'icol, Peter... ............ Alùion 
Niven, D. P., B.A........ ..Dromore 
1'0rris, Henry.. OO' .... Glenallan 
Orr, J. W.. oo . . '. ... . .. . . Mono Mills 
Park, Wm. (Retired).. .. .. .. Durham 
Parsons, Henry 1>1. . . . .. .. .. Toronto 
Patterson, J. P. (Without charge.) 
Patterson, Wm....... .. .. .. Toronto 
peattie, Wm. (Retired).. .. .. Toronto 
Perrin, L., B.A........... . Kirkfle1d 
Porter, Samuel (Retired).. ... Barrie 
Rae, James W... h . . . . _ . oo " Acton 
Reid, Walter............... W
Reid, W., D D. (Agt. ek.).. Toronto 
Roùert8on, John. . . . . . .. .. .. .' Bath 
Rodgers, Hobt. (Ret.).. Owcn Sound 
Ross, Alex., M.Aoo.... W"odville 
!toss, Donald, E.D, (Prof.) Kingston 
R08s, James, B.A........ Harwood 
Ross, J. A., B.A.......... Dundalk 
SPOtt, J as. R. (Retired).. .. Cam bray 
Scott, Alex. H., M.A.. Owen Sound 
Sieverij;(ht, Jas., B.A.... Huntsville 
Simpson, Geo. (W. ck.).. .. . Toronto 
SmelIie, George, D.D.... .. .. Fergus 
Smith, Jas. C., M.A., B.D... Guelph 
Smith, Jas. K., D.D........... . Galt 
Smith, Frederick.. .. .. .. .. Bradford 
Smith, John.... ..... ..... Toronto 
Smith, R. B.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Rosemont 
Smith, Wro. S.. .. .. .. .. CentreviUe 
Somerville., Jobn. J[..4.. Owen Sound 
Spencer, A. (W. eh.)... . Bowmanville 
Strachan, Donald........ Rockwood 
Straith, Peter, M.Â......... Holstein 
Steele, Jacob, B.A. ......R}.lstone 
Stewart, A. C........ .... ..Belmore 
Stewart, John.. oo . . .. .. .. ... Keady 
Stewart, Wm. (Retired).. .. .. Toronto 
Stuart, Jame8 (W. ch.).... .. Toronto 
Sutherland, D., bl.Â..... Warkworth 
Sym, F. P................. Wiart..n 
Tait, Donald, B. D.......... ..Berlin 
Thorn, L. W................ Arthur 
Thompson, D. A........ ...Hastings 
Torrance, E. F., M.A.... Peterboro' 
Torrance, Robt., D.D. (Ret.)..Guelph 
Turnbull, ?tI. (Ord. J/iss.).. .. Minden 
Wallace, Robt............. . Toronto 
Wallace. W. G., B.D... Georgetown 
Ward rope, Thos., D.D...... .Guelph 
White, Wm. (Retirpd).. ... Peterboro' 
Wilkie, J.. M.A. (Miss.) Indore, India 
Wilkins, Wm. Thos., B.A.. . Trenton 
WilIiaro80n,J .,LL.D.(ProJ.) Kingston 
Wilson, Andrew.. .. .. .... Markdale 
[131 ] 


Rev. W. Cochrane, D.D., Brantford, 
Abrallam, R. H.. .. .. .. .. BurlingtOB 
Acheson, Samuel.. .. .. ., .' .. Kippen 
Alexander, T.. M.A. (1fl'f.)..Mohawk 
m, J. A., R.A.. Whitechurch 
Anderson, John.. .. .. . . '.' Tiverton 
Anderson, J01m. ...... Ailsa Craig 
Archibald, F. W., Ph.D..St. Thomas 
Ball, W. S.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Yanm'ck 
Ballantyne, J.. . . . . . . . . .. .. London 
Ballant,) ne, F.. oo . . .. .. .... Waltoll 
Barr, Matthew (Retired).. .. Seafort.h 
Battisby, J. R., Ph.D.... ..ChathHm 
Beamer, A....... " ......._ .Petr.,lea 
Beattie, D. M., M.A.Gobles Corners 
Beattie, F. R., Ph. D" D.D.Brantford 
Becket, John.. .. .. .. ... Thames\ille 
Bell, J. W., J[ A.. ...... ... Niagam 
Black, Janu;e (Ref.).. .. ... Hamilton 
Boyd, Jame!l.. oo .. .. .. .. .. Crosshill 
Boyle, W. H. W.,B.A........ Paris 
Brown, George.. .. .. .. .. . . Wroxeter 
Brown, J. A., B.A........ Belmont 
BurMon, George...... St. Catharines 
Cameron, Charles........... Armow 
Cameron, D. (Ord.Jfis.)Manitowaning 
Cameron, D. G.. .. . . .. .. Dungannon 
Cameron, Hugh (Ret.)...... Watford 
Cameron, Lachlan.. .. .. Thamesford 
Campbell, Isaac.......... Listowell 
CampLell, J.. ............. Granton 
Campbell, J.,B.A.(Ord.M.) Gore Bay 
Carriere, S. A... ........ Brewster 
Carruthers, Samuel.. .. .. .. Kirkwall 
Ca8well, A. K.... .... _. .Clanbrossi1' 
Cathcart, J. W.. ... .... .8trabane 
Chambers, R.(Mi
8. )Erzeroum,Turk('y 
Chimquy, C. (Ord. ,Wiss.) St. Anne, Ill. 
Chrystal, George........... . Avonton 
Cochrane, W., D. D.... ... Brantford 
Croll, R. }foo .. . . .. .. ...... Simcoe 
Crombie, George.. .. .. .. .. St. AnD's 
Currie, Archd.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. Duart 
Currie, Donald........ Wallaceburg 
Currie, Hector, B.A.. .... Thedford 
Currie, D., B.D ........... . Glenco& 
Currie, John............... Clachall 
Currie, Peter, (W. ch.).... Strathroy 
Cuthbertson, George...... Wyomin
Davidson, Duncan.. . , . . .. Langside 
Doak, Wm. (W. rh.)........ ..Samia 
Dull, DanieL.............. Malcolm 
Duncan, J. Boo.... .. ....... Paisley 
Eadie., J olm .. . . .. .. .. .. .. Pillkerton 
Eakin, J. B. (W. rh.)...... WinghsI'R 
Farquharson, 'rm.......... OuuO'!\1t 
Fenton, S. (Retirl'd). . .. .. ... Hal1ey 
Ferguson, J., JI. A., B. D.. . . Ch
Fisher, IS W... .. . .. West Plam boro' 
Fleming, Wm. M.. .. . . Essex Centre 
FIÜC'tler. Colin, M.A .. .. .. .. Exeter 
Fletcher, D. H.... .. .. . . " HamiltOI! 
Forrest, David............. BlI.Jfield 
Forrest, Wm. ..... ..Tllbury Centrt' 
Fraser, Mungo, M. A .. . . .. Hamilton 
Galloway, Wm... Dorchester Statio. 
Gallld, John (W. ch.) ... . Hamilton 
Goldsmith, Thos.. .. .. .... Hamilton 
Gordon, Daniel.. .. ., ... Harrington 
Gordon, Jas. (W. ch.)....... Londo. 
G,!urlar, James. M.A.. ..Port Eigi. 
Graham, Wm. (Ret.).. .. EgmondviUe 




Grant, A.. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. St. Mary's 
Gnnt, Alex. (Ret.) ........ Lucknow 
Gray, John.... ........... Windsor 
Gray, Robt.. .... .. ......... Kinloss 
Hamilton, J. A., M.A.. ...L}'nedoch 
Hamilton, J. B...... ,... Wardsville 
Hamilton, Robt ....... . Mothenvell 
Hanna, W. G., B.A.. .. .... .. .. Tara 
Hardie, J. S....... .. .. .. .... .. . .Ayr 
Hartley, Alex. Y.. .. . . . . .. Bluevale 
Henderson, Alex... .... Hyde Park 
Henderson, A., M. A.. .. .. ...Atwood 
Henderson, J. S............ Wendigo 
Hume, Robt., "
[.A .. .. .. ... Arkona 
James, John, D.D...... ..'Valkerton 
Johnson, D. C.. .. .. .. '. Oil Springs 
Johnston, John.. .... .. .. .. .. .. Ivan 
Johnston, J. R., .Jl.A.... . Alvinston 
Jones, Samuel(Ret.).. .. .. .. Brussels 
Kay, John.... .... .... .. .. Milverton 
King, Wm. (Rtti1.ed)........ Buxton 
Lafontaine, C. . . . .. .. Ste. Anne, Ill. 
Laidlaw, H. J., LL.D..... Hamilton 
Laing, John, D.D.......... Dundas 
Law, George.............. Belgrave 
Leask, Robert.......... St. Helen's 
Lees, John.. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . Parkhill 
Leiteh, Robert.. .. ... Point Edward 
Linton, A. R., M.A., B.D. Teeswater 
Little, James............ . Princeton 
LOC'head, John S., M,A.... Parkhill 
Logie, John. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. Valetta 
Lyle, Samuel, B. D.. .. .. .. Hamilton 
McAdam, Thos.... ....... Strathroy 
)lcAlmon, John (W. eh.).. .. 
)lcClung, J............ Shakespeare 
)lcColl, Angus.. .. . . .. .. .. Chatham 
McConechy, A. W...... Port Stanley I 
McConnell, Jas. A. (W. eh.) Delaware 
)lcCoy, Joseph........ Egmondville I 
McCuaig, F. F............. Welland 
)[cCutcheon, Jas.......... Corunua ! 
McDiarmid, Neil (W. eh.) Elmira, 111. 
:\lcDonald, A. D.. . . .. .. . .. Seaforth 
)lcDonald, C. D.. B.D.... .. Thorold 
McDonald, John A.. .. .. ... Brigden 
McDonald, Kenneth......... Kin tail 
McEy,an, Jas. (W. ch.)..... . London 
:McFarlane, John........ Pine River 
:\lcGillivray, D ............ London 
McGregor, M., 11[. A .. .. .. Tilson burg 
)lcGuire, Thos. (W. eh.)... Hamilton 

Iclntyre, D., M.A.,Ph. D.Beamsville 
:Mclntyre, R........ .. .... .. Tansley 

lcKay, Angus.......... ..Lucknow 
Me Kay, G. L., D.D. (Miss.).. Tamsui 
)lcKay, R. D. (Retired)...... Toronto 
McKa)', Will. A., B.A.... Woodstock 
"McKenzie, A. (W. eh.)... Kincardine 
McKenzie, Alex.. .... .. .. Lucknow 

lcKenzie, A. F. (Ord. Miss.)Tarbert 
:UcKibbin, W. M.... .. .. .. Millbank 
}lcKinley, W.............. Innerkip 
McKinnon, Neil ............ ..Mosa 
McKnight, R., B.A.... ...Dunnville 
)lcLean, Archd.. n... .. .. .. .. . Blyth 
McLennan, D. H., M.A.. . Thessalon 
}IcLennan, George.. .. ... Camlachie 
McLeod, Angus........ ...QueenhilI 
)1cLintock, Jno. W.... . Mandaannn 
}1c1iillan, Alex.. .. .. .. .... Auvurn 
McMillan, Duncan (W. C.).. London 
l\Iclilillan, John.... ...... Glammis 
)IcMullen, W. T.. .. .. '.' Woodstock 
abb, John (Retil'ed)... Lucknow 
McNaughton, D. (O.M.) Bruce Mines 
}lcPherson, T. (Retired)... Stratford 
)1('Quarrie, IIector.. .. . . . . Win
'lcQueen, Adam F.... .. .. .. Ripley 
:.lcRae, Donald B...... ..Cranhrook 
:\lcRobie, John (W. ch.).. .. Petrolia 
McRobbie, G. G..... .. .. . Ridgetown 
?olcTavish, W. S.... ... ..St. George 
:\Ialcohn, James.. .. .. .. Underwood 
}[artin, Wm. M.. ............ E
eter i 

lilIoy. John.. .' .... .. .. .. .. Crman 

Moore. .John, M.A...... ..Allenford I 
dy, J., lILA. ........ Kiag. F
1)lmr, Thomas.. .. .... .... FordwlCh 
Munro, G., .W.A............ Embro 
Munro, John M............ Kintore 
Murray, J. A............... London 

Iurray, John Goo.. ..... .. ..Grimsbr 
Murray, J. L., M.A..... Kin('ardine 
Musgrave, Peter.. .. .. .. ... Seaforth 
Myers, Robert............. Norwich 
Panton, E. W............. Stl'atford 
Paradis, Jos. H.... ... Amhertsburg 
Peatchell, T. H.. .. .. .. Wellandport 
Paterson, Nathaniel.. .. . . .. Hanover 
Pettigrew, Robt., M.A.. Glenmorris 
Porteous, Jobn (Retired).. . . ..' Galt 
Pritchard, James...... .... ..Forrest 
Proudfoot, J. J. A., D.D.. ..London I 
Ramsay,D.M.,B.A.,B. D., Londesb'gh 
Ratcliffe, J. H.. .. ... St. Catharines 
Rees, W. D............. Blackheath 
Rennie, John.. .. . . .. .., Ailsa Cruig 
Robertson, Wm.... . . .. . Waterdo\Vn 
Robertson, Wm., 11'l.A .. Chesterfield 
Rodgers, E. B.... .. Sault Ste. Marie 
Roger, WalterM.,Jf.Aoo.. ...London 
Ross, John, B.A.. .. .. .. .. Brussels 
Ross, H. C.. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . Ancaster 
Ross, P. R...... .. .. .. .. Ingersoll 
Russell, Alex.. .. .. " .. .. . . Bothwell 
Sawer!!, E. H.. .. ... ... Wilton Grove 
Scott, John B.. .. .. .. . . Leamington 
Scott, John, D.D. (Retired) Pt. Elgin 
Scott. Robt............. Brooksdale 
Scott, Peter.. .. . . . . .. . . .. Cromarty 
Simpson, I. H.......... ..Brucefidd 
Sinclair, Henry.. . . . . .. .. Rutherford 
Sinclair, R. G..... ....... .
loha\Vk I 
Smith, Jas. (Miss.) Ahn1ednagar, ludia 
Stevenson, Arch'I!... .. ..Mulesworth 
Stewart, Alex., B.A........ Clinton 
Stewart, A.. . . .. . . .. .. . Shakespeare 
Sutherland, Alex............ Ripley 
Sutherland, George. . .. .. .. .. Fiu!lal 
Sutherland, W. R. (Ret'd) Strathhurn 
Tallach, Thos., ,'LA.. .. .. .. Dresden 
Taylor,.J. B. (Retired)........ Blyth 
Tibb,J.C...ðf.A.,B.D. Cole'sCorners 
Thompson, John, D. D.. .. .. . . Sarnia 
Thomson, John, D.D., Jf.A.. ..Ayr 
Thomson, R. Y.,M,.A.,B.D..Hensall 
Thynne, R........... .. Port Do\'er 
Tolmie, Andrew.. .. . . . . .. .. Saugeen 
Tully, A. F................ Mitchell 
Turnbull, J. A., LL.B....St. Mary's 
Uce, Robert,D.D........ ..Goderich 
Urquhart, Alex.............. Cowal 
Waddell. A. W.. ......... ..Blenheim 
Walker, Wm........ ..... Chatham 
Walker, It. P............... Elfrida 
Ward rope, David (Ret.)... Teeswater 
Wells, John, M.A.......... ..Jarvis 
Wright, J. K. (.mss.)...... 
Wright, Peter, B.D....... . Stratford 
Wylie, Wm................... Pai'iS 
Young, John, i}f.A..Kiagara Falls S. 


Rev. D. B. Whimster, Winnipeg, 
Anderson, D.. . . . . . . . .. Carberry, l\[ 
Baird, A. B., B.D..... Regina, AS8'1 
Bell, Albm.. .. Portage la Prairie, 1>1 
Borthwick, H. J., M.A.. 
Iorden. M 
Brown, John.. .. . . . . .. .. ?oIenota, }I 
Brown, Robt.. .. ....... Deloraine, 1>1 
Bryce, G., LL.D. (Prof.) Winnipeg,}L 
Bryden,C. W., .1f.A.... ..Selkirk, M 
Cairns, John.. .... .Marringhurst. M 
Cameron, A. H.. .. .. .. .. Banff, B C 
Campbell, A.. .. Prince Albert, Sask 
Campbell, D. (llfiss.).. Headinglr, M 
Chisholm, J.A., B.A.. Kamloops, BC 
Currie, A. ............... Virden, M 

Douglas, James !l1...... Brandon, I'll 
Douglas, James........ /Starbuck, 
Duncan, James.. .. .. .. Hamiota, 1\1 
Dunn, A............... Alberni, V I 
Dustan, J. F., B.A..... Brandon, l'tI 
Farquharson,J.,B.A. Pilot Mound,M 
Flett, George.. . . . . .. .. . Okanase, }I 
Fotheringham, J. . . . . .Grenfell, Assa 
Fraser, D..... ....... Victoria, B C 
Fraser, H.W.(O.lI[.)..Ft. William, Ont 
Fraser, S. C. (W. ch.)... Brandon, !II 
Gardiner, J. :\1. . . . . . Battlpford, Sask 
Geddes, J, hn..... . Cathcart, N W T 
Gordon,l\L R. pfis8.)..Ind. Hd.. Assa 
Goudie, Hobert....... Carlyle, Assa 
Gow, R, B.A.......... . Hartney, :\1 
Haig, Alex.. M.D...... Glenboro, III 
Hall, W. J. (Miss.)....... M"l"l'is,)1 
Hamilton, A., B.A.. Qll'Appelle, Assa 
Hamilton, J., J,f.A.. .. Sunnyside, 
Hargrave,J. (_
fiss.).Ft. Fr,mcis,Ont 
Hart, T.,M.A.,B.D. (Pj.) Winmpeg, M 
Herald, James.. l\ledicine Hat, Assa 
Herdman, J. C., B.D..Calgary, Alta 
Hodges, D. H......... Oak Lake, III 
Hodnett, Wm.. .. .. .. .. .. . Birtle, 11'1 
Jamieson, R. (Rtt.).N. Westm'str, BC 
Jaffray,J.A.,È.A., Spillamacheen. BC 
Jardine, H., D.Se. .PI'inee Alb., Sask 
Kelly, J. M......... ..Stratherne, l\1 
King, J.M.,D.D. (Prin.) Winnipeg, M 
Lantrow, David.. . . . . Cartwright, M 
Lawrence, James...... Stonewall, I'll 
Lockhart, G. (}'Iiss.). .. 
Iarquette, !II 
McArthur, J........ Shoal Lake, }I 
McFarl3ue, Alex....... Balmoral, !II 
l\lcKay, Hugh..... . Broadview, Assa 
McKay, John........ Stratioclair, l\1 
:\lcKay, John. . . . Prince Al bert, Sask 
)kKellar, Hugh...... High Blulf
l\IcKenzie, Malcolm.. .. .. Morden, :\1 
l\lcKillop, Charles.. Lethbridge, Alta 
McLaren, A., B.A... ..Springfield, l\1 
lillan, D. (0. M.).. Wapella, Assa 
McQueen,D.G.,B.A..Edmonton, Alta 
)lcHae, D. ............ Victoria, Be 
:\lcRae, Farquhar.... ..l\kGregor, M 
lIlcTavlsh, Alex.. .. .. " .. . Chatel', III 
:\hrsh, S. III. (Miss.). ..... 
:\Iatheson, A. (Jfiss.).... Troy, N W T 
)Ioore, W. S... .... .. Yorkton, AsaR 
}Iowatt, John.. .. .. .. .. N ewdale, :\1 
Murray, S. C.......... . NeeIJawa, III 
:Sairn, R., Jf.A.. ..Rat Portage, Ont 
Nicholl, W......... Moosomin, Assa 
Ogilvie, A., B.A... Wolseley, N W T 
Omand, W. M., B. A .. .. .. /Souris, !II 
Patterson,G.C.,M..4..Chilliwack, BC 
Pitblado, C. B... .. .. .. Winnipeg, III 
Polson, I:!amuel.. .. .. .. .. Nelson, III 
Pringle, J., B.A... Port Arthur, Ont 
Quinn,J .C.,M. Â. ,Ph. D. . Emerson, 1)1 
Robertson, A. . . . .. Pine Creek, Alt.! 
Robertson,J. (Supt. Jf iss. )Winni peg III 
Robson, Alex..... Qu' Appelle, Assa 
Ross, D. (Jliss.)...... ..Murilla, Ont 
Hoss, Waltel' R.. .. ..... Carm.m, III 
Rowand, W. I.., B.A., Prairie, !II 
Russell, W. D. (Ref.)... Winnipeg, M 
S('ouler, T... .New Westminster, B C 
Simpson, J. L... .. .. .. Bin
carth, :\[ 
Smith, Alex. ...... . . .. Clldurds, M 
Spence, ,V. H. ........ Rildonau, j\[ 
Stalker, Daniel, B.D.. Gladstone, :\1 
Sutherland, J. l\I... . . .. Roseland. III 
Tait, A............... Langley, BC 
'raylor, 8. J., M.A. .:\Ioose Jaw, Assa 
Thomson, Tho;;. G.... Vancouver, B C 
1'ibb, R. C., M.A.. ForUtIcLeod, Alt" 
Todd, James.. .. . . ... l\linuedosa, l\I 
Townsend, J. A., M.A.. .lIIaniton, :\1 
Tuncansuiciye, SoL.. .. .. Beulah, M 
Urquhart, Alex...... ...Regina, A
Wallace, W. D. (Miss.).. Dom. City, 
Well wood, J., B.A.(Ret.) ..l\lin'osa, M 
Whimster, D. B.(O. M.).. Winnipeg, 

1888. ] 



R..v. J. ?oIcKay.. Mistawas-sis Reserve I 
" George Flett.. .. .. .. .. Okanase 
" Sol. TuncansU . iCiye. . Bird Tail Cr I 
" H. l\IcKa
'. Cr'k'd Lakes,Br'dv'w 
.. A. Campbell.. . .. Prmce Albert 
.. B. Jones.. R.tund IJali:e, ß'view 
.. G. A. Lah'd, B.A.. .Cotc's Res. 
.. W. S. :\-Ioo!"e, B.A..Piapot's Res. I 
,. D.H. 
lcVlCar,B.A. .Cl"OwStand 
" A. B. Baird, JJ.A., B.D. (Prin. 
Ind. &h.)..Long Lake, Reg'a I 

Ir. J. G. Burgess. ...Bird Tail Creek 
.. .Mr. M. AJlderson.... Edmonton 
" J. A. Lauder.. Okanase, Str'clair 
" John McLean:. . . .. Indian Head 
,. R.N. Toms, File Hills, Ft. Qu'Ap. 
)liss Rose.. Piapot's Reserve, Regina 
,. Wright. . .. .. Portage la Prairie 
Rev.J. W. McKenzie ......... Efate 
" Joseph Annand.. . . . . . . .. Santo 
" H. A. Robertson.... Erromang-a 
Ten other missionaries on the New 
Hebrides Islands are I'>upported, re- 

pectively, by the Free Church of 
Scotland, the Presbyterian Churc'h 
of Victoria, Tasmania, New Zealand, 
Otago, and South Australia. 
Rev. J. Morton. ...Tunapuna, Trin'd 
" K. J.Grant, San Fernando, " 
.. Lal Behari, " " 
" W. L. 
Iacrae, Princestown, " 
.. J.Hendrie, St Joseph, U.P.Scot. 
,J. Annajee. Tilaksing. 
(1. Sadaphal. C. C. SO\'den. 

Iiss Blackadder. Dipchand. 
"Copeland. Ab. Lincoln. 
"Semple. Gilbert Hea\'er. 

h'. J. Corsbie. Thomas Grant. 
Rev. G. L. McKay, D.D..... Tamsni 
" J oltn J arnieson . . .. .... Tamsni 
Native Ministers: 
Rev. Tan He. 
" Giam Cheng Hôa. 
Rev. J. Fraser Campbell.. ...Rutlam 
, , John Wilkie, M.A. .. . .. Indore 
" Joseph Builder, B .A .. .. 
I how 
" W. A. Wilson, ALA.. N eenüH:h 
" R C. ?Iurray, B.A.... ..Gj.iain 
Lady Missionaries: . 
)liss Rodgers. .............. Tndore 
.. McGregor (on furlough). .. 
" l. Ross............ 
" Beattie, M.D. . ...... .. 
" M. Oliver, Jf.D...... . 

Methodlat Church oCCa...cla. 
Rev. A. Carman, D.D., } General 
Rev. J. A. Williams, D,D., S1tptS. 
Rev. John Potts, DD.. President. 
Rev. H. Johnson, M.A., B.D., Secy. 
Rev. John A. B
dditt, } .Assistant 
'. Wm. T. HiCks, Secretariu. 
W. Kennedy, Esq., 
Rev. E. Barrass, M. A., Journal Sec'y. 
Abbs, George.. . . .. .. .. .. Shelburne 
Addison, P..ter.. .. .. .. . . . . Uxbridge 
Andrews, W. W........., ..1'oronto 

Arkels, Stephen A.. . . Little Current I 
Annstrong, A. (Sup'd).. .. ..Mearord 
Armstrong, John B.......... . Rama 
Ashton, J. J., B.A.. .. " ..... IJaurel 
Bacon, Wilham (Without station). 
Baker, Isaac........... Collingwood 
Barker, William A..... ..Streetsville 
Barkwell, J. H., B..A.(W.S.) Toronto 
Barkwell, W. J" B. A.. .. .. Islillgton 
Barrass, Edward, M.A.. .. HamptoJl 
Bartley, Thomas E.. .. . . Dovercourt 
Baskelville, J. (Sllp'd)l\Ianitowaning 
Bedford, J. (Fin. Sec.).. Bruce )lines 
Bedford, A. . .. .. .. .. . . .oo Uffington 
Bee, Wm. (Sup' d). . . . . . . .. .. Toronto 
Benson, )Ianly............. Toronto 
Beynon, George (Sup' d)... Bram pt{)11 
Beynon, R. B.. .. .. . . . . .. Cookstown 
Bishop, G. J .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto 
Blackstock, Wm. S. (Sup'd).. Toronto 
Blanshard. Shem.. . . . .. ... Palgra ve 
Booth, William B.. . .. .. .. Rosemont 
Bowles, R. P., B..A .. .. .. At College 
Boyle, Robert (Sup'd).... Brampton 
Briggs, William, D.D.......Toronto 
Brown, George.......... Schomber
Brown, W. P.......... .LemoRville 
Brown, Alfred.. .. .. .. . . .. . . Alliston 
Brown, Hugh A.. .. .. . .. .. Seagra\'e 
Brown, George 
I. . . . . . . .. Pickering 
B1'Owne, G. (Chairman) Parry Sound 
Burns, RobertN., B.A ..Gravenhurst 
Caldwell, J. T., .M.A., B.D.. Laskay 
Campbell, Peter.. .. .. .. .... Malton 
Call1)l hcn Thos.. .. .. .. .. .. Thornhill 
Cannom, J. W............ . Allandale 
Cather, Wm. (Sup'd)........ Toronto 
Cattanach, D.. .. . . .. .. Sutton West 
Chantler, William M........ Wyevale 
Chapman, J. A., M.A.... Unionville 
Clarke, George.. . .. Penetanguishene 
Clarke, R. (Chairman).. .. Huntsville 
Clappison, D. C. (Sup'd).... Toronto 
Cochran, Geo.. D.D..Japan College 
Cocking, Charles _. . . .. .. Shidznoka 
Conron, M. B................ Barrie 
Courtice, A. C., B.A., B.D.. Toronto 
Creighton, K. (Sup'd)....... Toronto 
Cunen, Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto 
Davey, R. Geo....... . Newt-onbrook 
Degeer, J. (S1tp'y)......... Uxbridge 
DemilI, A. B. (Sttp'y).. .. . . .. Oshawa 
Dewart, K H., D.D. (Editor)Toronto 
Dobson, C. J........ . . Claremont 
Doel, John (S1tp'Y).. . . . . .. .. Toronto 
Dowler, John A... Holland Landing 
Downs, Samuel.. .. .. .. Magnetawan 
Dunlop, Thos.......... ..Newcastle 
Eby, C. S., M.A., D.D.. Tokio, Japan 
Edwards, George.. .. .. .. Bond Head 
Edwards, Thomas........ Lambton 
Egan , James.. .. .. .. .. Severn Bridge 
ElIas, William A........ AtCollege 
Fawcett, Michael (S1tp'd)... Toronto 
Ferguson, T. A. (Sup'd).. ... Toronto 
Ferguson, J. J., B.D.. .. Streetsville 
Ferrier, W. F............. . Maxwell 
Fish, Charles (SlIp'd)..Newtonbrook 
Flint, Paul................ Ravenna 
Foster, Thomas (Sup'd).. .. Uxbridge 
Foster, J. (Sltp'd).. .. .. Singhampton 
Fox, Thomas.. .. . . Campbell's Cross 
Franks, David.. West Toronto June. 
Galbraith, W.,LL.B.(Ch..).. ...Orillia 
German,J. F., M.A. (Ex.-Pr.) Whitby 
Glover, Thomas W. (S1tp'y).. Toronto 
Goodman, John. . .. . Horning's Mills 
Gray, lames. . . . . . . . . . .. " . Toronto 
Grose, Richard. . .. . . . . . . . At College 
Hagar, W. K...... ..... At College 
Hall, Wm.............. Greenwood 
Harano. Hikotaro........ 
Hare,J. J.,j[.A.Ladies'Col., Whitby 
Harper,E.B.,D.D.(Cha'n.) Brampton 
Harris, John.. .. .. .. .. Mount Albert 
Harris, Henry.......... ..Don Mills 

Hashlmoto,Bokushi. Numadzu,J apan 
Hassard, R............ ..Cartwright 
Hewitt, George, B. A .. .. St. Vincent 
Hicks, William (Sup' d). ... Tl>ornhill 
Hicks, William T.. .. .. .. Cooksville 
Hill, Newton.............. Oshawa 
Hill, L. W., B.A........ ..Stouffville 
Hill, R. N. (Sup'y).. .. ..... HillsIde 
Hodgson, John (S1tp'd).. Walkerton 
Hogg, Joseph.. .. .. .. .. .. At C'ollege 
Howsun, W. G.. . . .. .. . . BI acebridge 
Hughan, Wm. S.......... West E;;sa 
HUllt, Juhn (Sup'd).. .. .. .. Toronto 
Hunt, George S....... ..QlIeensviIle 
Idle, Dunning..... Temperanceville 
Jacques, George ('d).. Brampton 
Jamieson, W. N.. .. .. .. .. .. Innisfil 
Jeffery, Thomas W.. .. .. .. Brampton 
Jennings, David (S1tp'd).. Davenport 
Johnston, Hugh, M.A.,B.D. Toronto 
Jolliffe, T. W.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. Toronto 
Jones, Philip.. .. .. .. .. ., Sunbridge 
Rato, Shushin...... ......... Japan 
Kearn. Frank Coo .....Prince Albert' 
Keough, Thos. S. (Sup'y)... Sta)'ner 
Kenner, 'Vm.... .. .. .... .. .. Tyrone 
Klmny. George A.... . . .. .. ... 01'-' 
Kerr, J. M. . . . . . . .. .. . . .... Toronto 
Kobayashi, Mitsushige....... Japan 
htsuyashia. Tokio,Japan 
Laidlaw, W. H.......... .. Sandfleld 
Laird, John G. (S1tp'd)..Orangeville 
Langford, Charles.. .. . . . . . . Toronto 
Large,Richard.............. Weston 
Large, T. A.......... College, Tokio 
Lavery, J.................. Beeton 
Leach, George.............. BaITie 
Lee, George F. (Sup'd).. .. .. Allison 
Leek, Wm.............. At College 
Leggott, Thos W. (Jtithout station). 
Leonard, Thomas W .. .. .. .. Elmyale 
Liddy, James.............. ..Myrtle 
Locke, J. H. (Chair'n)..Collingwood 
Locke, John.. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. Toronto 
Lomas, Wriliam (Sup'd).... Toronto 
Long, J. A.. .. .. .... .. .' At College 
Longley, Benjamin, lIf.A... Toronto 
M'idden, D. B. (Sup'd).. Prince Albert 
Madden, William A.. .. ., Heathcote 
Mahan, John......... . Newtonbrook 

Ianly, John G. (S1lp'y)...... Toronto 
:\-Ianning, H. M.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Epsom 
Manning, Thomas, B.A..... .Oshawa 
Manning, Charles E.... ..At College 
Marshall, William G.. .. .. . Emsdale 
Matheson, Jas. (Et'angclist).. Toronto 
Matthews, H. S. (Ch'n). Bowmanville 
Metcalf, J. F.... .. .. .. .. .. Eglinton 

Ieacham, G. M., D. D.. . . .... Toronto 

Iilner, .Jonatl1an (Sup'd').. Toronto 

Ioore, Herman.......... ..Sandford 
Morgan. Jùhn... _...... ..Coldwater 
:\-Iorris, J. T...... ..... Mono Road 
}lcAllum, Jos. W. (Sup'd).. Toronto 
McClung, James A..SauIt Ste. Marie 
?IcCullcch, George ... Scarboro East 
McCullough. Robt...... Cookstown 
IIlcDlarmid,N. A.('n.). Bradford 
l\lcDonald, D.,M.D.(Ch'n) Tokio,J'p'n 

lcDonald, Wilson.. .... Port Carling 
}Ic- Dowell, Henry. . . . .. .. .. .. .. King 
M,'Jntyre, C. E. (Chair'n)Orangeville 
}lcKce, Robt.............. '1oronto 
Me I avish, Hector.. .. .. ... Eglintoll 
Norman, William T.... ..Greenwood 
Nixon, W.................. Ardtrea 
Oaten, F J.............. .At College 
Parker, W R., D.D........Torollto 
Pattvson, 'V. A. V. E.... Davenport 
Paull, Ernest F............... York 
Pearen, James A., .\I.A..... .. Maple 
Perry, Charles E............ Angus 
Phelps, Leonard......... Columbus 
Philp, S. C.(Sllp'd)....PlinceAlbert 
Philp, Samuel C., jUll. . . . .. Brooklin 



[I 888. 

Pickard, Will......... Garden Riber 
Pickering, Jolm.. .. .. .. .. .. Toronto 
Pinch, Hichar<l(S1tp'y).... " Toronto 
te, Wm (S1tp'd).... .OrangeviIle 
Potts, J., D.D. (President).. Toronto 
Rankin, J. A.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Aurora 
Rcal, Joseph R.......... Markham 
Rdd, J. W...............AtColiege 
Hedditt, J. J .. .. .' .. .. .. .. Scarhol"O' 
Reed, Tnomas.. . . .. .. .. Houeywood 
Richarrlson, Wm..... .Albion West 
Uichardson, G. T.. .' . . .. .. Hillsdale 
Rice, J. P. (Sltp'y).. . . .. .. Bl'dmpton 
Richard, A.. ........ .., .. .. Dalston 
Hoach, Wm. R.......... ..Avening Revs. A. Carman, D.D., and John A. 
Robbins, Paul (S1lp'd), .Bowmanvi1le Williams, D.D., Gen. Sltp/'S. 
Roberts, E. (Fin.oSec.)...... Meaford Rev. W. S. Pascoe, D.O., Pres. 
Rose, Samuel, D. D. (Sup'd) Toronto 

: J- gle

, :


:. Eli :\lid- . 
Rodwell, W. A............. . Beeton dleton, Assist. &cretaT1 Y s. 
Houtliffe. C. H.............. 
Rowe, E. 8.. .. . . . . .. .. .. Braillptlln Re,'. W. 't. Edwhrds, JOltrnat Sec'y. 
Rutledge, Geo. N.... Richmond Hill Allin, Samuel J .. .. . . . . ... Lon(lon 
Sallowes, E. (Sup'd).... Collingwood Anderson, Selborne.. ". .. Camlachie 
Salt, Allan.. .' .. . . .. .. .Parry Island Andrews, G. 'V., B. A . . .. '. Bothwell 
Salton, Samuel......... Enniskillen Annis, J. W., B.A...... St. Thomas 
Sanderson, Robt.. South Darlington Anger, R. W.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Chatham 
Sanderson, J. E., M.A.Bowmanville Al1stin,B.F.,B.D.(Prin.1 AlmaCol'ge 
Savage, J. W............... Innislil Aylesworth, I. B., LL. D.St. Thomas 
Scales, Wm. (Sl!p'd).. .. .. .. Oshawa Baker, Geo.. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. Dover 
Simpson, C. A... .. .. .. .. Willowdale Barltrop, Charles. . . .. .. .. Warwick 
Simpson, J. (SllP'Y)... .. Orangeville Bartlett, Samuel T.. .. .. Dawn 
Simpson, J. :\1 .... ..Richmond Hill Bennett, Geo. (S!lp'd)..... . Lamheth 
Shuttleworth, J. (Sup'd).. .. Toronto Blatchford, T. W., B.A. .}larthaviIle 
Silvester, C. (Sup'd)........ Torollto Bristol, Charles W.. .. .. .. .. ..Gesto 
Scott, N. E. ............ Lloydtown Bl"Own, V. W., B.A..... Westminster 
Scott, Thomas G.... }Ia'iitowaning Brown, George.. .. .. .. .. .... Fingal 
Shaw, John, D.D.......... Toronto Bryers, Will. (Chairman) Leamington 
Shaw, Calvin.... .. ....... Etobicoke Burdett. Cheuey (S1lp'd). Uidgetown 
Shorey, S. J.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. Toronto Butt, Wm. H.. .. . . .. .. .. St. John's 
Sing, l:!arnl1el................ Laurel Chapman, Wm, (Sup'd). .. .. London 
Slater, J. C. (Snp'd)........ Toronto Clement,B.(Ch'n of Dist.) Ridgetown 
Smith. James (SlIp'd)...... Toronto Cobb, Thos. ....... ....AmherstbUl"g 
Smiley, John (Sup'd)....... Toronto .Jollms, J. M. (Sup'd).. .... Ploreuce 
Snowdon, Thos. . . . . . . . . . . . }Ic Kellar Cooper, Wm. H..... .. . . .. C'ttoxeter 
Speer, J. C.. .. .. .. .. . .. !llono Roall Cosford, T. (Sup'd)... London South 
Stafford, E. A., LL.B. .. .. .. Toronto Couplanll, Thos. B... .. .. .. Kinglake 
I:!tarr, J. H. (Sllp'd).. .. .... Toronto Couzens. Charicil C.. .. .... Belmont 
Stevenson, G. W.. .. ...... .. Stayner Crews, Heber W., B.A.. Bryanston 

tevenson, James A.. .. .. At College Crews, Thumas.. ..... ..ßmwnsville 
Stewart, J. W... . " " .. Vroomantt'n Crichton, C.. . . . . . . .. .. .. 
Strangways, Briton R.. .. At College Dea('on, J os. . . . . . . _ .. .. ThelÌfOl'(l 
Strachan, Richarll........ Klein burg Down, T. II.. .. .. . . . . .. ... Brigden 
Stone, S. G., D.D ....... ParkùaltJ Earle, T. R (Sup'd).... .\mherstburg 
Sutherland, A., D.D........ T(,ronto Ed wal'ds, Abel S. . . . . . _ .. .. Muncey 
Slltherlanrl, D. G., LL.B.... Toronto Edwards, Wm. 'V.. .... .. Dorchester 
Takeda, Yoshisaboro... ......Japan Evans, E., D.D. ,,S!lp.d).....London 
Taylor, C.... .. .. .. .. .. '. . . Midl.l.nd Eynon, John H. (Sup'd).. . . .. Exeter 
Thmll pson, James.. .. .. .. . . Caledon FaUis, John G. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . Sylvan 
Thom, J., B.A.(Fin. Spc.) Sundcd.llld Fansher, Walter..... __'. Tharnesville 
Thornley, Wm............ Rosemont I Ferguson, John A. .. " .... Corunna 
Totten, J. W. .. .. .. .. .. .. }Iarkham Fessant, Ed win. .. .. .. . . . Goldsmith 
Toye, Reuben.......... Burk's (<'ails Fife, Will. H.......... .. .. Fairfield 
Tuyahamia, Kohei..... Tokio, Japan Ford, James E............ Lambeth 
Touchiya, Hikoroko.. .. Kofu, J,lpan Fowler, R., 
f.D. (SlIp'd).. .. London 
Trollope, J. A. .. .. .. .. .. .. Minesing (<'reeman, John W., B.D.. Pt. Stanley 
Tsunekara, Sidzuka.. .. .... .. Japan Gaetz, L. (SlIp'd)...... .... .. Londo
rucker, Samuel (Sup'd). .. .. Toronto Gane, Wm. H... .... .. .. .... Lyons 
Van Wyck, J., B.A... .. .. .. Toronto Garbutt, R. J.. .... ... Browns\'ille 
Vickery,John............Creernore George,T.T....... .. . ..Iona 
Walker, Robert.... .... ..KewcRstie Godwin, Wm............. ..London 
Walker, Geo.. . . . . . .. .. .. Greenbank Going, Arthur H .. . . Victoria College 
Washington, 'G., M.A.... Thosnbury Graham, James.............. Exeter 
Washington, W. C., .IIf.A.. ..Scugog Griffin, MichaeL........... Romney 
Wass, John B., Jf.A. ... 1Ylcmo }Iills Griffith. A. K (Sup'd)... St. Thomas 
on, Coverdale.. .. .. .... Toronto Gundy, James........... . Bismarck 
WeblJt,r, Geo........... Newmarket Gundy, J. R. (Ch'n oj Dist.). . Aylmer 
'Wetherell, W. J.. .... Singhampton Hadwen, Thos. (Supt'd). .. .. London 
Well wood, N..... . Scarboro' West Hamilton, R. D.......... TyrC'onneIl 
Whitlock, J............ Newt<mville Hannah, Thos. (Sup'd).. Wallace burg 
Wilkinson, Henry (Sltp'd,...Stayner Harris, A. G. (Ftllo. Sec.)....Parkhill 
Wilkins,)n, J. M., B.A...... Toronto Harrison, T. E....... ...... Florence 
Wilkinson, J. W........ Goodwood I Hayhurst, W. (Fin. Sec.)Waliaceburg 
\Viii, P. D. (Sup'cl). .. .. .. .. Turontc Hayworth, A. (Sltp'd).. .. .. Chath!Ull 
Williams, Thoi!. (Sltp'd)...... Orilli:J Henderson, G. W.......... Dresden 
Wlillnott, J. C., !II. A .. Brampton E. Henderson, John........ .. .. Brooke 
Willuughby, I'í. R., M.A. Port Perry Henderson, Wm........ ... .Glencoe 

Wilson, W. F............ D,wisville 
Withrow, W.H, D.D(Ed.Mag) Toronto 
Whittington, H.. it/. A.. Tokio College 
f.Sec.).. D;u'enport 
Wood, George.............. . Bolton 
'V onlt!ey, Thos. (SLip' d)..... Tllronto 
Wright, Stewart...... '. ... Weston 
Wnodger, F...... .. .. .. .. Thessaloll 
Yamanaka, Yemu............ Tokio 
Yanagawa, Shushim........ ..Tokio 
Young, E. R........... ..Brampton 


HiU, Joseph (Sup'd).. Port Lambton 
Hodson, J. M., B.D.. .. . . . . Windsor 
Holmes, Edwin.. .. .. . . .. .. London 
Holmes, James E......... Elimville 
Holmes, John.............. London 
Howie,R.A.... ...........Harrow 
Hl1ggin'l, W. (SUp'd)...... Uttoxeter 
Hughson, W. D. (.Imp'd)... Delaware 
Hunter, John E. (With6ut a StatiO'll) 
Hurlburt, E.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Oneida 
Hussar, James.........Grand Bend 
h'eson, James A.......... .St. Clair 
Jacksol1, George.. .. ......... Sparta 
Jackson, Thomas.... . . .. .. \I orpeth 
Jewltt, George.... ... ...Wilke!<port 
Johnston, George H. . . South Mersea 
Jones, Peter W........ Grand Bend 
Kelly, S"mnel J... ..... Tupperville 
Kennedy, David M ....... .Cre(liton 
Kennedy, James (a).... .. .. .. Siloam 
KennC'dy, James (b).. .u. Oil Spring" 
Kerr, George J. J...... .. Camlachie 
Kershaw, Edward....,.... Centl'lliia 
Kirkland, John H.. ... Stavordville 
Knott. Stephen.. .. . . . . . . .. .. Avon 
Lanct'ley, E. B.............. Forest 
Langford, A.. .. .. .. .. London South 
L1lIilller, James (Sup'y)..... London 
l.awrence, Benj. (Sup'd).. . Newbury 
Little, Wm. J............. ..Oil City 
Livingston, James.... .... Blenheim 
Livingston, S. G., B.A...... London 
Locke, Hugh W.. .. .... .... .. Sarnia 
)Iason, Thomas.. .. .. . . . . . . .. Merlin 
)lacAliister, W.G. H.,B.A . Melbournl' 
McCollum, Edwin (S1tp'y) Ridgetown 
:\lcCutchen, Thomas L..... ..Nal,ier 
}lcDonagh, W.(Ch'n oj Dis. )Strathroy 
l\lcKellziC', D. R., B.A.Charing Cross 
:\lcLean, H.. .... __ _.. .. .. Newbury 

Idllullen, Wm.... Victoria College 
}leNair, Thomas R. . Mount B'1'dges 
:\lelÌ<l, E.. .. . . . . .. . )Iontreal College 
'Iilldleton, Eli............ StrathrllY 
}[illiken, Andrew (Sup'd).... Sarma 
Millyard, Reuben.... . . Westminster 

Ioore, James E.. ........ .l\lalahide 
:\Iorden, John P. (Sltp'd) .' St. J 011 ns 
)Iorrison, S.. ............. .Corllnna 
Murray, James Holt.. .. .. Thnrllll.lle 
.Muxworthy, Samuel W.. .. .. Melrose 
)Iyers, Peter.. . . . . .. .. .. .. . Vomber 
Nattrass, Timothy (Sltp'd).. Luncton 
N eelands, J "l1n.. . . .. .. .... CaJ'"doC' 
Nethercott, J. C.......... Woo<lslee 
Orme, James H.. .. .. .. .. Wards\'ille 
Parsons, R C........ ... Talbotvilk 
PasC'oe, W. S., D.O. (Pres.).. Exeter 
Penhall, Wm............ .. Elimville 
Phillips, John R. (Sup'd) 8t. Thoma!'! 
Philp, Joseph.. . . .. .. .. . :5t. Thomas 
Pickard, }Iahlon.. . . . . . . .. . Harwich 
Pomeroy, DanieL............ A ppin 
Pomeroy. Wm. )1..... .. .. .. Highgate 
Prestt>n, Walton.... Walpole Island 
Quance, 'Vm.................. Burr 
Redmond, Richafll.. .. .. .. .. Arkona 
R('ynolds, John.. . . .. .. .. ... Vienna 
Rigsby, Walter..... ...... Kingsville 
Robinson, Joseph H.. .. :. .. Lon.lon 
Russell, Alfred L., B. D.. .. Fetrolea 
Russell, John. . . . . . .. .. .. .. Florence 
Hyan. David (Srtp'd)........ London 
Ryckman,E. B. ,D. D.(Cha ir'n) Lorulon 
Sanderson,G.R.,D.D(Chair'n) ::'lamia 

allnby.JohnW............. . Japan 
Savage, David (Without Statj,Olt.) 
Scott, Charles T.. .. . .... . Enniskillen 
Scott, Edmund E.. .. . . .. ThorlHlale 
Scott, John G.. . . . . . . .. . ... London 
Shaw, Wm. H............ . Kerwood 
Shepherd, W. W(Ch. of Dist.)Mllncey 
Smith, Charles...... ..London West 
Smith, J. V. (FilL. Sec.).. ... London 
Smith, Wm. J.. .. .. Victoria College 
Snyder, Adam I.. . . . . .. ... Wyoming 

1 SSS.] 



Stacey, Frank B........ Courtright 
.staples, S. G., B.A... Point Edward 
Stinson, Joseph H. . .. " .. Nilestown 
Stonehouse, John.. .. .. .. .' Adelaide 
Swift, John R. (Sup'd).. .. . Newbury 
Thomas, Richard.... ......Louisville 
Thompson, G. H. .(F. S.) Springfield 
Thorn pson, Robert.... .. .. . Sheddan 
Trelea'l'an, R. J.. " .. .. .. . . Chatham 
Tufford, John C. (Sup'd).. . Malahide 
Turner. W. T...... ........ Cottam 
Tyler, Henry D.. .... Port Larnbton 
Veale, .John............ ...Delaware 
Y ollick, Charles W .. .. . . . .' Brigden 
'\'ard, Joseph, B.A....Charing Cross 
Warner, R. I., Jf.A. (Prof.) .ðlma Col 
Webster, T., D.D. (Sup'd)..N('wbury 
Wells, Charles P.. .. Victoria Collpge 
Whiting, Jas. (Ch. of Dis. ).Chatham 
Whiting, Richard.. .. .. .. Dorchester 
Wickett, Louis W.. .. ., .. Alvinston 
Williston, John K. (Sup'd) Strathroy 
Wilson, Ja"per, B.A. (F. S.) Watford 
Wood, J., Ravenswood & Bosanquet 
Wygle, Hamilton.. .. Victoria CoIle
Yelland, John G. . . . . . .. Staffordville I 
Yokom, Wm. (Sup'd)...... ..Aylmer 

Rèv;;. A. Carman, D.D., and John A 
Williams, D. D., General Sttp'ents. 
Ht'Y. W. J. Shaw, lILA., LL.D. Pres. 
Rev. J. B. Saunders, C.M.,M.D. Sec. 
Rev. D. C. Sanderson, and P. P. 
Bradley, Esq., Asst. ,('ecretaries. 
Rev. W. Philp, B.A., Journal Sec'y. 
Adams, William........... Harnston 
Adkin", T. 0., (SIIP'Y) Lansdowne W. 
Allen, James, JT. A. ..... Brockville 
Allum, CarL.... .. .. .. ... Beachhurg 
.-\lIdrews, J. H..Augusta (Strathroy) 
Alltlitf:J.C., ,JI.A. ,B. D. Montreal F'th 
Armstrong, John.. .. .. . . .. Lachute 
Austin, William..... Fitzroy Harbor 
Awdp, James, B.A...... Kemptville 
Balrlwin, C. D...... Hendersonville 
Bafllett, William .... . . . . Clsrendon 
Bf'audry, Louis N.. 1Iontreal Centre 
Bell, G. A.. _......... Harrowsmith 
Bell. Thomas.. .. . . . . .. Little :\Ietis 
Blair, William. B.A.. .... .. Almonte 
Bland, C. E., B.A.......... Clayton 
Bland, Henry F.. .. . . . . . . . . .. Perth 
Bland, S. G., B.A..Kim::ston Se{'ond 
Bond, Stephe... .. .. ,:\lontreal Fifth 
Borland, J. (Sttp'd)...lIlontreal First 
Brill, Davi{l.. .. .. .. _. .. ... Berwick 
Brock, Jas. (Sup'd) .. Kingston First 
Brown, S. R...... .. .. .. .. Fitch Bay 
Brown, T. C. ............ Brock\'ille 
Brown, W. D. (Sup'd). " 
Brown, William (Sup'd).. .. Iroquois 
Cairns, Hugh.. ........ .Clarenceville 
Campbell, A.. . . . . . 
Iontreal Fourth 
C'ard, Stephen.. .. . . ., .. :\Ierrickville 
Carson, W. W.... .. .. ottawa Centre 
Chambers, A. B., LL.B.. ..Stanstead 
Chambers, A. C.. ..... .... Ashton 
<:l1ant, Joseph H. . " . . . . .. .. Thurso 
Chisholm, Francis.. . North Augusta 
Chown, S,unnel D...... Svenperville 
Clendinnen, Geo. S........ Eardley I 
C.lipsl1am, John W.. .. .. .. .. Gra
Cr.ates, H. H., B.A... .. ..Cardmal 
Conley, Lewis.. FI'ankviUe & Toledo 
<':onley. T. B., B.A.. South :\Iountain 
('on"table, T. D. (Sup'd)..}lelbourne I 
t:or!lell, .!o
eph C.. .. .. '. :\Ielbourne 
t ralg, Wilham..... . . . . . . . .Inkerman 
Crane, Edward W .. .... ... . Cardinal I 
Crothers. W. J., M.A..Ottawa East 
{"'rowle, Fred'k W., B.A.... RaWdOn ! 
Crummy, Eber, B..A., B.Sc..Onslo\v 
('ummiogs, Duncan T.. '. .Calabogie 
('nrtis, Charles J .. . . .. West Brome 

Davis, Geo. H. (Sup'd)... Peterboro' 
Deeprose, C. E. (Student)W. Th. Co!. 
DeGmchy, E..Ac'nvale, 8t Theo., &(' 
Delong, Albert M........ ... Wolford 
Delong, Francis..... .. .. .. .. Hudson 
Dorion, Joseph A.. Montreal E. (Fr.) 
las,G., LL.D.(Prin.). !Ylontreal F 
Drennan, A. (Sup'd). . H udBon (Strat.) 
Eagleson, James S. ................. 
Eason, Richard.. .. Three Rivers, &c 
Eldridge, G. S., B.A,..... .. Dunham 
Ellery, Samuel,. .... .... Newington 
Elliott,J., D.D. (Sup'd)..Kemptville 
Elliott. James.. .. .. . Richmond, Que 
Ellis, John D., B.A....... Korth Bay 
Ellis, W. J. ............ ..Schreiber 
England, L. ftl., B.A... West Sl1efford 
English, William (Sup'd).. .. Granby 
Ferguson, John. . .. . . .. .. Aultsville 
Flanders, C. R., B. A. . eo. Coaticook 
Follick, J. (S!tp'd). .. .. .. .. Grantley 
Fowkes, John... Winchester Springs 
Fowler, J. H., Jl.A. (S!tp'dl..Sutton 
Fowler, Hiram.. .. .. . . .. St. Armanå 
Freshman, J. (Sup'y).. ?tIontreal See 
Galley, A. (Student).. VictQria Ci>lIege 
Geoffroy, Ant.. .. .. Sherbrooke (Fr.) 
Gibson, John.. .. . . . . . . .. .. Metcalfe 
Graham, William II ...Carleton Place 
Grenfell, John............ ..Bedford 
Hagar, J. M., .'T.A.... .. Gananoque 
Hall, William, ,JT.A..:\lontreal Third 
Hammond, R. M.(Sup'ù)Carleton Pi. 
Hanna, William A.. ....... Chelsea 
Hansford, William.. 
Iontreal Second 
Hanson, C. A....... .:\Iontreal Eighth' 
Hardie, Alex., M.A.... Ottawa East 
Harris, Thomas S........ ..Sudbury 
Harris, Thomas. . . . . . .. .. Ormstown 
Ha}'lnck, Jospph J.. .L:l\Jsdowne W. 
Henderson, Andrew.. }Iontreal Ninth 
Henderson, James... }Iontreal Sixth 
Henderson, William G.... . Pitts burg 
Hewi tt. W. J .. .. .. .. .. .. . Lancaster 
Hicks, John B............... Agnes 
lIisCQcks, John (Sltp'y).. ..' Lachute 
Holmes, A. Lee, !of. A .. .. . Stanstead 
Holmes, John............ .Chambly 
Horner, R. C. (CO/
. Eran.) :\Iontreal 
Howard, Erastus S... WindsOI' :\lills 
Howard, N. H................ Elé.'Ìn 
Howitt, W. ..Calumet amI Grenville 
Hunt, FI'ancis, (Sup'y).. I.ennoxville 
Huntingdon, Silas. . . . .. . .. I:)ud bUl"Y 
Hughes, Silas J., J/.A.. .. .. Arnprior 
Huxtabie, George G.. .. .. .. Iroquois 
Irvine, Henry, (Sup'y)..... Arnprior 
Irvine, J. C. _...... .. .Shurbot Lake 
Jackson, S,lm. (Sup'y).. Frelighsburg 
Jackson, Wm...... :\Iontreal Eighth 
Jamieson, "".S., .\l.A . Dil'ngs' Br., ctc 
.Johnston, A. B...... ..' ..Cataraqui 
Johnston, G. F., (StUll.). 'Yes. Theo. C 
,Joliffe, William J., B/J.L... . Quebec 
Kendall, Sydney C.. .. .. '. Compton 
Kennedy, D. ,S.l'. D.(PI"ÏJ
Kines, James.. .. .. . . . .. Sherbrooke 
Knowles, Henry W. .... Chcstcrville 
Knowlton, F. B. (S!tp'd).,.. . Verona 
Knox, William...... .. . . '. . Renfrew 
Krupp, Henry _ _ .. .. . . .. .. Battersea 
Larmour, J. (Stud.)..... 'ïc. College 
Lawrence, C. H...... South Stukely 
La \\"son, J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Dan villa 
Learoyd, A. G.. .. . . . Billmgs' B1"Ìdge 
Lett, Francis G,. .. . Portage du Fort 
Lidstone, Joseph E. .. .. .. .. . . :\Iagog 
Logan, Alfred. . . . . . . , .. .Sha\\ bridge 
Lucas, D.V., Jf.A ..}Iontreal Fourth 
:\Iacdonald, :\1. (Sup'd).. .. Stanstead 

ell, Thomas J ....... Beebe Plain 
}Iark, R., ,Jf.Ð. (Sup'd).Ot'wa Ce'tre 
}Iassieotte, Leo.. .. .. Whterloo (Fr.) 
Mandsley,S.E. (S!tp'd).......... Oka 
lI-Iavety, John E.. .. West Winchester 
McAmmor.d, Thomas.. ..... ..Elgin 

McCann, Alfred.. .. .. ..Smith's FaIis 
McDowell, J. V., B..A.. .... .. ..Carp 
:\lcGill, Willlam ......... St. John's 
McRitchie, George ." .. .. .. Prescott 
Meyer, Fred. W. A...... ....Lachine 
Meyers, Henry.. .. .. .. .. Sa
:\light, Samuel (Sup'd).. . . .. Prescott 
1liller, William W. . . . .. W oIre Isiand 
}Iunroe, Chas. W. (Stud.) Vie. CoHege 
Mussell, J. A... .. ...... ..' Newbore 
Norton, "r m .. .......... . Avonmore 
Oehley. R. L. .......... . Masonville 
O'Hara, James.. ..' Fra.nklin Centre 
Olivant, E.. ........... Seeley's Bay 
Oliver, Robert F.. .. .. Vankleek Hill 
O\1jer, A. R.......... ..Oxford Mills 
Osborne, John C..... ..Ott.l.wa West 
Parent, A................ Waterloo 
Pearson. William.... .. Mallory town 
Peck, William............. Inverary 
Perley, William F ..... Freligbshurg 
Petit, Eugene.. .. . _.. ?tlontreal East 
Phillips, S. G , M.A.. . . .. .. Augusta 
Philp. John, M.A.. __!Ylontreal First 
Philp. William, B.A.. . .' .. Manotick 
Pierce, Barry.. .. .. ." .. .. .. . . Gaspe 
Pinel, Joseph.. .. .. :\lontreal Centre 
Pitcher, J. T.. .. . . . . .. .. Morrisburg 
Porter, G. H., B.A ..Montreal Tentlt 
Poyser. George C. .. .... . .. Odt:lltown 
Pratt, }IRgee............... Maberley 
Pyke, William..... ...... Valleyfield 
Quinn, S.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Bell.rhrook 
Radley, Alfred A... ..Haley's Station 
Raney, William...... ..North Gower 
Read, F. A.... Hatley and Cas!'lville 
Rennie, T. (Sup'd).. Waterloo (W.F.) 
Reynolds, Francis C.. .. .. . Cornwall 
Richards, T. H... Playfair & Glentay 
Richardson, James E. ..... . .. .. Lyu 
Rilunce, William.. . ..... Lansdowne 
Roadhouse, Job............, Verona 
Rnbeson,J. B........... Avonmore 
Robertson, A. G.Cobden & Locksley 
Rubinson, Richard.. .. .. .. Ulvertoll 
Rogers. George.. .. .... Farmers\'ille 
Rose, J. L................ ..Bryson 
Roy, L. E............ Ro'\:ton Falls 
Runions, J. W.(Stu.)Wes.Theol.Col 
Ryan, William ,Y..... .... Waterloo 
S,uller. Mitchell.. . . .. }Iontreal West 
S'ills, S. E (SilId.,.. . We:!. Theo!. Col 
Sanderson, D. C... . . . .. .., Ad,hson 
Sandprson, E. G. P.....,.. Ricevllle 
Saunders, J. B., M.D .P. St. Charles 
Scanlon, John.... .. ... Ottawa West 
Scott, W. (Sup'd).... Ottawa Centre 
Ser\'Ïce, William ........... Aylmer 
Shaler, Henry, (Sup'd).. . Kemvh'ille 
Shaw, W. I., .'\f.A., [,L.B.. Mont. F'th 
Shibley, S,l.muel.. .. Xorth Wakefield 

hields, A. (Stud.).. Victoria College 
Shorey, Edmund S.. . . . . .. Maitland 
Short, Wm. (Sltp'd).. Kingston First 
Shorts, A lex. . .. " Thousand Islands 
Shortt, W. K., _I\{.A.. .. Lenno'\:nlle 

imps()n, ,James.. .. .. .. . . Cataraqui 
SmIth, Daniel (S!tp'd).. Comhermerf' 
Smith, Robert.. .. .. " .. . 
Smith, William.. .. .. . .. East Bolton 
Smith, William T.. . . . . . . . . . }Iatilda 
l:)omer\'ilIe, William.. .. . . . .lI-Iattawa 
Sl'arling,J. W..JT.A.,B.D. King'n F'st 

parling, W. H., B.A... Huntingdoa 
Sparling, W., B..-t .. .. Kingston Fiftk 
Sproule, F. H. ........... Lombardy, George (Sup'ù)..Coaticook 
Stewart, John.. .. ., . .. .. Pakenham 
Stewart, John H.. . Richmond (Ont.) 
Stil\\ell, Reuben......... Sydenham 
Taylor, Edward H.... Bishop's :\Iill" 
Taylor, Ernest :\1., M.A.
Taylor, .:\Iel \'ille.. .. . . .. .. . Farnham 
Teeson, Samuel .......... Knowlton 
Tennant, Elisha........... Xewburg 
Thurlo. H. M.. ..CoWen & Locksle} 




Thurlow, fsaacE............. Delt.'t I I 
Tim berlake. W m.. .. Kingston Third 
Toppmg, Nassau B...... Elginbnrg 
Tripp, Fred.. .. ,. . . .. .. Mallory town 
Visser, A. H.. .. . . .. .. T .awrenceville 
'V atson, James.. .. . .. Hemmingford 
Watts, Asa 0.. .' .. .. . . Wolfe Islond 
Webster, John.....Easton's Corners 
'Veese, 'V. W........... ..Cooksbire 
Wells, William.. Wes. Theol. College 
WheatleJ', Isaac.. .. .. .. Cowansville 
White, Gilman S.. .. . . .. .. . . .. 3tella 
'Vhiteside, Arthur.. ,. .. .. Inverness 
Whiting, R. .......... King'n Sec'd 
Wilkinson, I saae.. . . .. .. .. .. Lacolle 
Williams, Thomas G. . .. .. Pem broke.. 
Wilson, John, B.A.. .. " Westmeath 
Wïlson, R.. . . . . .. . Kingston Fourth 
Winter, Da\'id (Con. E1'an.) Milbrook 
Young, Henry A............ . Sutton 

Revs. A. Carman, D.D., and John A. 
Williams, D.D., Gen. Supts. 
Rev. D. L. Brethour, Pres. 
Rev. J. R. Ross, M.A., Secretary. 
Rev. T. W. Jackson, Assist. Sec. 
Rev. J. E. Lanceley, J01lrnal Sec. 
Adams, Ezra.......... ....Canboro 
Ames, Wm.............New Credit 
Archer. Joseph..... . . .. .. Teeterville 
Athoe. Thomas (Fin. Sec.) .. .. .. Ayr 
Atkins, T. J .. Pt. Rowan & St. Wm's 
Baer, 'V. W..................Jarvis 
Baillie, J. E. S... Bnrford & Fairfield 
Barraclough, 'Vm. H.. .. .. .. Vie. Col 
Baxter, Michael (Sup'd).. .. Fenwick 
Bell, James P................ Delhi 
Bennett, Clifford T.,B.A.Stevensville 
Bowers, A. A., B. A .. .. .. J erseyville 
Bowlby, Charles L........ Vie. CoI. 
Boyd, Thomas.. .. .. . . . . .. Trafalgar 
Brethour, D.L(P. Con.).. ..Brantford 
Bristol, Burness lS1Ip'd).. Jerseyville 
Bristol, Emerson (Sup'd).. . Ancaster 
Brown, W. G., M.A.... .., Ingersoll 
Brownell, Daniel E.. .. .. . . . Grimsby 
Bnrns, A., D.D., LL.D.. ..Hamilton 
Bnrns, Robert, Ph.B... W<lshington 
Calvert, G. W. (Fin. Sec.) .. Norwich 
Cassidy, F. A., M.A. . .. . . 
Chalmers, David.. .. Mount Pleasant 
Clark, George.......... ..St. George 
Clarke, Erlward J .. .. .. .. ,. Fenwick 
Clarke, Thomas R.. . . .... Eastwood 
Cleaver.S.,B.A.(F'in.Sec.) Burlington 
Clement, Ephraim L........ ..Brant 
Cohoe, Benjamin L....... Courtland 
Coleman,F. (Sllp'd).. .... .. Hamilton 
Collamore, Owen G.. ...Wellandport 
Colling,T., B.A. (Chrlirman) Weiland 
Collins, James H.Bnrfonl& Fairfield 
Cook, Henry A............ ..LYllden 
Cookman, Christopher.. . Waterdown 
Cooley, John W.......... . Hamilton 
Cosens, Charles W... . .. .. .. . Bright 
Crews, Albert C.... ..St. Catharines 
Cross, Wm. (Sup'd)...... .Cainsville 
Cnl vel', Herbert H. . .. . .. Sprinfifol'd, J. B. (Sup' d).. ........ ..Ker " 
DavIs, John T.. . . ....... Tapley town 
Deacon, Charles........ Monntsberg 
Dean, George W.. .. .. .. .. Hamilton I 
Duff, Robert.... .... .. Humberstone 
Dyer, James E........ Stony Creek 
Ecker, Daniel............ Rockford 
Elliott, Robert J.. .. .. .. .. Caledonia 
Emory, Vernon H.. .. .. .. Hamilton 
Evans, John S. (Sllp'd).... Hamilton 
Fairchild, J. F.Pt.Robison,Chippawa 
Ferguson, George.. .. . . . . . . . CarlisI!! 
Foote, James G.. .. .. .. .. .. ... Troy 
Forman, Richard J.. West Flamboro 
Gardiner, J.,D.C.L. (Sup'd) Ingersoll 
Garnham, Wm. H., B.A.. . Brantlord 

Gee, Abram L.......... ..Smithville 
German, Pet!)r (Sup'd).. .. Caimn'ille 
Gilbert, C. W. "I. (S1Ip'd).. .. ., Delhi 
Goodwin, James........ Port Dov!'r 
Hall, Harvey 
I...... .. .... ..Kelvin 
Hamilton, Andrew, B.A.. Cainsville 
Harris, W.. ...... .1lontreal Then. Col 
Haynes, Frederick (Sup',!!) Beamsville 
Hazlewood, JameR H ..Niagara Falls 
Histon, John (Sup' d).. .. Burlington 
Hobbs, R.. . . . . . Niagara Falls South 
Hockey, John E.. . . .. .. . .. .. Salford 
Holden. Samuel.. .. .. .... Sweaborg 
Hooker. Le Ro)" (Chairm-m.) Simcoe 
Howard, Thomas S.. . . .. .. Townsend 
Hunt, David .......... ..
Hunter, W.J .,D.D(Chair'n) Hamilton 
Hunter, S. J., D.D.. .....Hamilton 
J8.('kson, Thos. W. (Fin. Sec.) Jarvis 
Jamieson, Walter S.. .. ... I.ynedoch 
JeffriR, Thomas 111. (Sup' d).. Oakville 
Johnson, C. 0............ HamiUon 
Jolley, W. C. (Snp'd).. .. ..' Norwich 
Kappele. Stephen (S1tp'd)..Hamilton 
Kay, John ............... Hamilton 
Kearns, David.. .. .. .. .. .. . Cathcart 
Keefer, B. B. (Sup'y) Hamilton First 
Kelley, T. W., B.A.. . Oxford Centre 
Kelly, D. Ward........ Grand River 
Kennedy, Albert.... . Oxford Centre 
Kennedy, Geo. (Sllp'd).. ... Ingersoll 
Kennedy, J. H.. Lonth & Grantham 
Kerby, G. W. (Student). Victoria Col 
Kerruish, T. J... International Bridge 
Kettlewell, Wm........... Oakville 
Royle. Eardly H., B.A.. Beamsville 
Laing, B. .......... Victoria College 
Laird, James............ Springford 
LaIrd, W. H. (Chairman) Woodstof'k 
Lanceley, J. E. (Fin. Sec.).. Tl.orold 
Lanton, Henry (Sup'd).. .. Hamilton 
Lavell, C. A. (Sup'd) Niagara Falls S 
Lawrence, G. (Sup'd)...... Ingersoll 
Laycock, John.. .. .. .. .. Waterford 
Linscott, T. S. (SU11'y).. .. Brantford 
Livingston, Henry G.. .. .. Otterville 
Lonnsbury, Edward.. .... Hamilton 
Lund, Wm. (Sup,d)...... Woodstock 
'McArthur, J. H.. . . . . .. .. Trafalgar 

lcCartney, James H..... Dunnville 
\lcKenzie, D. !YI. (Sup'd)..... }Iilton 
Maitland, Rohert R.. .. .. .. Ingersoll 
}lasson, James (Fin. Sec.) Ridgeway 
Maxwell, W. J(Chair1nun) Hamilton 
lIIiller, A. D..... Walsingham Centre 
}Iiller, Geo.. .. .. .. " .. . Strathallan 

lisener, Wm. D........ Hagersville 
IIIitckell, G. A.,B.A. (Ch.) Tilsonburg 
Mooney, James.......... ..Glanford 
\Ioore, Charles A.. .. ... Plattsville 
\Ioore, Thoma" A.. .. . . . . . Princeton 
Morrow, C. R............ ..Freeman 
Morton, Will. (Sup'd) .. .. Hamilton 
Odery, J. (Fin. Set..).. .. .. Hamilton 
Orme, Thomas H., M.A.... Dereham 
Parr, T. J.. .. .. Lonth & Grantham 
Pearson, T. D. (S1Ip'd).... Brantford 
Pescott, Walter E.. . Victoria College 
Preston. J. (S111"d). .}Iount Pleasant 
Procnnier, Charles A. .. .. Townsend 
Robinson, John H.(Without 
Rose, Samuel P.. .. .. . . .. Brantford 
Ross, J. S.,l1f.A.(Sec. Con.).. Dundas 
Rowe, Richard B.. .. .. .. . . . Tintern 
Russ, A. E., Jf.A. (Chaimwn) lIIilton 
Russ, James E............ Bookton 
Saunders, John, lIfA.... Hagarsville 
Scanlan, Richard W .. .. Caistorville 
Sheridan, Wm. (Sup'd)... Beamsville 
I:!it'ton, J. W., B.A.. .. .... .. Sheffield 
Smith, Wray R............ . Fonthill 
Snider, David W.. .. .. .. .. Merritton 
Stewart, John............ Palermo 
Stevenson, E. B., B.A.... . Binbrook 
Stobbs, Thomas........ Bartonville 
Stringfellow, Charles.. .. .. .... Kerr 
r 136 J 

Taylor, D. H. Drumho and Rieh\\ooorl 
Teeple, 'VIII. :\1...... .... ... Ca\Uo-:l 
Terwilligar', 8. (Sup'd).. ... Jngërs
Tholllpson, D. W. Stamford & St. D. 
Trimble, Thomas B.. ..:. ... Selkirk 
Truax, A... .. Walsh and W oodhom;e- 
Yroden, Thomas.. (Without statiolt). 
Vollick, W. N................. York 
Wakefield, John (Sup'd).. .Brantford 
W:llker, Wm........ ....... Rainham 
Washington, G. (SUp'II).... .Oak\"ilIe 
Watson, Will. C., M.A.. ..Cainsville 
Webb, James.......... ..... Oakland 
Whitworth, Edward.. .. .. .. Lowville 
Wilkinson, T. L... ....... Brantford 
Wilson, J. V. (S1tp.d).... Dunnville 
'Vilson, Samuel.. .. .. . . .. .. . Niagara 
Williams, David (Sup'd).. Townsend 
Williams, John A., D.D. (Gen. Supt.) 
Williamson, J. S.............. Paris 
Willoughby, Wm. (S!tp'd) Brantford 
low, Joseph W. Victoria College 
Woods worth, R. W. (F. S.) Brantford 
Wright, Robprt W.. .. . .. . . Ancaster 
Wright. J. 
I............ WoodlStock 
Young, George, D.D.... ..Brantford 
Young, James..... ..... .. College 

Revs. A. Carman, D.D., and J. A. 
Williams, D.D., General Sup'ents. 
Rev J. Learoyd, President. 
Rev. W. Burns, Secretary. 
Rev. W. R. Young, and Rev. W. 
Limbert, Assistant SecretaTÙs. 
Rev. C.lII. Watch, Journal Secretary. 
Adam, Alexander L.. .. Hall's Bridge 
Adams, R. N.. ..... .... . Smithfield 
Allen, H. I ................ Trenton 
Allin, RogH.... .. . . " . . . . .. Bayside 
Anderson, Jas.,......... ..:Korwood 
Andrews, J. W. (Sup'd).. ..Marmora. 
Ash, J. C............ . Demorestville 
Badgley. E. I.,LL.D.(Prof.) nc. Un'ty 
Baker, E. N., M.A.,B.D.N'apanee W. 
Balfour, David............ ..Roblin 
Bates, M. J........ .. Adol phustown 
Bayley, H. E............... College 
Bell, J IJseph C.. .. .. .. . . . . .. Canton 
Beer, William C.. .. .. .. . .. Marmora. 
Betts, L A. (SlIp'cI).. .. .. .. Napanee 
Bird, William (Sup:d).... .. Bellev
Bodle, George (Sup y)...... Bellevrlle 
Booth, B. K............. .Plainville 
Bredin, John, D.D(Sup'd)..Colborne 
Briden, William...... Little BritaiI' 
Brown, Thomas.......... rlainfield 
Brooking, Robert (Sup'd)..Cobourg 
Browning, Arthur.. . .. . . .. Bellevil!e 
Bnchanan. Wm. (Chair'n).. Trenton 
Buckler, William H ..... Lakelìeld 
Burns, Wm. (Sec. Con.) Warkworth 
Burwash, N., S.T.D. (Prof.)'Ïc. Un'ty 
Campbell, A............ Deseronto 
Campbell, A. R.. .. " .. .. Korthport 
Carrnan,A. ,D. D.( r;en.Supt. )Belleville 
Carr, George (Sup'd)...... Colborne 
Clarge, Geo. R.. ... .... Bobcaygeon 
Clarke, Wilmott.. .. .. .. .. .. Canton 
Clarke,J.S.(Chainnan) Campbellford 
Clarkson, John B., M.A.. Port Hope 
Cleworth, Thomas. . . . . . .. .. Morven 
Coombe, Wm........... . Frankford 
Cook, William H............ ..Selby 
Coon. C. H .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . Welcome 
Courticc, R. T........... ..BetlJany 
Copeland, George H.. .. .. .. Cobo'ug 
Cragg, Edward........... Hiawatha 
Crookshanks, S........... Chisholm 
Crossley, D. O.(Erangelist)Pt. Hopè 
Curts, Jas. (Ch(tirman) .. Newburgh 
Davis, John.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Roseneath 
Denike, R. B. (Sltl,'Y).. Carnpbellforù 
Depew, Sidney F........... Yarker 
Dewey, George W. (E,'an ) Brighton 


Dingman. G. J. (Sup' d).. ..Belle\iUe 
Down, Wesley.............. Cloyne 
Doxl!ee, Archelaus........ '''elcome 
Drew, N. D............. Cannington 
Duke, Hkhard............... . Bath 
Dunkley, George.......... ..St. Ola 
Duprau. S. A.. .. .. .. .. .. Frankford 
Dyer, W. P., lIf.A. (P. A. C.)Belleville 
Edmison, Thomas J., B.D. . Colbornc 
Ed wards, R. L..... .. .. .. Cf'utreton 
Emsley, W. H........ ..:Napanee E. 
English, John (Sup' d)...... Cobourg 
EYes, Edward.. . . .. .. Victoria Road I 
Fallis, R. J. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. Blairton 
Faull,James.............. ..}hlfonl 
Fergusoon, John (Sup'el).. . .Cauifton 
Ferguson, S..... Black River Bridge 
Fusee, Hiram............ Kinmount 
Garbutt. H. C.. .. .. Mountain Grove 
Gee, D. F.. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. }fillbrook 
Greatrix, Benjamin...... Fraserville 
Green, Alexander T.. . . .. Port Hope 
Greener, James (Sltp'd) .. .. Lindsay 
Hewitt, R. (Sup'y).. ...... Brighton 
Houck, D. S............ 
Horton, Gilbert......... Haliburton 
Howard, E. E................. Bay 
Hudgins, Wm. G.(Sup'd)..Belleville 
Hughes, James (Sup'd).. ..Colborne 
Hull, T. R. (Sltl)'Y).... ..Port Hope 
Hurley, R. (Sup'd)........ We1eome 
J acques,J.R. .D. D.(S.)Mac'd'n Centre 
.Jpffers, W., D.D. (Sup'd)..Belleville 
JewNl, John A., B.A.. ..Bloomfield 
J ohn8ton, William...... Cannington 
Johnson, Francis.. '. .. .. .. .. Keene 
.Jolliffe, William (Ch.) .... c.)nsecon 
Jones, Richard (Sup'd).... . Cobourg 
Jones, C. A. (Sup'd). .. .. .. " Yarker 
Kilgour. JOsf'ph.......... Baltimore 
Ladn, S. W. (Sup'd) Coral, Mich. U.S. 
Lam by, O. R., AT.A. (Ch.).. .. Madoc 
Lawrence, John........ ..Cobo!'onk 
Lea('h, John J .. .. .. ... .. .. Brighton 
Learoyd, J. (Pr.Con.).... Bellevi1le 
Learo)'d, William H ....... GraftoJL 
Leitch, Robert K .. .. .. Eldorado 
Lewis, John G.. .. .. .. Little Britain 
Limbert, William.......... Hastings 
Lloyd. W. W.. .. ,. " . .. .. Plainville 
Love, G. A................. College 
:\Iacfarlane, James.. .. .. .. Lakefield 
}Iallet, Richard, B. A.. .. .. Atherley 
Marsh, R. W. ......... Queensboro 
}Iartin, Alex.... .. " ...... . .l\Ianilla 
}Iarvin, George ,,, . . . . . .. .. .. 'W 0011'1' 
}Iaybee, A. C. (S.IP'd)..... Foxboro' 
:!\lcAmmond, F., B.A.. Fenelon Falls 
:\lcCauley, SamueL.. . Cherry Valley 
:\{r'Camlls, John A........ ..Norhaln 
:\lcCamus l D. N.. .. .. .. .. .. ..Cavan 
}Ic Donala, Thomas H...... Rawdon 
:!\lcKee, Thomas S.. .. .... Beaverton 
:\lcMullen, James S.......... Arden 
:\lrQuade, Henry............ Hilton 
:\Iearing, Chas........ .... . Bancroft 
}Icars, John............. ..Cambray 
l\Ip.therill, }Ioses.. .. .. .. .. Marlbank 
'Ieyers, Tobias.. .. . . .. .. .. .. Wiltoll 
}Ioran, J. X............. ..Coe Hill 
:\I<lunteer, Hedley V...... Warriston 
Xelles, S. S., LL.D. (C. V.C.) Cobourg 
Xorm:m, W. E. (Sup'd).....Trenton 
Ockley, J. F................. Picton 
Oke, J. H..................Flinton 
Orser, E. A. (Sud'd) }Iountain Grove 
Osterhout, Abraham B... Coboconk 
Ostrom, Henry F............ Picton 
l'attysou. William H.. .. .. Dunsforcl 
Peake, Wm. H....... ..Shannonville 
Pearson, 1\1. L. (Clwirmnn). . Lindsay 
Phillips, S. B.. .. ... .. .. .. .. Glenora 
Pickett, T. W....... .. Redners\'ille 
Pope, Robt. :!\I............ Belleville 
Power, John.. .. ..... .... ,Tanetville 
Puffer, I sa,'w W............. Twepd 


illet}; = ..- CoHege I 
Rae, J. J.. . Carrying Place (}Inrray) I 
Raley, Geo. H............ Omemee 
ReynaI', A. H., lIl.A. (Prof.) Cobourg 
Reynolds, Geo. S.......... Brighton 
Rice, James J.. .. .. .. .. .. . . Stirling 
Robeson, J. Eoo............ . Sidney 
Robinson, Robt. (Sup'd)... Belleville 
RDhinson, Geo......... Huntingdon 
Rogers, John A. (Slip' d). .. " Lindsay 
Rorke, S.unuel G.. .. . .. .. .. IYanhoe 
Sanders. Wm. J.. .. .. .. .. Dalrymple 
Sanderson, E. A.. .. .. .. .. .. }Ielrose 
Sanderson, Wm.(Sup'd) Rednersville 
Scott. Wm. L. (Sup'd)... Port Hope 
Sexsmith, Wm. V..... .. .. Castleton 
Seymour, J. C.. .. . . .. .. Thomasburg 
Steel. Thos. P......... Ameliasburg 
Stratton, F. B...........Tamworth I 
Taggert, Chas. (SI/p'd)... ..Brighton 
Taylor, Robt.. .. .. . . ... .. FoxooroJ' 
Thomas, Henry... . . .. .. .. }Iillbrook 
Thompson, Chrs. L........... Odessa 
Thompson, S. J....... .. .. .. College 
Tomblin, Wm.............. ..Salem 
Tonkin, E. A............ ..Canifton 
Tovell, I. (Cltairman) a. .. Pet{!rboro' 
Tozeland,John...... .....".arsaw 
Tucker, Wm........ SÇYmour East 
Tucker, Wm. B....... ..... Minden 
Wallace, FrancisH., B.D.. Peterboro' 
""at('l1, Chas. W..... ... . .. Omemee 
West, Wm. J........ ..Campbellford 
Williams, Wm. (Chairman) C,)bourg 
Williams, Hiram (SlIp'd).. Belleville 
, Daniel ... Soutll 
Wilson, Da\'id (SlIp'd)... ..
Wilson, John C...... ..Ashburnham 
Wilson, Alhert C.. .. .. . . .. Oakwood I 
Wilson, Andrew, B.A.. Bob!'aygeon 
Wilson, Wm. D. P.. .. .. .. WoodvIlle 
Wilson, :\1. E....,... SeJ'mour West 
Wood!'ock, Eli (SlIp'd).. ..Brockville 
Workman,G. C. .lII.A.(Prof.1 Vie. Col. 
Wrig:1t, Alex. (SlIp'd)... ..Ha<;tings 
Young, Wm. (SlIp'd)..... ..Trenton 
Young, Wm. R..........Wtllington 
Young, Wm. John........... Tweed 
Young, Jos. .............. Belleyllle 

Rev. J. Hannon, Pres't. 
Revs. J. E. Howell, JI.A., Secrt!tary. 
Rev. J. C. Stevenson, and Rev. K 
S. Rupert, JI.A., Assistant Sees. 
Rev. W. A. Strongman,LL.B.,PIt.D., 
Journal Secretary. 
Allley, Thomas .......... . . . . Bervie 
Armstrong, J. (Sup'd)... Tl"Owbridge 
Auld, David (SlIp'd).. .. .... Eugenia 
Ayers, Walter............... Gorrie 
Barnby, R. H...... ,... ..Rockwood 
Bnll, John.. .. .. . . .. ., .. .. Woo<lford 
Baugh. William........ ...... Staffa 
Bell, Thos. C.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Varney , 
Berry, Henry...... .. .Colpoy's Bay I 
Bielby, William }I.... .. ... TÏ\'erton 
Birks, William.. .. .. .. Xassagaweya 
BIrks, Alexander K.. Guelpl1 Second 
Brandon, William J..New Hamburg 
Broley, James.. .... .. .. .. .. .. Elora 
Buggm, Geo. (Chairman). . Markdale 
Burns, N., M.A. (Sllp'y).Georgetown 
Burton, Robert C.. .. .. .. . . Dundalk 
Burwash, N athaniel 
.. .. . . Belgra ve 
Caldwell, Henry.... Victoria Collegl 
Campbell, T. M. (Ch.)..Owen Sound 
Cam pbell , Wesley F. .. . . Uu ngannon 
Carson, Robert........ Whitechurch 
Casson, W. (Fin. Sec.).. .. '. }litchell 
Caswell, James. .. . . . . .. .. Fullartou 
Charlton, James.. .. ., .. ... Kirkton 
Chown, E. A.,B.D..........CliffiJrd 
Chnrchill, J. W............... Bervie 
Clarke, A. (Sup'd). .. .. .. .. Hanover, 


Cobbledick, G. H., B.A..Georgetown 
Colling, Joseph S.. . . .. . . .. .. Fergus 
Cooke, Joseph S... .. .. .. . . Bluevale 
Corcorau, John S. . .. .. . . .. Eugenia 
Cou!'h, Samuel E.. .. .. ... Woodford 
Cornish, G. H.,LL. D.(F.S.) Drayton 
Crane, Isaac............. Ponsonby 
Crookshanks, J. J .. Victoria Coll!'ge 
Crossley, Hugh T. . . . . . . . . .. Guelph 
Culbert, Thos.. .. .. .. oo Cape Croker 
Cunningham, A. (C7,aihl.).Stratfor<1 
Danard, W. B. (Sup'd). Owen Sonnd 
Dayey, Robert........ ..Georgetown 
Dudley, T. (SlIp'd)... .Mount Fore::t 
Dyke, Jabez H. .......... Henfryn 
Edge. Joseph...... ... . .. .. Hano\'er 
E.lmunds,S. C., B.D.(F.S.)Allanfo:-d 
Edwards, Samuel H....... Holstein 
Endicott, .James...... Walter's Falls 
Fair, Hugh J... .. .. .. .. Sebringville 
Fear, Ezra J. .. .. .. .. Hensall North 
Fear, Samuel (SUp'd)......... .Elm'a. 
Ferguson, ,Tames... .... .. .. Atwoi)(\ 
Fisher, J. S... .. ...... .. Hohnesville 
Flagg, E. L.. . . .. .. .. . . .. . Fullarton 
Frizzt'll, J. W. (Stud't). Victoria Cull. 
F)'dell, Thon:as R...... Eden Grove 
Galloway, J. (Fin. .eke.)..... Paisley 
Garner, John (SUlld).. .. .. Elrnwood 
Geddes, James (&Ip'y)...... . Bervie 
Gee, Thomas.. .. .. .. . h .. .. .Aubu.,. 
Gennan, John W............. Berlin 
Gibson, J. R.. ..... .. .. .... :\Iaitland 
Gilpin, John W. (Fin. Sec.). Wallace 
Gitrord, G. A................ Ripley 
Glazier, .Adam. . . .. .. .. .. Cedarvill.. 
Godfrey, Robert.. .. .. .. .. . . HensaII 
Grandy, Thomas........... Bel"ood 
Greene, Josias. .. .. .. .. .. Port Elgin 
Griffin, W.S. ,D.D.(ChaÏl'iiwn). Guelph 
Hall, Henry (Sup'y).. .. .. Arkwright 
Hall, Robert H.. .. . . ,. . Chats worth 
Hamilton, C.. . . . . . . .. . . . . }Iil vert on 
Hannon, Jas. (Pres. CO'II.)Kincardine 
Harris, James.. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. Peel 
Hart, J ol1n. , . . . '. .. .. .. . . . .. Varna 
Hartley, George .... .. ... Dobhinton 
Renders, Richard C. (F. S.) Hespeler 
Henderson, W. C., M.A. (Ch.) ..GaIt 
Herridge, Wm.. .. .. . . .. .. Stratford 
Hill, Henry E.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Rayfield 
Hilts. Joseph H. (SlIp'd). Kincardine 
Hincks, Wm.H............ Preston 
Holmes, J. H.(Sup'y\.... ..Hanoyer 
Holmes, J. W. (Fin. See.).. ..Guelph 
. Hosking, Robert........ Euphrasi.\ 
Hough, Jolin.. .. .. . . . . . Allsa Crai
Howell, J. E., M.A. (Ch.).. S.'aforth 
Husband, Robert J .... .. .. Kintore 
Hutton, Benjam in ... .. .. .. Durham 
Irwin, A. J............. . Dobbinton 
Irvine, H............... Dungannon 
Isaac, John R.......... .. .:\Ionkton 
Jolmst<1D., Robt........ Walter's Fall" 
Kennedy, John.... Montreal Collegt' 
Kenner, John........ .. .... Chesll') 
Kestle, James.. .. .. . . . . .. BenmiIlel' 
Kerr, S. L. (S1lP'Y)... .. Owen Sounl\ 
Kerr, John L....... oo.... Brusf;el" 
Kerr, 'V. E.................. .Alm.\ 
Lake, Charles V.. . .. . . . . Trowbndg.. 
h, Webster W. .. .. . . .. . .. Alma 
Legate, Thomas.. .. .. .. .. Elmwoolt 
Legear, James T.......... . . .. Etht'\ 
Leith. Hamilton (Sup'd).. Port Elgin 
Lounds, George .......... 1\Iildmay 
Mahood, John W.. . . , ictoria College 
Markham, Joseph.. .. .. .. . . .. .. Erin 
Mills, John (Chai7'man).. Harriston 

lills, Wm. (Sup'd).. .. .. .... ..Blyth 
}Inir, David A.. .. .... .. .. Woodham 
Moss, W In. H........ ...... Asliftelrl 

Iustard, A. B.. ., .. .. Hen!'all Korth 
1\Ic Allister, James Wh. I .. Pa 1 mer"ton 
McCulloch, Andrew 101.... Fordwlch 
McDowell, D. C. (CIt.)..... Wingh.llf'1 


McKibbon, A. ... .. . . " . . .. ... Erin 
){cLaehlan, Jas., M.A.. ..}Ioorelìeld 
McLachlin, J. F.... Victoria College 

\"combe, Henry A.... Hawkes\'ille 
X()ble, Jabez J.. ....... ..Hepworth 

ngent. Francis E.(Fin.&c)Lucknow 
Otta well. Will.. .. . . .. .. .. Pnc
PaUon, W. 
I.. ... .. Mon trea1 College 
Parker, A. J .. . . . . . ..... . Lion's Head 
Panl, Richard (Sup'd).. .. .. Brussels 
Pentland, S. V..... ........ Arkwright 
pper, John. B.A.. .. .. Glen Eden I 
Perry, D. (Sup'd) .. .. .. Georgetown 
ps. A. 
I., B.D. (CIt)..St. Mary's 
Philh ps, Robert.. .. oo .. .. .. . . Acton 
Potter, Austin (Fin. Fee.). Teeswater I 
Pomeroy,J .C. ,B. A.(Supy)..Georget'n 
Pring, Joseph W........... :Nissouri 
Ral)P, Johu J... .. ........ 
Rice, Luther O. (Sup'd).. Dungannon 
Richardson, G. (Cltairman) Listowel 
Robinson, John W.......... Arthur 
Rolston, D. D. (Sllp'd). .. Walkerton 
Rupert, E. S., M.A......... Clinton 
Rodgers. David.. ..... Londesboro' 
Sabine, Thos. J....... Grand Valley 
n, Goo. T. . . .. .. .. .. . . Goderich 
Sanderson, John W........ Wiarton 
Sa.nderson, Tho:>. C.. .. .. .. Hrmony 
Savage, Wm................ Saugeen 
Seott, John, M.A.(Ch.) oo Walkerton 
ratch, AleJr.:. .. .. .. .. .. Thamesford 
Sellery, Samuel, B.D.......... Lucan 
Service. RÜ'hanl (Sup"l).. St. Marys 
Shannon, Wm............ Teviotdale 
Sharp, Dixon ...... ......... Embro 
Shaw, Ed. A... oo .. .. .. Nassagawc)'a 
Sherlock, Benjamin.. .. .. Arkwright 
Shilion, J. Walker, B.A... F1esherton 
Smith, Alfred E.. .. .. .. .. . Wroxeter 
Smith, Finley l\1.. ., .. .. Kenilworth 
Smith, Geú................. Kemble 
Sm;th, Thos. J............ Linwood 
:imith, .John T. . _ . .. .. .. .. .. .. Tara 
Smyth, Wm............. ..Stratford 
Snowdon, Thos. J. .. . . .. .. .. Elmira 
S'parling, P. (BI/p'y).. ..Colpoy's Bay 
Sparling, Will. W....... " .. Clinton 
':)tatl'ord, Chas. E.. .. . . .. .. . ::\litchell 

tevenson, J. C. (Fin. Sec.) Granton 
..;trongman, W.A,.l1.A,PIt.D. Dundalk 
Swann, Francis.......... Rockwood 
Swann, }Iatthew.......... Brussels 
Teskey, E!)enezer.. .. .. . . Brookhohu 
Tindall, W.m. (Sup'd).. .. Walkelton 
Thibadeau, Alex. .. .. Holland Centre 
Tonge, Al>raham W .... .. . . .. Blyth 
Torr,Ulce, Wm. ............ Walton 
Treleaven, \V. E.... .. .. Kincardine 
Turk, Geo. R (Fin. Sec.).. Goderich 
r. R. J. (Sup'd). .... Kellliworth 
Waddell, R., B.D. (F. S.) }It. Forest 
\"alker, James............ Eramosa 
Walker, John (Sup'd).... ooLucknow 
,\ alwin, I. B. (Student) Vict. College 
Wass, Jabez . . " .. .. .. .. .. .. Stirton 
Watson, Geo. (Sllp'd).. .. Walkerton 
Watt.", John H.............. Salem 
\V ebster, JolIn .............. Bethel 
White, James (SlIp'd) .. .. ., Hespeler 
Williams, J olm (Sup'd) .... l\litchell 
Williams, Richard W...,.. Watel'loo 
WIllimott, Wm.......... ..l\Iarsville 

Rev. A. Carman, D.D., and Rev. 
John A. Williams,D.D., Gen. Supts. 
Rt:v. A. Stewart, D.D., Pres-ideltt. 
R4tv. J. }I. Harrison, Secretanl. 
Rev. Goo. Daniel and J. W. Jackson, 
ERI}., .Al<sistant &cretaries. 
Rev. G. K. Adams, Jour. Secretary. 
.Aùams,G.K.(Jour. å: F. &c.) Griswolll 
Atkins, R. A................ Murris 


Aldridge, A. R.......... Lansdowne I I 
Anders:m, A. Hoo.. ..Cypress River 
Andrews, A. (Chairmnn) Qu' Appelle 
Argue, T. (Chairman)...... Manitou 
st, F. A.......... ..Shoal Lake 
Bell, J. W., B.D. (Ck.).. .
Betts, J. F. (Fin. Sec.)...... Calgary 
Beynon, T. B., B. A.. .. .. .. .. Beulah 
Bridgeman, W.. . . .. .. Fort McLeod 
Buchannn, T. C. (Fin. Sec.)... Birtle 
Bunt, W. C.. .. ....... oolrloose Jaw 
Burrow, J. H....... .. ..Cartwright 
Colpitts, W. W........... .Neepawa 
CuI will, S. E.. _. .. . Furt Qu' Appelle 
Cook, W. A.. .. .. .. .. .. . . Bl'Oad view 
Vaniel, George (Fin. Sec.).. .. Regina 
Darwin, 0.. .......... ..Boissevaine 
Davis, F. J........ .. . .. High River 
Davis, P. W.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .Chater 
Dimmick, l\losesoo.... 
Iedicine Hilt 
Dyke, Joshua............. Winnipeg 
Elliott, Joshua.. .. . Moose Mountain 
Elliott, Wm., B...4. (F. S.) Killarney 
Finn, F. M.. .. .. .. , . .. :Meadow Lea 
Franklin, B., M.A., PIt.D.Lands. Col 
German, OITin..... White Fish Lake 
Glass, E. B., B. A.. . ... Battle River 
Gordon, A . . . . .. .. '. oo .. ... Carman 
Greenway, J .0 (SIlP'Y) ... Crystal City 
Hames, A. B. (Fin. &c.)... Emerson I 
Halstead. Wm. Burnside & Prospect 
Hanna, George. . .. . . Victoria College 
Harrison, J. M. (Sec. C.) P. la Prairie 
Hoskins,James.. .. .. .. .. Alexandria 
Howard. J. H.. .. .. . ..Prince Albert 
In'ine, S. O..............Plympton 
Jackson. J. A............ Winnipeg 
Joslyn, J. H. L.............. Virden 
Kaneen, E.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Cannan 
Kenner, H.. .. .. .. .. .. oo Rapid City 
.Kinley, Wm.......... ..Crystal City 
Ladner, C. (Sttp'd)......... Branùon 
Laidley, R. B............. Stonewall 
Langford, E.....:.... 
Lawson, Thomas (F. S.).... .
Long, G. H...,.... ... ..Edmontou 

Ianly, R. C.. .. .. . . oo Cypres,> River 
Morden, T. E., B.A. (SlIp'Y) Winnipeg 

lcDougall, J. (Chairman) .. .::\forley 
}I(' Lachlan, J. A.. .. .. .. ..' Victoria 
)IcLt'an,J..B. A...... . Blood Indians 
)lcHaffie, W. P.. .. . . . . .. .. }Ielj,(und 
:Selson, John............. Woodville 
Parker, Caleb.. .. .. .... .. .. . .Souris 
Peters, John ._.......... Snowflake 
Peters, N. D. (Sup'y).. .. .... Virden 
Pimlott, Wm.... oo .. .. .... Newdale 
Pooley, J.. .. .. .. .... _oo Brolldview 
Powell, J. B.............. . Napinka 
Rawson, J. (Snp'y)oo oo ..oo .. Beulah 
Robinson, I. N........ .. SoJuris City 
R,)ss, A. W.. ...... ,. ..Fishel' River 
Rutledge, W. L <CIt.).. .. .. \
Ruttan, J. H. (Ftn. &c.). . High Blun 
Semmens, J.. .... .. .. .. .. . Carberry 
Steinhauer, E. R..... .. .. oo.. l\lorley 
Steinhauer, R. B . B.A. Saddlc Lake 
Stewart, A., B.D. (P.C.). _ lleloraine 
Teeter, C.. .... .. .. oo .. 
Iaple Creek 
Wheeler, A. D............. . Antlers 
Williams, Clement.. . . .. .. .. .. Bantf 
Willis, C. S. (SIIP'.If).... P. 
I. Colony 
Wilson, J. P., lII.A... .. .. .. Brandon 
Wilson, T. B............ .
Wilson, W. G.... ....... 
Woodswurth, .J. (Supt.Mis.) Brandon 

RI A",,,,odntloD 0' 
N AluCl'icn, Cnnndn. 
Will hold its next Conference ill 
Bebringville, Ont., on the 12th AprIl, 
Rev. Thos. BO\\ man, BÍishop, Allen- 
town, Pa. 

rI 3 S] 


Rev. C. F. Brann, Secretary, Mil- 
verton, Onto 
Rev. D. Dippel, Conference Trus., 
Rev. H. Dierlamm, Mission Prtsident, 
Gowantsown, Ont 

Rev. C. Stal'bler, Miss. Sec'y, Ne1'/' 
Hamburg, Onto 
Rev. L. H. Wagner, Miss. Trefts.. 
Plattsville, Onto 
Bechtel, J. (Local)........ MilùmllY 
Berberi('h, Wm... .. .. .. Golden Lake 
Bolenùt:r, C........ .. Rye, Muskoka 
Braun, G.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. Crediton 
Braun, C. F.............. Hilverton 
Braun, G. F....... . New Hambu.rg 
Braun, G. K. (Local).... ..Crediton 
Brand, D. H...... ..... .. ..Hanover 
Clemens. D. (Local).. oo Washington 
Devitt, J. K. (Local).. oo . .. .. B{'rlin 
Dierlamm, H.. .. oo .. .. Go\vanstown 
Dippel. D.. .. . . ., . .. .. .... Milpmay 
Eby, Elias.. oo .. .. .. .. .. .. Ridgville 
Finkbeiner, Goo.......... ooAlsfeldt 
Finkbeiner, C.. .. .... .. Rockingham 
Frey I. (Loeal)...... ,.Sonth Caynga 
Frey, lrI. C. (Local)...... ..Listuwel 
Garret, J. C (Local)...... Tilsonburg 
Goebel, A.............. 
Graff, G. M.. . . ...... . . . .. Plattsville 
Graeb, S. C...............Campden 
Grenzenbach, J.. . . .. .. . . Heidelberg 
H:Üst. G. F.. ..... ..... ..St. Jal'ob's 
Hauch, Th.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. Zurich 
Hauch, J. P........... _ . . . Listo\vel 
Haist, A. Y......oooo .. Sebrinç:ville 
'...... ........... ..Berlin 
Knechtel, S. R...... .. South Cayuga 
Kraft, S. B,. . . . . . .. . . . . .. Benmiller 
Kreh, D.... . . . .' . . __ .. .. . . . . Berlin 
Krupp, S.. .. .. ... . .. ..... Hamilton 
Litt, J. G................Elmwood 
l\Iaurer, 1\1.. . . .. . . . . . . . . Sebring,'ill
l\Ieyer, F.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pembroke 
Miller, J. (Local)........... . Elmira 

Iorley, St. (Retired)..... .Campden 
Morlock, J. C ,.......... Hespeler 
lIIoyer, S. :s.............. MIldmay 
Moyer, H. D........ .._. ..Cnmpden 
Nash, ,To
. (Local)........ Campden 
Ortwein, J. \V.. . . . . _ . . _ . . Dashwood 
ffcr, C. (Retired)... . . . . Benmiller 
Rieder, D. (Retired)..New Hamburg 
Rife, D. (Local)........... Hespeler 
Scharlfe, F. (Retired)..... Dashwood 
Schetler, A. (Local)...... Dashwood 
Schmidt, W. (Retired)....... . BerlIn 
Schmidt, H. G. G..... . Golden Lak,' 

chmitt, J. A........... ..Taviswl'k 
Schneider, N. (LocHl)..South Cayuga 

chwalm, J. K. (Local).... Port Elgin 
Schwandt, W.. .. .. . . . . Wililamsford 
Schwarz, F. G............ . MildnuL) 
Spies, C. A.. ....,. . .Cleveland,Ohio 
Staebler, J .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. oo Rodney 
Staebler, Ch.. ..... .. New Hamburg 
Spies, (<'. S............... Otterville 
Steuerna"oel, C. (lletired)... Waterloo 
TheIle, Jos. (Loculi...... .. Port Elgin 
'1'homas, H. A........... Port Elgin 
Umhach, Jos...... .New Hamburgh 
Umbach, S. L........... .. ..Berlin 
Wagner, L. H.. ....... .. .Plattsville 
Walter, J. (Loool)..... .Gowanstown 
Weber, S. (Retired)....... Walkerton 
Werner ,H... ....... ,..... ?Iorriston 
Wildfang, L. (l.ocal).... ooTavistock 
Wing, ::\1. L.. oo .. ...... ... Waterloo 
Winkler, Ph. (Retired).. ..St. Jacobs 
Wittich, L.. ..oo ... New Hamburg 
Yaeger, \V... ,........... Pembroke 
nni. J. D. (Retired). . . Waterdowll 



ntlonnl Denomlnn- 
The Congregational Union of On- 
tario and Quebec will holtl its next 
Annual Meeting in 
[ontreal, on Wed- 
nesday, June 6th, 1888. 
Rev. J. Horton, Ham ilton , Chairman. 
Rev. \V. H. \Varriner, B.D., Bowman- 
ville, &r>retary- T1'easure-r. 
Rev. George Rohertson, B.A. To- 
ronto, Statistical ,'i:ecretal'Y. ' 
Rev. ,1. E. Wright, Bel wood , 0., 
Sun. &1wol Statistical Secretary. 
Congregati{)nal Ministers in Canada. 
Adams, L. P.......... Fiteh Bay, Q 
tBaroour. W. .\l. (Prin.) Montreal, Q 
Barker, E.. .. .. .. ,. . . . _ . . .. Toronto 
Barker, Joseph.. .. . .. Sheffield, N B 
Bames, H. E., D.D.. Sherbrooke, Q 
Beaton, David.. .. .. S1. John's, Nfld 
Black, J. R., B .A.. oo ..... Barrie, 0 
Blaek,R.K...... ._. ....Sarnia,O 
Bolton, Charles E.. . . . .. Wiarton, 0 
Burgess, E.. J: . .. .. . .. E(lgeworth, 0 
Bllrges.q, Wlllmm... .. .. Listowel, 0 
Burton, .J., B.D........oo ..Toronto 
Claris, W. H. A........... Frome, 0 
tClarke, W. F.... _ .. .. '. . GUt"lph, 0 
Colclough, J os. . .. St. Catharine .'I, 0 
tCornish, G.. LL.D. (Proj.).Montreal 
Cox, Ja
ob ,V. . . . . . . Corn wallis, N S 
Cuthbertson, W., B. Á. Woodstock, 0 
Day, B. W.. .. .. .. ....... Lanark, 0 
Dixon, Joo .. . ... Franklin Centre, Q 
Duff, ('., .11. A .... .... .. .. .. Toror.tfl 
Dunlap. George H. . . Rock [slRnd, Q 
Fenwkk, K. 
l.. . . . . ..' l\lontreal, (l 
FullH, George.. .. _ . .. . Br:mtford, 0 
Goddard, H.......... . }lilton, N S 
inith, C. E.... Stratford, 0 
tGunner, Frederick, Jl.D Listowel,O 
Gerrie, A. Woo....... Pine Grove 0 
tHall, Thos. (S.Il.M.8.) Kingston: 0 
Hanes, J. B.. .. Keswick Ridge, N B 
Hay, R.. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. Warwick, 0 
Hay, William.... .. .. .. Scotland, 0 
y, James..... Franklin Centre, Q 
HIlI, E. Y.,],f. Á.. ..... .. . .l\Iontreal 
Hindley, .J. I., .1[..4...... Granby, Q 
Hunter, H. D., 11[. A . . .. .. London, 0 
Jackson, S. 
., M.D...... KinO"ston 
Johnson, G. W........ ..1Iilton" N S 
King, Stephen. . .. .. .. .. . . .. TO;OIlUI 
:\IcAdle, J.. .. ..' }o'ortune Bav Xfld 
}lcCol1, E. C. W., M A. . }Iitldillville. 0 
lyen, A. L., B.A.. '.' King
f)[cGIll, A., .1[. A .. Ryckman's Cor., 0 
}[r-Gregor, A. F., B.A.. .. .. Toronto 
lI..Gregor, Dunl'an, M.A. .Guelph, () 

klntyre. H. A., B.A..... 
1IclRod, F. T.. .: .. .. Economy, ;ll'S 
t.\I,'Killican, J. (C. S. S. U.). \Ionh'pal 
)Ir-Kinnr,n, John.. ..Pilot }lound 
:\Iain, A. W.. .. .. .. .... Rt"llevilI
, 0 
nacal1um, D........... .St. Elmo, 0 
}bpintoo;h, W....... Y:\rInouth X S 
:\Iarling, F. ir.... .. .. .. .. .lJo
}[orton, J. . . . .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton, 0 
Peacock, W.. .. . Pleasant River :;II' S 
Pedley, Hugh, B.A... .. .. .. Cobourg 
Pedl"y, C., B. A.......... Fergus, 0 
Pedley, J. W., B.A...Gf'orgetown, 0 
PurkÜ., G..... .......Waterville Q 

!ehardson.A. W.,B.A. The Grdnge', 0 
lÜvard, A. F.. oo '.. Belle Riviel'e, Q 
Robertson, G., B.A.. .. .. ... Toronto 
R'Jbinson. R.. .. .. .. .. .. ... Toronto 
Rogers, G.. .. . . Bon Esperance, Lab 
Ross, C. L.. ........ .... Tiverton. 0 
Saer, J. 8., B.D...... S1. John, N B 
tSalmon, John, B.A.... .. .. Toronto 
Sanderson, J. G.. .. . .. .. Danville, Q 
Shanatt. J .. .. .. ... Twillingate, NI'Ill"rley, .J. ... .. . .. }hrgaree, N S 
Siko-..:. E. Doo......oo.. .. }<
mùro, 0 

Silcox, .J. B...... .._.. Winnipeg, M 
Skinner, George.. .. .. .. ... Eaton, Q 
Smith, W. W........ Newmarket,O 
tSoland t, A.. . . .. .. .. .. In verness, Q 
Sykes, S.. .. ... .. .. .. Brooklyn, N S 
uires, John.. .. .. .. Random, Nfld 
Totten, }1. J.. .. .. . . . .. \Vroxeter, 0 
Unsworth, Joseph.. ..' Stouff'ville, 0 
Unsworth, J. K......oo.... Paris, 0 
Ward, R., LL.D....... Wingham,O 
Warriner, W.H.,B.Á.Bowmanville, 0 
Watson, 'V. H... .. .. Chebojlue, N S 
Whitman, J .. .. . . .. Cornwallis, N S 
Wild, Jo;;eph, D.D.._...... Toronto 
Wilmot, W. F.. ... .. .. Unionville, 0 
Wi}let, GeOl'ge ...., , Cowans\"ilIe, Q 
tWerherald, W.......... Fen\\ ick, 0 
Wood, John.. .. .. ........ .. ()ttawa 
Wright, J. Coo.. ..... ..Belwood, 0 
[t Not in pw;toral Charge.] 
"nllt'd Brethren In 
The next Annual Conference meets 
at ,New Dundee, on the last Thurs- 
day in }Iarch, 1888. 
Rev. J. DlI"kson. D.D., Bishop. 
Rev. G. Plowman, Chairman. 
Rev. D. B. Sherk, P. Elder. 
Rev. T. }l. }lott, Secretary. 
Bachus, G. H........... FOl'ks RO'ld 
Bac-hus, J. B.. .. .. .. .. .. oo .. Vienna 
Bachus, C. \V.......... ..Port Elbrin 
Bachus, G. H., sen. . Griffin's Corners 
Bowman, J. I.., A.],[.. .. .. .. . Berlin 
Bowman, J. B..... .. .. .. . . .. Berlin, \V ., .. . .. StevensvilIe 
Clark, R. A........... Strafforrlville 
Com ell, W............ Straff'ordville 
Cutler, J. W.............. . Fonthill 
Durkee, J. F............. Shelburne 
Gannon, T. J. (Evan.)..Strafford\'ilIe 
Groh, J. W...... .......... Hespeler 
Hambly, JH. C............. Hanovel' 
Holloway, R.. .... .. .. Detroit, 
Love, Thos............ ... Listowel 
Mager, J.. .. ...... .0 ..B1oomingdale 
)I('Combs, J. (Snp'y).. ..Forks Road 
:\Iichener. J... .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. Elmer 
}Ioore, \V.. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . Duart 
:\fott, T. 11................ Freeport 
Plowman, G. (Sup'd).. .... Sheffielll 
Rott, G............. West }Iontrose 
Rosenbergpr, S. S..........Hanover 
Sherk, D. B..................Berlin 
Sherk, l\[.. .. .. .. . .. Deanville, }lich 
Shower", J ............... Cann ing 
Walt, G.......... ......... Canning 
Re;:ulnl' Bnpti
t iUlnIÞltel'f!I. 

Ainsworth, W...... ...... Brighton 
Alexander,John.. .......... Torl)nto 
Anderson, G.. .. . . .. '. .. Aldershot 
Anderson, J. W...... Emerson )Ian 
Anderson, P. H.. . Kingsle}: Falls 
Anderson, \V. K........ .... Lindsay 
Arms, A. L........ .. . Richforù, vt 
Arthur, S. J.......... .... Torunto 
Auvache.. .. oo .J[ Í8swnary to India 
Bakel', Ä. Coo.......... .... ..Sarnia 
Baker, .J. J., M. Â.. .. .. .. Stoutt'ville 
Baker, C. n........... Wallaceburg 
Bilker, J. S. . . . . . . .. .. . ... Jaffa 
Baldwin, J. A.. .. oo .. .. .. Fullarton 
Barker, .J. F..... .......... Whitby 
Barker, W. 8..... .. oo.. . .....}Ieaforù 
Rites, S. S., B. Á. ......... Toronto 
Beatie, F............... H,lgersville 
Becker, S.............oo.... Zurich 
Best, J. H. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . Brandon 
Best, A. H.. .......... ..!lit. lo'orest 
Binga, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Amhertsburg 
[I :{

Bingham, T.. . . . . . . . . .. Bracebridge 
Bone, T. (Missionary).St. Catharines 
Booker, 1'heoph. . . . .. .. .. .. OShIl.W:1 
Bosworth, E........... Burk's Falls 
Boundy, S....................... . . 
Boville, R. G., M.A., B.D.. Hamilton 
Boyd. D. S.. . . .. . . .. . . .. Villa Nova 
Boundy, S. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . Langton 
Bridgman, R.............. . Lal1gton 
Brouillet, T. . . . . . .. Boxton Pond, Q 
Burk, J................... Hartford 
Bnrns, Geo.. .. . . .. . . . . . . Forestvillc 
Burtch, D. D........... Leaminl?ton 
Burwash, A., B.A... Drul11l11"ndviUe 
Cameron, J .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Tivelton 
Cameron, A. G. . . . . . . . .. .. . Dresden 
Cameron. A. A.... . . .. .. oo Winnipeg 
l. P.. .. .... .Hillshurglt 
Carey, T. H........ _ .. .. Stayner 
Carey, W...... __ .. oo .. . .St. .Mary's 
Carey, P. R.............. B1ellheim 
Carey, G. W. }I., M.A.... Brantfonl 
Castle, J. H., D.D...... " .. TorolJto 
Chandler, J........... Coaticook, Q 
Chittenden, G.. .. .. . . .. .. Brantf..rù 
Clark. J. W............... Ingel'sllU 
Cheetham. W............ Brock ville 
Cohoe, D. B............. Burgessville 
Colling, T.. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . Sti"athroy 
Cook, Chas. A.. .. .. . . . . . . . . Tornnto 
Cook, R. B.. . . . . .. . . . .. . . oo . . Acton 
Cook, C. W................. FOllthill 
Craig, J., B.Â.. .J1[i
sionaT1I to India 
Currie, E. (Retired)...... W oh"erton 
Cunnings, S. G.. .. . . ... Georgetown 
Cunnmgs, S. J .. . . . . .. .. .. Wy(.minn 
Cunningham, K. III.. . . . . . . . . BUllyag 
Cunningham, S......,.... Waterfonl 
Currie, J _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Middleville 
Dack, D.. . . . . .. .. , .. .. .. .. Listowel 
Dadson, E. W., B. A..... . Claremont 
Davidson, D. B,. .......... .. Spar.t..'l 
Dann, F.................... Selkn'k 
Davis, G. B., B.D.. ... ..Poplar Hill 
Davis, S. H................ Dresden 
Dayfoot, P. K , !tf.A... .. oo Strathroy 
Dempsey, .John.. .... .. .. Ailsa CrJ.ig 
Dcnovan, J. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. Toronto 
Doolittle, J. H., B.A.. Emerson,lrlan 
Dougharty, G. A., M.A. . Leamington 
Dowling, .J. T......... .. .. CollJoruc 
Durling, R. }f.. . . . . ... Amhertsburg 
Dyke, S. A...... :.........Toronto 
Dunlop, J. C.. .. .. ......... Glenelg 
Emerson, C. H............ West port 
Everton, G.. . . . . . S. Spring Is.. B C. 
Facey, A. IlL.... ..... Kpnt Brid

Freed, W........... . . Stolltfville 
Faukner, J. W....... .. .. Sandwich 
Fellman. J.. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . Berlin, R.. .. ... .. . . . .. Park Hill 
Gay, A...................... Leirh 
Gibson, J. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ,. . . .. .. . . 
Gillies, A .......... Sliwyersville, Q 
Guld, }I.................... Whitby 
Grant, A... . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . Toronto 
Orant,.J ..................... Pari:i 
Grant, \V............... .......... 
Gray, J ..............oo.... Clinton 
Green. J. (Bible Society) ... 
Gret-n, Thos. B..... .. . . .. .. Bolton, Q 
Hdines, E. J................ Thursß 
Hammet, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Holt 
Harryet, \V.. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Toronto 
Harris, R., B.A.... ....... Toronto 
Harris, S. G.... .. .. .. .... Binbrook 
Hasting:<, J. G... _......... Clachan 
Haviland, W. H .. _ .. . . Drumtlo 
Helmrich, A.......... Sebastopol, Q 
Herrington, R. D. . . . . . . . . Kingsville 
Higgins, J.............. ..La Chute 
Hillyard, \V.. .. .. .. ... .......... .. 
Hind, G.......... ....... . Glenville 
Holbein, W............... Renfrew 
Hooper, E., !t[. D ......... Kin"'ston 
 J. B............... peter"boro' 




II ulbert, W........ .. . . .. . . Langton 
Hutchinson, D. ......... Branttord 
Hyde, T. L.. ........ . Port Colborne 
Hu!;hes, T. A............ ..Grimshy 
Iler, .J. A................... Palmyra 
Her, L ... ............. Ridgetown 
,Jackson, S.. ...... .. .... .. 'Voodslee 
Johnson, J.. ........... .. .. Toronto 
,Johnson, T. S.............. London 
,Johnson, T. C............. \Vindsor 
Kellp.y, S. ,J .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . Clarence 
Kelly, R. W........... . Collingwood 
Kelley, J. W...... .. . . Fenelon Falls 
King, John........... Dalesville, Q 
King, Joseph D. . ,. ..' .. .. Brantford 
Kmney, W. B.. ........Granby, Q 
Kose, H. . . . . . .. .......... Hanover I 
Lal'ey, W............... . Claremont 
Lafleur, T.. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. }Iontreal 
Laing, D. T.. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. Perth 
Lam bert. W................. Orillia 
Lennie, R.. .. .. .. Westminster, B.C. 
Luckens, T. . . . .. .. . . . . Smith's Falls 
Luedeke, Julius.... .. . . .. . Arnprior 
Lyman, \\'.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8)'h'an 
Mackie, J.. ....... .. .. ... Beamsville 
l., LL.D.... ... Toronto 
Mann, J. W......... ... 8outhwold 
}farqnardt, C. L............. Zurieh 
}Iarsh, D.......... ,....... .Quebee 
Mason, G. . . . . . '. . . . . .. .. .. .. Calton 
Masset, 8. F.. . . .. .. .. .. .Montreal 
McArthur, D. D.. .. .. .. . Kemptville 
}{(,Caul. D.. .. .. .. West Lynne, !Ian 
11cConnl'lI, S.. , . . . .. .. . , . Lakeview 

lcD()nald, N. (Retired) Wallaceburg 

IcDouald, P.. .. . . . . .. .... London 
}fcDonald, ,J; C............ . Paisley 
101(' Donald, A. R.... .. . .. Algonquin 
}oIcDiarmid, A. P.,lIt.A.... ..Ottawa 
}oI<'Diarmid, D.......... ...Dalkeith 
}fcEwen, J.. .. . . . . . . . . .. Port Perry 
McEwen, J. P.. .. . . .. . . . . . Stratford 
McEwen, P. A., B.od., B.D.. VemOD 

IcEwen, P. H.. .. .. . . . . . . Cornwall 
}IcFadyen, A.... .. .. .. .. .. Tiverton 
McGregor, D. A., B.A.. .. .. Toronto 

lcGregor, W........ . . .. Osnahruck 
}II'Gregor, W,. .. . . .. .. St. Williams 

IdntYI'e. R.. .. .. .. ...... Price,'ilIe 
}It-Kinnon, J. B.. .. ., .. .. Teeswater 
}oI,-Laurin, C. C......., .. St. 

td,aurin, J.. .. .. .. .... \Voodstock 
M<'Lallrin, D. P.. .... .... .. Toronto 
}lcLennan, D.......... ..Springford 

?lkKahh, F. F., .A.lIt.......Arnl'rior 
McNeill, D.. .... .. .. .... P..rt Elcin 
Mvers, ,J. H............,. Woolwlc11 
Mihell, n. M.. .. .. .. ...... Belleville 
}Ioore, J. B.. . . . . .. .. ... 'Vaterford 
}Inyle, W. (Lie.).......... Tavist.ock 
Moyle, ,J. E........................ 
?lIuir, Will................. Toronto 
Munro, A. H.. .. .. oo.. .. St. Thomas 
1Iunro, J. 
I.. .. .. .. . . . .. . . Ingersoll 
}Iunro, H. }I.. .. Niagara Falls 
Murden, \V......... Gladstone, }fan 
!lIurdoch, A., LL.B.. St. Catharines 
Newton, L.... .... ......... Yittoria 
Newman, A. H., LL.D..... Torouto 
Ohlgart, }f.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..: \
ïllllot I 
Parker, A............... Dlxvllle, Q 
Parker, P. C............ .Peterboro' 
er, ,,,.................. N orwnod I 
PIckard, W................. Guelph 
Pineo, C. Eoo.oo... .. .. .. .. " DoUa 
Prosser, \V............ ..Ridgetown 
Porter, \V. H., M.A........ London 
Pugsley, ,Y.............. Cheapside 
Rain both, E.. . . . . .. Beauharnuis, Q 
Randall, L. 101.. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 
J{at!-liff, Frederick.. .. . .. Pl'terboro' 
Redòil'k, D.............. Port Hope 
Reid, H.......... . . .. .. .. . Brisbane 
Richartlson. G.. .. .. .. .. ... Toronto 
Riendeau. T.. .. .. . . .. . St. JoInt's, Q 
Roberts, J. (Ret.).. _. Drummondville 
Robertson, G. F.... .' London East 
Robert-Ron, J.. .. .. .. .. London East 
Robinson. J ...... .. ... .. .. Stirling 
R'Jck, G. C.. .. . . .. . . .. ... Wing-ham 
. H.. .................. Keady 
Rowland, D. W......... St. Thomas 
Scott, F. L...........,..... London 
Seaborn, J.. .. .. . , .. .. .. ... Nugent 
Sherman, E. D........... Ringwood 
Silcox, J. W.. .. .. .. ... !It. Brydges 
Sin('lair, T.. .. .. .. .. .. Port Burwell 
Sirrell, J.. .. .. .. .. ... White Lake 
Slaght, A................ Waterfortt 
Smith, A.. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . A)'lrner 
Smith, F. (Retired).... ...... VIenna 
8peller, H. C.. .. .. .. .. . . Beamsville 
Smith, 'V., M.D........ . Brookltuhn 
Smith, Ira.. .. ...... .. .. '.. Toronto 
Bmith, J... . . . .. .. .. .. .. ... Stirling 
Smith, ,J. T................. Renton 
Smith, H.................... Walsh 
Smith, J. .}l.. .. . . .. . . . . .. . Ancaster 
St,. Dalmas, A. E. de.. .. .. .. Petrolia 

Boutl-r, T. C.. . . . _ _ .. .. Crelll:lhe 
Sowerl))', A. T..............Aylmer 
Shaw, Hugh.......... Cam}lhèllford 
Stewart. A.. '. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Dnrham 
Stillwell, ,J. R., B. A .. . ..1fis. to lndiq 
, Rtuart,J. ,1f. A..B.D.,Plt.D.Owen 8'(1 
Stobo, E. J.. '. .. .. .. .. .. Quebel', Q 
Store)', H.. .. . . .. .. . . .. Clear Creek 
Tapscott, S...... ....... Brampton 
Tapscott, W. T.. ,. _... ... Brampton 
Teale, J. H.. ,. ,. ,. .. Victoria, B.C 
Therrien, A. L.. . . .. .. .... Montreal 
Thom. G............, ,..Sunderland 
Thomas, B. D., D.D...... ..Toronto 
Topping, E.. . . . . .. .. ..' Woodstock 
Treadwell, W. H........ Clear Creek 
Trotter. T., B. A......... Woodstock 
Troy, W............ ..... Windsor 
Turner, C. B.......... . Barnston, Q 
Turner, E.. Turtle Mount.ain City, }I 
Upham, A. G., B.A...... ..Montreal 
Vanloon, J.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .., Delhi 
Walker, Wm............... Brigden 
"'alker, ,J. A. K.. .. .. .. .. . Almonte 
Walker, Wm. 
I., B.A...... ..Barrie 
Walker, Wm. 
.............. ..Galt 
Ware, H .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .., Chatham 
\VatRon, E.. .. .. . . .. .. .. .... Sarnia 
Weeks, W. W............ Bror-kville 
Weir, W. C.. B.A..... _.... . Guelph 
Williams, J.. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . Vienna 
\Viiliamson, ,J.. ........ .... Arkona 
"'oodward, H.. ........... Norwich 
Wright, D...............,. Lindsay 
t. G. L............ Schomherg 
'Voh'erton, N.. B. A.. ... Woodstork 

('uh'erlmU.... Chln'('h. 
The Convention for l
 will be 
held at Nixon, Ont., some time dUl'. 
ing- the month of ,June. 
Rev. W. S. Goodell, Smith,'ille, Ont., 
Chairman of Committ
e of Fel. 
h1".p, etc. 
Clayton, W. W........ Blenheim, () 
Clayton, W. W........... Olinda, () 
Goodell, W. B........ .., ..NiJ\.on, () 
Û<Jodell, W. 8.. .. .. . . Port DO\'er, () 
Goodell, W. S......... Smithville, 0 
Kent, W. G........ .. Halifax, N R 
McLaughlin, I. W..... . Aberl'orn, tl 
:McLaughlin, I. W... Huntingville, 4, 
Miller, Fred W.. ... .. .. Waterloo, (l 
Power", .J. T........ ..Bloomfi<:'kI, () 

Post Offil'e Savings Banks in Ontario and QuelJec are paid in or withdrawn are entered therein by the Post. 
open daily for the receipt and repayment of deposits, master receiving or paying the same. 
during the ordinary hours of Post Office business. Each depositor's account is keIlt in the Postmaster- 
The direct serurit)' of the Dominion is given by the General's office, in Ottawa, and in addition to the Post. 
Statnte for alllleposits made. master's receipt in the PaRs Book, a direct acknowledg- 
Any person may have a deposit account, and may de- ment from 
he Postmaster-General for each sum paid in 
posit yearly any numùer of dollars, fr0m $1 up to $300, is sent to t.he depositor. If this acknowledgment does 
Cl more with the permission of the Postmaster-General. not reach the depositor within ten days from the date of 
Deposits may he made by married women, and deposits his deposit. he must apply immediately to the P0st- 
so made, or made by women who shall afterwards marry, master-General, by letter, being careful.o giT'e his 
will be repaid to any such woman. address, and. if necessary, write again, becal1se the Post- 
Deposits for 
hildren under 10 yrs of age may be made- master's receipt or entry in the Pass Book is not suffi- 
Firstly-by a parent or friend as trustee for the child, cient without the further receipt for the money from 
in which case the deposits can lJe withdrawn by the Ottawa. 
trustee until the ('hild shall attain the age of ten years, Every depositor must send his book once a year, viz., 
after which time repayment will be made only on the on the anniversary of his first deposit, for com)'arison 
joint receiptc; of both tmstee and child. with the books or" the Department, and for insertion of 
Secondly-In the child's own name-and, if so de- interest. The book will be returned to him by next mail. 
J1osited, repayment will not be made until the child At no other time sh(,uld a depositor suffer bis book to be 
shall attain the age of ten years. out of his own possession. 
A depositor in any of the Savings Bank Post Offices When a depositor wishes to withdl'aw mone)', he c
In'l.Y continue his deposits at any other of such offices, ùo so by apl.lying to the Postmaster-General, who wIll 
without notice or change of Pass Hook, and can with- send bim by return mail a cheque for the amount, pay- 
draw money at that Savings Bank Office which is most able at whatever SavinO's Bank Post Office the depositor 
convenient to him. may have named in hisoapplication. 
Each depositor is supplied with a Pass Book, which Interest at the rat'3 of 4 per ("ent. per annum is allowed 
IS to be produced to the Postmaster every time the on deposits, and the interest is added to the principal 
deIlositor pays in or withdraws money, and the Bums on the 30th June in each year. 

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Abinger ......... Addington... P. Stein Denblgh. II Cardiff ........... Haliburton. A. Southworth, Cheddar. 
Adelaide......... Middlesex ... I W' Miller, Adelaide. II Cardwell ........ Muekoka.... H. J. Coate, Roe_u. 
Adjala . ......... Simcoe ...... Thoe. :UcCabe, Loretto. Carlow ......... I HaeUngb.... W.P
rkhuret!COnro)..e Farm 
Admaeton ...... Renfrew...... G. Berlangnet, Admaston. Carnarvon...... Algoma D.... W. 'incer, Wmdemoya. 
Adolpl.lUøtown. Lennox ......IF. Membery, Adolphuøtown II Carradoc ...... Middle!lex... A. M. McEvoy, Mt. Brydgee. 
Albemsrle ...... Bruce...... ...Ic. Whicher. ColpoY'1f Bay.. Carrick ......... Bruce ......... O. Schurter, Mlldmay. 
Albion. ......... peel............ I R Evans, Palgrave. II Cartwright ." I Durham ...... Wm. LUC8Ø. Cartwrij!'ht. 
Aldborough ... Elgin ......... J. Halley, Rodney. [P.Q Cashel ......... TIastingø ... ChaR. Donaldeon, MiIlbndge. 
Alfred .... ...... Preøcott...... J. R. Brownrlg!(. Monte Bello, Cavan ............ Durham ...... J. W. Sootheran, Millbrook. 
Algona ......... Renfrew..... Thomas Lett. Eaganvllle. I Cavendleh ......I Peterboro' 
Alice ............ Renfrew...... J. Kennedy, Pembroke. Cayuga, North Haldimand.. Jaø. Mltchell.Caynga. 
Alnwick . ...... Northumb'I..IJ. Roberts, Fenella Cayuga, South Haldimand.. Isaac Fry, South Cayuga. 
Amabel......... Bruce ......... / R. H. Murray, Allanford. Chaffey ......... 1 r.luf;koka.... W. Clark, HuntllviJle. 
Amaranth ...... Dufferin...... C. Bralden. Lsurel. ChandOl! ......... Peterboro' 
Ameliasburgh./Prlnce Edw'.,Jamee Benøon, Ameliasburg. Chapman ...... Parry 80und T G. Pearce, Pearcely. 
Amherst lsl'd. Len." Add" I W' H. l\lontTBY, Stella. I Charfottenb'rg.,Glengarry... G. H. McGlllvary, Williamet'n 
Ancaeter... ... Wentworth.. John Heslop, Ancaster. Charlotteville. Norfolk ...... John Machon, Vittoria. 
Anderdon ...... Eesex ......... Jahn Dray, Gordon. Chatham ......IKent .........,W. G. Merritt. Lonin-ille. 
Anglesea. ...... Len. &; Add.. O. :\1. Roluffs, Fllnton. II Chinguacouøy . / Peel......... Robert Kee, (''beltenLHIU 
Anson. .......... Haliburt'n... F. R . Cnrrie, Minden. Clarence. ...... Ruesell ...... G Menard. Clarence Creek. 
Anstruther ... Peterboro' ".IP. W. C. SheweD. Al'ele}'. Clart'ndon ...... Frontenac... E. Play fair, Flevna. 
Arran ............ Bruce .........,J. M.Monkman, ArkwrIght. Clarke............ Durham...... W. L. Broad. Orono. 
Armour ......... Parry Sound W. Reid, Burk'lI FaIle. I Clinton ......... Lincoln ...... G. W. Tlnlin, Beamsville. 
Artemeeia ...... Grey ......... / W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. I Colborne ...... Huron ........ J. H Richardl!, Carlow. 
Arthur ......... Wellington.. W. Cuihing, Kenilwortb. I Colcheeter, S'h. Essex ......... Charlas Dt'li. Oxley. 
Ashly ............ Addington..., P. Stein, Denbigh Colcheeter, N'h I<
esex......... J. A. Coulter, Gesto. 
Ashficld ......... Huron ...... W. Lane. Lanes. Collingwood ... Grey......... E Rorke, Thornbury. 
A8phodel ...... Peterboro' ... I JOhn Powell, Westwood. Cornwall. ...... Stormont ... R. Anderøon.Cornwall Centre 
AB8iginack...... All1;oma D.... Thos. Flesher, Hilly Grove. Cramahe......... Nortbumb'l. H. P. Gould. Caetleton. 
.\ thol ............ Prince Edw'. W. Moore, Cherry Valley. L-Tosby, North Leeds ......... John McGuire, Wel!tport. 
Aligusta......... Grenville ... J. Mellafont, Prescott. Croeby, South. Leeds ........ J. R. Dargavel, Elgin. 
Bagot ...... ...... Renfrew ......I A. Taylor. Burnstown. Crowland ...... Welland..... A. Reid, Crowland. 
Bangor ......... Haetingl!..... I D. Card. :\Iaynooth. CulrOl!s ......... Bruce ......... A. Gibson, Tyfi
Barrie............ Frontenac... Th')e Neal, Cloyne. Cumberland ... Ruesell ...... J. D Wilson, Cumberland 
Darton ......... Wentworth.. R. D. Benslie, Hamilton. Dalhoneie ...... Lanark ...... Goo. Campbell. Elphin 
Bastard ......... Leede ......... .John E. Brown, Delta. Dalton ......... Victori....... John Walsh. Klrkfield. 
Bathurst. ...... Lanark ...... I Thol!. Brooke, Perth. Darling ......... Lanark ...... A. Watt, Hall'l! Mills. 
 ......... Elgin ......... J. G. Pauling. Bayham. Darlington... Durham...... R. Windatt, Bowmanville. 
BeckwIth ...... Lanark ...... P. McEwen, Franktown. Dawn .......... Lambton ... J. M. Webster, Rutherford. 
Bedford ......... Frontenac... R. Cook, Fermoy. Delaware ...... Middlesex .. Robt. Bodkin, Delaware. 
Delmont ....... Peterboro'... P. Preeton. Blalrton. Denbigh ........ Len. &; Add.. P. Stein, Denblgh. 
Bentinck . ...... Grey......... D. Campbell. HanoTer. Derby. ......... Grey......... W. Beaton, Kilsyth. 
Bertie ............ Weiland...... J88. E. Morrin, Ridgew.y. Dereham . ...... Oxford ...... Goo. Lleh, Brownville 
Beverly ........, ":eut
orth.. l w. McDonald, Rockton. Digby............ Victoria ...... W. Maxwell. Head Lake. 
Bexley ......... VlctorlB ...... E. B. LeRoy, Coboconk. Dorchester, N. Middlesex... D. P. Aylesworth, Dorch. S. 
Biddulph ...... Uiddleøex... D. D. Stanley. Granton. Dorchel!ter,B... Elgin ......... B. Dennie, Lyone. 
Billings ...... '.. Algoma ...... W. La Rush, Kagawing. Douro . ......... Peterboro'... W. O'Brien, B. Douro. 
Binbrook ...... Wentworth.., W. Ptolemy, Woodbourne Dover ........ ... Kent ......... J. Welsh, OUJ.gah. 
Blandford ...... Oxford ..... D. Burke, Brijlht. Downie ......... Perth ......... Petel Smith. Sebrlngville. 
B1anøhard ...... Perth ......... W. Johneton Woodham. Draper. ......... Muskoka.... Fred, Toy, Uffington. 
Blenheim ...... Oxford ...... M. F. Ainslie, IJrumbo. Drummond.... Lanark ...... Thomas Moore. Perth. 
Blythefield .... Renfrew...... A. Taylor. Burnøtown. Dudley......... Peterboro'... W. !'rUllt. Haliburton. 
Bonfield... ...... Algoma ...... F. Brunet, N ol!boneing. Dumfrlel!, N. ... Waterloo ... Thomae Marehall, Ayr. 
Bosanquet ...... Lambton ... G. Sutherland, Widder. Dumfriee, B. ... Brant ......... D. BapUe, St. George. 
Brant ............ Bruce ......... J. 0\. Laurie, Walkerton. Dummer. ...... Peterboro'... Wm. Darling. Hall'e Glen. 
Brantford ...... Brant... ...... R !If. WilIl!On, Brantford. Dungannon.... Hastings..... A. C. Barker, L'Amable. 
Brighton ...... Northumb'l.. C. Richmond. Hilton. Dunn...... ...... Ilaldlmand. 8. W. Homibrnok. Dunnville. 
Brock ............ ntarlo ...... T. H. Walshe. Sunderland. Dunwich . ...... Elgin ......... D. C. Clay, Dutton Station. 
Bromley......... Renfrew...... W. Leacy, Cobden. Dyeart ._........ Haliburton.. W. Prust. HaIiburt<>n. 
Brooke ......... Lambton ... W. G. Willo
hby, Walnut. Easthope, N ... Perth ......... A. M. Fiøher. Amulree. 
Brougham...... Renfrew...... M. Sheedy. M. St. Patrick. Easthopc, B.... Perth.......... R. Reid. Taviøtock. 
Bruce ............ Bruce ......... H. Murray, Underwood. Eastnor ......... Bl"Uc.e ......... C. W. W. Dalton. Spry. 
Bruce Mines... Algoma ...... ThOB. Collins, Druce Minel!. Edwardsburg. Grenville ... G. Fairbairn. Bpencerville. 
Brudenell ...... Renfrew...... John Whelan. Brlldenell. Egremont ...... Grey... ...... D. Allen, Halsteln. 
Brunei .......... Muøkoka D. A. R. Becket, Huntøvllle. Ekfrld............ Middlesex... H. McFarlane, Glencoe. 
Bruton ......... Peterboro'... W. Pruflt. Haliburton. Elderelit! . ...... Bruce ......... D. McKechnie. Gillleø Hill. 
Buchanan ...... Renfrew...... F. McCarthy, Wylie. Eldon ............ Ylctoria ...... J. A. Jaekøon. Wood Tille. 
Burford ......... Brant ......... Albert Foeter, Scotland. Ellzabethtown. Leede ......... N. E. Brown, New Dublin 
Burgess, North Lanark ...... ThoIIlM Brooke, Perth. l<
llIce ............ Perth ......... J. p..arl!on, Sebrlngvllle. 
Burgess. South Leeds ......... John E. Brown, Delta. Elma ............ Perth ......... T. Fullarton. Newry. 
Burleigh ...... Peterboro'... P. W. C. Shewen, Apsley. Elmsley,North Lanark ...... P. McKinley, Perth. 
Burpee. ......... Algoma ...... D. M. Campbeil, Evansville. Elmslt!Y, South l Leedø &; Gren 'l'hoe.O'Rt'iIly. Lombardy 
Caif!tor ......... Lincoln ...... H. J. Bharp. Caistorville. Elzevlr ......... Ilastings ... E. Jameø. Bridgewater. 
Caledon ......... Peel............ n. Kirkwood Bramplon. Emily............ Victoria ...... Robert Grandy. Omemee. 
Caledonia ...... Prescott ...... J. Downing, Fournlerville Ennieklllen.... Lambton ... J. L. Wlløon, WlIlK'ncroft. 
Cambridge...... RUI!f!ell ...... O. LaFrance. St. Albert. EnDlømore...... Peterboro' ... J. F. Sullivan, Ennlemore. 
Camdeu ......... Kent ......... J. Houston. Dresden. Eramosa......... Wellington.. H. Black. Rockwood. 
Camden. East. Len. &; Add.. John Hinch, Centreville. Erin ............. Wellington.. Thomas Young. Krin. 
Canborough ... Haldimand ..1 E. Birdsall. Canboro'. Ernestown...... Len. &; Add.. P. A. Mabee,OdesBa. 
Canonto,South Frontenac....IJ. Elkington, 
scott.Frontof.Leeds ......... H. C. Lynch. Eøcott. 
Carden .......... Victoria...... ,John WalBb, Klrkfield. Escott, Rear of. . Leeds ......... J. H. Blackburn,FarmerevllJe 




Esqueaing ...... Halton ......IJ. Murray, Esquesing. KIIIC&rdiI1f\ .. Bruet'. "-''' I JOhn Hiles, Armow. 
E883 . ............ISimooe ......IR. T. Banting, CookstowD King ..... ...... York ......... J08eph Wood, Laeuy. 
Etobicoke ......1 York '" ...... A. McPherllOn. IsUnp:ton. Kingston ...... Frontenac... iJohn 8lmpllOn, Cataraqui. 
Euphemia ...... \ Lambton .... I D M. 8mith, 8uth. Cor. KlnlOllI ......... Bruce ......... \ Peter Reid. Langslde. 
Euphl'88la ...... Grey......... Robt. Dunlop. Griersville. Kitley ......... Leedø .........,8. Edgar, Toledo. 
Faraday .........IHaøtlngs .....IA. C. B Lrker, L' Amable. Korah . ......... Algoma Dle. l o. Brown, Sault 8te. Marle. 
Fenelon .........'Victoria ......IW. J. Lyt!e, Cambray. Lake. ....... ... r::48tingø ... H. M. Jones, Karmora. 
Ferris ............,Mnskoka....jM. H. Ritchie, La Vase. Lake Nipløølng,Algoma DlI. W. Hartley, Nipi8slng. 
Fi nch ...... ...... i Stormont ... ,J A. Cockburn. Cr:)'8I.,r. LanaI' k ...... ... \ Lanark ...... A. Rankl n, Middlevi,He.. 
Fibroy ......... Carleton...... I W. P. Taylor. Fitzroy Harb. Lanl
8IIter ...... Glengarry ... I A. E. McRae, GI
n NevIs. 
Flamboro' Ea8t:Wentworth..,John Bremner, Waterdown. Lansdowue, Ft. , Leeds ......... J. D. W. Darllng.Lansdowne. 
Flamboro'West,Wentworth.ïlra N. Hinkl"y, Strabane. Lausdowue, J{rI I I.eedø .........jJ. Burney, S'!eleJ's Hay. 
Fl08 ............'ISimcoe ...... Wm. IIarvey. Elmvale. Lavant . ......... Lanark .......IG. W. While, Flower Statio.. 
Foley...... ...... Parry S'd Dill A. O"ler, Featherstone. Laxton. ......... Victoria... ."1 W. Maxwell, Head Lake. 
Fredericksb'gN Len. a. Add.. P. R. McCabe. Napanee. Leeds, Front of'Lead!! ......... J. D. W. Darling.Lan8downe 
Fredericksb'g,S,Len. " Add.. Egerton R. Sill8. 8ill8vllle Leeds, Rear of. Leeds ......... J. Burnl'Y, Seeley's Bay. 
Fullarton ...... l't>rth .........'J. WilßOn. Ruøøelldale Limerick ........ HlU!tlngs .... J. W. Ham, 8t. Ola. 
Gain8borough. Lincoln ...... S. Kønnedy, St. Ann's. Lindøay ......... Brnce ......... A. Currie, Capo Chin. 
Galway......... Peterboro' ". I 'M. Hartnett. Kinmount. Lobo. ............ Middlesex... Eo R. Barclay, Poplar Hili 
Garafraxa, E... Dufferln .... J. Preston, Marsville. I Lochiel ......... Glengarry... D. B. McMillan. Lochlel. 
Garafraxa, W . Weliington..'Jas. Kennedy. Garafraxa. Logan ........:... Perth ......... W. 1<'eatherstone, Monktou 
Georgina. ...... York .........,Anp:us Ego, VirGinia. London ......... Middlesex... J&II. Grant, ArTa. 
Glamorgan .. Haliburton.. IS. Kettle, Urpa. Longford ....... Victoria ...... W. Maxwell. Head Lake. 
Glanford...... .. Wentworth.. T. Choate, N. Glanford. Longueil . ...... Prescott...... A. Leduc, L'Orignal. 
Glenelg ...... Grey .........:Juhn S. Black. Pomona. Loughborough. Frontenac ."10. G. Routledie, Loughboro 
Gloucester... 'Carleton......IC. Billlng8, Billings' Bridge. Louth ...... ...... Lincoln ......IClark Snnre, Jordan. 
Goderich .... Huron ......IJAmes Patton, Goderich. Luther West... wellington.' I Jas. McLuham. Egerton. 
Gordon ...... Algoma D....IA. Porter, Gore Bay. Luther East... Dufferin.... R. E. Hamilton, Luther. 
G08field ...... .. Essex ... ..... I J. Buckland. Cottam. Lutterworth... Haliburton.. W. McKay,lt1inden. 
Goulburn ...... Carleton...... A. .\bbott, Ha.eldean. Lynedoch. ...... Renfrew...... John Whelan, Brudenell 
Gower. North. Carleton......IJ. E. Craig. North Gower. MaCllulay ...... Muskoka.... 'W. Gohme. Stonelt"ip:h. 
Gower, South. Grenville ...' E. Pelton, jr. South Gower. Madoc............ Hastingl.... John Ketchl'lIOn, Madoc 
Grantham ...... Lincoln ...... L. 8. BessflY, St. Catharines )faid8tone ...... EBBex ......... T. F. Kane. Maidltone. 
Grattan ......... Renfrew...... \ R. A. Math"lIOn. Eganville. Malahide . ...... Elgin ......... T M. Nairn, Aylmer. 
Greenock ...... Bruce......... John McNab. Chepstow Malden ........ Essex ......... H. Botsford, Amherstbnrg. 
Grey. ............ Huron ...... \ W. Spenra, EthAI. Manitoulin.... Algoma D.... A. Porter, Gore Bay. 
Griffith ......... Renfre1l'......IE. Strain, Griffith. Manmouth .... Peterboro'... M. H. Ritchie, Wilberforce. 
Grimsby ...... Lincoln ...... E Irvine, Smithdlle. Manvers......... Durham ...... Alfred Ryley, Bethany. 
Grimsby, N.... Lincoln... .IW. V. Hare, Grlmsby. Mara ............ Ontario ...... W. R. McPhee, Uptørgrove. 
Grimsthorpe... llastingl ." 1 E. J ame8. Bridgewater. March............ Carleton ...... T. Rlchardl!OD. South March 
Guelph ......... Wellington.. A. McCorklndale, Guelph. Mariposa. ...... Victoria ...... J. F. Cunnings, Oakwood. 
Oullford......... Baliburton..,C. A. Wastell, Haliburton. Markham ...... York ......... J. Stephenl!on, Unionville. 
Gwillirubury,E York ... .....I
. J. Hughes. Sharon. Marlborough... Carleton...... 1'. Wigglnl, Malekoff. 
Gwillimbnry,N York .........IHenry Sennett, Belhaven. Marmora. ...... H88tlngl '" H. M. Jones, Marmora. 
dwillimbur) W Simroe ...... Z. Evans. Hradford. Maryborongh ./Wellington.. E. Dyn6l!, Moorefield. 
HagaL-ty . ...... Renfrew... ...IT. Roche. Brudenell MarY8burgh,N Pl'. Edward.. W. HarriJron, Prinyer. 
ldimand. .. Northumb.... I Thomas Lawles", Grafton. Marysburgh, 8 l pr. Edward.. W. B. Head. Milford 
Hallowell ...... Prince Edw'. T. H. Morgan, Bloomfield. Matawatchan. Renfrew...... I!: Slraln. Griffith. 
Hamilton ...... Northumb'... J. Will1;ar, Cold Springs. Matta1ll"a......... I Alioma D.... Jas. McMeekin. Mattawa. 
llarburn ....... Haliburton.. ,C. A. W8IItell, Haliburton. Matchadash ... Simcoe ...... A. Fowley,Orillia. 
Harcourt... ... Haliburton...C. A. W8IItell, Haliburton. 1t1atilda ......... Dundas ...... G Dlckson,DickBon'øCornel"l! 
HlI.rwich ....... Kent ......... W. R. FellowlI, Blenheim. Mayo ............ Ila8tlng8..... t'f. Parkhurst Conroy's Farm 
Harvey......... Peterooro'... J. Cairnduff, lJobea) geon. "Kedonte......... Simcoe ........ Wm. Wilson. Hillidale. . 
Hawkelllbury,11: Prescott.... . l' LeBrosse, St. Eugene Medora ......... Muskoka .... H. C. Guy, &la. 
Hawkesbnry W Pre8cott ...... J Shields. Vankleek Hill. Melancthon ... Dufferin... ". Jail. Brown. Melancthon. 
Hay........... .... HUlOn ..... Samuel FOIIt
r, Zurich. M.nea ......... Eøøex ......... N. Roloon, Leamington. 
Head ............ Renfrew...... R. McPhee, Des Joachlmø. I1wtcalfe ....... Middlesex... John Hutton. Napi.r. 
rschel . ...... Hastlngl .... I J&II. Tone, 'Iaynooth. Methven ...... Peterboro'... P. Preston, Blalrton. 
Hibbert ...... .. Perth .... .... T. Carroll, Dublin Middleton ...... Norfolk ...... J. C. H. Herron,Courtland 
Hillier. ......... Prince EJw'.jF. Jones, llillier. Miller ............ Frontenac... E. Playfalr, PlaTDa. 
Hiltou ....... Algoma D.. . P. Brown, Marksville. Minden ......... I uauburton.. E Moiee, }Ilnden, 
Hinchlnb)'(>.lkl' Fronten"c... J. Hamilton, Parham. Minto ............ Wellington.. A. C. R. Saunderø, Harriston 
Hlnsworth W. Mnskoka.... W. E. Cronkhite. Willaw8lla. Monaghan, N. Peterboro'... John Wood. P.terooro'. 
Ilinlion .... .... Haliburton.. 'F. R. Currie. Minden. itonaghan,8... Northumb... Altred DawllOn Bailleboro' 
Holland .... ..... Orey ......... C. Price. Holland Centr.. Monck. ......... Mu"koka.... M. H. Spencer, Brar.bridge. 
Hope ...... ..... Durham...... E. E. Dodd. Canton. Monmouth .... Peterooro.... J. H. Andarson, Wilberforce 
Horton ......... Renfrew...... Geo. Eady, jun.. Renfrew. Mono ............ Dufferln...... A. Henry, Mono Centre. 
Houghtoll ...... Norfolk ...... G. Bundy. lloughton. M..ntagne ...... Lanark ...... J, Fergm'on, 
mlth's FaIlI. 
Howard ......... Kent ......... C. Grant, Ridjl;etown. M"uteagle..... IIastingl .... Jas. Ton., Maynooth. 
Ho"' Frontenae ...IM. Mehille. Howe Island. Moore . ......... Ùimbton ... Jas. Waløon. Brigden. 
Howlck ........ Huron ......,W. Dane, Gorrie. Mornlngton ... Perth ......... J. Watlctn, Burnll 
llowlalld ....... Alltoma, D... L. W. Fer.. uson. Green Bay Morris .......... Huron ...... Wm Clark. Blyth.. 
IIullett ......... Huron ...... J Brl\ithwaite. Londeøboro' MorrLlOn. ...... Yuskoka.... T. White, Malta. 
HUIllb<'l'!!tone. Weiland...... Daniel Near. Humberstone. MOIIa' ............1 Middlesex... A. Wilson. Glencoe. 
Humphrey.... Parry 80und W. Dltchburn. Ros8ean. Moulton......... Haldlmand... T. J. Galbraith. Stromne8s. 
Hnnif'rfol11 ... nutlngs ... T. Graham Tweed. Yountain....... Dundlloll ...... C. Dunmd.Inkerman. 
Huntiugdon ... Hastings ... J. G Foster, Moira. Mulmur . ...... I)ufferln... . M. Colquhoun. Mansfield. 
HI1utley . ...... Carleton.... . .John Fenton, Huntley. Murray......... Northumb... T. R. Garratt. Wooler. 
Hurnn . ........ Bruce ...... . R. Montgomery. Pine River. Muskoka ...... MU8koka .... R. E. Suttaby. Gravenhur!it. 
Inllilifil ......... flimooe ..... C. Palling. Allandale. McClure......... Hastings .... D. Card, Maynooth. 
Jocelyn ......... Algoma ...... G. W. Crondtlr. MlirkKville. MrDongall .... Parry Sd. D. Cha8 Clark, Parry Sound. 
Kal>.d..r ......... Len. " Add., 1.e'Mrd. Fliuton. McGllllnay ... Middlesex... W. Fraser. W. McGillivray. 
Kellnoboc ...... 1!'rontenac h. .J R. ne
m. Arden. McKay......... Renfrew...... Thos. Cuthbert, Chalk RiveI' 
Kenyon ......... Oleng1\rry .. .J.D.Mclllt08h.D.)minion"illed McKellar ...... Parry SeL D. G. B. 
Kel.pel . ......... Grey......... (]80. Atkey, Oxenden. McKillop ...... Huron ...... J. O'Sulllvan, Seaforth. 







McLean ......... 
luekoka. ". I A. Slemmont, Bayevllle. 
MeNab ......... Renfrew...... A. llamilton, Stewarhille. 

lUI8&g&weya . Halton ...... C. Cameron, Eden Mille. 
Seebing......... Algoma ...... J. R. Burns, Fort William. 
Neløon . ......... Halton ......1 D. l'tlcLaren, Neløon. 
Nepean ......... Carleton....../F. W. Harmer, Hintonburgh. 
Niagara ... ...... Lincoln ... "' 1 C. Fieher, Queenston. 

iagara Falls. WeIland...... J. Robineon, Niagara Falls. 
Nichol............ WelUngton.. James McQueen, Fergus. 

lpisøing .... Algoma ...... W. Hartley, Nipissing. 

lssouri, East. Oxford ...... C. K. Commander, Mtodlna.. 
Niøsouri, West. Middleøex ".1 William Lee, Thorndale. 
Normanby...... Grey......... G. llopf, Moltke. . 
Norwich, N'th. Oxford ...... C. E. Burgeøø, Burgeesville. 
Norwich, B'th. Oxford.... .... A. McFarlane, Otterville. 
Nettawas&g8... Simcoe ...... Angus Bell, Singhampton. 
Oakland . ...... Brant ......... Henry Key, Oakland. 
Oakley. ........ Victoria ...... Fred. Toy, Uffington. 
Olden ............ Frontenae ... M. W. Price, Arden. 
Oliver . ......... Algoma ...... O. Duroøø, MuriHa Station. 
Oneida. ......... Haldimand. Jno. Senn, Yurko 
Onondaga ...... Brant ......... 8. J. McBlvey, Tuscarora. 
Ope ............... Victoria ...... J. O'Leary, Lindøay. 
Orford... ...... ... Kent... ...... H. Watson, Clearville. 
OrilUa............ Simcoe ...... A. Fowlie, Orillia. 
Oro ............... Simcoe ...... George Tudhope, Rugby. 
Osgoode ......... Carleton...... F. heøon, Metcalfe. 
Osnabruck .... Stormont ... R.Vallance,Osnabruck Centre 
Oso ...............1E'rontenac.., H. Rijl;ney, Maberly. 
Osprey. ......... Grey......... W. Milne, Maxwell. 
Otona.bee . ...... Peterboro'... J. M. Drummond. Keene. 
Owenge ......... Algoma Dls. C. Brown, Sault Ste. Marie 
Oxford. ......... Grenville ... Robt. Leslie, Kemptville. 
Oxford, Eaøt... Oxford ...... J. G. Pettit, BnrgeBBville. 
Oxford, North. Oxford ...... A. Hillsdon. Ingersoll. 
Oxford. West. Oxford ...... W. G. Francis, Ingerøoll. 
Pakenham...... Lanark ...... J88. Connery, Cedar Hill. 
Pahnerston ... Frontenac ... J. Elkington, M.D., OmpAh. 
Parke ............ I\lgomli 11is. C. Brown. Sault Ste. Marie. 
Peel... ... ...... ... Wellington.. M. Henderøon, Glenallen. 
Peiee Island ... Essex ......... E. W.udroper, p..lee Island. 
Pelham ......... WeIland...... .John B. Crow, RidgeviUe. 
Pembroke .... Renfrew...... H. W. Perrit, Pembroke. 
Percv ............ N'thum'land R. P. Hurlburt, Warkworth. 
Pettewawa .... Renfrew...... Paul Dannhaner, Pettewawa. 
Pickering. ...... Ontario ...... D. R. Beaton, Whitevale. 
PilkIngton...... Wellington.. R. <-Tomar, Salem. 
Pittsburgh...... Frontenac ... Cha8. Belwa, Bsrriefield. 
Plantagenet, N Prescott ...... P. Gareau. Plantagenet 
Plantagenet, S Prescott...... A. McLean, Riceville. 
Plympton ...... Lambton '" T. R. Ie Scott, Forest. 
Portland. ...... Frontenac... R. McLean. Harrowsmlth. 
Pröton . ......... Grey......... J. Cavanagh, Ventry. 
Puøllnch . ...... Wellington.. J. McLean, Aberfoyle. 
Radcliffe. ...... Renfrew...... J. E. lI'IilIer, Combermort!. 
Raglan ......... Renfrew...... J. E. Miller, Combermore. 
ltainham ...... Haldimand.. R. A. lIavill, Rainham. 
Raleigh ......... Kent ......... J. G. Stewart, Fletcher. 
Rama ............ Ontario ...... J. Johnston, Rathbnrn, 
Ramsay......... Lanark ...... James Caskey, Almonte. 
Rat Portage ... Algoma D ... J. K. Brydon, Rat Portage. 
Rawdon ......... Hastings '.' G. D. Wiggins, Springbl"Ook. 
Reach ............ Ontario ...... W. 
pence, Manchester. 
Richmond...... Lennox ...... W. H. Rose, Selby. 
Ridout. ......... l\Iuskoka .... A. Slemrnont, Baysville. 
Rochester ...... Essex ......... A. Papineau, Belle River 
Rolph ............ Renfrew...... F. l\lcCarthy, Wylie. 
Romney . ...... Kent .......... A. Coatøworth, Romney. 
Rolli. ............ Renfrew...... w. Grant, }'orester's Falls. 
Roxborough... Stormont ... R. C. McGregor, Ta)side. 
Russell ......... Russell ...... W. Loux, Russell. 
Ryde ............ Muskoka .... J. G Taylor. Lewisham. 
Rye-røon ......... Parry Sonnd E. Geddes, Midlothian. 
SaltfIeet ......... Wentworth.. R. R. Smith, Winona. 
Sandfie1d ...... Algorna ...... J. H. Johnston, Big Lake 
Sandwich, E... Essex ......... J. Dugall, Tecumseh. 
Sandwich, W... Essex ......... D. Rochelean. Canard River. 
Sarawak......... Grey......... G. F. Paine, Pre
q' Isle. 
Sarnia .... ...... Lambton ... John Lowrie, Sarnia. 
Mugeen ......... Bruce ......... It. B. Fleming, Aberdour. 
Sanlt Ste.Marle Algoma Dis. C. P. Brown, Sault St. 
Scarborough... York ......... Thos. Crawford, Malvern. 
Soott. ............ Ontario ...... W. Neh;on, Uxbridge. 
Scugog. ......... Ontario ...... John Foy, Port Perry. 
Sebastopol...... Renfrew..... C. Walther, Vanburgh, 


Seneca ......... Haldimand. A. Wllliamøon,jun.. York. 
Seymour ...... 
orthumb'l. W. Morton, Campbellford. 
Sheffield......... Len &: Add.. Jamee Shields, Tamwol"th. 
Sherbrooke .... Haldlmand. W. Chalmere, Low Banks. 
Sherbrooke,N. Lanark ...... Geo. Campbell, Elphln. 
Sherbrooke,8. Lanark..... Henry Ril(ney, Mabedy. 
Sherbourne ... Victoria ...... L. McDouald, Maple Lake. 
Sherwood ...... Renfrew...... J08. Kender, Rockingham. 
Shuniab . ...... Algoma ...... A. W.Tbompson. Port Arthur 
Sidney......... Hastings.... T. B. Prior, Wallbridge. 
Smith ............ Prterboro'... F. J. Bell, Selwyan. 
Snowden. ...... Haliburton.. E. B. Munn, Minden. 
I Sombra.......... Lam bton. ... Ona Bishop, Wilke.port. 
Somerville .... Victoria ...... W. 8. Dawøon. Baddow. 
Sophiasburgh. P. Edward... I I. B. Barton, Demoreøtvllle. 
" Sonthwold . ". j Elgin ......... / M. Campbell, Fingal. 
, Springer. ...... Mnskoka.... J.D.Cockburn,Sturgeon Falls 
I Stafford ......... Renfrew..... W. Hawkins, Mlcksburg. 
Stamford. ...... Weliand...... I F. A. Hutt, South End. 
Stanhope ...... Haliburton.. L. McDonald, Maple Lake. 
Stanley......... Huron ...... G. Stewart. Varna. 
st. Edmonds... Bruce ......... A. Currie, Cape Chin. 
Stephen ......... Huron ...... Chester Prouty, Hay. 
Stephenøon ... M uskoka . ...1 D. Baln, UtterjJon. 
St. J oøeph's b. Algoma D. ... \ P. G. Bailey,Richard's Land'g 
Stisted ... ...... Muskoka.... T. Lakeman. Aspdin. 
Storrington .., Frontenac '.'IA. Ritchie. Inverary. 
Strong .......... Parry S'd D. G. E. Gibbon. Hartfell. 
St. Vincent. ... Grey ........"jJohn Albery. Meaford. 
Sullivan ....... Grey .........1 A. Stephen, Marmion 
Sunnidale ...... Simcoe ......' Geo. BurrowB. Sunnidale. 
Sydenham . .0' Grey... ...... I 'C. Gordon. Owen Sound. 
Tarentorus .... Algoma Dis. C. Brown, Sault 8te. Marie. 
Tay ............... Simcoe ......,8.L.Montgomery,VlctorlaHar 
Tecumseth ...... Simcoe ...... i Henry 8tone, Tottenham. 
Tehkummah... Algoma ...., H. Cowan, Tebkummllh. 
Thorah ......... Ontario ......'Geo. Smith, Beaverton. 
Thorold ......... WeIland ......1 P. S. MWl!en. Allanburgh. 
Thurlow......... Hastings ... A. Latta. Foxboro'. 
Tllbury,Eaøt... Kent ......... / D.R.FarqUharøon,TilbUry E. 
Tilbury, West.. Essex ......... J. B. Chauvin, Chevalier. 
Tiny............ Simcoe ...... T. Tremeer.Penetanguishene 
Torbolton ...... carleton...... I D. B. McLaren. Dhleton. 
Toronto ......... Peel............ John Eakins, Streetsville. 
Toronto Gore Peel............ N. Harrison. Castlemoro. 
Toeøorontio ... Simcoe ...... H. Pettigrew, Everett. 
Townsend ...... Norfoij[ ...... / 1.. N. Collver, Waterford. 
Trafalgar ...... Halton ...... J. K. Applebee, Tr/lfaJgar. 
Tuckersmith... Huron ...... , w. McConnell. Seatorth. 
Tudor ............ Ilagtings ... C. Donaldson, Millbridge. 
Turnberry...... Huron ...... I ThOS. }'ortune. Wingham. 
Tyendinaga ... Haøtings ... A.R. Randall,Shannonville. 
Unorg'ed T'ps.. Muskoka.... W. Harrie, Day's Mills. 
Usborne......... Huron ...... G. W.Holman, Elimville. 
Uxbridge ...... Ontario ...... E. H. Hilborn, Uxbrldge. 
Vau(thuB ...... York ......... J. M. Lawrence, Rkh'd H. 
Verulam......... Victoria ...... I. Junkin, Bobcaygeon. 
Vespra ......... Simcoe ...... Geo. Sneath, Midhnrst. 
WainfIeet ...... WeIland...... J. Henderson, IIlllrshville. 
Wallace ......... Perth ......... R. G. Roberts. Shipley. 
Walpole......... Haldlrnand. ,C. E Bourne, Jarvis. 
Walsingham... Norfolk ...... J. Phelan, Wal",lnghum C. 
Warwick ...... Lambton ... W. H. Stewart, Warwick. 
Waterloo ...... Waterloo ... Geo. A. Tilt, Blair. 
Watt ............ Uuskoka. .., F. Richardøon, Ullswater. 
Wawanosh, E. Huron ...... P. Porterfield, Marnoch. 
Wawanosh, W Huron ...... R. Miller, St. Helens. 
Wellesley..... Waterloo ... J. L. Kroetsch. St. Clements. 
Westmeath.... Renfrew...... A. ClI.meron, Beachburgh. 
Westminster... Middlesex... II. Ander80n, Wilton Grove. 
Whitby, Eaat.. Ontario ...... W. Purvis, Columbus. 
Whitby, West. Ontario ...... D. Holliday, Brooklin. 
Whitchurch ... York ......... J. C. Lundy, Pine Orchard. 
Wicklow ..... Hastings ..... D. Card. Maynooth. 
Widdifield ... Musk-oka.... James Agnew, North Bay. 
Wilberforc8 ... Renfrew...... Thos. Lett. Eganville. 
Williams, East Middlesex ... David Wyllie. Nairn. 
Williams. West Middlel!6X... W. Dawøon, Sylvan. 
Williamsburg. Dundaa ...... G. C. Tracey. Archer. 
Willoughby.:. WeIland...... Jamt's Smith, ChippawL 
Wilmot ......... Waterloo ... H. Liersch, Baden. 
Winchester ... Dundaa ...... Wm. Rat, Che8tervllle. 
Windham ...... Norfolk ...... R. Green, Windham, Cen. 
Wolfe Island... Frontenac... Thos. Hatfield. Wolfe lB. 
Wolford ......... Grenville ... H.M.Brown, Eaøton'sCor. 


8. ] 



Wol1aston ...... IIastin!!;s .... A. H. Wane, Nugent. - YOnge,Frontol l 'Leeds .........1 A. M. TeLnant, Caintown, 
Wood. "..... :\luI'koka ... II. C. Guy, Bala. I Yonge, Rear of Leeds ......... 'J. H. Blackburn, .Farmerøv 
Woodhouse ... Norfolk ...... T. 
1. England, pt. Dover. York ............ York ......... W. A. C}arke, Eghngton. 
Woolwicb ...... Waterloo ... J. L. Wideman. St. Jacobs. Zone ............1 Kent .........IS. Harns, Fkre?ce. 
Wylie ........ Renfrew.... F. McCarthy, Wylie. Zorra, East ... ,Oxford ...... D.W. McKay, HIckson. 
yarmouth...... Elgin ......... K. W. McKay, St. Thomu Zorra, West....I,Oxford ...... G. Innes, Brooksdale. 
NOTE.-Cities in Caps. Villages in Italics. 
'1 CO,",TY. I CL
. AND P. O. ADD."'" I ClTlEiT

Acwn........ Halton .... ,J. E...McGarvin, .-\cton. Gal'den Island Frontenac.. A. Lugdale, Garden Island. 
Ailsa Craig .. I 
liddlesex.. W. M('Kay, Ailsa Craig. Georgetown '. Halton .... G.S.Goodwillie,Georgetown 
Alexandria.. Glengarry .. I A. }IcDougald, Alexandria. I Gravenhurst.. }Inskoka .. T. Johnston. Gravenhurst. 
.Alononte .... Lanark .... Lewis Coulter. Almonte. I Glencoe...... Middlesex.. G. M. Harrison, Glencoe. 
ton.... .. / Simcoe .... J.. C. Hart, Allisto.n. Go
ench .... H.uron ..... W. Cam
bell, G?derich. 
Almnston .... Lambton .. RIchard Code, Alvmston. GnJnsby.. ." Lmcoln .... E. :\l.1thhell,GrImsby. 
Amheriltburg. Essex...... ,T.Templeton,Amherstburg. GUELPH...... Wellington. R. }litchell, Guelph. 
.Apsley ...... Peterboro'.. P. W. C. Shewell, Apsley. Hagenville... Haldimand. J. H. Scott, Hagersville. 
A.rkona...... Lambton... W. S. Davidson. Arkona. HAMILTON.... Wentworth. Thos. Beasley, Hamilton 
Arnprior .... Renfrew.... James Bell, Arnprior. lIarriston .... Wellington. l\I. P. Empey, Harriston. 
Arthur...... Wellington. Wm. W. White, Arthur. lIastin[Js.... Northumb'd John Sharpe, Hastings. 
Ashburnham . Peterboro'.. J. Wood, Peterboro'. Hawkesbury.. Prescott.... l\I. J. Costello,Hawkesbury 
.A urora .. ., .. York ...... S. H. Lundy, Aurora. I Hespeler...... Waterloo .. A. J. Brewster. Hespeler. 
Aylmer ...... EI
in ...... W. A. Glover, Aylmer. HollandLandg York ...... T.Thompson.Holland Land 
Ayr .......... Waterloo .. A. Robinson, Ayr. 1 \ Hunúville.... l'tluskoka... R. W. Gololphin,Hunts\'iUe 
Barrie ...... I::!imcoe .... II. Bird. Barrie. Ingersoll .... Oxford..... W. Tennant, Ingersoll. 
Bath ........ Lennox & AdIC. L. Rogers, Bath. Iroquois:.. .... Dundas.... James Tindale, Iroquois. 
Bayji:eltl . . .. .. Huron .... H. W. Erwin, Bayfield. II Kemptville.... Grenville ., O. Bascom, Kemptville. 
Beamsville .. Lincoln .... R. VanNorman, Beamsvtlle. Kincardine... Broce ...... A}IWtlliamson,Kincardine 
Beaverton .. .. Ontario.... G. Smith. jun.. Beaverton. KINGSTON.. .. Frontenae.. M. Flanagan, Kingston. 
BeetOlt.. ..... Simcoe .... W. H. Dickson, Beeton. K ingsvtlle .. .. Essex .. .. .. S. F. Copus, Kingsville. 
Belle RI ver.. .. Essex...... A. Papineau, Belle River. Lakefield.. .. Peterboro' . Alex. Bell, Lakefleld. 
BELLEVILLE.. Hastings... D. B. Robertson, Belleville. II Lanark .. .. .. Lanark .... W. A. Field, Lanark. 
Berliu........ Waterloo .. I. D. Bowman, Berlin. Leamington .. Essex...... J. M. Selkirk, Leamington 
Blenheim .... Kent ...... J. W. Gibson, Blenheim. Lindsay...... Victoria.... J. B. Knowlson, Lindsay. 
Blyth.. .. ,. .. Huron..... W. Wilson. Blyth. Listowel ... ,. Perth...... J. A. Burgcss, Listowel. 
Bobcaygcon .. Victoria.... J. Junkin. Bobcaygeon. LmmoN.. .... }liddlesex.. Alex, S. Abbott, London. 
Bolton . . .... PeeL....... S. A. Walford, Albion. London East.. 
liddlesex.. A. Isaacs, London, East. 
Bothwell.. '" Kent ...... W. MeAlpine, Bothwell. London West.. Middlesex.. T. S. }Iinton, Petersville. 
Bowmanville. Durham... R. Windatt. Bowmanville. L'Orignal.... Pres't&Rus'l E. A. Johnson, L'Orignal. 
Bracebridge .. V.ictoria... . IJames Boyer. Br
cf>bridge. Lucan.. .. .. Middlesex.. G. A. 
tanley, Luean. 
Bra(lford .... SmlCoe .... R. Stewart, Bradford. Lucknow .... Bruce...... B. Mallough, Lucknow. 
Brampton.... PeeL....... John l\IcCulla, Bmmpton. Madoc...... Hastings.. Chas. Gream, Madoc. 
BRANTFORD... Brant...... Jas. Woodyatt, Brantford. ?farkham.... york...... J. J. Barker, Markham. 
Brighton .... Northumb'd M. K. Lockwood, Brighton. 
Ieaford.. .... Grey....... John Albery, l\Ieaford. 
Brockville.... Leeds...... J. Dargavel, Brockville. Merriekvil:e .. Grenville... G. Watchorn, :Merrickville. 
Brussels .. .... Huron..... F. S. Scott, Brussels. Jferritton .... Lincoln.... R. Clark, Merriton. 
Burlington .. Halton .... G. C. Bastedo. Burlington. Midland. .. .. Simcoe .... H. Switzer, Midland. 
Caledonia.... Haldimand. James Aldridge, Caledonia. Hillbrook. .. .. Durham..,. W. Turner, Millbrook. 
Campbell ford . Northumb'd D. Kennedy, Campbellford. }lilton ...... Halton .... A. G. Nedham, Milton. 
Cannington .. Ontario.. ..IGeorge Horne, Cannington. Milverton.... Perth.. .... W. D. Weir, 1tIilverton. 
Cardinal.... Leoos&Gren,C. T. Glasford, Cardinal. J[inden ...... Haliburton. E. Moice, Minden. 
Carleton Place Lanark .... A.R.G.Peden.Carlet'nPlace Afitchell .. .. .. Perth...... Robt. Christie, 
Cayuga.. .. .. Haldimand. E. C. Campbell, Cayuga. l\Iorrisburgh.. Dundas.... F. F. Plantz, l\Iorrisbnrg. 
Chatham.... Kent ...... John Tissiman. Chatham. 
Iount Forest. Wellington. W. C. Perry, !\fount Forest. 
Chesley...... Broce...... .J. K. Clarke, Chesley. Kapanee.... Len. & Add. P. EmliUl"y, Napanee. 
ChipprtwlJ. .. .. , welland ... W. Greenwood, Chippawa. lI'ewboro.... .. , Leeds ...... L. S. Lewis, Newboro'. 
Clifford...... Wellington. J. D. Allan, Clifford. Newburgh .... Addington.. J. B.Aylesworth,Newburgh 
Clinwn ...... Huron... .. W. Coates, Clinton. Newbury. .... 
[iddlesex.. J. J. Archer, Newbnry. 
Cubourg .... Northumb'd J. Sutherland, Cobourg. Newcastle .., . I Durham .. .. George Curtis. KewcasUe. 
(JQlborne......,Northumb.d G. Keyes, Colborne. NewEdiltb'rghCarleton. .. T.Tubman,N'ewE.linburgh 
Collingwood.' I Simcoe .... .J.ohn Hogg, C?ollingwood. N,.ew Hambur!J I Waterloo .. W. 
Iillar, New Hamburg. 
Cornwall .... Stormont.. Geo. S. .Jarvls, Cornwall. li:ewmarket... York ...... DavId Lloyd. Newmarket. 
Deseronto ....Illastings .. R. W. Irvine, Dcseronto. Niagara ...... Lincoln .... I D. Servos, Niagara. 
Drayton.. .. .. I wellington . H. S. 
Iitchell Drayton. Nia[Ja,ra Falls. I Welland ... J. Roberts, :Niag"
a Falls S 
Dresden. . .. .. Kent....... John Chapple, Dresllen. NOTWtch ..... Oxford .... 'V. Walker, NorwIch. 
Dundalk...... Grey........'C. G. Wardell, Dundalk. Norwood ..., Peterboro'.. W. H. Mullins, Norwood. 
Dundas ...... Wentworth. E. Woodhouse, Dundas. Oakville......'Halton .... R. Balmer. Oakvllle. 
DItnville .... Haldimand. J. W. Hnlmes, Dunnville. Oil Springs... Lambton ,. H. Brown, Oil Springs. 
D.trham.. -. .. I Grey ... .. .. J. l\rooclie, Durham. Om,em,ee ...... \1ctoria.... G. A. Balfour, Omemee. 
Rlmira ...... Wat
rloo... J. H. Ruppel. Elmira. Or
nþeville. .. I 
ufferin.. .. A. I!. Hughran.
Elora........ Wellmgton . I Edward Brims. Elora. OnllIn........ 
Imcoe .... C. E. Grant. Onll1a. 
Embro ...... Oxful'fl .... E. COlly, Embro. Oshawa..... . . , ontario ..,. Charles W. Smith, Oshawa 
Erin ........ Wellington. Wrn. Tyler. Erin. OTTAWA.. .. .. Carleton.... Wm. P. Lett, Ottawa. 
Essex Centre.. Essex...... C. E. Naylor, Es:!exCentre. Owen Sound.. Grey.. ." T Gordon. Owen Sound. 
Bxeter........IHuron .....,:\1. Eacrett, Exeter. Paisley...... Brnce...... N. McKechnie, Paisley. 
Fenelon Falls.. Victoria.... ,Geo. CUDlJÏngham. Fen'ln F Palmerston. .. Wellington. E. }1. Dumas. Palmerston. 
Fergus .... .. , Wel1ington . Wm. Hoss. Fergus. Paris ........ Brant...... S. Dadson, P,lris. 
Fortst........ Lambton ..IN. Tripp, Forest. Parkdale... .. l york ...... A. }!e:\liUan, Parkdale. 
Fort Erie ... . , W elland. . .. .Jas. Battley. For*; ErIe. Park Hill .... }Iiddlesex.. T. A. Maybury Park Hill. 
Galt... ,..... Waterloo... .J. G. Dykes, Galt. Parry Sound.. Parry Sound Chas. Clark, Parry Sound. 
Ganall-O'lue .. Leeds...... ,S. :\[cCammoll, Gallanoque. Pembroke,. .. Renfrew.... A. J. Fortier, Pembroke. 
K [145] 





WNS' ;


Penetan g UÏ8'e. I Simcoe .., . 1 H. Jeunings. Penetangllis'e S. CATHA,RlNES , I I Lincolli .. .. I,T. R<;
on, St. Cathari,nes. 
Perth.. .. .. .. Lanark .... Thos. Brooke. Perth. St. Mary s .. .. Perth...... W. \'t llhams, St. Mary s. 
Peterborough. Pete.rboro'. . I C , D.l\IacDonald. Peterboro I ST. THOMAS .. Elgin...... H. F. Ell's, St. Thomas. 
fetrolia .. .... La!llbto!l .. G. S. Mc
n. Petrolia. SW
1I.idaù... Simcoe.... .IGeo, Burrows, Sunnidale. 
Plcton........IPnnceEdwd,JohnTwlgg.Plcton. Tara ........ Bruce ..... J. D.Tobey.Tara. 
Point Edwa'rd. Lambton .. 'We Mitchell.Pomt Edward. TeeMwater... ..IBruce...... John Logan, Teeswater. 
Port Arthur. ..IThunderBaYIW. Langworthy, Pt. Arthur II Thamesvilù . . ,Kent ...... John Duncan. Thames,ille. 
POTt Colborne: W:elland... .IS, J. Hop
s, Pt.Colbo
e Thedfo1'd. .. .. Lambton .. James Dob
e. Thedford. 
Port DalhOUSU
 I Lmcoln .. " I J. W.C
nsldllle,Pt.Dalho SIC Tho'rnbury ... Grey....... E. 
. 1hombury. 
Port Dover.... Norfolk.... T. M. England, Port Dover. Thorold. . .. .. WeIland.. .. I W' 1. Fish. Thorold. 
Port Elgin.... Bruce...... K A. Ray, Port Elgin. 7ilbury Centre Kent....... A. R. Nicol, Tilbury Centre 
Port Hope.. .. Durham....! H. V. Sanders. Port Hope. T
lsonburg . .. Oxford ... . I E. A. .T al:kson, 
ilson burg. 
Port Perry.. ., OntarIO .... IN. F. Patterson. Port Perry Twerton. . . .. Bruce.. .. .. J. C. Graham. TI\'erton. 
Port Stanley .' I Elgin .... : ,R. Thomson. Port Stanley. TORONTO.... York :..... John Blevins, Toronto. 
Portsmouth. .. Front
nac.. I R. M T . 
raham. Portsmouth Tottenham., .. Simc?e... " G. P. f! u.ghes. Tottenham 
Prescott...... GrenvIlle .. IE. "hlte, Prescott. I Tren
n...... Har,tI
gs .. A. J. \\ 1
cn. Trento.n. 
Pre8tQ1l,...... . I Waterloo .. Wm. A. Husband, Preston. Ua;bndge..... 
nt.ano .. ",A. D. WIlham
! Uxbrldge. 
Renfrew.. .... Renfrew... . I R. Drysdale. Renfrew. V
enna ...,.. Elgm .... .. C. Draeseke, \ lenna. 
chmond . . :: ,Carleton.. .. Thos. ?tline
. RIChlllon
l. Walkerton.. .. Bruce...... G. Gould, Walkertoll. , 
chmond HUl 1 Y ork ...... III. Teefy. RIChn
ond Hill. , J
_1lrgh. Kent ..... . , ll. E. Johnson,. Wal
aceb h 
Rtdgetown.... Kent ...... ,D. Cochran(;. Hldgetown. ,JI ardsvuù . .. Middlesex.. D. Johns
n, 'Wardsnlle. 
Rockland .-.. Russell..... F. D. McDonald, Rockland II WaterdlJwn... wentwol'th. I 'J. G. Da\'l<;s, 'Vaterdown. 
Sandwich .... Essex...... J. A. Stuart, SandwIch. Waterford .. ..'Norfolk.... S. N. Colh'er. Waterford. 
Sarnia.. .. .... Lambton .. Wm. Doak. Sarnia. Waterloo .... Waterloo ..IF. Colquhoun, Waterloo. 
SaultSteMarie Algoma Dis. C. Brown. Sault Ste. Marie. I Watford..... Lambton .. 'Johu Reid. Watford. 
Seaforth.. .. .. Huron. .... William Elliott, Seaforth. Well
nd.. .. .. W
.... E, R. Hellems, Well

elburne.... Duffenn.... F. G. Du.n
ar, Sbelb
rne. Welltngton ... PnnceEdwd!,J. H. Os
urne, Welllllgton. 
Simcoe...... Norfolk .... W. W. Llvmgstoue, Simcoe Weston....... york....... R. H. Leighton, Weston. 
Smith's Falls. Lanark .... W. M. Keith, Smith's Falls. Whitby.... .. Ontario.. .. Thos. Huston, Whitby. 
Southampton. Bruce...... Jas, Howe. Southampton. Wiarton ..... Bruce...... T. D. Galloway. Wiarton. 
flp'rïngfield ... E.lgin ...... J; B. Lucas, Spri?gfield. W!nds?r.. .. .. Essex..... .IS. Lustel
Stayner.. .. .. SImcoe .... G. L. Darby, Sta
ner. Wmgham .... Huron .. .. , J. B. Fer"uson," III halll.. 
Stirling...... Hastings .. A. Glass. Stirling. Woodbridge.. york....... J. McClure, Woodbridge. 
StfYUjfviUe .. .. York ...... H. W. Woodgate. Stouffville. ":.oods
ock.. O
 .. "IG. C. E.den, ,Woodstoc
Stratford .... Perth...... R. R. Lang, Stratford. JI oodvtlll' .... VlCtona.... ,J. C. Gilchnst, Wood nIle. 
Strathroy ., ..,Middlesex.. ,T. B. Winlow. Strathroy. Wroxeter..... Huron .... Jos. Cowan, Wroxeter. 
Str,etsvilù.. ..,Peel.. .. .... W. J. Pinney. Streetsville. Wyoming... Lambton .. H G. Tay
or, WyomilJg. 


__1-___ ______-, ___[___ 
Argyle ........ 'W. Stark. Roseberry Inchiquin .... Not organized Sifton . ......... E. Dicbon. Oak Lake 
Archie ... ...... I H. Chippertield,Declare Kildonan ...... G. F. )lunroe.Winnipeg Saskatch@wan III, l'urrllJ. Rapid City 
Arthur ......... W. Thomas, Souristord LaBroquerie. A.Taillefer,LaBroquerie, Silver Creek . I W' M('Kay.Silver Creek 
Asslnibola. ... [ Frank Ness, st. Charle. Lansdowne... III. E. Broughton, Arden I Selkirk ......... J. McDou
all. S
Brandon City. J. O. Kerr. Brandon Lorne . ......... Geo. Crawford, Swan I Is61klrk East. C.C. Stewart. F.. Selkirk 
Belcourt ...... T.H.Brown.Poplar p'nt Lake , Shoal Lake ". 1 A.R. McDougald. Raven 
Blanchard.... Wm. Miller, Oak River Louise....... "'1.\1. Young, Crystal City Lake 
Boulton .......,E. Armstrong. Assisslpi Macdonald... J. Cuddy, Winnipeg I Shell River... W.S.Wallace. Shell Riv 
Birtle Town . 1 A. Morton, Birtle Medora . ...... W. R. David, Lennox Sprlngf!@ld ." l w.Gooãridlle,oak Hank 
Birtle. ......... J. M. Lawrie. Birtle Minnedosa ... R. H. Meyers, Minne. Strathclair.... 8. Geekie. Strathclair 
Brenda ......... ,C. M. Coughlll.Napinka dosa St. Anné ...... Theo. Pare. St. Anne 
Corn waUlI. ...1 Geo. Halle. Brandon Minlota ....... W.Howard,ArrowRiver St. AndrewlI. J. IIlcDougall, Ft. Garry 
Oartier .........IC. H. Pacaud, St.Norb't Morris ......... D. M. Ure. Morris I St. Boniface." I J. A. Prendergast, St. 
Carlton.........IC. F. Collins, Nelson Morrie Town. B. J. Short. !olorrls Boniface 
Clanwilliam . , W., Clanwilliarn Montcalm.... J. Baril. St. J. Baptiste st. Boniface I J. Prendergast, St. 
Cypre8!l No.... M. Collins. Carberry Neepawa ...... W. Currie. Neepawa 1 ' 1 ' Town Boniface 
Cyprees So.... 'We T. Sutcliffe, 
hlIfor.d Nelson ...;..... r J. Cochrane, Nelson St. Clements. \ W.,R. Young, Lower 
Daly............ F.Weetwood,Pendenm" Norfolk No...., 1'. R. Varden, McGregor I I Ft. Garry 
Dð8alaberry . I L. M. P.Noel. Jolys Norfolk So. ."IW, R. Ross, Holland St. 
'ranc.xav I P, Lavallee. St. Fran. 
Derby. ......... A. Davideon.Cartwright Oakland ...... W. S. Moody, R'thwaite l Xavier 
Dðloraine...... O.J.C?Ckrane.Deloranie Oak River.... J. Andre.w. Chl!mah St. Laurent... M. Dunlea. St. Laurent 
Douglas. ...... F. Khever, Gretna I Odanah......... J.Cummmg, Millnedosa St. Norbert "' I T. Landry. Royal 
DulJerlnNo... D.CampbeU,Carman O.prey ......... ,J.W.Drysdale, Neepawa St. Paul....... A. J. Kayll, Middle 
DulJerin So...jW. Conner. Morden Pipestone...... A. P. Power. , Chur

lton .... ...... :\1. G. .Abey, Chater Pnse
 . ......... H. YardIe
, Clarklelgh l Tache.... ;..... W. Laglmodlere, Lorette 
Emerson ... ...' W. FalI'banks, Emersol, Pleesls ......... Not orgalllzed Turtle lilt n...1 ,J. R. I:!turt. Adelpha 
Elm River.... ,J. B. Smith. Trohen P. la Prairie Varennes ...... Not or!(anlzed 
Ellice. ......... J.C.Wilkineon.Ft.Ellic
 Town ....... T. Seaman. Semo Wallace. ......1 W.H. McDougal, Virden 
Fairford . ...... Not organized P. Ia Prairie J. W. Jackson. Portage Westbourne... J. MaBOn. Gladstone 
Franklin ......'T. Coulter. Dominion la Prairie ' West Lynne..'W.Uneworth,W. Lynne 
I City Pilot Monnd. T.Bellamy.PilotMound Winnipe
'''''. l c. J. Brown. Winnipeg 
Gl<mwood...... J. Dalmage. SouI'Ìs Rosedale. ...... R. Edwards. Neepawa II Whitehead.... G. Armstrong. Dalton 
Glendale....... R. Dunsmore. Bridge Rapid City.... J. Regerson.Rapid City Whitewater...'Ed Hammond.Shepard- 
Creek Rockwood.... T.l<'rankland,Stonewall I ville 
Gimli............ I G . Thorstarsson, Gimli II Rhineltmd ... W. Rempel. Relnland I Woodworth... T. R. Todd. Hlllview 
Gladstone.... G. Claxton, Gladstone Riverside. "'IWm. Gordon, IIeaslip Woodlands "' I IJ. A. :\lcGuire,Woodl'ds 
IIanovl'r. ...... Oor. Epp, Chortitz Riding Mt'n . , Not organized Yonville ...... A. Beaubien, St. Jean 
Hespeler. ...... Cor. Epp. Chortitz Rossburn .... G. ManIOn, Rol!sburn Baptiste 
Harrison ...... A. R. Fanning,Newdale Russell......... J. Brown, Shell River 





spector of Registry Offices-Sidney Smith, Cobourg. 
A.LGOIliA DIB..: C.J .Bampto n, Sault Ste. 
I. I KENT .... ...... 1 P. D. McKellar, Chat haDJ PERTH, N.R... D. D. Hay, Stratford. 
BRANT......... T.S. ShenBton, Brantford LAMBTOY..... Eo M. Proctor, Sarnia. "8.R.... P. Whelehan, St. Mary'a. 
ÐRUCX.........jD. Sinclair, Walkerton. LANARK, N.R.,John Menziel!, Almonte. PETERRORO'.. B. }Iorrow, Peterboro'. 
CARLETON..... P. Coffey, Ottawa. "8.R.,Jamel! Bell, Perth. PREI!COTT ..... J. Higginson, L'Orignal 
DUI!'I!'ERIN.... Wm. McKim, Orangevllll:!. LEEDB ......... W II. Cole, Brockville. PRo EDWARD.. W. McKenzie, Picton. 
DUNDAS. ...... I S. S. Cook, Morril!burg. LENNOX 
 AD., S. Gibson, Napanee. I RAINY R.DIS. F. J. Apjohn,Rat Port'ge. 
DURHAM, E R.,Geo. C. Ward, Port Hope. LINCOLN...,... Hon. J. G.Currie, St. Oath. RENI!'REW..... A. Irving, Pembroke. 
" W.R.I R. Armour, Bowmanville LO'iDON (C.).. W. C. L. Gill, London. RUBBELL... ... Jas. Keays, Duncanvilll'_ 
ELGIN ......,.. A. McLachlin, St. Thomas UlDDLEBEX,E John 'Valker, London. 3IMCOE......... Samuel Lount, Barrie. 
ESSEX ......... J. W. Askin, Sandwich. " W 8. Blackburn, Glencoe. 3TORJIIONT..... J. Copeland, Cornwall. 
I. ROBe, Kingston. \IUSI!:OKA DIS J. E. Lount, Bracebri:lge. THUN. B. DIS. w.n. Laird, POI t Arthul' 
GLENGARRY... A. McDonald, Alexandria 
IPI8BING DIB John Doran, Pembroke. rORONTO(C.). C. Lindsey, Toronto. 
GRENVILU... Patrick 
IcCrea, Preecott. ,'ìoRI!'OLK...... ". J. Donly, Simcoe. VICTORIA ...... H. Dunsford, LindBay. 
GREY,N.R..... R.McKnlght,Owen Sound NORTHUR,E R J. M. Grover, Colborne. II WATERLOO.... D. McDougall, Berlin. 
" B.R..... Thomas Lauder, Durham "W.R. Wm. H. Eyre, Cobourg. WELLA.ND ..... D. D'Everardo, Weiland. 
H.&.LDIMANn.. A. P. Farrell, Cayuga. )NTARlO....... J. Ham Perry, Whlthy. WELLG'N,N.R. J. Anderson, Arthur. 
HAUBURTON. F. 'looney, Minden. )TTAWA (C.).. Alex. Burritt, Ottawa. "B.A. N. Hhdnbotham, Guelph 
HUTo'f ....... Francis Barclay, Milton. )XI!'OItD ....... ,G. R. Pattullo, Woodstock WENTWORTH. J.l\I.Williams,Hamilton. 
HASTINGB..... W. n. Ponton, Belleville. P. SOUNDDIB A. Starkey, P. Sound. YORK,X 
W.R. J. Ridout, Toronto. 
HUROY ........ Jas. Dickson, Goderich. PEEL ........... JaR. Flemina-, Brampton. " N.R..... J.J .Pearson.N ewmarket. 
KlYGBTO" (c) J.p.Gildersleeve. Kinjtst'n 

DURHA}I.-Erlst Ridtng-Townships of Hope, cavan" NORrHUlIBERLAND.-Ertst Riding-Townships of 
and Manver8; Town of Port Hope and Village of Cramahe, Brighton, Murray, Percy and Seymour' 
l\Iillbrook. West Riding-Townships of Darlington, Villages of Colborne, Brighton, Campbell ford and 
Clarke and Cartwright. Town of Bowmanville and I Hastings. West Riding-TownshIps of Hamilton 
Village of Newcastle. . Haldlmand, Alnwick and South 'Ionaghan; Tow
lREY.-North Riding-TownshIps of Colhngwood, of Cobourg. 
Euphrasia, St. Vi
c'jnt, Sydenha
, Holland, Sulh- PERTH.-North Riding-Townships North El\stho}.e,. 
van, Sarawack, Keppel, Der
y! Towns of .Owen Ellice, Logan, Elma,1\Iornington and Wallace; Towns. 
Sound aI:Hl Meaf
rd. South Rtdtng -TownshIps of of Stratford and Listowel. South Riding-Town- 
ArtcmesIa, Bentmck, E 6 relUont, Glenelg,NOImanby, ships of South Easthope, Downie, Fullarton, Hibbert
Osprey and Prot.o
; Town of 
urham. and Blan
hard; Towns of St. Mary's and .Mitchell. 
ARK-North Rtdtng-Townsillps of Ramsay, Dal- T . . . 
housie, Lanark, Pakenham, Darling, Lwant and' WELLI
rth Rtdmg -TownshIps of A.rthur,. 
North Sherbrooke ; Vil1:!ge of Lanark and Town of West Luther! Mmto, Peel & Maryborough: VI!lages 
AlmiJnte. South Riding-Townships of Beckwith, of Arthur, Chfford and Drayton; Towns of HarrIston, 

Iontague, North Elmsley, North Burgess, Bathurst, }!
u.nt For_st an
ston. South and. Cen're- 
Drnmmond and South Sherbrooke; Town of Perth ; Rrdmgs-T?wnsllll!
 of "e
arafraxa, Erm, Era- 
Town of Smith's F'llls and Village of Carleton Place. n:os a , Pushnch, 1\lchol, Pllkmgton and Guelph;. 

nDDLESEX.-East and North Riding-Townships of CIty of Guelph ; VIlla
es of Fergns and Elora. 
London, Westminster, Dorchester, West Nissouri, YORK.-North Riding-Townshi}lsofKing,Whitchurch . 
Adclaide, Lobo, East and West Williams, MC'Gillivray East and 
orth Gwillimb'uy, and Georgina; ViIlage
and Bidrlulph, .and t
e Villsl;{es of London East and of
arket, Aurora, Hollan<;l J
anding and part ()f 
West, Park HIll, AIlsa CraIg and Lucan. West Stouffvtlle. East and West Rrdtngs-Townships of 
Riding-Townships of Delaware, Caradoc. Ekfrid, York, 
Iarkham, Vaughan, Scarborough and Etobi- 
Mosa and 
Ietcalfc; Town of Strathroy, and Villages coke; Villages of }Iarkham, Richmond Hill Park- 
.......'of Newbury, Wardsville and G1encoe. dale, Weston, Woodhridge, and part of Stoutiville. 

L. W. Contlee, Registrar-General, Land Title Office. Felix Chenir r, Del'. Reg. General. 
Beautiful Plains, Wm. Currie, Neepawa; Brandon and berry; Portage la Prairie, W. J. ,1ames Porta"e la 
Brandon City, 
1. McDonald, Branùon; Carillon, Paul Prairie; Riding Mountain, E. A. ßrilobois: 1\linnedosa. 
Jhenard, Jolys P.; Dennis, W. T. B. Kennedy, Vi.rden; Rock L:lke, John Knox, PIlot Mound; Rockwood, Thos: 
O'Iberville, C. H. Pa(oRuq., St. Norbert; Dutferm, C. Lusted, Stonewall; Hussell, C. A. Boulton, Birtle: Se]- 
F. Collins, Nelson; Fairford, E. L. Fairbauks, ::\Iar- kIrk, Geo. Ham, St. Boniface; SllOal Lake, C. A. Boul- 
luette; Lis 5 ar, Plessis and Gimli, Thos. Sinclair, Sel- ton, BIrtle; S
uris RI\"Cr, J. L. CSIII}.bell, Souris;. 
,.irk; La Verandyre. T. Pare, St. Anne; 

anC'hester, J. Turtle IIIountam, A. .P. Stuart, Dcloraine; Yaren- 
\ngus, Emerson; }Iarquett.e, 
. L.. FaIrbanks, M
r- nes, ---::-. ; "estbourne, John }Iason, Glad- 
luette; IIIinnedosa, E. A. BnsbOls, :\Imneùusa; 1Ilorns, stone;" lllDlpeg CIty, 1\lIs. W. N. Kennedy Win- 

. A. Skeffington, }Iorris; Norfolk, W. R. Black, Car- nipcg. ' 

W""TE R:>I A!'.SIXIBOJ.\. Comprising" that part of As. foe\ enteen. Offieial8 reside at 
Iadeod. Judge, Lt. -CoL 
.iuiboia west the 10th range of town
hips west of 2nd J. F. }IacLeod, c.
I.G. ; Sheriff, D. J. Campbell; Clerk 
Ileridian and east of the we
t line of the 23rrl rang-e of C. N. Campbell.' ' 
o\\Ibhips west of the 3rd 
rirlian. Officials reside at 
ORTIJERX ALBKRTA.-Comprising remainder of AI- 
tegina. Jurfge, Lt.-Col. lIugh ltic'hardson; Sheriff, J. herta and the countQ north of -\lherta. Officials re
H. Benson; Clerk, Dixie Watson. at Calgar
. Judge. Chas. B. ltouleau; Sheriff P. W 
E\STE x A<;sINJRoIA.-COIuprising that part of A"sini. King; Clerk, H. .\. L. DunrIa",. ' . 
,oia eafot of We"tern Assiniboia Judicial District. 8ASh-\TCII w.\x.-Comprising Saskat,che\\an and ihe- 
Ifficials reside at }Ioo"onlln. Judge, E. L. Wetmore; countr
 to its north. Offieials rc",irle at Prince Albert. 
;heriff, Chas. 
lar,..hallsay; Clerk, Oliver 
eff. Jurlge, J. H. 
Ic'Guire; Sheriff, Owen E. HUJ{he
SOt:TlIER" ALB RTA.-Cumprising remainder of Assini. Clerk, Chas. de LaGorgenrliere, Deputy Clerk, Hu
Joia with that portion of Alberta t-!outh of township Richardson, jun., Battleford. . 




Algoma. . .. .. G. Burden, S. Ste. 
I. Kemptville... E. Saunders 
" .. A. McNaughton, Sudbury Lambton Co... M. Campbell, Watford 
.Aylmer... .. .. W. .A. Glover Lanark, N. R. J. A. Allan, Perth 
Almonte...... D. Kippen,Perth Lanark, S. R J. A. Allan, Perth 
Brant Co.. .. " J as. Grace, Brantford Lanark. . .. .. D. Kippen, Perth 
Bruct. ....... R. Vanstone, Kincard. Lteds d'; Gren.. J. C. Judd, Brockville 
Belle1fille .... J. J. B. Flint Lennox it A.. Jas. Daley, Napanee 
Blen1,eÍln..... A. McDougall, Wa1I'g London...... E. J. Parke 
Bothwell...... A.McDougall,'Vallac'g I L'Orignal .. .. E. P. Johnson 
Brockville. . .. Joseph Deacon I IAndsay ..... Arthur O'Leary 
Barrie....... J.T.Pa
:i?-ge.Dalstou I .'Iilto,,! ..,.... W.H. YQung,Oakville 
Clinton.. .... R. W. '\1lhams Merntton .... P. H. Ball 
Chatham.. .. M. Houston Jliddlesex,E R. E. S. Jan'is, Lon. East 
Cardinal.. .. 1I1agD11S Cormack I Middlesex, WR. J. Noble, Strathroy 
Cobourg,. .. .. J. H. ))umble Middlesex,N R. J. H Priestley,A.Craig 
CoIUngwood.. John T. Partridge ltfitchell ..... J. H. Flagg 
Cornwall..... A. Bethune Mt. Forest.... W. Lowes, Harriston 
Cli/toR ...... A. G. Hill It[us''oka Dist. W. Spencer, Brac'b'dge 
Du1ferin Co. .. 1\1. S. Gray, Amaranth I Nf!'paJtee . . . .. Jas Dal.ey . 
Dresden.. . . .. J. Chapple Ntagara ..... D. DavIs, BeamsvIlle 
Durha)n Co... G. Haines, Bow'nvilIe Norfolk Co.... }I. C. Brown, Simcoe 
" .. H. Clarke, Colborne J.V'thu'berl'd C. R. Cl,.rke, Colborne 
Dundas Co... W. Bow, Tp. Winc'st'r Ottawa....... Martin O'Gara 
Elgin.. .. . . .. W. E. Leonard, Y'rm'th DWelt Sound.. Geo. Spencer 
Frontenac Co. H. }lcKim, Tp.Portl'd Oakville..... Wm. H. Young 
Goderich.. .... R. W. Williams Oshawa ...... Geo. A. Grierson 
Ganano'lue . .. Philip Heaslip Ontario Co.... G. Horne, C:mnington 
Glengarry.. .. John A. McDougall Oxford Co..... H. Parker, Wuodstock 
Gravenhurst.. Wm. H. Spencer ".. " J. Kilborn, Plattsville 
Halton Co..,.. W. n. Young, OakviIle Orillia....... J. T. Partridge,Daltg'n 
Huron Co..... J. Scott, Clinton Pal'k Hill..., Wm. Wells 
Huron, S.R. . J.Wanless,Tp.Stanley Port Hope.... It H. Holland 
Huron Co... .. R. W. Williams.Clinton Port Ptrry ... Henry Gordon 
Harriston. .. .. 'V. H. Laws,Harriston I Peterboro' Co. D. 'V. Dumble, p'rboro' 
Hamilton .. ,. Jas. Cahill ".. G. Edmison,Pet'rboro 
lngersoll..... C. E. A. Chadwick Prescott...... Wm. Dunn 
Kingston... .. J. Duff 

Prescott TOll'n. T. R. Mellville 
Pari" .. .. . . .. H. Finla
'son Paris 
Prince Ed. Co.. G. C. Currey: Picton 
Pembroke .... S. E. Mitchell 
P'tanguishene. J. T. Partrirlge, Dalts'n 
Port .Arthur.. A. W. Thompson 
Port Colborne. W. B. Pringle 
Per lmerston . .. W. H. Lowes, Harriston 
Parry Sound.. Jos. Tarrard 
RÙlgetown ... J. P. }IcKinlay 
Rainy RÚ'er.. W. D. Lyon.R.PortaJ;:e 
Renfrew Co... S.E.Mitchell,Pemb'ke 
S1nith'sFalls.. D. Kippen Perth 
St. Catharines. J. H. COII{fort 
Strathroy .... Jas. Noble 
Simcoe Co.... W.II.Spencer Br'ce've 
.. .. '. J. T. Partridd
Stormont Co.. A. C. Mcintyre 
Stormont.. . h. J. Shover, Usnabruck 
Tudor ....... J. Clark, Bancroft 
Trenton.. .. .. G. H. Gordon 
7'ilsonburg . .. L. McLean 
Thorold. . .. '" Wm. T. Fisher 
Thunder B'y D J. Cousins, Pt. Arthur 
Toronto.. .. .. G. T. Denison 
Vankleek Hill. James Boyd 
VictO'ria C9... J. Deacon, Lindsay 
" '" 'Vm. H. Spencer 
H alkerton.... R. Vanstone, Kinc'rtl'e 
Windsor. . . .. Alex. Bartlett 
Wallaceburg., A. McDougall 
Whttbll ...... l\lajor Harper 
Woodstock ". G. C. Field 
Welland . .. ., E. R. lIellems 
Wellington Co. W. H. Lowes,Rothsay 
Wellington,CR A. Taylor, Fergus 


Calgary (Town)... 

s. BOGND.-\RlES. (FIOS. ARE b:CLGSI\"E.) CL.:RK8. 

Indian Head.. .... 

W('st 5th P.l\1. All those parts of sec's H, 15, 16 in tp. 2-1, 
rl, lying south Bow Rh"er.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
West 2nd P.
1. Rgs. II, 12,13, tps. 14, 17, 1819a and 19... 

Thos. T. A. Boys. 
G. Thompson, Clerk; G. P. Mur- 
ray, Treas.. Indian Head. 
R. L. Alexander. 
J. F. A. Stull. 
F. S. Proctor,llk, Ft. Qu' Appelle; 
W. Sutherland, Treas. 

Moose Jaw (Town). 
Prince Albert (Tn). 
Qu'Appelle ... -.. 

u' Appelle South. 
Regina. (Town). . .. 
Wolseley ......... 

West 2nd P.
1. Sec's 32,33 in tp. 16, r. 26............... 

t 21;ð' pji:' 'Rg
: Ï3: ïi: tp
" 20: '2i: 22: 23'; 'rgs:' i;: i6: 
tp. 21 (north Qu' Appelle River), ts. 22, 23.. ...... ........ 
West 2nd P .}1. Rgs. 14, H, 16, tps. It to 19, and pt. of 20 
not in Inrlian resen-p........ ....................... .... A. 1\1. 
IcLane. Qu'Appelle Sta. 



: 20

'. .1.9. .a.



:: .
. .

: .:


 I John Secord. 
West 2nd P.
1. Rgs.8, 9, 10, tps. 14 to 19... .. .. .... .... '. )Iaj. C. E. Phillips, SUlllmerheny 

ASliINlBOIA Land Registration District all I 
egistl'ation District c.o!n- 
Assiniboia. Registrar, Geo. C. 
omery, Regma. prlS
s. all Sask
tchewan lYlllg east of the.3rd Illltlal 
ALBERT-\ Land Registration DlStrlctS (2) eOlllprlses all I Merldlan. Registrar, Alexalllier Sproat, Prll1ce Albert. 
Alberta. Northern Divi
ar, George Roy, 
n; T S.4.
KUCHE"'AS Lanrl Reg-btratiOl.1 ,Distriet. ('
Edmonton' Southern Dl\'islOn-Reglstrar, T. A. 
Ic- pnses all 
askatchewan west of 3rù Imtlal l\lendlan. 
Lean, Calg-
ry. Registrar, W. G. Hcott, Battleford. 

Lt.-Co!. H. W. Hel'chmer, Commissioner, Re1dna. 
Inspecting- Superintendent, W. M.. Herchmer, Calg,ary. 
Supt. R. W. Deane, Adjut
nt, Regma. Inspector G. B. 
)loffatt, Paymaster, Regma. Inspector J. B.. AI!an, 
Quartermaster, Reg-ina. Surgeon A. .J ukes, Prmclpal 
Medical Ufficer, ottawa. Assistant Smgeon Rolphe, 
Vet. Surgeon Riddell, Regina. Superintendents-So 

Gagnon. Depot Dh'., Regina; J. H. )lcIllree, A Div-, 
l\Iaple Creek; E. W. Jarvis, B Di\-., Wood )Iount..'tin; 
.J. Cotton, C Hi\., Battleford; S. B. Steele, D Dh'., 
Kootenay; 'V. D. Antrobus, E Div., on leave; A. U. 
Perry, F Div., Prince Albert; A. ß. Griesbach, G Di\-., 
Fort Saskatchewan; P. R. Neale, H. Div., }IacleoJ; A. 
Iaedonnell, K Div., Lethbl'idg-e. 

The area of Canada is estimated to cont
 3,610,267 I th
 Australasian Colonie,s 3,075,0
O, or 535,2
7 square 
square miles. It is the largest of all the Bntlsh posses- l1l1!e.s less. th:1:11 tl;1at of ca
aùa. rhe t
ta.l alea of, the 
sions embracing very nearly one-half of the whole I Bntlsh Empire IS 7,999,6l. square miles. The C.
Empire. The continent of Australia is the next larges.t, bined. area ther
fore of Canada and th
having an area of 2,944,628, and the area of Tasmama Colomes c
mpnses very nearly seven-eighths of the 
and Ne\l' Zealand added to this, makes the total area of whole Empire. 





Day. Vice-Consul, Muntreal, F. C. Henshaw. I 
 EMPIRE. --Consuls, Montreal, E 
Schultze; Halifax, H. Hart. 
BELGlUM.-Consul-Generai, Dum. of Canaaa, Quebec, 
Ferd. van Bruyssel. Consuls, Qltel)ec, Andrew C. 
Joseph, with jurisdiction over eastern portion of 
Province of Quebec. (The eastern portion ,>omprises 
judicial districts of Arthabaska, Beauce, Chieoutirni, 
Gaspe, Kamouraska, lIIontmagny, Quebec, Rimouski, 
Saguenay, St. FranÖs, Three Rin>rs.) Jlontreal, 
Jesse Joseph, with jurisdiction over western })ortion 
of Province of Quebec. Halifax, C. E. Ronne. 
BRAZIL. -Consul-General, Montreal, W. D. Bentley. 
CHlLI.-Consul-General, Jlontreal, Geo. B. Day; Vice- 
Consuls; Montreal, F. C. Henshaw; Vice-ConS'ltl, St. 
John, N.B., J. H. Scammell. 
DENMARK.-Consul, Halifax. Stephen Tobin. 
FRANCE.-Consul-General, Quebec, }Ir. Georges Dub:ÜI; 
Chancellor, Leon Duchastel ; Clerk, - - ---. 
Vice-Consuls, St. John's, N.F., 1\Ir. Riballier d
s Isles; 
Halifax, Geo. E. Francklyn; Jlontreal, 1\Ir. M. 
Schwob; Toronto, W. J. )Iacdonell. C01lsular Agents, 
Charlottetown, H. Hobkirk; Chatham, J. B. Snowball; 
Gaspe, L. Robitaille; St. John's, N.B., William Burke 
Carvill; Sydney, F. Fisher; Three Rivers, G. Balcer; 
Winnipeg, Man., J. Royal. 
GERMAN EMPlRE.-COnsuls, Toronto, E. Freiherr von 
Heimrod; Quebec, C. Pitl; l'lontreal, W. C. 1\Iunderloh; 
Halifax, N.S., C. À. Creighton; Chatham, N.B., Alex. 
?Iforrison; St. John, N. B., Robert Thomson; St. John's, 
Nfld., Robert H. Prowse; Victoria, V.I., vacant; 
Winnipeg, Man., W. Hespeler. 
General, Ottawa, C. Elliott AndersolJ, K. C. K.; Consuls, 
Montreal, Q., Dickson Anderson; Halifax, N.S., Geo. 
Fraser; St. John, N.B., Allan O. Crookshank; Winni- 
peg, M., William Murdoch, C.E.; Regina. N.W.T., 
Nicholas F. Davin; Victoria, B. C., R. P. Rithct; 
Vice-Consuls, Ottawa, 0., Frederic G. Boswell; Tor- 
onto, 0., Lt.-Col. Geo. A. Shaw; Hamilton, 0., Adam 
Brown; Kingston, 0., George Ricl.ardson; Quebec, Q., 
Vacant; Belleville, 0., Alexander Robertson, M. P. ; 
Brockville, 0., Lt.-Col. J. D. Buell; Peterborough, 0., 
Henry H. Smith, Q.C. ; Rimouski, Q.. J Norbert Pou- 
liot, Q.C.; Fredericton, N.B., James S. Beek; Yar- 
mouth, N.S., E. F. Clements; Prince .Albert, N. W.T., 
Charles Mair. 
hALv.-Consul, Halifax, N.S., Will. Wingfied Bonnyn. 
Vice-Consul, Toronto, E. Bendelari, 50 Front St. East. 
LIBERIA, REPUBLIC of-Consul-General, Ottawa, C. 
E1liott. Anderson, K.C. K.; Consul, ltlontreal, Freùerick 
Stancliffe. Vice-Consul, Toronto, Frederic Nicholls. 
NRTIlERLA"'D".-Consul-General, Toronto, B. H. Dixon, 
R.N. L. Acting Consttl-r.eneral, Toronto, Albert 
Nordheimer. Vice-Consuls, Quebec, A. K. Hansen; 
Halifax, N.S., W. N. Wickwire, M.D.; Jlontreal, 
Stephen B. Heward. 
PORTUGAL.- Consul, Halifax, Thomas Abbott; Vice- 
Cons1tls, Halifax, John Henry Abbott; Bridgcwater, 
Charles Henry Davison. 
SPAlN.-Consul-Gene-ral, Quebec, H. E. the Count of Pre. 
mio-Real, G.C.J.,G.C. r\.,G.C.H ,&c. Vice-Consul, Hali- 
fax, N.S., J. M. Lludl. Vice-Ccn
uls, Montreal, Q., J. 
L. Leprohon; G lspe, Q., H. de Boutilher; North 
Sidney, W. Purves; St. John, N.B., D. R. Jack: 
St. John'Ii, Nftd., A. Singala; St. Pierre et ltli1juelon, 
F. J. Mazier; Belize, British Honduras J. W. Fronski; 

Gcorgetown, British Guiana, K }1. Wight. Consular 
Agents, Three Rivers, Q., G. Balcer; Nagdalen llilands, 
J. Fontana; Annapolts, N.S., J. M. Owen; Little 
Glace Bay, C. H. Rigby; Liverpool, Robie S. Stearns; 
Lunenburg, Daniel Owen; Pictou, Howard Primrose; 
Yarmouth, John W. Moody; Chatham, Miramichi, G. 
B. Fraser; St. George, S. Johnson; St. Stephen, D. 
Brown; Bw in, Nfld., F. Berteau; Togo, H. Findlatu; 
Gaultois, E. C. Gallop; Ilarbor Breton, P. Hubert; 
Ilarbor Grace, R. S. }Iunn; Little Harbor, J. C. Le 
Scelleur; Rose Blanche, P. Sorsoleil; Trinity, G. H. 
Cole; Twillingate, W. Lethlmdge. Secretary, Quebec, 
O. Fréchette. 
SWEDEN AND KORWAY.-C01/.Suls, Qup.bec, ,Yo A. Schwartz; 
Victoria, B.C.,R. Ward. Vice-Consuls, Ottawa, R. C. 
W. MacCuaig; Hamilton, S. E. Gregory; Toronto, J. S. 
McMurray; Jlontreal, J. F. Wulff; Three Rirers, G. 
Balcer; RÙ'er Ouclle, G. MacNaughton; Chicoutimi, 
B. A, Scott; St. Eiiennedc Sag 1 .tenay, E. Hillier; Sault 
au Cochon, G. W. Forrest; Bershnis, T. Girouard; 
Trois Pistoles, X. 'l'etu; Rimouski, G. Sylvain; l'latan, 
A. Fraser; Metis,W. D. Fisher, Acting V.-C.; St. Anne 
des ..Uonts, T. J. Lamontagne; Gaspe,-; Dalhousie,G. 
Haddow; Bathurst, J. Sievewright; Caraquette. P. Rive; 
Jfiramichi, R. Hutchison; Richibncto, R. Hutchinson; 
Butouche, J. C. Ross; Shediac, J. Inglis; St. John, J. H. 
Thomson; St. George, H. Ludgate; St. John's, Nfld., 
R.1I. Prowse; Cascumspec, G. W. Howlan; Pug wash, 
A. A. Stevens; Pict.ou, J. R. DaYies; Yarmouth, J. 
W. Moody; Sydney and North Sydney, J. E. Burchell; 
Q1U!bec, E. H. J. Schwartz; Escoumain, J. Topping; 
Call1pbelltown, N.B., J. McAlister: Halifax, N.S., J. 
H. lIlathers; Liscomb, N. S.. S. Creighton; Par-rsboro', 
N.S., N. C. Nordby; Winnipeg, J. A. Green; St. 
Jfargaret's Bay, N.S., C. R. Hill; Sheet Harbour, 
N.S., F. MacMillan; Bridgewater, N.S., F. B, Wade; 
St. Stephen, N.B., J. Mitchell; Northport, N.S., D. P. 
Perguson; Ship Harbour, N.S., L. F. Hill; Sher- 
brooke. N.S., D. McLean; B,tie Verte and ndnish, 
l>r.B., Jos. Read: Little Glace Bay and Cow Bay, N. S., 
E. D. Rigby. 
UNITED STAT.,;S OF AMERICA.-Consttl-General, ]'lontreal, 
VI'. A. Ander
on. Vice and Dep. Consul-Gencral, 
Jfontreal, P. Gorman. Consul-General, Halifax, N.S. 
?II. H. Phalen. Vice.Consul-Gencral; HalifaJ., F. J. 
Phelan. Comttls, Clifton. A. A. Brown; Fort Erie, 
Jas. Whelan; Hamilton, A. Roberts; Kingston, .M. 
H. Twitchell; Prescott, W. A. Hall; Belleville, J. 11. 
Strong; Port Sarnia, J. S. Farrar; Toronto. Chas. 
W. Wagner; Vice-Consul, Toronto, Chas. A. Hirsch- 
felder; Consuls, Coatic-ook, F. ,V. Roberts; Quebec, T. 
W. Downs; St. Johns, Q., A. Bertrand; Winnipeg, 
J. \V. Ta)lor; Victoria, B.C., R. J. Ste
.ens; Am- 
herstburg, Ont., J 'furner; Port Stanley and St. 
Thcmas, J. C. Quigj.{le; Stratford, R. W. Dunlap; 
Galt, M. W. Townsenrl; Sherbrooke, Q., G. Lucke. 
Commercial Agents-Collingwood, H. Davis; Port 
Hope. R. M. Conway; Ottawa, T. W. Hutskess; 
Cnat/tam, J. Eddie; Guderich, R. S. Chilton; .Murris- 
burg, J. Reddington; London, W. de H. Washington. 
URUGu.,-y.-Vice-Consuls, l'lontreal, F. C. Henshaw; 
Sydney, C.B., H. H. Archibald; Pictou. N.S., Chas. 
W. lveR; Bristol, S. C. Tupper; St. Mary's Boy, 
C. E. Everett; Annapolis, T. A. Ga\'aza; Quebec, C 
P. Champion; Three Rivers, J. McDougall; St. Juhn, 
N.B., A. D. Goodwin; Ottawa, C. E. Anderson; 
PcterboroJlgh, Ont., Arthur White; Halifax, H. W. C. 
Doak. Consul Jor Ur1lguay, Quebec, J. Ma

General Registrar, W. L. Scott, Battleford. 
PRINCE ALm:RT DISTRICT.. Composed of all that por- I SOURls.-Bounded on the East and 'Yest same as 
tion of the PNvisional District of Saskatchewan East Touchwood, and extending from Townships 1 to 10 
of the 3rd P. ?Ilendian. Registrar, A. Sproat, P. Albert. illdusÏ\'e. Re!.:istrar at Regina. 
ToucHwooD.-Composed of that portion of the Pro- C.\LHARy.-COlllposod of the Southern portion of the 
visional District of Assinihoia lying l)et\\ ('ell the \\Testern Provisional Di"trict of Alberta, and extending from the 
Boundar)' of 
[anitoba and the 3rd P. Meridian, and international houndary line to the ninth ('.orrectioll line 
extending fr.Jm Townships 23 to 34 inclusive. Registrar of the Dominion Land system of Sun'ey. HegiRtrar, 
at Regma. T. A. 
Ic LC'll1, (' Ilgary. 
lH"A.-BLJunded on the East find West same as EDMONTO='l.-Colllposed of all that portion of the Pro- 
vood, an?- extending from Townships 1.1 to 22 visi<;mal 
lstrict t;Jf Alùert.a, not inclurlcd in CalgaQ. 
mc1uslve. Registrar, Geo. A. }Iontgomery, Regllla. RegistratIOn Dlstnct. Reglstr.u, Geo. Roy, E.dlllonton. 





IODEL SCHOOLS FOR must he a gl'aduate of a Bdtish 01. Colonial University, 
lXG OF TEACHERS. and certified as experienced in teaching. Assjstants must 
Normal School, Toronto.-T. Kirkland, l\I. A., PrinCÍ- also ha\'e l'eceÏ\'ed the prescribed training-. Besides fees, 
pal: Jas. Carlyle, J.1.D., Mathematical 
laster; .J. H. local rate'! must he raised. Every High School with two 

lcFaul, Drawing Master; S. H. Preston, Teaeher of qualified teaehers receive'! a fixed amount of 
OO, and 
Vocal Music; Natalie Gillmafer, French Teacher; T. also a certain sUln on salaries of teachers, general equip. 
Parr, Teacher of Gymnastics and Calisthenies, !tlodel ment, suitability of school premises and attendance. 
School, in 1vhich the Normal School St1l-dentR practice High Schools whieh ha\'e an averag-e attendance of 60 
the Art of Teaching.-Angus McIntosh, Master of the pupils, may be made Collegiate Institutes, and receÍ\'e 
Boys' Sehool; R. W. Murray, FirstAssistant; Arthur H. additional g-mnt. Pupils attending these schools are pre- 
Sinclair, Second Assistant; Hattie 1\IcLellan, Third As- pared for 
latriculation in the Universities. There were 
sistant; Margaret T. Scott, 1tfistressUirls' School; Kate 86 High Schools and 24 Collegiate Institutes, with 15,344 
F. Hagarty, First Assistant; Mary 1\1. )[eehan, Second pupils, in Ontario in 1887. J. E. Hodgson, M.A., and 
Assistant; May Caulfield, Third Assistant, and the John Seath, B. A., Inspectors of High Schools. 
'Teachers of Drawing, l\lusic, Gymnastics and Calisthen- PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 
ks in the Normal School; Caroline)1. Hart, Kindergar- Eaeh To\\ nship is dhided into School Sections of a 
ten Teacl;er.. N?rma. l 
chool, Oftawa.-J. A. l\IacC3;be, suitable extent for one School; and in each of these See- 
M.A., Principal, 'Vllham. Scott, B.A., 1\[athe
l1atlCal tions three Trustees are elected to manage its School 
Master; R. H. 'Vhale, Drawllll? )laster; J. A. .Gmgnard, affairs. In Cities, Towns and Villages, the Schools are 
French Teacher; W. G. Workman, l\[USI
 Master. j managed by a Board of School Tl'ustees elected from the 
1'tlod<>l Scho.ol.-E,. D. P3;rlow, Master Boys S('hool; Municipality. There were 5,437 Public Schools, with 
'Thomas S
Vlft, First Assistant;. Robe
t H. Cowl
y, 187496 pupils in Ontario in 1886. 
.second AssIstant: :\1. Thomson, ThIrd AssIstant; Adelme' 'T 
.sheniek, l\1istress Girls', School: 1\1. G. Joyce, First EDUCATIü
AL J.IU::;EUl\1. 
Assistant; Marg-aret A. l\Iills, Second Assistant; 1\1. E. Connected with the Edueational Department is a 
Butterworth, Third Assistant; Eliza Bolton, Kindel'- Museum, containing speeimens of sehool apparatns and 
garten Teacher: E. B. Cope, Clerk and Accountant. furniture, a valuable eollection of Italian, Dutch and 
COLLEGIATE INSTITUTES AND HIGH SCHOOLS, Flemish 9 il Paintings, and Statua
y casts and busts. The 
Each of the High Sehools (which form the intermediate J.luseum 
s ;reel Y open to the pubhc !rom 9.a.m. to 5 p.IIl:. 
nk between the Public Schools and the Universities) is TOTAL NUl\fBER OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIO
managed by a Board of Trustees, appointed jointly by Of all kinds reported by the Educational Department as 
he COllnty and Town Councils. In cities the in operation in the Pro\ince of Ontario during 1886 was 
are all appointed by the City Councils, except where 5,553, attended by 504,000 pupils, and expending-upwards 
there is only one school in the County. The head master of $4,150,000 in their support. 
Inspl'ctor. County. P.O. Inspector. County. P.O. 
D. l\feDiarmid, M.D..... .. Glengary .. . .. Athol I Rev. G. Grant.. .. . .. .. .. . . D. of P. Sound. Parry Sound 
Alexander McNaughton.. . Stormont .. " .Corn
mll James C. 
n, J[.A.. .. N. Simcoe... . Barrie 
Arthur Brown. .. . . . . . . . . . . Dundas ..... .l\1ornsbUl'g Donald J. J.lcKmnon ..... Peel.. . . . .. .. Brampton 
W. J. Summerby.. .. '. .. .. Presc't & Rus'l.Russell Joseph H. Smith.. .. .. .. ,. 'Ventworth. ,. Ancaster 
O. Dufort (Assi
tant)...... do. Curran '\Iichael Jos. I-i:elly, l'I.D.. . Bmnt ...... ..Brantford 
Arch'd Smirle. .. . . . .. . . . . . . Carleton;. . . .. Ottawa. I James B. Grey.. . . . . .. .. . . Lineoln ...... St. Catharines 
W. Johnston.. .. . . .. . . . . .. Leeds, 
 o. 1.. Farmersnlle James H. Ball, M. A.. . . . .. WeIland.. .. .. Thorold 
Robert Kinney, ftl. D. . . . . . Leeds, No.2.. Brock\'ille Clarke )[oses. . .. .. . . . . .. . . Haldimand .. . Caledonia 
Rev. Geo. Blah', l'l. A.. ., .. .. No.3&GrenPrescott J.J. Wadsworth,l'f.A .,ftl.B.Norfolk...... . Simcoe 
F. L. 1\lichell, JI..A ., '. . . .. Lanark " . . .. . Perth Wm. Carlyle.............. Oxford.. .. .. . Woodstock 
R. G. Scott, B. A.. .. '. .. .. Renfr'w & Dist. Thomas Pearee. . .. .. .. .. .. Waterloo.. .. . Berlin 
of Nipissinli.Pembroke D. P. Clapp, B.A ....... ..N. Wellington.Harriston 
Wm. Spankie, !tI. D.. . . . . .. Frontenac . . .. King-ston 
 J. J. Craig.. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. S. .. Fergus 
Fredel'ick Burl'ows...... ..Lennox & Ad..Napanee N. Gordon........... .. ..Dufferin.... ..Orangeville 
'Vm. }[ackintosh.. .. '. .. . . N. Hastings. ..1\[adoc Thomas Gordon. ......... W. Grey.. .. .. Owen Sound 
.John Johnston.. . . .. ....... S. .. . .. Belle\ ille Andrew Grier. . .. .. .. .. .. . E. .. ...... ThornbuQ' 
Gilbert D. Platt, B.A ... . Prince EdwardPicton N. W. Camphell. ......... S. .. ...... Durham 
Edward Scarlett.. .. . . . . . . N orthumberl'dCobourg Will. Alexander.. .. .. . . . . . Perth ........ Stratforrl 
Wm. E. Tilley, ftl. A. .. .. .. Durham.. .. .. Bowman\'ille John Elgin Tom. . .. .. . . . . . S. Huron..... Goderich 
.James Coyle Brown.. '. .. ., Peterboro' ... Peterboro D. McG. 
lalloch.......... N. .. .. .. . Clinton 
Chas. D. Curry, B. A. . . . . . Haliburton .. . Minden W. S. Clendening.. .. . .. . . E. Bruce. . .. .. Walkerton 
.James H. Knight.. .. .. .. .. E. Victoria.. .. Lindsay Alex. Campbell ...... ..... w. .. ...... Kincardine 
Henry Reazin ............ W. .. .. .. Linden Valley John Deal'lless. .......... E.1\1iddlesex.. London 
.James McBrien........... Ontario. .. .. . . Pl'Ínce Albert Joseph S. Carson.. '. .. " .. 'V. .. .. Strathroy 
D. Fothedngham....... ..S. york...,... Toronto Welbenl Atkin.. .... .... . . Elgin ...... ,.St. Thomas 
A. B. Da\ idson, B. A. . . . .. N. .. . . .. " Newmarket 'V. "H. G. Colles.......... E. Kent... .... Chatham 
{ s Si!llCoe&ì... Wilmot}[. Ni('hols, B.A... W. .. ...... . Blenheim 
Re\". Thos. 
lcKee..... ,. .. 

 . J Bame 

. :

:::: :: Lam

: 1

.J. S. Deaeon.............. Halton.. . .. ...Milton Theodule Girardot.. .. .. .. Essex, No. 1.. Sandwich 
D. :\1cCaig................ Dis. of AIgoma.Rockwood D. A. J.laxwell.. .. .. _ . .. .. .. No.2.. Amherstburg 
Rev.R.Torrance.... Guelph I W.G.Kidd.... .... Kingston I JOhn
lcLean....... St. Thomas 
W.H.Ballard,M.A.. Hamilton J. B. Boyle......... London James L. Hughes... Toronto 
John C. Glashan.... Ottawa 
Note.-Belle\ille, Bl'antford, Stratford, St. Catharines are under the Inspectors of their respectÌ\-e Counties 
Re\'. A. 
IcColl.. --.. Chatham I Re\". G. "rashin<rton lIIeaford,Thorn- 1 Thomas Hilliard..... Waterloo 
Rev. R. Rodg-ers.... Collingwo "bury P.O. R.,Harcourt,B.A.,l'I.l'P..Welland 
R. B. Carman, 1'[. A .. COl'llwal Rev. S. H. Eastman, Oshawa J. C. Patterson, JI.f'.. \Vindsor 
Rev. J. Gordon, il.l.A. Niagara Fa S' James Stratton..... Peterboro' 
N ote.- All other towns are under the Inspectors of their respectÌ\ e Counties.. 
Eo Hodg-son, JI. A.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. " Toronto I John Seath, B. A.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. TOl"Onto 




John J. Tilley.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... _.. .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ...... .. .. ...... .. .... ... Toronto 
James F. White..................... Toronto I Cornelius Donovan, Jf.A............ Hamilton 
J. Å. McLellan, LL.D... ................................................................ Toronto 
Alexandria... J. Smith, l'f.A. I Hamilton, C. 1. P. S. Campbt-Il. B.A. Port Dover...... R. A. Barron. B.A. 
Almonte......... P. C. McGregor, B.A. Harriston. ... J. :\lc:\1urchiIJ, B.A. Port Hope...... A. Purslow,M.A.,LL.D 
Arnprior......... L. C. Corbett, B.A. I Hawkesbury... J. A. Houston, B A. Port Perry......D. :\lcBrlde. B.A. 
Aylmer.......... W.W Rutherford,B.A Ingersoll, C. I. W. Briden, B.A. Port Rowan.... A. G. MacKay, M.4. 
Barrie. C. I. ... H. B Spotton. M.A. Iroquois ......... J. A. Carman. B.A. Prescott ......... M. McPherson, M.A. 
vllle...... D. Hicks. B.A. Kemptville .... W. 8. Cody, B.A. Renfrew......... C. McDowell. B.A. 
Belleville. ...... G. 8. Wright, JI.A. I Kincardine.... B. Freer, B.A. Richmond Hill. T. II. Redditt, B.A. 
Berlin ............ J. W. Connor, B.A. Kingston, C. I.. A. P. Knight. M.A. Ridgetown,C.I. G. A. ChaFe, B.A. 
Bowm"nville... W.W. Tamblyn. M.A. Lindsay. ......... W. O'Connor. J/.A. SarI:lla ............ W. Sinclair, B.A. 
ßradford......... W. Forrest, M.D., B.A. I J.lstowel ......... .J, A. Tanner, AI.A. 8eaforth ...... C. ClarkRon, B.A. 
Hrampton ...... A. :.\Iurray, M A. London, C. I.... S. Woods. J/.A. Simcoe............ D. S. Paterson, B.A. 
Urantford, C.I. W. Oliver, B.A. 
Iarkham....... .John Simp
on, JI.A. Smith's Falls... N. Robertson, B.A. 
Br?Ckville...... A. W. Burt, B.A. 
litchell......... W. Elliot, B.A. Smithvll1e ...... A. C. Crosby, B.A. 
Bnghton . ...... S. T. Hopper, B.A. Morrlshurg .... J. S. JRmieson. M.A. S Cath'nes,C.I. J. Henderson, M.A. 
Caledonia ...... L. A. Kennedy, M.A. I Mount Forest. J. Reid, B A., LL.B. St. 1I1ary's, C.l. I. :\1. Levan, B.A. 
Campbellford... A. G. Knight, B.A. Nlipanee ......... C. Fessenden. B.A. Stratford,C. I... W. }IcBride, M..4. 
Carleton Place.. J. R. Johnston, B.A. I Newburgh ...... C. Williams, JI A. I Strathroy C. I. J. E. Wetherell, B.A. 
Cayuga. ......... A. Cole, B.A. New..astle. ...... W. W. Jardine, B.A. Streetsville .... A. B. Cooke, B.A. 
Chatham......... J. D. Chriltle, B.A. I Newmarket .... J. E. Dickson, B.A. St. Thomas,C.I. J. Millar, B.A. 
Clinton. ......... J. Turnbull, B.A. I Niagara. ......... A. Andrews. I 
ydenham . .... J. E. Burges8, M.A. 
Cobonrg, C. I... D. C. 
lcHenry, M.A. Niagara Falls,S. 'I. M. Fenwick, B.A. Thorold ......... A. McCulloch, M.A. 
COlborne......... .J. S. Bellamy, B.A. Norwood......... J. Davidson. M.A. Til80nburg...... A. W. Reavley, B.A. 
Collingwood, C. W. Williams. B.A. Oakville ......... N. J. Wellwood, B.A. Toronto, C. I.... A. MacMurchy, M.A. 
Cornwall ....... W. D.Johnston, B.A. Oakwood ....... J. C. Pomeroy. B.A. Trenton ......... D. C. Little, B.A. 
Dundas ......... J.D. Bissonnette,B.A. Omemee ......... J. O. McGregor, JI.A. Uxbridge. ...... J. J Magee, B.A. 
Dunnvllle ...... C. W. Harrison, Al A. Orangevllle.... A. Steele, B.A. I Va!l.kleek Hill. A. H. Watlon. BA. 
Dutton.. .. . .. W. Roth well. B.A. Orlllia ............ J. Ryerson. B Â. Vienna. .....;... A. Miller, M.A. 
EJora ......... .. D. }Iackay. B.A. O
hawa ......... L. C. Smith, B.A. Walkerton..... J. Morgan, M.A. 
EssexCentre.. A., B.A. Ottawa. C. I.... J. Macmillan, B.A. Wardsville...... W.G.MacLachlan B.A 
Farmersvllle... W Johnl!ton, M.A. Owen S'nd, C.1. "'. W. Merchan::,Jf.A. Waterdown..... T. O. Page, B,A. 
us . ......... o.F. McOlllivray.M A Paris ............. J. W. Acres, B.A. Weiland ......... J.M.Dunn,B.A.,LL.B. 
Galt, O. I.. ...... T. C"rscadden, M.A. Parkhill ......... E. M. Blgg, M.A. Weston ......... R. W. Da'.\ son, B.A. 
Gananoque .... W. K. T. Smellie. B.A Pembroke. ...... L. Lapp. Whitby, O. I.... L. E. Embree, B.A. 
Georgl!town.... :.\1. S. Clark, B.A. Perth, C. 1...... R. R. Cochrane, B.A. WilIlamstown.. J. A. Monroe. B.A. 
Goderlch......... II. 1. Strang, B.A. I Peterboro', C. I. J. H.Long.Jf.A.. L.L B I Windsor... ...... A. Sinclair. M.A. 
Grlmsby......... C. W. Mulloy, B.A. Petrolea ......... S. Phillips, B.A. Woodstock...... D. H. Hunter, B.A. 
Guelph. C. I. .. W. Tvt!er, B.A. Plrtnn ...... ... R. Doh
on. R A. 


The law all to the solemnization of marriages is con- 
tained in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 12-1, 
which provides for the solemnization of a marriage by 
any minister or clergyman of every churdl and religious 
denomination, duly appomted or ordained according to 
the rights and ceremonies of the church or denomination 
to which they rellpectively belong, resident in Ontario; 
but no such minister or clergyman shall celebra.te the 
ceremony unless duly authorized 110 to do bV license 
under the hand Rnd seal of the Lientenant-Governor, or 
by a certificate under the Act. or unless the intention of 
the two persons to intermarry h!lS been proclaimed once 
openly and in an audible voice either in the church, 
chapel, or meeting house in whIch one of the parties has 
been in the habit of attending wor&hip, or with which the 
minister or clergyman who performs the ceremony is 
connected, and in the local mnnicipalit)", parish, or charge 
where one of the parties has for the sp
ce of fifteen d'l)"S 
immediately preceding had his or her usual place of 
abode; such proclamation to be on a Sunday, inllnedi- 
ately after the service hegins, or after it ends, or at 
seme intermediate part pf the service. 
Sectipn 3 of the Act provides for the substitution of a 
certificate instead of the usual marriage license. Such 
license or certificate shall be issued from the office of the 
Provincial Secretary, and shall be furnished to parties 
requiring the same by such persons as the Lieutenant- 
Governor in Council may nallle for that purpose; and 
unauthoriseù persons issuing any snch license or certi- 
ficate for the solemnization of marrla
e shall forfeit the 
sum of $100 for every lic
nse so issued. This does not, 
however, apply to the pase where a deputy has been ap- 
pointed with thc approval in writing of the ma)"or or 
reeve of the cit)". tow!lship, or incorporaterl village 
wherein he resides. when the issuer is prevented by ill- 
ness. or unavoirlable arC'ident, or tcmporary abselli'e 
from acting himself. Section 7 gives him authority to 
appoint a deputy to act in hi:'! absence, whl) while so 
acting shall possess the powers and privileges of the 
issuer appointing him. 
Before any license or certificate is granted by any is- 

suer, or deputy issuer, one of the parties to the intended 
marriage shall personally make an affida.vit, stating (a) 
the county or distri(.t wherein the marriage shall be 
solemnized; (b) that he or she believes that there is no 
affinity, consanguinit)", pre-contract, or other lawful 
cause 01' legal impediment to bar or hinder the solemni- 
zation ùf the marriage; (c) that one of the parties has for 
the space of fifteen days immediately preceding the Issue 
of the certificate or license had his or her usual place of 
abode within the county or district in which the mar- 
riage is to be solemnized; or should the place for its 
solemnization be not that in which either of the parties 
has for the space of fifteen days immediately preceding 
the issue of the license or certificate had his or her usual 
place of abode, that the reason for procuring the marriage 
to be soleÍunized in such place is not in order to evade 
due publicity or for any other improper pm'pose. 
Then, in caSe either of the parties (not being a widower 
or widow) is under the age of twenty-one years, the 
affijavit shall further state that the consent of the per- 
son whose consent to the marriage is required by law 
has been obtained thereto. If there is no person having 
authority to gÏ\'e such consent, then upon oath made to 
that eltect l)y the party requiring the license or certifi- 
cate. it shall be lawful to grant a lil'ense or certificate 
notwithstanding the absenpe of any such cOD!'ent. 
Should the issuer have personal knowledge. or reason to 
suspect th'1t the affidavit is untrue, he shall not issue a 
license or certificate. The father, if living, of any per- 
son under the age of twenty-one (not being a widower 
or widow), or if the father is dead, the guardian or 
guardians of the person so under age, or one of the 

uarùians, if there are more than one; or in case there is 
no such guardian, then the mother of the minor, if tha 
mother is not m,Lrried, shall have authority to give con- 
sent to the marriage. 
Every clergrman or minister who celebrates a marriage 
shall, if required at the time of the marriage by either of 
 parties thereto, give a certificate of the marriage 
under his hand, for which he lIl'!y dcmand twenty-five 
cents from the person requiring it. 






The Supreme Court, as a high Court of Appeal, con- 
stituted by Dominion Statute, 38 Vie. caþ. 2. assented 
to 8th April, 1875, is composed of a Chief Justice and 
five Puisne Judges, and has appellate, cÌ\ iI and criminal 
jurisdietion \\ ithin and throughout the Dominion of 
Canada. The Judges reside at ottawa, where the Supreme 
Courts holds annually three Sessions-the first beg-inning 
on the third Tuesday in Fehruary, the second on the first 
Tuesday in Ma:r, and the thil'd on the fourth Tuesday in 
Oct-oLer. The Exchequer Court, presided 0\ er ù
same Judges, possesses concurrent original jurisdietion 
iu the Dominion in all cases in which it is sought to 
enforce an
 law relating to the re\ enue, and exelusÌ\'e 
original jurisdiction in all cases in \\ hich demand is 
made or relief sought in re"pect of a suit or m'tion of 
the Court of Exehequer on its re\'enue side against the 
Crown, or any officer of the Crown. 
DOMIl\IOX 01" CAKADA.-Hon. J. S. D. Thompson. 
Hon. Sir William Johnston Ritchie, Knt., Chief Justice_ 
Hon. Samuel Henry Strong, Puisne Judge. 
Hon. Tclesphore Fournier, Puisne Judge. 
Hon. William Alexander Henry, Puisne Judge. 
Hon. Henry Elzear Taæhereau, Puisne Judge. 
Hon. John \Vellington Gwynne, Puisne Judge. 
R Cassels, jun., Registrar. 
George Duval, Reporter. 
Hon. Geo. W. Burhridge, Judge of the Court. THE SUPREME COL'RT OF JUDICATCRE FoR 
Q. Audette, Esq., Registrar. Oi\TARIO. 
CorRT OF ApPE-\L FOR OXTARIO.-Constituted for the 
THE LAW SOCIETY OF OKT ARlO. hearing of appeals in civil cases from the Queen's Bench, 
The Law Society was first established in 17m, by the Chancery, aml Common Pleas Divisions of the High 
Act 37, Geo. IlL, c. 13, which enabled the then practi- Court of Justice, and from the County; and b
tioners of the law to form themseh'es into a societ.", and Statute, the Division Courts also in cases definerl as to 
make rules for its gO\'ernment. B
 the Act of 1822, amount, and appeals from crimIl1al cases from the Queen's 
2 Geo. IY., c. 5, "the Treasurers and Benchers of the Bench, Comlllon Pleas, and County Courts. From the 
Law Societ.v" were formall." incorpOl'ated; and under judgment of this Court an appeal lies, at the option of 
these and other st:\tutes the Society has continued to he litigants, either to the Supreme Court of the Dominion, 
governed by a Board of Benchers, in the same manner or to Her lIIajesty in Privy Council, in cases over k:l,OOO, 
as the various Law Societies of EnglanJ. By Re\'ised or where annual rent, fee, orfuture rights of any amount, 
Statutes of Ontario, c. 138, the Benchers theretofore are affected. The Judges of this Court, in addit,ion to 
appointed, from time to time, by their own bod)', are their appellate duties proper, take part in presiding over 
made, exclusÏ\e of eX-Cljficio memhers, elective by the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery 
Bar, the ex-officio consisting of the Attorney-General of and sittings of the Queen's Bench, Chancery, and Com- 
the Dominion for the time being, if a member of the Bar mon Pleas Divisions of the High Court of Justice, and 
of Ontario, and all members of the Bar of Ontario who may be placed on the rota for the trial of Election 
have at any time held the office of Attorney-General of petitions, with the Justices of the High Court, who, as 
the Dominion or of Ontario, or of Attorney'or Solicitor- ex-officio Judges of this Court, choose from their number 
Genrral of the former Pro\ ince of Upper Canada, and a Judge or Judges to sit in Appeal in case of there being 
any retired Judge of the Superior Courts of Law or a vacancy in this Court, or if, from illness or some othel' 
Equity of Ontario; the ewctive, thirty in number, being cause, one of the Judges of the Court is unahle to be 
chosen by the ballot, for a tenu of fi\'e years, by the present, or is under an} legal disqualification to hear an 
members of the Bar, in manner prescribed by the Act. appeal. Chief J'lIBtice of Ontario-Hone John lIawkin!' 
Yacancies during the term are filled by the remaining Hagarty, D.C.L. JusticeR of Appeal-Hon. G. W. 
Benchers. On the first day of Easter Term, annually, Burton, Hon. Christopher S. Patterson, Hon. F. Osler. 
the Benchers appoint one of their body to be Treasurer, Registrar--Alexander Grant. Uxher and l'leS1<enf/e1'- 
who is also President of the Soeieh'. The Benchers sit E. Olinr. 
in Convocation e\'ery term for the èall of Barristel's, the HWII COrRT OF JUSTICE FOR OKTAHIO. 
admission of Attornevs and Solicitors to Practice, and , . . . . . . 
of Students to enter the Society, the fees IJaid by whom .Q!'EJ<::-/ B BESCII Dl'nSIOx.-T
e Jlll'l
n of this 
form the revenue of the Sociot
.. Osg-oode Hall, appro- DI 
 Islol! e,xtends t
ll .manner of actIOns,. e,auses. a,?ù 
priately named after the first Chief Justice, is the SUIts, 
rullinal. and CI.\ Ii, 1 eal, p,:rsona
 and_ 1
lx,ed, ;It
Ontario "Inn of Court," or head-quartel'sof the Soeiety, I OntarIO, 
nd It ma.' p

ceeu l
h, b.' .ueh I roress 
in which is pro\'ided accommodation for the Court of Ill
d c
e as are prm Ided Ù} 10.\\, 
nd as shall tend 
Appeal and Courts of Equity, and for the sittings in \\ït
 JustIce and despatch 
o deternnn
 the same; 
term of the Superior Courts' with a valuaùle and e:>..ten- ma
. hear and deternnne all Issues of la\\, an
 also (\\ Ith 
. I"b .' the mquest of twelve good and la\\ fulmen III the cases 
slve I rars. VISITORS. pro\ ided for) tr." 
ll issues of fact, and. gÌ\'e jud:;me
. and award executIOn thel'eon, ami also HI matters whIch 
The several 
udges of the Supreme Court of Judlca- relate to the Queen's Revenue (including the (.ondem- 
ture for Ontano. nation of contraband or smuggled goods) as may he 
Treasurer-Hon. Ed\\arrl Blake, }I.A., Q.C., M.P. done by Her }Iajef-t)"'s Superior Courts of Law in Eng' 
BESCIIERS. land. Chit:! Jw;tice-Hon. J. D. Armour. lr[emherx ((1 
Ex-Otficio-H.ig'ht Hon. Sir John A. )Iacdonald, K.C.B., the Queen'l! Ren.c" Dim".ioll-:-,Hon. W. ,G. Fal

D.C.L.; Q.C., Att)".-Gen. 1854; Hon. Jas. Patton, Q.C., Hon. W. P. R. Street. j{p!}lxtrar-Ja:;.. S.. Cart\\ll<-
Sot-Gen. 1862: Hon. A, N. Richards, Q.C., Sot-Gen. Cl:.rks-A. 

onnell, C, O. Strange, }Itss C. Jan IS. 
1864; Hon. O. Mowat, Q.C., retired \Ïce-Chancellor18ï2, Ciler and Cshet-J. Rollo.. ... ., . 
IJresent Atty.-Gen, Ont.; Hon. Edward Blake, Q.C., CII.ASCJ<:RY DIYlSIOS.-Thls DI\I
lOn has the 
Ike JUrls- 
late Minister of Justice and Att)".-Gen. of the Dominion; diction as the Court of Chancer) HI Englall<l, III l'
ses of 

Hon. Sir Alex. Campbell, K.C.
LG., Q.C., late Minister 
of Justice; Hon. S:unuel Hmne Blake, retired Viee- 
Chancellor 1881. Hon. Sir Adam Wilson, Kt., retired. 
Chief Justice, 1887. 
Electil,('-E. T. 1881--E. T. 188ft-James Beat
-, jun., 
Q.C., }I.P., Toronto; John Bell, Q.C., Belll'\ilIe: B. 
M. BrItton, "LA., Q.C., Kingston; -\. Bruce, Q.C., 
Hector Cameron, 
I.A.. Q.C., 1II.P., Toronto; W. G. 
Falconùridge, Q.C., Toronto; J. HarI'} Ferguson, To- 
ronto; Jas. J. Foy, Q.C., Toronto; Hon. C. F. Fraser, 
Q.C" }f.P.P., Brockville: D. Guthrie, Q.C., Guelph; 
Hon. A. S. Harcly, Q.C., Brantford; J. Hoskin, Q.C., To- 
ronto; A. Hud:;.peth, Q.C., Lindsay; Æ. Ining-, Q.C,. 
Hamilton; J. K. Kerr, Q.C., Toronto; Z. A. La.,h, Q.C., 
Toronto: James H. Morris, Q.C., Toronto; Huson W. 
}I. }Iurl'a
, Toronto; E. Martin, Q.C., Hamilton; W. 
R. }leredith, LL.B., Q,C., 
LP.P.. London; .T.n,. Mae 
Lennan, }I.A., Q.c., Toronto; D' Alton MeCarth)', Q.C., 
M.P., Toronto; F. 
I(']{elcan, (,I.C., Hamilton: D. .Me 
Mic'hael, LL.D., Q.C., Toronto; Charles Moss, Q.C." To- 
ronto; B. B. Osler, Q.C., Toronto
 Hon. T. B. Pardee, 
Q.C., .M.P.P., Sarnia; T. H. Purdom, London; C. 
Robinson, Q.C., Toronto; L. W. Smith, D.C.L., Toronto. 
SCC'retal']I, Sub-Treasurer and Libra'rian-J. H. Estell, 
Barrister-at-Law; Senior Assistant, C. B. Gra'Sctt; 
Junior As!:.istant, J. J. Dale)'. 
EXA\llXJ<:RS.-Equity, P. H. Dm) ton; Criminal 10.\\ and 
torts, W. A. Reeve, Q.C.; Real propert), E. D. Armour' 
:Mercantile la\\, R. E. Kingsford. 





fraud, accident, trusts, e"-ecutors, administrators, co- elections for the Local Legislature of Ontario, the Judgell 
partnerships, account, mortgages, aWlirda. dower, Inlantll. of the Court of Appeal and of tbe Superior Courts of Law 
IdlotF, lunatics and tbeir estates, waste, specific perform- and Equity meet annnally In MIchaelmas Term ani! 
ance, discovery, and to prevent multiplicity of suits, severally select, by a majority of votes, a Jndge of tbe" 
and may decree the issue, repeal, or voidance, of letters respective Courts to be placed on the rota for tbe trial of 
patent, and generally the like powers which the Court of election petitions. In the case of death or the illness of a 
Chancery in England p088esses to administer justice in Judge so chosen, the Court of which he is a member meet 
all cases in which there is no adequate remedy at law. and elect another Judge. Trials involving corrupt 
Chancellor-Ilon. Jolin A. Boyd. !tfember,oftheDivißion practices are presided over by two Judges, otherwise a 
-Hon. Wm. Proudfoot, Hon. Thomas Fergnson and singlejudge presides, and an appeal lies to the Court of 
Hon. Thomas Robertson. Spfcial Examinen-George M. Appeal ofthe Province. 
Evans, W. Do Gv.ynne, and Shorthand only, John Bruce. {'OUNTYCOURTS-Presidcd over by a resident Judge In 
RtI/lutrar-G. 8. Holme.ted. .Átßistant Regi.trar-A. F. each county, assisted in some counties Ly a Deputy or 
McLean. Clerl,: of Record. and Writ.-G.!tI. Docket- Junior Judge. Their jurisdiction extends to all personal 
ing C:lerk-A. J. j.;Iliott. Copying Clerk.-
lrs.M.B.ßlack. actions where the debt or damages claimed do not exceed 
Enuring Clerk-We O'I'\t-ii. U.her-R. Parkes. Boult- $200; and to all suits relating to deM, covenant or con. 
keeper and Me..enger-D. Sntherland tract, where the amount Is ascertained by the acts of the 
COMMON PLEA.S IhnsloN-This Division has the same parties or signature ofthe defendant, to $400; al,d to all 
powers and Jurisdiction as a Court of Record, as the bail bonds and recognizances of !Jail given in the County 
Queen's Bení'h Division. Writs of summons and capias Court, to any amount; Lut not to cases Involving the 
Issue alternately from either Division. CMef Ju.tice- title to lands, validity of wills, or actioJ1!; for libel, slan- 
Hon. T. Galt. Membfr. of the Division-Hon. John E. der, crim. con., or seduction. An appeal lies to the Conrt 
Rose. lion. Hugh !'aIac
lahon. Registrar-M. 8. Jackson. of Appeal of Ontario. 



amara. Clerk-H. 
. -The County Judge in each county hold" a sitting of hlll 
All Divisions of the High Court hne now concurrt!'l!l't Court and a Court of General Sessions in I1Is county semi. 
Jurisdiction under the Judicature Act, 1881. annually on the second Tuesday in June and December, 
CHAMBER'i-Chambers are held each day for such except In the county of York, in which connty said Court 
business relating to actions as may be transacted by a is held fonr times, commencing on the first Tuesday in 
single Judge out of Court. The Master in Chambers is December and l\Iarch, and the second Tue
dRY in May 
empowered to obtain the assistance of the Registral" of and September, the latter Courts for tbe trial of cases of 
the Queen's Bench Division or of any Official Referee to felony and mi
demeanor, but tresson and capital feloniN 
lilt )Vlth or for him. Master in Chambers-R. G. Dalton, are exempted from their jurisdiction. The Judge may 
Q.C. (Jlerk$-F. Arnoldi and A. Y. Blain. also, in his discretion, hold additional sittings at such 
MASTER'S OFFICE-Ala.ter in Ordinary oj the Supreme times as may be deemed expedient to expedite busin('slI, 
Om,.t-Thos. Hodgins, Q.C. Ckrk-N. McLean. Junior but only for the trial of issues offact without a jury. 
rk-A. E. Bastedo. (For list of Local '\lasters, see COUNTY JUDGES' CRIII,NAL CoURT.-Perllons comllJitted 
page 14!.) to jail for trial, on charge of being guilty of any offence 
ACOOUNTANT.S OFFICE-Accountant-Geo. S. Holmested. for which they may be tried at a Court of General Sell- 
Olerk of Accoun's-Benjamln W. Murray. Clerks-Geo. siolls may, with tlleir own CQ1/Ilent, and subject to the pro. 
Behan, E. J. Harding, Miss M. Bochan"C. Gilbert. visions of the Act in that behalf, be forthwith tried by 
TAXING OFFICER8-J. H. I'hom, S. B. Clark. the Judge of the County Court and General Sessions with- 
out a jury. and if convicted, be sentenced by the said 
MARITHIE COURT 01' ONTARIJ-Constituted bv Dominion Judge; and the Judge sitting on any such trial for all 
O Vic., cap. 21, as a :5nperior Conrt óf Maritime the purpobes thereof, is constituted a Court of Record, 
dlcbon; is compJsed of one Judge. for the whole and the record in any Rnch case shall be filed amonq the 
ProvlDce, and Surrogate Judges for certam localities ap records of the Court of General Sessions last mentioned. 
pointed by the Governor In Council, are invested with _ 
lIuch powers as may bl! conferred on them by their com- COURTS or REVISl?,,:-The County Judges hold annually 
mi..ion. The Maritime Court is a Superior Court or I Cour
s of. final 
lon of the Asse88m('nt Rolls of each 
Reaord, having, with some exceptions mentioned in the Mumdpahty. bemg III: the light of Courts or ApJ'eal. from 
Act, the like rights and remedies in all matterll, including the first Court ot Revlsio
eld by the MUDlcifali
y. and 
cases of Contract Rnd Tort, and proceedings in rem and in also .Oourts ,for !he R
VIslonT of 
he Voters LlsÌl! for 
per.onam, arising out of or connected with navigation, Provmcilll ElectIons. The' oter
 . Lists fo.r DommlOn 
IIhlpping, trade or commerce, on any river, lake, clmal, or Elections are !low Bettled by ReVIsIDg Barristers under 
Inland water, of which the whole or part is in "he Province the Act of 188a. 
or Ontario, as any edlltlnl{ Vice-Admiralty Court would SURROGATE COURTs.-The jurisdiction of these ConrtB 
have If Its process extended to the Province of Ontario. relates to all testamentary matt
rs and causes. and to the 
The Sittings of the Court and In Chambers are fixed and granting and revoking of probate of wills, and letters of 
regulated by the Judge and Surrogate Judges at such administration of the effects of deceased per!>ons having 
times as they Bhall think fit Imd necesøary for the due e8tate or effect in Ontario, and all matters arising 
administration or justice. Judge for the whok PrO'fJince- out of or conuect
d with the grant or revocation of pro. 
Hon. John B;)yd. Regiltrar-John Bruce. Marßl,al- bate or administration, subject to an appea
 to the Chan. 
William Boyd. cery Division. The County Judges are also Judges of the 
RJl:PORTERs-Editor-James F. Smith, Q.O. Repnrltl in Surrogate Courts. O/lieJ Surrogate (Jlerk at Toronto- 
n'. Bemh-S. J. Vankonghnet. Reporter in C\Jmmon Sir J. L. Robinson, Bart. A./!istant-F. A. Robinson. 
Pleat-G. F. ßarman. Reporter/! in C'hancery-G. A. DIVISiON C'JURTS, for tbe summary dispoAal of cases 
Boomer. A. ß F. Lefroy. Reporter Cb
rt r:f .Appeal-A. by the pre
iding Judge, being the County Judge or hill 
Grant. In (J1,ambulI-'!. T. Rolph. DUtTibutor of Law Depnty, or any Barrister appointed to hold the same; 
S'amp.-W. W. &ldwlD. but a jury of five persons may betdemanded in certain 
II BIR AND DEVISEE COURT-CommisI'ioners, the J udgeø cases. Their jurisdiction extends to actions of deLt or con- 
of th'l Superior CourtA, aud such other pers'>ns as ma.y be tract where the balance claimed is over $100 and under $200 
appointed by commiAAion under the Great Seal. Their and the ori@.inal amount \Va
 ascertained by thesl
duties are to determine claims to lauds in Ontario, of the defendant. and to $100 in other cases of debt, snb- 
for which no patent has issued from the Crowu in fa'\'our ject to an appeal to the Court of Appeal; but the sum 
of the proper claimants, whether as heirs. devisees or 8&- of the account to he gone into cannot exceed $400; injuries 
signeeR. SittingA at Toronto, first Monday in January or tort" t'> personRI chatt('ld amounting to $60; and p('r- 
and July in eacb 
'ear. Clerk of Cbmmillioners-W. 8. l sonal actions to that amount, if not excepted from their 
Heward. jllrilldiction: but not to action!! for gamLlin
COURTS POR THE TRIAL OF COYTROVERTED I<;LEOTION8.- liquors drunk in a tavern. or notes of hand J:(iven therefor 
The nature of these courts ill sufficienlly indicø.ted in e,iectment. title to land. &c.. or any toll. custom or fran. 
their title. In respect to electionA f,)r the 1I0use pf Oom- chise, will or liettlement. malicious prosecution. libel, 
 of Canada, the Superior Courtll, by one of their I slander, crim. con., seduction or breach of promiEe. or 
Judge!! appointed in that behalf, Rre invested wltb !>pecial actions against a J. P. for anything done by him in the 
JurisJiction for the trial of contt!sted elections, and ap. execution of hie office, if he objects to it. Eacb Judicial 
p3alslie to the SupremE.' Court st Ottawa. In respect to District is dividt'd into Court Divisi(Jns, and C!'urte are 




held once in two months In eacb Division, or oftener at 
the discretion of the Judge. The Divisions are established 
by the Courts of GeIieral Sessions, and in certain cases 
by the Judges. 
BOARD OF COUNTY JuooEs-CVwirman-J. R. Gowan, 
iate sen. Judge County Simcoe. M'-mbpTs-S. J. Jones, 
County Brant; D. J. Hughetc. County Elgin; James 
Daniell. Counties Prescott and Russell; and J. S. Sin- 
clair, County Wentworth. 
Drawn Law Offiars. 
Hon. O. 
Iowat, Q.C. 
Officprs of the Cottrtll. 
TORONTO.-G. So Holmested. 
OfFICIAL REFEREES (Ex OFFlcro).-The Master in 
Ordinary of the Superior Court, the Registrar of the 
Queen's Bench Division, the Registrar of the Common 
Pleas Division, the Referee in Chambers (vacant), the 
Accountant, the Inspector of Titles, anù the Referee of 
CLERK OF AsSlZE.-High Court or' Justice, G. B. 
Nicol, Toronto. 
DEPUTY CLERKS OF THE CROwN.-The Clerks of the 
County Courts will be ex officio D
puty Clerks of the 
Cr9wn and Pleas of their several Counties as the present 
incumbents vacate by death or otherwise. 
CLERK OF THE PROCESs.-For seaiing and issuing 
Writs of Summons and other Writs in the Queen's Bench, 
Chancery and Common Pleas Divisions (alternately), W 
B. Heward. Assiçtant-C. A. Stewart. 
Clerk-W. O'Neil. 
Sittings of the Courts. 
COURT 0'" ApPEAL.-This Court holds its sittings at 
such time and for such periods as the Judges shall, from 
time t
 time, deem necessary or convenient for the speedy 
dispatch of business, the times now fixed being the first 
Tuesday in l\larch and Septembp.r, and the second Tues- 
day in January, I\lay and N ovem ber ; notice of the hl)ld- 
ing of such sittings being given according to the usual 
DIVISIONs.-Hiiary begins first Monday in February, 
and ends Saturday of the ensuing week; Easter begins 
third Monrlay in May, and ends Saturday of thl' second 
week thereafter; I\lichaelmas begins third Mond"y 10 
Yovembe1" and ends S,Üurùay of the second week there- 
after. Trinity Term begms on the Monday after the 21st 
August, and ends on Saturday of the following week, but 
may be dispensed with by order of Court. Thl' Queen's 
Bench and Cummon Pleas Divisions have power also, at 
their discretion, to hold sittings in banco in time of va.'a- 
tion (except long vacation), by virtue of a rule or order 
of the Court, respectively to be made in or out of term, DIsTRICTS. 
for the hearing of such special cases or rules for new ' 
trials as shall be named in a list to be attached to any 
such rule or order, and for giving of judgments in cases 
previously argued, and for disposing of such other busi- 
ness as the Court in its discretion shall see fit; and one 
of the Judges of either of the said Divisions sits in open 
Court on Tuesday and Friday of every week, as well in 
as out of Term, exceij,t during vacation, for the purpose 
of disposing /)1' all Court Lusiness which m[,y be trans- 
acted by a single Judge. 
CHAYCERY SITTIYGB.-Siltingll for the Maring oj caus'.s. 
including examination of witneRRes, are held twice in 
each year, at Toronto and on Circuit, the places aud 
dates being previously arranged by the JudgeF. Sil- 
tings tor the rehearing of causes are held on the 3rd 
Tbursdav in February, the last Thursday in August, and 
the first Thursdayiu December. The Oourt sitsevery w,-ek, 
except during vacation, for the Ilespatch of business, in the 
following order: Mmday, chamber business; Tcv.vla!l. 
motions; Wpdw-sday, motions for judgment, further direc- 
tions, petitiOI'rs, and demurrers; Thursday, appeals from 
ter's report;!. 
Lo",o VACATION extends from the lilt of July to the Ottawa and Cn. 
1st of S
ptemlJer, both in:lll
ive. In Chancery, there Is of Argt'nteuil. 

also a vacati/)n from the 24th December to 6th January, 
both inclupive. 
COUNTY COURT 'IERMS.-The several County Courts in 
Ontario hold four sittings in each year, commencingrespec. 
tively on the first Monday in the months of January, 
AprlI, July, and October, except the County of York, 
h commences on the first Monday in January and 
Apl"II, and the second Monday in ,Tune and October, and 
ending on the Saturday of the same week. 
Circuits of the Oouru. 
LAW CIRCUlTB.-Sittingsfor Hearitl{} of Äctions.-Courtl 
of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery are 
held twice a year in each County or union of Counties. 
in the vacation between IIilary and Easter Terms, and 
between that period of the vacation after the 21st of 
AUg:lst and Michaelmaø Term, except the Counties of 
York and Wentworth, In each of which Counties there is 
held a third such Court in every year, in the vacation be- 
twtoen Michaelmas and HilaryTerms; snd in the County 
of York there is held a fourth such Court, between Eaøter 
Term and the first day of July. The sittings for hear- 
ing of actions may, in the discretion of the Judges, be 
held separate and apart from the Courts of Oyer and 
Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery. and the Al!l!izes for 
eny County are not put an end to by the commencement 
of Term, but may continue and be holden during Term, 
suqject to special rules in such case for moving against 
the verdict or for new trials. The I,laces and dates being 
previously arranged by the judges. 
The Courts in each Circuit are presided over hy the 
Chftncellor or one of the Members of the Chancery Divi- 
sion, or by a retired or present Justice of the High Court 
or of the Court of Appeal. or by a Judge of a County 
Court, or by some one of Her Majesty's Counsel learned 
in the law, requested by the Chancellor or one of the Jus- 
tices to act in that behalf. 
MASTER OF TITLES. under Land Titles Act. 1885 (Torrens 
Al't), J. G. Scott, Q.C. Clerks, W. D. McTavish and H D. 
Owing to the large increase in this list and the demands on 
our space we are obliged to omit this infonll.aiion.-[ED. 

Queen's Bench. 
CHIEF JUSTlCE.-Hon, Sir Aimé A. Dorion. 
PUISNE Jl'DOEs.-Hons. Samuel Cornwallis Monk. 
T. K. Ramsay, Ulric J. Tessier, Alex. Cross, Geo. Baby. 
CLERK OF ApPEALS.-L. T. W. Marchand. 
AT QUEBEC.-W, C. Duggan. 
AT )IO:!i'TREAL.-Louis Ouimet 
Schiller & Sicotte. 
Supe1'ior Court. 

Arthabaska ., .. Hon. M.A. Plamondon 
Beauce........ " A. R. Angers...Z. Vezinn 
Beauhamois ..' .. Louis Belanger.C. Durauce'tu 
BedfOl'ù .. .. ... .. G.C. V. Buchan'nHall & Leonard 
Chicoutimi .... " A. B. Routhier.. F. X. Gossetin 
G . { GasPé.. .. J E R . R J. X Larvie 
aspe Bonv're .. d. ue.. "G. F. Maguire 
Iberville....... " H. W.Chagnoll.F. J. Marchantl 
Joliette.. .... .. " H. T. TaschereauD'sroclr'rs& O'sil'ts 
Kalllouraska .. . " E. Cimon .. .. . . J. C. Pelletier 
)fontmagny.... .. A. R. Augers...A. Bender 
Montreai ...... " F. G. JOhllson ) 
" R ì\laf
F.W. Torrance 
H. F. Raillville 
A. C. Papi
eau Honey & Gendron 
L. A. Jette. .. 

1. Doherty.. 
C. Gill....... 
Iathieu .. 
1,. O. Loranger 


.. J. S. C. Wurtcte. A. Driscoll 





ee........ II A.stuart,Ch.J } 
N. Casault... Fiset, Burroughs 
L. B. Caron.. & Campbell 
 .: :: :: .. }. '1: "ð1

 .. A. K. Gouin 
Rimouski.. .. .. II H. C. Pelletier.. Letendre & Cham- 
S"\guenay .... . .. .. A. B. Routhier.. C. Duberger 
St. Francis.. .. .. E. T. Brooks... Short & Cabana 

t. Hya
inthe.. L. V. Sicotte.. . . Rov & Richer 
Terrebonne.... II L. Belanger.... Chs. de ?Ilontigny 
Three Rivers... II J. B. BourgeOls.A. Desiters 
Alexander Channence, Quebec; 
1. C. Desnoyers, Esq., 
JUDOI-: OF THR AD}IIRAI.Tv.-Hon. George Irvine. 
Registrar-James Dunbar, Q.C. Marshal-J. B. Parkin, 

SUPRE'IE COURT JUDGEc,.-Hon. John C. Allen, Chief 
Justice; Hons. N. Rainsford Wetmore, A. L. Palmer, 
George E. King, John J. Fraser, William H. Tuck. 
CLERK OF THE PLEAs.-T. Carleton Allen. 
COUSTY COURT JITDGEs.-Huns. James G. Stevens, 
William Weddprburn, James Steadman, Bliss Botsford. 
William Williston, Charles Watters. 
Clerks of the Courts. 
Alhert ... . . . . . . . . .. .. Samuel G. }Iorse 
Carleton............. William M. Connell 
.. .....,...... A. B. Connell (Circuits) 
Charlotte ............ George S. GIÎmmer 
Gloucester. . . . . . . .. .. Theophilus DesBrisay 
Kent ............ _... James D. Phinney 
.. ................ Robert Hutclunson (Circuits) 
King's. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. Ora P. King 
.. ............... John H. Cother (Circuits) 

Iada waska .......... Barry R. Plant 
Korthumberlaml ..... Samuel Thomson 
Queen's...... ...... .. James R. Curry 
II .. .. .. ...... .. T. ?lledley Wetmore (Circuits) 
Restigouche ......... J.l.mes S. Morse 
St. John's.. . . . . . . .. .. ?Ilont. l\lcDonald 
.. ............ John Willett (Circuits) 
Sunbury. . .. . .. .. .. .. George J. Bliss 
II .. .. . . .. .. ... Charles W. Beckwith (Circuits) 
Victoria ............. Dennis B. Gallagher 
II . .. .. .. .. .. .. W. Fred. Remon (Circuits) 

Westmoreland.. . . . . .. Joseph B Peck 
-, ., .... .... '" ... Barry R. Smith (Circuits) 
York ................ Jeremiah H. Barry 
" ................ J. F. }fc)fanus(Circuits) 

SÙPERIOR COURT JUDGEs.-Hon. Ed. Palmer, Chief 
Justice; HODS. Horsfield Peters and Joseph Hensley, 
Assistant Jmlges. 
COUNTY COURT JUDGEs.-George Alley, Esq., Queen's 
County; Dennis O'l\1. Red<lin, Esq., King's County; 
Thomas Kelly, Esq., Prince County. 
T. Weeks 
DEPUTY PROTHOSOTARIES.-J. A. Longworth, Queen's 
County; Wm. Sanderson, King's County; William T. 
Hunt, Prince County. . 
, C. C.-F. W. Hughes, Chief Clerk, Charlotte- 
town, Queen's County: Ueorge A. Aitken, Chief Clerk, 
Georgetown, King's County; W. T. Hunt, Chief Clerk, 
Summerside, Prince County. 

SUPERIOR COUltT JUDGEs.-Hon. Jas. McDonald, Chief 
PI"ISNE JUDGF'.s.-Hons. Hugh M('Donald, C. J. Town- 
send, Hy. W. Smith, R. L. Weatherbe, J. N. Ritchie. 
: IX E"lUlTY.-Hon. Alex. James. 
.-J. W. Johnston, Esq., 
1. B. 
Desbrisar, Esq., A. W. Sayarr, Esq., G. A. Blanchard, 
Esq., W. A. D. Morse, Esq., A. )lcWa\e, Esq., B. E. 
Tremain, Esq. 

\\UEE:S'S BExcH.-Hon. T. W. Ta) lor, Chief Justice. 
PUISNE JUDGEs.-Hons. J. Derbuc, A. C. Killam, Jno. 
Farquharson Bain. 
I. Walker, Esq., J. 
Ryan, Esq., W. D. Ardagh, Esq., L. A. Prudhomme, Esq. 

SUPRE:\IE COURT.-Hons. H. Richardson, J. F. 
leod, C.:\1.0., C. B. Honban, E. L. Wetmore, 'rhos. H. 

CIIIEF JUSTICE. -Sir ?I[atthew Baillie Begbie, Kt. 
E JUDGEs.-Henry P. P. Crease. John Hamilton 
Gray, John Foster }leCreight, George A. Walkem. 
REGISTRAR S. C. YICTORlA.-JamesC. Prevost. 

Division Court Clerks, Ontario. 
I. E,lw. Biggings...Sault Ste. :\Iarie 
II. Thomas Collin", ...... Bruce :\Iinel'l 
HI. Sftmuel McLean.... Little Current 
[V. Wm. S. Frsncis. ...Yanitowanlng 
V. Jas. Fraller..................Gore Bay 
VI. A.. T. Rose...... ...... t... Marksville 

II. Hugh Riley .............Richmond PROYTENAC. 
[II. John Fenton ......:........Huntley I. William Robinson ......Kingston 
IV. Wm. P. Taylor, FItzroy lIar
ur II, P. McKim................... Kingston 
V. ChaR. G. Lindsay...............Kars III. C. Ruttan................ Sydenham 
VI. Ira Morgan................... Metcalf IV. Alex. Grant................... Verona 
VH. Fred. W. Harmer....Hlntonburg V. D. J. Walker............... Inverary 
DUPFERIN. VI. J. Shibley.............Sh.rbot Lake 
I. Guy Leslie............... Oranq;eviJ)e GRKY. 
n. Alex. McLachliu.........Shelburne I. Jobn Stephens ......Owen Sound 
HI. John A. Love ............... Stanton II. David Jackson ...... .....Durham 
IV. George 
Ic'lanu8...... Mono :\Iills Ill. Thomas Plunkett .........Meaford 
V. R. E. Hamilton.... Grand Valley IV. ThomasJ.Rorke......Heathcote 
V. J. W. Armstrong......Flesherton 
VI. John }IcDo1\ald .....Chatsworth 

I. Joseph Robinson.........Brantford 
II. .John K. Finlayson............ Pari II 
HI. John P. GaUoway....... St. George 
[V. Ilenry Cox................... Burford 
V. J. R. 
Ialcolm...............Scotland I 
VI. T. F. Simpson............ Onondaga J ELGIN. 
BRUCE. I I. Alexander Love............. Aylmer 
I. Wm. Collins............Walkerton H. Charles Askew..........St Thomas 
H. H. B. O'Connor......... Tees water 1fT. Chßrle
ew......... .St. Thomas 
[H. Joseph 8.uker....... Kincardine I IV. F. UcDlarmld.......... West Lorne 
IV. Neil )IcKechnie............ Paisley ESSEX. 
V. Jftmes \lcRinnon.... Port Eljl;ln I. J. A. Stewart............Sandwich 
VI. Hugh }[urrav ......... Underwood II. J. II. C. Leggatt... Amherstbnrg 
VH. A. Neelands.............Inv
rmay I [n. E. Allworth............ Kingsville 

hI. Jail. Walmsley........... WJI
rton IV. Charles Bell ................. Oxley 
IX. James McLeod ...........;RIPley V. George .-\. )[or8e.... Leaminll:ton 
X. W. 
[oshler. ......... Lion !I Head VI. F. P. Boutellier...... Belle River 
CARLETON. VII. John McCrae. ........... Windsor 
I. Jçhu R. Arm
trong.........Ottawa ' VIII. Johu 
Iilne......... ESSbX Centre: 

I. D. 
II. Wm. Mussen. ........... ...Cayuga 
III. Thomas Armour, ......Dunnville 
IV. R. A. Havill............... Rainham 
V. Seth R. Smith.......Canborough 
VI. Charles E. Bourne.......... Jarvis 
I. Chas. D. Curry............. 
II. Wm. Prust............. Haliburton 
I. Wm. Panton...................MiltoD 



[ 1888. 

II. Robt,rt Balmer...............Oakville I 
111. Lachlan Grant...... ...Georgetown 
IV. J. Matthews............ ....... Acton 
V. S.R. Lister............Campbellville 
VI. G. C. Bastedo. ......... Burlington 
1. R. Croft Hulme ...... Belleville 
II. D. R Ketcheson...... Wall bridge 
HI. A. B Randall...... Shannúnville 
IV. Thomas lI[cCann............Tweed 
V, F. B. Parker ...............Stirling 
VI. J. S. Loomis..................Ml!.doc 
VII. A. S. Valltlau. ......... Deseronto 
VIne Jacob Sills....... ........ Canlfton 
IX. J. B. Young................Trenton 
X. M. H. P"well.............l\Iarmorli 
XL Jas. It]. Ihrrlilon...Brldgewater 
XII. John Wilson ...........,L'Amable 
I. J. S. McDougall.........Goderich 
II. John Be,ttie. ............ Seaforth 
III. W. W. Fl!.rran............. Clinton 
IV. Alexander Hunter... ...Brussels 
V. Thomas Trivett............ Exeter 
VI. Wm. McArthur .....Dungannot 
VII. John 
"IH, James McGuire ....... Winghao: 
IX. Joseph Cowan.......... Wroxeter 
X. Michael Zeller............... Zuricl 
XL William Lewis. . . . ... Crediton 
XH. M. Young......................Blytb 
I. Wm. B. Wells... .........Chatham 
II. J. Duck................... Ridgetown 
HI. Simeon Wallace............Dresden 
IV. Malcolm Samson ......... IIarwich 
V. D. C. McDonl!.ld ... Wallaceburgb 
VL Geor
e Moore.............Bothwell 
VIL D. R. Farquharson....... Fletcher 
I. H. M. Pousette.. ............8arnia 
II. Wm. McLay............... Watford 
III. Willil!.m Webster .......Florence 
IV. P. Cattanach. ...............Sombra 
V. Thomas It. K. Scott. ...... Fores t 
VI. T. Kirkpatrick ..........Tbedford 
VU. John McRae ......... Mooretown 
VnI. W. G. Fraser...............Ptltrolia 
IX. R. Code.................. Alvinston 
I. Rob
rt Jamieson............... Perth 
II. W. H. Field................... Lanl!.rk 
HL Findlav 
lcEwan, Carleton Place 
IV. Wm. M Keith .......Smith's Fl!.lls 
V. Alex. Graham..........Pakenham 
VI. Wm. P. McEwen......... Almonte 
I. David ß. J oneil......... Brockville 
II. B uth )Iomew White.... Prescott 
III. S. McCammon ........Gananoque 
IV. O.BascolD...... .......Kemptville 
V. E. II. Whitm'rsh ..Merrickvil!e 
VI. W. H. Venaut ................Delta 
VII. Hiram McCrea.........Frankville 
VIII. Horace Kilborn.........Ntlwboro' 
IX. Reid B. AL:uire ... Farmersville 
X. G. Fairbairn '" ...... Spencerville 
XI. J. B. Bellamy...North Augusta 
XU. M. J. Connolly..........Caintown 
I. Charles Jamas............Napanee 
II. Charles L. Rogers ............ßath 
HI. Jno. J. Watson...Adolphustown 
IV. Peter Johnst"ne...Cam1en East 
V. Wm. Whelan......... Centreville 
VI. J. A. Zimmerman......... OJ.e
VII. Jas. Aylesworth...... Tamwortb 
L J. B. Secord... ........ ..... Niagara 
II. W.A.Mittieberoter. St. (Jatharines 
IH. Isaac Springstead......SmithviIle 
IV. Charles E. Riggins... Beamsvllle 

I. Thos. A. Findlay. . ... Rat Portage 
n. Wm. Wilson. ..........Fort Francis 
I. W. C. Irving............ Pembroke 
II. H. R. Dunn ......... Beach burg 
HI. George Eady, jun....... Renfrew 
IV. G. E. Neilson ...... ..... Arnprior 
V. John Bernal.d........ .Shamrock 
VI. .Jamel'Rl"eves............Eganville 
VII. Robert Allen......... .... . Cobden 
VIII. Jl}hn. C. Gurney... Rockingham 
I. A. J. Lloyd.............. ... . Barrie 
II. H. W. Manning......... Bradford 
Ill. Joel Rogers........ .......Deeton 
IV. R. Ii. Campbell......Col1in
V. Abraham Craig ...... Craighnrst 
ONTARIO. I VI. J. P. Henderson............Orillla 
l. D. C.lIIacdonell ............ Whitby VII. Jatc. A. lIIather ......New Lowell 
II. M. Gleeson............... Greenwood VIII. J. G. Hood..................AlliFton 
III. John Burnham ......... Port Perry IX. H. Jennings...Penetanguishene 
IV. Zachariah Hemphill .... Uxbridge X. John C. Steele ....... Cold water 
V. Geo. Smith...............Cannington 
VI. George F. Druce .........Beaverton BTORMO
VII. F. J. Gillespie. ......... Uptergrove 
1. F. W.:lIhcqueen .......Woodstock 
II. M. F. Ainsley............... Drumbo 
III. Robt. Murray. ............... Embro 
IV. JameR Barr............ Norwichville 
V. James Stevens............ Ingersoll 
VI. J"hn Hodgson ........Tilsonburgb 

I. W. Joseph McIntosh ...London 
II. W. Dickson............. Park Hill 
[II. J. Flana
an ........ Clandeboye 
IV. C. J. Fox ......_......... Delaware 
V, Geo. Wilson................ Glencoe 
VI. John English. .........Strathroy 
VII. N. Burdick, Dorchester Station 
VIIT. B. E. Sifton .................. Arva 
IX. E. S. Jarvis.......... London East 
I. T. 
1. Bowerman.... Brarebridge 
II. J. H. Jackson ....Severn Bridp;e 
III. J. R. Reece............. Huntsville 
IV. R. G. Penson.........PortCatling 
I. J. D. Corkburn.... Sturgeon Falls 
II. John Mc:\Ieekln.... ...... Mattawa 
III. J. G. Cormack............Norlh Bay 
VI. W. B. Aird................ ...Sudlmry 
I. W. R. Griffin ............... Simcoe 
II. Edward 
Iattbews ....Waterford 
III. Robt.Green....Windham Centre 
IV. C. S. Harris ............ Courtland 
V. 111. J. McCall. ............ Vittoria 
VI. S. P. Mabee ......... Port Rowan 
VII. D. C. Brady............ Houj!'hton 
VIII. Lawrence Skey ...... Port Dover 

I. Fred. Cubitt...... ...Bowmanville 
II. Samuel Wilmot ...... Newcastle 
III. George M. Furby......Port Hope 
IV. John I1unter............Millbrook 
V. A. G. Boswell ............Cobourg 
VI. HAnry Lawless......... ...Grafton 
VII. 1\1. H. Peter80n......... Colborne 
VIlI. M. P. Ketchum......... Brighton 
IX. R. P. Hurlbut. ...... Warkworth 
X. T. R. Uarratt ............. Wooler 
XI. Daniel Kennedy...Campbellford 

I. R. H. Stewart......... Parry Sound 
II. II. Armstrong... ...McKellar P. O. 
[II. }; Sirett..................... '" RORseau 
IV. James Sharpe......... Burk's Falls 
V. J. G. Bellt...............:\Iagnetawan 
VI. R B. 
Il\w ............... Commanda 

I. J. W. Main ... ............ Brampton 
II. T. K. ßeatty............ Streetsville 
III. John Harris ............... ClIledon 
IV. F. W. Bolton..............,... Bolton 

I. David B. Burritt ......... Stratford 
II. G. K. Matheson.............lIIitchell 
III. E. Lon
...................... St. Marys 
IV. George ßrown......... Shakespeare 
V. Thom!is Trow.............lIIilverton 
VI. W. J. Hay................... ListoweJ 
I. R. W. Errett............ Peterboro' 
II. Thomas Fraser............
Ill. Tho:nas Campbell ......... Keene 
[J 56] 

IV. S. Sherin................... Lakefield 
V. C.R.D. Booth................Apsley 
1. David Buchan.......... L'Orl
II. John Shields...... Vankleek Hill 
III. Wm. Alli8on...............Stardale 
IV. Thos. Van Dridger...Plantagenet 
V. J. S. Cameron .... ...Cumberland 
VI. A. Carson ...................RuFsell 
VII. R. Lawlor............Hawkesbury 
VIII. John Downing ......... Fonrnlt'T 
IX. Frederlrk Langrell......... Alfred 
x. P. D. McDonald....... Rockland 
XI. Peter Stewart....... ...... ...Grant 
I. Robert Boyle................ Picton 
II. Henry II. Haight .........Milford 
III. I. Hamilton....... Demorest.vllle 
IV. W. C. DeLong......Ameliasburg 
V. J. B. Garratt..........Wellington 
VI. A. B. Saylor............DIoomfield 
VII. Joshua ]\1. Cadman..... Conseron 
VIII. B. E. HarriRon........... Waupoos 

I. G.I1.McGiIlivray, Williamstown 
II. C. D. Chisholm ...... Alexandria 
III. C. J. Mattice..... ......Cornwall 
[V. A. Dawson.... Dickinson'l! Lan'g 
V. Wm. Garvey.jun... 1II0rrisburg 
VI. J N. Tuttle ...............Iroquoiø 
VII. Wm. J. Itidley, South Mountain 
VIII. John A. Cockburn.........Crysler 
IX. D. C. McRae ......... Bridge End 
X. Wm. Rae...............Che8terville 
XI. D. McIl!tosh............Monckland 
XII. James R. McKenzie. .........Skye 

I. W. H. Laird............Port Arthur 
II. John Aikins, English River P. O. 
III. W. McLean............Fort William 
I. Peter 1IIcSweyn..........Woodvllle 
II. G. Cunningham.... Fenelon Falls 
In. Irvine Junkin .........Bobcaygeon 
IV. Jas. D. Thornton...... .Omemee 
V. O. J. McKibbon............ Lindsay 
VI. J. F. Cunnings.. ......... Oakwood 
VII. A. C. Graham....... Victoria Road 
I. A. J. Peterson ............... Berlin 
II. Otto Klotz ......:........... Preston 
III. Thos. Field........................Galt 
IV. Wm. D. Watson.._................Ayr 
V. John Allchin .....New IIamburg 
VI. R. Morrison... ......... I1awkesville 
VII. John L. Wideman..... Bt.Jacobl! 




1. G. L. Hobson.... .......... WeIland 
II. Paul J. Wilson. ........Marshyille 
III. Thos. Newbigglng ...... Fort Erie 
IV. J. A. Orchard ... Niagara Falls S. 
V. John J. Gearin............. Thorold 
VI. A. K. Schofield.... Port Colborne 
I. A. .\. Baker ............... Guelph 
II. Wm. NichoL.......... 1I0rriston 
III. D. L. Schultz............Rockwood 
IV. T. W. Thompson.......... Fergus 
V. Wm. Tyler... ......... ......... Erin 
VI. Hugh Hamllton.............Elora 

VII. George Allen............Glenallen 
VIII. Daniel Driscoll ............ Arthnr 
IX. Guy Le!llie............ Orangeville 
X. A. C. R. Saunders......Harriston 
XI. James C. Wilkes...1Iount Forest 
X II. L. R. Adams. ...... ...... . Drayton 
I H. T. Bunbury .........Hamilton 
II. F. D. Suter.................. Dunda! 
III. J. Mc:Uonies,jun... Waterdown 
IV. W. McDonald............ RocktoD 
V. A. G . Jones. ... ...... Stony Creek 
VI. L. A. Gurnett............AnC&ster 
VII. John lIcClemont. ...... Glanford 

I. A. McLean Howard ... Toronto 
II. John Stephenson... Unionyllle 
III. J. M. Lawrence...Rlchmond lUll 
IV. David Lloyd. .........Newmarket 
V. Warren P: Cole............ SuttOIl 
VI. A. Armstrong......... Lloydtown 
VII. John Nattress....... Woot1brldge 
VIII. John Paule...... ......... ... Weston 
IX. J. H. Richardson...... West Hill 
X. E..H. Duggan ............ Toronto 

VIII. J. S. Taylor...............Blnbrook 
IX. R. L. Gnnn ...............Hamiltoll 

B LOOD-.. 
I;:.r.E RS. 

Cures Impure Blood, Dyspepsia. 
Liver Complaints, Billiousness, 
Kidney Complaint, Scrofula, 
R{"gulates tilt" Stomach, Lh-er. Bow. 
t'Is, nod Blood. Curt's ('onstil);ttiou, 
lIeadnclle, Felllale (joml)laiuts. Gen- 
er;ll Debilit)., and all Brokeu Down 
Conditions of the S}'stem. 
 R PUI'el,. Ve
etoble Bloo(1 t.'leontolinK, 

COX & CO. 




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: am:o. 


The Best is the Cheaþest. 


I . 
. o=
 ,I. · ". e )u\V{" had :
2 }: enrs' EXI)t..rit'llce. 

 I I ,llIi ll 1 
I - " II ' Gse the 'Inllodoy 
tondord Geored ""ind 

 ;1,' ,:,

 l ',. ' \ II!! 1 1_ ;t1i1l.I-X-I. Iron .'ec(l .'.ill.and do YOUl' gTinding 

 . ""= , '" _ d-. ,\,_ -.J. .
di-". at hOIllC, thus sa\ing' toil and teaming to and from the 
_ ....... 
. . . :t 
 II I ;
'rw"" . Grist )liII. This work can be done rain)', wind) da)s, 
i' ': \ \ '. '\II'
 jl''I \\hen out.door \\ork is suspended on the farm. The sallie 
- -
 I ," 
 " i':
; _ ..... )1i.1I \\ ill run.} our, saw \\000, run churn and 

...:.. .f\':: .:.,,,.. 1 r-- - grmd-stone, pUlllp water, ek. , . 

 --=' !-:.:
-_. .-.;ø _ We manufacture the Iioliodoy !IItondord Geol'ed ond PUlllpln
d' \. .t
. lit",,' ?E- "'ind JIi II.. , I-X 
n .'ced 
liII.., .Saw Tables, ::;tan
ar(! H.l.ying" 
, I Ii: Tools consisting" of Anti-FrIctIOn, ReH
rslhle, S\\l\el and Rod Ha.} Carriers, Hal" 

 poon 'amI Grapple Horse Ha.} l<:?rks, Pulleys .and noor Hooks., Also a full line 
of Tanks, Tank Fixtures and Pumps for Farm, Ornamental, \ Illage and Railway purposes. Send fOI' Catalogue 
and prices. 





Agriculture, Department of...... 43 
Anniversarie!!. ........................ 6 
Appeal, Court of..................... 152 
Area of Canada. .... .. .......... U8 
Auditor-General'!! Office............ 43 

Banks and Branche!! ...... ......... 34 
Bank!!, Foreign Agent!! of......... 36 
Baptist Minister!! . ............ ...... 139 
Benchers, Law Society, Ont....:. 152 
Bishops of B. N. A..... . . .......... 123 
Board of County Judge!!. ......... 1M 
Book Post ................ ............. 68 
British Columbia, Province of... 56 
Calendar. ..... ....................... 9 
Calendar, Explanat'n of Articles 6 
Call!;ary District, N. W. T... .... ]49 
Canada, Area of.......... . . . .. .... 148 
CeW;U!! of Manitoba. .......... ... 58 
Chamber!!, High Court ............ 153 
Chancery Division, High Court. 152 
Chronologi!'.al Cycles ............... 6 
Church of England in Canada... ]23 
Circuits of the Court!!............... 154 
Cities of the World, Pop. of...... 106 
Cities, Town!! and Village!! ...... 145 
Clergy of Canada...... ............... 123 
Collector!! of Cuøtoms............... 41 
Collegiate Institutes, Ontario... 150 
Commerce. Dominion of Canada 23 
Commerciål Union, Sympol"ium. 106 
Common Plea!! Division, High 
Court ............ ......... ...... ...... 163 
Commons, House of. ............... 39 
Congregational Denomination... ]39 
Con!!ul!!, Foreign, In Canada...... 149 
Controverted El
tion!! Court... 1;'3 
Copyrights In Canada... ........... 43 
County Courts........................ 153 
County Court Term!!............... ]M 
County and Judicial Officer!!... 141 
County Registrars, 
Ianltoba.... 147 
County Registrars, Ontario...... 147 
County Regi!!tration Divisions... 147 
Cmrts of General Se!!sions ...... 153 
Courts, Officers of............... ...... 15-1. 
Courts of Revision.................. 153 
County Judges' Criminal Court 153 
Crown Land Agents, Ontario.... 63 
Crown Laud!! Department, Qne. 65 
Crown Law Officer!!.... .. .......... 154 
Customs Department-.............. 40 
Cuøtom!!, Tariff of.... ............... 24 
Director Teachers' Institutes... 151 
Division Courts... ......... ...... ...... 153 
Division COurtClerks............... 156 
Dominion of Cauada ............... 38 

Ecllp!!es ...... ........................... 'j 
dmonton District, N. W. T.... 149 
Educatlonal....... ..................... 160 
Educational Institutions, Total 
NumLor.... ................. ....... 150 
Educational Museum............... 150 
Emigration... ... ......... ...... ...... . 23 
Epoch!! . ................................. 6 
Evangelical As!!ociation ....... ]38 
Exchequer, Court of ............... 162 
Executive Council, B. Columbia 66 
Executive Council, Manitoba. ... 57 
Executive Council,N.Brunswick 65 
Executive Council, Nova Scotia 66 
Executive Council. Ontario ...... 62 
Execntive Council, P. E. Island. 67 
Executive Council, Quebec ...... 54 
Exports aud Imports. Dominion 23 
Festivals, Fixed and l\Iovable ... 6 
Finance Department. ............... 41 
ForeÎlrn Consuls in Canada ...... 149 


Foreign Money Order!!............. 61 
Freemasons, Grand Lodge of.... 114 
Governor.General and Staff ...... 38 
Grand Lodge, Freemasons......... U4 
Head Master!! Co. High Schools 151 
Heir and Devisee Court............ 153 
High Court of Justice, Ont...... 152 
High School Inspector!!............ 150 
Holiday!', Remark'e Events, &c. 3 
House of Common!! ................ 39 
House of Assembly, Manitoba... 57 
House of Aesembly.N.B.......... 66 
Honse of Assembly, Ontario...... 62 
Hou!!e of Assembly. P.E. Island 57 

Immigrant!! arrived at Quebec... 23 
Indep. Order of Odd Fellow!!... 121 
Indian Affairs, Department of... 42 
Inland Revenue Department... 41 
Inspectors, School. .................. 150 
Interior, DepartmenÞof............ 42 
Juilicial Distri!'t!!, N.W.T......... 1-1.7 
J udil'iary . ............. . . .. . ......... 152 
Justice, Department oL.......... 40 

Land Relli3tration Dis., N.W.T. 1-1.8 
La w of Marriage. .. . . . . . .. . . .. 1M 
Law Reporters........................ 153 
w SocIety of Ontario............ 152 
Legal Ii, Judiciary, Ontario ...... 152 
Quebec ...... 154 
N. Br'wlck. 16;' 
Manitoba... ]55 
Nova Scotia. 155 
N.W.T........ 15!'i 
P. E. Islaud 155 
B. Colnmbia 156 
Legislative A!!sembly, B.C......... 66 
Legislative Assembly. Que
... 54 
Legislative Council. N B,......... 55 
Legislative Council, P.E. Island 67 
Legislative Couucil, Quebec...... 54 
Letter Rates........................... 68 
Long Vacation........................ ]5-1. 

l\Iagnectic Ob!!ervatory, Toronto 8 
Manitoba, Census of ............... 5S 
M!initoba, Province of............... 57 
Marine Department................ 43 
Maritime Court, Ontario.......... 153 
Marriage Law ................ 161 
Masoni<: Lodges. .............. ...... U5 
Master's Office, lligh Court ...... 153 
Methodist Church in Canada.... 133 
Meteorological Averages.. ....... 8 
Meteorological Register, 1886 ... 21 
Militia Ii, Defence Department. 42 
Militia List of the D.}minion . ... U 
Artillery, Field.... ............... 45 
Garri!!OD............... 45 
Mountain. ............ 46 
Reglment,& Scls of. U 
Cavalry, Corp!! of.................. 45 
School Corps. ......... 45 
Command iu.Chief....... ... ...... 44 
Dapartment of Mil. Ii, Def...... .1-1. 
ngingers, Corp!! of . ............ 4G 
Infantry Ii, Rifle!!. RattaUons... 46 
Indept. Coso 52 
School Corps....... 45 
Royal Military College. ......... 44 
Staff, Dii!trlct............... 44 
Head-Quarter!! .... . . .... 44 
Money Orders ......... ............... 60 
Money Orders, Foreign ........... 61 
l\Ionthly Regii!ter................... 3 
Moon's Phase!!........................ 9 
Municipal Information, Ontario. 14"

[158 J 



1\lunlcipalitie!! in ManÜoba ...... ]46 
Municipalities in N.W.T.......... ]48 
New Brun!!wick, Province of.... 66 
Newspapers, Rates of Postage... 69 
Normal and Model Schools. ...... 160 
North-West Mounted Police.... 148 
North-West Territories ............ 68 
Nova Scotia, Province of.......... 66 

Odd Fellow!!, Independent Or- 
der of.................. ......... ...... 121 
Ontario, Province of......, ......... 62 

Parcel Post .... .................. ...... 60 
Planet!!. ..................... ............ 9 
Police Magistrates, Ontario ...... 14& 
Police, North West Mounted.... ]4S 
Postal Information............ ...... 58 
Population, Distance Ii, Fare.... 105 
Pop. Princlpal Cities of World.. 106 
Postal Operati In!! Compared... 61 
Post Office Department............ 41 
Post Offices. List of.................. 62 
Post Office Savings Bánk ...... 140 
Pre!!byterian Church in Canada. 129 
Privy Couucil. ........................ 38 
Prince Albert Dist., N W T. . .. 149 
Pr.ince Ed. Island, Province of... 67 
Public School Inspector!! ......... ]50 
Public Schools, Ontario............ 150 
Public Works, Department oL. 41 

Qnebac, Provinre of. ............... 64 
Queen and Royal Family......... 88 
QUfen'!! Bench Division. High 
Court. .......... ..................... 162 

Railways and Canal!!, Depart- 
Dlent of .............................. 42 
Railway Statistics...... ...... ...... 23 
Regina Di!!trict, N W T........... 149 
Registration District!!, N.W.T.... 149 
Registration Divisions, Ontario. 147 
Registration of Letter!!............ 68 
Registrars, County, Ontario.... 14; 
Registrar!!, County, :Manitoba... 147 
Roman Catholic Church.......... 126 
Royal Arch Masons.................. 119 
Royal Family....... ...... ..... ..,... 38 

Savings Bank, Post Office. . . ... 140 
Senate of Canada....... . ... ......... 38 
Separate School Inspector ....... 151 
Shipping, Tonnage of............... :/3 
Sittings of the Court!!............... 154 
Somis District. N W T ............ 149 
Sovereiguli and Rulers...... ...... 3';' 
Star Table... ........................... 7 
State, Dðpartment of... ......... .., 43 
Supreme Court of the Domiuion 152 
Supreme Court of Judicature, 
Ont ..........._........................ Hi2 
Surrogate Courts..................... ] 53 
Symposium on Com. Union...... 106 

TaLle of Distance!! and Fare .... 106 
Tariff of Customs. .................. 2,1 
Touchwood District. N W T... .. 149 
Towns. and Officials of............. ]45 
Township Municipalities ......... 142 
United Bretbren in Christ....... 139 
Universalist Church................ 140 

Venus and Mar!!, Disc of ......... 7 
Village!!, and Officials of .......... 1-1.5 
Visit{)r!!. Law Society. Ont....... ]52 

Year, The. ... ............... ............ 



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BY .....PPOINT!'rIENT . 
Official, Gorernnu>nt, and Railll'ct!J Ti1nekeepers, 


Sterling Silver and Platerl Ware, Diamonds, French Clocks and Bronzes, Split Seconds 
and Repeating Watches. . 




 i- -
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3-0HN .mACDONALD & <to. 

......... ............................................. 

To the Dry Goods Trade, Merchant Tailors, 
and Gents' Furnishers of the 
D01\ltINION 0F CHNJ:rDJ:r. 

:- (-IG : Of 1 . 

Buying our goods in large quantities and by expert heads of Departments, we are 
enabled to place before the Trade a Stock which for assortment and value we 
confidently can assert cannot be surpassed. 

I Ve caft your attentioll to the follo'liJz"1lg- DeþarbJlents : 
In which are many lines of Grey Cottons, 'Vhite Cottons, Sheetings (Bleached 
and Brown), Pillow Cotton, Denims, Kentucky Jeans, '''hite, Blue, Brown and 
Fancy Cottonades, Tickings, Awnings, Canton Flannels, Prints, Sateens, Skirt 
anq Waist Linings, Cheese Cloth, Butter Cloth, \Varps, Yarns, Grain Bags, 'Vad- 
ding, Eattings, Towels, Towellings, Table Cloths, Napkins, O'Oylie's Fronting 
Linens, Diapers, Brown t-Iollands, Dressed Hollands, French Canvas, Patent 
Canvas, Hessians, Burlaps, Hop Sacking, &c., &c. 

Men's Linen and Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, Dress, Regatta and Top Shirts, 
Scarfs, Umbrellas, Tweed and Rubber Coats, I. R. Circulars, Rubber, Plush and 
,v 001 Carriage Rugs, Valises, Handkerchiefs in Cotton, Linen and Silk, Silk, 
.Merino, and Cashmere Half Hose. Imported and Canadian Shirts and Drawers, 
Cardigans, Mitts
 Socks, Sashes, Tuques, Kid and \VoollVIitts and Gloves. 

Stock large and well assorted. Our variety in Fine Suitings and Trollserings IS 
unequalled in the Dominion. 

'Vest of England and Scotch Tweeds, \\T orsted Suitings, Trouserings, Irish Selges, 
Irish Frieze, Black and Colored Naps, Fur Beavers, Pilots, Corduroys and Mole- 
skins. Mantle Cloths in all the leading makes. 

Colored and Striped Silesias, Patent Sleeve Lining, Hair Cloth, Canvas, Pocket 
ing, Silk Serges, Collar Velvets, all shades. 

Comprises full lines in Dress Braids, Dress Buttons, Pearl, Agate, Ivory and 
Worsted Buttons, Girdles and Clasps, Sewing, Knitting, Crocheting and Machine 
Cottons, Hat, Hair and other Pins, Tapes and Cotton Braids. Baldwin's Bee 
Hive'Vools, Canadian'Vools. 




:tOH N !lðACDONALD & (to. 

Choice Goods in Plush Dressing Cases, Manicure and Perfume Cases, Hand and 
Fire Screens in Feather, Canvas and Plush. Brass Goods in Tripods, 'Vhisk- 
holders, Toboggans, Clocks, Odor Stands, Banner Rods, Banner Stands, Chains, 
Crescent Bells, &c., &c. Ladies' Hand Bags and Purses in Leather and Plush 
-latest designs. Art Embroideries, English and American Aresenes, Ribbisine, 
Fillosele, Embroidery Silks and Chenilles. Our stock of Smallwares will be found 
very large and well assorted. 

Brussels, Tapestries, Kidderminsters, and Hemp Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums, Floor 
Oil Cloths, Mat, Rugs, &c., &c. 

Lace, Madra,>, Tapestry, and Chenille Curtains, Table and Pianforte Covers, Furni- 
ture Coverings in Silk, Worsted, Mohair and Plush, Marseilles, Honeycomb, Universal 
and Alhambra Quilts, \Vindow Hollands, Stair Linens, Crumb Cloths, Table Oil 
Cloths, &c., &c. 

\Vomen's, Misses, and Children's L. \Vool, Cashmere, :\lerino and Cotton Hose, 
\Vomen's L. \Vool and MeIÏno Vests. 

Ladies' and Misses' Cashmere and Kid Lined and Unlined Gloves. Great variety of 
makes always in stock to select from. 


Cashmeres, Jerseys, Cords, Foules, Beiges, Soleils, Tweed Effects, Boucles, Armures, 
Serges, Meltons, and full range of all wool Black Dress Goods. 

Colored Rhadames, Merveilleux, Failles, Colored Satins, Colored Duchesses, Black 

lerveilleux, Failles, Gro Grains, Black Satin. Plushes in all colors, Moire Striped 
Plushes in all leading shades. . 
Always in stock-Novelties in German, English, and Scotch manufactured goods; 
also, Fancy Knit Goods in Shawls, :\Iitts, :\Iittens, Bootees, Infantees, Cuffs, Tuques, 
Tams, &c., &c. 

Swiss Books, Lining Books, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Jacconets, Tape Checks, 
Swiss Checks, Brilliants, Hair Cords, Brocades, Nainsook Checks, Pique and India 
Muslin, Laces in Valencienes, Maltese, Oriental, Saxony, American, Irish, Trimming 
and Everlasting. 
\Ve cordially invite inspection of our stock. \Ye solicit trial orders by telegraph. 
Prompt attention and despatch given. 

........................................................................................... .. 

21, 2:1, 2
. 21' ,..rEI.I.I
 !i4TKEET EA""I', l 

, :10, :12,;14 FHO
.' ""I'HIKE'I' E,,"""I', 

L [161] 



[ 1888. 


Incorporated A.D. 1855. 
Paid-up Capital, $2,300,000. Reserve Fund, $1,180,000. 

Total Assets, $9,300,000. 


EDWARD HOOPER, President. SAMUEL KORDHEnIER. Viee-PreRillent. 
 in Canada-The Bank of Toronto, The Merchants Bank, The Bank of (;onunerce, 
Tbe Federal Bank, The Stanùard Bank. 
 in Unxtt B1.itain-The City Bank, Limited, London, The British Linen Co. Bank, 
Edinburgh and Aberdeen. 

SA. VINGS HANK HKANCII.-Sums of 5-1 and upwards recehed at current rates of interest, 
paid or compounded half-yearly. 
DEBE N'I't:K EIii.-)Ioney received 011 deposit for a fL..ed term of years, for whieh Debentures are 
issued, with half. yearly interest coupons attaehed. Executors and Trustees are anthorized by law to im'est in 
the Debentures of this Company. The Capital and Assets of this Compan,)' being- plectg-ed for mone) thus 
received. Depositors are at an times assured of perfect safet)'. 
ADV ANCE!ii made on Real Estate at ('urrent rates and fa\orable conditions as to payment. 


\tbe jfarnters' jLoa1t & $a\'?Íllgs (!0I11patl
CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED, $1,057.250. CAPITAL PAID-UP, $611,430.27. 
ASSETS, $1,300,000. 
WM. }l'CLO('K, ESQ., M.P. Vic
-l'rellicl<?llt-JAMES SCOTT, El5Q, 
Soliri.tor-JAAIES TILT, ESQ. 
Bankers-The Dominion Bank. The National Bank of Scotland. 
Money advanced on Improved Real Estate at lowest current rates. Straight Loans. 
No Fines. No Commissions. 
DEPO!!ITS of 5'I and upwards received, and interest allowed thereon, parable, or compounded half-)"earl)'. 
U .A.ND CURRESCY DEBESTURES IsseED. Br Yic. 42, cap. 21, Statutes of Ontario, E'\.ecutors and 
Administrators are authorized to im'est Trust Funds in the Debentures of this COlllpan)'. 
}'ull information can be obtained by applring to 
GEO. S. C. B
THUNE, Secretary and Treasurer. 

J:'J:'ED. ) 
Authorized Capital, $2,000,000. Subscribed Capital, $1,500,000. 



Hon. FRANK SMITH, President. EUGENE O'KEEFE, Vice-President. 
JAMES MASON, Manager JAMES J. FOY, Solicitor. 

Deposits received from Twenty Cents upwards, and interest at Current rates allowed thereon. 
Moot'y to 1.000 for long or short periods on the SECURITY OF MORTGAm:s os REAL ESTATE at lowest 
rates of interest, and on easr terms of repayment; also 011 collateral security of Bank and other Stocks, and 
Government and :Munieipal Debentures. Mortgages and Debentures purchased. 

lSS8. ] 




APIT AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,799,200 
RESER'.E Fl"ND .................. 1,700,000 


Ø.o(\1;b .of 

ANDREW ALLAX, ESQ., Prexident. 

ROBT. A1\DERSON, ESQ., Vice-Prl'sident. 

, Esq. JOßs CABSILS, BBQ. 
Ho,.. J. J. C. ABBOTT. H. }JOSTAGU ALLAs, Esq. J. P. DAv,Es, Esq. 


GEORGE HAGUE, General Manager. 




St. John's, Que. 
St. Thomas 
Winnipeg, Man. 
Brandon. Man. 


Owen Sound 
Sberbrooke, Que. 

Bankers in Great Blitain-The Clydesdale Bank, Limited, 30 Lombard St., London, Glasgow, and elsewhere 
.-t!Jeney in ..\'ew }Tork--61 Wall Street, )lessrs. Henry Habrue and John B. Harris, jun., Agents. 
Bankers in New rm'k-The Bank of Xe\\ York, N. B. A. 
)loney received on Deposit and Current Rates of Interest allo\\ed. 
A general Banking business transacted. 
Drafts issued, available at all points in Canada. Sterling E'\.change and drafts on New York bought and sold 
Letters of Credit issued, availahle in China, Japan, and other foreign countries. 
Collections made on favorable terms. 


Ca})Un} Pai(l-up....,. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $I
Reser'\e Fund.. >..........................:.................... 5';0,009 

H. S. HO\VLAND, Esq., President. 
T. R. MERRITT, Esq., Vice-President, St. Catharines. 

D. R. WILKIE, Cashier. 

B. JENNINGS, Inspector. 

Drafts on New York and Sterling Exchange bought and sold. Deposits received 
and interest allowed. 







CAP IT AL, $2,000,000. 

REST, $1,250,000. 


l, Pre.sident. 

WILLIA.M HENRY BEATTY, Vice-Pre.sident, 



DUNCAN COULSON, Cashier. HUGH LEACH, Assistant-Cashier. 
J. T. M. BLR
SIDE, Inspector. 
Montreal-J. M{TRRAY SMITH, J..
[anager. St. Catharines-G. 'V. H0DGETTS, Man. 
Peterboro'--J. H. ROPER, Collingwood-W. A. COPELAND, 
Cobourg-JosEPH HE
DERSON, Gananoque- T. F. How, 
Port Hope-E. :MILLOV, Petrolia--:-P. CAMPBELL, 
Barrie-J. A. STRATHV, London-\V. R. \VADSWORTR, 
:E3.A.NXEBS : 
LmmoN, ENG.-The City Bank, Limited. NEW YORK-National Bank of Commerce. 



-: I!: aß><.M.i. è : 

CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED, $1,500,000. PAID UP, $1,500,000. 
RESERVE FUND, $525,000. 


SIR 'v. P. HOWLAND, President. DOSALD l\IACKAY, E:;Q., Vice-p,'esident. 
A. 1\1. :;)IITH, ESQ. HON. C. F. FRASER. 
C. HOLLA ND, General Manager. 

Guelph, Lindsay, )lontreal, Peterboro', Ottawa, Port Perry, Pickering, Bowmanville, 
\Vhitby, )lount Forest, Toronto, Port Arthur, 'Vinnipeg, Cornwall, Newmarket, a.nd 
480 Queen Street \Vest, Toronto. 

London, England, Alliance Bank. New York, The Bank of the State of New York. 
Boston, Tremont National Bank. 

1888. ] 




Capital paid up, $6,000,000. Re st, $500,000. 
HEKRY W. DARLING, President. GEO. A. COX, Vice-President. 
New York -J. H. (jOADBY, and ALEX. LAIR D, Agènts. 

_ Brantford, 


Peterboro' , 
St. Catharines, 


Toronto-Head Office, Cor. Yonge 
and Colborne Streets. 
East Toronto -798 Queen St. E. 
North Toronto-763 Yonge St. 
North-west Toronto -111 Col- 
lege Street. 

Commercial Credits issued for use in Europe, the East and West Indies, China, Japan, and South-America. 
Sterling and American Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on the most favorable terms. 
Interest allowed on deposits. 
l.,ew York-The American Exchange National Bank. London, England-The Bank of Scotland. 





Amount of Assurances Proposed during 1886........ ,.... e 6,608,660 
Total Sum Assured at 15th Nov., 1886, over .............. 99,600,000 
Accumulated Funds invested in Mortgages in Great Britain 
United States, and Canada Government Securities, 
Lands, &c., over.............. - . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,500,000 
Revenue, over ...... .................................,......... 4,400,000 
Claims Paid in Canada, over ................................. 2,000,000 
Deposited in Ottawa for benefit of Canadian Policy-holders 887,206 
Other Canadian Investments ..... .......... ................ 2,500,000 
Prospectuses, Annual Reports, Tables of Rates, &c., can he o1tained on application at 
the Head Office, Montreal, or at any of the Agencies throughout Canada, where every in- 
formation on the subject of Life Assurance will be given. 
w. M. RAMSAY, .11lanager, MONTREAL, 





ED," . 


I" .--... =-"-" 
. - 
I, .,' -" 




. SIR W. P. HO\VLAXD, C.B., K.C.)I.G.-Pre.sidf'ut. 
J. K. 
IACDON ALD-.JIanayiny Direct01.. 

Exampk of Premiums as reduced for the e1
8Uing five years by the application of Profits for the Quin- 
quennium ending Decem bel' 31;;t, 1'>136;- 


 I Pol. No. Initials. Iprenuum 

1873 I 


 $52 ö4 - 
M. R. R. 194 75 
w. II. 91 68 
w. H. E. 19 ()(j 
D. c. R. 71 74 
W. A, 47 64 
w. c. 152 80 

I Re( t lu o ced '


8 2:3 25 
94 15 
35 70 
24 72 

Yr of PIN I" I Reduced I P 
Issue. o. o. mtm s. Premmm to r

1874 2194 I
 819475 8102 15 47.5 
18H 2197 ,II. :\ICD. II. 34 82 1990 42.9 
1874 2407 I MCII. 17 93 10 20 43.] 
1875 3;:177 .r. II. 47 65 28 65 40.0 
1875 3431 A. W. 44 56 25 75 42.2 
1876 5035 R. B. 321 25 206 05 35.8 
1876, 5088 R. H. B. 95 30 59 90 37.1 

1871 I 
1873 I 


I L. S. 
R. K. L. 
I w. J. L. 

118 80 
6046 1 

57 80 I 51.3 I I 1874 I 2174 I W.:\I. 
31 45 48.0 I 1875 I 3693 F. R. G. 
20 50, 41.8 

g I 








No. 26 Victoria Street, Arcade Building. 

This Company insure nothing more hazardous than Dwellings, with their Outbuildings. 
Churches, Convents, and Educational Institutions, take 110 Commercial nor :Manufacturing 
Risks, and are therefore not subject to sweeping fires, making a safe security for the home. 
Having done husiness for thirty-two years, they Citll point to an honorable and successful 
career. having now nearly two million of assets. Are writing 70,000 Policies per 
Annum, WIth a Yearly Income of over eSOO,OOO. 
OAFI'llAL, $500,000. ALL F AID UF 

Parties desiring to insure their City Houses and contents will find this Company a safe 
one, and the rates reasonable. 
Agents wanted in all1tnrepresented towns, and five good men requind as 
City Canvassers. 

Chief Agent. 

City Agents. 


1888. ] 



Loan &= Investnzeni Company 




To payoff Existing Mortgages, Erect and Improve Buildings,' 
and for All Other Purposes, 




r:. C Q 

Mortgages and other Real Estate Securities Purchased or advances made on same 
 1!iiI!ii(,TED.--The attention of Depositors m Savings Banks, and all others seeking a 
safe and convenient im'estment and a liberal rate of interest, is invited to the Debentures issued by this Co. 

For full particulars apply to 
R. H. T01JILI,j\rso J v} ,)\Iana[JeT'} 
30 Adehtidc Strt'et East, Toronto. 


" !iilT. JAIUE!iiI STREET, lUO
CAPITAL., $500:)000_ 
AX DREW ROBERTSOX, Esq., President. I HARRY CUTT, SecretalT-Treasurer. 
. J. R. THIßAUDEAU, Vice-President. G. H. ;\IeHENRY, Manager. 
JOHX OSTELL, Eð'l. I J. HODGSOX, Esq., (Messrs. Hodg-son, Summer & Co) 
IOS:-;, Esq. 
HUUH )L-\CKAY, Esq., pIessrs. 
Iackay Bros.) WILLIA
[ :,n[ITlI, Esq. 
Fire and J[a,ine RilJk.
 taken at current Rates, and LusHes prrmtptly adjusted and paid. 


(InC'orporated by Act'of Parliament, ]

ASSETS, $1,182,1(,3.64. 

CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. 

lORISOX. D(Pllt!l-Go
'ern01.-JOHX LEYS. 
Secretm'y-G E. l{OBI







HEAD OFFICE: Equity Chambers, 20 Adelaide Sf. East, Toronto. 


!iiìI made on City or Town Properties. Lowest Current Rates of Interest. Arrangements can be 
made to repay principal by degrees, interest ceasing- on amounts repaid 
DEHENTIJREIiiiI issued in Currency or Sterling-, "..ith half-yearly interest coupons attached. Execu- 
tors and Trustees are authorized to in\'est in these Debentures. 



OFFICE :-Cor. of Church &. Court Sts., Toronto. 
CAPITAL, $2,700,000, in Shares of $190 Each. 
RESERVE FUND, $570,000. 
President-A. T. FULTON, ESQ. I Manager-HoN. S. C. \YOOD. 
Inspector-JOHN LECKIE. 
N. B.-Cash advanced on Freehold Property on long credit and easy terms of payment. 
Deposits received on interest. Trustees and Executors are allowed by law to invest in the 
Bonds of this Company. 

 3!n $uranc

RESERVE FUND, $225,000. CAPITAL, $1,500,000. ASSETS, $800,000. 

Head Office for Canada, No. 1812 Notre Dame Street, Montreal. 



Canadian Directors: 
W. H. HUTTON, ESQ., (Jas. Hutton & Co.) 
D. GIROr \.RD, Q.C., M.P., 
R. C. JA
IIESOX, ESQ" (R. C. Jamieson &Co.) .. 
J AS. O'BRIEN, ESQ., (Jas. O'Brien & Co.) 
LARRATT W. S)'IITH, D.C.L., (President Bnilrling' 
& Loan Association, Toronto. 
GEO. R. R. COCKBURN, :M.P. (Presirlent Toronto 
Loan & Im"estment Corporation, Toronto. 
S. KORlIHEUIER (President Federal Bank), .. 

. General :\Iana!{er, Lon1on. 
STEW ART BROWXE, :\Ianager for Canada. 
C. D. BARTOX. Asst.-:\Ianager 
J. T. YIXCEXT, Resident Seeretary, Toronto. 
, Inspeetor Pro\'inee of Ontario. 
E. H. SA:\DIOXS, Asst.-Inspector 
C. GELIXAS, Inspect"r Province of Quebec. 
A. D. G. Y A:I'W ART, Inspector 
[aritime PI"O,"inces. 
A. HOLWWAY, Sup't. Korth-West & Pacific Coast. 

All persons desiring prompt and equitable settlement of losses should insure 

.AGENrS IJ:-.., E"V"EEY ':I:'O""\ìVN_ 

1888. ] 



,.. B y a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations oi'diges- 
tion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected 
Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast-tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage 
which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of 

'G!C' I COI 

diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every 
tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack 
wherever there is a wt'ak point. ,,- e may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves 
well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame. "-On Diet, in . 'l'he Civil 
Se1"l'ice GaZRtte.' . 


. . . 

6ffitt of tbt Rllan lLine of Otran Sttamtrø anD 
Dullman Dalaer 












 - - t 

- -- - 
:N" .A..P .A..1SrEE
 C>:ISTT .A..ß..:J:C>. 

.ttU.$-f a:nb,' 

W. F. HALL, Secretary-Treasurer, NAPANEE, Onto 
GEO. E. ('II.\LLES, Ag't'nt. 








Walkden's Blue-Black Writing Fluid. 'Yarrantedmadefrom 
. . the purest materials, 
18 espeCIally adapt
d for general Commercial use. It writes at first a splendid Blue Colour, 
and turns to an mtense and very durahle Black. It does not get thick or deposit 
sediment, and is the best Ink for all Climates. 

Walkden's Blue-Black Copying Fluid. Flows freely and 
pieasantly from the 
pen. 'Yill give three good copies at oue impres8ion, or one a long time after writing. It 
may be used for all purposes. 

Walkden's Brilliant Scarlet Ink. A Ye
y beautiful preparation, 
WhICh does not penetrate the 
paper like some Red Inks. It is free from Acid, and may be used with Steel Pens, 

. ........ 
 ..... . 




In One Bottle. Ready for Use. 

The Simplest and Best Marking- Ilk II the World. Absolutely IlIrlelible. Wananted Harmless to any Fabric. 

HAVI 'T G b . t Ù S I 'VV" .A.x...
:CEN"'S I 
l."I een appolIl e OLE 
we beg to draw attention to a few facts relative to the merits anù manufacture of these 
well-known INKS. 

5, 6 & 7 SHOE LANE, 

C00PER & C0..[(:< 

are sole proprietors and manufacturers of 'Yalkden's Inks which have been used and 
approved throughout the world during the past 130 years, the factory having been estab- 
lished in 1735, and still these Inks maintain their old reputation and are adapted to the 
wants of all classes. \Ye felt, therefore, in consenting to become sole agents for Mess
Cooper & Co., that we could, with perfect contidence, present to the trade an Ink 
in tluality, of good color, permanent, and at a price which will compare favorably wIth that 
of any other manufacturer. 

No. 9 Front Street West, Toronto. 

Sole Agents in the Dominion of Canada for Walkden's Inks. 

1888. ] 





May be obtained at any Money Office in Canada on the following British possessions 
and Foreign Countries, at the rates of commission shown hereunder. 

;; ;; 
: ;., 

::; .. 
'h .... 


i '" 
.. :::: 

- - 
æ '" 
.. '" 
ë 0 

The United Kin!!"rlom. '
ew South Wales. 
Newfoundland. 1.<::..; 'Se\\ Zealand. 
* Falkland Islands. 
Constantinople. è;" South A;lstralia. 
* Cyprus. .;::> Tasmania. 

 Gihraltar. I 
 <:.:> Vietoria. 
" Malta. ....; *'n Australia. 
Smyrna. (* Austro-Hungal'Y. 
" Benlluda. I Belg"Ìum. 
* Antigua. " China. (See Hong- 
" Bahamas. Kong.) 
" Barbados. I Denmark, including I 
British Guiana. Iceland and the Faroe 
Dominica. Islands. 
Grenada. '" ., Danish "-est Indies. 
_ '
 "Honduras (British). .
 I * Dutch East Indies. 
= .J amaica. * Egypt. 
..;; ': .\Ion.tserrat. 
 France and A,Igeria. 
.- NeVIs. ;;,;, -< German EmpIre. 
Panama (British 
 1 * Holland (Kether- 
Ageney). .'S' lands). 
* St. Kitts. 


Tobag-o. ., Portùgal, induding 
" Trinidad. }IadeÌl'a and the 
" Turk's Island. Azores. 
I Roumania. 
I....Fnited States. 



.. British India, indud- I -;; =",.; 
ing a
encies of the 

Indian Post Office at 
Aden, Bagdarl, Ban. .,,::l!
dor-Abas, Bushire, ê
: g '''1- 
Busrah, Guadar, r; Ë 
Jask: Li
ga, }Iuscat E-=?
and Zanzlbal'. :: '= <r l1 
.. Ceylon. 8.5_
'" * Hong-Kong, includ- '" "i': '" 
..,. ing agencies of the :5.5'
] ,";..; 
Hon" - Kon" Post..::'" '::. "1 ;3 
 at AI;'oy, Can- 

ton, FoochO\
, Han- 
ko\\ J 1HOI

\\-! Ning- 

 :: . -, . ' 
po, Shan",hal, and 0"':"" 
. Swatow. >'.f-= ':. 
= _ .
* Straits Settlement. 
<:i 1 * Cape Colony. õ õi g,
 " Gambia. . '=>'" 


. I !I
i ! 

For Money Orders drawn on the Unite,l Kingdom, New Sonth Wales. Queensland, "ktons, New Zealanà, Ta
lIlanla amI Jamaica, 
the pavees will receive payment In British money at the rate of i:l Stg. for each ,1.87 paid in by the remitter, and sll1alkr sums 
at the same rate. 
The following Table ..hows the S1lm
 pa1/able in Foreign Currencies on Money Ch-der.. issued in Cunada:- 

Canadian : 1 Value in Denmark, Iceland !::iwedcn and Canadian I vaIUC;-i: FI.I!'Ce, -- 
 BelguuH, Rournania. 
}[oney. German :\Ioney. and Faroe Islands. Norway. I Money. S


t c{s. 1far
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4;' 00 187 20 
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 If.. :J 


$- :;; .:: 

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 a; .25 

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Keeps in Stock Sarvell and other 1\'heels, 

Enamelled Top and Dash Leather, Rubber Cloth, Moquette, 
Enamelled and Oil Cloth, Curled Hair, and Moss, 



All kinds of lff'ilnicipal Blanks and Stationery supplied at Lowest Rates. 





64, 66, & 68 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. 

Full Stock of Paper, :::itaple Mercantile and Fancy Stationery, Bookbinders' and Printers' 
.Material, Wallets, Purses, Diaries, &c. Bookbinding ill every style of the Art-dose prices. 



nlJtlopt, and lJ1a'lh lJooh lJ]allulatlufers, 

Nos 61 & 63 YO










@arrhderß, &t.oli.cit.orß, &.c. 
4 \VELLf
 I , A. ADA 



.. l:!Sl:l (J
r 1!.llR BES;t," SJ};WLltr'"O (fJOTTO/t'"... 

' W 
 -- -

. Ã2 ß\

gJ;j, '=,




....... .....





"''''1. .... 
















By sparing neither time, cost, or labor to make their instruments as perfect as pos- 
sible, by adhering firmly to a fixed rule not to build anything but the very HIGHEST 

O f

have built up for themselves a home and foreign name for the superiority of their 
instruments which stands unrivalled and unchallenged before the civilized world. 

nor has become so popular in Canada. No ORGAN IS SO GREAT A FAVORITE with 
the people. All Organs have Foley's Automatic Mouse and Dust Proof Attachment, 
the only absolutely perfect protection in existence. 




Ruse's Temple at Music, 

1888 ] 



J. T. B. PORTER & CO. 
. Gas Engzneers 



,;Juan '-oun(ttts nnh 4Qnftadats




01 L GAS 







1 1rVe8t1flfbin8ter ((Jna1Jz'ibluers, S

J . 
 ' i I 

 t .' , , . 
 ..JJJ1r:'lllli II ," 
I I I, '. . . ,,,:!:, ill!" "" , IIr II . I, ' 
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 1,-:: u Tli I tI ....











1.0F CHNHDH..[

- - - 

The Direct Route between the West and all points 
on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baie des Chaleur; 
also, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward 
Island, Cape Breton, St. Pierre, Newfoundland, 
Bermuda and Jamaica. 

C LOSE CONNECTIONS made at Rimouski, P.Q., during 
the Summer, and at Halifax, N.S., 
fortnightly in Summer, weekly in Winter, with the Royal Mail Steam- 
ships of the ALLAN LINE to and from Liverpool, making the shortest 
Ocean Passage between America and Europe. 

NEWa7td ELEGANT Buffet Sleeþingand 

Day Cars ru1Z {In all through Exþress Trains. 


Have proved the Intercolonial in connection with Steamship Lines to 
and from Liverpool, London and Glasgow, to be the Quickest Freight 
Route between Canada and Great Britain. 
Superior Elevator, Warehouse, and Dock Accommodation at Halifax 
for Shipment of Grain and General Merchandize. 


Tickets m.ay be obtained and all information as to Route, Passenger and Freight 
Rates on application to 



tern Freight and Passenger A
136! ::it. James Htreet, opp. St. Lawrence Hall, 
Chief Sllpe1.inlmdrnt, 
::!3th August, 1887. 

We"tel'B Freight and Passenger Agent, 
93 Ro
ill House BIocJ., York St. 
C/ticf Ellyillef'r &; General Mctnayer, Gov't Railways, 


188 K ] 



Electro-Therapeutic Institution. 
197 JAKVIfi' 8TKEE'I'. '''ORO

rllOf. Vßt"OYS 
D-.Y 'ATTCRr. 
r =:;:;; 
. . .J- L · 

.=. . 


COMPOUND ELECTRICITY, produced in a powerful, ri{'h, mild current, mar- 
vellously modified b;r a new invention, and made invaluable for the cure of disease 
adapted to all our improved batteries for office and home use. 


Price -
25. A "ork on 1'\en"ous Diseases, their Cause and Cure. PI ice, 25c. in stamps. 
Uur ne" Combination baths, Galvanic, Vapor, f'ulphur, ek., are a great improvement in treatin
' many 
(Iiseases, deriving the benefit received at the best Mineral Springs, with Electricit
- combined See circular. 
For the treatment of 1'\ervous, Chronic, and Ohscure Diseases, not cured by other kinds of treatment (nor by 
the unskilled and ineJo..perienced). Diseases that follow nervous exhaustion (a Jack of vitality or nel"-e force 
from vi1.rious causes, as over brain work, over ph
 sical work, e'\.cess, abnonnal secretions and excl'etions, 
producing- various phases of disease and suffering in mind and bod
". Those who wish the treatment at home 
may have it b.\ ordering one of Prof. Vemoy's Improved Fanlll,\- Batteries, and follow the instructions 
\\ith it, which are plain and 
imple. The cures made \\ith these Improved Batteries scientificall,\' used, 
accflrding to the new system practiced by Prof. Verno.)-, are not limited to any particular class of diseases. It 
is wonderful to bee how such radical changes are so quietly and agreeabl.)" made. Acute diseases are oftell 
cured as by magic in one or two applications. Female diseases, hopeless cases by other means, displacements 
and other weaknes
es -nervous debility (abnormal evacuations in either sex) permanently cured after years of 
suffering with other kinds of treatment. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Catarrh, head, lung, heart, liver, kidney, 
and other organic troubles and derangements of the s,\ stem changed to a healthy state as readily as the hard 
frozen earth is mellowed by the genial rays of the sun by Nature's means, in hal'mony with her fixed laws. 
Bad cases thus cured will inform you how wonderful the cure is. Address given if you \\ish it. See the 
ctric Age for testimonials and references, such as Hon. T. B. Pardee, Sarnia; Chas. Stark, Esq., )IeJ:chant, 
;;2 Church St., Toronto; Rev. G. M. }Iilligan, 384 Sherbourne St., Toronto; Re\. Dr. Kellogg, Pastor St. 
.James' Square Presbyterian Church, Toronto; Rev. J. H. Castle, President McMaster Hall, Toronto; J. R. 
Barber, Esq., GeOl'geto\\n, President of Barber & Ellis Co., Toronto; Wm. Elliott, Esl)., Wholesale Druggist, 
Fl'ont St., Toronto; T. G. Foster, Esq., of T. G. Foster & Co., Wholesale )Ierchants, 16 Colborne St., Toronto; 
Jas. Watson, Esq., Manag-er People's Loan and Deposit Co., Adelaide st. East, Toronto; Dr. L. Closson, }fa}- 
vern P. O. Onto ; E. M. Shadbolt, Manager Bank of Montreal, Montreal; S. J. Moore. Grip Publishing Co., 
!<'rout St. West, Toronto; R. :K. Gray, Dominion Bank, Toronto; V. B. Wadsworth, Esq., Inspector Loan and 
Agency Co., Toronto; Rev. Dr. Potts, Toronto; Jas. S. Amos, Esq., Hamilton, Onto ; John Hudson, Esq., Lmn- 
her Merchant, St. Mary's,Ont. ; "'. B. McMurrich, Esq., M.A., Barrister, Toronto. 
Call or send for circular. \\ith testimonials all over Canada, and learn what caJl be dODe through science 
and art 

The Improved Batteries from "25 to "'50. 
Others at various low prices. 
A book of Instruction with the Battery. 


s. VER.JSrOY, 

 4 D
 ED. C!,:\,s SWO 8!< S 

!:; . JNPO

/\\\1\\SH,Ð 76 KIN GW. TORONTO 

ol\ \9 &s }\.1<:(ðU5 L J\ND &SO.N 

Ù.1J Öß


 , '. . . 



Treatment by inhalation. I!(,th ('\ffice and home 
treatment. Manufactured ill Canada by me for over 
four J ears. It is genuine, the same as sold in Phila- 
rlelphia, Chicago, and California. Trial treatment 
free at office' Send for circular. Home treatment 
for tno months, inhaler and all complete, 
]2. Office 
treatment, 32 for $18. Mark it ; JlO duty! Butterick's 
Patterns anrl Books. Send 3c. stamp for Fashion 
Sheet and Oxyg-en Chroniele. Ladies, remember I 
am the only person havin
 the right to sell ButteriC'k's 
Patterns on King Street. 

Crown Pattern Rooms, 41 King St. E., Toronto, 








t...J ' 

, ',:- ,,' 


 . (.'<, 
 ....4R.'ò'};4.'" ',: . 
" .
"T"'(; .' , 
. þ....
 \../ ',' 
The luost practical and E'xperienccd man on this eon-: , , 
r I, " - -
'::"- '. 
 -'> .\
tiD.ent for relieving and curing Kuptu..e RDd D.'- I ";,. '" 

>__' ')-, 
'ormitie!ol of all deSC'riptions. It wi
l be t
 YOUI' ad- l ' ':" ::> '. _ 
vantag'e to call on me. 100,000 adJusted In person. 
. --:... ,
Esta.blished 16 years. Send 6 cent stamp for Registered , ' '. .

 . -. '
 -"";, ". J! 
Book on ., Rupture and the Human Frame" (by Chas. " ..'Z "'- 
 " , 
Cluthe). .. '<\. .'
 . 7' : 
Address t':HAS. CLIJTHE, ,: "
 ":í, \.: 
 " : ': 

'I_I! Y. EI
,<:!) , 
TU""'A 'A"55 
. . "CRUICI:IES'. H . Ii B d S . 
The Skilful Mechanical Treatment of Hernia or Rup- as no enClrc ng 0 y prIng 
ture a Specialty. Apartments for Ladies and Chil- 1 t . b d 
dren. MARTIN, TOMS & CO. or e as IC an s. 
Gives an easy inward and continuous upward pressure (as Hernia is 
retained with the fingers), never shifts, and securely holds under all exertionR or 
position or body. Pamphlet free. Orutches, Abdominal Supporters, 
Silk Elastic Hosiery-write for prices and catalogue Apartments for 
Ladies and Ohildren. Headquarters for Orut,}hes and Shoulder 
Our establishment is the only one in Canada under the distinguished pat- 
ronage of Toronto's most eminent surgeons, and conducted by a professional 
and experienced fitter. Communications confidential on all subjects, and 
enquiries received with pleasure. Address or call on, 
Jv'IARTIN, TOMS & eo. 


ROOD1, 20 MillichaD1p's Building, 
31 Ade]aide Street East, Toronto. 

1888. ] 




u.i .p 


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 p '\:-p TORON

0 cð ::1 f -- - p..\-\- 
 -TE1.EPHIJNE.\:'ó1,:-\c ç:. 


Miners and Shippers. Wholesalers and Retailers. 


 =::7. =--- 
 ó ---- 

Hundreds ot 
First-Class References 

G. R. STARKY, A.l\l., l\1.D. The 
. . ALEN, 1 " 'J.. . 
manufactured by 

TlUl"DE ?/\ARIt' R
T' f\ItE",. _
i }jD1>,'._,

.." '1

t ;:< 
;''''-1 I I 
1..lvt IdhuL I,

 . '. . j, I' 'I,f II 

_qT.: A- n n 0' 9./:" .

is the 
All others sold under 
that name 

to prove that 

will Cure 
of all kinds. 7529 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
H01llejT'I'eatment by Inhalation 1m' th(' C'-ure oj all 


Spurious and 
Chronic Diseases, 

CRAS. G. KING, 58 Church Street. 



-No. 7C ('H1-'R
THEE'r, 'ronON'ro. 

PAID-UP CAPITAL, $1,400,000. RESERVE FUND, $700,000. 



T. H. LEE. 



Ioney received on Deposit, and interest allowed, compounded half-yearly. 
TI'.Rt;S issued, Sterling or Currency, for amounts to suit Ilwestors. Half- 
yearly Interest Coupons attached. Executors and Trustees are legally authorizerl to invest 
in these Debentures. 

Money to Lend. Sb aight Loans at Lowest Current Rates. 

WALTER S. LEE, Manager. 

D)01t 1 0 .Q,er MiJJs

1\I.I:an. '-1fac't'1.1rerø of 

' II I I 
 \ I J I \ !:I 
 r-- -' 
 I" I 
 ,U I < - 

= =_== - 

 - =.0 = === 

Moth-Proof Carpet Felt, 
Roofing and Sheathing Papers, 
l"'vvlnes-All Kinds, 
Butcher's Skewers. 

-è- ==. 


30 West Market Square, TORONTO. 


 gTE.")! l'REfoS F,.,T."JJLff<IIJlF.1\T OF THE COl'P, CLAllii CO)!l'A1\Y, LUIfTFD, TOROXTO. 

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