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L\ fJt....\\ R v 
í,.H \.\ .1 


.. -!.... 

Estab1i,;bed 1817 Incorporated by Act 0; ParJiament __ 
CAPITAL paid up (Authorized. .SI6.000.000)" $15,4q I OOO.OO ./ ; 
REST IS.000.000.00 
Ht. Hon. Lord Strathcona and 
loUDt Royal. G.C.1LG., G.e. V.O., HODonry Preøident; R. B. An
I're"iûent; :iir Edward CIOWItoD, Bart., Vice-PrMid.D
; E. B. Greeoahields, Roo, Robt. l[ackay, C, R_ 
HO:l"?-er, Sif William 
, Sir Thoø. Shaughn..y. K.C, V,O.. A. Baum 
 ; James Boa.. David .( 

orr:ce, H. V. 
erethtb. . 
 - . 
H. V. }fsuDrrs. G_øl Jlanagff :' :' 
A. lliC:f1D.... Chúj l
r, Gild Supn-inle7uùnt of .8focInchea"- , 
C. SW!SK:iT. .supt. Br
iA Columbia BrGnchM. W. E. SUVUT, Svpt. Jløriti.1UJ Prrm aM Ytld. , A. D. BJUJTHW'AITa, SuJ1l. Oft''1rio ßTtJneM.. F. J. COCItBUa'f, Supt.. QUCIIee BTø?tCh
E. P. WL'i8LOW, Supt; NurtÀ-JYut 1JTø..-,Aø. F, J. Hc:cna. ImpuCOr 01ltario JJ1'ø.n 
 D. R. 
 I rupeclor Jløriti_ Pnrtri.,.
 Ml Njfd. BrtJncM'. :1.... 

SRANCHES: 11 1\ï
 "::' J:'" 
-...;" L
 .f . 

! ,>". \. -i 
_'- O
 'W. New Branswlck Nort
l ;,. . 
_-\.lUston; .. ... . Toronto"
 - - f' ....-.,"1-. COI&tunud. PrOyjnce

xt\ ' .' 
';' - .:;'.. &.... 
1lr3t St. 

 Fredericton. Moo:>e J"aw.. 'w<:

 ,'" Grand Fall" $ask: 4- ""4' -.
.. , 
..Aurora':-.a' ...:p. .. Caz:-c>.OI1'-. 
t. '.. .... Oa ,--..n_
.- . 

 " DtaldB.$ St. Hartland. A' UA"'7"R'
 .. Qut:
n St. Marysv1lle, Outlook.,_ Saak...;f " 
 Yonge St Moncton, Portage.Ja 4 .'
B'rockv1Îì, . \ Tienton, Perth. Prairie; Jfå.ñ:..-' -: 
Chatham. ,Tweed. Shediac, Raymond;.' Al
Collingwood, Wallaceburg. St. .John. Regina. Saøk..
ertord. Woodstock. Rost'nf
ld. Man. ... 


 Qu ebec Nova Scotia SasJr.:3.toon. Sask. 
EgUnton. Amherst, SPl'j


Fenelon Fa.lls,. Buckin
ham, Bridgewater, S u-el
 AI ...... 
Fdrt WUl1am, Cookshlre, Canso UI..... 'Do. 
GQrlerlch. DanvUl
. Glace 'Bay, Weybul'1i, Sask-- 
G e1 b, FraservlUe. Halifax. Winnipeg, Man, 

lto n. Gra!1d :llere. .. Xorth End, " Fort Rouge.. 
.. Barton. LevIs, . Lunenburg, .. Logan Ave. 
V B. I M",gantlc. l\Ia.'lone B.....y .... Briti.h 'Coumbia ,. 
K;tor a. Mon treal. Port Hood, ? 
trool!:', . 
Holstein. . HO<'helaga. - 00;:.' .À........, 'ner, ... 
:.. Sydney,;........ .-....;;; 

. Pa

au Wolfville, CIoverdalfJ,.' - .
... _
Lindsay, ,. Peel St. Yarmouth. Enderby. ..;.,.:?
IA)ndon. .. PoInt St.. Priøcc Edward '51 GreenwoocJ. 't,. 
)fount Fo
st, Charles. Charlottetown. HostnE:r,. -t. \' 
wmarket, " Seigneu1"3 St. Ka:nloops, .;._-. ..10 ';' 
Oakwood, .. Ste. Anne de North:-West Kelowna. =. ; 
Otuwa, BeUe"\<-ue. ProVinces 




n. S:

. / -. 
P:1rls, Quebec. Cardston, AIta.' N!cola..- .' 
Perth. .. St. Roell. Edmonton. Alta.. Pem.lctoD. - - 
Peterboro, .. Upper Town, Gretna.. :Man. _ Port Haney, . 

cton, SawyervUle, High River, Pri; ce Rupert. - 
Port Arthur. Sherbrooke, Alta. Ro....:land, -, 
Port Hope, St. Hyacinthe. Indian Head. SUI :erlan+ ..; "': 
Sam!:!. Three Rivers. Sask. V;OO 'couver." ....... f 
Sault Ste. Yarte. Lethbridge. "$ Main St. _qf->:
StirlIng. New Brun5wick . Alta. Vernon. :.' 
""_' i 
Str'3.ttord. B,),thunt. ; 
agrath, Alta. Victoria, !- \>.... 
St. '{aryl!, Chatham, 
 :iledlcfne Hat, WPFlt Summel'- - 
Sudb>1r'Y. Edmundaton. AlL... -""' $ . 
; land. - 
!n N
W1oundJalld-8T. JO
'8, DU
CBY Cf\o, 
. I. (]rat BriUia: - 
 ;>OS. 17 l'h.readoeedle Streec, B.D...... or.............. ......... .F. Wn.u.u.s T...:noa, Jftmøgef'. 
In the Ulrited State.: 




., f 

R. Y. Bu>>u. 

EW YORK, W. ..... ßoø, 
J. T. MOLlJIwx. 


.Ag.,,", M Wa.l1 stne&. 



In Mexico-KEXICO, D.F. 
Banken in Great Britain: 
: The &nk of ,En
l..nd ; Tbe t.:'nion of London and Smith'. Bank. Ltd.; London Coun
J and 
r B...nk Ltd.;
he Provincial &nil: of EDg'_, Ltd. wnUOOL: The Bank 01 Linrpoo1. 
Ltd. :j
.'-,(D: The Bnt:lh Linen Bank, and Bn-Dcbes. 
Rankers in the t:nited States: 

.. \"
RK: The 
at:onal 9ity &nil: ; 
Ütional Bank of Commerce in Xe...; York; National Park Bank. 

O:tl'Ú:ii.. The 
.l.tlC\n&1 ß:t.nk. Bl'I'PJ.LO: The }fsrine 
a.tional Bank. S.\Y Fn.&.YCI8CQ: The 
1- il'!lt 1\3.;lon&1 ß:mk ; The Ansrlo aDd London Pnris National Bank. 

tù:..real. D
. 191L 


Imperial Bank of Canada 



PAID-UP CAPITAL ..,... ...... ...... ........ $6.000.00 0 . 00 
RESERVE FUND.. ...' . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... $ 
TOTAL ASSETS OVER......................$70.000,OOO.00 

D. R, WILKIE. President, HON. ROBERT 
Wm, Ramsay of Bo'Wland. Elias Rogers. 
r ;eg-Ho'Wland. Sir Wm. Whyte (Winnipeg). 
Hon. Richard Turner. Wm. Hamilton Merritt. M.D.. 
(Quebec) (St. Catharines) 
D. R. WILKIE, General Manager. E, HAY, Asst. General Manager. 
W, MOFFAT. Chief Inspector. 

provlnce of Ontario. 


Province of Quebec, 
Province of Ma.nitoba. 
Province of Saska.tch- 

JAFFRAY. Vice-President. 
J. Kerr Osborne. 
Ca'Wthra Mulock. 
W. J, Gage. 

Province of Alberta, 
Province of British 

Age nts 
GREAT BRITAIN-Lloyds Bank Limited. 
Commercial Bank of Scotland, Limited. 
Bank of Ireland. 
U .ITED STATES-Ne'W York: Bank of the Manhattan Co, 
Chicago: First National Bank 
FRANCE.-Credit Lyonnais. .GERMANY-Deutsche Bank. 
Savmgs Department at all Branches. 
Travellers' Le
ters of Credit issued. available in all parts of the 'World. Drafts. 
cheques, etc.. negotiated and general banking business transacted. 
f Information regarding Canadian securities and investments may be obtained 
rom Messrs. Lloyds Bank Limited. 60 Lombard Street. London. E.C. 





Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855, 

Head Office, MONTREAL, 


Smith's Falls Knowlton 
St. Marys VlChine Locb 
St. 'I homas Montreal 
West End !:It. James St. 
East End Branch St. Catherine St. 
Teeswater Market & Harbour 
Toronto St. Henry \ 
Bay Street Maisonneuve 
Queen St. W. Bch Cote des Neiges 
Trenton St. Lawrence Blvd 
wales Cote St. Paul 
Waterloo PierrevilIe 
West Toronto Quebec 
Williamsburg Richmond 
Woodstock oberval 
Zurich orel 
QUEBEC St. Cesaire 
Arthabaøka Ste. Flavie Station 
Bedford St. Oura 
Chicoutimi Ste. Therese de 
Drummondville Blainville 
Fraserville & Riviere Victoriaville 
du Loup Sta. Waterlo 

ALBERTA. Exeter 
CalJ\'ary Forest 
Camrose Frankford 
Diamond City Hamilton 
Edmonton James Street 
Lethbridge }Iarket Branch 
IBlA Highgate 
Revelstoke .- Iroquois 
Vancouver Kingsvil e 
Main St. Branch Kirkton 
MANITOBA Lambton Mills 
Winnipeg London 
Portage Ave. Branch Lucknow 
Alvinston Merlin 
Amhereøtburg Morrisburg 
Aylmer Norwich 
Brockville Ottawa 
ChesterviUe Owen Sound 
Clinton Petralia 
Dashwood Port Arthur 
Drumbo Ridgetown 
Dutton Simcoe 
S. H. EWING, Vice-President 
JAMES ELLIOT. General Manager 
A. D. DURNFORD. Chief Inspector and SuPt. of Branches 
W. H. DRAPER, Inspector 
E. W. WAUD, J, H, CAMPBELL and H. A. HARRIES, Asst. Ins. 
LONDON AND UVERPOOL-Parr's Bnnk, Limited 
IRELAND-Munster and Leinster Bank, Limited 
AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND-The Union Bank of Australia, Limited 
SOUTH AFRICA-The Standard Bank of South Afr;ca., Limited 


FRANCE-Societe Generale 
GEftMANY-Deutsche Bank 
l, ANTWEHP-La Banque D'Am'ers 
CHINA AND JAPAN-Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 
CUBA-Banco Nacional deCuLa 

NEW YORK-Mechanics & l\I
tals Natl. Bk. National City Bk. Nat!. Bk. 
BOSTON-State National Bank. Kidder, Peabody & Co. 
CHICAGO-Firl't National Bank. 
PmLADELPHIA-Fourth St. N. B. Philadelphia Nat. Bk. Corn E
. National Bank 
DETROIT-P"oples State Bank. 
BUFFALO-Third N'ltional Bank. 
MINNEAPOLIS-First National Bank. 
Collections made in all parts of the Dominion and Returns 
promptly remitted at lowest rates of exchange, 
Commercial Letters of Credit and Travellers' Circular Letters issued, 
available in all parts of the world, 

Canada's Grand Trunk Railway 



Finest Roadbed in 
the Dominion 
Great Double Track 


It Costs No More 
to travel Grand 
Trunk, but you See 



The most popular express in Canada is the Inter- 
national, Limited, which leaves Montreal daily at 
9 a.m, for Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Detroit, 
Chicago, and Western Canada and United States, 
Best! Route to the Charming Holiday Resorts in the 
Highlands of Ontario. 


One instance-A RECORD-Dry goods which left 
Liverpool per R.M.S. .. Teutonic" at 7 p.m. on July 
15th arrived Montreal 5 p,m, July 22nd. went for- 
ward per GRAND TRUNK and reached Toronto 
Sunday,23rd, ready for delivery on Monday, July 

Send your small parcels, valuables, travellers' 
samples, etc" by Canadian Express, which is oper- 
ated in connection with the GRAND TRUNK. 

w. E. DAVIS 
Pass. Traff. Manager 

Asst. Pass. Traff. Mgr. 

Gen, Pass. Agent 





in the quaintest and hisoo-rically the most interesting city in America. One of the 
finest hotels on the continent. It occupies a commanding position overloo-kin.g the 
St. Lawrence, its site being unrivalled. One mile from C.P.R. Station. Ame-ri- 
is 8 handsome structure immediately opposite the Vige'r Square' at Piaoo Viger 
 11 miles from 'Vindsor Street Station, and at a conveni
nt distance from 
Ocean Line docks, most tas.tefully furnished, the style and ele
nce characterizing 
the Ohateau Fronlte-nac at Quebec, being also found he're. Amerioan pLan. 
THE ALGONQUIN-ST. ANDREWS. N.B.-(Open from June to September) 
bas rece,n.tly been thoroughly renO'V-ated and much enlarged. Best natu,NlI golf 
links in Oanad&. AlSo<> The Inn (open from July 1st) at $2.50 per day and up. 
ward. American plan. 
is especially conrvenient fo-r oommerc1al and other, owing to its location 
at the junction- with ,the main. line of the Oompany's bran-ch Hne6 iIlJtersecting New 
Brunoswick. American plan. 
is situated at the famous Caledo.n-ia Springs, ahout BOO yards from the C.P.R. 
Sta.tion. The Springs .are nO'W wen known allover the American Continent. 
Special rates by the week or month. 
a recently oompleted BOO-room house, situ.ated a,t the RaHway station, furnished 
with every modern con'Venien00. Europan plan. 
The Company has decided 00 build a Hotel at Calgary, construction to be com- 
me-nced during 1911. The pIan and general .arrangements of the other Hotels of 
t.he Company wiU be followed and every known modern conve,nien,oo will be in. 
stalled. BANFF ISPRINGS HOTEL-BANFF, AL T A.-(Open May 15th to Oct. 15th) 
in the Oanadian National Park, on the easte'rn slo-pe of the Rocky Moun-tains is 
4,500 feet 8Ibove sea level, at the junction of the BO'W and S-pray Rivers. A large 
and handsome structure. Distance from C.P.R. Station is about 11 miles, and 
tl'lansfelr charge is 25 ooDJts. American pla.n. 
CHATEAU LAKE LOUISE-LAGGAN. ALTA.-(Open from June 10th to Sept. 30th) 
is a quiet resting place in the mountains, situated by Lake Louise. from which 
there is a good carriage driVie. A convenient base from which to explore the 
Lakes in the Clouds.. The Ohateau is &ituated about 21 miles from Laggan Station, 
and transfer charge is 50 ce-n1ts, American plan. 
. B.C 
a chalet fifty miles of Banff, at the base of Mount Stephen, which 
towers 8,000 feet .above. This is a favorite plaoo fo.r tourists, mountain climbers 
and artists. The wonderful Yo-ho Valley is reached by way of Field. Ame.rican pLan. 
EMERALD LAKE CHALET- NEAR FIELD. B.C.-(Open June 15th to SePt. 30th) 
a mOf>t rQmantically situat.ed -Swiss ohalet hotel with accommooation for forty 
guests. The gatew.ay to Yoho Velley. Seven mileß from Field Sta,tion. Transfer 
charge $1.00. American plan. 
GLACIER HOUSE---<ìLACIER. B.C,-(Open May 1st to October 31st) 
in the heart of .the Se-Ikirks, within forty-five minutes walk o.f the Glacier. 
which covers an area of about thirty-eight square mile.s. American plan. 
situated bet
n the SeMdrk and Gold Ranges, a.t the ,-port,al Qf the West Kootena
gold fields and the ATr<JIW Lakes. Amerioan plan. A. J. MacDonel.l, Le6see. 
A new fir&t-class rourist hotel at Balfour. B.C., American pIan. 
built on the sho're6 of the ShusW\ap Lakes, where the Okanagan branch of the 
C.P.R. begins. American plan. 
the Pacific Coast terminus of the Railway, is a hotel designed to serve the large 
commercial business of the citro as well as the tourists who find it profita.ble and 
interesting to remain a d.ay or lonoger. SitThBted 1 mile from C.P.R. StatiQn. 
Transfer charge 25 cents. American plan. 
Newly oompleted; at short distance from boat landing. One of the most beautiful 
hotels on the American Oontinent. European plan. . 
HAYTE>R REED, Manager in Ohief, Hotel Depa.rtment, C.P.R., MONTREAL. 


Ashbury College 



Resident and Day School for }Boys 

. ß1.
 . ,..:-"... . 1 
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 4 . 

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II -. '_ Il1. : ',\s ;} " 


U LL 1l. !.oJ. 


High Situation. Ten Acres of Playing Fields. Excel- 
lent Sanitation, Outside the City limits, but within 30 
minutes of the centre of Ottawa, 
Special preparation for the Royal Military College and 
Universities, In the last two years all candidates sent in 
for the Royal Military College have obtained Cadetships, 
one FIRST Place. 
Junior Department for little Boys, 
For Calendar and full particulars apply 
Rev. Geo, P. Woollcombe, M,A, (Oxon.) 
Head Master 



" ,... '" 

Royal Military College 
of Canada 

T HERE are few national institutions of more value and in- 
terest to the country than the Royal Military College of 
Canada. Notwithstanding this, its object and the work 
it is accomplishing are not sufficiently understood by the 
general public. i 
The College is a Government Institution, designed primarily 
for the purpose of giving instruction in all branches of military 
science to cadets and officers of the Canadian Militia, In fact, 
it corresponds to Woolwich and Sandhurst, 
The Commandant and military instructors are all officers on 
the active list of the Imperial Army, lent for the purpose, and 
there is in addition a complete staff of professors for the civil sub- 
jects which form such an important part of the College course, 
Medical attendance is also provided, 
Whilst the College is organized on a strictly military basis, 
the cadets receive a practical and scientific training in subjects 
essen tial to a sound modern education, 
The course' includes a thorough grounding in Mathematics, 
Civil Engineering, Surveying, Physics, Chemistry, French and 
The strict discipline maintained at the College is one of the 
most valuable features of the course, and in addition, the constant 
practice of gymnastics, drill and outdoor exercises of all kinds 
secures health and excellent physical condition, 
Commissions in all branches of the Imperial Service and Cana- 
dian Permanent Force are offered annually. 
The diploma of graduation is consid..,red by the authorities 
conducting the examination for Dominion Land Surveyor to be 
equivalent to a univerc;ity degree, and by the regulations of the 
Law Society of Ontario, it obtains the same exemptions as a 
B.A, degree, 
The length of the course is three years, in three terms of 9l 
months each, 
The total cost of the course, including board, uniform, instruc- 
tional material, and all extras, is about $800. 
The annual competitive examination for admission to the 
College takes place in May of each year, at the headquarters of 
the several military districts, 

 For full particulars regarding this examination and for any 
other information, application should be made to the Secretary 
of the Military Council, Ottawa, Ont,; or to the Commandant, 
Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont, I January. 1912 



The Guarantee Company of 
North America 



BONDS for officers and employes in aU pOl'itions of trust. 
BONDS required by Inland Revenue DepartmeDt from Licensed Manu- 
facturers and Warehousemen. 
BONDS in lieu of certified cheques to accompaDY teDdeI'8 by contractors 
for furnishing supplies. 
BONDS for costs in actions before the Courts, 
BONDS required under Succession Duty ActE'. 

Paid-up Capital and Resources over 


This Compan
"R bonds are accepted by the Dominion andProvinciaJ..Govern. 
ments, and by the leading B
nking. Railway aDd Commerical Corpor- 
ations of Canada and of the united States. 

Over $2,250,000 in claims has been paid to Employers 

for losses sustained through the infidelity of employes. 


JAMES B. FORGAN (Chi<ago) BON. E.C.SMI'IH(St.AlbanR) 

HENRY E. RA'VLINGS, Managing Director 
RICHARD B. SCOTT, Secretary-Treasurer 

TORONTO;BRANCH. Mail Building 

H. F. GORDON. Agent 
D. T. TOMPKINS. Sec'ty, 

Eranches in the principal cities of the United States, 



This Company is not Allied to any Combination 


Canadian Biographical 
Dictionary from the 
Earliest Times 

Edited by 



Canadian Legislators, 
and Statesmen 

A Biographical Dictionary from 
the Earliest Times 

Edited by 


- - ,., < r 
.. . 

k .- 

 ... ., TORONTO 

 "'. __r-- .rt:.... -: . . .1 
"" . 
.... - 

..u.. 't 
- .' - 
 .l' '_,..
 ;: :, . 
" . '''1; ;r' "'::
-- ..r 

.:is.. < - .- '-. .. 
Preparatory School .. 
"- !" .... 
A Residential 
School for Boys, .. 

Founded 1829, 


Main School 

Courses for Universities, Royal Military College, etc, 
Senior and Preparatory Schools in separate buildings, with every 
modern equipment, 
Fifty acres of ground in healthiest location. 
Gymnasium, Rinks, Swimming Bath, etc. 

The Associated Board 

Royal Academy of Music 
and Royal College of 
Music, London, England 

For Local Examinations in Music 
in the British Empire 


The Annual Examinations in Prac- 
tical Music and Theory will be held 
throughout Canada in May and June. 
An Exhibition. value about $500. is 
offered annually, 
Syllabus. Music for the Examina- 
tions. and all particulars may be 
obtained on application to 

87 Shuter Street. Montreal 
(Resident Secretary for Canada.) 
Open to pupils of all Teachers of 

H. W. AU DEN, M.A., Principal 


Sc hool for 


Port Hope, Onto 

Healthy situation. Fireproof 
Extensive playgrounds, large 
gymnasium, skating rinks, etc, 
Boys prepared for the Univer- 
sities, Royal Military College 
and business. Special attention 
gi ven to younger boys. 
For calendar and all informa- 
tion apply to the Headmaster, 

Rev, Oswald Rigby, M,A, 
(Cantab.), LL.D. 
Port Hope, Om. 


RECORD OUTPUT FOR 1910. $26.377.066 

TOTAl, PRODUCTION TO DATE, $374,197,650 

FOR 1908. 1909 AND 1910 


[1908. 1909 1910 
Quantity I Value Quantity Value Quantity Value 
----..:.. I 
 --r- - ---.------- 
- 647 000 - 477,000 - 540,000 
255.5821 5982'880 238,224 4,92i,09O 267,701 5,533,380 
2,631,389 1'821'4&3 2,532,742 1,239,270 2,450.Ul 1,245,016 
43,195.733 l'632'799 14i ,396,346 1 ],709,259 3 -1,658,746 1,386.350 
41,2H,614 6:2-10:249J 45,597,245 5,918,522 38,243,934 4,871,512 
- 170000 1 - 400,000 4,184,192 192,473 
1,677,849 5872'472 2,006,476 7,022,666 2,800,0-16 9,800.161 
247,399 1:484: 394 1 258.703 1 552,218
 218,029 1,308.11' 
 - 1,200,000 , - 
23,85I,277l 2U i3. 02.'), 126.377,066 

Gold, placer.. Ounces 
Jode..... It 
Silver ........ .. 
Lead. .. . . . . . . . Pounds 
Copper.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " 
Zinc .......... " 
Coal .......... Tons, 2,240 lbs. 
Coke. . . . . . . . .... .. 
Other mater'Is - 

Copies of the Annual Report of the Minister of Mines for 
1910. containing exhaustive statistics with regard to the Mining 
industry and special reports on the Portland Canal. Lillooet and 
Tatlayoko districts, and on part of Atlin Mining Division, Bella 
Coola and Valdes Island, can be obtained from 


Agent-General for British Columbia 

Salisbury House, Finsbury Circus - LONDON, E. C. 

Ouebec Steamship Co. 
Montreal, New York, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence 
New York, Bermuda and West India Lines 

'St. Lawrence Line to Maritime Provinces 

The Iron Screw Steamship" CASCAPEDIA," 1,800 tons, having 
the latest modern passenger accommoùations, is intended to sail from 
Muntreal to Pictou, N.S., calling at Quebec, Gaspé, l\Ialbay, Percé, 
Summerside and Charlottetown, P.E.I., every alternate Thursday, 
at 4 p. m., during the season of navigation, sailing from Quebec the 
following Friday at noon. At Pictou the Intercolonial Railway train 
is taken for Sydney and Halifax, whence connections can be made for 
St. John's, Nfld., St. John, N.B., Portland, Boston and New York, 

Quebec to New York 
The well and favorably known SS. "TIU
IDAD," 2,600 tons, is 
intended to sail from Quebec for New Y Ol'k e\"ery alternate Friday, 
during July and August, going up the Saguenay River and calling at 
Gaspé, Charlottetown and Halifax. 

New York and Bermuda Royal Mail Steamship Line 
The new and in every way up-to-date Twin-Screw Steamship 
" BERl\IUD rAN," 5.500 tom, specially built for the route, haying 
the newest and hest passenger accommodations, sails from the Com- 
pany's Pier 47, North River, New York, weekly during the winter 
months, and fortnightly in summer. 

New York and Windward Islands Mail Steamship Line 
St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua, Gaudeloupe, Dominíca, 
Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara:-The new SS. 
"GCIA"SA," 3,700 tons, "PARIMA," 3,000 tons, "KORONA," 
2,900 tons, with excellent passenger accommodations, are scheduled 
to sail from !)ier 47, North River, New York, alternately every 
Special cruises to the WEST INDIES during January, Febru- 
ary and l\larch. 

Tickets at Principal Ticket Offices 

For all information as to the above routes, apply to 
Thomas Cook & Son, General Ticket Agents, 
245 and 1200 Broadway, New York 
A. E. Outerbridge & Co., Agents, 
29 Broadway, New York 
Or to Quebec Steamship Company, Quebec, Can. 



One of the best equipped Dry Docks in America. Steamships docked and repaired 
at the lowest rates. Well equipped and thorou
hly fitted with all modern 
appliances for temporary or permanent repairs. len
th of dock, 
640 feet. Depth of water, 27 feet. 
Proprietors and Operators of St. John's Electric Street Railway 
All the electric power supplied in St. John's is g-enerated on this system. City li!{hting and 
power for factories, etc.. supplied .,t moderate rates. Those requiring electr;c 
power for an
" purpose should consult the undersi
ROY.ll Mail Steamers operating on the Bays and the Coas:s of Newfoundland and Labrador. 
Lessees and Operators of the Newfoundland Railway. 638 miles. 
FOR SALE-2.500.000 Acres of Mineral. Timber and Farming Lands, prices accord- 
ing to location and quantity required. 
The Newfoun'Hand Express Company, carrying on Express business with all Express 
Comp mies of the world and money orders iSbued to all parts. _ 
The r;1ilway and steamship systems give the best connection between Ne\\founrlland, 
C:mada and the United States, and the best freight line hetween Cana<1a and Newfoundland. 
Steamsni" connects at North Sydney with the Intercolonial RailwaJ" threl! times per week, 
on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, leavin
 North Sydney on the arrival of t,he I. C. R. 
Express Trains on these evenings. 
Nt'wfoundland offers to the tourist. sporTsman and tlealth-seeker the g-randest scener,- in 
the Western hemisphere. A most beautiful dimate ill the summer months; cool, even and 
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that have yet been discovered. The I ail way is equipped with dining and sleeping cars, and 
everything to p'case the ta!'te and add to the comfort of the tourist is provid<'d. 
All information in regard to Kewfoundland or Labrador given on applic"tion to 


Synopsis of Canadian North-\Vest Land Regulations 

Any persun \\<ho is the sole head of a family, or any male over 
18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion 
land in ':Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must 
appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency ùr Sub-Agency for 
the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on cer- 
tain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister 
of intending homesteader. 
Duties.-Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land 
in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles 
of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and 
occupied by him or by his father, mother. son, daughter, brother 
or sister. 
In certain districts a homesteader in good standin
 may pre-empt 
a quarter-section alongside his homestead. Price, $3.00 per acre. 
Duties.-Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six 
months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- 
ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty 
acres extra. 
A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and can- 
not obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in 
certain districts. Price, $3.00 per acre. 
Duties.-Must reside six months in pach of three years, cultivate 
fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. 
W, W. Cory, 
Deputy of the Minister. of the Interior. 

Ontario Ladies' College 
Whitby, Ontario Canada 






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G,C,M.G.. G.C.V,O., F,R.S., LL.D" D,C.L" P.C., O,L. 

K,e.M.G., LL.D., D.e.L" F,R.S.e" e.E., l\U.e,E., F,R.G.S., F,G.S, 



A 1!;nub-bnnk nf OIaunbtau fStngrnp4!J 
nf :;Ltntug 0I4nrartrr.a 



M.A., LL.D., D,C.L., F.R.S.C. 







r" 1

e> 8 · 
,;r F 

 1957 ì 

Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one 
thousand nine hundred and tv.elve, by ALBERT KORTOX I'IWCTO:t 

N, at the Department of Agricnlture, 

- c1ia1F 
V:;OB Y 





G.C.M.G.. G.C.V.O.. F.R.S., LL.D.. D.C.L.. D.L.. 




K.C.M.G.. C.E.. LL.D.. D.C.L.. M.I.C.E.. F.G.S.. F.R.G.


The impress of whose character, genius and labours is found 
everywhere throughout the great Dominion of which 
they were among the principal founders, 


The result of years of incessant researcp, 



483 Bank Street, Ottawa, 
February, 1912. 


Dr. Morgan is a noatiye of Oanada; was educated at Morrin Co1Je
, Queooc i entered 
the Canadian public ærvice. 1853 i was called to the Bar (Que-bee and Ontario), 1873 i is 
a carrespondIng member of the Historical Societies of Quebec, Buffalo. Manitoba and New 
York, of the Saciety {)f Historical Studieß,, and {)f the American Ge{)graphical 
Sooiety, a Fellow of the R<Jyal &ciety of Narthern Antiquaries of Denmark, and an 
Honorary FelI{)IW of the Ro
'al Colonial Institute (j<f England i was grant;e.d the han. degree 
of 1a!.A. iby Amherst College, Massachusetts. 1881, the h{)n. degree of LL.D. by the. 
University of Otta1wa (R<Jman Catholic), 1903, and that of D.C.L. by the University 
of King's CoUege. NO'Va Scotia (Church O'f E'ng1and), 1905; was eJected .a Fellow of 
the &
J Society of OaJ!looa, 1904, a.nd a memoor 0If the Aiutholl"s' Club, Lo'IlOOn, Eng.l8nd, 
ill 1910. 

1. .. Tour of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales through Canada and the 
United States" (Quebec, 1860). 
2. .. Sketches of Celebrated Canadians and persons connected with 
Canada" (Quebec. 1862), 
3. .. Buchanan on the Industrial Politics of America" (Montreal. 1864). 
4. .. Speeches and Addresses of Hon. Thomas D' Arcy McGee in favour 
of British American Union," edited (London, 1865). 
5. .. The place British Americans have won in History "-a Lecture 
(Ottawa. 1865). 
6. .. The Bibliotheca Canadensis; or, A Manual of Canadian Litera- 
ture" (Ottawa, 1867). 
7. .. The Canadian Legal Directory: A Guide to the Bench and Bar of 
the Dominion" (Toronto. 1878). 
8. .. Canadian Men and Women of the Time" (Toronto, 1898). 
9. .. Types of Canadian Women, Past and Present" (Toronto, 1903), 
10. .. Canadian Life in Town and Country" (together with Mr, L. J, 
Burpee, F.R.S. C., London, 1905); besides various brochures and newspaper 
and magazine articles upon a variety of subjects. 

In 1862 Dr. Morgan established .. The Canadian Parliamentary Com- 
panion." which he edited and published annually up to 1876; and, in 
IS.8, .. The Dominion Annual Register and Review." which he like- 
wise edited and published, annually, up to 1887, 

.. More general oontributians W history are the worIæ af the Abbê Faillon, af Mr. 
Parkman. of Dr. Scadding, af the Abbê Laverdiêre, of Sir J. M. Le Maine, of Judge 
Haliburton, of Mr. Fennings Ta
'lar, of Dr. Miles, of the Abbê Casgrain. of 001. Gray, 
af Mr. Louis Turcotte, of Mr. Oharles Lindse
', of Dr. George Stewart, and of Dr. H. J. 
Morgan. We might add very largely w this liat, which serves rather to show the variety 
of wa;rs in which historical talent ma
. 00 advantageousIr occupied than to sum up what 
has been accomplished. Of all these writers there is nane who is more de-se'rving of the 
gr.atitude of his fe.Ilow-citizens than the last-mentioned. Hardly a day passes, indeed, 
in which we, as journalists, do not refer for information tOo af Dr. Morgan's various 
stares of information, and rarely da we refer to them in vain."-Montreal Gazette. 


II Indispensa.ble,."-Rev. Dr. Gray. 
.. Perfection."-Toronto Newø. 
.. M
t interesting."-Rt. Hon. Joøeph 
.. Inltere'Stñ.ng a.nd usefu.l."-H. R. B_ 
Princeøø Lou(lIe. 
.. An admirable work."-Hon. N. O. 
Wallace, M.P. 
.. Of constant service."-Earl of Car- 
.. Just what WiSS wanted."-Lord Strath- 
cona and Mount Royal. 
.. Of daily use to m.e....-Biøhop Worrell. 
.1 Useful and V'aJu6Ible."-Late Sir Henry 
.. We were very glad to hear of you 
Bgtadn."-Duke 0/ Argyll. 
.. A mine o,f useful information."- 
Marquiø 0/ Lanødowne. 
.. Of much practical value."-Earl 0/ 
A. berdeen. 
II AlwaY'S accurate, fair and just."- 
Late Judge Baby. 
II Simply indispe.nsßble."-Father Drum- 
.. U".1tlUrpassed and unexceIled."--Judge 
.. An alto
ether admirable and valuable 
work."-Chas. G. D. Robertø. 
.. An immense help to me."-Hiø Excel- 
lencv the Earl 0/ Minto, late GovernoT' 
General 0/ India. 
.. I gladly add my name to your sub. 
scriptio.n list."-Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid 
Laurier, K.C., M.P. 
.. His sketches are highly praiseworthy 
for their compactness and the lack of such 
fulsome eulogies as o-ur own cyclopædias 
()often tolerate."-N. :r. Nation. 
II While comparing well with its English 
model. it I>ORSesseS features of its own 
which add to its interest and enhan'ce its 
Vi3,llle."-Late N. F. Davin, K.C., M.P. 
II Dr. Mo.rgan is entitled to the grati- 
tude o,f those who have long lamented the 
lack of a comprehensive modern work of 
this class-It-Canadian Magazine. 
.. Shows a master.hand."-Dr, A. D. de 
Celleø, C.M.G. 

:refUllY and ably done."-PrincipaZ 
.. Very well done."-MÌ8ø Lily Dougall. 
.. Tharoughly well done."-Weøtminøter 
. .. De,serves the support of every Cana- 
d.llMl. My heart.y oongrBituJat.iOOlll 001 the 
success of your works."-H. E. Col. Sir 
Percy Girouard. 

II Of great ærvioo."-Lord Paunce/ote. 
II What should we do without it '''- 
Lt.-Col. Deniøon. 
II Excellently done."-Sir J. D. Edgar. 
II The most complete work of its kind in 
Oanada...-MontreaZ Witneø8. 

::othing to surpass it."-Benjamin 
II An invaluable standard work."-Weøt- 
II Important and V'sJuable."-Sir Oliver 
II Superi'Oor to the English 'Who's Whol' .. 
-Late Senator Mas80n. 
II I felt at home when I found a 'Mor. 
ga.n' he're."-Rev. Thurlow Fraøer (For- 
.. Independent in tone and executed with 


 and discrimination,."-Military 
II Wihen I fo'und ' Mo'rgan ' every- 
where, even in Tokio."-Hon. David Gla8ø, 
"A we.L1 knl()lWn and va.lued work."-Sir 
H. G. Jo1y de Lotbini
II No one can over-eßtimate the value of 
Dr. Morgan's Be'1"Vices."-Montreal Stand- 
II In legal circles we call Dr. Mo-rgan 
the Chief Justi'ce of the Supreme CMlrt of 
Canadian Hiography."-F. E. Moberley. 
.. Dr. Mo'rgan has done good work for 
Canada as a literary man, and de.8e'1'ves 
well ()of his country."-The late Right Hon- 
orable Sir John A. Macdonald, G.C.B., 
Prime Miniøter 0/ Canada. 
II No o'ne in Canada has done, or co1l1d 
have done, the wo,rk you have accomplished, 
and fifty years hence )'Mlr name will be 
familiar to Canadians when the mass 
of our now familiar n'ames win have- been 
fOO'g'()It.teIb."-R. G. Haliburton ("Sam Slick 
II Admirable."-Beckleø Willøon. 
.. Compiled with much care."-Review 
0/ Reviewø. 
II A most able and helpful W'Ork."- 
Biøhop Dunn (Quebec). 
H As ne,arly perfect as such a work can 
be."-W. D. Lighthall, K.C. 
II Th()orough, fair and excellent."-Rev. 
Dr. Evam. 
"A ooloo8S8J1 work, foOr which C8.11Jada 0IWet! 
you m'Uch."-Hunter Duvar. 
.. A difficult task m06t creditably per. 
fO'l1J1ed."-Montreal Star. 



"Couldn't keep house without it."- 
S. D. Scott, late Editor St. John Sun. 
.. The fairest-minded man I have ever 
melt."-The late Hon. Wm. MacdougaU, 
.. No one can afford to be left out of 
· Morgan.' "-Charles Mair. 
.. The standard authority in Canadian 
biogr,aphy."-Mail and Empire. 
" Like all his previous works, well 
WiOrthy oiÍ 'P'Uib1Ji,c su.ppool"lt."-Rt. Hon. Sir 
Charles Tupper, Bart. 
"A most interesting WQrk, and to me 
very useful"-Late Marquis of Dufferin 
and A va. 
.. The most complete and the most useful 
work of its kind in' Canad,a."-I_a Patrie. 
"In illustrations o-f success achieved 
under circumstances that make it exce.p- 
tionally creditable the book abounds."- 
Montreal Gazette. 
.. Am never at a loss as regards Cana. 
dians with ' MQrgan' .at hand."-Sir 
Cavendish Boyle. 
., Re.} .ini.n-r-ormatiom, rega,rdJl.E
SiS of 
frie-nd ()r fæ."-Lt.-Col. A. H. Todd. 
.. It well sustains Dr. Morgan's reputa- 
tion as a writer for accuracy, f.airness and 
fullness."-La Presse. 
.. Always tho.rough and accurate."-Rev. 
Dr. Hugh Johnston. 
II Fair and just to all races, creeds and 
classes."-Sir H. E. Taschereau. 
"The monarch of"-Judge 
.. Particularly well done as regards the 
banking and commercial men of the 
Dominion.. NQ man of .any importance has 
been overlo-oked."-Henri J. Barbeau. 
II .Well pleased with the fairness with 
which you have described the careers of 
our public men, and particularly with the 
impartiality with which their political 
views have been recorded. Yo.ur services 
to Canadian historical literature for the 
past thirty have been of a 
valuable character."-Sir G. W. Ross. 
"Dr. MQrgan is known all over the 
world by the works which he has published 
on Canadian institutions and the 
o.f Canada. He is an ideal editor, and 
approaches his task with a thorough 
knowled'ge and a parliamentary draughts. 
man's ha.bit o.f minute accuracy. His book 
is a much b!tter one than the English 
, Men of the Time.' "-The Queen (Lon. 
II An able and ind.ispensable produc- 
tion."-Late Judge Mills. 
" B,' f.1r the most authentic and valuable 
work òf the kind yet pro.duced in Canada'." 
-Bon. James Young. 
" He shows neither fear, favor nor 
affection."-Ottawa Citizen. 
"The condensed result of )-ears of lit- 
erary toil, fOT which the public should be 
duly grateful."-Sir Sandford Fleming. 
.. Pre'Paæed w1Ít.h evidemot ('lara as wel'! IlJS 
with manifest judgment."-Literary World. 

.. Could not have been better doue."- 
E. W. Thomson, E\R.S.O., 
ut11orr of .. OJd 
M,an Savarin." 
.. Indispensable to libra.ries, both public 
and private, to professional men and jour- 
nalists."-Bookseller and Publisher. 
"A hand-hook which has lon.g been 
wanted'. Dr. M'Organ was well qualified for 
the task of editorship."-London Times. 
. .. The first book in the CQ.untry to be 
consulted by a visito-r 0-0- his arrival in 
Ga.nad&"-Late T. C. Patteson.. 
.. Dr. Mo,rgan is more than a mere 
delve.r. He is a rare historical sch-olar 
and a master of literary expressiou"'- 
Saturday Night. 
"I have had occasion to- consult your 
work hundreds of times, and if there is 
a man in Canada towards whom I feel a 
pressing sense of gratitude, you are he."- 
Prof. Keys. 
"A ma,n 00' induostry amd s.ld
l, who has 
'aced the hund,red's 00' thOUoSanoW! of Oa-noa. 
dliaus an this 
id.e oiÍ the' boIundJary Linoe., 
a,s weoll
 ,as a,l,l S!e'a.!"ohe;rs forr ind'orrmatio.n 
as to the oa.ree<l"S 00' emine'lllt Ownadï.ans, 
un'oor a.n immense wea'ght of ob1ig1a,Ì'Íou." 
-Self Culture. 
"More frequently quoted or utilized by 
the CanacLian press than any other work." 
-E. R. Parkhur6t. 
.. No other man living could have so 
well prepared such a volume as the author, 
who has long enjoyed pre-eminence as an 
authQrity on Canadian affairs."-Colonies 
and India. 
"If Dr. Mo.rgan had never discharged 
any other service for his fellow-count-r;)men 
than the preparation o.f this great work of 
biography. he would have been entitled to 
no slight share of their gratitude."- 
Toronto Globe. 
.. D.r. Morgan is our V.apereau and our 
Sidney Lee. His' Men and .W'Omen of the 
Time' is a work of remarkable lab-o-r, 
eruditio-n and research. It is a joy to read 
his page.s, so fxee from the slightest pre- 
judice, sh{)IWing in every line an openness 
of mind, a sincerity and an elevation of 
view which put fanaticism to shame."- 
La Presse. 
.. A serviceable bO<Jk of reference both 
in England and Canada. The autho.r, Dr. 
H. J. Morgan., has long been known as 
an experienced and capable chro-nicler o.f 
lives and events, and probably no man in 
the Dominion has done more than he has 
in the departments of biography and bibli- 
ography. His' Celebrated Canadians' 
appeared more than a quarter of a century 
ago....-Literature (Londl()n). 
II We ,a.U thin,k 51, is time that SIQIIIle 
su'bgtan,tï.a.l aCIDnKJIW'!.ed,gment we,re to 
Dr. M'Ûlf'gan foc the eminent selfviceos he is 
:rendeil"ing to the DOIDJindoJ1l."-Col. S. B. 
Steele, C.B., Winnipeg. 
.. A veteran w.rite,r whose pen has for 
more than half a cen-tury maintained the 
perpetuation and strengthening of Imperial 
ties as the only 10)-a1, wise and sane 
('muse for aU ooncerllted."-Dr. John 
Reade, Montreal. 


T HE first edition of "Canadian :Men and 'Vomen of the Time" 
appeared in 1898, It comprised a volume of 1,118 pages, royal 
octavo, and included, approximately, 2,891 sketches of living char- 
acters. Of these over 900, or almost 33 per cent., have since died, 
The volume met with a warm reception and was more than ordin- 
arily successful. Its circulation was large, and extended to the re- 
motest. corners of the world, It was and is to be found in all the 
principal public libraries of Europe, Asia and America, as well as in 
a great many private collections, It was largely used by the news- 
paper press, mostly, however, without acknowledgment, a species of 
plagiarism into which a p;rtion of the Fourth Estate seems to have 
fallen, in the present day, without any apparent sense of shame. 
Various works, modelled upon the same lines as the present one, 
have since been started in Canada, but none of them have answered 
the public expectation-hence a demand has arisen for :=t second edi- 
tion of cc Canadian :\len and Women of the Time," to meet which the 
present volume has been prepared. Like its predecessor, the Editor 
trusts that it may be found accurate, trustworthy, and up-to-date. It 
is certainly as complete, as regards the number of characters repre- 
8ented, as well as the facts and information touching them, as 
circumstances have permitted. If any name of importance has been 
omitted, the fault, upon examination, will be found not to rest with 
the Editor, but with someone more directly concerned. 
rrhe volume now submitted will be found to contain a greater 
number of names than the previous one, some 7,900 sketches being 
included within its folds. Of these some have died while the book 
was being published, but any such occurrences, with other unforeseen 
changes, will be found to be duly recorded in their proper place, 
A second volume, embracing portraits of the persons represented 
herein, will appear just as soon as all the portraits have been collected 
for the purpose. 
rrhe Editor has been indebted to many persons for various cour- 
tesies and other assistance received during the preparation of the 
book. A list of thes'e ladies and gentlemen is subjoined, and to one 



and all he tenders his hearty thanks. His acknowledgments are 
especially due to his younger son, M"r, Hamilton Richards :Morgan, 
who, throughout, has been of material assistance in revising the 
proof sheets and otherwise rendering important service. 
The full list of those to whom we have been indebted is 8S 
follows, the names being given in alphabetical order: 
Fred Abraham, Montreal; Dr. Silas Alward, K.C,; Lt.-Col. J, 
R. Armstrong, St, John, N.B.; Major-General the Rt. Hon. Lord 
Aylmer, Queen's Bay, B.C,; Prof. Alfred Baker, :M.A., Toronto; the 
late Jrflle, Robertine Barry ('"'" Francoise "), Montreal; Dr. Robert Bell
F.R,S" Ottawa; His Honour Judge Benson, Port Hope, Ont,; Hon, 
A. Bergevin, M,L..C., Montreal; l\frs. Jean Blewett, Toronto; John 
Boyd, Montreal; R, Errol Bouchette, LL.B., Library of Parliament, 
Ottawa; J. P. Bucke, Sarnia, Ont.; "\Vm. Buckingham, Stratford, 
Ont,; Lt.-Col. W. S, Buell, Brockville, Ont.; W, W, Campbell, LL.D.
Ottawa; E. S, Caswell, Public Library, Toronto; 
fajor E. M, 
Chadwick, K.C., Toronto; Major Chambers, Gentleman Usher of the 
Black Rod, Ottawa; E. T, D, Chambers, Quebec; J. A. Chis- 
holm, K.C" Halifax, N.S.; F, Blake Crofton, London, Eng,; N. Orner 
Coté, 1.S.0" Ottawa; Capt, Thos. Coté, do.; the late Hon. lVIr, Justice 
Curran, LL.D., Montreal; Dr. Willoughby Cummings, Toronto; 
Uadame Danùurand, Montreal; Hon. L. O. David, Senator, do,; Hon, 
!fr, Justice Davidson, D.C,L., do.; A. D. de Celles, C.M.G., LL.D., 
General Librarian, Ottawa; Col. G. T. Denison, Police Magistrate, 
Toronto; :
\Iiss de Pencier, Spencerville, Ont.; William Dennis, Hali- 
fax, N.S.; Theodore Doucet, 
fontreal; William Drysdale, His 
lVlajesty's Customs, :Montreal; Hon. J. V, Ellis, Senator, St, 
John, N.B.; Sir Sandford Fleming, K,C,M,G" LL.D., Ottawa; 
'1'. B. Flint, D.C.L., Clerk of the House of Commons, Ottawa; 
Edward Foley, Advocate, Quebec; His Honour the late Hon, D, C. 
Fraser, D,C.L" Lieut.-Governor of N ova Scotia; Hector Garneau, 
Advocate, Montreal; Lt.-Col. J. D, Gemmill, Rome, Italy; C, H, 
Gould, Librarian, McGill University, M:ontreal; Dr, J, M, Harper, 
(}uebec; C. A. E. Harris,s, 
Ius. Doc., Ottawa; Prof, R, Carr Harris, 
C.E., Kingston, Ont,; Lt,-Col. Edward Harrison, Ottawa; }frs, Kate 
Simpson Hayes (" :M:ary :M:arkwell "), 'Vinnipeg; Lady Hickson, 
1.fontreal; J. Geo. Hodgins, I.S.O., LL.D., Toronto; Miss Catherine 
Hughes, Provincial Archivist, Edmonton, Alta.; Col. Hon, Sam!. 
J I ughes, :Minister of Jrfilitia and Defence, Ottawa; Lt.-Col. It E. 
Kent, Kingston, Ont.; The Venerable Archdeacon Ker, D.C,L" :1font- 



real; the Secretary of the Law Society, Toronto; :Madame Lavergne, 
Montreal; J. B. Learmont, :Montreal; John Leslie, Secretary, Dept. 
of Justice, Ottawa, W. D, Lighthall, K.C" F.R.S,C., Montreal; Mrs. 
Isabel .
facdonell, Brockville, Ont,; John A. Macdonell, K.C" 
Alexandria, Ont.; Hon, Wm, McDonald, Senator, Glace Bay, N,S.; 
Hon. P. T, McGrath, St. Johns, Nfld.; the Venerable Archdeacon Mac- 
Morine, Kingston, Ont.; Dr, 
rarois, Quebec; Hon, Wm. :Miller, K.C., 
F.C" Senator, Arichat, N,S,; Miss Mary Morgan, London, Eng,; 
Lt.-Col. E. W, B. Morrison, D.S.O., Editor-in-Chief, Daily Citizen, 
Ottawa; Very Rev. W, J. :Murphy, D.D., Rector, University of 
Ottawa; Capt. Newton, fo!merly A.D,C., Ottawa; Miss Nisbit, Hamil- 
ton, Ont,; J, p, Noyes, K.C., 8weetsburg, P. Q,; Miss A. M. Nutting, 
fd.; James O'Halloran, K.C., CowansvilIe, P,Q.; Fred- 
erick Paul, Editor-in-Chief, Saturday Night, 'Toronto; John Reade, 
LL,D" F,R.S.C., Assistant Editor JHontreal Gazette, Montreal; J, 
Ross Robertson, Editor-in-Chief, Daily Telegram, 'roronto; J. 
Palmerston Robertson, Provincial Librarian, Winnipeg; C, BlackeU 
Robinson, Ottawa; Hon. Sir G, \V. Ross, LL.D" F.R.S.C" Toronto; 
S. D. Scott, Vancouver, B.C.; Collingwood Schrieber, C,M.G., C,E., 
Ottawa; Rev, Thomas, Sedgwick, D.D., Tatamagouche, N,S.; J. H, 
8enkler, K.C., Vancouver, B.C,; Major L. W, Shannon, London, 
Ont.; R. \V, Shannon, M.A., barrister, Calgary, AHa.; :Miss Clarice 
Smith, Ottawa; Lt.-Col. H. R. Smith, C.U,G., I.S,O., Sergeant- 
at-Arms, House of Commons, Ottawa; the late Lt.-Col. A, A. Steven- 
eon, Montreal; H, E. Suckling, Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal; 
Benjamin SuIte, Ottawa; L. P. Sylvain, Library of Parliament, 
Ottawa; the late Co1. Hon. David Tisdale, K.C" Simcoe, Ont,; Wil- 
liam Wainwright, Vice-President, Grand Trunk Railway, 
Horace Wallis, Premier's Department, Toronto; Lt.-Co!. Fred White, 
C,M.G" Comptroller, Royal North-\Vest Mounted Police, Ottawa; 
D, R, Wilkie, President Imperial Bank, Toronto; Lt.-Col. C, F, 
Winter, D.A.A. General, Montreal; 
fajor Henry J, Woodside, Otta- 
wa; the Rt, Rev, C, L. Worrell, D.C.L., Bishop of Nova Scotia, Hali- 
fax, N.S.; Hon. James Young, GaIt, Onto 
Communications intended for a new edition of "Canadian 
and \Vomen of the Time" should be addressed to the Editor, Box 
.371, Post Office, Ottawa, 
OTTAWA, February, 1912. 


Aberdeen., Her Excellency the Countess of, 
Women Workers of Canada. 
Ad-am, G. M., Prominent Men of Canada. 
AHaire, Rev. J. B. A., Dictionn.a.ire Bdo- 
graphique du Clerge Canadien.Fran 
Almanach de G-o-th-a. 
Ame-rican Almanac. 
Ame.rican Biography, National Cyclop. of. 
Appleton's Cyclopædia 0-1 American BiQg' 
Appleton's New American Cyclopædia. 
A Woman of the Century. 
Banker's Association, Journal Canadian. 
Bartholome.w, J. G., Po.cket Gazetteer of the 
Beausoleil, Dr. J. M" Regi-stre MMical de 
la Province de Quêbec. 
Beeton's Dictionary of Universal Infoma. 
Begg. Alexande-r, Histo-ry of British Oolum- 
Ri-baud, F. M. U. M.., Panotheon Can'lldien. 
Bin, Rev. Dr., Fifty Years with the Hap- 

tionary of Railway Officials I 
Bliss, Rev. C. V. F., Clerical Guide -and 
Churchman's Dlre-eton-. 
Boosê, Jas. R., Library- ë.atalogue. Ro
Colonial Institute.. I 
BOTt,hwick, Rev. Dr., History and Rift- 
graphical Ga7ettee.r of Montreal. 
Borthwick, Rev. Dr., The Streets of Mont- 
Houlton, Lt.-Dot HoOn. O. A., North.West 
Bourill'ot, Sir J. G., K.O.M.G., Bib1iogr8IPhy 
of the Members ()f the Ro)'al Sodety of 
Breton, P. N.. Histoire Illustrêe des Mo-n- 
nnies et Jetons du Oanada. 
Burke's Co-lonial Gentry. 
Burke's Landed Gent.ry. 
Burke's Peerager, Baronetage and Knight- 
Burnham, J. H.. Can.adians in the Imperial 
Naval and Militarv Service 
Burpee .and Doughty, Index and Dictionary 
to the Makers of Canada. 
', T. A., The Biogol"aphical Diredory 
of the RaHway Officials of America. 
Cadieux and Derome, Canada EccIêsias- 
Calnek and Savary, Hist&ry 0-1 the County 
o-f Annapolis. 
CampbelL Rev. Dr.. History of the St. 
Gabriel St. Ohurch, Montreal 
Canadian Almana.c. 
Canadian American (Chicago), Souvenir 
Oanadian Architect. 
Oantldian Biographical Dictionarv. 
Oanadian Oentury. 

Canadian Courier. 
Canadian Gazette. 
Canadian Illustrated News (Hamilton). 
Oanadian Illustrated News (Montreaa). 
C.anadian Institute, Transactio-ns o-f. 
Canadian Life and Resources. 
Canadian Magazine. 
Canadian Military Gazette. 
Canadian ][ onetary Times. 
Oanadian Municipal Jlmrnal. 
Canadian Newspaper Directory. 
Cs>nadi'an Singers 
md Their Songs. 
Canadian Society 01 Civil Engineers, List 
of MembeTs. 
Oanniff, Dr. W., The Medical Profession in 
Upper Canada. 
Oapital and: Labour. 
Oarter, J. S., The Story of Dundas. 
Oassier's Magazine. 
Oat hO'li c A ImM1I!LC of OnltJario. 
Catholic Who'ø Who and Year Bo'Ûk. 
Oatholic World. 
Chad.wick, E.. M., Ontarian Families. 
Chambers, MajOO', Pa._rlii'ame'Ilt.a,ry Gu
Christian Herald. 
Church Magazine. 
Ohurch of England JlOurnals of the S)'nod. 
Civil Service List, Oanadian. 
ClasiJlcal Review. 
Clergy Li-st. English. 
Clipper Almanac, N.Y. 
Club Lists. 
Cochrane, Rev. Dr., Men o-f Canada. 
Collier's Weekly. 
Collins, J. E.., Can.ada. under the Adminis- 
tration of Lord Lorne. 
Co.lonial Office List. 
Oolomes and India. 
Cnngregational Year Book. 
Congressional DÏ're-ctory. 
Cooper, Th<JlIIlpson, F.S.A., Men of the 
Corni-sh, Rev. })r., C;yclopædia of Meth- 
odism in Canada.. 
Cotê, J.. 0., Politic.a! Appointments and 
Elections in the Province of Canada. 
Cotê, N. 0., Politica.! Appointments, Par- 
liaments tlnd The Judicial Bench in 
Oritic (N. Y.), The. 
Current Literature. 

nau's Blue Book for Montreal, Ottawa and 
Quebec, a Social Directo-ry. 
David, Hem. L. 0., Mes Contempora.ins. 
Davin, N. F., The Irishman in Canada. 
Debrett's House of Commons and the Judi- 
cial Bench. 
Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage and Knight- 
Dent. J. C., Canada since the Union of 
Dent, J. C., Canadian Portrait Gallery. 
Dickson and Adam, History of Upper Can- 
ada College. 




Dod's Pee'rage, Baronetage and Knightage. 
Dominion IlluBtrated. 
Dominion IlluBtrated Monthly. 
Dulles, Rev, J. R., Princeton GeneraJ Cata. 
Educational Monthly. 

Fleming, Sir Sandford, The Intercolonial: a 
Foreign Office List. 
Forstell"ø Peemge a.nd Baronetage. 
Fourth Et'.tate. 
Fraser, Hiøto.ry of Ontario. 
Gagnon, p.. Easai de Bibli()p'aphie Cana. 
die nnoe, 
Gard, An.son A.. P.ioneere of the Upper 
Gard., Anson A't The Hub and the Spokes. 
Gard., An&On A.., The Gateway to Silver 
Gardiner, H. F.. Nothing but Namea. 
Gemmill, John A.. , Ca.nadian Parliamentary 
rankliDl, Histrionic Mo.nt-real 
Graham, Hugh, The Star Almoanac. 
Graham, John IL, LL.D., Outlines of the 
History of Freemasonry in Quebec. 
Grant, Very Rev, Principal, Picturesque 
Halkett, J. B., Hand-book Preabyterian 
Church in Oalli&da. 
Hamilton A
so.ciatioIli, Proceedings of. 
Hart's A
y List. 
Harvey, Arthur, Yea.!' Book and Almanac 
of Canada. 
Harvey, Rev. D
't Nøwfoundland at It waa 
in 1894. 
Harvard University Catalogue. 
Haze II's Annual 
History of the Year. Oanad.., 
HOOgin8, J. G., LL.D., I.S.O., Documentary 
History of Education in Upper Oan- 
Hodgins, J. G.., LL.D., I.S.O.. Sch()olø and 
Colleges of Ontario. 
Home Journal, 

IlluBtrated London New., 

Jae.k, I. Allen, D.C.L., KC., History of the 
St. Andrew'. Society of St. John, 
James, C. C., C.M.G., A Bibliography of 
Oanadian Poetry (Engliah). 
J obnllOn'. New Universal Cyclopædia-. 
Journals fJf Parliamen,t and of the &eve,ral 
Ker, Rev. Roobt., History of St. George's 
Ohurch, St. Catharines, Ont. 

Lake Magazine, The. 
Lareau, Edmond., Histoire de la Littêrature 
Law List, En'glish. 
Lean's Royal Navy List. 
Le Canada Ecc1eøi.a.stique. 
Lee, Sir Sidney, Dictiorua.ry of National 
Leggo, W., '.[\he Earl of Duffe'rin'ø Admin. 
istration in CaJ1 ada, 
Lighthatl, W. D.t M.A., F.R-S.C.. X.O., 
Songs. of the Gl"(!I8.'t Domind.on.. 

Literary and Historical Society, Quebec, 
Transactions of. 
Littlejohn. W. A., MunIcipal Handbo'O'k, 
City of Tomnt(). 
Lovell's Canada Dire-ctory, 
Lovell's Dominion Dire.ctory. 
Lovell'. Montreal Directory. 
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America. 
Macdo.nald, Jaa. S., Ann-als of the North 
British Society, Halifax, N.S. 
Macdonell, J. A., K.O., The Early Settle. 
ment and History of Glengarry in 
Macfar\.ane, W.. G., B..A., NßW Brunswick 
Mackay, Rev. W. A., B.A., D.D" Zorra 
B()Yß at Home and Abroad. 
Machar, Agnes Maule, The Story of Old 
M'80cke,nzie, Rev. P.rof., and A. H. You:ng, 
Trinity College Year Book. 
Makers of Caned&, The, 
1J1 aBBey' B M agazi1le. 
McCord, F, A.. Rand-book of Canadian 
McGee, HOOl. T. D.., Speecheø and 
McMullen, J. M., History of Oanada. 
n of the Time. 
Mennell, P., Dictionary of Australian Biog. 
Methodist Oonferenee., Minutes. 
ilfetlwdiBt Magazine, Can. 
Might's Direclories. 
Miles, Hen.ry, Studies in Canadian History. 
Military Gazette. 
Militia List, Oan-ada. 
Missisqu()i Co. Historical &ciety, Report. 
Mo.ckridge, Rev. Dr., LiYeB of the Cana' 
dian Bishops. 
Montre,al Board of Trade, a Souvenir. 
Morgan. Henry J., Bibliotheca Canadensis. 
Mo.rgan, Henry, J... Canadian Parliamentary 
 Henry J., Dominion Annual Regis- 
ter and Review. 
 Hen.ry J.. Domin.ion Legal Direc. 
 Henry J., Sketches of Celebrated 
Morgan, Henry J., Types of Oanadian 
Women and of W()men Con:nected with 
Margan, Henry J., aJ1d L. J. Burpee, 
Canadian Life in Town and Cau.ntry. 
Mott, H, Y., Ne.wfo.u.ndland Men. 
Nation (N. Y.). The. 
New England M auazi1le. 

ewspaper Reference Book of Can,ada. 
North American Review. 
O'ByTne, W. R., Naval Biographical Dic. 
Ontlirio Genealogist and Family Historian, Land Surveyors, Proceedings of. 
Owl, The. 
Parliamentary Companion_ 
Penningtoru, Myles, Railways and OtheT 
PI avers, Gallery of. 
Poets, Modern Sco.ttish. 
Policy Holder. 
Pope, Ji08I!'Ph, O.KG., The Royd Tour in 
Ü&nac1a.. 1901. 



Postal Guide, Official. 
Powers, J. W., Hiawry of Regina. 
Pre"buteriøn Review Annual 
n Year Book. 
Prinooton Uniftlr&Ïty Alumni. 
Printer øn41 Publüher. 
Province, The. 
Pyne, Dr. R. 
, The Ontario Medical 
Quun, The. 

Railwøu Age. 
Rand. TheodoTe H., D.C.L., A Trea.uTY of 
CiBIIlJ8.di BIll Ve.røe. 
Rattray. W. J., The Soot in B'l'itiøh North 
Read, D. B., Q.C.. Lives of the Judges. 
Read, n. B., Q.C., The Lieutenant.Gover. 
nors of Upper Oanada and Ontario, 
Revue du Monde Oøtholique. 
Robertøon, John Roes, L&ndma.rks of To- 
Robert8OJl, John Roßs, History of 
maøonTY in Canada.'ø Law List. 
Roee, G. M., Oyclopædia of Canadian Biog. 
Ro)', P. G., Bulletin des }W.cherche. His- 
Roy, P. G., Miscellaneous publica.tion&. 
Royal Colonial Inøtitute. Proceedings of 
Royal Colonial Institute, United Empire. 
Roy>al Navy List. 

Sa-bine, Lorenzo, American Loy.aUlts. 
Sadlier's Catholic Directory, Almanac and 
Saturdau Night. 
Søturda'll Review. 
8cadding, Rev. D>r.. Toronto of Old, 
Science ønd A.rt of Mining. 
Scotti"h Americøn. 
Secretary of State, CantBda, Reports of, 
Shareholder, The. 
Smith, B. E., A.M., The Century Cycle- 
pædia of Names. 

Speaker, The. 
Sta.rke's Almanac. 
Stew&rt, Dr. Geo., Canada under the Ad- 
miniatration of 'be Earl of Dutferin. 
St.range, !Laj.-Ge-nJ.., Gunner Jineo'. Jubi. 
SuIte, Benjamin,\ls publica. 

Tacbê, J.. C., M.D.. Canadian 
Tanguay, 0., ItépertOlre Gênêrale du 
Clergê Oanadie-n. 
Taylor, Fenninp, Portraits of British 
Teefy, Rev. J. R.. LL.D., Jubilee Volume 
of the A.rchdioceøe of Toronto. 
Thomas, C., History of Argenteuil and 
'rnwm'. Irish D>ireotoll"Y. 
Toronto the Procperous. 
Transaction.. Royal Ooloni,al Institute. 
Tran8actionø Royal Society of Canada. 
Troi.-Riviêres, Jubilê Sacerdotal de Mgr. 

United Service Møgazi1le. 
UniV&l"Bity Oalend,al"8. 
Walford's County Familieil. 
Washington., He.nry G., Men and W.omen 
of the Time. 
Week, The. 
We"tmimter, The. 
When Was It, A British Chronology. 
Whitaker'. Almanack. 
Whitaker's Nav,al and Military Directory. 
Whitaker's Peerage, Baronetace. Knight- 
ace, Compan.ionage. 
Who'. Whol 
Who'. Who in America'. 
Who's Who in New York. 
Withrow. Rev. Dr., Hiatory of Canonda. 
World Almanac, N, Y. 
Young. Hoon. Jamee, Public Men and 
Public Life in Canada.. 
Year Book and Clergy List of the Church 
(;1 Enlland in Canada. 


A.A., Amateur Athletic. 
A.A.A.S., American ARsociation for 
the Advancement of Science. 
A.A.G., Assistant-Adjutant-General. 
A.B., Bachelor of Arts. 
Acad., Academy. 
A.D., Anno Domini. 
A.D.C" Aide-de-Camp. 
Ad eun., Ad eundem gradum (admitted 
to the same degree). 
Adjt., Adjutant. 
Admn., Administratifln. 
Admnr., Administrator. 
Advanc., Advance; Advancement. 
Advis., Advisory. 
A. F. & A. M., Ancient, Free and 
Accepted ::\IasDn. · 
Agricul., Agriculture; Agricultural; 
Agricul turist. 
Agricult., Agriculturist. 
Agst., Against. 
Ala., Alabama. 
Ald., Alderman. 
Alta., Alberta. 
Am., America; American. 
A.M., Master of Arts; Associate 
A.M.LC.E., Associate Member of the 
Institution of Civil Engineers. 
A.M.S., Army Medical Services. 
Anat., Anatomy, Anatomical. 
Ang., Anglican. 
Anthrop., Anthropography; Anthr-o- 
pology; Anthroposophy; Anthropo- 
Antiq., Antiquarian. 
A.O.U.W., Ancient Order of United 
Apt, April. 
Appt.. Appointment. 
Apptd., Appointed, 
Apts., Apartments. 
A Q. M. G., Assistant-Quartermaster- 
AR.A., Associate of the Royal Acad- 
ARC.A., Associate of the Royal 
Canadian Academy. 
Arch., Architecture; Architect; Archi- 
Archæol., Archæology; Archæological; 
Archbp., Archbishop. 
Archd.. Archdeacon; Archibald. 
A.RC.O., Associate of the Royal Col- 
lege of Organists. 
Ark., Arkansas. 
A.R.S.A., Assodate of the Royal Sc-ot- 
tish Academy. 
ARS.S., Associate of the Royal 
Society of Antiquaries. 
Arty., Artillery. 
A.S.C., Army Service Corps. 
Assd., Associated; Assisted. 
Assn.. Association. 
Assoc., Associate. 
Assocd., Associated. 

Asst., Assistant. 
Assur., Assurance. 
Astron., Astron-omy; Astronomical; 
Atha., Athabasca. 
Atty., Attorney. 
Aug., August. 
Ave., Avenue. 
B., Born. 
B.A., Bachelor of Arts. 
Bacteriol., Bacteriol-ogy; Bacteriologi- 
cal; Bacteri-ologisr. 
Bapt., Baptist. 
Bapte., Baptiste. 
Bart., Baronet. 
B.A.Sc., Bachelor of Applied Science. 
Batt., Battalion. 
Batty., Battery. 
B.C., British Columbia. 
B.C.L., Bachelor of Civil (or Com- 
mon) Law. 
B.C.S., Bachelor of Commercial Sci- 
Bd., Board. 
B.D., Bachelor of Divinity. 
Bdg., Building. 
B.E., Bachelor of Elocution. 
Benev., Benevolent. 
Berks., Berkshire. 
B.H., British Honduras. 
Bib., Biblical; Bibliography. 
Biol., Biology; Bi-ol-ogical; Biologist. 
Bk., Book. 
B.L., Bachelor of Letters. 
Bldg., Building. 
B.Litt., Bachelor of Literature. 
B.N.A., British North America. 
Bp., Bishop. 
B.Pæd., Bachelor of Peda.gogy. 
Brig., Brigade, Brigadier. 
Brit., British, Britain. 
Bro., Brother. 
Bros., Brothers. 
B.S., Bachelor of Surgery; Bachelor 
of Science. 
B.S.A., Bachelor of the Science of 
B.Sc., Bachel-or of Science. 
Bt., Brevet. 
B.T., B.Th., Bachelor of Theology. 
Bucks., Buckinghamshire. 
B.W.I., British West Indies. 

C., Child. 
C.A., Canadian AI'Itillery; Ohartered 
Accoun tan t. 
Cal., California. 
Camb., Cambridge. 
Can., Canada; Canadian. 
C.A.P.C., Çanadian Army Pay Corps. 
Capt.. Captain. 
Card., Cardinal. 
C. A. S. C., Canadian Army Service 
Corps., Cathedral; Catholic. 
Cav., Cavalry. 




C.B., Compani<1n of the Bath; Cape 
Breton. - 
C.E., Christian Endeavour; Civil En- 
Cent., Centenn., Centennial; Centen- 
Cert., Certificate. 
Ch., Church. 
Chern., Chemistry; OhemLst; Chemi- 
Chlr., Chlrurglcal. 
C.I., Imperial Order of the Crown of 
Cle., Compagnie. 
C..J., Chief .Justice. 
Clin., Clinical. 
Clk., Clerk. 
C.M., Master In Surgery. 
C. M. B. A., Catholic Mutual Benefit 
C.M.G., Companion of St. Michael and 
St. George. 
C.M.S., Church Missionary Society. 
Co., County; Company; Compagnie. 
C.O.C., Canadian Ordnance Corps. 
C.O.F., Canadian Order of Foresters. 
Col., Colonel. 
ColI., College. 
CoUr., Collector. 
Colo" Colorado. 
Comdt., Commandant. 
Commdg., Commanding. 
Commerc., Commercial. 
Commr., Commissioner. 
Commy., Commissary. 
Comn., Commission. 
Comte., Committee. 
Con., Conservative. 
Conf., Conference. 
Cong., Congress; Congregational; 
Conn., Connecticut. 
Conv., Convention. 
Corpn., Corporation. 
CON., Corresponding; Correspondent. 
Cos., Companies. 
C.P., Canadian Pacific; Clerk of the 
PeBiCe; Common Pleas. 
C.P.A.S.C., Canadian Permanent Army 
Service Corps. 
C.R., Chief Ranger. 
C.S., Civil Service. 
C.S.O., Chief Statr Officer. 
Ct., Court. 
C. V.O., Companion of the Royal Vic- 
torian Order. 
Cwt., a hundredweigbt. 
Cyclop., Cyclopædia.. 

D., Daugh ter; Died. 
D.A.A.G., Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant- 
D.A.G., DeputY-Adjutant-General. 
Dak., Dakota. 
D.A.Q.M.G., Deputy-Assistant-Quar- 
D.C., District of Columbia.. 
D.C.L., Doctor of Civil Law. 
D.D., Doctor of Divinity. 
D.D.S., Doctor of Dental Surgery. 
Dec., December. 
Del., Delegate; Delaware. 
Dem., Democrat. 
Demon., Demonstrator. 
Dept., Department. 
Deptl., Departmental. 
Depty., Deputy. 

Dermatol., DermatoLogy; Dermato- 
logical; Dermatolo,glst. 
D.E.S., Director of Engineer Services. 
Develop., Development. 
D.G.E.S., Director of General Engin- 
eer Services. 
D.G.M.S., Director of General Medical 
D. G. S., Dominion Government 
oc., Diocese; Diocesan. 
Dlr., Director. 
Dlst., District. 
Dlv., Division. 
D.Lltt., Doctor of Literature. 
D.L.S., Dominion Land Surveyor. 
Do., Ditto (the same). 
D.O.C., District Officer Commanding:. 
Dom., Dominion. 
D.Pæd., Doctor of Pedagogy. 
D.P.H., Diploma In Public Health. 
Dr., Doctor. 
D.R.A., Dominion Rlfie AssociatioD. 
D.S.A., District Staff Adjutant. 
D.Sc., Doctor of Science. 
D.-S.O., Companion of the Distin- 
guished Service Order. 
D. T., D. Th., Doctor of Theology. 
D. T.S., Dominion Topographical Sur- 
D.V.S., Doctor of Veterinary Science. 

E., East; Eldest; Educated. 
E.C., East Central. 
Econ., Economy. 
Ed., Edlto.r, Edited; Edition; Editoria.l. 
Edin., Edinburgh. 
Educ., Educational; Education. 
Educl.. Educational. 
E.E., Electrical Engineer. 
E.F.A.. Electoral Franchise Act. 
E.I., East Indies; East India. 
E.I.C.S., East India Company's Ser- 
Elec., Elect.. Electric; Electrical. 
Encyclop., Encyclopædla. 
Encyclop. Brit., Encyclopædla Brit- 
Eng., England; English. 
Engd., Engaged. 
Enging., Engineering. 
Engr., Engineer. 
Engrg., Engineering. 
Entd., Entered. 
Entomol., Entomology; Entomolog>l- 
Epis., Episcopal. 
Esq., Esquire. 
Estbd., Established. 
E.T., Eastern Townships. 
Etc., And Others; And So Forth. 
Ethnol., Ethnology; Ethnological; 
Evang., Evangel., Evangelist; Evan- 
Examg., Examining. 
Examn., Examination. 
Examr., Examiner. 
Exeget., Exegetical. 
Exhn., Exhbn., Exhibition. 
Expdn., Expn., Expedi Uon; Exposi- 
Expt., Experiment. 
Exptl., Experimental. 
Extve., Executive. 



F.C.S., Fellow of the Chemical Society. 
Feb., February. 
F.E.I.S., Fellow of the Educational 
Institute of Scotland. 
F.E.S., Fellow of the Entomological 
F.F.A., Fellow of the Facul ty of Actu- 
F.G.S., Fellow of the Geological 
F.I.A., Fellow of the Institute of 
F.I.C., Fellow of the Institute 01 
Fla., Florida. 
F. L. S., Fellow of the Linnæan 
F.M., Field Marshal. 
For., Foreign. 
F.P.S., Fellow of the "Philosophical 
F.R.A.S., Fellow of the Royal Astro- 
nomical Society. 
F.R.C.I., Fellow of the Royal Col
onial Institute. 
F.R.C.O., Fellow of the Royal. Col- 
lege of Organists. 
F.R.C.P., Fellow of the Royal College 
of Physicians. 
F.R.C.S., Fellow of the Royal College 
of Surgeons. 
F.R.G.S., Fellow of the Royal Geo- 
gTaphlcal Society. 
F.R.H.S., Fellow of the Royal His- 
torical Society. 
F.R.I.B.A., Fellow of the Royal In- 
stitute of British Architects. 
F.R.M.S., Fellow of the Royal Micro- 
scopical Society. 
F.R. S.N.A., Fellow of the Royal 
Society of Naval Architects. 
F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal Society. 
F.R.S.C., Fellow of the Royal Society 
of Canada. 
F.R.S.E., Fellow of the Royal Society 
of Edinburgh. 
F.R.S.G.S., Fellow of the Royal Scot- 
Ush Geographical Society. 
F.R.S.L., Fellow of the Royal Society 
of Literature. 
F.S.A., Fellow of the Society of Actu- 
F.S.S., Fellow of the Royal Statisti- 
cal Society. 
Ft., Fort; Feet. 
F. Z. S., Fellow of the Zoöloglcal 
Ga., Georgia. 
G.A., Garrison Artillery. 
G. A. R. , Grand Army of the Republic. 
G.C.B., Knight Grand Cross of the 
G.C.H., Knight Grand Cross of Han- 
G.C.I.E., Knight Grand Commander 
of the Indian Empire. 
G.C.M.G., Knight Grand Cross of St. 
Michael and St. George. 
G.C.S.I., Knight Grand Commander 
of the Star of India. 
G.C.V.O., Knight Grand Cross of the 
Royal Victorian Order. 
G.d., Granddaughter. 
Ods., Guards. 
O.E., General Election. 
Genl., General. 
000., George. 

Geog., GeographY; Geographical. 
Geol., Geology; Geological; Geologist. 
Geom., Geometry; Geometrdcal. 
G.G.B.G., Governor-General's Body 
G.G.F.G., GoverIÌor-General's Foot 
G.L., Grand Dodge. 
G.O" General Orders. 
Gov., Governor. 
Govt., Government. 
G.P,O., General Post Office. 
Grad., Gradu8Jte; Gradua:ted. 
Gram., Grammar. 
Grandd" Granddaugh ter. 
(kands., Grandson. 
G.s., GrandSQn. 
Gt., Great. 
G. T" Grand Trunk, 
G. T.P., Grand Trunk Pacific. 
Gynæcol., Gynæcology; Gynæcologl- 
cal; Gynæcologlst. 

Hants., Hampshire. 
H.B., Hudson Bay 
H.B.M., His (or Her) Britannic Maj- 
H.C., House of Commons. 
H.C.R., High Chief Ranger. 
ILE., His ('Or Her) Excellency; His 
H.E.I.C., Honourable EMt. India Com- 
H.E.I.C.S., Honourable East India 
Company's Serwce. 
H.I., Hawailan Islands. 
R.I.H., His (or Her) Imperial High- 
ness. . 
H.I.M., HI's (or Her) Imperial Maj- 
Rlst., History; His.torical. 
Histol., Histology; HI,stologlcal; His- 
H.M., His (or Her) Majesty. 
H.M.S., His Majesty's Ship. 
Ho., House. 
Homæop., HomæopaJthlc; Homæo- 
path I cal. 
Hon., Honorary; Honourable. 
Hort., HorUcul.; Horticulture; Horti- 
cul,tural; Hortloul tudst. 
Hosp., Hospital. 
H.Q., Headquarters. 
H.R.H., His (or Her) Royal High- 
Hy., Henry. 

la., Iowa. 
I.C.S., Indian Civil Service. 
Id., Idaho. 
I.e., Id est (tJhat Is). 
TII.. nUnols. 
Illd., Illustrated. 
Imp., Impel'llal; ImperlaUst. 
Inc., Incorporated. 
Ind., Independent; Independence; In- 
Indus., Indust., Industry; Industrial. 
Infy" Infantry. 
Inl., Inland. 
Inll., Insurance. 
Inspr., Inspector. 
Inst., InsUrtUite; Inst<ltutlon. 
Instr., Instructor; Instruotlon 
Intercol., Intercolonial. 
Intern., International. 
Invest., Investment. 



I.O.F., Independent Order of Fores- 
I. of M., Isle of Man. 
I.O.O.F., Independent Order of Odd- 
I.O.G.T., Independent Order of Good 
Ire!., Ireland. 
Islds., Islands. 
I.S.O., Imperial Service Order. 
Ital., Italian. 
I.W., Isle of Wight. 

Jan., January. 
Jas., James. 
J.C.P., Judge of the Common Pleas. 
.II., Judicial. 
Jno., John. 
J-os., Joseph. 
Journ., Journal. 
J.P., Justice of ,the Peace. 
Jr., .Junior. 

Kans., Kansas. 
K.B., Knight Bachelor. 
K.C., King's Counsel. 
K.C.B., Knight Commander of the 
K.C.M.G., Knight Commander of St. 
Michael and St. George. 
K.C.S.I., Knight Commander of the 
Star of India. 
KC. V.O., Knight Commander of the 
Royal Victorian Order. 
K.E., Knigh.t of the Eagle (Prussia). 
K.G., Knight of the Order of the 
KG.F.. Knight of the Golden Fleece 
K.H., Knight of Hanover. 
KI.H., Kaiser-i-Hind. 
KL.H., Knigh t of the Legion of 
K.M., Knight of Malta. 
K.P., Knight of the Order of St. 
Kt., Knight. 
K T., Knigiht Templar; Knight of the 
Order of the Thistle. 
Ky., Kentucky. 

I, Pound (Sterling). 
La., Louisiana. 
Lab., Labour; Laboratory. 
Lang., Languages. 
Laryngo'l.' Laryngology; Laryngolo- 
gist; Laryngological. 
Lb., Pound. 
L. C., Lower Canada; Legislatdve 
L.D.S., LiceniUtaJte of Dental Surgery. 
Leg., Legislature. Legislative. 
L.H.D., Doctor of LÞterature. 
1...1., Long Island. 
Lib., Liberal. 
Lic., Licentiate. 
Llc. Med., Licentiate In Medicine. 
Llc. Th., Licentiate in Theology. 
Lieut., Lieutenant. 
1..11., Li.terary; Li terature. 
LLt. Human., Classics. 
Litt.D., Doctor of Literature. 
L.L.A., Lady Literate in Arts. 
LL.B., Bachelor of Laws. 
LL.D., Doctor of Laws. 
1..1...1..., Licentiate in Laws. 
LL.M., M8!ster of Laws. 
Lond., London. 

L.P., Letters Patent. 
L.R.C.P., Licentiate of the Royal Col- 
lege of PhYsiciaJ1
L.R.C.S., Licentiate of the Royal Col- 
lege of Surgeons. 
Lt., Lieutenant. 
Lt.-Col., Lieutenant-Colonel. 
Ltd., Limited. 
L. Th., Licentiate in Theology. 
Lt.-Genl., Lieutenant-General. 

M., Married; Monsieur; Member. 
Mad., Madame, 
M.A., Master of Arts. 
Mag., Magazine. 
Magte., Magistrate. 
Maj., Major. 
Man., Manitoba. 
Manfg., Manufacturing. 
Manfr., Manufacturer. 
Mang., Managing. 

1angr., Manager. 
Mar., Maritime. 
Margt., Margaret. 
M.A.Sc., Master of Applied Science. 
MasliJ., Massachusetts. 
Math., Ma.thematdcs; Mathematical. 
M.B., Bachelor of Medicine. 
l\I.D., Doctor of Medicine. 
Md., Maryland. 
Me., Maine. 
M.E., -Mining Ðngineer; Master 01' 
Mech., Mechanics; l\Iechankal. 
Med., Medical; Medicine; Medal; Med- 
allist. . 
Mem., Member. 

MetaJl., Metallurgy; Metallurgical; 
Metall urgist. 
Meteorol.. Meteorology; Meteorologi- 
cal; Meteorologist. 
Meth., Methodist. 
l\I.F., M8!ster of Forestry. 
Mfg., Manufacturing. 
M.F.H., Master of Foxhounds. 
M.G.O., Master General of the Ord- 
Mgr., Manager; Monsignor. 
Mich.. Michigan. 
Mil., Military; Militia. 
M.I.M.E., Member of the Institute of 
Mining Engineers. 
M.I.Mech.E., Member of the Institute 
of Mechanical Engineers. 
M.I.M.M., Member of the Institute of' 

Iining and Metallurgy. 
Minn., Minnesota; Minnea.polls. 
Minr., Minister. 
M.Inst.C.E., Member of the Institu- 
tion of Civil Engineers. 
M.Inst.M.E., Member of the Institu- 
tion of Mining Engineers. 
Missy., Missionary. 
M.L., Licentiate in Medicine. 

I.L.A., Member of the Legislative 
Assembly; Mistress of Liberal Arts. 
M.L.C., Member of the Legislative- 
:\1lle., Mademoiselle. 
Mme.. Madame. 
Mo., Mi.ssouri. 
M.P., Member of Parliament. 
.:\I.P.P., Member of Provincial Parlia- 
M.S., Manuscript. 
M.Sc., Master of Science. 
1\1:t., Mount. 



us. Bac., Bachelo.r of Music. 
Mus. Do.c., Do.cto.r o.f Music. 
N., North. 
N.A., No.rth America. 
Nat.. Natio.nal. 
Nav.. Navigatio.n. 
N.B., New Brunswtck. 
N.C., No.rth Caro.lina. 
N.D., North Dakota. 
N.E.. North-east: North Easotern. 
Neb., Nebraska. 
Nev., Nevada. 
Nfd., Newfo.undland. 
N.H., New Hampshire. 
N..J., New .Jersey. 
No.., Number. 
Notts.. Notting.harnsMre. 
No.v., November. 
N..P., Notary Public; National Pollcy. 
Nr., Near. 
N.S.W., New So.uth Wales. 
N.T., New Testament. 
Numis., Numismatic. 
N.-W.. No.rth-West. 
N.-W.M.P.. North-West Mounted 
N.W.T., North-West Territo.rles. 
N.Y., New Yo.rk. 
N.Z., New Zealand. 

0.., Ohio.; o.nly; o.rdained. 
o.bstet.. o.bstetrics; o.bstetrical. 
o..c., o.nly child. 
o..C., o.fficer Co.mmanding. 
o.ct., o.ctober. 
o.ffr., o.fficer. 
o..H.M.S., o.n His Majesty's Service 
o.kla., o.klahoma. 
o..L.S., o.ntario Land SurveYo.r. 
o..M.I., o.blate of Mary Immaculate 
o.nt., o.ntario. 
o.phthal., o.phthalmology; o.phthal- 
o..R.A., o.ntario. Rifle Associatio.n. 
Ore., o.rego.n. 
Ornithol., o.I'lIlithology; o.rni.thologi- 
ca;l; o.rni.thologis,t. 
o..S.A., o.ntario Society o.f Artists. 
o..s.c., o.nly surviving child. 
o..s.ù., o.nly surviving daughter. 
o..s..s., o.nly surviving so.n. 
o..T., o.ld Testament., o.tology; o.tological; o.tologlst. 
o.xon., o.f o.xfo.rd. 
o.z., o.unces. 

Pa., Pennsylvania. 
Pac., Pacific. 
P.A.M.C., Permanent Army Medical 
P. and S., Physicians and Surgeo.ns. 
ParIt., Parllament. 
Parity., Parllamentary. 
Pass., Passenger. 
Path., Pathology; Patho.lo.glcal; P8Jth- 
P.C., Privy Council; Privy Co.uncillo.r. 
P.D.D.G.M., Past District Deputy 
Grand Master. 
P.E.I.. Prince Edward Island. 
Penn., Pennsylvania. 
Penty., Penitentiary. 
Permt., Permanent. 
P.G.M., Past Grand Master. 
P.G.Z., Past Grand Z. 
Pharm., Pharmacy; Pharmaceutical. 
Ph.B., Ba.chelo.r o.f Philosophy. 

Ph.D., Doctor of Philoso.phy. 
Ph:ll., Ph lloso ph ýI: Philosophical. 
Phila., Philadelphia. 
Phllol.,; Philological; Phil- 
Phys., P.b.yslcal; Physician. 
P'hysiol., Physio.logy; Physiological; 
P.I., Philippine Islands. 
P.L.S., Pro.vincial Land Surveyo.r. 
P.M. G., Postmaster-General. 
P.M.o.., Principal Medical o.fficer. 
P.o.., Post o.ffice. 
Pol., Poliotics; Political., Po.lytechnic. 
Pornol., ,Po.mology; Pomolo.gical; Po.m- 
P.P., Parish Priest. 
P.Q., Province of Quebec. 
Prac., P7'actitioner. 
Presb., Presbyterið.Il. 
Presby., Presbytery. 
Presdt., President. 
Prin., Principal. 
PiI"oc., Proceedings; Pro.clamatio.n. 
Prof., Professo.r; Profession; Profes- 
Prop., Propr., Proprietor. 
Pro.t., 'Protestant; Protective. 
provl., Provincial. 
Psych., Psycho.l. ; Ps)'; Psy- 
cholo.gical; Psychologist. 
Pub., Public; Publishing. 
P.W.D., Public Works Department. 

Q.C., Queen's Counsel. 
Q.:M., Quartermaster. 
Qr., Quarter. 
Q.v., Quod vide (which see). 
Quarter., Quarterly. 
R.A., Ro.yal Artillery. 
R.C., Roman Ca:tholic; Royal Cana- 
R.C.A., Royal Canadian Artillery; 
Royal Canadian Academy. 
R.C.D., Royal Canadian Dragoo.ns. 
R.C.E., Ro.yal Canadian Engineers. 
RC.F.A., Ro.yal Canadian Field Artil- 
R.C.G.A., Ro.yal Canadian Garriso.n 
RC.H.A., Ro.yal Canadian Horse 
RC.N., Ro.yal Canadian Navy. 
R.C.P., Royal Co.llege of Physicians. 
RC.R. Ro.yal Canadian Regiment. 
RC.RI.. Royal Canadian Regiment 
of Infantry. 
R.C.S., Royal Co.llege of Surgeo.ns. 
Rd., Road. 
RD., Rural Dean. 
RE.. Royal Engineers. 
Recd., Received. 
Recr., Receiver. 
Ref.. Reformed. 
Regd., Registered. 
Regr., Registrar. 
Regt., Regiment. 
Rep., Republican; Representative. 
Rev., Reverend; Revenue; Review; 
RF.A., Ro.yal Field Artillery. 
Rhino.l., Rhinology; Rhinological; 
RI.. Rhode I
Rl\f., Royal Marines. 
RM.C., Royal Military Co.llege. 



R.M.S., Royal Mall Steamer. 
R.N., Royal Navy. · 
R N.-W. M. P., Royal North-West 
Mounted Pollee. 
R.O., Reserve of Officers; Revising 
Officer. . 
Robt., Robert. 
R.R., Railroad. 
R.R.C., Royal Red Cross. 
RS.A., Royal School of Artlllery. 
R.S.C., Royal School of Cavalry, 
RS.I., Royal School of Infantry. 
Rt., Right. 
Ry., Railway. 
S., Son; South. 
S.A., South Africa; South America. 
Saml., Samuel. 
Sask., Saskatchewan. 
S.C" South Carolina; Superior Court. 
Sch., School. 
Schol., Scholalr.; Scholar; Scholarship. 
Selent., Scientific. 
Scot., Scotland. 
S.E., South-East. 
Sec., Section. 
Secy., Secretary. 
Semy., Seminary. 
Sep., Separate. 
Sept., September. 
Sergt., Sergeant. 
S.J., Society of Jesus (Jesuits). 
Soc., Soc.lety; SocIêtê, 
8oclol.,; Soc!olog1Ica.I; Soci- 
Solr., Sollcl tor. 
S.O.O., Senior Ordnance Officer. 
S.P.C.A., Society for .the Prevention 
of Oruel ty to Animals. 
S.P.C.K., SocIety for the Propagation 
of ChrIstian Knowledge. 
S.P.G., Society for the Propagation of 
the Gospel. 
Sq., Sq uare. 
Sr., Senior. 
SS., Steamship. 
S.S., Sunday School. 
St., Street; Saint. 
Stat., StaUstlca.l; Statistics. 
S. T.E., Bachelor of Sacred Theology 
S. T.D., Doctor of Sacred Theology, 
Ste., Sainte, 
Stipend., StipendiaJrY. 
S. T.L., Licentiate of Sacred Theology. 
Sup., Super.ior; Supreme. 
Supdt., Superintendent. 
Surg., Surgeon; Su
cal; Surgery. 
S.W., South-West. 
T.C.D., Trinity College, Dublin. 
Tech., Technical; Technology. 
Tel., Telegraph; Telephone. 
Temp., Temperance. 
Tenn., Tennessee. 
Tercen t., Tercentenary. 

Terry., Territory. 
Test., Testament. 
Tex., Texas. 
Trheol., Theology; Theological. 
Therap., Therapeutics; Therapeutic. 
Topog., TOIX>graphy; Topographical. 
Toxiool., Tox,ioology; Toxicologist. 
Tp., Township. 
Trans., Transactions; TlJ"anslatlon. 
Treas., Treasurer. 
T,R.H., Their Royal Highnesses. 
Trig., Trlgonom.; Trigonometry. 
Trln., Trinity. 
U.C., Upper Canada. 
U.E.L., United Empire Loyalist. 
U.K., United Kingdom. 
Unl t., Unitarian. 
Univ., Universl.ty; Ulllversal. 
Unm., Unmarried. 
Urol., Urology; Ul'Iologlcal; Urologist 
U.S., United States. 
U.S.A., United States of America. 
United States Army. 
U.S.N., United States Navy. 
Va., Virginia. 
V.C., Victoria Cross. 
Ven., Venerable. 
Vet., Veterinary. 
V.G., V<lcar General. 
V.I., Vancouver Island. 
V.M., Volunteer Mllltla. 
Vol., Volunteer; Volume. 
V.-P., Vice-.Presldent. 
Vs., Versus. 
V.S., Veterinary Surgeon. 
Vt., Vermont. 
W., West. 
Wash., Washington. 
W.C., West Centre. 
W.C.T.U., Women's Christian Tem- 
perance Union. 
Wesl., Wesleyan. 
W.I., West Indies. 
Wilts., Wiltshire. 
Wis., Wisconsin. 
Wm., WilHam. 
W.T., Washington Territory. 
Wyo., Wyoming. 
Y., Youngest. 
Yds., Yards. 
Y.M., Young Men's. 
Y.M.C.A., Young Men's Christian 
Yorks., Yorkshire. 
Yr., Year. 
Y. T., Yukon Territory. 
Y.W., Young Women's. 
Y.W.C.A., Young Women's Christian 
Zoöl., Zoölogy; Zoölogloal; Zoöloglst. 

As regards quotations from newspapers and periodicals, T. preceding the 
name of a newspaper always stands for Toronto; V. always stands for 
Vancouver; M. for Montreal; H. for Halifax; and L. for London; M. and E. 
stands for the Toronto Mail and Empire, and S. N. for the Toronto Saturday 


Abbott, Albert Holden, educationist. 
S. Albert and Elizabeth (.Jamieson) 
A. ; Eng. and Scotch descent; b. Brock- 
ville. Ont.. Dec. 7. 1871: e. Brockvllle 
public and high schs., Univ. Toronto 
(B.A., 1895) and Univ. Wurzburg. Ger- 
many (Ph.D., '1904); 1II1., Dt-"C., 1904. 
Grace Kearn (B.A., Toronto Univ., 
1895), y. d. late "\V. T. Dingle, Os!hawa, 
Onto ; devoted himse\lf largely to 
psych. InlVesUgatlon. becoming asst, 
Psych. Labor., TDronto Un Iv.. 1894; 
Instr. Phil. and asst. ,Psych. Labor., 
1899: leoturer do. and do., 1900 ; 
asst. pr.of. Phil.. 1907: aloo lectt. 
Psych. Normal ColI., Hamilton, Ont., 
1906-7; author papers on "Sensations 
of Colour," "Theory of Thinking," 
"Psych. and Pedagogy," .. Psych. and 
Epistemology of Hobbes"; preparing 
.. Colour Saturation In Its Quantitative 
Relations," "Brücke's Phenomenon and 
Fechner's Colours." .. Psych. of Mean- 
Ing and Interpretation," "Brit. Phil. 
and Psych. from Bacon to the present 
Day"; memo Am. Psych. Assn.. Die 
deutsche Gesellschaft fUr Experlmen- 
tel.le PsycbOilogie; ø. pl'e5b.-46 How- 
land, Toronto. 
.. A manY-Bided man and of a1together 
exceptional attainmentB."-T. Globe. 
Abbott, :Frederick Albert, dramatic 
reader and Impersonator. 
S. Hodson Gunning and Elizabeth 
(Boo-title) A.; b. Lond'On, Onlt., A'P I . 
20, 1865; e. lPubrric iSChs., ColI. Inst., 
London, and Columbia Unlv., N.Y.; a 
tlramatlc reader, Impersonator and 
teacher of expression: commenced 
London. 1899, with local reputation; 
later studied with F. Townsend South- 
wick. N.Y.; has appeared in Can. and 
U. S.; founder London Sch. of Elocu- 
tion and Oratory; for 3 yrs. Prof. of 
Expression, Northwestern Normal 
Sch., Oklahoma; later, lecturer Bd. of 
Education, N.Y., free lecture course to 
people and Instruct. of Expression, 
23rd St. branch Y.M.C.A.; apptd. head 
prof. Dept. ot Expression, State Nor- 
mal Sch., Warrensburg, Mo.. Sept., 
1905; made a. specialty of interpreta- 
tion along the lines ot emphasis and 
inflection. and has done valuable work 
in this way for singers, preachers, 
lawyers, etc.; has written and pub- 
lished verses and songs; a Meth., but 
.a!lways seal'cfhlnog for truth, .anywheI'E' 
and everywhere; a Con.; proud of 
.being a Can., and will never lose his 
love for, nor his faith In. his beloved 
country; m. Sept., 1905, Miss Kathleen 
Murphy. Masonvllle, Ky., an accom- 
plished muslcian-Warrensburu, Mo.; 
Can. Club., New York. 
.. A master in bis profession."-Dra. 
wnøtic New., 


Abbott, Harry Braithwaite, civil 
S. late Rev. .Joseph A., 1st Incum- 
bent St. Andrews, P.Q., and Harriet 
Elizabeth. d. Rev. Richard Bradford. 
1st rector Chatham, P.Q.; a bro. late 
Hon. Sir .J. .J. C. Abbott. K.C.M.G.. 
Prime Minister of Can.; b. Abbotsford. 
P.Q., .June 14, /1829; e. 
Higlh Sch. and 'MCJGiIl Univ.: com- 
menced prof. career on engineering 
staff St. Lawrence and Atlantic (now 
G. T.) Ry., on completion of which 
line was apptd. a resident engr.; re- 
signed, 1857, to take a contract with 
late C. Freer on G. T. Ry; later. hav- 
ing leased the Rivlêre du Loup sec. of 
that road. they opened and operated It 
for a year. and also operated Carlllon 
and Grenville Ry. until Its purchase 
by Ottawa River Nav. Co.; assumed 
control and filled position of chief engr. 
Brockvllle and Ottawa Ry., 1864. and. 
In 1872, built the Carleton Place and 
Ottawa branch, Can. Central Ry. (now 
a portion of the C.P.R.) ; for some time 
presdt. and mango doir. of former. and 
mango <}.i'r. of la1lter rdad: orga.ndz.OO 
Eastern Extension Ry. Co., of which 
he was appbd. chief en'gr. and m1angr. 
of >C<ms'truct1o'fl, 1876: hois c'cm:nleClbiO'fl 
with the C. P. Ry., as now constituted, 
commenced 1882, when he became 
,man gr. of .cons'tnwtion of Saullt Ste. 
Marie branch; after its completion. 
was chosen moang-r. of oonstruct,i.on IOf 
the main line west from Sudbury; was 
in charge of this division at outbreak 
of Riel rebellion, 1885, and all the 
arrangements for the prompt convey- 
ance of troops sent frpm the East for 
suppression of the rebellion were made 
and <::arrled ou t by !him; afterwardS, 
having s'erv.ed .as sU'pervdsing engr. IOf 
the C. P. Ry. for some months, was 
a'P'Ptà. genll. suprt:. 'Of C. P. Ry. in B. C., 
1886; retired Ifrom this Ipositl.on Mdh., 
1897, at SaJTI1e time decNning 8'PPt. as 
adviser t.o bd. IOf m.a.nag--emeTIlt in iMonrt- 
real: admitt
d memo .soc. C. E., 1887, 
and has been oa C'Oundl'lor Df .tfua,t body ; 
assisted In raising 11th Regt. V, M. 
U Argenteuil Rangers." during T1'ent 
affair, 1862. In which he served. retir- 
ing therefrom with rank of major; 
unsuccessfully contested: Brockvtlle 
(H. C.), Con. Interest. g. e. 1872, and 
East Algoma (Local). 1886; an Ang., 
and a del. to the Synod; a dlr. Brit. 
Am. 011 Reflnerles; hon. Life presdt. 
Vancouver Club: Presdt. Field Trial 
Club and of Vancouver Hunt Club; m. 
Margt. Amelia (d. Feb. 16. 1903). d. 
late Hon. .Justice Sicotte and widow of 
C. Freer, C.E.-Vancouver, B.C.; Van- 
couver Club, do.; Union Club, Victoria, 



Abbott, Bev, Henry Pryor Almon 
S. late Rev. John A., rector St. Luke's 
Cath., Halifax. N.S., and Eda. d. late 
Hon. M. B. Almon; b. Halifax, .July 
11. 1881: e. King's ColI.. Windsor, N.S. 
(B.A. 1902), a,nd Christ Ch., Oxford 
(lM.iA..1905) ; m., .Jul'Y, 1907, Rach-el 
CaroHne. d. Lt.-IOoI. Gwyn (q.v.), Dun- 
das, On't.; o. d.eacon, 1904; priest, 
1905: curate St. Luke's Cath., Halifax, 
1904-5; do. St. .James the Apostle. 
Montreal, 1906: rector Christ Ch. 
Cath., Hamilton, 1907; canon; declined 
calls to Trln. Ch., Ohlcago, and Grace 
Ch., Oak 'Park, do., respec.tiv-eÞy. 19'10: 
an official odeL. t'Û the Eli-centen. A'Il,g'. 
Oh. JCe'1lebrruUon, Halifax, N.S., 1910.- 
Hamilton Onto 
"An earnest and effective preacher. and 
one of the ablest of the younger men of 
the church."-M. Witness. 
Abbott, Henry Bandolph, dentist. 
Granted D.D.S. (hon.) Trinity Univ., 
Toronto, 1901: Presdt. Dom. Dental 
Council, 1906.-London, Ont, 
Abbott, John Bethune, artist. 
S. late Hon. Sir .J. J. C. A., Prime 
Minr. of ICan., anid! Harriet (Hrood'- 
ford) A.; b. Montreal, Dec. 23. 1852: 
e. Montreal Scb., Trin. Untv., To- 
ronto. and McGill Univ. (B.C.L., 1874) ; 
adrvo<."ate, 1874: 'Practised hi,s prof. f()lr 
sometime in partneI'ship Wliltlh 'his foat'hoe,r, 
but abandoned law some yrs. since; 
paJnts in water colours: is curator and 
secy. Montreal Art Assn. and memo Ex. 
Comte. Fraser Inst. ; Ofrr. d'Instruction 
Pub. (from French G( vt.), 1909; Ang.; 
unm.-A.rt Gallery, f8 Phillips Square, 
Montreal; !99 Pine Ave. W., do.; sum- 
mer: U Hillcote," Senneville, P.Q.; 
Montreal Racquet Club; St. George 
Snowshoe Club; University Club, Mont- 
Abbott, Miss lIIaude Elizabeth Sey- 
mour, physician. 
B. St. Andrews, P.Q.: a nIece late 
Hon. Sir J. J. C. A.. K.C.M.G., Prime 
lMinr. of Can. ; -e. IMcGill Univ. ('BJA. and 
gold med. for genl. standing, 1890). 
Zurioh and Vienna: had previously 
(1874) obtained degree of M.D. at 
Bishop's COI1., Lennoxvllle: M.D.,C.M. 
(hon.), McGlIl Univ.. 1910: elected to 
EXJtv-e. Inltem. Assn. Merl. MUSleum'S, 
Washington, D.C., do.; L.R.C.P. and 
S. (Edin.). 1897; a fellow In Path., 
McGlII Univ.; has been Identified with 
the movement in Montreal for provid- 
In.g plaYgTOunds for c1hUdreTh - 118 
Durocher St., Montreal. 
ab der Halden, Charles Joseph Victor, 
author and educationist. 
Family of Swiss and Alsatian origin. 
a long time settled in France: b. Rou- 
baix (Nord), France, June 18. 1873: 
e. Univ. of Paris (M.A. In letters and 
In haw) ; m., Aug., 1901, MII-e. IsabeHe. 
Paris: Prof. Literature Normal Sch.. 
Lyons: dir. Bibliothèque Can. and the 
Revue d'Europe et d'Amérique; Laur- 
eate of th-e French Acad.; has pub- 
lished U La Veil1êe des Armes," "Etude 
de Littêrature Canad!enne-Française"; 
a Prot.-
 Rue Anto
ne DuboIs, Paris, 
II Unde.r an apparently light vein ÚI pü'8- 

sesRed of deep learning."-Nouvelle Presse, 
Aberdeen, Her Excellency the Count- 
ess of, Ishbel Marla, 
Y. d. 1st Lord Tw
dmouth; b. 
II Guisachan," Inverness-shire. Scot., 
1857; m., 1877, 7th EaI1l of A. (q.v.): 
before cOIning to Can. diSIPlayed great 
activity In philanthropic and other 
good work. more particularly for the 
amelioration of her sex; was the 
presdt. of several women's assns. In 
Gt. Brit.. including the Scottish 
Mothers' Union. the Women's Local 
Govt. Soc.. and the Women's Lib. Fed- 
eration of Eng. and of Scot., positions 
she resigned on coming to Can.: while 
at Dublin Castle. 1886, organized the 
Irish Industries Assn., to develop home 
Industries among the people: at an 
earlier periOd founded the Onward and 
Upward Assn. for the promotion of a 
more sisterly Interest in one another 
among women in every station of life, 
and especially among mistresses and 
their female servants; in Can. her 
ladyship founded the National Council 
of Women for the promotion of greater 
unity of thought, sympathy and pur- 
pose among the women of Can.. of 
which she was the first presdt.; and. 
In commemoration of Queen Victoria's 
diamond jubilee, the Victorian Order 
of Nurses, in sympathy with the move- 
ment in Gt. Brit. establishing Queen's 
Jubilee Nurses under the special pat- 
ronage of the Queen, which latter body 
was incorporated by Royal charter; 
she likewise founded the Aberdeen 
Assn. for sending literature to settlers 
in the iSIQ,]albed .ddsts. 100f:the Dom. who .
unable to procure reading matter for 
themselves. all 3 bodies being still in 
existence; has been presented with the 
freedom of the city of Limerick, Irel.. 
and received the hon. degree LL.D. 
from Queen's Unlv.. Kingston, 1897; 
is an fhon'. memo GenII. F-e-iJeraNon of 
Women's Clubs of U. S.: elected 
Presdt.. Intern. Council of Women (an 
office she had previously filled, 1893- 
1899).1904; author of "Through Can. 
With a Kodak," of a paper on "Women 
In Can..., read before the London Soc. 
of Arts, 1903, of "IreLand's Cru
inst Tlubiereut.," 3 vtOls. (1908); 
"Our Lady of the Sunshine" (1910); 
and of a vol. embracing her recollec- 
Uons of 'her bro. (Lord Twee-iJmouth). 
do; on leaving Can. June, 1898, was pre.- 
sented by members of both Houses of 
Parlt. with a handgome historical din- 
ner service, the work of the Women's 
Art Assn. of Can., in recognition of 
her signal devotion to the promotion 
of all good works In Can. and her In- 
variable kindness to the mems. of the 
Dom. Parlt.: elected an hon. life memo 
of the Brit. iMed. A'ssn. 1909; re{?{l. a 
med. from .the French branch, Intern. 
Council of, for her services In 
fighNng tubercul., ,1910. - Viceregal 
Lodge, Dublin, hel.; Haddo House, 
A berdeellshire, Scot.; 58 Grosvenor St., 
London, W., Eng. 
.. One of the 
reatest women in the 
wO'l"ld to-d,ay."-" Kit" (q.v.). 
II A noble-hearted and cultured wOI1J,an." 
-Sir Sandford Fleming (q.v.). 



II This body desires to record its grate' 
ful appreciation of the zeal, the unfailing 
tact, the administrative ability and the 
devotion to the cause of humanity by 
which Her Excellency the Countess of 
Aberdeen has endeared herself to the hearts 
of the women of the Dominion."-Resolu- 
tion: National Council of Women of Can., 
Toronto, 1895. 
Aberdeen, His Excellency Sir John 
Campbell Hamilton Gordon, 7th 
Earl of, statesman. 
B. Edinburgh. Scot.. Aug. 3, 1847; 
e. Cheams Sch., St. Andrew's Univ. 
and Univ. CoIl., Oxford (B.A.. 1871; 
M.A., 1877); succeeded to peerage, 
1870; m. 1877, Hon. Ishbel Maria 
Marjoribanks (q. v. ), y. d. 1st Baron 
Tweedmouth; Lord High Oommr. to 
Genl. Assem.. Ch. of Scot., 1881-85; 
Lord Lieut. of Irel., Jan. to July, 1886. 
and, again. since Dec.. 1905; P.C.. 
1886; K.T., 1906; Gov.-Genl. of Can., 
1893-98; G.C.M.G., 1893; V.-P., Royal 
Col. Ins1., 1891; is an LL.D., Univ. of 
Aberdeen. and an hon. D.C.L. (Oxon.), 
Bishop's CoIl. Univ., Lennoxville, and 
Trinity Univ.. Toronto, and an hon. 
LL.D.. Queen's Unlv., Kingston; McGill 
Univ., M'on,tI1ea,1 ; Otta'wa Un!v., ObtawH ; 
Toronto Univ., Toronto; Laval Univ., 
Quebec; Harvard Univ.. Cambridge. 
Mass.; and Princeton Univ., Princeton, 
N.J.; Is Hon. Col.. 10th G
Toronto; a Brig.-Genl., Royal Co. of 
Archers. and Hon. Col. Aberdeenshire 
Artillery Volunteers; was ex officio 
Hon. Col. Gov.-Genl.'s Foot Gds., Can.; 
is an hon. life Gov.. Victorian Order 
Nurses. an hon. memo Lit. and His. 
Soc.. Quebec. and Soc. C. E.. Montreal; 
chairman In London, Bd. of Dirs., 'Vest. 
Assur. Co.; do.. Brit. Bd. of Dirs., Can. 
Life Assur. Co., and a memo Bd. of 
Control ,Pacific Cable Co.; favours life 
membership In Ho. of Lords for dis- 
tinguished colonial leaders; on leaving 
Can.. June, 1898, was prE'sented with 
a farewell address by both Houses of 
Parlt.. expressive of their satisfaction 
and appreciation of his work and ser- 
vices in Can.; 'Carri'ed tlhe standard of 
the .Dom. 0If Can. in the proocession in 
Westminster l.AJbb-ey at Tlheir MaJesties' 
cororua ti on, June, 1911; an extensive 
landowner in iCan.-Viceregal Lodge, 
Dublin, J?'el.; Haddo House, Abej.deen- 
shil'e, Scot.; 58 Grosven01' St., London, 
"IV., Eng.; Brooks's Club; Reform 
Club; Nat. Liberal Club; Bachelors' 
Club, London. 
II Did more to popularize the office of 
Governor-General in Canada than any 
other repr
sentative that was ev-er sent to 
Ottawa:'-T. Telegram (1898). 
Abraham, Frederick, journalist. 
Ancestors, male side from Irel. ; 
female side from Holland and U. E. 
Loyalists; s. late Joseph and Anna,.. 
Hanner (Miller) A.. Belleville, Ont.; 
b. Be\loevi.\loe, Nov. 18, uno; e. B",lille- 
ville High Sch.; m. May. 1891. l\1iss 
Maud Elizabeth Charters, same place, 
served In all capacities In a news 
po per 'Office; at pr-esP'n.l g.ef'y.-trEr:1s. 
Montreal Daily Herald and a dlr. 
of Hemld Co.; a !Jib.; a IMcth.-44ìO 
Western Ave., Westmount, Monh.eal; 
Canada Club J do. 

Abraham, Bev, Herbert Edt.on 
O. c. Rev. Dr. A. (q.v.) ; b. Watford, 
Ont., Mch. 3, 1877; e. .Whltby Coli. 
Inst. and Toronto Univ. (B.A. with 1st 
class honours in Math. and 2nd class 
in Lit. and His., 1899) ; pursued theol. 
studies. Knox ColI., Toronto (a schol- 
arship each year); graduated. 1903; 
mission work In Muskoka and else- 
where while a student; o. and inducted 
pastor St. Paul's Presb. Ch., Port 
Hope, July. 1903; m. ApI.. 1906, Geor- 
giana E.. d. David Galbraith, Whitby, 
Ont.-Port Hope, Onto . 
Abraham, Bev, John (Pres b.). 
S. Joseph A., Co. Tyrone, and his wife. 
- Craig, Co. Belrast, Irel.; b. Co. 
Haldimand, Ont.. Feb. 21. 1843; e. Port 
Dover High Sch., Univ. Toronto and 
 COli., Toronto (D.D.. 1904); m. 
1875. Miss Edison, Vienna, Ont.; entd. 
ministry, 1872; first charge. Watford; 
inducted present charge, Whitby. Sept., 
1879; ModE'rator. Synod Toronto and 
Kingston, 1890; author paper: II Some 
Phasf's of the Educational Question." 
- "lVhitby, Ont 
Abramovitz, Bev. Herman (.Jewish). 
B. Russia, Feb. 28, 1880; e. public 
schs. N. Y. City, and Coli. City ot N. Y. ; 
post-grad. work phil. dept. Columbia 
Unlv. (B.A.); took Rabbinical degree 
Jewish TheoI. Semy. of Am.. also de- 
gree Doctor Heb. Lit. from same in- 
stitutlon; unffi.; admitted to ministry, 
1902; later apptd. minr. of Eng. and 
Polish Synagogue, Montreal; author 
II Council of Four Lands," a study, and 
of various contributions to periodical 
lit.; a life gOY. Montreal GenI. Hosp., 
and an hon. memo Montefiore Club. 
Montreal.-l'ì' Hutchison St. J l'; 
JIontefiore Club. 
.. A scholarly and cultured man."-M. 
IT crald. . 
Acheson, Bev, Edward Campion 
(Ang.) . 
S. Alex. and Mary (Campion) A., 
Montrath, Queen's Co., Irel.. and a 
descend. Sir Archibald A.. Secy. of 
State for Scot. temp. Jas. I.; b. 'Vool- 
wich, Eng., Aug.. 1860; e. Woolwlch, 
Toronto Univ.. Wycliffe Coli., and 
Univ. N. Y. (M.A.. 1891); m. June, 
1892, Eleanor Gertrude. 6th d. Geo. 
Gooderham. Toronto; o. deacon and 
priest by Bp. Sweatman; curate All 
Saints. Toronto.. 1888-89; do. St. 
George's. N. Y., 1889-92; rector Holy 
Trinity, Middletown, Conn., since 
1892; while a student served in 
Queen's Own Rifles, Toronto (Univ. 
Co.), throughout last Riel rebellion. 
becoming ultimately chaplain to regt. 
(despatches for services at Cut Kni!:-? 
Creek; medal). - lIIiddletown, Conn.; 
u National A1.k;' GTamercy park J New 
ê..cheson, Lt,-Col, George, physician. 
S. Rev. Robt. A. (Presb.); b. Galt. 
Ont.. 1859; e. Galt Gråmmar Sch. 
(Dufferin Mpdal) and Toronto Univ. 
(B.A. and gold medal in Nat. Science. 
1880; ,M.A., 1883; M.B.. with 1st {"!m'.s 
honours, '1887) ; m.. 1890, Louie iM., d. 
Jas. Phy:mister, ,Morulreal ; Sicience 
Ma,ster Toronto Call. In
t., 1881, and 
was for a time Ho. Burg. Toronto Genl. 



. and lect. Women's Med. Coll.; 
memo Ed. EXltve. 001.1. P. and S.. Oni!:.; 
joined Queen's Own Rifles (Unlv.Oo.), 
1876, servinlg in ranks; .subsequen'Uy 
commanò.e'd a co., tilil 1887; majar 29t!h, 1895; 11'Ì.-ooI. oommdg., 1899; 
has commanò
d 2nd Ind'ty. Brigade 
8-ince 'May, 1907; OO'lonlaJl Aux. For
decorntdon, 1908; PreSb.-Galt, Onto 
Ache.on, Bev, Stuart (Pres b.). 
Descended ancient Irish family that 
removed from Scot. to Ulster. period 
of plantation; S. Thos. A.; b. Mono 
Mills, Ont., Oct. 13, 1847: e. Toronto 
Grammar Sch., Toronto Unlv. and 
Queen's Univ. (B.A. 1887) ; M.A. from 
Hamilton ColI. and Univ.. N. Y. ; gradu- 
a'tJe.d ,In rth.eül. Knox ColI., ToronlÌ.l(}, 
1876; o. 1876; minister Clover Hill, 
Ont., 1876; First Ref. Presb. Ch., To- 
ronto, 1889; St. Paul's, Wiarton, 1894; 
Broadvlew, Sask., 1906; V.-P. at largp 
Can. Scotch-Irish Congress Am.; grand 
chaplain I.O.O.F., Ont.; formerly memo 
Bd. Mangt. Knox ColI., Toronto and do. 
GenI. Assem. Comte. Aged and Infirm 
Mlng.' Fund and .W,idows' and Orphans' 
Fund, Presb. Ch.; was chairman High 
Sch. Bd., Wlarton. and convener Home 
Mission Fund, Owen Sound; also rep. 
to Genl. Assem.; author paper on 
.. Scotch-Irish In Cap." and ofaeveral 
pamphlets: m. .June, 1877, Frances 
Mary, d. late Lt.-Cot. T, R. Ferguson. 
M.P.; holds strongly same political 
opinions as late D' Alton McCarthy, 
M.P.; would welcome religious union 
between presb. and Meth. Churches.- 
Broadview, Sask. 
Acklom, George Morebye, education- 
Descended from an ancient Saxon 
family, mentioned In Domesday Book. 
aJfrter Whom two Yor
9h'ire to'Wns are 
named, Acklam In Holderness anrl 
Acklam near Mlddlesborough; S. Robt. 
A., Indian civil service; b. Narslnghpur, 
C.I., .1870; e. Cli ftan , .Bedford and 
Queen's ColI., Cambridge (B.A. 1891: 
M.A., 1894); m., >1897, Ll1'llan, y. d. 
.Jl(}hn Mann, Redcoar, York: 'Math. Mas- 
ter, St. Mary's Co
I.. Harlú'W, 1891; 
2nd iMalSter, Cambridge Ho. &111., 
HtaJUfoax, 1891-9-3; 2nd Master CoN. 
h. WlnðlSOr, N.S.. '1893-95; IMrut'h. 
and' Scienoe Mastør,'S Oal-I. 
Sch., Len:nlOxV1iNe, and Science lec- 
turer BisihlÛ'p's CoN., 1895-97 (Acad. 
plll()ma, P. Q., 1896): He.aðmaster, 
Harrow Ho. Sch.. Halifax. N.S., 
1897-06; Prof. of Eng., Klng's" ColI., 
Wirud,sor, N.'S., ,1906-7: authO'r 'Mar- 
garet, kn IdY11!1" (poems), and was 
ed. of sch. 'lT1I8.gazine at BeMor,d: 
a noted a.tJhlete, both in Eng. and 
N. S.; helld colI. rowing record for 
lIgfht paJirs; V.-'P. Oh. of Eng. Inst., 
Halilfax. aOO a dtel. to Ang. Synod ; C'Onnectro with Primrose 
League in En-g.-Royal N. ,So Yacht 
Club, Halifax, N.S.; New Oxford and 
Cam. Olub, London, Eng. 
Acland, Frederick Albert, Dom. pub- 
I1c servIce. 
S. S. and iM'ary (Bryant) A.; lb. 
Brld-gØW'aJOOr, Eng., Aug. 9, 1861; e.; m., .1888, Elizabetlh, d. .Jonn 
AfJair. Toronto; entd. a ;printing office 
at 11, commencing regular newspaper 

work a felW yrs. later; came to Can., 
1883. joining staff Toron'Ì'Ü Globe, laJber 
spending a couple of yrs. In journal- 
ism In Cincinnati, Chicago, New Or- 
leans, Atlanta, Ga., and other Am. 
dtles; returning to Can., became city 
ed. Toronto Globe, 1887; news ed. 
IH90; removed to Philadelphia, Pa.. 
to assist in establishing Booklover'B 
Mag., 1902; transfd. to London, Eng., 
as mangr. Eng. branches Booklover's 
Library, 1903; on disposal of these 
branches to W. H. Smith. returned 
to Can., becoming ed. Globe Sat. 
Mag., 1904; visited Western Pro- 
vinces May, 1906, a trip he had un- 
dertaken several times previously. 
and wrote a series of letters for the 
Globe, describing conditions and 
affairs there, .. with an authority and 
insight that has never been sur- 
passed" (vide T, News), which 
were pUblished in pamphlet form by 
Dom. Govt.; later. same year, re- 
moved to Winnipeg as permanent ed. 
representative of the Globe, a wholly 
new venture In Can. journalism; 
apptd. Secy. Dept. of Labour. Feb.. 
1907; 'Promoted Dept(Y'. MinT. do., Oct. 
1. /1908; Presd'!:. IC. S. Assn., 1907; 
author ".Jos'e'I)h ChamJberlaln: The Man 
and the Statesman," and of numerous 
other contributions to mag. NteratJUre; 
Ang.-l,J Somerset St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club, do. 
.. Noted for his sound jud
ment and 
lite.rary taste."-S. N. 
.. A journalist of wide experience and 
excellent ability."-T. Neu's. 
Acres, Miss Helen Elizabeth, educa- 
Apptd. Lady Principal Bishop 
Strachan Sch., Toronto. an Institution 
for the higher education of girls, 1898; 
as such received H.R.H. the Princess 
of Wales (the present Queen of Eng.) 
on a visit to the Institution, Oct., 1901, 
H.R.H. the Princess Louise, Duchess 
of Argyll, having visited the same sch., 
Sept. 12, 1879; resigned, 1911; .Ang.- 
!Jl College St., Toronto. 
Adam, Rev, I'rançolø Tancrede 
S. late Louis A.. N.P., and Ros(' H. 
(Bourgeois) A.; b. Coteau-du-Lac. 
P.Q.. .June 25, 1850; e. CoIl. Bourget; 
o. 1873; prof. ColI. Bourget; after fill- 
Ing some minor appts. was speci:'1Jly 
selected by Archbp. Fabre to minister 
to French-Canadians at Whitehall. 
N.Y.. 1877: returned to Montr('al, 1883. 
and In 1892 became curê of Ch, of 
Sacred Heart, Montreal; hon. canon. 
1900: memo Cath. Sch. Bd., 1906.- 
B!J5 Ontario St. E., Montreal. 
.. <\ notpd authority on historical sub. 
jects."-M. Herald. 
Adam, Graeme Mercer, author. 
S. late .Jas. and Margt. (Wishart) A.. 
Lasswade. Midlothian, Scot.; b. Loan- 
head, Scot., May 25, 1839; e. Edin- 
burgh; cnadled among books; at 19 
was at the head df the retail brrandh 
of one of the oldest Scottish publish- 
Ing houses; In 1858 came to Can. as 
mangr. of the Can. book-house of Rev. 
Dr. Cunningham Gelkle. and, 2 yre. 
afterwards, succeeded to the business, 
In partnership with Mr, Rollo, the firm 



afterwards being re-formed and known 
as Adam, Stevenson & Co., booksellers 
and publlshers. 
'oronto, which cCJn- 
tinued in existence for many yrs.; in 
1876, in alliance with late John Lovell, 
Montreal, opened a publishing house 
In N. Y. as an outlet for literature 
manufactured by Mr. L.'s sons, at 
Rouse's Point, a venture which, al- 
though not barren of results, was not 
immediately successful: it subsequently 
developed into the U. S. Book 
Co.; returning to Toronto, 1878, entd. 
on an active lIiterary career; his 
firm had :prev.iously !published the 
Brit. Am. Mag., to which he had con- 
tributed reviews of books; and from 
1869 to 1872 he had written almost the 
whole of each number of the Can. 
Bookseller, an organ of the book and 
publishing interests of Can.; In 1872, 
in co-operation with Prof. Goldwin 
SmitJh and others, he founded the 
Can. Monthly, of which he was sole 
ed. from 1879 to Its decease, 1883; 
in 1879 he also founded the Can. Edu- 
cational Monthly, of which he was ed. 
for over 5 yrs.; was likewise for 
several yrs. office ed. and business 
mangr. of The Bystander, and, In 
connection with this duty, served as 
secy. and literary asst. to Prof. Gold- 
win Smith; when the Week was started 
he became one of Its staff of writers, 
contributing also to the Nation, the 
Globe, the Mail, and other journals 
published then and subsequently at 
'Toronto; he found time, as well, for 
other forms of authorship; In 1883 
he ed. a series of sch. reading books, 
in 5 volumes, known as .. The Royal 
Can. Readers"; subsequently he ed. an 
edition of Macaulay's" Essay on War- 
ren Hastings," and published. In asso- 
ciation with J. W. Connor, the II Can. 
High Sch. Word Book," and, In asso- 
ciation with W. J. Robertson (q.v.), a 
.. Sch. History of Eng. and Can."; in 
1885 he published .. The Can. North- 
West; Its History and Its Troubles," 
and, In 1886, In conjunction with Miss 
Wetherald (q.v.), an historical 
romance entitled .. An Algonquin 
Maiden"; among other works from 
his pen have been: .. An Outline His- 
tory of Can. Literature"; a volume 
summarizing the work in Equatorial 
Africa of Sir H. M. Stanley; a series 
of books of a topographical and de- 
scriptive character on Can.; .. Can. 
from Sea to Sea," a tourlst's hand- 
book; II Toronto Old and New"; a 
revised ed. of Collins' II Life of Sir 
John Macdonald"; a II Hand-book on 
Commercial Union." and. In conjunc- 
tion with the late Geo. Dickson, a II His- 
tory of Upper Can. College"; was 
also a contributor to ., Picturesque 
Can.... ed. by the late Principal Grant; 
on leaving for the U. S., 1892, was 
presented with an address and purse 
by Can. literary men and publishers, 
in recognition of his Important work; 
becoming a resident of N. Y., he re- 
mained there for 4 yrs., being chiefly 
connected with the U. S. Book Co. as 
reader and literary adviser; otherwise 
he performed a large share of labour. 
not only as a reviewer. memoir writer 
and general contributor in mags. and 
critical journals. but In the way of 

compilations and original authorship; 
in 1896 he removed to Chicago to be- 
come ed. of Self-Culture, a new mag., 
which he subsequently accompanied to 
A.kron, 0., on its removal thither; 
after 6 yrs., having edited 9 vols. of the 
periodical, his connection with It 
ceased on a change of publishers, and 
he again took up his residence In 
N. Y., where he has continued to reside, 
being engaged in editorial and general 
lit. work for the chief IDastern publish- 
Ing houses; of separate works he has 
written a life of Genl. R. E. Lee and 
one of Peter the Great, and prepared 
for John Lovell & Sons, Montreal, a 
new ed. of II The Dom. of Can. Gazet- 
teer "; a graduate of the Royal Mil. 
Sch., Toronto, holding a 1st class cert.. 
he served for many yrs. In the Queen's 
Own Rifles. Toronto, and commanded 
a co. at Ridgeway during the first 
Fenian raids (med.) ; an Ang.; .ro., 1st. 
1863, Jane Beazley (d. 1884), 2nd 
d. late John Gibson, ed. Literary 
Gm'land, Montreal; 2ndly, 1891, 
Frances Isabel, 4th d. late Fredk. 
Brown, Rochdale; politicaIly an Ind. 
and free trader; In Can. a Nationalist. 
-7 W. 106th St., New York. 
.. Take away the literary undertakings 
fostered in Canada by Goldwin Smith and 

rel'cer Adam and what remains ?"-The 
lale Nicholas Flood Davin, M.P. 
Adam. Joseph, lawyer. 
S. late Guillaume A.; b. MarlevllIe. 
P.Q., July 30. 1850; e. CoIl Ste. Marle- 
de-iMonnoir, and McGill Univ. (B.'C.L., 
1878); advocate, .1878; K.IC.. 1903; 
sU'ccessful}ly Ipractises -In iM'Ontreal; 
aNy., ci>ty .of Ste. CuruegQntde .for 14 
yrs.; m., ISept., ,1883, CorInne (d. July, 
1908). e. d. Hon. Jrustice 'Mathieu 
(q.v.); a R. IC. and a Con.---8S Cher- 
rier St., Montreal; Club St. Denis, do. 
Adami, John George, educationist. 
S. late John Geo. A.. Manchester 
and Ashton-upon-Mersey, Cheshire. 
and Sarah Ann Ellis, d. Thos. Leech. 
Urmston, Lancashire. Eng.; b. Man- 
chester. Jan. 12. 1862; e. Owens CoIl, 
Manchester; Chrlst's ColI., Camb. (sch. 
1881; 1st cl. 1st pt. Nat. Science 
Trlpos, 1882; do. 2nd pt. do. do., 1884; 
bach. travel. seh., 1884; Darwin prize- 
man for orig. research, 1885; M.A.. 
1887: 'M.lD.. 1891), Bre-slau and Paris; 
m. 1894, Mary Stuart. d. Jas. A. Cant- 
lie, Montreal. and niece Lord Mount- 
stephen (q.v.); Jobn Lucas Walker 
student lPath. Univ. Cam.. 1890; bouse 
phys. Manch
teT Royal Infirmary and 
Demon. Path.. do., 1900; felilow J-esU8 
0011., do., 189.1; !Prof. PatJh. /McGill 
Unlv., 1892; F.R.S. (Edin.), 1898; 
M.A.. M.D.- ad eund. (McGill). 1899; 
LL.D. (Univ. N. B.), 1900; F.R.S.C. 
(1902) ; F.R.S. (1905) ; author of num- 
erous papers upon path. subjects In vari- 
ous med. journals and trans. of med. 
socs.. Eng.. Am. and French; also of an 
address on art and literature dellv- 
ered before Women's Art Assn., Mont- 
real, 1904; has been prominently fden- 
tifioetl '\nth local league for !prevo of 
tubercul.; was Presdt. local Medlco- 
Chir. Soc.. and Is now joint Secy. Vic- 
torian Order Nurses; was Presdt. Mont- 
real branch Brit. Med. Assn., 1899, and 



Presdt. Path. Sec. same body, Toronto 
meeting, 1905; declined appt. to chair 
of Path.. Come1l Univ., 18
8, to same 
chair, Univ. Camb., 1899, and to other 
professorships elsewhere; presided at 
Intern. TubercuL Congress, \Yashing- 
ton. 1908; promoter Royal Edward 
Tubercul. IllIsL. 1909; Royal CorumI'. re 
Spread of Tubercul., 1909; Presdt. City 
Improvement League, do.; do. Can. 
Assn. for the Prevo of Tubercul., do.; 
re-elected do., do., 1!H.l; el'ected 
presdt. Assn. af Am. Physi-cians, 1911; 
do. Can. Mining Inst., 1910; V.-P. 
Montreal Univ. Club, dO.-331 Peel St., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Univer- 
sity Club, lIfontreal; Saville Club, Lon- 
don; Alpha Delta Phi, New York. 
"Endowed with 
'outh, energ
. and en- 
thusiasm, his investigations have been im- 
portant and of great benefit to mankind." 
-M. Herald. 
Adams, Major Alexander, late H.M.'s 
regular mil. forces. 
Y. s. late Capt. Jas. A., architect. 
employed in the construction of the 
Parlt. Bldgs.. Ottawa; Irish origin; 
b. Ottawa. May 27. 1867; e. there 
and R. ,M. .colI., Kingston; gradu- 
ated, 1887; gazetted 2nd lieut. R. E.. 
1888; capt.. 1899; major, 1907; apptd. 
genl. mangr. Nile Delta Light H.y., 
1899 ; ha ving previously served as 
traffic man gr. Burma :State Ry.; m. 
1908. Catherine Mary. y. d. late C. E. 
Fox, Master in Equity. Bombay. an..! 
Hon. Mrs. C. E. Fox.-Cairo, Egypt. 
Adams, Allan Huston, physician. 
S. Dr. A., Whitby, Ont.; b. there; 
e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1901; M.D.. 
with ihonours, 1904); ,m., St1Pt., 1909, 
Nettie Elizab-eth, d. C. C. Norris, To- 
ronto; intern. phys. Muskoka Free 
Hosp. for Consumptives, 1904; Supt. 
Toronto Free Hosp. for Consumptive 
Poor, 1905; memo staff Toronto Genl. 
Hasp., 1190.5; IAng.--JJ.; JmTis St., To- 
1'onto, Onto 
Adams, Charles Frederick, lawyer. 
E. s. Capt. J. F. A., H. M.'s Cus. 
toms. Sarnia, Ont., fonnerly of Perth, 
011Jt.; b. Sarnia, M-ch. 13. 1880; e. pub- 
lic schs. and ColI. Inst., Samia; m., 
Sept., 1909, Miss Amy Allen Johns. 
Exeter, Ont.; studied law, Osgoode 
Hall, Toronto; undergrad. in law. 
Man. Univ.: barrister (Alta. and 
Sask. ) , 1906; successfully practises 
his prof. at Calgary; a memo legal 
finn Muir, Jephson & A., there; secy.- 
tr(':as. Law Soc. of Alta. since Its cre- 
ation, 1907; first hon. secy. Can. Club, 
Calgary, 1907-8; presdt. Young Men's 
Club. do.. 1906-8; a Meth.. and a 
memo Bd. of Mangt. Central Meth. 
Ch.-Calgary, AIta; Canadian Club; 
Young Men's Club, do. 
Adams, Chauncey Allen, educationist. 
B. Sawyerville, P.Q.. Nov. 15. 1879; 
e. Coaticook Acad.. Stanstead 'Vesl. 
ColI. and McGill Univ. (B.A. and 2nd 
cllass Ih.onours dn history. ,190
) ; Pl'esdt. 
Univ. Grad. Lit. Soc. McGill Unlv. and 
Presdt. McGill Hist. Club. 1901; spent 
2 yrs. travelling in Gt. Brit.. Egypt 
and India; was Genl. SI-'cy. Y.J;l.C.A. 
McGill Univ., Montreal, 1904-5; apptd. 
Genl. Secy. Y.M.C.A., Ceylon, by 

Intern. Oomte. of N. .Am., June, 1905; 
unm.-Y..ll.C.A., Colombo, Ceylon. 
Adams, Ezra Herbert, physician. 
S. Dr. J. G. A.. Toronto; b. there; 
e. Toronto Grammar Seh.; graduated 
M.D., C.M., Victoria Univ., Cobourg. 
1890; suc'Cesslfully 
ra,ctÏises his prof. 
in Toronto; Presdt. Ross lJi'b. Club, 
Toronto, and 'Prominent in t,l1at in- 
terest; Treas. Can. Public OwnershiiP 
League; a bro., Dr. \Y,m. F. ,A., Oan. 
M'eth. missy. in China.-4 Bond St., 
Adams, Frank Dawson, geologist; 
B. Montreal, Sept. 17, 1859; e. Mont- 
real High Sch. and McGill Univ.. 
graduating at latter with 1st rank 
honours in Nat. 'Science, 1878. and 
bakTing degree M.A.'Sc., 1884; sub- 
sequently studied Sheffield Scient. Sch., 
Yale CoIl. and at Heidelberg (Ph.D., 
1892); at last named institution de- 
voted himself specially to petrography 
and physical g>e'Ül.; Iffi., 1892, Marie 
uart, e. d. late Saml'. Finley. Mont- 
real; a:pjptd. staff. Geol. Survey. 
1880; lectu.rer ill' GeoL, McGill, 
1889; Lo'gan Prof. of Geol. do., 
1893; apptd. Dean of Science. do., 
1908; D.Se. (McGill), 1902; D.C.L. 
(Lennoxville). 1903; F.G.S.A., 1888; 
F.G.S. (Lond.), 1895; F.R.S.C., 1896; 
Ly\c-vH 'illE'c1æHiist. 1906; ,granlt from 
Carnegie Inst. for prose.cution special 
researches, 1906; F.R.S., 1907; Presdt. 
Can. Mining Inst. and Councillor Can. 
Soc. Prevo of Tubercul.; elected pretSldt. 
In tern. iOongress ()If Geologists, Toronto, 
1910; has Ibeen iPresdt. f.\,['cGm Grad'U- 
ates' Soc. and' of Montreal Kat. His. 
SOIC.; author numero'llB 'Papers dealing 
more espec,ialq'Y with pI"obßems with 
m'e.bam'orphism and the olde-r crystJa:l- 
Hne rocks of earth's crust. wUlich have 
a'ppeared in se-jen. 'Publ,icatiom9 in ICan., 
En-g. and U. S.; also researChes on ex- 
perimental gEOI.; an IAng.-Z4S M oun- 
tain .st., 1I1onh'eal; summer: " Sagast- 
aweka" Thousand Islands; University 
Club;' St. James's Club; Canadian 
Club; Out1"emont Golf Club, ]lontreal. 
" Has do,ne notable ge.olog. work, and is 
an educaìio,nist of repute."-T. Glob/:.. 
Adams, Rev, George J[, B, (Meth.). 
O. 1881; has been entrusted with 
some important charges in the Man. 
and N.- W.. Toronto. Hamilton and 
B. C. Confs., including Keepawa, Ger- 
rard St., Toronto; Gore St., Hamilton; 
Brant Av p ., Brantford, and Metropoli- 
tan Ch., Victoria, B.C.; called to Win- 
nipeg pastorate, June. 1908: secy. of 
Toronto Cont., 1895: popuLar as a 
Ie.ctJlWer.-2.;7 Furby St., Winnipeg. 
Adams, Henry Austin, aut1ho'l' (nolll- 
de-1Jlltllle. Vincent Hamer). 
B. in the W. I.; has lived In Eng.. 
Germany. France. Australia, New Zea- 
land a.nd the South Sea Islands; now 
living in B.C.; long known as a statis- 
tical writer for the mags.; mOre 
recently. has turned to story writing; 
in addi'tion to many short tales for 
the mags. has published .. The Mort- 
gage on 'the Brain," .. The Crusts." 
and other novels, which have had a 
large sale and been otherwise well 



recd.-"The Shack 0' Dream8/' Vic- 
toria, B.C. 
Adams, Stanley, vocalist. 
S. late Capt. W. H. 1\.., late H.M.'s 
23rd R. ",r. Fusiliers, and mangr. H.B. 
Co.'s store, Winnipeg; b. Eng.; e. 
"\Vinnipeg; also studied music there and 
in Germany and Italy; a choir-boy at 
"\Vinnipeg ; entd. on a professional 
career, as a singer. in Eng.; accom- 
panied Mad. Beatrice Langley on Am. 
concert tour, 1906; m. Lillian, o. d. 
late Lt...JOol. W. N. K-ennedy, !paymaster 
Can. voyagJeurs, NHe expedition, 
1884-5.-Care Canadian OfTice, Lon- 
don, Eng. 
.. Hi!; yoice is remarkably full, brilliant 
and flexible."-L. Musical Standard. 
Adams, Bev, Walter Bobert (Ang.). 
S. late R. T. A., London. Eng.; b. 
there, Sept. 1, 1877; e. St. John's Sch., 
Hurst, Sussex, and Univ. of Durham 
(B.A., with 1st class honours in Math., 
1900; M.A., 1901); Math. Fellowship, 
1901; o. 1901; formerly curate Crox- 
dale, Durham, and Lambeth parish ch., 
London, Eng. ; incumbent mission dist., 
Baring, Sask.; brought with him a 

'<:.t .of oommunion vessels, a pvesent 
from his old parish to the Can. Ch.- 
Indian Head, Alta. 
Adams, Bev, William Henry (Meth.). 
Mem. of a Staffordshire family whose 
records go back to the Reformation; 
b. July 3, 1864; came from Richmond 
CoIl., London, to Nfd.. 1886; o. George 
St. Ch., St. John's, where he was asst. 
pastor. ] 890; a year later removed to 
Onto ; m. ] 892, Mary Bertha, e. d. Rev. 
Jas. Dove, D.D., St. John's, Nfd.; for 
some yrs. has been a frequent contri- 
butor to periodical literature on both 
sides of the Atlantic, and, under pres- 
-ent and former eds. of the Christian 
Guardian, has been engaged in ed. 
writing; author of .. The Toronto Civic 
Song" (1905); has been financl. secy. 
. and chairman of his ch, dist.-l ene- 
tanguishene, Onto 
Adamson, Agar Stewart Allan Mas- 
terson, late Can. Parliamentary 
S. late James A., advocate, clk. asst. 
SC'nate of Can.. and Mary Julia, d. 
Stewart Derbishire, late M.P. and 
Queen's Printer of Can.; b. Montreal, 
Dec. 25. 1865; e. Corpus Christl CoIl., 
Camb.; m. Nov., 1899, Ann Mabel 
(founder and presdt. Can. Soc. Ap- 
þlied Art, '1904), o. d. late John Cawthra, 
Toronto; entered serv'ioce Senate of 
Can., Feb., ,1890 (now retired); for- 
merly a ca'Pt. G.-G. F. Gds.. Ottawa; 
,>erved in 3rd 'spooial ,serV'irce regt. 
Hal'ifax, N.,S.; took a draft of Lord 
Strathcona's Horse out to rein.fOTC'e the 
regt. in S. A., 1900; remained -there 
wi th regt. ; served a seoond time in the 
S. A. campaign, as a erupt. in 6th Can. 
Mounted Rifles, returning to Can.ada 
at dose of war (orned. with 3 clasps' 

 ,in d-esp3JtchEs) ; atiter leav
mg Cambridge, read for Holy Orders 
but did not enter ministry' now i
s in Toronto; a Fre
i1 Elgm A ve., Toronto; Rideau Club 
Ottawa; Imperial Service Club Lon
don, Eng.,. Colonial Club, do. ' 

Adamson, Alan Joseph, legislator, 
S. Rev. John Evans and Harriet A.: 
b. Clifden, Co. Galway. Ire1., Aug. 1. 
1857; e. High Sch., Dublin; m. Dec., 
1900, Julia, d. Robt. Turiff, Quebec; a 
dir. Northern Bank and of the Sask. 
Valley and Man. Land Co.; went 
originally to Winnipeg and em- 
barked in grain trade. 1883; Secy.- 
Treas. Man. Grain Co., 1896; removed 
to Rosthern. 1899; largely instrumental 
in attracting Am. capital and settlers 
to that region; while residing there or- 
ganized Can. Territories Corporation, 
of which he remains presdt. and 
mangr.; this body holds the record for 
the value of its transactions among aU 
-the corporations existing in the West; 
sat for Humboldt (H.C.) in Lib. 
interest. g.e. 1904-8; an Ang.; his son, 
C. \V. A.. was selected as Rhodes 
scholar for Sask.. 1907.-Winnipeg, 
.Man.; Manitoba Club, do. 
Addison, MIss Margaret Eleanor, 
E. d. Rev. Peter A. (Meth.) and 
Mary A. (Campbell) A.; Eng. and 
Scotch-Irish descent; b. Horning's 
Mills, Ont.. Oct. 21, 1868; e. High Schs.. 
Richmond Hill and Newcastle, Scll. of 
Pedagogy, Victoria Univ., Cobourg 
(B.A. and 1st class honours in Moderns 
and silver med., 1889) ; began teachIng, 
Sept.. 1889, in Onto Ladies' CoIl., 
Whitby. and subsequently taught in 
Stratford and Lindsay CoIl. Insts.; 
since Oct., 1903, has been Dean of 
Annesley Hall, Victoria Univ., 'l'oronto; 
is also Lecturer in German in Victoria 
ColI., the first and only woman lecturer 
in the CoIl.; memo Bd. Dom. Y.W.C.A.; 
001'1'. Sec., AJlumnæ A'&Sn., ViotJoria CoIL, 
and V.-P., Univ. Women's Club; be- 
lieves strongly in the higher education 
of women, as well as of men, and in 
furthering every opportunity for their 
moral and intellectual improvement and 
development; a Meth.-Annesley Hall, 
Queen's Park, 7'oronto. 
Addison, William Henry Fitzgerald, 
S. John H. A., barrister, Toronto; e. 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., with 1st class 
honours In Nat. Science, 1902; M.D., 
1905); served on med. staff, Toronto 
Genl. Hospital; apptd. Lecturer on His- 
tol.. Univ. of Penn., 1905; m. Dec.. 
1905. Eleanor CorkhUl, 2nd d. Dr. Ed- 
ward Adams, Toronto.-Logan Hall, 
Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 
Addy, George A, B" physician. 
S. Dr. H-enry G. and late Cecilia 
(iBessonett) A., St. John, N.B.; grands. 
Rev. John S. A. (Meth.), a lI1'ative or 
She.ffi.elJd, Eng.; ,b. 
t. J.ohn, N.B., 
2, 18'60; e. theTe; M.D..C.M., iMlCGill 
Univ., 1890; apptd. Su:pdt. Gerul. Hos- 
pital, ,St. JOhn, 189,1; formerly Provl. 
Bacteriollog,ist, N.,B.; electro IPre.sdt. 
St. IGeorge's Soc., St. John, 11908; a 
Lilb.; a IMeth.-St. John, N.B.; Union 
Club; Canadian Club, do. 
Adolph, Henry Lamont, lawyer. 
E. s. Fredk. A., lumber manfr., and 
Margt. Reid (Lamont) A.. formerly of 
Chesley, Ont., now of Baynes Lake. 
B.C.; b. Tp. Brant. Co. Bruce, Ont., 
Feb. 23, 1862; e. High and Public schs., 



Chesley and Walkerton. Ont.; m., Oct., 
1900, Mae Russell, d. late J. H. Elliot, 
banker. Chesley, Onto ; barrister 
(Man.), 1897; successfully practises 
his prof. at Brandon; also presdt. 
Adolph Lumber Co., Baynes Lake, 
B.C.; ald., 1906-8; mayor of Brandon, 
1909-11; in early life a public sch. 
teacher; principal Souris Sch., 1886- 
90 ; Past. Dist. High Chief Ranger. C. 
O. F., Man. and N. W. T.; Past D. D. 
G. M., G. L. of Man.. A. F. & A. M.. 
and a memo Bd. of Gent Purposes; 
Lib. : Presb.-1540 L01'ne A ve., Brandon, 
Agur, Robert Henry, business man. 
S. Robt. and Margt. A. (Ballard) 
A.; joint Irish and Eng. descent; b. 
Co. Oxford, Ont.. July 13. 1856; e. 
Ingersoll High Sch.. U. C. CoIl. anù 
Toronto Business Coil.; early experi- 
ence In banking and commercial life; 
removed to Man., 1882; In agency and 
comn. Ibusiness; a memo fil'm Massey 
& Co., oagricull. lm.plement manfrs., 
which qater wrus amalgamated with 
Afasse.y-Harris 00.. Ltd., TrO'I1orubo and 
BrantJford; became a.sst. to mangr. 
N.-W. branch Mass.ey-Harris 00., Ltd.; 
mangr. N.- W. dept., covering hundreds 
of agencies In great grain-growing dist., 
from Lake Superior to Rbcky Mts.. 
1898; an Ang. ; m., 1882, Harriet S.. d. 
D. R. Van Allen, Chatham, On1.- Win- 
nipeg; Manitoba Club, do. 
Ahearn, Mrs, Margaret Howitt, mar- 
ried woman. 
B. Montreal; e. McGill Normal Sch. 
and Bute Ho.; m. 1892. Thos. Ahearn, 
Ottawa (q.v.) ; spent much of her time 
since her marriage in foreign travel. 
and has embodied her impressions in 
various contributions to the press; 
author also of several papers. contri- 
buted to .. Trans. Women's Can. Hist. 
Soc.:' of wlhlch s
. she is presdt. ; also 
Presdt. Alumnæ Assn., Ottawa Ladies' 
ColI., of Local Council of Women and 
Local Bd. of Mangt., Victorian Order 
of Nurses. 'and a Dir. Women's Art 
Assn., Ottawa.- u Buena Vista," 58
Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa. 
Ahearn, Thomas, electrical engineer 
and inventor; cavitallst. 
S. late John and Norah (Power) A.. 
natives Waterford, Irel.: b. Ottawa, 
June 24, 1855: e. Unlv. Ottawa; ol'ig- 
irua.llly a WI.egM.'ph operrut'Or in OUa wa 
and N.Y.; became mangr. at Ottawa, 
Bell Telephone Co., 1880; entd. into 
partnership with W. Y. Soper (q.v.), 
under firm name A. & Soper, as elec- 
trical engrs. and contractors. 1882; as 
such constructed and equipped some of 
the largest electric works In Can., In- 
cluding long distance telephone lines 
from Pembroke to Quebec, via Ottawa 
and Montreal, the long distance system 
of land lines of Commercial Cable Co. 
through N.S., and the telegmph lines 
of the C.P. Ry. Co. from ocean to 
ocean; one of the founders Chauùiere 
Electric Light and Power Co., 1886, 
merged In Ottawa Electric Co., 1895. 
and which has since been absorbed 
with the Ottawa Gas Co., and Is presdt. 
of both cos.; also one of the founders 
and presdt. of Ottawa Electric Ry. Co., 
the pioneer venture of the kind In Can., 

which solved the problem of operating 
In Can. an electric service on wheels 
throughout the winter; rated as a 
millionaire by S. N., 1910; gives 
generously; a memo Am. Inst. 
Electrical Engrs.; a gov. St. Luke's 
Hospital; a dir. Can. Westing- 
house Co.. Ottawa Invest. Co., Ottawa 
Building Co.. Ottaw,a Land Assn., and 
presdt. Ottawa Car Co.; a great trav- 
eller. having twice or thrke circled thp 
globe: a Lib.; a R.C.; m., 1st, LIlllas 
M. (d. !Aug.. 1888). d. late Alex. Fleck. 
Ot.tawa; 2ndly, 1892, !her sister. lMargt. 
Howitt Fl1eck (q.v.)._u buena Vista," 
 Law'ier Ave. W., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club; Ottawa Golf Club; Ottawa Hunt 
Club; Ottawa .country Club; Lauren- 
tian Club. do. 
"Aoother Edison in a limited degree." 
-Lord Aberdeen (q.v.). 
"Has risen by &hoor aibility from the 
lowe&t to the topmost rung o.f the ladder." 
-0. Citizen. 
Ahern, Michael Joseph, physician. 
S. Patrick and Catherine (Nunen) 
A., from Co. Cork, Irel.; b. Quebec 
City; e. Chl'istian Bros. 800., Laval 
Normal Sch., and Laval Unlv. (IM.L., 
avec distinction, 1868; M.D., 1880); 
m.. 1877, :Miss Georgine M'arcottJe 
(d. 1896) ; apptd. Med. Faculty Laval 
Unlv., 1874; Demon. of Anat., do.. 
1881; Prof. Clinical Surg., do.. 1885: 
do.. Descriptive Anat., do.. 1899: also 
a memo of Council. Laval Univ. and 
surg., Hotel Dleu, Quebec; a memo 
Royal 'COImn. re Spread of TUibercul., 
 Garden St., Quebec. 
Ahrens, Carl, landscape painter. 
B. Winfield, Ont., Feb. 15. 1866; a 
Norseman b
 de.scenot: m., Feb., 1906. 
Miss !Madonna Niles; studied art Un- 
der Wm. Chase. Edwin Elwell and 
Geo. Inness, of N. Y.; one of his pic- 
tures, .. The Day is Done." received 
much favourable notice at an exhn. of 
the Onto Soc. of Artists. 1890; another, 
.. The Fisherman's Child." was given 
the place of honour in the Biennial 
Exhn. of the Royal Can. Acad., 1893; 
and still another, .. Ripe Corn Time," 
was purchased by the Onto Govt. to 
hang in the Parlt. Buildings, Toronto, 
1896; afterwards attracted the atten- 
tion of Elbert Hubbard, who was 
greatly impressed by his originality in 
atmospheric effects. and persuaded him 
to throw in his lot with the Roycroft 
community at East Aurora. N. Y.: 
separating frO'ffi them spent 3 YI'S. 
painting the ruins of thf' olù Spanish 
missions in Southern Cal.; returned 
to Can., Sept., 1907; among the best 
known of his works. in addition to 
those above mentioned. are .. Cradled 
in the Net" (shown at the Chicago 
W'orld's Fair). .. The House in the 
Clearing," .. Gleam in the Woodlands." 
.. The Woodcutters," .. The Glow in the 
Woodland," .. Passing Showers," and 
.. The Coming Storm"; Is also a writer 
of short stories for the periodical 
poress.-175 St. Helen Ave., Toronto. 
.. His distinguishing traits are his feel- 
in'" for colour and his handling of the 
blems of light and air. His composi. 
tion is alwa vs simple and effective; his 
sense of un'it
. and harmony is never- 



failing; and his values are wen under. 
stood. Many of his paintings, like Whist- 
ler's, am ex.periments in elusive lights and 
forms and colours, for he is akin in spirit 
to that wizard. who studied the outdoor 
world with unfla
ging love, and yet felt 
that · to take nature as she is. is like 
tp1ling the player to sit on the piano.' 
There are suggestions in his earlier work 
of Millet: often he recal1s to you the 
solidity of Rousspau, the air-fil1ed skies of 
Constable, the mystpry of Coret. Thel'(' is, 
however, no real resemblance to a!ly other 
thnn hims!'1f; his stylp is an amalgam 
nhsolntelv his own."-BT1(sh and Pp7!cil, 
Chicano. . 
Aikenhead, Rev, James Robert 
S. late .Jas. A.. a nativp Ki1kenny, 
fret.. Presdt. and founder of the Aiken- 
hNtd Hardware Co.. Ltd., Toronto, and 
E1izabeth (Higginbotham) A.; b. To- 
ronto, .July 30, 1863; e. local schs.; 
pursuect theo1. studff's Wesl. Theol. 
Coli., Montreal; m., ] 891. Elizabeth H. 
(q.v.), d. A. W. Dimsdale. a near rela- 
tive of Sir .Joseph Dimsctale. late Lord 
Mavor of London; entd. ministry, 
1887; o. 1891; has held pastorates at 
Montreal, Toronto and Gravenhurst; 
a1JllPtd'. to Harne, '1906.-J1imico. Onto 
Aikenhead. Thomas Edward 0" 
Bro. preceding; b. Tororlto, Rept. 14, 
1859; e. there; m.; joined his father In 
bu!;iness, and on his death, 1903, suc- 
ceeded him as Pl'(>sdt. of the Aiken- 
head Hardware Co.: a Meth.-
Jl[arkha1lt St., Toronto. 
Aikin, James Alexander, journaU<>t. 
B. Hami1ton, Ont., .Tan. 9, 1868: e. 
Hamilton public sC'hs, Orang-eviH e Big-h 
SC'h. and Queen's Univ., Kingston (M.A., 
with 1st class honours In Pol. Sclen. 
and Phil., 1904) ; unm.; at one time on 
staff Toronto nlobe: hought Raslmtoon 
Phænix (weekltv). 19()!); estbrL Dailtl 
Phænix. l
:pl.. 1906: is C'aipt.. A. SqU'ac'l- 
ron. 22nd Light Horse; first Presdt. 
Y. M. Lib. Club, Raskatoon, and first 
Presdt. Canadian Club, do.; a memo 
CIl. of Disciples of ChrIst: a Llb.- 
8askatoon. Rask. 
Aikins, Henry Wilberforce, physlcfan 
S. late Dr. W. T. A., Dean Med. 
Faculty, Toronto Unlv.; h. Toronto; 
e. U. C. Colt and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1877) ; graduated M.B.. Toronto Unlv., 
1881 : M.D.,C.M.. Victoria Univ.. 
Cobourg, do.; M.R.C.S. (Eng.). 1884: 
for a 'time As!'IÌ. PJ"I()f. .\n811:.-. '1'1orOll'to 
Dniv.: Treas., Onto Med. Council. 1906 ; 
do. Coli. P. and S., Ont., 1907: a Sena- 
tor Victoria Dnlv. : :1 dlr. Sun anc'l Has- 
tings Ravings and L. Co., of Contin- 
ental Life Ins. Co., and Sterling Bank: 
a Counci11or Unlv. Toronto AlumnI 
A!';sn.; a Mpth.: a Lib.: unm.-26-6 
(,1l11rrh Rt.. Toronto. 
Aikins, Herbert Austin, educationist. 
S. late Dr. W. T. and Louise (Plnps) 
A.. Toronto: h. there. MC'h. 1, 1 R67 : 
e. U. C. con. :1nc'l Toronto Univ. (B.A.. 
1887), anð Yal.e Univ. (Ph.D... 1R91) ; 
instr.. Univ. S. Ca1., '1888: 
'O.. HI!':tory 
of ;PhU., Yale Un-Iv., 'IRQO-1: Prof. 
T.ogt-c and Pthi1., Trinity '('ry11.. N. C.. 
t891-3; thon. felrr'OW 'Clark Pniv., 1892- 

3: Prof. of PhiL, Colfl. f{)ll' Women. 
Wesbern Reserve Un'iv., since 1893; a 
memo Am. Psycho1. Assn., ,Am. ,Assn. 
for A'dvanc. of Science, and Am. Phllos. 
Assn.: e.d. .. PhiloSQphy of Hume" 
'(,1893): amtJhQr of "'Prln'CfpÞes of 
Lo'gic" (1902), 'and papers on psych-01. 
and ph.f1os. ,sulbjects.-fOM Cornell Rd., 
Cleveland, 0., U.S. 
Aikins, Hon, Lt,-Col, James Albert 
Manning, lawyer. 
Irish descent: S. late Hon. .J. C. and 
Mary E. .J. (ISomers.e.t) A.: father a 
well,l known state'SII1'an 'and adminis- 
trator of tJh.e IConfederation 'Period; ib. 
.. Rich-view," 100. 'Peel. Ont.. ,Dec. 10, 
185il; e. .Brampton Grrum. Sch., U. C. 
COIHege and Toronto Univ. (B.,A., 1875; 
M.IA., 1876): barrister (OnL), 1878: 
do. (,Man.), 1879; estaJbl
islhed himseqif 
in bu
iness in WinnÏipeg. do.: K.C. (1M. 
of Lansdowne), 1884; bencher, Law 
Soc., 1886; counsel for C. P. Ry. 
Co. (W. div.) and for Dept. of .Jus- 
tice; also solicitor for several banks 
and publlc cos., 1880; memo Royal 
Comn. re Admn. of .Justice. N.W.T., 
1880, and of do. re ProV'l. Agr.fcuL ColI.. 
1901: ChaIrman. Royal Comn.. Unlv. 
of Man.. 1907; chief counsel for 
Man. Govt. during Macdonald Admn., 
and drafted Man. Liquor Bill which, on 
appeal, was sustained by P. C. in Eng. : 
has fined a large number of other posi- 
tions and offices; Presdt. Y.M.C.A.: do. 
Can. Club: Chair. Wesl. CoIl., Man.; 
Gov. West. Theo1. Colt, Montreal; Bur- 
sar, Man. Unlv.; Presdt. Law Soc.; 
local dfr. Imp. Bank: dlr. Gt. West Life 
Assur. Co.: presented silver cup to 
Man. Mounted Rifles. for geneml effi- 
ciency, 1907; a<pptd. hon. It.-cot. 90bh 
Regt., .. Winnipe,g Rifles," Dec. 211. 
1910; a IMeth.; was oR memo of 
20th Century Thanksgiving Fund and 
of the Meth. Ch. Union Comte.; In 
1896 carried resolution In Grace Meth. 
Ch., Winnipeg, heartily favouring 
organic union of Presb.. Congo and 
Meth. Chs. of Can.: a memo Comte. on 
Ch. Union, 1908: rated as.a millionaire. 
1910; 'lll., 1st, í1884, iMary 'Bertha 
(whom 'h'f' .c1,iw)rceð, 1892). e. ð. lal1:iJ 
Hon. A. W. IM.cLel'an. p.e.. Lt.-Gov. 
of N. S.; 2n'd..lty, 1899, iMary F., d. late 
Ron. C. C. Ooij,biy, /M.P., P.C._ 1t River 
Bend." Winnipeg, Man.; Manitoba 
Club, do. 
.. A prohibitionist and lawyer of high 
standing."-Hon. H. J. Macdonald (q.v.). 
Aikins, William Henry B" physician. 
Y. s. late Hon. .J. C. and Mary E. .J. 
(Somerset) A.; b. .. Richvlew," Co. 
Peel. Ont., Au
. 22. 1859: e. U. C. Col- 
Iof'ge; stud-fed fOT his 'pJ"lOlf. art TQron'Ìo 
Sch. of Med., Toronto Univ. (M.B.. 
1881) and VictorJa Unlv. (M.D.. 1881) : 
L.R.C.P. (Lond., Eng.), 1881; after 
spending a year In N. Y. for post- 
graduate work. proceeded to London 
and Edinburgh, and completed his 
mf'd. education at Vienna: pursued 
further studies at Vienna. 1885, ami 
again. more recf'ntly; commencerl 
practice, Toronto, 1884: m. Dec.. 1887. 
Augusta, d. late Dr. Easton Hawkes- 
worth anct g. d. late Amasa Wood. 'St. 
Thomas. Ont.: Is phys. Toronto Gpnl. 
'P., Toronto 'DIspensary, and 000- 



,9Ulting 'J)/hys. H'Üsp. for Incura'bIIes, etc. : 
one of the eds. Can. Practitioner: has 
been Presdt. Toronto Clinical Soc. and 
officially connected with Onto Med. 
Assn., Brit. Med. Assn.. Mississippi 
Valley Med. Assn.. and Intern. Med. 
Congress. Lisbon; was for 15 yrs. a 
Senator Toronto Dniv., representing 
graduates in med.; elected V.-P. Can. 
Med. Assoc., 1907; present, as secy. for 
Can., at the Intern. Med. Congress, 
Budapest, Hungary, and was pre.sented 
at ..Austrian Court, 1909; autlhor 
.. Radium Treatment of Rodent Uker. 
Skin 'Cancer, Keloid, etc." (1910), and 
other pavers; a Free.mas'Ün.-.SIJ Col- 
lege St.. l'oronto; Toronto Club: York 
Club; Royal Can. Yacht Club, do. 
Ainey, Joseph, labour leader. 
B. Montreal. P.Q., Nov. 24, 1864; e. 
native city and Deschambault, P.Q.: 
joined K. L., 1R85; be-nme Presdt. 
Fed. T. and L. Coun., Montreal, 
1897, and has filled many other offices 
connected with labour interests in Can. 
and U. S.; unsuccessfully contested 
Montreal (St. Mary's) as labour can- 
didate (H. C.). 1906; his platform on 
that occasion favoured state insuranr:
imst sickne'S's and oM age, suppres- 
sion o-f convict 'lab-our in opposition 
to trod'e. trhe sll'ppr,essiün fjf pI'iva.toe 
banking concerns and the creation of 
st'at,e banks, I3bso]uÌle fl"eooom of the 
press in publHc laffairs. elle.c.uoI1J of 
judges by Ithe peüpl,e. the ('1)Mtion IOf 
a Miinr. .of Labour. 'the ,!lIbol'Hion 'Of the 
S>enaltoe. the aho.liition of the Harbou.r 
Comn. of Montreal, and the fixing of 
the federal elections for a uniform date 
every 4 yrs.: a memo Bd. of Concilia- 
tion and Inv. on Longshoremen's 
Grievances, 1907; elected Senior Con- 
trolll'er, IMontreal', 1910 (yot,e: 30,942) ; 
,R. C.-.'l99 Ave. de ['Hotel de rille, 
.. The father of organized labour in 
Montre1al."-Jl. Herald. 
.. Shrewd in judgment Rnd conservative 
in action. he reprpsents the best type of 
trade unionist."-M. Herald. 
Aird, John. hanklng profession. 
S. W'!TI. and Margt. A. : b. Longueull. 
P.Q.. Nov. 15, 1855; e. Toronto Model 
Sch.; m. Miss Eleanor Lawlor John- 
ston; long In the banking profession; 
apptd. supdt. of central western 
brancheR, Can. Bank of Commerce, 
1908; promoted asst. genl. mangr.. do., 
1911.-Toronto; Manitoba Club, Winni- 
Aitken, Hugh, journallst. 
Mang. ed. Nanaimo Herald; became 
ed. and prop. Rossland Star (d9ily). 
reta.ining connection witJh first-nRme-ò 
pa.per, ,SeIJ)t., ,1905; a Lib.-Ro8sland, 
Aitken, John E., educationist. 
S. Jas. and Anna McKie (Burns) A.. 
both from Kincardine-on-Forth, Scot.. 
and pioneers of Co. Norfolk. Ont.; b. 
Woodhouse. Ont., Sept. 17, 1872; e. 
public schs. and Can. Business CoIl.. 
Hamilton. Ont.; m. Dec., 1898. Abbie 
J.. 4th d. Wm. Porritt. Port Dover. 
Ont.; became teacher commercial sub- 
jects Bliss Business CoIl., Laconia, 
N.H., Sept., 1898, and later principal 
and gent man
r. Bliss ausiness CoIl., 

Greenville, Mich.; is Presdt. Greenville 
Can. Club and ed. Business Coll, Jour.; 
a Cong.-Greenville, .Mich. 
Aitken, Peter, wood engraver. 
S. Wm. A. A.; b. Dundas. Ont., June 
16, 1858; m. Sept., 1885, Miss Florence 
H. Corkhill; removed to U. S., 1879; 
studied engraving N. Y. and Paris 
(metdlall, W.orld's Columbian Expn.. 
1893); ex'h
bited Paris Ex-pn., '1900; 
V.-P. :and Chair., Extve. Comltoe. Radli- 
cal Democracy; -d'P'!. tR,t Jlarg1e to Ci.ty 
Comte. Citizens' Union. N.Y.; mt'rlTI. 
Extve. IComte. Citizens' Uniûn, Brook- 
lyn; has been ,Presdt. Brooklyn Single 
Tax League; a'P'Ptd. CoUoctor of City 
Re\^en'lle and ,s'up-dt. ad: IMarkets. N.Y.,". 1, 1909.-26a Hart St., Brooklyn, 
Aitken, Bahno, (See Walker, 1\1rs. 
Horåtio. ) 
Aitken, Sir William Maxwell, capital- 
j,st; le
S. Rev. "Tim. IA. (Presb.), N eweastIe, 
N.B. ; b. there. IMay 25. 1879; e. 'PubNc 
schs.; m., Jan., 11906. Gladys, d. Brig.- 
nl .Drury, .c.B. (q.v.); eleC'ted a 
'!TIem. Montreal Stock, 1907; 
-does business in C.\Iontreal, Hal:ifax, .the 
.W. I., and elsf'where: a dir. Demerara 
,Eledric Co., ROIbh Enging. Co., Can. 
Car & Foun1dry Co., Western Can. 
Power .co,. Rhodes. Curry Co., Can. 
ICe,ment Co., , BI'et'Ün Trust Co., 
.Trinidad 'Electric Cû., and Calgary 
Power ICO.; V.-P. .Montreal Trust & 
Deposit .co. and CalffitRguey Electric & 
,Traction Co.: presiH. Royal Securities 
Corpn. and Porto Rico Rys. Co.; rated 
as a by !If. Star, 1911; 
gRve $2,000 ,to 'Montreal A!'Sll. f'Or the 
BÞincl, 119\11; -organized the W. M. 
.A. Cû. to conduct a pdvat,e banking 
,busilllesls, 1911: a Con.; sinoe Dec., 
1910, has sat ,for A'shton-un'àer-Lyne 
(Brit. H. C.): knighæd, 1911.-T..on- 
don, Eng.: 2ì9 Drummond st., ]lont- 
real: St. JaJ/!Ps's Club; Eng'ineers' 
Club; .Montreal Club: Montreal Jo('ke1} 
Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacllt Chlb, 
do.; T01'onto Club, Toronto; Halifax 
Club, Halifax, N.S. 
.. One of the mom remarkable 
men Canada pver oproduN'd. "-]f. Star. 
.. Courageous, confident, insiste.nt and 
yet a man of impulse-in the fo,refront of 
ffilany of the biggest financial and iudus. 
t'ria'l undertakings of t.hi,s cÜ'tlnttry."- 
Busy Man's ]fag. 
Albani, Madame, (See Gye, Madame 
Albani. ) 
Albertini, Chevalier de Ricardo Diaz-, 
Cuban consular service. 
S. Dr. Geo. Diaz-A. and Dame 
Angela ROdrigllpz - Gonzalez: b. 
Havana, Cuba. Nov. 20. 1856; e. St. 
Mary's ColI., Oscott. Eng.; m. Mi!:!s 
May Scovel, Detroit, Mich.; Secy. of 
Legation to Washington, 1 W15-8 ; 
Comnr. from Cuba to Paris E
1900; Spcy. Reception and Entertain- 
ment Comte.. Louisiana Purchase 
Expn., ,St. Louis, 1904; took part in 
Cuban rebe!lI:ion, 1894-8; apptd. Cuban 
consul at Toron to vire 'I)hom,pson 
(q.v.), 1911; has rec{l. the follow- 
ing decom'biüns: Le;:dtooQ of HlOnour aUld 
Monlte Agricolle .of FroÇl.I1Jce, RIIS'ing SUT) 



of Japan. and Imp. Drag1C)ll 'Of China; 
a Cath.-Toronto, Onto 
Alcock, Nathaniel HenrY', education- 
S. .late D. R. A., M.R.C.S., sometime 
staff surg. R. N.; lb. Feb. 12, 1871; e. 
DUlblJin Univ. (B.A.: M.D.), MarbuJ'fg 
Univ. and Londoün Univ. (D.Sc.); sr. 
mod.eriator and .gold med. in nat. 
science, T.C.D., 1896; m.. 1905, Nora 
Lilian Lepard, d. late Sir .John Scott, 
K.C.M.G., formerly judicial advIser to 
the Khedive; demon. of anat., Victoria 
Univ., Manchester, 1896-7: asst. to 
prof. of Inst. of ,Meà.. T.C.D., 1898- 
1902; 'demon. of physioI., London 
Univ,/ 1903; lect. on physioI., St. 
Mary s Hoo'p. .Med. Sch., 1904-11; vlce- 
dean, do.. 1906-11; sinc-e tohen has been 
prof. of IphYSlioI., McGill Univ., Mont- 
rea.!; author (with Dr. Ellison), .. Text- 
book of Ex'perimental Physiology" 
(1909), and numerous papers in ProC. 
of Royal Soc., Ptfiiger's Al'chiv, Engel- 
mann's Archiv, et.c.-lIIcGill Untvcl-- 
sity, Montreal. 
Alcorn, George Oscar, lawyer; Ont. 
public service. 
E. s. s. late Thos. Coke A. (M.A., 
Trin. CoIl., Dublin; M.D., Edin. and 
Glasgow) and Martha A. (Bartlett) A.; 
b. Lennoxville, P.Q., May 3, 1850; e. 
Toronto Grammar and Model Grammar 
Schs.; barrister, 1871; K.C. (Earl of 
Derby), 1890; practised at Belleville 
and Picton; for 3 yrs. Presdt. Prince 
Edward Lib.-Con. Assn.; elected 
Presdt. local branch Dom. Lib.-Con. 
Assn.. 1907; sat, In that interest, for 
Prince Edward (H. C.), 1900-8; intro- 
duced Important measure for amend- 
ment Dom. Elections Act, 1908; an 
Ang.; m. Aug., 1872, Sara .T., d. late 
hy. O. Leav.ens (U. E. L. descent); 
apptd. Master in Ordinary for Ont.. 
?. 1910.-0s[loode Hr;tll, Toronto. 
Was an e.arnest, studIous and useful 
member."-lIE. & E. 
Aldred, John Edward, capi.talist; 
business man. 
B. Lawrence, Mass., '1864; e. there; 
m. Mch., 1908, Janet May, d. John N. 
Rennex, New Bedford, Mass.; a dir. 
Quebec Bank. 'M'Ont.rHt
 L.. H. & pow-er 
Co., Shawinigan FaNos Rea1 Estate 
Co.; V.-P. St. Maurice Valley Ry. Co.. 
North Shore Power Co. Continental 
Heat & l1ight 00.. Laval' El'ectric Co.. 
and Sorel Electric Co.; V.-P. and 
mango dir. Shawinigan Water & Power 
Co., and Presdt. Shawinigan Carbide 
Cç.: fa gov. Shawinigan GenI. Hosp.; 
contributed handsomely to Quebec 
Battlefields Fund, 1908; a memo Proto 
Ep. Ch.- tl The Linton," Sherbrooke 
St., Montreal: St. James's Club: Mont- 
real Hunt Club; Royal Montreal Golf 
Club; Canada Club, do. 
Aldridge, walter Hull, mining' en- 
S. Volney and Harriet E (Hull) A . 
b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. '8, 1867; 'e: 
Brooklyn Polytechnic and Columbia 
Univ.. N. Y.; mining and metall. engr. 
in COI0., 11\1:0nt. and ean. ror past 1!! 
yrs.; has been metal!. 'Col'Ü. Smelting 
Co.. Pueblo; mangr. East Hclena and 
Great FaUs WQrks. Mont., 
nd ot 

United Smelt. and Refin. Co. (now Am. 
Smelt. and Refin. Co.); mango dir. 
Con sol. Min. and Smelt. Co. of Can. 
and Chief of Min. and Metall. Dept., 
C. P. Ry.-Trail, B.C. 
Aldous, John Edmond Paul, organist 
and musical composer. 
S. Rev. John A., vicar Holy Trln. 
Ch., Wicker, Sheffield, Eng.; b. Shef- 
field, Dec. 8, 1853; e. Repton, Derby, 
and T'rinity ColtI., Oamib. (B.IA., with 
honours in cl
ssicat tripos, 1876); 
later devoted hlmsf'lf to music; came 
o Ca.n., 1877; m. d. "rm. AI'lan, Hamil- 
t'on. Ont.; .organist Oentr.a:lI Püesb. 
Oh., Hami!ton, '1884-1901, since when 
has been organist Ch. otf AsoemÜon 
same -city; is 'Princ'Ípal 'HaJmilto
Music Sch. and examr. practical 'ID'usic. 
Univ. of Toron't'Û; fh8JS filled various 
obher professional positionlS; wrote the 
score ()If several ("o'mÌ'C ooperas Includ- 
Ing .. Ptarmigan," ",Golden' Oateb," 
"Nat;cy," and .. Poster Girl"; has 
contributed to Organist's Q'zwrt, Jour- 
nal, The Violin. and other periodicals; 
an An,g.-1
2 S. James St., Hamilton 
.. A cultured gentleman."-Week. 
Alexander, Archibald G" music 
Elected Presdt. Brotherhood of St. 
Andrew, Canada, 1907-10; an Ang.; 
del. to Pan-Ang. Congress, London, 
Eng., 1908.-182 Wentworth St. S., 
Hamilton, Onto 
Alexander, Charles (see Smith. Chas. 
Alexander, David watson. 
Formerly wholesale leather dealer' 
899 Can. Mangr. London Guar: 
& AoCcud. Aossur. 00.; has ,been Treoa.s. 
TÜl'omto Bd. -of Trarue; m.em. Extve. 
Comte., Onto .Tockey Club; m. ApI., 
1903. Flora Jessie, d. late Dr. Alex. 
Rowand, Quebec.-" lIIeadowbank" 67 
Binscarth Road, Toronto, Ont.; To;onto 
Club; Ontario Jockey Club, do. 
Alexander, :Frederick JOhn, architect. 
S. John and Elizabeth (Day) A. 
Pewsey, Wiltshire, Eng.; b. there: 
Sept. 25, 1849; e. St. Saviour's ColI 
New Shore ham, Sussex. and at prlvat(; 
grammar sch., Devizes, Wilts, Eng.; 
m. Nov., 1878. Lucretia. e. d. late W 
A. Austin, C.E., D.L.S.. Ottawa: 
studied architecture, London. Eng.; 
came to Can.. 1870, and was In follow- 
Ing year apptd. asst. to chief architect 
Dept. Public Works, Ottawa; pro
ceeded to S. Africa, 1877. where he 
successfully carried on business prior 
to and during Zulu and Boer wars; re- 
turned to Ottawa, 1886, and was In 
private practice there till 1901. when 
apptd. tßCh. offr., Dept. Marine and 
1< IIS'heries; ,has since been tranfcl. to 
tlhe. Dept. of Naval LAffairs; officially 
deslg'ned and supervis,ed construction of 
enclosures. a.nd gateways to grounds. 
ParIt. BUIldmgs, Ottawa; of iron top 
fimsh to tower and library do. and 
the interior fitting up of aÍcoves and 
book shelving, library of Parlt. do.' 
as private practitioner, designed Ottaw
A. A. Assn. building, Union Bank 
Orme Hall. Ottawa, and several of citÝ 
fire stations; ÇOl,lncillor Onto Archt- 



teets' Assn. and V.-P. Ottawa chapter. 
do.: Presdt., 1909: a pronounced Imp. 
FederaUonist and ardent advocate of 
everything making for closer rela- 
tions with and consolidation of the 
Brit. Empire: strong believer In pub- 
lic ownership of all public services, 
and govt. by commission (paid) as 
opposed to elected representatives; an 
Evan. Christian, anù 'OP'Poo-ro to an 
fOnTIS of state church.-77 Lees Ave., 
Alexander, rrederlc William, Can. ry 
B. Fredericton .Junction. N.H.. Nov. 
22. 11878; e. there; entd. ry. servl-ce, 
Bangor & Aroostook Ry., .June. 1897; 
became resident eng-r., same road, .July. 
1902; joined C. P. Ry.. May, 1903. and 
became resident engr. on maintenance, 
same road. Calgary. Dec., 1904.-Cal- 
gary, A Ita. 
Alexander, . Rev, James Lambert 
S. .Jas. Alex. A., BowmanviJIe, Ont.; 
b. there, Aug. 31, 1868; e. Bowman- 
vme public and high 
c11S., Can. Congo 
CoIl., McGill Univ. and Chica
o Theo]. 
Semy. (B.D.. 1903); o. .July, 1897; 
pastor MiddleviJIe, Onto ; do. Union Ch.. 
Berlin, Wis., 1903; insta1Jed pastor 1I::t 
Congo Ch., Granby, P.Q., Feb., 1905: 
elected Moderator Congo Assn.. Dan- 
viIIe. 1909.-Granby. P.Q. 
.. One of the hrightpF<t Rnd hest men in 
the ministry."-Rev. Dr. Warriner (q.t!.).. 
Alexander, Miss Jessie (see Roberts. 
Mrs. .Tessie). 
Alexander, John Watson, manufac- 
Presdt. and Man gr. Dom. Organ and 
Piano Co., positions he has held for 
some yrs. : vh:ited Eng., 1905, with 
Can. Manfrs. Assn., and with the other 
mems. of the Assn. was presented to 
King Edward at Windsor Castle; m. 
.Jan., 1898, Mary Ellen, o. d. .Joseph 
Brittain. II Hughenden," Bowmanvllle 
Ont.-Bowmanville, Onto 
Alexander, Norman Byron, physician. 
O. S. Thos. A.. CoIl. Inl. Rev., Lon- 
.Jon. Onto : b. and e. there: M.D., West- 
ern Univ., 1898; m. .June, 1905, Maud 
Amelia. e. d. Geo. A. Somerville. Lon- 
don. Ont.-London, Onto 
Alexander, Richard H, H., manufac- 
E. S. R. H. (q.v.) and Helen (Tam- 
madge) A.: b. B. C.: e. U. C. ColI: m. 
Nov.. 1906, Isabel, y. d. Rev. C. E. 
Cartwright; is Permt. Secy. B. C. 
Lumber and Shingle Mfrs. Assn.: Ang. 
-Vancouver, B.C.; Vancouver Club, 
Alexander, Richard B:ancock, manu- 
B. and e. Edinburgh. Scot.: came to 
B. C.. 1862; m. Miss Helen Tammadge, 
Victoria, B.C. (Hon. Presdt. Vancou- 
ver branch Victorian Order of Nurses) ; 
became a miner in Carlboo: subsf>- 
quently mangr. B. IC. .Saw MHls, Tim- 
ber & Trading Co., VIRncollver; was 
P,resdt. VafilcO'UveT Bd. of Trade several 
yrs.; aaJl)td. Consul of Peru, 1895; a 
.J. P. ; ds .Llay"d"s ,AJgent. Vancouver, anù 
CQIJIl.ffiod'Ore Roya} Vancouver YaClht 
QIQlQ; ap 
r4eQrt !m'tJ., an-d l;;l,rge'ly In- 

strumental in founding Vanoouver 
brancl1 Imp. Federation League: a ùeJ. 
to 6th Congress, Imlp. Chambers of 
Oommerce, 1906, and carried a resolu- 
tion 'Prov,fldlng .for tlhe appt. of an 
A'dvisory Im;p. Council; l'E'ad lJ)a
before Forestry Convention, 1906, 'On 
II Lumbering 'Conðitial1's on !Coast or 
B. C."; an;. a 'Con.-Vancouver, 
B.O.; Vancouver Club, do.; Union Club-, 
"Victoria, B.O. 
Alexander, William Hardy, education- 
S. late Hy. A., Privy Council Office, 
Ottawa, and .Jean, d. Rev. Dr. Ward- 
rope (q.v.) : b. Ottawa, .June 28. 1878; 
e. Ottawa CoIl. Inst.. Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., sch. and McCaul gold med. In 
Classics. 1899). and Univ. Cat (M.A.. 
1900; Ph.D., 1906); m. .July, 1903, 
Miss -Marion WeNington Kirby; Prof. 
Latin and CO'IJ1/p. Philol., Western Unlv.. 
London. Ont., 1906-8; ,Prof. of CliRs- 
sics, AUberta Undv., since 1908; an occa- 
sional con'tributor Do "Varsity, ToronÌlo, 
and author several classical con- 
t'ribut.l;Onß -1n Un
v. of 0a1. ph-Ho}. 
series; protagonist In production of 
II Birds" of Aristophanes at opening 
Hearst Greek Theatre, Berkeley, Cal.. 
Oct., 1903: an Ang.-Unive1'slty or 
Alberta; Strathcona, Alto.. 
Alexander, William Henry, physician. 
M.B., Toronto Unlv., 1894; M.D..C.M., 
Trinity Unlv., Toronto, do.; m. Oct., 
1902. Edith. o. d. Nelson Laird. Chi- 
cago, nl.-2M Carlton St., Toronto. 
Alexander, William John, education- 
B. Hamilton, Ont., 1855: e. CoIl. 
Inst. there and Toronto Univ.. where 
he took a double scholarship; having 
also gained Gilchrist Scholar.. studied 
at London Untv.. 1874-77, and gradu- 
ated therefrom with 1st class honours 
In Eng.; m., .July, .1887, Laura, 2nd 
d. late .Jas. B. Morrow, Hal'ÍfIRx, N.S.; 
returning 'to Can., was &wtd. to 
Prince I()f Wales Call.. Chia, rlootbetown 
but d'eternnintfng to qualify rhimsellf 
th-oroug l hly in' Eng., IRS wen as in 
Classics, Modern Languages and Philol.. 
entd. .Johns Hopkins Unlv., Baltimore. 
and took a post-grad. course there 
of 4 yrs. won a fellowship In Greek. 
1881, which he held for 2 yrs.. finally 
graduating as Ph.D.. 1883; a yr. at the 
Unlv. of Berlin followed. and in 1884 
was apptd. Prof. of Eng. Lang. and 
Lit. at Dalhousie Call., Halifax: his 
wide reputation as a teacher and 
scholar brought him under the notice 
of the Onto educational authoritws. 
leading to his appt. to the Prof. of 
Eng. in Univ. CoIl.. Toronto, Feb.. 
1889, a position he still fills; now a 
Councillor untv. of Toronto Alumni 
Assn.; one of the found
rs of the Soc. 
of Can. Authors. and IS a memo of 
the Browning Club. Toronto: has 
been a memo at the Educ. Coun- 
cil for Ont,' besides various text- 
books on Eng. poetical lit. and com- 
position, has published" An Introduc- 
tion to the Poetry of Robert Brown- 
ing" (1888), II Select Poems of Shel- 
ley to (1896). and II The University o.
Toronto and Its Colleges, 1827-1906 
(1907); a,Pvt4 W3 
 mem, wnsQI,t. 



comte. to prepare new r('aders for Onto 
pub1ic ,schs., 1907.-178 High Park Ave., 
II To youth, enthusiasm and culture, 
unites magnificent acquirements snd ability 
ss s tescher."-S. N. 
Alexandra (" The Queen Mother "), 
Her Majesty. 
O. d. H. M. the late King Christian 
IX. of Denmark; b. Dec. I, 1844; m. 
Mch. 10, 1863. H.R.H. Albert Edward. 
Prince of Wal
s, afterwards His Most 
Excellent Majesty Edward VII., of the 
United Kingdom of Gt. Brit. and Ire!., 
and of the Brit. Dominions beyond the 
Seas. King, and! Emperor of India (d. 
May 6, 19'10); 
resen'too wUh a loyal 
address from 25,000 Canadian women, 
congratulating Her IMajesty on Iher 08JC- 
cession to the Throne, Aug.. 1901; her 
portrait was executed, together with 
that of the 'late .King, 'by order of the 
Can. Govt.. for the adornment of the 
Houses of Parlt., Ottawa, 1906; in 
1907 H. 1M. 
resented to the Royal' Vic- 
toria Coli.. Montreal. a handsome em- 
blematic banner. designed and em- 
broidered by Mrs. Watts, the widow 
of the famous Brit. painter; is 
Patroness of the Victorian Order of 
Nurses in Can.
arlborough House, 
St. James's, London, Eng. 
AUred, Frank Hooker, engineer and 
B. Logan, 0., Dec. 24. 1866; e. Mich. 
Unlv. and Ohio State Uiv.; entd. ry. 
service, Columbus, Lima and Mil- 
Wlaukee Ry.. 1887; after serving as 
engr. on various roads in U. S.. became 
chief engr. Père Marquette Ry., Oct., 
1905; apptd. genI. mangr. Can. White 
Co.. Sept., 1905.-S5 Cote St. Antoiné 
Rd., Montreal. 
Alger, John Lincoln, educationist. 
S. Nathan Willis and Mary (Key) 
A.; b. Eaton, P.Q., Nov. 20, 1864; e. 
Brown Univ. (A.B., 1890; A.M., 1895) ; 
m.. June, 1896, Miss Edith Goodyear, 
North Haven, Conn.; taught high 
schs" Rutland, Vt., and Providence, 
R.I., 1890-2 ; jnstr. math., Brown Univ., 
1892-5; supdt. schs., Bennington, Vt., 
1895-1900; prindpal, Jackson, Vt., 
State Nonnal .Sch., 1900-4; do. Vt. 
Acad., 1904-8; since then has been 
do., State Normal Soh., Providence, 
R.I.; Is a memo Phi Beta Kappa.- 
59 Keene St., Providence, R.I. 
Algie, James, physician; author. 
Of old Covenanter stock; b. Ayr, 
Ont., 1857; e. local schs. and high 
schs., St. Catharines and Dundas; pur- 
sued med. studies Toronto Univ. (M.B., 
1878); practised his profession at 
Alton; removed to Toronto, 1908; m. 
1880, Miss Rachel Jago. Rockwood. 
Onto ; author of the novels. .. Houses of 
Glass." .. Bergen Worth." and .. The 
Sword of Glenvohr" ; writes under the 
nom-de-plume of .. Wallace Lloyd"; a 
Con.; a UniversaUst.-75 Ðewson St" 
II His productions are bright, piqusnt 
and interesting:'-T. Globe. 
Algie, William, woolen manufacturer. 
Bro. of preceding; b. and e. A:yr. 
Onto ; long In business; owner of 
Beaver Woolen Mills; m., June, 1899, 

Bertha, e. d. H. Dale, Brampton, Ont.; 
has been Presdt. Can. Secular Assn.; 
a contributor to Secular 'i'hought and 
other periodicals; as a speaker has 
been described by the London News as 
.. one of the best word painters the 
world Ihas ever seen."-Alton, Onto 
Alison, Thomas Henry, civil engineer. 
S. Jas. A., Toronto.; b. and e. there; 
B.A.Sc. (Toronto Univ.), 1893; C.E., 
1898; assoc. memo Can. Soc. C. E., 
1899; memo do., 1904.-149 Broadway, 
New York. 
Allaire, Rev, Jean Baptiste Arthur 
(R. C.). 
S. J. B. and Adeline (Courtemanche) 
A.; b. St. rBarnaJbê-tSur-Yamaska, P.Q., 
July 22, 1866; e. CoIl. St. Hyacinthe; 
O. 1890; has filled many pastorates; 
curê St. Thomas d'Aquin since 1906; 
also an agrlcul. rniSSry. ; author 
II L'Hi'stoire die loa Parolsse de St. 
Denis-sur-Richelieu" (1905), and of 
II Diet. Blographique du Clêrgê Can. 
Français" (190.8). - St. Thoma8 
d' Aquin, P.Q. 
Allan, AbBalom Shade, Onto public 
S. late Alex. A., advocate, Aberdeen, 
Scot., and Ann, e. d. late Jas. David- 
son, sen., Galt. Ont.; b. Preston, Ont., 
Nov. 26, 1843; e. there and Elora 
Grammar Sch.; m. 1871. Kate, 2nd d. 
late Capt. BoUoch Clifford; engaged 
in commerdal Ufe, 1868-1901; reeve 
Clifford 9 yrs.; warden Co. Wellington, 
1884-85; represented W. WeIllngton 
(Local), Lib. interest, 1886-90; apptd. 
sheriff Wellington, Mch., 1901; a 
N. P., J. P., Commr., and Presdt, 
Children's Aid and Humane Soc.. 
Guelph; moved address in reply to 
Speech from Throne, 1893; author im- 
portant legislation.-190 Glasgow St., 
, Ont.; Priory Club, do. 
Alla.n, Alexander Archibald, manufac- 
Bro. J. D. A. (q.v.); b. Orkney 
Lsds., IScOt.; cwme to Can. with !hIs 
parents in Infancy; e. Niagara; head 
of firun A. A. 'A. & 100., wholesaLe ihats, 
caps and furs, Toronto; an e
traveller; a promoter GenI. Accident 
Assur. /Co., 11906; a dlir. A<ngLo..,Am. F.ire 
Ins. Co.. and V.-P. Sovereign Bank; 
hals been a dir. Nat. Club, and preadt. 
Granite CurLing Club; an Anrg. and a 
dieI. to Synod.-496 Sherbourne 8t., To- 
ronto; National Club; Ontario Club, 
Allan, Alexander Macdonald, pomolo- 
2nd s. late Rev. Dan!. A. (Presb.); 
b. .. Brier Bank," nr. Stratford, Ont., 
July 11. 1844; e. local public sch., 
Stratford High Sch., and by private 
tutor; owing to illness gave up study 
of law and devoted himself to horti- 
culture and pomoI. ; while travelling in 
U. S. for health gathered a large store 
of knowledge on these subjects. which, 
on his return to Can., he contributed 
to the periodical and newspaper press; 
about same period became ed. and 
prop. Huron Signal newspaper. in 
which he gave special prominence to 
his favourite studies; for many yrs. a 
dir. Onto Fruit Growers' Assn., he wall 



elected its presdt., and gradually came 
to be recognized as the leading expert 
in pomol., judging not only Can. but 
Am. and European fruits; while 
Commr. on Fruits for Can. at Ind. and 
Co!. Exhn., London, Eng.. 1886, spent 
some months in world's metropolis, 
conducting the most successful world's 
exhn. ever held there; also represented 
Can. at exhns. given in Li verpool. 
Glasgow and Edinburgh. and by these 
displays did much to favourably adver- 
tise the Dom. throughout Europe; in ad- 
dition to his regular duties he disposed 
of over 100,000 barrels of apples for 
Can. shippers and examined many n.ew 
fruits. from which he made a selectIOn 
for propagation in Can. ; in 1900 apptd. 
Commr. on Fruits for Can. at Ex,pn. 
Universelle, Paris, France, and while 
thus occupied was elected to represent 
Gt. Britain and the Colonies on both 
the acting and supreme juries in judg- 
ing the fruits of all nations; also sold, 
through Brit. brokers, the larger por- 
tion of the Can. apple crop of that 
season; in 1902 was apptd. Commr. on 
Fruits at Wolverhampton and Cork 
Exhns., his services being eventually 
confined to the former; while on this 
duty he induced leading fruit brokers 
of London, Liverpool and Glasgow to 
form a syndicate for purch3;sinJ$, pac!<:- 
ing and handling Can. frUIts m BrIt. 
markets' was also instrumental in 
founding London Fruit Co., for hand- 
ling Colonial fruit only; on this occa- 
sion was elected a Fellow of the Royal 
Hort. Soc.; is also a life memo Am. 
Pomol. Soc.; while in B. C. founded 
there the Provl. Fruit Growers' Assn.; 
he frequently represents tl
e Do
Govt. at Farmers' Inst. meetmgs, hIS 
addresses being confined to pomol. sub- 
jects' as a youth obtained a 1st class 
cert. from the Royal Mil. Sch"r Toronto. 
under the late Lt.-Genl. R. "\,. Lowry, 
C.B.; a Lib., but has never sought 
office; m. Esther (d. July, 1910), y. d. 
late Geo. Leslie, J.P., Toronto.-Huron 
and Onto Railway, Toronto. 
II The fruit King of Csnads."-Pall Mall 
"No higher suthority on fruits snd 
Iruit culture."-M. Gazette. 
Allan, Andrew Alexander, merchant; 
3rd s. late Andrew A.. one of the 
founders Montreal Ocean Steamship 
Co.; bro. Hugh A. A. (q.v.): b. Mont- 
real, June 16, 1860; e. in MonJt:real, 
Rugby, Eng., and by private tutor at 
Paris, France; m., June, 1886, Char- 
lotte EldzaJb.etlh ( a 'fiem. Extve. Comte. 
Women's branch, Soc. Prevo Cruelty to 
Animals; a memo Genl. Comte. Vic. 
Order Nurses; and V.-P. Nat. Im- 
migration Soc.; she and her husband 
were 'Pl'esented to the late King Ed- 
ward and to Queen Alexandra, June, 
1907), d.l1ieut. R. "\V.Torre,'lateH..:\I.'s 
] 7th Regt.; spocia,\.ly trained to s.toeam- 
ship servlice under his uncl'e, "the late 
Sir Hugh A. and bis fatlher, who CO'Ilst'l- 
tuted the firm of H. & A. A.; ad- 
mitted a lPartner, 1881; a dir. of vari- 
ous .public comp.anies, including t'he 
Brit. & 001. Press ,Service, Ltd., and 
the Blaugas Co.; is presdt. Roya.l 

Marine Ins. Co., and Il\f.arconi Wireless 
Tel. Co. of 'Can.; a steward 
Hunt Club; a life g
v. .Montreal 
Western HOSjpital; lJ1as been a Harfbour 
Commr., 'Montreal; elected presdt. 
Shi:p'P'ing Federation of ean., 1910; do. 
do. Dom. Dry Dock ICO., do.; a Presb. ; 
a Lib.-28i Stanley St., Montreal; St. 
James's Club; lIIt. Royal Club; Can. 
Auto Club; Mont?'eaZ Jockey Club; 
Auto and Aero Club; Canada Club; 
Forest and Stream Club; M ont1'eal 
Hunt Club, do.; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
Allan. Bryce James, merchant; cap- 
3rd s. late Sir Hugh A., founder 
Montreal Ocean Steamship Co., and 
Matilda Caroline, 2nd d. John Smith, 
Montreal; b. Montreal, Aug. 20, 1862; 
e. there and abroad; m. June, 1896. 
Anna, d. late Genl. Winthrop Palfrey. 
Boston, Mass.; became partner in firm 
H. & A. A.. steamship owners, with 
one-twentieth share of his late father's 
estate, on attaining his majority. 1883 ; 
is the representative of the firm at 
Boston. Mass.; elected a dir. Mer- 
chants' Bank of Can.. 1908; a dir. in 
several Can. commercial cos.; has 
travel.led. eJ\:tensively iÌl1 Europe; Presb. 
-Boston, II/ass.; Eomerset Club, do.; 
Union Club; Knickerbocker Club, New 
York; Junior Carlton Club, London, 
Eng.; Et. James's Club, J/ontreal. 
Allan, Lt,-Col, David Martin, Vol. 
mil. service. 
B. Oct. 16, 1857; for a lengthened 
period connected with militia force; 
major 30th Regt. (" Wellington 
Rifles"), 1893; It.-col. comdg. do.. 
ApI., 1905; R.o., 1910; recd. 1st class 
Sch. Infy. cert. and Col. Aux. Forces 
offrs' decoration.-Elora, Onto 
Allan, George William, lawyer. 
E. s. late Hon. G. W. A.. D.C.L.. 
Senator, and Adelaide Harriet 
(Schreiber) A.; b. Toronto. Aug. 13, 
1860; e. U. C. Coil. and Trin. Unlv. 
(B.LA.., 1880; IM.-A., i1896) ; a barrister; 
memo legal firm Munson. A., Laird & 
Davis. .Winnipeg; a dir. Gt. West Life 
Ins. Co.; Ang.; m. July, 1896, Muriel 
Hester, 3rd d. Edmund Wragge. To- 
ronto.-Winni]Jeg; lIIanitoba Club, do. 
Allan, Hugh Andrew, merchant; capi- 
E. s. late Andrew A., one of the 
founders Montreal Ocean Steamship 
Co.. and Isabella Ann, e. d. John 
Smith, Montreal; b. Montreal, Sept. 

2, 1857; e. l\Ierchiston Castle Seh.. 
Edinburgh, Scot., and Rugby, Eng.; 
m.. 1884. Margt. (a directress Woman's 
="at. Immigration Soc.), '0. c. late '''m. 
Rae, Allans, R3.e & Co., Quebec; entd. 
office H. & A. A. as a junior elk., and 
recei ved filis business under 
the then prindpals of true firm, the late 
Sir Hug-h, and bro.. Andrew A.; 
admitted to partnership, 1881; inc!harg-e 
Boston branch, dlo., 1887-92; now and 
for some yrs. 'Presdt. AHan SteaJllllshi'P 
00.; a m,em. Can. lJightlhouse Ed.; a 
dir. IMerohants 'Bank of Can., G. T. 
Pacific Ry., Quebec Bridge Co., -Amal- 
gamat.ed .AJSlJ.estOIS CorporatJiOIl., and 
al Jockey C\JuJb; a gov. Ho. of 
Rf1fuge and of local- branoeh Navy 


League, V.-P. >Gan. Paper Co., lP resdt . 
SaHors' Inst., and Montreal Tele,gr8Jph 
Co.; was some time presdt. ShLpping 
eder8Jtion olf Can.; resigned do., 1910,; 
a promoter iStual't Turbine Engill1'e Co. 
aoo Halifax & East Ry.; a del. 5th 
Congress Cha.mlbers of of 
Emrpire, 1903; strongl.y iIlJ favour of 
making lMontl'eal a free 'Port and ot 
having a 40-ft. channel! for shiJppiDfg 
betIween Que!be.c and Montre:a;l; an 
ardent Imperialist and! patriot; oa 
Presb.-289 Stanley St., Montreal; Mt. 
Royal Club; St. James's Club; Cwwda 
Club; Jlontreal Hunt Club; Forest and 
Stl'eam C lu b ; Royal .Montreal Golf 
Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; 
Montreal Racquet Club; Can. Auto 
Club; Auto and Aero Club; Montreal 
Jockey Club, do.; Rideau Club, Ot- 
tawa; Quebec Garrison Club, Quebec. 
hA man of great eÀ.perieuce and popu- 
.. Deservedly popular, having always 
maintained the' high place for honourable 
dealing f()lr which the firm has been noted 
since its Oorganizat1on."-M. Herald. 
Allan, Bon, Lt.-Col, Sir Hugh Mon. 
tagu, merchant; capitalist. 
Sec. s. laJte Sir Hugh A., one of the 
founders Montreal Ocean Steamship 
Co., and Matilda Caroline, 2nd d. late 
John Smith. Montreal; b. Montreal. 
Oct. 13. 1860; e. Bishop's ColI. Sch.. 
Lennoxville, and faris, Franee; m., 
Oct.. 1893, Marguerlte Ethel (presented 
to late King Edward, July, 1906 ; 
elected a memo Central Council, Vic- 
toria League, London, Eng., 1909; 
hon. presdt. Daug.hters of the Empire. 
Montreal), d. late Hoctor Mackenzie, 
Montreal; under the terms of hIs 
father's will, entd. firm H. & A. A., 
on his attaining his majority, and Is 
vice-chairman of the Allan Steamship 
Co.; assumed the name of Hugh 
Montagu, instead of Hugh Andrew A., 
by which he was previously known, 
Dec., 1878; for several yrs. was a 
councillor :Montreal Bd. of Trade; 
treas.. do., 1891-2; is presdt. Mer- 
chants' Bank of Can., Acadia Coal Co., 
Can. Paper Co., Can. Rubber Co., Carl- 
ton Hotel Co.. and Ry. Securities Co.; 
a dir. Montreal Rolling Mills Co., 
Montreal St. Ry. .Co., Montreal Light, 
Heat & Power Co., Ogilvie Flour Mills 
Co., Can. Transfer Co.. Labrador Co., 
Dom. Iron & Steel Co.. Mutual LifE' 
Ins. Co. of lOan.. Can. \Vhite Co., 
Intern. Banking .oorpn., Royal Trust 
Co., iMontreal In-Vlest. Trust Co., 
Montreal Park & Island Ry., Dom. 
Dry Dock Co., Oan. Vickers. Ltd., 
Bishop's Coll. Sch. and Montreal 
Hort. & Fruit Growing Assn.; V.-P. 
Can. Car Co.. N. Brit, Development 
Co.. and St. Andrew's Soc.; an ex- 
master of the Montreal Hunt; his 
horses have won the Queen's plate. 
Montreal Hunt cup, members' plate, 
and hunters' handicap steeplechase 
cup; now presdt. of the Montreal 
Jockey Club; formerly V.-P. Montreal 
Racquet Club: a dir. Sailors' Inst., 
Charity Organ. Soc., Montreal Skating 
Assn. and Amateur Skating Assn. of 
Can.; a memo mangt. comte. Montreal 
Genl. Hosp. and Soc. Prevo of Cruelty 


to Animals; rated as a mlllionaire by 
 Star, 19111; gave $5,000 to tlhe 
Chas. Alexander memorial fund; gave 
the A. oup as a perpetual trophY for 
competition between amateur hockey 
clubs, 1910; one of the founders of 
the Mt. Royal Club and the \Vinter 
Club, Montreal; entertained at "Ravens- 
crag" H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Con- 
nauglht, 1906. and H.R.H. Prince 
Fushimi of Japan, 1907; knIghted. June 
24, 1904; C.V.O., 1906; Order of the 
Rising Sun, Japan (3rd class) 1907. 
F..R.C.I., 1&97; presented to late King 
Edward, Mdh., 1910; 8Jpptd. hOD. It.- 
coIL 5t1h Regt. .. Roya"l Hig1hlianders," 
1911 ; a Presb. ; a Lib.- it Ravenscrag 11 
505 Pine Ave. W., Montreal; summe;: 
tt lrlontrose," Cacouna, P_Q.; St. James' 
Club; Mt. Royal C)ub; Canada Club; 
Auto & Aero Club; lJ:[ontreal Hunt 
Club; 111 ontreal Jockey Club; Winter 
Club; Royal Montreal Golf Club; Royal 
St. Lawrence Yacht Club; Canadian 
Club; Forest & Stream Club; Lachine 
Boating & Canoeing Club; 1I10ntreal 
Curling Club ; Montreal Polo Club; 
Jlontreal Racquet Club; Montreal 
Thistle Curling Club, Montreal; '1'0- 
ro?tto Club ; York Club, Toronto; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa; Manitoba Club 
Winnipeg; Knicke.j'bocke1' Club N Y 
Juni01' Carlton Club; Canadd diu;; 
London, Eng. ' 
.. A wo'rthy upholde,r of the fame of the 
la.n iiami-ly."-Can. Gazette. 
"De-servedly stand:s in. the front r.ank of 
c.anada.'s men o<f a ct-ÏÛ'n.. "-M. Herald. 
Allan, Jamell Donald, manufacturer. 
S. late Capt. Alex. A.. native Orkney 
Islds.; b. Port Rowan, Ont., Aug. 31. 
1850; e. there; prepared for Toronto 
Dniv., but did not matriculate; est3h- 
llshed house A. A. A. & Co.. fur 
manfrs., 1876. of which he is V.-P.; 
Presdt. Bd. of T
ade, Toronto. 1905-6; 
now Presdt. Umon Stock Yards. To- 
ronto, and of Can. Correspondence 
ColI.. do.; formerly a memo 'l'oronto 
Technical SC'h. Bd.; apptd. a memo 
Oammn. 1.e Oommercial arud Technioo:l 
Educati{)lIl .in Toronto, 1910; 8Juthor 
of a pamphlet on technical edu- 
cation (1899); has lectured on .. Can. 
Citizenship: Its Opportunities and 
Responsibilities." and other subjects' 
has travelled extensively abroad; 
del. 6th Congo Chambers of Commerce 
of the Empire, 1906; memo special 
C'ommn. froCm1 Can. Bd-s. !Of Trade rLo visilt 
West Indies to investigate the possi- 
bilities of extending and furthering 
trade between Can. and those islands 
1!J07 ; 8.'ppttd. toO accompany Can: 
Oommn. on Pelagic SeaÞil1lg' to Wash- 
ington, D.C., as representaHv>e IOf Can. 
fur ,trade, 1911; m., ,lsot, 1877, :\Iiss 
:\1inn:ie OonJlin, T.ol'Onto (d. 1888); 
2ndly. 1898. Grace Campooll Russel, 
2nd d. lalte Caopt. .John MeCh'lery Glas- 
glOW, SClOIt.; a Lib., and has' Þeoen 
,presdlt. Laur.ier Olub. Toronrt:ú; un&UC- 
cessfulily contestoo \V. TororutJo (H. C.), 
same 'interest, g. e., 1900.-8
cocks St., Toronto; National Club J do. 
II Primarily 8 business man and has car- 
ried these traits into his public life."- 
T. Globe. 



Allan, John Roberts, capitalist. 
S. Jas. F. and Catherine (Mont- 
gomery) A.; b. Balderson. Ont., Oct. 
23, 1867; e. Perth, and Ottawa Coli. 
Inst.; m. Nov., 18n, Marion, d. J. M. 
1.'aylor; graduated Onto Coli. Phar- 
macy, 1890 (gold med. in Mat. Med.) ; 
V.-P. Ottawa Stock Exchange, 1901; 
one of the promoters City & Co. Bank, 
1903; a trustee Queen's Univ. (in 
which he established chair of Botany), 
and a dir. Ottawa Gas Co.; champion 
OtltaJWa Golf C1uJb, 1902-3; F.RC.I., 
1911; Ihas travel'led extenosiV1e'ly in 
Europe; a Con.; a ,P.resb.-19.! Daly 
A. ve., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa 
Goll Club; Ottawa Hunt Club, do. 
Allan, Miss Maud, dancer. 
B. Toronto; at 4 yrs. of age re- 
moved to San Francisco, where her 
father became a naturalized Am. citi- 
zen; took a scholarship at the Cogs- 
well Poly. ColI., San Francisco; com- 
menced studying the piano at age of 
5, and made her first appearance as a 
pianist at 12; soon afterwards went 
to Europe to continue her studies; 
spent 5 yrs. at the Berlin Royal Acad. 
High Sch. of Music, and took the high- 
est diploma for piano-playing; later, 
abandoned her intention of becoming 
a professional musician, deciding to 
become' a dancer instead. her idea 
being to represent music by dancing; 
after much fresh study, she made her 
first appearance as a dancer before an 
invited audience at the Conser. of 
Music, Vienna, in 1902; she was 
highly compHmented by the press; her 
first public appearance took place at 
the Theatre Molière, Brussels, and she 
subsequently performed at Berlin, 
Buda Pesth, Hamburg and Paris, at 
all of which places she aroused much 
enthusiasm; at London. where she 
appeared in .. The Vision of Salome," 
early in 1908, she became the rage, 
and had the honour of dancing before 
the late King and tlhe -present Queen 
Mother (q.v.); SlIJbsequently she suc- 
cessfully RJppæred in N. Y.; Ihas writ- 
ten and 'PubHshed 'her life; "is proud 
to claim Can. as 'her country."-Ca1"e 
Canadian Office, London, Eng. 
"As Salome she has brought pose 
dancing to perfection. Her costume gives 
a luxurious impression of Oriental gor- 
geousness. Her figure is as symmetrical 
as Canova's Venus. Above her slender 
waist U seems to be unconcealed except 
for jewelled trappings. Her feet. which 
are not too small but finely modelled, are 
bare and she gets expression even into her 
pink toes. She impresses her spectators 
by the power of her representation and by 
the varied intensities of her facile expres- 
sion, and, best of all, shf' does not appeal 
to the baser passions."-N. Y. World. 
Allan, William Anderson, mine owner 
and contractor. 
3M s. late John and Margt. (Ander- 
son) A., Montreal: b. and e. there; 
m., Oct.. 1874, Alice Maude (d. Aug., 
1902). y. d. qate Hon. Hen,ry Sherwood, 
Q.C., M.P., Toronto; long in business 
life; 8Jt present 'head of firm A. & 
Fleming, mine owners and contractors, 
Ottawa; Ang.-Victorw Chambers, Ot- 

taw a ; Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf Club; 
Ottawa Country Club, do. 
Allan, William Rae, merchant. 
Younger s. s. late Andrew A., Mont- 
real; b. and e. MoniÌreal: m., June, 
1909, Minnie, y. d. late R. A. Whyte, 
\Vind.sor, Ont., and rel.ïct Hon. A. C. 
Killam, Chief Justice of Man.; long 
in business in Win.n.ipeg: head of firm 
A., Long & Killam, there; a dir. N.-W. 
Land Co.; V.-P. Prudential Trust Co.; 
a promoter Man. Jockey Club; Presb. 
-1Vinnipeg; .Manitoba Club,. Man. 
Jockey Club, do.; St. James's Club, 
.1I onh'eal. . 
Allard, Mgr, JOBeph Charles (R. C.). 
S. Joseph A. and Marie (L'Ecuyer) 
A.: b. Chateauguay, P.Q., ApI. 27 
1867: e. Semy., Montreal; o. 1891. 
subsequently apptd. V.-G. and cur
of the Cath., Valleyfield. P.Q.; ele- 
vated to the dignity of a Proto 
Apos.. 1906; D.D., Laval Univ., 1902; 
leader of a movement to found 0. 
purely Fr
nch-Can. settlement In N.- 
W. '1'., 1908; a del. to the Plenary 
Council, Quebec, 1909. and to the 
Eudharistic Congress. Montreaq. 1910. 
-The Palace, Yalleyfield, P.Q. 
Allard, Joseph Victor, lawyer. 
S. Prosper and Genevie"e A. (Laper- 
riêre) A., Berthier-en-haut. P.Q.; b. 
St. Cuthbert, P.Q., Feb. 1, 1860; e. 
Coil. L'Assomption and Laval Unlv. 
(B.A.. 1880); advocate, 1884; repre- 
sented Berthier (Local), 1892-97; an 
unsuccessful candidate, same seat. 
1890, and again subsequently; Mayor 
of Berthierville for some yrs.; Chief 
Ranger Berthier Court I. O. Fores- 
tel's; a Con.; a R. C.; m. Jan., 1885. 
Blanche. d. A. D. Dorval. advocate. 
L' Assomption.-Berthierville, P.C}. 
Allard, Louis JOBeph Alfred, physi- 
Prof. de Physiol. gên. et comparêe. 
de Path. gên, fies maladies des yeux 
et des oreilles. de I'hist. de la Mêd. et 
de Dêontol. mêd., Laval Univ.--t6 Rue 
St. Louis, Quebec. 
Allard, Eon. Louis Jules, lawyer; 
S. Louis and Marie Anne (Chapde- 
laine) A., St. Francois-du-Lac. P.Q.; 
b. there, Jan. 21. 1859; e. Nicolet 
ColI.; advocate, 1883; K.C., 1902; 
regr. Co. Yamaska. 1890-97: presdt. 
sch. commrs, 1892-98; Mayor St. 
Francois, 1895-98; sat for Yamaska 
(-Local), J){!c., 1897, to Meh., 1905, when 
caned to the Leg. Council. and be- 
came Govt. leader In that body; since 
Feb., 1910, has sat for Drummond in 
the Assembly; apptd. MinI'. of Colon- 
ization and Puùlic Works in the Gouin 
(Lib.) Cabinet. Mch. 23, 1905; Minr. 
of Public Works and Labour, July 3. 
1905; Minr. of Agricul.. Sept. 1, 1906; 
MinI'. Lands and Forests, Jan., 1909; 
dire Sorel Elec. Co., St. l<
rançois du 
Lac Aqueduct Co. and Presdt. Aben- 
akis Springs Hotel Co.; V.-P. Dom. 
Forestry Assn.. 1909; a memo Royal 
Conservation Comn., do.: a R. C.; m. 
June, 1885. Mlle. C. Berthe Toupln.- 
Quebec; St. François du Lac, P.Q.,. 
Quebec Garrison Club. 
.. A good business man, an excellent 



lawyer, a sound administrator."-M. Wit- 
Allen, Bev, Alexander Proctor (Ang.). 
6th s. late Archdeacon T. W. and 
Jessie (McClellan) A., Millbrook, Ont.; 
b. there; e. Trin. ColI. Sch., Port Hope. 
and Trin. Univ., Toronto (B.A., 1879; 
M.A., 1902) ; o. 1879; is now rector St. 
Paul's Ch., Oakland, Cal.; m. Oct., 
1906, Anna Louise, d. late Archibald 
Wood, banker, Millbrook. - Oakland, 
Allen, Benjamin, manufacturers' 
agen t. 
B. Armagh. IreI., 1854; came to 
Can., 1872. and has been continuously 
f'ngaged in commerce; elected Grand 
Master Masonic Grand Lodge of Qan., 
1904; Is also a K. T. (M. \V. Sover- 
eign, 1904), and memo Scottish Rite; 
has been presented with numerous tes- 
timonials from masonic brethren.- 
50 Maitland St., Toronto; National 
Club, do. 
Allen, Francis, educationist. 
S. Rev. John S. and Charlotte M. N. 
(Tuttle) A.; U. E. L. deseent. on botb 
sides; b. Canterbury, N.B., 1874; e. 
public whs. and U.niv. N. B. (B.A., 
Alumni Gold Medal and Brydone-Jack 
scholar, 1895; M.A., 1897); Ph.D., 
Cornell Univ., N. Y., 1901; was for 3 
yrs. Principal \Vestmoreland Co. 
Grammar Sch.; on Faculty of Cornell 
Univ., N. Y., 1901-4; since 1904 has 
been Prof. of Physics and Mineral., 
Univ. of Man.; el-ected Dean of the 
Faculty, 1910; F.R.S.C., 1909; a fellow 
Am. Assn. Advanc. of Science; a memo 
Am. Physical Soc. and hon. memo 
Scientific Fraternity Sigma Xi. U. S.; 
author papers in Physical Rev., show- 
ing experimental research-es on physiol. 
OIptics; an active memo Meth. Ch.; m., 
1903, Miss Sarah Estelle Harper, 
Shediac, N.B.--517 Spence St., Winni- 
peg, Man. 
Allen, George H" insurance mangr. 
S. Rev. Hiram J. A. (Meth.); b. 
Odessa, Ont., Aug. 20. 1867; e. public 
schs., Kingston, Napanee and Belle- 
ville, Trenton High Sch. and Albert 
C'Oll.; joined Standard Life As sur. Co. 
as special agt., 1884; inspr. Midland 
Dist., 1888; inspr. Eastern Ont., with 
headquarters at Kingston, 1890 (and 
while there served for 5 yrs. as an 
ald. of that city) ; later became inspr. 
Maritime Provinces and Nfd.; and 
finally chief inspr. throughout Dom., 
resigning therefrom, 1905; became 
provi. mangr. for P. Q. 'Of Mutual Life 
Assur. Co. of Can.; resIgned Feb., 1910, 
to become first gent mangr. of the 
Travellers' Life Assur. Co. of Can.; 
elected Presdt. Life Und-erwriters' 
Assn. of Can., 1906; was elected, same 
year, 3rd V.-P. of the National Assn. 
of Life Underwriters of U. S.; and 
later, Presdt. Montreal Ins. Inst.; m., 
Oct., 1889, Miss Helen Knox, Trenton, 
Ont.-l0! St. Mark St., Montreal. 
.. An energetic, up-to-date business man." 
-M. Herald. 
.. A man of rare merit, ability and 
energy."-M. Star. 
Allen, George L;vttleton, merchant. 
S. Alex. and Harriet A., former from 

Sligo, latter from Galway. IreI.; b. 
Riverston, Arthur, Co. Wellington, 
Ont., 1858; e. public and high schs. 
and Toronto Normal Sch. (2nd class 
professionaà cert.) ; taught sch. 4 yrs.; 
since in mercantile life; has served on 
Sch. Bd., twice as chairman. and on 
Bd. 'Of Education; has always taken 
an interest in amateur sports. espe- 
cially lacrosse, bowling and curling; 
presdt. local bowling and curling 
clubs; do. Can. Lacrosse Assn., 1905; 
m., Dec., 1886, Miss Margt. J. Wat- 
son Mount Forest, Ont., an accomp- 
lished musician; active In poli- 
tics as a Con., though opposed to 
policy of party on Man. sch. question; 
.. loyal to the core to King and coun- 
try as were all his ancestors"; an 
Ang. and a del. to Synod; also Supdt. 
of Sunday School and Chairman of 
Finance Comte.-lJIount Forest, Onto 
Allen, Bev, Herbert Edgar (Bapt.). 
Y. s. Rev. S. T. and Mary Palmer 
(Anthony) A., former from Weston- 
super-Mare, latter from Bedford. 
Eng.; b. Birmingham, Eng., M
y 26, 
1871; e. Kingston sch., Yeovll and 
Hackney ColI., London, Eng.; o. Port 
Elgin, Ont., 1904; pastor Boston, Ont.. 
oldest Bapt. Ch, in Ont.. 1905; do. 
Tabernacle Ch., Toronto, Sept., 1906; 
now Hamilt'On, Ont.; emigrated to Can., 
settling at Winnipeg. May, 1895; has 
lectured frequently in interests of pro- 
hibition, and was presdt: N. Bruce 
Prohibition Alliance durmg Refer- 
endum campaign. 1903; as a youth 
was an athlete, and held dlst. cha
pionship for swimming won at Yeovll. 
1890; m. Nov., 1897, Miss Elizabeth 
Oharlotte Bartlett, Yeovll, Eng.- 
Hamilton, Onto 
I' Oone of the bes.t speakers on prohibi- 
tion ever l1ea,rd."-Selkirk Journal. 
Allen, Bev. James (Meth.). 
B. Ireland; accompanied his parents 
to Can. when 3 yrs. old; e. Central 
Sch. and Coll, Inst.. Hamilton, Ont., 
and Victoria Univ. (B.A., 1875; M.A., 
1880) ; m. 1877, Emma, d. late Saml. 
Peters, London, Ont.; entd. minIstry. 
1869; O. 1873; pastor successively at 
Sherbrooke St. Ch., Montreal; Grace 
Ch., \Vinnipeg; Centenary Ch., Hamil- 
ton; Metropolitan Ch., and Sherbourne 
St. Ch., Toronto; S-ecy. Montreal Conf.. 
1885; ,Presdt. Toronto Conf.. 1902; 
Supdt. Missions, New Ont., 1902; Secy. 
H'Ome Missions, which he still Is, 1906; 
del. to Geni. ConC.. 1886 and 1902; 
elected V.-P. AlumnI Assn., Toronto 
Univ., 1904; Senator. Toronto Unlv., 
1906; memo Bd. Regents Victoria Unlv., 
l!i06; memo :&I. Education, Meth. 
Ch., 1906; has lectured on resources 
New Ont.; his e. d., Miss AnnIe W. A., 
is a missy.' in .J3Jpan; believes the 
gQvt. of the Brit. EmpIre will be trans- 
ferred from Brit. Isl-es and will be 
directed from the Dom. of Can. betore 
the end of the present century.--51 
Rosedale Rd., Toronto. 
Allen, l'ttiøs Margaret (see Smith. 
Mrs. Margaret), 
Allen, Miss Minnie, actress. 
D. Dani. W. A., Montreal; b. and e. 
there; made her debut, N. Y., 1900, in 


vaudeville, in a sketch written for her 
by Claxton Wilstach (whom she m.. 
1903), called .. The Bifurcated Girl," 
and is reputed to have IRchieved a 
wonderful success as well by her 
youth and beauty as by her histrionic 
ability; was subsequently a prominent 
memo of Miss Adelaide 'l'hurston's co. ; 
Is now studying for comic opera.-16 
Gramercy Park, New York. 
Allen, Norman, physician. 
Y. s. late Archdeacon T. W. and 
Jessie (McClellan) A., Millbrook, Ont.; 
b. and e. there; m., 1889, Miss Alice 
Louisa Martin; M.D.,C.M.. Trin. Unlv., 
Toronto, 1885; fellow Trin. M
d. Sch., 
do.; M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1886; Med. 
alth Offr., Toronto, 1891-93; Ang.; 
Con.-l0B Carlton St., Toronto. 
Allen, Lt,-Genl, Balph Ed ward, 
E. s. Major Ralpn 
huttleworth A.. 
J.P., D.L., formerly M.P. (Eng.), and 
Annie Elizabeth. 4th d. 
ir Sami. 
Cunard, Bart.; b. Halifax, N.S., Feb. 
23, 1846; e. Eton; joined army. 1865. 
and, after continuous service. retired 
therefrom, as It.-genl., Feb. 23, 1903; 
was Maj.-Genl. Infy. Brigade, S. A., 
1900-1 (de
atches; C.B.; medal witlh 
2 eliasps).-10 Hanover Sq., London, 
W.; Naval and ll-"lilitary Club; St. 
James's Club; Army and Navy Club, 
London, Eng. 
Allen, Samuel James McJ:ntoøh, edu- 
S. Capt. J. M. A., H:a.lifax, N.S., and 
El'iZaJbeth, d. 'V. 'D. IJ3Jwrenoce, sh'ip- 
r and M..P.'P., or lMia btl ana , 
Hants.; b. Maitland. N.S.. Nov. 5, 
1877; e. HaJUfax Co. .AJcaaemy (rued.). 
McGilIl Univ. (B.ISe. and Brit. Assn. 
med., 1900; IM.Sc., 1901), and Johns 
Hopkins Univ. (,Bh.D.. 1906) ; iII1., Aug. 
10, 1910. Eva Blanche, e. d. /Major S. 
J. R. Sircom, HaJ'Lfax, N.S.; Elect. 
Engr., 1900, Urn'iv. Prof. of Phys.. Brit. 
Assn. m
d. an-d honours. McGill, :1900; 
memo Am. PhylS. S(){:., .and Can. SOiC. 
Civil Eng. ; InsÌ1r. ,in Civill Eng.. McGiLl. 
1900-1; Instr. in Physics. 190'1-3. do.; 
FeUow and Gmduate ,student in .F'Ihy- 
sics, John Hopkins Univ., 1903-6; Instr. 
in Pihysics, Urriv. of Cincinnati, 1906-9; 
Asst. P,rof., do.., 1909 ; author O'f various 
scient.ific lpapers; owns the cruIsing 
yacht ßl enotah, and ,is Vice-COiID'ffio- 
dore Ohest
T (N.S.) Yacht Club; IDpis. 
-U. ,S. address: Univ. of CinC'innati; 
Canadian address: Chester, N.S. 
Allen, Thomas Carleton, Provl. public 
S. late Chief .Justice Sir .John Camp- 
bell and Margt. A. (Drury) A.; b. 
Rose Hall. Fredericton. N.B., Nov. 9. 
1852; e. grammar schs. Charlotte and 
Queen's Cos., and ColI. Inst., Frederic- 
ton; pursued legal studies Law Sch.. 
Harvard Univ.; barrister. 1875; K.C.. 
1889; apptd. Clk. of the Crown, Clk. 
of the Pleas, Supreme Ct. N.B.. and 
Clk. in Equity, ApI.. 1883; elected 
Chancellor Ang. Diocese of Frederic- 
ton, 1900; Mayor of Fredericton, 1890- 
92; declined nomination for further 
term; a trustee of Victoria Hospital 
Bd. for 18 yrs. and now V.-P. of Bd. ; 
presM. Loca'l ImpI1O"t. A'ssm, 1907; 
an Ang. and a del. to Synod; m. 1883, 


Louise L., d. Hon. Mr. .Justice A. R. 
Wetmore; presented in 1904 by bar 
of N. B. with solid silver service in 
token of their esteem and in com- 
memoration of 21st anniversary of his 
marriage; D.C.L. (hon.). King's Coli. 
Univ., Windsor, 1910. - Fredericton, 
Allen, Thomas D" banker. 
Formerly of Newcastle, Ont.; for 10 
yrs. In the service of the National 
Bank of the Republic in Chicago; 
apptd. Cashier States Loan and Trust 
Co., Quincy. Ill.. Mch., 1905.-Quincy, 
Allen, Thomas Grant, physician. 
S. Wm. and Margt. A. ; b. nr. Brock- 
ville. Ont., Oct. 14, 1863; e. Brock- 
ville High Sch.. Queen's Univ. (B.A.. 
and gold med. in Math., Goman Prize 
Botany, 1888; M.A.. M.D., 1889). and 
North-western Univ. (M.D.. 1898) ; m.. 
.July, 1890. Miss Nettie M. Fralick, To- 
ronto; Science Master Seaforth and 
Ingersoll. 1890-3; Prof. Chemistry 
Armour Inst. of Tech., 1894-8; exten. 
Lecturer Chemistry, Food and Die- 
teotics, U-:1iv. of Chkago. 1895-8; now 
Prof. Diseases of Children, Post-Grad. 
Med. Sch., Chicago; also Clinical Prof. 
Pediatrics. Univ. ot Illinois Med. Sch.. 
Chicago.-5661 Washington Ave., Chi- 
cago, Ill. 
Allen, Miss Viola Emily, actress. 
D. C. Leslie and Sarah (Lyon) A., 
the latter formerly of Toronto; b. 
Southern States; e. Bishop Strachan 
Sch., Toronto; made début N. Y. as 
Esmerallda when 15, and subsequently 
played leading classical, Shakespearean 
and comedy roles with L. Barrett, 
Tommaso Salvini. .Joseph .Jefferson and 
\V. J. Florence; now, and for some 
yrs.. one of the .. queens" of the Am. 
stage; an Ang.; m. Aug.. 1905. Peter 
Duryea. Lexington. Ky.-Care C. W. 
Allen, 1520 Broadway, New York. 
.. Her fame as Glory has awakened the 
interest of two continents."-M. and E. 
Allen, Bev, WWiam Cartwright 
2nd s. late Archdeacon T. W. and 
.Jessie (McClellan) A., Millbrook. 
Onto ; b. there; e. Trin. Coil. Sch., Port 
Hope, and Trin. Univ., Toronto (B.A., 
with 1st class honours in Classics and 
4th class in Math.. 1872; M.A.. 1877) ; 
o. deacon. 1874; priest. 1875; succes- 
sively curate at Peterboro, Ont., and 
Shanley, Herts. Eng.; subsequently 
Asst. Master Trin. CoIL Sch.. Port 
Hope; apptd. rector Cavan. Ont.. suc- 
ceeding his father. Oct., 1905. and 
R. D.., 1907; Prebend. of Cavan, 1909; 
m., Dec., 1883, Miss 
Iary Linnecar.- 
Mill brook, Onto _ 
Allen, William :Porsyth, public man. 
S. Wm. H. and Margt. (Fair) A.. 
both natives of Irel. ; b. nr. Port Hope. 
Ont., .June 27. 1833; e. local schs.; m. 
1862 Lucy, d. late .John Lyall; has 
d as co. councillor. Mayor of 
Bowmanville and Warden North. and 
Durham; likewise as a memo of High 
and Public Sch. Bd.. and as a dir.. 
Secy. and Presdt. Co. Agrlcui. Soc.; 
one of the founders Western and 
Standard Banks, and has been and is 


V.-P. of each institution: is also V.-P. 
ant. Loan and Savings Co.; a Presb.: 
a Lib.-Bowmanv-ille, Ont.; National 
Club, Toronto. 
Allin, Bichard Winfred, mi,ssionary 
B. Brooklin, ant.; e. publlc and high 
sc'hs., High Sch., "Whitby 
Model S0h., Owen Sound CoU Inst. and 
TorontJo Univ. (B.A., with honours 'in 
Eng. lit., 1896); 1st asst. master, 
Rothesay Coil., N.E., 1899-1906; asst. 
secy., Ch. of Ðng. Missy. Soc.. 1906-9; 
secy., Ang. Laymen's Missy. Movenlent, 
1909-11; since then has been asst. genl. 
secy. of the Ch. of Eng. Missy. Soc.; 
one of the invited speakers at Ang. 
Ch, Oongress, Haldfax, 1910. - 508 
Brunswick Ave., TOl'onto. 
Allison, David, educationist. 
S. .Jas. W. A., formerly M.P.P., and 
Margt. (Elder) A., Irish descent: b. 
Newport, N.S., .July 3, 1836; e. Halifax 
Acad., Wresl. Acad., Sach"illie, and W.esl. 
Univ., Middletown, Conn. (B.A., 1859; 
M.A., 1862: LL.D., 1903); LL.D. 
(lhon.), Viodt. Univ., 1873: orl'ginally 
Classiæl Instr. Sackvl,ure Acad.; took 
same position Mount Allison Coli., 
1862; Presdt. do., 1869: resigned to 
become Supdt. Educ., N.S., 1877; re- 
Nred from latter office to acce'Pt (presi- 
dJency of [\1jount .Mlison Univ., 1891: 
resigned tlherefrom, .June, 1910; m., 1st, 
.June, 1862, Miss ENzab.e!th J>!o.weU, 
Ri-chibuütJo, N.B., U. E. L. diesce,nt (d, 
Dec., 1898); 2ndily, .June, 1902, Miss 
H. 'E. Cumlluin,gs, S()!uris, P.E.I.; a 
Meth., and active in dh. work; served 
as a del. to Congress of Methodism, 
Lonodlo'fio, Eng., 1881, and tlO ,the Gell'!. 
Conf. of Ch.-Sackville, N.B. 
Allison, James Walter, manufacturer. 
S. Hy. B. and Sarah (Abrams) A., 
Sackville, N.B.; b. Newcastle, N.D., 
May 7, 1&51; e. Mt. Allison Acad. and 
OOlo!., foundoE'd by his uncle, the 'la/tie 
Chas. F. IA.; erutd. on business 'careeI' 
in HaJlifax, ,18Î'I, and .in 1876 became Ia 
partner and ultimately head of the 
house, .John P. Mott & Co., chocolate, 
cocoa, soap and spioo manfrs. which 
position he retains; a dir. Stanfields 
(Truro Knitting Mills), N. S. Steel '3-nd 
Coal .00., N. S. Fire Ins. Co., N. 
S. Oar Work's, Eastern Trust Co., 
and Bank of N. S., and PreSI(H. 
K. S. ,Savings, Loan and BuiIcHng 
Soc.; dir. .Joint Bene\ryolent Sac 
Soh. for t'he ,Bqind and- a gov. Da,i
housie Univ.; m. 1876, Mary, d. late 
Clms. T. Preospott. Ba,ie Vente, N.B., 
and gt.-gI'aruc1Jd. Hon. C. R. PrescolÌ't 
founder of the fruit-growing industrÝ 
in N. S.; gave $5,000 towards the 
Building Fund of St. Luke's Ang. 
Cath., 1909; a Con.; an Ang._ u Hazel- 
hU1'st," Da1'tllw1Ith, N.S.; Halifax Club 
H a li/ax. J 
Allison, o!ohn Wesley, manufacturer. 
S. DavId and Elizabeth (Young) A., 

unbar, ant.; b. there, 1862; m.; a 
drr. N. Y. and ant. Power Co. . Presdt 
çan. Tin Plate and Sheet Steel Co.; 
hved formerly in N. Y.' manufactured 
first sheet tin plate . ever - made in 
Can., 1907: elected Presdt. Dundas 
Agricul. Soc., 1908; also owns large 


stock farm; much before the tpulbHc 
eye, 1911, in conn'f'ction with the 
sohe1m.e for .. dJa,rnm'inog" tJhe St. Law- 
renoe; ,Ang.: poliiticaHy Ind.-lIIorris- 
burg, Onto 
Allison, Thomas B., engineer. 
B. Ingersoll, ant., Oct. 2, 1858; com- 
menced t'ra,ining in Nortfhey Engine 
Works, Hamilton; on completion, de- 
signed and built Dom. Pulp Co.'s sul- 
phite mill, Chatham, N.B.; since then 
has been Chief Engr. and Mech. Supdt., 
Mar. Sulphite Fibre Co.'s mill, same 
place: Supdt. Spanish River Pulp Co.'s 
miU, EspaI1JOlla, ant.; Chief Engr. St. 
Anthony Lumber Co.'s mills, Whitney, 
ant.; Supdt. Machinery Montreal Cot- 
ton Co.'s Mill, Valleyfield, P.Q.-f3 
Withrow Ave., Toronto. 
Allison, Bev, William Thomas 
(Presb.), journalist.. 
S. Thos. R. A.; b. Unionville, ant., 
Dec., 20, 1874; e. Victoria Univ. (B.A., 
1899; M.A., 1900); pursued theo!. 
studies Yale Univ. (B.D., with honours, 
1901; scholar. and Ph.D., 1908); o. 
Oct., 1902, and inducted, same year, 
minr., at Stayner; declined editorship 
Dawson Sun, 1902; Lecturer in Eng., 
Toronto Univ., 1905-6; pastor Congo 
Ch., Middlefield, Conn., Nov., 1907; 
Prof. Eng., Wesley ColI., Winnipeg, 
since 1910; formerly ed. News 111ag., 
Toronto, and a writer for other To- 
ronto IPeriod'icalts and! newspa.pens; 
author: .. The Amber Al1my" (poems), 
.. One of the most hrilliant of the 
younger Canadian journalists. "-M. and E. 
Allnatt, Bev, Francis John Benwell 
(Ang.), educationist. 
S. late Rev. F. .J. 'A., IM.R.C.S., vicar 
Grinsdale, Carlisle, Eng.; b. Clapham, 
London, Eng., .Jan. 15, 1841; e. St. 
Augustine's CoIL, Canterbury, and 
Lennoxville Univ. (B.D., 1878; D.D., 
1886); O. deacon 1864, priest 1865; 
for over 20 yrs. in charge Drummond- 
ville Mission, later volunteered for ser- 
vice in Labrador, and, in 1885, became 
rector St. Matthews, Quebec; in 1887 
apptd. to chair Pastoral Theology, 
Leunoxville; became subsequently Har- 
rold Prof. Divin'ity, Dean of Faculty, 
and Vioe-PrinCÏ'pal O!f that institution, 
\\1hich 'Position.s Jhe .reta.ins; was for 
several YI'S. In'Spr. of Aew,e!lll'ies a:nd 
:\fodel Schs., P.Q.; author, am'Üng 
ot!her tihings, od' a book, .. The Witness 
of St. ':Vlatthew" ; a: canon, Trin. Cath.. 
Quebec, 1906; a odel. to the Synodis; 
m., 1874, .Jane, d. late ,Lt.-COIL Robin, 
anld the widow of Ignace Oill', IM.P.P. 
-" Harrold Lodge;' Bishop's Coli. 
Univ., Lennoxville, P.Q. 
Alloway, Clement John, veterinary 
S. late Capt. A. W. A., H. M.'s 4th 
(or King's Own Royal) Regt.; b. 
Queen's Co., Irel., Nov. 19, 1847; e. 
High Sch., Montreal; m. .June, 1877, 
Miss Mary Wilson, Montreal (q.v.); 
practised his profession for 25 yrs., but 
now retired; is general agent Royal 
Ins. Co., and a councillor Mont. Ins. 
Inst.; formerly an officer No. 1 troop 
Mon.treal Cavalry; a Pmot.-3ìB lIIet- 
calfe Ave., Westmount, JlontJ"eal; Mili- 



tary Inst.; Canadian Club; Engineers' 
Club; Montreal Jockey Club, Montreal. 
Alloway, Mrs, Mary Wilson, author. 
Irish parentage; b. and e. in Mont- 
real; m. June, 1877, Dr. C. J. A. 
(q.v.); author of numerous contribu- 
tions to literature, the best known of 
which Is a volume, .. Famous Firesides 
of French Canada" (1899), which has 
received high praise from the press; 
In addition to her literary talents, has 
displayed skill in ceramic decoration 
and water colour painting; a Bapt.- 
:178 Metcalfe Ave., Westmount, Mont- 
Allward, Walter Seymour, sculptor. 
S. late John A. and Emma (Peth- 
uran) A., both of St. John's, Nfd.; b. 
Toronto, Nov. 18, 1875; e. Dufferin 
Sch., Toronto; served 5 yrs in the 
office of an arohitect, having begun his 
apprenticeship therein when 14 yrs. of 
age; at 19 turned his attention to 
sculpture, in the way of producing 
figure-work for architectural pur- 
poses; this he continued for only a 
few months, and received his first 
commission in a competition for the 
figure of Peace, which crowns the To- 
ronto N.- W. Rebellion Monument in 
Queen's Park; following this, his 
genius now being fully recognized, he 
was apptd. to execute busts of Lord 
Terunyson, Sir iOhas. TUjp'per (q. v. ), 
Sir Wilfrid LaurieT (q.v.), Hon. Dr. 
Rolph, Sir OUver MIorwaot, Hon. A. 

. Hardy, Sir G. 'V. Ross (q.v.), 

ir J. P. Whlitney (q.v.), Chilef 
Justice Sir Geo. Burton, and E. B. 
Osler, K.C., all mostly -for the art gal- 
lery of the provl. Museum, Toronto; 
In a keen competition with European 
and U. S. artists, he was awarded the 
execution of a full length heroic statue 
of Genl. Simcoe, first Governor of 
U. C., which now stands in Queen's 
Park, Toronto; the Nicholas Flood 
Davin Monument, in Ottawa, was also 
designed and executed by him; his 
next work was an heroic statue of Sir 
Oliver Mowat, which is also placed in 
Queen's Park, Toronto; the South 
African Monument followed, competi- 
tion for which was open to the world; 
this monument Is one of the finest in 
Brit. Am., the main shaft being 70 ft. 
in height; at the base is a group of 
figures, the central one representing 
Can., on each side of which is a figure 
symbolic of active service in the field 
of war, the column being surmounted 
by a winged figure representing Vic- 
tory; an heroic half-length figure 
crowning the monument erected in 
honour of the veterans of 1812, stand- 
ing In Portland St. Square, Toronto, Is 
also trom his chisel; in 1908 he com- 
pleted for the Provl. Govt. a life-sized 
monument of Hon. J. Sandfield Mac- 
donald, first Prime Minister of Ont., 
which was erected in the Queen's Park, 
Toronto; and more recently his design 
for a memortal to Baldwin and Lafon- 
taine, to be erected on Parliament Hill, 
Ottawa, was accepted by the Advisory 
Art Council of Can.; later, In 1909, his 
model ,for the .AJlleximder GraJham Bel,l 
Memorial, '.Brant ford, Ont., was a.1'S0 

accepted.-76 Walker Ave., Toronto; 
Arts and Letters Club, do. 
.. The cleverest native scul'Pto'r that Can- 
ada possesses."-T. Globe. 
"A man who, unless I am grea.tIy mis- 
taken, will put his name among the fo.l'&- 
most sculptors of the age....-Sir W. 
Laurier (q.v.). 
Almon, Bev, :Poster Hutchinson 
S. late Hon. Wm. A., M.D., M.L.C., 
Halifax, N.S.; b. there, Aug. 31, 1827; 
e. Halifax Grammar Sch. and King's 
CoIl., Windsor (B.A., 1848) ; o. deacon 
1850, priest 1851; actg. garrison chap- 
lain, 1850-51; curate, Jamaica, W.I., 
1851-60; rector, Santa Cruz, Danish 
W. I., 1860-64; sUbsequently succes- 
sively curate St. George's, Halifax; do. 
St. Paul's, Kensington, London;. rector, 
Trinity Ch., St. Stephen, N.B.; do. St. 
Luke's, St. John, N.B.; do. St. Mary's 
Ch., Richibucto, N.B.; do. Mechanics- 
burg, Penn.; do. Trinity Ch., Halifax; 
resigned active clerical work, Dec., 
1902; hon. canon St. Luke's Cath., 
1905; m. ApI., 1854, Miss Charlotte 
Mary Whltehorne, Jamaica; founder 
of Assn. for Improving the Condition 
of the Poor, Halifax.-Halifax. N.S. 
(D. Halifax, Feb. 9, 1911.) 
Almon, John Colquhoun Cogswell, 
S. late Mather Byles and Rebecca 
(Rand) A., Halifax, N.S.; b. there, 
1868; e. Brussels, Belgium and Hali- 
fax; m. lMJiss Ritchie; long in ser- 
viee Bank of iMontreal; .prominently 
identified witih yachting f{)T manlY ; 
haJ,9 owned many fine yachts; at 
,present is OIWner of bhe Geisha; a 
memo an'd has been officlal'I'Y oon- 
n-e.cted with ,the Roya:l N. S. Yacht 
Squadron, the St. Lawrence Yacht 
Club, and the Kingston Yacht Club; 
Secy.-Treas. St. Lawrence Yacht Club, 
1896-97; Roor OommoolO1'e KJingsbon 
Yacht Club, 1903; Vice Commodore, 
1904; iCO'II1Iln()dore, 1905.-5
9 Gros- 
venor Ave., Montreal, P.Q. 
Almond, Bev, John Macpherson 
S. Jas. and Mary Ann (Macpherson) 
A., Shigawake, P.Q.; b. there, July 27, 
1872; e. Lennoxville Unlv. (B.A., 1894; 
M.A., 1901); m., Oot., 1901, (Marl I' 
Estelle, d. H. G. Beemer, Quebec; o. 
deacon, 1896; !priest, 1897; station&] 
first as a missy. in Labrador, be- 
c<oming afoterwards a .travelling missy. 
for Diocese; :in Oct., '1899, 
was commissioned c to th.P 
Royal ,Can. 'Regt., and aocoou'Panied 
it to ,so A.; 'W,bile In S. A, wa
chaplain to 19th BrigaAie, coonpooeò 
of the Gordons, Cornwalls, Shrop- 
shires and Canadians; his conduct dur- 
ing the campaign received high praise, 
more particularly in connection with 
his attendance on the enteric fever 
patients at Bloemfontein, and in all 
conditions of danger, both from the 
enemy and from disease and discom- 
fort (medal); returned to Can., Dec., 
1900; asst. curate Holy TTin. Cath., 
Quebec, 1901; rector Grand .Mere, do.; 
do. Trinity ICh., iM'Ontreal, 1904; de- 



livered aration at decoration of sol'- 
diers' graves, iMonrtrea.'1, Victoria Day, 
1905; elected presdt. S. African 
Veterans' Assn., Montreaq, 1908; do. 
do., Last Post Assn., 1910; alPptd. 
chajplain (wltJh hon. rank 01' caJPt.), 
6th .Duke C1f Conaugfut's Royal Ow. 
Hussars, IMdh., 1911. - Trinity Ch. 
Rectory, 146 Durocher St., Montreal. 
.. A splendid preacher."-A..rchdeacon 
Ker (q.v.). 
.. A man of zl'al, practical piety and un. 
f!e1fiøhnI'Ss, with a knack for I'xecutive 
work."-T. Globe. 
Alward, Silas, lawyer; legislator. 
S. John and Mary Ann A. (U. E. L. 
descent) : b. Brunswick, N.H., ApI. 14, 
1842; e. Acadia ColI. (B.A., 1860; M.A., 
1863; D.C.L., 1882) and Brown Univ., 
R. I. (IM.A., 1871); 1Jl1.., 1st, 11869, 
Emilie (d. 1879), d. P. Wkkwire, Can- 
ning, N.IS.; 2nd.1oy, 'May, 1888, ,Sarah 
Edith (Presdt. Ladies' GoJlf Club 
and W-omen's tArt Assn., St. John), 
d. W. W. Turnbucr1, St. John, N.B.; 
barrdstler, 1865: K.C. (oEÆ:rJJ Derby), 
1891 ; .su
essfully practlsøs Ms iprof. In 
St. John; one of ItJhoe leaders of the bar 
In N. B.; returned to Legislature, 
Lib. Interest, Mch., 1887; defeated 
g. e. 1899; a gov. AcadIa OoH.; 
Dean Law Faculty, King's CoIl., 
Windsor, N.S. (D.C.L., hon., 1895); 
until recently Presdt. St. John Law 
Soc.; author .. The Unity of the Em- 
pire," the alumni oration at King's 
College, 1907, U Our Western Heritage: 
Its Duties and ResponslblIlties," .. Then 
and Now," and of other brochures; 
has lectured on John Bright and other 
interesting topics; an 'Ang.; a Con., 
and an ard'C'nt Illl]jperIR'list.-" Sunny- 
side," 84 Burpee Ave., St. John, N.H.; 
Canadian Club, do. 
.. A man of excel1ent taste and ability." 
-M. Gazette. 
"A cultured ðnd able 1awYeT wh{} would 
adQTn t.he bendh."-Late Judge Ritchie. 
.. A fluent speaker and a lecturer of 
marked ability."-St. John Telegraph. 
Alway, Frederick ð'ames, educationist. 
S. Fredk. and Rachel (Mason) A.; 
b. Rockford, Ont., May 28, 1874; e. 
Simcoe High Sch., Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1894), and Held
lberg Unlv., 
Germany (Ph.D., 1897); Prof. CHem- 
Istry, Neb. West. Unlv., 1898-06; since 
1906, has !been Prof. of AgrlCJUL 
Nebraska Univ.; auth-ar various con- 
tributions on organic and agrlcu1. 
cfnemlstry to Am. and German pub- 
IicaNons; Bapt.-517 E. 15th St., Univ- 
sity Place, Lincoln, Neb. 
Amaron, Bev, Calvin Elijah (Presb.). 
S. late Dant A., first missy. of late 
Frenclh Ch. lMissy. Soc., and An'llette 
(Cruchet) A., both natives ot Canton 
de Vaud, Switz.; b. de Ramsay, P.Q., 
Sept. of, 1852; e. Berthler Grammar 
Sch., Pointe-aux-Trembles schs., and 
McGill Unlv. (B.A., with honours In 
Mental and Moral Phil., 1877; M.A., 
1880); studied theoJ. Montreal Presb. 
CoIl. (B.D., 1884); o. 1879; pastor 
Three Rivers, P.Q.; do. French Proto 
Ch., Lowell, Mass., 1882, becoming 
later Presdt. French Proto ColI., 
Springfield, 14
s!!. (P.D.. 1896), Which 

had been founded by him, and whose 
work and Influence are described In 
his book, U Your Heritage, or New 
Eng. Threatened It (1891); resigned 
and vIsited Europe, 1893; on his re- 
turn founded the Dom. Publishing Co., 
of whIch he became mangr., purchased 
L' A urore newspaper and established It 
as the organ of French Protestantism 
In Am.; has shown equal activity In 
other press undertakings, having 
founded Le Semeur Franco-Americain 
at Ware, Lowell and Sprlngtleld, 
Mass., of which he was Eng. ed. and 
financial mangr.; át another perIod 
was mangr. and Eng. ed. of the 
Cito1,'en Franco - A mericain ; became 
pastor St. John's French Presb. Ch., 
Montreal, 1896; resigned May, 1906, to 
reassume ed. duties on L' A urore ; 
pastor Gardenvllle Ave. Presb. Ch., 
Longueuil, 'P.Q., 1908-9; pastor Joliette, 
P.Q., 1909-11; since then \has been 
pastOT French Proto Ch., Quet>ec; M()I(!- 
erator (Montreal and Ottawa Presb.), 
1904; has lectured on "The French-Can. 
Problem," .. The Huguenots in France 
and Can.,.. and other topics; author, 
"The Evangelization of the French- 
Canadians of New England" (1885); 
m., Ist, Oct., ,1881, Agnes (d'.) , e. d. 
II:lte Hem. .Justlce .McDoug.a:M, Three 
Rivers, P.Q.; 2ndly, Nov., 1895, IMlss 
Miargt. LL. Lynch, M'Onltreal; .. though 
a noo-'ParUsan in IP oli tics, is In hearty 
sympatihy wit'll the pl'inCÌoples and 
policy oi the Lib. Jparty; he sees no 
hOjpe for a great united' Dom. unti'l the 
princitples of the Brit. OonstituUon are 
loya1liy accepted' by French Can., and 
tlhe. t willI Ibe only when the Bi.'ble shall 
be in tihe hands of ,the people"; a 
prohlbitiooist, 'a free-trader, and 'Out 
of sY'l1l'Pathy with trusts; believes also 
In a system Off national sc'hs.-Quebec. 
Ambrose, Paul, musician; composer; 
conductor and instructor. 
S. Robt. S. and Elizabeth A.; b. 
Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 11, 1868; e. pub- 
lic schs. and coil. Inst.; m. 1905, Miss 
Naomi Lambe, Orange, N.J.; organist 
Madison Ave. M. E. Ch., N. Y., 1886- 
90, and subsequently organist and 
choir master St. James Ch. and Prof. 
Music Westminster Sch., same city; 
now Dir. Dept. of Music N. J. State 
schs. and Lecturer of Music Am. Inst. 
of Applied Music, N. Y.; is Dlr. Manu- 
script Soc., St. James Choral Club, and 
V.-P. Synthetic Guild, N. Y.; also Dlr. 
Monday Musical Club, Trenton, N.J.; 
has composed and written many weIl- 
known musical compositions and 
songs, sacred and secular; Ang.- 
Trenton, N.J.; !1! W. 59th St., New 
York; National Arts Club; Manu- 
script Club, do. 
Ames, Alfred Ernest, banker and 
S. late Rev. Wm. A. (Meth.), Wood- 
stock, Ont.; b. Lambeth, Ont., Sept., 
1866; e. CoIl. Inst., Brantford; m., 
May, 1889, Mary, d. Hon. G. A. Cox, 
(q.v.), SenatoT; enbd. servllce !Mer- 
chants Bank, Can., Sept., 1881, and 
was sUbsequently In service of Im- 
perial and Onto Banks; was succes- 
sively mangr. Onto Bank at Mount 
Forest and Lindsay; re
ed, to open 



banking and brokerage business, To- 
ronto, Dec., 1889; purchased seat To- 
ronto Stock Exchange, 1895; organ- 
Ized Metropolitan Bank, of which he 
became Presdt., Sept., 1902; resigned 
.June, 1903; first Chairman Temiskam- 
Ing and Northern Onto Ry. Comn. 
(apptd. .Tuly, 1902); resigned Jan., 
1904; unsuccessful candidate for 
reeveship York Tp., .Tan., 1902; de- 
clined candidature Toronto mayoralty, 
Dec., 1902; has been Presdt. Toronto 
Stock Exchange, TGronto Bd. of Trade, 
and Can. Lake and Ocean Nav. Co.; 
also Lay Treas. Meth. Mission Fund, 
Mangr. Provident Invest. and Mortg. 
Guarantee Co., V.-P. and Mangr. '1.'0- 
I'onto Savings and Loan Co., and V.-P. 
Imp. Life Assur. Co.; V.- P. F. N. 
Burt Co.; V.-P. Sterling Coal Co. and 
City Dairy Co.; business incorporated 
as A. E. A., Ltd., ApI., 1904; a dir. 
'Vorking Boys' Home, Toronto, Robt. 
Simpson Co., !RJu
sel'l Motor Car Co., 
Tn/tern. l:\1:illlinrg 00., and of Twin' Oity 
Ra,pid.Transit Co. ; founded Wm. 
Scholarship In Mod. Lang., Vic
toria Univ., and in 1899 subscribed 
$10,000 towards the endowment fund 
of same institution; a Mf'th. and a 
Regent Victoria Univ.; "favours Can. 
Independence rather than this country 
should continue part of the Brit. Em- 
pire and refuse to take its share of the 
burd'Cn."-u Glen Stewart," 387 Kings- 
ton Rd., Toronto; Toronto Club; York 
Club, do. 
Ames, Herbert Brown, merchant; 
S. late Evan Fisher and Caroline 
Matilda (Brown) A., both natives 
U. S.; b. Montreal, .Tune 27, 1863: e. 
erst Coil., Mass. (B.A., 1885): 
studied French lang. and literature in 
: thereafter, up to Dec., 1893, 
was with the wholesale firm of Ames- 
Holden, Ltd., Montreal; ald. Montreal 
1898-1906, devoting much of his atten
tlon to the purification of munici- 
pal govt. in his native city: Chair- 
man Municipal Bd. of Health, 1900-04; 
previously was Secy. Good Govt. Assn. 
 Presd.t. Volunteer Elect. League, 
which bodies effected many refol'm
civic admn.: also known through his 
lectures on Can. political history and on 
municipal govt. ; contributes frequently 
to press: author, "The Machine in 
Honest Hands" (1894), "The City 
below the Hill, a Sociological Study" 
(1897), .. The City Problem: What Is 
Jot?" (1901), "The Hiou!"ißlg of true 
Worldng Classes" (1907); apptd. 
memo Proto Sec. Council Public Instr., 
P.Q., 1895; Presdt. Y.M.C.A., Montrf'al, 
1896: Is a dir. Ames-Holden, Ltd., 
Dom. Guar. Co., Gt. West Life Ins. 
Co., Royal Yictoria Life Ins. Co., 
and a number of other commerc-ial 
bodies; a gov. Montreal Dispf'nsary, 
Soc. for Proto 'Vomen arid Chilc1rf'n, 
etc.: addressed London (Eng.) Cham- 
ber of Commerce on trade interchange. 
1904: presented with silver bowl, by 
same body, in ackgt. of his personal 
services in connection with its visit to 
Can., 1904; a del. Imp. Commercial 
Congress, Sydney, N.S.W., 1909: moved 
tn that body for the appt. of an ad- 

visory Imp. Council to consider ques- 
tions of Imp. interest, especially those 
tending to promote trade between the 
various parts of the Empire; has sat 
for St. Antoine div. (Montreal) in 
H. C. in Con. interest since g. e. 1904; 
succeeded in having a comte. apptd, 
Mch., 1909, for a revision of the assets 
;of the Dom.; an acHv,e worker in 
support OIf /hilS party: Rppbd. one of the 
repr.esentatives of H. C. at King 
George's C'OI'Ona ti on, London, 1911; a 
Presb.; m., May, 1900, Louise ':\1:arion, 
d. .Fohn Kennedy, C.E. (q.V.).-26 On- 
tario Ave., 1Ilontreal,. Clu b Lafontaine,. 
U1ltivcrsity Club,. .11011 treal Club,. Royal 
St. Lawrence Yacht Club,. St. James's 
Club, do. 
.. A prodigious and rnther inhumau 
workE'r."-T. Newl/. 
"UnquestioJlably a force to be rec1wned 
with in the public life of Canada."-7'. 
"Of independent means, of clean in. 
IItinrts, with a taste for public life, and is 
" man to be tl'usted."-M. Gazette. 
.. Amè. Sémire JJ (see Turenne, Ray- 
mond Auzias-). 
Ami, Henry Marc, geologist: Dom. 
public service. 
2nd S. late Rev. Marc A., Geneva, 
Switz., and Anne (Giramaire) A., Glay, 
Montbéliard, Doubs, France: b. Belle 
Riviêre, P.Q., Nov. 23, 1858: e. prh-ate 
tutor, Ottawa Coli. Inst., and McGill 
Univ. (B.A., with honours, 1882; M.A., 
1885: D.Sc., 1907); m., Oct., 1892, 
Clarissa .T., e. d. late G. B. Burland, 
Montreal; pursued early geoi. studies 
under late Sir .T. W. Dawson: apptd. 
staff Can. Geol. Survey, .Tune, 1882: 
promoted asst. palæontoI., 1891: re- 
signed, 1909; has carried on indo scien- 
tific research in Eng., France and 
Switz.: D.Sc., hon. (Queen's), 1892; 
apptd. a memo Royal Tuhercu1. Commn., 
1909: Bigsley Med., Geo1. Soc., London, 
1903; F.R.S. C.: also a memo Geo1. 
Socs. London, Switz., and Am. : author 
of many scientific papers; Prpsdt. 
Ottawa Valley Graduates Soc., McGill 
Univ., 1902-3, and has held a commn. In 
the G.-G. Foot Gds.-.I!iS Laurier Ave. 
E., Ottawa,. Ottawa Gol/ Club,. Ot- 
tawa Hunt Club,. Royal Societies Club, 
London, Eng.,. Colonial Club, do. 
Amyot, Hon, Lt.-Col. Georges Elie, 
merchant and manufacturer. 
Belongs to a branch of the Amyot 
Larplniêre family, traced by Abbê 
Demers to Chartres, France, 1627; s. 
Dominique and Louise (Nolin) A., St. 
Augustine, Co. Portneuf, P.Q.; b. there, 
.Tan. 28, 1856; at 14 went to Quebec, 
and in 1886 established there the Dom. 
Corsf't Factory, with branches at Mont- 
real and Toronto: in 1896 established 
a brewery, same city, both of which he 
still carries on, the latter being Incor- 
poratf'd under the name, .. Geo. E. A. 
Brewing Co., Ltd.": is a dir. Home 
Life As
n., National Breweries, Ltd., 
The Pacific Pass Coal Fields, Ltd., 
Eastern Can. Manfrs. Mutual Fire Ins. 
Co., and l'ocal ,Presdt. 'Can. Manfrs. 
Assn.: has bf'en Presdt. Quebec Bd. of 
Trade; a del. to 5th Congress of Cham- 
bers of Ço
merce of 
he Empire, 1903; 


apptd. hon. Lt.-Col. 61st Regt., 1900; 
has laboured strenuously to advance 
the Interests of the port of Quebec; 
politically a Lib.; unsuccessfully con- 
tested Co. Quebec (H. C.) as a Lib., 
Oct., 1906; a R. C., and also church 
warden St. John's Ch., Quebec; m. 
Nov., 1881, Marie .Josephine Angele, d. 
Louis and Angele Paquet, Quehec.- 
U Villa de Larpinière," Ste. Foye Road, 
Quebec; Garrison Club, do. ; National 
Club, 'l'oronto. 
II A man of honourable business repute." 
-1,[. Gazette. 
.. A man of unswerving fidelity to prin 
dple."-Man. Frt'e Press. 
Amyot, John Andrew, physician; edu- 
B. Mille lies, P.Q.; e. L' Assomptlon 
Coli., Sandwich, Onto ; studied med. To- 
ronto Univ. (M.B., 1891); memo Coli. 
P. and S., Ont., do.; formerly on staff 
Toronto Genl. Hospital; apptd. Asst. 
Prof. in Pathol. and Bacterlol., or Prof. 
of Clinical Path., at his option, Univ. 
Toronto, 1900; promoted Prof. of Hy- 
giene, do., 1910; is bacteriologist Provl. 
Bd. of Health, Ont.; elected a memo 
E"tve. CQl11.æ. Am. Public Health Assn., 
1902: Councillor Acad. of Mc(1., 1907; 
Presdt. Toronto Pathol. Soc., do.; has 
lectured on II Nature's Methods of 
Meeting Infection," and other cognate 
subjects: a R. C.-Thornhill, Ont.; 
Canadian Club, Toronto. 
.. A high-minded gentleman, whose scien- 
tific experience and eminent standing pro' 
fl'ssional1y count for much."-S. N. 
Anderson, Alexander, educationist. 
S. Alex. and Margt. (Imray) A.; b. 
Aberdeen, Scot., Sept. 30, 1836; e. 
Aberdeen and Edin. Unlv. (medals in 
Math., Nat. Phil., and Chemistry); 
originally a master in pub. sch. con- 
nected with Moray Train. ColI. ; apptd. 
a prof. Prince of Wales ColI., Char- 
lottetown, 1862; Principal, do., 1868; 
Chief Supdt. of Education, P. E. I., 
1901; LL.D. (hon.) (McGill), 1888; do. 
(N. B.), 1900; m. 1862, Catherine 
Stewart, d. late Wm. Robertson, Alloa, 
Scot.; has delivered many I
tures on 
literary subjects, and Is regarded as a 
Shakespearean scholar of standing; a 
Presb.-Education Office, Charlotte- 
town, P.E.I. 
.. I have never ,'et met snch a great 
t"schE'1' as Prof. . Anderson."-President 
J. G. Schurman (q.v.). 
Anderson, Arthur Ernest, architect. 
S. late Jas. A., St. John, N.H.; b, 
there, Dec. 31, 1866; studied architec- 
ture in native city; later went to Bos- 
ton, Mass., joining Boston Architectural 
Club and studying with Winslow & 
Wetherell; promoted to City Archi- 
tect's office, he reconstructed Faneui! 
Hall, then on the verge of collapse, 
carrying on the work without interfer- 
ence to business of market; became 
Supdt. of Construction, Bureau of 
Architecture, Manila, P.I., 1902; while 
there was commissioned to proceed to 
St. Louis, Mo., to superintend construc- 
tion of Filipino city and other works 
at World's Fall' Grounds, which he 
s1,1ccessfully carried out without tQe use 


of nails; unm.-25ì'1 Waverly St., Ville 
st. Louis, Montreal. 
Anderson, The Right Reverend Charles 
Palmerston (Ang.). 
S. Hy. and Maria Rose (Sexton) A.; 
b. Oxford Mills, Ont., Sept. 8, 1865; e. 
Trin. ColI. Sch, Port Hope, and Trln. 
Univ., Tor'(mto (D.D., 1900), D.D., 
Western 'lTheot Semy., Chicago, 1905; 
O. deacon, 1887; p,riest, 1888, by late 
Arohbp. Lewis: m., Sept., 1889, Janet, 
d. JaiS. Glass, Belleville; pri'est Beach- 
burg, 'Ünt., 1887-91; rec'tor Grace Epis. 
Oh., Oak Park, 11'1., .1891-1900; conse- 
crated Bp.-Cûadjutor of Chicago, Feb. 
24, 1900; author, II .The Christian 
Ministry" (1902), and of various ad- 
dresses.-1612 Prairie Ave., Chicago. 
Ill. " University Club, do. 
.. Has displayed wonderful energy."- 
T. Glob'-. 
Anderson, Edward, lawyer. 
B. Co. Dorchester, P.Q., Sept. 13, 
1867; e. local sch.; m., April, 1901, 
Mary A., d. His Honour Judge Ryan, 
Portage la Prairie (q. v.); barrister, 
1889; K.C., 1909; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. in Winnipeg; sometime 
Crown Prosecutor, P. la Prairie; Con.; 
A ng.--H:? Assiniboine Ave., Winnipeg: 
Manitoba Club. do. 
Anderson, Rev, Edward Albert (Ang.). 
B. Dundalk, Louth, Ire!.; e. Trinity 
Coil., Dublin (B.A. and sen. moderator 
in history and pol. science, 1886), and 
at Trin. Univ. Toronto (B.A., ad eund., 
1895; M.A., 1895) ; mpm. staff Smith's 
Falls High Sch.; studied theol. Trinity 
Univ., Toronto, and o. 1897; incumbent 
Mattawa, do.; curat
 Smith's Falls, 
1899; Incumbent Vankleek Hill and 
R. D., 1900; agent Augmentation Fund 
(Diocese Ottawa), 1905; since 1909 
rector St. Matthias' Ch., Ottawa; del. 
Pan-Ang. Congress, London, Eng., 1908; 
presented to late King and his Royal 
Consort, also to present King and 
Queen, do.; m., 1890, d. Rev. Canon 
French. Emsdale, Ont.-l1 Fairmont 
A ve., Ottawa. 
Anderson, Rev. Frederick ;John 
(Pres b.) . 
S. Joseph A., Point St. Charles, Mont- 
real; b. there; e. Montreal Presb. 
ColI. ; O. 1901 ; served as Supdt. Chinese 
Sunday Sch.; Presdt. Young People's 
Soc. of Christian Endeavour; missy. 
to India, 1901.-Indore. India. 
Anderson, Rev, Frederick William 
B. near Guelph, Ont., 1871; e. there 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A., with honours 
in Oriental Lang., 1899; 'M.A., 1902) ; 
graduated In Theol., Knox Coli., To- 
l'ontO'. 1903; O. 1904; flOr 3 yrs,. Trnvel- 
ling 'Seocy. for Student Volunteer Move- 
ment for Foreign MissiÜ'I1s, the CoIl. 
Dept. of Y.M.C.A., and the Can. Coli. 
Mission; pastor Knox Ch., Winnipeg, 
1904; do. St. Andrew's, Brantford, Ont.. 
1905; do. St. Andrew's. Sydney, N.S., 
do.; resigned, 1908; since 1909, Genl. 
Secy. Presb. Laymen's Missy. Move- 
ment, Toronto; m., Aug.. 1903, Alberta, 
d. late Rev. J. 1... Murray, D, D., Kin- 
cardine, Ont.-235 DflvenlJOrt Rd., To- 
II Said to bave struck a cle{l.r 
one of 



patriotism a.t the great Pittsburgh Conven- 
tion."-M. and E. 
Anderson, George, merchant. 
Is genl. mangr. Crown Tailoring Co., 
Toronto, and has been Presdt. Com- 
mercial Trav. Mutual Benefit Assn.; 
apptd. Trade Commr. to Japan, 1907; 
special trade commr. regarding trade 
conditions In Yukon Territory, 1902: a 
Lib., and unsuccessful1y contested To- 
ronto East (H. C.) in that Interest, 
g. e. 1900.
0 Roxborough St. W., To- 
Anderson, Harry Bertram, physician. 
S. late Duncan A.. formerly Crown 
Lands Agent. Co. Peterboro, Ont.. and 
Elizabeth (Ritchie) A.; paternal and 
maternal grandparents from Scot.; 
maternal grandm., Margt. Hume. a 
niece of the Earl of Hume; b. Tp. 
Dummer, Co. Peterboro, Ont., Sept. 20. 
1868; e. Norwood. Collingwood ColI. 
Inst., and ottawa Normal Sch.; taught 
sch. for a year: M.D.,C.M. (and gold 
medal), Trin. Unlv.. Toronto, 1892: 
further studies at Univ. CoIl., London, 
Eng., Claybury Path. Labor.. London 
(with Prof. MotO. Unlv. of Munich 
(with Prof. von Miitter), and .Tohn!'1 
Hopkins HosDltaI. Baltimore; M.RC.S.' 
(Eng.);' L.RC.P. (Lond.); examr. 
In Anat., ColI. P. and S., Ont., 
] 898-02; Presdt. Toronto Path. Roc.. 
189R-99; Prof. Path., Trln. Unlv., 1894, 
until amalgamation of the med. facul- 
tiof'S of Toronto :md Trin. Univs., 1902, 
when apptd. Prof. Clinical Pn tho (sinc!" 
resigned): elected V.-P. Onto Med. 
AsSn., 1909; Presdt. Toronto Clinical 
Soc., 1905-6; for some yrs. ed. Cana(la 
Lancet. resigning 1900; Is physician St. 
Michael's Hosp. and Hosp. for Skk 
Children, Toronto, and Path. Toronto 
Genl. Hasp., Grace Hosp., and Muskoka 
Cottage Sanitarium: a Freemason of 
high degree: a Con.; a Presb.; m. 
Aug., 1901, Florence, e. d. John North- 
way, Toronto.-18.$ Bloor St. E..Toronto; 
Toronto Club; Rosedale Golf Club .: 
York Club, do. 
Anderson, Mis. Helen Violet, painter. 
2nd d. Wllliam J. (q.v.) and Emily 
Maria (Boyle) A.; b. Brockvllle, Ont.; 
e. by private tuition; studied drawing 
and painting under Wm. Brymner, 
RC.A (q.v.), at the Slade Sch. of 
Drawing, London, Eng., and In studios 
In Ringwood and Paris, France; has 
given several exhibitions of her paint- 
Ings In oils and water colours In 
Ottawa and elsewhere; exhibited at 
P3rls 8al'On, 19'10.--Gare Art Associa- 
tion, Mont1'eal. 
Anderson. "J:'he Bight Beverend John 
George (Ang.), 
S. Wm. A., chief trader H. B. Co., 
and Nancy A.: b. StoneywooI. Harray, 
Orkney, Scot., Mch. 23. 1866: C. St. 
Andrew's. Man., and SIt. John's CoN., 
WlnnfiJpeg OB.A.. and gold med., 1886; 
B.D., 1888; D.D., .hon., 1909); m., 
Nov., 1889, Annie Viol>etta, d. JOhll 
Kirkland: o. deacon, 1889; priest, 1890: 
held c1harges successively at Long 
Sault, Rainy River, TJac Seul, Onrt.. an
st. Peter's Reserve, Man.; 'POssesses a 
perf{'Çt 1\110wled
e of t11e :t:nd, lang., 

e1.:s t oms, and character: R.D. of Lls- 
g-ar, 1899-1909: elevated to -t'he See or 
Moosonee, Apt. 15, 1909; a del. to the 
Ang. Ch, Congress, HaUfax, 1910.- 
Chapleau, Onto 
"A ma.n of tilOOless el!1elJ'gy' B'nd sortI11d 
jud'gment."-Ont. Ohurchman. 
Anderson, Hon, John Kelson, lawyer 
and legislator. 
Bro. Rev. P. W. A. (q.v.); b. Keene, 
Ont., Sept., 1864: e. Oakwood Public 
and High Sch. and Lindsay Model Sch. ; 
public sch. teacher 4 yrs.: barrister 
(Ont.), 1892; m. Elizabeth, d. Jas. Mil- 
lar, Thorold, Ont.: removed to Cal.: 
elected Senator, 39th Senatorial Dist., 
Orange and Riverside Cas., Cal.; Rep. , 
Presb.-Sanfa Anna, Cal., U.S. 
Anderson, Miss Margaret Pauline, 
D. Renwick M. and Jane M. A. : Scot- 
tish descent on father's side; b. St. 
John, N.B., 1870; e. public sehs.; a 
confirmed Invalid. confined to her bed 
for 20 yrs.; author of "Sick Room 
Thoughts and Gleanings" (1892), 
"Leona; or, Lona Kendall's Repent- 
ance," a novel (1907); another work 
of fiction is In iprepoam.tion; a Cong.- 
109 Queen St. E., St. John, N.R. 
Anderson. Korman, physician. 
S. late W. N. A., Gent. Man gr. 
(" B::I nk of Commerce; b. Toronto; 
M.D.,C.M., Trinity Unlv.. Toronto, 
1892; Fellow Trln. Med. roll., 1892; 
M. C. P. and So, Ont.. 1893 : Is organist 
New St. Andrew's Ch. (Presb.), To- 
ronto : famed for his recitals; m., 
1 RQ6, Berta, d. late John Macdonell 
(Greenfield), b::l rrister, Cornwall, Onto 
---SS Bloor St. W., Toronto. 
Anderson, Bev. Peter Wlllfam 
So Peter and Catherine (Neilson) A., 
both natives Scot.: b. Oakwood, Ont.. 

ept. 15, 1869; e. local schs.. Lindsay 
Model Sch. and Toronto Unlv.; for 
some yrs. a puhllc sch. tpacher: studierl 
theot. Knox. CoIl.; o. and Inducted 
pm;tor Mt. Pleasant and Burford, Ont., 
1896; pastor Knox Ch., 
helburne. do., 
1899; do. Mackay Ch., Ottawa. Nnv.. 
1904; elected Moderator (Ottawa 
"Pr.f>shy.), 1909; oòoO. PN'sõ1t. Prffib. iMin- 
'sterial Assn., do: m., June, 1899. 
Clara E., d. B. Rothwell, Llstowel, 
Ont.: -an Oddfpl1ow and Freemason.- 
!!it 11-1 ackaJl St.. Ottawa; Canadian 
Club, do. 
Anderson, Major William Beaumont, 
E. s. Lt.-Cot. W. P. A. (q.v.); h. 
Ottawa, SeDt. 9. 1877: e. there, at R 
M'. ColI.. Kingston (gra
l1ated 1897), 
and ::It McOm Unlv. (B.Sc.. 1898); 
ca'Dt. R. C. Enl;rs.. lMch., 1905: major, 
1910; Asst. Dir. Surve
. Gent. Staff, 
Mi'l. an
 Defence, May. 1906: Iperform- 
ed tedb-nlcal' part of map of Can.: 
issued ,by Dept. 'Of 'Mil., 1907; vacated 
appt. 'n Dept. and revertt'd to regi- 
mental ðuty, 1908: present In mil. cap- 
acity at! funeral of King EdWiard, Lon- 
don, 1910: an Ang-.: m., Feb., 1903, 
Lois Wlnnifred, y. d. Mrs. F. S. Tayll'Or, 
Tooonto.-Care Dept. Militia and Dc. 
fence, Oftaw(l. 



Anderson, WüUam Blair, education- 
E. s. WiIIl. B. A., Aberdeen, Scot., and 
Isabella Irvine (Barr) A.; b. Aberdeen, 
.July 28, 1877; e. Gordon's CoIl., Aber- 
deen, Aberdeen Univ. (M.A., 1898), and 
Trinity CoIl., Cambridge (B.A., 1903; 
M.A., 1907); unm.; Asst. Prof. 
Humanities, Aberdeen Unlv., 1902-03; 
Classical Lecturer Manchester Univ., 
Eng., .190.3-6 
 Prof. LaJtin Quæn's Un'Ív., 
Kingston, Ont., since 1906; authior, 
.. Roman Place-names of Derbyshire" 
(1906), contributions to Classical Rev.. 
Queen's Quarterly, etc.; a Presb.- 
Romilly House, Kingston, Onto 
Anderson, William Henry Penny, 
S. late Peter anJd M. .J. A., Guelph, 
Ont.; b. there, .June 27, 1874; e. there; 
a public accountant; ran a successful 
professional career in Toronto, and was 
latterly employed by the Eastern Audit 
Co., Boston, Mass.; admitted a Fellow 
Inst. Chartered Accountants, Ont., 
.June, 1900; entered Can. militia ser- 
vice as lIeut. 30th Regt .. Wellington 
Rifles," 1896; retired, with rank of 
capt., ApI., 1903; left Can. for India to 
take charge of the second In size and 
Importance of the asylums of the Mis- 
sion to Lepers in that country, intend- 
ing to make It his life's work, Sept., 
1905; returned on furlough, and lec- 
tured on his experIences, May, 1910; 
a Presb., and took an active part 
in t'he religious life of his 00. in Can, 
-Chand Rztri, Bilashar Dist., C. P., 
.. His is t.he highest ideal of unselfish 
l!ervice in the cause of humanity that 
modern history has to offer."-Lolldon 
Anderson, William ;Joseph, retired 
bank manager. 
S. late Rev. Canon Wm. A. (Ang.), 
rector of Sorel, P.Q., and Annie Cham- 
pion (Henshaw) A.; b. Sorel, .Jan. 12, 
1843; e. CoIl. Inst. there; declined com- 
mission in regular army; entered ser- 
vice Bank of Montreal, and after doing 
duty at Kingston, Cornwall, Quebec, 
N. Y., St. .John, Montreal and Toronto, 
became mangr., Brockville, 1879, Lon- 
don, Ont., 1883; do. Ottawa, 1893; re- 
tired, 1909; an Ang.; m., Feb., 1872, 
Emily Marla (Councillor Aberdeen 
Assn. ), e. d. late Rev. Felfx Boyle, 
M.A., rector of Frampton, P.Q., and 
niece late W. H. Kerr, K.C., Montreal. 
-Care Bank of .Montreal. Ottawa; 
Rideau Club; Ottawa Goll Club; Cana- 
dian Club, Ottawa. 
Anderson, Lt.-Col, William Patrick, 
Dom. public service. 
S. Thos. and Adelaide Alicia 
(Smyth) A.; b. Lévis, P.Q., Sept. 4, 
1851; e. Bishop's Coil., Lennoxvllle, 
and Manitoba ColI.; bec-oming a C. 
E., he was one of the charter mems. 
Can. Soc. C. E. (Presdt., 1904); 
entered C. S., Oct., 1874; apptd. Chief 
Engr. and Genl. Supdt. of Lighthouses, Marine and Fisheries, .July 1, 
1891; is also a memo Extve. Comte. 
Geogrrup}1i'C Bd., Can., and a memo Can, 
Lighthouse Bd.; a Couocililor Inst. C. 
E., Ell'g.; F.R.G.S., 1906; long and in- 
timately conne.cted with t!he v. m. 

force; served during the Fenian raids 
(med.) an-d 'beoarrne It.-col. comdg. 
43rd Regt., Nov., 1888; transfd. from 
retired to active force in recognition of 
services in promoting and encouraging 
rifle shooting, ApI., 1895; served on 
Succf'ssive Bisley rifle teams and com- 
manded team, 1904; apptd. a memo 
Small Arms Comte., 1908; holds a 
genl. service med. ; also co!. offrs. .auxil. 
ser. dec-omtion; founded Can. Militia 
Gazette, 1885, and edited it 2 yrs.; a 
memo Ottawa Seh. Bd. for many yrs. ; 
Cnairman of -Ed., .Jan., 1906; also weB 
known as a stamp collector; an Ang.; 
m. Oct., 1875, Dorothea S., e. d. H. B. 
Small, Ottawa.--6,f Cooper St., Ottawa; 
Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf Club, do. 
Anderson, William Wanless, lawyer. 
S. Sam!. Swinton and Elizabeth 
(Wanless) A.; a nephew Andrew 
Wanless, Scottish poet, Detroit, :M'ich. ; 
b. Wyoming, Ont., Feb. 26. 1866; 
e. public schs., Washington, D.C., and 
Chicago; lawyer, 1896; m. 1896, Miss 
Lottie Wolcott, Mississippi; private 
secy. Hon. C. B. Farwell, U. S. Sena- 
tor and elk. Comte. U. S. Senate; a 
constant worker In civic enterprises; 
author poems; believes In govt. of the 
people by the people and for the 
people; a lover of his native land and 
desires cultivation Anglo-Saxon spirit; 
elected Presdt. Houston Canadian Club, 
1907.-Houston, Texas. U.S. 
Andrew, Adam, pubUcist. 
B. Charlottetown, P.E.I., 1858; re- 
moved to Sacramento, Cal., 1876; 
man gr. ,Continental on and Tram'lp. 
Co., 1878; embarked wholesale gro- 
cery business, 1881; state trustee, 
Preston Soh. of Industl'Y, lone, Cat. 
1890; IPresodt. and Genl. Mangr. Shasta 
Water Co., 1893 (positions he still 
retains); memo 1C.a1. Railroad Comn., 
1902.-San Francisco. Cal. 
Andrews, Alfred Joseph, lawyer. 
Mayor of Winnipeg, 1897-8; has 
been Presdt. Winnipeg In'<iust. Exhn. 
Assn.; practises his prof. in Winni- 
peg; head of fir.m A., A.. Burbidge & 
Bastedo; a bencher Law Soc., Man., 
1908; KC., 1909; In Aug., 1901, offered 
a prize of $100, open to the world, to be 
awarded to the person who could give 
a satisfactory explanation of any 
radical difference between the then 
policies of the Con.-Llb. and the Llb.- 
Con. parties; Con.-" Crescentwood:' 
Winnipeg. Man. 
"An energetic Western figure."-T. 
Andrews, Lt.-Col, Charles Abner, Can. 
miUUa servioe. 
B. May 31, 1872; entered militia 
service as lieut. 75th Regt., 1886; pro- 
moted major, 1897, and apptd. It.-col. 
comdg. regt., May 2, 1902; now R.O.- 
Lunenburg, N.S. 
Andrews, Launcelot Winchester, edu- 
. S. Alfred Augustus (native Quebec) 
and Maria Louisa (.Jones) A. (native 
Richmond, Va.) ; b. London, Ont., .June 
13,1856; e. Yale Univ. (Ph.B., 1875), 
Göttingen Unlv. (A.M., Ph.D., 1882), 
and at Harvard; m. Bonn, 1883, Miss Ritter Lane, Brookl,yn, N.Y.; 



tam,ght Springfielid (rMass.) Hlig1h ScIh., 
1876-7; ,practised! as anal., 
Spring1fìeld\, 1878-82; Prof. OhemistJry, 
Iowa Sta,t,e .c0'1'1. of Ag>rícul., 1884-5; 
do. do. Univ. Iowa, 1885-1904; research 
and cOIlSultoing chemist M.a:lllinckr.Oidt 
Chemi'OO11 Works, 1St. Louis, 1904-10; 
since '
hen has been 'presQ't. A. Chem- 
iocal Works, DaV.e'filPOI't, Iowa; ,presdlt. 
St. !Louis lSec., Am. Ohern. .soc., 1908- 
10; has been pn
'SdJt. Iowa AcaQ. 
Scien'L'e's, and a memo Iowa HeO'1. Sur- 
vey COffin.; author ."arious contribu- 
tions to lSCÍ'erutific'a.ture; .an .ad!- 
herent Broad .Brot, Epis. Oh.-Daven- 
'POTt, Ia. 
Andrews, Mrs, .e1lie, educationist. 
D. Cyprian L. and Esther (Butter- 
field) Greenwood, both from Me., U.S. ; 
b. Farmington, Me., ApI. 21, 1864; e. 
Bath (Me.) High Sch. and Victoria 
Unlv" Cobourg (B.Sc., 1884), being 
first woman to obtain a coli. degree, in 
course, in Ont.; m. Oct., 1887, Rev. 
W. W. Andrews, LL.D. (q.v.); taught 
Coli. lnst., Peterboro, Ont., and Mt. 
Allison Ladies' Coli.; served 2 terms 
Alumnæ, representing Bd. of Regents, 
Mt. Allison Univ.; interested in work 
W.C.T.U. and Woman's Mission. Soc., 
Meth. Ch.; author short stories and 
sketches pUblished In Can. Mag. and 
different college and local periodicals 
-Regina, Sask. 
Andrews, Walter Sherwood, public 
S. Wm. and Letitia Harriet A.; b. 
Toronto, Ont.; e. privately; is a 
F.C.A.; In service Dom. Bank 1873-6' 
chief accountant, Pellatt &: Osler' 
Osler & Hammond, North of Scot: 
Can. Mortgage Co., 1876-92; comptrol- 
ler Can. Gen!. Elect. Co., 1892-95 
when he resigned to practise his pro
fesslon as a public chartered account- 
ant (presented with silver loving cup 
fl'Om 00. 'on 'Ioæ ving) ; .actuary to .aot 
with counsel before Royal Ins. Comn., 
Ottawa, 1906; acting controller Dom 
Coal Co., Halifax, N.S., 1907; elected 
Presdt. Toronto Club, 1908' author 
of .. Tables of Compound lnt
rest" a 
standard work in use in Can.:' an 
Ang.; m. Charlotte Agnes (dl. Sept., 
1906), d. Rev. W. T. Smithett DD 
Lindsay, Ont.-,f Beaumont Rd., T

ronto,. Toronto Club,. Toronto Hunt 
Club,. Mt. Royal Club, Montreal. 
.. An expert chartered 8ccountant."-7'. 
Andrews, Rev, Wübur William 
(Meth.), educationist. 
S. Rev. Wm. A. (Meth.) arud Arma- 
nella (Hoskin) A., the former a native 
of Leeds, and the latter a native of 
Llskeard, Eng.; b. Canton, Ont., Mch., 
1859; e. Ottawa Coli. lnst., Victoria 
Univ., Cobourg, Onto (B.A., 1887), 
and Mt. Allison Unlv. (M.A., 1891); 
LL.D. (hon.), N. B. Unlv., 1900; 
m. Oct., 1887, Nellie, B.Sc. (q.v.), d. 
C. L. Greenwood; o. 1887, and held 
charges in Man., Sask., Onto and 
N. B.; Prof. Chern. and Exp. Physics 
Mt. Allison Unlv., 1890; becoming 
later Dean Faculty App. Science, do.; 
resigned, Oct., 1910, to become Presdt. 
of Sask. Coli., Regina; distinguished 

himself by much chemical research; 
has elaborated the tablet blow-pipe 
method and made it the basis of all his 
work: part of his researches are con. 
tained in a paper read before the Brit. 
Assn. for Advanc. of Science, whiCh 
body has asked him to wrl te a 'book on 
the subject, whiIC1h he is now doing; has 
been memo Bd. Trustees United Soc. 
Christian End., and memo Bd. of Edu- 
cation of the Meth. Ch. ; author .articles 
and pamphlets and of mag. articles In 
Can. Meth. Mag., Journ. Am. Chem. 
Soc., London Chemical News, etc.; 
lectured: on II The Religion of the 
Future, what It will be at the end of 
one thousand yrs," and other subjects. 
-Regina, Sask. 
Anger, Jo.eph Humphrey, organist. 
S. Eng. country gentleman; b. 
Berkshire, Eng., June 3, 1862; e. Bris- 
tol, Eng.; articled as pupil to C. Buck- 
naIl, Mus. Bac. (Oxon.), then organ- 
ist All Saints' Ch., Bristol, and his 
first appt. was as organist and choir 
master at parish ch. Frenchay, nr. 
Bristol: while there won gold medal 
offered by Bath. Phil. Soc. for best 
cantata for soli voices, chorus and 
orchestra, the judges being Sir A. 
Sullivan, Sir A. C. Mackenzie and E. 
Faning; matriculated Oxford, 1884, 
and proceeded to degree of Mus. Bac., 
1889; subsequently, successively Asst. 
Master Surrey Co. Sch., Cranlelgh, 
organist Ludlow Ch., Shropshire, and 
Prof. of Harmony Toronto Conser. of 
Music; allSo an Examr. in Music for 
'l'rin. Univ., Toronto; among other 
positions filled by him have been: Con- 
ductor Ludlow Choral and Orchestral 
Soc. ; Presdt. Can. Soc. Musicians; 
Presdt. Clef Club, and Conductor To- 
ronto ,PlhUharmonic Soc.; author of 
large number of musical compositions 
and of text-book on .. Form in Music," 
which Dr. Vincent, London, has In- 
cluded in his series of text-books on 
music; received degree Mus. Doc. from 
Trin. Univ., Toronto, .. In appreciation 
of his great services to the cause of 
musical education and the advanc.. of 
music generally in the Dom. of Can. 
and particularly in City of Toronto," 
1902 : m., Aug., 1895, Alexandra 
Bowes, O. d. J. B. Magurn, Toronto.- 
H Chestnut Park Rei., Toronto,. Albany 
Club; Arts and Letters Club, do. 
Angers, JEon, Auguste Béa1, lawyer; 
S. loate François Rêal A., K.C., one 
of the leaders of the Quebec bar; b. 
Quebec, Oct. 4, 1838; e. Nicolet Coil., 
LL.D. (hon.) (Laval Univ.), 1888; m., 
1st, June, 1869, Julie Marguerite (d. 
Jan., 1879), 2nd d. late Hon. E. 
Chinic, Senator; 2ndly, ApI., 1890, 
Mad. Alphonse Ha-me4 d. late Alex. 
Ioine, Quebec; advocate, 1860 ; 
K.C. (P.Q., w1ith sped wI lJ)TetCed eon ce ), 
1874; do. (M. of Lome), 1880; for 
many yrs. one of the leaders of the 
Quebec bar: practised: for a consider- 
able period In the city of Quebec; 
since 1896, in Montreal; head of law 
firm A., De Lorimler & Godin; his 
prof. golden wedding celebrated by his 
prof. brethren, June, 1910; a Con.: 
sat in Quebec Assembly, 1874-9; while 



there was for 3 yrs. Govt. leader, hold- 
Ing office in the De Boucherville Admn., 
successively, as SolI'. and Atty.-Genl.; 
sat in the H. C., Feb.-Nov., 1880, when 
apptd. la puisne judge S. C., P.Q.; re- 
signed, Oct., 1887, and was Lt.-Govr. 
of the Province up to Dec. 5, 1892, 
when he joined the Thompson Admn. 
(with a seat in the iSenate) ; Temain- 
ed in t11e OaJbinet unde-r ,sir 
. Bowel'l 
until his resignation (rwing to dif- 
ferences with his colleagues on the 

an. sch. question), July 8, 1895; 
joined the 'l'upper Admn., as leader 
from Quebec, May, 1896, and on its 
defeat at the poUs, retired into private 
life; declined appt. to the Supreme Ct.. 
Ottawa, Sept., 1895; while Lt.-Gov. of 
Quebec, dismissed the Mercier Govt. 
from office, for the reason that "they 
were not in a position to wisely, dis- 
interestedly and faithfully advise the 
Crown" ; as ,a legislator, placed several 
important measures upon the statute 
book, and was instrumental in secur- 
ing the construction of the North 
Shore Ry., between Quebec and Mont- 
real; created a Knight Grand Cross of 
the Order of St. Gregory the Great, 
1890; while Lt.-Govr., had the honour 
of entertaining at a ball Prince George 
of 'Vüles (now King of Eng.) ; a dir. 
Credit Foncier F1'anco-Can. and of La 
Soc. d'Admin. Gen.; takes great 'in- 
terest in hi st. research, and has 
founded 2 silver and 3 bronze meds. 
in connection therewith; a keen sports- 
man; delights especially in yachting; 
R. C.-iH Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal. 
"A man of unimpeachable personal 
honor."-O. Free Press. 
.. A man of ability and personal honesty." 
-T. Globe. 
"A man enjoying the respect o! good 
men of all classes."-M. Gazette. 
Angers, Miss Felicite (" Laure 
Conan "), author. 
D. Elie and Marie (Perron) A.; b. 
Malbåie, P.Q.; e. Ursuline Convent, 
Quebec; commenced writing fiction 
when very young, and was, for a short 
time, ed. of a religious mag. published 
at St. Hyacinthe, Le Messager du pré- 
cieux Sang; among her novels, each 
of which have run through several 
f'ditions and are still popular, have 
been "Angeline de Montbrun," "Si les 
Canadiens l,e V'oulaient," .. FOubHé-e," 
"A 'l'CEuvr.e et à V,E}preuve," \Rnd "Un 
Amour Vraie"; contributed frequently 
to Le Journal de Françoise (Montreal) 
during its existence; wa!'? awarded Les 
Palmes Acad. by the French Govt., 
1903.-Murray Bay, P.Q. 
"Our best noveE,st."-!lad. DUlldltTlwd 
.. A devout Catholic and sincerely at. 
tached to her country; a vein of re,}igious 
and patriotic thought runs through all her 
wrÍitings."-Dr. De Gelles (q.v.). 
Angier, Mrs, Eliza.beth (Mad. 
Celleni), vocalist. 
D. Nelson Forsyth, Fort Erie, Ont., 
and Archange '''' arren, St. Thomas, 

.; grand-d. Wm. Forsyth, pionoor 
cItizen Niagara Falls, Ont.; b. Fort 
Erie, Oct. 17, 1851; e. Acad. Holy 
Angels, Buffalo, N.Y.; began musical 

work when 17 as soprano soloist, St, 
Paul's Cath., Buffalo; subsequently 
studied at Milan, Italy, for a profes- 
sional career under Antonio Trivulzi, 
graduate Milan Royal Conserv.; made 
début in grand opera, Tranti, Italy, 
1875, with distinguished success; sub- 
sequently toured Eng. and 'Vales as 
soloist with John Thomas, harpist to 
Queen Victoria; m. Nov., 1878, Lon- 
don, Eng., Hugh, 2nd s. Hon. N. L. 
Angier, State 'l'reas., Georgl.a; toured 
with her husband through Australian 
colonies in grand opera; in 1895 
established a ColI. of Music at 
Atlanta, Ga.; in 1906 removed to New 
York City, where she is known as a 
distinguished teacher of the voice; 
elected mem. Bd. of Lady Managers 
and Chairwoman Music Comte. 
Woman's Building, Cotton States and 
Intern. Exhn., Atlanta, opening the 
building with an oratorio song, !in .con- 
nection with Hon. J. T. Graves, the 
orator of the day, 1905; an Ang.- 
toO W. 88th St., New York. 
Anglin, Arthur White, lawyer. 
Y. s. late Hon. Timothy Warren A., 
sometime speaker of Can. H. C., and 
Ellen (McTavish) A.; b. and e. St. 
John, N.B.; m. July, 1894, Madeline 
St. George, e. d. Chief Justice Sir W. 
G. Falconbridge; barrister, 1890; K.C., 
1908; a mem. firm Blake, Lash & Cas- 
s-el:s, Tororuto; R. C.-70 Gros'Cenor St. 
Toronto; Toronto Club; York Club, do. 
Anglin, Miss Eileen, actress. 
A sister of Miss Margt. A. (q.v.); 
recently a memo of the Lancers Theat- 
rical Co.; is making steady progress 
in her profession; m., July, 1910, Lieut. 
Chas. '.rhos. Hutchins, Jr., U. S. N.; 
S. Rear-Admiral C. '1'. Hutchins, U. S. 
N. (retired); presented to the late 
King Edward, Buckingham Palace, 
Jun.e, 1909.-Care 23 1V. 42nd St., New 
Anglin, :S:on, Fra.nc1s Alexa.nder, 
E. s. late Hon. Timothy Warren A., 
some time speak-er of tJhe Can. H. C., 
and Ellen (McTavish) A.; b. St. John, 
N.B., ApI. 2, 1865; e. St. Mary's 
(Jesuit) Coli., Montreal, Ottawa Univ. 
(B.A., 1887), and Onto Law Seh. 
(med.) ; barrister, with honours, 1888; 
Surrogate Clk., Ont., 1896-99; K.C., 
1902; sat as Judge Onto High Ct. (for 
late Judge Ferguson), Gore Bay, 1902; 
counsel in Purcell will case; crown 
counsel White murder case, Brantford, 
1901, and in many other important 
criminal and other cases; formerly a 
memo of Selp. -Soh. Bd., /Which 'he re1)re- 
sented on Bd. of Educ., Toronto; 
apptd. a Judge of Onto High Ct. of 
Justice (Exch. Div.), Meh. 16, 1904; 
promoted to Supreme Ct. of Can., F4ilb., 
1909; a Commr. for revision of Onto 
Statutes, 1906; author of numerous 
articles on legal questions and of a 
Law work, "Limitations of Actions 
against Trustees, and Relief from Lia- 
bility for Technical Breaches of Trust" 
(1900); has lectured on "The Rela- 
tion of Bench and Bar," and other sub- 
jects; has rendered some famous judg- 
ments; a R. C.; m., 1892, Harriet 
Isabella, d. late Archibald Fraser of 



FraserfieÞd, Ont.-Supreme Court, Ot- 
tawa; residence: Aylmm' Apts., Ot- 
tawa; Toronto Club; Royal Can. l'acht 
Club, do.; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
"One of the brightes.t, quickest, and 
most satisfactory members of the Ontario 
bench."-T. New8. 
"Plßltient, oourteous and thorough, he 
has won his reputation in the face of 
a n'3.tural prejudice against one so 
in )' a.nd experience being vested 
with so gre.a.t an authority."-Can. Courier. 
Anglin, Ja.mes, physician. 
S. late Wm. A., a native Cork, Irel., 
soone time Bursar iRockiwood Criminal 
Lunatic Asylum; b. Kingston, Ont., 
1860; e. local sehs. and Queen's Univ. 
(B.A., 1883); graduated M.D., same 
Institution, 1887, later .following post- 
graduate course at Edinburgh; under- 
went special training in mental 
diseases under Drs. Clark and Burgess, 
Can.; joined staff Verdun Insane Hos- 
pital, 1891, becoming asst. med. supdt. 
there; apptd. Supdt. ProvI. Hospital 
for Nervous Diseases, Lancaster, N.B., 
Sept., 1904; local V.-P. Maritime Med. 
Assn.; provl. Secy. Can. Med. Assn.; 
has lectured on II The Treatment of the 
Insane, Past and Present"; apptd. 
surg., 62nd Regt., 1908; capt., 1909; 
a Meth.; m., Dec., 1891, Clara :mUen, 
o. d. late Dr. E. Ives, Coaticook, P.Q. 
-St. John, N.B.; Canadian Club, do. 
AngUn, :Miss Marga.ret Ma.ry, actress. 
E. d. late Hon. T. W. A., Speaker 
H. C., Can., and his 2nd wife, Ellen 
(McTavish) A.; b. Parlt. Buildings, 
o Lt8Jwa, tAJp1. 3, 1876; e. Loretto 
Abbey, Toronto, and Convent Sacred 
Hear,t, JÆonotrea'l; m., May, 1911, 
Howard Hull, N. Y.; graduated from 
Empire Sch. of Drama.tic Aoting, N. Y., 
1894, and made first appearance, in 
that city, in II Shenandoah" ; an injury 
sustained while riding laid her up for 
some months, but in 1896 she became 
leading lady with Jas. O'Neill and 
toured with him in U. S. and Can., 
playing with much success in "The 
Girl I Left Behind Me," II Dr. Jekyll 
and Mr. Hyde," .. The Courier of 
Lyons," .. Virginius," II Hamlet," and 
II Monte Christo"; subsequently she 
played with the Sothern Co., and 
scored heavily as Lady Ursula; but it 
was not till 1898 that as Roxane, with 
the late Richard Mansfield, in II Cyrano 
de Bergerac," she gave evIdence of her 
great future as an actress of sterling 
merit; as leading lady with Chas. 
Frohman, In Cal., 1899, she gathered 
fresh laurels, which were afterwards 
sustained, and added to, in the same 
capacity with the Empire Theatre Co., 
N. Y.; later she starred with Hy. Mil- 
ler all over the Continent, producing 
such plays as .. Mrs. Dane's Defence," 
II Macbeth," .. The- Only 'Vay," II Cyn- 
thia," " Camille," II The Eternal Fem- 
Inine," .. The Aftermath," II Zira," 
.. Young Fernald," and .. The Great 
Divide," the latter causing a veritable 
sensation in the dramatic world and 
havIng a great run; she produced a 
new piec{', "'rhe Awakening of Helena 
Ritchie," in 1909, and made an Aus- 
traltl'an tour not long 'before, after- 

wards going to Egypt; In 1910 pro- 
duced at the Greek Theatre, Berkley, 
Cal., SOIphocles' '\Antigone"; she made 
a Can. tour in the come{ly: II Green 
Stockings," 1911 ; she donate.s a 
gold bracelet annually too the Earl 
Grey Dramatic and Musical COmI)e- 
tiUon in Can.; a Boston writer, speak- 
ing of her rendition of II Zira," said 
that in a generation there had been 
only Bernhard-t's 10 ma'teh it; a H. C. ; 
is a memo of boo Actors' Oh. 
Alliance, N. Y., and an active sympa- 
thizer of humane work, especially for 
the prevention of cruelty to animals.- 
f5 West 
fnd St., New York. 
.. Possesses indisputable dramatic power." 
-N. Y. P08t. 
.. One of the few dramatic geniuses of 
the day."-Mad. Bernhardt, 
II One of the few great actresses the 
American stage possesses."-Brooklyn 
Anglin, Bobert Welply, educationist. 
S. late Ald. Wm. B. A., Kingston, 
Ont.; b. Kingston, Ont., Jan. 11, 1874; 
e. Kingston Coll. Inst. and Queen's 
Univ. (M.A., 1897); m. ApI., 1901, 
Juanita, d. R-ev. A. B.IOhambers (q.v.). 
LL.B., now Govr. Toronto Jail; teacher 
(Specialist in Math. ) Dutton High 
Sch., 1898-01; do. do. St. Thomas High 
Sch., 1901-02; Principal (and Special- 
ist In Math.) Essex High Sch., 1902- 
08; apptd. Regr. Dept. of Education, 
Ont., 1908; a Meth.
91 Riverdale Ave., 
Anglin, Willia.m Ga.rdiner, physician. 
Bro. J. V. A. (q.v.); b. Kingston, 
Ont.; e. local schs.; graduated M.D., 
Queen's Unlv., 1883; mem. Coll. P. and 
S., Ont., do.; M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1884; 
also a Fellow Obstet. Soc., London, 
and Prof. Clinical Surg., Queen's 
Univ.; a Meth. and a Senator Mont- 
real WesI. Theol. CoIL-Kingston, 
Ont.; Frontenac Club, do. 
Angstrom, Arendt, naval architect. 
A Swede; formerly Mangr. Bertram 
Engine Works Co., Toronto; now and 
for some yrs. Genl. Mangr. Can. Ship- 
building Co., same city; designed 
steamers Montreal, Kingston, Toronto 
and Rapids King for Richelieu and 
Onto Na v. Co.; tlhe Cayuga for the 
NiagJara Nav. Co., and ot'her first-class stOO'IIlBrS plying on t.he rivel'S 
and lakes of Can.; a dir. Ham1
Steamboat ,co., and a mem. Can. Assn. 
Naval \Architeeture.-
10 Dovercourt 
Rd., Toronto; Albany Club, do. 
Angus, Alexa.nder Forrest, bank 
S. late Alex. A., Bathgate, Scot.; b. 
there, July 18, '1857; e. .Bathgate 
Acad.; m. Mary Louisa, 2nd d. late 
Wm. Gilmour, Brockville, Ont.; was 
for 2 yrs. in service of Bank of Scot., 
and has been for 30 yrs. in that of the 
Bank of Mon treali; a t !present lis Mangr, 
of do. at Regina; is Presdt. Regina 
Golf Club, and of the Regina Phil- 
harmonic Soc., Provl. Presdt. Sask. 
Musical Assn., and Chairman Bd. of 
Govs., Sask. Unlv.-Regina, Sask.; 
Assiniboia Club, do, 



Angus, Donald Forbes, merchant. 
E. s. R. B. A. (q.v.) ; b. and e. Mont- 
real; m. Feb., 1894, Mary Ethel, o. d. 
late F. W. Henshaw; a life memo Art 
Assn., and a mem. Extve. Oomt1:.e. Fraser 
Inst., Montreal; a dlr. Paton Mn.nfg. 
Co., and Presdt. Intercolonial CoaL Co.; 
Presb.-243 Drummond St., Montreal; 
st. James's Club; Mt. Royal Club; 
Montreal Jockey Club, do. 
Angus. Blchard Bladworth, capital- 
B. Bathgate, Scot.. May 28, 1831; e. 
there; m., June 13, 1857, Miss Daniels; 
employed for some yrs. by Manchester 
and Liverpool Bank: joined staff Bank 
of 'Montreal In Can., 1857; In charge 
Chicago, 1861, and was subse- 
quently one of the agents of the bank 
at N.Y.; .local mangr., ,Montreal, 1863; 
genl. mangr., succeeding late E. H. 
King, 1869; retired ,from service of the 
bank, 1879; afterwar(Js a do.; 
elected 'Pre9dJt., ðo., July, 1910; took 
part In the mangt. 0'1' the 081. Paul, 
Minn. & Man. Ry. Lord Moounlt
stephen (q.v.), Dam 'Strathcona (q.v.), 
and o1Jhers, 1879; entd. syndicate with 
S8!me nobllemen ,for the construction 01 
the C. P. Ry., which undertaking was 
completed, Nov., 1885; a capitalist. 
and has been rated by the Montreal 
Star as a miIIionalre; has made hand- 
some contributions of monei' and of 
paintings to Montreal Art Assn. (of 
which he was formerly presdt.), and 
of money to MoGlII Unlv., the Alex- 
andre. Contagious Hospital 
M1ontrea'1 (of which he Is a gov.. 
aoo was one of tlhe founðel"s), to 
1'he Roya} Victoria Hospital" same 
rlty (of Y.'hich he was presdt.), to 
the Roval Victorian Order of Nurses 
(of which he Is V.-P.), to the Charity 
Organization Soc. (of which he Is a 
dlr.) , to the Montreal Genl. Hospital 
(of which he was formerly a gov.) , 
ßnð to the St. Andrew's Soc., Montreal, 
(of which he has been several times 
presdt.); was formerly chairman of 
St. James's Club; and Is now presdt. 
of the Mount Royal Club, of which he 
was a founder; Is also a gov., Fraser 
Inst. Free Public Library, and an hon. 
memo Num. and Antlq. Soc., Montreal; 
the C. P. Ry. Co., the Laurentide 
Paper Co., true Dom. Cool Co., the 
Dom. Steel & Smellt1ng 00., the Dom. 
Brlðge Co., the Royal Trust Co., the 
Grand FaIls Power Co., the Pacific 
Coal Co., the Can. 'Salt Co., the 
N. W. Land Co., the Lonðon & Lane. 
Life Assur. Co. are among other a8'so, 
ciatlons and comparries wl:th whldh he 

s now, or has Ibeen at one time 01 
another, officially connected: one of 
'fue dhie1' 'P'OOmoters of the Bd. of Con. 
'trol, Montreal, .1909; declined kniglht- 
hood, 1910; PreSb.-!,iO Drummond St.. 
Montreal; St. James's Club: }.ft. Royal 
Club; Mont1'enl Jockell Club: Auto 
and Aero Club: Forest and stream 
Club; Winter Club, do.; Rideau .Club, 
Ottawa: Toronto Club: York Club; 
Toronto; Manitoba Club, Winnipeg. 
lOA Canadian financier of renown,"-M. 
.. No man in Montrea.1, and very fe'W 
in Can-ada, have had & fuller, riper ,and 

mOTe successful ca
r than the · man O'f 
pe.aoo; as he is known in business circles." 
-T. Globe. 
.. A quiet-looking man, but one who 
thinks a de-al."-V. World. 
U One of Canada's prominent and most 
highly respected financiers."-M. Star. 
U In every w.ay a credit to the great in- 
stitution over which he so worthily pre- 
sides."-Sir Sandford Fleming (q.v.). 
Angus, Bobert William, educationist. 
S. Wm. A., London, Ont.; b. there; 
e. there and Toronto Unlv. (BU\.Sc., 
11897); on 'teaclhing staff Sc'h. Proct 
Science, Toronto; now Prof. Mech. 
Eng., Toronto Univ.; m.-.J! Howlnnd 
A ve., Toronto; Engineers' Club, do. 
Angus, William Forrest, engineer. 
S. R. B. A. (q.v.); b. and e. Mont- 
real; B.A.Sc., McGlII Unlv. (Me., 1895; 
Ci., 1896); In. Nov., 1904, Grace N., 
-e. d. S. P. Stearns (q.v.), fMontrool; 
nlOw V.-IJ>. and Genl. Can. Steel 
Foundries, lAd.; Presb.
'64 Peel St., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; 
ft. Royal 
Club; Canada Club; Forest and Stream 
Club; Montreal Curling Club; Royal 
'St. Lawrence Yacht Club; Montreal 
Hunt Club: Montreal Racquet Club, do. 
Annable, George Malcolm, rancher. 
S. Geo. and Sarah (Hughes) A.; 
Irfsh-Eng. and Loyalist descent; b. 
Winchester, Ont., May 20, 1858; e. 
there; m. July, 1889, Miss Bertie 
Davidson; went West 1882, settling at 
Moose Jaw, 1888; Presdt. Moose Jaw 
(Sask. ) Land Co., and an extensive 
mncher; IPresdt. Moos,e Jaw Bd. of 
Trade, 1893; sat in N.-W. Assem. 
(Con.), Mch., 1901, to Nov., 1904, 
when resigned; unsuccessfully contest- 
ed W. Asslnibola (H. C.), g. e. 1904; a 
Con., a Meth., and a Freemason.- 
l'.foose Jaw, Sask. 
Annable, Henry Dexter, Can. ry. ser- 
S. late Wm. A. and Ellen Esme 
(IMoacM'iI'lan) A., ObtasW'a; ,b. tiIrere, Aug. 
6, 1871; e. Ottawa Coll. Inst.; unm.; 
entered C. P. Ry. service, as junior 
elk., 1888, and advancing through 
varIous positions. was apptd. Genl. 
Freight ,Agent., Gt. 'BrIt. and EurOlpe, 
July, 1903; since '1910 has been Exoport 
and Import Frelglht Agent, dO.-1 
'Broadway, New York. 
(D. New York City, Jan. 10, 1911.) 
Annand, Rev, Edward Ernest (Presb.)_ 
S. late Rev. Edward A.. Halifax, 
N. S. ; b. N. S. ; e. Dalhousie Unlv. (B.A., 
1893); pursuf'd theol. studies Prince- 
ton Unlv., N.J., San Anselmo Semy., 
Cal., and Glasgow Univ.; o. 1899; pas- 
tor Chalmers' Ch., Halifax, N.S., 1903; 
since 1908, pastor Plumas, Man.; 
m. Nov., 1907, Mlna A. (a graduate 
Emmerson ColI. of Oratory, Boston, 
Mass., afterward a tea('her of elocu- 
tion at Acadia, WoTfvllle and Provl. 
Normal Sch., Wolfville, and, more re- 
cently, Horne Secy. Women's Bapt. 
.Foreign -Missy. 'Soc., New Eng.) , d. 
lOa'Pt. .Tas. A. Reade, HQlPe.weIl Cape, 
iN.S.-Plumas, Man. 
Annand, Bev, Joseph (Presb.). 
B. Gay's River, N.S.; e. Dalhousie 
Unlv. (B.A., 1869; M.A., 1872); pur- 



sued theol. studies at Presb. ColI., 
Halifax, graduating 1872, (D.D., 
11895) ; o. 1872; bas since la:ooure'd as 
a missy. in the New, 
where he became principal of Train- 
Ing Semy. for native teachers at Tan- 
gona, nr. Santo; elected moderator, 
N. S., 1906; m., 1872, Miss Allce Sa- 
vllIe, an Eng. lady, who accompanied 
him to the N. H.-Santo, New Heb- 
"Doing a vast and importRDt work."- 
V. World. 
Ansell, David Abraham, consular ser- 
S. eminent Jewish scholar; b. Lon- 
don, En
.; e. there and at Frankfurt- 
on-the-Main; came to Can., 1866, and 
became engaged in mercantile business, 
Montreal; an early promoter of trade 
relations with Mexico; apptd. Consul 
Genl. for Mexico in Can., 1888; has done 
much for the upbuiIdin
 of the Jew- 
Ish race in Can.; one of the founders 
of Jewish free schs. In Montreal; was 
first Chairman Jewish Coloniz. Soc. in 
Can., and is Presdt. Baron de Hirsch 
Inst., a position he has held for a con- 
siderable period; unm.; author of 
.. Welding the Links of Union" (in 
which he unfolded a scheme of pref- 
erence for the Empire which was In all 
essential details the plan afterwards 
advocated by Mr. Chamberlain), .. Re- 
trospective and Prospective Conserva- 
tism," .. Politics as Viewed from the 
Fence"; a Con.-Queen's Hotel, Mont- 
real; Mexican Consulate, do. 
.. A man of many tastes; has travelled 
mucb; I()observed mueD; written much----.a 
man with a philRnthropic bent, who holds 
strong views, and is not slow in advoca- 
ting them."-M. Herald. 
Anson, Francis H., bUf;iness man. 
S. Austin M. and Anna (Harris) 
A.; b. NilE's, Mich.; e. there: entrl.'E'!"s oea.r,eer -in ,M.innooopollis; m. 
Mi'ss J\kArvoy; 3Jpptd. mangr. Iforeigrn 
d.ept. OgHvi.e Flour MdNs Co.; .apP'tld. 
goenl. supd.t. òoü., 1904; a dir. Dom. Box 
& Co.; an aldvoca.te of g1()o()(l 
noatds; alll ardent m'()Ioorist; ele'Clted 
pI"esd,t. AUitomobille .club IOf Can.. 1910 ; 
is ,;tlso 'Pr.esd.t. Auto and Aero Olub.- 
21 Rosernount Ave.. Westrnount. JIont- 
7'eal: Canada Club; Royal Montreal 
Golf Clu b; ROllal St. Lawrence Yacht 
Club; lIIontreal Jockey Club, do. 
Antle. æ.ev, John C, (Ang.). 
S. Capt. A., a sea capt.; b. Nfd.; e. 
there; m.; o. deacon. 1889; priest, 
1890; became rector Holy Trinity Ch., 
Vancouver, 1899; estahd. 1905, Colum- 
bia Coast Mission, for the benefit of 
3,000 .. loggers" in the lumber camps 
on the islands and lT1Jainland of North- 
ern B. C., of which mission he Is thp 
supdt.; designed the ship Colmnbia, in 
connection with the work, which he 
command.s, anld hras bui'lt ora lrosp. 
Rock Bay and a l I1'other hos,pital else- 
where.-Rock Bay, B.C. 
.. The Grenfell of the Pacific."-O. 
.. A whole-hearted and unassuming 
worker."-Ont. Churchman. 

Antliff, Bev, James Cooper (Meth.). 
E. s. late Rev. Wm. A., D.D. (Prim. 
Meth.), for several yrs. ed. Connexionat 
Mag., and, subsequently, Principal 
Theol. Inst., Sunderland, Eng., and 
Barbara (Cooper) A.; b. Hudders- 
field, Eng., Feb. 1, 1844; e. Has- 
lingden Meth. Sch. and Edinburgh 
Vniv. (M.A., with honours in Eng. and 
Nat. Phil., 1873; B.D., 1874); for 
some yrs. a pupil teacher; o. Notting- 
ham, 1866; came to Can., 1878, to 
assume charge Carlton St. Ch., To- 
ronto, and was later elected Secy. 
Genl. Conf. United Meth. Ch., Can., 
being the first to hold that office under 
t!he new order o.f things; subrsequerul 
charges were: Brantford, Ont.; Dom. 
Square Ch., Montreal (where he was 
Presdt. of Conf. and a memo of Bd. 
of Commrs. of Night Schs.); London, 
Ont., Kingston 'and Adon; reHred, 
1911; fflom 1894 'to 1901, when he re- 
s'igned, 'Was Prof. Homil'etics a n'd 
AJPo'llogetlcs, Wesl. Theol. Co1'I., Münt- 
real (Sen'atar, 1906); ed. Christian 
Journal, 1879-83; elected del. to Brit, 
Meth. Con f., 1907; a memo iMeth. Ot. 
of Appeal sin.ce 1&86; a memo joinlt 
eamte. on Ch. Union, 1908; for seV'etl'al 
yrs. a memo IBd, of Regents, Victoria 
Vniv. (D.D., -hon., 1887); m., 1st, 
Fanny (>d. !1880), d. John Holden, Dal- 
hary Lees, Denby, EllIg.; 2ndly, 1882, 
Jane EliZabeth Gooderham, relict Dr. 
Ray, Toronto.-
l It!m.ks St., Montreal. 
Apps, Willia.m, car builder. 
B. Owen Sound, Onto ; was genl. fore- 
man, car dept., St. Paul, Minneap. and 
Man. Ry., 1881-87; master car builder, 
Western Ry., Alabama and Atlanta 
and West Point Ry., 1887-91; do., 
Chicago and Eastern Ill. Ry., 1891- 
95; do., C. P. Ry., 1895-1902; do., Al- 
goma ,Cent. and .H. B. Ry., 1902-3; 
while with ,the C. P. Ry. built the cars 
used by t'he present King and Queen 
of En-g. during their tour in Oan., 1901. 
-98 Forest Hill Rd., Toronto. 
Arblaster, Frank, educationist. 
E. Clare CoIl., Cambridge, Eng. 
(B.A., 1888) ; for some yrs. engaged In 
private tuition; subsequently, in ad- 
vertising dept. C. P. R.; apptd. secy. 
McGill Univ. Union, .June, 1906.- 
U Arbory, John" (see Macfarlane, 
Arbuthnot, John, merchant. 
S. late .John and Mary (Connors) 
A., St. Catharines, Ont.; b. nr. that 
city, .Jan. 7, 1861; e. local publlc 
sens. and CoN. Inst.; went west. and 
engaged in ry. construction for C. P. 
and other rys., 1882; removed to Win- 
nipeg, 1890, where he embarked In 
the lumber trade, In which he is stlll 
engaged; an ald., 1896-97; chairman 
of Parks Bd., 1898-99; Mayor, 1901- 
03; m. 1886, Agnes, d. Wm. Savage, 
Sherrington, P.Q. (U. E. L. descent) ; 
a Con., Freemason, Odd Fellow, Fores- 
ter and U. Workman; a memo Union 
Can. Municipalities, and favours muni- 
cipal ownershlp.-.U Central Ave., Arm 
Point, 'Winnipeg. 


Archambault, Hon. Adelard, lawyer. 
B. L' Assomptlon, P.Q.; e. L' Assomp- 
tlon ColI. ; admitted Massachusetts bar, 
1888; to Rhode Island bar, 1891; re- 
turned for city of Woonsocket to R. I. 
Legislature, 1900-02; elected Lt.-Gov. 
R. I., 1903; Mayor Woonsocket, 1905, 
and again 1906; unm. - Woonsocket, 
Archambault, :Prangols, vocalist. 
S. François and Ogine (Mag'I1Jan) A.; 
b. L'A.ssomption, 'P.Q., 1879; e. IMount 
St. Louis Coil., Montreal; when 18 was 
soloist in choir, Notre Dame Ch., In 
that city; studied under Damrosch, 
N. Y., and Morel, Paris; has appeared 
frequently at concerts In support of 
Lillian Blauvelt and others; sung also 
at Covent Garden, London; now engd. 
In grand opera; joined Boston Grand 
Opera Co., 1910; possesses a bass- 
baritone voice of power and Quality, 
which has earned for him the 
name of "The Little Ph'ITlçon."-Care 
Canadian Otrlce, Paris, France. 
"The only successo-r of the grð8t Pol 
Plancon."-M. Herald. 
Archambauli, Joseph Louis, lawyer. 
S. late J. N. A. A., N.P., a "pa- 
trlot" of '37, who became Presdt 
Pro vI. Bd. of Notaries, P. Q.. and 
Aurelle (Mongeau) A., Vercheres; b. 
Varennes, June 19, 1849; e. Col'I. St. 
Hyacinthe, P.Q.; studied law under 
Sir G. E. Cartier, at same time foUow- 
 law course McGill Univ. (B.C.L., 
1871); advocate, 1871; practised 
hout in Montreal, and is now 
one of the leaders of the provl. bar; 
KC. (M. Lansdowne), 1887; do. 
(P.Q.), 1908; for some yrs. a Crown 
pl1osecutor, Dist. of M'Ü'n trf'a,l: .has 
frequently pleaded before JI. Comte. 
P.C., in Eng., in charg-e of ,impor,bamt 
oases from Can.; City Atty., Mont. 
real, 1898; m., June, 1873, Ernes- 
tine, e. d. late Senator Rolland, Mont- 
real; a dir. Rolland Paper Co.: a fre- 
Quent contributor to the legal press; 
author of the following works: "Jacques 
Cartier, an Historical Drama" (1879), 
"Etude L

ale sur rUniversit
A. Montreal" (1880), II Institutions 
Municipales" (1887), "Le Barreau 
Canadien au Conseil Priv
" (1889), 
alogie de la Famille Archam- 
bault. 1620-1890" (1891), "La Bour- 
geoisie au Canada." 2 Lectures (181)4). 
"The Criminal Forum in Canada" 
(895), "Eturle de MOf'urs Judiciaires" 
(897) ; a R.C. ; a Con.-15! Berri St., 
Montreal; Club Canadien, do. 
.. His carper has been marked with con- 
tinuous success. and great devotion to the 
interests of the legal profession."-M. Star 
Archambeault, Hon, Horace, judge. 
Bro. Hit. RJev. Jüs. Alofred.; b. 
L' AssompUon. P.Q., 
fch. 6, 1857: e. 
r; AssompHon Ool:!' 'Bud Laval Un-iv. 
(LL.L., tt avec gr'ande distinction," 
1&78; LL.D.. 1886); oadVlo/ca!te, 1878; 
K.C. (E. IOf Del1by). 1889; diO. (P.Q.), 
inoe 1881 ha5> been prof. OOl!11. 
and .Mar.iIUme Law, Laval Un1v.; 
bâtonnier-general Quebec oor, 1900; 
doeclrInoo Sup. Ct. judg-eship, iM-ch., 1906; 


J3;W)td. Puisne Jud,ge, Kings Bh., Que- 
bec, Sept. 15, 1908; a dir. Eool'e Boly- 
tech., l\fun1treal; 13. me-m. Oounüil of 
Publlic In
., P.Q., and formerly V....P. 
::\f'onltI'erB'1 Bar Assn. ; caLled ,to 'the Leg. 
CounciL, P. Q., ..June 5, 1888; Atty.- 
Gent and Speak-e.r Leg. Ooun-c.iJ, under 
Mlarehand oa-n'd .Baren,t A>dmn.s., -May. 
1897, Do Mch., 1905, wflter wMüh he 
ceased 11:0 be .<\!tty.-Oeml.; m., Sept., 
1882, Elizabeth, d. Roger LeI.ièvre, 
Quebec; a R. C.; when in þolii.tica.1 
1if.e a strict aU'Ì'OnlOoffilist in Quebec 
.affairs.-2ì6 Pine Ave. 1-V., 1I1ontreal; 
St. James's Club; Club Canadien; Club 
St. Denis; Forest and Stream Club 
do.; Quebec Garrison Club. ' 
.. One of our most distinguished jurists." 
-Jf. Herald. 
"An uncommonly able and a 
thoroughly sound a.nd pains.taking judge.... 
-M. Standard. 
Archambeault, The Bight Beverend 
Joseph Alfred, Bishop (R.C.). 
S. late Hon. Louis and Elizabeth 
(Dugal) A.: father a memo of first 
Govt. formed in P. Q. after Confpdera- 
tion; b. L'AsBomption, P.Q., May 23, 
1859; e. local coli. and Laval Univ. 
(D.D., 1892); studied theot. Grand 
Semy., /Montreal; o. 1882; after further 
study, took doctor's dpgree in theol. 
and canonical law at Rome, with gold 
medal, 1887; prof. phil., L'Assomption 
ColI., 1888;. Vice-Chancellor Arch- 
diocese Montreal, 1889; accompanied 
Archbp. Fabre to Rome, 1890; Chan- 
cellor, 1892; Archdeacon, for settlement 
certain parish matters, and Vice- 
Rector Laval Univ., 1899; apptd. proto 
apost. by Pope, 1902; special mission to 
Rome In reference to decrees first Provl. 
Council held in Montreal, 1906; first 
Bp. of Joliette, June 27, 1904; dedl- 
catE-d new cathedral in diocese, June, 
1907; attended Plenary Council, Que. 
bee., 1909, and EuchoaI1istic Gouncil, 
Montreal, 1910; is of opinion that 
.. Can. will one day take her place as 
a sovereign na tion among other 
nations" (vide address to La val stu- 
den.ts, Dec., 1904 ).-Bishop's Palace, 
Joltette, P.Q. 
"An ardent educationist, a brilliflnt 
orator, a devoted priest."-Jl. Trïtne"". 
Archer, Hon, Chas, Hector, judge. 
S. Joseph A., and grands. late Jo- 
seph A., Quebec, a native of Brlxham, 
S. Devonshire, Eng.; b. Quebec, Mch. 
30, 1869; e. Quebec Semy. and Laval 
Univ. (LL.B., 1891); advocate, 1892; 
K.C., 1903; formerly a memo law 
firm, Prefontaine, A., Perron & Tasch- 
ereau ; was one of the leaders 
Montreal bar; has argued cases be- 
fore JI. Comte. P. C. in Eng.; repre- 
soo'ted IMaoliaren Bros. in Buckingham 
riots case, 1906; chief promoter 
Northern Develop. Co., and was atty. 
tor Montreal St. Ry., Montreal Heat, 
Light & Power Co., and Richelleu & 
Onto Nav. Co.; a life gov. Montreal 
Genl. Hosp.; succeeded late Judge 
Curran as a puisne judge, S. Ct. P.Q., 
Jan. 11, 1910.--81" Sherbrooke St. W., 
Montreal; 1I1ontreal Jockey Club; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; St. 



James's Club; Outremont Goll Club, 
II A man of legal ablUty and recognized 
standing -R-t the bar."-M. Star. 
U One of his greatest assets is his per. 
feet command over both French and Eng- 
lish."-M. Herald. 
Archer, Bobert. capitalist. 
S. late .Joseph and Amelia (Robson) 
A., Quebec, the former a native of 
Brlxham, S. Devonshire, Eng. ; b. 
Quelbec city, Dec., 1837; e. there; en- 
gaged in wholesale provision trade, 
Quebec and Montreal, for many yrs.; 
retired 1886; m., 1899, Henriette. Glo- 
die (V.-P. City Improvement League), 
d. late Alfred Garneau, chief French 
tTanslator, Senate of Oan., and g-rand. 
d. F. X. Garneau, :historian; Presòt. 
Montreal Trust and DE"PO'Sit Co.; a 
dir. Bell! Telephone -Co., M-frs. Life 
Ins. Co.. Monltr-ea:l CHy & Dis,t. Savings 
Bank, Termina'I Ry. Co., -and Dam. 
of Can. Guarantee and Accident 
Insurance Co.; hon. treas. Montreal 
League for the Prevo of Tuber- 
culosis, and Presdt. Men's Comte. 
L'Inst. des Ecoles Ménagères: was 
successively Treas., V.-P., and Presdt. 
Montreal Bd. of Trade; took an actlvp 
part In securing- amalgamation of Bd. 
of Trade and Corn Exchange, Mont- 
real, 1886; and, later. did much to 
promote the erection of the new bund- 
i-ng of rt'he 'Ed. of Trade; In acknt. -of 
his services as Presdt. of Building' 
Comtf".. was presented by Bd. of Tradp 
with his portrait. (painted by Harris 
( q. v.) ; form>erl.y held a -commission In 
Queen's Own Can. HlUssars. Quebec; 
R. C.-806 Sherbrooke St. W., Mont- 
real: st. James's Ch,b; Mt. Royal 
Club; Royal Montreal Golf Club, do. 
resRive, 8uccessful, enterprising." 
-Jf. ""rald. 
Archibald, Bev, Adoniram Judson 
is. late Re'\'". E. N. -and Annie (Brad- 
sh-aw) A., Shelburne, N.S.: b. thpre, 
.July 10, fl874; e. ,A.caòia CoHo (-B.A., 
1896; IM.A., 1900); stm]oÏed' f-or minis- 
try Rochester Tihe'Ol
 00.... (grad.. 
1900); after oråinaltilOn, was sta- 
tioned 8 t Glaooo Bay: pa9!:.()r, DIg-by, 
N.'S.. 1902-7; (10. 1st Ba(pt. Ch., Saska- 
toon., Sask., 1907-8; do. Diglby, 1908- 
1'1; since then bas been ,pastor Char- 
lotte St. Ch., St. .Jdhn, N.B.; m., 1899, 
Miss Clara B. Oxner, Ohester, N.S.- 
St. John, N.B. 
Archibald, Bev, Arthur Crawley 
S. late Rev. E. N. anI(] Annie (Brad- 
shaw) A.; :b. Lyod,gM>e, N.S., Aug-. 15, 
1878;' e. Acadia 0011. (B.A., 1897; 
M.A., 1904); pursued theol. studlf>s 
Newton Theol'. Inst.; m. Nellie B., d. 
F. W. Purdy, Bear River. N.R; O. 
1903; pastor Hut:JC'h1nson, Kansas: do. 
WoonsO<'ket, It.I., 1904; do.. B rock ton , 
Mass.. 1907; 'declined pastorate, Colum- 
bus, 0., 1910.-Brockton, Mass. 
Archibald, Mrs, Carolyn (Hammond), 
B. and e. Andover, N.S.; origin.. 
any a 'Sch. teacher; went to India 
as a mi ssy. , 1878; m., 1883, Rev. 
I. Chipman Arcnlbald. M,A,. also 

engd. in miss.y. work; laboured with 
him during the famine, 1896, and, sub- 
sequently, founded with him the Good 
Samaritan Native Hospital, Chicacole, 
India, for which they secured an en- 
dowment of $10,000 by voluntary sub- 
scription in N. S.-Chicacole, India. 
Archibald, Charles, mining engr.; 
2nd s. late Hon. D. T. A., Senator; 
b. N. Sydney, N.S.; e. by private tutor, 
Mt. Allison Univ., and Inst. Tech., 
Boston, Mass.; m. Edith .Jessie (q.v.), 
y. d. late Sir E. M. Archibald, C.B., 
K.C.M.G., for many yrs. H. B. M. Con- 
sul-Gent., N. Y.; a mining engineer; 
formerly owner and mangr. of an ex- 
tensive colliery in C. B., and partner 
In firm of A. & Co., North Sydney; is 
V.-P. N. S. Mining Soc. and of Bank 
of N. S.; also a d'ir. Camaguey Elec. 
Traction Co., Trinidad Elect. Co., 
.Joint Benevot. Co. and Soh, rfor the 
Blind; a gov. Dal'houSie Unlv. and 
V.-,P. Hal1ifax DislpelllSary; a !promoter 
N. S. League Ifor 'Protection of the 
Feeble-minded'; 'has don
ted !prizes for 
competition to Halifax Golf .club; a 
 Inglis St., Halifax, N.S.; 
Halifax Club, do.; U Braeside," Why- 
cocomagh, N.S. 
A.rchibald, Ebenezer Henry, educa- 
IS. We.ltl1ngt-01t1 and EstJheT (McKeen) 
A.; b. Brookvale, N.S., 1873; e. Dal- 
housie Univ., Halifax, N.S. (B.Sc. and 
1851 Exhn. Sc. Research Schol., 1897 ; 
M.Sc., 1898), and H'trvard Univ. (A.M.; 
Ph.D.) : was supdt. schs., North Attle- 
boro, Mass.: has ,been f<Yl' some YI'S. 
Asst. Prof. Chemistry, 'Syracuse Univ.; 
m., 'Sevt., 1904, Minnie, d. ,late Edward 
baJd, Harmony, N.S.-Syracuse, 
Archibald, Mrs. Edith Jessie, society 
Y. d. late Sir E. M. Archibald, 
K.C.M.G., C.B., H.B.M, Consul-Genl., 
N. Y., and Catherine (Richardson) A. 
(vide Morgan's U Types of Can. Wo- 
men") ; b. St. .J-ohn's, Nid., where iher 
fulther was .then A'tty.-Genl,., 1854; e. 
London and iN. Y.; m. rut age of 16 
Oh&s. A. (q.v.), s. ,]a,te Senaltor T. D. 
A., 1874; has fiUed numerous offices 
In conneCJtÏion wilÌ'h -p'hdlanthrop-lc, re- 
loig>i'ous and ipaJtr.iotic mOV'eIDents, in- 
cf.udin,g Dom. and ,PrO'V'I. W. C. T. 
Uni-an and Na1. Ooundl of Women: 
is now .preSldit. Ladies' 'Mllsica:1 Club, 
of which she was first presè!..t.. and 
Ha;l ifax LOC3} C()uncl.J of Women, 
and a dolI'. Victoria Sch. of Art 
and Design; was prominently Identified 
with movement to afford relief ,to wives 
and famdl1e-s of men 'in the N. S. con- 
tingent serving in S. A. during recent 
war; with mOV'ement .for appt. of comn. 
to examine existing conditions of 
feeble-minded and young criminals 
N. S., and for the erection of a chil- 
dren's hosp., Halifax; has contributed 
articles and short stories to newspapers 
and mags.; a Presb.-3
 In.fJlis St., Hali- 
fax. N.S.; <<Braeside," Wh1/cocomagh, 
II A charmln( writer and a Iraceful and 



forceful Bpeak
r." - Mr. Wm. Dennis 
.. One' woman in ten th()usand."-" Mary 
Markwell" (q.v.). 
Archibald, Edward William, physician. 
S. Hon. ..Justice (q.v.) anI{} EU-en 
(Hutchinson) A.; b. Montreal, Aug. 5, 
1872; e. Montreal High Sch. and Mc- 
Gilt Unlv. (B.A. and gold med. in mod. 
lang., 1892); pursued med. studies at 
McGill Dniv. (M.D., 1896) at Faculty 
of Med., Montpellier, France, and' at 
Univ. Freiburg, Germany; post-gradu- 
rute WIOrk SJt .Bresl.a.u, .Berlin, GoUln- 
gen, and London, Eng,; house sur- 
geon Royal Vie. Hospital, Montreal, 
99; demon. clin. surg. McGill 
Dniv., 1902; asst. Burg. Royal V'Íc. 
Hosp., Montreal, 1904; asst, surg., 
Children's Hosp., do. ; author of 
various articles in med. journals; m. 
June, 1904, Agnes Wood Black, d. 
Thos. Barron, Lachute, P.Q.-l90 Peel 
St., Montreal; University Club, do. 
Archibald, Ernest Matthew, civil en- 
S. late Donald A., sheriff, Halifax, 
N.S., and Grizell (McLachlan) A; b. 
HalIfax; e. there and McGill Dniv. 
(B.A.iSc., 1899); a;pptd. dern-o-n. elec. 
eng. dept. McGill Dniv., 1899; later 
became elec. eng. Am. Loco. Co., Rich- 
mond, Va.; afterwards con:nect>eü wilth 
Crocker-Wheeler Co., Ampere, N.J.; 
now and for some yrs, elec. engr. 
Dom. Coal Co., N.S.; m., ApI., 1903, 
Jessie Josephine, d. W. H. Chamber- 
lain. H8!l1fax, iN.IS.-Bedford Chambm.s, 
Halifax, N.S. 
Archibald, John Gordon, Rhodes 
S. Hon. Justice and Ellen (Hutchin- 
"Son) A. (q.v.); b. Montreal, Jan. 1, 
1885; e. Montreal High Sch., lnst. St. 
Boniface, Brussels, McGill Dnlv. (B.A. 
and gold med. in classics, 1904) and 
Oxford Dniv. (B.A., with 1st rank 
honours in Lit. Hum., 1906; B.C.L., 
1907); was the first Rhodes scholar 
from P. Q.; gained a fellowship, All 
Souls COli., Oxford, 1908.-118 Mackay 
St., Montreal. 
Archibald, John S., architect. 
S. late David A., Tobermory, Scot.; 
b. and e. there; successfully practises 
hiis 'Prof. in 'Montreal,; a memo firm 
of Saxe & A.; eI-eoted Presdt. lA,rchi- 
teets' .A,ssn., P.Q., 1905; at congress 
of arcfuitects, Ju'ly, 1906, 'moved reso- 
lutoon favouriTl.g statutory qual1fi- 
cations of architects; a Lib. and a 
councillor, Montreal Reform Club; 
m., Dec., 1900, Edith (Presdt. Proto 
In.fanlts' Home, !Montreal), 3rd d. J. D. 
'Thurston, Montreal.-59 Beaver Hall 
Hill, 1lIontreal; Engineers' Club, do. 
.Archibald, Bon. John Sprott, judge. 
S. "Wm. and Nancy A., Musquodo- 
!boit. N.S.; b. there, Sept. 8, 1843; e. 
Presb. Semy., Truro, N.S., and McGill 
'Univ. (B.A. and Prince of Wales gold 
medal, 1867; M.A., 1877; B.C.L. and 
liza Torrance gold medal, 1870; 
D.C.L., in course, 1887); advocate, 
1871; lecturer criminal law, McGill, 
1871; prof. do., do., 1880; gov. unlv. 
.(when he resigned professorship), 

1894; KC. (Marquis of Lorne), 1887; 
counsel for Dom. Govt. re Caron 
charges, 1892; sat for some yrs. In 
Montreal City Council, and was a R. 0, 
under the old E. F. A.; apptd. judge 
Sup. Ct., P. Q., Nov. 22, 1893; gave 
important judgments in F. W. John- 
son v. Sparrow, 1899, upholding the 
right of a coloured person to the occu- 
pancy of orchestra chairs at a theatre; 
and in E. Delpit v. Marie B. A. ;.r, 
Coté, upholding the validity of a mar- 
riage 'between two persons alleged to 
belong to the Cath. faith and solem- 
nized 'by a Brat. miniSlter under license; 
elected Presdt. local branch Dante AII- 
ghieri Soc., 1900; a dir. Thistle Curl- 
ing Club; besides other contributions 
to literature, Is author of a lecture: 
II The Relations of the Two Races In 
Lower Can."; a presb. and an elder; 
ffi., 1871, Miss Ellen Hutchinson, Blue- 
vale, Ont.-l1S Mackay St., Montreal; 
Univers.ity Club, do. 
"A master of the French language; his 
jud,:;ments are prepared- with great care, 
and mod
ls Ü'f lucidity."-M. Standard. 
Archibald, Miss Mabel E" missionary, 
Ð. I'ate Rev. E. N. (Ba.p.t.) and Annie 
(Bradshaw), A., Wolfville, N.S.; b. 
Lodi, Ill., Sept. 6, 1871; e. Acadia 
Dniv. (B.A., 1895); went to India as 
a missy. from .Baipt. eh., 1897.- 
Chicacole, India. 
Archibald, Peter Suther, civil en gr. 
S. Wm. and Elizabeth (Blair) A.; b. 
Truro, N.S., Mch. 21, 1848; e. Normal 
and Model Schs., N. S.; joined Sir S. 
Fleming's IntercoI. Ry. survey staff, 
Sept., 1867, and was an asst. and resi- 
dent en gr. under him while the road 
was under construction; asst. en gr. 
maIntenance of way, Intercol. Ry., 
1874; chief engr. do., 1879; resigned 
1898, since. when has practised as a 
consult. engr.; a memo Am. Soc. C. E. 
and of Can. Soc. C.E. (Councillor, 1894, 
1895, 1901); a memo Royal Comn. re 
alleged excessive freight rates charged 
by C. P. R. in Man. and N. W. T., 
1894; and Chairman arbitration tri- 
bunal re $2,000,000 Reid claim against 
Nfd. Govt., 1902; conducted prelimin- 
ary survey Strait of Canso Bridge, 
1902; expèrt in matters in dispute he- 
tween Clellgue syndicate and contrac- 
tors, 1902; memo Conciliation Bd. re 
Cumberland Ry. and Coal Co., under 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1907; Commr. 
for N. B. Govt. to manage N. B. Cen- 
tral Ry., 1908; a Con.; m., Apl., 1874, 
Clara G., d. T. S. Lindsay, Rockland. 
Me.-2Ifoncton, N.B. 
.. Placed in a trying situation in the 
Reid Arbitration mattpr, he emerged there. 
from in a; highly creditable mnnner."-St. 
Joh'TI'B (Nld.) Herald. 
Archibald, Bay-mond Clare, education- 
ist; musician. 
Descended from John A., who with 
3 brothers moved to Truro, N.S., 1762; 
other descendants of f,amily were Hon. 
S. G. W. A. (Master of the Rolls, N.S.), 
Sir A. G. A. (Lt.-Gov. Man. and N. S.), 
and Si,r T. D. A. (Brit. Oonosul-
N. Y.); S. late A. N. A. and Mary 
(Mellish) A., latter many yrs. LadY 



Principal Mt. Allison Ladles' ColI.; b. 
South Branch, Colchester, N.S., Oct. 7, 
1875; e. Mt. Allison Acad. and Univ. 
(B.A., with 1st cl. honours In math., 
1894); Harvard ColI. (B.A., with 
scholarships In math. and astron., 
1896; M.A., 1897); and at Strasburg 
Univ. (Ph.D., being first Eng.-speak- 
Ing student to receive degree at Stras- 
burg, 1900) ; also studied math. Berlin 
Univ.; memo Am. Assn. Advanc. of 
Science, 1904; fellow do., 1906; memo 
Am. Math. Soc., 1902; author" BlbUo- 
graphy, Life, and Work of Simon New- 
comb" an'd .. Carly.le's FIrst 'Lov-e" 
(1909); com'P'lielOOd 4 yrs.' course a.t 
Mt. Allison Conser. of Music, In violin 
playing, harmony, and theory of 
music, receiving cert. and teacher's 
d1ploma, 1894, amd artist's d!lploma, 
1895; first graduate In vloUn dept., 
Mt. Allison; kept up study violin play- 
Ing at Harvard, with C. N. Allen, Bos- 
ton;' and at Berlin, violin and har- 
monv under Schwarz and Fuchs; 
r math. Mt. Allison Ladles' Coli. 
and asst. violin, Conser., 1894-5: dlr. 
violin and harmony, Conservatory, and 
Instr. geometry In CoIl.. 1900-07; prof. 
math., Acadia Unlv., .July, 1907 (re- 
signed, 1908): since then has been 
asst. prof. of math., Brown Unlv.; bas 
spent some yrs. at Paris and In Italy; 
unm.-Providence, R.I. 
.. ^ ml\n of hi!1:h rhnrnctE'r Bnd sterling 
worth."-Dr. D. A.llison (q.v.). 
Archibald, Samuel George Hutchinson, 
S. Hon. Justl-ce (q.v.) and Ellen J. 
(Hutchinson) A., Montreal; .b. there, 
Dec. 29, 1875; e. Hlg-h Sch. (Davidson 
g"old med. ; Gov.-Genl.'s gold med.) and 
McGlII Unlv., Montreal (B.A. and gold 
med. Eng. lit., 1897; B.C.L. and 
Eliza Torrance gold med., 1900); 
studied also at Paris and MontpeIIier; 
advo('ate, 1899; m.. 1900, Anna, e. d. 
Hy. Miles (q. V. ), Montreal: for 2 yrs. 
lect. Eng. lit., McGill; prof. civil law, 
Khedivlal Law Sch., Cairo, Eg-ypt, 
1904; Vice-Principal and Acting- Prin- 
cipal do., 1906: reslg-ned, 1907, to takE> 
up law bm:ine!':s, at Paris. In succession 
to Edmond Kelly.--8! Boulevard Hau88- 
mann, Paris, France. 
.. A dpver IpJrÌst."-M. Gatçtte. 
Archibald, Thomas Dickson, physi- 
E. S. Chas. and Edith Jessie (Archi- 
bald) A. (q.v.); b. Sydney, C.B.: e 
there and at Tor. Univ. (B.A., 1898): 
graduated M.B. do., 1902; a memo 
ColI. P. and S.. Ont., 1902: m., Oct.. 
1905, Muriel Osborne, y. d. IHte .Tohn 
Hv. Dumble, Cobourg, Ont.; Presb.- 
!jrJ7 Colle.Qe St.. Toronto. 
Archibald, Walter Palmer, Dom. pub- 
lic service. 
S. late Wm. Pitt and Phæbe Ann 
(HuesNs) A.: b. Truro, N.S., ,Sept. 21, 
1861; e. local schs.: m., .Jan., 1895, 
Miss .Tessie Butler, London, Eng.; for 
several .yrs. a ttacl1ed ,to extve. staff 
Salvation ,Army, havir.g oversig1ht 
Prison Gat-e -branch of its operations: 
made close study penological and 
an thro.pologica1 quesHons, and has 

writJten many 'p8jpers and reports 
thereon; likewise addTetssed various 
clubs and societies In .reference thereto; 
the sUCCeßS attending ,bis -labours hav- 
ing attracted the notice of -tlhe Can. 
Govt., led to his appt. as Dom. .paro,l'e 
Ily created office, May, 
1905; III ,the àlscharge ()If his duties has 
V'isiteod a large number of the Can. pri- 
sons and all the Dom. penitentiaries; 
was a del. to Am. Prison CoOngress, 
Neb., Oct., 1905; among his printed 
papers are addresses on II .Juvenile 
Criminality," .. 'l'he Uplifting of Men," 
II Modern Trea tment of the Criminal," 
II Criminal Anthropology," .. The Su- 
premacy of Christian Ethics," etc.- 
.90 McLaren St., Ottaw'.L. 
.. Imbued with an ard..nt love of hill 
work Bnd has laboured with sTIccess."- 
O. Free Press. 
Archibald, Bev, William Laird 
,So late Rev. E. N. A., WolfviÞle, N.S., 
and All'n.ïoe, d. 'la,te .JO's. Bradshaw, 
Bedeque, 'F.E.I.; Scot-ch-Eng-. desceIJ.'t; 
b. A'I-exaJIJ.'dTia, P.E.I., Jan. 26, 1870; e. 
Acadia Univ. (B.A., 1892; 1M. A., ad 
eun., ,1895); Univ. Chicago (A.IM., 
18(4) and-,tJE'T T\heol
('Ph.D., 1896) ; m., 1897, iMargt., d. late 
.T. B. Freeman, Milolon, N.S.; o. 1896; 
pastor, .Milton, 1896; Lawrencetown,' 
1900: since 1910 has been Iprlndpal 
:Horton .cdU. Acad., and a gov. Acadia 
Un Iv. ; asst. ed. Current Topic8, Chic- 
agoO, 1892-94; ed. Standard, !Milton, 
1899-00; ed. Young ,P'eop-le's Depol., 
!Jfessenger and Visitor, St. John, N.B., 
1903-7; favours mod'erate tariff and 
an aggressive policy of int'ernal de- 
velopm.ent for /Can. as part m 'the Em- 
pIre.-Wolfville, N.S. 
Archibald, Bev, William Prescott 
S. Alex. A., Musquodobolt, N.S.: b. 
there; e. Dalhousie Univ. (B.A., 1872; 
M.A., 1878); pursued theoI. studies 
Presb. CoIl., Halifax, N.S. (B.D., 
1887); D.D., 1911: O. 1875: served 
:p. E. I.; pastor SpringsIde, N.S., where 
he stiH is, 1904; m., June, 1878, MIss 
Minnie Ramsay.-Springside, N.S. 
Ardag'h, Arthur Gowan, ci viI engr. 
S. late .Judge and Martha L. (Ar- 
dagh) A.: b. Barrie, Ont., Nov. 18, 
] 864 ; graduated Sch. Practical Science, 
Toronto, 1893; entd. service C. P. R., 
1900, and was successively draughts- 
man, transitman, and a resident engr. 
do.; a P. L. S., and practises his prof. 
at Barrie; a memo Ch. of God; m 
Violet J., d. late Capt. Lewis Ord, 71st 
Highland Light Infy.-Barrie, Onto 
Argue, William Pirritt, educationist. 
E. Man. Univ. (B.A., 1888); at one 
time Principal Portag-e la PraIrie CoIl. 
Inst.; sUbsequently Deputy Minr. Edu- 
cation, Man.; Secy. Westf>rn Teachers' 
Assn., 1892; apptd. Supt. Vancouver 
city s('11s., ApI., 1903; a memo and 
Secy. Royal Inst. for the Advanc. of 
Learning, B.C., 1906; dlr. Dom. Educ. 
Assn., 1907.-Vancouver, B.C. 
Argyll, Duchess of. (See Louise, 
Princess. ) 


Argyll, mø Grace John Douglas 
Sutherland Campbell, 9th Duke of, 
Marquis of Lorne and Kintyre, Earl 
Campbell and Cowal, Viscount of 
Lochow and Glenisla, Baron Inveraray, 
Mull, Morvern, and Tiry, Baron Camp- 
ben, Earl of Argyll, Baron of Lorne, 
Baron Kintyre (Scot. ), Baron Sun- 
dridge, Baron Hamilton, Baron of 
Loch'Ü'W; ,celtf.c ,tlt!le: Mac Cailean 
Mhor; chief of Clan Campbell (from 
Sir Colin Campbell, knighted 1286) : e. 
s. Geo., 8th Duke of A., and Elizabeth, 
e. d. 2nd Duke of Sutherland: b. Staf- 
ford House, London, Eng.. Aug. 6. 
1845; e. Edinburgh Acad., Eton ColI., 
St. Andrew's Univ., and Trin. Colt, 
Camb.; m., 1871, H. R. H. Princess 
Louise Oaroline AI'beJ'lta, 4 th d. ()if her 
late IMajesty. Queen Victoria and his Roya') Hig.hness Albert Prince Con- 
sort, (q.v.); represøI1'Ì'ed ,ArgyHshire 
(Brit. H. C.), 1868-78, and South Man- 
chester, 1895-1900: private secy. Duke 
of Argyll (India OfficE'), 1868-71: Gov.- 
Gent Can., 1878-83; founded while oc- 
cupying that office the Royal Can. 
Acad. of Art (in conjunction with the 
Princess Louise, q.v.). and Ithe Royal 
Soc. of Can., for the .promotion ot 
literature and scl
mce within .the Dom. : 
presented a c.haUenge cup to Royal .N. 
S. Yachlt Squadron; has been Gov. ani! 
Constabl'E! Windsor Castle since 1892, 
and Chancel10r of t,he Order of 1St. 
Michael anld St. George si'Ilce 1905: de- 
cUned Gov.-Genlshilp. of AustraHa, 
1900 ; auth'Or, among ()It-her works: "'l'he 
U. 'S. Aifter tthe War" (1885), "Ioffi- 
.perlal FedteraUon" (do.). '
Memories ot 
Can. .an'd Scoot." (1884), "Can. ,Pidures" 
(1885), "Our Railway to the Pacific" 
(1886), .. Obstacles to Annexation" 
(1889), .. Life of Pa'l.merston" (11887), 
" Windsor Castle" (do.), II A Gift Bool( 
f>or t'he Home" (do.), "Life and Times 
of Queen Victoria" (1901), "Some 
Thoughts on 'Canada" (1895), .. Pass- 
ages frO'ITl the Past" (1907), "Intimate 
Social Letters of the 18th Century" 
(1910); su
gested a Council f'ÛT t'he 
Empire, 1883, and. lat'er, a spe<ciwl 
order of knighthood tfor eacJh of t'he 
ro'onia,l Idng1d ' oms; is hon. 001. 15tJh 
Reg1:., ArgyU LIght Infy., Can.. an hon. 
memo of the 'Lit. and Hist. Soc., 
Quebec. the North British Soc.. Hali- 
fax, of the Hist. and Scien. Soc. of 
Man., and other simi'lar associations: 
a privileged memo of severnl Can. 
clubs; an LL.D. (hon.) Queen's Univ.. 
Kingston; a Lit.D. (hon.), Laval 
Univ., and a V.-P. of the Royal 
001. Inst.; In addition, this name has 
been given to many !towns anld s-ettle- 
ments in the several 'Provincf's of Can. ; 
Presdt. London Comte. for the restora- 
tion of the library of Toronto Univ., 
1892. which Comte. sent to the library 
about 30.000 vols. ; hon. Presdt:. 
Franco-Brit. Expn.. London, 1908: one 
of the promoters of the movement for 
making Ia national birthday present to 
Can. in connection with the Quebec 
ToE'rCÆ"!1te-n.. 00. - Rosf'1tf'oth Hot/sf" 
num b01"tonshire. .<\rot. : K f'nsingtmi 
Palare, London, "J-V. Eng. 
"Canarla npvpr had a trup1' or more 
('onstant friend."-T. Telegram. 


Ark ell, Herbert Samuel, Dom. public 
S. ll!l:t'e Hy. a'n'd Sarah (Tapscott) 
A., 'Teeswater, .ont.; ,b. there, Aug., 
1880; e. "\V()()Idstock Col'r., McMaster 
Univ. (B:.A., 1902; IM.A., 1904), 1'0' 
!'Oll/to UlllV. (RIS.A., 1904) and Onto 
Agrlcul'. CoHo ; dn.str. animal' husbandry 
Ohio State Univ., 1904-05; lecturer do 
AgricuI. CoIl., GuerIoph, .1905-7; a1pptd: 
prof. -do. Macdon3Jl,d 'CoIL, Ste. Anne de 
Ilevue, 1907; assisted in training 
eaCh of the tewffilS which (luring 3 suc- 

essive yrs. w,on tìhe bronze lÌrophy 
III students' stocl{ judging contf'st at 
Intern. Expn., Chicago; since 1910 has 
been Ðepty. Live Stock Commr., under 
Dr. Rutherford (q.v.); m., May, 1909, 
te, d. Colin R. MacLaurin, Vankleek 
HIlI, OIllt.; a 1Baa>t.-Dept. of Agricul- 
ture, Ottawa. 

. Thomas Beginald, education- 
S. Hy: .A., a noted sheep-breeder, 
and exhibItor, and .Jessie (Macfar- 
lane) A.; grands. late Thos. A., 
founder of the town bearing his name' 
b. Arkell, Ont., 1887; e. Arkell and 
Guelph public schs. and Guelph High 
Sch.; B.S.A. (Toronto Unlv.), 1908: 
assoc. ed. Canadian Farm (Toronto) 
1908-9; 8:ppt-d. ,prof. animal husband' 
N. H. Stabe IGO'ÞI., 1909; author: .. Feed
ing Sheep and Lambs"; ,Presb.-- 
Arkell, Onto 
. "One of the best expert sheep judl!;el 
In Canada."-O. Citizen. 
Arminsrton, Frank Milton. artist. 
S. M. .J. and Alice Evelyn (Strathy) 
A.; b. Fordwlch, On.t., .July 28, 18713: 
e. Toronto public schs. and boys' pri- 
",:ate sch.; m., Sept., 1900, Miss Caro- 
lme Helena Wilkinson (also an 
artist and exhibits frequen tly) 
Brampt()n, Ont.; studied first unde; 
.J. W. L. Forster (q. v. ). Toronto' 
went to Baris, 1899; entd. L'Acad: 
Julian, In the class of the late Benj. 
Constant and .Jean Paul Laurens' 
after marriage retd. to Can. ami 
opened a studio at Winnipeg; went 
back to Paris, 1905, again entering 
the .Julian Acad., where he remained 
until 1907; was under the Instruction 
of Laurens and Henri Royer ; ha
exhbd. at the Salon d' Automne, t1w 
Salon Soc. des Artists Francais, at 
the Carnegie Inst., Pittsburg, and at 
the Expos. Indust. Intern., Toulouse 
being awarded "honourable mention ,: 
or a prize in each case; works con- 
sist of paintings, etchings, and oil 
pastels; eleoted an assoc. mem. Royal 
Soc. af Bain ter-Etchers and Engravers, 
1910; Ihas produced some fin'E! ef- 
fects; a Meth.-8 Rue de la Grande 
Chaumiere, Paris, France. 
.. Few etchers, jf any, are doing bettt'r 
work."-S. N. 
Armitage, The Venerable William 
James (Ang.). 
Archdeacon of Halifax, N.S. ; Ang:o- 
Irish origin; df'scendant ancif'nt Nor- 
man family that came to Eng. with 
"\Vm. the Conqueror; S. late Wm. Bond 
Head and Jane (Adams) A.; b. 
Bryanston, Ont., Feb. 6, 1860; e. prl- 



vate ech., Lucan Public Sch., and To- 
ronto Univ.; studied divinity Wycllffe 
Coll., Toronto, graduating with honors; 
M.A. (Dalhousie Univ.), 1901; Ph.D. 
(Unlv. N. B.), 1905; o. deacon, 1884; 
priest, 1885; curate St. James's Ch., 
Orlllia, 1884-5; rector St. Thomas's 
Ch., St. Catharines, Ont., 1886-97; R.D., 
Lincoln and Welland, 1882-95; rec- 
tor St. Paul's parish, Halifax, N.S. 
(where he remains), 1897; R. D., Hali- 
fax, 1900-5; Archdeacon of Halifax, 
1906; Canon AH Sainlts Ca1.h.. do., 
1907; in addition to other positions,' 
has served as master in divinity Bp. 
Ridley CoIl.; special lecturer, Wycllffe 
0.011.; lecturer pastoral theol., King's 
Univ., Windsor, N.S.: actg. chaplain 
Queen's Own Rifles, Niagara Camp, on 
several occasions; hon. do., 66th, Prin- 
cess Louise Fuslilier,s, Halifax (pro- 
moted major, 1909), '1899; actJg. <10. 
merns. Ch. of Eng. in Can. CO!nltingen'Ìs 
to ,S. A., while encamped at Halifax; 
Oouncillor Wycliffe O()l1.; memo Bd. 
Havergal Ladies' 00'111.; Toronto; memo 
Provl. Genl. Synod Can.; Chairman 
Halifax branch Lord's Day A11iance ; do. 
CoiL and Oont. 011. S
.; 'eleded ipresdt. 
N. S. Hlst. !Soc., 1911; was a candidate 
for the vacan t .Bishopric of Niagara, 
1896, receiving majority of lay votes in 
first 3 baHots; a1so for vacant BiShQ'P- 
ric of.N. IS., 1904, when he received the 
majorirt:y of lay votes in 7 ballots; an 
official (leI. to BI-Cent. Ang. Ch. cele- 
bration, ,HruUfax, 1910; author: .. 'The 
Fruit of It/he tS!pirit," .. The Cities of 
Refuge," "The ICllUTCh YeaT" (COIPies 
or whidh were goocìousll'Y accelpted by 
Queen !Mary), an'd "The So
;(!iers of 
the King" (C'O'PY aecelPted by Emperor 
W111iÏ2Jm of Germany) ; and' of numer- 
ous contrIbutions to ch. Htera.f:ure; 
wrote a series of articles adrvocatlng a 
broader ch. union for Can., 1906: m., 
.June, 1886, Elinor Maria (l-st: V.-P. 
Locwl CounrcH of Women), e. d. late 
Robt. Ramsay, M.D.. Orlllla, Onrt:.-St. 
Paul's Rectory, Halifax, N.S.; Cana- 
dian Club, do. 
II Intens('lv patriotic."-T. News. 
II One whose eRrnestnpss, industry and 
ahility are known to everyone."-Bishop 
Worrell (q.v.). 
A.rmitage, Bev, William Leslie (Ang.). 
S. Jas. and ElIzabpth A.. Lucknow, 
Onto ; b. Kinloss, Co. Bruce, Ont., .June 
22, 1870; e. Kincardine High Sch., 
Huron ColI.. and Western Univ.; m., 
.July, 1906, Marianne Beatrice. d. Rev. 
Pirof. Heynar, LL.D. (q.1:I.), Vdc- 
torla Univ., Toronto; o. 1894; curate 
MemonaJl .011., London, Ont., 1894; 
apptd. first r.eQoor AJll Slain.ts Oh., 
Peterboro. Ont., 190,2; now aJt Plct'Ün, 
Ont.--Picton, Onto 
Armour, Donald John, physician. 
Fourth s. late Chipf Justice A., of 
the Supreme Ct. Can., and Eliza. d. late 
F. S. Clench, Cobourg, Ont.: b. Co- 
bourg, June 13, 1869; e. U. C. 0.011., 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1891), and Unh-. 
ColI., London: M.B. (Toronto Univ.). 
1891 ; M.R.C.P. (Lðnd. ): F.R.C.S. 
(Eng.); m., Oct., 1901. Marip Louise, 
d. late Capt. O. M. MitchplI, U.S.A., 
Washington, D.C.; has held the follow- 

ing appts.: House surg. Toronto Gen!. 
Hosp.; lecturer Med. ColI., Chicago; 
lecturer on anat. TJniv. ColI., London; 
surg. Bellgrade Hosp. for Children. 
London; lecturer R. C. Surg., do.; 
surg. West London Hasp., do.; senior 
asst. surg., National Hasp. for the 
Paralysed, do.; won JacksonIan- !prize, 
R. C. S. (Eng.), 1906; 3!pptd. Hunterian 
prof. of surg., do., 190ï ; auN-bor n'llm,e.r- 
ous conltri,butions to moed. literature; 
an An.g.; pOllitical,ly, a Unionist and 
tariff Tefoürmer.-89 Harley St., Lonclon, 
W., Eng.; United Ernpire Club. 
A.rmour, Douglas, lawyer. 
E. s. late Chief Justice Hon. J. D. 
A., Supreme Ct. Can., and. Eliza 
(Clench) A.; b. Cobourg, Ont., Apt 27, 
1862; e. late Mr. Barron's Sch., Co- 
bourg, and Gore's Landing, Ont., U. C. 
ColI., and '.foronto Unlv. (B.A. and 
silver medal In classics, 1881) ; barris- 
ter (Ont.), 1881; do. (P. Q.), 1902; a 
dir. N. Am. Wrecking Co.; Presdt. Os- 
goode Legal and Lit. Soc., 1889; for- 
merly a keen sportsman; one of the 
Argonaut four, and a memo bf the unlv. 
football team, Toronto; a Freema!:on of 
high degree; an Ang.; m., Dec., 1887, 
Agnes Maude, 7th d. late Robt. Spratt, 
grain merchant, Toronto.-

O Peel St., 
1I-fontreal; Royal Montreal Golf Club
Armour, Edward Douglas, lawyer. 
E. S. late Robt. A., barrister, a na- 
tive Doune, 'Perth-s., IScot., Regr. W. 
Durham, Ont., and Marianne, d. Rev, 
E. Burton (Ang.); b. Port Hope, Ont., 
1851; e. Trinity ColI. Sch. and Trinity 
Univ., Toronto (D.C.L., 1902) ; bårris- 
ter, 1876; K.C. (Ont.), 1890; m. Alma 
S. W., d. Lt.-Co!. A. Ponton, BpllevUle, 
Ont.; suece'ssful'ly practises his pro- 
fession In Toronto, where he Is head 
of firm A. & Mickl.e, barristers; has 
been for many yrs. lecturer to Law 
Soc. U. C. In real property, interpreta- 
tion of wills, and constitutional law 
(resigned, 1909); a memo governing 
body Trin. 0011. ;8dh., Port HO'Pe; do. 
Toronto Ch. Sch. for Boys: founded 
and was ed. for 19 yrs. of Can. Law 
Times; author of "A Treatise On In- 
vestigation of Titles to Real Estate in 
Ont.,.. .. A Treatise on Law of Real 
Property," U Theobald on Wills," and 
"A Treatise on Devolution of Land 
Upon the Personal Representative"; 
a Can.; formerly 18. supporter of late 
D. McCarthY, and a leader of .the Equa1 
Rights party; contested '.foronto 
(Local) as an Ind. cand., g. e. 1S
an 'Ang., and a del. to the ISynod.-l0S 
A venue Road, Toronto,' Toronto Club,' 
Toronto Golf Club; Toronto Himt 
Club; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
Armour, Eric Norman, lawyer. 
Y. s. late Chipf Justice and Eliza 
(Clench) A.; b. Cobourg, Ont., Feb. 15, 
1877; e. pUblic schools, CoIl Inst., U. 
C. ColI., Toronto Univ. (B.A., with 
honours, 1899), and Onto Law Sch. 
(scholar., 1st year); barrister, 1902; 
successfu}i]y pracNses hi.s prof. 'In- To- 
ronto; memo law firm Brlst()l & A., To- 
ronto; unm.; unsuccessfully contested 
W. Northumberland (R. C.), Con. in- 
terest, g. e. 1904; V.-P. Toronto branch 




Unlv. Toronto Alumni Assl1., 1905; 
Senator, Toronto Dnlv., 1906; Presdt. 
Unlv. ColI. Lit. and Sclen, Soc., do.; 
served 4 yrs. Cobourg Gar. Arty.; a 
promoter Toronto, Ottawa & Georgian 
Bay Ry.; believes the political an(] 
commercial independence of Can. is 
best suited to the Interests of this 
country; Ang.--86 College St., Toronto; 
National Club; Canadian Club, do. 
.. A mighty fine figure of a man."- 
T. World. 
.. Onp of thl' most brilliant young men 
in the Province."-M. and E. 
Armstrong, Bartholomew Mahon, 
Dam. pubJi.c s-ervioe. 
S. late Lt.-Col. Arthur A., H. M.'s 
service, who came to Can., lR37, and 
his wife, Ol'ivia (IMahon) A.; .b. Lloyd- 
town. Ont., Mch. 31, 1849; e. Grammar 
Sch., Paris, Olllt.; becarrne a C'lk. To- 
ronto p.o., Nov., 1867; promote.d sllJ)dt., 
1879; controller railway mail service 
Can., Jan. I, 1897; as such has intro- 
duced and carried out many reforms 
and improvements in connection there- 
with; took 1st class cert. at Toronto 
Royal Mil. Sch., 1865, and later saw 
service with Toronto Field Batty. In Fenians (med. and clasp); 
served likewise as lieut. of marines on 
gunboat Prince Arthur, cruising on 
Lake Huron; retired', with rank of 
capt., 1873; an Ang.; m., 1st, Mch., 
1876, Emily Louise (d. June, '1905), d. 
'V. J. Alexander, Toronto; 2ndly, Sept., 
1908, Dora, d. late Geo. Hill, Ottawa.-. 
"" Cooper St., Ottawa. 
Armstrong, Charles Leland, journal- 
E. s. C. B. A., London, Ont.; b. 
there, Dec. 8, 1880; e. public and high 
schs. there and Mt. Allison ColI., N.B. ; 
has been 8 yrs. engaged in newspaper 
work in Can. and U. S.; special writer, 
Boston Herald, N. Y. Herald. and 
memo 8'taffs St. J,ohiIIJ (N.B.) Telegraph, 
'Montreal Gazette, Toronto News, Man, 
Free Press, WinnL'Peg Teleg1'am, 1907- 
8; laJt'er on ed. staff 'Boston Herald; 
now eð. Victoria Colonist Sunday Mag.; 
mag. versifier and .short story w,riter; 
favours mos-t severe immigration re- 
strictions in .oan.; 'a Unlt.-Victoria, 
.. Has won the attention of the reading 
publio by his bright verse and enterta.ining 
style."-T. World. 
Armstrong, Charles Newhouse, rail- 
way promotor and contractor. 
S. late Hon. Jas. A., C.M.G., former- 
ly Chief Justice St. Lucia, and Marie 
Anne Charlotte A., d. Hercules Olivier; 
b. the Manor House of De Lanau- 
Ù'ier,e, MJaskinlOn'g1e, P.Q., Mch. 19, 1850; 
e. private tutor and Sorel Model Sch.; 
early training Ohio & Miss. Ry. ; after- 
wards in mercantile life, Can.; organ- 
ized Montreal & Sorel Ry., becoming 
mango dir., 1881, and presdt., 1884; 
has since organized other lines of 
ry.; is also wf'll known as a ry. con- 
tractor; author II Canada and Hpr Re- 
sou.rces" (1883); F.R.C.I., 11898; an 
Ang., and a :Con.; m., July, 1871, 
Amelia Frances, e. d. Dr, J. E. John- 
stone, Sorel; thre(\ of 'his sons have 


graduated ,from .R. M. CdIl., King.ston, 
and hdI'Ù commi,ssions in the King's 
reguJoar forces.-f9 Beaver Hall Hill, 
lIIontreal; Canadian Club, do. 
Armstrong, George E., physician. 
S. Rev. John A. (Meth.) and Harriet 
M. (Ives) A.; b. Leeds, P.Q., 1854; 
e. local schs. ; M.D.,C.M. (McGill 
Univ.), 1877; LL.D. (Ihon.), Queen's 
Univ., '191.1; has 'Prac'tised through- 
out in Montreal; has been Presdt. 
Montreal Med.-Chir. Soc., and has 
served on staff Montreal Genl. Hos- 
pltal; has written on med. subjects, 
and is one of the eds. Montreal Med. 
Journal; elected Presdt. Can. Med. 
Assn., 1910; a Con. and Q Meth.; also a 
Senator Montreal Wesl. Theo!. ColI.; 
voiunteered for service In field during 
S. A, war; apptd. prof. surg. and clin. 
surg., McGill Unlv., having previously 
been asso. prof. therein, June, 1907; m., 
1878, Miss Mary Hadley (d. .June, 
1909).-320 Mountain St., Montreal; St. 
James's Club; Mount Royal Club; Uni- 
versity Olub, do. 
Armstrong, George Henry, educatiùn- 
Irish and Eng. descent, and of D.E.L. 
extmction; 3rd s. Hy. and Susannah 
A.; b. Yonge, 'Go. Leeds, Ont., Jan. 2, 
1858; e. Athens High Sch., Cobourg 
and St. Catharines CoIl. lnsts., and To
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1896; B.Pæd., 1897; 
M.A., 1898); unm.; entered teaching 
profession at early age, and has been 
for 18 yrs. principal Borden St. Public 
Sch., Toronto; memo Educ. Council, 
Ont., 1899-03; author of sevpral text- 
books for schs., the most notable b
one on Eng. grammar and composition; 
Meth.; believes In principles and poli- 
cies rather than blind party ism, the 
good of the people and country being 
first consideration; thinks Govt. should 
expend more money and energy on 
popular education and less on prIsons, 
asylums and industrial institutions; 
would favour Govt. makIng monopoly 
of liquor business, selling it by its own 
agents, in packages, In part for med. 
and scieutific purposes.-l
St., Toronto. 
Armstrong, Harry William Dudley, 
civil engineer. 
E. s. late Judge and Mary Ann 
(Geddes) A., Ottawa; b. Ottawa, Aug. 
1, 1852; e. Ottawa ColI. lnst.; a char- 
ter memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; m., 
1877, Sophia Amelia, d. late G. B. 
Spencer, Winnipeg; has had prof. ex- 
perience In B. C. during construction 
Crow'iS Nest ,Pass Ry., 1897-98; was 
afterwards chief eI1'gr. Lindsay, Bob- 
oayg-eon & PontYiPool Ry.; now IÍn th{! 
empl'Ûy 'Of the Can. Northern Ry., 
Winni,peg; an Aug. and a Lib....Con.- 
Winnipeg, Man. 
Armstrong, Henry :Fry, educationist. 
S. Adam A.; b. Sunderland, Eng., 
1868; after being duly qualified as a 
cert. art master In the Nat. Art Train- 
ing Sch., South Kensington, and had 
considerable professional experience In 
Gt. Brit. and at Paris, was apptd. asst. 
prof. de scrip. geom. and freehand 
drawing, McGill Dnlv., Aug., 1896; 
since Sept., 1902, has been assO. prof. 



of drawing at McGill Normal Sch 
Montreal; apptd. prof. Applied Sclenc
McGill Univ., 1910; is autJhor of a t'ext- 
book on '
SO'lid Geom. and Orthograpih- 
leal Projection" ; an Ang. ; m., 1896, d. 
.Jas. All1ey, London and Acton West- 
" Drayton House," 58 Westmo1
Avenue, Montreal. 
Armstrong, Miss Isabel, journalist. 
D. late .Jas. A., formerly M. P. for 
South Middlesex (H. C. ), and .Jane 
(Fraser) A.; Scotch origin; b. Pond 
Mills, Ont.; e. Brantford and London' 
took honours in Eng. literature and 
music; has devoted herself to' journal- 
Ism; now and for some yrs. ed. 'i.'he 
Echo.-London, Onto 
Armstrong, Eon, James Neville, law- 
yer; legislator. 
S. .Jas. and Catherine (Neville) A.; 
b. SYdney Mines, N.S., .June 28, 1854; 
e. High Sch., North SYdney and Har- 
vard Unlv.; barrister, 1892; formerly 
principal N. SYdney High Sch.; haf: 
served alsO' as Town Clk., Treas., and 
Recorder of N. Sydney; Was first 
Presdt. Cape Breton Hist. Soc.; a Lib.. 
and has been Presdt. Cape Breton Lib. 
Assn.; apptd. a M.L.C., N. S., Feb. 20. 
1899: mO'ved: in tha>t Chamber, 1908, 
for the fi-ttl'll,g oommemoration O'f the 
150th anniversary of th-e -estabt. of 
Eng. constitutional goviÌ. in N. S.; 
apptd. a m'em. Roya}l Uti'liflies Oomn., 
1910; acC'Omp.anied the COIITln. to Eng., 
1911 : a Bapt.; his bro., Rev. W. F. A. 
D.D., has ilabour.ed in Burm.aoh India' 
as a missy. frO'm Am. Bapt. IMissionarY 
Union, for many yrs.; m., .Jan., 1890, 
.Jennie E., d. lrute A. A. RiC' 
Sydney, N.B. 
.. One of the most wideJ'v-i-nforrIned 
public men in Etastern Can."--=-St. Juhn 
Armstrong, John, Onto Ipublic service. 
Originally a printer, and was a pro- 
minent memo Toronto Typo. Union: be- 
came Presdt. local Trades and Labour 
Council; a memo Royal Labour Comn., 
1886; apptd. Secy. Onto Labour Burf'au 
Oct., 1906; unsuccessfully contested E: 
Toronto (Local), as an Ind. Labour 

e, g. e. 1894.-27
 College St., 
(D. Toronto, Nov. ff, 1910.) 
Armstrong, Lt,-Col, John Bussell, 
Third S. late Rev. Wm. A., formerly 
Brit. chaplain at Valparaiso, Chili, and 
sUbsequently rector St. .James's Ch., 
St. .John, N.B., and Martha, d. .John 
Ludlam, Buenos Ayres; b. Valparaiso, 
ApI. 30, 1848; e. St. .John, N.B., and 
CoIl. Sch., Windsor, N.S. ; after attend- 
ing Harvard Law Sch., was callf'd to 
the bar, 1870, and has since practised 
his profession in St. .John; apptd. It.- 
col. comdg. N. B. Brigadf', Gar. Arty., 
Nov. 22, 1885; commanded the Can. 
ATty. team at oShoeburyness, 1886; now 
on reserve of officers; created K.C. 
(Earl of Aberdeen), 1894; later (1907) 
received same appt. from N.B. Govt.; 
apptd. judge of Probate, City and Co. 
St. .John, Mch. 24, 1908; was hon. 
A.D.C. to Lord Derby when Gov.-Genl., 
and has been also Presdt. Dom. Arty. 

Assn., Presdt. St. George's Soc., St. 
John, and Chairman Lib.-Con. Assn., 
St. .John: now Presdt. N. B. Rlst. Soc. 
and Vice-Commodore Royal Kenne- 
becasis Yacht Club; an Ang.; a Lib.- 
Con.; m. Louisa (d. .July 12, 1907), d. 
late .John M. Robinson, Q.C.-27 Wel- 
lington Row, St. John, N.R.; Unioll 
Club, do. 
"A man of sterlin,g character, an lib
lawyer, and stands high in his profes.sion 
in Sf. John, and in the esteem of the bar 
througho()ut th(' Provinoe:.--J...,St. John Tele- 
Armstrong', John Simeon, civil engr. 
S. Rev. Geo. 1\1. and Octavia (Bow- 
man) A.; grands. Rev. .John A., some- 
time of Belize, Honduras, Buenos 
Ayres, and St. John, N.B.; father for 
34 yrs. rector St. Mark's (Ang.) Ch., 
St. .John, N.B.; b. nr. St. Catharines, 
Onto ; e. St. .John Acad. and King's ColI. 
Univ., Windsor, N.S. (B.A. and Genl. 
Williams prizeman in Eng., 1869) ; m. 
Lydia .Jane, M.A., d. .John Gregory, 
F1l'edlericton, N..B.;. employ,e.d on C'On- 
atruotioon Ill1ter<
o:l. Ry., 1870-71; dIo. 
Bai'e V.eJ'lteOana.1,survoey, 1872-73; ass.t. 
engr. D. P. W. harbour survey, St. .John, 
N.B., 1873-74; made general survey 
Halifax, N.S., for sewerage; memo con- 
tracting firm, 5 yrs. building Dorches- 
ter .p.ellity., Tninity Oh., City ,Ha:J.I. St. 
.John (after grf'at fire); construction 
engr. and mangr. Lincoln Pulp & Papér 
Co.; principal asst. engr. Chignecto 
Marine Transport Ry., 1888-91; supdt. 
Chambersburg & Gettysburg Ry. and 
Caledonia Mining & Manfg. Co., Penn., 
1891-92; bridge engr. N. S. Midland 
Ry.; chief engr. Canso & Louisburg 
Ry.; author numerous papers on pro- 
fessional subjects; an Ang. and a del. 
to the Synod.- H Netherwood," Rothe- 
8ay, N.R, 
Armstrong, Joseph E" legislator; 
S. Elijah and Sarah (Brown) A.; 
Irish and Eng. parentage; b. Co. York, 
Ont., Nov. 9, 1864; e. local schs., To- 
ronto Bus. ColI., and Nat. Sch. Elocu- 
tion and Orat., Phil., U.S.; m., Dec., 
1891, Margt. .J., d. .Jas. Shelly Phipps, 
'Vest Chester, Pa.; went to Petrolea, 
becoon:ing an oil 'Producer and mamrfr., 
1887; Town Councillor 3 yrs.: un- 
successfully contested E. Lambtol;l (H. 
C. ). as P. P. A. candidate, g. e. 1896: 
first returned, same constituency, Feb., 
1904; re-elected g. e. same year, and 
again 1908; favours Govt. ownership 
and operation telegraphs and tele- 
phones. and free rural mail delivery; 
moved in H. C., favouring last-named 
proposal, 1907; a Presb. and a Con.- 
Petro lea, Onto 
Armstrong, Loui. Olivier, Can. ry. 
S. late Hon. .Jas. A., C.M.G., for. 
merly Chief .Justice St. Lucia, and 
Marie Anne Charlotte, d. Rercule Oli- 
vier, Berthier-en-haut, P.Q.; b. Manor 
Ho. of De Lanaudiere, Maskinongf', 
P.Q.; e. Huron ColI., London, Ont.; 
ordained deacon (Ang.), 1874; priest, 
18.5, and was incumbent of Brompton 
and other parishes, P. Q.; retired from 



ministry, 1880, and entd. servwe .Man. 
S. W. Ry. as land commr. when merged 
with C.P.R.; was apptd. chief colon- 
ization dept. of latter system; In ad. 
dition, was apptd. industrial agent of 
same co., Nov., 1907; a successful lec- 
turer on Can. resources, and author 
.. Hiawatha or Manabozho, an Ojibway 
Inr\.Man Play," wruioh was highly com- 
mendied by t'he d. of the poet Long- 
fel'low, and was originaI:ly presented 
by IndiaJIlis in the U. S., and more re- 
cenrtJy at the Desbarats Islands, In 
Can., 'Produced in all more than 1,100 
Um'es; als.o author .. Some -Resources 
and Openings" (190&); has done 
much ex,pl-or.a.tion !Work in Am., Iby 
canoe and lSl1.()wslhoe; el-ected '1st V.-P, 
.Mopine Club, 19,11; a dlir. Quebe<: Fish 
and Game Assn.; an Arug.; a rCon.- 
f21 Milton St., Montreal; Camp Fire 
Club, N. 
.; Can. Camp Fire Club, do.; 
Can. Alpme Club, Banff. 
Armstrong, Mrs, Mary (Gregory), ed- 
1M. J. Simeon A., the fi'r-st teacher 
apptd. under new sch. law N. B.; for 
many yrs. on staff of ColI. Inst., Fred- 
ericton, under prlncipalship Dr. G. R. 
Parkin (q.v.); established .. Nether- 
wood," a sch. for girls, Rothesay, N.B., 
of which she was principal, and which 
she successfully conducted for 10 yrs.; 
retired 1905, on which occasion was 
presented with a handsome testimonial 
by .her iPu'Pilis; il\LA., hon. (N. B. 
Univ.), 1!105.-Rothesay, N.B. 
Armstrong, Bev, Bobert Augustus 
S. l'ate Robt. and Jemima A., To- 
ronto; b. there, Nov. 25, 1878; e. To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1900; M.A... 1905) ; 
pursued theol. studies Wycliffe CoIl., 
winoning liSt class h'O'Il'ours in-a.}-l depts. ; 
o. deacon, 1901; priest, 1902; vicar Ch. 
Holy Saviour, Waterloo, Ont., 1901-3; 
curate St. James's, Orillia, Ont., 
1903-7; rector Trinity Ch., St. John, 
N.R, 1907; m., 1908, Erie, d. læte Rev. 
H. S. Waters New Orleans, La.- 

l'rinity Oh. Rectory, St. John, N.B. 
.. Has splendid ability and is a growing 
man."-Archdeacon Oody (q.v.). 
.. One of the fastest forwards that ever 
plawd on Toronto Univ. rugby football 
team."-S. N. 
Armstrong, Bev, Bobert Cornell 
S. Robt. E. A., Ottawa; e. Victoria 
Univ., Toronto (B.A., 1903), and 
Wesl. Theol. Coil., Montreal; o. 1903; 
m., 1904, Kate, d. Rev. Wm. Service; 
missy. ItJo Japan, 1903; read paper 
on the life and work of Ninomiya 
Goutoku before the Asiatic Soc., Japan, 
1910-Hamamatsu, Enshua, Japan. 
Armstrong, Bobert Edwin, journalist. 
S. Robt. and Margaret A.; b. St. 
John, N.B., July 26, 1858; 'e. St. John 
Grammar Sch. ; acquired knowledge of 
printing in office st. John Globe, and 
was printer, foreman, reporter, and 
asst. ed. on that paper; started St. 
A.'Ildrews Beacon (weekly), 1889 which 
he still publishes; m., 1882, Miss'Margt. 
Paterson, St. John, N.B.; a del. to Ot- 
tawa Lib. Conv., 1893; unsuccessfully 
contested Charlotte (H. C.) g. e. 1900; 

memo Royal Comn. Sardine Fisheries, 
1903; has been trustee Sch. Bd.; is 
Presdt. Can. Lit. Club, St. Andrew's; 
a Presb.; Clk. of Sessions, Greenock 
Presh. Ch., and Chairman trustees, do. 
-St. Andrews, N.B. 
Armstrong, Samuel Allan, Onto public 
:serv Ice. 
Y. s. Rev. David A., D.D., and Jane 
A., y. d. late Joseph Cary, Depty. MinI'. 
of Finance, Can.; b. Co. Brant, Ont., 
1874; e. 'l'rin. Coli. Sch., Port Hope; 
m., 1905, Margt., 2nd d. late Finlay 
McGibbon, Sarnia, Ont.; barrister, 
1!100; successfully practised his prof. 
at Sarnia for 5 yrs.; apptd. Senior 
Inspr. of Prisons and Public Charities, 
Ont., Sept., 1905; do, asst. Provl. Secy. 
for Ont., June, 1909; a Con.; an Ang. 
-115 Warren Rd., Toronto. 
Armstrong, Thomas ;1" public service. 
S. Hon, Wm. J. A., formerly Minr. ot 
Finance and Agricul., B. C.; b. and e. 
New Westminster, B.C.; is Sheriff New 
Westminster; until recently was Grand 
Master Freemasons, B. C.; m., Nov., 
1888, Annie, d. D. Kerr, Ingersoll, Onto 
-New Westminster, B.C. 
Armstrong, Bev. William Dunwoodie 
S. late John D. and Jane (Dun- 
woodie) A., .. Sunnybrae," Millbrook, 
Ont.; b. there, July 28, 1845; e. U. C. 
Coli. (" Dux 11 and G.-G:s prizeman) 
and 'l'oronto Univ. (B.A., with honours 
in every dept., 1870; M.A., 1871); 
studied theol. Knox Coll., Toronto 
(D.D., 1902); :Ph.D. (!hon.), Boston 
U'Iliv., 1886; o. 1874, becoming ,pas- 
tor St. Paul's Ch., Ottawa, where he 
remained till 1909, when he gave up 
pastoral work; previously In charge 
Charles St. Ch., Toronto, and of a ch. 
at -Point Edward, Onto ; author 
.. The .Christian Minister and !Modern 
T.houglht" (1896), and other l-ectures 
and sermons; has contri:bUJted not 
infrequently to nawg,pwpers and 
'Periodical !press; one of the founders 
and first Seoy. Dom. Lord's Day 
e; did service as agent Bd. 
French Evangelization in Gt. Brit., 
1883; for over 30 yrs Corr. Secy. Ot- 
tawa Aux. Brit. and For. Bible Soc.; 
Presdt. do., 1901; Presdt. Art Culture 
Club, 1902; has been for many yrs. 
Presdt. and a prof. In the Ottawa 
Ladies' ColI.; Moderator Synod', Mont- 
real and OttaWl8., 1888; do. Genl. 
Assem., by unanimous vote, 1905; 
favours union Presb. and Meth. bodies; 
a memo of the Comte. on Ch. Union, 
1908; m., Sept., 1886, Jean W., d. 
Hy. J. Johnston, Montreal.-Ottawa 
Ladies' Coli., Albert St., Ottawa. 
"One of the Capital's most trusted pub- 
lic men, who has been active in all move- 
ments making for the educational and 
moral betterment of the city."-T. Globe. 
Armstrong, William Henry, contrac- 
S. late Jas. A. A., who came from 
Eng. to E. Can., 1850; has been en- 
gaged in construction of rys. and pub- 
lic works in the West since 1877; m., 
1887, Miss Ellen Mildred Ward, Vic- 
toria, B.C.-1288 Comox St., Vancou- 
ver, B.C.; Vancouver Club, do. 



Armstrong, Rev, William Laird 
(Meth.) . 
S. late W. C. A., Fort William, Ont.; 
b. Owen Sound, Ont., June 5, 1869; e. 
Wesley ColI., Man. (B.A., 1894) ; entd. 
ministry 1889; has filled pastorates at 
Deloraine, Winnipeg, Selkirk, Portage 
la Prairie, and other places; called to 
St. Paul's Ch., Toronto, 1906; m., Sept., 
1894, Frances, d. late J. C. Ferrier, 
Islington, Ont.--51 Bond St., TOTonto, 
.. A man deeply in earnest and full of 
the devotional spirit."-T. Globe. 
Armstrong-Hopkins. Dr. Salem, phy- 
sician; author; lecturer. 
D. Rev. Wm. L., M.D., and Eliza- 
beth (Summers) A.; b. London, Ont., 
Jan. 21, 1855; e. public schs. Michigan, 
High Sch., Blair, Neb., and Northwest- 
ern Univ., Evanston, Ill.; travelled and 
lectured consecutively 1879-82, and dur- 
ing summer V1aClfl.ltoÏ'ons, 1882-86; dlid city 
missionary work in Chicago, while at- 
tending sch., 1877-78; also in N. Y. 
City, while a student at Woman's Med. 
ColI., N. Y. Infirmary, 1882-83; M.D. 
Woman's Med. ColI. Penn., 1885; post
graduate course in obst. and gynec. 
Philadelphia Lying-in Charity, Meh.16, 
1885; do. Mt. Vernon Inst. of Elocu- 
tion and Languages, receiving degree 
Bach. of Elocution, June 19, 1885; took 
13 small waifs from Philadelphia and 
Chicago to the West, and established 
them in homes among the farmers of 
Platt Co., Neb., writing out indenture 
papers, getting signatures, affidavits, 
etc., during the spring 1885; one of the 
fou.n ders of Park Hill Orphan Home, 
WhICh, later, formed the foundation 
upon which now stands the Mother's 
Jewels' Home, York, Neb., of .the 
Woman's Home !Missy. ,Soc. lMeth. Epis. 
Ch.; was interne New Eng. Hospital, 
Boston! .Mass., 1885-86; sent ont by 
Bp. WIlham Taylor as a med. mission. 
to India, upon his self-supporting basis, 
Nov., 1886; was founder of and physi- 
cian in charge to Khetwadi Castle 
. and Khetwadi Castle Med. Missy. 
Training Sch. for Nurses, Bombay, In- 
dia, 1887-89; rescued from death, or 
worse, and adopted 7 East Indian in- 
fants, 1887-88; elected by the World's 
W.C.T.U., Bombay, India, national lec- 
turer on heredity, 1888; elected hon. 
mem. Manag. Comte. National Assn. 
of Countess of Dufferin's Fund for 
Supplying Female Med. Aid and Inst. 
to Women of India, 1889; filled 2 posi- 
tions as med. offr. under Eng. Govt.; 
was, for a brief period, physician-In- 
charge to the Lady Aitchison Hosp., 
Dispensary, and Training Sch. for 
Nurses, Lahore, India, 1889; was also 
apptd. by Brit. Govt. to what was then 
supposed to be a permanent position: 
physician-in-charge to Woman's Hosp., 
Dispensary, and Training Sch. for 
Nurres, Hyderabad, Sinðlh, India, 1893; 
returned to Am. Aug., 1893; brought 
from India to Am., at her own expense, 
and helped to educate 6 natives of In- 
dia, 2 of whom have already completed 
their education, 1 med. and 1 theoI., 
and have now returned to India as 

missionaries to their own people; resi- 
dent physician Armstrong-Hopkins Pri- 
vate Hosp. for Women and Children, 
Omaha, Neb., 1893-95; <has since prac- 
tised med. and surg., lectured and 
prel3!che,d the Gospel -in the ,sWes of 
Calo., Del., Va., DiS<t. Columbia, and N. 
Y. ;' author II Motto and Resolutions of 
a Little Girl," II A Divine Call to For- 
eign Missionary Service;' II Record of 
Daily Work," II Extra-Uterine Fæta- 
tion," II Fruit of Suffering" (poems), 
II \Vithin the Purdah," II Heroes and 
Heroines of Zion," II In the Zenana 
Homes of Indian Princes," II Record of 
Dally Work an i Diary," and II Khet- 
wadi Castle"; a memo Soc. of Am. 
Authors, N. Y. State Med. Assn., Am. 
Med. Assn., and the Soc. for Encour, 
of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 
London, Eng.; m., ApI., 1893, Rev. Geo. 
F. Hopkins, A.M., whose name, with 
that of his wife, was, on their petition, 
changed, by order of the Supreme Ct., 
Dist. of Columbia, Mch., 1905, to the 
hyphenated one of Armstrong-Hopkins. 

!J1 South Salina Sf., Syracuse, N.Y. 
.. A woman of rare gifts and achieve. 
ments."-Bul'. Soc. Am. Authors. 
Arnaud, Elias de Barbazau, Dom. 
public service. 
French Huguenot ñescent (see 
Smiles' II History of Huguenots") ; e. 
s. late Elias Macaulay A., Controller- 
Genl. H. 1M. Customs, London, Eng., 
and Anna M. (Norris) .A. ; b. 
London, Eng., Oct. 20, 1847; e. 
Somersetshire ColI., Eath; m., Sept., 
1870, Constance Isabel Ann, e. d. late 
Chas. T. Walcot, formerly of H. M. 
Oommissariat and latberly of the In- 
dian D
pt., Ottawa; s'c-rved for some 
y'rs. in Customs and Gen\. 'P.O., Lon- 
don; jOlned staff Bank B.N.A. t'here; 
came to Caill., 1868; remained in .bank- 
ing business, and 'Was 25 yrs. a man gr. 
in IMar. Provinces; aJPptd. !Can. com- 
mercial a.gerut;, Chicago, IU., iMch., 
1905; transfd., in same capacity, .to 
St. John's Nfd., Jan., 1907, and to 
Bristol, Eng., \Alpl., 1908; an Ang.- 
Sun Bldgs., Clm'e St., B1'istol, Eng. 
Arnold, John Jacob, banker. 
B. Co. Perth, Ont., Dec. 29, 1870; 
e. there and Central ColI., Stratford, 
Ont.; went to Chicago, 1890; entd. 
service 1st Nat. Bank; promoted asst. 
mangr. foreign dept. do., 1905; m., 
.June, 1896, Olga, d. Rev. M. Hoehn, 
Oalt Park; a memo Chicago Chap. Am. 
Inst. of Banking; dir. Am. Training 
Sch. for Young Women; Treas. Genl. 
Young People's Alliance Evangel. 
Assn.-Oak Park, Chicago, Ill. 
Arnold, John Porteous, educationist. 
B. Edinburgh, Scot., where he at- 
tended Training ColI. and Univ.; de- 
voting himself to teaching, held im- 
portant appts. in Scot., and gained 
the fellowship of the Educational Inst. 
of Scot., the highest scholastic de- 
gree in that kingdom; coming to Can., 
1886, was some time Vice-Rector Que- 
bec High Sch. and lecturer In Morrin 
ColI.; later, established and became 
Principal of Roslyn Ladles' ColI., Mont- 



real, naw In existence at Westmount, 
an Institutlan which Includes among 
Its patrans the Earl of Derby, Lord 
Strathcana, and the Countesses af 
Aberdeen and Minta; had far pupils 
In Scat. the sans af Dr. Llvlngstane, 
the fílmaus Afrkan explarer, and, In 
Can., twO' of the y>ounger sons of the 
Earl af De1"1by; has l,ectured an lliterary 
and historlÏcal subjects. and 'Cantrlbutes 
ocúaslanaHy to' news,pa'Per 'Press; 
faund'er Roslyn Shakesipeare Club, and 
has be
n Presdt. Burn's 'Club, Montreal, 
:l!nd Crupt. Westmaunt Golf Club; 
elected Bresdt. Dickens Fellawshi'p, 
Montreal, 1910; m. 'Mima, e. d. late 
J. Shaw, Dundee, Scot.; a Presb. and 
a dev'Ûted Scotsman, thO' ugh t.aking a 
deep intprest In Can. affalrs.-
Mount Pleasant Ave... Westmount, 
Arnoldi, :Prank, lawyer. 
Faurth s. late Dr. F. C. T. and 
Christina M. (Telfer) A.; b. Mantreal, 
ApI. 3, 1848; e. U. C. Call.; barrister, 
1870; KC. (Earl of Dprby), 1889; 
now one of the leaders of Toronto bar; 
has acted as Crown prosecutor at vari- 
ous assizes, and has pleaded before 
Jl. Camte. P. C., Eng.; caunsel far 
G. R. R. Cackburn (q.v.), Presdt. de- 
funct Onto Bank, 1907; one af the 
faunders new Bar Assn., Taronto; 
Preadt. Natianal Club, Toranto, -1893- 
97, and remains a. dir. of same; apptd. 
a gav. U. c. con., 1895; Is alsO' V.-P. 
TorontO" branCh Brit. EmlJ)ire League, 
and V.-P. Can. Inst., TorantO"; aut'haT 
U An Epach In Can. History-an Ap- 
preclatlan," published, 1904, In connec- 
tian with 7Mh annlv. U. C. eoN.; a 
del. 3rd Cangress Chambers of Com- 
merce of the Empire, Londan, and 
there supparted Taranto Ed. of Trade's 
resalutlan favauring arrangemellt 
within the Empire of the nature of a 
zollverein; a Con.; an Ang., and a 
del. to' Synad.; m. Emily Louisa, 2nd 
d. late Æ. A. H. Fauquier, Waadstack, 
Ont.--'1 North St., Tnronto; National 
Club, do.; Colonial Club, London, Eng. 
Arthur, Mrs, Clara Blanche, philan- 
thropist. · 
D. Alex. N. and Martha Hanna 
(Lewis) Peters; U. E. L. descent on 
bath sides; b. St. John, N.B., Oct. 25, 
1858; e. there; m., Sept., 1882, Jas. 
Arthur, Montreal; V.-P. far 2 yrs. 
and Presdt. far 2 yrs. Detralt Federa- 
tion Wamen's Clubs; Presdt. for 6 
yrs. Detralt Woman Suff. Assn.; V.-P. 
far 4 yrs. Mich. State Woman Suff. 
Assn.; Chairman and arlginatar Play- 
g-round Comte. Local Cauncil of 
Women, which established playgrounds 
In Detralt, and Induced the Bd. of 
Educatlan to adapt the work IntO' the 
public sch. system, 1901; Chairman 
Public Bath Camte., which succeeded 
In pracuring apprapriatlan far first 
public bath In Detroit, 1906; a char- 
ter memo 20th Century Club.-96 B08- 
ton Boulev(trd, Detroit, Mich. 
U One O'f the w'Omen 'Of the century."- 
Oan. A.m. 
Arthur, Miss Julia, (See Cheney, 
Mrs. Julia.) 

Arthy, Edward Westhea4, education- 
B. lin En'g.; an untdler-grað. Toronto 
Undv., :1873; 1In. Mi,ss ,SiaJrO. MiJlrri
Pl'inci'J)I8JI Royal Ånthur Sch., IMont- 
I"eaJ. Setp1t., .1&75: suÞsequenNy Head- 
masbeir Pl'epara.'Ì!OIry Hi,gh Sch()l()l, do.; 
Sec:\r.-S1Jip l dit. Prot. Bd!. Sch. Oommrs., 
P. Q., Seprt:., 1883 (reoSÍ'g11<ed, 1908); 
a memo ex-ofTìcio, dl().; author "-Candi- 
t&cms of PlI'otestJanlt E lU'Cl3./tï.cm in ,tJhe 
Pro"ince lOt! Qouebec," a-nð other plaJJe!"S 
0Tt cogmla.ÌJe 18ubjoot
.-nl Sta111ey St., 
"The better part of his life has been 
devoted to the great work of education, 
oVE'rseE'ing the dE'velopment of teaching 
work along the most modern lines, and 
thE' erection in every quarter of the city 
of npw and commodious school buildings." 
-J[. Wit71eN8. 
Arup, Paul Seidelia, educatlanlst. 
Danish parf'ntag-e; b. Catford. Lon- 
don, Eng.. Feb. 2, 1884; a chemist; 
d<'manstratar Galdsmith's Inst., Lon- 
(Ion, Oct., 1904; chemist Mf'ssrs. Wm. 
Cooper & Nephews, Berkhampstead. 
"Fing'., Fpb., 1905: oraf. scff'ncf'. King's 
Call.. Wlnd,sar, N..8., Oct., 1905 (/M.A., 
1906); since resigne-(l; authar varlol1s 
seie-ntific 'Paipers; 'believes In sociaUsm 
where C'OmmunIty is sufflcJ.en,tly ad- 
vanced; alsO' In munidpallzatlon of In- 
dustrirul cance.rns and demacratlc govt.; 
a Danish " Lutbe ran.-l08 Regents Pm'k 
Rd., London, Eng. 
Ascher, Xsidore Gordon, paet and 
R late G. I. A., Jewish merchant:, 
Montreal; b. Glasgaw. .Scat., 1835; 
came to' Can. with parents 1841; e. 
High Sch.. Mantreal; fallowed law 
caurse at 'lVLcGill Unlv. (B.C.L., 1862) ; 
ad vacate, 1862; contributed poetical 
pieces to' local press, and publlshed. 
1863, .. Voices fram the Hearth, and 
Other Poems," a valume highly re- 
garded by Can. and Eng. press; re- 
moved to Eng., 1864, where he has 
became a frequent contributor to the 
Landon press, his contributians In- 
 shart starles, dialagues, poems, 
editarlals, etc.; !hIs sonnets on events 
af the haul' In Public Opinion have 
awakened lInucm Interest In literary 
cireles, particularly one entdtled 
"Canada," which wiU be preserved In 
the Dam. as a master,plece; wrate alga 
.. Letters to. His ,San \fram the Modern 
Lord OhesterfieJ.d" far ,tohe same jaur- 
nal; has IJ)ubI-ished, separa,tely, the fal- 
10wi'l1ig ruovels: "An Old !Maid's Canfes- 
sian," "A ,Cure for a Title:' ",An Emi- 
grant's Stary," .. An Odd Man's 
Stary," .. A Saclal Upheaval," "The 
Daom of Destiny," "The DevfI's 
Doll"; a camedietta fram 'his pen, 
"Circumstances Alter Cases," was 
praduced in Landan in 1888; m., 1872, 
Lily, e. d. Saml. Newman, London, 
Eng.-7 Bullingham Mansions, Pitt St., 
Kensington W., London. 
.. A sweet poet and a skillful writer." 
-Late Geo. Murray. 
Ashald, William W" Can. ry. service. 
B. Garrettsvllle, 0., Jan. 15, 1856; 
e. public schs.; entd. ry. service At- 



lantic & Gt. W. Ry., 1873, since when 
he has filled various responsible posi- 
tions on many roaòs In U. S.; joined 
G. 'l'. Ry., 'May, ,1899, as train maste.r; 
a1Pptd. ,supdot. 'Of .tE"legraphs, do., ihls 
present position, Mch., 1903. - 2164 
JIance st., Mont1'eal. 
Ashburnham, Hon, Thomas, 
Third s. 4th Earl of Ashburnham; 
b. 1855; e. Trinity ColI., Cambridge; 
formerly Capt. 7th Hussars; served in 
Eg}lptian campaign, 1882 (med., wit'h 
clasp, and 5th class Medjidie); an 
extra A.D.C. to the Viceroys of lrel. 
(Earls of Carnarvon and Aberdeen); 
m., 1903, 'Maria Elizabet'h, d. W. H. 
Andoerson, Fredericton, N.B.; an Ang. 
{lnd a del. to the synod.-Fredericton. 
N.B.; Hurlingham Chlb, London, Eng. 
Ashcroft, Mrs, Harriet Elizabeth, 
D. late John Barrett McGann, C.E., 
who founded the first institution for 
the deaf and dumb in Ont., and thp 
Proto Sch. for the Deaf In Quebec 
(now the Mackav lnst. for Proto Deaf 
Mutes and the 'Blind, Montr("al); b- 
Co. Dublin, Irel., and accompanied her 
father to Can.; m., July, 1889. John 
Imrie A shcroft, Principal Sch. for the 
Deaf, B.C., of which he was the foun- 
der ( d. 18 q 1); ha s been enga gf'd in 
tpaching the df'af from ea rly girlhood; 
apDtd. joint Supdt. of Mackay Inst., 
with l\fr. Ashcroft. 1881. and since his 
death has had entin' charge of the 
inst. as supdt. and principal; has suc- 
cessfuIly introducpd thf' tf'aching of 
articulation by means of Prof. A. Mel- 
ville Bell's system of visible spef'ch.- 
}'fackaJ/ Inst. for Prnt. Deaf Jfutes. 
etc., Notre Dame-dc-Grace, },[ontreal. 
Ashdown, Rev. Charles Bowland 
S. Virm. Chancf'llor and Marv Ann 
Hannah (Howell) A.; b. Tôronto, 
Ont.; e. Jan'is St. ColI. lnst., l\kGill 
Dniv. (B.A., 1897), and Congo ColI., 
Can. (Ph.D.) : post-graduate work Chi- 
cago Theol. Semy.; apptd. minr. Zion 
Ch., Ang1Js, and Mary Kirk, New 
Lowe-l'l, Ont., 1897 ; now at Byn'g Inlet; 
has travelled exten!'iv,ell.y in Euroope. 
tohe Holy Lan-d, and; 'present at 
Queen Victoria''S Jubi'lee; a contri'butor 
t'O various journals, and has l:ec.ture{1 
on Eng-. literature, etc.: m., Dec., 1897, 
Miss Jean Inglis Dickie, Toronto.- 
Byng Inlet, Onto 
.. -\ forceful, pnprgetic preacher with 
fine imagination."-Dom. Presb. 
Aøhdown, James Henry, merchant 
and capitalist. 
S. late Wm. and Jane (Watling) 
A.; b. London, Eng., 1844; came to 
Can. with parents, 1853, and,' after liv- 
ing in Ont., Chicago and Kansas, be- 
came a pioneer in Man., 1868; served 
with the loyalists during first Riel re- 
bellion, 1869-70, and suffered imprison- 
ment .in Fort Garry with Schultz, Scott 
and Malr (q.v.); one of those crhiefly 
instrumental in securing incorporation 
for City of Winnipeg, since when he 
has become a prominent figure in the 
religious, poIltical, educational, com- 
mercial and municipal life of the 

western capital; has been an Ald. of 
Winnipeg, Presdt. Bd. of Trade, memo 
of Sch. Bd., gov. City Hospital, is a 
dir. Northern Crown Bank, Winnipeg 
Mining & Develop. Co., Presdt. Can. 
Fire Ins. Co., ahd Presdt. J. H. Ash- 
down Hardware Co. (capital increased 
from one to two million dollars, 1906) ; 
also a councillor Man. Univ., a gov. 
'Vesley CoIl. (and one of its founòers). 
and Presdt. Winnipeg Children's Aid 
Soc. ; lectured on .. Oùr Herlmge in the 
West," 1906; memo Royal Transporta- 
tion Comn., Jan., 190!); elected Mayor 
of Winnipeg, 1906-7; has intro- 
duced various important reforms in 
the admn. of civic affairs; favours thf' 
establishment of the ports of Victoria. 
Vancouver, St. John, Halifax, Quebec, 
and Montreal as free ports; also the 
extension of the western houndarv of 
Man. due north to the 60th parallel; 
rated as a millionaire; a Lib. ; a Meth., 
and gave $100,000 to Wesley CoIl., 
'Vinnipeg-, 1909; gave $25,000 to Y.IM. 
C. A., Winniipeg, tûiWards a new build- 
ing, 1910; m., 2n'dly, 1876, /Miss .Susa'n 
Crowson. Winnipeg.- Winnipeg. 
.. Thp mprrhant hardware prince of 
Can."-S. N. 
.. A hnsineRs man of wide experipnce 
and unimpearhllhlp intpgrit
'."-T. Globe. 
Ashe, Admiral Edward Percy, R.N. 
E. S. late Commander E. D. A.. R.N., 
Supdt. Quebec Observatory, and Mar- 
cella, e. d. Rev. Gilbert Percv D.D.' 
b. Quebec; e. Quebec High Sch.; en
tered R. N: as midshipman, June, 
1868; 2nd Lieut., Dec., 1872; Lif'ut., 
Jan., 1877; Commander, June. 1891; 
Capt., June, 1899; Rear Admiral. 1908; 
obklined {50 prize. Royal Naval ColI.. 
1882; Lieut. H.M.S. Thalia during 
EgYlptian 'Var (med. and I<:'hedlve's 
bronze star) ; commanded H.M.S. Pead. 
Cape Station, 1901-04 (South African 
med.); M.V.O., 1905; an Ang.; m., 
1899, Susan, d. late Danl. Gill, Marble- 
head, Mass.-Care Admiralty, London, 
.. A worthy Canadian."-M. Gazette. 
Ashe, Frederick Webber, banking 
"Y. S. late COimman-der A., R.N.; br.{). 
preceding; b. Quebec, Oct. 17, 1864; 
e. High Sl"'h., Quebec, and Trlnitv ColI. 
Sch., Port Hope, Ont.; successively 
mangr. Union Bank, Norwood, Hast- 
ings, Carleton Place, Smith's Falls, 
and Montrpal ; apptd. Supdt. of 
branches and asst. to genl. mangr., 
do., 1907; a dir. Royal Montreal Golf 
Club.; Ang.; m.. 1898, Miss BellI' 
Haven Greene, HaV'erhi.ftI, Mass.-31 
Jft. Carmel St., Quebec; Ga1Tison Club 
do.; Mount Royal Club; Canada Club; 
]font1'eal; Y01"k Club, Toronto. 
Ashley, Bev, Barnas Freeman (Bapt.). 
S. Rev. 'Vm. 'Vashington and Han- 
nah (Kempton) A.; b. Liverpool, N.S., 
Nov. 27, 1833; e. Barrington Public 
Sch. and under private tutors at Bos- 
ton, Mass.; followed med. course, 
Ohio Med. Coli., Cleveland, 0.; in ac- 
tive pastorate 45 yrs., latterly of Re- 
formed Dutch Ch., N. Y.; known as 
a writer of poems, sketches, and short 



stories; more recently as a writer for 
McClure svndicate, and books for 
boys; authõr .. Tan Pile Jim" (1895), 
II Dick and Jacks" (1897); II Advpn- 
tures on Sable Island" (1896), II Air 
Castle Don" (907); m., Nov., 1857, 
Miss Caroline L. Goodspped, Osterville, 
Mass.-Ravenna, O. 
Ashmead, Lt.-Col. Alfred Françis, 
late Can. mil. service. 
B. Jan. 9, 1864; joined Queen's Own 
Can. Hussars as 2nd lieut., '1896; 
capt., 1900: major, 1905; It.-co1- 
comdg., 1907: resigned I
09, and now 
on R.O.: holds 1st d. C. S. cert.: 
served as 2rrd lieut. in 3rrl C. 1:\1:. R.. 
under Col. Evans, C.B., during S. A. 
War and was present at opprations 
in Transvaal. Oran
e. River Colony. 
and 'Calpe !Colony (Qu
n's 'lned., with 
3 clasps); was for some yrs. Secy.- 
Treas. Quebec Turf Club; apptd. Secy. 
(for P.Q.) Can. Nat. Bureau of 
Breeding, 1908; returned to Eng., 1910. 
-Care Can. Office, London, Eng.,o Que- 
bec Garrison Club. 
Allhplant, Henry Brinllmead, author. 
E. s. lat1! Wm. A., Heatzworth House, 
Ha verhilI, Essex, Eng.; b. lpswlch, 
Eng., Nov. 15, 1863; e. there; m., 
1892, Alice Amelia, d. John Hargreaves, 
London, Ont.; long engd. In mercantile 
life; noW, and since 1905, connected 
with the Geo. White & Sons Co., Ltd., 
engines and threshing machinery, Lon- 
don, Ont., and Brandon, Man.: for 
many yrs. actively interested in Indus. 
problems, both in Eng. and C!ln., and 
has filled many Important positions In 
connection therewith; organized a sec. 
of ,the SOICialJi'Slt-LaboiUr party at Lon- 
don 1895, and assisted In the forma- 
tion of the original Can. Soclalist- 
La100ur -panty talt ,
IiQ.nbI'f'Ja.1 inl't'ho
l't yea r : 
was the plòneer candidate of that 
party for London, Onto (Iocal) , g. e. 
1898. but since 1899 has not entd. the 
political field, though active In defence 
of Socialist principles: besides numer- 
ous contributions to the newspaper 
press at home and abroad, has pub- 
lished II Paganism In Commerce, Its 
Influence on the Churches" (1896); 
II Heterodox Economics v. Orthodex 
Profits" (1897); and .. FlIm-Flam 
Finance Circulars," Issued at various 
times: a memo West Onto Com. Travel. 
Assn., London Chess Olub, Y M. C. A., 
WHil anò the Way Juvenile TemiP),e 
10. G. T., !Roya'I' AITall'um, and' 1. O. 
Foresærs ; treas. :\1:all1<frs. .Athletic 
Assn., 19,10-1'1; formerly a Cong., and 
presdt. Y. P. S. C. E., 1st Congo Ch., 
T onodlon. Ont.: la'btlCl'ly, assiOoo. with IthlE' 
Meth. Ch.; has sometimes acted as a 
local preacher,-766 Dundas St., Lon- 
don. Ont.,o Baconian Club; Canadian 
Club, do. 
Allhton, Lt,-Col, Ernest Charles, phY- 
B. Oct. 28, 1873; M.D.,C.M., Trin. 
Unlv., Toronto, 1898; successfully 
practises his prof. rat Brantford, Ont.: 
joined 38th Regt., Dufferin Rifles, as 
Lieut., 1893; Capt.. 1896: Major, 1902: 
Lt.-Col. Comdg., 1907; holds 1st class 
R. S. I. c:ÆI'1t.-B1'antf01'd, Onto 

Ashton, Bev, Bobert (Ang.) 
B. Feb. 14, 1843: o. deacon, 1885: Is 
Principal Mohawk lnst., Brantford; 
formprly agt. S. P. G. in New Eng.: 
apptd. chaplain 38th Regt., Dufferln 
Riflps, with hon. rank of capt.. Dec., 
1896; promoted Major, Dec., 1907; is 
hon. Presdt. Western Onto Cricket 
League.-Brantford, Onto 
Aøkwith, Charles Howard EngUsh, 
E. s. Thos. and Martha (Walters) 
A.; Eng. (Yorkshire) descent; b. Ot- 
tawa, Junp 11, 1878: e. Ottawa public 
schs. and ColI. lnst., and McGflI U!1iv. : 
unm.: a journalist. and has had ex- 
perience as such In all the provinces. 
save P. E. I.; formerly pd.-in-chief 
Brandon Sun: until latply mango ed. 
Yukon .World; special Comnr. for Can. 
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expn., 1909; now 
in Ottawa: a contributor of fi<:tlon 
and verse to Can. and Am. perIOdi- 
cals; nom-de-plume." Saxon North": 
a Lib. and free trader: stumped Man. 
for Hon. C. Sitton and othf'T Lib. 
leaders; a secularist.-ff6 O'Connor 
St., Ottawa. 
Asselin, Joseph François Olivar, 
S. late Ricule and Cedulie (Trem- 
blay) A., farmer; b. St. Hilarion. P.Q., 
Nov. 9, 1874; e. Rimouskl CoH.; Prin- 
cipal Evening Sch., W
)Qnsocket, R.
1 R!l7-8,: priwlt'e Sf'cy. 
lr Lamer GOUIn 
(q.v.), Que'blec, 1901-03; began contri- 
buting to !press while a resident of U. 
S., an'd, 'On return bo Can., was city. ed. 
La Presse Montreal': org3JIl'ized Nat 1 1Q!1- 
alist'Le9JgÙe, 1902, and is Presdt.ll\font- 
rea'} Ibranoc!h; ,founded Le Nationaliste 
as tJhe organ of the .party, an'Ò was I,t's 
ed., 1904: now rwritJe-s rfor Le Devoir; 
lately published a series of politiæl 
hrochures with the title: II Feuilles de 
Combat"; is also author, "A Quebec 
View of Can. Nationalism: an J:;ssay 
by a Dyed-in-the-Wool French-Canad- 
ian" (1910) : served as a private with 
U.S. troops during Cuban War: sum- 
med up,' his political creed consists of 
anti-Imperialism, equality of races and 
('reeds, and a sound Internal policy; 
m., 1903, IMIlJ.oe. i\llice 'Le -Bouthi1ller, 
:\1:ontrea'l: R. C.--85b Drolet 1St., Mont- 
"An indefatigable worker."-T. New6. 
.. A 'hrilliant writer, and a French-Cana- 
ilian. first, last and all the time."-T, 
Atherton, Alfred Bennison, physician. 
S. late John A. and Charlotte Perley 
(Bennison) A., both of Puritan stock; 
b. Quppnshury, N.B., Jan. 22, 1843; e. 
Univ. N. B. (B.A., 1862; hon. LL.D., 
1900): M.D., Harvard Unlv., 1866; 
memo R. C. P. and S. (Edln.), 1867: 
sUbsequently took further course of 
study In London. Eng., and practised 
succpssively at Fredericton and To- 
ronto, in which latter city he was lec- 
turer on principles of surg. in Onto 
Med. ColI. for Women: also Presdt. 
Toronto Med. Soc. and Surg. st. John's 
Hospital for Women: returned to 
Fredericton, 1895, where he has be- 
come Chairman of the Sch. Board. 



Presdt. Alumni Assn., Univ. of NÆ., 
and a Senator of that Institution; 
Presdt. Med. Council N.B.; V.-P. Curl- 
Ing Club, and Presdt. Maritime Med. 
Assn.; has served also as V.-P. Can. 
Med. Assn.; delivered a notable ad- 
dress to Maritime Med. Council on the 
deterioration of the human race, July, 
1907; indo In politics; a Meth.; m., 
1867, Miss Sarah Wiley, Fredericton. 
-Fredericton, N.B. 
Atherton, William Henry, education 
.S. Joseph A., sanitary engr.. lately 
of Gt. Yarmouth, Eng.: b. Sa1ford. 
Eng., Nov. 15, lR67: e. Stoneyhurst 
ColI.: matriculated. Lond. Unlv., 1886: 
fol1owed 3 vrs. course of 
phil., later at Stoneyhurst. and 4 yrs. 
course of scholastic divinity at St. 
Rueno's CoIl.. St. Asaph. N. Wales: 
Ph.D., Ottawa Unlv., 1908; prof. 
classics and elocution Stoneyhurst 
and Beaumont CoIls., Old Windsor, 
Eng, for 10 yrs,; prof. 1ft.. St. Albert, 
Alta., Can.; do. classIcs, Loyola CoIl., 
Montreal; lit. and phil., Notre Dame 
0011. Inst for 'higher educ. of women. 
In ('onnédtlon witlh Lav
l Un1iv., 
Montreal; author If Life of Father 
Damien, the Leper Priest It; part com- 
piler If Hist. of Cath. Church in N. 
Alberta It: contributed to Journalism 
fug-ltive articles anl1 criticisms; has 
produced for coIl. students very many 
Important dramas; also, parts of 
Greek, Latin and French classical 
plays; V.-P. Dickens Fel1owshlp. 
Montreal: secy. City Improvement 
League, do.; mango dir. Cath. Sailors' 
Club, do.; Interested In all social 
Questions; CathoUc.-CatAo1ic SaUorlt' 
Club, Montreal; Loyola College, 68 
Drummond St., do. 
Atkinson, Christopher J" journalist. 
Father came from Mass. to E. T., 
Quebec; mother, Irish-Can.; b. South 
Granby, P.Q., Aug. 31, 1859; e. pub- 
Uc sche. and Granby Acad.; unm.; 
estbd., pubUshed and edited !llan. 
Liberal (P. la Prairie, Man.), Virden 
Advance (Virden, Man.), and the Re- 
gina Journal, now The Standord ("Rf'- 
gina, Sask.); published the fir::;t Lib. 
newspaJpf>r estalbd. in the N. W. T.; has 
haeI a I1fe-Iong- interest in boys; le,ft 
iourn.a11sm .for ð.efinß.tte work fll")r boy'S; 
esta:bd. the Broaðview Boys' Inst., To- 
ronto. 1902; Ifa unique educational play 
eX(perlment. p,robabl;y unpara,lle1ed in 
America; the institute is a play place 
rather than a school; It is an original 
adaptation of the process of realizing 
thf' function of play in relation to edu- 
cation It (vide If A Commonwealth of 
Bright Boys," In Globe Mag., Sf'pt. 19, 
1 I) 0 8); formf'rly Chairman Boys' 
Dept., Y. M. C. A., and Suodt. Boys' 
Brigade, Broadview Congo Ch., Toron- 
to; a Cong.-!75 Broadview A1)e., To- 
Atkin.on, Harvey, lawyer. 
O. C. late Wm. A.; b. Shedlac, N.B., 
Mch. 5, 18!í3; e. Co. Grammar Sch. 
and Mt. Amson Unlv. ; barrister, 1877; 
K.C. (N. B.), 1899; Mayor of Monc- 
ton, 1901; Law Clk. Transcont. Ry. 

Comn., 1906; holds high rank In 
1. O. Fores.ters.-39 Rosebery Ave., Ot- 
tawa, Onto 
Atkinson, Joseph E., journalist. 
S. John and Hannah A.; lb. New- 
rosUe, Ont., Dee. 23, 1865; e. local 
common and high sdhs.; m., Aipl., 1892, 
Miss Elminta S. E:IIJ.Ï.oH, Oak\'lÏl'le, On.t. 
(a 1alente'(} la-dy" known in literary 
and newSl})'3Jper ciflcles by :ber nom- 
de-plume, .. Madge Me.rton"); oom- 
me-nced newspa,per work on Port 
Hope Weekly Times, 1884; joined To- 
ronto Globe, 1889; ed. Montreal Daily 
Herald, 1896; ed. and mangr. Toronto 
Daily Star, where he still is, Dec., 
1891); Is Secy.-Treas. Can. Associated 
Press, and V.- P. Toronto League for 
Prevo of T'UbeT<
ul.; a del. Imp. Press 
Coni., London, Eng., '1909.--64 Glen 
Rd.. Toronto; NationaZ Club; Ontario 
Club, do. 
H !<'aithful, alert, cIear-headed."-1'. 
.. Has made the Star one of the 'best 
evenIng pape,rs in the whole ()f Can....- 
Hon. Wm. Patterson (q.v.). 
Atkinson, Lt,-Col, Thomas Bobert, 
lawyer; legislator. 
S. Thos. and Mary (Bal1atine) A.; 
b. Tp. Ancaster, Wentworth, Ont., Aug. 
24, 1854; e. local schs; completed 
education at Queeo's Univ., Kingston; 
studied sculpture in early life, and 
('stabllshed the largest business In that 
line in Western Ont.; conducted busi- 
ness In his own name for 20 yrs., 
whf'n it became a joint stock co., 
known as the Atkinson Marble & 
Granite Co., of which he is Presdt.; 
when 32 yrs. of age, decided to study 
law, for which hI' had always an in- 
cHnatLon; rwas calIed to the bar, 1897, 
and has since been In active practice; 
elected Town Councillor, Sim'OOe, ,1893 ; 
Mayor, by acclamation, 1895, holding 
the office for 2 yrs; pOliticalIy a Lib., 
he unsuccf'ssfulIy contested South Nor- 
il'evlk il1! tha,{; infÍlerest (H. C.), 1900; 
was returned for same constituency 
(Local) ::It g. e. 1905 (majority 
81) : 
retired, 1908; comml
sloned an offr. in 
39th Regt.; !promoted ('apt., 1889, anrl 
roli.ched the commamd of thf' regt., Sept., 
1903; at Niagara camp, 1891, !had the 
best-driHed co. 
n camp; his ro., on 
winning the Challenge Cup Q1f the Nor- 
folk Rifle 'A'ssn. (of which he Is now 
Presdt.) for target shooting, 3 yrs. in 
::;uccession, prpsentf'd the trophy to 
him, as a token of their esteem; R.O., 
1909; a dlr. London & Western 'l'rusts 
Ce. and of other similar bodies; a J'

D.D.G.IM. In the Masonl
 order; a K.T. 
and a Sovereign Prince of the 18th 
degree Scottish Rite: a Meth.; m., 
Feb., 1880, Alice, d. H. R. Steele, Sim- 
coe, Ont.-Simcoe, Onto 
.. A strRn
er to failnre."-T. Globe. 
Atkinson, William Edwin, landscape 
pain ter. 
E. S. W. T., chemist, 'M'anchest!er, 
Eng., w!ho came to Toronto, 1835, and 
Emma A.; b. Toronto, 'Mch. 22, 1862; 
m., 1899, Miss Laura Davidge, a 
Devonshire lady and artist; studied 
Toronto Art Sell., Penn. Acad. Fine 



Arts, and Atelier Julie-n, Paris; ex- 
hibited Paris Salon, 1890-91; painted 
in Holland and Belgium, 1897; In Eng., 
1898-01; elected A. R. C. A., 1902; 
obtained prize Onto Soc. Artists, 1903; 
became a memo Can. Art Club, 1907; 
pictures purchased by Dom. Govt. for 
Ottawa Nat. Gallery, 1910; Con.; Ang. 
-364 Durie Ave., Toronto. 
" One of our foremost landscape 
painters."-T. Globe. 
Atwater, Hon, Albert William, law- 
yer; legislator. 
S. tate A. W. and .Julia Eliza 
(Brush) A., Montreal; family came 
from Eng. to New Eng., 1650, Imme- 
diate ancestors having removed to Can. 
subsequent to Am. Revolution; b. 
Montreal, May 19, 1856; e. High Sch. 
and McGill Univ., Montreal (B.A., 
1877; B.C.L., with Elizabeth Torrance 
gold medal, 1880); unm.; advocate, 
1881; K.C. (L. Aberd&'n), 1896; head 
of firm of A., Duclos, Bond & Meagher; 
one of the leaders of the Montreal 
bar; has been engaged in many Im- 
portant causes, and pleaded before the 
.Jl. Comte. P. C. in Eng.; formerly 
Crown prosecutor, Montreal; sub- 
sequently declined a jUdgeship; one 
of the revisers who drafted a new 
charter for Montreal, 1898; a promin- 
ent memo Law and Order League, 
which broke up the Montreal lottery 
scheme, fraught with so much evil to 
the working c1Iasses; oeIl:eded to City 
Council, Montreal, 1896; was returned 
by acclamation, same year, to Quebec 
Assembly, where he continued to sit 
till g. e. 1900, when defeated; Provl. 
Treas. in the Flynn IA'dmn., iMay, 1896, 
to /May, /1897; 'liater 'Presdt. St. George's 
Soc., Montreal; Ang.; Con.-l03 Mac- 
kay St., Montreal; St. James's Club; 
Mt. Royal Club; Canada Club,' Club 
Lafontaine,. ]'JI ontreal Jockey Club, do.,. 
Quebeo Ga1"Tison Club; Rideau Club, 
"A man of marked ability."-Late Hon. 
Tho8. White. 
Atwater, Almon Byron, Can. ry. ser- 
B. Sheffield, Ohio, Nov., 1845; en- 
tered ry. service, Cleveland & Erie Ry., 
1864; since when has been resident 
engr. construction Can. South Ry., 
asst. engr. Port Dover..&: Lake Huron 
Ry., chief engr. Stratford & Huron Ry., 
5updt. Port Dover & Lake Huron Ry., 
genl. supdt. Georgian Bay & Lake 
Huron div. G. T. R., chief engr. Chi- 
cago & G. T. R., supdt. G. T. R. line8 
west Detroit River, asst. gent supdt, 
Mich. Cent. Ry., and asst. to presdt. 
G.T. lines west Detroit River; apptd. to 
last named position .July, 1902.-De- 
troit, Mich. 
Auclair, Bev, Elie Joseph Arthur, 
S. E. .J. andJ IMaTtIe Oa:roline (Le- 
clerc) A.; b. Montreal, .July 1, 1866; 
e. Montreal Semy., ColI. Ste. Thêrêse 
and St. Mary's (.Jesuit) ColI., Mont- 
real; 0., 1891; holds degrees of B.A., 
D.D., and D.C.L., and Is Prof. (Agrêgê) 
of Philosophy, Laval Univ.; a talented 
writer, who contributes occasionally to 

La Semaine Religieuse.-Archevêché de 
Montreal, P.Q, 
Auden. Henry William, educationist. 
S. Rev. T. A., M.A., F.S.A., Shrews- 
bury, Eng.; b. Wellingborough, Eng., 
1867; e. Shrewsbury Sch., Christ's CoIl., 
Cambridge (M.A. scholar and prize- 
man; Porteous gold medal for Latin 
prose; Bell Univ. Sch.; 1st class clas- 
sical Tripos, part 1., 1889; 2nd class, 
part II., 1890), and Marburg Unlv.; 
became 6th form master and librarian 
Fettes ColI., Edinburgh, 1891; and 
principal U. C. ColI., Toronto, 1903; 
m., 1896, Constance, d. late RQv. F. W. 
Kittermaster, Merlden, Warwickshire, 
Eng.; is ed. of various classical edi- 
tions for Cambridge Univ. press and 
Macmillans, and general ed. I;Jlack- 
wood's classical series; also author 
(in association with A. E. Taylor) of 
.. A Minimum of Greek" (1906); 
memo Classical Soc. of Scot.; V.-P. 
Old Country Men's Club, Toronto; 
strongly imperialist, and favours the 
introduction of Imperial material In 
the Great N.-West of Can.; in religion 
an Ang., and a del. to Ang. Synod-- 
Principal's Residence, U.C. College, To- 
ronto; T01'Onto Club; York Club, do. 
.. Has a long record of scholastic trio 
umphs to his name."-Canada. 
Audet, François Joseph, Dom. public 
S. Françols and Delphine (Goulet) 
A.; b. Detroit, Mich., U.S., .July 29, 
1867; e. Ottawa and Montreal; m., 
1893, Miss Louise Ellonare Harwood; 
entered Dom. public service, Archives 
branch, Dept. of State, Feb., 1888, and 
is now one of tJhe assts. to .the Dom. Ar- 
chivist; author of various articles on 
hlst. subjects in "Bulletin des Re-' 
cherches Historiques," Levis, P.Q., 
and other periodicals, and of the 
following booklets: .. Historlque des 
.Journaux d'Ottawa" (1896), .. Le 
Clergê Protestant du Bas-Canada de 
1760 à 1800" (Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., 
1901), .. La Republique d'Indian 
Stream" (do., 1906); .. .Journalism 
and .Journalists of Ottawa" (1907); 
13. dir. Inst. Can., Ottawa 
fOl Cobourg St., Ottawa. 
AUdette, Louis Arthur, Dom. public 
S. Geo. S. and Leocadie Rosalie 
(Marcou) A.; b. Quebec, Dec. 14, 
1856; e. Quebec Semy. and Laval 
Univ. (LL.B, 1880; LL.D., 1909); 
advocate, 1880; K. C., 1908; Deputy 
Prothy., Quebec; Regr. Exchequer 
Ot., Ca.n., Nov. 8, 1887; Secy. .Bd. of 
Arbitration to determine disputed 
matters of account between Provinces 
Onto and Que., 1893; author "The 
Practice of the Exchequer Court of 
Can." (1895); R. C.; m., 1888, Mary 
Grace, d. late Chief .Justice Sir An- 
drew and Elmlre C. Aubert (de Gaspê) 
Stual't.-161 Daly Ave., Ottawa. 
Audette, Bodolphe, merchant; banker. 
S. late .J. A., Clk. P. O. Dept., 
Can., and Flore (Fraser) A. : b. 
Quebec, Aug. 6, 1844; e. there; m., 
1867. Elise, d. .J. Morency; entered em- 



play whalesale dry goods hause Thlbau- 
deau Frêres & 00.., Mûn't.real and Que- 
bec, when a YDung man: admitted a 
partner therein, an death af Han. Isi- Thibaudeau, 1893, beco.ming, ulti- 
mately, its co.ntrDlling spirit; elected a 
dlr. Banque Natio.nale, 1894, and 
Presdt., 1895; 15 also. a dir. Can. Elec- 
tric Light CD., V.-P. Quebec Bridge 
Co.., and a steward Quebec Turf Club; 
ane o.f thDse instrumental In co.nvert- 
ing the Plains o.f Abraham into. a 
natiDnal park.-l Collins St., Quebec; 
Quebec Garrison Club, do. 
Auld, John Allan, legislato.r and 
S. and Euphemia W. (Hay) 
A.; Sco.tch descent; b. Warwick, Co.. 
Lambto.n, Ont., .June 22, 1853: e. pub. 
sch. and StrathrDY Gram. Sch.; m., 
1877, Anna, y. d. late .Jas. Hamilto.n, 
H. M., Amherstburg; is ed. 
and prDp. Amherstburg Echo; memo 
al sch. bd.; su'bsequenHy, Reeve and 
Warden o.f :Ðssoex; re.presented S. Essex 
(Lacal) in Lib. interest, 1896-1908, 
when defeated; o.f late his name Is fre- 
quently mentio.ned in cDnnectio.n with 
a senato.rsh
p; favo.urs abo.lition Dif co.. 
c{>uncil s.-A mhe1'st burg, Onto 
. .. An earncst and forceful speaker."- 
T. N eW8. 
Ault, Levi Addison, manufacturer. 
S. Simo.n "\Vm. and Caro.line 
(Bro.wnell) A.; b. Mille Ro.ches, Ont., 
No.v. 24, 1851; e. there and Co.rnwall 
Grammar Sch.; m., Oct., 1878, Miss 
Ida May Ho.ltzinger, Cincinnati; a 
manufacturer; Presdt. Ault & "\Vibo.rg 
CD. ; Is trustee Cincinnati Law Sch., òo.. 
Co.lI. o.f Music and Art Museum and dir. 
Merchants' Nat, Bank; ex-Presdt. Com. 
lIlercial Club; Ind. Rep.; Unitarian, 
-Elmhurst East, lValnut lIills, Cin- 
cinnati, 0.; Queen City Club; Count1.y 
Austin, Bev, Benjamin Fish (Spiri- 
S. late B. F. and Mary Ann (Mc- 
Guire) A.; Eng. and Irish descent; b. 
Tp. Brighto.n, Ont., Sept. 21, 1850; e. grammar sch. and Albert Co.ll., 
Belleville, Ont., where he also. studied 
theo.!. (B.A., with 1st class hDno.urs in 
Oriental lang., 1877; B.D., 1881); 
D.D. (Victo.ria Univ.), 1896; m., .June, 
1881, Miss F. A. Co.nnell,, 
Ont.; o.. (Meth), 1877, and served o.n circuits; Principal Alma Co.ll., 
St. r.rho.mas, Ont., 1881-97; expelled 
fro.m Meth. ministry, principally fo.r 
upho.lding an alleged fraudulent sys- 
tem o.f Spiritualism, .June, 1899 : 
Presdt. Wm. Smith Co.ll. fo.r, 
Gerueva, N.Y., 1903; since 1906 has 
been pastGr .Pilymo.uth Spiritual Ch., 
Rochester, N.Y.; a trustee N. Y. Staite 
SplrHual IAssn.; is ed. of Reason 
(Ro.chester, N.Y.), and lectures fre- 
quently o.n spiritualism: autho.r 0.1' ed. 
.. Senno.n.w Dn Po.pular Sins," .. M. E. 
Pulpit," .. Her Character, Cul- 
ture, 0.1' Calling," .. RatiDnal Memo.ry 
Training," .. Glimpses o.f the Unseen," 
.. Go.spel to. the Po.Dr Versus Pew 
Rents," .. Pro.hlbltlo.n Leaders Df 
ica," II What Cûnverted !Me to 

Spiritualism," .. Co.nundrums for ,tJhe 
Clergy," "ISU{
.cess and HaippoInes's"; 
favo.urs strongly public O'Wnership Df 
all utilities and Df nature's reso.uroes.- 
10 Arlington St., Rochester, N.Y. 
Austin, E, Benjamin 11/[" banker. 
S. late Dr. A., Inspr.-Genl. Ho.spi- 
tals, Imp. Service; b. and e. Mo.ntreal; 
fo.r a lengthened perio.d in service E. 
T. Bank: apptd. mangr., Mo.ntreal 
branch, dD., 1901; Chairman Mo.ntreal 
Clearing Ha., 1906.-510 Sherbrooke 
St. lV.; St. James's Club,. lIfont1'ea/ 
Club, JJIont1'ea1. 
Avery, Prederick Wells, manufac- 
B. N. Y. City, 1852: came to' Can., 
1878; m., 1st, the d. (d. .Jan., 1890) 
Col. NDnnan Statto.n, U. S. Anny: 
2ndly, ApI, 1893, Hanna Ottilie, y. d. 
late .Jas. Grahame, .. Muirdrum," 
Vaughan, Ont.; a partner in the Whitp- 
Avery, the Read Timber and Lumber, 
the Hull, and the Arundel Lumber 
CDS.; Presdt. Rideau Club, 1906-7; do.. 
Perley fo.r Incurables, Ottawa; 
elected V.-P. Can. Lumberman's Assn., 
1909; an Ang., and a del. to. the Pro.vI. 
Syno.d.-129 Cooper St., Ottawa,. Rideau 
Club; Ottawa Golf Club; Ottawa Hunt 
Club, do. 
Avison, Oliver B" physician. 
S. Simeo.n and Elizabeth A.; b. 
Yo.rkshire, Eng., .June 30, 1860; e. 
High Sch., AlmDnte, and No.rmal Sch., 
Ottawa, Onto ; m., 1885, Margt. .J., d. S. 
1\1. Barnes, Smith's Falls; grad. fro.m 
Onto Call. Phamlacy (go.ld medal), 
1884; studied med. Med. Sch. 
and Victo.ria Univ. (M.D.,C.M., 1887) : 
Pro.f. Bo.tany Ont. Co.ll. Pharm., 1884; 
do.. Mat. Med., 1885; Instr. o.f Micro.s., 
1886, ho.lding all 3 po.sitio.ns till 1891; 
also. demon. Mat. Med., Unlv., 
1887-93; resigned to. go. to' Ko.rea as a 
med. missy. Am. Foreign 'Mission Bd.; 
apptd. charge Ro.Ylal KDrean Ho.sp., 
No.v., 1893, and became physician, Ko.r- 
ean RDyal family, same year; decor- 
ated by Emp. af Kõrea 4th class, o.rder 
Talkeuk, 1907; has lectured In Can. o.n 
Ko.rea and its resources.-Seoul, Korea. 
Avonmore, Ma.bel Sara, The Dowager 
2n(l d. late Rev. Geo. Evans, the 
descendant o.f a Welsh capt. o.f ho.rse, 
who. served in 
el. in the RebelliDn o.f 
1641, near Kilkenny, of which city he 
was Mayo.r, 1658-61, and Elizabeth, d. 
Df Wm. Murray; father came to. Can., 
1851, and settled near OakvllIe, Ont., 
where she was b. and E'.; m., Dec., 
1890, ,Algernan Wm. Yelverton (d', 
Sept., 19,10), 6th Visco.unt ,A.-" Be lle- 
isle," Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, Irel. 
Awde, Bobert, public service. 
B. in Eng.; autho.r .. .Jubilee, Patrl- 
DtlC, and Other Po.ems" (1887); was 
Supdt. Wesley Meth. S. S.,, 
26 yrs.; resigned 1901; po.sitio.n 
o.f Food Inspr., Medical Health Dept., Dovercourt Rd., Toronto. 
Ayer, Albert Azro, merchant. 
S. late G. W. and Mary A., Fre- 
lighsburg, P.Q.; b. St. Armand East, 
P.Q., Feb. 6, 1845; e. Stanbrldge- 



Acad. and Fairfax, Vt.; came t.o M.ont- 
real, 1865; entd. pr.oduce business 
there, 1867; n.ow and f.or many yrs. 
head A. A. AyeI' & C.o. (Inc. L. P., 
UI 00) ; believed t.o be the largest dairy 
pr.oduce c.oncern in the w.orld, with re- 
presenbatives in every imp.ortant cheese- 
pr.oducing centre in Dom., and als.o in 
every praminent city in Eurape; Caun- 
cillar Mantreal Bd. .of Trade; a dir. 
Mantreal fMining EX'CIhange; d.o. Tech. 
Sch., IMantreal; has been Pl'esd,t. 
Merchants' CaHan ICa., 8Jnd .of ,Butte-I' 
and Cheese Assn.; eJ.-ecteà (Presd.t, 
MontreaL ,Pr<Jldu<:e Merchants' Assn., 
1907-8; a BaiPt., and .farmerly Pl'esdt, 
Bapt. UniD'Il ()If Onto and Que. ; 
far many yrs. Presdt. Grande Ligne 
Missian, and identified with Lard'
Day Alliance; alsa Presdt., 1893, 
lacal earn te. .organized in cannectian 
with West Christian Endeavaur Can- 
ventian; a strang advocate .of temp. 
refarm; m., 1867, Miss Rebecca Carrie 
Hibbard (naw Presdt. Mantreal Ladies' 
Grande Ligne Assn.) ; their d., Grace, 
was awarded medal, RaY1Rl Can. 
Humane Assn., far canspicuaus caurag.e 
in saving the life .of a bay fram drawn- 
ing, June, 1904. -S88 R081yn Ave., 
\-Vestmount, Montreal; Canada Club, 
"A man of boundless energy."-M. 
11 erald. 
Aylen, Benry, lawyer. 
S. late Peter A., advacate, and Eliza- 
beth (Symmes) IA., Ay\lm-er, P.Q.; b. 
A.ylmer, P.Q., 1858; e. there, Cornell 
Univ. and Laval DIll,iv. (LL.'L., avec 
(listmction, 1882); advacate (.P. Q.), 
1882; barrister (Ont.), 1902; K.C., 
1899; sU0cessfuHy .practises his prof. In 
both pravinces; a OounciHar, Hull, 
P.Q., Bar Assn.; a ,Presb.; m., .July, 
1893, DEsire Elise, a. d. late Sir Jalhn 
Baurinat, ICC:M.G.-274 O'Connor St., 
Ottawa; Rideau Club, do. 
Aylesworth, Bon, Sir Allen Bristol, 
.lawyer; .sta:tesman. 
Belangs ta a family (U. E. L. de- 
scent) wha far several generatians 
have been farmers in Ca. Addingtan, 
Ont.; s. Jahn B. and Catherine (Bris- 
tal) A.; b. Newburgh, Ont., Nav. 27, 
1854; e. Newburgh Acad. and Taranta 
Univ. (B. A. and Prince .of Wales 
prizeman, 1874; M.A., 1875); barris- 
ter, 1878; KC. (Ont.), 1889; da. 
(Earl .of Derby), 1890; bencher Law 
Sac., 1891; re-elected 1906 (vate, 747) ; 
ù'O. ex-officio, 1911; a Se-natar T.oranta 
Univ.; was alsa V.-P. Univ. .of 'lìorant.o 
Alumni IAssn.; m., Dec., 1878, Adelaid-e 
Augusta, d. C. H. IMiHer, .Newburgh; 
has successfully 'p'nactised his prafes- 
sian in '1'al'oant.o, and a;p.peare-d many 
times be;fare the JI. Cornte. .of the P. C., 
Eng.; represented Pravin<:es befare 
that bady, July, .1904, Te dispute 
tJOll'ohirug re(Juotil(}Ilo of l'Iepresoe.ruta, 
in H. C. .of old Pravinces of Can. 
in conseqUEm,c'e .of recent census; a 
memo Imp. Alaska Baundary Tribunal, 
apptd. Sept., 1903, and, tagether with 
Sir L. A. J ettê, the ather repre
sentative .of Can. therein, declined ta 
sign the award, for reasans set 

farth in their minarity report; pre- 
sented ta King Edward, Oct., 1903; a 
memo T'Oronta Univ. Comn., 1905 ; 
represented Can. and Gt. Brit. as agent 
before the Hague Tribunal in the Fish- 
eries reference, 1910; one of the 3 
representatives of Can. at the funenal 
of King Edward, London, May, 1910; 
a memo Interprovi. Canf., Ottawa, do.; 
dell. 'With Han. L. P. Bl1Od'eur to Waslh- 
ington, 'D.C.,. with referen<:e to Hague 
'l'ribunal award, .Jan., 1911; an unsuc- 
cessful candid:aJte in Lib. int.erest rÍ,or 
Durham (H. C.), g. e. 1904 (vate: 
Ward, 3,322; A., 3,173) ; first returned 
to Parlt. for N. York, Nov. 22, 1905 
(vote: A., 2,729; McCallum, 2,235); 
called to IP. C. and appt'd. PostJrnaster- 
GenI., ùaUtri'er 08Jbinet, Oct. 16, 1905; 
elected Ohail'lnan special comte. H. C., 
DÜ'l'I1. Electian Laws, iMch., 11906; has 
been MinI'. {)If JustJice since June 4, 
1906; announced his retil'emeI1Jt 'fr,Ü'l11 
politics, Feb., 1911; "born.a R-efarmer, 
and IhaS remained .one; a farme'l"s 
s.o'll, and' himse-lof workred faithfuMy an 
a farm tm Ihe ,was 21; while a de- 
voted Canadian looks forward with hope 
to a closer union with the Motherland, 
making Can. more and more an in- 
tegral part .of the Empire; is opposed 
to the whole pensian system ta public 
servants and ministers of the Crown; 
wauld regard favourably the creatian 
of an appellate ct. for the whole Em- 
pire, so that Can. wauld be as much 
.of the Empire in this respect as York- 
shire or Wales"; created a K.C:M.G. 
far ,his services in <:annecUan with .the 
Hague Tribunal, Jan., 1911; a /Meth. 
and a Freemason; his s., Alan Feather- 
stan A., B.A., .LL.B., 'is ra memo !Of tJhe 
On,1. .bar, and m., Feb., 1906, Ethel 
Elizabet'h Gladys, grand-d. late Chief 
Justke Sir G. 'V. Burtan.-192 
A ve., Ottawa; Ridemt Club, do.; '1'0- 
ronto Club. T01'onto. 
"Ability unque.stiQned. "-T. N eW8. 
"A patriot of the right qThality."-S. 
"An unusually able law}'er and tireless 
worker."-M. St!J,T. 
"Possesses a mind marvell()-usly astute." 
-Oan. Oourier. 

Aylesworth, George Anson, Dam. 
public service. 
Bro. preceding; b. Newburgh, Ont., 
Jan. 25, 1857; e. Newburgh Acad. and 
Toronto Univ., but did not graduate; 
high sch. teacher, 1883-87; for many 
yrs. Sec.-Treas. Pro vI. Assn. High 
Sch. Tf'achers, and, subsequently, a 
memo Onto Educ. Assn-.; !prominently 
identified with Addingtan Farmers' 
Inst.; has been Reeve .of Newburgh; 
unsuccessfully contested Co. Addington, 
g. e. (Local), 1902; D.D.G.M. Free- 
masons, 1896-7; apptd. Inspr. Emplay- 
ment Agents, Immigratian branch, 
Dept. of Agricul., Ottawa, Jan., 1907; 
visited Eng. as one of 30 Can. farmer 
delegates selected by Dam. Govt. in 
the interests of immigratian, Apl., 
1907; a Meth.; m., Sept., 1890, Ida 
Louise, e. d. late Robt. Baldwin Hope. 
-New burgh, Onto 



Aylmer, Hon, :E'rederiok Whitworth, 
ci vII engIneer. 
Third s. 7th Baron A. ; b. Melbourne, 
P.Q., Feb. 4, 1850; e. St. Francis ColI., 
Richmond, P.Q., and Dublin, Irel.; a 
C. E.; m., 1899, Emma Meredith, d. R. 
Lang; a capt. In the militia; joined 
the second Red River expedition, un- 
der Lt.-Col. Osborne Smith, C.M.G.; 
subsequently took up engineering, and 
had to do, under Rogers, with the dis- 
covery of Kicking Horse Pass, B.C.; 
Is also a P. L. S.; one of the pioneers 
of Kootenay, B.C., where he laid out a 
town site, called Athalmer, at Golden; 
was Govt. engr. at Golden, and subse- 
quently at Winnipeg; now at Revel- 
stoke, B.C.-New Westminster, B.C. 
Aylmer, Hon, Henry, Dom. publlc ser- 
2nd s. 7th Baron A. and :Mary A., 
d. Edward Journeaux; b. Melbourne, 
P.Q., ApI. 25, 1843; e. High Sch., 
:Mjon'i'l'eal, and Royræt Naval CooU.. 
Portsmouth, Eng.; m., Oct., 1871, 
LouIsa Blanche Fannie, e. d. 3.a t.e H. A. 
Howe, LL.D., Montreal; served In Can. 
mHitia during Fenian Ra.ld (med.); 
lleut. Royal Marine Arty. for 12 yrs.: 
advocate, 1882; suecess.fully prac.used 
as such at Melbourne for many yrs.; 
joint protlhy. Dlst. of Sit. Francis, 1898; 
sheriff, do., 1900; supdt. training caIIlJP, 
Petewawa" where he stUl Is, 1909; or- 
ganIzed Riohmonð Field Batty., 1876, 
and helld coonmand of same tiH N<YV., 
1887, when he retired with rank of It.- 
col.; commanòed Can. WI'mbledon rifle 
tJe.a.m, 1877; r.eod. .IoIlJg-service decora- 
tion, 1902; was Presdt. local branch 
Soc. for Prevo C. to A., and a trustee 
Bishop's ColI., LennoxviUe, and of 
King's Ha'11, Compton;. sa t for Rich- 
mond and Wolfe (H. C.), Lib. interest, 
1874-78; Inventor (wibh Mr. Ewing) of 
a life-,preservlng automatic belt, 1902; 
an Ang., and a del. to Synod.-Military 
Camp, Petewawa, Ont.; Melbourne, 
Aylmer, John Athalmer, civil engineer. 
S. late Hon. Hy. A., bro. of the 7th 
Baron A., and his wife, Eliza, d. late 
Jas. Atkins, Cork, Irel.; b. Aug. 28, 
1847; e. St. Francis CoIl., Richmond, 

.. B" '2,", B," (see Browning, T. B.). 
Babin, Bear Admiral Hosea John, 
U.S. naval service. 
B. Can., Dec. 15, 1842; apptd. acting 
asst. surg., U.S. Navy, 1865; asst. 
surg., 1865; surg., 1876; med. Inspr., 
1894; med. dlr., 1898; retired, 1904; 
In recognItion of services rendered dur- 
Ing Am. Civil War recd. rank of rear- 
admiral; memo Ed. of Inspection and 
Survey, 1894; presdt. Med. Examg. Bd., 
N.Y., 1897-8; In charge N.Y. Naval 
Hosp., 1900-4.-Care C. A. Betts, 126 
Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y. 
Bach, Budolph, journalist. 
B. Magdeburg, Prussia, Saxony, 
July 20, 1851; e. High Sch. there; 
commenced commercial career l. London, 
Eng., remaInIng there, 1871-"/6; ent<1. 

P.Q.; m., 1883, Mary Christ'ine, d. late 
Judge Pringle. OOl'lliwoaH, Onr!:.; a 
prominent engr. and contractor; a 
charter memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; 
aided In deepening Lachine Canal, in 
building the Soulanges Canal, and In 
completing Perth Canal; dir. Dom. 
Eng. & Construction Co.-Peterboro, 
Ont.; Albany Club, Toronto. 
Aylmer, Major-General the Bight 
Hon, Sir Matthew A" 8th Baron, 
S. Udolphus (7th Baron) A. and Mary, 
d. Edward Journeaux; b. Melbourne, 
P.Q., Mch. 28, 1842; e. High Sch., 
Montreal, St. Francis CoIl., Richmond, 
and Trin. CoIl., Dublin; m., Oct., 1875, 
Amy Gertrude, 2nd d. late Hon. John 
Young, Montreal, a distinguished Can. 
public man; ensign H. M:s 7th Royal 
Fuslliel"B, 1864; lleut., 1868; served with 
regt. in 'M:edUerranean, Can. and Eng., 
taking part In defence of Can. fron- 
tier during Fenian Raids, 1866-1870 
(med. with 2 Cllas:pB and genl. service 
me<<l.); entering Clan. mil.. service, 
was apptd. actg. adjt. 54th Batt., com- 
manded by his father, 1870; dist. pay- 
master 5th Dist. permt. staff, 1871; 
brig.-maj., 5th Dist., 1874; do., 1st 
Dist. (London, Ont.), 1881; transfd. 
to headquarters (Ottawa) as asst. 
adjt.-genl., and commdg. 4th Dist., 
1893, on retirement of Col. W. Powell 
(q.v.), with rank of col., Jan., 1896; 
in command of Can. contingent sent 
to Eng., Queen's Diamond Jubilee, 
June, 1897, on which occasion he was 
second in command of all col. forces 
and chief of staff; Presdt. Medals 
Claim Bd., 1901; elected Presdt. City 
of Quebec Assn., Ottawa (organized 
in con-neotio'Il with the Tercent. cele- 
bration of Quebec, 1908), 1908; hon. 
eol. 11th Huæars, Jan., 1903; -lnspr.- 
genl., Nov. 1, 1904; maj.-genl., ApI., 
1907; retired, June, 1907; succeeded 
fath'er, as 8th Baron, 1901; -is Presdt. 
Kootenay Gold iMines, Ltd.; an .Ang.; 
a Lrb.-Queens Bay, Kootenay, B.C.; 
St, James's Club, It.fontreal; United 
Empi1'e Club, London, EnD. 
.. A man of unfailing tact."-T. Globe. 
.. A thorough soldier, who spares no 
effort to promote the efficiency of the 
Canadian miliHa."-T. tvorld. 


journalism, CMúl1ltreal, 1891, as 'Can. cor- 
respondent leaòing German ipa1pers in 
Germany and U. S., hIs specialty being 
descriptions of Can. and her varied 
resourcf'S ; Is thoroughly well ac- 
quainted with the country from end 
to end, fmm personal observation; 
apptd. chief ed. Der Nordwesten (Win- 
nipeg), the largest and most exten- 
si vely circulated German paper exlst.- 
Ing in Can., 1905.- Winnipeg. 
Bachand, Leonide Oharles, physician. 
S. late J. C. B., N.P., Regr. Co. Ba- 
got, P.Q.; b. St. Pie, P.Q., Oct. 6, 
1854; e. CoIl. St. Hyacinthe; M.D. 
(Victoria ColI., Cobourg), 1869; m.. 
1878, Marie Agnes Georgine, d. late 
H. O. Camirand, Sherbrooke, P.Q.; 
practised hIs prof. at Coati cook, where 



he was Mayor, Presdt. Bd. of Trade, 
Chairman Sch. Commr
., etc.; also ed. 
and co.-prop. L'Etoile de Z'Est; re- 
moved to Sherbrooke, 1899; elected 
Mayor there, 1908; apptd. Coroner 
Dist. of St. Francis; formerly a Lib.; 
a R. C.-Sherbrooke, P.Q. 
Backus, Frederick :1'" Can. ry. sen iCt: 
B. June, 1860; entd. ry. service a
elk. Merchants' Despatch Transporta. 
tion Co., N. Y., 1874, and, after filling 
many positions on other roads, be- 
came Coin. agent Blue Line and Can 
Southern Ry., Toronto, 1886; in Dec., 
1897, was apptd. to his present posi- 
tion, gen!. freight and passenger agent 
Toronto, Hamilton &: Buffalo Ry.- 
Hamilton, Onto 
Badgerow, George Washington, physi- 
O. s. Abram H. B., Toronto; b. 
there; e. U. C. ColI.; matriculated in 
arts '.roronto Unlv.; M.B. (do.), 1894; 
memo ColI. P. and S. Ont., 1895; L.R 
C.P. (Lond.), 1893; M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 
1903; for some yrs. senior house surg 
Nose and Throat Hospital, Golden 
Square, London, Ðl11g.; returned to Ta- 
ronto, 1905; re-a'PfP'td. to former posl- 
,tion, 1909; lA.n
.; m., Oct., 1907, Maud., 
d. Herbert Oxley, barrister, 3 Hans 
Crescent, Belg>ra via, London, Eng.- 
London, Eng. 
Badgley, Louis Clark, Am. ry. service. 
S. Benj. and ::iarah .Jane B. ; b. 
Brighton, Ont., .July 7, Hò2; e. there; 
m. Miss Katherine E. Bunn, WillIams- 
burg, Kansas, U.
.; entd. service Chi- 
cago, St. Paul, Minn. & Omaha Ry., 
1881, since when he has been in the 
service of the Northern Pacific, the 
Atchison, Topeka & Santa I.'e and the 
Toluca, Marquette & Northern Rys.; 
apptd Supdt. on last-named road, his 
present position, Mch., 19 0 l.-Toluca, 
Badgley, Sidney Bose, architect. 
S. .Wm. Edwin B. and his 2nd wife 
Nancy (Rose) B.; b. Ernestown,Ont.: 
May 28, 1850; e. common schs. and 
old Grantham Acad., St. Catharines, 
Ont.; studied architecture at Toronto' 
practised at St. Catharines, 1876-87; 
removed to Cleveland, 0., his present 
home, 1887; has made a specialty of 
churches and public buildings, and Is 
an acknowledged expert In acoustics 
and ventilation; his buildings are In 
almost every province of Can. and 
nearly every state of the Union and 
some in foreign lands; in 1896' pub- 
lished .. An Architectural Souvenir," 
containing illustrations from 20 yrs: 
work, in which his conscientious de- 
votion to every problem presented In 
his profession Is set forth In the fol- 
lowing sentiment: .. Not all conditions favourable to best results, but all 
are deserving of best efforts," a 
truism applicabl,e Ito all walks of life 
and which leading educatiOnists hav
said would live longer than any build- 
Ing created by its author; has pub- 
lished also a book of modern churches 
and taken an active part in corre: 
spondence and editorial work along 
the line of arch. and moral subjects; 

an active, working Meth.; has dt:voted 
yrs. to work with children, in which 
field his" Chalk Talks with Children" 
are interesting and instructive; has 
trave1!led: ext'e>Ils1vely in Europe; Is 
V.-P. EquHy savings & Loan Co.; ro., 
1st, 1872, AlIma A. (d. 1874), d. .J. M. 
Clark, Odessa, OILt.; 2ndly, 1876, Char- 
lotte .J., d. .Jas. Giloleland, St. ,Cath- 
arines, Ont.---6110 Euclid Ave., Cleve- 
land, 0.; "Spring bank," Wickliffe, O. 
"A living exponent of Ca.n.a-då.a.n pluck, 
energy and genius."-(Jan. A.m. 
Badgley, Col, William Francis, late 
Bengal Btaff Corps. 
S. late Hon. Mr. .Justice B. and 
Eliza (Taylor) B., Montreal; b. there, 
Noy. 10, 1837; e. there and at Wool- 
wich, Eng.; entd. H. E. 1. C. service, 
as ensign, Bengal staff corps, ApI. 4, 
1857, and attained rank of col., Api., 
1887; retired on a pension ApI. 4, 
1889; served during Indian Mutiny, 
1857-8; in Oude mil. police, employed 
in patrolling Nepal frontier to Inter- 
cept Nana Sahib, and in recruiting, 
1858; adjt. 18th Punjab Infy., 1859-63 ; 
employeõ on survey of India, 1863-88; 
went through Lashai campaign, 1870- 
71, and was subsequently on active 
service eastern frontier, India; wound- 
ed 4 times (mutiny and frontier 
me-d.s.); author of a pamphlet on 
.. Dew"; a felilow Roya1 Geo,g. and of 
Royal Melteor. Societies; Ang.; m. 
Frances Marion, d. Sir .Jas. Mansfield, 
K.C.B.-JIans{ìeld, Exmouth, En!}. 
Bagley, Capt, Frederick A., Can. mil. 
Apptd. capt. and adjt. 15th LIght 
Horse, Calgary, Aug., 1905; previously 
in regular service; accompanied, as 
conductor, the band of the regt. to the 
United Kingdom, 1905.-Calgary, Alta. 
Bailey, Loring Woart, educationist. 
S. late Jacob W. B., Prof. Mil. Acad., 
West Point, N.Y., and Maria (Slaugh- 
.ter) B., Oul.p.eper, Va.; b. West Poånlt. 
Sept. 28, 1839; e. St. .James's CoIl., 
.Md., UrùÎv. Grammar Sch., Providence, 
R.I., Brown Univ.. Harvard Unlv. (B.A., 
1859; M.iA., 1861), N. B. Univ. (Ph.D., 
hon., 1873), and Da'l'housie Univ. 
(,LL.D., 1896) ; for a short fUme tutO'r 
in Ohemis., Harvard; ;prat. of chern is. 
and nIDt. sCiien., UllIiv. N. B., 1861-1900, 
and 'Prof. biology and g1eoI., 1900-2; 
.retired on a iPem;ion íram univ. and 
frOlIn Andrew tTllst fund, 
1907 ; a charter fellow Royal Soc. Can., 
1882, and a memo o,f many other 
learned: bod
e's Lru U. ,S. and Can.; 
author ,o.f a text-book on nat. hist. and 
of numerous scierutific papers; apptd. 
P.resdt. ,SummeT I&;h. of 'Science for the 
.AJtlantic Provinces ot{ Can., 1909; m., 
Aug., 1863, ùaureståne [, o. c. 
Joseph ,Marshal de Brett 'Marechal, 
Baron d' Avray, Chevalier de St. Louis. 
-FredeTicto'n, N.B. 
\ earefpl and systematic worker and 
ripe scholar."-M. Herald. 
Baillie, Frank W., stock broker. 
B. Toronto, Aug., 1876; e. CoIl. Inst., 
Owen Sound; entd. service, Central 
Can. Loan & Savings Co., Toronto, 
1889, becoming, later, Acct. and Secy. 



and finally Asst. Mangr; Genl. Mangr. 
Metropolitan Bank, on its organization 
(being the youngest man ever chosen 
as a bank man gr. in Can.), Sept., 
1902; resigned, July, 1903; memo To- 
ronto Stock Exchange and of firm 
Baillie, Wood & Croft., stocks and 
bonds, July, 1903; a dir. Grace Hos- 
pital, Wycliffe ColI., and Queen City 
Curling Club; Ang.; elected Presdt. 
Can. Steel Co., 1910.-146 Crescent Rd., 
T01'onto; Nat-ional Club; Toronto Club, 
.. A(.tive, capable, courageous and yet 
conservative."-T. World. 

Bain, James, Can. ry. service. 
B. and e. Stellarton, N.S.; for some 
yrs. in service Intercol. Ry.; later in 
tllat of Direct Cable Co., rl'orbay, and 
of Halifax & Cape Breton Ry.; subse- 
quently joined staff Missouri Pacific 
Ry., St. Louis; returning to Can., was 
Supdt. Quebec & Lake St. John Ry., 
.1887-1907, when rupptd. Su.pd1t. Halifax 
& Southwestern Ry.; on leaving <.,!ue- 
bec for Halifax, was presented by the 
employees of the Quebec & Lake St. 
John road with a handsome testimon- 
lal.-H alifax, N.S. 
.. Courteous, thorough and well-in. 
fOl'llll'd."-li. Herald. 
Barn, John, business man. 
S. Robt. B., formerly of Paisley, 
Scot., latterly of Paris, Ont.; b. Pais- 
ley, June 8, 1869; e. there; m. Maude, 
d. P. Buckley, Paris, Ont.; became 
asst. cashier 'Valkinshaw Oil, Coal & 
Mining Co.; came to Can., with par- 
ents, 1888, becoming engd. in law and 
newspaper work; an expert shorthand 
writer, with N. Y. law cts.; privatf' 
secy. IMinr, Customs (Mr. Platersün, 
q.v.), 1896; accompanied MiniI'. toEng., 
1902, doing moot of .t;he secreotarial 
work there connected with {Irad-e que.s- 
tions dliscussed rat C1Ü'1. Ooruf.; services 
also utildzed in connection witlh trade 
negotliations with French Govt. 8Jt 
Paris; AsS/t. Commr. Customs, Can., 
an'd Sooy. Tariff .comn., July, 1903; re- 
signed, Feb., 1907; apptd. Imp. trade 
correspondent for Ottawa and dist. for 
Brit. Bd. of Trad-e, 1909; since associ- 
ated in business enterprises with Hon. 
C. ISiftO'I1 (q. v. ) , an d is also genl. 
mangr. Intern. Marine Signal Co.- 
167 James St., Ottawa; Laurentian 
Club, QO.; Ontar-io Club, Toronto. 
.. Endowed with a genius for figures.' 
-T. Globe. 
Bain, John Alexander, manufacturer. 
S. John and Isabella (Robb) B., 
both natives of Scot.; b. Woodstock. 
Ont., Sept. 23, 1852; e. there; a wagon- 
maker, and V.-P. since 1901 of t1w 
Baln Wagon Co., an immense concern, 
founded in 1881, and whose wagon
and ambulances are to be found in all 
parts of the world; formerly an Ald.; 
now V.-P. Woodstock Bd. of Trade 
and Chairman Woodstock Water and 
Light Comn.; a Presb.; a Lib.; m., 
1883, Esther, d. Wm. Kale, Rock Is- 
land, Ill.-Woodstock, Onto 

Bain, Hon, Thomas, public man. 
S. late Walter and Jane (Reid) B., 
who emigrated to Onto from Denny, 
Stirlingshire, Scot., 1837; b. Denny, 
Dec. 14, 1834; e. Can. public schs.; 
m., June, 1874, Helen, 2nd d. John 
Weir, W. 11'lamboro', Ont.; formerly 
en2"aged in farming; elected Reeve W. 
Flamboro'; Warden Wentworth, 1870; 
sat for N. Wentworth (H. C.), Lib. 
interest, 1872-1900, when he retired 
from public life; Speaker H. C., suc- 
ceeding the Irate Sir J. D. Edgar in 
that office, 1899-1900; declined appot. 
to Temiskiamdn'g Ry. 'Comn., 1902: a 
.Pres'b.-Dundas, Onto 
'C Ind
(pelndent, able and imparti,al."- 
Rt. lIon. Sir O. Tupper (q.v.). 
Bainbridge, Miss Helena, educationist. 
Apptd. Dean of the Sch. of House- 
hold Science and Asst. Prof. of House- 
hold Science, Macdonald ColI., Ste. 
Anne de Bellevue, P.Q.-1I-Iacdonald 
College, P.Q. 
Baines, Allan Mackenzie, physician. 
S. late '1'hos. B., Toronto, a memo 
old 'Sh-ro,pshi
 famHy; b. Tor<>nto, !May 
12, 1853; e. Barron's Sch., Cobourg; 
U. C. ColI., Toronto Univ. (M.B., 
1878; M.D.,C.M., 1884), ral1ld Tr.i-rui'ty 
Undv. (do., 1878); studded for 4 yrs. 
in Eng., and travelled extensively; 
L.R.IC.P. (Erug.); returned. to Can. 
1882; became phySician In'fants' Home 
and Home fur Incurables; also exam-I'. 
in toxiool. and jurisprudence Trin. 
Un-iv.; an Ang.; m., July, 1890, Ella, 
O. d. lat!e G. Kempenifeldt Troughton, 
TopSiham, DevQnShire, Eng.; a Con.- 
228 Bloor St. W., T01'onto; Tomntu 
Club,. York Club, do. 
Baird, Rev, And r e w Browning 
(Pres b.) , educationist. 
E. S. Chas. and Agnes (Browning) 
B.; b. Motherwell, Ont., Oct. 6, 1855; 
e. U. C. ColI. and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
:LA., 1880; ,post-gr.aJd. COU'l'Se 
at LeilJzig Univ.; studied theol. at 
Edinburgh Univ. (Ph.D.) O. 1881; pas- 
otJor Ed moDJtoon , AI.ta., 1881-87; ItJhere- 
after lecturer Man. Coll. and first pas- 
[Or Augustine Ch., Winnipeg, 1887-92; 
prof. logic and pol. econ. and classics, 
as well as prof. apolog., ch. hist. and 
Hebrew lang., Man. Coll., 1892; a 
Senator and '.rreas. Man. Unlv., 1908: 
elected Presdt. Hist. and Scien. Soc. 
Man., 1893; formerly a memo Bd. of 
Educ. N. W. T. ; has written on the In- 
dian question; D.O., hon. (Knox ColI.), 
1903; m., 1887, Miss P. C. Cook, Galt, 
Ont.- W-innipeg. 
":A. man <jf si'ngu
a.r stroightforwwrdness 
of cruaracle.r amd .of e-xceptiona[ sa1Jrity of 
judgmellltt."-T. Globe. 
Baird, Rev, Francis (Pres b.), littera- 
te U1". 
S. Saml. and Elizabeth (Snodgrass) 
B.; b. Chipman, N.B.. Jan. 8, 1870: e. 
:-lormal Sch., Univ. of N. B. (B.A., 
L895), Dalhousie Univ. (M.A., 1899), 
and New Coli., Edinburgh; O. 1901, 
minr. at Sussex, N.B., 1901-11; since 
then has been pastor at Woodostock, 
N.B.; sp-ecJialized in Eng. at Call.; 
has contributed stories to Youth's Com- 



panion, Boston Globe, New Eng. Mag., 
Can. lUag., Westminster, and many 
other Am. and Can. publications; has 
written two serials for East and West, 
Toronto, the most ambitious of which. 
.. Roger Davis, Loyalist," will appear 
shortly in book form in Edinbm:gh; 
at present is studying the Loyalist 
movement for' use In fiction, and i
preparing' a more mature story of .thi8 
nature for Can. press; has never 
voted and holds no political record; 
favm{rs the more conservative ad- 
vanced sch. of theol.; m., Jan., 1902, 
Sara Hamilton, M.A., 2nd d. S. H. Mc- 
Kee, Fredericton, N.B.-Woodstock, 
.. One of the brightest of our )'ounger 
Canadian writers."-Westminster. 
Baird, Hon, George Thomas, mer- 
chant; legislator. 
Scotch descent; s. Geo. B.; b. An- 
dover, N.B., Nov. 3, 1847; e. Carleton 
Co. Grammar Sch.; m., Nov., 1879, 
Ida. Jane., d. Capt. D. W. Sadler, St. 
John, N.B.; for some yrs. a sch. teach- 
er; since 1874 In lumber business; 
now mango dir. George T. B. & Co.; 
formerly Postmaster at Perth, N.B.; 
a Con.; sat for Victoria (Local), 1884- 
91, when called to the Leg. Council; 
on the abolition of that body, 1892, 
was again returned to Assembly; 
called to the Senate by Lord Aber- 
deen, June 19, 1895; an Orangeman; 
an Ang.-Perth Centre, N.B. 
Baird, Hugh Nichol, grain merchant. 
Scottish ancestry; s. late Chas. J. B., 
Montreal; b. and e. there; Presdt., To- 
ronto Bd. of r.rrade, 1892; afterWards 
a Councillor do.; a dir. G. N. W. Tel. 
Co. Western Assur. Co., and Imp. Life 
Bd: .by DOffil. Govt., 1904; m. Am.e'lia 
(d. Oct., 1906). d. W. Capron, Paris, 
Onlt.; CQng.---80 Grosvenor St., To- 
ronto; Nat-ional Club, do. 
(D. Toronto, Nov. 17, 1910.) 
Baird, Hugh Northcote, merchant. 
I11ami:l<y from Argy,11lShire, Scot.; s. 
late John B., Montreal; b. there, July 
23, 1877; e. there; m., Jan., 1904, Lily 
Edith, 2nd d. John Pinder, Montreal; 
for many yrs. engaged In the grain 
(>xporting business; removed to Win- 
nipeg, 1901, as mangr. for Richardson 
& Co.; now and for some yrs. mangr. 
the Harris, Scotten Co.; a Councillor 
Winnipeg Grain Exchange; a Lib.; a 
Presb.- W-innipeg; Manitoba Club, do. 
Baird, John Wallace, educationist. 
Fourth s. Chas. and Agnes (Brown- 
Ing) B.; b. Motherwcll, Co. Perth, Onto ; 
e. St. Mary's ColI. Inst.; taught in 
pub. schs. Onto 3 yrs., then studied 
at the Univs. Toronto (B.A., 1879) 
(lnd Leipzig; fellow in phil. Univ. 
Wisconsin; fellow and subsequently 
asst. in psych. Cornell Univ. (Ph.D., 
1902) ; research-fellow in psych. under 
Carnegie foundation; instr. in psych. 
Univ. Virginia; instr. in psych. Johns 
Hopkins Univ., 1904-6; prof. psych. 
and dir. psych. labor., Univ. Illinois 
(positions he now fills), 1906; a fellow 
Amer. Assn. for the Advanc. of 
Science; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma 
Xi; memo Southern Soc. for Phil. and 

Psych.; memo Am. Psych. Assn.; co- 
operating ed. Psych. Bull
tin; author 
of articles and reviews in Viarlous 
psych. and phil. periodicals.-901 
South Busey Ave., Urbana, Ill.; Uni- 
vers-ity Club, do. 
Bakeman, Mrs, Caroline, Bapt. mis- 
D. late J. Hanford Read, Port Elgin, 
N.B.; b. there; e. \Vellesley Coli., 
Mass. ; studied also at Northfield 
Semy.; m., July, 1906, Rev. Percival 
R. Bakeman, Chelsea, Mass.; left for 
China under auspices Bapt. Mission. 
Union, Sept., 1906. - Chow Chung, 
Baker, Albert Livingston, Can. ry. 
B. Tillsonburg, Ont., Aug. 6, 1872; 
e. there; entd. service Mich. Central 
Ry., Nov., 1887, and, after filling vari- 
ous responsible positions on that road, 
was apptd. genl. freight and pass. 
agent, Tillsonburg, Lake Erie & Pacific 
Ry., 1898.-TUlsonburg, Onto 
Baker, Alfred, educationist. 
Yorkshire 'Parentage; S. late John 
B.; b. Toronto; e. TorüTIto Grammar 
Sch. and Toronto Univ. (B.A. and 
gold med. in math., 1869; M.A., 1878) ; 
succ-essively .prinlCÍ.pal Viennta, Perth. 
and Oshawa High ISchs., 1869-72 ; math 
master U. C. ColI., 1872; mrutJh. tutor 
Univ. GoN., Toronto, '1875; Regr. do., 
1876; do. Toromto Univ., 1881; re- 
signed .former office, 1884, and the 
laUer, 1887; De!an of Residence, Umiv 
Co!'!., 1884-92; prO'f. .of math. (whid: 
position he still retains), 1887; wa
Presdt. Univ. ColI. Lit. and Scien. 
Soc., 1877-8; gazetted lieut., Queen's 
Own Rifles, 1876, becoming capt., 1878, 
and retiring with that rank, 1883; 
elected by graduates a Senator of 
Toronto Univ., 1887, and has been re- 
elected at each succeeding Senatorial 
election; Presdt. Onto Educ. Assn., 
1895-6; apptd. memo Onto Educ. Coun- 
cil, 1896 (still retains); elected memo 
Am. Math. Soc., 1891, and during 
1896-9 was a memo of the Council of 
that body; elected memo of Soc. Math. 
de France, 1896; elected F. R. S. C., 
1899; Presdt. Sec. II!., do., 1905; has 
edited works on trigonom., statics, and 
dynamics; published two wor
s on 
geomet., 1903-4, and has contnbuted 
papers on quaternions and on geomet. 
of position to the Proc. of the Royal 
Soc. of Can.; an ardent advocate of 
Imp. unity, t3.-llId a memo Extve. Coomlte. 
Brit. Emp. League In Can.; m., June, 
1894, Norah Kathleen, 2nd d. John 
McCormack, Wilmette, Ill., U.S. - 81 
lI-Iadison A ve., Toronto; summer: 
"lshkauqua," Lake Ros.seau, Ont., 
Canad-ian lJ.I-ilita1"Y Inst\tute; Ym"" 
Club, 'l'oronto. 
.. One of the most highly-thought-of men 
in Toronto University."-.3l. and E. 
.. Une:xooltled ,a.s o8II1' afrer di'nner speake.r." 
-The late Dr. Hannay. 
Baker, Edward Crow, accountant. 
Third s. E. W. W. B., Liscard Park, 
Cheshire, Eng., formerly an offr. R. N.; 
b., Lambeth, Surrey, Eng., Sept. 16, 



1845; e. Royal Hospital Sch., Green- 
wich; entd. R. N., Sept., 1860, and 
was subsequently navlg. Ueut., H. M. S. 
Niobe; retired, 1878; for some yrs. an 
accountant B. C. Treasury; formerly 
Secy. Bd. Pilot Commrs., Supdt. of 
Pilots, Victoria, and Secy. B. C. Bd. of 
Trade; Grand Secy. B. C. Freemasons, 
and a dlr. Royal Jubilee Hospital; a 
Con., and sat for Victoria (H. C.), 
1882-89; m., 1st, Mch., 1869, Frances 
Mary (d.), e. d. Capt. RicJhard Jones, 
Halifax, N.S. ; 2ndly, June, 1896. 
Marion Henrietta, 3rd d. late J. G. 
Clapham, M.P., Quebec.-Victoria, B.C. 
Baker, Rev. Edward ],q'orcUffe 
S. Chas. A. B.; b. OakvllIe, Ont.; e. 
Albert CoIL, BellevllIe, anð Victoria 
Unlv., Toronto (B.A., Prince of Wales 
gold med. and gold med. In phil., 1879; 
M.A., 1882); studied theoL at last- 
named Institution (B.D., 1887; D.D., 
1905); entd. ministry, 1872; has held 
pastorates at Wellington, Napanee, 
Port Hope, Belleville, Chatham, Strat- 
ford and Cobourg; called to Broad- 
way Tabernacle, Toronto, 1903; rood 
call to Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.. Mch. 
19.11; a memo .Bd. of Regents, Victoria 
Univ.; Secy. of B. Q. Conf., 1892; a 
del. to GenL ,Conf., 1894, 1898, 1902; 
pO'1ibicaHy, Ind.; m., 1881, Miss !Meek, 
Alban, Ont. (<t.); 2ndly, !Me-h., 1904, 
Jennie (late preceptress Alma Coil., 'St. 
Thomas, Ont.), d. Dan1. tAxford, Fin- 
gal, Ont.-Sault Ste. .lI1arie, Onto 
.. Famed as a pulpit orator."-1'. World 
Baker, 1I/Ii8S Emma Sophia, educa- 
D. Chas. A. B., and a. sister Rev. Dr. 
E. N. B. (q.v.) ; b. Milton, Onto ; gradu- 
ated Victoria Univ. (B.A., 1899) ; To- 
ronto Unlv. (Ph.D., 1903, the first 
woman to take that degree at that 
Univ.); had previously spent a year 
at the Unlv. of Paris, making a spe- 
cialty of French; subsequently spent a 
year at Newnham CoIl., Cambridge; 
was successively preceptress at Alex- 
andra Coll., BeIleviIle, Ont., and Dick- 
Inson Semy., WIlliamsport 1 Penn., and 
for 6 yrs. lady principal Presb. Ladies' 
CoIl., 'l'oronto; apptd. vice-principal 
Mt. AIllson Ladles' CoIl., Sackville, 
N.B., 1901.-Sackville, N.B. 
".A thorough and efficient teach8r."- 
St. Juhn Telegraph. 
Baker, Francis Spence, architect 
S. Francis and Sarah (Spf'nce) B.; 
Irish descent; b. Co. Halton, Ont., Aug. 
21, 1867; e. Hamilton Coll. Inst.; m. 
Florence Mary, d. Geo. Kenrick, Lon- 
don, Eng.; studied for his prof. with 
Kennedy, GavllIar & Holland, Toronto, 
anI(} was subsequently assoC'Í!a.ted wilth 
Knox and Elliott, TO'ronto, J. C. Cody 
& Co., N.Y., and Thos. E. Colcutt, 
P.R.I.B.A., London, Eng.; elected an 
Asso. Royal Inst. .Brit. ArchtlS., 1892; a 
Fellow, do., 1901; hon. secy. for Can., 
do., 1906; V.-P. Roym.1 Inst. Can. 
Architects, 1908; Presdt. do., 1909-10; 
a memo Onto Assn. Archts., 1892; like- 
wise on Advls. Bd., Toronto Guild of 
Civic Art; began practice In Toronto, 
1892; has acted as archt. of many pub- 

Hc and commercial bdgs., notably the 
North Brit. and 'Mercantile Ins. Co. 
Bd-g., the Jamieson Bdg., the Bradshaw 
Bdg., .the Jarvis St. CoHo l'l1st., 1:the 
l\fan-frs.' Bàg. at Toronto Indust. Exhn., 
the Alexandra ÄJpartmeDit Bdg., Toronto 
Elect. Light Co. Bdg., Nordhelmer 
Bdg., Huyler's Bdg., the Christle- 
Brown Co. Bdg., the. GenL Hosp. 
Guelph; the Royal Viet. Hosp., Barrie; 
the ('oH. Inst., BowmanvlIle; St. Al- 
ban's Ch., Glenwilliams; Knox Ch., 
Bnmtford; Presb. Chs., Bradford and 
Huntsville, and others; also the Trad- 
ers Bank of Can. Head Office Bdg., 
Toronto's first sky - scraper, and 
branches at Bloor and Yonge Sts. and 
Avenue Rd.; Winnipeg. Guelph, West 
Selkirk, etc., besides a large number or 
residences; In a letter to Sir Wilfrid 
LaurieI', ApI., 1910, strongly condemned 
the plans for the new Departmental 
Buildings, Major's HllI Park, Ottawa, 
on behalf of his prof. In Can., on the 
ground of their being" a travesty on 
good architecture to; a Con.; an Ang.; 
a FOI'e-ster and fa Fre-emason.-185 Bal- 
moral Ave., Toronto; Rosedale Golf 
Club, do. 
Baker, George William, lawyer' 
Provl. public s.ervice. ' 
S. late Godfrey Phipps B., Postmas- 
ter, Ottawa, and his first wife, Eliza- 
beth Julia, d. CoL Clements. R. C. 
Rifles; b. Ottawa, Aug. 4, 1854; e. 
Ottawa Classical and Com. Sch., Ont. 
Coll., Picton, and Ottawa Grammar 
Seh.; ibarrlster (Ont.), 1881; d'O. 
(Man.), 1882; .AMI., Win'l1;!þeg, 1888-89 
and 1898; Police IMagte., VVlinni,peg, 
1901-03; author Off tJlre IntrO'ductlon of 
t'he Jud.leature Ad into Man.; Is P. 
Grollid .Tunior Warden of Freemasons 
1fan.; first Oommoo'Ore ,Lake of thé 
\Voods Yacht 'Club; an Au'g.. and 18. del. 
to the ISynod; m., 1st, 1884, Jeannie 
H. (d. ApI.. 1895), d. E. G. Eastman 
Hallowell, Me., U. S. OoooU'1 ,to <Cork 
and Glasgow; 2ndly, Se'Pt., 1906, Annie 
(d. July, 1908), d. Wm. Grime, Gl'en- 
, Harroga.te, Eng. - Winnipeg; 
Manztoba Club,. St. Charles Count7.y 
Club, do. 
Baker, Rev, Gordon Harrington 
S. Rf'uben Jacob and Ada (Hubley) 
B.: b. Tancook Isd., N.S., Mch. 20, 
1878; e. Acadia Unlv. (B.A. and gold 
med. In oratory, 1904) ; and: Rochester 
Theol. Semy. (B.D., 1907); m., Sept., 
1900, Miss Louise Hayden Harlow, 
Sable River, N.S.; O. 1905; pastor Ga- 
barouse and Forchue, C.B.; do., Pt. 
St. Charles Bapt. Ch., Montreal, May, 
1907; resigned to take up duties In the 
Annex, 19<19; a memo Bd. of Mangrs. 
Intern. Baipt. Y. People's Union of 
Am.; Presdt. Montreal Rapt. Y. Peo- 
ple's Union and V.-P. Ont. and Quebec 
Baopt. Y. People's Union.-f08 Ash Ave., 
Baker, Hugh Cos8art, company offi- 
Eng. origin; o. S. Hugh .c. B., F.I.A., 
founder Can. Life Assur. Co., who was 
presdt., mangr. and actuary thereof, 
and held first policy in the Co. ; grands. 



Capt. Geo. W. B., R.A., who settled 
In Ottawa and was first postmaster of 
that city; b. Hamilton, Ont., 1847: e. 
priv8JOO schs.; m., 1st, Oct., 1869, MaTton 
M. (d.), y. d. late Edward IMathews, 
London, Ont.; 2ndly, Feb., 1899, Con- 
stanc.e 'Charlotte ,Mary, y. d. late C. F. 
A. M.arkgraf, M.A., .Montreal; !passed 
Royal Mi1. Sch. when 18, and was 
junior ensign 113th Reogt. at RIldigeW1aY. 
1866 (med.); afterwards financed and 
built the first street ry. In Hamil- 
ton, and In 1878 orgBnized and owned 
the first Telephonp Co. in Can. (and 
the second one In the 'World) 8Jt Hamil- 
ton; sold out to the Be]] Telephone 
Co., df tOan., in 1880, and was mangr. 
for .the Onto Dept. of .th8.Jt Co. 
ti\] his resignation, Dec. 31, 1909; 
Ang.-1S Herkimer St.. Hamilton, Ont.; 
Hamilton Club; Royal Hamilton 
Yacht Club; Hamilton Jockey Club, 
do.,. Toronto Club,. Caledon Mountain 
'l'?'out Club, Toronto. 
.. A. ma-DI eminently just and oon
sideTste."-H. Times. 
Baker, Bev, Jacob Johnson (Bapt.), 
German descent: ancestors came 
from Penn. time Am. Revolution 
Baker Hnt, Whitchurch, York. Ont.. 
Oct. 2. 1854: P. Woodstock Coll., To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1881 
 M.A., lR82) 
and Toronto Bapt. con.; m.. Sept.. 
1 R83. Ida Emma WolventiOn, d. Rev. 
Dr. H. P. Fitch; o. 1882: held pas- 
tonates at Be-l-lev.Hle, Wal]kerton, anI(] 
St. .Tohn, N.:B.; a'Pp,td. Presdt. HHrd- 
Ing Hall Girl's' Sch.. Lon-don, Owl.. 
A'ug., 19(H; favours state and muni- 
cipal ownershirp; ijncllnes to true. Ohris- 
tian socla1lism.-Harding Hall, London, 
Baker, Joseph Allen, legislator; man- 
Descended from a Quaker family. 
whIch first settled In Ire1.: s. late .Tos 
and Sarah .T. B., Maple Ridge Farm, 
Trenton. Ont.; b. there, 1852: e. Tren- 
ton HIg-h Sch.; removed to Eng., 1876, 
In the Interests of the firm of .Tos. B. & 
Sons. Ltd., engineers, WnIpsden, which 
he then entd. and of which hE' Is now 
the head; elected to London eo. 
Councf] for E. Flnsbury (on resigna- 
tion of Lord Rosebery); has repre- 
F;ented E. Finsbury In Eng-. H. C., In 
Lib. Interest, since 1905: well known 
In London for his philanthropic work 
and In connection with the estabIlsh- 
ment there of the Adult Sch. move- 
ment; was for some yrs. Presdt. Lon- 
don A>du1t Sch. Union; a memo extve. 
Nml.te. Unlv
rsal RaJces Con'gress, Lon- 
don, 1911 ; has Þeen 'Prominently Identi- 
fied with tmmway oextensJon ; m., 1878. 
Elizabeth Balmer, d. Richard 'MoscrLp, 
Mor&bart:Jtle, ROxfburghShire, Scot. - 
Donnington, Harlesden, London, N. W. 
.. A Liòprl1l of the Liò{'rnls."-'l'. (HO/)8 
Baker, Lt.-Col, Louis Baymond. 
S. Geo. Washington B.; b. N. 
Georgetown, P.Q., Aug. 30, 1842: e. 
there and Huntingdon Acad.: m., 1868, 
Flavle (d. .Mch., 19'03), d. .T. B. Bran- 
Chaml; for many yrs. In merca,nUle lif.e 
at BeauhRTnois and in Montreal; 

served 4 yrs. a CounclUor and 8 yrs. 
Mayor of Beauharnols; for 13 yrs. 
Postmaster, do.: was also Preli1dt. S. 
W. Ry. (now forming a portion of 
N. Y. Central Ry. system) ; began mil. 
career as a private, 64th Regt., anrl 
passed through every gradp therein UT' 
to It.-cot; retired, 1895 (Fenian Raid 
med. and long service decoration): 
el'eCted Presdt. and Commandant Can. 
Veterans' Assn.. 1910; re-elected do., 
1911; a R. C.-
95 Notre Dame St. E., 
Maisonneuve, P.Q. 
Baker, Malcolm Clapp, veterinary sur- 
B. Dunham, P.Q.. 1849; e. Dunham 
Acad.; m. Aug., 1890, Mary, d. late 
.Tohn Loven, publisher. Montreal; grarl 
Montreal Vet. Colt, 1879; after being- 
apptd. Inspr. of live stock. Montreal 
(a position he stnI retains), was 
for 14 years prof. of anatomy In 
the Ontario Vet. Col1., becoming 
aftprwards prof. of compo med. 
and vpt. 
('Ience, McGill Unlv.: a mpm. 
firm McEachrpn (q.v.). B. & Mc- 
Eachren (q.v.) vpt. surg'pons: electe
Prpsdt. Montreal VPl. Mf'd. Assn., 1887. 
and Presdt. As
n. vet. Surgeons. P.O.. 
1906.-194 Milton St., Montreal; Thistle 
Cw'litlg Club, do. 
Baker, Manly Benson, educationist. 
S. Hy. B.. Stratforrl. Ont.: b. therp. 
Mch. 29, 1877: e. public schs. and CoHo 
Tnst., 8tratford: Queen's Unlv., King- 
ston (B.A. :md med. In geol., 1900). 
and Sch, of Mining, clo. (B.Sc., 1902) : 
awarded a feHow. Columbia CoIL. 
N. Y., 1903: pursued summer course::lt 
Hpj(1 p lb p rg, Germany. 1907: moo 1905. 
Annlp (d. Dec.. 1907), e. d. .Tas. Frank- 
lin. Winnipeg; tutor in veol. Queen'!'! 
Unlv., 1900-03: lpctnrer In geol. and 
mineral., do., 1 Q04-07: prof. In charg-e 
geol. dent.. 1907-08; mining Insnr.. Co- 
balt. 190'6; apptd. head of ColI. of 
Mining, Kingston, 1909: author report 
of geol. on exploration survey, Abhltfbl 
Dlst. (Burenu of Mines, Ont.) , 1900; 
II Notes on Occurrence of Corundum In 
Ont." (Can. Min. Inst.). 1904: .. Clay 
and the Clay Industrtps of Ont.,.. 
spE'-<'ial rpport (Bureau of Mines, Ont.) , 
1906: 'M"th.-Kingston, Ont.; F?'otlt- 
enac Club, do. 
Balter. Bav Palmer. pducationlst. 
.s. Rev. .T. .T. B., IM.A. (q.v.). an'<l Id.a 
Emmta Wolverton (Fi,tch) B., Ithe la ttPT 
a writer of occaslon-a1 verse; U. E. L 
f1psc p nt. and onp of the oldpst Am. 
famlUes; b. Fonthttt. Ont., sppt. 21. 
1883; P. Marltimp Provlncp!=:, London 
("0]1. JT'!'!t.. and Western Unlv. ancl 
con. (B.A. I'!nd gpneral proficIencY 
prlzeman, 19M)): during colI. carper 
aided materh\nv In fOllndfng- thp Arre- 
ODag-us. a 1itpnary and debRtlng club 
of ml'! rkpd influpncp: nl'!!'! since donp 
special wnrk In mod. lang.; a grad. 
sch. In Eng. (Chicago Univ.). 1909; 
elected a Senator Western Unlv., 1906: 
Rometlme Secy.-Treas. and a dlr. Hard- 
Ing Hall eon. and Central Con-sHv.: 
anptd. Instr. In mod. lang.. HI
Hqmllton, Ont., 1906; rpslg-ned. Dec.. 
1908, to devote himself to literary 
study; published, for private clrcula- 



tion, II Croynan Hall; The Maid of the 
Mask, and A Tale of Rothenburg," a 
collection of verse written during col- 
lege days (1908); a Lib. and an Imp. 
as far as Imperialism is com.patible 
with the development of Can. nation- 
ality.-Care Ii Highfield," Hamilton, 
.. As a poet dignified and beautiful."- 
Cnn. Bookseller. 
Baker, Samuel. Can. civic 
S. John B., contractor, Blaenavon. 
Eng. ; b. there, 1860; e. Monmouth and 
Westminster public schs.: won prizes 
In physiol. and scholar. at Westmlnstf'r, 
and was first in pol. econ.; head mas- 
ter Element. Sch., Blaenavon, 1880; 
principal S. S. 10, Westminster, 1887; 
do., Belmont Pub. Sch., 1889; do. Ches- 
ley Ave. Sch., London, Ont., 1890; do. 
St. George's Schs., do., 1894; apptd. 
City Clerlt, London, Ont.. 1904; a 
PreSb.; m., 1st, !Mary (d.), od. Chades 
Viaug-han, BLalffiliRVOI1!; 2'ß1f1 l ly, Lj,J'l'Ïe, ,d. 
A. M. 'HO/Ward, London, Ont.-London, 
Baker, Walter Reginald, Can. ry. ser- 
S. Stephf'n and Priscilla (PlimsolI) 
B., York, Eng. ; b. York, May 25, 1f<52; 
e. privately; m., 1st, 1875, Jane Helen 
(d. May, 1902), y. d. late R. W. 
Crulce, Ottawa, Ont.; 2ndly, Oct., 1907, 
Belle Drysdale (d. June. 1908), 3rd 
d. late Andrew Paton, "Rockmount," 
Sherbrooke, P.Q.; 3rdly, Dec., 1909, 
Miss Elsie Dicke, Vienna, Austria; 
entd. ry. ærvice, 1873, as local freight 
and pass. agf'nt, Can. Centl. Ry., Ot- 
tawa; private secy. Marquis of 
Dufferin and A va, Gov.-Genl. of 
Can., 1874-78;" Asst. Secy. Treas. Bd., 
Ottawa, 1878-81; re-entering ry. ser- 
vice, has been successively asst. to 
Genl. Supdt. and local Treas. C. P. R. 
(W. D.) ; purchasing agent, same dlv., 
1882-83; asst. to Genl. Man}
T., same 
road, 1882-83; Genl. Supdt. Man. & 
N. ,"\T. R., 1883-92; Genl. Maugr., do., 
1892-1900; executive agent, C. P. R., 
Winnipeg, 1900-01; asst. to V.-P., do., 
1901-05; asst. to Presdt., do., 1905-08; 
Secy. of co. and asst. to Presdt. 
Mch. I, 1908; on leaving Winnipeg 
for Montreal, 1901, was presented by 
the business community with a Bolfd 
silver service, "in recognition of the 
integrity, unfailing courtesy and great 
ability displayed by him as an 
official and as a publfc-spirited citl- 
Zf'n "; had charge of the Royal train 
over the C. P. R. lines during the sev- 
eral visits of the Prince and Princess 
of Wales (now Kling land Queen -of 
Enog., q.v.), PrInce ATithulT IQIÍ Oon- 
l!1iauglht, and IPrince FushimJi, land was 
presented with Ihandg.ome testimonials 
from each 011' these .personages, as well 
as fI'iOl!Tli th
 'l'ate King Edward VII. (in 
t.he case of Prinoe .A.nthur of Con- 
naught), in I8.cknow,leod'gmellit of his anò 
the co.'s servloes and attentions to the 
iI'lust!rious visito'I's; decora,te'd' with 3rd 
class of tJhe Order o.f the Sacred Trea- 
sure by the Emperor of Jlapan, 1906; 
applbd. an Esquire {)If 'the OrdleT Q1f 1St. 
Jom 'Of Je, rusalJ'e'lTI 1910; Iheld audience 
witlh Kirug 
OI'g>e and Queen Mary 

(q. v.), IBuckingham tPa;I'ace., A'P'lI., 19'11; 
Ang.-773 She1'brooke St. W., .Montreal; 
St. James's Club; lI-It. Royal Club; 
Royal Montreal Golf Club; lIfontreal 
Jockeu Clll,b, do.; Rideau Club; Coun- 
try Club, Ottawa; Manitoba Club, Win- 
Baker, William Athenaise, lawyer. 
S. Lt.-Col. L. R. B. (q.v.) and Flavle 
(Branchaud) B.; b. Beauharnois, P.Q., 
June 21, 1905; e. Jo1iette ColI. and St 
Mary's (Jesuit) Coli., Montreal; gradu- 
ated LL.B., Laval Univ., 1895; advo- 
cate, do.; practised In Montreal .for 
some yrs. In partnership with F. D. 
Monk, K.C., M.P. (q.v.) ; a former con- 
tributor to La Revue Legale; author of 
a comedy, "Place a I}o'Amour" (1905), 
which has been hig-hly spoken of In 
Ute'rary drol'es, anld .. IProse et Pen- 
see's" : aRC.; m. !Miss A'U'ld.-l0B St. 
Luke St.. J.rontreal; Ahuntsic, P.Q. 
Baker, William Coombs, educationist. 
Quaker df'scent; s. late John F. B., 
Kingston, Ont.; b. there; e. Queen's 
Unlv. (M.A., 1895); m., June, 1904, 
Bessif\. e. d. late Wm. Workman, Strat- 
ford, Onto ; post-g-rad. studies at Camb. 
Univ., Eng.; lecturer In expo physics, 
on "The Robt. Waddell" foundation, 
Queen's Unllv., 1902; prof. do. 
si'l1.oee 19/)6; asst. mining .inspr., Coool1. 
DisiÌ., 1906; elected mem. Am. I':h1y- 
sioo,l. Soc., 1907, aut'hl{),r ()if s-evern,l 
papers on scientific subjoeots.-91 Clergy 
St. W., Kingston. Onto 
Baker, William Henry, educationist. 
B. London, Eng., Feb. 22, 1844; e. 
there; m. In Eng.; has always been 
engd. In educational work; was princi- 
pal of the Baroness Burdett Coutts 
Sch., London. for 17 yrs., and since 
coming to Can. has been principal of 
the Baron de Hirsch Inst., Montreal, 
since its opening; was Presdt. of the 
Westminster Teachers' Assn., and the 
founder and first Secy. of the Pupfl 
Teachers' Examn. Bd., afterwards de- 
veloppd by the London Sch. Bd. into 
the Central System of Instruction of 
Pupil Teachers; Is a Freeman of the 
Pity of London, and a memo of the 
Glovers Co.; aided in the work Ini- 
tiated by the late Baron de Hirsch; was 
overSf'er of Westminster for 4 yrs. and 
Chairman of the Building- Comte. of 
thf' Westminster Town Hall; Is a memo 
of the Soc. of Arts, London; masonl- 
('ally he stands Vf'Ty high, having been 
the founder of the Abbey Lodge of 
Westminster and its second Master, 
and a memo and Secy. of the R. A. 
Chap. of the Military Chap. the Wan- 
derers, and Past Z. of Robt. Burns 
Chap., one of the oldest chaps. under 
the Eng. constitution; is also a For- 
ester and Odd Fellow; formerly a stan' 
sf\rgt. In the Artists' Volunteer Corps, 
he recf'lved a commission In the 21st 
Middlesex, 1887; was also one of the 
foundprs of the Empire Cadf't Corps, 
from which he rf'tlred as a It.-col.- 
Derarie A ve., lilt. Royal Vale, lIfont- 
Balderson, Lt.-Col, James Morris. 
S. late Robt. B., Perth, Ont.; a 
grands. John ß., one ot WeIIUngton'8 



veterans; b. there, Aug. 5, 1862; e. 
there and at Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1884); unm.; barrister, 1887; K.C., 
1908; sucoessfuHy praCitises in Berth, 
in partnership with Hon. A. ;J. 
Matheson (q. v.); Mayor of Perth, 
1902; has served as an ofl'r. in 42nd 
(Lanark and Renfrew) Regt. for many 
yrs.; succeeded to the command, as 
It.-coI., Feb. 1, 1908; Ang.; a Free- 
mason.-Perth, Onto 
Baldwin, Edmund st, George, physi- 
E. s. late Rev. Canon Edmund B. 
and Frances ;Jemima (Grasett) B.; b. 
Oct. 12, 1851; e. London, ant.. and 
Toronto Univ.; B.M., C.M. (Edin.), 
1875; L.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1877; resident 
physician Royal Infirmary, Edin., for 
some yrR; Ang.; m., ;Jan., 1899, Louisa 
Helen, d. late E. Montizambert, Que- 
bec.-86 St. Gem"ge St., TOTOnto. 
Baldwin, Frederick Walker, scientist. 
S. Robt. B.. Toronto, bv his second 
wife, EI'lzabeth Mary, d. Horatio Nel- 
son Walker, fonnerly Qf Riversdal
, nr. 
Dublin, IreI.; grands. late Hon. Robt. 
E., C.B., one of the Fathers of Respon- 
sible Govt. In Can.; b. Toronto, ;Jan. 2, 
1882; e. Bp. Ridley ColI., St Cathar- 
Ines. ant., and Toronto Univ.; gradu- 
ated Sch. Practical Science, Toronto. 
1906; m., ;June, 1908, Kathleen. d. 
Chas. L. Parmenter, Gananoque. ant.; 
for some yrs. chief asst. to Prof. A. 
Graham Bell (q.1'.), In the Invention 
ûf airships, Baddeck, N.S.; planned 
and supervised thf' erection of the first 
tower ever constructed of tetrahedral 
cells, Badf1eck, 1907: has lectured on 
.. Airships and Af'rial Navigation": as 
a student, when capt. of thf' Varsity 
team, won the Can. football champion- 
ship; -presdt. Toronto Unlv. Cricket 
Club, 1906-7; a m
m. Aerial Experl- 
menrt Assn. (:for ftoights se
 N. Y. World 
Almanac, 1910, p, 435); Ang.-Bad- 
deck. N.S. 
.. . Case.y' Baldwin. at O'ne time famO''Us 
O'n the college footlball warn, is now en" 
ga.ged in <the navig-ation of the- heavens, 
and is O'ne of the fO'Temost Oanadians &0 
a.ged."-T. News. 
Baldwin, Rev. Henry GraBett (Ang.) 
Sec. s. late Rev. Canon Edmund B 
Toronto, and Frances ;Jemima (Gra. 
Sf'tt) B.: b. Toronto, Mch. 18, 1854; e 
Camh. Unlv. (M.A.); m., ;Jan., 1880 
Helena Lee, d. late Hon. ;J. W. Gwynne 
a judge of the Supremf' Ct., Can.: 0 
deacon, 1879; priest, 1881; sometime 
rector Ch. of the Ascension (Canon B 
Memorial Ch.), Toronto; subsequently 
rector Ang. Ch., Mentonf', France: 
chaplain Holy Trin. Ch., Rome, sinN' 
1904.-Rome, Italy. 
Baldwin, Rev, John BusseU (Rapt.). 
S. Rev. J. A. and De\oiløh (T'hð'mp- 
son) B., Arkona, Ont.: b. Co. Essf'x. 
Ont.. Dec. 7, 
863; e. Woodstock CoIl., 
McMaster Umv. and the Divinity Sch. 
Chicago Univ.: m., ;Jan., 1893, Mis; 
Florence M. Byers, Omemee, Ont.; o. 
1891; pastor Elkhorn, Wis. (over 5 
yrs.); do. Ithaca, Mich. (7 yrs.) ; do. 
Calumet, do. (5 1-2 yrs.); student 
pastor Wallaceburg, Fingal and Bailie- 

boro', Ont., and Pilot Mound, Man.; 
now (1910) pastor Dufferin St. Bapt. 
Ch., Toronto.-SO Lappin Ave., Toronto. 
Baldwin, Maurice Day, contractor and 
E. s. late Rt. Rev. M. S. B., D.D., 
Bp. of Huron, and Sarah ;Jessie (Day) 
B.; b. Montreal, Oct. 22, 1874; e. there, 
Toronto Unlv., anò Trin. Univ., To- 
ronto (B.A., 18!16; M.A., 1898) ; studied 
theoI. at Wycliffe Coll.; after ordina- 
tion was successively asst. at St. 
Stephen's Ch., Westmount, and rector 
Beauharnois, P.Q.; apptd. rector All 
Saints' Ch., Montreal. 1903; resigned, 
May, 1907, and now follows a secular 
occupation: m., ApI.. 1905, Mary Alex- 
andra Marguerite, o. d. late R. R. 
Stevenson, Montreal.-194 Park Ave., 
Baldwin, Stephen Yarwood, Am. ry. 
Y. s, W. W. and ,Susannalb Moary 
(Yø,rwood) B.; b. To'J'lonrbo, Dec. 27 
1870; e. there; m. Emma Mabel, d: 
Huson 'Murray, K.C. (q.v.), Toronto; 

resld!t. Car:. Soc., iP.itltsburg, 1904-5; 
IS commercIal freight ag>ent, Delaware 
& Hudson Co., ,I'Ii.ttsburg, Pa.-Pitts- 
'g, Pa.; P.ittsburg Traffic Club; Can- Club, do. 
Balfour, The Venerable Andrew Jack- 
son (Ang.). 
S. late Rev. Andrew and Eliza 
(Cowlthorpe) B. (father's family from 
Sco'Ì.; mother's from Eng.) ; b. Water- 
loo, P.Q., Dec. 25, 1845; e. Bishop's 
ColI. Sch., Lennoxville (Mountain 
scholar.), and Bishop's CoIl. Unlv., 
Lennoxville, P.Q. (B.A., 1869; M.A., 
1872; D.lC.L., 1907); m., Nov., 1910, 
Ed!i-th Marina, d. llate A'llex. l:MIarIin l g, 
formerlty Deoptty. Minr. {)If ,Educ., ant.; 
o. d'eacon, 1869: ,priest, 1872: ßucces- 
siv.ely incumben:t Lêvis, Hatley, and 
RJichr.n1ond; recbor 8t. iPeter"s, Que
1888-1906; R. D., Quebec, 1900-06; 
canon Quebec Cath., 19.03-06; a.rch- 
d'eacon or! St. Franc'is. '1906; do. Que- 
bec, '1909; !has s.erverd as Gen
'. Secy. 
Quebec Oh. Soc., as ,Secy.-Treas. Que- 
bec's Måssiony.organizaUon, Gen1. .Miis- 
sliony. Agent of th'e diooese, and as a 
de1. Gen1. ønld IProv1. Synods: a 
de1. Pan--iAng. .Congress, LOIl'd!on, Eng.. 
1908; an officfal del'. Halifax Ang. 
Bi-.oent. cel1ebNlItian
 1910; was one 
()1f tlh-e mover
 lin having .the Plains 
of Abraham converted Into a public 
park, 1901.-
3 Ste. Ursule St., Quebec. 
. ., His sturdy manihood is only equaIled by 
Ius great humility and hig amiahlp and 
retiring dispO'sitiO'n."-Quebec Chronicle. 
Balfour, George Hopper, banker. 
S. late Rev. Andrew B., a native of 
Irel., who was successively Ang. In- 
cumbent of New Carlisle, Waterloo, 
Kingsey, Lachine, etc., and Eliza B. ; b. 
Waterloo, P.Q., ApI. 5, 1848; e. Len- 
n.Qxvil\ollf': m.., 1st, Alice Charl'oltte (d. 
;Jan., 1907), d. late S. ;J. Shaw, Quebec: 
2nd,ly, ;Jan., 1911, Anni.e Rus'seH, widow 
late ;Jas. Piiddington, QuE'tbec; joined 
staff Union Bank of Can., 1870; 
was subsequemtoly Genl. Inspr.; for 
5 yrs. 'Mangr. at! W.inni'peg and for 



13 YI"S. Man-gr. at iMontrea1; 
Genl. (MaI1Jgr., do., .Tan. '12, '1904; 
servetl as C8'pt. 81th Royal- Rifles, 
an{!. on' one occasi{)n, accO'l11'Panled 
Can. team to Wiimb
-edl()ln; retdreà as 
paymaster, May, 1885; a:s a rifle 
shot WOIl1 Go.v.-Genl.'s gold med. an-d. 
the cl1ampionship ()f Can.; an en- 
thusiastic golfer, served as capt. Royal 
Montreal Golf Club, and was Presdt. 
Can. Golf Assn., 1901; was one of the 
founders Royal Montreal Golf Club: 
Is a CounclUor Can. Bankers' Assn. 
and of Bishop's Coll., LennoxviUf': also 
a Gov. Proto Hosp. for Insane. Mont- 
real; an Ang.--57 E8planade, Quebec: 
Quebec Garrison Club; St. James'8 
(",lub, Montreal; :Manitoba Club, Win- 
Balfour," "Grant, (See Grant, .James 
Miller. ) 
Balfour, James, architect. 
E. s. late Peter B., aSSf'ssmt, ('ommr., 
Hamilton, Ont.. a native Fifeshire, 
Scot., and - (Waug-h) B.: b. Hamil- 
ton, 1852; e. Central Sch.. tñere: stud- 
i-ed aorohU,eciure, Oan. 'anlf!. EiHnb'l1rg>h; 
his works indud.e 'Boys' Home anf1 City 
RiaH, Hamilrt'On, Alma La'' OoU., Srt. 
Thomas, Ont., and Musf'um of Art, Df'- 
trolt: a PN'sb.-Hamilton, Onto 
Ball, AUjfUBtus Harry, Prov!. Govt. 
S. Ralph B., H. M.'s Civil Service. 
Macc1esfleld, Eng-.: h. Lonõon, Eng., 
1873; e. there anõ Unlv. Man. (B.A.. 
fj5: 'M.lA., 1905: LL.:B., do.: m., 
1899. Emilly 1M.. 3rõ d. Wm. Dixon, 
Petf'rboro. Ont.: apvtd. Insp. of RC'hs., 

ask., 1903; ('Iectf'd a R"nator Hnlv. 
Bask., 1907: i3Jlso memo Extve. OOInte. 

ask. Prov!. Educ. A ssn.; a Lib.: a 
Presb.-Yorkton, Sask.; Yorkton Clltb, 
Ball, :Francia James, physicfan. 
S. .Jas. and Sara (Edwards) B.: 
Irish anõ Eng. df'sepnt: h. Rughy, 
Ont., 1865: e. thf'rf', Orfllia High Rch., 
Blurl" ("oll. II'Ist., and Toronto Nor- 
mal Sch.: graduatf'd M.B.. Toronto 
Unlv., 1893; M.D..C.M., Trln. Unlv., 
Tor., do: memo CoHo P. fmd S.. Ont.. 
lR93: M.RC.S. (En!!.). 1907: L.RC.P. 
(Lond.), d{).; practised- prof. at Slng- 
ham,nton., .o1l1.t., 1893-1905; I':in{,f> tlhen at. 
Regina; was prlnciva 1 Public F:eh., 
Marchmont, Ont., 1883-85: do.. ZP- 
vhyr, Ont., '18R8: ,Prot.; Inil.--Cor. S. 
Railwa" and Scarth Sts., Regina. Sask. 
Ball, Franci. Bamsay, lawyer. 
Familv eam(> to Am. from thf' Grand 
Duehy òf Ba
pn, Gf'rmany. H47; rp- 
mainI'd In the !present U. S. till 
the 'breaking 'Out {)of thf' Am. revo- 
IntlonaTy w!'\r, when his grandr., 
CoT. Mann Ball, and his gt.-g-rlmdf. 
reoo. cOll11mi'Sslons in Butler's Ran- 
gers, serve-d d.urlng the war, and rut 
Its close settled on lands near Niagara, 
granted them for their mil. services: 
b. Tp. Niagara, Ont., Nov. 5, 1827: f'. 
Niagara Grammar Sch.: m. 1 st Milli- 
cent C. (d. ) , d. And rew Thompson: 
2nd1y, Agnes G., d. late Cavt. Baxter, 
R. e. Rifles; barrister, 1850; K.C., 
1876; elk. or 1lhe pea,ce and CrOlWn 

Atty., Co. Oxfo'I"d, On.t., 1863-1903; un- 
successfully contested S. Ox.f{)rd, IJib. 

1JIterest, 1856, 'being àeferutoed 'by one 
vote; a Cong.-Woodstock, Onto 
Ball, George, manufacturer. 
S. late Reuben and Flavle (Fon- 
taine) B.: Scotch denp.ent on father's 
side: b. Champlain, P.Q., Sept. 11, 
1838; e. Nicolet Commercial Sch.; a 
lumber merchant and manfr.; a dlr. 
South Shore Ry.; m., July, 1864, 
Eliza, d. Lt.-Co!. .Jas. Thurher, Ste. 
Croix, P.Q.; has been Mayor of Nico- 
let; sat for Nicolf't (Local), 1897- 
1900, and for same seat (H. C.), 1900- 
04 ; unsuccessful for same seat (H. C.), 
aminst Roo. C. R. Devl'in (q.v.), Dec., 
1906; served as tOOIl1. whoLp (H. C.), 
w1h:ilJ.'e a memo .of tha:t bod'Y; Con. ; R. C. 
-369 St. Catherine St. E., Montreal; 
Club Lafontaine, Montreal. 
Ball, Rev, George Harvey (Bapt.). 
S. .Jonathan and Marcy (Harvey) 
B.; b. Sherbrooke, P.Q., Df'c. 7, 1819: 
f'. Fannlngton Acad. and Grand River 
Tnst., 0.; m., .Jan., 1848, Miss Marla 
L. Benchley, prin. Gf'auga Sf'my., 0.: 
after being pastor of sPvf'ral ehs., was 
ed. Baptist Union, N. Y., 1871-77; 
founder (and Presdt. since 1892) 
Keuka ColI.: author II Guide to the 
Lord's Supper," II Story of .Jesus," 
II Christian Baptism," and .. Bible Syl- 
labns."-Keuka Park, N.Y. 
Ballantyne, Charles Colquhoun, manu- 
S. late .John B., Montreal, a native 
of the Orlmey Islands, and Christina 
M. (Gordon) B.. a native of Edin- 
burgh, Scot.: b. Colquhoun, Ont., Aug. 
9, 1867; e. there and Montreal; com- 
menced business career In Montreal 
when a boy, becomln.E!', while f;till a 
young man, mango dir. of thf' Sher- 
win-Wllliams Paint Co., a position he 
still occUJp.les; was one {)i1' the 'Pur- 
chasers 011' t>he en1h"e con-cern, .JunJe-, 
1911; since then has been V.-P. as 
well as gena. of Ithe Co.; a 
COUinclI1or 'Miontreal 13d. off Trade; 
a dir. Can. Cem-enrt: iOo., ;Lt:d.; a Ufe 
goV. We'Stern Hosp.; formerJ.y Mayor 
01' W'estmoun'Ì: was !Pre-sdt. local 
branch .can. 'Man1rs.' Assn., 1903, 
and of Can. Manfrs.' Assn., 1905-6; 
apptd. a HA.rbor Commr., Montreal, 
1907; presented to King Edward, 
Windsor Castle, 1905; favours a 
thoroughly Can. tarlfl': m., 1891, Ethel, 
d. Th{)s. TrenilOlme, \M{)n trea;J We st.- 
Hillsview Ave., Montreal West; Can- 
ada Club; St. James's Club, Montreal. 
II A Canadian from heel to crown."- 
T Globe. 
.. One of the foremost captains of Uana. 
dian industries."-M. Witness. 
Bal1antyne, Rev, James (Presb.), edu- 
S. late Hon. Thos. and Mary (Ballan- 
tyne) B.; b. nr. Stratford, Ont., Aug. 
22, 1857; e. St. Mary's CoHo Inst. (Dr. 
Tassle's), Toronto Univ. (B.A., with 
1st class honours In mod. lang., Eng., 
and hist., 1880), and Leipzig; studied 
theoJ. .at Knox Coll., Princeton Theo!. 
Semy., and Edinburgh Unlv.; D.D. 



(Man. Univ.), 1906; do. (Queen's 
Unlv.), 1907; o. 1885; pastor Knox 
Ch., London, Ont., do.; do. Knox Ch., 
Ottawa, 1894; prof. ch. hist. and 
apolog., Knox CoIl., Toronto, 1896; 
do. ch, hist. and ch, govt., do., 190>1 ; de- 
clined nomination to principalship of 
Knox ColI., 1907; a Senator Toronto 
Unlv.; an ex-Councillor Alumni Assn., 
d.o.; a memo Extve. Comte. Kn'Ûx ColI. 
Alumni Assn., and V.-P. local branch 
Lord's Day Alliance; addressed the 
Genl. United Assn. of Scot., Edin- 
burgh, on .. The Church in Can.,.. 
1906; m., Jan., 1886, 
llorence, d. late 
Hon. Ohas. Clarke, Elora, Ont.-26Z 
St. George St., Toronto. 
II Will hold his own and a good leal 
more."-Can. Presb. 
II A sound scholar, with practical ability; 
 whole character commands respect and 
confidence."-T. Globe. 
Ballantyne, Bobert :JI4itchell, mer- 
S. late Hon. Thos. iE. 3JIld Mary (Bal- 
lantyne) B.; b. Stratford, Ont., Aug. 
20, 1859; e. there; early associated 
with his father in his extensive dairy- 
Ing and other interests, becoming 
Presdt. Western Dairymen's Assn.; 
removed to Montreal, as Can. partner 
In firm of Lovell & Christmas, Ltd., 
London, Eng., one of the largest 
wholesale dealers in dairy products in 
,the 'World, 1901; a dir. Dake of ,tIhe 
Woods Milling Co., and of Thetford 
Asbestos Syndicate; a promoter Mont- 
real Packing Co., Anchor \Vire Fence 
Co., and Fortier & Monette, Ltd.; has 
served as Presdt. Produce Merchants' 
Assn. and V.-P. Montreal Bd. Trade; 
a Presb.; m., Aug., 1889, Carlotta L., 
d. late Chas. Scott, barrister, Strat- 
ford, Ont.-SO li'orclen Ave., West- 
mount, Montreal; St. James's Club; 
Canada Club; Montreal Curling Club. 
Ballantyne, Rev, William Douglas 
S. Jas. B.; b. Ha
ick, Scot., Jan. 
29, 1831; e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1870) ; graduated Knox CoIl., Toronto, 
1867; o. same year, and has held pas- 
torates at Brooklyn, la., \Vhitby, and 
;Pembroke; has .been f'ÛT 6 yrs. ed. 
Canada Presbyterian, Toronto; m., 
May, 1874, Miss Joanna E. Shoolbred, 
Dunfermline, Scot.-157 Rose Ave., To- 
Ballard, Rev, George Grey (Ang.). 
S. Rev. Thos. B. and Ann (Woods) 
B. (d. Capt. John Woods, Enniskillen 
Dragoons, niece of Col. Geo. Grey, 
slain in scaling the walls of Badajos, 
1812, and cousin of Sir Geo. Grey, late 
Govr. of Cape Colony and New Zea- 
land); b. Downpatrick, Irel., July 7, 
1842; e. Trln. ColI., Dublin (B.A., 
1877); m., 1st, Aug., 1867, Miss Min- 
nie Parson (d.); 2ndly, Sept., 1879, Mary (d.), d. late Geo. 
Boomer, barrister; o. deaooll', 1876; 
priest, 1877; lincumhent AnmaJghmore, 
Irel., 1876-78; reCitor Trin\. Ch., St. 
Thomas, Ont., 1878-85; {l'Û., Pro. .oath., 
LOIlld'ÛTI, Ont., '1885-86; asst. rector and 
.rector St. John's Ch., .BuffaLo, N.Y., 

1886-1906; was instrumenrt.a;l- in, remov- 
in'g a debit of $56,000 foom hds eh.; is 
examg. chaplain 00 Bp, of W. Nerw 
York, and prof. 'in De Danoey Divinity 
Sch., Di()ces.e of W. New York.-Fre- 
donia, N. Y. 
Ballard, Rev, John Maclean (Ang.). 
S. late John B. (U. E. L. descent), 
Burford, Ont., and Prudence, d. Lt.-CoI. 
Arch. .Maclean, Nashwaak, N.B.; b. 
Burford, Ont.; e. Trin. Univ., Toronto 
(B.A., 1865; M.A., 1896); o. deacon, 
1865; priest, 1866; held charges at 
Brooklin, Ancaster, N. Essa, St. 
Catharines, Cayuga; for some yrs. rec- 
tor St. Anne's, Toronto; m., 1st, Jean- 
nette Anne (d. 1905), d. late Francis 
Kennedy, Westbourne Grove, London, 
Eng.; 2ndly, 1906, Mrs. Georgina Eliz- 
abeth Wingate (née Turquand).--671 
B1'oadview Ave., Toronto, 
Bampton, George Edwin, lawyer. 
S. late Augustus Hamilton B., C.E., 
and Caroline (Symons) B.; b. Ply- 
mouth, Eng.; e. Christ's Hosp., Lon- 
dJ(}n; f()r 5 .yrs. an offr. in 100 R. N.; 
B.C.L., with 1st class honours (Mc- 
Gill Untiv.) , 1879; advocate, do.; K.iC. 
(E. of Derby), 1893; was R. O. for 
Argenteuil, under E. F. Act., 1885; 
apptd. town atty., Lachute, do; a Con., 
and was Presdt. Co. Con. Assn.; an 
Ang., and a del. to Synod; m., 1st, 
Aug., 1884, Anna Louise (d. Nov., 
1891), 3rd d. late Thos. Pollock, Post- 
master, Hill Head, P.Q.; 2ndly, Sept., 
1896, Eva Kate, 3rd d. John Lawson, 
MontreaI.-Lachute, P.Q. 
Bancroft, Bev, Henry (Ang.). 
Y. s. late Rev. Chas. B., D.D., LL.D., 
canon Christ Ch, Cath., Montreal; b. 
there; e. High Sch., Montreal, and 
Corpus Christl ColI., Cambridge (B.A., 

:LA., 1895) ; ail'so at Ridley C()I1i.; m., 
Se,pt., 1908, Annde Armour, o. d. Jas, 
BII'()IW1'}o, .. All'C'oonoon Heig'hobS," and 
Drummond ,Sit.. M.oIlJtreal; 0.' (Bp. of 
\VlOrcester) deacon, 1897; pri'est, 1898; 
öngd.. i'n work in Rugby and 
Kenilworth; rector Hudson and Garno, 
1902.-The Rectory, Hudson Height8. 
Banfield, James Woodruff, banker. 
O. s. late Jas. B., Halifax, N.S., a 
native Walton-on-Tyne, Eng.; b. and 
e. Halifax; m., Sept., 1906. Elizabeth 
D., d. Rev. H. Gracey, Gananoque, 
Ont.; is Asst. Mangr. Royal Bank of 
Can., Cuba.-Havana, Cuba. 
Bannerman, Mrs. Frances, poet; 
artis t. 
Y. d. late Hon. A. G. Jones, Lt.-Gov. 
of N. S., Halifax, and Margt. Wise- 
man (Stairs) .I.; Loyalist family, of 
Welsh and Scotch ancestry; seventh 
generation of Am. birth; b. Halifax, 
N.S., ApI. 8, 1855; m., Sept., 1886, 
Hamlet Bannerman, Lytham, Lancas- 
ter, Eng.; an artist; has exhibited at 
the Royal Acad., London, and the 
Salon, Paris; author numerous poems 
of a high order of merit, and of a 
volume of vprse, .. Milestones" (1899), 
highly praised by Brit. press; lives in 
Italy.-Cm'e lIlrs. Milecete, 5f Maddox 
St., London W., Eng. 



Baptie, George, physician; Onto public 
S. Alex. and Helen (Richardson) B., 
Roxburghshire, Scot.; b. nr. North 
Church, Cavan, Durham, Ont., Feb. 2, 
J845; e. local schs. and Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., with silver medal In science, 
1870; M.A" 1871); M.B. ('1'rin. 
Univ., '1'oronto), 1875; early engd. in 
teaching prof. (1st class cert.), subse- 
quently prof. chern., Pro vi. Ag. ColI., 
Guelph, and Victoria Med. Sch., To- 
ronto; Head Master High Sch., WeI- 
land; Science Master, Ottawa Normal 
Sch.; Ald. Ottawa, 1889-90: Coroner 
do., since 1901; has been Presdt. Ot- 
tawa Clinical Soc. and Med.-Chir. Soc.; 
a Presb.; ID. Mrs. Margt. Wallace 
.Pe,trie, O. d. F. A. Arul1erson, Aberdeen- 
shire, Scot.-165 Gloucester St" Ottawa. 
Barber, Charles A" journalist. 
B. Chilliwack, B.C., Sept., 1879; re- 
moved to Wlngham, Ont., with par- 
ents, 1883; e. 'Vingham; after serving 
on several newspapers, east and west, 
purchased Pilot Mound Sentinel, 1903, 
of which he is ed. and prop.; Meth; 
Presdt. local branch Epworth League. 
-Pilot i
.lound, Man, 
Barber, Frank, civil engineer. 
S. Jas B., Guelph, Ont., Scotch-Eng. 
parentage; b. Milton, Ont., 1875; e. 
Mt. Allison and Toronto Univs.; m" 
Dec., 1908, Miss Ida Treadgold, To- 
ronto ; graduated B.A.Sc" Toronto 
Univ.; practises his prof. in Toronto; 
a consulting engr.; memo Concrete 
Inst., London, Eng.; apptd. co. engr. 
York, On.t., Nov., 1908.--642 Spadina 
Ave., 7'oronto; Engin8ers' Club, do, 
Barber, Rev, :Frank Louis (Meth.). 
S. late Alonzo Milton and Clarissa 
Marie (Fowler) B.; b. Waterford, 
Ont., .Jan. 26, 1877; e. Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1903; M.A., 1905; Ph.D., 
1907) ; m., Nov., 190,9, Ethel Miay, y. 
d. late .J,oIhn 1M. Treble, T,oronto; fur 
sOime yrs. a public !Sch. teacb:er; l'ec- 
turer on 'Phil., '.r.oronto Un1iv., 11902-03; 
pursued theQil. studies VlictoniJa Univ.; 
o. 1905; Ipast'Ûr ,paisl,ey iMemordal Oh., 
Guetlph, On.t., 1905; Jwte<r at Pres'1:J()ll.; 
has ,travelloed extensively; reed. Ph.D. 
as thJe TEO'ward for his research for :i 
Y'l'S. in exoperdmen.t. 'Psyoh., along the 
Ene of color æsthetios, together witlh 
\\"(}rk ,in etJhios an1d pol-. eoon.-Lis- 
towel, Onto 
Barber, Major John Roaf, manufac- 
S. late .Jas. B. (native Antrim, Irel.) 
and Hannah (Patrick) B. (native 
Berwick-on-'.rweed, Eng.); b. George- 
town, Ont., .July 5, 1841; e. George- 
town Acad. and private seh.; m., 1st, 
1868, Mary (d. 1899). d. Francis Bar- 
clay; ,2ndly, Miss Agnes Alberta Bes- 
sey (d. 1906) ; acquired business train- 
ing in office Georgetown Paper Mills. 
owned by Barber Bros., of which firm 
his father was a mem.; succeeded hi!" 
father, as sole propr. of mills, on lat- 
ter's death, 1880; is also Presdt. and 
Mangr. Toronto Paper Manfg. Co., 
'1'oronto and Cornwall; and Presdt. 
Barber & Ellis Co., Nepigon Pulp & 
Paper Co., Leadville Mining Co., Lead- 

ville, Col., Can. Brass & Tube Works, 
Toronto, and Floralview Greenhouse 
Co., Georgetown; likewise a dir. An- 
glo-Am. Fire Ins. Co. and Dom. Con- 
solidated Mines Co.; served as an offr. 
20th Hitles (med. for Fenian raids and 
long-service med.); retired' as hon. 
mlajor, 190.5; ,has \been memo High Seh. 
Bd. and Pre-sdt. IMIeClh. Lnst.; Reeve 
lO,f GoorgebO'WTh, 1865-75; W'
u'ldoen of 
Ha,lltJon, 1878; Teþreseruted H3Jllton 
(Local). dn Ub. inbe-rest, 1898-1904: 
a Cong.-Georgetown, Onto ; National 
Club; Ontario Club
.. A successful, enterprising, capable and 
upright business man."-T. Globe. 
Barclay, Major Rev, James (Pres b.). 
Third s. late .Jas. and Margt. Coch- 
rane (Brown) B., Edinburgh, Scot.; b. 
Paisley, Scot., .June 19, 1841.; e. 
Grammar Sch. there, Merchiston Cas- 
tle Sch., Edinburgh, and Glasgow 
Uruiv. (D.D., 1892) ; LL.D. (-boon.), Mc- 
GHIl Undv., 1906; m., June, 1873, Miss 
Marian Simpson, Dumfries, Scot. (a 
memo Genl. Comte. Royal Victorian 
Order of Nurses); licensed, Paisley, 
1870; O. 1871; having served at Cano- 
pie and Linlithgow, was chosen as 
collea,gu.e 0If Rev. Dr. M,cGreg1Or, rut 
St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, ApI., 1878; 
his fame as a preacher having reached 
Montreal, he was, in 1883, unani- 
mously called to St. Paul's Ch., in 
that city, of which oongreg. he re- 
mained ,p.astJOtr up rtJ(} Oct., .1910) ; pre- 
se,nted wi 1:'h a ,puræ conJtain'ilJ1Jg 
$78,300 (of W1hlicoh $73,300 iWaJS C'QII1'- 
tributed by Lord Mountstephen) by 
his cong., Nov., 1908; while in Scot. 
was frequently summoned to Bal- 
moral to preach before Queen Victoria, 
an !lJ:OOlour which was rerpeated on his 
subsequent occasional visits to his 
native land, during the lifetime of 
that sovereign; is a gov.'s fellow Mc- 
Gill Univ., a life gov. Montreal Genl. 
Hosp., a memo Advls. Bd. Proto Indust. 
Rooms, Montreal; a gov. Verdun 
Hosp. for the Insane; a trustee 
Queen's Univ.; a senator Montreal CoiN.; l3!þptd!. chairman Bd. of 
Proto Seh. GOImmrs., 19.11; is also 
Presd,t. Assn. !Prot. T.eaC'hers, \P. Q., rat' 
TraJfalgar Inst., Montreal, anl(]j of the 
Laurentian .soc. 11'01' the .Trea'tJrn,enlt and 
Control of Tubercul.; declllineò pt1in.. 
cipa,I,shJÏ!P QueEm's Un-iv., Kingston, .to 
which he had be.en unaniall'ousliy elec.Wd: 
on tlhe dlOO,1!h 0If Rev. Prill'. G. M. Gramt, 
D.D., C.M.G., 1902; presented with his 
portrait in oils by congo St. Paul's Ch., 
1903; as well known in Can. for his 
efforts in the lecture field, and as ,3 
literary man, as for his talents as a 
preacher; a 'I,over of oO'Ut-of-doOlOr sports; 
is equally celebra'ted for 'his :prow- 
ess In golf, cricket, and curling; the 
Edinùurgh Scotsman once spoke of 
him as .. the best all-round cricketer 
in Scot.": Is hon. Presdt. Scottish 
Athletic Club; has been Presdt. This- 
tle Curling Club and Metropolitan Golf 
Club, chaplain Can. branch Royal Cale- 
donian Curling Club, and capt. and 
chapllajn RoyallMonltreal Golf Olub; a.s 
chaplain, Montreal Gar. Arty., accom- 



pnnied that regt. to the N. W. at the 
outbreak of the Riel Rebellion, 1885 
(med., and given hon. rank of major, 
1908); rt:ceived ,tlhe long-service de- 
coration, 1907.-898 Dorchester St. W., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Uni1.'e1'sity 
Club, do. 
"A splendid scholar."-M. a'TId E. 
"Admired and loved by all."-M. Star. 
.. A typical, thoroughbred Scotch divine.' 
-M. II erald. 
Barclay, James, physician. 
S. Rev. Jas. B., D.D. (q.v.), and 
Marian (Simpson) B., Montreal; M.D. 
(McGill Univ.), 1897; served on staff 
Montreal Gen1. Hosp. and of Mater- 
nity Hosp.; also as a surgeon on 
Elder-Dempster Steamship Lin.e; apptd. 
med. inspection offr., U. S. Immigra- 
tion Bureau, Montreal, Dec., 1901; is 
also demon. in obstet., McGill Univ.; 
m., Oct., 1904, Olive, d. Victor Beaudry, 
MO'I1Itveal; Pres'b.-27 'sherbrooke St. 
1V., Montreal; Thistle Curling Club, do. 
Barclay, William Duncan, Can. ry. 
B. and e. Campbelltown, N.B.: m., 
Miss Hamilton, sister Rev. W. B. H., 
St. Mary's Cath. (R. C.), Halifax, 
N.S.; memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1889; a . 
Councillor, "do., 1896; has had a long 
and varied experience in survey and 
construction work on rys. in N. S., 
P. E. I., and the West; for 8 yrs. a 
memo of firm of Foley Bros., Larson 
& Co., St. Paul, Minn., which had 
large contracts on both sides of the 
boundary line; apptd. Supdt. Inver- 
ness Ry. Coal Co., N. S., 1908; was 
also Presdt. Halifax & S. Western Ry.; 
since Feb., 1909, has been gen1. mangr. 
of all Can. Northern Ry. lines east of 
Ottawa and Montrea1.-Quebec; Que- 
bec Garrison Club. 
Biuclay, William Jack, journalist, 
B. Beith, Ayrshire, Scot., Nov. 10, 
1870; e. Public Acad., do.; brought 
up on a farm; at 21 became a printer; 
shortly afterwards went into. partner- 
ship with T. Dickie, M.P.P., and 
bought out The Plaindealer, Sourls; 9 
yrs. later acquired sole proprietorship, 
becoming also editor of paper; per- 
sonally a Lib., but his paper is strictly 
Ind.; a Presb.; m., 1897, e. d. Wm. 
Saunderson, Souris.-Souris, Man. 
Barciay-Allardice, Robert, Mayor of 
E. S. late Sam!. Ritchie and his wife, 
Margt. Barclay Allardice, heiress of 
her line, who claimed, as such, the 
earldoms of Strathern, Monteith, and 
Airth before Ho. of Lords, 1870, a 
claim he himself prosecuted, 1906-07 
(see Burke's "Co1. Gentry," Vo1. II.); 
b. Hamilton, Ont., May 19, 1841; as- 
sumed, by Royal license, the surname 
and arms of Barclay-Allardlce, in lieu 
of his patronymic, July 2, 1883; e. 
pr.ivatel;y; unm. ; eloctiCd ToQIWn Council- 
lor, Lost'W1itJhiiel, 1898-1903; Ald., .1903 ; 
Mayor, 18!J9-01; again elected to lat- 
ter office, 1904-05-06; a" F. S. A. 
(Scot.); author .. Guide to Lostwith- 
lei" (1901); a Con., and Chairman 
Lostwlthiel Dlst. Con. Comte.; an 
adherent established Ch. of Scot.- 

U Ruse Hill," LostwitlLiel, Eng... P.rim- 
rose Club, London, So W.; Fowey 
Yacht Club, Fowey, Eng. 
Baril, Mgr. Marie Sophone Kermyle 
(R. C. ) . 
S. Jean B. A. and Eulalie (St. Ar- 
nauld) B.; b. Ste. Genevieve de Batis- 
can, P.Q., Oct. 9, 1847; e. ColI. of 
Threp Rivers; O. 1871, and, after fill- 
ing various charges, was apptd. a 
prof. Semy. of Three Rivers, 1875; 
dir" do., 1876; superior, do., 1886; 
and prefect of studies, 1889; visited 
Holy Land and Europe, 1891; canon 
Three Rivers Cath., 1894; superior 
Semy., do., 1895; V.-G., 1899; chap- 
lain Ursulines, 1900; Proto Apos., 1907; 
attended Plenary Council, Quebec, 
1909; do. IEucha'l1istic Oongres-s, ::\100't- 
real, 1910.-Three Rivers, P.Q. 
Barker, Major Frederic Edward Lloyd, 
H.M.'s regular mil. forces. 
O. S. Chipf Justice B. (q. v.) and 
Mary Ann (Black) B.; b. St. John, 
N.B., Mch. 7, 1868; e. St. John Gram- 
mar Seh. and R. M. ColI., Kingston; 
graduated 1888, and obtained a comn. 
in R. A.; capt., 1898; major, 1904: 
adjt., 17th Brigade Div., R. F. A., AI- 
dershot, 1!J01; served in Egypt, India, 
and Malta (med., with 2 clasps, for 
Tirah campaign, 1897-98): unm.; an 
Ang.-Care War Otfìce, London, Eng. 
Barker, Kon, Frederio Eustache, 
Chief Justice. 
S. E. B., Sheffield, N.B.; b. there, 
Dec. 27, 1838; e. Sunbury Grammar 
Sch. and N. B. Univ (B.A., 1856; 
M.A., 1858; B.C,L., 1861; D.C.L., 
1866); barrister, 1861; Presdt. Bar- 
risters' Soc., N. B., 1889; K.C. (E. of 
Duffe-rin), 1873; Roy-a1 comomr. law and 
practice and constitutioh N. B. cts., 
1873; puisne judge, Sup. Ct. N. B., 
Dec. 28, 1893; admr. of Govt. N. B., 
1896; arbitrator re Eastern Extension 
Ry.'s claims, 1900; Chief Justice N. B., 
1908; is a Senator and an examr. in 
law, N. B. Univ.; formerly Chairman 
Ed. Sch. Commrs., St. John; sat for 
St. John (H. C.), Con. Interest, 1885- 
87; an Ang.; m. Mary Ann, d. B. E. 
Black, Halifax, N.S.-'-u The Cedars," 
St. John, N.R.; Union Club, do. 
"W,alked in honor -and with distinction, 
n<>-t for a litJtle while but throughout a long 
pe.dod, marked by e
acting dutie,s demand- 
ing the exercise of sound judgment allied 
with deep knowledge of the law, of men 
and of our citizenship with an it implies." 
-St. John Telegraph. 
Barker, Lewellys Franklin, physician. 
S. Jas. F. and Sarah Jane (Taylor) 
B.; b. Norwich, Ont., Sept. 16, 1867; 
e. puMic sehs., Pi'Ckering Coll.., Ont., 
and Tl()l1olJ1,to Urruiv. (.M..B., 1890.; hlOn. 
M.D., 1905); LL.D. (hon)., Queen's 
Univ., 1908; m., Oct., 1903, Miss 
Lilian H. Halsey, Baltimore, Md.; 
\louse offr., Toronto Genl. Hosp., 1890- 
91; asst. physician, Johns Hopkins 
Hosp., 1891:92; fellow path., do., 
1892-94; asso. prof. anatomy, Johns 
Hopkins Univ., 1894-97; student 
Leipzig Univ., 1895; as
t. resident 
path., Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1894-99; 
assoc. ,Pl1od'. anatomy, .Johns H.opkJns 



Univ., 1897-99; .Johns Hopkins med, 
commr. to Phillppines, 1899; asso. prof. 
path., .Johns Hopkins Univ., 1899-1900; 
prof. and head dept. anatomy, Rush 
Med. ColI., Univ. Chicago, 1900-05; 
special commr. from U. S. Treas. Dept. 
to study plague situation, San Fran- 
cisco, 1901; grad. work Univs. Mun- 
ich and Berlin, 1904; prof. med., 
.Johns Hopkins Univ., and chief phys., 
.Johns Hopkins Hosp. (succeeding Dr. 
Wm. Osler (q.v.) therein), since 1905; 
is a trustee Memorial Inst. Infectious 
Discasps, Chicago; a mem. Assn. Am. 
Bhys. (V.-T., 19'11), an1d Dither m
.sacs.; one of tille eds. Am. JO'U1"1t. 
Anatomy; author .. The Nervous Sys- 
tem and Us Constituent Neurones" 
(1899), "LaJbOtraibary ManuaJ1J of Human 
AnlatOiffilY" (1904), and 0If numerous 
paipoers and addresses -O'I1 med. subjects; 
transl'a'ted Wßrner 'Spatteholz's "Hand 
Atlas of Human AnlaJtomy" (11900).- 
1035 N. Calvert St., Baltim01'e, 'Md. 
.. A very high type of man."-S. N. 
"The ablest medical student ever turned 
out by Toronto University, and now the 
leading anatomist Qn the continent of Am- 
erica."-T. Globe. 
Barker, Major Bybert Kent, lawyer. 
S. late It. W. B., P. O. Inspr., and 
- (Simpson) B.: grands. Dr. E. .J. B., 
founder and ed. The Brit.ish Whif7, th(') 
first daily newspaper published in Can. ; 
b. Kingston, Ont., Sept. 21, 1869; e. 
there and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1892) ; 
m., Dec., 1908, Minnie H., d. late 
.Joseph Labron, Carleton Place, Ont.; 
a barris'ter; practised sOime tJiJIne at 
Haileybury as a memo of firm Bick- 
nell, Bain & B.; has been in mil. spr- 
vice since 1885; commanded A Co., 
2nd Regt., Queen's Own Rifles; pro- 
moted major, Oct., 1907; served dur- 
ing S. African War, 1899-1901, in- 
cluding operations in Orange Free 
State, with engagement at Paarde- 
berg, actions at Poplar Grove, and 
Driefontein, operations in Transvfclal, 
cast and west of Pretoria, Orange 
River Colony, and Cap-e Colony (med., 
with 4 clasps); retired, with rank of 
capt., 1910; Is Presdt. S. African 
Assn.; well known In athletics, In con- 
nection with the Toronto Univ. foot- 
ball teams, the Osgoode Hall football 
and hockey teams, and the Argonaut 
Rowing Club, of which latter he has 
been Secy., Capt. and V.-P., and has 
accompanied it to Henley-on-Thames, 
alS man'gr.; A 1 ng.-5 Rowanwood A ve' J 
Barker, Samuel, lawyer; legislator. 
S. Wm. B., formerly Mayor of Lon- 
don, Ont., and Anne (McLaughlin) B.; 
b. Kingston, Ont., May 25, 1839; e. 
London Dist. Grammar Sch.; m. 1st. 
lsa,bella (d.), d. .John Cruickshank, 
ù(}llI(lion, Onlt.; 2 nd.J y, .her sister, Miss 
Helen Cruickshank, do. ; barrister, 
1863; practised his profession for 
some yrs. in London, where he was 
an Ald. and Chairman of Finance 
Comte. in City Council; was also, 
while there, Inspg. dir. Huron & Erie 
Savings & Loan Soc.; removing to 
Hamilton, was solI'. and genl. counsel 

of G. W. Ry. 00. .of Ca.n.., 187'2-82, and 
genl. mangr. N. & N. W. Rys., 1883- 
88; both roads have since become 
merged with G. '1'. R.; Presdt. St. 
Louis, Kansas & S. W. R., 1899; 
Presdt. Hamilton Bd. of, 1898- 
99; later, V.-P. Dom. Bd. of Trade; Is 
a dir. .John Abell Engine & Machine 
Co., of Union Trust Co., of Landed 
Banlking & Loan '00.. Hamtil'tJOn, oJ 
UndoI1 Bank, and Cr()lW[1> Liofle Ins. Co.; 
iPoosdt. lMuskoka & Ge,Q'rgdan Bay Nav. 
Co.; of o.tlher 'bodies is a diT. Hamilton 
HeaJÞth Assn. and Hlamillbon .Jockey 
Clu'b, and PresdJt. .St. Goo
g'e's Soc.: 
passed Royal IMJ.I. ISch., Lon1don, On.t., 
1865; was a deL 5th Commercial Con- 
gress, ;London, En1g., 1903; present at 
thJe coronJation off 'the late King In 
.W\estmïm'ster A1bbey. 1902; has been 
chaiTman Hamü,lfton CI'UJb, and -was 
a1Íb1Ìtrruoo.r in òdspute betweenl Cdty 
of Toronto and T,oronlto St. Ry., 
1890; a Con., and has been Presdt. 
Lib.-Con. Club and of the Con. Dist. 
Assn., Hamilton; has sat for Hamil- 
ton (H. C.) since g. e. 1900; an Ang. 
-Hamilton, Ont.; Hamilton Club; 
Hamilton Jockey Club, do.; Toronto 
Club; Albany Club, Toronto; Rideau 
Club, Ottawa. . 
.. One of the .ablest staresmen and poli- 
ticians jn Oan."-Can. OentuTJ/. 
"A hard student and close reasoner, 8 
man of experience in business as well as 
in Jaw, who has establisbed his right to 
be regarded as one of the coming men in 
public life."-M. Gazette. 
Barlow, Alfred Ernest, 
S. late Robt. B., Can. Geol. Survey; 
b. Monrtreal, .Junoe 17, 1861; e. IMcGHI 
Univ. (B.A., with 1st class honours in 
Nat. Science, 1883; M.A., 1889; D.Sc., 
1900) entd. service Can. Geol. Survey 
1883; llthogist, do., .July, 1891; re: 
tlÏre<d from .survey, 1907; norw a loot. 
ooL, McGJLl Univ.; ds 3Jloo one of 
6 dirs. German Mining Co., Can.; V.-P. 
Can. Mining Inst.; F.R.S. C.; author, 
among other papPI'S, of a report on 
nickel; a Presb.; m., Nov., 1887, 
Frances, d. late Wm. Toms, Ottawa.- 
S28 Roslyn Ave., Westmount, Montreal; 
University Club, do. 
Barlow, John Big-ney, civil engineer. 
S. late Robt. B., Can. Geol. Survey; 
b. Stornoway, Lewis, Scot., .July 29, 
1850; came to Can with his father, 
1855; employed Can. Geol. Survey, 
1872-75; entd. service Montreal cor- 
poration, 1876, and was engd. in thp 
construction of water works, town of 
St. Henri; asst. city engr., Montreal, 
1880; depty. city surveyor, do" 1892; 
city surveyor, do., 1900; elected a 
mem. Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; a Presb.; 
a Freemason; m., Mch., 1877, Margt. 
Coutts, d. late Rev. Wm. Darràch.- 
52 Park Ave., Montreal; Engineers' 
Club, do. 
Barnard, Prank Stlliman, publlc man. 
E. S. late F. .J. B., M.P.; b. Toronto, 
May 16, 1856; e. Hellmuth ColI., Lon- 
don, Ont.; moved to B. C., with par- 
ents, 1860; Ald., Victoria, 1886-96; 
Mayor, 1895; represented Carlboo 



(H. C.), Con, Interest, 1886-96; for 
some yrs. mangr. B. C. Express Co.; 
subsequenltly Pres{'U. Victl()lJ'lÍa and Van- 
couver Transfer Cos., a dir. Okanagan 
Land & Develop. Co., B. C. Milling & 
Mining Co., and Selkirk Mining & 
Smelting Co.; one of chief promoters 
B. C. Electric Ry. and a dir. of co.; 
now also Chairman Securities Cor- 
poration B. C. ; m., Nov., 1883, Martha 
Amelia, d. Joseph Loewen, Victoria.- 
II Duvals," Victoria, B.C.; Union Club, 
do.; Vancouver Club, Vancouver. 
UA man of energy and abiHty."-V. 
W orlc!. 
Barnard, George Henry, lawyer; 
S. Francis J. and Ellen (Hillman) 
B., latter Irish: father, an enterprls-' 
Ing Can., went to B. C. from Toronto 
at discovery of gold, 1859, established 
stage and express line, Ya1e 1:0 Bar- 
kerville, and represented Ya1e-C'ariboo 
(H.C.), .1878-88; b. Victoria, B.C., Oct. 
9, 1868; e. Trln. ColI. Soh., Port 
Hope, Ont.; m. Etihel Burnham (presdt. 
first Women's Can. Club, Victoria, 
B.O., 1909-1(}), e. <1'. Lt.-Gol. H. C. 
Rogers, Petel'boro, Onto ; barrister, 
189'1; snC'C'essfuUy rp,rac'tdses !his pro:l'. .in 
VIctoria; K.\C., 1907; ald., Victl:Ü'rla, 
1902-3; mayPr, do., 1904-5; opresdrt. B. 
C. C<m. AsS'll.; ellected for Vlct:orJa, 
B. C. ( H. .c. ) , Con. in'terest, g. e. 
1908 (when he defeated Ith
 Hon. Wm. 
Templeman).-Victoria, B.C.; Union 
Club, do.; Vancouver Club, Vancouver; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
Barnard, John Alfred, Am. ry. service. 
B. Grenville, P.Q., Aug. 27, 1861; e. 
Galt CoIl. Inst.; entd. the service of 
the Kansas iOity, iSt. Joseph & Coun- 
 B.uffs Ry., 1878; thereafter occu- 
pied responsible positions on various 
lines in the U. S., becoming gf'nl. 
mangr. Ohio, Ind. & Western Ry., Oct., 
1889: asst. genl. mangr. Cleveland, 
Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry., 
1890; genl. man gr. Peoria & E
Ry., 1891; V.-P. Peoria & Pekln Union 
Ry., 1900, and Presdt. of do., his prf'S- 
ent position, at a later date.-Indian- 
apolis, Ind. 
Barnard, Bobert Christie, Am. ry. 
B. Montreal, Feb. 5, 1869; e. Wor- 
cester (Mass.) Poly tech. Inst.; gradu- 
ated, 1890: entd. service Penn. ry. 
lines w. of Pittsburg, 1890, as 
In the engrg. corps; became engr. Chi- 
cago dlv. Pittsbur
, Cincinnati, Chl- 
cag-o & St. Louis Ry.; engr. mainten- 
ance of way, Richmond div., same 
road, 1898; do. do., Cincinnati, do., 
do., 1900; Supt. Marietta div. Penn. 
Ry., 1902; do. Cl ev.el and, Akron & 
Columbus Ry., his present position, 
1903.-Akron, O. 
Barnes, Benjamin :p" U. S. public ser- 
S. Benj, H. and Orena (Higgins) B. ; 
b. Yarmouth, N.S., Dec. 3, 1868; e. 
public sehs., N. J. ; followed law cour
Georgetown (D. C.) Unlv. (LL.B., 
1895); entd. public service, U. S., as 
clk., P. O. Dept., 1887; bpcoming later 
private secy. 1st Asst. P. M. Gent., do. 

chief P. O. Inspr., and to 4th Asst. 
P. M. Genl.; stenographer at White 
Ho., Washington, Jan., 1898; executive 
elk., July, 1898; Asst. Secy. to Presdt. 
McKinley, May, 1900; do. Presdt. 
Roosevelt, ApI., 1902; postmaster, 
"\Vashington, since June, 1906; m., Oct., 
1892, Miss Emily Frech.-48 R. St. N. 
E., Washington, D.C. 
(D. 1909.) 
Barnes, Howard Turner, educationist. 
S. Rev. W. S. B. (q. v.) and Mary 
Alice (Turner) B.; b. Woõurn, Mass" 
July 21, 1873; came to Can., with hiR 
parents, 1879; e. under Rev. John Wil- 
a1, and Un-iv.; 
grad'UI:I..ted J3.A.Sc., 1893 ; tM.A:Sc. (do.), 
6; D.Sc. (do.), 1900; F.R.S.C., 
1902; P
'sdlt. .sec. 3, do., 1909-10: 
F.R.S., 19:11; 1111., lSe,p't., 1901, '1-:liiss 
A'l1'llie Kirshaw CunMffe., Bolton. Lanca- 
shire, En'g. (d.1r. 11-1 O'llot real Y.'M.C.A.) : 
while doing post-graduate work alter- 
nated his studies with worJ{ as 
demon. in the physics dept. of the 
univ.; awarded the Joulê student- 
ship by Royal Soc., London, 1898, the 
first Can. scientist to receive the 
honour; after further research work in 
heat, he submitted the results to the 
Royal Soc., London, at a special ses- 
sion of that body; these were made 
the basis of a report to a c'onf. of 
physicists at the last Paris Expn.; 
apptd. lecturer in physics, McGIl1 
Univ., 1900; ,be
 aßst. proof. of 
physics there, 1902; asso. prof., 1906, 
and Macdonald prof. of physics (suc- 
oe,øding Dr. RutberfoOJ"ld, q.v.), 1908.; 
apptd. dlr. Macdonald Physics Build... 
!ng and sooi'Ü'r .prod'. .in tJhat derpt., 1909; 
has given particular attention to the 
formation of Ice In flowing water, and 
particularly the form of ice known as 
U frazll" and anchor Ice; having read 
a paper on the U Ice Problem In Engi- 
neering Work In Canada" before the 
Brit. Assn. for the Advanc. of Science, 
1907, he subsequently published a book 
on U Ice Formation and Frazil," which 
is the first authoritative volume which 
has appeared on the subject; has also 
made .Improvements In the construc- 
tion of thermometers, and has per- 
fected a pyrometer, whieh Is comln
Into use In the reg-ulatlon of furnaces 
and manufactories; Secy. Theoretical 
Selpnce Sec. Intern. Elf'ct. Congres!':, St. 
Louis, 1904; asked to bring the objects 
and aims of the Brit. Science Guild 
before the public of Can., 1907; a 
memo Dan. bronch InltJem. EÞecil"o-Tech. 
Coumn., 1910; Unit.-f39 Pine Ave. W., 
111 on treal. 
.. One of the most distinguished teachers 
in McGill University."-T. Globe. 
Barnes, James, educationist, 
S. Hy. W. and Emma J. (Johnson) 
B., Halifax, N.S.: Eng. parenta
e: h. 
Halifax, N.S., 1878; e. Dalhousif' Unlv. 
(B.A., with honours in pure and app. 
math., 1899; M.A., 1900), Chicago 
Unlv., and Johns HopJdns Univ. 
(Ph.D., 1904); unm.; 1851 Exhn. 
Science Research Schol., 1900-03; fel- 
low Jøhns Hopkins Univ., 1903-04; re- 
search asst., Carnegie Inst., 1904; asst, 

6 ') 


in physics, .Johns Hopkins Univ., 1904; 
now asso. prof. physics, Bryn Mawr 
Coli., Bryn Mawr, Pa.; publishf'd 
papers in Phil. Mag., Astroph. Jour- 
nal, Research Rev., and Trans. Royal 
Soc. of Can.; PrC'sb.-Bnm .Mawr, Pa.; 
Johns Hopkins Club, Baltimore, lIfd, 
Barnes, Rev, Willie.m Sullivan 
S. Wm. Ham and Lydia Ann (Yet- 
ton) B.; b. Boston, Mass., .June 16, 
1841; e. ther>e; LL.D. (hon.). McGill 
Univ., 1909; m., 1864, Miss Mary 
Alice Turner, Boston; o. 1864: pastor 
successively Melrose and Woburn, 
Mass.; caqle.dJ tQ Ch. ot the MessIah, 
MontI1eal, 1879: pI"e.sen.ted with silver 
servke by, oml oomple'ting 251th 
year 01' serVlÌCe, 1904; reNred, with 
titille oIf !Pastor Emeritus, 1909; author 
of several 'W'ÛTk's; a rfrf'quent ledurter 
o()In art befm'e tJhe A'l"t Assm. and the 
"';omen's A'l".t A'ssn. and other boojes 
in Morutreta.J; is V.-1P. iPrisoTIlers' Aid 
Asso.., 'Momtreal.-63ì G1'osven01' Ave., 
II Talks sweetly and beautifuIly."-M. 
.. Regarded as one of the most polished 
pulpit orat.o'l"S in America....-M. Star. 
Barnet, Alexander, lumber manufac- 
Parents trom N. ot Irel.; b. Ren- 
trew, Ont., Feb. 25, 1840; e. there; 
has been all his life engaged in lum- 
bering; has operated with success on 
nearly all the waters tributary to the 
Ottawa River above the Federal capi- 
tal; elected a dir. Merchants Bank. 
Gan., Oct., 1903; later a dir. Bank ot 
Ottawa; a Presb.; m., 1867, Miss .Jane 
Green-e.-Renfrew, Ont.; Rideau Club. 
Barnett, John Davis, civil engineer. 
B. Liverpool, Eng., Dec. 28, 1849; 
studied for profession und{'r J. Arm- 
strong, at Wolverhampton, London, 
and Swindon; came to Can., 1866: for 
same time Asst. M'eeh. Supdt. G. T. Ry., 
and, subsequf'ntly, Mf'ch. Supdt., Mi<l. 
land Ry.; a M. I. M. E. and an A. M. 
1. C. E.; a charter memo and a Coun- 
cillor Can. Soc. C. E.; for 2 yrs. Presdt. 
Am. Master Mechs.' Inst.: pOSSf>ss<>s 
one of the largpst privatf' librarif's in 
Can., a considerable portion ot which 
is Shakespeariana; a del. to the first 
Library Inst., Ont., 19f17.-Stratford, 
Barnhill, Alexander Perley, lawyer. 
,Second s. late "rm. B., SIt. .Joh:n, N.B. ; 
b. there, May 27, 1863; e. Mt. AIlisrm 
Univ. (B.A., 1885): m., .June, 1894, 
Miss Annie S. Metcalf; barrisV>r, 188q ; 
K.C., 1905; practises his proto in St; 
.John; Presdt. St. .John Barristers 
Soc., 1908-9; dir. In severnl Industrial 
and financial corporations; a memo 
I'ntern. ,Comn.. crNl.ted 1908. 'by U. S. 
and Can. to consider treaty rights and 
joint use of River St. John; Lib.; 
Meth.-St. John, N.n.; Union Club, do. 
Barnøley, James M" landscape 
B. Toronto, 1867; studif'd Washing- 
ton Univ. (gold med.) and 
ch. ot 
Fine Arts, St. Louis, Mo. ; subse- 

quently went to Paris, where, at 21, 
he exhibited at the Salon; spent 5 yrs. 
there, his works attracting much at- 
tention and receiving high praise; re- 
turning to Can., exhibited here tor 
many yrs.; one of his principal works, 
.. The Entrance to Dleppe Harbour" 
(Paris Salon, 1886), is regarded by 
the critics as a masterplece.-Care Art 
Assn., PhillilJS Square, ..11 ontreal. 
Barnstead, Arthur Stanley, N. S. 
public service. 
B. Halifax, .Jan. 10, 1873; e. Hali- 
fax Acad. and Dalhousie Univ, (B.A., 
1893, and Munro bursary; LL.B., 
1895); barrister, 1895; formPrly asst. 
elk. and clk. Leg. Council, N. S.; was 
for several yrs., from 1901, chief ed. 
Acadian Recorder, Halifax, N.S. ; 
Chairman Halifax S.'h. Bd., 1906 ; 
author paper, U The Municipalities in 
Relation to Some Educational Reforms 
in N. S."; apptd. Spcy. of Industrif'R 
and Immlg-ration, N. S., Oct., 1907, 
and since then has bef'n made Depty. 
Regr. Genl. N. S., in connection with 
the establt. ot a vital f;tatistics bu- 
reau tor the province; elected archivist 
Claim OJub, H.ælü, 1908; ÒIO. Presd,t. 
Dal'Musioe Univ. A!lumI1'i ISOC., dia.; a 
Presb. ; m.. 1903, Louisa, ò. late AH'ired 
Pu.tnam, fM.lP.-Halifax, N.S.; Halifax 
Curling Club, do. 
.. A man of intelligence and education 
and emineJìl;lv qualified for his new poøi- 
tion."-H. Herald. 
Barnwell, Walter Galt, Am. ry. ser- 
B. Danville, P.Q., ApI. 13, 1865; e. 
St. Francis ColI., Richmond, P.Q.; 
entd. service Can. Atlantic Ry., 1881; 
joined the Fergus Falls and Brecken- 
ridge divs. of the Gt. Northern Ry., 
1884, and, later, the Southern Cal. 
Ry., and was Succf'ssively cashier at 
Redlands, Cal., agent at Santa Ana, 
Cal., soliciting and commercial agent. 
and genl. agent treight dppt. at Los 
Angeles, on that road; after serving 
in other capacities, was apptd. to hi!" 
present position, genl. treight agent 
coast lines, Atchison, Topeka & Santa 
Fe Ry., ApI., 1905.-Los Angeles, Cal. 
Barr, Bev, Adam Fordyce (Ang.). 
Seoond s. Cohas. D. B., Regr. C'Û. Vic- 
toria, Lindsay, Ont.; b. Lindsay, AUK 
14, 1874; f'. Lindsay CoIl. Inst., U. C. 
CoIl., and Toronto UniY. (B.A., 1896: 
M.A., 1904) ; hpld Alex. Mackf'nzie fel- 
lowship, Toronto Univ., 1896-7: theoI. 
studies at Wyclifff' ColI., Toronto: 0 
1901; reb1dpnt master. Ridlev ColI., 
1897-99; curate All Saints' Ch., To- 
ronto 1901-06: financial agf'nt, Wy- 
cliffe' CoIL, 1906-7; rector All Saints', 
Whitby (his present position), 1907; 
unm.; a notf'd athlf'tf', and when a 
student captained both U. C. CoIl. and 
Varsity in lacrossf' and Rugby toot- 
ball' f'lf'cted Prpsdt. Can. Rugby Foot- 
ball 'Union, 1906-07.-All Saints' Rec- 
tory, Whitby, Onto 
Barr, James, author. 
Sf'vpnth C. Robt. and Janp (Watson) 
B., Windsor, Ont.; h, Wallaceto
Ont., 1862; c. pUblic schs.; m. Ehza- 



beth Sabel (d. 1909), d. A. 'C. Wy'l
BI100k Green. London, E}ng.; afltor a'S a 'Public S'CIh. teaoher, joined 
staff DetroJt Journal, and su'bsequeruN'Y 
ed. Windsor Record; wenlt to Londo'll to 
e-<Ht Ibhe E}ng. eð:iltioU! <Yf the Dertroi,t 
Free Press; ,lawr was special writer !to 
Pall Mall Gazette. ;and acted as such 
;at burial m Rt. Hon, W. E. Gladstone 
land' Qu-elen Vktoria: 'Pub'1iShed "Ward 
Ro!O'm Yarns" .in tJhi's Cl3JPaclt
; C'O'm- 
poiled and edited a vol. 'Of Am. humorous 
verse f()lr Canlterbury series Ü'f ,poets, 
1891, ;and a vol. for I rutern. Humorous 
-Serles, 1893; to 'l
tter added fiI'st bio- 
grwplITj,c.alJl dndex 0If ,Am. and Can. 
humorims ever Ci()ll11piled: among other 
volumes has Ipubl.lshed "TIle Gods Give 
My tDonJrey Winlgs," "The Gods Gave 
My Donkey "WIilJ1lgs," .. Undoer too EaVlE"s 
.of Ni,ghtJ," "The Great Frozen North," 
" The W1Whery of the ,Seflpent," 
"lJaughiing Thiroug1h a Wilòerness," 
"The Grey !Biat."-32 A venue Gardens, 
.JIill Hill Park. London, W" Eng.,. Lon- 
don Sketch Club. 
"One cannot imagine this writer de- 
teriorating, and it is difficult to guess how 
he can improve."-Vanity Fair. 
:Barr, Lt,-Col, John Graham, Can. mil, 
B. 'May 16, 1851; reed. 1st class 
cent., R. S. 'C.; entd. 6th .Prov. 
Regt. of Cav., as lieut., Feb., 1884; 
capt. 6th Duke of Connaught's Royal 
Can. Hussams, Dec., 1886; major, ApI., 
1898; It.-col. commdg. the regt., Feb. 
24, 1904; now on R. 0.; has been 
awarded the long-service decoration; 
m. FllOrence May (d. MC'h.. 1906), d. 
-Oh'1lrclhioN.-St. Johns, P.Q. 
Barr, 'Miss Mary Elizabeth, nursing 
IE. of Eng-., Irl'sh and Prot:. pareßlt-' 
age, Charlottptown, P.E. I.; e. there; 
g.raduate.d Boston City Hosp., 1894; 
SInce when has been successively 
Supdt. of the Concord Hosp. Assn., 
now known as the Margt. Pillsbury 
Hosp., the Elliot Hosp., Manchester, 
N.H., and the Lawrence Gent Hosp 
Lawrence, Mass.; estbd. a privat
sanatorium of her own, 1908.-Law- 
renee, Mass. 
Ban, Bobert, author; journalist. 
E. c. Robt. B., bard St. Andrew'
Soc., Windsor, Ont., and Jane B.; b. 
Glasgow, Scot., Sept. 16, 1850; brought 
to Can. by his parents wh.en 5 yrs. old; 
settled at Wallacptown, Ont.; e. local 
schs. and Toronto Normal Sch., tak- 
Ing first class cert. ; m., 1876, Miss Eva 
Bennett, Raleigh, Co. Kent. Ont.; 
head master, Central Sch., Windsor, 
1875; a contributor of humoroul" 
sketches to Detroit Free Press; a memo 
of Its staff', 1876; removed to Eng., 
wheI'e he e:;'tJa'bò. 'the weekly editlOlI\ of 
the Free Press, wI'litllng in It: und'er 
{Jseud'on'Ym II Luke Sharp," 18811 ; 
!ounòed, wit'h .Jerome K. .Jerome, the 
Idler },fag., 189.2; autlhor of t'he fOl'I'O'W- 
ing, 3Jmong othe'r works ()if fiction: 
II Strange Happenings," II In a -Steamer 
Chaår," II From "Whose BO'UI'il1." "The 
Fa-ce and the !Mask," .. Revenge," II In 

the ,Midst: of A'larms," "A WOlman In- 
tervenes,' II The 'Mutable Man,y," II The 
Countess T.e}{'la," .. One Day'S' Court- 
ShIi'p," "The Strong Á'1'I1"Il," .. The Un- 
chlaniging East," II The Adventures o.f 
Jen'llli'e 'Baxter,<l, II The Silent 
CalsUe,' "Over the BoI'der," "Tlhe Vk- 
tors," II The ,9pe.culaNons of JoIhn 
Steele," II The Tem'Pestuous Pet'tlc'Ûat," 
II The O'Ruddy," II Th.>e TriUlII1,phs of 
Eugene Val,mont," "A Rock in the 
Bal'tic," .. The Moeasure of Rul.e,'.. 
" Young IDrd! IStranle.'j,g'h,' " Tekla," 
.. Ca;rdJilIa-c," I3JIlÒ II Thle SWord Maker" ; 
Is an Indian chief of the I'roqUJO'is tribe. 
-Hillhead, Wold ingham, Surrey, Eng.; 
Devonshire Club,. Savage Club.. Cecil 
Club, London; Witenagemote Club. 
.. As a writer of short stories has few 
equals."-London Magazine. 
II He looks what he is-a thoroughly 
practical hard-headed man."-Greenock 
Barrett, Alfred T" painter. 
B. Wolfville, N.S.; now living at Bos- 
ton, Mass., where he follows the prac- 
tice of his prof.; among other works 
has executed a full-length portrait of 
Queen Victoria for the Assembly 
Chamber, Halifax; also full-length 
portraits of the late Archbp. O'Brien, 
for the R. C. Bp. of Portland, Me., of 
Dr, Sawyer, for Acadia Univ., and of 
Judge Longley (q.v.), for the Court 
House, Halifax, N.S.-18 Hawthorne 
St., Roxbury, Mass. 
Barrett, John J" journalist. 
S. Edward B.; b. Galt, Ont., May 
28, 1876; e. Galt Sep. Sch. and (taU 
ColI. Inst.; matriculated Into Toronto 
Univ., 1893; took course In Galt Nor- 
mal Sch.; m., Feb., 1906, Miss Ethel 
Lois A itken, Carbondale. Pa.; entd. 
journalism, as correspondent and re- 
porter, Buffalo Evening News; asst. 
financial ed., N. Y. Herald, ApI., 1901; 
since Sf'pt., 1908, financial ed. do. do.; 
elected memo N. Y. Stock Exchang-e, 
Jan., 1909; glVf'S close attention and 
study to world's financial markets; 
gave first news during financial panic, 
May, 1901, that thf' Northern Pacific 
Ry., over which rival Wall St. bank- 
ers were fighting, had been wrested 
from P. Morgan & Co.'s hands, and 
that it had passed to Kuhn, Loeb & 
Co.; secured confidence of Wall St. 
aders. and was thereby able to re- 
cord financial coups In railroad and 
Industrial sphpres, esppcialty in the 
era of industrial developmf'nt culmin- 
 in 1906, when restricted legisla- 
tion was beg'Un by Fed. Govt. at Wash- 
 whiIf' in (;Rn., a L'h.: holds 
practlcatly same vlpws In U. R, but 
('ould not vote for them on accollnt of 
false leadership; would be a Dpmo- 
crat: regards the high tariff as one 
of the greatpst evils nOw preventing 
the economic development of the U. S,. 
and which has created, figurativelY 
speaking, a U hothouse" condition in 
country's industrial life; a R. C.-!f7 
Riverside DrIve. New York; New York 
Athletic Club; Travers Island Country 
Club, do. 




Barrett, John Kelly, Dom. public ser- 
E. s. .John and Bridget (Barrett) 
B., Puslinch, Ont.; b. Hamilton, Ont., 
.June 6, 1850; e. local pUblic sch. and 
Holy Cross CoIl., Worcestf'r, Mass. 
(LL.D., 1892), Otta.wa Uruiv. (.hon.), 
LL.D., do.; m., !May, 1875, Sarah 
Maria, .e. d. '"\Vm. O'Br
en. Hamilton, 
On't.; .principal st. ,Mary's Model Sdh., 
Hamilton, On.t., 1872; ent'erlimg 'Pub- 
Idc serv1ce, 1873, fined vari.ous posts 
in Inl. Riev., and 'Was ap.ptd. 
dist. inS'pr. of 111'1. Rev. Win,nipeg. 
1885, and ißlspr. malt muses an'd 
breweries for Dom., 1903; formerly 
local supdt. and inspr. Sep. Schs., St. 
Catharlnes; Is mango dir. and ed.-in- 
chief Northwest Review, the Eng. 
Cath. 'Organ 0If the min'Qlf!Íty i'll :Man. ; 
.also a Councilllor Man. Univ., a 
tru!'tee Cath. Schs., a Past Chancellor 
and now Grand Depty. for Man., C. M. 
B.A.; his name widely known, 
some yrs. ago, in the historic lawsuit 
of Bårrett V8. the City ot Winnipeg, 
an action taken to test the constitu- 
tionality of the Greenwav Govt. in 
ipassing the Sdh. Act of 1890; a R. C.- 
Winnipeg, Man. 
Barrett, Walter Henry, jourllalist. 
S. late Michael B., M.A., M.D., for- 
merly memo staff' U. C. CoIl.: b. To- 
rorut'Ü, Oct. 31. 1847: '1'. U. C. OoJ.!.; 
m. F'!'Ûrence W. (d. !May, 1906), d. 
I:æte "\V1m. Spink, Can, C. 08.: suc- 
cessiv.e'l'Y a 're,po1'ter Daily Telef]raph, 
Daily Globe, Express, anld Daily 
Mail, Toronto: published Evening Sun, 
same city, 1874-76, ánd afterwards 
The National (" Can. First "), and 
The Ob8erver, the two latter wepklif's: 
removed to N. Y., 1877, and was !Suc- 
cessively connected with The World, 
Tribune, and Times, being financial 
ed. of Time8, which position he held 
up to 1896, when he retired from 
active journalism; has contributed 
various articles on financial and ry. 
questions to leading newspapers and 
periodicals; passed Royal Mil. Sch., 
Toronto, and served IaS offr. in 10th 
Royals, Toronto, during Fenian raids 
(med. ).-54 Broad ,st., New York. 
Barrett, His Honour William, County 
Court .Judge. 
Barrister, 1868: junior judge Co. 
Bruce, Ont., Sept., 1885; senior judge, 
Alpl., 1893; m., .July, '1902, Ann-e (d.). 
widow His Honlour Judg1e Wi,I'koe.s.- 
lValkerton, Onto 
Barrick, Eli James, physician. 
Descended from .Jacob Olt (U. E. 
L.) ; b. Wainfieet, WeIland, Ont., Dec. 
28, 1838; e. local schs. and Normal 
Sch., Toronto (cert.); a I>ubllc sch. 
teacher fOT some yrs.; 
I.iD. (Victoria 
Unlv.), 1866; L.R.C.P. (Lond.) do.; 
M. and L. (Mldwlt.) R.C.S. (Eng.), 
1867; Die. anid Lee. (Mid'Wif.), R.C.P. 
(Eng.), do.; demon. of anat., Rolph 
Sch. Med., Toronto, 1867; prof. of 
mldwif. and diseases ot women and 
child., do., 1868-74; subsequently ex- 
aminer in mldwlt. and gynecol., Vi('- 
toria Unlv., and Treas. Onto Med. 
Assn.; has taken an active part in the 

movements made tor the reform of 
Inebriates, and for the prevention ot 
consumption; elected Presdt. of a Sec. 
of Intern. Congress on Tubercul., 1903: 
dl(). do. do., Am. Congress on Tubercul., 
do.: later was Presdt. of the Anti- 
Consumpbion League, Can.; for m.amy 
yrs. a Councillor, ColI. P. and S., Ont.; 
a Meth., and a trustee Metropolitan 
Ch., Toronto; a Lib.-Con.; m., ApI., 
1870, Kate Head, d. late - New- 
combe, Toronto.--60 Bond St., Toronto. 
"As a practical authority on consump- 
tion has no superior in America."-T. 
Barrie, Howard Green, physician. 
M.D. (Trin. Univ., Toronto), 1899; 
served as college Y. M. C. A. Secy., 
Onto and P. Q.; representative Y. M. 
C. A. in S. A. during war (see booklet, 
"With the Can. Contingent in S. A.,.. 
1901); Y. M. C. A. Secy. in China, 
1901; m., Oct., 1901, Winnifred .Julia, 
d. late Hon. .John Macdonald, Senator, 
Toronto.-Shanghai, China. 
"Barrie, The Canadian J, M," (see 
Knowles. Rev. R. E.). 
Barrison, Miss Mabel, actress. 
D. late E. .J. FarranC'e, To.ronto; 
b. and e. there; m., 1907, .Joseph T. 
Howard; oommenced stage experience, 
1902; has risen steadily in her protes- 
sion, becoming a star, 1905, In 13. play 
specially written for her by Geo. 
Cohan; made great hit in "The Blue 
Mous'e;' 1908-9'; appear.ed in va.uòe- 
vUle, 00.: anI1lOUncoo 'her retirement 
fl10m the Sltag.e, on ,a('coun't of i:llliness, 
1911.-Care u D1'amatic lIfirror," New 
Barron, Mrs. Bessie, vocalist. 
D. Harold Bonsall, Toronto; b. Ot- 
tawa; early studies at Toronto CoIL 
of Music, commencing 1890 (Haslam 
scholar. and St. .James's Cath. schol- 
ar.); apptd. contralto soloist Broad- 
way Tabernacle, N. Y.; retired there- 
from, to join concert troupe accom- 
panying Ovide Musin, Belgian violin- 
ist, with which she remained for 2 
seasons; in 1895 became a pupil of 
Chas. Santley, London, Eng., and. 
later, joined the D'Oyley Carte Co. at 
Savoy 'l'heatre, with a view of acquir- 
ing a knowledge of stage methods: 
remaining for 2 seasons, she success- 
fully took prominent contralto parts 
in the then popular Gilbert and Sulli- 
van operas; afterwards being booked by 
the imlJreSsario, Vert, for an extensive 
series of London concerts and draw- 
ing-room engagements; also devoted 
herself to oratorio; returning to Am., 
was engaged on tour successively with 
Sousa, Dufrt, the Redpath Grand Con- 
cert Co., and .. Banda Rossa"; m., 
1906, Goo. Barron, Toronto.-!! Charle8 
St. E., Toronto. 
.. There are many fine contralto singers 
in the world, but those having voices like 
Miss Bonsall's can be counted on the 
fingers of one hand."-T. Globe. 
Barron, Rev, Frederick Henry 
B. St. Mary's, Ont., 1870; e. public 
schs., Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1897), and 



Knox ColI., Toronto (B.D., 1900); m., 
1902, Miss Mary Cuthbert Butler, Bal- 
timore, Md.; o. 1900; has been Presdt. 
Davis & Elkins CoIl., Elkins, W.Va., 
and pl'Iof. .phil., dQ.-Elkins, W. Va. 
Banon, His Honour John Augustus, 
County Court Judge. 
Y. and only s. late Fredk. Wm. 
Barron, M.A. (Camb.), formerly prin- 
cipal U. C. ColI. (Irish ancestry), and 
Eleanor (Thompson) B.; b. Toronto, 
July 11, 1850; e. Cobourg Grammar 
Sch., Quebec Semy., and U. C. ColI.; 
m., Aug., 1874, Elizabeth Caroline 
Clarice (d. June, 1910), 4th d. late 
Hartley Dunsford, Regr. Co. Victoria, 
Ont.; barrister, 1872; K.C., 1890; 
author II Barron on Chattel Mort- 
gages," .. On Conditional Sales," and 
other legal works; also of numerous 
papers and addresses favouring the 
formation of a Royal Can. Navy; a 
memo High Sch. Ed., Lindsay, for many 
yrs.; also Reeve of Lindsay; sat for 
N. Victoria (H. C.), Lib. interest. 
1887-91, when unseated and defeated; 
one of the" Noble 13," who voted for 
the disallowance of Mercier's Jesuits' 
Estates Bill, 1889; apptd. Co. Ct. 
judge for Co. IPerth, Jan., 1897; a-pptd. 
by Onto Govt. a commr. to enquire into 
alleged ballot-stuffing In W. Elgin, Jan., 
1900; bas acted as concdliator under 
the Lemieux Act in several labour dis- 
putes; representoo StratJford City Coun- 
cil at convention of Can. Assn. for 
Prevent. of Consumption, Sept., 1906, 
and reported on subject of tubercu- 
losls; an Ang. and a del. to both 
Synods; S. John joined Canada as first 
Can. cadet, R. C. N., 1908.-Stratford, 
Ont.; Stratford Club, do. 
:Barrow, Bobert Shepherd, bank man gr. 
S. Edmund Clerk and Martha Susan 
(Ffrench) B.; b. Quebec, Mch. 12, 
.1 865; e. High Se-h. t'here; m., Aug.. 
1895, Martha Adela, d. late John WeIl- 
Ingtü" Moles, Co. Leeds, Ont.; entered 
Union Bank, Can., Sept., 1881; mangr., 
do., Eolssevaln, Man., 1892; an Ind.; 
an Ang.-Regina, Bask.; Assiniboia 
Club, do. 
Barry, David Bouleau, lawyer. 
S. late J. E. and Marie Aglaê (Rou- 
leau) E., Escumlnac, P.Q.; b. there; 
e. Laval Univ. (LL.B., 1874); ad'vo- 
ca-be, 1875; suc
essfully practises his 
prof. at Bryson, P.Q.; bâtonnier, Ot- 
tawa Dist. bar, 1907; has acted as 
n prosecutor in Pontiac; was 
dell'E"gated by -the youth of Quebec, 
1879, to visit the ex-Empress Eugenie, 
at Chiselhurst, for the ipUl1pose of 
expressing their syrn,p.abhy with her 
over the unfurtuna1'e d-ea1h of her son, 
t'he Prlnæ Imperia:l , and of placdng a 
wrealtlh upon his tornb, a,lon he 
sucoe-ssfully aocompUshed; a R. C.- 
B1'1/son, P.Q. 
Barry, Hon, Jeremiah Hayes, judge. 
Irish origin; S. late Patrick and 
.Julia (Hayes) B.; b. Maugerville, N.B., 
May 21, 1858; e. publlc schs. ; m 1891 
Isabella, d. John Owens, St. Joh
: N.B. ; 
barrister, 1882; practised at Frederic- 
-ton, in partner9hJp, latterly, with late 
Hon. A. G. Blair, K.C.; K. C., 1899; 

V.-P. Barristers Soc.; acted as Crown 
counsel in many Important criminal 
cases; judge of Probate, Co. York, 
1899; a senator N. B. Unriv., a memo 
Provl. Bd. of Health, a councillor Bd. 
of Trade, a trustee Victoria Hosp.; 
apptd. a 
uisne judge, Sup. Ct., N. B., 
May 28, 1909; a R. C., and a memo 
C. M. B. A. and A. O. H.-Fredericton, 
Barry, Lt,-CoI, John Joseph, Montreal 
civic ser" ice. 
S. late John Edmund B., lumber 
merchant, Escumlnac, P.Q., a native 
of Cork, Ire!., and a personal friend 
of Danl. O'Connell, and Marie Aglae 
(Rouleau) B.; b. Esc'Uminac, 1862; 
e. Semy., Quebec; after serving as a 
law student, was apptd. Secy. Montreal 
Police Bd. and Police Dept., Dec.. 1891, 
a position he still fills: is also asst. 
to Supdt. of Police; his mil. career 
dates from 1894, when he was apptd. 
2nd lieut., 85th Rf'gt. (Ist class cert., 
St. John's Royal Mil. Sch.>. and later 
attained a captaincy therein; he be- 
came major 80th Regt., 1900, and was 
promoted It.-col. commdg. the regt., 
June, 1903; nOw on R. 0.; contributed 
II Mil. Notes" to French newspaper 
'PI"ess.-5.58 St. Denis St., Montreal. 
Barry, :Miss Lily Emily :E'ranee., 
author and journalist. 
Fourth d. late Jas. B., ch
ef clk. ot 
statistics, Customs Dept., Ottawa, and 
Catherine M. (Barry) B.; b. Montreal; 
e. Convent Notre dame du Sacrê Cæur, 
Ottawa (M. of Lorne's silver med. for 
best Eng. essay and Archbp. Duhamel's 
med. for essay on Christ. doctrine); 
studied Ottawa Art Sch.; matriculated 
In Arts, McGill Unlv., 1892; on starr 
Once a Week, N. Y., for some yrs.; 
joined ed. staff' Family Herald and 
Weekly Star, Montreal (where she still 
Is), 1896; is ed. Woman's Dept. (nom 
de plume, .. Primrose"); in addition 
to many miscellaneous articles, re- 
views, music, dramatic, and art criti- 
cisms, short stories, verses, transla- 
tions, etc., Is author of a volume, .. In 
Paths of Peace" (1901); another 
volume of essays on the same lines, 
.. The Living Present," Is In press; 
represented Montreal Star (special 
staff correspondent) at the Paris 
Expn.; R. C.-47 Hutchison st., Mont- 
real; Women's Can. Club, do. 
II W,ie1ds a; briJoHant open."-Late Geo. 
111 'UTrny. 
Barry, Bt, Bev, Thomas Franais, 
Irish parentage: .b. Pokemo'llche, 
N.B., Mch. 3, 1841: D.D. (Laval), 
1899; o. priest, 1866; Bp. Thugga, 
1899; coadjutor late Bp. Rogers, 1900; 
Bp. of Chatham since Aug., 1902; a 
del. to the Plenary Council, Quebec, 
Sept., 1909: do. to the Eucharistic 
Congress, Montreal, Sept., 1910.- 
Bishop's Palace, Chatham, N.B. 
Barthe, Ulric, journalist. 
S. late Capt. Hy. B., shipowner and 
navigator; first Can. ancestor came 
from France to Acadia during French 
Revolution; nephew late J. G. and 
G. I. B., who sat in Can. ParIt. at 



ditrerent periods, the first-named being 
a famous author and journalist; b. 
St. Roch, Quebec, Sept. 13, 1853; e. 
Sorel and St. .Joseph ColI., Three 
Rivers, P.Q.; m., 1st, .Jran., 1884, Mlle. 
Wilhelmine Boucher, Sorel (d. 1900); 
2ndly, her sister, Mlle, AzeUne 
Boucher; has been on ed. starr of 
Gazette de Borel, L'Electeur (Quebec), 
and the Bemaine Commerciale (do.), 
whloh Jlaitter ihe !founded: laJter W3ß 
oonnoected witlh La Vinie (d'o.), a. free- 
lance Lib. paper; pUblished II Wilfrid 
Laurier on the Platform," a collection 
of Sir Wilfrid Laurler's first speeches 
(1890), and" La Prlse de Quêbec," a 
translation from Parkman; also trans- 
lated Byron Nicholson's (q.'V.) "French- 
Canadian" ; apptd. Secy. Quebec 
Bridge Co., 1897; eleotoo Presdt. AosOO'C. 
Press, P.Q., 1909.-163 Rue Bt. Jean, 
Bartlett, John B" busines.s man. 
S. Richard and Louise (Oaks) B.; 
b. Fredericton, N.B., May 17, 1839; e, 
public schs. there and Boston; m., 
Apl., 1897, Miss .Jennie DIckerson, Des 
Moines, Iowa; en td. business, Boston, 
1865; removed to N. Y., 1873; is 
presdt. Drawbaugh Telephone & Tele- 
graph Co.; purchased, wit:h assoclates, 
the following coso for supplying water 
to Northern N. .J. cities and to<WIlS; 
Soc. for Establishing Useful Manu- 
factures, Passal-c Water Co., Acquack- 
anonk Water Co., MontclaIr Water Co., 
W. Mllfor.d Water Storage Co., Ma- 
coupin R. R. Co., E. .Jersey Water Co., 
and N. .J. Gent Security Co.; elected 
presdt. Am. Cotton Oil Co., 1891; was 
chaIrman, Organization Comte., NIcar- 
agua. Canal, 1894; presdt. Bay ,state 
Gas Co., 1897; elected a dir. Am. 
Pegamold Co., 1898; purchased 28 
mills and 12 refineries In Gt. BrU' J 
manlfrg. cotton and linseed oIls. ana 
amalgamated them Into one -CO., known 
as the Brit. oOn & Cake Mills, Ltd., 
1900; is a dir. Pa, Iron Works Co., 
and Siemens & Halske Electric Co., 
ChIcago; a mem. New Eng. Soc., N. y, 
and \Am. Soc., London, Erug.-f Wali 
St., New York; Union League Olub; 
Loto8 Olub; Lawyer8' Olub; Knicker- 
bockm' Club; Athletic Club, do. 
Bartlett, Lt,-Col, Boble AJ.exander, 
S. Geo. B., merchant, Windsor, Ont., 
and Ermina, d. Wm. Noble, Dearborn, 
Mich., U.S.; b. Amherstburg, Ont., 
Sept. 9, 1860; e. local schs.; barrister, 
1902; has practised throughout at 
Windsor, Ont.; in mil. service obtained 
2nd dass R. S. I. cert., and was for 
many yrs. an oftr. In 21st Regt., 
.. Essex Fuslllers"; attained to the 
command of regt., .July 18, 1902; re- 
tired, .July, 1908; commanded regt. at 
Detroit, MI-ch, , Sept., 1902, when it was 
Inspected by Presdt. Roosevelt; a 
PrßSb.; a iLib.; m., 1st, Ada !Mae (d. 
1902), e. d. .J. W. Peddle; 2ndly, Mcl1., 
1905, Grace Marion, d. .J. H, Kenning, 
Inspr. In!. Rev.- Wind8or, Onto 
Bartlett, Bobert Abram, mariner. 
S. Capt. Wm. B. and grands. Capt. 
Abram B.; b. Brlgus, Conception Bay, 

Nfd., 1875; family originally from 
DevonshIre, Eng.; holds a capt.'s cert. 
{QII" foreign v'Ûyages; .passed examn., as 
master, Halifax Naut. Acad.., 1902; has 
commanded steamers Nimrod, Klte , 
Algerine, and Leopard at the seal 
fishery; father and grandf. commanded 
sailing vesse'l's going to the Aretic yrs. 
ago, and former now commands the 
sealing str, Viking; was first oftr, on 
Peary's shi,p Windward, and has COizn- 
manded the same explorer's ship, the 
Roo8evelt, on 2 voyages to the Polar 
regions. in ,searoh .of 'the North Pole; 
also on Peary's final voyage, when he 
discovered the Pole, 1909, he himself 
T'oo..ching 1!he 88th pa.ralJ1el; became a. 
IlJaJtt1ralrizßd. Am. oi't1z.eI1l, ApI., 1911.- 
St. John's, Nld. 
Bartley, Bev. Thomall Edwin (Meth.). 
S. Thos. and - (Holmes) B., 
Moy, Co. Tyrone, Irel.; b. Moy, May 
16, 1860; e. public schs. Irel., McGill 
Univ., and Montreal Wesl. Theol. ColI.; 
m., Nov., 1887, Miss .Josephine Mc- 
Brien, Whitby, Ont.; o. 1887; now 
field secy. Toronto MetJh. ISocial Union, 
has been Chairman ColUngwood, 
BaTrIe, OrangeviUe, and TOT'Onio Centre 
d!ists. ; a del. toO three last Genl. Gonfs. ; 
believes t'ha.,t a 'Personal aJPþlioatIon .of 
the Q()Ilden RuJe is the only IÌTue so:lru- 
tion of ,tlhe socla'låstk questiOlns of to- 
daY.-464 Gladstone Ave., Toronto. 
Barton, Arthur S,. journalist. 
B. Bromborough, Cheshire, Eng., 
1857; e. there; carne to Can., 1880; 
went west, 1881; farmed tin 1901, 
when he purchased The Recorder, 
Boissevaln, which he has :,ince con- 
ducted ' a practical archItect; an 
 Con.-BoÏ88evain, Man. 
Barton, George Aaron, educationist. 
S. Danl. and Mary S. (Bull) B.; b. 
E. Farnham, P.Q., Nov. 12, 1859.; e. 
local schs., Oakwood Semý., Haver- 
ford ColI. (A.B., 1882; M.A., 1885), 
and Harvard Unlv. (A.M., 1890; Ph.D., 
1891); m., .Tune, 1884, iMiIss 1QaroUne 
Brewer DanlfO'I'tJh; an ackroowledged 
mlnr. Soc. .of Frf.ends since 187,9'; 
commemced career as So teacher In Can. 
pUblJc schs., Nov., 1876.; a te
hig1ruer math. and C'lassi-cs, Fr:lends 
Sch Provideruce. R.I., 1884-89; lec- 
r Bi'ble langs., Havel'lfoTd CoIl., 
:1891-95; -diT. Am. Sch. Oriental Study 
and Research. ,Palestine, 1902-3; ,proOf. 
:Bible ldteraJture anld lSemltl.-c lang., BTY? 
!Mawr C.olI., Penn. (with whdch In'stl- 
,tutlon !he !had been p;r.ev.iously con- 
ruectedi), since ,1891; a oorutrlibuto
varlaus times to the Journ. Am. Ortent. 
Soc Jour. Bib. Liter., Am. Journ. 
Ardhæol. Am. Journ. Semitic Lang., 
Am. J014.rn. Theol., and Bib. Wor
wlso to "Encycl. BlbHoa and .Jewush 
EncyC'lO'p.". au t!h or ".8lretch SemifUc 
Orlglins .sælal and Religious" (1902), 
II The Roats .of Ohristian TeachIng as 
Found in the Old T.estament" (dD.); 
"A Y.ear's Wanlderln.g i.n BÏible Dands" 
(1904) .. The Haver!ord IAbrary Col- 

'eCtlDn ' of rCun-eJiform Tablets, 'Or Doou- 
me-nts from othoe 
mple Ar-chives of 
.JeHoh to (1905), U Ecdesl.a;stes in the 



InternaJtlonal CrÏltka1 Commentary " 
(1908).-Bryn Mawr, Pa., U.S. 
.. AJways inteTeøting."-London Spec- 
r Å8 hoanest .as he åog le'arned .and ocig-"-Jewish Chronicle. .. 
.. One of the a,bæ,st a,nd most actIve of 
()IU,r ;)-ounge.r Semitic schala,rs."-N. Y. In- 
Barton, Gerald, organist. 
Beliongs to tJhe Gerald Bartons, Nor- 
folk, Eng.; b. Funden-hall, NOI'1'olk, 
Eng., Junle 14, 1861; e. Kin.g Edwa'I"d 
VI. SC'h., Norwich, and 'Magd
len Co}!., 
Oxfurd; m., 1st, Miss iMlane LouIse 
Stm tton., .Riverside, Cal. (do.); 2ndly, 
Miss Carolyn HeI'Oise Browne, Santa 
Barbara, Oal. ; memo mlUsIoo.l ,prof.; has 
fined maniy .poslti'OTls, as organist and 
g.e.n!. instructor, in various quart'ers 
the .gldbe; since 1906 organIst <St. PauI s 
Ch., Toronto; composer of many songs, 
part songs, ch. music, etc., a good deal 
of which Is published; pantheistic in 
religion; has a leaning towards social- 
Ism if the Socialists can ever devise a 
practical modus vivendi,--66f Spadina 
Ave., Toronto; University Olub, Hono- 
lulu, Hawaii. ... 
Barton, Bev, William (Ang.). 
S. Hy. Musgrave B., Festlng Grove, 
Rants, Eng.; b. London, July 18, 
1868; e. GOdolphln Sch., Hammer- 
smith and Lennoxville Unlv. (B.A., 
1894 ;' 
r..A., 1898) ; m., 1st, Nov., 1901, 
Marl-on StJorwell (d. Jan., 1904), d, 
EdwIn ;POpe, Queboo; 211idly, J"ulry, 
1907 Nellfe Campbell, y. d, late Owen 
J"ones, C.E., Toronto; o. deaCQn, 1896; 
priest, 1897; served successively at 
Ireland. Sherbrooke, St. Mauric
Gaspé Basin, and Quebec, P.Q.; apptd. 
to Chemalnus, B.C., Sept., 1907; now 
curate Christ Ch., Victoria, B.C.-Vic- 
toria, B.C. 
Bastedo, David Edgar, Onto public 
U. E. L. descent; s. Joseph Rogers 
and !Mary (Force) B.; lb. 00. OxfO'I"d, 
Ont. Nov. 28, 1860; e. pUblfc sch. 
and 'by !private <tutor; m. iMiss AnnIe 
E. Oaten, .f.oo-meTly <J1f Devons., Eng.; 
form'erly a Journalist, and edited suc- 
oessively The Northern Advocate 
(Bracebridg.e), The Georgetown Herald, 
and The Jfuskoka Herald, an In Con. 
interest; ,is <Ch3JIrm
'll ,Bracebrldge Seh. 
Bd.; apptd. sherH! of lMuskoka, A'PI., 
1906; a Pre'sb.-Bracebridge, Onto 
Bastedo, Samuel Tovel, Dom. pubUc 
U. E. L. descent;' S. !ate David and 
Sarah Elizabeth (Tovel) B.; b. Hamil- 
ton, Ont., Dec. 4, 1855; e. 00. Oxfol'd, 
Ont.; m. Miss Ida VirgInia Straubel; 
served for 27 yrs. In the Onto civil ser- 
vice, during whIch time he was su
cessively prIvate secy. to Sir O. 
Mowat and Hon. A. S. Hardy, secy. 
and financial of'fr. of the Fisheries 
Bureau, and Deputy MinT. of FI'sheries; 
removed from last-named office, July, 
1906; apptd. Onto mangr. Annuity Co., 
Can., Aug., 1906; Brit. Commr. ()'l1 
IIl!tern. F:lsherles Tr.eaty wIth U. S., 
1909-10; S',i'llce .then has been supdt. 
Can. Govt. AnnuIties; formerly a Lib. ; 

a Presb.; has h
ld \high rank In 
Masonic order, Oddfellow8, and A. O. 
U. W.-fOl O'Oonnor St., Ottawa. 
" A faithful and conscientious member of 
the service: '-0. Free Pre... 
Bastien, Francois de Sales Alphonse, 
S. late F. de S. B., N.P., Regr. 
Vaudreuil, and Elmire Melina (Pre- 
vost) B.; b. VaudreuU, P.Q., May 9, 
1858; e. Montreal ColI.; followed law 
studies. Laval Un'Ív.; m., Jan. 1885, 
Josephine Adele, e. d'. J". rp. R. iMasSlOn, 
Terrebon'l1'e, IP.Q.; advocate, 1880; 
K.C., 1893; has practised throughout 
at Montreal bar, where he Is now one 
of the leaders; head law firm B., Ber- 
geron, Cousineau & J"asmln; unsuc- 
cessfully contested Vaudreull (If. C.), 
Con. Interest. g. e. 1904; a R. C.- 
-!31 Prince Arthur St., Montreal, 
Bate, Sir Henry Newell, merchant. 
B. Truro, Cornwall, Eng., Apt 9, 
1829; e. there; came early in life to 
Can.; removed to N. Y. for a few 
yrs.; finally took up his residence In 
Ottawa, 1853; m., Dec., 1852, Cather- 
ine (d. Oct., 1906), d. late Allan 
Cameron, Buckingham, P.Q.; head H. 
N. Bate & Sons, Ltd, wholesale 
grocers, etc. (lne., 1904); apptd. 
memo OtJtruwa Improvement Com'll. 
and Chairman do., Dec., 1899; a dlr. 
Bank of Ottawa, and of the local 
branch of the Ottawa Genl. Trusts 
Corpn.; lii.fe dlir, Prolt. Home for Ag,ed, 
Ottawa; V.-P. Can. Casualty Co., 
Presdt. Russell Hotel & Theatre Co., 
Metropolitan Loan Co., Beechwood 
Cemetery Co.. and Perfect Brick & 
Tile Co.; an Ang., and erected at his 
own expense All Saints' Ch., Ottawa; 
ra:ted as a millionaIre by B. N., 1910; 
knighted, 1910; a Lib. - Trenwick 
House, Ohapel St" Ottawa; Rideau 
Olub, do. 
"A representative citizen to be 1>roud of." 
-M. Herald. 
Bates, Bev, Cornelius John Lighthall 
(Meth.) . 
.s. Joseph Lever B., Vanklook Hill, 
Ont.; b. L'Orlgna'J., Onrt., :Ma,y 26, 
1877; e. Vankleek High Soh., McGIU 
Unlv., and Queens Univ., KIngston 
(M.A. and m
d. lro mental and moral 
phi.I., 11901); m.. Aug., 19()2, HarrIe.t 
Ed'll'a, d. Rev. Wm. PhUp, B.A., B.D., 
presdt. at: IM.ontre!a'1 C<Jnf.; o. 1901; rfor 
a time In chaTge Dorchester St. Ch., 
Mon1.real; apptd. to missy. work In 
J<aJI>3.TI, do.; lrlveà dn Tokyo and 
Kofu, Japan, for 7 y.m.; l1e.turned rto 
Coo., Aug., 1909; wohdle In Japan made 
special study of Japanese history, re- 
liglolllJ and phil.; apptd. prof. of sys- 
tematic theol. rIn Th-ool. Faculty oOf the 
Meth. DoH., Kobe, Japa.n, De.c., 1910. 
-Kobe, Japan. 
"A young man of much ability and 
promise."-M. Star. 
Bate., Bev. Prederlck WeWngton 
(Meth.); educationist. 
Irish origin; s. Peter and Sarah 
J"ane (Acton) B.; b. nr. Easton's 
Corners, Ont., Aug. 7, 1878; e. Kempt- 
ville High Sch., Prescott Model Sch., 
McGill Univ. (B.A, with honours in 



Math. and Physics, 1898; M.Sc.), and 
Montreal ' Theol. ColI.; m., June, 
1910, .Miss Ida Nudell, Aultsville, ant.; 
reed. cert. as Onto pUiblic sch. tea,cher, 
1896; o. 1909; tutor in Math., Wesl. 
Theol. ColI., 1906-7; secy. McGill Univ. 
Y. M. C. A., 1907-8; Demon. in Phy- 
sics, McGill Univ., 1907-8; since then 
has been asst. in Physics and Math., 
Macûonald CoH.; author of numerous 
press <,ontrlbutions, and of a paper 
on .. The Effect of Sunlight on Sulphur 
Insulation," read before thê Brit. 
Assn., Winnipeg, 1909.-Macdonald 
College, P.Q. 
Bates, Boy Elliott, educationist. 
S. Rev, W. E, B. ((l.v.); b. Conn" 
U.S., Jan. 20, 1882; e. Halifax Acad. 
and Aoadja Univ., WoIfvi1le (B.A., 
1904); Rhodes sch., 1905; M.A. (Ox- 
ford), 1908; prof. Eng. Lang. and Lit., 
Acadia Univ., 1908-9; has earned dis- 
tinction as a painter; exhibited at the 
Paris Salon, 1909; a nat. Brit. subject. 
-_'lJystic, Man. 
"A veTy talenfted and brilliant yn'llDg 
man."-H. Herald. 
Bates, Bev, stuart Samuel (Bapt.) 
S. Rev. John B., Northampton, Eng., 
who emigrated to the U. S., 1849, 
and in 1863 removed to Can., where 
he became pastor Woodstock (Ont.) 
Bapt. Ch.; b. Cascade, la., U.S., Mch. 
10, 1851; e. Woodstock ColI. and TO- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1878) ; D.D. (hon.), 
Rochester Bapt. Seimy. ; m., 1885, 
Josejph1ine, 3rd d. late Josepih ;J,effrey, 
London, On1..; o. 18&1; p8..'3wr Goblte's, 
ant., 1881; do. College St. C.h., 
Toron1.o, 1886-1903; Supdrt. Sundlay 
Schools and Evangelization, in connec- 
tion therewith, 1903-06 (presented 
with silver tea service in ackgt. of 
services as such, 1906); pastor Queen 
St. Ch., St. Catharlnes, 1906; since 
1908 :IDduc. Secy. MciMas'Ìer Univ.; a 
memo Bd. of Govs. and a Senator Mc- 
Master Uuiv. and Obtairman Bapt. 
ForeÎ'gn ,Mission Bd. for many yrs.; 
Pr.esd't. BaJpt. Convention, Onto and 
Que., 1901; a memo Com.te. on Ch. 
UllJÏiOn, 1906; a dir. iMoral &nd SOClial 
Reform League, 1908; <>'Pposed to 
:graveside funeraI services and Sunday 
st. cars.-358 ltfarkham St., Toronto. 
.. Recognized as one of the wisest coun. 
"Sellors and one of the most able pastors 
in Ontarro."-Rev. Dr. Wallace (q.v.). 
:Bates, :Rev, Welcome E, (Bapt.) 
S. Welcome and - (Grow) B.; 
Eng. and Am. parentage; b. Thomp- 
son, Conn., U.S., May, 1848; e. there, 
Suffield (Conn.) Preparatory Sch., and 
Colgate Univ.; o. 1876; pastor suc- 
cessively at Concord, N.H., Haverhill, 
Mass., Hall fax, N.S., and Amherst, 
N.S.; m. Sarah Frances, d. Eli Hes- 
ter, London, EllIg.-MY8tic, Conn. 
Bates, William Wallace, naval archi- 
S. Stephen and Elizabeth (Wallace) 
B.; b. Shubenacadle, N.S., Feb. 15, 
1827; e. Calais, Me.; mostly self-e.; 
also self-e. in naval architecture; m., 
, Miss Marie Cole, Saratoga, 
N.Y.; began in shipwright trade, 
1839; built The Challenge, thf' first 
clipper schooner, and The Mary Stock- 

ton, the swiftest sailer on the Great 
Lakes; capt. of Volunteers, Union 
Army, 1861-2: ship-builder and dry- 
dock propr., Chicago, 1865-81; mangr. 
Inland Lloyds, Buffalo, 1886-89; U. S. 
Commr. of Navigation, Treas. Dept., 
Washington, 1889-92; is memo Soc. 
Naval Architects and Marine Engrs.. 
N. Y., and Presdt. Shipping Soc. of 
Am.; also a memo Grand Army of 
Republic; ed. Nautical Mag. and 
Naval Journal, N. Y., 1854-58; In 
addition to reports on navigation and 
many articles on shipping question, Is 
author of works on .. The American 
Marine" (1893), and .. American 
Navigation" (1902); a Rep. and a 
strong protective tariff advocate; 
favours also the restoration of the 
merchant marine and the annexation 
of Can.--38 W. 2nd Ave., Denver, Col, 
Bath, Mrs, C, E., nursing profession. 
B. N. S.; now and for some yrs. 
asst. dlrectress of nurses, St. Luke's 
Hosp. N. Y.-St. Luke's H08pital, 
New York. 
Bathgate, William, business man. 
S. late Joseph and Grace (Hyslop) 
B., formerly of Edinburgh, Scot.; b. 
there, 1832; carne to Am.. with par- 
ents, 1852, settling In Wis.; com- 
menced busine!';
 career, Montreal, 
1861, later going into farming. Co. 
Wellington, Ont.; removed to Winni- 
peg, 1878; apptd. mango dir. Man. 
Electric & Gas Light Co., 1878; .. a 
ready, clear, and incisive writer on 
trade questions"; a Freemason; a 
Con.; a Presb.; m., 1871, Margt. Arm- 
strong, d. late Jas. Loughrin, Era- 
mosa, Ont.- Winnipeg. 
Battisby, :Rev, John :Rae (Presb.) 
B. Kirkcudbright, Scot., Aug. 21, 
1845; e. Norwood High Sch.; st\J.dfed 
theol. at Knox ColI., Toronto, for 2 
yrs., and graduated Princeton, N.J.; 
M.A. and Ph.D., by <examn. (Bloom- 
ington Univ., Ill.), 1887; D.D. hon. 
(Queens Hniv.), 1905; m., May, 1898, 
Miss Elliza Simps>an., Newmarwet, Ont.; 
O. 1877 ; pastor Sit. Andrew's Ch., Chat- 
ham, 1877-1909; moderator Synod 
Hamilton and .Lond'D'Il, 1894-95; chaJp- 
lain Sovereign Gt. Priory, Knigh.ts. 
Temp. in !Can., 1896; a memo JOIi.n.t 
Oomt.e. on Ch. Union, 1908. - The 
Man8e, Chatham, Onto 
Battle, James, contractor. 
S. late John and Cecilia B., the 
former a native of Ballymote, SUgo, 
lrel., who came to Can., 1842, where 
he became a prominent leader in com- 
mercial life; b. Thorold, ant., 1865; 
e. there, St. Catharlnes CoIl. lnst., 
and U. C. CoIl.; m., Oct., 1893, Mary, 
d. Thos. Conlon, Thorold, ant.; in 
partnership with his bro., Joseph B. 
as contractors; firm constructed In 
1903 the great wing dam at the head 
of the White Horse Rapids for Onto 
Power Co.; has served as a memo 
Public Library Bd. and of Sf'parate 
Sch. Bd.; Presdt. Thorold Agrlcul. Soc., 
and Bd. of Trade, memo Co. Council, 
Dep.-Reeve and Reeve of Thorold; de- 
clined nomination for a seat In H. C.; 
R. C.-Thorold, Ont, 



Baumgarten, Alfred Friedrich Moritz, 
S. Dr. F. B., physician to King 
Frederick August of Saxony; b. Dres- 
den, Germany, Nov. 13, 1842; e. Univ. 
Göttingen (Ph.D.); m., 1884, Martha 
Christine (C.ouncillor Women's Nat. 
Immig. Soc., Pre-sd.t. do. do. Soc. 
Prevo tQruelty to Animal's), d. Jean 
C. Donner, Hamburg, Germany: 
f.ounder Laurel Hill Chemical Works 
Lang Island, N.Y.; do. St. Lawren.c'
Sugar Refin. Co., Montreal:, of which 
he remains Presdlt.; was Inspr. sugar 
refin. in GeTmany, an-d subsequent:ly 
mangr. Long Island Sugar Refiny., 
N. Y.; a cound'Hior and li.fe memo 
Mt. Royal Club, and a life g;ov. 
Montreal Western Hosp.; gave $10,000 
to Montreal Art Assn., 1910; ranked 
by tJhe M. StaT as a miHionaire 1911' 
elected a dir. Bank of Montre
l, do.: 
is a dir. C. .Meredd'th (q.v.) & .00.: 
Ltd., !Montreal; V.-P. 'M'ontreal 
Archæü'l. Inst.; one .of the .chief pro- 
mobers of a Bd. of COJ],trol there, do.; 
do.; formerly m.a.ster M.ontreal Hunt 
(preseruted by its melITIs. WJit'h a -solid 
r antique cup, I()n the IOCcasion o.t 
his marri'age); aut:hor of several 
says on chemistry; a Lu theran; a 
Llb.-34 McTavi8h St,. .llont1'eal; .lIt. 
Royal Club; St. Jame8'8 Club; IIunt 
Club; Jockey Club; FOTe8t and St1'eam 
Club; Univer8ity Club; Laurentian 
Club, Montreal. 
"A man of exce'I1enoo in eve.ry 
ticular."-Late Sir G. E. Drummond. 
Bauset, Bene, Montreal civic service. 
S. SamI. P. and Virglnie (Walker) 
B.; father fornnerly head .01' Fisheries 
au, Ottawa; b. Quebec, Jan. 14, 
186;>; e. Ottawa Unlv., Ottawa CoIl. 
Inst., and Quebec Semy.; engd. for 
some yrs. on staff Montreal Star' 
chief clk. City Clerk's office, MontreaÌ, 
and private secy. Mayor of Montreal 
1887; A'sst. City Clk., ,Ml()rutreal, si'n
1.898; a del. League of Am. Municipal1i- 
tIes, Norfolk, Va., 1907; a J. P.; dir. 

bec F.ish and Game Assn.; secy. 
CIVIC Reception Domte., Eucharistk 
Congress, IMontreal-, 1910; a R. C.; m., 
Mlle. Clementine Rem illa rd.-71 St. 
Luke St., l1-Iontreal. 
BaW:lf, Nicholas, merchant. 
IrIsh parentage; b. nr. Smith's 
Falls, ant.; e. there; learned to be a 
r in Cossitt Bros.' shops, 
SmIth s Falls, and worked at his 
.de. there and at Almonte; went to 
Wmmpeg in the early seventies and 
was one of the pioneer bustness' men 
of t.he West; became V.-P. Winnipeg 
Gram Exchange, 1889; Presdt., do., 
1890; was one of the promoters of the 
Nort!'Iern Elevator Co., 1903, and of 
EmpIre Elevator Co.. 1904, a.nd is the 
dt. of bofu Cos.; lis a dir. G. T. 
PacIfic Terminal Elevator Co., of 
Dom. F1:Ire Ins. Co., of Gt. Woot Pennt. 
Loan Go., of Standard Trrusts Co., and 
of the Ba,nk -of T.ororuto; V.-.P. 1M0nareh 
iLlfe Ins. C.o., and Oan. Nt3Jt. Fire I-ns. 
Co.; a:pptd. Ohairrnaili Bd. of Ill'sp,rs. 
of grann g,r.QIWn west of Port Arthur 
il.892; rate.d a's a millionaire; aRC.; 
m., 1n early Ufe, !Miss K.aJbh.erine 

Madden, Tp. of Ramsay, Lanark, ant. 
-Winnipeg; .Manitoba Club, do. 
.. A respected business man."-T. News. 
Baxter, Lt,-Col, Edwy Sutherland, 
Onto public service. 
S. late Hon. Jacob B., surg. It.-col., 
M.D., Cayuga, ant., who sat for 
Haldimand (Local), for 32 yrs., dur- 
ing 4 of which he was Speaker, and 
Rose (Griffith) B.; b. Cayuga, Nov. 
I, 1878; e. public and highschs. 
there; m., June, 1902, Miss Margt. 
May Rowe; is Depty. Regr. Deeds, Co. 
Haldimand, and an ald. town of Cay- 
uga; entd. V. m. force, 1898; attained 
to the command of the 3íth Regt., 
Haldimand Rifies, 1909; for 3 yrs. W. 
M. St. John's Lodge, No. 35, A. F. & 
A. M.; Ang.; believes .. that life's 
greatest task is the making of man- 
hood. Certainly patriotism. Ser- 
vice means that; it means the mak- 
ing of men physically, Intellectually 
and morally; It means instilling re- 
spect for law and order; it means 
placing the responsibilities of citI- 
zenship where they belong, not on 
the few who are willing to volun- 
teer, but on the shoulders of every 
man; .one of the objects of patri- 
otic service is to safeguard the na- 
tion against war, by showing that we 
are prepared for it, and to ensure 
that, should war break out, the whole 
national forces may be brought to 
bear, in order to speedily re-estab- 
lish peace."-Cayuga, Onto 
Baxter, Lt.-Col, John Babington 
Macaulay, lawyer. 
Loyalist-Scotch ancestry; b. Carle- 
ton, St. John, N.B., Feb. 16, 1868; e. 
,public &chs., and King'.s CoIl., WindSOO", 
N.S. (,B.tCL.,) 1900; bams-ter, 1891; 
.R.C.: 1909; as,soC1Ï.at-ed .as counsel with 
,late Dr. 'Sbockoon, K.C., I:\LP., Govt. 
.bri-dg>e ill'vestJiga ti.on, :Fìred'erioton, and 
.been rf'ltain'ed in other im'Portant cases; 
ald. St. John, ,1892-96; 1900-3; 1905 
{I() date; has been Deputy...':Mayor St. 
John anò Warden,paI. City and 
Co. ,St. John; .l:ately served as secy. 
nt CO'mn.; rose from the 
ra-nks to the iC'O'ITI'mand of 3rd Regt., 
C. A. (pr.orruoted 1,t.-ool., Sept., 1907) 
holds deoara't'iol1; V.-.P. 
Doon. Arty. Ass'll'., 1908; autl1o
 .. His- 
t-arioal Thooord-s N. B. Reg:t. Can. 
Artillery" (1896); apptd. lect. domes- 
t.ic relations anld pa; and com- 
,panies, King'.s Col'l. Law Sch., Wlind- 
sor, N.IS.: holds high rank in .M.ascmlc 
and in Omn'ge orders'; a Lib.-Con.; 
has been Presdt. JunÍJor LÏlb.-Con. OI'Ub, 
is memo extve. Lib.-'Con. Assn.; unm.; 
apptd. City Reoorder, St. Ji
hn. N.B., 
Oct., 1910; a strong believer in the 
.feasibilrity and wisdom CYf a maritime 
.union,'prlsing N. B., N. S. anò 
.P. E. I.; also of cl'Oser relations with 
MOIther Country; favo'Urs munici,pa:1 . 
.ownoel'shi'P of public utlliitles.-!89 Lan- 
ca8ter St., St. John (W.), N.B.; Cana- 
dian Club, do. 
Bayfield, Henry Arthur, consulting 
and mech. engr. 
E. S. Edward B., K.C., Charlotte- 
town, P.E.I.; grands. late Admiral B.; 



b. Charlottetown; e. there and McGill 
Unlv. (B.Sc., 1896); m., Feb., 1902, 
Mary, d. Robt. Vear, Eustis, P.Q.; a 
memo firm B. & Archibald, Vancouver; 
asso. memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1901; 
Councillor, dJo., 1909; Ang. - Van- 
couver, B.C. 
Bayley, Lewis Albert, merchant. 
E. B. P. J. B., J.P., C--ompton, P.Q.; 
b. Compton, 1863; e, E. Hatley Acad. 
and CoaUcook; a dry goods mer- 
chant; a dir. E. T. A
rlcu1. Assn. and 
Sherbrooke Cheese Bd.; Presdt. Sher- 
brooke Curllng Club and Sherbrooke 
Bd. of Trade (elected for 2. terms) ; 
an Ang.; a Con.-!9 Melbourne St., 
Sherbrooke, P.Q.; St, George'8 Club, 
BayUs, Bev, Charles Thomas (Con
S. Thos. and Louisa (Dudley) B.; 
former still living in Toronto; b. Liv- 
erpool, Eng., ApI. 17, 1871: e. Belle- 
ville; m., 1899, Miss E. D. Hoovy, 
Mass.; O. Chicago, 1896; D.n. (Tenn. 
Unlv.), 1904; formerly the successful 
pastor of a 1ar
e Congo ch. in Brook- 
1yn; after 5 yrs. resigned to become 
pastor of an Interdenominational and 
Ind. ch., founded by him In the -same 
city, called the Ch. of the Open Door. 
-1081 BU8hwick Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 
II An evangelist of the constructive type, 
whose wide success stamps him as a man 
with a message for the times."-Dom. 
BayUs, Bev, ;1, Gilbert (Ang.). 
B. London, Eng.; e. City of London 
Sch. and M.cGdH Unlv.; rn., 1st, M.lss 
:Sarah Woodworbh Dilffil{)C'k (d. Oct., 
1892); 2ndly, 1893, Na-rnnl, d. RoM. 
T. Routh, IMÌO'ntTeal; came rbo Can" 
1854; O. deacon, 1871; priest, 1872; 
.B.D. (Airclhbp. Canterbury), 1880; D.D. 
('hImt.) , King's .001'1., Wind'sor, N.:S., 
1901; was successively rector St. 
Jul}e's, M.ontreal, Incumbent Oh. 'Of the 
.A.soen-slon, T.orO'Yl>ÌO, asst. d'O. St. 
George's. do., and rector St. Mark's, 
Longueul'l, which laMer IpOsltlO'Tl he re- 
signed. 1899, to becomf' Secy. Montreal 
Dioc. Synod; canoOn Christ Ch. Cath., 
Montreal, 1902; Clerical Secy. Dioc. of 
Montreal, 1907: was Secy. and N'gr. 
Dloc. ColI., 1880-83. and has sf'rv('d 
also as Secy. Cot. Ch. and Sch. Soc.; 
at present, In addition to his othpr 
duties. is rector of Maisonneuve Mis- 
sion ICh. and a .chaplain to the Bp.; 
author U Coulmumlon W'lne," U Mar- 
riage La1W'S in Quebe.c," etc.-71 Univer- 
8ity St., Montreal. 
BayUs, Samuel Mathewson, author. 
S. late Jas. and Sarah .Janf' 
(Mathewson) B., Montreal; En
. and 
Irish descent: b. Montreal. 
f'pt. 3. 
1854; e. private 0000. and !Mentreal 
High SC'h.; m.. 1882. Ht1da Emi'Þy, d. 
Wm. Aðams, Montreal; for a time in 
oommerclal Ufe; a memo /Montreal Bd. 
of Trad
, St. .Tames Lit. ISOC., charter 
memo M.A..A.A.; Boys' HOlme and 
Boys' Farm and Training SOh., Shaw- 
bridige, P.Q.; OounclUor Num. and 
An1:'lq. Soc., Secy.-Treas. Kaveron Fish 
and Game Club, anI} V.-P. MoOl1it- 
real Homæop. Hosp. ; author of 
-numerous poems and m;t
butions to tlle .press. and of 

tlhe ,foOHowing volumes: uAt:hletk 
Leaves to (1888), U Our City and Our 
Sports" (1894), II Camp and Lamp" 
(1897), UAt the Sign of the Beaver" 
(1907); Ind. in IþOUtJlos; Prot.-!61 
Univer8ity St., lIIontreaZ; Canadian 
Club; Outremont Gol! Club, do. 
II Possesses a literary style that is 
charmingly natural, easy, and at the same 
time cultured and po1iBhed."-Late Carroll 
Bayliss, Major WiUiam, architect. 
S. :J ollm and LiIlla (McKenzie) B.; 
b. Pictou, N.S., Nov. 8, 1848; e. pubUc 
schs. there; studied architectural 
drawing at night rohs.; m., Dec., 1872, 
Marlon Frances, d. Wm. A. Ray, 
Washington, D.C.; since 1882 has been 
supdt. of hasp. construction, office 'Of 
surg.-gent, U. .s. Army; invented a 
combination steam and hot-water heat- 
ing system, 1893; since 1896 has been 
Sovereign Grand Commander, Sup, 
Council of Sovereign Grand Inspecters- 
GenI., 33rd and last degree, A. A. S. R. 
Freemasonry of U. S.- War Dept" 
Wa8hington, D.C. 
Bayly, Benjamin, lawyer. 
S. late Rev. B. B. and Catherine 
Cassandra Henrietta (McCulloch) B.; 
b. DubHn, Ire!., May 25, 1834; e. Lon- 
don Grammar Sch. and Toronto Univ. 
('B.A., 1854) ; m., .June, 1864, Eliza, e. 
d. late Dr. C. G. IMoore, .London., Ont.; 
barrister, 1857: K.C. (M. of Lome), 
1883; bencher !Jaw .soc., 1894; Pre'sdt. 
Law Ass'll., 1900; a memo of the COl'7pn. 
CYf Trin. OoH., Toronto, and a del. to 
!the A'Ilg. -Synod.s; f.or many YI'S. a 
memo 'Of local Bd. .of Educ., and for 
oOne year ohairman ; an Ang., and a del. 
Genl. and ProvI. .synod'S; a Con.-Lon- 
don, Onto 
Bayly, Edward ;1" barrister; ant, 
public s'ervice. 
S. late Wm. B., manufacturer, To- 
ronto; b. London, ant., Oct. 25, 1865; 
e. Trin. ColI. Sch., Port Hope, and To- 
rontJo Un-Iv. (BolA., 1887); m., Oct., 
1909, F100remce, ð. .Tohn CaJmpbell, 
BellevlUe, ant.; barrislter, 1890; K.C., 
1908; some tIlme an eX'aJrnr. Law So
U.,C.; ap'Ptd. sollI'., Atty.-Genl.'s Dept., 
Toronto, !May, 1907; Sleoy. to Inter- 
.provl. eonf., Tioronto, Oct., 1909; has 
served as Presdt. Can. and ant. Rugby 
Football Unions, and capt. Toronto 
football team; deUghts in yachting; 
was one of Canada'8 crew which won 
Oama;da Cup, T()Iood:o, 1896; eleote.d 
presdlt. ant. Oivil Service Assn., .Tune, 
1911.-177 College St., Toronto; AttoT- 
ney-Genl.'8 Dept., ParIt. Bldg8.; Albany 
Club,' Royal Can. Yacht Club; Victoria 
Club, do. 
Bayly, Bichard Alexander, lawyer. 
S. Richard B., KC. (q.v.); b. Lon- 
don. ant., Mch. 8, 1865: e. London 
Cell. Inst., and Toronto Unlv. (LL.B., 
1888) ; m. !Mabel V1iotorla, d. late M. C, 
Cameron, lA.-Gov. N. W. T.; barrister, 
1888; sucoessful1ly pnwt>lses in Lonoon, 
In partnership w.1t'h .hls father; Chair- 
man Bd. CYf Educ., London, 1900; do. 
Bd. Hosp. Trustees, 1903; V.
P. Con. 
Club, London; a oontl"ll.buter to legal 
journals; auchor .. Succession Duty In 


Can." (11902); Al1'g.: .oon.-57 Ridout 
St., London, Onto 
Bayne, Rev, George Dunlop (Presb.). 
S. .John and Margt. (Dunlop) B., 
both Scotch; b. nr. Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 
25, 1858; e. public schs., McGill Unlv. 
(B.A., 1880), and Chicago Unlv. 
(Ph.D.) ; pursued theol. studies Mont- 
relaJ Presb. .coH.; o. 1881; m., June, 
1883, Eliza (d. June. 1897), d. Richard 
Loucks, U. E, L. d-esc-ellit ; :pastor 
Wakefield, P.Q., 1881; Morrlsburg, 
Ont., 1883; Calvin Presb. Ch., Pem- 
broke, Ont., Jan., 1888; Sudbury, Ont., 
1907; declined call to St. John's Ch., 
Hamilton, Ont., 1895; moderator Mont- 
real and Ottawa, 1903; has declined 
numerous calls to other churches, In- 
cluding one to Gt. Brit.; an effectivf' 
t-emrp. w.orlrer; .polittloally a Reformer 
and has pleaded earnestly and ably 
for honesty, righteousness and truth 
In political life; author .. Political 
Morality" (1894); a Freemason and 
an Odd,f.eHow; Edith, his only d., 
widely known as an elocutionist, a 
poet, and a writer of storiettes.-The 
Manse, Sudbury, Onto 
.. Strong in intellect, buoyant in thought, 
manly and optimistic in spirit."-Londo71 
:Bayne, Henry Duckworth, electrical 
S. Christopher and Harriet B,; b. 
Edinburgh, Scot., ApI. 25, 1867; e. in 
Scot.; 1!Il., Se,pt., 1908, Fl.oye G., d. E. 
WUson Redledge, New York; mangr. 
Can. Westinghouse Co., Ltd., up to 
1909, when he resigned; previously 
sales mangr. e:le.c. delþt. U. S. Steel Co. ; 
8Jppltd. oSP.eclal ag.ell11: for Can. Genl. 
El>ectrfc Co. and Can. FounldTY Co., 
Miorutreæl, 1911; visl.tOO 8t. Pelt.ef'sburg, 
Russia, 1909; Prot.-154 Metcalfe St., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Engineers' 
Club, do.; Garrison Club, Quebec; 
Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh, Pa.; New 
York Athletic Club, N. Y. City; Law- 
yers' Club, do. 
Baynes, Donald, physician. 
S. late Wm. Craig B., B.A. (Camb.), 
Secy. Royal lnst. for Advanc. of Learn- 
Ing and Regr. McGill Unlv., and Morgl- 
anna Elizabeth Chave (Harvey) B.; 
grandson :MajloT-QenI}.. B., AJd!j:t.-Genl. 
H. M.'s Forces, Can., during War of 
1812; b. Bath, Eng.; e. High Sch. and 
McGill Unlv., Montreal (B.A., 1864; 
M.A., 1867; M.D., 1876); L.RC.P. 
(Edin.); a memo Brit. Med. Assn; a 
fellow Brit. Balneol. and ClImat. Soc., 
and of Therap. Soc.; formerly lec- 
turer diseases of the throat and electro- 
therap., Bishop's ColI. Unlv., Lennox- 
vllle; asst. surg. Gt. West. Ry. works, 
Swlndon, and Dist. Med. Offr., Ma- 
deira & Mamore Ry., S. A.; late phys. 
Metrop. Ear and Throat Infirmary, 
London; Is Presdt. Brit. Electro- 
Therap. Soc., and Presdt. Can. Soc., 
London, Eng.; author II Auxll. Meth- 
ods of Cure," .. Electrol. and Phore- 
sls," .. Electrical Treatment of Gout 
and Rheumatism," II Treatment of Con- 
stipation by Physical Methods"; memo 
Comte. United Empire Club, London; 
an Imperlallst and tariff reformer: 
Prot.-,f,! Bertford St., Mayfalr, Lon- 
don, W.; United Empire Club, dò. 


Baynes, George Aylmer, physician. 
S. late Wm. Craig B., B.A. (Camb.), 
Secy. McGill Unlv.; b. Montreal; e. 
High SCh., do.; graduated M.D. (Mc- 
Gill Univ.), 1869; practised In Mont- 
real and In Eng.; now at Chicago; 
formerly ed. Public Health Mag., 
Montreal; It.-col. Can.-Am. Legion, or- 
ganized during Cuban War.-.'I51 W. 
Munroe St., Chicago, Ill. 
Baynes-Reed, Rev, William Leonard 
3rd s. Edmund Baynes-Reed, barris- 
ter, formerly of London, Ont., but 
now dir. Met
orol. Service, Victoria, 
B.C.; U. E. LoyaUst descent on mater- 
nal side; b. LondlOn, Ont., Se-pt. 4, 1871: 
e. public schs. I3.n.d Trin. Undv., 'J.'IQronto 
(L.Th., 1895) : o. deacon, 1895; priest. 
1896; first curacy Holy Trinity, To- 
ronto; Incumbent Otonabee, 1895-8 ; 
priest-In-charge Norway and Chester, 
1898, suc'0eed'ing to the rectûrshl.p, 
1900; past master Keene Lodge, 
A. F. & A. M. (374) ; past grand chap. 
Gran-d Lodge of Can., A. F. & A. M.; 
1st prIncipal orient, Chap. No. 79, 
G.RC.; past presdt. Cambridge Lodge, 
No. 54 S. O. E. B. S., and past grand 
chap. of tñe same; m., 1907, V. W. 
Gretchen. o. d. the late H. L. Gilbert, 
M.D., M.RC.S., Lond., and grandd. 
late Rev. John Ambery, Dean, Trln, 
CoIl., Toronto.-The Rectory, Norway, 
Bazin, Adolphe, lawyer. . 
S. Ia.te. J. S. P. B., N.IP., and AZlida 
(Duhamel) B.; b. 'St. Ours, P.Q., May 
27, 1869; e. CoIl. ,St. Hyadnohe, P.Q., 
and Laval Unlv. (RA., 1890; LL.B, 
1894); m. 'MI.le. Laura Beauchemin; 
advocate, 1894; suooessfully practised 
his pmf. In 'Montreal; K.C., 1906; 
apptd. a PtOlice Magte., !Montreal, 1908 ; 
a Li.oense ,Commr., do., 1909; R. C.- 
15 St. Louis Sq., Montreal; Club Cana- 
dien; Ranelagh Country Club, do. 
Bazin, Alfred ":E'uruer, physician. 
Am. parentage: b. Montreal, Dec. 
31, 1872; e. Montreal High Sch.: stud- 
Ied med. McGill Unlv. (M.D., 1894); 
m., .1899, Effie VernJOIl (mem. Ho. 
CtO'lIlte., Vilctorian Order Nurses), 
2nd d. Rand'Ollph Hersey, 'Montreal; for- 
merly .surg. out-patient dept., Mont- 
real Gen.!. Hosp.; Is demon. in an8lt., 
McGill Un Iv. ; a promoter Milton Her- 
sey Co., analytical chemists and as- 
sayers; memo Ex. Comte., Montreal 
Citizens' League; has lectured for 
Montreal Nat. His. and Can. Nurses' 
Assn.-1,f7 Clandeboye Ave., 'West- 
mount, Montreal; University Club, do. 
Bazln, Philippe J., merchant. 
B. Quebec, 1855; e. Quebec Semy.; 
entd. mercantile life, 1870, a!1d has 
been throughout connected wIth N. 
Turcotte & Co., flour and grain mer- 
chants, Quebec; since 1891 has been 
at the head of this business; a Coun- 
cillor Quebec Bd. of Trade, and has 
been Presdt. of that body; has been 
Mayor of the parish of Notre Dame 
de Quêbec; .aJP'Ptd. a memo of comn. to 
enquire Into Can. Civil Service, ApI., 
1907 (report presented to Parlt., Mcb., 
1908) ; a Lib.; a R .c.--681 Bte. Fo'J} 
Rd., Quebec. 



:Beacham, Rev, Havelock (Ang.). 
S. David S. and Agnes (Eilbeck) 
B., Whitby, ant.; Eng. descent; 
Newcastle, ant., 1865; e. St. .John s 
CoIL, Winnrrop-eg (B.A., 1895), anò 
WyoeUfTe Ooll., To.ronto; m., ;Jan., 1904, 
AThl1ie !M., 4th d. late A. D. .'MacLean, 
Toronoo; o. de.a.con, .1896; prIest, 1897 ; 
stwUoned sucoe.ssive'l.y at Klllarney, 

an., and OrMlJbl'OtOk, B.C.; now 
rector Holy Trjn., Voancouv>er, do.- 
Holy T1inity Rectory, Vancouver, B.C. 
Bealby, John Thomas, author. 
B. Wlgtoft, nr. Boston, Lincolnshire, 
En.g., 1858; e. Doving:ton Gram. Sc<h. 
and Corpus Christi ColI., Camb.; m. 
Miss Margt. Borthwick; author of .. A 
Daughter of the Fen," and 8; great 
number of other works; some time ed. 
Scotti8h Geograph. Mag., and has con- 
tributed to the .. Encycl. Brit.," 
.. Chambers's EncycL," The Time8, Ga- 
zette, and other standard authorities. 
-Bonington Fall8, Nelson, B.C. 
Beall, Arthur Wellesley, educationist. 
B. Columbus, ant., 1860; e. Port 
Perry High Sch., Whitby Coli. Inst., 
and Queen's Unlv., Kingston (B.A. and 
silver med. in mod. lang., 1888; M.A., 
1892)' a public sch. teacher; missy. 
to ;Japan, under auspices Y. M. C. A., 
Montreal, 1887; prof. of Eng., Imp. 
Univ. and Doshisha Univ., .Japan; now 
lecturer on personal purity in high and 
public schs. of Ont.-Peterboro, Onto 
Beals, Mrs. Jessie Tarbox, illustra- 
tive photographer. 
D. late John N. and Marie Antoin- 
ette Tarbox, Hamilton, ant.; b. and 
e. there; m., A. T. Beals, Greenfield, 
Mass.; an illustrative photographer 
and writer for all the prominent 
mags., Including The Century, Every- 
bodY'8 Country Life in Am., etc.; 
d a gold med., St. Louis Expn., 
1905, for photographic exploits.-l20 
E. f3rd St., New York. 
:Beamish, -Rev, George Ross (Ang.). 
B. Aug. 31, 1861; e. Trin. Univ., 
To ron-t 0 (B.'A., 1890; M.A., 1891); 
m., 1st, Miss Margt. Robertson, Con- 
secon, ant. (d. May, 1907); 2ndly, 
.June, 1909, Mary .Jessie, d. Dr. D. H. 
Ackerill, Belleville, ant. ; formerly 
rector Trln. Ch., Brockville, ant.; 
apptd. do. St. Thomas's Ch., Belleville, 
1902; declined rectorship Kemptvllle, 
ant., 1908; R.D., 1905; apptd. chap- 
lain, with mnk of hon. capt., 15th 
Regt., Argyll Light Infy., Feb., 1905; 
a deL to Synods; del. Pan.-Ang. C.on.. 
gress, London, Eng., 19 0 8.-Bellevdle, 
Bean, Bev, Wilfrid Hanson (Ep.). 
B. Toronto, Oct. 10, 1865; an under- 
grad. Toronto Univ.; theol. studies 
Genl. Theol. Semy., N.Y.; formerly 
curate Trln. Ch., Mt. Vernon, and Ch. 
of the Redeemer, Pelham, N.Y.; now 
rector St. .John's Ch. (Wilmot), New 
Rochelle, N. Y.; also chaplain St. Mar- 
tha's Indus. Sch.; unm.-New Ro- 
chelle; Sherwood Park, Yonker8, N.Y. 
:Bean)ands. Rev, Arthur John (Ang.). 
Of an old yeoman family owning 
land at Morton, Oraven, Co. York, 
Eng., since 1530; o. s. Arthur B., 
M.A., .J.P., of the Palace Green, Dur- 

ham, Eng., and .Jane, d. and co-heir 
Thos. .Jowett, Ashfield Ho., Bingley, 
Yorks; b. 1857; e. Durham Unlv. 
(B.A., 1876; M.A., 1891) ; he was also 
med. sch. of the univ., 1877-78; o. dea- 
con by BI>. of Durham; priest, by Bp. 
of Oxford, 1883; curate Chevlngton, 
Chievelly, and Aylesbury, 1883; came 
to B. C., 1884, where he became curate 
at the Cath., Victoria, and was apptd. 
canon resIdentary, 1891, and rector, 
1892; resigned, 1909; has contributed 
various papers to the Trans. of the 
Nat. Hist. Soc., B. C. (of which he was 
one of the founders) ; has compiled a 
handbook and guide to the province, 
land Is the author of several other 
pamphlets; also author of a highly re- 
garded paper: .. British Columbia: A 
Problem of Colonial Development," 
read befove Royal 001. Inst., 1892; was 
hon. chaplain to H. E. the Earl of 
AJberde-en, 1896; elect'ed a feHow Soc. 
o! Antiq. 'Of LondlOn, 1911 ; is a V.--P. of 
the .Boys Brigad'e, and a deL to the 
Ang. SYI!1Oò; a strong Imope'I'Ì'al 
ti-oruist, and an advlOC'aJte 0If a universal 
standard of currency anò exchange; 
m., 1slt:., 1884, Laura 'Maud (.d. ;June, 
1893), e. d. W. A. Hillis, iM.A., bar- 
rist1elI", RMIls'gate
 !by !Mary Anne, a 
sister of Bop. Stubbs; 2nd'I'y, Oct., 1905, 
SO'p.hia, A.R.A. (q.v.), d. late ;Judge 
Pemberoon.-Victoria, B.C. 
Beanlands, Mrs, Sophie Theresa, 
D. late Hon. .Joseph Despard Pem- 
berton, C.E., a graduate of Trin. CoIl., 
Dublin, who came to B. C. as Sur- 
veyor-Genl., 1851, and took a promin- 
ent part In the development of the 
colony; b. and e. Victoria, B.C.; 
studied art at South Kensington, where 
she obtained 1st class certs. for draw- 
Ing from the antique. from life, and 
from still life, 1893, and In the sch. 
of .Jean Paul Laurena amd Benj. 0(>11- 
stant, Paris, obtaining the gold med. 
and 1st I>rlze, 1899, for a portrait 
painted from life, and in a competition 
oopen to men and WOilI1len equally; ex- 
hibited first before Art Assn., Mont- 
real, 1897; has since exhibited at the 
Royal Acad., London, 5 times; in 1903, 
one of her works, U Biblia Puree," a 
portrait, was hung on the line, and at- 
tracted much attention; exhibited at 
the Parls Salon, 1899, and subse- 
quently; also at the French Expn., 
1900; the St. Louis Expn., 1904, and 
frequently at Manchester, Birming- 
ham, Westham, Brighton, Newcastle- 
on-Tyne, and Oldham; an Ang.; m., 
1905, Rev. Ca;non Boonland1s (q.v.).- 
Victoria, B.C. 
"An artist {)of very laTge ca1ibre, capable 
of great things."-Pen a71d Pe71cit. 
Beardmore, Frederick Newman, mer- 
Y. s. late G. L. B. and Elizabeth 
(Dowker) B.; b. Toronto; e. U. C. 
ColI.; m., Feb., 1902, Helen Louise, e. 
d. C. S. GzowskJ (q.v.), Thronto; a 
memo firm B. & Co., leather merehantJS, 
Toronrt:o and MonltTeal; Arn..g.-705 Pine 
Ave. W., Montreal; St. Jame8'8 Club; 
.lIft. Royal Club; Montreal Club; Forest 
and Stream Club; Montreal Jockey 



Club; Montreal Hunt Club; Montreal 
Polo Club; lIIont1'eal Racquet Club, 
do.; Toronto Club, Toronto. 
Beardmore, George Lissant, vocalist. 
S. Walter D. B. (q.v.), Toronto; b. 
there, july 16, 1877; e. Model Sch., 
Toronto, at Dresden, Saxony, under 
Herr Mochmann, and at the Govt. 
Te.chnical CoIl., Geneva, Switz.; m., 
june, 1905, Evelyn Annie, y. d. late 
Hector Mackenzie, Montreal; in early 
life studied singing, at Paris, for sev- 
eral yrs., under Mon. Têqui ; after 
marriage gave up commercial life to 
resume his musical studies, which he 
did under Herr Lautz, of the Toronto 
Conser. of Music; further studies were 
carried on under Mad. Lilli Lehmann, 
at Berlin; since then at Berlin again 
and Milan; became tenor soloist at the 
,'h. of the Redeemer, Toronto, 1906, 
but resigned in the following year 
owing to the many demands upon him 
for concert work; made his debut as 
a concert singer In his native city, 
and In 1908 made a successful tour of 
Eastern Ca,n.; .made his delbut, wLth 
great sucoos's, in the ti tie role of 
II Tannihauser," at Hirschbro-g, Ger- 
many, 'M,ay 14, .1911 ; .Ang.-200 College 
St., Toronto. 
II Has a voice of fine quality, which is, 
moreover, of telling power in moments 
of fervour and intensity."-T. Globe. 
Beardmore, George Walhen. mer- 
S. late G. L. B. and Elizabeth, 2nd 
d. late john Dowker, formerly of Ter- 
rington, nr. Castle Howard. Yorkshire, 
Eng.; b. Hamilton, Ont., june 26, 
1851; e. U. C. ColI. and Felstead 
Gram. Sch., Essex, Eng-.; unm.; memo 
firm B. & Co., tanners and wholesale 
leather merchants, and Presdt. B. Belt- 
ing Co.; a dlr. Nat. Life Assur. Co., 
and one of its originators, 1899; also a 
promoter Ottawa & French River Ry., 
1905; has been l'resdt. St. George'
Soc., Toronto; a promoter and dir. 
Can. Jockey Club, and of Toronto 
Hunt; Is master Toronto Hunt; elect- 
ed Presdt. Can. Nat. Horse Show 
Assn., 1907-8; Can. representative In- 
tern. Horse Show, London, Eng., 1907: 
presented to their Majesties the late 
King and Queen, do.; founded several 
prizes for general proficiency in U. C. 
CoIl. ; Ang.-" Chudleigh/' Toronto; 
Toronto Club; York Club, do.; Sports 
Club, St. James's Sq., London, Eng. 
Beardmore, Miss Helen Lissant. ama- 
teur poultry farmer. 
D. late G. L. and Elizabeth (Dow- 
ker) B.; b. Toronto; e. Toronto and 
Brighton, Eng.; later, studying art In 
julian's studio, Paris; In 1902 studied 
for and obtained the Oxford and Read- 
Ing joint cert. In avlculture, the work 
for it being done at the Reading Univ. 
CoIl., Eng.; her leisure has been 
cÞ.iefty devoted to promoting co-opera- 
tive f!1ethods amongst women engd. in 
the lIghter branches of agricul., in 
which she is assisted by her partner, 
Miss Mary Yates, of the Onto Govt. 
lecturing staff (Dept. of Agrlcul.); 
her personal work has been with poul- 
try, dairying, etc., and in establishing 

a kennel of Welsh terriers, which have 
won many prizes, not only in Can., but 
at the big Westminster show in N. Y., 
at Buffalo, etc.-" Terrington," King- 
ston Road, Toronto; P. O. Box 191, To- 
ronto, Onto 
Beardmore, Walter Dowker, merchant. 
E. s. late G. L. B. and Elizabeth 
(Dowker) B.; b. Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 
10, 1849; e. U. C. ColI.; m. -, y. d. 
late j. M. Williams, Regr., Hamilton, 
Ont.; is Presdt. B. & Co., tanners and 
wholesale leather merchants, Toronto; 
a dlr. Mutual Life Assur. Co., Presdt. 
Dom. Lumber Co., Muskoka Leather 
Co. and Acton Tanning Co.; has 
sf'rved as chairman Bd. License 
Commrs., Toronto; an Ang.-fOO Col- 
lege St., Toronto; Toronto Club; Hunt 
Club; Royal Can. Yacht Club; Ontario 
Club; York Club, do.; Sports Club, 
London, Eng. 
Beardsley, Major John Davis, Am. 
ry. service. 
U. E. L. descent; great-great-grands. 
Rev. john D. (Epds.), 8ipptd. C'hap- 
lain Loyal Am. 
gt., commanded by 
CoI. Beverley Robinson, during Am. 
Hevolutionary War, and at the peace 
retired on half-pay, settling in N, B., 
where he -d. 1810; .his s., john D. B" 
settloed at Woodstock, N.B., and d. 
there, 1852; b. Woodstock, N.B., Jan. 
1, 1837; Hved there until he was 13 
or 14, when Ihis family removed to 
Grand Falls, in that .province; there 
he en-gd. in meroo.ntile and lumbering 
business; was likewise a capt. In the 
local milltla; an unsuccessful candidate 
for Victoria (N.H: Assembly), 1861, 
and became a Freemason; at the 
outbreak of the Am. Civil War, 1861, 
was the owner of a large manu- 
facturing lumber anlll, on the St. john 
River, empl-oying nearly 200 men; in- 
spired by a spirit of '8..d:venture, he left 
hIs busineiSs with hJ.s partner, and fol- 
lowed by 70 of his men, crosood the 
boundary lirue and ewl.isted in the .Ma,ine 
(U. S.) Volunteers, being Joined after 
doirug so by Goo. W. WeS't,.of F.Û'l"t Kent, 
with 30 men; these men were organized 
at Portland as Co. D. of the Tenth 
Maine Volunteers and mustered Into 
the serV'ice of the U. S., West being 
apiptd. ca-pt. and B. first Heut, thereof; 
the regt. going south, was first sta- 
tioned at Patterson Bark, Baltimore; 
the headquarters we1'e then moved to 
Fort Dix, on the Baltim-ore & Ohio Ry., 
and the regt. was employed to guard 
the railroad from Bal timore to Har- 
per's Ferry; 113.ter the headquarters 
were moved to Ham>er's Ferry; June 
23, 1862, the regt. was moved to Win- 
chester, Va., and on june 25 it partici- 
pated -in the Battle of Winchester, in 
which the federal forces undoer Gen. 
Banks were d-efeated by the Confeder- 
ates, under Gen. II Stonewall" jack- 
son; the 10th Maine 
gt. covered the 
federal retreat, .passlng through Wdn- 
chester aboot 10 a.m., and were under 
artillery fire constantly from that time 
until they .arrive;d at MarHnslburg a 
distance of 22 miles; the retreat ';"'as 
continued to the Potmnac River that 
afternoon, making a march of 42 miles, 



the regt. losing during the day about 
90 men from artillery in killed, 
wounded. and 'Prisoners; the army re- 
turned to Virgqn.J.a almost immediately, 
and was moved up the Shenand'Oah 
Valley, and by way 'Of Front Royal 
to Cul,pepper, Va., where Gen. Banks 
estabHshed his headquarters, B. being 
with ,his regt. throughO'Ut; Aug. 8, 
1862, (Banks moved !his centre south 
from Culpepper to Ce.dar 'Mountain, the 
10th Maine being in advance; on the 
following day the reg-to particl!patoo In 
one of the most desjperate and :bloody 
battles of the war, the numbers en- 
gaged .belng considered; during the 
earLy part of the day It was an artil- 
lery fight, with small loss on either 
side; a!bout 4 in the afternoon the 10th 
Maine 'became engaged with the Con- 
federate Infantry; t!he contUct was 
short, not more than 20 miniUtes, yet 
in that time Co. D., commanded .by 
Capt. B., 10 men shot dead and 
22 wounded, out 'Of a total of 45; on 
nlng 0If Aug. 9, lB. was taken 
prisoner, on the 'Picket line, and was 
sent to Richmond, where he was con- 
fined a prisoner of war In 'Libby 
prison; after 3 months he was ex- 
changed and sent to Camp Parole. 
Annapolis, Md.; .he joined his regt. as 
It was crossing the Potomac River. 
ne'ar Harper's Ferry; in the earl'Y part 
of 1863, Co. D., wlibh rt:wo otIher co.'s 
of the 10th Maine, having been formed 
Into a batt. and attached to the head- 
quarters of the 10th Army Corps, 
under Genl. Slo.cum, B., as senior offr. 
of the batt.. commanded it at head- 
quarters; was !presen t with It at Chan- 
ceHorsvllIe, May 1, 2, and 3, and at 
the Battle of Gettysburg, J"uly 2, 3. 
and 4, 1863; dn the faJ1 of that year 
went with ibis corps to Tenn., to rein- 
force Rosencranz, who h8!d -been de- 
feated at Chickamauga and driven Into 
Chattanooga 'by Gen!. Bragg; during 
the winter olf 1863-4 B. commanded his 
batt. at Shelbyville, Tenn.; from this 
!point his command was transferred to 
the 29t'h Maine, then serving in tJhe 
19th Corps (Emery's), joining it at 
Morganza, La., Md'ssissiprpl River; soon 
afterwards they were moved to Ne.w 
Orleans, and were sent by sea, under 
sealed oroers, ultimately to Fortress 
Monroe, to reinforce Grant's army of 
the Potomac; on reaC1hlng there, how- 
ever, their destination was changed to 
Washington, where they landed, within 
hearing of the Confederate gun.s under 
Early, on the other side of lohe city; 
having marched across the city they 
joined the forces close In under tJh
walls; Early'.s troops fell ,back and 
finally retreated up the Potomac River 
and south through the Shenandoah 
Valley; B:s corps then passed under 
Genl. Sheridan's command, and took 
part in the Valley campadgn under that 
commander, which finally resulted in 
the entire destruction of Early's anny; 
promoted major In the 109th Regt. 
Infantry, U.S.C. troops, he was mus- 
tered into the service of the U. S. as 
such Sept. 23, 1864; 'Oroered from its 
l'Ocation In Ky. to the army of the 

Potomac, it took position on the north 
side of the James River, In front of 
Confederate Fort Harrison, and par- 
t:ÏClÏpated In the s'lege of Richmond; 
Mch., 1865, B., having conceived the 
Idea of raising a regt. of sharpshooters, 
to be armed: with Spencer rifies, then 
coming into use., and ,being strongly 
supported In ibIs application to the War 
Office by Genl. Slocum, then command- 
Ing the left wing of Howard's army, 
tendered his reslgnatdon and was 
bJonlOumbly d1scharg<ed :from tobe ann'Y, 
In order that he might 'be free to carry 
out his Intention, but before he could 
give effect to 1t:, Grant broke the Con.. 
federate lines at ,Petersburg, and the 
se 'Of the Confederacy foHowed; 
kpI., 1897, was apptd. by Gov. J". R. 
Bodwell of Maine a commr. for pur- 
chasing and improving land and erect- 
Ing monum'enots thereon, In commemor- 
ation -of the soltdiers from MR!ine who 
fell at Gettysburg; after the war B. 
went 'Into husiness at Richmond. Va., 
where he continued until 1873, remov- 
ing thence to Cairo, W. Va., where he 
purc'hased a large tract of timber land; 
In 1878 he went to Arkansas, where he 
bunt a narrow-gauge railroad from 
Hope to Washington, Ark.; In 1882 he 
ohanged the gauge of this road and 
extended It to Nashville, a distance of 
about 25! miles; It Is known as the 
Arkansas & Louls'lana Railroad; In 
1886 he soM the road to Jay Gould 
and, in 1887, began the construction of 
another railroad from Magnolia, Ark., 
to Natchitoches, La., a di.stance of 115 
miles; this 1'000, known as the Louis- 
iana and Northwest Railroad, he s-old 
to a ,St. Louis syndicate, in 1905; fol- 
lowing this, he built an electric system, 
comprising a street railroad of 61 mUes, 
a light and pOlWer plant, an -ice ,plant, 
and an am<usement !park, at Mineral 
WeUs, TexR!s, 'Which he still owns; m 
MIss Susan C. Poole, Md., U.S.-Gibs- 
land, La. 
Beasley, Harry Exeter, Can. ry. ser- 
S. late Hy. B., Treas. Co. Went- 
worth, Ont., and Julia A. (Newson) 
B., U. E. L. descent; grands. Coi. 
Richard B., the first white man settled 
at the head of Lake Ont., and a memo 
U. C. Legislature; b. Hamilton, Ont., 
Nov. 10, 1862; e. Onto public schs.: 
m., 1891, Katherine, d. Rev. David 
Griffith, Brynterlon. Bethel, North 
Wales; entd. G. T. R. service. 1883, 
since when he has been continu- 
ously in the employment of the follow- 
Ing roads: Man. & N. W., Northern 
Pacific, and Can. Pacific; was Supdt. 
Kootenay sec., C. P. R., 1897-1900; 
chief elk. to Presdt., Montreal, do., 
1900-01; apptd. Supdt. Dlst. 2, do. (his 
present position), 1901. - Vancouver, 
Beaton, Alexander H" physician; Onto 
pUblic service. 
S. Colin B.. who emigrated from Is- 
land of Mull, Scot., 1832, and Chris- 
tiana (McKinnon) B.; b. Pickering, 
Ont., ApI. 20, 1838; In early life a 
sch. teacher; studied for profession at 
Rolph Sch., Toronto, and Victoria ColI., 


CobouTlg (IM.D., 1864); m., \1870, ,M.lss 
Ml8.rgt. A. IM
iven; a memo ColI. P. 
and ,S., Ont., 1866; a, 1873; 
apptd. Med. Supdt., Asylum for Idiots, 
Orlllla, .Jan., 1877; resigned, 1910; 
has made the care and training of 
idiots his Ufe study; In connection 
with the asylum, has founded a sch. 
for the training of weak-minded chil- 
dren an Institution which is now re- 
d as one of the best in the world; 
a memo OriIlia High Sch. Bd. fQr 15 
yrs., and for 9 yrs. Its Chairman;. a 
Lib.; favours closer trade relations 
with the U. S.; Is also a firm believer 
in the possibility of an Anglo-Saxon 
II Possesses exceptional executive ability, 
tact and judgment."-T. Globe. 
Beattie, Bev, Andrew (Pres b.). 
Scotch parentage; b. Doon, Ont., 
1858; e. public schs., Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1884), and the Unlv. of N. Y. 
(A.M., 1899; Ph.D., 1900); studied 
theol. Union Theol. CoH., N. Y.; m., 
Nov., 1891, d. Rev. .J. B. HJartweH, 
D.D., Teng Ohou, Ohina ; o. (Am. 
iPresb, Oh.), 1888; .aJPptd. rni.ss1ony. 
to !Canton, Ohiina, ,1889; has suc- 
cessfully labored there, for the degrad- 
ed and afflicted natives, and has been 
instrumental in founding the first home 
ever established In China for untainted 
children of leper parents; Is a dir. .of 
the Canton Christian ColI.; In -1906, 
when the news of the massacre at 
Lien-Chou reached Canton, was one of 
the 3 missionaries who promptly or- 
ganized an expedition to relieve the 
survivors; on his return from this 
duty his mission was attacked by 
Boxers, who bound him and the other 
occu.pants, and robbed -the mission.- 
Canton, China. 
"A wise and careful man, who has 
become one of our most experienced and 
valuable missionaries."-Ret'. .4.. J. BrowTI, 
Beattie, Miss Grace Brow, nursing 
D. Thos. and Margt. (Howitt) B., 
Scotch descent; b. Summerside, P.E.I.; 
e. there and by private tutors in Bos- 
ton, Mass.; graduated McLean Hosp. 
Training Sch. for Nurses, Somerville, 
Mass., 1889, and from Training Sch. 
for Nurses, Mass. Genl. Hosp., Boston, 
Mass., 1893; Asst. Supdt. City Hosp., 
Quincy, Mass., 1893-95; .organized 
Hosp. Training Sch., Brockton Hosp., 
and has been its Supdt. since opening 
of same, Mch. 14, 1896; a memo Cli 
of Christ (Dlsciples).-Brockton H08- 
pital, Brockton, 
Beattie, ;S, H, A.. lawyer. 
B. and e. London, Ont.; a barrister' 
successfully practises his prof. In 
London; previously in Toronto; for 
6 yrs. an ald., London; elected mayor 
t'here. 1910; re-elec bed , 1911; candi- 
date of the Citizens' Municipal League; 
an Ang.; a Con.; was some time secy.- 
treas. Ang. Synod of Huron.-London 
Ont.; London Club, do. ' 
Beattie, Major Thomas, retired mer- 
chant; legislator. 
B. Salntfield, Irel., Aug. 12, 1844; 
came to Can., 1846; e. Niagara Gram- 


mar Sch.; m., Feb., 1899, Miss Agnes 
Burwell, Fingal, Ont.; formerly In 
mercantile life; for 10 yrs. an Ald. of 
London; a dir. Bennett's Theat. En- 
terpr.ise Co., .and of .the 
aTIIlers' Bank 
of Can., V.-P. Agrlcul. Loan & Savings 
Co., and Presdt. London City Gas Co.; 
served as an .offr. in 7th Fuslliers dur- 
Ing N. W. Rebellion, 1885 (med.): re- 
tired from service, with rank of major 
Nov., 1897; elected V.-P. Gan. Club: 
London, 1908; a Con. and Presdt. W. 
Con. Assn.; sat for Dondon (II. C.), 
1896-1900, and has b
n again the 11"e- 
pr.esenltaltlve of that city since Od., 
1907.-London, Ont.; London Club, do.; 
Albany Club, Toronto. 
Beattie, Rev, William (Presb.). 
S. Wm. and Georgina B., Palmers- 
ton, Ont.; b. Fergus, On't.. .A'PI. 11, 
1873; e. Toronto Univ.; pursued theol 
studies at Knox ColI., Toronto, and 
United Free Ch, ColI., Glasgow, Scot.; 
m., .June, 1905, Alice Mabel, d. Robt. 
Heath, Biddulph Grange. Congleton, 
Eng., and nIece Sir .Jas. H., Bart.; o. 
1900, and has since been pastor at Co- 
bourg, On't.; is cl1aplla1ru (and hon. 
capt.) 40th Regt., iNorthumlberland 
Rifles; decHned a call to tlhie co-pas- 
torate of .Betlhan'Y Oh., Bhlilail.elphia 
1901.-" The Manse," Cobourg, Onto ' 
Beatty, Arthur, educationist. 
S. Robt. and Susan (Cherry) B.. 
early settlers of Blanshard, Co. Perth, 
Ont.; b. Kfrkton, Ont., Mch. 6, 1869; 
e. pubUc sch., St. Mary's CoIl. Inst., 
Toronto U!1iv. (B.A., 1893), and Col- 
umbia Umv., N. Y. (Ph.D., 1897); 
m., .July, 1899, Carlotta .Jane KeSoseck 
e. d. Wm. !McCUItchoon, ThOTnòa
Ont.; grad. 'Work in . CornoeU Univ' 
1894-95; .fellow dn Eng., Columbia 
UnIv., 1895-96; Instr. in En.g. Wiscon- 
sin Univ., 1897; later awtd: p-rOif. of 
Enrg., do.; ,has .published BrownlÏng'.a 
.. Verse Form" (1897), BrunetIère'ø 
"Art and Morality" (translation) De 
Quincey's II Confessions of an English 
Opium-Eater," .origJinal text, ed., with 
!pltroù. and notes (1900), Hoccleve's 
Legend .of Itlne Sloeoeve'1ess Garmen t " 
a spuri<?us ICant:erbury .tale, fOT the 18t 
prmted. wIth an :inbroo. (,chaucer 
Soc. ,Pub
!catIon'S, 2nd series, .No. 34) 
(1902); OomplOSiiion and Rihertoric" 
903,?; Tennyson's " Idylls of the 
Kmg (1904), .swinburne's Selected 
Poems (1906), .and .SWilnburne's Select- 
ed Dramas (1909) ; a Cong.-315 Mon- 
roe St.
"A man of original thought and great 
ability."-T. Globe. 
Beatty, Charles William, lawyer; 
S. W. H. B. (q.v.), barrister. To- 
ronto; b. Toron to; an undergrad. To- 
ront.o Univ.; m., ,sept., 18.96, Lillian 
May, d. Goo. T.oronto' a 
barrister; formerly a ïinem. of 'hioS 
father's firm; p'resdlt.. B., Kerr & Ver- 
ner, wholesale .dry goods, Toronto; an 
Ang.-121 St. George St., Toronto; 
Albany Club; York Club, do. 
Beatty, Henry Albert, physician. 
S. Hy. B., Supdt. steamship seryice, 
C. P. R., Toronto, and H. M. (Powell) 
B.; b. Thorold, Ont., Aug. 12, 1874; e. 



.Jameson Ave. ColI. Inst., Toronto; 
graduated M.B. (Toronto Univ.), 1897' 
furt-her studies at: Lon.don (Eng.) Rosp: 
and in Edin. anre} Vienna; umn.; L.R. 
C.P. (Lond.), M.RC.S. (Eng.); was 
house surg. Poplar Accident Hosp., 
London; senior house surg. Westmins- 
ter Hosp., London; declined surg. re- 
gistrarship Westminstf'r Hosp., 1902; 
apptd. chlef surg. and med. ofTr., C. 
P. Ry., 1910; is also surg. Toronte 
West. Hoep.-207 Simcoe St., Toronto; 
Royal Can. Yacht Club; Lambton Golf 
and Country Club; Empire Clu.b; Can. 
Club; York Club, T01"Onto. 
Beatty, Samuel G" publisher. 
S. late Sam!. n., Toronto; b. and e. 
thHe; m. d. late .John Eastwood, To- 
ronto; became connected with Can. 
Publishing Co., 1884, and Is now and 
s been for some yrs. its Presdt.; a 
d'Ir. 'Man.t'rs.' Life Ins. 000., and of .the 
Ba.nk of HamiI'ton.-" Oakdene," 168 
I8abella St., Toronto; National Club 
do. ' 
Beatty, William Henry, lawyer. 
E. s. late .Jas. B., Toronto; b. there 
Doc. 10, 1835; 'e. U. C. C'ÛIl; m., ApI: 
1865, OhaI'\101bte Louisa (Idkm.atoo a moo.: 
to the .sch. of Domestic Scienûe, To- 
ronto, to be a'W'arded to tlhe pupil 
ma1cing the highest number of 'marks 
1902), 2nd d. -late .J. G. Worts To.: 
ren.t'Û; ,admitted atty., 1863; deClined 
a,ppt. as a K.C. when offefied to him 
by Sir .Jehn A. IMia-cdonald and sub- 
sequently by Sir cOhas. TuPPer (q.v.): 
hood of extenslV1e la.w firnn B., Black- 
st?Ck (q.v.), Fasken (q.v.) & Chad- 
wIck (q. v.), Toronto; Ia cha.rÌ'er dir. 
Good'erham & Worts Co., distillers and 
,mJaJJJtsters, Toronto; a ðok. of varloaus 
other corpora:tions; V.-P. London & 
ant. Invest. Co., and ()If t'he Toronta 
GenI. Trusts Corpn.; Presdt. Toronte 
Silver Plate 00., Can. Permt. Montgage, and -the C.onfederrutlon Li.fe 
Assn. ; until 
ec-ently, W\hen he r>eEigned, 
wa,s 'PI"esdt. 'Ûf the Banik of Toronto' 
a. de.}. from Bod. of Trad
te .congress .of Chamlbers .of Cem- 
merce of Empire, Lond.on 1896. 'oon- 
jooint!ly with W. N'esbltl4 K.C. (q.v.), 
has 'Published II T:fIe Boord's of Trade 
Gen!. Arbitrrutlons' Act" (1894) and 
II Rules of the '.Voron'to Chamber 
of Arbitration, with Notes and Sug- 
gestions as to the Conduct of a Refer- 
ence" (1894); a personal friend of 
the late Sir .John A. Macdonald and 
was Chairml3.n of ,the ,Macdonald 
Memorial Comte., Toronte; an Ang.- 
,I The Oak8," 6 Queen's Park, Toronto; 
Toronto Club; Albany Club, do. 
" Has a great knowledge of commercial 
law."-T. Telegram. 
Beau, Henri, historical painter. 
B. Montreal; studied In Paris under 
'Gerome; m.; his picture, ".Les Noces-de 
Cana," hung In the Paris Salon, 1894; 
created an OfTr. d' Acad. -by Presdt. 
French Republic, 1901; executed his- 
torical painting representing the arri- 
val of Champlain at Quebec for the 
Quebec Govt., which was hung In the 
Chamber of the Leg. Council, Quebec, 
1903; and of another national work, 
representing the dispersion of the 

Acadians, which has been presf'nted to 
the univ. at Memramcook, N.B.; a 
R. C.-!484 St. CathCl"ine St., JlontTeal. 
Beaubien, Charles Philippe, lawyer. 
B. Montreal, 1870; e. St. Mary's 
(.Jesuit) ColI.; LL.B., Laval Univ., 
1894; m. Miss Power; aðvocate, 1894; 
K.C., 1909; succ-eslsfuII.y practise,s >his 
prof. in MO'Iltrool: head of fiI1ITl B. & 
Lamarche: a -promoter I{)f bhe Club 
LafIOll,taine; a Oon.; a R C.-4S6 Côte 
St. Catherine Rd., OutTemont, Mont- 
real; Club Lafontaine; 1'rlontreal Club; 
Royal St. LawTence Yacht Club; OutTe- 
mont CUTling Club, do. 
"A powerful speaker."-M. Gazette. 
Beaubien, James de Gaspe, electrical 
Y. s. Hon. Loui's (q.v.) and Susanna 
Lauretta (Stuart) B.; b. Outremont, 
Montroo:l, 'May 18, 1881; graduated 
B.A.Sc. (El.), McGlll Unlv., 1906; 
m., Oct., 1910, Gabrielle, o. d. Hon. R., 
Da'Il'duraoo (q.v.); asso. memo Can. 
Soc. C. E.: asso. memo A. I. E. E.; 
successfully p,ractises, 1M0ntreaI as a 
00nsullting electrical engr.; R: C.- 
466 St. Catherine Rd., Outremont Mont- 
1-eal; Engineers' Club, do, ' 
Beaubien, Hon, Louis, ex-legislator; 
stock breeder. 
Descended from Trottier de B., who 
came from St. Martin d'Ige, Perche, 
France, 1650; s. late Pierre B. (M.D., 
Univ. of Paris), who represented the 
city of Montreal and Co. Chambly in 
the old Can. Assembly, and Marie .Jus- 
tine (Casgrain) B.; b. Montreal, .July 
27, 1837; e. St. Sulplce ColI. there; 
m., 1864, -Susanna Laur.etta, d. late 
Ohdef .Justice Sir :Andrew stuart, Que- 
bec; noow leads the life of a country 
gentleman; for many Yl's. a memo 
p.rovl. Bd. of AJgrlc., arud Presdt. Roche- Ag:ricul. Soc.; 'has g1Ïv.en a good 
deal .of atrt:Jent1on to improving the breed 
of cattle and horses in the p,rovlnce; 
fou.nded the Compo du Haras-Natlonal, 
WhICh Imports blood horses from 
France and Eng., 1899; one of the 
first to advocate the opening up of 
the country by ryS.; an active pro- 
moter of Montreal North. Colonlz. Ry. 
(now a portion of the C. P. R- sys- 
tern), of which he was V.-P.; was 
Presdt. Montreal Park and Island 
(electric) Ry. Co.; has been also 
Presdt. St. .Jean Bapt. Soc., Montreal. 
now V.-P. Le Journal Co.; a mem: 
Advls. Comte. Montreal Business Men's 
League, a dir. La Compo d'Imp. Elec- 
trlque and of La Banque Provle.;' a 
promoter Yukon Trust Co., 1901; Is 
prominently Identified with Montreal 
League for Prevo of Tubf'rcu!.: a Con., 
and sat for Hochelaga (Local), 1867- 
86. and for Nicolet, 1892-97: was 
Speaker of the Assembly, 1876-78, and 
Commr. of Agrlc. In the de Boucher- 
vllle and Flynn Admns., 1892-97; sat 
for Hochelaga (H. C.), 1872-74; a 
R C.-.J57 St, Catherine Rd., OutTe- 
mont, Montreal; Club Lafontaine; 
Montreal Club; 2'1fontreal Jockey Club, 
.. His farm has m()re than a locM or even 
provincial fame."-Dom. IUd. MonthlJl. 




Beauchamp, Jean Joseph, lawyer. 
S. Joseph and Marcelllne (Bayard) 
B.; b. Montreal, Jan. 18, 1852; e. by 
private tuition and St. Mary's (Jesuit) 
ColI.; graduated B.C.L. (McGll1 Unlv.), 
1878; LL.D. (Laval Un-iv.), 1904; m., 
F.e-b., 1879, iMlle. Eliza Decary; advo- 
cate, 1879; K.C. (E. of Derby), 1893; 
R. 0., Hoohelaga, 1894; has ;practised 
throughout in Montreal, where, for a 
time, he was acting recorder; is fre- 
quently employed as an expropn. 
commr.; a frequent contributor to the 
press; also author II Le Repertoire de 
la Revue Legale," II The Jurisprudence 
of the Privy Council" (highly eulo- 
gized by Western Law Times), and 
II Cúòoe Civil AnU1iO'tê de la Province òe 
Quebec" (Eng. and French); holds 
1st and 2nd class certs. from Royal 
Mil. Sch., and was for some yrs. capt. 
and paymaster 65th Regt., V. M.; 
elected Presdt. St. Jean Bapte. Soc., 
Monttreæl, 1909; a Con.; a R. C.-160 
Laval Ave., Montreal; Club Canadien, 
.. Mr. B. has given us a work on the 
Civil Code which may fairly claim to be 
the most complete, the most useful and 
the most practical yet published."-M. 
Beauchesne, Leon1das Emile Arthur, 
S. P. C. B. (q.v.); b. Carleton, P.Q., 
June 15, 1876; e. St. Joseph's ColI., 
Memramcook, N.B. (B.A., 1895); 
unm.; secy. oornn. to report on oomn. 
Court Ho. and Jail, Montreal, 1896-97; 
private secy. Speaker Le Blanc, Que- 
bec, and later to Sir J. A. Chapleau; as 
a journalist served on staff Montreal 
Minerve, Gazette, Star, and La Presse; 
joined Le Journal (-defunct), same city, 
a-t its inception, Dec., 1899, and became 
its ohief ed., Jurue, 1902; booaJme 00. 
L'Opinion, Montreal, on its inception, 
Oct., 1905; has carried on noted con- 
troversies through the press on dis- 
puted historical points; believes in a 
broad-minded Can. sentiment, leading 
ultimately 1'0 poldU,cal Indepoendoence; 
now (1911) aJbout to edit a noew journal 
in Monrtreal, :to be starrt:ed :1n"tion 
to Le Devoir.-55 St. Denis St., Mont- 
real; Club Canadien, do. 
Beauchesne, Pierre Clovis, notary; 
S. late Pierre B., lumber merchant, 
Becancour, P.Q.; b. there, June 8, 
1841; e. Nicolet CoIl.; m., 1871, Ca1'O- 
liine Olivia, 2nd d. J. Leof. doe Bel'l'e- 
feuille, Oal'le1Jon, P.Q.; N.P., 1865; 
Secy.-Treas., Carleton, P.Q., 1866-93; 
fishery overseer, 1870-71; Regr. 2nd 
Dlv. Bonaventure, 1882; Collr. Cus- 
toms, 1883; served also as memo Bd. 
Notaries and In many other offices; 
Presdt. St. Jean Bap. Soc., 1871-74: a 
major In mil.; a promoter and a dlr. 
Baie de Chaleurs Ry.; a Con.; sat for 
Bonaventure (Local), 1874-76, and for 
same constituency (H. C.), 1879-82; 
Introduced and carried an Important 
measure with respect to titles to pro- 
perty; was a supporter of Mr. de 
Boucherville and Sir John Macdonald 
respectively; believes in Brit. connec- 
tion and Can. for the Canadians; R. C. 
-Paspebiac, P.Q. 

Beaudin, Simeon, lawyer. 
B. St. Isidore, P.Q., Sept. 12, 1855 ; e. 
Montreal ColI.; -ID. M1ss Norris; advo- 
cate, 1878; K.C. (E. Derby), 1889: 
do. (P. Q.), 1899; bâtonnier, Mont- 
:real ba'r, 1902; bâtonnier-general, 
do.; head legal firnn B., LOlffinger, 
St. Germain & Guerin, and one of 
the leaoors o()f tlhe Can. bar; argued 
St. parish and other easel! 
before Jl. Comte. P. C., Eng.; elected 
an hon. memo La Cham. de Commerce, 
Montreal, 1902; one of the incorpora- 
tors La Presse Pub. Co., 1904: also a 
promoter Lafontaine Club; a Con.; 
unsuccessfully contested Laprairie- 
Napi-erville (H. C.), g. e. 1908; a R. C. 
-44 Bishop St., lIIontreal; Club La- 
fontaine; Club Canadien; Pointe Claire 
Golf Club, do. 
II An honour to his profession."-M. 
.. Ranks high in his profession, his 
thorough legal sense, knowledge of the law 
and extensive experience qualifying him 
for early judicial preferment."-M. Wit- 
Beaudry, Bev. Charles Agapit (R. C.). 
S. Jannier and Marie Louise (Chi- 
coyne) B.; b. St. Marc, P.Q., Oct. 15, 
1855; e. ColI. St. Hyacinthe; O. 1881; 
vicar I>arish La Presentation, 1881-88; 
took up work of the repatriation of 
French-Can. from the U. S. in con- 
nection with the colonization of Man., 
in which he was highly successful, 
1888; curê St. Hyacinthe de la SaIle, 
Man., a parish founded by Bp. of St. 
Hyacinthe, 1893; canon Cath., St. 
Hyacinthe, do.; procureur Bp. of St. 
Hyacinthe, 1897; revived Le Colon
teur Can:, 1888, and was its ed. up to 
shop's Palace, St. Hyacinthe, 
Beaudry, Joseph Alphonse Ubalde, 
civil engineer. 
E. s. late Hon. Justice B., SUI>. ct., 
P. Q.; b. St. Hyacinthe, P.Q.; e. St. 
Mary's (Jesuit) CoIl., Montreal; m. 
Mary Jane, y. d. late Capt. Hy. Ib- 
botson, H. M.'s 104th Regt.; C. E.. 
Dom. and [Provl. land surveyor, archi- 
tect and patent solicitor; a charter- 
memo Soc. C. E.; formerly Asst. City 
Engr., Montreal, and Town Engr... 
laga, Ste. Cunegonde, and St. 
Henn; consult. engr. Quebec water- 
works and city of Sherbrooke; devised 
and executed waterworks for Hoche- 
laga, Ste. Cunegonde, and St. Henri;. 
built In Ste. Cunegonde the first direct 
pressure waterworks in Can.; located 
Q. M. N. C. Ry. from Ste. Thêrêse to 
Grenville; surveyed the Selkirk settle- 
ment in Man. at time of the half- 
breeds' troubles: a memo Hygiene 
Comte., Montreal, 1883-84: Is a memo 
Art Assn., Microscop. Soc., Nat. Hist. 
Soc., Hist. Soc., a dir. Soc. for Protec

.omen and Children, hon. librarian 
Num. and Antiq. Soc., and hon. ..nas. 
Social &on. Club; a R. C.-li!8 Crescent 
St., Montreal; Montreal Hunt Club; 
Club de Chasse à Course Can.; Tandem 
Club, do. 
Beauregard, Lt,-Col, Henri Albany, 
Quebec public service. 
S. Pierre and Marguerite (,:\I-orin) 
B.; b. St. Hyacinthe, P,Q., Nov. 18, 



1864; e. St. Hyacinthe eoll. .and Mc- 
Gill Unlv. (B.C.L., 1887); m. Marie 
Eugenie, d. late Hon. Mr. Justice 
FonbaJine; advocate, 1887; practised 
at St. Hyaciruthe, Iin partnership 
with late Judge Desmarais; apptd. 
prothonty. S. C. and elk. .of the Crown 
and Peace, and elk. of the Circuit Ct., 
Dist. St. Hyacinthe, 1889; apptd. It.- 
col. commanding 84th Regt., Feb., 
1908; formerly ed. La Tribune, a 
weekly 'P8!þer (St. Hyacinthe), and Is 
a wel'l-kn.own correspondent for the 
press' is Presdt. Ind. Foresters, 
L'UnÚm St. Pierre, and C. M. B. A.; 
a R. C.; no politlcian.-St. Hyacinthe, 
BeausoUel, J08eph Maxlme. physician, 
S. Joseph and Rose (Ducharme) 
B.; b. St. Felix de Valois, P.Q., ApI. 
6, 1854; e. Jollette ColI.; graduated 
M.D., Ecole de Med. et de Chlr., Mont- 
real, 1880; m., 1877, Olive Palmyre 
(d. June, 1908), 4th d. late Lt.-Col, 
A. B. LavaHêe; has practised through- 
OUlt in 1MonÌ'l"e!8.I; has done much to 
raise the status of the med. prof. IIn hils 
native province; lecturer on histol., 
Med. Sch., 1884-86; prof. mat. med. 
and therap., do., 1890; founded the 
Soc. de Med. Pratique, Montreal, 1889; 
gov. provl. ColI. Phy. and Surg., do.; 
sent to Paris by city of Montreal to 
study aIJJtd
d'Íp. serum of Prof. Rouse, 
8.t L'Inst. Pasteur, 1895; Presdt. Can. 
Med. Assn., 1898; while at Paris, 
1895-6, took special course of study In 
the schs. there, and, at the same time, 
succeeded in obtaining for med. stu- 
dents of Quebec the right of admis- 
sion to the Paris Sch. of Med. without 
further ex-amn. .therefor; also obtaln'ðÒ 
for Quebec med. library a gift of 
many hundred vols. contg. theses read 
before the med. faculty of Paris; waS 
regr. Quebec Med. Bd., 1892-98 ; 
apptd. .oftI'. d' Acad., by French 
1898; fDrmerly ed. Le Journ. d Hy- 
giene Pop. and .of La Gate. Med., Mont- 
real' Is also the author of many 
pape'rs In pamphlet form; Is the 
8.uthor of a plan .of Interprovl. regis- 
tratlDn based .on (1) uniformity .of 
pre1imln.a'l'Y examn.; (2) do. of med 
curriculum; (3) do. of examn. for the 
admission to med. practice thrDugh- 
.out the Dom.; Is genl. secy. for Can. 
in Quebec, of comte. of organ. for the 
erectiDn .of a monument to Pasteur 
Paris; a Ub.; a R. C.-II St. Lout:! 
Sq., Montreal; City Club, do, 
II A man of high attainments, and " 
constant worker."-M. Herald. 
Beauva!., Elzear Adolphe, merchant: 
B. Laprairie, P.Q., Meh. 29, 1858; 
e. there and Peterboro, Ont.; m. Miss 
Ernestine E. Bourassa; a memo firm 
BrDusseau & CD., grain, provisions, 
cotton, and cotree mehta., Chicago; a 
dlr. Chicago Bd. of Trade (of which 
he has been a memo since 1883), 1899- 
1902; nOlW treas. I;a Soc. Franc. de 
iBiend'alsance de l'IUlnOii's; a m.em. HI. 
At!l1letic Club.-19,J! Barry Ave., Chic- 
ago, Ill. 
Beaven, Hon. Bobert, state-sman. 
S. late Rev. Jas. B., D.D., Toronto; 
b, Leigh, Statrordshlre, Eng., Jan. 28, 
1836; e. U. C. Coil.; m., May, 1866, 

Susan, d. Rev. Canon Ritc.hl.e, Geor- 
gina., Onrt.; went ,00 Ca.1. by way of 
Pa11laII1Ja, IIn the early days'; from Oa!. 
went to B. C., and was successfully 
engd. In gold mining there. for some 
yrs.; returned to Toronto and left 
again for San Francisco via N. Y. 
and Panama; since removed to Vic- 
toria, B.C., and has continued there 
up to the present; when visiting To- 
ronto met the late Hon. George Brown, 
who made many Inqu1rles respecting 
the young Brit. colony In the north 
Pacific, and spoke about the desir- 
ability of uniting the Brit. possessions 
In North Am. under one govt.; he 
identified himself with the agitation 
for confederation with the D<>m.; took 
an active part In the organization .of 
the Confederate League and was made 
its 1st secy.; after the consummation 
of the union, 1871, he stood as a can- 
didate for the representation of the 
city of Victoria (Local), and was re- 
turned; remained one of the represent- 
atives of the city (Local) up to the g. e. 
1894 when he was defeated; was sub- 
ntly mayor of Victoria, 1892, 1893 
and 1897; entd. the De Cosmos Cabinet 
as Chief Comnr. of Lands and Works, 
Dec. 24, 187.2, and held that office for 
several yrs.; was apptd. MinI'. of 
Finance and Agrlcul., 1878; on Feb. 
29, 1883, as Premier, ibis Govt. was 
defeated and he resigned; while In 
office had largely to do with all the 
great questions of the day, including 
the commencement or the C. P. Ry., 
tù1Ie c.onstruooon of the Esquima;lrt 
Graving Dock, and the estbt. of a free 
non-sectarian system of educ., which 
engd. the consideration of the local 
executive; of measures owing their 
origin to his efforts as a private 
memo are tJhe following: The Law 
Stamp Act; the Act Umltlng the fees 
payable on the estate of deceased per- 
sons' the first generall municipal Act 
of tile ProvInce, and the Municipal 
Act, 1889 (part of which is, however, 
consolidated); the game protection 
Acts 1878 and 1880; the Acts extend- 
Ing the rights of property to married 
women; the Act to secure to Wives 
and Children the Benefit of Assur. on 
the lives of their husbands and 
parents' the amended Pallot Act of 
1877' the Companies' Act, 1878; thi 
Act. 'of 1881, exempting the mems. 0 
the volunteer fire dept. from jUry 
duty; an Ang.-V
ctoria, B.C. . 
"As a Parliamenta.rian, pure and slm
he was very Boble; while 8S an authorlty 
on procedure, he may be rega.I,:ded as ,
equal., proba.bly. of any man In Can. - 
R. E. Gosnell (q.v.). 
Bechely, Frank J" Am. ry. service. 
Eng. parentage; b. Thamesville, 
Ont., Dec. 5, 1862; e. there and De- 
troit Mich.; entd. ry. service, G. T. R., 
1880'; joined Duluth, South Shore & 
Atlantic Ry., 1883, and the Ill. Cen- 
tral Ry., 1888, rising to the position 
of supdt. on that road, which position 
he still retains.-Dubuque, la. 
Beck, Hon. Adam, statesman; manu- 
S. late Jacob B., a native of Ger- 
many, Iron founder, who came to Can. 




1837, and founded the town of Baden, 
Ont., and Charlotte (Hespeler) B.; b. 
Baden, June 20, 1857; e. Rockwood 
Acad. and Galt Grammar Sch. (Dr. 
Tassle's) ; m., Sept., 1898, Llllian (an 
expert horsewoman and accomplished 
vooallst), o. c. late C. J. Ottaway, bar- 
rister of the Inner Temple, London, 
Eng.; a manfr. of veneering and thin 
lumber and cigar boxes, having prIn- 
cipal place of business at London, Ont., 
with branches at Toronto, Montreal, and 
Winnipeg; Mayor of London, 1902-04 ; 
has sat for London (Local). In Con. 
Interest, since 1902; apptd. to a seat 
In Whitney Cabinet, Ont., without 
portfolio, Feb. 8, 1905; was Presdt. 
Union of Municipalities, 1904; apPtd. 
a commr. to Investigate the develop. 
and distribution of power from NI- 
agara Falls, 1903; has become closely 
Identified wlt-h question of supplying 
cheap electrical power to the people 
of Ont.; Introduced power blll in Onto 
Assembly, creating a comn. called the 
Hydro-Electric Power Comn., May, 
1906; apptd. Chairman of sítld comn., 
June, 1906; holds office In various 
local assns.; Is known, far and wide, 
for his Interest In thoroughbred 
horses; was a promoter of the Can. 
Jockey Club, and Is Master of the 
London Hunt Club; both he and Mrs. 
B. have won numerous prizes at all 
the great sporting events In Can.: also 
won prizes at the Olympian Horse 
Show, London, Eng., 1907, where Can. 
was represented by 9 home-bred 
horses, owned by him; presented at 
Oourt, W1ibh IMr.s. B., June, 1909; 
elected 13. dlr, Nat. Horse Show Assn. 
of Am., and apptd. 18. judge, Intern, 
Horse Show, London, Erug., 1911; an 
Ang.-t( Headley," London, Ont.; To- 
,'onto; London Club, London; Albany 
Club, Toronto; St. James's Club, Mont- 
II Energetic and pnblic.øpirited, and 
careful in statement and in deduction."- 
T. NewB. 
II Possesses the ability and the deter- 
mination to carry through anything he 
undertakeø."-T. Globe. 
II The man who ca.n ride NiIa
r& Fa.Us 
ooserves & tap on the shoulder fr()m the 
King."-Oan. Oollier'B. 
Beck, Rev, Charles G, (Luth.). 
B. Lehigh Co., Penn. U. S., 1878; 
graduated Muhlenberg ColI., Allentown, 
and Luth. Theo!. Semy., Philadelphia; 
has filled several pastorates In the U. 
S. and N. S.; called to Eng. Luth. Ch. 
of the Redeemer, Montreal, 1908.-365 
Mountain St., Montreal. 
Beck, Edward, journalist. 
Eng. or;igin; b. Hertford, Eng., 
May 10, 1867; e. Eng. common schs.; 
m., 1891, Annie S., d. late W. G. 
Smyth, Toronto; 13 yrs. on starr 
Detroit News, as reporter, Washing- 
ton correspondent, city ed., assL. 
m.ang. ed., etc. ; 3 yrs. mango ed. 
Montreal Daily Herald ; since Oct., 
1910, has been mango ed. Montreal 
Daily Star; Ang.-.687 Gro8venor Ave., 
Westmount, Jfontreal. 
Beck, Herbert Hentry, Insurance 
Y. S. late Thos. A. B., Rlngstead, 
Norfolk, Eng.; from old Norman 

family of Bec; b. Heacham, King's 
Lynn, Eng., ApI. 2, 1852: e. Heacham 
Grammar Sch.; m., 1885, Florence, 
2nd d. John Hall, Ròundhay Park, 
Leeds, Eng.; came to Can., 1879; for 
12 yrs. with the Trust & Loan Co. ot 
Can.; organized Man, A.ssur. Co., 1886, 
and was its mang, dlr. 10 yrs. (sold 
to Llvervool & London & Globe, 
1904) ; apptd. genl. mangr. Anglo-Am, 
Fire Ins. Co., his present position, 
1905; Is also mango dlr. Montreal Can. 
Fire Ins. Co.; a dlr. London Mutual 
Fire Ins. Co. and of Union Trust Co., 
and Presdt. and dlr. of several public 
COSo in Winnipeg; has travelled exten- 
sively through Western Can., and 
knows the country thoroughly; for- 
merly a Con.; now Ind.; believes In 
closer relationship with Mother Coun- 
try; an Imperialist, of the .. what we 
have we'll hold" type; an Ang.--6 
Clarendon Cre8cent; Toronto; N aHonal 
Club; R. C. Yacnt Club; Canadian 
Club, do. 
II A man of ability."-Office atld 1!',eld, 
Beck, Hon, Nicholas Du Bois Dominic, 
S. late Rev. J. W. R. B., Ang. rec- 
tor, Peterboro, Ont., and Georgiana, 
. d. late Hon. G. S. Boulton, M.L.C.; b. 
Cobourg, Ont., May 4, 1857; e. private 

hs., Peterboro CoB. Inst., and Toronbo 
Un-iv. (LL.B., 1881); LL.B., ad eund., 
OUawa Unlv., 1893; m., '1st, Nov., 
1886, .Mary Ethel (d.), e. d. Edward 
L. Lloyd, St. Bonif'ace, Mlan.; 2ndly, 
Jan., 1906, Louisa Adelaide, 2,nJd 
d. M. Teefy, JJP" Richmond HdIl, Ont.; 
ba rI1ister ( On t. ) , 1879; do. (.Man. ) , 
1883; do. (N. W. T.), 1889; K.C. (Lord 
A:berdeen), .1893; successfully practised 
his vrof. successively at Peterboro, 
Winnipeg, Calgary, and Edmonton; 
removed to latter city, on his apPt. as 
Crown prosecutor for dist., 1891; was 
also City Solr. and Chairman Bd. 
Cath. Sch. Commrs., Presdt. Law Soc., 
public admnr. and official guardian 
there; for some yrs. ed. Territorial 
Law Report8; an extensive contribu- 
tor to the press, chiefly, In early days, 
to the N. W. Cath. Rev.; for many 
yrs. a memo C. M. B. A.; apptd. a 
puisne judge Sup. Ct., Alberta, Sept., 
1907; a Senator Alberta Unlv., 1908; 
Vice-Chancellor, do, do.; a gov, .Cath. 
Ch. Extension Soc of Can., do.; chair- 
man Royal Comn. r6 Great Waterways 
Ry., 1910; j10ined Ch. 'Of Rome, 1883.- 
Edmonton, Alta.,. Edmonton Club, do. 
Becker, William S., business man. 
Previously chief account. H. B. Co., 
Winnipeg; apptd. mangr. Royal 
Trust Co. for Man. and N. W. T., 
.Tan., 1905.- Winnipeg. 
Beckett, Albert Edward, lawyer. 
O. S. s. late Walter Wm. B., hard- 
ware merchant, Sherbrooke, P.Q. ; 
family came from Hampshire, Eng., 
1819; b. Sherbrooke, P.Q.; e. Sher- 
brooke Acad., Stan stead CoIl. and 
''.s CoIl. Univ. (LL.B., 1884) ; m. 
Gertrude A., d. W. C. Lyford, N.Y.; 
advocate, 1884; since 1891 has been 
solr. G. T. Ry., Montreal; Ang.-l37 
Durocher St., Montreal; St. George 
Snow8hoe Club, do. 



Beckett, Lt,-Col, David Wellington, 
Can. mil. service. 
S. Jas. and Matilda (Robinson) B.; 
father from Castlebar, Irel.; b. Beck- 
ett's Landing, ant., Dec. 20, 1859; e. 
local schs.; m. Miss Margt. Kendrick; 
a farmer: has been 29 yrs. in 56th 
Regt. (Llsgar Rifles) ; attained to the 
command of regt., Jan., 1906; holds the 
long-s'ervke -deooration: Anlg.-Kempt- 
ville, Onto 
Bedard, Joseph Edouard, lawyer. 
Of the 7th generation of an old. 
French-Can. family; s. late Joseph 
and Sophie (Roy) B.; grands. Joseph 
B., who fought under De Salaberry 
at Chateauguay; b. Beauport, Aug. 
22, 1845; e. Quebec Semy. and Laval 
Unlv. (B.A., 1864; !LL.B., 1867; LL.L., 
avec distinction, .1868; UL.D., 1902); 
m., Oct., 1869, Adeline (d. Atpl., 1907), 
d. late Thos. Bélanger; advocaJte, 
il.868; K.C. (Earl of [)eIiby) , 1893; 
blìtonnier, Quebec Ibar, 1900-01; suc- 
cessfully Ip'ractise-s in Quebßc' cdty; heaii 
of firm B., Chaloult & Prevost; pub- 
lished .. Code Municipal de la Pro- 
vinCie doe Québec" (2nd ed, Fìrench and 
Eng., 1905); Mayor Beauport, 1890; 
Warden Co. Quebec, do.; erected a 
model sch. for young children in his 
native parish, at his own expense, 
called Ecole St. Edouard, 1907; a 
R. C.; a LIb.; unsuccessfully contest- 
ed Quebec Co. (H. C.), g. e. 1882, and 
same co. (Local) as a Nationalist, 
1908; created a Chevalier of St. Greg- 
ory the Great by the Popè, 1907.- 
tt Kent House/' !S Rue St. Louis, Que- 
bec; Beauport, P.Q. 
Beddoe, Miss Mabel Beatrice, vocalist. 
D. Thos. D. land Emma C. B.; 
b. Toronto; studied for her prof. 
at the Conserv. of Music in that 
oity, passing her eXJamn. for profielency 
in piano playing wi,th 1st daJSs honours, 
Jan., 1899; later ,studlied I'll voice cul- 
ture with E. W. Schuoh (q.v.), To- 
ronio, Albe'l't .Baker Cheney, IBosto'll, 
Wm. L. Tomllns, Chicago, and Frau 
Auer Herbeck and Prof. Pembauer, 
Dresden, Germany; possesses a rich 
zzo-c'ollltTal to voice, with a striMng 
and attractive stage presence; has 
sung with great success at concerts, 
oratorios, recitals, churches, clubs, and 
private entertainments In Can. and the 
U. So; was for a time contraltto iSOloist, 
t P.resb. Ch., Eva:nston, IH.; sang 
as soloist with the Ol'pheus Club, at 
the Roryal Vdotoria ColI., Mont:
1911; has been in'Vited to join tfhe 
Oratorio Soc., N.Y.; .An.g.-l1 Edge- 
dale ReI., Toronto. 
II Of much promise."-BoRton Time8. 
Beddoe, William Arthur, Dom. public 
S. John and Charlotte B.; b. Hill 
Top House, West Bromwlch, Stafford- 
shire, Eng., Mch. 16, 1859; e. there; 
unm.; came to Can., 1876; later, went 
to the Yukon; was ed., ,successively, 
of the Juneau (Alaska) Miner D&w- 
son Daily News, Yukon Worfd and 
Yukon Mining Journal; formerly a 
dlr. Press Alliance, London, Eng.; 
F.R.G.'S.; apptd. Can. trade commr., 
Auckland, New Zealand, May, 1910.- 
Auckland, N.Z.; Ontario Club, Toronto. 

Bedford, Spencer Argyle, nurseryman. 
S. Jacob B.; b. Co. Sussex, Eng., 
Feb. 1, 1852; e. Hadlow Acad. and in 
Ont.; m., 1880, Min'llie, d. J. F. Bolton, 
Ne-wboro, 'Ûnt.; came to Ont., 18,63 ; re- 
d to 
n., where hie fanned exten- 
siV1eoJy, 1877; was, in adddHon, inSJPr. 
SoottJish Ont., the North Brit. Can. and 
the Can. N.- W. Land Co.'s; sat in 
N. W. Council, for Moosomin, 1885-88; 
in latter year apptd. suvdt. Govt. Ex- 
perimental Farm, Brandon; resigned 
this .position, 1906, to 'beoam.e lITIan'g;r. 
A. E. 'Mac'keI1Z'ie & Co., seeds and 
nursery s'tack, Brando'll; a dir. Can. 
d Growers Ass'll. and V.-IP. Am. 
.Homolog. Soc.; de.scrlbed as having 
rendered great aJSISistJanoe to a.gricuI. 
interests by hl.s addl'esse.s befor,e far- 
mel's' insts. and his oontributions to 
the agricul. press; apptd. Ipr{)'f. Field 
Husband'l'Y, Man. AgrÌiCuI. CrOll., 1908. 
-Brandon, Man. 
Beecher, Robt, Livingstone, journalist. 
S. late C. M. B., V.-P. .and asst. 
genl. man gr. B. C. Mills, Timber & 
Trading Co., Vancouver, B.C.; now 
and for some yrs. on ed. staff N. Y. 
Globe.-" Globe" OfTlce. New York, 
Beemer, Nelson Henry, physician; 
Onto public service. 
B. Waterford, ant., 1853; e. public 
sch. there and Brantford High Sch.; 
graduated M.B- (Toronto Univ.), 
1874 ; IITI., 1879, 'Mar.y, e. d. Alex. La,in,g, 
Wyomi'llg, ant.; memo Cloll, P. and S., 
Orut., 1874; .prac.bised aot Wryoming, On1t., 
4 y'rs.; 3rd ass't. 'PhyoS. Asylum i!or In- 
sane, London, Ont., '1878; moo. 'supdt. 
Insane Aßylum, Mim'Ìco (whiere he stiU 
is), Nov., 1894; apptd. extramural 
prof. mental diseases, Toronto Unlv., 
1901; has served as V.-P. and presdt. 
Can!. and ant. Cricket .Assns.; Ba'Pt.- 
Insane Asylum, lI1imico, Ont.; National 
Club. Toronto. 
Beer, The Venerable Archdeacon 
Henry (Ang.). 
S. late Hy. B., R.E., and Mary 
Ann B.; b. Bermuda, Sept. 2, 1844; 
e. !there; came to Can., 1862; early 
yrs. spent at G.ibralttar and dn Eng,; 
m., 1865, Miss IM\ary; o. 
deacon, 1881 ; 'Priest, 1883; some- 
time headmaster Model Sch. at Ren- 
frew and at Perth, Ont.; spent 8 yrs. 
on St. Joseph's Island, Algoma, pass- 
Ing thence to Minn. and Alaska; has 
been 13 yrs. at Kaslo; apptd. Arch- 
deacon of Kootenay, 1904. -Kaslo, 
.. Beg, Callum" (see Mack, Major 
J. C. 0.). 
Begg, Rev, William Proudfoot 
(P,resb.); educationist. 
B. Snape, Lanarkshlre, Scot., July 
5, 1843; e. country sch. and Glasgow 
Univ., D:D. ('hon.), Queen'oS Undv., 
Kingsto'll, Ont., .1896; m., Oct., 1872, 
Fannde 'Miles, d'. W. O. SmH:fu, severa
times lMaYrOr .of St. John, NÆ.; O. P. 
E. I., 1872; pastorates: Woodstock, 
N.S.; S1. Stephen, N.B. ; Augustine Ch., 
Greenock, Scot.; Kentvllle, N.S.; Mas- 
sena, N.Y., and Parkersburg, la.; 
was prof. phil. Tabor Call., Iowa, for 
some yrs.; well known as a lecturer 
and a contributor to periodical litera- 



ture; author "The Development of 
Taste" (Glasgow, 1887); this work 
was highly commended by Prof. 
Knight, Hy. Rutgers Marshall, and 
others; In the former's "History of 
Æsthetics," in the first vol. of his 
"Philosophy of the Beautiful," he 
says: "There is a great deal of de- 
tached and stimulating thinking in 
the æsthetic studies of Mr. Begg. 
The historical knowledge, both of phil- 
osophy and literature, is much greater 
than a,ppears upon the surfaoe."- 
Parkersburg, Iowa, U.S. 
Bégin, Most Bev, Louis Nazaire, 
Archbishop (R. C.). 
S. late Chas. and Luce (Paradis) 
B.; b. Lêvis, P.Q., Jan. 10, 1840; e. 
Lêvis Model Sch., Coll. St. Michel de 
Bellechasse, Little Semy. of Quebec, 
and Laval Univ. (B.A. and Prince of 
Wales gold med., the first to take this 
priz.e, 1862); tollO'\ theol. course 
at Grand Semy., Quebec, and at the 
Gregorian Univ. of the Roman ColI., 
Rome (D. D., 1865); do., Laval Univ., 
ad eun., do.; o. at Rome, 1865; re- 
mained at Rome to make a special 
study of eccles. hist. and Oriental 
lang., 1866-7; continued his studies 
at the Cath. Univ., Innsbruck, 1867- 
68; prof. dog. theol. and eccles. hist., 
Laval Unlv., 1868-84; also prefect of 
studies, Little Semy., Quebec; princi- 
pal Laval Normal Sch., Quebec, 1885- 
88; Bp. of Chicoutimi, 1888-91; co- 
adjutor to Card. Taschereau, with 
title of Archbp. of Cyrene, 1891-98; 
admnr. of the archdiocese, 1894-98; 
Archbp. of Quebec, Apt 12, 1898; In- 
vested with the pallium, Jan. 22, 1899; 
has travelled extensively In Europe 
and the Holy Land; Is a Fellow of the 
Royal Soc. Can.; a memo of the Acad. 
of the Arcades, Rome, and of the In- 
tern. Truth Soc. ; a goV. rCath. Dh. Ex- 
tension Soc. In Can.; elected Presdt., 
Sec. 1, Royal Soc. of Can., 1908; one 
of the principal speakers at the un- 
velling of the Irish Monument, Grosse 
Isle, 1909; has frequently been spoken 
of in connection with a seat In the 
Sacred Coll.; presided over a tri- 
bunal constituted to try the case of 
Mgr. de Laval. 1st R. C. Bp. of Quebec, 
for canonization, Oct., 1898; attended 
Plenary Council, Quebec, 1909, and the 
Eucharistic Congress, Montreal, 1910; 
author "La Primauté et l'InfaoUHbilitê 
des Souverains Pontlfes" (1873); 
"La Siainte 'Ecri t'Ure et la Rêgl.e de 
Fol" (1874); "Le Culte OathoUque" 
(1875) ; "Aide Mêmolre ou Chronologie 
de l'HJstoire àu Canada" (1886); 
"Catéchisme de Controverse" (1902). 
-Archbishop's Palace, Quebec. 
"A worthy successor c.f Plessis TaB- 
chereau and other great princes of the 
church."-Mgr. Tanguay. 
Behan, John Joseph, late Dom. puù- 
Hc service. 
S. John B., Mt. Mellick, Queen's 
Co., Irel., and Mary (Furlong) B., 
Wexford, Irel.; b. Pembroke, Wales, 
Oct. 12, 1857; came to Can., 1859; e. 
Christian Bros. Sch., Kingston, Ont.; 
m., June, 1899, Miss Katherine Ver- 
onica Branigan, Kingston (d. July, 
1909) ; long engaged In mercantile Ufe 

In Kingston; a prominent memo and 
Sec.-Treas. Sep. Sch. Bd., Kingston, for 
many yrs. ; also an Ald. for a conslder- 
a.ble period, and was the leader of de- 
bate In that body; has always taken 
a deep interest in educational, fra- 
tprnal and national society work; be- 
sides being Grand Secy. of the C. M. 
B. A. (to which office he was elected 
Aug., 1903), has held leading posi- 
tions in the Ancient Order of Hiber- 
nians, the Irish Cath. Ben. Union, St. 
Patrick's Soc., Cath. Lit. Assn., and 
Knights of Columbus; was Inspr. of 
gas and electric Ught, Kingston, 1897- 
1903, when he re.signed; a R. C.; al- 
ways a Lib., and for some yrs. an 
office-bearer In the Reform Executive. 
-191 Brock St., Kingston, Onto 
Behenna, Mrs, Katherine Arthur, 
writer and painter. 
D. Alex. A rthur and C
(Allan) A., Montreal; b. Helens- 
borough-on-Clyde, Scot.; e. Montreal, 
Edinburgh, and France; m" 1882, Hy. 
Carstah-s Behennca (w'h0'IIl she later 
drivoroed), '8. CaJpt. Hy. iE., R.A. ; rbegqn 
her oareer IaiS a mln!aJtUJre painrtJer, dn- 
teI1JdJin'g rbo malre Ïit a 'sLep'plng-stx)ll'e /Ì'O 
a wider field; studied first in Museum 
of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., and later 
in the Art Studpnts' Lea21le, N. Y.; 
later, went to Parts, having for masters 
Jules Lefebvre, Atelipr Julian, Jean 
Paul Laurens, and Benj. Constant, 
the latter of whom gave her a firmer 
hold of her work than the others; sub- 
sequently, she studied with Wm. Chase, 
Geo. de Forest, Brush and Barlow; has 
exhibited In the Salon, Soc. des Artistes 
Franc., ChaJmps Elysêes, Paris, Aoad. 
of Design, and Soc. of Am. Artists, 
N. Y., Royal Acad., London, and other 
galleries of Europe and Am.; has 
filled many nlOtaJbloe oommissLon's, among 
others, for H.R.H. the Princess Louise 
(q.v.) and H.R.H. tlihe Princess .of 
Wales; manJy I(),f íher mind'atures are in 
,the CO'IJoecm.on foruned by Jtbe da.te Peter 
Marie, and donated 'by 'hIm to the N. Y. 
Rlst. Soc. ; lhas made some maTked suc- 
cesses as a writer (under the pen name 
of "J'dhn Prendoeil"gaet "), ll'otaJbly "Love 
Victorious," a volume of sonnets 
(1907) ; she now paints, Illustrates, and 
exhibits under that name.-S6 Rue de 
Montreuil, Etaples, Pas de Calais, 
Beiler, Bev. Charles (Presb.); edu- 
Of Huguenot descent; b. and e. 
France; m. Merle, d. Dr. .T. J. Merle 
D' Aublgnê, the author of the "History 
of the Reformation" ; successively asst. 
dir., Preparatory Sch. for Missionaries, 
Paris, and dir. GalUard Coll. Sch., 
Lausanne, Switzerland; also lect. in 
patristic theol., Lausanne; later, was 
for ten yrs. lIlg>ent-genl. I()f <the S. S. 
Assn., Paris, being at the same time 
ed. of all the publications of the Soc.; 
since 1908 has been prof. of Semitic 
langs., Presb. ColI., 'Montreal; well 
known upon the ledure platform; 
created an Offr. d' Acad., by the 
French Govt., 1908.-Presbyterian Col- 
lege, Montreal. 
.. P()ssessed of a wide and varied Tange 
of kn()wledge."-M. II erald. 



Beique, Hon. Frederic Ligon, lawyer; 
S. late Louis B., St. Mathias, P.Q.; 
b. there, May 20, 1845; e. Call. de 
Ste. Marie de Monnolr; LL.D. (Laval 
Unlv.), 1901; m., 1875, Caroline An- 
gelinas (V.-P. Children's Aid Soc. and 
WQIII1en's Can. Club, iMontre.a.l, Bresdt. 
Les Ecoles Mênag. provle., do., first 
Preadt. Woman's Sec. of the Soc. de 
St. Jean Bap., and Presdt. Nat. Fed- 
eration of Women, Montreal), o. c. late 
Hon. L. A. Dessaulles, M.L.C. ; 
advocate, 1868; K.C. (P.Q.), 1885; 
do. (E. Derby), 1889; practises 
his profession In Montreal, where 
be Is one of the leaders of the bar; 
bas repeatedly pleaded before the J1. 
OOffilte. P. C., in Emg.; blì.tonnier 
Montreal bar, 1891 and 1893; one of 
the Royal Oomn. in Whela.n case, 
1890; counsel for late Hon. H. Mer- 
cier and colleagues, before Royw 
Comn., In Baie des Chaleurs Ry. case, 
1891; counsel for Dam. before Beh. 
ring Sea Claims Comn., 1896; has de- 
clined a seat on tbe jl. bench; Mayor 
of Dorion. 1895-96; a dlr. Can. Col- 
ored Cotton .co., 'Montreal. London 
Gold & Silver Develop. Co., Quebec 
South. Ry., iMonarch Bank, Hochelaga 
B8ink, and Yt. Roya'l' Savings Bank; 
Presdit. Le Canada Prirutlng 00. amd 
Moonbreal Indust. Ex'hn. tAssn.; formerly 
Presdrt. :8t, Jean BaJp. Soc., iMontTee:l, 
and one O'f .tJhe promoters of the Monu- 
ment National, erected In connection 
therewith; Tated as IS. II millionaire to by 
MonlÌ1"OOJ1 Star, 1911; is a Ca'th. Soh. 
Commr., a dir. Parks and Playgrounds 
Assn., V.-P. Charity Organ. Soc., and 
V.-P. League for the Prev. of Tuber- 
cuI.. Montreal; formerly a dir. of the 
Citizens' Assn., and was an earnest 
promlOter of the creation of a Bd. of 
Control there; a convert to Earl 
Grey's scheme re pUblic hlOuse trust 
movement, and favours the training of 
the working man In tech. schs. .at the 
pUblic expense; a Lib. always, and 
one of the founders of Le Parti N a- 
tionale. with J ettê, Dorion, Holton, 
and HunHngdon: called to the Sen-aJte 
by Lord Minto, Feb. 8, 1902; Is chair- 
man ,RaillI1OO.d COiffilte. 'Ì'here; a R. C.-5.60 
Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal; St. 
Jame8's Club; MOfl,treal Club, do. 
.. A maker of Canadian history."-lU. 
II As a commercial lawyer has few, if 
any, peers."-M, Star. 
Jleique, Henri A" lawyer. 
2nd s. Senator B. (q.v.); b. and e, 
Montreal; LL.B. (Laval Univ.), 1904; 
m., Jan., 1907, Louise, 2nd d. la.te L, 
H. F1rechette, LL.D., C.M.G.; advocate, 
1904: a memo legal firm B. & B., Mont- 
real: a Lib.; IS. R. C.-f79 Ontario St. 
E., Montreal. 
Jleique, Louis ;I" lawyer. 
S. Senator B. (q.v.); b. and e. 
Montreal; LL.B. (Laval Unlv.), 1900; 
m., ApI., 1906, Beatrice, d. F. J. Blsail- 
loOn, K.C. (q,v.); advocate, 1900: memo 
legal firm B., Turgeon & B., .:Montreal; 
a R. C.-19"
 Park Ave., Ville St. Loui8, 

Beith, Hon. Bobert, stock breeder and 
importer; seIl8Jtor. 
Third s. late Alex, B., a native of 
Campbell town, Scot., who came to 
Can., 1835, and Catherine ('Mdl'aggart) 
B.: b. Fairfield Fairm, Darlington, 
Durham, Ont" iMay 17, 1843: e. 
BúwmanV"l1le and GommerclaL ColI., 
Toronto; unm.; In early life a fanner; 
subsequently and now a stock-breeder 
and importer; owns the famous 
Waverley Stock Farm, Bowmanvme; 
commenced by importing and handling 
thoroughbred Clydesdale horses, IÌlUb- 
sequently taking In Hackneys; In ad- 
dition to many other prizes, won the 
championship and grand champion- 
ship prizes for Hackneys at the St. 
Louis World's Fair, and the Grand 
Challenge Cup, 2 yrs. In succession, 
at the National Horse Show, N. Y.; 
was commissioned by H. M.'s Govt. 
to purchase horses for use in the 
army during the S. African War, 
1902; a memo of the Record Bd. of 
the Nat. Live Stock Records Assn. of 
Can., a dlr. Can. Horse Breeders' 
Assn., and has served as V.-P. for 
Onto of the Clydesdale Horse Assn., 
and Presdt. of the Hackney Horse 
Soc.; a Lib., and represented W. Dur- 
ham (H. C.), In that Interest, 1891-98 
and 1902: called to the Senate, by Earl 
Grey, Jan. 15, 1907; a Presb., a Free- 
mason, an Odd Fellow, and a Son of 
Scot.-"Waverley Farm/' Bowman- 
ville, Onto 
.. The Hackney King of Canada."-.7'. 
.. An enterprising bulwark of Canadian 
agriclllture."-Oan. Gazette. 
Beland, Henri Sévérin, physician; leg- 
S. Henri B. and Sophie (Lesage) 
B.; b. Loulsevi11e, P.Q., Oct. 11, 1869; 
e. CoIl., Three RIvers (B.A.); gradu- 
aJbed -M.D. (Laval UnoJ.v.), 1893: m., 
IMlle. Flore Gêrin IAjo.le (d. June, 
1908), New Bedford, iMass.; 'Mayor 
St. Joseph, 1898; sat Cor Beauce 
(Local), Lib. Interest, 1897-1901, since 
when he has represented same con- 
stituency In H. C., having been first 
returned thereto by acclamation; 
favorably known In many parts of 
Quebec ,by bios lectures In 1he pulpwood 
and dairying interests; formerly 
Presdt, Can. Med. Assn.; apptd. a 
Commr. to tlhe Wash1ington Con!. to 
oonsid'ØI" the conservation Oof the natural 
resources of the Am. Continent, 1909; 
do. a iIllIem. Royal Conservation Commn., 
do.; favors the creation of a Central 
Federal Bureau of Health; very 
popular; frequently spoken of as ø. 
future CaJblnet MinT. : oOne of tbe ,repre- 
sentatives'Of H. C., King George"s coro- 
nation, LondoOn, 1911; a R. C.-St. 
Joseph, Beauce, P.Q, 
.. A 
ifted French-Canadian speaker."- 
M. Star. 
"A moaD of olean reeo,rd a.nd good re- 
pute,. we}.} educa.ted, mens Bana in corpore 
sano."-T. Globe, 
Bélanger, Ernest, civil englnoeer. 
S. Victor and Julie (Alain) B., Que- 
bee: b. Quebec, Dec. 8, 1863; e. there; 
graduated C. E. from Montreal Poly- 
tec!h. Soh., 1885, and B.A,Sc., Laval 



Univ., 1907; In. Mlle. Reina .JoLivette, 
N. Y.; U. S. regd. patent atty., 1897; 
is senior mean. firm 
ion & 
Marion, patent aUys. and consult. 
engrs. and experts, Montreal and 
Washington; formerly a prof. Mont- 
real Poly tech. Sch. and lecturer on 
appld. mechs., .Monument National; 
a memo Can. Soc, C. E., la Soc, 
des Ingen. Civlls de France, l' Assn. 
Francaise des Ingen., Consells en 
Matiêre de Prop. Industrielle, Paris; 
corpn. P. L. S., and Bd. of Dlrs. Mont- 
real Poly tech. Sch.-ll! Cre8cent St., 
Montreal; Eng'Ïneer8' Club; Canadian 
Club; Reform Club, do. 
Bélanger, Bev. Joseph Avila (R. C.). 
S. Louis and Sophie (Lavigne) B.; 
b. R. des Prairies, P.Q., ,Tune 4, 1856: 
e. Montreal ColI.; O. 1882: vicar St. 
Cunegonde, P.Q., 1883-85; Sacrê Cæur, 
1885-92; returned to St. Cunegonde, 
1892-95; St. Jean Baptiste, 189
curê St. Nom de .Jesus, 1897-1900; SL 
Joseph, 1900-05; do. st. Louis de 
Fmnce (his 'Present charge), 1906.-!70 
Laval Ave., Montreal. 
.. A gifted speaker and an energetic 
worker."-M. Star. 
Bélanger, Loms Charles, lawyer. 
E. s. Chas. and Angeliqúe (Renault- 
Blanchard) B.; b. .. Raplde-Plat." nr. 
St. Hyacinthe, P.Q., May 19, 1840; e. 
CoIl. St. Hyacinthe; m., Oct., 1865, 
MargL Heonrioetta Bradshaw (d. .Jan., 
1899), d. 'late .Jas. Unswor:th; a pro!. 
French Commercial ColI., Sherbrooke, 
1860; advocate, 1866; :!.or some yrs. a 
law paI'ltner of lrule H. C, C8!bana; now 
and for some yrs. practising alone; 
Crown prosecutor Dlst. St. Fmncls, 
:Meh, 1878; with an Eng. colleague until 
Mch., 1887, and afterwards alone until 
1892; KC. (E. of Derby),1893; pleaded 
before the .JI. Comte, P. C. in Eng., In 
cases of MathIeu and Wentworth, 
arising out of .. Dunkin" Act liquor 
by-law; hIs name frequently men- 
tioned In connection with a seat on 
the jl. bench; one of the pioneer 
journalists In E. T., having estab- 
lished the Pionnier de Sherbrooke, 
1866, and the Progre8 de l'E8t, 1882; 
founded the P. of Q. Press Assn., 
1876, and was Its first Presdt.; Presdt. 
St. .Jean Baptiste Soc. at two Important 
junctures; has sat In Sherbrooke City 
Council, first as an Aid. and after- 
wards as Mayor, 1895,. and also in 
1900, when he was elected by the 
popular vote, under neW charter; 
served in V. M. as a capt. In 53rd 
Regt., 1882-85; an hon. memo St. Pat- 
rick's Soc.; a Lib. since the Riel agi- 
tation, 1885; unsuccessfully contested 
Richmond and WQlfe (H. C.), Oct., 
1874, and Sherbrooke, with the late 
.Judge Hall, Dom. g. e. 1887; and 
same constituency (Local) 1890, and 
again g. e. 1897; has travelled ex- 
tensively in Europe; famed for hIs 
eloquence and unswerving loyalty to 
the Crown; on the occasion of the 
death of Queen Victoria paid one of 
the most eloquent and touching tri- 
butes to her memory; speaking on 
behalf of the French-Canadians, he 
said that his race had been so free 
under her rule that they were almost 

tempted to exclaim: .. Blessed be the 
day when we were given up by a 
heartless court to a vower which was 
to be, later on, turned to our advan- 
tage under such a sovereign"; a 
R. C.-Sherbrooke, P.Q. 
.. A brilliant speaker, a man of high 
education, a lawyer of established repu- 
tation, and a man of an exquisite polite- 
ness."-Tribune (St. Hyacinthe). 
Belcher, Lt,-Col, Alexander Emerson, 
Onto pu bUc service. 
S. .John and Ellzabeth (Grafton) 
B.; b. nr. Toronto, Jan. 30. 1844; e. 
Southampton, Ont., and Rockwood 
Acad.: m., 1873, Miss Augusta Lu- 
cinda Barnes (d. Oct., 1905), George- 
town, Ont., a grand-d. Maj. Barnes, 
who fought with Brock; long engaged 
In banking and commercial life; for- 
merly closely connected with the Com. 
Travels.' Assn., of which he was one 
of the originators; author .. What I 
know of Commercial Travelllng"; for 
a lengt'hened ,period was Mayor of 
Southampton; 8Jp'ptd. to Regr.-Genl.'s 
Dept., Toronto, 1911; ,presen too with 
his Iþ()I1tTalt in oils, 1908; holds hlg!}) 
rank in Masonic, Orange, and Odd- 
fellows' ordoers; Is Gra.n,d Master, Provl. 
Grand Black Ohaip. of Onto West, Royal 
Black Knights of Irel. ; graduated from 
Royal 'Miil. Seh., Toronto, and served 
during Fenian raids in VQl. mil. force 
(med.); retired! with rank of It.-ool.,, 1906; Ipresdt. BTuce Rlst. Soc., 
do. Veterans' Assn., do. N, Bruce Con. 
Assn.; advocates publlc ownership of 
publlc utilltIes and free rural delivery; 
a Meth.-Southampton, Ont.; Parlt. 
Buildings, Toronto. 
Belcher, Henry Martyn, business 
S. Rev. Canon Samuel and .Jane 
(Goldsmith) B.; b. Calcutta, India, 
Nov, 21, 1856; e. Can.; m. Miss .Jessie 
Sioan Notman; since 1872 has been 
connected with Gault Bros. & Co., 
Montreal; now mango dir. GauUs, Ltd., 
Winnipeg; pre.sàt. Winnipeg Bd. of 
Trade, 1908-9; a del. Imp. Commercial 
Congress, Sydney, N.S.W., 1909; In his 
younger days a well-known football 
player and crack rifle shot; a memo 
Can. rifle team, Wlmbledon, 1882; 
gazetted 2nd Heut., 3rd Regt., .. Vic- 
toria Rifles," 1881.-Winnipeg Man.; 
Manitoba Club; St. Charle8 bountr1l 
Club, do. 
Belcher, John Edward, civil. engr. 
E. s. Saml. B., Cork, Irel., and 
Martha (Deanes) B.; b. and e. Irel.; 
came to Can., 1869; m. Miss Clemen- 
Una Boyd; memo Can.. Soc. -C. E., 
Belcher, Lt,-Col, Bobert, Can. mil. ser. 
S. Robt. Tovey and Ellzabeth 
(Bounford) B.; b. ApI. 23, 1849: e. 
Byron Ho., Eallng, Eng.; m., 1880, 
Margt., d. Donald McLeod; served in 
9th Lancers (Imp.), 1868-73; entd. 
N. W. M. Pollee, 1873; Inspr., 1893; 
served with body during N. W. Rebel- 
lion, 1885 (med.); in Yukon, 1897-99, 
and at Queen's Diamond .Jubilee, 
1897; volunt:eered for service In S. 
Africa, 1900, was gazetted major and 
apptd. second In command of Lord 



Strathcona's Horse; was present at 
operations in Natal, In Transvaal, e. 
of Pretoria (Including actions at Bel- 
fast and iLydenberg), operations in 
Transvaal, w. of Bretoria (Including 
RC'tJWnS at FrederickJstad t), ope.rations 
In Orange River Colony (including 
action f8..t C:a:lmoru Ri vel' ), ope m ti'ODis 
in Orange River Colony, betw&n Nov. 
30, 1900, and May 31, 1902 (de- 
spatches; C.M.G.; med. wMh 4 clas'Ps, 
pl'ßSe'l1rtoed to him by Kiing Edward in 
person); re.tired, 1908; .prOIThOted It.- 
eol. commdg. 19th A'lherta Mounted 
Rifles, Feb., 1908.-Edmonton, Alta. 
Belcourt, Hon, Napoleon Antoine, 
lawyer; statesman. 
E. s. late Ferdinand Napoleon and 
Marie Anne (Clair) B.; lb. Toronto, 
Sept. 15, 1860; e. St. .Joseph's Semy., 
Thre>e Rivers and Laval Un-iv. (LL..L., 
avec gran de distinction, 1882; LL.D., 
hon., 1909); LL.D. (hon.), Ottawa 
Univ" 1895 ; m., 1st., .Jan., 188!ì, 
Hectorlne (d. .Jan., 1901), e. d. Hon. 
.Joseph Shehyn (q.v.); 2ndly, .Jan., 
1903, Mary Margt., e. d. R. H. Hay- 
oock, OtJtarwa; adv'003.'Ìoe (P. Q.), 1882; 
barrister (Ont.), 1884; K.C. (P.Q.), 
1898; do. (Ont.), 1899; has success- 
fulJy pr8!Ctised !his prof. In Ottawa 
cilty and dlisltrict f'Or many yr.s.; .one 
of t'he .leaders of the bar; is ;principal 
in Ithe firm of B. & Ritahie (q.v.); 
rns 'Pleaded before 'Ìh,e juddcdal 
comte., P. C., Eng.; Clk. of the Peace 
and Co. Crown Atty. for 00. Carleton, 
1894-6; since 1891 !has been examr. 
In law, Ottawa Univ.; a promoter Ot- 
tawa Racing Assn., 1903, and Quebec 
Improvement Co., 1904, and presdt. 
Ottawa Runt Club; Is a dir. Central 
Can. Exhn. Assn. and of L'Alliance 
Française, Ottawa; was a dir. T. Lin.d- 
say Co. (dry goods), and Is still 
officially connected with some large 
commercial concerns; elected presd t. 
French-Can. Congress, Ottawa, 1910; 
a del. 6th Congress, Chambers of Com- 
merce of the Empire, 1906; a Lib., 
and a personal friend of Sir Wilfrid 
Lauder (q.v.) ; has been presdt. of the 
Reform Club and t'he Club National, 
Ottawa; is horr. Ipresdt. Club Belcourt. 
Ottawa; a V.-P. Onto Reform Assn.; 
unsuccessfully contested Ottawa City 
(H. C.) g. e. 1891; sat for same con- 
stituency (do.), 1896-1907; Speaker 
(H. C.), 1904; called to the Senate 
by Earl Grey, Nov. 20, 1907; P. C., 
1905; one of the signers of the address 
from the Lib. party to the Pope, 1896, 
resulting in the a,ppt. of a Papal Able- 
gate to Can.; moved a resolution, 
unanimously adopted, inviting the late 
King Edward and Queen A1exand.ra to 
visit Can., 1906; a R. C.-489 Wtlbrod 
St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa 
Hunt Club; Ottawa Country Club, do.; 
Ontario Club, Toronto. 
"An a>ble lawyer, an adroit and tactful 
politician, -and, in his general demeanor, 
friendly with all and singularly free from 
religious or nat.ional prejudices."-T. Globe. 
Belding, Albert Martin, journalist. 
B. Norton, N.B., May 8, 1859; e. 
pUblic SC'h. and Pro-vI. Normal Sch. 
(med.); public sch. teacher for sev- 

eral yrs.; joined staff St. .John Sun, 
1886; asst. ed. Dom. Illustrated 
(Montreal), 1891; ed. St. .John Star, 
1900-04; do. St. .John Times, 1904-08; 
in addition to short stories and poems 
contributerl to Chambers's Journal and 
other mags., has written much varied 
matter for the newspaper press, in- 
cluding a series of papers entitled 
"Mèlicite Philosouhy," and a series or 
amusing political satires, under the 
heading, "Ancient Order of Office- 
Seekers," which attracted much atten- 
tion ; author also, in collaboration 
with others, of a volume of sketches, 
stories and poems, and of " The 
Book of St. .John," descriptive of the 
city of that name; one of the foyn- 
ders and first Presdt. of the Every- 
Day Club (1907), an assn. for mutual 
helpfulness for working men and 
others; a dir. Can. Club, St. .John; 
a memo N. of Mangt., St. .John Assd. 
Charities, and of N. B. Temp. Federa- 
tlon; twice m.-270 Germain St., St. 
John, N.B.; Canadian Club, do. 
"A writer ()f unusual abilit.}....-St. 
John Teleuraph. 
Belford, Rev, James Franklin Beatty 
U. E. L. descent; settled P. E. Co., 
Ont., 1786; b. nr. Wooler, Ont., Oct. 
22, 1867; e. Campbell ford High Scll. 
and Man. Unlv. (B.A.); m., 1891, 
Miss Mary Eleanor McCracken; O. 
1898; has acted as Can. Govt. Immi- 
gration agent In Eng. ; has contributed 
poetry and other I>ieces to the mags.; 
a firm believer In Rt. Hon. .J. Cham- 
berlain's pollcy.-56 Knollys Rd., 
Streatham, London, Eng. 
Bell, Hon, Adam Carr, merchant; leg- 
S. Basil H, E., Haddlngtonshtre, 
Scot., and Mary, O. d. Adam Carr, 
Albion Mines, N.S.: b. Pictou, N.S., 
Nov. 11, 1847; e. New Glasgow, Sack- 
ville Acad., and Gla.sgow Univ.; m., 
Sept., 11873, Annie, d. .John Henderson, 
AI,bion Mines, N.S. ; long in mercantile 
life at New Glasgow; recently re- 
tJired; se.rv.ed as sch. commr., War- 
d'ell, and IMayor New Glasgow; a 
Con., and sat, in that interest, for 
Pictou (Local), 1878-86; was Provl. 
Secy. In Thompson Admn., 1882, and 
local leader of the Opposition, 1882-87; 
unsuccessfully contested Pictou (H.C.), 
g. e. 1891, and same co. (Local), 1904 ; 
sat for Pictou (H. C.), 1896-1904, 
when defeated; Is an hon. memo North 
Brit. Soc., Halifax, and presdt. New 
Glasgow Lit. and Rist. Soc.; author 
"A Speculative Yiew of Can. Free 
Trade" a lecture (1892), and of 
"Canåda and the Chamberlain Move- 
ment" (1903); favours Imp. Federa- 
,uioIlJ; senr3Jtor (Duke 'Of Conn.aught), 
Oct., 1911; a PI'esb.-New Glasgow, 
"The physical counterpart of Edward 
Blake, and who also resembles him not 
a little in his mental habits."-T. New8. 
"A man who studies public questionll 
as he studies his business problems, and 
who has been steadily coming forward 
into the front rank of parliamentarians: - 
M. Gazette. 



Bell, Albert William, physician. 
B. Markham, Ont., Aug. 18, 1862; 
e. Jarvis St. CoIl. Inst., Toronto, and 
Toronto Univ.; graduated M.D. (Trln. 
Univ., do.) 1891; for some yrs. asst. 
man gr. Toronto Indust. Expn., and 
supdt. live stock, do.; apptd. gent 
man gr. Winnipeg Expn., Mch., 1!i06; 
is secy....treas: Sheep and Swine 
Breeders' Assn., Cattle Breeders' Assn., 
Horse Breeders' Assn., Man., and the 
Can. Red-Robed Assn.- Winnipeg. 
Bell, Alex;"nder Graham, inventor. 
S. late Alex. Melville B.. who long 
enjoyed a reputation in the field of 
philol. and as IS. linguist, and was, at 
one time, prof. of elocution, Queen's 
Unlv., Kingston, Ont.; b. Edinburgh, 
Scot., Mch. 3, 1847; e. Edinburgh 
Univ. and Unlv. CoIl., London; m., 
1877, Mabel Gardiner, d. G. G. Hub- 
bard; came to Can., 1870, where, 
later he invented the telephone, the 
first 'trial of the system taking place 
at Brantford, Ont., 1876; Invention 
pabented the sacrne year; :Inv.enred 
the photophone, Induction balance, 
and telephone probe, and (with C. A. 
Bell) the graphophone; more recently 
has Invented a flying machine, whose 
succpssful ascent took place at Bad- 
deck (his summer residence). Dec., 
1907; is Presdt. of the Aerial Experi- 
ment. Assn., organiz.ed In conneetlon 
with his invention; formerly much 
devoted to. the education of the deaf. 
and was Presdt. of the Am. Assn. for 
the diffusion of knowledge to the 
deaf; also formerly Presdt. National 
Geograph. Soc.; has been a regent of 
the Smithsonian Inst. slnoe 1898 (and, 
In 1903, conveyed, at his sole expense, 
the remains of Jas. Smithson, the 
founder of the inst., from Genoa to 
Washington); awarded the Volta 
Prix, by French Govt., 1881; also cre- 
ated an offr. of ,the Legi.on -of Honour, 
France; Prince Albert med. (London 
Soc. Fine Arts), 1902; was the foun- 
der of the Volta Bureau; Ph.D. (hon.), 
Univ. of Wurzburg, 1882; LL.D. (hon.) 
(Univ. .of 8t. Andrew'g), 1902; LL.D. 
(d'O.), Harvard Unlv" 1896; D.Se. 
(d.o.), Untv. oxford, 1907; LL.D. (do.), 
Queen's Unlv.. Can., 1909; do. (do.) 
Ill. ColI., 1896; dlO. (do.) .Amherst 
ColI., 1901; IM.D. (hon.). Heidelberg, 
1886; a fel.low Am. ._-\.cad., and a 
memo of the Am. PhHos. Soc. and 
the Am. Nat. Acad. of Science, and has 
recd. similar marks of honour from other 
Institutions In Europe and Am.; pre- 
sented with a piece of plate from people 
of Baddeck, Dec., 1907, to mark the 
date when he successfully carried a 
man In the wir in a tetr-a.hedral aero- 
plane, or flying machine, owr Bras 
d'Or Lake; as a mtem.orlal to his father, 
has presented to the Assn. for the Dif- 
fusion of Knowledge to the Deaf, for 
the benefit of the Volta Bureau, the 
ilium of $75,000; of his discoveries and 
labours, In connection with his aerial 
experiments, .. he believes that an air- 
ship will be perfected capable of mak- 
Ing 150 to 200 miles an hour, his 
oplrul.on being that 'Ït will be possiole 
to have ddnner in Am. and breakfast 
the next morning In Europe"; author 

many scientific and educ!. mono- 
graphs, including .. Mechanism of 
Speech" and "A Memoir on the For- 
mation of a Deaf Variety of the Human 
Race."-1S31 Connecticut Ave., Wash- 
ington, D.C.; summer residence: "Benin 
Breagh/' Badcleck, N.S. 
Bell, Andrew James, educationist. 
S. late Geo. and Jessie (Fleming) 
B., Ottawa; b. there, May 12, 1856; 
e. Ottawa CoIl. Inst. and Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., 1878); took a post- 
graduate course at Breslau Unlv. 
(Ph.D., 1889); dissertation there," De 
locatiVli in prisea Latio.itaie vii eot 
usu," was rmblished the same year; 
further studies at Leipzig, 1906; Mac- 
donald prof. Latin lang. and lit., Vic- 
toria Univ., Toronto, 1889, a position 
he still retains; an active memo Can. 
Inst., and a contributor to Its trans.; 
founded Bell Scholar. In classics, To- 
ronto Univ., and a prize In oratory, 
Victoria Unlv. ; a Bapt.; m., 1st. 1882, 
Miss Martha Whitwam, st. Thomas, 
Onto (d. Sept., 1900); 2ndly, ApI., 
1903, Martha Anne, d. Alfred Sneath, 
Penetanguishene, Ont.-17 A venue Rd., 
Bell, Andrew M., merchant. 
B. and e. Halifax, N.S.; a memo 
firm A. M. B. & Co., wholesale and 
retail hardware, Halifax, N. S.; elected 
presdt. Halifax Bd. -of Trade, ,1906; 
do. iMoa.ritime Bd. of Trad,e, 11907-8; 
do. Lord's Day .AJlJI.ianoe, 1908-9; a 
.cIIel. 6th Oongress OhambeTs oOIf Oom- 
me.roe .01' Empire, :UO",don
 Erug., 1906; 
a JJlLe<th.-Halifax, N.S. 
.. Enthusiastic, energetic and deter- 
mined."-H. Herald. 
Bell, Biø Honour Archibald, Co. Ct. 
Third s. late Archd. B., builder and 
contractor, a native of Paisley, Scot., 
who came to Can., 1832, and ultimately 
settled in Lobo, Middlesex, Ont., and 
Agnes (Hood) B.; b. Toronto, Nov. 16, 
1840; e. l<>cal schs. and Lond.on Gram- 
mar .sch.; m., May, 1874, Eliæ, 
e. d. MalC{)lm 'Came'f\oru, Lobo, On't.; 
()Ibtd. 1st elM'S cert., 1857, and was 
for 'some yrs. a pUbl,ic -sch. teacher; 
studied law wibh late Judlge JOIhn 
Wi1son; bar.rister, 1866; !practised at 
Strathr.oy and 'Ch8JthJaJm; judge Co. 'Ct., 
K;cnt, On.t., Oct. 2, 1878; R. 0., 1887; 
l.ocal master SUlp. Ct., 1901; a dir. Lon- 
don Life As sur. Co., and presdt. 0I18t- 
ham Loan & Savings Co.; chairman 
Chlatham ColI. Bd., 1886-1900; a 
IOOya:1 Commr., with -others, to In.vesU- 

t-e 'taxation of rys. In U. S., May. 
1904; IS Presb.-Chatham, Onto 
Bell, Charles J., U. S. civil service. 
B. Toronto; e. Lambion Mills, Wes- 
ton Grammar Sch. and U. C. ColI.: 
studied for bar; entd. service Dun, 
Wiman & Co., and later that of R. G. 
Dun & Co., with whom he went to the 
U. S., 1870; remained with them, sue- 
cessiwly, as a.sst. mangr. and soir. at 
St. Louis, Chicago, Memphis, and New 
Orleans; state mangr. Mutual Life 
Ins. Co., La.. 1892-99, when apptid. 
Asst. U. S. Treas., New Orleans; a 
Rep.-New Orleans, La. 


:Bell, Charles Napier, publicist. 
S. Jas. B., Regr. S. Lanark, Ont.; b. 
P.el1t!h, o rut. , 1854; e. Per,tJh oommon 
amd grammar schs.; íIJ1. .AJldoo, d. Rev. 
Ge'o. Bell, LL.D.; first wenrt: to Man. 
with the Red River Expedy. force, 
under Lord Wolseley, 1870, and has 
continued there ever since: some time 
In public service, and afterwards In 
ry. service; secy. Winnipeg Bd. of 
Trade and Winnipeg Grain Exchange, 
1887; re-el-ected for 24th year, 19,10; 
secy. Royal Sh!ipmlent and Tnms- 
pol"lbaJtilOOl Comn., 1900, I
md! of !the 
Royal Com'll. .on Tranlsportat!on, 1904; 
a dir. Brit. and Co!. Press Service, 
Ltd., 1910; has rendered many varied 
and important services to Man. and the 
N. W.; author of various pamphlets 
and newspaper articles In reference 
thereto; a del. to the 6th Congress 
Imp. Chambers of Commerce, London, 
1906; In addition to other positions, has 
been presdt. Man. Hist. and Lit. Soc., 
and Grand Master of Freemasons; Is 
a memo SuP. Council, 33rd Degree, for 
Can.; elected F. iR. G. S., 1885, anò 
is a corr. mem.. Royal Scottish Geo- 
graph. and of other lit. and seien. 
societies; apptd. consul for Guate- 
mala, at Winnipeg, 1896; as a mil. man, 
served In the Fenian raids, 1866-1870, 
and again, in 1871, in Man. (m
ds:>; e. 
Presb.-121 Carleton St., W
peg ;. 
Manitoba Club, do. 
II His services cannot be overeRtimated." 
-Sir John Schultz. 
:Bell, Charles William, barrister. 
S. Wm. B., KC., and Emily (Rog- 
ers) B., Hamilton, Ont.; b. Hamilton, 
Ont.; e. Trln. Unlv., Toront0 (B.A., 
1896) ; m., 1904, Beatrice E.. d. F. W. 
Gate-s, jr.; barrister, 1899; author "A 
Prince of Zanzibar," a farcical 
comedy, produced at the Bijou Thea- 
tre, London, Eng., .June, 1904; Ang.- 
n Homewood Ave., Hamilton, Ont, 
:Bell, Edwin, lawyer. 
S. J. H. B., contractor, late of 
Chatham, Ont.; rb. Ithoere, .Jan. 14, 
1860; e. Oha:t:l1a:m High 'Sch. amd 
Toronto Univ. (LL.iB., 1899); m., 
1890 Fanny, 3rd d. 'late John E. 
Broóke, IChatham, On1. ; bar.rister, 
1883; .practlsed In Ohatham till 1903, 
when he 1IlIOV.ed! 00 'furonto, Wlhere !be 
was assoclaJted in business w:Ith .J. W. 
S. Corley, K.C. (q.v.); now success- 
fully pr8ctdsing {)n his own account; 
formerly V.-P. Kent ,!Jaw Soc.; aut hOT 
following lega;l ;pubJlcat1on ' s: II Law of 
Real EstaJte Mofltgages," II l;aw .of 
LandI'ol'd and Tenant," II The Prlndples 
of Aorgument," and II Digest Onto Case 
Law, 1900-05"; served as carpt. 34t'h 
Regt.; retJlred wU'h rank, 1903; a Lib., 
and formerly prresdt. W. Kent LIb. 
Assn.; Äng.-4!7 Jarvis St., Toronto; 
Granite Club; Canadian Club.. do. 
I I Has rendered a signa] service W all 
thinking men by hi. I Principles of Argu- 
ment.' "-M. & E. 
Bell, Prancis Hugh, lawyer. 
S. late .John A. B., city auditor. 
Halifax. N.S.; b. there; e. Dalhousie 
Unlv. (B.A., with honours In classics 
and Gov.-GenI's. gold med.. 1876) : m., 
Oct., 1894, MIriam, e. d. .J. B. Steed, 


Hamilton, Bermuda; barrister, 1878; 
K.C., 1907; apptd. recorder of Hali- 
fax, 1906; a promoter of the Halifax 
Can. Club.-Halifax. N,S.; Canadwft 
Club, do. 
Bell, Frederick McKelvey, physician. 
S. Wm. and Christiana (McKelvey) 
B.. Kingston, Ont.; b. there. Apt 10, 
1878; e. pUblic sehs., CoIl. Inst., and 
Queen's Unlv. (M.D., 1903); m., Oct., 
1900, Miss Henrietta Casgrain, Corn- 
wall, Ont.;' post-grad. course N. Y. 
city hosps.; Ifcent. Unlv. . State or 
N. Y.; memo ColI. P. and S., Ont.; 
attend. phys. Vanderbilt Clinic, N. Y., 
1903; resident surg. N. Y. City Penty. 
and Workhouse, 1903-04; commenced 
practJloe, OttaIWa, 1904; assoc. mem. 
med. staft St. Luke's Hosp., Ottawa; 
gazetted med. offr. (with rank of capt.) 
5th Princess Louise Drag. Gds., .June. 
1907; edifted med. column Queen's Univ. 
Jou1"?1.Ul, 1902-03; has Ie.ctured 0iI1 med. 
subject's; eÞected presdrt. Ottawa Moo. 
Soc., 19111; a ,Prres!b.-400 McLeod St. þ 
Ottawa, Onto 
Bell, George, lawyer. 
S. late Rev. George B., LL.D. 
(Presb.), and Ellen (Chadwick) B.; 
b. Niagara Falls, Ont., Dec. 13, 1857; 
e. Queen's Unlv., Kingston (B.A., 
1878); m., .Sept., 1885, MaI'li'on E., d. 
'loa.toe iLt.
CoI. Alex. Spr{){vt, M.'P., ;PrInce 
Albert, N.W.T. ; ba,rrlster (with 
hOiIJ)()urs), 1881; K.C., 1908; Iha.s suc- 
cessfuU.y 'practised ihls .prof. 'ÌJhT.ough- 
aut in ToTO'IlÌ'o; memo firnn Thomson. 
Hend 1 el1Son & iE" 1886-1903; sInce 'Prac- 
til, alone; commooore iMuskoka Lakes 
Aissn., 1908; Oem.; Presb.-l06 St. 
George St., Toronto; Albany Club; 
Royal Can. Yacht Club; Toronto Club; 
Victoria Club; York Club, do. 
Bell, George Pearson, physIcian; Dom. 
public service. 
.B. Eng., Feb. 5, 1848; e. Jthere; 
M.R.CJS., Eng., 187,2 ;M.B.,C.M., 1876; 
M.D. (Aberdeen Unlv.), 1879; came 
to Can., 1886; entd. R. N.-W. M. Police, 
Feb., 1894; surgeon, do., .July 1, 1905. 
-Regina, Sask. 
Bell, George Turnbull, ry. service. 
,s. late Wm. 'B., G. T. Ry. s'ervlce; b. 
Montreal, Sept. 7, 1861; e. there; 
entd. service Gt. W. Ry. as a elk., 
Sept., 1878; j,oined G. T. .Ry. as a chief 
elk., Nov., 1882. and has remained 
with that Une in various positions 
throughout; became gent passgr. and 
ticket agent at Montreal, May, 1900, 
and since Aug., 1908, has filled the 
same offices with the G. T. Pacific, com- 
bining the supervision of both lines; 
elected presdt. of the Am. Assn. of 
Gent Pass. and Ticket Agents, 1908 
(given for the first time to a CanadIan) ; 
a dir. Montreal .Busines:s Men's League. 
-4S9 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Westmount, 
.. A popular officla1."-Oan. Courit'r. 
I I Courteous, conciliatory, shrewd and 
capable."-T. New8. 
Bell, Herbert, educationist. 
E. s. late Wm. and .Janet (Macfad- 
yen) B.; b. Carleton, lot 27, P. E.!.. 
Feb. 16, 1880; e. local common and 
high schs., PrInce of Wales con., 
Charlottetown (1st dass Jlcense), Mc- 

Gill Univ., and Edinburgh UnIv. (M.A., 
with 1st class honours In nat. phil. and 
med. in math., 1906; B.Sc., do.) ; taught 
sch. for a time; apptd. asst. prof. of 
math., Heriot Watt Coil., Edinburgh, 
S<:ot., 1905; since Ithen 'has beeJn asst. 
In nat. phil. iÏn Eðinburgrh Univ. to 
'Prof. MacGregor, LL.D.----8 ,sali8bury 
Bell, James, physician. 
B. N. Gower, Ont., Oct. 10, 1852: e. 
'local schs., privately, and (McGill 
Un/iv. (M.D.,C.M., and Hiollffioes groll(} 
med,), 1877; m., .June, 18.89, Edith 
MaTY, e. 'd. late J. .J. /Arnt<>n, M<>nt- 
real; house tSurg. 'Montreal Genl. Hosp., 
1877; moo. supdt. do., 1881; asst. surg. 
do., 1885; full surg. do., 1886; surg. 
Royal Vlct. Hosp., Montreal (remaIn- 
Ing consult. surg. Montreal Genl. 
Hosp), 1894; laSSO. prof. clinical surg. 
McGill Unlv., 1888; asst. prof. surg. 
and clln. surg. do., 1890; prof. clln. 
surg. do., 1894; prof. surg. and clin. 
surg. do., 1907; for some Yr8. surg. 6th 
Batt. (Fusfllers), and at outbreak of 
N. W. RebelIlon, 1885, accompanied 
Genl. Middleton to scene of operations 
as surg.-genl., in charge of field hosp. 
corps (med. and mentioned In de- 
spatches); author of II Tubercular 
Family History," and other papers; 
a memo Hon. Comte. Montreal Horse 
Show; 00Il. surg. Ohdldrens HO'sp., do. 
-409 Dorchester St. W. i Montreal; St. 
James'8 Club; Montrea Jockey Club; 
Mt. Royal Club; University Club, do. 
.. The ablest surgeon in America."-1'he 
late Dr. C. R. Church. 
(D. Montreal
 ApI. 11
ames Abbott Mackintosh, geolo- 
S. Andrew B., C.E., and Marian 
(Rosamond) B., Almonte, Ont.; b. St. 
Andrew's, P.Q., Sept. 23, 1877; e. 
Almonte High Sch., Queen's UnJv., 
Klng,ston (M.A. and silver med. In 
chemist., 1899), and Harvard Unlv. 
(Ph.D.); m., Sept., 1909, Vera, d. 
Harold Beauchamp, preadt. Bank of 
New Zealand; a F.R.G.S., a memo Am. 
.MIlliing Illist. and. other socs.; geologist 
Gool. Survey, Can., 1899-1901 (leadIng 
an expedition to the Mackenzie RIver 
and Gt. Bear Lake); mining expert, 
Lake Superior Power Co., 1901-02 ; aset. 
geol. Onto Bureau of MInes, 1903-04; 
teacher Harvard Unlv., 1903-04 (win- 
ters); official geologist, New Zealand 
(succeeding the late Sir .Jas.. Hector 
therein), since 1904; accompanied Capt. 
Scott, R.N., on the Antarctic Expn., 
1910; author reports on Mackenzie 
River and Gt. Bear Lake, Moose River 
Basin, and on MlcWpicoten Dføt.; an 
Ang.- Wellington
Bell, James Munsie, educationist. 
S. late .John Charlton and Hannah 
(Munsle) B.; b. Chesley, Ont., ApI. 
19, 1880; e. .Jameson Ave. CoIl. Inst., 
Toronto, Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1902; 
M.A., 1905), and Cornell Unlv. (Ph.D., 
1905) : unm.; asst. In chemistry (Cor- 
nell Unlv.), 1902-3; graduate scholar. 
do., do. (do.), 1903-04; Sage fellow 
do., do. (do.), 1904-05; apptd. expert 
Bureau of SolIs, U. S. Dept. of Agri- 
cuI., May, 1905; a memo Am. Cheml- 



cal Soc., Am. Assn. Advanc. of Scf- 
ence, and Am. Soc. Agronomy; author 
numerous scfentlfic papers, mainly In 
Journ. Phy, ChemÏ8try
 Journ. Am, 
Chem. Soc., and as bulletins of U. S. 
Dept. Agrlcul.; Presb.-6O! Ie The On- 
" Washington
Bell, Mrs, Jane Lambert, physician. 
D. Rev. W. H. Heartz, D.D. 
(Meth.); b. N. S.; graduated M.D. 
(Women's Med. CoIl., N. Y.), 1893; 
m., .June, 1903, Alfred .J. Bell, Half- 
fax, N.S.-Hali'aa;
Bell, John Henry, physician. 
B. Kingston, Ont., 1866; e. publfc 
and high schs. there and Ottawa Nor- 
mal Sch.; M.D.,C.M. (Queen's Univ., 
Kingston), 1890; do. (Trln. Unlv" To- 
ronto), do.; practises In Kingston; 
unm.; Ald., Kingston, 1897-02; Mayor, 
1903; for some yrs. a pUbllc sch. 
teacher; elected Grand Councfllor Can. 
Order Chosen Friends, 1903-04; Su- 
preme Med. OlTr. Can. Fraternal Assn., 
Apt, 1903; .became '})ßrmanoent grand 
med. examr. of firstnamed institution, 
1909; also h<>lds hIgh rank In Masonic, 
Orange, and Oddfellows' orders; a 
Meth.; a Con.-King8ton
Ben, John Howatt, lawyer; legis- 
S. Walter and Elizabeth (Howatt) 
B., Cape Traverse, P.E.I.; father na- 
tive Dumfrles, Scot.; b. Cape Tra- 
verse, Dec. 9, 1845; e. Prince of 
Wales CoIl., Charlottetown, and Albert 
Univ., Bellevllle (B.A., 1868; M.A., 
1869) ; m., .July, 1882, Helen, d. Hon. 
Cornelius Howatt, Summerside, P.E.I.; 
barrister (Ont.), 1874; do. (Man.), 
1882; do. (P. E. I.), 1884; practised 
 at OtJb:uwa, Emerson, and 
Summerside; remained at latter place 
since 1884; formerly a memo P. E. I. 
Assembly; sat for E. Prince (H. C.), 
1898-1900; a Lib.; a Presb. - Sum- 
mer8ide, P.E.I, 
Bell, John Bitchie, philanthropist. 
B. Shawbridge, P.Q., Aug. 20, 1864; 
e. Montreal schs. and Moody Bible 
Inst., Chicago.; m., Oct., 1897, Edith 
May, d. Wm. Tees, Montreal; a local 
preacher and evangellst since 1884; 
man gr. Montreal Sailors' Inst. sInce 
1888; has done evangelfst work In 
many portions of Can. and the U. S.: 
was associated with D. L. Moody In 
his last tour through Scot. and Irel.; 
believes In the love of God, which has 
provided a salvation for all men In 
.Jesus Christ; therefore, he labours to 
bring all men to Christ; non-partizan 
In polftfcs.-Sailor8' In8t" Montreal; 
367 Elgin A ve.
.. No man better known or more highly 
respected."-Ârchbi8hop Bond. 
Bell, John WainwrIght, scientist. 
B.Se. (Mì), McGlll Unlv., 1897; 
M.Se., do., 1899: was successively de- 
mons. In mining and lectur. In mining 
at McGfll Unlv.; resigned, 1899, to 
accept an appt. In the U. S.; more re- 
cently apptd. prof. of mining englng. 
McGlll Univ.-.J165 Western Ave., West- 
. Montreal. 
.. Most promising."-M. Gazette. 



Bell, Josiah Jones, journalist. 
S. late Robt. B., M.P. for N. Lan- 
ark in Can. Assembly, and Emeline 
(.Jones) B.; grands. Rev, Wm. B., 
Perth, Ont., who came to Can., 1816; 
b. Carleton Place, Ont.; e. Grammar 
Sch. there and Queen's Univ., King- 
ston (B.A., 1864; M.A., 1877); m. 

nnie, d. Chas. Mickle, Guelph, Ont., 
and grandd. of the :poet Mickle; a 
journalist; now ed. Can. Engineer; 
a frequent contributor to the mags. 
and scientific journals; for some yrs. 
a Councillor Queen's Univ.: served in 
Can. mil. during Fenian Raid, 1866, 
and under Lord Wolseley during Riel 
Rebelllon, 1870; retired with rank of 
capt. (genl. service med., with two 
clasps); was supply offr. of party 
which ran first line for C. P. R. across 
the continent: a Pr
sb.-!9 Prince 
Arthur Ave., Toronto; Engineer8' Club, 
Bell, Richard Smith, journalist. 
Fourth s. late Prof. .Jas. T. B., Al- 
bert CoIl., Belleville, Ont.; b. Ber- 
wlck-on-'l'weed, Eng., Nov. 29, 1845; 
e. private sdhs. ; m., May, 1870, 
delaide (d. Sept., 1901), 2nd d. 
J. P. Reeves, Belol:e<v.i'\oloe; came t'O Dan. 
i.n early life; joined staff BeIleviHe In- 
telligencer, ..Jan., 1870; aßSt. ed., Jam, 
1875: ed.-In-chlef do, (sucoeedJing Sir 
M. -Bowell, q.v.), Oct., 1878; 
ater ed. 
BelleviHe S1m for 3 yrs., and on staff 
Montreal Witne88; now ed. Daily On- 
tario; a Con.; a firm beE.ever in Br'i t. 
conlß'ection and in the footJeI1Ïn'g of our 
home indusÌ'ries.-Belleville, Onto 
>>ell, Robert, scientist; late Dom. 
public service. 
S. late Rev. Andrew and ElizabE;
(Notman) B.; grands. late Rev. Wm. 
B.; both father and grandf. were of 
the Presb. ministry; b. Toronto, .June 
3, 1841; e. Prescott (Co.) Gnammar 
Sch., McGiH Unlv. (B.A.Sc. and Gov.- 
Genl.'s med., 1861; D.Sc., 1901; M.D., 
C.M., 1898): hon. LL.D., Queen's 
Univ., Kingston, 1883; D.Sc. (Can tab) , 
190.3, and Edlnibul1gh Unlv.: m., 1873, 
Agnes (presdt. Ottawa Humane Soc., 

ord. secy. Vicltorian Order of 
Nurses), d. Alex. Smith, 'Vestbournt, 
Glasgow and Auchentroig, Stirling- 
shire, Scot.; F.C.S., 1865: memo Am. 
Inst. of Mining Engrs., 1881; hon. 
memo Med-Chlr. Soc., M<mtreal: fel- 
low Am. A.A.Sci.; one of the founda- 
tion fellows of the Royal Soc. of Can. ; 
memo of Govt. Geographic. Bd.; joined 
Geological Survey of Can., 1857; pro- 
moted ohief geologist, Mch., 1906; re- 
tired from the s.ervioo on a .p.ensl'On, 
1908: h8JS made very extensive 
topogr1aJplh. and geol. .surveY's In 
n'e8Jrly aU parts of Nre Dom. since 
1857; the Bell River or W. bran
of the Noottaway, which he surVleyed 
in 1895, was officially nl!l1lJled a.fter 
him; was medical officer, naturalist, 
and 'geQIloglst af Neptune e'Xpdm., 
18&4, and of Alert eXJpdn., 11885, to 
Hudson's Strait and Bay; was also 
geologist on tJhJe Diana ex:podn. in 
1897, when he surveyed the south coast 
of Baffinland and penetrated to the 
great lakes of its interior; among the 
rivers he has surveyed are the Atha- 

basca, Slave, Beaver, Churchill, Kel- 
son, Hayes and branches, the Winni- 
peg, English, Albany, Kenogami, Nipi- 
gon, Moose and its numerous branches, 
the, Broadback, Nottaway 
and its branches, the upper Gatineau 
and most of the rivers of Northern 
Ont.: he also made the first surveys 
of some of the largest lakes of Can., 
including Great Slave, Nipigon, Seul, 
05naburgh, and parts of A thabasca, 
Winnipeg, and Lake of the Woods: a 
del. from the Dam. Govt. and the Royal 
Soc. of Can. to the Intern. Geol. Oon- 
gress, Vienna, 1903 : has been Can. cor. 
of Ì'he Roya:l Scottish Gelogr.ruphical 
Soc. ever since Lts foundation; .can. 
cor. of la Soc. de Gêograp.; memo of 
the Royal Astron. Soc. of Can.; was 
a Royal Commr. on the Mineral Re- 
sources of Ont., 1888-89; has published 
over 200 reports and papers, mostly 
on geology, biology, geography, and 
folk-lore: prof. of chemistry and nat. 
science In Queen's Unlv., Kingston, 
1863-67: hon. chief of Algonquin In- 
dLans of Grand Lake: presdt. Intern. 
Congress of Americanlsts, 1906; King's 
.or prutron/s g1()1lodi moo. of 1he Royal Geo- 
graph. .S-oc. of Lond.em, 1906; Cullum 
gold medal of the Am. Geograph. Soc., 
1906: F.R.S., 1897: 1.S.0., 1903: (see 
.. The Jubilee of a Scientist," by Rev. 
Robt. Oa,mpbeN" D.D., q.v., Can. Mag., 
.Jan., 1908).-136 3IacLaren St., Ottawa; 
Rideau Club, do. 
.. The principal place-name fatheor ot 
C-a,naèLa....-The late Dr. Oeo. Johnson. 
"A l'ema,rkable man, whom Oalll. should 
always ho,ld in gr.a.tefu-l remembran.ce."- 
Chas. Hallock. 
II No o,ther IIlIan living or dead hoo done 
anything a'Pproaching the .amO'1lnt of good 
geogl'laphical .and geological work which he 
has accomplished in all parts of the Dom. (}f the Rocky Mountalns."-T. GloÐe. 
Bell, Lt,-Col, Robert WilUam, physi- 
S. late Robt. B., M.P. for _ North 
Lanark, Can., 1847-64, and grands. 
Rev. Wm. B., Perth, Ont., one of the 
pioneer Presb. clergymen of Can.; b. 
Carleton Place, Ont., May 9, 1851: e. 
local grammar sch.: graduated M.D. 
with honours (McGill Univ.), 1873; 
m., 1877, Ellen, d. late .John Sum- 
ner : practised Carleton Place and 
Peterboro; 5 yrs. on staff Provl. 
Bd. of Health, Ont.; Grend Master I. 
O. Oddiel1ows, 1889-90: past Presdt. 
St. Andrew's Soc., Peterboro; served 
34 yrs. in vol. mil. force, In all ranks, 
ff10m bug; tJO 1 t.-ool. ; in command 570th 
Regt. (Peterboro Rangs.), 1895-1900; 
served In Fenian raids, 1866 and 1870 
(service med. with 2 bars, and long-ser- 
vice decoration); formerly a Lib. and 
presdt. W. Peterboro Lib. Assn.; now 
out of politics; a Presb.-51 St. Vin- 
cent St., Toronto. 
Ben, William, Can. ry. service. 
Irish and Scotch descent; b. To- 
ronto, S
I1t. 17, 1876; e. Royal Arthur 
Sch., Montreal; entd. ry. service 
C. P. R., Montreal, 1889, becoming 
successively inspr. and chief inspr. 
d.o., 1897-1903: went west, 1903: pro- 
moted supdt. western lines do., 1906. 



Bell, William Edward, business man. 
S. l8Jte Vim. B., G. T. Ry., Mont.real,; 
b. therE', Mch. 6, 1856; e. Central SCh., 
London, Ont.; m., May, 1892, Miss 
Henrietta Pettit, Paris, Ont.; entd. 
service Montreal Tel. Co., London, 
Ont., Aug., 1870, becoming bookkeeper 
and cashier, do., Mch., 1871; there- 
after was successively bookkeeper 
Westtern UnJiolli Telegraph Office, Chic- 
ago, 1873; chief elk. and auditor, 1st 
dist., Central div., do., do., 1881; supdt. 
Chicago Telephone Co., 1890; genl. 
sales agent Nat. Cash Regr. Co.. Chi- 
cago, 1893; genl. supdt. Ill. Dist. Tel. 
Co., do., 1900; secy. and treas. .Jack- 
son, Corbett & Co., and gent. supdt. 
Ill. Construction Co., do., .July. 1901; 
dist. supdt. Am. Telephone & Tel. Co., 
do., Dec., 1901, and div. supdt. Am. 
Telephone & Tel. Co., do. (his present 
position), ApI., 1908.-Rand-.JfcNally 
Bdg., Chicago, Ill. 
.. A man of excellent executive ability 
and untiring business pU8h."-Oan. A.m. 
Bell, Major William Robert, promoter. 
S. late Robt. and - (Sherwood) 
B.; b. and e. Brockvllle, Ont.; m. y. d. 
.Jas. G. Elwood, do.; went to Western 
States, but returned to Can. at out- 
break of first Fenian trouble, to serve 
in defence of his native country; re- 
tired as major 41st Regt., May, 1875 
(med. for Fenian raids. 1866 and 
1870; genl. service med., with 2 
clasps); served on first Wimbledon 
rifle team; originated the Qu' Appelle 
Valley Farming Co. and other similar 
enterprises, 1882; unsuccessfully con- 
tested Qu'Appelle (N. W. Council), 
1883; presdt. Bd. of Trade, Indian 
Head, 1893. - Winnipeg; lIfanitoba 
Olub, do. 
Belleau, Isidore :Noel, lawyer. 
Ancestors from Perlgueuse, France; 
b. Deschambault, P.Q., 1848; e. Quebec 
Semry. and Laval Univ. (LLÆ., 187.l; 
LL.D., 1902); m., .July, 1875, Ma,rie 
Louise, d. R. Raym.ond, advocate, 
Lêvis; advocate, 1871; K.C. (M. 
Lansdowne), 1887; successfully 'Prac- 
tise.!! at LêVlÏs; a Crown Ipl1osecutor 
before Royal Comn. of Enquiry 
re Mercier and Pacaud, 1892; ed. and 
'prop.r. d'or SIO'I'Jl'e yrs. of L'Echo de. 
Lévis, and, subsequently, of Le Pro- 
gres de Lévi8; Mayor of that city for 
some yrs. up to 1896; also presdt. Club 
Con. de Lêvis and of Assn. de Tir de 
Lêvis; represented Lêvis (H. C. ), 
1883-85. when unseated; a Con.; a 
R. C.-Lévi8, P.Q. 
Belleau, :Neuville, stock broker. 
S. late A. G. B., M.D., Coroner, Que- 
bec; b. there, 1875; e. Quebec Semy. 
and Christian Bros.' Commercial Acad. ; 
m. d. Chas. de Montlgny, prothy., Terre- 
bonne, P.Q.; formerly in service Union 
Bank Can.; then in insurance business; 
later became a st
kbroker; was head 
of firm N. B. & Co.. stockbrokers, Que- 
bec; elected a memo Montreal Stock 
Exchange, 1910; opened an office in 
Brussels, Belg;ium, 1911; a dir. Quebec 
us Co., Q'uebec and Sagueruay Ry., 
Quebec L. H. & Poiwer Co., Eastern 

Can. Steel & Iron Works, and Mount 
RCJIy'al Assur. C{).; R. C.-64 St. Louis 
St., Quebec; Quebec Garrison Club. 
Bellingham, Augustus William Henry, 
civil engineer. 
Scottish .and Eng. origin; s. Wm. 
and Sarah B.; ,b. St. .John, N.B.; e. 
Eng. and Franoe; asso. M. Inst. C. E., 
1880; m., 00., 1902; asst. e'l1 l gr. during 
construction Avonm{)uth Docks, under 
Brunle'es & McKerrow, for 3 yrs.; went 
to Austmlia, 1879; in S. A. Govt. em- 
ploy, 1879-80, making designs and 
speolficaU.ons of various works oon- 
nected wi,th Govt. rys.; ltat<er 8JSst. 
Hovt. Engr. Adelaide ,Port. a,nd North 
lines; resigned, and Teturned to Eng., 
1882; after being engd. on :Parlia- 
mentary work in the nort'h of Eng. 
was employed on Channel Tunnel work 
for Sir John Hawkshaw, Son & Hayter, 
and In preparing drawings and report- 
ing on other work on the Tyne and 
Clyde; dist. engr. of the Southern 
Brazilian Ri-o Grande do SuI Ry. C{)., 
1883-5; employed on mining survey 
work, south of France, 1886; resident 
engr. in oonstruct:ion of C,hina Ry., and 
for a time engr. of the wh{)le works, 
1887-9; engr.-in-<chief to the Brit. 
Munic.ipaJ1dty, Tientsin, designing anò 
carrying out the drainage system, 
wharves, quays and many public build- 
illlgs 1890, rtJo <lJarte; during tthe iSlÏege of 
TieÎftsin, 1900, was engd. in assisting 
in erecting protecting work, mounting 
guns, etc., and In the transport of the 
troops, ammunition, etc., to Peking; 
was twice mentioned in despatches, re- 
ceiving the special thanks -of the Secy. 
of State for India, and the Lords 
Commrs. of the Admiralty, also the 
med. with dasp .for relief of Peking; 
Ang.-Tientsin, North Ohina; Nat. Lib, 
Club; Grosvenor Club; Thatched H OUS6 
Olub, London, Eng. 
Bell-J:.rving, Henry, merchant. 
S. late Hy. B.-I., of Mlllbank, Dum- 
frlesshire, Scot.; long settled as a 
shipping agent and wholesale and 
comn. merchant: at Va,ncouver; ha,s 
been presdt. Vancouver Bd. of Trade; 
a del. to Congress of Chambers of 
Commerce of the Empire, 1903, at 
which he took a foremost part in the 
debates; an ardent supporter of Mr. 
Chamberlain, and took part in the fiS- 
cal campaign in his behalf.-Van- 
couver, B.O.; Vancouver Olub, do. 
Bell-Smith, :Frederic Marlett, painter. 
E. s. late .John B.-S., an artist of 
repute, formerly secy.-treas. and trus- 
tee Inst. of Fine Arts, London, Eng., 
who came to Can.. 1866, where he 
founded and was the first presdt. of 
the Soc. of Can. Artists, Montreal, 
1867, the first soc. composed exclus- 
Ively of artists ever formed in Can.; 
b. London, Eng., Sept. 26, 1846; e. 
there; m., 1871, .Annie 'Myra, d. S. W. 
Dy.dte, and a niece of 1aJt:'e Co!. Dyde, 
C.IM.G., anI(} .A. D.C. 'to the Queen; 
studied drawing South Kensington; 
su'bsequentl'Y 1SJtudled painting, at 
Paris, under Courtois, Blanc, and Du- 
pain; came to Can., 1867; a charter 
memo Soc. Can. Artists; art dlr. Alma 
Coli., and teacher of drawing, pUblic 
schs., London, Ont., for 7 yrs.; re- 



moved to Toronto, 1888, where he con- 
fined himself to :painting; has attained 
his greatest success as a portrait and 
figure painter, but Is also widely 
known as a painter of landsca:pes: Is 
considered to have a style particu- 
larly his own, In his treatment of the 
cloud-girt and mist-enshrouded peaks 
and glaciers of the Rocky Mts.; among 
his :principal works are: "Lights of a 
City Life," "Queen Victoria's Tribute 
to Canada" (for which Her Majesty 
gave personal sittings), now in Nat. 
Gallery, Ottawa, and "The Landing 
of the Blenheim, with Sir .John Thomp- 
!!JOn's Remains"; apptd. a memo of 
the Royal Can. Acad. of Arts, at Its 
Inception, and elected an acad., 1886; 
elected presdt. Onto Soc. Artists. 1906; 
do. presdt. Toronto branch Dickens 
Fellowship, 1910; a memo Royal Brit. 
Cdl. Soc. of AJrt:lsts, 1908; won water- 
Odl'OUr prize Montreal Al"t Assn... 1909; 
ms exhbd. 3;t ihe Rioya;1 Acad., Lon- 
dJ<m; seTV1ed as a mU,I.ti-a VIOlunioor in 
Can. .during Fenian raidis (moo.); a 
memo .AJppoaJaohian Club; a !Meth.; a 
Freemason, a Fo()resiber, I3!OO a Uni.tJed 
Workman.-M6 Jarvis St., Toronto; 
Palette Club; Canadian Club, do. 
.. Belmont" (see Hatheway, W. F.). 
Belt, Bev, Alfred James (Ang.). 
E. S. late Rev. Canon WIll. B. and 
Laura Alison (Kerby) B.; b. Tp. 
Scarboro, Co. York, Ont., June' 16, 
1856; e. Trin. Univ., Toronto (B.A., 
1879; M.A., 1884); m., ApI., 1883, 
Mary, e. d. Geo. Devey Farmer, An- 
caster, Ont.; O. deacon, 1880; priest, 
1881; has served continuously In Dio- 
cese of Niagara; R. D., Co. Welling- 
ton, 1888-94 and 1897-1900; now R. D. 
CoO. Halwn; is ohapla;in (w
th rank 
of h.on. major) 20th Regt., Halton 
Rifles; author "Ecclesiastical History 
Chart," .. From .Jerusalem to .Jerusa- 
lem," and "Lectures on the Church." 
Ja1'vis, Onto 
Benda, Madame (see Mllls, T. W., 
Bender, Albert Joseph Taohe, lawyer. 
S. François .J. A. B., advocate and 
pro thy. Sup. Ct., Montmagny, P.Q., 
and Marie Mathilde, d. Cot Hon. Sir 
E. P. Tachê, one .of the "Fa:thers of 
Oorufedemrt.ion"; .b. St. ThJOmas die 
!Montmagny, P.Q., Feb. 26, 1851; e. 
Quebec Semy.; grttdurated LL.B. (Lavall 
Univ.), 1874; advocate, do.; K.C. (E. 
of Derby), 1899; has practised 
throughout at Montmagny; unsuccess- 
fully contested Montmagny (H. C.), 
1896; a Pl'oted1ionlst; a Ohrls.tJlan.- 
Montmagny, P.Q. 
Bender, Loms Prosper, physician; 
S. late L. P. B., advocate, Quebec, 
and Jane (McMlIlan) B.; b. Quebec, 
.July 30, 1844: e. Quebec Semy.; grad- 
uated M.D. (/McGill Unlv.), 1865; an., 
1868, Aurelia E. (d. 'May, 1873), d. 
la;te A. S. .scott, Quebec; admi:tJted to 
the CoHo P. anrl S., Quebec, 1865, and, 
Is ter, to thart: of Ont.; served' on 
moo. staff Northern IArmy dut'ling 
a 'Portion of the Am. -Civil Wa'r, 
and was brought und'e>r lpeI"Sonal notice 
of .command'er-In
ehler Gen'!. Grant; 

,rem.oV'eà tJo Boston ,from Quebec, 
1884; ;f-olilows horneopia'thic system; 
author of numerous contributions 
to the periodical press, including Mag. 
A.m, History and N. A.. Review; also 
of following volumes: " Literary 
Sheaves" (1881), "Old and New 
Ca;nada, 1753-1844" (1882).-Exeter 
Chambers, Boston, Mass.; Press Club, 
Bengough, Elven John, educationist. 
S. Thos. B., official reporter; b. To- 
ronto, 1881; e. colI. insts. there and 
McMaster Univ. (B.A., 1903); m., 
June, 1908, Gertrude Isabel, d. late 
H. H. Reeve, M.D., Toronto; taught 
Woodstock CoIl., 1903-4; associated 
with his father in court reporting, 
1905-06; a memo Chartered Steno- 
graphic Reporters' Assn., Ont., 1907; 
apptd. regr. McMaster Univ., Oct., 
do.-.J65 Grace St., Toronto. 
Beng'ough, John Wilson, cartoonist; 
lecturer and poet. 
S. late .John B., a native of St. An- 
drew's, Scot., and Margt. (Wilson) B., 
a native of Ballleboro, Cavan, Irel.; b. 
Toronto, Apt 7, 1851; e. Whitby Dlst. 
and ,grammar schs.; m.,, .Jullle, 1880, 
Helena (d. Sept., 1902), d. late Wm. 
Sidda'l'l'; 2ndly, .Junle, 1908, .MI"S. Annie 
Robertson Matteson, Chicago, Ill. ; 
established Grip, a humorous weekly, 
Toronto, 1873; his cartoons, In this 
paper, which had a long existence, 
excited a wide interest, and were sub- 
sequently twice published In book- 
form; ceased his connection with Grip, 
Sept., 1892, and thereafter prepared 
cartoons at various times for the 
Montreal Star, the Toronto Globe, the 
Can. Courier, and other Can. publlca- 
.Hems; allSlO oonftt'libutJeò In t'he same 
way to the London DailJI Express, 
Morning Chronicle, and st. JameB'1I 
Gazette, during the Chamberlain cam- 
paign, 1903; began giving lecture- en- 
tertainments, 1874, and has cow'red 
a large extent of Can. and Am. terri- 
tory and exerted a healthy political 
and'moral Influence In that capaC'lty; 
åpptd. prof. of elocution, Wycllffe 
ColI.. Toronto, 1899; elected an AI
of Toronto, 1907; Is a memo PublIc 
Ownership League, a dlr. Toronto 
Exhn. Assn., auditor Can. Peace and 
Arbitration Soc., V.-P. Dickens Fel- 
lowship, and presdt. Single Tax Assn., 
and of People's Forum; t.oured U. 
Kingdom, 1901-02, lecturing on II Facts 
and Fancies About Can."; later toured 
Australia and New Zealand; wrote 
dedlcat.ory poem for ceremony at un- 
velUng of Robert Burns' monument, To- 
ronto, 1902, and one read at Intercol, 
Club festival, Bosion', 1907; &pptd. 
by MJarquds!Of Lome an assoc. R. C. 
A., .on its fOrI1WJtlon, 1880; author 
.. Popular Readings, Original and 
Selected" (11882), ";ture Hlst. 
.of Can. PoUitics" (1886), "M.ot- 
ley: Verses Grave and Gay" (1895), 
.. The Up-to-Date Primer: A First Book 
of Lessons for Little Political Econo- 
mists" (1896), "The Gin Mill Primer" 
(1898), "In Many Keys," :poems 
(19"2), and" 'I'ih:e Whole Hog Book"; 
a Lib. amd an ardent ,single taxer, pro- 



hlbitionist, and free trader---1What may 
be teruned a democr.aJtic democrat; a 
Fresb., but feels equally at home with 
all oCIhurches.-66 .Charles St. E,
"The Tenniel of Oanada."-Oan. 
"One of the ablest cartoonists in the 
world,"-W, T, Stead. 
"A genial companion,' a brilliant con- 
ve.rsationJst, a <pee-rless car1io<J.ni09t, a-nd as 
an author, his works lie close to the pu'rest 
and simplest passions of the human heart." 
-Ohristian Guardian. 
, Mrs. Annie, miscellaneous 
. D. 
gh Sheriff David Dunlop, Co. 
VictOrIa, N.S., and Catherine (Mc- 
Grath) D.; b. Bad.dßCk, N.S., June 12. 
1859; e. Baddeck Acad., Ooruvent de 
Notre Dame, Arlohat, and River F'al1s, 
WIs., NOI'lIlal Sch.; m., Jan., 1882, 
Thos. J. Bennett, Baldiwln, Wis.' be- 
fore marriage princlJpal of a gra
sch., Wdlson, Wls,; has written for 
papers and mtags. since she was 13' 
now a rontributor >to many slimla.a; 
periodical,s; writes under the nom-de- 
plume "Gena 'M3Jcfar.lane"; is hls'- 
torlan and V.-P. f.or iMJan. land Sask. 
Can. Women's Press Club; i'll'stTU- 
mental In f.ornruing Regina ReUef 
Soci-etJy, of which body she was pTes:dt. ; 
ed. a S'pecial ed. Regina Leader
netted $1,000 for Vdotoria Hosp., 
Regina; in charge of movement ,in 
Sask. to :secure d.ower land; not a 
suffragist; .. convinced 1!hat ,If -womoell1 
faHihfuUy fulfU their r.esponsl'biliUes O!f 
to-day, bhey 'Will find tlhey cannO't wed.! 
undertake others"; R. C.-flOB Albert 
St., Regina, Scuk. 
.. Gives evidence of a trenchant style 
with an originality all its own."-Regine: 
Bennett, Charles WWlam, promoter; 
business man. 
B. Lansing, nr. Dubuque, la., U.S., 
1872; first became Identified with 
show business, 1897, and ,before going 
to London, Ont., was 'conll1oe<ctted 
with 3 or 4 houses in the Western 
States;. in Oct., 1904, secured a lease 
of tlhe old l\fech. Inst., London, and 
Introduced vaudeville therein; the ven- 
tUfie was at first a losing on-e, but after 
3 mths. was put on a paying basis' 
the organization of the B. Theatrlcai 
Co. was the outcome of this under- 
taking; houses under Its management 
modern In every particular, were I
sucoess1'ul op.eratlon In London Ot- 
tawa, Montreal, Quebec, Hamnto
Thomas. St. .T'Ühn, N.B., :md HaHfax' 
the B. enterprise was In affiUation with 
the Keith United Circuit of Theatres In 
the U. S.; -sold his Inieres,ts therein and 
retired from the management July 
1909; turned his attention to' aerlai 
matters, 1910; was Instrumental In 
providing the great Montreal AvIation 
Meet, in that year.-Windsor Hotel 
Montreal; Aero Club
Bennett, George :1" journalist. 
For 23 yrs. on ed. staff of Toronto 
Telegram; resigned, Oct., 1903, on ac- 
Count of Ill-health, and was presented 

with a handsome testimonial hy the 
employees In all branches of the estab- 
lishment; is Past Dlst. Depty. 11th 
Masonic Dlst. of the Grand Lodge of 
Freemasons of Can. and Grand Scribe 
E., of the Grand Chap. of Royal Arch 
Masons of Can. ; represented the 
Grand Lodge of Can. at the Installa- 
tion of H. R. H. the Duke of Con- 
naught (q.v.) as M. W. Grand! IMast.e.r 
of ,the United Grand ,Lodge of Enlg., 
Lond-on, July, 1901; was a memo of the 
Can. bowling team bhat ",!.sHed Gt. 
Eri,t., 1904.--36 Melbourne Ave., To- 
ronto; Albany Club, do. 
Bennett, Blchard Bedford, lawyer; 
E. S. late Hy. J. B. and Henrietta, 
d. late Capt. David White, Hopewell 
Cape, N.B.; b. Hopewell, July 3, 1870; 
e. there and Da'lhousie Hnlv. (LL.B., 
1893); unm.; bami'ster, 18<94; ;prac- 
tised! for a time in N. .E., dn ,part- 
nership with Hon. L. J. Tweedle 
(q.v.), and, since his removal to Cal- 
gary, has been In partnership with 
Senator Lougheed: (q.v.); K.C., 1907 
one of the leaders of the Alberta bar; 
a Con., and sat In N. W. T. Assembly, 
1898-1900 and again 1901-05, when de- 
feated for Alberta House; elected g. e. 
1909; unsuccessfully contested Alberta 
(H. C.) g. e. 1900; declined Con. 
leað,ersh1p ,in Aalta., 1910; a pI'lOiffiober 
Calgary CattIoe Co., 1902; V....P. Young 
Men's Llb.-Con. Assn., N. W. T.; a 
memo Western Bds. of Trade; a dir. 
Brit. Empire Timber Go.; V.-P. Cal- 
gary Power 00.; a promoter tihe U. S. 
& B. C. 'lìimber 000. (L.,P. 1907), and 
Globe Elevator Go. (tL.IP., 1909); 
favours a mutual preferentda:l tariff 
wUil1in ,the BI'Iit. Empire; a 'Meth.- 
iff Fourth Ave. W.
Ranchman's Club
.. One of our coming statesmen."-Late 
Bon. Á. G. Blair. 
.. One .of the ablest young men in the 
Territories."-M. and E. 
Bennett, WnUam Humphrey, lawyer; 
S. late HUffi1)hrey and Annie 
(Fraser) B., Barrie, Ont.; Irish and 
Scotch descent ; b. Barrie, Ont., Dec. 
23, 1859; e. Barrie High Sch.; m., 
Jan., 1905, Mar
ret Annie, e. d. late 
Hy. Cargill, M.P., Cargill, Ont.; bar- 
rister, 1881; KC., 1908; has served as 
Roove of Midland: ; a me'll. Ext'V'e. 
Oomlte. lJib.-C.on. U'I1Ji,ofil, Ont.; unsuc- 
oessfuMy contested E. Simcoe (H. C.), 
Oem. IntÌJeorßst, g. e. 1891; J'IeIturned for 
same S'8ta t t, 1892; re-el, ected 1896; un
setaJted!, Dee., 1896; again rettUTIIIeð!, F
1897, and re-e1ect'e(!' g. e. 1900 and g. e. 
1904; defeated g. e. 1908; since then 
In private Ufe; moved address in reply 
to Speech from Throne, 1895; voted 
against his party on Man. Remedial 
Bill, 1896; moved important resolution 
on Transportation, Feb., 1900; took a 
leading and frequent part In the de- 
bates In the Commons; a moderate 
Protectionist and favours continuance 
of Brit. connectlon.-Midland
.. Sharp I\S a rapier."-M. and E. 
.. The wasp of the Otpposï.tion."-S. N. 



Benoit, Rev, Henry Edouard (Ang.). 
S. Hy. R. and Amanda (Armstrong) 
B.; mother a niece of late Chief Jus- 
tice Armstrong, C.M.G.; b. St. George- 
dc-Windsor, P.Q., July 5, 1862; e. 
there; m., June, 1888, Miss Annie 
Rouce (U. E. L. descent): a Meth. 
min., 1885-95; suudt. schs., French 
Colony of Gaboon, N. Africa, 1885-87; 
principal, Mamba Ind. Sch., 1887; 
served also on staff of Gov. De 
Brazza, in Loango Province; return-' 
ing to Am., was supdt. French missions 
within bounds N.E. South Conf., Meth. 
Ep. Ch.; organized ch. at Woonsocket; 
became ed. and publisher Le ltfeth. 
Franco-Americain, and besides compil- 
ing several French hymnals and a 
French liturgy and hymn book, wrote 
several pamphlets on controversial 
subjects; joined Ch, of Eng., 1895; o. 
1896; apptd. agent Col. Ch. and Sch. 
Soc. of Ch, of Eng. in Dom.; commr. 
to U. S. on Intern. French Work. do.; 
visited Eng. In Interest of Sabrevois 
Mission, 1898; rector L'Egllse du Re- 
dempteur, 1900; principal Sabrevols 
Coli., July, 1905; author" Le Ministêre 
Apostolique," .. L'Eglise Anglicane 
avant la Reforme," and co History of 
the Sabrevols Mission" ; a Prohibition- 
ist; believes In state control over all 
great public enterprises.-121 Chatham 
St., Montreal. 
:Benoit, Jean Alphonse, educationist. 
S. Reml B., formerly Inspr. Schs. 
and Collr. Customs; b. Descouse, N.S., 
Feb. 10, 1875.; e. Arlchat and Halifax 
Acads. and Dalhousie Univ. (B.A. with 
h'OIIliOUrs in pure and a,þp. ma'th., 1900) ; 
m., July, 1902, Miss Marie Hêlêne 
Comeau, Saulniersvllle, N.S.; taught 
math. and sci. en oe, 81. Ann's CoH., 
Church Point, N.S., 1895-99; has been 
since 1900 ins'br. math. and physic'S, 
Normal Sch., Truro; acted for 2 yrs. 
as dir. of the Bilingual summer course 
for the Bilingual teachers of N. S.; 
R. C.-Truro
 N .S. 
Benoit, Dom Joseph Paul Augustin 
(R. C,). 
S. Chas. F. E. and Euphrosle 
(Blondet) B.; b. Nans, Jura, France, 
Jan. 14, 1850; e. petits sêmys. Naze.roy 
and Vaux, gmTI'd' .Eémy. LOOlsl,e Saulnier, 
Jura, Ita;ly, and French Semy., Rome; 
o. 1875; came to Can., 1891; entd. C. 
R. I. C., 1877; first superior Notre 
Dame de Lourdes, Man., 1891; author 
co La Citê Anti-Chrêtienne au XIX. 
siêcle.," .. L'Histoire de l'abbaye de St. 
Claude," .. Vie de Mgr. Tachê," and 
other works.-St. Boniface, Man. 
Bensley, Benjamin Arthur, education- 
S. late Robt. D. B., Hamilton, Ont.; 
b. Barton, Wentworth Co., Ont., NoV. 
5, 1875; e. Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1896) 
and Columbia Unlv., N.Y. (Ph.D.) ; m., 
1904, Ruth, d. Rev. E. A. Horton, Bos- 
ton, Mass.; has been lecturer In 
Zoology, Toronto Univ. ; promoted 
assoc. prof. Biology, do., 1906; author 
of several publications on animal 
evolution. - 316 Brunswick Ave., To- 

Benson, Miss Clara Cynthia, educa- 
D. His Honour Judge T. M. (q.v.) and 
Laura A. (Fuller) B.; b. Port Hope, 
Ont.; e. High Sch., Port Hope, and 
Univ, Coli., Toronto (B.A., with honours 
in phys. and chemist., 1899; Ph.D., 
1902, being one of first -Uwo worn-en on 
whom that degr>ee has been CloDlferred 
by tlhis univ.); asst. chern. dept., To- 
ronto Univ., 1902-3; instr. in science, 
Lilllan Massey Sch. (controlled by 
Educn. Dept., Ont., and conducted under 
the direction of the Minr. of Educri.), 
to N0TII1J3.1 'stud-enlts in hou soe hold 
sci.ence. 1903-05; lecrtupcor -in physiol. 
fÌ)o househol1d is>cien.oo s-tudenots, Toronoto 
Unliv., 1905-6; asso. !prof. physiol. and 
c!hem., .faculty houæhold science, do" 
her present position since 1906; is also 
secy. of the Household Science Faculty; 
ha-s contributed scien. articles to the 
J ourn. physical Che?nis.; Ang.-312 
HU1'on St., Toronto; "Terralta:' Port 
Hope; Univ. WO?ne11i's Club, Toronto. 
co A }'oung lady of brilliant attainments." 
-T. News. 
Benson, Major-General Sir Frederick 
Willia.m, Brit. mil. service. 
Third s. late Hon. .I. R. B.. senator, 
and Marianne (Ingersoll) B.; b. St. 
Catharlnes, Ont., Aug. 2, 1849; e. U. C. 
ColI. and Royal Mil. CoIl., Sandhurst 
(where on leaving he received a sword 
of honour from H.R.H. the late Duke 
of Cambridge, Commander-in-Chief, 
and another sword from the gentlemen 
of his co., as a mark of their esteem) ; 
m., Sept., 1881, Caroline, e. d. late Sir 
G. E. W. Couper, Bart., K.C.S.I., C.B., 
C.LE.; serwd as a V\QI1. during Fenian 
raids, Cian., 1866 (med.); j.oined 21st 
Hussars, then in India, as cornet, 1869; 
exchanged to 12th Royal Lancers, 
1876; passed Staff ColI., 1880; capt. 
5th Dragoon Gds., do.; exchanged to 
17th Lancers, 1881; A.D.C. to Lt.- 
Govr., N.-'V. Provinces, India, 1877; 
brigade-major, Poona, 1882-84; gar- 
rison instr., Bengal, 1884-90: com- 
manded Egyptian cav., 1892-94 : 
D.A.A.G. (instr.), Dublin, 1895-98; 
l3.S'st. adj1.-genl., chie.f staff officer, 
S.-E. District., Eng., with rank of col., 
1898-1900; special service, S. Africa, 
A.A.G. for transport 6th div., S.A. 
field force (under General KelIy- 
Kenny), 1900-01 (mentioned in dis- 
prutches; moo. wi t!h 3 dasps; C. B.) ; 
assot. adjt.-genol., I3.r
y heaòqrtf1s., 190.2; 
inspr.-genl. of remounts, with rank of 
maj.-ge'I1L, 1903; has passed exam'l1. in 
and received rewards for Hindustani, 
Persian rand Arabic; col. 21st (Empress 
of India's) Lancers, 1909; K.C.B., 
1910; retired fpom t'he a;rmy, do.; an 
A'll'g.; presen ted to King George, LOOl- 
don, Enrg., Mch., 1911; a liloe memo 
Army and Navy Veterans Assn., To- 
ronbo; rapoptd. hon. col. 19th St. Oath- 
arine's Regt., ,Can. Mil., 1905; has lec- 
tured on co Cranad1an.s ,in .the Tmop. Mill- 
tary Service."-Anny and Navy Club, 
Pall Mall, London, S.W.; York Club, 
.. A ge-ne.ral fa",ofurioo."-Pall Mall Oaz. 
"A brilliant soldier, who deserves well 
of his OO'Ulltry."-Ca71ada. 


Benson, George Frederick, manufac- 
turer. . 
O. s. late Wm. T. B., M.P., a natIve 
of Parkside, Westmoreland, Eng., and 
Helen (Wilson) B., of A
Oheshire, Eng (se-e Foster's .. Co. 
FamiUes of Eng."); b. and e. Mont- 
ofIe8JI; m., Oct., 1890, Ethred NOÑon, d. 
lat-e Goo. Frothingham; head Oif firm 
W. T. B. & Co., importers foreign 
wools, etc., Montreal; presdt. and mango 
dir. Can. Starch Co., of which he was 
one of founders; presdt. Edwardsburg 
Starch Co., of which his father was the 
founder' one of the promoters pres- 
oott and Lak,e Super.ï,or Nav. Go., 1898; 
a dir. West Kootenay Power 
Co. ; an Ang. ; a Con.-15 Ontar
o Ave., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Mount 
Royal Club; Canada Club; Canadian 
Club; F01'est and Stream Club; Mont- 
real Hunt Club; Montreal Racquet 
Club; Royal Montreal Golf Club; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Ctu,b; West- 
mount Goll Club, do. 
Benson, Rev, Man1.:V (Meth.). 
U. E. L. descent; b. Co. Prince Ed- 
ward, Ont., ApI. 27, 1842; e. Newburgh 
Acad.; for some yrs. a public sch. 
teacher; recd. on probation, Meth. Ch., 
1863; 0.1867, and has filled successive- 
ly the fol-lowing pastorates: Ridge- 
town, Newbury, Cooksvllle, Hamilton 
(Centenary Ch.), Stratford (Central 
Ch.), St. Thomas (First Ch.), Brant- 
ford ( Brant Ave.), Toronto (Central 
Ch.), do. (Berkeley St. Ch.) , do. 
(Queen St. Ch.), Ottawa (Dom. Ch.), 
Montreal (Mountain St. Ch.), Ganano- 
que (Grace Ch.), Arnprlor (Grace 
Ch.), Perth (Asbury Ch.), and St. 
Catharlnes (WeIland Ave. Ch.), where 
he now Is; possesses the full confidence 
of the Meth. Ch, and has received a 
large share of its honours; for 16 yrs. 
elected a memo of the Genl. Conf.: 
chairman Pembroke dlst., 1901; presdt. 
Montreal Conf., 1902; and later, chair- 
man Perth dlst.; a memo Genl. Bd. of 
Missions, 1902; and a memo Book and 
Publishing Ho. Comte. for 4 yrs.; also 
.of the Extve Oomte. of tJhe .Mñ.ssi.on 
Bd.; aooomptan'ied true late Rev. Dr. 
PUlD'shon. on his westoern ,lour, 1871, 
when they crossed tihe .. RIockles" and 
spenrt: some !time in the Yosemite Val- 
ley, B. C., Salt La,ke Oity, !Rnd other 
plaoes of interest; made the t<rall's- 
oonHnental tour of Europe, 1879, the 
dtetalls of :w1hichform the subj-ect of 
several of hIs popular l.eotures; was 
sent by Dam. Govt" 1894, on a lecture 
't1our of, anI(} addressed large 
. audii-enoes !in favour of dmm-igmtion, in 
Glasgow, London, Liverpool, .Sunder- 
land. NewcastJIe, etc.; was dir. of ser- 
vices at G-nmsby 'Park, th-e largest 
Christian assembly in Can., tOT 14 Y'rs., 
anod adtd.ed much '00 the populaTity of 
the park whil-e ltJ was under hf.s 
rnJanagement; always an eaTnest 
w.o.rkier in the temp. cause: D.D. (Univ. 
Oif1:Jhe Paclfi.C) , 1891; transfd. from 
Montreal ,to HamUton 'Contf. by 
tÍon. 1908; m., .July, 1867, .Julia, 3rd 
d. 1ate Hon. WaJober IMcCr,ea, senator 
and subsequently judge of .Algoma.- 
'1'8 Welland Ave., St. Catharines, Onto 
.. One of the best known and most sue. 


cessful Methodist ministers in Canada."- 
N. Y. Christian Advocate. 
.. An eloquent and practical preacher.'. 
Benson, Col, Thomas, Can. regular 
mil. service. 
Y. s. late Hon. .Jas. R. B., senator, 
and M,ary Ann (Ingerson) B.; a bro. of 
Maj.-Genl. Sir F. W. B. (q.v.) ; b. St. 
Catharin-es, Ont., Arpl. 22, 1860; e. St. 
Catharines Grammar Sch., U. C. CoIl., 
and Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston; gradu- 
ated 1883; m., ApI., 1887, Agnes Pearce, 
d. la-te Capt. T. Merrett, R. C. Rifles; 
gazetted lieut. R.C.A., Aug., 1883 ; capt., 
1896; major, 1902; It.-col., 1905; col., 
1908; apptd. commandant Royal Sch. 
of Arty., Queb
c, and inspr of arty. 
for Can., Apr. 1, 1908; commanding 
ÐaslÌ.ern OnJt. Div., .-\Jpl'., 1908-ðfay, 
1911; since .then ha,sibeenoff'r. coonmdg. 
3rd Div.; visitor R. M. .0011., 1908-11; 
commanoded regt., Quebec Tercent. 
celebra-ti<m, 1908; caIIlJp oommanl(}amt, 
Petawawa, 00., and .sdnce; an Amg.- 
Kingston, Ont.; Frontenac Club, do.; 
Quebec Gan"ison Club. 
Benson, His Honour Thomas Moore, 
Co. Ct. .Judge. 
Sec. s. late 'rhos. B., R native of 
Tyrone, Irel. (killed by the accident 
at the Desjardins Canal. Ont., 1857), 
and Alicia Maria, o. d. Richard Lowe, 
Adolphustown, Ont.; b. Port Hope, 
Ont., Nov. 25, 1833; e. Grammar Sch., 
Niagara, Grammar Sch., Peterboro, 
and Unlv. con., Toronto, where he 
matTlcul!3.'Ì.ed !in 1851, having obtained 
three scholarshivs in law; studied law 
with the late Sir Adam Wilson and 
late Mr. .Justice Patterson, and was 
caned to the bar 1859; practised at 
Port Hope; bencher Law Soc. 1871, 
1876, and again 1881; KC. (M. of 
Lome), 1880 ;detputy jud'ge Co. Ot. N. 
and Durham, Sept. 19, 1882; 111'11101' 
judge, do., Nov. 3, 1882; senior judge, 
do., since Nov. 8, 1887; R. 0., under 
E. Franchise Act, 1885-7; a frequent 
contributor, since he was a student, to 
the U. C. Law Journal and other pub- 
licatlons; obtained 1st class cert. Royal 
Mil. Sch., Toronto, 1865; a volunteer 
at the Trent .affair, 1861, and active in 
raising and enrolling volunteers at that 
time, and subsequently; heM a c'omn. 
in a 00., then organized, wi,t;h whiúh 
as capt., ,he was '0'11 .active service dur- 
dng Fenian dis1'.ubanooe (Fenian med.), 
and gran't of :1;all'(
! fflom On.t. GoV't.); 
now on retired list; an. Ang.; a trustee 
and councillor Wycllffe ColI., Toronto, 
and a dir. since its foundation of Bp. 
Ridley CoIl., St. Catharlnes; a dpl. for 
a lengthened period to the Diocesan 
and Pro vI. Synods; elected by 
Diocesan Synod, 1883, a lay memo of 
the Chapter of St. Alban's Cath., To- 
ronto; before his elevation to the 
Bench a Lib.-Con., and an ardent 
admirer and suI>porter of Sir John A. 
Macdonald; never entd. on a parlia- 
mentary career, though repeatedlY 
asked to do so; an uncompromising 
upholder of Brit. connection; m., 1st, 
ApI., 1866, Mary Edith (d. Dec., 1870), 
e. d. late Rev. John McCaul, LL.D., 
presdt. Unlv. ColI., 'Poronto; 2ndly, 



.June, 1874, Laura A., 2nd d. late Rt. 
Rev. Thos. Brock Ful1er, D.D., D.C.L., 
first Ang. Bp. of Nlagara.- u Ter- 
ralta," Port Hope, Ont, 
"A man IO!f abili-ty, culture and polish." 
-Late Christopher Robinson, K.C. 
"A in the truest sense of the 
term."-The late D'Alton McCarthll, Q.O., 
Bentley, David, printer. 
B. Wortley, nr. Leeds, Eng., Feb. 12, 
1834; accompanied parents to Can., 
1847; head of firm D. B. & Co., com. 
merclal vrlnters, Montreal; m., Aug., 
1859, Miss Sarah Ann Cummings; one 
of the most prominent Baptists In 
Can.; joined that denomination, 1851; 
has served as treas. and presdt., 
Eastern Convention, BaDt. Ch., before 
Union, and again presdt. since the 
Union; has been on Bd. of Dlrs. Y. M. 
C. A. for nearly half a century, and 
was presdt. of that body, 1865-6; a 
teacher and supdt. of Sunday school for 
over 50 years; a memo Montreal Ed. 
of Trade; a memo Genl. Comte. Quebec 
S. S. Union, and supdt. Mission Sunday 
Sch.-910 .st, Catherine St. W., Mont- 
Benyon, Captain Joseph Andrew, Can. 
mil. service. 
O. C. Capt. W. H. Benyon (late 
23rd R. W. Fuslllers), .J.P., city of 
Ri'}>On, Yorkshire, F.R.G.S., Gladlh'OlW 
Hall, Yorkshire, and Bessie Rae B., 
e. d. late Andrew Allan, Montreal; b. 
Montrea:l, Mch. 1, 1869; e. Ohearn Sch. 
and Harrow; m., Nov., 1893, Marie 
Blanche, o. d. late Urbain Thlbaudeau, 
Quebec; gazetted lIeut. 3rd Batt. York- 
shire Regt., Dec., 1886; resigned to joIn 
Montreal Field Batty., and in 1893 was 
apptd. to the Royal Can. Arty., 2 f 
which he was gunnery Instr. for a con- 
siderable period; passed Royal Arty. 
"long course," with honours, 1900; 
served with Lord Strathcona's Horse 
during S.A. war, and was present at the 
oþerations in NaJtoal
 .June, 1900, opera- 
tions in Transvaal, west of Pretoria, 
.July-Nov., 1900, and operations, same 
year, In Orange River Colony (dis- 
patches, Lond. Gazette, Feb. 8, 1901; 
moo. witih 3 cIl3..Sþs); was adj't. ooro- 
nation oonrtJÏng1ent .00 IC8Jn., 1902; IILpptd. 
depty. asst. adjt.-genl., Maritime Pro- 
vinces, ApI. I, 1908; resigned, 1909; 
IILpp:td. asst. com'mr. to LollJ(lon, iior 
provlÍnoce I()f Quebec, 1911; Anog.- 
Quebec Office, London, Eng.;. 79 
Esplanade, Quebec; Quebec Garnson 
Club, do.; Wellington Club, London, 
Eng.; St. James's Club, Montreal. 
It Ben Zeene," (See Davidson, Rev. 
H. S.) 
Bergeron, Hon. Joseph Gldtion Horace, 
lawyer; legislator. 
S. late T. R. B., N.P., Rigaud, P.Q., 
a'l1d Lecadìie Caroline Delphine B., d. 
Gidêon Coursol, N.P., St. Andrew's, 
P.Q.; b. Rlgaud, Oct. 13, 1854; e. St. 
Timothêe Grammar Sch. and St. Mary's 
(.Jesuit) Coli., Montreal; graduated 
B.C.L., .McGill Univ., 1877; m., .July, 
1&90, Ada .Josephine, d. late Capt. 
Robt. WaH, 1M0nirea:1- (IlL lady highly 
aooompHshed as a singer and 

pianist, amd who has been instrumental 
in accomplishing muoh <praisef\VlOl"ithy 
philanthropic work); advocate, 1877; 
suroessfu}lly !practises Ihds :professioOn In 
M'onltreaJl; a mlem. ;ftmn Basbien, B., 
Cousineau & Jasmin; a oCûtl., and 1'eIPre- 
sented iBeauharnois (.IL C.) in ihat In- 
teres't. 1879-'1900, when dlefea'ted; con- 
tested Montreal (.st. James ,div.) unsuc- 
oes,sfuUy. IbY'e-lelectlonos, 1901 and 1902, 
and BOOJU', 'byoe-eloob:lon, 1902; 
again returned foOl' 'latter seaJt, g. e. 
1904; defeabed g, e. 1908; moved 
address in reply to Speech from the 
Throne, 1882; supported late Mr. 
Davin, In his motion for the extension 
of the Dom. Franchise to Women, 
1895; has lectured on Canada and the 
Empire on many occasions, and has 
expressed tIDe opinijon (1899) that. : 
" When the Mother Country Is engaged 
In a fight, it Is the duty of every son 
of the Empire, If he has any heart In 
him, to 3Upport the Mother Country 
with all his power, whether her cause 
be right or wroni"; was chairman 
Comte. on Standing Orders (H. C.), 
1888-90; depty. speaker (H. C.), 7th 
Parlt., 1891-96; an hon. memo National 
Club, Toronto; declined a judgeship 
and a senatorshiD, the latter on two 
occasions; accompanied Mr. Borden on 
his DollUcal tour of the West, 1908, 
and, in recognition of his services in 
that capacity, was, on his return. en- 
tertained at dinner by mems. of the 
Lafontai'l1e Club, an organization of 
which he was one of the promoters; a 
R.C.; graduated from Royal Mil. Sch., 
Montreal, In early life, and served In 
too V. m._" La Chaumiere," Beau- 
harnois, P.Q.; 76 St. James St., Mont- 
real; St. James's Club; Canadian 
Club; Club Lafontaine; Canada Club, 
"Popular with all sides."-T. Globe. 
"Possesses a genius for the platform." 
-T. News. 
"A true man, a loyal Britisher, an able 
pnrliamentarian."-M. and E. 
Bergevin, Hon, Achille, Investment 
broker; ex-legislator. 
S. Gilbert and Anne (Da
)Ust) B.; 
b. VaIIeyfield, P.Q., Mch. 3, 1870; e. 
Model .sch. and Eng. Acad. there; m., 
Sept., 1895, I
Dle. FIIQI'Ia ThucheT, 
Montreal; an Investment broker; pre- 
viously a journalist; a Lib. and secy. 
Montreal Reform Club; elected V.-P. 
Quebec Assn. !for the Protection of 
Fish and Game, 1907; do. presdt. do., 
1908; sat for Beauharnois (Local), 
1900-08; M.L.C. (Repentigny dlv.), 
1911; R. C.--8'+7 Dorchester St. W.," 
Montreal; summer: Beauharnois, P.Q.; 
Club St. Denis; Club Canadien; Mont- 
real Jockey Club; Montreal Thistle 
Curling Club; St. George Snowshoe 
Club, Montreal. 
Bermingham, Cornelius, manufac- 
S. late Jas. B., Ottawa; b. and e. 
there; m. Corehie, d. Wm. R. Willis, 
formerly of N. Y. ; IlL oounclllor 
Kingston Bd. of Trade; !ong mango dir. 
Kingston LooomoObive Works Go.; (re- 
tired, 1911); elected V.-P. KIngstoOn 
C8JIl'. Olub, 1910; IlL del. to .cong. 


Chambers of Com. of Empire. London, 
Eng.; gave $5,000 IÌJ() Queen's Univ. 
EndlOiW'IIlenft Fund, 1910; a R. C.- 
Kingston, Ont.; Fronte1l;(Lc Club, do. 
Bernard, The Bight Beverend Alexis 
Xiøte Théodule (R. C.), Bishop. 
S. Thêodule and Hêlolse (Prefon- 
talne) B.; b. St. Mathieu de Belæil, 
P.Q.. Dec. 29, 1847; e. Montreal ColI., 
Grand Semy.. Montreal, and the ColI. 
of Sorel; o. 1871; after servilng as 
vlcaire at St. Denis (RlcheUeu), was 
superior of the colI., Sorel, 1872-76; 
MSt. secy. to Bp. Decelles, 1876-77; 
C8m'Ün .amd al'Clhd'OOiOOIlI, 11877; secy, Ito 
ooese, 1886-92: later chancellor; 
V.-G., 1893: PrOttJh. Apos., 1901; apptd. 
6tlb. Bp. of St. Hya.olnrt:he, Dec., 1905; 
C011loocraitJed. Feb. 15, 1906; auth'Or 
II Clerioal Confereruces It and other 
work,s; editJed II IMandement Lettres 
Pastorales, etc., des Evêques de St. 
Hyacin1tJhe It (9 vol.s., 1888-1899); at- 
tended IPlenary Counell, Quebec. 1909; 
and the Euohar
stlc 'Congress, 'Mont- 
real. 1910.-B,shop's Palace, St. 
Hyacinthe, P.Q, 
Bernard, Amedee Anaclet, physician. 
7th s. Thêodule and Hêlolse (Prefon- 
talne) B.: b. St. Mathieu de Belæil 
P.Q.; e. Montreal ColI.; M.D. (LavaÍ 
Unlv.), 1886; I>ractlsed at St. Ours for 
some yrs.; now at St. Henri; Is presdt. 
Can. NavIgation Co.; and of St. Henri 
Bd. of Health; has served as an ald. 
In /Montreal, and while such was 
presd.t. or Healrt!h Comte.' unsuccess- 
fully contel!lted Hochelaga' (H. C.), In 
Con. interest, 1904; a Protectionist and 
a strong advocate of II Canada for 
Canadians" ; a R. C.-18J3 Notre Dame 
Bt. W., .JI;fontreal; Beloeil, P.(J,; Club 
Lalonta,ne, Montreal. 
II A forceful speaker in both lancuages," 
-M. Gazette. 
Bernard," U Lally (see Fitzgibbon 
Mrs. Clare). ' 
Bernard, Mathieu A" lawyer. 

dvocate, 1882; author II Manuel de 
drOIt commercial thêorlque et pratique 
de la Province de Quebec It (1900)' 
II Manuel de droit International pubIl
et privê" (1901): and II Manuel de 
droit constltutlonel et administratif" 
(do. )-lIIontreal. 
Bernasconi, Gustavus A" civil engr. 
S. late Col. Constantin B., for over 
30 yrs. Mayor of his native town, Chi- 
asso, Swltz., an?- for 38 yrs. a memo of 
the Swiss NatIOnal Council: b. Chi- 
sso. 1
46; e. there and Poly tech. SCh., 
d urich, m., 1875, Miss Annie .J. Rud- 
och, St. .John, N.B.; a memo Can. Soc. 
C. E., 1897; asst. engr. pUblic works 
Can., In Maritime Provinces. 1872-88: 
resident engr. do., St. .John N B for 
pUblic works and surveys in :P 'É I 
and Central N. S., 1888-91' r
latter vosition to proceed to Swltz 
1891; returned to Can. 1892' asst 
engr. Dept. Public WO;ks Cån o
drographlc surveys of hàrbou
; n 
:n ore N. B., 1893-94; asst. reshient 
gr. do. for E. N. S., his present posl- 
tfon, 1895; work engd. In ëonslsted In 
surveys and revorts on the Improve- 


ment of harbours and rivers, In the 
preparation of plans and specifications 
for such Imvrovements and the super- 
Intendence of works under construc- 
tlon; an Ang.-" Ingleside," Antigon- 
ish, N.S. 
Bernier, Joseph, lawyer; legislator. 
S. late Hon. T. A. B., Senator, St. 
Boniface, Man.; b. St. .Jean d'Iberville, 
P.Q., Aug. 16, 1874; e. St. Boniface 
CoIl., Man. (B.A, with slIver med., 
1893); m., ApI., 1910, R. M., d. 
.J. Bernier, Vlslet, P.Q. (presente'<1 
with a service of plate by this con- 
stituents) ; barrister; successfully 
practises his prof. in Winnipeg; past 
presdt., St. .Jean Bapte. Soc.. Man.; 
a councillor, Man. Univ., representing 
St. Boniface ColI.; V.-P. Un Iv. Life 
Ins. Co., Winnipeg; formerly ed. Le 
Manitoba newspaper; author 

de la Foret," a drama success- 
fully produced at St. Boniface; a Con. ; 
has represented St. Boniface (local), 
almost uninterruptedly since 1901; one 
of the leading speakers in that assem- 
bly; strongly In favour of the rights 
of Man. on school question according 
to the judgment -of the Imp. P. e.; W8JS 
in favour of a direct contribution of 
money, or a Dreadnought, on naval 
question; also, of the control of ry. 
r>ates In Man.; believes In unity of 
action, and .. wishes to see the Union 
.Jack flo8Jt over every sch. house In Can. 
so that the children may learn from 
their earliest years that the Brit. flag 
Is the emblem of liberty, justice and 
fair-play."- St. Boniface, Man.; Com- 
mercial Club; /J-danac Club, Winnipeg. 
Bernier, Joseph Elzear, navigator 
and explorer; Dom. pUblic service. 
S. late Capt. Thos. and Celina 
(Paradis) B.; b. V Islet, P.Q., .Jan. 1, 
1852; e. there and Quebec; m., Nov., 
1870, Mlle. Rose Caron, Vlslet; went 
to sea when 12 yrs. of age, and was 
mad'e master of a brigantine at 17 ; has 
commanded 48 different vessels, besides 
being pilot on 12 sea-going Am. 
yachts; d
k master, Lêvls, P.Q., 1887; 
gov. Quebec jail, 1893-7; after that 
took up the subject of Arctic eJGl)lora- 
tion and delivered many lectures upon 
the subject in Eng., France, Norway. 
Belgium, the U.S. and Can.; planned 
an 'Independent Can. eX'þd.n. to the North 
Pole and: .. by a persistence that knew 
neither defeat nor dlscouragment" 
(vide T. Globe), .. succeeded In awak- 
ening a wide measure of public Inter- 
est In his scheme"; the alleged dis- 
covery of the Pole by A,dmlral Peary, 
of the Am. servlc-e. put an end, for the 
time being, to that portion of his 
undertaking, but he was taken Into the 
Can. public service by being placed In 
command of a vessel for the purpose 
of patrolling Hudson Straits and the 
northern waters In the public Interest; 
has made two voyages there, has taken 
possession of certain islands and lands. 
and II asserted the rightful authority of 
our Govt. to the whole region"; at pre- 
sent (1911) It is understood he is un-d'er 
orders to essay the NortJh-W,est Pas- 
sage; Is a V.-P. of the Arctic Club, 
N. Y., and an hon. memo of the Arctic 



Soc. of /Can. ; R. C.-LéviB
 P.Q.; Oana- 
dian Olub
"A modest, cia ring, enduring JlJaviga.tOO"." 
-T. Telegram. 
"A man who would n,atu1raloly 
confidence in anrthing he might under- 
tJake."-M. Star. 
"An experienced, hardy mariner, accuS- 
tomed to battling with the ice, Bind a man 
of indomiba.ble pluck."- M. ({; E. 
"PO<SSJe6SeS a. wide nautica.l expe'rience 
and has unfolded a. pLan of Pollar explora. 
 which has in it 50IIleIthing of the 
breadth a.nd simplicity of genius."-Can. 
Life ({; Resources. 
Bernier, Louis Alphonse Joseph, law- 
B. Lêvls, P.Q.; e. Quebec Semy. and 
Laval Unlv. (B.A., 1880; LL.L., 1883; 
LL.D., 1887; advOIC3.te, 1883; suc- 
cessfully practisel5 his prof. at Lêvis; 
Is prof. commercial and maritime law, 
Laval Univ.; a R. C.; a Con.; unsuc- 
cessfully contested Montmagny (H. 
C.), g. e. 1900.-Lévis, P.Q. 
Bernier, Hon, Michel Esdras, notary 
public; Dom. public service. 
S. late Etienne and .Tulle (Lussier) 
B., St. Hyacinthe, P.Q.; b. there, Sept. 
28, 1841; e. St. Hyacinthe Coil.; LL.D. 
(roon.), Laval Unliv., 1902; m., Nov., 
1865, AJ],j.da, d. JartJe S. MJarchoess'ooult 
a "patJ'lio1" od: 1837, who was eXliled 
to Bermuda; N.,P., 1867; ;presdt. ProvL 
Bd. of Notaries, 1882-85; official 
assignee, 1874-80; furmerly a dir. 
Banque de St. Hyacinthe 3Jnd or 
va:riQlUS otheT institutf,olls and encter- 
prises, and presdl. of the local agricul. 
soc.; a Lib.; sat In thM Interest for 
S1. Hyacinthe (H. C.), 1882-1904; sat 
in Launer Admn., as Mlnr. of Inland 
Revenue, .Tune, 1900-.Tan., 1904; apptd. 
a memo and depty. chief commr. Bd. of 
Ry. Commrs. of Can., .Tan. 18 1904' 
one of the signers of the address fro
the .Llb. party to the Pope, 1896, re- 
sultmg in the of a papal able- 
gate to Oa.'n.; a R. C.-40S MacLm'en 
 Ottawa; st. Hyacinthe, P.Q.; Que- 
bec GarriBon Club. 
Berrie, Rev, John Charlton (Meth.). 
2nd s. Chas. .T. and Sarah Russell 
(Howitt) B., Long Eaton. Derbyshire, 
Eng.; descendants de Berr! family, 
France; b. Tamworth, Warwickshire, 
Eng., Dec. 25, 1840; e. Tamworth 
Grammar Sch. and Horlock's Acad.. 
Reading; m., .May, 1876, Hannah S. 
L., d. Re-v. A. "Macin, tyr.e M.A.; lor 
some yrs. in me-roanlWoe Idfe; studired 
theol. unæer Rev. T. M. A'librigh ton , 
L<md'Cm. Eng'. ; 'beoame a l-o-cal 
præ ,there; o. 1871; Oßl coming 
to Can., fined chwrges In P. E. I., 
and subsequently in N. B.. where- he 
has remained; has filled many offices 
In ch., Including that of presdt. of 
conf. in N. B. and P. E. I.; is a free- 
man of the Goldsmiths Co., of the 
City of London, Eng.; be-longs to the 
Odd Fellows, Foresters, Sons of Temp., 
and Good Templars, and is grand chap- 
lain of latter; indo on all moral and 
rellÏgious questrons.-MarYBville. N.B. 
II A man of much force and power."- 
Late Rev. Dr. Cochrane. 

Berry, Rev, John (Ang.). 
S. Ven. Edward F. B.. Archdeacon 
of Meath, Irel.; b. Tullamore, Irel., 
ApI. 16, 1856; e. Chard Sch.. Eng. and 
Trin. CoIl., Dublin (B.A., 1877; M.A., 
1880; B.D., 1888), .ro., Ina, d. Dr. 
HornbY, L.R.C.S. (Eng.), Yo.rk, Eng.; 
o. 1879; suoc-esslvely Iprindpal St. 
F\a.uglmraßl's OoN.. Dork Grammfur 
Sch., and Fermay ColI. ; retiring 
from educaUonal work, was aJPptd. 
curate St. MaurIce's, York, Eng., 
1892, and senior curate All Saints', 
Holloway, London, 1893; came to Can.. 
on being apptd. asst. minr. St. Paul's 
Cath., London, Ont., 1894, and has 
since been rector of Amherstburg, 
Parkhm and SOO!fortih.-The Rectory, 
Berry, The Right Rev, Joseph :E'lint- 
oft (Meth. Ep.). 
S. late Rev. Francis B. and Ann 
(Lawson) B.; b. Aylmer, Ont.. May 
13, 1856; e. Milton Acad.; D.n. (St. 
Lawrence Unriv., Wds.) , 1898; LL.D. 
(CorneU !ColI., 118.), 1904; LL.D. 
('SyrarCuse Uni.v., N.Y.), 1905; "ill., OCtt., 
1876 Miss Olive 1. .Ton-nson, Wallace- 
burg, Ont.; en
d. M. E..mJ!nlst>ry, 1874; 
ß.S'SO. ed. lJIich\gan ChN8han Advocate
18&4-1890; ed. Epworth Herald, 1890- 
1904; elecood a ,bishop of M. E. Dh., 
U. S., il\fuy IS, 1904.-'+55 Franklin 8t.
Buffalo, N.Y. 
. . A platform speake,r of great magnet- 
ism.' '-T. Telegram. 
"Famous both as a writer and a 
preacher."-Can. A.m. 
Berthiaume, Arthur J" journalist. 
S. Hon. T. B. (q.v.); b. and e. 
Montreal; a memo ed. staff La PreBBe, 
iMont1"OOll, and secy, O'f the 'Co.; ro., 
Sept., 1902, Blanche, à. late Nazaire 
BouI"godn. depty. recorder, 'Montreal; 
a R. C.--3
 Sherbrooke St. E., Mont- 
real; Bummer: Strathmore, P.Q.; Auto 
and Aero Olub; Olub St. DeniB
Berthiaume, Hon, Treme, journalist; 
S. late Gêdêon and El
onore (Nor- 
mandin) B.; b. St. Hugues, P.Q., Aug. 
4, 1848; e. there and at the coIl., St. 
Hyacilllt'he; m., Aug., 1871, ,MIloe. He.l- 
mina Gadbois; a pra.ctdoo.'l printler: 
1)ounded the Gebhardlt-Berthiaume Lith. 
& Printing Co., ,Montrewl; was likewise 
asSJood. wi,th Mr. Sabourin jn pll'blka.- 
tion of Le Mo'nde IlluBtré; a't) a la;oor 
period became Pl'OIP. of La Pres8e 
(Montreal), a French dally nelWg.pape.r, 
which, in his hands, hfus abtained the 
largest circulation! of 0JIl'Y news'P'3Iper. 
French lOr Eng,. ,published in Can.; d,is- 
ptOsed IOf La a j,oint stock co., 
Oelt., 1904; repurøhiased it, Nov., 1906, 
and has since 'Published it "entirely 
independent of all poll tical, of 
aliI factions, or of any Indivddual group 
01' inoter-es'ts" ; caNed to 1ill.e Leg. Coun- 
cdl, ,P.Q., by 
r. Flynn (q.v.), Nov., 
1896; a Quebec L8!nd Co., Dam. 
DeForest Wireles.s Co., .M.onarch Life 
_J\.s-sur. .co., and íMlQTItrea} Southern 
Counties Ry.; an Ind. Con.; a R. C.- 
70.i St. Urbain St., Montreal; Olub 



Canadien; Club Lafontaine; Club St. 
Deni8, do. 
"His success in )ife is aUogether the 
result of his ability and energy."-New.- 
paper Ref. Book. 
:Berthon, MiBB Claire, pain ter. 
D. late Geo, T. B. S. and Claire (de 
la Haye) B., many of whose portraits 
of the judges of Onto were painted for 
the Law Soc. of U. C., and may be seen 
at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and grand-d. 
of Rene T. B., also a painter, a pupil of 
David and court valnter to Napoleon 
the Great; b. Toronto, and was a pupil 
In art of her father; !has herself 
executed several portraits of merlt.- 
96 Charle8 St. E., Toronto. 
:Bertram, Col, Alexander, manufac- 
2nd s. late .Tolin B., presdt. Can. 
Tool Works, Dundas, Ont., and Eliza- 
beth (Bennett) B., both natives of 
Scot.; b. Dundas, Ont., Feb. 18, 1853; 
e. Dundas High Sch.; m., 1869, d. Hu
T. SmIt'h, formerly of Toronto; joIned 
his father In business, and was ad. 
mIbbed a partner t'hereln, 1886; for- 
merl.y In command 77th W
Regt.; trans-ferred to R. 0., .Jan., 1905; 
ftpptd. to command 3rd Inrfy. Brigade, 
West Onto øommand, Dec., 1905; 001.. 
1910; commanded BIsley team, 1909. 
has reed. Co!. Aux. Forøes <>ffrs.' 
decoration; V.-P. Oan. Mil. In-st.; a 
Præb.-Dunda8, Ont.; Can. Mil. In8t' l 
"Acquitted himself at Bisley with marked 
distinction."-Lord Strathcona (q.v.). 
:Bertram, Henry, manufacturer. 
E. s. late .John B., presdt. Can. Tool 
Works, Dundas, Ont., and Ellzabeth 
(Bennett) B., both natives of Scot.; 
b. and e. Dundas; m. d. late AndI'e'W 
Graham, Dundas; ent-d. his fa;ther's 
business, and was made a partner 
therein, 1886; became presdt. of the 
co., on his father's death, 1906; a 
Presb.-Dunda8, Onto 
:Bertram, John H" Dom. public ser- 
S. late Geo. Hope B., a native of 
Fenton Barns, Haddlngtonshire, Scot., 
and presdt. Bertram Engine WorKs 
Co., Toronto, who represented C. To- 
ronto (H. C.), 8th Parlt.; b. Apt 10, 
1872; e. Ll-ndsay and 'l'oronto; m. d. 
late Nicholas KIHer, Berlin, Ont.; early 
associated with his father In business; 
entd. customs service, as hard.ware 
appraiser, .June, 1901; surveyor of cus- 
toms, Toronto, Feb., 1905; collr. do., 
Feb. 19, 1909.-59 Che8tnut Park Rd., 
"A mam of 
, aibility and know- 
ledge of the serv:1oo."-T. New.. 
:BeBt, ThomaB Henry, publlsher. 
S. Late .John and Elonor (Corry) 
B., Co. Annagh, Irel.; b. Port Hope, 
Ont., ApI. 17, 1850; e. there; m., Aug., 
1876, Clara M., d. late .John Wig- 
gins, COlUngwood, Ont.; formerly a 
mem. Collingwood Town Council and 
Sch. Bd.; supdt. Public Library; Is 
mango dlr. Onto Publlsh. Co. aJld The 
Can. Magazine; noted chlefiy as the 
nd founder of the latter, 

with which publication he has been 
actively identified since Its Inception, 
many yrs. agx>; In this ,work ,}re hall!1y enoouraged :and fadlirta,OOd; the 
growth -of a Can. literature; f.or many 
yrS. secY. OolUngwood Reform Assn.; 
h.aJs travelled e
tensively at h()ffi'e anò 
abr03Jd; a Pl'esb, ; a Lib.-456 .Markham 
St., T01'Onto; National Club, do. 
I I The guiding and controlling spirit of 
I The Can. Magazine.' "-Profitable A.dver- 
tising (Boston). 
:Bethune, Alexander, merchant. 
S. Wm. B.. and Catherine (Din&,- 
wall) B., both of DinJ1;WalI, Ross- 
shire, Scot.: b. Peterboro, Ont., 1852; 
e. at Stayner, Ont.; led an active busi- 
ness career for 20 yrs., resldln
 for a 
portioon of the time In IMan.; IWW re- 
tired; Ald. In Vancouver 8 yrs. ; elected 
Mayor, 1907; re-elected by acclama- 
tion, 1908; a dlr. Masonic Temvle Co. ; 
one of the founders of the Canadian 
Club, Vancouver; Presb.; Con.-Van- 
couver, B.C. 
:Bethune, Rev, Char1eB JameB Stewart 
(Ang.), educrutlonist. 
Third S. late Rt. Rev. A. N. B., 2nd 
Ang. Bp. of Toronto, and .Jane Eliza 
(Crooks) B.: b. West Flamboro, Ont., 
Aug. 11, 1838; e. private schs., U. C. 
ColI. (" head boy:' 1856), and Trin. 
Unlv. (B.A., with 1st class honours in 
clas'slcs, hoOn. 4th in math., jubilee 
scholar, and Wellington scholar.. 1859; 
M.A., 1861; D.C.L., 1883);. O. deacon, 
1861; vrlest, 1862; successively curate 
St. Peter's Ch., Cobourg, Ont., and of 
Carlton, Selby, Yorkshire; Incumbent 
Credit Mission, 1866-70; headmaster 
Trln. ColI. Sch., Port HODe, 1870-99 
(on leaving presented with silver bowl 
and purse. as a mark of affection and 
regard from the scholars, old and 
new); prof. of entomol. and zoology, 
Onto Agrlcul. ColI., Guelph, 1906- 
10 ; well known as a writer on 
scientific and economic subjects; one 
of the founders of the Entomol. Soc., 
Ont., and the first ed of The Can. 
Entomologist, a monthly mag. of high 
repute; later ed. for a. considerable 
periOd the entomot dept. of The Can. 
Farmer and Weekly Globe (Toronto) 
In addition to which he has ed. a series 
of annual reports on entomol. printed 
by the Onto Legislature; resumed the 
ed. of The Can. Entomologist. 1886, 
which he still occupies; published a 
bulletin on fruit-tree insects, 1907 : 
F. R. S. C., 1892; Is also a felloW" of 
the Am. Assn. for the Advanc. of 
Science and the En tomol. Soc. of Am., 
and a co IT. memo of selen tific IJOCS, In 
Eng., Ottawa, Halifax, N. Y., Brook- 
lyn, Washington, Boston, Buffalo, etc.; 
for 5 yrs. was presdt. Can. Entomol. 
Soc.; formerly V,-P. London Civic Im- 
vrovement Soc. and London Hortlcul. 
Soc.; a del. for many yrs. to the dio- 
cesan and Drov!. synods of his ch., and 
since 1902 hon. clerical secy. of the 
Genl. Synod of the Ch. of Eng. in 
Can.; m., ApI., 1863, Alice (d.), 2nd d. 
late Lt.-Col. Forlong, K.H., H. M:s 
43rd Light Infy.-170 Glasgow St., 
Guelph, Onto 



:Bethune. Henry Ja.me8, banker. 
S. late Robt. H. B., Toronto; b. and 
e. there: m. Laura May, 2nd d. late 
Chief .Justice Thos. Moss, Toronto; 
apptd. supdt. of branches, Dom. Bank, 
1907; Ang.-9 Clarendon Crescent, To- 
,.onto; Toronto Club; York Club, do. 
:Bethune, Lt,-Co1, John Lemuel, physi- 
cian; legislator. 
E. s. Roderick and Mary B., natives 
Highlands of Scot.: b. Loch Lomond, 
N.S., Mch. 9, 1850; e. Normal Sch., 
Truro, N.S.; J1:raduated M.D. (Dal- 
housie ColI.), 1875; m., 1885, Mary C., 
d. late Robt. A. .Jones, regr. Co. Vic- 
torla; sat In the Co. Council as Coun- 
clllor and Warden; represented Vic- 
toria, N.S. (Local), Con. Interest, 
1886-96; and In H. C., 1896-1900: un- 
BUccessfully contested seat (Local), 
1906; gazetted capt. and paymaster 
94th Victoria Regt. (Argyll Highland- 
ers) , 1881; promoted It.-cot commdg. 
do" 1893; now retired: has recd. the 
Col. Aux. Forces offrs.' decoration; a 
Freemason, a Son of Temp., and a 
Presb.-Baddeck, N.S. 
:Bethune, Robert CecU, business man. 
S. late Lt.-Col. A. R. B., Victoria 
Rlfies, Montreal, and Mary, d. Wm. 
Rogers, H.M.'s CDmmlssarlat; b. Mont- 
real, May 10, 1872; e. High Schs., St. 
.John's and Montreal, and Ottawa CoIl. 
Inst.; m., 1896, .Jean, d. late A. G. 
Peden, Ottawa: lon
d. In mercan- 
tile life; now In Ins. business; apptd. 
æcy. Ottawa Ed. Df Trade, 1899; do. 
soecy.-treas.. Ottawa Col'I. Inst. Bd., 
1902, pooltlons he retains: dl(), 
a .J. -P., 1905; a prominerut baritQue 
sol.oist: is secy.-træs. Algonquin Fi.<5h- 
Ing Club, and -proIJ1iinen-tly idenblfled 
with many a'tJhletlcassns.; an Ang.: a 
Oem. ; a Froee.mas.o'U, &obtish RJi-be, .A. O. 
U. W., a Forester.-l-i5 Cartie7' St., Ot- 
tawa; Canadian Club, do. 
:Beulla.c. Pierre, lawyer. 
S, late Raymond B., a native of 
France, who settled In Montreal, 1874, 
where he attained distinction as a 
churcl1 deool"aJt'or; b. Monrtpel'ier, 
France, .July 6, 1874: e. Notre Dame 
OoLI., Cô,jJe des, St. Mary's OoIL, 
and LavaL UnlÍv. (,LLÆ., 1895); 
m., Se'P't.., 1907, 'Thérèse, e. d. Hon. 
.J. A. Ouimet (q.v.), late a judgoe 
of the Kirug's Bill" P.Q.; oa,d.vooa,te, 
1896; Ipraclises 5111 .MlorutreaJ, where 
he is one of the leaders 'Off ,the 
junior bar: Dne of the founders of the 
.Junior Bar Assn., Montreal. and Its 
first presdt.; has been presdt., also, of 
the. Cana.ò'ian Club, of L'Un1Qn Nat. 
Francalse, and of the Volunteer Elect. 
League, ,Montreal; created! an omr. 
d' Aæ.d. -by the 
Il'C"h Govt" 1907; 
author of several noteworthy articles 
In the legal reviews; not In politics; 
a R. C.: believes In providing for the 
education of the masses: In opening 
toohndoa1 sohs., public Ubmnes, art 
museums, and In encouraging arts In 
ewry shape and ,form.-Salaberry 
Apts., Sherbrooke St., Montreal; Cana- 
dian Club, do. 
:BickercUke, Robert, merchant; legis- 
S. late Thos. B., a native of York- 
shire, Eng., and Agnes Forster 

(Cowan) B,; b. Kln&'stDn, Ont., Aug. 
17, 1843; oomov5ng W1ith bis' paren\ts 
to' St. Louis de GDnzague, P.Q., was e. 
there; m., Dec., 1866, Helen ThDmson 
(d. Oct. 1907), e. d. late .Jas. Reid, 
H. M.'s Commissiarlat; early yrs. spent 
on his father's farm; removed to Mont- 
real, 1860, where, later, he embarked 
In the live stock export trade, In which 
he has been eminently successful: he 
organized and became mango dlr. of 
the Dom. Abattoirs & Union Stock 
Yards Co., and was the principal mover 
In the formation of the Live Stock 
Assn.; Ukewlse founded the Live Stock 
Ins. CD. and the Standard Light & 
Power Co., of both of which he Is 
presdt.; In addition to his other busi- 
ness, Is branch mangr. of the Western 
Assur. Co. and of the Union Marine 
Co., the whole beln
ed under 
the name of Robert B. Co., Ltd., live 
stock, shipping and Ins. agents; has 
served as a harbour commr, and as 
presdt. Montreal Bd. of Trade; was 
the founder and became Mayor of the 
town of Summerlea: a Lib.; sat for 
Montreal (St. Ant-oine d,iv.) in ,the Que- 
bec Assem., 1897-1900, and has sat for 
Montreal (St. Lawrence div,) (H. C.) 
since the latter date; was entertained 
at a public banquet by the mems. of the 
Montreal Bd. of Trade, In recognition 
of his services at Quebec In connec- 
tion with the Montreal city blll, Apt, 
1899; carried a resolutl
n (H. C.), 
ApI., 1903, prohibiting the Importation, 
manufacture, and sale of cigarettes; 
Is a dlr. Montreal-London Gold & Silver 
Deve101P. Co., Brllt. Am. Bank Note Co., 
W-estern Msur. Co., Can. Life A,ssur, 
CoO" Smith iMlarble & CQnst. Co., Bdt.- 
Arm. Assur. Co., I1v.[arcon:l Wireless CoO., 
Imp. Guamntee & Accid'. Co., La Gom. 
de Pub. du Oanoaodta, Mont:real & Gt. 
Lakes S'teams!lÜp C:o. (.presd1. 1909), 
Can. Tr.aJIl'sit 00., Oan. LIDy-dS, and 
other oommerc-ial or
Il'izations; V.-4P, 
Mal"ine UndJerwrÏiters' iA,ssn., .Montreal 
Indus. Exbn. Assn. and Inrf:ern. Bank 
of Can.; presdt. Park Realty Co.; 
ha.9 -been opromdnentl'Y identified wit!h 
t'he Anti-AloOlhoOllic ,League, the Busi- 
ness Men's League, .the Numls. and 
.AJntiq. Soc., 'the oRoyal Vie. Hosop., 
the \Montrea.l Gent Hosp., and the 
M.ontreal Western Hosp., of 'Which 
latter he Is t'he V....P.; was ,fD'I1Inerl'y 
for many yrs. uop to 1911 V.-P. La 
Banque d'HochelagJa; 'Wa's .one Dt 
t!he main dTliStrumenlbs In having .a 
PUibUc monumenrt erected t'O tJhe late 
Hon. .J'ohn Young, and 'W1aiS IpTeSdt. 
of 'the comte. t3Jppltd. to carry it 
to comlpleNDn; linvltJed W lecture In 
Gt. Brit. Dn the subJect Df the Brit. 
embargO' Dn Can. cattle, Dec., 1905; 
while firm In his attachment to the 
Mother Country, Is at the same time 
ardently devoted to Can. Interests; has 
sometimes been mentioned for Cabinet 
preferment; favours the construction 
of a f!Qa,blng dock at IMJOntreal, anð 
of 'the annexation of Nfd., 81. Pierre 
and M1quelon to' Can.-" Elmcroft," 
Summerlea, P.Q.; Canada Club; La- 
chine Boating and Canoe Club; Mont- 
7'eal Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht 
Club; Reform Club; St. George Snow- 


shoe Club; St. Maurice Fi8h and Game 
Club, .'IIontreal; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
.. UniversaHy ac.claimed one of the 
of the Lib. partly."-O. Oitizen. 
.. A man of exceptional intelligence and 
of considerable practical education."-M. 
. 'A man of few words. but known as 
a gof'!! counsellor. and a solid busine88 
man. -Oan. Oouner, 
.. A strenuous ßnd unremitting foe from 
the beginning of the Brit. embargo on 
Canadian cattle."-T. Globe. 
.. Took his politiclil life in his hands 
when he introduced into the House of 
Commons the bill to put a stop to the 
sale, manufacture and importation of 
cigarettes into Canada."-Mr.. Rutherford 
(q.".) . 
Bickford, KaJor Harold Child, H.M.'s 
regular mil. forces. 
S. late Edward O. B., contractor, 
Gore Vale. Toronto, and Emily A. 
(Hastings) B.; b. Toronto. Oct. 11, 
1877; e. In Can. and Eng.; m., June, 
1904. Mary Dunlop. e. d. late Lt.-Co!. 
J. I. Davidson, Toranto; entd. army as 
2nd l1eut., 6th Drag1()OJ1J Ods. (Oua- 
bdn1-ers), Feb., 1897; illeut., Jan., 1899; 
capt., May, 1901; served with ,his regt. 
In S. A. Wa-r, 1899-1900, and 'Was 
rpresen.t In 1.hIe engagemeruts at Paarrd'E!- 
berg, Poplar Grove, and Dref.fontedn. 
the occupation of 'Bloemfontein, the 
baJtble of Dii8JtIl'C:md RHo], and action at 
Riet Vlel, the engagements around 
Belfast and Machadodorf, .amd the a-d- 
vance to Barber>toIl' (Queen's IJIred., 
with 5 cla,sps, and King's med.. witJh 
2 c1a.sps); was awarded the bronze 
med. of th'E! Royal Humane Soc.. for 
an act of conspicuous gallarutry In S. 
A., Feb., 1901; passed staff coD.. Carn- 
beJ1ley, 1908; Ang.-Care War Of!ìce, 
London, Eng.; Toronto Club, Toronto. 
Bicknell, James, lawyer. 
S. Jas. and Anne B., Hamllton, Ont., 
formerly of Bognor, Sussex, Eng.; b. 
Battersea Bark, London, EIl'g., ApI. 26, 
1862; e. Hamilton Coli. Inst.; m., 1st 
ApI., 1886, Clara (d. May, 1905), 3rd 
d. Rev. Stephen Kappele; 2ndly, ApI., 
1906, ,MJinnie, y. d. I'ate Rev. .8t'e.p.hen 
Kappele; called to Onto bar (with hon- 
ours and gold med.), 1884; K.C., 1902 ; 
Bench-er Law Soc., 1906; re-elected, 
do., 1911; !practised In HamiHx)D bi11 
1894; sirwe t!ben In Toronto; one 
of bhe !leaders of the bar ; wlr. 
Imp, Bank and Tororuto Ry. Co.; 
joint author Bicknell and Seager's 
.. Division Courts Act" (2nd ed., 1900), 
and Bicknell and Kappele's .. Practical 
Statutes" (1903); has never engaged 
In politics; a Freemason; Ang.-37 
Cluny Ave., Toronto; Albany Club; 
Granite Club, R. C. Y. Club; York 
Club, do.; Hamilton Club, Hamilton. 
:Bidwell, Very Bev. Edward John 
(Ang.), educationist. 
Fourth S. late Rev. G. S. B., rector, 
Sympson, Bucks, Eng.; grands, Rev. G. 
B., rector Stanton, Suffolk, Eng., fellow 
and tutor Clare ColI., Camb.; b. Stan- 
ton, Nov. 26. 1866: e. Bradfield Coli., 
Berks (foundation sch.. senior prefect. 
and winner Stevens scholarshi.p) and 
Wadham ColI., Oxford (B.A., with 


honours, 1889; M.A.. 1893) ; open class. 
sch. Wadham ColI., Oxford' honours In 
Classical moderations and'lltteræ hu- 
res, Oxford; D.C.L. (hon.), Len- 
noxvllle, 1907; do.. Trin. Unlv., To- 
ronto, 1909; m., 1894. Frances Mary 
e. d. J. Morris, Leamington, Eng.; 0: 
deacon, 1891; priest, 1892; asst. master 
and chaplain Leamlngton CoIl., 1890- 
94;' headmaster prep. dept. and classi- 
cal master 6th form upper sch., do., 
1894-97; headmaster Peterboro Oath. 
Grammar Sch., 1897-03: headmaster 
Blshop's Coli. SCh., Lennoxvllle, 1903- 
09; since then has been rector St 
George's Calli., Kingston, Onto and 
Dean of Ont.; dJe.clinoe.d benefiæ of 
Limd.ng1ton, Eng., ,1911: aut.hor '
of Prlva'oo Prayers for Boy.s" (1907) 
.. Pulpit and Platform Notes on Public 
Speaking and Reading" (do.)' .. The 
Christian Doctrine of Immorta1itý" 
(1910); a del. Genl. Synod, Quebec, 
and an oftlclal del. to the BI-Cent. Ang 
Ch. celebration, Halifax, N.S., 1910.-":' 
St. George'8 Rectory, King8ton, Onto 
.. A good preacher and a Bound, mod- 
erate churchman."-M. Gazette. 
:Bieber, Bev, JWlton James (Luth.). 
B. Kutztown. Pa., Dee. 13, 1862; e. 
Kutztown Normal Sch. (valedictorian 
and M.E.. 1888) and Muhlenberg CoIl., 
Allentown. Pa, (M.A., with 1st class 
honours, 1904); m., Sept., 1898, Miss 
Bertha Leeds Manning; graduated 
Luth. Theol. Semy., 1894; o. 1904: 
pastor Mt. Joy, Pa., 3 yrs.; do. Blng- 
hampton, N.Y., 7 yrs.; since 1894 Eng. 
Eastern field mlssy., Gen!. Council 
Luth. Ch. North Am.; territory em- 
braces N. S.. New Eng., N. Y. State, 
N. J., and Central Can. ; has organized 
churches In New Eng. and Can., and 
developed churches at many points; 
called convention, Galt, Ont.. ApI., 1908, 
which organized the .. Can. Lutheran 
League"; also the convention, Guelph, 
Ont., Oct., 1908, which organized the 
.. Evangel. Lutheran Synod of Central 
Can.,.. of which he W&.S made Presdt.- 
Mount Joy, Pa. 
Bienvenu, Tancrede, banker. 
S. A. J. and Octa vie (Larose) B,; 
b. Varennes. P.Q., Api. 26, 1864; e. 
Varennes Business ColI. ; m. Miss Clara 
Martin; for some yrs. In commercial 
life, commencln
 In Montreal: entd. 
service La Banque Jacques Cartier, re- 
maining with It until the foundation of 
La Banque Provinclale, 1900, wheQ he 
was apptd. a dir. and gent. mangr. of 
the new Institution, a position he re- 
talns; Dromlnently Identified with the 
An-t<i-Aaooholic League; a dlr. Travel- 
er's Life Assur. Co. and Cr-own Trust 
Co.; ø. promoter Yukon Trust 00. a,nd 
!later of tihe Murray Bay Lumber & 
Pulp Co.; apptd. Liquidator Banque de 
St. Jean, 1908; joint hon. tre.M. King 
Ed'ward VII. Melffil()rla.l Fund, .Mon<t- 
rew!, 1911; a R. C.--3! She1'brooke St. 
W., Montreal; Club Lafontaine; Mont- 
real Club, do. 
:Bigelow, Frederick Egbert, physician. 
B. Lindsay, Ont., 1870; e. ColI. Inst.. 
there, and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1864) : 
M.D. (Rush Med. Coli, Chicago), 1897; 
m. d. (}eo. M. BagweH, Hamlloon. Ont.; 



has successfully pr&ctiseò in Chlcrugo 
throug1hout; 13. memo Sons St. George, 
an OddJfeiUolW '8!nd a Forest
Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill. 
:Bigelow, Nelson Calvin, lawyer. 
S, late N. G. B., Q.C., M.P.P., To- 
ronto; b. and e. Ithe,re; m., 1903, CeoIll 
Olive M., y. à. R. S, Bradley, T.ooonto; 
a. 'lawyer, pracHslng at the Chicago 
bar; Ang.-Chicago, Ill. 
:Biggar, George C" broker. 
Formerly city ed. Daily Globe, To- 
ronto; commercial ed. do., 1904-05; 
joined firm .Jaffray & Cassels, stock 
brokers, Toronto, 1906; a memo To- 
ronto Stock Exchange, 1909. - 213 
Beverley St., Toronto. 
Biggar, Hamilton :E"isk, physician. 
S. late Rev. Hamilton B. (Meth.) and 
Eliza Phllps (Racey) B., Brantford, 
Ont.; b. Oakvllle, Ont., Mch. 15, 1839; 
e. Brantford Grammar Sch. and Vic- 
toria Univ.. Cobourg, Ont. (B.A., 1863; 
LL.D., 1893); pursued med. studieS 
Undv., 1867; m., F.eb., 1870, Sue .Miles, 
d. W. B. Brook.s, Columbus, 0.; has 
pracNsed 'hIs professloI1J thr.ougihout 
in Cleveland; caliIe'd ItO chair of 
an'aJt, and olin. surg. 1111 .Hio.meop. Hosp. 
CoN., Cleveland, 1867; was subse- 
quently for a lengthened period, 
successivelY prof. elfin. surg. and 01 
diseases of women and cldn. surg. 
tlherein: ; aJlso regr. of coU',; ap'Ptd 
surg.-in-chief Surg. Inst., Cleveland, 
1896; elected hon. presdt. Am. Inst. 
Homeop. and hon. V.-P. Brit. Homeop. 
Med. Soc., 1908; has been V.-P. Ohio 
state Med. Soc. and J>resdt. Cleveland 
Can. Am. Soc.; declined presidency 
Am. Inst. Homeop. and the chair of 
surg. homeov. devt., Univ. Michigan; 
founder Training Sch. for NurseS, 
Cleveland, and was dean of same for 
10 yrs.; a memo Am. Soc. for Advanc. 
of Science and an hon. memo N. Y. 
state Med. Soc.; has read papers at 
World's Congress Homeop. Phys., Chi- 
cago and Paris; author of many valu- 
able monographs on med. subjects an
.of .. Twelve Months of Surgery, 
.. LoIterlngs in Europe," and .. Remln- 
nces of Compelgne"; an Epis.- 
1110 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, 0.; Union 
Club' Roadside Club; Country Club; 
Logos Club; Euclid Club; Cleveland 
Athletic Club; Church Club, do. 
Biggar, :Henry Perceval, litterateur. 
S. late .Jas. Lyons and Isabella 
(Hodgins) B.; b. Carrying place, Ont., 
Aug 9 1872; e. Belleville Public Sch., 
U. ë. ColI. (Mason gold med., 1890), 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1894), Unlv. of 
Paris, and Oxford Un Iv. (B. Lltt., 
1899) . Mackenzie fellow In pol. science, 
Toronto Univ., 1900-02; author .. The 
Early Trading Companies of New 
France" (1901), .. The French Hak- 
luyt:' .. Marc Lescarbot of Verains" 
(Am. Hist., Rev., 1901) ; apptd. Euro- 
pean representz.tlve of Can. Archives, 
1907; Presb.--3-i Oxford Mansion, Gt. 
Titchtield st., London, 'Eng.; 15 Rue de 
Beau;olai8, Paris, France. 
Biggar, Lt,-Col. 3'ames Lyons. Can. 
regular mil. l!Iervlce. 
S. .Jas. L. and Isabella (Hodgins) 
B.; b. Carrying Place, Ont.. .JulY 16, 

1856; e. Trenton Grammar Sch. and 
U. C. Coli.; In. Mary Scott, e. d. late 
R. W. ELliott, Toronto; erutd. mil. ser- 
vioe, as lieut., 15't!h Regt., Feb., 1881; 
a,ttalrued rank of It.-col., 1901; seI"V'ed 
during S. A. War, 1899-1900, tOOl supply 
column and as speci8Jl staff offr. under 
GenL Sir F. Forestler W
lker, .on lines 
of communication and chIef base 
(Queen's med., wIth 3 cla;sps); was 
staff offr., under Genl'. T. A. Cooke, for 
King's cor-QlIlatJion; represented btea;d- 
qual1ters' sbaff during tour In Can. of 
Pl'inoe and Princess of Wales, ruo'W 
King and Queen of Eng. (,having charge 
of oS. A. meodis.) ; D. A. ,A. G. for A. S. C, 
Hdqrs., .Ju1y, 1901; D. Q. M. G., Dec., 
1901; dlr. Tranf'UX)r.t and SwppUes, 
Dec., 1904 ; was Asst. Q. M.-Genl., 
QuebeC Te,roent. oolebraJtlon, 1908 ; 
granted a distinguished cert. in A. S, 
C. and transport duties from Sch. of 
Instruction, Aldershot, Eng., 1905; 
holds also the Colonial Aux. Forces 
offrs.' decoration; a memo Grand Priory 
Knights of the Order of St. .John of 
.Jerusalem; presented to King Edward, 
St. .James's Palace, London, May, 
1902; lectured on Can. In S. A.. under 
auspices Loyal Women's Guild; apptd. 
a memo of Earl Grey Musical and 
Dramatic Assn., 1908; author .. Can. 
Army Service Corps Manual" (1905); 
elected pI1esdrt:. Army Service 
C.orps Assn., 1911; a King 
Edward Ave., Ottawa; Rideau Club; 
Country Club, do. 
Biggar. Sanford Dennis, lawyer. 
U. E. L. descent: b. Saltfleet. Co. 
Wentworth, Ont., Nov. 5, 1861; e. 
there; removed to Hamilton, Ont., 
1880; barrister, 1885; K.C., 1908; Ald., 
1901-04; Mayor, 1905-06; instrumental 
In founding a tuberculosis sanatorium, 
1905; a dir. Hamllton Health Men.; 
won high praise for his coolness and 
forbearance during the Hamilton 
.. strike," 1906; Con.-Hamjzton; Ham- 
ilton Club, do. 
n Patient, forbearing, merciful."-T. 
Biggar, William Hodgins, lawyer. 
S. late .Jas. Lyons and Isabella 
(Hodgins) B.: b. Carrying Place, 
Ont., Sept. 9, 1852; e. Trenton Gram- 
mar Sch. and U. C. Coll. (" head boy," 
1872); m., .June, 1893, Marie Louise, 
d. .Jas. BaIlon, 'Colorado Spgs., U.S.; 
flor 3 yrs. In mercantile house, Beùle- 
vLUe, Ont.; later li?tudied law: bar- 
rister, 1880; K.C., 1899; prnotlsed 
a;t BeHevll
e, in par!:inershLp with late 
.JloIlm Bell, J{.<C., so}.r. tor G. T. Ry.; 
Mayor of Bellevllle, 1887-89; also 
presdt. Belleville Curling Club, Onto 
Curling Assn., Bowling Assn., Ont., 
commodore Bay of Qulnte Yacht Club. 
and presdt. Lake Yacht Racing Assn, ; 
sat for W. Hastings (Local), Lib. In- 
terel!t, 1890-98: a memo Onto Game 
Commissl.on, 1901: removed to Mont- 
real, on appt. as asst. gent. counsel, 
o. T. Ry., 1903; a.wtd. gent. courusel, 
on retirement of Mr. Bell, Dec., 1904; 
a dir. Can. Atlantic Ry., G. T. Pacific 
Terminal Elevator Co., G. T. Pacific 
Ry., and of several other Cos.; a pro- 
moter G, T. Pacific Town & Develop. 



Co.; F.R.C.I., 1907; .An1'g.-iU Pine 
Ave. W., Montreal; summer: it Côte 
Carrier," Cap-à-l' Aigle, P.Q.; Canada 
Club; Mt. Royal Club; Royal Montreal 
Golf Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht 
Club; Beaconsfield Golf Club, Mont- 
real; Rideau Club; Laurentian Club, 
:Biggs, Hon, Samuel Clarke, lawyer. 
S. late Richard and Eleanor (Wood) 
B., Ancaster, Ont., latter a sister ot 
late Chief .Justice Wood, Man.; U. E. L. 
descent; b. Ancaster, Oct. 8, 1851; e. 
Victoria ColI., Cobourg, and Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., with silver med. lri nat. 
selen., 1872); m., .July, 1875, Emily 
Orythla, d. Rev, Thos. Atkinson; bar- 
rister, 1875; K.C. (M. of Lansdowne), 
1884; do. (Ont.), 1899; bencher Law 
Soc., Man., for many yrs.: a memo 
Man. Legislature, 1878-79; Minr. Public 
Works, Man., 1879; subsequently prac- 
tised his profession In St. Paul., Minn. ; 
now and for some yrs. practising In 
Toronto; established Winnipeg Sun, 
1878; a memo Ex. Comte. Onto branch 
Dom Alliance, and treas. Onto Soc. for 
Refffi"lI1. of Inebrlat-e<s; a iLi'b. and free 
trader; favours vubllc ownershlv of 
public utilities; an Ang.-55 St. George 
St., Toronto; Ontario Club, do. 
:Bigney, Hon, Col, Sidney Osborne, 
man ufact urer. 
S. .Jas. and Sarah .Jane (Black) B.; 
b. Wentworth, N.S., Nov. 4, 1854: on 
paternal side Is of old (hi:;:torlc) 
French ancestry, being a lineal de- 
scendant of Hy. Merle d' Aubigne; on 
maternal side is of Scotch descent. and 
a lineal descendant of Adam and Chas. 
Black, Edinburgh; e. native town; m., 
.June, 1876, Henrietta, adopted d. Benj. 
Stevens, Wentworth; as a young ma'l 
of 20, his stock and trade was worth 
$150; to-day he Is the sole owner of 
S. O. B. & Co., whose jewelry factory 
Is one of the largest In the U. S.: is 
also presclt. AttJl-ebüro Co-op.eI'atJIve 
Bank, the Odd Fellows' Building Assn., 
the Bristol Manfg. Co.; elected for 2 
yrs. to serve on the Rev, State Central 
Comte., Mass., and was subsequently 
elected a memo of the Governor's Coun- 
cil ; a Freemason; wal!l presented by the 
Halifax brethren with a silver salver. 
In ackgt. of courtesies reed., Oct., 1903. 
-Attleboro, Mass. 
:Bilkey, Paul E" journalist. 
S. Rev. R. L. B. (Ang.); brought 
to Can. when an infant and e. there; 
m. Miss Sarah DallÌJOlIl, Ottawa; engel. 
In newspaper work sInce 1896; also 
contributes to the mags.: parly. corre- 
spondent at Ottawa for Toronto Tele- 
gmm sInce 1896: presdt. of Ottarwa 
Press Gallery, 1909-10; Ang.-Kennis- 
ton Apartments, Elgin St., Ottawa. 
:Bill, Caleb Band, Dom. public service. 
S. late Wm. C. B., M.P., and grands. 
Hon. Caleb R. B., Senator (apptd. by 
Royal proclamation at Confederation) ; 
b. Bllltown, N.S., .July 31, 1852; e. 
Acadia Unlv., Wolfville; m. Margt., d. 
late .Jeremiah Bligh; for many yrs. an 
extensive Imvorter of standard-bred 
trotting horses and a breeder of same; 
apptd. coIlr. customs, Wolfville, N.S., 
Feb., 1896; a cavt. In mlUtia, reserved 

l:ist; a Con., and unsrucoessfully con- 
tested King's (H. C.) g. e. 1890 and 
again 1891; believes in a protective 
tariff as hIgh as that of the U. S., and 
in the ,chamberl8Jin policy .for Greater 
Brit.; a Bapt.-Wolfville, N.S. 
:BID, Earl Gordon, educationist. 
S. Caleb R. (q.v.) and Margt. A. B.; 
b. Billtown, N.S., .June 23, 1884; e. 
Billtown Sch., Wolfville High Sch. 
Horton Acad., Acadia Unlv. (B.A., 
1902), and Yale Unlv. (B.A., 1906; 
M.A., do.; Ph.D., 1908, with honours In 
math., and a vrlze of $400 In same 
subjed) ; m. Lou E., 2nd d. .John Van 
Wart, St. .John, N.B.; Instr. In math., 
Yale Unlv., 1908; do., Sheffield Scien- 
tific Sch., do., further studies at 
Göttingen and Unlv. of Padua; Bapt.; 
Con.- Wolfville, N.S.. 
.. Bill, Yukon" (see Hayes, MM. K. 
E.). ' 
Billings, John Gordon, manufacturer. 
S. late .John B., barrister, Port Perry, 
Ont.; b. there, .July 28, 1877; Is genl. 
mangr. Yale Columbia J...umber Co., 
Nelson, B.C.; a Con.; an Ang.; m., 
1904, Miss Florence Macdonald. Llnd- 
my, Oll't.-Nelson, B.C.; Nelson Club, 
:Billings, Thomas Henry, educationist. 
S. Bruce and Mary Catherine (Mac- 
Cready) B.; Scotch and U. E. L. de- 
scent; descended from Roger B., who. 
came from Eng., 1635; related to late 
Elkanah B., the geologist; b. nr. 
Brockvllle, Ont., Mch. 22, 1881: e. 
Howard public sch., Brockvllle ColI. 
Inst., and Queen's Unlv., Kingston 
(Chancellor's sch. In math; Gov.-Genl.'s 
sch. in classics; prlzeman In Greek 
prose; M.A., 1902); probationer for 
Meth. ministry, 1903, and studied at 
Wesl. Theol. ColI., Montreal; tutor 
Queen's UnJiv., 1901-3 ; 00., Wesl. T>hoe'O.l. 
00I1il., Montreal, 1903-5; lecturer, Me- 
Gi'Ll Univ., 190.5-7; seey. studenrt. d'ept., 
Intern. Comte., Y. M. C. A., with super- 
vision of work in Can. roUeges, 1907: 
del. representing Can. students at 
Worl:d's 'StJudent Ohristian Fed'e'I'labion 
Donf., TokY1O, .Japan, Apl., 1907; iMcih. 
-Lyn, Onto 
Bingay, George, lawyer. 
S. Thos. Van Buskirk B., barrister, 
and his 2nd wife, Margt. .Jane (Moody) 
B.; grands. Lt.-Col. Abraham Van 
Buskirk, 4th Batt., N. .J. Volrs., and of 
Lt.-Col. .Jas. Moody (see Sabine's 
II Am. Loyalists "); U. E. L. on both 
sides; b. Yarmouth, N.S., 1850; e. at 
home and abroad; m., 1875, Susan Cor- 
nelia, o. d. Rev. .J. Pierson Stryker, 
N. Y., and sister Rev. M. W. Stryker, 
D.D., presdt. Stamford ColI., Clinton, 
N.Y.; barrister, 1874; K.C. (E. DerbY), 
1890; counsel for Lloyds' Agency, Dom. 
Atlantic Ry., and steamship lines, Yar:' 
mouth Amalgamated Tel. Co., Coemos 
Cotton Co., Dom. Permt. Loan Co., 
and other corporations; successively 
mango dlr. and treas. Yarmouth Water 
Co.; a cavt. In reserve militia; for- 
merly secy. Llb.-Con. A
sn., Yarmouth; 
now prepared to support any party that 
is loyal to Brit. connection and Im- 
perialIsm; e. 5., L. Woolsey B. ; st!rvoo 



In the ranks In S. Africa, and fought 
at Baardoeberg, Drelfontein, etc.; Ang. 
-Yarmouth. N.S. 
:Bingham, George Arthur, physicIan. 
S. late William and Elizabeth (Mills} 
B.; father from Armagh, Irel.; b. Co. 
Durham, Ont., Au
. !8, 1860; e. Bow- 
manvUle Hlg;h SC'h.; M.D.,C.M. (Trln. 
Univ.), 1884; memo 'C. P. and S., Ont., 
do ; asst. anat. demon. Trln. Med. 
CoIl., 1884-89; prof. practical anat. do., 
1889; a Senator Toronto Unlv., 1904; 
presdt. Onto Med. Assn., 1905-06; coun- 
cillor Toronto Unlv. Alumni Assn.; 
head of surg. service, Toronto Genl. 
Hosp., 1907; Is on consult. staff Hosp. 
for Sick Children; for some yrs. a pub- 
Hc sch. teacher; a Freemason and an 
Odd Fellow; a Presb.--68 Isabella St., 
Toronto; Toronto Club, do. 
:Bingham, Bev, Herbert Henry (Bap- 
tist). ' 
Eng. origin; s. Rev. Thos. B., a na- 
tive of Eng., now residing In Colo. (4 
sons In ministry) ; b. Coventry, Eng., 
Mch. 26, 1878; e. Aurora High Sch., 
Woodstock ColI., and McMaster Univ. 
(B.A., 1904); m., May, 1906, Isabell( 
Louise, 2nd d. Rev. J. S. Williamson, 
D.D., Hamilton, Ont.; (preached first 
;when 17; o. 1905; travelled In evan- 
gelistic work with 'hIs 3 bros. through 
Kansas and Colo., 1905-6; returned to 
Can., 1906, since when has been set- 
.tled consecutively with Paris and Tal- 
bot St., London, Ont., Bapt. Chs.; 
el'ected cor. secy. Bapt. Young People'.g 
Union, Ont. and Que., 1908; presdt., 
1909; presdt. Paris branch Lord's Day 
Alllance, do.; declined calls to St. 
Thomas, Ont., and Moose Jaw, Sask., 
1909.-London, Onto 
:Bingham, Bev, William John (Bap- 
tist), physician. 
A bro. Rev. H. H. B. (q.v.); b. Cov- 
entry, Eng., 1873; e. there, Aurora 
High Sch., Ont., and Ottawa Unlv., 
Kansas; m., 1906, Miss Fannie Rice, 
Trenton, Mo.; followed theol. course 
Louisville Theol. Semy. and Moody's 
Bible Inst., Chk:ago; o. Can.; med- 
course, Colo. Univ., 'with ,honours; 
M.D.; first pastorate in Can.; toured 
Col'O. and Kansas, with his bros., In 
evang. work; subsequently went to 
Central Am., engaged in med. mis- 
sionary work; now .fn Bolivia, since 
1909,-Boliuia, S. A.m. 
:Binmore, ]IIiBS Elizabeth, education- 
Ist. , 
D. late Thos. B., a native of London, 
Eng., who served as an offr. In the 
Can. mflltla during the Fenian raids, 
and Mary C. (Morton) B.; b. Mont- 
real; e. McGill Normal Sch. (elemen- 
tary, model, and acado divlomas), Pa. 
Normal Sch. (teaching cert.) , McGill 
Untv. (B.A., 1890; M.A., 1894), and 
Harvard Summer Sch.; first woman 
grad. of McGill to obtain degree of 
M.A.; In teaching :prof. since 1878; 
taught at Bradford, Pa., Clarencevllle, 
Longueull, and Montreal; Introduced 
manual training Into P. Q., 1885; has 
held a varlE'ty of offices, Including 
presdt. and trea!;1. McGill Alumnæ, and 
was the first woman presdt. Teachers' 

Assn. in connection with McGill Nor- 
mal Sch.; has lectured on manùal 
ng and other subjects; has tra- 
velled extensively In Europe; at the 
head of rthe m-<1Vement for erecting a 
public memorial to Miss Sarah Max- 
well, the heroine of Hochelaga, 1.907; 
a Con.; an Ang.
l1 Elm, Mont- 
:Binney, Bev, J, E, H, (Ang.). 
S. late Dr. B., Bp. of N. S.; b. Hali- 
fax, N.S.; e. Windsor Acad. and Ox- 
ford Unlv. (M.A.); o. 1888; apptd. 
vicar Holy Trln. Ch., Ilkeston, Notts, 
do.; m., 1888, Beatrice Elizabeth Llch- 
ensteln, y. d. late Senator Almon, HaH- 
fax.-The Vicarage, Ilke8ton, NottB, 
:Binney, Bev, William Hibbert (Ang.). 
S. of late Rt. Rev. Hibbert B., D.D., 
Lord Bp. of N. S.; b. Halifax, N.S., 
1857; e. Windsor Acad., N. S., and 
Winchester ColI., Oxford (B.A., 1879; 
M.A., 18-82) ; D.D. (hom), Un"v. RJIng's 
OoH., N.'S., 1905; unm.; 0'. 1881; some 
time currut:e Ta
rley, >CheShire; I3Jþptd. 
vicar Nort'hwlch or Wilton, Cheshire, 
1886; R. D., 1888; iR'lso ohaplla!ln 3rd 
Batt., Cheshire Regt.; was oommlssary 
to Jate Bp. of N. .S.; elected /by aæla- 
mati-on Bp. of New Westmdnster, but 
doooUn.ed, 1894; an ul1Isucce5Siful éandl- 
dJa.te fiar biS'oopric of N. S., 1904.-The 
Vicarage, Northwich. Eng. 
:Binning, John BUBøeD, business man. 
B. Hamilton, Soot., 1866; e. there; 
m., 1891, Miss Margt. Calrd, Montrose, 
Scot.; came to Can., 1881; entd. ser- 
vice C. P. Ry.; became connected with 
Furness, Withy & Co., Ltd., steamSlhlp 
agenrt:s, Montreal, 1898; since 1903 has 
been genl. mangr., do.; elected V.-P. 
Northern Nav. Co., 1911; Is treas. 
Montreal Bd. of Trade & Shipping 
Federation of Can., and a dlr. Rlchel1eu 
and Onto Nav. .co.; a Fre.emason.- 
Ii Braidlea/' Côte des Neige8, Montreal; 
Canada Club; Outremont Curling Club, 
:Birch, John Edgar, organist and com- 
S. W. H. B., S. C.F.; b. Reading, 
Eng., Aug. 25, 1854; originally a 
chorister in Chapel Royal, Windsor, 
Eng., under Sir Geo. Elvey; further 
study In London, undf'r Dr. C. W. 
Pearce, and his bro., E. H. Birch, Mus. 
Bac.; successively asst. organist Well- 
Ington CoIl., organist Hereford CoIl., 
and organist and choirmaster St. John's 
Ch., Nottlng Hill, London; coming to 
Can., became organist and music mas- 
ter Trln. Coil. Sch., Port Hope, Ont., 
and afterwards organist Christ Ch. 
Cath., Montreal; was apptd. principal 
Can. CoIl. of Music, Ottawa, 1895; 
founded the Ottawa Choral Soc., 1897, 
which he has since successfully con- 
ducted; Is also organist and choirmas- 
ter of All Saints' Ch., Otta.wa.
Sweetland Ave., Ottawa. 
:Birchard, J:øaac JameB, educationist. 
S. SamI. and Ruth B.: b. Uxbrldge, 
Ont., Oct. 11, 1850; e. Uxbrldge Gram- 
mar Sch., Toronto Normal Sch. (provl. 
gold med.), and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1880; M.A., 1883); Ph.D. (Syracuse 



Gniv.), 18&4; m., Doo., 1870, Miss 
BertJha Cha'Pman
 K!ingston, Orut. ; 
obtained l'st class teacher,s' ceTt., I3!t 
15; principal T-oronrto public soh., 
1874-80; -d1\). :Perth CoIL Inst., 1881; 
math. .ma,ster Brnmltforo Ool<I. Inst., 
1882-93, since which time has oold 
math. mastership In .JaJme'son Ave. 
Col.l. Inst., Toronbo; -best known as 
tihe authQr of II !Plane 'l'dgono()IJle- 
try," a text-book for schs. and coIls.. 
and as joint author of a II High Sch. 
Algebra," in 2 vols.; these works have 
been commended by the teaching pro- 
fession, and are extensively used 
throug-hout Can.; the 2nd vol. of the 
Algebra was favourably reviewed by 
Die Zellsschrift filT Mathematik, of 
Heidelberg, an honour never before be- 
stowed, we bell eve, UDon a Can. text- 
book; while In Brantford was a pro- 
minent official In the WelUngton St. 
Meth. Ch., and occuDled various other 
local positions In keeping with his 
character and tastes, such as presdt. 
of the city S. S. Assn., presdt. of the 
Brantford branch of the Brit. and For, 
Bible Soc.: has also done considerable 
work In teachers' assns., and was 
chalnnan of the ColI. and High Sch. 
Dept. of the Provl. Assn., 1874; a Lib.; 
-124 J(JImeson Ave., Toronto. 
II A teacher of exceptional merit."- 
Sir O. Mowat. 
:Bird, James Godfrey. banking pro- 
B. Essex, Eng.; e. 1tihIere; m. Miss 
Hood; came .to Can. In early Ufe; 'has 
ibe-en for many yrs. In service Bank 
or T.oronrto; manrgr, 'sucoeSoslvel
Podrut S1. Charles, Bd. of Trade and 
G. T. Ry. branches, :M<mtrea;l, of tllat 
institution; .one of the founders of the 
Camada Club, 'M-ontreal; brews. of the 
Ranelagh 'Country Olub, d'O.; applÌ'à. 
genl. man-gr. \Banque In.ternlWUonale du 
Can., Aug., 1911.
 Weredale Park, 
Westmount, Montreal; St. James's 
Club; Canada Club; RaneZagh Country 
Club; Forest and Stream Club; West- 
mount Gol/ Club; Mount Royal Lawn 
Tennis Club; Montreal A. A. AS8n., 
do.; Chateau Beauclaire Club, St. 
Lambert, P.Q. 
"A careful ban1rer."-S. N. 
:Bird, Mrs, Maria B., journalist. 
B. Gloucestershire, Eng., 1843; came 
to Can. 1883; husband died 1890; ar- 
rived In N.W.T. In the early days; has 
done a variety of journalistic and lit- 
erary work; Lib. ; Evang.-Broad- 
view, Sask. 
:Birge, Cyrus Albert, manufacturer. 
S. Herman P. and HelEm M. (Alnø- 
lie) B.; father, a memo old Conn. fam- 
Ily, came to Can. about 1840: mother. 
a Can.: b. nr. OakvlIle, Ont., Nov. 7, 
1847; e. Oakvllle Grammar Sch.: m., 
1st, 1870, Miss Reb
ca .J. Coote, Oak- 
vlIle (d. 1898); 2ndly, 1902, Miss 
Margt. Vanstone, Wlngham, Ont., (d. 
1904); 3rdly, 1908, Miss Mabel L. 
Strul't, Brookl'YTI. N.Y. (dir. Y. W. C. A., 
Hamilton); early engaged In mer- 
cantile life; accountant engr.'s office, 
Gt. Western Ry., 1872-82; mangr. Can. 
Screw Co., 1882-83: V.-P. and mango 

dir., do., 1883-98; presdt. do. (his 
present position), 1898; has been 
presdt. Hamilton Bd. of Trade and Can. 
Manfrs.' Assn. ; while at head of latter 
body mangd. to bring univ. curriculum 
more in touch with the industrial re- 
quirements of the country; was I>re- 
sented with testimonial by mems. on 
relinquishing office; Is a dir. Sovereign 
Fire Assur. Co and Hamilton Bank, 
and V.P. Turbine SteamshlD Co. : 
elected V.-P. Steel Co. of Can., 1910; 
promme-r .MiercantUe TruSlt. 00.; a doeI. 
5th Congress Chambers of Commerce 
of Emp., London, 1903; made donation 
of $50,000 to Victoria Univ., which 
enabled that Institution to claim An- 
drew Carnegie's grant of a similar sum, 
as an endowment for a library, 1907; 
a Meth., and has served as a del. to 
Genl. Conf. for many yrs; Is also a 
memo Ch. Union Comte.; formerly 
sU'}J'rut. S. S., Wesley Ch., Hami1t1:.on.- 
68111lain St. E., Hamilton, Ont.; Hamil- 
ton Club, do.; National Club, Toronto, 
II A man of progressive ideas and wide 
aCQuaintance with commercial problems." 
-New. Ref. Book. 
:Birkett, Lt,-Col, Herbert Stanley, 
S. late Wm. B., merchant, Hamilton, 
Ont., and Caroline Amelia B., d. late 
.Jaeob Ball, Grantham, Onto (U. E. L. 
desoorut); b. HanÜlit:on, .July 17, 1864; 
e. Forest Ro. Sch., Chester, Eng., and 
M.cGHI Un'iv. (IM.D. witJh Holmes 
moo.. 1886); m., July, 1899, ,Margt., 
d. .John "MaoNaug;hitoß', Martlrut()lWIl, 
Glengarry, Onrt.; sendor h()l1Jse surg., 
MontreaJ Getll. Hj{)lSP., 1886-87 ; 
asst. phy., Montreal Dlsp., 1887-89; 
laryngol. to do., 1889-91; do. Montreal 
Genl. Hosp., 1891-99; junior demon. 
anat. McGllI Univ., 1889-90; demon. 
do., 1890-96; prof. laryngol. and otol., 
McGllI do., 1895; laryngol. and otol, 
Royal Vie. Hosp., Montreal, 1898; for 
some yrs. genI. s
y. Dom. Med. A.ssn. 
and Montreal Med.-Chir. Soc., V.-P. 
Am. LaryngoI. Assn., 1898; do. Mont- 
real Med.-Chir. Soc., 1902; secy. of 
Laryngol., Brit. Med. A.ssn., 1897 ; 
memo Am. Assn. Anat., 1890-96; gOY. 
Montreal GenI. Hosp.; Presdt. Mont- 
real :Med.-IChdr. Soc.; V.-P. S
. of 
Laryngol. and Otol., .Bri t. -Med. Assn., 
1906. presdt. Am. LaryngoI. Assn., 
1907:8; memo Otol. Soc. United King- 
dom ; was connected with the vol. 
militia force for many yrs, , and or- 
ganized a very efficient bearer co. In 
Montreal; was attached to the army 
med. staff, Aldershot, 1893, and took 
a 1st class cert. at the training sch. 
there; promoted It.-col. Mch., 1904, and 
apptd. P. M. 0., M. D., No.5, Nov., 
1906; retired, retaining rank, 
1910; elected pres
,t. Assn. of Moo. 
Offrs. of Can. Militia, 1909; author of 
numerous contributions to the med. 
press; an Ang.-25! Mountain St, 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Mount 
Royal Club; Montreal Hunt Club; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; 
Outremont Golf Club; Fish and Game 
Club; University Club, Montreal. 
.. UnexceIled in his own departments." 
-Sir Jamell Grant (q.v.), 



:BIrkett, Thomas, merchant. 
Seventh s. late Miles and Elizabeth 
(Wren) B., who came to Ottawa from 
Cocltermouth, Eng., 1838; b. By town 
(now Ottawa), Feb. 1, 1844; e. public 
and grammar schs.; m., 1st, 1871, Me- 
lissa Mary (d. Mch., 1902), d.late Thos. 
Gallagher; 2ndly, Aug., 1904, Hen- 
rietta, a sister of his first wife; presdt. 
Thos. B. & Son Co.. Ltd.. wholesale 
hardware merchts.; hon. dlr. Central 
Can. Expn. Assn.; a dlr. Can. Ry. 
Accident Ins. Co., and of the Dom. 
Build. & Loan Assn.; a life dlr. Carle- 
ton Proto Hosp. ; do. Proto Hosp. for the 
Aged, and a gov. St. Luke's Hosp.; 
was largely Instrumental in the erec- 
tion of the Lady Stanley Inst. for 
Trained Nurses; a public sch. trustee, 
1869-73; Ald., Ottawa" 1873-78; Mayor, 
do., 1891-92; one of the plllars of the 
Con. .pal'ty; declined nominwt-Ï<>n for 
Ottawa (H. C.), 1893, but was re- 
turned g. e. 1900, and sat till the end 
of the Parlt., when he was defeated; 
unsuccessfully contested same seat g. 
e. 1908; a. Freemason of high degree; 
a Meth.--306 Metcalfe St., Ottawa; 
Ottawa Hunt Club, do. 
.. A man of sterling integrity.' '-Sir 
John A. Macdonald. 
:BIrks, C, Frederick, manufacturer. 
S. John B., Montreal; b. and e. 
there; commenced business career with 
Belding, Paul & Co., silk manufrs., 
1876, of which firm he later became a 
partner; presdt. Dom. C. T. Assn., 
1888-89, and has also been I>resdt. of 
the Mutual Benefit Soc. connected there- 
with; presented to H. M. King Ed- 
ward, Windsor Castle, June, 1905; a 
Bapt.-Hampton Ct. Apts., 355 Moun- 
tain St., Montreal. 
:BIrks, Henry, manufacturer. 
Sec. s. John B., Barnsley, Yorkshire, 
Eng.; b. Montreal, Nov. 30, 1840; e. 
MonÌ'reæl Hi,gh Scl1.; m., Jan., 1868, 
Miss Harriet Phil'ldps Walker, Brant- 
ford, Ont.; entd. house !Savage, Lyman 
& C<>., Monæreal (founded 1819), 1857; 
beOOJIDe a partner ,therein, 1868; 
fmmded the firm of Hy. B. & C<>., 
same city, now the largest jewpl1ery 
estabt. on the Am. continent, 1879, hav- 
ing branches of the business In Ottawa, 
Winnipeg, Toronto, and Vancouver 
(Inc. by L. P., Dec., 1905); is a dir. 
Montreal Horticul. .and FruU Growing 
Assn., afe gov. W-e,stern H<>sp., a 
g<)V. .Alexandra Hosp. ,for Contagi<>us 
Diseases, a gov. Verdun Hoop. for the 
Insane, and rp1'esdt. Y. 1M. C. IA., Mont- 
real; ratJe.d by the !Montreal Star as 
R mllli<>nalre, 1911; gave $25,000 t<> 
Y. M. C. A" 1909; O'Die of the chief 
prom-mers of a Bd. <>t Control, Mont-, do.-731 Sherbrooke St. W., Mont- 
Blrm1nl'ham, Arthur Billyard, politi- 
cal organizer, 
S. Robt. B. (q.'V.): b. and e. Toron- 
to; apptd. Con. organizer for city of 
Toronto, Feb.. 1907.-5 Harbord St., 
:BIrmingham, Robert, polltlcal agent 
and organizer. 
B. Armagh, Irel., July 26, 1852; e. 
there; after coming to Can., embarked 

In wholesale dry goods business; took 
a leading and active I>art In forming 
the Llb.-Con. Assn., Toronto, of which 
he was seCy., 1872: on the formation 
of the Llb.-Con. Union of Ont., under 
the late D'Alton McCarthy, K.C., M.P., 
1884, was apptd. genl. secy. to the 
party In Ont.: In 1896 was elected 
secy. of the eXJtve. oomte. of the !A,b.- 
Coon. Undon of On11., under Sir Choas. 
Tupper; resigned, 1900; has also held 
high office In the Orange order: an 
Ang.; m., 1876, Mary, d. late Capt. A. 
Fleming, Toronto.--5 Harbord St" To- 
:BIrnie, John, lawyer. 
S. late John and Caroline (Bell) B.; 
Scotch and Eng. parentage; b. ColUng- 
wood, Ont., Nov. 22, 1862: e. High 
Sch. there, Trln. Unlv., Toronto (B.C.L., 
with slIver med., 1885), and Toronto 
Univ. (IlL.'B., 1888); m., 1884, Annie 
L., y. d. Rev. Edwin C.lement, Toronto; 
,barrister, 1882; K.C., 1899; !has 
practised throughout in ColUngwood, 
where he Is city solr. and a specialist 
in maritime and municipal law; one of 
the leaders of the bar; Is engaged In 
preparing for IJublication a work on 
maritime law, with special reference to 
inland navigation; author" Last Stand 
of the Hurons" (1906); a memo of 
several Royal comns. of enquiry: il!'! 
presdt. the Collingwood Young Men's 
Lib. Assn. (which he organized), and 
of the Reform Assn., same city: also 
of W. Simcoe Lib. Assn.; unsuccess- 
fully contested W. Simcoe (Local), 
Lib. Interest, g. e. 1905; an enthusias- 
tic yachtsman, and was first presdt. 
GeoriPan Bay Yacht Club; took a 
course at Royal Mil. Sch., Kingston, 
and held a comn. In Col1lngwood Arty. ; 
believes In municipal ownership of all 
local franchises, govt. ownership Qf all 
/lmblJlc fran<fu1ses, moderate protection. 
and moderate !pr<>,bibiti<>n.-Colling- 
wood, Ont.; Royal Can. Yacht Club; 
Ontario Club, Toronto. 
:Blrt, Mrs, Louisa, philanthropist. 
D. Jas. Macpherson, a Scotch educa- 
tionist, who became, under Lady Byron, 
supdt. Indust. Sch., Ocklam. Surrey, 
Eng., and Helen (Edwards) M., sister 
Rev. J. Edrwaros, D.D., Glasgo{)lW, Scot. ; 
Y'O'Ilng. sister IOf the law !Miss An.n1e 
Macpherson, of BeUevlUe, Ont.; b. 
Oanvpsie, StirUngsh1re, Soot., 1841; m., 
1858, By. C. Him; d.s supdt. and 
y. of 
Shel tering H-omes for Orphan and De- 
stitute Children, at Myrtle St., Liver- 
pool, Eng., and of the Can. Distribut- 
ing Home, Knowlton, P.Q., both estab- 
lished bv her; has been the means of 
over 5,000 children beln
 trained for 
settlement In Can.; a Presb.-l Sugnall 
St., Liverpool, Eng.; Knowlton, P.Q. 
:BIsalion, Francois Joseph, lawyer. 
S. late Hypolite and Marie Josephte 
(Hêbert) B.; b. Laprairie, P.Q., Mch. 
12, 1851; e. M<>D'treal Oo}.l, and McGiU 
Unl,v. (RC.L., 1877): m., 1877, Yarde 
Suzanne (a counciIl<>r Ch'ildren's Aid 
Soc.), O. d. late Hon. P. Fortin, IM.D., 
Senat<>r; advocate, 1877; K.C. (,M. 
LansdiOWIle) , 1887; dJo. (P. Q.), 1899; 
for many YTS. a 'law partner or 
Sir A. Lacoste (q.v.); now head of 



firm B. & Brossard, Montreal; has 
pleaded before ,n. Corote. P. C., Eng., 
and Is one of the leaders Montreal 
bar ; e1oot1oo bâtonnier (Mio-rut'I1OOJI), 
191 0 ; a dir. :Monrtreal & Southern 
Counties Ry., secy.-troos. I'Inst. des 
Ecoles Men.; formerly presdt. Cartier 
Club, Montreal; now presdt. Lafontaine 
Olub, do.; represented lM'Ontreal bar 
at ceruten. of .re--e.stl8.bllsh'II1len:t of the 
bar In France, !Paris, 1910; a Con., 
and 'as such unsuccessfully conlte-abed 
Veroheres, Api., 1895, and Laval, g. e. 
1896 (H, C.) ; a R. C.-H6 Sherbrooke 
St. IE., Montreal; Lafontaine Club, do. 
:BIscoe, Col, Vincent .obert, late H. 
M.'s regular mil. forces. 
S. la,te !Major V. ;J. B. R.E., and 
Margt. (Van Baerle) B.; b. Gosport. 
Eng., ApI., 1845; e. U. C. CoOll.; m., 
Nov., 01877, M.argt. A., d. -Dr. 1M. Blood; 
entd. army as ensign, H. M.'s 47 1 th 
Regt., Hami'lton, Ont., 1864; 'becalIIl'e 
llt.-cot, ,1890; was pla.oeod OI1! Ihallf-pay, 
with rank of 001., Sept., 1894; 'Was aJsst. 
adjt.-genl. and chief staff offr. H. M.'s 
forces Can., 1897, and commanded the 
Imp, troops In the Dom. of Can., 1900- 
02; Ang.--,Paignton, -Eng.; Paignton 
:Bishop, :aev, George John (Meth.). 
S. Edward Turner and Mary Ann 
(Hartnell) B.; b. Barnstable, Eng., 
1849; came to Can. with parents, 1855; 
family settled at Barrie, Ont.; follow- 
ed mercantile pursuits at Cookstown, 
Ont., for some little time: entd. min- 
Istry, 1871; o. 1875; has filled various 
pastorates, Including Toronto (several 
times), Brampton, London, Lindsay, 
and BeUev1f1le; presdt. 'l'oronto eonf., 
1892; a del. to Oen.I-. Conf., 1886, 1894, 
Rnd 1898; D.D, (Vdcrorla Undv.), 1905; 
is V.-tP. ,Western Onto .Bible Soc. and 
of U. C. Tract Soc.-Bridge St., Belle- 
ville, Onto 
Bisset, Ernest Henry, Insurance mngr. 
B. ;July 24, 1867; for a lengthened 
period In the service of the Can. Life 
Assur. Co.; apptd. mangr. at Detroit, 
whereihe sun Is, Oct., 1907;' 'presdt. Life 
Underwriters' Assn., Toronto, 1906-07; 
well known as an aJ}1ateur vocalist; 
hon. capt. and quartermaster 41st 
Regt., 1898-1904.-Detroit Mich.; Na- 
tional Club, Toronto; R. C. y, Club, do, 
:Blachford, Henry, lawyer and Insur- 
ance expert. 
Scotch, Eng., and Irish-Can. parent- 
age; b. Huntingdon, P.Q., Mch. 11. 
1870; e. Huntingdon Acad., McGill 
Unlv. (B.A., 1892), and Mich. -Unlv. 
(LL.B.) ; m., 1892, Miss Almes Louise 
Williams, Arnprlor, Ont.; counsellor- 
at-law (Mlch.),1895; asst. private secy. 
Hon. ;John McIntosh, World's Fair, Chi- 
cago, 1893; at present and for some 
yrs. representative London Mutual 
Fire Ins. Co. of Can. and the Anglo- 
Am. Fire Ins. Co. In P. Q.; a Lib., and 
a Meth.-!1
7 Mance St., Town of Bt. 
Loui8, Montreal. 
:Blaok, Mrs, Agnes Enox-, elocution- 
D. late Andrew W. Knox, St. Mary's 
Ont.; b. there: e. there and Normal 
Sch., Toronto; later, studied for her pro- 
fes810n at Philadelphia Sch. of Oratory 

(B. E., 1885), and London, Eng.; 
m" ;July, 1893, E. Charlton Black, 
UL.D., tprof. Erug. Utera.ture, Boston 
Uililv. ; app1:d l . to cha,lr .of elocution, Ont, 
Normal 'S0h., 18:91, a;ntd wa,s, later, 
8!Wtð. to ,faculty of Bosbon Undv.; 
aptp'td. :Snow prof. of elocution and 
oraroory there, t'he first 'end'Owed 
Off ,public speaking and v{)cal pihy91oI. 
In the U. .S., 1910; Vllslted Europe, 1892, 
and while ItJhlere ,gave drama;tic recltJa:ls 
beiÍ.ore Ithe Ediniburgh .Phil. Soc.--50 
Kirkland St., Cambridge, Ma88. 
.. A highly accomplished and gifted ra. 
Blaok, Kiss Edith :l'erguson, author- 
ess; Inventor. 
D, late RufuB H. B., M.D., F.R.C.S., 
(Edln.), a prominent phys. for nearly 
50 yrs. ,In Hæ, N.S., surg.-.geIill. toO 
N. S. mil. and presdt. Halifax Med. 
Coli., and Mary Theresa, d. ;John Fer- 
guson, ed. and pub. The Christian Mes- 
8enger, Halifax, N.S.; grandd. Martin 
Gay B., presdt. Halifax Banking Co., 
and gt.-grandd. Rev. Wm. B., the 
Apostle of Methodism In. Mar. Pro- 
vlnces; b. Halifax, 1857; e. there; has 
become widely known through her au- 
tomatic writer, a device of the simplest 
mechanism, whereby sightless perAOns 
can write: Is also favourably known 
by her poems, short stories, and works 
of fiction, the majority of which Wf>re 
first published In the periodical press 
In Eng. and the U. S.; of her poems, 
her .. Soldier's Hymn" and the · Mari- 
ner's Hymn" are probably the best 
known; her works In book-form consist 
of .. We, Von Arldens" (1881), II A 
Princess In Calico" (1904), II A Beau- 
tiful Possibility" (do.), and "Alan 
Ruthvan, Knight" (1908); she some- 
Urnes writes under the nom de plume 
of II Edith Douglas"; a Presb. ; believes 
that "a SQuare deal" should be the 
basis of commerce, and the Golden 
Rule the basis of lIfe.-1515 Shatto Bt., 
L08 Angele8, Cal, 
"The blind call her blessed."-H, 
:Black, George H" educationist. 
S. Geo. W. B.. Georgetown, Ont.; 
grands. Hugh B., P.L.S., a native of 
Kilmarnock, Scot. ; b. Georgetown, ;June 
6, 1873; e. Georgetown High Sch., Mil- 
ton Model Sch., Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1898), and Chicago Unlv.; m., ;June, 
1899, Elizabeth, d. Dr. ;J. B. Stewart, 
Clarksburg, Mo.; teacher Clarksburg 
Coot, 1898-1900; head dept. -of science, 
State Normal Sch., Cheney, Wash., 
1900-03; presdt. Lewlston State - Nor- 
mal Sch., Idaho, since 1903; a memo 
Idaho State Text-Book Comn.: Stat.e 
Bd. of Commrs. on Summer Normal 
Sdh-s.; State Edu-c. CouIllC'Il; presdt. 
Idaho State Teachers' Assn., 1905; be- 
lieves In the principles of the Rep. 
party In U. S.; Presb.-LewÍ8ton, Ida- 
:Black, Barry St, :l'ranois, builder. 
S. late Maior ThoB. B.. H. M.'R 66th 
Regt., and Elizabeth (Wickens) B.: 
Irish and Eng. descent: b. Cobourg, 
Ont., Aug. 25, 1863; e. there; m. Allon 
Mae, d. Geo. A. Fuller, N. y,: removed 



to' U. S., where he entd. banking busi- 
ness, In Wash., and later was a mer- 
chant at Menamlnee, Mich., and Tekaa, 
Wash.; jalned Gea. A. Fuller Ca., New 
Yark, building contractars, 1896, be- 
earning V.-P., and, an Its cansa1tda- 
tlan with U, S. Realty & Canstructlan 
Co. (ca.'pÌ'tl8.!
 $66,000,000), ipre'Sdt; a 
dúr. Gee. A. .00. af Ill., ToledO', 
St. Louis & Westem Ry., AHIance 
Realty 00'., Pùaza UpeTatrlng Co., Gen- 
tury Real ty Co"., Land Ass'aciatJes, 
MJines Co. <3Jntd Col. Trust & Savings 
00.: tTeas. Doilor.e'S IM-ines Ca.: V.-P. 
Broad Exchang'e 00'., Cedar St. Co., 
and Island Rerul ty Co.; a FreeIl1a!son 
and a Dem.--667 Madison Ave., New 
York; Metropolitan: Manhattan, Demo- 
c1'atic, Lawyers, C
ty, Mid-day, N. Y. 
Athletic, Larchmont Yacht, Coney Is- 
land Jockey, Turf and Field, Railroad 
Clubs, N.Y.; Country Club, West- 
chester Co.; Duquesne Club, Pit ts burg , 
Pa.; Chicago Club, Chicago. 
.. An energetic, active business man; a 
master hand in organizing big concerns." 
-T. Globe. , 
:Black, John David, civil engineer. 
S. late Rager B., sallcltar, Klrkcaldy, 
Scat.; b. and e. Scat.; m., ADI., 1906, 
Mildred Mary Carter, d. ;J. W. Wain- 
wright, Silver Heights, St. Andrews. 
P.Q.: admdbted an asso. Can. .soc. .c. E., 
1898; Is engr. In charge af canstruc- 
tlan af the Atlantic, Quebec and West- 
ern Ry.-Paspebiac, P.O. 
:Black, John Pergu.on, physician. 
S. late Dr. Rufus H. and - (Fergu- 
san) B.; b. Halifax, N.S., ;Jan, 21, 
1849; M.D. (Call. P. and S., N. Y.), 
1868; practises In hIs native city; 
farmerly surg. 1st Halifax Brig. Gar. 
Arty.-91 Hollis St., Halifax; Halifax 
Club, do. 
:Black, John Homer, Can. ry. service. 
B. nr, Smith's Falls, Ont., ;July 8, 
1874: e. Oall. IThSIt. <there; m., ;June, 
1896, MIsis E. Morrow: emtd. C. P. Ry. 
service, 1895, and remained with that 
00. Ull 1904, when apptd. genl. freight 
and pass. agent Temiskaming & 
Narthern Onto Ry.; pramoted supdt. 
do., 1907: Ang.-North Bay, Onto 
:Black, Jud.on :Burpee, physician; 
S. ThO's. Hy. B., Armagh, Ire!., and 
Mary (Fawnes) B.; b. St. Martin's, 
N.B., Aug. 15, 1842; e. there, St. ;Jahn, 
N.B., and Unlv. Mt. AlUson: M.D. 
(Dartmauth Call., N. H.), 1890; m" 
May, 1864, Bessie, d. late Senatar 
Churchl11, Wlndsar, N.S.; began prac- 
tice, 1864: V.-P. Can. Med. Assn., 
1904-5; presdt. N. S. Med. Sac., 1906- 
07; chairman eX!tve. Rants Ca. Med. 
Soc., 1905-6; a IMeth.: a Lib.; has 
saJt !lar Hanrts (IL C.) since Nov.. 
19{)4; ma'voo toT the f*j,taM. ofa federal 
bd. af healt<h, 1908.-Windsor, N.S. 
.. Displays a thorough mastery of the 
art of oratory.' '-Scottiah Am. 
:Black, Winiam Anan, manufacturer. 
S. Chas. R. and Elizabeth (Hall) B., 
Mantreal; Eng. and Scatch descent; 
b. Mantreal, Nav. 17, 1862; e. there; 
m., 1888, Mary Oamp bell , d. .Mex. Mc- 
Ewan, Edinburgh, Soot.; for some yrs. 
In service G. T. and CS'1l. Pac Rys.; 

went bo Man., 1882; entd. servlc
OgilvIe 'MiHing Ca., 1883; apptd. genl. 
mangr. westt!irn Òliv. do., 1-902; elootoo 
a d.Jr. o'f the co., 1910; a memo Winnd- 
peg Bd. of Trade, a OO'Un'CÏlJor Wlnn:l- 
peg Gr8iin and Produce Excl1ange, and 
a mem
 Grain Surv.ey and Grain 
Standard .Bdis.; also a dlr. Home Sav- 
Ings & Invest. Ca., West..erll' Coal Min- 
Ing Ca., and Wesoorn PI3Jte Glass II1JS. 
Co., mango dlr. Kaministiquia Power 
00., aJI1d presd1:. lMan. Cold StoraJg'e 0.0. 
-Winnipeg; Manitoba Club, do. 
:Black, William Anderson, merchant. 
S. llaJte Saml. Gay and Sop'hila 
(W'1'Igjht) B.; grand's. Hon. W. A. 
. B.; b. and e. Hallfax, N.S.; a memo 
firm Pickford & B., who orwn the 
Bickiford & B. steamship lines (Inc. 
by L. P., 1900), running steame'rs 
from Hallfax to W. I., the Easbern, and P. E. I., and to' CaJpe 
Breton and Nfd.; a memo ol comte. 
a'Pptd. I'll! conaæction wit.h !the cele- 
bration of the ' aamiversary of 
the esta:bt. of respooslble ,govtJ. in N. S., 
1908.-Halifax, N.B.; Halifax Club, 
:Blaok, William John, educatlanlst. 
B. Ca. Dufferdn, Ont.; e. there, Col- 
llngwood Doll}.. Ill'st. and Taranto Univ. 
(.B.S:A., 1902); m., Dec., 1904, Ida 
M., d. ;Jas. Day, Oreem'Ore, Onlt. ; 
I)eJpty. Minr. Agricul., Man., Jan., 
1905; first .prindpal :MaTh Agricul. 
Co1J1., A'PI., 1905; a. writer an: agricut 
subject's, and ha:s been 'On 00. staff 
Man. and N.- W. Farmers' Advocate 
and Home Mag.; a Royal Oammr. re 
Man. Tedh. SCh-. sys be.m , 1910.-Winni- 
:B1aokadar, Alexander Dougall, physi- 
E. s. Francis F. B., Stlrllng, Scat., 
far many yrs. an affr. In Bank af 
Mantreal; b. Mantreal, 1847: e. Mc- 
Gm Unlv. (B.A., with 1st rank hanaurs 
In nat. science, 1870; M.D.,C.M., 
1871) ; m. Kate E., d. ;J. W. Skeltan, 
Mantreal; after graduatlan acted all 
surg. an baard Allan steamers and an 
Rayal mall steamers to' Brazil and 
River Plate, and to' Chinese parts; 
studied a year at St. Thomas's Hasp., 
Landon; a M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1875; 
afterward's held cansecutlvely, the 
pOIsi'tMm of resioonl1 phys. to Roya.} Pim- 
Ilca Dlsp., to' the Brampton Cansump- 
tian Hasp., and to' the Gt. Ormand St. 
Hasp. far Sick Chlldrren; returned to' 
Can., 1877, and ihas since successfuUy 
pracbi'sed Iin Mon trerul' ; apptd. led. 
diseases of child., McGlill Unlv., 1881, 
8ind, I'll addition ,tlherebo, was m.ade 
prof. of pharmacol. and tlherarp., same 
undv., 1891; a memo Am. OlimaJt. Soc., 
or Am. A'SSth of Ph-y.sic. and of Brit. 
Med. Assn.; has been V.-P. and 
non. secy. of lP'edlwtrics of .Pan.-Am. 
Med. Cangress, and presdt. of iMJa'lliÌre3!1 
Med.-Chir. Soc. and of Am. Poo,iatrJ.c 
Soc. ; now prædrt, MKm'tre'al Pure 
Milk LeiaJgue and sendor phY's., ChU- 
dren'.s Hasp., MonrtTeal; has oon<trl- 
bU'ted al'ticle.s to the .. Bet, Hand- 
book OIl ,the iMed. Sciences" (N.Y.), 
to Keating's II Encyc1op. of the 
Diseases af Clhlld: (Phil.), Rnd to 


Hare's" System of Therap." (do.); Is 
assoc. ed. of Sajou's .. Cyclop. of Prac- 
tical Med."; one of the eds. Montreal 
Med. Journ. and a contributor to 
numerous other med. publications; for- 
merly a contributor to Progressive 
Medicine; an Ang.-!36 Mountain St., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; University 
Club; Royal Montreal Golf Club; 
Outremont Golf Club, do. 
:Blackadar, Alfred Kimball, Dom. 
public service. 
B. Hebron, N.S., Oct. 24, 1852; e. 
Yarmouth Semy. and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1876; M.A., 1883); m., 1878, 
Mariha, d. John Sanderson, Peter- 
boro, Ont.; entd. public service, Mch., 
1877; chief elk., ins. branch, Dept. of 
Finance, July, 1893; a memo Actuarial 
Soc. of Am., of the Intern. Congress of 
Actuaries, and a fellow of Inst. of 
Actuaries, Gt. Brit.; Is superv. In ot- 
tawa of Examns. of In\St. of Actuaries, 
and has been an examr. In math., 
Univ. Toronto; is also an examr. and 
a Senator of McMaster Unlv.; author 
of several papers on actuarial science 
and of many actuarial tables; a Bapt. 
-Alexandra Hotel, Bank St., Ottawa; 
Canadian Club; Toronto University 
Club, do. 
:Blackadar, Charles C" pubIlsher. 
S. late H. W. B., propr. Acadian 
Recorder, Halifax, N.S., and Sophia 
(Coleman) B.; bro. H. W. B. (q.v.); 
b. Haolifax, 
.S.; e. Free Ch. Aoaò.; 
bead of firm of B. Bros., publisbers of 
'thoe Acadian Recorder; a odJir. Halifax 
Electric Tramway 00. and Unlion Banik 
of Halifax, and presdt. Haldfiax AO!l!d. 
of Music anò .Aca.d1a Fi'oo Ins. C<>.; 
was on comte. apptd. to erect a pub- 
lic monument to Hon. Joseph Howe, 
and is a V.-P. United EmDlre Club; 
among positions of a religious or 
benevolent character held by hIm are 
treas. St. Paul's Alms-house of Indus- 
try, presdt. Halifax Assn. for Improv- 
ing the condition of the poor, and of 
the Home for Aged Men, Halifax (of 
which latter institution he was one of 
the founders); Mrs. B. is presdt. of 
the Y. W.C.A., Halifax, and p-resòt. 
Ladles' CQtnlte., Home ,for the Aged; 
a del. Imp. Press Conf., London, 1908; 
declined a senatorship; a Lib.; an 
Ang., and a del to the Synod.-!:!11 
Pleasant St., Halifax, N.S.; Halifax 
Club, do. 
.. One of Nova Scoti-a's brainy. progre,g- 
øive and highly esteemed citizen.s."--8. N. 
:Blackadar, Hugh William, Dam. pub- 
lic service. 
A bro. C. C. B. (q.v.): b. HaUfax, 
Mch. 4, 1843; e. Free Ch. Acad., Hali- 
fax; m., May, 1866, Miss Rachel Sax- 
ton, Halifax, N.S.: .assocIated wi,tih hLs 
father In the conduct of Acadian Re- 
corder, and, on latter's death, June, 
1863, assumed the mangt. of that 
paper, which, In hIs hands, was en- 
larged from a weekly to a trl-weekly, 
and subsequently to a daily; an Ald. 
and chairman Sch. Commrs. for 6 yrs. ; 
a del. to Portland railroad convention, 
1868; a sch. commr. for 5 yrs. ; Queen's 
Printer, N. S., 1869-75; postmaster, 


Halifax since Nov., 1874; a Bapt.; a 
Lib.-7 Inglis St., Halifax, N.S.; Hali- 
fax Club; Halifax Curling Club, do. 
I 'A good official, and a kindly, genial 
man."-H. Herald. 
:Blackburn, Howard, navigator. 
B. Port Medway, N.S.; In 1899, In 
spite of the loss of both hands and a 
portion of his feet, successfully navi- 
gated a small craft, The Great West- 
ern, from Gloucester, Mass., to Glou- 
cester, Eng.-Gloucester, Mass. 
:Blackburn, Miss Kathleen, author. 
In addition to being the author of 
several mag. tales, has written a novel, 
.. The Dagmar who Loved" (New 
York), 1905.-Glencoe, Onto 
.. Gives evidence of marked ability:'- 
T. Newll. 
:Blackstock, George Tate, lawyer. 
S. late Rev. W. S. B., D.D. (Meth.), 
and - (Gibbs) B.; b. Newcastle, Ont., 
1857; e. U.C. Coil.; barrister, 1879; a- 
memo l.egal fipm Beatty, B., Fasken, 
Oowan & Chad,wick; K.C. (E. of Der- 
by), 1889: deofen<1e-d Reginald BIrchall 
fO'r murder, Woodstock, 1890; 
frequenbly employed as Crown 'Prose- 
oubor; Orown pr-o&ecutor in the Kinrade 
case Hamiltton, 1909; a ddr. Toroßloo 
rv. of Music: a memo Finran:ce 
Comrt.e. Lib.-'Oon. Union. Ont.; has wrIt- 
ten on Venezuelan question, a.nrl a.ð- 
dre-ssed Can. Club, Toronto, 1907, on 
.. Some Polirtical Tendoocies " (des- 
cpi'bed by S.N. as .. the wittiest and 
most en tertainin-g lecture of ,the year, 
and the most òirect :in Us a'P1)'eaJI, which 
WlaJS for 'hü.gh 1òea1s of cLtizensh
and sbatesmanshdp"): b
Ie-VIeS .. th:aJt 
politically Can. is on the greaseò skid 
of destruotdon," and he a-drvocabes a 
undon of 'the En-g.-speaking races; is 
presdt. Can. sec. Imp. Mission; a Con., 
and as such unlsucce.ssf.u}l1y con-bested 
Le-nnox (Local), Aug., 1884; West 
Durham (H.C.), 1887, a:nd same con- 
sttituency (H.C.), 1891; spoke In Eng. 
flOr Unionist cause, g.e. 1910; m., 1880, 
Ðmelinoe Mouliton (who divorced him, 
Oct., 1896), d. late Jas. Fraser, Inver- 
ness., Scotland.-King Edward Hotel, 
Toronto; Toronto Club; Albany Club; 
York Club, do. 
"A man of amazing pers'ona.lity and 
m.agneti-sm."-" Kit." 
II A. man of independence of character 
and intellectual virBity."-T. Newll. 
:Blackwell, Kenne1i WüUam, cl vII 
English parentage; s. of late T. E. 
B., vice-presIdent and general mana- 
ger G. T. Ry. of Canada, 1857-63; 
b. Devlzes, Wiltshire, Eng., July 16, 
1850; e. Bishop's Coil. Sch., Lennox- 
vllle; m., Oct., 1877, Fanny Coates, 3rd 
d. late Dr. R. T. Godfrey, Mcm'Ìreal; a 
charter memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1887: 
obtained first position of responsibUlty 
in G. T. Ry. service, 1870; has oo.en 
apprentice, draughtsman, foreman, aset. 
supdt., supdt., and Is now presdt. Mont- 
real Steel Works, Ltd.; elected prescit. 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1903, and Is now an 
hon. councillor of that body: a dlr. 
Locomotive & Machine Co., Montreal, 
I nteroolonial C<>3JI Mindng Co., Mer- 



chants' Bank and Am. Looomotive & 

hine 00.; V.-P. Suburban- Tram- 
way & .PoQIWer eo., N. S. Steel Co., Can. 
Steel FoundrJes, Monireal Park & 
Island Ry., and 1M0nbrea.I Street Ry.; 
and presdot. Invest. T-rust Co., Ltd.; an 
Ang.--836 Sherbrooke St. W., Mont- 
real; St. James's Club; Mt. Royal 
Club; Montreal Jockey Club; Engin- 
eers' Club; Forest and Stream Club, 
.. 'l1he first ma.n to make steel in 
08ln.; .2i'ndthere few OOtte,r informed 
men 011 the iron amd steel trade a.nd feJW 
W1ho-se O!Pindon is more highly vo8il'1le'd."- 
S. N. 
:Blackwood, Alexander Leslie, physi- 
S. John and Ann (Steele) B.: b. 
Franklin Centre, P.Q., July 28, 1862; 
e. in ant., Hunltingdon Acad., M,c,Gi,I,1 
Unlv. and HahnemanJ1J Moo. CoN., 
Ohlcago (M.D., 1888); post-gradu18.oo 
work In Post-Graduate Sch., N. Y., and 
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore; 
m.. tAug., 1891, Miss Helen A. Wins- 
lrow, Hammond, Ind. (d. F1eb., 1903); 
9 yrs prof. anal., Hahnemann Med. 
OoM., Ohioa.gIQ'; sinre 1899 has been 
!prof. mat. med. and olin. moo., do.; 
V.-.P. Bd. of EduC:2!t., Chicago; author 
of !four follllO'W'ing 'W.orks: 'Ddse.asoes of 
the Heart" ('19 0 1 ), .. Diseases of ihe 
LUßJgis" (1902), "MJabeTia :Moo. and 
Th-er8Jþeut'lcs" (1906), and .. DIseases 
of the 1.Ji.ver" (1907) .-9128 Erie Ave., 
Chicago, Ill.; Press Club, do. 
:Blackwood, Lord :E"reder1ck Temple 
Fourth s. 1st Marquis Dutrerin and 
Ava; b. Ottawa, ant., Feb. 26, 1876; 
entd. army, 1897; served S. A. during 
war (despatches twice; D, S. 0.), 1899- 
1901: m., 19u8, Brenda, e.d. W. 
Woodhouse, OxfO'rd House, Bishüps 
StoreiÍO'ru; Ang. - Notts. Yeomanry, 
Park Row, Nottingham, Eng. 
:Blagrave, Bev, Bobert Charles 
B. Rawdon, P.Q., Aug. 11, 1879; Irish 
descent: e. Rawdon Model Sch., McGUl 
Unlv. (B.A., 1902), and Montreal Dloc. 
Theol. ColI. (B.D., 1907); o. deacon, 
1903 ;. IIrlest, 1904, taking 1st place In 
both ordinations and being gospeller; 
miss., Coe HHl, 1903; incumben't, 
Rawdon, ant., 1904; rector Christ Ch., 
Beltl,eville, sißJCe '1905 ; was strongly op- 
posed to the autonomy bill passed by 
Parlt.; Is convinced of the need of 
some religIous trainIng in public schs. 
-The Rectory, Christ Ch., Belleville, 
BlatHe, George WllUam, stock broker. 
2nd s. John L. (q.v.) and Annie 
(Todd) B.; b. Toronto; e. Jarvis St. 
CoIl. Inst., Toronto, and LIncoln CoIl., 
Sorel, P.Q.; m. e. d. John Coates, C.E., 
Ottawa; elected: a memo Toronto Stock 
Exchange, 1907; a promoter of the 
Beruny Bank-1!3 Glen Rd., Toronto. 
:Blalkie, John Lang, capitalist. 
B. Roxburgshlre, Scot., May 9, 1823; 
e. 'M-e!1"OSIe and EddßJburg'h, Soot.; ro., 
Foeb., 1861, Miss AImle 'Dodd, St. 
.AJndrews. Soot.; came to Can., 1858, 

taking up ibis 'l'esidenoe in Toron1:'Ü; 
for man'Y yrs. dn .partnershif.p there 
with Wm. Alexander, as brolrers and 
es.t:ate agents; a diÏr. of ,the Northern 
Ry. and 'Of ,the old CO'ßlsoIIdate<1 Bank, 
he, In 1871, became 'presdlt. Can. 
Landed & NaUlOO1a1! I,nvest. 00., 
an office he still fi}lIs (,in 1902 was 
presented by Its sha'rehoiders and 
dlrs. with his portrait In oils) ; is also 
a dir, Toronto Genl. Trusts Corpora- 
tion, presdt. Boller Inspection & ,Ins. 
Co., of the North Am. Assur. Co., and 
of the Consumers Gas Co., Toronto; 
resigned as chairman Bd. of Trustees 
To.ronJto Gent Hasp., 1904; a grel3it 
fi'sherman; a LI'b., but opposed t'Ü Taft- 
Fieidling Reciprocity Agree-meni, 1911; 
a Presb. and an eldeT -in the Oh.-127 
Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ont.; Toronto 
Club, do. 
.. One .00 'l'cmJlnto's roo'Sit l"e'Sipected 
fin,snoiers."-T. Globe. 
Blaiklock, Morris S1iansfeld, Can. ry. 
S. late Fredk. W., P.L.S. and head 
OaidJastJr3!I Bureau, Montreal, and EHza- 
beth (Whittaker) B., Montreal; grands. 
Capt. B., R.E., and bro. late Major 
W. F. B., IWyaI Scots; Eng. .orIgin; 
b. 1859; e. 'J}rivatJe schs.; enbd. G.T. Ry. 
service, 1880, and remained with It 
throughout; has been consecutivelY 
asst. engr. do. ; do. St. Clair Tunnel; In- 
spector, resident engr., genl. supdt. 
(Eastern div.), and engr., madntenance 
off way, MonJtreal; m., Nov, 12, 1889, 
o. d. ilo3ltJe G. C. TUßls'taU, Ste. A'11II1e de 
BeLlevue. ,p.Q.-65 Mackay St., Mont- 
Blain, Hugh, merchant. 
Descended from Blains of Blalnfield, 
Scot.; S. late John B., J.P., Stratford, 
ant., and Elizabeth (McCutcheon) B.; 
b. Co.. Y'ÜTk, ant., June 23, 1844; e. 
local schs. and ant. Normal Sch.; In- 
tended for teaching prof., but aban- 
doned It for mercantile life; for some 
yrs. a memo of firm Nerllch & Co., To- 
ronto ; founded extensive wholesale 
grocery firm Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto, 
with John F. Eby, 1880; business still 
In prosperous existence; has been 
presdt. Comml. Travel. Assn., National 
Club, and Toronto Bd. of Trade; Is a 
dlr. '.roronto Electric Light Co., of the 
Can. Corresp. Sch., and of the Globe 
Printing Co., a V.-P. Empire Club, 
and presdt. ant. Sugar Co., Berlin, 
ant.; elected presdt. Dom. Wholesale 
Grocers' Guild, 1910; has lectured 
on beet sugar; formerly served as 
a capt. In the Queen's Own Regt.; 
fs a Freemason; formerly oa II Canada 
First" man ; Is now a Lib. and 
a free trader, and a memo Genl. 
Comte. Lib. Assn., ant.; unsuccess- 
fully contested N. Toronto (Local), 
;[jib. interest, g. e. 1905; -opposed to 
Tl3iflt-FJ.eJ.dIng Reclprocity Agreement, 
19'11; a Presb.; m., 1st, June, 1887, 
Miss Huidah Lee Jones, \Maryland, 
U..S. (d. 1892) ; 2nd-I-y, Dec., 1906, OJ;ive 
Stanley Miller, widow W. II. McCilure, 
HamIJitJon, Orut., on latter occ.aJSlon 'pre- 
sented with cabinet of sH'Verware ,by 
hils .f.f\lends.-" Blandyr;' .f! Clarendon 


109, Toronto ; National Club; Ontario 
Club, do. 
, 'A man of sterling character and 
ability."-T. Globe. 
.. An enterprising citizen, of fine char- 
acter and first. rate business ability:'- 
T. Newil. 
Blain, Richard, merchant; legislator. 
S. Capt. Isaac B., formerly of Cum- 
berland, Eng., and Mary (Broderick) 
B.; b. Vienna, Ont., Dec. 8, 1857: e. 
pUblic schs.; m., Nov., 1884, Miss Hat- 
tie James; a hardware merchant; for 
a lengthened period memo BraIÍ1pton 
Town Council, and has held office a. 
Deputy Reeve and Reeve, Brampton, 
and Warden of Peel; has represented 
Peel (H. C.), Can. interest, since g. e. 
1900: apptd. whip Con. party (H. C.), 
June, 1907; moved a resolution, Mch., 
1900, for the enactment of a law pro- 
hibiting the importation, manufacture 
and sa:Le 'Of cigarert.bes; a V.-P. Ont:o Lib.- 
Can.' Assn.; a prominent memo Sons of 
Sco1. : also an Orangernan ; voted 
againiSt Ipensi'Ons rto ex-mindsrers and an 
Increased Indemnity to mems. of ParIt., 
May, 1906.-Brampton, Ont, 
.. A fine platform speaker, a. sound par- 
liamentarian and a power in the HouBe." 
-M. a7',d E, 
Blair, Andrew George, lawyer: Dom. 
public service, 
E. s. late Hon. A. G. B., K.C., M.P., 
a leading Can. statesman, and Annie E. 
(Thompson) B.; 'b. Fred.erIobon. N.B., 
Nov. 29, 1870; e. Coli. Inst., Frederic- 
ton, Univ. of New ,Brunswick and Un'lv. 
OIl Va. (LL.B., 1893): 1II1., .Jan. 17, 
1900, Marjorie L., d. lart.e Dr. Ohas. 
Hold-e.n, &to John, N.H.: atty., 1893: 
barrister, 1894; sucoessfuHry .practlged 
lrls .prof. dn &to J'Ohn in pal'ltners'hlÏ.p 
with his fathler; ltaJW elk., Bd. O'f Ry. 
Commrs. for Can., since July, 1904: 
formerly a lIeut. 71st regt.: retired 
with rank of capt.; Ang.-331 Cooper 
St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Laurentian 
Club; Ottawa Golf Club; Ottawa 
Athletic Assn., do.; Union Club, St. 
John, N.B. 
Blair, Joseph CuUen, educationist. 
S, Coi. Wm. M. and Harriet (Blair) 
B.: b, Truro, N.S., ApI. 26, 1871; e. 
N. S. Agrlcul, CoIl., Truro (graduated, 
1892), and 'Cornell Unlv.: M.S.A. 
(bon.), I,owe. Ag1TÏ-cul. 'OoIL, 1906; m., 
June, 1898, Miss Sad a Van Horne, 
Freeport, Ill.; Instr. In ohern., agricul. 
and botany, N. S. Agricui. Call., 1890- 
1: instr, In hart. and horticuI., Agricul. 
Experiment Station, 1896-1901; sln
then has been prof. pomology and chief 
In hart., Cdll. of Agricul. and Experi- 
ment Station, Ill. Un Iv. ; Is mangr. 
Blair Orchards (600 acres), S. Ill.; Is 
presdt. Ill. Farmers' Club; a mem, Ill. 
State Hart. Soc.. Am. P.ornol. Soc., Am. 
Assn. for Advanc. of Science, Am. 
Breeders' .A.ssn., Sigma Xi and Alpha 
Zeta; author of many monograms and 
bulletins on orchard culture and 
management; Rep.; a Meth.-Urbana, 
Blair, William Saxby, educationist. 
S. Lt.-Col. Wm. M. B., Truro, N.S. 
(q.".) : b. Onslow, N.S" 1873; e, Truro 

and Wolfville, N.S., and Sackvllle, 
N.B.; m., 1898, Miss Lena Z. Baird, 
Co. Cumberland, N.S.; horticulturist:. 
Maritime Exp. Farm, Nappan, N.S" 
1896-1905; asst. V-rof. horticul.., Mac- 
donald Call., P.Q., 1905; advanced to 
prof., do., do. do., 1909: Presb,- 
Macdonald College, P,Q. 
Blats, The Bt, Bev. Andre Alben 
(R. C.), Bishop. 
S. Hubert and Marguerite (Roy) B.; 
b. St. Vallier, P.Q., Aug. 26, 1842: e. 
Ste. Anne de la Pocatlere, P.Q., Que- 
bec Semy. and at Lêvls Call.: o. 1868; 
vlcaire Slllery, 1868; prof. ColI. dè 
Lévis, 1868-9; prof. of Eng. Quebec 
Semy., and asst. dlr. of the Penslonnat, 
1869-73; dir. iPentsionnørt:. 1873-74: 
student at Rome, 1874-77; D.C.L. 
(Lycêe Pont. de l' Apolllnalre), 1877; 
prof. canonical law Quebec Semy., 
1877-81; chaplain Bon Pasteur, Que- 
bec, 1882-89; bp, of Germanicopolls 
and coadjutor to late Mgr. Langevin, 
Rlmouskl, 1889-91; Bp. Rlmouski since 
F1eb. 6, 1891; attended Plenary CouncU, 
Quebec, 1909, and Eucha1'llstic Con- 
gress, Monrtreal, 1910.-Bishop's Pal- 
ace, Rimouski, P.Q, 
Blake, Eon. Edward, lawyer; states- 
E. S. late Hon. William Hume B., 
Chancellor of U.C., now Ont., and 
Catherine Hume B., grandd. Wm. 
Hume of Humewood, IM.P. for Wlck- 
low in the Brit. House of Commons, 
and grands. Rev. Dominick Edward R 
(of the family of B. of CasUegrove, Gal- 
way), In his lifetime rector of Killtegan 
and .of Lough Brlc-kland, and R. D.; b. 
presen.t village of Calmgorm, Ont., Oct. 
13. 1833; e. U. C.Coll. (Gov.-GenI.'s 
prlzeman), and Univ. .of Toronto (B.A., 
and silver med. In classics, 1854; M.A., 
1858;' LL.D., 1889; barnister, 1856: suc- 
cessfully I})1'Qctdsed 
n 'l'oronlbo, princl- 
iplally In 'P8Jrtnershiip with his bro., Hon. 
S. H. B. (q.",), being bead o! his tIrm 
and l'Ong one of 'the leaders of the Can, 
bar; retired from the firm, 1901: K.C. 
(VisoouIlit iMonck), 1864: a bencher of 
the Law Soc., U.C., 1871: treas. of do., 
1879; was for a time one of the ex- 
aminers In, and a lecturer on, equity 
law for the Law Soc.; apptd. an hon. 
memo of the law faculty, Toronto 
Univ., 1888; declined appt. as chan- 
cellor of U.C., under the govt. of Sir 
.John Macdonald, 1869: as chief justice 
of Can., under the govt. of Mr. M'lc- 
kenzle, 1875; and as chief justice ot 
Ont., under that of Sir W. Laurler, 
1897; appeared frequently befor
Jl. Comte. of 1.he P.e. in Eng., his SeT- 
vices being retained In many cases 
taken there from the Dom.: was chief 
counsel for the appellants In the Man. 
Sch. case before that tribunal, 1895; 
was chief counsel for the Dam. in the 
dispute between the Provinces and the 
Dom. over the reduction in the repre- 
sentation of the old Provinces, except 
Quebec, atter the previous census, 
1904: was also the chief counsel In the 
Alaska Boundary case, but had to 
throw up his brief on account of sud- 
den Illness; his 'Political career began 
in 1867, the epoch of Confederation: 
early espoused the Lib. cause, and was 


often Importuned to enter ParIt.; In 
the year mentioned was elected both 
to the Ho. of Commons and the Legis- 
lature; was Immediately offered the 
leadership of his party In the latter 
body, but it was not till 1869 that he 
consented to aücept that position; on 
the de,feat of the Sandfield Macdonald 
govt., Dec., 1871 (an event largely due 
to his efforts), was called upon to form 
a new Admn., and succeeded In the 
task; he himself took the office of 
Presdt. of the Council without salary; 
on the abolishment of dual representa- 
tion, some time later, resigned the 
Premiership with the view of devoting 
the whole of his attention to Federal 
politics; in the H.C. he was urged to 
accept the leadership, but declined the 
honour; was, nevertheless, one of the 
greatest champions In the well-remem- 
bered con test OVier the Pacific Scandal, 
which resulted In the downfall of Sir 
John A. Macdonald; when Mr. Mac- 
kenzie became Prime Minister of Can., 
accepted a position In his cabinet, with- 
out office; was sworn of the Privy 
Council, Nov. 7, 1873; In Feb., 1874, re- 
signed owing to lll-heaHh; In May, 1875, 
accepted office as Mlnr. of Justl
and while such undertook an official 
mission to Eng., touching amendments 
to the law of extradition, etc.; was 
mainly Instrumental In perfecting the 
constitution of the Supreme Ct. of Can. 
at Its establishment, and personally 
selected the judges first apptd. thereto; 
after the diefeat of the Mackenzie Govt. 
at the pons, 1878, was chosen leaàer 
of the Lib. party In the H.C., In place 
of the ex-Premier, whose health had 
become Impaired by his arduous official 
labours; remained In that position until 
ø.fter the g.e. of 1887, when he retired 
and W3!S succeeded .by !Mr. (JlJOW Sir 
W.) Laurler; subsequent to that event 
took no prominent part either In the 
debates In the House, or In the general 
work of his party; at the g.e., 1890, 
ðeclined renomination, and sent to his 
constituents In West Durham a letter 
expressing his views of the condition 
and prospects of the country; this 
letter was believed to be of the greatest 
Importance, but It was not pUblished 
until after the elections; when the 
letter was made pUblic it created a 
genuine sensation, for It not only an- 
!bOunced the great leader's retirement 
from political life, but expressed the 
gravest forebodings concerning the 
future of Can.; U The splendid oratory 
and brilliant genius of Mr. B.,.. says 
Mr. Adams (q.v.), from whose work at 
biography we 'have ,taken some of the 
facts herein, U were keenly missed In 
Parlt., and many were the hopes ex- 
pressed that he would recon.slder his 
determination, and return to his right- 
ful place as leader of his party to; in 
June, 1892, these hopes were dispelled 
by his acceptance of an Invitation ex- 
tended to him by the's of the 
Irish parliamentary party to accept a 
seat In the Brit. H.C.; he landed In 
Irel. a few weeks prevIous to the 
electJIO'll of 1892, and was reælvoo with 
great cordiality; he stood for the con- 
stituency of South Langford and was 
returned by a very large majority; 
his advent Into Imp. politics was made 


under the most auspidous circum- 
stances, and fully justified the fondest 
hopes of his !rlends; he continued to 
sit for South Langford while he re- 
mained a memo of the Brit. ParIt., and 
did much to popularize the Irish cause 
throughout the Empire; was presented 
to Queen Victoria, Buckingham Palace, 
July, 1882, and again, subsequently; 
In 1894 he was elected a memo of the 
Extve. Comte. of ttIe II'IIsh ParlIament- 
ary party; in the same year he was In- 
cJm<1ed in tlhe Royal Comn., apptd. Do 
enquire Into the finanC'lal relations 
between Gt. Brit. and Irel.; this Comte. 
reported that Irel. was bearing an un- 
fair share of taxation, and In 1897 he 
was selected to move an amendment to 
the address In reply to the Queen's 
speech on the subject; later, he moved 
a substantiV1e resolution thereon; In 
1895 he went to New Zealand, to serve 
as arbitrator between the New Zealand 
Govt. and the New Zealand Midland 
Ry. Co., and made his award In Dec., 
wholly In favour of the Govt.; In 1896 
he was one of the comte. of 15 of the 
H.C. appointed to Investigate South 
African affairs and the causes of the 
TraIl'SV1aa1 raid; his cross-examination 
of Cecil Rhodes has been spoken of as 
"a masterly piece of work to; he was 
very successful in obtaining funds for 
carrying on the work of the Irish 
Parliamenrtary party, and contributed 
himself Largely thereto; to the election 
fund of the McCarthylte wing of the 
NatLonallst party, 1895, his subscrip- 
tion was n,ooo; was arbitrator for 
Nfd. In the Reld-Nfd. Govt. case, 1904- 
5; in the same year was elected chair- 
man of Comtes. (H.C.); was the first 
(and for 14 yrs. continuously) presdt. 
of the Toronto Gen!. Trusts 00. ; on his 
resignation of the office, 1896, the 
other directors of the Co. presented 
the Ont. Legislature with his portrait 
In oils, "to mark their esteem for him 
and their appreciation of his services 
In some lasting way to; throughout his 
career, his Interest In education-and 
especially higher education-has been 
most marked; he was eLected Chan- 
cellor .of the Unlv. of Toronto, 1873; 
In 1888 he gave $2,500 to found 
scholarships In poUtlcal science In that 
Institution, and In 1891 he agreed to 
give $20,000 as a fund towards en- 
dowing junior matriculation scholar- 
ships therein; after the destruction of 
.tihe 'buHdlngs Off ,the Un-Iv. by fire. 1890, 
he gave largely to the rebuilding fund. 
and did much otherwise to assist In 
tble 'W1OTk of l'eStoratilon; he declined 
a K. C. iM. G., :for his pUblic 'services. 
1876; 'Was a del. 1:0 the 3rd Com- 
merclal CQngress, London, 1893, at 
a d'lnner given .In !hils honour In 
Toronlto, Thb., 1894, .hie caliled him- 
self an "Irishman, and an Imperialist, 
not In a jingo sense, but an Imperialist 
In the fullest sense of the word. and 
with the belief that the destiny of the 
Brit. Empire Is to occupy the foremost 
position as a clvlllzer and Chrlstlan- 
Izer throughout the whole world" ; con- 
tinuing, !he said, "M looked forward 
to the granting of Home Rule to Ire!. 
In the near future, and thereafter to 
seeing systems of local govt. ('stab- 
lIshed In all the great historical and 



natural divisions of Gt. Brit. with one 
Fe<teral Parlt. in con.trol"; his por- 
trait, painted by Grier (q.v.), was ex- 
hibited at the Royal Acad., London, 
1895; an Ang. of evangel. leanings; 
owing to continued Ill-health he retired 
from the Imp. Parlt. and from all par- 
ticipation In political affairs, 1907.- 
It H omewood/' Toronto; It III aison 
Rouge;' Murray Bay, P.Q.; National 
Liberal Club, London, Eng. 
"A scho1ar, 1awye-r and statesman of re- 
pute."-Saturdal/ Review. 
"A man CJIf moder-ation and so-u.nd judg- 
ment."- W e8tmin8ter Gazette. 
"A ma.n of power, fairness, eloquence 
and abilit)....-Lord Alver8tone. 
"A great JawyeT with his soul free from 
greed from u.n
ust gain."-T. Telegram. 
"The JD()st brillian,t orator, and one of 
the most ca.pable statesmen of Can."-Lord 
"The most powerful Canadian speoaker 
whose voice has been heard by this gene<ra- 
tion."-T. Globe. 
"A public man with the fruits of 
statesmanI-ike instinct, wide culture and 
a lon-g experience in public life."-London 
"As a leader his word was 
aUJth-orita.tive, his co'lln.sel w:iæ, his heart 
generoU8, his n.ame syn-onymous of honoT." 
S. N. 
"I have kn()'Wn an the public men ()f 
Oan. inotimateIy f()r 28 yrs. past, and I 
believe Edward Blake to be the .ablest ()f 
them aH."-The late Bon. George Brown. 
"Many OaI1a(},ia.n5 have differed from 
him in matters of l'Ücal politics, but 
are none whO' do not respect him for hiB 
high talents and for his exalted character." 
-M. & E. 
Blake, Edward W1lliam Hume, lawyer. 
E. s. Hon. Edward (q.v.) and Margt. 
(Cronyn) B.; b. Toronto, June 28, 
1860; e. under late Dr. Tassle, Galt, 
Ont., U. C. CoH. and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1882); m., Jan., 18-90, Georgie, 
d. late Alex. Manning, formerly Mayor 
of Toronto; barrister, 1888; not now 
In praCltioe; a diÏr. NIlit. Horse ShoV'r 
As,sn. ; V..;P. Ont. Brewers' lRß'd 
:M.albsters' Assn., 1904; a Lib., and has 
declined IßJOmina.blon to Parlt.; Ang.- 
94 St. George St.. Toronto: Toronto 
Club; Hunt Club; York Club. do. 
Blake, Ron, Samuel Hume, lawyer; 
retired judge. 
Bro. Hon. Edward B. (q.v.); 2nd 
s. late Hon. Chancellor B.; b. Toronto, 
Aug. 31, 1835; e. U.C. ColI. and To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1858) ; m., 1st, Feb., 
1859, Rebecca (d., LondJon, Eng., May, 
1901), 3rd d. late Rt. Rev. B. Cronyn, 
Lord Bp. of Huron; 2ndly, Oct., 1909, 
MIss Baird; barrister, 1860; K.C. 
(Ont.), 1872; do. (M. of Lansdowne), 
1885; v:lce chancellor 'Of Ont., Dec. 2, 
1872; resigned, do., May 15, 1881; 
resumed practice as a m.em. of his for- 
mer firm, do.; long one of the leaders 
of the Provl. bar; some time a memo 
of the law faculty, Toronto Unlv.; 
apptd. a gov., Toronto Unlv., 1906; 
resigned, do., 1909; was also a trustee 
Toronto Unlv. Residence Fund; a 
Bencher (ex-otftcio) of the Law Soc.; 
also, a memo of comte. on Legal Educ. ; 
outside of hIs 
rof. (has always given 
much attention to religious and phll- 

anthropic work; has been one of the 
leaders of the Evangel. Sch. of Church- 
men, and all his life a Sunday sch. 
teaoher; has given largely for ch. and 
benevolen.t purposes; among other 
positions filLed by him have been the 
presidency of the Intern. Convention 
of Sunday Schs. and the presidency 
of the local Y.M.C.A., of the Prisoners' 
Aid As'Sn., and of the local branch of 
the Evang. IAlldance; was el-ected chair- 
man, Layman's Missy. Movement, 
1907; elected hon. presdt. Murray Bay 
Convalescenlt Home, P.Q., 1911; has 
written much on religious topics; 
an Ang. IRn'd 0'JlIe of ,the founders of 
Havergal Ladles' 00011., 1894; bls :por- 
trait has 'been executed by Grier (q.v.) 
f'or WydÞifre CoN., Toronto; formerly 
a Lib., ,but more recoently a of 
Sir J. P. Whitney (q.v.) ; fuvouI"ed tbe 
Taft-F1ialding ReciprocIty ,pact, 1911.- 

6 Maple Ave., Toronto. 
"A man who has bra..ins and couTage."- 
T. Telegram. 
"A man of deep oonvicti'Ü'D. and a brave 
he.a-rt."-T. World. 
"A man of inltegrity so strict &8 to be 
prove.rbial.-M. & E. 
"A man of brilliant attainments, sturdy 
and forcible character and stro1lg public 
spirit."-T. Star. 
"One of t.he greatest of the na.tion- 
builders, whose wo.r:k in moulding the poHcy 
CJIf the Church ()f in Can,ada, during 
half a. century, many are grateful for."- 
Ven. Archdeacon Cody (q.v,). 
Blake, Samuel Verschoyle, barrister. 
Y. s. Hon. E. (q.v.), KC., and Margt. 
(Cronyn) B.; b. Toronto, Mch., 1868; e. 
privately, at Jarvis St., CoH. Inst., and 
Toronto Unlv.; m., Johannesburg, S.A., 
July, 1902, Florence (a Royal Can. 
Nursing Sister), e. d. late John 
Cameron, London, Ont. ; barrister, 
1893; head of firm B. & Redden, prac- 
tising In London, Eng., in connedion 
with the .II. Comt.e, P. C., Eng. ; Ang.- 
17 Victoria St., London, Eng. 
Blake, W1lliam Hum., lawyer. 
S. Hon. S. H. (q.v.) and Rebecca 
(Cronyn) B.; b. Toronto: e. Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., 1882); m., July, 1889, 
Alice Jean, 2nd d. David Law, Mont- 
real; barrister, 1885; KC., 1902; prac- 
tises In Toronto as a memo of firm 
B., Lash & Cassels; Ang.--:JO Dale 
A venue, Toronto; Toronto Club, do. 
Blakemore, WnUam, mining engineer; 
S. 'Wm. B., presdt. S. Staffordshire 
Inst. of Mining Engrs., and Susan, d. 
Saml. and Elizabeth Cotterill, B.; b. 
Wolverhampton, Eng., Mch. 28, 1864; 
e. WlOlvel"hamp.ton Grammar Sch.; m., 
1st, 1874, Agnes (d.), d. Joseph .Jenks, 
WoIV'er.hampton; 2ll'dly, Jan., 1910, 
Marian Bizwtte, d. '1Jate J. B. Smith; 
practi.sed as a min,ing and oivH en-gr. In 
Ðng., 1874-93, 3JI1d In Ca.n., 1&93 ta 
date; -consulrting civil engr. Rate.payers' 
Assn., Birmingham, In conneotJion wllth 
city water 'scheme; first presdt. Nat. 
AiSsn. CoH1ery 'Mangrs., Eng., 1890; 
mining engr. Dom. ICoal Co., Cape Bre- 
tan. 1894; mindng engr. Crow's Nest 
Plass ÛOia!I' 00., B.C., 1897; oonsuÞt. 
m:ini-rug en-gr. 00. P. Ry., 1900; is a 
memo N. of Eng. Inst. Mining 



Engrs., of Can. Inst. Mining Engrs.; 
prlzeman N. of Eng. Inst. MIn- 
Ing Engrs., and Greenwell gold med, 
do.; took to journalism without relin- 
quishing mining consultations, becom- 
Ing ed. Nelson Tribune, 1905, and has 
since been ed. and prop of The Week 
(Victoria and Vancouver), and pd. of 
Westward Hot pUblished monthly at 
same places; has likewise, for many 
yrs. oontrlbuted largely to the mining 
press of Eng. and Can.-Vicforia, B.O.; 
Victoria Tennis Olub, do. 
Blanchard, Clarence John, U.S. public 
S. John and Lucy (Young) B.; b. 
Norham, Ont., Dec. 4, 1863; e, Iowa 
Agricul. CoM.; m., June, 1895, Mis.s 
FanlJlie GeneV'lev.e, ,Minn:e- 
apolls; was depty. state oil Inspr., Iowa, 
1886-91; special press correspondent, 
CentTal Am., 1892-3 and 1898; .do., 
HawaIIan Islands, 1899; chief of Irri- 
gation sec., 12th Census, U. S., 1900; 
was in charge special Investigation of 
Irrigation, 1902-3: since 1904 has been 
statistician, U. S. Reclamation 'Ser- 
vice; apptd. a mem, Depart. StaUs. 
Comn., 1907; is also a memo Nat. Con- 
servation Assn., Nat. Drainage Assn. 
and Nat. Geograph. Soc.; Is the author 
of many bulletins and monographs on 
Irrigation, etc. ; 'has contributed articles 
to Pacific Monthly, Rev. of Revs., and 
Nat. Geograph, Mag.; a .Rep. ; a Me<t,h. 
_tiThe EarUngton," Washington, D.C.; 
Nat. Pre88 Club; Cosmos Club, do. 
Blanchard, J[iJI Bon. Stan1slaWl, Co. 
Ct. judge. 
Apptd. judge of the Co. Court, Kings, 
P.E.I., Dec. 23, 1904; R. C.-Charlotte- 
town, P.E.I. 
Blanche, The Bight Be"f'erend Gu.- 
tave (R. C.). 
S. L. and :Marie (Haya.rd) lB.; 'b. 
Jos'Selin. Diooose de VanlJles, France, 
ApI. 30, 1849; e. France; ca;lled Ito the 
bar .tJhere; a volun'reer in ,the Franco- 
Prusslan Wlar, ,1870: joined Eudlst 
r, 1873: 10 .prlest., lM'Ch., 1878; d:lr. 
l':Ðcolie St. Jean, VersaJIUes, 1878-90 and 
1899-1903 : d
r. CoIl., Church Point, N:S., 
1890-99: elected p.ravl. Eudlst Father 
in Am., 1903; elected bishop tJltulall'E! 
de Slcca 3Jnd VIlcaTe apostollque GuM 
of St. Lawrence, Sept. 12, 1905; 0011Jge- 
crated Oot. 28, 1905; atbendoed Plenary 
Council, Quebec, 1909, and. Eucharistic 
Congress, ,Montreal, 1910. - 8eve?1 
Islands, Saguenay, P.Q. 
Bland, B..v, Charle. Edward (Meth) 
educationist. . , 
S. late Rev. Hy. F. B. (Meth.), a 
native Addlngham, Yorkshire, Eng., 
and Emma (Levell) B.; b. Montreal' 
e. high schs. Que. and Montreal, and 
McGill Unlv. (B.A. and 
old med. in 
classics, 1883) : theol. studies at Wesl. 
Theol. CoIl., Montreal (B.D., 1891); 
In., 1892, EmIly PaJlrmer, d. late Wan. 
Sherw{)()(]., barl"lster, BrockvlUe, On1.; 
o. 1886; has had followlni:' charges: 
Dorchester St. and S1. Henri Chs. 
Montreal; Waterloo, P.Q.; Westmount 
Sherbrooke St., Montreal; apptd. prof: 
phil. and ethics, Wesl. Theol. CoIl., 
Mocmtreal, Apt, 1906, Teslgneò to accept 

chair ()f BY'sWmalt1c and hlstor.ical 
theal., .Mbel'ta Math. 0011., 1911; has 
been presdt. Montreal Minis. ASSIIl.: 
well kI1iOWI1! as a IIJUlblrlc lecturer.-Ed- 
monton, A lta. 
.. Combines broad culture with deep and 
fervent piety. "-M. Wit?1e... 
Bland, 3ev, Edward M1chael (Ang.). 
S. Francis L. B.; b. Snaresbrook 
Essex, Eng.; e, Halleybury, and wa
an un.derg. Corpus Christi ColI., Camb. ; 
m. MISS !Mia'rie A. Ðl"bs (-d. ApI. 1908), 
GaJIt, Orut.; came 10 Can., 1872; 10. dea- 
con, 1875; .priest, 1876; !Was suc- 
cessively missy. Dungannon, Bernie 
and parts adjacent; incumbent Inger
solil; rector St. George's, St. CaJt.harirues . 
d:o. OhrdS't Oh. OaJth., HalIlii-lwn; re
SIgrJ!OO 18Jtber appt., Dee., 1899; author 
.. Memoirs VeIW Rev. Dean Geddes"; 
a del. to GenJ. Synoo; 'WIaS 1st .pre.sdt. 

ka Lakes Assn.-Hamilton, Ber- 
Bland, Bev, Salem Goldworth (Meth.), 
Third s. late Rev, Hy. F, B. (Meth.) 
and Emma, d. lat,e Rev. Wm. Levell 
(Meth.); b. Lachute, P.Q., Aug. 26, 
1859; e. high schs. Dundas, Kingston, 
BellevUle, at Morrin ColI., and McGill 
Unlv. (B.A., 1897) ; D.D., hon. 
(Queen's Unlv.), 1903; entd. ministry, 
1880; 0, 1884; since stationed at 
Kingston, Perth, Quebec. Cornwall, 
Smith's Falls, Ottawa, and Winnipeg; 
secy. Montreal Conf., 1898; apptd. prof. 
New Test. exe
esls and ch. history, 
Wesl. ColI., Winnipeg, 1903; has writ. 
ten and lectured much, .. The Develop- 
ment of the Can. Type of Character," 
.. Civic and Social Problems" and 
.. The Building of a Nation" being 
among the most popular of his lec- 
tures; not Identified with either politi- 
cal party, but has laboured strenu- 
ously for temp., social and moral 
reform; a Meth., but still more a cath. 
Christian, desiring and working for a 
federation of Christian churches and 
the Chrlstlanlzatlon of the miscalled 
secular activities of the world; one who 
believ'es tlhat ,the most spiritual ch, Is 
the broadest; an ardent Imperialist. 
who believes Can. should share In the 
cost, as well as the protection, of the 
Empire: a free trader; a-believer In 
the single tax on land values: an ear- 
nest advocate of the largest measure of 
public ownership that can safely be 
managed; a prohibitionist, but willing, 
where prohlbftlon is not Immediately 
feasible to seek the adoption of any 
scheme of govt. control that has been 
found to lessen the evil of the traffic; 
one who believes in and exercises the 
right of the pulpit to speak clearly 
and strongly on all the great public 
issues: favours the erection of a Can. 
.. Hall of fame."-Wesley College, Win- 
.. A man of wide theoI. culture and 
spirit."-T. Globe. 
.. One of the ablest and most thought. 
ful of the younger Meth. ministers in Gan. 
to-day."-Puøb. Rev. 
.. A broad-minded Meth.; a man who is 
rpgarded both educationally aud spiritually 
a. a great force In Can. life."-Ki?1gøton 




Blaylock, Selwyn GwUlym, metallur- 
S. Rev. ThO's. B., M.A. (Ang.); b. 
Paspeblac, P.Q., Feb. 18, 1879; e. 
Bishop's ColI. Sch., Lennaxville, and 
McGlll Univ. (B.Sc., 1899); m., 1904, 
Ruperta Margt., d, late Jas. Riddle. 
DanvUle, P.Q., formerly chief chemist 
Can. Smelting Works, Trail, B.C.; now 
metallt. Consolld. Mlng. & Smelt. Co.- 
Trail, B.C. 
Blewett, Francis Blchard, lawyer. 
S. John and Eliza (Getty) B.; b. 
Napanee, Ont., May 11, 1869; e. pub- 
lic and high school, Napanee, and On- 
tario Law Sch()o()}; U11IIlb.; barristør, 
1891; K.C., 190.8; head il-egat firm B. & 
Bray, List'ow-al; Ipre.sdt. -LI.sbowel Lawn 
Too'nis and Bowling Club, 190.3; do. 
Listowel Club, 190.4; Grand lMas'ter 
I,O.O.F., Ont., 190.5-0.6; grand repre- 
seßltative of Oni. to Sov>ereign Grand 
Lodg,e, I.O.O.F., Ont., 190.7-0.8; .balds 
high rank in Masonic order; presdit. 
Young Con. Assn., Listowel, 1899-0.0.; 
V.-P. UstoW1el Ub.-Con. IAssn., 190.4- 
0.8; Ang.-Listawel, Ont.; Lfstawel 
Club, dO'. 
Blewett, Be"" George John (Meth.), 
ed uca tionist. 
S. Wm. and Mary (Baker) B., Carn- 
wall, Eng.; b. Yarmouth, nr. St. 
Thomas, Ont., Dec. 9, 1873; e. Toranto 
Univ. (B.A., and Gov.-Genl.'s med., 
1897) ; Ph.D. (Harvard), 190.0.; Rogers 
memorial fellow (do.), 190.0.-0.1, and 
Bawdoln prlzeman, 190.1; studied also 
at WUrzburg, Berlin, and Oxford; a. 
1898; labaured Man. and N. W. Conf.; 
lecturer In vhll. Wesley ColI., Winni- 
peg, 190.1:'0.6; called to' Ryerson chair 
af moral phil., Vlctarla ColI., Toranta, 
190.6; Taylor leet.. YaJlle Unoiv., 1910.; 
publl!.shed a vollume of studies in 
Idealism and mysticism, under the title. 
.. The Study of Nature and the Vision 
of God" (190.7); m., July, 190.6, Clara 
Marcia (B.A., Vlctaria ColI., 190.1), 
2nd d. Rev. R. W. Woodswo'l'th.- 
110 Farnham Ave., TarantO'. 
II Possesses a mind of many parts, har. 
moniously proportioned and excellently 
balanoeed."-The la.te Oeo. Murray. 
mewett, :JIrIr.. Jean, poet and littera- 
D. John and Janet McK1shnle, na- 
tives I()f ArgyIolshdre, Soot.; b. Scotia, 
Lake Erie, Ont., Nov. 4, 1862; e. St. 
Thomas ColI. Inst.; m. Basset Blewett, 
Cornwall, Eng.; early In her career 
wrote .. Cabinet Articles," a series af 
pen pictures. quaint and grave and 
gay, which appeared In various mags. 
and newspapers; since then has pUb- 
lished .. Out of the Depths:' a novel 
(1885); .. Heart Songs:' a book af 
verse (1897), and" The Corn Flower 
and Other Poems" (190.6) ; one of her 
poems, U Spring," took the prize af 
$60.0. offered by the Chicago Time3- 
Herald for the best voem on the sub- 
ject; for some yrs. has been an the 
'PeJrmanerut staff of the Toron'Ìo Daily 
Globe; elected V.-P. Dickens Fellow- 
ship, Toronto, 190.8; re-øloecteà do., 
1911.-,f9! Markham st., Taranto. 
.. All her work is distinguished with a 

touch (If aimplicit,. and aympathy' '- 
T. Newil. 
.. Sweet and pure.eyed, clear.voiced, 
holding the God.given dower, a. poet'a 
soul."-Late Eugene Field. 
Bligh, Ham. Harding, Dom. public 
S. late Jas. and Sarah E. B., Lake- 
vUle, N.S.; b. CarnwaIlis, N.S., ApI. 
14, 1842; e. Acadia Coll. (B.A., 1864; 
M.A., 1867; D.C.L., 1897); m., Nov" 
1872, Alice T., d. ,laite IBlowers Smith, 
HaJ..lfax, N.S. ; barrister, 1868 ; 
sl,lccessfu)ly 'Practised at Halifax, 
N.S., In partnership successively with 
Hon. Jas. (afterwards Chief Justice) 
Macdonald. the late W. A. Johnstane, 
Q.C., and the present Juc1ge Longley; 
offioial assi'gnee, Co. Halifax, 1879 ; K.C. 
(M. Lansdowne), 1884; R.O., under E, 
F. Act., Co. Antigonish, 1885; librarian 
Supreme Ct. of Can., which office he 
stlU fiUs, Ju1y, 1892; publ.ished II Iadex 
to the Revised Statute-s'Of Can." (1884) ; 
ed. .. -Oons'Oliidated Orders-in-Council 'Of 
Oam." (1889), and" Statutory Ana1ota- 
tlon<s to the Rev.ised Statutes -of Can., 
190.6, and Other Canadian Statutes" 
(1910.); one 'Of t:Jhe compilers II Dom. 
I.a.w Index" (1890. and 1898), and of 
rt'he "Onlt. La.w Index" (1895 and 190.0), 
and of It!he " Quebec Law InJdex" 
(1898) ; has been presð:t. ()titawa Lit. 
and: Scientific -Soc.; e. Bapt.; was .for- 
m-erly a Senart:'Or Acadia Un'Ïv., and Is 
now a. ,Senator MCMaster Univ. (IM.A" 
ad eund., 1894).-,f!7 Gilmour St., Otta- 
Blight, Arthur Howard, vocalist. 
S. Mrs. H. M. B., Toronto; b. there; 
studied for his prof. In Toronto, 
. Y.. 
and In Londan. Eng.. at the last-named 
city under Wm. Shakespeare; a well- 
known cancert baritone; has been solo- 
ist Old St. Andrew's Ch" Metropalltan 
Methodist Ch., and naw at Bloor St. 
sb. Ch., Toronto; 1s a.lso 'Principal 
Toronto Junoblon 00101. <of .Music.-5!7 
Palmerstan Ave., TarantO'. 
BUpt, :J1r11'II., arganist, pianist and 
choir leader. 
B. St. Catharlnes, Ont.: wldaw late 
Hy. M. B., Taronta; as a child was 
organist St. Gearge's Ch., St. Cathar- 
ines, Ont.; was subsequently arganlst 
and choir leader successively at St. 
Peter's Ch., Elm St. Meth. Ch., and 
Bloor St. Presb. 'Ch., Toronto, holding 
the latter pasltlon for 12 yrs. ; resigned.. 
190.7; best known as an accomplished 
"An artist of rare and &xce.ptional 
a.bility."-T. World. 
Blis8, Bev, Charle. Vaughan For.ter 
E. s. late Rev. Chas. P., formerly 
rector Sussex, N.B., and Dorothy Anne 
(Forster) B.; U.E.L. stock; b. Har- 
vey, N.B., May 12, 1853; e. King's Call. 
Grammar Sch.. N.H.. and Ottawa; 
joined C. S., Ottawa, 1872, and was 
successively private secy. Sir Leanard 
Tilley and Hon. Isaac Burpee, when in 
office there; o. deacon, 1881; priest, 
1883; did arduous mission work, Nlpls- 
sing and Parry Sound, for 13 yrs., dur- 
ing which time he organized 12 congs. 
In a dist. comprising 13 townships, and 




built 9 churches and 2 parsonages; 
also established " associate mission 
plan"; R. D. Renfrew, 1889; rector 
EganvUle, do.; chairman R. D.'s, Ot- 
tawa Diocese, 1896; rector Pakenham, 
1889; do. Almonte, 1903; Smith's Falls, 
since 1909; established" Clerical Guide 
Bind Ohurohman's Direotory" (1876; 
2nd ed., 1879); 'has writt.en much 
for religious press; a del. to Ang. 
Synod; m., 1873, Mary Letitia, 2nd 
d. late Lt.-Ool. G. H. Perry, C.E., 
Ottawa.-The Rectory, Smith's Falls, 
"A thoughtful and earnest minister."- 
The Archbp. Lewi8. 
Bliss, Lt,-Col, Lawrence Donald 
Cameron Forster, late Can. 
milltia staff. 
Bro. 'of preceding; y. s, late Rev. 
C. P. B., Ottawa; b. Springfield. N.B.. 
Oct. 27, 1861; e. private schs. and 
Unlv. Ottawa; m., May, 1886, Bertha 
Frances, y. d. Hon. John Costigan, 
P.C., Senator; served C. S. Can., 1882- 
96; commanded 2nd Field Batty., C. A., 
1904-06; deputy asst. adjt.-genl. head- 
quarters, ApI., 1906; presdt. S. A.. 
Me&all Assn., 1908; served Yukon 
Field Force, 1898-99; S. A. War, 1900- 
02, until end of hostilities; apptd. It.- 
co1. Ordnance Stores Corps, on Its for- 
mation, July 1, 1903, and Dosted to 
charge, headquarters depot; transfd. to 
Winnipeg, 1905; retired retaining rank, 
1909; elected presdt. Western Can. 
S. A. Assn., 1908; war services 
cover iN. W. Rebeill1.:iol1, Call'. , 1885, in- 
cluding oopera.bions against Chief! BIg 
Bear's ban'd (moed.), and S. A. War, 
1900-02, Inc1udll'll'g opeiratrions ,In Orange 
Free State, wdth actJlon1s 8)t Vet Riv-er. 
Zand Riiv-er, opera.tions in 'ÌJhe Trams- 
vaal, with acti'ons near JohanlßtßSlburg, 
Pretoria, !DlamK>nd Hm, operations in 
Transvaa,l east of p,retorla, wI th ac.UoniS 
at Reit V'led; 8Jlso operations in the 
TraYllSva.aI, Feb. amd 'May, 1902 ('oor,se 
shot .In action, KomaN River; war 
moo., 5 clasps; menrtJioned in de- 
sp3.1tches, Lond. Gaz., JuIl'Y 29, 1902; 
med, for diSlUn.gulshJed coruducl in the 
fleld); a R. C.-Ottawa; Manitoba 
Club, Winnipeg. 
.. Regarded as one of the best author- 
ities on military law in Can,"-O. Oituen, 
Blom1l.eld, Charle. James, retired 
business man. 
Y. s. Rt. Hon. and Rt. Rev, C. ;1. B., 
D.D., late Lord BIshop of London; b. 
Fullh\a.m .Pal'ROe, lJonoo'I1, Eng., May 31, 
1831; e. private sch. and Rugby; m., 
June, 1865, Jane, d. Saml. Strickland, 
Lakefleld, Ont.; for 25 yrs. In the ser- 
vice of Can. Land & EmIgration Co., 
as accountant, secy.-treas. to local bd., 
and finallv mangr. under hQme bd.; 
since 1907 living In B.C.; has written 
much for Can. press; has published 
translations of odes of Horace and 
short poems In German, etc. ; Ang., and 
a del. to Synod.-Kelowna, B.C. 
JUne, Archibald, Dom. public service. 
S. late John B., a native of Lochgtl- 
head, Airgy,ldtShlre, Scot., and Maory 
(iM.adravdSh) B.; b. Orford, 00. Kent, 
Ont.. Feb. 3, 1840; e. :there; LL.D., 
bon. (!MoMaster Unlv.), 1908; ordg\n- 

ally a 'Publio se-h. ,teaoher, .tater 
gave up thIs occupation for journal- 
ism; served on staff St. Thomas J our- 
nal, 1867-79, when he became nIght ed. 
and ed. writer on Toronto Globe, pass- 
ing thence, In 1880, to the Toronto 
World; organized Ont. Bureau of In- 
dustries, becoming secy. thereof, 1882; 
Deputy Minr. of AgrIculture, same pro- 
vince, 1884; a memo and secy. of the 
Royal comn. to enquIre rInrt:o the mlin- 
eral resources of Ont.; organized its 
Bureau of Mines, and was placed at 
its head, where he remained for 9 yrs.; 
called to Ottawa, as chief c
commr. for the Dom., July, 1900; pro- 
moted chief offr. census and statistics 
for Can., oct. 1. 1905; Can. deL Intern. 
Agriout Oongress, Rome, Ita:1y, Jan., 
1910 ; an hoIb. m'em. 'Can. Press 
A.ssn.; a del. ,to the Doop Water- 
ways Conv.enti.O'Il. 1894; auth-oT or 
"Resouroes .and progvess of Onot." 
(1888), "The Growth of Canada in 
the 20th Century" (1907), II UnIon and 
Disunion In the Christian Church" 
(1908), and other brochures; prepared 
the bulletins and annual reports of the 
Bureaus of IndustrIes and Mines, issued 
during his connection with those bodies, 
and the volumes of the Dom. Census, 
and the Can. Year Book, issued by the 
Govt. at OUa wa since his appt. there; 
a Bapt., and before his appt. to the 
pubUc service a Lib.; m., 1st. Feb., 
1869, Mary (d.), d. of John Black, 
Tp. Yarmouth; and 2ndly, June, 1883, 
Amella, d. of Ledley Brabant, Toronto. 
3-i5B Kenni8ton Apartment8, E'lgin st., 
.. A man of national and eminently 
valuable service.' '-WeBtmi1\8ter, 
"pQssetSßed CIf gre8l1l executive ability 
a.nd just revels in figurea."-O. Free PreS8. 
"A ma.n of ability, the accuracy and 
fairness of whose work has been observed 
and commended by the public."-London 
Blyth, Bev, Bobert Bayne (Con g.). 
S. Robt. Y. and Margt. (Bayne) B.; 
U. E. L. descent; b. Belwood, Ont., 
Mch. 1, 1872; e. HIgh Sch., Fergus, 
Ont., Toronto Uruiv. (where he was 
presdt. of his class) and McGUl Univ, 
(B.A., 1898) ; studied theo1. Congo ColI., 
Montreal, graduating 1900: o. 1901; 
home missIon pastOT, VIctorIa., B.C, 
(where he buIlt a ch.), 1901; pastor, 
Burlington, WIs., 1903; gold med. B, A. 
Business ColI., Toronto, when 18; 
serVJed as a. cIoJ'PO'I'aJl " E" HatJty.. 
R.C.F.A., In S. Africa during Boer 
War; presented a bouquet of flowers to 
Queen VIctoria on the occasion of her 
leaving Osborne Ho., I. W., for her last 
visit to Balmoral, on behalf of soldIers 
In Convalescent Home, Cowes. where 
he then was regaining his health, after 
an attack of enterIc fever. with which 
he was taken In S. Africa; m.. July, 
1902, Miss Jane Broadfoot.-Burling- 
ton, Wis. 
Boardman, Frederick B" Dom. public 
S. Thos. B., Owen Sound, Ont.; b. 
there, 1862; e. there; acquired a know- 
ledge of printing there; worked at his 
trade In Toronto up to 1902, when he 


was apptd. mangr., printing dept., 
Mon treal . Herald; apptd. supdt. of 
printing, Dept. of Public Printing and 
Stationery, Ottawa, Nov., 1910; a del. 
Printers' Congress, St. Louis, Mo., 
1910.-1,f,f James St., Ottawa. 
Bodwell, Ernest Vining, lawyer. 
S. late Ebenezer B., formerly M. P. 
(H. C.), and SUbsequently supd1. WeI- 
land Canal, and Esther D. (Crandon) 
iE.; :b. ,
:H. Elgin, Ont.; e. there; m., 
1904, Mrs. iMaynard c.owa'Il ' , Victoria, 
B.,C.; went .to B. C., 1884; ,barrister, 
1885; K.C., 1900; bencher Law Soc., 
B.C., 1905; 'OI1Je ,of the leaders of the 
B. C. bar; assoc. counsel foT Dom. 
Gov!\:. Beihrlng Sea case, 1896; an un- 
succeSsful .candidate for Victoria City 
(Loca'l) , Lib. dnterest, 'McIh., 19P2 
(vote: p.rior, 1,539; ,B., 1,484).-Vw- 
toria, B.C.; Union Club, do.; Van- 
couver Club, Vancouver, B.C. 
II Logical and persistent as a counsel." 
-V. World. 
Body, Bev. Charles WilUam Edward 
S. Rev. E. E. B.; b. Clavham, Eng., 
Oct. 4, 1851; e. St. John's CoIl., Camb. 
(B.A., 1875; M.A., 1878); TyrwhlU 
He>b. sC'hoL (Univ. Camb.), 1878; fel- 
low St. Joh'Il's DolL, Camb., 1877-81: 
D.C.L. (hem.), Trln. Un
v., 1883; 
S.T.D., Hobart CaÞl., 1887; D.C.L. 
(hon.), LemlJOxviIle, 1892; o. de
1876; prloest, 1877; m., 1881, Miss 
Frances Mary Perry, Chesterton, 
Camb., Eng.; curalte, Chesterton, 1876- 
81; vlce-úhancellor T.rin. Univ., To- 
ronto, 1881-94; 'Prof. Old T'est. I
U. and 
JllJterpretat1on, GeiliI. Theol. Serny., 
N. Y., sInoo Oct., 1894; author II The 
Perman-erut Value of Genesis" (Pad- 
dock .1Jecture,s, 1894) ; memo Am. Theoll., 
Phllos. and Orlenml Soc-s.-,f Chelsea 
Sq., New York. 
Bog, William Alexander, banking pro- 
S. Lt.-Col. Thos. and Adelaide 
(Hubbs) B.: b. Picton, Ont., July 20, 
1863; e. High Sch., Picton; entd. øer- 
vice Bank of Montreal, 1882; apptd, 
2nd agent do., N. Y., Dec., 1906.- 
!1 Pine St., New York; Willard'it Hotel, 
do.; St. James's Club, Montreal. 
BOgert, Clarence Atkinson, banking 
E. s. Ven. Archdeacon and Ellzabeth 
Grant (Atkinson) B.; b. Napanee, Ont., 
.July 7, 1864; e. Trln. ColI. Sch., Port 
Hope; unm.; enobd. service Dom. Bank, 
1881; 3!SSit. inspr., 1891; asst. mangr., 
Toronto Ibranch, 1895; man gr. Mont- 
rea-I ,branidh, 1898; gen}, moangr. slnoe 
!May, 1906; ooundI1or CM'On'trea!l Bd. 'Of 
Trade, 1906; do. Can. Bankers' Assn., 
1906; a memo T()tI"onlto Bd. or Trade; 
2nd V.
P. Royal Can. Golf Assßi., 1909; 
a memo Earn Grey's and Dram- 
atic OOInlpleltltion, 1910; <me or t:Jhe :pro- 
moters Toronto Hunt, 1907: an en- 
fuuslastic golfer and yã.cbtsman.- 
King Edward Hotel, Toronto; Toronto 
Hunt Club; York Club; Toronto Club, 
do.; St. .James's Club; Mt. Royal Club; 
Canada Club; Royal Montreal Golf 
Club, Montreal. 
.. A man of high standing, socially and 
otherwise."--Can. Gazette (Lond.) 


Bogert, The Venerable James John 
S. John and Mary (Radclif[e) B.; 
b. BrockvUJlJe, OllJt., Aug. 2. 1835; e. 
there and at Trin. Unlv., Toronto 
(B.A., 1855; M.A., 1858; D.C.L., 
1902); o. deacon, 1858; priest, 1859; 
successively curate Brampton and 
Prescott; rector Napanee: do. S1. Al- 
ban's, Ottawa, June, 1881, where he 
stlIlls; R. D. Lennox, 1879; do. Carle- 
ton, 1881; archdeacon Ottawa, 1897; 
presdt. Ch, Choir Union, 1901; V.-P. 
Ang. Sun. Sch. Assn., 1905; an official 
del. BI-Cent. Ang. Ch. Celebration, 
Halifax, 1910; author severa.! published 
sermons; m., May, 1860, Elizabeth 
Grant, d. late Rev. A. F, Atkinson, 
D.C.L., rector, St. Catharines, Ont.- 
St. Alban's Rectory, 169 Stewart st., 
.. A strong pillar of the Ang. Ch. in 
Ottawa and its dist."-O. Oitizen. 
Boggs, Theodore Harding, education- 
E. s. Rev. Dr. W. B. B. (q.v.); b. 
Ramapatam, Nellore Dist., India, Jan. 
26, 1882; e. WolfvlIle High Sch., Hor- 
ton CoIl. Acad., Acadia ColI., Wolfville, 
(B.A., 1902; M.A., 1904); and Yale 
Unlv. (B.A., 1905; M.A., 1906; Ph.D., 
1908); Instr. High Sch., Stockbridge, 
Mass., 1902-3; do., Horton ColI. Acad., 
1903-4; do., Yale Univ., dept. of 
anthrop. (his present position), 1907; 
has In preparation a work on .. The 
Influence of the Loyalists on the 
PO'limca.1 CLUe of Nova SocotJIa."; ro., 
June, 1907, Muriel, d. R. G. Haley, St. 
John, N.B.-Box 1093, Yale Station, 
New Haven, Conn, 
Boggs, Bev, WilUam Bambrlok 
Descended from U. E. LoyaUsts frorn 
New Brunswick, N.J.; s. Wm. Fraser 
and Jessie W. (Clow) B.; b. Rants, 
N.S., May 8, 1842; e. Acadia CoIl., 
Wolfville, N.S. (B.A., 1865; M.A., 
1874; D.D., 1895); D.D. (Wm. Jewell 
0011., 'Mo.), 1889; m.. 1st, 1866, Mtss 
Mary Bishop, Wolfvll:le, N.S. (d. 1870) ; 
2ndly, 1875, (MIss F1lorn J. Eat'Oin, Ooorn- 
wæHis, N.'S., late N. S. Bapt. rMl.sslon, 
Bangkok, Siam; o. 1865; pastor -Syd- 
ney, C.B., 1865-68; do. St. John, N.B., 
1874; entd. for mission service, and 
sailed for East, Aug., 1874; tempor- 
arily located In Slam, but transfd. to 
India, 1875; since 1878 has been con- 
nected with the Am. Hapt. Mission. 
Union; returned to Can. for good, on 
account of Ill-health, 1907: dean Gor- 
don Mission Sch. In connection with 
Newton Theol. Berny., 1908-10; while 
In India his work was both evangel- 
Istic and educational; was conn-ected 
for many yrs. with the Telugu Theol, 
Semy. at Ramapatam as principal: 
llterary work also engaged his atten- 
tion, both In the production of 
vernacular text-books for use In 
semy. and In editing periodicals. 
both In Eng. and Telugu; author of 
.. The Christian Ministry .. (Telugu 
lang., 1888), II The Baptists: Who Are 
They and What Do They Believe?" 
(2nd ed., 1892), .. Outlines of Church 
History" (In Telugu, 1896), .. A Com- 



mentary on the Gospel of Luke to (do., 
1903).-Wolfville, N.S. 
Boggs, Wnuam Edward, Bapt. mIs- 
S. Rev. W. B. B. (q.v.); b. Sydney, 
C.B., ;July 24, 1867; e. Acadia CoIl., 
Wolfvllle, N.S. (B.A., 1887); followed 
theol. course McMaster Unlv. (B.Th., 
1890) ; m., Oot., 1890, Maud E., d. W. 
C. Moi-r, Haùi1'ax, N.S.: served. 8;S an 
evangeN,st1c mdssy. In InÒJÌa, where he 
WIe'llt in 1890; returned to Ca.n., 1906. 
-Wolfville, N.S. 
Bogle, David Blyth, journalist. 
S. late Rev. Arud:rew B., Ca.l,ltander, 
Ferthsh1re, Soot.: b. there, 1868: e. 
Edinburgh Royal High Seth. and E} 
burgh Univ. (M.A.); came to' B. C., 
1891' founded RJosslailid Miner, 1895; 
In Partnersblp with John Houston, 
M.L:A., In mining' business, 1896-99; 
owner and ed. Nelson Miner, 1902; ed. 
Vdct'Orla Colonist, 1902: a Lib.-Oon.; 
has always ialren a deep dn.terest In 
iJol1ltics and In the deveilopmen1 of 
B. C. ; a keen student of soclol'Ogy and 
p'OlitioaJl eoonom'Y; !possesses a <re.pu- 
taUon as a rplaMorm s'P'eaker.-
8 Cad- 
boro Bay Rd., Victoria, B.C. 
Bogue, Blehard, merchant. 
Y. s. late ;John B., Westminster, 
Ont.; b. there, Sept. 15, 1845; e. 
there, and Brockville, Ont.; m., 1st, 
1875, Miss Eliza Galbraith, Bowman- 
vllle, Onto (d.); 2ndly, Miss C. E. 
Harrison, Mllton, Ont.; a memo of 
firm B. & Smart, hardware merchants, 
Brockvllle, 1876-82; went West, to 
Winnipeg and Brandon, 1882; since 
1883 has been In hardware business 
at Moose ;Jaw, of which city he has 
since been one of the moving spirits; 
one of the first sch. trustees; mayor, 
6 yrs., ending 1908; 'Presdt. Municipal 
League, 1908: presdt. Union 'Of Sask. 
iMunidpaJdtles, 1908
9; formerly presd:t. 
Hudson Bay Ins. Co.; Lib.; Bapt.- 
Moose Jaw, SCUlk. 
., One of the great West's mest en.te.r. 
prising business men."-M. Gazette. 
.. BOhB, Erlo II (see Brown, ;John 
Bohrer, Alfred Edward Max1m1l1an, 
S. late Wm. B.. teacher of singing 
and pianoforte, Montreal, a native of 
Stuttgart, Germany; b. Montreal, Feb. 
25, 1860; e. St. Mary's (;Jesuit) CoIl., 
tJbere' m. 'Miss Bond: pursued muslcaJ 
studiés under 'his father aßlà in Europoe; 
hoimsellf a slliX.'e'Ssfu1 ,beaching pl'am.lst; 
apptd. an examr. to selecl. a pupil to 
holld iMont'l'Ieal musloall ,gcholl8!rsh
RJoyal Ca1!l\ \Music, LoI1ldon; a coun- 
eHlor and 'bursar Dom. CoOH. of Music 
and V.-.P. German Soc., ,MiO'n'tre.aI.---6fO 
Dorchester St. W., Montreal. 
Boileau, PhiUp, artist. 
S. 'laJte Baron Gauldrêe .ß., formerJy 
consul-genl. for France, Quebec, and 
Susan Taylor (Benton) B.; b. Quebec, 
;June, 1863; e. En-g.; 'studJ.ed art In 
Italy; commenced pa.lntlng, 1900; ex- 
oels In .. Am. gkl" 'Portraits,----'05 5th 
Ave., New York. 

Bolduc, Hon, Joseph, notary public; 
Descended from Louis B., who came 
to Can., 1668, as procureur-du:Rol; 
s. Cap.t. Augustin B., SL Françols de 'la 
Beauce, P.Q.; b. there, ;June 22, 1847; 
e. Ste. Marie Call. and Laval Univ.; 
m., Oct., 1873, M. G. A., d. ;Jean 
Mathieu; N.P. (P. Q.), 1872; a lum- 
ber merchant; has been Mayor of his 
parish and Warden of Beauce; also 
presdt. Bd. of Sch. Trustees; a dlr. of 
Beauce Agricul. Soc. and of Lêvls & 
Kennf'bec Ry.; successfully promoted 
Trlng & Megantlc Ry.; passed Royal 
Mll. Sch., Quebec (2nd class), 1865: a 
Con.. and sat, In that Interest, for 
Beauce (H. C.), 1876-1884, when called 
to the Senate by Lord Lansdowne; a 
R.C.-St. Victor de Tring, P.Q,; -101 
Albert St., Ottawa; Quebec Garrison 
Bolduo, Monsignor Majorlque (R.C.). 
S. Reml B., ;J.P., and Sophie (Pepin) 
B.; b. St. Victor de Trlng, P.Q., Nov. 
20, 1842; e. ColI. de Ste. Anne; o. 
1871;' missy. on lnterc. Ry. while 
under construction, 1872, and curê suc- 
cessively at Gaspê Basin. Douglas- 
town, Father Point, and Cacouna; still 
at latter place; apptd. by Pave Leo 
XIII. mission. apostol., 1881; hon. 
canon, 1888; prelate oomestlque, by 
PO'þe Pilus X., 1903; relt1red, 1907; has 
on two occasions paid extended visits 
t'O Europ-e and the HOlly Land; at- 
tenJded PIlenary Counoil-, Que'bec, 1909, 
and Euc'hlal'llstlio Congress, :Montreal, 
1910.-Rimouski, P.Q, 
Bole, David Wesley, merchant; legis- 
S. ;James and Ann (Murdock) B.. 
Irish parentage, from Mayo; b. War- 
wick, Lambton, Ont., Feb. 15. 1856; e. 
public soh. and WOiOId.stock CodI.; m., 
1880, lsabeIila, d. We T-bos, Lennox. 
Tlhedford, Ont,; ed. Wa1:l!ord (la. ) 
JlJeIWspaper 2 yrs.; graduated 00111. 
P!ha.rmacy, Toronto, 1880; corn- 
mlØIloOed business, Brlgbbon, Ont. ; 
went west, 1882, settling at Regina, 
where he was presdt. Bd. Trade, 1886- 
87; removed to Winnipeg, 1889; a 
wholesale druggist; has served at 
Winnipeg as Ald., Q memo and chair- 
man Sch. Bd. and presdt. Bd. Trade, 
and Western Canada Immigration 
Assoc.; also presdt. Lib. Association; 
unsuccessfully contested mayoralty, 
1896; sat for Winnlpoeg (H.C.), Lib. 
interest, 1904-08; promoter Dom. Pro- 
duce Co., and Nat. Drug & Chemical 
Co., 1905, of both of which he Is 
presd1.: .a 32 st. Gabriel 
St., Montreal; St. James's Club; Mont- 
real Club, do. 
Bole, His Honour William Borman, 
Co. Ct. judge. 
Descended paternally from ;John B., 
who settled In Surrey, 1066; mater- 
nally, from the Campbells, a branch of 
which settled In N. Irel., under ;James 
I.; e. s. late ;John B.. Lakefield, Mayo, 
and Elizabeth ;Jane (Campbell) !3.; b. 
Castlebar, Irel., Dec. 6, 1846; e. pri- 
vate tutor and Santry Pub. Sch.; m., 
Feb., 1881, Florence Blanchard. o. d. 
late Major ;J. H. Coulthard, ;J.P., New 



Westminster; went to B. C., 1877; 
baJrrister, 1878; K.C. (M. of Lans- 
downe), 1887; prevlousiIy dept;y. elk 
Crown, Mayo ; benc'her Law Soc. 
B. C.; s.aJt fur New Westmlnosber 
(Local), Con. Interest, 1886-89; apptd. 
judge Co. Ct., Sept. 19, 1889; local 
judge Sup. Ct., 1891; special powers, 
Dec., 1892, and Oct. 1, 1902; served as 
stlp. magte. B. C., police mgte., etc.; 
presdt. Royal ColumbIa Hosp., N. W. 
Rifle Assn., N. W. Gun Club, and N. 
W. Bd. Trade; capt. No. 1 Batt., B.C. 
Brig. Arty., 1884-87; a Freemason; an 
Ang. and a del to I>rovl. and genl. 
synods.- u Altamont Villa/' New West- 
minster, B.C.; Terminal City Club, 
Royal Vancouver Club, Vancouver, B.C. 

hl:rss Minnie Louise, educa- 
B.A. (Toronto Univ.), 1900; M.A., 
1902; M.A. (Princeton Unlv.. N. J'.), 
1906; sometime lady principal Alma 
ColI., St. Thomas, Ont.-Guelph, Onto 
Bolton, Bichard, business man. 
B. Bambury, Eng.; graduated as a 
pharmaceutical chemist; came to Can. 
when young, settling In Montreal! 
where for many yrs. he was a memo or 
the firm of Devins & B., wholesale and 
retail druggists; retired therefrom, 
some 30 yrs. ago, and has since de- 
voted himself to his Drivate Interests; 
a dir. Montreal City & Dist. Savln
Bank; has been also. for a consider- 
able period, I>resdt. of the Montreal 
Loom & Mort. Co., MoI1lt.reaJl & 
Loan Co., amod the Edrwardsburg Sæ.rcl1 
Go.; Is a life ,gov. Montre3.'1 Goof!. 
Hasp.; a Oon., but does 11IOt t;.a,k,e tan 
active part in poHtios, or In munIdtpal 
mabt'etI'S; m., 1872, IMdss Elizabeth 
Minchin (<1.).-+'5 Mackay St., Mont- 
Bolton, Bev, William Washington 
S. J'as. B., Bolton Priory, Pelham, 
N.Y., and Louisa (Pym) B., Willian, 
Herts, Eng.; b, London, Eng., J'uly 3, 
1858; e. Wlmbledon, Surrey, Eng., and 
Calus ColI., Camb. (B.A., 1880; M.A., 
1883) ; m., Feb., 1889, Miss A. J'. Bush- 
by, gra'lldò. lwte Sir J'ames Douglas, 
first Gov. of B.C.; o. 1881: curate Rt. 
Rev. Sir Lovelace Stainer, Bart. (now 
Bp. of Salisbury), SVoke-Olli-Tre'lllt; 
mlssy. to Asslnlboia, N.W.T.; rector 
Esquimalt, B.C.; do. St. Mary's, San 
Francisco, Cal.; warden Univ. Sch., 
Victoria, B. C. (his present position), 
1887; an allround athlete, and was the 
half-mile champion of Eng., 1879; 
presdt. Camb. Undv. Club, do. ; 
haa held presidencies of athletic, foot- 
ball, lacrosse, and boxing clubs ever 
since; holds the record of being the 
only man, white or native, who has 
ever traversed Vancouver Islanò from 
north to south; this he accomplished 
in 1894; distance as the crow flies, 270 
miles; actual distance, owing to natural 
Impediments, 650 miles; time occupied, 
103 days; was chaplain 6th B. C. 
Regt. Arty., 1906-07.-Victoria, B.C. 
Bonar, James, Dom. public service. 
S. Rev. Dr. A. A. and Isabella (Dick- 
son) B.; b. Collace, Perthshire, Scot., 
Sept. 27, 1852; e. Glasgow Acad. and 

Un lv, (M,A.) , Lelpzlg and TUblngen 
and CoN., Oxford (IM.A.); m., 
1883, Miss Mary Newburnte (d. Aug., 
1908) ; IllOOturer, East London, .1877-80 ; 
juruf.or 'eXJMIlr.. H.IM.C.S. Oonm., 1881; 
senLor examr. do., 1895; deputy ma.ster 
Can. branch Royal 'Mdnt slnoo J'une, 
1907; was pr,esdt. Sec. F., Brit. Assn., 
1898; besides being a conJt.rlbut'or to 
Gralk's Prose Authors, IPa:lgl'ave',s Dlc, 
of Pol. Eoon., ConralÒ.'s Harudwõrter- 
buch doer Staatswissenscha1'ten, and 
Encyc!. Brit., 'has transl'a:tOO Beck's 
.. Bibllica.1 Psych." (1877), and is !the 
author of t.he following wo.rks: .. Par- 
son 1M.a11hus" (1881), .. Ma!l1:hus and 
his Work" (1885), .. Rlcardo'os Letters 
to Trower" (1889), arud a .. Pdl1:ticaJ 
Economy" (1903).-259 Daly Ave.. 
Ottawa; Saville Club, London, Eng.; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa; Alpine Club of 
Can" Banff. 
.. A philosophical and economic author 
of great distinction. "-T. New.. 
Bond, Charles Herbert Acton, archi- 
S. Acton B., London, Eng.; b. Chel- 
sea, London, Eng., 1869; e. In Eng.: 
m. Miss Mary Newton (d.);. came to 
Can., 1886; commenced practice as an 
architect, 1897; memo Bd. Onto Sch, 
of Art tanó Design; secy. Publlc Sch. 
Art Leagues Advisory Bd.; presdt. To- 
roniOO Soc. of .AJrchitoots, 1909-11; Ang. 
-11ft Charles !St. W., Toronto. 
Bond, Lt,-Col, Prank, flnancial agent. 
E. S. late Archbp. B., Primate of all 
Can., and Eliza (Longley) B.; b. 
Montreal, Oct. 26, 1846: e. Montreal 
High Sch.; m., Oct., 1868, Mary Stew- 
art, d. late H. S. Scott, Quebec; re- 
ceived business training Bank of 
Montreal; for some yrs. secy. Montreal 
Stock Exchange: now financial agent 
and stock broker; for many yrs. an 
off.r. In volunteer mUUla force; saw 
service on Western frontier, 1864, and 
again during Fenian raids (med.); 
commanded Prince of Wales FusHiers 
at labour riots, Quebec, 1878; pre- 
sented with sword by regt., in recogni- 
tion of his services during Fenian Raid, 
1871; commanded Wlmbledon rifle 
team, 1888 (on which occasion waS 
presented to the late King and Queen 
and lunched with their Majesties) ; re- 
tired, retainin
 rank, Mch., 1889; 
presdt. Can. Veterans' Assn., 1896-97; 
volunteered for active service in S. A. 
War; formerly presdt. Montreal foot- 
ball team, and an all-round athlete; 
considered one of the finest amateur 
swimmers In Can., and reI>uted to be 
the first white man to .. shoot" the 
Lachine RapIds In a canoe; bol'ds long- 
service decoration; Ang.-!.J7 Bishop 
St., Montreal; St, James's Club, do. 
Bond, :Rev, George John (Meth.). 
S. late J'ohn B.. merchant. St. 
J'ohn's, Nfd.; a bro. Rt. Hon. SIr Robt.. 
B. (q.v.); b. st. J'ohn's, J'uly 1, 
1850; e. Genl. Proto Acad., St. J'ohn's, 
and Unlv. Mt. Allison, Sackvllle, N.B. 
(B.A., 1874): m., J'uly, 1881, Miss 
Am-el'la Macpherson (d. J'uly, 1903): 
entd. mlndstry, 1871; hel-d pastJOrastea 
in Nfd. and N. S.; .secy. Nfd. Con!!.. 


1883-4; pr>esdt. do., 18&5; del. GeniI. 
Conf., 1890, 1898, and 1902; ed. 
"Wesleyan, H.a:lifax, N.S., 1895-1902; 
acting ed. Ohristian Guardian, Toronto, 
1900; ed. do., 1902-06; originated idea 
20th Cent. Thanksgiving Fund In Can., 
and Is a memo comte. for carrying it 
Into effect; went to China and Japan, 
1908; whlle there wrote a series of 
l.ettoers on the S'ocial, poolitical and re- 
Hg'i'Ous {)I\l.tlook ()'f bhose countries; 
'Past-or Gralfot'Ûn St. Moeth. Ch., Hal!ifax, 
N.IS., 1910-11; now at River John, 
N.S.-River John, N.S. 
"An eloque,nt and fO'1'ceful speaker."- 
T. Globe. 
Bond, John Martin, merchant. 
E. s. Geo. and Eliza (Martin) B., 
both of Irel.; b. Spring Hill, Queen's 
Co., Irel., May 12, 1837; e. provl. 
Model Sch., Toronto; m., 1st, May, 
1870, Miss Harriet Ann Deane Parker, 
Guelph, Onto (d. Sept., 1882); 2ndly, 
June, 1885, Miss Florence Rose Green- 
side, do.; a hardware merchant; a 
memo Dom. Bd. of Trade Council; a 
dlr, Guelph Junction Ry. Co., Guelph 
& Onto Invest. & Savings Soc., Guelph 
Home for the Friendless. and Guelph 
Genl. Hosp.; a del. 3rd Com. Congress 
of Empire, London, Eng., 1896; Con.; 
Ang.; del. to Provl. Synod, and memo 
Councll Trin. Univ.-" Gore Lawn," 
Guelph, Ont.; Priory Olub, do.; Toronto 
Club, Toronto. 
Bond, :at, Hon, Sir Bobert, statesman. 
Descended from an old Devonshire 
family; S. late John B., a native of 
Torquay, for a lengthened period a 
merchant at St. John's, Nfd.; b. St. 
John's, Feb. 25, 1857; e. Queen's CoIl., 
Taunton, Eng., and Intended for the 
bar, but preferred a purely political 
career; unm.; entd. Nfd. Legislature, 
1882; elected Speaker Leg. Assem., 
1884; Col. Secy., with a seat in the 
Cabinet, 1889; subsequently unseated 
and disqualified, with his leader, the 
late Sir Wm. Whiteway; del. to the 
Imp. Govt. on the French treaties' 
question, 1890; authorized by Imp. 
Govt. to assist Lord Pauncefote, H. 
M.'s Ambassador at Washington, In 
negotiating a reciprocity treaty with 
U. S., and was Instrumental In carry- 
Ing through the Bond-Blaine treaty, 
do.; a del. to Can. on N. Am. fishery 
question, 1892; In the great financial 
crisis which overtook Nfd. In 1894 his 
strong action and able championship of 
the cause of the colony in financial 
circles In London preserved the au- 
tonomy of the colony, and established 
a claim on Newfoundlanders of per- 
sonal loyalty towards him which 
steadily Increased; apptd. by Queen 
Victoria to Leg. Coundl, 1895; chair- 
man of Govt. deputati'Ü'Il t'Û Ottawa 
C.onof., 1895; Plreinier and Co!. Secy., 
1900-09; special del. to conf. on 
French treaties, London, 1901; Imp. 
Privy Councillor, 1902; K.C.M.G., 
do.; recd. freedom city of Edinburgh, 
do.; authorized to reopen negotiations 
with U. S. for reciprocal trade, and 
succeeded In concluding a treaty with 
that country, known as the Hay-Bond 
treaty, do.; assisted In drafting regu- 


lations for carrying out the Anglo- 
French convention, 1904; recd. freedom 
city of London, 1907; an hon. LL.D. 
(Edinburgh Unlv.) ; a dlr. Sch, for the 
Blind and hon. V.-P. Royal Soc. of St. 
George; has urged the Importance of 
direct transatlantic travel from Irel. to 
Nfd., by which plan he claims the 
ocean may be crossed In 44 hours, and 
N. Y. reached from London in 10!} 
hours; secured passage of resolu t
on In 
favour of old age pensions, 1906; with 
regard to union with Can., has de- 
clared the vollcy of his Govt. to be = 
.. That there Is no desire on the part 
of the Islanders to be included as a 
constituent part of the Dom. of Can., 
but, on the contrary, that the colony 
should retain Its autonomy, and con- 
tinue to maintain an honourable and 
independent position as part of the Brit. 
Empire"; a Meth.-"Cochrane HOU8e.'
St. John's.. " The Grange." 1Vhit- 
bourne, Nfd, 
" A man tenacious of purpose and with 
great charm of manner."-Oanada. 
Bond, WUlIam Longley, lawyer. 
S. Lt.-IOoil. Frank B. (q.v.) and Mary 
(Soott) B.; gr1a..nids. late A/I'IC'hbp. B., 
Pl'Íml3Jtoe of aliI Can.; b. 'MIO'TJltreaJ, Jan. 
20,. 1 1 873; e. Hd,gh Sc!h., M'Ü'IlltJreaJt. and 
McGILl Un1v. (B.A., 1894; B.C.L., 
1897); ad V1000 te, 1898; a memo leg3.JI 
firm Atwater, Duclos, B. & Meagher, 
Montreal; argued celebrated Cantin 
case before .II. Comte. P.C.. Eng.; for 
many yrs. capt. and adjt. P. of Wrultes 
FusUlers ; also secy. Quebec Rlfie 
Assn.; an Ang.; elected lay secy. 
M'Ontr>e'8.l1 Synod, 1907; d'O. Clh. advo- 
ca1:-e, d'Û.; a gOY. Mon1rerul Di
. Theal. 
C.oll., 1910; umn.-!47 Bishop St., 
Montreal; St. James's Club, do.; 
Royal Montreal Golf Olub ; Montreal 
Mil. Inst.; Reform Club; Jl-Iontreal 
Curling Club; University Club, do. 
Bone, John, journaHst. 
S. John and Mary (Oak) B.: fat'her 
Scotch and one of the pioneers Co. 
Huron. Ont.; mother Irish; b. E. Wa- 
wanosh, Co. Huron, Feb. 25, 1877; e. 
public sch., ColI, Inst., Clinton, ColI. 
Inst., London (gold med. In math.), 
and Toronto Unfv. (B.A., with 1st class 
h'Onour.s in math., 1899) ; took !,pveml 
sch'Ûlarships: m., Jan., 1899, EdHh, d. 
H. W. Evans, 'IIoron1:-o: secY. Can. Press 
Á!ssn., 1905-7: eleotoo 1st V.-P. do., 
1911; do. V.-P. Toronto Ull'iv. 'AlumnI. 
Assn., do.: joined sbafT Toronto Daily 
Star, Feb., 1900: fi.lJed In order cycle 
of aSSllgnmen1:-s, Incl<udlng press gal- 
lery and important ,trav.eLling C'OTTl- 
missions; asst. mango ed., 1906; mango 
ed. since 1907: 'has se.en Star grow In 
circulation from 6,000 in 1900 to 65,- 
000 at begdnn
ng or 1909, with pro- 
portionate growth In other respects: 
acted as press correspond-ent In Lon- 
don f'Or a syndicate of Can. news- 
papers during the Eng. general elec- 
tion, Dec., 1910; is secy.-treas. Can, 
Press Assn.; believes that th'i era of 
the newspaper Is only d8.lwning as 
yet; a Lib. ; an advocate of further de- 
centralization of govt., of decided ex- 
tension of govt. ownership, and of 
such other changes In laws and Ind. 



conditions as will give the workers a 
larger return; Presb. - 
Ave., Toronto; University Club, do. 
Bongard, Eobert Eo.., stock broker. 
S. late A. and - (Ross) B., Co. 
Prince Edward. Ont.: U. E. L. de- 
scent; b. Prince Albert. Ont.. .June 15, 
1868; e. there: m, Elsie, d. W. R. 
.Johnston, Toronto; previously mangr. 
Can, dept. R. G. Dun & Co, ; since 1903 
Can. mangr. Chas, Head & Co.. mems. 
N. Y. and Boston Stock Exchanges, 
with offices In Montreal and Toronto; 
Ang.--Ji9 Admiral Rd.
 Toronto; To- 
ronto Club ; National Club; Hunt Club; 
Lambton Club; Royal Canadian Yacht 
Club, do, 
Bonin, Joseph Alexandre, lawyer. 
S. late J. B. B., L' Antray, Lanorale. 
P.Q. ;b. there; e. Montreal GoH.; m. 
the d. ,larte J. L. LeprohoIJI, 1M. D., v1ce- 
consul for Spoon, Moutr,eal; advocate, 
1874; KC. (E. of Derby), 1893; suc- 
cess'fully praoblses his ;prof. In 'Mont- 
I'eal, where he 'Ls a m-em. of the firm 
of Ta.iNon, B. & \M.orin; a .oem.; oR 
R. C.-758 Shm'brooke St. W., Mont- 
real; Beaconsfield Golf Club, do. 
BonneD, Saul, physician. 
M.D. (McGill Unlv.), 1896: elected 
Mayor of Fernie. B.C.. 1907,-Fern
Bonneill, Jll[rs, Bo.e, actress. 
D. CoOl. Ernest C. Stahl, a journalist; 
b. Montreal, 
t. 29, 1875; e, Congre- 
g>8.JÌ'Ïolll-'dJe-Norbre-Dame, ,Montreal, and 
Trenton, N..J.; made her first ap
ance on the stage at the Girard Ave. 
Theatre, Philadelrphla, In a stock co.; 
later toured with late Daniel Band- 
mann In .. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"; 
made her first appearance In her cele- 
brated rðl'e .of Patricia O'lBrien at .Proc- 
tor'slMus1c Hailll, N.Y., In a s
etch then 
entitled .. The Chorus Girl," June 13, 
1904 ; also played at the PaÞace 
Theatre, London, In the same part; 
on her return to Am. the piece Wa.1! 
extended to a 4-act play, entitled .. The 
Chorus Lady," and produced a..t the 
Sav.oy Theatre, N.Y., Sep,t. 1, 1906; 
has sin-ce starred in .. Maggie ,Pepper" 
and obher obaracters.-Care it Dra- 
matic Mirror," New York. 
Bonner, :Robert John.on, educationist. 
S. J.ohn and Nancy B.; Scotch 
origin; b. Tp. Blandfurd, 00. Oxford, 
Ont., 1868; e. Tor.onto Unlv. (B.IA., 
with 1st class 'hooours In ola>ssics, 
1890); m., Dec., 1894, All'nl,e (B.A., 

Doronlto Unlv., 1890), -d. D. G. WdNson; 
barrister (Ont.), 1893; pra.c.tlsed fOT 
8. short <period at Woodstock, On1:.; 
classical master OoHiIlglWood Coil, 
Inst., 1894-99; -la,tJer, conneoted with 
Stetson Vnlv., De Land, Florida.; fel- 
lowship in Greek, Chicago Uuiv. 
(Ph.D., 1904), 1899; assoc1ate In 
Greek, do., 1908; noow asst. prof. do., 
do.; author of what Is generally ac- 
knowledged to be the best Greek text- 
book In Am.: V.-P. Brltlsh Club, Chi- 
cago Univ.. 1907.-563H Jackson Ave., 
Chicago, Ill. 
Bon.aU, :Mis. (see Barron, 
Mrs. Bessie). 

Boone, Capt, Charles Armel, late H. 
M.'s regular mil. forces. 
O. s. Chas. S. and Ella Belle B.. To- 
ronto; b. Toronto, Feb. 7. 1879; e, 
U. C. ColI. and Toronto Unlv.: m., 
.June, 1907, Dorothy Lynn, o. d. late 
Arthur G. Mallock, H. M.'ø Indian 
Marine, Baldar House. Guernsey; 
gazetted 2nd lIeut. Ma:rfche.ster Regt., 
ApI., 1900; 1st lIeut.. Nov., do.: cal'lt., 
ApI., 1907; placed on half-pay, at his 
own request, Oct., do.: served with his 
regt. in S.A. War, 1900-02, and took 
part In the operations resulting In the 
surrender of the Boer forces In the 
Caledon Valley, Aug., 1900 (mentioned 
In Lord Kitchener's special despatch: 
.. Continually noticed for coolness and 
g.aJloll8.ßlt leadln.g under fire"; Que>en's 
med. wi,th 3 olasps; King's moo. with 2 
clasps).-170 Crescent Rd., Toronto; 
Sports'. Club. London. Eng,; Toronto 
Hunt Club; Toronto Club, Toronto. 
Booth, Charles Jackson, manufac- 
S. .John R. B. (q.v,) and the late 
Rosalinda (Cook) B.: b, and e. In 
Ottawa; m., Sept., 1907, Jessie Louise, 
d. late W. Kerr Gibson, Petrolea, 
Ont.; Is genl. supdt. .J.ohn R. Booth, 
lumoor and pulp and paper man!r., 
Ottawa; V.-P. Timber Limit Owners' 
Assn.; a dk. Ottawa Fire Ins. Co. and 
Vom. Forestry Assn.; a ,promintem 
mem, O. A. A. C.; V'!.oe-chalrmau Ot- 
tawa. St. John Ambulance Assn.; 
elected presdt. St. Hubert Gun Club, 
1911; .f-ormerly presdrt. Parry Sound 
and Can, Atlantic Rys.; a Presb.- 
25! Metcalfe St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; 
Ottawa Hunt Club; St. Hubert Gun 
Club, do. 
Booth, John Budolphus, lumber 
manufacturer; capitalist. 
S. late John R. and Helen (Rowley) 
B.; b. Co. Shefford, P.Q., ApI. 6, 1826; 
e. Waterl'OO. P.Q.; m. IMiss Rosallnoda 
Cook (d. May 26, 1886): moved to 
Ottawa, 1857; built a small shingle 
mill .on the site of what was after- 
ward-s Booth's mammoth lumber mill' 
In time became one of the largest lImlt 
owners in Can., as well as one of the 
most extensive manfrs. of lumber; Is 
also a pulp a.nd paper man!r.; has de- 
voted much time to ry. construction 
and development; built a short Une 
Into the Temlskamlng region and was 
a promoter Temiskaming Steamboat 
Co., 1881; 'built the Can. Atlantic Ry. 
and the Ottawa, Arnprlor & Parry 
Soun.d Ry., consisting of over 500 mil
of road; tft1ese rys. came under the 
control of the Grand Trunk Ry., .Jan. 
t, 1905; a promoter, Federa.l Coloniza- 
tion & Land ReclaIming Co., 1906; Is 
a dlr. Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. and 
Can. Cement Co.; also a dlr. Dom. 
Forestry Assn.; a millionaire; gave 
$5,000 to the End.owment Fund, 
Queen's Hndv., 1905; do., $10,000 to 'St. 
Luke's Hosp., Ottawa, 1903; Is a Ufe 
gov., latter Institution; a Presb. and 
formerly a. trustee Ottawa Ladles' 
COli.; his portrait, in oils. was added 
to the Rideau Hall collection by H. E, 
Earl Grey, 1908; opposed to the Ta.!:t- 
Fielding reciprocity agreemen1, 1911, 



and rook a prominent .paI1t in the ca.m- 
pa1ign agadnst i-t;. g. e. 1911,-f5! Met- 
calfe St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ot- 
tawa Hunt Club, do. 
"'A plain, unassuming. practical man," 
-0, Oitizen. 
.. His name is a household word wherever 
energy and industry are spoken of."-H. 
E. the Earl of A.berdeen. 
.. His success has been due to personal 
industry, personal and personal 
keeping in faith with fellow men."- 
O. Free Preøø. 
:Booth, Bev, William :B, (Meth.). 
Formerly a mlnr. of the Prim. Meth. 
Ch, In Can.; since 1884 a mlnr. Can. 
Meth. Ch.; late pastor Bellefalr Ch., 
Toronto; since 1910 pastor at Barrie; 
Ph.D. (Wesl. Univ., Bloomington, Ill,), 
1905.-Barrie, ant. 
:Borden, Bev, Arthu1' Cumming. 
(Meth.), missionary. 
S. Lemuel Perry and Margery (Cum- 
mings) B.; b. Avonvort, N.S., May 9, 
1858; e. Mt. Allison Univ. (B.A., 
1885; M.A., 189.5; B.D., 1891; D.D., 
1909); m., July, 1890, Annl'e Burn- 
ham, d. la.te Rev. Wm. ,Allcorn, Ber- 
wick, N.S.; o. 1870; eerved In various 
pa'r.ts of N. S., Includ:ing Oharles St. 
Ch., Halifax; missy. to Japan, 1896: 
prof. Ang:l.o-Japanese OoH., connected 
wUh Can. IMeth. Mission .for some yrs. : 
chairma'll !{jofu dist., 1904; su-pdt. aOO 
treas, Can. Methodist Missions, Japan, 
1905-07; representative Bd. of Mis- 
sions, 1907-08; rtd. to Can., 1908.- 
Horton, N.S, 
:Borden, Bev, :Byron Crane (Meth.), 
ed uca tlonlst. 
S. Geo. N. and Miriam (Crane) B" 
the latter d. Col. JOB. Crane, Horton, 
N.S.; grands. Perry B., who settled 
In Cornwallis, N.S., 1759, on lands 
formerly occupied by the expelled Aca- 
dlans; b. Avonport, N.S., Nov. 27, 
1850; e. Acacia Villa, Horton, and Mt. 
Allison Unlv. (B.A., 1878; M.A., 1886; 
D.D., 1893); m., June, 1880, Allee S., 
d. Wm. Black, Hamilton, Bermuda; a 
public sch. teacher, N. S., 4 yrs. 
1878; laboured In Bermuda IsIs., 1878- 
80, and at Arcadia, N.S., 1880-83; 
pastor Brunswick St. Ch., Halifax, 
N.S., 1883; principal. Mt. Allison 
Ladies' Call., N.B., 1885-1911; since 
then has been presdt. .Mt. AUIson 
Univ,; prof. E'l1g. lang. and Ildt., ,Mt. 
AlUson Unoiv., 1886-88; do. poÞLtlca1 
econ. In the ,same univ., 1888; las1 
position he sb11Jl 1'elln>irus; dJurlng IDS in.. 
cumbeticy of too p
incipallSbip of ,the 
Ladles ,eol1., the OolJ!servatJOry of lMusslc 
was erected, the Owens Art Gal1ery, 
cOMlIstdng 'Ot' 400 works of iM"t, was 
a;cquired, t!:he Owens AI1t Bulldiing 
erected, oa.OO .the Ð.ibtJenrla.nce at {lhe 
colI. d'Oubled; 'lJoth Dr. and Mrs. B. 
are senaoors of tlhe Urulv.-Sackville 
N.B. ' 
. .. A tho
oughly practical man, vitally 
mterested m the truths of his subjects. 
Well versed in the national questions of 
ihe day, his classes present to eyery stu- 
dent most excellent advantages "-Dr 
AllÏ80n (q.v.). .' 

:Borden, Eon. 8ir Prederick William 
'phy'siclan;statesman. ' 
S. late Dr. .Jonathan B.; b. Corn- 
wallis, N.S.. May 14, 1847; e. King's 
Coli. Unlv., Windsor, N.S. (B.A., 1866), 
and Harvard Med. Sch., Boston (M D 
1868); LL.D, (bon.), Unlv, of N. 'B:: 
1900: m., 1st, Oct., 1873, .Jul:f'a 'M. (d. 
1880), d. J. H, Clark. Canning, N.S.; 
2ndly, June, 1884, Miss Bessie B. Clark 
d'O. (a dIr. Y. W. C. A., Ottawa' V..,p' 
Victorian. Order of Nurse's, dÓ.; do.: 
Women's Morning MusIc Club, do.; 
present, with her husband, In West- 
minster Abbey, at bhe coronation of 
King Edoward and Queen Alexandra 
1902; present, by Invitation, with her 
husband, at coronation of King George 
and Queen ,Mary, Westminster Abbey 
June, 1911; admitted, with her husband' 
to a audience W1lth His Ho.J.liness 
the Bope, Jan., 1909); sucoe.ssfutly 
practised hi,s .prof. 2;t Canning, where 
he was also a;goent !for Ithe Hall'lfux 
Bankdng Co..; 'has .been a JJong time con- 
nected with the v. m.; served during 
the il'3.S't Fen1am. Raid (med.); a;pptd. 
asst. >surg. 6S.tlh Rielgt., 1869; PfIO/IIllO'tJed 
surg. ,It.-col., Oct., 1893; 8ß)'ptd. hon. cdl. 
ATmy Med. Oorps., 'Aug. 1, 1901; dlO. 
hon. surg.-genl. (En-g.), 1911: do. a 
mem. Provl. Ed. of HeaJl,bh, N.'S., 1893; 
a mem, CoHo P. and'S. (Ont.), 1903; 
an 'boon. carr. memo Assn. of IMil. SUI"g. 
of U,S.:.l 1900; eleClted hon. presdt. 
Dam. tilfle Assn., 1908; Is a dlr. 
Mutual Life Assur. Co.; a dlr. Avon 
Valley Develop. Co. and St. John 
Ambulance Assn., and presdt. N.S. Elec- 
tdc 000., iKdng',s Park ReaJlty CIO., 
Ltd., and Chai'rmaI1l !Butte Central 
Copper Co.; sat for King's, N.S., Lib. 
Interest, 1874-82. when defeated, and 
ag>a;ln, siÏ.nre g, e. 1896; was thoe MinT. 
of MlUUa and Defence, In the Laurler 
Admn., since its formation, July 13, 
1896, U'IlItJLl 'ilts 'dJefOOJt at g. 'e. 1911: 
COO8it:ed a K.C.M.G. Iby l l wte King 
Edward, at His !Majesty's oorona'Ì!ion, 
1902, and a Knight of Grace of the 
Order of St. John of Jerusalem the 
same year; attended Ithe Imp. 001. 
OOlli!'., :Uond,()'ll
 EoJ1Jg., 1907, t!:ihoe Imp. 
Def'ence Oon,f., 1909, and 1Jhe Imp. 001. 
Oonf., 00., 1911; .1's a memo IOf 
the Imp. Council of Defence, and 
presdt., e:r:-offlcio, of the MIlIUa Council 
of Can.; holds bhe long service decora- 
tlon; has been presented to King 
Edward and Queen Alexandra and 
to the present King and Queen; dined 
with King Edward and the Col. 
Premiers, BuckIngham Palace, May, 
1907; presented to the Dom. Rifle 
Assn. a challenge cup and medal- 
lIon, valued at $500, as a memorial 
of hIs son, Lieut. Harold Lothrop 
B., who was killed In action, In 
S. A., 1900; a Freemason; a Meth.; 
an hon. memo Quebec Garrison Club 
and Canadian Club, Boston, Mass.- 
"Stadacona Hall," Launer E., 
Ottawa; Rideau Club; Laurentian 
Club; Ottawa Hunt Club, do.; HaUlaa: 
Club, Halifa:r:, N.S.; Quebec Garrison 
Club, Quebec. 
.. Izvdustriou8 and efficient-"-Oanada. 
.. 'rule beßt Minister o.f Militia Oanada has 
ever had; to him m,ain-ly is due the credit 
for the splendid part Canada took in sup- 



port of the Imperial cause- in South Africa." 
St. John Telegr4ph. 
.. Has organized the Canedian aTtlly as 
it never was organize.d be,fo,re."-Can. Cen- 
tU':+'Ä ma.n who has fearleßSly and vigo\Lr- 
ously c.aTrie-d OIUt what he believed to be 
righ-t."-T. Globe. 
.. No Min.i&OOr of Militia ha.s eveT done 
so much Ww'ard.s making the Canadian 
f()orcee so thoroughly efficient and ready for 
the field as he...-Broad Arrow. 
Borden, John William, Dam. public 
2nd s. Andirew and Eunice .Jane 
(Laird) B., Grand Prê, N.S.; b. there, 
Oct. 10, 1856; e. Acacia Vllla Acad.; 
m., .Tan., 1891, Annie Frances, d. late 
Fredk. Brown, Wolfville, N.S.; origin- 
ally mangr. Union Bank, Kentvllle, 
N.IS.; enltd. J)ublic ærvlce a.s acrourut- 
ant, DeJpt, Mil. and Def., Sept., 1897; 
8,ppotd. paymastoer-geI1Jl. and flnancoe 
memo of the 'MUdtla Counølrl. Coan., 
.July, 1905; a.n Ang.-17 Blackburn 
A. ve., Ottawa. 
Borden, Bon, Bobert Laird, lawyer; 
Descended from Saml. B., surveyor, 
who came to Falmouth, N.S., from the 
Am. Colonies, 1760, before the Loyal- 
Ists; S. late Andrew and Eunice 
(Laird) B.; b. Grand Prê, N.H., .Tune 
26, 1854; e. Acacia Villa Acad., Hor- 
ton; LL.D. (hon.), Queen's Unlv., 1903; 
do, ('hon.), St. Franc1s Xavier Unlv., 
Antigonish, 1905; m., Sept., 1889, 
Laura (formerly a leading memo of 
the Orpheus MusIcal Society, Halifax, 
presdt. of the Aberdeen Soc. and of 
the Local Council of Women, and 
V.P. Woman's Work Exchange, Hali- 
fax; gave a med. to be competed for 
at the Hallfax Indus. Sch.; was on the 
Reception Comte. on the return of the 
Can. troops from S.A., 1900; now, a 
Councillor VIctorian Order of Nurses 
and V.-P. Nat. Council of Women; 
elected presdt. Ladle-s' Golf Club, Ot- 
tawa 1910; Regent Laurentian 
Chapter, Daughters of the Empire, Ot- 
tawa, 1911; accompanied her h,!sbal!d 
on his tour of Ont., 1901, on hIS trIp 
through B.C., the N.W.T. and Man., 
1902, and subsequent officIal journeys), 
d. T. H. Bond, Halifax, N.S.; prof. 
GlenwoO'd Inst., N..T., 1872; return- 
Ing to N. S. studied law the 
present Sir R. L. Weatherbe (q.v.) 
and the present Mr. .Justice Graham 
(q.v.), and was craNed to ;the bar, 1878; 
successfully practised his prof. first at 
Kentville, N.S., In partnership with 
the :presenrt .Judge.J. IP. tOh-ipmM1' (q.v.), 
and subsequently at Halifax, where he 
succeeded the late Sir .J. S. D. Thomp- 
son In the firm of Thompson, Graham 
& Tupper (q.v.); became one of the 
leaders of the bar; was counsel for the 
Dom. Govt. In the case of the Queen 
VB. .. David .J.," a 
ase In the 
Vlce-Ad.mlraUy Court arising out of 
the enforcement of the Treaty of 1818; 
he also pleaded before the .JI. Comte. of 
the P.C. In the case of the Municipality 
of Pictou VB. Geldert and other im- 
portant causes; was successively V.P. 
and presdt., N.S. Barristers' Soc., 
cupylng the last office for an 
extended term; K.C. (Earl of Derby) 

1890; do. (Ont.), 1908; sat for Hali- 
fax (H. C.), 1896-1904, when defeated, 
and for Carleton (H. C.), 1905-8; re- 
turned for both Carleton and Halifax, 
g. e. 1908; elected :tJO sit for laMer saM; 
res been 1ea;d'er of the Oon. Oppooslt1.on 
(H. C.) since Feb. 6, 1901; since .July, 
1905, has been In the receipt from 
Parlt. of an additional Indemnity of 
$7,000 as the recognized leader of the 
Oppos'Ltdon; a d1lr. of the Ba:nk ol N,IS., 
Keewatln Flour Mills Co., N,S. Tele- 
phone Co., Eastern Trust Co., Can. 
Forestry Assn., etc,; a life dir. ,of the 
Carleton Co. Hosp. and V.P. Lord's 
Day AlUance; has made several ex- 
tended tours throughout Can,; made 
another Western tour, 1911; toured 
the United Kingdom and a portion of 
the European Oontinent, 1909; pre- 
sented wIth a silver loving cup by the 
.Junior Llb.-<Con. Assn. of the Co. Hali- 
fax, .June, 1904, and with a picture, by 
Homer Watson (q.v.), by the mems. 
of his party, May, 1909; has lectured 
on "CanadIan pro.blems" and other 
subjects; ,issued a manIfesto rt.o the 
1þeQp1-e .of Can., IndlC8Jtlng the Issues 
coming bmol"e them during .t'he g. e. 
of 1911' was Chiefly opposed :to ,the 
TaJft-rqeMing reciprocity compact; on 
the defeat at !the 'P'O}llIS 'Of the Laurier 
Ad mIl. , g. e. 1911, was caHoed upon 'to 
(onn a l1JeIW .Admn.; was ,sworn oof <the 
P. C., Oct. 10, 1911, antd took office 
as presdlt. of ,obe Klrug's Privy Counoll 
.of 'Can. in tñ:e new Cabinet; Ang.- 
fOl Wurtembu1'g St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Olub do.; A.lbany Olub, Toronto; 
Hali;a:r: Club, Halífa:r:. 
"A clean, honest, e.arnest sta-tesma.n."- 
Oan. Collier'B. 
.. Hoa.s won his püSLtion by fOTCð 'Of 
me.rit."-Can. Oourier. 
uA gentleman- of culture and refined 
ta'sWrB and one 'Of the most ØIlcce.ssful memo 
OOrs 'O,f the Canadian bar."-M. WitneBs. 
.. PersonaUy .a.n honwable man, with 
proper of the ,pro.prie'tie'S of public 
tife' commands the respect of Libe-ral.s and 
Oon'æI"V'ativeß aIike."-T. Globe. 
"An a.beol'Ute-ly hon'Orable man
 who' Is 
weU postp.d 'On 'Pu.bHc affairs and is en- 
tirely with'Out ,prejudi,ce of race 'Or reIi- 
gion."-The late Hon. J. I. Tarte. 
.. The ,able
t pa.l"\.iame'1ltarian in Oana- 
cHan public life and his whole attitude in 
the past stands f'O,r everything th&t is best 
in :the public tife of the D'Omin1on..-Sir 
O. H. Tupper (q.v.). 
"A wide and 3'CCUT&te kn()lW'ledge of the 
taw fertility of resource and firmness of 
æ united to a dign,ified and oour- 
teOI\18 u{a.n-ner which ha.s won for him the 
friendship 86 well as the confid
mce ()of hiB 
clientele, are some ()of his le,ading char- 
acteristics."-Can. Law Journ. 
.. Of :Mr. Borden the peQl})le of Oanada 
have good rea6()n to be pr'Oud; a sturdy 
Oan,adi&n, a man 'Of hono r, a ma.ster (If the 
poliitical situatiOOli, a fine speaker, and III 
grea,t PM'liamentary tactician, he po6seuetl 
the qu,alities which will make him one of 
the of GUT Premier. when called, 
8S he soon must be, to the hiJthest 'Office in 
the gift 'O.f his feJ1ow-citizens.' -M. & E. 
Borthwick, Bev. John Dougla. (Ang.). 
B. Glencorse, nr. Edinburgh, Scot., 
.June 7, 1832; e. Cauvln's Sch., Edln- 



burgh, and Unlv. Edinburgh, being the 
successful cand. for 2 bursaries, open 
to all Scot.; left at the end of the 
first session, to become asst. teacher 
In East Acad., Glasgow; LL.D. (hon.), 
Chdca,gTO CoIl. 'Of Science, 1888; after 
teadhdng in v'arl'Ous IþaI1tJs of Scot. came 
to Ca!ßJ., 1850; for some yrs. &t 
Mount Pleasant Acad., Brantford, and 
elsewhere In Ont., and was subse- 
quently a master for 5 yrs. In High 
Sch., Montreal, and successively prln- 
clpal Huntingdon Acad. and head mas- 
ter West End Acad., Montreal; o. 
deacon, 1864; priest, 1866; served as 
{"Î,ty mIssy., Montreal; asst., Tr1n. 
Ch., do.; locum tenens, St. Luke's, do.; 
Incumbent (for 23 yrs.), St. Mary's, 
Hochelaga; was also chaplain H. M.'s 
forces, retaining the appt. until the 
withdrawal of the troops from Mont- 
real In early seventies; has been chap- 
lain to Montreal Gaol for over 40 yrs. ; 
besides many brochures and random 
contributions to press, Is author of the 
following works: .. Examples of Hlst. 
and Geograph. Autonomaslas" (1858), 
.. Cyclop. of History and Geography" 
(1859), .. Brit. Am. Reader" (1860), 
I. Harp of Canaan" (1866), .. Battles 
of the World" (do.), .. Every Man's 
Mine of Useful Knowledge" (1869), 
.. Dom. Geography" (1871), .. History 
of Scottish Song" ( 1874) , .. History 
of Montreal, with Biographical 
Sketches" (1875), .. Borthwick Castle; 
or, Scenes from Scottish History" 
(1880), .. Commercial Gazetteer of 
Montreal" (1885); "History of the 
Montreal Prison, from 1784 to 1886" 
(1886), .. Gazetteer of Montreal" 
(1893), .. Streets of Montreal" (1897), 
U .JubIlee de Dimant," "Rebellion de 
'37-'38" (1898) (In French), U An- 
thology," .. Poems and Songs of the S. 
African War" (1902) ; "Authentic His- 
tory of the Eight Prisons, Civil and 
M1l1ba:ry, iMontreal" (1907), .. Hd.<;tlÛry 
0If the Diocese of Monotrea1, 1850 to 
1910" (1911); during the lalbtJer part 
o.f Us exisbellIOO wa.s ed. and Proplr. 
The Ch. of Old Eng. Mag.; m., dn eaTly 
aife, ll'"Hss OharJot1e Helena TLm<ps,on, 
Portsmouth, Entg. (d. 1892); 2ndly, 
1894, Emma L. Nicolson, wldl()lW Rev. 
.T'D'S. Richey, Seaofort:h, Ont.--80.! Buntly 
St., Montreal. 
Borup, 'Kristen, lay missionary. 
B. Denmark; carne to Can. In early 
Ufe; lived for 10 or 12 yrs. In Mont- 
real; was connected with the Y. M. 
C. A., and taught In St. .Tude's Ch.: 
prepared himself for the mission field 
by 2 yrs.' study at the Dloces. Theol. 
Coll., Montreal; was accepted by the 
C. M. S., and was sent to Uganda, E. 
Africa, under the auspices of St. 
Matthias' Ch., Montreal, which pro- 
vides for his maintenance; he erected 
the first brick house In Uganda, and 
taught the natives how to make 
bricks, as well as to lay them; more 
recently he has erected a cath. there, 
large enough to accommodate 4,000 
worshippers; has been twice m. ; 
2ndly, .Tuly, 1907, to Anna Maud, e. .,. 
.T. F. Whlteaves, LL.D., late Ca
Geol. Survey.-Mengo, Uganda, BTtt, 
E. Africa. 

Bostock, Hon, Hewitt, Senator. 
E. s, Saml. B., "The Hermitage:' 
Walton Heath, Surrey, Eng.. and Mar- 
Ian (Iliff) B.: b. .. The Hermitage," 
May 31, 1864; e. by tutor, at Sutton, 
Brighton, and Gulldford, and Tr1n, 
CoIl., Camb., where he took his degree 
In math. trlpos, 3rd class, 1885; called 
to the bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1888; came to 
B.C., 1893 ; a rancher and fruit-grower; 
has done much to aid In the honest de- 
velopment of B. C.; sat for Yale and 
Carlboo (H. C.), Lib. Interest, 1896- 
1904, when called to the Senate; was 
one of the Lib. .. whips," H.C.;' Intro- 
duced bill, H.C., 1899, to obllge ry. co's. 
to Issue passes to members of Parlt.: 
memo Ex. Comte. Brit. Empire League 
Can.. and V.-P. Can. Forestry Assn.; 
an Ang.; formeTly propr. of The Pro- 
vince newspaper; m., .Tune, 1891, Liz- 
zie .Tean, 3rd d. Hugh Cowie, K.C., 
Thandale, Wlmbledon, Eng.-Monte 
Creek Ranche, Ducks, B.O.; Alpine 
Olub, Banff. 
.. The dominant keynote of his character 
is his sincerity."-Province. 
"Is in P<>'
iIDiC8 for what he may <La 
for the State, not for what the State may 
do for him."-M. Herald. 
Boswell, Arthur Badcl1ffe, lawyet'; 
Onto 'publlc service. 
S. late .Tudge Geo. M. .T. B. and 
Susan (Radcliffe) B., Cobourg, Ont.; 
b. Cobourg, Ont., .Tan. 3, 1838; e. 
Brockvllle and U. C. '000,1.; Ibarrdster, 
1865; K.C. (E. of Derby), 1889; <prac- 
tised through/Olut In 'J.'IoroDJto; 9.pptd. 
InS<p'r. of I
s. and ,re-gr. or Frdend
SOICS. .and IJocan .008., .June, 1911; Ailid. 
there, and Mayor, do., 1883; filled 
various other pubUc positions, Includ- 
Ing that of trustee Toronto Genl. Hos- 
pital and chairman Toronto Public 
Library: a dlr. Crown LIfe Ins. Co., 
and office-bearer Onto Fish and Game 
Proto Assn.: a veteran sportsman; 
was presdt. regatta held Toronto Bay 
during visit of Prince of Wales (King 
Edward), 1860; was commodore R. C. 
Y. C. for 14 yrs., and Dresdt. Can. 
Assn. Amat. Oarsmen fõr 9 yrs.; 
elected hon. Ufe mem. R. C. Y. C., 
1907; passed Royal Mil. Sch., Toronto, 
1864; a Freemason; an .1\ng., and a 
del. to Synod; m. Ella, d. late M. D. 
Cru90, Cobourg, Ont.-194 Bloor St. W., 
Toronto; Toronto Club; Albany Olub; 
York Club, do. 
BosweU, James st, George, clvll en- 
S. late Wm. B., M.D., and Harriet 
Oharllotte (K
l()x) B., Quebec; b. 
there, Dec. 19, 1853; e. there; m., Oct. 
1, 1881, .Ju'Þ!a. .Toeepha. (presdit. 
d'r8JI GuHd" Quebec), d. ,late Hon. Sir 
H. G. .Joly de Int:biniêre. K.C.M.G.; 
graduatJed B.A.iSc. (MICGlfill Unlv.), 
1874; ,M.LC.E., 1879; ,P:L.S.;. a memo 
Soc. C. E., 1887; a,ppbd. chl!øf en gr. 
Quelbec lhaI'bour works, Q-cl., 1890; an 
Ang.; a del. to the Synod, and ch, 
warden, Quebec Cath.-!4 Ste. Anne 
St., Quebec. 
BosweU, Vesey, manufacturer. 
S. late .T. K. E., a native DubUn, 
I reI. , and /Mary .T. (Pa.berson) IE.; b. 
Quebec (city), Apt 6, 1856; e. there; 



m., Oct., 1897, Florence Isabel, d 
Alfred E. Brown, Port Marlon, C.B.; 
prop. and operator finn Boswell & 
Bro., brewers and maltsters (estab- 
lished by his fa;t'her, 1844, ISÏnoo 1893) 
Is V.-P. QUClbec Rifle IAssn., and ,of the 
Nat. IBrew.eri'C's, lAJd.; a sbewal"dJ Quebec 
Turf Club; for many yrs. a dir. Que- 
bec Bank; since 1908 V.-P. of that In- 
stitutlon; one of the originators Que- 
bec Bridge Co. and of Quebec & 
James Bay Ry. Co.; an Ang.-.J6 Des 
Carrières St., Quebec; Quebec Garri- 
Bon Olub. 
:Bosworth, George :Morris, Can. ry. 
S. Wm. C. and Eldæ.be<th (Linton) 
B. ; .b. Ogdens'burg, N.Y., Jan. 27, 1858; 
e. there; entd. ry. service Ogdensburg 
& Lake Champlain Ry., May, 1875, 
bee-aming gena. :f1reigbt <a.g'e'Il,t d'Û., Feb., 
1881; subsequently was travelling 
freight agent Nat. Despatch Line. Chi- 
cago; joined C.P.R., May, 1882, as 
asst. gent freight agent Onto and Que- 
bec lines; has since remained with 
that co., being In succession gent 
freight agent, same lines; asst. freight 
traffic mangr. lines east of Fort Wm., 
freight traffic man gr. entire system, 
and In Dec.. 1901. 4th V.-P. In charge 
'Of traffic; since 1910 has been V.-P. 
of the co. ; Is V.-P. Canada Club, Mont- 
rOOl, and a d'lr. La Banque Provinclale, 
Dom. Dry Dock Co. and Crown Trust 
Co.; a del. to Intern. Ry. Congress 
190;;; an Ang. and ch. warden St.: 
StePhen's Oh., 1M0000trea:l; m., 1st, 1i87, 
Lucy RK>ss (d. June, 1902), Ò. late L. 
O. .Medbury, De<tI"CJlt, M.ich.; 2ndly, 
Sept., 1905, AHeyne, d. W. D. Bi'rchalll 
MontroeaJl.-731 Sherbrooke St. W.: 
Montreal; St. James's Olub; Oanada 
Olub; ,1fontreal Hunt Club; Montreal 
Jockey Olub,. Royal St. Lawrence 
Yacht Olub; Lachine Boating Olub do. . 
Canadian Camp Club, N. Y.; Oentury 
Club, Ogdensburg, N.Y. 
.. A smart, up-to-date railroad man:'- 
M. Herald. 
.. One of the brainy younger men of the 
C.P.R."-M. Standard. 
Botsford, William :Murray, banking 
S. Blair and Sarah (Cogswell) B.; 
b. Dorchester, N.B., Aug. 16, 1864: e. 
private tutor; m., June, 1890, Miss 
Lena Evangeline Chipman, Kentvllle, 
N.S.; has been mangr. Royal Bank of 
Can. at Vancouver, B.C.. and Halifax, 
N.S,; apptd. do. head office, Montreal, 
JUDIe, 1906; òo. do. London. Eng., 
office, 1911; a oaunciHo'r M.oTutTea:} Bd. 
af Trade; chairman Bankers' Comte., 
do., 1910; an Ang.-London, Eng.; 
St. James's Club; ]tn. Royal Club,. 
University Club; Eng
neers' Club, 
Montreal; Halifax Club, Halifa:r:, N.S. 
.. Possesses a 8'plendid recMd as a suc. 
cessful banker."-M. Herald. 
BotteriU, Major Samuel JE" mn. ser- 
B. June 17, 1871; formerly 58th 
Regt.; retired with rank of major, 
May, 1900; an Ang.; m., Apt, 1901, 
Susan Weldon, 2nd ð. Chas. Weldon 
Adams, II The Waldrons," Croydon, 
Eng.-Oookshfre, P.Q. 

Bottomley, Mr., Kate- Madeline, 
Third d. late Jas. Barry, chief elk. of 
statistics, Dept. of Customs, Ottawa, 
and Catherine M. (Barry) B.; b. Mont- 
real; e. Convent Sacred Heart, Otta- 
wa; m., ()cIt., 1897, HaJrry (d. June, 
1906), s. a3Jte Wm. B. Bottomley, J.,P., 
Belfast, I reI. , and rreplhJew of 'late Lord 
Kelvin; .author" .HoIlJOr Edg'eworth, or 
Ottawa',s IPresent Toense," a novel; 
.. The Doctor's Daughter," a novel, and 
.. The Life of Catherine McAuley," the 
foundress of an order of mercy In the 
R. C. Ch.; since then has done hel 
best work as a literary woman, con- 
sisting of many miscellaneous stories 
articles and reviews, which have at': 
tracted much attention on account of 
their many merits; R. C.-I< The Poin- 
ciana," Sherbrooke St., Montreal. 
Baucher de Boucherville, Charles 
peUs. JaBeph, lawyer. 
S. Hon. C. B. de B. (q.'V.) and Cp- 
leste (Lussier) de B.; b. Boucherville, 
P.Q., Jan. 4, 1871; e. St. Mary's 
(Jesuit CoIl.), Laval Unlv. (B.A., 
1889; LL.L., 1893), and Roya1 MåJI. 
ColI., Kingston; gTaJduated at 'LaIbter 
a.t the head of his class, 1893; m. t!he 
d. P. P. .Martin, MionrtTæå; d.ecldrued a 
comn. In R. E.; gaz,etted Jleut, Can. 
mil., 1893; advoca.te, 1893; success.fuBy 
'PI"aCtis-es h1s ;prod'. In. Moon,treal, as a 
m>em. of fl.rm de B. & .die Lor:imier; a 
R. C.-10.J! Dorchester St. W., Mont- 
real; Boucherville, P.Q. 
Boucher de 1.. Bruère, Bon. Pierre, 
Quebec public service. 
S. late Pierre Boucher de la Bruêre, 
M.D., and - (Boucher de la Bro- 
querle) B.; descended from Lt.-Gent 
Pierre B. de B., Governor of Three 
Rivers, P.Q.; b. St. Hyacinthe, P.Q., 
.July 5, 1837; e. tnere; studied law a.t 
Laval Unlv. = finished his course under 
Sir G. E. Car-bier; m:, Jan., 1861, /Marie 
Vic.torine Alice, d. P. E. Lool'erc, N.P., 
St. Hyaciruthe, rP.Q.; advoca.<te, 1860; 
subsequenltly prothy. S. Ot.; resigned, 
1875; ed. Le Courrier de St. Hya- 
cinthe; Legislative Councillor, P. Q., 
1877-95; S:veaker of that body, with a 
seat In the Cabinet, 1882-89, and again 
1892-95; apptd. to his present office, 
Supdt. of Education P. Q., Apt 6,1895; 
D.C.L. (Lennoxville), 1895; counclllar 
Con. des Americanlstes, 1906-07; au- 
thor of various reports and pamphlets, 
Including .. Le Canada sous la Do- 
minI3JÌii'O'U An,gl,a1ise--AIJ1JaJlYise H1.stor1que" 
(1863) ; one of the chief promoters of 
the provi. Dairymen's Assn., and Its 
presdt., 1882-90; an earnest promoter 
also of beet-root sugar factories In 
P. Q.; possesses 2 flags given to the 
regt. of his grandfather, Renê B. de 
la B., during the War of 1812, by the 
Princess Charlotte of Wales. later 
Queen of the Belgians, and of the med. 
for Chateauguay, given to his grand- 
sire by QUee<Tl V.jC!t()ll',ia, 1847; a R. C. 
-110 St. Eustache St., Quebec. 
Bauchette, Bobert Erral, Dom. Parli- 
aID/enmiTY service; litterateur. 
S. late R. S. M. B., Commr. Cus- 
toms., Can., and Clara (Lindsay) B.; 
grands. Cot JOB. B., Canada's most 
noted geographer; b. Quebec, June 2, 



1863; e.. Quebec Semy. and Laval 
Un1v. (LL.'E., 1885); m., 1891, Aùic'e, 
y. d. lr8.Jte Hon. E. L. Pacaud, K.C., 
M.L.C.; MV1QICa.te, 1885; sucoessful
'PraClbl'Sed. his !prof. ån Quebec and 
subsequenrtly in ; .prlvaJte 
secy. Sdr H. .JoOly d,e Lobbtnlêre, 'Minr. 
In.}. Rev., Otrtawa, 1898-1900, when 
apptd. 10 1hds pres'ent tposi,tdon as 
chief elk. of the staff .of the library 
()ff Pa'rlt., Ot1::awa ; for many yrs. 
aobivoeiy oonnoected wibh rt'hoe news- 
paper press, as editor and correspond- 
ent; editor L'Electeur, Quebec; has 
contributed to numerous mags. and 
reviews; is a/lsQ favouraJbly knlO,wn as a 
pubIlc lecturer; author of his father's 
memoirs; of II Robert Laze," an econ- 
omic novel, and of the following 
works on economics: II Emparons- 
nous de l'Industrle," II L'Evolutlon 
Economique," II Etudes Sociales et 
EoonO'IDJiqu-es sur J]e OanadJa," .. L'Inld- 
pendan.oe Eoonl()ll'IlIlque doll Canada Fran- 
calse"; F, R. S. C.. 1905; a memo Le 
Dlx Club, Ottawa; councillor Can. 
s Assm, 1907.--3;;" Wilbrod 
St., Ottawa. 
II A young gentleman of marked ability, 
who has already done much patriotic work 
for his Province, and will do more, if 
given due encouragement."-Sir H. G. 
J ol1l de Lotbinière. 
Boudreau, L, N, K, Bodolphe, Can. 
publlc .service. 
S. late Dr. .J. B. B., Doucet's Land- 
ing, P.Q., and Sarah (Fortier) B.; b. 
St. Gregoire, P.Q., Sept. 19, 1865; e. 
Ni'OOI1e't CoOlii. an.d! La.vaJ
 Unlv.; m., 
1893, Annie, d. Thos. Wens'ley, Ottawa; 
private socy. Sir W. Laurie,r, 1890- 
1907; accompanded Sir W. Lauri-er toO 
Washington and toO London, .on 'Official 
milss1ons; enctd. C. S., .July, 1896; asst. 
cl'k., P. C., .July, 1900; oIk., P. C., May 
6, 1907.-198 Stewart St., Ottawa. 
Boudreau, :Rev, :MOBes :Prank (Presb.). 
S. .J. B., Ste. Anne, Ill.; b. there, 
1853; e. Washington and .Jefferson 
Call., Penn.; joining Presb. Ch., with 
his parents, studied theoI. Presb. ColI., 
M,o.ru1::real; m., l,st, 1878, AnTIlie (d.), d. 
i'8.lte Rev. E. A. Warn, Po,int '8t. 
Charl-es. 1'ÆontreaJ.'; 2 ndlly, Jun
, 1896, 
Miss Mary E. Riabinson, Shawbmdg.e, 
P.Q.; (). 1877; has 'been sucoessiV'eIJy 
pastor at DanV'ilDe, New Glasg,ow, St. 
Hyaointt.he, Farn.ham, P.Q.., and Que- 
bec' 11IOW at M:errlckvme, Onrt. ; 
aw; .MonltJreaJ. Pre'sbY., 1894; declined. 
ca.'b] to Green Bay, Wis., 1906.-Mer- 
rickville, Onto 
Boudreau, Bev, Placlde (Pres b.). 
B. French-Can. parentage, L' Acadle, 
P.Q., Sept. 29, 1842; e. Hanover ColI., 
Ind., and Toronto Unlv.; studied theoI. 
Knox ColI., Toronto, a.nd McCormIck 
Theol. Semy., Chicago, Ill.; o. 1870; 
pastor Ste. Anne Presb. Ch.. 1870-99; 
noc'h Brosb. Ch., Que
, 1899- 
1906; since 1906 has b
.en French 
master Boy
 High 'Soch., Quebec; a 
dist. grand chaiplaln Grand Lodge oO,r 
Freemason.s, P. Q.-185 st. John St., 
Bouillon, Bev, George (R. C.). 
S. late Geo. and Desauges (de La- 
voie) B.; b. o Rimouskl, P.Q., Feb. 10, 

1841; e. Christian Brothers Sch. and 
Ottawa Unlv.; o. 1874; hon. canon, 
1889 ; was attached to Ottawa BasUlca 
for many yrs.; retired from active 
duties of priesthood, 1904; travelled 
extensively In Europe, Asia, and Afri- 
ca, 1885 and 1891; has won distinc- 
tion as a c'h. architect; designro a new 
cath. for N. Y., called Nova Sanda 
Sophia, 1902.-178 Rideau Terrace, Ot- 
Boulanger, Lt,-Col, Theodore Lefebre 
d1t, Can, mil, service. 
S. Majoric dit E. and Luce (Beau- 
doin) B., St. Isidore, P.Q.: b. there, 
May 11, 1855; e. Call. Ste. Marie, 
Beauc-e, P.Q.; m., May, 1883, .Mdss 
.J'ennie Rosemon.d!e Lemeilln (d. .Jan., 
1908); organ!iz'ed Quebec Gar. Arty., 
'Mc.h., 1881; b.t.-major do... Mch., 
1891; m'aj. d'O., Dec., 1893; It.-coI. 
1st Field Batty. Can. Arty., Mch., 
1902; do. Field Arty., May, 1902; 
do., O. S. C., .July, 1903; O. S. C., Oct., 
1907; C. O. C., Dec., do.: served In S. 
African War, 1900, Including opera- 
tions in Orange Free State, operations 
In Transvaal, May and .June and .June- 
Sept. (med., with 3 claspR); also In 
Intern. War against China, 1900-01 
(med.) ; recd. also the mHltary Order 
of the Dragon, from China, and the 
long-service decoration from Eng. ; 
presented with testimonial from people 
of Queboc, Aug., 1901; a R. C.-Cal- 
gary, Alta. 
Boultbee, Lt,-Col, Frank Wa8hlngton, 
civil service. 
S. Washington B., Boxtelly Hall, 
Warwickshire, Eng., and Eliza S. B., d. 
Wm. Bourne, Kent, Eng.; b. Ancaster, 
Ont., May 23, 1862; e. Hamilton, Ont.; 
unm. ; secy. Vancouver W. Works 
since 1892; served in Winnipeg Field 
Batty. during N. W. Rebellion, 1885 
(med. with clasp), Including actions 
at Fish Creek and Batoche; major 6th 
Duke of Con naught's Own Rifles, 1901; 
It.-coI. commdg. do., Oct., 1907; Ang.- 
Vancouver, B.C.; Vancouver Club, do. 
Boulton, Alexander Claude Forster, 
lawyer; legislator. 
O. s. late .Jas. Forster B., barrister, 
Ottawa, and .Jane, d. Col. Graham, 
late H. M.'s 76,t'h Reg>t.; ,g>rands. .Jas. 
B., barrIster, Tor011loo; gt.-grands. Hon. 
D' Arcy B., sometime a judge of the 
King's Bench, U. C.; b. Port Hope, 
Ont., 1862; e. Trln. Call. Sch., Port 
Hope, and Trln. Unlv., Toronto; m., 
1891, Florence Marian (d. .June, 1903), 
o. c. late Hy. Harms, Horsham, Sus- 
sex; barrlste r ( Onto ) , 1888 ; do, 
(Inner Temple), 1896; has been en- 
gaged In numerous criminal cases at 
Old Bailey; apptd. counsel to GenI. 
P.O., at Central Criminal Ct., .June, 
1906; besides numerous contributions 
to mag. literature, Is author of II The 
Law and Practice of a Case Stated," 
and of various Can. editions of Eng. 
legal text-books; an advanced Lib. and 
a free trader, and elected In that In- 
terest for Ramsay d1v., Hants (Eng. 
H. C.), g. e. 1906, the only Lib. ever 
ele,oted ,in tJhrat con.sUtu
y; defeated, 
1910; SPQke In H. C. on colonial sub- 
jects; F.R.G.IS.; .J.P.; jolnlt foundeT 
wUh Sir Walter B-esan1 of the 



Atlantic Union, and Its first secy.; 
as a Y'Oung man passed examn. at 
Royal Sch. Infy., ThI'OO1;to, and held 
a Ueutenancy In Royal Grenadiers 
there; has travelled extensively 
through U. S., Can., and Europe; was 
a memo C. P. R. land explorers, sent 
out to select the land to be taken upon 
the land grant; spent 7 mths. on prair- 
Ies and foothills of Rocky Mts.; an 
Ang.; believes in the alllance of the 
Anglo-Saxon nations, and has faith in 
the Brit. Empire.--5 Kings Bench 
Walk, Temple, London, E.C.; Reform, 
National Liberal, and Eighty Clubs, do. 
Bourassa, Henri, legislator; jour- 
S. Napoleon (q.v.) and Azeilie 
(Papineau) B.; b. Montreal, Sept. 1, 
1868; e. by private tultlon; m., Sept., 
1905, Josephine, d. Godefrol Papineau, 
Montebello, P.Q.; removed to Monte- 
bello, 1886; mayor of Montebello, 1890- 
4; d.o. do. Papinoeauvllle, 1897; since 
then removed to 'Monrtreail; formerly 
an Ind. Lib.; now and for some yrs. a 
N3JtlonaJlolst; known as "the l'OOder 'of 
the NationaUsts"; one of the signers 
of the address from the Lib. party of 
Can. to the Pope, 1896, resul tlng In the 
appt. of a Papal ablegate to Can,; sat 
for Labelle (H.C.), 1896-1907; since 
the g.e., 1908, has held a seat In the 
Local Assembly, P.Q. ; on latter 
00caslon was returned for 2 sea.ts:- 
Montreal No. 2 and S1. Hyacinthe; 
elected to sit for St. Hyacinthe; re- 
signed from H.C., Oct., 1899, "In order 
to vindicate his position on the consti- 
tutional aspect of the participation of 
Can. In the S.A. War, contending that 
.,uch participation, as contemplated ana 
organized by the Brit. Govt. and Its 
re.presen1:atÏve in Can., m.eant Q deep 
change In our relations with Gt. 
Brit., upon which the people of Can. 
should be thoroughly enlightened and 
directly consulted"; on this occasion 
was re-elected, by acclamation, Jan., 
1900; unsuccessfully contested Belle- 
chasse (Local), Nov. 4, 1907; on this 
latter occasion was challenged by Hon. 
A, Turgeon (q.v.), the sitting mem., to 
bring forward, In his constituency, 
specific charges against his admn. of 
the Crown Lands Dept., Quebec; for- 
merly secy., Sauvegarde Life Ins. Co.; 
resigned, 1908; called to the bar (P.Q.) 
by Act of Parlt., 1899; a journalist 
for many yrs.; formerly ed. and prop. 
of L'Interprete (Montebello); later, a 
leading contributor to Le Nationaliste 
(Montreal) ; now one of the props. of 
and edibor-in-chlef of Le Devoir (do.) ; 
contrlbuted to the Monthly Rev. 
(1902) a series of articles on If The 
French-Canadian In the British Em- 
plre" (repubUshed in pamphlet fonn), 
and Is the author of the following 
other pamphlets: "Grande Bretagne et 
Canada--Questlons Actuelles" (1892) . 
cc Le Patrlotlsme Canadlen-Françals ,: 
(1902) ; and" The Reciprocity Agree- 
ment and Its Consequences as viewed 
from a Nationalist standpoint" 
(1911); has lectured on "The Race 
Problem In Canada," "The CathoUc 
Social Movement," "The Political and 
Social Poslt!on of Women," "The 
formation of public opinion at the 

World's Universities," and other sub- 
jects; paid a lengthy visit to Europe, 
1910; took a prornil1Jenot lþart in tibia 
g. e. of 1911, In opposition to the 
Laurier .Admn., chiiefiy on the Can. 
navy question; R. C.-71a St. James 
St., Montreal. 
"A man of ability, hone6ty a.nd couTage." 
-Oan. Oourier. 
"His ellOquenoC9 is great; his eBll"Ile.stness 
immense; his honm sta.inole1!lS."-Oan, 
.. No more man in Parliament, 
and he typifies the gen,iuB, the ardor, the 
convictiQus and the prejudices of Quebe'c." 
-T. New.. 
.. One of the most brilliant members of 
the House of Common,s, and, at the same 
time, one of the mOßt intere-stin.g figtLrea 
on- the Oanadian- political stage."-T. Glob, 
(1906) . 
"An hon()rable and man, ODt! 
who da.res stand u.p atone for what he 
deems right; is a good speaker, and with 
his he,arty foUowin,g can hardly fail to 
make his way."- 1'he late Dr. Goldwin 
.. Possesses to a remarkable degree the 
qualities CYf leadeI"Ship. While he has mani- 
fest courage, there is transparen't fr.anknese 
in his utterances, and an dis- 
regard foor the effect of his words upon 
his (}wn ca.roor; we. Ioo.k 1Lpon him Bð the 
1D(),st dangerous critic the government has 
to co.n-tend with."-Oan. Ohurchman. 
Bourassa, Napoleon, author; archl- 
beet; pa'inrt'er. 
S. late Françolse B., Montebello, P.Q, ; 
b. L'Acadie, P.Q., Oct. 21, 1827; e. 
P'8itlt Semy. de 81. Sulplce, MQn1treal; 
m., 1857, Marle Jwlde AzeÞ!e (d. 1869), 
Y. d. 13Jte Hon. L. J. Piapinoeau, the 
fa.mous Can. sta.tesman; for a shol't 
time a student-at-law; studied art 
under late T-heophi'le Hamel 3Jt Que- 
bec and 'Voronbo, and was, later, f'Ülr 
3 yrs. at Florence and Rome; had no 
special seh., but was much with Over- 
beck, the German religious painter, 
and followed his methods closely; his 
Intimacy with O. Is noticeable In the 
frescoes he executed In the chapel 
of the Nazareth Asylum, Montreal, 
the first decorative work he under- 
took after his return to Can.; the 
Ch. of Notre Dame de Lourdes, Mont- 
real is an example of his powers as 
architect, painter and decorator; In re- 
cent yrs. has confined himself almost 
solely to architecture, and has designed 
several fine chs. In Can. and U. S.: a 
memo Bd. Arts and Manuf., P. Q., 1880; 
chosen, same yr., by M. of Lorne (now 
Duke of Argyll) as a memo of the 
newly established Royal Acad. of Arts; 
V.-P. do., 1880-85; now retired from 
acado ; presdt. St. Jean Bap. Soc., Mont- 
real,1882; one of the founders of La Rev. 
Canad., 1864, and for some yrs. a dlr. 
thereof; a frequent contributor thereto 
of reminiscences of travel and other 
papers; among sevarate works has 
published "Jacques et Marie," an his- 
torical romance, relating to the disper- 
sion of the Acadlans, 1765; " Nos 
Grand' Mêres," a descriptive sketch of 
the women of old French Can., and 
several vols. of lectures.-St. Hya- 
cinthe, P.Q. 



Bourbonnais, August, physician; 
S. late Michel B.; famIly came from 
France with La Salle, 1644; b. St. Clet, 
P.Q., Mch. 19, 1850; e. Ste. Therese 
Coli. and LavaJ Unåv. (B.A., 1872; 
M.B., 1874; Uc.Med., avec distinction 
1876) ; 'practised at first at Syracuse: 
N.Y.; a,fterwal'ds and now at O()lteau 
Dandling; a Lib., and represented Sowl. 
aruges (H. C.), 1896-1908.-Coteau 
Landing, P.Q. 
Bourgeois, Georges, physician. 
S. late Dr. G. A. B., P. O. Inspr., 
Three Rivers, P.Q., chevalier com- 
mandeur de L'Ordre du Sepulchre et 
chevalier Sauveteur des Alpes Mari- 
times; b. Three Rivers, Dec. 3, 1872; 
e. Three Rivers Semy. and Laval Univ. 
(M.D., avec distinction, 1896); m., 
June, 1901, :!\fube.}, '0. d. R. Kleman 
reg;r.; studied at Paris, France, 1896
98; for some time a 'Pupil 8Jt the 
Pasteur Inst. there; a:p,ptd. otTr. 
d'aoad., Franoe, Od., 1906; memo Provl. 
Bd. of Hea:I'tJh, 1907; author "AIC'OOI- 
Ism.e," a reVlÎsed versi.o'lJi of :a report 
presenlt.ed by hi1m -to :t!hte 3rd Congress 
of the .Med. Assn. of N. Am., which 
met at Three RiV'ers, June, 1906 
(1907); R. C.; Lib.-.J7 Laviolette 
Ave., Three Rivers, P.Q. 
II Clever and progressive."-M. Witness. 
Bourgeois, Bev. Phll
as Frederio 
(R. C.). 
S. Frederic S. and Osdthe (Bourgeois) 
B., both French Acadiens; b. Mem- 
ramcook, N.B., Nov. 17, 1855; e. St. 
Joseph's ColI. there; joined Order of 
St. Croix, 1873; o. 1879; was a colI. 
prof, fur 28 y,rs. and a parish priest 
(in Antig'O', No'S.) for 6 yrs.; 
author of co Panêgyrique de r Abbê SI- 
gogne" (1892), "L'Ecole aux Appari- 
tions Mysterieuses" (1896), "L'Hls- 
tolre du Canada en _ 200 Leçons" 
(1903) ; "Deuxiême Livre de Lecture:' 
"Trolsiême Livre de Lecture" (sêrle 
publlêe par T. Nelson & Fils, Edin- 
bourg, 1907); .. Henry Wadsworth 
Longfellow-Sa vie, ses CEuvres Llt- 
têraires, son Poême Evangêllne 
(Conf.) (1907).-Univ. St, Joseph'8 
CoZZ., St. J08eph, N.R. 
Bourne, Bev, :Nicholas .A. Fitzroy 
S. Nicholas B., Barbadoes, W.I.; b. 
there; e. McGill Univ. (B.A., 1887); 
groJdua.ted Miollltreal Theol. Coli., 1887; 
m., 1st, MiJdoe. Isabella WiUiamson (d. 
Oot., 1903) ; 2.ndZ,y, ApI., 1905, Florenc-e 
May, d. Rev. R. M. Horse,y, Kingston, 
Onot.; a deaoon. 1886; pri.est, 1887; 
laboured. suocesslvely In BristO'I ana 
Thorne and Leslåe ; was then rec- 
tor St. Andrews, and afterwards ot 
Dunham and Longueuil, P.Q.; assisted 
In reorganizing Dunham Ladies' ColI., 
1894, and was Its principal for 3 yrs.; 
was afterwards a tutor In preparatory 
dept. Montreal Dioc. ColI.; apptd. 
rector Christ Ch., Llstowel, Ont., Oct., 
1906; incumbent -Scarboro, Onlt., 1909- 
11; since 'then has 'been redor, An 
Sainrts' Ch., Penetanguishene, On.t.; 
weIll known as a cricketer; a del. to 
Sy.ruods.-The Rectory, Penetangui8h- 
ene, Onto 

Bovey, Henry 'ray10r, educationist. 
B. .DevoOnshåre, Eng., May 7, 1852; e. 
private sch. and Carnb. Unlv., where 
he competed for and obtained an open 
scholar.; on graduation, took high 
place In the math. tripos, and was 
shortly afterwards made a fellow of 
Queen's ColI.; adopting the profession 
of civ1,1 engr., 'he jodned the slatT o.f'the 
Mersey Docks and Harbour Works, and 
was in a short time apptd. an asst. 
engr. on this work, In wWch capacity 
he had charge of some of the most 
Important structures then in progress; 
came to Can., on his appt. as prof. of 
civil eng. and app. mech., McGill Unlv., 
1887; at that time the eng. courses In 
the univ. were managed as a branch of 
the faculty of Arts, and were without 
buildings or equipment; the following 
year, however, a dept. of app. science 
was constituted, with Prof. B. as dean, 
and to his management and advice the 
science dept. owes Its development; 
resigned. on his appt. as rector of the 
Imp. ColI. of Science and Tech., Lon- 
don, Eng, 1908, an office from which 
he retired, owing to lll-hea.lth, 1909; 
presented with various testimonials on 
leaving McGlH; one of the founders of 
the Can. Soc. C. E. and held the offices 
of hon. secy., treas., and memo of coun- 
cil for many yrs.; became V. P., 1896- 
97, and presdt., 1900; awarded! Gzow- 
ski moo. by soc. for paper on II The 
Strength of Can. Douglas Fir, Red 
Pine, White Pine, and Spruce," 1895 
is a M. I. C. E. (Eng.) and: of the Liver- 
pool Soc. C. E. (of which soc. he was 
one of the founders); an hon. memo 
Nat. Elec. Light Assn. of U. S.; a 
F. R. S. C. (In which soc. he was 
presdt. of Sec. III., 1896) ; V.-P. Mech. 
Sec. Brit. Assn., 1897; D. C. L. (Len- 
noxvllle), 1892; LL.D. (Queen's), 1893; 
do. (McGill), 1893; F. R. S., 1902; 
hon. fellow Queens' CoIl., Camb., 1906; 
is author of U Applied Mechanics .. 
(1882), .. Theory of Structures and 
Strength of Materials," (1893) (6th 
ed., 1905) ; co Hydraulics" (1895) (6th 
ed., 1904), and a number of papers 
for various selen. bodies; when In 
Montreal was a dlr. Parks and Play- 
grounds Assn. and Charity Organ. Soc.. 
and a councillor and secy. Victorian 
Order Nurses; presented to the King 
and Queen, 1909; a. Presb. and an elder 
In his ch.; m., May, 1880, Emily Jane 
Bonar (vromlnently Identified with 
Victorian Order Nurses and presdt. 
Local Council Women), y. d. late John 
Redpath, Montreal.-16 Hans Rd., Lon- 
don, S.W., Eng.; Montreal; Univeraityo 
Club, do. 
U Has done work <Yf n.ational import- 
ance."-Syren and Shipping. 
II The pioneer in Can. of Univ. engineer- 
ing."-Prof. DupuÏl. 
BoviUe, :Rev, :Robert George (Bapt.). 
S. Wm. and Mary (O'Neill) B., 
Ottawa; b. II The Grange," Co. Antrim, 
Irel., 1854; e. Belfast public schs. and 
Aberdeen Univ. (M.A., with honours in 
mental phil., 1881) ; studied theol. Mc- 
Master Unlv. (B.D., 1885) ; later studied 
for 2 yrs. Berlin, Lelpsic, Geneva. and 
Sorbonnoe, IPal1is; m., ApI., 1901, Mis!!- 



Amry Hoopoe, N. Y.; o. 1883, anq was, up 
to 1894, and again, subsequently, pas- 
tor James St. Ch., Hamilton, Ont.; 
travelled extensively, and became well 
known as a lecturer and writer; un- 
successfully contested Hamilton (H. 
C.), Con. Interest, g. e. 1896 (defeated 
by 23 votes) ; dellvered course of Sun- 
day afternoon lectures, Montreal, 1900; 
more recently r,emoved ro N. Y.-162 
Second Ave.. New Y O1'k. 
:BovWe, Thomas Cooper, Dom. pubUc 
S. WIffi. arm Mary (O'NeUI) B., 
Ottawa; Irish extraction; b. II The 
Grange," Co, Antrim, Irel., Mch. 14, 
1860; e. .Model .soh., BellfaSlt, Ire.L, 
Ottawa. CoHo Inst. and Toronto 
Ullilv. (B.A., 1884); m.,, 1905, 
iMargt. Caroline Tapllng, e. d. W. N, 
SiLver, H
llÌ.fax, N.S.; oenrtd. pU'bHc 
vice, Jan., 1883; chief elk., 1902; secy. 
Dept. Finance, 1905; Depty. Minr. 
Finance and Secy.-Treasury Bd., Nov., 
1906; accompanied! Mr. Fielding to 
London, Eng., as private secy., King's 
coronation, and London conf., 1902, and 
to London and Paris (French Treaty), 
1907; elootoo pl'eßd.t. loc.aJl braIllOh, To- 
ronto Univ. Alumni Assn., 1910; as 
a volunteer, served In Queen's Own, 
Toronto, and was sUbsequently capt. 
and adjt. 43 rd Regt.; a memo Bls- 
ley rifle team, 1893 and 1895 (Queen's 
badge for maræsmanship); a Bapt.- 
-Aylmer Apartment8, Slater St., Ot- 
tawa; Rideau Olub, do. 
"An exceUen.t man fQJI" the pQoM;."-T. 
Bowan, :Frederick B" physician, 
Comes from Dundas, Ont.; gradu- 
ated Toronto Sch. Med., 1906; post- 
grad. course Johns Hovkins Univ., 
Baltimore, Md. ; apptd. asst. clin. 
pathologist In U. S. Govt. laboratories, 
Manilla, P.I., 1908.-.Manilla, P.l, 
Bowden, Miss Belen E, S" organist. 
D. John B., formerly of Montreal; 
studied for her profession at Dom. 
ColI. Music, Montreal (cert., 1896); 
later apptd. organist Ch. of the Re- 
deemer, Jersey City, N.J.-Jer8ey City, 
Bowden, Wm, Arthur, cIvIl engIneer; 
Dam. pUblic service. 
B. E. Town-ships, p.Q., July, 1872; 
e. :there and McGiH Univ. (B.A. s.c., 
1893) ; a P.Lo'S.; an assoc. memo Can. 
Soc. C. E., 1899; some,ume with the 
Am,. Bridge -Co., ,Pi,ttsburg, 'Pa., and 
wlth the Looomo1Jive & -Ma.cthdn
MontJreal-; entd. Can. public S>erv-ice as 
designdng .engr., Dept. IOf Rys. and 
Oanoals, .Se-pt., 1908; 'Promoted' chief 
engI'., do., ApI., 1910.-115 Second Avc., 
.. A very capable designer of steel work 
and buildings."-M. Herald. 
Bowell, Hon, Sir Mackenzie, states- 
S. late John B., carpenter and bldr.; 
b. Rickinghall, Suffolk, Eng.. Dec. 27, 
1823; coming to Can. with his parents, 
1833, became a printer's apprentice, In 
office of the Belleville Intelligencer, of 
which newspaper he became, In after 
yrs. ed. and propr.: eJ.rected chairman 

of Bd. of Sch. Trustees and Of the 
Grammar Sch. Bd., BeiHevi'lle ; ibe- 
came Identified with the Orange order, 
and was successively G. M., Orange 
Grand Lodge Onto East, G. M. Grand 
Lodge of Brit. Am., and presdt. Tri- 
ennial Council of Orangeism; joIned 
vol. force, 1857 (having in that year 
assisted in raising a rifle co.) ; gazetted 
ensign, June, 1865; served on the fron- 
tier during the Am. War, 1864-65, and 
during Fenian troubles, 1866: was 
capt. No.1 co., 15th Argyll LIght InfY., 
and sUbsequently major 49th Rifles; 
retired with rank of It.-col., Mch., 
1874; hon. It.-col. 49th Regt., 1903; 
promoted col., 1907 (FenIan med. and 
iong-service d
l'a.Ibion); unsuccess- 
fuLly o()DItestoo N. Has'tings, Con. 
Interest (Leg. Assem., Can.), 1863; 
sat for N. Hastings (H. C.) 1867-92; 
called to Senate, Dec. 5, 1892; was a 
:nem. of the Macdonald, Abbott, and 
Thompson Admns., 1878-94, holding 
successively the offic
s of Min-r. of Cus- 
toms, Minr. of Militia, and Minr. ot 
Trade and Commerce (which latter 
dept, he organized) therein; Prime 
Minr. (with the office of Presdt, P. C.), 
Dec., 1894-Apl., 1896; resigned office, 
ApI. 27, 1896; Govt. leader In the Sen- 
ate, 1893-96; leader of the Opposition 
in ,same coomber, 1896-1906, when he 
resigne-d, and was presen.ted with a tes- 
timonial of their esteem by the mems, 
ùf iI.lhJe Oon. ;paT'ty åI1' boo Senl3.
t.e; K.C. 
M.G., 18-95; ,resumed corunec1.i'Ü'Il w.itJh 
newspaper 'Press, a.s ed. an.d 'P'I"O'Pr, 
Belleville lntelligencer, Sept., 1896 ; 
wa.S '30 de1. to AIustra1.ita, wftrt:h Sir S. 
F1lJeiming (q.v.), in etllppom of rtJhe fu- 
Clifi'C lCa 'bl.e ßJoo.roc It-rode pUrpiO'S'eos, 18,9 3 ; 
a'I1ld, ill3.lter, ,to En,g. wiJtih retS{POOt. 110 the 
same c8Jbl.e ; as'sist-ad In orgalllÏzing 
Ooionial Oon1:., OMJaiWa, of which he 
was chaIrman, June, 1894; attended 
3rd Oom.' Oon,gress, London, as a .prI- 
v.a.te memo (H. C.); served {)Ill sel'eot 
eomte. !appte. to enquire linlto causes 'Üf 
N.....W. troubles, 1869-70, ane subse- 
quen1bly moved for IÌ:he expu:lsÌm1 of 
Louis. Riel from Parlt,; rec(}. tesN- 
moniall {rom Oran:ge body for his 
aotion in .this m8itter; as PrIme 
M1nr. his main IþOUcy was the en- 
forcement of remediall legislaUon dn 
brue malter of .the !Man. sch. question, 
on which policy he was prepared to 
stand or fall; he faIled In hIs negotia- 
tions for the entrance of Nfd. into the 
Dom., and Is credited with having 
done more to break up the Con. party 
than any other cause or agency; apptd. 
a gov. Toronto Univ., 1906: is V.-P. 
Brit. League In Can.; a dir. Sun & 
Hastings Savings & Loan Co., presdt. 
La Cred'Í't Can., BellreV'iUe Hardtware 
Mfg. CIO., ;BeiUevWll6 Paciking 00., 
Northumberland - Durham Power Co., 
and Lmp. Life tAssur. Co.; ruppbd. onte 
of the represen:tatlves of Senate at 
K1ng Goor
's 1OOroI1Bibion, ùon!dJolIl. 
1911; Ibelleves that the gene-ral 
of 'Our people ds for a olroser union with 
t'hoe .Mother Country, nationally and 
co-mmercia:Uy; 18. .Mclh.; m., Dec., 1847, 
Harriet Louisa (d. .AqJl., 1884), d. late 
Jacob G. .Mo'Ore, BeUevHle.-Belleville, 
Ont.; Rideau Olub, Ottawa; Albany 
Olub, 7'07'ontO. 



Bowen, Levi, geologist. 
B. Kingston, ant., June 21, 1887; 
e. Queen's Univ., Kingston (M.A., 
1907; Unlv. med., In chemistry; Alex- 
ander gold med. in Prel, H. Germ.; 
B.Sc., 1909; awarded an Exhn. of 
1851 sc'lence research scholar., 1909): 
spent 3 yrs. In geol. work, Bureau of 
Mines, Toronto; Ang,-!,J! Brock St., 
Kingston, Onto 
Bowes, Bobert Heber, lawyer. 
S. late John Geo. B., at one time 
Mayor, and subsequently M. P. for 
Toronto In Can. Parlt., and Anne 
(Hall) B.: b. Toronto, Aug. 29, 1851; 
e. U. C. 0011. and Toronto Urulv.; m., 
1885, F.lorence, d. '1l8Jte Capt. Geal
, R. 
C. Rifles; barrister, 1873; K.C., 1908; 
practises In; a capt. Que-en.s 
Own Rifles (retired list): V.P. Lind- 
say, Bobcaygoon & PontY1J'Ü'ol Ry.; 
f'Ormerly presdt. Irish Proto Ben. Soc., 
Tororuto; -an Ang.-llB Bedf01'd Rd., 
Toronto j Toronto Olub j National Olub, 
Bowie, Duncan Ewen, lawyer. 
S. late Dr. Jas. B. and Harriet (Mc- 
GUlIs) B., Seaforth, Ont.; father one 
of the Bowles, of Bowie Hall, Denny, 
Stlrllngshlre, Scot.; b. St. Eustache, 
P.Q., Sept. 26, 1852: e. ant. Grammar 
schs., Mon'treal CoIl. (st. Sul;plce), a'Ild 
McGill Un-iv. (B.C.L., 1873); m. 
Ge'Ûrgjna Allee, o. d. 'late Wm. E. Phf.l- 
Ups, II BeUevue II.a:1'I," and .. Rock- 
mount," MOl1'treaJl: adV'OCate, 1874 ; 
practised 'profession In !Montreal; a 
R. C.--859 Tupper St., Montreal. 
Bowie, Henry William, Can. public 
E. s. late Capt. Alex. B., Ottawa 
River Nåv. Co., Ottawa, and - (Shep- 
pard) B.; b. Ottawa, Nov. 10, 1862; 
e. Ottawa CoIl. Inst.: m., Jan., 1892, 
Helena Louise, o. d. J. A. Gouin (q.v.), 
Ottawa: granted cert. of competency as 
a shipmaster, 1884; private secy. Hon. 
P. White, Speaker H. C., Can., 1891-93 ; 
Depty. Sergt.-at-Arms. H. C. (a posi- 
tion he still fills), JUly, 1903; formerly 
a capt. G. G. F. Gds.; Is presdt.. Union 
Rescue Mission for Men, Ottawa; an 
Ang.--8 Olitr St., Ottawa. 
Bowlby, John Wedgwood, lawyer, 
U. E. L. descent: s. late Adam and 
Elizabeth (Sovereign) B., Townshend, 
Norfo'lk, ant.; b. there; e. l
a.l schs. 
and Toronto Urulv. (LL.B., 1860): m. 
Chrlst'lna (d. .May, 1911), d. Joseph 
Rogers, Toronto; barrister, 1860; K.C., 
1890; MaY'Or I()f BmnttoI'd, 1907-08.- 
Bmntford, Onto 
Bowles, Bev, Newton Ernest (Meth.) 
S. Geo. and Elizabeth (Pinch) B.; 
b. Co. Peel, ant., Sept. 19, 187J
: e. 
Brampton HI
h Sch. and Victoria 
Unlv., Cobourg (B.A., 1903): o. 1906: 
proce-eded, same year, as a missionary 
to W. ChIna.-Ren Shou, Sz-Ohuat
We8t Ohina. 
Bowles, Bev, Btchard Pinch (Meth.) 
S. Geo. and Elizabeth (Pinch) B., 
paternally family originally Palatinate 
Germans; b. Mono Road, nr. Bramp- 
ton, ant., 1864; e. Brampton High 
Sch. and Victoria Univ., Cobourg 
(B.A., with honours, 1885; M.A., 1888; 

B.D., do.): m. Miss Annie V. Devitt, 
Cartwright, Ont.; o. 1888: after ful- 
filling several mInor charges, became 
pastor Sherbourne St. Ch., Toronto, 
1896, passing thence to the Metropoli- 
tan Ch., same city, to Grace Ch., Win- 
nipeg, and back to Sherbourne St. Ch., 
Toronto, 1905; apptd. prof. homiletics, 
Victoria Unlv., 1905, which positlon.he 
still fills; an ex-councillor Unlv. To- 
ronto Alumni Assn.-589 Huron St., 
II A fascinating preacher."-Meth. Wall. 
II His addresses have exerted unusual 
tnfluence."-S. N. 
.. One of the cleverest and most capable 
of students."-M. Star. 
Bowles, William Campbell, Can. ry. 
S. late Hy. B., Montreal; b. ßnd e. 
Montreal: m., June, 1903, Margt., 2nd 
d. David Shedden, Woodstock, ant.: 
in service C. P. Ry. for many yrs.; 
was successively chief elk., Winnipeg: 
geni. freight agent Calgary dist., do" 
do. Kootenay dist.; apptd. do. 'Vinni- 
peg, Mch., 1908; now, do., Pacific dlv, 
-Vancouver, B.O. 
Bowman, Charles Martin, manufac- 
turer; legIslator. 
E. s. late J. E, B., M.P. and Lydia 
(Erb) B.; b. St. Jacob's, ant., May 7, 
1863: e. there and Berlin High Sch.; 
m., 1886, Miss Lulu Hesser, Howell, 
Mich.; a manufacturer (tanner and 
lumberer) ; has been r
eve and presdt. 
Bd. of Trade, Southampton, ant. ; a Lib., 
and has represented N. Bruce (Local) 
since 1898; latterly chief Lib. whip: 
memo Ex. Comte. Genl. Reform A
ant.; spoken of In connection with 
senatorsWp.-Southampton, Onto j On- 
tario Olub, Toronto. 
Bowman, :Frederick Behtmer, physi- 
B. Dundas, ant., Nov. 7, 1883; e. 
Dundas HI
h Sch.: graduated M.B. 
(Unlv. Toronto), 1906; post-graduate 
Johns Hopkln
 Unlv., Baltimore, 1907; 
asst. bioI. laboratory, Bureau of 
Science, Manilla; asst. In trop. med, 
Philippine Med. Sch.: resident physi- 
cian, St. Paul's Hosp., Manilla; chemi- 
cal path., Clv:il Hoop., do.; bact. willi 
Philippine Bureau of Health In work 
of segregating the levers of the Is- 
lands; also assisted in Cholera Hosp., 
Manilla; has a record of cures never 
excelled: contributed to Journal of 
Science, Manilla. paper on trop. infan- 
tile dysentery, with description of a 
new organlsm.-St. Paul's Hosp., JEa- 
nillaj Univer8ity Olub,. Athletic C'lub, 
Bowring, Sir William Benjamin, Bart" 
S. late C. T. B.. and grands. Benj. 
B., both prominently associated with 
commerce and politics at Liverpool, 
Eng.; b. St. John's, Nfd, 1837: e, 
 and Birminlghiam; m., 1863, 
Miss Isobel' :MaiClean Jal"V'is (U. E. L. 
descent), a nativ-e of 'St. John. N.B., 
who has donle much ,too prov-e her .prac- 
tical sympa.thy with ,the sufferirug poor 
and needy .of Liv>erp'ool (see Morgan's 
II TY'pes of Carua-dlan Women." Toranlta, 


1903); CI01TlIII1'eI1ÚOO busin.e'ss ,in Nfd.; 
la.ter estabtl'Íshted b'ro.JlJCh of fartoher's 
business in N. Y., oreturnJing to 
LIVJerpoool' afber 7 y.f!s., where be 
became senllor ,part'Iller :of Bowring 
S'hdWing and 01.1 fil1IIl, hav'in'g ,branch'eS 
In London, Cardiff, St. JoIhn's, N. Y., 
ßJnod San FrnnlCiS>C'o, .as weLl as buS'l- 
noess rnmific3.ltl'O'Il 1 S extenddng oV'er 
North Am., Russ'ia, and o:t!hoer por- 
tions of Eul'OfPe ; sat In Liverpool 
City Council; was elected an Ald., 1892, 
and Was chairman Finance and Estate 
Comte., as such rendering Important 
services to city; memo Dock Bd., 1884- 
93; Lord Mayor of Liverpool, 1893-94, 
and received Prince and Princess of 
Wales (later King and Queen) on 
state visit to Livert)ool; presented 
Roby Hall estate to the city, in com- 
memoration of fact that his father and 
he had been mems. of LlverDool City 
Council for nearly half a century, 
1907; created a bart., 1907; a dlr. 
London city and Midland Bank, and 
presdt. Exchange Lib. Assn.; author 
" Home Rule in Newfoundland .. 
(1890) ; a Lib., and chairman Reform 
Olub.-" Beechwood;', Liver- 
pool, Eng. 
Bowser, Edward Albert, educationist. 
B. SackvllIe, N.B., June 18, 1845; e. 
Rutgers DoN., N.J. (B.Sc., 1868); 
LL.D., Lafayette CollI., 1881; 
prof. marth., Hutge.J'S Colil., 1870; apprtd, 
in chairge U. S, goodetlc survey, N. J., 
1875; aurthtor "Academic Algebra," 
"CoJoIege Alge'bra:' "P:ltan-e and Solid 
Geometry," ":ÐI'ements 01' P.1ane and 
SpherlOOiI Trlgon'Ü'rnetry," "T.reatlse on 
diD., do.,.. "Analytic Ge,oonoetry:' "Dif- 
ferential .and InoregraJl Calculus," 
".Analytdc .Mechanics," "HYdro-me- 
chanics," "Logarithmic'IlaJbles," "Roofs 
and Bridges" etc.-New Bnmswick, 
Bowser, Hon, William John, states- 
S. Wm. H., merchant and shipowner, 
and Margt. (Gordon) B.; Eng, and 
Scotch descent; b. Rexton, N.B., Dec. 
3, 1867; e. Mt. Allison Acad., Sack- 
vllle, N.B.; followed law course Dal- 
housie Unlv., Halifax (LL.B.. 1890); 
m., Sept., 1896, Lorinda D. (dlr. OhlI- 
d'ren',s Aid Soc., VanúO'Uver) , d. llaJbe 
R. N. Doherty, Hex'ton., N.B.; baT- 
("Ister (N. .B.), 1890; do. (B. C.), 
1891; K.C., 1900; practises In Van- 
couver, where he is head of the law 
firm of B., Reid & Wallbridge; Crown 
Prosecutor f.or 2 yrs. ; engaged 1n mamy 
Important civil and criminal cases; Atty.-GenI. B. C., July, 1907; 
Acting Minr. of Finance, 1909-10; has 
sat for Vancouver (Local), Con. in- 
terest, since Oct., 1903; previously an 
unsuccessful candidate for both Com- 
mons and Assembly; presented to King 
and Queen, 1909; elected G. M. Free- 
maSIOns B. C., 1904; a Presb.-1l25 
Harwood St., Vancouver, B.O.; Van- 
couver Olub, do.; Union Olub, Victoria, 
"A whirlwind on the stump."-T. 
II In debate unexcelIed."-T. Globe. 


Bowyer, Phßip Henry, journalist; 
B. Toronto, Feb. 1, 1860; e. there; 
m., Sept., 1882, Miss Agnes Yocom; 
ed. and prot)o Ridgetown Standard, 
1880-93; ed. Ridgetown Dominion, 
since 1895; is V.-P. West. Onto Lib.- 
Con. Assn.; though a supporter of the 
Lib.-Con. party, holds radical or ad- 
vanced views on many questions; Is 
known as "the radical memo of the 
'l'ory party"; has sat for E. Kent 
(Local) since g. e. 1905.-Ridgetown, 
" An out. and-out anti.spoilsmaD,"-T, 
Boyce, Arthur Cyril, lawyer; legIsla- 
S. ,laJbe Rev. J. C. B., M.A. (Ox- 
ford), late rector CornwaiH, Oxford- 
shire, Eng., and Mary R. B.; b. 
Wakefield, Eng., Sept. 12, 1869: e. 
Wakefield, York, and Carllsle; m., Oct., 
1891, V'ict'Ü'ria M. L., d. Rev. C. J. 
Machin, Mus. Bac., rector Graven- 
hurst, Ont.; barrister (with honours 
and bronze med.), 1890; K.C., 1908; 
practised successively at Port Arthur, 
Rat Portage, and S. Ste. Marie; noW 
head firm B. & McPhail, S. Ste. Marie; 
has been retained in many Important 
civil anð criminal cases; unsuccess- 
fully contested AIgoma (H. C.), Con, 
interest, twice In 1900; first returned, 
same seat, g. e. 1904; an Ang.; elected 
Chancellor of the Diocese, 1910.-Sault 
Ste. Marie, ant.; Algoma Olub, do,; 
Albany Olub, Toronto. 
"A man of flne mental endowment."- 
M. and E. 
Boyd, Bev. :Francis Leith (Ang.), 
S. late Geo. John B., Toronto, and 
Mary, d. late J. W. Gamble, Wood- 
bridge, Onto ; b. Toronto, 1855; e. Hell- 
muth CoIl., Lo'Ildon, OM., Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., 1875), and Calus CoIl., 
Camb., where he won the GonvtIle 
s,cbolar., and pro'C'ooded ,tlO M.A., 1879; 
m., Jan., 1905, Archdra:Þe, 
.only C. T. HastJings HaJrrls ; O. 
dleacon, 1879; pri-est, 1880; for a 
time was curate of St. Peter's, Eaton 
Sq., London; was vicar Teddlngton, 
Eng., where through his exertions was 
buHt the Ch, of St. Alban the Martyr, 
1884-08; apptd. vicar Ch. of the An- 
nunciation, St. Marylebone (formerly 
known as the Quebec ChaDel), Jan., 
1908.-18 Bryan8ton St., P01.tman Sq., 
London, W., Eng,' O:x;ford and Oam- 
bridge Olub, Pall Mall, London. 
"An admirable preacher."-Oanada. 
"Is carrying on a remarkable work, 
which has attracted much attention, and 
gives him a commanding influence 
throughout the Upper Thames valIey."- 
Oan. Ohurchman. 
Boyd, Bev, George Xyna.ton (Ang.). 
S. late Geo. John B. and Mary 
(Gamble) B., Toronto; b. Toronto, 
June 15, 1858; e. privately and Gon- 
ville and Calus CoIl., Camb. (B.A., 
1885; :M.A., 1888); o. dleacon, 1885; 
priest, 1886; unm.; for a time cùrate 
St. Augustine's, Kilburn, the largest 
and most Important ch. in London, 
Eng.; subsequently, for 14 yrs., rector 
of Nuthurst, Sussex; since Dec., 1905, 



has been vicar of St. Andrew's, Worth- 
Ing, same co.; for some yrs. has been 
the spE'cial Lent preacher at the cath. 
of his ò,, Chk.hJest-er.-The Vicar- 
age, Worthing, Eng. 
:Boyd, James Craigie, Dom. public ser- 
S. John and Mary Frances (Tisdale) 
B.; b. SImcoe, Ont., Mch. 21, 1858; e. 
Simcoe Union Sch.; m., Mch., 1884, 
Miss Grace J. Hall; formerly secy.- 
treas. Grand Trunk, Georgian Bay & 
Lake Erie Ry. Co., and of Onto Trot- 
ting and Pacing Horse Breeders' Assn. ; 
was supdt. S. Ste. Marie Ship Canal, 
1896-1907; since .thelll h'3JS been .over- 
s.eer WiHiamsburg 
an.a:l's; a CQIIl.; a 
Presb. ; a Froele'ffitæSOn. - Morri8burg, 
:Boyd, John, poet and journallst. 
S. John B., a leading merchant of 
Montreal; b. Montreal, May 2, 1864; e. 
Brit. Can. and M011JÌ'real High rSch'S.; 
paJSS.ed wå't'h1 hig.h l1:OOloUlrs, winlllirug 
S>ev.er3Jl mros. and sch(); enrtò. 
MeOW Undv., under .a ,scholar. reed. 
from the IIa1e Plrinciopal Sir Wm. Dam- 
SI()D, but roeloinQuishoed a univ. career 
before gradu3!tion
 <I'll order t.o take U1;> 
noewsp3iper 'Work, in 'Which he has at- 
tained a l'eadirug position, 'being now 
one of 'the ,eòs. of the ,Montroeal Gazette, 
and rePTe.sentlng in Montreal the T,o- 
mnlto Mad and Empi1'e a:nd other leaò- 
i.nlg Can. and U. S. newspwpers; -has 
WeV'Ot-ed mu
h of 'h:i's loelsuI'le ,to poe.tdca..l 
composition; on the occasion of the 
Quebec tercentenary celebration, 1908, 
published "The Quebec Battlefields" 
and" The Fight of the Atalante," both 
of which were published extensively 
and highly pmlsed by the press; Is a 
frequen1t c.on'bI'libutor IÌIO ,the Can. Mag. 
and other ltiternry ;publiic3it<!ons; among 
his other w.orks are a series of sonnets 
which have received high praise 
rLtics, one .of ,t!he most striking 
being his sonnet on "Milton," which 
was wrÏ'tren f'Or the teroenroonary of 
the -birth of ,the grea't English p.oet; 
other notable contributions were writ- 
ten for the Lincoln, Fitzgerald and 
Poe centenaries, the Univ. of Virginia 
doing the Can. poet the high honor of 
giving his tl'ibute a place in the pro- 
gramme of the great P.oe centennial 
celebration held under its auspices; 
poems on the centenary of Tennyson's 
bi,rth, 'on t'he deoa:bh 'Of SwdnÞurnte aUld 
to William Watson have attracted 
attention; another notable work under- 
taken by him has been 'translati'On of 
French-Can. poems, with the object of 
making the work of French-Can. 
aut>hror.s be'Her knlOwn '110 other CanIS.; 
for this work he has been called the 
.. unifier of the races," and in recog- 
nition of his services the St. Jean 
Ba<ptoe. A'SoSn., alt the great ool'ebraMon 
held In commemoration of Its 75th 
anniversary gave a prominent place to 
the Eng,-Can. poet, who contributed a 
poem specially written for the cele- 
bration and also read a poem at the 
ullIV'e' of 'Ì'he monumenlÌ Ito La- 
fo-nobalne, the Fre<nlOh-Oan. sta,; 
at the great celebration which was 
held on the Place d' Armes, Montreal, 
on May 29, 1910, to commemorate the 

250th anniversary of the death at the 
Long Sault, In 1650, of DolJard and his 
16 companions, by whose heroic deed 
Montreal was saved from destruction 
by .tlOO II'Ioquo,is, he was chosen 'ÌJ() read 
th-e Eng. poem, and rwrote f.or the ()C- 
eoasl,on ,h'jos úO'll1IIllIe'm'or3itoive poem II The 
Deat'h .of DoJ,Jard," which he preserut-ed 
00 a ga.therin.g .of ()V'er 10,000 peopl.e 
as'semb}eò rto dl() hiolfilour rtJo .the D1ie'II1'O'ry 
of .'the heroes; his 1;>o.em, "At Rest," 
wntoten on the death 'Of King Edward 
VII., has al'80 .been highly oommenoded 
and admiredJ.---{)82 Ave. de l'Hotel de 
Ville, Montreal. 
.. Among the best of Canada' 8 
poets."-U. Oitizen. 
"A year ago Mr. Boyd's name was 
known only to the elect i now he is calJed 
the . unifier of the races.' "-Can. Mag, 
BOYd. Eon, Sir John Alexander, judge. 
S. late John B., principal Bay St. 
Acad., Toronto, and Margt. (McCal- 
lum) B.; b. Toronto, ApI. 23 1837' e 
U. C. ColI. and Toronto U
lv. CB.A: 
and gold med. in mod, lang.; also. a 
scholar., 1860; M.A., 1861; LL.D., 
1889) ; hon. D.C.L., Trin. Univ, 1902. 
m., 1863, Elizabeth, d. late' David 
Buchan, Bursar Toronto Univ.; bar- 
rister, 1863 ; KC. (M. of Lorne) 
1880; for many yrs. associated in law 
business with Messrs. E. & S. H. Blake 
(q.v.), and was regarded as one of the 
ablest equity pleaders at the Can bar. 
apptd. chancellor of Ont., May 3, '1881: 
and presdt. High Ct. of Justice for 
t., 1887; arbitrator for Dom. Govt. 
with respect to certain claims made 
by C. P. R. In connection with the 
d in B. C., 1888; do. for Onto re 
ad]u::;tment of accounts between Dom. 
and provinces consequent on Confed- 
eration, 1893; chairman Royal Comn. 
re m
de of remunerating and apptg. 
provl. and co. officials, 1894; memo 
Royal Comn. to delimit the boundaries 
of constituencies In Ont., 1899; do. re 
ain alleged election frauds, 1900; 
arbItrator between C. P. R. and Its 
trackmen, 1902: Royal Commr. re 
Gamey charges, 1903; has also served 
as a Royal commr., on several occa- 
sions, for the revision of the statutes' 
knighted, 1899; declined chancellorship 
Toronto Univ., 1900; K.C.M.G., 1901; 
retired from all business directorships, 
1906; formerly presdt. People's Tav- 
erns; is a dir. Working Boys' Home 
and Home for Incurables, a gov. Mc- 
Master Unlv., and presdt. Toronto 
Conserv. of Music.; a Bapt., and for- 
merly supdt. of a Sunday sch.; held 
the appt. of Master in Chancery '1'.0- 
ronto, f()ll" a short ,period; autihór of 
"A SWmmaæy 0'( Can. History."
A venue Rd., Toronto. 
.. If titles were always used 8S badges 
of royal favour to crown careers like that 
of Sir John Bo:rd, there would be fewer 
objections to the so-called ennobling of 
canadians."-T. Telegram. 
Boyd, Bev, John D, (Presb.). 
B. Alexandria, Ont.; e. Queen'l!! 
Univ., Kingston (B.A., 1889) ; m., 1894, 
Belle, d. Alex. Macdonald. Kingston, 
Ont.; O. 1892; devotes his life to city 
mi,ssy. work, in which he >has been 



very successful; has been for many 
yrs. sPcy.-treas. Alumni, Queen's Unlv. ; 
served also as moderator, treas., and 
convener.-Kingston, Onto 
Boyd, Kon, John Gilmore, lawyer; 
S. Alex. and Elizabeth (Gilmore) 
B.; b. Irel., 1840; came to Can. when 
a child; e. Huntingdon Acad. and Mc- 
Gill Unlv. (B.A., 1861; M.A., 1864); 
B.'C.L. (do.); m., 1869, Miss CawHrre 
E. Southwick, N. Y.; advocate, 1864; 
was previously prinoip3.11 Shel'brook-e 
Acad.; sucoess.f.uHy .practised his prof. 
at Hun.ting>d'On, 1864-68; also 00. aOO 
prop-I'. Hun'lIÏng'dionJ J ournaZ (lJi.b.-Oon.) ; 
unsUCIC.essfulll<y <."Ontest>ed Hunfjjng-don 
(Local), g. e. 1867; removed to N. Y., 
where he has since resided, and prac- 
tised his prof. as an atty. and counsel- 
lor-at-law, 1868 ; graduated M.D. 
(Univ. N. Y.), 18í4; a life memo N. Y. 
Bar Assn.; a Dem. in politics (though 
since voting for Presdt. Roosevelt and 
approving of his policy); was chair- 
man Tammany Hall Genl. Comte., and 
elected Senator 5th Senat. Dist., N. Y., 
1881; one of the organizers of the 
original Anti-monopoly League, and in 
Senate was recognized as the l-eader 
in all anrN-mÜ'llIopo.fy l.eg1isla , tJion'; was 
presdt. Nat. Citizens' Alliance, a lib. 
and ind, political body, and was fay-our- 
ably regarded as a logical candidate 
for Govr. on a joint Dem. and People's 
Party ticket, 1896; has always been 
an energetic advocate of reciprocity 
In trade between Can. and the U. S.; 
w'as a pUlbi,i.c sch. Ì'rust-e<e ,in dty of N. 
Y.; a Uie memo of Am. Soc. for Prev. 
of Cruelty to Animals, a life memo Am. 
Bible Soc., and a Royal Arch Mason; 
in reiliigio1I1 was in s'ympa:tJhy wi th .. all 
who love our Lord .J'e8US C.hrist:-
Park Row, New York. 
(D. New York, July 24, 1908.) 
Boyd, Bev. John Bichard Shields 
(Ang.) . 
Fourth S. late .Judge .John B.. To-; b. .Markham, Orut., Dec. 1, 1866; 
e. U. C. CoIl., Wyollffe 0011., and To- 
ronto Undv. (B.A., 1888; M.A., 1904); 
m., June, 1893, Ca,t!h-erirue l.Maria, 2nd 
d. l:RJbe Robt. Baldw,in and grand-d. 
H'On. Robt. B., CÆ.; o. deacon, 1890; 
pfliest, 1891; for a tirrue 8Jsst. minI'. 
Alii Sainrts' Cih.., Toronlto; C. 1M. S. 
missy. to China, 1895; elected pr.esdt. 
Wyolriffe OoI.l., ,Alumni Assn., 1909.- 
Ku-Chen, Fuh Kien, China. 
Boyd, Leslie Kale, lawyer. 
S. Andrew and Georgina L. (Hale) 
B., Montreal; b. there, .July 31, 1873; 
e. Montreal High Sch. and McGill 
Unlv. (B.A., 1894; B.C.L., 1897); m., 
1898, Emma Constance (d. Aug., 1909), 
d. late Wm. Farrell, Montreal; 
advocate, 1898; KC., 1908. success- 
fully practises his prof. In Montreal as 
a memo of the firm of Gilman & B.; a 
gov. Montreal Homeop. Hosp.; a memo 
Proto Bd. of Sch. Commrs., St. Henri, 
P.Q. ; a large property owner; promin- 
ently connected with many athletic and 
other similar organizations; has been a 
memo Can. Olympic Comte., London, 
Eng., 1908, a V.-P. Ama-teur Athletic 
Federation of Can., 1908, and presdt. 
Montreal Amateur Athletic Assn., 

1907-8; a Con. and an active memo of 
the party; elected ald. St. George'8 
Ward, Montreal, as a reform candi- 
date, 1910; a Presb.-l036 Dorche8ter 
st. W., Mont1'eal; Canada .Club; Mont- 
1'eal A. A. Assn., do. 
Boyd, Jrathan1el K" rancher; ex- 
S. late Hugh D., contractor, Ottawa, 
a native of Sligo, Irel. and Marla (KIl- 
foyle) B.; b. Lachute, P.Q., .July 9, 
1853; e. Otta;wa Grammar &h.; m., 
.June, 1878, Eliza .Jane (d. 1886), d. 
late F'rancis A:bbott, OtJtawa; for some 
tJiJne a raiJ!road! oontlJra.ctJOr, with his 
fa.ther; then a miller; sünce 1886 a 
rancher; now presdt. and mango d1r. 
of the Boyd Ranching Co., Carberry, 
Man.; went to Man. In early days; 
chief promoter Man. Ranching & Grain 
Growing Co., 1903; sat for Macdonald 
(H. C.), Con. interest, 1892-96, 'and 
again 1900-04; moved resolution, "1903. 
for the calling of Parlt., for despatch 
of business not later than Nov., each 
year; an Arug. - Cm'be1-ry, Man.; 
Albany Olub, Toronto: 
.. A man with a keen intellect and 
dogged determination."-T. New.. 
Boyd, Bobert :Morley, Am. ry. service. 
B. Brockville, Ont., 1868; Irish and 
Can. parentage; e. High Sch., Brock- 
vllle; unm.; entd. service C. P. R., 
1884, becoming connected sUbsequently 
with the N. Y., Susquehanna & West- 
ern, the Northern Pacific, the Union 
Pacific, and the Chicago, Milwaukee &: 
St. Paul lines; since 1899 has been 
commercial agent at Seattle for last- 
named ry.-SeattZe. Wa8h. U.S. 
BOYd, Bev, 'rhomas Kunter (Presb.). 
E. S. Saml. and Mary (Boyd) H., 
London, Eng.; b. Ashford, Kent, Eng., 
Feb. 28, 1862; e. there and Man. ColI., 
Winnipeg; graduated In Theol., 1896; 
took post-grad. work, Chicago Unlv.. 
and Yale Theol. dept.; close student 
of sociolog. movements; m., Sept., 1900, 
E. L., d. .Jas. W'OOds, Cha;tham, Eng.; 
O. 1896; formerly at Oarssdale Assa. 
and Wawei.g, N.B.; accepted 'call to 
Glasgow, Scot., 19'10; corr. secy. lor 
Charities and Corrections, N.B. ; do. do. 
Anti-Tubercul. Assn., do.; secy. St. 
Andrews and St. Croix Farmers' Inst., 
In close touch with agrlcul. depts. of 
Federal and Prov!. Govts., but not 
identified with political parties; official 
assoc. del. for Dom. Govt. to Intern. 
Congress on Tubercul., Washington. 
Oct., 1908; Can. del. to U. S. Conf. on 
Charities and Corrections, Portland, 
Me.; to Wûrld's Congress on Alcohol 
and World's Animal Congress; elected 
memo .Japan Soc., London, 1892; author 
.. Recollections of Prof. Hy. Drum- 
mond"; .. History of Wawelg, N.B." 
and of articles on temp. and agricul. 
educ. ; a firm advocate of a Nat. Bureau 
of Health, of Public Abattoirs of 
Agrfcul. Economics and Rural Socio- 
logy, and a Nat. Sch. of Preventive 
Med.; thinks that Imp. aid can be best 
<;ured by the highest efficiency of all 
cItIzens; his motto: .. Commercial 
supremacy depends upon indus. superi- 
ority" and .. The reduction of Tuber- 
cuI. Is a duty we owe to the Empire." 
-Gla8gow, Scot. 



Boyd, Willia.m Thornton CU8t, 
S. late Mossom and Letitia Magee 
(Cust) B., Bobcaygeon, ant.; b. there, 
.July 8, 1859; m., July, 1889, Miss Meta 
Annie Bridgman; elected presdt. Lind- 
say, Bobcaygeon & Pontypool Ry., 1903. 
Boyer, Eon. Arthur, capitalist; 
Y. s. late Louis and Amelle (Mig- 
nault) B., Montreal; b. there, Feb. 9, 
1851; e. Montreal CoIl. and London, 
Eng.; m., 1875, Ernestine (V.-P. 
Women's Can. Club, Montreal, 1910), 
d. P. M. Galarneau, Montreal; sat for 
Jacques Cartier (Local), in Lib. In- 
terest, 1884-92, when diefeated; a memo 
Mercier Cabinet, without portfolio, 
1890-91; Can. Commr. Glasgow Exhn., 
1901; man gr. estate LouIs Boyer, 
Montreal; a memo Adv. Council Royal 
Acad. Art. 1907; a representative of 
Can. Intern, Inst. of Agriculture, 
Naples, 1909; ca. councillor Children's 
Aid Soc., 1908; a dlr. Montreal Citi- 
zens Assn.; presdt. Le Oanada Co., 
1907; called to the Senate by Earl 
Grey, June, 1909; has been men- 
tioned In connection with the Lt.- 
Governorship of Quebec; a R. C.- 
llO Drummond St" Montreal; St. 
Jame8'8 Olub
 do.; Rideau Olub
"Able and forooful."-M. Gazette. 
Boyer, Aurelia.n, civil engineer, 
S. L. A. B., M.P., Montreal; þ. 8;nd 
e. bhere; C.E., avec grande di8hnchon 
(Laval Univ.), 1896; asso. memo Can. 
Soc. C. E., 1899; m., June, 1903, Mad. 
Elmira Corinne Dufresne, widow J. I. 
PeUerln, Three Rivers, P.Q.; was supdlt. 
of construction Yukon tel. line, and 
previously supdt. of Govt. telegraphs 
and cables, Quebec and Mar. Pro- 
vlnces.--58 Drummond St., Montreal; 
Engineers' Club, do. 
Boyer, Kajor Benjamin Gustave, 
legislator; journaHst. 
S. Benj, and Angellque (Latour) B., 
St. Laurent, P.Q.; b. there, Nov. 29, 
1871; e. St. Laurent CoIl. and Laval 
Unlv.; m., ApI., 1907, Mlle. Pamela 
Rhêaume, Montreal; a journalist; for- 
merly on staff La Patrie and Le Oan- 
 Montreal; founded L'Echo de 
VaudreuU, 1907, which he has since 
conducted; for 4 yrs. lecturer on agri- 
culture for Quebec Govt.; has- served 
as Mayor of Rigaud; geniI. secy. Veter. 
Surgeons, P. Q.; major 2nd Squad. 
17th Duke of York's Royal Can. Hus- 
sars; a Lib., and memo for Vaudreull 
(H. C.) since g. e. 1904; a R. C.- 
Rigaud, P.Q. 
Boyer, Low. Alphon8e
 retired mer- 
E. B. late Louis and Amelle (Mig- 
nault) B.; b. Montreal. May 31. 1839; 
e. Oha.mbly and St. Mary's (Jesuit) 
ColI.; followed mercantile career for 
some yrs., and was a dlr. of the 
Royal Can. Ins. Co., La Banque Vllle 
Marie, and other Institutions; served as 
Mayor of St. Lambert, a Counclllor of 
Lachine, and afterwards conducted a 
model farm at St. Lambert; for 10 
yrs., from 1878, was flour Inspr., Mont- 
rear; sat for MaskInonge (H. C.), Lib. 
interest, 1872-78; unsuccessfully con- 

tested Jacques Cartier (H. C.) g. e. 
1904; a R. C.; m., 1865, Alphonsine, 
ate Dr. J. B. :M
lll'eur, Supdot. of 
Education, L. C.--58 Drummond St.
Montreal; Club Canadien-tie-Montreal; 
Club St. Deni8
Boyle, Arthur Edward, journalist. 
E. '.roronto Univ. (B.A., 1897)' for- 
merly on Globe staff, Toronto, and sub- 
sequently commercial ed. New8
city; was Secy, Bd. of Trade and 
Publicity Commr., Regina, 1906-7 ; 
apptd. \Vestern ed representative To- 
ronto Globe
 Mch., 1907.-Winnipeg. 
.. A newspaper man of high repute."- 
"Kit" (q.v.). 
Boyle, David, ethnologist; ant. public 
Mem. old Ayrshire family, on 
father's side, and from Highland 
forbears, on mother's side; b. 
Greenock, Scot., May 1, 1842; e. 
Mason's Hall Sch., there, and St. 
Andrew's Sch., Birkenhead, Eng.; 
m., 1867, Miss Martha S. Frankland, 
BIrugley, Yorkshire, Eng.; came to 
Can. with parents, 1856; became a 
sch. teacher; f'Or 10 YJI's. .prlndpal 
ÐlJora Public Sch.; while ,in thL<J 
position his growing interest in scien- 
tific subjects caused him to form, in 
connection with the sch.. a museum, 
which still remains the most Important 
of Its kind In ant.: he also devoted 
himself to practical geol. - work, and 
made discovery of several Important 
fossils. the .. Murchisonla Boylel," 
among others, being named after him 
by the late Prof. Nlcholsôn, who, in 
his work on palæont., thanks Mr. B. 
for his Indefatigable and zealous ef- 
forts In geol. science; has also taken 
an active Interest In the archæol. of 
ant., and Is re&r;arded as one of Its 
chief authorities; presented to the 
Can. Inst., Toronto, an extensive col- 
lection of Indian relics. which has 
formed the nucleus of its Archæol. Mu- 
seum, perhaps In several of Its fea- 
tures the finest collection on the Am. 
Continent; was curator of this museum 
for over 25 yrs., and his annual report 
aroused much public Interest In it; had 
charge of the Onto mineral exhibit at 
tbe Clncirunoat'Ì Oentl. Expn., 1888, at 
the Imp. lust., London, 1892, at tbe 
C'olumbl18.n Expn., 1893, and. 19.Jler, at 
the World's Fair; one of the founders 
of the Elora Mech. Inst. Library; for 
some yrs. secy. Onto Hlst. Soc., and has 
been presdtt. Co. Teachers' Assn., and 
chairman public sch. sec. Prov!. Assn. 
Teachers; promoted supdt. Educ. Dept. 
Museum, 1901; a corr. memo Anthro- 
pol. Soc. Gt. Brit.; an hon. mpIU. Soc. 
of Anthropol. and Ethnol., Italy; V.-P. 
ant. Hlst. Soc. and V.-P. Intern. Con- 
gress of Amerlcanists; In addition to 
his annual report, his Uterary work 
Includes a series of sch. readers, 
"Notes on the Life of Dr. .Tosf:ph 
Workman" (1894), .. Notes on Prlml- 
Nv.e Man In Onot." (1895), .. The 
HIstory of Scarboro, 1796-1896 It 
(1896), and .. Uncle .11m's Can. Nur- 
sery Rhymes" (1908); also contri- 
buted to the Scot. Am. J ourn. the let- 
ters in the Scottish dialect, sIgned 
"Andrew McSparkle It; reed. Com- 



planter medal from Cayuga Co. Hlst. 
Soc., in recognition of his work In 
Iroquois Ind. research, 1908; LL.D. 
Own.), Toronto Unlv., 1909; a pro- 
nounced Radical, favouring unlv. (In- 
cluding women's) s'Uffrag-e; a Presb.- 
18 Walker Ave., T01"Onto. 
(D. Toronto, Feb. 1-6, 1911.) 
"One of the leading archæological au- 
thorities of the world. "-V. World. 
II Has displayed rare energy and patience 
in his researches, which have resulted in 
valuable service to the Province and 
country."-T. NewB 
Boyle, Bev, Horatio Temple Stannage 
(Ang. ), ed ucationis't. 
S. Horatio B.; b. St. Catharlnell, 
ant., 1875; e. Trinity Univ., Toronto 
(B.A. and classical prizeman, 1898; 
M.A., 1901), Mon.treal Dioc. Th:oo!l. 
C'OI.!. (Bancrof)t prñzeman and gold 
med., 1902; D.D., 1910) ; B.D. (provl. 
Synod, Toront'O), 1904; m., 1903, 
FLorenoo S., d. .late Jolb.n Brown, 
II 8t'OTIele1gh," Qu-ebec; o. 1900; asst. 
Shawville, P.Q., 1900; do. Christ Ch, 
Cath., Montreal, 1901; rector Wing- 
ham, Ont., 1905; do. Chatham, Ont., 
1908; since 1910 has been prof. of eh, 
history and liturgies, Trln. Unlv., To- 
['onto; apptd. cha,plmn (w:ltth bon. rank 
of capt.), 24'bh Regt., N'Ov., 1908.- 
7'rinity Univer8ity, Toronto. 
" Preaches extemporaneously with grace. 
force and eloquence."-M. Star. 
Boyle, John Bobert, lawyer; legisla- 
S. Wm. and Annie (McLean) B.; 
Scotch and Irish, respectivelY; b. Tp. 
Moore, Lamb ton, ant., Feb. 3, 1870; e. 
Sarnla High Scll.; m., July, 1902, Dora 
C., d. Jno. Shaw, High River, Alta.; 
barrister, 1899; Ald. of Edmonton. 
1904; secy. Royal Grain Comn., 1906: 
a Lib., and retumed In that Interest 
to Alta. Legislature, for Sturgeon, 1905 ; 
Is Depty. Speaker of the Chamber; a 
Presb.; was the leader of the .. Insur- 
gents" durIng the political crisis In 
Alta, 1910.-376 Ninth St., Edmonton, 
A Ita. 
Boyle, Bev, WiUiam Kugh Wray 
B. Toronto, 1860; e. Toronto Unlv 
and Queen's Univ., Kingston (B.A., 
1884) ; o. and was for some yrs. minI'. 
at St. Thomas, ant.; later accepted 
call to Colorado Springs, Co!.; after 10 
f'rs. went !bo 81. Paul, Minn., where, 
illS pasbor of IUhe Hio. 'Of Hiope Ch., he 
was very successful, both as a preacher 
.and organizer; apptd. pastor at Lake 
Forest, Ill., 1906; declined a call to 
the Ch, of the Redeemer, Paterson, 
N.J., 1908; has lectured on "A Supreme 
Need of !Modem Am. Lif-e."-Lake 
Fore8t, Ill. 
"An eloquen.t pre,acher."-Oan. Am. 
Boys, William Alves, lawyer. 
S. Judge B. (q.v.) and Mary Frances 
(Morgan) B.; b. Barrie, ant., July 9, 
1868; e. Barrie Public Sch. and CoHo 
lust.; m., Ap!., 1895, Sophie, d. Rev. 
Can'On Reiner and niece late Archbp. 
Sweatman; ooll'rister, 1893; K.C., 1910 : 
memo legal firm IMcCarthy, B. & Mur- 
chison. BarI"ie; maY'O'r, BarrIe, 1902-04 ; 

presdt. Onto MundclpaJI ABsn., 1904; 
secy. Cenltre Simcooe Oon. .Assn.; past 
presdlt. ant. Tennis AsSTh. (caJpt;ured 
the Viotoria Cup trophy, -emblem3Jtic 'Of 
the championsthi.p 'Of Orut., by hoMing 
It for 3 YI'S. In !SuccessIon against aliI 
comers, and was o3Jlso the boOileer of the 
Quebec ohampi'em.ship); also d
g'uishoed In hoockey, skating, curling, 
II,f compeUHoßos; a memo 1. O. F., 
Sons of En,g., and Woooom-en 0If t'he 
Wodd; an Ang.-" Oaernavaer)' Bm.- 
rie, Onto 
Boys, His Honour WnUam :Puller 
Alves, Co. Ct. Judge. 
Y. s. late Dr. Hy. B., F.L.S., bursar 
King's CoIl., Toronto, and Maria da 
Purifecaeao, d. Don Manuel Alves, Lis- 
bon, Portugal; b. N. Y., Mch. 12, 1833 
(while his varents were on the way 
from Eng. to Gan.) 
 e. U. C. CoH. and 
'l"ororut'O Un-iv. (LL.B., 1861) ; .ro., July, 
1883, Mary Franc-es, d. lat-e Rev. Canon 
Morg>an, Barrie; barrlst-er. 1861; sat 
in Town Council, BaTri-e; .Mayor of 
Bar11Ï-e fur 3 t.erms; a:Þso chaJrma'll 
Public S-ch. J3d. and High Seh. Ed., 
Barrie; authoT, .. Boys on C'Oroners" 
(41'h e-d., 1905); app:td. junIor co. ct. 
judge, 00. Simcoe, Ont., 'Sep.t. 27, 1883 ; 
re.cenNy retired 'On a ,pension; a total 
ßJbs.ta.lnoer, and .favours ;t.Q,tail prohibI- 
tion; an Ang.-Barrie, Onto 
Brabazon, Gerald Hugh. ex-legislator. 
S. late S. Levinge and Margt. 
(Clarke) B., both natives of Ire!.; b. 
Montre'a.l, Dec. 7, 1854; -e. there; m., 
1879, Miss Nel:lI-e Murphy, P. du Fort; 
a 'Po L. S. and C. E.; fur a lengthened 
period Mayor P. du Fort and Warden 
Pontiac; was lIeut. Dennis's Scouts. 
N. W. campaign, 1885 (med-); sat 
for Pontiac (H. C.), Llb.-Con. interest. 
1904-08; an unsu
ssful cand.idate for 
same seat g. e. 1900 and g. e. 1908; 
promoter Prairie Home Land Co., 1906; 
an Ang.-Portage du Fort, P.Q. 
"A man of business ability and of 
sterling character."-O. Oitizen. 
Brace, Bev, AllAn Howe (Bapt.). 
S. John and Eldya B.; b. Monmouth, 
Wales, 1845; e. there; m. Charlotte 
Jane, d. P. D. Devonald, Bristol, Eng.; 
O. 1895; for some yrs. principal and 
supdt. Fegan Boys' Home, Toronto (an 
Institution endowed by late Wm. Good- 
erham); has held pastorates at Can- 
nlngton, Dunnvl1le, Peterboro and 
Cobourg; called to Almonte, his 
present charg>e, 1910.-Almonte, Onto 
.. A man of zeal and devotion."-T, 
Bradburn, Thomas Evans, legislator. 
S. late ThoB. and Jane (Morrow) B., 
Pe.te'rbO'l"lO, ant.; b. rther-e, May 19, 
1853; e.'r Selh. and 0011. Inst., 
Peterb-Otr.Q; m., F>eb., 1874, Miss Cath- 
eI'1ine J. Ormone; IllOngen'ga;ged In com- 
mercIal a
f,e; sometime memo Sch. Bd.; 
ltaltoer sat in T.awn Ooundl; reeV'e N. 
Monl3.ghoan ; .mayor of PetJerboro ; 
terboro .sugar Co.; d'O. El-ec- 
tric Light & Pow>er Co.; has sat for 
terboro (Local), Cem. Ï'Iliterest, 
since g. -e. 1905; a Freemason; a íMebh. 
-" M oÏ1'a Hall) Peterboro, Ont.; 
Albany Olub, Toronto. 



Bradford, Henry Martin, educationist. 
S. John B., Bromley, Kent, Eng., and 
gt.-grands. Rev. Jos. B., one of the 
founders of Methodism; b. London, 
Eng., 1865; e. city of London Sch.. and 
St. John's CoIl., Camb. (M.A., founda- 
tion sch. and 21st wrangler, 1886); m. 
F1lorence, d. Oolin C. Lock-e, JJP., Locke- 
port, N.S.: for 5 yrs. headmaster CoIl. 
Sch., Windsor, N.S.: in 1896 founded 
St. Andrew's Sch. for Boys, Annapolis 
Royal, N.S., as male and select private 
sch., with a staff of Eng. unlv. gradu- 
ates; a governor of King's CoIl., Wind- 
sor, N.S., and presdt. Royal Golf Club, 
Annapolis Royal; successfully ed. an 
Illustrated weekly. called Our Society 
(Halifax, N.S.), and has ed. more 
than one sch. mag.; author" Notes on 
Eng. Grammar" (1899): at one time 
examr. In physics, King's CoIl.; an 
Ang., and. a dlel. to Synod and B. H. M. 
-St. Andrew's School, Annapolis R01/al. 
N.S.; New Oxford and Cambridge 
Club. Pall Mall. London S. W.. EnD. 
Bradley, Arthur Granville, author. 
S. late Dean of Westminster and 
Marion, d. late Archdeacon Philpot; b. 
Rugby, Eng., Nov. 11, 1850; e. Marl- 
borough CoIl. and Trin. ColI., Camb.; 
m., 1874, Florence. d. late Dr. W. A. 
Rackham; author .. History Marlbor- 
ough College" (jointly) (1893), .. LifE' 
of Wolfe" (1895), .. Sketches from Old 
Virginia" (1897), .. Highways and By- 
ways of N. Wales" (1898): .. The 
Fight with France for North AmerlC'a .. 
(1900) ; .. H. and B. of the Eng. Lake 
District" (1901), .. Life of Owen Glen- 
dower" (do. ), .. H. and B. of S. 
Wales" (1903), "Canada In the 20th 
Century It (1903), .. Life of Capt. John 
Smith" (1905), .. The March and Bor- 
derland òf Wales" (do. ), .. Round 
About Wiltshire" (do.), "Life of GUY 
Carleton, Lord DorChester" (Makers 
of Canada series, 1907) .. The IMaking 
of Canada It (1909), .. Woroestershlre" 
(1909), .. Ri\'le'I'Ls of En'g.lanldJ" (1909), 
"Wl1:tsMre and Herefords'hire" (1909). 
.. The Wy,e" (1910), .. Shoalrespeare's 
AVoOn" (1910), and .. The Enogldsh 
Lakes" (1910) ; wriUes ,sportiTIg opalp'e-rs 
In the Field, under .the n071l-de-plume 
of .. RlngwOOod"; an ihon m.em. Lit. 
and Hist. Soc., Quebec.-Red Cottage, 
Rye, Sussex, Eng. 
"Possesses the historical tempera' 
ment. "-T. Globe. 
Bradley, WUUam Harrison, U. S. Con- 
sular serv:ice. 
B. Illinois, U.S.; e. Yale Unlv. (B.A.. 
1872) ; m. ; entd. consular service, July, 
1889, remaining In It till Dec., 1893, 
having declined appt. to Copenhagen, 
Aug., 1892; since then has been : con- 
sul, Tunstall, Eng., 1897-1903; d'O., 
Manohe9t'ffi", Eng., 1903-07; promot,eod 
consul-,genl., 1905; consul-gen'I., MOTIlt- 
real. Aug. 15 1907; an non. memo Mit. 
Royal Club....:...-S1 Linton Apts., 1'rlont- 
h'eal; Mt. Royal Club; Unive!'sity 
C'lub; Forest ond Stream Club; Cana- 
da Club; Montreal Jockey Club; Royal 
St. Lawrence Yacht Club, do. 
Bradshaw, John Ernest, financial 
agent; legislator. 
Scotch and Eng. origin; S. Robt. and 
Margt B.; b. Newport, I.W., Dec. 13, 

1866; e. there; m., May, 1894. Agnes, 
d. G. R. Thompson, Prince Albert, 
Sask. ; a financial and Insurance agent; 
ellOC't,e-d May'Ür, Prinoe Albert, 1906; 
presdt. Bd. of Trade, 1907-08; unsuc- 
cessfully contested Prince Albert 
(Local) as Provl. Rights candidate, 
bye-election, Oct, 1907; elected g. e. 
1908; presdt. St. George's Soc.; a 
Presb.; a Freemason; an Odd Fellow, 
a United Workman, and a Knight of 
Pyt!hias.-P1"ince Albe1.t, Sask. 
Bradshaw, 'rhomas, stock broker. 
S. A. B.. merchant. Toronto; b. Man- 
chester, Eng., ApI. 22, 1868; e. Man- 
chester Grammar Sch. ; m., June, 1897, 
Catherine, 2nd d. late John Bertram, 
M.P.; one of 3 Canadians who have 
been admitted to the fellowshlv of the 
Inst. Actuaries of Gt. Brit.; elected 
memo Actuarial Soc. Am.. 1895; for- 
merly asst. actuary North Am. Life 
Ass. Co.; actuary Imp. Life Assur. Co., 
Can., 1898; V.-P. and actuary, do., 
1901; mango dlr. do., 1907; '11etlred 
from ins. 'business 'bo become a tpartnoer 
fil1111 A. l
. Ames (q.v.) and 00., 
brokers, Tooomt:ro, 1911; ,d1ir. Bert- 
ram Engine & Shipbuilding Co. and of 
the Metropolitan Bank (of which he was 
one of the founders) ; secy.-treas. Can. 
Life Ins. Offrs.' Assn.; supervisor ex- 
amns. 1n TO"l'Onto of Inst. ,Actuaries Gt. 
Brit.; presdt. Ins. Inst.. Toronto, 1902- 
03 ; author .. Essential Features of Life 
Assurance Organization" (1902), .. Ac- 
tuarl. Tables" (in collaboration with 
Frank Sanderson (q.v.), (1905). and 
II Investments of Can. Life Offices" 
(1906) ; a Presb.-.! Spadina Road, To- 
ronto; Toronto Club; National Club, 
.. One of the soundest ßnd most trust- 
worthy actuaries in canada."-T. NewB. 
Brady, Fran1r:Un Pierce, Can. ry. ser. 
S. P.a,trick aTId Hannah (O'Connor) 
B.; b. Haverh1H, N.H., June 22, 1853; 
e. commcm 'schls. amI Semy., Newbury, 
Vt.; m. Miss Harriet V. Cavanagh, 
Oonoord, N.H.; entd. ry. serV'ioe, Pas- 
sumpslc Ry., as bag-gage mast,er, 1869; 
Ia,ter join'ed the C.P. Ry., and was 
s\WC'ess1vely 8.Jsst. supt., SmiTh's Fal,ls, 
Ont.; do., Fort Wi Jol.i1a.m, Orut.; asst. 
geI1l1. supd,t., Centr:iJ1 òiv., Winnipeg; 
and genl. su-pdt. Lak-e SuperLor div.; 
resigned, 1908; now, and sißlce 1909, 
a memo Can. GoV1t. RY's. M.,:magirug Ed., 
and genl. supdt. 'Of In1tercol. Ry.- 
.'Ifoncton, N.B. 
"An exceptionally able official.' '-M. 
Brady, Bev, PhiIip J. (R C.). 
08. ,18Jbe PhiH,p an,d Mary (Murphy); 
B., St. Jean Chrysostome, P.Q., but 
formerly from Co. Cavan, Irel.; b. St. 
Jean Chrysostome, Jan. 29, 1850; e. 
Montreal CoIl.; O. Aug., 1875; has 
served successively at Mile End. 
Montreal, Coteau du Lac, St. Jean 
d'Ibervllle, St. Cunegonde, Laprairie, 
Hartwell, Vankleek Hill. and other 
places; at 'Present rector N.D. du Bon 
Consell, Montreal.--68 Panet St., Mont- 



Bragg, Harry, jo.urnalist. 
S. .Jûhn, n3Jtive of iMan'C'hoesber, Eng., 
and A'Ilne (Wdsoel'Y) B., tlJ8)tdve Hurutly, 
Aberdeenshire, Sco.t.; b. Blackburn, 
Eng., Aug. 27, 1855; e. Lo.wer Bank 
Acad. and by private tuto.r; m. Irene 
T., d. late Thompson, Mo.ntreal; 
came to. Can., 1884, settling in Mo.nt- 
real; fo.rmerly financial and co.mmer- 
clal ed. Star, Mo.ntreal; no.w mango 
ed. Oan. Municipal Journal; a pUblic 
lecturer; ho.n. life memo Blackburn, 
(Eng.) Lit. So.c. and o.f the Ho.rticul- 
tural So.c.; audito.r and assesso.r, St. 
Lambert; first secy. Industrial League 
(no.w Can. Mfrs.' Assn.); reco.rding Nalt. Hist. Soc., IMontroal1 ; pres-rut. 
St. Lambert Lit. So.c.; P. G. M. W., 
A. O. U. W.; an Ang.; an Imperialist 
and a Can.-" Sunny Bank!' St. Lam- 
bert, P.O. 
Bragg, Thomas George, educatlo.nlst. 
Parenlts from DevonslÜre, En-g., oot- 
tIed In Co.. Durham, Ont.. 1843: b. Tp. 
Darllngto.n, Ont., Aug. 4, 1874; e. Bo.w- 
manville High Sch. and Univ. 
(B.A., Gov.-Genl's. med fo.r geni. pro.- 
ficlency; highest average In 2 
d'e-pts.--doa.ssiæ .and mod. loang.; Geo. 
Brown scholar. In modems; 1st class 
In classics, 1896); grad. Onto Normal 
Co.Il., 1897; classical master, Bo.wman- 
viJNe High Sch., 1897-19(}3: prindpal 
Dawson City High and Pub. Sch., 1903- 
06: SUpcllt. EdJuca-N'OlJi, Y:Ukon Tery., 
his present position, ApI., 1906; a Free- 
maso.n; one o.f the principal organizers 
Univ. Toronto Chal'ter Delta Upsilon 
and o.f Dawson Can. Club; m., Aug., 
1902, May Vio.let (d. same year), d. 
W. R. Clemens, Bowmanville.-Daw- 
Bon, Y.T.; Oanadian Olub, do. 
"A man of all-round scholarship, solid 
character, and approved ability as a 
teacher;"-M. and E. 
Braithwaite, Arthur Douglas, bank 
Fo.urth S. late Rev. Wm. B., vicar 
Alne, Yorkshire, Eng.; b. there, 1856; 
e. Reading, Eng.; m., ApI., 1888, Mar- 
jo.ry Walker, 2nd d. late Wm. Hendrie, 
.. Ho.lmstead," Hamilto.n, Ont.; has 
been since 1873 in the ISeTviæ Off' rthoe 
Bank of Montreal; man gr. or actg. 
man gr. successively at Regina, Cal- 
gary, Hamilton (presented with testI- 
mo.nial by citizens on leaving t'here), 
N. Y. (agent), and (apptd., 
1906) ; apptd. genl. mangr. Onto Bank, 
on its lliquid3Jtion, same ye.a;r; ,is ohair- 
man Toronto Ol,e.arlng IHouse; t1'OO5. S. 
African Patrl'ot'Íc Fund, 1899; fi.rst 
presdt. Elgar choir, Hamilton, Ont., 
1904; Ang. and a ch. warden S1. 
.James' Cath., Toronto.-160 St. George 
St., Tm'onto; Toronto Olub ; York 
Olub, do.; Hamilton Olub, Hamilton. 
Braithwaite, Edward Ainslie, physi- 
BI"O. of pf'eCloo l il1'g; b. Yo.rkshire, 
Eng., Feb. 16, 1862; e. King's Sch., 
Bruto.n, Devo.n, and Vlcto.ria Co.lI., .Jer- 
sey; m., Nov., 1892, d. T. A. All1Jder- 
son: stuòie.d ,for his prof. aJt King's 
Co.lI. Hosp., Londo.n, Eng.; admitted In 
Man. ; served in Royal N. W. M. Po.llce 
fo.r some yrs.; has practised thro.ugh- 
out In Edmo.nton, where he Is health 

o.f'fr.; elected a memo Med. Co.uncn, 
.M,oo., 1906: all' Ang.-Edmonton, Alta. 
Braithwaite, Bev, Edward Ernest 
.s. iMark (M.eH an'<l :ÐldzaJbeth (Eck- 
a:rdtt) B.: 'b. Unionv,j.}llle, o nit. , M<."h. 14, 
1865: e. Markham 'pubNc and high 
schos., Townrto Un-iv., IMcGil:1 Un<iv. 
(BJA., with 1st class bon'ours in men- 
tal and 1ThOral .phil., 1886), Can. Congo 
001,1., Oberlin Univ., O. (B.D., 1890), 
amd Harvard Unliv. (IM.A., 1901 : Ph.D., 
1904) : m., Nov., 1892, Miss Ida Min
nole Van Camp, CloeV'ellland, 0.: o. 1890; 
pastor Yarmoubh, N.'S., 1897-1900; ac!t- 
dng prof. Olrd lang. an'<l '11.t., Ober- 
lInn 100lil. amd Theo:l. Sem'Y., 1901-2; 
pastor iDay St. Oh., Wes.t SomervUle, 
Mass., 1903-9; sin'Oe then has been 
pastor iNorhhern Cong. Ch., TOTanto; 
fiormerly .pre.sdJt. Cong. Union of N.S. 
amd N.B.; eloeobed 'Pr.esdt. Toron<to DIst. 
Cong. UI1Iiol1', 1909; /has conrt:ributed. 
numerous articles ItO Itbe secular and 
 ipress, Inoluò'ing rthlßOl. mags. 
-99 Oharle8 St. E., T01'onto. 
"Energe.tic .and a.ggre-ssive."-T. Tele- 
Brandeis, Charles, co.nsultlng engr. 
B. Lo.ndo.n, Eng., where he gradu- 
ated as an electrical engr.; has ac- 
quired a large pro.f. experience In Eng.. 
Germa'll/Y, 'Austria, and tJhe U..S.; m., 
Sept., 1908, Agnes .M. Haugh, d. larte 
Q.eoo. Shepherd, LeedS, Eng.; an Ang. : 
Is oan asso. iM. Am. Trust. E. E., and. a 
ffi'e'IT1. of {,he .A.1rn. EleCltro-OhemlÎaal Soc. : 
a.dJmi,tJt.ed an assoc. memo Can. Soc. 
C. E., Oct., 1903; aots ruow !largely lin a 
oolllSullt1V'e qua,l,ity; is chilef engr., the 
S1. Cês:aJire PoweT Co. and the SaTa- 
g"Uay E)lrectrri,o .Light & Power 00. ; a.ppM. 
by Quebec GOV1t. to repoovt on beS't sy>s- 
oom of electric ldghrting fOT pr:isons, 
1907; ronsuLting erugr., Ooloni.a:l .003.'1 
Co., N. .sydJney, N.S.. InO.-1( Villa 
Ebor;' 530 Gro8venor Ave., Montreal; 
Engineer8' Olub, do. 
Brandt, Bev, Edmond Hermann 
(Presb.), educatlo.nlst. 
.orands. Capt., 
f .vhe arm'Y 
of Na.poleon BonapaTte, wbo was 
<100000'100 wlt'h <the Cvoss of the 
Legion of HOnlO'UT aflter Wagra,m and 
vocd. a pension -for his serv'Ï<."eS; b. 
:Montécher.oux, FraIllC'e, 'Aug. 1, 1870; e. 
primary 100oo1l 'schs., Proto Normal Soh., 
Glay Belf.oI'lt ACaJd., Foonce (ddpll()llIL3..), 
M.ollltreaJ Presb. 00111. (grad.., 1896), 
and McGdH Uruiv.: m., May, 1896, .MiJCe 
Eva (d. IMa,y, 1911), d. late Rev. 
Princl,paJl Bour.god!n: ænre:to Oa:n., .1889, 
.t'O join ,toel3.CITing staff, Pointe Aux 
Trembl.e.s Presb. .sohs.: O. 1897: apptd. 
principal Po-irute Aux Trembles MissiOll1 
Soh-s., Oct., 1900; do. d.o. Polnrt:e Aux 
Tvembles Presb. COllI., 1900: recorn- 
mended by Ottawa Presby. for apprt. 
1:,0 staff of fMc)llIÌ'reaJ Presb. Colil., 1909; 
appotd'. an Offr. d' Acad. by French 
Govt., 1909; a strong 'believer in pro- 
hi bi tion and lin tJhe 'IleoesSii ty 011' ele- 
V'8Jtinog P. Q. t'o the posi tJi'Ü'Il of the 
other by Prot'e-.S\1Janltism.- 
Pointe Aux Tremble8 (Laval), P.Q. 
"A mam .00 experie'l1'ce and 
tiV1e wnd 'beoa.ching a.bilit
'."-J[. Witness. 



Branscombe, Miss Gena (see Tenny, 
Mrs. Gena). 
Brant-Sero, John Ojijatekha, a Cana- 
dian Mohawk Indian. 
Mem. old Caniengehaga (Mohawk) 
family; U. E. L.; mother a descen- 
dant of Isaac Brant, Joseph Brant's 
first s.; father a Bay of Qulnte. Mo- 
hawk, nanwd Sero: b. Six Nation Re- 
serve, Co. Brant, Ont., June 11, 1867; 
self-taught; m., 1896, Mrs. Kirby, an 
Eng. lady: a judicial Interpreter; 
elected hereditary Hiawatha, 1903, and 
to Six Nation Council (declfned for 
personal reasons) ; a poet and drama- 
tlst: translated" God Save the King" 
Into the Mohawk; author .. Thl" 
Beaver and the Fox," In verse: read 
a paper, .. Dekanawldeh, the Law- 
Giver of the Oam,iengahagas," before 
Brit. Assn., 1901; volunteered for ser- 
vice In S. A. during Boer War; won 
3rd prize big male beauty -show, Folk- 
stone, Eng., 1908; Con.; Ang.-Win- 
tonvWe, BridUngton, Eng.; Sociologi- 
cal Soc, 
Brault, Henri Alexandre Abdon, 
S. Alexis B., merchant, and Christine 
(de Cousse-de-Rlbaudln), Montreal; 
Acadian family; b. Montreal, Aug., 
1847; e. CoIl. de Montreal; admitted 
N.P., 1869; has since successfully prac- 
tised his prof. In Montreal, having had 
among his clfents the Govts. of the 
Dom. and Quebec; presdt. La Chambre 
de Commerce, M'Ontreal, 1906-7; a del. 
to the Com. Congress of the Empire, 
1903; delfvered a notable speech there 
in d'E"freuC'e of the Emp'ire; app,td. a 
Harbor Commr., Montreal, 1905, and 
did much during his term of office to- 
wards effecting Improvements, looking 
to the creation of Montreal as a nat. 
port; Is In favor of giving Can. the 
right to negotiate her own treaties and 
of naming her own consular agents; 
Is thoroughly loyal and faithful to the 
Brit. fiag; a Lib.: a R.C.-16 St. Louia 
Square, Montreal; summer residence' 
Vaudreuil, P.Q. . 
uA sincere pa.trjot."-Hon. J. 1. Tarte. 
Bray, :Rev, Horace Edgar (Ang.). 
4th s. late Wm. B., J.P., R.N., 
and Eliza (Lang) B., of Adelaide 
and Petrolea, Onto ; b. AdelaIde. 
Ont.; e. Petrolea pUblic sch., New- 
market high sch., Huron CoIl., Western 
Univ. and Chicago Univ.; M.A.; m., 
1890, Allee Maud (d. 1899), y. d. T. 
F. KlngsmllI, uBellevdew," London, Ont,; 
o. deacon, 1889; priest, 1890; Incum- 
bent Christ Ch., Markdale, Ont., 1890; 
rector Trivett Memorial Ch., Exeter, 
Ont., 1896; do. 81. James's Ch., Han- 
over, Ont., 1899; since 1908 has been 
rector St. John's Ch., Port Rowan; Is 
chaplain (with hon. rank of capt.), 
39th Regt.; a memo of Religious Educ. 
Assn.; sits on Sch, Bd. and Is secy. 
R. D. Oha,pter of Norfolk; presdt. of 
the lawn tennis and bowling clubs.- 
St. John'8 Rectory, Port Rowan, Onto 
Bray, John Lang, physician. 
S. late Wm. B., R.N., and Eliza, d. 
late John Lang, Plymouth, Eng.; b. 
Kingston, Ont., 1841; e. London Dlst. 
Grammar Sch. and Queen's Univ. 

(M.D., 1863; LL.D., hon., 1905); m., 
June, 1867, Madeline Isabel Vav&sour, 
d. late J. V. Noel, Klngst'On, Ont.; has 
filled many Important positions In his 
profession, Including V.-P. Onto Med. 
Council, 1881-82; presdt. do., 1882-83, 
and presdt. Can. Med. Assn., 1891-92; 
Is also a mem, Am. Med. Assn.; elect- 
ed regr. Onto Med. Council, 1907: an 
Ang.; a Con.; a strong believer In 
Can., and an upholder of the Brit. Em- 
plre; m., June
 1867, Madeline Isabel 
Vavasour, d. late J. V. Noel, Kingston, A venue Rd., Toronto. 
Bray, Samuel, Dom. public service. 
Eng. origin; s. Richard B., Devon- 
shire, Eng., a well-known mining engr., 
at one time man gr. Bank of Elgin, St. 
Thomas, Ont., and Catherine (Wil- 
liams) B.; b. Quebec, Nov. 5, 1846; 
e. Trevarth Sch., Cornwall, Eng., and 
St. Thomas Grammar Sch.; m., Feb., 
1878, Elizabeth, d. late JUòg1e Launt; 
C.E.; O.L..s.; D.L.,S.; successively d,lv. 
engr. Can. Southern, Hamilton & 
N. W., Credit Valley, Detroit, Mar- 
quette & Mackinaw, and Onto & Que. 
Rys.; entd. public service, June, 1884; 
apptd. chief surveyor and engr. Dept. 
Indian Affairs, July, 1905; passed 8 
yrs. In Mexico during Maximilian re- 
gime; 'P'racticaMy a master of tlboe 
SP3;-nlish language; Ind. Oon.; faV'OUrs 
tamf'f suffici,en,tily 'high !t'O enc'Ourage 
borne Indusrtries, death and bequest 
taxes, old a-ge !pensions, gradua,too In- 
<.'Orne tax, and any m,oosure which will 
enoourage ,the acquisition of wealth, 
but disoourage a.s much as possible 
Þhe acquIsition of -great wrealtth; Ang. 
-ff9 Argyle Ave., Ottawa. 
Bray, William Crowell, educationist. 
S. W. T. and S. J. (Willson) B.; 
mother a d. late Crowell Willson 
M.P. (H. C.) ; b. Wlngham, Ont., Sept: 
2, 1879; e. London High Sch., Toronto 
Ulliv. (B.A., 1902), and Leipzlg Unlv. 
(Ph.D., 1905); umn.; a research 
chemist; has been research associate 
In Research Labory. of Phys. Chemis- 
try, Mass. Inst. Tech., Boston, MaSs., 
since 1905; Is asst. ed. Chemical Ab- 
stracts (Am. Chern. Soc.), having 
charge of dlv. of gent and phys. 
chemistry; has published a number of 
papers In field of phys. and In organic 
chemistry, In sclen. journals; awarded 
the" Exhn. of 1851" travell. scholars., 
Toronto Unlv, 1902; Ang.-Mas8, In- 
Btitute of Technology. B08ton, Mass,; 
Technology Club. do. 
Breakey, John, lumber manufacturer. 
S. late H. D. B., Chaudiêre River, 
P.Q.; b. there, ApI. 9, 1846: e. Rev. 
D. Anderson's private grammar sch., 
Lêvls, P.Q.; m., Nov., 1867, Helen. d. 
late J'Ohn Anderson, Ord .MllII, IMoll'Y- 
musk, Aberdee'nshire, Soot.; untdrerwent!: 
a,pprentlceshlp rin fa.ther'g buslruess as 
lum'ber manfr., and, 'On Ibis death. be- 
...'3.II1'e 'prop. saw a.nd lumlber mi'lil.s, 
EtchemiTI, formerly controlled by him; 
3. dlr. Off Quebec Bank for many yrs.; 
was .presdt. d'O., 1897-1908; 8.ilso presdt. 
Can. El'ßctric Light 00.; .prevlously a 
Jir. Union Bank of Can.; late a gov. 
Morrin CoN., Quebec; a Presb.- 
Etchemin, P.Q.; Quebec Garri80n Club. 


Brebner, James, educationist, 
S. late Jas. B., Inspr. Schs., Co. 
Lambton, Ont., and Margt. (Elhot) 
B.; b. London, Ont., Sex>t. 22, 1859: e. 
Sarnia High Sch., Branttord CoIl. lnst., 
an'd Toronto<> Undv. (B:A., 1891); m. 
Miss Frances E. Bar:blet, Win dlslO r, 
Onto ; - some yrs. a pUbl,ic and 'high sch. 
teacher; has been f.or som
 ltime regr. 
'l.'or-onto Ul1'iv., a 'position he stilll fUlis; 
declined bursarshi'p IMoGiH Univ., 1902; 
a c'Û'11'lrlbut'or to Westminster.-5'1 
Howland Ave., Toronto. 
Bredin, William :Fletcher, merchant; 
,B. Glie.ngarry, Ont.; 'e. there; m., 
Sept., 1907, Anna Brown, 51th d. læte 
W. J. \Marsh, .. Gra'pe Grange," Clarks- 
burg, Ont.; went west, 1870; a partner 
of J. K. OornwaU; extensive mer- 
chants and õtraders; weIll known as a.n 
explorer; possesses an Int'imat.e knowl- 
edge of .the resources {)f ,the whol-e 
North-West; has S8Jt If'Or kt'habask.a 
(Looa:l), Lib. dnterest, g,i.næ .g. e. 1905; 
Ang.-Lesser Slave Lake, Alta. 
Brehaut, Ernest, educationist. 
E. s. Geo. H. and Margot. (Mac- 
kinnon) B., Guernsey, P.E.I.; paternal 
ancestors came from Guernsey, Chan- 
nel lsds., to Guernsey, P.E.l., 1806; 
b. Guernsey, P.E.I., 1874: e. Prince of 
Wales CoIl., Dalhousie Univ. (B.A., 
with honours in classics and Univ. 
med., 1894), and Harvard Univ. 
(B.A., 1896; M.A., 1897); ro., 1907, 
Miss Marguerite Upton, Colorado 
Springs; prof. of classics Colorado CoIl., 
1898-1908; stnce then prof. of history, 
do. - Colorado College, Colorado 
Springs, U.S. 
Brehaut, Louis, educationist. 
Bro. of preceding: b. Guerp.sey, 
P.E.I., 1882; e. Dist. Sch., Prince of 
Wales CoIl., Charlottetown (Anderson 
gold med. for highest standing) and 
Dalhousie Univ. (B.A., with higoh hon- 
ours and gold med. In Greek and Eng., 
also N. B. bursary, 1904) ; prof. Eng. 
and Eng. liter., P. of Wales Coll., 
1904-05; chosen Rhodes schol. at Ox- 
ford, 1905 (B.C.L., 1907).-Oxford, 
Breithaupt. Louis Jacob, manufac- 
S. late Louis and Catherine (Hailes) 
B.; b. Buffalo, N.Y., Mch. 3, 1855; e, 
Berlin and Tor.onoo; m., 1881, Emma 
A,lvareme, 2nd d. Benj. Devill, WateT- 
100; joined his farther in busin.ess, anod. 
on his death, became a memo and act- 
Inlg m.angr. of firm, which, in 1890, was 
incorporated as othe IBl'eithaupl Lea'ther 
Co., Ltd., baV'lng extensive tanneries 
at Berlin, PenetanguLshene and Lis- 
towell; is presd.t. of co.; also lporesdt. 
Onto Bark Co., and a dir. Onto Sugar 
Co.; has been a memo of Park Bd., a 
trustee Berlin-Waterloo Hospital, chair- 
man Berlln Sch. Bd., presdt. Y. M. 
C. A. and of Bd of Trade, Mayor of 
Berlln and Warden of Waterloo; re- 
presented N. Waterloo (Local), In 
Lib. interest, 1900-02, when unseated; 
mean. EV'an.g. Assn.-Berlin, Onto 
Breithaupt, William Henry, civil en gr. 
Bro. preceding; b. Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 
25, 1857; accompanied parents to Ber- 


lin, 1861; e. Berlin, NorthWf'st CoIl., 
Napiervi,lIle, !ill., and Rensselaer Poly. 
Inst., N. Y.; C. E., 1881; m., Feb., 
1898, Martha Cunningham, d. .John 
Murphy, Montreal; served on construc- 
tion West Shore Ry., 1881: on Pgh., 
Ft. W. & C. Ry., 1882; asst. engr., 
under C. Spohn Smith, St. Louis, on 
C. P. R. and other bridges, 1883-85; 
removed to Kansas City, Mo., 1886; 
bridge engr. Chicago, Sante Fe & Cal. 
Ry., do.; removed to N.Y., 1895; went 
into genl. practice there as bridge and 
structural engr.; memo Am. Soc. C. E., 
1887; do., Can. Soc. C.E., 1903 (coun- 
clllor, 1907); at present residing in 
Berlln, where he is presdt. Berlln Gas 
Co., of Berlln & Waterloo St. Ry. Co., 
and of Berlln & Bridgeport El. St. Ry. 
Co. ; author of various scientific papers; 
Pres b.; Lib. (In Can.) ; an Am. citfzen. 
-3 Potsdam Place, Berlin, Ont.; Engi- 
neers' Club, N.Y.; Engineers' Club, To- 
Bremner. Lt,-Col, James John, Can. 
public service. 
B. May 23, 1828; formerly in com- 
mand 66th Regt. (Princess of Wales 
FusiUers); saw service during Fenian 
r:;tids and N. W. campaign, 1885 (genl. 
service med., with 1 clasp; N. W. Re- 
bellion med.; Col. Aux. Forces offrs.' 
decoration); entd. customs service, 
1886; apptd. Inspr. of customs, Hali- 
fax,' N.S., Dec., 1888.-Halifax, N.S. 
Brennan, Miss Millicent, vocalist. 
D. H. H. Brennan, merchant, Otta- 
wa; b. and e. Ottawa: studied for her 
prof. at Paris, France: made her de- 
but, 1903, in the cycle of musical fes- 
tivals in Can., conducted under the 
leadership of Sir Alex. Mackenzie and 
Dr. C. A. E. Harriss (q.v.), taking 
difficult solo parts with great success; 
subsequently studied in Holland, 
Germany, Eng., and the U. S.; in 1905 
appeared in Eng. grand opera, un- 
der Col. Savage, and has also ap- 
peared in oratorlo.-Columbus, 0., 
U.S,; !10 Somerset St., Ottawa. 
.. Possesses a soprano voice ûf splendid 
quality and large compass."-Musical 
Brennan, 'rh.omas J,. physician; Am. 
ry. servICe. 
B. Montreal, Nov. 1, 1853; e. St. 
Lawrence Sch., do.; studied for prof., 
Dniv. of N. Y., and graduated M. D.; 
m., June, 1881, Miss Harriet C. Gough, 
Montreal; gave up practice of med. 
owing to lll-health; devoted some yrs. 
to journalistic and business life: ed. 
Home Advocate, Camden, N..J., 1877; 
do. Sunday Leader, Phil., do.: travell. 
corr. Cincinnati Enquirer, 1878-81; a 
contributor of verse and short stories 
to various mags., 1881-85 ; private secY., 
Secy. U. S. Treas., 1885-87; asst. 
cashier West. Nat. Bank of N. Y., 
1887-94; dir. and asst. secy. Metropol. 
S1. Ry., N. Y., 1896-97; since then 
has been secy. Chihuahua & Pacific 
Ry.: aDem.; tarltr refonner; sound 
money advocate: favours freer trade, 
reclprocity wirth Can., oonsbilu.tJlonoa:l 
govt., etc. ; a R,C.-Murray Hill, Flush- 
ing, N.Y,; (summer residence) (( Cow- 
anhurst," Lake Pocotopang, Eaile 
Hampton, Conn. 



Brent, The Bight Beverend Charles 
Eenry. Bishop (Prot. Ep.). 
S. late Rev. Canon Henry B. and 
Sophia Frances, 2nd d. lat.e James 
Cumming, M.P.P.; b. Newcastle, Ont., 
ApI. 9, 1862; e. Trin. CoIl. Sch., Port 
Hope, and Trin. Univ., Toronto (B.A., 
with honours in classics, 1884: M.A. 
1889; D.D., hon., 1901) D.D. (hon.), 
King's CoIl. Univ., N.S., 1910; unm.; 
o. deacon, 1886; priest, 1887; a memo 
of staff Trln. CoIl. Sch., Port Hope, 
Ont., 1886; asst. minr. St. Paul's Ca tb. , 
Buffalo, 1887; do. St. .John the Evan- 
g-elÏst. Bosoon, 1888-91; assoc. 
St. Stephens, BoSJton., 1891-1901; el'eOted 
first Bp. Philippine Islands at genI. 
convention Ep. Ch. U. S., San Fran- 
cisco, Oct. 1901; consecrated Boston. 
Mass., Dec., 1902; elected Bp. of 
Washington, D.C., at annual conven- 
tion Ep. Ch. U. S., Washington, May, 
1908, .and again :subsequently; odecllinle{l 
va.rious other 'P'OS'Ít'i'Ons in ,the U.S., In- 
ûluddng d-eanery 1St. .Paul"s Cath., Cin- 
ci.nl1'3itl, rectJOry St. Luke's, 'San Fran- 
cisoo, and doeQllæry Oht1ist Oh., 
OtJtawa, 1901; .on 00. staff N. Y. 
CltU1.chman, N.Y., 1897-1900; OOffilffilr. 
OIn P>hili'P'pine oplium traffic, 1904 ; 
elected chainnan Intern. Opium Comn., 
Shanghai, 1909; author II With God In 
the World" (1899), II The Consolations 
of the Cross" (1902), II The Splendor 
of the Human Body" (1904), "Ad'Ven
ture for God It (do. ), II Liberty and 
Other Sermons It (1906), II With God 
in Prayer It (1907), II The Mind 'Of 
Christ Grows" (1908), II Leadershi.p" 
(1908), etc.; Teed. a gi.ft of $100,000 
from Mrs. E. D. Branodeg.el, UtiCla, 
N. Y., \:10 .assi'st hoi,m to build a cath.; 
Wm. iBelden Noble croect., HaTvaro 
Unliv., 1907; a dleI. Ang. Oh. Bi-Cent. 
celebration, Ha-lJifax, N.S.. 1910; II an 
Am. d.bizen, but noone It he Less loyal to 
the ooun1try amid to 'the IpeOJJIle of h,is 
bit1th."-25.! Calle Nozaleda, 1Ilanila, 
II A splendid specimen of muscular 
Christianity."-M. and E. 
II Possesses great powers of organization 
and ability to handle church work."- 
Can. Churchman. 

 Louise C,. nursing pro- 
D. late .Jas. M. and Mary (Holland) 
B., fonner from Eng.; latter from 
Wales; b. Toronto; e. by governess 
and at private ech.; trained for pro- 
fession at Brooklyn City Hospital, 
graduating 1890; supdt. Grace Hospi- 
tal 6 yrs.; apptd. supdt. Hospital for 
Sick Children, 'l'oronto (her present 
position), .Jan., 1897; elected first 
presdt. Can. Hospital Assn., 1907: and 
presdt. The Lady Supdts. of Hosps. 
Assn., 1909: noW Itreas., do.; i,s also 
1st V.-P. Can. N8Jt. ASSD. {)If Trained 
Nurses and a dir. Onto Graduate 


s' Aßsn.-ffl Elizabeth St., To- 
Brett, Bichard Buddy, journalist. 
S. .John and Ann (Elliott) B., both 
from Irel.: b. Amherstburg, Ont., ApI. 
17, 1869; e. there; m., .June, 1893, Miss 
Frances L. Roberts. Charlotte, Mich.; 
a pUblic sch. teacher, 1888-90; since 

then in journalism; for 7 yrs. connect- 
ed with Amherstburg Echo; later 
one of the publishers and props. Essex 
Free Press; elected grand master I. O. 
O. F., Ont., 1907-08; a Lib.; an Ang. 
-Essex. Onto 
Brett, Eon, Bobert George, physician. 
S. .Jas. and Catherine (Mallon) B., 
both natives of IreI., who settled In 
London, Ont., 1846: b. Strathroy, Ont.. 
Nov. 16, 1851; e. Strathroy Grammar 
Sch. and Toronto Univ.; M.D. (Vic- 
toria Unlv. ), 1874; post-grad. course 
N. Y. hospitals, 1876; further course 
In surg. and gynecol., Vienna, Austria, 
1894; m., 1878. Miss Louise T Hunge.r- 
fiord, W.atf1orÕ', Ont.; fonnerJy p-rac- 
Used Co. LambtoI1-, Ont.. where be 
was l'e'eve ()If tArkona ; m'Ovinlg to 
MaID., wa,g OM of ,the founders ()f 
MalI1. Med. CO'I
., in which he held 
chair of m3Jt. moo. and 1he-rap.; 
now emer. prof. gynecoI. and obst. 
therein; for several yrs. a councillor 
and memo Bd. of Studies, Man. Unlv.: 
also asst. surg. 90th R,egt. ; estabMshed 
Banff Sanitarium, 1886. of which he 
is mf'd. dir.; presdt. CoIl. P. and S. 
N. W. T., some yrs.; now memo Med. 
Council, Alta.; surgeon C. P. R. and 
to collieries of Anthracite and Can- 
more: sat In Advis. Council. N. W. T., 
1889-92, and in N. W. T. Assembly, 
later, up to 1900; for 2 yrs. was 
presdJt. Extve. Oourucdl, and ,laoter Ileað!er 
of the Opposition In the chamber; 
senator Unlv. Alberta, 1908; a Con.: 
an Aug.: pre-rot. 'AHa. Con. 
A,ssn.., 1909.-BanffJ Alta. 
Brewner, WWoughby Staples, law- 
yer; legislator. 
II'ish and Eng. origin; S. .John and 
Elizabeth (Staples) B.: b. Tp. Haldl- 
mand, Northumberland, Ont., .July 9, 
1860; e. CoIl. Inst., Cobourg and Vlc- 
torla Unliv., do. (B.A., 1882): m., 1st 
Aug., 1887, Mary L. (d.), 'e. d. .Jas. 
Horning, BraI1ltfO'rd, ûn'Ì.; 2nd'ly, .June, 
1898, . .Bel.le Roberts: barri'ste.r, 
1885: sli'cce.ssrfulll1Y P'fI3.ctiæs' Ibis :prof. 
a.t Brantforo: K.C., 1899; elteCtoo 
V.-P. Onto BaT A ssn, , 1908; served 4 
yrs. in BranlÌ'ford CouncH: is chaiT- 
man PubMc Scl1.. Bd.; Don. can. fOor N. 
Brant (,Local), g. .e. 1904; elected for 
S. Branlt, g. 
. 1908.; a Meth.-Bmnt- 
ford, Onto 
Breynat, The Bt, Bev, Gabriel Joseph 
EUa (R.C.), Bishop. 
B. St. Vallier, Diocese of Valpnce, 
France, Oct. 5, 1867; e. there; joined 
the Oblat Order, and was o. 1891; came 
to Can., 1888; 13.pptd. bp. titular 
ðI Adramyte and vicar apost., Mac- 
kenzie River, 1901; consecrated, ApI., 
1902; attended the Plenary Council, 
Quebec, 1909: and the Eucharistic 
Congress, Montreal, 1910.-Fort Reso- 
lution, via Edmonton, Alta. 
I I A fine specimen of th06e who have 
spent their lives in behalf of the Indian. 
of the North."-The WeBt, 
Brice, Alfred James, merchant. 
B, Chapel Allerton, Somersetshire, 
Eng.: e. Bath; came to Can., 1870; 
m. Miss Mary Woodcock, Toronto. an 
extensive butter and cheese expor'ter; 



an unsuccessful candidate for presI- 
dency Bd. of Trade, Montreal, 1900: 
Ang.-26.5 Peel St.. Montreal; St. 
James's Club; St. George's Snowshoe 
Club; Montreal Amateur Athletic 
Assn.; Montreal Club, do. 
Bridge, Colonel Charles Henry, H.M.'s 
regular mil. forces. 
Fourth s. late Archdeacon B.. St. 
.John's, Nfd.; b. there, .June 16, 1852; 
e. Canterbury and .Jesus ColI., Camb.; 
m., 1885, Elizabeth Dorcas, d. Sir Ed- 
ward Morris, K.C.B.; joined Eng. Con- 
trol Dept., 1872: It.-col., 1889; col., 
1898; Egyptian campaign, 1882 (med. 
and star) ; D. A. Q. M. G., Headquar- 
ters, War Office, 1886-91: commanded 
A. S. C., Aldershot, 1891-96; campaign 
In Rhodesia, 1896, on staff of Sir 
Fredk. Carrington (thanks of Char- 
tered Company, med., and C.B.) ; dir. 
of transports, S. Africa Field Force. 
1899-1900; A. A. G., Aldershot, 1900- 
02 (med., 3 clasps, despatches, C.M.G.) ; 
director of .transport, 1903; Inspr. 
Remount Dept., 1906.-Reading, En!J.; 
Junior United Service Club, London. 
Bridge, Admiral Sir Cyprian Arthur 
S. late Archdeacon B., St. .John's, 
Nfd.; b. there, Mch. 15, 1839; m., 
1877, Eleanor, d. G. Thornhill, C.RI.; 
entd. R. N., 1853; rear-admiral, 1892; 
vice-do., 1898; admiral, 1903: served 
White Sea, 1854; Bay of Bengal. dur- 
Ing Indian Mutiny; with Naval Bri- 
gade In Burma: memo Comte. on 
Heavy Guns, 1878; of War Office 
Comte. on Explosives; also on Armour 
Plates and Projectiles, 1879; of Ord- 
nance Comte., 1881; dlr. Naval Intelli- 
gence, 1889-94; commander-in-chief 
Australian station, 1895-98; K.C.B., 
1899; commander-In-chief, China sta- 
tion, 1901-04; G.C.B., 1903; retired, 
1904; V.-P. Brit. Science Guild; 
author .. The Art 'Of Navwl Woar.fare," 
and .. Sea Power and Other Studies." 
-1 Eaton Terrace. London. S. W.; 
United Service Club; Wellington Club, 
Bridge, Kaj,-Gen, Thoma. :rield 
Dunseomb, H.M.'s regular m.iI. 
S. late Archdeacon B. and Sarah 
Christiana (Dunscomb) B.: b. St. 
.John's, Nfd., .June 11, 1847; e. Eng. 
and France: m, Harriet, d. .J. H. Ler- 
mUte, Knighton, Middlesex, Eng.; 2nd 
lieut. R. M. L. lnfy., .Jan., 1866; capt., 
1881: It.-col., 1894: col., 1899: maj.- 
genl., 1906; s
rved Saudan, 1884-85 
(med., with 2 clasps; Khedive's star) ; 
captured standard at Battle of Tofrek 
(bt. of major) ; was A. D. C. to late 
Queen Victoria 
 and later A. D. C. to 
K!ing Edward; Ang.-8 Chester Place 
Hyde Park Sq., London, W., Eng.; 
United Service Club, do. 
Bridge., Hedley Viean Burpee, edu- 
S. Hy. Putnam and Eliza Ann (Bur- 
pee) B.; both parents descended from 
Puritan settlers, who came from Ips- 
wlch and Rowley, Mass., to N. B., 
1763; b. Sheffield, N.B., Oct., 1862; e. 

N. B. Univ. (B.A., 1881; M.A" 1883; 
LL.D., hon., 1910); m., Aug., 1896, 
Mabel, e. d. late Hon. Mr. .Justice 
Gregory; math. master, ColI. lnst., 
Fred'erlcton, some yrs.; inspr. schs. 
N. B., 1889-1906: 'Principal Norma'l 
Sch., Fredericton, .JU'ly, 1906; elect-ed 
a senator N. B. Univ., 1905; a dlr. 
Dom. Educl. ,A'ssn., 1907; pres(l.t. 
Fredtericton Curl1in.g Olub, 1906.- 
Fredericton, N.B. 
Bridges, Henry Seabury, educationist. 
S. late Hy. Putnam and Eliza Ann 
(Burpee) B.; Puritan ancestors; b. 
Sheffield, N.B., Nov. 23, 1850; e. Shef- 
field Grammar Sch. and Univ. of N. B. 
(B.A. and gold med. for best Latin 
essay, 1869; M.A., 1871; Ph.D., 1888) ; 
subsequently studied at Oxford, Eng.; 
m., Oct., 1880, .AJllce tMidd, ltemol'e d. 
la.tIe S. R. F1ost<er, St. .John, N.B.; 
entd. teaching profession, and was suc- 
cessively asst. master Sunbury Gram- 
mar Sch.; 2nd master, ColI. Inst.. 
Fredericton; principal High Sch. and 
supdt. other schs., St. Stephen; 2nd 
master, St. John Grammar Sch.: prin- 
cipal do.; prof. classics, Unlv. N. B., 
1881, and, again, principal St. .John 
Grammar Sch. (retired, 1906): since 
1897 has been supdt. city schs., St. 
.John; Is a senator and presdt. Alumni 
Soc., N. B. Univ.: V.-P. Soc. Prevo of 
Cruelty to Animals and a dir. Can. 
Club, St. .John, and of local Moral and 
Social Reform Council; elected d'epty. 
G. master Freemasons of N. B., 1907, 
and R.W.G.,M., 1909 : opposed to Lord 
StraÌ!hcona's (q.v.) plan tor ele'IDentJary 
mHiotary tra.inring in Can. pubHc schs. 
-St. John, N.B.; Canadian Club, do. 
Bridgman, George B" pain ter. 
S. .J. W. B., formerly of Toronto: 
studied at Paris under Gerome; after 
a 5 yrs.' course at the Ecole des Beaux 
Arts, Paris, was given, In 1888, the 
highest honour that can be awarded, 
vlz., the gold med. and first prize, Na- 
tional and Special of France, over all 
competitors, both native and foreign, 
for painting the full length figure from 
life. - Care Canadian Otnce, Pana, 
Bridgman, Bev, George Henry (l\Ieth.) 
oS. l.a.te .John P. and Marda (WH- 
S'on) B., Smithvillle, Ont.; b. there, 
<\ug. 2, 1841; e. Victoria Un1v., Co- 
bourg (B.A., 1864; M.A., 1867);. han. 
d-egree D.D., Syracuse Unlv., 1879; 
LL.D., do., 1900; m., .June, 1873, Mary 
B., d. late .J'ohn El'Uot, BranltfO'rd, 
Ont.; enttd. min.iSltTY, 1864; o. 1868; 
heM ,pastorates at Paris, Dunòas, To- 
ronto, Ham Ïil'bon, St. Ca.toharinoes, and 
Broantford; wUhd-rew from Can. IMeth. 
Ch. and joi'n,ed IMeth. Ep. Ch., U. -8., 
1873; presdt. Genesee Wesl. Semy., 
lAma, N.Y., 1873-83; elected .presdt. 
Hamlolne Univ., 'St. Paul, Minn. (his>ent posi.ti<m), 1883; has been 5 
times a memo GenJ. Conf. Meth. Ep. 
Oh., as a del. from Minn. Conf. ; a d.eI. 
Federa! CQund'l of Chs. of Ohrist .In 
Am., N. Y., 1905; a memo 1st Charter 
Comn., St. BanI; F1reet11!a90n.-1.f95 
Hewitt Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 



Brierley. James Samuel, journalist. 
S. late .Tas. Bell B., London, Ont.; b. 
there, Mch. 4, 1858; e. there; m., Alpl., 
1898, k1doe Bosworth, 3rd d. lat>e Lt.- 
001. E. W. Gossage, C.E.; acqul'l'eD 
practical knowledge of printing busi- 
ness In office London Press, later 
becoming supdt. Hamilton Bpectator Job 
office; started In business for himself, 
London, 1879; acquireD Home JouTnal, 
St. Thomas, Ont., of which he became 
subsequently sole prop. and ed., 1881; 
purchased Obrutham Banner, 1894, oon- 
t:lnu:ing its pubIlca;Uon HII Oot., 1896; 
became mango dlr. and ed. Montreal 
Daily Herald about same time; remov- 
Ing to Montreal, disposed of his Interest 
In the Banner, but retained proprietor- 
ship of Home Journal; since Dec., 1909, 
has been presdt. of the Herald Publish- 
Ing Co.; elected presdt. Can. Press 
Assn., 1896, and 'Of Can. 'Assocla,ted 
Press, 1904; presdt. Can. Club, Mont- 
real, 1910; also presd,t. \Montreal Club; 
was a de-I. to the Imp. Pres.s 
Cont., London, Eng., 1909; elected 
chairman of Can. delegates to do. do.; 
on this occasion was presented to the 
then KIng and Queen of Eng.; elected 
Eastern V.-P. The Can. Press, Ltd., 
1910; was brought to the bar of 
Quebec Assem., Mch., 1902, and re- 
quested to divulge the name of the 
writer of a certain article that had 
appeared In the Herald. for which he 
assumed the full responsibility, having 
published the same In good faith, and, 
on his refusing a second time to give 
the desired Information, was dis- 
charged from custody, the House being 
satisfied with his explanation; a Lib.; 
an All'g.; .a Fl"eemason.-147 Cðte Bt. 
Antoine Rd., Montreal; Canadian Club; 
Montreal Club, do. 
II One of the very cleverest of Can. 
journaliøts."-P, Globe. 
"A man of push and ene.rgy who ha!l 
aooompHshed WO'Ilders in Montreal."- 
ThoB. CoM (q.v.). 
Briggs, Alfred WUUam. lawyer. 
S. Rev. Wm. B., D.D. (q.v.), and 
Rosalie Marian (Clarke) B.; b. Lon- 
don, Ont., .Tune 24, 1871; e. Toronto 
Coli. Inst., and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1891; LL.B., 1892; M.A., 1893; m., 
1900, Demeredy F., 2nd d. .Tohn .T. 
Wright (q.v.), consulotJng en gr. To- 
ronto Electric Light Co.; 'barrIster, 
1894; KC., 1910; sucoessfuHy prac- 
tises In Tororuto; hon. Ortoop. 
Hosp.; do. dú. Can. .copyright Assn.; 
Can. sec. StaT Life Aissur. Soc. of Lon- 
don, Eng.; a ooundllO'r Irish Proto 
Ben. Soc.-Port Credit; otnce, Toronto 
"A man of broad views and deep in. 
terest in educa.tional m-atters and of first- 
class administrative a.bHity."-T. Globe. 
BriggB. Eon, Daniel Luther. mer- 
chant; legislator. 
S. Edward and Elizabeth B., Sack- 
vllle, N.B.; h. and e. there; m.; leav- 
dng Sa.ckvHle, Feb., 18.69; ldved at 
Cromwell for 12 yrs., but finally took 
up his residence at Mldmf'town, Conn., 
Where hie ihas estJa:bd. the firm of D. L. 
B. & Co., wholesale beef and provi- 
slons; Is also presdt. B. & Co., manfrs. 

of hardware specialties; a .T. P.; Ald.., 
] 886-88 ; Mayor, 1890-94; chairman 
Town Comte., 1887-95; presdt. Rep, 
State League 2 yrs.; a del. to several 
conventions of Rep. party; representa- 
tive from Middletown, 1897-98; state 
senator, 1906-07; has also been a dlr. 
Ed. of Trade, trustee and dir. of sav- 
irugs banks; was chairman Senate 
Comte. on Fisheries and Game.-Mid- 
dleton, Conn. 
.. A man of widespread popularity."- 
AC. 'l'ribune. 
Briggs. Frederick Adams. banker. 
B. Cowansvllle, P.Q.; graduated Cor- 
noe}ol Univ., Ithaca, N.Y., 1898; was 
e of Oorruell crew, carrying his 
crew to victories over Yale, Harvard, 
Pennsylvania, and Columbia, In '96, '97, 
and '98; m., 1901, Miss Annie Vallette 
Haight, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; at pres- 
ent mangr. Welllngton St. branch 
Eastern Tps. Bank, Sherbrooke, P.Q. 
-Bherbrooke, P.O. 
BriggB. D. B," "Jimuel (see Thomp- 
son, Phillips). 
BriggB. Bev, William (Meth.), pub- 
S. 'late Thos., Banbridg-e, Co. Down, 
Irel. ; Irish and Scotch descent; b. Ban- 
bridge, Sept. 9, 1836; e. Mt. Street 
Sch. and ColI. Inst., LI verpool, Eng.; 
acqu:lred a oom. 'trainin,g In ,the 
s'ame city; whUe sUI'1 a yooung man, 
CaJme to Can., and was recelVie'd 
on -trial, Sit! Durham, Provo Quebec, 
1859; o. 1863; was stationed, subse- 
quently, as pastor, at Toronto, Hamil- 
ton, Montreal, London, Cobourg, Belle- 
ville, and again at Toronto (Metro- 
politan Ch.) ; was financial secy., 1874 ; 
chairman dlst., 1876; secy. to conf., 
1876-77; presdt. conf., 1885; has been 
a del. to all the genl. confs. of his ch., 
as well as to the Genl. Conf. of the 
Meth. Epls. Ch. of the South. 1882, and 
to the Ecumen. Con!., Washingron, 
D.C., 1891, and also a,t LondJOn. 
1901: first elec'Ìe.d book st-ewtßTd of 
the Methodist Book and Publishing 
House, becoming head of the pioneer 
book 'pubUshlng house In Toronto, and 
the largest publishing house In the 
Dom., 1879; D.n., 'hon. (Victoria Unlv.), 
1886; a memo Comte. 20th Century 
'l'hanl(sglvlng Fund, 1898; a memo 
Comte. of Conf. on Ch, Union. 1906, 
nnd a memo Bd. Regents, Victoria 
Unbr., 1906-07: a memo .Tolnt Comte. 
l'e .Tapanese Meth. Ch., 1906; vlce- 
chair. Local Exoe.cut1V1e Oomte., F'ouJ'lbh 
Ecumenical Methodist Conference, 
1911; also served as presdt. :Meth. 
Social Union and of Master Printers' 
and Boo!{1biniders Assn.: m., 1865, Miss 
Rosalie Marian Clark, Melbourne, Aus- 
tralla.-21 Grenville Bt., Toronto, Onto 
.. A wise administrator."-T. Globe. 
.. One of the most successful pastors of 
his time."-M. end E, 
"A good preacher, excellent man of 
business and witlty pla.trorm spe,aker."- 
Rev. Dr. Smith. 
.. One of those most thoroughly verled 
in the British classics among the educated 
men of the country."-BUBJf Man'. MBU. 


Bright, Bev, Alfred (Pres b.). 
S. Hy. and Elizabeth (Bright) B., 
Montreal; b. there, Sept. 21, 1878; e. 
tMontTe8Jl High Sch., A!biongd-on Seh., 
Montreal, and Queen's Univ., Kingston 
(B.A., 1905); pursued theol. studies at 
Yale Unlv. and Presb. CoIl,.. Montreal; 
o. 1907; asst. pastor St. Paul's and 
Knox Chs., Peterboro, Ont., 1906; pas- 
tor St. Paul's Ch., Ingersoll, 1907.- 
Inger8oll. Onto 
BrlgnaU, James, Can. ry. service. 
Formerly genl. mangr. N. S. Central 
Ry.; awtd. auditor l'aJtter ry., Nov., 
1905; m. Oharlobtoe EmlJy (d. A-p I. , 
1903), d. Ilo3!te .Jas. Spike, HaUfax, 
N.S.-Bridgewater, N.S. 
Brill, Hon, Hascal Bussel, judge. 
S. ThO's. R. and Sarah (Sager) B.; 
b. Phlllpsburg, P.Q., Aug. 10, 1846; e. 
pub. schs., Can. and Minn., HamUne 
Univ. (LL.D., 1890), and Mich. Univ.; 
barrister, 1870; m., 1873, Miss {)ora A. 
Gray; judge Probate Ct., Ramsay Co., 
Minn., 1873-74; do. Common Pleas, do., 
1875-76; do. Dist. Ct., 2nd .Jud. Dlst., 
Minn., since 1876; Rep.--671 Laurel 
A ve., St. Paul, JIinn. 
Brlmson, Miss Florence Anne, (See 
Graff, l:Mrs. FloTenoo Anon-e.) 
Brine, Bev, Charles L, (Epls.). 
S. late Wm. E. B., Provl. Cashier, 
Halifax, N.S., who came to N. S. from 
.Jersey, C.!.; b. St. Margaret's Bay, 
N.S.; e. King's CoIl., Windsor, N.S. 
(B.A., 1887); o. deacon (Bp. Freder- 
Icton, N.B.), 1887; priest (Bp. To- 
ronto), 1888; served In N. S., Toronto, 
and Hamilton; In latter city was rector 
St. .John Evangellst Ch, ; since 1896 has 
been rector Christ Church, Portsmouth, 
N.H.-Port8mouth, N.H, 
Brisson, Thomas Auguste, physician; 
Quebec pUbllc service. 
S. late Dr. B., St. Lln, P.Q.; b. there, 
Oct. 12, 1852; e. L'Assomption and 
:Montreal Col'Is. and V,icooria UO'iv., 
Cobourg, Onto (M.D., 1871); m., 
Oct., 1881, Marie Louise (d. Dec., 
1897), d. Dr. P. C. Dufresne (later a 
priest and canon R. C. Ch.) ; practised 
his profession at Laprairie for 
yrs.; Mayor Laprairie and Prefect of 
Co., 1885-92; organized 85th Regt., 
C. M., 1880, from which he retired rl8 
surg.-It.-col. (long service med.); n 
del. Paris Expn., 1900; unsuccessfully 
contested Lavralrie (Local), Con. In- 
terest, 1887; one of the founders of 
the Montreal Colonlz. Soc., of which. 
as well as of the Gent Colonlz. and 
Repatriation Soc., P. Q., he Is the 
mango dlr.; a R, C.--68 Notre Dame 
Bt., Montreal, 
.. One of the most devoted and zealollB 
of public servants."-O. Free Pre.lf. 
Bristol, Edmund James, lawyer; legis- 
2nd s. late A. S. B., M.D., and E. M. 
(Everitt) B., Napanee, Ont.; U. E. L. 
descent; b. Napanee, Sept. 4, 1861; e. 
Napanee High Sch., U. C. Coli., and 
Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1883) ; m., Sept., 
1889, Mary Dorothy (presdt. Ladies' 
Golf sec., Toronto Hunt Club), d. late 
Hon. Chief .Justice Armour; barrister, 
1886; KC., 1908; successfully practises 


his 'Prof. in Thronto; a dlr. In:verness 
Ry. & Coal Co., Northern Nav. Co., 
New Eng. & Oldfton Ooppoer Co., and 
Inltern. Ry. & Co11Itmot Corpn.; presdt. 
Univ. Oola. Li<t. and! Sci.en.. Soc., '1'0- 
ronrto, 1895; one of the fo.unders of .the 
Toronto Co.untry and Hunt Club and 
of the Can. Horse Show; an enthusias- 
tic yachtsman, winning, with Co.mmo.- 
dore Boswell (q.v.), in 1895, the Prince 
of Wales Cup fo.r the championship o.f 
the Can. lakes; a Con.; has been V.-P. 
Co.n. Assn. o.f Ont., and presdt. To.ronto 
Co.n. Assn.; has represented 
Centre (H. C.) since AVI., 1906, suc- 
ceeding the late E. F. Clarke B.8 such; 
an Ang. -1ì9 Beverley St., Toronto; 
Toronto Club; .Albany Club; Country 
and Hunt Club; R. C. Yacht Club, do. 
" A strong party man, but never unfair 
or discourteous. "-M. and E. 
.. Rideø straight in the hunting field, a. 
he rides straight for what he wanta In 
ordinary life."-T. Newlf. 
Bristal, Gearge Everett, merchant. 
S. late Dr, A. S. B., Navanee, Ont.; 
b. Be
I'evHile, Ont., Nov. 23, 1855; e. 
Napall'ee Gmmmar Seh.; m., Nov., 
1855, Mal'gt., d. late Thomas Whitoe 
Hamdlfton; a memo firm Luoas, SteeJle 
& B., whlol.esale grocers, Hia.mdltJon 
Ont., having !business con'Ilecrt>io.I1Js 
from Tororuto west 10 the Pacific 
Ocoon; .presdt. .IJa;mn.ton Ed. of 
TTadoe, 1897; was, during its existence, 
presdt. Can. Grocers, Ltd.; Is presdt. 
Onto Whalesale Gracers' Guild and af 
the Imp. Vinegar & Pickling Ca. 
Hramllwn; 'al,so rpresd.t. Hamllto
Orlcket Olub; elected. V.-P. for Ont., 
Dom. Wholesale Gro.cers' Guild, 1910; 
poIit1caJIly, Ind.; ihas voted fo.r both 
-parties; an Ang., and a del. to. bhe 
Synoo; an offidal d'81. to lfJhe Bi-Cent. 
An.g. Oh. ce1oebratfon, Ha,u!ta,x, 1910.- 
ti Elm8ley}' f66 Bay St. South, Hamil- 
 Ont.; Hamilton Club, do.; Toronto 
Club, Toronto. 
"POtJIse&S'e-s groat business oapacity."- 
Late S enatoT Wood. . 
Brittain, Horace L" educationist. 
S. Praf. .J. B., D.Sc., Macdanald CoIl 
P..Q. (q.v.); b. Kings Ca., N.B., 1874'; 
e. Un1v. N. B. (B.A., willi honours in 
flat. science arud cl1oem., and Douglas 
gold moo. far best Eng. essay, 1895; 
M.A., 1898); taught Manctan High 
SCh., last year actg. asst. principal, 
1895-99; prlnclpal Harton Acad., Walf- 
vdHe, N.S., 1899-1904; 'POst-grad. course 
Clark Un1v., 1904-07 (sohol. and fel- 
low; Ph.D., 1907); surpdt. of sehs.. 
HY'de Park, /Mass. (his present posJ- 
Uon), 1907; author or artJloles on "The 
'reaching af Hlstary It and .. The De- 
velap. af Imaginatlan of Children," the 
latter his thesis for his dactarate.- 
Hyde Park. Mas8. 
Brittain, John, educatlanlst. 
E. s. Thas. B. and Elizabeth (Car- 
san) B.; b. nr. Sussex, N.B., Nav. 22, 
1849; early educatian privately can- 
ducted; subsequently attended prav!. 
Narmal Sch., and took shart caurses 
at Carnell, Chicago.. and Calumbia 
Univs.; D.Se. (N. B. Unlv.), 1905; 
m., 1871, J\Hss Chal'lotbe T. Bormey; 



f.or 10 ym. principal SuperiQr Sclh., 
Pet1:JiJtoodoia.c, N.B.; d'oOr 14 yr.s. dnstr. 
Dat. scienoe, ProvL NOrrIlJa,l 'Scb., 

l'OOerioton ; prof. chern. Un
v. I()If 
N. lB., 1906-08; aJpPItd. .prof. nl3Jture 
s.tudy, Ma.odoorualid Cold., 1908; mtired 
on a penlS'Íon from the Oamoeg1Ïe FunJd., 
do.; aUJtoor .. Mann.l.3..1 of Nature Les- 
S'Oßos" am.d .. OuN'ines of Nature Les- 
sons."-Care Macdonald. College, P.Q. 
II His contribution toward the elevation 
of the educational standard of New Brul1s- 
wick has been ve.ry .gre a.t. "-N. B. Univ. 
Brittain, John EiUs, Am. 'ry. service. 
S. Jas. E. B. and Margt. B.; b. St, 
John, N.B., Mch. 14, 1862; e. there; 
m., July, 1885, Miss Mae G. Orcutt; 
has been travel, pass. agent and New 
Eng. pass. agent, Chicago & N. W. Ry., 
and presdt. Ry, and Steamboat Assn., 
Boston, Mass.; now genl. freight and 
pass, ag'elIllt ,former, Boo;ti()n
mem.Oi.ty Rep. OotnIte.., Melrose, lMas.s. ; 
chairman 7th Rep. Congress Camte., 
Mass. ; a Prot.-77 Circuit Bt., Melrose, 
Mass; Melrose Club
 do.; Middlesex 
Club, Boston. 
Britton, Eon. Byron Moffatt, judge. 
S. late Danl. Freeman B., Post- 
master, Gananoque, Ont.; b, there, 
Sept. 3, 1833: e. Gananoque and Vic- 
toria Unlv., Cobourg (B.A., 1856; M.A., 
1868) ; m., Dec., 1863, .Mary Eliza (d. 
1905), e. d. late H<m, L. H. Holton, 
M.P.; barrister, 1859; K.C. (Ont.) 
1876: do. (Marquis of Lorne) , 1881: 
a Bencher of the Law Soc., 1886; was 
one of tlbe JlØadJet\S of the ba;r .In .tJhe 
Midland Dist.; Co. Crown Atty. and 
Clk. of the Peace, Co. Frontenac, 
1882-91: official referee, under Onto 
Drainage Act., 1891; resigned, 1896; a 
Royal 'Ooonmr. re Toronrt:JO Undv., 1895; 
do. do. for the Revision of the Statutes 
of Ont., 1896; diD. do. to Investigate 
the Trea.dgold Concession, and the 
Hydraulic Goncession In the Yukon 
generally, 1903; .formerly a Ject. on 
Criminal Law, Queen's Univ.; Mayor 
of Kingston, 1876-7; also, Chainnan of 
the Sch. Bd. and a memo Bd. of 
Regents, Victoria Univ.; In his day, a 
stalwart Lib.; one of the leaders of his 
party In Central Can.; unsuccessfully 
contested Cataraqul div., Leg. Council, 
1864, and Frontenac (Local), 1868; sat 
for Kingston (H. C.), 1896-1901; since 
Sept. 24 1901, has ,been a judge of the 
King's bench div. of the High Ct. of 
Justice for Onto ; a dir. Nat. Trust Co. ; 
a Meth.--696 Huron St., Toronto; Fron- 
fenac Club, Kingston. 
"A man with .. fine judicial mind."- 
M. Sta71dard. 
Britton, Byron 0" journalist. 
S. Freeman B., Gananoque; b. and 
e. there; succeeded his father as ed. 
Gananoque Reporter, 1905. - Ganan- 
Britton, Charles E" manufacturer. 
'l'hird s. Danl. Freeman Britton, a 
native of New Hampshire, who was 
fonnerly postmaster, Gananoque, P.Q., 
and Nancy M. B.; b. Gananoque, Ont., 
June 5, 1842; e. local schs., Fairfield 
Acad., and Victoria Univ.; m., 1872, 
Marian, 2nd d. late G. B. Holland, To- 

ronto; In partnershiv with O. D. and 
D. C. Cowan, estbd. !the Gan'8.noquoe 
Nail & Hinge Works, at Gananoque, 
which they stiIl carry on; Mayor Gan- 
anoque, 1897; commodore Am. Canoe 
Assn., 1901; gave the es.tate of .. -Belil-e- 
vue" roo 1:Jhe !toWJ1I rOf Gananoque f'or 
public purposes, 1909; a Lib., and un- 
successfully contested S. Leeds (H. C.) 
in that Interest, 1882 and 1887; an 
Ang.-Gananoque, Onto 
Britton, Bev, Maurice W, (Epls.). 
S. Maurice B., now of Mitchell, Onto ; 
b. Liverpool, Eng.; accompanied his 
parents to Can.; e. In Eng. and Can.; 
O. (Ang. Ch., Can.) 1888; vastor suc- 
cessively Lake Shore and St. Cathar- 
Ines, Ont.; now and for some yrs. pas- 
tor Ch, of the Holy Cross, N. Y.-:JOO 
E. Fourth St., New York. 
Broad, WaUace, mining engineer. 
B. St. John, N.B.; e. Univ. N.B. 
(B.A., 1877) ; took eng. course McGlll 
Univ.: served field staff Can. Geo!. 
Survey; subsequently went to IJhodesla 
and to S. Africa, where he was a con- 
sulting engr. and mining geol.; apptd. 
European adviser, Mlnr. of Mines, 
China, 1902.-Dept. of Mines, Pekin, 
Broadfoot, Be..., Thomas A" (Presb.). 
E. Man. ColI. (B.A., 1902; B.D., 
1906); formerly a public sch. teacher 
in Man., and among Gallcian settlers 
in the 'Woe.8It; .served! also as a missy. 
In Man., Sask., Alta., and B. C.: m., 
Aug., 1907, .AJloor.ta (a ,trnirued nurse 
of advanced standing), d õ . W. .A:.. iPlay- 
!fair, Elrug&ton, On.1.; ØJpptd. !ß'Íssy. Ibo 
Maoax:>, 1907.-Kongmun, vw Hong 
Kong, China. 
Broadus, Edmund Kemper, education- 
S. Thos. A. B., Va., U.S., and nephew 
of Dr. John A. B., late Dresdt. South 
Bapt. Theol. Semy., LoulsvlIIe, Ky.: b. 
Alexandria, Va., Aug. 27, 1876; e. Col- 
umbian (now Geo. Washington) Univ., 
Washington, D.C. (A.B., 1897), Chi- 
cago Univ. (A.M., 1900), and Harvard 
Univ. (Ph.D., 1908); m., 1900, Miss 
Eleanor Hamm1O'I1dJ ; 
rO'f. Erug. Ut., 
John B. Stetson Univ., DeLand, Flori- 
da, 1900-02: do. do. Unlv. S. Dak., 
1902-06; Instr. Harvard Univ., 1906-08 ; 
poof. En-g.llñ,oor.aJt'U'I'e, Albel'ta Un1iv. since 
1908; x>resdt. Harvard Graduate Club, 
1907-08; a contributor to va
lous per- 
Iodicals Including The Atlantw Month- 
ly The 'Dial The Critic, Education and 
Mod. Lang. Notes; ed. editions of Ste- 
venson's" Treasure Island" and Dick- 
ens' .. Short Stories," for . hIgh sch. 
use; ed. critical essays of Joseph Addi- 
son for Belles Lettres series (D. C, 
Heath & Co.); a Bapt.-Strathcona, 
Brochu, Michel Delphi., physician; 
B. St. Lazare, P.Q.; e. Quebec 
Semy. and Laval Univ. (B.A., 1873; 
M.D., 18.76); m., 1st, 1880, 
(d. 1881), d. late Louis Mar()IJ.s, Que- 
beC'. 2ndly, 1894, iM'JJloe. Fortin; prac- 
n city of Quebec, 
where, ,since Feb., 1903, be has been 
moo. supd,t. Beauport Lunl3Jt1c Asylum; 
is V..JP. Prov.l. lB<!. of Moo. ; V.-P. Col.1. 



P. and S., P. Q.; V.-P. Quebec Aruti- 
AJloohlOldIC League; ,pl'oo. int-ernal path., 
J1Ie'I"V'OUS .amd menW diseases La val 
Undv., and pr.esd!t. L' Assn. des Moo. d.e 
Langue Fra.I1IC., P.Q. (.the first to hl()lld 
the 'Office); hiOIl. 'pres<'!!t. Cat1\. Oomte. 
Paris Moo. C'Ongress, 1909; elected. a 
memo Soc. de Thêrap. doe Paris, I8ind of 
the Soo Inolern. de MM PIh'Ysique; WM 
ltater appbd. an offr. d',A,oad. by the 
French Gov.t.; a R. C.-63 St. John 
St., Quebec. 
Brock, Bev, George H, (Bapt.). 
Graduated In theol., McMaster 
Univ., Toronto, 1890; later, was sent 
to India, as a missy. by the Am. 
Bapt. Missy. Union, remaining in that 
country for nine yrs.; came to Can. 
on furlough, 1900, and later, returned 
to India; was In India during the 
great fwmine, anld' assistoo ån wli.levña- 
tlng the sufferings of many natives.- 
Kanigiri, Madra8, India. 
Brock, Kajar Henry, lawyer. 
E. S. W. R. B. (q.v.); b. Oakville, 
Ont., May 14, 1859; e. U. C. Coli., To- 
ronto Univ., and Trin. Univ. (B.C.L., 
1899; D.C.L., 1905); m., .J.urue, 1891, 
Amnde !Maude, e. d. Hy. Cl3Jwthra, 
Yea<dlon Ha.n, 'furon.oo; ,oorri,ster, 1855, 
8Jlld pro.ctised 'hi,s .prof. .in Toronto; 
retired from practice, 1906; a dlr. 
W. R. B. Co., Ltd., the Stan stead 
Granite Quarries Co., Ltd., and of 
the Dom. Fìil'e Ins. 00., V.-P. Toronto 
Bd. of Trade, 1908; re-eol'OOted, do., 
1911; a àJe'l. olo Brit. l'l1lip. Council '01 
Commerce, 1911; !present, by invi'1Ja- 
tion, at un
ildrug of Queen VicOOI'>ia. 
M,eIlllOrial, London, Ðng., 1911; has 
been in V. m. force since 1877; nlCYW 
senior major 1 (}th ,Royal GrenadieTS; 
served during N....W. Re'beHl'On, 188'5 
(moo. I8JIld clasp; meI1ltioned in de- 
spa,tches); 8JI'8o holds J'Ûrug-service 
decomtlon; a 
dfe nrem. 'ATgonoa.ut R-ow- 
in.g Club and O'f OaTh Mil. Inst.; at oOl1e 
time capt. Toronto Un,iv. Cricket Club 
a,nd æ.pt. univ. lifl.e 00.; has ItTa.VIe'Hoed 
ex.OOnsiVle'I,y; a. 'strong up'holid'er 'Of Brit. 
pref. and the Chamberlain policy;. a 
Con. and a follower of Mr. Borden; an 
Ang.-f16 Beverley St., Toronto; To- 
ronto Club; Toronto Racquet Club; 
Can. Military In8titute. 
Brock, Jeffrey Hale, ins. manager. 
S. late Thos. R. and Eleanor 
(Thompson) B., Guelph, Ont.: b. 
Guelph, Ont., .Jan. 6, 1850; e. Gram- 
mar Sch., Guelph, and High School, 
Montreal; m., Sept., 1876, Louisa 
Adelaide Clara, e. d. late Rev. .John 
Gillespie, Toronto; In partnership with 
his bro., W. R. B., in establishing dry 
goods firm W. R. B. & Bro, Toronto, 
now The W. R. B. Co. Ltd., 1876; 
disposed of his interests therein and 
went to Winnipeg, 1879; entd. ins. busi- 
ness, and founded Gt. West Life As'sur. 
Co., of which he beæ.me mango dir., 
1892 (,the first Idfe ins. 00. estbod. in 
the WESt) ; 1\:hts positi'On he I"\ebains ; one 
of tlhe liq\1tid/aJrors 'Man. Cmnmercia.,l 
Bank, 1893; apptd. a memo Provl. Bd. 
Health, do.; a dir. Northern Trusts 
Co.: a promoter Winnipeg Mining & 
Develop. Co.; an Ang. and del. to 

Synod; ch. warden Holy Trinity Ch., 
Wil1lIllÍ.peg.- Winnipeg; Manitoba Club, 
Brock, Llewellyn, physician. 
E. S. late Thos. Rees D., Guelph, Onto ; 
b. ItJheTe; e. R-oo
w.oOldJ ,Aøad., Guelph Soh., and Viot.orioa. Un-iv. 
(iM.D.,C.,M., 1862); m., 1st, 1895, 
.Jessie T., B.A. (d.), c. d. P. A. Scott, 
Toronto; 2ndly, Miss Hannah Carthew,; memo Moo. Oounetl, OoIL P. 
and S., Ont., 1894-98, 1902-6; .presdt. 
Moo. Doun-oÏll, On,t., 1901-2; founder 
Can. Lancet and ,ed. and prop. of It in 
ilts early yrs.; presd,t. AmFti-Oon.sump- 
Non Soc.; has also 'been presdt. of 
Humane and Olllilid'ron's Aid Soc., and 
of the EV'a!llJgIeI. AJildoa-I1JCIe; nO'W \the 
olod.est moo. pNwtdtion.e,r ,in GUJellph; an 
An-g.-Guelph, Onto 
Brock, Lt;,-Col, Beg1na14 Arthur, mer- 
chan t. 
S. W. R. B. (q.v.); b. Montreal, 
May 14, 1869; e. U. C. Coli., Toronto: 
and Royal Mil. Coli., Kingston. Ont : 
m., .July, 1902, Dorothy, d. Lt.-'Ool. H. 
F. Den,t, Menetbol'pe Hral.l, Yorkshire, 
Eng.; Is mang. dltr. W. R. Brock 00., 
MorutrOOJI; V....P. Dry Goods Sec. MoI1lt- 
real Bd. I()f Trade; do., Lilley & 
Cameron Oal"\tage Co., MOIlItrea;I'; 18. 
oouIllCililor 'MIorutreal Rd. 'Of TNLde, 
1910; do. do., 1911; e1lOOted presdt. 
Whiol'eS8.lie Dry Goods Assn., Mont- 
f'eJaJl, 1907; for some yrs. an off'r. 
17th Duke of York's Can. Hussars; 
apptd. It.-col. commdg. regt., ApI" 
1907; retired to R. 0., ApI., 1910: 
elected presdt. Montreal Mil. Inst., 
1910; an Ang.---316 Pine Ave. W., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Montreal 
Club; Montreal Hunt Club; Mil. In8t.; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, do. 
Brock, Beg1nal4 Walter, Dom, public 
S. late Rev. Thos. B. (Meth.) and 
Marian (.Jenkins) B., a grandd. .John 
Counter, Kingston, Ont.; b. Perth, 
Ont., .Jan. 10, 1874; e. Ottawa CoIl. 
Inst., High Sch., Mount Forest, To- 
ronto Unlv., Queen's Unlv. (M.A. and 
med. in mineraI., 1895), and Heidel- 
berg Univ.; m., 1900, Mildred G., y. d. 
Hon. Mr. .Justice Britton (q.v.): took 
science course, Sch. of Mining, King- 
ston, becoming afterwards demon. of 
chern. .and 'prof. I()f m'Í.ndnog therein; 
apptd. to the statr of the Geol. Survey, 
Oan. (having previously served as an 
asst. in exploratory work In the field), 
.July, 1891; conducted many important 
explorations and .. Is regarded as the 
best authority upon the geol. forma- 
tion of the 
reat mineraI belt in 
Southern B.C." (8. N.) ; has served as 
arbitrator, and was a Royal commr. 
t.o 'lnvestriga.te ,the Fron.k laI1ÒlSllldJe, 
1903; promotoo oa. gooologist, 1906 ; 
dir. Geol. Survey, Nov. 28, 1907: 
formerly a Ileut.. 14th Regt.: at col- 
ge was celebrated as an athlete In 
hockey and football, and was presdt. 
Queen's Hockey Club, 1902-3: author 
of numerous reports and papers on 
scient. subjects; a councillor Can. 
Mining Inst.; do. Queen's Unlv.; a 
memo Am. Mining Inst.; a life fell'Ûw 
Geol. Soc., Am.; a fellow Am. Assn. 



Mv. I()IÍ So. and IS. memo Nat. Geograph. 
Soc.; F.R,S.C., 1911: wdth F. I. Oong- 
don (q.v.) prepared new mln,lng I6IW 
appllicable Jbo aU Can., 1911: a Mieth.- 
315 Stewart St., Ottawa; Rideau Club, 
do.; Frontenac Club, Kingston. 
.. One of the foremost of Can. geolo. 
gists."-London TimeB. 
.. One of the most capable and efficien' 
officers of the CiviJ Service."-7'. N.?WB. 
.. Probably the best.travelled man in 
Can. and one who knows the Dom. most 
intimately.' '-Can, Oentury. 
Brock, Wnllam Bees, merchant; ex- 
E. S. late Thos. Rees B., who came 
to Can. from .Tamalca. W.I.. 1832. and 
Eleanor (Thompson) B., d. Thos. 
Thompson, Rusheen Castle, Queen's 
Co., IreI.; father was regr. Surrogate 
Ct.; b. Eramo3a, Co. WelUngton, Ont., 
Feb. 14, 1836: e. Guelph Grammar 
Sch.; m., 1857, Margt. A. (senior 
dil"leotr,ess Boys' Home and 'hon. 
preadt. Y.W.C.A., Toronto), d. late 
Capt. John Segur Diamond, II Red- 
castle," Queen's Co., IreI.; studied law 
In office of late Hon. A. .T. Fergusson- 
Blair, presdt. Can. Queen's Privy 
Council, but owing to early death of 
his father entd. commercial life, and 
after a varied experience In the grain 
and lumber business, joined the firm of 
OglIvy & Co., Montreal; removed to To- 
routo, 1871, where ,he wel1lt Into busi- 
ness for himself; now head of the W. 
R. B. Co., one of the largest wholesale 
dry goods houses In Can.; In addition, 
Is a dlr. Dom. Lands Colonlz. Co., B. 
C. Loan & Invest. Co., Toronto Electric 
Light Co., Electrical Develop. Co., Onto 
Accident Ins. Co., Toronto Genl. Trusts 
Corpn. and Dom. Bank: a councillor 
Can. M.inlng Inst., V.-P. Br-it. Am. and 
Western Assur. Cos., and presdt. 
Stan stead Granite Quarries Co., Lon- 
don Electric Co., and Can. Geni. Elec- 
tric Co., of Peterboro and Toronto 
('PortraÆt by Grier (q.v.) executOO for 
this laslt-ntamed C'O., 1901, as a. mark of 
esteem and regard); rated as a mil- 
llonalre; was one of the founders of 
Toronto Humane Soc., and Is now hon. 
presdt. of that body; Is a dir. St. .T ohn 
Ambulance Assn.; has been V.-P. Am. 
Humane Soc.: Is a life memo Coun- 
cil Trln. Unlv., and subscribed $25,000 
In behalf of that Institution, 1904; 
also a life memo Council, U. C. ColI. 
as weIll as a memo rSu'Preme Council, 
Imp. Fed. League: one of founders 
of the Toronto Empire newspaper, 
and was the presdt. &and chair- 
man of Bd. of Dlrs. from 1887 until 
Its amalgamation with the Mail and 
Empire, 1895; Is hon. presdt. Con. 
Aßsn., Toronto, and a dlr. of the Albany 
Con. Club; sat for Centre Toronto 
(H. C.), Con. Interest, 1900-04; his 
name frequently mentioned In connec- 
tion with a seat In the Senate of Can. ; 
when In ParU. refused to travel on 
a ry. pass; a s'tflO'l1g adV'Oc3Jte of the 
N. P. and of Canta.ða I1'or the Cane.- 
dlanrs; an Ang., and for yrs. a chureh- 
warden 81. .Tames Ca.t'h.. 'Doront'O.-!l 
Queen's Park, Toronto; Toronto Club; 
Toronto Hunt Club; A lbany Club; 

York Club, do.; St. James's Club, 
Montreal; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
II Thoroughly courageous, sincere and 
high.principled."-T. NewB. 
Brockwell, Bev. Charles Alexander 
Brodie (Ang.), educationist. 
Grands. .Tohn Walter Brodie, one of 
the first mems. Ho. Representatives, 
New Zealand; gt.-grands. Rev. Dr. 
Alex. Brodie, vicar Eastbourne, Eng., 
and chaplain to King Geo. IV., who m. 
the sister of the first famous .Tohn 
Walter, Time8 newspaper; b. Owston, 
Yorkshire, Eng., Feb. 23, 1875; e. 
PockUngton Sch., Yorks, Wadham 
Coll., Oxford (RA., 1908), and at 
Univ. Strassburg, Germany; M.A., ad 
cun., King's ColI., N.S., 1906; m., 1901, 
Miss Irene Des Gouttes Bown Bown, 
whose mother was a gt.-niece of Sir 
Hy. Smart, Mus. Doc.; ordained 
deacon, 1902; priest, 1903 ; cur
Cheshunt, Herts.; sometime lecturer 
Cuddesden Coll., Oxford; senior classi- 
cal master, Blosham Sch., Oxford; 
2nd master St. Albans Sch., Herts.; 
lecturer uO'Ilð'On Diocesan Oh. Read- 
Ing Union; Alexandra Prof. Divinity, 
King's Coll., Windsor, N.S., 1905-7 ; 
apptd. prof. Hebrew, McGill Unlv., 
ApI., 1907: was founder and presdt. 
Windsor LIt. Soc.; author poem II Em- 
pire - Science - Faith" (1907), and 
of numerous contributions, on subjects 
of criticism, to London newspaper 
press and to Rev. Theol. and Phil.; a 
Christian SoclaUst.-476 Victoria Ave., 
W e8tmount, Montreal. 
Broder, Andrew, merchant; legislator. 
Seventh S. late Wm. B., formerly of 
Kilfree, SUgû, and Mary (McKee) B., 
formerly of Belfast, Irel.; family came 
to Can., 1813; b. Franklin, P.Q., ApI. 
16, 1845: e. Huntingdon Acad. and 
Malone Acad., N. Y.; m., Mch., 1884, 
Miss Carrie Summers, Winchester, 
Ont.: removed to Co. Dundas. Ont., 
1866, and has been long engd. there 
In mercantile Ufe; was collr. customs, 
Morrlsburgh, Ont., 1892-96; sat for 
Dundas (Local), 1875-86, and has re- 
presented same co. In H. C. since g. e. 
1896; represented Onto at the Good 
Roads Convention, Seattle, 1909; an 
Omngeman; a Con., and one of the 
II whips" of 'his party; kn'Own among 
poIioticians ras "The Canadian Llnooln" : 
accompanied Mr. BOTden (q.v,) 'On ihls 
Wætern: tour, 1911.-Morrisburg, Onto 
II The wit of the Hou8e."-M. a7ld E. 
"A thoughtful and instructive speaker." 
-0. Citizen. 
.. Commands both rp8pect and attention." 
-M. Gazette. 
Broder, Mrs, Annie, musician; musi- 
cal critic and author. 
D. late Rev. Wm. Glen, Oriental 
S'c hol. , Govt. of India, and grn.ndd. Rev. 
Wm. Glen, D.D., who translated the 
Bible Into Persian; b. Agra, India; e. 
In Eng.; won noo musical scholar., 
donated by Mercers' Co.; pupil Sir Ar- 
thur Sullivan and Sir John Stainer: 
assisted as student at preliminary 
work, Royal Coll. Music; wrote II How 
to Accompany" (2nd ed., 1902), which 
was highly commended by the Eng. and 



Can. press; aoted fu9 'bon. examr. in 
artistic accompaniment at Royal 
Acad. Music; gave recitals of song 
fonn and accompaniment under aus- 
p,ic{!'S Prof. Prout, i:nJ Dublin, Lord: A:rm- 
strong, In Newcastle, and Sir .John 
Stainer, at Oxford; m., 1890, Richard 
Broder, a pioneer of the Can. N. W., 
and came with him to Regina, where 
she became organist St. Paul's Ch.; 
contributed verse and musical articles 
to various Can. papers; attended cor- 
onation ceremonies In Eng., as specfal 
representative of Man. Free Pre88, 
1902; I3.foter ceremony In Abbey was 
entertained by Press Gallery Comte. 
Ho. Commons, and was "the first ladY 
for whom the sergt.-at-arms had ever 
signed a permit to use the press gal- 
lery" (Pall Mall Gazette) ; on return- 
Ing to Can. started several choral un- 
dertakings in N. W.; became organist 
Pro. Cath., Calgary, and lectur
science of music at Western Can. CoIl., 
for which she wrote .. Luceat Lumen," 
Its motto song; author also of words 
and music of song, .. The Ride of the 
R. N. W. M. P."; by speda;l oommand 
Sittended King Goorge's ooronø;1:lon, 
Wesrtminster Abbey, 1911.-Calgary, 
.. A woman of exceptional gifts."-Late 
.'tir A,.thuT Sullivan. 
Broderick, John Sidney, lawyer; Que- 
bec public service. 
S. Danl. and Eliza CeciIla (Mc- 
Brien) B.; b. Co. Drummond, P.Q., 
Nov. 12, 1855; e. St. Hyacinthe ColI.; 
unm.; adv-ocate, 1878; Crown prose- 
cutor, 1897; K..c., 1898; !practised .his 
prof. at Sherbrooke, where he .ran a 
successful career at .tbe ,bar; success- 
fully defendled, wi,th others, Mrs. Ward, 
Mark Sherburn, Beaulfeu and .Jose- 
phine B
gln, all capital cases; apptd. 
ProthY., District of St. Francis, his 
present position, Feb., 1908; has been 
presdot. St. pa-trIck's Soc.; ooI"ffi'er,ly an 
ardent Lib.: Ul1isuccessful'1y oontes1OO 
Sherbrooke, -In iÌÌmt :interest, g. 'e. 1892 ; 
a R. C., and a trustee of St. Patrick's 
Ch., SherbI"OOke.-27 Strathcona Sq., 
Sherbrooke, P.Q. 
Brodeur, Horm.1sdas J" physician. 
S. Honore and Octavle (Mongeau) 
B.; b. Varennes, P.Q., Feb. 18, 1861; 
e. there and Montreal Semy.; M.D., 
Victoria Med. ColI., Montreal, 1885; 
subsequently studied In France, Ger- 
many and Eng.; gave special atten- 
tion to skin diseases and genito- 
urinary, under Fournier, Bes- 
nder amd Guy>on, Paris; m. MliJ.e. 
Br-eroon; memo Intern. iMJed. Oongress, 
Baris, 1889; do. do., Bel'lin, 1890; has 
practise<d his 'Prof. for many yrs. in 
Miol1it:rea;l; a R. C.-5f Durocher St., 
Brodeur, Hon, Loui. Philippe, law- 
yer; statesman. 
S. 18Jte Toussaint B., a. .. patriot .. 
of '37, and Justine (Lamber.t) B., 
whose father was killed at the battle 
of St. Charles, same 1>erlod ; b. 
Belæil, P.Q., Aug. 21, 1862; E. St. 
Hyacinrthe QoIL and Laval Univ. 
(LL.B" 1884; LL.D., 1904) ; m., .June, 
1887, Emma (who has accompanied 

him on his official missions), d. .J. R. 
BrUlon, N.P., Beùæl1. P.Q.; oadrvo<::aite, 
1884; K.C. (P. Q.). 1899; suC'ooss- 
fu'Hy 'Practises hls prof. In Mon.t- 
!'Pa-I, where he was !OTIJlerly a partner 
of E. Lareau. and a memo of the firm 
of Dandurand, B., & Boyer; has 
wri.tten loargel.y for tihe press; ed. Le 
Soir, a Lib. organ (Montreal), 1896; 
has sat for Rouvllle (H. C.), in Lib. 
Interest, since 1891: one of the signers 
of the address from the Lib. party 
to the Pope, 1896, resulting In the 
appt. of a Papal ablegate to Can.; 
was deputy speaker and chairman of 
comites. (H. C.), 1896-1901, when he 
was unanimously elected speaker; 
joined Laurier Cabinet as Minr. Inl. 
Revenue, .Jan., 1904; retained this office 
till apptd. to his present one, Mlnr. 
Marine and Fisheries, Feb. 5, 
1906; Introduced Important legislation 
against tobacco trust, 1904; a met? 
Ry. Comte., P.C., 1904; a memo TarIff 
Coron., 1905; a del. to Colonial Conf., 
LondlOn Eng., 1907; 00. Imp. Don-f., 
do 19Ú' apptd. 'by the King, together 
wilth Ho
. W. S. F1:eldoing (q.v.), a 
pJ.enlpoterutlary 'to make and oonclude 
wdth the Frenoh GoV\t. a trea-ty for 
tmde pur-poses between Françe and 
ea.noadJa, Aug., 1907; a. del., wIth Sir 
A. B. Aylegw.orth (q.v.), too Washing- 
ton. D.C., with reference "to Hague 
'r'r1buna.l awaTd, 1911; 'presenrtoe<1 ÌJO. 
King Edward. 1907; l3.g1ain 'Presenlted 
to -the King and 'had the bonour of 
lunching with Their .Majesti
King an,d Qu.een. a.t Buckmgham 
Palace, Aug., 1909; .presented to Klnrg 

e (when Duke of Oornrwall and 
York, 1901); !had pl'liv8Jt.1e audience 
with the Pope, .June, 1907; announced 
na.vrol poldCY of Laurler Ad.m'1l., .June, 
1909; a.pptd. first MinT. .of Na:vw. 
Affa:lrs, .June, 1910; welcomed .first 
shi,p of Royal} Oan. Navy, HallJ.fax, 
N.S., Oct., 1910; doolined lmlgh:thoOd, 
do . a.pptd .an offr. OIl the Legton of 

'OUT of .France, do.; lectured before 
Empi-re Olub Toron.t'O, .on .. Frenoh- 
Can. LoY:3JlItÝ IÌO Great Br-lt.," 1904; 
strongly adV1C)CQlOOs a .pollcy which 
would tend to hQl"Jll)()ndze -and unite all 
'branches of the Can. na'tlonabUy; a 
R. C.-Roxborough Apar
ment8, Ot: 
tawa; St. Hilaire, P,Q.; Rideau Club, 
Ottawa Hunt Club, Ottawa; Club .st. 
Denis; Reform Club; Club Canad
.. A keenly intellectual and perceptive 
man."-S. N. 
.. A pleasant personality in politic8."- 
M. and E. 
.. The personification of loyalty and sin- 
cerity."-Hon. R. Lemieux (q.v.). 
., Has shewn both strength and tact, a8 
well as ability and dignity."-M. Gazette. 
.. Has alw'3)'s displayed in the public 
se.nice a: culture and øpirit of p1ay 
which have redounded much to his credit." 
-0. Citizen. 
Brodie, Allan Dougla. (see Chesnut, 
T, Hubert). 
Brodie, Charles Ernest, lawyer. 
B. Quebec, Aöpl. 17, 1871; e. Quebec 
Hig>h Sch, Morrin 00'11'., Que'bec (B.A., 
1890), and lA\"'aJI Univ. (LL.B., 1893) ; 



m., ,seþt., 1902, 'Sarah I., d. late Capt. 
W. T. Davie, Lêvls, P.Q.; ooV'OCla'te, 
1896; suocessfully >in Que-bee 
(city) as memo of firm 'Of .Pen'tland, 
St:Joo;rt & B.; .f-oIïI1JEH'ly a capt. Sth 
Royal Rifles; retired, lW.i,bh Taruk, 1901; 
eloeoted Grand Master Grand Lodg:e of 
Quebec, LO.O.F., 1903; a Presb.-
St George St., Lévis, P.Q. 
Brodie, Harry Cunningham, mer- 
chant; legislator. 
S. late .John Hy. B., a partner In 
1fue firm IOIf F.inldJla.y. DUlI1h:am & B., of 
V,iolJoflÏla, B.C., anIdJ ,Oa.nmoOO1 St. House, 
LonJdJOO1I, E.C., and flOlNIDIOO Edli.t!h. d. 
Rlobt. ElHiOIt Ou'l1flllÏ'nfgjhJam, of .P\a.rndiee, 
Kelso, N.B., and Champion Hill, Lon- 
don, S.E.; b. Ross Bay, Victoria, B.C., 
.Jan. 18, 1875; e. Winchester ColI., 
Ðng.; m., 1909" .Mabel Milburll'e, d. 
Sir RIoobt. Hart, ,Bart.; a partner In 
firm FilTld'liay, Durham & B., collOn1al 
II1Ierchanlts; ,is a maj'Ûr Miidld'lesex Imp. 
Yoeorrm,nry; \8. mem. of Eighty Olub 
and f.e1ll'OlW Soc. of A'fIts; a l.Ji'b., a.nd 
was returned In ,tbat Interest It'O Imp. 
H. C. .for Re-ig'ate Div. of Surrey, g. e. 
1906.-7 Ovington Gardens, London, 
S.W.; Shrubhunt, O:r:ted; Lorne House, 
Redhill; Unio
 National Liberal, Cav- 
alry, Eighty, vity of London and Har- 
lingham ClubB. 
Brodie, Harry Walter. Can. ry. ser- 
Y. s. late Wm. .B. G. B., 1St. .J'Ooo, 
N.B., a lIlIWbive of Forres. Soot. ; ,Scotch 
descent; b. F1redeTlobon, N.B., .June 8, 
1874; e. .St. .JlOIhn; m. Fraruces Shanly, 
d. .late W. G. :DenIÏ90n, W'iinrul.peg; 
entd. ry. servioe, .Jlan., 1895; asst. 
g'ent. 'pass. agent, W. & Oentral 
divs., C. P. R., 1903-10; apptd, gen!. 
pass. agent, Pacific Coast, do., 1910; 
Presb.-Vancouver, B.C.; Manitoba 
Club, Winnipeg. 
Brodie, James, Dom. public service. 
S. Robt. B., IIJberchan'Ì., Quebec 
a.nd .Jane (Bltaii.r) B., ipIaJI"ea1Ibs .both 
SoOftoh; .b. Quelbec ; e. Qu.e'bec Higlh 
Soh.; 1II1J. .U.IIÌ!3JI1', d Jldhn Si'lI1J()ll!S; mer- 
Clhlal1lt, Qu.e'bac; :fur mJanlY Yl"S. in busi- 
ness in :hIis ntaJui'Vle ciluy; WIaS ørI1!P11Oye!d 
by 0331. GOVIt. :in- e<mIntOOtJion 'WIiltih tfuteJir 
bi'bs rut seVle'f1::LI of the exllmB. held 
from 1891 to 1897, most notably at 
those held at Glasgow, Cork, Wolver- 
hampton, The Royal Exchange (Lon- 
don, Eng.), St. Louis, Llége (created 
Chevalier of the Order of Leopold), 
MlitlJan (13jp)pW. Of'fi!". IOf ,tlhe 'Drown of 
Italy), and Dublin, 1907 (presented 
tlo .and 'lIul1Jcfued wilt!h Thteti'r t:\fujesties 
King Edward '3JIl'<Ì Queen Alexandra). 
Brodie, John L" Provl. public service. 
E. s. .ltalte iRJobt. B., ,Mionlt'reaJl'. b. 
UIPfI)er lJa,ohi'I1Je Roo.ð, MonItJreal; e.: .st. 
Henri Acad. and Turner's private sch.; 
served as arbitrator In many private 
and public matters; sat in Notre 
Dame de Grace Council for many yrs.: 
elected Mayor do., 1905; apptd. Provl. 
Arbitrator, P.Q., 1898; memo Quebec 
Colonization Comn., 1903.-Notre Dame 
de Grace, P.Q. 
Brod11que, 1II1S8 Eve E, (see Sum- 
mers, Mrs. Eve H.). 

Bronson, Mrs, Ella Hobday, married 
Wife of Hon. E. H. B. (q.v.), <too 
whom she was m., 1874; d. late Prof. 
N. B. Webster, a leading educationist 
of the Southern U. S.. and a cousin 
of the distinguished Am. statesman 
Danl. Webster; b. In Va., U.S.; e. bÝ 
her father; came to Ottawa, wlfh her 
father's family, 1863; of Eng. descent; 
a memo through her paternal grand- 
mother of the Burnham family, whose 
records have been carefully preserved 
through several centuries; has been, 
since Its first organization, V.-P, 
Local Council of Women, and vresdt. 
Proto Maternity Hosp., Ottawa; has 
also served as a memo Ex. Comte. Can. 
Conf. Charities and Corrections, and 
as presdt. Proto Orphans' Home, Ot- 
tawa; acted as 'trea.s. of fund: 'raised 
to provide comforts for the Ottawa 
mems. of the first S. African contingent 
during Boer War; author of a paper 
on AssociaJted Charitiæ, 1894 (See 
M'organ's .. TY'pes of Can. ,WOoII1JeI1," To- 
ronlbo, 1903).-75 Bronson Ave., Ot- 
Bronson, Eon, Erskine Hen17. manu- 
facturer; ex-legislator. 
E. s. late H. F. and Editha (Pierce) 
B., the former from Warren Co., 
N.Y., who In 1853 came to Ottawa, 
where he was the vloneer of the sawn 
r trade with the Am, market; 
b. Bolton, "\Varren Co., N.Y., Sept. 12, 
1 R44; e. Ottawa Grammar Sch. and 
Sandy Hill, N.Y.; m., 1874, Ella H. 
(q.v.), O. d. late Prof. N. B. Webster; 
joining, when a youth, the B. and 
Weston Lumber Co., succeeded his 
father, as presdt. thereof, at his 
death, 1889; served on the Ottawa 
Sch. Bd., and as a memo of City 
Council, being chairman of Finance 
Comte. in latter body, for some yrs.; 
represented Ottawa (Local) In Lib. 
Interest, 1886-98, and was a Minr. 
(without portfolio) In both the Mowat 
and HardY Admns.; unsuccessfulIy 
contested Carleton (H. C.), g. e., 
1882: a Presb., and formerlv a trustee 
Queen's Univ.; Is a dir. Keewatln 
Flour Mills Co., and of Central Can. 
Exhn. Assn.; presdt. Ottawa power 
Co., Ottawa Carbide Co., and of Genl. 
Illuminating Co.; gave a considerable 
sum, in 1902, to cover expense for 
carrying on researches looking to the 
cure of tubercul., and Is a dlr. of t.he 
Nat. Sanitarium Assn. of Can., and 
treas. of the Ottawa Antl-Tubercul. 
AS5'I1'.; IbeliO'l1gs '00 many lloca1 .phllan- 
thropic bodiiOO, aoo II.s V.-P. Onto 
Lorð'.s Day .AJUia,noe : his name bias 
been sometimes merutfioned 1n oonnoec- 
Hem wi1!h a seI13JtorShiop.-75 Bronson 
A ve., Ottawa. 
II He stands for all that is desirable and 
attractive in the public man."-O. Free 
Bronson, :Frank Pierce, manufacturer. 
Second s. late H. F. and Edlt.ha A. 
(Pierce) B., Ottawa; b. and e. Ot- 
tawa; m. Mary, d. late Lt.-Col. Geo. 
Hay, opoosdit. Bank of OUa wa; joined 
his father In lumber business, and 
on latter's death, 1889, continued In 


H, dn pamnership wl'th this bros. 
(q.v.); Is now V.-P. the Bronson 
Co., lumber manfrs., Ottawa; was 
a promoter of the Ottawa Car- 
bide Co. and the GenI. Illuminating 
Co., and Is officially connected with 
both; Is a dlr. Timber Limit. Owners' 
Assn. and of the Ottawa Assn. for 
the Prevo of Tuberculosis; V.-P. of the 
Ottawa Electric and Con sol. Light. 
Heat and Power Co., and presdt. of 
the People's Gas Supply Co.; sub- 
scribed liberally to the Leper Mission, 
India, 1902; a Presb.-72 Bronson 
Ave.. Ottawa. 
Brooke, Charles James, lawyer. 
S. late Wm. B., advocate, Sarawak 
Cottage, Richmond, P.Q., and Sarah 
Jt3!nle (Woes-tiOn) B.; 1'aJtber ra nephew 
Sir .Tas B., first Rajah of Sarawak; 
b. Richmond, P.Q., Oct. 5, 1857; e
.there rand .McGill Undv. (B.C.L., 1878) ; 
m., 1891, Miary Rose, d. la-De Alex. 
Oa'Ineron, M.D., M.P.P., Huntln,gdon, 
P.Q.; ad\'!OCa:te, 1879; K.C" 1903; 
bâtonnier (Ottawa).. 1910; re-ele0bed 
do. (dlo.), 1911; began pmctlce dn 
MonrtIreaJl; \I'le'moV1eld! ,to HuM.., 18'89'; .baaJd 
1'8g1al fiflIIl lB., CohiaJu'\"i.n & Dev.lm; Te- 
presoetnftloo 'lJaJtJe Mirs. Bessey, 'OObh in 
Oam.,. OOUt
1Js I3J11d 'before Jil. Ooont
P. C., in EIlJg., dmi tJhe ,lriJti,g1artJl-on wÏitih 
her flaJtlheor, .1Jæbe E. B. Ðdlðy, 
n all IOf 
"..tbdoh tShie .SUCJOeIeId1oo; a;ppit!d. Crown 
BroseJC<l1lt:J()r, 190<6; !pI"()Isect1Jted fur the 
Orown in vrtil3J11S of B
stl'ik1etrS, 19.0'7; dJi!r. Berlie>y Home for 
Incurables, Ottawa; a mem.. extve. 
comlte., ObtaJwa Oanadlan Cl'U'b; Lib., 

n politics and in religious vlews.- 
Hull, P.Q.; 218 MacLaren St., Ottawa. 
Brooke, Hon, Flavius Lionel, judge. 
S. John and Sarah (Mann) B.; b. 
Simcoe, Ont., Oct. 7, 1858; e. .Albert 
00'111., Bel'1
vlllle, OIllt., and Osg1(JlO'd
T'Ol"on.t'o; lID., Nov., 1884,1
Hss B. R'e'idy, 
SllTLCoe, Ont.; barrister (Ont.), 1884; 
moved to Detroit, 1885; successfully 
practised his prof. there as a mem. of 
firm Atkinson, Carpen tel' & B., rand 
later as head of firm B. & Spalding; 
was supervisor of census, 1st dlst., 
Mich., 1900; judge, Circuit Ct., Mich., 
1900-8; since then has been judge, 
Supreme Ct. of Mich.; a Re-p.-Detroit, 
Mich.; Lansing, do. 
Brooke, Rev, HeJ117 Arthur (Ang.). 
S. Re'V. A. G. B., IBroo1re Ho., Hor- 
iIJlg1e'r, ,Suf!.oÞk., Eng., allld Emily 
(Føruni) B.; -b. Rluytto'Il', IShtrqpshdl <" 
Eng., Mch. 2, 1868; came to Can., 1884; 
e. In Eng. and Lennoxvllle Unlv, 
(B.A., 1890; M.A., 1894); m. Dec., 
1894, Miss Greta Isabel Terrill, Stan- 
abeoad. P.Q.; 10. 1.&9'2; was S'l1CJCIe'SS'IV'eÍl'Y 
stationed at Gaspê Peninsula, Scots- 
t'Û'Wl1I, a:nld <StJanstre4aJd'; 1l8Jt'er, 'Was ourrute 
Ch. St. Jam('s the Apostle, Montreal; 
apptd. .rect.'Or Pro. Oaith., S. Ste. 
Marie, Onot., 1906.--1Sault ste. Marie, 
Brookfield, Samuel ]II" contractor and 
S. late John B., C. E. and contrac- 
tor, Halifax, N.S.; b. Eng., Nov. 29, 
1847; e. Eng. and Can.; m. Annie (d. 
Feb., 1909), d. Goo. Waites, Manches- 


ter, Eng. ; is pre-sdt. S. M. B., Ltd., con- 
t'ractors and builo.em, and as such has 
successfully carried out Important con- 
tracts In N. B., Nfd., and N. S.; built 
the Halifax graving dock, completed In 
1889, for a co. of which he Is the mango 
dliT.; sah1agOO It/he Slteam
r Ulunda, 
in lß90. and .the SIt-eamshJÏJp Mount 
Temple, In 1908; a dir. N. S. Cotton 
C'O., Black Lake OOl1lS01:idaJted Asbestos 
Coo., Haldf'ax Acad. of IMuslc, N. S. Car 
Works, Ltd., tMeXiloan Nort'hem Power 
00., and ,the Empire Trust 00., and 
presdt. Eastern Oan. Savings & Loan 
00.; ohlef pOOl'IlJOlter HaUfax, Llv>erpoool 
and London Steamshlcp 00., 1892; 
awarded contract fur ereiCt:I'On of 
Ing Memorial Tower, Hal Lfax, 1910; 
a Meth., I8J1Jd a senat'Or and melffi. Bd. 
of Regenots, Mt. .Alilois'On Un-Iv. ; iounruer 
of ,the S. M. B. .prlzes in englng. dn 
t!hat institutJÌiOI1; also a .dJir. Brit. & 
Am. Book and Tract Soc., of Seaman s 
Friend. 'Soc., and a dir. and tru.stee 
Y M. C. 
., Ha!lIfax; a Oon.-Halifax, 
N.S.; Hahfax Club, do. 
"A man of f,alth, ene<rgy and pell"8eve.r. 
ance."-H. Herald. 
Brooks, JIliss Harriet, educationist. 
B. Exeter, Ont.; e. McGill Unlv. 
(B.A. and gold med. In math. and 
physics, 1898; M.A., 1901); tutor In 
math., Royal Victoria ColI., Montreal, 
1900-2; studied physics Bryn Mawr 
ColI., Pa., 1902, and won science schol. 
to Camb. Unlv.; lately teaching In 
U. S.-l67 Hutchison St., Montreal. 
Brooks, Noel Edgell, Can. ry. service. 
S. late Hon. E. T. B., judge of the 
Sup. Ct. P. Q., and Sarah Louise 
(Clark) B.; b. Sherbrooke, P.Q., Dee, 
25, 1865; e. Lennoxvllle Unlv.; unm.; 
entd. service C. P. R., 1887; after 
filling various positions on that road., 
was apptd. to his present one, dlv. 
engr., West. dlv., CaJgary, Nov" 1903. 
-Calgary, Alta.; Ranchman's Olub, 
Broome, Edward, organist. 
B. Manchester, Eng., 1869; passed 
senior examn. Royal Acad. of Music, 
London, 1884; m., 1902, Bessie C., d. 
John M. Gill, cpresdt. James ,Smart 
%anf. 00.. Brockville, Ont.; succes- 
slV'elJy asst. Bangor Caithed, ral 
Wales, and orgqnlst St. Mary's Church, 
do.; felll()w Guild 'Of OrganllSts, Lon- 
don, 1889; took first in com- 
position, 4 times In succession, 
National Eisteddoods, Wales; came to 
Am., 1893, to conduct North Wales 
male choir of 60 voices, at World's 
Fair competition, Chicago; organist 
presb. 'Ch, BlX)CkviUle, Onlt., Dec., 
1893; declined appt. as organist Ch. 
of St. James the Apostle, Montreal, 
1894; organist Douglas Meth. Ch., 
Montreal, 1895; do. Am. Presb. Ch., 
do., 1898; do. Jarvis St. Bapt. Ch., To- 
ronto, succeeding Dr. A. S. Vogt (q.v.), 
hIs present position, 1906; conducted 
male chorus before KIng and Queen of 
Eng., 1894; has composed over 100 
copyrights, prIncipally songs and ch. 
anthems, for one of which he reed. 
the gold med. of the National Soc., Lon- 
don; composed cantata, II A Hymn of 



T:rust" (1910) equaIrly prom
nent as a 
concert organist and as a judge of 
choral singing; Mus. Bac. (Toronto 
Unlv.), 1901; Mus. Doo. (do.), 1908; 
elect.ed 'Pres dlt. Toronto 'Cllef Club, 
1910; Ang.; devoted t'O gx>lf, billiards 
and rruotoring.--39 Prince A1.thur Ave.: 
" Does exooptional1y effective work.' ,- 
Dr. A. S. Vogt (q.v.). 
"One devoted to his art, always aiming 
at the best results possible."-M. Standard. 
Broome, Isaac, sculptor; author; In- 
S. Isaac and Annie B.: b. Val- 
cartier, P.Q., May 16, 1835; e. Phila- 
delphla; studied art at Penn. Acad. 
Fine Arts, Philadelphia, and private 
tutors; m., Feb., 1856, Miss Victoria 
Myers, Washington, D.C.; worked on 
Omwfiord sta.tues for pe-dimentt of 
U. S. Capitol, 1855-6; executed statue 
for W. W. Corcoran's mausoleum, 
GeorgeiOOwn, D.C., 1857; 'E:'stbd. studJio 
at Rome, Italy, 1858; executed many 
works 'in S'culpture; mfd. a.rt H,tles ex- 
t.ensivel'Y; deViOted to id.eal scul'Pture; 
el'E:'ctoo memo Benn. Acad. Fine Arts, 
1860; dir. Ufe and an,uique de-pt., 
do., 1860-3; medwls fiOr Oemmlc Arts 
OentennJal Expn., 1876, a.nd Pards 
Expn., 1878; ,sþedaÞ C'Ommr. on 
ceramics, do., 1878, by U. S. Govt. and 
State N. J.; dlr. many schs. for teach- 
Ing fine and Industrial arts and the 
sci-enc-es; active In eduoa tl. , pO'Htloarl 
and Industrial reforms; lectured exten- 
sively on these subjects; was memo 
Ruskin Industrial Co-oper. Assn. ; 
Chautauqua lecturer on ceramic arts, 
etc.; ill'venltled <the BeI'ifected Rotary 
Press, 1906-7, and a safety auto wh-eel, 
1909; an extensiV'e corutributor 00 
newspapers and ma&,s.; author .. The 
Brother" (1890), .. Last Days of the 
Ruskin Co-oI>eratlve Assn." (1902).- 
5 S. Olden A ve' J Trenton J N.J. 
Brophy, George Patrick, Dom. .publlc 
Second S. late John B., staff R. E., 
and Jane (Byrne) B.; former from 
Clare, latter from Queen's Co., Irel.; 
b. Carillon, P.Q., Feb. 24, 1848; e.;wa schs.; m., Oct., 1870, Eliza- 
beth M., d. M. Clarke, Quebec; has 
be-en sU'peninotdg. engr. Ot'tawa River 
Works for many yrs.; a J.P.; com- 
modore Ottawa Canoe Club; One of 
the first I>romoters In Can. of the em- 
ployment of electricity for purposes of 
light, heat and power; became asso- 
ciated with Thomas Ahearn (q.v.) 
and others In founding Ottawa Elec- 
tric Street Ry. and Chaudiêre Electric 
Light and Power Co., and remains a 
dlr. of same; also assisted In form- 
Ing Onto Graphite Co., Dom. Carbide 
Co., Ahearn Electric Heating and 
Manfg. Co., Locomotive and Machine 
Co. of Montreal, the Thousand Islands 
Land Co., the Onto Smelting, Milling 
and Refining Co., and other simila.r 
organizations; a dlr. Ottawa Gas Co.; 
V.-P. Ottawa Trust and Deposit Co.; 
R. C.--320 Chapel St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club J' Ottawa Hunt Club, do. 
"Able, efficient and trustworthy."-Late 
MarðU8 Smith, C.E. 

Brophy, Henry, business man. 
Elected presdt. and genl. mangr. 
Toronto News Co. and the Montreal 
News Co., June, 1904; was successively 
presd.t. .Mjon:treal Amateur Athletic 
Union anodJ Can. Amruteur AihIetic 
Uruion; 'hoa:s. boon D.D.G.iM. (Free- 
masons), Mor.ttreaI, Rnid has heM high 
rank aß a Royal Arch Mason oand of 
the A. & A. S. Rite.--S
 21 Sussex Ave. 
Toronto ; National Club; Albany Club; 
.. The best and most successful lacrosse 
referee ever known."-M. Star. 
hy, John Byrne, civil engineer. 
Irish origin; e. S. late John B., Royal 
engr. staff., and Jane (Byrne) B.; a 
bro. G. P. B. (q.v.); b. Carillon, P.Q., 
1844; e. Thornburn's Acad. and Ot- 
tawa Univ.; m., 1891, Miss Eleanor E. 
Hearn, Sydney, C.B.; In charge dlv. 
Interc. Ry., 1872; dlo. diO., N. Shore 
Ry., 1874; Ottawa River Works, 
1874-9; div. and dlst. en gr. Govt. sec. 
C. P. R., Port Moody to Hope, B. C., 
and inspg. erugr. Esqu.imaltt and 
Nanalmo Ry., 1880-86; resident en gr. 
Cape Breton Ry., 1886-91; dist. engr. 
Crow's Nest Pass Ry., 1896-7; do. do., 
Trent Canal, 1900-1; In charge of 
various surveys and works, Ottawa 
River, 1902-6; div. en gr. Onto Rice 
Lake dlv., Trent Canal, his present 
posltlon, 1907; an old cricketer; a R. 

 Gilmour St' J Ottawa; Trenton
Brossard, Edmond, lawyer. 
S. late Telesphore B., Dom. ap- 
praiser, H.Mo's Customs, Montreal, 
and Evelina (r.rurgeon) B.; ancestor 
came to Can. with Maisonneuve, 1642; 
b. Montreal, Dec. 19, 1873; e. st. 
Marys (Jesuit) ()oI1'I. and lAtval Un,iv. 
(B.A. with Gov.-Gent's moed., 1894; 
LL.L., with 1st rank honlOurs, 1897); 
m., Oct., 1900, MJ.lle. kNee de Lor:imell'; 
ooV'OCate, 1898; suocessfuUy 'Practls,es- 
in iMontI'lel8.l, :In partnership wl,th HiOn. 
P. E. Le Blanc, K.C.; secy. ,Montreal 
bar, 1900; a counoiIIor, d,o., and a 
memo of the Gent Coundl; e'leoted 
presdt. JUllliO'r Bar A,ssn., 1908; Is a 
counoeHiiOr Can. Olub; a man of liter- 
ary a..ttruinaneruts; an lOOCasional oontri- 
butO'r 1-0 the press land law revlews.- 
35 St. James St.. Montreal; Club La- 
fontaine; Club St. Denis; Canadian 
Club J do. 
Brosseau, Toussaint Theophße, law- 
S. late Louis B., Laprairie, P.Q.; 
b. Chambly, P.Q., Sept. 24, 1857; e. 
St. Mary's (Jesuit) Coil., Montreal, and 
Laval UnrIv. (LL.B., 1881); m. Mlle. 
BraIs; advOC8Jte, 1881; K.C., 1899; 
hood Ie-gal firm B., B. & Tansey; One 
of the l,æders of the 
ontreal bar; 
has ploeaded frequentt'ly before J.t 
Oomte. P. C. In Eng.; one of .the pr>o- 
mOlters (}f .the Club Lafontaine, MrO'TItt- 
real, 1903; a R. C.; a Oon.-467 Mac- 
lmy St. J Mont1'eal; St. James's Club; 
JIonÞ'eal Hunt Club; Club Lafontaine; 
Canada Club; Mont. Jockey Club J do. 
Brossolt, His Honour Numa Edouard
Quebec publlc service. 
S. late Thos. B., K.C., and Rose 
Anne B., d. late Dr. Moise Sabourin, 



Beauharnois, P.Q.; b. MelochevllIe, 
P.Q., Aug. 23, 1875; e, Semy. .dt! St. 
Hyacinthe and MoGUl Unlv. (B.C.L., 
1897); m., Sep.t., 1899, Heoborln.e, d. 
late OViideMallIoux, archloteort, M.ont- 
rea'I; adVlOC.'ate, 1897 ; practised his prof. 
up Ito 1905 with his fart::her; slnlCe tJhen, 
alone, at Valleyfield; Crown Atty., 
Beauharnols, 1907; one of the eds. 
Le Progre8 de Valleyfield; apptd. 
Recorder, City of Valleyfleld, June 
19, 1909; memo Cath. O. F.; councillor 
Knights of Columbus, etc.; a Lib.; a 
R. C.-Valleyfield, P.O. 
Brough, Thomas AUardyoe, educa- 
E. s. s. James 'and Mary Youn.g 
(Allardyce) B., Wa1beI1liOO, ant. (fur- 
merly of Gla.sgow, Soot.) ; b. Top. Blen- 
heim, 00. Oxford, ant., Se'l)t. 10, 1863; 
e. Brdd'gepor>t, Blair and Elora. puMk 
sC'hs., Elora Higth Sch., 'Mt. F'or>est 
Model Sch., Ot1:awa Nonnal Sch., 
Queen's Unlv. (B.A., 1893) and Har- 
vard UnIv.; m., .1889, Mradeline, y. d. 
Hy. Jeliley, Mlt. Threst, Onrt.; enltered 
teaching .prof., 1881; Eng. master, 
Kingston Col1I. Inst., 1889-9,3; do. 
Owen Sound, do., 1893-1908; since then 
has been prinolopaJl E. End High 'Sch., 
Víanoouver, B.C.; formerly an examnr, 
Edud. Depts., Onrt. and B.e. ; dlr. ,Mod. 
Lang. Sac., Onlt.; presd1t. N. Grey 
Teachers' Assn.; V.-P. Higher Ed'llC, 
Dept., Dom. Educl. Assn.; drlr. Dom. 
Educt 'Assn.; memo Bd. of Mangrs. 
and Senat.e, W
S'tmi'Jl5ter Halll, Van- 
couver, B.C.; contt'ributJor ,to ,the press 
on e.duc. and 'Other subjects; an Ind. 
Don. ; earnest ad\l1OC.a;te rOf AnglJo-Saxon 
unity and ,brotherbood, as the readl-est 
means to tbe urulty and ,brotherhood of 
{'he race; firm bel1ever in .the demo 
principle; .the highest educa.JtJlona1 lOp- 
.portunlty should be 'PlIa.ced within the 
reach of the children of the poorest; 
expenditure on education Is the 
State's best investment; the State 
should make university education 
free, and all unworthy persons, rich 
and poor, should be excluded from 
coIl. halls; judicious educ., decen- 
tralization, and the distribution of the 
higher seats of learning, are most 
beneficial to the State; a Presb., and 
an elder In the ch.; specially Inter- 
ested In Bible study and teachlng.- 
1351 Broadway W., Vancouver, B.C, 
.. P06sibly the most pa.instaking teacher 
I have seen."-Fredk. Hamilton (q.v.). 
II A man of wide general iD'f()lI'Dlati()n, 
with -a fulil measure of common-senæ- 
an in everything he nnde,r- 
ta,kes."-The late Dr. David Boyle. 
II A thorough success 8S a teacher 8nd 
universally respeoted as 8 man."-Late 
Very Rev Principal Grant, O.M.G. 
BroughaU, Rev, Abraham Joseph 
S. Lewis and Margt. B.; b. Cobourg, 
Ont., May 2, 1832; e. Victoria Univ., 
Cobourg, and Trln. Unlv., Toronto 
(B.A., with 1st class honours In clas- 
sics and honours In math., 1855; 
M.A., 1858; D.D., hO'n.. 1904); 'Ill., 
1861, Geoorg1na Harriet ['()r 'Of 
movement for estabHs.hlng self-sup- 

p.ortlng residenoe fool' ,business women 
in T1ooonlÍX>], d. It:lote Maj'or Hurd, '1'0- 
ronlto; ordain.e:d d!eoa.oon, 1857; pri
1858; }lecturer in cllaSSks, Trln. Un Iv. , 
1855-69; and I8.gtaln, subsequently; 
cura'te, St. John's, Toooll'too, 1857; rec- 
tor, St. Stephen's, dl()., 1861; some time 
æomestlc chaplain, and subSiequen l 1:ly, 
examg. -chaJplailn .too Bp. 
oro'lllto ; 
Ioater, han. cloerlcal secy. .too ,the Dioc. 
Synod; hon. canoon, .st. Alhan's eath., 
TorO'll't'O, 1907; Is vloe-chalnnan Ho. 
of Industry, '1'oronbo; aut:!h'Ûr of an 
eolemerubary churoh cratechlsm.-13 Bor- 
den St., Toronto. 
BroughalI, Frederick William, bank- 
ing profession. 
Third s. Rev. Canon A. J. B. (q.v.) 
and Georgina Harriet (Hurd) B.: b. 
Toronto, Aug. 12, 1867; e. Trln. ColI. 
Sch., Port Hope; m., Oct., 1894, Lilian 
Mabel, d. late Dr. P. N. Strathy, To- 
ronto; served for many yrs. In various 
capacities, Ln Dom. .Bank Oan., Inølud- 
ing thwt of mangr.; apptd. genl. 
mangr. the SoorUng Bank of Oan., A'Pl., 
1906 ; 'Presented with a .handsome testi- 
monial by mangrs. of loeaJ branches 
Dom. Bank, oon Ms l'8'3..ving ,that instl- 
tUt'Í'On; Ang.-1 Elm8ley Place, To- 
l'onto; Toronto Club. Toronto Golf 
Club; N ationaZ Club,. A lbany Club; 
York Club, do. 
BroughaU, Rev. George Herbert 
E. S. Rev. Canon A. J. B. (q.v.); 
b. Toronto, Apt 21, 1862; e. Trinity 
CoIl. Sch., Port Hope, and Trln. CoIl., 
Toronto (B.A., 1883; M.A., do.); O. 
deacon, 1886; priest, 1887; formerly 
incumbent, Tullamore, and headmaster 
TooontJo Ch. Sch. for Boys; Inter 
master Trln. c.oU. .sch., Pol"1t Hope; 
apptd. rector St. MIchJaell's and AB 
Angels, W.l-rundpoeg, 1907; a Freemason. 
- Winnipeg. 
BroughaU, Rev, James Samuel (Ang.). 
Second s. Rev. Canon A. J. B. 
(q.v.) ; b. Toronto, 1866; e. Trln. CoIl. 
Sch., Port Hope, Trln. Unlv., Toronto, 
(B.A., 1887; M.A., 1889); and Johns 
Hopkins Unlv., BalHmore, \Md.; m., 
Jan., 1895, Hellen, 3rd d. late Rich. 
Fuller, Hamilton, ant. ; o. priest, 1891; 
asst. St. Goorge's Ch.. '1'0 1'0 nlÌJO , 1893; 
incumbent AI,I Salnlts' Ch., Whl.tbY, 
1895; acting reot'Û'r St, Stephen's, To- 
OOlllt'O, 1901; fonnerly '3. feNl()w -In 
cla.sslcs, Trln. CI()LI., Toronto; fenow 
by courtesy, .Johns Hlopkins Unlv., 
1889 ; apptd.. cha:platn Gov.-Genl.'s 
Body Guard (wLth bon.. rank of capt.), 
Mch., 1910; a del. Pan-Ang. CongreEs, 
London, '1908.-99 Bellevue Ave., To- 
Broughall, Rev, Lewis Wilmot Bovel1 
Fifth s. Rev. Canon A. .J. B. (q.v.); 
b. Toronto, Mch. 27, 1876; e. Trill. 
00'11. Soh., Bol't HO'pe, '3.nd Trln. Unlv., 
Tororuto (B.A., with hon;ours in clas- 
sks and arts, 1897; M.A., 1898); m., 
Jan., 1908, .Sophla Margrt., 2nd d. J. H, 
G. Hagar>ty, Toronto; O. deaoon
priest, 1900; successIvely a.sost. mlssy., 
Min.den, ant.; Incumbent, Hage rsvH Ie, 
cura.t'e, Wdmbloedon, and do., .St. James 



OaJth., Toron1to; reCltor, St. 
Jude's, Oa.kv'ìÞIe, Ont., July, 1907.- 
The Rectory, Oakville, Onto 
Broughton, Charles, artist. 
B. Co. Peel, Ont., about 1861; while 
In Toronto was employed In the pre- 
paration of the illustrations for Dent's 
.. Can. Portrait Gallery" and other 
works; at same time displayed great 
promise as a water-colour artist; re- 
moved to N. Y., 1880, where he has 
distinguished himself as an illustrator 
for Harper's Young People, Scribner's 
Mag., Frank Leslie's Weekly, and 
other periodicals. - 3Z Beach 8f., 
Stapleton, L.I., N.Y. 
Brouse, :Mrs, Amella M, (Allan), 
B. Hamilton, Ont.; e. Galt CoIl. 
lust.; m. Dr. Joaoo'b Edwin Bf\ouse, 
Brockvllle, Onto (d. ApI., 1888), a bro. 
late Senator B. ; before marriage 
served as a public sch. teacher Brock- 
ville High Sch.; more recently was 
principal Ladles' ColI., Compton, P.Q.; 
now, and for many yrs., one of the 
principals, .. Klngsthorpe," Hamilton, 
Ont., a residential and day sch. for 
girls.-Hamilton, Onto 
Brouse, William Henry, broker. 
E. s. late Hon. W. H. B., M.D., 
senator, and Frances A., e. d. Alpheu8 
Jones, Prescott, Ont.; b. there, May 
26, 1859; e. Pre9Cl()lÌ'Ì Hi-g!h Sch.; m., 26, 1887, F1looonoe Josephin'e, rl. 
late Geto. Gooderham, Toronoto; baTris- 
ter, 1882: succesS/fuNy pmotised his 
profession 1ÌIil'L 1897 as a memo firm 
BeaJbty, Blacksot'Ock & 00., Toronlto: 
el-ect-ed memo Totronltlo Boock ExC'hanJgle, 
1898; Itreas., do., 1906; V.-P., do., 
1908-9: presdt., 1910: head of firm B., 
Mitchell & Co., stock, bond, and In- 
vestmenrt brokers, Tio.ronoo; a coun.. 
cillor Can. Inst.; a dlr. Can. Niagara 
Power Co.; presdt. Clifton Hotel Co.; 
an Ang.-63 St. George St., Toronto; 
Toronto Club; York Club, do. 
BrousBeau, Jean Baptiste, la.wyer; 
journal'ist; ex...leglsltator. 
E. S. J. B. B., M.D., and Marie 
Charlotte (Hertel-de-Rouvllle) B., 
Belæll, P.Q.; b. there, Jan. 1, 1841; 
e. St. Hyacinthe ColI.; m., May, 1864, 
Mlle. Marie EuÞalie Malot, Belæil; 
advocate, 1863: K.C., 1899; Crown 
prosecutor and senior memo bar, Dlst. 
Richelleu ; editor Le M e8sager de 
Borel, 1870-75, and of La Gazette de 
Sorel (with late J. G. Barthe, M.P.). 
1875-77; sat for Verchêres (Local), 
Lib. Interest, 1878-81; a R. C.-Borel, 
Brousseau, Lt,-Col, Joseph Doule, 
Can. regular mil. service. 
S. J. D. B., formerly M.P. for Port- 
neuf, and Mayor of Quebec, and Mary 
Martha (Downs) B.; b. Quebec, Dec. 
23, 1868; e. Quebec Semy. and Laval 
Undv. (1M. B., 1891; IM.D., 1893); m., 
June, 1894, Marie LucetIt:e, d. llaJtJe G. 
H. Dufresne, M.D., Riegr. 00. Cham- 
plain; a llcent. 0011. 'P. and S., P. Q., 
lR94; 'has unodergone .instruotion anod 
examn. before the Infy. Sch. Corps, 
St. Johns, P.Q., 1889-90, t!he Cav. 
Sch. Corps,. Quebeoc, 1891, the Royal 

Aruny Moo. Oorps, Ald'ershot, Eng., 
1899, a.nd .at 'the Roya;l Vdctoria 
Hosp., Netley, Eng., 1899; apptd. 
surÇ'.-maj. 1st F.B., Quebec, Mch., 1898 ; 
maJ.or, A.S.C., .MJc'h., 1900; It.-oCI01. dIQ., 
Mch., 1904; do. P.A.M.C., tMch, 1905; 
P.IM.O., M.n., No.7, Mch., 1907; a R. C. 
-59 St. Louis -St., Quebec; Quebec 
Garrison Club, do. 
Brou8seau, Ze:nophlle Pierre, mer- 
chan t. 
B. Laprairie, P.Q., 1840; memo old 
.o\Jæ.,dUaln rfumiO'Y; acquil'etd: busiinlei!'s 
t'l'a,i'nång at 
, N. Y.. when onOy 
15 Y'fIS. od' agJe; we.nrt to Clhoic'ago, 1860, 
where he has attained a distinguished 
position in the mercantile community; 
is head firm B. & Co., wheat merchants; 
eI'ecltedi mem. Bd. od' Trade. 118611, and 
became presdt. of that body: memo 
Free Public Library Bd., 1893; elected 
presdt. do., 1905; has served also on 
Sch. Comn. and filled presidency St. 
Jean Bapt. Soc.; besides being a memo 
"Voict<Jr:ia Diamond Jubile.e AB'sn.. was 
a memo of the Alliance Françalse and 
V.-P. World's Columbian Expn.: 
apptd. an offr. dAoead. by Presdrt. 
of the French Republic, 1899.-Chic- 
ago, Ill. 
.. A man of good judgment and moral 
courage."-Can. American. 
Brown, Mis. A, Maud, physician. 
D. .I os. B., g>enol. moamgr. BelO PianIQ 
& Organ Co., Guelph, Ont.; b. and e. 
Guelph; M.D., with honours (London, 
Eng., Unlv.), 1904.-Guelph, Onto 
Brown, Adam, Ca.n. public service; 
S. late Wm. B., MiIntown, Lang- 
holm, Dumfriesshire, and Elizabeth 
(Johnston) B., Berwickshlre, Scot.: b. 
Edinburgh, Scot., ApI. 3, 1826: e. there 
and Mon 1 tr'ool; m., 1st, 1852, MaTia 
(d.), d. lIaJtJe Ca'lYt. EVlatJt; 2.nod t ly, 1862, 
:\fury (Ò'. 1896), d. Th'Os. H. Kough, 
ShT8Wsbury, Eng.; 'CI3JI11'e W Can., wLt'h 
parents, 1833: entd. mercantlle life, 
at Montreal, when 14: removed to 
Hamilton, where he became a partner 
in wholesale grocery house of W. p, 
McLaren, 1850; sUbsequently princi- 
pal B., Gillespie & Co., and B., Balfour 
& Co., wholesale grocers; a moving 
spirit In Can. trade and commerce, be- 
coming successively secy. and presdt. 
Hamilton Bd. of Trade and presdt. 
Dom. Bd. of Trade; del. Detroit Trade 
Convention, 1864, and otherwise 
earnest In endeavouring to secure a 
renewal of the Reciprocity Treaty 
with U. S.: one of the .. fathers" of 
the .. N. P." and also of ry. develop- 
ment In Ont.; was first presdt. Wel- 
lington, Grey & Bruce Ry. and of 
Northern Pac. Junction Ry., two lines 
whose existence is largely due to his 
efforts; later, a commr. to superintend 
the construction of the HamIlton 
s; an hon.. -rommr. ,for Can. 
to Jamaica Expn., 1891; Is a dir. Can. 
Life Assur. Co., and V.-P. Gt. N.-W. 
Tel. Co.; was a charter memo Hamil- 
ton Club, and chairman of that body; 
among other offices held by him were 
and are: Gov. Art and Tech. Sch. ; Dlr. 
Hamilton Art Sch., V.-P. local branch 



Can. Bible Soc., and presdt. Children's 
Aid Soc., of the Soc. for the Prevo of 
Cruelty to Animals, and of the Royal 
Can. Humane Soc.; was presdt. Chari- 
ties and Corrections Convention, To- 
ronto, 1901; a Con. and sat for 
Hamilton (H. C.), 1887-91, in that 
Interest; apptd. postmaster of Hamil- 
ton, July 1, 1891; noted as a public 
speaker rand ilecturer ; preseIlItoo to 
King Edwal'd (when Prince of Wal
1860; formerly a Presh.; IbOW all! Ang. 
-" Bowbrook/' Hamilton, Onto 
.. The soul of honour."-The late Sir 
John A, Macdonald. 
., In his prime was one of the ablest 
platform speakers in Cana.da.,..--Oa1t. 
Brown, Albert JOBeph, lawyer. 
S. JaAJe Shepherd Joseph rand J-ennoe1 
(Shanks) B.; father of Am. ancestry, 
trom Plymouth, N.H.; mother of 
Scotch ancestry; b. Windsor Mills, 
P.Q., July 8, 1861; e. St. Francis 
ColI., Richmond, P.Q., Morrin ColI., 
QuebE:c, and McGill Univ. (B.A., 
1883; B.C.L. and med., 1886); m., 
Dec., 1888, Miss Josephine Home, 
Quebec; advocate, 1886; K.C., 1899; 
successfula,y :þracUses his ,prof. in 
MontreaL; 'head! -of legal firm B., SOOI'p 
& :\fuMich:ael; one of tJhe leraoder,s of the 
MiOIut:reaJl bar; e'leoted bâtonl11ler 
(Montre-aJl), 1911; a oounCJiBor Mont- 
real Bar Assn.; a dir. MonltreaJ Trust 
00.; .a Pr.esb.-l23 Crescent St., Mont- 
real; St. James's Club; Mt. Royal 
Club; Montreal Club; Forest and 
Stream Club; Royal MonÞ'eal Golf 
Club; Thistle CU1'ling Club; 1I-I.A.A.A.; 
Montreal Jockey Club; Manitou Club, 
Brown, .ev, Alfred (Ang.). 
S. Wm. Marsters and Mary E. B.; 
U. E. L. descent on both sides; b. 
Halifax, N.S, May 25, 1842; e. Hali- 
tax Grammar Sch. (Dr. Gilpin, prin- 
cipal) and King's ColI., Windsor, N.S. 
(B.A., 1865); m. Miss Sarah White, 
Anable, N.Y.; o. deacon, 1865; priest. 
1&66; missy. S. P. G., Glace Bay, 
C.B., 1865-68; asst. mlnr. St. John's 
Ch., Clifton, S.I., 1868-69; rector St. 
Paul's Ch., Aurora, and Grace Ch., 
Union Spgs., N.Y., 1869-72; Incumbent 
St. Mark's Ch., HaNfax, secy. of 
Synod and chaplain to Bp. Binney of 
N. S., 1872-78; asst. mlnr. St. Paul's 
Cath., London, Ont., 1878-84; Incum- 
bent Wlarton. Ont., 1884-86; rector St. 
James' Ch., Parts (his present 
charge), 1886; canon, St. Paul's Cath., 
DoI1JdlOn. Ont., 189.7; Is a. memo Extve. 
Oomte. Diocese.of Huron\ and a del. to 
ProvI. and GenI. Synods; founded Ang. 
Young People's Assn., which alms II at 
the promotion of the religious, social, 
and Intellectual welfare of the young 
ðf both sexes," many branches of 
which assn. have been organized In all 
portions of the Dom.; has been chair- 
man Bd. of Educ. and of Public LI- 
brary Bd., Paris; also a memo of the 
Inter-diocesan Comte. on Increased 
Religious Instruction In Public Schs.; 
author of II Impressions of England" 
and other pamphlets, as well as of 

numerous contributions to home and 
foreig:I1i j()llJrruaJ.s on socñal, reUgious, 
and ,poUtlca,1 subjects; an ardent friend 
of Br1Ït. c<mne<cJtion and aIll 1Jhat 1:Ie11d.s 
to promote Im,p. uwi<ty; a del. Pan- 
Anlg. Ocmgress. London, Eng., 1908.- 
Pa1'is.. Onto 
Brown, Arthur William, artist. 
S. Wm. Evatt B., Toronto; b. Hamn. 
ton, ant., Jan. 26, 1881; e. public 
sch.; art education at Art Students' 
League, N.Y.; m., Oct., 1908, Miss 
Grace Kneeland Green, N.Y.; a suc- 
cessful illustrator of books and mags. ; 
Ang.-119 E. f3rd St.. New York. 
Brown, B, Hal, business man. 
Scotch and German extraction; s. 
Shel'I11'an B., WhHby, Ont.; ,b. thiere, 
Dec. 4, 1854; e. Whäby High Sch. and 
Brantford ODill. Inst., fuf'truer eÌ'udieß 
8Jt ProV'l. NormaJ Sohs., Toron.tJo and 
Ottawa; m. Miss Macd'Onald; for some 
yrs. a. pUbl,ic 9C'h. .toecacher; made a. 
study of fire and life Ins. ,business; 
in'spr. do West. On1., London and Lan- 
cash. Fire Assur. C'O.. 1883. becOIlJlJing. 
su'bsequenItÞy, iruspr. fur the whole I()f 
Ont., and lR.galn, later, sU'pdlt. of 
agencies for Can.; apptd. mangr. t!or 
Can., same 00.. 1889; resigned, to 
beoome g>enI. mangr., Prudentia.l Trusot 
00., Sept., 1910; elected V.-P. Mon't- 
real Ins. Inst., 1900; pr.esdot., do., 1902; 
00. Ca.n. Life Offrs. Assn., 1902; a. 
Feltlow of the Statlstioal Soc., London, 
Eng.; a P
b.--&O Dorchester St. W., 
Montreal; summer.. It Inverlochin," St. 
Bruno, P.Q.; St. James's Club; Mt. 
Royal Club; Canada Club; Canadian 
Club; M.A.A.A.; Montreal Hunt Club; 
St. George Snowshoe Club, do.; St. 
George's Club, Sherbrooke, P.Q.; To- 
ronto Club; York Club, Toronto. 
"A debater of great skill, power and 
eloquence.' '-Can. Century. 
"An underwriter of acknowledged 
ability and reputation.' '-T. Globe, 
Brown, Charles A, B, 
S. late Thos. and Hannah (Humph- 
rey) B.; b. Toronto; e. Toronto Gram- 
mar Sch. ; solr. Bradstreet Co, ; 
has been a memo Toronto Sch. Bd. 
since 1882, and was presdt., 1905-6; a 
dlr. Toronto Indust. Exhn. Assn.; a 
memo Ex. Comte. Royal Can. Yacht 
Club, and has been presdt. ant. 
Hockey Assn.; elected presdt., Toronto 
Playgrounds Assn., 1909-10; a Con. ; an 
Ang.-.7 Wellesley St., Toronto; Al- 
bany Club; Royal Can. Yacht Club, do. 
" No man in the city has done more 
lor education."-T. Telegram. 
Brown, Rev. Charles W, (Meth.). 
S. late Rev. Geo. B., London, ant.; 
b. Aurora, Ont.; e. Victoria Unlv., To- 
ronto (B.A., gold med., and Prince of 
Wales g.olod moo., 1887; B.D., 1891); 
m. Mis'S Ida R. E. Brown, BT'O'WIlßVI1.lIle, 
OTIlt.; entd. mtini-stry, 1887, and bas 
held 'past<maJtes 3Jt WestmillJS' 
Brownsv,Ï'lle, Tororubo, W. Lorrue, Glen- 
C'QIe, Amrherst'bul'g, Exeber, MJi,tcheld, 
Stra,tfordt, Regina; 'transfod. ,to Noew 
Westminster, 1909; was dislt. chair- 
man and Q del'. rj:1O Gen'I. Con,f. a,t 
Reglnta.-New Westminster, B.C. 



Brown, Chrystal, vocalist. 
B. '.roronto; studied for his prof. In 
that city, and oes.tbd. a ,bigh reputat1'on 
as a vocal soloist and conductor; re- 
moved to Erie, Pa., and Is a conductor 
In that city of one of its largest 
cholrs.-l006 State St., Erie, Pa, 
Brown, David, Am. ry. service. 
B. Can., May 17, 1838; entd. service 
of Monmouthshlre Ry. & Canal Co., 
Eng., 1851, since which time has 
filled many Important and responsible 
posltlons; In 1870, became machin- 
is.t on the Delaware, lJaickawanna & 
Western Ry. at Scranton, Pa., and 
has remained with that co. ever since, 
holding since ApI., 1900, the position 
of asst. supdt. of motive power.- 
Bcranton, Pa. 
Brown, David E" commission mer- 
chan t. 
S. late Geo. B., postmaster, Owen 
Sound, Ont.; b. then', Mch. 20, 1855; 
e. Grammar Schs., Owen Sound and 
Fergus, Ont.; unm.; entd. service Gt. 
Western Ry., May, 1875, and was sub- 
sequently relieving agent, travelling 
auditor and cashier, and special travI. 
agent on the Northern & N.-W. Rys., 
Can.; freight agent, Winnipeg, C. P. 
R., May, 1883; dlst. freight and pass; 
agent Pacific dlv., do., Sept., 1886, 
asst. 'genl. pass. and freight agent, 
Western and Pacific dlvs., do., May, 
1889; genl. agent for China, Japan 
and India, residing at Hong Kong, do., 
Jan., 18
3; genl. supdt. trans-Pacific 
steamship service, do., Dec., 1906; re- 
tired 1907, and Is now head of firm 
D. E. B. & Co., genl. ry. and steam- 
ship ticket agency, ship and genl. 
brokers etc., Vancouver, B.C.-Van- 
couver, 'B.C.; Vancouver Club, do.; St. 
Jame8's Club, Montreal; Hong Kong 
Club, Hong Kong. 
Brown, David Bobertson, architect. 
S. Jas. and Ellzabeth (Robertson) 
B. ; b. Montreal, 1869; e. Montreal High 
Sch; studied for his prof. there and 
In Boston, Mass.; m., Mch., 1900, 
Harrl.ett F., 2nd d. Wm. Roblb (q.v.), 
dty treas., .Miorutreal; hias designed 
ma'IlY .Important ,ed:ifices in Montreal, 
indud1rug the Bd. of Trade Bldg., robe 
M.A.A.A. Big., Masonic Temple, Ollvet 
Bapt. Ch., Taylor Presb. Ch., West- 
mounli Presb. Ch., Southam BIg., Moo. 
BIg., McGill Unlv., OhNdreru's Memorial 
Hiosp., Sask. Univ., Saskaitoon, etc.- 
720 Pine Ave. W., Montreal; Canada 
Club; Royal St. Lat01'ence Yacht Club; 
Beacon8field Golf Club; Montreal Curl- 
ing Club; St. Jame8's Club, do. 
Brown, JIliaa Edith, art teacher; Illus- 
D. John Lothrop and Elizabeth 
(W.bldden) B.; 'b. Wolfvú.J.le, N.S., 1874; 
e. Acadia. Berny.: grad. Boston Museum 
Fine Arts Sch., 1895; teacher of olay 
mooellng and drawing dn Miss Pierce's 
private soh., Brookllne, Miass., .Mrs, 
VlOn Mack's and Mrs. Sta'Il'Ilaro's prl- 
VaJte schs. and N. BeI1JI1et St. Industrial 
Sch., Booton., Mass.; slIlJOO 1908 has 
been dolr. and 
Igner S. E. G. Bowl 
Shops, Boston: first HluSibrating 
done for Churchman. 1899; since then 

has Illustrated Miss Wiltse's "Folk- 
Lore Stories and Proverbs," Miss 
Guerrier's .. Wonderfolk In Wonder- 
lJand," .. The Cheerful Cnlck-et:' and 
ot'her works; a Christian Sclentist.- 
18 Hull St., Boston, Mass.; Copley 
Society, do. 
Brown, Edward, merchant. 
S. late Edward Jas. B., Reeve of 
Bruce, Ont.; Scotch descent; b. Gres- 
ham, Bruce, Ont., May 23, 1865; e. 
there and St. Catharlnes Grammar 
Sch.; m., Jan., 1893, Miss Essie 
 POI1tage iJJa, Man.: en- 
gag-ed, since e3Jrly moa.nho.od, In mer- 
c'antHe lo1fe: rem'OVioo t'o !Moan., 1888; 
founded Bit Portage .]13. Prall'1ie, wlth hols 
bro., tJhe business k,nowll' as Brown's, 
Ltd., a r.ea!l estate and agric. business, 
IlIO'W one of the furemOS't. institutJions In 
Man., of which he Is .presdrt.; In addl- 
 1hey have oa. laTge depal'tme'l1otal 
store under .the name of J. & E. B.; 
has beten may1O'r IOf Pol'tage la Prairie 
tor soml8 yrs., and was prev,iously ald. 
and cha1'l"II1an .Waterworks Comte.; 
V.-P. Urulcm of Can. tMunicipaUt1es. 
1905-6; is a dlr. U'Ildon Bank of Can., 
and presdt. Dom. Land 00. and Inst 
Mounta:ln VaJl'ley Land ,00.; also a 
trustee Ma:n. CoIL, and V.-iF. Man. SUn- 
day Sc'h. Assn.; ratedi as a mHllonalre; 
removed ItIo Winnipeg, 1909; a Lib., 
and was eliected chairman Lib. Ex,tve. 
for Man., Dec., 1904; .lleadoer of the 
Lib. party In Man. (In succession to 
Senator Greenway), Mch., 1906; twIce 
unsuc.cessfuiJJy con1resotOO Pofitag>e la 
Pr8Jlrle fOor Legislature; a Presb., and 
e.. memo NaA:. Comte. Presb. Layman's 
Mlsslonty. Mov,emenæ, 1909.-Winnipeg. 
Man.; Manitoba. Club, do. 
lOA keen and finished deba.ter."-O, 
Free Press. 
"An excellent .and fearless p1atrorm 
speaker."-T. Globe. 
II A sensitive and delicately refined man, 
who is a pledged foe of political corrup. 
tinn."-Prof. Osborne (q.v.). 
Brown, Edward Betley, lawyer. 
S. late John Gordon B., formerly ed. 
Toronto Daily Globe; b. Toronto, July 
16, 1856; e. U. C. Coli. and Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A" with gold med. In mod. 
lang., 1877); m., Sept., 1881, Char- 
lotte, e. d. late Danl. Morrison, an 
eminent journalist; barrister, 1880; 
K.C., 1898; examr. In Eng. and blst., 
Toronto Unlv., 1880-84; apptd. a re- 
porter to Law Soc. U. C., 1888 (a 
position he still retains); ed. Can. 
LQ,w Times, 1900; resigned, 1907: l'arter 
ed. Onto Weekly Reporter and Western 
Law Reporter; apptd. by Onto Law 
Soc., ed. Onto Law Monthly Reports 
and Weekly Notes, June, 1909; Ang., 
and a ch. waroe.n.-113 St. Clair Ave., 
Brown, Mis8 Emily Balson, nursing 
D. John Halson and Margot. Haml1- 
ton (Honeyman) B.; b. Woodstock, 
Ont.; e. Wykeham Hall, and Mrs. 
Neville's sch., Toronto; took course 
of nursing at Chicago Hosp., Chicago; 
became supdt. and genl. mangr., Drexel 
Sanitarium, Chicago, 1907; has wrlt- 



ten poetry and sketches for Can. and 
Am. mags.; Ang.-(Buslness) The 
Drexel Sanitarium, .fl
O Drexel Boule- 
vard, Chicago, Ill.; (Home) 5.190 E. 
End A ve., do., do. 
Brown, Ernest, educationist. 
A graduate from Unlv, CoIl., Liver- 
pool, Eng., in the science dept. of 
V.ictoria Univ., with 1st honours 
in en
ing.; 'is a.loo M.a. E. Undv. 
Liverpool; was asst. lect. in enging., 
Liverpool, 1900; lecturer In app. 
mech., Liverpool Unlv., 1903; apptd. 
asst. prof. app. mech., McGill Unlv., 
1905; .pl'O'ffiootoo 'Prof. .of app. mec'h. 
anI(} hydmuUcs, do., 1911; held an 
1851 ex'hn. research scholar.; assa. 
memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1906,-1Z5 St. 
Famille St., Montreal. 
Brown, Mills Eva A, (see Burdette, 
Miss Madeline). 
Brown, Mrs, :Faith :Fenton, a former 
D. of one of the Fentons, of Col- 
chester, who separated from his fam- 
Ily In early youth, came to Can., and 
has since lived there under the name 
of Freeman, by Mary (Lilley) F., a 
soldier's d.; b. and e. Toronto; in 
early yrs. a sch. teacher; afterwards 
became connected with the press as a 
miscellaneous writer; wrote descrip- 
tive sketches of public men and run- 
ning comments on public events for 
the Toronto Empire; Ilkewise contri- 
buted to N. Y. Sun; was ed.-In-chlef of 
Can. Home Journal, established 1_895; 
went out to Yukon as correspondent 
of Toronto Globe, anJ there married 
Dr. J. N. E. Brown (q.v.); sent first 
press despatch from Dawson on estab- 
lishment of telegraph line, Sept., 1901; 
In her day was regarded as being at 
the head of the lady journalists In To- 
ronto.- Wellesley P1'Ïvate H osp., 7'0- 
II Not only a brilliant writer, but a kind 
and courteous gentlewoman. "-V. World, 
Brown, :Fayette, Insurance manager. 
An Am. ci.t'izen; e. Y18.1oe Undv. 
(B.A., 1904); m.; Tepresoents Mutua'! 
lAfe IIlIS. Co., N.Y., In M-orutTeal; for- 
merly cpresd1t. Me1ropoll1an Golf Club, 
Morutrea:I; 08JP'Ì., Royal \Montreal Golf 
OI<uQ, 1902; a counoUlIor Unlv. Olub.- 
7 Ontario Ave., Montreal; St. James's 
Club; Mt. Royal Club; Unive1'sity 
Club; Royal Mont1'eal Golf Club; 
Montreal Jockey Club,' Thistle Curling 
Club, do. 
Brown, :Frank Erichsen, lawyer; jour- 
Y. s. Dr, J. P. B., Toronto (q.v.): 
b. Toronto; e. Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1900); m., Oct., 1904, Isabel Russell, 
e. d. Prof. J. F. McCurdy (q.v.), 
Unlv. COll., Toronto; barrister, 1903; 
sucoe.ssfuNy practises his prof. In To- 
rorubo; purchased GaI1. Reformer, 1905. 
-100 Pricefi,eld Rd., Toronto. 
Brown, :Frederick Clement, Ins. man gr. 
S. S. K. and Eliza J. (White) B., 
mother of U. E. L. stock and a direct 
descendant of Peregrln White, the first 
White b. in Am., whose parents came 
over In the Mayflower; b. Town::ohlp 
Pickering, Co. Ont., Ont., 1869; e. 

public schs., Pickering ColI. and To- 
ronto Dnlv. (B.A., 1892; M.A., 1894); 
m., 1898, Georgina, grandd. late Dr. 
Evans, Picton, Ont.; for some yrs. 
engaged In journalism, first In To- 
ronto, then at Streator, III. (where he 
ed. The Popular Educator), later at 
Chicago, and finally, again, at To- 
ronto, where, for 3 yrs., he was asst. 
ed. of The ChrÌ8tian Guardian; was 
also a contributor to The Arena, The 
Can. Mag., and other periodicals; 
entd. on a business career, 1898, as 
mangr. BerUn Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 
at Berlin, Ont.; under his manage- 
ment the co. Increased and extended 
Its business, and removed Its head 
office to Toronto; thp. name of the co., 
of which he Is noW mango dir., has 
recently been changed to that of The 
Metropolitan Fire Ins. Co.; a memo 
Soc. of Frlends.----36 Benlamond Ave., 
II A most careful, persevering, discrim- 
inating and successful business man."- 
O. Guardian. 
Brown, George Alexander, physician. 
B. Oharlot:tetown, P.E.I., 1866; e. 
S1:. Pe.ter,s Boys' -SC'h., GbarlotJtetown, 
Klng'.s OOlII. Univ., Windsor, No'S., and 
McGilll UniÏv. (M.D.,-c.IM., 1889); m. 
Miss Miary Elizabeth Conroy; some 
time res!Íd.e-lllt physician Monrtreal Genl. 
Hosp.; IlIOW and for some yrs. In. s
oessful .practice In ,Ml()Illj:rea.1 ; .p-hy.s.lClan 
to the Monrtl1eal Dispensary; In Fe'b., 
1906 subml.t:toed to the IMorutreal Med.- 
-Ohlr: Soc. a new .cure for CO'IliSumpotJlO<Il', 
whloh be has put inlto Pl'8.cUce wah 
gI"OO!t: success, consisting o.f 1he Indec- 
Non Into the human sy'S,te'IIl of a S'Ü'lu- 
tIÌ.OII1 oom1J'<)Sleld prtinoctprul!ly of iod
UnU.-718 Dorchester St. W., Mont- 
f'eal; University Club, do. 
Brown, George :Harold, musician. 
S. Chas. E. and Amelia B.; b. 
Sussex, N.B., 1880; family all musi- 
cians; reed. musical education from 
Eng. tutors; m. Isabel Robertson, d. 
J. R. Dick, Montreal; a conductor, 
organist and pianist; has been suc- 
cessively organist to Meth. Ch,. Sussex, 
N.B., St. David's Presb. Ch., ,St. John, 
N.B., St. .John's Presb. Ch., Moncton, 
N.B., St. Andrew's Ch, of Scot., Mont- 
real, Sherbrooke St. Meth. Ch., do., 
and St. Andrew's Presb. Ch., West- 
mount, do.; apptd. official organist and 
musical dlr., Macdonald CoIl., Ste. 
Anne de Bellevue, P.Q., Aug., 1907; a 
Prot.-Macdonald College, Ste. Anne 
de Bellevue, P.Q. 
Brown, George Mackenzie, pubIlsher. 
O. s. late Hon. Geo. B., at one time 
leader of the Reform party In U. C., 
and one of the U Fathers of Confedera- 
tion," and Annie, e. d. late Thomas 
Nelson, Abden Ho., Edinburgh, Scot.: 
b. TIOron1:o, 1869; e. U. C. CoIl., 
Toronto Unlv., Merchlston Castle Sch., 
Edinburgh, and King's CoIl., Camb.: 
m., 1901, Mary Elinor, y. d. late Thos. 
Nelson, St. Leonard's, Edinburgh, 
Scot.; Is mango trustee Thos. Nelson 
& Sons, publishers, Edinburgh and 
N. Y.; a Lib., and represented Central 
Edinburgh (Brit. H. C.), defeating Sir 



Conan Doyle by 569 votes, 1900-06 i 
one of the secs. Toronto Llb.-Con- 
vention, 1883; a Presb.-fO Moray 
Place, Edinburgh, Scot.; Royal 
Societies' Club, London; Unive1'sity 
Club, EdinbU1'gh. 
"A brilliant young Canadian."-M. 
Brown, Bev. George Martin (Meth.). 
A bro. of Richard B., Toronto 
(q.v.); b. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng., 
1839; accompanied his paren ts to Can. ; 
entd. ministry, 1862; o. 1866; has 
filled many important pastorates; was 
financial secy., 1874-77; a del. to 
Genl. Conf., 1894, 1902; presdt. of 
Tor. C,<mf., 1904.-1f
 Beech Ave., To- 
Brown, George Martin Lowes, jour- 
S. Rev. Geo. M. B. (Ml'th.) and 
Mary (Lowes) B.; b. nr. Barrie, Ont., 
Sept. 29, 1874; e. Brampton High 
Sch. and Albert Coll., BeIlevllle i also 
studIed at Trln. Med. Sch., Toronto i 
founded and ed., with his bro., The 
Northern Enterprise, Campbell ton, 
N.B., 1893, and 6 yrs. later re-estab- 
lished that journal, under the name 
of Events; connected with the Monte- 
video Eng. High Sch. and the Buenos 
Ayres Eng. High Sch. for several yrs. ; 
also taught sch. In Paraguay; 
contributed to the leading periodicals 
of Can. and U. S., Including the 
Can. Magazine, Outlook, North Am. 
Rev., World's Work, Rev. of Reviews, 
Scientific American, N. Y. Herald, N, 
Y. Sun, N. Y. Tnbune, N. Y. Times, 
etc.; founded Spanish-Am. Book Co., 
now Incorporated In the Tropical-Am. 
Pub. Co., of which he Is presdt., 1906 i 
founded the mag. Tropical A merica, 
of which he Is mango ed., Jan., 1908; 
has also written a great deal of juvenile 
work .for such mags. 'as othe Youth's 
Companion, St. Nicholas, and Cassell's 
Little Folks, in London; has made a 
special study of the sea, and has 
taken several deep sea voyages In 
strange craft to study the life of 
satIors and general conditions; made 
special trip to Venezuela, 1904, dur- 
Ing the crisis between the United 
States and that country, and con- 
tributed to the Am., Eng., and Can. 
press in Caracas; crossed the country 
In disguise to the Orinoco and left by 
way of that river; spent 9 mths. In 
the Island of Trinidad, preparInIS 
various material upon Latin Am. anu 
the W. I.; was, for a short tlll1
man gr. of the Wilshire Book co., 
N. Y., which publishes Socialist bOOkS 
and periodicals, and has long been In- 
terested In Socialist movement; is a 
memo of several literary and art BOCS. 
In the U. S.-fZ E. ffnd St., New York. 
Brown, George McLaren, Can. ry. ser- 
S. Adam (q.v.), and Mary (Kough) 
B.; b. Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 29, 1865; 
e. Shrewsbury, Eng., Hamilton Gram- 
mar Sch., and U. C. Coll.; m., 1890, 
Eleanor Graham, d. John Crerar, K.C., 
Hamilton, Ont.; In service N. & N.-W. 
Ry., HamtIton, 1881-83; do., do., G, T. 

R., do., 1883-87; agent C. P. R., 
Vancouver, 1887-92; asst. genl. pass. 
agent, do., western div., 1892-97 i 
executive agent, western lines, do., 
1897-1902; sup.dt. 'hotels, d
nling and 
sleeping cars, C. P. R., 1902-5; genl. 
pass. agent, Atlantic steamship lines, 
00., 1905-8; g>enl. Europ.ean traffic 
ag>en,t., do., 1908-10; Igerul. European 
man gr. , do., .since 1910; a Presb.-6! 
Charing Cross, London, S. W., Eng.; 
Vancouver Club, Vancouver. 
"' A man of executive skill and of per- 
80IlJal magnetism."-M. Herald. 
"' A man who sees everyone who wants 
to see him, however busy he may be."- 
London Daily Mail. 
Brown, His Honour George W1.l11am, 
la.wyer; statesman. 
S. Thos. and Hannah (Acheson) B., 
Co. Fe rmanagh, Irel.; b. Holstein, 
Ont., May 30, 1860; e. public schs., Mt. 
Forest High Sch., Brantford Coil. Inst. 
and Toronto Univ.; m., Oct., 1895, 
Anna Gardner, y. d. late Ja.s. Barr, 
Norwich, Ont.; went West, 1882; 
barrister (N.W.T.), 1892; successfully 
practised his prof. at Regina; was also 
eng>d. II11 ra1llCth1ng In ,the Qu' A'J)pe-}.}e 
Valley, where he Is an extensive land- 
owner; was Pres. of Assin. Agrlcul. 
Assn., and represented N.W.T. at the 
Farmers' Nat. Congress, Chicago, 1887; 
for 12 years had a seat at the local 
Bd. of Educ.; sat for Regina (Local), 
1894-.1906; ap:ptd. Lt.-Gov. of Sask" 
Oat. 5, 1910; ,pl'esd,t. Bd. of GovernlOl'S, 
Met-h. 001il., Reg;in'R. 1910; .a:lso ra 
Pruderutlal Tl'ust 00, ; tpre'OOThted It<> His 
Maj,eSty I{.ing George, 81. JalffiiCs's 
Balare, June, 1911; ra Mieth.-Govern- 
ment House, Regina, Sask. 
Brown, Gerald Horace, Dom. public 
S. Hio.race T. B. and MinnlÏe (iMa.c- 
Lardy) B.; b. Ottawa, July 30, 1875; 
e. Ottawa Coll. Inst.; m., Sept., 1900, 
Eva Isabella. d. John Sharpe; on ed. 
sttaff Ottawa F1'ee P1'ess, 1893-1904; 
chief Can. correspondent Tribune, 
London, Eng., 1906-8; Ottawa, do.; 
Montreal Witness, 1898-1909; in 
BJd:diticm was Ottawa .oorresJ>OI11d'en l t 
Canada, and Daily News, London, 
Eng., 'Torolnloo Star, and Vanoouver 
Province; also attached to Ottawa 
Evening Journal; was successively 
secy., V.-P., and presdt., Ottawa 
ParIty. Press Gallery; literary corre- 
spondent Can. Club, Ottawa, 1904-5; 
hon. secy. do., 1906-8; V.-P., do., 1909; 
pres.dtt., do., 1910-11; OOiltoo "T.he Prin- 
cipal Addl'esses delñvoered ,befQI'e the 
Ottawa Can. Club" (1910) ; since 1910 
has been Asst. Depty. Minr. of Labor; 
formerly a Lib.; Preslb.
St., Ottawa; Canadian Club; Ottawa 
Golf Club, do. 
" A thoroughly capable and well in- 
formed young man."-M. and E. 
Brown, Harry Whidden, Dom. public 
S. late John L. B., Wolfville, N.S.: 
U. E. L. descent; b. Wolfville, Jan 1. 
1868; e. Acadia Univ. (B.A., 1890), 
and Dalhousie Univ. (LL.B., 1893); 
m., June, 1909, Florence Gertrude, d. 
late Thos. WaddeIl, Ottawa; barrister, 



1893; praotised his 'Prof. -in Halifax; 
apptd. priV'ate secy. IMinr. MiL and 
Def., 1896; chief elk. and dir. of Con- 
tracts, De-pt. Miil. and Defence, .July 
1, 1904.-185 ;Somerset St., Ottawa. 
Brown, Harry William, educationist. 
S. late Hy. and Isabella (Cole) B.. 
Niagara Falls S., Ont.; b. there, .June 
2, 1868; e. Stamford High Sch., Wood- 
stock Coli., St. Catharines ColI. Inst, 
and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1894); m., 
.June, 1895, Helen, d. W. D. EdY, Lon- 
don, Ont.; asst. teacher, High Sch., 
1890; specialist moderns and hist., 
1896; principal, 1898; taught Water- 
ford High Sch., 1892; Petrolea do., 
1894; Sea forth ColI., 1901; teacher- 
train. secy. Onto Sunday Sch. Assn., 
Sept., 1906; asso. ed. Varsity, 1890- 
92' a contributor to Can. Mag.; Bapt. 
-59 Hewitt Ave., Toronto. 
Brown, James Pollock, merchant; leg- 
S. David and .Jean (Pollock) B., 
Renfrewshlre, Scot.; b. Beau River, 
P.Q., ApI. 4, 1841; e. there and New 
Haven, Conn.; m., Feb., 1869, Margt., 
e. d. late Robt. Stewart; a Lib., and 
bas sat for Chateauguay (H. C.) in 
that interest since 1891; a Presb.-St. 
Chrysostome, P.Q. 
Brown, James stevenson, financial 

' origin; o. s. late .Jas. and 
.Jean (Stevenson) B., Montreal; b. and 
e. there; head firm .J. S. B. & Co., real 
estate and financial agents; for many 
yrs. secy.-treas. Mattawin Fishing 
Club; elected presdt. do., 1906; a çoun- 
clllor and former treas. Can. Mmlng 
Inst.; a Presb.-I" Bi8hop St., Mont- 
real; !lIon treal Clu b; St. GeoT"!}e Snow- 
8hoe Club, do. 
Brown, Hon, James Thomas, judge. 
Irish and Soot:tish deSC'en.t; s. Saml. 
and Margt. B., HunNnJgd-on, P.Q.; b. 
there 00t. 22, 1871; e. Huntingdon 
Acad: and Me-GiN Univ. (B.A., wi1ih 
1st honours in mental and moral 
phi-I., 1893); m.. Aug., 1902, Aldce M., 
2nd d. Jas. M. Lew,is, Rutherglen, 
Man.; barrister (Man. and N. W. T.), 
1896; K.C., 1907; Orown prosecu.t'Or, 
E. AssinlÍ.boia, 1904; "\\'3$ one of the 
leaders of the WoesotiE!rn bar; sa.t for 
Souris (Local), Con. Ii rut e r,e SIt, 1905-8; 
unsu00eiSSfuMy corutJest>ed Qu' AppeHe 
(H. C.), Lib. interes-t, g. e. 1908; since 
ApI.. 1910, has been a puisne judge, 
Supreme Ot., Sask.; a Mie<th.-M 0080- 
min, Sask. 
"An able lawye-r and excellent citizen." 
-The West. . 
.. A man of sterling character and great 
ability."-M. Herald. 
Brown, Hon, John Cunningham, Dom. 
'Public service. 
B. F.ermoy. I reI. , Feb. 13, 1844: e. 
Royal Acad. and Queen's Col-I., Bel- 
fast; came to B. C., 1862; an., 1877, 
Kate, Hh d. Wm. Clarkson; a jour- 
naHSlt; furmerly ed. New Westminster 
Herald and Daily N eW8 ; has been 
moayor and postm.ast-er, New West- 
mil15ter; a.pp1d. warden, B. C. Pend- 
ten.tiary, Nov. 26, 1907; -Salt In Loe,al 
Assem., foor New Westminster CI.ty, 

1890-94, and Later; was Provl. Secy. 
and Minr. of Educ. in Mr. 'Martin's 
Oabinet, .foor a s.h'Or't period, 1900, when 
dIe,fea.t-ed; P.resb.-New 1Vestmin8ter. 
Brown, Rev. John Gilbert (Bapt.). 
S. late Dougald and Mary (McCal- 
lum) B.; Highland Scotch descent; b. 
on his father's farm, nr. Belmont, 
Ont., Aug. 7, 1865; e. CoIl. Inst., St. 
Thoma-s, On.t., 'ful'Onoo Univ. (B.A., 
1889), and McMa9ter Unlv. (B.Th., 
1899; B.D., 1903; D.D., 1907); m., 
Aug., 1889, IMlary (d. Mch., 1910), d. 
Carl Millooy, Blanche, íP.Q.; o. 1899; 
missy. to T-elugus, India, 1889; opente<l 
the Vuyuru sta"b1on :tthere, and re- 
turnoo ,to Can., owing otl() wife'os HI- 
heaUh, 1897; pastor Bapot-. Ch., Omng.e- 
vi.J1.e, 1898; 'foreign rnissi.on secy. Bapt. 
Oonv., On.t. and -Que. (his preserut posi- 
tion), 1899; au.thor of an hi stl()riooJ 
sk-et<."h 'Of .the Foreign Missi'On Ed., 
1873-1900, a.nd of a .book.let, .. Nine 
Bea-con Lights."-177 Albany Ave., To- 
Brown, John B:enrJ', poet; Dom. pub. 
B. Ottawa, ApI. 29, 1859; Irish 
paren.taoge; m., Junle, 1886, 'Mar,tha 
Isabel (d. Sept., 1910), d. A. Yeomans, 
M.D., WJnnJpeg; entd. C. 'S., May I, 
1882; promoted 1st <."lass elk. P. O. 
dept., .July, 1905; author "Boems', 
Lyrical and Dramoaot:lc " (ObtJawa, 
1892); a contributor .to The Week, 
Mind, the Con8ervator, etc.-9 Fourth 
A ve., Ottawa. 
Brown, John Bel.on Elliott, physi- 
S. John and Isabel (Wilson) B., 
Nissouri, Co. Oxford, Ont.; grands. 
Rev. T. B. B., a pioneer Meth. preacher 
in ant.; U. E. L. descent; b. Nissouri, 
1864; e. St. .Mary's High Sc'h. and To- 
l'Cmto Univ. (M.B., wibh sn
r med., 
1892); house surg. 'l'or()llIoo Gen.l. 
Hosp., 1892; post-groJd. work aJt JoohniS 
Hopkins Univ.; chief obstetrician, St. 
Michael's Hosp., Toronto; Terr. secy. 
Yukon (acting also as elk. Yukon 
Council and medical health offr. J , 
1898-1905; supdt. Toronlbo Genl. Hosp., 
1905-11; since tben bas Ibeen in charge 
of the Welles-ley Private Hosp., To- 
I'onto; memo comte. apptd. by trustees 
to visit U. S. -instiotutions to 
id-eas -in C'Onn>ecHon with new Genl. 
Hosp., Toronto, 1907; do. do., to visit 
Gt. Brit., 1908; secy. Can. Hoosp. 
Assn. since 1907; V.-P. Am. Hosp. 
Assn., 1909; m., Jan., 1900, Miss Allee 
Freeman (q. v.) .-Toronto. 
"A very zealous and 'V'aluable oflicer."- 
J. W. Plavelle (q.v.). 
Brown, John Price, physician; author. 
S. late Joshua B., Cranbrook, ant., 
formerly chief of police, Stockport, 
Eng., and Sa-roah (Price) ,B.; b, Man- 
chester, Eng., 1844; e. Toront-o Un1v. 
(M.B., 1868: M.D., 1869); m., 1st, 
1871, Agnes Cranston (d. 1881), d. 
Wm. Graham, Galt, On1t.; 2ndly, 1886, 
Florence Ellen, d. Cot G. oS. Jennings, 
U. S. A.; first pracbised hi.s -prof. In Ga;lot, 
Ont., where he was coroner; removed 
to Toronto, 1889; a specialist In laryn- 
gol. and rhinol.; memo ColI. P. and S. 


Ont., 1869; L.R.C.P. (Edln.), 1883; Is 
a fellow Am. Laryngol. Assn., and of 
Am.'l. ,Rhlnol. and OtJolog. 
Soc.; a.wtd. laryngol. West. 
Hosp.; Is also a gov. of that InstItu- 
tlon; Is Can. collaborateur for the 
Journ. of Laryngology, London, Eng., 
and In addition to a text-book on 
II Diseases of Nose and Throat," is 
the author of numerous scient. articles 
contributed to the various med. 
journals; In addition has published 
several novels, dealing with early Can. 
history, some of them under the nom- 
de-plume of II Eric Bohn," which have 
given him an assured place as a 
littérateur of acknowledged ability; 
among t'he-se hlave be-e.n .. How Hart- 
man Won"; .. Hickory, a Tale of the 
Lakes"; .. The Builders," .. In the 
Van ", and .. The Macs of '37"; a 
Presb. ; pollitlcø;lly Ind.-
l'Of'onto; Empire Club; Canadian 
Club, do. 
.. A faithful student of the early history 
of CaDada."-M. and E. 
Brown, His Honour John Robert, Co. 
ct. .Judge. 
S. Thos. W. and Mary B. (Mc- 
Gregor) B.; Irish and Scotch descent; 
b. Tp. Sarnla, Lambton, Ont., Feb. 19, 
1864; e. Sarnla High Sch.; m., Nov., 
1904, Florence May, d. .Jas. Whit- 
marsh, Sa:rni'a, Ont.; barrlsrter (On:t.) , 
1897; do. (B. C.), 1899; sat for 
Greenwood, B.C. (Loca:l), in Lib. in- 
terest, 1903-7; aJP'PtJd. 00. Ct. judge, 
B. C., Jan., 1907; a IMeth.-Grand 
F01'ks, B.C. 
Brown, Joseph Hercule, mining engr. 
and mineralogist. 
V.-P. and genl. mangr. of the Mont- 
real Reduction & Smelting Co., Trout 
Mills, Ont., 1906; a gra-d1ua<te of the 
UI1'lv. of Oal.; was for 6 yrs. 
and chief engr., under t'he lruoo Rt. 
Hon. eeoil Rhoodes, of true Transvaal 
GoJ.d.mdn.lng 00., and has had other 
m,lnlng and smeUing exper.ience in 
Austmlla. Corea, New Zealand, U. S. 
and South Am.; nl()w at .sY'd'Iley, N. S. 
-Sydney, N.S. 
Brown, Rev. LleweUyn (Bapt.). 
S. late Dougald and Mary (McCal- 
lum) B.; Highland Scotch parentage: 
b. Belmont, Ont., ApI. 15, 1874; e. 
Woodstock ColI. and McMaster Unlv. 
(B.A., 1896; M.A., 1898; B.Th., 1898) ; 
m., Sept., 1898, Miss Ha.tUe Jean 
McLay, W'Ooost.ock, Ont.; o. 1898; 
pastor in su
oession at. GJ'1Imsby, Petro- 
lea., OIllt.., and Trin. Ch., CJev.eland, O. ; 
apptd. pastor 1st Ba'P't. Ch., Bmntfard, 
Sepot., 1910.-Brantford, Onto 
Brown, Mrs. Margaret AdeUne, 
D. RlchaTd and 'M:argt. (M
Porter; parents' peop'le (Oartoer and 
Oonyngham) came ordgiI\l
\ from 
Soot. to the N. 'of I reI. , and thence 'ÌJO 
0a'Il.; have been Iin Western Onto 1101' 
neraUoniS; b. Co. Huron, J)e.c., 
1867; -e. Goder:fch High Soh. and To- 
ronto Nonnal Sc.h. (honour graduate) ; 
m., 1904, J'()Ihn Y. Brown, BrarutfoI'Ò 
OnlÌ.; in addition to magazine an.d 
n'Elwspaper sketches .has wr.l,tten a 


vol. : .. My Lady of thoe Snows .. 
(1908), a novel, whkh has met with 
a warun reoopUO'Il; other works are 
in p-repar.rution; now studlY1nrg with 
the v1ew of creating an ideal oommon- 
W'e3Jlth to -be ,placed undeT Sir 
W. Laurier's regime, but based upon 
aristocratic principles, leaning to I
perialism; a wood carver; a decorator 
of china; a painter In oils, etc.; a 
Urutv. In reù:igdO!Il.-Bmntfonl, Onto 
"A cultuTied Oa;n,adia:n Lady."-Late Oeo. 
Brown, Mrs, May, comedienne. 
B. Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 1, 1868; 
e. there; m., 1st, 1894, Stuart Robson 
(d. ApI. 29, 1903); 2ndly, Augustus 
Brown; moved with her parents to 
Chicago, where she joined the choir 
of St. Paul's Ch.; made her first ap- 
pearance on the stage with a .. Pina- 
fore" Co.; later joined Augustus 
Daly's N. Y. Co.; appeared with Rob- 
son and Crane In .. The Comedy of 
Errors," 1886; In the following 
season played with the same gentle- 
men in .. The Henrietta," and became 
their leading lady; has since played 
many leading rôles In different 
comedies; appeared In the farce, 
.. BIll'Y," 1909.-Highland8, N.J. 
Brown, Richard, manufacturer. 
S. late Thos. B., formerly of New- 
castle-on-Tyne and latterly of To- 
ronto; one of 7 sons; b. Newcastle-on- 
Tyne, May 13, 1834: e. Royal Gram- 
mar Soh. .th'ffi"e; m., Moh., 1861, :Ðlfza- 
bebh, d. li3Jte Dr. Slade RioblnlS'On; a..c- 
oompaIllied his parents to ToroIllto, 
1846; servoo his apprerutlcooh1p, as 
a pr.lnrt'eT and bIndlE! 1', with Thos. 
Madear, publ'lsher, Toron,to; joined 
2 of hIs bros. In busin,, 1856, 
found.lng the house of B. Bros., niO'W 
anld f'Or many YI"S. Ibhe :large-SIt 
gtaUonlffi"Y, aroount book 
facturlng, and book binding firm In 
the Dom. of Can.; the finn has been 
Inc. as a joint stock co., of which he 
Is presdt., as well as the sole surviv- 
Ing memo rOf j.t; a and a memo I()f 
the Comte. .on Ch. Undoßl; a Llb.-446 
Jarvis St.
.. No ODe more widely known or mOTe 
generally respected."-T. Globe, 
Brown, Lt,-CoL Robert, Can. mil ser- 
S. late .John and Eliza (Walsh) B.; 
b. Quebec, .June 16, 1854; removed to 
OtlJawa, 1861; e. theTe; m. Miss 
'Mathe-I' ; en:td. 5,th (The Prlnooss 
Louls,e) Dragoon Gds. as a tro-op
on Its organ.lzaUon, 1878; 'ldeut., 
1887 ( 1 st class cer.t. SC'h. of Oa val.) ; 
capt., 1896: major, 1898: 1.t.-o<)tl. 
commdg., 1903; awtd. Jrt.-C'ol. commdg. 
2nd Cav. Brig., Ea.stern Onrt:. com- 
mand, F,eb. 28, 1910; se,rved 
command af a troop at Queen Vlc- 
tOTla's .Jubile-e, London, Eng., 1897 
(moo..) ; eloecrtJe.d a V.-.P. Can. Mil. Inm., 
Toronto, 1909; liS inspr. oaf Conrtraots, 
Depot. MIl. and De,fence, Ottawa; a 
iMeth.----3f8 Chapel St., Ottawa. 
Brown, Sanger Monroe, physician. 
S. Stewart and Catherine (Comer) 
B.; b. Bloamfleld, Ont., Feb. 16, 1852; 

e. public schs. and Albert CoIl., Belle- 
vUle, ant.; M.D. (Bellevue Hosp. Med. 
CoIl., N. Y.), 1880; m., .July, 1885, 
Miss Bella Christy, Chicago; asst. 
phys. Hosp. for Insane, Ward's Island, 
N.Y., 1880-81; do. State Hosp. for In- 
sane, Danvers, Mass., 1881; do. Bloom- 
ingdale Asylum, N. Y., 1882-85; act- 
ing med. supdt. do., 1886; prof. neu- 
ral., Post-grad. Med. Sch., Chicago, 
since 1890; prof. med. jurisp. and hy- 
191-ene, Rush Mied. 0011., 1892-97; assoc. 
prof. .of med. and din. mOO., dQ., 1901- 
6; sin
 1901 has beoen as.soc. prof. 
med. and cliin. moo., Call. P. and S., 
Chicago; is phys. to St. 
Luk1e'.o;;, St. EJizabe1:h',s and C.o. Cook 
Hosps.; 1st 'lLeut., M-ed. Reserve Corps, 
U.S.A., since 1908; oonducted ( 
Pirof. E. A. Sohäfer) serIes of vivisoo. 
experiments on monkeys at Univ. CoIl., 
London, 1886-87, which afforded first 
conclusive proof that in these animals 
the centre of vision Is in the occipital 
lobe (results pUblished in .. Philós. 
Trans. Royal Soc., L0nd.:' 1888); 
author of various sclen. papers.-Ken- 
ilworth, Ill.; 100 State St., Chicago, Ill. 
Brown, Stanley McKeown, journalist. 
S. I. T. H. B., artist, and Elizabeth 
Matilda, d. Robt. McKeown, .J.P., 
Orangevllle, ant; b. Toronto, ApI. 4, 
1877; e. Orangevllle High Sch. and 
Toronto Univ. ; formerly sporting 
writer Toronto Mail and Empire; 
served as war correspondent, same 
journal, during S. African War, 1899- 
1900 (shot. through tlhe right. thigh I3Jt 
Zand River, May 10, 1900; med.) ; in 
charge commercial dept. Toronto New8, 
and has been connected in an ed. ca- 
pacity with N. Y. Music and Dramatic 
Mirror, Can. Sportsman, and The 
Daily Mirror and Evening New8, Lon- 
don, Eng.; now resides in Eng. ; 
author U With the Royal Canadians:: 
(1900); accompanied" Queen's Own, 
Toronto, to Eng., 1910; unm. -!! 
Tyrrel Rd., Dulwich, Eng.; Pre88 Club, 
London, do. 
Brown, Bev, Thoma. B, (Bapt.). 
B. Liverpool, Eng., 1848; e. Liver- 
pool, Reading, and Heidelberg; came 
to Can., 1880: for many yrs. engd. in 
mercantile business, as memo firm 
Kingman, B. & Co., Montreal; dis- 
solved partnership, 1897; was lon$ in- 
terested In missions, both in his native 
country and Can.; o. 1902, becoming 
pastor Sherbrooke Bapt. Ch.; resigned, 
owing to iH->he&, and removed to Ed- 
monton, 1906.-Edmonton, Alta. 
Brown, Bev, Thoma. Crawford 
S. Thos. and Sarah (Crawford) B.; 
b. Richmond, ant., .Jan 18, 1874; e. 
there, at Almonte High Sch. and 
Queen's Univ., Kingston (B.A., gold 
med. in pol. economy and double gold 
med. In mental and moral phil., 1903; 
M.A., 1904); post-grad. work, Edin- 
burgh Unlv.; m., .June, 1909, Ealllen 
Ni oora , o. d. Hon. L. M. .Jones (q.v.), 
Toronto; o. 1905; for some mths. 
asst. to Rev. Sir .J. Cameron Lees, St. 
OU1?S Oath., Edinburgh; decN.nOO cailil 
to WInnipeg, 1905; since then has been 



pastor New SIt. An,<1rew',s Ch., ToroIlltlO, 
diD.; apptd. chaplain (wlith bon. rank 
of C3Jpt.) , 48th Regt., 1907.-The 
Manse, St. Andrew'8 Ch., 1.f5 St. 
George .Bt., Toronto. 
"A tireless worker. "-S, N. 
Brown, Thomas Elmer, banker. 
S. Abram and Elizabeth (Adams) 
B.; b. Port Rowan, ant., Nov. 29, 
1865; e. ant. public sehs.; m. Miss 
Cora Hemans Browder, CalifornIa, 
Mo. ; entd. service Williamsvllle, 
Greenvllle & St. Louis Ry., Aug., 1901; 
was supdt. same road, 1903, and, sub- 
sequently, genl. freight and pas,s. 
agt. De Queen & East. Ry; apptd. 
secy.-treas. and mgr. Farmers & Mer- 
chants' Bank & Trust Co., De Queen, 
ApI., 1908.-De Queen, Ark. 
Brown, Thomas J" contractor. 
B. Port Lewis, P.Q.; e. thiere; m. 
Miss IMaJrg!\:. Ohalmers, Montt.real ; 
:ruþdit. of CODstrnCJt1on of seos. 1 to 4, 
Soul.anges Canal; later gen1. 5Updt. of 
oonstructi'on fur oontraClt-ors, BaJbtery 
Subway, N.Y., Which was completed 
1905, when he ;reed. a 'haruds{)'!llJe testl- 
monil8Jl ,from those etn'Pl.oy.ed under 
him.-87 Hamilton Place, New York. 
Brown, Vere Cecil, banking profes- 
S. late .John .J. B., barrister, and 
Clara, d. Thoa. S. Smyth, London, ant,; 
b. London, ant.; e. Hdgh Sch. there; 
m., 189,1, Carol1ne Amy, d. laJte Chloef 
.Justice Hon. Thios. Moss; !lor soonoe 
Y'rs. In serv,loe Huron & Erie Doan 
& Sa v1ngs 00.; entd. service .can. Bank 
of Commerce, 1889; awtd. Mst. inspr., 
1899; inspr., 1903; chle.f inspr., 1907; 
since 1911 haß been suput. o! western 
bmnchee of tlÞe bank; 'WIOn amaibeur 
g1OI'f ohaIIlJ)i'OI1Jsh1p 'Of Can., 1899; an 
Ang.-36 Forest Hill Rd., Toronto,' To- 
ronto Club; Toronto Goll Club; York 
Club, do. 
Brown, Major Walter Jame., jour- 
nalist; agriculturist and econo- 
Can. parentage; belongs to two old 
ant. families: Brown (Elgin and Ox- 
ford Counties), W1.1liams (Oxford 
County); b. Dunboyne, ant., 1873; e. 
Ay.lmer, am., ColI. Inst. and Toronoto 
Unlv. (B.S.A., 1894); m., 1898, Miss 
Nellle Dorthea Deike, Guelph, ant.. 
stud.teid Ohloagx> LaJW Sch., and fol
lowed special courses In economics, ed. 
and BIb. IH. 3Jt other 1nosbitutdons; in- 
tereoll. Y.M.C.A. secy. for Chic., 1896- 
97: assoc. educat. dir. Chic. Y.M.C.A., 
1897-98; educat. dlr. St. Louis, Mo., 
Y.M.C.A., 1898-99; genl. secy. Natl. 
Sanital'ium Assn., TOl'Onlto, 1900-02; 
foundoed and was ,pr1ncipal Ca'11L Oor- 
respondence ColI., ToroIllto, 1902-05; 
lraß been ed. Weekly Globe and Canada 
Farmer slnæ 1905; special contributor 
and regu!'ar coITespo'11doent 1101' scioen- 
tltlc, agrlC'll'ltt., litemry, and miHtary 
mags. and other pubUcartJions In Oan., 
U.S., and Eng., since 1894; made a 
socIoLogIcal stud.y of Chicago in 1897; 
was memo 01' .. OommitJtee of Fifty" 
to investJLgatoe drink .probl,em, St. Louis, 
Mio., 1898-99; ISChieme fur 
trawllJling library s)"stem. oadbpoted by 



Onlt. L
gi.siliWtU're; beoame a,n lO1fr. 91th 
Batty., Can. Field Arty., Toronto, 
1900; promoted to the command with 
rank of major, Feb., 1909; was adjt. 
2rud Brig., C. F. A., 1905; 'elrotJed s
Orut. ATty. Assn., 1911; a IA'b.; a 
Meth.-5 Victor Ave., Toronto; Can. 
Military Inst., do. 
Brown, William A" Can. ry. service. 
B. St. John, N.B.; e. there; acquired 
early training on C. P. R.; joined Can. 
Northern Ry. service, beCDming ulti- 
mately genl. supdt. Df that line; re- 
signed, 1907; presented with a sHYer 
service by his men, PDrt Arthur, Feb., 
1906.-Edmonton, Alta. 
Brown, William Greenwood, insurance 
S. Stephen K. and Eliza J. (White) 
B.; father's parents frDm Vt. and 
N.Y., U.S.; iIIl'OIthier's ipla1ren.ts of D.E. 
L. descent; original ancestors came tOo 
Am. in Mayflower, 1620; b. Tp. Pick- 
ering, Co. Ont., Ont., Aug. 31, 1856; 
e. Nonnal Sch., Toronto, Hamilton 
CoIl. Inst., Toronto Univ., and Queen's 
Univ. (B.A., 1881) ; m., 1889, Margt., d. 
late Rev. R. D. Mackay, Toronto; a pub- 
llc sch. teacher 3 yrs.; science master, 
Galt CoIl. Inst., 1881-83; inspr. Glas- 
gow & Lond. Fire Ins. Co., 1886-90; 
do. Phoenix of Hartford, 1890-97; or- 
ganized the Equity Fire Ins. Co. and 
the Berlin Mutual (now the Metro- 
pDlitan Fire Ins. Co.); was secy., 
genl. mangr., and a dir. of the Equity 
Fire Ins. Co.; a dir. of the Metro- 
politan and the Jndependent Fire Ins. 
Cos., up to Oct., 1909, when these coso 
were amalgamated and placed under 
his managt.; treas. Peace and Arbitra- 
tion Soc. and presdt. Friends' Assn., 
TOTonlto; . .esotbd. Young Friends' Re- 
view; politicallY ind., with Lib. lean- 
Ings; favours large measure of public 
ownership and the cultivation of high 
Ideals In Can. citizenship; a memo Soc. 
F\ri'eruds.-Cor. Birch Ave. and Queen 
St. E., Toronto. 
Brown, William 'Middlemass, journal- 
ist and litterateur. 
S. Adam and Margt. (Scott) B.; 
b. GaLashields, Scot.; e. Andersonlan 
Univ., and Sch. of Art, Glasgow, Scot.; 
m. Catherine S., d. Thos. J. Binnie; a 
tech. journalist and litterateur; author 
II Aspects of Life"; II The Vale of 
Life and Pilgrim Songs," II Langside 
Lyrics," and several songs; presb.- 
II Ingleside," N ottawa, Onto 
Brown, Rev, William Thomas G, 
S. Jas. B., a native of Co. Down, 
Irel., and Harriet (Gallagher) B., a 
Can., of Irish parentage; b. Tp. Bath- 
urst, Lanark, Ont.; e. Fallbrook Pub- 
lic Sch., Carleton Place High Sch., and 
Queen's Univ., Kingston (B.A., 1901) ; 
graduated B.D., Victoria Univ., To- 
ronto; m., June, 1906, Mary Lock, d. 
Mrs. A. Dunlop, Pembroke, Onto ; 
entd. ministry, 1895; O. 1902; has 
held pastorates at many places, in- 
cluding Kingston, 'l'oronlbo, Ottawa, 
MlOnotrea'l and Sherbroolre.-Sher- 
brooke, P.Q. 
II Eloquent and promising."-O. Citizen. 

Brown, Lt,-Col, William Walton, Can. 
mil. service. 
B. 00. NOl'1bhumber.lanò, OnIL, ApI. 
24. 1864; e. local schs.; m., Dec., 1886. 
Ida, d. John L. Gf'row; for some yrs. 
engd. In export fruit trade; regr., E. 
Northumberland, 1905-6; since then 
DOom. fruit Inspr.; commenced mil. 
service by enlisting in 40th Regt., 
1878; in 1884 exchanged .into 3rd 
Prinoe of Wales Can. DOOg1OOO1I8, and 
has sinoe fiHoed eV'e'ry grade of rank In 
ilt !irom .thao1:. of 'pl'1ÍV'aJte to It.-CIOI. 
commdg., with the exception of that 
of .}.ieu.t.; a.ttJa.inRtd: command J'3.'O. 19, 
1904; R. 0., 1909; apptd. brig. major. 
2nd Cav. Brig., Eastern Onto command 
Nov. 24, 1909; served as a private hi 
the 2nd C.M.R. during war In S. A., 
attaining rank of sergt before the close 
Df operations; never missed a duty 
throughout his service; was present 
at operations in Transvaal, operations 
In Orange River Colony, and opera- 
JtJLons .in Cape Oolony (Queen's med. 
wilth 3 clasps); also p08Se'S,ses ltOng- 
service deoovaoti'on; has iObtð:. .a 1st 
olass GI"aò'e liB" a'lld a tst class 
Grade II A" ce.vt. from RIOY3Jl Scoh. of 
Cav.a;I., Quebec.-Colborne, Onto 
Browne, Fitzjames E" real estate 
expert and architect. 
S. John Jas. B. and Agnes Dunlop 
(Hay) B.; Irish and Scotch descent; 
b. Montreal, Sept. 22, 1871; e. there; 
m., Aug., 1896, Miss L. G. Y. S. B. 
Nagle; presdt. house of Browne, Ltd., 
real estate experts and architects; no 
special church; a Lib.-
297 Western 
Ave., Montreal. 
Browne, George. architect. 
Y. s. late Geo. B., architect, Mont- 
real, and Anna Maria (Jameson) B.; 
Eng. and Irish descent; b. Montreal, 
May 3, 1852; e. Montreal High Sch.; 
studied with his father and with Rus- 
sell Sturgis, N. Y.; studied also in 
Europe (where he spent 3 and a half 
yrs.); special course at South Ken- 
sington Sch. of Art (special prizes at 
Intern. competition In class of de- 
sign) ; went to Man., 1879, where for 
some yrs. he fanned, finally resuming 
practice of profession In Winnipeg; 
designed many public and private 
buildings there; retired from prof. and 
removed to N. Y., 1907; m., 1883, 
LaulÍsa Anona, d. la.te Capt. F. E. 
NlchrorrIs, H. M.'s 5601:.11 Regt.-Browne- 
leigh - on - the - Hudson, South Nyack
N.Y.; Manitoba Club, Winnipeg. 
II A man of unquestioned ability."-Rev. 
Dr. Bryce (q.v.). 
Browne, Rev, John Davidson Haw- 
thorne (Ang.). 
Third S. Hy. and Margt. (Kuhn) 
B.; father an Englishman, for many 
yrs. headmaster Dartmouth Acad., 
N.S.; b. Dartmouth, N.S., Mch. 15, 
1844; e. Dartmouth Parish Sch., Dal- 
housie CoIl., Halifax, and privately 
under Prof. M. MacCuIloch; studied 
med. for a time; graduated In theol. 
Bp. Green Training Sch., Miss., and's 0011., N.S., 1871; m., 1875, TTY- 
phe'Oa .M. M., y. d. Rev. W. T. Bellew 
.4!rcher, vicar Ohurch'ill]o, SOID'erset. 



Eng., the author .of a number .of wel.!'- 
kl1/Own wQr&s; I(). dlOO.O()Il
 1873; pTiest, 
1874; OUmIDe Christ Ch., Amherst, 
N.S., 1873-4; reotJOIr Pugwa.s.h, N.S., 
1874-5; do. Dorcthester, N.B., 1875-8; 
since 1900 00. Ch. St. AuguSJtlne- 
by-4OO-Sea, Sa11lta Monica, Ca;l.; was 
clerical secy. N. S., 1879 (resigned 
from I,ll-íhoo.llth. 1884); es.tbd., in con- 
junction with Archd. Pentreath (q.v.), 
Church Work, a monthly paper, still 
in 'exislt<enæ, 1876; ,est!bd. The Church 
Guardian, a weekly paper, of which 
he was ed. (now published In Mont- 
real), 1878; was a del. to the Provl. 
Synod of Can., 1880 and 1883 (and 
selected by that body to edit a church 
year book for the Dom.); Is now a 
memo of the Standing Comte. of the 
Diocese of Los Angeles, and has repre- 
sented his diocese in the GenI. Con- 
vention, U. S., 1901-04; has been also 
ed. of the diocese paper since 1896; 
was for some time archdeacon of 
San .Bern:a.rdino.-Santa Monica, Cal., 
Browne, Very Bev, Joseph (R. C.). 
S. late Jas. B., merchant, Kingston, 
Ont., a native of Tullow, Carlow, IreI.; 
b. King1soon; e. Roegiopo}ois Cool I. , do().; 
o. 1863; Is V.-G. of Peterboro.-Peter- 
boro, Onto 
Browne, Joseph Archibald, artist. 
Scotclh .pi3.'renl1:.raJg1e; b. Li venplololJ.., Eng., 
Fe'b. 28., 1,&62; e. a11ld reared' .in Scot.; 
m., Sepot., 1882, MI:,ss Eod'ht'h E'g1!lern. 
Birkenhead, Eng.; a painter of land- 
scapes; frequently exhibits; elected an 
A. R. C. A., 1896, and a memo Onto 
Soc. of Artists, 1907; resigned from 
last-named body. the same year, to 
join the new Can. Art Club, In the or- 
ganization of which he was actively 
engaged.-750 Broadview A ve., To- 
.. His poetic, dreamy, and yet vigoroull 
compositions are a revelation."-T. World. 
Browne, William Graham, stock 
E. s. Dr. J()lhin Bruce B. (q.v.) 3ID.1d 
his first wife, Agnes Cranston (Gra- 
ham) B.; b. Galt, Ont., May 28, 1872; 
e. GaIt ColI. Inst., .Jarvis St. (Toronto) 
ColI. Inst., and Toronto Un Iv. (B.A., 
with 1st class honours in pol. science, 
1898); m., 1901, Edna Beu.lah, e. d. 
I:8JDe Dr. Jas. OaTlyle, .some .time 
oipal Tioromt.o Normal Sch., anld 
nephew of too famous Thoo. Carlyle; 
before enltering ooM. aOOplted in his 
name the .. e" of his ancestors, which 
hiad lJIe.en dTOpped by 2 genera- 
tlÍJOO'lIS of 1h1s' 'Ì>IrtI.nClh ()rf the famlÍllY, WÍhIO 
O'f!i:giruaJH'Y werre SiÍIVoEll'SInlirtlhs anld ba'l1k- 
ern, :in 1\"'Or<wådh, Eing.; jOli11led staff 
Can. Bank of Commerce, Galt, Ont., 
188<8, and ,remta:inred Wiilth ,that oimsltl.tu- 
tion till 1893, when he decided to re- 
!;'lIme his stud1es, but wiotJtlO'\lIt 'sev1Eming 
hiis C'Onnectwn with tol1l8 bank, return- 
Ing to his duties, Jan., 1899; was 
transfd. to the N. Y. agency, where, 
In 1901, he was chief elk.; on the or- 
ganization of the Sovereign Bank of 
Can., May, 1902, was apptd. man gr. 
Montreal branch, In which position 
he remained till his resignation, July, 

19017; Is .JlJOIW a ,stock brolre.r; was a 
T mrelIlll. of 'uhe TQIOOnJto Clhl8.ptJer 
{)If .the Delila UJ})s1111OOl! FrnrtJelI"Ildlt'Y. and 
()Ine of tJhe f'O'lmtdens, and ,is' I1IQIW 1I),I'e'Sdit. 
of tihJe Toronlto() UI1Iiv. Club, :MiC),mtI'eW; 
also secy. Univ. Club, Montreal; has 
contributed articles to the banking 
a'l1d lScie,n. mGJgs. dn Can. and U.s..; IÍn 
politics Ind.; a Presb.-Place Viger 
Hotel, Montreal; St. James'. Club; 
Canada Club; Montreal Hunt Club.: 
Univer8ity Club; Royal Montreal Goll 
Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; 
Manitou Club, do.; Toronto Club; Na- 
tional Club; D. U. Fraternity, To. 
ronto; Garri80n Club, Quebec. 
Browne, WilUam Lyon, civil engineer. 
Sec. s. late W. L. B., Shrewsbury 
and Church Stretton, Shropshire, 
Eng.; b. Shrewsbury, 1876; e. Shrews- 
bury Sch.; studied in Belgium and at 
Central CoIl., City and Guilds of Lon- 
don Inst.; m., 1903, Miss Ellen Wini- 
fred Nea:t.os, Sev-ern Square, London; 
during 10 yrs. variously practised his 
prof.: with G. N. Ry., Eng.; In part. 
nershlp with G. G. Eady, M.I.C.E., 
"-oestminlSrer, and uru<1er Sir I)oiugll8.s 
Fox and partners, and W. R. Gal- 
braith, as resident engr., N. section 
Charlng Cross, Eastar and Hampstead 
Tube Ry.; came to Can., 1905, as 
representative of Sir Douglas Fox and 
partners in bui1ding .of tJhe Atlantic, 
Quebec & Western Ry.; since 1907 
has been chief engr. of that road; Aug. 
-New Carlisle, P.Q. 
Brownell, Peleg Franklin, artist 
S. Leander and Ann1ce WHllairo 
(Snow) B.; ,b. New Bedford, Mass., 
July 27, 1856; e. .there; m., 1889, 
LouIse, d_ Jooh'l1 W. Nickerson, New 
Bedf'OM ; studied a.rt. alt Sch. Bos- 
'bon Museum 'nf kl"t and at Paris, 
with Bougereau & FleuTY; 'Pr
wark 'PIl"i,nlCiÍjpaltl y !})'OInt'm.i1s, CJOII'nOO nreld 
with some genre and landscape paint- 
Ing; headmaster Ottawa Art Assn., 
1885-98; oexhbd. PaM Sa,.lon and NY., 
PhillaJdiell, p'Ma Boston, ToronrtJo, and 
M'Ürutrea.1 EX'})ns. ; awarded med. 
(,bronze) Palr:is Expn., 1900; R. C. A., 
1898; oouncHlo()r, dQ., 1906; d.ipI-oma 
picture, .. The PhJOIt' placoed 
in NaHoma.l GaLlery, Ottawa; one .of 
the tiourudems Can. Art Club, 1907; 
Prot.-124 Wellington St., Ottawa. 
.. None of bill work is common or 
mediocre."-Dr. W. W. Campbell (q.v.). 
Browning, Arthur George, lawyer. 
S. Rev. A'rJtIhru'r (MJE'tfu.) arud Mary 
A. -E., nø of ColrnlWla,}ij', Eng.: b. 
F<:>'l't HIope, B.C., Nov., 18611; e. OriNiÍa 
H1boih &<11. .amid! VdcOOria U'l1iÍv., furombo 
(B.A. and silver med. in metap., 1886) ; 
m. M'ÍSS' J'eos'!"lite iMiel"'iÍNe, Oolrlin.g1woloofl. 
Ont.; barrister, 1889; K.C.. HOS; 
apptd. Crown Atty.. Dist. Nipissing-. 
Feb., 1895; is presdt. Bd. of Tradf'. 
Nortll Bay. a'l1ld (}If SiÍ,l \"ler Løa1' :Min,ion.g 
00.; a memo High Sch. Ed.; a pro- 
ffilotoer New Ont. Brewing Co., 1909; 
a Lib. ; ,favours Laurier's naval policy; 
a Bay, Ont.; Ontario 
Club, Toronto. 



Browning, Donald JIll" lawyer. 
S. late Gilbert and Elizabeth (Blair) 
B.; Scotch descent; b. St. .John's, Nfd., 
.June 24, 1860; e. there, U. C. ColI. 
and Glasgow Unlv. (M.A.) ; solr., 1887 ; 
barrister, 1888; bencher Law Soc., 
1893; K.C., 1899; solr. Nfd. Assembly, 
1894-97; sat for Twilllngate, Nfd. As- 
sembly, Lib. Interest, 1897-99; regr. 
Sup. Ct. and regr. deeds, Nfd., 1899; 
Ang.; unm.-St, John'8, Nfd.; City 
Club, do, 
homa. Blair, lawyer; 
Third s. Gilbert B., formerly of New 
Mllns, Ayrshlre, Scot., and Elizabeth 
Stewart B., 2nd d. Thos. BLair, 
Greenock, Scot.; b. St. .John's, Nfd., 
Nov. 8, 1848; e. St. Andrew's Sch. and 
Genl. Proto Acad. there; matriculated 
Glasgow Unlv., 1865 (M.A., 1870); ad 
eun., Toronto Univ., 1871; m., 1890, 
Agnes, e. d. Robt. Burley,Kenrlng Park, 
Glasgow; barrister (On t. ), 1874; prac- 
tised his prof. In Toronto till 1892, 
when he moved to London, Eng., 
where he continues to act as Can. 
counsel; a memo Atlantic Union, Lon- 
don; a life memo and formerly V.- P. 
Can. Inst., Toronto; took an active 
part In the soclol. work of the Inst. 
for several yrs.; a lIeut. Gov.-Genl.'s 
Body Guard, Toronto, and accompan- 
Ied his regt. In the N. W. expedn., 
1885 (med.); writings Include articles 
on .. Communism" (Can. Month,) ; on 
.. The Behring Sea Question" and 
.. The Franco-Newfoundland Contro- 
versy" (Law Quart. Rev.) ; on .. New- 
foundland" and .. Inter-British Trade 
and Its Development," In the Brit, 
Emp. Serie8; on .. Imperial Purposes 
'lnd Their Cost," In Macmillan'8 Mag., 
and 16 blograph. sketches of promin- 
ent Canadians, signed T. B. B., con- 
tributed to the ,. Dlc. of National Bio- 
graphy"; lectured on Socialism, 1910; 
Ch, of Scot.; Con.-19 Aldermary Rd., 
Bromley, Kent, Eng. 
Brownlee, Archlbalt Graham, min- 
ing engineer. 
Can. and Scotch-Irish origin; s. Thos. 
and Ellen (Graham) B.; b. Richmond, 
Ont., .July 18, 1857; e. N.Y. City; m. 
Miss Alice Houghton; elected a memo 
Am. Inst. of Milnlng Engrs., 1892; 
presdt. Colo. Scien. Soc., Denver, Colo., 
1905-6; presdt. The Stanley Mines Co.; 
do. The Western Metals Co.; distin- 
guished as a practical mine operator; 
Ang.-Re8idence: Idaho Springs. Colo.; 
Busine88 addres8: 17.f8 Welton St., 
Denver, Colo.; Denver Athletic Club. 
Brownlee, James, Can. ry. service. 
B. Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 2, 1859; e. 
tbere; "ffi. MiIss Mar:gt. RutooHord, 
BelloevlUe, Ollot.; was -for 8 yrs. em- 
ployoe.d In the rneoh. dept. of the 
G.T.R.; then tntd. .the service .of the 
C.P.R. as an engr., and Was suc- 
cessively road foreman of lJOCIomotlVleS, 
rouoohouse foreman, 1raJozl master, and 
supdit.; has held last-nameð position 
for 6 Y'rs.; a Presb.-Cranbrook, B.C. 
.. A man who, as the reward of hie 
integrity and sincerity, has risen from the 
engineer's cab to one of the highest posi- 
tions in the service."-Weøt. 

Brownlee, Walter George, Can. ry. 
B. Lawrenceville, Ill., Sept. 9, 1858; 
e. McKendree ColI., Lebanon, Ill.; 
m. Miss Adele Cunningham; entd. 
ry service, O. & Miss. Ry., 1877; 
apptd. dlv. supdt. Miss. Pacific Ry., 
1892; asst. lSupdit. East. Div., G.T.R., 
1900; asst. supdt. do., Island Pond, Vt., 
1901; supdt. East. Div. do., 1901; do. 
West. Dlv. do., 1902; do. Middle Dlv. 
do., Toronto, .Jan., 1905; genl. trans- 
portation man gr. do., May, 1907; since 
1908 has been genl. transportation 
mangr., G. T. Ry. system; a dlr. G. T. 
Western Ry., St. Clair Tunnel Co., and 
Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee 
Ry., 1907.-419 Lansdowne Ave., West- 
mount, Montreal; Canada Club, do. 
.. One of the ablest railway men in Oan- 
ada."-T. Globe. 
II Nothing rattles him; whether it is 
a conductor or the highest official of the 
road he is addressing, he is Brownlee all 
the time."-T. Star. 
Brownlow, Walter, vocalist. 
B. nr. Woodstock, Ont.; studied tor 
his profession In Toronto, and subse- 
quently In London, Paris, and Flor- 
ence; acquired a high reputation as a 
baritone singer In Australia; later 
joined the Mme. Schumann-Helnk Co. 
In that capacity, and added to his re- 
putation as such.-Care Steinway Hall, 
New York. 
Bruce, Alexander, lawyer. 
S. Wm. and D>a:bel,lia B.; b. Long- 
side, Aberdeenshlre, Scot., Nov. 23, 
1836 ; e. Longslde Parish Sch., 
Grammar Sch., and Marischal CoIl., 
Aberdeen (;M.A.); m., 1863, Agnes, d. 
loalte Thev. Ralph RJOtbb; barrister, 18,61; 
K.C. (M. of Lansdowne), 1885; B. 
bencher Law Soc. U. C. since 1886; 
one of the leaders of the bar In Ont,; 
head legal firm B., B. & Counsell, 
Hamilton; was a student, and after- 
wards, for some yrs., a partner of 
late Chief .Justice Sir G. W. Burton; 
removed to Toronto, 1908; a memo 
Comte. Law Soc. on Legal Educa- 
tion and a councillor Trln. Unlv.; a 
dlr. Can. Life Assur. Co. and of Hamil- 
ton Steamboat Co., and V.-P. Na- 
tional '.rrust Co.; a charter mem, 
Hamilton Club; a Lib.; an Ang. and 
a. doel. 10 ProvL and GenL Syn.ods.- 
91 Bedford Rd., Toronto; Toronto Clull; 
Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Toronto; 
Hamilton Club, Hamilton, Onto 
Bruce, Francis Carmichael, merchant; 
B. Peebleshlre, Scot., Dec. 29, 1837; 
e. there; m., Oc1., 1868, Miss Ellizaooth 
MitcheM; came ,to Can., 1858; mem, 
firm John A. B. & Co., seed mer- 
chants; has sat in City Council, 
HamUton, and been V.-P. Central 
Fair Co., and presdt. Hamilton Bd. of 
Trade; now V.-P. Mutual Life Assur. 
Co. and of Hamilton .Jockey Club; a 
Con., and sat In that Interest (H. C.), 
1900-04, when ò-ef-eated; an Ang.- 
Hamilton, Ont.; Hamilton Club; Ham- 
ilton Yacht Club; Hamilton Jockey 
Club, do.; Albany Club, Toronto; Rid- 
eau Club, Ottawa; Caledon Mt. Fi8hinD 



Bruce, Bev, George (Pres b.). 
S. late John B.; b. New Pitsllgo, 
Aberdeenshlre, Scot., Sept. 6, 1837; c. 
flrn,t, by his f-ather, I8Jt Nonnal Sch., 
T1oronlto ('teacher's Ce'flt.) , W'hltby 
Grammar Sch., and Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 18Ó)8); theol. studies at Knox 
ColI., Toronto (D.D., 1894); m., 1884, 
Catherine Emily, y. d. late John R. 
Dickson, M.D., presdt. Royal OoH. 
P. and S., Kingston, Ont.; 0., 1875: 4 
yrs. in volunteer mission work; pastor 
1st presb. Ch., St. Catharines, Ont., 
1879-82; do., St. David's Ch., St. 
.John, N.ll., 1883-99; declined prln- 
cipalshlp, Regina Indus. Sch. for In- 
dians, 1830; organized and was first 
pr.indp,al ,St. A'I1Idrew',s GoB. f.or Boys, 
Toronto, 1899; resigned, owing to 1lI- 
health, 1900; Is a memo Advis. Council, 
ToronrtJo f'll'esb. L8!dJi-es' CoJ,J.-!41 St. 
Ctai1' Ave. W., Toronto. 
.. An original and trained thinker, and 
a well grounded student, abounding in 
enthusiasm and tireless energy, and with 
conspicuous gifts as an orator."-Hiøt. St. 
John St. Andrew's Soc. 
Bruce, Lt.-Col, George William, law- 
S. .John and Jane (McGuinness) 
B., Prospect Hill Farm, Essa, Simcoe, 
Ont.; b. there, Jan. 10, 1862; e. ColI. 
Inst.. Collingwood and Victoria Unlv., 
Toronto (B.A., 1885); m., Sept. 1901, 
Margt. Eleanor, d. Wm. McClelland, 
Brampton, Onto ; barrister, 1889 ; 
K.C., 1908; head law firm B. & Fair, 
Collingwood; sat Co. Council, 1899- 
191>4, whoen eleoted! warden; first presdt. 
Huron Inst. (to whose trans., as well 
as to those of the Onto His. Soc., he has 
contributed some valuable papf'rs); 
apptd. It.-col. comdg. 35th Regt. 
(U Simcoe Foresters"), 1907; Sf'cy., 
since 1895, North Simcoe Lib.-Con. 
A ssn.; of high rank in Masonic and 
Or.ange Oriler,s: an Imp.eria;J.i
If Ennismore," Collingwood, Ont.; Col- 
lingwood Club, do.; Can. Mil. Inst., 
Bruce, Henry Addington Bayley, 
journàlist and litterateur. 
S. Col. John (q.v.) and Mary 
(BaYley) B.; b. Toronto, June 27, 
1874; e. U. C. ColI., Toronto Univ., 
Trill'. Unlv. (B.iA., 1895; M.A., 1896), 
and Harvard! Univ.; m., Nov., 1897, 
Mliss Lauretta Augusta Bowes, Boston, 
Mass.; after graduation, removed from 
Toronto to N. Y., to engag-e in journ- 
alism and lit.; ed. N. Y. Tribune 
Rev., 1903-4; since then a staff con- 
tributor of the Outlook; also a fre- 
Quent contributor to other leading Am. 
mags. and revs., specializing on 
psych., hiograph. amI hist. subjects; 
translated Pierre Leroy-Beaulleu's 
If The United States In the 20th Cen- 
tury" (1906), and Is the author of 
several books, Including-: .. The Rid- 
dle of Personality" (1908), .. Historic 
.s and Ghost Hunters" (1908), 
and The Romance of American Ex- 
pansion" (1909).-! Riedesel Ave., 
Cambridge, Mass. 
.. Possesses a sinJtularly well balanced 
judgment. "-Outlook. 

Bruce, Herbert Alexander, physician. 
S. Stewart and Isabella B., Port 
Perry, Out.; b. nr. Port Perry, Sept. 
28, 1868; e. Port Perry public and 
high .sehs. and T1oronl;o Univ. (:M.B., 
g10Id mea. and Starr med., 1892); 
unm.; L.RC.P. (Lon.), 1896; F.RC.S. 
(Eng.), do.; assoc. prof. clln. surg., 
moeod. f'aculity, 'Do flOn'to Univ., 1897; 
councillor Acad. of Mf'd., Toronto, 
do.; head of service In surg., Toronto 
Genl. Hospital, do.; fonnerly house 
surg. do.. and was surg. steamship 
Empress uf India, 1893-4; followed 
post-graduate study, London, Eng., 
1894-97; devotE's himself entirely to 
practice of surgy.; has lectured on 
If Med. Ethics" and other professional 
subjects: has also contributed to 
med. j.ourn.a Is; pr
'SIeDit at II1Itern. M-e'd. 
Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 1909; 
on that occasion presented at Austrian 
Count; -eÞec1ed presM. Onlt. Med. Assn., 
1911; Ang.--64 Blom' St. E., Toronto; 
Toronto Club; Toronto Hunt Club; 
ROllal Can. Yacht Club.: York Club, do. 
Bruce, Lt.-Co!, John, lawyer. 
S. John B., a Highland Scotsman; 
one of the first settlers In Co. On- 
tario, Ont.; mother also Hig-hland 
Scotch; b. Beaverton, Ont., May 13, 
1; e. loC'al sch.. Lindsay Grammar 
Sch. and U. C. Coil (" Hood Boy," 
1870) ; matriculated with schol::trshlps 
and honours, Toronto Univ., 1870, but 
after 1 yr.'s arts course abandoned 
it for law; m., July. 1889, Helen 
Rowsel'l, Ò. latoe Dr. W. T. O'Re.floly, 
inspr. .prisons and asylums, Onrt. ; 
barl'lst'er, 1875; apptd. .speoc!.a,} examr. 
High Cot. .and J'1E,g;r. Admiralty at., 
OniÌ., 1878; joined V'olunlteoer mil., 1870; 
g1aze.tJted U.eut. l00th Roy1a:] GremaÆers, 
1881; by promoÍ"i'On Í'flom !tIme rto time -llt.-oo1. C'omdl
. th.e t'egt., Jan., 
1899; retired therefrom and 
tlO RO., June, 1902; {luring his mH. 
care'er iÌook aoUv.e inlt'e'rest In rifle 
sh1o'ÜOt!lnog, ana has been tiQ.r m-any yrs. 
on ,t-hoe c(ytInen and ex. of t'he Pro.",1. 
and Dom. Rifl.e A1SSDiS.; was adj't. Bis- 
l'ey team, 1896, 'that being onoe IOf t'he 
y.IìS. when the K,olapore Cup was w-on 
by Oan.; .bras rec-d. ,the l'Ong se'rvice 
doeoonarbicm; an Ang.----''ì' Bleecker St., 
7'o1.onto; Toronto Club, do. 
Bruce, Joseph, banker. 
S. J. R. B., Interco1. Ry., Moncton, 
N.B.; apptd, man gr. Royal Bank 
Can. at San Juan, Porto Rico., ApI., 
1907.-San Juan de Porto Rico. 
Bruce, Mrs, Katherine (maiden name 
Bradshaw), physklan. 
M.B., Toronto Unlv., 1897; M.D., 
C.M., Trinity Unlv., Toronto, 1900; on 
staff Philadelphia Hosp. for Women, 
1897; m., Alex. Bruce, MontTE'a1.- 
18 Aberdeen Ave., Westmount, Mont- 
Bruchesi, Charles, lawyer. 
S. late Paul DominiquE' and Marie 
Caroline (Aubry) B.; father, a mer- 
chant, of Ita1. extraction; a bro. 
Archb. B. (q.v.); b. Montreal, Oct. 11, 
1860; e. Christian Bros.' Sch. and 
Montreal Semy.; m., Oct., 1887, Elmlre, 
e. d. late Judge Desnoyers, Montreal; 



advocate, 1884; successfully practises 
his prof. In Montreal; a R. C.; a Con. 
-118 Laval Ave., Montreal. 
Bruchesl, The Most Beverend Louis 
Joseph Paulliapoléon, archbishop. 
S. late Paul Dominique and Marie 
Oa.roHne (Aubry) B.; father, a mer- 
chant, of Ital. extraction; b. Mont- 
real, Oct. 29, 1855; e. Montreal Semy. 
and at Issy, France; pursued theol. 
studies 8Jt Rome (D.D., 1878); D.D., 
ad eun., LaV13Jl Un-Iv., 1881; o. Major 
BasUlca, St. J1ohn,Lalteran, Rome, 1878; 
on re1urnling to Can. be-came 
prof. oog. the:O'l'., Laval Undv., and 
at same time chaplain to the Ursu- 
line Convent; these positions he re- 
signed, later, on account of ill-health 
compellfng him to go abroad; on re- 
turning to Mjonltrea;l, again Sie<ived. suc- 
C'e'SSiV1ely, as vicar 8Jt St. Bridget's 
and St. Jioseoph's Obs.; on the estbt. 
of ,the l\Iionltreal 'bmnch IOf Laval 
Unlv., 1887, was ,a.pptd.. prof. 
Christian Apol. In that Institution; 
and a canon of the cath., 18Ql: he 
aI-sa discharged the duties ,of ecc1le<shs- 
HCÆ\J1! superl'or of the Sisters of St. 
Ann's, Lachine: oommr. il:'O the Ch1cagiO 
WorM's Fal'r; vlæ-l'eCltor Laval Unlv.; 
c'ha.1rman Bd. of Oa tho SOO. Commrs.: 
apptd. Archbp. of Montreal (succee-d- 
 the late Mg-r. Fabre), June 25, 
U!97, etc.: was Invøstt'd with :the p.3'I- 
Hum, A'Ilg. 8, 1898; F.R.S.C., 1905; 
V.-P. Dam. mores.try A'ssn., 1909; Is 
a.lso a dir. iJ'EcJole BolybeCh., 1M0nIÌ real , 
and a. m'em. ITlIÌ.ern. Truth Soc.; 
apptd. chalnnan Bd. of Conclltatlon 
and Invest. on 'Long8horemen's 
ances, 1907; Is the author of a great 
number of pastorals, lectures and 
other Ifterary works, many of which 
have attracted wide attention, par- 
ticularlY one on .. L'affalbUssement de 
l'esprlt chrêtlen" and on .
 La que8t1on 
ouvrlere "; he protested most strong- 
ly against vice being II regu- 
late-d" by the Quebec legislature-, 
1903, and has also taken strong 
ground ag-alnst Sunday amusements 
and athletics, and the Introduction of 
foreign plays on the Can. stage; the 
foe of Intemp., he founded the AnU- 
Alcoholic Leag-ue, 1907; during King 
Edward's Illness ordered that prayers 
be otrered up In all R. C. chs. for hIs 
recovery, and after 'his death he per- 
sonal,Iy oontducte-d ra mem'Onal serV'l'N! 
foOl' 'hlm, 1910; 1n .one of his mande- 
ments he IÌhus g1ves ullbeira:nce Ibo his 
fooling or a ttachment ,to Eng.: .. W'e 
recognize In Eng. the generous and 
powerful nation under whose flag 
Providence has placed us, to protect 
our religion and our sacred Uberties; 
we oppose a fonnal denial to the 
foreIgner who boldly asserts that Eng. 
oppresses us: we joyfully proclaIm 
ourselves her subjects, and pray that 
she may keep her 
lorlous place 
among the nations of the world, be- 
cause we believe that God has great 
designs upon her, and that we, the 
French-Can. race, have all to suffer 
If her prestige Is lessened"; among 
his achievements have been the es- 
tablishment of a Home for Incurables, 

for the benefit of all classes, and of 
a trained order of nurses known as 
the Sisters of Hope; attended the 
Plenary Council, Quebec, 1909 (where 
he preached the opening sermon In 
French), and ,the EUClha.rlstl-c Oon- 
gTßSSles at Lontd'on, 1909, Montreal, 
un 0, I8.nd l\l[ad'I'id, 1911; has been 
spok'en 'Of In oonnecbl'On with a further 
e-!.evaltion In :the ch.-A1.chbishop's 
Palace, .J71 Lagauchetiè1'e St. W., 
.. One of the most forceful and pro- 
gressive prelates of the R. (J. Ch. in 
Am."-S. N. 
.. Easy of access and affable in his 
manners, he has striven earnestly to earn 
the esteem and good will of hiB fellow 
citizens of all creeds. "-T. Globe. 
Bruenech, George Bobert, painter In 
water colours. 
B. Sweden: of Gennan and En
ancN1try : studle
 art un
Murclanl, Paul Rossert, and at the 
ColRrossl Acad., Paris; ('ame to C:\n., 
1872: an aS80cl:\te R.C.A.; has 
traveIled extenslvplv all ove-r the 
 ::Ind produC'ed many pIctures; 
exhlbttpd freouently: executed pIc- 
tures for the Duke of A rgyll and the 
PrlnC'ess Louise; also for' the KIng 
of Swpden, and many other dIstin- 
guished patrons.-l1 Hazelton Ave., 
Brunault, Bt, Bev, Joseph Simon 
Jlern1ann (R. C.). hlshop. 
S. !=;Imnn M. and Sêrapholn1e (Du- 
fresne), B.: h. St. David, P.Q.. .Jan. 
to. 1857: e. NI('olet CoIl. and Laval 
Unlv. (B.A.. 18(2): ('omplpted theol. 
les a t the Can. ColI.. Rome, and 
recd. from the Nonnal CoIl. the de- 

ee-s of D.D. and Llcencl
 en Droit 
Canonlaue, 1882: prof. NlC'olpt ColI.. 
1 f:82; dJir. des eleves, d'o., 1886: vicar 
Oath. Ni('{}let. 1889-91; Bp. TuhuT16 
And <"0'3.(11. Bu. Nicolet. Sept., 1899: 
Bp. of Nicolet. Jan., t 904; alt1'enð
the Plen.a ry Oouncll, 1909, and the 
if:1c Oon!!"I'E's!'l. MnnltI'æ ' l, 1910. 
-The Palace, Nicolet, P.Q. 
Bruneau, Ron, Arthur Afme, judge. 
S. late J. .J. and Marie Louise B.; 
b. St. Athanase,' P.Q., Mch. 4, 1864; 
e. CoN. Sacred Heart, Sorel, .Jesuits' 
DoN., iMO'Tlltreal, and Lavn1 Undv, 
(LL.E., 1887); LL.D., ,hon., 1909: m., 
1st. Oøt., 1887, Airzel1e (d. .Moh., 1903), 
d. Prof. J. B. Oloutler; 2nðly, ApI., 
1904, .Mai1. Lm,an, ð. 'late Wm. l'.fu.rUn 
F'oy, Sorel, P.Q.; advocate, 1887; KC., 
1899: sail: fOT Riche, (H. C.), 
Lib. Interest, 1892-1907: apptd. judge 
S. C., P,Q., .Jan. 29, 1907; has made 
some valuable contributions to the 
press on legal and historical subjects; 
lectured on .. The first session of the 
First Parlt. of Quebec In 1791," 1906; 
one of the signers of an address to the 
Pope from the Lib. party, 1896, which 
resulted In the appt. of a Papal able- 
g1ate to Can.; a V.-P. An'U-AlcohJo.'Uc 
Leoague; a R. C.-
"2 Metcalfe Ave., 
Westmount, Monh'eal. 
"Able and popu1ar, "-M, Witneø<<. 



Brunet, Alfred, Dom. public service. 
S. late Alexis B., a patriot of '37; 
b. Ste. Genevieve, P.Q., Aug. 24,1844; 
e. Montreal CoIl., McGill Univ. and 
Girard CoLI., PhHadoellphda; m., 1st, 
1867, /Miss Lewf.c;, Queboo (d.); anò 
2ndly, 1886, EHssa, ò. Ifum .Tustioce 
Ohagnon. St. .Tlohn's, P.Q.; obtøiniOO 1st 
and 2nd dass cents., Royal Mil. 8c'h., 
Montreal, under Genl. Lord Alex. 
Russell, K.C.B., and served for some 
yrs. as an offr. In Can. Volunteer 
force; was for 15 yrs. secy.-treas. 
Metropolitan Building Soc., Montreal, 
and for 9 yrs. man gr. 'La Banque 
Nat., same city; subsequently mango 
dlr., Montreal Park and Island Ry. 
Co., Royal Electric Co., and Chambly 
Manfg. Co.; fonnerly a councillor 
Arts and Manufac. Assn., and presdt. 
Inst. Canadien: a promoter Can. Con- 
struction Co.; Is a gov. Fraser Inst., 
and of Montreal Genl. and Notre 
Dame Hospitals; a commr. for the 
construction of the Nat. Transcontl- 
nf'ntal Ry.: a dir. L., H. & Power 00.. 
Mion.treal Oitirens' Assn., and G. T. 
PIa.oific Ry. ; a sp.eclal commr. to .Tapan 
to .II1IVel!'Ttlg.a,te moean.s IOf .Imoprovlnog 
tradoe with thart: crounltry. 1902; a royal 
eommr. (wi,th Mr. Duff) to examine 
and repo.nt on :lease-ho1ðs, 1'enotals, etc., 
UaC'hlne 03. naIl. 1905: a R. C.-50.1 
Sherbrooke St. W.. Montreal; 8umme1': 
tI Le8 Ormeaux!' Ste. Anne de Bel1e- 
vue, P.Q. : 11ft. Royal Club: C11tb Cana- 
dien; Club St. Deni8, '!-[ont1'eal: 
Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
Brunet, Arthur Eugene, financial 
ent and broker. 
B. Mo-ntrea:l'; e. Sit. .M!Lry's (.Tes1l'I,t) 
CoIrl.; studied {or not.a:ri'a,1' 'Pf'O.fession, 
hut .since 1896 has f:onorwei1 ,his 
pnlt 'husinp,g:;: '3 m'pltn. firm D. W. 
& E. Ð., !Montl'eal-
f1 Lansdowne 
Ave., Montreal; Club Canadien, do. 
II C()mma.nds 3 ve.ry high rstlk amOllg 
lJld bl'dkers."-M. 
Brunet, Ludovic E" lawyer; Queboo 
,public service. 
S. late W. E. B., ,St. Roc'h, Quebec, 
P.Q.: lb. Que-be.c, 1865; e. Q'Ue1boeoc 
SPomy. a'nod Laval Undv. (B.'L., 1884: 
LL.L., 1887; LL.D., 1902); m. Wile. 
BoLd'Uc; an advooote; aoppM. Glk. of 
tlhoe Peace, dt'Y land d,ist, of Q'I1e-bec. 
1889: an Ext.raJditdon oC'Ommr., 1896; 
a 'License oommr., 190.1: 'has been 
presdrt:. L',I'IlSt. iCanl3.dden, Que-bee; One 
of t'he .1bu'l1l!'te1's and a '0()OItribut'OT to 
L'Union Liberale; aUltlh'Or of II De 
L'HabeatS OoI'PUS 00' .subj1oienrlum en 
maJtrière crltruinoeNe ert: oIV'lle" (Que-bee, 
190.1) : II La, P,rov1noe rlu Can. ile- lR40 
à 1869 It (do. 190.9 ).-1
9 Grande AlMe, 
Brunton, David William, mining en
B. Ayr, Ont., June 11, 1849; e. To- 
ronto; studied mining enging-.. Univ. 
of. Mich.; in Colo. since 1875; now 
mme mangr. and presdt. Taylor & B. 
Sampling Works Co., Aspen, Colo.; 
pre-sdll. Am. Inst. ,Mjrug. EngI'is.: V.-P. 
0010. SctienlUfic Soc.: 'J,ffe memo 1rust. 
OiVlLI ETItgI's.; F.R.G.S., etc.--865 Grant 
A ve., Denver, Colo. 

Bryan, Bev, Bernard (Ang.). 
B. London, Ont., Aug. 19, 1851; c 
there; pursued theoI. studies at Hell- 
muth ColI., London, and Wyclifte Coli., 
TúI1onto; ,
red-uatJed, 1880; m., 18721 
Miss 3iary Kerr GlenlJllOno; '0. 1880; in
cum bent, Sunderland, 1880-84; do., 
Bradford, 1884-87; apptd. first rector, 
Ch. EptÏpruany. Toronw, Nov., 1887; 
canon, St. Alban's Cath., Toronto, 
1909; a prebendary of St. Peter's, do. 
do.; a V.-P. U. C. Bible Soc.; in com- 
memoration of 25th anniversary of his 
ordination, .Tune, 1905, was presented 
by his congo with various testi- 
monials, including a gold watch, 
c\h'ail1l and locket.-150 Dowling Ave., 
Bryan, Claude Glennon, litterateur. 
E. s. Rev. B. B. (q.v.); b. Toronto, 
1876; e. Parkdale ColI. lnst. and To- 
ronto Unlv. (B.A., with 1st rank 
honours 'in 'hoist. am'I pol. science, 1896) ; 
m., May, 1911. Ann.ertIte, nlieæ .181t Barrol1 
Furness 01' GranltIey, and d. St'e,phe<Il 
FurrnelSs, MJanor Hiouse, Berwick St, 
.Tames, WHit-shire; after gradllLatiot1 
spenrt 2 yr.s. and a haU 'On ed. stJaft 
wn:mtl() Globe, lbe,lng for ove,r a 
yoetaT privarbe secy. 110 .T. oS. Wi!1iI. 
e011 (q.v.), ,th'e mamg. ed.; in 1898 
went to London, Eng., and for the next 
2 yrs. acted as prlva te secy. to Sir 
Gilbert Parker (q.v.), M.P.; also acted 
as newspaper correspondent for various 
Col. publications; .contrlbuted freauent- 
ly to Eng. and Am. mags.; In 1903 pub- 
lished, in collaboration with Sir G. 
Parker, the book II Old Quebec," which 
was most favorably reviewed on both 
sides of the Atlantic, the Eng. press 
especially acknowledging Its service 
In promoting a better knowledge and 
understanding of Britain's goreatest 
Cololl'y.-Care Canadian Office, London 
Eng.; National Liberal Club, London: 
Eng; Can. Press Assn. 
Bryan, George James, educationist. 
S. Geo. and Christina B.; b. Had- 
low Cove, P.Q., Oct. 23, 1868; e. 
Queen's Unlv., Kingston (B.A., 1888); 
m., 1898, Mrs. Mary Isabella Mc- 
Lachlan; a pUblic sch. teacher; haii'! 
been successively principal publlc 
sch., Regina; do., Union Sch., Edmon- 
ton, Alta.; Inspr. Public and High 
Schs., N. W. T.; principal Provl. Nor- 
mal Sch., Alta. (his present position). 
-Calgary, Alta. 
Bryce, Bev, George (Pres b.), author. 
S. late Geo. and Catherine (Hender- 
son) B., from Doune, Perth shire, 
Scot.; b. Mt. Pleasant, Ont., ApI. 22, 
1844; e. Mt. Pleasant Acad., Brant- 
ford High Sch., and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., with honours, 1867; M.A., 
1868; LL.B., 1878; LL.D., 1884): 
studied theol. at Knox CoIl., Toronto. 
where, in his last year, he took !'í out 
of the 6 prizes Of)f'n to him (D.D., 
1903) ; m., Sept., 1872. Marlon (presdt. 
Local Council of Women and presdt. 
W. C. '1'. U., Winnipeg), d. .Tas. 
Samuel, Kirkliston, Scot.; 0., 1871; 
apptd. to proceed Immediately to 
Winnipeg to organize the ch. in, and 
college for, Man.; organized Knox Ch., 



Winnipeg, and was Its first pastor, 
1872; organized St. Andrew.s Ch., 
same city, 1881, and exercised a 
watchful care over the 13 other Presb. 
chs. existing there; first moderator, 
Man. Synod (extending to the Pacific), 
1883; moderator, Presb. Ch., Can., 
1902; founded Man. ColI., and assist- 
ed In founding Man. Univ., 1871; 
for a long period senior prof. and 
financial agent, also prof. of Eng. 
loflt. in first-namoo drusltiltUltiron; hood 01 
fa-culty of re'Íencte anid .lect. oi:n -biology 
anò g<<>ol., 'Mlan. Undv., 1891-190,4: 
retired, 1909; an examr. In nat. hist., 
Toronto Univ., 1870-2; first Inspr. Win- 
nipeg Public Schs., 1876, becoming also 
chairman City Sch. Bd. and chairman 
Bd. of Examrs. Public Sch. Teachers; 
has been chairman V\Tinnipeg Public 
Library, presdt. Dominion Alliance 
(Man.), and presdt. His. and Lit. Soc., 
Man.; Is a del. reg. of L'lnst. Ethno- 
graph. de France; a mE'm. Central 
comte. of Brit. Assn.; a memo of thf> 
Am. Assn. for the Advancement of 
Science, and a F.R.S.C.; e.J.eoted V.-P. 
do., 1908; ,p'resdrt:., doo., 1909; e'l,ect.oo 
V.-P. Airchæ.oll. Inst. nf Am., 1910: 
while a youth serV'ed as an officer In 
a un.iv. 00. Q. O. RJifies, anld was plresen
at Llmerldge, 1866 (medal); author 
If Manitoba: Infancy, Progress and 
Present Condition" (1st ed., 1882); 
II Short History of Canadian People" 
( 1887) ; If The Apostle of Red River" 
(1898) ; If Remarkable History of Hlfd- 
son's Bay Co." (1900); II CanadIan 
Loyalty" (1903); If Mackenzie, Sel- 
k'irk an'Ò' Simpson," .. The :Mak-ers o.f 
Can. Series" (1905), .. TIlle Romanltk 
Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists" 
(1909), and II The Canadianization of 
Wesbem Canada" (1910) , besoiòe
many articles and pamphlets of a mis- 
cellaneous character; a memo of a 
special comte. of presb. Ch. on Ch. 

. UII!Ji()lI1, 1908, an,d favors ch. un:ion: 
apptd. a memo of the Royal Conser- 
vation Comn., 1909; do. Royal Comn. 
on Indus. Training and Tech. Educ., 
1910.-" Kilmadock," 189 Colony St., 
II No more useful man in an advancing 
Church.' '-Y. Witness. 
II His name a sure guarantee that any 
literary work that he undertakes will be 
faithfully and artistically performed."- 
Late Geo. Murray. 
Bryce, Peter Henderson, physician; 
Dom. public service. 
Bro. precedlng;- b. Mt. Pleasant, 
Ont., Aug. 17, 1853; e. local Grammar 
Sch., U. C. ColI., and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., with gold med. In nat. set, and 
McMurrich silver med. for a prac- 
tical science essay In .geol.. 1 !:!16 ; 
M.A., 1877; M.B., with Univ. anð 
Starr sliver meò., 1880; M.D., 
1888) ; studied also in Edinburgh, and 
was engaged in neurolog. Investiga- 
tions at Paris, under Charcot, Brown- 
SequaTd, ,RJiohet: and Mey-e'r; m., 1882, 
Kate Lynde, 2nd d. Wm. Pardon, 
w;hLtby, Omt. ; L.R.C. ,P. an'di S 
(JDdlin.), 1880; pnof. sclenæ anoã a'Pp. 
ehemistry, AgI"Ïcul. CoN., Guelplh, Ont., 
1878-9; In general practice till 1890; 

secy. Provl. Bd. Health; also ex. health 
offr. for Ont., 1882; depy. regr.-genl., 
Ont., with charge of vital statistics, 
1892; royal commr. (Ont.) to inveS- 
tigate epidemic of venereal diseases in 
horses, 1889; chief med. Inspr. Immlgr. 
service and med. dept., Dept. of in- 
terior, Ottawa, 1904, positions he still 
fills; elected presdt. Am. Publ1c 
Health Assn., 1900; V.-P. Am. Congo 
on Tube,rouI., 1904; a IDe.m. extve. 
comte. Can. Assn. Prevo Consumption, 
and an examr. Can. branch Royal 
Sany. Inst.; elected presdt. Toronto 
Un Iv. Club, Ottawa, 1908; an active 
memo of various other selen. bodies; 
well known as a lecturer on med. sub- 
jects, and has, since his student days, 
done a large amount of litenary work, 
among which have been monographs 
and reports on hypnotism, malaria, 
smallpox, Ò'i p ht:hoerÏla, s.e wa'ge d.isp.osal, 
cholera, public water supplies, ven- 
tilation, milk supply, decomposition 
of albuminoid substances, house at- 
mospheres, consumption, Influence of 
forests on rainfall and health, etc.; 
was ed. Med. Science, 1887-88; and 
contributed to Ward's .. Handbook or 
Med. Sciences"; lectured on II The 
.Romance of Immügration" (1908); a 
Pl'esb.-Rockliffe Park, Ottawa. 
Bryden, Bev. Charles William 
Paternal ancestors came from 
Dumfrif'sshire. Scot., to Pictou, N.S., 
1773; father's maternal greatgrandf., 
Robt. Hunter, who was an original 
grantee and first settler of Truro, N.S., 
came from N. Irel. to New Eng., and 
thence to N. S. before Am. Revolu- 
tionary War; s. late Robt. Hunter and 
Christana (RE'illy) B.; b. Tatama- 
gouche, K.S., 1845; e. Dalhousie Univ. 
(B.A., 1873); theol. studies Presb. 
OoI,l'., Ha;llifax; :ro. Georgina Murray, 
4.tJh ,d. T'11JOls. ArmstJrong, Winnipeg; 
I.ioen.s'ed It'o preach, 1879; O. 1880, sinoe 
when has hoe'ld Itllie i!l()Illowdng pastorates : 
Rivel1S,i'Ò'e, SaÞisbury and Pe<titooðiac; 
Knox Oh., Selk'i,rk, Mian. (.1886); Bat- 
tlefürd, Sask. (1889); Wil>!loughby, do. 
(1895) ; SlhelIbr.ook, odoo. (1902) ; Mism- 
Wtasds, Sask,'11.Ïls 'Preserut charge (1908) ; 
Is convoener Presb. combe. Oh. Dire an>d 
Work, and secy. for Sask. Botanical 
Club, Can.; while a student obtained 
academic license as a teacher, and 
taught sch. in N. S.: author poetical 
contributions to Dal. Call. Gazette; 
his .. Coronation Ode," included In 
U An Empire's Greeting" (Lon d., 
1901)' .. Territorial Hymn," selected 
by a 'comte. for the N. W. T. Union 
Chri!òtian Endeavor, and botanlc
a'I1t<iDles f'or 'l.ocalo pretss.-Tlte Manse, 
lIfistawasis. Sask. 
Brydges, Lt.-Col, Frederick Hender- 
son, merchant. 
S. late Chas. J. B., for many yrs, 
genl. mangr. G. T. Ry. and subse- 
quentl'Y chl-ei! OO'ffianr. H. LB. Co., and 
Letitia Grace, d. John Henderson, 
Devonshire, Eng.; b. Eng., 18fi2; e. 
there, and McGill Univ., Montreal; m., 
1865, d. late Andrew Allan, Montreal; 
gazetted It.-col 1st Batt. G. T. Ry. 



Rifles, July, 1874; went to Man., 1880; 
entd. into partnership with his father- 
in-Law, A. Allan & W. R. Allan, Win- 
nipeg, under firm name Allan, B. & 
Co., genl. financiers, 1887; V.-P. Man. 
& N.-W. Ry., do.; land commr., do. 
do.; dir. Commercial Colonization Co., 
do.; latterly, in partnership with his 
sons, in ins., ry. supplies, and real 
estate business; Ang. - Winnipeg; 
Manitoba Club., do.; -Wellington Club; 
HU1"lingham CLub, London, Eng. 
Brymner, William, painter. 
E. s. late Douglas B., LL.D., 
Dom. Archivist, Ottawa, and Jean 
(Thomson) B.; b. Greenock. Scot., Dec. 
14, 1855; came to Can., with parents, 
in infancy; e. St. Francis CoIl., Rich- 
mond, and CoIl. Ste. Thêrêse de Blain- 
ville, P.Q.; unm.; studied painting at 
Paris for 5 yrs., under W. A. Bouguer- 
eau, Tony and Robt. Fleury; has 
exhtd. at Paris Salon and London 
Acad.; elected R.C.A., 1886; V.-P., do., 
1907; ,presdJt., 1909; awa.I'ded meds. 
at Pan-Am. Expn., Buffalo, 1901, 
St. Louis Expn., 1904, and Louisiana 
Purchase Expn., 1905; has loctured on 
" Some Epochs in the History of Art," 
"A Few Art Impressions," etc.; the 
advan. art classes at the Art Assn., 
Montreal, have been under his direc- 
vi,oIli sillioo 1886; Anog.-25.5 Bleu1"Y St., 
Mont1"eal; St. James's Club, do. 
.. Possesses great powers, both as a 
painter of landscape and of the human 
figure."-M. Argus. 
Bryson, J. BOBB, pastel painter. 
B. nr. Montreal; early apprenticed 
to a sign painter; afterwards pro- 
ceeded to Europe, where he studied 
under the best masters; took up his 
residE-nce in U. S., where he is recog- 
nized "as the greatest pastel painter 
on this side of the Atlantic" (Mont- 
real Standard) .-Chicago, Ill. 
Buchan, Ewing, banking profession. 
Y. s. late David B., bursar, U.C. 
ColI.; b. Toronto; e. there: m.,, 
1880, Emma Maud, e. d. Rev. Joseph 
D. King, Toronto; in partnership with 
C. S. Gzowski (q.v.), as stock and 
hange brokers, Toronto, 1874-89; 
sinoe then in service Bank of Hamil- 
ton; mangr., Owen Sound branch, <10., 
1904; since June, 190t, has been 
mangtr., Vancouver, dlo.; iR 
presdt. Vancouver Bd. of Trade and 
Can. Club.-Vancov.'I.'er, B.C.; Canadian 
Club, do. 
Buchan, John stuart, lawyer. 
Only s. late Wm. and Katherine 
(Stewart) B., St. Andrews, P.Q. ; 
descended from the old Earls of B.' b. 
St. Andrews, Oct. 28, 1852; e. th
a,nd :\kGil.!l' Uruiv. (B.C.L., 1864); m., 
1'S1t, 1885. Kaltherine (d. Aug., ,1894), 
2nd d. F. :MoMoal'tin, St. An'drews; 
2J11d:y, 1896, Annde, e. d. IØJte J. d. 
Henðoel'son. -Monttl'eal; adv"OCl3.lte, 1864; 
K.C., 1899'; praCltised .throughoout in 
MJon'breaJ.1, 'Where he is .one of tJhe 
!.ea;ders of ibM boaT; formeI1ly oon ed. 
stJaff Can. Jurist; a royal oommr. for 
I'evlst\orn 'Of ProV'!. 9t3Jtutes, 1904: an 
offiüe-bearer Lord's Day AIUanoe, P.Q.; 
V...,P. NIait. Hist. SOIC., Mionltl'ool; oeloectOO 
a Jd,fe g1ov. Montreal Boys' Home, 1911; 

'PresdIt. Bapt. Oonvenrtion, Onlt. and 
Que., 1894; autihior "A Bi't.of .AJtlantJis" 
(under nom-de-plmne .of Doruglas 
Ernkine), Ø,OO .. ISome -Notes 'on tMount 
Royal" ; a !JIb.; a Ba:pt.-5S St. Mark 
St. Montreal. 
Buchanan, Arthur wWiam Patrick, 
S. Alex. Brock and Elizabeth Ann 
(Best) B., Montreal; b. there, Nov. 4, 
1870; e. Montreal High Sch., McGill 
Univ., and Laval Univ. (LL.B., 1893) ; 
m., June, 1897, Mabel Katharine, e. d. 
Wm. Quirin, Boston, Mass.; advo
.1893; K:C., 1908; suocessfulily pract
his prof. in Montreal In partnership W. 
J. Wlhlte, K.C. (q.v.) ; a 'prmilioter N.rut. 
Breweries, l.Jbd., 190-9.-731 Pine Ave. 
W., Montreal; St. James's Club; 
Canada Club; Montreal Hunt Club; 
Royal Mont1'eal Golf Club, do. 
Buchanan, :ritz-Herbert Price, stock 
Second s. late Wentworth Jas. B., 
genl. mangr. Bank of Montreal, and 
_ y. d. late Major A. R. Bur- 
rowes, Grenadier Gds.; b. Toronto, 
Mch. 16, 1874; e. private schs. in 
MKm'treal, :and MCiGm Un'Ív. (B.A.Se., 
1900) ; ,pf'13..dtJiseod ,in different bmnøhes 
mging. (pI'inoipaUy btidg.e work) 
1tJj.1!1 1908; electro a memo Miontreaíl 
Stock ExchaI1Jgle, 1908; gawtted a 
capt. 5th RO)'1al Righ'land.eors, Feb., 
1907; :a Oon.; 3JI1I kn,g.-ZQ Selkirk 
A ve., Montreal. 
Buchanan, George Owen, public man. 
Descended from 8 families of U. E. 
L., who left the U. S. and settled on 
the St. John River, N.B., during the 
Am. Revolutionary War; b. Bath, Me. 
(during the temp. residence there of 
his parents), Nov. 28, 1850; brought 
up in N. S., and e. there; m. Mary 
W., d. S. S. Nelson, formerly of 
Truro, N.S.; went to Winnipeg, 1878, 
and has since been engd. in railroad 
construction and lumbering; removed 
to B. C., 1886; has disposed of his 
milling business, but is interested In 
valuable timber limits In V. I.; a 
J. P.; presdt. Kaslo Bd. of Trade 4 
yrs.; presdt. (and one of the origina- 
tors) of the Asso. Bds. of Trade of 
Eastern B. C., 1892-3; apptd. inspr. 
of Lead Bounties, B. C., Jan., 1904; 
patron B. C. Curling Assn.; a Lib.; 
his name mentioned in connection 
with a seat in the Can. Senate.- 
KasIo, B.C. 
Buchanan, James, distiller. 
B. Toronto; is chairman Jas B. & 
Co., Scotch whiskey distillers, London, 
estbd. by him, having branches and 
agencies all over the world; held 
royal warrant of her late Majesty, 
Queen Victoria, and of his late Majesty 
Edward VII., and noW holds a special 
warrant under King George V.; well 
known as a patron of the turf.- 
6 SV.<Jsex Sq., Hyde Park, London, 
Buchanan, Rev, John H, (Presb.), 
physician; missionary. 
S. late Wm. B., Galt, Ont.; b. 
Washington, Ont., Feb. 25, 1859; e. 
Glenmorrls, Brantford Coll. Inst, and 



Queen's UIlIiv., Kingston (B.A., 1885) ; 
studied med. Burlington, Vt., and 
N. Y. (M.D., 1888) ; apptd. to -foreign 
mission work in India by Can. Presb. 
Ch., 1888; m., Jan., 1889, Miss Mary 
McKay (a graduate Woman's Med. 
CoIl., '.roronto), Stellarton, N.S.; was 
apptd. to open up work among the 
wild aboriginal tribes of Central India 
Hills, known as the Bhils; these 
pe.ople, who are devil worshippers, 
stIll use the bow and arrow as a 
handy weapon; began leper relief 
work at Ujjain, and built a hospital 
In connection therewith; also built a 
mission ch. and hospital at Amkhut. 
received thanks Govt. of India for hi
services for the relief of distress 
among natives during great famine, 
1901-2.-Amkhut, Blwbra, Alikajpur 
State, Central India. 
Buchanan, Milton Alexander, educa- 
B. Zurich, Ont., 1878; e. Goderich 
CoIl. Inst., Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1901), 
at the semys. of Ga-,sbon l , Baris, MOI"el- 
Fatlo, Thomas, Menendez Pidal. Paris 
and Madrid, and Univ. of Chicago 
(Ph.D., 1906); fellow in romance 
lang., Univ. of Chicago, 1901-2; asst. In 
French, do., 1904-5; asso. in romance 
lang., do., 1905-6; lecturer in Ital. and 
Span., Univ. Toronto, 1906: dean of 
Arts CoIl., Univ. Chicago, 1906: has 
ed.. with an Introduction and notes, 
II Comedia famosa del esclano del de- 
monio," by Mira de Mesqua (Bait., 
1904): author of various articles on 
Span. and Ital. "Subjects in lI'fod. Lang. 
Note8 and Jfod, Philol.-University 
of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 
Buchanan, Victor C" stock broker. 
S. late Wm. Oliver B., Montreal, 
and Mary Ellen B., d. Co1. Chrysler, 
of Chrysler's Farm: grands. James 
B., Brit. Consul, N. Y.; b. Montreal, 
Sept. 26, 1869; 'e. M.oniÌl"eal High Sc!h.; 
m. /Miss Erb; formerly in ins. busi- 
nof:ISS; el-e-otJed a memo MiC)ßrt'I"N1Jl StJock 
Ex,chang>e, 1906; a memo firm C. Simp- 
son OaT-Iand & 000., oonld land InV1est. 
brokers, Miomtreal, 1906; a capt. 5th 
Regt., RJoyrwl Hii
hllanlders of Can. 
(a,pptd. Oct., .1905); a TlIOltoo a-tIMe.toe; 
electe.d't. M.A.A. Assn., 1904-5- 
6-7; prelsd.t. M.A.A. F1ed,erat'Íon, 1907-8; 
do., MOßiÌ'l'ela1 Mil. Inst., 1910-11.-21 
Oxenden Ave., lIIontreal; Montreal Mil. 
Inst.; lIIont1'eal Club, do. 
Buchanan, Hon, WWiam Asbury, 
journalist; statesman. 
S. llev. Wm. B. (Meth.) and Mary 
(Pendrie) B., Gravenhurst, Ont.; b. 
Fraserville, Ont., July 2, 1876: m.. 
Sept., 1903, Alma Maude, e. d. E. B. 
Freeman, .J.P., Burlington, Ont.; be- 
gan journalism, Peterboro' Examiner, 
1893; 3 }-rs. city ed. 'l'oronto Tele- 
gram; 3 yrs. manag. di r. St. Thomas 
Journal; -estbd. Lethbrd,d'g1e Herald, 
1905; organized first Leg. library of 
Alberta at Edmonton, 1907, and after 
completing this important work re- 
turr..ed .to Lethbridge, oarud estbd. a 
daily ed. of his paper; formerly 
quarterm. 25th Regt.; for 2 yrs. secy. 
Onto Hockey Assn; a councillor local 

Bd. of Trade; a Lib., and has been 
presdt. Lethbridge LIb. Assn.; elected 
for Lethbridge (Local), g. e. 1909, and 
later apptd. a memo of the Prov1. 
Cabinet, without portfollo ; apptd. 
MinI'. of Municipalities, Feb., 1910; re- 
signed, Mch., do. ; a Meth.-Lethb1'idge, 
A.lta.; Chinook Club, do,; Ontario Club, 
II One of our best journalists."-S. N. 
.. A bright young journalist and states- 
man."-T. Globe, 
Buchanan, William Wallace, journal- 
ist and lecturer. 
S. David E., Auchmar, Scot., and 
Morella (Porter) B.; b. Sarnia, Ont., 
Mch. 9, 1855; e. there and Toronto; 
m., June, 1884, Miss Letitia Elena 
Brett, Strathroy, Ont.; In journalism 
since 1874, and has been ed. succes- 
sively of Watford Advocate, Chatham 
Tribune, Winnipeg Sun, the Hamilton 
Templar, Winnipeg Commercial and 
Toronto Liberator; also well known as 
a lecturer; originator of movement for 
making temp. order in Can. a national 
temp. soc.; elected nat. presdt. United 
Temp. Assn., 1884, and was subse- 
quently chief and genl. man gr. Royal 
Templars, Can.; unsuccessfully con- 
tested S. Wentworth (Local) In temp. 
and prohibition Interest, 1896, and 
Hamilton (H. C.), same year; a 
Cong.; a social reformer; favours 
public ownership by direct legislation. 
-Winnipeg, Man, 
.. A most pleasing speaker, who invari- 
ably lifts the discussion of his subject to 
a plane where those who may not be able 
to agree with him must concede the fair. 
ness of his methods."-O. Oitizen. 
Buchner, Kathan Henry, journallst. 
S. Edward Dell and Harriet Griffin 
(Cohoe) B.; U. E. L. stock; b. nr. 
Courtland, Ont., Dec. 26, 1845; e. 
there; m., May 5, 1869, Mary Ann, 
2nd d. late John Bickle, Woodstock. 
Ont.; apprenticed to printing trade, 
1860; was foreman office Woodstock 
Ti'mes; reporter Hamilton Spectator, 
1868-73; went into mercantile busi- 
ness, 1873, but returned to newspaper 
work, 1878, as reporter Hamilton 
7'ime8, subsequently becoming night 
ed. of the Spectator; night and city 
ed. Toronto News, 1884-88; later, be- 
coming night ed. on the Empire, and 
again, up to 1901, night ed., news ed. 
and editorial writer, successively, to 
the Tororuoo World; .legislwtrfve corre- 
spoJ1ldenrt: Ottawa Citizen, 1901-2; ed. 
St. Thomas 7'imes, 1902-07; now 
asso. ed. the Toronto Sentinel; a Con. ; 
a Meth.-9S McCaul St., Toronto. 
Buck, Pranc18 Pierce, manufacturer; 
Y. S. Joseph B., one of the early 
pioneers of Farnham, P.Q., and Lucy 
(Smith) B., the latter nearly related 
to the Phelps family of Va., U.S.; b. 
Farnham, Mch. 10, 1844; e. there; m., 
Jan., 1868, Alice Lora, d. Myron and 
Rebecca Blossom, Compton, P.Q. (Mrs. 
B.'s mother was a niece of Elizabeth 
Fry and John Joseph Gurney, the well- 
known Quaker philanthropists); has 



been a memo Sherbrooke City Council 
and Proto Sch. Bd.; for many years 
presdt. Royal Paper Mills Co., and 
for two terms presdt. Eastern Town- 
ships Agricul. A'ssn. and IOf the Gt. 
:IDastern Ex:pn. (presented with SilrvoeT 
dinn'er s-ervioe by dirs., in 8JCkniOwl-edg- 
menlt of hd s lServdces, 1890) ; firs't; presdit. 
Knob Hill Copper-Gold Mining Co. 
(now merged in Granby Cons. M. S. 
& P. Co.); and also presdt. Limit 
Holders' Assn., P. Q.; now V.-P. Sher- 
brooke Power, Light & Heat Co., and 
presdt. Stan stead & Sherbrooke Mutual 
Fire lns. Co.; presdt. and genI. mangr. 
Dom. Lime Co. ; presdt. Phænix Amal- 
gamated Copper Mines, Ltd, and 
presdt. St. George's Club, Sherbrooke; 
an Ang. and a Con.-Sherbrooke, 
P.Q, ; St. George's Club, do.; St. 
James's Club, Montreal. 
(D, Sherbrooke, Mch. 17, 1911.) 
Bucke, Julius Poussett. lawyer; Onto 
public service. 
S. Horace W. and Clarissa 
(Andrews) B.; b. Tp. London, Ont., 
Mch. 2, 1840; e. London and Sarnia; 
m., 1st, Sept., 1871, Miss Elizabeth 
Sarah Johnston, GOderich, Onto (d. 
Apt., 1895); 2 nod l-y, ISept., 1907, Ellen 
B., d. late R. M. Clarke, Belleville, 
Onrt., Feb., 1868; an Ang. aJ1Jd 1s lay 
5eCy. Arrg. Diooe5'e 'Of HUl1on.-Sarnia, 
Buckingham, William, ex-journalist; 
S. Robt. and Jane B.; b. Devon- 
shire, Eng., Dec. 3, 1832; e. there; 
m., 1863, Moa:r'Ì!ha, d. 'late Hiram Phelps, 
MiouIllt Pleasanlt, Owt.; commenüeod 
newspaper a,s a shorthand 
writer upon North IQf Eng. ,press ; 
came /to Can., 1857; Joined Parlla- 
moet1ltary rep.or'tdn'g staff, '.DoroI1lto 
Globe; in company wÍII:h Wm. Oold- 
we1l, proceeded to Red River set- 
tlenrenrt: (now Wdn:n'ip
g), 1859, where 
thley estbd. 'the N or- Wester, the first 
newspaJper 'PuMisheod in 'that Then 
ex})<)S'e'd IOUtp.ost of oivHdZiaJbion hav- 
inlg rtraJ1JSm'ÍitJtoo press materiai fl10m 
St. Paul, in a 6 weeks' journey, by ox- 
teams; aftf'r returning from the 
colony, became ed. and prop. of the 
Norfolk Refonne
'; was apptd. .private 
secy. HO'Th. M. II. F1oloey, P.-M.-Genl., 
1862, and whiole fillirug this office was 
comm'r. 100 enquire IinotJo 'lllilnage,ment IQt 
oi,ty post-Qoffiees; resigneod, 1863, on be- 
cOOI1'Ïng 00. and prop. Str.a;l:ford Beacon; 
accompanied delegates from Can. to 
London Col. Conf., to complete terms 
of union for Federal Union B. N. A. 
Provinces, as official reporter, 1866; 
del. to Eng, on Onto Immigration 'Ser- 
vice, 1873; private secy. to Hon. Alex. 
Mackenzie, Prime :Minister of Can., 
during his tenure of office, 1873-78; 
apptd. Depty. MinI'. of the Interior 
by the Lib. Admn., Oct. 8, 1878, and 
was afterwards deprived of his office 
after Lord Dufferin, the Gov.-Genl., 
undeT whom he had recd. his comn., 
had left Can., without any good 
reason being assigned for so unpre- 
cedented a course; subsequently de- 
clined appt. as inspr. of Prisons and 
Public Charities, Ont., as he had pre- 

viously declined other positions offered 
him by the Local Govt.; declined 
appt. as business mangr. Toronto 
Globe, on death of Hon. Geo, Brown. 
as well as. subsequently, the position 
of representative in that enterprise of 
the then virtual propr., Mr. Nelson. 
of Edinburgh; is mangr, Brit. Mort- 
gage Co. of Ont., and a trustee of the 
city of Stratford Genl. Hosp., of which 
institution he was one of the founders, 
and has been, successively, its hon, 
secy. and chairman; has also been 
a oouI1JOiLlior Stratford Bod. o.f Trn:de, 
presd'l. PeI'lth 00. Humane Soc., 
pf'esd.t. Can. Pres.s Assn. (of wbioh 
be .!is an> hloJ1J. mem.) , reeve of 
Stratford, and held other positions in 
Ont.; author .. Recollections of Can. 
Statesmoen," .. George Brown and the 
Globe" {or the Can. Enoyc!opædda, 
and conjointly with Sir G. W. Ross 
(q.v.), of .. Hon. Alexander Mac- 
kenzie: His Life and Times" (1892); 
a Lib. ; an Arrg.-Stratfo1'd, Ont, 
" No better or safer pub1ic officer than 
he....-Late Hon. L. S. Huntington. 
.. He made the Stratford Beacon the 
pride of Canadian weekly journalism."- 
Robt. Matheson, 
Bucknam, Bear-Admiral BanJlford D,. 
Turkish naval service. 
S. Ezra Taylor and Isabella 
(Roscoe) B.; b. Hantsport, N.S., 1869; 
removed with parents to Me., U.S., 
when an infant;. lived nr. Bucksport, 
where .he was eoduowteod; m., Jan, 190.4 
Miss RJose 
l''hJayer, Phdlade,lpihia: Pa.; 
w-enlt rto sea 1i.J1J rnerchaJ1Jt 5aJilinog .ships 
aotJ 14 Y'rs. IOf age; commaIlld.'ed merchanrt 
S1team a11l(} sailling shiips on oboth Atlan- 
tic and Pacific roasts and Great Lakes; 
was supdt. Am. Steel Barge Co., N.Y.; 
supdt. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., 
Panama; supdt. Cramps' shipyards. 
Philadelphia; trial commr. U.S.S. 
Maine and Imp. Ottoman steamship 
Medjidia; in command of latter from 
Philadelphia to Turkey; apptd. naval 
adviser and A.D.C. to the Sultan ot 
Turkey, ApI. 19, 1904; decorated with 
Turkish Order of Osmanieh and dis- 
tinguished service medal, do.; memo 
Büs'Don :Mar,ine Soc.; a Rep.-Rue 
Marlian, 88, Constantinople, 'l'u1'key; 
Navy Dept., do.; Constantinople Club, 
do.; Lotos Club, New York; Art Club; 
Pen and Pencil Club, Philadelphia, Pa.; 
International Club, Panama. 
Budge, Daniel Andrew. Y. M. C. A 
S. late Alex. and Isabella B., New- 
market, Ont.; b. ApI. 16, 1851; e. 
Newmarket Grammar Sch.; served 
apprenticeship to printing business in 
Newmarket and Toronto, and was 
shorthand writer to F. W. Glen, Joseph 
Hall Works, Oshawa, and to G. 
Cheney, supdt. Can. Express Co., 
Montrf'al; apptd. genI. secy., Y.M.C.A., 
Montreal, 1874, an office he has since 
retained; new building of Assn., In 
Dom. Square, Montreal, erected under 
his supervision; a del. to Y.M.C.A 
Jubilee, London, Eng., 1894; at re- 
quest of the Intern. comte., Y.M.C.A. 



made a tour of visitation of the cities 
of Australia and New Zealand in the 
interests of the Assn. in 1904, and 
again in 1906; in 1899, in celebration 
of the comvletion of his 25th year 
as secy. was entertained at a public 
dinner by the citizens of Montreal; 
in 1904, when departing on his mission 
,00 Austmla.s'ia, wø.s pl'ooet1lte'<1 ,by 
same body with a silver fruit service; 
a dir. Mon treal Assn. for the Blind, 
1909; an elder in Presb. Ch.; m., 1876, 
Miss Anna Margt. Watson, West- 
mount, P.Q. [a dir. Y. M. C. A., Mont- 
NOal.j-198 lIIilton St., Mont1'eal; Cana- 
diem Club, do. 
.. A man of whom all honest and in- 
telligent citizens throughout the country 
are deservedly proud."-Late Dr. W. H. 
Buell, Lt,-Col, William Senkler, 
S. late Lt.-Col. .J. D. B., M.P. and 
Margt. Sophia (Senkler) B.; b. Brock- 
ville, Ont., Oct. 11, 1868; e. pUblic 
schs., U. C. Call., Toronto, and Toronto 
Univ.; m., .June, 1895, Sophia E., 2nd 
ò. R'O'bt. .Bowi'e, Brockvd-U-e; barpist-er 
(On1t.), 189'1; do. (.B.C.); m-em. Town 
Council, Brockville, 1896-1900; mayor, 
do., 1901; as such officially recd. Prince 
and Princess of "Vales (now King and 
Queen of Eng.), same year; solr. royal 
comn. re telephones and express cas., 
1907; 3IPP'td. 13. mem. RJoya:
 Oomn. Ito 
enquiÏI>e inloo .telegraph r8Jtoes and fonns 
in Can., 1911; a dir. BpOC-kv'i'!'loe, West- 
p'Ü'pt aßld NOI'ltherru Rõ'.; a V.-P. Brock- 
v,iliÞe Hi-st. SoIC.; fo()rme
J.y oap.t. and 
ad,jt. 41st Regt., BI'IookvriolIoe Hifles; :pro- 
moted H.-vol!, commdig. ,the 
eg1t.. Meh. 
7, 1910; a Lib., and bas beoen p.resdt. 
Lib. ABsn., Bpockviol.l-e; 'V.-P. for East. 
On,t. Genle-ral Ref,orm Asso-cia.tioßl . 
unlSiuccessfuHy oontJe.sit'ed BI1ockV'iH.ë 
(Loæ:!) , g. e. 1908; an Ang., and a 
d'e.l,. to 'the .sY'nlOd.-Cor. Buell and 
Church Sts., Brockville, Ont.; Ontario 
Club, TOl'Onto. 
Bull, George Joseph, physician. 
S. late Richard and Annie E. 
(Donnelly) B., Hamilton, ant.; b. 
there, Feb. 16, 1848; e. Central Sch., 
Hamilton, and High Sch., Montreal; 
pursued med. studies McGill Univ. 
(M.D., 1869), and at Paris (M.D., 
1888) ; m., 1st, 1870, .Miss S. .J. We,s- 
son, Spningfi.e!'!Î, M:a,ss. ('11..); 2nodly, 
iss Susan Monba, gue-GokLwell 
OOt1u mb 113., S.C.; oomn.oenoed .pIìaCtice 
M1on1troeal; 'rem,ov,ed ,to W'o,rcester IM'wss 
1872; from 1879 devoted Ibiffi.Slei.r spe'c'
iaNy bo opht'hal., an'<1 was 3Jppl!d.. in- 
structor ,therein, Bost-GI'aJd!uatoe Med. 
Sch., N.Y., 1883; removed 11:10 }>lapis, 
1886, and beeame latbaehed '1'0 staff 
Ophthal. La'bomt'Ory \{)If ,sorbonne; read 
his first paper in French ,on an "Opbo- 
meter," at Congress French Soc. of 
Ophtha!., 1887, ,since wben has contri- 
buted a great many papers to the 
med. journals of France, Eng. and 
Germany, and read others of equal Im- 
portance before various learned bodies 
In the same countries; published a 
volume on " Spectacles and Eye 
Glasses,' wit-h intTOd'llotlon by Dr. 
.Javal, of the French Acad. of Med. 

(1889) ; was for many yrs. hon. secy. 
Continental Anglo-Am. Med. Soc., 
Paris, and on his retirement there- 
from (1902) was presented by its 
mems. with a handsome bronze statue 
of St. Michael, as a mark of appre- 
ciation of his labours; apptd. aphtha!. 
surgeon, Hertford Brit. Hosp., Paris, 
1900; a R. C.-4 Rue de la Paix, Paris, 
(D. Paris, Jan., 1911.) 
Bullen, William Pitzherbert, busi- 
ness man. 
B. Delaware, ant.; e. Caradoc 
Acad.; a graduate (1st class) Royal 
Mil. Sch., 1865; m. Miss E. .J. Gross; 
a dir. London Life Ins. Co.; for many 
yrs. V.-P. Land Mort. Companies' 
Assn., and man gr. Ont. Loan & Deben- 
ture Co. (resigned, 1906).-London, 
Ont.; London Club, do. 
Bullen, William Pitzherbert, Jr" 
business 'man. 
E. s. preceding; b. Delaware, Ont., 
.Jan. 11, 1857; e. Caradoc Acad.; m. 
Miss Amelia Bushby, grandd. late Sir 
.Jas. Douglas, K.C.B., first Governor 
B. C.; for many yrs. mango dir. Esqui- 
malt Marine Ry. Co., and a dir. In 
other important business enterprises; 
went to Eng., on a mission, 1907, for 
the purpose of effecting a consollda- 
tion of the B., C. Marine Ry, the 
Vancouver Enging. Works, and the 
New Westminster Foundry, the Inten- 
tion being to build steel vessels at 
Esqulmalt. - Victoria, B.C.; Union 
Club, do.; Vancouver Club, Vancouver, 
Buller, Arthur Henry Beginald, edu- 
S. A. G. B., magistrate and co. 
councillor, Birmingham, Eng. ; b. 
there, Aug. 19, 1874; e. Queen's Call., 
Taunton, Mason ColI., Binningham, 
and Univs. Leipzig and Munich; took 
Heslop gold med. at Mason Call., for 
a botanical papf'r, 1895; graduated 
B.Sc., London, 1896; studied and en- 
gaged In research in botany, Leipzlg, 
1897-99 (IPh.D., W'i.,tJh oa summa cum 
laude, 1899) ; awarded an 1851 Exhn, 
scholar. of !150 per annum for pur- 
pose of research work in botany, 
1898; (schol. received on special ap- 
plication for 3rd year) ; continued re- 
search work at Univ., Munich, in 
Fm'SJt -lbotani,schleiS ITIlSlt., 1899-1901; 
occupied: tJable -of Bni,t. Assn., Intern. 
Marine BioI. station, Naples, 1900-01; 
lecturer and demons. in botany, Univ. 
Birmingham, 1901-04; Univ. Exten. 
lecturer, and graduated D.Sc., Binn- 
ingham, 1903; apptd. special lecturer 
on plant path., do., 1904, but appt. 
not held owing to acceptance of chair 
of Botany and Geo!., Man. Univ., same 
year; has published several papers on 
physiol., botany and other bioI. sub- 
jects; a del. to the Darwin Cent. cele- 
bration, Cambridge, Eng., 1909; unm. 
-Winnipeg, Man. 
Sulloch, Thomas Harrison, business 
S. .Joseph and Elizabeth (Duffield) 
B.; b. W. Flamboro', ant., Feb. 14, 
1862; e. pub. sch., St. .John, N.B., to 



which city he removed with his 
parenQ's ear>ly in Ufe; Iffi. ,M'iss J'e'3.n- 
l1IeltJbe Chre1snult, Freldoeni'C'ton, N.B.: erutd. 
oN bus,lnle-5s, il1l par>tnoershoip with hIlis 
f'!hier, 1883, and oonrtinrußS his oonnleC- 
<<on with 
It as't'l'lOOß., IVhe bulSintess beiÏl1tg 
now amalgamated with the Imperial 
OiJi Co.; el'E'C't>ed aM., 1902; mlaY10'r of 
St. John, 1908-9; Is also a dir. Vic- 
torian Order of Nurses, Star Line 
Steamship ,coo., RorUanid RJO!Ning Milr.s, 
HorticuI. Assn., Seaman's Missions, 
Provl. Chemical Fertilizer Co., V.-P. 
Assd. Charities, and St. John ArchæoI. 
Soc., and presdt. N. B. Tourist Assn.: 
fonnerly an offr. In the militia, and 
volunteered for active service during 
Riel rebellion; favors the creation of 
an anny and navy In Can. for the de- 
fence of the Empire; would have all 
meetings of the City Council opened 
with prayer: author II Municipal Year 
Book" (1907): a -Ub.: a Meot:h.-18" 
German 'St., St. John, N.B.; Canadian 
Club, do. 
Bullock, Rev, Reginald Heber (An g.). 
S. lab' Very Rev. Dean B., N. R : 
author of the well known hymn, II We 
love the place, 0 God": b. Trinity, 
Nfd., Dec. 13, 1828; e. King's Coli., 
Wli'llodSlOr, N.S. (-B.A., 1850; M.A., 1855; 
D.C.L., hon., ,1879): unm.; o. d:ela-ClOn, 
1852: priest, 1853: formerly a chap- 
lain, 1st class, to H. M.'s forces; re- 
tired, ApI., 1881: saw service as 
such at Aldershot, York, Bennuda, 
Winchester, COlchester, Shoeburyness, 
Dover, Woolwich and Malta: apptd. 
hon. chaplain to Queen Victoria, 1888; 
previously Dom. chaplain Marquis of 
Normanby: was chaplain to the forces 
In Can.; hon. canon All Saints' Cath., 
Halifax, 1905: a gov. King's CoIl., 
Windsor, do.: author of II A Memoir of 
the Very Rev. Wm. Bullock, D.D., 
Dean of Nova Scotia" (1899).-Hali- 
fax, N.S. 
Bullock, Rev, William Henry Egar 
Third s. late Very Rev. Wm. B., 
D.D., Dean of N. S., and Mary 
(Clinch) B.; b. Digby, N.S., Nov. 16, 
1842: e. Unlv. King's con., N.S. (B.A., 
1863; /M.A., 1868); m., ApI., 1879, 
:MJa.rlon EIIi
aOOt'h, d. Rev. C. A. We<t:JhteT- 
all, chaplain H.M.'-s f'Ol-oes; o. dlea-oon, 
1864 : pr.iest, 1865; oenrt'd. anny 8;S coop- 
II3.IIIJ1\, 4,tlh class, Feb, 1868; promoted 1st 
class, June, 1885: was chaplain 7 
yrs. at Aldershot, 3 at Dublin, 4 
at Chatham, and 5 at Gibraltar; 
apptd. senior chaplain to forces en- 
gaged In the Suakim Expedition, was 
repeatedly under fire and often in 
situations of great peril, 1885 (men- 
tioned in despatches, promoted 1st 
class, and reed. med. with clasp and 
Khedive's Star): chaplain to the 
fQrc-es. B.N.A., 1894-'1903; a'lltihor of a 
oookle!t IQiIl WlOrship.-Bayfieùt, Anti- 
gonish, N.S. 
Bulmer, Henry, contractor. 
B. nr. Doncaster, Eng., Feb. 17, 1822 ; 
came to Can., 1832; removed to Mont- 
real, 1842: has run a successful busi- 
ness career as a contractor and 
bul:1der; m., Aug. 7, 1848, Jane (d. 
1892), e. d. E. Maxwell, Montreal; city 

councillor, Montreal, 1856: ald., ] 859, 
and remained memo City Council for 
many yrs.; served as a capt. Mont- 
real Foot Arty. during " Oregon .. 
difficulty, 1846; among other positions 
in Montreal filled by him have been 
presdt. Mech. Inst., do. St. George's 
Soc., chairman Bd. Arts and Manf., 
do. Bd. Harbour Commrs., a trustee 
Mount Royal Cf'metery: a Can., an 
Ang.. and a Freemason.-5! :Mackay 
St., Montreal. 
Bulyea. His Honor George Hedley 
Vicars, statesman. 
S. late Jas. Albert and Jane (Bliz- 
zard) B.. U. E. L. descent; b. Gage- 
town. N.B., Feb. 17. 1859; e. Gagetown 
Grammar Sch. and Untv. N. B. (B.A., 
mf!th, !':f'h()1. ani1 FrN)('1-t nrizem>ln, 
1878: LL.D., 1908); LL.D.. hon., Al- 
berta Unfv., 1908: m., .ran., 1885, 
Annie Blanche (supdt. W. C. T. U. 
and local pre!':dt. Council of Women), 
2nd d. R. T. Babblt, regr. .Queens Co., 
N.B.; nrlndpal Sunbury Grammar 
Sch., 1878-82; went to Winnipeg, 1882, 
and to Qu'Appelle, 1883, where he 
eng-d. In commerckll life; un!mccess- 
fully contested S. Qu' Appelle, N. W. 
T. Assembly, g. e. 1891: elected g. e. 
1894, and subsequently re-elected. by 
acclamation: became a non-resident 
memo of the Haultain-Ross TerrI. 
Govt., Oct., 1897, and held office, 
afterwards, In the TerrI. Govt., suc- 
cessively as commr. of Agrlcul. and 
TerrI. secy., and as commr. Public 
Works; apptd. commr. for the TerrI. 
Govt. of Yukon, 1898, and first It.-gov. 
of Alberta, Sept. 1, 1905; re-apptd. 
for a second term, Oct. 5, 1910; was a 
strenuous worker for TerrI. autonomy; 
author of an official handbook to the 
N. W. T. (1902) ; a dir. Nat. Co-opera- 
tive Loan Co.: a Lib.; a Meth.-Gov- 
ernment House, Edmonton, Alta. 
.. An administrator of sa.fe and conser- 
vative temperament."-S. N. 
Bulyea, James Austin, lawyer. 
A 2nd oous l in of 'the lA.-Gov. of .AJI- 
bef!tJa (q.v.); b. in N. B.; e. N. B. 
Untiv. (B.A., ,1871) ; ba.rrlÏster, 1875; a 
K.C. ; pracroise'S in St. J'ohn ; 3>pptJd'. agt. 
Dept. MJarine anfd F1is / hiel'ies, 1894.-St. 
John, N.R.; Union Club, do. 
Bumbray, John Edward Charles, 
O. s. Ald. John B., and Elise (Mas- 
son) B., Montreal; b. there, Sept., 
1886; e. St. Mia
's (JesuI1t) C.oH
LavØ!1 Un1iv. (LL.B., 1902); 'lli.., 1st. 
Eva (.d. MIc'h., 1904), d. C. H. Laurloer; 
2nJdly, (]\,f. L., d. pr>o,r. Hien"l-e-ux, Lava.l 
UniÏv.; ad/VlOCl3Jte, 19.02; spenrt se'V'e-ral 
months of his student life in Eng., 
France, Italy, Switzerland and Bel- 
g-ium; successfully practises ihl,s p.rof. 
tn .Monrtreal; camre ifnlbo prominence dn 
connection with the settlement of the 
" strike" of the employees of the Street 
Ry., Montreal, Feb., 1903; a Con.; a 
R. C.-56 Prefontaine St., Montreal; 
Club Lafontaine, do. 
Bunnell, John A" merchant. 
A memo of a well-known Can. fam.; 
b., e. and m. In Brantford, Ont.; has 
been a resdt. of Chicagoslnce 1881; a 



partner Hately Bros. there; was for 
a long time a dir. ChIcago Bd. of 
Trade; subsequently 1st and 2nd V.-P. 
do.; elected presdt., 1909.-514f) Cornell 
Ave., Chicago, Ill.; Homewood Country 
Club, do. 
.. His career bas been one ()f continued 
and rapid success and proøperity."-oan. 
Bunnell, John H" merchant. 
Scotch and Eng. parpntage; b. 
Sussex. N.B., Sept. 17, 18Fi3: P. thpre 
and St. John Commercial CoIl.; m., 
1891, Miss Agnes Mc]ìa.r]an., Glias'g'Ow, 
Scot.; went to Man., 1880, and has 
remained West; head firm B. & Lin(t- 
say, Moose Jaw, fanning Implements. 
etc.; mayor Moose Jaw, 1897-8.- 
Moose Jaw, Sask. 
Buntin, Alexander, manufacturer. 
S. late Alex. B., Montreal, propr. 
Valleyfield Paper Mills: b. Montreal, 
1865; e. Craigmount CoIl., Edinburgh, 
Scot., Bishop's CoIl., LennoxvilIe. and 
Kingston CoIl. Inst. : subsequently 
 yrs. as a midshipman In mpr- 
chant service, retiring therefrom, 1889, 
with a 2nd offr.'s cert.; after spend- 
Ing a short time on a cattle ranch in 
the Wpst went to VaJIpvfipld to learn 
paper-making: sl1ccepdpd his father iT] 
the finn .of B., Reid & Co., wholøsa:lie 
paper manfrs. and printers' supplies. 
1893, and becamE' sO]le 'Propr. and 
mangr., 1894.-9" St. George St., To- 
ronto; Toronto Club, do, 
.. A man as strong and unflinching as 
the oaken decks, on which he spent the 
earlv days of his manhood."-Printer and 
Bunting', William Henry, fruit grower. 
S. Thos. and Sarah A. (Ward) B.; 
Irish and Eng-. descent; b. St. Cathar- 
imes., Omt., ,1857; e. Srt. Oaltharlnes Dol!!. 
Inst.; m., 1882, Miss Eliza M. Kelly, 
WeIland, Ont.: largely engaged in 
fruit growing f()r past 25 yrs., anrl 
Identified with Its rapid Increase aml 
development; supt. Onto Fruit Exhibit. 
Pan-Am. Expn., Buffalo, 1901; prpsrlt 
St. Catharines CoM Storage & For- 
wardi'I1!g Co., 1897-19(}1; chairman and 
presdt. Grantham Public Library Bd., 
1891)-1900: mf'm. Roval Comn. San 
Josê Scale Enquiry, 1899: nresdt. Ont 
Fruit Growers' Assn., 1903; presdt. 
merged Niagara Fruit Growers' Assn., 
1908; has written occasional articles 
on Onto fruit Industry; lectured before 
May Ct. Club, Ottawa, 1908; has un- 
bounded faith In the future of Can. 
as part of Brit. Empire; a Lib.; a 
Meth.-" Carleton Fruit Farm," St. 
Catharines, Onto 
Buntzen, Johannes, businec;s man. 
B. Oope-n'hia
n, Denmark, Dec. 16, 
1859: e. tJhlE'l'e (B.A.); m., 1889, Mliss 
MaTle Wenodrich, OO'J)'enbag'e11; aban- 
dJoniÍnog .law went to FJng., 1878, where 
he eJ1gag.ed 'In Jthe shippIng business, 
wilth -his boo.. 
.t LOnidoll' al10d lJiv.erpool ; 

moved to() W111md'Pc-g, 1881, whe;re 'he 
aoted as Bca.nodlll'aV1l-al1l lnter- 
preltoer for MJan. GOVTt.; rer!:urnllng bo 
Denmark, was f.or 7 Yl's. entglag'e(Î In 
journtaJrilSlm ; remov.oo: It'D VanlClOuver, 
1889. v.ïhoere at first was oaooounroan<t 

Ltih the Vancouver Loan, Trust, Sav- 
mg>s and Gua'raTIltee 00., and 'became 
its manog>r., 1893; since thoen has been 
secy. Consol. Ry. Co., mangr. main- 
land lines, B. C. Elec. Ry. Co., and genl. 
mangr. of same; apptd. mango dir. of 
the co., with headquarters in London 
Eng., June, 1905; is also a dir., and 
was formerly secy., of the Vancouver 
Bower Co.-London, Eng.; Vancouver 
Club, Vancouver. 
"One of Vancouver's most intpIIigent 
and broad-minded citizens."-V. World. 
Burbidge, Henry Arnold, lawyer. 
S. late Hon. .Justice B. and Alice 
E. (Maxwell) B.; b. St. John, N.R, 
July 1, 1874; e. Ottawa ColI. Inst. 
U. C. ColI., and Univ. Toronto (B. 11,:, 
; LL.B., 1897); m., Se'P't., 1907, 
Lucie Hope, y. d. Alex. TUrlller, HJ3Jmï.I- 
ton, Onl\:.; OOTrist'E"r, 1897; 'praCItisetd 
in Ott:a.w-a as a m'em. finn Perkins, 
Fraselr, B. & Gibson; since 1905 ros 
beiCTI! a ID'em. (!If 'tJhe firm m Andrews 
Andrews B. & Bastedo, Winnipeg; 
Ang.- Winnipeg; 1Vinnipeg Golf Club, 
do.: Lau1"entian Club, Ottawa. 
Burbidge, Herbert E., business man. 
B. and e. Eng.; for some yrs. genl. 
mangr. Harrod's Stores. Ltd.. London, 
Eng.; SiThOO Oct., 1910, has been 
Clommr. Hl1d'son's Bay CIO.'S stores in 
Oan.-Windsor Hotel, .'IIontreal,o Mt. 
Royal Club, do.; Winnipeg, Man.; 
lIIanitoba Club, do. 
"A thoroul1.'h organizer and a. bard 
worker."-S. N. 
Burchall, Miss Henrietta Louise, 
D. H. C. B., C.E. (q.v.), and Ellen 
Bprtha (Gisborne) B.; b. Sydnpy, 
N.S., May 13, 1882: e. St. John's, Nfd., 
and London, Em:-.: graduated Mus. 
Bac. (Oxon.), 1908, the first Colonial 
lady to be so honoured; was also 
awarded the rliploma of Assoc. of the 
Royal CoIl. of MusiC'. Lonòon: asst. 
music leader, Meth. ColI., St. John's, 
Nfd., 1902-6; organist Meth. Ch., 
Sydney, 1906; Meth.-561 Esplanade, 
Sydney, N.S. 
Burchell, Herbert Charles, civil en- 
B. Sydney, N.S.; e. there; m. Miss 
Ellen Bertha Gisborne; a memo Can. 
Soc. C. E., 1887; has contributed to 
Its Trans.; is V.-P. and mango dlr. 
North Sydney Cf'ment Co.; for some 
yrs. employed In Nfd.; apptd. dlr. Pub- 
lic Works, Brit. Honduras, 1904; re- 
sigYlPd, 1905; dpclinpd appt. as Dlr. 
Public Works, J-amalc'a, 1908; fellow 
Royal Col. Inst., 1903.-Sydney, C.B. 
Burchill, Hon. John Perclval, mer- 
chant and legislator. 
S. late Gpo. B., foundpr and head 
milling firm (}po. B. & Sons; b. Mlra- 
miohd, N.B., 1855: e. Ch3.Jtham C'-rram- 
ma'r Sch.; m., 1882, EHza, e. Ò. Juòge 
iß/soßl ; .a memo firm Geo. B. & 
Sons; has been WarÒlE'l1, Co. Northum- 
berl'and, N.B. ; re-el.eCltoE'Ò g. e. 1909-; srut 
for Northumberland (Local) for many 
yrs., end was speaker of Legls.lature, 
1893-1900; a Lib. ; an Ang. ; has served 
as a del. to the Prov!. Synod.-South 
Nelson. N.B. 



Burdette, Miss Madeline, vocallst. 
Eva Lilian, d. . Reuben Brown, 
Gananoque, Ont.; born there; studied 
in N. Y. and under prIvate tutors; 
has adopted Madeline Burdette as hf'r 
professional name as an operatic 
soprano; has sung In N. Y. and 
throughout the country with great 
success since 1895, once before 
PresildJe'11lt Roose'Ve.l:t; pooo.s.eæes a V'oiüe 
of great range and quality; has made 
a special feature of ballad singlng.- 
Care W Jame8 St. 8., Hamilton, Onto 
"One of the few really competent 
ballad singers of America.' '-Mod. Society. 
Bureau, Hon. Jacques, lawyer; legis- 
S. late J. N., Q.C., and Sophie (Gin- 
gras) B.; b. Three Rivers, P.Q., July 
9, 1860: e. Nicolf't Co]Jf'P,"f' and Laval 
Unlv. (LL.B., 1882); LL.B., ad eun. 
(:M'3.t1J. Und'v.), 1882; lID. July, 1884, 
Miss I.dn. BeliVlOOiU: i3Jdvl()oC'3.:te, 1882; 
K.C. (P.Q.), 1903: do. (Earl Grey), 
1908: bdtonnier. Three Rivers bar, 
1907; early In his career went West, 
and beñ.n:g 03.11100 ItJO ItJhoe Ma,n. baT, 
practised his profession at Winni- 
peg until 1890, when he removed to 
Duluth, where he was called to the 
Wisconsin bar, and practlsf'd thf'rf' 
untJtl hri.s J'løturn to Thl'ee RIV'eTs, Jan., 
1907; has since been In active practice 
as an advocate in that city; a Lib., 
and has sat for Three Rivers and St. 
MaurIce (H. C.), in that Interest sincp 
g. e. 1900; apptd. Soldcllbor-Genll. I()f 
Oan., Feb. 14. 1907; R. C.-RocMale 
'2f) Cooper St., Ottawa: Three 
River8, P.Q.: Ontario Club, Toronto; 
Laurentian Club, Ottawa; Club Cana- 
dien, Club St. Denis, Montreal. 
"An irrepressible wit."-M. Standard. 
Burger, Bemy, consular service. 
Engaged in mercantile life in To- 
ronto; apptd. Swiss Consul, Onto an:'! 
MJan., 1906; e.loeoted oon. presà!t. To- 
rorutJo SwÏlSs Soc., 1911.-9Z Yonge St., 
Burgess, Bev, Edwin Harcus (Presb.) 
S. Geo. H. and Marjory (Leith) B.. 
natives Orkneys, Scot.; b. Little Har- 
bour! Pictou, N.S., Aug. 11, 1858; 
studied for ministry, Auburn, N.Y.; 
o. 1889; preached for 3 yrs. Western 
N. Y., when returned to Can., and 
accepted charge at Stellarton. N.S.; 
author of a pungent, practical and 
striking volume, entitled "At the 
Place which Is called Calvary" (N Y 
1890), of a vigorous and able add
on "Loyalty" (do., 1892), and of a 
patriotic and timely brochure, "For 
Canada and the Old Flag," all 3 of 
which have been commended by the 
press; has also written much for re- 
ligious and secular press, chiefly on 
religious matters, frequently combat- 
Ing loose theol. opinions found In 
certain quarters: has also written 
frequently and strongly In favour of 
the observance of the Sabbath, and of 
abstinence from strong drink; his ser- 
mons are occasionally published In the 
newspaper press; several poems from 
his pen have appeared In N. Y. Ob- 
8erver l .Ram'8 Horn, Pre8b, Witness, 

and Toronto Globe; on the death of 
his mother, 1904, to whom he -""was 
passionately attached, decidf'd to re- 
move to B. C.; Ind. in politics, and 
a strong belif'
er in the Impprlal 
policy propounded by Mr. Chamber- 
lain.-Kildonan, !Ian. 
"A writer, minister, and patriot; a man 
of faith and el()que'Ilce."-Faith Fenton. 
Burgess, La.urie Lome, educationist. 
S. Wm. J. and Mary J. (Clhute) B.; 
.b. Kdnsmran's Oorn'ers. N.S., Oct. 21, 
1882; e. Wl()I()cl,,'ti}.l1e Seh., Kinlg's 00. 
Acad. (>OOfT1:.) , DalhouEie UnlÍv. (B.SIc., 
with honours, 1905. an.a HarVlaTd Unrlv. 
(A.M.. 1906; ,Ph.D., 1909): oprlnocipral, 
Wioodlvú,ue SC'h., N.S., 1901-2: asiSlt. .In 
chern. Harvard Univ., 1906-8; -l'11str. 
in do., Uruiv. 'Of Me., 1909; since July, 
1909', has been asS!t. in chern., UnlÍv. 
of HI. ; a memo Am. Che'ITlica:1 Soc. amod 
of if.he Am. Assn. f.or the AdV13.troe. 'Of 
Sci'enoe: a Presb.-Champaign, Ill.; 
Harvard Canadian Club. 
Burgess, Balph X" capitalist. 
Forrnf'rly of the firm Wm. Ramsay 
& Co., wholesale tea, wine and spirit 
merchants, Toronto; was V.-P. of the 
defunct Onto Bank: resigned, 1892; a 
dir. Imp. Loan & Invest. Co., and of 
the Can. Permt. Mortgage Corpn.- 
St. George Mansions, Harbord St., To- 
ronto; Toronto Club ; National Club, 
Burgess, Thomas Joseph Workman, 
physician; alienist. 
Y. s. Thos. and .Jane (Rf'gg) B., 
natives Carlisle, Cumberland, Eng.: 
b. Toronto, Mch. 11, 1849; e. U. C. 
ColI. (scholar. and numerous prizes) ; 
M.B. (1st Univ. silver med. and Starr 
gold med.), Toronto Unlv., 1870: 
m., 1875, Jf'ssie, 2nd ð. lla'te lJt.-Ool. 
Alex. Macpher!SO'11
 Whit,by, Onrt.; clin,i- 
æJ aoott., ToJ'lonlto Lunl3.1Nc Asy1lum, 
1870-3; surg. H.M.'s B.N.A. Bound- 
ary Comn., 1872 (recd. thanks H.M.'s 
Govt. for his efficiency); asst. phys. 
London Insana Asyl., 1875 ; asst. 
supdt. Hamilton do., do., 1887; med. 
supdt. Proto Hosp. for Insane, Mont- 
reat, 1890 (whirh he still retains): 
F.R.RC., 1885: fellow Am. Apsn. Ad- 
vancement of Sclf>nce, 1886; teet. men- 
tal diseases, McGill Unlv., 1893; hon. 
secy. Dom. of Can. Pan-Am. Med. Con- 
gress, Mexico, 1896; prof. mental 
diseases, MeGill Univ.. .189'1: presòt. 
Am. Mf'd. Psych. As!".,.. 1904-5 (3rcl 
Canadian to hold the office) ; author of 
.. Historical Sketch of Can. Institu- 
tions for the Insane," .. How to StudY 
Botany," .. Art In the Sick Room," 
.. A Botanical Holiòay in Nova 
Scotia," .. Notes on the Flora of the 
49th Paranel," .. TihJe Lake Erie Shot1'e 
as a BQIÍJ311IÍ'S'Ïng- Gf\ound." .. The Ins,ane 
In Camaða," ertc.; a UnlÍlt.-Prot. Hos- 
pital for Insane, Verdun, Montreal; 
Pen and Pencil Club: University Club, 
do.; Autho1"s' Club, London, Eng. 
.. One of thp ahlpst alienists in Can."- 
St. John Telegraph. 
Burgh, Mrs. Mabel (n
e Ireland), late 
nursing profession. 
B. and e. Toronto; a graduate West- 
ern Hosp., Toronto; apptd. head nurse 



female wards, Manhattan Hosp., N. Y., 
102; asst. supdt. Dr. Bull's Sanitar- 
Ium, do., 1907; m., June, 1908, Chas. 
Burgh, presdt. Commercial Coal Co., 
Philadelphia, Pa.-Philadelphia, Pa, 
Burgin, George Brown, novelist; 
cri tic and j ournali-st. 
S. late Joseph B.; b. CroYdon, Jan. 
15, 1856; e. Totterldge Park Pub. 
Sch.; m., 1893, Miss Georgina Bening- 
ton; emigrating to Can., 1876, hp 
ß'e\btled ,for a ,short 'vLrne rut L'Orlgntal, 
Ottawa River, where he contributed 
to the local papers and also sent 
sketches to the Can. Illd. News, Mont- 
real; returning to Eng., became private 
secy. to Baker Pasha, and later 
accompanied him to Asia Minor as 
secy. Reform Comn., Armenia; author 
of a number of novels, many of which 
have relation to Can., which he fre- 
quently visits; one of the latest of 
these novels, " The Shutters of 
Silence," the scene of which is laid 
fut aka, Iha<s ,been Wlidelly read dn this 
country: is sub-ed. of the Idler, the 
Bookseller, and To-Day; II considers 
himself a Canadian, both by adop- 
tion and Inclination": a member of 
Soc. of FìrieMs.-Z Holly Terrace, West 
Hil" Highgate, London, N.,o Yorick, 
New Vagabonds', White friars', and 
Authors' Clubs, do. 
" A master of the art of teIling a story." 
Burgoyne, William Bartlett, journal- 
S. Hy. and Martha B.; b. St. Cath- 
arines, ant., Aug. 2, 18fi5; e. there; 
m., June, 1880, Miss Mary Lavina 
Darker; has been In printing business 
since 1868; founded the Evening Star, 
St Catharlnes, 1886, continuing its 
publication for 3 yrs.; purchased the 
Standard, same city, 1892, and has 
since owned and conducted it; an ald. 
for several VI'S.; mayor, 1903; also a 
councillor Bd. of Trade, presdt. Hor- 
lieu!. Soc., and presdt. Old Boys' 
AJssn.; 'elecrt:ro presdtt. Bod. of Trade, 
1911. prominently idenltifioo wHih 
temp: cause; elected G. W. Patriarch, 
Sons of Temp., ant., 1898; M. W. A., 
Nat. Div. Sons of Temp., N. Am., 
1902, and M. W. Patriarch do., 1904; 
visited officially, the Nat. Div. of Gt. 
Brit., 'Hull, Eng., 1906; elected first 
prpsdt. Master Printprs' Gui1d, Ont., 
1905, and presdt. Can. Press A
1908; a Con.; a Meth.-St. Cat harmes, 
Burk, Daniel Francis, business man. 
S. Wm. K. and Clara C. (Coryell) 
B., Bowmanville, ant.; b. tI1Pre: P. 
'I(}cal schs.; m., 1873, An'llaboeOÞlIe Ida, d. 
J1as. H. Ge I'd e, WhoU'by, anI\:. ; ,tiOT some 
n SleI'V1ioe defunct Orut. 'Bank; 
mangr. dlO'., ,Bart Amthur, 1875-84; 
resigned', :t'Û .beooone fimaTllCial mangr. 
fur 'his bro., Il\ftaTWln B., ry. con- 
tTaOtJor; V.-P. and dk. Port Arthur, 
l.'lld West'ern Ry. Co., up 
to Its oompletilO'n, 1893, when 'he be- 
caIDJe V.-P. am g>enl. .mangr. ,the.reoO'f; 
'booame pres(H. and dir. Orut. & RaJlnLY 
.Riiv-er Ry. Co., 1898 (rww a ,portion 
of Can. Northern Ry, system); was 

later a dlr. Port Arthur Light & Power 
Co., presdt. W. Algoma Agrlcul. Soc., 
presdt. St. Joe Ry. Co., and spcy. and 
mangr. Lake Superior Dock Co.; has 
done important work as gf'nl. mangr. 
New ant. ColonlzRtlon Assn.: ownS 
Port Arthur Hernld, which hp for- 
merlv conductpd: a Lib., and has 
 unstlccps!"fu1ty contestf'ð <\ 19oma 
n-r. C.) in o1:Ihat liTIlte1"leslÌ; a PI' 
Port Arthur. Onto 
Burk. Frederic LiPtet". f'llucationlst. 
S. ErRshls nnð Mathi1i!a (Turnpr) 
B.; b. Blf'nhplm. ant., Rpnt. 1, 1862; 
e. UnJv. Ca1. (B. L., 1 S8
), Lf'lanr1 
Rtanforrl .Jr. Univ. (I\M.. 1892). Rnd 
C1iR'rk Pn'iv. (Piñ.D., ] Rq8); m.. Sept., 
1 S'ì8. i'\.fi,!"'''' O'1'ro,'ißle Frf"ar. '"8ion ' ol;u 1'1.1 , 
H.T.: in jO'll'rTIia
'l", Fl'anf'isc.o. 
15;83-9: ,teråf'hpr 'in puh
,i(' 'anler Pl"Ih"H.t-e 
f'.f'hs., (';a1., 1 RR9-Q1 : 'SU.nM. s-f"hs. SanlÌoa 
, Ca'l., 18q2-6: SHiJ1Jt'a Bqrbara, (110., 
18q8-9: P1"le.sJdI\:. S'batlf' Norma'! RoC''h.. Ran 
'Ínl('e 1899: 'P1'E'S,rJJt. Oa'I'. 

at!e Tehr!'l.' A!"<:n.. 18qQ: {'hqkman 
OHI. Oounl:,dl of Ed'll('.. 1Q02-4: authioT 
nf "A R11lf'l v 'Olf the Ki ll,(j'E'rgo. r'be-n Pro b- 
lem" (189in. an'dJ IOf Vlar!'ous oO'I1'trilbu- 
HonlS t10 m':'\fg'. ,!Ii'terat'llre.-Kentfield, Co. 
Marin, ("al. 
Burke. Very Rev, Alfred Edward 
(R. C.). 
Third s. ('ant. Jas. B. anll Mary 
(Moar) B.; fa-ther's family from Tip- 
perary, Irel., mother's from Orkney 
Islands, Scot.; b. Gf'orgetown, P.E.I., 
Sept. 8, 1862: e. Gf'orgetown High 
Rch., St. Dunstan's CoIl.. Charlotte- 
town anrl Laval Unlv., Quphpc (B.D., 
1884: D.D., 1908) : recd. degree doctor 
of forestry from Biltmore Unlv.. N.C., 
1906: O. 1885; sPcy. Bp. McIntyre, 
Charlnttptnwn. 1RR!)-8R: first parish 
prlf'st. Alberton, do.; a grand trustee 
C.M.B.A.: a dlr. Mar. Stock Breeders' 
Assn., do., Bd. of Trade and Winter 
Fall' Bd.; V.-P. Am. Pomol. Assn. and 
Can. Forestry Assn. (P. E. I.); and 
presdt. Mar. Bee Keepers' Assn., do. 
Stock Breeders' Assn., do. Poultry 
Assn., do. Seed Assn., Prov!. Fruit 
Growers' kssn., and Dom.. AlHaruce 
(P. E. 1.); we'll!\; obo P.adtlc Ooasot. 
as ProvÞ. del. OoflJ inrvi,baHoIlJ of C. P. 
Ry., 189,2,]' hras I
inee been rtWlice 
00 .the N. W. T., .and, 'lwJ.ce rbo N. S., 
under ,sam'e aUS'P'Ï'Ces; 1brmulat'eod 
oOlllondzarUoOi 'PiOHcy which WGiS high'ly 
regmxl'e<d! .by GoVTt. and ry.; Jt'hrew 
lhiÏmse];f' lhJeoarti'l.y linlbo ø,gricul. and 
other m()vemen1ts it1J behal'f of ,P. E. I., 
aoo has I'eplea,t! been to Obt'alWa 
to secure a'Cltti.em I'Qiok'ing 'Ì() o1::he oon- 
st,rucl\:llO'll' ()f a l\:unll1le.l b
twE"e'Il P E. I. 
and t!he mainland; 3.wt'<1. pl'esdot. Oruth. 
Ch. Exrtelllsiün .Sloe. 'Of Can., 1908; I'e- 
app>td. Ò!o., 1910; ds also ed. Cath. 
Registpr.. hoas leoturoo on II The Irlsb- 
man's p
ace within the Empire:' and on 
abher subjoects.-.510 Sherbourne St., To- 
"A patriotic citizen, 'Who has done 
much bo furth
r the religious and material 
growth of Can<ada."-Dom. Presb. 
"A' of great :power, elegance- and 
facility; a prea.che.r .and public s.pet3ker. 
who kIOOWS bow to., ca.ptiovate and 



convince aU kinds of .audie'Ilceß, a. Cana-. e.nthusiasm and pa.triotism are 
u ndQubte d" there is no limit tOi his 
fu>ture usclulness both ,a.s a. cle'rgyman: &nd 
a priv.a.te cit.iren."-The late llon. G. lV. 
:Burke, David, insurance manager. 
Y. s. late Edward and Mary 
(Acorm) B" both natives of P. E. I.; 
b. Charlottetown, 1850; e. there; m., 
1875, Rose, y. d. late Thos. Maclear, 
publisher, Toronto; in life ins. busI- 
ness since 1869; genl. mangr. N. 
Life Ins. Co. for Can., 1883-97; sInce 
1897 genl. man gr. and dir. Royal Vic- 
toria Life Ins. Co., Can.; elected an 
asSO. Inst. Actuaries, 1882; a felloW 
Royal Stat. Soc., Gt. Brit., 1897; 
V.-P., Economic and Stat. Soc., Mont- 
real, 1904; presdt. Can. Life Ins. 
Offrs.' Assn., 1906-7; author paper on 
.. Insurance as a Nat. Economy to 
(1908) ; an Imperial protectionist; an 
Ang.-Kent Apartments, 117 University 
St., Montreal; St. James's Club, do. 
.. Recognized as a most capable insur. 
ance administrator."-M. Witness. 
Burke, Edmund, architect. 
E. s. \Vm. and Sarah (Langley) 
B.; Irish parentage; b. Toronto, 
1850; e. U. C. OoH.; iffi'. MinlJ1li'e .J., ,d, 
kute .J. L. Black, M.P.P., Sackvi\lle, 
N.B.; .studi,ed iior profession wiot:'h 
Gundry & ùan'gl'eY, 'DorQlflltlo; a part- 
ner l{)If ,MT. Langloey, 1872-92, lrute<r 
assuming business of ,ll3Jbe W. G. 
S!borm, R.C.A.; n\OW hOOJd: of fiTm B. 
& Horw()IÜ'(L; {,or so-m'e yrs. a oounc'ÏMor 
Onto Assn. ()f Archiiteüts, bocl()lffiling 
Pl'oodot.. ()f ,Vh3Jt body, 1894, Iftllld again, 
1905-6-7; V.-P. Rioyal Imslt. Dan. Arc'hiÏ- 
OOCItS, 1910; oa memo TOl'on'tJO Toch. 
Sch. Bd.; a memo Bd. of Assessors; 
apptd. by Dom. Govt. to select a 
desIgn for new Departmental Bdgs., 
Ottawa, 1906; designed plans for 
McMaster Univ., the Simpson De- 
tore, Parkdale M.eth. Ch., 
Walmer Rd. Bapt. Ch., Sherbourne 
St. Meth. Ch., TrInity Meth. Ch., Castle 
Memorial Chapel, Castle Frank (a 
private residence), and numerous other 
edifices in Toronto; as presdt. Onto 
Architects' Assn. submitted a plan tor 
the æsthetIc an.d structural improve- 
mE:nt of the streets, parks. and lake 
front of Toronto, which was approved 
by the citizens at a pubUc meeting; 
author numerous articles in Can. Archi- 
tect and other journals; a Lib.; be.,. 
lieves In N. P. for Can., Imperial unity, 
ownership of public franchIses and 
compulsory arbitration of all labour 
questions affecting gent pubUc; a 
Ba.opt. - 2
 South DTive, Toronto; 
National Club; Canadian Club. 
Burke, Edmund Arbuckle, vocalist. 
S. David (q.v.) and Rose (Maclear) 
B.; b. Toronto; e. BIshop's ColI. Sell., 
Lennoxville, P.Q.; graduated B.C,L.. 
:McGHil Un'Ïv., 1900; oadV'Oo3Jte, d'D.; a 
bass-noble; studied for profession in 
Can., at Royal CoIL MusIc, London, 
and at the Conserv. of Music, Paris, 
under Duvernoy, L'Heric, Fournets 
and Varney; made his début as lead- 
Ing basso at the Grand Opera Theatre 
MunJioipa;l (FroaI1lÇ-aIse ) , MioDJtpellder, 

France, I3JS a mem, 'Of :the MIonrtpellier 
Opera Co., Dec. 3, 1
05, and rema1ned 
wi!bh ,bhl3Jt oI'glal1JÏzaJtÏOIl> till 'the close of 
the season, eliciting the highest tri- 
butes to his ability and science; was 
leading basso in grand opera at the 
Theatre Municipal, AlgIers, Algeria, 
season 19U6-7; and held the same 
posiuon at the Royal Opera House 
(Française), at The Hague, Holland, 
Soe3JSon 1907-08; subsequently IÌ.IOUred 
Germany, and made his debut In grand 
opera a.t Covent Garden, London, with 
great success; in 1\:11U was ch()sen by 
Madame Melba for her big Eng. con- 
cert tour in 1\:111; unm.-Care Can. 
Commissioner's Of1ìce, B Rue de Rome, 
Pans, l<'rance. . 
.. P,osoo&Se6 III deLicious vo
ce." - La 
Soiree Theatrcùe. 
.. Jf.M! .a. V()úce ()iÍ grea.t richness and 
p<Jwer; .is a. &in'goer of I\i.he 
ghest <1ios.ti.nction."-Musical News. 
Burke, James T" Onto public service. 
Irish origin; formerly of Stratford, 
Ont., where- he was at one time em- 
ployed in the workshops of the G. T. 
RJy.; WØJS a l'eg,jsll8.,Uive represen,tJabive 
of the Intern. Brotherhoods, compris- 
ing the Locomotive Firemen, the Order 
of Ry. Telégraphers, and the Brother- 
hood of Ry. Trainmen; apptd. inspr. 
of factories, Ont., .June, 1\:101; elected 
presdt. Assn. Intern. Factory Insprs., 
1908.-16 Sussex Ave., Toronto. 
Burkholder, Miss Mabel Grace, author. 
Third of a family of 4 girls; great- 
grandf., .Jacob B., a German settler In 
Penn., came to Can., 1794, being 
offered 200 acres in Barton, Ont., free 
of charge; b. Mt. Hamilton, Ont., 
1881; e. Hamilton ColI. lnst.; recd. 
teacher's 1st class cert.; taught sch. 
for 2 yrs.; author short stories, 
articles and poems in all the leading 
Can. publications; also in some Am. 
mags.; Meth.-Hamilton, Onto 
Burkholder, Miss Nettie, educationist. 
Parents were descendants of U. E. 
L., who, after the War of Am. Inde- 
pendence, took up land at the top of 
the mountain, Hamilton, Ont., where 
they formed the Burkholder settle- 
ment; b. there; e. at Burkholder Sch., 
Hamilton CoIl. Inst., at Hamilton 
Ladies' CoIl. (where she graduated 
brilliantly under late Dr. Burns), and 
at Victoria Univ. (B.A., 1891) ; joined 
staff Onto Ladies' ColI, WhitbY, as 
teacher of science and Eng. literature, 
1891, and has remained connected with 
that institution ever since, being 
apptd. to the principalship, 1901; took 
a post-graduate course In Eng. lit. at 
Chicago Univ., 1895; although a busy 
woman finds time to keep up with 
current thought, and with pen and 
voice aids every good work.-ontario 
Ladies' College, 'Whitby, Onto 
.. A lady of broad culture and pleasing 
addrelSs."-Dr. J. G. Hodgins (q.v.). 
Burland, Lt,-Col, Jeffrey Hale, manu- 
S. late Geo. and Clarissa (Coch- 
rane) B., Mon.torerul; b. .there, Moh. 19, 
1861; e. Montreal Acad. and McGill 



U11!iv., .B.A.s.c. (wHh honours in nrut. 
science, 1882); was for 8 Y'rs. a re- 
preSIEmtativ.e fellow 'Of thiWl Ut1Jiv.; 
m., JUt1Je, 1896, Isaool !May, d. Hy. 
Megarry, Lurg1an, Irel.; f'or some 
time was assoed. wUh his .fa lIhør 
in business; since his death has been 
presdt. and genl. mangr. of the Brit. 
Am. Bank Note Co.; is also presdt. of 
the Consolidated Lithographing and 
Mofg. 00., prurden'tial Trust C'O., an'd 
Dam. Trust 00.; V.-,P. Montreal Oiti- 
zens' A-ssn.; chairmat1J -the IDast'E!<rn 
Can. Mianofr.s. M'l.l'tuaL Fire Ins. Go.; ddr. 
the Cent. Dan. l\1JanlfI
. :Mutuæl Fir'e 
Ins. C'O. ; oddr. of 'Ìhe à\1t. Roy.wl SpinTliing 
00.; e1oot'oo presdot. Mon'Ìrea,1 Bd. of 
Tll'aòe, 1911; iPalst chail'Inan of L\i'on't- 
\-eal EXltVle. Oomte. 'Of ,the Gan. lVlanrrs, 
Assn.; nOlted for his warm in.teres:t in 
and devotion to all manner of charit- 
able and philanthropic work; is a life 
gov. Montreal Genl. Hosp., Proto Hosp. 
for the Insane, Western Hosp., Co. 
Carleton Poot. Hosp. ; 1st V.-P. 
PI'O,L Hou.s'e 'Of Indus. .arud Refuge; 
tred.s. Alexandra Hasp. !for Infectious 
Diseas'es; mem. 'Of the Adv,isory Oomte. 
of the ,Morutreal F,ounod:liTlig Hoop., Proto 
Indus. Rooms, Yaung "\VO'Irltell'S 
Assn., Proto Inf'arutJs' Home, -the Mont- 
real Oharity Org1aniz.atJion and 'l'ulYer- 
cuI. League; apptJd. a memo of the 
Royl3.!l Tuberc-ul. Oomn., 1909, and was 
el-oc,teod sam'e year V.-P. of the 'M-on.tJ'ea.1 
Tubercul. Assn.; founded the Royal 
Edward Tubercul. lnst., Montreal, at 
a cost of $50,000, which was opened 
by the l'atJe King, by Royal .t'Üuch, Oct., 
1909 ; V.-P. the Montreal Tech. Inst. ; a 
fellow of the Chemical Soc. and Soc. 
of Chemical Industry, London, Eng.. of 
the Royal Geog. Soc. and Br:i'Ì. Assn. 
for Advanc. of Science; is a memo of 
the Decimal Assn., London, Eng.; has 
published a chart of the metric system, 
and is much interested in the move- 
ment for the adoption of the metric 
system of weights and measures in 
Gan.; a del. to the C'Ongress of Cham- 
bers of Commereoe 'Of .tohe Empire, 
Sydney, N.S.W., 1909; rated by the 
Mionltr,ea,l Stm. alE a mlilUona.ire, 1911; 
hlolds a 1st -clas.s R.S.I. cart. and 
succeeded to the command of the 6 th 
Fusiliers, Montreal, Dec. 16, 1892; 
was awarded the Col. Offrs.' decora- 
tion for 20 yrs.' service, 1902; held 
the presidency of the Montreal Amal- 
gamated Rifle Assn., 1895, of the 
Montreal Mil. Inst., 1897, and is a 
memo of the Small Arms Comte. of the 
Dom. of Can.; is chairman 'Of Council 
of the Dom. Rifle Assn., and a memo 
of the Council of the Province of 
Quebec Rifle Assn.; was gazetted. !'1 on . 
It.-coL 1st Prince of Wales Fuslh
of which His late Majesty King 
Edward VII. was hon. coL, 1905; gave 
$10000 towards erecting a new armory 
for' his regt., 1909; was one of the 
originators of the movem
nt for se!lù- 
ing a Can. balltn. 1:10 Eng. I1n conneotl
with the celebration of the Queen s 
Diamond Jubilee, 1897, and was one 
of the offrs. selected by the Govt. to 
proceed to Eng. on that occasion; was 
commandant of Can. rifle team at 
Bisley when it won the Mackinnon 

ChaÞlenlg1e Cup, 190.2; 'þI'esenJted to .1:Jhe 
Prince and Princess of Wales (the 
present King and Queen), St. James's 
Palace, July 10, 1902; present by 
invitation at the Coronation of their 
Maj.esties (King Ed'W.a:oo -and Queen 
kl'exlarudra) wt Westmiruster A'bbey, 
Aug. 9, 1902; wH-endJe.d K!i.nJg Edward'iS 
funlC.ral, Lon'IÌ'OTh, IDrug., May, 1910: 
pre..soe.rut, by dnV'ita'tion, at unveUing of 
Q.ueen Victoria Memol'ial, Lollldon, May, 
1911; pre-sent .at 'l'he ooronrat,ion IOf 
King GelOrge and Queen 'M'clJry, June, 
1 !J 11; a PI'!ot, -and sotanJd-s high -in .VhlC 
:Mia;sondcbrotbenho()l()d.-3f2 Sherb1'ooke 
St. W., Montreal; (country residence) 
,<," Little Metis, P.Q.; Clubs: 
lilt. Royal, St. James, Untversity, Mont- 
,.eal Hunt, Royal Mont1'eal Golf, Rac- 
quet, Royal St. Lawrence Yacht./. Mont- 
1'eal; Rideau, Ottawa Golf, uttawa; 
'J'm'onto, Y01'k, 'J'oronto; Royal Socie- 
ties Club, London, Eng.; Quebec Ga1'- 
1'ison Club. 
Burley, Charles Samuel Birch, busi- 
ness man. 
S. Chas. B.; b. Buffalo, N.Y., 1865; 
e. Coli. Inst., Collingwood, Ont.; m., 
1889, Miss Lillian Ella Giles, Portage 
la Prairie, Man.; engd. in mercantile 
life; served on Sch., Parks, and Hosp. 
Bds.; a dir. Brandon CoIl.; connected 
with local musical assns. for 24 yrs.; 
choir leader for over 20 yrs.; presdt. 
Porbage JJa P,r3Jll'ie Publicity Club, 1908 ; 
d'o. Can. Club '<10.. 1907-8; V.-P. Lost 
Mountain Valley Land Co., Winnipeg, 
1906-8; a Bapt.-Duf{erin Ave., Port- 
age la Prairie, Man. 
Burn, George, banker. . 
S. Rev. David B.; b. Thurso, Scot., 
ApI. 10, 1847; e. Scot.; 'Obtained first 
experience In his profession in Royal 
Bank of Scotland; coming to Can., 
joined staff Royal Can. Bank, Toronto, 
Aug., 1866, and, later, was accountant 
Exchange Bank, Montreal; apptò. genl. 
mangr. Bank of Ottawa, where he has 
remained, Jan., 1880; m., June, 1872, 
Kate Fraser, d. late Matthew Drum- 
mond Toronto; a memo Central Comte. 
Can. 'Patriotic Fund; a dir. local 
branch Toor.on'tJo GerllI. Trusts Oorpn.; 
V.-P. Can. Bankers' Assn., do. Ottawa 
Clearing House, do: Ottawa brancR 
American Surety Co., N. Y., do. St. 
Andrew's Soc., Ottawa, and presdt. 
Dist. Bankers' Assn., Ottawa; one of 
the promoters Keewatin Flour Mills 
Co.. and for some yrs. V.-P. of same; 
a Royal Commissioner t'O investigate 
. certain methods existing in Can. Civil in connteOUoIl1 W1Ï'l'h the Martin- 
eau .frauds; a man> of musical arud 
dramaoUc tastoes; has been ,presdit. Ot- 
loa wa Schubert Ol-ub, and 13. memo of the 
IDai'll Grey Theatr'ica,Þ Compe1.H'ion 
C'Ümte. . has ,been 'PromineI1Jt'I'y .Identified 
wi,th v
ri().us pMLanothoropic iI1Jsti l tutlons, 
including :bh'e Lady Stanley Inst.., thoe 
Perley House for Incurables, the Cen- 
tral Council of the St. John Ambulance 
Assn., tihe Viotorian Ord'er of Nurses, 
aThd 'tohe Oan. Ass'lb. for 'the Pre- 
vention of Tubercul.-f55 Metcalfe St., 
Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf 
Club; Ottawa Country Club, do, 
"A man ()f the utmost W10rlh and the prob.ity."-The late George HaJJ. 



Burnett, Bev, Christopher (Bapt.). 
B. Co. Ken t, Eng.; e. Harley ColI., 
London; has held charges in New 
York, St. .John, N.B., Winnipeg, and 
Victoria, B.C.; s'ince Aug., 1910, has 
been pastor, Parliament St. Bapt. Ch., 
Burnett, George Jennings, organist 
and composer. 
B. Eng.; long resident in B. C.; suc- 
cessively organist St. Andrew's Ch. 
and St. .John's Ch., Victoria; author 
of several pieces of ch. music published 
In Eng., which have been well received 
by the musica.l press, particularly a 
setting to .. Abide with Me " and 
II Nearer. my God, to Thee" ; won prize 
of Organist and Choirmaster, Bng., 
1907, for best musical setting to the 
words. .. The Voice that Breathed o'er 
Eden."-Victoria. B.C. 
Burnett, Philip, physIcIan. 
B. Montreal, 1878; e. Clifton ColI., 
Eng., and McGill Univ. (M.D., 1900) ; 
unm. ; M.R.C.S. ; L.R.C.P. ; spent 
several yrs in further study In Ger- 
many, A'lIlstri.a and Eng.; sUC'C'etssfuMy 
pracotis-es bis þrof. .in Mo.ntreal.-756 
Shm'b7'ooke St., .1Iontreal; Montreal 
Hunt Club,. University Club, do. 
Burnham., George Herbert, physician. 
E. s. late Dr. Geo. B., Peterboro._ 
ant., and Adeline H.. d. late .John 

'palding, Grafton, ant.; both U. E. L. 
doesceß!t; b. PetJerboro, -1852; e. Trin 
Univ. ()'I.B.. 1875) and: Toronto Un-iv. 
M.D., ad eun., 1889); m. FNilllces 
Sa,rah, d. 18Jtoe Hon. Sidnoey Smith, Q.C., 
Cobourg, Oßlt.; studdetd for prof. <in To- 
1"00100. Londo.n, Utr'e<."ht. Vienma, Berlin 
and Panis ; was hous'e surg. RoyaJ 
Moorfields Eye Hosp. 4 yrs.; M.R.C.S. 
(Lond.), 1876; F.R.C.S. (Edin.), 1882; 
is prof. ophthal. Toronto. Univ., and 
surg. Toronto Genl. and other Hosps. ; 
author .. The Combined Treatment In 
Diseases of the Eye" (Lond., 1907), 
pronounced a work of .. thoroughness 
and originality," and of various papers 
in Brit. Ophthalmologist; a Con.; an 
Ang. .and a del. 1;0 the SYll'od:.-140 
Bedford Rd., Toronto; Toronto Club, 
Burnham, John Hampden, lawyer; 
Y. s. late Dr. Geo. B., Peterboro', 
ant., and Adeline H., d. late .John 
Spalding, Grafton. ant.; U. E. L. de- 
scent on both sides.; b. Peterboro', 
Oct. 14, 1860; e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1883; M.A., 1886); barrister, 1886: 
practises his profession at Peterboro'; 
besides a series of papers in 'l'he 
Week, 1895, on .. The Socialism of 
To-day," has pUbUshed 3 vols.: .. Cana- 
dians in the Imperial Service" (To- 
ronto, 1891). .. .Jack Ralston, or the 
Outbreak of the Nauscopees" (Edin- 
burgh, 1900), and .. Marcelle: An 
Historical N ow'l " (Toron to, 190;)); 
sometime ed. Peterboro' Review; a 
Con.; unsuccessfully contested W. 
Peterboro' (H. C.), in that Interest. 
g. e. 1908; took sides with the Boers 
during .the Irate war; an Ang.-Pete1" 
boro, Onto 

Burns, Major George Eedson, Can, 
mil. service. 
U. E. L. descent; b. St. Thomas, 
ant., Oct. 6, 1863; e. ColI. Inst., St. 
Thomas; j!{}inoo C. P. Ry.. 1889; occu- 
pied various positions; now claims' 
agent; a .J.P., Montreal; entd. mil. 
service, 1880; apptd. D.I.O., Dist. 6, 
Corps of Guides, Feb., 1907; a Prot.; 
a Con,--5BO Dorchester St. "lV., Mont- 
real; Can. lHil. Inst.
 Montreal and 7'0- 
Burns, Kenneth J" Can. ry. service. 
S. Wm. B., principal Normal Sch., 
Vancouver, B.C.; is genl. agent Gt. 
Northern Ry. at Vancouver; an Ang.; 
m., Feb., 1907, Gwendolyn, e. d. .J. G. 
Crawford.-Va1tcouver, B.C. 
Burns, Patrick, merchant and rancher. 
S. Michael and Bridget (Gibson) 
B.; both Irish; b. nr. Kirkfield, ant., 
.July 113, 1857; e. .there; m., '1901, Milss 
Eileen Elles, New \Vestminster. H.C.; 
went West, 1879, first to Man. and 
then to the Territories, and has since 
been extensively engaged as a rancher, 
with headquarters, since 1890, at Cal- 
gary; Owns in all 12 ranches; is also 
engaged in the retail meat business, 
with shops at 27 different cities, towns 
and settlements situated in the Terri- 
tories, B. C. and the Yukon; a dir. 
Monarch Life Assur. Co., and provl. 
V.-P. Gan. Manfrs. Assn., V.-P. B. C. 
Bd. Can. PaC'Ífic Exploffi'ti<>n 00.; 
rated as a millionaire; a R. C.; a 
Lib. ; has declined nomination to a seat 
in ParJ1.. on more ,than one QlC!Casioll-; 
now spQken of in connection with the 
Senate.-Calgary, Alta.; Ranchman'a 
Club, do. 
.. The Armour, and sometimes called the 
Cattle King of the British North-West."- 
N. Y. Herald. 
Burns, Bobert, champion dancer. 
B. London, ant., 1875; in early 
youth acquired the art of dancing, and 
before reaching the age of 12, had won 
no less than 19 medals, as such, and 
become champion of the world; the 
competition for the championship took 
place at Glasgow, Scot., 11 others en- 
tering with him for the prize; danced 
before the late Queen Victoria and the 
Royal Family, at Osborne, Aug. 11, 
1886, and in commemoration of this 
honour was requested by Her Majesty 
to sit for his portrait, for her private 
collection; removed to Los Angeles, 
with his mother, in the latter eighties. 
-LOB Angeles, Cal. - 
Burns, Bev, Robert Newton (Meth.). 
S. Rev. "\Vm. B.; b. Sherbrooke, 
ant.; e. Victoria Univ. (B.A., 1879; 
D.D., 1906); m., Nov., 1879, Mary .T., 
e. d. late .Jas. Crossen, Cobourg, ant.; 
o. 1879, and has filled many important 
pastorates; was for 3 terms in To- 
ronto, and was secy. and presdt. of 
Conf. there; has taken a great In- 
terest in social questions and all moral 
reforms, and was the first to organize 
the Epworth League in Can.; has been 
a frequent contributor to mag. litera- 
ture ; published a book on the .. Second 
Coming of Christ..; fond of all manly 
sports, especially golf and curIin



has been successively V.-P. and presdt. 
Onto Curling Assn; Is a senator VIc- 
toria Univ.; pOlitically Ind., with Con. 
preferences.-Brampton, Onto 
I. A worthy man.' '-T. World. 
Burns, Stephen Wellesley, lawyer. 
:::ì. late David B., 'l'oronto; b. there, 
July 1, 1866 e. U. C. ColI. and 
ronto Univ.; m., Aug., 1899, Adelaide, 
d. late Wm. Barry, Toronto; barrister, 
; has practised throughout in To- 
ronto; for many yrs. a memo Toronto 
Sch. Bd., and subsequently chairman 
of that body; an ald., Toronto; for- 
merly V.-P. Con. Assn., Toronto.-9
St. Patrick St., Toronto; Albany Club, 
Burns, Thomas, horse jockey. 
S. John and Mary B., Chatham, 
Ont.; b. Can.; first came into promi- 
nence as a rider for Scharr, a Mem- 
phis brewer; later, was jockey for late 
W. C. Whitney; rose to be head of 
his calling; went to J!:urope, and In 
07 was engd. to ride the horses of 
't!hoe Emperor of Germany.-Chatham, 
Burns, Tommy (baptized Noah Brus- 
so), pugilist. 
French-Can. and Gerznan parentage; 
b. nr. Hanover, Ont., June 17. 1881; 
adopted name of Tommy Burns; a 
pain ter and finisher by trade; m.; 
began his athletic -career as a lacrosse 
player in Galt and Preston, Ont., but 
did not attain to any great height 
therein; drifted to Windsor and De- 
troit, where he took up his ring career, 
tig1hting numerous batt'les of more or 
less merit; 'began his real pugilistic 
work in 1900, and though his work in 
the ring was not meteoric, climbed 
steadåJy and by degrees; o.n th'e retir.e- 
ment of Jas. J' JeffrIes from the 
ring, he handed his title of heavy- 
weight champion of the world over to 
Marvin Hart. whom Burns defeated 
at Los Angeles in 1906, thereby win- 
ning the title; was defeated by "Jack" 
Joihnson, Sydney, N.S.W., Dec., 1908; 
ann.ounced his retirement from the 
ring, Dec., 1910; now owns the .largest 
clothing store in Calgary, Alta., and 
also holds real estate there; published 
Q. book: .. .scientific Boxing" (1908>., 
--Calgary, .Alta.; Preston, Onto 
Burns. William Arthur, Dom. public 
S. of late John B., Dept. of Inland 
Revenue, Ottawa, and Eliza Jane 
(Magee) B.; b. Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 18, 
1869; e. Ottawa ColI. Inst.; unm.; for 
16 yrs. a com. traveller; apptd. secy. 
Exhn. branch, Dept. of Agrlcul., Ot- 
tawa, 1900; has occupied official posi- 
tions In connection with the Can. 
Govt.'s exhibit at the Pan-Am. Expn.; 
Intern. Expn., Osaka, Japan (decorated 
by Emp. of Japan with 4th class Order 
of Rising Sun., and hon. rank of It.-col. 
in Imp. Japanese Army); St. 
World's FaIr (diploma and medal); 
W-eSltern Penon.. Expn.; New Zealand 
lrutern. Expn.; Duhl.ln Fair, anI(! the 
Franco-Brit. Expn., London, Eng.; a 
Prot.-l"4 Stewart St., Ottawa, 

Burpee, Charles William, Can. ry. ser- 
B. Co. York, N.B., 1861; entd. ser- 
vice N. B. Ry., 1877, filling varIous 
positions; when road was absorbed by 
tJhoe C. P. Ry. ; jointed bh'e latter system, 
and since May, 1903, has been supdt. ot 
the Atlantic div.-Brownville, Me. 
Burpee, Lawrence Johnstone, author 
and librarian. 
U. E. L. descent; b. Hallfax, N.S., 
Mch. 5, 1873; e. partly at home and 
at public and private schs.; m., 18

Maud, d. Rev. Canon Hannington (q.v.), 
Otltawa; euM. Can. C. S., 1890; pdvat-e 
secy. late Hon. Arthur Dickey, in 
Bowell and Tupper Admns.; also to 
Sir O. Mowat and Hon. D. Mills, In 
Laurier Admn.; appoInted librarian, 
Carnegie Public Library, Ottawa, 19U5; 
joint author, with Dr. H. J. Morgan, 
of .. Can. Life in Town and Country" 
(London, 1905); author, II Charles 
Heavysege" (1902), II A Bibliograpny 
of Can. Fiction" (1904), II Search for 
the Western Sea" (1907), II Flowers 
from a Can. Garden" (1910); II Frag- 
ments from Sam SUck" (do.), II Wit 
and Wisdom of Haliburton" (do.), 
II By Can. Streams" (do.), "A Little 
Book of Can. Essays" (do. ), II Songs 
of :F'l'ench 'Oanada" (dlo.), "A Oen1ury 
of Canadian Sonnebs" (1911), II Cana.- 
d'ia.n EloqueDioo" (dIO.), II An Inldex anð 
Di'Ctionary lO,f Oan.ædia.I1J Histo.ry " 
(" Makers of ,Oa:n." ser.i'es; with A. G. 
Doughty, q.V., 191-1), etc.; has con- 
tri.brlJlood papers and al'uioLes, chiefly 
on Can. subjects, to .. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
of Can.," and to leading Eng. and Am. 
reviews' also several articles to 11 th 
ed. II E
cy. Britannica" and, to the 
II Ency. Amer."; ed. Hendry s JOU1"- 
nal for the Royal Soc. of Can., and 
Laroque's lournal for t
e Dom. Ar- 
chives; rouIl'C'ÍJliltOr Onlt. lJibr3Jry Assn., 
1907; pr.e.sdt., do., 1911; eltecobed a 
c:ounoiJ.!lor Am. Libl'ary Assn., 1911; 
V.-P. dlo., 1910; F.R.G.S.,1909 ; F.R.S.C., 
1911; secy. Aberoeen, dio.; an 
Ang., aJ1ld a del. ,1:10 ProvL Syrrod.-22 
Rideau Terrace, Ottawa. 
II An able writer."-Geo. Murray. 
II Painstaking .and jndustrious."-Dr. 
John Reade (q.v.). 
Burpee, Moses, railway engineer. 
S. late Geo. and Phoebe B.; b. 
field, N.B., Feb. 25, 1847; e. Sheffield 
Acad.' m. Miss Caroline Alexander 
(now 'presdt. Maine Fed. of Women's 
Clubs) ; entd. Can. ry. service as rod- 
man European & N. A. Ry. (now At- 
Jan'tic div., C. P. Ry.), and was aft-e.r- 
wards engaged on location P. E. Ry. 
and N. B. Ry,; entd. service Chicago, 
Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. as drafts- 
man, becoming subsequl;'ntly asst. en gr. 
and engr. In charge of surveys,. 1879; 
in .senke C. p, Ry. >on 'CIOnlstruotlO'll' W. 
div., 1883; engr. in charge surveys 
Central and N. B. Ry. and Short Line 
Ry., Maine, 1884; chief en gr. main- 
tenance of way, N. B. Ry., 1885; do. 
Bangor & Al'oostook Ry., in chlarge 
surveys and construction, his present 
position, 1891; memo Am. Soc. C. E., 
1884; d.o. Can. S
. C. E., 1890; a Can. 
cHlzen; Lib., and a Oong.-Houlton, Me. 



Burpee, Tyler Coburn, railway en- 
Bro. .of .Mos'es B. (q.v.) ; b. Sheffi-eld, 
N.B., Dec. 11, 1852; e. Sheffield Acad. ; 
m. Ann'i'e, wi.dlow R. M-cFee (nêe Bur- 
pee) ; CiV1il en,gr. am], asst. en gr. N. B. 
and C. P. RYis., 1886-91; .ass't. engr. B. 
& A. R. R., .Maine, 1891-95; .asst. engr. 
canal construction, Cardinal, Ont., 
1897; principal asst. engr. Intercol. 
Ry., 1897-99; engr. maintenance of 
way and works, Interco1. Ry., 1819. 
which :Dosition he retains; a Cong.- 
Moncton, N.B, 
Burrell, Hon, Martin, fruit grower; 
Eng. parentage; b. Faringdon, 
Berks., Eng., Oct. 15, 1858; e. St. 
John's ColI., Hurstpierpoint; m., 1886, 
2nd d. late .Joseph Armstrong, formerly 
genl. supdt. Gt, Western Ry., Eng.; 
engd. in horticulture, Niagara Penin- 
sula, 1886-1900, during which time 
lectured for Farmers' Insts. and Onto 
Fruit. Growers' Assn. ; since 190U 
has been engd. in fruit growing In B, 
C.; mayor, Grand Forks, 1903; fruit 
commr. and lecturer for B. C. Govt. In 
Eng., 1907-8; memo Bd. Horticulture, 
B. C.; unsuccessfully contested Yale- 
Cariboo (H. C.), Con. interest, g. e. 
1904; returned g. e. 1908 (majority 
893); has lectured before the Can. 
Club on .. British Columbia, its char- 
a.cter and problems," 1910; was úp- 
pOiSed toO the TaH-FlieldiÏng ,l"eciproci.ty 
oompact; 'On ,the ruefewt of the LaurieI' 
Admn. .at .the .poll!s, g. e. 1911, was 
sworn of the P. C. .and aocøpot-ed offioe 
in fue Boroel1J CaJbinet, as MinI'. of 
Agriculture, Oct. 11, 1911; Aug.-Ot- 
tawa; G?'and Forks, B.C. 
,. One of the important men of the 
House; a finished debater possessing the 
Parliamentary manner in its stricter 
!ense.' '-1'. N eWB. 
Burritt, Augustus Perine, stock 
S. late H. O. B., woollen manfr., 
Ottawa; b. Ottawa, Jan., 1867; e. 
Ottawa ColI. Inst., and late. Dr. 
Tassie's Sch., Galt, Onto ; m., 1899, Jean, 
d. late Dr. Andrew Smith, Toronto; 
head of firm of A. P. B. & Co., stocK 
brokers, founded by him, 1892; for 
many yrs. a memo Toronto Stock Ex- 
change, and has been treas., V.-P., and 
presdt. of that body; an active memo 
Toronto rowing and yachting clubs; 
Ang.-28 111 aple Ave., Toronto; 1'oronto 
.. One of the best known and most 1iked 
men on the street."-M. and E. 
Burritt, James Henry, lawyer. 
S. Dr. B., Peterboro', Ont., and 
grands. Co!. Dan!. B.. a U. E. L., after 
whom Burritt's Rapids, Ont., is named; 
b. Smith's Falls, Ont., 1848; e. there 
and Toronto; m. d. Andrew Irving, 
Co. regr., Renfrew, Ont., and grandd. 
Lt.-Co1. Peter White; barrister, 1872; 
K.C. (Ont.), 1902; reeve Pembroke, 
1888; memo Bd. of Education for a 
lengthened period; chairman of do. for 
5 yrs.; past presdt., Trustees Dept., in 
Onto Ed. Assn., and a dir. thereof; 
co. solicitor for past 16 yrs.; grand 

master Grand Lodge of Freemasons, 
Dan., 1905-07; IM1i Aug. ; a Con.; 
favours Imp. federation.-PerAbroke, 
Burrows, :Rev. A, Edwin (Evang.) 
S. Robt. and Charlotte (Micklebor- 
ough) B.; b. Holstein. Ont., Se:Dt. I, 
1861; e. there; a :DubUc sch. teacher; 
moved t'o Dakota, 1884; erutd. Meobh. 
Conf. there; studied Biblical Inst., 
Evanston, Ill. (Ph.D., 1897) ; laboured 
in Chicago for 5 yrs, and subsequently 
at Seattle and Youngstown, 0.; D.D. 
(Sci:o 00111.), 1906; ruGW a COlli!. 
Evang.; m., 1886, 2nd d. Wm. Mc- 
Craney, ex-M.P., Oakville, Ont.-310 
West Rayen Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. 
Burrows, Acton, publisher. 
E. S. late Alfred J. B., F.S.A., F.L.S., 
F.R.G.B., Bosbury, Eng.;. b. there, 
Sept. 18, 1853; e. Saham Coli., Nor- 
:fiolk; m., list, 1883, IMiss Agnlßs Hel
Bla'ir Savigny (d.) ; 2nd,ly, 1886, EmIly 
Enje:1lbert ('Ii. Aug., 1907), d. Rev. T. 
P. Hod,g.e and wiòow Bar- 
wick; came tJo Can., 1873; oed., succes- 
sively, Elora Standard, 1874, and 
Guelph Herald, 1874-78; joined ed. 
staff Winnipeg daily papers, 1879-82.; 
presdt. and ed.-In-chief Winnip
to ban, 1885-87; do. do. Mormng Call, 
1887-89; presdt. and ed. do., Nor-West 
Fanner, 1889-95; pub. and ed: do. 
Western World, 1890-98; estd. RaÛway 
and Shipping World, Toronto, 1898 
(which he continues to publish and 
edit) ; is secy.-treas. Can. Elect. Assn., 
and sooy. of .the Oan. St. Ry. .AJssn.
of the founders Winnipeg Indus. Expn. 
and Winnipeg Geni. Hosp.; authur 
II Annals Town of Guelph, 1827-77" 
(Guelph, 1877); an Ang:, and a 
Oon.; f.a,vours permit. Bnt. cOn'Il'ootlon. 
-120 Bed/m.d Rd., 1'o1"Onto; Albany 
Burrows, Alfred Grenville, assay 1st. 
Apptd. prov1. assayer, at Belleville, 
Ont., Oct., 1902; e. Queen's Unlv. 
(M.A., 1900; B.A.8c. and Unlv. med. 
In geol. and mineral., 1902) ; served at! 
demon. In mineral., same Institution; 
m., Nov., 1903, Ethel May, e. d. D.. F. 
Armstrong, Kingston, Ont.-BellevÛlt;, 
Burrows, Frederick ]!t., physician. 
B. :IDIoM Ont., Nov., 1856; ,e. O()ll- 
Ungwood ,èolil. Iinst.; lP'llII"Sued med. 
stud!ies McGill Uruiv. (M.D., 1885) ,and 
'has since obtained li.censes from QUJe- 
'bee, Ont., N. IS., N. Y., lMi
n., I'OW'a, 
a'Ilid: N. iDaWt<a; now in practIce in d'ait.. 
.ter SitJat
 wlheore .he has ,boon eIlected 
V.-P.. 'StaJtel:Med. Soc. and presld't. 
State Bd. Meod. ,Exarrurs.; .l,s als<> tSU- 
pneme represellitaUV'e I. O. F. 101' N. 
Dakota; m., 1884, M,i,sa 
rances E. 
Ot1er; a -Reop.
Bathgate, N.D. 
Burrows, Theodore Arthur, legislator; 
S. Henry J. B., Ottawa, and grands. 
John B., R. E. staff, who came from 
Eng., 1809, and was the first settler 
on site of the present city of Ottawa; b. 
Ottawa, Aug. 15, 1857; e. pUblic and 
high schs., th-ere, .and 31t Man. Coli.; 
m., 1889, Georgina K., y. d. late D. A. 
Creaß'Ü'r, K.C., O
n Sound, Out.; a 



lumber manfr., with mills at Dauphin 
and Edson, and extensive lumber 
druber{)sta elsewhere .in the West; 
a Lib., and sat in that interest for 
Dauphin (LOIOal) , 1892-1903; re1urI1led 
for same constituency (H. C.) g. e. 
1904; dief.ealbed: g. e. 1908; a d-ir. "\V'in- 
nipeg Genl. Trusts Co., and Annuity 
Co. of Can.; a promoter Big River 
Lumber Co., 1903, and of Lethbridge 
Collieries Co., 1906.-Winnipeg, Man.; 
Manitoba Club. 
Burrowes, Edward Thomas, man ufac- 
S. AmbrÜ'se 'and Jane (H.wIJ,); b. 
Sherbrooke, P.Q., July 
5, 1H52; t::. Me. 
Wesleyan Semy. and Weslt::yan UrlIv., 
m., Om., 1880, :Miss Fran'ces E. N'ÜT- 
OI'1OlSS, B()o
tJlaJ1Jd, Me.; p
eSldt. E. T. Bur- 
rowes 00., PortJlam} (i1arg>e'st wire 
scre,en fuotOory dn wQ:rld) ; do. OurtJaJin 
Supply 00., Chi'OrugQ (manf,l'S. IOf ry. 
oar. curtains, W!hdoh 'he inveI1lt'eid) ; hla.s 
baken lOut manlY pateJlJts 1JOor in/V,erutJio'Il's; 
a 'ÍII"ustee Boston Uruiv.-Portland, Me. 
Burrowes, Mlss Katharine, education- 
ist and composer. 
D. late Edwin Annesley B., barris- 
ter, and Florinda Anne, d. late COol. 
Hon. Thos. Radcliff, M.L.C., a Penin- 
sular offcr., who commanded on thp. 
W. frontier of Oni:. during- early por- 
tion of the Rebellion, 1837-8; grandd. 
Bp. Stock, Waterford, Ire!.; b. King- 
ston, Ont.; e. private teachers, at home 
and abroad; resided in Eng., Irel. and 
France during. 18th and 20th Ýears, 
and then acqUIred a reputation as a 
musician; made music a profession, on 
removal to Detroit, where she studied 
under Prof. J. C. Batchelder: subse- 
quently studif'd in Germany, where she 
was a pupil of Karl Klindworth, foun- 
der, with Zaver Scharwenka, of 
Klindworth-Scharwenka Consy. of Mu- 
sic; also at Stuttgart; for several yrs. 
a memo faculty Detroit Consv. of Music, 
which she left to organize the Bur- 
rowes Piano Sch. (1895-03); had pre- 
viously become progressively Interest- 
ed in teaching of music to children, 
and, In 1895, formulated Burrowes' 
course of music study, a method for 
teaching music to beginners by means 
of songs, stories, games, blackboard 
work, chart work, competitive drills, 
mech. devices, as well as pianoforte 
music; this method, which is protected 
by 3 patents and 27 copyrights, met 
with Immediate success, and is now 
largely used in U. S., Can., and 
EUl1ope; !Í't hias ,Þæn ÕJeffilorustrwt.eò be- 
fore the Mich. Music Teachers' Assn. 
and the Nat. Music Teachers' A!'sn., 
U. S., and she has read a paper before 
llaut'8T .Þoody on co .Mod. iM.ßitohods orf 
Music Teaching"; her first success h'lS 
been followed by producing several 
other .aids for the teaching of primary 
music; Is likewise a composer of manv 
pi,ecoes of music for child1'eu; besides 
devoting much time to other forms of 
pedagogic literature, is the author of 
the folijlO'wing pU!bldca'Monls: co Tihe Bur- 
rowes Course of Music Study, Kinder- 
garten and Primary" (18
5), co Man- 
ual for Teachers" (1901) , .. Kinder- 
garten Class Songs" (1901) .. Modern 
Music Methods" (1902)," The Note 

Gatherers It (1903), .. Short Pieces for 
Small Hands" (1904), .. Forty Read- 
Ing Studies It (1904); .. Playtime 
Pieces" (1904), co Musical Puzzle Stor- 
les" (1905) , co The Doves and the 
Squirrels" (1905), .. Th{) Girls and the 
Doves" (1905), co The Five Squirrels" 
(1905); .. Some IO'f !the Knowlooge 
Which a Musio Tel3.chea- Should fussesIS" 
(1906). .. New Manll1al fOil" Teachers" 
( 19,10), co Talle.s IOf It'he Grßi8!t Com- 
posers" (1910) .-10
7 St. Antoine St., 
Detroit, Mich. 
.. By striking out into new paths, Kath- 
arine Burrowes hr.s shown the courage of 
the innovator; her inventions are real in- 
ventions, her method is a contribution to 
pedagogy as well as to music."-Tech. 
World Mag. (Chicago.) 
BurstaU, Lt,-Col, Henry Edward, Can. 
permit. m!il. !forces. 
S. late John B., merchant, Quebec, 
and Fanny Bell (Forsyth) B.; b. Que- 
bec, Aug. 26, 1870; e. Bishop's ColI. 
Sch., Lennoxville; m., Api." 1907, 
Frances, d. Dr. Mackenzie, Bombay, In- 
dia, and grandd. late Hon. John Hamil- 
ton, Senator, Kingston, Ont.; recd. 
comn. R. C. A., ApI., 1892; served with 
force In Klondyke, from May, 1898 to 
June 1899. served with 1st contin- 
gent: S. Å., and commanded .. B .. 
(London) Co. from Nov., 1899 to May, 
1900; commanded .. A" (Western) 
Co. from June to Dec., 1900, an,d was 
with S. A. Constab. from Mch., 01 to 
June, '04; war services includ
: Ope!"a- 
tions In Orange Free State, mcludmg 
operations at Paardeberg, actions at 
Poplar Grove, Drlefontein, Hout Nek, 
and Zand River; operations in Trans- 
vaal, including act.lons nr. J<?hanne
burg and Pretoria; operatIOns m 
Orange River Colony and East and 
West Transvaal (mentioned In de- 
spatches by Lord Roberts and Lord 
Kitchener; medal, with 4 clasps; 
King's medal, with 2 clasps; bt. of 
major) ; passed staff colI., Camberley, 
Eng., 1907; apptd. to command Royal 
Own. Hiol1se Arty., 1907; 00. do., Royal 
Dan. .AJrty., 1911; :lruspr. IOf .Horse and 
Fie/lid ATty., 1910-11; s1nlOO Ithen ba's 
been lnsp.r. of Horse, FUeld 
md Heavy 
kr:tJy.; iWPptò. DO oommarud RI()yal SCh. 
of Al1ty., Quebec, Hill; pl'Om
ted .llt.- 
col., 19 0 8.-Quebec ; Que,bec Garr
Club; Frontenac Club, K
ng8ton, Onto 
Burt WiUiam, physician. 
S. iate Robt. and Abigail (Cornwall) 
B . father Scotch; b. Tp. Brantford, 
t.; e. local schs.; M.B. (Toronto 
Unlv.), 1870; memo CoIL P. and S., 
Ont., 1870; memo Bd. EX'amTS., dlO., 
1889-92 ; p-resdt. Onto Me<d. Assn., 1904 ; 
senator Toronto Univ., 1906; a Presb. 
-Paris, Onto 
Burton, Eli Franklin, educationist. 
S. Geo. B., Toronto; b. Green River, 
Ont., Feb. 14, 1879; e. Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1891); fe-Bow in m8!th. (.do.); 
1851; sclenoo scl10L (do.), 1904; re- 
search exhibit, Emmanuel ColI., Camb., 
Eng., do. (B.A., Cantab.); m., Aug., 
1906 Fannie May (B.A., Tor., 1901), 
d. låte Rev. J. W. Wicher; Is demon., 
dept. Qf physics, Toronto Unlv.; a 



. memo Chi Delta Psi Frat. and of Fa- 
culty Union, do.-129 Howland Ave., 
Burton, Phineas Eophn1, manufac- 
Eng. parentage; b. London, Eng., 
Nov. 10., 1839; e. there; came to Can. 
1850.; m. Henrietta Pitt (d. .Tune, 
1910.), d. late Stapleton Caldecott, 
Manchester, Eng.; commenced busi- 
ness at Brockville, Ont., 1852; after 
6 yrs., removed to Montreal, where 
he remained for 8 yrs. 4 of which 
were In the wholesale trade; subse- 
quently removed to Toronto, where he 
entd. into partnership with his father- 
in-law, the name of the firm being 
Caldecott, Burton & Co., wholesale dry 
goods; now presdt. Merchants' Dyeing 
& Fintishling 00., :a d'Ïr. NiOl't'hoeorn Crown 
Bamk, a councilÜlor Oan. Manfrs. :Ass.n., 
and 'P,ræ.dlt. Oerut'ffi1 Can. Manrrs.' 
Mutuall Ins. 00.; a del. 6 th Oongress 
Ohi3JJJlooors úf OoIIliJIl.erce ()If :Ð, 
LonòJon, 190.6, oon: whoÏiCfu l()oCoasÏ-on was 
pJ'le8erubeid rbo Kling Edward 13..t W'irudlsor 
Oastle, wi to !the othoer ,doe-lIS.; former:l.y 
a CIOn-g., n;0iW a Pflelsb. ; tptOIliit'ÌJoruLly ind. ; 
ils a pro1!ooIJLorui,Sit; a fai'r trader; an 
ImperiaJf1s.t.---{}39 Huron St., Toronto. 
Burton, Eon, Walter Cramer, public 
B. Carlisle, Ont.. Oct. 7, 1864; com- 
menced life as a telegraph operator; 
entd. service Western Union Tel. Co., 
N. Y., 1881; becoming Identified with 
Race Bureau, Commercial News Dept., 
1886, was placed In charge of force, 
1891; del. Am. Telegraphers to Intern. 
Congress, Como, Italy, in commemora- 
tion anniversary discovery of 
voltaic pile, 1899; declined decoration 
from King Humbert on that occasion; 
entd. pOlitical field, as aDem., 1894; 
elected state senator King's Co., N.Y., 
on that ticket, Nov., 190.2; a promin- 
ent memo many fraternal assns.-West- 
ern Union Telegraph Co., New York. 
Burwash, Rev, Edward Moore Jack- 
son (Meth.), educationist. 
S. Rev. Chancellor B., Victoria Unlv.. 
Toronto; b. Cobourg, Ont., .Tuly 10., 
1873; e. CoIl. Inst. and Victoria Unlv. 
(B.A., and Prince of Wales med., 
18'93; M.A., 1897; ,B.D., 190.3); unm.; 
entd. Meth. ministry, 1898; prof. of 
science, Columbian CoIl., New West- 
minster, 190.5; has acted as geol. under 
Omt. Gov.t., and as a miruing gool. f.or 
private parties. - New Westminster, 
Ra . 
Burwaøh, Rev, John (Meth.), educa- 
S. .Tohn B. (U. E. L. descent) and 
Anne (Taylor) B., a sister late Rev. 
Dr. Lachlan Taylor; b. nr. St. An- 
drews, P.Q., May 8, 1842; e. Victoria 
Unlv., Cobourg, Onto (B.A., 1863; M.A. 
1872), and Harv.afld UntÏv.; /In., 1867, 
Mis's Eden Henwood, BoI1t Hope, Onlt.; 
o. 1867; prof. nlaJt. scloence,Mt. AJ],Ji,son 
UnoJ.v. (D.Se., 1888) ; hon. LL.D., N. B. 
Unllv., 1900.; was 'ProViI. taSisaY1er and'Y'st, N. B.; 'Pr.of. :ÐllIg. Bible and 
pastlolral thtool., Vdeoorla Unoiv., 1891 
(ootJired, OIlJ a pensi.oI1J, wHJh oi1he t1t,lte 
.of prof.'lllS, 1910.; was ,bon. .prof. 
chtemdstry, .same dnstiw1ti1on; IS. .0001.- 
89 A venue Rd.. Toronto. 

Burwash, Rev, Nathanael (Math.), 
U. E. L. Idoe/SCIent; S. .118lte .John am 
Anne (Taylor) B.; b. Il/J". St. Andrew's, 
P.Q., JulY 25, 1849; 'e. Iloøal IS1Chis., Vdc- 
'ÌJoI'IÎa UllIiv., CiObonr.g (B.A., 1859; 
M.A., 1867; LL.D., hon., 1892), Ya;loe 
Univ., and Garf'ett Biblical I mst. , 
EViansbon. IIiI. (B.D., 1871; IS.T.D., 
1876); .In., Dec., 1868, Miss M'a,rgt. 
Pflootor, SarnlÏa, Onlt. {pflelsd.t. Woman's 
R-eSiidienoCle ÀSSll. oaf V,icrt:Jonia Oo},}., 190.2 ; 
dlo. Barbara He<:k Memorial ASlSI1., 
190.0.) ; oenlbd. min'i,sltry, 1860. 1 ; o. 1864; 
held pas.boiffites at Newburgh, BeUeYiHe, 
'I1onon<tú Ðas.t and HamlU t1on; .prof. úf 
n1a;t. sc:ienocoe, Viilct'Olria Untiv., Oo'Þourg, 
1866-72; dean a'JIJd! prof. of ,BiblHeal anJd 
Systematic thteol., dú. do., 18,74-87; 
Binl0e thoen 'hws bæn and is now pflæ,dIt. 
and oruanlC1elIror IOf V'iClbo.I"Ì.a UTIliv.; seey. 
of EduCa!blon, 
{.eiÛh. Oh., 1874-86; 
'P'flesdt. 'Of GeniI.. Cionf.. .do., 188'9 ; ,mem. 
of 1hoe Genll'. Oon.t1s. ,SÍnlC'e 1874; a sena- 
oflonrbo Univ., siÏ11'C'e 1891; :a;pp,bd. 
a 'memo Omt. :Ðdlual.}" 1896; 
F.R.S.'C., 190.2 (preisM. 'Sec. II., 19
6) ; 
a diel. rOO Eoum. lM'e-th. OUOIf, Woasihmg- 
ton, D.C., 1891; 1('1'0. diD., DonrdlÜ'Il, :Ðng., 
190.1; a mem. j'Ülinlt comlt'els. 0'11 eh. 
Unli-on 190.7 and 190.8: a V.-P. Can. 
18rkJs Assn. a'IlidJ U. C. Bi'ble S'oc. ; 
a coun>C'ÏIIIÞor 00lt. HiE'!:. Sooc.; Ia (Hr. 
On1. Edruol. Alss'I1. an(l Can. Peaoe and 
Anbi.bra:biroIlJ Soc.; 'has been presdt. 
Met'h. Socia.} UniÏl()'Jl'; memo oomte. 2o.tih 
Oe'l1Jtury Thanksg1i\,ing F'und of Me<th. 
Coh., 1898; IOn'ß IOf -the 'Íound-eI1s 0'Í .the 
Can. Au<1:lhof\s Olub, 1899; bas wri.bten 
frequently for Ibhoe reU,gioUJs pof'ess and, 
be.slidoes sev.e-ral 'Pamphilebs, ,is 'Ì!hoe 
aut'h'Or IOf: .. MJemloriallS 'Of Edward and 
ùy1d1ia J1acks ' onr" (187 4), .. W'e'sl
y's Sbanfdard,s" (1881), .. Ha'll'(l
book ún bhie .EpoiSltI'ß rtJo <the Riomoanls" 
(1887). .. I'Iltdu'CItive R.trutdies -in Thoeol- 
ogy .. (1896 ), "A M'tnru a;l '0 f Oh MIS- 
tioan" (19o.o.), .. Egefloon 
Ryerson" (" ,M.ake'lìS of Dan." SleTies; 
190.2 ), aI1ld: "True DeVieollopment I().f
Und,,'ersity lof T().J'I()I1Ito as a Bf\OVimCaruI 
ImstJi'tuÌ'Î1an" (19 0. 5) ; his pOfltrarirt given 
to Voicftl()lria Un'iv. by Hon. G. A. Oox 
(q.v.), 1910.; servw in Fen.r'a.n Raid:, 
1866 (med.); ta l<ll'ooIJlJaJS'OIJl.-113 Bloor 
St. W., Toronto. 
"A quie.t and unosten,tatious tbinbr; 
a highly intelligent writer."-British 
"Univeors.alIy reco'gni:ood .by Catholic .and 
Py,o<testant .alike as a ripe BehoIaT, a of wide reading and multifa.rious 
knowledge, a man of le.tters who has 
thougiht profoundly on the philosO'phy .and 
claims of religion, as well as a. man of 
the highest personal character, whose 
catholicity of spirit and sincerity of pur- 
pose commend him to the respeet of g>ood 
men of aH cJ.asses."-T. World. 
Bury, George J" Can. ry. service. 
S. late Geoflge and Catherin.e (Brock) 
B., Montreal; b. there, Mch. 6, 1866; e. 
Montreal CoIl.; m., Dec., 1888, May, 
d. late .Tohn Aylen, K.C., Aylmer, P.Q.; 
en<1:Jd. 'C. P. Ry. ,serViice as elk. purcha.s'- 
ing dept., 1883, since when has filled 
many Important positions, including 
the folilo,,
inlg: asst. supdlt. in C!harge 
dlv. Chalk River to Cartier and Sault 



Ste. Márie; supdt. North Bay, ant.; do. 
Fort William, ant.; do. Cranbrook, 
B.C.; asst. genl. supdt., Lake Superior 
div.; genl. supdt. do.; do. Central div., 
\Vinmlipeg, lV.Lan.; oa;pptd. V.-P. and 
mangr. \Vesolern lin'es, C. P. Ry. (vice 
W!hy.tJe), Oct., 1911; in .Meh., 1907, was 
offel'eid gen,l. mangI'ship. CbilClag10, Rock 
Island & Pac. Ry.; eloecrt:'ed oon. V.-P. 
W, Can. Ry. Olub, 1909.-Winni- 
peg, Man.; 
llanitoba Club, do. 
"A model railroad official. "-M. Star. 
Busby, Edward S" Dom. pUblic ser- 
Mem. old Eng. military family; s. 
late Major W. A. B., R. A.; b. South- 
ampton, ant., June 12, 1863; e. there 
and Northern Business Coli., Owen 
Sound; m., 1888, Miss S. C. Zinkan, 
Southampton; after giving some yrs. 
to ry. service, In Detroit, entered Can. 
Customs service, 1897, and for a short 
time was stationed at Boston, Mass.; 
transfd. to Skaguay, Alaska, 1899 ; 
apptd. inspr. Customs, Yukon Terrty., 
1901; colII'. Customs, Dawson, Yukon, 
1902; inspr. Custorr.s, Western B. C. 
and Yukon Terrty., June, 1906; elected 
presdt. Can. Club, Dawson, 1907; his 
name has been mentioned several 
times in connection with the commis- 
sionership of the Yukon; a Presb.- 
1163 Haro St., Vancouver, B.C. 
., A man of enormous capacity for 
rapid, methodical, useful work; courteoul 
and firm and of unbending integrity."- 
Major ll. J. Woodside (q.v.). 
Buscombe, :Frederick, merchant. 
S. Edwin and Isabella (Grilles) B.; 
b. Bodmin, Cornwall, Eng., Sept. 2, 
1862; came to Can., 1870; e. there; 
entd. wholesale china and glassware 
house of J. A. Skinner & Co., Hamil- 
ton, ant., 1878; removed to Vancou- 
ver, 1891, as a partner therein, and 
established branch of same business 
there; after 5 yrs. purchased the Skin- 
ner interest in the business, and found- 
ed the present firm, under name and 
style of Frederick B. & Co., Ltd.; 
Mayor "of Vancouver (carrying out 
many important reforms in civic 
rudmn.), 1
05-6; hoa.s ,lliwewise. IServoo 
as pl'esodt. Bd. .orf Tra.dle. ami of 
Tourists' Assn.; at present is presdt. 
Pacific Coast Lumber & Sawmills Co., 
Ltd., the largest concern of the kind In 
B. C.; an Ang.; a Con.; m., 1886, 
Lydia Rebecca, y. d. Wm. Mattice, 
Glanford, Ont.- Vancouver, B.C.; Van- 
couver Club. 
.. An honest and fearless administrator." 
-T. World. 
Bush, Harry Dean, civil engineer. 
Mem. Can. Soc. C. E., 1901; award- 
ed Gzowskl med., do., 1902 i now with 
Baltimore Bridge Co.-Baltl1l1ore, Md. 
Bushell, Bev, Edward (Ang.). 
B. in Eng.; e. Durham Univ. (B.A., 
1886; M.A., 1890); 1In. Mjiss NixlQIl1; 
o. 1886; ,hoeld in El1Ig.; head 
mruster of seh. ,in Choeshi,oo rfor some 
Y'l's.; l'oobOT St. MiaJtItlhia's' Ch., IMonrt- 
relaJI, ls:in1oo 1902; is chairman W-est- 
mount Seh. Bd.-
 Tho1"?thill Ave., 
Westmount, Montreal. 

Bushell, Rev, John (Ang.), 
S. 'ltaJbe Geraud and OI1Ja,r11Olt:1te 
(Oramp'l:JOn) B.; b. 00. F', 
Ire1.; e. Trlnri1'Y Univ., Tiol'Onto (B.A., 
1896; 1M. A., 1898); m., Nov., 1903, 
MlaTY Ellizabeth, I(). d. Thos. Shallll1lOJl, 
Piotlon, Onl!:..; o. 1898; .served! I8.It Oto.n'a- 
bee an1d subs'equenl! at Norway am 
W.esbwooid, Orut.; asst. Grace Oh., 
Brantford, 1900; asst. St. Paul's Cath., 
London, ant., 1904: rector St. Clem- 
en't's Oh., Too-on'tIo, 1905.-St. Clement's 
Rectory, 6
 Brooklyn Ave., Toronto, 
Busteed, Lt,.Col. Edwin Botsford, 
S. late Alex. A. and Margt. (Bots- 
ford) B., Battery Pt., P.Q.; b. there, 
May 17, 1855; e. Chatham (N.B.) 
Aæd., Undv. N. B. (B.A.. 1873), anl!'l 
MoGUl}; Ul1I1v. (B.C.L., 1879) ; m., June, 
1897, EliliiOitlt (a Ò:ior. Y. W. C. A. ; presdlt. 
Soldiers' Wi VIes' League), d. Uate Alex. 
HietJIdlel'son, :Mon1,rOOJI,; ad vocatbe, 1879; 
K.C. (E. of Derby), 189.3; .on'e of ,thie 
leaders of the bar, Monbrea'l; !prac- 
tises In partnership with Campbell 
Lamie (q.v.) ; l'IIIll1ldl. llilfe rose f,rom .pri.- 
valt.e 'I:io be ,llt.-col., 3rrd Hegrt:., Viot'Ülr1Ïa 
Rifles (l8!pprtid. It.-oo.l., May, 1897; re- 
tired, JUll,y, 1900); .plOSSesseS 1-st class 
R. S. 1. cert.; awa:rded 001. Aux. Foroes' 
Offrs.' d
coratlon ; presdt. Victoria. 
Rifles Reserve; councillor D. R. Assn. ; 
presld't. MionrtT1eiaJ1 Assn. fOol' r1:Jhe BNnid; 
has done much for the promotion of 
pure and honpst sport; a life memo 
.M. A. A. Assn. allld: a memo MionlÌ.real 
Curling Club; formerly presdt. Tuque 
Bleue TObogganing Club; a Con.-87 
St. Mark St., Montreal; St. James's 
Club; Montreal Curling Club; .Mont- 
real Mil. ['rIst., do. 
Busteed, Francis :Ferguson, Can. ry. 
A bro. E. B. B., K.C. (q.v.); 
b. Battery Pt., P.Q., 1858; e. Mont- 
real High Sch. and McGill Univ.; 
m., 1885, Miss Clara Ferguson; entd. 
ry. s
lI"v.jce, C. P. Ry., 1879" and W8JS 
employed on that road till 1890, 
when he became connected with the 
Can. & Gt. Falls Ry., and was subse- 
quently in the office of the city engr., 
 Va. : re'ÌJUl1I1.illlg to I!:.he C. P. Ry., 
1893, was successively employed as 
rodman, asst. engr., resident engr., 
engr. maint. of way and structures, 
and dlv. engr. and supdt. thereon; 
apptd. asst. chief engr., same road, 
June, 1904; ad!mi'tItIerdl a memo 'OaJn. Soc. 
C. E., 1905; councillor do., 1908.- 
Winnipeg; Manitoba Club. 
Butler, John, manufacturer. 
Fourth s. late John B.; b. Brighton, 
ant., Aug. 6, 1855; e. there; m., 1882, 
Miss Theodocia Deeks, Humberstone, 
ant.; a lumber manfr.; has sat in 
Woodstock Council since 1902, and was 
Mayor of that city, 1905-7.-Wood- 
stock, Onto 
Butler, Matthew Joseph, -civil en- 
gineer; business man. 
Irish parentage; b. Deseronto, ant., 
Nov. 19, 1856; e. De La Salle Inst., 
TOl'on1oo; LL.B. (K-enrt. Qo.ll. 'Of Law, 
Ohùc.a.go), 1897; m., Nov., 1880, M.iss 
LoreHe 1M. J. 'Shii'ble
; P. L. :S., 1878; 


181 ,s0lC. C. E., 1885; iAsSO'C. Inst. C. E., 
Eng., 1885; Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; memo 
Inst. C. E., Enlg., 1895; pre.s'dl\:. Onlt. 
Sole. L. S., 1894; lOOun.sel1ilor 8Jt Jaw, l.liI., 
1897; memo Ooundli Qam,. Soc. e E., 
1897: V.-P., do., 1907; a memo Royal 
Forestry Comn., 1907; a memo Royal 
Comn. re ,As8e!!ls. and Munddpal Taxa- 
tion, 1900; as an engr. his record In- 
cludes the following appts. and works: 
asst. engr., Kingston & Pembroke Ry., 
1882; chief engr., 1,000 Islands Ry.. 
1883-86; do., NaVanee, Tamworth & 
Quebec Ry., 1887-8; asst. engr. build- 
Ing and water service, Col. div. Atche- 
son, 'l"'opeka & ,santa Fe Ry., 1887-9; 
chief engr. and supdt. Temiscouata 
Wood Pulp Factory: chief engr. Bay 
of Quinte Ry. & Nav. Co. and Rathhun 
00. undl{lortJaklng1s, 1891-1900; dlO. HNIIs- 
borough Bridge, P. E. I.. designing 
and building the bridge (with 5 pneu- 
matic caissons and 12 piers), 1900: 
do. Locomotive & Machine Co., Ltd., 
Montreal (designing and building the 
-shops), 1903; asst. chief engr. National 
Transc. Ry., 1904: d
'Puty minT. and 
chief engr. Dept. Railways and Canals, 
Onawa, July 1. 1905-10; chtaJl,rman Bd. 
o.f .Manl2, ,gt. Can. GOVIt. Rys., 1909-10,; 
8'ince then g1enn. m.aTJ,gr. Dom. Stoeel & 
00 ail 00., N.S.-Sydney, N.S.; Rideau 
Club, Ottawa. 
II Possesses keen busine8s instinct8, 8YS- 
teml\tic methods of work and all the firm- 
ness of the discip1inarian."-T. Np1llß. 
Butler, Lt,-Col, Thomas Page, lawyer. 
S. late Rev. .John E., M.A. (Ang.), 
formerly rector Klngsey, P.Q., and 
subsequently principal LennoxvlIIp 
Grammar Sch. and of Classical Sch., 
Hamilton, Ont.. and .Jane (Page) B.: 
b. Kingspy, Aug. 3, 1 R45: e. by father 
flnod McGiiJ,J Univ. (B.C.L.. 1865: D.C.L., 
1881); ma,tTolQUIII8.I!:.ed T1oronlOO UI1Iiv., 
where he iÌ100k hionlOUrs 'In úÞassios a.nod 
moa,th.; 'studJied Jaw with Jat'e .sIr .JO'hTJ 
A!b})o,tJt (wh'Ose prlvate .secy. he was 18.1 
an oea'I11.Ìoer sfag1e): 'a:d'\'1OCl81'e-, 1866: 
K.C. (M. of Lansdowne), 1887; one of 
the leaders Montreal bar: published 
Index to Statutes up to 1867; for somp 
yrs. a municipal councillor and SCh. 
trustee, Longueull. P.Q.: has been 
grand master of Freemasons, Quebec, 
and Is still chairman Comte. of Juris- 
prudence of Grand LOdge: also grand 
Bolr., A. O. U. W.: for many yrs. an 
offr. in Can. militia. and commanded 
1st Regt. (Prince of Wales' FusiIlers), 
of which King Edward was hon. col., 
fIX>ID May, 1880 unrt!iJl ploaoed ,o.n I'eservoe 
list, May, 1889 (long service med. and 
Col. Aux. Forces' offers.' decoration) : 
1st presdt. Montreal Mil. Inst. and 1st 
presdt. Montreal Amalgamated Rifle 
Assn.; a Con.: an Ang. ; a del. to Dloc. 
and. GeniI. SY'I1JOId!: ,m., Aug., 1870, Mary 

Cahan, Charles Bazl1tt, lawyer; ex- 
Irish origin; S. late Chas. and 
Theresa C., Yarmouth, N.S.; b. Heb- 
ron, Yarmouth, Oct. 31, 1861; e. Yar- 
mouth &my. and Dalhousie Unlv. 
(took 2 exbns.; B.A., 1886; LL.B., 
1890) ; m., Mch., 1887, Mrs. Mary .J. 

Jan-e, d. late Valentine Cooke, Drum- 
mondvllle, P.Q.-B8 Shuter St., Mont- 
Buttenwieser, Mrs, Ellen, retired 
Now In private life; d. - Clune, 
Warkworth, Ont.: e. St. .Joseph's Acad.' 
Toronto, and Queen's Univ., Kingston; 
for 2 yrs. mod. lang. teachpr, CoIl. 
Inst., Winnipeg; left for Germany, 
1893; spent 6 semesters at the Unlv. 
Lelpzlg, devoting herself chiefly to 
the Teutonic langs., and 2 semesters 
at the Univ. of Heidelberg (Ph.D., 
the first Can. lady to recpive this 
h'On'our, 1897): Iher dli,sSle'rtation, II s.tu- 
dlen neber die verfasserschalft des 
Andreas," being recommended for pub- 
lIcatlon; rn. Dr. Buttenwleser, .Jan., 
1897.-" The Eden," Walnut Hills, 
Cincinnati. 0.; (in Bummer), "SchleuB- 
Big}' Southampton, Onto 
Byers, John :Roddick, physician. 
B. Gananoque, Ont.; e. Gananoque 
Coil. Inst. and McGiH Univ. (M.D., 
C.M., 1902), 'Munich, Bavaria and 
Edinburgh Univ. : L.R.C.P., 1904 : 
Interne. Royal Victoria Hosp., Mont- 
real, 1902-3: successfully practised 
his prof. at Sl1erbrooke, P.Q., and 
later at Saranac Lake: sin.ce 1910 
has been physlci,an in charge at the 
Laurpntian Sanitarlum.-Ste. Agathe- 
des-Monts, P.Q. 
Byers, :Rev, William Pryce (Meth.). 
S. G. W. and Frances B.; b. Strat- 
ford, Ont., .July 26, 1858; e. public and 
high schs.; a grad. Union Missionary 
Training Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. : rn. Miss 
Charlotte M. Forster, Glenwilllams, 
Ont.: sailed for India, D('c., 1881): 0., 
Calcutta, Jan., 1890: missionary Meth. 
Epis. C'h.: dfst. supdt. slncf" 1900: ac- 
quired a full knowledge of Hindustani: 
ministerial de1. to Genl. Conf., Balti- 
more, Md., 1908: compiIpd ritual in 

antall lang.: do. ritual hymns, trans- 
lating several In Bengali lang.-Asan- 
Bol, Bengal, India. 
Byrne, John Joseph, Am. ry. ser- 
S. late Andrew W. B., native Irel.; 
b. Ham:i, IltolJ1 Onlt., .Jan. 16, 1859; e. 
there; m., .June, 1892, Miss Mary 
Castle: entd. service Gt. Western Ry., 
Can., 1873, and, after holding many 
responsible positions on that and 
other ,roads, was genl. pass. agent, 
Oregon Ry & Nav. Co.. Portland, Ore., 
1895-97, following which has hpld 
same offioe on Aitchison, Topeka & 
Santa Fe Ry., Los Angeles, CaI., up 
t:o preserut ðatoe: bøHeve,s in GOld, bUtt 
Is not bound by any sect: a Dem.- 
 Figueroa St., LOB A ngeleB, Cal.; 
California Club. 


He'tJheri nogton , Hall'ifax, N.S.; ba'rrlster 
(N. S.), 1893; do. (P. Q.), 1907: 
K.C. (N. S.), 1907; do. (P. Q.), 1909; 
successfully practised his prof. at 
Halifax as a memo of the firm of 
Harris, Henry & C., but since 1909 has 
boon In practice In Montreal: now de- 
votes his attention chiefly to corpora- 



Uon law, having had a wide and varied 
experience in North and South Am. 
and In Europe; was for some time ed. 
of the Halifax Evening Mail and 
Herald, resignIng, to devote himself to 
law and polItics, 1894; sat for Shel- 
burne (Local) in Con. interest, 1890-4; 
leader of the Opposition, N. S., 1890-4; 
unsuccessfully contested Shelburne and 
Queen's (H. C.). g. e. 1896, and Cum- 
berltand (do.), g. e. 1900; d
ntO!lTId.natoilon fur Mooitreal: (St. La'WT'e'IlC<e 
doiv.) , g e. 1911; ,diecldned to ø,cceprt; 
a pOfltf'ol:Ílo ,in Dom. Cabinet, 1896; 
was .fo'r læVJeTlaI yrs. hO'Il. secy., 
Halifax branch, Imp. Federation 
League and hon. secy. of the Lib.-Con. 
Assn., N.S.; presdt. Dalhousie Univ. 
Alumni Assn., 1893-4; is presdt. 
Western Can. Bowell" Co. and Ocmpof1a- 
tJiO'l1 A'ge.ncles, Ltd.; V.-P. Rhodes 
Ourry Co.; '8. diT. IMbnlÌl"Ieal-Loll'dlon 
SecU'I'Miæ Oorpn., and of t'h'e PriI1JDe 
Rupert Hy'l1f1o-:ÐÞectrlc Co.; a pro- 
mro1.elI" N. S. Shiplp'Ïng 000., 1902, and 
MexlÏoan Liglrut, Heat & Power Co., do. ; 
O.plIJlOS-ed tlo 'th.e Taf<t-F1iel l dJill'g recipro- 
oioty 'CIOmpact, and spokoe ag1a!inst it òur- 
dll,g' the poHotioal campaign, 1911.-198 
University' St., Montreal; Mt. Royal 
Club; Montreal Club, do.; Halifax 
Club, Halifax; Jockey Club, Mexico. 
.. A oourageO:UB, re,a.dy .and powerful 
spe.aker."-H. Herald. 
.. A'S pr()lIlloterr, & winning ha.nd; as OOor- 
po'rat,iOon lawyer, a greta-t SIlcress."-Can. 

Cains, George Lighthall, merchant. 
S. late Hy. C., Vankleek Hill., Ont.; 
b. there, Sept. 3, 1857; e. Montreal; m., 
O('t., 1896, Amy, y. d. Robt. Cowans. 
Monrtme'a1; commenced oomm.ørcial 
carelßr w:ilth .s. Greenish i eM,s, Son's & -00. 
(nocyW Green'Sh'i,e:lds, lAd.), wholesale 
dry gx)Ods, IMonrtreaJl, 1874; lat'er, 1891, 
wa'S admd.tæed a. lYcl'fltner an'd repre- 
soenlted othe CiO. 'in the Miarirtime POO'- 
vlinceJs; elected V.-P. M.onlÌ'fleal Bill {)If 
Tradle, 1909; p'I'esdt., do., 1910; a d,ir. 
Cum1YPTl.and Ry. & COaJl 00.; I3.lso 'a 
Mr. MJon't'l'leal 'Oalldne AlSsn.; eleded 
'þresodlÌ. Dom. Oorn. 'lìmvels.' A SS'Il. , 
1893; a del. 61th 0011'gTeSIS, OhrurnÞers 
of Oomm-e1flC'e of the EmpIre, lJonrdJon, 
Eng., 1906; iSUggested ,pubUc statue <to 
K!irug Edw.ard, in MionlÌr-eal, 1910; O'P- 
poseIdJ to Toci'Pr:ooity 'W1Íotoh the U. S.; a 
 Macgregor St., Montreal; 
St. James's Club; Mt. Royal Club; 
Canacla Chlb; Montreal Jockey Club; 
Montreal A. A. Assn.; York Chlb, To- 
.. De<ærved1'Y POIPula.r."-M. Herald. 
.. P03sesses the esteem of the whole oom. 
mercial public of Montreal."-JI. Daily 
Calder, His Honour Frederick, Co. Ct 
S. RGbt. allldJ Caotherine (Mdtae) C., 
descendants of Scotch Highlanders 
who came to N. S., 1816; b. Mt. Cal- 
der, West Bay, Co. Inverness, N. S., 
June 5, 1868; e. privately; m., Sept., 
1896, Rachel P., d. J. W. Smith, Port 
Hood, N.S.: grflduatf'd LL.B. (Dal- 
housie Unlv.), 1892; barrister (N, S.), 
1894; do. (B. C,), 1902; apptd. co. 

Judge Co. Ct., Carlboo, B.C" Jan. 4, 
1907; Presb.-Ashcroft, B.a. 
Calder, Hon. James Alexander, law- 
yer; statesman. 
S. late Jas. and Johanna (McKay) 
C.; Scotch origin; b. Ingersoll, Ont., 
Sept. 17, 1868; family moved tQ Man., 
1882; e. Ingersoll High Sch., Winni- 
peg and Man. Coli. (B.A., and silver 
med. in science, 1889); LL.D., hon. 
(Toronto Univ.), 1905; m., Feb., 1910, 
EVia iMHidJred, d. J. T. Le,s11-e, St. 
Mary's, Onto ; Þarrlster, 1906; rtormerly 
an educationist; principal Moose Jaw 
High Sch., 1891-4; Im;,pr. schs., N. W. 
T., 1894-1900; Deputy Oommr. Eduüa- 
{Ii'()ll', N. W. T., 1901-5; a Lib. ; 
t fur 
S. Regina (Lo
al), 1905-8; since then 
for Saltcoats; a,pptd. Prov!. Treas. and 
Commr. of Education, Scott Admn., 
Sept. 5, 1905; a memo Ottawa Inter- 
prov!. Conf., 1906; 8Jpptd. a memo 
Royal Col1Jse.I'vatlon Comn., 1909; a 
Pres b.-Regina, Sask. 
Caldwell, James Ernest, faT mer. 
Y.s. late .Tas. and Ellen (Neelln) 
C.; N. of Ire!. parentage; b. City 
Vlf'w, Ottawa, Aug. 1, 1862; e. public 
schs.; m., 1st, Miss Mary CaMwell 
McCurdy (d.); 2ndly, Miss Rhoda 
[vory Percival; author It Song!-1 of the 
Pines," poems (1895) ; II The Ca
tle on 
the Hill," do. (1899): II The Yf"llow 
Bag," a drama (1907); originally R 
Con.; left party on protective policy, 
1893; contested Carleton, Ont., unsuc- 
cf"ssfully, Lib. Interest (H. C.) g. e. 
1904 and g. e. 1908; one of tl}e first 
to suggest the giving of a salary to 
the leader of the Opposition (H. C.); 
'P'resdt. FaTm'ers' Im:ot., 00. OarletKm, 
. Ont., 1910-11: a lM'poth.-City View, 
Ont.; Canadian Club, Ottawa. 
.. Takes hIs 'Place, as 8 Cat' sine:er, 
w,ith some l1orteworrthy pe,rforma.nces."- 
New York Independent. 
CaldweIl, William, educationist. 
B. Edinburgh, Scot., Nov. 10, 1863: 
e. Stewart's Inst. (classical sch.) and 
F:dinburgh Unlv. (M.A., 1884, and later 
D.Sc.); post-grad. study In Germany, 
Paris. Eng.. 1 R87-91. incluslvp; Rrl'
of Grange Hill scho1. and med. (Unlv. 
of EiHnburgh), 1886; 
Ir Wm. Hamil- 
ton ff'llow in mental phil. (do.), H87- 
R8; Shaw Tf'llowshlp In mf'ntal phil. 
(highest phil. honour In Scot., opf'n to 
g-raduates of 5 yrs.' standing, of all 
Scottish unlvs.), 1889; asst. prof. logic 
'and meolJa,ph'Ys. at :ÐdJLn.burgh UllIiv., 
1887-8; GO'V1t. exarnll". ,in pihdl., Undv. of 
St. Al!1òrew's, 1889-92; ool'led to Slagle 
Sch. .of Phil}., Oorne-liI Undv., N.Y., 1891; 
staff Undv. of Chicago, 1892; prof. 
mo'ral and sOOÏRJl IPlhti1., NortIhwest- 
ern U:l1Iiv., 1894-1903; {l.o. Ma.odlOl1ald 
chair of moral phil., McGill Unlv., 
since 1903; elected presdt. Montrf'al 
Philos. Club, 1903; memo Am. Psychol. 
.AJssn. and! Am. PhUos. Soc. ; has -lectured 
on "'SooMJish PbiJ.OIsophy," .. The P.lace 
of the Chuooh :in Modern Lifle," .and 
.. PrngmaJt!ism and Itrue Pragm8.Jtisot 
MJovffinoe1Þt:"; 'a oon.tTlbuoor lÌo <the ,r-e- 
Viiews on: phiilios., ethlÏcs, and sociology; 
aubJ1lO'r .. ,ScJ1lopoemlhauer'iS System :In 1rts 



PhillosopQ1oiroJ Si,gn1fioal1'OO," aI1l<1 vari'Üus 
treatises; .m. Miss Aot'bJa Hay,dack, Oit1J- 
oinna'U, 0.--51 Slmter St., Montreal. 
.. A man of remarkable attainments."- 
M. Star. 
Calkin, John Burgess, educationist. 
S. Elias C., a descendant Hugh C., 
of Cheps,t'ow, M
mmoU'thshire, Eng.; b. 
Cornwallis, N.S., 1829; e. dist. sch., 
Free- Ch. Coll., Halifax, and Truro 
Normal Sch.: has been successively 
headmaster Model Sch., Provl. Normal 
Inst.: prof. of Eng., Normal Sch., 
Truro, N.S.: was principal do. do.. 
1869-1900 (hon. M.A., Acadia CoIL, 
1870: hon. LL.D., Dal'housi'e Unlv., 
1909); a,uthor" Not-es on Education," 
II Geography of the World," .. HI
and Geography of Nova Scotia." .. His- 
tory of the Dominion of Canada." 
II Historical Gpog-raphy of Bihlp 
Lands" ; has been ohairman Truro Park 
Commrs.-Truro, N.S. 
"A ve'l:eiI1an i'l1 the cause otf eduoatroll....- 
Prof. Howard Murray (q.v.). 
Call, Frank Oliver, pdl1('atlonl<:t. 
E. s. Lorenzo and Sarah (Hungpr- 
ford) C.: Eng. and Scotch descpnt: b. 
West Brome, P.Q., ApL 11. 1878: e 
Stanstead CoB., Bishop's con., Lpn- 
noxvflle (B.A., with 1st rank honours 
and prizeman in Frenrh and "Eng., 
1905); post-g-rad. at McGtU Unh'.; 
prlndpnl Frellg-hsburg- Grammar Schoo 
1898-1901; master Stan stead con., 
1901-3: mastpr mod. langS.. West- 
mount Acad.. Montreal, since 1905; Is 
presdt. Boys' Sunshine Club, an or- 
ganization for spreading good rhef'r 
among the unfortunate ?nd of afford- 
ing to its mems. opportunities for 
mutual help.-H2" St. Catherine fit.. 
""Testmount. Montreal. 
Callander, Thomas, educationist. 
3rd IS. Wm. and E. Anod&e'rSlOTI 
(Graham) C.; lb. StirNngshtire, Seot., 
:M'3.Y 18, 1877; -e. Aberd,een Undv. 
(M.A., 1898) and Oxford Univ., where 
he secured an open exhn., took the 
degree of B.A., 1902, and obtained a 
1st class In the final sch. of lit. hu- 
maníores; prospcuted stuòlps in classi- 
cal arch. at Aberdeen: later spent 4 
mths. in Germany and 2 summers In 
Asia Minor, In same pursuit; awarded 
a Carneg-ie research grant and the 
Wilson traveH. fellowship, Aberdf'i'n 
1903; since Oct., 1903. has been prof. 
of Greek In Queen's Univ., King-ston; 
a contributor to the Journal of H el- 
lenic Studies; a ,{lair trader and Im- 
perialist; II tbe Empire on whkh tbe 
sun neVJeIl" sets is ibsoeJf a STIn whlÍdh 
tt :is our duty nteV'ffi" .to alU1()w {'o set " ; 
PI'esb.-Queen's University, Kingston, 
Ont.; Frontenac Club, do. 
"A man oof wide- int.erests, a scholar in 
the broad, as wen t8IS in ,tihe DJarrow, 
se'I1E6."-M. Star. 
Callaway, William Bodger, Am. ry. 
IS. '1JartJe Fl'ødik. C., mercihanlb, : 
a bro. ,
be Siam'\. R. C., p'l'esd,t. N. Y. 
Oen'tora'} Ry.; 'b. T1oJ'lOrutO, Aug. 31, 
1852: e. pub1ic sC'hs.; m.. Sept., 1878, 
Emma EBen, 3.I'Òi d. W. T. Ecdestone, 
RarnUt!on. On't.; entd. ry. serv1loe 8ß 

ag'e'Ilrt, G. T. Ry., CraAg's Rid., P.Q., 
1870: geniI. agenlt, BOOitty lAne of 
Ste.amers, TOl'lO'l1lt'O, 1877-8; pass. a,g'ent, 
Oan. Sout.hern Ry., TolledI('), 0., A'Pl.- 
Nov., 1878; pass. agenlt, Waba,sh, St. 
lJauls and Ptac. Ry., St. Louis, .Mo., 
1878-80; dti'st. agent, oreau ValR-ey 
Ry., Toronto, 1880-2; òJlst. agenrt:, C. P. 
Ry., T,Ol"'On1Jo, 188
-95; since th&en ha.s 
been genJl. pass. agent, Minrnea.pollis, 
St. Paull and Sault Boo. fMlarie Ry.- 
Minneapolis, Minn. 
Calverley, Richard Baines, business 
S. John C., descended from an old 
Yorkshire family: b. Lichfield. En
1861; e. Rlpon Cath. Sch. and Rlpon 
Gr.amlffil3.r Seth.; came ,to Can., 18-95: 
In business in Montreal: elected presdt. 
Yorkshir(> Soc., P. Q.. 1906: was presdt. 
Mt. Royal Cricket Club the two suc- 
cessive yrs. It won the league cham- 
pionship : a dir. St. Gporge's Roc., 
Montreal: II a Yorkshtiretnan first, but 
will do his share towards the upbuild- 
ing of this græt country"; Ang.: Con. 
-162.' Park Ave., Ville St. Louis, Mont- 
Calvert, :Wlllfam Samuel, Dom. publfC 
S late David and Anna (Macdonalod) 
(". ; Irish and ScotJch origin; b. Tp. Wcar- 
wl('k, Co. Lambton, Ont., Mch. 3, 1R59; 
P. thpre and Watford Remy.: m. Cora, 
d. J:tS. D. Sntherland, Napier, Ont.; 
a manufacturer; was successively 
Reeve of Metcalfe and Warden of Mid- 
d}esex ; dir. Farmers' Bank; V.-I". 
!'i:orth(>rn Llfp Ins. Co.: presdt. Cam- 
eron Dam Co., and presdt. Can. Oil 
Co.; a Lib., and V.-P. Onto Lib. Assn.; 
represented W. Middlesex (H. C.) 
18!J6.1909; was asst. Lib. II whip," 
1898-1901, and chief LAb. "whip," 1901- 
OC); aJPptd. a Tmns. Ry. Commr., Oct. 
21, 1909; present, by Invitation In 
Westminster .AJbbey at coronatlo
late King and Queen: Aug., 1902.-Hotel 
Cecil, Ottawa; .. Pinehurst;' Strathroy 
Ont.; Ontario Club, Toronto. ' 
.. W:a-s' .an. . ideal whip, poS8es&ing. aloo. 
{>"!re('uhve a:bt1bty ()If 80 h,rgh 'OO"der."-O. Free 
.. A ma.n (}f P;i'm1Ï>ail tem:peTIame<n1t, ever 
achaible and rourteous, rand a cleveT. 
expenenoed polit.ical ma.nage'1'."-M.Herald. 
Calvin, Hiram Augustus, merchant. 
leg-islator. ' 
S. late D. D. and Marlon (Breck) 
C.; father foundeel the Calvin Co., 
timber merchants, shipbuilders and for- 
warders, Garden Isd., Ont., 1825, and 
represented Frontenac (Local): b. 
Garden Isd., ApI. 6, 1851; e, Wood- 
stock ColI. and Queen's Unlv., King- 
ston; m., Api., 1879, Annie W., d. late 
Rev. D. Marsh, Quebec; entd. father's 
business, and succeeded him as prin- 
cipal of the co. on his death, 1884: Is 
Reeve of Garden Isd., called .. a mod
C'O'ITlIDull'ity," in thatt for three-quarters 
of a century or more there has been 
an absolute rule of temperance, good 
ot der and unitpd pndeavour therein: 
first elected, 1884; prominently Identi- 
fied with the Y. M. C. A.; an hon. 
memo Frontenac Rist. Soc., a. gov. 



Kingston Genl. Hosp., a trustee of 
Queen's Univ., a gov. Kingston Sch 
of Mining, and a dir. Kingston Ship- 
building Co.; salt for Frontenac (H. 
C.), 1892-6, when he deollned renomina- 
tion, and again, 1900-4, when he again 
retired; an Ind. Con.; a Bapt.-Garden 
Island, Ont.; Frontenac Club, King- 
Cambie, Charles, banking profession. 
S. late Alex. Jeffrey C., a native of 
Castletown, Co. Tipperary, Irel., some- 
time Commr. of Patents, Ot'tawa, and 
- (Poston) C.; b. and e. Ottawa; 
m. \Miss Nordhelmer, Toronto; entd. 
service Can. Bank of Commerce, 1887; 
has served in the Ottawa, iMontreal, 
Toronto, Vancouver and' Victoria 
branches; for 2 yrs. asst. mangr. of 
the bank In Toronto: apptd. mangr., 
Ototawa. branlC'h, .Tan., ,1911; Ang-.-Wel- 
lington St., Ottawa; Rideau Cl1lb, do. 
Cameron, Miss Agnes Deans, journal- 
,Irst ; litterateur; .I'1eft11'ed educa- 
D. Duncan and .Tessie (Anderson) 
C.; b. Victoria, B.C., Dec. 20, 1863; e 
public and high schs. there; for 18 
. a public and high sch. teacher in 
B.C.; principal, South Park Sch., Vic- 
toria, 10 yrs.; elected sch. trustee. 
V1coonia, 1906; 1.s a memo .of the extve. 
of S. P. C. A., B. C., Women's Council 
of Vancouver I s-l'and, the B. C. Agri- 
cuI. Assll., Ladies of the Maccabees, 
and B. C. Historical Soc.; assoc. ed. 
Educ. Journal of Western Canada; 
made a 10,000 mile journey from 
Chicago to the Arctic Ocean, by way 
01 Athabasca, Gt. Slave Lake, and the 
Mackenzie River, 1908; returned by 
Peace River and Lesger Slave Lake; 
has contributed to the Can. !flag., 
Westminster, The Sphere, Eng. Illd. 
Mag., Glasgow Weekly Herald, Col- 
lier's, Army and Navy, EverybodJ1's, 
Judge, Century Mag.. Geographical 
Journ., Atlantic MonthlJf, Pall Mall, 
Metropolitan Mag., Nat. Weeklll, Sahlr- 
dall Evening Post, etc.; well known 
and distinguished as a lecturer In Can., 
the U. S. and Eng-. ; among- her lectures 
have been: "From Wheat to Whales," 
"The Witchery of the Peace," "Wheat. 
the Wizard of the North," and" Van- 
couver's Isle 0' Dreams"; author: 
"The N{'w North" (1909). and" The 
Outer Trail" (1910); V.-P. Can. 
Wom'en's Press Club, 1909: "believes 
In the fatherhood of God and the 
brothf"rhood of man: we are all sons 
of God and It doth not yet a.ppear what 
we shall be."

e Government St., Vic- 
toria, B.C.: Tuesday Club, do.; Can. 
Women's Press Club, 
" One of the br.a,iniest wome.n in Osnada 
to-day."-" Kit" (q.v.).. 
" Whe.theor as writer, story-teller or 
p1atform speaker, e'Xools."-T. Globe. 
II Hae a marked Í'ndividu.aHty and a 
power of ex;pressio'D' po-ssessed by few."- 
W. ..4.. McIntyre (q.v.). 
Cameron, Allan, Can. ry. service. 
B. Toronto, Mch. 14, 1864: e. Ryer- 
son .sch. and U. C. 'CoIl. there; 
m., June, 1895, Margaret Ethel, e. 
d. James Woods, New Brighton, 
Staten Lsd.; en'bd. G. W. Ry., 

Can., Toronto, 1879, afterwards join- 
Ing the old Northern Ry., at Orlllla; 
enltG. C. P. Ry. s.erv!ioe, at V1al1JCJOUV1er, 
1883, becoming freight and passenger 
agent at Victoria, B.C., Feb.. 1890; 
held same office at Portland, Ore., 
1893-6; returning to Vancouver, was 
asst. genl. freight agent there, 1899- 
1900; In Jan., 1901, went to Hong 
Kong, in charge of the Asiatic business 
of the Oregon Ry. & Navigation Co.'s 
line of steamers, as genl. agent; re- 
mained there till Sept., 1905, when he 
was called to London, Eng., as genl. 
traffic agent C. P. Ry. fO'r Gt. Brl.t. anod 
Europe; since .Tan., 1909, has held the 
same poei'biolll ,f'Or ftlhie C. P. Ry. at New 
58 Broadway, New York; Van- 
couver Club, Vancouver, B.C. 
"A Toro,nto bo'Y who has made goood."- 
T. Telegram. 
Cameron, Rev, Archibald Alexander, 
Y. s. late Rev. Duncan C.. Tiverton, 
Ont., a bro. Robt. C., long M.P. In the 
Brit. H. C.; b. Lawers. Perth shire, 
Scot., 1841; f". Free Ch. Sch., Lawers, 
parish sch. Killin, the g-rammar schs. 
of Vanklpek Hill and L'Orlgnal, and 
Woodstock ColI., Ont; graduated 1867; 
D.D. (hon.), McMa
ter Unlv., 1906: m. 
Annie (d. Jan., 1907), d. late John 
Fis'her, Wing-ham, Ont.; in his early 
man,hood was a sch. teacher: pastor, 
Strathroy, 1867-71; do., Ottawa. 1871- 
82; -do., WinnlÏpeg. 1882-9; òo. Denver, 
Colo., 1889-93; later, was at N.Y., and 
e 189>7 has been again !pastor of the 
1st ,Bapt. Ch., OtrtoaW1ß; nesign.e-d, ðJo., 
1911: now pasto1r emeritus ,there; 
foun'ded ,th'e North-West Baptist (Win- 
nol.peg) while -there, and W3JS Its ed. for 
5 yrs.; while at Denver .serV'M as 
slJIpdt. of 1ns'Ì'ruoNon of 'true Rocky 

n. Chaurbauqua; In N. Y. was 
presdt. of 'the Brooklyn. Law En- 
forcem'emt .Soc.: V.-P. Ba.p.t. OonV1elll- 
tion, Onto and Que., 1 Q04: presrlt., 
do., 1909; a memo of the Comte. on Ch. 
Union, 1906; presdt. Council of, Fed- 
erated Chs., Ottawa. 1907: a memo 
comte. to organize a Can. Bapt. Union, 
1908; fayours one lang. for the West 
"as being necessary for nat. prog-ress 
and strength."-W6 Elgin St., Ottawa. 
"One o.f the most attractive preachers a.t 
the Oapital."-S. N. 
"A'll. el'Oquf'nt preacher, a deep thin:ker 
s.nd s. man of the bro1adest s
M. Gazette. 
Cameron, Rev. Charles J. (Presb.). 
B. Ont.; e. Queen's Unlv., King-ston 
(B.A., 1886: M.A., 1887) ; Ph.D. (Yale 
Unlv. ). 1901; moderator Presby. Bos- 
ton, 1900; entd. ministry Epls. Ch., 
1908: edited II Sea, Forest, and Prairie, 
Being Stories of Life and Adventure 
In Canada, Past and Present, by Boys 
and Girls in Canada's Schools" (1893). 
-Boston, J.lass. 
Cameron, Dakers, buslne,ss man. 
S. Dr. .T. Chalmers C. (q.v.), Mont- 
rf>al; grands. late Jas. Dakers, spcy. 
Montreal Telegraph Co.; b. Montreal, 
July 2, 1882; e. Ablngdon Sch., Mont- 
real and 'McGIm Unlv. (B.A., 1893); 
m., 'Nov., 1907, Elsie Margaretta, 3rd 



d. W. I. Fenwick, Montreal; on staff 
Montreal Herald, 1903-5; apptd. local 
secy. Montreal Manfrs.' Assn. and af- 
filiated trade organizations, .Tan., 1905; 
resigned, Mch., 1910 (presented with 
handsome testimonia
 on læ Assn.) ; 
councillor Am. Civic Assn., Philadel- 
phia, and interested in political and 
municipal reform; Unit.-14 Highland 
A'L'e., Côte des Neiges, Montreal. 
Cameron, Donald Boss, merchant. 
B. Summerstown, ant., 1836; e. 
there; went to Chicago, 1863; a memo 
firm C. Amberg & Co.; apptd. Chicago 
Sch. Ed., 1890, and has been V.-P. and 
presdt. of same; reapptll. a memo do., 
1907; has been presdt. local St. An- 
drew's Soc. and other bodles.-71 Lake 
St., Chicago, Ill. 
Cameron, His Honour Hon, Lt.-Col, 
Douglas Colin, manufacturer; 
S. Colin and Annie (McLaurin) C.; 
b. Hawkesbury, ant., .Tune 8, 1854; e. 
High SCh., Vankleek Hill, ant.; m., 
Feb., 1880, :\f'argt. (pI'esemted ooll(mrs 
to true 79.ta HighlaI1Jdoer.s, 1910), d. lat-e 
\V"";m. F'ergus-on, Vankl-e.ek Hï.LI; re- 
m'ovoed {'o Ma.n., 1880; mo.w and f'Û"r 
many YI'S. presdlt. an'd gen,]. mrangr. Ra1 
BOI' Lumber ,00., .hav'ing mlï.llls :at 

en.ora, X'orman, Rainy River, \V1ill'nrr- 
peg, and Yal1JClou,,'er; has be-e>n mayor 
of Rlat Bortage; 'i's a dir. Northern 
OI"iOwn Bank (of which he Wl3..S a pro- 
moter) ;presdit. Mapl'e Leaf Fl.our 

I/Ïl.;1S 00. (L.P., 1904), arud a dir. Nat. 
Trust Co.; rated as a miUi'ona.ire; re- 
preslen,ted F10rt W'iÞI'Íam and Lake-of- 
the-Woods, Lib. interest, in ant. 
Legisla,ture, 1902-5, when defeatel1; contested S. Wirunlpeg 
(Local), 1903, and Winn'J.peg (H. C.), 
g. e. 1908;'d. 'hem. It.-<.'I()l., 
Cameron Hig1hlanders, F1eb., 1910; 
eleot'ed p'I'fosdt., Selkirk CeI1Jìoenm.ia'! 
Ex,pn., do.; Lt.-Gov. of Man., .Jully, 
1911; opposed 1:10 l'OOi.procity wHh the 
D. S. from a Can. .stand'p.oilllt; P>resb. 
-W'innipeg; Manitoba Chlb J do. 
"A man of we.altih, public experience. and 
high character."-O. Citizen. 
"One of t.he biggest oommercial figures 
in the entire "\Ye'st."-Can. Courier. 
Cameron, Lt,-Col, Douglas Winder, 
Dom. pub. service. 
Third s. late Chief .Tustice Sir M. 
C. C., Toronto, and Charlotte Ross 
(Wedd) C.; b. Toronto, F.eb. 9, 1862; 
e. there; m., .Tune, 1893, Florence AI'- 
berta, e. d. .John C. Edwards, Ottawa; 
entd. service H. C., Ottawa, Dee., 1892; 
asst. accountant, do., .Tuly, 1903; a,pptd. 
major 43rd Duke O<f Co.rnwall's Own 
Rifles, ApI., 1905; It.-co!. ,commanding 
regt., Feb., 1910; previous1y an offr. in 
the Queen's Own, Toronto.-Aylmer 
A1Jartments, Slater St., Ottawa. 
Cameron, Edward Bobert, lawyer; 
Dom. public service. 
S. Dan1. C., who came to Can., from 
Edinburgh, Scot., 1854, and Louisa, d. 
late Major .John Parke (D. E. L. de- 
scent); grands. Rev. Duncan C., for 
many yrs. a Bapt. missy. in the High- 
lands of Scot., and Christina (Mac- 
gregor) C., a lineal descendant of Don- 
ald Macgregor, the grandfather of Rob 

Roy; b. London, ant., Mch. 18, 1857; 
e. High Sch., Kincardine ant., the Can. 
Lit. Inst., Woodstock, ant., and To
ronto Univ. (Prizeman In Nat. Sciences, 
1878; B.A., and gold med. in Nat. 
Sciences, 1879; M.A., 1882); m., 1886, 
Carrie Almeda, d. late .John Emerson, 
Bost.<:m, Ma'ss.; bcarI'i,ster, 1882; suc- 
cessfully practised his prof., first at 
Strathroy, and afterward at London, 
ant.; for a time was a memo of the 
firm of Meredith, C., & .Judd; since 
.July 2, 1898, has '
n Regr. of tlrue 
Sup. Ct. of Can.; K.C, (E. of Aber- 
deen), 1902; a.ppttd. a RiOya,1 Oommr. 
for the revision and consolidation of 
the Dom. Statutes, do.; author, .. The 
Memoirs of Ralph Vansittart, a Mem- 
ber of the Parliament of Canada, 
1861-7" (1902); a volume of unre- 
ported judgments of the Supreme Court 
or Canada (1905), "The Practice 
and .Jurisprudence of the Supreme 
Court of Canada" (1906); "The Law 
of Fire Insurance" (1908), and" The 
Laws .of Life Acddenlt and Guarantee 
Insurance" '(1910); a V.-.P. .local 
branch Am. Archæol. Inst.; while 
Ii ving in London took an aNi ve part in 
establishing the Public Library in that 
city, and was one of its first Trustees; 
Ba'p'Ì.-4.)7 Lauder Ave. E'J Ottawa; 
Rideau Club J do. 
"A man who has done admirable wo:tk 
in the past, and wilL undoubtedly do mucb 
 in the future."-T. Globe. 
Cameron, George Scott, dental sur- 
B. Montreal, 1882; e. High Sch. 
there and Bishop's CoIl., Lennoxvllle; 
graduated Dental CoIl., Chicago, 1902; 
elected presdt. E. Can. Hockey Assn., 
1907. - 265 Greene Ave.
M ontreaJ. 
Cameron, Harry S" merchant. 
B. 1875; head hardware firm C. &: 
C., Beaverton, ant.; V.-P. Can. La- 
crosse Assn., 1905; presdt., do., 1906,- 
Beaverton J Onto 
Cameron, Harvey S., journalist. 
B. and e. Pictou, N.S.; m.; ed. Col- 
onial Standard, Pictou, N.S., for some 
yrs.-Pictou, N.S. 
Cameron, Irving Heward, physician. 
E. s. s. ,I&te ;OMe,f .Tustioe Sir Ma1thew 
Crooks C. and Charlotte Ross (Wedd) 
C.; e. U. C. ColI.; m., 1876, Elizabeth 
A. M. (d. Aug., 1902), e. d. late Dr. 
H. H.; M.B., 1874; IPractises 
in Toronto; one of the leraders In his 
prof.; F.R.C.S. (,hon.), Lond., 1900; 
F.R.C.S. (loon.), Edlin., 1905; LL.n., 
hon. (Uorulv. of Ed-in.), 19(}5; el'OObed 
pretsdlt. Can. Moo. Assn., 1898; a. ooun- 
cHl.or Toron'Ì'O Acad. of Metd., a memo 
C'onsuIoting staff Hoop. fur OhlÏil'- 
dJPen, .and a memo actiV1e staff 'Doronto 
Genl. Hoop.; 'MS been .pre.sdlt. 'DoorooÞoo 
Un,iv. A-lUimn'Í Assn., and .of Toronto 
branM BI1lt. Moo. Aoslg,n.; is- a sena.tor of 
t'ha.t Inl&tituNon; also a mem. Soc. 
Intern. .de Cbirurgi'e, Am. Acað. PoUilt- 
leal and Soclal,Scoience, and Br:i.t. ASSTI. 
A,c1vaJ1'c. of Scfiencoe; one of the f:oun.ders 
and early eds. Can. Journ. of Med. 
Sciences; author of some noted articles 
contributed to Can. and Brit. med. 
journals; a Con., and has declined 



nomlnatlan to Parlt. - 307 Sherbourne 
St., Torf!nto; Country and Hunt Club, 
do.; Pnmrose Club; Royal Societies' 
Club, London, Eng. 
Cameron, James Chalmers, physician. 
S. late Rev. .Tas. Y. C. (Presb.), 
and Charlot'te (Ault) C., Niagara Falls, 
Ont.; b. 1852; e. U. C. .co1-I. (head 
boy, 1870); m., Sept. 1880, Eliza- 
beth .THne, d. late Ja.s. Daker.s, 
Montreal; graduated M.D.,C.M. (Mc- 
Gill Unlv.), 1874; pursued further 
studies In Gt. Brit. and on Continent. 
practises his prof. In Montreal wher
his reputation stands high, especially 
In abst.; has been prof. of midwifery 
a!1 d diseases af children, McGill Univ., 
SInce 1886, and, besides contributing 
$5,000 to the endowment fund, has 
made Important additions to the mu- 
seum of the med. faculty; apptd. hon. 
presdt. sec. on pediatrics, 2nd Pan- 
Am. Med. Cangress, Mexico, 1896 and 
chief physician and accoucheur' new 
Maternity Hosp., Montreal, 1905 (Mrs. 
C. is hon. secy. to hasp.); author of 
valuable cantributions to med. press 
and to' standard works an obst. and 
med. jurisprudence; has also appeared 
in the lecture field; elected an hon. 
felilow Am. Gynl3Je.. Soc., 1910; Presib.; 
C.on.--605 Dorchester St. W., Montreal; 
St. James's Club; University Club, do. 
Cameron, John Alexander Bugh, law. 
yer; author. 
E. s. s. Dr. Hugh C., ane af the few 
surv.ivors of the 1st Can. Parlt., and 
Eumce, d. late Hon. .John MacKinnon 
M.L.C., Antigonish, N.S.; b. Mabou', 
N.S., ApI. 22, 1878; e. Univ. St. Fran- 
cis Xavier, Antigonish (B.A., 1896; 
M.A., 1908), and Dalhousie Urulv, 
(LL.B., 1899); unm.; barrister, d,o.; 
tlses his p!of. at Mabou; a special- 
Ist In corporation, ry., and mining law; 
soIl'. Mabou & Gulf Ry. Co., Mabou 
Coal Mining Co., Mabou & Gulf Coal 
Co., Mabou Coal Co.. Union Bank, etc.; 
secy.-treas. and a dir. Mabou & Gulf 
Ry. Co., 1906-7; served as a lieut, 
Corps af Guides; resigned, 1908; au- 
thor .. A Colonel from Wyoming" 
(1907), a humorous novel. which, In 
the opinion of Bis1hop MacDonald 
(q.v.) ,Victoria, B.C., .. embodies high 
Ideals, a graceful style, exquisite bits 
of word-painting, plenty of local colour. 
plot, action, Incident, pathos, and, above 
allol, hum'our"; a Lib.-Oon., an'd was 
presdt. Llb.-Con. Assn. af Inverness, 
1908-9; has a strong personal dLsUke 
for politics, and has, heretofore, de- 
clined legislative and parliamentary 
honours; .. an ardent BriUsher; 
strongly fa vours Can.'s bearing her 
share of the naval defence of the Brit. 
Empire, and of her contributing hand- 
somely therf'ta"; a R. C. - Mabo1l, 
N.S.; Columbiad Club, Antigonish, N.S. 
II Ha.s drawn several cha.racters in his 
nQvel with rare skill."-The late Bon. D. 
C. Fraser. 
Cameron, Bon, Jahn Danald, judge. 
S. late John and - (Ross) C., 
Woodstock, Ont.; Scottish Highland 
descent; b. E. Nissouri, Co. Oxfard, 
Ont., Sept. 18, 1858; e. Waodstock Call. 

Institute, Woodstock College, and 
TorontO' University (B.A., gold medal 
in classics and mathematics, and 
Prince of Wales prizeman, 1879); 
unm.; barrister, 1882; went west, and 
was called Man. bar, 1882; was in ac- 
ti V
 -praütiee in W'inn
p'eg; a benooer 
of the Law Soc., and apptd. counsel 
for G. T. Pa'c. Ry.. w. of P'Ol't Arthur, 
1903; represented S. Winnipeg (Local), 
Lib. Interest, 1892-99, and held office 
as ProvI. Secy., 1892-96, when he was 
apptd. Atty.-GenI., vice Sitton; was 
one of the commrs. for Man. to meet 
Ottawa delegates, an Man. sch. ques- 
tion, Mch., 1896, and In Oct., same 
year, was sent to Ottawa as a del. 
from his Govt. an same questian; a 
memo Royal Comn. re Man. Univ. 
1908; V.-P. Toronto Univ. Alumni 
Assn.; apptd. a judge af the King's 
Bench, l\lan., .Jan., 1!J08; do., a .Judge 
of .the Ct. of Appeal, do., ApI. 27, 1910; 
a Presb.- Winnipeg; Manitoba Club. 
.. An Qmnivorous reader and origina.l 
thinke,r."-T. News. 
II A man Qf great natural ability, legal 
l-earning, and parliamentary experience."- 
T. Globe. 
Cameron, Jahn B" banker. 
Joint Scotch and Irish parentage; b. 
Lucknow, Ont., 1847; e. there; com- 
menced banking career in late Federal 
Bank of Can.; went to Chicago, where 
for 11 yrs. was paying teller Merchants' 
Bank there; later became asst. cashier 
Nat. Bank of the Republic, ChicagO'; 
promoted cashier, 1900; V.-P., Hamil- 
ton Nat. Bank, 1903; resigned, 1909.- 
86 La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. 
II An baniker."-Can..ÄmeTÏcan. 
Cameran, JOhn Bame, educationist. 
Scottish ancestry; S. late Rev. Chal!!. 
C. (Presb.); nephew late Rev. Jas. C., 
Chatsworth, Ont.; family from Inver- 
ness, Scot.; b. Ont.; e. Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1885; M.A., 1896); now and 
for some yrs. Asso. Prof. af French, 
Univ. Call., Toronto; Presb.-The Uni- 
versity, Toronto. 
Cameran, Joseph Robert, Can. ry. 
B. Truro, N.S., Nov. 5, 1865; e. 
there; formerly in service of the N. 
Pacific Ry., rising from trainman to' 
trainmaster, with jurisdiction from 
Grand Forks to Winnipeg; later, was 
a'pp.tò. 'sup.dt. 'On -the C. N. Ry., west 'Of 
Kamsack, and became supdt. of dist. 
at Port Arthur, Dec., 1906; since Jan., 
1908, has been genl. supdt. of the 
enUre system.- Winnipeg. 
.. A man of la.rge ability."-S. N. 
Cameran, Lt.-Cal, Kenneth, physician. 
Second s. late Archd. C., old Com- 
mercial Bank and Merchants Bank of 
Can., and Agnes Margt. (Barwick) 
C.; grands. It.-coI. Duncan C., C.B., 
79th Highlanders, latterly af II Ltn- 
dally," York Mills, Ont.; b, Hamilton, 
Ont., Aug. 1, 1863; e. Trin. Call. Sch., 
Port Hope, Ont., and MC'Gill Univ. 
(B.A., with 1st class honours In N. 
scl-en'C'e, 1884; M.D.,C.M., 1887) ; unm.; 
is senior asst. .surg., Montreal' GenI. 
Hoop. and lecturer din. surg., McGill 



UniV'.; major Can. Army iMed. Carps, 
1903; ilt.-ool., 1907; com- 
manded No.. 5 Fieltd Ambulance, MOlllt- 
real; adm!ini:sbrali'ive me-d. offr., M.D. 
N'O. 5, 1910-11; Ang.-Linton Apart- 
ments, 731 Bherbrooke St. W., l'rIont- 
real; St. James's Club; Montreal lIlili- 
tary Institute, do. 
Cameron, LudWig Eribbs, Onto public 
Scottish-Irish origin; father from 
A,rgy.Jolshire, Scot.; mother fr>am Il'elI.; 
bra. laoo Jobn C.. an 
minlerut Can. 
journa.list; b. .st'auff",Hle, Ont.. Jan. 30, 
1854; e. there; m., May, 1879, Mis!' 
LilliaGraV'es Harwaod; farmerly presdt. 
and man-gr., Lanoon Advertiser; lived 
in Winnipeg far same yrs., where he 
founded The Nor'- West Farmer, 1882. 
and Outdoor Canada, 1904; appalnted 
Queen's (naw King's) Printer, Ont.. 
May, 1890; an han. memo Can. Press 
Assn.; initiated. as a Freemasan. 1897; 
became grand reogr. Grand Ladge of 
Can., 1904; also. cannected with several 
ather .fraterna
 assns. ; Presb.-390 
Markham St., Taranto; Royal Can. 
Yacht Club, do. 
Cameron, Malcolm Graeme, lawyer; 
E. s. s. late M. C. C., Lt.-(}oV'r. N. 
W. T., and Jessie N. (McLean) C.; 
b. Goderlch, Ont., Feb. 24, 1857; e. 
Gaderlch Grammar Sch. and Galt (Tas- 
sle's) Call. Inst,: m., Aug., 1880, Flar- 
ence, d. late J. C. Kirkpatrick, Chip- 
pawa, Ont.: barrister. 1879; K.C.. 
1902; sU'ccessfully pra!Ctises his prof. in 
Goderlch; a,pptd. a memo Rayal Camn. 
fOol' revising and cansalidating the 
Statutes af Can., 1904: far 3 yrs. an 
examr. Law Sac. U. C.: authar: "A 
Treatise an the Law of Dower" (re- 
ferred to. by Rt. Han. Sir Hy. Strong. a 
Chief JusUce of Dan., as "the mast able 
and learned wark an the subject ever 
yet /published, e1ther In Eng., Can., 0.1' 
the U.S.") : !has been successively tawn 
cauncillor, reeV'e, and mayaI' af Ga- 
doerich: re->el-ecl
d may-aI', 1911; a Lib., 
and ha's servro as pl'esdt. Taronto 
Young lAb. Olub; sat fur W. HUl'an 
(uoca,l), 19
2-08: Fresb. -" The 
1I1aples," Goderich, Ont.; Ontario Club, 
T oron to. 
Cameron, Ossian, lawyer. 
S. Calin and Annie (Munro.) C.; b. 
Mantreal, Mch. 22, 1868; e. St. Lauls 
pubHc 'schs. and Chrioago CoN. of Law 
(Lake FOJ'Iest UnlV'.. LL.B.. 1893); 
unm.; ØJdmibted: Ohleago ,b3.'T. 1893; 
successfulily ,prac1iÏiSes prof. iln Chicago. : 
JJeoturer crimlinlfu1' and con sti t uti anal 
llaw, John MaTS/ha.Jil 0001111.: author 
"H1I11J01s Cnimi"nruL Law and," 
(1898) , "II\ 01 ty aoo 
lJaws" (1905); ,re,,'isoo and enl.a,rge'd 
II JorlJeIs' and Binmore's Ge-ner3Ji LegaJl 
Forms and Proooo.en,ts' (1902) : 
offered ,!Jo gii\'le $6,000 '00 nle'W ho<me for 
old peaiplle of Soottish btiMh, Chd.cag(), 
1909; RieJp.: Presb.-5610 Indiana Ave., 
Chicago, Ill.; Humilton Club; Chicago 
Bar Association, do. 
Cameron, Rev, Bobert (Bapt.). 
U. E. L. descent; s. \lIa1Je Robert and 
NalliC'Y (Ross) C.; lb. E. Ndssouri, Co. 

Oxf'alT'd!, OnlÌ., 1839; e. pulbll,ic Mh., 
y Semy.. N.Y., anod To}":omoo 
UntiV'. (B.A., 1868; M.A., 1869); D.D. 
(Ihoon.). \ViÌ.lUiam Jewei!-l 001.1., uÎlberty, 
Mo.: m., Seplt., 1869. Mary EMza 
Bl'adie, e. d. ,1'Me ReV'. AIJ.ex. LaTLmer, 
B.A., ,lJibradan, Toranto Unåv.: o. 
1864; succe.ssdv.ely 'P,a,siÌar 17th St. Oh., 
N. Y. CRy, Park Ch., Bmrutford, Ont., 
1st Bapot. Ch., Deru\'leI". andl 4tJh Bapt. 
Oh., PiroViidlenCle, R.I.; fQiunod!ed ClQiliOiT- 
ado Ladies' Oolil., Deon.ver. OQilo. ; 
cl'OOJbed .an hon. chd-ef by Six Na'toioll's, 
Bran.tfÜ'I'd, On1t., Wlilbh rua
ne II De-ho- 
era-watha" (the man of plain speooh) : 
ed. Baptist Freeman, Woodstock. Orut., 
1865-6; sinee 1894 has beten 00.. oof 
Watchwo1'd and Truth; autha'r "Tille 
F.irst Epistltes of J()I}m.... .. Thle Dod,l'ine 
of 1he Age's," .. JQls,tJificatlQin by FaMh," 
e'1:Jc.; a. Bapt., but first of aU a C.hil'lis- 
l!:iÌaTI: a c-a1I1.trJbutQir to 'reI:igi'Üus allid 
secll'Itar pap'ers.-Boston, Mass, 
Cameron, Miss Susan Elizabeth, edu- 
D. Alex. and Anne (PurV'es) C., 
N. S.; b. Baddeck, N.S.; e. priV'atelY, 
. Girls' High Sch., St. Jahn, N.B., and 
McGill UnlV'. (B.A. and gald med. In 
Eng. lit., 1895; M.A., 1899); taught 
and studied in N. Y. city during stu- 
dpntship; tuto.r and lect
rer In Eng. 
lit. and campasitlan McGIll UniV'., and 
resident tuto.r Rayal Vic. Call... 18Q
] 905; acting ward.en. Rayal VICtt'OI'Ia 
Call., 1905-07; vlce-wardpn, da., since 
1907' authar varlaus articles in Can. 
and univ. mags. : has lectured an Child 
Literature and ather subjects; repre- 

Ie"lllte-d :"McGil'l Un'iV'. .at B!"yn-lM'a
Wamen's Call.. i9l0.-Royal VictOr1a 
College, McGill University, Montreal; 
Montreal Women's Club, do. 
Cameron. Wellington Ault, lawyer. 
U. E. L. an bath sides af the 
ho.use; s. late Rev. Jas Y. C.. LundY's 
Lane and Mantreal, and Charlatte 
(Ault) C.; bro. Praf J. C. C. (q.v.), 
McGill Unlv.; b. Lundy's Lane, Mch. 
14 1866; e. by father, Bays' High 
Sch., Mantreal. and McGill UniV'. (B.A., 
with 1st class hanaurs In mental and 
maral phlI., 1887; M.A., 1890); ro., 
Oct., 1902, Elizabeth S., y. d. H
Robt. Jaffray (q.v.). senatar;. barrl
tel', 1892: successfully practIsed his 
praf. In Taronto.; apptd. secy. an
 sub-, Law Sac. U. C.. 1909; res!gned, 
Mch., 1910; an accaslanal cantnbutar 
to. the press; twice wan si!lgles cham- 
pianship Dam. Lawn Bowlmg Tourna- 
rrrent. 'l
o.ranta, .besides I()ther prizes 
bath In taurnament and club campe- 
titians; a Lib., but no.t an active 'Pall- 
tlcian' a Presb. and an affi0e-bearer 
in his' ch.-59 Grenville St., Toronto; 
Queen City Lawn- Bowling Club, To- 
Cameron, Rev, William A. (Bapt.). 
S. DanI. C.: b. nT. Paltffiryra. Ont., 
1882; .e. Woadlstock 00111. and Mc- 
Master UnIv. (B.A., 1896) ; unm.: pur- 
sued tbeoL studJies McM>as,oor Un1v.: 
leadJer at c-oU. of 'MCJMast'er Evangel. 
Ban'd; excel'S as a .polished spe'akoer; 
a 1908. and oaliled Ita Bl.oor St. Ch., 
OIX)lllt!(); de.coHnloo a call .too Eu.o!tid 
Ave. Bapt. Oh., OleV'ell.and, 0., 1911; 



l-at-er, in t'be saIllie y.ear, W'ellit west ,to 
take up mission work.-Scott, Sask. 
.. A ma.D of .the hight'st pl'O'\ll'isec"-.JI. 
and E. 
" An aUe thinker and a PDwerful 
speaker."-T. Globe. 
"A forcefu.l Sþe,akel1'. cloo.r thi'!I' .sud 
an oo,rneßt p.e1l"SiO'nlJi.l worrker."-T. News. 
CamerDn, William Bleaødell, journal- 
ist; littm'ateur. 
S. late .John C., Glengarry. Ont., and 
Agnes, e. d. late Rev. Wm. Bleasdell, 
M.A., D.C.L., Trenton, Ont.; b. Tren- 
ton, Ont., .July 26, 1862; e. Trenton 
High Sch.; m., .July, 1902, Mary Maud 
Wilson, o. d. late Hy. N. Atkins, Na- 
panee, On t.; 6 yrs. in Dom. Govt. ser- 
vice; went west, 1881; a pioneer In 
Can. N. W.; taken prisoner by Big 
Bear's band of Cree Indians, at Frog 
Lake, Sask., at massacre, 1885, where 
he was at time in service H. B. Co.; 
held for 2 mths.; memo Town Council, 
Vermilion, Alta., 1907-8; apptd. secy.- 
treas. Vermilion Bd. .of Trade, 1908; 
ed. Field and Stream, N. Y., 1897-8; 
founder and ed. Signal, Vermilion, 
Alta.; a contributor to leading Brit. 
and Am. mags., chiefly short stories on 
Indian, H. B. Co., and pioneer life In 
Can. N. W.; has unbounded faith in 
future of the 'Vest; Ang.-Verrnilion. 
" One o.f the most brÏiliIJÏJa'nt liter.My pro- 
duc1:is 01' the OaTh. ßQñl."-W. ..4.. Fraser 
.. Camille" (see Lanctot, Mlle. Alice). 
Camirand, Jude Olivier, physician. 
Ancestors from NormandY; s. Her- 
cule O. and Thersille (Gauthier) C.; 
b. Sherbrooke, P.Q., Oct. 25, 1847; e. 
there and Semy. St. .roseph, Three 
Rivers; unm.; studied for his prof. at 
Ecole de Med. et de Chir. de Montreal, 
then a branch of Victoria Unlv., Co- 
bourg, Onto ; graduated M.D., 1871 ; d'id 
hosp. work at Paris, France; has prac- 
tised throughout In his native city; 
one of the leaders In his prof. ; founded 
St. Frands Med. Assn., of which he 
was successively secy.-treas. and presi- 
doent; .organized pflE.sent mled. bd., Sa- 
cred Heart Convent, of which he Is 
prpsdt.; one of the Bd. of Administra- 
tors, Laval Univ.; a gov. ColI. P. and 
8., P. Q.: V.-P. Dom. Med. Protective 
Assn.: V.-P. French Med. Congress, 
1904, and presdt. local League for the 
Prev,ent. o.f 
'uber.; an aM., IShier- 
bflookoe, 1878; maY'Olr, 1902, anod ag'3.ån, 
1904; presæt. Bd. of Trade, 1900-1; 
do. Good Roads Assn., 1904; do. Can. 
Med. Protective Assn., 1907; 'has con- 
tributed occasionally to the press and 
been complimented theref.or; a staunch 
Con. ; elected president Lib.-.con. Assn., 
1905; a R..c.-!3 Brooks St., Sher- 
b1'ooke, P.Q. 
Camirand, Wilfrid, lawyer. 
S. Louis and Gplalre (Bergeron) C.; 
h. St. Monique, P.Q.; e. there; m.. 1st. 
MHe. Anna BeJ.1-a Beauchesne (d.), a 
C'ousin 'Of lat-e Bp. M'ofleau; 2n 1 dly, Vic- 
toria Thibeault, widow Louis Monette, 
Montreal; advocate, 1883; K.C., 1906; 
practises his prof. In Nicolet, .of which 

town he has been secy.-treas. since 
1899; is also legal adviser for the cor- 
porations of the town and parish and 
various other public bodies; was presi- 
dent Soc. St. .Jean Bapte.; for 25 yrs. 
secy. Con. Assn.; has been ed. of or a 
contributor to various newspapers, at 
S1. .J oIhiIlS, SlhoeflbflO{}koe, 'Dhiree Rivers, 
and Montreal; now Ind. in politics; a 
R. C.-Nicolet, P.Q. 
Campbell, Alexander CDlin, Dom. pub. 
S. WIl11. S. C. (q.v.) and Margt. 
(Brough) C.; b. Shannonville, Ont., 
Se,pt. 26, 1857; e. Toronto .coIl. Inst.; 
m. Miss .Jerusha H. Leggo; 10ng con- 
nected with Can. newspaper press; now 
and for .some yrs. a memo 
Hansard staff (H.C.), Ottawa; a 
contributor toO Can. mags.; author: 
.. Insuranc.e and Crime: A Stud.y In 
the 'Effects on Society of Certain 
A:buses of Insurance, wibh Historic 
Instances of Such ..AJbuses" (N.Y., 
1903).-" The Firs," Aylmer, P.Q. 
Campbell, Alexander Murray, phy- 
Scotch parentage; b. Winnipeg, 
Man., 1877; e. ,Man. Univ., there (B.A., 
1897) ; graduated M.D., C.M., 1904; 'Ill., 
Nov., 1907, Annie .JoSE'Phine, d. late 
Rev. .Joseplh Hogg;. aJPptd. med. supdt. 
Winni'peg Genl. Hosp., N.ov., 1904; 
Presb.-General Hosp., Winnipeg. 
Campbell, Lt,-CDL Andrew Ginty, 
Can. marine. 
S. Richd. and El-eanor (Ginty) C.; 
former from Co. Derry, latter from Co. 
Cavan, Ire!.; b. Tp. Darlington, Co. 
Durham, Ont., .Jan. 3, 1850; e. com- 
mon schs., Toronto Grammar Sch. and 
Toronto Normal Sch.; unm.; formerly 
secy.-treas. Can. Transit Co., the pio- 
neer steamship line trading on Great 
Lakps, from Collingwood to Duluth; 
joined ranks 31st Regt., at time of 
Fenian Raid, 1866; passed through 
every rank to that of It.-co!. commdg., 
Nov. 10, 1900; now retired and on 
R. 0.; volunteered for active service, 
Nile expdn., 1884, and In S. A., 1900; 
possesses long service dpcoration; Lib. 
Reformer; PrDt.-Collingwood, Onto 
Campbell, Eon, Archibald, senator. 
S. late Nell and Flora (.rohnston) 
C., nwtivles of AngY11llshiÏre, Scot.; b. 
Ridgetown, Ont., Ap!. 27, 1846; e. 
public and high schs.; m., Feb., 1871; 
Mirrette, d. late Erastus Burk, Coloma, 
Ca!., U.S.; a miller; formerly resided 
at Chatham, Ont.; removed to Toronto 
.Junction, 1892; sat In Kent Co. Coun- 
cll; formerly a dir. Sovereign Bank 
and presdt. Equity Fire Ins. Co.; 
elected presdt. Central Ry. Co. of Can., 
1907; also presdt. Toronto Junction 
Choral Soc.; a promoter Beet Sugar 
CD., 1901, and chief promoter Camp- 
bell Mill ing Co., .of which he Is presdt 
(L. P., 1904); a Lib., and sat for 
Kent, Ont., (H. C.), 1888-1900; un- 
successfully contested W. YDrk (H. C.) 
against the late Hon. N. C. Wallace, 
g. e. 1900; was returned for that seat, 
on sitting mem.'s death, 1901, and sat 
for Centre York (H. C.), 1904, till 
Nov., 1907, when called to the Senate 



by Earl Grey; was successively chatr- 
man Standing Comtes. on Banking and 
Commerce and RY'S., 'Canals and Tele- 
graph Lines; a Presb.-333 Annette St. 
lV., 'l'oronto, Ont.; Ontario Club, To- 
.. NoO'ted fl()1r shre'W'dnre.s.s, uprightness, and 
integrity."-T. Globe. 
Campbell, Lt.-Col, Archibald Alexan- 
der, CompaTIY official. 
S. late Archd. C., formerly warden 
Co. Middlesex, Ont., and Mary C.; b. 
Tp. Caradoc, Middlesex, Ont., Ap!. 27, 
1862; e. public sch., Strathroy ColI. 
Inst., and Chaffee's ColI., Oswego, 
N.Y.; m., 1893, Eva Allee, d. .Tehlel 
Y'Ork'e, Ayilmer, On t.; shorthand secy. 
Senator W. A. Clark, the II Copper King 
of Butte," Mont., 1885-6; a dir. Battlt 
Creek Toasted Corn Flake Co., Ltd.; 
V.-P. and mango dir. People's Building 
and Loan Assn., since 1892; long In 
the v. m. service; capt., 7th Fusiliers, 
1899-1908; major, 1!J08-9; It.-co!. 
commòg. slinæ 'May 1, 1909; was Sup. 
Grand iMastoer, .sov. Gt. Pl'i<>ry of 
Can., K. T.s. 1:107-8; a Lib.; a Chris- 
tian Sclentist.-5
6 Adelaide St., Lon- 
don, Ont.; London Club, do. 
Campbell, Archibald William, Dom. 
pub. service. 
S. late Cameron .T. and Elizabeth 
(McLaug,htloin) C.; fal!her a na1tiV'e of 
Caithness-shire, Scot.; b. Wardsville, 
Ont., 1863; e. High Sch., Sit. Thomas, 
On't. ; unm.; gl'aduated in enging., 
1885; carried on an extensive practice 
in munlcl-pal enging. In West. Ont., 
beoComing city engr., St. Thomas, 
Ont., 1891; 'for a number of yrs. 
carried on an agitation for the 
betterment of country roads; is V.-P. 
Onto Good Roads Assn.; was a memo 
Onto Govt. Toll Roads Comn.; apptd. 
good roads commr., Ont., 1896; In ad- 
dition was made Deopty. Minr, of Pub- 
lic Works, 1900; a de!. to the Good 
Roads Congress, Seattle, 1909; since 
Feb., 1910, has been Depty. Minr. of 
Rys. and Canals, and chairman of 
GoVit. RJy. Mang. Bd., OtJtawa; 'apptd. a 
memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1888; a coun- 
ciHûr, do., 1910; his reports on roads 
and &treets 'have be.come text-books In 
the hands of engrs. and road-makers, 
and he is looked upon as being one of 
the most reliable authorities in such 
matters on the continent; his reports 
have been quoted by the Eng. !press 
and reproduced by the German Govt.; 
has lectured 'On II G<>.od RJOæd.s and 
PubUc W-eI1fare" ; a Presb.-New Rus- 
sell House, Ottawa; Engineers' Club; 
'l'omnto Club; Royal Canadian Yacht 
Club, Toronto. 
uA ma'll' QIf III 'high ordelf' of oadminÏstJrastive 
aibi.1Ïity."-T. Globe. 
Campbell, Lt.-Col, Bruce J"rederlck, 
Can. military service. 
S. late Lt.-Co!. T. E. C., C.B., H. M.'s 
7th Hussars, for some yrs. secy. In Cß.n. 
to the 7th Ear'! of Elgin, when Gov.- 
Genl. of B. N. A., and Henrietta, d. Co!. 
.Tuchereau Duchesnay. Seigneur of Fos- 
sambault; father, who on his retire- 
ment from the army sat in the Can. 
Parlt., was one of the family of Camp. 
beHs of Inverawe, Soot.; b. Manor 

Hou;"e, St. Hilaire, P.Q.; e. there; 
marine mall offr. between Can. and 
Eng., 1867-74; fornnerly It.-co!. com- 
mdg. 84th Regt.; also -chairman Prol. 
&h. Bd., St. Hilaire, and V.-P. Agricul 
Soc., Co. RouviHe, P.Q.; secy. ant 
mangr. St. .Tames's Club, Montreal. 
since 1902; a .T.P.; strong Con., and 
has 3 times d.edined nomination to 
ParIt.; name mentioned for a senator- 
ship, 1894; a strong .protectionlst; 
Ang.-" Inverawe Farm." St. Hilaire, 
P.Q.; St. James's Club, Montreal. 
Campbell, Miss Catherine, misslon- 
arv service. 
Of 'f-Iighland Scotch stock; b. nr. 
Molesworth, Ont.; e. public and high 
schs.; graduated Ottawa Normal Sch.; 
formerly a public sch. teacher: sent 
to India as a missy. by the "T. IF. 
M. S., Can. Ch., 1894, being 
stationed at Neemuch, C. I., wh.en
,through her .heJ"01ic 'exert1'Ons, -the Uves 
o;f 830 n:a.tiv'Es ,,-,eTe sa ved c:luring tbhe 
disastrous famines of 1897-1900: was 
the first of the Can. missionaries to re- 
ceive from the late King-Emperor at 
hi.s coronation the Kaiser-i-Hind med., 
in acknowledgment of iher'phllanthrapy ; 
through her endeavours an orphanage 
for native girls was founded, at the 
head of which she presldes.-Neemuch, 
Central India. 
Campbell, Charles Sandwith, lawyer. 
E. S. late Hon. Sir Alex. C., K.C. 
M.G., one of the II Fathers .of Confed- 
eration," and, at his death. Lt.-Gov. of 
Ont.. an,d Geor
noa Frec:lrica (L(1ock'p) 
C.. d. Th.os. Sandwith, Beverle", York- 
shire, Eng'.: b. P.ortsmouth, Kingston. 
Ont., Nov. 15, 1858; e. Bishop's CoIt. 
Sclh., LennoxvilIe, P.Q., and La val 
Univ. (L.LL., avec grande distinction, 
1884; LL.D., 1901); unm.; advocate, 
1884; K.C., 1899; sometime head of 
the law firm C., Meredith, MacPhprson, 
Hague & Holden, Montre
l; retired 
from active practice, 1910; one of the 
leaders of M.on treal bar; a former law 
partner Sir .T. .T. C. Abbott. K C.M.r::.., 
Prime Minister of Can.; has appeareò 
obefore Jo!. Combe. IP. C., E'D'g'.; .one 'Of 
the counsel for Dom. Coal Co., 1wfore 
P. C., 1908-9; a former gov. McGi1I 
Unlv.; resigned, 1907; a mem. Len- 
noxviIIe Sch. Assn.; a dir. Mnntr co al 
Terminal Ry. and 
'f'o'Il,trea,1 .T'oc]{1ey 
O!Illb; a m'em. Han. Co.mte. M,on1T1e13.1 
H'Ors'e Show, 1905; formerly a Ideut. 
,M'ontreall Gar. Arty. (151 class cert., 
R. S. A.); much 'in'Ì'erelst'ed -in IÌhte 
.th'Ü'r')ughbred horse breedling industry 
in tJhoe Brovince; ,ion 1910 imported 4 
high cll3.SIS bflooidoin'g mal'es from the 
Blue grass I'egions of Ky., U.S.; a 
c.on., and .formerly on Ex,tve. Ooonlte. 
I,ocal Li'b.-Oon. A'ss'Il.; an AllIg.-6 
Cathcart St., Jlontreal: St. James's 
Club; Mt. Royal Club; Montreal Jockey 
Club, do. 
Campbell, Clarence Thomas, physi- 
cian; Dom. public service. 
S. Thos. and Sarah C.; b. London, 
Ont., Dec. 27, 1843; e. there; m., 1st, 
1869, Miss E. A. Drake (d. 1886); 
2ndly, .Tune, 1901, Charlotte Catherine, 
d. late .Tohn S. Tyrrell, Port Rowan, 
Ont.; graduated M.D. (W. Horn. Med. 



CoIl., Cleveland, 0.), 1865; do. do. 
(Horn. ColI. Penn.), 1886; lIcensed In 
Gan., Horn. Med. Bd., 1866; memo Bd. 
of Examrs., ColI. P. and S. Ont., 1880- 
81; memo Med. Council, Ont" 1882; 
presdt. Can. Inst. of Horn., 1891; V.-P. 
Can. Med. Coun. P. and S. Ont., 1892; 
presdt. do., 1893; became later lecturer 
on san. science, London Normal Sch. 
and Viet. Hosp. Training- Seh. for 
Nurses; a mpm. London Bd. of Educ. 
for many yrs.; chairman do., 1884; 
also chairman local Bd. of Education; 
presdt. London Hlst. Soc., 1901; an 
ø;Ld.: mayl()lr 'Of ,Lo, nldûn 1905; a'Pptd. 
P. O. Lonod'Ûn dist., ,Meh., 1906; 
author .. A Roundabout Rine to Los 
Angeles and Back It (1888) and of 
various contributions to the mags.; a 
prominent Freemason and memo Royal 
Arcanum; grand sire, I. O. O. F., 1893- 
94; Ang.-
27 Queen's Ave., London, 
Ont.; London Club, do. 
Campbell. colin, merchant. 
S. late Lt.-Col. T. E. C., C.B., Gov.- 
Genl.'s seey. to Lord Elgin, ann sub- 
sequently M. P. for RouviIle; b. Manor 
House, St. Hilflire. P.Q., May 28, 1860; 
e. BishO'P's CoIl. Sch.., Lennoxvme, P.Q. ; 
m., Feb., 1888, Mabel! Gertrude (V.-P., 
Soc. Prevo .of Cruelty to Animals), 
y. d. late Sir Hugh Al'lan, Montreal: 
served some yrs. In hanklng- prof.; now 
a wine merchant; distinguished as a 
gentleman jockey, and Is prominent In 
the hunting field; has won the Mont- 
real Hunt Cup twice or thrice. and 
also the Allan Cup; a dlr. of the Mont- 
real Jockey Club and Nat. Horse Show 
Assn. of Am.; Rafte 'Presdt. ,Can. Hunt 
Club; aiPptd. to represent Am. as judg-e 
of hunters at Intern. Horse Show. 
London., 1!J09; Con.-l
6 Met- 
err lfe St.. ]If ontreal; S11,m mer residence: 
Manor House, St. Hilaire. P.Q.: St. 
James's Club; Mt. ROJIal Club: Canada 
Club: Montreal Jocke11 Club; Forest 
and Stream Chtb; Montreal Hunt Club: 
Montreal Racquet Club: St. George's 
Snowshop Club. Montreal; T01'onto 
Club; Albany Club, Toronto. 
Campbell, Colin Alexander, phvsiclan. 
S. John C., educationist. Toronto; 
g-randf. came from N. CarolIna, 1819: 
b. Toronto, 1874; P. Toronto ColI. 
Inst.; unm.; M.D..C.M. (Trln. Unlv., 
Toronto), 1897; M.R.C'.S. (Eng.). 1904: 
for some yrs. surg. R. M. R Empress 
of India: thpn house surg-. Toronto 
Genl. Hosp.; do. do. Royal Lond. Oph- 
thaI. Hosp., Eng., 1902-5; has contri- 
buted papers to the Canada Lancet: 
Presb.-Grand Forks, N. Dak. 
Campbell, Ron, Colin R" lawyer; 
Second s. late John H. and Jane 
(KennedY) C.; Scotch-Irish descent; 
gmndf., Al,ex. C., f'rom Argy},}shlre, 
Scot., came to Can., 1807; b. Burling- 
ton, Ont.. Dec. 25, 1859; e. local sehs. 
and Oakvllle High Sch. ; m., July, 1884, 

flinnle Julia Bea'tTlce (regemt F'()rt 
Garry Chap. Imp. Ordler Daug-Mlers 'Û'f 
the Empire), d. An-sem Bu-ck, M.D., 
M.R.C.S.. Eng.. Pa:JIermo. Onlt.; bar- 
ri,ster (Onlt.), 1881; do. (Man.), 1882; 
K.C. (E. Aberdeen), 1893; head 

Jeg-oJ firm C. & 'CralW.t'O'I'd, WÜ, 
solrs. for Bank of Hamilton and a 
great many other institutions and 
assns,; has served In Winnipeg City 
Council; a Con., and unsuccessfully 
contested Winnipeg (H. C.), in that 
Interest, 1893; has sat for Morris 
(Local) since g. e. 1899; has held a 
seat In Man. Govt. since Jan., 1900, 
and has been Atty.-Gent since Oct., 
same year; a del. to Interprovl. Conf., 
Ottawa, 1906; do. do. do., 1910; 110., 
Imp. Conf. on Educ., London, Eng., 
1907: presented, with Mrs. C., to Prince 
and Princess of Wales (now King and 
Queen). St. James's Pa1ace, July, 1902; 
presented to the late King Edward, 
St. Jiamøs',s Pa J lo3JC'e, July, 1908; pre- 
s-enteod, "\\ith MTs. C., .to King GeOT1
and Qu-een (Mary, Bucldniglham Pa.loaiCle, 
May, 1911; 'Presenrt a.t ThelT Majest
eoron'::\.Itlon, June, 1911; author of 
much V'aJrI'eld and 'ImrpoI"ltB.-nt l'eg>is- 
I atf.on , some of which has been con- 
firmed, on appeal, by P. ,C. In Eng.; 
Introduced resolution for extension 
of provl. !boundaries, north and west, 
1905; a Presb. and a de1. to the 
eh. confs.; a memo Bd. of Mangt. Man. 
CoIl. over 20 yrs.: chairman do. since 
1897; 5 yrs. presdt. Y. M. C. A.; also 
closely Identified with Masonry: a 
memo Scottish Rlte.- u Inverary," Win- 
nipeg; lIlanitoba Club; Commercial 
Club; St. Charles Country Club, do.; 
Albany Club, Toronto; Grosvenor Club, 
London. Eng. 
.. A shrewd and successfuol public man. 
-T. Globe. 
campbell, David W" Can. ry. and 
steamship service. 
S. late John and Sarah (Evans) C., 
Montreal; Scotch parentage: b. Mont- 
real. 1861: e. Montreal High -Sen.; 
'"Ii.. N-ov.. 1900, Emi,Iy Maud, d. late H. 
N. Baird, TOTlonrt'O; C'ommPTIIC!ed' businof'ss 
career with Thomson, Murray & Co., 
then mango agents Beaver 'Llne of 
steamships In Can.; after 20 yrs. con- 
tinuous service, was IRpptd. go.enol. mana- 
ger of thp co., 1895: while hoMing 
this position, was the first to establish 
a dlrpct service during wlntpl' st"ason 
to a Can. port. namely, 
t. John, N.B.; 
was Instrumental In dlspmdng- of the 
vessels of tht" Beavpr Lint" to the 
Elder-Dempstpr Co., 18!J8, and became' 
mang-r.. In Can., of this co.. 1900: 
later, In 1903. became genl. supdt. of 
the C. P. Ry. Oo.',s Atlantic fI'ee.t .of 
stt"amers, at Montreal; this post he 
rec;ignf>d, .Tune, 1905, to assume con- 
trol. as Can. man gr. of the Elder- 
Dempster Co.'s South African and 
Mexican service; became later, gent 
R,genft In Oan. of same co.; Is al'so 
Cuban Consul at Montreal; ele-cted a 
OoundlIor, 'Montreal Bd. of Trade, 
1910: has done much to popularize 
t'he St. Lawrence route; a dlr. Royal 
Marine Ins. Co., Montreal Sailors' 
Inst. and Shipping Federation of 
Montreal; a ;prom-oter Imp. Fruit 
Co. L. P.. 1908); a memo eXitve. 
C'omJte. Oan. Shipping- Federation; 
faV'Ours fre-e trade with ,the; 
Presb.-296 Côte des Neiges Rd., Mont- 
real; St. James's Club, do. 



Campbell, Eon, Lt,-Col, Donald Alex- 
ander, physician. 
S. late Duncan and CatherIne C., 
Salmon River, Truro, N.S.; b. there, 
Oct. 26, 1852; e. DalhousIe Coll.; m. 
MIss CatherIne FannIng, Nfd.; M.D., 
C.M. (Dalhousie Univ.), 1874; prac- 
tises In Halifax; Is prof. of med., Hali- 
fax Med. ColI. and a govr. DalhousIe 
UnIv.; also an examr. local branch 
Royal SanItary Inst.; Is senior med. 
effr., 63ro Regit.; þOss&S\S>es 1.he long 
serv.loo decoration; gaz'etted hon. U.- 
001., F>eb. 6, 1905; elle'C't.oo ,presðt. May- 
flower CurliÏng OIU'b, 1906.-1
O Gottin- 
gen St., Halifax, N.S. 
Campbell, Donald Francis, education- 
S. Geo, and Ellen Esther (Gunn) C.; 
b. Co. Pictou, N.S., 1867; e. DalhousIe 
Unlv. (B.A., 1890) and Harvard 
Unlv.,, Mass. (B.A., 1894; 
M.A., 1895; Ph.D.. 1898); m. MCh., 
1906, ,Miss Lou Rena Bates, David. 
son, Conn.; Instr. In math., Law- 
rence Science Sch. of Harvard Univ., 
1897-1901: ass,t. prof. math.. ArmlOur 
Inst. of Tech., Chicago, Ill., 1901: 
assoc. prof. do. do., 19(12; prof. and 
head of dept. since 1903; author of 
several papers on math.; Presb.-l1S
Oak Ave., Evanston, Ill.; Univer8ity 
Club, Chicago, I". 
CampbeU, Miss Dorothy :Eona, ama- 
teur golf champion. 
.B. Ed1nbuflg'h, Scot., 1883: e. S00'Í..; 
began her golf career, 1895: t'OOk part 
In Scottish championship ma tches, St. 
An-drews, 1901; played on Brit. team 
against Am. at Cromer, won her 
match and reached the seml-flnal In 
tlhe <>'Pen championship, 1905; also 
won 'the S>c.ovHsh championship sam>e 
yr.; won the open championship at 
Blrkdale, also the Scottish and the 
Am., 1909; joined 
HamllJton Golf 'Club, won Ont., 'Can. 
and Am. champIonships, 1910' won 
Woman's GoI'f Championship of Gt. 
Britain,. Portrush, IreI., May, 1911. 
-HamÛton, Onto 
U Without doubt, the greare,st lady go1fer 
ever known in the history of the game "- 
I risk 1 ndependem. . 
Camvbell, Capt, Duncan prederick 
H.M.'s reg-ular mil. forces. ' 
O. s. late Archibald F. C., Simcop, 
Ont., and - (Cumberland) C.: b. SIm- 
coe, ApI. 28, 1876: P. Trln. CoIL Sch., 
Port Hope. and Trin. Unlv.. Toronto 
(B.A., 1898): m., Api., 1902, AnnIe 
)Ulsp Racey. y. d. late Major J. E. 
o Reilly, master In chancery, Hamil- 
ton, Ont.; formerly an ofTI'. 10th (P.ovn1 
Grenadiers) Regt.; gazetted 2nd lIeut. 
Lancashire Fmdllers, Nov.. 1898 ; 
lIeut., Sept., 1899; capt., Oct., 1901; 
served wIth his rpgt. In S. A.. 1899- 
1901 (wounded; despatches; Queen's 
med., 6 clasps: D.S.O.): since trans- 
f-erred to the 42nd B1ack Watch, and 
boildtS a staff appt. t8Jt LlmeT'ick; an un- 
successful candidJate for Mld-Lanark 
(Eng. H. C.), In Con. Interest, g. e. 
nd g. e. 1909.-The Barracks, 
Ltmenck, Ire ,. 

Campbell, Major Duncan John 
D'Urban, Can. pub. service. 
S. 'late Lt.-Col. T. E. C., C.B" and Hen- 
rJe/)ta (Duchesnay) C.; b. St. HUaire, 
July 16, 1855; e. Bishop's ColI. Sch., 
LennoxvUle, P.Q.; m., Aug., 1894, 
Eleanor, 2nd d. late Capt. John Taylor 
Wood, Halifax, N.S.; for some yrs. In 
service Bank of Montreal; removed to 
Macleod, 1882; formerly postmaster 
there; subsequently capt. .. H" Squad- 
ron, C. M. R.; now major commandJg. 
23rd Alberta Rangers; apptd. sherltT 
Southern Alberta, A,pI. 4, 1887; Con.; 
An g.-Macleod, Alta.; j[acleod Club, 
"An all-round good m/a-n', .and comes of 
splendid fighting stock."-Lord A.ylmer 
Campbell, Edward Montgomery, edu- 
S. Jas. and Martha M. C., natives 
of Can.; grandparents from N. of 
Irel. and amongst earliest -settlers In 
Co. Megantlc, P.Q.; b. Inverness, P.Q., 
July 22, 1872: e. Inverness Acad. and 
McGill Univ. (B.A., 1897); m., Dec., 
1898, Mary, y. d. Hugh McCutcheon, 
Leeds, P.Q.; principal Hatley Model 
SCh., 1890-2; do. Three RIvers High 
SCh., 1892-3;' asst. master Westmount 
Acad., 1897-1900; since then head- 
master McGill Model SCh., Montreal; 
507 St. Catherine St. W., 
Westmount, j[ontreal. 
Campbell, Frederick J" manufac- 
tu reI'. 
S. late Jas C., publisher, Toronto; 
b. there, 1864: e. U. C. ColI.; m., 1898. 
Kathleen, d. John Coatps, Ottawa: 
genl. mangr. Can. Paper Co., WIndsor 
"Mil'ls, P.Q.. sinæ 1902; eloot-edl mayor, 
WIndsor MIlls. 1907: a contrIbutor to 
the mag-s, yachting articles, 'etc.; Ind. 
In politIcs; advoC'a tps Can. for the 
Canadians: we should dpvplop and 
manufacture to the fullest pxtent from 
our raw materials, exporting- the ftn- 
l!'Ihed products: Ang-.-" Riverdene." 
Sherbrooke, P.Q.: St. George's Club, 
do.; R01wl St. Lawrence Yacht Club, 
Montreal; Royal Can. Yacht Club, To- 
Campb, elI Georcre Cooper, lawyer. 
S. Wm. C., who came to Can. from 
Coolaney, Iret., 1826, and EJizabeth 
Prudpnce (Royce) C.. a native of Rut- 
landshire. En g-. , who came to Can.. 
1833; b. Davenport, Co. York. Ont.: P. 
there and .JarvIs St. ColI. Inst., To- 
ronto; m., 1890, Florenoe Augusta (d. 
1904), d. la.te Rev. W. R. Parker, M.A. 
D.D.; barrister (standing flrst in his 
class), 1887: has practised through- 
out In Toronto: at present a memo of 
flrm of McPherson, Clark, C., & Jar- 
vis; a Lib.: presdt. LaurieI' Club, 
1898-9; do. W. Toronto Rpform Assn., 
1900; do. N. Toronto Rpform Assn.: 
Meth.--U Willcocks St., Toronto; Na- 
tional Club; Ontario Club, do. 
Campbell, Bev, GeorJre ]W, (Meth.). 
S. Duncan C.; grands. Dougald C., 
who came to N. S. over 85 yrs. ago.; 
belongs to fhe C.'s'Û1' Inwra,TY, ATg'y'Il- 
shIre, Scot.; b. Wallace, N.S., 1853; 
e. Mt. Allison Unlv, (D.D., hon., 1898) ; 



o. 1876; has filled many Important 
pastorates, Including Charlottetown, 
W'OO'dJstxJck, N.B., St. SitJeIP1hen, Monc- 
ton, St. John (Exmouth St.), Frpderic- 
ton, St. John (Centenary and Queen 
Square) ; has held the offices of finan- 
cial secy., chairman of dlst. (twice), 
and presdt. of conf. ; has also been del. 
to the Genl. Cont.; Is dist. secy. Can. 
Bihle Soc.; has declined several calls; 
m., Nov., 1879, Edith S., e. d. late 
Rev. H. McKeown (Meth.) at one time 
'PreS/dot. N. B. and P. E. I. 'Oonf. ; ruppltd. 
'Prof. HiomHertd'CJS rand Bl'aoti/Clalli Thoeol.. 
:Mit. A'1.J.isol1 Ußliv., June, 1911.-8t. 
John, N.B. 
II Known for his scholarly a.ttainmente, 
his genial personality, his eloquence as a 
pre.acher, his earnestnes.s as a worker."- 
St. John Telegraph. 
Campbell, 1I/Iajor George Munro, 
S. DUIlICan C., Pictou, N.S., descend- 
pi! from Camnbells of Argylp; b. Truro, 
N.S., June 8, 1861; e. Truro Acad. 
and Dalhousie Dnlv. (B.A... with hon- 
ours In pure and appl. math., and Sfr 
Wm. Young's gold med., 1882); m., 
Sppt., 1891, ,Tean Alpxandra, d. John 
Mackay, Earitown, N.S.; Munro tutor 
In math.. Dalhousie Dnlv., 1883; gradu- 
ated M.D. (Bellevue Hmm. Mpd. CoIl., 
N. Y.), 1890; has practfsf'd through- 
out at Halifax, where he Is one of the 
leaders In his prof.: has bpen connect- 
ed with Halifax Med. CoIl. for many 
yrs., his speciality being dtspases of 
children: an Ald. of Halifax and 
Depty. Mayor, 1908; presdt. North 
Brit. Soc., Halifax, 1906: has heen 
senllor moo. .offr. 7 ' th Reg1t. 0:11'. Arty.; 
a Con., and twice unsuccpssfully con- 
tested Halifax In that IntpTPst: a 
Presb. - "01 BrunswiC'k St.. 11alifax 
N.S.; Halifax Club; City Club. do. 
Campbell. George S., rnpl'chant. 
S. late Duncan C., author .. History 
of Nova Scotia"; b. Edinburgh, Scot., 
July 8, 1851; e. private sch. in Glas- 
gow: m., June, ] 887. Hplen. d. latp 
David Kennpdy, Edinburgh, 
cot., thl' 
dlstfneulshed Scottish singer; pntd. 
firm F. D. Corbett & Co., stpamship 
Rg'enltis anI(] com!}.. mprooon.tos. Ha.tll- 
fax, N.S., In a subordinate carmcity. 
becoming soon afterwards a partner, 
and, on the retirement of Mr. Corbett, 
head of the firm, which has since hpen 
known a.c; G. S, C. & Co. ; a memo Can. 
IndustrIal League, a dir. N. S. FÍrp 
Ins. -Co., N. S. ,Bundúng 'Soc.. s.prrik.p'T 
Car Co., Empire Trust Co., Stan fields, 
Ltd., and thp Bank of N. S.; chairman 
Pt. Bl<<\lsanlt Paork; 'R- ('!oun'ClÏ1i1l{)r and 
has been twice presdt. Halifax Bd. of 
Trade; Is also a memo of the ('omtp. 
apptd. In connection with the celpbra- 
tlon of the 150th anniversary of thp 
estabt. of responsible govt. In N. s.: 
a mlem. EX1tv'e. Comrt:'E'. ,1oc-al branch 
Brit. Navy League, a dir. Joint Benpvo- 
lE'nt Co.. !=:ch. for the Blind. V.-P. Sea- 
man's Friend Soc., a gov. Dalhousip 
CoIl., and presdt. Can. Club. Halifax, 
N.S.; was presdt. North Brit. Soc., 
1891, and later presdt. Orpheus Club; 
8Jpptd. a memo Bd. of L'oncUlation re 

Dam. Co a} Co. employees, 1909; 
as clha.'kman Bod.. of Gov.s., Dal'hJOiusie 
CoH., bas rndsed $300,000 tOW'a.OOIS the 
pUTClhl3Jse -off a new sHJe for the sCÍ.enúe 
bU'Íllidli-ng fiar ot'hat instd tu'Li<}ß; fa ,'-ours 
.the U aH red I"ou,t'é)" ; a Oon'g.-Halifax, 
N.S.; Halifax Club
' Halifax Golf 
Club; CmtQ(han Club, do. 
.. His advancement is an e>xample to 
young men of how indußtry, ability, and 
fair dealing bring their rewards to those 
who display such"-LIalifax Her 
Campbell, M.iss Grace Sybrandt (see 
Simpson, MrrS. Grace SybrandtL 
Campbell, Lt.-Col. Henry Montgom- 
ery, landed gentleman. 
S. late Prof. Montgomery C., N. B. 
Unlv., and Sophia (Storie) C., o. d. 
Hon. John Simcoe Saunders; b. Fred- 
ericton, N.B., Sept. 24, 1859; e. N. B 
Un Iv. ; m. Laura, d. -late Francis E. 
WinsloOw, Sussex, N.B.; a gentleman 
faflffiler; a memo Exrtv-e. N. B. Mio'nlll 
and Social Reform Council; a dir. 
Maritime Stock Breeders' Assn.; for a 
long period an oITr. in 8th" Princess 
Louise's N. B. Hussars"; It.-col. com- 
manding TE'gt., Aug., 1899; now hrlg.- 
ma:!. 12th lnly. Brlgadp: was hrlg-.- 
maj. 3rd dlv. lnfy. Brigade, QUPbec 
T-ercent. oel1e1bt'i3JtoÏQn\ 1908; 'hoMs lonrg 
slerV'ice d
rotÏ'on ; elootiE'd pres/dlt. Fa.r- 
m'E>rs' and Da,i-rym'e'11's Assn., N.B., 
1911 ; an A'I1ig., and a dle1. to Gent an,(f 
Pm,V'1. Sy;J1,od's.-" Foxhill," Apohaqui, 
N.R.: Union Cl1lb, St. John. 
Campbell, Lt.-Col. and Bt,-Col, Her- 
bert Montgomery, H.M.'.s regular 
mil. forces. 
A bro. of Lt.-Col. Hy. M. C. (q.'V.); 
b. Fredericton, N.B., Aug. 15, ] 861: e. 
there and Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston, 
Ont.; graduated, 1881; m., 1G06, Flor- 
E'nce Maude, 2nd d. latp Hy. King. 
QUE'bec; gazptted lieut. R. A., June, 
1881; capt., 1889: major, 1899; bt. It.- 
col., 1900; now commdg. 19th Field 
Arty. Brigade, Camp, Sal'ls- 
bury, Eng.; has h-eild: various staff 
appts.: served during S. A. War. 1899- 
1902 (rn-en'tdonted 'in doesDl3Jtches; Queen's 
med., with 4 clasps; King-'s med., with 
2 clasps) .-Care War Office, London, 
Campbell, Isaac, lawyer. 
S. 'late Duncan C., Blenheim, Ont. ; b. 
nr. Morpeth, Kent, Ont., 1853; e. Wood- 

tfO'Ck 0011.1.; m., 1908, ;Mrs. May B. 
Nl1es (née Taylor); harrister (Ont.) , 
1878; dlo. (.:\flan.). 188
: 'd:o. (N. W. 
T.), 1889; K.C. (E. of Dprby), 1890; 
presdt. Osgoode Legal and Lit. Soc., 
Toronto, 1881: do. Man. Law 80('., 
1892; was subsequently presdt., Win- 
nipeg Bar Assn.; practises at Winni- 
peg as head oaf firm C.. Pi'tbl'3Jdo & CoO. ; 
one of the lead-ers of the bar; was city 
s.olr., Winnipeg, for 18 yrs. (presented 
wIth g01d watch by City Council, on re- 
tiring, 1906); ha's .on 3 occasions de- 
oldnfE'd a,ppt. to ,the j.1. bench, once as 
chlelf justice of Man.: has also twice 
d,ecllned the Lib. provl. leadershIp; .sat 
1'01' S. Winnlpe'g (Local), in Lib. In- 
terest, 1888-91, when he resigned to 
contest Winnipeg (H.C,); formerly Q 



dlir. W1nlllicpeg GenII. Hoop. - Winni- 
peg; Manitoba Club; Commercial Club, 
II The silver-tongued o.rator of the West." 
T. Globe. 
Campbell, Rev, Isaac (presb.). 
S. John C., an eldPT in thf' Prf'sb. Ch., 
of Scotch descent, w'ho came from Co. 
Monaghan, Irel., and Margt. (Lunnte) 
C.; b. N. iMonaghan, Co. PeterÞoro', 
Ont., July 12, 1853; e. pUblic sch., 
Peterboro' High Sch., Toronto Unlv., 
and Knox CoIl. (graduated, 1874); 
M.A.; Ph.D.: m., 1st, Fran-oes A. (d.), 
dl. late .Tas. Stratton, Peterboro', Ont.; 
2ndly, Flora, e. d. Rev. Jas. Thorn, 
B.A., Toronto; o. 1874; held charges 
In Knox Ch., Llstowel, Ont., and 
Erskine Ch., Ottawa; now and fOT 
sam-e years In charge of :Bark Place, 
Norfolk, Va.; served on High Soh. Bd., 
and was a commr. to the Genl. Assem- 
bly; wa/smodem'Ì'Or (Ot:t.aWia f'IrIesby.); 
well known as a writer and lect.; 
author of a work much sought and 
read, on Perfectlonlsm.-Park Place, 
Norfolk, Va. 
Campbell, James Ernest, manufac- 
Bro. W. W. C., LL.D. (q.1J.); b. Co. 
Renfrew; e. there: m. Miss .Tean Cam- 
eron; moved to Co. Bruce with his 
parents when young; has been depty. 
rE'eve and reeve of AmabE'l; a Lib. and 
was, on 3 occasions, nominated In that 
Interest for N. Bruce (H.C.); apptd. 
Can. Trade Commr. to Leeds and Hull, 
Eng., .Tune, 1909, but declined; a 
Presb.-Hepworth, Onto 
Campbell, Rev, James Praser (Presb ). 
S. lat-e HolJ1\. Chias. .T. C., II Dullitulm," 
Baddeck, N.S., a well-known Can. pub- 
lic man, and Eliza Jane (Ingraham) 
C.; b. Baddeck, Oct. 16, 1845; e. there, 
SackvlIIe Acad., and Glasgow Unlv.; 
D.D. (Queen's Unlv., Kingston), 1897; 
m., Feb., 1879, Mary, 2nd d. late Rev. 
Alex. Forrester, D.D., Supdt. of Edu- 
cation, N. S.; o. 1871; pastor Grove 
Ch., Halifax, 1871-5; apptd. to Indian 
Mission, June, 1875, where he stilI Is; 
has been stationed at Madras and 
Mhow; since 1886 has been at Rut- 
lam; estbd. G1Jan Patrika, an Anglo- 
vernacular paper, and the Indian Stan- 
dard (the organ of Presbyterians In 
Inll'hia), .both 01 "\'\'lhkh Ihe .e,(1f,ts: h'
written tracts In Eng. and Hindi, and 
has translated hymns Into native Jan- 
guage-s; a del. to Wor1d's Missy. Con. 
ventlon, Ed,lnburg:h, Scot.. 1910.
presb. Mission, Rutlam, Central India. 
Campbell, Rev. John (Presb.). 
S. John and Margt. (Anderson) C.; 
nearly related to the family of the late 
Lord Clyde, better known as Sir CoUn 
CamJpb'e.I:J., .. the sav,lour of Lndda," and 
Margt. (Anderson) C., a relative of 
Sir Thos. Dick, the noted writer and 
astronomer; ,b. A.,T1gyl},Ishire, Sc>O't., 
1845: e. Stayner public sch., Weston 
Grammar Sch., Toronto ColI. Inst., 
Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1873; M.A., 
1883); Knox CoIl., Toronto (gradu- 
ated, 1874), and Bloomington Univ., 
Ill. (Ph.B.; Ph.D.); m. 1st, 1875, 

Jle-an (d. 18S2), d. Jas. Langton, Peter- 
boro'..Ont.; 2ndly, Agnes, d. Jdhn F1orln, 
Belleville, Ont; came to Oan. with his 
parents, 1851; settled in Tp. Notta- 
wasaga, n. of Toronto; o. Sept. 2, 
1874; held pastorates at Cannington, 
Harrlston and Collingwood, Onto ; 
since 1892 has been pastor 1st Presb. 
Ch., Victoria, B.C.; served as a sch. 
teacher In early life; was an examr. 
on bd of Bloomington Univ.; Inspr. of 
pubUc schs.; moderator of Synod of 
B.C.; do of many Presbyteries; con- 
vener of the Synod and Presbyteries, 
and memo Foreign Mis<::lon Committf'e; 
has written mag. articles on II The 
Constitution of Can..., II Responsible 
Govt.", .. The Evidences of Christian- 
Ity," etc.; a Freemason, Oddfellow, 
United Workman, etc.; a Lib., Equal 
Righter, Empire ConfederaUonlst, etc. 
-" Breadalbane," Victoria, B.C. 
.. Alw'a.ys de.Jibera,.tð 3Dd dignified; noted 
fO'r his fe,rvent patriotism."-V, Oolonist, 
Campbell, John A" business man. 
S. Malcolm and Johanna (Ferguson) 
C.; father from Glasgow, Scot.; 
mother from N, S.: b. Pictou, N.S., 
June 6, 1849; e. Pictou Acad. ; m. Mis!' 
.Tulia A. .JameSIan, B0i!"rtO'll. Mlass.: has 
been In 'SteamshIp buslll"'sS In N. Y. 
and Boston for over 50 yrs.: has been 
þl'esd't. Inrt:.(>reo!'On-la
 Club, Bost'on, 5 
yrs.; memo Rep. City Comte., Boston, 
5 yrs., and V.-P. thE'reof: memo Rep. 
RbÜe Comte., 1887-8; memo Bostoñ 
City Council, 1889-90; chairman 3rd 
and 4th counclIIor RE'p. Dlst. Comte. 
!'fnce 1902; holds exalted rank as a 
Freemagon; Is a knight of thE' Rpd 
Cross and a K. T.; 32nd deg.; belongs 
also to the Odd Fellows. Red Men, 
RoyaJ Arcanum, Pilgrim Fathers, Ind. 
Workmen, and Workmen Benefit Assn. 
-55 Monmouth St., East Boston, Mass.; 
Intercolonial Club; Boston Club; Muss. 
Rep. Club; Lincoln Club; East Boston 
Rep. Club, do. 
NA moa,n ilffi'þl,jcitly trusted-."-H. Herald. 
Campbell, Rev, John Lorne (Bapt.). 
S. PetE'r and Flora (Mcl.Ran) C.; 
Scotch descpnt; b. DomfnlonvllIe. Ont., 
Jan. 14, 1849: e. Woodstock ColI. and 
Toronto Univ. (B.A.. with honours, 
1883) : B.A. ad eun. (McMaster Untv.), 
1899: D.D. (Central Unlv.. Ia.), 1893; 
do. (McMaster Unlv.), H107: m., Aug., 
1868, Miss Maggie C. McIntyre, Do- 
mlnlonvlIIe; o. 1868: pastor LexIngton 
Ave. Ba'P't. rOh" N. Y., 1889-1 Q04 ; sln'Cle 
then has been pastor loSit Bapt. Ch.. 
Cambridge, ,Mass. ; prev.louslY suc- 
sslvely secy. Bapt. Forel,gn Mission 
Soc., Onto and Que., and 'secy. Bapt. 
HomE' Mission Soc.; preached in Lon- 
don, Eng., during summers 1899, HIOl- 
02; elE"cted chalplaln Can. Club, Bos- 
ton.. 1906; ,Is also historian of the club; 
has lectured on .. Glengarry In HI's- 
tory" ; author: II Heavenly Re-c-og- 
nlUon and Other Sermons" (1895), 
.. Sanctification" (1903). II The Patmos 
Letters" (1908).-Ccvmbridge, Mass.; 
Canadian Club, Boston. 
II A man of deep a.nd earnest patriot- 
ism."-M, Witness. 

- i 



CampbeU, John Boy, lawyer. 
E. s. Rev. .T. R. (q.v.) and Anna 
h) C.; b. Yarmouth, N.S., May 
16, 1866: e. Fredericton Grammar Sch. : 
m., 1895, Edith E., 2nd d. Hon. Chief 
;rustlee Barker (q.v.) : 
ra-duated LL.B. 
(Dalhousie Unlv.), 1888: do. B.
(King's ColI., Windsor, N.S.). 18!15: 
barrister, 1889; suC!Oes
'Ull1y rpI"a.ciis'E's 
in Sit. .J.o'hrn; a g>Ü'V. Kling's CIO!],I.: a 
memo AfCladJian Soc.: SUCtCle'ss'Ï\" secy., 
V.-P. and 'PI"E'.sdtt. St. ..\.onI!'\'I"eI\V"s Soc., 
St. ;rohn, N,B.; Ang.-St. John, N.B. 
Campbell, Bev, John Boy (Ang-.). 
B. Edinburgh, Scot.. Aug. 7, 1841: 
e. St. Augustine's ColI., Canterbury, 
Eng.; hon. D.D. (King's ColI.). 1901: 
m., 1865. Anna (d. Feb.. 1905). O. 
d. late Wm. Brough, Stafford. Eng.; 
2ndly, Feh., 1906, Miss Georgiana Han- 
ford, St. .John, N.B.; O. dpacon, 1865; 
priest. 1867; has been curate of Yar- 
mouth, N.S.: rector of St. Martin's 
and of Porchester, N.B.; since oct., 
1883, has been chaplain DorchE'ster 
Penty.; author "LE'ttprs on Infant 
Baptism" and "Historv of Countv of 
Yarmouth, N.S."-Dorchester. N.B. 
Campbell, Lt,-Col, John Samuel, law- 
ë Wm. C., St. Catharlnes, Ont., 
a na'biv'E" 'Of Ba'Tltgor. Co. Do'W'm Irek: 
b. St. Oruthtar<inE's, Nov. 1, 1860: e. St. 
0arl-ihl8..rlnf'S Coij,l. 111iSlt. aJ1ld T.oro' 
Un,iv. (B.A. and s.ilver m,e;'!. in mlPnltal 
anèIJ !rnorail ISICrff"J1.ce an'd: dvn piOli.ty. 
J 883; M. .\., 1885): m., 188!1, MiÏss 
Bpssloe DillllP, St. Oatoharines, Onlt. ; bar- 
ristp'r, 1887: su.ctC'elSsfu.ll1:y proJCtbi,ses at 
Rtt. C'altharlnlf>ls: ml3.Y'O'r. St. Oa.thoarlne1s, 
J Q08-9; jOlined U11IÌV. 00.. QU>e'eT1'S 0W11 
RUles, as, 1884: enIÌIC
. JQrth 
Regt., 'ho
dlÏng- same -rn..nk, an
. af,t'E'r 
sinlg' tthr<tYI.1'!rh rthoe inlterwnrfT1tg' gra
wa's promolÌE'd H.-coI., commdg. the 
regt., Nov. 21, 190!): holds long ser- 
vice dN'oratlon: a 'Con.. and has been 
ore,s. Lib-Oon. Ass-n.. St. 
tlhtRT'Ìn'elS rfiOT 
2 rtJeI'lITl'S: .a ProPs-b.-st. Catharines. Onto 
Campbell, Miss Katherine May, school 
D. .late .Joh'Il' C., Dallf'lSV1i'loltE
, P.Q.; lb. 
therE': was In- charge of a class In the 
Hochelaga Proto Sch.. Montreal. on thp 
occasion of thp firE' there. Feb. 26, 
1907, In whkh Miss MaxwE'll, the prin- 
cipal. and 17 of the pupils under hpr. 
lost thplr lives; for her bravery and 
heroIsm, on thE' same occasion, where- 
by she saved the lives of all the pupils 
under her Immpdlate charg-e, was pub- 
licly thankE'd by the Proto sch. com- 
mIssIoners and presentE'd with (1) a 
hfl.ndsome brooch by thp parents and 
(2) with a gold med. by tho Inhabi- 
tants of Arg-enteull, her nativE' cO.- 
Care Board of Proto Sch. Commis- 
sioners, Jl.f (Y>>. trea 1. 
"In acceptinl!: a token of aDprnval from 
her friende of her devotion, bravery, and 
faithfulness, she does 80 as reprl'!';entinl!: 
the good and true everywhere."-M. Wit- 
Cam1)bell, Lt.-Col, Kenneth Bankin, 
late H.M.'s regular mil. forces. 
Third S. late Archd. C., advocatE' and 
prothy., Quebec, and Isabella (Prior) 
C., author "Rough and Smooth," etc.; 

b. Quebec, Aug. 17. 1863; e. High Sch. 
there and Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston. 
Ont.; m., Oct., 1900, Edith. e. d. latE' 
Thos. R. Bannon. Hyde Park Terrace, 
London, Eng.: pntò. anny, 188
lIeut.. Lancastpr Rpgt., J 886: tmnsfò. 
to 7th Dragoon Gds.. 1R87. anò IRtPT 
to 6th Dragoon Gds. (" Carabiniers") : 
cRnt., 1895; later exchRng",d into Ruf- 
folk Regt.; retirE'ò, lR'"17: adjt. (tolò 
Coast (Rausa) Constahulary. 18!10-1: 
òppty. commr. and vice-consul. 011 

ivE'rs PrntpctorRtE' a nò aòininin
tive tE'rrltnrif's. 1891: aC'tg. commr. and 
consul-g-enl.. 18!13 : sorveò IT] operations 
agt. Chipf KRnna, Benin Rivpr. 1894; 
employeò with fnrC'ps of ProteC'torRtp 
(meò., with clasp: D.f::.O.): rE'signpò, 
J 89!'í: accompanlpò naval hrhmò p in 
China, as p.ress corr.espondent, 1900: 
present from taking of Taku forts until 
r-elief o-f TiE'nt!'ln and carnture of TiE'nt- 
sin native city hy alllen, forces: awarded 
bronzE' men, ROYRI HumanE' RnC'. for 
savIng a nativE' from vlcp-crmsnlfi tE' 
hulk In a river whprE' crocodi1ps 
abound, IRQ!) : anptn. H.-col. ("om- 
manñing 26th Can. Hor!"e (
Drag:oons), ApI. 1, 1910: t'e!'ig'TliE"d, 
Foeb.. 19'11: pr-ese'T1lÌ-E"d' lÌo King Ge'O-rg'(". 
London, F'T1,g., 1911: ani oaH-I'IO'l1T1.d 
arthl1oelte: Onon.: A n
.-St(1'I1stpnd P () . 

f) Queen's Gnte Tprra('e. London', S: W:. 
Rno. : A rm1/ and Nav11 C17lb: RnneTanh 
(,1ub: TJn;ted Flervice Club, do.; R. 'G. 
Y. (,11/h. Tnronto. 
Campbell, Percy Gerald Cadogan, edu- 
S. Ripv. C. CI'l
'oe"'3n Coo F11<>od'bor0'1.1g1h 
Re-0t.ory, N(y!'fo1k. ETlIg'.: h. Fr>R'T1(,oE': 'e. 
F'ranC'P. ROI8'<:!a:'ij Rf'lh. ani! Bql'l,in'l ("()i1,1 
Ox:fond (M.A.) : m.. Dpc.. 1910, EV'ell
Amy, 2nd d. lat'e P. J. "RJog-eT1S. p.eter- 
bOTO. OnlÌ. : aT1lI1M. 'nt'f),f. rom,Rnce 
s.. QUoE'
n'iS lTT'liv.. Kinog'oSIt'on. 1902; 
gt.'1.Z'!"bt'ed 11'E'ut., 141h RpgtÌ., 1904: C8;pIÌ.. 
1907; he1deV'es 1:íhoalt Oan. ha!': not runty 
flwakterJ-E"dJ ttO a se'IloSe of her d'elbt 1:'0- the 
Mothe-r Count,ry: tR GhrlsÌ'ian agruos'bÍc. 
-fO Stuart St., Kingston. Onto 
campbeIl, Peter McGre
or, physician. 
S. ;rohn and .Jane C.. Admaston, 
Ont.; h. therp Feb. 9, 1872: e. Ren- 
rrpw High Rch. ann Queen's l:Jnlv., 
King'ston (B.A., 1892; M.D..C.M., 
1896): m.. ApI.. 1904, Miss Esther 
Scott. Paisley, Ont.: memo ColI. P. 
and S. (Ont.), 1896; do. do. (N. W. 
T.), 1900: acting health offr.. city of 
Lethbrld,gE'. 1908-9; sllrg. 2!'íth Field 
Arty., 1908; do. Can. Pac. Ry., 1907: 
A. A. surg-., iÍ.mmiÍ.gTa,tif)n servÏtre, dlo.: 
a Tory: a Presb.-
20 Burdett St., 
Lethbriil.Qe, Alta. 
Campbell, Eon. Phillip Pitt, lawyer; 
S. Danl. A. and MfiTY ("'"('Rae) C'.: 
Scotch d('SC(lnt; b. Care Brpton. N.S., 
ApI.. 25. 1862: WE'nt In E'arlv 1ffp to 
U. So; e. Baker UnlÏv. (
.B.. 1888; 
A.M.. 18!11); m., Nov., 1892, Miss 
HE'IE'n E. Groff. Walnut, Kan.; coun- 
sellor at law, 18'}0: a mE'm, U. S. Con- 
gresos (3rd K:m. Dist.), 1903-11; 'orlgtn- 
atE'ò InvE'!"tigation Into operations of 
SfuntdaI"d Oil 00.: Re.p.----'pittsbnrg, Kan. 
"A );ood extempOTaneous sp(!.tlkPf a-nd, 
clever debater."-T. NewlJ. 



Ca.mpbell, :Bobt" banking profession. 
Scottish ancestry; b. and e. Mont- 
real; a nephew late Dr. G. W. C., 
Montreal, Dean of the Med. Faculty, 
McGill Unlv.; commenced banking 
career in Bank of Montreal, in whose 
service he remained for 23 yrs.; was 
asst. mangr., Toronto Branch; later 
accepted a responsible managerial po- 
sition with Mackenzie & Mann (q.v.) 
In the conduct of the Inverness Ry. & 
Coal Co., Cape Breton; leaving this, 
joined the Northern Crown Bank as 
Inspr. of agencies, 1906, being pro- 
moted, shortly afterwards, as supt. of 
branches, and succeeding as gent man- 
ag'ier of the ,bank, Jan., 1909; formerly 
much devoted to athletiC's; Presb.- 
Winnipeg; Manitoba Club, .do. 
Campbell, Rev, Robert (Presb.). 
S. Peter and Marg-t. C. : b. Tp. Drum- 
mond, Co. Lanark, Ont., June 21, 1835: 
e. local sch. and QUf'en's Univ. King- 
ston (B.A., 1856: M.P. 1 Rá8; D.D.. 
1887) : m., Dec., 1863, Margt., d. la-te 
Rev. Geo. MacdonneH; for some time 
head mast-er, Queen's CoIL PrepaJTatory 
Sch.; o. 1861; successively pastor, St 
Andrew's Ch., Galt, Onto (where he 
remained for 5 yrs.), and old and new 
St. Gabriel's Ch., Montreal; resigned 
from latter charge, 1909; now pastor 
emeritus .of the c'h.: el'ected moderator, 
Genl. Assem., 1907; since 1892 has 
been seni<Yr elk. do. do.: Is a senator, 
Presb. CoH., Montreal; a trustee, 
Queen's Univ., and chairman Mlnls- 
tel's' Widows' and Orphans' Fund; a 
memo c,omte. .on Ch. Union, 1906; one 
of the promoters of the Citizens' 
League, Montreal, 1888: V.-P. Prison- 
ers' Aid Assn., do., 1908; a weB-known 
botanist: has been presdt. Nat. Rist. 
Soc., Montreal; has also lectured on 
botanical subjoects: Is chaplain St. 
Lawrence Curling Club; was ed. The 
Presbyterian, 1867-70; took prize f.or 
best essay .on subject of Presb. Union 
in Can., 1870; besides having- contri- 
buted numerous articles to botanical 
journals Is the authDr of: "The Men- 
tal Hospltallty of the Scot" (1882), 
II The Catholicity of the Presb. Ch." 
(1882), "History of St. Gabriel's Ch." 
(1887), and II Union or Co-operaUon- 
Which?" (1906).--68 St. Famille St., 
Montreal; St. Lawrence Curling Club, 
"A msn of fe'srless independence."- 
S. N. 
II Is one of the best versed ministers in 
ecclesiasticsl lsw in the church. As clerk 
is precise, accurate snd a}.ways courteous 
snd obliging to all."-Dom. Presh. 
Campbell, Robert Henry, Dam. public 
.S. Jas. and Dorothy C.; b. Ansa 
Oraig., Ont., May 26, 1867; e. St>rath- 
roy and Obtawa CooH-. Irust.: un.m.; 
entd. publlk ser'V'i'ce, Oct., 1887: for- 
merly oh!i'ef .tJimbe.r and mJlnes branch, 
De'p<t. {)If <the IIlItJeTior; since Mich. 1, 
1907, supdlf:. of f.ore.c;,try; is er!. and 
bus. mø.'I\,gr. Can. Forestry Journ.; 
.s.ecy.-t'l'.ens. ("an. F{)l1e
try Assn. : 
elected V.-'P. Ca.n. Soc. Forest. Engrs., 
1908; del. Am. FOl'estl'Y Oonlgr>ess, 
1.905; 00. U. S. NoM.- Rivers and Har- 

bryul1S CoruvenUI()lJ1, Washdngton, D.C., 
1908: has .lieCltu'l'e'd .on II FOI"estry: 
Its Practice and the Necessity that 
Exists for It"; read a paper on "The 
Forests of the Dominion" before the 
Brit. Assn., 1909.-225 Clemow Ave., 
Campbell, Robert Peel William, 
Quebec public service. 
Fourth s. late Lt -Cn1. T. E. C., 
C.B., Seigneur of RouviUe; b. St. Hi- 
laire, P.Q., Aug. 27, 1853; e. Bishop's 
CoB. Sch. and Univ. Bishop's CoH., 
Lennoxvllle, P.Q. (B.A., 1873; M.A.. 
1876; LL.B., with Gov.-Gent's gold 
med., 1876; D.C.L., 1907); advocate, 
1877; K.C., 1903; clk. asst. Leg. Coun- 
cn, P.Q. (aJls'o ú1k of PrivratJe Bins wnd 
clk. Eng. journals), 1890; clk. do. do., 
1908; a trustee Bishop'.s CoH.; a ach. 
trustee St. OollQlIJ1ban die Si11ery; man.g. 
dir. Que.bee Skating Club; V.-P. Quebec 
Hortkut Soc.; an Ang., and a del. to 
the Provl. and Genl. Synods (1ay secy. 
to latter); db. warden St. Matthew's 
Ch., Que.bec; !for a long 'time hon. 
counsel and V.-P. Diocesan Ch. Soc., 
P. Q. ; ele.cted chancellor of the diocese, 
1909.-St. Colmnban-de-Sillery, P.Q. 
Campbell, Boland Playfair, physician. 
S. late Rev. Prof. John C., LL.D., 
and Mary' Helen (Playfair) C., the 
latter a cousin of Lord Playfair: b. 
Montreal, 1876; e. McGill Unlv. (B.A. 
and gold med. In N. science, 1 R97) : 
unm.; g-raduated M.D.,C.M. (McGill 
Univ.), 1901; further studies In Ger- 
many, under Ribbert and Von Mlku- 
licz; apptd. med. supòt. Montreal Genl. 
Hosp., July, 1904.-!'!.
1 Dorchester St. 
W., Montreal; University Club, do. 
Campbell, :Rev, Thomas W. (Presb.). 
S. Rev. Thos. Campbell (Mf'th.) and 
Harriet C. (Burrell) C.: b. Three 
Rivers, P.Q., Sept. 24. 1851; e. Vic- 
toria Univ.; m., Nov., 1879, Sarah A., 
d. Rev. Hilton Cheesborough, supdt. 
Wesl. Missions. Bahamas. and IFlter of 
Toronto; O. (Mpth.), 1879; asso. ed. 
Christian Guardian, Toronto, 1880-81; 
pastor Woodgreen and Parkdale Chs.: 
withdrew from Meth. Ch. and united 
with Ref. Epis. Ch., 1883; elected Bp., 
and consecrated at Cleveland, 0., 1891 ; 
presiding bp., 1894-7: resigned bishop- 
ric, 1897; united with Presb. Ch., and 
became pastlOr NobI'e Sot. Pre
lb. Oh., 
Brooklyn, N.Y., 1899; resigned, 1905; 
since then has been secy. and mangr. 
Lon.g Island Assem., Stony Brook, L.I.; 
estbd. and ed. Acta Victoriana, at Vlc- 
t.oria Univ., 1878; later ed. Can. Pro- 
hibitionist; a:lso published and ed. Proto 
Ch11rchman, the official org-an of the 
Ref. Epis. Ch.-Richmond Hill, L.I. 
Campbell, William, journalist. 
B. Greenock, Scot., Mch. 27, 1824: 
came to Can. at 10; e. here; m. Miss 
Margt. Brough (d. Jan., 1903), a native 
of Scone, Scot.; Is ed. Insurance Bul- 
letin, Torofiito.-
9 Salisbury Ave., To- 
Ca.mpbell, William MacFarlane, pub- 
lic man. 
E. S. W. F. C., sr., Dundas. Ont., a 
retired merchant; b. Alexandria, Dum- 
bartonshlre, Scot.; came to .Can., 1863; 



e. Dundas High Sch.; m. Miss Isa- 
bella Sturrock, Dundas; 5 yrs. memo 
Dundas Tawn Cauncil; founded Can. 
Order Chosen Friends, 1887; grand 
treas. of the order till 1894, then taok 
charge aC .organization and field work, 
In which he is still engaged; ed. 
Chosen Friend (Guelph, Ont.); has 
cantributed ta ather publications; "a 
strang believer In protection for Can. 
Industries; believes Can. will be the 
cauntry of the present century, and 
sincerely hopes that .our Govt. will 
conserve all raw material and compel 
it to be finished In our own country 
and by our own people"; Presb.-86 
Grant Ave., Hamilton, Onto 
Campbell, Bev, William McKay 
(Pres b.). 
S. late Murdoch C.; Scotch parent- 
age, corning from Sutherlandshire, 
Scat., and among the pioneers of W. 
Zarra, Co. Oxford, Ont.; b. W. Zorra, 
.Jan. 21, 1846; e. dist. schs., Woad stock 
Grammar Sch., Onto Normal Sch., U. C. 
CoIl., and Toranta Univ. (Ph.D. from 
Wooster Univ.) ; m., 1883, Carrie W., 
d. .Julius Berbecker, Waterbury, Conn., 
and N. Y.; pursued theol. studies at 
Knox ColI., Toronto, Auburn Theol. 
Serny., and MlC'Oormdck Theol. Semy., 
Chicago; rJoioensed'. 1874; O. 1877; has 
held pastorates at Carrollton and 
Rockford, Ill., and Saginaw, Mich.; 
author" Footprints of Christ," " Pledge 
.of Endeavour," "Seven Churches of 
Asia" "God's Way Out," and" Metri- 
cal Version of Isaiah," all religious 
warks of a high order, which have 
met with the most complimentary re- 
ception by the press; also author .of 
the songs "Wedding Song" and ":\Iy 
Sweetheart."-266 Logan Ave., Denver, 
"Possesses extraordinary grace and dig. 
nity .of styJe."-Religious Press. 
Campbell, William Wilfred, -dramatic 
and lyric poet; novelist; Dom. 
pUblic service. 
Scottish and Eng. descent, being on 
his father's side of a cadet branch of 
the Ho. of Argyll, descended from the 
first Lord Campbell, and of the same 
stock as the poet Thos. Campbell, and 
as Fielding, the Brit. novelist; s. Rev. 
Thomas Swaniston C. (Ang.) and Ma- 
tilda Frances C., d. late Major Francis 
Wright, Royal Horse Gds.; b. Berl.ln, 
Ont., .June 1, 1861; e. Toronto Umv., 
and Cambridge, Mass.; LL.D. (hon.) 
Un tv. of Aberdeen, 1906; m., 1884, 
Mary Louisa, o. C. late Dr. David Mark 
DibbÞe, Woodstock, Ont., and Louisa 
Mackenzie (,Macd.onald) D., senior re- 
presentative .of the ancient Barons 
Mackay of Strathy and Derlot, North 
Britain, an'd 10th in descent -t
her maternal grandfather and 11th 
through her maternal gro.ndmother 
from Robert Stuart, Earl of Orkney, 
son of .James V. of Scot.; also through 
the same 9th .and 10th from Lady .Jane 
Gordon, e. d. of -the 17th Earl .of 
Sutherland; O. (:Ðpls. Ch.), 1885; 
und.ertook 'Parish work In New Eng., 
1885' returned t'O Can., 1888, and was 
 Hme reotor, St. Stephen, N.B.; 
retired from the minIstry, 1891; com- 
ing t'O Ottawa, was given a place in 

the C. S., in whic'h service he has re- 
mained; for some yrs. has been at- 
tached to ,the Doon. Arohlves Bureau, 
under Dr. Doughty (q.v.); has been 
a writer of vers'e for Eng., Am. and 
Can. periodLcals; called "The P.oet of 
the Lakes"; of late has also written 
fiction; his poem, "The ,M.other," has 
been plaoed 'by Chicago Inter-Ocean 
among th'e gems in Eng. literature; It 
3Jlso pronlounc-ed it 'ubre nearest ap- 
proo.c'h to a great poem had 
ap:pea'red ,for many a long day; it was 
referred to In Parlt., In .terms of com- 
mendation, by Sir W. Laurier; has 
also written much' Imperial verse; 
elected F.R.S. C., 1893; V.-P. of the 
Eng. sec., do., 1899-1900; presdt. d.o., 
1900; n<>w secy. do.; a mem. Lit. 
Comte. apptd. In connection with the 
Quebec Tercent. Celebration, 1908 ; 
etl-ootJed a counCJÏill'OI", Can. Landmarks 
Assn., 1907; was a del. from rthle RiO'ylaI 
Soc. to at'benod IÌhe quart'eroEmt. 'Of .AJÞer- 
d-een Undv., 1906; 'Presenlted ItO the l'alÌ'e 
l{;ing Edward, d'o.; author of "Lake 
Lyriüs" (1889) ; "The Dread V;," 
poems (1893); "L\1!ordll'etd and Hild.e- 
bI1anod,"'dli'ets (1895); "p<olri tical 
TrageJdlj'es" (19-08); "Beyond the mus 
of Dream," poems (1899); ".c.oUeCited 
Vlerse, Sagas 'Of Voaster" (1906) ; 
"Ian of 'the Ol'ood'e.s," hii,s,uO'l'ical n,oV1e1 
(do.); " Canada" (in collaboration 
with T. 'M. Martin, R.C.A.), descriptive 
of the Dom. (1907); "A Beautiful 
Rebel," hist.orical novel (1909); "The 
Canadian La
e Region" (1910); lec- 
tured before tne Imperial Club, Lon- 
don.. En,g., 0<l1 "The practi-C'a.Ù Sirdie O!f 
Jjmpe.n!al1ism" (1904); pI1øsen l t at ,the 
coronruUon of Their :Ma.jesuies, 1911.- 
24 Lisgar St., Ottawa; Canadian Club, 
"Nø poet, with !the exception of Tenny. 
son and Browning, has, during the latter 
half of this century, covered 80. wide a 
field and 
'e-t risen so. high in each depart. 
ment, in sustained fiight of &ang, as has 
this young writer. In subtle and we.jrd 
imagination he has been likened 00 Poe; 
in lyrical flight and spontaneity:, to Shelley; 
in de'pth and 'breadth, to Shakespeare and 
Browning; and" for personality 
he is considered unique among the younger 
writers of the day. In his poems is felt 
the p
sence of å strong personali.ty, in- 
tensely inte
sted in the perplexing pro- 
blems of human e.Xlis.tence. Even in his 
. natuTè ' worse, bene,ath all its pure 
music, there runs a dee-p undertone of 
haunting, mystical sug
8tiveneßs, which 
naturally lin.ks the restless phe,nomena of 
nature wHh the jo
.s and sorrows of the 
human .heart. ÅS a dramatic poet he 
stands alone, sup
me in his 
S cottish- A merica7l. 
Campeau, Fabien Bene Edouard, J?0IJl.. 
'Public service. 
S. late Louis and Marie Angelique 
(Huot) C.; b. Quebec, .July 8, 1844; 
e. Quebec Semy. and Thorn's Commer- 
cial Sch.; m. Marie Adeline, 2nd d. 
late Capt. F. Duquet; entd. civil ser- 
vice, Nov., 1871; since .July, 1895, has 
been chief accountant, Dept. Inl. Re- 
venue, Ottawa; served as a seh. trustee, 
park c.ommr., dlr. Public Library, and 
ald. in Otta.wa; was dir.-genl. Union St. 



Joseph, V.-P. C. S. Co-operative Loan 
Assn., and presdt. Particular Council, 
St. Vincent de Paul Soc.; also pre
Orphelinat St. Joseph, R. C. Sep. Sch. 
Bd., Inst. Gan. França'is and Sac. St. 
.J,ean .Bapte., Ottawa; hold,s 1st and 
2nld cll3JSS certiS., R
al Mil. Sch.; a 
.J. P.; an offr. d' ÃClW., France, amd a 
ohevaiUer of the ,Sa>cred and Mil. Order 
of .thee HoLy SepuÞchre; authoOr .. I, 
'tra1Jed Guide toO the Serua;t'e and Ho. 
of 00111lIIl1O'l1S of Gan."; Itwi,CIe 'd!ecloinoo 
the Lib. nO!lTIrrnl3.'ÌÍon as a oandidlaÌ!e 
for Ottawa (H. C.) ; R. C.-161 Laurier 
Ave. E., Ottawa. 
Campeau, Bev, Joseph Leon Napoleon 
S. .Jos. Amable and Marie Louise 
(Lefebvre) C.; b. Rigaud, P.Q., Aug. 
27, 1848; e. ColI. Bourget; o. 1871; 
prof. do., 1871-3; vicar,81. .Ja'l1vier, 
1873-6; procureur a I'Archêveche d'Ot- 
mwa, 1876; canon, 1881; aooomparrioo 
laDe Archbp. iDuoha'lßoe1 <Do Rome and 
visitJed iÌhe Holy Land, 1888; arch- 
dea.oon, 1890; ta.Pptd. paI1ish opr:í'e<S't o,f 
t'hie BasÌiÞiea, Ottawa, vice .:\{gr. 
Routhier (q.v.), 1911.-Archbishop's 
Palace, Ottawa. 
Campeau, OUvler, Quebec municipal 
B. Ste. -Scholastique, P.Q., June 11, 
1857; e. there; entd. Montrea( police 
force, 1875; promoted lieut., 1886; 
joined detective sf'rvice, 1888; asst. 
chief detective, 1897; "Sub-chief of po- 
lice, 1902; since Dec., 1904, has been 
chief do. do.; has been presdt. Chief 
OOllistabl'es' Assn., Gan.; presdlt. Boldoe 
Benevol. and Pension Soc., and presdt. 
Can. Amateur Police Athletic Assn.; 
on the occasion of the 60th anniversary 
of his birth, 1907, was presented with 
his portrait in oils, painted by Larose; 
has written on .. The Police System of 
Quebec" (1906); a R. C.--=-43 Esplan- 
ade Ave... Montreal; Club Canadien, do. 
Campkln, Harry Herbert, municipal 
S. Stephen C., Melbourne, Cambridge, 
Eng., and Ann (Coe) C., of Steeple 
Bumpstead, Essex, Eng.; b. Melbourne, 
Sept. 6, 1869; e. Victoria House Sch., 
Royston, Herts, and Cambridge; m. 
Ida A. F., d. Roger Lee, Indian Head; 
secy.-treas. rural municipality of In- 
dian Head 15 yrs.; do. town of Indian 
Head 3 yrs.; councillor do. 4 yrs.; a 
memo Govt. Municipal Comn.; is hon. 
treas. Ang. Diocese of Qu' Appelle ; 
elected first grand master Grand Lodge 
of Sask., A F. and A. Masons; a firm 
believer in public ownership of all 
franchises; a Lib.; an An
Head, Sask.; Manitoba Club; Ass'Ï1
boia Club; Indian Head Club. 
Canham, The Venerable Thomas 
Henry (Ang.). - 
B. Eng.; e. Ch. Missy. ColI., Isling- 
ton; o. deacon, 1880; priest, 1882: 
missy., Porta
e la Prairie, Man., 1881- 
2; do. Peel River, 1882-7; do. Lower 
Yukon River, 1888-92; since then has 
been rector St. Ambrose, Fort Selkirk. 
Yukon, and archdeacon of Selkirk.- 
Fort Selkirk, Yukon. 

Cannon, Hon, Lawrence John, judge. 
S. late L. A. C., city clerk, Quebec; 
b. 1Jhiere, Nov. 18, 1852; e. Que'be.c 
Semy. and Laval Dnlv. (B.L., 1871; 
LL.L., 1874; LL.D., 1905); m., Aug., 
1876, Made Hermine AureUe Allda 
(d. 1905), d. ,lcat'e Gaspard Dumoolin, 
Pro thy. Dist. of Arthaibaska; advoca;te, 
1874; K.C., 1897; successfully prac- 
tised .his prof. at ArthabaskavlHe, 1875- 
91; asst. atty.-genl.. P.Q., 1891-1905: 
slnloo .Ju
y 29, 1905, Ibaos been a 
,puisne judlge of 1100 Supoetr>ior Ct., P.Q. ; 
transfd. from Thr,ee Rivers to Quebec, 
.July, .1910; ap,pear.ed before Privy 
Council, Eng., in the Fisheries Case, 
1897; wpptd. a mem. Royal Comn. to 
Inves.tlgate [Montreal -civic affaiI'\S, 
1909; unsuccessfully .contested Drum- 
mond and A
thaba;ska (H. C.), Lib. 
inlterest, 1882; join.t author: .. Tariffs 
of offrs. of jus-tire and registrars in 
the P. Q." (1902); opresd't. P. Q. Civil 
Service Assn., 1901; R. C,-5 Collins 
St., Quebec. 
.. Reco.gnize.d ,8S a moan of pronO'llD!ood 
legal .a.biloity."-T. Globe. 
Cantley, Jll[rs, Mabel MacLean, lit- 
D. Frank and - (FuUer) Helliwell C., 
Toronto (D. E. L. descent); b. To- 
ronto; e. Presb. Ladles' Col..; an 
undergrad. Toronto Dn.iv.; m., July, 
1905, Richard W. Cantley, D.L.S., Ed- 
monton, AliÌa.; wrote VlerS'oo f'or Satur- 
day Night when a child; won first prize 
in a short story contest held by Boston 
Globe, when 15; since then has writ- 
ten more or less steadily for various 
Am. and Can. publications, includi'l1g 
The Youth's Companion, N. Y. Ledger 
Monthly, The Delineator, McClure's 
SJJndicate, The Can. Mag., Saturday 
Night, Toronto Globe, etc.; a charter 
memo Onto Hlst. Soc., a memo Woman's 
Art Assn., Daughters of the Empire, 
Nat. Council of Women, Can. Soc. of 
Authors, Women's Can. Rlst. Soc., 
etc.; Ang.-Edmonton, Alta. 
Cantley, Thomas, business ma.I1. 
B. New Glasgow, N.S., 1857; e. 
,there. Iffi.; commenced Ufe as a t-elle- 
graph operator; acquJ.J'eId oommerciaJ1 
ience .J.n va'ri'ous ÒJÏl'e'Ûtlons; oom- 
meneed business, as .hoead of firm Thoo. 
C. & Co., 1878; enrbd. 1he serv1ioe I()f 
N. S. Steel and CooJ 00., 1885; ass,t. 
mangr., do., 1889; gerul. IDangr., 1901, 
a posi'ti'On he su.n fills; 1's also, slnlC'e 
1909, V.-P. .of the 00.; one ,of the 
moters of Ithe Aoberoeen Hoop.; a;lJso a 
counoUllOr Can. Mining Inst., and V.-IP. 
N. S. Mining Soc.-New Glasgow, N.S. 
.. One of our busLnll2's,g meal
Can. Cent1ay. 
Cantlie, Lt.-Co1, George Stephen, 
Can. railway service. 
,So .Jas. A. C. (q.v.); b. M1ontreal, 
May 2, 1867; e. ,by private tuition, 
Montt"eal High Sch., and McGill Dniv.; 
m., Nov., 1896, Beatrice (vice-regent. 
Daughters of the Empire, Montreal, 
1910), d. late W. D. Campbell, 
Queen's Nptary, Quebec; .entd:. C. 
P. Ry. serwoe as d,k. dn Audit 
Dept., 1885; since then has been con- 
secutively elk. comptroller's office, chief 



elk. to ibhe asst. genl. illl!3.n, g.r. .to ,bhe 
asst. presdt. and to the V.-P., genl. 
baggage agent and genl. stationery 
agent, supt. car service and since Nov., 
1908, ig'erueraJl supt. car s'erv<ioe; for a 
long period has been in the v. m. ser- 
vice; is It.-col. commdg. 5th Regt. 
.. Roya,l Highlanders of ,Can." since 
May 11, 190!:l; commanded regt. a:t .tlrue 
Quebec Toercen.t. oel,ebra1tion, 1908, and 
Lake Ohamplain cell.eblWti'Ü'll, BII3:tlts- 
bu,rg, N.Y., 1909, and was personally 
compllimerutoeid 'by Pr>esdt. Taf,t ,on at.s 
spllendiÌd app.earance; a wi-r. N. B. Ry.; 
awarded tlh-e l'Ü'ng s'eiI'v,ioe deoor8Jtion, 
1908.-.'138 lIIountain St., Montreal; lIIt. 
Royal Club; St. James's Club; Mont- 
,'eal Hunt Club; Back River Polo Club; 
Auto and Aero Club; lII.A.A,A.; Mont- 
,'eal Jockey Club; Mont1'eal Polo Club; 
Manitou Club, do.; York Club, Toronto. 
Cantlie, James Alexander, merchant. 
S. late Francis C., a native of Mort- 
lach, Banffshire, Scot. and Mary 
(Stuart) C.; b. Mortlach, .June 5, 1836 ; 
a bro.-in-law of Lord Mountstephen, 
(q.v.); e. Mortlach; m., May, 1866, 
Eleanor Simpson, 2nd d. late Wm. 
::;tepl1-en, Monotreæl; .erutd. Clommer>c.iaJ 
life in Aberdeen; came to Can. 1863; 
estabd. .th.e well known whol.esal'e diry- 
goods house (still in existence) of 
.J. A. C. & Co., 1868; presdt. DQ!111. 
Ooml. Tr>avelJers Assn., 1880; presdt. 
Montreal Bd. of Trade, 1895; a gov. 
Montreal Genl. and Western Hosps.; 
also of the Royal Vic. Hosp.; a man 
of great energy and enterprise; has 
been intimately connected with various 
indus. and commercial undertakings 
and has held the offices of V.-P. of the 
Cobourg WooHen C., mang.-dir. of the 
Almonte KnÏ1tting Co. anld ,pres-dlt. of 
the Dom. TraiI:usport Co.; has 5ßrv<ed 
in v. m. In Scot. and Can.; a Con.; a 
1'1'esb.-1S1 Crescent St., Montreal; St. 
James's Club, do.; Albany Club, '1'0- 
Cantlie, Major James Alexander, jr" 
financial agent. 
Son J. A. oC. (q.v.), .MjemtI'ieal; b. 
and e. .thoer.e; m., Nov., 1906, Anillie, d. 
i'rule John F .Michie, .r,oronto; a-pptò, 
m.aj{)!r, 19th Cam'61'OIlJ Hig'boland'Cll's of 
Dan., Ftelb., 1910; a Pr>esb.- Winnipeg; 
Manitoba Club. 
Cape, Edmund Graves Meredith, civil 
S. late John C., Hamilton, Ont.; b. 
thoel'C, 1878; e. tll-3re an.d .i\LcGi11 Univ. 
(B.A.Sc., 1!:10
); m., .Jan., 1!:108, M:iss 

HZ3Jbeth !JUlian Guest Smith, lMont- 
l'Cal; .an ass'o. m. Gan. Soc. C. E., 
1902; tllibnarlan to ,dlo., 1903-04; in 
p1'act:i-ce for ,s-olme yrs. ,in Morutr>eal as 
a civil engr. and gen,I. OO'll.tnacto.r; 
has been lect. in mecll. enging., Mc- 
Gill Univ.; engr. Lethbridge water- 
works and Electric Light Co.; asst. 
engr. Lake Superior Power Co., Sault 
::;te. Marie; chief engr., during con- 
struction, Can. Car Co. ; a memo Mont- 
real Bd. of '.frade.-!!5 Sherbrooke St. 
"lV., Montreal; St. James's Club; Engi- 
neers' Club; Canadian Club; Royal St. 
Lawrence Yacht Club; l'rIt. Royal Ten- 
nis Club; 1I10ntreal Ski Club, do.; 
lIlanitou Club, Ste. A{Jathe. 

Capel, Rev, Edzar Tracy \Ang.}. 
S. late Geo. B. and Elizabeth C., 
Montreal; grands. Rev. S. R. C., rector, 
Wareham, Eng.; b. Montreal; e. St. 
John's Sch., Montreal; m.; for a short 
time in the service of the Bank or 
Ont.; studied for the ministry, Mont- 
rea.} Diocesan Ool!ll.; (). ,1888; succes- 
sively curate Sorel, asst. Christ Ch. 
Cath., and rector Sutton; eJected 
presdt. Quebec S. S. Union, 1897, and 
apptd. genl. secy. do. do., June, 1903; 
elected presdt. Knowlton Conf., 1907.- 
2()5 Mansfield St., Montreal. 
Capon, William A" dental surgeon. 
S. W. B. C., Tm'ooobo; 'b. BaI"flLe, 
Ont., MI3Y 15, 1860; m., .Jan., ,1895, 
i\1:!iss Mifliam F1lorenlCle Stagg, 
delphia, Pa.; D.D.S., 1890; apptd. 
prof. Dental Dept., Unlv. of Penn., 
1:105; author of various pamphlets, 
booklets and text-books relating to his 
prof.; a Prot.-" The Newport," 16th 
and Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa.; 
Art Club, do.; Whitemarsh Valley 
Country Club. 
Capp, Hon, Major Rev, Edward Henry 
(Ang. ). 
S. Edward H. J. and Emily (Hunt) 
C.; Eng, parentage; b. Toronto, -::;ept. 
14, 1871; e. Toronto Unlv.; m., Sept., 
1901, Clara Spalding, O. d. late Rich- 
ard H. Tomlinson, .. Howden Holm," 
foronto; studied theol., Wycliffe CoIl., 
.foronto; o. deacon, 1894; priest, 1896; 
curate, Weston, Ont., 1894; asst. priest, 
St. ::;tephen's, Toronto, 1895; rector St. 
Luke's Pro. Cath., Sault Ste. Marie, 
1900; curate, St. John's, Ottawa, since 
Oc,t., 1905; apptò. chap'lain \ with .boon. 
rank of, 97th Reg1t., 1901; do., 
Petewawa Mil. Damp, 1907; dlo. South 
Afri.can Veterans' Assll1., 1909; p'ro- 
filIotJed boon. 1II1'aj-or, Feb., 19'11; onoe 100f 
the prime movC'l'S in the Cadffi moV'e- 
Inen:t in Otlt:aw-a, do.; Quo1JhiOir .. '.Dhe 
St'ory of Ban-a-otJing: being :the Annals 
of Sault Ste. ,Ma,rie" (1904), .. InK1ian 
Leg'enòs" (1905), .. Toile Warr.iQrs of 
the Ojibway Country II (1909), and of 
severa.l which hav.e been ,set to 
mUSli'c, etc.; a Toory.-St. John's Rec- 
tory, Ottawa; Canadian .club, do. 
.. One of the cleverest of the young men 
of the Anglican. ministry."-P. NewB. 
Cappon, James, educationist. 
S. late Thos. C., shipowner, Dundee, 
Scot.; b. there, Mch. 8, 1855; e. Dun- 
dee High Sch. and Glasgow Unlv. 
(M.A., 1881); m., May, 1895, Mary 
Elizabeth, e. d. late .Jas. Macnee, King- 
ston, Ont.; spent 2 yrs. In Italy study- 
ing mod. lang. and employed as a 
tutor and lecturer on Eng. lit.; sub- 
sequently was for some yrs. corre- 
sponding tutor Queen Margaret's ColI., 
Glasgow, and extra-mural lecturer In 
connection with the unlv.; since 1888 
has been prof. of Eng. lang. and 11t., 
and dean of arts faculty, Queen's 
Unlv., Kingston; also since Its estabt. 
has been on.e of the eds. Queen's 
Quarterly 111 ag.; besides numerous 
essays and articles appear,lng In the 
mags., is the author of "Vlcto,r Hugo: 
A Study and a Memoir," .. Britain's 
Title in South Airlca," .. Studies 



Can. P.oetry:' II Roberts and the In- 
fluences O'f His Times:' .. The Sectarian 
Brindple in the Can. CO'nstitutiO'n:' 
and "What ,classical EducatiO'n 
Means"; devO'ted to' gO'lf.-Kingston, 
Ont.; Frontenac Club, do. 
II A serious and effective critic."-T. 
N e1Oø, 
.. We oolllog-rntJulalÌe Quoo,n,'s on the poo&- 
sessiQiD. of .a. <too.>cheor wttJh So V1ÍiSi.OIIli 8). cJea.r 
and with lips s(} eloquent t(} wll the vision." 
Capreol, James Lonsdale, Onto public 
S. late Fredk. Chase and - (Sky- 
ring) C.; father a pUblic-spirited man, 
whO' prO'jected the NO'rthern Ry., the 
HurO'n & Onto Ship Canal, and O'ther 
ImpO'rtant wO'rks and undertakings, 
was a native O'f BishO'p StO'ffO'rd, Hert- 
lO'rdshire, Eng. (vide MO'rgan's "Cel. 
Canadians"); b. TO'rO'ntO', .Jan. 28, 
1848; e. Lycée, St. Orner, France, and 
Winchester, Eng.; a graduate RO'yal 
Mil. Sch., 1864; m., Sept., 1892, Mirna, 
3rd d. .J. H. Dumble, CO'bO'urg, Ont. i 
barrister, 1869; entd. Onto publiC! ser- 
v'i-De, .as asst. c-Ik. ExtV'e. Council, 1879; 
apptd. elk. dO'. du., Sept. 15, 1904; an 
Ang.-6S Admi1'al Rd., Toronto. 
Carbray, Thomas J, ]II" lawyer. 
S. late Felix C., M.R.I.A., Quebec, 
and Margt. (Carbery) C.; b. Quebec; 
e. Quebec Semy. and Laval Univ. 
(B.A., 1896) ; a.d:vlOca:tJe, 1!:100; .success- 
ful.l:y pmot'ises his prof. [n Qu-ebec; 
apptd. vice--conoSwl !tor Argenlt'Ïn't! He- 
pUbl-i,c, Queb-ec, 1908; R. C.-Benbu1'b 
Place, 1 Hamel St., Quebec; Quebec 
Ga1Tison Club. 
Carey. David A" labO'r leader. 
B. Dublin, Ire!., .Jan. 2, 1859; came 
to' Can. with his parents, 1861; lived 
successively in Quebec, MO'ntreal and 
TO'oont-o; 'e.,rate schs.; orig;inalil'y 
a machinist; now and fO'r some yrs. a 
repO'rter O'n The Evening 'l'elegram, 
TO'rO'ntO'; first cO'nnected with O'rganiz- 
ed labO'r, 1880; sUbsequently elected to' 
Trades and LabO'r CO'ngress O'f Can. 
and was presdt, O'f that bO'dy, 1896-7; 
likewise chairman Am. FederatiO'n O'f 
LabO'r; is Presdt. O'f TO'rO'ntO' LabO'r 
Temple CO'., and a trustee city Sep. Sch. 
Bd.; has been O'ffered nO'minatiO'n to' 
,the Legislature; a R. C.-95 Markham 
St., Toronto. 
Carey, Captain Frank, master mar- 
B. and e. CO'. Dublin, Ire!.; O'ver 
30 yrs. in Can. trade, in service 
Allan, Beaver and C. P. Ry. llnes i 
now COmIruanò,s C. P. Ry.'s st'OO.mer 
Empress of Ireland, which has made 
several recO'rd trips; (ship presented 
with a full cO'mplement O'f fiags by 
Irishmen O'f Montreal, .July, 1906, in 
appreciatiO'n O'f the honO'ur paid their 
nationality in thus naming her); 
awarded med. and clasp and vO'te O'f 
thanks by LiverpO'O'I Shipwreck and 
Humane SO'c. ; med. and vO'te O'f 
thanks by M. M. S. A., Liverpool; 
med., by NO'rwegian GO'vt.; blnO'cular 
glass by Can. GO'vt., fO'r saving llfe 
at sea; successfully tO'wed N. D. L.'s 
steamer Spree, 800 miles, with brO'ken 
shaft, having late D. L, MO'O'dy and 

&On .on b-oa:fld: ; la.ter towed stoo'Il1ler 
Alaska, wi,th brO'ken rudder; Poot.- 
Acton, Northwich, Cheshire, Eng. 
Carey, The Venerable William Ban- 
neld (Ang.). 
S. late Francis Vize C., M.D., M.R. 
C.S., Ed-in., and .IDlllen Eildzabeth C.; b. 
-; e. Trin. CO'll., TO'rO'ntO' (B.A., 
1866; M.A" 1870); D.D., King's CO'll. 
Univ., N.S., 18!16; passed RO'yal Mil. 
Sch., Kingston, 1864; m., 1st, Sept., 
1872, Isabel,ìa .J3J11e (d.), 2nd d. late 
Wal,ton Smith, OwsltOw, P.Q.; 2ndly, 
.June, l!iOO, .Ðdoi.tJh .M.a:rlon, d. late 
::;>chuyl'Ür Shti;bley, M.P., Kingston, Orut.; 
serV'oo wHh ,the voluno1:eeflS t1lJt RIi.dge- 
way (med.); .o. deaoon, 1868; pl'Ïe8 l t, 
1869; cura.te, Ancasrter, Ont., 1868-70; 
mñ.ssy., .Maroh, Orut., 1870-3; rector, 
MaU;lda, Onrt., 1873-5; .since then has 
been reotQr, St. p.aul's, KingstO'n, Owt.; 
R.D., 1895-1900; archdeacO'n Qf Quinte, 
1900; do. O'f Kingston, since 1901; a 
del. ,to' ,the Synodis.-Kingston, Onto 
Carleton, Charles Hubert, BrO'th
hO'od O'f 
t. Andrew. 
S. Chas. S. and Maria (Burk) C.; 
b. Markham, Ont., .July 7, 1871; e. 
Hamilton CO'Il. Inst., Trin. Univ., '.rO'- 
rO'ntO' (B.A., 1893 i M.A., 190U), and 
Brasenos.e Coli., Oxf,ord, Eng. (M.A.); 
D.C.L. (hO'n.), Univ. King'oS CO'll., N.S., 
1910; apptd. geni. secy, BrO'therhO'O'd 
O'f St. Andrew in the U. S.; was pre- 
viO'usly genl. .secy. O'f th-e BrO'therhO'od 
In Eng.; is ed. 
t. Andrew's Cross; a 
del. tJO Ang. Ch. Üongress, HaHfax, 
N.S., 1910; Ang.-Broad Exchange 
Hldg., Boston, Muss, 
d (JIl'ga.rui.zer."-Bp. Worrell 
Carleton, HiB Honour John Louis. Co. 
Ct. Judge. 
E. s. Wm. and Bridget (O'CO'nnO'r) 
C., St. .JO'hn, N.B.; b. ther
, Oct. 1, 
1861; e. Christian BrO'thers' Sch.; m., 
Sept., 1866, Teresa Gertrude (d. Dec., 
1!:108), d. Peter Sharkey; 'barrister, 
1883; K.C., 1899; referee In equity, 
1886; reporter Sup. Ct., N. B., 1
apptd. judge CO'. Ct., CO's. CharlO'tte, 
VictO'ria, and l\ladawaska, N.H., Feb. 
26, 1904; authO'r "MO're Sinned Against 
Than Sinning," and O'ther plays, which 
have been prO'duced in St. JO'hn; un- 
successfully cO'ntested St. .John City, 
Lib. Interest, 1892; defeated in cO'nven- 
tiO'n fO'r H. C.; prO'minently identified 
with C. M. B. A. and O'ther Cath. 0'1'- 
ganizatiO'ns; presdt. fO'r several yrs. 
Branch NO'. 134; R. C. - Woodstock, 
II OM of the most eJoquent and forceful 
of the speakers in the Maritime Provinces." 
-St. John Telegraph. 
Carling, Hon, Lt.-Col, Sir John, states- 
man; business man; capitalist. 
Eng. O'rigin; y. s. late ThO's. C., who 
came to' Can., frO'm YO'rkshire, Eng., 
1818; b. CO'n. C., Tp. LO'ndO'n, CO'. Mid- 
dlesex, Ont., .Ja.n. 23, 1828; e. IO'cal 
schs.; has lived In LondO'n since he 
was 11 yrs. of age; m., 1849, Hannah 
(d. ApI., 1909), e. d. la.te Hy. DaltO'n, 
LO'ndO'n, Ont. ; jO'ined his father In busi- 
ness, and later, succeeded him as 
presdt. Carling Brewing & Malting 00. 



(long estbd.) ; public ech. trustee, 1850- 
64; ald., 1854-8; chairman. Water. 
Works Bd., London, Onot., 1878 (IDS such 
bui.llt 1.he W3itoer works of that city) ; 
el,eot-e{l .for Lorudion (Can. Asse.rnbly), 
1857; at the Union was returned to 
both the Onto Legislature and the H. 
C., and continued to sit in both for 
some time; later, up to ApI. 27, 1891, 
when he was called to the Senate, he 
sat 13.1 together in th-e H. C.; was Re- 
ceiver-Geni. for a short period in the 
Qartier-Macdonald Govt., 1862; was 
Commr. of Agriculture and Public 
Works in the first Onto Admn., led b
the Hon. J. S. Macò.onalc1, and subse- 
quoentJly sucæss:Ive}iy ih:eld ,the offices .of 
PostJrna:S'toer-Genl. and Mirur. of Agri- 
cul,ture undJer Sir .Jobin MlaOdIonaJld and 
SIr JlOhn Abbott, 'respoect'ÏVlely; fourudJe.d 
the Ag>ricul. 001,1. and ExpeI'!Ï'menltal 
Farm in Onlt., arud ,th-e sy.sobem .of Ex- 
perimental Farms for -the Dom.; a 
memo Ot'tawra Immig'I'Iait:Ïon Conferences, 
1870-1; de<>Hned 'the Lt.-Gov>ernoorship 
of Ont., 1891; K.C.M.G., 1893; apptd. 
hon. It.-col. 7th Fusillers, 1899; elected 
pres<1t. Onlt. Brewers' & Ma,l:tst'E!JI"S' 
Assn., 1904; is hon. presc1t. Yorkshire 
Soc., Ont., and the Sons of Eng., To- 
ronto; a Con.; a Meth.-London, Ont.; 
London Club; Canadian Club, do. 
.. The most poPu'La.r in the Fo-res\ 
City ro-dJay."-Can. Mag. (1906). 
.. A man, who has been able to retain the 
oonfidence &nd eostoom of men of both 
pa.rtie-s."-Can. Oourier. 
.. His name will be grntefully :re1llWUl- 
bared for .his good work at '.furOill'to and 
OttaWi80 by man.y ge,ntmation6 offilliIIIlelrs, 
when those who threw wJd Wi80ter UpOill. his 
patri-otic e,ndeaVO'l1ra -are iglllOred o'r aLto- 
gethe.r forgo-tten."-M. Star. 
Carlyle, Alexander. author and edu. 
S. late Alex. C., Brantford, Ont., 
who was a bro. of Thos. C., the distin- 
guished historian; b. Dumfriesshlre, 
Scot., 1843; e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1870; M.A., 1905) ; m., 1st, 1879, Miss 
Mary Aitken (d. 1895); 2ndly, 1901, 
Miss Lily McVicar, Goderich, Ont.; 
head,mast-er Grammar Sch., Orangeville, 
Ont., 1871; afterwards successively do. 
Fonthill, Newburgh, and Port Rowan 
High Schs, and prof. Chemistry Albert 
CoIl., Belleville, Ont.; examr. in min- 
er,a,l. and gool., Tororuto Un:iv., 1877 ; 00. 
Carlyle's .. Historical Sketches" (now 
In 4th ed.), .. New Letters and Me- 
morials of J, W. Carlyle," .. New Let- 
ters of Thomas Carlyle" ; joint author, 
with Sir Jas. Crichton-Browne, of 
.. Nemesis of Froude"; lived with his 
uncle during last 3. yrs. of his life; 
Unionist: In favour of preferential 
tariff; Presb. - 30 NewbattZe Terrace.. 
Edinburgh, Scot, 
Carlyle. Kiss Florence. artist. 
D. .lJa:te Wm. and ENra (YOIIlJffiJ8.l1IS) 
C.; a sdlster .of W. A. C. (q.v.); b. 
Gallf:, Ont.; e. WlOOdstbock, Orut., w'here 
most of 'her ,lñfu has been spenlt; oo:rily 
eV'hroed a taste {,or aI"t; sent Ito Pramls, 
1893, where sIIw worked .for 5 y.r8., 
studyùng first 'W'Í,th DeleCllouse and after- 
wards with Jules Lefebwe. T.ony 
Robe'rt. FJ.eury, a.nd RoJ.shoven; iSpeDJt 2 

SU1J11IleI"S .at BarblzaJ1; subSiequenltly 
n H.aJy; has ruO'W a stJudlio in 
N. Y.; has exhibioted 8Jt the Pa'l'is Sal()lI1. 
thoe SiaJ1tQn de Champs Elys.ees, the 
Royal Amod., London, the Roy.a:l Gan. 
.AJæ;d., and ,elsewhere; awarded a silver 
med. Sit St. :Uoui.s W'Ûf!ld'lS Fair, and 
won a prize of $500 at the an.nual 
.wtJlsts' COffijp-etiÌt'Ï'on:, 19'04; ollie of bier 
s hoas 'be,en 'Purchased: f.or thoe 
Nta:t. Ga.Hery, .ottl:.aJWla ; elecobed a R. C.A., 
1897.-32 W, Twenty-fourth ,st., New 
.. While appre.cia.ting the bea.uties and 
attractions of landscape, she feels most 
strongly drawn to figure painting, a.nd 
the're is no dJoubt this tia.lentted YO'lllllg Lady 
will make this branch of a.rt her life's 
study."-M, and E. 
Carlyle, Mis8 Margaret. Onto publIc 
B. Glasgow, Scot.; e. there; em- 
ployed In manfg. estabts. In Glasgow 
and Can.; afterwards in private busi- 
ness; apptd. female Inspr. of factories, 
On1.., tJhe fi.rst to fil,l tJhe .office, July, 
1895; elected 4th V.-P. Intern. Assn. 
Factory Insprs., St. Louis, Mo., 1903.- 
10 Baldwin St., Toronto. 
.. A woman- of strength of character, 
good judgment, sound discretion, and a 
sympathetic disposition."-T. Globe. 
Carlyle, William Arthur. mining en- 
S. JaJt
 Wnn. C., ;publo1c sch. :iOlspr., 
Wl()lodstJock, Ont.; a grand-nephew 1l3lte 
Thl06. C., h'Ïst'Orian; b. H:amïrIOÌJOTI, 00lt., 
1862; e. Wo-od,sl.ock GrtaJIIlmar Seh. and 
MiC'GdU Unliv. (B.A.Se., with Brit. ABsrn. 
g>OIld nred. .and 1st rank !honours 'in noat. 
, 1887; Ma.E., 1892) ; m., Nov., 
1891, Helen Muirhead, e. d. Robt. Shier, 
Lindsay, On.t.; specia:l led. in mining 
and metall., McGiH Unlv., 1891-5 ; 
prof. mining and enging., do., 1895; 
provl. mineral'Og. and c1ir., Dept. of 
Mines, B.C., 189.5-8; ge.ol,ogist Brit. 
Am. Corpn., Rossland, B.C.,_ 1898-9; 
genl. mangr, Rio Tinto Co., Rio Tlnto, 
Spain, 1899-1908; a engtr., 
London, Eng., 1908; wry .successful In 
all these positions; on leaving Ross- 
land was presented with a silver ser- 
vice and centreplece by citizens; for- 
merly V.-P. Can. Mining Inst.; presdt. 
B. C. Mining Inst., 1898; ap.ptd. prof. 
oil Tech. a.nd MetaH.. Imp. Ool'l.. or 
Science, London, Eng., 1909; has lec- 
tured on .. The Mines and Minerals of 
Gan..., and other similar subjects.-lf9 
Hamilton Rd., London, Eno. 
Carman. Bev. Albert (Meth.). 
U.E.L. descent; s. late Philip C., 
Iroquois, Ont., for many yrs. reeve Oof 
his v,j},lage, /8;tso, foor a ItJime, ward.e'I1, 
Stormont, Dundas and Gl
ngarry, and 
Emmeline C., d. Co!. Peter Shaver, 
M.L.A.; b. Iroquois, .June 27, 1833; 
e. Co. Dundas Grammar Sch. and Vic- 
toria Univ., Cobourg (B.A., 1855; 
M.A., 1860; D.D., hon., 1891); LL.D. 
(hon.), N.-W. Unlv.; m., July, 1860, 
Mary (V.-P. Gen!. Bd. Meth. Women's 
FOoreign Missy. Soc), e. d. Capt. .Jas. 
Slsk; on graduating from coIl., became 
headmaster Co. Dundas Grammar Sch., 
remaining in that posItion till 1857, 


when he was elected prof. of math., 
Belleville Semy. (Albert ColI.);' be- 
came principal, dIo., hold1ng also the 
chaIrs of math. and physics, 1858; o. 
d>eacon, Meth. Epis. Ch., 1859; elder, 
do., 1863; through his instrumentality 
the semy. was affliiated with Toronto 
Unlv., 1860; reed. a univ. charter In 
arts as Albert ColI., 1866; and reed. 
a unlv. charter In all the faculties as 
Albert Unlv. 1868; 1st c!hancellor of 
AI'bert Unlv., 1868-74; bp. of the Meth. 
Epis. Ch. in Can., 1874-83; since then 
has been gent. b'Updt. of the Meth. Ch. 
In Oan.; was active In originating and 
estabIlshlng Alma (Ladies') Coll., St. 
Thomas, Ont., 1876-86; Is presdt. 
Mot'Jal and Social Reform Council of 
Can.; V.-P. Onto branch Dom. AUiance 
and Onto branch Def.ence League;. a 
senator Toronto Unlv. and Victoria 
Univ.; a gov. Montreal Wesl. Theol. 
CoIl.; Is chairman joint comte. on ch. 
union; a del. Ecumenical Meth. Conf., 
Washington, D.C., 1891; dl(). World's 
Moral Reform Convention. Phila- 
delphia, Pa., 1910: made a tour 
of the Orient, with late Rev. Dr. 
Sutherland, inwstlgatlng the mlssy. 
situation, 1906; has contributed many 
articles to the mags.; author of 
some brochures and of "The Guid- 
Ing Eye."-42 Murray St., Toronto. 
"A Imped,"-Hamil- 
ton Herald. 
"A fo<ræful, el'oque'nt spe'aker, a great 
preacher and pt.atfoTm orator."-T. World. 
ssee 1arge experienoæ, ripe jlldg- 
men,t and wonderful energy 'and 'grip' 
of aU matters brought before him."-M. 
Carman, Albert Bichardson, author; 
'E. S. Rev. Dr. C., genl. supdt. Meth. 
Ch. (q.v.); b. Bellevl11e. Ont., Feb. 8. 
1865; e. Albert Colt. (B.A. and gold 
med. In science, 188
); m., 1886, Miss 
Harriet Gertrude Walker, Bel'1evllle, 
ant.; entd. journalism. 1885: joined 
staff Toronto Globe, 1887; served as 
parliamentary correspondent of that 
paper, Ottawa, 1889-90: do. do(). Mont- 
real Star, 1891-1900, writing ed. d>o. 
do., 189'1-1900, when resigned to take 
a year in Europe; now and for some 
time chief ed. writer to Montreal Star, 
and engaged In general 1lterary work; 
made an extend,pd visit to Europe, 
1910: has contributed! articles, stories. 
and sketches to Eng., Am. and Can. 
s. '8.Jf1d .newspapeJ'ls; a s'Pe'C'lall con'- 
tTi'huÌ'or <to S. N.,. ;aulthor of 2 nl()lVel's: 
"Tble Pre.parat1l()n IOlf RYJeTS'oIl' Em'- 
bury" (1900) arrud Ii Tbe Benos,IO'JI,.. 
nRlres" (1903); also of an essay. 
"Thr EthlcR of Imperlali
m" (1905). 
which MltT'8ct1f>ð W1ide wbten'Non.-<l,Star" 
Office, Montreal. 
II WritE's with considerable force and 
oril!;ina1ity."-T. Globe. 
II A writer of fine 'Pprformance and 

ood promise."-M. Herald. 
II In the front rank nf editorial writers 
in this country."-T. News. 
Carman, His Honour Bobert Bald- 
win, Co. Ot. judge. 
S. of the late PhUip C., Iroquois, 
Onto ; a bro. Rev. Dr. C. (q.1J.); b. Iro- 


quols, Oct. 23, 1843; e. Albert CoIl., 
Belleville (B.A., 1867; M.A., 1868); 
also attended Lawrence Sclen. Sch., in 
affiUatlon with Harvard Univ. ; m., Jan.. 
1872, Miss Cecilia L. Hulet; prof. 
chemist. Albert Unlv., 4 yrs.; barris- 
ter. 1873: practised his prof. at Corn- 
wall, Ont.; deputy judge. Stormont, 
Dundas, and Gleng-arry, Nov.. 1879; 
junior judge, do., Mch. 23, 1883; co. 
judge, judge of the Surrogate Ct., and 
local judge of the High Ct., Co. I...ln- 
coIn, Feb., Mch. 10, 1900; local mas- 
ter of the High Ct., Co. Lincoln, Feb., 
1904; presented with sUver servIce by 
local bar on leaving Cornwall, 1900: 
R. 0., under E. F. Act, 1887; on acUve 
service In V. M. during Fenian trouble. 
1866 (med.) ; a Freemason, an Orange- 
man, and a Son of Temp.; Ang.-st. 
Catharines, Onto 
Carman, William Bliss, poet; journ- 
U. E. L. descent: e. s. late Wm. C., 
ter, and Sophia Mary (BUss) C.; 
one of his father's faml1y was an orl- 

inal grantee of Parrtown (St. John, 
N.B.). whine bll!s TnotJh>er was gt.-gmnð-d. 
of David Bliss, the Tory lawyer of 
Concord, Mass.: h. Fredericton. N.R., 
ÄVI. 15, 1861; e. Col1. Sch. there, N.B. 
Unlv. (B.A. and AlumnI g-old med., 
1RR1: M.A., 1884: LL.D. 1(06). and 
Edinburgh and Harvar.d Unlvs. ; unm.: 
successIvely studied law, practfsed 
e11'giT1g-., .am,ëJ! tøulZ'h:t sch.: WflS offWe 
ed. N. Y. Independent, 18QO-2; al90 
connected with Cosmopolitan and 
Atlantic Monthhf mags. and ChIcago 
Chap Book,. 'besl:des many poems Which 
ha ve appeared In mags. Is author of 
the fol1owing se'Parate works: "Low 
Tide on Grand Prê" (1893), "A Sea- 
Mark" (18Q5), "Behind the Arras" 
(18Q5), "Bal1ads of Lost Haven" 
(1897), "By the AurrHan Wall" 
(18Q7), "Songs from Vag-abondla II 
(with R. Hovey) (1894), "More Son
from VagabondIa" (do. do.) (1896), 
"Last Songs from Vagabondla" (do. 
do.) (1900), "St. Kavin. a Ballad" 
(1894), "At 'Mlchaelmas" (18Q5), 
"The Girl In the Poster" (1897), "The 
Gre-en Book of ,the Bards" (1898), 
"The Vengeance of N.oel Brassard II 
(1899), "Ode >on the Coronation of 
King Edwaro" (1902), .. From the 
Book of -Myths" (1902), .. Pipes of 
Pan, No.1' (1902). "PiDes 'O'f P'1.n, 
No.2" (1903), II Pipes of Pan. Nos. 
3 4 and 5" (1904-5), "Poems, Col- 
lécted Edition" (2 vols.) (1905), 
II KlnShI'P of Nature" (1903). .. Frlend'- 
ship of Art" (1904). "From the Book 
of Valentines" (1905), "The Poetry 
of Life" (1906), II The Making of 
PersonaHty" (1908), and "The Rough 
Rider and Other Poems" (1910); a 
SoclaUst.-70 Fifth Ave., New York 
II The sw
,test IY'rist of all America."- 
A.. J. Stringer (q.v.). 
II The Swinburne of Oanadian pootry."- 
Prof. Horning (q.v.). 
II Generally regarded a.8 one of the 
strongest of O'Ur Canadian poets."-Dr, 
O'Hagan (q.v.). 
"A brillian<t Oan1ad,ian genius, and u 



a poet and a PJ'lose-writer Is a son of whom 
the D<>'lDJÏnion is jugtly proud."-Late Oeo. 
Carluichael, Rev. James Saumarez, 
S. late Bp. C., Montreal, and Emma 
(Du Bourdieu) C.; b. Clinton, Ont.; e. 
Montreal High Sch., U. C. Coli., and 
McGi11 Univ. (B.A., 1867; M.A., 1871) ; 
m., .Jan., 1886, Miss Elizabeth .J. Hunt- 
er; studied theol. Montreal Dloc. TheoL 
Coli.; o. deacon, 1885; priest. 1886: 
formerly incum'bent Hul1son's Heights, 
P.Q.; now rector St. .James, Knowlton, 
P.Q.; RD., 1902; æJnJOn: a ðleL Pian- 
Ang. Congress, LonGon, Eng., 1908; a 
Freemason.-The Rectory, Knowlton, 
Carmichael, Rev, John A. (Presb.). 
S. Alex. and Catherine (McNaugh- 
ton) C.; b. Tp. London, MtddlesDx 
Ont., .June 4, 1848; e. public schs.: m., 
Feb., 1876. Miss Cornelia Rowse: 
studied theol. Knox Col1., Toronto, an<'1 
Princeton, N.,T.; o. May, 1875: pastor 
Manas sa, Va.. 1875-7; do. Columhus. 
Ont., 1877-90; do. Knox Ch.. Rpg-infl 
Sask.. 1890-1902; mo<'1lenutor Man. 3JDI<'1 
N. W, T. Synod. 1894: sup<'1t. of mis 
"ions, .(10. Ò'O., :s
nlC'e .June, 1902; D.D., 
hlrJon'. (MaTI. 00101.), 1903.-Winnipeg, 
II An eloquent speaker, and has fOT 
years enj<>yed a' prominence in the West 
that few clergymen have had."-West. 
Carmichael, Norman Ross, education 
S. Rev. Dr. .Jas. C. (Presb.): b 
Strange, Ont., Nov. I, 1871 ; e. Queen's 
Univ.. Kingston, Onto (M.A., 1890). 
and .Johns Hopkins Univ.. Baltimore, 
Md. (fpllow In physics, 1895-6); m., 
18QR, Mi!':s Maria A. .Jenkins: asst 
prof. math., Qupen's Unlv., 1896-1900: 
asso. prof. In physics. Kingston Sch. 
of Mining. since 1900; author II Physi- 
cal Experlmpnts," a manual of labory. 
exps. In gpn1. physics (1904) .
Union St., Kingston, Onto 
Carnochan, Miss Janet, author and 
Of old Scotch Covenanting stock: 
2nd d. .Jas. and Mary (Ml1rov) C.; b. 
Stamford, Ont., Nov. 14. 1839: e. at 
Niagara, whprp she has resided .sinN> 
childhood: origlm'l11y a high sch. te
pr; taught In Brantford, Kingston, 
Peterboro', and for 23 yrs. In the NI- 
agara Higoh Sch.. her specialties bping 
history. 1itf'rature, and math.; since 
retiring from prof. life has devoted h.-.r 
time chiefly to hlst. investigation, prin- 
cipally In connection with the Town 
of Niagara. where she Is secy. of the 
Public Library and presdt. of the Ni- 
ag-ara Hlst. Soc.: In connection with 
these bodies has formed a large col- 
lection of manuscripts, hooks, pamph- 
lets, portraits, arms, and other relics 
of great value; has also caused to be 
erected stones to mark historic spots, 
and has contributpd to the prpss many 
valuable papers throwing light on the 
parly history of the whole Niagara 
Peninsula; to her efforts are also due 
the erection of the Niagara Memorial 
Hall, opened to the pUblic In 1907; 

sevpral poems, hymns, and sonnets 
have likewise come from her. (For 
an appreüiation .of her work see 
Saturday mag. sec. of the Toronto 
Globe, by Marjory MalcMurchy (q.v.), 
Nov., 19l0.)-NiagQ1'a, Onto 
Caron, Jean Baptiste Thomas, .law- 
S. Magloire and Romorlne Minette 
(Dêchêne) C.; b. Garneau, P.Q., 1869; 
e. Bourget Colt, Rigaud, P.Q., and 
Laval Unlv. (B.A., 1895) : unm.; bar- 
ristpr, 1898; practised throughout in 
Ottawa; license commr.. Ottawa, 1904- 
05; has bppn V.-P. Ottawa Reform 
Assn., presdt. local St. .Jean Bapte. 
Soc., and of Belcourt Club; sat for 
wa City (R. C.). in Lib. Intprest, 
B07-8 (e,lected by a maj. O'f 3,329); 
unsuccessfully contested L'Islet (H. C.). 
g. e. 1908; app:td. a memo Govt. Rys. 
Mang. Bd'., Dec., 1910; a R. C.-Monc- 
ton, N.B.; Lonrentian Club; Ottawa 
Hunt Club. Ottawa. 
Caron, Hon. Louis Bonaventure, re- 
tirpd iudge. 
S. late Bonaventure C., L'Islet, P.Q. ; 
b. there, Nov. 16, lS
8: e. CoIl. Ste. 
Anne, Nicolet, and St. Hyacinthe: m. 
{J. E. L. Pac-and, Arthiahaskav.illl.e, P.Q. 
(d. .Jan., 1904); advocate, 1855; re- 
turned, Lib. Intere
t, for L'Islet (Can. 
Assem.), g. e. 1857, but unseated: 
again returned, g. P. 1863, and con- 
tinueil to repre'
ent 'the co. ,till the ac- 
complishment of Confederation, against 
which he voted; one of those mems. of 
the Lib. party who addressed a re- 
monstrance a
ainst Confederatton to 
Earl of Carnarvon, Cot Secy.; a 
puisne judge, S. C., P. Q., 1874-1903. 
when he retired; tried Chalonpr, for 
the murder of Ensign Whitaker. 5300 
Foot; presldf'd In extradition cases of 
.John C. Eno and Gaynor and Greene; 
R C.-Quebec, 
Carpenter, Major Albert Edward, Can. 
rf"gul"aT mi 1 1ta,ry force's. 
B. Sept. 2. 18fi7; m. T(!a 'M. (d. 'Mcih., 
1909), d. l.ate Wm., Lon- 
don, Omt.: gaz l e'tt-e<'1 2n<'1 .llieut., 13th 
Re'g1t., 1887; 'l'ieut., do., 1889; dlo., R C. 
Regt., 1893; ca'P't., 190'2: maj'or, 190.5; 
i.!': {'o.IDJmnnlder, R. S'c'h. Iufy., T.O'r.onrbo; 
D.A.A. Ge'TI<I., 1m Div. Infy. Bl'iga-de, 
Qu.ebe'c TereE"nlt. ûelehratJi'on, 1908: 
s-erVle,d S. Afmcan ", 1899-1900 
(Qrue.e-n's med. with 3 cla,sps).-Stanley 
Ran'orks, Toronto; Toronto ,Club; 
York Club. do.; London Club, London. 
Carpenter, His Honour Arthur Allan, 
Dist. judge. 
B. Hamilton, Ont., 1873; e. there 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1894); a 
barrister; wpnt we
t ; successfully 
practised his prof. at Innisfall: apptd. 
judge Dist. of Macleod, Nov. 21. 
1907; transferred to ,Calgary .Judicial 
dlst., Nov., 1910.-Calgary, Alta. 
Carpenter, Silas Huntington, detec- 
E. s. late Thos. and Margery 
(Sweeney) C.; b. Brownsburg. P.Q.. 
.Jan. 29, 1854; e. local schs. an<'1 at 
Ottawa Coil. Inst.; m., 1st, 1874, Miss 
F. W. Phæbe Gilbert (d.) ; 2ndly, 1896, 
Miss .J. Trollope; joined Montreal 
pollee force, as a constable, 1880, be- 



coming a sergt., 1882, and later a 
detective; joined Can. Secret Service, 
1890, and in Df'c., 1896, was apptd. to 
his present office, chief of the Mont- 
real detective force; has been officiatly 
connected with many Important criM1- 
Inal casf'S, including- that of the fa- 
mous Donald Morrison, the outlaw; 
has taken a prominent part in secur- 
Ing amendments to the Criminal Codf' 
with respect to habitual criminals: 
read a paper on II The Habitual 
Criminal" before the Chief Con- 
stables' Assn., 1906; has protested 
against the loose gran tlng of tlckets- 
of-leave to convicts; specially selected, 
with Col. Sherwood (q.v.), to guard 
K'ing George (q.v.) when in Canada; 
'Ìfe gov. Montreal Gerul. Hosp.; 
a,pptd. a HeU't., on spoocti l a:l servioe, 
Corps of GuofdJe<s, Oat., 1907; a Me-th.- 
192 Champ de' Mars, _
. . Active, clear.headed, and understands 
his .business thoroughly."-M. Gazette. 
., Remarkable for his robust physique, 
straightforwardness of character, inde- 
pendence and determination.' '-M. Star, 
Carr, Bernard, editor and publisher. 
B. Quebec (city), 1828; removed to 
Boston, Mass., 1849; m., Aug., 1854, 
Miss Eleanor Mooney; in newspaper 
and publishing- business throug-hout; 
associated with late Hon. Hugh 
O'Brien for many yrs. in publishing 
and editing the Shipping and Commer- 
cial List: for 25 yrs. commercial ed. 
Boston Journal,. since then ed. Cham- 
ber of Commerce Circular: a R. C.; 
has been presdt. and secy. St. Vincent 
de Paul Soc. and closely identified with 
the Cath. Hi st. Soc. and various other 
similar bodies; has ed. and publi!'hed 
several rellglous works.-Boston. Mrr88 
II The Nestor of the Boston press."- 
H. Chronicle. 
Carr, Miss Muriel Bothwell, educa- 
B. Kingclear, N.B.; P. Victoria Sch. 
St. .John, N.B., McGill Univ. (B.A. and 
gold med. In classics, 1898; M.A., 1900), 
and Radcliffe Cotl.. Cambriòg p , Mass 
(A.M.); since 1906 has been head of 
the dept. of Eng. lang. and lit., Rock- 
ford CoIl., Rockford, Ill.-Rockford, 
Ill. . 
Carrel, Frank, journalist. 
S. late .Jas C. and .Josepha Gertrude 
(Butchart) C.; father founder and ed. 
Quebec Daily Telegraph and Saturday 
BUdget,. b. Que-bec, Sept. 7, 1870; e. 
Stan-stead Wesl. Col'l.; unm.; early 
employed on staff Daily Telegraph, and 
on deatih of his rfather, 1891, succeeded 
him as prop. and ed.-in-chlef; contri- 
butes to mags., and has compiled and 
'P'U'bIoishtoo' s.evera.I .guide bO'oks; author 
II Carm.da's West and FaJr:truer West" 
(1911) ; a memo Irish NaJt. League and 
i}f Quebec DU. and II-Iiis. Soc.; ra Ò'k. 
Sportsman's F1ish anrd Game CI'l.IJb, .and 
a 'steward Que-boo Turf Olub; Inrd. Lib. ; 
Pro1. - Chateau Frontenac, Quebec; 
Quebec Garrison Club,. Quebec Yacht 
Club,. Quebec Turf Club. 
Carrick, John James, legislator; 
dealer In real estate. 
Eng. and Can. paiJ'en.tage-; b. Terre 
lfuute, Ind., .s
 17, 1873; e. K!lruoo..r- 

d'ine Hig-h SC'h. an<'1 TOTonoo Un1v. 
(B.A., 1897); m., Dec.., 1899, Miss 
Mo:Lry ..J:ane Day (B.A., Toronto Univ., 
1898) ; ,eal"ly 'business expel"ireno
s, a.t 
the SoD. unl
.er F. H. Ol'ergue (q.v.); 
'Presd't. Oarl", Ltd., ex1:e'ThS'iV1e -d!ea]'ers 
in r.øaÞ esrtate, Gt. WeIst C1()Iai Co., et.c.; 
has rooen'tJ'Y sUC'C"essfulrly oper8!te,d 
real -estate Jru m1io,n 1,I; owns a t,o- 
ba0C'0 {aüÌ'ory l3.t WinnLpe-g ;. mayo.r 
Port Alrt.huT, 1908-9; bas sat f-OT Pont 
Ärthur (LooaJI), Oon. inrter
gt, SJinæ 
g. e. 1908; -opposed 1:0 Ithe Taiìt-FI'el1d- 
ing reoctÏpro,city agTIeem,en't; returned t'O 
H. C. f.or T.bunrd.e-r Bay and Ralruy 
Riive'r, g. e. 1911; a Quaker.-Port 
Arthur, Onto 
II Thin-ks in milHons."-T. Globe. 
Carrique, Willialu Jeffrey, business 
S. Wm. and Martha (Marlowe) C.; 
b. Go. Halton, Ont., Aug'. 19, 1873; 
e. there; m., De-c., 1909, Mabel, y. d. 
late Dr. G. E. Gascoig-ne, Montreal; 
had newspaper experience on Hamilton 
Herold and Ottawa Citizen; founded 
the Can. St. Car Advertising- Co., Ltd., 
1905, which has ohtHined a lease of all 
the advertising- in Montreal, Toronto, 
Ottawa, Winnipeg', Loni!on. Hamilton, 
King-ston, Peterborough. and other Can. 
cities; An-g.--mO Sherbrooke St. W., 
Montreal,. Canada Club " RO?tal St. 
Lawrence Yacht Club,' Can. Mil. Inst., 
IIfontreal; National Club, Toronto. 
Carroll, Alfred H,. farmer and legis- 
S. Danl. and Isabella C.; b. West 
Zona, Co. Oxford, Ont., Mch. 2, lR49; 
e. 'Voodstock; m., Oct., 1877, Mary 
Ellen, 3rd d. Lt.-Col. .T. D. Df'nt. Em- 
bro, Ont.; !':erved as Councillor and 
Reeve, Oakland, Man.; a Tory, and 
has represented S. Brandon (Local) 
since g. e. 1903; has moved for the 
abolition of the batlot In provl. elec- 
tlons; Ang.-Carroll, 1J.Ian. 
Carroll, Hon. Henry George, judge. 
S. Michael Burke and Marguerite 
(Campbell) C.; b. Kamouraska, P.Q.. 
.Jan. 31, 1866; e. 
\t.p. A'llJf1!!"s CollI. .and 
Ln'31 Un'Ìv. (LL.B., 1889; LL.D., 
1902) ; m., .June, 1891. Amaz.eli.e, d. L. 
Ba-ull3,ntg1er, 8,tp. A e:at'he rdle Lo.tb'inl!e're; 
e.dY'oC'at'e, JR89; K.C. (P. Q.), 1899; 
doD. (IDa,IiI Min,t.o), 1902; Grown prose- 
cu:tor f'Or SO'11'P yr:s. a.t FraseTvUle; 
Solr.-Genl. of Can., F.p-b., 1902-04; a 
commr. ex-of/icio for revising and con- 
solidating thf' publIc statutes of Can. ; 
represented Kamouraska (H. C.) '- Lib. 
i'lJlte'1', 1891-1904; Li'b. ,o'rg'a.ndze.r, 
Dist. 'Of QUlebec, No-v., 1898; one 
'Of the sig:n<ers of ,tJhe :aðð.regs froon th<e 
Lib. party to the Pope, resulting in 
the appt. of a papal ab]egate to Can.. 
1896; a puisne judge, S. C., P. Q., 
.Jan. 29, 1904; promoted to King's 
Bench, Dec., 1908; apptd. a memo 
Council of Public Instruction, P. Q., 
Aug., 1906; ;presented, with Mrs. C., to 
the Prince and Princess of Wales (now 
the K>ing anð Queen of Eng.), St. 
.J'amEs's Pal'ace, 1Jonðolli, ..July, 1902; 
R. C.--6 Brebeuf St., Quebec. 
"A man of a sinlgu]arly lovable tempera- 
ment, who was cast in too deHca.te a. mould 



for the hurly-lmrly of poJitics."-O. Free 
II Elnjoys a
ab1e replLtJa;f;ÎIOm, for 
alb>iHty amd V1an"ied le.g>a.J a.coompLishime'11tÆ;." 
-M. Standard. 
Carroll, William Banfield, lawyer; 
Onto pub. service. 
S. late Rev. John C., Ang. rector 01 
Gananoque, Onrt..; b. 1867; e. there, 
Wel11olnwtoll' Seth. and T.rin. Ull'iv., To- 
txmrtoO (B.A., 1877); m.; RJt'born'ey, 
1881; IMrr:isrter, 1889; K.C., 1908 ; 
n Gananoque; a.þplOinlted 
þOlUoo maß'Ï,strate, Ga'nanoque, 1908; 
has been m'ay'Or thoere -dlo. ; was fur an 
exooonded per'ilO'd lCiooiIm1l3.ll' Bd. ,of 
"IDd'lloaltlilQn ; ra Oem., and secy. Leeds 
Gon. Assn.; an Ang., and a memo of the 
Synods; a memo GpuI. Oorrube. f'Ü'I' Re- 
vised Hymnal for Ch. of Eng. In Can., 
1906; a memo rof the c.orpO'ratJÏ.tOIl of 
TlI"il1li.ty UIlIiv.; a frequelfl't oontrlbu:tor 
Ì'O Onto Churchman.-Gananoque, Onto 
Carroll, WnUam H, mechanic. 
B. N. B., 1870; went to Mass. at 19 : 
learned trade of nallmaker at Worces- 
tel'; afterwards removed to Boston; 
SocialIst candidate for Mayor of Bos- 
ton, and subsequpntly twice unsuccess- 
fully contested Mass. governorship.- 
B08ton, Ma88. 
Carruthers, Capt. George Frederick, 
S. late Fredk. Fraser C., barrister, 
Toronto; b. Toronto, Sept. 18, 1846; e. 
Model Grammar Sch, and U. C. con.; 
m., 1873, Miss Harriet Chambers, Wln- 
n'Ìjpeg; in servtioo G. T. Ry. UII} hoe 
mrovoo to Man., 1871; 00'. Man. Gazette 
SOllne yrS. ; went 
n.t-o fire dIlls. and mer- 
C'antiloe lbus
ness, 1874; -has been presdt. 
Bd. 'Of Unlderwrdt-ers, Man. and N. W. 
T.; ,Is a ,drlr. MO'llar.clh Life Assu:r. 00., 
and W. GenI. HI()lsp., land pres'dJt. Stand- 
rurd Brick & Til-Ie 00.; served as I!l!n ald. 
an.d as presd.t. :Man. RIifle Aossn.; for- 
merly an 'Offr. Queen's Own Reg.t., To- 
ron,bo (file(!. for serV'lces during FenIan 
RaId) ; a Freemason, 32nd deg.; a fel- 
low Royal Cot. lnst.; a Con.; an Ang., 
and a del. to the Synod.- Winnipeg: 
Manitoba Club; Country Club; Lake of 
the Wood8 Yacht Club, do. 
Carruthers, James, merchant. 
ScottIsh origin; s. Geo. Andrew and 
.Janet C., natives Co. Dumfries, Scot.; 
b. Tooronto, Aug. 13, 1853; e. thoeil'e; 
head Jas. C. & Co., 'Ltd., gTa
n meT- 
cihallits, fMonrtreal, TOTO'llrto and Winni- 
peg; ,somoetimes úa;Þl.e'(} .. Oan:ada's 
PremlLer grain m'erchoanlt,.. and sorrIle- 
trÏm'ets .. Canorudla's Wiheat Kån-g," from 
tJh!e eX'tenlt anld! vrum.eoty 'Of .h
 s (JßJ'effi- 
tilOns <Í11J the bous'in<<Õls world; a dlir. 
(and formerly presd1.) of tlhe MonltTeaJ 
Oorn Exchange ASSll.; .a mlem. :MonlÌ- 
res,1 00. 'Of T,rnile; eaecte-d a dlir. 

o"\l1e're,i'gn Bank, '1902; a dår. Dom. 
Bank, 1907; oa;lso, a dir. of It'he 
Rioyal Marine Ins. Co., and 
. Law- 
rence & Ohricag>o 
eam Nav. Co.; 
presdt. Toronto and Montreal Steam- 
ship Co., Winnipeg Elevator Co., Win- 
nipeg, Western Land Corporation, 
United Supply & Contracting Co. and 
Montreal & Lake Erie Steamship Co.: 
a gov. Montreal Genl. and Western 
Biosps.; is owner of t'bJe Oa-n. íMarb1e 

Works, .MisslsslqulOl, P.Q.; an aJ1l-round 
sportsman; dn hds Y'Outh aòðictoo to 
lacrosse; n:ow owns anI(] TUnoS a fine 
stable IOf cross-country and othoe,r 
trorses; one ()If the (prinC>lpal 'f'Ound'elrs 
and a d'ir. of the ,M'Ontreal Jockey 
Ol'u'b, 1905; opposoo ,to the 'Daft-Field- 
in,g l'ecipI"ocjlty oOO11tpaot, 1911.-" The 
Cavendish," Montreal,. St. James'8 
Club; Mt. Royal Club; lIfontreal 
Jockey Club, do.; National Club, To- 
Carruthers, John Bell, merchant. 
E. S. laté .John C., KIngston, Ont.: 
b. .. Annandale," Kingston, Ont., .July 
17, 1854; e. KIngston Grammar Sch. 
and ParIs, France; m., ApI., 1881, LIl- 
Ne (V'ice-reg>elllt Kin,gsbon chap. Daug1h- 
tel'S of the Errupire and presdt. !lnd 
capt. Lad'ies' Go1'! Club, ,same oity) , 
e. d. late RiO'llL Isaac Burpee, P.C., St. 
Jbhn, N.B.; a .J. P.; is V.-P. }{:ing-.ston 
and Montreal Forwarding Co., presdt. 
Kingston Yacht Assn., and life gov. 
'ston Genl. Hosp.; has been a 
trustee con. lnst., capt. Kingston Golf 
Club, chaIrman Sch. of MinIng, presdt. 
KIngston Curling Club, do. Lake Yacht 
Racing Assn., and do. Kingston Re- 
form Assn.; LIb.; Presb. - II A nnan- 
dale," Kingston, Ont.,. II The Oaks!' Co. 
Frontenac, Ont.; Frontenac Club, King- 
Carruthers, Miss Lilian Alice, educa- 
D. late .J. Han C., architect; b. and 
P. Toronto; a past presdt. Women 
Teachers' Assn.: active In the or- 
ganization of Onto Teachers' AllIance, 
of which she was for 3 successive 
yrs. V.-P.: sent to Eng. by the Bd. 
of Educ. to stuòy the educational 
sY5:tem there, 1908; a promIsIng play- 
wright; a contrIbutor to various 
:lournals; wrote series of artIe-les on 
Eng-. schs. for Toronto Telegram, 
which were widely rpad: a memo 
Women'5: Rlst. Soc. and Chambprlaln 
Chap. Daughtprs of the Empire; 
sympathIzes with the mIlItant suffra- 
gettps; an enthusIastic advocate of the 
extpnslon of tef'h. education In Can.- 
!!j9! Robert St., Toronto, Onto 
Carsley, wnliam Francis, mlerchanlt. 
E. S. late Saml. and - (Tupp) C.; 
b. Montreal, 1868; e. LIncoln CoIl., 
Sorel, P.Q.; m., Au g'. , 1 R92, Cathprlne 
Mary Rose, d. Eugene Haberer, Mont- 
real; for many yrs. V.-P. of the S. C. 
Co., Ltd., dry goods merchants, Mont- 
real, and of C. Sons & Co., wholesale 
dry goods, 113 St. Peter St., Montrpal, 
and 18 Bartholomew Close, London, 
Eng'., ::lnd was elected prpsd1. of those 
cos., Nov., 1902: a llromot p t" of the 
Heat, Light & Power Co., 1906; el(>cted 
V.-P. La Banque Provincialp and presI- 
dent Soc. for Protection of Wompn and 
ChIldren (succeeding his late father In 
those offices), 1909; Anog.--!jl Mac- 
Gregor St., Montreal. 
Carson, Bev, George Stephen (Pres- 
B. Sussex, N.B.; e. there and Dal- 
housie Univ. (B.A., 1882); o. 1885; 
pastor Knox Ch., PIctou, N.S.; author 
II Stories from the Life of Jesus .. 



(1907); apptd. asso. ed. and business 
man gr. Presb. Witness, Halifax 1906. 
-Halifax, N.S. ' 
CarBon, Lt,-Col, John. insurance and 
mining expert. 
S. Wm, and Mary (Johnston) C.; 
b Montreal, P.Q., Oct. 13, 1864; e. 
there; m., 1885, Minnie R., d. late Hy. 
Gorran, St. Johns, P.Q.; was for a long 
time In the fire ins. business; memo 
Montreal Bd. of Trade; J.P.; elected 
V.-P. Montreal Mining Exchange, 1908; 
a promoter and now mango dir. Crown 
'l'rust Co. ; also, a promoter and presdt. 
Crown Reserve Mining Co.; rated as 
a millionaire by Montreal Star, 1909; 
a promoter Crown Exploration and 
Develop. Co., do.; a chief promoter of 
the movement for a Bd. of Control, 
Montreal, do.; is a dir. B. N. A. 
,:Mining 00., and of the MiO'tmt Royal 
Hotel 00.; pr,e.sen,t, '-by iÎIlIvlÎ.t'a,tñon, 1Ín 
Woes.tmIn.s.ter Aibbey, at the oorona.vil{)!1J 
of King Edward and Queen Alexandra, 
Aug. 1902; long In the v.m. service; 
retired, as a It.-col., 5th Royal High- 
landers of Can., 1909; holds long-ser- 
vice decoration; a councillor Dom. 
RUle Assn.; do., Boy Scout movement, 
Montreal; a gov. Montreal Genl. Hosp.; 
presented with a silver service by dirs. 
of the Crown Reserve Mining Co., on 
anniversary of wedding, 1910; a Lib.; 
an Ang. and a del. to the Synod; 
elected a gov. Montreal Dioc. Theol. 
CoH., 1909.-
 Sherbrooke St., Mont- 
1'eal; Canada Club; .'11 anitou Club, do. 
Carso.n, Joseph Hugh, social re- 
S. late Hugh and Anne (Miller) C.; 
b. :MOOltrea1, 1854; e. St. Joohn-s (P.Q.) 
High Sch.; formerly In business in 
Montreal; long prominently identi- 
fied with temp., Sunday sch., and 
many other forms of good work' was 
for a considE;rable period record.' secy. 
Dam. CounCIl Dam. Temp. Alliance; 
now V..,P. provl-. branch of Alliance; 
also .record. secy. Sunday Sch. Union, 
P.Q., and treas. Lord's Day Alliance 
since Sept., 1902, has .beldi the per
manent appt. of gent agent Montreal 
Amoiliary Brit. and For. Bible Soc.. 
a J.P., with jurisdiction over the entir
prov1Ïnæ, and a mem. Ex'tvoe. COil11rt:e. 
Montreal Citizens' League; formerly 
an offr. SIt. Johns Garrison Airty.; a 
Meth., and has served as a del. to 
tþe a!1nual and genl. confs. of the ch.; 
likewise to the Ecumenical COn't 
Washington, 1891; presented with 
gold watch and chain by the Mont- 
rea1 comte. of 1906 conf., in acknowl- 
edgment of his services as secy. 
thereof.-76 Union Ave., Montreal. 
Ca.rson, William JOlln, educationist. 
Parents from Castlebar, Irel.; b. 
Metcalfe, Ont., Nov. 15, 1872; e. there; 
m., Dec., 1903, Cela J., Y. d. Archd. 
Kennedy, Vernon, Ont.; B.S.A. (Toron- 
to Univ.), 1902; dairy inspr., Dept. ot 
Agricul., Ont., 1902-3; teacher King- 
ston Dairy Sch., do. do.; asst. prof. 
dairying, Wisconsin Univ., 1904-5 ; 
prof. dairying, Man. Agricul. CoIl., 
Winnipeg, 1!105; resigned, July, 1908, 
and is now in business at Winnl,peg In 
connection with the C, Hygiene .Milk 

Co. ; obtained highest standing In 
dairying ever attained. at Onto Agricul. 
Coli.; a Freemason; an Oddtfellow ; 
Con.; Ang.-Winnipeg, Man. 
U A man of more than ordinary calibre." 
-Farmer'. Advocate, 
Ca.rstairs, John stewart, political or- 
ganizer; educationist and critic. 
S. late Robt. II. C., of an old Edin- 
burgh .family, and Cornelia (Stewart) 
C., a gt-grandld. of Hon_ John Munroe, 
U, E. L. (formerlY a capt. King's 
Royal Regt., N. Y.), a memo of the 
first Leg. Council, U. C., and the an- 
cestor of the Joly and Harwood fam- 
Ilies. L. C.; b. Kingston, Ont.; e. high 
schs., Arnprior and Iroquois, and To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., with honours in 
Eng. and hist., 1892) ; m., 1896, Maud 
Seymour (D. E. L. ancestry; gradlu- 
3JtJed Ot taJwa Normal- Soh. and 'had an 
ex:tJenSlÍve experienoe as ,i publ,ÌC sch. 
teaCher), o. d. Railiph O. GiltÞert, Sti;r- 
Hug, Ont.; successively Eng. arud o}aSSJÍ- 
cal master, Iroquois High Sch.' prin- 
dpaJ1, SHrling High 8ch. and 2nd 'ol'assl- 
cal master, Harbord St. ColI. Inst., To- 
ronto; apptd. (by Mr. R. L. Borden, 
M.P, (q.v.), leader of the Federal Op- 
position) secy, Dom. Lib.-Con. Assn., 
Ont., 1907; ed. and published St. Law- 
rence News, 1892-3, and subsequently 
on staff Toronto Empire; formerly an 
offr. 49th Regt.; for a long time con- 
nected with U, E. L. Assn.; elected 
presdt. do., 1908-09; since 1902 a memo 
Ex.tve. Alumni Aissn., Toronlto Uruiv.; 
elected secy.-treas. do., 1906; do. lib- 
rarian Can. Mil. Inst., Toronto, 1909; 
do. V.-P. Can. Folk Lore Soc. do.; 
elected V.-P. hist. and. Eng. 
. Onto 
:Ðduc. Assn., -dio. ; elorotoed a memo Ex>tve. 
Comte. Burns Lit. Soc., Toronto, do.; 
has been an examr. in mod. hist., To- 
ronto Univ., 1901; formerly chairman 
assoc. examll"S. !in :his.t., Educll_ Dept., 
Ont.; was also asst. sec. Laura Secord 
Nat. Monument Comte.; assÏ'sted in 
founding Iroquois Public Library and 
the Victoria Park, Stirling, Ont.; on 
Ed. Comte. The University Monthly; 
autJhJor: .. WIQf1dJsworth'," an essay 
(1892) ; .. Five Unpublished Letters of 
Carlyle," (1893), .. The Culture-Value 
of History" (1901), .. The Late Loyal- 
 of Upper Canada" (1902), .. His- 
tOrical Landmarks of the Ottawa Val- 
ley" (19-10); for severaL yrs. has 
been a frequent contributor to The 
Review of Historical publications 
Relating to Canada (Univ. of To- 
ronto); his services as an ed. and 
reviser are ackgd. In several publica- 
tIons; at present Is In collaboration 
with A. C. Casselman (q.v.) in produc- 
ing a II History of Canada and the 
Can. People"; a Con.; an Ang., and 
a lay reader; a Freemason and an Odd 
5 Crawford St" Toronto; Al- 
bany Club; Toronto Military Institute. 
II Widely read, exact in analrysis, clear 
in exposition,...-M. and E. 
Carstairs, Major William Frederick 
Wallace, Can. mil. service. 
Bro. of preceding; b. Kingston, Ont., 
June 24, 1860; e. Arnprior, Iroquois, 
and Kingston; unm.; has had long cx- 



peI'lieruC'e Ü1J v. m, 3Jrud Imp. lI1Il.1:. ser- 
vice; holds 'a ,1St class R. ,So I. cert.; 
formerly capt. 56th .. Lisgar" Rifles; 
resigned his comn. at outbreak of N. 
W, Rebellion, 1885, and enlisted in R. 
N. W. M. P., with which he served for 
5 yrs. in all parts of the great N. W.; 
attached for duty to No. 1 Regt. Depot, 
London, Ont., 18!:18; left there to 
take an appt. as an offr. in the Royal 
Nigerian Constabulary; later, when the 
Brit. Govt. took over the Royal Niger 
Co.'s territories, was given a comn. in 
the 3rd Southern :Kigerian Regt.; as 
such took part in more than a doztn 
punitive expeditions, including Benin, 
Ishau, Ulia, and Furomia; filled many 
Important positions on 'Vest .Coast, and 
acted as dist. commr. Cross River Dist.. 
as well as D. O. C. of the troops 
In his district; resigned, owing to 
wounds and injuries recd. in action, 
1903; after recuperating, moved to 'V. 
Alberta, where he became instr. in 
musketry to the Alberta Mounted Bri- 
gade; was also Instrumental, with Lt.- 
Col. E. B. Edwards (q.v.), In organ- 
izing the 101st Regt.; gazetted major 
in do., Sept. 1, 1908; formerly asso- 
ciated with Oronhyatekha in the Ind. 
Order of Foresters, In which he was a 
supdt.; was subsequently in the ser- 
vice of the Royal Victoria Ins. Co.; 
went to Alberta to prospect for coal 
and stone, in which he was successful; 
now interested in some of the finest 
coal mines and best stone quarries in 
the province; an expert rifle shot, and 
has brought down some big game in 
Can., U. S., and Africa; holds N. W:.J 
1885, med. and the geni. service med., 
with 2 clasps, for W. Africa: also the 
long servi-ce decoration; an Oddiellow, 
a Forester, anq a Freemason (Royal 
Arch and Scottish Rite); an uncom- 
promising Con.; an An
. - Strathcona, 
Alta; Military Inst., Toronto. 
CarsweU, Bobert, publisher. 
S. Hugh and Margt. C.; b. Colborne, 
Ont., .July 19, 1838; e. Brighton Gram- 
mar Sch., Belleville Semy. and Middle- 
sex Undv. ; m., 1st, Mlil:liioeu1lt A. (d.), ,d. 
IruÌ!e BbJi:J.ip 'Oarman, Il'oquo'is, Ont., 
and sisbeT Hiev. Dr. Oarmla'll (q.v.): 
2ndly, ,Miss Martha ::;wan (d.); 3rdly, 
Miss Sophia Frankish; in early life 
was a sch. teacher; founded The C. 
Co., .Ltd., Law Bo'ok publishers, To- 
ronto (L. P., 1891), a flrm of emiruenlt 
Sltanding of which he is pTesodt. and 
geniI-. m
I1Ig.r.---30 Adelaide St. E., To- 
Carter, J, Smyth, educationist. 
Scotch Dutch, and Irish parentage; 
b. Rowena, Ont., Sept. 7, 1877: e. 
l,ocal public sehs. and 1fol'r:i'Sburg OoU. 
Inst.; unm.; a public s('h. t('acher; 
has written considerably for the press; 
author .. The Story of Dundas; Being 
a History of the County of Dundas, 
from 1784 to 1904" (Iroquois, 1905) ; 
Lib.; Meth.-Rowena, Onto 
Carter, James, Newfoundland public 
Be.!oo.ngs to an old Nfd. .fami1.y which 
has bee'll ,In island siThCe 1700 ; b. Dal't- 
mouth, Devon, E'll'g., Sept. 23, 18311; 
e. Mt. Radf.ord, ExereT, Eng.; m" 

1855, :i\Hss HarI'lie.t Eloizabe't'h F'elioia 
Carter (d. 1901) ; author, "Six ;Mo()'llIt:hs 
in EUl'ope and thie Or-ierut" (iMont.real, 
1906) ; 'Ïs sheriff IOf NIfCL.; Ang.-" Bal- 
sam House," St. John's, Nld. 
Carter, Col, James Colebrooke, H.M.'s 
regular forces. 
E. s. late Hon. Sir .Jas. C., for many 
YI'.\>. IChief .Jus'Hce 'Of New Brunswi-ek, 
and Mary Alllne El'izaOOth C.; lb. 
Fìre'd!el1Í>C'ton, N.B., Nov. 22, 1844; e. 
:Kling's OoLt, do. ; m., 1st:, Miss Fl'aIJlCle:s 
K. .Jone,s (-d..); 2ndlly, .Miss EI,eanor 
F. Osw.a,lll; sel1ved ,in the 431'd Light 
Infy., and as col. commandant Berk- 
shire Volun\teers; .J. P. for Berk- 
shire and vice-chairman Berkshire 
Territorial Assn.; Con.; Proto Re- 
formed Ch. of Eng.-Ardington, Wan- 
tage, Berks; Naval and .Military Club, 
London, Eng. 
Ca.rter, Bev, John (An g.). 
E. s. .s. .JOthn and l\ll)aJtiÏ,lda (McNab) 
C.; b. Toronto, Nov. 7, 1861; e. U. C. 
ColI., Trin. ColI., Toronto (M.A., 1882), 
and Exebe.r OoH., Oxford ('ex,hdbtitdoner; 
2nd class liot. :h'uman., 1887); cU'ra.tJe, 
Lilffi'eJhouse Parish Oh., 1887-9; ass-t, 
chaplain, Exmer DaN., Oxford, 1890-5; 
since rthen mas been bUl1sar of Pusey 
House, Oxfordl; hon. .secy. OhorisHan 
SoCÏorul Un:i,on since 1889; ed. Economic 
Rev. .since 1891.-pusey Home, Ox- 
f01"d, Eng. 
Carter, Bev, Willia.m (Ang.). 
Bro. Rev. .John C. (q. v.) ; b. 1867; 
e. Trln. ColI., Toronto (M.A., 1889); 
m., 1901, Miss Alys Playfair; o. dea- 
con, 1891; priest, 1892; rector Kings- 
town, St. Vincent, W.I., 1896: later 
curate Upton - cum - Chalvey, Bucks; 
apptd. vicar Tokesbury, Essex, Eng., 
01.-7'okesbury, Eng. 
carter, William Edward Hall, civil 
Second S. late E. r1'. C., Toronto; b. 
there; m., Mch., 1908, Emma Fulton, 
y. d. late .John Akers, K.C., Toronto; 
B.A.Sc. (Toronto Univ.), 1899; some- 
time engr. Yellowstone Mine, B. q.; 
supdt. ,of, Ont., 1900-05; ,now m 
priv,a.t'e bus'inoess; Ang.-49 Dunvegan 
Rd., T01'onto; National Club, do. 
.. A young maD of .a.bility."-T. Globe. 
Carter, William S" educationist. 
Descended froTY' .John C., who came to 
., from Yorkshire, Eng., 1774; b. 
Kingston, N.B., .July, 1858; e. Co. 
Grammar Sch., Hampton 
Sch., Provl. Normal Sch., and N. B. 
Univ. (B.A., and Douglas and Lorne 
gOtlid me,d.s., 1881; M.A., '1884; LL.Ð., 
1910) ; math. i.nstT., St. .Jo'hin Hig'll Soh., 
1881-6; Inspr. ,of Sehs., 1886-190.9; 
since .then :hrus been Supdt. of EdU'c., 
N.B.; elected a sen.rubor, N. B. Urui-v., 
1892; do. iPr.esdt. N. B. Un.iv. AJluffill1'1 
Soc., 190.8; d'o. 'PTesdJt. Assn. of Can. 
Olubs, 1911; is R,l:so R. (rir. Dom. Educ. 
Assn.-F1'ede7'icton, N.B. 
.. A maD of administrative ability and 
an excel1ent platform øpeaker."-St, John 
Carter-Cotton, Hon, Franc!. L" jour- 
nalist; statesman. 
B. Yorkshire, Eng., 1847; e. there; 
m.; founded Daily News-Advertiser 



(Vancouver), 1886, which he has since 
rondJuot-ed; V.-P. l,o,cal branch Imp. 
Federartion League, 1889; .(1,0. B. C. 
Trust Co., 1
02; a dir. Securities Cor- 
poration, B.C.; chairman Assessment 
Act Comn., B.C., 1:.105; elected Presdt. 
-al lnst. f'Or the Advanc. lof .Learn- 
ÏIl'g, 1906; ,endowed a chair of !pure 
and applied m3Jth., B. G. branch Mc- 
lWI U.niv., 1906; has .sat in the Legis- 
latUI'e, B. ,C., almost uninterruptedly 
sinoe 18::10; sHs for Riühmonà; waG 
MinI'. "D'f 
ill'anoe 'in the S, AdJmn.; 
lat-er Ohiief OO[lljffir. of Lands and 
\VorkiS and P,resdt. to! Ibhe Coun'eU 'in 
the .McBride Admn., .runoe, 1904-0ct., 
1::110; perf'ormed :the feat lof travelHn,g 
J.,100 mÏile.s, Ifr'om Vra'l1lOouv'er to .Card- 
bo.o, 560 mtiles .of which were <i'one on 
hOI\5Je'bwck, :in .l.ess -lblan 2 day,s, ,:May, 
1\100; a Oon.-Vanco.uve/"
 B.C.; Van- 
couver Club
 do.; Union Club
II The best editorial writer in the Prory- 
ince."-V. World. 
II One of the clearest and 3b1e8t speak 
ers ()n financial questions in the West:'- 
M. Star. 
Cartwright, Alexander Dobbs, Dom. 
public service. 
Third s. Sir R. J. C. (q.v.); b. 
Kingston, ant., Sept. 20, 1864; e. 
Queen's Univ., Kingston (B.A., 1885) ; 
m., June, 1900, Ada Elizabeth Sey- 
mour (a brUliant pianist), d. late 
Lucius Hart; barrister, 1887; success- 
fully practised his prof. in Toronto for 
some Y'rs. ; appt,d. Ed. Ry. 
Commrs., Can., F'eb., 1\:10-1; f'Orm'e.rl
a lieut. 47tJh; n'ow a capl., Oorps 
RoelServe, 10th Grenadiers, 'l'aronto; 
Ang.-3J4 Stewart St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club, do.; 
Toronto Club
cartwright, Conway Edward, Can. ry. 
E. s. Rev. Conway C., Kingston, 
ant.; nephew Sir R. J. C. (q.v.); b. 
Kingston, ant., Oct. 14, 1864; e. Royal 
Mil. Coll., Kingston; graduated, 1884; 
m., 1889, Mary Elizabeth, d. late Major 
Harvey, R.A., \Vexford, IreI.; memo 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1899; memo P. L. S. 
Assn., B. C., 1904; entd. service Pon- 
tiac Pacific Ry., 1885, and has .since 
been continuously employed on vari- 
ous roads; since 1905 has been div. 
en gr. C. P. Ry.,; A'ng.- 
1748 Robson St.
 Vancouver, B.C. 
Cartwright, Capt, Francis Lennox, 
Can. mll. forces. 
Fifth s. Rt. Hon. Sir R. J. C. (q.v.) ; 
b. Kingston, Ont., Meh. 27, 1874; e. 
Bp. Ridley ColI., St. Catharines, Ont., 
and Queen's Univ., Kingston; m., ApI., 
1901, Ada Marion Carlos, e. d. Augus- 
tus F. Perkins, Oakdene, Holmwood, 
Surrey, Eng. ; formerly capt. 14th Regt. ; 
joine'Ò Royal N. W. M. Police, 1897; 
served In Yukon and N. W. T.; was 
seconded to serve in Lord Strathcona's 
Horse, 1900; served with that corps 
during war in S. A. (Queen's med., 
with 4 clasps) ; decorated .with D. S. 0., 
1900, for distinguished s0rvice durin
the campaign; retired from Royal N. 
W. M. Police, 1904; gazetted capt. 5th 
Kiingst:on Ba't'ty., F.A., June, 1906; dlo. 

doo., Strathcona's Horse (-Royal Cana- 
dians), /May, 11910.-Fort Osborne Bar- 
 lVinnipeg, Man.; .F'rontenao 
Club, Kingston; Imperial Se-rvice Club. 
Cartwright, Major George Strachan, 
H.Mo's regular military forces. 
Second s. Rev. C. E. and Marie Le- 
titia (Johnson) C.; b. Kingston, ant., 
Aug. 29, 1866; e. Royal Mil. Coll., 
Kingston; m., Sept., 1899, Kate Mary, 
d. Robt. A. Stevenson, M.D., Toronto; 
gazetted lleut. R. E., 1885; promoted 
capt., 1894; now a major; served with 
the lsazal expdn., 1892;. has held vari- 
ous staff appts.; now In India.-Care 
Cox & Co.
Cartwright, James Strachan, On t. 
!public service. 
Second s. late John Solomon C., Q.C., 
M.P.P., amjj SaI13Jh Anne Hay.ter 
(Macaulay) C.; b. Kingston, ant., Aug. 
2U, 1840; e. Rugby, Eng.; m., 1st, June, 
Ib66, Harriet .finne (d. Dec., 1889), d. 
late Hon. \Vm. Cayley, Toronto; 2ndly, 
Jane Ellzabeth. II. Geo. A. Young; bar- 
rister, 1868; K.C., 1902; successfuIly 
practised .his tpl'of. at Napanee; ,appûd. 
regr. Queen's Bench Div. High Üt. o'f 
Just:ioe, Owl., M:a;y, 1883; ana:ster-dn- 
C1hambers, .sup. Ot., Onlt., ApI., 1903; 
pl'esen1t-ed ,to Hre la1!e Edward, 
St. James's Pall8.oe, May, 1909; an Ang, 
and a del. .to .aile Syn'Od.- Woodlawn 
A ve., Toronto. 
Cartwright, John BObison, ant. public 
Third s. late John Solomon C., Q.C., 
M.P.P., and Sarah Hayter (Macaulay) 
C.; b. Kingston, ant., Feb. 28, 1842; 
e. at Rugby and Oxford Univ. (B.A., 
1866) ; m., June, 1868, Emily, d. late 
Lt.-Cot D' Arcy E. Boulton, Cobourg, 
Ont.; barrister, 1871; K.C., 1890; clk. 
of the process, Osgoode Hall, 1878; 
Depty, Atty.-Gent, ant., 1889; one of 
the counsel for the appel'lant In the 
famous Mercer will case before J1. 
Gomte. P. ,C., Eng., 1883; one of the 
secys. 'for the revision of the provl. 
statutes, 1885; an Ang., and a del. to 
the Synod.--6S .A venue Rd.
Cartwr1,g'ht, Miss Mabel, educatlon;st. 
O. d. John R. C. (q.v.) and Emily 
(Bou1ton) C.; b. 'l'oronto; studied 
Cheltenham Seh. -and Oxfol'd Univ., 
where she obtained a cert. and 
other honours; later taught in Ox- 
ford High Sch., where she had charge 
of Form IV.; returning to Can., was 
for 3 yrs. on the teaching staff of Bp. 
Strachan Ladles' Sch.; apptd. lady 
principal St. Hilda's CoIl., Toronto, 

'Iay, 1903; an ex.tve. C'ouncililor To- 
ronto Unlv. Alumni Assn.; a del. to 
the Pan.-Ang. Congress, London, Eng., 
1908; while in London spoke In 
Queen's Hall on the subject of II The 
Responsibility of the Relation of the 
Ch, to the Young"; Is V.-P. Unlv. 
omen'.s Club, Toron'to; 'eÞeote,d presdot. 
\Voman's AuxH., Ang. Ddocese of To- 
ronDo, 19,11; An g.-S t. Hilda's College, 
'Toronto; Univ. Women's Club, do. 
.. Ifur staiIlding in scho,lM'lSihip, especioaJ']y 
in h,ist<JI1"Y, is high."-Marjory MacMurclty 
(q.v), ;.-\ 



cartwright, The Bt, Eon, Sir Bleh- 
ard John, statesman. 
O. s. late Rev. R. D. C., chaplain to 
the forces, Kingston, Ont., and Har- 
riet C., d. Conway Edward Dobbs, 
Dublin, Irel.; grands. Hon. Richard 
C. (U. E. L.), formerly a judge of 
the Common Pleas In U. C., and after- 
wards a M.L.C. of that Province; b. 
Kingston, Dec. 4, 1835; e. Trln. Coll., 
Dublin; m., 1859, Frances (V.-P. 
Local Council of Women), e. d. Col. 
Alex. La we, H. E. I. C. service, Cork, 
Irel.; formerly presdt. Commercial 
Bank of Can., an institution now de- 
funct, and of the Women's Med. !ColI., 
Kingston; V.-P. Trusts CorporaHon of 
Ont., and presdt. Frontenac Loan & In- 
vest. Co., etc.; promoted. Onto Electrlc 
Co., 1901; sat for Lennox and Adding- 
ton, ,Can. Assembly, from 1863 to the 
Union of the Provinces, 1867; for Len- 
nox (H. C.) from 1867 to 1878 
when defeated; for Centre Huron fro
N'Ov., 1878 -to íMay, 1882; if'Or South 
Huron froon De-c., 1883 to 1887; ,flOf 
South Oxford ,from 1887 to 1904; called 
to the Senate, by Earl Grey, Sept. 30, 
1904; belongs to 'One o.f the old Tory 
families of U. C., and In the early days 
of his :public life gave an IndIvidual 
su:pport to the late Sir John A. Mac- 
donald ; sInce the period of the II Pacific 
Scandal," 1873, /has acted with and 
been a memo of the Lib. party, first 
under Mackenzie, then under Blake, 
 finally under Laurler; durIng Its 
eXI..'s.tenlC"e was pres>d.t. .of the On't. Re- 
form Club, Toronto, and later, of the 
stern Onto LIb. Assn.; was Minr. of 
Fmance, In the MackenzIe Admn 
,. and subsequently, while I
ltl{)n, was !the chief svokesman 
for hIS pa.fty, 'On aH fisC3Jl subjeots; !he 
developed In debate great pOlWers of 
Dratory, superIor to tJhose possessed by 
all tJhe :public men of his time, save 
only the late Hon. Wm. Macdougall 
and Sir q-. W. Ross (q.v.) ; hIs speech 
In secondIng the vote of tJhanks to the 
volunteers who had served In the N.- W. 
Rebellion, 1885, Is still .regarded as one 
of the masterpieces of Parliament3Jry 
elloquence; m'Ore recent speeches -from 
hIm, both in the Commons and Senate 
Including that creating the Quebe
Battlefields Comn., 1908 have more 
than sustained his previous hoig'h repu- 
tation In thIs reSJPect; created a 
K.C.M.G., 1879; since July, 1896, has 
been Mlnr. of Trade and Commerce In 
the Laurler Ad'Illn.; has been Govt. 
leader In the Senate since Jan., 19'09; 
now ,regarded as t'he last 1lIIem., In 
active public life, of Mackenzie's .. Old 
Guard"; was entertained at a public 
banquet, by the Onto LLb. Mems. and 
Senwtors 'Of Bar-It., May, 190'0, '8Jt whiiC'h 
he was thanked for ihls servIces, as tlhe 
"beacon-light of the Lib. party"; 
G.C.M.G., 1907; acting Premier, dur- 
Ing Sir W. Laurler's absence, 1897, 
1902, 1907, and 1911; a 001. IDO Wash- 
ingt'On, '00 prom'Otoe ,oottoer rela>tlons 'be- 
tween Can. and Ithe U. S., 1897; pl'O- 
posed a joint Oomn., and r
Can. on the Angl'O-Am. joint High 
Comn., Quebec, 1898, and Washington, 
1898-99; a:pptd. a. mem.. or Itbe Most 

H.on. P. C., 1902; deciNned appt. to IÌIhe 
Li'elut.-Goverruo'rshi-p of Ont., 1908. and 
again subsequently; oarfll.-ed a meaSUNJ 
in :favour of Old Age Annuities, 
1908; has suggested. .. that Can., with 
it close acquainltance of conditions, both 
In tl1e Republic and the Mother Coun- 
try, and with its new Ufe and vigor 
reaching out towards both the Old and 
the New Worlds, could be the medium 
that would bring about an amance of 
the EnglIsh-speaking peoples of the 
world which no combination of nations 
dat'e treat lIghbly or whose de<mands 
they dare disregard if disposed to urge 
the disarmament of the world" ; autihor 
of several pamphlets, including one 
contJalnlng his recol.!eotions of the Con- 
federation 'P'eri'oo; more reæntly 
(1911) has leoturoo on "Tohe Pe 
of Demo'cracy" (se-e .. OartWI1lghot, a 
Veteran of many Oampa,igns; a char- 
a0ter'h," 'by ISir Geol'ge Ross, To- 
r.onto Globe, Junoe, 1911); Ang.-!76 
O'Connor St., Ottawa; Rideau Club, 
do.; " The Maples," Kingston, do.; 
Quebec Garrison Club, Quebec. 
"A man o,f .ideas."-M. Gazette. 
"His satire is de'adly."-Oan. Oollier'l1. 
"The. Nestor of Can. LiberaliBllIl."-M. 
.. Laurie,r never had a truer oone,ague." 
-M. Herald. 
"Master of two' things-satiore and 
sta,tistics."-T. Newl1. 
"As a debate.r is without an equal in 
our P.arliament."-M. Star (1896). 
"'Dhe most masterly øpe.aiker this gener. 
ation has listened to."-S. N. (1907). 
" One. of the m-asteTS of the gpo.ken word 
j.IlJ the English-speaking wOTld."-T. Globe. 
"The Hving pefsondfication O'f kindness 
breadth of view, lwnor, devotion to t
pu,b1ic interests .and fideJ.ity to his friends." 
-Late Hon. J. I. Tarte (1897). 
Cartwright, Lt,-Col, Bobert, late 
Can. regular mdl. service. 
E. s. Rt. Hon. Sir R. J. C. (q.v.); 1.>. 
Rockwood Cottage, Kingston, Ont., 
Nov. 4, 1860; e. Ch, Eng. Grammar 
Sch., Rice Lake and Royal Mil. CoIl., 
Kingston; graduated, 1881; m., SePt., 
1884, Ivy ,Mal'ia Russel
, d. Bend. Oan- 
ning Davy; Heut., '1881; I.S.C., 1885; 
capt., 1888; major, 1895; U.-ool.,11899; 
A. A. genl. :8.It hea'dqtl's., 1898; dnspr. 
of :rruusketTY, Apl., 1901; commandant, 
Seh. of Musketry, July, do. ; A. A. genl. 
for musketry, ApI., 1905; retired with 
rank of It-coI., Dec. 5, 1907; served In 
Mi'dland Regt. during N. W. Reb., 1885 
(med.) ; do. S. A. War, with Can. con- 
tingent (C. M. G. and med., with 4 
clasps) ; presdt. R. M. CoIl. Club, 1!:100: 
a free trader and an Imp.; an Ang., 
and a del. to the Synod.-Summerland, 
H.C.; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
Carvell, Frank Broadstreet, lawyer; 
U.E.L. descent; s. A. Bishop and 
Marg'3.ret (Lindsay) C.; b. Bloomfield, 
Co. Carleton, N.B., Aug. 14, 1862; e. 
public schs. and Boston Unlv. (LL.B., 
1890) ; 'Ill., July, 1887,! Miss Carrie B. 
Parks; attorney, 18:10; K.C., 1907; 
successfully practises his prof. In Dor- 
chester; represented Carleton (Local), 
Lib. Interest, 1899-1900; since g. e. 



1904 has sat for same constituency 
(H. c.); a di'r. N. B. 'Del.ø:phonJe Co.; 
Meth.-Dorchester, N.B. 
II A forc
ful speaker and II. 1æe.n lawye.r." 
-T. Globe. 
Carveth, Hector Bussell, educationist. 
Eng. parentage; b. Port Hope, Ont., 
Jan. 23, 1873 ; e. public and high sc.hs.. 
Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1896), and Vlc- 
tOl'1ia Univ. ( .course), Cor- 
nell Univ. (Ph.D., 1898); univ. lec- 
turer in chemistry, Cornell Unlv., 1899; 
chief chemist Intern. Acheson Graphite 
Co., 1905; since May, 1906, mangr. 
I-;iagara Electro-Chemical Co.; a spe- 
CJÏa,}.ist in eléotI'1O-'ohemistry and iRJPPJoioo 
phy. chemistry; writer and reviewer of 
work in chemistry, principally in 
Journ. Ph?,. ChemistrJl.-Niogara Falls. 
N.Y..; Town and Gown Club, Ithaca, 
Casavant, Joseph Claver, organ 
S. late Jos. C., organ builder, St. 
Hyacinthe, P.Q.; b. there, Sept. 16, 
1855; e. St. Hyacinthe CoIl.; joined 
by his bro. (J oseph Saml. C., b. St. 
Hyacinthe, ApI. 4, 1859), he devoted 
himself to the same calling as his 
father; after serving an apprentice- 
ship in Can., thpy went to Euroþe for 
further study and information; on their 
return to Can., 1880, theyestbd. them- 
selves In their native -cirty and have 
succeeded In turning out a series of 
Instruments which have secured for. 
C. Bros. a name and reputation :second 
to none on the continent; ,paid a 
seoond visit to Europe, 1886, since 
when they have In,troduced 'the electr,Lc 
action in their Instruments; have 'Sup- 
plied <>rgans to a larg.e number of chs., 
l'1eligious Institutions and musical 
bodies throughout the Dom., Includin.g 
the famous organ In Notre Dame Ch., 
Montreal, and .those In SIt. James's 
Cath., and the Gesu, same city; also 
the organs in All Saints' Cath., Hal.i- 
fax, N.R, the Dom. Meth. Ch, and St. 
Andrew's Oh., Ottawa, St. Andrew's 
Ch., the Oonservatory 'Of 'Muslc, To- 
ron to, the Basilica, and Oh. of the 
Sacred Heart, Ottawa, ,the R. C. 'Cath., 
Pembroke, Ont., the R. IC. Cath., St. 
Hyacinthe, P.Q., the Centenary Ch., 
HamiltO'Il, 'St. James Ch., Stratford, 
Ont., and St. Francis Xavier Ch., 
N. Y.; a IDem.' .of the EXltV'e. Oomte. I()f 
the Montreal branch of the Can. 
Manfrs.' .AJssn.; was pr.esented to the 
late King Edward, \Vind'sor Castle, 
June, 1905; R, C.-St. Hyacinthe, 
Case, Bev, Shirley Jackson (Bapt.). 
B. Hatfi,e,ld PIt., Coo. King's, N.B., 
Sept. 28, 1872; 'e. Acadlia Uuiv. (B.A., 
1893; M.A., :1896) and YaJ1Je Un'Ív. 
(.B.D., 1904; Ph.D., 1906); lID., June, 
1899, M.iss Evelyn HUll, Tolrbooll., N.H.; 
o. 1900; t'ea.cher of l1liaJth., St. Martin's 
Semy., N.B., 1893-4; :pl'1lnclpal, do., 
1894-5; teacrue,r of Greek and ma;tih., 
HOl'1t'On Coli. 
ad., WoJfviHe, N.S., 
1895-7; d.o. maJth. and Greek, New 
Hampton (N.H.) Lilt., 1897-19011; 
.irustr. In Nøw Test. Greek, Yale Undv., 
1905-6 ; {pxof. ihist. and Iþhål. ()of reld.gloIlJ, 

Oo'bb Dlvliu. Soh., 'Lewi.sban, :Me., 1906- 
8; sinoe Fthen IÌlM been asst. prof. 
of New Test. Irnltel'pl'etatioI1, Ohiæ.go 
Univ. ; 8JUltibiOr: .. The Histol'i'OOJl M!e.thod 
.in tihJe -8t'lJodlY of RelligLon"; a oOOltrJ- 
bUlbar to Yale Divin. Quarter., Pilgrim 
Teacher, Am. Journ. of Theol. Bib- 
lical World, Journ. of Biblical Lit., 
e<t'C.--5510 Washington Ave., Chicago, 
Casey, The Bight Bev. Timothy, 
Bishop (R.C.). 
S. late Jeremiah C.; b. Flumeridge, 
Co. Charlotte, N.B., Feb. 20, 1862; e. 
St. Stephen Grammar Sch. and St. 
Joseph's CoIl., Memramcook, N.B.; 
pursued theol. studies Laval Univ. 
(D.D., 1899);' o. 1886; curate, Fred- 
ericton, do.; subsequently successIvely 
rector Cath., St. John, chancellor of 
the diocese, and rector St. Dunstan's 
Ch., Fredericton; Bp. of Utin.a and co- 
adjutor to Bp. Sweeney, 1899;_ Bp. of 
St. John, N.B., 1900; made a tour of 
Europe and the Holy Land, 1905 ; 
strongly o
osed to the liquor traffic; 
a del. to the Plenary Council, Que.b
1909; attended the Eucharistic Con- 
g.ress, iMOllltre.aJ., 19'10.-Bishop's Palace, 
St. John, N.B. 
II A man of bro,ad mind and interest in 
every' thing for the g.enera1 gQood."-M. 
Casgraln, Mrs. Edmond, dentist. 
B. St. 'l'homas de Montmagny, P.Q., 
1861; e. Ursuline Convent, Quebec; m., 
1878, Dr. Edmund Casgrain, Quebec; 
admitted to prof. of dentistry, Quebec, 
1898; the first woman in Can. to be 
admitte.d .thereto.--51 Rue St. Jean, 
Casgrain, Henri Baymond, physician. 
S. late Hon. C. E. and Charlotte 
Mary (Chase) C.; father a physician, 
a Senator of Can.. and a knight of 
the Holy Sepulchre; .b. Sandwich, Ont., 
July 7, 1857; e. ASSUimption OoJ.l.lthere; 
M.D. (Detroit Coli. of Med.) , 1879; 
M.D.,IC.M., Trln. Unlv., 1886; post- 
gra,d. course .3Jt iPla:ris, London, N. Y. 
and Chicago; successfully practises his 
prof. at Windsor and Detroit; presdt. 
Onto Med. Ass'll., 1909; a diel. ItOO IbOO 
Intern. Med. Congress, Budapest, Hun- 
gary, do.; presented at Austrian Court, 
do. ; has served as surg., 21st Fusiliers; 
served during N. W. Re.belllon, 1885 
(moo.) ; ICon.; R. C.-Windsor, Onto 
Casgrain, Hon, Lt,-Col, Hon. Joseph 
Philippe :Baby, public man. 
S. P. B. C. (q.v.); b. city of Que- 
bec, Mch. 1, 1865; e. Quebec Semy.; 
m., May, 1885, Ella, o. d. late Jas. W. 
Cook, formerly M.P.; P.L.S., 1878; 
D.L.S., 1881;' also a C. E.; for some 
yrs. chief engr. Montreal & Pacific 
Junction Ry. and of Montreal Turn- 
pike Trust; was asst. secy. Can. Dept. 
Centennial Expn., Philadelphia, 1876; 
subsequently a del. to Liege Expn.; a 
dir. Riclhelieu & Onto Navigation Co., 
,Maritime Coal, Ry. & Power Co., 
and of Montreal Park and Playgrounds 
Assn.; V.-P, Quebec Land Surveyors' 
,Assn., and of the Que.bec & Saguenay 
Ry. Co,; presdt, Quebec ,Colonization 



Soc. and of the Montreal Royal Land 
Co., Ltd. ; a dir. M'Ü'nltTeal J'ock-ey Club' 
oruairman RaHways Oombe. (Senate); 
d,o. Montrool Club; a Lib., and wa.s 
flOund'er and .presd.t. of Itbe .old Lib. 
C!'ub, and pre'sd>t. more I"
en,u'Y tOf 
the iM'Ontreal Refmm Ol'llb ; apptJd. 
a 'memo Ottawa Il11JproV'emenlt Gomn., 
19'02; dlo
 hon. Þt.-'CIoIl., 8300 Re'gt., 1909 ; 
un'Su-ccessfu}ily contested the MontI"e.a:1 
mayoralty, Jan., 11910 ("Viote: GueI1in 
(q.v.), 29,212; C., 16,258); a'll<thor of 
.. The Pr\Qbl,e111S .of Transportation ;in 
Can." (1910); fav,ours c-ollstrueHon of 
Ge'Ü'rgian Bay Canal' ; 'Ü'pposes con- 
sLrucÜon H B. Ry.; caned It<> ;true 
SeI18Jbe by 'Lord! IM.into, Joan. 29, 1900; 
.one of the repres'ent'a' lo,f the 
, .coronartion .of :Kling George and 
Queen Mary, June, 1911; pI"esen,t.e,d to 
T'hei.r Maj-esties, i!3u-ck,ing.hJam Pialaoe, 
June 27, 19101; R. C.-910 Dorchester 
St. W" Montreal; Nit. Royal Club; St. 
James's Club; Montreal Club; Mont- 
real Jockey Club; Club St. Denis; 
Royal .st. Law1"ence Yacht Club, do.; 
Ri,deau. Club, Ottawa. 
Casgrain, Philippe :Baby, lawyer; 
Bro. the late Rev. Dr. H. R. C., the 
well-knawn author of .. L
gendes Can- 
ad'iennlßS" I8.nd other work-s; .fruthe,r -of 
t.he HOTI. J. P. B. C., "'8na!t'or (q.v.) 
and ()If the Rev. P. H. C. (q.v.); 
s. late Hon. C. E. C., Asst. Oommr. of 
Public Warks, Can., and Anne Bliza- 
beth, d. late Hon. Jas. Baby, M.E.C.: 
familý one of the most ancient and 
distinguished in P.Q.; b. city .of Que- 
bec, Dec. 30, 1826; e. St. Anne Coli.; 
m., 1854, Charlatte Matilde (d. Mch. 17, 
1910), d. late Col. Perrault; advocate, 
1850; K.C., 1879; for many yrs. Depty. 
Probhy, S. C., P.Q.; Slubsequen1tl'Y, dk. 
of the Circuit and Revisian Ct., P.(.J.; 
SM in Lib. 'Ïn,terest for L' (H. C.), 
1872-91, when defeated; a R-oyal 
Commr. to ,enquire and report on com- 
plaints against the admn. of public 
-s in Dist. of Rimouski, 1878; 
presdt. Royal Oomn. to enquire Into 
the Montreal and Sorel Ry. grant and 
payment, 1892; deolined election as 
V.-P. of Imp. Federation League, 1891; 
memo Extvoe. Oooll'te., Quoeb
Kavy lJeague; was pI"Psdrt. Li.t. and 
Hoist. Soc., Quebec, 1898. 1899 and> 1906 ; 
as such took an active part .In the 
mov,ement for securing the Plains of 
A1braham as a nat. inheritance; signed 
a protest addressed to the Gov.-Genl., 
against the eredion on Can. soil of 
any monu.m.enl!. in :}}'onour of the Am. 
general, Montgomery, who fell at Que- 
bec; V.-P. Oan. .lJandm.aQ'k,s Assn., 1907 ; 
W1fuS award!ed a ,d,ipl'Om'3. of hon.our for 
his ar.chæol. studi,es 'by Royal Soc. 
of Can., 1908: a frequent oonÌ1,i- 
butor to Trans. Royal Soc. of Can. and 
Trans. Quebec Lit. and Rist. Soc.; 
author: II Letelli,er de Saint Just et 
son Temps" (1885), .. La FontaIne 
de Champlain à Que-bee" (1888), 
morial des Familles Casgrain, 
Baby et Perrault du Canada" (1898), 
II La Vie de Joseph-François Perrault" 
(1898), II Les Plaines d'Aibraham" 
(1900), II Seconde Bataille des Plalnes 
d'Abraoo m et de Sa.inrte-Foye" (do.), 

.. La Maison de Montcalm" (1902), 
.. U ne Au-tore Ma.iS'Oll Mon tocal-m" (d'Ü.), 
.. La Maison d' Arnoux oil Montcalm 
es'tJ MOI"t" (1903), .. La,e 
d' Abraham Martin ,et Ie Site de son 
Habi trution " (d.o. ) , .. La ,Maison de 
Borgia" (1904), II The Monument on 
the Plains of Abraham and the Old 
St'rutue at . WoOl fe's OÜ'l'nle,r'" (d'Ü.) , 
.. Le Moulin de Dumont" (1905) II La 
Maison du Chien d'Or à Q
(dio.) , .. C3Jd1elt, sa M,a.'Íson 'et Rési- 
de-nee à Quebec" (1906), II L'Habita- 
Hon <dIe Sam'os" (;do().), .. De Vlitrê, 
a Can. Mariner" (1904), "A Few Re- 
marks 'On various GalliC'isms I3Jnid 
French Locutions in the Plays ()f 
Shakespeare" (1907), .. La Chapelle 
et Ie Tombeau de Champlain" (1909), 
.. Notre Systeme .Judicaire" (1911), 
and: vari'Ous .other hoistoo-rioal and legta.l 
contIilbubi.ons IÌIO o1:Jhe pI"ess; a oR. C.--i 
Collins St., Quebec. 
II A type of chivalrous., high-minded de- 
votion to' what he thinks right."-Q. Tele. 
.. A gentleman whO' is by inhe.ritance and 
culture- an expert in Quebec historical topo- 
graphy; does h<)llour to a name that has 
rendere,d yeoman service to the. cause of 
CAn. historical research, nQt to spe.ak of 
other pat.rioUo work."-Dr. John Reade 
Casgrain, Rev, Philippe Henri du 
Perron (R.C.). 
Third S. P. B. C. (q.v.); b. Quebec, 
May 31, .1864; e. Royal Mil. CoIl., King- 
ston; unm.; servoo throughout N. W, 
Rebellion, 1885, as adjt. 9th Rifles 
(med.); gazetted lieut. R. E., June, 
1885; capt., 1894; major, 1902; quall- 
fied as an interpreter In Russian, 1893 : 
served Manlpur expdn., 1891 (med. and 
clasp); ordnance !"urvev. Redford, 
1891-5; served S. A. War (despatches; 
2 meds. and 5 clasps) ; S'O'111e time mil. 
att..'1.ohoe .to rthe Brit. Emlbassy in J'a,pan ; 
a o1eV1er linguist and qua.Hfi,ed 
s an 
inlterpfleter 'in Russia, 1893; retJired 
frO'111 the army and '0., 11911; R. C.- 
Care Canadian Office, London, Eng. 
Casgrain, Hon, Thomas Chase, la w- 
yer; statesman. 
S. late Hon. Chas. E. C., M.D., sena- 
tar, and Charlatte Mary C., d. Thas. 
Chase, Detroit, Mich.: b. Detroit, July 
28, 1852; a memo .of a dlstingulished 
Quebec family; 'e. Quebec Semy. and 
Laval Univ. (LL.L., avec gTande dis- 
tinction; Dufferin gold med., 1877; 
LL.D., 1883); m., May, 1878, iMarie 
Louise, e. d. late Alex. Le Moine, Que- 
bec; adVocate, 1877: K.C. (M. .of Lans- 
downe), 1887; do. (P.Q.), 1899; 
Bâtonnier, Que,bec bar, 1894; Bâton- 
nier-Genl., P.Q.,' do.; Crown Prosecu- 
tor, Dist. .of Quebec, 1882; -one of the 
leaders .of the Can. bar; successfully 
practised his prof., first at Quebec: 
now and far some considerablC' time at 
Montreal; heaò of law firm McGibhon, 
C., MitCiheH & Weldan; 'is a councillor, 
Montreal Bar Assn. ; was junior 
caunsel far the Crawn at the trial of 
Louis Riel for high treasan, Regina, 
1885: declined appt. as a stipendiary 
magistrate (Judge), N.W.T., 1883; a 
Oon., and one of the leaders of his 



party in Quebec; sat for Co. Quebec 
(Local), 1886-90. and for Montmorency 
(Looal), 1892-6; represenbed Montmor- 
ency (H.C.), 1896-1904; Atty.-Genl.. 
P.Q., 1891-6; chairman, Royal eOI?
to revise and amend the code of CIVÜ 
procedure. 1894; while Atty.-Gent, in- 
troduced many important reforms; 
carried legislation for the ipr,ev. of 
corrupt ,practices at elections, which 
was declared to be the most advanced 
and ,thorough enactment of the kind 
ever adlÜ'piDOO in Oa.n.; elooted .presdt. 
Con. As Sin. , P.Q. (vice Si-r A. Dacoste, 
q.v., re-signed), 1909; 18, d<ir. Le J!>UT- 
nal Co., 1901; iprominently Identified 
with the AntJi-Aleo'hoUc League, Mont- 
real, 19,07; a memo Soc. du Parler 
Français au Can., 1902; presdt. Club 
Lafontaine, iMontreal, 1908-9; pre- 
sented to late King Edward, St. James's 
f'\æla,ce Lonrdon, Eng., 1908; 'OIpposed 
to ,the' Taf.t-Fi'eol-dånlg recriprocilty com- 
pact, 1911; a R. C.---83 Durocher S
1 ontTeal; lIIt. Royal Club; St. J ame.s s 
Club. Club Laf01Ltaine; CanadHm 
Club; Club St. Denis; _Uontreal 
do.; Gari'Í-s01
 Club, Quebec; R
Club, Ottawa. 
"A learned and br()ad-minded man."- 

S breadth of v.imv and capacity In 
an that he does."-M. Gazette. 
"A gerutleman of u
impeachable !n
rity and exoollent ,parliamentary tramlllg, 
who has d<)lle conspicuous
y gQod w.o

his ;pro.vinoo' and for hIS country. -0. 
l'ree Press. 
Cassels, Miss Amy, photographer. 
D late Robt. C., banker, and Ma;:y 
Gibbons (McNab) C.; b. and e. '
rOThto . photographer by .professlOn 
since '1900: (studio: 67 New Bond St., 
London, W., Eng.); memo Advisory 
Comte. on Photography to Londop Co. 
6 ClanTicaTde Gardens, Lon- 
don, W., Eng. 
Cassels, Hamilton, lawyer. 
7th s. late Robt. and Mary Gib- 
bons (McNab) C.; b. Quebec, AJI?1. 
2, 1854; .e. High Sch. W1'd MJOI'1rJ."ll 
ColI.. there, and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 
1873) ; m., Sept., 1879, Mary Yarwood, 
2nd d. late 'V. W. Baldwin, II Larch- 
mere," Co. York, and grandd. Hon. 
Robt. Baldwin, C.B.; barrister, 1877; 
K.C., 1902; :head orf ,t.e-gaol firm C., 
Brock, Kelley & Falconbridge, Toronto; 
presdt. York Law Assn., 1905-6; one 
of the organizers of and was pres
Penny Bank, Toronto, 190
; a dlr. 
North Am. Life Assur. Co. SInce 1909; 
also a dir. Toronto Genl. Trusts COI'IPn.; 
much devoted to educational and phil- 
anthropic work; one of the founders 
and first dirs. St. Andrew's ColI.. for 
Boys, a dir. Charities and CorrectIOns 
Assn., Onot.; f'o,r mamy y,r5. ,presd t. 
Prisoners' Aid Soc., also .supdt. Cen- 
tral Prison Sunday Seh.; apptd. a 
memo Provl. Prison Parole Bd., Nov., 
1910; a Presb. and an el,de
 in th
 c!"t. : 
for som.e yrs. secy. FOreIgn MlsslOn 
Comte.; a del. to the Pan-presb. .conf., 
Glasgow.-72 Clarendon Ave., Toronto; 
Toronto Club; Toronto Golf Club, do. 
"A man to whom the Pre.slb. Chu,rch 
owes very muck for his wo'rk o'n the F, :M. 

ll1Jte., where he has long been one of 
the le.aders and pushers lof aggressive and 
thorough wQrk."-O. Free Press, 
Cassels, HOD. Walter Gibson Pringle, 
4th s. late Robt. C., banker, and 
Mary Gibbons (MacNab) C.; b. city 
of Quebec, Aug. 14, 1845; e. high sch., 
Quebec, and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1865); m., Sept., 1873, Susan, 2nd d. 
late Robt. Hamilton, D.C.L., 
cellor Bishop's CoIl., Lennoxville, P.Q. ; 
barrister, 1869; K.C. (M. of Lorne) , 
1883' some ,time .a Ibenc:her \Of the Law 
Soc.;' successfully practised his prof. 
in Toronto as a memo firm Blake, Lash 
& C.; was one of the leaders of the 
ant. bar; held brlef,s as counsel for 
the C. P. Ry., :In ,tJhe famous Onderdonk 
aflbitratlon and tor the Province of. 
ant. In the Queen's counsel case, 1883; 
apptd. judge of the Exchequer Ct., 
Moh. 2, 1908; rup'ptd. a Royal c.ommr. 
to investigate and re-port upon certain 
statements contained in the report of 
the C. S. Cornn. reflecting u.pon the 
integrity of the officiruls of the Dept. 
of Marine and Fisheries, or some of 
them ApI. 6, 1908; presdt. Toronto 
Go>1f . Club of.or many Y'l"s.; his portraitt 
by Harris (q.v.) was presented to Mrs. 
C., by the Toronto Golf Club, 1909; an 
Ang.-fl Blackburn Ave., Ottawa; 
Rideau Club; Ottawa Gol! Club; Ot- 
tawa Oountry Club, do.; Toronto Club; 
York Olub; Toronto Golf Club, To- 
.. l'nterIligelIll!:, pain.stJa.king a.nd upright." 
-T. Globe. 
.. A k,i.ndIy, oourte()us, self-respecting 
gentleman, with the man-neI'f! of the ()ld 
schoo;t."-T. Neu's. 
Cassidy. Bev, Francis Albert (Meth.). 
S. lØJte FranOÏs 'C., Garaf,raxa, 00, 
Welllngton, ant., formerly of Mont- 
real; b. nr. Fergus, ant., Feb. 25, 
1853; e. Dundas, Wesl. lnst., Cobourg 
CoIl. lnst.. and Victoria Unlv., Co- 
bourg (B.A., 1881; M.A., 1885) m., 
1st May, 1886, Miss ,V. M. Saunby, 
don, Onto (d.); 2ndIy, ApI., 1902, 
Mary B. d, Dr. Eugene Haanel (q.v.) ; 
o. 1884; apptd. Japan mission, -1886; 
returned to Can.. 1893; spent term at 
St. Catharines, ant.; then at Norfolk 
St. Ch., Guelph, ant.; returned to 
.Japan, 1902; first secy. Japan M
Conf., 1889-93; chairman Guelph DISt., 
1901-3; took active part In work of 
Lord's Day Alliance in Can., and was 
chosen for position of genl. secy. In 
ant., 1902, but felt compelled to de- 
cline' brought up amongst strong Con. 
Influe'nces; in later became a LIb. ; 
is a \pronounced ,Cana,dIaD and favours 
the development of our country by aU 
fair means, and our loyal adlwrence. 
to the Brit. flag; would separate the 
liquor and tobacco habl
s from pu
entertainments, and theIr .suppresSlO n 
as far as possible.
 Gakmn Aoyama, 
Tokyo, Japan. 
cassidy, John Joseph, physician. 
S. late Jas. C., a native Maguire's 
Bridge, Co. Fermanagh, Irel., and Mar- 
garet (Foley) C.; b. Toronto, .July 4, 
1843; e. St. Michael's ColI., Toronto, 



and ColI, Ste. Anne de la Pocatlere 
P.Q.; m., 1878, Miss Messner Walker
ton, Ont.; M.B., with Starr gold med. 
(Toronto Univ.), H68; M.D. (do.), 
1869; surg. Ho. of Providence, Toronto, 
1868-76; do. Toronto Genl. Hosp., 1869- 
84; presdt. Toronto Med. Soc., 1885; 
do. Onto Health Offrs.' Assn., 1898; 
examr. in med. and therap., Toronto 
Univ., 1886-88; a memo Provl. Bd. of 
Health since 1882 (an ex-chairman of 
Bd.) ; sat on city Sep. Sch. Bd. 3 yrs., 
Public Library Bd. 3 yrs.; represented 
Onto Health Dept., Intern. CQngress 
Hygiene and Demog., 1891, at which 
he read a paper on state hygiene; 
subsequently apptd. a memo Hon. Coun- 
cil of Brit. Emp. of Congress; chosen 
chairman of comte. apptd. at conf. be- 
tween provl. and fed. publlc health 
authorities, held at Ottawa, Jan., 1893, 
to prepare r,esolutions adopted by Con- 
gress; author of many papprs on med. 
subjects, publlshed In the Can. Lancet. 
the Can. Practitioner and Onto lIIed. 
J ourn.. and of others read before 
learned bodies; author a "Manual of 
Hygiene," a text-book used in normal 
and model schs. and colIs. In Ont.; 
for some yrs. ed. Can. Journ. of Med. 
and Surgery; graduated Royal Mil. 
Sch., July, 1865; Is a senator of To- 
ronto Univ. (representing St. Michael's 
ColI.) ; his name mentioned in connec- 
Hon with a Dom. senatorship; a R. C 
-.J" Bloor St. E.. Toronto. 
Cassidy, BObert, lawyer. 
S. late Robt. C., LL.D., BaIlyhacka- 
more House, Co. Down, Irel.; b. there; 
m., Mch., 1907, Adelaide Frances, Y. d. 
Hermann J. von Eberts, Winnipeg; 
formerly practised at Winnipeg; now 
at New Westminster; K..c., 1900; Ang. 
-New Westminster. B.C.; Union Club. 
Victoria. B.C. 
Cassils, Cha.rles, merchant. 
S. .John and Margt. (Murray) C., 
who oame from Scot. to Can., 1868; 
b. Renton, Dumbartonshire, Scot., .June 
16, 1841; e. local schs. and Rutherglen, 
nr. Glasgow; m., 1st June, 1865, Miss 
hearer, Glasgow (d. .June, 
1868); 2ndly, Sept., 1876, Ermina 
Maria, 3rd d. lat
 Hon. M. H. Coch- 
rane, senator, Compton, P.Q.; com- 
menced business career in Glasgow 
when 12! yrs. of age.; entd. business 
in a Glasgow iron offi
, 1853; oame 
to Can. and joined firm Cochrane, C. 
& Co., boot and shoe manfrs.; was for 
many yrs. representative for Can. of 
the Carnegie Steel OJ.; Is presdt. Dom. 
Transport Co.; a dlr. Bell Telephone 
Co., Dom. Bridge Co., Can. Transfer 00., 
Crown Life Ins. Co., Northern Elec- 
tric & Manfg. CQ., WiIre & DabLe 00., 
and Windsor Hotel Co.; Is presdt. 
Andrew's Soc.; a gov. Montreal Genl. 
Hosp. and Alexandra Hosp.; formerly 
presdt. Montreal Bhilharmonic Soc.; a 
lover of clean sport; gave cup for com- 
petition at Montreal Horse Show, 1905 ; 
a Freemason; a Con.; a Presb.-fU!I 
University St.. Montreal; Mt. Royal 
Club; St. James's Club; Montreal 
Club; Montreal Hunt Club; Forest & 
Stream Club; Montreal Jockey Club; 
lsleway Fi8h " Game Club; Canada 

Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club' 
St. George Snowshoe Club. do.; Gqrri: 
son Clu.b. Quebec. 
Casson, Bev. Charles We.ley (Unit,). 
S. Rev, Wesley (Meth.) and Eliza- 
beth (Jackson) C.; b. Gananoque, 
Ont., 1871; e. Mitchell High Sch. and 
Victoria Univ.; m., Nov., 1895, Miss 
Jean Collver, Normandale, Ont.; grad- 
uated Wesl. Theo!. CoIl., Montreal; 
entd. Meth. ministry, 1893; withdrew 
and removed to the U. S., 1894; spent 
3 yrs. In social reform work In Mass., 
and a considerable time In studying 
social and Indus. problems in Eng.; 
entd. Unit. ministry, 1898; held pas- 
t'Orabes \!l!t ReV1eTe, Mas's., Milford, 
N.H., 3Jnò Obtarwa,; apptd. edd- 
torlal secy. Am. Unit. Assn., 1907; con- 
ducted "Paragraph Pulpit" In 60 
newspapers, with a total circulation of 
700,000, 1908; now ed. The Unitarian 
Calendar (monthly) .-53 South St.. 
Jamaica Plain. Boston. Mass. 
.. WQQ'thy 
nd ernerge.tic."-O. Citizen. 
Casson, Herbert Newton, author; 
S. Rev. Wesley (Meth.) and Eliza- 
beth (.Jackson) C.; b. Odessa, Ont., 
Sept. 23, 1869; 
. Vdctol'.i'a UD'Iv.; 
m., 1899, Rev. L}'1dda KJJJJgsmill Oom- 
maIJJdier, a socd3l1 T'efol'lIIl ,; 
entd, .Math. ministry. 1890 ; held 
pastorates at H
nsaLl, FuUar1Jon, 
and: Owen Sound, Ont.; withdrew 
-and remo
d It.o U. S., 1893, be- 
coming a Socialist; went to Boston 
and, with Morrison I. Swift, organ- 
iz-ed IÌ.hie unem:ployOO, and, at .tJhe head 
of 10,000 men, marched to the State 
House, demanding rellef; founded first 
labor ch. In Am., Lynn, Mass., 1894; 
ed. The Coming Nation, Ruskin, Tenn., 
1898; moved to N. Y., 1899; for a time 
on ed. staff N. Y. World. and ed. 
Boyce's Weekly; afterwards on ed. 
staff Munsey's Mag.; now engaged in 
Ind. literary work; Is presdt. Brooklyn 
Philos. Assn. ; author .. The Red 
Light" (1897), .. Crime of Credullty" 
(1901) ; .. Organized Self - Help" 
(1902); II The Romance of Steel: The 
Story of a Thousand Millionaires" 
(1907); "The Romance of the Reap- 

r" (1908), II Life of .c
ros Ha,lll Moc- 
Oormlck" (1909), "The Histwy .of 
the 'Dele-phone" (1910), and numerous 
Socialist tracts.-Pine Hill. N.Y, 
.. Has obtained a continental reputa- 
tion.' '-Late George Mu.rray. 
CastelliDl, Bev. GiovanDl Battista 
B. Genoa, Italy;' R. C. par
after conversion, studied Waldensian 
ColI., Florence; graduated. 1897; la- 
boured some time In Italy in connec- 
tion with Meth. Epls. Ch., ha ving 
charge of Plsa and Milan Chs.; 
brought to U. S. by Bp. Waldon, and 
placed In charge of Meth. Epis. Mis- 
sion, Cincinnati; m. there an Italian 
lady, an accomplished musician, who 
had been e. In Am.; apptd. to Proto 
Ital. Mission (presb.), Montreal, 1903; 
O. same year; devoted to temp.; since 
1909 at Barre, Vt.-Barre. Vt. 
.. Doing a good and useful work."-M. 



Castens, Hugo Emil, journalist. 
Descended from an old family of 
architects In Germany; b. In Germany, 
May 9, 1866: e. there for legal prof.: 
m., July, 1900, Miss Kathe Kort; spe- 
cial Immigration ot'!'r. In Germany for 
Dom. Govt., 1889-96: since 1896 ed. 
and prop. Der Nordwesten, the largpst 
and prlnclpa.1 German newspaper organ 
In Can.; apptd. German consul at Win- 
nIpeg. 1908; a Lutheran.-116 Harriet 
St., Winnipeg; Commercial Club, do. 
Caswell, Edward S" librarl'an. 
S. late Rev. Jas. C. (Meth.). one 
of the pioneer preachers -of Ont.. and 
EIiz3Jbeth C., d. Nath. Pearson, Aurora, 
Onto ; b. Goderlc'h, Ont., 1861; e. pUblic 
schs. and private study; m., Sept., 
1900, Clara M., d, Wm. Stagg, To- 
ronto; spent 3 yrs. on S'tatT Lu.cknow 
(Ont.) Sentinel; came to Toronto, 
1881; from that year up to Oct., 1909, employed In Wm. Briggs Pu<bUsh- 
Ing House, as reader and genl. mangr. 
of the Book PubUshlng Dept.; apptd. 
asst. librarian .and secY.-treas. To. 
ronto Public Library, Oct., 1909; for- 
merly V.-P. Can. Club; presdit., since 
Its formation, 1896, 0If the Broadway 
Debating Club; a Meth.. and an 
official memo Broadway Tabernacle; 
an Ind. Llb.-!
5 Markham St., To- 
ronto; (in 8ummer:) 16 Balsam Ave., 
Balmy Beach, do.; Canadian Club, do. 
"One of the best living authorities on 
Oan. 1iterature."-Dr. J. M. Harper (q.lI.) 
Caswell, Bev, Wm. Bryden (Meth.). 
A bro. of E. S. C. (q.v.); b. Lyn- 
den, Onlt., 1872; .e. List'Owel Hi'gh Sch., 
Albert Coli., Belleville, and Victoria 
Unlv. (B.A., 1898); m. Henrietta, d. 
Dr. James Wallace, Alma, Ont.; a 
n the rmdnåstry, 1891; O. 
1898; 8Jf'ter sucoossf.ul opoastornrbe-s dn 
Woodstock, Hamilton and Br:mtford cal1ed to Parkdiale Ch., Toronto: 
one of th-e largest and most Influenrtlal 
congs. In that city, 1907: tn relh
belief, conservatively modem; lib. In 
theol. and Bib. Interpretation: a pro- 
nounced ,prohß:bi:ti'On:ist; a believer In 
WO<1TIlßn s:uffrage; stanð.s 'f'Or the Irta- 
tionalizatlon of ryS., mines, etc.-It5 
Dunn A V6., Toronto. 
Cate, Charles Walter, lawyeT. 
S. Nathaniel C., Stanstead, P.Q.: b. 
t1here, Ap.l. 4, 1855; -e. Stans-tread Wesl. 
Coli.; m., Jan., 1882. Miss Mary M. 
Bangs; adv<>C3Joo, '188(); suoce-ssful1y hl-s prof. In Shoerbrooke as <a 
memo .of firm 01' C., Woe,I.Is & "Wlhlrtoe' 
bâtonnier, St. Francis bar, 1897: 
and agalln, 1906; K.C., 1906; fo-r 
7 y>rs. '8. m-em. ,shef1bl'ooke CMy Coun- 
cil, mo-st ()f !the period >CIhairman 
Finance Comte.; a dlr. Sherbrooke 
Power, Light & Heat Co.; a gov. 
Sherbrooke Proto Hosp., and V.-P. 
Massawlppl VaHey Ry. Co., and presdt. 
Sherb-l'OOloo CUf1Mn l g CI.ub; a Oon.; 
a Mpth.: a del. to the Genl. Conf. of 
the Meth. Ch., a gov. MOT.treal Wesl. 
Theol. Coli. and presdt. Stan stead 
Wesl. Coll.-Sherbrooke, P.O.; St. 
George'8 Club, do, 

CateW, Charles Honore, manfr. 
3rd S. Martino and Maria (Fesslna) 
C., Vec1ano, Italy; b. there, Feb., 1849; 
e. Italian and Can. schs. ; came to Can., 
1866; m., 1879, Angellna, o. d. late 
Lt.-Col. Hon. J. F. Armand, Senator, 
J. P.; owns and conducts a macaronI 
manfy., Montreal; the most prominent 
member of the Italian colony In that 
city; one of the founders of the 
Chambre-du-Commerce, Montreal: for 
some yrs. presdt thereof up to 1908; 
hon. commr. for Can., to the Milan 
Expn., 1906; reed. by H. M. the KIng 
of Italy, do.; reed. by the Pope, do.; 
created a chevalier of the Crown of 
Italy, 1904; a del. Commercial Congress 
of the Empire, 1906; a dir. Montreal 
rmlno3Jl Ry. and Cha.t-eauguay & 
Northern Ry.; V....P. Mion<trea.l l Inòust. 
Exhn. Assn., and 'PT'es,dt. L'Agence 
Italo-Canadienne, Mon<tl'e'al; R. C.-626 
Av. de I'Hotel de Ville, Montreal; Club 
Canadien-de- J[ ontreal. 
II A N!gpecta.ble gentlema.n, Who has 
.achieved oolffinwrcia.1 success."-M. Witness. 
Catto, James A" merchant and manu. 
A dir. and secy.-treas., W. R. 
Brock Co.. Toronto: elected presdt. 

t. Andrpw's Brotherhood, 1905 (re- 
tired 1907); do., a <memo Oentral 
Com-fe. Layman's Missy. M'Ovement, 
1909: a St. Clement's CoH., To- 
ronto; an Ang. and a ch. warden.- 
!1 Roxborough St. E., Toronto. 
Catto, John, merchant. 
B. Fraserbun
h, Aberdeenshire. 
SC'ot., A'þl. 12, 1833; .e. <there; m. Mii,ss 
Mamt. lMuntde-e; .senI'or m.em. of firm 
:of J.ann .c. & Son, {1.ry go'o'd<s m'er- 
oh<anrts, Toron:t'O.-1R8 Bloor St. E., To- 
1'onto; National Club; Albany Club, 
Caughel1, Lt,-Col Edward Heathcote, 
accountant and auditor. 
U. E. L. de!'!cent, from Penn.: Eng. 
origin; b. Co. Elgin, Ont., July 29, 
1863; e. public schs.: m., Sppt., 18CJ3, 
Miss Mary Williams; formerly Lt.-Cot. 
commdg. 25th Regt.: memo U. E. L. 
Assn Toronto and Elgin Hist. Soc.; 
Ang.2..U Regent St., St. Thomas, Onto 
Caulfield, Alfred Hans Waring, phy- 
S. H. J. C., In dIrect line to last Earl 
of Charlemont (spe Burke) ; b. Edpn, 
Ont., 1879; e. Model Sch., Toronto, 
U. C. Coli. and Toronto UnIv.; gradu- 
ated M.B., 1904: subsequently worked 
In labor.atorles of Plrovl. Bd. Health and 
as demon. path. dept., Toronto UnIv.; 
also worked as voluntary .asst. with 
Prof. Schmost, Dresden, and Prof. 
-ermanll1, BeTJfin. f'rPrman<y; was 'On 
stat'!' Sir A. E. Wright, St. Mary's 
Hosp., London; !for a time resident 
path. and subsequently asst. .p.ath., To- 
-ronm GenI. Hosp.; now 
iS,ide.nlt pa'th., 
Muslroka Cottage Ho'sp. arud Muskokra Hosp. for Oonsum,potlV1E'S; author 
.. In.vestig1a.'tions I()IIT Pulmonary TubeT- 
oul-osIs'; 'has contributed to Journ. 
Med. Research, Journ. Infectious 
Disease8, Dom. Med. Monthly, Can. 
P1'actitioner, and. foreoign; ihas 
lootured frequenltily In Washington anid 



in Enrgland; .formerly ran IOffr. Toron1o 
l.Ji,ght Horse; Ang.-Gravenhurst, Onto 
.. Reoognized as one of the foremost 
patJl{)I()lgists in Ca>n. o,r the U. S."-M. 
and E. I 
Cavanagh, William Bernard, dental 
S. late Wm. and Ellen (O'Keefe) C.; 
Irish descent; b. nr. Cornwall, Ont., 
1872; e. Cornwall Sep. and High Schs.; 
m., Nov., 1896. Nellie M.. e. d. Wm. 
Pænod!el'gast, Oornwaill; D.D.S. (To- 
I"On,to Unliv.), 1895; seoc'Y. E. Onlt. 
Dental Assn., 1898-1904; V.-P. doo., 
1905; Ipr-esà't, 1905-1906; taught 
Sep. Soh.. CornwaLl, 1899-190.t; ald.. 
(10., 1902-1905; mayor, do., 1906; melfi. 
PulYUc ,IJibrary Bd. 3 yrn.; muoh àe- 
V'Ot-ed :00 aJthleN,cs; secy. and Itreoas. 
lOoCal 13JCrosse and .hock-ey clubs; chief 
I'ang"ßr St. Oolumbus Ot., Cath. OI'rueT 
FOI'esbers; ,subseqru,efilbl'Y D. H. C. R.- 
C01'ttwall, Ont.; Columbus Club, do. 
Caven, William Proudfoot, physician. 
S. late Rev. Principal C.. D.D., 
L'L.D., pr.inciopoa;l I{,nlOx OOill., Toronto, 
and Margt. (Goldie) C.; b. St. Mary's, 
Ont., .Tune 2, 1861; e. Toronto: m., 
Aug, 1892, Margt, d. late Robert Mid- 
dlemiss, Chatham, Ont.; M.B. (To- 
ronto Univ.), 1886; L.R.C.P., Lond., 
Eng.; a consulting physician only; 
prof. clinical med., Toronto Univ.: 
hpad of med. service, Toronto Genl. 
Hosp., 1907; Presb.-'I'O Gerrard St. 
E., Toronto; Toronto Club. 
CaverhiU, George, merchant. 
Scottish ancestry; s. Thos. C., a 
memo of the Border family of C., 
whioh has been living there .sinc-e 
1200, and of Elizabeth Spiers (Bu- 
chanan) C., <!,ne .of 'the B.'s of Lennl}'"; 
b. BeauharnOIs, P.Q., Oct. 18, 1858; e. 
Montreal High Sch., Galt CoIl. lnst., 
and McGill Univ.; m., 1887, Emily 
Margt. (a memo Gent Comte., Vic- 
torian Order of Nurses; together with 
her husband, a life-goy. Proto Hosp. 
for the Insane: prespnted. with her 
husband, to late I{,ing Edward, Windsor 
Castle, .Jun.e, 1905), d. .Tohn Oaverhill; 
has been !long in commercial life; entd. 
employmen't 'Crathern & Caverhill 
Montreal, 1897; together wdth 'his bro.: 
the late Frank C., .T. B. L
(q.v.), and T. H. Newman, founded 
the house of C., Learmont & Co., whole- 
sale hardware merchants, Montreal and 
Winnipeg, 1884, of which he is still 
presdt.; is V.-P. Montreal Loan & 
Mortgage Co. ; a dir. Dom. Iron & Steel 
00., Richelieu & .ont. Nav. Co., Mont- 
rea:l St. Ry. Co., Royal Victoria Life 
Ins. Co., Can. Ool-ored ,COItton Co., :Mont- 
real Trust Co., 'Montreal LIght, Heat 
& PiO'Wer 00., and Perrot. Ins. Agency; 
memo Can. bd., London & Lanoashire 
Fire Ins. Co.; 1st V.-P. Montreal Bd. 
of Trade, 1906; presdt., do., 1907 ; 
presdt. Montreal 'Metal & Hardware 
Assn. 1904; ranked by Montreal Star 
a5 a millionaire, 1909; a gov. .Mont
Genl. Hasp.; a Ufe memo St. Andr.ew's 
Soc., Montreal; has a grealt love of 
andmals; has won some 260 ,prizes with 
his kennel of Skye terriers; now V.
Montreal Canine .Assn.: has travelled 
extensively in the East Indies, S. 

America, .Japan, Egy'pt, Greece and 
Italy; Lib.; o!p'p'osoo to ,bhe Taf>t-FÏel'd'- 
ciprocity compact, 1911.-166 
D1"ummond St., Montreal; Mt. Royal 
St. Jmnes's Club; Canada Club; 
Canadwn Club; Forest and Stream 
Club; Lachine Boating and Canoe 
Club; Jl.Iont1"eal Hunt Club; Jl.Iont1"eal 
Jockey Club; 1Ilontreal Polo Club; 
Reform Club,. Royal Jl.Iontreal Golf 
Club; Royal Bt. Lawrence Yacht Club 
Cayley, Rev. Edward Cartwright 
E. S. Ilate Rev. Canon C, (q.v.); b. 
W,hMJby, Onot., F-eb. 13, 1864; e. 
Trin. CoM., T1OI'on,to (B. A., "WieUin.g.ton 
scholør., Burn,sid.e scholar., and Bp. 
StraJC'han schol'ar., 1885; IM.A., 1889); 
m., ,sept., 1895, Ge'Org'ina A'lice, y. (1. 
Rev. A. .T. Brougha),} (q.v.); pro,f. 
<1,ivinity, Trin. Univ. ; :is 13,108'0 an ,examr. 
and a councilil,or rt'heI"e,in; a.pptd. ,I"ed-of 
St. Simon's Oh., Toronto, 1ge,pt., 1901: 
R. D., T,oront-o, 1909; from '1902 obo 
1909 'WM cha.plø'in to ,the Qu
's Own 
Rifles, d-o.-The Rectory, St. Simon's 
Ch., Toronto. 
Cayley, Hon, Hugh st, Quentin, law- 
yer; statesman. 
Seventh S. late Hon. Wm. and Emm'l 
Robinson (Boulton) C.; Eng. origin 
(see Chadwick) ; b. Toronto, Nov. 19, 
1857; e. Galt Coll. lnst., U. C. Coll., 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A.. with 1st 
class honours In math.. 1881) ; m., Oct., 
1897, Leonora, d. W. M. Cochrane, Ver- 
non, B.C.; a barrister, N. W. T. and 
B. C.; some yrs. engd. in journalism; 
a Con.; sat N. W. Council, 1886-8; re- 
presented Calgary (Local). 1888-94; 
Premier, 1893: Ang.-Vanco1tver, B.C. 
Cayley, ReV, John D'Arcy (Ang.). 
E. S. late Hon. Wm. C.. formerly 
Inspr.-Genl. Public Accounts, Can., and 
Emma Robinson C., d. D' Arcy Boutton, 
.. The Grang-e," Toronto; b. Eng., Mch. 
15, 1837; e. U. C. 0011. and Trin. Univ., 
T'OTonrto (B.A., 1858; M.A., 1863; noD., 
1904): m., .Tune, 1861. Mary Magda- 
lene, d. .Tohn S. Cartwright; O. deacon, 
1860: priest, 1861: curate successively 
fl t Cowfordi and Firle, Eng.; redor 
Whitby, Ont., 1863-74; since then has 
heen rector St. George's, Toronto; 
takt's strong ground in opposition to 
prohibition; a councillor Univ. 
fl nò a CanlOTl and prec.entor St. Alban's 
Ca th., Toronto; also a d,e!. to the 
Synods and presdt. Ch, of Eng. Pub- 
lishing Co.-St. George's Rectory, To- 
(D. Jl.I1lskoka, Ont., Aug. 20, 1911.) 
Cellini, Madame (see Angler, Mrs. 
Elizabeth) . 
Ceperley, Henry Tracy, business man. 
S. Martin and Desiah (Winnie) C.; 
Dutch descent; b. Oneonta, N.Y., .Tan. 
10, 1851; e. there and Whltestown 
Semy.; a public sch. teacher: after- 
wards in produce and comn. business 
in Minn.; later cashier and bookkeeper 
in New Mexico, and afterwards a cat- 
tle rancher In Mon.; finally settled in 
Vancouver, B.C., where he Is now and 
has been for .some time, at the head of 
, the firm of C., RO\ln
efeH &, Co., l.Jtrl., 



real estate, tns., financial, and mining 
agents, doing an extensive business 
throughout B. C.; a dir. B. A. Devel- 
opment Co. and of the B. C. Building 
Assn., and chairman Carter River 
Power Co.; a promoter Bank of Van- 
couver, 1908: a dir., do., 1909: a Con.; 
an Ang.; a Freemason and KnIght of 
Pythias.- Vancouver, B. C.; Vancouver 
Club; Terminal City Club, do. 
Chabot, John Leo, physician. 
S. P. H. C., a native Canadian, of 
old Norman stock, and - (Ethier) C., 
whose father fought under Chenier at 
St. Eustache, P.Q., 1837; b. Ottawa, 
F,e-b. 23, 1869 ; 'e. p.rivaJte acad., Ot'bawa 
(Tniv. (B.A., '1899: M.A., 1903), '
McGm Dn1v. (M.D.,C.,M., 1892); m., 
.Jun.e, 1894, ,:Vfary, d. E. DeV1lin, Ot- 
ta wa; .suClcessfu}.l.y Ipracti5-e8 'hils prof. 
in Ot'ba'Wa; a dir. Ot.taw-a AnlÌ:i- 
Tuberc. Assn.; a memo Comte. Onto 
Hosp. Assn., ,PPes.i}ot. Ottawa ,M-ed. So
a,nod p,r.esod't. Ot,oo wa Med.-OMr. Soc.; 
also ph
'sician Ottawa Dniv., senior 
surg. Ottawa Genl. Hosp., surg. Ot- 
tawa police force, and surg. (with rank 
of capt.), P. L. D. Gds.; has always 
taken a warm interest in II clean, 
manly sport," and has held office in 
various athletic and sporting organ- 
Izatlons; elected pre
dt. Canftal A th- 
lettc Assn., 1904. and presdt. Capital 
Lacrosse Club, 1908; a Con., and un- 
succf'ssfully contested Ottawa (H. C.) 
in that Interest, g. e. 1908, and again 
.Jan., 1910: has contributed to med. 
and surg. journals; a thorough pro- 
tectionist, and a believer in Can. 
for the Canadians: at same time 
favours preferential trade with Mother 
Country; an admirer of Chamberlain 
and his policy of Imperlalism.-170 
Laurier Ave. E., Ottawa; Laurentian 
Club, do. 
"' A fair and honest gentleman.' '- 
O. Free Pre88. 
Chadwick, His Honour Austin 
Cooper, County Court judge. 
Fourth s. late John Craven C., 
Guelph, Ont., formerly of Tipperary, 
Irel., and Louisa C., d. .Jonathan Bell, 
London, Eng.; b. II Craven dale," An- 
caster, Ont., Nov. 18, 1842; e. Guelph 
Grammar Sch. and Clapham, Eng.; 
m., Dec., 1867, Caroline Christie, d. R 
C. Nicholson, Toronto; barrister, 1862; 
success-fully 'Practised his prof. In To- 
ronto; apptd. junior Co. Ot. judge, Co. 
Wellington, Ont., .Jan. 10, 1873; local 
judge, High Ct. of .Justice, Ont., Mch. 
14, 1882; R.O., under E. F. Act, Centre 
Wellington, Oct. 26, 1885; do. do., 
South Wellington, .July 17, 1891; judge 
Co. Ct., Co. \VeUington, Dec. 8, 1891; 
elected presdt. Guelph branch Onto Fish 
and Game Assn., 1906 ; Ang., and a del. 
to the Synod. - C{ Bryn-aUt," Guelph, 
Chadwick, Major Edward Marion, 
Bro. of .Judge C. (q.v.); 3rd s. 
late .J. C. C., Guelph, Onto (see 
Burke's II Col. Gentry") ; b. I' Craven- 
dale," Tp. Ancaster, Ont., Sept. 22, 
1840: m., .June, 1864, Ellen Byrne (d. 
Feb., 1865). d. .Jas. Beatty, Toronto; 

2ndly, Feb., 1868, Maria Martha, d. 
Alex. Fisher, do.; barrister. 1863: 
K:C., 19l(); sulCJC'es.sfuU'Y tlli'S 
prof. ,in T'Û'l'omto ; a memo firm 
Beatty, Bla.ckstock, F1aSken & C.; 
kn'own '3JS a,n a;ma.æur armoI'1ist and 
gene.a;}oogisot; presented {he Prov
. Gov-t. 
wi'bh a book in MS. form, conotg. 
the results of his many yrs.' inves- 
tigation into the subject of all coats- 
of-arms borne in Ont.. 1908; author 
II Ontarian Families: being the Gene- 
alogies of Dnited Empire Loyalist and 
other Pioneer Familles of Upper 

mada (2 vols.: 1894, 1898); and 
II The People of the Longhouse." a 
work on thf' Iroquois Nation (898); 
also pd. II The Ontarian Genealogist 
and Family Historian," 1898-1901: for 
some yrs. ::In offr. Queen's Own Rifles; 
retired with rank of major. 1 R82; a 
Con., but not an active politician; ::In 
Ang., and has served as a del. to the 
Synod; a memo of the chap. and 
treas. &t. AI'ban's Ca1h.-l0'l' Howland 
Ave., Toronto; Empire Club, do. 
"A well-known .authority on Can. 
genealogy."-Ðr. John Reade (q.v.). 
Chadwick, Rev, Frederick Austin 
Pakenham (Ang.). 
S. Fredk. J. and Elizabeth (Stewart) 
C., Guelph, Onto ; b. there, .June 9. 1873; 
C. public and high sch., Trin. ColI. 'Sch., 
Port Hope, and Trin. Dniv., Toronto 
(B.A., 1893; M.A., 1896); m., 1898, 
Berta L., d. S. Dice, Milton, Ont.; O. 
deacon, 1896; priest, 1897; apptd. to 
Arthur, 1896; Dunnvllle, 1902; rector 
.All Saints, Windsor, Ont., 1903
since tlllen has been rector St. Paul's, 
Vancouver, B.C.; R.D., Essex, 1905; 
p, M. Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F. and 
A. M.; chaplain Windso"r Preceptory, 
K.T.-St. Paul's Rectory, Vancouver, 
II P>o.ssesses a. ßPlendid delive.ry as a 
preacher."-Ðetroit Free Press. 
Chadwick, Lieut,-Col, W1l1iam Craven 
Vau:z:, architect. 
E. s. Edward M. C. (q.v.) and M. 
M. (Fisher) C.; b. Toronto. Dec. 6. 
1868; e. U. C. ColI. : m. .Tessie Dorothea, 
d. .Jas. Murray, N. Y. ; practising as an 
architect since 1895; V.-P. Mil. Inst., 
Toronto: entd. mil. service as lleut. 
36th Regt., 1889; served later 10th 
Royal Grenadiers; capt. (and sometime 
adjt.), 36th Regt.; selected to reorgan- 
ize and command 10th Light Horse 
(now 9th Mississauga Horse), with 
rank of major, Mch. 5, 1907; pro- 
moted It.-col., Nov. 15, 1907; elected 
presdt. Offrs.' Indoor Base-bal'! League, 
Toromto, 11910; An 1 g.-1!1 Poplar Plains 
Rd., Toronto; Can. ltfil. Inst.; Toronto 
Hunt Club, do. 
Chaffee, Azro Buck, publisher and 
S. late A. B. C.; b. Bedford, P.Q., 
May 12, 1861; e. Montrpal High Sch., 
late Dr. P. P. Carpenter's select sch., 
 McGlll Dnlv.: m., Dec., 1887, May 
El!lZa;oouh, e. >d. Geo. T. Beard; wen and 
favourebl'Y known as an ed. and pub- 
lisher of ry. IHera;tu1'e and ,oth-er pub- 
licatlons; previously in Can. ry. ser- 



vice; while at coll. was on staff Mc- 
Gill Univ. Gazette, and brought out a 
collection of students' songs, the first 
ever published in Can.: later became 
V.-P. and mango dlr. Perrault Prlntln
Co. and mangr. Beaver Hall Press & 
Intern. Ry. Publishing- Co.: also edit!!! 
International Ry. Guide; a memo Bd. 
of Trade and of local ProvI. Press 
Assn.; an Ang.-176 University St., 
Cha1fey, Andrew Taylor McCord, 
E. S. Geo. C. (q.v.) and Annette Au- 
gusta (McCord) C.; b. King-ston, Onto 
ApI. 9, 1874: e. Geelong Gram. Sch.. 
Victoria, and Prince Alfred CoIl., Ade- 
laide, S. Australia; m.. 1900, Maud, 4th 
d. late .Jas. MacaUster. Dublin, Irel.: 
agent Union Bank of Aust., Ltd., and 
Royal Bank of Aust., Ltd., Mi1dura, 
1897-8: proceeding to CaI. and joinin
his father, 1900, successfully financed 
Imp. Valley Enterprise and other un- 
dertakings of Importance: seeing- ad- 
vantage of Can. over local banking 
system, acquired an interest In a num- 
ber of banks In S. Cal.. and organized 
thf' Assd: Banks Corporation. of Los 
Angeles. of wnich hf' is presdt.: Is also 
trf'as. Union Trul:'t Co.. Los Angf'les: 
prf'sdt. Whittier Water Co., 
md an 
ofl'r. and dir. In a numbf'r of otnPr 
banks and finanC'ial corpora tfO'1 S.-- Wil- 
87zire Boule1mrd, Los AngPles, pal.; 
Bohemian Cl1tb, San Francisco; Cali- 
fornia Club, Los Angeles. 
Chaffey, George, civil and mech. engr. 
and irrigatlonlst. 
E. s. late Geo. C. and Anne (Legg-o) 
C., Brockvflle, Ont.: b. there, .Jan. 28. 
1848: e. Kin
ton; m., 1870, Annetta 
AUg'Usta, 4th d. late A. T. McCord, city 
chamberlain. Toronto: trained to en- 
gineerlng: wnf1e stilt a youth did Im- 
portant work In sninbul1dlne-. and sub- 
sequent1y -commanded a prOlPel1er on the 
Can. lakes: removing .to S. Cal., 1881, 
hf', with nls bro.. Wm. Bpni. C., found- 
ed filTst the colony of Etiwanda and 
later that of Ontario. evpr si"ce known 
as the II model colony": the Ohafl'ey 
("oIl. of A grlr. W<1 s estand. and pn- 
tlJowed wWh f20.000 by rt,he bros.: On
'!'arlo was fJO!un.d-eð 'On suoh broad.....g-uoag-e 
Hnoe,s and 
nsii1ereoð so coffilplE"te 
pvery e.n,glÏng. Ò'E'!tai1 othat rthoe U. S. 
("'...ow. hoaò a moi1lf'l maðoe of the colony, 

h'Í("h was e"hibited at St. Louis 
"T'oT\ld's Fair, 1902; In 1883, as p
'Of Los Aßlg-
lJes Eleclmc '00., 'Tn.adlE' I.JOIs 
Ang'f'les, Oa1., 'the first municloo.1loty .in 
U. S. ot;o 'be ,l'ig'hotoo by oeloeotriolty: ,'n 
1886 a .royal 'Oomn. I()IIl Irrigat:ion from 
A,u!;"lt'ralla V'ÌSlÍt'e'd< Onl!:arlo, wMeh Iloeð.. to 
Chaffey Bros. 'Proc>eoe'ding- to tJhat coun- 
try .anld to ,the oes-t.abt. of !thoe oIrrr1gatlon 
("o1'On'les of Mi1d'lH'a, In Vdcl.l()rla, and 
Ren.mark, In S. Au st:ra.Ma , both IP'O'PU- 
lous and prosperous comm'lln.lrties whl\ch 
ha:VIe long 'been recogn'ized a's dbject 
lessons oIn :irrlg8Jtion for .thoe Australian 
Oon.t1nenot; spældn.g aJt oa. p.ublic g.a.thoer- 
inog in iMi1dura, Oc-t., 1907, rthoe Ohile! 
.Justice anI(} Acting GoVT. of Vdotorla 
(Sir .John "tendereð .Messrs. 
ChafTey, II on 'oohtalrf of Vrlcrorta, sincere 

and heartfelt thanks for their magnifi- 
cent OO'noeptl.on antdJ aohieV'emenrt.s": 
OV1ßr amdliJoJ..on pounlds st-er1ring was ex- 
pendleð. ,in ,this work, oand the annual 
\'3,1ue of exopool'bed pro<d'llCIts may be 
stated at f35(),OOO: l'eturnl\ng t'O 0311., 
1900. '3..sslsteò by Ms son An-dr'ew (q.v.), 
he undertO'Ok rt>he most ,lmop-ortant wQ.rk 
of 'his l:J.fe: reoola'iming a porti'On 'of the 
C.O'l'ol'aòo Des'el't, which he narn.ed "Im
P'E'J'!!al VaUoey," ,by ID'eans of a canaJ 
thl8!t: dlV'erbedl t'he waters of .the Colûr- River, om Ca1., pass.ed fo-r 55 miles 
through MexIcan territory. and ag
returned to Cal'. : Imperial Vaney Is now 
a county of the. State of Ca1., has 5 
fiourlshing towns,'a ,population of 20,000 
and Is the capital of the 300,000 acres 
under the Irrigation svstf'm which 8 
yrs. ago was worth1ess desert land, and 
which now may be conservatively valued 
at 25 mi1lions sterling: is presdt. of 
1st Nat. Bank ot ant., and an offr. 
and dir. In a number of other ban.ks 
and financial corpora tlons : a memo 
Institution Mrch. Ene-inpnrs. London, 
6.u Wilshire Boulevard. Los An- 
geles, Cal.: California Club: CountJ.y 
Club, Los Angeles, Cal, 
Challener, Frederick Sproston, 
S. Edwin and Emma .Janp (Wooð) 
C., London, Eng.: b. Whet
tone, Mid- 
dlesex, Eng-., 1869: e. St. Palll's 
Stratford. Essex; m., 1902. Miss Etnel 
White, O
hawa, Ont.: came to C<\n., 
1883; studied for his 'Prof. at the Onto 
SC'h. of Art and undf'r G. A. Rpld, 
R.C.A. (q. v.): studied aftf'rwards in 
Eng., Italy, Eg-ypt, and S
rrla: A.R. 
C.A., 1891: R.C.A.. 18!)Cj: counr>f1]or 
ant. &oc. of _<\'rtists. Toronl!:'o. GnHd 
of Civic Art and R. C. A.: aw::\rdf'd 
bronze med. Pan-Am. Expn., Bu1Talo, 
and Louisiana Purchasp Expn.: shows 
much versatntty, and nas done much 
decorative work: examples of latter 
branch are to be found in the Russell 
T.heea.tre, Otta.wa, .t'hoe A'!ex'3.ßtd'ra Thea- 
tre, Toront'O, 
Ing Edward Hotoel, To- 
ronto, the þJI'exrand.ra Hotel, .do., a.nod 
the R. & O. steamer II Montreal"-St. 
Jacobs, Onto 
II Perhaps Canada's greatest decorative 
"rti"t."-('a71.. Courirr. 
Chamberlain., Alexander Francis, 
S. late Geo. and Maria (Anderton) 
C., natives of Eng.; b. Kennlng-han, 
Norfolk, Eng., .Jan. 12, 1865: e. ppter- 
borough ColI. Inst., Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1886: M.A., 1889). and Clark 
Unlv.. Worcester, Mass. (Ph.D., 18Cj2) ; 
m., 1898, Miss Mary Isabel Cm:hman, 
Worcestpr, Mass.: examr. In mo(1prn 
langts., Toronto Unlv., Trinity Univ. 
and Onto Educ. Dept., 1886-91 ; 
fe1Jow In modern langs., Unlv. ColI., 
Tóronto, 1887-90: fe1Jow In anthrop., 
Clark Unlv., 1890-2; l'ect. on anthrop., 
CLark Univ., 1892-1900: since then has 
been a.sst. prof. do., do.: maòe special 
investigations of Kootenay (B.C.) In- 
dians, for the Brit. Assn., 1891: ed. 
Journal of Am. Folk-Lore, 1901-8: ald., 
W'Orcester, 1905: chalnnan, Lincoln 
Centeno comte., Worcester, 1909: has 
become widely known for his anthrop. 



and phIlol. studIies; is a memo Am. 
An tlquarÏian Soc., Am. Assn. for 
Advanc. of Science (secy. anthropol. 
section, 1894), and Brit. Assn. for 
Advanc. of Scienre (do. do., 1897) ; Is 
a corr. memo Inst. de Coimbra, Portu- 
gal; an hon. mem., Am. Folk-Lore 
Soc.; has contributed many articles to 
the Proceed. of the Can. Inst., The 
Journal of American Folk-Lore, The 
Am. Anthropologist, Modern Lang. 
Notes, A?n. Ur-Quell, "New Intern. 
Encycl.... "Encycl. Americana," "Hast- 
Ing's Encycl. of Religion and Ethics," 
and .. Encycl. Britannica"; author: 
"Report on the Kootenay Indians .. 
(1892), ".Language of the Mti.sslssraga 
Indians" (do.) , .. The Mythology of 
the Columbian Discovery" (1893), 
"The Child and Childhood in Folk- 
Thoug:ht " (1896), " The Child: A 
StudJy in the Evolution of Man" 
(1900), and a volume of Poems 
(1904) ; aDem.; chairman, Dem. City 
Comte., Worcester, 1904-5; a Bapl.- 
19 Baker St., Worcester, 1I1ass. 
.. A scientist of distinction. whose works 
have 'Long commanded the atten,tion of 
stude-nts of ethnO'logy."-Phil. Bulletin. 
Chamberlain, Edson Joseph, Can. rail- 
way service. 
B. Lancaster, N.H.; e. Montpelier 
Meth. Semy.; m. Miss Place; entd. ry. 
serViiúe, 1871, since when has held 
ffiW1y Lmpontanlt and respOiIlJSible (pl()lsi- 
lions In that service, Including supdt. 
Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain Ry. & 
Central Vermont Line of Steamers, 
running between Chicago and Ogdens- 
burg, 1884-6; genl. mangr. Can. Atlan- 
tic Ry., 1886-1905; an extensive ry. 
contr,actor In Mexico, and presdt. 
Morella & Tacambara Ry., 1905-9; 
since then has been V.-P. and genl. 
mangr., Grand Trunk Pacific Ry.; 
presdt. Ottawa Golf Club, 1909; Is a 
dir. Can. Express Co.; a promoter 
Standiard Construction Co. (1905) and 
Colonial Lumber Co. (do).-Winnipeg. 
lIlan.; Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf 
Club; Ottawa Hunt Club; Ottawa 
Country Club, Ottawa, 
.. A OO'l1lpetemt MId successful r.a.ilway 
ma-n."-T. Globe. 
Chamberlain, Mrs, 
erbert (see Cole, 
!Mrs. Agnes Llhan). 
Chamberla.1n, Hiram Wyman, busl- 
n ess man. 
U.E.L. descent; s. David Cleveland 
and Martha Maria (Huntingdon) C., 
Ottawa; b. Westmeath. Ont., 1864; e. 
public schs.; organized and managed 
Ottawa Trust and Deposit Co., 1896- 
1903; man gr. Ottawa branch. Toronto 
Genl. Trusts Corporation, 1903-5; do. 
d-o. do. Royal Trusts Co., since 1905; 
promoter F. .J. Castle Co., 1903; Meth. 
and supdt. Sunday sch., Dom. Meth. 
Ch., Ottawa.-328 .somerset 8t., Ot- 
.'A first class business man."-Late 
G. O. Kay. 
Chamberlain, Montag'Ue, ornlthologlRt. 
S. Samuel M. and Catherine W. 
(Stevens) C.; b. St. .John, N.B., ApI. 
5, 1844; e. privately; m., .June, 1907, 
Miss Anna Sartorls Prout, Petersburg, 

Va.; long in mercantile Ufe In St, 
.John; was asst. secy.. Harvard Unlv" 
1889-93; secy., Lawrence Scientific 
Soh., 1893-1900; served for 10 yrs. In 
Can. v.m.; retired with rank of capt.; 
is a memo Nat, Hlst. Soc. of N. B., 
,Boston Soc. Nat. Hlt;t., Am. Ornitholo- 
gists' Union, Boston Folk-Lore Soc., 
,and Indian Industries League; author 
of many bulletins and books, Includ- 

ng "Can. Birds" (1870); .. System- 
atic Table of Can. Birds" (1887); 
"Nuttall's OrnlthoI., revised and ex- 
tended" (1891; 1896); .. Birds of 
Greenland" (1892);. .. Some Can. 
Birds" (1895); "The Ch, Army" 
(1897); .. MaUsoot Vocabulary" 
(189 9 ), and .. The Penobsco t Indians" 
(1899). -Felton Hall, Cambridge 
Mass.; Newton Highlands, do.; Nut- 
tall Ornithol. Club; Victorian Club, 
.. No l1oig>he,r authority since Audubon." 
Cha.mberland, Bev, Joseph AemeUus 
S. Lazare and Fêlicitê (Marcoux) 
C.; b. Beauport, P.Q., .July 26, 1870; e. 
CoIl. Ste. Anne and Quebec Semy.; 
O. 1895; prof. Eng. lang., CoIl. de Ste. 
Anne, 1892-1902; parish .priest at 
IStorueham, P.Q., 1902-10; slnoce then at 
&t T.huri'be; fl()'t}:ßIdoed the Oonvent des 
SæuoT'S de Notme Dame ðu Pel"petuel 
Secours, St.onehiam, a. mixed sch. for 
French and Inish chilodI"en, 1907; 
aut'hor "Tihe Freooh-Oanad!ian .scho()lar's 
Companion," an Eng. grammar (1901 ; 
2nd ed.. 1906), and of "p.etlt Cours 
d.e Larugue A'llIglaise" (1908).-St. 
Thuribe, P.Q. 
Chamberlayne, Miss Catharine Jane, 
D. Ashley Taylor and Cynthia Shef- 
field (Thompson) C.; b. Toledo, Ont.; 
e. there, Elmira CoIl. for Women (A.B., 
1865), and Franre; was lady principal, 
 Acad., 9 .yrs., oCirucdnnlfutiÏ Wes- 
l'ey{IJn 001.l., 6 :yJI'S., and Willbraiham 
Acad., 7 yrs. ; since 1892 has been prin- 
cipal, Miss C.'s Sch. for Girls (which 
she founded), Boston.-The Fenway, 
Boston, Mass. 
Chamberlin, Mrs, Agnes, illustrator; 
Agnes Dunbar, e. d. late Sheriff 
Moodie, Belleville. Ont., and Susan- 
na'h!M. (one of .the celebrated Strick- 
land .ai,ste-rs); autho'r of .. Roo.g1hing 
tit jn ,thie Bush." and obher works; 
b. and e. Be1
leV'me. Onlt.; an., 1st. 
1850, Ohas. Fitz;GHfuon, lbarrd.ster, 
"DOToniÌ.O (d.); 2nd!ly. 1870. Lt.-Co!. 
Brown Ohamber.l:in, M.P., C.M.G., at 
hJis dea,bh (1897) Queen's Pr,inbe.r of 
Oa.n. ; among other works ms produced 
.. Canadian Wild Flowers," the first 
Illustrated book of Its kind published 
In Can.; was also the Illustrator of 
her aunt. Mrs. Traill's "Studies of 
Plant Life"; Ang.-Lake{leld, Onto 
"A highly accom'Plished Iady,"-Dr. John 
Reade (q.v.), 
Chambers, Bev, Andrew Busteed 
Irish origin; s. late .John C., Wil- 
fred, Ont.; b. IreI.; e. Toronto; m. d. 

L- _ 
butions to the mag. literature and the 
pI'ess, ,including the article.. on Sports 
and Pastimes to Baedeker (1894), and 
to M'OTga,n and Burpe.e's .. Can. Ufe in 
Town and Country" (1905), is the 
author of the folLowing works: .. The 
Port of Quebec: its Ifacilities and pros- 
peds" (1890); .. The Haunts .of the 
Ouananiche" (1891) ; .. Quebec 
Ancient and Modern" (1892); .. Que- 
bec, Lake St. John and the Saguenay" 
(1895); .. Chambers' GuidJe ,to Que- 
bec .. (do.); .. The Ouananiche and 
its Can. Environment" (1896); .. Tho6 
Anglers' Guido6 to Eastern Canada ,. 
8) ; .. The Sportsman's Com- 
panion" (1899); .. The Quebec Ter- 
centenary Commemorative History' 
(1909), etc.; an Ang. and a del. to 
the Synod; apptd. a lay-read'6r, 1909. 
-fi4 G1'and Allée, Quebec; Quebec 
Ganison Club, do. 
.. FQl:tunate indeed is Quehec .and 
Eastern Canada in po'ssessing so reliable 
a guide 8S Mr. Ohambers."-Dr. Harper 


late Rev, \Vm. McCullough (Meth.), 
St. Catharines, Ont.; In early yrs. a 
sch. teacher; graduated LL.B. (Vic- 
toria Univ.), 1882; D.D" hon. (do.), 
1899; o. 1868; .held'i.ous important 
pastorates, including Montreal, Quebec, 
Stanstead, Quebec, Toronto, Napanee, 
ebc.; a me.m. Ex,t'Ve. OO'IIlIte. Assood, 
Chari'ties and of Oa!ll. Bibl.e SO'C., a 
senator Viotor:ia Univ. and Montveal 
W,es!. Thoo!. CoH., and Y.-P. U. C. 
Bi'ble So<:.; wa.s firuanciwI secy. Mont- 
real, 1883-4; seey. conf., 1883; 'pl'esd.t. 
conf., 1898; a del. :to Gen!. Oonlf. 
several yrs.; an Orall'I;'e'IIlan ; apptd. 
g1O'V1r. '-VOI'\()4JlJOO Ja:i'l, .June, 1907.-562 
Gerrard St. E., Toronto. 
Chambers, Edward Thomas Davies, 
author; journalist; retired educa- 
dward Thomas and Louisa Percy 
(DavIes) C.; bro. Rev. W. P. and 
Capt. E. J. C. (q.v.); b. Saffron Wal- 
den, Essex., Eng., June 26, 1852; e. 
there and Can.; came to Can., 1870; 
m., 1872, :Margot., d. late Jas. Jam1esolIl, 
J.P., Stoneham; in early yrs. an edu- 
cationist; successi vely principal of the 
Model Sch., St. Andrew's, and of the 
Acad., Granby, P.Q.; later, turned to 
journalism and Lit, ; estabd, Prog- 
ress (St. Andrew's, P.Q.), the first 
newspaper printed in the Co. Argen- 
teuil, or in that dist, 1872; afterwards 
was Ion the staff .of th'e Quebec Daily 
Chronicle for a lengthened ,period be- 
coming ed.-in-chief of that j.oJrnal, 
May, 1897; was subsequently ed. of 
1.'he .lle1'cury and of the North Am. 
Notes and Queries, same city; In 
addition has contributed to .many 
other ,papers, as well as to the 
mags., including among them, Har- 
per's Jlag., The W01"ld's Work 
<.:ountry Ltfe in Am., London Ji'iel(l, 
Tor. Univ. Rev., Can. Mag., Can. Life 
and Resources, Saturday Night, Can. 
Century, Can. Couder, etc., his contri- 
butions relating either to the early his- 
tory of Can., to the scenery and nat- 
ural resources of northern Quebec, or 
to matters relating to hunting and fish- 
ing in the eastern and northern portion 
of Can. and in Nfd. ; is to-day regarded 
as one of, if not the chief, authorities 
in the Dom. on these subjects; .sa t as 
an ald., Quebec, 1884-94, and was for 
some time pro-mayor of that city; 
was joint 6ecy. ChamplaIn Celebration 
Oornte., 1906, arud !als.o of the eJutV1e. 
of ItJbJe Quebec Tel'C'ent. Oeloebrwt'Ìon 
Comte., 1908; for many yrs. has been North Am. Fish and Game 
Protective, likewise a dir. of the 
Assn. for the Protection of Fish and 
Game, P. Q.. and seey.-treas. Sports- 
man's Fish and Gamo6 Assn., P.Q.; 
elec.ted secy. Can. Club, Quebec, 1908; 
do. presdt. Quebec Press Gallery, do.; 
lias served as a del. from Can. to 
many intern. gatherings on fish anù 
game, m-ore particularly the meetings 
of tho6 Am. Orllli,th. and Audubon Socs.; 
a Fr
mason of exalted rank; has been 
Grand Master of the Prov!. Grand 
Lodge and Past Grand 1st Principal 
Z of the Royal Arch Masons; Is also 
a K. T. and an offr. of the Scottish 
Rite; In addition to n'Umerous contri- 

Chambers, capt, Ernest John, Dom. 
'pu blic service; lit terateu/". 
S. late E. T. and Louisa Percy 
(Davies) C.; b. Penkridge, Stafford- 
shIre, Eng., ApI. 16, 1862; e. Montreal 
High Sch.; m., Aug., 1898, Bertha, y. 
d. late S. MacMillan, Kingston, Ont.; 
actively engd. in journalism, Montreal, 
from 1880 for many yrs., with the ex- 
ception of the yrs. 1888-9, when he was 
ed. Calgary Herald,. best known in 
Montreal, as a writer, in connection 
with municipal journalism and hist. and 
mil. literature; published many special 
articles; acted as chief correspondent 
for Montreal Star during N. W. Rebel- 
lion, 1885, accompanying Genl. Middle- 
ton throughout the campaign; present 
at Fish Creek and Batoche, acting as 
vol. A. D. C. to the Genl. in both ac- 
ti.ons; joint propr. and ed. Can. Mil. 
Gazette, 1893-6; estabd. The Metro- 
politan, a weekly journal (Montreal), 
1894; author of "'1'he Book of Mont- 
real" (1903), .. The Book of Canada" 
(1905), "The Canadian Marine" 
(1906), .. Canada's Fertile Northland" 
(1908), "The History of the Royal 
Northwest Mounted Police" (1906), as 
well as of many regimental historIes of 
the Can. militia; since 1908 has pub- 
lished and ed. .. The Canadian Parlia- 
mentary Guide"; prominent for many 
yrs. in musical circles; one of the 
founders of the Montreal Amateur 
Operatic Club; apptd. hon. secy. for 

'l1. for tÙ1e Aßs1ood. Bd. of the Roy'al 
Acad. .of Music and Royal Coil. of 
Music, London, Eng., 1901; presented 
with gold watch by choir of Christ Ch. 
Cath., Montreal, on leaving for Ottawa, 
1904; was lieut. Montreal High Sch. 
Cadet Rifles, 1877-8; capt. do., 1879- 
80; 2nd lieut. 6th FusiUers, 1885-7; 
capt. do., 1887-99; R. 0., retaining 
rank, 1899 (med. and clasp for N. W. 
R:e!belolion) ; .a.lso hol'd'S s-erV'ioe de- 
C'oraUon; If'otI"lner
 se<:y. St. George's 
Soc., Monlt'I'eaJ, and Y.-P. St. George's 
Soc., Calgary; apptd. GellltlJe.n1Jain Ushe.r 
of the Black ROO, Moh. 1, .}904; Aillg. 



-8l5 Daly Ave., Ottawa; Rideau Club, 
.. His regimental histories are models of 
what such bo{)ks should be. They are 8 
valuable contribution towards the history 
of the development of the armed forces 
of our world-wide empire."-London 

Chambers, Graham, physician. 
Bro. Rev. Robt. C., D.D. (q.v.); b. 
Co. Oxford, Ont., Feb. 4, 1865; e. '1'0- 
rOIl>to Ull'iv. (B.A., 1886; :M.B., 1889) 
and Trun. Unriv. (.M.B., 1892); ill. 
Mary, d. la,be Joa,g. H. R-og>er.s, Tororuto; 
moßIIl. OolL P. >and IS., Ont., 1889; bead 
of medi, service, Tio'l'Oll'OO Genl. Hosp., 
1907; now RSSO. p,rof. clüu. moo., '1'0- 
r.onlt'O UI1iv., and prof. ohiem. and 'voxi- 
col., Onto GoB. of PihaDmacy.-26 Ger- 
nt1.d St. E., Toronto; Albany Club; 
Royal Can. Yacht Club, do. 
Chambers, Rev. James (Presb.). 
A bro. Rev. Robt. C., D.D. (q.v.); 
b. Holbrook, Ont., Mch. I, 1851; e. 
Queen's Univ., Kingston, and Prince- 
ton ColI. and Semy., N. J. (B.A., 1872; 
M.A., 1875); D.D. (Chicago Unlv.), 
1890; m., 1877, Miss Jessie Irene Buell, 
Sherburne, N.Y.; o. 1875; pastor 1st 
Congo Ch., Sherburne, N.Y., 1875-1882; 
pastor Calvary Presb. Ch., N. Y., from 
1882, for many yrs.; now literary ed. 
N. Y. Church Publishing Co.; has been 
mooerwtoJl" N. Y. .PreiSby., pl'esdot. Pl'esb. 
Ol'll1b, '
I:inr.'s .Aossn., I3-nd Italian 
Evang. Mission; one of the founders 
and a memo of the union; active in 
furthering the interests of reform.- 
 Lenox Ave., N. Y.; Sherburne. N.Y, 
Chambers, John Milton, educationist. 
B. \Valkerton, Ont.; e. High Sch., St. 
Thomas, Ont., and Northwest. Univ., 
Evanston, Ill. (B.A., 1896; M.A., 
1898) ; also a grad. Cumnock Sch. of 
Oratory; apptd. prof. oratory, Wooster 
Univ.-Wooster. O. 
Chambers, L, p" educationist. 
S. Rev. Robt. C., D.D. (q.v.); b. 
Can.; e. Queen's Univ., Kingston 
(M.A. and gold med. in pol. econ., 
1905); Y. M. C. A. secy. for Turkish 
Empire.-Bardezag. [smidt. Turkey. 
Chambers, Rev, Robert (Presb.). 
E. s. late Major Robt. C., .. Kenne- 
val'," nr. \Voodstocl{, Ont., a native of 
Scot., and Catherine Lucas (Nesbitt) 
C., formerly of Tyrone, Ire!.; b. Tp. 
N. Norwich, Oxford, Ont., May 1, 1849; 
e. Queen's Univ., Kingston (B.A., 1866; 
D.n., 1897); studied theol., Princeton 
Theol. Semy., N. J.; m., Dec., 1872, 
Miss Bessie Lawson. Dereham, Ont.; 
O. 1870; held pastorates at Nairn and 
Wh1tby; became a mdssy. urudler the 
Am. Bd., July, 1879, and rendered Im- 
portant work in Erzeroum, Turkey; 
aided in the organization of several 
chs., in the establishment of several 
schs., and in the training of many 
teachers and preachers; seeking rest 
and relief from the severe strain put 
upon him, he returned to the U. S., 
July, 1888, and, up to Nov., 1891, la- 
boured among the Congo chs. in that 
-oountry; h'ÍS heaDt, Ihowe,,'er, 'being 
more fully in the mission field, he went 

back to Turkey, and has since had sole 
charge of an extensive dist. in Bithy- 
nia, and is principal of the High Sch. 
at Bardezag, nr. Constantinople, an in- 
stitution which has greatly prospered 
under his administration; founded also 
an orphanage for the housing and edu- 
cation of boys made orphans In conse- 
quence of the recent massacres; dur- 
ing those troubles in Turkey he ren- 
dered distinguished service to the cauSe 
of humanity in assisting the persecuted 
people of Armenia; is secy. Western 
Turkey Missions Bd. of Educ.; has 
written largely for the press of the 
U. S. on the subject of missions, and, 
besides editing several works, has pre- 
pared leading articles for the II Mis- 
sionary Encyclopædia" (N. Y.); has 
an intense love for his native land, tak- 
 a just pride in her progress, and 
mourning over her disabilities; hopes 
some day to see a Brit. imp. federa- 
tion, or, if not that, for Can., then po- 
Htica'l indi.-Bardezag, 1smidt, Tur- 
key in A siG. 
Chambers, Robert, Jr" educationist. 
S. Rev. Robt. C., D.D. (q.v.); b. 
Can.; e. Queen's Univ., Kingston 
(M.A., 1902); Ph.D. (Munich), 1908; 
is vice-principal Bithynia High Sch.- 
ßardezag, [smidt, Turkey. 
Chambers, Rev, Sydney Garrington 
S. Frank D. C., Heme, Canterbury, 
Eng., and Margt., d. late Dr. W. H. 
Errington, Portsmouth; b. Portsmouth, 
Eng. ApI., 1870; e. Thornton Heath 
mar Sch. and St. John's ColI., 
W-innipeg (B.A., 1897; B.D., 1900); 
Cowley prizeman, 1897; m. Evelyn A., 
d. late Francis Burton "\V ili an , Corby, 
Lincolnshire; o. deacon, 1897; priest, 
1898; rector Christ Ch., Winnipeg; 
memo St. John's DolL Oounocil and 
ex,tv'e. ÜÛlmn. off Nl'e (Hooes.e; Western 
ag'erut Oh. :IDmJi.graltion Soc., London, 
Eng.; sl\JJpreme .grand chapla'in, S. of 
E. Benev. Soc., 1900-3.-Christ Ch. 
Rectory, WinnilJeg. 
Chambers, Rev, William :Nesbit 
(Pres b.). 
Bro. Rev. Robt. C., D.D. (q.v.); b. 
N. Norwich, Ont., Feb. 22, 1853; e. 
there and Princeton Semy. and ColI., 
N. J. (B.A., ] 876; M.A_, 1879); o. 
1879; D.D. (hon.), QU1een'sUniv., 1911; 
became a 3..t ErzeII"oum, Tur- 
key, .same year; cUd bJeToic wo.rk jn 
that country in helping wounded and 
dying Armenians, 1909; distributed 
$-l5 000 among these people; reed. the 
ks of t'he Brit. and Am. consuls at 
Erzeroum therefor; stationed at Adana 
since 1900; his only s., Talcott Wm. C., 
a young man of great promise, per- 
Ished in the Incel Pass, Switzerland. 
1902.-Adana. Turkey. 
Chambers, Rev, William Percy 
2nd s. late E. T. and LouIsa Percy 
(Davies) C.; b. Penkbridge, Stafford- 
shire, Eng., May 10, 1857; e. Eng. and 
Bishop's Coli. Univ., Lennoxville I.. B.A., 
wi'th 1s.t .ru:m()oUTS' and P.rinlC'e of 
Wales prize, 1879) ; m. l'888, Alice, d. 



late Isaac Hookes, Quebec; o. deacon, 
1880; prièst, 1881; missy. Aylwin, on 
the GMdneau, Wlhere he ,Laboul'edi for 
many yrs., erecting 6 new chs., and 
was largely instrumental in securing 
the construction of the Gatineau Ry.; 
subsequently, was rector St. Paul's, 
Knowlton, P.Q., and R.D. of Brome; 
r-eotor of St. 'Stephens, Lacl1rlnoe, 1902- 
11, when he ,re.tdreò from ,poastora;l 
work; apptJd. an hon. canon" Christ 
Ch. Ca1Jh., MOll/treat, 1903; was for a 
time grand chaplain, Grand Lodge of 
Queboec, A. F. and A. M.; aloso grrand 
chapl3JÏIlJ Grand Lodge of OdldtfcllloW's; 
Likewise fOT seve.raJ yrs. .an aotJiVle 
memo anJd off.r. Sons of EIlig. Henoe'V. 
Soc. ; fond of outdoor sports, particular- 
ly hunting, fishing, rowing and cricket; 
organized St. Stephen's Boating Club 
and Athletic Assn., Lachlne.--6,J Hut- 
chison St., Montreal. 
Chambré, Lieut,-CoL Hunt Waløh 
Alan, real estate and financial 
agen t. 
E. s. Hunt Walsh C., .J.P., Dungan- 
non House, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, 
Ire!., and Mary Anne Brunette (.John- 
ston) C., Ballykilbeg House, Co. Down. 
Ire!., a niece of the late Wm. .Johnston, 
M.P. for South Belfast In the Imp. 
H. C. ; family originally Norman; came 
to Eng. with Wm. the Conqueror (see 
II Burke's Landed Gentry") ; b. Dublin, 
Ire!., .June 29. 1861; e. by private tu- 
tors, King William's CoIl., Castletown, 
Isle of Man, Dundalk Grammar Scoh., 
and Ennis CoIl., Co. Clare, Ire!.; m., 
Oct., 1893, Charlotte Harriet, 4th d. 
Wm. T. Woods, Megantic, P.Q.; came 
to Can., 1880; has resided In WinnI- 
peg since 1881: gazetted 2nd lieut. 95th 
Regt., 1885; serv1ed wÍtlm .ilt during N. 
W. RebeIllon (med.), and remained 
with It until the WinnIpeg COSo were 
disbanded, 1887: gazetted 2nd lleut. 
90th Regt., 1889, and, passIng through 
the several grades, became It.-co!. com- 
manding, 1900; since retired:; holds 
long service decoration; has held 
office In various literary, athletic, 
sporting, and fraternal assns., Includ- 
ing the Orange o r.d er, In whIch he has 
been co. master; Ind. Con.; Ang. ; 
favours prohibition of liquor traffic. to- 
gether with gambllng and betting, the 
two latter being especially hurtful; 
monopolies and trusts being dangerous 
to the best interests of the world. 
should be curtailed; an Imp., and be- 
lieves that we should assist In main- 
taining and increasing the navy; be- 
lieves, also, that the Bihle should be 
read and prayers said in all pubUc 
schs.-185 Vaughan St., Winnipeg. 
Champagne, Albert, legislator. 
Second S. late Seraphin and Mellna 
(Duchene) C.; b. Ottawa, .Jun!> 3, 
1866: e. there; m., 1899, Miss Ester; served In R. N. W, M. Pollee 
Force for many yrs.; since engd. In 
stock-raising and ranching business' 
first Mayor of Battleford, 1904; sat fo; 
Battleford, first Sask. Legislature 
1905-8; elected for Battleford (H. C.): 
g. e. 1908; a Lib., and for 11 yrs. 

presdrt. local Lib. Assn.; a R. C.- 
Battleford, Sa8k. 
.. The only French Can. representative 
west of the Great Lakes.' '-Can. Courier, 
Champa.gne, Hon, Louis Napoléon, 
S. late Hon. Chas. L. C., judge of 
the Circuit Ct., Montreal: b. St. Eus- 
tache, P.Q., Nov. 21, 1860; e. St. Hya- 
cinthe Coll.; m., Sept., 1885, Aldee. d. 
AJliex. Cihevri'er, Hum, P.Q. ; iL'L.B. (La- 
V1a1 Un'lv.), 1882; LL.D. (.0.00.), 1909; 
advocate, do.; practised In Hull, where 
he was city solr.; pleaded before .JI. 
OomDe. P. C. d,n Eng.; bâtonnier, local 
bar, 1896-7; K.C., 1899; Mayor of 
Hull, 1893 and 1896; sat for Wright 
(H. C.), 'lJib. linlterest, 1897-1904; was 
chairman Debates Comte. ; apptd. 
puisne judge, S. C., P. Q., Oct. 15, 1904; 
R. C.-Charlotte St., Ottawa. 
.. An a.ccomplished gentleman; high
regarded by eveIJ-one."-Late Judge 
(D. Ottawa, Oct. 15, 1911.) 
Champagne, Napoleon, lawyer; Onto 
municipal service. 
S. late Seraphln and Melina (Du- 
chene) C.; b. Ottawa, May 4, 1861; 
e. separate schs. and privately; unm.; 
ElJdvoCl3Jte (P.Q.), 1898; 'bavrlster (Ont.), 
1901; successfully practises his prof. 
in Ottawa; Crown Prosecutor, 1909; 
oomI11len.c.ed hi,s ca
r 'On Itlhoe staff of 
La Minerve, MontI'OO.I; subsequenbly 
held a clerkship In the Dom. C. S.; 
served on the Ottawa Sch. Bd.; first 
elected an ald., Ottawa, 1892, and was 
re-elected for many yrs., becoming 
chairman successively of the Bd. of 
Works and Finance Comtes. and of the 
Public Library Bd.; Mayor of Ottawa, 
1908; a city controller since 1908; 
elected! V.-P. for Onto Union of Can. 
M'llßlicipa;lritle.s, '1910; ve.--eaect.eò, 1911; 
ds a. V-P. AliHanoe 
rançadse, Ot- 
tawa ; has been presdit. 1St. .Jean 
Bapbe. Soc.; uns.ucC'essfuHy conltoes.tJed 
Ottawa. (E. C.), lin ,the Con. in- 
terest, g. e. 1896, 1900, and 1904, and 
Ottawa East (Local), g. e. 1908; a 
R. C.-1I9 Rideau St" Ottawa; Elks' 
II A pleasant and forceful speaker."-O. 
Champion, Bev. John :8, (Bapt.). 
S. .Jas. and Margt. (Brooks) C.; b. 
Greenvale, P.E.I., .June 18, 1868; e. 
H1Ïgih Sell.., Aliliert.on, Prinoo of Wa.les' 
ColI., Unlv. of N. B. (B.A., 1900). and 
Acadia UniY. (M.A., 1903); m., Sept. 
1891, MIss Emma .J. Dunbar Alma' 
P.E.I.; pursuoo IbhJe-ol. studies, 'Oolga;té 
Un Iv. (B.D., 1903), and Hamilton 
Theo!. Semy.; o. 1893; a public sch. 
teacher, 1886-9 ; pastor Yarmouth 
N.S., F1Ì've, N.S., Sussex, N.B.: 
Gibson, N.B., and Earlvllle N Y - 
Earlville, N.Y. ' .. 
Channell, Leonard Stewart, journalist, 
S. C. E. and Emily (Beaton) C.; b. 
Stanstead, P.Q., Ap!. 8, 1868; e. Stan- 
stead Wesl. CoIl.; m., Sept., 1891, 
WinnIe, O. d. Chas. S. Buckland, Barn- 
ston, P.Q.; early In life acquired a 
half Interest in the Coatlcook 0 bserv- 



er; one year later estbd. the Compton 
County Chronicle (Cookshlre, P.Q.), 
which he published tin 1897, when he 
removed to Sherbrooke, and there 
founded The Daily Record, which he 
still publishes, having purchased The 
Examiner. 1905, whkh ibe ama1,gamat- 
ed with The Record; author U The His- 
tory of Compton County, and Sketches 
of the Eastern Townships, Dlst. of St 
Francis and Sherbrooke Co., Supple- 
mented with the Records of 400 Famil- 
Ies It; Is a trustee Sherbrooke Literary 
and Art Union; presilt. E. T. Press 
Assn., 1898; elected V.-P. Can. Press 
Assn., 1908, and presdt. do., 1909.- 
Sherbrooke, P.Q. 
II One of the brightpst newspaper men 
in the E. T."-.3l. Herald. 
Chant, Clarence Augustus, educa.tion- . 
S. Christopher H. and Elizabeth 
(Croft) C.; father native Somerset, 
Eng.; mother of ant.; b. nr. Union- 
ville, ant., May 31, 1865; e. Mark- 
ham Hig-h Sch., St. Catharlnes ColI. 
Inst., Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1890), and 
Harvard Unlv. (Ph.D., 1901); m., 
1894 Miss .Tean Laidlaw, Toronto: 1% 
yrs. 'in Auditor-Genl.'s office, Ottawa; 
Joined staff Toronto Univ., 1891; apptd. 
asso. prof. astro-physics, do., 1907; 
special mission to U. S., In connection 
with the estalbltiSlhmtent of an obsell'va- 
tory of instruct'Ï!()n, Tloronoo Undv., 
1905: eII
obed ;presdt. Roya;l' Astro.nom. 
Soc., Can., 1904-9; id!o. mart'll. S1e'C. Onrt. 
Educat. Assn. do.; has contributed to 
Can. Meth. lIfag., VarsitJf, Acta Vic- 
toriana, Westminster, Phil. Mag., and 
the trans. of several learned socs.; 
Meth.-fOl Madison Ave., Toronto. 
Chapals, Jean Charles Louis Thos.. 
Dom. publIc servIce. 
S. late Hon. .T. C. C., Senator, one 
of the U Fathers of Confederation." 
and Georgina, d. Hon. Amable Dionne, 
M.L.C.; b. Rt. Denis de 1a Bouteillerle, 
P.Q., Mch. 6, 1850; e. ColI. Stf>. Anne; 
graduated LL.B. (Laval Univ.), 1875: 
m.. 1876, Henriette, d. A. T. Michaud, 
M.D., Kamouraska, P.Q. ; ailvocate, 
1875; successfully practised his prof. 
for 2 yrs.; since then has devoted his 
entire attention to scientific agricul.; 
asst. ed. Journal de l' Agricul., aili offi- 
cial organ, 1879-90;. at the same time 
a Govt. 'lect. on agricul.; apptd., 
1890, and Ihas 'sinoe been asS'\:. 
dairy commr. for t:lhe Dom.; secy. 
first Quebec Forestry Assn. ; dir. 
and V.-P. Quebec Dairymen's Assn.; 
dir., V.-P., and presd'l:. Pomol. and 
Fruit Growers' Soc., P. Q., and has 
been, throughout, lect. on a grlcu1. In 
a11 the French-Dan. sections of the 
Dom.: for a lengthened period a con- 
trihutor to the French and Eng. press; 
author of several pamphlets on agrl- 
cnl. and of a work on forestry, U Guide 
JIlustré du Sylviculteur Canadien .. 
(1883). which has been translated into 
Eng. and widely read,; R.C.-St, Denis 
de-la-Bouteillerie, P.Q. 
II I know not where bis eQnal can be 
found f<lI' both BOund lI1'8ctical Bud 

sound scientific knowted
 of a
-Principal Robertson (q.v.). 
"One of the most practical and suc- 
cessful farmers in the Province of Que- 
Chapal_, Hon, Joseph 
Thomas, legislator; 
Y. s. late Hon. .T. C. C., senator and 
one of the II Fathers of Confederation." 
and Henriette Georgina, d. late Hon. 
A. DionlJ1e; b. Sit. Dentis-d-e-Ia-Boli'Ì'eH- 
lerle, P.Q., Mch. 23, lR!)8; e. Ste 
Anne's CoIl. and Lava.l Unlv. (LL.L.. 
avec distinction, 1879; Lit.D., hon., 
1898): m., .Tan., 1884, .Marie Soph'ie 
.Tustine Hectorlne, e. d. late Sir H. L. 
Langevin, K.C.M.G., C.B., QUf>bec; ad- 
vocate, 1879; successfully practised his 
prof. in Quebec; private secy. to the 
Lt.-Gov. of the Province, 1879-84; 
edited Le Courrier-du-Can. (Quebt"c), 
1884-1901, whf'n the pap
r ceased to 
exist; a 'Con.: called to the Leg. 
CouncLl, P.Q., Mch. 8, 1892; 8JP'ptd. a 
memo TalHon Govt., without portfolio, 
Feb., 1893; speaker of the Leg. Coun- 
ci.l, Apt, 1895; presdrt. of ,the Ext
Council, May, 1896: 
Hn'1'. of Oolond7;a- 
.tJion and Mines, .Tan., 1897; r,etil"ed 
,from office, May, 1897; vobed aga1insi\: 
the aboUtion of the Leg. Council, M
1900; since Feb., 1907, has been prof. 
of hist., Laval Unlv.; created a Cheva- 
lier of the Legion of Honour, France, 
1902; F.R.S.C., do.; author of: II Lea 
Congregations enseignantes et Ie 
brevet de CaJpacite It (1893); II Dls- 
cours et Confêrenc'e.s It (1898); II Le 
Serment du Roi It (1901) ; ".Tean Talon, 
intendant de la NouveLle France It 
(1904); "Mêlanges de polêmique et 
d'êtudea re1dgieuses, poUtlque.s et llt- 
têraires ,. ('1905) ; and various technical 
essays; a R.C.; t!hlnks II the name 
Oath. is the finest title to glory of tht: 
French race In Can."-9 Ursuline Lane, 
St. Ursule Sf" Quebec. 
II One O'f the .a,blest public spe'akers in 
Ca.n'ada."-Hon. A. R. Angers (q.v.) 
"As 8' public spe,aker, reveals a grace 
o-f o.ratO'ry which is very pronounced."- 
Ill. Gazette. 
Chapman, Walter Peck, Can. ry. ser- 
S. Wm, C., Abbotsl p V. Huntingc1on- 
shlir.e, Eng.: 'b. otIhrere, iMûh. 9, 1857; e. 
otibere, Bed1'Qrd 00. CoOH., and by 'P'I'i- 
vate tuUlon; m., 1897, .Marlon Mabel 
(.d. .Tune, 1908), d. Hugh C. Baker, 
Hamiloton, On t.; assoc. memo Can. Soc. 
C. E., 1889; memo do. do., 1903; came 
to Can., 1882; entd. ry. service, 1883, 
since when he has filled various re- 
sponsible and important positions in 
connection therewith: was asst. en
in change of oonstTuctian, C. P. Ry., 
London, ant., 1886-7; do. do. In charge 
of sec. location and construction Guelph 
.Tct. Ry., 1887-88; do. do. permt. way, 
n. and n. w. divs., G. T. Ry., TOl'o<nw, 
1888-89; same position, do. do., Al1
dale, 1889-92; asst. engr. permt. way, 
G. W. d'Ív., G. T. Ry., HamHotJon, 1892- 
96; do. do. In charge maintenance and eX'Penði.t<uTe, N ddv., G. T. Ry., 
Allandale, 1896-97; do. do. In charge 
perrot. bridge renewals, etc., ant., w. 




of Toronto, Including renewal of Intern. 
Bridge, Fort Erie, and the rebuilding 
of vhie .JoOroan Viaduct, 1897-1905; Òliv. 
engr. .James Bay Ry., Parry Sound, 
1906-7; engr. in charge of construc- 
tion for P. Q. of Mackenzie, Mann & 
Co.'s system, and latterly mainten- 
ance engr., Montreal, 1906-7; resident 
engr., do. do., Toronto. 1908: auth3r 
of various articles In Can. En.Qineer; 
Ang.-58 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto. 
Chapman, WiUiam, poet; Dom. pub. 
S. late Geo. and - (Angers) C.; 
Eng. origin, on father's side; Frpnch, 
on mothf>r's side; paternal grandf. a 
natlvf> of Warwick, Eng., and an 
offr. In the Brit. Army: b. St. Fran- 

ois de la Beauce, P.Q., Dec. 14. 1850; 
e. Levis ColI.: m.; a law student In 
early life; afterwards in commf>rcial 
life; later In Quebec pnblic service; 
since .ApI., 1902, has been In the ser- 
vice of the Senate of Can., as a 
French translator; earlY contrihn
poetical pieces to French pprio il icals: 
also en
d. In journalism In Qt 1 ebf'c 
and Montreal: publi
hpil firRt volume 
of poetry. .. LeR QuehpC'onois"" in 
1876; alJ1löJth r e.r .in 1890, 3!TUd two cI1liUæ
works, .. Le Laurf>:l.t" anil .. Le De
Copains" in 1894: in 1903. a TH1hl!r 
subscription was taken un. with whkh 
to senil him to 1='::1 ri
the pubUcatlon of .. Les Aspirations," 
which aJPpeare<d IIn the following year: 
this work received the hl
hest prize of 
the French Acad., and, its author was 
decorated by the Govt. úlf France; In 
1910 appeared his laiÌ'Pst work" .. Les 
Royons du Nord," which 
ained for 
him for the second Hme, the hl
priz'e of the Fren'Ch Acad. : has lectured 
In the Western Stat'es on II The French 
Race In America," 1907.-18
St., Ottawa. 
II A voluminous poet, of 8 lare:e, nob1e 
wav of thinkinl!. and intellsely devoted to 
Ca:n'awa....-Dr. Logan (q.11.). 
Chapman, Bev, WIlUam young (Pres- 
S. Bowden and Anna M. C., d. Rev. 
Alex. Clarke. D.D., Amherst, N.S.; b. 
Ohapman, N.B., Aug. 21, 18-59.; e. 
Borvs' Acnd. and O'}I
., Mt. A1:ltlson, 
N.R. (A.B., 1883; D.D., 1904), and 
Princeton Hnlv. and Semy.. N..J. 
(A.M., 1888); D.D., Univ. .Wooster, 
0., 1904; m., .Ju
y, 1889. M.lSS FI'Or- 
ence E. Greenfield, Amherst; Ucensed, 
1888; 0., 1889: pastor OUvet Presb. 
Ch. Readin
. Pa., 1889-96: do. 1st 
\b. Ch., Frankl,in, Pa., 1896-1901; 
do. Lafayette Ave. Presb. Ch., Bufl'alo. 
N.Y., 1901-5; since then pastor Rose- 
vilte Ave. Presb. Ch., Newark, N..J.; 
Is acting presdt. Civic Righteousness 
Federation, Essex Co., N..J.; chair- 
man Ch. EX'tensi.on ComlÌe.. Presby. 
Newark: V.-P. N. .J. Temp. Soc., and 
trustee Sayre Fund of $50,000 for 
Temp.; memo Advls. Bd. Nat. Retl- 

ious Training Sch. and Chautauqua 
for the Colored Race; memo Bd. of 
Trade, city of Newark; trustee Ger- 
man Theot. Semy., Newark; memo 
Minlst. Assn., N. Y. and vlcinity.- 

f15 Roseville Ave., Newark, N.J.; 
Kappa Chi; Metropolitan Ministers' 
Club, do. 
ChappeU, Rev, Benjamin (Meth.). 
S. Benj. C.; b. CharlottetowD, P. E. 
I., Apt. 3, 1852; e. Mt. Allison Unlv. 
(B.A., 1873; M.A., 1882; D.D., 1909) ; 
m. Miss Mary J. Holbrook; o. 1874; has 
held 'Pastorates at Shediac, St. John, 
N:B.; Nieola, Majple Bay, B.C.; Sum- 
marside, P.E.I. ; Campbell ton, N.B., and 
Tokyo, Ja,pan; went 'ÌO .Japan, 1889; 
dean, Aoyalffi.a 00111., Tokyo, 1898-1907; 
sinc,e 1896 dean, Sch. of TheoI., Ao- 
yama.-Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan. 
.. No better authority on Japan."-M. 
Chapple, His Honour Thomas W" 
County Court judge. 
S. Capt. C., H. M.'s 2nd Dragoon 
Gds., a native of Gt. Torrington, De- 
vonshire, Eng., who was present at the 
Relief of Lucknow and d. there, and 
Eutychia Randall (McNaughton) C.; 
b. Kilkenny, Irel., Feb. 10, 1853; came 
in early childhood to Can.; e. London 
and Can.; m., Dec., 1882, Lucy A., d. 
Milton French, Oshawa, Ont.; barris- 
ter, 188-3; successfully practised his 
prof. at Uxbrldge, Ont.; helà office 
as a memo and secy.-treas. Ed. 
of Eàuc., Uxbrldge; at Kenora, as 
first cbairman High Sch. Bd.; sat 
for N. Ontario (Local), in Lib. In- 
terest, 1894-1898; :oince then has been 
dist. judge of Rainy River, and a local 
judge of the High Ct., Ont.; a Presb., 
an elder., and S'11Ipdt. S>a'bbaibh sah.; a 
Freemason, Odd Fellow, Forester, and 
memo A. O. U. W., and holds high 
rank in each order or soc. - Kenora, 
Ont.; Lake of the Woods Club, do. 
II A man of wide influence aDd ex. 
tended usefulness."-T. Globe. 
Chaput, Charles, merchant. 
S. late Lêonore and Hêlêne (Rt. 
De,n:ls) C., w'ho oarnle d'I1()1ffi1 L' Ass'ompUon 
to Montreal. 1832; b. Montreal, Nov. 
14, 1841; e. there: m., 1st, Miss Rose 
Anne Smith (d. Sept.. 1883); 2ndly, 
Mlle. Clara Chevalier (d. .July, 1893) ; 
head of firm L. C., Fils & Cie., whole- 
sale grocers, whose servl
e he entd.. 
1857, becoming a partner, 1862, and 
head of U.e firm, on his father's re- 
tirement, 1875; formerly a dlr. La 
Banque d'Hochelaga: has heen V.- p. 
Montreal Turnpike Trust. and presdt. 
Wholesale Grocers' Guild. Montreal; 
now a councillor Chambre de Com- 
merce and of Montreal Bd. of Tra(1e, 
j.s a d'Ír. In'te-rn. M-eroanNle Agenocy; 
also V.-P. MoniÌ>real Business MIen's 
League, Montr,e-al <CIUzens' Assn.. antd 
a gov. NOftre Dame Hosp.: Con.; 
R. C.; favours the appt. of Lord 
Strathcona as Govr.-GenI. of Can.--349 
Sherbrooke St. E., Montreal: Club La- 
fontaine, do. 
II A man of unimpeachable integrity."- 
M. Gazette, 
Charbonneau, Hon. Napoleon, judge. 
S. Augustin and .Julienne (Dufort) 
C.; b. Cðte-des-Nelges, P.Q., Feb. 12, 
1853; e. iMo,MTeal 001,I.; m. Itmoo; 
2ndly, Mlle. Lemieux;' advocate 187.9; 



K.C., 1899; g,uccessfully 'Pfficbis-e-d h'is 
proOf. in Montreal; a former partner 
of the late Senator Trudel and Hon. 
L. O. TalUon (q.v.); has successfully 
pleaded before the .11. Comte. P.,C.; un- 
successfully contested .Jacques Cartier 
(H.C.), Lib. ,interest, g. e. 1887; elected 
do., bye-el1e'ct!ilOn, l8H 5; since Mcih. 11, 
1903, has ,been a 'Pursnoe judge, S. C., 
P.Q.; apIJJ'ud. a RJoyal Cl{)Iffir. (P. Q.), 
toO enquire Into charges against Hon. 
.A. Turgeon (q.v.), 1907; a R.C.---36 
Simpson St., Montreal; summer resi- 
dence: Sorel, P.Q. 
U A judge of uncommon perspioacity; 
8Qmewhat uncO'nventi<Jonoal off the bench, 
but th()roughly sound in his law and swift 
in .his perception of relevant facts and is- 
SUI'S; there are n()t twO' Ú'pinions as to his 
ability."-.3l. Standard. 
Charland, Bev, Paul Victor (R.C.). 
S. late Wm. C.. shlpbuHder, Quebf'c, 
and MathHdp (Marquis) C.; b. St. 
RJo'Clh, Que., May 23. 1858; e. Spmy., 
QUf'bec: Lit. D. (Laval), 1902: o. 
1881: prof. rhf>torlc. Notre Dame Coli.. 
Lêvls. P.Q., until 1886, whf>n he jolnf><1 
the Dominican Ordpr In France; has 
been stationed at St. Hyacinthe. Ot- 
tawa, Lewlston, Mf>.. and Fall River. 
Mass., whpre he sun Is: author, in 
addition to numerous newspaper ar- 
ticles, of .. Questions d'Histolre LIt- 
têralre" (1884), "Les Trois Lêgen<1es 
ðe Ma<1ame Ste. Anne" (1898). "The 
Good S:'Iint" (1903: Eng'. ed., 1904); 
estabd. Le Rosaire (St. Hyacinthe), A. 
monthly rpview; well known as an 
architect of church and oUlPr buH<1- 
lng's; F. R. R C., 1'100 -St. Amtp',; 
Ch., 790 S. Main St., Fall River. Masa. 
Charlebois, The Bight Bev, Ovide 
(R.C.): Vicar A pnstolic. 
S. Hyacinthe and Emêrence (Char- 
tff>r) C.: h. St. Rpnoit. nr. Otm. P.Q.. 
Feb. 12, 1862: e. L' AssoOmption CoOll. and 
Otltarwa Ul1iv.: oenif:iI. Order of Ohla.ts, 
1882; o. 1887: l'8.ibür.ed as a mrissy. 
dlst. of Cumberland, Sask., 16 yrs.. 
where he was very successful: dir. 
Ind. sch., Duck Lake, Sask., 190
apptd. first Vicar AipostoJic of Ke
waUn, 1910.-The Pas, Sask. 
Charlesworth, Hector Willoughby, 
journalist: dramatic and musical 
crl Ì'lc. 
S. late H. G. C. and his first Wlife, 
Charlotte (MC'Eachr!"1n) C.. Toronto; 
b. Hamnt'Ûn, Ont.. Sept. 28. 1872: e. 
ToroOnto public schs.: m.. Feb., 1897, 
Katherine. 2nd d. Peter Ryan (q.v.), 
reg-r.. E. Toronto; articled as a chiar- 
tiered .a'0C'oun1tan1; .enrbd. j.ourll'a] as 
asst. ed. Saturday 1U!Jht, 1891: worked 
since on various dames: city ed. and and art critic, Toronto Mail 
and Empire, 1904-10: since then assoc. 
ed. .Saturday Night; ,h'8.S alsoO boel{>11 
a cOTIltJibutor to several weekly and 
monthly journals an'd mags.: special 
CDrrespondient with Prince of Wales 
(now Kin,g Georg-e) on tour through 
Can., 1901: d.o., Quebec Tercentenary, 
1908; specially covered many Import- 
ant criminal cases; regarded in news- 
pa'PerdJom as an expert In circumstan- 
tial evidence; wrote formerly undeT t'he 

nom-de-plume of "Touchstone"; autbor 
many short poems l ; recd. thanks of 
famHy of Robert Louis Stevenson for 
3 memori3J1 sonnlf'ts written In protest 
a.g-ainst the removal of his remaAns 
from Samoa; apptd. a memo of comte. 
in Earl Grey dramatic competition, 
Mch., 1910: active Con.: Ang-.-12 St. 
Vincent St., Toronto; Arts and Letters 
Club; Toronto Press Club, do. 
uA." a writer o.f graceful .and convinring 
English, few excel Mr. OharleswÚ'rth."- 
Can. Courier. 
Charlton, George Albert, physician: 
Sask. public service. 
B. St. George. Ont.: e. Co. Brant, 
Brantf.ord con. Inst., Onto Ag. CoIl., 
Onto Veterinary CoIl., and McGiH 
Univ. (M.D.. C.M., 1900); fellow in 
path., Mcam Univ., 1901; Rockefeller 
fe1Jow in path., do., 1902: for some 
months interne, Sloan Maternity Ho sp. , 
N.Y.; house surg., Ottawa Isolation 
Hosp., 1902-5: since then, has been 
Provo an8;lyst anð bactertol., Sask.; 
apptd. regIstrar, ColI. P. & S., Sask., 
1908.-Regina, Bask. 
on, Harry Ready, Can. ry. sør- 
.Eng. orig-In; a descendant of Bp. 
Ridley:- 2nd s. late Geo. R. C., mer- 
chant, Montreal:, anal St. .John's, P.Q., 
and grand-so Geo. C., a native of New- 
castle, Eng., a noted contrador' 
b. St. .John's, Feb. 9, 1866; e. 8t: 
.John's Hig-h Sch.: m., Nov., 1892, 
Edith. Y. d. W. A. Osgood. St. John's: 
staff St. .John's News. 1881-4; Water- 
loo & Mag-og Ry., 1884-5; staff MoOnt- 
real Herald, 1886-91: in charge adver- 
tising dept., Can. Pac. Ry., 1891-6' 
mangr. do. do. Davis and Lawrenc
CoO., Ltd., Montreal, 1896-8; since 
1898, mangr. advertising deipt., Grand 
Trunk Ry.; has lectured on " Ry. 
Advertising"; 'Presented: with solid 
sHver tabl'e cutlery by We-stern 
Press Assn., 1903: brad conferred 
on him Order of the Sacrpd Treasure 
(6th class) by Emperor of .Japan, 1907; 
pI esented with jewellery by Chicago 
Press Club, do.; do. do. a solid sHver 
cigar box by visiting Brit. journalists, 
do.: received thanks Quebec Battle- 
fields Comn. for valuable aid In con- 
nection with Quebec Tercentenary, 
1908: awarded a gold med., Franco- 
Brlt. Expn., London, Eng., do.: an 
Ang.-8 Sussex Ave.. Montreal; Tran8- 
portation Club, Buffalo, N.Y.: Press 
Club. Chicago, Ill.; Alpine Club, 
U A man 01 e;reat activity. inteJ1ie;enc@. 
and popularitv."-La PTI!8IJe. 
.. 'I1he same yesterday, to-d-ay and for. 
eve'r. H
 i.s ß rapid and pl'odï.gio'lls 
WIO-rker, but the w()'l'k is turned off 
without any noise or fuss. He seemtl 
devoid: of self co.nsciousnes8, and! will 
enote-rtain a duke, or .a militant. suffragette 
a Knight of C.olumbus or an Orangeman' 
with the same air O'f semi-reserve and semi: 
goodfe]}mvship."-S. N. 
Charlton, Miss Margaret Bldley, 
Y. d. late .John C., a native of North- 
umberland, En
., a. descendant of the 



celebrated Bp. Ridley; engd. for some 
yrs. In educational work, Montreal; 
later on ed. and on literary staff or 
Dom, Illustrated; In addition to ar- 
Uoles wri'tten under a nom-de-plume for 
various mag-s., brought out, conjointly 
with the late Miss C. A. Frazer, 2 vols. 
of fairy tales, the first ever published 
In Can., vlz.: "A Wonder Web of 
Stories" (] 892) and II With Prlntless 
Foot" (1894): a graduate in library 
economy.-Jl Essex Ave., Montreal. 
Charlton, Hon, William Andrew, 
lum'boer merchant: sta,tesman. 
Eng. and Scottish T1arentage: a bro. 
of the late John C., M.P.: b. Cattarau- 
gus Co., N.Y., May 9, 1841; e. there; 
m. 1869, Mis9 NeUie Rockwell; a lum- 
r manufacturer: sat for N. Norfolk 
(Local), Lib. Int
rest, for Rn <extended 
period, and with some Interruption, 
from 1890 to g.e., 1905. when dK'feated: 
re-nomlnatf'd. g.e. 1907, but declined 
an.d I'etireà In.t'O .prlv.a'te Hf<e f.or the 
Nme 'betin.g: was Oommr. .of Crown 
Lands dn .the R'Oss. Aòmn. for a ShOTt 
p-eI'lod, 1904, .and pl'eviou.sf1y speaker;.a 
Presb. and a memo Bd. of Mangt. Knmc 
GoH.; elÞeûted pI'etsdt., Onto Lumber- 
men's Assn., 1907, and V.-P., T-OTon,to 
League for .tbe Prevo of Tuboe,r., 1909; 
eloe'CIteð. a -trustee, Que-en's Unlv., 1910: 
a Presb.-B6 Madison Ave., Toronto. 
"A man of unfailin.g tact." T. NewlJ. 
"A man of self-pos.Be-ssion and dign,ity."- 
M. Wit71e88. 
.. Po.g,se'sses an .atbractive perøona.1ity, hav- 
ing a. stl"aightf.()II'W.ard character, a kindh 
fw1ing toward potitica} olþpone,niÌs and an 
unmi.stakea,ble &ond undisguised prefereJ1'l'f' 
for Li.bera} idea:ls and prindples."-T. 
Charters, Bev, Frank (Ang.). 
S. late Eàw.ard and C:a,therine C.: 
b. anò e. .M'ontI'H!.1; unll11.; grad'lla,toed 
M'OTiitreal Dioc. 00101., .1888; D.C.L. 
(lh'On.),'OlP'.s 0011. Univ.. Lennox- 
v:lHe, 1911; o. Ò'8HOOn, 1888; pori'est, 
1889; noW -and for some yrs. rector 
St. Simon's, Montreal; 
 memo Coun- 
ell Bishop's Coli., LennoxvilIe; elected 
grand cha.plaln Grand Lodge Free- 
mas-ems, .P. Q., 1907; doO. grand 
master do., 1911: ehaplla1n (witth 
hon. rànk or capt.), 11th Regt. "Argen- 
teuil Rangers," 1909; a del. to Synod; 
unsuccessful candidate ,for bishopric of 
Montreal, Oct., 1908. - St. Simon's 
Rectory Westmount, Montreal. 
.. Exc
dingly ,popular." - Archdeacon 
Ker (q.v.). 
Charter., Bev. Herbert (Ang-.). 
.Bro. Rev. F. C. (q. v.) ; 'b. M.o.nlbre8.l1; 
e. McGiU Unåv. (B.A., 190.]) ; .ro., Nov., 
1906, EtJhøl tMa'U:d, .o. Ò. 1laJte W. J. 
Simpson, M.L.A.: graduated Montreal 
Dloc. Theol. CoIl., 1902: Incumbf'nt 
Lachute, p.Q.-Lachute, P.Q. 
Charters, Samuel, journalist; legisla- 
S. Francis and Annie C.; b, Chln- 
guacousy, Ont., :May 18, 1863; e. 
Brampton; m., Oct., 1887, Miss Jane 
Ellen Belrson; now and for some yrs. 
ed. The Conservator (Bramp.t'On); 
mayor of BraInJPton, 1907-8; returned 
for Peel (Local), Con. In.terest, g. e. 
1908: Ang.-Brampton, Onto 

Charters, Werrett Wallace, educa- 
S. Alex. Maxel and Mary (1\I o ally) 
C.; Scotch-Irish parentage; b. Co. Nor- 
folk, Ont., Oct. 24, 1875; e. Mc"\fas- 
tpr Univ. (B.A., 1898), T0r0'1to U, 
(B.Pæd.. 1901), and Ch1æ.go Unlv. 
(Ph.M., 1903; Ph.D., 1904); unm: 
formerly principal Moilpl Sc n .. Bamn- 
ton, Ont.; now supervisor of prH.ctfcf' 
tpachlng, State Normal Sl"'h.. Wlno'}.l. 
Minn.; a senator McMastf'r Hnlv.. 
1901-4; author If The Throry ()f thp 
Lesson Plan" (] 906) : B<lnt.- Wino"",. 
lIfinn.; Meadow Brook Club, do.; Quad- 
rangle Club, Chicago. 
Chausse, Joseph Alclde Han, archl- 
S. Ald. Edo11ard and Ro!'!p dp LIma 
(Rivet) Coo Montreal: b. Rt. Sulplce, 
P.Q., Jan. 7, 1868; e. 
t. Marv'
Montreal; m.. Sf'pt., 1 R94, Mllp. Rn!"e 
df' LIma Renaud: ailmitteil to pr'1C- 
tlce, 1888: a charter mpm. Qllph"c. 
A s!='n. A rC'hlteC'ts (plp<'tpd l"r p !'!ilt.. 
l Q 06); V.-P. Can. Assn. ArchitpC'ts. 
1908; hon. secy. Royal ArC'hftpC't11ral 
Tnst. of Can., 1909; a mpm. Ch<l.mbrp 
8vnd. de la ConstnJ('.tfon : Bd. of 
Exams. Plumbers, Montrf'al ; Am. 
Statistical Assn.; Am. Soc. Munl- 
C'Ï'T1'a1 LmTlrov>p'TT1'E''t1i1:: Arm. Pl1h
,Ï'C' n,01=' 1,-111 
Assn.; Comitê Perrot. des Cong-rt'>s 
j"'ÌlernatIO'l1all'C -ð'p.s Al'Chl,t.eC'tt'P1s: Brit. 
Fire Prevf'ntlon Comte.: corresp. memo 
Soc. Centrale des Archltectps Fran- 
cals: Am. Inst. Architects:. Soc. 
Cpntrale d' Architpcture de Belg-Iqup; 

oc. Natlona Ie dels Arrhltf'cte!'l de 
France; ArchItekten- Verein zu Berlin 
(Germany) ; Sociedad Central de Arc'h- 
ftectos Madrid (Spain) ; Soc. of Portu- 
guese Architects; assoc. Can. Soc. C. 
E.; Am. Soc. C. E., etc.; apptd. 
Inspr. buildings, Montreal. June, 1900: 
awarded a gold, sf,lover and bronze med. 
by varIous architectural socS. for tpch- 
nical papers and lectures; has hepn 
p-resdt. St. Jean Ba,t)lÌ!e. Soc. (St. Bnd- 
g'pts s-ec.); lis V.-P. RMe-Deer Coal 
Mining Co.; gT3nd mar
l,.rul .M
Nat.. and presdt. Cercle Jpanne d' ArC' 
of do.; a memo Intern. Congress of 
Architects, Paris, 1900; Madrid, 1904; 
London, Eng., 1906; and of Intern. 
Fire Prevention Congress, London, 
1903: a dell. 6.toh Oommerclal OongI'E'SS 
of Ithe Empi'I'e, LonòlOn, 1906: ran 
a ssoessO'r for l]1.ew depa,r.tmellital bd.g-s;. 
Ottawa, do. ; J)lJ'IOjected Dan. II1SIt. A!rC'lhl- 
.te-ets 1907' auth-oT .. Building In
tops" Hanòhook." If Corue of BlI'io1.d'ing 
Laws or Prov1ince of Qu-eboc," and 
.. Handlboook of .Builòing Laws of Mon.t- 
re-al "; CoOn.; R iC.-l
;13 St. Hube1.t 
St. Montreal; Þngineers' Club; St. 
Lawrence Curling Club. do.; summer 
1'esidence: "Villa .ITis,' St. Eustache, 
.. Enjoys nn enviable reputation as an 
architect."-M. WitneslJ. 
Chauvean, Hon, Charles Alexandre, 
retired judge. 
2nd S. late Hon. P. J. O. C., a dis- 
tinguished Can. statesman !lnd man of 
letters who was the first Premier of 
 after Confederation; b. Que- 
bec, Feb. 23, 1847 : e. St. Mary's 



(.Jesuit) ColI., Montreal. and Laval 
Univ. (LL.D., 1894); m., Aug., 1871, 
Aodèloe, e. d. late Hon. .Justioe Tessier' 
graduated B.C.L. (McGill Univ.>, 
1867; advocate, 1868; K.C.. 1878; i
prof. criminal law, Laval Univ.; In- 
augurated movement for the erection 
of the Champlain monument, Que- 
bec, and was presdt. of the comte. to 
seCllre Its erection; sat for Rimouskl 
(LocaI). 1872-80; was succes!'ilvely 
Solr.-GenI. and ProvI. SP('v. and Regr 
In the .Joly de Lotbinière Admn., 
1878-9; a.pptd. judge of the Sessions 
of the Ppace, Qupbec. .Jan. 16, 1!<SO: 
retired, .Jan., 1910; was also Extra- 
dition Commr.; is V.-P. La Banque 
Nationale, and has been presdt.-genI. 
od' the Soc. St. .Jean Baptiste; a R. C.- 
70 St. Louis St., Quebec. 
Chauveau, Lt,-Col, Charles Auguste, 
Second s. Hon. C. A. C (q.v.); b 
Oct., 28, 1877: e. Qupbpc Spmy. 
Gporgptown Univ.. Washing-ton, D.C 
(B.A., with honour!". 1 89
' '\'f .\. i!r.) 
and Laval Unlv. (B.A., 1896; LL.L.. 
(we!' grande distinction. 1 R9q: L1.. ù., 
1903) ; m., May, 1902, Amêlie, d. Hon 
E. .J. Flynn. K.C. (q.v.); a-dvoeate, 
1899: succe.!'sfu'Jlly praC"t.isf'oS in Quebec. 
 memo of firm Casgraln. LaveTy, 
Rivard & C.; V.P. Inst. Can., Quebec, 
and St. .Jean Eaplte. Soc. (!\oÌ"re 
s'ec.) ; enM. V. m., as H>eut.. 89th RNM:., 
1897; attained to the command of .the 
regt., with rank od' It.-col.. .June 17. 
1907; R. C.-7 Drill Hall Square 
Grande Allée, Quebec. · 
Chavignaud, George, painter. 
S. of an author, musician, eonnols- 
eeur anil collector; b. Finistprre, nr. 
Brest, Francp: e. CoIl. Charlema
Paris; studied for his prof. under somp 
of the best masters In Europp: camp to 
Can. 1892: painted originRI1v in watpr- 
colours; now In oils, landscapes and 
portraits: describes himself as II a 
'IJ,>r of Oa'n. sunshine an.d col'Our'" 
has exhibitpil at tho Paris Salo'1, th
Brussels Triennial Salon, the Intern. 
Expn., Bruges, and thf> Soc. of Watpr- 
Colour Paintprs of Bnlgium; onp of his 
works, II Petitp Br('tonnp," has hppn 
purchased by the Ont. Gov.-Lambton 
Mills. Onto 
.. Distinguished for spontaneity, fresh- 
ness and clea,r co1Jourin'g."-T. Globe. 
II Cheese Xing of Canada, The'" (see 
MacLaren, A. F.). 
Chenevert, Cuthbert Alphonse, Que. 
pubIlc service, 
S. TheophiIe and Mathilde (Filteau) 
C.: b. St. Cuthbert, P.Q., May 21 
1859: e. L'Assomption CoIl. and St: 
Mary's (.Jesuit) con.: m., 1st Au
1884. Mlle. Berthe Valerie RocheI' (d.) .; 
2ndly. Mch., 1907. Marip. d. '1'heoilore 
C. Mplchers, Scheldam, HolIand: grad- 
uated LL.B. (Laval Unlv.), 1883: ad- 
vocate, do; K.C., 1903; practised in 
Montreal; formt"rly I'd. Berthler Ga- 

ette; sat for Berthlpr (Local) In 
ùi,b./, 1890-2 <and 1900-4; appitd. 
joint elk. of the Ct. of Appeal, P. Q. 

1908; R. C.-Court House, Montreal' 
Rerthierville, P.Q.; Club Canadien dé 
Cheney, Mrs. Julia, retired actress. 
D. Tlhos. and- (Arthur) Lewis, Ham- 
ilton, Ont.; Irish and Welsh parent- 
age; _ (stage name: .JuBa Arthur;) 
b. HamtIton, May 3, 1869; when 
11 yrs. of age played In a local ama- 
teur drRmatic club, one of her parts 
t dng Portia. In .. The Merchant of 
Venice": made her prof. debut 3 yrs. 
afterwards, with D. E. Eandmann, and. 
after 3 yrs. with him. went to En
and Germany, to study violin music 
Rnd dramatic art; madf> her first suc- 
Cpss at Union Square Th., N. Y. In 
.. The Black Masque": recognizing her 
ability and great promise, A. M. 
Palmer made her a memo of his co.; 
she scored a success in .. Lady Winde- 
mere's Fan," but hpr grpatest Rchleve- 
ment was In .. Mercpdps." which was 
produced for her, 18 Q 3: aftpr playin
ter Mary with gTPat pathO": and 
powpr. Sir Augustus Harris madp hpr 
an offer to go to E'1g., but thic:: with 
other otTprs suhsPOtJf'nt1v mad p by 
him. she dpcllned: 
ir Hy. Trvin
more fortunate, and 8he Rccertpd a 
dpfintte eng-agpmpnt from him for his 
1.on<'lon SE>RSOn and Am. tour; made 
her London dpbut Rt thp Lvceum. "F'pb. 
1. 1895, weII sustaining throughout her 
Am. rpputation; shp plavpd 1'1 roles 
next Miss Terrv. .ani! also in some of 
that fRmous ar'Hst's former parts her 
renderin,g of Rosamund, in "à'B
et" be,ing pronounced .. -a pe.rfornn- 
ance ftln of ('harm. youthful grace, and 
dramatic power"; after accompanying 
 and Terry on their Am. tour, 
she entered on a star eng-agement in 
Am., one of her grpatpst triumphs 
bplng- In .. Romeo and .JuIiet." it hplng 
said of her that II she had no rival on 
thp Am. StRg'P so pndowed with the 
.J1JIiet naturp"; after a wonderfully 
successful stage career. she m.. A pI., 
1898, Ben1. Pearce Chenpy. Boston. 
MRss., and at the same timp rptirpi! 
Into prlvatp Ufe; a dpI. Qulno1Jennlal 
Congress, Nat. CouncfI of Women, 
1 Spring St., Hamilton, Onto 
.. The Sarah Bernhardt of the United 
States."-N. Y. Oommprcial Advertiser. 
.. Unqllestinnably the devprest member 
of the theatrical profe:::!:ion Can. has ever 
g"iven to the world."-M. StaT. 
Cherrier, Bev. Alphonsus Avila (R.C.) 
S. Lpon T. and Lena F. Vlaudit 
(L'Espêrance) C.; b. Laprairip. P.Q., 
Sept. 26, 1849: e. ColI. 
te. Thêrt'>se 
de BlalnviHp and I aV:11 Unfv. (R
1871) ; o. 1874; prof. of lit. and after- 
wards of nat, sefen., Ste. Thêrèse CoIL, 
some yrs.; curê d'offlce St. Boniface 
Cath., Man., 1878-81; pres<'lt. ColI. St. 
Boniface. and dir. semy. attachpd 
thereto, 1881-4; since then Tedor Ch, 
of the Immaculate Conception, Win- 
nipeg; nominee of the s"cular clergy 
for archbishopric of St. Boniface, on 
death of Mgr. Tachè. 1894: a memo 
Provl Bd. of Education. lR78. tllI it 
ceased to ex'Ïst ; a counclI1or Man. 
Unlv. since 1878; pre:>dt. Ed. cf 



Studies, do., since 1883: apptd. memo 
royal comn. to enquire Into and malte 
recommeni!.atlons rpspectlng Manitoba 
Unlv., 1907.-Winnipeg. 
.. A man universally re.specled."-Ho71. 
J. O. Pattfr80n (q.v.) 
Chesley, Mrs, ]IIary Bussell, contro- 
Quaker and French Hugupnot de- 
scent; U. E. L. stock; d. Nathaniel 
ani!. Agnes (Bissett) Russell: a sister 
Judge Russel,l (q.v.): b. Dartmouth, 
N.S" ,Sept. 4, 1847; e. there: m. Saml. 
A. 'Chesley (q.v.): came Int,o public 
notice, m'ore particularly In connec- 
tion with the 'Petition to the N. S. 
Legislature of the W. C. T. U. of that 
Province, of which body she became 
presdt., for the !political enfranchise- 
ment of wom<en: In promotion of her 
views, and of t'he cause In hand, she 
hroke a lance 
ith some of the lead- 
Ing minds of the U. S. and Can., "and, 
In every Instance," accordtlng to Dr. 
Thos. O'Hagan (q.v.), "did credit to 
her sex and the cause !She had es- 
poused "; In addition to papers on this 
subject, has written other papers, 
among them one on "The Mission of 
Women" (1895), and anothf'r on II The 
Delusion of IVI1l1tarism" (1909), which 
have been wtd.ely rpad: believes that 
"righteousness .exalteth a na,tlon"; 
favours the single tax, the legal pro- 
hibition ot!' the liquor traffic and kin- 
drei!. aJbominations,' the ,sf'ttlement of 
national difficulties by arb'ltration an<d 
In co-operation as opposed to compe- 
titlon; a Meth.-Lunenburg, N.S. 
Cbeslev, Samuel Ainsley, lawyer. 
S. Rev. R. A. C. (Mpth.). GranvUle. 
N.S., ani!. Hannah Ellzabeth, d. ,Tas 
Alhee, Milltown, N.R; b. "Petltcodiac. 
N.B., Aug-. 14. 1849: e. Mt. Amson 
Acad. and Unlv. (B.A., 1866: M.A., 
, R76; D.C.L., 1910): m., May. 1R74. 
Mary Reb
ca (q.v.), d. N. Russet:l, 
J.P.. Dartmout'h. N.S.: bar>r.I!':ter. 1873; 
apptd. judge of Probate. Co. Lunen- 
burg, N.S.. Sept., 1882: recorder 
and stlppndy. mag-te, town Lunpnburg. 
Nov., 1888: official renorter, Ro. of 
Assembly, N.S.. 1873-88; a ssoC'f ate iI 
with Judge Russpll (q.v.), as ed. N. S. 
I,a'l{' Reports. 1873-9; FITand master I. 
O. O. F., Maritime Provinces, 1902-3: a 
Meth., and a del. to the Genl. C'onfs 
of the Ch.: :11so a memo Ct. of .A ppeal 
and a memo Joint Comtp. on Ch. UTllon : 
V.-P. Can. Peace and Arbitration Soc.: 
sometimes mentioned In connP{'tion 
with a seat In the Senate; a Llb.- 
Lunenburg, N.S. 
Chesney. Bev, EUjah (Baptist). 
R Jas. anò .Amelia C.: Eng. par- 
f'ntage: b. Dumfries, Co. Brant. Ont., 
] 842: e. pubtic schs. aniI Woodstock 
CoIl.: stui!.led thpol. MpMast<>r Unlv. 
and Ill. w<'sl. TTnlv. (M..A.. "Ph n.) : 
m., 1st, 1865, Miss Hannah E. Burr 
(d.) ; 2ndlv, 1901. Miss Lucie E. Gelt- 
gey: O. 1864: pastor Port Perrv and 
Pf'trolea, Onto : Bay City, Mlph.: 
Woostpr and Bl1PYruS, 0.: secy. Spe- 
cIal Rd. Home Mlsstons. Mlch.. 4 yrs.: 
author II Training of Young Converts," 
"Pre-eminence of Christ a Proof of 

His Deity," and "Value of the Higher 
Criticism"; Rep.-Bucyrus, O. 
"One of our most efficient ministers."- 
Christian Herald. 
Chesnut, Thomas Herbert, author; 
journalist; musical and dramatl-c 
cri tI-c. 
21lld S'. 
late T.h05. Goo. C., lect.. d:n EllIg., 
Victoria Unlv., Cobourg, ant., and, 
later, propr. and principal Caer Howen 
Training School for Boys, Toronto and 
Hamilton Acad., and Jane (Brodie) C., 
a near relative of the late Lady Eliz- 
abeth Brodie and the Duchess of Gor- 
don: b. Toronto, Jan. 23, lR62: e. 
Hamilton Acad.: at an early age 
evinced a loVe for story writing and 
journalism, and at 15 ed. the Can. 
Mag., a sch.-boy sheet then In exist- 
ence: for 9 yrs. was In the service of 
the Bank of Hamilton. hllt throwing 
up this occl11Patlon, In 1892 went Into 
journalistic work In earnest; became 
connected with Toronto Sunday World 
and Toronto Globe as a writer on 
musical subjects; also wrote as a 
musical critic for Montreal Standard 
(nom-de-plmne, " Si.eg1'1'ierl ") anod To- 
1'OOIto lIfusic and Trades ,Journal; was 
subsequently news ed. Montreal Wit- 
ness: noW engaged In journalism In 
U.S.: has contributed many articles to 
Temple Bar, Can. Mag., Saturda1} 
Night, Westminster, Toronto Globe, 
and to several mags. In U.S.: author 
of : " Pierson of . Ours,' " " The 
Ohrlstmas Number of the Dail" 
Astonisher," "The Schomberg Line," 
" Little J.\fald Mer>ian," "A Stradlvarlan 
Stratagem," "Dona Inez," "A Seaside 
Comeèty," "A Lesson in Geology," "The 
Vflgarles of Love," "The Balllys ani!. 
the Bailiff," "Legend o.f thp Glen Mill," 
,II A Malden of the Shield," "Werren- 
1'ath, a Bank Clprk's Romance," 
"Father Louis, a Romance of the 
Saguenay Country," "A History of the 
Anan Line," "Landmarks of Mont- 
t'ea1,," "The Pla'Y'grouOlds (1d' en,n.", etc. ; 
publiShed Verne1J's Mont1ll1l, a banker's 
g"nlde (1883) and Bank Chat (1898): 
"very pronounced In favour of muni- 
cipal ownershdp of public utl1lUes and 
municipal govt. by {'omn., rather than 
by council"; a Presb. and favours Ch. 
unlon.-Suite f, 75 Sacrament St., 
Somerville, Mass. 
"His sto'ries sh().w him to 'Possess an 
easy fluency .and p8,rticular humour of 
expression, to
t;her with an ablmdance of 
origiDla1 ideas."-Jo8. T. Olark (q.v.). 
Chevalier, Martial, business man: 
S. M. C., consul-genl. of France In 
Can., 1872-6: b. Paris, France, 1841; 
e. there; m., 1882, Charlotte, d. late 
Simon Belt.ers, Quebec: gained his 
business experience first with the 
DobeU Lumber Co., QUf'bec, and after- 
wards with the Crédit-Foncier-de- 
France, Paris; for a few yrs. engd. In 
newspaper llfe in Switzerland: became 
connected with the Crédit-Foncier 
Franco-Canadien, as gent. S
y.. 1883. 
succeeding, later, )0 the offiPP of 
directeur of the co., and. In '190.6, ,to 
that of directeur-genl., a position he 
still retains; Is also mango <'Ur. of th,e 



Soc. d' Admn. Generale, of which bodY 
he was the founder; is adJminlstrator 
of La Soc. Genl. d'Enterprises and a 
dir. of the Liverpool, London & Globe 
Ins. Co., the Acadia Coal Co., the Man. 
Ins. Co. and the Citizens' Assn., Mont- 
real; under his management the busi- 
ness of the Crédit-Foncier Franco- 
Canadien has increased enonnously, 
growing from $9,648,253.97 in 1889, to 
$32,101,802.06 In 1910; has served as 
p1'esdt. oí 1Jhoe Chambre-de-Commerce, 
Montreal, and In acknowledgment of 
his services in promoting trade rela- 
tions with France was, in 1909, createð 
a ohevalier of the Legion of Honour 
by the French Govt.; R. C.-
73 Peel 
Street, Montreal; Montreal Hunt Club. 
"Chief, The Big," (see Laird, Hon. 
Childs, Arthur Edward, electrical en- 
S. Geo. and ChrIstian C.; b. Mont- 
real. Sept. 16, 1869; e. McGill Un Iv. 
(B.A. Sc., 1888: M.Sc., 1901) and Cen- 
tral Tech. CoIl., LoncWn, Eng.; m., 
Feb., 1894, Miss AlIce Grant Moen, 
WoroeostJer, MI3.SS.; entd. slervÌ>coe 
GeruI. Elec. Co. as wIreman; was dis- 
trict engr., Westinghouse Elect. & 
Manf. Co., Phlladelphia, 1893-5; later 
N.E. manogr., Elect. Storage Battery 
Co., Boston; organIzed the Light, Heat 
& Power CDrpn. to acquire lighting, 
heating and power plants In the 
Eastern States, 1896; Is presdt. Col- 
umbIan Nat. Life In.s. Co., Am. Invest. 
Securities Co., Hotel Somerset Co., and 
Boston & Worcester Elect. Cos.; a 
Rep.; a CDnog.-l21 Bay State Rd., Bos- 
ton, !fass.; Algonquin Club; University 
Club, do; Country Club, Brookline, 
Chilton, Bobert S" jr" Consular ser- 
S. late RoM. S. and Mary ViTginta 
(BI"emt) C.; b. Wash1ng.ton, D.C., .June 
19, 1861; e. publdc schs., Nriagara 
Fa,llls, Ont.. oa;n-d by pr.ivate tui.Uon' 
01.. Oot., 1898, Miss M'a.ry E. Dooloey: 
San FmTIoiSi00, Car.; enotd. U. S. pub. 
l,ic serV1Íce, as a rtJeI11lþorary elk. 
Sta,tJe Dept., Was'hington, D.C., 1877, 
and was on permanent staff, 
1880; 'became sub&equently privoate 
s'ecy. and confiJdoenltial elk. Ito V.-P. 
MÜI"ton, I()n whose I'e'tirem-ent wa.s 
O1l8Jæe a tOMef elk. cl .the -dept. ; 
J'ater, during the Aml1Jeni'an mas- 
sacres, was selected by Presdt. McKin- 
ley's Admn. to go to Turkey, where he 
set up a consulate In one of the Sul- 
tan's ports; on his return to U. S. 
made head of the Consular Bureau, In 
State Dept.; has also acted as inspr. 
of consulates In Europe, Mexico, .Japan, 
and Canada, and, while his father was 
consul at Goderich, spent several va- 
cations there; apptd. consul at Toronto, 
Me-h. 10, 1905.-510 Jarvis St., Toronto; 
Toronto Club, do.; Metropolitan Club j 
Chevy Chase Club, Washington. 
Chinle, Lt.-CoI, Joseph Edmond, Can. 
regular mil. forces. 
S. late Hon. Eugene C., senator, 
and Marie Anne (Leblond) C., Que- 
bec; b. Quebec, Oct. 15. 1858: e. Lêvls 
and St. Mary's (.Jesuit) ColI., Mont- 

real: m., Oct., 1893. Marie Anna, d. 
Hon. Mr. .Justice Chagnon, St. .Johns, 
P.Q.; entd. mil. service as lieut. 9th 
Regt., 1878; joined I. S. C. as lieut., 
1885: transfd., as capt., R. C. Regt., 
1889; ht.-major, 1897; major, 1902; 
Dt.-H.-cOlI., 1901; Irt.-col., 1910; suc-ces- 
slvely commandant regtI. depot, St. 
.Johns, P.Q., and Fredericton, N.B.; 
c.hief st'aff off.r., Ea
t'er.n Onto com- 
mand, Ott'a,wa, 1909-11, when he roe- 
tired, ,retaining ronk: .sen"C'd dur,lng 
N.-\Y. Reb., 1885 (moo..).-Quebec; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
Chipman, Clarence Campbell, Hud- 
son's Bay Co. 
S. late .John Allan and AbbIe 
(Brown) C., Amherst, N.S.; b. there, 
May 24, 1856; e. there; m., ApI., 1882, 
Ada (V.-P. Woman's Can. Club, Wlnnl-, e. d. .J.a.te Riichard,son Borl'adwile, 
inspector of Inland revenue, Halifax, 
N.S.; entd. Can. C. S., 1867; became 
private secy. to Sir Chas. Tupper, then 
Minr. of Rys. and Canals, 1882; ac- 
companied ,him to Eng., when apptd. 
High Commr. of Can. in LondiOn, 
1884; remained In this office till 
he was apptd. chief .c:ommr. -of t'he 
Hu<'tst01l"s Bay CoO., 1891; ve1lÍred, 
1911; c.on'('Iurr.ently wilth his otJher 
duties, discharged those of official 
asst. secy. and accountant; author of 
a treatise on the fisheries of Can. 
(1891) ; a dir. ExShaw Cement Co. and 
of the Can. Iron Corporation; a 
trustee, Man. Sanitarium for Consump- 
tives; an Ang., and a del. to the Provl. 
and Genl. Synods.-Winnipeg; Mani- 
toba Club, do.; York Club, Toronto. 
uAible and efficient."-Lord Strathcona 
.. In every way,achable and com- 
mendable."-Sir Charles Tupper (q.v.). 
.. A man of fine. character and fine 
ability."-T. Globe. 
Chipman, Lt,-Col, Harry L., business 
E. s. late Brooks Watson C., Secy. 
of Agric. and presdt. N. S. Telephone 
Co.; b. Aylesford, N.S., ApI. 25, 1862; 
e. Halifax; m., Sept., 1895, Gertrude 
Maud, d. late Hon. Mr. .Justice .J. Nor- 
man Ritchie: for many yrs. a coun- 
cillor Halifax Bd. of Trade; takes an 
active Interest In commercial affaIrs, 
and is extensively identified with the 
shipping and indust. progress of Hali- 
fax; has been mangr. Can. Atlantic 
& Plant Line SteamshIp Co. for a 
lengthened period; apptd. consul. for 
Austro-Hungary, Halifax, 1896: a 
memo Halifax branch Brit. Na vy 
League; chaIrman Bd. Sch. Commrs., 
Halifax, 1900-3; long Identified with 
Ibhe V. 101. serViioe; promOited maj'Jrr 
66th Regt., 190.3; ,llt.-col., 1910: holds 
ll()ng service decoration; a Lib.; an 
Ang.-Halifax, N.S.; Halifax Club; 
City Club, do. 
Chipman, Lt.-Col, John De Wolf, 
business man. 
A memo of an old N.B. famIly: b. 
St. Stephen, N.B., ApI. 10, 1856; e. St. 
Stephen, Sheffield Acad., and N.B. 
Univ.; 01., Sept" 1879, the y. d. I'ate 



Hon. Sir Leonard Tilley, KC.M.G. 
(presdt. N. B. and P. E. I. branch 
Meth. Woman',s Missy. Soc.); a 
memo Bd. of Regents, Mt. Allison 
Unlv.; was for many yrs. chainnan 
Bd. of Sch. Trustees, St. Stephen; 
resigned. 1910; an active business man; 
a dlr. Hughes Owens Co., Montreal, 
Queen Oity Fire Ins. Co., Toronto, 
Hand-in-hand Fire Ins. Co., do., and 
Onto Graphite Co., Ont.; secy.-treas. 
Onto Graphite Co.. Ont.; a dir. and 
secy.-treas. N.B. & Can. R.R.. under 
lease to C.P.R.; a dir. St. Stephen & 
Mil'Uown R. R., un-doer II ease oro C.P.R., 
B. dir. and t.reas. SnV'epton, Glasgow & 
Northerly R. R.. Colorado. New Gold 
King Mines, Col., and Gold Prince 
Mines. do. ; and presdt. Atlantic 
Mutual Fire Ins. Co.. St. John, N.R, 
Milne Coutts Co.. granite manfrs., St. 
George. N.B.. and Crystal Lake Gold 
Mining Co.. Lundy, Cal.; long in the 
v.m.service; It-col. commdg. 71st 
Regt.. 1905; R.O.. 1909; has been 
Grand Master, A. F. & A. M., N.R, 
tlnd Is a memo of Sup. Council. 33rd 
A. & A. Scottish Rite and Past Depty. 
Sover. Grand Commander for N. B.; 
elected a V.-P. Lord's Day A11lance, 
N.R, 1909.-St. Stephen, N.B.; Union 
Club, St. John, N.B. 
Chipman, His Honour John Pryor, 
County Court judge. 
S. Rev. Wm. (Bapt.) and Eliza C.; 
b. Plf'asant Vallf'Y. Cornwallis. N.S., 
Mcl1. 31, 1848: e. Horton Aew., A'ca.òda 
Univ., aiTl'd Harv'1aro Unliv. (LL.B.. 
1869) ; m., Jun'p. 1875, Sll
n MaJrY, d. 
Robot. Brown, IHa,ld.fax, N.S.; barrlscber, 
1869: fiTSt stoipen. IDag-toe. anð rec'ol!"dlE',r. 
Kentvl'Jo1.e: 'SUb!=:equenrt-..1y Imay<yr: K.C. 
(M. of Lansd.owne), 1884: Co. Ct. 
judge, N.S., since Jun-e 18, 1890; cha'ir- 
man Bd. of Oon>C'illatdon re N. S. Steel 
and Coal Emplo)'JE'eIS. 1909; a Bapt., 
and a osenaJÌ"or Acadia Un'iv.; a 'pa Sit 
D. D. G. M. in the Freemasons. a For- 
ester, 001 OèlòfeHo'W. and. {! moem. 
Royal ATcanum.-Kentville, N.S. 
Chipman, Walter William, phvsician. 
S. W. W. C., Wolfvil1e, N.S.; b. 
there; e. t!:iheT'e, Acadlia Univ. (RA.. 
1890), .and F}dlinburgoh Unoiv. (M.D. anò 
gold mef1.. 1900) : one of the most dis- 
tinguisheð of his cla<;s: m.. 1889. 
Maud, ,d. R. B. Angus, Mont'reaJli (q.v.) ; 
and gained t'hie Bueh'8.n{tn soholar., giv- 
mg Iboim Ithe jpOsiltian of resitient surg. 
to the univ. gyne'C'Ol. wards! of the 
Royal InfiI'IITI'Y.; later Wa'S a'Pptd. resi- 
d.enl!: house ,surg. lÌ'O'the Roya,1 ,Moemo< 
Hosp., and, In 1897, house surg., Bol- 
tan Infirmy., LancashIre, Eng'.; was 
afterwards asst. to Prof. Barbour, 
Edinburgh: M.D..C.M., ad eun., Mc- 
Gill Undv., 1911; F.R.C.IS. (:Ðdoin.); on 
his rE"t'llTn :to Can. jlQlÏneò. the staff at 
the Rioyø.l V'ie. Hasp., ,MontTea.l; nolW 
engd. in gf'nl. practice in that city.- 
f85 lIIountain St., Jlfontreal: Mt. Royal 
Club: lTnivcrsit1/ Club; Roual Mont- 
real Golf Club; St. James's Club, d.">. 
Chipman, Willis, civil engineer and 
land surveyor. 
S. Lewis C., town treas., Brockville, 
Ont.; grands. Jesse Delong, M.P.; b. 
South Oros'by, Onl!:.; e. Athens amod 

Weston High Schs. and McGill Unlv. 
(B.A.Sc., with 1st rank honours In nat. 
science, 1876); m., 1st, 1880, Miss A. 
Denison, Napanee (d. 1883); 2ndly, 
] 886, Miss E. B. Finlayson, Brockville' 
orig:in3Jlly a higJb sClh. teacher; joined 
staff Can. Geol. Surv",y, 1876; after- 
wards asst. engr. Toronto water- 
works; now and for many yrs. in 
genl. p
actice as a civil, sanitary, and 
hydraulIc engr.; been engd. in the con- 
struction of waterworks or sewerage 
works at many places, including 
Brockvu.1e, Cornwall, Pemlbroke, Gan- 
anoque, Gait, Orangevllle, Petrolea, 
Barrie, Brantford, BerUn Toronto 
JunC'bi-on, Newcast1oe, N.B.,' Goderich, 
Moose Jaw, Bask., Edmonton, A.lIta., 
Macleod, Al,tn., :::;auU St'e. Ma;rle, Lon- 
 P<Yrt Arthur, Dalhousie N B 
WeIland. Halifax, N.S., etc.; 'D.L.S:: 
1881; O..L.S., d-o.; rnoem. Oan. Soc. C. 
E., 1887; memo Am. Soc. C. E., 1888; 
founder Onto Land Surveyors' Assn., 
and has been presdt. of that body; 
also secy. and presðt. Engrs.' Club 
Toronto.-l0S Spadina Rd., Torontu: 
National Club; Engineers' ()l1tb, do. ' 
Chisholm, Hugh J" c3Jpitalist; manu- 
Scottish parentage; b. Niagara-on- 
the Lake, Ont., May 2, 1847; e. there 
a!1 d Toronto Commercial CoIl.; began 
l'lfe, when a boy, In news service, G. 
T. Ry.; m., 1872, iMiss Hen-rietta ,Mason, 
Portland, Me.; II his advance" writes 
a friend, II was stEaày, and his occu- 
pation naturally led him in time to an 
adive interest in the pub'lication of ry. 
literature; he made Portland. Me., his 
home, and from the publishing of 
books and papers, became engd. In the 
malting of the paper to print them on 

nd of the pulp to make the paper of: 
10 the early 80's he became impressed 
with the vast unused water-power on 
the Androscoggin River, at Rumford 
Falls, Me., and bent his energies to its 
development, organizing the Rumford 
Falls Power Co.; somewhat later he 
acquired the decrepit Rumford Falls & 
Buckfield Ry.; this, reorganized as the 
Portland & Rumford Falls Ry., gave 
an outlet for the product of the Rum- 
ford Falls Paper Co. andJ the Otis 
Falls Pulp Co., further down the river 
at Livermore, both enterprises in which 
he was interested; after this he took 
an active part in a consolidation of the 
leading Eastern newspaper mills, and 
in 1898 the Intern. Paper Co. was or- 
ganized, of which, in Aug. of the same 
year, he was made presdt. and. in 
Nov., 1907, chairman Bd. of Dirs.; 
this was a combination of some 30 
paper and pulp mms, with a capacity 
of more than 1,700 tons of finished 
product a day; Is also presðt. of vari- 
ous other public cos."-81S Fifth Ave., 
New York City: lIfetropolitan Club; 
Riding Club; Ardsley Club, do. 
.. Second to none as a go-ahead business 
msn."-Jl. Star. 
Chisholm, Joseph Andrew, lawyer. 
S. Wm. and Flora (Mackintosh) C.; 
b. St. Andrews, Antigonish, N.S., Jan. 
9, 1863; e. St. Francis Xavier's CoIl., 



Antigonish (B.A., 1883), and Dalhousie 
Unlv. (LL.B., 1886); m., Nov., 1891, 
Frances Alice (d. .Jan., 1903), d. late 
Capt. .John Affleck, Halifax, N.S., and 
a sister of Lady Thompson (q. v.) ; 
barrister, 1886; has successfully prac- 
tised his prof, first at Antigonish, and. 
since 1889, in Halifax;. sometime a 
partner of R. L. Borden, K.C., M.P. 
(q.v.); sInce 1906 practises alone; 
KC., 1907; a councillor, N.S. BarrIs- 
ters' Soc., 1908; was 1st sUpend. 
magte. and recorder for Antigonish; 
U. S. Consular agent, Antigonish, 1888; 
memo exltve., St. Fi'anoLs Xavlier's Oo/lll. 
AlumnI LAssn., 1893; V.-P., North Bdt. 
Soc., Halifax, 1894; presdt., do., 1899; 
presdt., branch 132, C.M., B.'A. 1895; 
now a Grand Trustee, do.; a promoter, 
HaHfax Electoral Reform League, N.S. 
League for Prot. of the Feeble-MInded, 
and HalJ.fax Children's Hasp.; a memo 
Halifax branch Can. Indust. League, 
1905; a memo -comte. 3!pptd. -in connec- 
tion with the celebration of the 150th 
anniversary of the establt. 0If respon- 
sible govt. In N.S., 1908; memo Strath- 
cona T'rust Fund, 'N..8., 1909; a 1noem. 
ext VIe. comt-e., :llOoal br3!ll'0h, Bri:t. Em- 
pire League, 19'11; presdlt. Dan.. Olub, 
HaHfax, 1907-8; el<eüted V.-P. Assn. 
of Can. Ciloubs, 1909; .m:a)'1()'r, Hali- 
fax, 1909-11 ; 1st V.-P. UnÍion .of 
Can. Munici.p3!1ziNe 1 s, 1909-10; pres.c\Jt. 
do., 11910-11; former-Ioy ed. and man gr. 
ArutigO'lllÍsh Casket; /beS1Ïd
es havdng 
corutpibuted to the Catholic Encyclo- 
pedia, <is true author of: II .Joseph 
HO'W1e: a ,Sketch, 'WIith a Ohronol,ogy" 
(l909) and II The Spee'C'hleoS .aJilid Public 
Letters of .JloseaJlh Howe" (dlo.); a 
Don.; unsuooe<ssfuIiliY 1CI0000tested An'tJI- 
g'oruish (H. C.), 1895; R. C.-Ie Hill- 
side Hall," Halifax, N.S.; Halifax 
Club; Canadian Club, do. 
"A m:a.n fast CQlffiing to the front"- 
Sir Sandford Fleming (q.v.). 
"A man of judigmenlt and thoughtful- 
ness."-Dr. John Reade (q.v.). 
Chisholm, Thomas, physician; legis- 
Highland Scotch and Irish orIgin; s. 
.John and .Jane (McClure) C.; b. Glen- 
williams, Co. Halton, Ont., ApI. 12, 
1842; e. local schs., Toronto Univ. 
(M.B., 1879); and Victoria Univ. 
(M.D., 1881); m., .June, 1866, Miss 
Margt. Gerrie, Aberdeen, Scot.; taught 
I'I.S a common and high sch. teacher, 
Ont., for 10 yrs; l;;ince then has suc- 
cessfully practised his prof. suc- 
cessively at Arthur, Grand Valley (a 
tawn he laid out) and Wingham; 
served as surg. to the Grand Trunk 
and Can. Pac. Rys.; formerly a leet., 
med faculty, Western Un1v.; author, 
II on English History," and 
II The Hunters' Adventures 
n the 
Can. Wilderness"; has sat for Huron 
E. (H.C.), In Con. int,erest, since g. e., 
1904; was instrumental In having a 
nat. monument erected at Ottawa to 
the Can. 'PatrIOlt, T'hos. D' Arcy McGee; 
a Presb.- Wing ham, Onto 
Chisholm, William, lawyer; legisla- 
Scottish origin; S. .John and Isabella 
C. ; b. Heatherton, Co. Antigonish, 

N.S., Dec. 8, 1870; e. there and St. 
Flmnds XaV'Ler's ColI. arud Un-iv., An- 
tigonish (B.A.) ; taught sch. for a few 
yrs. ; barrister, 1895; N.P., 1904 ; 
practises his prof. at Antigonish; one 
of the leaders of the local bar; head 
of firm C. & Floyd; a former partner 
Hon. C. F. McIsaac (q.v.); a sch. 
commr. for yrs.; town councillor, 1905; 
a Lib. and has sat in H. C., for An- 
tigonish, In that interest, since 1905; 
a R.C.-Antigonish, N.S.; Antigonish 
Club; Neptune Club, do.; Laurentian 
Club, Ottawa. 
Chisholm, William Craig, lawyeT. 
E. S. His Honour .Judge Duncan C. 
(q.v.) and Mary C.; b. Port Hope, 
Ont., Aug. 20, 1864; e. Port Hope High 
Sch. and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1885); 
m., 1894, Gertrude, 3rd d. late .Jas. 
Foster, Guelph, Ont.; barrister, 1888; 
K.C., 1908; has appeared before the 
P. C. dn Eng-.; ap'Ptd. asst. ciot
Toronto, 1891; city solr., .June, 1905; 
presented with a cabinet of silver on 
resigning t1hat office to go Into general 
pnwtiee, Dot. 11, 1909; s'ince 'Ì!b.en a 
memo law firm Watson, Smoke, C. & 
SmWt1h, Tor.onto; was t3. melIIl. .extv'e. 
comte. Onlt. l\furuici'P'a} Undon, 1907-9; 
a Con.; a Presb.-165 Close Ave., '1'0- 
ronto; Granite Club; 11Jississauga Golf 
Club; Parkdale Curling Club, do. 
"A diligent, conscientious and well read 
lawye.r."-T. Globe. 
Chivers, Albert Ernest, Sask. muni- 
cipal service. 
Eng. and Welsh origin; b. Maes-y- 
rhiw, Glamorgan, Wales, 1878; e. Bris- 
tol, Eng.; m., 1906, Emily, d. Michael 
S. Meadley, Whitehouse, nr. Hull, Eng. ; 
3 yrs. In C. S., N.W.T.; 3 yrs. munl- 
óipal finance elk., Municipal Dept., 
Sask. Govt.; sin-ce 1909 has been city 
elk., Regina, Sask.; the recognized 
leader of the SOlllS of Eng., Sask.- 
llegina, Sask. 
Chivers, Bev. John Stanley (Ang.). 
Assoc. of theoI., King's ColI., Lou- 
don, Eng.; o. deacon, 1894; priest, 
1895; has been asst. curate Saltcoats, 
incumbent of Yorkton, and rector of 

Ioose, aH in Sask.; apptd. rect:or 
St. AugustJLnte'S, Le', lAl&ta., 
1904; resigned, 1910; a del. Pan-.Ang. 
Congress, London, Eng., 1908,-Leth- 
bridge, Alta. 
Choquet, Hon, François Xavier, judge. 
S. .Jean Baptiste and Adeline (Pre- 
vost) C.; b. Varenmes, P.Q., .Jan. 8, 
1851' e. L' Assom'Ption Coli., Montreal 
SemÝ. and McGill Univ. (B.C.L., 
1874) ; m., .June, .1.884; Marie Caroline 
(V.-P. Children's Aid Soc.; reed. In 
audience by the Pope, 1906), d. .John 
E. Barry, Saguanay and Trois Pistoles, 
P.Q.; advocate, 1875; a former partner 
of Sir L. A. .Jette (q.v.), !Wn. H. Mer- 
del', and J.utlge 'MaI'tineau (q.v.) ; K.C, 
(E. of Aberdeen), 1893; a councillor, 
and one of the leaders of the bar; a 
royal commr. to revise the charter of 
Montreal, Sept., 1897; apptd. judge of 
the sessions of the peace, police magte. 
and llcense commr., Montreal, Dec. 27, 
1898; apptd. an extradition commr., 
under the Extradition Act, .July 20, 



ù1; is presdt. Montreal Children's 
Aid Soc, and Co-operative Funeral Ex- 
pense Soc.; V.-P. Shawinigan Fishing 
Club; formerly a Lib.; R.C.---81
chester St. W., Montreal; summer: 
Rigaud, Pointe aux TTembles, P.Q.; 
Engineers' Club, Montreal. 
.. The highest au.thority of the province 
on the Jaw of e.1e'Cti{)ins."-M. Herald. 
Choquette, Bev, Charles Philippe 
(R. C.). 
S. Joseph and Thais (Audet) C.; a 
bro. Senator and Dr. C. (q.v.); b. 
Belæll, P.Q., Dec. 9, 1856; e. Semy. St. 
Hyacinthe; o. 188U; prof. of science, 
Semy. St. Hyacinthe, 1880; spent some 
months at Paris, France, where he 
studied in the laboratories of the ColI. 
de France, and visited other portions 
of Europe; apptd. dir. Prov!. Labora- 
tory, 1889; resigned, 1901; apptd. prof. 
of physics, Laval Univ., 1897; an hon. 
commr. to the Paris Ex:pn., and a del. 
from Can. to the Oongres de Chimie de 
Physique, 190.0; later ap:ptd. an anal. 
chemist by the Dept. of Inland Rev., 
Ottawa, and a memo of the Bd. of Visi- 
tors of the Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston; 
since 1904 has been supr. of the Semy. 
of St. Hyacinthe; also a canon, St. 
HyacintJhe OaltJh.; lapptd. :a domes,tJic 
prelate to .the Pope, 1911; LL.D., hon. 
(Ot.tawa Univ.), 11910; has adùressed 
th'e Ca.n. Club, TOlxmto, on .. Liberal 
IDducation "; is a oo'art!er me'll. of otJhe 
Soc. Intern. des Electriciens. Paris; 
author of various scien. papers.-St. 
Hyacinthe, P.Q. 
.. One of the most pro-gre'ssive of the 
R. C. educationists of Que.bec, as well 8S 
a gentleman of .a frank" engaging manller." 
-T. News. 
Choquette, Ron, Philippe Auguste, 
lawyer; journalist; legislator; re- 
tired judge. 
Ancestors came from Amiens, Pic- 
ardy, 1643; s. Joseph and Marie Thais 
(Audet) C.; b. Belæil, P.Q., Jan. 6, 
1854; e. St. Hyacinthe, P.Q., and Laval 
Univ. (LL.B., and Gov.-Genl.'s med., 
1880; LL.D., 1900); m. Aug., 1883, 
Marie, d. A. Bender, prothy., Mont- 
magny, P.Q., and grand-d. late Sir E. 
P. Tache, Prime Minr. of Can., and 
A.D.C. to the Queen; advocate, 1880; 
acted as private secy. to late Hon. 
Honore Mercier, then Solr.-Genl., P.Q.; 
founded La Sentinelle (Montmagny), 
1883; estbd. Le Soir (Montreal), 18!J6; 
a Lib.; unsuccessfully contested Mont- 
magny (H. C.), g. e. 1882; sat for 
same constituency (do.), 1887-98; 
apptd. judge, S. C., P.Q., July 16, 1898 ; 
resigned, 1904; chief organizer of the 
Lib. party in Quebec dist., 1904; called 
to the Senate, Sept. 30, 1904; ed. Le 
Soleil (Quebec), 1905-6; is presdt. 
Boston Asbestos Co. and Ha Ha Bay 
Ry.; a dir. Gan. Oil Co.; one of the 
signers of the address from the Lib. 
party to the Pope, resulting In the 
appt. of a Papal ablegate to Can., 
1896; a R. C.-106 Gmnde Allée, Que- 
bec; Garrison Club; Quebec Turf 
Club, do. 
.. As a. political speaker, a pedeoCt whirl- 
wind."-T, Globe. 

Chouillou, Charles A" merchant. 
B. France; came to Can. 1887; 
head firm C. A. C. & Cle., brokers and 
commission merchants, Montreal; for 
several yrs. V.-P. Alliance Natlonal- 
Francaise and presdt. La Chambr(' 
. de Commerce-Francaise, Montreal: 
apptd. by the French Govt. counsellor 
of the Exterior Commerce of France, 
1904; do. do., a Knight of the Legion 
o,f Honour 1909; is also a OoonmandJer 
of the Order of Nichan Titikhan; pre- 
sided at first Congress of French 
Chambers of Commerce, Bordeaux, 
France, 1907.-1-6 Place Royale, Mont- 
real; Engineers' Club, do. 
Chouinard, Ernest, advocate; jour- 
S. Pierre and Obeline (Marquis) C.; 
b. Lévis. P.Q., 1856; e. Quebec Semy.; 
m., 1890, Georgina, d. D. Pouliot, St. 
Laurent, Orleans, P.Q.; LL.M., avec 
l1isti1lctio1t (Land UIÞiv.), 1883; ad- 
vocate, do.; does not practise; was 
successively ed. L'Evénement and La 
Justice (Quebec); became ed. L'Elec- 
teur, 18:15; held 'highest Tecorà In 
oratory at Laval's B8JCCalaureate; now 
a French translator rto the Provl. 
Assembly; a Lib.; R. C. -171A. St. 
Famille St., Quebec. 
Chouinard, Ronor6 Julien Jean Bap- 
tiste, lawyer; Can. municipal 
S. late H. J. C., advocate; b. Que- 
bec 1850; e. St. Anne's ColI., Quebec 
Y. and Laval Univ. (B.L., 187.0; 
L.B., 1873); m., 1884, Mal'ie LOUisa 
Juchel'eau, d. 1l!lJte Hon. E. H. Juûher- 
eau Duc.hesn'ay, Senwtor; advocabe, 
18ï3; a.ld. (Quebec), 1880-89; sat 
for Dorchester (H. C.), 1888-90; un- 
successfully contested L'Islet (H. C.), 
g. e. 1882; elected city elk., Quebec, 
1889; a past dir. and V.-P. Quebec & 
Lake St. John Ry.; has been presdt. 
L'Inst. Can., Quebec qeograph. Soc., 
St. Jean Bapbe. .soc. (twice), and of La 
Club Cartier; has 8J>peared on the lec- 
ture :platform on several occasions; 
author of several literary and histori- 
cal productions, including .. Th
of the St. Jean Ba,pte. Soc." ; ol'lgmated 
the movement for the pUblic cel,:bra- 
tion of the three hundredth anmver- 
sary of Champlain's arrival In Can., 
and took a leading part In the Quebéc 
Tercentenary celebration and pageants, 
1908; C.:M.G., 1908; was secy. Nat. 
Battlefields Comn., do., up to 1910; 
awarded a diploma of honour by Royal 
Soc. of Can., 1908.-fB d' Aiguillon St.. 
Chown, George Young, busines,s man. 
S. late Edwin C., a I!ative of. Devon
shire, Eng., and Ameha (Anml11g) 'C., 
Kingston Ont.; b. there; e. local schs. 
and QueE!O's Univ. (B. A., 1884); m. 
M., d. late Michael Lavell, M.D., 
Kingston; is the principal o
r of 
the vVormwith Piano vV.orks, Kmgston; 
registrar, Queen's Univ. 
nce 1897; 
treas. do. since 1904; a dlr. Kingston 
Yacht Club Assn.; elected presdt. Can. 
Forestry Assn., 1911; gave $5,000 to 
Queen's Univ. El.dowment Fund, 1910; 
a Meth.-Kingston, Ont.; Frontenac 
Club, do. 



Chown, Henry Havelock, physician. 
300 -s. Edwin and AmeLia (Ann- 
ing) C.; b. Kingston, Ont.
 1859; e. 
Viator:ia Univ. (B.A., 11577) and 
Queen's UllIi\-. (
I.,11880; LL.D., 
1903); In., 1886, ,:vliss Catherill-e 
l"a1'l'e11, Detroit, .Mich.; .one and a 
haU years in Lond:o.n. and Edin- 
burgh l1o
.s.; went to \Y'inllipeg, 
1883; a councillor Man. Unlv.; proto 
elin, surg. and dean of med. faculty, 
Man, Med. CoIl.; surg. .Winnipeg Geni. 
Hosp.; physician Children's Home; 
has been presdt. "\Vinnipeg Med. Assn. 
and of Can. Med. Assn 0900-1); for- 
merly surg.-major 90th Regt.; now 
retired; Lib.-Winnipeg, Man.; Man'- 
tolJa Ulub, do. 
Chown, iBev, Samuel Dwight (Meth.). 
S. Saml. and Sara-h (Gardiner) C., 
Kingston, Ont.; b. there, ApI. 11, 1853 ; 
e. Kingston Grammar Sch. and VIc- 
toria Univ. (D.D., hon., 1898); m., 
Aug., 187!1, Susie E., d:. late Rev. R. M. 
Hammond; admitted to ministry, 1879; 
held many important pastomtes In 
Montreal and Toronto Confs.; field 
secy. Brockvi11e dist., 1888-9; financial 
secy, Perth dist., 1891-2; chainnan 
Toronto W. dlst., 1897-9; do. do., cen- 
tral do., 1900-2; asst. secy. Montreal 
Conf., 1892; secy. do., 1893; presdt. 
Toronto Conf., 1900; secy. of Temper- 
ance Prohibition and Moral Reform, 
Meth. Ch., 1902-10; since then has 
boon assoc. geni. supdt. of the eh.; 
is Y.-P. Ont. branch Dom.. Alllance; 
memo extve. comte., Moral and Social 
Reform Council of Can.; a memo joint 
com-tes. on ch, union, 1906 and 1909; 
has contributed many articles to mags., 
and is the author of a brochure on 
Christian science; an Lmperialist; .. be- 
lieves in ,public ownership of ,public 
utilities and in the prohibition of the 
liquor traffic"; Ind. in politics.- Win- 
nipeg, Man. 
.. A man o.f tact, moderation and ex. 
perienoo.."-T. Globe. 
.. A kiug among men, a magnificent 
specimen of physicaJ. manhood, 8 profound 
thinke,r, a gifted Qrator, an a.dv.a.Il'oed 
student of sociology and a devoted lo'ver 
of his fe1:lo,ws."-The Liberator. 
.. Indefatigable iu all tha,t perta1ns to 
the sociaL and mor&1 we,lLare of the people 
gene.rally, his energies in directions 
being by ruo means restricted by his own 
religious wliefs."-T. Globe. 
Christie, Mrs, Annie, author. 
D. late Danl. Fowler, R.C.A.; b. 
London, Eng., 1837; came to Can. with 
her father, in childhood; lived with 
her family on Amherst Island, nr. 
Kingston; m., 1st - Rothwell (d.); 
2ndly, Apt, 1895, Rev. I. .J. Christie 
(d. May, 1905) ; contributed many short 
prose stories and poems to Am., Can., 
and Eng. mags.; some of the latter 
have appeared In The Mag. of Poetry; 
author 4 novels:" Allee Gray" (1873), 
.. EdJg100 'DolOl,s" (1880), .. RequitaJ. " 
(1886), and .. Loved I Not HonoUl' 
More" (1887) ; according to Sir Edwin 
Arnold, "the best war songs of the 
Half-breed Rebellion were written by 
Annie Rothwell"; a V.-P. Women's 

Hist. Soc.: Ang.-559 Gilmour St., Ot- 
Christie, James, mechanical engineer. 
S. Thos. A. and Elizabeth (Holmes) 
C.: b. Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 28, 1840; 
e, public sehs. there; m., 1866, Miss M. 
.J. Maxwell, Philadelp
hia; served In 
U. S. Army, 1863; engd. in br1dZe 
building, 1872-6; mayor, PhHipsburg, 
N..J., 1874; since 1876 has been chief 
mech. engr. Pencoyd Iron Works, Phil- 
adelphia; was do. do., Am. Bridge Co., 
1899-1905; Is a fellow Am. Assn. 
Advanc. of Science; a memo Am. Soc. 
C. E. (Norman med., 1884), Am. Soc. 
Mechanical Engrs., Franklin Inst. and 
G. A. R.- Wissahickon, Philadelphia, 
Pa.; Engineer8' Club, do. 
Chrllltle, Loring Cheney, lawyer, 
S. .J, Alex. C. and Evelyn (Read) 
C.; Scotch and Eng.; mother of U. E. 
L. stock; grandfather came from 
Scot. to Pictou, N.S., in ship "Hec- 
tor"; b. Amherst, N.S., .Jan. 21, 1885; 
e. Amherst Acad. and Acadia Univ. 
(B.A., with honors in math., 1905); 
graduated LL.B., Harvard Univ., 
1909; barrister. do.; unm.; in service 
Bank of N, S, one year; a proctor, 
Harvard Dniv., and ed.-in-chlef Har- 
vard Law Rev-iew; for 2 yrs, ed. 
Âcadia Athenaeum; also on stat! Am- 
herst Daily New8; won Zwicker prize 
and tennis championship, Acadia 
Coll.' was also capt. Acadia hockey 
team:-Amherst, N.S.; Lincoln'8 Inn, 
Cambridge, Ma88.; Phi Delta PI&i 
Club, Harvard University. 
Chrysler, Francis Henry, lawyer. 
S. late Gordon Harvey C. and - C., 
d. Capt. .Jas. Mackenzie, R.N. who was 
on service on Lake Ontario under Com- 
modore Sir .Jas. Yeo, R.N., during the 
War of 1812; grands. Col. .John 
Chrysler of Chrysler's Farm, for 16 
yrs. member for Dundas in the Parlt. 
of U. C.; b. Kingston, Ont., May 28, 
1849' e. Bath Acad., Port Hope Union 
Sch. 'and Queen's Univ. (B.iA., 1866); 
m., 1876, Margt. Isabella, d. Donald 
A. Grant; barrister, 1872; K.C., 1890; 
has practised continuously in Ottawa, 
where, since 1896, he has been the 
principal legal ag-ent for the Govt, of 
Can.; is one of the le3Jders of the 
local and Onto bar; elected a Bencher 
of the Law Soc., 1899; 
e-elected do., 
1906; do., 1911; ds Chle-f solr. and 
counsel for many ry. and other cor- 
porations; declined appt. to. the Can. 
benc-h, 1905; 'his name sometlmes con- 
nected with a seat In the Lauder 
Cabinet; has been presdt. of the Carle- 
ton Law Assn.; a pres,? and a tr1}stee 
for many yrs. of Queen s Un'lv., Kmgs- 
stan; author, with the late Sir .J. D. 
Edgar of .. The Insolvent Act of 1875, 
with riotes, etc." (1875); a Lib.; has 
been proesdt. of the local Y. M. Lib. 
Assn.; unsuccessfully contested Ottawa, 
in the Lib. Interest, 1890; a memo of 
the Ottawa Ed. of Tr3Jde; has also 
been 'Presdt. of the Ottawa Lawn Ten- 
llIis Club and of the Ottawa Orchestral 
Soc., etc.; "looks confidently forward 
to the growth of a more ð.ntlmate rela- 
tion between the different parts of the 
Empire, In which Can. shall hold a 



prominent place as part of the world- 
wide Greater Britain."--87 Catherine 
St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf 
' Ottawa Country Club
"A man with an intimate knowledge of 
every branch of the la-w."-T. Globe. 
Chrysler, Mintin Asbury, educationist. 
S. Edgar and Sarah (Green) C.; b. 
Berlin, Ont., Aug. 25, 1871; e. Toronto 
Vniv. (B.A., 1894), !Rnd Univ. of 
Chicago (Ph.D., 1904) ; graduated Onto 
Normal CoIl., 1895; m. Sept., 1910, 
Clara, y. d. late D. VanDuzen, Grlmsby, 
Ont.; head, dept. of science, Toronto 
.Jct. Coil. Inst., 1895-1902; fellow in 
botany, Univ. of Chicago, 1903; Instr., 
Harvard Univ., 1904; now prof. of 
botany, Univ. of Me.; held Carnegie 
research table, Marine Biological 
Laboratory, Woods Hole, 1903; con- 
ducted botanical survey of Maryland, 
1904; mas oonrtniOOltlOO Il)apers tbo Itlhe 
Botanical Gazette; a Meth.-Orono. 
Chrysler, William Albert, apiarist. 
S. John and Mary A. (Orr ) C.; b. 
P. Q., Nov. 14, 1863; e. Chatham High 
Sch. and Can. Business Coil. ; m., Oot., 
1890, Miss Ida L. Whitehead, London, 
ant. ; formerly presdlt. ant. Beekeepers' 
Assn.; V.-P. ant. Honey Exchange; Is 
2nd V.-P. Oan. Beekeepers' Assn.; a 
Proto ; non-sectarian.-Chatham
Church, Thomas Langton, lawyer. 
Irish descent; S. late .John C., To- 
ronto; b. there; e. Dufferin Sch. there 
and Trin. Univ. (B.C.L., 1898) ; a bar- 
rister; successfully pnactises his prof. 
in Toronto; aId., Toronto, 1905-9; con- 
troller, 1910; re-elected, do., 1911; 
Ang.--i69 Church St.
"Capable, Joung a,nd honest."-M. & E. 
Chute, Bev. Arthur crawleJ' (Bapt.), 
S. late Rev. abed C., M.A. (Bapt.), 
and Mary .Jane (Cox) C.; b. Digby, 
N.S., ApI. 10, 1854; e. Acadia Unlv. 
(B.A., 1881; D.D., 1901) : m., 1885, Ella 
Maude, d. late Rev. A. S. Hunt, M.A., 
Supdt. of Education N. S.; studied for 
0. time at Newton Theol. Inst., and 
Chicago Unlv. (B.D., 1884); o. 1884: 
pastor Stillman Valley, Ill., 1884-9; do. 
Chicago, do., 1889-92; d:o. 1st Bapt Ch., 
Halifax, N.S., 1892-'1901; prolf. Heb. 
lang. and Bible lit., Acadia Univ., 1901; 
now (1910) dean of the Theol. Faculty 
and prof. of Old Test. lang. and lit.; 
author" Life of WiIlÏ1am Carey" (Am. 
Bapt. Miss. Union, 1892) ; .. Biography 
of .John Thomas" (Bapt. Bk. and 
Tract Soc., 1893); a dir. B. A. Book 
and Tract Soc.; a memo N. S. Hist. 
Soc.; correspondent from Maritime 
Provinces for Boston Watchman.- 
Acadia University
Chute, Koratio :Nelson, educaUonlst. 
S. Walter and Catherine C., Nova 
ScoUa; family of Norman-French ori- 
gin; authentic history begins win. 
Alex. C., Lord of the Manor, Taun- 
ton, Somersetshire, who d. 1268; b. 
Grovesend, ant., Dec. 26, 1847; e. 
public sch. and Woodstock CoIl. ; 
graduated B.S., 1872; M.S., 1875 
(Vnlv. of Mich.); m., 1872, Miss M. 
Lucretia Ciappison, Lambet.'h, ant. ; 
prlnC'ipal public soh., Aylmer, On.t., 

1866-9; asst. prof. Latin, Wo'od- 
s.tock CoU., 1869-70; engd. in astro- 
lJ'Oluicai work under Dr. .J. C. Wat- 
son, 1872-3; .io.str. math. and phy, 
science, Ann Arbor High Sch., 1873; 
now Instr. physics, same sch.; author 
.. Practical Physics" (1889), .. Ele- 
ments of Physics" (1893), .. Labora- 
Ianual" (1894; 1903), .. Labor- 
atory Note-Book" (1898), .. Hig'h 
School Physics" (1901); also of a 
system of registers and sch. reports 
and an arith. cabinet; a Rep.; a 
Bapt.-ffl N. Ingalls St.
 Ann Arbor, 
.. CitoJ'enne" (See FitzGibbon, Mrs. 
M. A.), 
Clancy, James, ant. pub. service. 
S. late Patrick C., a native of Ros- 
common, Irel.; b. Mosa, Co. Middle- 
sex, ant., .Julv 2,1, 1844; e. IllOOaJl schs., 
m., .July, 1868, Emily. d. late Alex. 
McIntosh; after sitting In the Town 
Council, Dresden, ant., was returned 
to the Legislature, In the Con. inter- 
est, 1883; defeated, g. e. 1894. he was 
elected for Bothwell (H. C.), defeat- 
ing the late Hon. D. MUls, the Lib. 
candidate, g. e. 1896; he continued to 
occupy a seat In the Commons, where 
he made a creditable record as a de- 
bater and .a financial critic, until his 
own defeat, for W. Lambton, g. e. 
1904; In the same year was an un- 
successful candidate for W. Kent 
(Local) ; apptd. auditor of ant., Aug-. , 
1905; a R. C.-320 Markham St.
"An exce.pti<Jonally cle<vør man."-T. 
II One of the ables.t finan.cial critics in 
the House....-Late N. F. Davin, K.C., 
Clancy, :Rev. Judson V, (Cong.). 
S. .Jacob C.; b. Camden, Co. Add- 
Ington, ant., Oct. 24, 1860; e. New- 
burglh Hig;h ,Soh. and N01"thwestern 
Univ., Evanston, Ill.; m., .July, 1891, 
Miss Mabel Louise Mowry, Woon- 
socket, R.I.; studied theol. Boston 
Univ. Sch. of Theol.; O. 1887; suc- 
cessively pastor Globe Ch., Woon- 
socket, Union Oh., S. W,eymoutoh, Mass., 
and Harvard Ave. Ch., W. Medford, 
Mass.; now pastor St. Lawrence Ch., 
Portland, Me.; author various ser- 
mons and addresses; is presdt. Port- 
land Can. Club; a Freemason: a 
naturalized Am. citizen; a believer In 
Theodore Roosevelt; .. believes that 
his own Canada has a magnificent fu- 
ture before her, and that when com- 
mon sense thought shall rule, both In 
the govt. of the U. S. and Can., there 
will be trade rf'ciprocity, to th^ ad- 
vancement of roth peoples."-166 East- 
ern Promenade, Portland
 J.fe.; Cana- 
dian Club; Economic Club, do. 
Clapin, :Rev, Georges CamiUe (R.C.). 
S. .Joseph and Lêocadie (Lupien) 
C.; b. St. Hyacinthe, P.Q., May 28, 
1857; e. St. Hyacinthe ColI. and 
Grand Semy., Montreal; licentiate In 
theol., Laval, 1881; o. 1881; prof. St. 
Hyacinthe ColI., 1881-5; entd. Order 
of St. Sui pice, 1885: continued hi!! 
studies at Issy, France, 1885-6; at 


CoH. St. Charles, Ellfcott City. Md., 
U.S., 1887-8, and at Brighton Semv., 
Mass., l8QO-1: at Montrf'al. 1891-()": 
prof. St. Mary's Unlv., Baltimore, Md., 
Qfi-I!; at Montreoal, 1896-1
00; aJPptd. 
superior of thf:> ('':In. ("on., Romp, 1900. 
-Collége Canadien, Rome, Italie. 
.. A most charming personality."-M. 
Clapin, Sylva, a.uthor; Dom. public 
S. JOB. and Lêocadle (Lupien) C.; 
b. St. Hyacinthe, P.Q., ;Julv lfi, lRfi3; 
e. there: some tIme In there; 
entd. Can. pl1bIlc SPTvfce Of't., 190
Rpptd. an af':gt. translator. H. C.. Ot- 
tawa, Apt.. 1908: author" Dictlonnalre 
Canadlf:>n-Franc:lI!"." .. Dlctlonnalrp d p !" 
Amf:>ricanl!"ïnes," "Hlstolre des Etats- 
Unls," .. Dlctlonnah'e Franc'1t

lals et Ang-lafs-Fr!1ncals"; R. C.- 
2.'19 Chapel St., Ottawa. 
Clare, George A" manufacturer; leg- 
Gprman orig-In: s. ;John and Margt. 
("Bf:>ck) C.: b. Pregton, Ont.. June 6. 
1 R!)4 : e. pubHc 
ch. : m. MI
s Cathet"lne 
Fink: pre!"dt. C. Bros. & Co.. manfra. 
!"toves and furnacps: do., Can. Of- 
fice & 
f'h. Furniture Co.: a dlr. 
TTnltell Empire Bank -ani! Wemn
Fire Ins. Co.; sat In Co. Counct1: first 
mayor of Prpston. 1900: a Con. anllhas 
f':<\.t for S. Watprloo (R. C.) since g-.e. 
1900 ; a Lutheran.-Prpston. Onto : 
A 71Jn111' ('7ub. '1'oronto; Wate?'loo Golf 
(,lub, 'Galt, Onto 
CIark, Arthur L" edl1cattonlst. 
S. Lf:>wls C. ani! Ellen L. (Mosf:>s) 
C . h Worcester. Mass., Feb. 19. 1873; 
f:>: 'Worcester Polyte<'hnic Inst. Rnd 
('hrk TTnlv. (Ph.D., 1905); m., 1899, 
MIs!t Mary Imog-ene Wl1ltnf:>Y. Wor- 
cpster; formerly teachpr of maths. and 
;physIcs. Br1dgton Acad., Mp., and Wor- 
('Pster Acad.; was also prof. of phYsics, 
Batf:>f': Coli., Lewlston, Me.; now pt"of. 
of physics, Queen's Unlv., Kingston, 
Ont . memo Am. Physical Soc.. Am. 
: for A (hnnc. of Science. Sof'iété 
Fran('aise de PhJfsiqlle, and Brit. 
Science Guf.1d; Ruthot" of vRrlrms 'Papet"s 
on sefentlflc subjects.-fOS Albert St., 
Kingston, Onto 
Clark, Daniel, phyc::lc\an; alfentst. 
S. lRte Alex. and Annp (McIntosh) 
C.: fathf'r m\tlvf:> of B
nffshlrf:>, Scot. ' 
b. Granton, Invprness-shlre, Aug'. 29, 
5; accomnanlei1 -parents to Can., 
1 R41; p. 
imcoø 0r
('h.' TYl., 
1 RfiQ. Mi!>s ;JennIe F. Glsslng- (d. M".h., 
1904), PrInceton, Ont.: M.D. (Vic- 
torIa Vnlv.), 1858; M.B., ad eun. 
(Toronto Hnlv. ). 1889: nr"sf'cutf:>d 
fl1rther m"d. st11dlps at EdlnhnrJ!h 
Unlv., aT'1l vlsftf:>i1 Loni1on Rnd ParI!' 
hosT's.: w
 s a voluntef:>r f':urJ!.. unñer 
n-f:>n1. Grnnt. In Army of tl1" "potomac. 
i!11rlne' nortlon of ^TYl. ('Ivfl w
a' at BÑnC'.pot'On, On-t.: 
T11pi1. !':11pi!t. Provl. J,un
 tfc A !"y 1 nm. 
'T'oronto. 1 R7!)-190fi: elf:>('tNl ()....t. Mpñ. 
('0111"'"n. 1872. 
nll ae''1ln 1874. ani! 
h:1S fìl1pi! a varl<'tv of othpr nrof posl- 
tfon!':. fnd11i!fnJ! thE' fol1ow f "g-: F,xaTl"r 
hI ('hpTY1fc::trv. Onto M<'d. Crmncf1: do. 
,,, oh<:tptrf".s an(l m p <'1. 11lrfsnrudp"c p . 
Toronto Vnlv.; V.-P. . Intf:>rn. Med. 


Congress, Washington: do. Med.-Le

oc., N. Y.: presdt. CoHo P. and S.. 
Ont.; do. Med.-Psych. Assn. U. S. and 
CRn., and prpsdt. of mRny local 
bodies; has hef'n also presdt. St An- 
oc.. Caledonian 
oc. Rnd'Scot- 
tff':h Home Rulf:> Assn., TOt"onto; f:>lf:>ct- 
f:>1l an hon. memo Am. "P!':vch. Assn 
06 : a11thnr II Pen Photog-raphs.;; 
.. ;Jos'ah Garth." :'! novel df'al1ng with 
thf:> Rebe1lton of 18
7. Rnd of numf:>t"- 
"11S papers :'!nll fld(lrf:>s
('s on nrof. anñ 
litf:>rary suhjf:>cts: a c:: a Y011th sppnt 
f':omp yrs. tn C
l.. ð1Jrln
 thp prev
l p nce of thp go11 fever there. -:r'lr; 
Huron St., Toronto. 
.. It 
ß.n of integrity, ability, and hu. 
mS"J\Ity. -T. Newe. 
.. A broad.minded! mRn RTlIt a widely 
d physician."-T. Globe. 
Clark, Rev, Francis Edward (Trln.). 
S. Chas. Carry and LYdia F1etchf'r 
(Clark) Symmes. Aylmer, P.Q.; b. 
there, Sf'lpt. 12, 1851; losfng- hts parents 
early In Hfe, was ai!.opted by 11fs 
f\flternal uncle, thf:> lRf.e RÞv. E. W. 
rk (, Auburndale, Mass., 
with whom he went to Hve. and. whose 
name he took; e. Klmhall Union Acai!., 
D:1r.tmo011.t;J, 00>]1. (A.B.. 1873: "'.Y. ; 
D.D.. 1 R87), and .Þni!over Semy.; 
T...L.D. (hon. 'I. Iowa Con., 1902; m., 
Oct.. lR76, Yi!;s Harrff:>t F.. Ahh.,tt, 
Anodover, MfJss.; o. (('ong-.), 1876; 
p"!.f':tor, WI11tston Ch., Port1and, M
7R: f'o'1.mðl('i! ttJhie 
,oc. .of' OJ1rrlSt
Eni!psvour, now comnosed of ('Vfor 
4,000,000 mems., anll whose pledg
hncn þl'in,tei! f., fiO .(I.tffen>nt l''ln
1 R8I; 'P::Istor. PhI11tp!" Ch.. S. Bost')n. 
Mass.. 1883-7: sfnce thf:>n has df:>voteJ 
hhnso/>lf t() C. E. work enUrølv as 
nrf:>si!t. United Soc. C. E., -1J'r
Wor1d's C. E. Union and ed. of C. E. 
lVm'ld; ha!': trRV'eHe(l over 300,000 
mill's. ani! l1:lS e'one rouni1. thf:> world 
4 tImes tn the Interests .of C. E.; be- 
sii!es manY le
flf'ts. 'li!i!res<:f's. Sf:>rmons. 
f'tf'.. is thp aHthor of "Ou" Vp"ations .. 
(1874), "Llfoe nf Wm. R Hi'lrw{)()(] , 
Portland" (J 877L "Onr Ru!;lness 
"Rov!':" (1RWn, "T.00king ()l1t on 
T.fff> " (1 8R:n. "Dang-er Shmals" 
(884), "Y.oung- P<:'{)'Ple's Prayer 
Meetings" (1887). "Ways anñ Mf>ans" 
(18QO), II Christian Endeavour SaInts" 
(1RQO). "()ur ,J,rmrn'e:,' A.rnu!",d -the 
World" (18 Q 4), "The Mo!"sback Cor- 
1"f>!'mnndenC'P." "'P'f'lIow Trave11ers" 
(1898), "TtJe Everlasting Arms," 
rf:>at Sf:>ct"Pt" (18Q5). "World- 
Wide En<'1P2vmlr" (189fi'l, ,. Old 
torns for New pathc::" (l8Q
). "A Npw 
WRY Arouni1 an Old World" (1900), 
"Tr::llnlng- the Ch. of the Future" 
(1902), "Chrb,tlan En<leavour M::Inusl" 
090:t'l. Cl"Chrlstlan Enðpavo11r In All 
L'!s" (1906). ani! "Thf> Continent 
of OnportunUy" (1907); has also ed. 
sevf>ral of sermons. et
.; the first 
man evf'T to be reed. by the ;Japanese 
Emperor, solely becausf:> of fame won 
through promlnenc-e In Cht"lsttan work. 
-6f)Q Tremont Temple, Boston, Ma8s.; 
Auburndale, Mas8. 
"As a church orga"Dizer he has no equal." 
-N.Y. Herald. 



Clark, Lt,-Col, Hugh, journalist; leg- 
S. Donald and Mary C.; Scottish 
origin; b. Tp. Klncardlnf', Bruce. ant., 
May 6, 1867: e. Klncar(1fne High Sch.: 
m., Sept., ] 894, Miss Kate Ross: for 
somf' yrs. a public sch. teacher; after- 
wards a journalist: formerly eñ. Walk- 
erton Hemld an.d Ot-tawa Daily Citi- 
zen; bnught Kincardine Review, 18 Q O, 
which he has since conducted: for 
many yrs. an offr. In the 32nd Bruce 
Rf'gt. ; apptd. capt., 1894; major, 
1899: It.-co!. commdg., 1901): a Con.. 
and 'has sat for Bruce C. (Local) in 
that Interest, with 'but slight Interrup- 
tio.n, since 
:. -e. 1902; a000mpaniHl Mr 
R. L. Bard-en, M..P., on his W.e,stern 
tour, .June, 1911; has lectul'e-d on Im:p. a Presb. -and an Orange- 
man.-Kincardine, Onto 
"Perhaps the bri!!:htest paragraphist in 
the country."-S. Night. 
"Straightforward in his election meth. 
ods as in his business dealings."-T. News. 
Clark, Jeremiah Simpson, author. 
Scotti<1h ñ(>
cf'nt : ancestors havp 
helpn in P F,. 1. far 4 
eOlPl'a1J1iOns: b. 
Bayvlew, P.E.I., Dec. 25, 1872: -e. Prince 
of WaIf's CoIl., Charlottetown. and 
Acaòia Unlv. (RA... 1
QQ) : 
taught In an Indian Indust. sch., Man.. 
fnr a i"hort time: published "Rand ani! 
the Micmacs." a blngranhlcal !"kptch 
of Rf'v. R T. Rand (18()9):. "'The 
Acailian Exile anil Spa Rhell Essays" 
(1902). an(l preparpò for p11bllcatlon 
""'Ranñ's Mirma" Dictionary": a ro.n- 
trin11tor to P. E. ,. '/Iff/g.: a Bapt.- 
u Kirklown," "8a11 View, P.E.I. 
Clark, :Rev, John Alexander (Presh.). 
S. ht'e John C.: a brothp'r Roev. W 
J. C. (q.v.): e. Toron,ta Un-Iv. (B.A., 
1 S96) ; ,m., .Tuly, 18 Q 8, ,.Uexani!rtna. Ò. 
Re"\". ,"Y. R. Sutherland, Oakbu
.:Vranse, R-trathburn. ant.: g-raduflÌ'AëI 
Knox CoIl., Toronto. 1898: o. 18QS: 
fiorm,prlv na!;'Ì'or Gowan Ave. Prf>
Oh., Taranto.: a-pnUL 'P8stor Knox Ch., 
-, 190::.-Calf7n1'11. Alta. 
U A strong man."-T. News. 
"A s('holar as well as a preacher."-St. 
John Telegraph. 
Clark, John :Murray, lawyer. 
Scotch parentage; b. 
t. Mary's 
ant., July 6, 1860; e. 
t. Mary's ColI. 
Inst.. and Toronto Univ.; won at lat- 
ter Institution the prize In logic. 
awarded by late Prof. G. P. Young. 
the Blake scholar. In con. law, eco- 
nomics. and jurisprudence, the Mc- 
Murrich med. In n
t. scienf'e, the gald 
med. In math. anñ physics, and the 
prize on minoritv rf'Tlrpsent:=ttfnn: 
g-r.a.duated B.A., 1882: M.A., 1884: 
LL.B., 1891: m., 1890. Greta Helen (d. 
1894), o. d. Rev. D. Gordon and sister 
"Ral'Ph Con.nor" (q.v.); 201C!.il'Y, 11899, 
Anne Ma.roJ.øad (ñ. May, 1910), o. ñ. 
113..00 W. N. AT1lÒelT'Son, Tl()rO'l1.IÌIO, baiT- 
rister, wit:Ù1l hOT1l()urn, inúludli'llg Law 
Soc.'s gol.d Jffi-e.d., 1886: has praot1\sed 
tlhr{)IUghout ,in TO'I"OOltO, where 'hoe is o-n-e 
of .vhoe leaÒleTs of rt:lhe bar; -head orf firm 
C., Me-Phersan, Oampbe.lll & .Jarns; 
beoo retain
d as oounseilJ ,In a number 
of caU8e8 cClcbrc8, aI1Jà has ploeaded 

before P. C. dn Enlg.; K.C., 1889: h1s 
name frequently mentioned In connec- 
tion with a seat on the bench; In 
early life math. master, St. Mary's 
ColI. Inst.; for several yrs. an examr. 
in physics, Toronto Unlv.; apptd. a 
senator, do., 1892; Is also V.-P. To- 
ronto Univ. Alumni Assn.; f.ormerly 
pre-sdt. Math. and Physics S"'oc. and 
Unlv. Call. Lit. and Sclen. Soc.; one 
of the original dirs. ant. Mining Inst., 
and represented It at first Intern. 
Waterways Convention, Tornnto, 1893: 
a dir. Brit. .and Colonial Ser- 
vices: one of the believers in Imp. 
Federatian; V.-P. local branch, do., 
many yrs. : a memo Cauncll Brit. ÐmpQre 
League (elected to succeed late Sir O. 
Mawat), and for a considerable period 
presñt. Toronto branch; autho.r of 
many works and papers, Including 
U The Functions of a Great Univer- 
sity," "History of the Theory of 
Energy," U Law of 
lines In Canada" 
(in collaboration with D. W. McPher- 
son, q.v.). "The Newfoundlanil Ques- 
tion." "Can::tda's Future in thp Em- 
pire." U Thermatics," etc.: has lectured 
on U The Value of the .Judicial Comte. 
of tlhe Privy Council"; a Lib., and 
formerly presdt. Y. M. Lib. Club, To- 
ronto; favours Can. remaining an In- 
tegral portion of the Brit. Empire, the 
utmost practicable extension of the 
principle of free tradp, and thp de- 
velopment of a vig-orous Can. national 
sentimpnt; a Freemflsan: a Prp!':b.- 
70 Tranb11 Ave., Toronto; Toronto Club; 
Ontario Club, do. 
"A man of high legal attainments, who 
i,s .a.lso very PO'Pu
08lr."-.M. Star. 
"A ma.n .in wlwm I hosiVe erveTY oonfidence 
SInd w-ho WIO'UI}d be ß.ru orn.ament 00 the 
boench."-The late Sir Oliver Mowat. 
Clark, Joseph Thomas, journalist. 
S. .Wm. M. and Phyllis C.: gt.- 
grandparents settled in ant., 1820: b. 
Flesherton, ant., Sept. 4, 1866; e. local 
schs.: m., Nov., 1891, Rara Louise, y. 
d. Mrs. L. Greig, Pickering, ant.: 
entd. newspaper office at 13, and 
learned printing trade; at 21 was 
editing Pickering New8; spent 1 yr. 
on Toronto lVorld: was then 8 yrs. 
asst. ed. Saturday Night, writing- arti- 
cles and short stories OVeiT tJhe signature 
U Mack"; joined Toronto Star, 1899, 
as ed. writer; was ed.-in-chlef Satur- 
day Night, 1906-09; since then on eel. 
staff Toronto Star,. one of the found- 
ers of the Can. Club, Toranto: elected 
presdt. Toronto Playg-rounds Assn., 
1908; has been secy.. V.-P. and presdt. 
Can. Press Assn.; one of the comte. 
to publish a history of the Can. Press 
Assn., 1909; author "Golf In Can." 
and other contributions to Can. Mag.; 
a gaod speakf'r, and has frequently 
addressed public association sand 
g-atherlngs; a presb. - 66 Howland 
A ve., Toronto; Lam bton Golf and 
Country Club, do.,. National Club, do. 
"Kt'e'n, golOdrhu-IDou,red, witty, halpPY ill 
expression, rich in human sympathy, and 
decidedly brainy."-Stratford Herald. 
"A man of stJroll'g oorigdn08lity; a. re-sol. 
Thte foe of humbug, )et .a:n reosolute 
optimist; a close student Qf human nature, 



who finds it ne,ithell" white nor black, but 
grey, and t(Y\lches its we,aknesses wi,th goood- phi1oso,phy."-T. News. 
.. Jlldiged by the' glo<w of hi'S ooullite!IlalI1ce, 
the v.iv8Icity Off his con
'l"SatiKHIJ, or the 
briUj,ancy of hiß writing, is a
w.aY8 'bright." 
-So N. 
Clark, Judson :l"reeman, educationist. 
E. s. John C. and Annie M. C., Bay- 
view, P.E.I.; b. there, July 27, 1870: 
e. Prince of Wales ColI., Charlotte- 
town, and Corm'll Unlv. (M.A.. 1899: 
Ph.D., 1904): m., AJpl., 1900, 'Mlss E. 
Couch, Guelph, Ont.: entd. Guelph 
AgTlcul. ColI., 1893, graduating, 1896, 
with the gold med. as first In genl. 
proficiency; B.S.A. (Toronto Univ.), 
1896: lnstr. In botanY, Cornell Sum- 
mer Sch., 1899-1900; a fellow in bot- 
any. Cornell Unlv., 1900: later asst. 
prof. of do., do. do.. with leave of 
absence to study In Europe; resigned, 
this apnt. and acceptf'd a pO!'1ition with 
thf' National Burf':m of Forestry, Wash- 
ington, D.C., 1903; apptd., the same 
year, prov!. forf'ster of Ont., with 
residencf' at Toronto: restgn"d tn 
Oct., 1906, and has since been mango 
dir. of thf' B. C. Lumhf'r ('0.; ñectlnpd 
appt. to a chair tn Yale Unlv.. 1905: 
ñf'l. from Onto to the Am. Forf'stry 
Congress, 1905: a memo Gamma Alpha 
fraternity of graduate students. of thf' 
bon. sclemtifioc fr
uternit'Y, Sigma Xi. 
the Am. Assn. for the Advanc. of 
Rciencf'. Soc. of Morphol. and Physlo1.. 
the Botanical Club, and Am. and Can. 
Forestrv Assns.: author of many arU- 
des ()40 'boltoa'lllical' {md 'fopestry subje.c1!Js 
in scientific and tPf'hnical 1i)urnals: 
wrotp to London Times. 1905. sug- 
 a na tional forestry nollcy as 
a floll'tfon of thf' problpTTl of the un- 
emploYf'(l.-Vancotlver, B.C. 
II A dÏl;;tin'Ct loss to the province."-O. 
Clark, Malcolm Sinclair, educationist 
Parpnts from Islay. Scot.: b. Chel- 
tenham, Ont., Dec. 20, 1848; e. Bos- 
ton Mills Puhtlc Sch.. Bram1Jton High 
Rch., Woodstock ColI. and Toronto 
Vnlv. (B.A. and double scholar., 1876: 
M.A., 1894:) post-grañ. courS" In 
French and German, TTniv. of BerJin: 
sppnt one summer at Paris: m., 18
Aðelaiñe Louisa, o. d. Lawrf'nce Mf'- 
LrrughIln, M.D., Iona. Ont.: In early 
life a public and hlgoh sch. tpach<>r: 
was 8 yrs. on staft' Woodstock CoH.: 
"!':ubsNluentIv morl. languag- p master, 
Strathrov ColI. Inst., :mi1 for 4 vrs. 
principal Georg'ptown Hll?h Sch.. which 
Institution he openf'i1: slncf' 1 RQO h'ts 
h<>pn prof. nerman l:m
. anð Ift., Mc- 
Mast<>r TTnh r .. Tnrnnto' formprlv man
f'd. Mcllfaster Univ. lIfonth11 1 ;' a Lib., 
hut no pa.rtisan: f:Jvours Brit. f'onnpc- 
Uon, fpderation (if practicablf'), but 
ðeprecatf's any jingoo nollcy In regarñ 
to the U. So 
 would likp closer trañf' 
relations with l:1ttf'r, but woulñ not 
go beggoinl? for them: a BaT't.. 
T1ñ a 
mpm. of thp Homf' Clrcle.-7
Ave.. Toronto. - 
Clark, Solomon Henry, author; 
er and lecturer. 
S. M. S. anò E1lzahet.h (Gonld'<;ffi<Ítth) 
C.; 'b. N'E"W YlQrk, July 24, 1861; e. 

Queen's Unl.v., Kingston, CoN. OIly of 
N. Y., -and Chicago Un1v.: ro., Aug., 
1889, Miss Anna Maudoe li'ro,lrick. To- 
I'Oruto: 'loeüt., Queen's Hndv., 1886-7; 
do. T1rl.n. UnlÍv., 1888-92: òo. McMaster 
Unriv., 1890 ; reader .in el.ocutlon, 
Ohicago UnlÎv., 11892-4; rinsotr. 1n eÞocu- 
Mon, do., 1894-7; asSit. pl'Olf. 'Publoic 
speaking, od'D., 1897-1901; sin'CIe tJIren 
has 'lYeten assoc. prof. ,pubUc speaking, 
Chicago Fniv.; author "Mental Teeh- 
nique," II How to Read A
oud"; .. Prin- 
ciples of Vocal Expression and Liter- 
ary Interpretation" (with W. B. 
Coomberlain); .. How to Teach Read- 
ing in the Public Schools"; II Practical 
Public SpeakiÌOIg" (wi1th F. M. Blanch- 
ard); and" Handbook of Best Read- 
in'g"s."--5161 Washington Ave.
Clark, Walter Thomas, medical mis- 
Can. and Eng'. parentage; b. St. 
Thomas, Ont., Mch. 23, 1874; e. Lon- 
don, Ont.: m., at Bhamo, Upper Bur- 
mah, Mch.. 1!108. Ethplwyn Elizahf'th, 
e. d. G. W. Naylor, Toronto: gradu- 
ated M.D. (Western Univ.), 1901 ; 
wpnt t.o ChlÍna <as' arnIe-d. mÜ:;!o/., 
China InJ.and Mis'SlÏon. Nov., 1901: 
Bap't. - China Inland Mission, Tali- 
Fu, Yunnan, China. 
Clark, Bev, William J, (Presb.). 
S. late John C.: b. Guelph, Ont.. 
Oct. 20, 1860: e. Hamilton publfc and 
grammar schs., Toronto Unlv., and 
Knox ColI.; m., July, 1899, d. Re\'. 
W. T. McMullen. D.D.. Woodstock. 
Ont.: graduated Knox ColI., Toronto, 
1890 (D. D., 1908) ; O. 1890; pastor 1st 
Presb. Oh., LondlO'O. DOlt., 1890-1907; 
since then pastor St. Andrew's Ch., 
Westmount; a memo Comte. on Ch, 
Union. 1906, and has takpn a pro- 
minent part In the discussion on the 
subject, ranging himself with tÞose 
who favour the proposal; 'has recelve.d 
many calls to other churches.-557 
Rosl1}n Ave., Westrnount, lIfontreal. 
II A preacher of more thalli ordinary 
abHity: stands in the foremost ranks of 
the t>astorate of the- Presb. Ch. of Canada." 
-M. Star. 
Clark, Sir WllUam Mortimer, lawyer: 
S. John C., genl. mangr. 
Prov!. Assur. Co,: b. Aberdeen, Scot.. 
May 24, 1836: e. Grammar Sch. and 
Marl sc!h al ColI.. Aberdpen, and Edin- 
hurgh Univ.: LL.D. (hon.), Toronto 
Univ., 1903: dlo. (do.). Queen's Unlv., 
Kingston, do.: m., 1866, Helen Gordon 
(one of the promoters of the Female 
Immigrants Receiving Home: 1st 
directress, Home for Incurables: an 
hon. mf'm. of the Women's 
Club), & Gilbert Gordon, and 
ster of 
the late John Gorñl()n, presdt., 
Gfley and Bruce Ry.: writer to Her 
Majesty's Sign,et, 1859; barrister 
(On t. ) , 1861; successfull y 'Practised 
his prof. In Toronto: K.C., 1887 ; 
presd'Í:. Co. York Law Assn., 1878-9; a 
Bf'nator Toronto Unlv.: chairman, 
KßIOx CoIl., Toronto, since 1880' one 
at the founders and first dirs. St. 
A,ndll'ew'$; CoR for BoY'S": a !!TIem. Ad- 
VISOry Ooundl Toronto Presb. Ladles' 
CoH.; an hon. gov.,. 
oro!1to Genl. 



Hosp.; a V.-P., Can. Council Evangel. 
Alliance, D. C. Bible Soc. and of local 
branch Brit. Empire League: was 
presdt.. St. AndTe.w's Soc., Toronto, 
1900-1901: Is pre,sd1., Toronto Mort- 
gage Co.; a trustee, Home for Incur- 
abies; a life mem., Genl. Coun.cll Vnlv. 
of Edinburgh; a d1r. Metropo!ltan 
Bank. of the Con
umers Gas Co. and of 
the Can. Genl. Electric Co.; a;pptd. by 
Can. Inst. a memo of Fleming (q.v.) 
Electoral Refonn Comte., 1911; was 
fonnerly V.-P. of the II Equal Rights" 
Assn. an.d a political ally of the late 
D' Altxm McCarthy, Q.C., M.P.; was 
Lt.-Gov. of Onlt. from ApI. 20, 1903, to 
Sept. 19, 1908;. opened King's Roya-I 
Park, Owen Sound, ant., 1903; pre- 
d with a silver punch bowl by 
his frlend.s on leavIng office. Oct., 1908; 
his portrait painted by Forster (q.v.), 
1905: knigh1ed, 1907; au.thor of many 
article.s and communications to the 
press on various topics, IncYudin
sketches of trave-l In the East and 
Turkey, Greece and Russia; a Lib., 
bu,t wø.a oP'P'ooe,d ,to the proposed red- 
p't"OC1't'Y agopeem'en.t wi'tJh It 'he D. S.: a 
Pre!"b. and an. elder In the ch.-303 
Wellington St. W., Toronto. 
"His pl"Ofessi()Ißa,1 record is without a 
.-.loud and his worth on a1l sidet! 
."-8. N. 
"Spe,aks with a l1tneßs, elegance .and 
f'Orceand in thp English of the scholaT find 
Bhldp nit. "-T. New8. 
" A g'('lIJiijpmaJ1. oof cu.1oture, d'i g;nùty aT1d 
refined tastes. given to' hospita,lity and to 
the exe'rcise of unosten,taotious 1>e'nev()ole'TIce." 
-T. Globe. 
"A Li1>e.l'al, bu,t free f1"o'III 'Partv en- 
tanglements; a. genotleman., a traveI1er, Ii 
ripe scholar, a. n'noted l,a.wye'r. rphysica11y 
 a Christian"-Jf. Wif7l1'R8. 
Clark The Rtght Rev, William Reid 
Bishop (Ang-.). 
S. la te John C., archlt<>ct anñ ag'rl- 
C'u1turist, who was b. and f'. at Clones, 
Irf'l.; b. nr. New Edinburgh, Ottawa, 
Ont.: e. private boys' sch., under Rf'v. 
T. D. Phillips, M.A.. Bishop's ColI.. 
Lennoxvillf', and Trln. Dnlv., Toronto 
(B.A., 1874; M.A.. 1885): o. deacon, 
1874; Ipriest. 1876; mIssy., E
vllle, ant., 1874: prlnC'lpal and math. 
master, High Schoo TJxbrldge, 1875: 
vicar. Burlington. 1877-79:' do. Ancas- 
tel', 1879-9:J: rector. Barton, 1893-96: 
(1f).. Anca!':ter. 18()1)-1'H):J: s<>C'y.-trpas 
SYTlod of Niagara. 1903: clerical secy., 
do. do., 1886-1903; clerical secy., 
vnoñ, 1901-04: R. D., W{>nt- 
worth, 1893-1): canon Christ's Church 
Cath.. Hamilton, 1896; reg-r., Diocese 
of Niagara. I"fnce 1897: archrleacf)n of 
Ndagoara, 1902; d-erlca,} soeocy., -8ynoo 
of Can.. si,nCle 1908; a doel. Ban-A'l1g. 
CongI"es,s, Loniloon, Eng., '1908: a 
del. Ang'. Ch. Congress, Halifax. N.S., 
1910; e1>ectJeà Bp. of N.laga'm, May 2, 
1911: CO'l1soora'ted. June 24, do.- 
Bishop's Palace, Hamilton, Onto 
"A man of spl p ndid ex('cutive abiIit}", 
with .an unrivaJled lrnlO'Wledge <>of his dio- 
I'f"'æ."-T. Telpuram. 
Clark, Rev. William Robinson (Ang.), 
retired educationist. 
S. Rev. Jas. C.. M.A., Daviot, Aber- 
deenshlre, rand .Catherlne (Lyon) C.; 

b. Inv.erurle, Aberdeenshlre, Mch. 26, 
1829; e. grammar soh., Old Aberdeen, 
KIng's CoIl., Aberdeen (M.A., with 
honours, 1848), and Hertford CoIl., 
Oxford (B.A., 1863; M.A., 1866); 
LL.D. (hon.), Hobart CoIl., N.Y.-. 1888: 
D.C.L. (do. ), Trin. Dnlv... Toronto, 
1891: D.D. (d:O.), Queen's Dnlv., King's- 
ton, 1902: m., Feb., 1906, as his 3rd 
wife, Helen Louise, o. c. late Hon. Jas. 
Patton', Q.C., LL.D., Toronto; o. deacon, 
1857: priest, 1858: successively curate 
St. Mathias's, Bhmlngham. and St. 
Mary M3.g-dalene, Taunton; vIcar, 
1859; prebend.ary of Wells, 1870 ; 
apptd. prof. mental and' moral phil., 
Trln. Dnlv., Toronto. 1882; retired'. 
1908; now prof. emeritus there; Bald- 
win Ie ct., Dnlv. of Mich., 1887; Slocum 
lect., do., 1899; hon. canon St. Alban's 
Oath., Toronto, 1907; has served as a 
del. to the Genl. and Provl. Synods; 
a del. Hm-Am. Congress of Religion 
and Education, Toronto, 1895: apptd. 
a memo gent. comte. for revIsion of 
Ang. hymnal, 1906; do. a memo ant. 
Educ. Council, 1896; retired, 1904; 
F.R.S.C., 1891; presdt.. do., 1900; 
presdt. Toronto Empire C;ub, 1905; his 
portrait painted by Grier (q.v.), pre- 
sented to Trinity CoIl., 1904; widely 
known as a writer and as a pUblic 
speal{er and lecturer; author: II The 
Redeemer" (1863), II The Comforter" 
(1864), II The Four Temperaments" 
(1874), "Witnesses to Christ" (Bald- 
win lecturf's. 1888), II Savonarola: His 
Life and TImes" (1892), II The Angli- 
can Reformation" (1896), II The Para- 
clete" (Slocum lectures, 1900), anñ 
.. Pascal and the Port Royf-t1fsts " 
(1902); translated and ed. "Hefele's 
History of the Councils" (1886). anñ 
" Hagenbach's History of Christian 
Doctrine"; a Freemason.-53 Beverley 
St., Toronto. 
.. Noted f()r hois orisp oIlIIId impressive 
O'1'8tory."-M. & E. 
.. His nmne is suggeostive of wisdom an d 
matured judgme'TIl!J in litf>Tary ma,
te'l'!\ to 
friends .and øtuderut-s everY'Whe,re. -Oan. 
.. Pûpu
l8,r w'ith the public at home and 
ab'rOoßd Be 8. preache<r MId IectThre,r, &nd 
admitted to too circles O'f the learned as a 
man of scholarship oß'nd culture."-M. Star. 
Clark, Rev. Wylie Cable (Presb.). 
Parents who settled In Co. Duffer- 
In, 1861, éame from Carnoustie, Scot;: 
good old Scotch stoek: b. HornIng s 
Mi1Is, ant., Aug. 28, 18&6; e. ColIfng- 
wood ColI. lnst. and Toronto Dniv.; 
m., Au
., 1895, Miss Agnes Thompson, 
St. Mary's, ant. ; g-raduated B.D 
(Montreal Presb. ColI.), 1900: o. 
1 g()4' pa
tor, Bramnton, ant., 18'14- 
1904; -d1O., Coh., Quebec, 1904- 
10; since then pastor Knox Ch., Sas- 
kaJoo,on. 'Sask.; a memo -ex1ve. com't.e. 
Can. Bible Soc.: mOderat()lI', Toronto 
Presbytery, convener S
od s Aug. 
Comte and mem. Assem. ,s coml1:e. on 
same, ï903 ; presd-t. ColI. lnst. 
Soc. and football team; V.-P. Vaæsfty 
Literary Soc.; author short stories, 
poems, and articles; Lib., by family 
connection, but Ind.; a. strong advo- 



cate of Can. unity: favours ch, union. 
-Saskatoon, Sask. 
.. A preacher of. ol
ar-cut gospel sermons, 
&00 has a. very díst1ILct a..nd eJ<>que'rut style 
of deLiv-ery."-T. Telegram. 
Clarke, Alfred Henry, lawyer; legis- 
S. John and Ann C.: Eng. origin: 
anilla, Ont., Oct. 25, 1860: e. 
Maßl111a Grammar Soh., Oakwood Hig;h 
Sc'h. and ToOO"nto UIlJiv. (LL.B., 1886) ; 
m., Aug., 1883, M-ar,g>t. (d. Aug 
1905), 3M d, D. Z. Gibson Braß1t
fOM, Ont.; bal'I'1Ï, 1882'; K.C., 
1902; ll()ng a benlC'her Law .soc., D. C. ; 
 pl'esdt. Orut. Bar Assn., 1906; 
,praotllsed 8 YI'S., Essex Oe.n1tre, Ont.; 
rem-oveà to Wdnd,sor, 1890; ",ow 
hE-ad legal firm C., Bartlett & Bart- 
lett; one of the leaders of the Prov!. 
bar; formerly cle.rk of the pea,ce and 
eoun'l:y attorney, Essex; resigned, 
1904: was also a memo Windsor Bd. 
of Education; one of the founders 
N. Y. & Lake Erie Oil & Gas Co . a 

ib., and has sat for Essex S. (H. .C.), 
In that Interest, since g. e. 1904: 
elected chairman Public Accounts 
Oornte., 1907; re--eleCltoo, 1908-9 . 
n 1ai11
CanaodtiaTh navy, ()n
bm1t. equ!'ppedi ,a,nd: manned in Oan. 
by Cam.l8.dI<aD.S; nraIIJJe fl'equell'N.y me.n- 
Uone? in oOI1lI1leX1Ïon with a seGJt ,in the 

rIer Adm
.; a (M'e'bh.-Windsor, 
 fair-minded and ca.pable man."-T. 
.. One of the men who has the courage 
of his oonvictions."-M. Gazette. 
Clarke, t::harles Edward. Dom. public 
S. Chas. A. and Mary (Urquhart) 
C.; b. Taunton, Eng., Nov. 10, 1853: 
e. there; m., Aug., 1906, Miss Geor- 

ina B. Potts,' M.A. (q.v.); appren- 
 to M'Coss'rs. Is'rnay, Imrie & 00., 
WhIte Star Line of Steamships, 1868; 
came to B. C., 1873-4; apptd. harbour 
master and port warden Ports of Vic- 
toria and Esqulmalt, B.C., 1894; a 
arbour and Navigation Comte., 
VlcWrIa Bd. of Trade; Ang.-" Chip- 
ley,. SummiÏt Ave., Victoria, B.C.; 
fic Club, do. 
Clarke, Charles Kirk. physician and 
S. late Hon. Lt.-CoI. Chas. C. 
and Rose Helen (Halley) C.; b. Elora, 
Ont., Feb. 16, 1857; e. Elora High 
Sch.: hon. LL.D. (Queen's Dniv.), 
06, m., 1st, Oct., 1880, Miss Margt. 
De Veber Andrews, St. Andrews, N.B. 
(d. Dec., 1902); 2ndly, Aug., 1
Miss Theresa Gallagher; graduated 
M.B. (Toronto Unlv.), 1878; M.D. 
(do.), 1879; clinical asst., Toronto 
Lunatic ASYlum, 1874, becoming, sub- 
seq:uently, asst. physician, sam
tutIOn; asst. med. supdt. Hamilton In- 
sane AsYlum, 1880; subsequently asst. 
supdt. Rockwood ASYlum for the In- 
sanle; moo. supd,t. do. do., 1885-1905; 
med. supod1t, TorontlO Asylum for 'the In- 
sane, 1905-J.l ; siDlC'e tlhen.has 
supdit. 'IX>TOruto Gen!. Hosp.; presentOO 
with ca binlß't of siJiV'eIr by stafT on Rockwood Asy'1um ; rwhJi1'e 

at Kingston was also prof, mental dis- 
eases, Queen's Univ.; through his In- 
strumentality a convalescent and 
n,-!rses' home was estd in connection 
wIth Ro<?kwood Asylum, 1903; prof. 
of psychIatry, Toronto Univ., 1907; 
apptd dean of the med. faculty, do. 
do., 1908; 'a roywl ooonmr. too investi- 
gate and report upon the condition of 
New Westminster Asylum, 1901; do. 
do. to study methods of treatment or 
Insane In Europe, 1907; selected as 
co-ed. Am. Journal of Insanity, 1904, 
and has been a contributor to various 
mags. on a
ienlstlc subjects, as well 
as upon oputhology; V.-P. Can. Hosp, 
Assn., '190t-8; an A'T!g.-General Hos- 
pital, Toronto; University Club, do. 
.. An able and fair-minded sportsman "- 
M. Witne88, . 
.. A many-sided man, who vigorously 
pursues various lines of science. and cul- 
ture. 111I his special sphere is a widely 
recognized authority on mental disea.seø, 
and his works on ineanity are accepted a. 
standardS."-Prof. Adam Shortt (q.v.). 
Clarke, :Francis Ignatino, Provincial 
public service. 
S. late Francis C., Monaghan, Ire!., 
and Ann (Counellan) C., Armagh, 
Ire!.; b. Mon'l:real, 1849; e. St. Mary's 
(Jesuit) Coll., there; m., 1872, 
ces Josephine, d. late John Mc- 
WIllIams, St. John, N.B.: barrister 
(Man.), 1871; practised In Winnipeg 
till he took up l!ewspaper work; was 
elk. '00. Ot., Setll{Jlrk, .Man., and dre.pty. 
prothy, Winnipeg, 1872-6; did ed. 
work on Manitoban
 N. W. Review 
l'\1Ian. Pree P1'ess, Nor'Wester Tele: 
gram, Town Topics, Victoria éoloniBt, 
Vancouver World and Province, Na- 
naimo Herald, and many other news- 
papers in Man. and B. C.; contributed 
poems and sketches to many mags. 
and newspapers; collaborated with 
late Alex. Begg. in producing II The 
History of the Northwest" (3 vols); 
graduate Royal Mil. Sch., Montreal, 
1870; served In Victoria Rifles, Mont- 
real; in 2nd Quebec Rifles (Red River 
expdn., 1870), WiIlJljÍjpoeg Li,ght ,I.nfbry. 
(meds. for Fenian raids and N. W. 
Rebellion, 1885); now asst. secy., Bu- 
reau Provi. Information, and hon. secy. 
Canadian Club, Victoria, B.C.; a 
Con.; 12 yrs. hon. secy. Lib.-Con. 
Assn., Winnipeg; a memo Imp. Fed- 
eration League; strong believer In 
Imp. unity aDJd ,benefits of 'pl'eferenltåal 
trade; favours construction H. B. Ry.; 
a firm believer in great future for 
Western Can., and has made a spe- 
cialty of articles dealing with its pro- 
gress and development; R. C.-Vic- 
toria, B.C.; Pacific Club, do. 
Clarke, George H" Dom. public ser- 
B. ApI, 3, 1872; entd. public ser- 
vice, Jan., 1902; apPtd. Dom. seed 
commr., Jan., 1906: elected secy,- 
tJrea.s. Camada Seed Growers' Assn., 
1905: author ( late Dr. JSJmes 
Fbeluoher) .. F'arm Weeds of Canada" 
(1908).-501 O'Connor st., Ottawa. 



Clarke, George Herbert, educationist; 
S. George K. M. and Anne (Mann) 
C.; b. Gravesend, Kent, Eng., Aug. 
27, 1873; came to Can., 1880: e. Eng. 
and Can. schs., Toronto CoIl. Inst., 
"\Yoodstock CoIl., McMaster Univ, 
(B.A., 1896; M.A., 1896), and Chicago 
Unliv. ; unm. ; ,m'ang. cd. Baptist Union, 
Ohticag1o, 1897-1901; 'Prof. En-g. .Ialng. 
and Ht., M>e<roer Undv., Macon, Ga., 
1901-5; le<CtufleT ,in seSSlÏo'lls, 
PeaJbody Colol. f\or Teachers, Nashvï.1IDe, 
Terun., 1904, 1905, 1906, 1909; lleet., 
Sumn1Jer Si0h. IOf tihoe South, KnoxV'Í'l,I'e, 
Tenn., 1908, 1910; .prlof. of Eng. .1dt., 
Piea.body COiN. i!or Teaohers, s.inloe 
1908; a steaod'Y o()'ßItflibutor to the 
,better mags.; author .. Wayfarings," 
a book of pOffiUS (1901/ ; ed:. .. Bacon's 
Essays" (1905), II Some Reminis- 
cences and Early Letters of Sidney 
Lanier" ( 19 0 8), and "Shelley: Se- 
l-ecbed Poems" (00.); a Oon. IÍn Enit. 
and Can. poJ.itJics; iMl: IrmperiaIdst; a 
Fl'eemason; Epis.-Nashville, Tenn. 
"p{)ssesse,s a of genuine pootry, 
and has high iooa1s."-Baptist Oommon- 
Clarke, Mrs, Georgina Barbara, edu- 
B. Belleville, Onto ; e. there and Trin. 
Univ., Toronto (B.A., 1893; M.A., 
1904); m. Aug., 1906, Capt. Chas. E. 
Clarke, (q.v.) Victoria, B.C.; head 
math. dept., St. Mary's ColI., Dallas, 
Texas, 1898-99; a.sst., ihJigh seh., V'ÎC- 
toria, B.C., 1902-6.-" Chipley," Sum- 
mit Ave., Victoria, B.O. 
Clarke, Bev. Harold Marston (Pres. 
bYltel'ian), 'Iß\ission:a.ry. 
B. St. Stephen, N.B.; e. Dalhousie 
Univ. (B.A., 1897) ; m., 1st, Dec., 1906, 
.Miss LiliÜJan- O'Dormelll, Dooak'tJo'Wn, 
N.B. (d. 1907); 2ndly, Aug., 1910, 
ilJ:icent Beatrjoe (d. Dec., '1910), e. 
d. W. S. Armstrong, TOl1onto ; a 
sb. miss'y. in Ohtina.-Wei Hei Wei, 
Honan, China. 
Clarke, Hugh Archibald, musical pro- 
B. Can., .Aug. 15, 1839; e. Knox 
us. D., Penn. Univ., 1886; 
m., 1859, Miss .Jane M. Searle, To- 
ronto; went to Phil., 1860; has been 
prof. music, Penn. Univ., since 1876; 
author .. The Scratch Club" (l
.. Music and the Comrade Arts .. 
(1!!00), .. Highways and Byways of 

lus.ic" (1901).-46J2 Chester Ave., 
philadelphia, Pa, 
Clarke, James Bond, lawyer. 
S. Capt. Duncan C., Islay, Scot., and 
subsequently of Oro, Ont.; b. Oro; e. 
Prescott High Sch.; graduated LL.B. 
(Toronto Univ.), 1880; barrister, 1876; 
K.C. (E. of Derby), 1889; formerly a 
legal partner of Chief .Justice Sir W, 
R. :VIer-ed'it'h; noW ,ll'í=,ad firm C. 
& Swabey, Toronto; a Con., and un- 
successfully contested E. Simcoe (Lo- 
ca.1), in tslw.t dnterest, g. e. 1886.-50 
St. George St., Toronto; Toronto Olub; 
Albany Olub

Clarke, John Duncan, Dom. public 
S. late Peter C., Ardo, Aberdeen- 
shire, Scot., and Helen (Gray) 
C.; 'b. Aroo, Au.g. 13, 1854; e. Be1- 
helv'ie Palrish 8M. and ArbroatJh; 
m. .Jennie, e. d. late .J. W. Armstrong, 
J.P., Flesherton, Ont.: brought up LO 
the printing and publishing business; 
served on Guide, Dundee 
Courier and A1'gUS, as repor.ter; re- 
porter, London Free Press, 1876-8; 
city ed. HamiltOn Spectator, 1878-80; 
assoc. ed. Hamilton Times, 1880-89; 
succeeded late Hon. D. Mills, K.C., as 
ed. London Daily Advertiser, 1889, and 
held the position till apptd. private 
secy. to ,the Minr. of .Justice, Ottawa, 
1898; promoted chief elk., Dept. of 
JusNoe, Ju
1Y, 1905; 3!ct<XJ'mpanied Sir 
_.Ulan Ay,l
swof\th (q.v.) otJo the Hague, 
1910; a Radical; aÆO an adrheænt of 
Bri,t. fl'e'e 'torad,e anI(} w,om'an suffrage, 
and lis a belli,eveor .in and worker >for 
the .re-unio'll of the AngI.o-SaXJOn raoe; 
a M.etih.-l0 Somerset St., Ottawa. 
"A writer who .aided in building up the 
f()rtune.s O'f Libel1ali,sm in Ontarw."-T. 
Clarke, Joseph Andrew, journalist. 
S. late - C., a native of Irel., many 
yrs. tin servoi.oo G. T. Ry., and Margt. 
(Adams) C.; b. Osnabruck Centre, 
Ont., Sept. 20, 1867; e. Prescott High 
Sch.. '00101. Inst., BfIOCkV1it1JlIe, U. c. 
CoIl., and Toronto Univ.; unm.; 3 yrs. 
a law student; afterwards a 
grapiher, a journalist, a memo R. N. W. 
M. polfce Force, and a civil servant; 
went to the Yukon, in the early days, 
as asst. to the gold commr., which 
position he retained for 13 mths.; ed. 
and prop. Klondike Miner, 1!!01-2; 
secy. Yukon Citizens' Comte, which 
presented petition on Yukon griev- 
ances to Earl Minto, on his visit to 
Dawson; unsuccessfully contested Yu- 
kon (H. C.), as Opposition, non-par- 
tisan candidate, DE.c., 1902; within 6 
weeks was returned, as senior memo 
Yukon Council, as Ind. Opposition La- 
bour candidate; defeated, 1907; Is a 
memo Soc. Arctic Brotherhood and a 
charter memo Fraternal Order of 
Eagles; takes much Interest In ath- 
letics, and has been officially connected 
with such organizations; has been 
identified with every political cam- 
paign In the Yukon; strongly oPJ:osed 
to extreme partisanship; a firm lJe- 
Hever In the common sense and good 
judgment of the people, once removed 
from corrupting infiuences, and guided 
solely by the rule of the greatest good 
to the greatest number; believes In 
the following principles: (1) Direct 
legislation, the Initiative and referen- 
dum, people to make and unmake their 
own laws as they see fit; (2) publ1c 
ownership of pUblic utUlties; (3) the 
sale and manufacture of Intoxicating 
liquor to be under govt. control; l4) 
old age pensions for exhausted hu- 
manlÍ,by, 3JI1Id genenully goV'erIllt.. to bene- 
fit the many. not the few; as to re- 



ligion, believes that the multiplicity of 
Christian sects Inspires and justlfles 
unbelief and scepticism, and that man's 
duty to his fellow-men and posterity 
is best served by so conducting hIs 
Ufe that his posterity and offspring 
will have as good and perfect a pl1ysl- 
cal start In life as that given the 
father-in short, preserve your health 
so that your children will have as good 
a start In Ufe as you have had; re- 
moved to Edmonton, Alta., 1909.-Ed- 
monton, Alta. 
.. the most striking character 
the Klondike has ever produced."-
P08t- I ntelligencer. 
Claxton, Albert George Brooke, law- 
S. late T. Jas. C., a prominent mer- 
chant of Montreal, who early Inter- 
ested himself In Christian and benevo- 
lent work, and was chiefly Instru- 
mental In founding the Montreal Y. M. 
C. A., the first Institution of the kind 
on the Am. Continent (vide M. H er- 
aId), and .Jane (OPidiford) C.; b. 
Montreal, Feb. 25, 1866; e. at a private 
8011., McGil'1 Univ. (B.tC.L., 1885) and 
L'Univ. de Geneve, Switz.; m., Sept., 
1895, BLanche (secy. Montreal Ladies' 
Curling Club), d, Dr. Simpson, Mont- 
real; advocate, 1887; K.C., 1906; chief 
Oan. Cû'UoI1SeIt Meltr.opold.tan Life Ins. Co, 
of N. Y.; counsel on legislation tor 
Montreal Bd. of Trad{); counsel tor 
London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.; 
a dJi:r. Arena 00., .M'ÜntI"e'aJl; at .one 
time presdt. Quebec Rugby Football 
Union; a Lib.; an Ang., and a del. 
to the Synod.--395 Guy St., M ontreut; 
St. James's Club; Royal lUontreal Golf 
Club; M. A. A. A., do. 
Cleave, Arthur Harold Wyld, Dom. 
public service. 
S. John C., I.S.O., late accountant 
Brit. Museum, London, Eng., and 
Martha C.; b. Putney, Surrey, Eng., 
June 8, 1868; e. Battersea Grammar 
Sch., King's Call., London, and Royal 
N'av'al Enging. SCJh., DeV1QßtPOl"lt; m., 
1890, Annie, y. d. late G. Coxon, 
Northumberland, Eng.; M. I. Mech. 
E.; M. Can. Soc. C. K; entd. serVIce 
Royal Mint, London, Eng., Jan., 1893; 
apptd. supdt. Ottawa Mmt, Sept., 
1906; has lectured on .. The Equipment 
and Work of the Ottawa Mint"; 
strongly Imperialist; Ang.-" Roy- 
ston," ,6-66 Daly Ave., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club, do. 
Cleaver, :Rev, Solomon, (Meth.). 
S. late JaB. C., P.L.S., and Jane 
(Watson) C.; b. Co. Halton, Unt., 
ApI. 1, 1855; e. Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1879) ; D.D. (Wesley ColI., WinnIpeg), 
1901; m., Aug., 1880, Ida Anna, d. 
Rev. Jas, Edgar, M.D.; o. 1880; was 
IJI3.'stor 'suoc'esSliv>ely æt iMerrÏi1Jton, Ni- 
agara, Burlington, Dundas, St. Cath- 
m'ines, Ylctorla, B.C. (Pandora Ave.), 
Winnipeg (Grace Ch.), Toronto (Sher- 
boufllle -St.), d.o. (Moetropoloiotan Oh.), 
aJnd sinoe 1909 wt Trin. Oh., l3Jtter city; 
was financial secy., lVLiloton Dist., 1
7; chairman OOM., Y,iCltol1i-a, B.C., 
1894-5; opresd,t. do., 1895; do. ,Meith. 
Sociall! Union. 1906; ,(lIe!. Gent Conf., 

1902; a memo Joirut O()(ITIJte. .on Oh. 
Union, 1908; distinguished as a I-eat., 
a faV'O'fIÍtoe .subjoect 'being .. Jea,n Val- 
jean."-175 Lowther Ave., Toronto. 
Cleghorn, :Rev, Adams (Bapt.). 
S. Jas. and Elizabeth (Adams) C.; 
the latter a grandd. of the Earl of 
CraWiford; b. Edinburgh, Scot., 
Jan. 11, 18013; accoIIlJ>anied parents 
to Am., 1828; e. Madison (now 
Colgate) Univ. (A.B., 1837; A.M., 
1869; D.D., do.) ; the oldest 
living alumnu;> of the ur.iv.; m., 
ApI., 1840, Miss Asenath E. Stone, 
Lockport, N.Y. (d. Jan., 1896); fol- 
bOlwoo. rtlheoL Rocth:ester The.ol. 
SEmy, (A.M.. 1853); o. 1841; teacher, 
Lockport, N.Y., 1838-40; pastor suc- 
cessively at Lewiston, 1841-8; St. 
Gatharines, Ont., 1848-50; Paris, 
Ont., 1850-54; Adams, N.Y., 1854-7; 
BeUevilJle, .ont., 1857-62; U.S. army 
(capt.), 1862-5; pastor, W. Ho- 
boken, N.J., 1867-9; North Church, 
N.Y., 1869-73; Ottawa, Ill., 1873-9; 
Champaign, 1879-83; retired and set- 
tled on a farm, In la., 1883; came to 
Niagara Falls S., 19 0 I.-Niagara 
Falls S., Onto 
Cleghorn, James power, merchant. 
S. late Robt. C., Montreal; b. there, 
Oct. 3, 1830; e. Howden & Taggart's 
Acad.; m., 1864, Miss Anna Spalding, 
Port Hope, Ont,; entd. service of 
wholesale dry goods firm of J. G. 
Mackenzie & Co., Montreal, as a jun- 
Ior clk., 1853; was admitted a part- 
noer, 1864, and 'has been f'Ü-r moany y,rs. 
Invested with the bulk of the man- 
agement of that long established 
house; a J.P.; a dlr. Sun Life Ins. 
Co., Merchants' Manfg. Co., and of 
Molsons Bank, .and .is lP
sdlt. lnt{)rc. 
Coal Co.; also a trustee Mt. Royal 
Cemetery Co., a dir. Soc. for the Prevo 
of Cruelty to Animals, a gov. Mont- 
real Hosp. for the Insane, of the 
Montreal Dispensary, and of the Mont- 
nl. Hosp.; a staunch Con., who 
has never sought political preferment, 
although his name has been frequently 
coupled with positions of honour a
dignity; stands for the N. P., BrIt. 
connection, and the general welfa
of the people; an Ang., and a del. to 
the Synod.-185 University St., Mont- 
real; summer: "Blink bonny," Como, 
P. Q. 
Clement, Edwin Perry, lawyer. 
S. late Rev. Edwin C. (Meth.); b. 
Simcoe, Ont., Oct. 22, 1853; e. U. C. 
CoIl.; m., Oct., 1878, Janie E., e. d. 
late Dr. W. S. Bowlby, Berlin. Ont.: 
barrister, 1876; K.C., 1902; practised 
at Berlin, Ont., where he was town 
solr.; apptd. jun'ior ju-dge .00. Ct., Es- 
sex, Ont., Apt 3, 1907; resignec;I, Aug., 
1907, becomIng Y.-P. Mutual LIfe Ins, 
Co.; promoted pres
t. do. do.,. No
1908; an ardent LIb., and actIve m 
politics; a distinguished platform 
speaker; unsuccessfully contested N. 
Waterloo (H. C.). Lib. Interest, g. e. 
1904; .. an Imp.; thinks, however, that 
under our conditions a fair measure 
of protection to our manufactories IE 
absolutely essential; thinks, also, Wt; 



ought to contribute to the national 
dt:fence, of which we at present get 
all the benefit without any of the 
cost"; a .r.<leth. and a zealous ch. 
worker and memo of coni.; estbd. Y. M. 
C. A. In Berlin, and was its first 
presdt.-f5 Benton St., Berlin, Ont.; 
Ontw'io Club, Toronto. 
.. An ideal maIlT for &Il insurance presi- 
dent."-Can. Courier, 
Clement, Stephen Emmett, lawyer, 
S. Stephen and Bleanor (Dixon) C.; 
b. Cookstown, Ont., Oct. 14, 1867; e. 
Brandon Call. and Wesley Call. 
(B.A., 1892); m., Aug., 18!!9, J.\-lis.s 
Aleta EloÍzabe<th PaJisley ; ,barrister, 
18!! 5 ; d:rus t,ee Branoon pub. sehs. ; a1d. ; 
Mayor of Brandon, 1907-8; memo Bd. 
'Wesley Call., dir. Fair Bd., dir. Genl. 
lfuspitaà, mean. EX!tv>e. Oa;n. Olub, 
chaJil'lnan Parkis Ed.; a Lib.; a M
and ,tJrUSIOOe of Oh.-14Q6 L01-ne 
Ave., B1'andon, .Man.; Canadian Club, 
Glement, William Alexander, civil en- 
A grad. Sch. Prac. Science, Toronto; 
assoc. me.m. Can. Soc, C. E., 18!!!!; 
mem. 00., 1902; !formerly asst. city 
eI1g1r., VanOQluver, 1905; resigned, 
1911; iPresb.; m., Oct., 1904, Louise 
Bertram, o. d. late Francis '1'. Currie, 
Orillia, Ont., and Linthill, nr. Meirose, 

t.-Vuncouver, B.C. 
Clements, Herbert Sylvester, manu- 
Ellg. and 
cotch parentage; s. Wm. 
and Alice (Boulton) C.; b. Tp. Dover, 
Co. Kent, Ont., Nov. 8, 1865; e. Chat- 
ham; m., Jan., 1895, Miss Jeannie Mc- 
Gairn, Harwich; served Chatham Sell. 
Bd.; representcl W.. Kent (H. C.), 
Con. interest, 1!!04-8, when defeated; 
removed to Prince Rupert, B.C., 1908. 
-Prince Rupert, B.C. 
II A shrewd, practical business man."- 
O. Oitizen, 
Clench, Miss Esther Leonora (500 
Streeton, Mrs. E. L.). 
Clergue, :Francis Hector, manu- 
S. late Joseph H. and Frances 
(Lombard) C.; b. Bangor, Me., May 
28, 1856; e. Bangor High Sch. and 
Un-Iv. of Me.; unm.; a counsellor-at- 
Law, 1876; later, admitted to practice 
before U. S. sup. ct.; engd. In manfg. 
and hydraulic enging., 1880-94; began 
development of the hydraulic power 
of the St. Mary Falls, Sault Ste. Marie, 
Ont., 1894; also built various factories 
and transportation lines to utilize the 
power; these projects were completed 
at a cost of $30,000,000, and comprise 
blast furnaces, steel rail rolling mills, 
Iron, copper and nickel mines, reduc- 
tion and refining works, chemical 
works, pulp mills, steamship lines, and 
the Algoma Central & Manitoulin rys., 
the whole being known as the Lake 
Superior Corpn., Ltd.; has recently re- 
tired from the co.; now known as an 
inventor In Eng.; a promoter Clergue 
Iron & Nickel Steel Co. (1901) ; French- 
Can. Nav. Co. (do.), Gt. Lakes Paper 
Mills Co. (1902), and the Intern. Lum- 

bel' Co. (do.),-Care Canadian Office, 
London, Eng. 
"All' exceedingly clever man."-S. N. 
"T.he Ce-cil .l\..hode-s of Oan.ooa.:'-Ueo. 
E. Drum11/,ond (q.v.). 
reawst industria.l,rker 
on the continent."-Sa.uU Star. 
.. 'Ule gre,awst word painter in the line 
of mode'rn prQllioters."-N. Y. Herald. 
Clergue, Miss Helen, litteTateu'/". 
Second d. Jos. H. and Frances (Lom- 
bard) C.; a sister of F. H. C. (q.v.); 
b. and e. Bangor, Me.; continued her 
studies at Paris anld London; edited 
.. George Selwyn, His Letters and His 
Life," in collaboration with E. 1;:;. Ros- 
coe (London. 18
!!); a contributor to 
various Eng. serial publications, writ- 
ing for the EdinbuTgh Rev. since 190U, 
on F'renoh 11
tJh-oenltury subjects.- 
., Montfermier,JJ Sault Stt:-. Marie, Unto 
.. A writer of considerable distinction." 
-M. Herald. 
.. 'I'he article on Madame d'U Def!aud 
shows a graphic power and grip of the 
subject that reminds us of Macaulay's 
essa)s," etc.-Literature. 
.. We think the best article in the new 
Edinburgh. that o'n South Airica, 
dealt with elsewhere, is 'Madame du 
Def!aud .and her Friends'" (b) Helen 
Cleworth, Brev. Gilbert Drake (Meth. 
Epis.) . 
Eng. o.rigin ; S. Rev. Thos. C., 
preacher and poet, and Phoebe (Mills) 
C. (U. E. L. descent); b. Kingsville, 
Ont., Jan. 14, 1865; e. Millbrook and 
Port Hope High Sehs., Georgetown 
CoIl., S. Dak. Univ., and Northwest- 
ern Univ. (A.B., -); theol. studies 
at Garrett Bib. Inst.; m., June, 1887, 
Miss Clara Elizabeth Rose, SelbY, 
Ont.; entd. ministry, 1884; held pas- 
torates at Roblin, Ont., Vermillion, 
Dak.; now and for some yrs. rector 
Diversey Ch., Chicago; Rep.-1205 
Seminary Place, Chicago, Ill. 
Clinch, Major Herbert Wareham., His 
Majesty's regular mil. forces. 
S. late R. T. and Helen E. (Bar- 
low) C., St. John, N.B.; b. there; e. 
there and Royal Mil. Coli., Kingston; 
m., Mch., 1906, Mona, d. Robt. Thom- 
son (q.v.), St. John, N.B.; formerly 
of Royal Enniskillen Fusiliers; now of 
13th Hussars; gazetted lieut., 1892; 
capt., 1900; major, 1910; served In S. 
A. during recent war, and was present, 
among other actions, at Paårdeberg 
(Queen's med., with 4 clasps; King's 
med., with 2 clasps).-Care War Ofli.ce, 
London, Eng. 
II Cloie, Mack" (see McKibbin, Rev. 
Archibald) . 
Cloran, Hon, Henry Joseph, lawyer; 
S. Jos. and Ann (Kennedy) C.; b 
Montreal, May 8, 1855; e. Montreal 
CiOll. anld St. SultPiüe Semy., Paris, arud 
McGiIJ Un-iv. (B. C. L., 1882) ; ill., 1st, 
Oct., 1882, Agnes M. (Ii. 1896), d. 
late Chas. Donovan, Montreal; 2ndly, 
June, 1906, M. Inez, d. Goo. Good- 
win, Obbawa; a.d'VOC'ate, 1887; K. C., 
1899; Crown prosecutor, Montreal, 
1890-2; atty. provl. revenue, P. Q., 



1897-1907; formerly ed. Montreal Post 
and of True Witness; Reeve and 
M:ayor of Hawkesbury, 1894-1901; a 
royal commr. to report upon the varI- 
ous jury systems of the several pro- 
vinces and of the different states of 
the Am. Union; one of the founders 
of the Montreal Trades and Labour 
Council; has been presdt. of the Que- 
bec Press Assn., the St. Patrick's Soc., 
the Irish Nat. League, the Cath. Y. 
M.'s Soc., ilie Shamrock Lacrosse and 
Athletic Assn., etc.; a Lib., and un- 
successfully contested Montreal C., g. 
e. 1887 (H. C.), and P.rosootJt, g. e.'s 
1896 and 1900 (H. C.); called! to the 
Sena.te, by the Earl of Minto, .June 
30, 1903; bas been clha1rman Private 
Bills Comte. in that bod
-; R. C.; be- 
lieves it is criminal to introduce ques- 
tions of race and creed into public 
affairs or to a.ttempt legislation or 
administration according to racial 
and religious prejudices or ignorance. 

s St. Gab,.iel St., Montreal; Club 
Canadien; Club St. Denis, do, 
Close, Mrs, Ellinor Caroline Louis&. 
Y. d. Sir Harry Mainwaring, Bart., 
Plover Hall, Cheshire, Eng.; b. Plover 
Hall, 1848; e. at home; m., 1869, Hy. 
Gaskell Close; ruling councillor Prim- 
rose League; founder of Children's 
Farm Homes Assn. for bringing up 
small Poor Law children at the ex- 
pense of Eng.. but on Can. and other 
colonial farms belonging to the Assn., 
instead of in Eng. workhouses; one of 
these f.arms is in existence in N. B.; 
an aJll3JtleIUr en,gr., .inventor and 
tee of several pieces of n1achinery in 
Eng., Can. and U. S.; .Ang.-10l Eaton 
Square, London, S. W., Eng.; .. Ellinor 
};I'arm," Nauw
gewauk, N. H. 
Clouse, El1as, physician. 
U. E. L. stock on paternal side; s. 
Nelson and Margt. (Beachum) C.; 
mother connected with the Livlng- 
B'wne fa.mLIY,, Soo,t.; b. 
Townsend, Co, Norfolk, Ont., .Jan. 15, 
1856; e. public sch., Simcoe High Sch. 
and Can. Lit. Inst., Woodstock, Ont.; 
m.. Aug., 1890. Miss Annie M. Bing- 
ham, OriIlia, Ont.; M.D.. C.M., Trin. 
Univ., Toronto, 1887; memo ColI. P. & 
S., Ont., do.; Fellow Trin, Med. Sch., 
Toronto. do.; L.R.C.P. & S. (Edln.), 
do.; L.F.P. & S. (Glasgow), 1890; 
resident surg., Toronto Genl. Hosp., 
1887-8; now senior surg., Toronto 
Western Hosp.. a memo med. staff 
Girls' Home, a med. examr. Nat. 
Sanitar. for Consumptives, Graven- 
hurst ; founded Trln. Med. Alumni 
Assn., of which he was secy.-treas. 5 
yrs., and presdt. for 1 yr.; elected 
presdt. Empire Club of Can., Toronto, 
1909; Is also chairman Sup. Bd. Trus- 
tees, Can. Order of Home Circles; 
a Con., and presdt. N. Toronto Llb.- 
m. Assn., 1908-9; a strong Imperial- 
ist; believes In meeting tariff witb 
tariff until such a time that free trade 
becomes universal; believes that there 
should be a minister of public health. 
presiding over a public dept. of healtb 
and sanitation; a Meth.--668 College 
St., Toronto; Empire Club, do, 

Clou.ton, Sir Edward Seaborne, bart.; 
S. .Jas. Stewart C., Chief Factor Hon. 
Hudson's Bay Co., a native of Strom- 
ness, Orkney, Scot., and Margt., e. d. 
Robt. S. Miles, Hon. H. B. Co,; b. 
Moose Factory, Hudson Bay, May 9, 
J 849; e. Montreal High Sch.; m., Nov. 
H78, Annie (V.-P. comte. of ladies who 
suooessofu1rry oonoeITted measures for the 
preseI"V'alt:Jìon of MiO'Um RoyaJI Park, 
1895; a directress Woman's Nat. Im- 
migration Soc., 1901), y. d. Geo. Eas- 
,tono, Co.IrrT. of H.M.'iS Customs, Brock- 
vriJ'le, Onot,; .spent OI1Je year In ,tJbe H.B. 
Co.'s serV'Íoe; j.odned Sank {)of [Monb>el8Jl 
I3;S a jUin:i.or dk.. 1865; pro'ID!oted asst. 
genl. man gr., 1887, and acting genl. 
mangr., 1889; since 1890 has 'been genl. 
mangr., and since 1906 1st V.-P. of 
the bank; Is presdt. Gan. Bankers' 
Assn., Montreal Rolling Mills Co., 
Mexican Light, Heat & Power Co., 
Pillow & Hersey Mfg. Co., Hodgson 
Tube Co., and [Man. Assur. Co.; V.-P. 
.Montreal OremalÛorium Ltd., Montreal 
Tuber<:ul. League and Royal Trust Co. ; 
a dir. Cumberland Ry. & Coal Co., 
Can. Guarantee Co., GuaT3.ntee Co. of 
N. Am., N. W. Irrigation 00., Can. 
Colored Cotton Co., Alta. Ry. & Coal 
Co., Can. Sug.aT' Refinery Co., Ogilvie 
Flour Mills 00., Kaministiqula poswer 
00., Mon treal Horticul. and Fruit 
GrowIng ABsn., Parks and Playgrounds 
Assn., and Elect. Flour Pate.nts Co,: 
chairman Can. bd., Liverpool & Lon- 
don & Globe Ins. Co.; a gOY. Royal 
Victoria, Monbreal Genl., Montreal 
M:aternUy, -Alexandra and Western 
Hosps., Prot. Hosp. f,or the Insane, 
Fraser Inst., Montreal Dispensary. VIc- 
torian Order of Nurses, and McGtll 
UnIv.; a councillor, iMontreal Art 
Assn. ; .gave $5,000 towards do., 
1910; one of the promoters 
of the Typhoid Emergency Hasp., 
1910; a trustee, N. Y. Life Ins. Co. 
and Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N, Y.; 
memo Extve. Comote., local 'branch, St. 
.John Ambulance Assn.; I,s hon. treas., 
King Edward VII. Memorial Fund; 
rated as a miHionaire by Montreal 
Star, 1907; In early days well known 
as a !foot:Jball, lacrosse and racquet 
player; captained Can. :team othat 
played Harvard Univ. Football Club, 
1875; presdt. .Montreal Ra
Club, 1888; apptd. a trustee, Mmto 
Challenge Lacrosse ,Cup, 1901; 
presented with Lady and Miss C., to 
King George and Queen Mary, St. 
.James's Palace, London, Eng., 1902; 
men tloned as a successor to Lord 
St:ro;thoona as High Comm
. for Can. 
in Gt. Brit., 1909; created a baronet. 
1908; apoptd. .a Kßlight IOf Grace, Order 
of tlhe Hosp. of St. J,ohn of JeTuS3ilem 
in Eng., 1911 ; Ang.
6Z Peel St., 
Montreal; " Boisbriant," Ste. Anne-de- 
Bellevue, P.Q.; Mt. Royal Club; St. 
James's Club; Auto and Åero Club; 
Forest and Stream Club; Lachine 
Boating and Canoe Club; M.A.A.A.; 
Montreal Hunt Club; Montreal Jockey 
Club; Royal 1I1ontreal Golf Club; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; Win- 
ter Club; St. George Snowshoe Club, 
Montreal; Toronto Club; York Club, 



T01"onto; Rideau Club, Ottawa; Man- 
hattan Club, N.Y.; Bath Club, Lon- 
don, Eng. 
"Justly acknowledged as one of the 
ablest financie,rs of the day."-T. Globe. 
"Genius and public-spiritedness in him 
work hand-in-hand. He is one of the 
main' of CanMa's progress."- 
London Standard. 
"He is a. le,ader in finance, a man whose 
oounsel is sought and valued in oonillection 
with the greatest undertak," - M. 
.. A man of few words, of unerring ac- 
curacy in his judgments, and o-f a. caution 
in business transactions which, while It 
protects the bank f,rom loss, does n<Jt hin- 
der its development."-M. Herald. 
.. Possesses in extra()rdinary degree that 
sixth sense of the banker-intuition as to 
oharacte-r, rapid analYßis O'Í motive, what 
is in a propositio-n from the first chapter 
to- the last-in short, kn()wing whom and 
w.hat to trust."-M. Witne88. 
Cloutier, The Bight Bev. Francoi. 
Xavier, Bishop (R.C.). 
S. Jean and Olive (Rivard) C.; b. 
Ste. Gene'V1êve de Bca:t,i-sC'an, P.Q., Nov. 
2, 1848: e. Three Rivers and Laval 
Unojv. (,M.A., 1880; D.D., 1891); o. 
1872; prof. seminary. Three Rivers. 
1872-6; préfet of studies, 1876-80; vl- 
caire Cath., Three Rivers, 1880-83; 
d Bp. Lafleche to Rome, as 
secy., 1883 ; chancellor, 1883-84 ; 
canon, 1884-99; curê d'office, 1884-99; 
Bp. Three Rivers, May 8, 1899; has 
estbd. many new institutions, and car- 
ried out many reforms In his diocese; 
author of many epis. mandements, 
pastoral letters, and circulars, pub- 
lished dn 2 vols., 1909; attended the 
Plenary Council, Que.boc, 1909, and 
the Eucharistic Congress, 'Montreal, 
1910.-Bishop'S Palace, Three Rive1"s, 
Clow, Stephen G., publisher. 
S. late Hon. Jas. Clow, Murray 
Harbour, P.E-I.; b. there; e. local 
schs.; unm.; ed. Charlottetown Guar- 
dian for several yrs.; was a memo Ot- 
tawa Press Gallery, 1897; went to N. 
Y., and founded Broadway Publishing 
Co., 1902; estbd. 5th Ave. Mag., 1904; 
believes that Conservatism and Re- 
publicanism are the only salvation of 
Can. and U.S. respectively; Presb,- 
31 West 1t7th St., New York. 
Clute, Hon. Boger Conger, judge. 
Of U. E. L. stock; Dutch d('scent 
on father's side; S. late Richard R. and 
Hannah (Wright) C.; b. nr. Picton, 
Ont., Aug. 18, 1848; e. Stirling Gram- 
mar Sch. and Albert CoIl., Belleville, 
Onto (LL.B., 1873); m., June, 1873, 
Rosa, d. late Hy. Corby, Belleville, 
Ont.; barrister, 1873; K.C., 1890 ; 
successfully practised his prof. at 
Belleville, and was frequently apptd. 
Crown prosecutor; removed to Toronto, 
1903, and was head of an important 
fiTm there; a V.P. TlOron.t-Ü' Bar Assn.. 
1904; an unsuccessful candidate, In 
Lib. Interest, for W. Hastings (H. C.), 
1891; apptd. a judge of the High Ct. 
of Justice, Ont., and a memo of the Ex- 
chequer div. of said Ct., Feb. 10, 1905; 

a Royal Commr. upon several occas- 
ions, notably in 1899, re miners and 
mine owners In B.C., ,and in 1900 re 
Chinese and Japanese Immigration into 
Can.; imposed a fine of $10,000 upon 
the Central Supply Assn. and the 
Master Plumbers' Assn., for conspiracy, 
Dec., 1905; dleollined It'Ü fleoe.iV'e a cOln- 
gratulatory address from the bar on 
his appt. to the bench; a Presb.-19 
Walmer Rd., Toronto; Browning Club, 
, . A lawyer who has a. heart as well as 
a. mind. J{.o,ger Clute is a. true Libera.l."- 
T. Telegram (1698). 
Coady, Bichard T" Toronto municipal 
S. late Jas. C., a native of Ross, 
Co. Wex.fürd, Ire'!., a'lld - C., d. 
late John Kearney, Dublin, Irel.; b. 
Toronto; e. Model and Grammar Schs., 
there; m. Sept., 1880, Elizabeth Ives, 
d. Wm. Gibbons; sometime in commer- 
cia,} 1M fie ; oØI1ItJd. ISelrvd,ce TQiJ'lOn.Ì!o Cor- 
poration, as accountant, Treasury 
Dept., 1873; promoted chief account- 
ant and asst. treas., Nov., 1877; and 
city treas., vice S. B. Harman, K.C., 
Nov., 1888; has been sent to Eng. on 
several occasions, in eonnection wi th 
the managemen t of the ci ty finances; 
was the guest of the Lord Mayor of 
London, 1909; an hon. dir. Toronto 
Exnn. Bd.; aJso {freas. Can. Home- 
stead Loan & Sav'ings Assn.; was hon. 
treas. Alex. Muir J.Vlemorial Assn.; a 
Proto and an Orangeman.-94 l(endal 
.A ve., 7'oronto. 
II An Irish thoroughb-red."-T. World. 
" ,Spend,s more than any other city 
tre.asurer in Ganarua."-Can. CouTier. 
.. The high standing <Jf Toronto"s credit 
is mainly due to Mr. CQady's able manage. 
ment of the city'So finances."-M. and E. 
Coates, Bev, Harper Havelock (Meth- 
S. Jas. E. and Mary E. (\VeIls) C., 
Prescott, Ont.; b. Tp. Edwardsburgh, 
nr. Prescott, Feb. 18, 1865; e. public 
and high schs., Prescott and Victoria 
Unlv., Cobourg (B.A., 1
!;5; M.A., 
1890; D.D., hon., 1!J06); m. Miss S. 
Agnes Wintemute, St. Thomas, Ont.; 
a probationer, 1885; O. 1888; held 
pastorates successively at Carleton 
Place, Mallory town, Cardinal, Cala- 
bogle, and Kingston (Princess St.); 
went to Japan, ::5ept., 1890; since then 
.hJas been Eng. .teaoher, Mi:ddloe a.nd 
Norrnoal Schs., Tsu Miyekeu, Japan, 
In Doshisha Call., Kyoto, Japan, Ho- Gakkrwan, NoLiog8ita, and! A'llogl:o
Japanese Coll., Azabu, Tokyo, Japan; 
suJXit. Cent. Tabernacle, Hongo, 'l'okyo, 
J.a,pan.; Prof. New Test. exegesis and 
theol. and phil. of religion, Theol. Coli., 
Aoyama, Tokyo.-23 Rami Tomi Zaka, 
KoisMrawa, Tokyo, Japan. 
Coats, Bobert Hamilton, Dom. public 
Scottish orIgin; S. late Robt. C., 

linton, Ont.; b. there, July 25, 1874; 
e there and rl'oronto Univ. (B.A., 
18!16); m., 1905, Miss Marie Halbois- 
ter, N. Y.; for some yrs. a journalist, 
employed first on Toronto World and 
subsequently on Toronto Globe; apptd. 

ø 243 


1st class clk., Dept. of Labour, and 
asst. ed. Labour Gazette, Jan., 1902; 
Is secy. Civil Service Assn.. and was 
presented with a gold watch and 
chain by the service, in recognition of 
S1p<e1C'j'a:l: se,rvlices IÍn 'Ï!ts be.ha:l'f, Jan.. 
1909 : 'has oolßltribut'ed to Quart. Journ. 
of Economics; author (with R. E. Gos
nell, q.v,) of "Sir James Douglas" 
(one of the Morang sprks of II Mak- 
ers of Can."), 1908; also a c.on1lPiler of 
a special report on wholesale :prices in 
Can., 1890-1909 (1910); a Presib.- 
"The Neuk}' Rockliffe, Ottawa; Ot- 
tawa Canoe Club. 
Coatsworth, Emerson, lawyer; ex-leg- 
Joint Eng. and Scotch origin; s. 
late Emerson C., City Commr., Toronto, 
and Margt. (Humphreys) C.; b. To- 
ronto, Mch. 9, 1854; e. pUblic schs., 
Brit. Can. Call., Onto Law Sch. and 
Toronto Univ. (LL.E., 1886); m., 
2nd1y, 1883, Helen (d. Mch., 1909); 
d. Ilate John Robertson, De Cew 
Falls, Ont.; barrister, 1879; N.P., 
do.; K.C., 1908; has successfully prac- 
tised his prof. In Toronto; head of firm 
C. & Richardson; a dir. Continental 
Life Ins. Co., and of Toronto Exbn. 
Assn., a gov. Victoria Indus. Schs. 
Assn.; a charter memo People's Tavem 
Co., 1903; one of the conveners of the 
Western Municipal Niagara Power 
Union, 1906; chairman Muir Memorial 
Comte., do.; V.-P. and presdt. Union of 
Can. Municipalities, 1906-7; V.-P. Am. 
League of Municipalities, 1907; is also 
hon. presdt. of the Yorkshire Soc., To- 
ronto; a Con. of a pronounced type; sat 
for E. Toronto (H. C.), 1891-6; ald. 
1904-5; mayor of Toronto, 1906-8; a 
License Commr., Toronto, 1908-9; 
author, .. The Municipalization of 
Street Railways In Toronto" (1906); 
an upholder of temp.; an Orangeman; 
a Meth.-l May Square, Toronto; Al- 
bany Club; Royal Can, Yacht Club, do. 
.. One of the ablest a.nd most faithful of 
representatives."-M. ønd E, 
Cobble dick, Bev. Georg'e Henry 
Cornish and Irish parentage; b. Co. 
Middlesex, Ont., Aug. 21, 1859; e. Vic- 
toria Univ., '.roronto (B.A., 1885; 
M.A., 1888) ; m., Aug., 1889, Miss Eliza 
Ann Easton; theol. studies at Victoria 
Vniv. (B.D., 1888) ; entd. miny., 1884; 
o. 1887; has held pastorates at many 
places, including Georgetown, Guelph 
(Paisley St.), Chatham (Park St.), 
and Wood8tock (Central Ch.); called 
to Quebec, Feb., 1909; a speaker at 
the mass meeting for civic righteous- 
ness, San Francisco, Cat, July 20, 
1!I01.-S9 Esplanade, Quebec (City). 
Cobnrn, Frederick Simpson, painter; 
S. Newlands and Laura Annie 
(Thomas) C.; b. Upper Melbourne, 
P.Q., Mch. 20, 1871; e. St. Francis 
Call., Richmond, P.Q.; studied In the 
. art classes of the late S. C. Stevenson, 
Montreal, and subsequently in N. Y., 
where he graduated from the Carl 
Hecker Art Sch.; from there went to 
BerUn, Germany, where, at the Royal 

Acad., he, on graduating, passed a 
brllliant examn.; at Paris he studied 
under Gerome, and won a scholar- 
sIMp; on .fleoturndng to Can. Ibook up 
the illustration of the late Dr. Drum- 
1Ill00rud's .. Hø:biba.n,t "; in Ibble .follrowing 
year took a course In the Slade Sch. 
of Fine Arts, London, Eng., thence 
proceeded to Antwerp, and when 
graduating was leader of the class, 
and, in a competition, won the Govt. 
subsidy; the Dam. Govt. selected .3 
of his can vaselS fo,r the St. Lams 
Expn.; many others are in private col- 
lections; has also i11ustrated several 
other of Drummond's productions, 1n- 
cluding .. '.rhe Gn
at Fight"; among 
other works Illustrated by him, the 
following may be mentioned: Dickens' 
U Cricket on the Hearth" and .. A 
Christmas Carol," Edgar Allan Poe's 
works, Browning's .. Uur Last Ride 
'.rogether," Washington Irving's .. R1p 
Van Winkle," Goldsmith's works, and 
Dr. Frechette's .. Christmas In l<'rench 
Canada"; the artist1c merit of 111S 
work has been specially commended 
by the London Times. - UPPeT 
bourne, P.Q. 
Cochran, George Ira, lawyer and 
S. late Rev. Geo. C., D.D., Toronto, 
fi.r,slÌ. M:eoth. 'lI1'issy. IÌ'Û Japan, and 
Catherine L. (Davidson) C.; b. Osha- 
wa, Ont., July 1, 1863; e. Toronto 
Univ.; m., 1st, Aug., 1890, Miss Alice 
Maud McClung (d.) ; 2ndly, ApI.,1907, 
Miss Isabelle May McClung; barrister 
(Ont.), 1887; admitted CaL bar, do.; 
practised law in Los Angeles till 
1906; a dir. 1st National Bank, Los 
Angeles, Los Angeles ,!'rust Co., Edi- 
son Electric Co., and many other or- 
ganlzations; trustee State Normal 
Sch., V.-P. Broadway Bank & Trust 
Co., presdt. Artesian Water Co., do. 
Holland Land & Water Co.; now 
presdt. Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co., 
Cal.; for many yrs. a trustee and 
DfIeoaS. UOIh,. Southern Owl. ; a Rep., and 
a memo EXlt
e. GOII1lt'e., Los Angeloes 
Co. Cent. Rep. Comte. for many yrs.; 
a Meth., and a memo Genl. Conf. 
Comn. to consolidate benevolent socS. 
of ch.; one of the founders of West- 
lake M. E. Ch, and West Adams M. E. 
Ch.; favours clean politics and all 
good sensible reform measures.-!!
Har-(;ard BoulevaTd, Los Angeles, Cal.; 
California Club, UniversitJI Club, 
Jonathan Club, Country Club, Union 
Leag1le Club, Boisa Gun Club, Los 
Angeles, Cal; Pacific Uni?n Club; Bo- 
hemian Club, San Franc1sco. 
Cochran, Bobert Christi\}, merchant. 
S. Gansa C.. Bishop's Mllls, Ont.; 
grandf. from Belfast. IreI.; ancestors 
previously from Glasgow, Scot.; b. 
Bishop's Mills, May 12, 1868; e, 
Kemptvllle High Sch.; taught sch. In 
Onto 5 yrs.; went west, 189]; since 
then a genl. merchant in Man.; a 
J. P.; commr. In B. R.; reeve of 
Blanshard, Man., since 1900; presdt. 
Union of Man, Municipalities, 1907-8; 
dO'. UOIIO'Il Gan. do., 1909-10; a Con., 
and PfleSdlt. lOiC'3JI .oCIIIl.. Assn.; IBl'esb. 
-Oak River



Cochrane, Albert L" educationist. 
Now and for some time gymnastic 
and drill Instructor, U. C. Col. ; a memo 
Toran to Life Saving Soc., estabd. by 
him; also founder summer camp of 
instruc. for boys, Lake Temagami, 
On.t.; apptd. 'by King Edwamd an non. 
associate of the Order of St. John of 
Jerusalem, June, 1907.-Upper Canada 
Cochrane, Eon, Francis, merchant; 
Second s. ,lø;be -Rolbt. C., farmeT, St. 
George, Henryville, P.Q., and Mary 
Ann (Hunter) C.; Scotch-Irish ances- 
try; b. Clarenceville, P.Q., Nov. 18, 
1852; e. Clarenceville Acad.; m., Aug., 
1882, Miss Alice Levina Dunlap; for 
some yrs. a hardware merchant at 
Sudbury, Ont., and largely Interested 
in mining, lumbering, and Industrial 
ventures; Mayor of Sudbury for BeV- 
eral tJ
rms' ; a Oon., an,d unsuccess- 
fully contested W. Nlplsslng (Local) 
in that interest, g. e. 1902; first re- 
turned to Legislature, for E. Nlpis- 
Bing June, 1905; returned for Sud- 
burý, g. e. 1908; apptd.. MinI'. of Lands 
and Mines In Whitney Cabinet, May 
30 1905' title of office changed later 
to' Lands, Forests, and Mines; apptd. 
a memo Royal Conservation Caron., 
1909; also a V.-P. DOlfi. Forestry 
Assn:.; opposed to I\:Jhe Taft-Field.lng 
1ity compaCJt; on the defeø.t of 
the Laur>i,er AodJrrun. at ilie poH.s, g. e., 
1911 was sworn of .tbie P. C., and 
3JCoep.ted offloe iIll the Bord'en Cabinet 
as /Minr. of Ra;i'I'Ways and Cana.1s, OCJt. 
10 1911; a ,Meth.-Ottawa; 15 Maple 
 Toronto; National 
.. A hard worker and a ca.reful a.dmin- 
istrator."-Can. Courier. 
.. One clean of heart, non-impetuous, 
capable and full of knowledge in all that 
regard,;> . mimEs, 
tt1e,rs' :rights 
and mmmg rlg.hJts. - Ktt (q.1J.). 
Cochrane, James Arthur, capitalist. 
E. s. late Hon. M. H. C., Senator, 
Hlllhurst, P.Q., the world famous cat- 
tle importer and breeder; b. Lowen, 
Mass., July 22, 1853; e. High Sch., 
Montreal, and Royal Agricul. Call., 
Cirencester" Eng.; m., 1st, Jan., 1886, 
.Mary LOUIse (d. Feb., 1890), d. Sir 
Jas. A. Grant, K.C.M.G., Ottawa (q.v.) ; 
2ndly Jan., 1892, Eva Anne, d. 
late 'Hon. Alex. Morris, P.C., for- 
merly Lt.-Gov. of Man.; presdt. E. T. 
Agricul. Assn.; has served as Mayor 
of Compton; sold Hillhurst and re- 
moved to Lennoxville, 1906; a dlr. 
Bishop's Call. Sch.; an Ang., and a 
del. to the Synod.-" Elmwood," Len- 
noxville P.Q.; St. James's Club, Mont- 
real; St. George's Club, Sherbrooke, 
Cochrane, Capt. John Bray. educa 
S. late John C. T. C., a native of 
London, Eng., who came to Can., 1836, 
and in 1837 raised a co. of volunteers 
at Peterboro, with which he marched 
to the aid of the authorities at Toronto, 
and Katherine, d. Rev. Edmund 
Sharpe, M.A. (Oxon.); b. Aug. 1, 

1860; e. Royal Mil. Coli., Kingston; 
graduated 1880; lieut. Can. mil., 1880; 
capt., 1885; asst. instructor surveying 
mdl. tOJ}ogmpn., !Physics, and chem., 
Royal Mil. Call., Feb., 1882; prof. 
phiysic.s and c}}elm., ihi,s pr>e.sel1lt iPosi- 
tion, July, 1897; Ang.; m., Aug., 1886, 
Miss Martha Burritt Merrick.-líïng- 
ston, Ont.; Frontenac Club, do. 
Cochrane, :aev, Bobert Balmer 
(Presb.) , 
S. late Rev. Wm. C., D.D., and 
Jeanette E. (Balmer) C.; b. Brant- 
ford, Ont., Aug. 6, 1880; e. Call. Inst., 
there, and at Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1902;. M.A., 1904); pursued theol. 
studies Knox Coli., Toronto; m., ApI., 
1907, Edith Alice, e. d. Wm. McLach- 
lan, u Idylwyld," Guelph, Onto ; o. 
1907; asst. pastor Knox Ch., Wood- 
stock, Ont., 1906; pastor do. (succeed- 
ing Rev. W. T. McMulolen, D.D. (q.v.), 
1907.-Knox Ohurch Manse, Wood- 
 Ont.; Alpine Club
.. A young man of exceptional promise." 
-M. Star. 
Cockburn, ReV, Edward (Presb.). 
B. Tp. Blenheim, Co. Kent., Ont.; e. 
there, the Grammar Sch., Woodstock, 
and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1870; M.A., 
1872); studied theol., Knox Call., To- 
ronto; graduated, 1872; m. d. late Jos. 
Gould, M.P.P.; o. 1873; held pastor- 
ates (1) Uxbridige, (2) Paris; now 
librarian Knox Call., Toronto.-85 
Brunswick Ave.
.. Eloquent, easy R"Ild fluent."-T. Globe. 
Cockburn, George Balph Richardson, 
retir'ed banker and legislaJtQr. 
S. Robt. C., Edinburgh, Scot.; b. 
there, Feb. 15, 1834; e. Edinburgh 
High Sch. and Univ. (M.A., and Strat- 
ton prlzeman, 1857), with further class- 
ical studies in Germany and France; 
m., 1866, Mary (presdt. Young Wo- 
men's Christian Guild), d. Hampden 
Zane, Louisville, Ky.; commenced his 
Can. career, as rector Model Grammar 
Sch. for U. C., 1858, becoming prin- 
cipal U. C. Call, 1861, and a senator 
Toronto Univ., p.ositions he held for 20 yrs.; sat f'Or CentTe Toronto 
(H. C.), 1887-96; 'While in Parlt. was 
an 'independent supporter .of Sir John 
Macdonalld and a warm advocatoe .of 
Imp. Federation; one of the "Noble 
13" who voted I3.galnst the principle 
of t'he .Jesuit Estate Aiet, 1889; was 
chairman of the Banking and Com- 
merce Com.te.; IWI3.S chief C'ommr. fQr 
Can. at World's F1air, Chicago, 1893; 
IPresdt. Onto Bank, 1894-1906; was 
also presdt. London and Can. Loan 
and Ag'ency Co., Consumer's Gas Co., 
and St. Andrew's Soc.; is presdt. To- 
ronto Land and Invest. Co., V.-P. To- 
ronto braIllCh, Brit. EIDiPire League, 
and a. dir. Western Assur. CoO. and 
Musk!oka lAkes Nav. and Hotel Co.; 
a gov. Toronto Univ.; author o.f "An 
Address to the Shareholders of the 
Onto Bank"; Presb.-619 Sherbourne 
St., Toronto; Toronto Club; Albany 
Club; Royal Can. Yacht Club, do. 
" The incarnatioDJ of honour and 
justioo."-St. John Telegraph, 



Cockburn, Major Hampden Bane 
Churchill, rancher. 
S. G. R. R. C. (q.'V.); b. Toronto, 
Nov. 19, 1867; e. U. C. ColI., Rugby, 
Eng., l.ondon Unlv., and Toronto Univ. 
(B.A.. 1891); a barrister; formerly 
an offr. G.-G. Body Gd., Toronto; was 
a memo 2nd Can. contingent during S. 
A. War, 189J-1900 (slightly wounded, 
bt.-major, Quepn's med., with 4 clasps. 
and V. C.): Major C. wa!'; decorated 
for having, .. with a handful of men. 
at a most critical moment, held off the 
Boers. in an engagement with the 
enemy, Nov. 7. 1900, betwef'n With- 
kloof and Lilllefontein. to allow the 
guns to get away, but to do so had to 
sacrifice himself and his party, an of 
whom were eH'he-r ki Hoe d , woundf'ld, or 
taken <prisoners" (Miaj.-Genl. Smlth- 
Dorrien's report); awa.rdred ro,e.d., 
Royal Humanoe So,c., /for caT1oS,plcuous 
courage In S3wng 11\.fe, Lake Ro
Ont., s.ept!:. 20, 1897; Ang.-Graburn J 
A lta. J' Toronto Cltt b J Toronto. 
Cockln, Jlereward ][" poet. 
B. Frimng- Hall, near Manning1ham, 
Y;orkshire. Ep2'.; fONTlerly 
. Sat?/.r- 
ilm/ Niqht, 
()IJ"ont{): autihoor .. 'rlh'" 
Hippy FamlI'y" aml .. Gentl.eman Dick 
0' the Greys, '3JI1d Other Po-e:rm
(1889), the Intt-e.r .of which ran throllg'h 
4 of"dHions; is hon. s-ecy. GupJ'Ph O. A. C. 
Cf'ickoet Club.-Guelph, Onto 
Cockshutt, Prank, merchant. 
S. late Ignatius C.. merchant, noted 
for his active, earnest and useful life 
and generous donations to many 
p71ilanthropk ()'bject.
. a71'd ID1tzaberth 
(Foster) C.; bro. W. F. C. (q.v.), 
sometime M.P. for Brantford, Onto 
(RC.); b. Brantford. Ont., Dec. 22, 
1857: e. there and Galt Call. Inst.; 
m. .Jun p , 1887, Nora Vktoria, d. latp 
.Jas. Wan ace, Brantford: has fined 
many 'ImbUe positions, Including that of 
V.-P. Granit Improvement Assn., 
chairman CoIl. Inst. Bd., and of the 
Park Comn. and presdt. Bd. of Trade, 
Brantf1ord; Is presdt. Cockshutt Plow 
Co., Ltd., Slingsby Manfg. Co., Brant- 
ford Gas Co., etc.; active in 'Prorno.tlng 
local objects of national. moral and 
religious Interest; elected presdt. 
Brantford Evangel. Soc., 1910; one of 
the family who presented Cockshutt 
Agrlcul. Park to the /City of Branotford, 
as a memorial of their father, Sept., 
1902; an Ind. Lib.; a mem. Farring- 
don Ind. Ch.-80 Sheridan St., Brant- 
ford, Onto 
Cockshutt, William Poster, merchant 
and manufacturer. 
Eng. origin; s. I. C. and Elizabeth 
(Foster) C.; b. Brantford, Ont., Oct. 
17, 1855; e. there and Galt Call. Inst.; 
m., Aug., 1891, Miss Minnie Turner 
Ashton, Brantford, Ont.; a councillor 
Toronto Bd. of Trade, memo Onto 
Power Comn., and 'Presdot. Be.J.l Me- 
rnl()rial As.<:T1.: has been 13..1,so p.resdJt. 
local Bd. of; a.pptd. a commr. 
to Investigate the development and dis- 
tribution of e
ectrlc power at Niagara 
Falls for distribution In Ont., 1903; a 
del. to 6th Commercial Congress of the 1906, and t<o Briot. lIlliP. CIQIUD)Ci:l 

of Oomm.eI'lOO, 19M; ihas spo!ren and 
lecoture'd In Can. and Eng. 'On the Un:l- 
on of IlaItura.Þiza:tlon and In favour 
of preferential .trade wi,th1n the Em- 
p'ire; an ardent Imp.erialist and ad- 
mirer of ,Mr. Ohl3.mber,I'a,ln; presen,ted 
to K'ing Edwand, 1906; represented 
BraiIltf10rd at funoe,ra1 ;in Lond-on, Eng., 
of His Majesty King EdlWard, 1910; 
a soenator Wester:n Undv. and a memo 
ex,tve. comte. Bible Soc. .af Can.; sat 
for Bran'Ìfm'd (H. C.), Con. ,in- 
Ì'er-est, 1904-8; -<'Nil efl"eobive wo.rk in 
debate, and ot>herwlse, for his party; 
Ang; a del. to the Synûd; II is of 
opinion that In ch, matters we have too 
much lip loyalty and too little practical 
loyalty."-Brantford, Onto 
"A splendid dehater."-Jl. .
" A pleasing and cornvinoing spe'aker."- 
M. Gazette. 
"A lJoe:icllil and forcib!e SIX',aker who has 
woo gQldeDJ eonCOJII1JÌnms on booth sides of 
the AtlaDltic."-M. and E. 
Code, Bobert George, lawyer. 
S. Wm. and Elizabeth C.; b. Innls- 
ville, Ont., Oct. 20, 1858; e. Perth 
ColI. Inst., Hamilton Call. Inst., and 
Ottawa Normal Sch. (cert.) ; barrister, 
1886; K.C., 1908; successfully practises 
at Ottawa as head firm C. & Burritt; 
counsel at Ottawa for Onto Govt.' a 
Can., and formerly presdt. Macdon
Club, Ottawa, the Llb.-Con. Assn., 
Ottawa (retired from latter, 1907): 
was also secy. Lady Stanley Inst. and 
presdt. Ottawa Legal and Lit. Soc., 
and Co. Carleton Bar Assn.; an Ang.; 
unm.-45 Slater St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club; Canadian Club; Ottawa Golf 
Club; Coulonoe Fi8h and Game Olub, 
Code, William John, lawyer. 
E. s. Abraham C., M.L.A. for S. 
Lanark (Local), 1869-79, and Eliza- 
heth (Hopkins) C.; b. InnlsvlUe, Ont., 
Feb. 23, 1862; e. public and high 'Schs., 
Carleton Place; m., Dec., 1892, Miss 
Susanna Boyd, BrockvlUe, Ont.; bar- 
niste,r, 1884; successfully <practises his 
p'rof. .In Ot'tawa; app;td. offl-cla,l arbi- 
. tI13Jtor, Ottawa, 1905; e11ected granod 
regent On.t. Ommeil, RO'yal Arcanum, 
ApI., 1908; a Con.; an Ang.-3f1/ 
Stewart St., Ottawa. 
Coderre, Lou!_, lawyer. 
S. Alfred and Emma (Fontaine) C.; 
b. St. Ours, P.Q., Nov. 1, 1865; e. St. 
Ours Primary Sch. and St. Hyacinthe 
Call.; m., .July, 1905, Mlle. Marie Anne 
Ste. Marie, Montreal; graduated LL.B. 
(Laval Unlv.), 1892; advocate, 1887; 
suC'oes.sfully 'pJ'laûtlses 'hils prof. In 
M-on:trea'l; at 'Present head I(),f firm 
C., Cêdlras & Oodel're; '3.'Ìlty. city of St. 
Hen 111, sinúe 1896; atty. to,wn 01' 
EmaTò, .sdnoe 1907; synd.i-c Montreal 
bar since 1905; a Can., and unsuccp-ss- 
fuLlry OC}llIoosteod MontTea,1 (Hochoe'lag:a 
ðJlv.), 'Prov,l. g. e. 1908, a:nd same oon- 
stiotuency (H. C.) g. e. 1908; a R. C.- 
Sl Laporte St., 1I1ontreal; Club La- 
fontaine, do. 
Cody, The Very Bev, Henry John 
S. Elljah 
. and Margt. LouIsa 
(Torrance) C.; b. Embro. Ont., Dec, 6. 



1868; e, Galt ColI. lnst. and Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., gold lIDof'(]. in OIru:;.S'ic
, 11S't 
dass honours in Mental and Moral 
Phil, and Civil Polity, and Wyld PrIze- 
man in Eng. Es.say, 1889; M.A., 
1890; lJL.D., hOIll.. 1906) ; D.D. (hon.), 
Queen's Univ., 1903: m., 1894, Florence 
L., d. late H. E. Clarlre, M.P.P., To- 
ronto; o. deacon, 1893; prIest, 1894; 
classical master, Ridley ColI., St. Cath- 
arines, Ont., 1889-93; prof. .of Old 
T.est. Exe
esis and Ch, Rist., Wycliffe 
ColI., Toronto, 1894-9: sInce then has 
been prÜ'f. Systematic Theol., do., do.; 
was also l
ct. In Latin and ,examr. In 
Classic,s, Toronto Unlv.; curate, St. 
Paul's C'h., TÜ'rÜ'TIrto, '1894-9; acting J'lec- 
t,or, d,o., dID., 1899-1907; sin.coe ,thoen ,boas 
bppn rec-to.r, rl.o., d'Û. ; oa.pptd. oR IC'allion. St. 
Alban's Cath., T.oronto, Dec., 1903; 
do. Archdeacon .of York, Oct., 1909: 
was elected Bp. of N. S., but deoUned 
the pref-erment, 1904; an unsuccessful 
candidate for Bishopric of Toronto, 
1909; d-ecI.ined presIdency of KIng's 
ColI., Windsor, N.S., 1903, and prin- 
cipalship of Wycliffe CoIl., Toront.o, 
1906; a del. Ecumenical Missy. Conf., 
N. Y., 1900; do., Pan-Ang. Cong., Lon- 
don, Eng., 1908, Wo'rld's MIssy. Conf., 
Edinburgh, 1910, 43rd Trl-ennial Con- 
vention, IDpis. Ch., ICinC'ÏnnaJti, Ohio, 
do., and Ang. Ch. Cong., Halifax, do.; 
an official del., Bicen tenary Cel'ebra- 
tion, Ang. Ch., Halifax, do.; elected 
presdt., Wycliffe ColI. Alumni Assn., 
1902; V.-P. Toronto Ch, of Eng. S. S. 
Assn., do.: -do. Can. Counoc.H Pock,pt 
st.alJTIlent League, 1911: d'O. local 
bran,c'h Assood. Courucdls iÎn Br,u. a,nd 
German Emp'Ïre'9 for .fìosterIn,g 1"rl.en,dly 
l'ell3Jtion.s between .the two ,þeOples, dlo.: 
a founder Have1'g'a\J: iLadlÍ.es' CI{)IIl. 
an,d People's Tavern Co., Toronto; 
a m'em. Aù'v. Bd., W'omen's Wel- 
come Hos'bel, ToTonrto; apptJd. a memo 

a'} Cornn. re Tooronto Unjv., 
1905; portrait painted In oils by Grier 
(q.v.), for Wycliffe CoIl., 1909; has 
contrlbute-d to Westminster and other 
periodicals; has lectured on "Some 
El-em-ents of Our National Strength 
and Weakness" and other subjects.- 
 Jarvis St., Toronto; Lambton Golf 
and Country Club; Queen City Bowl- 
ing Club, do. 
"The orator of the Church. "-T. New8. 
"An extremely ea.r1ll6st and convin.cing 
preacher."-M. & E. 
"His learning and exoo' gifts a-8 
a pre.acher mark him for a high place in 
church oouncils."-Can. Chi/rehman. 
"Has become a pot\vIPr in tho church as a 
result nf his remarkable abilities and close 
appI.ication to. his duties."-H. B erald. 
" Eminen.t as a schola.r, successful as an 
educationist and ,preacher, O'f tireless 
energy as a worlæ,r .and organize,r, and of 
unive.rsal acceptability socially a:ð.d among 
thoughtful peo.ple."-S. N. 
Cody, :Rev. Hiram Alfred (Ang.)_ 
U. E. L. descent; o. s. Geo. and 
Loretta Augusta C.; b. Queen's Co., 
N.B., .July 3, 1872: e. St. .John Gram- 
mar Sch. and KIng's ColI. Univ., 
Windsor, N.S. (B.A., 1897; M.A., 
1908); m., Sept., 1905, .JessIe Margt., 
d. A. G, FlewellIng, Oak Point, N.H.; 

o. deacon, 1896; priest, 1898; 1j,ncum- 
bent, Greenwich, N.B., 18<)7-1903 ; 
travel. mIssy., Yukon, 1903-4; rector 
ChrIst Ch., Whitelhorse, Y.T., 1904-9; 
since then, has been rector St. .Ja;mes's, 
St. .John, N.B. ; author .. Yukon's 
Resources and Advan.tages," an essay 
wInnIng a prIze of $200 in 1906; "An 
AJposUe of the NÜ'rth, Being the Life 
and MemoIrs of Bishop Bompas .. 
(1908) : "On Trail and RapId by Dog- 
Sled and Canoe: The Story of Bishop 
Bom;pas's Life Amorugst the Red In- 
d,i'ans and Eskiimo" (910); "The 
Front.Ïoero!'moan" (do.), and " Tlhe 

orufltJh Wa1bcih" (1911); a conltri,butl()'r 
t'Ü tine Can. Mag., The Westminster, 
Can. CouTier, e'tc.; an üffiC'i-a} dlel. .to 
-the Bi-Cenrt. Allig'. -Dh. ce;J.leb, raitol-on 
Hal,ifax, N..S., 1910: a CoOn. - St. 
James's Recto1'Y, st. John, N.B. 
"A fluenll1, OOOlViincin'g pu1'P1t oorarOOir....- 
St. John Telegraph. 
II Ris writings are crammed with inter- 
est."-M. Herald. 
Coffey, Hon, Thomas, journaldst; 
S. late Patrick and EIIen (O'Keefe) 
C.: b. Castle Connen, Co. Limerick. 
Irel., Aug. 12, 1843: came to Can. 
with parents when a child: e. Mont- 
real and London, Ont.: a journeyman 
printer, and workf'd as such, as a 
young man, rising to more importan t 
positions in his profession; was em- 
ployed In Advertiscr anò Free Press 
offices, Lonðon: founòed The Catholic 
RecoTd, a religions wppk\y (London), 
1878 whIch Is stilI publishpd, and has 
stncé become the recognizf'd organ of 
the Cath. Ch. in 0nt.: hRS h.-.}d high 
office in the C. M. B. A.: LL.D. (hon., 
Ottawa Univ.), 1907: callerl to the 
S<,nate by Lord Minto. ]\kh. 12. 1 <\03 : 
name frequently mentionprl for R nom. 
Cabinet .office: elect-ed chairman .JoInt 
Comte. on Printing of Parlt.. 1909: a 
R. C.: m., May, 1869, Margt., 2nd d. 
Jas. Hevey, London, Ont.-London, 
01It... London Club, do. 
" A cu'dit alike to the land of his birth 
and the land of his adoption.' '-T. Globe, 
II A broad-minded man, whO' has used his 
influence to promote harmony and good 
feeling among all cIasses."-London Adl'er- 
Coftln, Alfred B" journalist. 
S. .J. Fernandez C., formerly of 
Port Clyde now of Truro, N.S.; b. 
ApI. 7, -187'5; e. pUblic schs. and Mt. 
Allison Univ.; m., Aug., 1902, Miss 
AnnIe Louise Mack, Truro. N.S.; a 
journalist and pUblisher since 1894; 
nÜ'w 'Publishes the Truro News; presàt. 
'I. C. A., Truro: pref'.ilt. :M'aritime 
Press Assn., 1910-11; Meth.: Con.; 
believes that the world is growIng bet- 
ter and that Can. Is the country of the 
future.-Truro, N.S. 
Coftln, Victor Edwin, educationist, 
Loyalist extraction, emigrating from 
Mass. to P. E. 1., 1783; b. Mt. Stew- 
a,rt ,P.E.I.. 1864; e. Prinee of Wales 
Co.I.l., Dalh.ousi.e CoN., HaHfax, N.S. 
(IB.A., 1887), Oornoelol Un'iv. (Ph.D., 
1893), arud German Undvs.; prof. of 
history, Uruiv. 'Of W,isOQl11tsin, since 1894 ; 



m., 1894, e. d. ProOf. R. H. Thur:sbon, 
SibJey Oolí1., Oornoelil Univ..-Jfadison, 
Cogswell, Bev, William Henry Law- 
rence (Ang.). 
S. late Rev. Wm. C., curate St. 
Paul's, Halifax (see .. Cogswells in 
America," Boston, 1884); b. Halifax, 
Dec. 11, 1845; e. Grammar Sch., Hali- 
fax Acad., King's ColI., Windsor, N.S., 
and Wadham CoH., Oxford (M.A.); 
m., Feb., 1868, Miss AIfcla Harriet 
U ndoack.e; o. dtelaJoon
 18ß 8 ; ,pri.est, 
1869; curate Stevenage, Herts, 1869- 
72; vicar St. Helens, Oxford, 1872-9; 
vicar St. Oswalds, Chester, 1879-90; 
warden special service clergy. 1890-5; 
rector WaHasey, Che'Shire, where \hie 
still is, 1896; is chaplain to Bp. of 
Chester and R. D._ u The Rectory," 
lVallasey. Oheshire. 
cohen, Arthur, lawyer. 
S. Jacob C., retired merchant, 'lX>- 
ronto; b. there, .July 16, 1880; e. pub- 
lic schs., Jarvis St. CoHo Inst., and 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1903; LL.B.. 
1906); en,tð. univ. on a first <Iou-Me 
scholar.; obtained first scholar. In each 
year at Law Sch., and gold roed., on 
graduation; barrister, 1906; formerly 
with Ritchie (q.v.) Ludwig & Ballan- 
tyne; now practising alone; apptd. an 
examr. in the Law Sch., Osgoode Hall, 
1909; a mod. Con.; a Jew.-l65 Low- 
ther Ave., Toronto; Albany Olub, do. 
"A briJlia.nt 6choJ.a,r. "-T. Globe. 
Cohen. Lyon, merchant. 
S. Lazarus C.; b. Poland, May 11, 
1868; e. McGill Model Sch. and Catho- 
lic Commercial Acad., Montreal.; m., 
Feb., 1891, Rachel (founder Jewish 
Endeavour Sewing Soc.), d. late Noah 
Friedman; memo mercantile firm L. 
C. & Son. Montreal; prominently iden- 
tified with every movement looking to 
the betterment of Jewish conditions in 
this country (vide M. Witness); one 
of the founders of the Jewish Times, 
Montreal; treas. Jewish Colonization 
Assn., of Paris; spcy. .Jewish Rights 
Comte.; presdt. Shaar Hashomayin 
Congo and of Montefiore Club: life 
gov. Montreal Gent Hosp.; elpctpd 
presdt. Baron de Hirsch Inst., Mont- 
real, 1908, having previously been a 
memo of Its extve. and of Its building 
comte.: re-<eIl'eot1e.d, 1910; a Lib., and 11 
oCCJlUJ1)(JJ:lIlOT M'ollltl'ooO: Refor.m OlIub.--8 
Tower Ave., Montreal; Montefiore Club, 
.. An active and enterprising man."- 
Jf. Witnes",. 
Cohoe, Bev, Albert Bedell (Bapt.). 
B. New Durham, Ont.; e. there and 
McMaster Univ. (B.A.. 1898; B.Th., 
1901) ; m., Dec., 1903, Margt. Arabella 
(B.A., 1898: M.A.. 1901. McMaster 
Univ.), d. W. Bailey, Toronto; suc- 
cessively pastor at Grimsby, Ont., and 
St. .John, N.B.; since 1910 has been 
pastor 1st Bapt. Ch., Halifax, N.S.; 
V.-P. Assd. Charities, St. John, 1908- 
9; diD. N. S. Auxil. Dan. BibJ.e Soc., 
1911.-Lucknow St., Halifax, N.S. 
.. An intelIectual preacher -and a man 
of strong personality."-H. Herø.ld, 
"A man wh()Be- sympathie.s were too large 

for an,y church, though always loyal to his 
own church." - Archdeacon Raym07ld 
Cohoe, Benson Ambrose, physician; 
S. Rev. B. L. C. (Meth.); b. Can- 
boro, Ont., Dec. 10, 1874; e. :A:amilton 
ColI. Inst. and Toronto Univ. (B.A. 
and Prince of Wa.loes scholar., 1898); 
graduated M.B. (do.), 1901; unm.; 
memo ColI. P. and S., Ont., 1901; memo 
Assn. Am. Anatomists, 1902; do. Am. 
Assn. for the Advanc. of Science, 
1907; asst. in bioI., Toronto Univ., 
1899-1901 ; .i.nst'r. 'in anaL Cornoe1.l Un-iv., 
1901-03; asso. in anat., Chicago Univ., . 
1903-06; asst. resident phys. and asst. 
in med., Johns Hopkins Univ., Balti- 
more, Md., 1906; resident phys., 1908. 
--John Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, Md. 
Cohoe, Lt,-Col. John Edward, lawyer. 
U. E: L. descent on father's side; 
s. .John E. and Sarah Jane (Buchanan) 
C.; family settlpd at Fonthill, Ont., 
1787; b. there, Mch. 18, 1871; e. pubJic 
sch., WeIland high sCh., Toronto Univ. 
and Osgoode Hall; m., 1894, Miss Clara 
J. Holcombe, Welland, Ont.; barrister, 
1894; successfuly practised his prof. 
at Weiland till 1904; since then local 
regr., H. C. of Justke, regr. Surr. Ct. 
and clerk Co. Ct., WeIland; joined 
44th Regt., 1887; promoted lieut., 
1888; capt., 1891; major, 1899; It.-cot, 
1904; B. M. 5th Infy. Brig., 1909; 
holds long service decoration; Lib.; 
past presdt. Young Lib. Club and or- 
ganizer Lib. party, Co. WeIland; 
Ang.- Welland, Onto 
Cohoe, Wallace Patten, educationist. 
S. Rev. D. B. C. (Bapt.); bro. Rev. 
A. B. C. (q.v.); b. New Durham, Ont.; 
e. there and McMast'er Un-iv. (B.A., 
1896; M.A., 1898) and Hnrvard Univ., 
where he took a fellowship In chem- 
istry, 1899; m., June, 1902, Edith 
Spalding, d. David Rubidge, Denver, 
Co!.; is presdt. of the Harvard Club, 
'Iì ; vice-cl1am'ber,I.a,in Oan. sec. 
Soc. Chemical Industry; and V.-P. 
Oxford Co. Old Boys' Assn.; now, and 
for some yrs., presdt. Chemical Labor- 
atories, Ltd.; Bapt.-ll0 Park Rd., To- 
ronto; National Olub. do. 
Colbeck, Franklin Charles, education- 
S. Edward and Lucinda C.; b. 
Brantford, Ont., Dec. ] 3, 1858; e. 
Brantford ColI. Inst. (from which he 
matTf.culatOOI 'W1Ïth scholars. in clas- 
sics and math.), and Victoria Unlv. 
(B.A., with med. In classics, 1885); 
m., 1887, Maggie L., d. Robt. Phair, 
Brantford; successively classical mas- 
ter Rldgetown CoIl. Inst. and Peter- 
boro' CoIl. Inst.; principal Dundas 
High Sch., 1890; do. W. Toronto CoIl. 
Inst. since 1894; has been p.xamr. in 
classics for Victoria and Toronto 
Univs., and examr. in methods in 
teaching classics and Eng. for Onto 
Normal ColI.; has been presdt. Ont. 
Classical Assn., and is now presdt. 
High Sch. Principals' Assn.; a Sf'na- 
tor of Toronto and Victoria Univs., 
and a memo of the Council of Educa- 
IUD'll for Onlt.; a Meth.-142 St. John'8 
Rd., Toronto. 



Colby, Charles William, educationist. 
E. s. latp Hon. C. C. C., P.C.. states- 
man. and Harriet (Cht1f1) C. 
 b. Stan- 
stead, P.Q., Mc'h. 25, 1867; e. Stansteaf1 
CoIl., McGi11 Unlv. (B.A.. with hlg-hpst 
honours In Eng. and Hlst., and Shake- 
ld med., 1887) and Harvard 
Unlv. (A.M., with Morgan scholar., 
 Ph.D., 1890); D.C.L., (hon.) 
Lennoxvf11e, 1903; m., June, 1897, 
Emma Francps, o. d. late Wa1tpr B. 
Cobb: IpC'Ì. Eng'. hmg, an(1. history, 
McGI11 Unlv., 189-3-5: KIngsford prof. 
of 'hlst.. do. do., 1895-1910: Is n dh'. 
Dom. Wire Rope Co.; counoilIor, Mont- 
I"e:al OOlffiote., Soc. Danlte A'1
· 1900: mpm. Intern. Congress of Arts 
and Crafts, Louisiana Purchn se Exhn., 
1905: memo Can. Hlst. Manuscript 
Comn., 1907; councHIor, Montrp,al Art 
Assn.. 1908; F.R-RC., 1909: twice de- 
clined a chair In Chicago Unlv..; also a 
nomination to Parlt.; author "The 

ources of History" (1899): "Can. 
Types of the Old Regime" (1908), etc.; 
wpll and favourably known on the lec- 
turp platform; has served as an examr. 
in Ihl!story f.or Toronto Un1v.: elected 
a Ò'ir. E. T. Bank, 1910.--560 Pine Ave., 
:f.fontreal; Universit1} Club, do.; sum- 
mer residence: Lake Memphremagog, 
Colclough, .Tohn George, lawyer. 
E. s. John R- C.. Blc, P.Q.: b. there, 
Jan. 8, 1869; e. Rlmouskl Semy. and 
Laval Univ. (B.A., 1888); called to 
Irish bar, 1893 (being the first Can. 
to be so oalijed by examn.) : durdlllg,the 
Parnell crisis In IrIsh affairs joined 
the staff of the National Press, which 
was startpd In opnosltlon to the Par- 
nelIlte Freeman's Journal, In the capa- 
city of leadpr writer; has been a fre- 
Quent contributor to Eng. and French 
reviews, notably thp Contem1Joraru 
Review, the Month, La Nouvelle Re- 
vue, La Revue Intern., La Revue du 
Mnnde Cath., etc.: has published thp 
following works: "Ulster: Facts and 
Figures" (1893), "Thp Law of Con- 
tract" (1895), In collaboration with 
Mr. M. M. Ullah, of the Indian bar: 
" The Manitoba School Question " 
(1896), "Twenty-flve Years of Anglo- 
Frpnch Trade" (1898). "Trade Or- 
ganlzatlon" (1903) . thp last-namp(1 
contributed to the Times' Issue of th(' 
"EncycI. Brit.": was apptd. secy. of 
Brit. Chambpr of Commerce, Paris, 
1896. and during his pprlod of office 
his Influpnce was speciallY fpIt In con- 
nection with the Questions of the legal 
position of Brit. coso In France, thp 
abolition of the consular fee for certs. 
of origin, the estabt. of a telpgraphtc 
money order sprvlcp betwepn Eng-. and 
France opposition to thp French col- 
onial n'roduce duty law of 1901), "sur- 
taxe d'entrepôt" on Canadian produce 
In France, etc.; had frequently repre- 
sented his chamber at the meetings of 
t!he ÁS'sn. of Ohambers {)If Oommeæeof 
tlOO U. K. and alt fuoe oongresses 011' the 
OhMYl'bers of Omnmeæe of ,bhe Emp:ke; 
dtUrlng the Exhbn., 1900, ihiadr charge of 
the arrangements for the visit of the 
Assn. of Oham.bers o.f Commerre of <the 
1T. K.. to PaI"!s, 18, ",Isiot W1h1ch iInaTked 
the first step in ;the Improvement of 

An:g:lo-Frencl1 reloa11ons : llef.t Barl's, 
1901, to ltakle UJP an appt. offered to 
ih:lm dn .the Union Discount Co., Lon- 
do(YJ1, LW., one of <the IleadiÏng discount 
banks -In ,tJhe city, and S!llIC'e .hls 1'eltuTn 
t'O uonJ('Þon ,has 'eßldteoavou1'eð to promote 
betoter orga'll:izalt-l-on of Can. oom ' I1Þe,r- 
cial I"ep1'esenotablo'l1 .In the U. K.; l'epre- 
B1elllood La Pre sse (IMon'trea
J..), a.t the 
Imp. Press ConlÍ., London, Entg., 1909: 
R. C.: m. M!a;ud, y. d. late J. Ma.c- 
Aili1en, KIIlI].a'rney.-
 Taviton St., Gor- 
don Sq., London, W.O., Eng.; National 
Lib. Club, do. 
Colcock, Nev1Ile Bentley, Onto public 
B. SoutJh of Eng.; e. Yorkshire; m. 
Miss Susan Etwell, Uxbrldge, Onot.; 
early yrs. spen.t on Col. anð LondJon 
press; came to Can. and estbd. the 
Telegraph (WeIland, Ollot.) , also The 
Can. Farmer; later aCQulreð the Brock- 
vll1e Times; was apptð. Asst. Inspr. of 
Customs, 1895, but retired a few yrs. 
later to become a custom-house broker, 
Niagara Fans; vice and ðepty. Am. 
consul there; apptð. Immigration inspr. 
for Ont., Lond'On, Eng., 1908; since 
Jan., 1910, has been Agent-Genl. for 
the Province, London: F.R.C.I., 1910.- 
163 Strand, London, Eng. 
Coldwell. Albert Edward, education- 
S. Ebenezer anð Mary (Stevens) 
C.; b. Gaspereau, N.S., Sept. 18, 1841; 
e. Horton CoIl. Acað. anð Acaðia 
Unlv. (B.A., with honours, 1869 : 
M.A., 1872); won Vaughan prize of 
no stg. for best essay on Acaðla CoIl., 
1877; Instr. In math., Horton ColI. 
Acad., 1871; ðo. In nat. sclenc p , Aca- 
ðia CoIl., 1882: prof. ðo., 1884: re- 
signed, 1898; a Bapt.; m. Jessie (a 
writer on subjects on fruit culture), d. 
W. J. Hlgglns.- Wolfville, N.S. 
ColdweII, Bon, George Bobson, law- 
yer; statesman. 
S. Wm. Ed. C., of Wakefielð, York- 
shire, Eng., anð Mary (Robson) C., of 
Huððersfielð, same co., who Iiveð In 
Co. Huron, Ont., for 40 yrs.; b. Co. 
Durham, Ont., July 4, 1858; e. there 
and Trin. Univ., Toronto (B.A., 
1880); barrister (Man.), 1882; K.C. 
(E. Aberðeen), 1903; went west anð 
practlseð at his profession, thst at 
Winnipeg anð subsequently at Bran- 
don, where he entð. Into partnership 
l8Jte Hall'. T. !M. DaJly: .AJld. 
there for a lengthened perloð; a Con.; 
apptd. Provl. Spcy., Municipal CommT., 
and Mlnr. of Eðucatlon, RabUn Aðmn., 
Nov., 1907; electeð by acclamation for 
Branðon City; a councillor Man. Unlv. ; 
a di.r. Nat. Trust Co.; apptd. a memo 
Royal Comn. re Man. tech. sch. system, 
1910; an Ang., anð a ðeI. to Pro vI. 
Synoo of Rupel't's Land; m. Miss 
Annde Anid!erson
 ,BramptoIt, Onot.- 
Winnipeg; Brandon, Man.; Brandon 
Club, do.; Manitoba Club, Winnipeg. 
Cole, Mrs, Agnes LiIian, 
E. ð. late Lt.-Col. A. T. H. Wil- 
liams, M.P, Penryn Park, Port Hope, 
Ont., and, 2nd d. lliite Hon. Benj. 
Seymour, senator; b. Port Hope: e. 
there, by private tuition, and To- 
ronto; m., 1st, Nov. 20, 1883, Herbert 



(d. .June, 1904), s. late .Joseph Cham- 
berlain, Moor Green Hall, Birming- 
ham, Eng., a bro. of the Rt. Hon, 
.Joseph Chamberlain, M.P.; 2ndly, 
Nov. 15, 1907, Alfred Clayton Cole, 
one of H.M.'s Lieutenants for the City 
of London, and depty. gOY. of the Bank 
of Eng.; is an active worker in the 
\Vomen's Lib. Union Assn. and the 
Victoria League; did much for the 
entertainment of the Colonials in 
London at time of King Edward's 
cor<)llIaot:Ï-on, :1902, and s'inoe; was JIliO'SIt 
a.ctiV1e aJITl'Ong those who laboured .in 
behaLf of .bhe sick and wounded dur- 
dng too S. African W'ar; a,!iSO did much 
tJo'WardJs seolllrlng a .permt. home for 
the Colonial Club in London.---6.J Port- 
land Place, London, 1V., Eng.; Ladies' 
EmpÏ1.e Club, do. 
Co.!e, Arthur Augustus, mining engr. 
S. late Major Frcdk. C., Montreal, 
and bro. Lt.-CoI. F. M. C. (q.v.): b. 
Montreal; e. McGill Univ. (B.A., 
1891: M.A., 1897; B.A.Sc. (Mi), with 
1st rank honours In nat. science, 1894) ; 
m., ApI., 1902, Miss Florence Gertrude 
Will, Toronto; for some yrs. engr. and 
assayist War Eagle and Centre Star 
m!nps, Rossland, B.C.; apptd. expert 
mming engr. Temiskaming- & N. Onto 
Ry. Comn., 1908; Ang.-Cobalt, Onto 
Cole, Lt,-Col, Frederick Minden, in- 
surance broker, 
E. s. late Major Fredk. C., a native 
of tl;te Isle of Wight, and Louisa 
PurklS (Barrett) C., d. of the late 
Wm. Barrett, an offr. in the R. N.; 
h. Montreal, Aug. 1. 1859; e. Montreal 
High Sch. and McGill Univ. (associate 
in arts); m., Oct., 1897, Florence 
'l'homps-on, e. d. Hon. Mr. .Justice Tren- 
IlK)I!me (q.v.), 
fonotr>ea1; grad. B.C.L. 
(MeGill Unlv.), 1897, but has not been 
admitted to the bar; business career 
began under his father; since his 
death, has been an ins. broker' is 
special agent In Montreal for the C
mETC!iaJ Union As sur. 00. began ,bis 
mil. career in High Sch. Cadets' at 
17 enlisted In 51st U Hemmlngford 
Rangers," and later became a trooper 
in the Huntingdon Cavalry; gazetted 
2nd lieut. Montreal Gar. Arty. (now 
2nd Regt. C. A.), 1878; adjt., 1880; 
capt., 1882; major, 1889, and 'Succeed- 
ed to the command, 1892: tenure of 
command extended, In recognition of 
spedal services in connection wth the 
Dom. Arty. Assn., 1899; In 1901 
was transfd. to the Arty. R. 0.. served 
with his regt.. during Orange riots, 
1878: the ry. rIOts, ] 879, and through- 
out the N. W. Rebellion, 1885. (N. W. 
med.); has also the long service de- 
coration; commanded the Can. de- 
tachment which represented the Dom. 
Arty. Assn. at Shoeburyness, Eng., 
1896; his team won the Queen's Cup 
and the Londonderry Cup, the former 
for the first and only time being won 
by a Can. team; on his return to 
Montreal was entertained at a DubHe 

nquet; commanded Oan. Boy IScoUts 
IJ1J Wnd'on, Eng., at coronwtion of King 
Georgi(', on whiClh O'CJCIasion was PI'e- 
sented Ito Hiis Majesty; .presdot. Dom. 
ATty. AssIl., 1897-8; one tOf the 

founders 'M'OntlI"eM l\HL InS1t.; has ,lec- 
ed Defore last-namoo body on mil. 
subjoecl:s; pos.g.esses a Isot .oloW&s arty. 
and an equitation oert.; a memo Can. 
Oaunoil Britt. Red Ol'O'ss Soc.; elJ.oeoted 
bon. secy.-'ÍJrel3ß. MontreaL Patrio.tJic 
Fund, inst1'tn.IJtoo at outbreak Boer War, 
and was dJil'lOC'tly for the 
dlistr:iobuti-QIl1; of ,tlOO Illa.rgl(' furuCL raised, 
3Jhled: -by rtJhe Solàioers' Whoes' League 
of MonltreaJI; an An'g.-215 Stanley St., 
J1ontreal; Bt. James's Club; Military 
Institute; Canadian Club; We8tmount 
Goll Club, do. 
Cole, George Percy, electrical engr. 
Fifth s. late Fredk. and Louisa P. 
(Barrett) C., Montreal; b. Montreal, 
Mch. 3, 1880; e. McGill Univ. (B.Sc., 
1903; M.Sc., 1906); m., Sept, 1906, 
IM.iss Helen Ooh'n, A'lot.'On, rJ.1.; electoric 
designer, Wagner Elec. Mfg. Co., St. 
Louis, Mo., 1903-5; asst. chief engr., 
00., 1905-6; IlJOW on elllgiing. stJaff of 
AHis-DhaÏimel's-BuliloOck, Ltd., MOIllt- 
rea'l ; is eo memo EIlJgTs.' OÞl.l'b, St. 
Louis, Mo., and an assoc. memo Am. 
Inst. Elec. Engrs. and Inst. Elec. 
Engrs., Gt. Britain; Ang.--'9 St. Luke 
St., .Montreal. 
Cole, Lt,-CoL Wilmot Howard. Onto 
public service. 
U. E. L. descent; s. Abel C.; b. 
Brockville, Ont., Feb. 16, 1834: e. 
there; m., May, 1855, .Jane Adelaide, 
d. late Abram Phillips, N. Y.; In 
commercial life for many yrs.: sat in 
Brockvllle Town Council; was grand 
master of Odd Fellows: entd. v. mil. 
service, 1855;' passed through the 
various grades, succeeding to the com- 
mand of his regt. (the 41st), 1871; 
on active service during the St. Al- 
ban's Raid, 1864-5, and during Fenian 
Raid, 1866 (med.); also possesses the 
genI. service med. and long service 
decoration; retired, retaining rank, 
1898; sat for Brockville (LocaI), in 
Lib. Interest, 1875-9; apptd. regr. of 
dlCleds, Lead.s, Ont., F1eb., 1882; elected 
presdit., Brock"lioj,lll'e branch, Can. Hist. 
Soc., 1910.-Brockville, Onto 
Coleman, Arthur Philemon, educa- 
S. Rev. Francis C. (Meth.) and 
Emmeline Maria (Adams) C., a de- 
scendant of .John Quincy Adams: b. 
Lachute, P.Q., ApI. 4, 1852; e. Cobourg 
ColI. Inst., Victoria Univ., Cobourg 
(B.A., and Prince of Wales gold med., 
1876;. M.A" 1880), and Unlv. of 
Breslau (Ph.D., 1882): at the latter 
institution paid particular attention to 
ge 01. , mineral., botany, histol., chemis- 
try, etc.; his dissertation was on the 
.. Melaphyres of Lower Silesia," and 
required some' months geologizing In 
the Giant Mts., on the border of Lower 
Silesia; while In Europe undertook 
numerous geoI. expeditions In Ger- 
many, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and 
ScandiinavLa, most of one summer 
being devoted to Norway; prof. 
geology and nat. hlst., Victoria Univ., 
1881-90; do. assaying and metall., Sch. 
of Practical Science, 1891-5; acting 
prof. of geology, Toronto Univ., 1895- 
1901; since then has been prof. do. do.; 
geologist, Onto Bureau of Mines, 1893- 



1909; F.R.S.C.; F.R.S., 1910; awarded 
Murchison med. for distinguished geo- 
logical investigation, 1910; is a coun- 
cillor of the Can.. Inst., and presdt. 
Alvine Club of Can.; apptd. by the 
Can. InS/t. a ill.em. ;of the F,loeming 
Electoral Reform Comte., 1911; author: 
"Reports on :IDconomic Geology of Onto" 
and of numerous papers on scientific 
subjects; a Lib.; a Meth.-.J76 Huron 
St., Toronto; Alpine Club, Banff. 
Coleman, D'Alton Corry, ry. service. 
S. .Tas. and Mary C.; b. Carleton 
Place, Ont., .Tuly 9, 1879; e. there; 
m., Feb., 1906, Miss Anna Grant, Cal- 
gary, Alta.; ed. Belleville Daily Intel- 
ligencer, 1898-9; entered service C. P. 
R., clerical capacity, Nov., 1899 ; 
apptd. supdt. Kootenay Dist., .Tune I, 
1907; favours strengthening Brit. con- 
nection and civil service reform; op- 
posed to demagogic assaults on rights 
of property; a Meth.-Nelson, B.C,; 
Nelson Club, do. 
Coleman, :Miss Helena, poet. 
Sister Prof. A. P. C. (q.v.); b. and 
e. Can.; long an anonymous contribu- 
tor of poems to the Atlantic Monthly 
and other high-class periodicals; pub- 
lished, under the auspices of the '.ren- 
nyson Club, Toronto, of which she Is 
a mem., a volume: II Songs and Son- 
nets" (1906); (see "A New Can. 
Poe,t," by W. T. .AJULsolI1. q.v. (Can. 
Mag., 19.07); V.:.P. Dickens' F'eltllQlW- 
shii:P, TIo'l'o'lllto, 1911-12.-776 Huron St., 
Toronto; summer residence: it Pine- 
hurst." Thousand Islands. 
Coleman, Mrs, (" Kit "), journalist; 
Kathleen Blake Watkins; .b. Ca..stle 
Blakeny, West of Irel., May, 1864; 
c. Dublin and Belgium; ro., Aug., 
1898, Dr. Theodore Coleman; came 
to Can., 1884; entd. journalism, 
1890, since when, up to her resigna- 
lLon, Feb., 1911, has been in charge 
of the II Woman's Kingdom," a dept. 
of the Toronto Mail and Empire; has 
also served as a spedal correspondJent 
for the same .paper upon several oc- 
casions, miOre notably in connection 
with the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, 
the Mid!- Winter Fair, San Francisco, 
1894; British 'Vest Indie.s, 1894; Queen 
Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897; the 
Cuban War, 1898 (she being the first 
woman war correspondent in the 
world); the Thaw trial, N.Y., 1907; 
the Kinrade trial, Hamllton, Ont., 1909, 
etc.; independently of her newspaper 
duties, has found time to write a vol- 
ume of poems and to contribute occas- 
ionally to mag. literature; is the 
author of a delightful series of papers 
on Dicken-sland, being the result ot 
ex.ploration.s in every portion of Lond!on 
made famous by the great Eng. novel- 
ist; a write.r in the N.Y. Tribune 
speaks of her as "being a fearless 
horsewoman, an omnivorous reader, a 
lover of nature, a musician and an ex- 
perIenced ,traveller";. her Bedldngton 
terriers (.since sold) won every award 
tor that breed at the Am. Bench Show, 
N.Y., 1903; read a paper on "The 
First WOIIIlan "'ar Correspondent ap- 
. pointed by the United! States," before 
the Intern. Press Union, Washington, 

Feb., 1899; was elected presdt. of the 
(:an. WoonJen's Press Olub, 1904.-P. O. 
Box 183, Hamilton, Ont.; Can. Women'a 
PreS8 Club; Can. Authors Club. 
"That picturesque writeor and plucky 
and undaunte.d womalll."-The late John 
Â. Ewan. 
"Of aU the women W1TÏ.te,rs -ill! Canada 
she is the most practical, the most briUiant, 
witty, beautiful and kind."-" Mary Mark- 
well" (MrB. K. S. HaJjeB, q.v.). 
"A pionee.r ill jO'1lrn.aHsm for women 
in Ctan.ada a.nd her work has been an influ- 
ence f,or the success and high standing of 
the prO'fessioiDJ."-M. WitneBB. 
Collin., George, Can. ry. service. 
B. Irish and German parentage, 
Oarryin1g Place, Onot., July 20, 1860; 
e. Trenton public and high schs.; m., 
Sept., 1889. Miss Annie Snook, Kring
ston, Ont.; entd. Central Ont. Ry. ser- 
vice, 1882, since when has been genl. 
freight and pass. agent, sec. and treas., 
and genl. supt. same road; apptd. genl. 
man gr. and receiver, do., Oct., 1902; 
a Meth.: Lib.-Trenton, Onto 
ColUnBon, John Henry, educationist. 
B. nr. York, Eng., 1861; e. Royal 
Sch. of St. Peter, York, and Queen's 
CoIl., Cambridge, where he won an 
open math. scholarship, 1881; B.A., 
with math. honours, 1884; M.A., 1887; 
master at U. C. ColI. and Trin. Coll, 
Sch., Port Hope; head master High- 
field Sch., Hamilton, Ont" since 1901; 
Ang., and a del. to Genl. Synod; memo 
Corporation Trin. ColI., Toronto; elect- 
ed presdt. St. George's Soc., Hamilton, 
1909; m., Aug., 1899, Helen Florence, 
d. late Rev. H. MacDougall, M.A., tox- 
merly chaplain to the forces.-High- 
field Sch., Hamilton, Onto 
ColUson, Bev, Henry Alexander 
Second s. Archdeacon C. (q.v.); b. 
Metlakahtla, B.C., .Tune 14, 1876; e. 
Trin. 00111., DU'blJin (B.A., 1898), arud 
Ridley Hall, Camb.; o. deacon, St. 
Paul's Cath., by Bp. London, 1901; 
priest, by Bp. St. Alban's, 1902; cur- 
ate St. Andrew, Highgate, London N., 
1901-2; St. Mary, Walthamstow, 
1902-3; curate-in-charge, St. .Tohn, Vic- 
toria. B.C., 1904; asst. chaplain, Port 
of San Francisco (in connection with 
the London missions to Seamen's 
Soc.), 1905-6; Vancouver, 1906; rec- 
tor St. Lukc's, Cedar Hill, Victori" 
B.C., Feb., 1898.-" The Rectory," Mt. 
Tolmie, Victoria, B.O, 
ColUson, The Venerable wWlam 
Henry (Ang.). 
S. .T. and M. (Maxwell) C.. Co. Ar- 
magh, Irel.; b. Nov. 12, 1847; e. Ch. 
of Irel. No.fIl11Ial 00101., and Oh. Miss'Y. 
ColI., Isllngton; m. 1873, Miss Marion 
M. G<>'odwin, London, En,g.; o. deaoon 
and pries't, 1878; supd1:. Ind. Sch., 
Corlr ; m:is'sy. to Zimshean Ind.ians" 
1873; fil'st missy. .to Hi:,Üdas, of Queen 
OhoarllObte lsds., 1876; :opened ,inll,anld 
md-ssion to Gitikshallis. 1880; sec
North B. C. rruissdon {)If C. M. S., and 
Bl.shoIP's Commissary, 1893-4; areh- 
ð:ea.oOn, ,1891; authior ".Hiistory O!f B. C. 
MLsslon"; traruslaJÌJeIdJ IInorn
ng 8J1Jd 



eV'tmin,g -prayers, >hyrn'll'S, etc., dntú Zlm- 
shean, Haida, and Nishka languages. 
-Kincolith, N. W. Coast, B.C. 
Colmer, Joseph Grose, banking pro- 
B. London, Eng., .Jan. 3, 1856; e. 
City of London Sch.; m., 1886, Margt., 
d. late Peter Y. Black and grandd. 
Prof. T. R. McCulloch; gained his 
business experience in Merchants' Bank 
of Can. as secy. to genL mangr.; after- 
ward successively secy. to Sir .John 
.-\'bbott; secy. Üan. High .commr.'s 
Office, Lond-on, 1880-93 (presented with 
service of plate by friends on leaving, 
In recognition of bls services to the 
Anglo-Saxon community); secy. Colon- 
ization Bd., 1889-1909; a memo Mr. 
Oha,'s Tariff Oamn., 1904 ; 
since 1903, has been a memo of the 
Lonrll()lJ1 banking firm (}If Ooo.tes & 00.; 
a councillor Royal ColI. Inst. since 
1905 ; .is also a memo ex,tJVe. Br&t. Eim- 
pire League, and a councillor London 
Chamber of Commerce; has written 
and lectured much on Can.; divided 
Statist prize of 1,000 guineas for his 
essay on the Commercial Federation of 
the Empire, 1896; C.M.G., 1888.-f9 
Eldon Rd., London, W., Eng.; Oonsti- 
tutional Club; Grosvenor Club; Canada 
Olub; Midsummer Golf Olub, do. 
.. ZealQus, able and p.ainstaking."-Sir 
Clta8. 'l.'upper (q.v.). 
Colpitts, Elmer Clifford, educatiollJis,t. 
S. .Jas. W. and Celia E. (Trueman) 
C.; b. Pointe du Bute, N.B., Jan. 28, 
1879; e. Mt. Allison Univ. (B.A., with 
honours in Math., 1902) and Cornell 
Unlv., where he was grad. schoL in 
math., 1903-5; Ph.D., 1906; unm.; 
teacher in math. and Eng., Mt. Allison 
Acad., 1902-3; asst. in math., Cornell 
Univ., 1905-6; apptd. adjunct prof. 
math., Georgia Sch. of Tech., 1906; a 
memo !\Ieth. Epis. Ch.-Atlanta, Ga. 
Colpitts, Miss Julia Trueman, educa- 
D. .Jas. W. and Celia E. (Trueman) 
C.; b. Point'e du Bute, N.B.; .e. .1\Irt.. 
Allison Univ. (B.A., with honours in 
iIIl!ath.. 1899) ; now oI1le I()f rt:Jhe profs. in 
IO'WIa State, Iowa. 
Colquhoun, Arthur Hugh Urquhart, 
Onto public service. 
S. late Walter C., Dumbartonshire, 
Scot., and .Jane, d. late Wm. Clarke, 
Niagara, On1t., and relict of Chas 
Richta.rdson, M.P.; b. Montreal, Dec. 2. 
1861; e. Cornwall Public Sch., Mont- 
real High Sch. (Murray med. for pro- 
ficiency; Gov.-GenL's med. in lit. and 
history), and McGill Univ. (B.A., with 
1st class honours in Eng. lit. and his- 
tory, and Shakespeare gold med., 
1885); LL.D. (hon.), Toronto Univ., 
1906; joined ed. staff, Montrea,l Daily 
Star, 1881, becoming ed.-in-chief Mont- 
real Weekly Star, 1883; was also ed. 
lIIcGill Univ. Gazette; ed. Ottawa 
Journal, 1886-7; asst. ed. Toronto 
Empire, 1887-91; mango ed., do., 1891- 
5; ed. Printer & Publisher, and the 
Dry Goods Rev., 1895-1902; on ed. staff 
Toronto 11Iafl & Empire, 1902-3: news 
ed., Toronto News, 1903-6; since then 
has been Depty. Minr. of Education, 
Ont.; secy., Royal Comn. re Toronto 

Unlv., 1905-6; declined ap-pt. as chief 
IIb, rarian Toronto, 1908; was ohalr- 
man, press comte., Brit. Assn., 1897; 
presdt., Can. Press Assn., 1906-7; has 
contributed articles to the Can. Mag., 
Univ. Mag., Brit. Empire Rev. and 
Queen's Q1.tarter.; author: .. The His- 
tory of the Can. Press Assooiation" 
(1908); ed. .. Memoir of Senator 
Gowan, C.M.G." (1894).-59 Borden 
St., Toronto; Toronto Club; Lambton 
Gol! and Oountry Club, do. 
10 A man of marked a.bility."-T. Globe. 
"A DlJaon .of wide rerading a.nd scoo,ta.rly 
mind."-T. News. 
.. A man of urba.n>ity and ta..ct."-Can. 
Municipal Journal. 
Colter, His Honour Charles Wesley, 
Co. Ct. Jud:g.e. 
Y. s. 118.100 Saml. C., a na1iv,e lÆÏ- 
tl'im, I'reL, who selbtleod a.t Sheffi-el,d, 
X.B., 1826; .b. Co. York, N..B., Feb. 
26, 1846; e. ,SackvH;J.oe and N. B. Univ. 
(B.A., wi,tlh 'honours in Ðng. and 
classics, 1865): ro., Dec., 1869, .Annie, 
d. John F-Qlllinsbee, .canbor-o, Ont.; bar- 
rister, 1879; K.C., 1899; 'Practised his 
pr.of. ;in Co. HaldJima.nd:, Ont.; jmmi- 
gra.tion commr., Liverpool, England 
( On:t.), 1874-&; co. dk. land so'lr. fur 
Hald'imand, 1889-1903; co. Crown ætty. 
and olk. of the ,pe
e, do., 1893-l9ü<3; 
co. Cot. judge, do., 19()'3-4; do. d'O. (1.0. Co. 
Elg>in, On,t., .sirucoe Mch., 1904; ser
as chainman High Sch. Bd., Cayuga, 8 
yrs.; was principal Ril.l'sboro Gram- 
mar &ch. and Cayuga and: Dunn'\o1iIlloe 
High Sohs. 9 yrs.; oed. and pubUshreld 
Jlonck Reform Press, 1872-3; .as a 
Lib., took a pronùnent part .in poII.itics 
in .00. ,Monek and Onto f'Or ()'VI8or 20 
yr.s.; was Q'istin.guisüed as an 3.JbQoe 
pll3.-tform spealær; ret'Urn.ed for H3.'I- 
diman.à (H. C.), 'bye-e.l:ection, 1886: 
a,gæin retlurIl'eod g. e. 1887, but c'Ounted 
out; unseatoed 'his ()opponent and rut sub- 
sequent election wt3Æ! dlBoi\OOited by 8 
votes; his oppon.enot was a.gain UIll- 
s.eated and at the election which iÍol- 
lowed.: .Jarn., 1889, 'hie Vv"18.S eloecte'd <by 
46 v.otes, a,nd sa:t till 1890;, 
Thomas, Onto 
CQlter, Mrs, Hattie E., author. 
D. lwLe - Berry; U. E. L. sbOlC'k: 
b. St, MaTlmn's, N.B.; e. Mt. A!}l1i'SO'D 
Oal.I., SackV1UI]le, N..B.; m., Feb., 1866, 
Rev. .John J. Colter (M;e.t.h.) ; aut'ho.r of 
the fo.Howinog religious works of fiction: 
.. Robbie ,MeredMh," .. One Qui,e,t Life," 
.. A Gen,Ue BenefaçIUre'ss," .. Medoloinoe 
Selwyn's Wi()irk," .. MHd1'ed Kent's 
H-ero" .. The M'astoer of Deepfuwn," 
.. In ' the Heart oof ;the HiHs," and 
.. Hal'olod Bowodcln's InV1est:ment," a.1Il 
of whioh, with the exceptlioI1I of the 
last mentioned, Ihav.e 'been pubUshed 
out of Can.-Fredericton, N.B. 
"A patriootic daughte'l" of New B.ruJ1l5-"-Geo. Murray. 
.. All of her books betray a. high tone 
of spirituality, characteristic o.f a. conse. 
crated author."--Jane Matheson. 
Comeau, Hon, Ambrose H., legislator. 
S. Hilaire .J. and Magdelaine (Le 
Blanc) C.; Acadian French descent; 
b. Meteghan River, N.S., Sept. 27, 
1860; e. Digby and Weymouth, N.S.; 



m., Feb., 1891, Miss Louise D'Entre- 
mont, W. Pubnico, N.S.; a merclllint; 
V.-P. French Acadian Assn.; has 
served in the Co. Council and been 
warden of Digby; sat for Digby 
(Local), 1890-97, and was called to 
the N. S. Cabinet, .Jan., 1895; called 
to the Senate, by Earl Grey, .Jan. 15, 
1907; a R. C.; a Lib.-Meteghan 
River, N.S. 
Comfort, lIr'Irs, ;I, A" author. 
Y. c. \Vm. and Jane Marchant; b. 
Broadway q-reen, Petham, Kent, Eng., 
1862; e. privately; m., 1889, Rev. J. 
A. Comfort; author, "Athabasca Blll," 
and 50 other books of adventure and 
enterprise for the colonies; writes 
under maiden name: Bessie Marchant. 
Prot.-Gothic Hou8e, Oharlbury, Oxon.: 
.. Is the best present day write
 for girls 
just out of the Bchool-room."-Globe (Lon- 
"Conan, Laure" (see Angers, Mlle. 
Congdon, Frederick Tennyson, law- 
yer; legislator; administrator. 
S. Hinkle C., formerly inspr. of schs., 
Halifax, N.S., and C. M. C., d. Dr. 
Tomkins, Lincoln's Inn, London Eng.' 
b. Annapolis Royal, N.S., Nov. 16: 
1858; e. Yarmouth High Sch., Toronto 
Univ. (B.A.. 1879; LL.B., 1883) and 
Dalhousie Unlv. (LL.B., 1889) '; m. 
Miss Louise Gladwin; barrister (N.S.), 
1883; subsequently admitted in Yukon. 
Alta. and Sask.; K.C., 1903; a Royal 
c.ommr. to revise the Statutes of N. S., 
1898; successfully practised his prof. 
in Halifax In partnership with Benj. 
(now .Judge) Russell (q.v.); legal 
adviser, public administrator and memo 
COUThen, Yukon, Mch.-Sept., 1901 . 
later practised law and was Craw
Prosecutor there, 1901-2; commr. of 
Yukon T.erritory, Mch., 1903-0ct., 
1904; subsequently was again legal 
adviser; now in active practice at 
Dawson; a Lib. and has sat for Yukon 
(H. C.) sinoe g. e. .Jan., 1909; un- 
successfully contested Shelburne (H. 
C.), 1888, and Yukon (do.), 1904; Uß\- 
suooessfully rollltested Yukon (H. C. ) , 
g. 'e. 1911; '3JUJtbÜ'r: "Congdon's Digest 
of N..S. RieiPonts" (1891); ICong.
Daw8on, Y.T.; Zero Olub, do. 
"A to'We'r of Btren'gth to hiB party."-O. 
.. Reg.arded as a.n able man and is one 
of the few orato<rs Oif the House."-T. 
Conlon, Thomas, lumber merchant; 
S. Timothy and Bridget (Groack) 
C.; b. Co. Mayo, Irel.. Sept. 29, 1844; 
brought to Can. in Infancy; father d. 
on the voyage; mother took up resi- 
dence at Allanburg, Ont.; removed to 
Thorold, Ont., 1859, where the family 
has since resided; for many yrs. In 
partnership with his bro., the late T. 
John C., as lumber merchants, saw- 
mill owners, vessel owners, and con- 
tractors; has served in Thorold Coun- 
ell; was a memo High Sch. Bd., and 
ohairman sep. sc.h. ,trust; a Lib., and 
unsuccessfully contested WeIland 

(H. C.) in that Interest, 1887; his 
name has been mentioned In connec- 
tion with a senatorship; a R. C.: m., 
1872, Ellen (d. May, 1888), d. Andrew 
O'Connor, Merritton, Onto - Thorold, 
Connaught and Strathearn, Field 
Marshal, Xis Royal Highness 
Arthur William Patrick, Duke of, 
sÜ'lid,ier and sta't'esman. 
Third s. of Her late Majesty Queen 
Victoria and of His late Royal High- 
ness . Albert, the Prince Oonsol't; b. 
Buckmgham. Palace, JJondon, May 1, 
1850; e. .prlva:tely; obtained his mil. 
educa'tI.on at the Royal Mild,tary Al('aa., 
W'Ü'C!'IrwlCh; m., Mdh. 13, 1879, P1'Ïnc-e
Lomse Margt. Alexandra Victoria 
Agnes (b. July 25, 186()'), d. late Prince 
F'rederlck Charl'es of Prussia (better 
knÜ'wn as II The Red Prince"), and 
neJphew of the late Emperor William 
1. of Germany [Her Royal Highness 
a me-ro. of the Royal Order of Vi.ctoria 
and Albel't, a Lady of the Imp. Order 
of the CrÜ'wn of India, and a Lady of 
.Justice .of ,the .order of St. .John of 
.Joerusalem]; has served In the Royal 
E!lgineers, Roya1 Artillery, P. C. O. 
RIfle Brigade and the 7th Hussars' 
entd. the army as a lieut., .June 19: 
1868 ; was promoted capt., 1871 ; major, 
1875; It.-co!., 1876; co!., 1880; maj.- 
genl., do.; It.-.gen1., 1889; gen1., 1893; 
field-marshaI, 1902; In Can., was a.pptd. 
hon. co1. of the 6tlb II Duke of .con- 
naught's Own Rifles," Vancouver, B.C., 

900; served with the Can. v. m. dur- 
mg the Red River Expdn. and the 
Fenian Raid, 1870 (gen.1. seI'V'ioe med 
wi th one dasp); was on actJive se

,,'ice, also, dur,ing ,true Egyptian ExpdlIl., 
1882, In which Ihe commanded 'the 
Brjgade of Gds.; was pr.esent at 
the ac.tion 8Jt <Mahum, Aug. 24, and 
battle of Tel-eI-Kebir, Se,pot. 13 
(despatches, London Gazette, Sept. 8, 
Oct. 6, and Nov. 7, 1882) ; thanked by 
both HO'uses of Para.; m.ed. wi toh 
clas'p ;'e star; .second ü1øss'ie; C.B.C.; is also a K.T., K.P., 
G.,M.B., G.C.S.1., G.C.iM.G., G.IC.1.E., 
G.C.V.O., Knight of .Justice .of St. John 
of Jerusalem, Colonel-in
Chlef of the 
Rifle Brigad.e, d'o. dio. In n1skHÞen 
Dragoons, do. do. Highland Light In- 
fantry, do. do. Royal Dublin Fusillers; 
peJIìSO'llaJl A.D..c. 'Ío ibhe Kring, C-olonoe1 
of t:he Army Servdce Corps and of 
the Gr-enI3! Gds., etc.; hOO'lds the 
Order of the Goj.dJen Fleece of 
Spain and the Prussian Order of 
the Black Eagle; was oreabed Duke 
of Connaug1ht and StratheaTn ana 
IDarl of Sussex, 1874 ; l'enounoced 
his o1\&im to .the Duchy of ,SaXle- 
C{)loourg and GO'thl3., 1900: Wl3.S 
asst. a.djt.-gen1. at Gibraltar, 1875-6; 
commander at Meerut, India, 1885-6; 
commander-In-chielf in Ire!., 1900; was 
the personal representative .of hi,s bro.. 
bhe la.te KIng Edlward, at the Cor{)na- 
tÎÜ'n Duroo.r, Delhi, 1902; inspr.-g1enl. 
of tht> forces, 1904; commander-in- 
chief and High Commr. In the Medi- 
terranean, 1907; resigned this appt. 
and retired .from the army. 1909; more 
recently (1910) undertook a mission 
to S, A. for the Inauguration of the 




new Parliamentary UnIon In that por- 
tion of the Empire; was apptd. Gov.- 
Genl. of Can., .In successIon to Earl 
Grey (q.v.), 19111; in a-d.(!itio'll to his 
other offices, HUes and dignities, Is 
Grand MaSibpr of ,bhe FJ'le-ernasOIls in Gt. 
Brit., an elder bro. of the Trinity 
House, a bencher of Gray's Inn, presdt. 
of W'eJI:Þington COllI., vtice-patron of the 
Brit. Empire LeI8.Jg'ue, V.-P. Duke :or 
York's Sch., d'o. St. Thomas Hosp., 
LaudQn, a mrem. an,d pre-sdt. of the 
Genl. Council of the Royal PatrIotic 
Fund, presdt. of the Kennel Club, a 
memo of !the Brit. Soc. of 
A'rUs-bs, and pr.esdlt. of tlhe Royal 
e{)lloiI1Ül:l Inst., e'bc., aloo an oon. me.m. 
Zet,liand Mason.ic Lood,g-e of Toronto, 
and an hon. /C,hoief of the Mohawk 
-tribe of I'IÞdians; A'Thg.-Government 
House Ottawa; Bagshot Park, Surrey, 
Eng.;' Clarence House, St. James's, 
London, S. W., Eng. 
"An ideal choice."-M. Herald. 
II A man o-f judgment and! tact."- 
"A keRn, ze,al011s and capable so,ldier and 
administrator."-T. Globe. 
"Possesses a tact which has neve.r yet 
failed him. "-T. Daily Star. 
"Has had a hand in build,ing no less 
than two of the great Dominions in th(> 
Brit. Empire."-Dr. John Reade (q.v.). 
" Has perfo.rmed all the importap,t 
diplomatic tasks whicb have fallen to hIm 
with the thoroughness and fidelity which 
was so characte.rimic O'f King Edward him- 
Belf."-M. Daily Star. 
"Has the re,putatioDi of being a hard 
wor1rer and devo-ted to duty 'like hi" 
brother the -and in all the 
and relations of life has shO'Wn himself a 
man of sensp and hool().ur."-M. Witness. 
Connell, James Cameron, physician. 
Scotch parentage; b. Ayr, Ont., 1863 ; 
e. Dundas High Sch. and Queen's 
Unlv., KIngston (B.A., 1884; M.A., 
1885; M.D., 1888); m., 1889, Agnoes 
G., d. .J. A. He-nd'ry, KlngstOlt1, Ont.; 
successfull'Y pra0ti
s his prof. in 

ingston; a special1st In eye, ear, 
nose and throat; apprtd. prof. oOphthail., 
ebc., Quee71's Undv., ,1889; d.ean or! the 
med. 1JheJ'le SlÌ.noe 19Q3; surg, 
Kingston Genl. Hosp., since 1889; also 
a gov. of that Institution; a memo Am. 
Acad. of Med" and a fellow Am. 
Laryngol., Rhinol. and Otolog. Soc.; 
author of a text-book on diseases of 
the eye, ear, no&e and throat; a Presb. 
-25 West St., Kingston, Ont.; Fron- 
tenac Club, do. 
ConneU, Walter Thomas, physician. 
Irish orIgin; s. Martin and Sarah 
(Bennett) C., Spencervllle, Ont.: b. 
there, Dec. 15, 1873; e. there, Prescott 
High Sch., and Queen's Unlv. (M.D., 
1894) ; .ro., Sept., 1900, FJorence, y. d. 
loa t-e R. M. FOTd. Kingston; licensed, 
1894; M.R.C.S. (Ðng.), 1895; L.R.C.P. 
(Lon.w:I7l), -do.; looot. ,In, Qu
Univ., 1895; proT. pa,bh. and bactl., do.. 
1896 ; bo.ct., E. Da:iry Bch., 1897; path., 
G-en'l. Hosp., Ki'll,gston, 1897; asgf:. 
bact., Provl. Ed. of Health, 1904; path., 
Rockwood Hosp. for Insane, 1907; 
also secy.-treas. med. faculty, Queen's 
Univ., 1903 to 1907, when he resIgned; 

sides contributions to med. journals, 
Is the author of "A Laboratory Guide 
In Practical Bacteriology" (1st ed., 
1899; 2nd ed., 1906) ; a Meth.-ll Arch 
St., Kingston, Ont.: Frontenac Club, do. 
Conning, Bev. John Stuart (Presb.). 
S. late .Jos. C., Whithom; b. Glas- 
seJ'ltiO'Il, Wigt,oWnlsh:iTe, Sc-ot., .June 4 
1862; e. Oberlin ColI. anò To
Univ.; pursued ttheol. stud-ie's, Knox 
ColI., Toronto, graduating 1891; o. 
1891, and was tJastor at Caledonia, 
Ont., until 1899, when he W<lS c'1l1prl 
to Walkef'Ì'on; apptd. past'or of Reid 
Memorial Ch.. Baltimore, Md., whf're 
he still Is, 1902; while In Can. was a 
prominent C. E. worker, and bec<lme 
ed. Christion Endeavour Herald, 1895; 
also publfshed II The Canadian En- 
deavour Handbook"; In hi
field has become specially ITJtf'rf'sted 
In deaconess work, and, in addition to 
his other duties, is pastor of a deacon- 
ess home and training sch.-1228 N. 
Caroline St., Baltimore, lIfd. 
ConnolIy, Rev, John J, (R. C.). 
B. Halifax, N.S., 1848; e. St. Mary's 
CoIl., Halifax, and Montreal CoIl.; 
entd. Jesuit Order, 1870; taug-ht for 
some yrs. In Montreal and at Fordham 
CoIl., N. Y.; complf'tf'rl his coursp In 
tlheol. at Louvain, Belgium; o. 1880; 
returned to Montreal. and for 4 yrs. 
taught theol. to the scholastics at the 
ColI. of Immaculate Con.cep.; spent 
Borne Yrs. at the Gesu, Blf'ury St., and, 
while there, founded the Montreal Free 
Library; also the Lpag-ue of the 
SaClred Heart; estabIJshe-d, likewise, 
the 11Iessenger of the Sacred Heart, 
of which he was ed. for 5 yrs.; later 
l'aboured at Sault Ste. MarIe, Mich., 
where he founded a high sch. and a 
young ladies' boarding acad.; apotd. 
rector Ch. of Our Lady, Guelph, Ont., 
.July, 1905, sInce whf'n he has accom- 
plished what he considers to be the 
work of his Ufe, vlz., the Interior de- 
coration and embellishment of a ch., 
which, though not the Iargpst, has 
been pronounced by competf'nt au- 
thority ,to be t.he m>ost 'beaut1ful in 
("an -Guelvh. Onto 
Connolly, Michael William. journalist. 
B. AHumette Island, P.Q., Mch. 2, 
1853; e. Montreal; has followed news- 
paper work in Texas, 1874-87, and in 
Tenn., since 1888; was ed. Memphis 
Commercial Appeal and Memphis 
News-Scimitar; now ed. Memphis Elk- 
dom; in 18.ð.oddtlOJl, contributes POOllTlS, 
esæys, .and: .sketches tlo variOlUs mags. ; 
wel'! kJ1lOwn as a publ,lc spoeaker.- 
Third and Madison Sts., Memphis, 
"Connor, Ralph" (see Gordon, Rev. 
C. W.). 
Connors, Maurice 9" Am. ry. service. 
B. Toronto, .June 7, 1858; entd. ser- 
vice Lake Shore & Mich. Southern Ry., 
1872, and, after filling various posi- 
tions on various roads, became gent 
supdt. Peoria & Pekin UnIon Ry., 
1890; since 1899 has been genI. supdt. 
Hocking Valley Ry.; also do. do. gent 
supdt. Toledo & Ohio Central & Kana- 
wha & Mich. Rys., and of Zanesville 
& Western Ry.-Columbus, O. 



Constantineau, Bis Honour Albert 
George, Co. Ct. .Judge. 
S. late Geo. C., St. Eugene, Ont.; b, 
there. ApI. 16, 1866; e. ColI. Bourget 
and Lavall Unlv. (B.A., 1887; LL.D., 
hon., 1909)) m., 1891, Alice (M.D.. 
C.,M., Trin. Undv., Toronto, 1887), 
d. late Michael MCILaughlin, To- 
ronto; bar.rister, 1890; practised his 
prof. at L'Origna'l, Ont., with a 
branch at OttalWa; very success- 
ful as a 
riminal lawye:r; Crown 
prosecutor at various assizes; for 2 
yrs. presdt. Lib. Club, Ottawa, and 
for several yrs. V.-P. Prf'scott Reform 
A,s:sn.; .a;pprtd. junior judl
, Pre&otTb 
and RusS1eItl, Jufi'Y 26, 1900; senli'Ü'r 
judge, .do., M-ch. 8, 11904; iPresdt. Inst. 
Can. Français, Ott'awa., ,1908-9; do. 
Frenclh-Can. EdlUlC. Oongl'ess, 1910; ÒIO. 
Olub Litteraire Can, Français, do., 
1911; a R.C.-L'01"ignal, Onto 
Constantineau, Rev, Henri A, (R. C.). 
B. St. .Jean d'Iberville. P.Q., ApI. 
29, 1861; e. LaVla.1 Univ. (D.T,h., 1898) ; 
entd. Order of Oblats, and was o. 
1888; prof. Ottawa Univ., 1888- 
91; prHet of commercial studies, do., 
1890-3; secy. do., 1891-4; prof., do., 
1893-4; rector St. .Joseph's Ch., Ot- 
tawa, 1894-8; Sf'cy. Ottawa Univ., 1894- 
8; rectOT, do., 1898-'190.1; l'oot'Or St.. 
Mary's Ch., .san Anto'n:to, Tex., U.S., 
1903-4; provl. of his order since 1904, 
-San Antonio, Tex., U.S. 
Conybeare, Charles Prederick Pringle, 
S. Hy. C., the eminent engr.; grands. 
Dean Wm. DanI. C., the geologist: b. 
Little Sutton, Middlesex, Eng., May 
19, 1860: e. Westminstf'r Sch.; hon. 
D.C.L. (Lennoxvllle), 1907: m., 1890. 
Ida, d. Lt.-CoI. P. H. Attwood; entd. 
merchant service as midshipman, 
1875; r:etd., and came to Can., 1880; 
barrister, 1885; K.C. (E. of Aber- 
deen), 1894; has practised his prof. 
at Lethbridge; Crown prosecutor, S. 
Ail'berta, 1888-1901; ben
her Law S'Ü'C., 
N. W. T., 1898; presdt. Lethbridge Bd. 
of Trade, 1906; do. S. Alberta Bd. of 
Trade, 1908; one of the promoters 
Bank of ""Tlnnipeg, do.: presdt. ChI- 
nook Club; author .. Vahn Fried" 
(1903), "Lyrics from the West" 
(1907), two volumes of verse, which, 
according to competent critics, are 
worthy to rank with the best produc- 
tions of present-day singers: an un- 
successful candIdate against Mr. Haul- 
mIn (q.v.) íor N. W. Oou, niCJiI 1887; 
an A'l1'g., 'a,TIld a del. 01:0 .bhe SY"nOO; 
eJleiCtedi Clhanoonor, DIocese of C3JI!g'ary, 
1904.- u Riverview," Lethbridge, Alta.; 
Chinook Club, do. 
Cook, Archibald ø:" lawyer. 
R latp R<>v. John C., D.D., LL.D. 
(Presb.), principal Morrin ColI., Que- 
bec; b. Quebec, 1857; e. Quebec High 
Sch. and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 1869); 
m. Margt. Black Stuart, 3rd d. late 
Robt. Cassels, Holland House, Que- 
bec; advocate, 1879; K.C., 1899; prac- 
tises in partnership with his bro., Wm. 
C. (q.v.); formerly an Ald., Quebec; 
a dlr. Temiscouata Ry.: a dir. High 
Sch. Bd., Quebec; chairman Bd. of 

Govs. Morrin ColI., Quebec; a Presb. 
-91 D'Auteuil St., Quebec; Quebec 
Garrison Club. 
Cook, Rev, Ezra Albert (Cong.), edu- 
S. Ezra A. C., publfsher, Chicago 
and Elizabeth C., d. late .Jonathan 
Blanchard, formerly presdt. Knox Coil., 
Galesburg, Ill.. and Wheaton CoIl., 
Wheaton, Ill.; b. Wheaton, .July 14, 
1875: e. Chicago public schs., Whea- 
ton ColI. (B.A., 1898), Chicago Univ., 
and Halle Univ., Germany (M.A. and 
Ph.D., 1904); m., .June, 1905, Miss 
Ida Brode, Halle; pursued theoI. 
studies Chicago TheoI. Semy. (B.D. 
and fellow, 1902) ; o. 1901; pastor Dig 
Timber, Mont., 1904-6; acting prof. 
German and social sctencps and tpach- 
er phil., Berea ColI., Ky., 1906-8 ; 
MIner prof. system. theol. and phil. 
of religion, Can. Congo ColI., Mont- 
real, since 1909; presdt. Am. Soc., 
Halle, 1903-4: memo Apollo Musical 
Club, Gh1cago, 1900-2; ed. The Citizen, 
Berea, Ky., 1906-7; author some 
published poems and essays, articles 
for Am. Journ. of Theol.,. doctor's 
thesis (in German) on Hume's 
theory of the reality of the outer 
world ;' be1iev
s in prohibition of 
llquor traffic, fullest possible exten- 
sion of cIvil service, govt. control, and, 
if necessary, ownership of principal 
public utilities, reasonably short hours 
of labour, prohibition of child labour, 
Sundays free for all workers at least 
twice a month.-924a Mance St., Mont- 
.. Tl1p fìnpst scholar that ever came into 
Kcntucky."-President Frost, Berea Col. 
Cook, :Frederick, journalist. 
S. late Chas. and Susannah C., Black- 
burn, Eng.; b. Leeds, Eng., .July 4, 
1858: e. there; came to Can., 1882; 
m., 1886. Louise, e. d. Wm. Rea, late 
secy. Ottawa Public Sch. Bd.: joined 
staff Montrf'al Daily Star, where he 
remained for one year; subsequently 
removed to Toronto, to become a mem- 
ber of the staff of the Toronto Mail,' In 
1886 was transfd. by that journal to Ot- 
tawa as Its resident correspondent; 
later acted as correspondent for the 
Empi?'e, and for 8 or 9 yrs. was chief 
of the Ottawa staff of the Mail and 
Empire,. was also correspondent for 
several other Can. newspapers, and a 
frequent contributor to mags. and peri- 
odicals; fond of fishing and hunting 
and has written several sketches on 
thies,e /bop,ies; for 16 .or mo,re yrs. 
 charge of t'he Can. TIlews seTVIice .for 
the LondlOTII Times; :presdlt. of the o.t- 
tawa, Pa.rllty. Press Galaery, 1893 ; 
p,resdt. Sot. Geo'rg
's Soc. IOf OtJba.wa, 
1897-8; ,Supre,me Pres., Sons of En.g- 
land, 1901-3; a.Iso 'bCJIlid.s ex'3.
o1:oo Tamk 
In Maso;nk bCJId'Y, a past Grand 
WI3.Idle-n of IÌJhe Grand Lodg.e of 
Can.; seI"VIetd QITl ltIhe o.ttawa PubHc 
,Soh. Bd. 4 '}'IllS. and was 1CIÏ1:y ald., 
1894-7; I('!,efeated! f'Or '1Jhe Ottawa 
mlayoraJ].ty in 1901, brut in 1902 was 
eleCitJed mayor of 't'hoe oolPital ,by 
a>eclal11aJbion ; r.e-<e!!oectJed the ,fo}}.ow- 
ing year without opposition; on the 



conclusion of his term of office the City 
Council presented him with the mayor's 
chair which had been used by succes- 
sive {)OC'upanìs for 40 }'Irs., tJhe civic 
officials a!òked his acceptance of a silver 
loving cup, while the City Council re- 
ceiyed the retiring mayor's portrait, 
pamted by Forbes (q.v.), and sub- 
scribed for by citizens of Ottawa: was 
presdt. of the Union of Can. Munici- 
palities, 19()3; edited and 'Published 
"The Canadian Who'.s Who" (1910); 
pl'eserubed with a set of 3 silver cups 
-by .Ja'}J'anese Govt., 1911, In a.ckniQIW- 
lødigmeiIllt of his serViioes as ;bon. secy. 
of too .Japanese rel.I.e.f oooomrte., WlhJl.cfu 
be 'Organized In Ottawa, 1905; an A'Ilg. 

 Metcalfe St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club; Laurentian Club, do. 
Cook, Herman Henry, lumber manu- 
facturer; retired legislator. 
Y. s. late Capt. Geo. C., Co. Dundas, 
Ont., who served with distinction dur- 
inog ,the War o.f 1812 (med.), and Sara'h 
(Castleman) C.: U.E.L. descent. b. 
Tp. of Williamsburg, Co. Dundas, Ònt., 
ApI. 27, 1837: e. Iroquois Grammar 
Sch.; m., 1861, Lyclia (d. Sept. 27, 
1907), d. .Jas. White: entd. the lumber 
business, 1858; secured extensive lum- 
ber tmcts In the Georgian Bay region 
and built at Midland City the largest 
saw mill whlclh up to that time had 
ever been erected within the Dom.: 
later b
ame presdt. of the Onto 
Lumber Co.; one of t'he syndicate 
headed by Sir W. P. Howland, that 
offered to construct the C. P. Ry., 
1880; of'Ormerily a òlir. Traders' Bank 
of Can.: presdt. U. E. Loyalists' Assn., 
'1'01'00110, 1898-1900; a LIb.; unsuOCleSS- 
fully contested N. Simcoe (Local), 
g. e. 1871: sat for that constituency 
(H. C.), 1872-8: one of Hon. Alex. 
Mackenzie's "Old Guard": represented 
E. Simcoe (Local), 1879-82; do. do. 
(H. C.), 1882-91; unsuooossful'ly con- 
tested E. Simcoe (H. C.), g. e. 1897; 
"strongly in favour of transportation 
facilities beIng opened Into the Interior 
of the country and owned and operated 
by Govt.": a Meth.-uArdnacloich" 
!O Dowling Ave., Toronto. ' 
Cook, John Stanley Alexander, mer- 
can tile service. 
B. Mçmtreal, .Jan. 18, 1876; e. Mont- 
real HIgh Sch.: unm.; entd. service 
Montreal Bd. of Trade when 15; asst. 
secy. do., 1898; also secy.-treas. Dom. 
Wholesale Grocers' Guild, and treas. 
Can. Club, Montreal; a promoter ot 
clean and manly athletics, and was 
formerly presdt. Westmount A. A. 
Assn.; elect. 1st V.-P. E. Ca
. Amateur 
Athletic Assn., 1908; hon. secy. Assn. 
of Can. Clubs, 1909.-9 York Ave., 
ount, Montreal; Canada Club' 
Canadwn Club, do. ' 
Cook, Blchard samuel, business man. 
S. Richard Parker C., Calliper's 
Hall, Hertfordshire, Eng.; b. Pete 1'- 
borough, Ont., Aug. 21, 1860: e. High 
Sch. there; m. y. d. late Rt. Rev. .John 
McLean, 1st Ang. Bp. of Saskatche- 
wan; agent Dom. lands, Prince Al- 
bert; Councillor do., 1902-3; Mayor 
do., 1906; presdt. Farmers' Milling & 
Elevator Co.; do. Union of Sa.s

cipalitles; V.-P. do. Can. Mm.lcipall- 
ties: hon. secy.-treas. Victoria Hosp., 
Prince Albert, since Its inception; a 
firm believer in municipal ownership 
ot public utilities: Ang.-Prince Al- 
bert, Sask.; Sa8katchewan Club, do. 
Cook, Samuel A" manufacturer. 
B. Ont., .Jan. 28, 1849; removed with 
parents to Wis., 1855; e. . common 
schs.; m., 1876, Miss .Jennlp Christlp 
(d. ISept., 1895): ds p'l'esdt. S. A. C. 
Mantg. Co. and! Alexandria Paper Co.; 
mayor Ne'enah, W'is., 1889; memo 
Legisl!atul'e, 1890-91; del. Rep. Nat. 
Oonvention, 1892; m'em. OonrgTl",e-ss, 6'bh 
Wds. DiS't., 1895-7; deddned renomin- 
a.tlon: uns'UC>CIessful candidate U. S. 
Senator, 1898; sel1'V'ed :In 2nd Wis. 
Vol. Cavly. during Am. Civ.n War.- 
Neenah, Wi8. 
Cook, Wfil1am, lawyer. 
2nd s. late Rev. .John C., D.D., 
LL.D. (Presb.), principal Morrin ColI., 
Quebec: b. there, .Jan. 31, 1843; e. 
Quebec High Sch. (medal.) , Queen's 
Coli., Kingston, and Morrin ColI., 
Quebec; m., 1874, .Jessie, e. d. late 
Robt. Cassels, Holland House, Quebec; 
advocate, 1864; K.C. (M. of Lorne), 
1880; has practised throughout In 
City of Quebec; now in partnership 
with hIs bro., A. H. C., K.C. (q.v.); 
one of the leaders of the bar ;\ a 
royal commr. to enquIre into losses 
sustained by Quebec landslide, 1889; 
a memo Bd. of Proto Sch. Commrs.; a 
ò!r. TemiscomÜa Ry. Co.: a Presb.- 
St. Foy Rd., Quebec; Quebec Garri80n 
Cooke, Rev, Arthur William (Ang.). 
B. 13, 1841; a gmduarte St. 
Augustine's, Oan!!:.; o. d-eaC'on, 1864; 
priest, 1866; :rector Ohrist Oh., CataJr- 
aquI, Onlt., I5lnoe 1884; canQlli St. 
George's 'CIa'th., Kingst'Ol1, 190,3: cbrap. 
lain Kiingston Penty., d'O.-King8ton, 
Cooke, Edmund Vance, author. 
S. Edmund and Matilda (Vance) C. : 
father's family from Gloucestershlre; 
mother a Can.; b. Port Dover. Ont., 
.June 5, 18fi6; e. C
and; m., 
Oct., 1897, :\f;iss IJHibh Oas,uoeberry, 
ChIcago: a conltrl'butor to Sat. Even- 
ing P08t, Century, 
Ain81ee'8, Chautauquan, Critic. De- 
lineator, Harper8. Independent. Lip- 
pincott's, Life. Puck, Munse1J's, St. 
Nichola8, and ot'he,r pe.ri-odlleals; 
author uA Fatoh of Pansies," "Im- 
plPrtlnent Poems," " Rimes to Be 
Read," "OhrondC'I'es oof the Lit,tIe Tot .. 
"Tol-d 01:0 the Lit<tle TOlt," "A Morn- 
Inrg-'s M'a,II," II lJIottlte Song-s for Two" 
etc.; a.Ilso a plaN'orm -I-ecttrrer f
14 seaS'on-s. appearing from oc
to oc-ean, with 1'e'ai!:lngs from original 
wrltings; of the broadest and most 
'!,<>lemnt rellg.ious beUef; a be-I1ev>er 
m d'emocracy in Us ' form in 
freeòom of trade, In tho(' a b-oI1tlon of 
war, In dle.tetlc refO'M11 , di!';bel.ieV'lng In 
 'shambles -bOlth for men and 
am.mals, aga.lnst class le.g"isl.ation and 
U grafting' prlvUeges of aliI kinds 
however Ò'lsgu.lsed.-113
8 Ma11(ield Rd' 
S.E., Ç'leveland, 0.; Tre8art Club, do:,



Soc. of Am. Humourists; Intern. Ly- 
ceum Assn, 
.. An unique and charmingly original 
poet."-N. Y. American. 
Cooke, Eereward Lester, educationist, 
S. late M. W. and Clara Maude 
(Eager) C., Montreal; b. there; e. 
McGill Univ. (B.A., with 1st class 
honours in mental and moral phil., 
1900; M.A., 1903); reed. 1851 Exhn. 
scholar. for 2 yrs. from McGill Univ.; 
spent 1 summer at Harvard Univ., 
proceeding thence to Camb., where, 
owing to the value of his work, thp 
scholar. was extended for a third 
year, a research scholar. being grant- 
ed from Emmanuel ColI.; apptd. asst. 
prof. of physics, Princeton Univ., N. ,T 
1906; m., ApI., 1911, M
ss Oliive Lois 
M.acOaH'U'Ill, N. Y.-Princeton, N.J. 
Cooke, Lt,-Col, Joseph Peter, lawyer; 
QueÞeoc puhld'C servioe. 
S. late Valentine C.; b. Drummond- 
ville. P Q., Mav 18, 18fi8:. e. St. Fran- 
cis Colt, Richmond, P.Q., and Mc- 
Gm Univ. (B.C.L., 1880); 'Ill., Atpl., 
1880, Helen Grace, d. late Capt. Peter 
"Rurnf'tt. Crnsnv, Eng'., and niece of 
the late Archbp. Bond, Montreal; 
advocate, 1881; K.C. (E. of Derby), 
1893; Crown prosecutor, Dist. Mont- 
re-al, 1897-8: sa-t 1"01" DruID/mond 
(Local) in Con. intHest, 1892-3; bp- 
came a' supporter of the Lib. party, 
1893, and unsuccessfully contested 
Montreal ( St. Lawrence Div.) , in that 
interest, at the Provl. g. e., 1897; car- 
ried bilI in Legislature prohibiting the 
sale or use of tobacco or opium to a.nd 
by minors; also moved twice for the 
abolition of the Leg. Council: sprved 
many yrs. in v. m. service. and com- 
manded the 1st Re
t., .. Prince of 
"-al-es Fusilierß," 1898-1903, WhMl h!' 
re.t,ire-d Rnd 'was p.laoe-e-d ,on the R. 0., 
with his :rank; commanded Bis
team, 1898; apptd. regr. West Mnnt. 
real, Oct., 1907; presented to the 
pl'e.sent ICin'g and -Quæn, St. .James's 
Palace, July, 1902; presented to Kln
Edward, do., do.; rpTesent by invita- 
tion in Westmdnst'ffi' Abbey, 3.1t rtíhe 
coronation of the late King and Queen. 
Aug., 1902.-512 Argyle Ave., West- 
mount , Montreal. 
Cooke, Eon. -Richard Stanislas, judge. 
S. late .John R. and Marie Emilie 
(Cloutif'r) C.; b. Three Rivers, P.Q 
.Jan. 23, 1850; e. St. .Joseph's ('I)JI., 
thoe,re .and: Laval UllIiv.; m., 1st, Aug., 
1877. Louisa (d. 1878), o. d. labe 
.J. B. Lajoie, first Mayor Three 
Rivers; 2ndly, Marie Florence Ber- 
nadine, 3rd d. late L. U. A. Genest, 
elk. of .tlhoe 'P'f"ace, Threle Rivers; .advo- 
cate, 1874; K.C., 1899; Crown prose- 
cutor, Three Rivers; Mayor Three 
Rivers, 1896-97; represented Three 
Rivers, in Lib. interest (Local), HIOO- 
04 ; -apptd. a puisne judge, S. -C., P. Q., 
Nov. 16, 1904; a R.C.; was active In 
promoting the construction of the 
Lower Laurentian Ry.; Is hon. presdt. 
Three Rivers Fish and Game Club.- 
Three River8, P.Q. 

Coombes, Very Bev, George Frederick 
(Ang.) . 
Seconò s. Rev. J. C., late vkar port- 
wood, Cheshire, Eng.; b. Stockport, 
Eng., 1856; e. Stockport and Man- 
chester grammar schs., and St. .John's 
0011., Oam,b.: s-ch'iYltar. and .p.rizem(1n; 
B.A., 1879; M.A., 1883; m., 1885, Miss 
Mary E. Eagles, Wallsall, En
.; o. 
-deacon, 1881; priest, 1881, by Bp. of 
Chester; classical master, Manchestpr 
Grammar Sch., 1880-83; curate Port- 
wood, 1881-83; came to Winnipeg, 
1883 becomin
 prof. eccles. hist. and 
lectu'r. in classics and Eng., St. John's 
ColI., Winnipeg: also f'xamr. in das- 
sics and Eng., Man. Univ. (councmor, 
1906) ; canon and prpcentor St. John's 
Cat-h., W-inni'P'E'og. 1883-1905: dean -of 
Rupert's Land, 1905; a del. to the 
Svn{)ldlS ; 'eJieobPd (tlepoty. rprol-ocut'ÛT 
the GenL Svnod, 1908; eI.eøbe-d p<re!'lcU. 
of Dan. Öh<e'!"S AsS'n.. 1911.-" The 
Chantnf," St. John's, Winnipeg, Man.; 
'ITanitoba Club. do. 
Coombs, Albert Ernest, eòurationi!':t. 
S. .John C.. a resident of Co. York, 
Ont.. for over f;O yrs.: b. on a f
nr. Rkhmonò Hill. Ont.. ApI. 2. 1871; 
e. public schs., Rkhmond Hill Hlqh 
Rch., and Toronto Univ. (B.A., with 
honours In classics, 1892: M.A.. 1895; 
B.Pæd., 1897); m., 1897, Miss BeatriC'e 
E1Uott, Richmond Hill: be
an teaC'h- 
, 1871; principal Richmonò Hill 
High Sch., 1895-99: do. Npwmarket 
High Sch.. 1899-190Q: apntd. princi- 
pal St. Catharines CoIl. Inst.. 190Q: 
sprved 3 yrs. as examr. at Normal 
CoIl.; set papers in hlst. of edue. 
and sch. management; successively 
<1. dir. A
ricul. and Hort. Soc., memo 
Town Council and chairman Public 
Library Bd., Newmarket: formerly in 
v. m. service: a prominent Free- 
mason; opposed to abolition of writ- 
ten ex-amns. in eàuClalt. !'yst'em: a Mp'th. 
-116 Church St., St. Catharines, Onto 
Coombs, Henry Frederick, inventor. 
E. s. Benj. and Mary C.; En
. de- 
scent; b. nr. Red Bay. Labrador. 1844; 
e. there; m., 1871, Miss Charlotte ,G. 
Toombs (d. 1897); a trader 
nò In- 
ventor' Invpntor of the unsInkahle 
 Uf<>boat and life-savin
tachments for boats; e-xhinited inven- 
tions London Exhn., 1886; reai1 a. 
 before Invpntors' Inst., London, 
which was favourably commpntpò on 
by daily press; author "A Narrative 
of Dangprs of the Sea. to (Charlotte- 
town, 1888): work sppcially notlcci1 
and commended by Lord Aberdeen and 
Siir H. q. Joly -de UoN:l!niêre; a Prot.; 
supports and votes for honest govt.- 
Sour-f.8, P.E.I. 
I< For ypar!! 1111!! ol'pn I'ngro.el'f\ in tr,.ine: 
to secur
i!!lation wñirñ wonM prpvf'nt 
thE' sending - of sñips to spa nnlpss pro- 
vidpd with a sufficient mlmbPT of 
sounf\ boats. always ready-provisionpf\ :\T1d 
fittpd-np with life-saving appliancps."-M. 
Cooper, ReV, Charles Edward (Ang-.). 
S. Wm. and Catherine (
C.; b. IsUngton, London, Eng., .Tune 
12, 1854; e. Holbrook Rectory and S1. 


John's Coil., Camb. (B.A., 1877;' M.A., 
1880) ; m., July, 1896, OctavIa, d. Ven. 
John M,len, ArChdeaoon or S3Jlop; o. 
deacon. 1877; priest, 1878. both 'n St. 
Paul's Cath., London, Eng.; vicar Mil- 
ford, Surrey, 1895-90: camf> to B. C.. 
with Bp. Pf>rr'n, 18(\3 : incumbent 
Norbhfield, 1893; We
Nngt'On, 18
r,,('tor Nanalmo. 18
04 : R. D., do., 
18Q6; rf>dor Rt. S'lvlour's Ch.. Vic- 
toria West, 1904; official -chaplaIn to 
the forces, 1904; a del., Pan-Ang. Con- 
grçs!': Londnn. En t!'. , 1 Q08.-Cherrf- 
man'8, Etlqufmo7t St., Vfctnrfa WPlIt. 
R.C.: Unftrrl U?7fvprsity Club, Pall 
Mall E., London, Eng. 
Cooper, John Alexander, journaIlst: 
S. W. C., Cllnton, Ont.: b. thpr8, 
1868; e. Cllnton con. In
t. and To- 
ronto Un Iv. (B.A.. wIth 1st ('blss hon- 
ours In pol. scIence, 1892; LL.B.. with 
honours. 1893); Mackenzie Fellow In 
Constitutional Hist., Toronto Unfv., 
] 895; m., June 24, 1896, Agnes M. 
(B.A.. Queen's Unlv.. 18Q5), e. d. Capt. 
Jas. Masc;le, R. C. A., KIngston: while 
still at the unlv.. dM some TY1.f'T'ltorlou9 
nf'w!;'paper work: was ed. of 3 of the 
MacLean Puhlfshlng Co.'!!! papers, 1892- 
5: ed. Canadian Ma,Q., Toronto, 1895- 
1906 ; sInce then has been ed. Canadfan 
Courter (L. P., 1906); secy.-trf"as., 
Can. PJ'E"SS AssiIl., 1894-1901; 'Pl'esdt., 
do., 1904-5; ToepTle-s.enlted Oan- a.t 
World'.s Pf\e
s Parl l t., St. Lotl
1904; 1ms hoon f'Or .garne yrs. 
trNIS. of the Can. So('. of Authors; R 
memo Ineorp. Soc. of AuthoTl!!!, Lon- 
don, Eng.: one of the founders and 
1st presdt. of the Can. Club, Toronto; 
nas done much to extend the movement 
In favor of C
m. dubs throughout 
Can.; 'Presòt., Toronto WhIst Club, 
1904-5: a dlr., Toronto Indus. Exhbn. 
Assn., 1910: a memo Toronto Guild 
of Civic Art, 1906: a memo Royal 
c-omn. re seh. text-books, 1906: pre- 
sented to the late King Edward, WInd- 
sor Ca;stle, 1905; 2nd Ueut., Queen's 
Own Rifles, 1896; lleut., do., 1904; capt., 
do. 1906; hal'J lectured on II Journallsm 
of the Future," II Educa:Unog a CItizen," 
etc.: besides havIng contributed many 
artJlcles to the mag's. Is author of "Can. 
Under Queen VIctorIa": ed. II The 
New Century Perfe-ct Speaker" and 
II Men of Can.: A Gallery"; 
Con.-16 Glen Rd., Toronto; Albany 
Club, do. 
"A. man of great ene,rgy: quick to kno'W 
what the public d.emand.s."-T. Newe. 
.. An ardent Imperialist -and hI!.<< done 
much practical work f-orr the grorwth o,f 
more intimate Jlcqllain-tanoo between the 
peoples of the :MoOther Country and our 
own."-Maritime Merchant. 
Cooper, William Albert, photographer, 
S. John and Mary C., London, Ont.; 
b. there, Aug. 27, 1843; e. UnIon Seh., 
London; m. Enen, d. Capt. John Glb
son, Picton, Ont.; studied photogra.phY 
under his bro., John C., the pioneer 
photographer of London; practised In 
various parts of Ont.; flnll'Jhed Can. 
career In St. Thomas, Ont.: studied 
ca,rbon process In Eng., and assIsted 
Lamhert to Introduce It Into Am., 1876 ; 


studfed photo-mech. prInting with 
Obernetter, MunIch, and Introduced 
artotype proce!!!!!! Into U. S., 1878; 
studied with Guillaume, Paris, and 
brought the half-tone proce!!!s to Am. 
and el'Jtabd. It In Chicago, 188Q: took 
up study of reproducln
 palntlng'!!! wIth 
colour values, 1892: opf'ned I'Jtudlo per- 
manently In N. Y., 1894, and ha!!l sInce 
reprodu('ed many þr'vflte g'::Illf>rh>!!! 
throughout Am.. Inr1ud'ng !"f>vf>ral Im- 
portant onf>S In Montrf'al : is hon. nrf'sl- 
df>nt London Old Hovs' AS!i'T1., GreatpT 
N. Y.; Epl!'!.-lf}
.! RerQPn St.. Brook- 
11m N.Y.: Can,adian, C7ub. N.Y. 
Cooper, Rev, Wm. Ba'M'ett (Presb.). 

cottlsh orf!!'ln: h. Ahprdeen. grot., 
 e. KIng's CoIl., AbPTl1een 
(M.A.) ; coniturted tnf'o1. !';tul1lf'!'! Free 
Ch. Tneol. ColI., A hf'rdf'PfI: first man 
of his vpar: m. Mf!':!'! Cñarlto'l. Dur- 
ham, Eng'.: o. 1887: mlnr. Durham, 
Bng., ] 
87-!)7: do., 
t. James's. Brfstol 
En go. , 1897-1907; 
In('e tnen has be-en 

pnl. secy. Clln. Blhle Soc.: author 
nUmM'OU9 revIew and mag. arUe1e!!!.- 
to! Yonge St., Toronto. 
.. A man of fnftuence and capaclty."- 
T. Globe. 
Coote. Michael Pat"lc
, 1"hv<:1c1aT', 
Ir.I!"ih pal'entag'e; 'no QU'E>hpc; e. Qu
l'w>c Semy.: m., .Juty. 1
Ql, .Ma'Y"'

roe OaroHnof'. ð. t'Bf1f> Hon. J. T. 
TaSl( oI he'1'f'-au, LT
ud,P'P of 1111(' S11- 
mof> ("'t. of C
"",fIP in m.p
IJaJval} Undv., 1871; M.D. (dQ.), 1884: 
y.e speclaUst 
 studlled a1so In En-g., 
Baris and Berliln: memo doe 113 Soc. 
d'OphtJ1mJ1. (Ie Parts: memo RoyG;l Soc. 
Ophthal., Lon-dI011, En.g.: now and 
!"ome YTS. 18. m'E"m. mlp,a. faculty, lAva.;] 
Un:lv.: 18.100 ocuJ1st Hobel DI'e'l1, Que- 
bec.; secy. ,foor Can., Inrtern. OoTI'
of Op>rutha:ls., Sw.Uz.elI'lra.nd, 1904: to'!"- 
merly surg., 8th Regt. II R'OyaJl Rifles": 
a R.C.-7.! Ste. Anne St., Quebec. 
Copp, Albert 3'ameø Smith, lawyer; 
S. Thos. C.; U. E. L. df>scent: b. 
Amlherst, N.S., Dec. 19, 1866: e. Am- 
herst Acad., Dorchoeos'OOr and SackvllIe, 
N.B.: m., 1881, E 1 1za, ð. Jas. A. De<n- 
nison, Dtg1by', N.S.: barrIster, 1879; 
wa."'I crown !prosecuior at Digby. 
1887-1910: has been Vf>ry S1UCC>esstul 
In crimInal cases; a LIb.; sat for 
Digby (H. C.), In that Interest. 1896- 
1910: apptd. commercIal agent for 
Can., Boston, !Mass., 1910.-Canadian 
O{flce, Boston, Matis. 
Copp, Arthur Bliss, lawyer, legislator. 
S. late Harvey and: Frances (Brennan) 
C., Eng. and Irish parentage: b. JoU- 
cure, N.B., July 10, 1870: e. Commer- 
cial Sch., Mt. Allison Unlv., and Har- 
vard Un IV'. ; m., Aug., 1903, BessIe 
Margt., d. Hy, Bell, Newcastle, N.B.: 
graduated LL.B. (DalhousIe Unlv.), 
1894 ; barr:Ist
r, 1899; suocessfuilly 
practised SIt Sa-C'kv.fI.le: a Lib., and 
sat, in ,tJ1m.t ,Interest, ,for Westmoreland 
(Looal) slnce 1901: a roy>al com-mr. t'O 
enquire lruto ('.harges against Oad)t. J. 
H. Bratt, oomdg. Govt. crulse.r Curlew, 
1906; apptd. Lib. orgaThÌ7ier far N.B. 'by 
Lib. convention, Dec., 1906; a Presb,- 
Backvme þ N.B, 



Copp, Charleø 3'oøeph, phYl!llclan, 
S. late .John Chas. C., man gr. To- 
ronto Land & Invest. Corporation; b. 
Toronto, 1874: e. there; m., Apt, 1906. Mabel, d. Hy. O'Hara, Toronoto; 
studied for his prof. at Trln. Med. 
ColI., Toronto (M.D..C.M., 1897), and 
St. Thomas's Hosp., London, Eng.: 
L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1899; M.R.C.IS. 
(Eng.), do.; memo ColI. P. and S., 
Ont., do.; a fellow Trln. Med. CoIl.: 
memo outdoor staff Grace Hosp., To- 
roruto; a mem EX'ÎV'e. Oombe. iMJoral and 
Sociaa Reform Ooundl, Can.; ItTem;. 
Lord's Day Alliance, Can.: local hon. 
secy. Toronto Centre St. .John Ambu- 
lance Assn.; prof. chern. and lect. In 
toxlcol., Onto Med. CoIl. for Women: 
a Cong., and treas. Congo PubIlshlng 
00.; apptd. an Esquire, Order of St. 
.John of .Jerusalem, 1910.-96 Wellesley 
St., Toronto. 
Copp, Mrs, Evelyn Aøhton-Fletcher, 
originator Fletcher music method. 
2nd d. late Ashton Fletcher, bar- 
rister, Woodstock, Ont.; b. there: e. 
local sehs. and Eng., France and Ger- 
many: m., May. 1901, Alfred Copp; 
became a teacher In the Hamilton 
Ladles' ColI. and Bp. Strachan Sch., 
Toronto: patented the Fletcher Music 
Method, which has revolutionized the 
teaching of music to children, 1897; 
has Introduced her system In C8.II1 
the U. S., Eng., Belgium. France and 
Germany.-Brookline, Mass. 
II One o
 the m06t dÏistinguished of 
Oa.nadlians."-M. and E. 
Corbett, Frederick D., merchant. 
Head firm F. D. C. & Co., steam- 
ship agents; contributed $10,000 to 
the fund for the erection of a hosp 
for siele chlldrf'n, HaIlfax, N.S.-Inglis 
St., Halifax, N.R; Halifax Cl1tb, do. 
Corbett, Very Rev, George (R.C.), 
S. late Alex. C.: b. Glengarry, Ont.: 
e. Reglopolls ColI., Kingston: o. 1873; 
Is V. G. of the Diocese of Alexandria 
and rector of Cornwall. - Cornwall 
Corbett, 1VIløø 3'anet 1V[" lawyer. 
D. .John C., Hallfax, N.S.: b. thf're: 
e. Halifax Co. Acad.: removed to Bos- 
ton, Mass., where she was admitted to 
the Mass. bar; Is In successful prac- 
tice there: the first Can. woman to be 
admitted to the Mass. bar.-Boston 
Mass. ' 
Corbett, Samuel C" physician. 
B. Perry town, Ont., where his father 
was a prominent and prosperous faml- 
er, 1846: e. pubIlc and private schs.; 
m., 1904, Gertrude E., d. late .John 
Herbt. Sangster, M.A., M.D., Port 
Perry, Ont.: M.D., Viet. Unlv., 1867: 
memo ColI. P. and S., Ont., do.: prac- 
tised successively at Perry town and 
furt Hope; remoV'edJ 1Jo 'Man., .1882. 
and has since practised at Winnipeg; 
councillor ColI. P. and S., Man., 1886; 
presdt. do. for 2 yrs.: also a council- 
lor Man. Un Iv. and an examr. In med. 
for many yrs.: Is Dom. health offir., 
Winnipeg, and grand med. examr. 
A. O. U. W,; a Presb.; a Llb.- Win- 
nipeg, Man, 

Corbould, Gordon Edward, lawyer, 
Third s. late Chas. C.. a retired 
lIeut. R. N., who, after extended and 
Important service afloat. was retired, 
and afterwards practised In London 
as a barrister, and Mary, 2nd d. Dr. 
Durie, K.H.: b. Toronto, Nov. 2. 1847; 
e. U. C. ColI.; atty. (Ont.), 1872; re- 
moved to B. C., 1880: barrister 
(B. C.), 1882: K.C. (E. Aberdeen). 
1894; do. (B.C.).. 1900; benlcoor Law 
Soc., B.C., 1907; 111Ias practJlse{l 'th'I'O'Ugih- 
out 'In NelW WesbminosrteT: a Li'b.-Oon.; 
sat In th'at dn1-el"es'Ì f'or New Wesltmdlfl- 
,s\)er (H.C.), 1890-96. when lhe 1'e'Mred'; 
a'll Anrg.; m., tst, 1877, Arabe
A,lmo'llid (d. 1894), 4th d. íMajoll' WIIn. 
Down, 1st,ras Fusl'Itiers; 2ndly, 
Om., 1901, Ohaz1J.c)ltrtJe Mary Eldm.biert:h 
Wl"lgih.t, 2nd d. loate Cihi'ef Justdc
M. C. Oam1erolfl, TOl"onto.-New West- 
minster, B.C.; Terminal City Club, 
Corby, Henry, distiller; ex-legislator. 
S. Hy. C., M.P.P., a native of Han- 
wall, Eng. ; e. public schs. and 
Rockwood Acad.: took a commercial 
course at Toronto, and subsf'Quently 
entd. his father's office; on his df'ath, 
SI\1'ClC'e'en-eod 1:'0 'hIs business I8.S a m11- 
r, d i'st.HÞe'l'. and I
TIlp'01rter 101' 'WIlD'es; 
In his hands the business and work!'; 
have grown considerably, and are now 
among the largest 
md most prnsper- 
ous In that line exlsttng In the Dom.: 
the H. C. DlstlIlHY Co. was Incorpor- 
ated by L. P., May. 1905: was for- 
merly asst. chief, 'Bellpvllle Fire Dept. : 
a dlr. District Agr1. Exhn. Co., V.-P. 
Bay O'f Qulnte Bridge Co., prf'sdt. 
BelIevtlle Crickf't Club, pre
òt. Bf'lle- 
vlIle Fore!'lt and Stre::Jm Club, PI"E'sdt. 
Nat. Gas Co.. presnt. Bf'llpvl11e Blrvcle 
Club. commodore Bf'lIevll1e Yacht Club, 
presdt. local br::Jnch St. .John Ambn- 
lfmce A ssn., and hon. prf'sdt. Bf'llf'vil1e 
Football I,pague; nwns Massass::Jga 
Park. and has f'rf'C'tf'd a hotel and a 
numbf'r of cottages thf'rf'. fnr the pub- 
lic convf'nlf'nce: prf'sf'ntf'd :) p11bllc 
park, to' be knnwn as Corby Par]" to' 
Bpllf'vtlte, ] !10fj. 
md, tngf'tbpr with 
his wife, presf'ntf'd a pUblic lIbrary to' 
thp "
mp ritv. ]I)OS: W::JS ::J 1 !'I 0 T1artlv 
Instr11mf'ntal 'In l1::Jvfng a l:ldlf's' coR 
estabd. thl're; a Con., 
mò prf'snt. nf 
the IOCRl Cnn. ::J ssn.; sat. In that '1'1- 
terf'st, for W. Hastfngs (H. C.), ] R8R- 
1 !l01 : -on 
ds rf'lb1l"eme'TllÌ. was T>N'!"Pl1<tiP'ð his 'Por.tr31t. pa,lnt.ed 'by Hams 
(q.v.). '<1.nò f'ntt
' Rt a publolc 
banQ'l1lert by rtJhe Con. pa/l"t'Y. in ack;n.owil- 
{>'dlgmen,t of ih'ls II spl-pnòlii1 p3Jl"ty S{>,r- 
V1I'C'f' "; Q l)YI'orrD<in.en:t FreemaSO'Jl, Odò.- 
lfeoHoow. ann 80'11 of Eng.: m., Se'PIÌ., 
1872, Maria. .r!. 
'3.rte .John COOI'bney: Ihe 
and Mors. C. Wf''!"e pTPSIe'Tlt.pð :to th>elr 
iMoJes&ti.p.s tlhf' llat-e King oa;nd Qnof>le'll, 
1 !l07.-Bel1e1'ille. Ont.: Ri-df'(11t Club, 
Ottawa; York Club; Albany Club, To- 
.. Has donI' great gprvice to the country 
and has upheld with foræ and success the 
Conservative cause."-M. and E. . 
.. An example of a. type of legislator 
not too common on this continent-the ma.Q 
without an axe to grind,"-M. Star. 



Corkery, Bev, p, (R. C.). 
S. late B. C., Almonte, Ont.; b. there; 
e. Carleton Place High SCh., Regiopo- 
lis Coll., Kingston, Quebec Semy., and 
Ottawa Unlv.; canon, 1905; has served 
successively at Pembroke, Gracefield. 
and Pakenham.-Pakenham, Onto 
Corkill, Edward Thomas, Onto public 
B. Pfttsburg. Co. Frontenac, Ont., 
May 29, 1880; e. SydC'nham High 
Sch.; graduated B.Sc., M.E. (Queen's 
Univ.), 1904; unm.; formerly Supdt. 
of MInes for Geni. Electric Co.; apptd. 
Inspr. of Mines for Ont., 1905; author 
of reports on the mines of Ont., petro- 
leum and natural gas in Ont., and on 
II The Occurrence, Production, and 
Uses of Mica"; sa Pro.t.-32 II The 
Alexand1'a," Toronto. 
Oorley, John WIDiam Seymour, law- 
yer; Onto public service. 
S. Alex. Wilson C., Meaford, Ont.; 
grandmother first woman settlpr in 
Co. Grey; b. Meaford, Ont., Feb. 21, 
1866; e. Meaford Public Sch.. Colling- 
wood CoIl. Inst., and Trinity Univ. 
(undergraduate) ; m., .June. 1!)03, Clara 
Luella Smith (directress Woman's Can. 
Hlst. Soc.), niece and adopted d. late 
Andrew Heron, Toronto; barrister, 
1889; head of 'Þeg1w} firm C., Bell 
& Price, Toronto; K.C., 1908; apptd. 
Crown Atty., Toronto, 1906; Is a dir. 
Imp. Trust Co., and presdt. Grey Co. 
Old Boys' and GIrls' Assn.. Toronto; 
also hon. se<:y.-Itreas. Grom'Ït'e CUl'1li.n.g 
3Jnd .skaUng RJi,nk ; Rppt'd. CO'!1Isul- 
l. fur Bulga,ria, 1909; a Con..; 
Anlg -,,6 Dunvegan .Rd., Toronto; 
ny Club; National Club; Granite 
Club; R.C.Y. Club, do. 
.. Very independent; says what he 
thinks, no matter who is around to hear." 
S. N. 
Oormack, Alexander, jockey. 
B. Woodstock, Ont.. about 1886 ; 
has had a most successful career; with- 
In 3 yrs. after entering his calling 
had risen to a foremost place in it, 
and achieved a high reputation as a 
jockey, both In Am. and Europe; rode 
for royalty In France and Germany, 
also for the Rothschllds; was reputed 
to have received a salary of $10,000 
per annum; latterly was first jockey 
for M. Veil-Picard, of France; now 
living on a farm nr. Woodstock, Onto 
-Woodstock, Onto 
Corning, Thomas Edgar, lawyer. 
S. late Nelson and Sarah (Murphy) 
C.; Eng. descent; ancestors came to 
Am., 1640, setJt1ling ø.Jt Bever-Joey, ,Mass. ; 
grandf. removed to N. S., 1764; b. 
Chegoggln, Yarmouth, N.S., Api. 11, 
1842; e. there and Acadia Unlv. (B.A., 
1865) ; m., Aug., 1880, .Jane Alder (d. 
May, 1910), d. .John Baxter, Yarmouth; 
barrister, 1869; K.C. (E. Derby), 
1890; a leader of the local bar; has 
been recorder of Yarmouth; also treas. 
and sotr., YarIn'oU't!h; a Con.. and Si3Jt 
in that interest for Yarmouth (Local), 
1882-86; opposed to the II re
al It 
movement; unsuccessfully contested 
same constituency (H. C.) g. e. 1900 

and g. e. 1904; a councillor Barristers' 
Soc., N. S.; a Bapt.-Yarmouth, N.S. 
II Honest, fearless and independent."- 
H. Rl'Tald. 
Cornish, Bev, George Henry (Meth.). 
S. late .John C., Toronto, and Eliza- 
beth, d. .Jas. Hellins, Exeter, Eng.; 
b. Exeter, Eng., .June 26, 1834; e. To- 
ronto Acad., under late Rev. Principal 
Gaol-e, a'I1.æ V.lctoria Un-iv.; emM. minlis- 
try, 1858; o. 1862; was pastor at Nor- 
wich, Grimsby, Burlington, Wingham, 
Stratford (Central) , Mitchell (Main 
St.), Hespeler, Port Elgin, Niagara, 
and Lynden; superannuated, at his 
own request, 1901; author II Handbook 
of Can. Methodism" (1867), II The 
Cyclopædia of Methodism in Can." 
(Vol. I., 1880; Vol. II., 1903), II The 
Pastor's Pocket Record" (1883), 
II The Pastor's Pocket Ritual" (1884) ; 
was journal secy. Mf'th. Conf., 1872- 
77; secy. London Conf., 1879, and 
Guelph Conf., 1884; was 6 times a del. 
to the Geni. Conf.; in 1886 was apptd. 
its statistician, and In 1892 was elected 
its journal secy.; LL.D. (Rutherford 
ColI., N. C.). 1887; m., .June, 1862, 
Elizabeth Frances, d. Capt. Reynell, 
Ballinalack, Westmeath, Irel.; was 3 
times elected chairman of his dist.: 
Wlngham, Markdale, and Stratford.- 
28 Beatrice St., Toronto. 
.. Has both a passion and a genius for 
statisti es." - W e8tmin8ter. 
Cornish, George W., organist and 
S. late Prof. C., McGill Unlv.; b. 
and e. Montreal; studied for his prof. 
principally In Germany; was 4 yrs. 
at Stuttgart Conservatorium, under 
Prof. Pruckner (piano) and Dr. Goet- 
schins (theory), and 2 yrs. at Dresden. 
undpr Hermann Scholtz, the weH- 
known Chopin Interpreter; also spent 
somp roths. at Weimar with Bprnhard 
Stavenhagen; returned to Montreal, 
1891, and made his debut there as a 
pianist; was for 4 yrs. music master 
at Dunham Ladies' Coli.; apptd. to 
teaching staff of McGill Conservator- 
ium of Music, 1904, he was subse- 
quently chosen as organist of Erskine 
Presb. Ch., Montreal.-"95 Mountain 
St., Montreal. 
Cornwall, Clement Arthur Xingscote, 
electrical engineer. 
E. S. late Hon. C. F. C., B.A., Sena- 
tor, Lt.-Gov., and afterwards a co. ct. 
judige in B.C" and Ohr
lJrIl{)ltote, ,hris wU,e, 
3rd d. Rev. Arthur Gore Pemberton, 
rector Kensal Green, London. Eng.; b. 
Ashcroft, B.C., May 23, 1875; e. pri- 
vate tutor; graduated B.Sc. (El.) (Mc- 
Gill Unlv,). 1900; has been In testing 
dept. B.C. Elec. Ry. Co. ; now practising 
his prof. In Victoria, B.C.; Ang.--8-'6 
Rae St., Victoria, B.C. 
Oornyn, John Hubert,; 
author and educationist. 
B. Wingham, Ont.; Can. parentage; 
e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., with honours, 
1893) ; while a student, served On staff 
of Toronto World; took post-graduate 
work In Germany, and .spent some 
mths. in France; dramatic and liter- 
ary critic, N. Y. press; press corre- 



spondent In Cuba durlng war: went 
to Mexico, 1896, where he has since 
been engaged In :Journalistic and mag. 
work: author of numerous stories of 
Mexican life; writes under nom de 
plume of .. Pepe Rey " ; sometime 
mango ed, Evening (DaHy) Star and 
of Pan-American Mag.; now and' !for 
some time representative In Mexico of 
Scrlpps-Macrea news service, and a 
contributor to Am. mags.; estabd. and 
was principal of Eng. Grammar Sch., 
Me:x1oo.-2a Calle de BucareZt., No. 809, 
City of M e:rfco. 
Corrigan, Bernard, railway manager 
and contractor. 
B. nr. Montreal; removed many yrs. 
ago to U. S.: a successful ry. cont!,ac- 
ror; pre-sdlt. fOT SO'tIlte yrs. Mieftropoll'1rtan 
St. Ry, 00., Kansas Olty; .Dem.; R.C. 
-Kansas City, Mo. 
Corrigan, Bev. Richard (Meth.). 
S. Robt. and Margt. (.Johnston) C.; 
b. Inkerman, Ont., .June 3, 1862: e. 
Hl'gh Sch., K>e'1l1'})tV'iJole, Cdbo'Urg ÜO'H. 
Inst and Victoria Unh,. (B.A., with 
1st ., class honours In phIl., 1890 ; 
B.D., 1893); O. 1893; has held pas- 
torates previously at MansonvllIe, Ma- 
gog Invf'rness and Iroquois; apptd. 
pastor We9tm
unt Meth. Ch., 1907; 
m., Oct., 1893, .Jennie, d. Nelson 1\401'- 
gan, A11t'Ì.S'VtUe, 0",1:.-441 Broadv
Ave., Toronto. 
.. A preacher of more than average 
8bilitv."-M. Witne88. 
Corriveau, ApoUlnalre, lawyer. 
B. Quebec City, .July 23, 1862: e. 
Quebec Semy.; graduated LL.B. (with 
Gov.-Gen:r.',s med.). La;vl3.1 Unlv., 1885; 
m., Sept., 1889, Mlle. Leda Dufresne, 
Quebec; advocate. 1886; K.C., 1906; 
In extensive practice In City of Que- 
bec In civil and criminal cases In all 
the courts; counsel for Quebec Govt. 
In cases arising out of commercial 
tax, 1897; has been presdt. St. .Jean 
Bapte. Soc., an,d chief II13JTlger St. Sau- 
w'l1rO>urt, OalthoNc Foresters; a 
R. C.; a Lib., and a warm supporter 
of Sir W. Laurler.--63! St. Valier St., 
Quebec,. Club St. Louis, do. 
Cory, Capt, George morton, H.M.'s 
regular mil. forces. 
S. Chas. D. C., Toronto, formerly of 
Halifax, N.S.; b. Evanston, Ill., Dec. 
26, 1874; e. BIshop's ColI. SCh., Len- 
noxvUle P.Q., and Royal MIL ColI., 
; graduated 1895; 2nd lieut. 
Royal Dublin FusiUers, Aug. 25, 1895; 
capt., Feb. 24, 1900; served in S. 
Africa during war, 1899-02 (despatches 
twice; Queen's med., with 7 clasps; 
King's med., with 2 clasps; D. S. 0., 
1900) ; seirv,oo a1'S1O 1n Aden Hintel"liMld 
Expdn., 1903; umm..-Care War O{ffce, 
London, Eng.; Naas, Co. Kildare, Irel. 
Cory, William waUace, Dom. public 
Eng. and Scottish orIgin; s. Thos. C.. 
Mayor. of Gladstone, Man., a native of 
Lostlnthiel, Eng., and Margt. Johanna 
(Garret) C.;' b. Strathroy, Ont., .June 
16, 1865; e. local sche., Glad!!!tone, and 
St. John's Coil., WinnIpeg; m., 1888, 
Miss Laura Watson, Lincolnshire, 
Eng,; accompanied parente to Man., 

1870: studied law In Winnipeg: com- 
pleted his article!!! In Atty.-Genl.'e of- 
flce, where he became a elk., 1889; 
:Joined Dept. of the Interior, Can., as 
elk. In charge of the patenting of ry. 
lands, .Jan., 1901; apptd. Inspr. of 
Yulmn offices, under Depts. of the In- 
terior and .Justice (remaining In the 
Yukon throughout the summers of 
1901-3), .July 1, 1901; do. asst. commr. 
Yukon lands, .Jan. 19, 1904: Df'pty. 
MinI'. of the Interior, .Jan. 1, 1905; C. 
M. G., 1909; a dlr. O. A. A. Assn. and 
various ot'her local bodies; Is hon. 
op.resdt. OttJa. wa H()Ickey and F{)I()Itoo,lll 
Clubs and of 1:he Capital Lacrosse 
Club; elected presdt. Civil Service 
Club, Ottawa, 1909; an Ang. and a 
del. to the Synod.-!l! Argyle Ave., 
Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa Hunt 
Club, do. 
.. Knows ,the West like a boook."-O. 
Free Pre88, 
. .. !?ne {)f the ablest men in the Oivil Ser- 
VIce. -So N. 
Coste, Eugene Marius Antoine, min- 
Ing engIneer. 
S. Nap()Iloeo'llJ Aqex., C. E., ReJe<ve or 
'Maldle-n, Onlt.. a.n'd MØJt'hiHdle (R:obi- 
d!QlUx) C.; b. AmherstJburg, Ont1:.., .July 
8, 1859; e. France and Oan.; m. 
1& Jate T. D. 'Dims, Dam. FlnranciaJI 
Inapr., Ottawa; entd. service Can. 
Geol. Survey, .July, 1883; mining engr. 
do., 1887-89; since In private practice: 
opened up and equipped the WeIland 
natural gas field; has since visited 
many of the natural gas fields of the 
world, and Is an authority on the l'Jub- 
ject; author report on the production, 
value, exports, and Imports of miner- 
als In Can. (1888), and of several 
papers on the same subject; has lec- 
tured on .. The Volcanic Origin of Oil " 
before the Can. Inst., Toronto, and on 
.. The Volcanic Origin of Natural Gal!! 
and Petroleum" before the Can. Min- 
Ing Inst., &me city; elected presdt. 
Can. MIning Inst., 1903.-!10 POf'lar 
Plains Rd., Toronto ; National Club; 
Engineers' Club, do. 
Coste, Jean Louis Napoleon, civil 
Bro. of preceding; b. Amherstburg, 
Onot., July 31, 1857; e. in Fmnce anð. 
Eng.; In. Miss Marie Theoose d'Es- 
teTre; mern. Oan. Soc. C. E., 1887; 
enftd. Can. !puhUc S>eTvdce, OCJt.., 1883; 
chief en-gr. Dept. o! Pu'I:JlNc Works, 
Oam., .June, 1892; !'eSigned Feb., 1899, 
to take lÍJhe manag.ement JOf the Yulron Co.; J'eturnoo to lPubl'ic Works 
De'þt., 1902; commussioned to dnvesti- 
ga,be i!lnd 
'O'I't UPOlIl the .Impro'V'eIffienrts 
noe-edoed to ,the 'Prlndpal Can. \harbours, 
Oct., 1902; apptd. memo Intern. Inland 
Waterway O:mmm., .Jan., 190'5; 1!lJdrvIo- 
oates t!l1e ocon-struCltdoo or the 
Georgllan Bay OanIaJ1.-2
! Charlotte 
St., Ottawa; Rideau Club, do. 
Costello, Thomas, Dom. publIc ser- 
B. Tp. Horton, Co. Renfrew, Ont., 
Sept. 23, 186
 ; e. public and high Bchs., 
Renfrew; m. 1893, CatherIne, d. Wm. 
Erwin, Camden, N.Y. ; commenced com- 
merdal career, as mangr. of the busi- 
ness of Boyd, CaJdrweI:l- & Co., Lanark, 



Ont., 1884; succeeded to woolen manfg. 
portion of business, 1893; became sales 
mangr. and asst. genl. mangr. Hewson 
Woolen and Knitting Mills, (of which 
he became is. d1r" 1907) 1906; elllbd. 
Customs Dept., Can., 1908; apptd. 
Dorn. 'reX/tHe Inspr. and Dom. Aip- 
praiser, 1909; author of a special re- 
port to Parlt. on the Woolen Industry 
In Gt. Brit. (1909); R. C.-
76 Palm- 
erston Boulevard, Toronto; Ontario 
Club, no. 
Co.teUo, Thomas '1/1., legislator. 
B. P. E. I., June 1, 1845; e. there; 
removed to Woburn, Mass., 1864, and 
to N. Y. State, 1869; engd. In mer- 
cantile, manfg., and real estate busi- 
ness; held a variety of local offices; as 
a memo N.Y. Assembl'Y (1889-1902) <In- 
troduced and passed sweat-shop bill, 
and the bill putting all labour laws of 
the state under the factory Inspector's 
care.-Sand Bank, Oswego Co., N.Y. 
Coster, Charles James, lawyer. 
S. late Rev. C. G. C., Ph.D., head- 
master St. John Grammar Sch., and 
- (Holbrook) C.; grands. Archdeacon 
C., St. John; b. St. John, N.H.; e. St. 
John Grammar Sch.; ro., July, 1893, 
Laura K<>turah, e. d. General D. H. 
Warner, U. S. consul; barrister, 1885; 
K.C., 1902; suC>OessruUy pmotisð!I In St. 
JO'hrl.-St. John, N.B.; Union Club, do. 
Costigån, Hon, John, statesman. 
Irish parentage; s. John and Bridget 
C.; b. St. N
chola!!l. P.Q., Feb. 1, 18
e. Ste. Anne s ColJ'!"; m., 1885, Harnet, 
d. J. R. Ryan, Grand Falls, N.H.; re- 
moving to N. B. In early Ufe, became 
Regr. of Deeds for Co. VictorIa, and 
a JUdge or the Inferlo.T Ct. or Common 
Pleas In that Provtnce; !politically a 
Con., up to the advent of the Laurier 
Admn., 1896; .sInce then has been a 
supporter of the lAb, party; sat for 
Victoria, N.B. (Local), 1861-6; repre- 
sented do. do. (H. C.), 1867-1904; 
Mlnr. Inta.nd Revenue, 1882-92; Secy. 
of State, 1892-4; Mlnr. Mar.1ne and 
Fisheries, 1894-6; called to the Sena.te 
by Earl Grey, Ja.n, 16, 1907; 8Upported 
motion by late N, F, Davin, K.C., 
M.P., for extending the Dom. tranchl!!le 
to women, 1895; Is :pr
dt. United IriSh 
League; formerly presdt. St. PatrIck's 
Temp. Soc., Co. Carleton Bd. Ancient 
Order Inbernlans and Quebec and N. 
B. Ry.; mEml. eJctV'e. coar.1te. Ottawa 
 Fish and Game Protective 
Aøsn., 1905; do. Oan. I"8Itrlotlc Fund 
ASl!ln., 1901; promobeir ManltO'U OU & 
Ge.l! 00., 1905; was prevtlous'ly a pro- 
moter of seV1eral 'Publdc COSo !n N.B. 
and el'8e'W11!ere; a strong beU.eV1er in 
Home Rule for I1'eI. and .bas UPOO1 
several occasIons IDiOV'ed in iliart dlrec- 
Uon In Parlt,; at an ea.Tl1er ,perIod 
beoame closely Iden11fled wl'th the BOO. 
questlO'll In N.B.; a del. ,to 1'11oe I
Nat. OonV'et1ltlon. DubI;Jn, Ire1., 189&; 
R.C.-f!9 Stewart St., Ottawa; Eå- 
mundaton, N.B. 
"A thorough Irish patriot."-O. JOU1'71al, 
Costigan, Lt.-Col, Richard, merchan t. 
S. .John and Agnes (Wheelan) C.; 
b. Montreal, Nov. 27, 1880; e. Royal 
Arthur Sch.; represented St. Antoine 
Ward In City Council 3 tennll; Proto 

echo commr. 6 yrs.; served for many 
yrs. as an offr. In the Montreal Field 
Arty.; attained to the command, as 
major, 1897; placed on aotiv.e l1st in 
command of 7th Brigade, with rank 
of '1Jt.-c'()Il., 1902; t-erm ex,td. to 1908; 
p<OOIseases R. S. A. 1st olass ceI'lt. IMld 
long service decoration; served during 
S. A. campaign with II E" Batty. (de- 
sp8JWhes; mede.) ; elleCted presdt. Doon. 
Arty. Assn., 1909; a memo Royal Ar- 
canum; a Prot.; a strong bellever In 
a prot-ecbive /tarlff for 0an..-
!9 Mac- 
kay St., .Montreal; St. James'8 Club; 
Montreal Hunt Club; Military In8ti- 
tute, do. 
Coté, Aurele Suzor, arUste-peintre. 
S. late Theophlle C., N:P" collr. pro- 
vincial revenue, Arthabaska, P.Q., a.nð 
- (Suzor) C.; nephew Mgr. p, IL 
Suzor, V.-G. of Nicolet, P.Q.; b. Ar- 
thabaska, 1870; e. Commercial Acad., 
there; unm. ; orlg:lnally a ch, decorator { . 
went to Paris, Mch., 1891; studied a 
the Ecole Nat. det!l Beaux Arts, under 
Bonna t, and the Acad. Julian, under 
Le!ebre ; won the grand prIze for the 
competitive pIcture. II The Death or 
Archimedes," 1898; took a bronze ..nod 
a gold med. at the EXþ. Univeraale, 
1900 (where he was one of the judges 
In the fine arts sec.); had exhlbltE"d 
pIctures at the salon In 1894, and 
again subsequently one of hIs pic- 
tures, II Pastourelle," was admitted to 
the reward list; Qne of his Salon pic- 
tures, "Retour des Champs," hal!l been 
specIally admIred; apptd. an ofrr, 
d'Acad. by the French Govt., 1901; 
commIssIoned by the Dom. Govt. to 
executp panel decorations and fllustra- 
tions for Parlt. Bdgs., Ottawa, 1908; 
has exhbd. frequently In Can., whe1"& 
hIs works are highly prized (see Lø 
Journ. de FrançaÏ8tJ, Jan. 4, 1908, and 
Toronto Globe, for Feb. 6, 1910, for 
appreciations) ; among hll!l more recent 
works have been a portr
It <Yf Sir w. 
Lauder for the Parlt. Buildings, Ot- 
tawa; "The Landln
 ot Champlain at 
Quebec .. and .. The Discovery of 
Canada: by Jacques Cartier," &11 three 
of much merlt.-Car8 W, Scott & SOft,. 
Notre Dame St., Quebec. 
II By preferentJ& a landøeape painte,r, but 
no branch of the paInter's an ean be re- 
garded a.8 cloøed to hlI:1. All,. eolO'l11'ÍtJt 
he I. orl
ina1 and tI<<e, rliTtI and his palett& 
fa marvelloulIly Mlee\ and Tarled. As a 
drangMB'lDan he Is learned, eOrnle\, and 
ele&,an', with a ftne senile of the rhythm 
of line, and. his modeDing II flue as weU 
a. nbtle. HI. .tyl6 Is bold, Ti
()ron. and. 
ly penonal."-a, (Ntue", 
Coté, Joseph Arthur, Dom. publfc 
Third'S. late J. O. C., clk. Queen'. 
PrIvy Council, Can.; b. Quebec, Nov. 
24, 1862; e. Ottawa Unlv. and Bour- 
get CoIl.; entd. public service, Oct" 
1882; a commr. to deal with claims of 
halfbreeds In connection with Ind. 
treaty In Athabaska DIet., 1811; 
chief ol.k., Dep-t. of the InterlOT, 190'; 
Asst. Deputy Minr. of the In
ApI., 1908; R. C.-.AltJ#:andro Hote'i. 
Bank St., Ottawa. 



Cot6, Louis, inventor and manu- 
S. Geo. and Julie (Langelier) C : b. 
St. Dominique-de-Bagot, P.Q., Mch., 
1836; e. St. Hyacinthe and Jacques 
Cartier Normal Sch., Montreal; m., 
1868, Louise, d. Chas. Pigeon, St. 
Hyacinthe, P.Q. ; early turned his 
attention to mechanics and Inventions' 
has largely contributed to the Immense 
progress that the manufacture of boots 
and shoes has made In the last 45 yrs. ; 
started Quebec's first boot and shoe 
factory, with his bro. Geo. and the 
late Guillaume Bresse, 1863; removed 
to St. Hyacinthe, 1866, where he has 
since continued his business upon a 
large scale; .has been city councillor, 
mayor and sch. commr. there; 1st 
presdt. St. Hyacinthe Waterworks Co.; 
do. do., La Compagnie de8 Pouvoir8 
Hydraulique8; served as Royal commr. 
to enquire into the labour question, 
1887; well known as a successful In- 
ventor; some of his Inventions have 
been adopted and are in use In the 
boot and shoe factories of the U. S., 
Eng. and France; a Lib.; a R. C- 
Bt. Hyacinthe, P.Q. . 
" One o.f Quebec's most progressive busi- 
neß8 men."-Late Bon. L. J. Forget. 
Cot6, :NarcisBe Omer, Dom. public 
S. late Jos. Olivier C., clk. Queen's 
Privy Council and Depty. Govr. of 
Can., and Marie Julie Lêocadle (Le- 
prohon) C.; ancestors came to Can. 
under French rêglme ; b. Quebec, 
Sept. 14, 1859; e. Ottawa Commercial 
AC'ad. and Ottawa Unlv.; m.. Aug., 
1907, Mabel: Edna, 2nd d. latle Hon. Mr. 
Justice Girouard. Supreme Ct. of Can- 
ada; entd. public service, Dept. of In- 
terior, 1879; promoted chief clk., 1904; 
apptd. head lands patents branch and 
regr. Dom. lands patents, 1906; secy. 
royal commn. apptd. to Investigate 
and adjudicate upon claims of half- 
breeds, N. W. T., 1885. bE'comlng a 
memo of the comn., 1887; apptd. 
chairman of a similar comn. to d"al 
with cE'rtaln halfbreed claIms In the 
provl!':lnnal Dlst. of Sask.. and of a 
comn. to f'nqulr p Into and report upon 
thp C'laim
 of !':C'nllt
 and othf'r
the1-r SieTV'1N>S during N.W. ReoomO'l1 
OR8!)). 1900: L.S.O.. 1911; 1liut'h'OT 
.. PoNtlC'al A tJpol11JÌm 1 e<n'Ìs, Pa1fl1rume1l'Ì's 
a'l1d t'hoe Ju
1('<i'8.1 BE'noh of Canad':'1. 
1867-95" (1896). a'l1d .of a SlLwlement 
thereto (1903): he-ltd a omnn. 
'11 Gov.- 
Genn.'s "F100t Od,s. for se-reml yrs.: TP- 
tired with rank or oopt.; a RC.-t7 
Cooper St., Ottawa; Rideau ChLb; Ot- 
tawa Golf Clttb. 
Cote, Rta.nfø1a.ø, jOl1rna1tst. 
B. St. Johns. P.Q., 184ft; e. St. 
Jdhn8 H1
h Soh., M'O'l1rt:reß.lI, a.nd Rot. 
Mary's CoIl.: m.: graduated B.C.I.... 
(VIC'torla Unlv.). 181\9; advocatE'. do.: 
secy.-tTE'aS. Town Oounctl, St. John's 
5 vrs.: slncoe 1880 has OOfm {!'.p'V'O't'Pd <to 
jmmrllltHsm: W'aJS QITl Le Monde. unI(J'f'r 
Jate F. H'Ü'l1ð!e, M.P.; 
taJter. j'OOnte(! Le 
Monfteur dft Commerre, or w'hkh }]"" 
has been ohle! 00. ror a constð'e''E' 
ppriol1: W'1!'1 !,;pcy. Chambrp (!f' Com- 
merre, 1889-99; a memo L'UndoD 

Catholique and L'Unlon des Commls. 
Marchands; a Lib.-195 First Ave... 
.1laisonneuve, .Montreal. 
"The BOul of the early eloøine move. 
ment."-M. Star. 
Coté, Thomas, Dom. pu bUc service' 
ex-journalist. ' 
S. late Theophile and Flavle (LarI- 
vee) C.; b. Ste. François de Trois PIs- 
toles, P.Q., Sept. 22, 1869; e. there, 
Quebec Semy., and Laval Unlv. ; 
graduated B.A., 1889; entd. jourruallmn 
on Le Oanadien, under late Hon. J. I, 
Tarte, do.; e.d. Le Progres (Windsor, 
Ont.), 1893; ed. L'Opinion PubUque 
( Worcester, 'Mass.), do.; city ed. La 
Patrie (MiOfI}J1:JreaI:), 1894-1901; asst. 
secy. Do .Mr. Tarte, 1897; aSS'!:. 
censu'S comll1,issioner (l'IetnJaJIm1ng until 
its comp.lieltdon), 1901; decl'lne.d wpplt. 
as joint oomm:o, Liege Expn, , 1905; 
secy. Can. sec., Inter.n. WlattJeTwnys 
Oomn., do. ; becam ea. La Presse 
(M-onltrea.l), 190'4; resigned, 1909; IOIùe 
of the Irepresen:tatJIves 'of Can. 8Jt 'tJhe 
Brus,sels EXJþn., 1HO (creaJted an OtfT. 
of thie Oro'aT of LeiO'poIld, dl(}.) ; a Imem. 
MontJI'e8i1 Bd. .of Trade and Ohambre- 
dle-Commeroe; has 'be.en p1'eM l t. O'f toM 
press g'a,l,lery, Ottawa, and or ,the Clrttb 
Nat., Montreal; Is a United Work- 
man; ihlas heM .a C!OImn. 1n 6M.Ih 
Regt., and Is now capt. 21st Batty., 
C. A., Montreal; one of the 10 Cercle 
dC's Dlx," Ottawa; author 10 Trois 
Etudes" (1891) and of a work on 
Mercier and his tl
es, 1907; elleJCrt.ed a 
memo {)If tù1Je Soc. of Arts, 'L<md!o<n, Eng., 
1911; a Lib. al;J his iNf,e, !but h.3.JSi de- 
dine.d nomination tJo the Leg1isla>tuN\ 
and BarHamen.t; a R.C.-7f8 Elgin Bt., 
Ottawa; Club Canadien; Club St. 
Deni8; Canada Club; Military l1ut,.. 
lIfontreal; Laurentian Club, Ottawa; 
Gol! Club, Ottawa; Rideau CurlinD 
Club, do.; Elks' Club, do.; Rideau 
Canoe Club, do.; Nativnal Liberal 
Club, London.. Eng.; Union Club, 
BTussels, Belg'lUm. 
"A briHiant and eapable Journahst."- 
M. Herald. 
"A JIlI8a:l of enerrgy. pen;ever.aJ1C9. am.d 
ability."-T, Globe, 
Cotes, Mrø, Sarah Jeanette, author, 
E. d late Cnaø. and - (Bell) Dun- 
can, BTantford, Ont.; b. there, 18U; 
e. there, chiefly; m., Everard Cha.I. 
Cotes, M.A., mango dlr. Indian Newø 
Agency; In early Ufe a public ateh. 
tooc'her; later, a preøz corresporudent; 
then joined the ed. &t./ of the Wuh- 
Ington P08t,' later joined .tatr Toronto 
Globe, writing UM'aT rtihe nom-d8-plume 
.of ,.. Gar:th GrafltJO'll " ; was 'J)&r1rty. cor- 
J'espondent flo'r MOOlltreal Star, Obtawa, 
1888; aftef!Wards In company with 
Mrs. UUan Rood (q.v.) roadie a tour 
1'OUOO tbhe WOI'ld, WT'ltlng letrt:eT.I!J .1"or 
the Am. and Can. press; her book of 
otra V'eils, en:ti b100 II A Social Departure." 
was pubU.hed In 1890; her later nOTel. 
are 818 follows: lOAn Am. Girl In Lon- 
don," 10 The Simple Adventure. of 
MroJl\Bahlb," II Vernon',!! Aunt," ,. The 
Story of SolU1y Sahib," "A D&
of To-ðaY," .. HIli Honour and & Lady," 
lOA Voyage of OonS'Olatlon" (lItS), 
"The Path of a Star" (1I9!!), "On 



the Other Side of t:he LaOOhJ" (1901), 
.. Those Delightful Americans to (1902), 
"The Pool in the Desert" (190'3), 
"The Imperialist" (1904), "Set In 
Authority" (1906), "Cousin Cin- 
derella, a Canadian Girl in London to 
(1908). "The BUI"IJ.It Off'erring" (1909), 
aoo " .l\:fuTY Bagerter" (1911); has 
8,J1S0 pUb!iishied a V'Oilum.e of essays 
Cl3J1Jled II SauJ1JoofliJ1Jgs "; an Ian,p.e:riallist 
In rbhe broaKLest seJlJse.- Westonbert, 
Simla, India; Ladies' Empire Olub, 
London, Eng. 
"Possesse.s " light, bright, incisive style 
and a malice.fU] femiruine wit that put. 
her in the same class with Jane A:uste.n."- 
M. Standard. 
.. The humorous vein and crisp tone of 
her varied literary work has WIOn her a 
special niche among the woman writers of 
the day."-Bookman. 
II The ge'nius O'f J.ane Austern is ID/8Jn,i- 
fested in. her power to reflect for us in the 
pages of a. book., a8 in &. mirror, the very 
essence and spirit of the life by which ahe 
was surroundoo."-'1', Globe, 
Cotter, Bev, Louis (R. C.). 
S. late R. C., St. John, N.B.; b. 
there; a memo .Jesuit Order; o. 1893; 
ed. Oan. Messenger of the Sacred Heart, 
1902; formerly attached to the Ch, of 
the Immaculate Conception, Montreal; 
now asst., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.- 
Sault Ste. Marie, Onto . 
Cotter, William, Am. ry. service. 
,so Wm. and: Brid!get (M'orrjssey) C.; 
b. BI'Ooming.oo
, HL, ,1858; e. ;publdc 
sChs.; rn., Dec., 1886, Mi'ss Emma 
We'igreffe" l;i.bCJhifielò, [N.; IeI1Itd ry. 
service, 1874, and, after holding a 
variety of positions on U. S. roads, 
was supdt. Grand Trunk Ry. (E. D.), 
Montreal, 1896-99, and do., do., do. 
(W.D.), DetrotÏ.t, Mich., 1899-1901; 
g.eIIlL rnangr. P.e:re .MiarquCltte Ry., 
190,4; tplresdlt. and ,genII, mangr. ,dio. d.o. 
since 1907; aJ1Jd presdit. wnd geI1Jl.. 
mangr. CincinlIl8Jti, Hami,lrbon and Day- 
tlOn Ry. siIlJCle 1909.-37 Putnam Ave., 
Detroit ! Mich.; Detroit Olub; Detroit 
Golf Cub, do. 
Cottingham, Walter Horace, manu- 
.B. Omemee, Ont., 1865; e. there; 
began business career In hIs native 
town; moved to Montreal and became 
propr. of a paint business there; genl. 
mangr. for Can. of Sherwin-Wllliams 
Co., 1895-8; since then has been genl. 
mangr. of the co.; later was elected 
presdt. of the co.-Cleveland. O. 
"A man of exceptiont3.1 a.hi1ity."-S. N. 
Cotton, Charles Mackay, lawyer. 
S. Sheriff C.; grands. Dr. C.; gt.- 
grands. Rev. Chas. Caleb C., B.A. (Ox. 
ford), who came from Eng., 1799, and 
was one of the pioneer Ang. clergy. 
men In the E. T.; b. Tp. Durham, Co. 
MIsslsquol, P.Q., Feb. 22, 1878; e. 
Cowansvflle Acad., Feller Inst., Grande 
Ligne, P.Q., and McGill Unlv. (B.A. 
and gold med. for genl. proficiency, 
1899) ; graduated B.C.L. (same unlv.), 
wdlÌlh a Maro.oruald ,sch'Ül1Iar., 1902; 8.'1'so 
class orator In science, arts, and law; 
advocate, 1902; went abroad, visiting 
France and Swltz., and attended lec- 

tures at Law Sch., Unlv. of Mont- 
peù, 1903; presdJt. Vliooor iMdndlJ1,g 00. ; 
practised hIs \prof, for a time at 
Sweertsburg, In partnership with Hon. 
.I, C. McCorkill (q.v.); since then In 
Montreal; at present is a memo of the 
finn of Maca:lister & C.; is secy, 
V<>lunteer Elect. League of Mont- 
real; formerly a capt. 15th Shet'ford 
Field Batty,; a Lib., but strongly op- 
posed to all manner of political cor- 
ruption; an Ang.-909 Tupper Bt., 
Cotton, Bev. 
ho', Herbert (Ang.), 
S. Wm. and Margt. C., Mono Tp., 
Co. Dutrerln, Ont.; grandparents early 
settlers from Irel,; b. Mch, 28, 1873; e. 
Public SCh., High Sch., Orangevllle, 
and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1900; M.A., 
1905) ; m., Sept., 1901, Nellie, d. Wm. 
Avison, Primrose, Ont.; followed div, 
course WycUt'fe Coll., Toronto; O. dea- 
con, 1901; priest, 1902; In charge 
NanUcoke, Ont., 1901-4; asst. curate 
Trinity, E. Toronto, 1904; since 1906 
lect. In apologetics, and librarian Wy- 
cUffe Coll., Toronto.- Wllcliffe Colle06, 
Cotton, :Briga.dier-General WilUam 
Henry, Can. permanent military 
E. s. 18 te Hy. C., chief elk., office 
Gov.-Genl.'s secy., Ottawa, and Eleanor 
(Ross) C.; b. Montreal, Jan. 7, 1848; 
e. Toronto and Quebec; m., ApI., 1876, 
Jessie (presdt. Soldiers' Wives' League, 
1902), o. d. late John Penner, 
Montreal; obtained 1st class cert., 
Royal Mil. Sch., Quebec, 1865 ; gazetted 
lieut., Quebec Gar. Arty., 1866; do. do. 
Ottawa Gar. Arty., 1868; capt., do.; 
<I'D. Soh. of Gunnery, 1871; 1Il1O. "A" 
Batty., 1874; bt. major, 1872; It.-col., 
1882; col., 1900; brig.-genl., 1907; has 
held the following appts.: asst. inspr. 
arty., 1882; commandant, Royal Sch. 
Arty., 1882; D.O.C., M.D. No.3, 1893; 
1usopr. A'I'Ity., 1895; D.D.C., M.D. N<>. 4, 
1897; A. A.-genl. for Arty. at head- 
qtrs., do; O.C., Ottawa Brig., do.; 
quartermaster-genl. 1901; master- 
g1enl. of bhe 'Oro., 1904; O.C. Westel"It 
Ont., 1908-11; SÜIJ10e rt:Ihen Ihas been O.C, 
2ndi DiVlision; dn his day a II Cl"8.JCls 
.sihot "; twdoo aoctO'IIlIPe:J1Jieò the Oan. 
Wlmble.dIon te8.Jffi to Eng.; won 2nd 
priæ 03JWardoed .by ,tihe Dom. Arty, 
Assn. for 'an essay on lilie I()IrgaTIliza
t'Íon, 'equi.pIlTIent, etc., ,of 
l;fIty. flOr 
the Dom., 1878 ; CIO'IIl'lIl
nd!ed 1st 
Div., Infy. Brigade, Quebec Tercent. 
celebration, 1908; served during 
Fenian raids, 1866-70 (genl. service 
med. with 2 cLasps); presdt. Minto 
Skating Club, Ottawa, 1905; Ang.--8-6 
St. George St., Toronto; Toronto Club; 
Toronto Golf Olub; Oan. Military Insti- 
tute; York Olub, do.; Rideau Club, Ot
.. A zealous soldier, and ß most charm. 
ing and approachable m8J1l."-Can. Mil. 
Cotton, William Lawson, journal1st. 
S. Richard and Marie (Lawson) C.; 
b. New Londo.n, P.E.I., July 23, 1848; 
e. there; m., June, 1874, Margt. Ellen, 
e. d. W, C. Harris, Charlottetown; for- 



merly on staff Ha:l'ifax Citizen; 00. and 
manager P.E.I. Examiner 8ln
e 1873; 
organized a 00. and estabd. The Daily 
Examiner, .the first dalLy jlQlUrl1Ja;l issueQ 
In the provlnoe, 1877; a Con. and be- 
Haves in and hopes tor olooer Imp. 
unity.-Charlottetown, P.E.I, 
Cotton. William Ulric. lawyer; jour- 
A memo of a long established family 
dn tJhe E. T.; e. there and MoGUl Uruiv 
(B.A., and Macdonald scholar., 1901'; 
B.C.L., 1904); m., Aug., 1904, Helen 
Douglas (do Sept., 1904), e. d. Rev. 
W, II. Watson, CowansviUe, P.Q.; 
advocate, 1904; successfully practises 
his prof. at Cowansville; purchased the 
C<YWansvd,Þloe Observer, 1908; is ed. 
Ootton's Weekly (Oowansv:ilile), a 
Lodical deVIOted Ibo .socialism; all 
Ind. IAb. oandddlaJte .for Brome (H.C.) 
g. e., 1908; a Oorug.-Cowansville, P.C). 
CoughUn, Charles Bernard. physIcian. 
M.D.,C.M. (Trin. DnIv., Toronto), 
1890; memo CoIl. P. and S., Ont., do.; 
practised several yrs. at Arthur, after- 
wards removing to Peterboro, Ont.; 
apptd. a mpm. provi. Bd. of Health, 
Ontario, 1906; appointed superintendent 
Inst. for the Deaf and Dumb, BeIle- 
v:me, Oct., 1906; a R. C.; a Con.; un- 
successfully contested E. Wellington 
(Local), g.e. 1898.-Belleville, Ont, 
Coulson. Duncan. banking profession. 
S. late Saml. C., Toronto; b. To- 
ronto, Oct., 1838; e. Toronto Grammar 
Sch.; m., Sept., 1868, Eliza, d. late 
Francis Leys, Toronto; entd. service 
Bank of Toronto, ApI., 1857; was suc- 
cessively mangr. of that Institution 
at Cobourg and Montreal: apptd. genl. 
mangr., 1876; On occasion of his jubi- 
lee of .servlce In the bank, 1907, was 
presented with a loving cup by his 
fellow-otrrs.; In the same year was 
elleoted a dir. IOIf ilie bank; elected 
poosdlt. of the bank, .Jan., 1911; a dår. 
King Edwa
d Robel eo, 'Of IÌ'he Can. 
Oonsollldl8ibeðJ Rubber Co., and' rOf IÌlhoe 
Can. Life Assur. Co.; a g'OV. TorO'Ilto 
. Hosp., land V.-P. Can. Bankers' 
Assn.; was Ollie o,f the promCJlbers arud 
a V.-P. of iÌhe ,Penny Bank, Toronloo; 
a P.resb.-186 Beverley St., Toronto; 
Toronto Club; York Club; National 
Club, do.; St. James's Club, Montreal. 
.. Distinguished for hard, practical sense, 
for a remr.rkabla freedom from fads and 
theories, for accurate judgment of condi. 
tions and very definite eonviction..' '-T. 
Coulter. James Anderson, manufac- 
S. .Jas, and 'M. A. (Ha.rgan) C., 00. 
Hastings, Ont.; b. there, Dec. 11, 
1868; e. Seaforth CoIl. Inst.; m. L. 
Male, d. Wm. Dundase, Ingersoll, Onto : 
Is presdt. and man
. Ingersoll Nut 
Co. and .John Morrow Screw Co., Ltd. ; 
memo local Bd. Education 7 yrs. 
(chairman 1 year); councillor Bd. 
Trade; Mayor Ingersoll, 1907-8; a 
memo executive Can. Manfre.' .Aslin.; 
d'el, Imp. Congresll of Com- 
merce; Meth., and a del. to Conl,- 

2 Duke St., Ingersoll, Ont.; National 
Cl'ub; Canadian Club, do. 
.. A man of çlendid Necutive ability."- 
M. Star, 
Coulter. Bobert Miller, physician; 
Dom. publlc service. 
S. .John C., Richmond Hlll, Ont., a 
native of Newtonards, Co. Down, Irel., 
and Agnes (Miller) C., a native same 
co.: b. Richmond HilI, Sept. 9, 1857; 
e. there; m., 1887, Emma, d. late .J. P. 
Wells, ex-M.P.; M.B. (Toronto Unlv,), 
1882; M.D. (Victoria Unlv.), do.; 
memo ColI. P. and S., Ont., do.; suc- 
cessfully practised hIs prof. at Aurora, 
Ont.; served In Munldpal Council and 
on Sch. Bd.; orgaruized N. York Young 
Lib. Club; V.-P. N. York Reform 
Assn.; apptd. Deputy Po,stmaster-GenJ. 
.can., A<ug. 1, 1897; a del. UnJiV1e:rsal 
PoS/tal UnLon Oonv.entJion. Rome, 1906; 
a d/8ll. to New Ze'aland and A'USbrallda 
,in tJlre :Ln.tere,stJs of the u.AJlI1 Red" pI"lO- 
jeot, 1908; C.M.G., 1
07; a Freemason 
and an Oddfe'lJow.-190 Cooper St., Ot- 
tawa; Rideau Club. 
.. Exceedingly ooul'tootUs, e.fficieIllt a.nd 
p<>ipUJlJa.r."-.s. N. 
Counsell, John Leith, lawyer. 
S. Chas. M. and Charlotte Elrlng- 
ton (Leith) C., Hamilton, Ont.; b. 
there, .Jan. 4, 1876; e. U. C. CoIl. and 
Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1897) ; m., Nov., 
1907, M.arjo
le Oampbel:l. d. ,Sir G. C. 
Gibbons, K.C. (q.v.), LondlO'D, Orut.; 
'barrlsOOr, 1900; sucoessful:I'Y pmctisæ 
:in Hamllltún. Ii'll pal1truershi.p wilth A. 
Bruce, KC. (q.v.); a Lib., and V.-P. 
Hamilton Lib. Assn.; an Ang.-Hamil- 
ton, Ont.; Hamilton Club, do.; Toronto 
Club; Toronto Golf Club, Toronto. 
Courtenay, John Dickson, physIcIan. 
S. Israel and Margt. (Dickson) C.; 
Irish and Scotch descent; b. Tp. Mark- 
ham, Co. York, Ont., Api. 11, 1864; 
e. pubUc sch., H:a;milobon OoH. IniSt. and 
Toronto Unlv. (M.D., 1885) ; m., Sept., 
1886, Minnie .J., d. R. S. MorIson; 
IM.C.P. and S., Ont., 1885; !for 10 mbhos, 
In C. P. R. service; for 7 yrs. In prac- 
tice at Waterdown, Ont.; post-gradu- 
ate work In eye and ear In London, 
Edinburgh, and on Continent of 
Europe; since Nov., 1895, In successful 
practice In Ottawa; a dlr. Provl. Exte. 
Can. Med. Protective Assn.: a gov. St. 
Luke's Hosp., Ottawa, and V.-P. for 
Ont., Can. Med. Assn.; prpsdt. Ottawa 
Med. Soc., 1901-2; do. Ottawa Can. 
Club, 1905-6; capt. 77th Regt. for 2 
yrs.; gazetted to 43rd Regt. as SUl"g.- 
It., 1898; retired as surg.-major, 1907; 
chairman l\1ed. Bd. to oonsider claims 
for pensions to S. A. veterans, Ottawa 
Dlst., 1901;. an enthm;iastic rifleman 
and sportsman: a Presb. -189 Met- 
calfe St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Cana- 
dian Club; Ottawa Hunt Club, do. 
Courtleigh. William Louis, actor. 
S. Stephen and Elizabeth (Phelan) 
C.; b. Guel1Þh, Ont.. .June 28, 1869; e. 
public ech., St. Louis; m., Mch., 1890, 
Miss Helen Cross; be
an prof. ca"reer 
with .John DIllon's Co., Sept., 1888, 
after which played a season with 
Fanny Davenport, and was a memo of 
AuguPJUn Daly's I!tock co.: has played 


as Jeadln
 man with Mar
. Mather, 
E. :J. Hf'nley, W. H. Crane. Vlrg1nla 
Harned. MaxInI' Ellfott, Clara Blood- 
Jrood. Wm. GfUf'ttp. ancl othf'r !'Itarf!.- 
:JO.f Second Ave., New York; Playerlt', 
Lamb8, and Greenroom Clublt. 
Courtney. '!'he Rig-ht :Reverend 
:Frederick (Ang.). 
S. TIpv. 
pDtlmn!'; C., M.A., fpllow of 

t. :John'
 Can., Camb., vIcar Charlf's 
("hapf'l. Plvmouth. F:nl?: b. 'Plvmouth. 
:Jan. 5, 1 

7: f'. Chrl!'lt'!'; Hosp. Jmd 
Klne-'!'I ("011.. Lon<lon. l?Ta<lnntfnl? 1 

m.. 18
5, ("aroUne Lonfc::a (d. 
1 !JOg), d. Phflfn NaIrn. Warren House, 
NorthamntoT'shlre. Eng.: o. delu'on, 
1 R63: prIN't. 1864: curate Hadlow, 
Kent, 1 
R4-5 : Incnmhpnt C'narlf's 
Chapf'l. Plymouth, 18R!'i-70: 
t. :Jlll
!?'ow. 1 R70-R: a
t. Thomas's, 
N. Y., 187R-80: rpC'tor 
t. :Ja.mes's, 
Chfmgo, 18RO-82: 
t. Paul'!!!. Boston, 
188?-8: BIsnloif'l of N. R. 1880-1fJ04: 
rp('tnr St. :Jamp.!"'!". l\{

N. Y.. 
lncE' 1904: S,'1'.D. (RacIne 
("t)l1.. WI!'>.), 1881: D.D. (King's ("011.. 
WIndsor. N.S.), 1888: D.C.L. (Trln. 
Un:fv., '1'nro'T1iÌ'o), 1 R89; (lID. (T ,eTlTIol1<'C- 
j1.tIP). 18 Q !): \Íoum'!If><'1 a,t Hanr'Rx tl1-e 
'e"""('us 01'1l'h. RlTlcl was 'PT'P
P'T1:t>p.d hy 
It wftlh 9 s01ld sn"er pteæ of plate on 
l,pav!",!:' t,h'p jl10(':p"!"P: 
noe 190R has 
hlf"pT1' "pr
'(H. '0h. 'rom>'). Soc.: an <1flkial to tihp A T"
. '(1h. ('on21"("!,,s. Hallfia". 
N.R, 1910.-.119 E. 79th St., Netv York. 
II OMlinl 'I'Ind jn the h
ghest de- 
f!T'eE'."-H. H('Tfllif. 
Conrtnev. Lt.-Col. Beg-Inald Mortimer, 
vn eng-Ineer. 
O. c. :J. M. C.: b. alt OMamt. Aug. 
12. 1871 = P. OttRwa CoHo Tnst. and 
Roval Mn. CoIL Kln
tnn: l?Taduatp<l 
1 R!J1: unm.: Rftpr g-rR<'1uRtlon, f'ntd 
nfflcf' rhlef png-r. (". 'P. Rv.. rpmRlnfnl? 
tm Mrh.. 1 RQ
. durIng- whlC'h f)f'rlo<'1 
WAS f'n
d. rhlpfly In thp nrepRT-'ltfon 
of TItans and thp !"unf'rvfston of work 
fit O'Jtrf'mont. and thp ("hatpau Fron- 
tpnac. QUf'hec : 1nlnf'<l thf' A la.sk3 
BoundnTV !':lIrvpv. MC'h.. 1 RQ
. Rnd WAS 
. on' thp !'llrveys of 
nðfcott Arm 
find GIRrtpr 'RRY. sprvfng In Alask1l 
 thf' !"ummf'r on thf' SUTVPY. And 
In Ottawa (lurIng thf' wlntpr, drawIng 
un manR aT'ñ nlRn!": Ipft 
Jrvpy. 1 RQ!) : 
PRrlv In 1 RQ6. pntr'!. !"PTVIC'p of thp 
Union ('nrd & PRpf'r ("0.. Montrpal: 
snon 1'1 ftpr 101.,pd 1 
t Rpet. CPrlnrp 
of WfcI.1f'S Fnst1fers) as 1tf'ut., becom- 
Ing C'Ant.. 18!17, In whlrh Yf'Rr wa!" 
sf'lf'C'tf'd RS onf' of the ofTrs. to pro- 
C'ppd to Eng-. to 8 0 rvP thp,"", ett Gl1ppn 
YIC'tnrla'!,! Dlamo'1d :Juhnpe: (DIR- 
mond :Jubf1ee mp{!.): returnIng to 
CRPI., came to Ottawa to enter Into 
hu!'>tness R
 an In!". 11'11'.1 ro""mt
Rgpnt, rf'malnlng tl11 Mch., 1 !JOO. whf'n 
he jOlnf'd thp Strflthcona Horse as a 
Ið etI1t., l'f'oOe1 v1 n 
 thE' C!(mm. Û'f ca;pot. 
In RA. (mf'd. with 3 clasns: hon. rank 
of capt. I., Brit. Rrmv) ; rpsumpd hU!ilI- 
nes!", 1!J 01. R nd jnlned thf' Prlnrpss 
LouIse DNlgoon G
<:.: major. 1Q03: 
It.-col., commd
., 1910: procf'f'ded to, 1902. as an ofTr. of thf' ('Rn. con- 
tlngpnt In connprtlon with HIs 
late Majesty's coronatIon (coronation 
med.); holds long servIce decoration: 
e-lec:ted b'on. tl'eas'. Doom. Oaval. Assn., 


1910: do. 1P"OO
ðt. Ottawa S. Afrlron 
Veteranø' A

n., 1911: Ang.-
60 Wil- 
brod St., 196 Sparklt St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club; Ottawa Golf Club, do. 
CourtneY'. Walter, physIcIan. 
S. Anguli! and :Janet (McCash) C.; 

.-grandparents settled In Lambton 
("0., Ont., on hanks of 
t. ClaIr, about 
1780: b. Moore, Lamhton. 
pnt. 1 J!. 
18!i5; e. ptI'btllc s0h..., S'trnthroy 0f)H. 
I'TJS'I:., and Un1v. 'Of Mi<'lh. (M.D., 1E
M.A., h'Ü'TJ., 1908) ; m., "F1elb., 1885, M.lss 
HHdeg-aroe A. Von :Jla S!TI'Unð'; in pr3.'C- 
t100 FTnce- JtJh 1 e'T1'; Ihas beoM'1 C'htef 
. North. Pac. Ry. (E. D.) since 
1888: e'duc
1ttrto'T1all work gtvtn.g po9t- 
grad. insrtru0tfon /to IIT1l!'tð. Internes 

nd if'Illp'fl .n'll'1"SE"S 
n HOOD. Train- 

'I1.g' Scho.: a memo Am. 'Mpd. Asc::cn 
Tntern. AssT!'. ry. 'Sll'r.g., M1n'T1. 
Me-d. A.";\S'n., Mlinn. Aoeoad. <1f M
an hon. memo N. Date Stat'" Med. 
Soc., Mtn n f'ano1fs Mp<l. Soc.' hRS hpf'n 
r1.t. 'MlnlT1lp
q StaTe Mpoð'. Amn. 
('nresc1t., ]RQQ-1!J00) .a.nð the Utme'r 
'S1n't)l Meod. Soc. (J)'T'eS'dt.. 1 !J04-!)) ; 
hm'! wrItten larg-ely on marl. Jm<l 
!'!l1b1 p rts:!!. - Rrntnprr'. MInn. : 

ffnn"8ota Clttb, St. Panl. Minn. 
Cou8fneau, Bev, 3'o8eph Hermenegl1de 
(R.C.) , 
S. late Geryals and Ang'
(nro111x) C. 
t. L
llrpnt, 'P Q., 
Ff'b. 19, 1857: e. thp Prand !=:pmy., 
Mrmitrfl'al; (). 1880: !!)t"or1'. the'ol. 00111. de 
f:/tf'. Th
se. 1880-1 QOO; ("lJr
 St. Eu!\'- 
tAC'hf', P.Q., stnce t900; 1).'1'h. (T
Unlv.). 1894: Is al
o a doctor of phU. 
-St. Eustache, P.Q. 
Cousineau, 3'oøeph PhIlemon. lawyer; 
S. late GervaIs and .Ane'
(Groulx) C., 
t. T.mIrent, P.D: b. 
thpre, Oct. 25, 1874: e. 
te. Th
Col1. and LavRl Untv. (B.A., 18 q 4: 
LL.L.. 18M!: LL.D., 1 !JOt): m. Ml1e. 
Hf'lmtna Genr'lron: advocate. 189t; :'!':,ps IT!' MO'T1tTe a. I as a m-Pm. 0Jf 
firm Ba
tfen. Bprgeron. C. & :J
OT!'e of the Ipadprs of th-P bl'lr: M::!vor 
t. Laurent: f)rpsdt. Mt. 'RnvRJ 
'1'plf'phont> Co.: presdt. St. LAW1'pnCe 
Tobflcco Co.: professor Droit Admlnts- 
tratlf, I.aval Untv., slncf' 1 !J03; author 
"Dps Co.rp.oratlons," a the!!!1s (1 !J01 ) ; 
a Can., and etE'cted In that Interest for 
:JaC'Quf's Cartlpr (Local) J!':. e. 1908: 
a R. C.-Montreal: St. Laurent, P.Q.; 
Cl1tb Lafontaine. :ftfontreal. 
II A learned, t'oncise and comprehensive 
writer."-M. Herald. 
Cousineau. Bey, Laurent :Etienne 
S.late Gervais and' Ang
1iQue (Groulx) 
C. : b. St. Laurpnt, P.Q., Aug. 8, 1863: 
e. CoH. de Stf'. Th
rêsp, P.Q., and 
Grand Semy., Montrf'al: comnlf'tpd hts 
tudles at Rome, t88Q-Q2, where 
he gr3duated D.Th. and D.C.L.: vl- 
caIre Ste. Th
rêsf', 188Q-92; callpd to. 
, Montreal; was appointed 
vfce-chanceHor, 1892: admInistrator 
{}f the II Sema{ne Religieuse
" 1894; 
canon, 1900, and trf'as., 190u.-Arch- 
bi3hop'8 PalactJ. M o"treCll, 



Couslne...u, Miss Maude (to Marton 
Bose "), opera singer. 
D. F. X. C., merchant, Toronto; 
mn cle hf>r debut as prima donna In 
II The Clnga.lee," at Toronto, Mch., 
Cousins, Bev, HenrY' Thomas (Bapt). 
O. s. .John C.. tpmp. 1pct., etc., Wim- 
borne, Dorsetshlre, Eng.; b. there, 
Rept. 20. 1857; e. Brit. Sch., Hulme 
Cliff ColI., nr. Sheffield. and Harley 
ColI., I.ondon, Eng.; Ph.D.; m., .July. 
1882, Miss L. A. BrookRhaw, Grahams- 
town, 8.A.; o. 1880; V.-P. Transvaal 
Bapt. Union, 1892: presdt. North 
Wales Eng. Bapt. UnIon, 1901: presdt. 
for 2 yrs. of the Free Ch. Council. Col- 
wyn Bay and Dlst., North Wales: 
apptd. by N. B. Bapt. Bd. of Home 
Missions to Newcastle, N.B., .July, 
1909; late principal Govt. High Sch., 
Port Alfred, S.A., Port Elizabeth, S.A., 
and asst. Inspr. of missIon schs. In 
8.A.; chairman Colwyn Bay Carnegie 
Free Library, 1906-9; a memo Soc. of 
Brit. Authors; Fellow and gold med. 
Soc. of Science, Lit. and Arts, London, 
Eng.; F.R.G.S., 1892; asst. compilpr 
of Helslngfors Unlv. reference book 
on II The History of Human Mar- 
r'ialge"; author II Matabe-leland and Its 
People," II The Boers as Others See 
Them," and various other productions; 
a Proto of the strongest type, though 
tempered with charity to all religious 
beliefs; rather opposed to militarism 
and the building of II Dreadnoughts" : 
would encourage Increasing educ. facil- 
Ities, especiallY in scattered dlsts.; 
a strong, uncompromising opponent of 
the drink traffic and the unwarrantable 
evasions of the Scott Act, and would 
fight for prohibition throughout Can.; 
as a Can. citizen will use all hIs Influ- 
ence In promoting the good and wel- 
fare of all c1asses.-Baptist Parson- 
age, Newcastle, N.B. 
Cousins, John, business man. 
S. late .John A. C., a native of Truro, 
N.S., latterly of London, Ont., and 
Fanny (O'Brien) C.; b. London, Ont., 
1854; e. Central Sch. and Hellmuth 
ColI., London; m., 1st, 1884, Miss Kate 
A. Brown (d.): 2ndly, 1896, Miss 
Mary E. Peck; no profession: engd. In 
mercantile life at New Haven, Conn.; 
Rochester, N.Y., and CincinnatI. 0.; 
for 10 yrs. agent Globe Silk Works, 
New Haven: removed to Winnipeg, 
1907; was presdt. Can. Assn., Cincin- 
nati, which he founded: organized 
(with C. R. McCullough, of H
Ont., q. v. ), 'the Goo:!.. O()IUnICIU IOf Can. 
Clubs and Socs., Niagara Falls, Ont" 
.July 1, 1905: is .secy. of this body; 
no religion: a Con.: advocates govt. 
control of public utilities or great 
public enterprlses.-lf'innipeg. 
Coutlee, Charles :Robert Foran, civil 
S. late Sheriff Coutloo, Dlst. of Ot- 
tawa: b. II Oakland Lodge," nr. Ayl- 
mer, P.Q., .Jan. 29, 1867; e. there and 
at Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston, Ont.: 
graduated, 1886: n't., 1st, Miss PrIngle, 
Hamilton, Onto (d.): 2ndly, MIss 
Fleming, Toronto: A.M., Can. Soc. 
C, E., 189t; memo do., 1901, and has 

been a contributor to the trans. of the 
soc.:' provl. roads Inspr., N. S., 1904: 
en gr. Georgian Bay Canal survey. 
Montreal Dist., 1904; elected presdt. 
Royal Mil. ColI. Club, Kingston, 1907; 
do. do. Ot'tlawa bran-Clh Can. Soc. C, E., 
1909.-380 Elgin St., Ottawa. 
Coutlee, Lt.-Col, Louis William, Dom. 
public service. 
S. late Major L. M. C., sheriff Dlst. 
of Ottawa, and - (Clegg-) C.; father 
a df'scend
nt of Chevalier R
Coutley, Chief Justice of Rhelms and 
Chancellor of ParIt., In 41st year of 
reign of LouIs XIV., and of Louis 
nê de Coutley, Chancellor of the 
Cour-de-Paris in thp reign of Henri 
IV. (1600); b. "Oakland Lodg p ," nr. 
Aylmer, P.Q., Dec. 17,1851: e. Aylmer 
High Sdh., MI'lsson ('aU. :and Mc- 
GtU Univ. (B.e.'L., 1873); m., Alp!., 
1880, Charlotte, d. 1MI' "rm. Wilson 
H. M.'s Cm!toms, B....llf'villa, Onto : 
advocate (P. Q.). 1873: barrister 
(Ont.), 1875; do. (Man.), 1882; Depty. 
Atty.-Gent. and Law Clk. of AssemblY, 
1Vf'ln.. 1882-7: dl1rine- tha.t thYlP ore-an- 
Ized the admn. of justice In the added 
tf>rrltory of the provinre. eastward to 
the Lake-of-the-Woocls (Keew
reorganized the departmf>ntal admn. of 
the prov.. and, as municipal commr., 
organized the present municipal sys- 
tf>m of Man., under the Municipal Act 
of 1886; was actively Instrumental In 
the Introduction of the II Torrens .. 
system of land titll's registration In 
Man., and, In 1887, was apptd. Regr.- 
Genl., holding the office till Its aboli- 
tion, on the decentralization of the 
system by the Greenway Govt., 1890; 
apptd. asst. reporter Suprpme Ct. of 
Can., Dec., 1895; K.C., 1873: an oc- 
casional contributor to If>ading Can. 
journals and mags.: author " Con- 
cordance to Code of Civil Procedure of 
L. C." (1870), "Manual of Land 
Titles Registration" (1890), II DI
of Supreme Court Decisions. 1893-8." 
and of the" Consolldatf'd Supreme Ct. 
Digest, Canada. 1875-1903": has 
served In Can. mlUtia since 1866, bplng- 
3 times on active service (med.. with 
2 clasps, for Ff'nian rn Ids, 1866-70); 
capt. Winnipeg Field Batty. on sprvlre 
!luring N. W. rampalg-n. 1885: prespnt 
in acrt:ions ' FiSh el'e
k rund .at Ba- 
toche, and f'n
d. In thf> 'Opf>ratlons 
ag-ainst Big BNtr ani! his hand aftf>r 
the capture of Riel (mp!l., with clasp) ; 
has rf>rd. the long servlcp !leroratlon: 
is V.-P. Can. Artv. Assn.; a Lih.-Con., 
but takes no artlve part In nnlltlcs.- 
1:'16 Ray St.. Ottml)a; Ridran Club, do. 
Couture, Guillaume, musicIan; com- 
B. Montreal, O('t. 23, 1851; e. there; 
m. Mercedes, d. late Casimir Papineau, 
N.P., and niece Hon. L. .J. Papineau; 
at 13 bf'came organist St. Bridget's 
Church, Mootreal, and at 16, organist 
Ch. of St. .James, same city: was 
maître-de-chapelle at latter ch, for a 
considerable period; spent 5 yrs at 
Paris, where he was admitted to the 
Nat. Soc. of Music, after undergoIng 
exams. before St. Saëns, Massenet, Bizet, 
and others; Is the only Can. whose 
works have been acceJpted by this soc, i 



was apptd. to the Conservatoire, and 
also chosen organist at Ste. Clothilde; 
on his return to Can. founded the 
Soc. des Symph-oni8tes (Montreal), 
which produced many fine works; was 
also dir. of the Montreal Philharmonic 
Soc., which for a lengthened period 
was the maInstay of hIgh-class music 
in Montreal; apptd. prof. of the Theory 
of Music, Girls' High Sch., Montreal, 
1885; do. do., Ladies' Educ. Assn., 
1886; prof. of Music, Cath. Schs, 1892 ; 
chapel master, R. C. Cath., 1893; dir. 
Amateur Operatic Club, and of Mont- 
real .Symphony Orc'hestra ; was, 
later, on the staf'J' of the Royal ColI. 
of MusIc, and of the McGill Conserva- 
torium of Music;' apptd. Laureate of 
the Nat. Conservatory of Music; was 
named, by the French Govt., Offr, d' 
Inst. Publique, 1900; is the author of 
many musical compositions, one of his 
most recent works being the special 
requiem mass rendered at the Prefon- 
taine funeral, .Jan., 1906.-198 BerN St., 
M ontreaZ, 
Covey, :Mr., Elizabeth (maiden name 
RJockfort). autllror. 
Father an Eng. army of'J'r.; b. 1873; 
m., Sept., 1907, Arthur Covey, Politi- 
cal Dept., N. Nigeria; lon
 a resident 
of the N. W., Can.; author .. Com- 
rades Two," a tale of the Qu' AppeUe 
Valley (1907), and other worl{s; 
writf's under the nom de plume of Miss 
Elizabeth Fremantle.-" Falcon Cot- 
tage," Bank-Lynilhttrst, Rants. Eng.; 
United Sports Club, London, do. 
.. Fresh, wholesome, and: naive."-Court 
1 ournal. 
Cowan, George Henry, lawyer. 
S. Wm. and Anne (King) C.; b. Tp. 
Warwick, Co. Lannbton, ant., June 17, 
1858; e. CoIl. Inst., Strathroy aoo 
Brantford, and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
with 1st class honours In logic and 
mental and moral science and civil 
polity, 1884); m., Sept., 1897. Jose- 
phine Irene, d. Rev. Canon Downie 
(q.v.); barrister, 1889; removed to 
B.C., 1893: practises his prof. In Van- 
couver; head firm C. & Parkes; K.C., 
1905: city solr., 1907; a dir. Dom. 
Permt. Loan Co.; a promotE'r Bank 
of B. C. and Construction Oorpora- 
,tJI011', Ltd. ; author üf seveJ'a1 bl'oclJiuTes, 
tnel'llQ1lng 'Ü'lle ()1J1 II The Ohinoese QU'es- 
ti'O'1l" anò .{)IJ1tE! 101J1' .. BembeT 
rm's for 
Br.i'tish iCOII<umbia"; a Con., and un- 
sUOCIeSsfubl'Y con'be-s't.ødJ BurI"aJ1'd (H. >C.) 
in ,that: int

st, g. -e. lS96; røbu,rn-ed 
,for VanC'O'twer, g. -e. 1908; IMl Ang., 
anð a <1oeJt, w .the S'ynlQds; a Fooe- 
m'asolJ1.-Vancouver, B.C.; Vancouver 
Club; Terminal City Club, do.: Union 
Club, Victoria, B.C.; Albany Club, To. 
.. Dame to the front by his ÌioonQClJasro.c 
rea.di.nese ;bo Jiooik 8Ib the''lDJÌer thrO'llgh 
his awn eyes i.rust.eoad of 1ID'roU'gh the spec- 
ta.ß1e.s of ad'lÙl!\Jtion whiob. ervørybody 3s 
birude<n. to put on. a.nd boo 919' th1wt he WIIUI 
nolG f.a.vOll'l&b1'Y i
reæeü."-T. Newl1. 
Cowe.n, John, lawYer. 
S. John and Catherine (SInton) C.; 
Scotch ancestry; b. mid-ocean, whIle 
his parentB were coming to Can., July 

8, 1849; e. local sohs., T:p. McKlllop, 
Huron, Ont.; m., 1881, ElIza, d. John 
McIntyre; barrister, 1879; K.C., 1902; 
practises at Sarnla; head legal firm C. 
& Towers, solrs., Co. Lam.bton, town 
of Sarnia, and various municipalities. 
banks, and public cos.; a dir. Goodl- 
son Thresher Co. and presdt. Ind. 
Mortgage & Savings Co.: a Lib., and 
presdt. Lib. Assn. of Sarnia; a Son of 
Scot.; a Forester; a Presb., and an 
elder St. Andrew's Ch., Sarnla.-Sar- 
nia, Ont.; Ontario Club, Toronto. 
Cowan, John, merchant and banker. 
Formerly In mercantile Ufe; one of 
the founders of the Western Bank of 
Can., 1852; has been presdt. through- 
out; also presdt. Oshawa Malleable 
Iron Works.-Oshawa, Onto 
Cowan, John A" musician. 
S. Joshua E. and Charlotte E. (Cun- 
ningham) C.; b. St. John. N.B., Nov. 
1. 1874; e. Boston, Mass.; m. Miss 
"Elizabeth S. Tuttle; a graduate and 
post-graduate Boston Sch. of Expres- 
slon' studied under the ablest teach- 
ers: 'estbd. dept. of oratory, State 
Unlv. N. Carolina, 1898: asst. to Dr. 
R S. Curry, Newton Theol. Semy., 
Newton, Mass., 1898-99: estbd. dept. 
of elocution and oratory, Manual 
Training High Sch.. Kansas City, 
1900, which posltion he s
i11 retains; 
rE'organized dept. of elocutton, Loretto 
Acad., do., 1904; Is presñt. Kan!':as 
City Conserv. of Music and Art.-1510 
!!5th St., Kansas City, Mo. 
Cowan, Mahlon J[" lawyer; Can. ry. 
Irish origin; s. late Walter C., Leam- 
Ington, ant.; b. Blytheswood, ant.. May 
10, 1863; e. Brantford and Colling- 
wood CoHo Insts.: m., Jan., 1892, Clara 
Louise, d. P. G. Pilkey, Brantford, 
ant.: barrister: practised his prof. 
Windsor, ant.; one of the leaders of 
the bar; K.C., 1902; a Lib.. and sat 
for S. Essex (H. C.), In that interest. 
1900-4; retired to become solr. Grand 
Trunk Pacific Ry., 1904; resigned from 
that position, ApI., '1910; since then 
has been In private 'Practice as a memo 
of the firm of Beatty, Blackstock, 
Fasken, C. & Chadwick, Toronto; 
whne a memo of the Commons waS 
chairman Standin.g Comte. on Pri- 
vate Bills: also Introduced and passed 
Alien Labour Act; an enthu
sportsman; a Freemason and OddfE'l- 
Þow.-Toronto; Toronto Club, do.: 
St. James's Club: Canada Club; Royal 
Montreal Golf Club; Beaconsfield Goll 
Club; West mount Golf Club, Mont- 
real; Windsor Club, Windsor, Onto 
.. A youn
 Cicero."-T. Newt/. 
.. 'nle most influential re.presentative the 
railw>8.)s have had before the Railway 
Commission,"-3f. Herald. 
Cowan, Walter Davy, dental profes- 
S. Walter S. C., .. Frogmore Cot- 
tage," Guelph, ant., and Margt. (Wat- 
son) C.; b. nr. Guelph, Dec. 31, 1865; 
e. there; m. Minnie, d. Ed. McCarten, 
Toronto; graduated Dental Con., Bal- 
timore, Md., 1888: practised his prof. 
for one year In N, Y.; then returned 



to Can., and took up his residence at 
Regina; organized Territorial Dental 
Assn., of which he was preSdt. during 
12 successive yrs.; now V.-P. Terri- 
torial Dental Council, and V.-P. West- 
ern Can. Dental Soc.; elected a memo OÜ'mte. Coa'n. Delflm7' Assn.. M HI!! 
first meeting, Montreal, 1902; at same 
time chosen seay. Dom. Dental Coun- 
dl; Is also asso. ed. Dom. Dental 
Journal: formerly for 5 yrs. ed. of The 
West (Reg-ina), and later of The V.- 
dette (Indian Head) : a Con., and for- 
merly presdt. of the Young Men's Lib.- 
Con. Assn. of the N. W. Territories: 
was chairman Con. ('ampalgn comte., 
West Assa., 1900, and has always 
taken an aC'tlvf> part as a speaker In 
election contests: has sat In Regina 
CounC'!l: grand ma!'1ter for Man. and 
N. W. T. of A. O. U. W., 1903-4, and 
sent by that jurisdiction to reprps'Ö'nt 
them at the Supreme Convention, Chat- 
a, 1904: IlmsuoClC'Pss1'ul!]iy' con. 
pg11noa rnaY'OlI"aMy, 19,10; a 
Oong.-Repina, Sosk. 
Cowans, John B" business man. 
E. s., by his first wIfe, of lab' Roht. 
C., a native of Cooper, nr. Edlnbur
Scot.. who came to Can. whf'n a young- 
man, and began the manufacture of 
CRr whppls and other steel work: b 
ani! e. C::.n.: hm::: bepn mango dlr. Cum- 
berlaniJ Coal & 'Ry. Co. since 1889: also 
a (Hr. Northumbprlani! Ry. & Coal Co., 
ani! othf'r organizations; a councl11or 
N. S. MlnlnJ
 Soc.: formprly a great 
tron of the turf ani! thp owner of 
manv fast horsps: retlrpd from raC'h.,S!'. 
1909: Temovp(t from Sprln
hlH, N.S., 
to Montreal, 1910; a PreSb.-Montreal,o 
Rt. James's Club, Montreal. 
.. ^ mil" of R"l"eat busIness capltcity."- 
11. 11 ,raM. 
II A mil n l).f the 'hie;n('''''t prin,,.it)
Ip!> Rl1(! 
c;inec;s int'!'
ritv .and who'Se' T)'!'r!Ol111,/lJ 0011- 
rl11 rt WlRS 11"'1 f'''(am<T)le to .aJl h
B fel.]I()IW- 
citize11s."-lI. Herald. 
Cowan., PeTCY P., stock hroker. 
S. late Roh!. C.. 
mi! hIs 2n<'l wlfp. 1\ 
if. of IRtp 'm. H. 'Parso"!'1. ed. Dan" 
Te7efJrallh, Mo"treal: a h::.1f 11'1'0. J"o'l1n 
R. C. (Q.v.); b. and P. Montreal; m. 
MI!O'!'I C'::I!'I",Ji1's: ':1 mJPfmJ. 
t'n('k brn:){"nl2' firm 
11 & C.: elected. a .Cum- 
bprlaniJ Rv. & Coa1 Co., 1908. and a 
ðlr. of thp Ama11'ramated A sbesto!'l 
Corpn., 1!11 0: elected.' a Igov. Mo" 
Stock Exdhange. 1909; preSb.-!8 
Ontar{o A ve., Montreal; Mt. Royal 
Club,. St. James's Club; Forest and 
Stream Club: Montreal Hunt Club; 
Montreal Jockey Club; MOfl,treal Polo 
Club; ROJlal Montreal Golf Club; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, de. 
II One 01 the mO'8t popul,ar men ()'Jl the 
· flt-reet.' "-M. Star. 
Cowell, John Bobert, journalist. 
Father a Manxman: mother En
from Chpshlre; b. Liverpool. Eng-., 
Mch. 6. 1849; e. private sch., Ramsay, 
Isle of Man; m. MIss Marg-t. C. KIlUp, 
Ramsay; fonnerly a merchant; now 
a journalist: founded Alberta Advo- 
t(!ate, Red Deer, A1ta., which hI' con- 
<'IlIct!'1: Is presdt. local Bd. of Trade; 
first elk, Alberta Legtalature; for 20 

yrs. a memo House of Keys, Isle of 
Man; the II Father of the House" be- 
fore comIng to Can.; succeeded by 
Hall Caine; was also for 20 yrs. a dlr. 
Manx N. Ry. and of Isle of Man 
Tramway, a memo Council of Educa- 
tion, Local Govt. Bd., asylums, High- 
way, and Assessment Bds., chatnnan 
Govt. Dept. of Advertising and of 
Town Commrs., Ramsay; has contri- 
buted many articles to press; author 
.. A Manxman In America," .. Red 
Deer," .. The Last West," II The Best 
West," II Red Deer, the Best In the 
West"; a Lib.; a Meth., and a lay 
preacher for over 30 yrs.-Red Deer, 

II A citizen of more than ordinary value." 
-T. Globe. 
Cowie, J'rederlck William, civil engin- 
eer; Dom. pubHc 
S. .John C., a native of Scot.; mother 
IrIsh; paternal g-randf. In service H. 
B. Co.: b. Co. Haldimand, Ont., Mch. 
27, 1863;' e. OocaI: Slchs.. Wloodistrock 
Cd!i1. Inst., and McGill UnJv. (B.A.'sc.. 
1886; m" Dec., 1895, Katherine 2nd 
d. laJI:e Wm. Barlrer Greoenòug1h 
!Seigneur of Perthuis, Portn-eu:f, P.Q.: 
formerly I()of .BoS/to,n. Mass. ; A. iM.. 
Soc. C. E., 1887; memo do., 1898; 
memo Inst. C. E., 1908: asst. engr. and 
surveyor Niagara Falls Park Comn. 
1885; on enging. staff Montreal Har
bour Comn., 1886; asst. engT. Mont- 
real Flood Comn., 1886-7; chief asst. 
engr., Dept. PubIlc Works, Can. (hav- 
Ing charge of St. Lawrence Channel, 
between Quebec and Montreal), 1889- 
97; chief superinteniJIng engr. of this 
work, 1897-1907: do. do. Montreal 
Harhour Comn.. Feh., 1907: In addi- 
tion to his regular duties, made BUr- 
veys and reports on most of thp Can. 
harbours of the Great Lakf>s, and had 
charge of important works of con- 
struction and dredging, 1892-7; made 
plans for aððitfonal docks In lower 
dlv. Montreal harbour, which Wf't"e 
adopted by dept., 1898; was consult- 
 engr. Royal Comn. on Transporta- 
tion In connection with Investl
regarding St. Lawrence route and win- 
ter navigation, 1903; placed 1n charp,'e 
of the dpslgn and construction of the 
St. Lawrence Channel, from Montreal 
to Father Point, 1904: accompanleð 
Major G. W. Stf>phens (q.v.), chairman 
Montreal Harbour Comn., on tour of 
Inspection, to Europe, .Jan., 1908 (see 
II Report on British and Continental 
Ports, with a Vfpw to the Devplop- 
ment of the Port of Montreal and. 
Canadian Transportation, by G. W. 
Stpphens anñ F. W. CowIe, London, 
1908 ") ; author of numerous other re- 
ports and papers and of an ad.d.ress on 
II Winter NavIgation," 1908, In which 
he demonstrates that the Hud!"on's 
Bay route Is not practicable. and that 
ships would be designed and built In 
the near future which would be able 
to contpnd and overcomp the Icp be- 
low, and for some distance above, 
 :In rtlhe winrf:-er sen-SDn, and or1 
another address on "Navigation on the 



Sl, Iß,wr.ence RiiV1e
," 1910; an inventor 
of a contrivance for fadUtating the 
loading and discharging of ship's car. 
goes; decLined appt. to work on the 
P!aJn3lrna Oan3Jl, 1904.-" The Linton;' 
Montreal; Rideau Club, Ottawa; 
Canada Club; Engineers' Club, Mont- 
.. One of the most brilliant men in the 
Cø.nadian public I18rvice."-M, Herald. 
Cowie, Henry J" Can. I'Y. serviëe. 
S. late Al thur Forbes and Lucy 
Ann (Jaques) F., Cowansville, P.Q, i 
for many yrs. in Can. ry. service i 
apptd. European traffic agent, Can. 
Northern Ry., Liverpool, Eng., 1905,- 
Liverpool, Eng. 
Cowie, Bev, James Batchford De 
Wolfe (Ang.). 
S. Alex, and Elizabeth (De Wolfe) 
C., II Elmhurst," Liverpool, N.S.; b. 
Liverpool, Nov. 6, 1855; e, CoIl. Sch., 
Fredericton, N.B., University New 
Brunswick, and King's College Uni- 
versity, Windsor, N.S. (B.A" 1883; 
M.A., 1898): m., ApI., 1888, Margt. 
Jane, d. Hugh MacMonagle, M.P.P.; 
o. deacon, 1882: priest, 1884; incum- 
bent Waterford until 1l1-health com- 
pelled him to go to Cal., where he re- 
mained for several yrs.: subsequently 
rector Hampton, N.B.; apptd. rector 
Fredericton, N.B., Nov., 1905; an un- 
successful candidate for coadjutor- 
bishopric of Fredericton, 1906; hon. 
canon Fredericton Cath., 1907; a del. 
Pan-Ang. Congress, London, 1908; an 
official del. to the Ang. Bi-Cent. cele- 
bration, Halifax, N.S., 1910; Is chap- 
lain Fredericton Curling Club.-" The 
Rectory," Fredericton, N.B. 
Cowles, Eugene, operatic singer. 
S. Dr. C. W. C., Stanstead, P.Q.: b. 
and e. there; went to Chicago when a 
young man; was elk. In 1st Nat. Bank 
there; sang in ch, choirs, quartettes, 
etc.: joined the Bostonians, Ford's 
Theatre, Baltimore, making debut as 
Squire Bantam in .. Dorothy," Nov., 
1888; was for 10 yrs. memo of that 
organization, singing premier basso 
rOles, his most noted part being WllI 
Scarlett In .. Robin Hood": became 
lead'ing man in Aliiee Nielsen Opera 
Co., playing II The Fortune Teller," 
Sept., 1898; later appeared In London 
in opera; still later appeared on tour 
with the Eugene Cowles Concert and 
Opera Co., and again, in opera, In 
support of LllIlan 'Blauvelt; was co- 
star, with Marie Cahill, In .. Marrying 
Mary," 1908: author of several songs; 
m.,. May, 1898, Miss Louise Cleary, 
00. Pontiac, P.Q.-Derby Line, Vt, 
.. The most famous basso of the IigM 
()!peril. stage."-Ernest Shipman (q.v.). 
Cowley, Bobert Henry, educ8ltionist. 
S. late D, K. C., Ottawa; b. Clar- 
endon, P.Q.; e. public sch., Ottawa 
ColI. Inst., and Ottawa Univ., Ottawa, 
Toronto Normal Sch., and Queen's 
Unlv., Kingston (B.A., with Gowan 
prize In botany and 1st class honours 
in science, and double specialist In 
Eng. and nat. science, 1889; M.A., 
1893); also a graduate Onto Sch. of 
Pediag.; m., 1st, Aug., 1889, Maret. (<1. 

1892), d. Hugfu F. TobJoonson, St. .Mary'1S, 
Ont,; 2ndly, .Apt, 1904, Katherine, d. 
W, B. Harvey, Omemee, Ont,; a pubU<: 
sch. teacher, 1879; afterwards succes- 
sively on staff Provl. Model Seh., and 
Otta.wa Model Sch.; Inspr. Public Schs., 
Co. Carleton, Ont., 1897-1906; Prov!. 
Inspr, IÜ<mbinlIDJtioo Sohs., 1906-11; 
since then haJs 'be'8n Oh'ief IIl>SIp-r. 'Of 
Publdo and 
p'aJl'1a,te Sohs., 011lt. ; 
aopp'tld. a memo Ont. Educ. Coun- 
cil, 1903; elected hon. presdt. Con- 
tinuation Class Sec., Ont, Educ. Assn., 
1908; a contributor to Queen's Quar- 
terly and other periodicals: author of 
numerous brochures on education; a 
Presb.-186 Delaware Ave., Toronto, 
.. An educationist in the fuUest accept- 
ance of the term."-O. Oitizen. 
II One of the- best known, and one of 
the most successful of our educationists." 
-Mail and Empire. 
Cowper, Harry Mattingly, vocalist. 
S. Roland and Sara C.; b. Dundas. 
Ont., 1870;- e. Dundas Grammar Sch. 
and Pickering CoIl.; m. Kate, e. d. 
Hugh and Barbara Holmes, formerly 
of Simcoe, Ont.; in service of Imp. 
Bank at Niagara Falls. Toronto, Es- 
sex, Rat Portage, and Winnipeg; left 
bank, 1895, and went to London, Eng., 
where he studied singing at the Royal 
Acad. of Music, for 2 yrs., under Fredk. 
Walker; sang at a number of import- 
ant colonial concerts at the time of 
Queen Victoria's Jubilee, and was for 
a year tenor soloist at St. .James's .ell., 
a.dil1Iy: went to Chicago, 1897, 
where he estbd. Ws reputation as one 
of the most sucC!essful and popular 
tenor sollolsts in Am.; his voice Is a 
lyric tenor of wide range and fine 
power; has appeared with all the prin- 
cipal choral and oratorio SOcs. of the 
country, and has been the principal 
soloist with the Thomas Orchestra of 
Chicago, the Boston Festival Orchestra, 
and the Pittsburg Orchestra; has been 
heard to great advantage in oratorio; 
sIngs under the stage name of Holmes 
Cowper; a noted athlete; was the cen- 
tre-forward In the Can. As
n. football 
team, which successfully played against 
the vicked team of the U. S. for the 
championship of the North Am. Con- 
tinent, at the time of the World's Fair; 
apptd. dean Drake Unlv., Des Moines, 
which Includes the Conserv. of Music, 
Sch. of Drawing and Painting, and 
Sch. of Dramatic Art, ApI., 1909; Ang. 
-Des Moines, Iowa; Wanderers' 
Cricket and Athletic Club, Chicago; 
Cliff Dwellers' Club, do. 
Cowper, Holmes (see Cowper, Harry 
CowperthW'Aite, :P
derlc, edu- 
S. .Tas. and Mary A. (Coburn) C., 
both of U. E. L. stock; b. Upper Gage- 
town, N.B., 1860; e. Richibucto and 
N. B. Unlv. (B.A, 1876) ; m., 1st, Miss 
'Vinifrpd McDougall. Richlbucto (d. 
Oct., 1900) ; 2ndly, 1893, Miss Kathar- 
Ine McDougall, Strathroy. Ont.; had 
charge ungraded sch. at Caraquet, 
N.B., 1881; principal superior Bch., 
Dorchester, N.B" 1883; do, High Sch., 



Bathurst, 1886; resigned to go west, 
1890; 1st asst. Central Sch., Van- 
couver, B.C., 1890, and became prin- 
cipal, 1891; Govt. inspr. of schs., B.C., 
1897; city supdt. Vancouver schs., 
1899; a dlr. Children's Aid Soc., Van- 
couver; twice presdt. Mainland (B.C.) 
Teachers' Inst.; a Lib.; a Presb., and 
a.n elder in St. Andrew's Ch., Van- 
rouver.-1126 Haro Street, Vancouver, 
Cow8en, Be-v, Vernon HaY'8 (Bapt.). 
Y. s. J. J. and D. M. C.; b. Go
man, Miss., Nov. 18, 1866; e. MIss. 
ColI. (B.A., 1887; M.A.. 1889); m., 
Sept., 1895, Miss Jennie Read, Phila- 
delphia' graduated Th.M. (South. 
Bapt. Theol. Semy., Louisville, Ky.), 
1890; licensed, 1883; o. 1887; held 
pastorates at various places, Including 
Natchez, Miss., Belleville, and Brant- 
ford, Ont.; called to Western .Bapt. 
Ch., Toronto, May, 1906; resigned, 
1908' one of the founders of the 
semÝ. Mag. (nOW Bapt. Quarterly), 
LouisvUle, Ky.; ed. a
d .propr. The 
Mirror, a monthly publicatIOn; a fi
believer in the exercise of the franchise 
by Christian men, absolutely Ind. as 
beIìJW1e'en !p!3..rttfes.-102 Macdonell Ave., 
Toronto, Ont, 
Cox, Edward W" insurance expert 
and manager. 
E. s. Hon. G. A. C., senator (q.v.), 
b. Peterboro', Ont., June 18, 1864; e. 
Peterboro' ColI. Inst. and Toronto 
Unlv.' m. Hattie, d. late Chas. Brown; 
trained to business life under his 
father: now a dir. Central Can. Loan 
& Savings Co., Nat. Trust Co., Western 
Assur. Co., Brit. Am. Assur. Co. ; 
presdt. Imp. Guarantee & Accident Co. ; 
genl. mang-r. and a dir. Can. Life A
sur. 'Co.; Meth.; a L1b.-" Oak Wold, 
16P. Isabella ßt., Toronto; Nat
Club; Ontario Club, do.; Man'ttoba 
Club, Winnipeg. 
c. InheTits the financial ability for which 
his father is distinguishedJ."-l'. Globe. 
Cox, Hon, George Albertu8, senator; 
business man; capitalist. 
Eng. origin; family came from Eng. 
to the U. S., 1810; removed to Can., 
1818; took up land in Co. Prince Ed- 
ward, afterwards in Northumberland; 
s. Edward W. and Jane (Tanner) C.; 
b. Colborne, Ont., May 7, 1840; e. 
public grammar schs., Coloorne; 
m., 1st, 1862, Ma.rgt. Young (d. Jan. 
22, 1905; gave $10,000 towards the 
campus and site for the Barbara Heck 
woman's residence, Toronto Univ., 
1901; present, with her husband, by 
Invitation In We:stminster Abbey at the 
coronation of King Edward and Queen 
Alexandra, 1902), d. Danl. Hopkins, 
Peterboro, Ont.; 2ndly, ApI., 1909, Amy 
Gertrude, e. d. Walter Sterling, To- 
ronto; commenced life as an operator 
In the service of the Montreal Tel. Co.; 
moV1eð Ito P>e!beroovo, dn sa;me serV'Ïoe, 
1858; remained there for 30 yrs., dur- 
ing whiCh time t'ÜO'k an aotive part 
in the municipal, rouc. and ooonmer- 
cial interests of the city, and was its 
mayor during 7 terms: became presdt. 
of the Midland Ry. of Can., 1878; held 
this position until 1884, when the ry. 

was absorbed into the Grand Trunk 
system; one of the Howland Syndicate 
that offered to build: the C. P. Ry., 
1881; has resided in Toronto since 
1888 ;' since 1884 has been presdt. 
Central Can. Loan & Savings Co.; 
Is presdt. Canada Life Assur. Co., Brit. 
Am. Assur. Co., Western Assur. Co., 
Provident Invest. Co., .and Toronto 
Savings & Loan Co.; is a dir. Can. 
Bank o1Í Commerce (presdt., 1890- 
1907), Russell Motor Oar Co., Can. 
Foundry Co., Can. Genl. Electric Co., 
Can. Shipbuilding Co., Dom. Iron & 
Steel Co., Dom. Coal Co., Nat. Trust 
Co., Grand Trunk Pacific Ry., Toronto 
Ry., Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., 
London Electric Co., Ottawa Electric 
Ry., Sao Paulo Tramway, Light & 
Power Co., Toronto & Niagara Power 
Co., Toronto & York Radial Ry., To- 
ronto Eledric Light Co., Toronto Land 
& Invest. Corpn., Can. Cement Co., 
Keystone Fire Ins. Co., Onto Electrical 
Development Co., U. S. Co., 
amd Nat. Sanitarium Assn.; V.-P. Imp. 
Guarantee & Accident Ins. Co., Frost & 
Wood Co., and Le.nd Mortgage Assn.; 
formerly presdt. Crow'S Nest Pass 
Coal Co. and a ddr. Toronto Genl. 
Trusts Corpn. and' Havana Traction 
Co.: rated as a millionaire by S. N., 
1907; on.e of the 23 men, who are, 
according to the Montreal Standard, 
at the basis of Can. finance, 1909; Is 
bursar of Victoria Univ., in which In- 
stitution he has estbd. the Goo. A. C. 
gold med. in nat. science and! a bur- 
sary In theol.; Is a trustee Toronto 
Univ. and Hosp. for Sick Children; a 
gov. Montreal Wesl. Theal. Colt and 
Grace Hosp.; gave $35,000 to Meth. 
fund, 1899; $1,000 to Victorian Order 
of Nurses, 1902; $100,000 to Toronto 
Genl. Hosp., 1905; and $5,000 to 
Haven & Prison Gate Mission, 1905; Is 
a memo extve. comte. Victorian Order 
of Nurses; a memo Can. Council, Brit. 
Red Cross Soc.; V.-P. Ont." branch 
Dom. Alliance; a Lib.; unsuccessfully 
contested W. Peterborough (Local), 
g. e. 1872, and the same constituency 
(H. C.), g. e. 1887; called to the 
senate by the Earl of Aberdeen, Nov. 
13, 1896;. a Meth.-""9 Sherbourne St., 
Toronto; Toronto Olub; National Club; 
York Club; Ontario Club; LamMon 
Golf & Oountry Club, do.; St. Jame8's 
Club, Montreal; Manitoba Club, Winni- 
peg; Oity Mid-day Olub, N.Y. 
"A plain þl"laCticaJ manl."-S. N. 
.. P.Ql5SeSse'8 a. oolQtinelQtaa :reput.a.ti.ono M 
a. &afe .and sucoes.sful fin.ander."-T. Globe. 
.. Am adva.noed type of the modern 
oa'þitalist in' 11II new counltry, .at once 
cautious s.nd daring, safe a.nd enteil"prising, 
&b1e to ptM1J .and skilful to execute, for 
whom Üa.nada has done much, .and who 
has in many w.a.ys dO'Ile much foil' Caruada.... 
-T. News. 
cox, Herbert copUn, Insurance pro- 
Y. s. Hon. G. A. C., Senator (q.v.) 
and Margt. Young (Hopkins) C.; b. 
Peterboro', Ont., .June 29, 1873; e. 
Jarvis St. ColI. Inst., Toronto, and 
Victoria Unlv.; m. .July, 1895, Miss 
Louise Bogart Brown, Toronto; trained 
to business under his father; entd. ser- 
vice, Can. Life Assur, Co., 1894; entd. 




into partnership with his father, under 
firm name Geo. A. & H. C. C., in the 
management of the Eastern Onto and 
Mich. branches of this Co., July, 1899; 
became sole mangr. of said branches, 
not long afterward, on his father's 
elevation to the presidency of the Co.; 
retains this position; a dir, Dom. 
Securities Corporation, Central Can. 
Loan & Savings Co., The Toronto Sav- 
Ings & Loan Co., The Imp. Accident & 
Guarantee Co., and The Robert Simp- 
son Co., a trustee Toronto GenI. Hosp., 
and Toronto Conservatory of Music; 
P. local branch Life Unc1erwriters 
Assn. ot Can.; V.-P. Provident Invest. 
Co., and chairman Symphony Orches- 
tra, Toronto; a Meth. and a trustee of 
the Metropolitan Ch.-15 Queen's Park, 
Toronto; National Club,' Ontario Club; 
Royal Can. Yacht Club; Toronto Hunt 
Club; Lambton Gol! Club, Toronto. 
"S.omething more than the son of & 
rather famous father."-Oan. Oourier. 
Cox, Laurie Davidson, landscape 
S. Prof. G. W. C., 
dJt. SCflS., Ware, 
Mass.; b. Londonderry, N.S., Aug. 18, 
1883; e. Acadia Univ., (B.A., 1903) 
and Harvard Univ. (B.::ì.L.A., 1908); 
apptd. asst. instr. in Landscape Archi- 
tecture, Harvard Univ., 1907; is man gr. 
Harvard Univ. Lacrosse Team.-28 
Thayer Hall, Cambridge, Mas8. 
.. A brilliant student."-H. Herald. 
Cox, Palmer, author; artist. 
S. Miohael .and Sa,rah (.MUler) C.; 
b. Granby, P.Q., ApI. 28, 1840; e. 
Granby Acad.; unm.; lived In Cal., 
1863-75; followed railroading, contract- 
ing, etc.; was al,so a contributor to the 
Golden Era and the Alta California; 
has Uved in N.Y. since 1875; took up 
writing and illustrating for children's 
mags. and humorous books; created 
the "Brownie People" and books; 
. visited Europe, 1897 and 1898; author 
"Squibs of Everyday Life" (1874), 
"Hans Von Pelter's Trip to Gotham" 
(1878), "How Columbus found Amer- 
Ica" (1878); "That Stanley" (do.); 
"The Brownies, their Book" (1887), 
" Queer People with Wings and Stings" 
(1888), "Comic Yarns" (revision ot 
" Squibs") (do.), II Another Brownies' 
Book" (1890); .. Brownies at Home" 
(1893), "Brownies Around the World" 
(1894), "Palmer Cox's Brownies," a 
spectacular play in 3 acts (do.) ; "The 
Brownies In Fairyland," a musical can- 
tata (do.); "Brownies through the 
Union" (1895); .. Brownies Abroad" 
(1899) ; II Brownies in the Philippines II 
(1904); "Palmer Cox's Brownie 
Primer" (1906); "Brownie Clown of 
BroWn1ioe.'Ì'O'W11:" (908); sßrved 6 Yl'S. 
I-n true U. S. NI3Jt. GuaI'd tS.JIld 5 yrs. 
in Can.; a Freemason of high degree; 
Ang. -1S4 w. 
rd ßt., New York; 
Granby, P.Q. 
"Like Oliver Twist with the treacle, the 
children cry for more O'Í Palmer Cox when 
YQ'\l mentiån books."-Mrs. Simpson Hayes 
Cox, Bev, William J, (Ang.). 
B. South Africa, 1873; e. King's Coll. 
Unlv., Windsor, N.S. (B.A., 1898; M.A., 
1901; B.D., hon., 1903); m., Sept., 

1907, Helen Marie, d. Jas. E. Bigelow, 
Truro, N.S.; o. 1897; asst. curate, S1. 
Peter's Cath., Charlottetown, P.E.I., 
1887-89; rector, Pugwash and Wallace, 
N.S., 1889-1900; subsequently at Syd- 
ney, N.S.; volunteered for service, S. 
A.. wÏitJh fi.rst oontingent; 
ptd. ohJaJp- 
lain second contingent, and accom- 
panied it to the seat of war (med.)- 
Washington, D.C. 
Coyle, Itev, .obert J"rancl. (Presb.). 
S. Jas. and Ann C.; b. Roseneath, 
Ont., July 28, 1850; e. there; D.D. 
(Wabash Col!.) , 1890; LL.D. (West- 
minster !Col,!.), 1903; s,tuÒiied ;t:hool. 
Auburn (N.Y.) ThJeol. Semy.; .0. 1879; 
pastor Fort Dodge, 113.., 1879-85; do., 
Fullerton Ave. Presb. Ch., Chicago, 
1885-91; do., 1st Presb. Ch., Oakland, 
OaJl., ,1891-,1900; d\o., OeTIitT3!lJ Pl'. Oh., 
Denver, since 1900; elected moderator 
Presb. Genl. Assembly, Los Angeles, 
CaI., 1903; author "Foundation Stones II 
(1887), II The Christianity of Christ" 
(1892), "The Church and the Times," 
sermons (1905); m., June, 1885, Miss 
J. Adella Haviland, Ft. Dodge.-1650 
ßherman Ave,. Denver, 
"A very able man."-M. and Empire. 
It A man of great power and useful- 
ness,"-S, N. 
Coyne, James Henry, ant. public ser- 
vice; literary investigator and 
S. Wm. and Christina (Patterson) 
C., St. Thomas, ant.; grø.nds, Hy. C., 
one of the pioneers of Dunwlch, Co. 
Elgin. ant., where he settled, 1817; 
b. S1. Thomas, Oct. 3, 1849; e. comm.on 
and grammar sohs., St. Thomas and 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., and gold med. In 
moderns, silver med. in classics, 
of Wales prize in genl. profiCiency, 
prize for French essay, besides several 
scholars., 1870; M.A., with ll1on-ours, 
1905); LL.D. (hon.), Queen's Unlv., 
1909; m., Nov., 1877, Matilda, 3rd d. 
late John Geo. Bowes, formerly M.P.P. 
and mø.yor .of Toronto; was hæ.d- 
master, Cornwall High Sch., 1871; bar- 
rister, 1874; passed 1st f.or both bar- 
rister and solr. with.out an oral; suc- 
cessfuUy pracrtJsed his prof. at St. 
Thomas up to 1889; a partner 
CoUn Macdougall, K.C., M.P.; SInce 
1889 has been regr. of deeds, Co. 
ElgIn:; tocal master of titles for. the 
co. Including city of St. Thomas, sm
1892' organized the Elgin Hist. and 
Scien'tific Inst., of which !he was 1st 
presdt. 1891; has since been a memo 
of the' council of the inst.; presdt. 
Pioneer and Historical Assn. of Ont., 
1897 ; 
organized the assn. on a wi
basis under the name of the ant. Hlst. 
Soc., 1898; presdt. of the soc., 1898- 
1902; since 1889 has been a memo bd. 
of mangt. and extve. C<Jmte., Alma 
(Ladles') ColI.; was 1st presdt. St. 
Thomas Children's' AId Soc.; presdt. 
St. And
w's Soc., 1883; do. Veterans' 
Assn., St. T.homas, 1906-7; do, Handel 
Choir, do., 1905-7; formerly a dir. 
Farmers' & Traders' Assur. Co., Me- 
chanics' Inst. Ed., and Free Public 
Library Bd., St. Thomas; one of the 
original V.-P.'s Toronto Univ. Alumni 
Msn. ; n.oW presdt. Toronto Unlv, 



Alumni Assn. of Co. Elgin; served a.M 
a. private, St. Thomas Rifles, Fenian 
Raid, 1866; saw service at London, 
Port Stanley and Sarnia (Fenian Raid 
med.) ; was a mem. central comte. or- 
ganized to celebrate the Centennial of 
U. C., 1892; Is e. senator Toronto 
Unlv,; F.R.S.C., 1906 (preßdt., sec. 2, 
do., 1910) ; Is a memo Can. Inst., Am. 
Rist. Assn.; Nat. Geog. Assn., Royal 
Can. Astron. Soc., and Intern. Congo 
of Americanists; a corr. memo Buffalo 
Rist. Soc.; author: .. The Country of 
the Neutrals, from Champlain to Tal- 
bot" (1895), "A Century of Achieve- 
ment" (1898; 1901), "First Steps In 
the Explorwtion of Ontario" (1899), 
.. Exploration of the Great Lakes by 
Dollier de Casson and De Galinée" 
(1903), "Richard Maurice Bucke-a 
Sketch" (1906), and "The TaLbot 
Papers" (1908); a Lib.; was presdt. 
St. Thomas Reform Assn.; do, EB.5t 
Elgin Reform Assn., 1882; 1st hon. 
presdt. St. Thomas Lib. Club; a del. Lib. Convention, Toronto, 1885; 
unsuccessfully contested W. Elgin 
(Local), g, e. 1886; a Meth.-<t Wood-- 
land.8:' ßt. Thomas, Ont,; CountrJl 
Club, do, 
h A!Jl indef-atig,able histo'rica.l miner and 
furrowe!l'."-O. W. Hare. 
Craddock, DouS'laa W1ll1am, Can, ry, 
B. London. Eng., Mell. 4, 1864; e. 
privately; m., Dec., 1892, Miss Mary 
Edith Crown, Ripon, Eng,; a J. p, for 
Hong Kong; å dir, Hong Kong and 
Whampoa Dock Co.; served with the 
P. & O. Steamship Nav, Co., 1880-92 i 
ed to enter servIce of C. P. R. 
as asst. to Mr. D. E. Brown (q.1J.), at 
Hong Kong; apptd. to succeed him 
as geni. agent C. P. R., for the Orient, 
Dec., 1906.-10 Stewart Terrace, Peak, 
Hong Kong, China; Hong Kong Club, 
Crallr, Bon. 3amea, judge. 
S. late Geo. C. and Annie (Clark) 
C.; father a native Ellon, Aberdeen- 
shire, Scot.; mother (a sister of Rev, 
Worn. Olark, LL.D., D.C.L., q.v.) ø. 
ruatiV'e of Davil()lt, .AJbeTdeerushir-e, Sc'OIt. ; 
b. Inwrary, Soot., Jul:y 31, 1851; -e. 
McGiltl Univ. (B.A., 1874); m., May, 
1879, Eliza OJ.iVlia, d. E. S. Macpher- 
son, b.airrister, New York; ,, 
1878; K.C., 1899; SUc0e5&Ultly prac- 
tised his prof. 1n Pembroke and 
Renfrew, Ont., 1878-99; elected firs,t 
mayor of ,Pembroke, 1896; WW'd-en 
Co. Renfrew, 1898; capt. and paymas- 
ter 42nd Regt. for many yrs.; author 
" Hist'Ory of 1:
he TOWI1Bihtip of MoNæb" ; 
decllned nomination to H. C,; apptd. 
judge Yukon TerrI. Cta., ApI. 26, 1900; 
do. local judgf' In admiralty, May 6, 
190Ô; a Presb.-Dawson, Y,T,; Zero 
Club, do. 
Orall', Jame8 Alesander, educationist. 
Irish origin; 2nd s. Jas. and Rachel 
(Cughan) C.; b. Fitzroy Harbour, 
Ont., Mch. 5, 1855; e. local schs., Co- 
bourg ColI. Inst., McGill Dnlv. (B.A., 
with honours In mental and moral 
phil., 1880; M.A., 1883), Yale Dnlv. 
(B.D., 1883), and Lelpzif{ Univ, 
(Ph.D" 1886); m., ApI, 11, 1819, MIa. 

Marion Matht:
on Inut
; instr. and 
adjunct prof. Bib. lang., Lane Theol. 
(Presb.) Semy., 1886-!J0; prof. Old 
'.rest. lit. and exegesis, Oberlin Theol. 
Semy., 18!J1-2; resigned to prosecute 
research abroad; since 1893 prof. 
SemHi.c Lang. and literature and Hel- 
lenistic Greek, Mich. Dniv.; a mem, 
Vorderasiatische Gt:sellschaft, Berlin; 
do. Congress of Arts and Sciences, St. 
Louts, Mo.; a ooI1ltIÙibwtor to va;rious 
literary and scientific journ.; ed. The 
Semitic series of handbooks; author 
.. Inscriptions of Salmanassar, King of 
Assyria" (1887), "Metrical Transla- 
tion of Epic of Ishtar," "Hebrew 
Word Manual" (1890), .. Assyrian 
and Babylonian Religious Texts .. 
(Vol. I., 18!J5; Vol. n., 1897), .. Astro- 
'exts of Baby- 
lonians (1899); in religious belief a 
Disraelite, which includes .. all that a 
man does, thinks, feels, aspires tv, 
and Is."-150
 Hill St" Ann Arbor, 
OralS', Bev, John (Bapt.). 
S. late \Vm. C., nlanufacturer, Port 
Hope, Ont.; a bro. late'!'. D. C., .M.P. ; 
b. Yorkville, Toronto, 1852; e. Port 
Hope, U. C. College, and Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., 1873) ; m., 1st, 1877, Miss 
Martha Perry (d. in India); 2ndly, 
1885, Miss Adah Sumner; took theol. 
course Rochester Theol. Semy.; went 
to India, 1H77, and has been in mis- 
sion work, on the east coast, about 400 
miles n. of Madras, ever since, except 
during a few occasional visit.s to Can. 
on furlough.-Samulcotta, I1tdia. 
Cra1i', John, educationist. 
Scotch oI1Íg1n; .s. 
:8Jte \VillJia.m and 
Mary (Hamilton) C.; b. Laketield, 
P.Q., April 27, 1864; educated High 
SchooJ., :MOl1Jtreal, and Ia. Srtiait:e Call. 
(B.S.A., 1887) and Corn-eltl Uuiv, 
Uf.S.A., 1898) ; m., 1897, Mr.s. F'JIol'ence 
A. Currier, d. 'late J, D. Slater, Ot- 
tawa;, Doon. Exp. 
Farms, 18!JO-7; prof. hort., Ia. Stat6 
CoIL, 1898-1900; do. extension teach- 
Ing, Cornell Univ., 1900-02; do. hor
do. do., 1903; do. do. do., N. Y. Agn- 
cuI. ColI. since 1903; was chairman 
sec. hort. and botany Am. ASFn. of 
Colleges and Exp. Stations, and chair- 
man rural affairs, Am. League for 
Civic Improvement; a memo A. A. 
A, S,; a fellow Royal Hort. Soc., En
a contributor to Am. Cycl. of Hort,; 
ed. \hort. ðlept. Family Herald, 'M)cmt- 
real; ed. National Nurseryman " Con. 
In Can., Rep. in U. S.; AnJ:.-Corneli 
UniversitJl, Ithaca, N.Y.; Town ana 
Gown Club, Ithaca, N.Y.; Univ. of 
New York Club, New York. 
Ora11r, John BOderick, rancher. 
E. s. late Robt. C., a native of SlIgo. 
Ire!., an early and an extensive ex- 
porter of cattle to Eng., and Mary 
(McConnell) C.; b. Toronto, Nov. 19, 
1837; e. local schs. and VIctoria 
Unlv.; m., 1860, Mary Ann, d. late 
John Snell, Snellgrove, Ont.; for yrs. 
a successful breeder and ImportE'r of 
Shorthorns, Cotswolds, Oxford Down 
and Southdown sheep and Berkshlro 
swine; the pioneer exhibitor of prize 



stock in U. S., at St. Louis Expn., 
1871; won many prizes with stock 
purchased at Royal Agrlcul, Soc. 
Show, Eng.; secy. Agricul. and Arts 
Assn., ant., some yrs.; organized the 
Oxley Ranob 00., in Eng., 1881 (see 
his work, .. Ranching With Lords and 
Commons," 1903); at present mango 
(Ur. Mead.ow Creek Land & :Ranch 
Co., Alta.; for 5 yrs. presdt. N. W. 
L. S. & Ranchers' Assn.; Is a life memo 
S. H. Soc. of Gt. Brit. and Irel,; de- 
clined nomination to N, W. Council, 
1885; a contributor to the press; has 
lectured before various dairymen's and 
live stock as.sns.; politically Ind.; a 
Meth.-Meadow Creek, Alta.; Macleod 
.. A valuable contributor to, the improve' 
ment of pure--bred .tock, both in Can. and 
U. S."-T. Globe, 
Craig, Thoma-s, business man. 
B. Montreal, June 14, 1839; e. there; 
m., as his 2nd wife, 1871, Margretta 
A. (d. Meh., 1907), d. late Leslie H. 
Gault, Montreal; a dir, J. W. Harris 
Co, and Montreal & Southern Coso Ry. 
Co., secy.-treas. Lake Champlain & St. 
Lawrence Ship Canal Co., presdt. 
Robinson Stoneware Co., N. Y. & 
Franco-American Automobile Co.; a 
promoter Peat Coal Co. and Dom, Sand 
& Stone Co.; much Interested in mi- 
croscopic science, and is a fellow of 
the Royal Microsc. Soc., London, Eng.; 
aloo a JJife memo Ar:t Assn., .MO'Thtrea.1, 
Am. A$sn. lor the Advanc. of Science, 
Torrey Bot. Club. and an hon. life 
memo Nat. Science Assn., Staten Isiand; 
a strong Con. and protectionist; a 
Chamberlainite; Ang.--597 Sherbrooke 
St. W., Montreal; Engineers' Club, do. 
Crailr, Bev, Wm. Bayard (DI
S. Dr. Wm. and MBJry (Harding) 
C.; b. St. John, N.B., Dec. 7, 1846; e. 
Sb3Jte Univ. of Low'8. (B.A.., 1872; M.A., 
1876) and Yale Div. Seh.; D.D., Cobo, 
Unlv., 1893; LL.D., Drake Un1v., 1896; 
m., 1st, June, 1874, P.riseHla ,E. 
Mri.l1iken, Iowa Cllty, Iowa (d..) ; 2ndd,y, 
Dot., 1885, Miss Emma. Pickrelß, Me- 
chanicsburg, IU. (d.); 3rd,ly,1908, M1iss 
M'BJry Carpenter, :De-s M'Odnoes, Iowa; o. 
1874; 'pastor Iowa Oity, Iowa, 1876- 
82; 00, De11JV'er, 0010., 1882-94; do. San 
A'11-ton.lo, T,exas, 1894-7; .cJhatllCcllor, 
Drak!e Univ., Des iMolnes, Iowa, 1896- 
1902; pastor, Oerutral OhrisUan Oh., 
Denvoer, 1902-9; since ,then haß been 
pastor, LeI1JIlOX Ave. Unjon 011., N.Y.- 
56:1 W. 1U8t St., New York. 
Craig, Bev. WiU1am Woodham (Ang.). 
S. late Alex. C., Montreal, a native 
of Banff, Scot.. and EHza Jane 
(Wl()odham) ,C.; b. .MoI1lt'l"ea,l; e. Mont- 
real High Scll. and McGill Un Iv. (B.A., 
1895; M.A., 1903); m., Dec., 1897, 
Edith Mary, d. F, C. Silcock, West- 
mount; graduated B.D., Montreal Dioc. 
TheoI. ColI., 1907; O. deacon and priest, 
1898; successively curate St. Martin's. 
Montreal, and Trinity Ch., St. John, 
N.B. ; reotolr .st. Luke's, ,Mon1.real, 
1902-11; sil1JC'e !then has been cu.roJtJe, 
St. Geo,rge'Is, Otta.wa; elooted a>resdt. 
Montreal Diooe'san ThooJ. Col'}, .AAl8n., 
1907; a d'e'l. Ang. Oh, Congress, HaM- 

.fax, N.S., 1910.-17 James St., Ot- 
II A most earnest c:lerinman,"-M. Star. 
Cra1k, Bobert Henry, phy.slc1an. 
S. W, W, C., Montreal; b. Tp. To- 
ronto, Ont.; e. Montreal High Sch.; ro., 
Apt, 1909, Harriette Frances, d. J. C. 
Havemeyer, .. Robin Lawn," New 
Yo.rk; M.D. (McGiLl Univ.), 1896; 
post-grad. studies Vienna, Paris, Ber- 
Un, and London; a nose, ear, and throat 
specialist; sometime house sur
. Royal 
Vic, Hosp., Montreal; 6 yrs. larync., 
Montreal Dispensary; 5 yrs. do., West- 
ern GenI. Hosp. ; apptd. asst. do. Mont- 
real Genl. Hosp., 1906; author many 
papers on prof. subjects, some of which 
have attracted attention abroad; a lite 
memo M. A. A. A., and actively con- 
nected with many outdoor sporting ac- 
tivlUes; Presb.-The Sherbrooke, 670 
Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal; Montreal 
Hunt Club; Montreal Jockey Club; 
Outremont Golf Club; St. James's 
Club, do. 
Crandall, Charles :Frederick, journal- 
S. Noble C., Wolfville, N.S.; Eng. 
Loyalist (I,escent; lb. St. J'OIb1n, N.B., 
July 19, 1876; e. Acadia Univ. (B.A., 
1899); m., Aug., 1903, Maude Mary, 
d. W, H. Fairall, N.Y,; entd. daily 
newspaper work, as reporter, St. John 
Sun, 1900; ed. St. John Star, 1903-6; 
eàAn-chdoef .st. John Sun, 1906-08; 
sinoe 1910 ihas been .mang. ed. Mont- 
real Daily Herald; Pr.ot.-" Herald" 
Office, Montreal; St. John, N.B. 
Crane, Bev, Edward Ward (Meth.), 
Irish parentage; b. Co. Grey, ant.; 
e. Cobourg CoIl. Inst. and Victoria 
Univ.; m. d. Saml. Norton, Oxford 
Mills, ant.; entd. ministry, 1874; O. 
1878; has ftlled many important pas- 
Qoürates, ioolud,ing Oûtama (Hem St.), 
.Moo,trea.l (Mt. Rioy.a,l Avoe. and La- 
gauClhetiere St.), and EÞgin, Ont.- 

hawville, Que, 
Crank.haw, James, lawyer, 
S. Wm. and Mary Ann (Farrell) C., 
M'8:n'CIhoe8'ter, En,g.; b. .there, July 20, 
1844; e. St. Andrew's and Mayfield 
schB., Manchester; twice m.; passed 
preliminary examn. before the Eng. 
Law Soc., and had a practical ex- 
perience In civil and criminal cases. In 
gathering facts, and preparing briefs 
for counsel In many important assize 
cases; came to Can., 1876; graduated 
B.C.L., w1ûh Ih'OThcmrs (McG.iLl Univ.), 
1882; advocate, 1883; K.C. (apptd. by 
O. C., but appt. disallowed by Gov,- 
GenI., 1896); do. (Quebec Govt.), 
1906; In successful practice In Mont- 
real; R. 0., under E. F. A., St. Law- 
rence Div., Montreal, 1894; reviser of 
electoral lists for Montreal (provl. 
appt.) , 1897; author .. The Criminal 
Code of Canada and the Canada Evi- 
dence Act" (1st ed., 1894; 2nd ed., 
1902; 3rd ed., 1910; and "A Prac- 
tical Guide to Police Magistrates and 
Justioes of the P<eace" (1st 00., 1895; 
2nd ed., 1903) ; after he came to Can, 
became a certificated teacher ot Isaac 
Pitman'. system of shorthand, and 
from that time to 1881 tau&,ht the 



system; in 1883 helped to Introduce 
R system of examns. of law reporters 
In the Montreal civil cts., and passed 
the first of these examns. himself, at a 
test speed of 165 words per minute; 
a Llb.-Con.; has been V.-P. Sir John 
A. Macdonald Club, Montreal, and Is 
now V.-P. "\Ves;tmount Om, Msn.; be- 
sides being a memo of the Can. Order 
of Foresters, of the A. O. U. W., the 
Sons of Eng., the Select Knights, and 
the Knights of Pythlas, holds high 
rank ,in the M:asonic -bodly; .his s., Jas. 
C., jr., wa,s oomp'
d.mente.<1 .in CtOUl't by 
Judg>e La'Ilg'øHer (q.v.), !the !I}r.esiÜ'ing 
judge, for his 3.!ble d,e-fence of .John 
Hen-dJerson, who was tr,i,ed and 13iC- 
qutt1..ed, 0'Il a charg>e of f'Ü'rgie.ry, API., 
1911.-44" Claremont Ave., westmmmt J 
.. A careful a.nd judicious legal writer." 
--Judge St. Pierre (q.v.). 
.. Has produced the accepted authority 
ßnd reference-book upon the Criminal 
Code."-O. Oitizen. 
crassweUer, Christopher Lewis, edu- 
S. C. C., formerly of London, Eng., 
now of Essex, Ont.; b. London, Eng" 
1853; e. Wood Green Grammar Sch., 
Eng., Goderich High Sch., and To- 
ronto Unlv. (B.A., 1883); m., 1883, 
Sara D., d. Wm. Dickson, Goderich, 
Ont.; pUblic sch. teacher Parry Sound 
Dist., 1876-8; asst. Pickering ColI., 
1882-5; do. Oshawa High Sch., 1885-6; 
prindpal Ess,ex High Soh., 1888-'1902; 
do. Samla Call. Inst., where he still 
Is, 1902; active In Mech. Inst. and 
Public Liby. work; presdt. Essex Pub- 
lic Liby. several yrs.; elected presdt. 
math. and phys. sec. Genl. Assn. Onto 
Educ. Assn., 1907: a Freemason (P. 
M.) ; Presb.: Ind. Lib.-Sarnia J Onto 
Crawford, Bev, Alexander Wellington 
(Meth.), educationist. 
S. lat'e W.m. and Elliza1beth Ann 
(Sager) C.,'hrton, OnL; b. ,there, 
Jan. 15, 1866; e. Viot'Or:ia UnIÍV. (B.A., 
1895; M.A., 1898), and OomeU Un'iv, 
(Ph.D., 1902); m., Aug., 1904, NeotJÌJa 
(a c1Iever rniJThiature ,painter), y. d, 
Ohoas. Nixon, St. George, Ont.; o. 
1896; transfd. to PU1sburg Conf., 
M. E. Ch., U. S., 1904; prof. phiil. e.rnò 
IPSyc+h., UrslÍ 0011., 1902-3; dean and 
prof. of Eng. and ,phil., Bela.v-er Colil., 
1903-6; since 'then !has been ip1rof. ot 
Enog., WestJern Univ. of ,Pa.; Sag>e fel- 
low 'in phil., Oom,el;l, 1 Y1I'.; I3.SStt. ed. 
Phiios01Jhicai Rev., 2 yrs.; e.ubh'or: 
.. The Pihi1oQiSophy of F. H. Jacobi" amd 
of numerous aI'1tdoles 'in Viari'Ous jour- 
naLs; favours evangel. Christiarn:loty.- 
Western University, Allegheny, Pa. 
Crawford, The Very Rev, Edward 
Patrick (Ang.). 
E. s. S. late Hon. Geo. C., Brockvllle, 
Ont., a Senator of the Dam. of Can., 
and Caroline C., d. Adiel Sherwood 
(U. E. L. descent) ; b. Brockville .July 
27, 1846; e. Rrockville Grammar'Sch., 
U. C. Call. and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1866; M.A., 1870) ; D.D., hon. (King's 
ColI., Windsor, N.S.), 1908; m., .Tan., 
1871, Annie, 4th d. late .Tas. A. Hen- 
derson, Q.C., D.C.L., Kingston, Ont.; 
o. deacon, 1869; priest, 1870; missy, 

HiH.lier arud! Wel.l.ingtoI1, OIl!t., 1869- 
70; reotJor Hawkesbury, 1870-5 ' 
do. Trin. Ch., Brockvillc (which h
estabd.), 1875-89; do. Ch, of the As- 
cension, Hamilton, 1889-92; do. St. 
Luke's Cath., Halifax, N.S., since 1892 ; 
canon, do. do., 1903; sub-dean of N. S., 
1905;, 1907; deddned a crulil to 
.Winnipeg, 1883; presdt. Halifax Sym- 
phony Orchestra and Chorus; former- 
ly chairman High Sch. Bd., Brocl\:- 
ville;, chaplain to Bp. of Onto and 
commissary in Onto for Bp. of Al- 
goma: nominated as a candidate for 
BishlOPTic of Algoma, 1896, fOT Bish- 
opric of Ont., 1900, and for Bishopric 
of N. S., 1904; apptd. a gov. King'1!I 
CoIL, 1910; a del. to the synodS; 
Ela)ptd. deputy prolocutor to Genl. 
Synod, Quebec, 1905; an ardent Im- 
perialist.-The Deanery, Halifax, N.S. 
"A dLerve'1' preacher llnd a. staunch 
churchma.n."-Can. (Eng.) Gazette. 
Crawford, Miss Mary Elizabeth, phy- 
Scottish ancestry: d. Matthew C., 
master mariner, and Mary, his wife, 
who came to Ottawa, 1889, as prin- 
cipal Ottawa Presb. Ladies' ColI.; 
niece Rev. Peter McDowell, Alloa, 
Scot., at one time mod.erator U. P. 
Ch. in Scot.; b. IA.therll3.nd, nr. Liy.e;r- 
pooo}, Eng., 1876; e. !primarily by her 
mot!her; oort., kind<erg8Jl"Iten, Ottawa, 
1894; M.D., TrJ.n. Univ.,, 1900 ; 
diploma from Ont. Med. Call. for 
Women, which gave teaching neces- 
sary for the course; house surg., W. 
Philadelphia Hosp. for Women and 
C!hUdiren, 1900
1; has siruce successfully 
sed at "\ViruIlipeg; made experi- 
mental examn. (physical) of sch. chil. 
dren for W,innÏjpeg Sch. Bd., 1908; 
apptd. med. 'Of girls attending 
public sehs., "\VinruÏ:Peg, Aug., 1909; 
elected 'Presdt. "\Vomen's Univ. Club, 
WiI1JI1,i,pe.g, 1909; a Christian; broughot 
up a Pre6'b.; believes that women should 
have equal suffrage with men, but 
does not believe that the mere fact of 
attaining majority in either sex should 
give the right to vote; the State 
should teach the children the duties 
and responsibilities of this privilege. 
_ Winnipeg; WomenJs University 
Club, do, 
Crawford, Bon. Thomas, legislator. 
S. late Jas. and Jane Morton 
(Walmsley) C., Toronto: b. Co. Fer- 
managh, Irel., Aug. 14, 1847; e. there; 
m., Oct., 1878, Isabella, d. late Hugh 
Fyfe, Glasgow, Scot.; came to Can., 
with his parents, 1865; for many yrs. 
In business, with his father, as a cat- 
tle exporter, doing an extensÏ\'e busi- 
ness; succeeded his father in the busi- 
ness, on the laUer's retirement there- 
from, 1869; sat In Toronto City Coun- 
cil, 1892-4; frequently mentionf'd ;n 
connection with Mayoralty; has re. 
presented W. Toronto (Local), Con. 
interest, since June, 1894; elect
Speaker (on death of Mr. St. John), 
ApI. 8, 1907: re-elccted, Fcb., 1909; 
a dlr. Onto Live Stock Ins. Co., a 
gov. TorontJO Wesrem Hosp., V.-P. 
OhUdren's Aid Soc. and rOf Layman's 



Assn., Tororuto Math. Donf.; .presàt 
CenotJrai Life Ins. 00., arud presd:t. 
Equity Fire Ins. Go.; fo'rmerl!y rpres<!Jt. 
Iris'h iP.rOlt. Ben. Soc. and 'Of Metth. 
Socia'l Unñ'On; was V1ice-úhalrman 'I'o- 
ron-to Oitlizens' Assn., form'ed Mch., 
1905, to resist invas.ion lo'f pro,"l. r,ig;hts 
and ,the endowm'emt .of a S'tJ8Jte 011.; in 
sy.mpathy wit:Jh mOV'elmemt for par:Ida- 
menta:ry fmochise for women, both as 
eÞeotors amà as memos. ()If ,the Ioe-gisl'a- 
tures; a FreetmJason ram.d an Omng.e- 
m:an,-,W4 Palme?"ston Ave., Toronto. 
II Å man of shrewd, level-headed com. 
man sense."-M. and B, 
Crawford - Frost, Rev, Wm. Albert 
S. Wm. and Louisa (Crawford) F.; 
b. Owen Sound, Ont., Oct. 29, 1863; e. 
there at public and high schs., by pri- 
vate tutor, and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1884; M.A., 1886); pursued theol. 
studies, Wycliffe CoIl., and med. stud- 
ies, Baltimore Med. Coll.; m., Aug., 
1889, Damaris Constance, d. .Tohn Ings, 
Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; o. deacon, 
1888; priest, 1889; curate St. Paul's, 
Charlottetown, 1888; rector St. 
George's, New Glasgow, N.S., 1889-92; 
do. Ch. of the Redeemer, Merrick, 
L.I., 1892-6; do. Memorial Ch. of the 
Holy Comforter, Baltimore, Md., 1896- 
1903; with Dodd, Mead & Co., pub- 
lishers, New York, 1903-4; instr. In 
chemistry, Baltimore Med. Coll., 1904- 
06; one of the founders and first secy. 
Y. M.'s Lib. Club, Toronto; founded 
Christian Unity League, London, Eng., 
1890; f'lected memo Soc. Am. Au- 
thors, 1898; do. Transatlantic Soc., 
1900; do. Astron. Sec., Md. Acad. of 
Science, 1902; do. Soc. of Arts, Eng., 
1904; do. Am. Nat. Geograph. Soc., 
1906; invented thought-recorder, 1892, 
and other inventions that have been 
patented; in earlV yrs. served on statt 
Toronto World and Toronto Globe; 
author" Old Dogma In a New Light" 
(1896), "The Philosophy of Integra- 
tion" (1906); also an anthem, "Col- 
umbia" (1907); favours reciprocity 
between U. S. and Can., and closer 
union of Gt. Brit. and her colonies and 
the U. S.; advocates compulsory ar- 
bi,tnvtion of inlDørn. quOOtJii().DS amd 
l.abour i!:!roubil,es.-" -Sheldon Cottage," 
2120 Ohelsea Terrace, Walbrook, Balti- 
more, Md. 
II A man of wide reading- and careful 
th()ught."-Late Bishop Littlejohn. 
Creak, George, chartered accountant, 
S. late Arthur Geo. and Maria C.. 
O!tapiham, Lonoo-n. IDn.g. ; b. .a11lð! e. 
tJh!eore; m.; came to 'Oan., 1879; foc 
m:l.nY yrs. secy. am.d ttroos. MierdhaI1lts' 
Oortt!on Co.; has boon .praot1s
'll'g as a 
chartered aoc!OUllIt:a.rut sdnoe 1895; J1IOIW 
head 'of .the George C. Audit Co., 0001'- 
t-el'ed aocouTIltoaruts, MorutTea,1; a memo 
ot the A.ssn. of Areoonrt::a.Jlltts, ijn 'I:JhIat 
ci,t'Y, alJ1d a f.e<1111Q!W of ,the Dam. Aßsn. 
0If OOOl't'8lrOO .AJcocoumtanots; ils a fl1'eoe- 
man of .(:Ihe tOf LorudJon, and a mem. 
of t.hie Golidjsmi,t:hs Co. (as were his 
1'1aJtiher la.lnd gmndfubher before 'him) ; 
ÂJJ1,t;.-257 Bishop Bt., Montreal; Mt. 

Royal Club; Canada Ohtb; Montreal 
Hunt Club, do. 
Crean, Kr., Mildred Corning, author. 
B. and e. Chicag.o, Ill.; m., Nov. 28, 
1906. Major J. F. Crean, a resident of 
Toronto, 1st Batt. Gold Coast Røgt., 
W, African Frontier Force, who serve.d 
N.-W. Rebellion, 1885, and during the 
A!:thanti War, 1900 (meds.; was men- 
tioned .in despatches); author "A 
Daughter OIl To-day" and other novels. 
-Ohicago, Ill. 
Creelman, .Adam Rutherford, lawyer. 
Irish and Scotch origin; s. late .Tas. 
Rutherford and Isabella Christina 
(P,atterson) C.; b. Richibucto, N.B.; 
e, Grammar sch., Richibucto, and the 
Acad., Chatham, N.B.; m., Nov., 1878, 
Margt. Cumming (d. .Tune, 1904), d. 
late Rev. .Tohn .Tennings, D.D.; stud- 
Ied law with the late Hon. Adam 
Crooks, Q.C.; barrister (Ont.), 1876; 
do. (P.Q.), 1902; K.C. (E. of Derby), 
1889; became one ot the leaders of 
the bar; for many yrs. a memo of the 
eminent law firm of McCarthy, Osler, 
Hoskin & Co., Toronto; remalnoed a 
memo of this firm u;p to July, 1901. 
when he was ap,ptd. g>eneral counsel 
to the Ca,n, Pac. Ry. Co., and removed 
-to Montreal, where he !has since re- 
sided; elected a dlr. of the Can. Pae. 
Ry., 1910; Is also a dir. of .the Kingston 
and .Pembroke Ry. ; a memo of thè 
comte. to raise an endowment tund 
for U. .C. 001-1., 1900; apptd. an hon. 
corr. secy. of the Royal 001. Inst., 
London, :Ðng., 1906; much devoted to 
dean and manly sport, particularly 
cricket, hockey, curling, bO'Wllng, golf, 
etc. ; elected pl'esdt. Can. Crfc1.-oet Assn., 
1900; a Lib.. but devotes himself 
wholly to his prof.; a Presb.-The 
She1'broolce, Montreal; Mt. Royal Olub; 
St. James's Olub; Royal Montreal 
Golf Club; Forest and Stream Olub; 
Montreal Jockey Olub, do.; Toronto 
Olub; Toronto Hunt Olub; Toronto 
Oricket Club; Granite Olub; York 
Olub, Tomnto; Rideau Olub; Ottawa 
Goll Ohtb; Ottawa Oountry Olub, Ot- 
tawa,. Restigouche Balmon Olub. 
"Ai gplendid man ()f business."-The 
late B. B. Osler, Q.O. 
Creelman, George Christie, education- 
. Bro. A. R. C., .R.C. (q.v.) ; 'b. O()lltldng- 
wood, Orut., rMay 9, 1869; oe. 001111. Inst., 
there, ant. Agrlcul. ColI. (diplomas), 
T10fTOlIllto Un1iv. (B.S. A., 1888). Cornelll 
Unlv., Wisconsin Univ., and Mich. Ag- 
ricul. CoIl.; LL.D., hon., McMaster 
Univ., 1910; m. 1892, Ada, d. .Tas. 
Mills. LL.D. (q.v.); Asst. Prof. Biol- 
ogy, Mississippi Agrlcu1. and Mech. 
0011., 1889-92; Prof. BiollÜ-gy, õJo. 00., 
1892-7: SUjpdt. Farmers' Insts., ant., 
1897-1904; was also Supdt. Agricul. 
Socs., and Secy. ant. Fruit Growers' 
Assn.; since Feb., 1904, has been 
presdt. of the ant. Agricul. ColI.; 
elected presdt. Am. Assn. ot Farmers' 
Insts., 1905; a del. to Europe to in- 
vestigate agricul. methods prevailing 
on the Continent and in Gt. Brit., 1908; 
author a "Handbook for the Use of 
Women's Institutes In ant." ; a senator 
Toronto Univ,; a director Toronto 



Exhbn. Assn.; do., Can. Correspond- 
el1Jcoe seh.; elected a Chlet, Six Narolon 
Imj.lans, 1900; do, presdit. GueIa>h 
CI1iockiet OIub, 1911; a Brasb. and an 
eI-der in the ch.-Ontm-io Agricultural 
College, Guelph, Ont, 
"YO'Ung, tactful, resou.rceful <and able." 
-Educ. MonthlJ/, 
II Affords lln Illustration of what ma.y be 
accomplished by energy, C()mbined with a 
strong -and attractive"-T, 
Creelman, Bev. Harlan (Cong.), edu- 
oa.ti onlis t. 
S. llabe Rev. Wm. and Nancy (Oox) 
C., Ma.LtlIaIJId
 N.S.; b. rtlhfJr.e, Nov. 15, 
1864; e. N. B. Un-iv., Normal Soh., 
C:astil1Je, Me. (gro.d., 1885) and YaJ1te 
Univ. (B.D., 1889; Pih.D., 1894; M.A., 
1908) ; m., .Jun-e, 1892, Jooophirue Tihorp 
(a va-Iued eontri.butor Ito Country 
Life in Am., The House Beautiful, 
et,c.), d. loalte Hon. Wrn. A. :Rioc-e, W-or- 
Uring.ton, M'ass. ; o. 1889; poa.s.t'or, WOIr- 
.tihi, ngtJon Mass., 1889-93; Jl1JSItr. in,ical lIi l t., Ywle Univ., 1893-9; IMiner 
prof. 'Of Hebrew, úO' ,liangs. ami 
BibUca.lliit., Oan. OOThg. OOIliI., Mo'nrt- 
real', 1899-1908; sen"ed temporari.Iy, &S 
a l-eot. in the Fire-sib., W, COl,ls., 
MOl1Jtrea1, :amdi MoGilol Univ.; was 
presdit. Congo Olub, 'Mont-roo.J, fool' some 
yrs. ; sinoe 1908 has 'bee-n proto Hebrew 
lraI1g's. and Nt., Auburn ToheooL Semy.- 
Auburn, N.Y.; Oswasco Country Club, 
Creelman, James, newspaper corre- 
spondent; litterateur, 
Scotch-Irish ancestry; S. late Mat- 
thew C., for many yrs. an offr. ot the 
Steam Inspection Assur. Co., Mont- 
real; b. Montreal, Nov. 12, 1859; e. 
Royal Arthur Sch., Montreal, and Tal- 
mage's Lay Theol. ColI., N.Y.; m., 
1891, Miss Allee L. Buell, Ohio; ran 
away from home when 12 yrs. ot age; 
reached! N. Y. on foot, with an oc- 
casional ride on a ry. tmin, and en- 
tered first employment In the office of 
Church and State; after acquiring a 
knowledge ot printing and taking a 
course in the.ol. under Dr. Talmage, 
entd. the service of the N.Y. Herald, 
1876, as a reporter, becoming later a 
corresp.ondent and ed. writer and so re- tin ,1889; was ed., London 
edltlon, 1890, and Paris edition, 1891-2; 
subsequently was Sl.LCüßSsive.}'Y: ed. N.Y. 
Evening Telegram; Brit. ed. Cosmo- 
politan Mag., 1893; war cormspondent 
for the N.Y. World during the Japanese 
War, 1894; do. M. fur the N.Y. 
Journal during the Græco-Turklsh War, 
1897, during the Cuban War, 1898, and 
during the Philippine War, 1899; cap- 
tured a Spanish flag and was shot and 
almost mortally wounded after he 
received the surrender of the Spanish 
command-ent at EI Caney, Cuba, 1898; 
had charge of the ed. page, and later 
was Washington correspondent of the 
N.Y. Journal; special and ed. writer, 
N. Y. World, 1900-6; associate ed. 
Pearson's Mag., 1906-10; has 1nter- 
viewed a t various times Leo XIII" 
King George of Greece, the Emperor 
of Corea, Presdt. Faure, Prince Bis- 
marck, Sir H. M. Stanley, Louis KOB- 

suth, and Count Tolstoi; is a Fellow 
of the Royal Gool. Soc.; author, besldE'lS 
numerous mag. articles of the follow- 
ing valIS.: .. On the Great Highway" 
(1901), II Eagle Blood" (1902); and 
II Why We Love Lincoln" (1908) ; (see 
Review of Reviews, Oct. 15, 1898).-67 
W. 9
th St., New York; Lotus Club; 
Authors' Club; Democratic Club, do.; 
National Liberal Club, New Vagabond 
Club, London, Eng. 
"I'Di every respect a.n- unusually iIlltereet- 
ine ma.n....-M, Star. 
.. 'I'he prea:nie,r reporter in Aane'rican 
jO'urn,a.l1sm to-day."-T. Globe. 
II Has passed through as V'aried, as mw- 
tiflU'LOU8 and 8S excitmg a <peTioo of jour. 
n.alis.tic labo,ur as ha3 f,alIen to the lot of 
any man of his cra.ft."-Rev. of Reviews. 
Creighton, David, Dam. publIc ser- 
Irish parentage; b. Glasgow, Scot., 
ApI. 1, 1843; came to Can. with par- 
ents, 1855, and was e. here; m., Oct., 
1873, Miss Jane Elizabeth Kramer; 
long engd. In journalism; ed. and prop. 
Owen Sound Times, 1864-96; entrusted 
by Sir John Macdonald with task of 
forming a stock co. tor the purpose ot 
publishing a daily official organ In To- 
ronto, the result being The Empire, 
whose first number appeared Dec. 27, 
1887; this paper was, In 1895. amalga- 
mated with The Mail, under Its pres- 
ent title, The Mail and Empire; was 
mang, ed. thereof UP to May, 1895, 
when he was apptd. Asst. Recr.- 
Gen:t, 'lìoroIJIt'O; .e1Jeoood IPresdt, Ve.tJeoraIJIs 
ot 1866, 1900; a mean. Ex,tV'e. Oombe. 
Brit. Empire League In Can.; a Con., 
and sat In that Interest for N. Grey 
(Local), 1875-90; in Jan., 1895, was 
presented with a handsome marble 
clock by the statt of the Toronto Globe, 
In ackgt. of his courtesies to them on 
the occasion ot the Globe fire at that 
time; an Ang.-!6 Spadina Rd., To- 
ronto; Albany CI
,b, do, 
" A thoroughly upright man, with a high 
sense of duty and great capacity for hard 
work."-T, Globe, 
Crell'hton, Jame. Edwin, educationist, 
S. John and Mary C. (O'Brien) C.; 
mixed Scotch and Scotch-Irish parent- 
 .b. West lRiiVJeT, N.,S., ApI. 8, 
1861; e. Ptiobou Aoa.d., J)a,Ilho'ltsle 
Univ. (B.A., WlÏJbh 1st: oms honours 
dn .phiLI., 1887), 8Jt Oom.eIiIJ Unliv. (IPh.D., 
1892), and rut the Univ.s. of Leipzig 
and Boolil1i; LL.D. (Que-en':9 Univ.), 
1903; m., 1892, /Miss ,KiaJtJhoerirue F. 
 Pi'cotl{)lu, N.S.; instJr. iru ,phill., 
Oornelll Univ., 1888; asst. prof., do. 
dio., 1892; prof, I'ogl'c and metap.h., 
do., since 1895; a .mem. Am. P.syah. 
Assn. (,presdJt., 1902-3) and Am. Pihiloo. 
Assn.; ed. Phil. Review and Am. ed. 
Kant Studien; has contributed to these 
periodicals; author "An Introductory 
Logic" (1898); translator (with E. B. 
Tichener) "Wundt's Human and Ani- 
mal Psychology It (1894), and (with A. 
Lefevre) of II Paulsen's Kant: His Life 
and Philosophy" (1902); when a stu- 
dent, a crack footballist.-Ithaca, N.Y,; 
Town and Gown Club, do. 

(See History of Dr. Crichton's Trial on Page 277.) 

Dr, Crichton's Remedy 





generally cures La Grippe (Intluenza) or " colds " in a few hours, 
often in less than two hours. "Then other proper treatment is used 
along with it, it generally cures Pneumonia, Tonsillitis (Quinsy), 
Inflammatory Rheumatism, etc., in less than one-quarter of the 
usual time, Typhoid Fever in less than one-half of the usual time. 
It is harmless in the dose required, and any other medicine may 
be taken along with it. 
Three of the Professors in Toronto University use it. James 
CoBing, B.A., Principal of Cobourg (Ont.) Collegiate Institute, 
writes: "One dose cured me. I gave it to five other teachers and they 
all declare it broke up the attack of Grippe." Rev. J. C. Berrie, 
President of Methodist Conference for New Brunswick and 
P. E. I. (who studied medicine for four years), says: "Grippura 
has worked just as you say. I consider it worth its weight in 
gold. " 
Send for circular containing similar testimonials from J. 
Henderson, M.A., Principal of St. Catharines Collegiate Institute; 
Rev. VV. Bowman Tucker, M.A., Ph.D., author of "The 
Camden Colony"; E. A. Hardy. B.A.., Secretary of Librarians' 
Association for the Province of Ontario; ",Tm. F. :Montague, Grand 
Recorder Canadian Order of Chosen Friends; Carl E. F'isher, 
County Registrar, St. Catharines, Ont., etc. 
The Ontario Divisional High Court decided after a three days' 
hearing that Grippura is " an apparently valuable remedy," and 
that "it does not appear to be put forward dishonestly or 
carelessly. " 
Sent by mail, postpaid, price 75c. for 24 doses. rro places 
where it is not for sale two such bottles will be sent for $1.00. 
Persons living in countries other than Canada and the United States 
should order three bottles (or multiples of three) at a time as 
postage is paid by the pound. 
Address all letters to 

The Grippura Company 
CASTLETON (Northumberland County), Ontario, Canada 

Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada in the year 1904, by 
John Robinson, at the Department of Agricult\lre. 



Creighton, ðamell George Aylwin, 
Dom. Parliamentary seI"Vllce. 
E. s. Wm. H. C., Halifax, N.S.; b. 
there, .Tune 12, 1850; e. Halifax Gram- 
mar Sch. and Dalhousie Unlv. (B.A" 
with honours, 1868) ; m., 1878, Eleanor, 
d. late Geo. Platt, Montreal; gradu- 
ated B.C.L., with 1st rank honours, 
(McGill Unlv.), 1880; advocate, do.; 
an asso. Inst. of C. E., Eng., 1876; 
engd. In journalism In Montreal, 1877- 
81; a contributor to Scribner's and 
other mags.; secy. Metropolitan Club, 
Montreal, 1876; lIeut. Halifax Gar. 
Arty., 1886; employed In the consoli- 
dation and revision of the Statutes 
of Can., 1885-6; apptd. law elk. of 
the Senate of Can., Mch., 1882; master 
In chancery, June, do.--3 Kent St., ot- 
tawa; Rideau Club, do. 
Creighton, :Rev, Walter ðohn (Ang.). 
S. Rev. .Tohn C.; grands. Rev. Dr. 
Read; b. Welland, Ont., Nov. 14, 1866; 
f>. Oa1rtwrlg1ht lPubldc Sch., GrlmslbY 
High Sch., and Trln. Unlv., Toronto 
(B.A., 1887; M.A., 1890); unm.; o. 
deacon, 1889; priest, 1890: curate st. 
.Tames Cath., Toronto, 1889; Incum- 
bent Bobcaygeon and Dunsford, 1890-6; 
rector Lakefield, 1906; elf'cted R. D., 
Durham and Victoria, 1904; was a 
memo Bobc:aygeon Sdh. Bd.: mow {Lt 
ToT1onoto.-"41 Concord Ave., Toronto. 
Creighton, Rev. William Black 
(Meltlh.), jO'11,rna1ist. 
N. of Ire!. parentage: s. .Tas. and 
Ann (English) C.; b. Dorchester, Co. 
Middlesex, Ont., .Tuly 20. 1864: e. Lon- 
don pUblic and high schs. and Victoria 
Univ. (B.A., with honours In phil., 
1890: B.D., with gold med. for highest 
standing In whole course, 1894; D.D.. 
1909): m., Sept., 1895, Laura, y. d. 
.Tohn Harvie, Toronto: entd. mInistry, 
1890, and filled several pastorates In 
Ont.: asst. ed. Christian Guardian, 
:1.900; el'emed ed., 00., Setprt., 1906.- 
f62 Concord Ave., Toronto; Canadian 
Club, do. 
.. Has exhibit.ed ability of 8 high order, 
not only in the char:\cter of his editorial 
, but in the vital work of selection," 
-T. Newø. 
Crerar, Mrs. Marion :1:" marrIed 
D. late .Tohn Stinson, banker, Ham- 
Ilton, Ont.; U. E. L. descent; b. Ham- 
ilrt'OI1; e. In ED'g.; 1111., .1st, Aug., 1877, 
C:. .T. Ottaway (d. April, 1878), bar- 
nster, London, Eng.; 2ndly, 1883, P. 
D. Crerar, K.C. (q.1J.); long connected 
with Imp. Order Daughters of the Em- 
plre; elected vIce-regent Hamilton 
Chapter, May, 1900: regent, May, 1902; 
became 2nd V..:P. of the order In Can. ; 
organized .. Made-In-Hamllton" Exhn., 
1906; presdt. Ladles' Auxflfary Bd. 
for the Hamilton Health ABsn., caring 
for aU consumptives In city (realizeð 
$3,174 for Sanitarium Fund) ; omclat
at presentation of colours to 91st High- 
landers, 1904.- u The Lodge." Hamil- 
ton, Ont.; Ladies' Empire Club, Lon- 
don, Eng. 
"One <OIl the bulwarks of Imperialism in 
tne 1()'Y'&1 P.rovince of Ont.M"io."-Løllll 
BeTnaTd (q.v,), 

Crerar, Peter Duncan, lawyer. 
B. Crl-etT, Soot., 1859; e. there, Dum- 
barton Acad., and Glasgow Unlv. (M.A., 
1879) ; came to Can., 1879; m., 1883, 
Marlon E. (q.v.), d. late .Tohn Stinson, 
banker, and widow C. J. Ottaway, 
barrister, London, Eng. ; barrister 
(-silver med.), 1883; K.C., 1902; a dlr. 
the .Tohn McPherson Co., Ltd., V.-P. 
Hamilton Dlstfllery Co., presdt. Oak 
Tanning Co., presdt. for 3 yrs. Can. 
Assn. Amateur Oarsmen, anð presdt. 
Royal Can. Golf Assn. ; also V.-P. Chil- 
dren's Aid Soc.; a LIb., and for 'Some 
yrs. presdt. Hamilton LIb. Assn.- 
tiThe Lodge." Hamilton, Ont.; Hamil- 
ton Club; Hamilton Jockey Club, do.; 
Toronto Club, Toronto. 
Crellle, LouIlI George Auguate, law- 
S. late AUg'Uste Barthêlêmy C., K.C., 
and Laura G. (Prendergast) C.; b. 
Three Rivers, P.Q., Feb. 24, 1860: e. 
Semy., Three Rivers (golð med.) , and 
Laval Unlv. (LL.B., 1881); m.. 1882, 
:Mlle. Alexandrine St. .Jean. Montreal 
(d. 1902) ; advocate, 1881: K.C., 1906; 
one of the leaders of the bar: practised 
his prof. In Montreal with his father, 
during his lIfetime; since his death, In 
partnership with .T. A. Descarrles, K.C. 
(q.1J.) ; Is of the 11th generation of the 
legal men In his family: electeð an Ald. 
of Montreal, 1892; has been presdt. St. 
,J'eaJIl Bapte. Soc., and g'1rand regent of 
the Royal Arcanum; Is High Chief 
Ranger Ind. Order of Foresters, and 
V.-P. Num. and Antlq. Soc; a memo of 
the Pol1tlcal Economy Club, and gov. 
of the Notre Dame Hôsp.; a Con., and 
formerly presdt. of L' Assn. Conserva- 
trice, Montreal; the owner of 3 seig- 
neurles; a R. C.-!f-i Berri st., Mont- 
Crewa, Bev. Albert Clarke (Meth.). 
S, late Rev. Tho'S. C. (Meth.); b. 
WarwIck, 00'. Lamb ton, Ont., F'eb. 24, 
1857; e. Ingersoll High Sch. and Vic- 
toria Unlv. (D.D., 1904) ; entd. minis- 
try, 1877; o. 1882; after serving for 
a short perlod as asst. eð. of The 
Christian Guardian, fined pastorates 
successively at Hamilton (Hannah 
St.), St. Catharlnes (WeIland Ave.), 
Hamilton (Simcoe St. ) , Winnipeg 
(Zion Ch.), and Toronto (parlt. 
St.); elected gent. secy. Epworth 
League Socs. and Sunðay Schs., 1895- 
1902; do. .ed. Epworth Era, 1898-1902 ; 
dJo. gen.t secy. Epworth Leagues (OT 
 1902-6; was financial 
oocy. rat Win'll'ip'eg; atPprt:d. memo Comte. 
20ltrh Century Thranksgiv,inag- Fuoo, Can_ 
Meth. Ch., 1898; ðie1ivered a course of 
lectures on various phases of Sunðay 
-sch. work at Mt. AlUson Unlv., 1903; 
a del. Intern. Sunday Sch. Convention, 
Loulsvllle, Ky., 1908; elected to succeed 
late Rev. Dr. Withrow as editor of 
Sunday school perloðfcals, 1908. - Pi 
Spencer Ave., Toronto. 
&< A man held in the hi
hest respect 
by all branches of the great church of 
which be is one of the recognized 
leaders. "-T. WQTld. 
Crichton, Alexander WyUe, physician. 
Scottish ancestry; B. Alex. C., from 
KUma.rnock, Ayrshire, Scot., a.nd Annie 



(Geddes) C., from Burnt-island, Fife- 
shire, Scot.; b. St. Catharines, Ont., 
.June 1, 1862; e. CoIl. Inst., there, and 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., and silver med. 
in Classics, and standing first In gent 
proficiency, 1883) ; took his med. course 
at Toronto Univ,; stood 1st in Therap. 
and 1st In the practice of med.; a 
memo CoIl. P. and S., Ont., 1892 ; 
unm.; taught In hig'll schs. and coIl. 
Insts. for 6 yrs.; claims to have found 
In 1901 a method of treatment by 
which about one-fifth of the present 
deatJh-JraItJe >Can be \ßV'O'idro, viz.: .prac- 
tically all the deaths from the com- 
moner Infectious diseases, except con- 
sumption, and by which la grippe or 
.. colds," ipThe' and lty,p!hIO'id fever 
can be cured In less than one-quarter 
of the usual time; after Ifafllng to In- 
terest different govts. and prominent 
physicians in the discovery, Issued a 
cfrcular to the pübUc offering to send 
by ma1'l rbhe medicine W1hich f.orms the 
b:asIs of Ihlis lÌJr
ratJmenrt; for rbh1s ,the 
Onlt. M'eod. OoU'nd1 caruce:I,1Ietd ,hi,s òJip- 
lorna, .July, 1906; on rappea,l, mwever, 
w t/hJe Div. Higih Ot., :hIs dd.pllOma was 
rest'ored, rthJe SMne yr.; C'OnlÍJinues rto 
!practise hds .p.rof. :at Oastl'eotoß" 'Wlh'e're 
a.nd 1JnroU,gÙ1lQlU1. many IObhlerr 'POmi'()IThS 
of Oanlaoo Ihls .. GrlPiPura, ,germ de-,' continues Ito reach 8J11'd' bre 
Uosed Wi'Dh s'tLOOess by aarrge ol:asses of 
t'he lPQ])ullartlcm.-Castleton, Onto 
Crldlfe. Bt, :Rev, Edward (Ref. Epls.). 
S. .John and Grace C.; b. Bratton- 
Heming, Devonshire, Eng., Dec. 17, 
1817; e. N. Molton Grammar Sch., 
Devon, and St. Peter's CoIl., Cambridge 
(B.A., with math. honours, 1848: Gls- 
borne Sch.) ; D.D., Presb. CoIl., Mont- 
real, 1895; m., Sept., 1854, Mary, d. 
Geo. WlnneIle, Bonlford, Essex (Mrs. 
C. was the first Sunda.y-sch. teacher 
In B.C.; d. 1905); o. deacon, 1848; 
priest, 1849; some time a teacher In a 
public sch.; successively asst. curate 
and incumbent, N. Walsham and Christ 
Ch., Stratford, Essex, 1848-54; apptd. 
chaplain, H.B. Co., and dlst. clergyman, 
Vlctorira, V.I. (then a Crown Colony), 
1854; rector, Victoria Dist. Ch. (which 
tlIl 1859 was the only ch. in the col- 
ony), 1855-74; dean, 1865-74; seceded 
from the colonial branch of the Ch, of 
Eng., and joined the Ref, Epis. Ch., be- 
coming rector of the Ch, of Our Lord, 
Victoria, 1874; elected a bp, (his dio- 
cese Including B.C. and all the States 
and Territories of the U.S. west of the 
Rocky Mts.), 1875: author of a tract 
on Spirituallsm, a pamphlet, .. Life 
after Death," and a book, .. As It Was 
In the Beginning" (1890); a devoted 
Imperlalist.-Chrlst Church Rectory, 
Victoria, B.C. 
.. One of the best and most conscien. 
tious men living ......þ.is life has 
en alto- 
gether beautiful."-Senator W, J, J{øcelon- 
aiel (<I.v.). 
Cring'an, Alexander Thom, musician. 
S. Robt. Ems and .Janet (Thorn) 
C.; b. Carluke, Lanarkshlre, Scot., 
Oct. 13, 1860; e. there; m., Aug., 1882, 
Limas, 3rd d. .John Waugh, Edin- 
burgh; studied for prof. at Tonlc- 
Sol-fa ColI., London, 1884-6: took 
exaanns. f()lr rliergre'es of gra.dJu3Jbe and 

licentiate F.S.C., before leaving for 
Can., 1885; returned for colI. term, 
1886: Mus. Bac. (ToronJbo. Unliv.) , 1899 ; 
dire of music ipu'bliLc scihs., TOf\onoo, 
1886-1901;;hrer of mrus!c, Nor- 
mal and Model Schs., do., 1901; teach- 
er of vocal music, Toronto Conserv. 
of Music, 1900; choirmaster Cent. 
Presb. Ch., Toronto, 1887-95; do. 
Cooke's, dio. do. dl()., 1897-1900: con- 
ducted music at W. e. T. U. Oonv
Ibion. Toronlto, 1897 (spectia,l1ly iC!om'P
me-nlted< by 1:Jhoe nl!lJte IMiss Frances E. 
WUiln,rd fo'r ih!ls .. '8Jdm!i..r.ruble work"); 
oondlUcted dOOrus o,f 6,000 ,clhUdrren 
which gf'elelbed 'tJhoe Pirince an.d Princess 
of Wtaltes, T{)/f'onrto, 190.2 (p.eorsonaUy 
COInpldmellood by bath "f()lr :the ex- 
oeHren.ce of rt:hre CJhorus ") ; aUithor "Can. 
Music OOUTOO," .. E)chroartIÌrorn.a:] MuSic 
Course," .. .coms.e-rvn.bory oSri
ht Slinging 
MJebhod," and "The Tearcihef\s' Hanld"- 
hook": hoa,s coll 1 liØClberc1 tanrd! 1Jmnsc'ribed. 
100 .traodJi tilOnlaJl mellodJies Off 'time I,ro- 
quols, ftJnd mas neötured on thart ranrd 
ot/hler Oan.. su 1 bj-eCJ1:s, .b()ltlh .In BrÏitai,n 
and Can.; .presod1t. Tro'f'Oil1.oo Clref Clrub, 
190'3-4: a. Freemason; a iPresb.--6SS 
Church St., Toronto. 
.. A thorough musician and an admirable 
teaeher."-Jas. L. Hughes (q.v.). 
Crinion, Bev. James Eugene (R.C.). 
B. Slane, Co. Meath, I reI. , 1858; e. 
St. Finian's Semy., Navan; studied 
theol. at the Grand Semy., Montreal; 
o. 1881; successively curate at Arthur 
and St. Basil's, Brantford; chairman 
and secy. Sep. Sch. Bd. in latter city: 
first resident pastor at Dunnville; noW 
pastor at Paris, Ont.; a del. to first 
Library Inst., Ont., Brantford, 1907.- 
It The Presbytery," Paris. 
Crocker, John Howard, physical di- 
Scotch and Eng. parentage; b. St. 
Stephen, N.B., ApI. 1, 1870; e. common 
sch. and Dalhousie Unlv.; m., 
1901. Miss Reeta H. S. Clark; physIcal 
dir. Y. M. C. A. for 15 yrs.; secy. To- 
ronto Soc. of Physical Education; 
man gr. Can. Olympic t
908; a 
m'em. eXJtvoe. COrmte. PhYSIOa.r1: Drrs. Soc. 
of N. AJrn.; ap,pbd. Enrg.-.spækin.g secy., 
Y. M. C. A., SihaJng1ool. Ohinla, 1911; 
PJ'1esb.-Shanghai, China. 
.. A thoroughly efficient man."-T. Star. 
Crockett, James H" journalist. 
S. Dr. Wm. C. (q.v.); bro. O. S. C. 
(q.v.); b. and e. N.B.; now and for 
'SQlIIlle y,rs. pf\OIP. and ed. Off The Gleaner 
(Fredericton); apptd. mango dlr. St. 
John Standard, 1909; resi.gned, do.; 
Con.: a 'Presb.-Fredericton, N.B. 
Crockett, Oswald Bmlth, lawyer; leg- 
S. Dr. Wm. C. (q.v.); b. Chatham, 
N.B., ApI. 13, 1868; e. High Sch., Fred- 
ericton, and N. B. Unlv. (B.A., 1886) ; 
m., 1st, .July, 1893, A. Blrsa (d. Mch., 
1903), d. late T. Stanger, Fredericton; 
2ndly, Sept., 1905, Clarine M., d. late 
Dr. Chas. N. Stevenson, Coaticook, 
P.Q.; barrister, 1892; practises his 
prof. at Fredericton; presdt. local St. 
Andrew's Soc., 1900-6, and while hold- 
 that office secured the erection of 



a monument to Robert Bums, the 
Scottish poet, at Fredericton; a Con., 
and has represented York, N.B. 
(H. C.), in that Interest, since g. e., 
1904; Presb.-Fredericton, N.B. 
" An easy speaker, strenuous and 
vigorous, and a man who will be heard 
of hereafter."-T. News. 
Crockett, Thomas, merchant. 
S. "'\Ym. and Mary C.; b. Passek
N.B., .June 18, 1854; e. Hampton 
Grammar Sch.; m., .Jan., 1878, Eliza- 
beth Dean, d. Thos. Seaton, Bathurst, 
N.D.; entd. Can. Ry. service, on In- 
tercol. Ry., 1873, and was chief train 
despatcher at R. du Loup, on that 
road; flnptd. genl. supdt. Temiscouata 
Ry., 1889, was chosen genl. mangr., 
1893; constructed the St. Frances 
branch of that ry.; is nOW an exten- 
sive manfr. of ry. ties; apptd. consular 
agent for U. S., 1901; a Con., and 
unsucoessfully 'conte-moo Bona V'e'lllÌ:l\lre 
(H. C.) in thl!Lt ißlteTie8't, g. e. 1904; 
a Preslb.-Rivière du Loup, en bas, 
Crockett, William., educationist. 
S. .Jas. and Martha (Proctor) C.; b. 
Brechin, Scot., May 17, 1832; e. High 
Sch., Brpchin, Þ. beròpen Unlv. (A. M.), 
and Glasgow Normal Sch.; m., ApI., 
1 Rfi 8. l\fa rion. d. Wm. M. Coldwell, 
Campbell ton, N.B. ; principal Sup. Sch., 
Campbellton, N.B., 1856; rector, Chat- 
ham Acad., do., IS61-70; princlpa.l 
provl. Normal Sch., do., 1861-70, and a 
second time, 1901-6; chief supdt. of 
educ., N. B.o 1883-91; prof. classics, 
M'Ü<I'II1in CoH., Quebec, 1891-1901; Is a 
senator N. B. Univ. (LL.D., hon., 
1900); Mayor of Fredericton, 1901-3; 
e.Jf'oÌ'p<d .pI'fSdJt. A
'l1. I()tf Cra.n. Olubs, 
1911; a Pl1e,sb.-Fredericton, N.B. 
Crofton, Francis Blake, author; re- 
tired public servant. 
Y. s. Rev. Wm. C., rect-or of Skreene. 
SlIgo, Irel., and -C., d. Rev. Hy 
WoodlWard: b. Crossboyne, Co. Mayo. 
1841; e. Royal Sch., Dungannon, and 
Trln. Coil., Dublin (B.A., with honors 
In Eng. lang. and lit. and In classics, 
1863, and Royal Scholar.): m., Dec., 
1872, Emma Katherine, d. late .Jas. F. 
Brad/shaw, man gr. Bank of U.C., Que- 
bec; passed for Indian Civil Service, 
but later came to Can.: prof. Bishop's 
0011. Univ., Lennoxville, 1864-5; re- 
move.d to N.S., 1877; after spending 
some yr.s. In N. Y., engd. in educl. work 
Jthere; was alJ)'Ptd. 'Ubmrloan toO Ithoe 
Le,gislature, N.S.. 1882, retaining that 
position till 1906, when he retired, 
with the thanks of that body for his 
services; in addition to being t'he author 
of several humol"'ous works, including: 
II The BewBdered/ Querists and other 
Nonsenlse" (1875): II The Major's Big 
Talk Stories" (1881); II The Hair- 
breadth Escapes of iMajor Mendax" 
(1889), has written several more seri- 
ous books and pamphlets, among which 
have been II For Closer Union." II Ha1i- 
burton, the Man. the Writer," II The 
Imperialism of Haliburton," II Sombre 
Tlnlts" (poem,s); II The Genesis of the 
Federation Idea," "Our UI1Jworthy 
Status," II A Lost Opportunity," ,. Is It 
too Lalte ?" and "Is Sudcid'ð Q Sin?": 

ho3ls likewise contributed fuT' many yrs. 
'00 true Eng., Can. and Aim. mags. upon 
m.any subjects; throug1hout has boon 
a deV'Oted Imperialist: was corr, secy., 
N.S. Historical Soc., 1888-1902: one of 
the V.
P. of the Intern. Library C<1nf., 
London, 1897, and a V.-P. of the Can. 
Soc. of Authors, 1901; Ang.-Author's 
Club, London, Eng.; Halifa:r: Olub, 
Halifax, N.S. 
riA good" l'Oyal Impe,ril3list I WTIat more 
could be sadd of him."-Ool. G. T, Den'. 
.on (q.v.). 
II Hi8 e&Siay on Haliburlon is the beet 
y in. existen,oo {J.f the Hfe and w'Ork 
of that able .and pa.triotic ma.n..."-Dr. John 
Reade (q.v.). 
"A writer whoseo tho'1lghts cooll'sbmll1y are 
bent in the direction of groa.t literature a.nd 
all tha.t is worthy in our ma.n,ner of lifð."- 
T. News. 
"A genIflI
-man o! eduoa.tion. a.nd high 
litera.ry .a.bHity who has brought. to the 
 of his officia.l du,ties intte<lligenlCð, 
taste and historical .a.pprehen.sw.n."- Re- 
port of Library Board. N.S. (1906). 
(D. Southsea, Eng., Oct., 1911.) 
Croil, James, author; journaldst; ad- 
Third s. late .Jas. C., W. I. mer- 
chant, Glasgow, Scot.; b. there, Sept. 
4, 1821: e. New Acad., Edinburgh 
Grange Semy., Sunderland and Glas
gow Unlv.; m., 1847, Christina Eliza- 
beth, d. Matthew Richardson, Halifax 
N.S.: came to Can., 1841: having pur: 
chased the historic Chrysler's Farm 
WiIllamsburg, Ont., the scene of th
famous battle of 1813, was, for 23 yrs., 
a farmer there; apPtd. genI. agent for 
1Jhe C:h. of .sc<rt.. lin ,Cl3in., 1865; re- 
moved to Montreal, 1869, to fulflI the 
duties of his onerous office, to which 
were subsequently added the secretar- 
Iat of the Church's Temporalities Fund 
and of the Ministers' , Widows' and 
Orphans' Fund; was also for many 
yrs. ed. of The Presbyterian and of 
The Presbyterian Record, which suc- 
ceeded it, as the organ of the ch, in 
Can.; retired, 1891; o. elder, 1847; 
served as supdt. of St. Paul's Sunday 
Bch., and was presdt. of Sabbath Sch. 
Assn., Montreal; his services to the 
Presb. Ch. have been acknowledged in 
many ways: was a del. to the Genl. 
Assem. of the Ch, of Scot., 1875: to 
the same and to the Genl. Assem. of 
the Free Ch. of Scot., 1879: to the 
Gent Assem. of the Presb. Ch, in the 
U. S. of Am. and that of the United 
Presb. Ch, In the U. S., 1876; to the 
Pan-Presb. Council, Edinburgh, 1877: 
at Philadelphia, 1880: at Belfast, 
1884; at Copenhagen (Gent Conf. 
Evang. Alliance), 1884;. to Raikes Cen- 
tenary Sabbath Sch. Convention, Lon- 
don, 1880, and to the pan-Presb. Coun- 
cil, Washington, 1899; represents the 
Scottish Provident Inst. of Edinburgh 
In Can.; a V.-P. Dom. Commercial 
Travels. Assn; an extensive traveller 
in Europe, Am., Russia, and .Japan; 
besides numerous contributions to the 
religious and genI. press, Is the 
author of the following works and 
.pubNeaJtd'ons: " ,LelCftu r.e
 .on kg-1'Iicul- 
ture" (1855), II Dundas, a Sketch 
of Can. History" (1861). "Hlstor1- 



cal and Statistical Report of the 
C111UY"ch O\f Scmlrand 
n Can." ('1867), 
U Life of Alexander Mathieson, D.D." 
(870), II St'OTy of tthe Kirk in' rtJ'he 
Maritime Provinces It (1875), II The 
Missionary Problem" (1883), .. The 
Noble Army of Martyrs" (1904), "The 
Story of steam Navig-atlon" (1898), 
and II The Genesis of the Churches in 
the U. S. of Am., in Nf>wfoundland, 
and In the Dom. of Can." (1907).-106 
Crescent St., :Montreal. 
II A man of acknowled.ged literary skUl." 
Dom. Presbyterian. 
Croly, Bev, Edgar Berbert (Ang.). 
S. late Rev. J. E. C., M.A., and 
Alice (Jackson) C.; b. Mlllbank, Ont., 
July 31, 1873; e. Onto public sC'hs., 
Stratford ColI. Inst., Dunnvllle High 
Sch., McGill Univ., Bishop's ColI. 
Univ. (B.A., 1899) and Montreal Dio- 
cesan Theol. ColI.: m., June, 1908, 
NelIfe Baird, d. Walter Lynch, mangr. 
E. T. Bank, Mansonvllle, P.Q., and 
niece of Hon. Mr. Justice Lynch (q.v.); 
o. deacon, 1902; priest, do.; rector 
Mansonvf11e. 1902-7; ño. Lyndhurst, 
Ont., 1907-10; do. Wing-ham, sln
1910; a Freema.son; W. M., St. JohT} S 
Lodge, P.Q.: grand chaplain Gran!'! 
Lodge. P.Q., 1905.-The Rectory, Wing- 
lwm, Onto 
II We In-st 8 go-od man when we let him 
go."-Late Bp. Oarmichael. 
Crombie, Alexander Magnus, banker, 
S. late Marcus M. C., headmaster Co. 
of York Grammar Sch., Toronto, a 
h of the celebra ted Blue-coat Sch. 
London, Eng., and Margt. (Bradshaw) 
C., the latter of U. E. L. stock; b. 
Picton, Ont., Sept. 24, 1837; e. at his 
father's sch. and by private tutor: m., 
1st, 1871. '1\1i<l'ry EJoe:amor (d. Oct., 1898), 
d. late Fredk. Preston Rubldge, chief 
engT., Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa; 
2ndly, 1898, Annie Elizabeth, sister of 
hi!': first wife, and widow of Wm. Duck, 
co. Crown atty., Ottawa; for a short 
time engd. in mercantile life, Toronto; 
entd. service Commercial Bank of Can., 
1857, afterwards joining the Mer- 
chants Bank, on the former being ab- 
sorbed by the latter Institution; after 
serving as mangr. at various branches 
of the Merchants Bank, Including that 
at Montreal, he resigned, 1887, to enter 
the service of the Can. Bank of Com- 
merce as mangr., at Montreal; re- 
mained In that position till Nov., 1899, 
when he resigned, and shortly after- 
wards entered on his present position, 
as mangr. and dir. of the Montreal 
Trust & Deposit Co.; while with the 
Merchants Bank Introduced the pro- 
gressive pass book, nOW so universally 
used by all the banl{s; while man gr. 
of the Montreal branch of the Can 
Bank of Commerce the bank rose to 
the third place on the clearing house 
list; at that period was chairman of 
the Bankers' section of the Montreal 
Bd. of Trade, and chairman of the 
Clearing House Assn.; apart from his 
professional duties, has taken an active 
interest In all sorts of benevolent and 
charitable work; Is treas. of the local 
branch of the Lord's Day AUiance, 

treas. Evang. Alliance, and hon. treas. 
of the Victorian Order of Nursee, hav- 
Ing accepted the last-named position on 
the solicitation of the foundress of thf' 
order, Lady Aberdeen; hecame presdt. 
of the Prisoners' Aid Assn., 1904, and 
held the office until 1908, when he hp- 
came hon. lay presdt.; presented Mc- 
Caul gdld með. (olla.!':o
cs) to 'I'Ol1"oonÌJO 
Univ., In memory of his bros., Ernestus 
and Marcellus C., 1907: an Ang., and 
a del. to the Synod.-l!! Crescent St., 
Montreal: St. James's Club, do. 
.. Would thnt thpre were more A. M. 
Crombies."-The latfl Bp. Oarmichael. 
Crombie, :David, merchant. 
S. David C., of Duns, Scot., and 
Margt. Scott (Conklin) C., of Paris, 
Ont.: b. Hamilton, Ont.. May 13, 1864; 
e. public sch. and Hamilton ColI. Inst.: 
m., June, 1894, Miss Margot. Arbuthnott 
Stringer: entd. Can. ry. servlcp, G. T. 
Ry.. 1883. and., after Ia w.rleð ex- 
DPT'lence, becam,e ca'r SM"vlcoe 11 gent, 

Mnrt; & PeTe .Ma,rqueIt1e Rd., 1894, a 
Dos-iNon he C'O'I1lbin'Ued to hdl
 1f'M' some 
yrs.; now 'ITI"e'ffi. firm GelO. Sbeophef\ls & 
("'0 hlRrà'W
re and IImn10emenlt deal-ers, 
Ohältihoam, Onlt.-Chathnm, O?tt. 
crombie, Rev, ðames Myles (Presb.). 
O. s. late Rev. Gpo. Dunn C. 
(Presb.), a native of Flfpshlre, Scot., 
and a graduate of Edlnhurgh aTJd st. 
Andrf>w's Unlvs.. and Helen (NIcoll) 
C.. Rescoble. Forf
rshlre. Scot.: b. 
Edinburgh, Scot., Sf>pt. 18. 1855; e. 
Greenwich Prop. Sch., Bh1.ckne:tth. 
T...ondon, En
., and St. Andrew's Unlv. : 
m., Dec. 1884, Margt., d. PatrtC'l{ 
Graham MorlsoTJ, EfHnburgh, and 
Aberfovle Scot.; o. 1880; asst. min- 
Ister st. 'George's Parish Ch., Eñln- 
burgh, 1880-84; came to ("an.. 18R5, 
with commls
ton from th ø Ch. of Scot. : 

e1'\"e.(} 8,t C1.1.m'beY"ltan
, Ont., I!l nld VIe- 
to-ria Oh.. CÔ-tP des Nf'
g-es. MI)TI't'T(I'a 1 
tncf' I1"'
Hreñ.-l1I)9, St 
T,?lke Rd., Notr.e Dame des Ne
Cronin, Patrick :E"ranclB, journalist. 
R Ire1., 18
5: e. there; trained on 
stan' Cork Examiner: came to Can., 
1887: m. MIss France!'! Charlotte Boul- 
ton Toronto' successively on ed. stan' 
Montreal "e
ald and Toronto Emp.fre: 
suhseQuently ed. Catholic Reqlster (To- 
ronto); elected presdt. UnttPð Irish 
I...eague, Toronto, Nov. 1910: R.C.-U4 
H arrtso?1 st., Toronto: Ontario Clu b ; 
United Irish League, do. 
Cronyn, Bume Blake, lawyer. 
S. Verschovle C., Londo:"!, O.,t., (q.v.) ; 
b there 1864: e. nr. T:1s!"le s SC'h., 
Galt, ån<l Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
; LL.B., 1890); m. Frances A., 
2nd d. John Labatt; barrister, 1889; 
practfse<l hIs prof. In London till 1907: 
apptd. mango dlr. Huron & Erie Loan 
& Savings Co., 1907: formerly sprve'" 
with Queen's Own Rlflps durIng N. W. 
RpbelUon, 1885, and was present at Cut 
Kn1.fp Htn (me!'1., wltlh o1'8!':p) : major 
7th Fusmers, 1900-7; an Ang.-Lon- 
don, Ont.; London Club, do.; T()ronto 
Club, Toronto. 




Cronyn, Versch07le, lawyer, 
S. late Rt. Rev, Benj. C., 1st Ang. 
Bp. of Huron, a native of Kilkenny, 
Ire!.; b. London, Ont., Feb. 6, 1833; e. 
there and U. C. ColI.; m., 1860, Sophy 
(d. Dec., 1909), d. late Hon. W, H. 
Blak>e, lC'ruanc. 'Of U, C.; giradlUatted 
LL.B. (TTororut.o Uruiv.). 1860; bar- 
rister, 1860; presdt. Middlesex Bar 
Assn., 1903-4; K.C" 1902; has prac- 
tised his prof. In London; dlr. 
Huron & Erie Loan & Savings Co., 
1893, to date; presdt. London St. 
Ry. Co., 1875-93; do. Can. Trust 
Co., 1901 to date; an Ang., and a del. 
to the Synod; elected chancellor Dioc. 
of Huron, 1860.-" Firleigh," London, 
Ont.; "Mookejewun}' London Tp.,Ont. 
Crook, James Walter, educaJtiQnist. 
S. Richard: and: .Jane (Sackville) C.; 
b. Bewdley, Ont., Dec. 21, 1858; e. 
Oberlin ColI. (A.B., 1891), Wis., BerUn 
and CQlum}:}ia Unlvs.; Ph.D., 1898; m., 
Sept., 1883, Miss Eva M. Lewis, 
Manistee, MiClh.; since Sept., 1895, has 
been prof. economics, Amherst Call,; 
has lectured on economic, social and 
educl. subjects; author" German Wage 
Theories" (1908).-1 College Ave., 
Amherst, Mass. 
Crosbie, Charles Alexander, ba.nklng 
Scotch parentage; b. Paris, Ont., 
.July 1, 1862; e. Dundas and Hamilton, 
Ont.; m., Sept., 1888, Minerva Ellis, 
e. d. late Frank Gordon, Simcoe, Ont.; 
entd. Can. Bank of Commerce, 1880; 
do. Royal Bank of Can., 1900; has 
been secy. bd. directors, do., Halifax, 
N.S.; apptd. supervisor of branches, 
B. C., do., Nov., 1903 (on leaving N. S. 
presented by bank with solid silVl'r 
tea service); a Bapt.-lf!8 Pendrill 
St., Vancouver, B.C.; Vancouver Club; 
Tenninal City Club, do. 
Crosby, Adam B" merchant; legisla- 
Irish parentage; s. Adam and Mary 
.J. (Brown) C.; b. Belfast, Ire!., May 
5, 1859; e. Cow Bay, C.B., and Com- 
mercial CoIl., Halifax, N.S.; m., Jan., 
1885, Mamie F., d. Capt. 'rhos. Cod
head flrm A. B. C. & Co., ship brokers, 
etc.; V.-P. CheUcamps Copper Co.; 
presdt. Halifax Arena Co.; do., Mari- 
time Gasollne Engines & Supplies Co.; 
Ald. of Hall fax, 1901; Mayor, do.. 
1902-4; do., 1908-9 (resolution of ap 
predation of IhJs serV\lces \o.s such 
passed by City Council, 1904); V.-P. 
Union of Can. Municipalities, 1903-4; 
a Con.; elected presdt. N.S. Con. 
Assn., 1909; contested Halifax (Local) 
essfuny, 1901; returned for do. 
(H. C.), g. e. 1908; R. C.-Halifax, 
.. Rich in the a.ffection.. o.r hi.s fellow 
citizens. "-R. L. Bord'R (q.v.). 
Crosby, Bev, Thoma. (Meth.). 
Y. c. of a large family; b. Picker- 
Ing, Yorkshire, Eng., .June 12, 1840; 
came with his parents to Can., 1856, 
and, with them, took up his residence 
nr. Woodstock, Ont.; practically 'Self- 
educated; D.D. (Victoria Univ.), 1907 ; 
m., ApI., 1874, Emma J., y. d. Rev, 
John Douse, Barrie, Ont.; entd. mlnis- 

try, 1868, and has been continuously 
employed in the B. C. mission fleld; 
ll'OW 'supe.rannuaJbeod; an a-coourut .of his 
deeply intere.s1.lnlg eXJperlenoes is g;hen 
in -his work, "A'Ill'On,g the AJI1-Ko-Mle- 
Nums of IÌIhe Padific" (TQrorut.o, 
1907).-Vancouver, B.C. 
.. An aggressive and tireless missionary 
to the very finger-tips."-Westminater, 
.. The oldest and most famous home 
missionary of the Methodist Church."-.T, 
Cross, A, E" rancher; merchant. 
Bro. Selkirk C., K.C. (q.v.); 4th s. 
late Mr. .Justice C.; b. Montreal; e. 
Haileybury ColI., Eng.; m., June, 1899, 
Nellie, d. late Hon. .Justice MacLeod, 
Calgary; sat for E. Calgary (Local) 
for a short period from 1898; V.-P. 
Oan.. Manfl's. kssn., 1905-7; V,-IP'. 
Calgary Bd. of Trade, 1909-10; Ans. 
-Calgary, Alta.; Calgary Club, do. 
era.., Hon. Alexander Georl'8, judge. 
IS. Geo. C.; b. Ormst.own, P.Q., 1858; 
e. Stony Creek Sch., Huntingdon Acad. 
and McGUíl Univ. (B.A., and gold 
med. in mental and moral phIl., 
1879; B.C.L., 1881); m., July, 1907, 
Laura M., d. late .Jas. .J. Buchanan, 
Dundee, P.Q.; advocate, 1881; K.C., 
1899; successfully practised his prof. 
In Montreal; a former partner of the 
late Hon. R. Laflamme, K.C.; was 
preBdt., McGill Univ, Soc. and read 
some able papers before that body; 
apptd. a puisne judge, S.C., P.Q., Mch. 
11, 1907; ald. Westmount, for several 
yrs.; mayor, do., 1903-4; formerly a 
Li'b.-569 Metcalfe Ave., Westmount, 
M ont1"eal. 
"Know'IlI .as a hard worIrer and still more 
as a conscientious and un.remitting student 
of the law."-M. Herald. 
Cross, Alexander Selkirk, lawyer. 
E. s. late Hon. Alex. C., sometime a 
judge Ct. of Queen's Bh., P. Q., and 
.Julla, {l" late Wm. Lunn, iMontreal; 
grands. Robt. Cross, Monklands, Lan- 
ark shire, Scot.; b. Montreal, July 3, 
1852; e. High Sch. there, and Univ. 
of Oxford, Eng. (B.A.); graduated 
B.C.L. (McGill Untv.), 1878; advo- 
cate, do.; KC. (Earl of DerbY), 1893; 
do. (P. Q.), 1899; succesSlfulIy prac- 
tises his !prof. In Montreal:, where he 
Is one of the leaders of the bar; a dlr. 
Windsor Hotel 00.; has been presdt. 
Graduates' Soc., 'McGill Unlv.; took 
a 1st class cert. from V, B., and com- 
manded a CO., 5th Royal Scots, 1881-4; 
a Lib. and a memo Montreal Reform 
CI'Ub ; a Presb.-751 Pine Ave W., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Lauren- 
tian Club; St. George's Snowshoe Club, 
Cross, Hon, Charle8 WU8on, lawyer; 
S. Thomas and Marie C.; b. !Madoc, 
Ont., Nov. 30, 1872; e. U. C. CoIl., To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1895; LL.B., 1896), 
and Onto Law Sch.; m., 1900, Miss 
Annlie Louisa Lynde; barrister, 1898; 
successfully practises his prof. In Ed- 
monton as memo flrm Short, C., Biggar 
& Cowan; oaJtJtorney..genl., AII.ta., 1905- 
10; while at colI. was a famous la- 
orosse ,player and Is V.-P. !for AIta., 



Oan. A. A. UnIon; has represenoted 
Edmonton (Local), Lib. dòIl/, sinCE 
1.905; So IInem. Ottawa and Quebeoc 
Inoberprov. Ocmfs., 1906; Pres'b......Ed- 
monton, Alta. 
" Rega.rded as a coming man."-M. StaT. 
Cross, Bev, George (Bapt.), educa- 
S. Henry and Elizabeth (Crook) 
C., Lancashire, Eng.; b. Bewdley, 
Ont., Sept. 21, 1862; e. C(lbourg ColI. 
Inst., Woodstock ColI., Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1888), McMaster Univ. (M.A., 
1896), and Chicago Univ. (Ph.D., 
1899); m., Dec., 1887, Miss Lucy V, 
Bullis, Smithfield, Ont.; studied theol. 
McMaster Univ. (B.Th., 1894; D.D., 
hon., 1907); o. 1888; pastor, Ormond, 
Ont., 1887-9; do.,ry, .AJÞba., 1889- 
92; do. OaJrloe.ton P.lJacoe, Onlt., 1894-7; 
dlo. kylJrnif3JI", Om., '1898...1901; loeot. dn 
his,t., McMaster Un'iv., 1901-2; prof. do. 
do. dlO., 1902-9; since 1909 :has ])een 
prof. Ohrisbian tù1Ieol., NewbOO1 TheOll. 
Inst., MiaJss. (,having in 1905 decJ1Jined 
the same chair at Newton) ; .also d
elined ohwir of ch, nist., Chica.g'o Undv., 
1908; .found'ed a sClholl3.r., McMtasber 
Unh-., 1905; a memo Oomte. ()II1 Oh. 
Uruion, 1906; opposoo rt:o militaJrism, 
being of opinJon .. ItJhwt ßtOIt:h!in,g but 
harm can come .f.rom ät". on fiscal 
questions a free rt:T'a.der. and in faV'OUI 
 for reVienue purposes only; 
bellIeVies 10 the'ffibÏ'O'll of ch, and 
state; aubhor of OC>C!aSiOO1I3.11 contr.ibu- 
tJi-ons to the re.Iigious rpress.-Newton 
Cent7.e, Mass. 
.. Undoubtedly the strongest theological 
student McMaster has ever had, .and with 
few equals in theological work in Canada." 
-T. Globø. 
Crothers, Bobert Alexander. journal- 
B. Co. Missisquoi, P.Q.; e. Clarence- 
ville Acad. and McGill Univ. (B.A. 
and gold med. In classics, 1876; 
B.C.L., 1878) ; advocate, do.; practised 
for some tJime in partnership with 
late Hon. H. T. Duffy, Sweetsburg 
and Bedford, P.Q. ; a journalist; 
w(.nt to Cal., 1888; naturalized, and 
soon after bought San Francisco Bul- 
letin, which he still conducts; took a 
prominent part in the campaign 
against municipal corruption there.- 
San Francisco, Cal. 
Crothers, Hon, Thomas Wilson. law- 
yer; legislator. 
S. Wm. and Nancy (Gray) C.; b. 
Northport, Ont., .Tan. 1, 1850; e. Al- 
bert ColI. and Victoria Unlv. (B.A., 
1873); m., .Tuly, 1883, Miss Mary E. 
Burns, St. Thomas, Ont.; barrister, 
1880; K.C., 1908; has practised his 
prof. throughout at St. Thomas, Ont.; 
an arbitrator re gas and electric light- 
Ing utilities of city of St. Thomas, 
1904; chairman Royal Comn. re Onto 
public echo bot>ks, 1906 (declining to 
receive any emolument for his ser- 
vices); headmaster Wardsville High 
Sch., 1874-6; apptd, a gOY. Toronto 
Univ., 1908; a Con., and an unsuc- 
cessful candidate in that Interest for 
W, Elgin (Local) g. e, 1879 (vote: 
Dr, Cascaden, 1,257 ; T. W, C,. 

1,246); returned for same constituen- 
cy (H. C.), g. e. 1908; aOC'ompani.oo 
R. L. Borden (q. v.) on ihis Western 
tour, .Tune, 1911; 'Ü'Pposed ,to l.he 'l
FioellCLing rec.iprocity comp'act; 'on .the 
Òlefeat of ,Ure IJa'1.1lflier Adm'll. at 'ÌÙ1ie 
poLIs, g. e. 1911, was sworn of thoe 
P. C. and 3JooeiPtetd office as MinI'. of 
LaJbour dn -the ,BQirdlen Cabin'2't, Oût. 11, 
1911; a Mat.h.-Ottawa; St. Thomas, 
IC A platform spe'aker of magnetic quali. 
tie.ø and forceful argument." - CalgaTJI 
H eTtJld, 
Crothers. Bev, William John (Meth.). 
S. late Thos. C. C., a native of Co. 
Antrim, Irel.; b. PhiUpsburg, P.Q.; e. 
local sch. and McGill Univ. (B.A., 
with honours In logic and mental and 
moral phil., 1872; M.A., 1875); entd. 
ministry, 1872; o. 1876; has since 
filled many Important pastorates, in- 
du.d'in.g Sit. .Toh'll>S, P.Q.; oMorflisburg, 
Ottawa East, Port Hope, Napanee, 
Belleville, and Cobourg; noW at St. 
Catharines; a del. to Gen!. Conf., 
1890, 1894, 1898, and 1902; a del. 
Ecum. Meth. Conf., London, Eng., 
1901; elected presdt. Theo!. Union of 
Meth. Ch., 1908; is a gOY. Montreal 
Wesl. Theol. CoIl. (D.D., 1896); has 
rendered important services to the 
toemp. c8m'se.-P1'eston, Onto 
Crowdy. James Fuidge, educationist; 
Dom. public service. 
O. B. .Tas. C., 8 Orsett Terrace, Hyde 
Park, London, Eng.; b. .Tan. 26, 1876; 
e. Harrow, Trin. ColI., Camb., West- 
minster ColI. (senior entrance exhn" 
1899), and Lennoxville Univ. (B.A. 
and 1st class honours In classics, 
1903); m., Aug., 1902, Mabel Crich- 
ton, e. d. C. H. Keefer, C.E. (q.v.), 
Ottawa; for some yrs. asst. master 
Bishop's CoIl., Lennoxville, and later 
senior mod. lang. master U. C. ColI.; 
in 1904 eonltributJed an al't>icle on .Imp. 
EdIll'cwtiO'll .to tJhe U. C. ColI. Times, 
which the London Times declared pro- 
posed a plan .. likely to be of. great 
practical value to the Empir
 and of 
particular interest to the rlsmg gen- 
elXlltion of ,En,g.:Oishmen"; a,pptò. to 
Dom. :úa.nòs Offioe, OH'aw;a, 1907: 
since transfd. !to Gov.-Genl. s office, 
ap'pbd. Depty.-Gov. for sig 1 nißlg pro- 
clamatJions, eote., 1910; an AJ1'g.- 
Rockliffe Pal'k, Ottawa. 
Crowe George Beading, merchant. 
S. of a shipbuilder; b. Clifton, Col- 
chester N.S., Oct. 22, 1852; e. there; 
m., 1875, Miss Mary Elizabeth Alex- 
ander, 'l'ruro; removed to Man., 1879; 
engd. in ry. construction till 1883; 
then embarked in lumber business, 
"Tinnipeg; since 1890 has been in 
grain trade, carrying on extensIve 
operations therein; has been presdt. 
Winnipeg Grain and Produce Ex- 
change, presdt. Bd. of Trade, and 
presdt. Northern Elevator Co., of 
which he was one of the founders; 
was also one of the founders of the 
Gt. West Life Assur. Co., the Can. Fire 
Ins. 00., the Br,itis'h Empire Grain 
00., the lÆissrissquoi Marhle Co., 
and of the No-rthiern Grown Bank, 


In ea;ch one of wth10h he Is a dlr' 
a.lso a dlr. Royal Bank of Can: ; 
elected presdt, Can. Club, Winnipeg, 
1907-8; a Con., and formerly presdt. 
Llb.-Con. Assn., Winnipeg; a Presb., a 
commr. to the GenI. Assembly, and a 
memo Ed. of Management of Man. 
ColI.; also V.-P. Can. Council, Lay- 
.man's Missy. MJoVlemeI1lt for Sasle, 
and Man.; a generous contributor to 
public and private undertakings of a 
useful, deserving, and patriotic char- 
acter; gave $5,000 to Y.M.,C.A., 1910. 
-Winnipeg; Manitoba Club; Cana- 
dian Club, do. 
Crowe, Harry Judson, merchant. 
S. late .John F. C.; b. H<8JI,if>ax, N.S., 
Nov. 28, 1868; e. H.a!Ufax pubUc sobs., 
Hopton Acad., an.d H3JLlflax Business 
Ool.!..; m" 1895, Miss Helen R. Qu.
Brldgeoown, l'
.S.; Jong 8ll'gd. in bUS!
noess, more re-cerutly In oonnection w
the -establishment of the pu!jp and .paper 
industry, In Nfd.; went to Nfd, in 
1902; was the pioneer operator in a 
large way of the Nfd. forests; estabd. 
market for their lumber in South 
America, and first to fix a value on the 
timber limits In the colony; an ardent 
Imp., and is known R!! the father 0If an 
Idea looking to Imp. federation II by 
including the U. S. In a commercial 
preference with the colonies In the 
Mother Country that will not only 
faclUtate Mr. Chamberlain's polley of 
tariff reform, but increase tariff re- 
form throughout the Empire and unite 
the En:g.-speaking moos more ollOSiely 
together"; as presdt. of the Nfd Pine 
& Pulp 00., Induced Lord Northcllffe 
to go to Nf-d., and his lordshlp has 
testified that he was the pioneer of the 
great Inònst. doeVielopm.ent at Gmnd 
Falls, Bishop'!! Fall!! and Botwood, and 
but for Mr. Crowe's etTorts In con- 
nection with - these great, 
these great pulp works would not be 
there; a Con.; a Bapt., but ldberal In 
his religIous vIews; as a Can. and one 
Interested in Nfd., Is a strong unIonIst, 
and ardently desires the admIssIon of 
Nfd. Into the Can. Conrfederatlon.-9 
Powell Ave., Toronto; Canadian Club; 
City Club; Empire Club, Halifax; 
Royal Colonial Institute, London, Eng. 
Orowe., Lt,.Col, John Henry Verinder, 
H. M.'s regular mil. forcee; edu- 
B. Sept. 14, 1862; e. Charterhouse, 
Royal MIl. Acad., Woolwlch, and Stair 
CoIl, Camberley; m., 1888, Mary, widow 
Wilfrid Watts-Russell; gazetted lieut., 
R. A., 1882; capt., 1890; major, 1899; 
It.-co!., 1907; private t'!ec. to the gov. 
of the Punjab, 1892-7; D.A.Q.M.G., 
Inltell11genoe dJe,pt., War Office, 1899- 
1902; chief Instr. mil. topograph. and 
mil. hi st. and tactics, R. M. Acad., 
Woolwlch, 1904-8; knIght commander 
of the Danebrog (Denmark) ; order of 
merit (Spain); officer of the order of 
S. Bente de Avlz (Portugal); author 
II Problems In Man
uvre Tactic!!" 
II Epitome of the Afghan War 1878- 
1880," co Epitome of thE' Russò-Turk- 
Ish War, 1877-8," II Handbook of the 
Armlet'! of Sweden and Norway"; 
translator .. Drill Regulations of the 
German Field Artillery," and (from 


the German of Count Sternberg) of 
.. My Experiences of the Anglo-Boer 
War"; apptd. commdt. Royal Mil, 
II., Kingston, 1909; R. C,-Roycll 
Md. Collegs, K'ngston, Ont.; 
Club, do.; Military Club; Grosvenor 
Club, Londott., Btt.g. 
Crowe, Major Walter, lawyer. 
B. Truro, N.S., Dec. 2, 1861: e. 
Truro High Sch. ; graduated LL.B., 
(Dalhousie Univ.), 1886; barrister, 
do.; K.C., 1907: practises his prof. In 
Sydney, N.S.; is solr. for the Dom, 
Coal Co. and the Dom. Iron & Steel 
Co.; royal commr. (local) re old age 
pensions, 1907; Mayor of Sydney, 
1897-03 (presented by the citizens with 
a valuable gold watch and a cabinet 
of slIver service, In acknowledgment 
of hIs long and faithful service In the 
office); chairman town comte. which 
conducted negotla tlons with the pro- 
moters of the Dom. Iron & Steel Co. 
leading to the location of the works 
of rtJhait 00. 8Jt Sy1d11ley; oommandeð 
17rth F. B., C. A., 1896-1906; -do. 3m 
Arty. BrlgadlE!, 1906-8; retJIred w!rt.h 
ralJ1'k of major; a d'lr. Oap.e Brehon 
Trust 00., 1909; Lib.; Presb,-S2Idney, 
N.S.; Royal Cape Breton Yacht Club, 
Crowell, John W,. educationist, 
B. Salem. N.H., Mch. 30, 1877; e, 
grammar and hIgh schs., Malden, 
Mass., and Dartmouth ColI., N.H. (B.S" 
1901; C.E., 1902) ; m., .June, 1906, S&1'& 
Jios'ephilrue, d. F. D. Davis, Sa.lem, N.H.: 
for 3 yrs. In the employment of the 
Ill. Steel Co., Chicago, and the Colum- 
bian Electrical Co., Boston, Mass,; 
Instr. In civil englng., N. B. Unlv., 
1905; prof. do. do., 19 0 6.-Frederio- 
ton, N,B. 
Orozier, Irtiøø .-:tanche, actress. 
B. and e. Br.antford, Ont.; made her 
debut with the Thanhauser Stock Co., 
Milwaukee, 1902; has since become a 
teading memo of the prof., dlsplaytnø 
tlaloe.n,ts of 110 CJOOnJm'Ü'll 'ol'd'er.-Care 
it The Dramatic Mirror}' New York. 
Crozier, John Albert Gordon, Ont, 
public service. 
E. S. late St. Geo. B. C., Mus. Doc" 
and Isabelle (Deacon) C.; grands. 
John C., of a ScottIsh border family 
from the vicinity of Liddesdale, Rox- 
burgshlre, who went to Ire!., 1798, &t 
time of Irish troubles, with a regt. of 
Scottish Fencibles, and subsequently 
settled there; b. Toronto, 1842; m, 
Harriet, e. d. late Robt. Evans, C.E.: 
for 40 Yl'8. in Onto civil service; now 
chief elk., Dept. Lands, Foreste, and 
Mines, Ont.; formerly depty. regr. E. 
Northumberland, and secy.-treas. Bd. 
of Education, Belleville; for 22 yrs. 
in Can. mUtUa; retired with rank of 
major, and volunteered tor service 
during- the Trent affair; served on 
frontier, 1865, and during FenIan 
troubles, 1866 (med. and clasp); an 
An-g., aruð. a. del. <to tJbe SynJOd.--66 
Spadina Rd., Toronto. 
Crozier, John Beattie, physician' 
philosopher; historian; and pol1
tical economist. 
S. late .John and Agnes (Beattie) C" 
both natives of Liddlesdale, Roxburgh- 



shire, Scot., who came to Galt., Ont., 
1840; b. Galt, Apt 23, 1849; e. Galt 
(Dr. Tassle's) CoIl. Inst., and Toronto 
Unlv. (M.B. and UnIY. and Starr med., 
1872; hon. LL.D., 1899); m., 1877, 
Katharine Augusta, niece of Cot An- 
derson, Mt. Aboo; L.R.C.P., Eng.; 
successfully practised his prof. In Lon- 
lion, but now devotes himself mainly 
to literature; elected a memo Soc. of 
Arts London, 1899; besides numerous 
arUéles In the Fortnightly and other 
revs.- Is the author of the following 
works: "The Religion af the Future" 
(1880); II C!V'Lmz8Jtoon amd Progress" 
(1885; tran.sLa.ted ;Into, 1903) ; 
"Lord Randolph .Oh'Urcl1!IH: a study 
of En.g1Idsh Democracy (1887) ; 
" History of Intellectual Development.. 
(Vol, I., 1897; Vol. III., 1901); .. My 
Inner Life, being a Chapter In Personal 
Evolution and Autobiography," (1898) ; 
"The Whee
 of Wealth" (1906); and 
,. F'lrst Pr:lnclples of Investment" 
(1910) ; ihas been g1I'anted 2 ClvH LlS!t 
peThSJiO'ßB, each for Idfe, /by the Brit. 
Govt. ; 18. strong ProrbooUo.ruIst:., wlIth Lib. 
sympa,tbles; stJa.Y"ted t1Jhe campaign 
against t'he Free Trade pol'lcy of Eng. 
by hits alI'tic1es in the FortnightZ'lI Rev.; 
a be1Jlever dn GOO and Provldenoo, but 
nat cannected with any denomination; 
all his books expose this belief, and 
did so when It was unpopular In selen. 
cfrcles.-9 Elgin Ave., London, W., 
Eng.; Athenaeum Club. 
"All & writer on phiIo60phy and lett&ra, 
hu fe,w superiors in Eng. and none in 
Oan."-Dr. John Reade (q.11,). 
"In the desert of unilluminating poli- 
tical treatises, Dr. C.'s 'Intellectual De- 
velopment' stands out as something clear, 
fresh and positive; it ia, perhaps, the most 
important contribution 110 the philo-sophy of 
the sUlbject since ){r, Bagehot'e . Phy- 
sics and Politics.' "-London Spøctator. 
Orulkshank, Col, Ernest Alexander, 
Can. permanent mil. forces; his- 
torical and military writer. 
S. Alex. C., a native of Peterhead, 
Aberdeenshlre, Scot., and Margt. 
(Milne) C., who came to Can., 1835; 
b. Township of Bertie, Welland, Ont., 
June 29, 1854; e. Fort Erie public sch., 
St. Thomas Grammar Sch., and U. C. 
CoIl, ; for many yrs. devoted much study 
to. mod. langs. and lit., acquiring a 
translating knowledge of French, Ital- 
Ian, Spanish, Portugu
se, German, 
Dutch, Danish and Swedish; m., 1879, 
JuUa (publisher, wltJh Miss A. M. Gm- or! "The Eternl3Jl Beauty," a s.e'lec- 
lion from the 1JO'Ve-,þOems of Robe<l't and 
E1izabe<tih Bal'l'ebt Browning," 1902), 
d.; was for some tIme on the srtaff 
ot various dally newspapers In the 
U, S.; also acted as translator for an 
extensive commercial house; reeve, 
Fort Erie, 1878-82, 1885-7 and 1889- 
1905; a memo co. council, 1896-1902; 
warden of Welland 1886; J.P., 1882; 
Clk. D.C., 1893; police magte., Nla
FalJ.tI, 1903; resigned, 1908, to become 
mll. archlvdst at Ottawa, from which 
omce, however, he retired soon after- 
wards; elected a F.R.S.C. and was 
elected Eng. Seey'. Can. Landmarks 
A88Il., 1907; was also elected V.-P. 
Onto Rist. Soc.; long In the v. m. ser- 

vice; gazetted lIeut., 44th Regt., 1877; 
capt., 1884; major, 1897; It.-col. com- 
mdg. tJhe re<gt., 1899-1904; ap,ptd. hon. 
It.-col. Hth Regt., 1906; apptd. to. com- 
mand 3rd Infy. Brig., West. Ont., do.; 
retired from I!ame, 1909; apptd. D.O.C. 
c-ommdc. M. D. No. 13, with hon. rank 
of cOl., do.; holds a 1st class R.S.L 
and equitation cert., a,s well as the long 
service decoration; volunteered twice 
for active service In S. A. during the 
war there; besides numerous news- 
paper and mag. articles, Is the author 
or the follawlng monographs: 10 His- 
torical and descriptive sketch of the 
Co. of Well and .. (1886, reprInted In 
the 10 History of the County of WeI- 
land," 1887); "Battle of LUndy'e 
Lane" (1889; 3rd ed., 1894); "FIght 
In the Beechwoods" (1890; 2nd ed., 
1895) ; ., Battle of Queenston Heights" 
(1891; 2nd ed., 1892); 10 Battlefields 
of the Niagara Peninsula" (1891); 
lOA Century of Municipal History" 
(1892-93); .. The Srtory of Butloc"s 
ers .. (1893); .. BaJtNe of Fort 
George" (189 6); .. Bloclmde of Fort 
George" (1898); .. Official Hisoory of 
une 13th Ba.ttn." (1899); .. Document- 
ary HistQlI'Y iOf the 'C8Jmpa,igns 'On. the 
Nlargara FrO'Illtlerr .In 1812-14" (9 V'OIs, 
1896-1910); ,I'll IRididilUon, ihas oorutrl- 
buted ,to ilie Tmn8. 01 the Can. Inst. 1 
to Canadiana to the Rev. 01 Hist, 
8S'UOO by Tooronto Undv., 
and .to e. number of other Im- 
portant sources <Xf Information, many 
Interesting paper. In relation to the 
early mil., naval, Indian, trading and 
administrative history of the Province; 
Is a memo of the Am. Hlst. Assn., and 
has been V,-P. of the Can. Mil. Inst.; 
an Ang., and was before entering 
official mil. life a Llb.-Galgar'll, Azta,; 
Calgar'll Club, do.; Can. Mil. In8t., To- 
II Few hiatorians ih,ave been found ItO 
trustworthy."-Ool. G. T, Denúon (q.v.), 
II RanQ with Parkman &II a p8lÏnst.akinc 
ßnd just wrUer."-T. Globe. 
"One O'f the best mil. hiatorical write,. 
in the Dom....-M, & E. 
" For ve.ars has made Can. military hi.. 
tory hia 'chief s.tudy and haa d.emonlltr..ted 
his ability to hAndle men as very few In 
this country could do."-Oan, Mil. Gazett., 
Cruikshank, Rev, WUUam :Ralph 
S. Peter C.; b. N.S.; e. DalhousIe 
Unlv. (B.A., 1872), and Edinburgh and 
Glasgow Unllvs.; Itlwk..e m.; 2ndJIy, 
Oct., 1902, Miss Fanny M. Miller, 
M<:mrtrea1; o. 1877; sucoosslveJy aMt.. 
mindster I8!t Govan. Glasgow. a missy. 
!n Nofd., and. asst. Sit ,:::t. Paul'., 
Montreal; pastor St. Matthew'ø, Mont- 
reat, 1879-99; principal Brantford 
Ladles' ColI., 1899-190f; pastor Mont- 
I"OOJI Wetllt, 1901-5; sUibsequently and 
now, !!Iecy. Ch, Extension Assn., and 
treas. Montreal Presb. Call.; elected 
moderatoiI' (Morutreal Presby.), Ul93; 
do. presdt. Quebec C. E. Union, 1901; 
a memo Bd. of Mang1., Montreal Presb, 
Call., 1908.-"Vine Villa," Herald Ave,. 
.. A m&n of aft'airs."-Dom. Prø.b. 




Cruise, Rev. J, M. (R.C.), 
B. In N. S.; .e. ToronltoO, St. Hya- 
dn.the and Genoa., Italy; o. 1887; be- 
IlOngOO. m'lglnaJHy to Oh. of Eng.; full"- 
merly secy. toO AII"Ç1hbip. of TOTOTIltJO alfJ1d 
rector N. D. de lJour1(]!es, ToIr'ontoO; I"e- 
Rignoo, 1908: lniC'Umbenlt St. .T'OSeplh'
F'I1lT'ish, ToronlÌ'O, 1908-10; since then, 
p:a,rish prl,est Pont Oollboll"ne; COO- 
voeY'ed. tn .person. otIC) Ithe Pope tlhoe c<m
g-re:tu1a.tioTl's of .the Catlho1doe 'Peo.pl1e of 
T'OI', on hls elevatiO'Il <to Itihe Ro
See.-Port Colborne, Onto 
"A'll eJ

ant 'WTiter."-A.,.chbp. Waløh. 
Crummy, Rev, Eber (Meth.). 
Narth af Irel. parentage; b. Frank- 
vllle, Ont., Mch. 15, 1852; e. pubUc 
schs., Farmersvllle High Sch., Ca- 
baurg Call. Inst., and Vlctarla Unlv. 
(B.A., 1887; B.Sc., da.): m., 1888, 
Lizzie Beavltt. d. late Rev. .Tabez 
Bunting Keough; admitted on praba- 
tfan toO ministry, 1882.; a. 1887; went 
toO .Tapan, 1888; eng-d. there In educ. 
wark, under Imp. Gavt., as Instr. af 
Eng. In the Higher ColI., Kumamata. 
during 3% yrs.; apptd. under Can. 
Meth. Mlsslan Bd. toO Theal. Colt, 
Takya, 1892: dean af theal., 1893; 
secy. af canf., 1893-6; chairman Japan 
Mlsslan Cauncll, 1894-6: taak active 
Interest In literary wark In the mls- 
sian field; was V.-P. af the Bible 
Sac.'s Camte. far .Tapan, 1893-6, and 
presdt. Tract Sacs. for .Tapan, da.; 
returned toO Can., 1896; re-entd. pas- 
tora'1 woOrk, 1898; has .s,j.nlC'e boon pastJor 
successively at Sharbat Lake, King- 
ston (Brack St.), and Taranto 
(Bathurst St.); declined a call to 
Montreal (Westmount), 1903, toO Ot- 
tawa (Eastern Ch.), 1904: and toO 
Regina, 1908; D.D. (Queen's Unlv.), 
1905: a caunclllar Taranta AlumnI 
Assn., and a trustee Queen's Unlv.; 
has given !':peC'hl attentfon to Semltfc 
IIt. and Old Test. theal.; several af 
his lectures and papers In cannectlan 
with this dept. of research have been 
teemed valuable;' holds an Ind. atti- 
tude an pall tical questlans: as a critic 
Is apprecfatlve af men and pallcles of 
any party: Is In sympathy with the 
gradually strengthening Imp. Idea 
which laaks tawards the federatlan af 
the graup af Ind. Brit. natlans; In 
general Is alive toO the practical value 
af Lib. principles; Is a. friend af clean 
govt., and believes that legislation 
shauld keep well abreast af the senti- 
ments of the more Intelligent and 
maral partlans af the cammunlty; 
alsa In hearty sympathy with the 
critical activIty which has trans- 
farmed the theal. attitude af the re- 
cent decades: believes everything real 
and true and fundamental has gained, 
a.nd wtll gain yet more, as 
mades af thought are discredited by 
mare scientific methads af enqulry.- 
 Ellice Ave., Winnipeg. 
.. As a pulpit spl'.ker, powerfuily elo- 
quent; as a Biblical and general f!cho1ar. 
comprehensive; as a personality, genia]. and 
magnetic; as a let\der, resourceful; and [,,6 
a pastor, energetic and attentlve."-T 

Cudmore, Redley Anthony, educatian. 
B. Irel., 1879; carne toO Can., lRSO: 
parent!! dead; e. Bramptan High 
Toronta Unlversltv (B.A., with Eflw. 
Blake general prôfielency an.d .pri'l1IC
of W
Ües s.C'ho1üi!"., 1905), .and Wa.(}- 
hflm CoIl., Oxf.ord: m., Aug., 1910, 
Pihæbe Ame1l1ia, y. ð. late .T. .T. 1\1hg.oo, 
Taranta; Instr., pal. econy., Toronto 
Univ.; cantributed able article toO Brit. 
Empire Rev., 1907, an educ. in Can. and 
! Rathnally Ave., Toronto. 
Cuddy, Loftu!!, merchant. 
B. and e. Hamlltan, Ont.: naw and 
for some yrs. prf'sdt. Lake Carriers' 
Oil Co.-Cleveland, 0, 
Cullen, Erne!!t Keys, phy!!lcian. 
S. late Rev. Thas. C. (M"th. ) and 
Mary (Greene) C.; b. Belleville. Ont., 
May 14, 1878: e. 'Publd-c 5C'h5.. 
SÜ'Il Ave. 00011. In.slt., TOI"onN>, aßtil 
Taronta Un Iv. (M.B., 1903) : licentiate 
r tn Onto and Maryland; 
post-grad. student Johns Hapklns 
Unlv., 1903-4: hause surg., Taranta 
Genl. Hasp., 1904-5; fellow In path., 
.Tahns Hapklns Univ.. 1905-6; asst. res. 
gynecal., da., 1907-10; res., da., 1910- 
11; Instr. do., 1910-11: naw success- 
fully practises In Df>trolt: authar bia- 
logical treatÏ!'e an the blaad af birds 
and tishes. H03; Meth.-415 Washing- 
ton Arcade, Detroit. 
CUllen, Maurice Galbraith, painter. 
B. St. .Tahn's, Nfd., 1866; e. there; 
spent early yauth In Montreal, whE're 
he was emplaYf'd by Gault. Bros.: 
I!tudled sculpture there, for a ypar, 
under Hebert (q.v.): went tn Pari!! 
1888, toO study paInting: entd. Soc. 
Natlanale df>s Beaux Arts, Paris, 
under Delauny: afterwards with Roll; 
exhd. far first time at N('w Salon, 
1894: A.R.C.A., 1895: R.C.A.. 1908: 
rrnbsequently exhd. at Paris Sal0n and 
Royal A('ad., Londan; has spent sev- 
eral yrR. travelUng In Italy. Spain, 
and Halland: returned to Can. far 
gaad, 1896; picture purchased bv 
French Gavt. far Palace af the Lux- 
embaurg, 1895; warks mastly land- 
!!capf'S, principally winter SCf'nes ; 
apptd. drawIng master, Sarsti(,]d Sch, 
Mantreal, 1906: bronze medals. Pan- 
Am. Expn., 1901, Louisiana Purchase 
Expn., 1904; represented in Nat. Gal- 
lery. Ottawa.-S Beaver Hall Sq., Mont- 
.. A watchful o'bserver and interpreter 
of the m(J()üs and mQv.e'IIlents Qf our Lady 
of the SI1I01Ws."-D,.. John Reade (q.v.). 
Cullen, Thomas Stephen, physician. 
S. Rev. Thas. C. (Meth.) anò Mary, 
d. late Rev. Thas. Greene; b. Bridge- 
water, Ont., Nav. 20, 1868: e. Call. 
Inst., To'ronoo, and Toronot'o Unriv. 
(IM.B., 1890); 1m., Aug., 1901, Miss 
:Ðmma .ToOnJe.s BeckwLt'h, WlHlams- 
to'WIl, Mass.; speCill3,.1dst In abdlnmlnoarl 
surgery: deman. of an at. , Taranto 
Unlv., 1891; asst. resident gynecal., 
Johns Hopkin!!! Hasp., 1892-6; resident 
gynecal. da. da., 1896-7: past-grad. 
s.tuò,tes In GötJt'ing>en, Ge'rm'RniY; a$90C. 
prof. gynOC'ol., John.s HOipklnB Un1v., 
and a.'8SOoC. In 'gyn
l., JQ.hns Hopkins 





Hoop. sInce 1899; .dloololnoed chadr 
gyl1e'CQl., Ya1e Undv., 1900; hon. 
w lJa Soc. LtaJIlia11Ja OstetJtr.lcia 
Glnecologta ; cor. memo Gesellschaft 
fUr Geburshülfe, Lelpzlg and Dresden; 
author numerous articles on gynecol" 
path, and abdominal surg., published 
In Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bulletin and 
Reports. and of a work, .. Cancer of 
the Uterus" (1900); awarded a gold- 
headed cane by the ex-house staff of 
the Toronto Genl. Hosp. for the best 
c()I!}'tI1iibu;tJjon '00 .rrue-d. Iii t. IIIllSide d'U r- 
Ing the preceding year, 1910; Meth.- 
! Preston St. W.. Baltimore. Md.; 
Maryland Club. do. 
Cullum, aldgweU, author. 
Resides In Eng.; ha!l publfshed !leV- 
eral works of fiction relating to Can., 
the best known of which are: .. The 
Story of the Foss River Ranch," .. The 
Hound from the North," .. In the 
Brooding Wild," and .. The Night 
Rlders."-Care Canadian OtTtce. Lon- 
don, En!J, 
Culverwell, John Alexander, hydraulic 
elect. engineer. 
S. larte .Tas. -C., -formerly of Somer- 
soelt, En-g., and '111IOre J'IeoOOn.t1y 'Of To-, and Ann e.; b. PetJe,rboro, Onlt.; 
e. U. C. Don.; m., Aug., 1902, JessIe 
Houg1hton, d. .Tas. L. HiliJ:, New York; 
r.emoved from Toronto 00 PeteI1boro. 
Onrt., 1902; mango tddr. OentToo Ont, 
Ibw.e.r 00., and as S'U'CJh puroha.soo Jbh'E' 
BurlJelgh ThUs p'OW'eT and the 'Buck- 
horn Falls power; alsiD po-wer on the 
Tiremt ûflina.l; laJter, 19()'6, lorganlæd 
the NOI1t!humbef'Ioand & Dul'ham Power 
C'o., of 'WIhicJh he was el'eClted: presdt.; 
lJeCtured on II The TreIlot Va:u.ey Cana,l 
and :the DeV1ellOpmenrt: :of Can. Water- 
ways" .bef()f\e Oan, Jnst., ToronftJo., 
1904.-Port Hope, Ont.; En!Jineers 
Club, Toronto. 
Cumberland, Frederic Barlow, busi- 
ness man. 
S. late Lt.-Col. F. W. C., engr. and 
architect, who was for many yrs. Mang. 
Dlr., Northern RV., Ont., and rppre- 
rented A1goma (H. C.), and Wdlmot 
(Bramley) C.; b. Portmnouth, Eng., 
Aug. 5, 1846: e. Model Grammar Sch., 
Toronto, Cheltenham Coil., Eng., and 
Tr.ln. Univ., Toronto (B.A., 1867 ; 
!M.A., 1870); 1IIl., '1871, Seraphina, d. 
Wm. Fraser, Port :Hope, Ont.; came 
to Can. with his parents, 1847; In 
early yrS. a law student, but aban- 
doned It for a business career, 1870: 
with late Sir Frank Sm'lth founded the 
Niagara Nav. Co., 1880; for some yr.s. 
In the s-ervlce of the Gt. Western Ry., 
later, frelg'ht and passenger agent 
Northern Ry., and traffic man gr. , Lake 
Superior IAne of steamships (after- 
wards amalgama-toed with the C. P. 
Ry.):, 'Placed steamship II Campana," 
the first one on the route, upon the 
D.pper Lakes; this was a,Iso the first 
steamer to !be cut In two to .be brought 
from sea through the St. Lawrence 
canals; has 'been officially connected 
with numerous other public coso and 
business organizations In Can.: now, 
amoThglst ()thers. 'P,r-esdt, Ndoa.gaJra RIV'er 
Nav. Co. of U. S., and ddr, Oan. 
Landed and Nat, Investment Co., Lon- 

dIon & lOan. :Lotan & LA
enICY Co.; was 
elected a dlr. of the Onto Bank by the 
shareholder-s, after the failure of the 
bank, 1906; resided In E-ng., 1903-4 
and while othere was presdt. of t.h
Can. OIub, London; -elected .presdt. St. 
George's Soc., Toronto, 1884, a senator 
Toronrto Unli"'., 1906, !pI'esd.t. Omt. His- 
torlC8JI Soc., '1907, and Ih'On. presdt. 
'1'oronto Unlv. Alumni Assn., 1909; 
has also .been presdt. of the Nat. CIu.h. 
Toronto, sup. presdit. Sons of Eng., 
and ,Is a memo of the COl"püratlon of 
'l'rln. Univ., T,oronto; Is a retired caPlt. 
from the 10th Royals; served during 
the Fenian raids (med.); an old and 
keen sportsman; a crack shot In the 
v. m.; author of .. The Northern Lak>es 
of Canada," .. History of the Union and the Flags of the Empir-e" 
and "The Navies on La
e Ontario In 
1812"; a pronounced Imperialist and 
a ,thorough Oon.; an Aßlg. and a del. 
to the .synoð.-" Dunain," Port Hope, 
Ont.; Toronto Club ; National Club; 
Albany .club, Toronto; Authors' Club; 
Royal Col. Institute. London, En!J. 
II A p.atri-otic writer and' thiniker from 
the word go."-Dr. John Reade (q.v.) 
Cumberland, Hi" Honour Thoma. 
Dickey, Co. Ct. judge. 
Y. s. .Tohn and Mary (Dickey) C.; 
b. Simcoe, Ont., Sept. 3, 1853; e. 
Weston Grammar Sch., and Queen's 
Unlv., Kingston; m., 1884, Helen, d. 
A. T. Wallace, St. Catha rines, Ont.; 
barrister (Ont.), 1881: do. (Man.), 
1882; succ.e1SsfuI 1 Iy .prac.t1sed his prof. 
In Winlß,lpe,g; 13.p.pttd. jud,ge '00. Ct., 
MJa,n., .Tune 2, 1893; R. 0., und1e.r E. F. 
A'ot, 1894; ra. 'liooal judge oOt. of Queen's 
Bih., Man., 1895.-Brandon. Man. 
CumminR', Jame", miller. 
Apptd. trade commr. for Can. to 
S. A., Dec., 1900; on hIs return was 
presented wIth a handsome gold watch 
and chain by his personal and poUti- 
cal friends, Brockville, Dec., 1901.- 
Lyn, Onto 
CummlnR', Melville, educationist. 
S, Rev. Thos. C., D.D., and Matilda 
(McNair) C.; b. Stellarton, N.S., .Tan. 
6, 1876: e. Truro Acad. (gold med.) 
and Dalhousie Unlv. (B.A., 1867) ; m., 
June, 1905, Mary Alice, d. E. E. Archi- 
bald, Wolfville, N.S.: graduated Iowa 
State ColI. of Agrl('ul. and Mech. 
Arts, 1900: B.S.A. (Toronto Unlv.), 
1901: fellow In bact. and animal hus- 
band., Guelph Agrlcul. ColI., 1901: 
asso. prof. agrlcul.. do., 1902: flrst 
principal Agrlcul. CoIl., N. S., Nov., 
1904; Secy. of Agricul., N. S., May, 
1907: has been sent to Brit. on sev- 
eral occasions for the purchase of Im- 
proved stock: a dlr. National Live 
Stock Assn.; a lecturer and platform 
speaker of recognized power; decllned 
appt. to Depty. Commissionership of 
Agrlcul., Man., 1908: elected presdt. 
Alumni Soc. of Dalhousie Unlv., 1910; 
a Presb.-Truro, N.S.; Canadian Club, 
.. Both i&S a student and a profe's9OT has 
displayed great 6bility."-T. Globe. 



CUmming, William Gordon, physician, 
S. W. T. C., Montreal; b. there; e. 
lil Undv. (B.A., 1899; 'M.D.,C.iM., 
1903) ; m., Sept., 1905, Eupohem
a BaH- 
ill'ouse, y. d. Mr. .Justice DunlJo.p (q.v.), 
:l\11onJtl'æ l l; Ang.-Calgm'y, A Ita. 
Cummings, Mrs, Emily Ann :McCau_- 
land, Dom. public service. 
D. late Rev. .Jonathan Shortt, D.D., 
for over 30 yrs. Ang. rector of Port 
Hope, Ont., and Isabel .Julia, d. Lt.-Cot 
Harper, R.E.; grand-d. Surgeon-Genl. 
Shortt, 48th Regt.; b. Port Hope; e. 
there and Mrs. Simpson's Semy., Mont- 
real; D.C.L. (hon.), King's CoIl. Unlv., 
N.S" 1910; m., Sept., 1871, Willoughby 
Cummings (d. Sept., 1892), barrister, 
s. .Jas. Cummings, Chlppawa, Ont.; an 
early contributor to the press; special 
corr. for Toronto Globe and Winnipeg 
Free Press, during the World's Fair, 
Chicago, 1893; during the existence of 
The Empire, wrote for that paper a 
series of articles entitled "Our Indian 
Wards," prepared while making an ex- 
tended tour through the Indian re- 
serves of Man., the N.W.T. and B.C.; 
also wrote: "A Trip Through Our Mis- 
sion Fields" for the Chm'ch Mag.; 
was for 10 yrs. a memo ed. starr To- 
ronto Globe; sometimes writes under 
the nom-de-pl1.tme of II Sarna": Is ed. 
ot the II Letter Leaflet," the official 
organ of the Ch. of Eng. Women's Aux. 
Missy. Soc.; was corr. secy., Nat. 
Council of Women, 1894-1910; since 
then has been fleld secy., women's 
pt. -of the annuities 'bran'C'h, De'})It. 
of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa; re- 
mains as a V.-P. Nat. Council of 
Women; on retiring from secyshlp. was 
presented with a purse and an address 
from the various local branches In the 
Dom.; has served as a del. to the 
Nat. Council of Women of the U. S. 
and to the Intern. Council of Women; 
is a memo extve. comte., Women's 
Can. Hist. Soc. and Victorian Order 
of Nurses; chainnan ladies' comte. 
Dom. Indust. Exhbn.; an Ang.; corr. 
secy. Toronto Diocesan Woman's Aux. 
to the Missy. Soc. of the Ang. Oh., 19 
yrs.: a del. Pan-Ang. Congress, Lon- 
don, Eng., 1908, and Ang. Ch. Congress, 
Halifax, 1910; now (1911) on a visit 
if:o .Japa'11.-Dept. of Trade and Com- 
merce, Ottawa. 
"Possesses a w()nderful he<ad for bu,si- 
ness."-V. World. 
"A woman of cultmre, pra.ctioa1 ideas 
Bond broad s}"'IDpathie-s."-T. Globe. 
"A .gra
ful pLatf().rm speake'r and a g'()'Ûd 
orga.mzer. -8. N. 
Cumm1n8'ø, Rev, Selden W, (Bapt.). 
S. Wm. C., merchant, Truro, N.S.; 
b. there, 1863; e. Aca.d,iJa UnlÏv. (B.A., 
1885), and Dal,housi-e Unlv.; m. d. late 
Simon Vaughan, lat.ter1y'Of VaIlllCiOUVer, 
B.C.; :after 0., ,oold :pa:9bor8Jtes in N. 
S. and .Penn..; pastJOor Bapt. Ch., Am- 
herst, N.IS., 1904-8; slnlOO .then h8J9 
been pastor Isrt Bapt. Ch., :UOwellJ, 
.Mass.-Lowell, Mass. 
Cummin8'_, William H., educationist. 
B. Dunham, P.Q., Aug. 30, 1852; e. 
Thetford Acad., Vt.; graduated Dart- 
mouth ColI., 1879; successively prin- 
cipal Bradford (Vt.) High Sch., Thet- 

ford Acad., Vt., Homer Acad., and 
Union Sch., N. Y., and Kimball Union 
Acad., Merlden, N.H.; elected supdt. 
of schs., Hadley, Hatfield, and Ber- 
nardston, Mass., May, 1901; an ex- 
lien-sive travoe.Uell".-Hadley, Mass. 
OUnard, Krs, Laura Charlotte, ama- 
teur artist. 
Third d. late Hon. T. C. Haliburton 
(U Sam Slick "), formerly a judge of 
the Supreme Ct., N. S., and subse- 
quently a memo of the Brit. House ot 
Commons; b. Windsor, N.S.; e. there 
anld lin Eng.; m., Dec., 1851, Wü.Hiam 
(d. .Jan., 1906), 2nd s. Sir Samil. 
:aro, Bant.; -a sucoe,ssfUl} artist, who 
,has ex'hiibiteð 'her 'P"iot'l1res ofrequenltly 
rot bhe Royal Arod., l1Jhe Gaillery of 
BI"I.t. Ar.t1sts, and otJoor IlnlstHut1o
Lon.oon; Ang.-01'leans House, Twick- 
enham; 95 Eaton Sq., London, S.W., 
(D. Nice, France, Dec. 
, 1910.) 
Cunliffe, John William, educationist. 
S. 'l'hos. :and Mary Aenn.e (Kiershaw) 
C.; b. Bolltcm, La-nC3ßlhire, Eng., JaIll, 
20, 1865; e. Un-iv. of lJon.doon (B.A., 
1884; M.A., in class>ics, 1886; do. In 
mod-ern langs., 1888; D.LÏIt1:., 1892). 
and Owens OoN., now tJhe VI-c- 
to/ria Univ., Ml3.n'CIh.ester (Shakesperu1"e 
scrolar. and Betr1oo1ey felll'Ow In En-g. 
\!ilt.); m., .July, 1897, .Joame BwNer, d. 
late .John Erskine, M.D., Ottawa; 8.S9t. 
ed. Mon<trea.l Gazette, 1893-9; lectureT 
anod assoc. prlO'f. Eng'. lang. and lilt., 
McGiH Un
v., 1899-1907; prof. EThg. 
Nt., Un-iv. 'Of WdSiCOns'Ïn, 1907, amI(} 
Clhail'tman -of t!he dlept.. a ])osJ,tion 
hoe amI11 Iholifu3; made a speci3!l studty .of 
,the EHzrubet'ha.n dlI'ama ; 
geveral courses of llec:tures art: Oolum- 
bi:a Un-iv., N.Y.; lis nlO'W eòd:tlng U Gas- 
coigne" for .tlhe Camb. EIl'g. classIcs, 
the first V'OI.ume 'haV'ing ooen allr.eady 
pU'bllshed and the second 'being dn 'bhe 
press; Is laJmnng the 'CIOl1JtI"Í'buif:'Otrs to 
,the Crumb. U Hoist. of Eng. Lit." and 11:0 
Prof. GaY'loey',s U Riepresen.tative Eng. 
Comedies," nt()w in oourse of puÞHca- 
Hon; Is a.n acblve m.em. of Ibhe Mod. 
Lang. Assn., .being ch<al-rman of if:ha 
Oombe. on ,the Reprod'Uobl'O'Il 'Of Ea.-r:ly 
Texts and a mßm. of rt::he extve. !for 
too Cen.tJra:l Dlv.-625 MendotaSt., 
Madison, Wis. 
U His writings are marked by research 
and lea.rning."-Dr. John Reade (q.v,). 
Cunningham, Alexander McKenzie, 
S. Thos. and Grace C.; b. Uxbrldge, 
Ont., May 7, 1863; e. public schs. and 
St. Catharines ColI. Inst.: m., 1888, 
Miss .Julia Chadsey; elected presdt. 
Photographic Assn. of Can., 1895-6; 
also 1906-7-8; is a dlr. Commercial 
Club and presdt. Victoria Curling 
Club; a Freemason (past dlst. depty. 
G. M.); Presb.-!6 Slater St., Hamil- 
ton, Ont.; CommerciaZ Club. 
Cunningham, Lt,-Col, Arthur Belden, 
S. late Hy. C., Mayor of Kingston; 
b. there, Feb. 25, 1871; e. Queen's 
Unlv. (B.A., 1891): m., 1897, Kath- 
leen Moore, d. Col. W, D. Gordon 
(q.v.); graduated Ont, Law Sch., 



18J4; barrister, do. ; practl!!!e1l hi!!! 
prof. successfully In Klng!!!ton; ald., 
1898-9; a dlr. Cataraqui Bridge Co. 
flTId other local Instns.: an Ind. Con.- 
II Lakeview Lodge," Kingston, Ont.; 
Frontenac Club, do. 
.. One of the- highe
t clsæ ø-thlerte.s eve<r 
produced in a Oan. coIIege.."-Can. CouTi
Ct1rlette, 'Miss Marg'erJ', educationIst. 
StudIed at 
t. Hilda's CoH., Toronto: 
B.A. (Trln. Unlv.), 1900: for a short 
t.ime -on t'he staff rOf -the P.l'esb. Laodll,eg' 
CoH., Toronto; In conjunction with 
MIss Sara E. Dallas, Mus. Bac.. elrtabd. 
Westbourne Sch. for GIrls, Toronto, 
1901, ObanlC'e<Uor Sir .J'oIhn .Boyd (q.v.) 
bel'llg -of Itlhe Bd. I(}lf DIrectors: 
(,01" SrOme yrs. hws be,e'll is!C)le iprIßI(:

l3il or 
thIs flourIshing Institution; E'lectpd 11rt 
V.-P. St. Hilda's AlumI1Jae Assn., 1904; 
do. presdt. Un Iv. Women's Club, 1908. 
--'40 Bloor St. W., Toronto. 
Curotte, Boev, Joseph Arthur (R.C.). 
S. late Antoine and Marguerite 
(Dpsjeans) C.; b. Montreal, Feb. 22, 
1869; e. Semy. of St. Sulplce, Mont- 
rE'al: pursued theol. studies at the 
("an. ColI., Rome, 1893-7; o. 1893; 
Ph.D., 1894; D.T., 1896; D.C.L., 18 Q 7, 
from Roman unlv!!!.: prof. phtl., L' As- 
somptfon ColI., 1897-99; do. theol. and 
!!!acred eloquence, Grand Semy., Mont- 
I'eal, 1899-1905; was s'Ome time geC'Y. 
Laval Unlv.; since 1908 prof. dogmatic 
Itlhoo!' in the A'PPOlinarlst Un
R.o{)4l11Je; a1>so acts :as .tJbe speociaJlrepre- 
senlæ.NV"e of the .a<looeses rOf !Monltreal 
and Valleyfiøld 8Jt Rome.-Rome, Italy, 
II A man of genial manner Bnd un. 
doubted talent."-M. H
Curran, Francl. Jo.eph, lawyer, 
S. late Hon. J. .J. C., LL.D., a judge 
óf the Sup. Ct., P.Q., and Elizabeth 
Mary (Brennan) C.; b. Montreal, 1871; 
e. Christian Brothers Sch., St. Marys, 
(.J,e:sud t 00
I.) M'On tl'leaJl. Manohruttan 
ColI., N.Y. (B.A., 1890), and McGill 
Unlv. (B.C.L., with 1st rank honours, 
1893) ; m., May, 1902, .Juliette, d. late 
.J. B. Euclid Mathieu, Montreal: 
advocate. 1894; successfully practiseB 
his prof. In his native city; promInent 
In nat. and fraternal organizations: 
presdt. St. Patrick's Soc., Montreal, 
1905-7; a del. to the C.M.B.A. conven- 
monlS and a graoo IOffr. Ithiere<l'll; form- 
erly V.-P. Montreal .Junior Con. Club; 
unsuccessfully contested Montreal (St. 
Anne), H. C., Llb.-Con. interest, Nov., 
1906 (vote: J. C. Walsh, 2,409: F. J 
.c., 2,207): has lectured on Father 
Matthew and other subjects: repre- 
sented the 'Montreal bar, at tbe meet- 
Ing of the Can. Bar Assn., Chattanoo- 
TIin., Aug., .1910; R.C.--æ66 Mauce 
St., Montreal. 
II PiI"'actiseø hñB prof. wilj)h hO'Ilt()'ILr &nd 
dignñty."-M. Star, 
Currelley, Rev, Chal!l, Triok (Meth.). 
o c. laDe .Joihn a:n:d MaJry A. (Treble) 
C.; b. Exeter, Ont., 1876; e, privately, 
H,<wbord OoU. I-nlst., T'OI"OThto, and To- 
ronrto Unlv. (B.A., 1898; M.A.., 1901) ; 
unm.; entd. minIstry, 1899, and did 
miss-I.on work -In Man.; left Can. to 
study labour conditions In London, 
Eng., 1902; apptd. on staff Egyptian 

E)CpltOmlb!'On Fund, same Yeall': -I'll l3:ð- 
dltlon, made an endowed student of Soh. of ArehoeolL., Al:lheons, 1903; 
In 1902-3 had charge of south wing of 
thE' work of thp fund at A hydos, and 
discovered the tomb of Adhmes, U the 
Pharaoh that knew not .Joseph," and 
also a great stone that gavE' the par- 
entage of the founders of the xvllith 
Dyn. 'of Egypaan kiings; in 1903-4 hoa,d 
rharge of the f>xplnr'ltlon along the 
Fayoum and In the Northern marshes'- 
In 1904-5, In charge of the wanderln
section of the expdn. to Sinal: ex- 
cavated the storehouse at Pythom, and 
during 3 yrs. was excavatln
 on the 
f"arly coivl.1!iZ'8JUon IQtf Orete, and in AlS1!.a 
M'inor and Sy.ria; oRmJOng his othoe'r ills- 
coverfes, was that of the statue of 
Ha.thor ; also discovered the Inscrip- 
tion and portrait of Cheops, for 
which discovery he was decorated by 
the Khedive with the Order of theo 
Medjedleh; later, was elected a fellow 
of the Royal Geog. Soc.; has lectured 
on Egypt before the Can. Inst., To- 
ronto; tapptd. curator of the Museum 
of Arch., Toronto Unlv., 1907; author 
of "Sinai," giving an account of his 
explorations, and of the major part 
of "Abydos, Part III." (See Toronto 
Mail and Empire, .J'an. 16,1909: el-ect,ed 
a mem. extve. C'O'IDt-e., ToronlOO Undv. 
Alumni Assn., 1911.-" Vognacote," "0 
Avenue Rd., Toronto. 
II Has B veritable nose for hidden relics 
(Jf the 
I!.t."-M. & E. 
CurreY', Lemuel Allan, lawyer. 
S. late Jas. R. C., barrlstf'r, Ga
town, N.B., and Sarah AmeBa (Ho- 
ben) C.; ancestors Eng.. one of whom 
emIgrated to N. Y., 1700: gt.-granðf., 
.Joshua C., a U. E. L.. camp to N. B., 
1783; b. GagE'town, July 11, 18!)6: e. 
Quren's Co. Grammar Sch. and N, B. 
Unlv. (B.A.. 1876: M.A., 1878; RC.T.... 
1890; D.C.I
., 1895): m., Dp('., 1894. 
Mary E.. o. d. latf' W. W. Chtld, .Jack- 
son, MIlCh.; followed law course, 
Harvard Law Sch.; barrIster, 1883; 
K.C. (E. or Aberdeen), 1894; success- 
y !practIses Iln ,St. .John: 'Ì'O'Ok ce1'lt. 
Royal Mil. Sch., 1873-4: a Freemason.; 
a Con.; an -Ang.-St. John, N.B.; 
Union Club. do. 
Currie, Archibald, cIvil engineer. 
B. and e. Gllasgow, Scot.: !hIa;S had 
e eXip'eTienæ dn his p<rof. 

'I'JI OhiIna and S. A.; aoppbd. dty S'l1'r- 
'"le-Y'OI' ra'llid ohief e'ngr. or West'IDr{)IU!!1lt, 
Montoreø:l:, Mc!h\., 1911. - Westmount, 
Currie, 1IIrs, Emma Augusta, author. 
D. Ursen and Caroline (Hamlin) 
Harvey; ancestors Npw Eng. stoc1t, 
who moved to N. Y. State after Am. 
Revoluttonary War: b. Niagara, Ont., 
Nov. 19, 1829; e. therf' and St. Da- 
vld's; private tuItion from latf' Wm. 
Kirby, author "U. E.": a1so at E
Bloomfleld Acad., N. Y.. whprf> her 
cousin (Mrs. Parke Godwin, a iI. of 
Wm. Cunen Bryant) gave her draw- 
Ing lessons, and Canandalg-ua Ladles' 
Acad. N. Y.: m., Oct., 1865, Hon. J. G. 
CurrIe, M.L.C. (d. Df'c., 1901): was 
actg. regr. Co. LIncoln 10 mth!';.; has 
held depty. regrshlp. do. over 20 yrs.: 



author .. The Story of Laura Secord 
and Canadian Reminiscences" (1900) ; 
a memo Woman's Lit. Club, St. Cath- 
arines, Daughters of the Empire, W. C. 
T. U.; always a Reformer; has ever 
believed that the women of Can. are 
entitled to the same political privi- 
If'ges as the mf>n; thf>Y have earnf'd 
them by Industry and self-sacrifice; 
was Instrumental in securing a grant 
from Parlt. towards erecting a memo- 
rial to Laura Secord, at Queenston 
Heights, 1911; a Presb.-78 King St., 
St. Catharines, Onto 
Currie, Rev, Hector (Presb.), bot- 
S Donald and Mary (Maclean) C.; 
b. Airgyllshilre, Soot., 1845; acoompan- 
If>d parents to Can., 1850: e. High Sch., 
Wardsville, Ont., and Victoria Unlv., 
Cobourg (B.A., 1871); m., Dec., 1877, 
Miss Edith .Tarvls; studied theol. Kno'(: 
ColI., Toronto ; 
raduated, 1874 ; 
licensed, 1875; o. 1876; since then pas- 
tor Knox Ch., Thedford, Ont.; trpas. 
Pl'eS'by. Sarnla, on Otrg'andzatlon, 1881; 
moderator do., 1 term; clerk do. since 
1878; moderator, Synod Hamilton and 
London, 1905; of more than local re- 
putation In botany and geol.; has con- 
tributed collections in Can. paleontol. 
to Geol. Museum, Ottawa. Redpath 
Museum, Moon trEal. Sm1,t.rusonlon Ins't., 
Washington and N. Y. State Museum, 
Albany, some of his sppcimpns bf>lng 
nf>W to sclpnce: a Lib.-Thedford, Onto 
(D. Thedford, Ont., Jan. 'l7, 1911.) 
Currie, Major John Allister, legis- 
lator; manufacture.r. 
Highland Scotch parentage; s. late 
.Tohn and Catherine (McAllister) C., 
nl3JtiVie.s Islanldi 'Of Isla, A:rgyllshI re, 
Scot. ; b., Nottawa, Ont., Feb. 25, 1866 ; 
(>. public sch. and ColI. Inst., Colling- 
wood, Ont.; m., 1892, Miss Elizabeth 
Sparks, Bayfield, Ont.; early engd. ln 
commercial life; later, for 11 yr!"., a 
journalist, principally employed on Mail 
and Empire and News, Toronto; also 
a contributor to the mags. In Eng. 
and U. S., and a correspondf>nt tor 
If>ading journals, Including N, Y. Her- 
ald and World, and London Times; 
also for Reuter; twice presdt. press 
gallery, Toronto; left journalism to 
become a mining broker, 1900: later 
estbd. Imp. Steel & Wire Co., Colling- 
wood, Ont., of which he is presdt.: 
one of the organizers 48th Highland- 
ers. Toronto; apptd. capt.. do., l\-kh., 
1892; major, Aug., 1902; hon. presrlt. 
and one of the founders Mil. Indoor 
Baseball League, Toronto, and presdt. 
48th Miniature Rifie Club; a Con., and 
unsuccessfully contested N. Simcoe 
(H. C.), In that Interest, g. e. 1904; 
elected for do., g. e. 1908 (vote: C., 
2,756; Wilson, 2,705) ; one of the few 
Gaelic-speaking mems. of H. C.; a 
Presb.---39 Howland Ave., Toronto; 
Collingwood, Ont; Albany Club; 
Can. Mil. Inst., Toronto; Colling- 
wood Curling Club, Collingwood, Ont.; 
Kaministiquia Club, Fort William, Onto 
II A man of great energy and bUBine88 
ahrewdnesB."-M, and Jl, 
"A teUin
 speaker; one of the øurprises, 

in this retlpe.ct, of the new Parlt."-M, 
Currie, Rev, Walter Thomas (Cong.), 
S. late John and El1en M. C.; b. 
TIOrorut'o; e. there, McGI11 Undv. (B.A., 
1885), and Can. C<mg. Oola. (B.A., 
1885; D.D., 1907); m., 1st, 1886, 
Miss Clara WUkes, a niece of the late 
Rev. Dr. Wilkes, Montreal (d., In Af- 
rica, 1886); 2m:11y, 1894, Miss Amy 
Johnston, Brandon, Man.; latter Is 
famed as a public speaker; O. 1885; 
apptd. a missiony., A. B. C. F. M., 
Booton; was the first rnlSS(Y. eerut 
'to Aír.ica by 'the Can
 Cong. For. 
Missy. SO'C., 1886: !has conUnued Ihis 
connection with both socs.; estabd. 
mlssdon SlbaJtion I8Jt Ch1samba, Blhe, in 
the Portug-uese Province of Angola, 
W. C. Africa, 1888; this mission has 
stee.ò'lly eX'p'and'oo .Into a I:arge inòus. 
and med. work, contg. schs., with about 
800 pupils and several out-f;ta.tlons, 
which exercise a steady uplifting In- 
fiuence over a large number of people; 
was joined, 1889, by first associate, 
and since then sevf>ral others ha ve 
been sent out to reinforce the various 
(!f>pts.; has made several journeys of 
f>'i:ploratlon. the last one. ac('ompanled 
hv his wiff>. 190
-4. extpndln
Bihe to Katanga (Congo State), along 
thp shorf>s of Lakf> MOf'ro, Tang-anylka 
and Nyassa, returning by a more south- 
ern rontp: has met with happy re- 
snlts In all his df>allngs with uncivil- 
ized tribf>s: h:1s acted as arhitrator In 
2 native rebellions against Portugup!"e 
rule, and has been able to check strlff' 
and promote peace: his letters and 
reports have been published In Can. 
from Urn" to time: fs a grad. of Dr. 
Dowlronot1:'s Med. Missy. Ooll.-Chis- 
amba, Bihe, Angola, West Central Af- 
II Has lived with and for the Afriran 
people, haa cured their diøeaøes, taugM 
them trades and agriculture, translated 
Christian truth into their lanl!;ual!;e. Ilnd 
told them the story of the Cro88."-V, 
Currier, James Everett WlløOD, late 
Dom. publfc service. 
0, S. s. late .T. M. C., M.P. for Ot- 
tawa, 1863-82: b. New Edinburgh, Ot- 
tawa, .Tuly 26, 1849; e. private achs., 
Ottawa Grammar Sch., and Rlvervlew 
Mil. Call., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: twice 
m.; erutd. Dom. pubHc service, 1878; 
was prlvwoo secy. 'laJte Ron. .T. H. Pope 
and other !Miinllsters at Ottawa; Ð.iPptd. 
a 1-st class elk., Dept. Railways and 
Canals, Aug., 18-94; pubLished II Index 
to' Railway Leglsl'2JtJO'n of the Dom. 
of Oan., 1867-97" (1898); an Ang.- 
479 Cooper St., Ottawa; Rideau Club, 
Curry, James Walter, lawyer 
B. Port Hopp, Ont., Nov. 11, 1858; 
e. Queen's Univ., Kingston (B.A., 
1878) : m.: barrister, 1881; K.C., 1899 : 
practised originally Port Hope and 
Millbrook; since 1889 In Toronto; a 
former partner late G. W, Badgerow; 
now head firm C., O'Connor, Wallace 
& Macdonald, Toronto. haa attained 



oel1elbri.ty as IS. cr.imdnal ilawyer; 
was Crown atty., Toronto (ren- 
dered important public services as 
such), 1892-1906; retired to I"esum-e 
,private pnactloe; pre9en1Jed W1lbh loving 
cup by friends in Nat. Club, On resig- 
nation, May, 1906; was mango dir., re- 
siding In Cuba, of Can.-Cuba Land & 
Fruit Co., 1906-7; a dir. Henderson 
Roller Bearing Co. and V.-P. Can. Pub- 
lic Ownership League; a former dlr. 
Home Life Assn.; presented with 
diamond ring by lady telephone opera- 
tors, Toronto, In ackgt. of services In 
endeavouring to get them a shortE'r 
workday, Mch., 1907; elected prf>sdt. 
Toronto Lacrosse Club, 1905: a Lib., 
and a memo GeniI!. Assn., Onto Di:b. A.s- 
soclatlon; also a ddr. of the Onto Club; 
unsuccessfully contested E. York 
(Local), g. e. 1908.-20 South Drive, 
Toronto; Onta1'Ïo Club: National Cl1lb, 
II No more courageous or use,ful se,rvice 
has been performed by one man for the 
people of Can. in late ye.ars than the. prose. 
cution by :Mr. C. (}f a numbelf Oof mega l 
combinations in restraint of trade, from 
whose books and de.alings he wa.s abl
show the exact n'ature' of the' commercial 
tyranny with which this country was 
tb.reatened."-JI!. Herald. 
Curry, Nathaniel, manufacturer; capi- 
Scotch-Irish and Eng. descent; 9. 
Charles and) Eunice (Davidson) C.: b. 
Port Williams, Co. King's, N.S., Mch. 
26, 1851: e. Co. King's 'Public and 
private schs.: m., Sept., 1881, Mary E., 
d. David. Halt, Co. Ann apoU s, N.S.: 
fonned a partnership with his bro.-in- 
law, late N. A. RJhodes, under the name 
of Rhodes, Curry & Co., manufacturers 
and. buildlers, Amherst, N.S., 1877: Is 
now presdt. of Rhodes, Curry & Co., 
Ltd.; mayor, Amherst, 1894; a dlr. 
Travellers Life Assur. Co.. Bank of 
N. s., Can. Light & Power Co., 
Maritime Coal, Ry., & Power Co., Stir- 
ling Coal Co., Montreal Trost Co. and 
Can. Cement Co.; presdt. Can. Car & 
Foundry Co. and ean. Steel Foundries, 
Ltd.; a promoter Can. Rolling Stock 
00. (L.P., 1904) ; remov.e<d 'Ì'Ü l'ÆonltreaJl, 
1910; eleobeði V.-P. Can. Mtan'Íll"s. As'SIl., 
] 9'10; 00. 'PI"e,sdlt., (i1o., 1911: rruted as a 
mlillltibn.aire by Il\flOlllt'l'eal Star, 1911: 
g1a'Ve $25,000 for It!he entdJOwmen,t of a 
Ür rOf eng1ing., AJOOJdda Univ., 1910: 
opposoo 'to the Taoft-Fi.elÕJilIlg' I"OOipl'O- 
city agreemenlt. 1911; a Ba'})t.-Mont- 
real; A7nherst, N.S.; St. James's Club; 
Engineers' Club, Montreal; Albany 
Club, Toronto; Jfm'shland,<1 Club, A 111,- 
Curry, :Rufus, manufacturer and ship- 
R late Capt. Fredk. C., shipowner: 
b. and e. A'V1cmdrule; m. 'twice; present 
wif.e furunerl'Y Miss FauLkner; ldkoe ihJis 
f:1ther, a wealthy shipowner: presdt. 
Windsor Founi!ry and Machine Co.; 
called to the Senate by Lord Minto, 
Mch. 12, 1903, but was never S'WOrn, 
and r
fused to accept the awt.; seat 
ðeclared vacan'Ì, Mch. 30, 1905; an 
ardent Llb.-Windsor. N.S, 

curtis, :Rev, Levi (Meth.). 
S. Apollos C.; grands. .John C., who 
came from Eng. as agent for S. P. G. 
F. P.; b. Blackhead, N"fd., 1858; e. 
local schs., Meth. Acad., St. .John'!:" 
and Mt. Allison Univ. (B.A., with 
honours, 1889; M.A., 1900) : D.D. (Vic- 
toria Unlv.) 1903: m., 1889. Miss Mil- 
lie C. Black; In early life a sch. 
teacher; became a probationer, Meth. 
ministry, 1883; o. 1889; presdt. Nfd. 
Conf., 1898; supdt. Meth. Education, 
Nfd., 1899; memo Comte. 20th Cent. 
'Thanksgiving- Fund., Can. Meth. Ch.. 
1898; a Confederate.-St. John's, Nfd. 
II A distinguished educationist."-Oolli'U" 
Cushing, William Channing, civil en- 
S. Geo. Byron and Annie T. (Scam- 
mell) C.; b. Carleton, St. .John, N.B.. 
Mch. 18, 1863; e. St. .John Grammar 
Sch. and N. B. Univ. (B.A., 1884; 
M.A., ]886): m., Feb., 1894, Miss 
Marie Bacon Dye, Indianapolis; a 
memo Am. Soc. C. E. and Am. Ry. 
Eng. and Main. of Way Assn.: studied 
Mass. Inst. of Tech. (S. B.): com- 
menced practice as a memo of the en- 
ginper corps. ,Jeffersonville. Madison & 
Indianapolis Ry.: after filling various 
positions on U. S. ry. lines, was ap- 
pointed chief engr. main. of way. S. 
W. system. Penn. lines, 1903.-Union 

t(ltion. Pitts burg, Pa.: Railroad Club, 
New York. 
Cushing, Hon. William Henry, manu- 
facturer; statesman. 
S. late Wm. C., a native of Norwich, 
Eng-.. w'ho C<1me to Can., 1840, and 
Sarah (Thompson) C.. a native of Co. 
Am't,, Ir>el.: 'b. nr. K,enHw01l'11:ih. Ont.. 
. 21, 1852: e. local schs.: m.. 1st, 
]877, Mil!'s EHzahet'h Pr,im (d. 1880); 
2ndly, 1883, Miss Mary Waters; 
hrought up on a fann: went We!'t, set- 
tllng at Calg-ary, 1883; now head of 
on'e of the larg-est manufacturing con- 
cerns of windows, doors ani! g-pnera,1 
mill supplies existing- west .of Winni- 
peg, 'haYing branc1les and lumber 
yard.s In many places; owns extensive 
t.imber limits in B. C. ani! elsewhere; 
has represented Calgary (Local), Lib. 
interest, since 1905: entd. Rutherford 
Ai!mn., as Minr. of Public Works, on 
the organization of the Govt., Sept. 6, 
1905; resig-ned, Feb.. 19]0; the first 
to make th-e ownership of telephones 
a part of the policy of a govt.: a temp. 
man; a Meth.-Edmonton, Alta. 
.. One of the- f4)'rem'ost and !<O'1.tnde'8t 
husiness men in the grea,t North.West."- 
Can. Courin. 
CUsln, James, educationist. 
Descended from a noble house, ex- 
Isting at Nantes, France, 1663; b. 
Canton of Nf'uchãtel, .. La Chaus de 
Fond," Switzerland, 1857: e. there and 
by private tutor In Gf>nnany: an 
undergrad. of Queen's Univ., Kin
ston, Ont.; served as an otrr. In thp 
Swiss army; 3 yrs. In a bank; later 
<,o-'pa'l'tnf'r 1n commd
lsioQn house 'Of F. 
 Nel\J'C"hât'e'I: sorrne 'Ìlime l
in ParIs and S. of France; now and 
since 1889 principal Melsterschaft Sch, 



of Languages and Natural Science, 
Toronto: for 2 yrs. lecturer In Vic- 
toria Unlv.: edited a French-Can. 
newspaper, Toronto: elected presdt. 
Swiss Soc., Toronto, 1906-10; a French 
Huguenot .P1'00t.-1489 King St. 1V., To- 
Custa.nce, :Bev. Myles Arthur Fred- 
erick (Ang.). 
S. Rev. A. C. C., rector Market 
Rosen, Lincolnshire, Eng.; b. Twynlng, 
Gloucestershlre, Eng., May 2, 1872: e. 
K:ing's Golol. Choir Soh., O:uIIl'brid'ge, 
King Edward VI. Grammar Sch., S. 
Lincolnshire, and St. .John's ColI., Win- 
nipeg (B.A.) ; m. Bessie, d. T. L. Mor- 
ton, M.P.P., Gladston p , Man.: o. df'a- 
con, 1896; priest, 1897; Incumbent 
Binscarth, Man., 1898-9; Macgregor, 
do., 1900-2; recotoc Rapid Ci,ty, 1902; 
now a.t Oaklake; very musical; has 
written severa,l compo.sUions.- u The 
Rectory," Oaklake, -'''Ian. 
Cuthbert, Ma.jor Albert' Edwarð 
:Boss, R.N. W.:\1. Police. 
Scottish descent: a memo of the 
famil'Y of C. 'Of Bert-hler (en-haut), 
P.Q., the first memo of which. Capt. 
.Jas. C., 15th Regt., a great-grands. of 
the Baron of Castlehill, served as A. 
D. C. to Genl. Murray at the taking 
of Quebec, aftE'rwards retiring from 
the army, aThd Ibeoomdntg seigneur I8.nd 
lord of the manor of Berthier; closely 
connected, on mother's side, with the 
family of Dr. Benj. Rush, one of the 
signers of the Declaration of Inde- 
pendence; several mems. of family 
fi.g'll'l'e, wMih òJistinction, 'Ïn the !public 
life of Can.; s. late E. 0.. seignE'ur of 
Berthier and M.P., and Mary (Bost- 
wick) C.; b. Berthier, .July 31, 1860; 
e. Berthler Grammar Sch. and McGi11 
Unlv.; m., Aug., 1886, CharlottE', 3rd 
d. Gent Geo. H. Nye, South Natick, 
Mass., a veteran of the Am. Civil 
War; spent 00ffi1ß yrs. In Can. v. m. 
service; apptd. inspr. ROY3Jl N. W. M. 
Police, 1885: volunteered for service 
In S. A., 1899; apptd. capt. In Can. 
Mounted Rifles, and, while In the field. 
was 'Promoted major commdg. U C " 
Squadron, and served with regt. until 
its return to Can. and being disbanded,. 
.Jan., 1901, when he resumed his duties 
wit'll R. N. W. M. polloe (med., with 4 

Dafoe, John WesleY, journaltst. 
S. C. W. Dafoe (U. E. L. descent), 
now of KilIarney, M,an. ; b. Bangor, Co. 
Hastings, Ont., Mch. 8, 1866: e. Arn- 
prior high and public schs.; m., June, 
1890, .Mioe, 2nd d. W. G. Parmelee, 
1.S.O. (q.v.); after serving as a sch. 
teacher, joined the .Montreal Star, Mch., 
1883, a'l1d was it's BaI"I,ty. corresponden1 
at Ottawa; in Dec., 1885, resigned from 
the Star, and accepted the editorshIp 
of the newly founded Evening Journal. 
Ottawa; In May, 1886, went West and 
was on the ed. staff of the Man. Free 
Press up to Mch., 1892; was then called 
to Montreal to accept the chief editor- 
ship of the Daily Herald. thE'n, as now, 

clasps) : promoted supdt., Sept., 1902; 
has rendered many special servIces 
while with the R. N, W. M, Police.- 
Fort Saskatchewan, A Ita. 


rge Barton (Bapt.) , 
S. Wm. Freeman and Abbie Ann 
(Trefry) C.; b. Amhe<1"SIt. N.S., Apt 
11, 1874; e. AcaK'ÞÏa. UnlJv. (B.A" 1896; 
M.A., 1897), and Yale Unlv. (B.A., 
1897; Ph.D., 1902; B.D., 1903); D.D. 
(-hon.), Colgate Unlv., 1911; m., .July. 
1898, M,lss Minnie W08.rren Brown 
Westfielod, Mrass. CI;J.A., Aca,dda, 1896) ; 
o. 1897; pastor, UI1IIOn Bapt. Oh., :Monrt- 
rose, 1897-8; dO', HO'W'aJ"(} Ave. Ch., 
New RaV'Em, Conn., 1898-1904; d'o. 1st 
Ch.. Corning, N.Y., 1904-7; d,o. 1st Oh 
Columbus, 0., 1907-10; since if.hen haS 
bee-n .presðrt. and prof. of psychol of 
re,ldg1iQlfl :and 'J)e'd., Acad'ia Un'
v. ; 
author: .. T.he Oa'se of .JO'.hn Kinse>l" 
(Psych, Rev., 1903), "The Christian 
Life" (pamphlet), "The Psycoology 
of .MCQho!llsm" (1907), "Ps'Ycho.. 
!loglcall Bhe<l1loffilerua 'Of OhI'listlan,uy" 
(1908), a'l1ld various mag. and rev. 
a.I1f.1cl-e.s; a nlQltoo footba.11 iPlaY'e<1" rat 
co1.I. ; ,has 'Ìirn:v1ßl1led extenlslve.1Jy.- 
Wolfville, N.S. 
"An autlwor and le'cture.r o.f renlO'Wn."- 
Dr. John Reade (q.v.). 
Cyr, Joseph Ernest, journalist; legis- 
13;tor; Dom. pu bIlc service. 
S. late Michel and Marie Louise (Mo- 
Quin) C.: b. Montreal, Sept. 4, 1854; e. 
St. Laurent ColI., there, where he was 
sUbsequently a teacher: m., Jan., 1875, 
Miss Marie Cesarlne Senez ; went 
west, 1882; for a short time In Dom. 
public service; Mayor of S1. Boniface. 
1885; became presàt. Cath. Order of 
FIorest>e'1's and 'Of St. .Jean Bapte. Soc.; 
now Police Magte., St. Boniface; was 
ed. suc(,e8s.Í\ 1 e,ly of Le Cou1"Ïer du Nord 
Ouest and Le Courier de Duluth ,. 
founded and ed. L'Avenir National, 
1886; a Lib. and formerly pre
Man. Lib. A ssn.: sat for St. Boniface 
(Local), 1883-88; sat for Provencher 
(H.C.), 1904-8: apptd. ,Supdrt. of DOom. 
Wl()rks for Man., Nov., 1910; a R.C.; 
Is of opinion toot the French people In 
Man. can best preserve the great tra- 
dU,ions of their ra-ce by being true to 
the King of Eng.-St. Boniface, Man. 


the leading Eng. Lib. organ In the 
Province of Quebec; remained with the 
Herald until Aug., 1895, when he 
joined the ed. staff of the Montreal 
Star, and was for 6 yrs. ed. of its 
weekly edition, the Family Herald and 
1Veekly Star; In Aug., 1901, became 
ed.-In-chief of the Manitoba Free Press, 
Winnipeg, where he has since re- 
malned; a dir. Alberta Central Land 
Corporation; a promoter of the Can. 
Asso. Press, Ltd., 1904: a del. to the 
Commercial Congress of the Empire, 
1906; IS. del. to the Imp. Press Con- 
gress, London, Eng., 1909; author" The 
Fortunes of a Manitoban" (1891); 
"Western Can." (Am. Rev. of Rev8.. 



1907), and of U The Imp. Press Con- 
ference" (1909).-" Free Press" Offlce, 
Winnipeg; Manitoba Club, do. 
"A big man."-O. Journal. 
" Sincere in his convictions alld of down- 
right sterling character, and faithful to the 
lnst detaiJ."-M. Star. 
"A clear thinkoer. a hard wo.rker, a first- 
mote execu.tive., a man not o.f creat. 
intg precedents" a person of culture- and 
of wide llnd keen acquaintance with public 
affiairs."-St. John Telegraph. 
Dagena.1s, Adolphe, physician, 
S. Louis Basile and Marie .Joseph 
(Grignon) D.; b. Montreal, May 2, 
1836; e. Montreal CoIl" Coli. P. and S., 
P.Q., Victoria Univ. and Laval Unlv. 
(M.D., 1879); m., 1864, Marie Louise 
Qzlne. d. N. Mercier, Montreal: has 
sucoessfully pmctises his prof. In Mont- 
real where he has held various im- 
port'ant appts. In connection therpwlth, 
including a chair .In Laval Unlv.; 
was formerly ed. La Gazette "Med.; 
fIounded L'Union Méd. du Can., 1872; 
R. C.; Con.-l
 St. Denis St., 1I1ont- 
Dagenais, Elphege Gaspard, physic- 
B. Ste. Rose. P.Q.: e. there a
Laval Unlv. (M.D.. 1892); m. Marie 
Albina (d. Aug., 1898), e. d. lat-e .J. 
B. A. Mar.bin, M'()II1JtJrealo ; sU'C'OeSS- 
fully practises his prof. In Montreal; 
first elected an ald., Montreal. 1902: 
knO'Wn, far and near, as the apostle 'Ûf 
pure milk; was long chalnnan of .U
Oivic Health Detpt.; !::Llso p,resdt. Oi.VIC 
LiÞra:ry Oomn.: Q .die:!. from t'hte Pure 
Milk League, :MoOntreal, to the Congrès 
Întern. des Gouttes de Lait, Paris, 
1898, and to the Intern. Tubercui. CO!l- 
gress, Washington, 1908; elected a dlr. 
new Tech. Sch., Montreal, 1909; R. C.- 
1 Grand Trunk St., ]If ontreal; Club 
Canadien-de-M ontreal. 
"A keen and clever dehater."-M. Htr. 
Dagger, Francis, telephone expert. 
S. Hy. and Frances (Ifupklns) D.; b. 
Liverpool, Eng., .June 3, 1865; e. Farn- 
don Hall Acad., Cheshire, Eng.; m. 
Emma, d. Chas. Holland, Bristol, Eng.; 
commenced business experience In ser- 
vice Lancashire and Cheshire Tele- 
phonic Exchange Co., 1881-4; and in 
service head office, Western Coso and 
South Wales Telephone Co., 1885-93 
(See Report on Telephone Systems, p. 
5 Ottawa 1905); the first man to 
suggest the municipalization of the tele- 
phone In Eng.; came to Can., 1899; In 
service Bell Telephone Co.. Montreal, 
tor 11 mths.; re.I>Orted for Can. Govt. 
upon the telephone sltuart.lon In Can., 
1903: later, was telephone expert for 
the Man. Govt.; since 1907, has held a 
similar position under the Sask Govt.: 
has written largely on the telephone 
question' eloected a memo Can. Ind. 
 Assn.-!l Richmond St. W., 
Dahl, Bichard Smith, educationist. 
S. N. S. D.. Iron and 
teel manfr., 
Copenhagen. Denmark; b. there. Mch. 
14, 1879: e. rpublic "cll., Soro.; !M.A., 
bon. (King's CQlt., Winidisor, N.S.), 
1905; ;tIoHowOO. toohni08!I studies 5 yTS" 

under Prof. C. P. Yürgensen; advanced 
studies under Prof. AY'rt.'Ûn, Oellrtra.l 
Tech. CoIl., London, Eng. (diploma of 
Assoc. of Inst. of City and Guilds. 
Lond., 1903; honours diploma, do.. for 
thesis, .. An Experimental and Theo- 
retical Research Into Commutation by 
Aid of the Ascillograph," 1904) ; assoc. 
memo Inst. Elect. Engrs., 1904; do. 
do. Can. Soc. C. E., 1905; apptd, prof. 
of enging., King's ColI., Windsor, N.S., 
1904; prlIllClpaJ King's CoN., En-glng. 
and Mining, Sydney, N.S., 1905; author 
various tech. works and papers.-SlI d - 
7t('Jf, C.B. 
Dale, James Alfred, educationist. 
F:. s. .J. A. D.. Birmingham. Eng.; b. 
there, 1874: e. Wing Ediward W.'s Scl1., 
CambhUI, ,Ma:son Un-iv. OOIli. (now 
TTniv. of Birmingham). and Merton 
Coil., Oxford (M.A); LL.D., hon., Mc- 
Gill Unlv., 1909; m., 1904, Margt., 
d. .J. Holden Butler, Birmingham: was 
classical exhibitioner, Merton Col1.; 
lect. lit. and educ., Oxford extens. dele- 
gacy, 1902-8; also to Unlvs. Liverpool 
and Manchester; tutor Borough Ri!. 
Training CoIl., 1902-3; since Nov., 
'1907, Macdonald !prof. of educatioll. 
McGill Unlv.; 1,s tl"eas. Dom. Educl. 
A-ssn. G!IlId .presdt. U!lJ.llv. Settl.emenrt.. 
MIonlÌlI"ea.l: apptd. Q m
m. Ooundl of 
Publ'ic Inst., P.Q., May, 19'11; iJleclured 
on sch. management and the history 
of education. Macdonald CoIl.. Mont- 
real, 1909, and on "The Hallmarks of 
Education," before the Royal Victoria 
CoL1., do.; a del., 7th oonV'eDimon Dom. 
md.-ud. Assn., Viotorda, B. C., 1909.- 
260 University St., Montreal. 
"A yJQung man. of high scho.1&rly a.ttain- 
ments and ß'ttractive perSQIllßlity."-Dr. S. 
B. Sinclair (q.v.). 
Dale, John, Insurance profession. 
B. and e. Can.; genl. agent for 
Neb., Ætna Life Ins. Co., Hartford, 
Conn.; presdt. Can. Club, Omaha, 
1ge6-7.-0maha, Neb. 
Dale, William, educationist. 
S. Wm. D., Tp, Blanchard, Co. Perth. 
Ont.: b. Yorkshire, Eng.. 1850; e. St. 
Uary's Grammar Soh., U. C. CoIl. 
("'bead 'boy "), anod Toron'oo Unoiv. 
(B.A., with 1srt. class ;J11OIl'QIl1l"S In 
classics, math., and genl. ,prof., 1871: 
'M.A., 1873): m. FoIlQrence, 
y. d'. Rev. E. B. Ry;ckman. D.D. (q.v.) ; 
IJ"eCJbo,r Qu-ebec High Soh.. 1876-9 ; 
olasslcal lect. and asSlO'C. !prof. of Latin, 
'Toronto Un.iv., for 10 yrs. up to F'eb., 
\1905: spedal d-eet. classical Jolt., Mc- 
Master Unti"v., ToronJto, 5 yrs. ; elleC't
d a 
sen3.Joor T>orO'IllÌo UnlÍv., 1895 ram.d 1906 ; 
a.t 'Presenot: engd. 
n ex"bensive faI"ITldn.g 
( 7 2 5 acres) In 'J1p. B1anOhlaJrd: a 

clJh. ; a. Li:b.-St. Mary's, Onto 
Daley, Rev, James or, (Cong.). 
B. Stoutrvil1e, Ont., 1864: e. McGnI 
Univ. (B.A., 1890); m., Mary R.. y. 
d. Rev. .Joseph Unsworth, Toronto; 
studied theo1. Congo con., Montreal, 
and Union Theol. Semy., N,Y.; o. 
1891; for 7 yrs. secy. Congo Union 
of Can.; elected chalnnan do. do., 
.June 1909; a memo .Joint Oomte. on 
Ch, Ùnlon; a Reformer.-Maxville, Onto 



Dalrymple, John E" Can. ry. service. 
S. late Jas. D., merchant, Montreal, 
and .Mary E. (Atldn) D.; b, iMont- 
real, Jan. 1, 1869; e. there; entd. 
G. T. Ry. servlc
 as a junior cUt., 
1883, becoming afterwards successively 
secy. to freight traffic mangr., Chicago 
& G.T. Ry" Chicago, 1890; secy. genl. 
traffic mangr., G.T. Ry. system, Mont- 
real, 1896; dlv. freight agent, same 
road, Hamilton, Ont., 1899; div. 
freight agent and mangr. .G.T. des- 
patch line, Detroit, same year; genl. 
freight agent, Central vt. Ry., St. 
Albans, Vt., 1900; asst. to gent 
mangr. G.T. Ry. .system, 1901; gent 
freight agent Central Vt. Ry., 1902; 
gent do. do., G.T. Ry., 1905; do. do. 
freight traffic mangr. G.T. Pacific since 
1908; a dlr. Niort'hern Nav. 00.-344 
Kensington Ave., Westmount, Montreal. 
Dalton, Charles, author. 
'So late Lt,-Genl. C. J. D.; b. 
St. John, N.B., Sept. 25, 1850; e. Dur- 
ham Sch. and Cheltenham ColI.; m., 
his cousin, Miss Isabella Dalton Nor- 
cliffe, Langton Hall, Malton, york- 
shire; early yrs. spent in Can. ; 
author U History of the Wrays of 
Glentworth, 1623-1852," U Life and 
Times of Gen!. Sir Edward Cecil. 
Viscount Wimbledon, 1572-1638:' 
"Memoir Capt. John Dalton, Defender 
of Trichinopoll, 1752-53"; ed. U The 
Waterloo Roll Call, with Biographi- 
cal Notes and Anecdotes" (2nd ed., 
190'4) .. En,gHISIh A>
my lJiS'ts amid 
lsslon Registers, 1661-1714" (6 
vo,l,s.), .. '.Dhe BleJlJheim Roll," "Irjsh 
AlI"ffilY List.s, 1661-85:' U The ScOfts 
Alrmy 1661-1688, with :M'ernoirs of the 
001l1JIÜamders....In-Ohdef"; an hoOn. mem. 
Royal United Service Inst. and Royal 
Arty. Institution; Ang.---3! W. Crom- 
well Rd., London, S. W.; Union Club, do. 
Dalton, Major-General James Cectl, 
H.Mo's .regular mn. forces. 
A bro. of Chas. D. (q.v.); b. Hali- 
fax, N.S., Aug. 31. 1848; e. Chelten- 
ham CoN. and Rioya} Mil. Aúad.. W()IQ.}- 
wlch; m., 1899, Mary Caroline, d. GenI. 
SJi.r G. D. Bar}{1er, K.C.B.; It., R.A., 
1869; attained rank as maj,-genl., 
1905. retdred 1910; haS held many iÏm- 
poort:a:nt and responsible posirt:JO'I1s ; 
among others was a mf!m. of the Dam. 
De1:1enæ O()lmn., in Can., 18-98; is a. 
Kndg1h1t 'Of Justice .a;rud memo IOf Council, 
Orner of St. John of Jerusa.lem ; 
aul\:,hor "Tihe Artl.liloeT1ists' HanldJbook IOf 
Re1ierenoe," and 'O/tlher W'O'Tks; Ang.- 
The Hutts, Grewelthorpe, Ripon, Eng.; 
Army and Navy Club; United Service 
Club; R. W. Yacht Club; Geographical 
Club, London. 
Daly, Hon, Sir Malachy Bowes, ad- 
S. late Hon. Sir Dominick D., Co. 
Galway, Irel., and Caroline Marla D., 
d. Col. RsaJ'})Ih GI()re., Barl'owmount, 
Kilkenny, Ire!.; father a well-known 
pUblic man In Can. In the early days; 
afterwards a distinguished govr. and 
admlnistnlltor in tihe Imp. servke; b. 
"Marchmont," Quebec, Feb. 6, 1836; 
e. St. Mary's 'CoIl" Oscott, Eng.; m., 
.Tuly, 1859, Joanna (d. May, 1908), d. 
late Sir E. Kenny, Halifax; bar- 

rister, 1864; successively priva.te secy, 
tl(} ibis fa;bher, Sir R. G. MJaOOarmell, Lt.- 
Genl. Sir Hastings Doyle, and GenI. 
Sir W. F. Williams, of Kars; repre- 
sented Halifax (H. C.), 1878-87; 
Depty, Speaker, do., 1882-6; Lt.-Gov. 
N. S., 1890-1900 (getting 2nd term); 
presented with a handsome testimon- 
ial, and his wLfe a diamond star, by 
citizens of Halifax, on vacating office; 
K..c.M.G., 1900; a dir. Sch. for the 
Blind, and Joint Benevolent Soc., 
V.-P. Can. Patruottic Fund, Ohil<1ren'.s 
A id Soc., and Halifax bran
h Am. 
Arühæol. Inst. ; vlce-
halrman local 
branch Brit. Navy League, and presdt. 
St. Vmcent de Paul Soc.; ihton. presdt. 
Hal.ifax ibmßl(::<h BrÏit. Empire Lea.gue; 
a -R.C. ; mQV1ed a resol'Ult.ï-oo, at a meet- 
ing 'Off Ihis co
religù.ondsts, HaJli.fax, Ja'l1I., 
1902, .. prorestdng 
mpihatJica.l,liy against 
the .I'ThS'1ll1: .offered to t'helr dearest 
l"elig1i-ous oConrV'ilCltJiúnls dn the declaratdO'l1 
iTI .the .oath 01f acceSSiÍ'On"; as a 
of\ickeæer was first to make a century 
in OaIJ1_, 1858.-Spring Garden Road, 
Halifax, N..8.; Halifax Club, do. 
Daly, Reginald Aldworth, educatlon- 
S. Ed:wa.rd' and! .Jane M. (Jeffers) 
D,; -b. Na,panee, Ont., May 19, 1871; 
e. Napanee High Sch., V-iet'oria Univ. 
(B.A., anidi Prince of Wales gol.d med., 
1891), Harvard Unrlv. (.A..M., 11893; 
Ph.D.. 1896). and Heidf'lberg Univ.; 
m. Miss Louise Porter H;a;skell ; won a 
travel. fe.llO'Wshi.p at: Harvard!; instr. 
gel(}1. and :physioog., Harvard Undv., 
1896-7; -1898-01; geoll()gist too Can. In- 
tern. BoundJary Comn., J.901-4; prof. 
geoll., Mass. Inst. '.Veoh., ,glnce Sept., 
1907; fell'OW" Am. Geol. SOC., 1905; 
F.G.S., 11906; aubhor of geol. mdn, em:l. 
and tPhysl-og. ;p8Jpers .in va.rlous ,pe,rlodi- 
cals.; I3.piplW. 10 do resel3Jrch work jn 
R-ocky Mlts., -fOT can. Getol. Surv
1911.-Boston. Mass.,. Harvard Trav- 
ellers' Club, do.; Oakley Club, water. 
town, Mass. 
"A brilliant Can.adian."-O. Oitizen. 
Daly, The Right Rev, Mgr, T, J, 
(Re. ). 
B. Hallifa-..::, N.S., Feb. 20, 1839; e. 
tJlooI'le and M\()ntreal; I(). 1861; ISIerved 
as p1"ÏV1aite .secy. .to the la,be Al'CIhhp. 
Conno.l-ly 13.'nd as recto.r of Wdndsor, 
N. S.; now at St. .JlOseiplh's, Ha,ld.fax: 
app.t. -domestic prelart:e 110 tJhe .Pope, 
1900; V. G., Arcl1diooese of HaldfuJ( 
siruce 1901; ellßC'beð opresd-t. St. Jos
H. C. T. A. an-d B. .soc., 1905; 
aòrn1indstr. ()of toboe ,a;rohd,i'OCpse, 1906.- 
St. Joseph's Presbytery, RU8sell Rd., 
Halifax, N.S. 
"An accomplished Churchman."-M. 
Daly, Hon, Thomas Mayne, states- 
man; lawyer. 
2nd s. late T. M. D., a well-known 
Can. public man and memo of Parlt., 
both before and after Confederation, 
and Helen (McLaren) D.;. b. Strat- 
ford, Ont., Aug. 16, 1852; e. U. C. 
CoIl.; m., June, 1879, Margt. Anna- 
bella, d. late P. R. .Jarvis, Stratford; 
barrister (Ont.), 1876; do. (Man.), 
1881; do. (B. C.), 1897; has success- 



fully practised his prof. In all these 
provinces; K.C. (E. of Derby), 1890; 
sat in Stratford City Council and was 
a memo of the Public Sch. Bd.; a 
bencher of the Law Soc.; a memo Bd. 
of Educ., and chairman Western .II. 
Dist., in Man.; a memo 3rd Com. Con- 
gress, London, Eng., 1896; V.-P. U. C. 
ColI. Old Boys' Assn.; a Con.; sat 
for Selkirk (H. C.), 1887-96; declined 
renomination; unsuccessfully contested 
Brandon (H. C.), g. e. 1908 (vote: 
Sifton, 3,565; Daly, 3,496); Minr. of 
the Interior and Supdt.-Genl. of Indian 
Affairs under Premiers Thompson and 
Bowell (q.v.), 1892-6; undertook a mis- 
sion to Eng. and France, for the re- 
organization of the Can. Immigration 
system, 1896; carried out ,important re- 
forms in his dept.; presented with a 
testimonial from Western stockmen, 
1896; police commr., Rossland, B.C., 
l8!J7 ; police magte., Winnipeg, 1901-8; 
judge, juvenile ct., do., since 1909; head 
of law firm D. & Crichton, Winnipeg; 
has served In V. m. ; author, "'l'he Can. 
Spirit of the North-West" (1907); 
favours Imp. federation and compul- 
sory educ. In public schs.; an Ang.; 
a ch. warden and a del. to the Synods. 
-90 Dorchester Ave., lVinnipeg,. J'ff ani- 
toba Club, do. 
"A man of great personal magnetism, 
a ready debater, -and one wh() never speaks 
without doing justice both to himself and 
his 6ubject."-Sir John Thompson. 
(D. Winnipeg, June !
, 19l1.) 
Dancey, stanley Nelson, journalist. 
Irish origin; s. Thos. H. D., manu- 
facturer, Picton, Ont.; b. Belleville, 
Ont., Feb. 22, 1885: e. Picton Public 
and High Schs. and Belleville; m. Miss 
Ida Winnifred Laird, Acton, Ont.: 
commenced journalism on Picton Ga- 
zette, and was later on staff of Belle- 
vllle Daily Ontario, Stratford Dail]! 
Herald, Guelph Daily Herald, of which 
latter he was city ed. ; since Oct., 1906, 
has been ed.-in-chief Woodstock Dail]1 
Express; an ardent promoter of ama- 
teur sport, and has been prominently 
Identified with many athletic organiza- 
tions; a Con., and an office-holder In 
various local party bodies: a warm 
admirer of both Mr. R. L. Borden and 
Sir .J. P. Whitney; a Meth.- Wood- 
stock, Onto 
Dandeno, James Brown, educationist. 
S. Felix D., a French-Can., and 
Bridget (Brown) D., a native of 
Mayo, Irel.; b. Guelph, Ont., Feb. 2, 
1862; e. public schs., Coil. Inst., 
Guelph, Normal Sch., Toronto, Queen's 
Unlv. (B.A., 1895), and Harvard Univ. 
(A.M., 1899; Ph.D., 1904); m., July, 
1891, Miss Laura Adamson Summer- 
son; entd. teaching prof., with vari- 
ous 1st class and specialists' certs., 
1883; was sdenoo ma!òt,e.T, Newburg1h, 
Ont., High SCh., 1889-96; principal 
Wllliamstown, Ont., High Sch., 1896-H; 
remoV'lng to .uhe U.S., .ha.s ISIince boeen 
asst. Botanical Museum, Harvard 
Unlv., 1899-1901; Instr. In botany, 
Harvard Summer Sch., 1900-03; do. 
do., St. Louis Normal and High Sch., 
1901-2, and sincE' Aug., 1902, has been 

asst. prof. botany, Agricul, CQIl" 
M.ioh.; autohlor of vl3:rlous ,inotJeT1esUnog 
rnntributlons to thp Trans. Can. 
Inst.. Am. JOUT'tJ,. of Science. and to 
Science; thlnkfl that the greatest men- 
ace to the advanc. of civilization and 
civic morals, In the highest sense. Is 
th(" prevalence of .. societies" ani! 
" clubs"; a Meth.-Agricultural Col- 
lege, Mich., U.S. 
Dandurand, :Madame Josephine, lit- 
2nd d. late Hon. F. G. .Marchand, 
statesman and dramatist, and Marie 
Herselie (Turgeon) D.; b. St. .Johns, 
P.Q.; e. Les Dames de 1a Congo de 
Notre Dame, a branch of Villa-Marla; 
m., .Jan., 1886, Hon. R. Dandurand 
(q.v.); has won high distinction for 
her literary works, which comprise 
numerous papers and essays on sub- 
jects of public Interest and in rela- 
tion to women's duties, rights and 
place, as well as several dramatic 
Iple0es; edited for some yrs. Le Coift 
(In Feu, a woman's paper; among her 
'Publlcations have been: .. Les tGontes 
{Ie Noel," " Rancune," "La Carte 
'PO'stale," .. Le Langage -des Fleurs," 
"Nos Trav,ers," and .. Vlctlmes de 
'1' [deal" ; ,founded .. L'Oeuvre des 
Livres Gratuits," 1892; a good speake,. 
and often called "The Female Laurier"; 
has addressed the Nat. Council of 
.\Vomen, the Alliance Françalse, the 
Lad-ies' Literary Circle of the Meth. 
Ch., the Cal,edonlan Soc., an-d otheI' 
bodies, on .. La SociabiIité," ., Women 
and 'Citizenship," and other subjects; 
pro vI. V.-P. of the Nat. Council or 
Women; is aI-so V.-P. Can. Woman'8 
Club; a me.m. Gen!. Comte. of the 
tori an Order of Nurse-s, and was a tnE'lII. 
of the local comte. apptd. in connection 
with the Quebec Tercent. celebra- 
tion, 1908; while her husband was 
speaker of the senate, gave several 
very effective amateur dramatic per- 
formances In the senate chamber; 
creatoed an offr. d'acad. by the Frenoh 
Govt. (the first Can. woman to be so 
honoured), 1898; was 'a'pptd. a oommr. 
to the Paris Expn. by the Dom. Govt., 
1900 (see IMorgan's "'l'ypes of Can. 
Women"); R.C.-5
8 She1'b1'001ce St. 
W., Montreal; Can. Woman's C.
ub, do. 
"One W()'IDa:n in ten thou8'and. -Lord 
Strathcona (q.v.). 
Dandurand, Hon, Raoul, statesman; 
lawyer; capitalist. 
S. late CEdipe D., merchant, and 
Marie Marguerite (Roy), Montreal; b. 
Montreal, Nov. 4, 1861; e. Montreal 
ColI. and Laval Univ. (LL.B., 1882; 
LL.D., 1909); LL.D. (hon.). McGill 
Unlv., 1910; m., Jan., 1886, Josephine 
(q.v.), 2nd d. late Hon. F. G. Mar- 
chand, later Premier of Quebec; advo- 
cate 1883; K.C., 1899; successfully 
tlses his prof. In Montreal; head 
of law firm D., Hibbard (q.v.), Boyer 
(q.v.), & Gosselin; one of the leaders 
of the Can. bar; conjointly with Chas. 
Lanclot (q.v.) published a treatise on 
criminal law, and manuals for .J.P.s 
and for pollee offrs, ; was apptd. a <list. 
magte. by the Mercier Admn., P.Q., 
and created a Knight of the Legion 
of Honour by the French Govt., 1891; 



Is a dlr. of the Montreal Trust & De- 
posit Co., Montreal Cotton Co., Sun 
Life Assur. Co.. City & Dist. Savings 
Bank, Dom. Coal Co., Dom. Steel 
Corpn., Ltd., G. T. Paclftc Ry., La Patrie 
Co., men's comte. L'lnst. des Ecoles 
Ménagères; V.-P. Montreal Can. Club, 
Can. Genl. Development Co., L'Alliance 
Française, Parks and Playgrounds 
Assn., Montreal, and of the Can. branch 
of the Assd. Councils of Churches In 
the British and German Empires, and 
presdt. (having previously served as 
V.-P.) Montreal Citizens' Assn.; 
fa vlOured! the iorIDaitJion ()If a Bdl. of 
Control, Montreal; elected presdt. 
local branch InteI1Parliamentary Peace 
Union, formed at his Instigation, 
1907; a Lib. In politics, and has 
served as presdt. of the Club Nat., 
and of the Montreal Reform Club; ha!; 
also served as unpaid party organizer 
In the dlst. of Montreal; has served as 
a Royal commr. on educ., P.Q., 1910; 
declined appt. as a Cath. sch. commr., 
1908; called to the Senate by Lord 
Aberdeen, Jan. 22, 1898; served as 
chairman O'f t>he Pl'ivate Bms Comte., 
1903-5, and was Speaker of the Senate, 
1905-09; called to the P. C., 1909; has 
been presented to their Majesties, King 
George and Queen Mary; officially en- 
tertained H.R.H. Prince Arthur of 
Connaught when In Can.; presented to 
Presdt. Roosevelt, and was at his In- 
auguration, Washington, 1905 ; ad- 
mitted to a private audience with Hi!' 
Holiness the Pope, 1906; has lectured 
on .. National Ideals," .. Public Life," 
.. The Loyalty of Quebec," .. Lessons 
conveyed by the life and career of Sir 
L. H. Lafontaine". (inauguration ad- 
dress), and" T,he Prlnclpleof Arbitra- 
tion In International Law" ; has Intro- 
duced a measure on Usury, and has 
proposed that the Continental system 
be adoptpd In Can., whereby Ministers 
of the Crown may be permitted to 
s edl:fi1Jer Ohamber; also favou'rs 
the appt. of a jolßlt <:omte. o! the two 
Houses of Parlt. to consider a plan 
for a better division of Parliamentarv 
business; considers that .. the tlmè 
will come when this country will cease 
to be a dependency and will fly her 
own flag"; his portrait by Franchere 
added to the Parliamentary collection. 
Ottawa, 1909; R. C.-.i
8 Sherbroo1.'(. 
St. W., Montreal; Mt. Royal Club: 
lJ/ontreal Club; Canadian Club, do. 
"A man of grea,t executive abilit)....- 
S. N. 
"A man of fine culture lInd 
opinions." -Collier' B. 
"P<>6S1eSseS -a.biIity, forre, ela, of 
pu.rpose and public spirit."-M. Herald. 
"A hard wo.rker, active and energe,tic, 
expediting in a minimum time a maximum 
of W'Qrk."-M. Star. 
"A skillful dehater, 
ble to hold his awn 
with the best in the courts of law, on the 
floor of Pa.rJi.amentt or in the rough-and. 
read>' struggles af tlhe pool-itical platform." 
-Â. B. Hannay (q.v.). 
Dandurand, Vcal H., real estate 
B. and e. Montreal; m. Mlle. 
'.ralllefer; some yrs. In mercantile 
life; more recently a real estate 

broker; elected mango dlr. Central 
Park Land Co., !Montreal, 1907; Is 
V.-P. Automobile Club of Can., and 
was Can. delegate to the meeting of 
the Am. Automobile Assn., 1908; apptd. 
King's Auctioneer, Dlst. of Montreal, 
1907; unsuccessfully contested mayor- 
alty of :Montreal, 1904; a councillor 
Montreal Reform Club and unsuccess- 
fully contested Jacques Cartier (H. C.), 
g. e., 1908 (vote: Monk, 4,143; D., 
3.170); a prominent memo Montreal 
Citizens' Assn., 1909-10, and their 
nominee for ald., St. Joseph's Ward, 
1910; ohalnnan, City Reception Comte. 
to Cardinal VannutelU, Eucharistic 
Congress, 1910; is presdt. Lacoste 
Sih.ip Brake Co.; R.C.--800 Dorchestel 
St. W., Montreal; Club St. Denis; Auto 
and Aero Club; Canada Club; Reform 
Club, do. 
"A farceful speaker in both Eng. and 
Frf'nch."-M. Herald. 
"Dane, Barry," (see Logan, .Mrs. 
Annie Robertson). 
Dane, Frederick, Onto pUblic service. 
S. late 1Vm. D., Mar Lodge, Bangor, 
Irel.; descended from Paul D., Provost 
of Innis&ilIen, 1688-90; b. Belfast, 
Ire1., May 6, 1861; e. Nat. Sch. and 
FoY1le 0011., Londonderry; came to Can., 
1880; m. AIlIIlILe, e. d. Ila:lie John Keßlt. 
J.P., Toronto; W<iJS dn ex:port and im- 
poor:t buslnoeæ foOT many yrs. f1ol'ITIlin.g an 
exotenlSive cOßln.eotion ; al,so Iptresd't. 
Freder.ick D. & 00., bl'owers, Toronto; 
apptd., by Govt. 'Of Onto a memo 
TemLskianldng & N'Ol'uh. 01111:. R:y. 
Comn., Dec.. 1906, and, In conm'ction 
therpwith, land commr., Feb.. 1909; 
formerlv presdt. Toronto Epworth 
League' and Toronto :Meth. S. S. Union; 
elected presdt. Irish prot. Ben. So
Toronto, 1908; holds high rank ,in 
Orange and 
Lasonic bodies; a Con., 
and a local ward chairman for yrs.; 
re sign ed\ 1908; Bay, 
Ont.; .. Dromm-d;' 29 J1[urray St., 7'0- 
.. A man of tireless energy and keen 
business fareßight."-O. Oitizen. 
Daniel, lIIIr., Alice ]II, ]II" artist. 
D. late Capt. Jas. Baker, H.E.LC.S., 
and Sarah B., d. late Rev. S. Bancroft. 
B.D., of the same family as Bancroft, 
the Am. historian; b. Burmah, E.I.; 
when a oH,t!t1e gil'l., came to Ha;J.ifax, 
N.S., wLth ther motihiE':r, aJfter .bIer 
father's de:a!bb; e. 1St. :Mary's Ooow'enrt, 
CII3JI'e, N.S.; m., 1882, Geo. W. Danñel, 
St. John, N.E., bblen mangr. Bank or 

.S., Yoarmout!h, N.S.; adll1lHted amem., 
Decorative Art. Inst., London, Eng., 
Feb., 1886; obtd. a cert. of competence 
from do. do., Mch., 1886; took the Mc- 
Kinley prize for pen and Ink sketches 
in the class of re.productlons from the 
gI'eat m'3.sters, \Yoashiingbon, D.C., 1900; 
has taken prizes for and excels In 
original rolor landscape paintings, 
mlniatur,es, child's heads, etch.Ings and 
book plates; Is also an accompllshed 
musioi'an; An.g.-" Bon Bungalow," 
St. Stephen, N.B. 
"A painte.r of true talent and origin- 
alit)....-Philadelphia Herald. 
.. Ranks as an artist of very great cul- 
ture."-St. John Sun, 



Daniel, C, L" journalis-t. 
B. and e. Co. Brant, Ont.; news- 
paper training on Bm,ntford Expositor; 
now on ed. staff Buffalo Courier.- 
250 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 
Daniel, Burg. Lt,-Col, John Water- 
house, physician; legislator. 
S. Rev. Henry D. (Meth.) and 
Honor D., natives of Eng.; b. St. 
Stephen, N.B., Jan. 27, 1845; e. New 
Kingsford ColI., Bath, Eng., London 
and BeHevue Hio,sp. Med. rulL, N.Y. 
(graduated, 1865); m., Oct., 1890, 
.Tessie Porteous, d. late John Ennis, St. 
John, N.B.; entd. U.S. Army as acting 
asst. surg.; was In charge of offrs.' 
hosp., Mobile, Ala., and afterwards 
surg. in charge, post hosp., Shreveport, 
La.; F.R.C.S., Eng., 1867; since 1871 
has successfully practised his prof. In 
St. John; has been presdt. St. GeDrge's 
Soc., St. John Med. Soc., and N.B. Med. 
Soc. ; Is a memo Bd. of Heal1h; ald., St. 
John., 3 yrs.; mayor, do., 1900-2; Is a 
coundllor Can. Assn. for Prevo of 
Tubercul.; presdt. The Standard, Ltd., 
St. John; del. to con!. re representation 
Maritime Provs., In Parlt., St. John, 
1910; Is a representative to Dom. Rifle 
Assn. Council from N. B. RlfIe Assn.; 
asst. surg., 3rd N. B. Regt., G. Arty., 
1876; surg., with rank of surg. major, 
1876; surg. It.-col, 1896; a Con.; has 
sat for St. John City (H. C.) since 
1904; one of the representatives of 
tohoe H.C. to otJhe ClQronl3Jt!lon O'f King 
 and Queen 'Mary, ,191'1; pre- 
SeI1Jted to TibJelr Majesbioes, Buckingham 
Palace, Junle, 1911; a F-r
oreste.r; a Me1th.-St. John, N.B. 
.. A oleover public 6pe.a.lær."-St. John 
Dansereau, Clement Arthur, journal- 
E. S. late Clement and Louise (Fiset) 
D.; b. Contrecæur, P.Q., July 6, 1844; 
e. V
rchêres, L'Assomption CoIl., and 
MCGIll Unlv. (B.C.L., 1865); m., 1st, 
;Marie Cordelie (d. Aug., 1879), d. late 
.T. Hurteau; 2ndly, 1880, Ste-phanle (d. 
Mch., 1897), d. St
hen McKay, St. 
Eustache, P.Q.; advocate, 1865, but 
has never practised; for 13 yrs., from 
1863, was one of the eds. of La 
Minerve, the leading organ of the 
French-Qan. wing of the Con. party; 
later was ed. of the Chapleau organ, 
La Presse, but leaving this, became 
for a short time, 1880, joint elk. of 
the Crown and Peace, Montreal; was 
postmaster of Montreal, 1891-9; re- 
signed, to assume tne chief editorship 
of La Presse, In support of Sir W. 
Lauder; was entertained at a banquet 
by the press of Montreal In 
celebration of the 40th anniversary 
of his entering journalistic life, Oct., 
1907; author of an unfinished work, 
II Annales Hlstorlques du ColI. de 
L' Assomption " (1864), and of 
numerous other efforts in prose and 
verse; R.C.-J028 Dorchester St. W., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Canada 
Club; Montreal Club, do.; summer 
residence: Rivière du Loup Pointe, 
.. A JIlJaD of gIT"elllt pe,rsoll,al chalrm, of 
wooe P'O'Ht.i<
a1 k norw,ledige., of fi ne ('o,nlÌ.ro- 
versia.l skm and of 
nerQlU5 s)mpaJtJhie,s." 
-Dr. J. S. Willison (q.'Ð.) 

Darling, Bev. Charles Burroughs 
Third s. late Rev. W. Stewart D., 
rector Ch. Holy Trln., Toronto, and 
Jane (Parsons) D.; b. Toronto, 1851; 
e. Trin. Univ., Toronto, and Këble 
ColI., Oxford (M.A., 1873); m. Agnes 
Georgina, e. d. Gilbert John Ansley, 
The How, St. Ives, Hunts., Eng.: o. 
dencon, 1877; priest. 1879; succe
ly cum1e St. IV'es, Huruts, Holy Tr1in.. 
'l'cronto, and st. Matthias. Toronto: 
since 1889 rector St. Mary Magdalene, 
Toronto; prf'sented with a gift of 
$2,000 by Andrew Carnegie, as a mark 
of appreciation of his work. 1907.--395 
Jl.lanning AVe., Toronto. 
Darling, Frank, architect. 
E. s. S. late Rev. W. S. D., man
yrs. rector Holy Trin. Ch.. Toronto. 
and Jane (Parsons) D.; father known 
as the II father of the Cath. mOve- 
ment in the Ch. of Em:!;. in U. C.": 
b. Toronto: e. U. C. ColI.; an archi- 
tect; successfully 'Practising his prof. 
In Toronlto and Winnipeg, as a memo 
of t,he flrm D. & Pearson: elected a 
dir. of the Guild of Civic Art, Toronto, 
1907: Ang.-Jl Walmer Rd., Toronto; 
Toronto Club, do. 
Darling, Henry W., merchant. 
B. Edinburgh, Scot., May 27, 1847: 
e. Southern Acad., there; came to 
Can., 1862; entd. the dry goods trade, 
Monrt I'ea I , 1867; was in 'bhe Wih'o

sale trade there, and afterwards In 
Hamilton and Toronto: amalgamated 
with W. R. Broclt (q.v.) Co., 1879; 
founded the firm of Hy. W. D. & Co., 
Toronto, 1884; consolidated his busl- 
nes.s with 'bhlat of A. R. Me
VI'aiSJt'er & 
Bro., 1886; gent mangT. Entg. 
a.nd SC'orttish Inve-SlÌ. Co., ,1879: as 
Slp'eC'lal commr., saId Its assets, aIIl'ount- 
ing to a mllld'Ün dJoLlars, to bhe Lonodoo 
& Onot. Loan 00., of w.hiûh ,he was a 
dlr.; an ald., Toronto, 1880-81; preacH. 
of the Ed. of Trade. do., 1883-6: was't. Bank 'Of Oommeroe, 1886- 
90; graduated from Royal Mil. Sch., 
1866, and was capt. Orlllia co. of 
volunteers; elected V.-P. Commercial 
Union Club, 1887; later, removed to 
Boston, Mass., where he was elected 
treas. Genl. Electric Co., 1894.-Sche- 
nectady, N.Y. 
Darnell, Bev, Henry Faulkner (Ang.). 
S. late Rev. Jas. D., M.A., rector 
Pentlowe and Cavendish, Co. Essex, 
Eng.; b. London, Eng., 1831; e. Trin. 
ColI., Dublin, and Queen's ColI., Cam- 
bridge; m. Augusta, d. Rev. J. Bal- 
four, B.D., Chelt.enham, Eng. ; o. 
deacon, 1858; priest, 1859; curate 
Trin. Ch., Quebec, 1860; incumbent 
Christ Ch., Stan stead, 1861; rector 
Sit. Johns, P.Q., do.; asst. St. Paul's 
Cath., London, Ont., 1874; since 1883 
has been rector Epls. Ch., Avon, N.Y.; 
D.D., Kenyon ColI., Ohio; was for some 
yrs. math. and classical prof., Ro
Seh., Rajphoe, lI'eI., a.nd subsequently 
principal Hellmuth Ladles' COll., and 
Dufferin ColI., London, Ont.; writes for 
Rod & Gun and other mags., Eng., Am. 
and Can.; author of numerous pub- 
lications In prose and verse.-The 
Rectory, Avon, N.Y. 



DartneU, Major-General Sir John 
George, H..M.'s Co1. mil. forces. 
S. late Dr. Geo. Russell D., inspr.- 
gent. Army hosps.; b. London, Ont., 
1838; m., 1865, Clara. d. Hon. C. 
Steer, judge Sup. Ct., Calcutta: entd. 
army as ensign 86th Foot, 1855; re- 
tired, 1869, a maj.-genl.; served Cen- 
tral India Field force, 1857: present 
at the storm and capture of Ohundareoe, 
and -led bhe only successful attack on 
fortress of J.hansi (seV'8rely w()'Unded; 
despatches; med., with clasp, and bt. 
of major): served also In Bhootan 
expdn., as A.D.C. Ito 'Maj.-Genl. Tombs, 
and was present at recapture of Dew- 
an girl (med. and clasp); Zulu war, 
1879, leading left flanking force at 
Isandhlwna (med.); Basuto war, 1880 
(med.); Boer war, 1881; S.A. war, 
189.9-1901 (despatches twice; med. wi-th 
clasps); .from 1881 to 1902 was co!. 
commdt. Natal vol. and mounted police 
forces (thanked and eulogized for his 
services by the Colonial legislature, 
1902); C.M.G., 1881; K.C.B., 1901.- 
t!l Cadogan Court, Chelsea, London, 
"A strict but just discipliDiarian."-M. 
.4.0 P. 


Darveau, Charles, lawyer. 
S. Joseph and Madeline (Pageot) 
D.; b. St. Ambroise de la Jeune 
Lorette, P.Q., Feb. 9, 1847; e. Quebec 
Semy. and Laval Unlv.; m., 1st, 1875. 
Mlle. Marie Louise Delisle (d.) : 2ndly, 
1882, Mlle. R. E. Laure La Rue; ad- 
vocate, 1871; K.C. (Marquis of Lans- 
downe), 1887; has practised his prof. 
at Lêvis; for some yrs. In partner- 
ship with his son, C. V. D.; occasion- 
ally attached to newspaper press; 
still writes on political subjects; ha
been presdt. of various benevolent 
socs., Including the C.M.B.A., the For- 
esters, etc.; a Con., and unsuccess- 
fully contested Lêvls (H. C.), g. e., 
1887; a R. C.-Lévis, P.Q. 
Dashwood, Major-General Richa.rd 
Lewes, H.M.'s regular mil. forces. 
Second s. late S. V. D., Stanford 
Park, Notts; family a senior. branch 
of the Dashwoods of Oxfordshire, 
Barts.; also the sole representatives 
of an ancient Welsh family named 
Lewes, who assist.ed Henry VII. at 
Bo:-;worth Field; b. Stanford, Feb., 
1837; lIeut., 34th Foot. 1855; trans- 
ferred to 15th Foot, 1856; served with 
the 34th In the Crimea: commanded 
the 15th in Afghan War, 1879-80 
(med.; thanked in despatches) ; maj.- 
genl., 1885; now retired; when quar- 
tered In Canada had great facilities for 
learning woodcraft and the habits of 
animals, consequently became a first- 
class moose-caller; has paid frequent 
visits to Can. and Nfid. ; author II Chip- 
loquorgan, or Life by the Camp Fire 
In Canada and Newfoundland"; an 
ardent Imperialist: Is convinced that 
if the colonies are not joined to the 
Mother Country, for trade and de- 
fence, with preferential dutlli's. the 
Empire will come to an end; Prot.- 
Naval and Military Club,. Army and 

Navy Club; United Berv(ce Club; Hur- 
lingham Club, London, Eng. 
II One of the mightiest hunters of the 
age."-M. Star. 
Dauth, Bev, Gaspard (R.C.). 
S. late Gaspard D., M.D., and Mary 
(Bermingham) D., Coteau-du-Lac, P. 
Q.; b. there, Aug. 10. 1863; e. St. 
Hyacinthe ColI., the Grand .Berny., 
Mo(}utrooJ, L'Inst. Oath. de Paris, 
France, and Laval Univ. (B.A., 1883: 
D.D., 1908); o. 1886; prof. ColI. de 
St. Hyacinthe, 1880-90: for 3 yrs. 
studied In Europe, at the end of which 
time became secy. to Laval Univ., 
Montreal, and, in 1893, took up his 
ref1idence at the Archevêché, Mont- 
real; apptd. chaplain to the chapter, 
1894, and Cl3.noOIb, 11898; -boeoarrne {\ 
dlr. of the Ecole Pol
/technlque, and 
dlr. of La Bemalne ReUgieuse, the or- 
gan of the Ch., 1895; this office he 

Itm filii,s; since 1904 Ihas 'a.l,Slo be-e,n 
vice-rector of Laval Unilv., and Is prof. 
of hlst. and uobin. t.hlf't'e,ln; WlaS Clha1r- 
man {YÍ the Cath. Sch. Commrs., 1905- 
10; a memo of hhe Oenbml Bd. 
01 Exam1Ts.; uromIn.ent1y Identlfieò 
with the Anti-Alcoholic League, 1907; 
was one 01' the 'C'O'ffi'11. I3..UDtd. to 
a site for the B. C. Unlv., 1910.- 
Archbishop's Palace, Montreal. 
II A man of talent and rare merlt."- 
M. Star. 
Da.vey, Bev, B, George (Cong.). 
B. nr. BowmanvUle. Ont.; e. "Whitby 
Coli. Inst., McGill Unlv. (B.A., with 
1st rank honours In mental and 
moral phil., 1892), Wesl. Meth. Coli., 
Montreal (B.D., 1892) and Princeton 
Unlv.; m.; o. (Meth.), 1892, and 
shortly afterwards withdrew from the 
Meth. Ch.; later, was successively 
pastor of the Covenant Presb. Ch., 
PiHsburg, Pa., the First Pt'esb. Dh., 
Redbank, N.J. and Chalmers presb. 
Ch., Toronto; since 1903 has been 
pastor of the Christian Union Congo 
Ch., Montclalr.-Montclair, N.J. 
II An eJ.oquent preacher, with exception a.] 
wpaHh of thought and J.angu
ge." - T. 
Da.vid, Hon, Laurent OUvier, states- 
man: jlQurnoa:Þlst; litterateur; Que- 
bec municipal f1ervice. 
S. late Major Stanlslas D. and 
Elizabeth (Tremblay) D.; b. Sault-au- 
Recollet, P.Q., Mch. 24, 1840; e. CoIl. 
Ste. Thêrêse, P.Q.; m., 1st, 1868, Mlle. 
Albina Chenet (d. July, 1887); 2ndly, 
1892, Mlle. Ludlvlne Garceau; advo- 
cate, 1864; while yet a law student 
assisted in founding Le Coloni8ateur 
newspaper, to which he was a contri- 
butor; In 1870, jointly with Messrs. 
Mousseau and Desbarats, founded 
L'Opinion Publique, an illustrated 
weekly, of which he became chief ed.; 
in 1874 he and the late C. Beausollel, 
M.P., estbd. Le Bien PUblique; later, 
he published La Tribune,. author of 
many Important historical works, in- 
cludlng: II Biographies et Portraits" 
(1876) : II Les Hêros de Chateauguay" 
(1883), II Les Patrlotes de 1837-8" 
(1884), II Mes Oon,temoporaJIßls" ('1894), 
.. Les Deu" Papineau" (189f1): II Le 



Cloergê Canadien: sa mission et SOn 
æuvre" (do.), condemned at Rome and 
placed upon the Ind-ex: "L'Union des 
Deux Canadas, 1841-1867" (1898) ; .. Le 
Drapeau de Carillon," a drama (1901) ; 
"Laurier et san Temps" (1905), and 
"Vingt BIographIes" (1910): known 
and 1"eoogn,Ized as onle .of CaTIiada's 
most graceful and InstnlCtfve writers; 
also as a much admIred public speaker 
and lecturer, on such subjects as 
"National Unity," "A Page of Can. 
History," etc. ; for a short perIod acted 
as a translator to the House of Com- 
mons; resigned. 1878; successfully 
practised his prof. In Montreal in part- 
nership with the late Hon. ,J. A. 
(afterwards Judge) Mousseau: since 
May, 1892, has been city elk. of Mont- 
-l1eal; WlaS one 'O'f .t.'oo reV:i'sel1s who 
drafted a new charter for that city, 
erved as presdt. st. .Tean Bapte. 
Soc., Montreal, 1887-8; a del. from the 
Quebec Assembly to the French-Can. 
Nat. Convention, Nashua, N.H., 1888; 
has done much to foster and strengthen 
the nat. spIrit in Quebec, and was one 
of the prime movers In securing- the 
erection of the Monument Nat. there, 
and of erecting a monument to Mont- 
calm in France; was originally a Can. 
in polltIcs; left that party to joIn 
T,'Union Nat., an organIzation of young 
men pledged to oppose the Confedera- 
tion of the Provinces; later, joIned the 
Lib. party proper, under DorIon, Hol- 
ton and Laflamme, and was In full 
accord with their po}.icy on all Ques- 
tions save that of protection to native 
Ind'Ustrles, which he had always 
faVICmred: itS n:OiW and ihas been fOor 
many yrs. an unswerving supporter of 
Sir W. Laurler, and enjoys hIs per- 
sonal friendshIp ana political conflden<,e 
in a supreme degree: unsuccessfully 
contested Hochelaga (Local). g.e. 1867 
and 1875, Hochelaga (H. C.), 1878, 
and Montreal East (H. C.). g. e., 1891 ; 
sat for Montreal East, 1886-90, when 
he retired, being out of complete 
accord with Mr. MercIer, hIs 10001 
leader: called to the Senate by H. E. 
Lord Minto, June 19, 1903: moved the 
aòJdress In reply to the Speech from 
the Throne, 190á: has ::Ince moved on 
the subject of Senate reform; also 
touchIng concerted measures for the 
restriction in Can. of Indecent and Im- 
moral literature and other subjeds: 
declined appt. to the It.-governorshIp 
of the N. T. T. and to the ('omn. to 
enquire into the condition of the Cath. 
schs. of Montreal (1909); promInently 
identified with the Soc. for the Protec- 
tion of Women and Children. P.Q.. and 
with the Anti-AI'coholic League, Mont- 
real; is a fellow of the Royal 
oc. of 
Can. and a Knight of the LegIon of 
Honour 01' France (apptd. 1911); 
thoroughly loyal; warmly attached to 
the Institutions of his native land: 
"next to hIs love of Canada Is hIs love 
for the flag whIch protects hIm and 
h1s race In all thR t they hold dear and 
precious"; a R. C.-
91 St. Hubert St., 
Montreal; Canadian Chtb, do. 
.. A man o.f fine litel'Ðiry and 
high views 00 noa.tion,al life."-T. Globe. 
.. A man of sincoe-re and e>n.light.en
views, ex cel.Len.t abi.\ities, and whQ is 

th()roughly inf.ormed upon public queø 
tions."-l'. }I; e WI/. 
"As a w.riter has gained the highest 
disotinction. Like Ke'ats, he has an 
instinct for fine words. As Goldwin 

mith is in EngJ, so' Mr. David. 
Fre-nch-Oan,adians, is the most exquisite 
writer o,f his generati()n. Perhaps the 
dlief charm of his prose }.ie'S in its exceoed- 
ing clarity, and clearne-ss is the first qualit). 
in a French writer. The're is no m,an in 
C'anadra. today who can bptter propound a 
'nthesis; t.hat als'Ü is a lumin()RS feature 
of his styJe. But. .fo'r elegance and cle-ar- 
nof>SS he hOas among his compatri{).t.g achieved 
3 pn!'ition {)f unique- pre-eminence."-M. 
Da.vidson, Alexander, physician. 
S. late Sheriff D., Co. Waterloo, 
Ont., and Margt. D.. d. late .Tohn 
Garden, Aberdeen, Scot.; b. 'BerIln. 
Ont., Oct. 3, 1854; e. Galt CoIl. Inst. 
(Tassie's), and U. C. CoIl.; m.. Fran- 
ces M., 2nd d. Wm. Thorold, St. 
Williams, Ont.: M.B., Trln. Univ., To- 
ronto, 1877; M.B., Toronto Unlv., do.; 
memo Call. P. and S., Ont., do.; pur- 
sUii'd further studIes at London Hosp., 
and Roval Inflrmy., Edinhurgh, Scot.; 
':VLR.C.S. (Eng-.): F.C.S. ( Ih
successfully practised his prof. In To- 
ronto since ] 880; Is surg-. to "Testern 
Hosp., St. .Tohn's Hosp., Home for 
Incurables Toronto Disnensary and 
ChIldren's'Shelter, mf'd. dir. Sovereign 
Life Ins Co. of Can., and examr. Imp. 
Life Assn. of Can.; a memo Toronto, 
Ont., and Dam. Med. Assns.; Presb.- 
'207 College Street, Toronto. 
Davidson, Colonel Andrew Duncan, 
Can. ry. service; land commis- 
Scotch and IrIsh origIn; b. Glen- 
cae, Ont., 'May 18, 18á3; e. local sc
and Can. Busine!'s Call.; m. MIss E 13- 
ft'. McRae, Glencoe; went to WIs., 
1872; ,thence to :\linn., wl}ere he be- 
came engfL in the land busIness, whIch 
he has followed ever sInce; was al8'o 
enO'd. In banking there; took an active 
t In settlempnt of :Minn. and D'11
was mayor of Little Falls.. MInn.; 
a pptrl. a 'Co!. by the Gov. of MInn., for 
servIces rendered to that state: -return- 
ing to Can., was apptd. chief lan!l 
f'ommr. for the Can. Northern .Ry., 190... 
aml Is likewise closely IdentIfied with 
Mackenzie & Mann (q.v.) ; a dlr. W'est- 
ern Can. Flour -MlIIs Co., the Fraser 
Riv'er Lum'ber Co., Dan. No.rbhern 
Pl'a'irie Lands 00., '3TIld many other 
'a,r ,or'ganizatlons; '}Jl1eSlH CHn. 
Wes.t'en1 Lum1her Co. '3ud 1Jhoe ColumbIa LumbeT .00.; Inaugura,red thoe 
m'onomen<t for ,the settlement of peÜ'P'l-e 
()of Am. -origin å.n the Can. NOl1t,h-West. 
wl1ich has been regarded as one of 
the greatest Immigration movements 
of modern times; has sold Can. lands to 
people lIvIng In 40 different States 
of the Am. Union, and, In doing so, 
helped to start and colonize nearly 
300 vIllages In Can.; known In local 
annals as .. The man who made the 
Saskatchewan Valley," a title of whIch 
he Is reasona bly proud; has been called 
also U The Father of the Am. In- 
\ -asLo n: "; ra t ed a 9 oa. Ifni Iùå onl8.1l1e by 




S. N., 1911; In SJddHlon fÌ.1() ,hils oth'eQ" oc- 
cupations, Is extensively engd. In the 
lumber business In B.C. and the g-rain 
business In Sask.; an Imperialist, 
believing that Canada's great future 
and best Interests lle along the llnes 
of a nation within the Empire.-Land 
Department, Canadian Northern Ry., 
Toronto; National Club, Toronto; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa; Manitoba Club, 
Davidson, Bon, Charles Peers, judge. 
S. late Capt. Alex. and Marion 
(Peers) D.; foather served In the mIl. 
service during '37; b. Huntingdon, 
P.Q., .Jan., 1841; e. Huntingdon Acad. 
and McGill Univ. (B.A., 1863: :M.A., 
1867; B.C.L., 1863; D.C.L.. 1875) ; m., 
1867, Alice, 2nd d. Wm. Mattice, ex.- 
M.P., Comwall, Ont.; advocate, 1864; 
K.C. (P. Q.), 1876; do. (M. of Lome). 
1880; successfully practised his prof. 
In Montreal; sometime Crown prose- 
cutor there; presdt. McGill Univ. Lit. 
Club; author, II The Banking Laws of 
Can." ; has lectured on II Odds and 
Ends of ,tlbie Law"; II Some Lega.! 
F1rn,gments," and otlher Eubj'ects; un- 
8ucoessfu.lly CIOntested 'Montrool C. 
(Lorel) , Con. i'l1ltere-st, g. e. 1881. aJnd 
Hunt<Ïngd'Üln (H. C.), g. e. 1882; a 
puisne jud'ge, S. C., P.Q.. since .Jun.e, 
1887; 'a Royal -COllimr. in fÌ.h'e M'e:r- 
cloer case, 1892, and to .revise rand 
nd the Oode 'Of Civdl Pl'OCe<dUI'e-. 
1894; in ,eoaJr.l'Y IHe promlnen-t In 8JDhleUc 
1"1poorts and {'oJ1lÌ'inues t<o be 8JIII ardent 
I()ver of them; flJ"Sot 'P'resdt. 
of :the M'on.treal SIlIO'Wshoe Club, 
1871-7; played In the flrst team of the 
Montreal Lacrosse Club; was presdt. 
Beaver Lacrosse Club, and presdt. Vic- 
toria Skating Club; one of the 
founders of the Royal St. Lawrence 
Yacht Club; was its commodore for 2 
yrs.; long in the v. m., entering the 
Victoria Rifles as a private on Its for- 
mation, 1862; passed through the 
various grades until he attained to the 
command of the regt., ApI. 7, 1887; 
holds med. for service during Fenian 
Raids, 1866-7; an I'l11)p<er.ia.!list; ;an Ä.JD'g. 
-Linton Apartments, Mont1'eal; St. 
James's Club: Royal St. Lawrence 
Yacht Club; Forest and Stream Club; 
Montreal Jockey Club, do. 
.. Unåve-rsaJly respected and admired."- 
M. Gazette. 
.. A diligent .and faithful judl;e, wh()S(' 
decisimls have been le-
ally fQUnd and 
gI"acefully e!Xpressed."-M. Star. 
Davidson, Frederick J08eph Arthur, 
E. Toronto Unlv., where he gained 
a fellowship and graduated with the 
highest honours, B.A., 1890; M.A., 
1893; and Lelpzig Unlv. (Ph.D., 1900) ; 
fellow Ital. and Spanish, Toronto 
Unlv., 1892-5; adjunct prof. romance 
langs., Leland Stanford .Jr. Unlv., Cal., 
1895-1900; prof. ROlJ1ß.nce langs., Cin- 
cinnati Unlv., 1900-2; since then has 
been assoc. prof. Italian and Spanish. 
Toronto Unlv.-f2 Madison Ave., 
Davidson, 'The Venerable Gilbert 
Farquhar (Ang.). 
S. latp r.-ilbert D., Brighton, Eng.; 
family originally from Tulloch, Aber- 

dpenshire; b. London, Eng., Feb. 4, 
1871; e. Hlghgate Sch., St. Leonards- 
at-Sea, and Trln. Unlv., Toronto (B.A., 
1895; M.A., 1896); came to Can., 
1889; m., .July, 1902, Marlon .Jane, e. 
d. late Lt.-CI()I. F. S. Taylor, R.E.; o. 
deacon and priest, 1895; curate St. 
Anne's, Toronto, 1895-8; travl. secy. 
Trln. Univ., 1898-99: fellow and lect. 
in theol., also elk. of convocation, do., 
1899-1901; vicar St. George's, Guelph. 
1901-7: rpctor do. do. Eince Mch., 1907: 
R.D., WeHington:, 1903; arch-dlea,cnn of 
WellUngtJon 'a'l1d Halt.{)ITI since .July, 
1911; a memo Corpn. Trin. Univ.; 
presdrt:. GuellpohMinisterlal ÆS5'Th ; 
del. Provl. and GenI. Synods; a 
memo GenII. Oomlte. bo pre.pare "Book 
of Common Praise": author words and 
music 2 children's operettas, "The Lost 
Princess of Klondyke" and .. Nep- 
tune's Cave"; has lectured on .. The 
Coronation." - St. George's RectoT1I, 
Guelph, Onto 
"HaB made his mark as an eloquent 
and impressive pre a cher."-M. and E. 
Davidson. Rev, Harold Sidney (Pres- 
byterian), educationist. 
S. late .J. B. D., Wolfville, N.S.; b. 
there, Aug. 28, 1869; e. Acadia Unlv. 
(B.A., 189.0, ,
Ian. CoiN., MonfÌ.l'eaJl 
Presb. ColI., Princeton Theo\. Semy. 
(S.T.B., 1898), and Princeton (M.A., 
1898) BerHn and LelÏpzig (Ph.D., 
1906)' UniYs.: m., Oct., 1899. Chris- 
tinp, d. late Wm. Bruce, Musquodo- 
boit, N.S.: 0., Bridgetown, N.S., 1898; 
reElgned, to pursue study in Germany. 
1898; on his return, was. for a time, 
pastor at Annapolis; since 1907 has 
been prof. of Semitic langs., Columbia 
Univ., N. Y.; while a student, and 
subsequently, contributed, under the 
nom-de-pluÎne II Bel!1 ZN'11Ie," t'o many 
Can. and Am. perIodicals: edited 
.. Stray Leayes from the Book of 
Wondèrs." written by his late bro.; 
later pubHshed a book, II The Gho
01 HaTiidtock HO()I!.I,O'W ": som'e I()ff ,MS 
sermons have attracted wide and fav- 
ourable notice, particularly "Elements 
Making for Greatness In our Canadian 
Public Life."-Columbia UniversUy, 
New York. 
" Not onl\" a learned linguist, but a 
forceful preàcher."-H. Herald. 
Davidson, Col, Henry Edward, H.
regular mil. fOI'Ces (retired). 
S. late Hy. E. D., barrister, a part- 
ner of the late Atty.-Genl. Ogden, 
Quebec, and Susan D.. d. late Hon. 
.John Stewart, M.L.C.; b.' Quebec 
(city), Au
. 16, 1838; e. Hamilton, 
Ont., and King's Coil., London. Eng.; 
m.. .July, 1860, Ellen .Juliet Ashton, 
:!rd d. .John Ashton Cas p . Thlngwall 
Hall. Lancashire; gazetted ensign, 
H. M.'s 100th. or Prince of Wales' 
Royal Can. Regt., on Its formation, 
1858; served with It in Eng., IreI., 
Gibraltar, Malta and Can.: lIeut., 
1860; capt., 1863 (for 2 1-2 yrs. adjt. 
Royal Meath MiHtla); exchanged as 
a major, 19th Regt., ApI., 1878; com- 
manded 2nd Batt.. of this corps, 4 
yrs.; was promoted It.-col., 1881, and 
col., 1885; apptd. to the command ot 



the 19th Regt. dlst., Richmond, York- 
shire, 1888; retired on half pay, 1893, 
and on a pension, 1897; a .T. P.; re- 
ceived intJO t.hoe R. C. Oh., 1873.- 
The Culver House
 Amberley, Glou- 
ce8tershire, Eng. 
Davidson, James, business man. 
B. Nov. 1, 1857; m., .Tan., 1887; 
long in the servi'oo of tJhe B. A. 
Land Co., Sherbrooke, latterly as chief 
elk. and accountant; since 1902 has 
been Commr. of the Co. : Is also presdt. 
Sherbrooke Loan & Mortgage Co.- 
Sherbrooke, P.Q,; St. George's Club, 
(D. Sherb1'ooke
 July, 1911.) 
Davidson, James, manufacturer. 
S. late ,Robt. .ToIhn and! Catherine 
(GranO D., OttJawa; b. Ot'tawa. 
Nlov. .1, .1857; -e. Ibhell'e; m., 1885, 
Frances (d. May, 1908), d. .Tohn Thorn- 
thwalte, Liverpool, Eng.; long engd. In 
t'he lumber manfg. ,; the pioneer 
of ready-made sash, door and other 
finished lumber goods in Brit.; lived 
.and did business at Liverpool, Eng., 
1878-85; formerly head of the firm of 
D. & Thackray, lumber manfrs., Otta- 
wa; now, and for some yrs., head of 
the extensive firm following the same 
business, known by his name, having 
extensive wor
s and mUIs at Ottawa, 
and at Davidson, on the Ottawa River, 
P.Q.; presdt. "Wholesale and Retail 
Lum ber Dealers' Assn.; long an ald., 
Ottawa; chairman Bd. of Works: and 
since 1908, a controller; headed the 
poll with 5,012 votes; mayor, 1901; an 
enterprising citizen; built and owns 
.. 'fIhe DOImi.nåòon" (f'OI"Ill1!'fI';1y Bennett's) 
T\>e, Obbawa : a ,ÞoVler of clean 
spoort; WlaS presdl!:. Capl,tal: La!CTosg'e 
Olub ,1'0Ir 6 yn'S.; Præb.-Hotel Cecil. 
"Mainly respo,n6ible for ,the miles of 
d a.nd wen-kept skeets f()ll" 
w.hich the national capital has be,come cele- 
bl'a.ted."-Can. Municipal Journal. 
"The kind o.f man that no progressive, 
self-respecting community can affo-rd to do. 
wit:hout."-Rev. J. F. Gorman (q.v.). 
(D. Ottawa, Oct. 6, 1911.) 
Davidson, Venerable James Burrows 
Third s. late Rev. .Tohn C. D.: a bro. 
L. H. D., D.C.L., K.C. (q.v.); b. Pic- 
ton, Ont., 1838; e. privately, Bishop's 
CoIl., Lennoxvflle (B.A., and valedic- 
torian, 1st in Can., 1860; M.A., 1864; 
D.C.L., 1899), and McGfll Univ. (B.A.. 
ad eun., 1863; M.A.. 1866); m.. 1865. 
Flora, d. Col. D. Westover, Dunham, 
P.Q.; o. deacon, 1861; priest. 1862; 
successively asst. mlnr., Christ Ch. 
Cath.; prof. St. Francis CoIl., Rich- 
mond; curate FreIlghsburg. and rector 
St. Ar>mand E.;. apptd. hon. canon, 
Christ Ch. Oath., Montreal, 1881 ; 
Archdeacon of Bedford, 1901: instru- 
mental in erecting a new ch. at Fre- 
Ughsburg (replacing old Trinity Ch., 
erected 1800-4). as an appropriate and 
worthy memorial of Bp. Stewart, the 
2nd Bp. of Quebec: 
uthor of essay 
on the .. Increase of the Episcopate," 
and other fugitive productions: an 
advocate of religious In contradis- 
tinction to secular education: an un- 

swerving upholder of Brit. connection 
and imp. eXjpa;nslon; a Con.-Man8on- 
(D. Montreal, May, '1911.) 
Davidson, James Grant, educationist. 
S. .Tas. D., Co. Elgin, Onto (8 bro8- 
and sisters in teaching prof.): b. 
Union, Ont., 1875; e. St. Thomas ColI. 
Tnst., Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1900) and 
Univ. of Cal. (Ph.D.. 1906) ; held Goo- 
wey schol. do., 1905-6; unm.: Drof. 
sclf'nce and math., Columbian CoIl., 
New Westminster, B.C. 1900-05; since 
1906 prof. physics, McGill Dniv. ColI.. 
B. C.; has done research work in 
raMo-activity, advance a-CC'Onn:ts of 
which have appeared in PhysikaUschp 
Zeitschr-l't and a full 
ccount in Ph-If 
sical Rev.; a Meth.-Vancouver. B.C. 
Davidson, John, educationist. 
Scottish origin; a "Zorra boy": 
late .Tohn and (Duncan) D.: 
b. nr. Embro, Ont., 1856; e. Ingersoll 
High Sch., Cobourg ColI. Inst. and 
Victoria Univ. (B.A.. with 1st clas!' 
honours In classics and math., 1880: 
M.A., 1883; LL.B., 1891) ; In early yr!'=. 
was a public sch. teacher; since 18RO 
has been principal of Norwood High 
Sc:h.; a Presb.
udbury, Onto 
Davidson, Rev, John Cheyne (Ang.). 
S. late Rev. Canon .Tno. and 
Susanna Ferrar (Cheyne) D.: U. E. 
L. !'=t.oC'k: ml01Ì1hoer oa Itnleal .(I;eS0eur'!.acn.t 
of Nicholas F
rrar. the father of N. 
P., of Little Gldding fame; b. New- 
bora, Ont., Feb. 10: 1861: e. High 
Sch., Uxbridge. Trfn. CoIl. Sch.. 
Bort Hope, l8,n'd, Trln. Univ., To- 
ronto (B.A., 1882; M.A., 1887): 
m., De-c., 1896. Franocoes Maude, d 
F. .T. Lewis, Bank of Montreal: O. 
deacon, 1884; priest. 1885; reed. 2 
yrs.' practical training in Eng.. as 
curate of Tf'ddlng1:on: on his rf'turn 
to Can.. became asst. to C
non Beck, 
at Peterboro; since 1889 has been rec- 
tor thoere: R. D. (Nort,humI]YPII1la-no'l an''! 
Peterboro), 1904: canon. St. Alban'!'! 
Cath., 1905; chaplaln,57th Riegt. (wlbh 
hon. rnnk of eaplt.) , 1896; pI'omcoOOd 
non. major. 1907: .author "P{)It"ci} of 
t,he T>emple." .. F'1eartur>e<S of OUT 
Faith, IP,osltion and PmclJlces," "F'1e
I-oWS'boÏoD and CO-o.pteI'a.'tdoan with the 
dIfferent Prot. OOlmrmun.IoOns as a 
Preparation for Reunion," and other 
papers and sermons; a del. to thE" 
Pan-Ang. Congress, London. Eng.. 
08, and ,to t!he Gent. .syn'oc1, {",am. 
has been presdt. Petf'rborough Mlnl!'l- 
terlal Assn.: a churchm
n of the mod- 
ch.-St. John's Rectory, Peter- 
borough, Onto 
rnl(''S1:, ene;rgetic clerg)-m-an."- 
Onto Ohurchma,'n. 
Davidson, Leonidas Heber, lawyer. 
Fifth s. late Rev. .Tohn C. D., for 
many yrs. Ang. rector Cowansvf1le 
and Sweetsburgh, P.Q., and Ann EIIz- 
abeth (Burrows) D., of By town, 
Onlt.: b. Tororuto. .Tuly 3, 1842: e. by 
his father, St. .Tohns and Cowansvfl1e 
High Schs., and McGm Unlv. (B.A., 
1863; D.C.L., 1887) ; hon. D.C.L., Len- 
noxvflle, 1884; m., .Tune, 1865, 
Eleanor Crowther, y. d. .Tohn Paw- 



son, Montreal; followed law studies 
at Lennoxvllle, and McGlll Unlv, 
(B.C..L., 1864); adV'OOOJte, 1864; K.C. 
(Earl of Derby), 1887; do. (P.Q.), 
1899; In active and successful prac- 
tice In Montreal; holds a leading posi- 
tion at the bar; has pleaded before 
Can. Sup. Ct., and H. M.'s P. C. In 
Eng.; regarded as an authority on 
Ch. or canon law; has delivered lec- 
tures thereon before Montreal Dloc. 
'.rheol. Coll.; apptd. prof. commercial 
law, McGill Unlv., 1881; Dean of Law 
Faculty, do., 1896-7; widely known 
In Can. as a leader in agitation 
against passing Jesuits' Estates Bill, 
1889; chairman Montreal CItizens' 
Comte. thereon; apptd. memo Montreal 
Sch. Comn., 1882; one of the origin- 
ators CItizens' League, and of Good 
Govt. Assn., Montreal, and has taken 
a leading part In securing political 
and municipal reform there; a life 
gov. Montreal Geni. Hosp., and a dlr. 
Proto Hosp. for the Insane; probably 
the most a.c1Jlve ,layman dm ilie Cll. of 
Enlg. In Can., Iha V'Ïng 'been conll'ecÌJßd 
wltJh, and too a gI"oot extoent, dJireotlng, 
ddocesan, prov.I. oalnd genl. leg.Ïsla.blon; 
00. and tPropr. Church Guardian, 1884. 
5; also 00. Can, Ch. Mag.; lay se-cy., 
Pro vI. Synod, 1886-97, and subse- 
quently Ch. Advocate, and Vlce-Chan- 
cellor Diocese of Montreal; an assessor 
Genl. Synod; hon. lay secy, to Conf. 
at Winnipeg for drafting a scheme 
for the consolidation of the Ch. In 
Can., Sept., 1890; took a leading part 
In the formation of the Genl. Synod 
of the Ch. in Can., Toronto, 1895, 
and is a memo of all the chief comtes. 
of the 3 Synods; also a leading memo 
of Bd. of Missions of the Ang. Ch, 
In Can.; as secy. of the Jubilee of 
the Montreal Diocese thanked by the 
Synod for his self-denying work In 
connection therewith, D
., 1900; 
eleded Chancellor, An.g. Diocese of 
Montreal, 1910; a del. to the 
eC)'llog-ress, Lond.on. Erug., 1908; an 
official del. to the Bicenrt. At1Ig. Ch. 
e<e!ebm:tdon, HaUfax, .N.S., 1910; 03 
memo Ex'tV'e. Cmnlì.e. Lord's Day AlU- 
ance, M'onItreal, 1907.-140 Metcalfe St., 
Davidson, Brev, :Macfarlane Bell, 
,Scottish ()IrrIgln; e. s. W. J. D., 
Ottawa; b. there, 1883: e. public sch., 
Ottawa ColI. Inst., McGill Univ. (won 
several scholarships, and graduated 
B.A., 1893; M.A., 1906), and Montreal 
Presb. CoLI!. ('Mackay schol. In bheo\. 
and valedictorian); m., June, 1909 
Constance Marguerite, y. d. late Hy: 
Alexander, Privy Council office, Ot- 
wa; 0., 1907; secy. McGill CoIl. 
't:. M. C. A., 1906; ed. Pre8b. Coli. 
Journal, do.; a contributor to the 
mags.; since 1909 has been asst. 
minr. Westminster Ch., Toronto.-99 
Gloucester St., Toronto. 
Davidson, :Nicholas Ferrar, lawyer. 
S. late Rev. Canon John D.; bro. 
Rev. Canon J. C. D. (q.'V.); a de- 
scendant John Ferrar, Little Glddlng, 
Eng., time Chas. I., 'Vide John Ingle- 
sant; b. Woodbridge, Ont., 1864; e. 

Uxbrldge High Sch., Trln, Coll, Sch., 
Port Hope (Q<lv.-Genrl.'s med.). anod 
Trin. Univ., Toronto (M.A" Prince ûf 
Wales prizeman In math., Wellington 
Sch. and Barnside Sch., 1884); m., 
June, 1895, Amelia Penfold (d. Feb., 
1904), 2nd d. Hon. IDea.t:herston Osloer, 
Toronto; barrister, 1888; K.C., 1908; 
succeSSlfully practises his prof In 
Toron to ; has prosecuted for' tJhJe 
Crown; presdt. St. Andrew's Broth&'. 
hood. 1892-1
02; elooted a BeI1/8JtO'r, 
Toronto Unlv., 1906; Is a memo of the 
Corporation and Finance Comte. Trill. 
Unlv.; a mem, Mission Bd., Diocese 
of ToronTo, and of JÌ!hJe EXltve. Layman's 
Missy, :Movement; eliected a. moem. 
Extv>e. Combe., Layman's M1Ïssy. Move- 
men'Ì of Can. aoo lÌJhoe U. S., 1911; d.o, 
pre9d,L Uruiv. Toronto Alu1D!ni Assn., 
19.11; a doe}. Ban-Ang. Oon.gress Lon- 
d'Ol1, 1908, and to 'the Äng. Oh: 'Con- 
gress, Halifax, N.S., 1910.-30 Chal'lelJ 
St. E., Toronto; Albany Club, do. 
Davidson, Major Peer., lawyer, 
E. s. Judge C. P. D, (q.'V.); b. 
Montreal, Nov. 7, 1870; e. Montreal 
High Sch. and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 
1890; B.C.L., 1893; M,A., 1894); m., 
1897, Harriet Louise (presdt. of the 
Ladies' Montreal Tennis and Bad- 
minton Club), d. late Rt. Hon. Sir 
W. V. WhiteJWay, G.oC.M.G., form- 
erly Prime Minr. of Nfd.; barrister, 
1893; K.C., 1906; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. In Montreal; a business 
partner of Arnold Wainwright (q.'V.); 
elected treas. Montreal Bar Assn., 
1907; a dlr. Crown Trust Co.; author 
(with R. B. Henderson), treatise on 
II Law of Partnership" (1900); has 
lectured on .. Imp. Preferential Trade 
-the Can, Aspect" (1904); some 
time In v. m. force; gazetted major 
5th Regt. (Royal Highlanders of Can.), 
Mch., 1907 (his co. passed best drill 
Instruction, 1905); elected commodore 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, 1907; 
p.reSelllt, by In vitaJt Ion , wJ,tJb Mrs. 
D., at un",-eHing of Que-en V,lctJor1ia 
MiemoI"i'al, Lorudon, May, 1911; Ang.- 
'1 Selkirk Ave., Montreal; St. James'lJ 
Club; Canada Club; Montreal Curling 
Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; 
Canadian Club; Montreal A. A. A88n.; 
.lTont1.eal Hunt Club; Montreal Jockey 
Club, do. 
Davidson, BrandaU, insurance profes- 
O. s.late Tl1>os. D., a native of Edin- 
burgh, Scot., who, coming -to MOIllItreoa.l 
with his fatJher, David D., gent. malllgr. 
Bank of "Mon.t:I"erul, 'Was, ,for a 
en-ed -per,iod, aSSlO'ClÍrut:letd .In business oa
a stock .broke.r, wtth the late D. L. 
Macdougalil and. atterwaI"Cls engag'OO 
in thoe ins. business; mother's fami
dJlSJ!:Jinguisheà in Porrtug1aJI; Is a oousln 
enlt AJrcl1il>p. of OamJte.rbury; lb. 
MontIreal, 1862; e. EI,stII"lee, Eng., TfI'IIn. 
eoll. Sch., Port HIQIpe, On.t., and Rioya\ 
Mil. CooN., 
irugsltQJ1: Ul1l111.; trn.inro Ita 
a business career under his .fatbiE!!l" 
enlt:d. serviæ NOl'1úh -Br.ït. and Mercan
bile Ins. Co., 1882, beoomiÏ11g, after- 
waI"ds, S'Up.<U. 01 bhoe 00., and' (IIl1J his 
foa'bher's death, Dec., 1901, 0aJI1J. mangI. 
of tJhe CO., whlcl1 pl()s:ttdo.n he stna. filils ; 



Is 8!tty. 
or 1Ihe Soottlsh Am. In vest, 
00. ; a gov. Trin. CoJ
. Seth., Po.rt H
formerly an offr.. Monlt,real- G A.; 
Con.; a Pl'ot.--S7S Sherbrooke St., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Mt. Royal 
Club; Fore8t and Stream Club; Club 
Lafontaine; Isleway Club; Montreal 
Club; l1fontreal Hunt Club; Mont1.eal 
Polo Club; Royal Montreal Golf Club; 
St. 11[au1'ice Fish and Game Club, Mont- 
Davidson, Bev, Bichq.rd (Pres b.)., 
S. Hy. and J'8!l1.elt C. (Lil'liC'O) D., 
b. n,r. Ayr, Ont., MClh. 29, 1876; e 
W'Qloostock 00'1.1. Inst., Knox ColI
, To- 
l'ontú (grad., 1901), T.oI'On'oo Unliv. 
(B.A., 1899; I1\f.A., 1900; Ph.D., 1902) 
and Ber.\lin Univ.; m., June, 1906, 
Ed, Mary, od. J'ohl!1J M. NOlrt!hwOoQld\ 
Oha,thl8.m, Ont.; o.. 1910; leot., Trin. 
Unl\'., Toronto, 1901-4; lect. in Semitic 
langs., Univ. Co.lI., 'l"'oronlbo, 1904-5; 
le'clt. in Old Teslt., MOontl'æl Presb. CooH., 
1905-6; assoc. prQlf. of Oden-tal Hot., 
Unlv. 001 l. , T'O'rOonrbo, 1906-10; sinoere 
then has been prOof. Old Te-st. bLt. and 
exegesis, Knlox Co.lI., TorOOllto.. -- 9B 
Woodlawn Ave. W., Toronto. 
.. A brilliant schoo1a.r, with 'POwer a's a 
te.achelI' equal to his capacity as a student." 
--T. Globe. 
Davldsan, Thornton, stock broker. 
S. Hon. C. P. D., D.C.L. (q.v.); b. 
Montreal; e. Montreal High Sch.; m., 
Nov., 1906, Orian, 2nd d. C. M. Hays 
(q.v.); elected a memo Montreal Stock 
Exchange, 1909; formerly man gr. 
Montreal branch af the Wall St. (N.Y.) 
firm of Chas. Head & Co.; since 1908 
has been head of stockbroking flrm af 
'l'hornton D. & Ca. ; Ang.--" 'l'he Cm'le- 
ton," !
2 Sherbroolce St. W., Mont1.eal; 
St. James's Club; Canada Club; 
M.A.A.A.; Mont1'eal Hunt Club; Mont- 
1.eal Jockey Club; Mont1'eal Polo Club; 
Montreal Racquet Club; Royal St. 
LaW1'ence Yacht Club; Manitou Chtb, 
Davidson, William, lawyer. 
Barrister, 1869; practises In '.ro- 
ronto; K.C., 1908; elected presdt. Co. 
of York Law Assn., 1908-9.--1
6 St. 
George St., Toronto. 
Davidson, Lt.-Col, William Hughes, 
S. late Thos. D., senior partner 
Thos. D. & Co., wholesale grocers, 
Quebec; b. Quebe<:, Feb. 16, 1861; e. 
there; m., June, 1907, Mabel, y. d. 
John McCaghey, Quebec: advocate, 
1895; K.C., 1906; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. In Quebec; a business 
partner of Eug. Desrlvlêres: long In 
v. m. service: gazetted senior major 
8th Regt. .. Royal Rifles," Jan., 1904; 
H.-col. commdg. the, ÀPl., 1910; 
an expert rifle shot: adjt. Bisley team, 
1905; V.-P. Dom. Rifle Assn.; presdt. 
Can. Mil. Rifle League; V.-P. Que-bec 
Miniature Rifle Club; apptd. a memo 
Small Arms Comn., 1908; presented 
to H. M. the late King Edward, Blsley, 
1905' a Lib.; a Presb.--18 Conroy St., 
Quebec; Quebec Garrison Club. 
II Has done more than alloY other man to 
win. glory for hi... 
g'ime.nt ()\1 1.he Nn
B of 

Quebec, Ottawa and Bisle:y,"-Oan. Mil. 
Davies, Acton, author and dramatic 
cn tic. 
E. s. late Lieut. E. W. D., Royal 
Can. Rifles, and Kate Rebecca (Pierce) 
D.; grands. Rev. E. A. D., Incumbent 
:Mialv-ern Lin.k, En.g.; b. S,t. Jl()ihns, 
P.Q., 1870: e. Sot. J,ohns Hig1h Sch.; 
went to N. Y., where he has since 
resided, 1887; author of many short 
stories and novels; also of a Life of 
Maude Adams; joined starr N, Y. 
Evening Sun, 1890; dramatic critic, 
do., since 1893; was correspondent N. 
Y. Sun In Cuba and Porto Rico; pre- 
sent with marine corps during fight 
at Guantanamo.- It Evening Sun," New 
York; "Bea1'sden/' Athol
Da.vies, Daniel, business man. 
S. late Hon. Benj. D., a prominent 
public man, P. E.!.; b. Charlottetown, 
P.E.I., Api. 17, 1858; e. Prince of 
Wales ColI.; m., July, 1886, Miss An- 
nie A. Lockhead; emigrated to U. S. 
In early life; returned to Can., 1903; 
remains a Brit. subject; commenced 
ry. service P. E. 1. Ry" 1874; later 
enild. seorvice OhILcago, Sit. .Pawl, MJnn. 
& Omaha Ry., followed by employment, 
In reslPonslble posfUons on H1ll or Gt. 
;.\lorth. Rys.; joining the Virginia & 
s. W. Railway and Virginia Iron, 
Coal & Coke Company, as auditor, 
1900, became, subsequently, general 
mangr. of those cos.; since Oct., 19\J
is comptroller Crow's Nest Pass Coal 
Co.; also purchasing agent of same, 
of Crow's Nest Pass Electric Light & 
Power Co., and Morrissey, Fernie & 
Michel Ry., being also accountant of 2 
latter coso ; prominent In aquatic 
ciI'Cles in M!8ir. Provdn>Oeis, being -se<:ond 
oar dn Chl8.Jrtl'Ottetown 4-oaredi >crew, 
then Invincible; a Lib. ; an Ang., and a 
ch. warden. -- "Edgecliffe," Fernie, 
n.c.; Fernie Club. 
Davies, John Try, retired stock 
Eng. origin; b.London, Eng.; e. 
there; 'ffi. Eleonore, d. late L. J. A. 
Papineau, Monlte-bello, P.Q" and grandd. 
Hon. L. J. P., one of the leaders of the 
Can. Rebellion, 1837; commenced flnan- 
clal career with Stern Bros., London, 
Eng., and aflterwards represented this 
firm in N.Y.; came to Montreal, 1872; 
elected a memo Montreal Stock Ex- 
change, 1873; retired, 1902; now an 
hon. memo of the Exchange; for a 
long period presdt. Outremont Golf 
Club (to which he gave a challenge 
cup); retired, 1905; formerly a capt., 
Vlcto"rfa Rifles; do. a memo Pen and 
Pencll Club; one of the founders Mt. 
Royal Club: author various literary 
productions, Including .. Love and 
Company" (In collaboration with 
Mary Woolston) ; his portral,t has been 
painted by Funk, N.Y.--Care Mount 
RoyaZ Club, Montreal. 
II A man 01 many acoompliehmente."- 
M. Herald. 
.. A writer of no mean ability, as well 
ae an artiet."--S. N. 
(D. London, Eng., Mch. 8, 1911.) 



Davies, Hon, Lt.-Co!, Sir Loui. 
Henry. judge. 
Huguenot descent: s. late Hon. Benj. 
D. and Kezla Attwood (Watt!':) D.; ù. 
P.E.I., May 4, 1345: e. Central Acad. 
and Prince of Wales Coli., Charlotte- 
town; m., May, 1872, Susan (one of 
the originators Otfflwa branch Women's 
Can. Hist. Soc., and has been or is V.-P. 
Ottawa Humane Soc., Ladies' Can. Im- 
migration Guild, and Nat. Council of 
'Vomen), 4th d. late Rev. Dr. Vlrl g _ 
gins: barrister (Inner Temple, Lond.), 
1866; do. (P.E.T.), 1867: K.C., H80; 
was for many yrs. one of the leadprs of 
the Provl. bar; elected a memo Extve. 
Comte. Can. Bar Assn., 1896; was the 
leading counsel for the tenantry before 
the P.E.I. Land Oomn., 1875-76, pl'e- 
sided ove.r by the late Rt. Hon. H. C. 
E. Childers, whl
11 successfully settled 
the land question of the Province; was 
also employed as one of the Brit. 
counsel bef-ore the Inltern. Fisheries 
Comn. apptd. under the Treaty of 
Washlngt-on, that met at Halifax, 1877, 
and, with the other counsel associated 
with him, re<:elved the thanks of H.M.'s 
Govt. for his services on that occasion; 
entd. public life, as a memo of the Local 
Assembly, 1872, remaining a memo of 
that bodiy up to 1879, when he was 
defeated; during the major portion of 
this period was leader of the Opposi- 
tlon; In Sepot., 1876, became Premier 
and Atty.-Gen!.; while in offioe passed 
the Free Sch. Act, which has done so 
much for education in P.E.I., and 
besides efl'e<:tlng many reforms In the 
public se.rvice, placed the Province in a 
good position flnandally; returned for 
Queens (H. C.) in the Lib. Interest, g.e. 
1882; continued to sit therefor tip to 
his a'ppot. as a judge of the Sup1reme Ct. 
of Can., Sept. 25, 1901; was Minr. of 
Marine and Fisheries in the Laurier 
Admn. from July 13, 1896, to his re- 
tirement; was for many yrs. ;pre.sdt. 
of the Mar. Provinces LIb. Assn., In 
charge of the party organization prior 
to and after the trlttmph of his party 
at the polls, 1896; was for an ex- 
tended pe.rlod presd!t. of the Merchants 
Bank, P.E.I.; also presdt. of the Char- 
lottetown Olub; while In office, a.t Ot- 
tawa, undertook two political missions, 
one In 1896, to Washington, in refer- 
ence to reciprocal trade; and the other, 
In 1897, to London, In connection with 
the Behring sea seal controversy, the 
question of the con.trol of the Internal 
fisheries of Can., and the Belgian anò 
German trade treaties; It has been 
claimed for him, by Sir Richard Cart- 
wright (q.v.), that 'he Is the rightful 
father of the Brit. pre,ference; It Is alS'O 
claimed for him that he was the 
father 'Of a naval contingent for the 
Dom.: in 1897, on the completion 
of the 60th year of Queen Victoria's 
reign, was apptd. a K.C.M.G.: his por- 
trait, executed by Harris (q.v.), was 
presented to him, Sept., 1902; was 
apptd. hon. H.-col., 4th P.E.I. Arty., 
May 27th, 1898; has lectured on .. Im- 
pressions of the Eng. House of Com- 
mons," and other subjeds: delivered 
the oration at the unveiling of the 
Soldiers' 'Monument, Charlottetown, 
July, 1903; was first presd:t., Ottawa 
TubercuL Assn., 1904; has also been 

presdt., Can. Soc. of Charities an.d Cor- 
rection, Ottawa ArchæoI. Soc.; V.-P., 
Children's Aid Soc., and a gOY. and 
chairman, comte. of 
langt., St. Luke's 
Hosp.; in the Yukon royalty appeals 
before the Jl. Comte. of the P.C., Lon- 
don, 1904, was specially complimented 
by their lordships for the .. concise, 
clear and convincing" character of 
his judgment; an Ang.-
S6 Metcalfe 
St., Ottawa; Rideau Club, do.; "River- 
side," Charlottetown, P.E.I. 
.. Of eloquent to.ngue and rare pe-r6<Jon- 
II.lit)"; also a sound lawyer."-T. Globe. 
.. His untiring zea.! and industry have 
stamped him 8S 8 leader among men."- 
.. Hegarded, and jU!\ltly re,garded, as the 
most bnl'liant o'rat>or this Pro.vince haa 
ever haIL."-Charlottetown Patriot. 
.. IrrepiI"()achable a8 8 man and 8 poli- 
tician; his re'c()rd "88 8 public man is 
thO'I'ough1y clean and unimpeacha,ble; no. 
s.tain of w.rongdoing rests upon his Wli- 
tiea} e5outche.on-the tongue. of political 
s!ander has neve,r ventured to whisper a 
s)Uable Oof re1proach against his pe,rson,al 
and private characte.r, while his mOost bit- 
ter political oppo.nents have never ven,tured 
to assail him on any but poUtical grounds." 
-JI. Herald. 
Davies. Eobert, manufacturer. 
Eng. o.rigln ; s. late Thos. and 
Fidelia (Jones) D. ; father from 
Cheshire; b. Toronto; e. U. C. Co.ll.; 
m., 1874, the d. la
e Geo. Taylor, a 
memo of the firm of John Taylor & 
Bros., whose brick and paper works, at 
the Don, Toronto, were acquired by Mr. 
D., 1901: previously a partner o.f his 
bro. '1'ho:s., 'În car.ry-ing 'On the Don 
Brewery; retired, 1878: now propr. 
Don Valley Brick Works; presdt., Can. 
Clay Products Manfrs. Assn.; distin- 
guished as a horseman and lover of 
the turf; successively, presdt. Can. 
Horse Breeders' Assn., and o.f Clydes- 
dale Horse Assn. o.f Can.: also, a 
promoter and V.-P. Onto Jockey Club; 
one of his horses won the Queen's 
Pla.te, Kingston, 1871; an hon. dlr. 
Toronto Exhn. Assn., and fonnerly 
presdt. Victoria Park Co., Toronto; 
Ang._" Chester Park," Todmorden, 
Toronto; Toronto Hunt Club, do. 
Davies, T, Eidler-, educationist. 
B. Eng.; e. Cambridge Univ., Eng. 
(B.A.) ; m., June, 1889, Sophie Ethel, 
y. d. J. Mackinnon, London, Ont.; 
for several yrs. headmaster Ablngdon 
Sch., Montreal; apptd. lect. In math., 
McGill Unlv., 1907; asst. prof., do., 
1909: Ang.-69 University St., Mont- 
Davies, William, mprchant. 
B. Wallinford, Berkshire, Eng.: e. 
there; m., 1st, Miss Emma Holtby, 
Henley-on-the-Thames, Eng. (d. May, 
1906); 2ndly, Feb., 1907, Rosa, d. 
late Richard Talbot, Reading, Eng.; 
came to Can., 1854; went into. business 
In Toronto. the same year, and laid 
the foundations for the Wm. D. Co., 
Ltd., pork packers and wholesale pro- 
visions, Toronto, which for many yrs. 
has been one of the most extensive In 
its operations In t'he Dom.; has written 
.. Reminiscences of a Pioneer" (1904) ; 



a Bapt.; rated by S. N. as a mIllIon- 
alre; has subscribed largely for the 
benefit of his Ch.-178 Balmoral Ave., 
d'Avlgnon, John Eugene, Onto public 
S. Françols Joseph d'A., M.D., and 
Elizabeth Amy d'A., d. John FitzGer- 
ald Wilton, Saratoga Co., N.Y.; grand- 
son Capt. Joseph d' A., who fought 
under de Salaberry at Chateauguay; 
father a leader In the Rebellion of 
1837; was pardoned under the "En- 
abling Act," 1849: b. Au Sable Forks, 
N.Y., June 14, 1846; e. Montreal; m., 
1st, June, 1879, Adelaide (d. Jan., 
1889), y. d. John Vavasour Noel, 
Kingston, Ont.: 2ndly, June, 1893, 
Helen Louise, e. d. late Danl. G. Revell, 
Windsor, Ont.; an undergraduate In 
med., McGill Univ.; a corporate memo 
Quebec Pharmaceutical Assn.: 13 yrs. 
a councillor and 7 yrs. an examr. ant. 
CoIl. Pharmacy: a memo Am. Phar- 
maceutical Assn.: many yrs. In busi- 
ness at Windsor; formerly an ald.: a 
memo Bd. of Education; chairman 
Library Bd. and presdt. Bd. of Trade 
there: a Freemason of high degree: 
P. G. S. W., Grand LOdge Can.: K. T. ; 
a memo I. O. O. F.: Ang., and ch. 
warden All Saints' Ch., Windsor, ant.; 
served with Montreal Victoria Rifles 
during Fenian Raid (med.): apptd. 
sheriff Co. Essex, Dec., 1908.-Sand- 
wich, Onto 
II No more popular appointment has 
been made in recent 3"eßrs."-(Jan. Drug- 
Davin, 1I/Irs, Elizabeth Jane, w
2nd d. lrutJe Ja.s. Reid; widow of 
N'ioholas F.I,ood D., K.oC., M. P., ,to 
whom !She was m. Jul'y 25, 1895, 
and W1h
 d. aA. Winnipeg, Dot. 18, 1901: 
b. Ayl'WJ.n, P.Q.; e. Sac,red Heal't Con- 
,,'ent, Ottawa; One of tJh.e 'PTOpS. of true 
West, Regina, Sask.: formerly prov!. 
V.-P. for Asslnlbola, Nat. Council of 
Women, prov!. presdt., N, W. T., 
Daughters of the Empire, and presdt. 
Ladles' Con. League, N. W. T.; In- 
stituted a fund for the erection of a 
monument at Regina to Queen Vic- 
toria: an able writer and fluent 
speaker.-Ann Arbor, Mich. 
Davl8, Allan Boss, civil engineer; 
S. Archibald C. and Amy Ann D.; 
U. E. L. ancestry: b. Adolphustown, 
Ont., July 28, 1858; m., Aug., 1888, 
Allee Maud, d. T. W. Casey, Napanee, 
Ont.; graduated B.A.Sc. (Ci), !l\:1'cGHI 
Unlv., 1884; A. M. Can. Soc. C. E., 
1896: memo do., 1901; a ry. engr. on 
several systems for 20 yrs.; also an 
ant. and Man. land surveyor; consult- 
Ing engr. and surveyor In Winnipeg: 
asst. engr. Northern Pacific Ry.; do. 
do. Dom. Govt. Railways and Canals; 
do. do. Can. Pac. Ry.; In addition to 
various mag. articles, Is the author of 
a novel, "The Old Loyalist" (1908), 
which has been highly praised by Rev. 
Dr. Gordon (q.v.) (" Ralph Connor It) 
for Its truth and fldellty In describing 
the heroism, courage, and endurance 
of the U. E. Loyalists: a Llb.-Con.; a 
Meth.-!i2 Spence St., Winnipeg. 

Davi8, Charles Wesley, manufacturer. 
Eng. origin; S. Chas. and Sarah D 
who came from Devonshire and set:: 
tied at Belleville, ant., 1844; b. Belle- 
ville, Nov. 8, 1847; e. there; m., 1869 
iss Susan Elizabeth Hunt, Belle
vIlle, Ont.; commenced business career 
as a machinist and engr. In Victoria 
Foundry, Belleville; later, was with 
the Joseph Hall Works, OShawa, Ont.; 
removed to Montreal, and has since 
been, for many yrs., mango dlr. The 
Williams Manfg. Co.; elected V,-P. do. 
do.. 1907: presdt. do., 1908; a dir. 
Laumie Engine 00.; It memo !Mon'trea.ol 
Bd. of Tradl8; 'a mem. Extve, :Morutrerul 
branch, Can. Manfrs. Assn.; do. do., 
\Vestern Hosp., Montreal; electpd 
presdt. Westmount Golf Olub, 1909; 
d, 1910; a Lib., but a 
he1iever In protection for home 
industries; a strong advocate of 
temp.; a thorough ,bel,lever In .. Can. 
for the Canadians," and every Cana- 
dian for Can., coupled with loyalty to 
the mother country; a Presb. and for 
many yrs. an elder In the Ch.; for 
over 25 yrs. supdt. of the Sabbath 
09 Mackay St., Montreal; West- 
mount Goll Club, do. 
Davis, Edward Pease, lawyer. 
U. E. Loyalist stock from N. Caro- 
Una; S. Andll"ewand ElizabetJh (Beoas1e) 
D.; bro. Hon. E. J. D. (q.v.) ; b. Ki'I1g, 
Onlt., 1860; e. U. C. CoIl. and To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1882); m., Oct., 
1887, ArleUa L., O. d. H. J. DaV1ls, 
Was'h, ington D.C.; ba,rr:is,tJe-r (<Man.), 
1886; do. (N. W. T.), do.; do. (B. 
C.), 1892; practised his prof. for 
some time at Calgary; now and for 
some yrs. has practised at Vancouver; 
one of the leadoers of the bar; a memo 
O'f ltihe finm D. 'Ma.I'Slhall & Mac- 
X'em ; a !bencher, Law SO<C., B. e.; K.C. 
(Earl of Aberdeen), 1894; do. (B.C,), 
1899; o()ne of Ibhoe oouns,el for 1'I1-e re- 
spondent In the Dunsmuir case before 
the P. C. dn Eng., 1906; for:merJ.y c.hJief 
counsel for the C. P. Ry. In B. C.; now 
chief counsel for the Can. Northern 
Ry. In ,tù1Jat PrÜ'v'ince; untanim'ously re- 
commended for Chief JusticeShip, B 
C., 1902; IPrtev'i'ously d'EocI.ined tlhe ap- 
polntment; a dlr. Royal ColllerleR, 
Utd.: a Lib., amd ihas be
n pl'esdrt.. 
B. C. Lib. Assn.-1115 Seaton St., Van- 
couver, B.C.; Vancouver Club; Royal 
Vancouver Yacht Club; Jericho Club, 
do.; Union Club, Victoria,. United Em- 
lJire Club, London, Eng.,. Toronto Club, 
Davis, Eon, Elihu James, statesman; 
man u fact urer. 
B. King, Ont., Dec. 2. 1851; U. E. 
L. stock; grandf., Ashel D.. came from 
the Carolinas, and settled in Halton, 
ant., 1770; e. public schs., Waterdown 
Grammar Sch., and Hamilton Com. 
Coil.: m., Oct., 1874, Marg-t., d. David 
Johnston, King; a practical mechanic; 
head of firm A. D. & Son, Kingston, 
ant., and the D. Leather Co., Ltd., 
Newmarl{et, one of the most extensive 
tanning manfg. COSo In Can.; V,-P. 
Can. Forestry Assn.; one of the pro- 
moters of the ant., Man. and West. 
Land Co. : successively councillor, 



de-pty. reeve, reeve and warden; sat 
for N. York (Local), Lib. Interest, 1888- 
1903; a memo of the Hardy Cabinet, 
as secy. and regr., and In the Ross 
cabinet as Commr. of Crown Lands; 
resigned, Oct., 1904; a memo Toronto 
Bd. Trade; a Forester; a Freemason; 
a Meth., and a teacher In the Bible 
class; has served as a del. to the 
annual and gent. confs. of the Ch.; 
he, Mrs. and Miss D. were presented 
to .bhe lo8Jte Kinlg Edward, \V.inÒisor 
Castle, 1905.-Tm'onto; Ontario Club, 
.. An able debater, with wide business 
experience."-T. Globe. 
Davis, The Very Reverend Evans 
Y. S. late Rev. Wm. D., rector of 
Woodhouse, Ont.; b. Irel., May 20, 
1848; e. Quebec, Toronto and Lon- 
don Grammar Sch.; D.D. (Western 
Uni\".), 1904; m., OC"1., 1892, .
Louisa Victoria Greenwood, St. Cath- 
arlnes, Ont.; studied theol., Huron 
CoIl., London; o. -deacon, 1871; 'Priest, 
1875; had charge Bayfield Mission; 
since 1873 has been rector St. James's, 
London; canon London Cath., and 
private chaplain Bp, of Huron, 1888; 
areh<l.e.a;ctOIb, 1894; doean of Huron sinCE' 
1903; a.d'llir. of Di'oces'e, 1904; elecoOOd 
High Chief Ranger I. O. O. F., Ollot. 
1908; gazettoeõ chaplJaln. wi1:1h .bIon. 
rank 'Of Cl8Jpt., 7bh Regt., 1899; 
moted major, 1909; is a memo Ch. 
Missy. Soc. ; a memo extve. comte. Ang. 
Mission Bd.; V.-P. Western Onto Bible 
. Soc., and a del. to provl. and genl. 
Synods. 1906-7.-St. James's Rectory, 
London, Onto 
.. A man of high character, who is well 
known for his staunch and consistent 
maintenance of evangelical principles."- 
Evan. Churchman. 
Davis, Henry Hague, social eCono- 
O. s. Wm. Hy. D., Brockvllle,' Onto ; 
b. Sept. 10, 1885; unm.; entd. Univ. 
ColI., Toronto, 1903; graduated, 1907, 
after a brilliant course, holding first 
place In his dept., pol. science, through- 
out; won Bankers' schol., 1904, and, in 
his 3rd year, the Mackenzie schol.; 
awarded the P. W. Ellis silver med. for 
his essay, .. The Work and Wages of 
.Women," and the P. W. Ellis gold 
med. for highest standing, In his final 
year; holds Macl{enzle schol. in pol. 
science; now studying the housing pro- 
blem, In Toronto, under Prof. Mavor 
(q.v.); won Univ. Coll. Lit. Soc.'s gold 
med. for oratory, 1907; during coli. 
course took part in all fields of univ. 
activity; an Ang., was first presdt. 
Ang. Club at univ.; also active Y. M. 
C. A. worker; represented Univ. Coli. 
at great Student Volunteer Convention, 
Nashville, Tenn., Mch., 1906; a Con., 
but advocates greater Ind. of thought 
and speech within the ranks of Can. 
parties; pleads for cleaner politics in 
an essay, .. Party Government In Can." 
(West. Mag., Oct., 1907).-Universitlj 
of Toronto, T
ronto. . 
Davis, Miss Lelia Ada, physician. 
Sister of E. P. D" K.C., and Hon. E. 
J. D. (q.v.) ; b. and e. Kling, Onlt.; 'M.B., 

Toronto Univ., 1889; M.D.,C.M., Trln. 
Unlv., ] 895; elected presdt. Women's 
Moo. ColI., Toronto, 1902; successfully 
practises her prof. In that city; headed 
a deputation from Nat. Council of 
Women to Toronto Bd. of Health, for 
the prevention of spitting In the streets 
and public buildings, 1901.--D9 U The 
Alexandra.." Toronto. 
Davis, Michael Patrick, contractor; 
. capitalist. 
Irish origin; S. late Wm. and Emma 
Cotton (Walsh) D ü Ottawa; b. Aylmer, 
P.Q.; e. Ottawa nlv.; m., 1st, Miss 
I()a,tlherine Teresa Cagey (d. Feb., 
1909) ; 2ndly, Mch., 1910, Gertrude A., 
d. Hy. McGrady, Hull, P.Q.; together 
with his bros. succeeded to the bus{ness 
of his father, on his death, many yrs. 
ago; their works comprise the greater 
part of the Lachine Canal, from Côte 
St. Paul to Lachine, Including the locks, 
brld,ges, culverts, etc., at Cðte St. Paul, 
the Immense new entrance and basin 
at Lachine, the submarine work, 
masonry, and unwatering of which was 
one of the most difficult undertakings 
of Its kind at . that time; built the ry. 
bridges for the Can. Pac. Ry. across 
the Ottawa River at Ste. Annes and 
Vaudreull, some 40 dltrerent piers, III 
part of one sea.son, and the terminal 
station of the same ry. co. at Windsor 
St., Montreal; 'were also contrac- 
tors for the Tay Canal, which connects 
the town of Perth with the navigation 
of the Rideau River and the St. Law- 
rence; the enlarging and deepening of 
the Cornwall Canal, which overcomes 
the Long Sault Rapids on the St. Law- 
rence, and the Sheik's Island dams; 
rubovoe C-Ü'rnwall, a;t 1Jhe lÌowm of C3Jr. 
dinal, moo firm 'were agal'n emfPlüy>ed In 
conlSlbructJing an a:l1tQg'ethoer new cana1. 

o overcome part.of .the Galoþs Rapids; 
m the vicinity of Montreal, the firm 
have constructed and completed for the 
Lachine Rapids Hydraulic & Land Co., 
Ltd., the largest and most Important 
water power In Can.; It confines and 
controls fully one quarter of the water 
passing down the S1. Lawrence River at 
Lachine Rapids, and what was looked 
on a few yrs. ago as an Impossibility Is 
now proven to be a fact, and light and 
power generated at the Rapids are de- 
livered at Montreal; more recently 
they built the crlbwork at the Princess 
Louise Basin, Quebec; the Cardinal 
sec. of the Soulanges Ganal; the sub- 
structure of the Quebec bridge, and 
they are now building a large sec. of 
the Transcontinental Ry.; a gov. St. 
Luke's Hosp., Ottawa; a ddr. HU1- 
crest Ooal & Oo
e 00., amd prosd,t. 
Cornwall Paper Manfg. Co.; elected 
mango dlr. St. Lawrence Power Co. 
1907; Is a promoter of the Transconti- 
nental ExploraJtion Syndicate (L. P., 
;1903), and the Lachine Rapids Hy- 
doouÌ'lc & Land Co.(L. P., 1896) . R. é. 
-565 Rideau St., Ottawa; Ridea-zl. Club 
do,; Garrison Club, Quebec,. summe; 
residence: Thousand Islands, Onto 
.. Ranks amongst the largest canal and 
bridge oontra.cto
8 on the continent."- 
O. Fue Pre... 



Davis, Mortimer Jilarnett, manufac- 
S. late Sam1. D., founder of the firm 
of S. D. & Sons, manufaøturers and 
Importers of cigars, Montreal; b. 
Montreal, 1864; e. High Sch. there; 
m. Miss Henrietta Myers (V.-P. Dec- 
orative Art Assn.); early associated 
with his father In business, first as 
travelling salesman, then as mangr. 
(after the D. Ritchie Tobacco factory 
had been acquired), and, finally. whe'n 
the business had become absorbed by 
the formation of the Am. Tobacco Co. 
of Canada, 1895, as presdt. of the Co. ; 
this posltlon he continues to fill; 
later, gave to the country a great na- 
tion;11 industry In the Empire Tobacco 
CP., a branch of the Imp. Tobacco Co. 
of Can.; the establishment of a per- 
manent market for Can. leaf tobacco 
is abtI1ibuted to his 'labours anod sa,eri- 
fioes; now empl<>ys abO'Ult 3,000 .hands: 
reputed, by the Montreal Star, to be 
a millionaire; shares with Sir W. C. 
Macdonald (q.v.), the honour of being 
termed .. The Tobacco King of Can."; 
gives generously; endowed a chair In 
La,'a.l Unh-.. M'ont'real, 1903; .f;Otrm.(',rly 
presdt. Baron de Hirsch Inst.; elected 
a dir. Uniün Bank, 1906; retired. 1910: 
el;eclÌoo a m-em. :VI'QII1ItTleoal St'ock Ex- 
change, 1908; å.s a-Iso a dir. B. Houdoe 
C<>., Queb-ec; a d'i'r. :M'
mtJrea:l H'Ülr1. and 
ing Assn.; a {I-ir. Roya.! 
M'Onltreal Gol.f Club; mango dlr. C{)rb"y 
Dist!ilIlery 00., BeliloevHle; V.-P. N. S 
SHver Oooo'l,t Mining C<>., and pl'esd1 
the Blaugas Co.-516 Pine Ave. W. 
Montreal; l.n. Royal Club; St. James's 
Club; Montreal Hunt Club; Montreal 
Jockey Club,. Royal Montreal Golf 
Club; Auto Club of Can.; Forest and 
Sh'eam Club, do. 
.. A man of Btren
th, vigQur, capacity 
and wisdom."-M. Gazette. 

Davis, Thomas A, Archibald, phy- 
,Eng. aThd SCi()JtJcth .origin; ,b. Ingersoll 
ant., Dec. 22, 1858; e. Gale Coli' 
WI.s., Rush ColI. and ColI. P. & S:: 
ChIcago (M.D., 1885) ; m., 1893, Jennie, 
d. Hon. J. L. McKee, Three Oaks 
MJic,h. ; .has 'been Sienlior phY's. and SUirg' 
Cook Co. Hosp.; is prof. sur g., Chicago 
Clinical Sch., and holds various other 
posts of honour; a Freemason of high 
degree, a K. T. and a Shriner.- 
23H 1V. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. 

Davis. Bev. Thomas Bobert (Ang.). 
S. Rev. Wm. D.; b. Kilkenny, Irel., 
1850; e. London and Trln. Unlv., To- 
ronto (B.A., 1874; M.A., -); o. 
deacon, 1873; priest, 1874; rector 
AYlmer, ant., 1875-9; St. .Jude's, 
Brantford, 1879-82; since then rector 
St. George's. Sarnla; memo Sarnla Bd. 
of Educ., 20 yrs.: chairman, do., 6 
yrs.; Is canon St. Paul's Cath., Lon- 
don, ant., and a senator Western 
Unlv.; apptd. R. D., Lambton, 1905: 
chaplain, with hon. rank of capt., 27th 
Regt., Nov., 1897: promoted hon. 
rank of major, Nov., 1907.-11" Lon- 
aV71 Rd., Sarnic, Onto 

Davis. Bon, Thomas Osborne. mer- 
chant; legislator. 
S. Sami. and Ann D.; a nephew Thos. 
D., the distinguished Irish poet and 
journa list; b. Sherrlngton, P.Q., Aug. 
16, 1856; e. by his father, a grad. of 
Trin. Coil., Dublin, who was for some 
time principal Rouse's Point High Sch.; 
m., Sept., 1885, Miss Rebecca .Jennings, 
P.E.I.; went west, 1874; has since been 
in commercial Ufe at Prince Albert, 
Sask., of which city he was elected 
mayor, 1894-5; sat for Saskatchewan 
(H. C.), Lib. interest, 1896-1904 was 
chief IJib. whip tor tJhe Wes.t:, 1901-4; 
called to the Senate by Earl Grey, 
Sept. 30, 1904; favours an all-Can. 
-telegraph rate of 25 cents; has sug- 
gested other Important leglslation.- 
P1'ince Albert, Sask.; Prince Albert 
Club, do.; Comme1'cial Club, Winnipeg. 
.. Called . The .Whirlwind- Orator.' "-M. 
Davis, Lt,-Col, William Mahlon, civil 
eng-ineer and land surveyor. 
Welsh and U. E. L. descent: family 
ca.-me to N. Y., 1750; thence to U. C., 
1800; e. s. late Joel Wallace and Cath- 
arine (Adams) D., Malahide, Co. Elgin, 
ant.; b. there, May 26, 1857; e. Can. 
LIt. Inst., Woodstock, ant., and Royal 
Mil. Coil., Kingston (a memo of the 
first class, the .. old 18," graduating 
In 1880); m., 1889, Catherine Scobie, 
d. late Alex. Mackay, Woodstock, ant.; 
on leaving coIl. engaged in ry. enging., 
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry., 
Iowa and Missouri: on Govt. surveys, 
N. W. T.; engr. Woodstock and Co. 
Oxf{)rd, 1885-98; engr. town Berlin, 
1898-1903; also consulting engr. ; 
specialty:-waterworks, sewerage and 
sewage disposal; engr. Woodstock and 
Guelph waterworks, also Berlin, Galt, 
Waterloo and Stratford sewerage and 
sewage diÏspolSal Woorks; oaptp:td. d,t). 
engr., Brdnûe Rupert, B.C., uno. 
81e1c'ted 'piresdt. Ber-Un .oan. Cl'llb, do.. 
pI'esdt. Royal Mil. C{)Ill. Olub, 1888-9: 
l,oTI,g in v. m. S1ervlioe; adjt. OxfoJ'ld 
Rifles, 1885-97: major Ò<>., 189ï-99; 
lla'ÌJer briga;d1e mrajor 2ntd Infy. Br,ig'aJde. 
"Y'est. ant. command, and crnrajor R. C 
Engrs. (RJeS'erv.e); 
 t.-co!. C{),ffi- 
,ma.n'ding 24-tih Regt., .. Grey's Horse," 
July, 1908; R. 0., 1910; Ang.-Prin.ce 
Rupert, B.C.; 1Vaterloo Co. Countl"l.. 
aneZ Golf Club, Berlin. 
Davis, William Bichard. journalist; 
Onto pub. service. 
S. late Rev. W. D., R. D. (Ang.); 
b. Barna Kyln, Kildar
. Ire!.. 1840; <'. 
Kilkenny; came to Can., 1853; m., 
1862, Miss Tahitha Laingworth, Fuller- 
ton, ant. (11 sons, 2 d.); commenced 
printing career, office QtJf'bec Jle}'cury. 
1853; estbd. Mitch
 11 Aclvocate, 1860. 
which he has continued to edit and 
puhlish up to the present timf'; apptd. 
police magistrate, Mitchell, 1906; 11a
served on High and Public Sch. Bds.: 
was chairman High f:ch. Bd.; was for 
a lengthpned period Town Councillor 
y'Ûr of ":IOwn 10 'Y'r.s.; oa OOTI., 
and twice unsuccessfully contestcd S. 
Perth (Local) In that Interest: Ang.- 
.. Poplar Hall," J11itchell, Onto 
.. P()E>Sesses the unique record of pub- 



IiBihing and editing th
 same papeT fCYI' over 
balf a century."-T. Globe. 
Davison, Arthur Earl, civil engineer. 
S. .Jas. W. and Sarah .J. (Earl) D.; 
father from N. IreI.; mother U. E. L. 
descent; b. Tp. Augusta, Grenville, 
Ont., ApI. 5, 1881; e. Toronto Univ. 
(B.A.Sc., 1905); a fellow and honour 
grad. Sch. Practical Science, Toronto, 
1904; m., Aug., 1906, Ethel .J., d. Re,'. 
W. T. Smith; served with Co. 2, Can. 
Engrs., Toronto, 1904-5; now with N. 
F. Hydraulic Power & Manfg. Co.; 
Meth.; Lib.-30 Walnut St., Niagara 
Palls, Ont, 
Davison, Capt, Arthur W" Can. ry. 
and marine service. 
B. and e. Hantsport, N.S.; m. Eva, 
d. Chas. Inglis Margetson, M.D., Hants- 
port, N.S.; was long in the AtLantic 
steamship service; more recently has 
been in the C. P. Ry. Royal Mail ser- 
Vlioo between VanmuV1err and H'On<g 
Kong; an offr. R. N. Reserve; now 
commands Royal Mall steamship 
Emp1'ess of China, on above route; 
formerly In command C. P. Ry. Royal 
Mail steamer, Monteagle, on san.e 
route; won notable race, between that 
steamer and 2 others, each laden with 
silk, leaving Yokohama, .July 22, 1908, 
and getting his cargo to N.Y. 2 da
and 12 hours before the others.- 
Vancouver, B.C. 
.. A man o,f courtesy, 
rit and practical 
efficiency."-Hong-Kono Mail. 
Davison, Frank, lumber mnfr. 
B. and e. Bridgewater, N.S.; apptd. 
a memo Royal Conservation Comn., 
1909.-B1"idgewater, N.S. 
.. It is a legend o,f Queen's Co'. that his 
grandfather, away back in 1760 founded 
the extensive lumber business which his 
descendants have carried o.n to this day."- 
Can. Courier. 
Dawes, Andrew Joseph, manufacturer. 
Mem. of a family long estbd. at 
Lachine, P.Q.; bro. late .Jas. P. D.; b. 
Lachine; e. there; m. Miss Wilgress, 
Lachine; is presdt. D. & Co., Ltd., 
brewers and maltsters, Lachine and 
Montreal; do., Nat. Brewerle.s, Ltd.; 
a dlr. Montreal HortlcuI. and Fruit- 
growing Assn.; pre.sdt. Council of Ag- 
rlcul., P.Q.; 00. Auto Club of Can., 
1903-6; formerly do. Lachine Hortl- 
cuI. Soc.; Ang.-!O St. Mark St., Mont- 
real; summer: Lachine, P.Q.; Mt. Royal 
Club; St. James's Club; Forest and 
Stream Club; Royal Montreal Golt 
Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; 
Montreal Hunt Club; Auto and Aero 
Club; Montreal JocIGey Club; Mont- 
real Polo Club; St. George Snowshoe 
Club, Montreal; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
Dawson, ms Honour Alexander, Dist. 
Scottish origin; b. St. Mary's. Ont., 
Mch. 20, 1849; e. High Sch. 'there, U. 
C. CoIl., and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1874; M.A., 1879) ; M.A., ad eun., Man, 
Univ., 1882; in early Ufe a publlc sch. 
teacher; barrister (Ont.), 1881; went 
to Man., do., and later was admitted 
to the local bar; practised his prof. 
In Winnipeg; police magte., do., 1896- 
 apptd. jUdge, Eastern .Jl. Dfst., 

Man., .July, 1907; for several yrs. an 
ald., Winnipeg; Is a counclllor Man. 
Univ., and a memo Man. Coll. Bd.; 
has been presdt. St. Andrew's Soc.; a 
Presb.; a Freemason. - Winnipeg:. 
Canadian Club, do. 
Dawson, George Walker Wesley, 
Dom. public service. 
Y. s. late Rev. Abraham D. (Ang.); 
b. SIigo, Ire!., Feb. 14, 1858. came to 
Can., 1864; e. Kingston and 'Bellevll1e 
High Schs.; m., Dec., 1881, Amy Eliza- 
beth, d. late Wm. C. Orford, M.R.C.H. 
Birmingham, Eng.: formerly a farmf'r: 
merchant, and mill-owner; Reeve of 
Clarendon 6 yrs.; Crown land agent, 
1882-92; sat for Addington (H. C.), 
Lib. interest, 1891-96; defeated g. e. 
1896; genl. secy. E. Onto Lib. Assn., 
1887-1901; apptd. inspr. of Peniten- 
tiaries, Can., .June 6, 1901; official del, 
to Intern. Prison Congress, Washing- 
ton, D.C., 1910; Ang.-1-69 Patte1"SOn 
Ave., Ottawa. 
Dawson, Major Herbert JoJm., educa- 
B. ApI. 14, 1877; e. Toronto Dnh". 
(B.A., with honours in math. and 
physics, 1898); won Fulton and Am. 
Assn. for the Advanc. of Science 
scholarships; some time a lect. on 
maths., Toronto Univ.; since 1901 has 
been instr. In math., Royal Mil. CoIl.; 
gazetted to a captaincy 14th Regt., 
1903; promoted maJor, 1910.-Kings- 
ton, Onto 
Dawson, Alec John, novelist; journ- 
ali st. 
Third s. Edward and Sara D.; b. 
"\Yandsworth, London, Eng., 1872 ; 
!;prved apprenticeship mercantile ma- 
rine, and has since tra velled and 
worked, as a writer, in Australia, Af- 
rica, North and 
outh Am., Asia, 
EUI"o+þe, amd 'Ìihe Pacific I,sells., spenlCiliThg 
portions of recen t yrs. in Morocco, 
when not In Eng.; a regular contribu- 
tor of critical matter to London Athe- 
naeum 5 yrs., and at Intervals to prin- 
cipal London reviews; special writer 
on ed. staff London Standard, upon 
imp. and coI. matters, and particu- 
larly Can. interests; went through Can., 
1907 and 1908, in the interest of the 
first Brit. Empire newspaper, The 
Standard of Empi1'e, of which he has 
been ed. since Its inception; author 
various novels and books of travel; 
believes that the aim of Brit. subjects 
should be toward a federation of all 
the nations within the Empire, upon 
a basis of Imp. tariff union and Im1). 
telegraphic intercommunication, for the 
building' up and maintenance of Inti- 
macy bf'tween all the peoples of the 
Crown: believes that Canada's role In 
the Empire is that of the elder son.- 

5 Upper Tulse Hill, London, S. W., 
Eng.,. Constitutional Club, do. 
Dawson, Bankine, Dhysiclan. 
Y. s. late Sir .J. W. D.. principal Mc- 
GiJll Univ., Mon'Ìr>eal; b. the.r>e, Aug. 12, 
1859: c. Montreal High Sch. and Mc- 
Gill Univ. (B.A., with honours In phil., 
1878; M.A., 1882; M.D.,C.M., 1882); 
01., .June, 1896, GI,O+I'IaßlIua 'McKenøi.e, 
o. d. larbe .John , 0oסI 00, Penon., U.S., 



and niece SIr Peter Coats, P.a:i<sley, 
Sc.ot. ; M.RC.S., Eng.; L.R.C.P., Lond. ; 
2 Y'rs. emþloyoo professlona.l1ly in ,the 
West. durd:ng- construotion C. P. Ry.; 
4 yrs. a su I'g. , P. and O. service' 
deV'O'ted hilnwe.U spoolally !too dliSease5 
of cMld:ren, In whLoh branch of 
prof. he Is an autJbori,ty; .has travened 
extensiwly ; a <strong sUPlP'Orter 01 
tariff refoom and 'Of Mr. Chamber- 
IrWin's po.1Jicy, by wWch lit ds hoped 
to draw togelÌlher more closely ,llie 
various poJ1t!ons of our vast, .bw1 
scattered, empire; unsuccessfully con- 
tested E. Edinburgh (Eng. H. C.), In 
Unionist Interest, g. e. 1906.-"5 Lans- 
downe Crescent, Kensington, London, 
1V. Eng.; Grosvenor Club, do.; Union 
Club, Edinburgh; Mt. Royal Club, 
liT on trea l. 
"A man of ability and"-Oanada. 
Dawson, Samuel Edward, author; re- 
tired public servant. 
2nd s. late Rev. Benj. D., a native 
of P.E.I., who moved to Montreal 
1847, where, towards the close of hi
life, he took hoiy orders, and was o. 
a deacon In the Ref. Epls. Ch., and - 
(Gardner) D.; b. Halifax, N.S., .June 
1, 1833; e. McCulloch's Sch., Mont- 
l'ca1; Li,tJt.D., La\'lal Univ., 1890; LL.D. 
(hon.), McGHili Univ., 1911; m., Mch., 
1858, Anni,e .M. (tpl'e.sdt. Women'
Hi st. Soc., Ottt8Jwa, 1902 ), d. illite Gill- 
be.nt Be'IlIt; Wt8JS long at !the 'head of 
t.he firm of D. Bros., pubI:ishers and 
booksellers, Montreal; an active con- 
tributor to Can. newspaper and mag. 
literature for many yrs.; contributed 
to the Week (1889-90), a series of 
papers on, "The English Minority in 
the Province of Quebec," and another 
series of papers to same journal 
(1890), entitled, "Problems of Greater 
Britain"; author "A Study of Lord 
Tennyson's poem-The Princess .. 
(1884) ; "Canada and Newfoundland" 
(1897); a series of monographs on 
the voyages of the Cabots (1894-7); 
"The St. Lawrence Basin and its 
Border Lands, being the History of 
their Discovery, Exploration and 
Occupation" (1905), and "A Plea 
f'Or Li,terature" (1908) : was for a long 
Nme a memo of the Bd. of Proto Sch. 
Commrs., Montreal; also, a memo and 
presdt. Bd. of Arts and M3.nufactures, 
do. ; apptd. a memo Can. Geo- 
gI'laphlc Bd. of Can., 1905; a del. to 
Washington on Intern. Copyright, 
1881; V.-P. Can. Copyright League, 
1888; F.RS.C., 1893; C.M.G., 1906; 
an hon. memo Lit. and His. Soc., Que- 
bec, do. ; presdt. Royal Soc. of Can., 
1907; King's Printer and Depty. Mlnr., 
Dept. of Public Printing and Stationery, 
Ottawa, 1891-1909; passed Royal Mil. 
Sch., Montreal, 1865; Ang.-1S6 Bay 
St., Ottawa. 
Dawson, Sidney Stratford, organist. 
B. Newmarket, Ont., 1875; e. To- 
ronto schs.; m., Feb., 1902, Mary 
Helen, d. Rev. Canon Loucks, Picton, 
Ont.; commenced his musical career, 
When 10 yrs. of age, as a pupil, In 
piano and organ playing and compo- 
sition, of E. W. Phillips, organist St. 
George's Ch., Toronto; was a chor- 
ister In that ch., filling, later, positions 

In several other chs. In that city; was 
organist and choirmaster, Christ Ch. 
Cath., Ottawa, 4 yrs., resigning to 
study In Germany; was at Berlin 3 
yrs., studying pianoforte under Mad. 
Stepanoff, and composition under 
Prof. Urban; settled In Montreal,. 
1901, as piano virtuoso and teacher; 
was apptd. to the staff of the Royal 
ColI. of Music, 1904, and became or- 
ganist Ch, of St. .James the Apostle, 
] 908: resigned latter position. 1909.- 

1}9g Tt
pper St., Westmount, Montreal. 
"A pianist of rare talent, and a master 
of technique."-M. Star. 
Dawson, William Bell, Dom. public 
service; civil engineer. 
2nd s. late Sir .J. W. D., a distin- 
guished scientist, Montreal; bro. late 
Dr. G. M. D., dlr. Can. Geol. Survey; 
b. Pictou, N.S., iMay 2, 1854; e. Mc- 
Gill Univ. (B.A., with honours In Nat. 
Science, and Logan gCJIld med., 1874; 
M.A., 1879; B
A.Sc., with cert. of 
special merit, 1875; .Ma.E., 1880; 
D.Sc., 1902) and the Ecole des Ponts 
et Cha1tsseps, Paris (passf'd 1st of his 
class, 1878); m., 1883, Florence .Jane 
Mary, e. d. Asst. Commy.-Genl. 
EIUOIt.t; P.L.S. (P.Q.), 1878; an assoc. 
memo Inst. C. E., London (with Miller 
socho!ar.), 1879; :Is a:}'90 a mem. Can. 
Soc. C. E., and a F.R.S.C. (presd't. 
sec. 3, 1909); from 1875 to 1880 was 
engd. -on various ry. and otIher sur- 
veys; In 1881 undertook a topograp. 
survf'Y of a part of the gold fields 
In N.S,; was next In the employment 
of the Dom. Bridge Co., the most im- 
portant of his df'signs heing the canti- 
lever br
dge over the St. .John River; 
during 9 yrs. following. 1884-93, was 
with the C.P. Ry., chiefly occupied 
in hridge designing at a time when a 
largf' amount of bridge work was In 
hand on the various lines then under 
construction; :was also connected tor 3 
yrs. with the arbitration between the Co. 
and tJhe Dom. GoVit. rela;tlve tülÌJhte qual.. 
ity of construction of the western sec- 
tions of the ry. In B.C.; since 1894 
has been in charge of the Tidal and 
Current Survey, Dept. of Marine; 
from the Investigations of this sur- 
vey, reliable tide tables ar
published for the first time In Can., 
for the more Important harbours of 
the Atlantic and Pacific coasts; as 
a basis, a system of tide gauges has 
been established from Labrador to 
N.S., and In B.C.; an Investigation 
of the currents is .also being carried 
out systematically; the results of these 
Investigations are widely republished 
In Brit. and foreign periodicals; 
awarded the \Vatt gold med. by the 
Inst. of C. E., London, for a paper on 
tide gauges In northern climates and 
isolated situations, 1902; awardpd 
the Gay prize of 1,500 francs, by the 
Acad. of Sc.len-ce, Paris, 1905.-"36 
Gilmour St., Ottawa. 
Day, E, W., business man. 
B. Inverary, Ont., 1863; e. there; 
m., May, 1888, Miss Ina Sutherland, 
Cobourg, Ont.; for 11 yrs. In the 
employ of the Massey-Harris Co., 
Winnipeg; later, genl. mangr. Globe 



lJoan Co., Toronto; resigned, 1901; 
again went West; became genI. mangr. 
Alberta Central Land Corpn. 1904' 
founded to.wn o.f Daysland, Alti., 1905; 
ftrst mayor there, 1907; re-elected, 
1908; a Co.n.; unsuccessfully co.ntested (H. C.), g. e., 1908.- 
Daysland, Alta. 
Day, :Rev, Prank J. ( 
S. Rev. B. W. D. (, St. An- 
drews, P.Q. ; b. Stouffville, Ont., 
h. 25, 1869; e. McGIH Unlv. (B.A. 
and goM med. In Semltfc lang. and 
lit., 1894: M.A.. 1906); took 
g-rad. work a t United Free Ch. Coil., 
Glasgx}w, OX1ford, Lond-on and Berlfn; 
pursued theoI. studies Can. Congo Co.ll. 
(valedicto.rlan and B.D., being the first 
to take the degr
e at this InstitutIOn, 
1897), Yale and Harvard: m., Nov., 
1896, Effie .Stephen, d. Chas. Gurd, 
Montreal; pastor Plyrmouth Ch., Sher-, P.Q., 1896-1905; .sln<:,e 1907 
pastor Zion Congo Ch., iMontrool; a 
memo special comte. on Oh. Union. 
1907; elect
d .Moderator, 1908; do. 
chairman Congo Union, 1910; author 
.. Plonf'f'rs of a Nation" (1908).- 
i3 St. Famille St., Montreal. 
II A preal'her of acknowledl\'ed force. A 
pastor 1"ather than a" theologian, he is 
ready and wiIling to take the great truths 
of the Gospel and adapt and apply them 
as a curative for the great socia.l needs 
ð-f the hour."-M. Witness. 
Day, Ma.jor Prank Parker, educatio'l- 
O. S. Rev. Geo. F. and K. M. (Hard- 
wl('k) D.: Loyalist b. Shubena- 
(,:'Idfe, N.R, Mav 9, 1881; P. ::\('ads. 
of Lunenrburg. Pictou and Shel!burne. 
N.S.; Unlvs. Mt. Amson (B.A., with 
honours In phil., 1903), Oxford (B.A., 
1906; B.Lltt., 19'10), and Berlin 
Un1v.; 2nd Thhocles schoI. from N. B . 
m., Dec., 1909, MabeL E., d. 
at'e F1m
Kl11am. Yarmouth, N.S. ; so.metlme 
IIf>oC'ft. BnstJflI Undv. and! asst. B p rl1n 
Unlv.; 'Prof. Eng. lang. and lit., N. B. 
Unlv., since 1909; has served as 2nd 
lIeut. King's Colonlal
, Imp. Y
of Eng.; ,gazetJted major, 28bh N. B. 
Drag1OOns, 1911; a 'lllo.tJed' f.ooltool!1 'PltaY'f'r 
and oo.rsmaJ1t; was ed....ln-chl.ef C'OR 
mag. ; oocæSllO'Ilal contrl'butor Can. 
Mag.; a S'ÍI'OTllg Imif)erla.IJ.1-srt, and a be- 
Uev-er in a Clan. army and navy; has 
stJronog .]oOya.lrty t'O Brllt. anod the other 
colond-es; a MiertJh.-Fredericton, N.R. 
.. RiB course .at OxfO'rd was exceptionaUv 
brilliant."--St. John Telegraph. . 
Da.y, George Edward, educatlo.nist. 
B. Ont.; e. To.ronto. Unlv. (B.S.A., 
1893) ; has been prof. of Animal Hus- 
bandry, Onlt. AgrlcuI. Co}]., flar some 
yrs. ; declined appt. as llve stock 
commr., Orang-e Free State, 1903; 
elected V.-P. Can. Corresp. Sch., 1905. 
-Guelph, Onto 
Day, William Henry, educatio.nist. 
B. Fenelon Fans. Ont.: e. there and 
'l'o.ronto Undv. (B.A., 1903); !has since 
been officially co.nnected with the Onto 
AgrlcuI. Co.ll.; since 1906, has been 
pro.f. o.f physics In that Institutlon.- 
Guelph. Onto 

Dean, Henry HaBhel, educationIst. 
Can. and German parentage; s. Wal- 
tpr and Theresa D.; b. Co. Waterloa, 
Ont., No.v. 12, 1865; e. Harley Puhllc 
Sch. and TOJ'l(>nttJo Unlv. (B.S.A., 1890) ; 
m., .Jul'y, 1894, M'lss A,Lrntedoa Ans- 
ley, Guel'Ph, Onlt. ; a.n racæp.too 
aurtJhlOrUy on dairying a.nd oo.gnl!l.lte 
subjeots all olVer Ont.; I8.JS a y1O'Unrg 
man had oruar.g>e of di3Jl 1 ry d<ejpt., 
N. Y. Experimenlta'JI St!8Jt.ioT1l; since 
.Jan., 1891, has fOOe'lJ.J 'Prof. 'Of àJaJry 
husbandry. On,t. A'gl'iC'llI. OOIlL; as 
SlUoh, bias been iP'rominoe.n1:ly connect- 
ed wi'bh dJadry dnterests and mtQfVeme-nts 
i. e., the Dairy Sch., Travel. Dairy', 
Dairy Assn., etc.; author o.f text-bo.o.k 
o.n dairying (1903); during student 
days ed. O. A. C. Review; In addition 
has co.ntributed to. dairy press In Can.: 
U. S., and Eng.; has travelled and lec- 
tured extf'nsively; visited thf' chief 

ropoe9;n dJair,ies, 1905; a R-etormer; 
IS of o.pmlo.n that .. the farmers do. not
py the po.sitlo.q to which they are 
entItled In Can.; would like ta see a 
real aristo.cracy, co.nsisting of the till- 
ers of the soil; such a class when 
formed, will occupy the hlg-hest place 
in the land."-College Heights, Guelph. 
Deane, John Hall, lawyer. 
B. Can.; went to U. S. in bo.yhoo.d; 
d. Rochester Unlv., but left to. enlist; 
private Union Army during civil war 
1862; captured at Gettysburg, and co.n
fined In C. S. prlso.n; after being ex- 
changed served in U. S. Navy to end 
o.f the war; became a co.unselIo.r-at- 
law and practised In N.Y.; gave to. 
Ro.chester Unlv. abo.ut $70,000; o.f this 
sum abo.ut $15,000 serves to. found 14 
scho.larships for Indigent students, and 
$45,000 has been applied to. the enro.Il- 
ment {)f a pro.f'essorshtl.p oiÍ rhoø and 
Eng. ; has made o.ther noteworthy 
gifts ta Bapt. Instns.-62 E. 78 St., New 
York; Union League Club, do. 
Deane, :Richard Burton, Ro.yal No.rth 
West Mo.unted Po.lice. 
S. late Rev. Hy. D., H.E.I. Co.'s ser- 
vice; grands. late Wm. D., Alto.n Hall, 
Su; b. Oo.tacamund, Ni1glri Hills, 
IndIa, ApI. 30, 1848; e. Ipswlch Gram- 
mar Sch.; m., No.v., 1870, Martha Crit- 
chen, y. d. late Early Rido.ut, 
Rlngwo.o.d. Hampshire; jo.lned Ro.yal 
Marine Light Infy. as a lIeut., 1866; 
gazetted capt., 1881; served during 
AsIùa.ntl War (med., with clasp); 
retired, 1882; came to Can. same year; 
entd. public service, 1883; Inspr. R.N. 
W.M. Po.llce, 1883; supdt. and 
adjt., do.., 1884; no.w senior supdt.; 
co.mplled first standing orders fo.r force, 
1885; served during N.W. Rebelllo.n, 
1885 (med.); had Louis Riel under 
his perso.nal charge; an Imp, Federa- 

t; Ang.-The Barracks, Calgary, 
"A maIL of fine oharacter, and of gn!.at 
force .and ability."-Late N. F. Davin, 
K.C., M.P. 
Dearness, John, educationist. 
Parents from Orkney Islds. ; b. 
Hamilto.n, Ont., 1852; e. schs., 
Prov!. No.rmal Sch. (graduated. with 
honours, 1871), and Western Un Iv. 
(M.A., 1903); m., 1881, Emma, d. 



late L. Wilkinson, London. Ont.: for 
some yrs. a public sch. teacher: Pub- 
lic Sch. Inspr.. Co. Middlesex. 1874- 
99; since then has been vice-principal, 
London Normal Sch.: also prof. bot- 
any and zoolog., In Med. Dept., and 
prof. botany, In Arts Dept., West
Un Iv. ; has been presdt. Entomol. Soc.. 
ant., Onto Teachers' Assno, and London 
Schoolmasters' Club. and chairman 
Training Sf'c.. Onto Educ. A
sn. : apptiL 
a memo Educl. Council, Ont., 1896; 
do. Advls. Coun.ctl of Educ., 1909; 
V.-P. Ollot. Hist. Soc., 1910; l'e-e-1 I ec<t.pd 
dlo., ,1911; oe'e-CÌ'ed pre-s,d1t. I
ontd'on and 
::\f'idd,'tes,ex Soc., 1905: a ,me<m. 

,qn Jioose Sioale Comn.. 1899; onte ()if 'bhe 
eds. II Royall Can. Rood,ers," and I3n 
OOClas'Ïonal, ocm1ribUltor too educ. jour- 
IlIa'los; author I()f 2 nature-f>Ì'ud'Y text- 
books; a Pres-b.-London, Onto 
De BasBano, Duchesse, titled lady. 
O. d. late Geo. Burns Symes anð 
Marianne S., d. late Hon. Austin 
CuvilUer, first spea.,ker of the Le
Assembly, Can.; b. Quebec, May 28, 
1845; e. Ursuline Convent, there; m., 
Aug., 1872, Napoleon Hughues Charles 
Marie, Marquis de Bassano, who suc- 
ceeded to the dukedom on the death of 
his f.ather, 1898 (d. 1906); both she 
and her husband were personal friends 
of the late Emperor of the French, and 
of his widow, the Empress Eugenie; 
was presented at the Eng. Court 
several t1mes.-9 Rue Durnont-d'UrviZle, 
Paris, France. 
De Bellefeuille, EdoUMd Lefebvre, 
E. S. late .Joseph L. de B., Seigneur, 
and Caroline, d. E. M. Leprohon; b. 
St. Eustache, P.Q.. June, 1840; e. St. 
Mary's (Jesuit) ColI., Montreal; m., 
1st, 1874, Mlle. Almandine Beaudry 
(d.); 2ndly, Mch., 1879, Agnes Annie, 
e. d. Angus C. M. Macdonell, M.D., 
Montreal; advocate, 1861: K.C. (M. 
of Lansdowne), 1887; successfully 
practises his prof. In Montrf'al; has 
pleaded before the P. C. in Eng.; an 
early contributor to the press, and was 
one of the eds. of L 'Ordre during It!' 
existence; 'Was one of the founders or 
La Rev. Canadienne, and contributed 
largely to Its pages; has !published: 
.. Thèse sur les Mari.ages Clan des tins " 
(1860) : II Le Code CivH Annotê" (3rd 
ed., 1891); also II Le Canada et les 
Zouaves Pontificaux" (1868); for- 
merly a Papal Zouave: a Con., and un- 
successfully contested Iberville (Lo- 
oal), 1871: Is a Chevallér of the Order 
of Plus IX and a Commander of the 
Order of the Holy Sepulchre: a R. C. 

o St. Jarnes S
., .Uontreal. 
De BlaqTÙere, The Bight Honourable 
William, Baron, 
Second s. late Chas. de B.. Wood- 
stock, Ont., and Agnes (Lawson) 
de B.; grands. Hon. Peter Boyle de 
B., M.L.Co, and chancellor Toronto 
Unlv.; b. Woodstock, Sept. 5, 1856; e. 
tJhoere; m., J,an., 1888, Luci,enn'e (a 
memo Imp. Federation League; pre- 
sented, with her husband, to the late 
and to 1Jhe pr'eserllt King and Que-en). 
d. late Gøo. E. DeIS'OO'ffi,tS, Mon,t,re.a 1 : 
for some )"'rB. in s,erV'I'Ce Balnk of Mont. 

t'e'al; succeed'ed his eous,ln, In the peer- 
age, 1889 ; Is a,l,s'o a hal'1oneot, and Grea't 
A,lnagar -of IreL; a J.P., and a'll offr. In 
the Nort,h 80mer!i:,et Y-eomanry Cav- 
airy: a Con.; an Ang.-" The CircuB, 
Bath, Eng,; 1Vhite's Club, London, 
de BIoi., Bev, Austen Kennedy, 
(Bapt.), educationist. 
S. late Rev. Stephen W. de B., D.D., 
and Mary (Fitch) de B., Wolfville, 
X.S. ; a distant relative of Jane Austen, 
the novelist; b. Wolfville, Dec. 17, 
1866; e. Acadia Uriiv. (A.B., 1886; 
A.M., 1888), Brown Univ. (A.M., 1887; 
Ph.D., 1888), Newton Theol. Coli.; 
London Unlv., Lelpzig Univ., and Ber- 
lin Univ.; LL.D., 1.'ranlc1in CoIl., Ind., 
] 897; m., June, 1890, Miss Erminie 
Day, Yarmouth, N.S.; vice-principal 
Union Bapt. Semy., S1:. Màrtln's, N.B., 
1 R!J1-2; principal, do., 1892-4; presdt. 
Sihurtleff OoN., Alton, HI., 1894-9; 
pastor 1slt DalPt. Oh., Elgin, nL, 1899- 
1903: 1st Ba,pt. Oh., Ohlcoago. 
1903-t.1; since tm'ell' ,bas been pa!i:'tor 
1!'.t Hapt. Oh., OOoffimonwe-a lt'h Ave., 
Bm;:lt,on, M'::1'!i:s.; V.-P. Ill. Y. M. C. A.. 
1898; declined presidency Acadia 
Univ., 1906: del. China Missy. Conf., 
1907; has travelled extensively; author 
.. Bible Study In American Colleges" 
(1897), .. The Pioneer School" (1899) : 
In Can. .a Lib.; In U.S. a Democrat.- 
Boston, JI (lSS. 
"A strong and very clever man."-St. 
J olm Telegraph. 
.. An a1l10 and stimulating preacher."-- 
11. Herald. 
II Hanks among the pulpit orators of 
Am.; is also a graceful and forceful 
write-r."-Rev. R. O. MOTse. 
de Blois, Charle., physician. 
S. Joachim and Arthêmise (Frê- 
chptte) de B. ; b. Quebec, Nov. I, 1867; 
nearly related to the poet Frêchette and 
to Sir A. P. Caron; e. Quebec Semy., 
Laval Univ. (M.D., avec (listfnction, 
1892, Post-Grad. Med. Sch., N.Y., and 
at Paris and Berlin; m., Oct., 1896, 
Cordélia. d. late O. Carignan, M.P., 
Three Rivers, P.Q.: has successfully 
pmctlsed his prof., first at Newmarlcet, 
N.H., and, since 1895, at Three Rivers, 
P.Q.; founded .. The Three Rivers 
Hydro-Electro Inst. and Sanatorium," 
for the treatment of nervous and 
chronic diseases, 1896; a memo of the 
Three Rivers Med. Assn., of the Soc. 
IIl't'ern. de Méd. p.hyslÏque (Paris), O'f 
t.he Soc. Fìmnça,is'e d'El'eoC'trothérapIe 
(Paris), genl. secy. of t.he Assn. of 
French-speaking Phys. of North Am., 
rorr,esponlden.t of the .. Oom.tê direlc, 
tpur" and represented Can. at the 3rd 
res Intf'rn. d'Electrologie et de 
Radlologie (Milan, 1906) ; a memo of the 
Am. Electro-Thel'1'\p. Assn.: phys., St. 
Joseph Hosp.; elected presdt. Can. 
Comte., Paris Med. Congress, 1909; 
author of many valuable papers on 
med. subjects, which he has read, from 
time to time, before varIous learned 
bodies; Is regarded In Europe and 
Am. as one of the most experienced 
experts on nervous diseases now living; 
has Introduced to the profession 
several new electrical methods which 



hnve been used and adopted by dls- at the Cavalry Sch., Saumur; suc- 
tI!1gulshed speclallsts;, R.C.-Three cessfully passing his ex.amns.. was 
RiVers, P.Q. commissioned to the Cuirassiers. In 
De Blois, Rev, Henry Despard (Ang.), which corps he served a term; came 
author. to Can., 1877; m., 1879, Miss J. NoUn; 
B. Halifax, N.S., Oct. 13, 1831; e. since Mch. 1, 1839, has been principal 
Hallfax Grammar Sch. and King's ColI of the Cath. Commer. Acad., Mont- 
Unlv., Wind,sor (B.A., 1857: D.C.L.: real, In which posltlon he has 
1910) ; (). priest, 1854; fO.r1IIH:!'1'Y curaltoe achieved more than a local reputa- 
St. John's Cath., Antigua; successively tlon; Is also an examr. of candidates 
rector Bridgewater, A1bion Mines for the study of pharmacy, and holds 
Annapolis and BrldgetO'Wn, N.S.; n'O\
 several sImilar offices: author of a 
ret,lred; author: .. The LlJIes of the history of Montreal, and of the Lives 
..'Ielù anld the Birds of the Air" of Mlle. Mance (1883), M. Oller 
"flam-bles in the West Indies," "Leav
s (1884). and Mgr. Bourget (1885); 
from My Journal," "History of 'l'em- has also written a popular History 
pl.arlsm," and "Missions and Mission of Can. (1898), and contributed a 
Work": apptd. permt. grand chaplain Life of Mgr. de Laval (1906), to 
Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., N.S., 1904: Morang's" Makers of Can." series; 
-Annapolis Royal, N.S. prominently identified with the Antl- 
(D. Annapolis. June 6, 1911.) Alcoholic Leag-ue, 1907; a R. C.- 
De Bouchervil1e (see Boucher). 3.55 St. Denis St., l'rfontreal. 
De Boucherville, Hon, Charles I de Bury and de Bocarme, Major 
Eugene Boucher, statesman. Henry Robert Visart, Count, 
Descended from Lleut.-Genl. PIerre Can. regular mil. forces; educa- 
Boucher, Sieur de Grosbois, who be- tion-Ist. 
came Gov. of Three Rivers, 1653, Rnd E. s. late Count Robert Visart de 
was also Grand Seneschal of New B., and Lucy Gertrude de B., d. late 
France; s. late Hon. P. B. de Boucher- Hy. G. Simonds, St. .John, N.B. ; 
ville, M.L.C., and Amelie de Bleury. father a Belg-Ian noblE'man, was Bel- 
b. Boucherville, P.Q., May 4, 1822; e: I 
dan Consul for N. B., and Consular 
Montreal (St. Sulplce) CoIl.; graduated I Agent :for France, St. John; b. Con- 
M.D., Paris, 1843, and successfully stance, Germany, .June 11, 1872; e. 
Ised his profession for many yrs. Stoneyhurst, Eng., and Royal MIL 
Ln Ills native dist.; m., 1st, Susanne ColI., KIngston; graduated, 1892; m. 
(ò.), d. late R. M. Morrogh, MOD treal . Miss A
es May Robertson; gazetted 
2ndly, Celeste (d. .Jan., 1892) d. laté lieut., Royal Gar. Arty., 1892; capt., 
Jõ'elix LussIer, Seigneur of Vårennes. 1900; 'Þa't-er a major; gazetted capt., 
a Con.; .sM for ChaJII1lbly, Cian. Assem
 Oan. OI'dl!1anc-e Corps, 1911; serv.ed 1-0 
b1ry, 1861-7; and has sin<:e be'en a Leg. Oe}
ll()n and Sot. Lucia, "V.I.; alPP'bd. 
Oouncí.N'Ü'r. P.Q.; one of Sir Goon
.{' pl'of. aI"l:y., tlaJCttrics, r,eC'Ü'l1I!1,a,lssanlCe and 
OaI"l:.ler's .. Old Guard"; VIO't'ed wi
h moll. law, Roya:t MIll. DoU., 
him in ,faw:mr of Con1f1eùeratf.c)ll, 1865: .\ug'., 1905; ce'3.1s'ed, 1910: 'Pl'Of. Qlr mIl. 
oalJw .tJobhe Senate by Lord Lornoe 'MeGiH Undv., 
llnce 1910; S1l'C- 
l11eb. 12, .1879; was Speaker of .thé eeoe-dled !hIs fat!hoe<r In Jbhe ,Uble 'On hls 
ue'g. Cl{}unûi,l, uooelr Mr. Cblauveau, (, Aug., 1907: Igran,ted roy,a.l 
1867-73; ,hoe':d same ().ffice, as Premi-er l,j.C'en'S'e to u
 the ItHle 'Of 001.1O-t d'e 
M Queb'e'C', from Seút., 1874, untit Bury .and dte Bocarme, 1911; R, C.- 
diSIuislse-ð wï.t'h .hilS - colleagues by ]fcGill Unive1'sity, }l,fontreal: Chnte(l1I 
Lt.-Gúv. Løte:UieT de St. .Just, Jan. de B1t1.
', Hainnut, Belgium,. Frontenac 
29, 1876: was æ.>1'led a second t'ime Cl1tb, Kingston. 
to 'Ì'he P.remien:ihi'P by IA.-Gov U One of the- ab1est teacbers in thp 
Ang'ers (q.v.), af,ber tfhe dismissal 00!J1i('<ge."-Canadia11 Military Gazette. 
of &l\
r. Mereler, Dec. 21, 1891, and Decarie , Hon, Jeremle L. , statesman; 
l'eIIlla.lnle din offiee up to Dp-c. 16. 
1892; favours the -creaHon of Ottawa lawyer. 
and vicinity Into a Federal dlst. llkE' S. late D. .Jêrêmle, M.P.P., and Phll- 
Washlng1bon; C.M.G., 1894: a R. C., omêne (lJe.duc) D.; family Qne of tJhe 
and an Ultramontane.-Bottche1.villc oldest In Quebec; b. Notre-Dame-de- 
l'.Q. ' Grace, Montreal, Aug., 1870; e. Mont- 
"Hii-s reoord is without .a stain person- real Coli., St. Mary's Coli. and Laval 
 Uti .' 1 " M e' Univ. (LL.B., 1894); m., 1st, May, 
IWI'Y V"L :po.' .ca" y. - . ..,tar.' 1898, his cousin, Rose ALba (d. Mch., 
"The grand ()lId man ()of the Provinæ 1902), d. A. C. Decarie, regr. Co. 
(}If Quebec."-M. and E. Hochelaga: 2ndly, Oct., 1907, .Juliette, 
de Brumath, Adrien Leblond. educa- e. -d. Hon. H. B. Rainvll1e; advocMe, 
tionist. 1896; a former law partner of Sir 
S. M. Leblond de B., for 30 yrs. Lamer Gouin (q.v.) and Hon. R. 
dlr. of the Bailleul Insane Asylum and Lemieux (q.v.); K.e., 1906: a Lib.' 
the Ste. Anne's Lunatic Asylum, has sat for Hochelaga (Local), succeed- 
Paris, who was decorated for his pub- Ing his father, since 1904; lMinr. o.f 
llc servIces b
' the Govt. of France. Agrkul. (-In Gouin Govt.) , .Jan.-Dec., 
grands. of a King's CounseHor, whó 1909; since then has ,been Pro vI. Secy.; 
was also a Knight of the Legion of fO:H'OUl'S a {larmer!'.' ul11ivPTsity; a m'em 
Honour, aM great-grands. of a gene<rol Montreal Red'orm Club; R. C.-Quebec; 
of[r., who perished during the Reign FO Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal; Notre- 
of Terror; b. Schlestadt, Alsa.ce, Dame-de-Grace, P.Q.,. Club St. Denis,. 
AI})!. 16, 1854; e. under the Jesuits, Montreal Jockey Club,. Reform Club; 
Amlens: sUbsequently, studied law Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; St. 
at Paris, and later for t'he army, George Snowshoe Club, Montreal. 



DeCazes, Paul, retired public servant; 
S. late Chas. de C., an extensive land- 
owner, who sat In the Can. Assembly 
before Confederation and who was the 
first native French memo returned to 
the Can. ParU.; b. St. Herblon, Brit- 
tany, France, .Tune 16, 1840; e. l']nst. 
Loriol, Frnnce; Lit. D., (Laval Univ.), 
1891; m., Nov., 1869, Mlle. Hermine 
St. Denis, St. Hyacinthe, P.Q. (d. Oct., 
1905); to Can., 1858; ed. suc- 
cessively Le Messager-de-Joliette and 
Le Courier-de-St. Hyacinthe; later, 
owned and ed. La Nation (St. Hyacin- 
the), and was for 5 yrs. a contributor 
to Le Monde, Paris; advocate, 1869; 
practised his prof. In partnership with 
his brother-In-law, the late Hon. H. 
Mercier, up to 1874; was In Paris, on 
behalf of the Dom. Govt., 1874-9; took 
part In tbe tbJere, 1878; jOinoo 
Quebec public service, ApI., 1880; secy., 
Dept. of Public Inst., P.Q., 1880-1908; 
retired on a pension and returned to 
France, 1908; apptd. F.R.S.C., on Its 
formation, by the Marquis of Lorne; 
elected a memo of the Geograph. Soc., 
France, 1875; apptd. an Offr. de l'Inst. 
publique (France), 1888; became 
presdt. sec. 1 of the Royal Soc. of 
Can., 1886; author numerous essays 
and monographs, published In France 
and Can., Including U Notes sur Ie Can- 
ada .. (of which several eds. have 
appeared) , U Code scolalre de la 
Province de Quebec," etc.; discovered 
Champlain's tomb, Quebec, 1907; a 
R. C.-Care Canadian offlce, 10 Rue de 
Rome, Paris, France. 
De CeUe., Alfred Duclos, Dom. par- 
Hamen tary service; litterateur. 
S. late A. D. de C., N.P., and Sarah 
A. (Holmes) de C.; b. St. Laurent, 
P.Q., Aug. 15, 1843; f'. Quebec Semy.. 
Laval Unlv. (B.A., 1867: Lit.D., 18QO), 
and Royal Mil. Sch.; LL.D. (hon.). 
Ottawa Un Iv., 1901; m., 1876, Eu- 
genie, d. late E. P. Dorion, chief 
French translator, House of Com- 
mons, Ottawa; advocate, 1873, but 
never practised; successlvf'ly f'd. Le 
,T01trnal de Québec, and of La Minerve, 
hoth Con. organs; asst. librarian of 
ParU., Ottawa, 1880-5; .sInce then 
has been genl. librarian of Parlt.; 
also a memo Bd. of C. S. Examrs.; ed. 
L'Opinion publique (Montreal), 1881- 
3; a F.R.S.C.; one of the original 
merns. 'Of bhe It Cercle des Dix," Otta- 
wa; vice-chairman Aberdeen Assn.; 
presdt. local branch of the Alliance 
Françalse; widely known by hIos 'Writ- 
ings; contributes to La Presse, Mont- 
real; a leading figure among the 
French-Canadians and very popular; 
author many important historical 
works, Includin.g: U La. Crise du Rê- 
glme Parlementalre," U A la Conquête 
de la Llbertê en France et au 
Canada," U Les Constitutions du 
Canada," .. Les Etats Unis" (crownf'd 
with the Ihlg'hest prize In the gift 
of the Frenoh Acad. <Yf Political 
and Moral Sciences, Paris. viz. : 
500 francs); .. ,Papineau," U Pa'Plneau 
and CartJter," U Lafontaine-Cartier" 
(U Makers of Ca.n." serl,es); apptd. a 
lder d.e lla ,legion d!'lhonlJleur by 
t.he F.renoh Re>pub1oloc (.1903); was pre- 

V'il()lUsly arppbd. an offr. de l'hist. pub- 
lique, by tlhe. same Govt.; C.M.G. 
(1907); R. C.-71 Russell Ave., Ot- 
tawa; summer: " Les Goinions," Pointe 
au Pic, P.Q. 
"One of O'U'r hig'hest .authorities ()'Il .all 
subjects touching public affairs; 
is aJlJ almost in.fa111ble guide."-Rt. Hon. 
Sir Chas. Tupper (q.v.). 
.. Universally po'Pular and wen liked."- 
Dr. John Reade (q.v.). 
.. \\ïelds a vi
or(ll1s pen and is master 
of a broad sty11ø."-M. and E. 
De Cew, Jud&on Albert, 
hemical en- 
Desc-enoded from Capt. John De .c., 
U. E. L., who serV'ed 'in War of 1812, 
and aftoer whom was nam'oo De Cew'
F'alls, St. CatiharIne's. Ont.; b. WIR.t'er- 
ford, Ont.; e. "\V-ood'stock C()Ill.; fell'Ow 
Sch. of Pree. SoCoien-ce, Tooronlto, 1901-2; 
graùuatf'd B.A.Sc. (Toronto Univ.), 
1902; asso. memo Can. Soc. C. E., 
1906; only memo chf'mlcal f'ngtng. 
prof. in Can.; is chief chf'mist Can. 
Paper Co.; author various articles In 
t'eochnicoall jooUirnøl-s.-l09 Côte St. An- 
toine Rd., Westnwunt, Montreal; Jl,Iont- 
real Amateur Athletic Assn. 
De Champ, Jean Camille st, Elme 
Baron, educationist. 
Llcenciê en droit, diplomê de l'Ecole 
supre. de cerc., offieler d' Académle 
(1905); branche ainêe des de Champ 
1Jia;rons du LyO'Ilnais; b. Dyons, F'rance, 
1872; "e. Coll. St, Thomas d' Aquln 
(Dominicans) and Univs. of Lyons 
and Paris (B.A.) ; m.; lect. In French, 
Toronto Univ.; presdt. du Comte. de 
l' Alliance Française, Toronto; author 
many pUblic lectures and articles In 
periodicals; R.C.-Dean's House, To- 
ronto University, Toronto. 
Deeprose, :Rev, Charles Stephen 
S. late Jesse D., Ninfield, Sussex, 
Eng.; b. there, Dec. 31, 1857; e. in 
Eng. ; graduated Montreal Wesl. Theol. 
CoIl. (class prizeman), 1885; m., Aug., 
1889, Mary .T., 2nd d. Thos. Boorman, 
Wadhurst, Sussex; 0., 1888; held some 
Important charges, Including asst. at 
Dom. Ch., Ottawa, and poastor Rich- 
mond, Coatlcook, Huntingdon. and 
Sherbrooke; since 1910 pastor Ottawa 
South; set"V'ed as a del. to the two 
last Gent. Confs. ; secy. Montreal Conf., 
1901; chairman Huntingdon dist., 
1900; do., Stanstead dlst., 1902; do., 
Quebec dist., 1906; presdt. Montl"f'al 
Conf., 1910; presdt. Ottawa Meth. 
-:\iinlsterial Assn., do.-.UB Rive?'dale 
Ave., Ottawa, Onto 
"A devo.ted cleorg
man and 8 lovahle 
man."-l.Jate Rt1'. Dr. Ðaw8on, V.G. 
de Fronsac, Viscount (see Forsyth, 
F. G.). 
Delage, Olivier Cyrille Fraser, not- 
ary; legislator. 
French-Can. and Scottish origin; s. 
an B., and Mary E. (Fraser) D.; 
h. Quebec, May 1, 1869; e. Quebec. 

emy. and Laval Unlv. (LL.B., 1892; 
RL.. 1899; LL.D., 1908; W'Ü'n Angers 
and Tessier silver meds., Stanley gold 
med. and the Casgrain prize In criminal 
law); m., Oct., 1894, Mlle. Allce 



Brousseau, Quebec; a N. P.; success- 
fUlly practises his prof. In Quebec; 
elected memo Bd. of Notaries, P.Q., 
1903; apptd. a memo Cath. sec., Coun- 
cil of Public Instruction, 1905; a dir. 
Le Soleil Publication Co. (L.P., 1903), 
1904; declined nomination to the Que- 
bec mayoralty, 1908; has sat for Que- 
bec Co. (local) since Oct., 1901; elected 
deputy speaker, 1909; R. C.-8l1 Rue 
Des Fosses. Quebec. 
De La Marre, Rev. Elzea.r (R.C.). 
S. Chas. and Luce (Laroche) D.; 
parents among first settlers at He- 
bertvllle, P.Q., and therefore pioneers 
of the Valley of Lake St. John; b. 
Laval, P.Q., Sept. 8, 1854; e. Quebec 
Semy.: followed theoi. course, Chicou- 
tlml Semy.; subsequently, at Rome; 
D.D. (Laval Unlv.), 1902; o. 1883; 
asst. pastor, Murray Bay, 1883-7; at 
.Jacksonville, Florida, 1887-8; pastor 
Les Eboulements, 1888-9; dir. .Junior 
Semy., Chlcoutiml, 1891-3; prefect of 
studies, 1893-5; asst. superior, 1895-9; 
superjl(}r, 1899-1905 (also for a time 
prof. moral theol.); chaplain, Hôtel 
Dieu de St. Vallier, 1892-99; Diocesan 
Inspr. of Academies and Convents. 
1896; one of the promoters and chief 
ed. L'Oiseau-Mouche. 1893-1903; e. CIon... 
tributor to other periodicals; author 
II La Devotion à S. Antoine It (20,000 
copies), with 2 Eng. editions; founded 
at ,tihe Hôte:]! Di,eu d
 St. Vanier the 
St. Anthony's Orphans' Home for 
Girls, 1894, and a rellgious commun- 
ity: Rellgieuses de St. AntoIne die 
Padoue; now procurator of the Semy. 
of Chicoutlml; a dlr. of l' Assur. Mu- 
tuel des Evêches et .Maisons d'Educ. 
et de Charitê, P.Q., and V.-P. Cle des 
Ðaux and doe 'l'Eil.eci. of C:hoLcouobim'i.- 
l"Hotel-Dieu, Chicoutimi, P.Q. 
Delamere, Lt,-Col, Joseph Martin, 
Onto public servIce. 
A bro. T. D. D. (q.v.); b. Co. Down, 
Irel., .July 2, 1848; e. U. C. CoIl.; m., 
ApI.. 1878, Elizabeth M.. y. d. late 
Lt.-Coi. G. T. Denison, II Rusholme," 
Toronto; entd. Onto public service, 
1868, and was subsequently postmas- 
ter to the Legislature; since .Jan., 
1907, has been asst. elk.; entd. Queen's 
Own Rifles (Unlv. Co.), 1865. and, 
passing through all grades, attained 
the It.-colonelcy of the regt., 1896; 
retired, and placed on the R. 0., 1909; 
holds the long service decoration; 
served during the Fenian raid, 1870 
(genl. service med., with 1 dasp); 
served during the N. W. RebelUon, 
1885. IncludIng the reUef of Battle- 
ford, and the operations against Big 
Bear's band (med.): took part In 
Queen Victoria's Diamond .Jubilee 
celebration, London, 1897: was presdt. 
Can, Miil. Inst., 1898-1900; a keem and 
enthusiastic rifleman, taking part In 
all the meetings at Ottawa and 
'Dorront1:'O dumn.g a ,]Iong sf'l"Iie.s {)f yrs.; 
organized the Mil, Rifle League, 
and commanded the Bisley team, 1900; 
. an Ang.-2.J Cecil St.. Toronto; To- 
ronto Club. 
Delamere, Thomas Dawson, lawyer. 
S. Dawson D., late H. M.'s Customs, 
Toronto, and .Jane (Mar-tin) D,; b. Co, 

Down, Irel., Mch. 25, 1847; e. U. C. 
CoIl, and Toronto Univ (B.A., and med. 
in metaph., ethics., logic and civil 
polity, 1866; M.A., 1870); m., .June, 
1880, Grace, wldl()w Ralph Winnington 
Keefer, barrister, and e. d. late E. O. 
Bickford, Toronto: barrister, 1870; 
K.C. (Earl of Derby), 1889; success- 
fully practises his prof. In Toronto; a 
memo law firm D., Reesor & Ross; a 
former law partner of Kenneth Mac- 
kenzie, K.C.; lect. and examr., Law 
Sch., Osgoode Hall, 1876-86; chairman 
La w Scll. for some yrs.; engd. In 
many important cases, and was solr. 
for several public cos.; presdt., for 
some yrs., Irish Proto Benevol. Soc., 
Toronto; a councillor Toronto Unlv. 
Alumni Assn.; served In Univ. Rifles 
during Fenian raids (med.); retired 
from Queen's Own, as capt., 1872; a 
Reformer; a memo Imp. Federation 
League; Ang. (Evangel.), and a del. 
to the Synod.
9 Heath St., Toronto. 
(D. Toronto. _Uch. 17. 1911.) 
Delfosse, Georges, artiste-peintre. 
S. late Mêlene D., merchant and secy. 
late Hon. .John Pangman, and Jose- 
phine (Mount) D., a sister of Dr. 
Mount, Montreal; through his mother 
Is connected wIth the family of the 
Marquise de Lotblnlêre, and is of U. 
E. L. descent; b. Les Rapldes, St. 
Henri de Mascouche, P.Q., Dec. 8, 1869; 
e. there and Montreal; m., May, 1908, 
AlIne, d. Alexis Contant, .Montreal; 
studied art under late Abbê Chabert, 
and more recently In Europe; his 
works consist of portraits and reli- 
gious tableaux, both In oils, the lat- 
ter for the decoration of monasteries 
and churches; of his portraits, one 
of the most successful is that of Sir 
W. Laurler, which was presented to 
that statesman by his Montreal 
friends, 1897; one of his works, a pic- 
ture of the Chateau de Ramezay, 
Montreal was accepted by the Royal 
Acad., LOndon; perhaps his most im- 
portant production is an historical 
pa'inting representing Montreal In 
1760; R. C.-!51a Sherbrooke St. E., 
DeLongueuil, Beginald d'I:berville 
Charles . Grant, Eigh th Baron, 
2nd .s. Ohas. Il'1WIin Grant, 6ttih 
Baron, and Harriet, 4th d. Frind 
Cregoe Colmore. of Moor End, Co. 
Gloucester, Eng.; b., 1856: m. Kate 
Isobel, d. .John Church {)f Carfin, 
Lanarkshire, Scot.; succeeded his bro., 
the 7th Baron, 1898; title was granted 
by Louis XIV, of France, by Letters 
Patent dated Jan. 26, 1700, and was 
recognized by her late Majesty Queen 
Victoria, Dec. 4, 1880.-Chambly, Pau, 
De LOrimier, Albert Emmanuel, law- 
S. late Wm. de L., fonnerly of 
Montreal; b. Sault St. Louis, P.Q., 
.June 2, .1861; e. Hun1Iugd'on, Acad., 
St. !MJary's (.J.esui.t) 00(11., IM'O'Il1reø.l, 
and Lawul Hnllv. (B.A., .1885; LL.B., 
do.); m., Oct.. 1885, Rachel. M<el- 
vinø., d. Hion. Mlr. .Justice C. C. de 
Lorimler (q.v.) ; ad'V'OOOJte, 1885: K.C., 
1903; successfuJIy practises his prof. 



in Montreal; a memo law firm Angers, 
de L., Godin & de L.; a dir. La Soc 
d' Adminls. Generale, and the Crêdlt 
Foncier Franco-Canad,ien; R. C.--804a 
Dorchestel' St. 1V., 1Ilontreal; Lafon- 
taine Club; Cana.dian Club, do. 
de Lorimier, Ron, Charles Chamilly, 
S. late J. B. C. and Rachel Cadieux 
(de Courville) de L.; b. Dubuque, 
Iowa, U.S., Sept. 13. 1842: e. St. 
Mary's (Jesuit) Coil., Montreal; 
LL.D. (Laval Unlv.), 1882: m., 1865, 
Delle de Serres St. Jean, Montreal; 
advocate, 1865; K.C. (Marquis of 
Lorne) , 1882; practised his profession 
In Montreal: joint atty. Credlt-Fon- 
cler Franco-Can.; Crown prosecutor, 
Dist. Terrebonne, 1873-5; since 1880 
prof. criminal law, Laval Unlv.; one 
of the founders of La Themi8, and 
assisted in its editorship; published 
II La Bibliotheque de Code Civil" (21 
vols. ), and II Cours de Droit Crlm- 
fnel": Is sole dir. of La Rev. de Jur- 
isprudence; In early yrs. was presdt. 
L'Unlon Cath. (Montreal): apptd. a 
puisne judge, Sup. Ct.. P.Q., Apt Hi, 
1889: R. O. under E. F. Act, for 
L'Assomption. 1894: a R. C.. and a 
memo Cath. Sch. Commr
.-5.J Cher- 
rier St., lIfontreal. 
"A sound laW)er: particularly well 
trained in the civil laiW."-M. Standard. 
"An albl('i jUfliS(,OIJ1ISltlb!:" ftS wdl 0'<;' II 11 
amiable and cultured gentleman."-Mail 
and Empire. 
De LoriJ11Ïer, Joseph Greetham, la w- 
E.' s. . Lt.-Cot Richard Greetham de 
Tyldersley, R.E., and Helen R. (de 
T....m'imier) ,rue T.; h. .s'au:1Ì st. La.uds, 
P.Q., Feb. 24, 1881; assumed his 
mother's name, 1885: e. St. Mary'
(J'H5UÛlt) Cooli\. and :McGi'll Univ.; Bu.\..; 
LL.B.; m., June, 1909, Beortlbe. d. H'O'n. 
L. P. Brodeur (q.v.): formerly In 
banking business in Fran-ce and U. S.; 
advocate, 1908; a memo legal firm 
Angers, die L., Goodlin & d,e L., 1
real; has written on finance; a Lib.; 
R. C.-40ge lilt. Royal Are., JIontTeal: 
Club Lafontaine; Canadian Club, do. 
De LurY, Alfred Tennyson, educa- 
Irish origin; b. Manilla, Ont., May 
13, 1864; e. Oshawa and Bowman- 
vllle hIgh schs., Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
with med. In math., 1890; M.A., 1902), 
and Clark Univ.; math. master, Whet- 
ham CoIl., Vancouver, 1891: do. Har- 
bord St. (Toronto) CoIl. Inst., 1892; 
lect. In math., Toronto Univ.. 1892- 
1902; assOc. prof. do., 1902-8: prof. 
do., since 1908; dean of residence, 
1892-99; senator Toronto Univ., 1904; 
capt., Unlv, of Toronto Rifle Assn_, 
1904-6; for some yrs. V.-P. Royal 
Can. Astron. Assn.; elected presdt. 
JIo., Jan.. 1910; re-elected, 1911: ØJIso 
a Idfe feUlow, do.; a memo Am. .Malbh. 
SO'C.; au1hoT "Am ArH'mnetl-c f'Ûr High 
Sch'Ûol.s and 0001,1. Insto1tJutt-e8" (1903): 
"An Intermedla.te AIgøbm for Seoonod- 
a.ry Soh'()o()ls" (1904).-Univer8ity of 
Toronto, Toronto; Lambton Golf and 
Country Club, do. 

de Martigny, Charles Le Moyne, law- 
Head of the Le Moyne family, includ- 
Ing the de Longueuil, de Bienville, 
d'Iberville and de Sevigny branches; 
b. Varennes, P.Q. ; e. St, Mary's 
(Jesuit) Coll., Montreal, and the Sor- 
bonne, Paris; advocate, 1881; counsel 
to tihoe Dan. Oommr., P<Ll'is; re
tJhie law H.on. L. J. F10rget at Paris; 
R. C.--8 Rue Auber, Paris, France; 
Cercle de l'Union Artistique, do. 
Demers, Joseph, lawyer; legislator. 
Bro. Judge D. (q.v.); b. Henryvillt-, 
P.Q., May 31, 1871; e. St. Hyacinthe 
ColI. and St. Mary's (Jesuit) ColI. (B.S., 
1891; LL.B., 1895); m., .Jan., 1896, 
Mlle. Berthe Gravel, Arthabaskaville, 
P.Q.; advocate, 1895; R.C., 1908; su('- 
cessfully practises his prof. at St. 
Johns: a Lib.; has isaot f'Ûr St. .Johns 
and Iberville (H.C.), since 1906; R.C. 
-St, Johns, P.Q. 
Demers, Capt, Louis Auguste, Dom. 
pub. service. 
French-Can. origin; b. Montreal, 
Aug. 18, 1862; e. Montreal Acad.; fol- 
lowed course in nav. in London, Eng.; 
m. Elizabeth, d. Capt. Craggs, London, 
Eng.; long in the merchant marine, 
as sailor, mate and master; later, was 
prof. in a Can. Marine Sch.; In Can. 
Fisheries Protective Service, 1891-1903 ; 
enld. public service as asst. examr., 
master and mates, Dept. of l\<Iarine and 
Fisheries, 1904; promoted chid examr., 
same year. and wreck commr., June, 
L909; .1<'.R.A.S., 1905; F.R.S.A. 19C9; 
R. C.-SIO Nelson St., Ottawa. 
.. A sailor of great experience and un- 
commún attainments."-V, World. 
Demers, Ron, Louis Philippe, judge. 
S. late Alexis Louis D" M.L.A., and 
Marie (Goyette) D.; ancestors from 
Dieppe, Normandy; b. Henryvllle, P. 
Q., Sept. 16, 1863; e. St. Hyacinthe 
ColI. and Laval Unlv. (B.A., 1883; 
LL.D., 1889); m., Sept., 1887, .Jose- 
phine, d. late J. E. Z. Bouchard, N.P., 
Co. Regr., Naplerville, P.Q.; advo- 
ûate, 1886: R.C., 1899; ;praotised mlis 
prof. In Montreal; was prof. of univ. 
hlst. at the Monument Nat., Mont- 
real, and a prof. of commercial law. 
Laval Unlv.; also a sch. commr., 
Montreal; one of the f
unders of La 
Rev. Legale (new series), In which 
appeared many articles from his pen; 
author of a thesis, "Privilêges sur 
les biens .Meubles"; sat for St. Johns 
and Ibervllle (H. C.), In Lib. Interest, 
1900-06; chairman of Standing Orders 
Comte., 1904; do. Private Bills do., 
1905-6: apptd. a judge of the Sup. Ct., 
P.Q., Aug. 31, 1906; transferred to 
MJon,tTt=la.]., 1910; R. C.-JIontreal, P.Q. 
"Able, courteous and distinguished."- 
M. Gazette. 
Demers, Pierre Paul, lawyer; late 
U.S. consular service. 
S. Isaac and Adelaide (Morisette) 
D.; b. Can., Aug. 7, 1876, e. St. 
Joseph's ColI., Memramcook, N.B. 
(B.A., 1897), and Boston Unlv. (LL.B., 
1902); m., Apt, 1903, Miss Della 1\1. 
Demers, Dover, N.H. ; successfully 
practised hIs prof. at Boston and 
Someri'worth, K.H.; memo N. H. House 



of Representatives, 1903; U. S. consul, 
Port Limon, Costa Rica, 1903-5; do., 
Barranquilla, Colombia, 1905-8; do., 
Bahia, Brazil, 1908-9; now engd. in 
railroading and manufacturing in 
Brazil; memo Am. Soc. Intern. Law 
and Boston Bar Assn.; Rep.; a R. C.- 
Bahia, BI'azil; Dover, N.H. 
of- de Mille, Alban Bertram, litt

. ---...s. late Jas. de M., M.A., the well- 
known author of .. The DOdge Club," 
etc., and prof. of En-g. .}:it. and his., 
Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, and Annie 
(Pryor) de M.; b. Halifax, N.S., 1873; 
e. King's Call. Univ.,"'"N:'S:lB.A., 1893; 
M.A., 1896)., and Hl3.rvaIXl' Uruiv.; m., 
Ioadelline. d. 0hIÏ>e1f .JUS1Jice 
Ba,rlrer, St. .J'ohn, N.E.; \has be<en 
prof. of Eng. and .hJist., Unlv. Kling's 
CoH., Wdnd.sor, rundi :head '()f .hJist. dept., 
.MJj,1,bon A.cad., MoÏil'ÌJOI1J, Mass.; IlJOW 
do. do., Be.I'lIllOlnrt .sch., Be'lm'on.t Oat. 
besides many mag. and newspape; 
articles is the author of .. Literature 
In the Century" (vol. 11 of The 
19th Century Series), 1900, and an 
ed. of Longfellow's .. Evangeline" 
(authorized for sch. use by the Coun- 
cil of P. I., N.S.); a Can. by taste 
and training; belleyes In some fonn 
of Imp. federation, which should be 
brought about gradually and care- 
fully; has much faith In Can.'s fu- 
ture. and thinks that she Is only at 
the ,beglrunlng Qf her career.-Belmont, 
Cal.; Hal'va'l"d TJni.on, Camb7-jdge, 
.If ass. 
De Montigny, Louvigny, civic official; 
S. B. T. A. de M.:" b. St. .Jerome, 
P.Q., Dec. 1, 1876; e. there, and Laval 
Univ.; m., May, 1!-J04, .-\onro'inoe1bte, 0. 
d. .Jul-eos Heolbr-on'ner, 
I'onltI1eta,l; 'has 
boon OO'lllnle('tte.d
 ,eH,her as rep'Ü'f!t,e'r 
or ed., with various Montreal journals; 
founded the Municipal Gazette, of 
which ,he was '("d.-in-chief, 1904-10; 
author .. Les Boules de Neige," a 
drama, and of other productions; 
awarde,d Les Palmes Acad., by the 
French Govt., 1903; since 1910 has 
been a translator for the Senate of 
Can. ; ilL C.-303 Stewart St.. Ottawa. 
Denis, Theophile, mining en
Quebec public sen ice. 
A French-Can.; b. Ff'b. 25, 1872: e. 
McGill Univ. (B.A.Se., Ci., 1896; Mi.. 
1897) ; m., Nov., 1901, Margt.. d. late 
.John Knowlson, Lindsay, Ont.; min- 
ing engr., mines branch, Dept. of 
Mines, Ottawa, 1898-1910; apptd. 
supdt. of Mines, Quebec (vice Ohalskl. 
q.v), .Jan., 1910; R.C.-Quebec. 
Denl.on, Lt,-Col, Clarence Alfred 
X1n.ey. lawyer. 
4th S. late Coil. G. T. D., Rush-olme, 
Toronto; a bro. of Co!. G. T. D., pollee 
magte., Toronto, (q.v.); b. Toronto, 
ApI. 9, 1851; e. U. C. Call.: m. Miss 
Harriet Wall bridge ; a barrister; long 
in 'bhe v. m. serv.ioe, .having entd. rt:Jhie 
Queen's Own Rifles, as a private. 1866 ; 
ea1Jf!oll1ed as a 'br()l()pe'r, GO'V.-Ge'l1iI.'s Bod'Y 
Guard, 1868; attained to the com- 
mand of the corps., 1898; R.O., 1904; 
Irt.-ool. commd-g. Islt Dav. Br:ig., Wes1:- 
ern Onlt. Command, 1907..,11 ; s'lnæ ttl1>e'I1 
lL 0.; SoeJl"VOO dul'1ng Fenian RoebeIlldO'Il, 

1866, 13!I1Jd N. W. RJe!1:JIeIIIUcm
(meds.); <holds !Long servlooo æoorn- 
tllon; Ang. a.nd oa ,die1. ;to rbhe SyJltods.- 
55 Prince Arthw' Ave., Toronto; Can. 
Mil. Inllt.
Denl.on, Capt. Garnet Wol.eley, 
King's regular mil. forces. 
3rd s. Col. G. T. D. (q.v.) ; gods. F.M. 
Lord Wolseley, O.M.; b. Toronto, Sept. 
8, 1876; e. Royal Mil. Call., Kingston; 
graduated at the head of the Call., 
1898; m., May, 1906, Agnes Flora, y. 
d. E. H. K-eatJLnlg, C.E. (q.v.), To-; 'gJaZR,t'OOd 2nd :I1iloort.. Royall 
EJngrs., 1898; .IleUlt., 1901; capt., 1907; 
served Koano-Solroto C'aJIllpM,gl1l, 1903 
(moo., w1i'tlh clrusp); An.g.-Care Wm' 
Office, London, Eng. 
Den1.on, Col, George Taylor, On t. 
pUblic service. 
U. E. L. stock; s, Lt.-'CoI. G. T., 
the founder of Toronto Militia, and 
:\Iary Anne (Dewson) D.; grands. Lt.- 
CoI. G. T. D., a 'Volunteer, both in 1812 
and '37; and .gt. grands. Capt. JQhn 
D., of H. M.'s 2nd Y.ork Regt., a 
pioneer of U. C.; b. Toronto, Aug. 31. 
1839; e. U. C. Call. and Toronto Unlv. 
(LLÆ., 1861); m., 1st, Jan., 1863; 
CaroUne (.d. F,eb., 1885), d. O. .J. Mack- 
l,ellTI, OhIPlpoewa., Onlt.;, Dec., .1887, 
Helen (a memo Imp. Order Daughters 
Û'f the Empire and of spßCial comte. 
thereof for caring for soldiers' graves 
in R A.. 19.02; a m.em. aðvis. 'bd. 
Women's Welcome Hostel, Toronto, 
1908; .prf'sented with her husband to 
King Edward and Queen Alexandra, 
St. .James's Pal'ace, 1902), Y. d. late 
.James Mair, Perth, Ont.; barrister, 
1861; suocessfully practised his prof. 
in Toronto, in partnership with 
his bro., the late Lt.-CoI. F. C. D., 
CIM.G. M.P.: an ald. (St. Patrick's 
Ward)', 1865-7; special immigr: a .. 
tion commr. from Onto to Gt. Brit.. 
1872 and 1873; since 1877 has been 
polioe magte., Toronto; one of 
oldest living .offrs. In the v. m. serVIce. 
having entd. the Gov.-Genl.'s Body 
Gds. as a cornet, 1855; became capt. 
of his troop, 1857; major, 1862; It.- 
col., 1866; col., 1907; apptd. hon. It.- 
C'o1., G.-G. 'Bo'dy Gel's.. 1907; ,p,aSlsed' 'Dbe 
Royal Mil. Sch., Toronto (1st class 
cert.), 1866; holds the IQng service 
dJelClo, rn11ion .a'llSiO 'a 18t 'Clla
s CI3....." 
cert. ; was formerly 'prf'sdt. Dam. 
Oav. A'siSn., anl(]
 woas oelleútoed ,pl'eoolt. 
of the Can. IMil. Inst., 1898; was on 
active service during Fenian raid, 
1866, and commanded the outposts on 
the Niagara River, under Col. (now 
F. M. Lord) Wolseley, in the autumn 
of that year; was again on active .ser- 
vice during the N.-W. 'Rebellion, 1885 
(mentioned In despatches; med.); has 
been a frequent contributor to the 
newspaper and periodical press on sub- 
jects of nat. and mllitary Importance, 
anù has likewise appeared on the lee. 
ture platform in advocacy of Canada's 
rights and the preservation of the 
unity of the Empire; has publ.lshed 
separately: U The National Defences; 
or, Observatlon.s on the Best Defensive 
Force for Canada" (1861); U Canada, 
Is She Prepared for War?" (do.); ".A 



RevIew of the Militia Policy of 
the Present AdmInistration" (1863); 
.. Manual of Outpost Duties" (1866); 
.. The FenIan Raid at Fort Erie" 
(do.); II Cavalry Cha rges at Sedan" 
(1872) ; "A Visit to Genl. R. E. Lee" 
(do.); II Modern Cavalry" (Lon., 
1868; In German, 1869; in Russian, 
1872; in Hungarian, 1881); II Cana<'1a 
and Her Relations to the EII1JPire" 
(Reprinted from the West. Rev., 
1895) ; 'c Soldiering In Canada .. 
(1900), am1 II T'hop Strrtl
g"I" for Im- 
perlal Unity" (1909); in 1877 w.on the 
first prize offered by th
 Emperor of 
Russia for the best II History of 
Ca va'lry "; on this occasion iProceeded 
to S1. Peter.sburg, where he remained 
for 2 months, and was presented to 
the Emperor and Empress; the work 
was pubiished in London the same 
year, and In Russian, German and 
.Japanese later; this achievem
mt was 
very hlg.hly regarded, not alone by 
Canadians, but by Brit. subjects 
where; to mark his sense of the 
author's pluck and ability, the Mar- 
quis of Dufferln, then Gov.-Gent of 
Can., presented him with a medal 
suitably inscribed; among the most 
Important of his 'ImbUe lectures and 
addresses have been the following: 
.. The Importance of :Maintaining the 
Unity of the Empire" ( delivered 
be:fore the Imp. and Fed. League, 
Lond., 1890); II The United Empire 
Loyalists" (1891); II The Opening .o.t 
the War of 1812" (do.); II National 
Spirit: Its Influence upon Nations" 
(<100.) : "ThIS Dang,e,rs tlnl3.l1: Mf''Ill3.ce 'the 
British Empire and their Remedy" 
(1902); II Imperial Defence" (1903), 
and numerous others; has been con- 
nected with a large number of national, 
mil. and patriotic societies; was one 
of the founders of the II Canada First" 
party, 1867, an organIzation that did 
much to shape the destinies of th- 
great North-West, as well as of the 
Dom. at large; later, assisted at the 
birth of the Hist. Soc. of Ont., and Is 
an hon. ,memo of the Women's Can. 
Hist. Soc., as well as of the Lit. and!:. S'Oc., Quebec, an<lJ vi ot'hell' b()læes ; 
on the formation of the Royal Soc. of 
Can., 1882, was selected ,by Its founder, 
the Marquis of Lome (now Duke of 
Argyll) to be a memo of tne sec. on 
Eng. lit. and hlst., and was subse- 
quenBy elected presdt. thereof, becom- 
ing V.-P. of the soc. 1902, and presdt. 
1903; In 1894 was apptd. a memo of 
the bd. of trustees of U. C. CoIl.; was 
later elected presdt. of the bd.; re- 
signe.d, 1911:- In 1893 was elected 
presdt. of the I1T11PI. Federation League 
in Can., and when this body was dis- 
solved, became rpresdt. of the Brit. 
EJmpire League In Can., which took the 
place of the former Assn. In the Dom. ; 
of this League (Which has done and 
is doing very effective work) he Is 
still (1!H1) at the head; represented 
his soc. at the coronation of King 
Edward and Queen Alexandra, West- 
minsue-r Abbey, 1902; pToeserutOOo t'O His 
Majesty King Goor
e, 1901; In 1895 

was paid the compliment by the Govt. 
of the day .of requesUng him to unveil 
the m'O'IlumenlÌ ereC't
 in comm-em'Oll"a- 
tdon 'Orf .the 'batHe 'Of Lundy's Lane; was 
a,pptd. a memo of the Roya! Battle- 
fields Comn., 1908; elected V.-P. Royal 
ColonIal Inst., 1910; though born a 
Con., has never ,been a party man; 
since the first Red River Rebellion has 
aIrways been a Cana<'1a First man, 
standing neutral in politics, although, 
for special reasons, contesting Algoma 
(H. C.), In Lib. Interest, g. e. 1872; 
advocates, with Intense earnestness, 
the tightening of the bonds with the 
Empire in every possible way (see his 
work, II The Unity of the EmpIre," for 
dle't:laJHs :as .t1O l11is W101rk :and labours dn 
this respect); Ang.- tI Heydon Villa," 
Toronto; National Club, do. 
., Pure justice Denisou""-M. Star. 
"A man (}If invincible energy."-Pall 
If( all Gazette. 
c'A man of energy. enthusiasm and a.bil- 
ity."-Sir Geo. W. Ross (q.v.). 
<fA man of vital fo.rce in Can. Imperial. 
ism."-L. Morni7lg Post. 
II Has been a power for t.he repression 
o-f cr:ime in '!XJ,ron-to; II. perfect genius for 
we.ighing c.videnre."-7'. Globe. 
"A patr:iot w.ith the to do his 
duty by his country; but for such men 
in other times neith(>,r Canad.n n{)r tht> 
British wouId to,dlßY be in exist- 
cn'ce."-.'1'. News. 
"He would ha
 been a mnitary lea.d('r 
nf JlI1'te in ,any army he joined; is a man 
in :I. thousand and a. born cavalry leade,r." 
-P. M. ViscQU7It Wolseley. 
"A'S nn aíter-dinner speaker has few 
equals; invoariably the man sought nft('!" 
when the voice of the country is to be 
distinc,uy llea,rd; is consumed by nn en- 
tll\1si'ßsm as wen as directed by an in-tRl- 
Il'('t possessed by no other man in the 
Dominion of Canada...-S. N. 
Deni.on, Mrs, Gra.ce Elizabeth, auth- 
or; jo
E. d. late Venerable ArchdJeacon 
Sandys, Chatham, Ont.; b. thf're; f'. 
N.Y. and London: m. Albf'rt Ernest, 
s. late Lt.-Cot R. L. Denison, U Dovf'r- 
court," Toronto; author II A Happy 
Holiday, a tour through Europe" 
(1891) and II The New Cook Book" 
(1903); a frequent contributor of 
brIght, clever .articles and sketches 
tlO Outing, Saturday Night Ø1I1id .other 
papers and m:ags.; 'IIIO'W, an-d IDor some 
Y1l'S., society oe'd. of Saturday Night: 
J'epres-en,t'8!di tnI!' 'W'(YTI1!e'Il j-ournaJJÏstg of 
Oan. :a,t 'tJhe "T'OT-ld's F.aJir, Ohicago; 
sometim'ßS wr>it-es unòler IÌIhe nom-de- 
plume of U La,dy Gay" ; Ang.-125 Sim- 
coe St., Toronto; Women's Can. Club, 
Denison, Bear Admiral John,. Royal 
A bro. Co!. G. T. D. (q.v.); b 
II Rusholme," Toronto, May 25, 1853; 
e. U. C. ColI. and Britannia training 
ship; m., 1878, Miss Florence Led 
gard, Ellerclose, Roundbay, York- 
shIre; entd. R.N. as a cadet, ApI., 
1867; promoted sub-lIeut., 1873; lIeut., 
1878; commander, 1891; capt., 1896; 
rear-admiral, 1906; employed on 
many important and responsible 


missions and duties; as capt. of the 
Niobe, escorted the German Emperor 
from the Nore to Flushing, 1901; was 
commander of royal yacht Victoria 
and Albert, and was flor seV'eral yrs. in 
personal attendance on the late 
Queen Victoria; escorted H.M.S. 
Ophir, containing the present KIng 
and Queen on theIr V'lsft to Can., 1901; 
A.D.C. '00 ihds ,lø.ltre Majesty King Ed- 
ward, 1905-6; V.-P. London, Eng., Old 
Boys' Assn. of U.C. ColI., 1910; Ang. 
-Alver8toke, Eng.; United Service 
Club. London, Eng. 
.. Êvery inch a. saiIm....-Can. Mil. Ga- 
DenIson, Lt.-Cot, Septimus ðullu8 
Augustus, Can. reg. mil. forces. 
7th s. late Col. Geo. T. D., Toronto; 
bro. Col. G. T. D. (q.v.); b. Toronto, 
Sept. 3, 1859; e. U. C. 00111., RJoch:es't-e,r 
Ho., Ea.þlng, Erug., aoo RoY'al.. M
OolU., Kingston; 1111., Sept., 1881, Mm:n.le 
Clarke, d. late Jas. Lowe; entd. 1st 
Stafforo. Rie.g>t. a.s 2nd U,eut., 1880; lot., 
4tJh BaJtt. S. Straff'or1Ò. RJegt., 1880,; 
capt" 1881; major, 1893; entd. R.C. 
Regt. as capt., 1899; promoted major, 
1904; It.-col., 1902; It.-col. commdg. 
R. C. Regt., Sept., 1910; A.D.C. to Earl 
Aberdeen when Gov..Genl. of Can.; 
served S. Africa as A.D.C. to F.M. 
Earl Roberts. 1899-1900; present at 
operations In Cape Colony, north of 
Orange River, 1899-1900; operations in 
Orange Free State, Feb.-May, 1900, In- 
cluding operations at Paardeberg nr.d 
actions at Poplar Grove and Drlefon- 
teln; operations In Transvaa.l, June- 
Oct., 1900 (despatches twice; C.M.G.; 
Queen's med. with 4 clasps) ; A.D.C. to 
present King when Duke of Cornwall 
and York during his tour In Can., 1901 ; 
chief staff offr., West ant. Command, 
1905-10; since ItJhen h'3JS oommanded 
No. 4 Re.
imelmtJal Detpôt, Halifax, 
N.S.; formerly an aJod., Torol1lto; ipTe- 
serutoo to King Getol'ge and Queen 
Mary, St. Ja.mes's Palaæ, July, 1902; 
an aooompllshoo amateur aotor; Ang. 
-Halifax, N.S.; Halifax Club; Toronto 
Club, Toronto; United Service Club, 
London, Eng. 
.. Does no discredit to- his family n:ame." 
-8. N. 
Dennis, Major John S" Can. ry. ser- 
S. late Lt.-Co1. John Stoughton D., 
C:M.G., Depty. Minr. or! the In,ter.ior, 
Ottawa, and Sarah Marla (Oliver) D.; 
b. Weston, ant., 1856; e. there, and by 
private tutor; m. the d. of the late 
Robt. Ooonroy, Aylmer, P.Q. ; a D. L. S. ; 
studied for his prof. under his father, 
went West, 1872; was for 4 yrs. in 
the service of the H. B. Co., engd. In 
surveys; organized the Co.' s Land 
Dept.; served during the N.-W. Rebel- 
lion, 1885; commanded DE!nnls's Scouts, 
an intelligence corps, during the cam- 
paign (med.); memo Can. Soc. C. E., 
1901 (V.-P. do., 1907); was Inspector 
and chief engr. of SurveY'S, Dam. Govt., 
1887-94; ohlef engr., Irrigation Dept. 
of Surveys, do. do., 1894-1902, and 
depty. commr. of Public Works, N.- W. 
T., 1897-1902; entd. ry. service as 
Im,pdt. of Irrigation and Land Commr. 


for B. C., Can. Pac. Ry., 1903; pro- 
moted asst. to 2nd V.-P., do. do., 1904; 
since 1910 has 'been mangr. of co.'s 
Irrigation and land interests In Alta. 
and B. C.; Is also presdt. Can. Pac. 
OolonJza.tion 00., and Western Agencies 
:and DeV1ellQop. Co.; -elected <preosdtt. 11'1'Ii- 
gaUon Convention, 1908; V.-P. Esqui- 
malt .and Nanalmo Ry., 1905; has re- 
cently le
tured In Eng. on .. The De- 
velopment of Western Canada."-Cal- 
gary, Alta.; Ranchman's Club, do.,' 
Manitoba Club, Winnipeg. 
"A practical and able administrator."- 
fl. IIfarpole (q.v.). 
.. Prohably the best-posted irrigation 
pert in Am. and! one of the leading 
irrigationists in the world."-Oan. Oourier. 
Dennis, Wßliam, journalist. 
S. late John and Mary (Parnall) D.; 
b. Cornwall, Eng., Mch. 4, 1856; e. 
there; came to Can., 1873; m., 1878, 
Agnes (a gifted woman of marked 
extve. abfUty, who has filled with great 
acceptance various public offices In 
N. S., Including the presidency of the 
Victorian Order of Nurses and the 
Local Council of Women, and has been 
a councillor of the Children's Aid Soc., 
a promoter and office-holder of the N. 
S. League for the Protect. of the 
Feeble-Minded, etc.; waS presented 
with a life membership In the Nat. 
Council of Women, by the Halifax 
Council, as an acknowledgment of her 
active and judicious admn. In N. S., 
1908), d. Alex. Mlller, Truro, N.S.; 
employed on reportorial staff, Halifax 
Herald, 1875-81; on ed. staff Winnipeg 
Sun, 1881-3 (on leaving was presented 
with an address by citizens of Winni- 
peg, accompanied by a gold watch and 
silver tea service); news ed. Halifax 
Herald, 1883-1890, since when has been 
ed.-in-chlef of the paper and presdt. 
of the Herald Co.; wrote a series of 
special articles on the .. Antiquities of 
Hal'lfax" for 'tine Herald, dlsp.ltayln,g 
mUJCth research; Woas !for 10 Y.I1S. a'll! 3!l'd. 
of Ha1ñfoax and! a lß1JeJIIl. of IÌIhe Public 
Sch. Bd..; .presel1lted w.itJh a massIve 
g'old and ebon'Y æ.nte by itJhe Pf'ovI. Work- 
men's Assn., N.S., 1906, In acknowledg- 
ment of II his assistance, counsel and 
support of the cause of labor in N. S." ; 
a promoter Can. Assd. Press, as well 
as of the Can. Club, Halifax; a memo 
local branch Can. Indus. League; V.-P. 
Soc. for the Protec. of Children, Hali- 
fax; donated a prize for competition, 
Halifax Golf Club, 1908; has lectured 
on .. Religion In the Press," and! other 
subjects; raised the sum of $14,358.00 
for the Indian Famine Fund, for which 
he was thanked by the Viceroy of 
India, the Bp. of Calcutta and others, 
1900; raised a sum of $10,000 for the 
erection of a memorial to the heroes 
from N. S., who fell In the S. A. War, 
for which he was thanked by King 
George, Earl Roberts, Mr. Chamber- 
lain, and others, 1902; raised a sum 
of $13,500 towards the Japanese 
Famine Fund, 1906, for 'WIhdch 'he was 
presenbed wi'tb: tlhiI'e'e s'UVJe.r !bowls by 
the .Japra.n'ßse GoV't., ,1911; raised oR 
Bum of m1onoey towards oR Pltay
F'und for 't!1w Child'ren of HiaJllfax, do.; 
pooserut, by LnvUiWtJion, at 'bhe corona- 



tlilCm IO'f 
IJlig George anI(]: Quæn /Mary, 
.JUIlJe, 1911, and WlaS .pIl'elsentt-eld Ibo Thtedr 
Mlajes:tloes; a Oon.; a. Presb.-Halifax, 
N.S.; H ali/ax Club; Hali/ax Golf Club; 
Canadian Club, do. 
II An oonlQur to the cr,a-ft."-M. Wit7leBB. 
II One of fue .ableostJ and most ente.r' 
prising newsp/lJpe;r me.n in the oountry."- 
T. NewB. 
.. One of the' most public-spirited ciJtiz.en.s 
the Dominion has ever known.-The late 
ll. G. Haliburto7l. 
Denni.toun, Major Bobert Maxwell, 
E. s. late Jias. Fred. D., Q.C., and 
g1nl.'ll'ds. Robt. D., Q.C., 00. .J'l1,dlge of 
Peterborough, Peterborough, Ont.; b. 
Peterborough, Ont., Dec. 24, 1864; e. 
Queen's Unlv., KlnJ
.ston (B.A., 1885); 
m., Sept., 1892, Mildred, d. late Rev, 
Canon .J. W. R. Beck, M.A., rector, 
Peterborough: barrister (Ont.), 1888: 
do. (Man.), 1907: K.C., 1908: formerly 
bf'nchf'r Law Soc. U. C. and major 
57th Regt., .. Peterborough Rang-ers": 
moved ItIO Mlan.. 1907; pfles-enbeod wHJh 
a service of plate on leaving; Is a 
councillor Man. Bar Assn., and a lect. 
Law Soc., Man.: a strong Con.; an 
active Freemason: an Ang.-Winni- 
peg ; Manitoba Club; st. Charles 
Country Club, do. 
Denny, Lt.-CoL Wm, Alfred Chari.., 
H.M.'s regular mil. forces. 
E. s. A. E. and Mary Harriet Scott 
(Stokes) D. (see Denny, Baronetage, of 
Tralee Castle, Kerry): b. 1871; e. 
Germany; m., 1896, Lucy Florence, 
o. d. Major-GenI. Herbt. Conlngham; 
Is a major. A.S.C., Eng-.; served In 
S.IA., 1899-1900: on staff Lord Dun- 
donald's Mounted Brig.: present at 
rellef of Ladysmlth, and all englage- 
ments and operations of Natal Field 
Force (sllghtly wounded; despatches; 
med. with 6 clasps; bt.-major):' Dlr. 
of Intelligence at headquarters and 
It.-coI. commdg. Corps of Guides, Can., 
1903-4; author of various lectures, de- 
livered to Can. volunteers.-Care War 
OfTl,ee, London, Eng.; United Service 
Club; Sports Club, do. 
Demovan, Allan McNabb, lawyer. 
Scottish origin; s. late Rev. .Joshua 
D., D.D. (Bapt.), and .Jane (Mc- 
Ntabb) D: b. GllaJS'gQw, Soot., Au.g. 
2, 1861; e. Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1883); m., Sept., 1888, Lizzie, ,d. 
Saml. Parker, Toronto; a barrister, 
successfully IPractdsing In Toro.nto : 
assisted in w.l'lUng the Ufe of his 
father (1901); a memo extve. Can. 
Bi,ble Soc.: V.-,P. Dickens Fellowship, 
Toronto; a Bapt.-16 Selby St., To- 
Denton, Frank, lawyer. 
Eng. origin: s. late .\Ym. D., J.P., 
who came to Can. 1850; b. Richmond 
Hill, Ont., Aug. 18, 1858; e. Rich- 
mond Hill High Sch., Collingwood 
Con. Inst., TiOO"O'I1 l to NOl'lITloa Soh., and 
Tnindty Undv. (B.C.L., 1887; D.C.L., 
1893); m.. 1884, Eldza'be1Jh, d.. law 
F1loe.ming OJ.lng1aJl, .T.P., Oro:ngevllle, 
Ont.; biarI1ls'ter, 1886; K.C., 1899; 
pooøtlses his pl1Of. .In Toronto; head 
of firm D., GroVieor & Ft-ell,d: one of 
the l-ea.ders or the bar ; one of a 

C'omte. of 3, appt<d. by TiofIOiniÌo CUI)' 
Counoll, 1890, 11:'0 visit l'etading Am. 
cl toÏ-e1S to secure Illiforma tlon on and 
study the st. ry. probJoem f\l'om 8 
municipal stand.po
nt; ,for 10 yrs. 
onoe of the ,tJruSit'e.eOS Toronto oon. 
Insts. and presdt. of bd.: presdt. 
Model Sch. of Music, Toronto; arthor 
,'arlous artiC'les on legal topics In 
mags.; a Lib., but has decUned 
offers looking to nomination to parlt.; 
his name frequently mentioned as a 
future judge; a Meth., and has served 
as a del. to Genl. Conf.; a Free- 
mason; a strong Imp.; as a young 
man taught In Orang-evllIe Model 
and was afterwards first Bng. 1'Y'aster 
Cobourg ColI. Inst.--67 Avenue Rd., To- 
ronto; National Club; Ontario Club, 
Denton, Bis Honour Jame.. 'Herbert. 
County Ct. .Judge. 
Eng. and Irish orig-ln: s. Wm. and 
Mary (Lucas) D.; h. nr. RJrohmond 
Hill, Ont., Dec. 4. 1865; e. Or
vil'J.e OüN. Ißlst. and Toronlto Univ. 
(LL.'B.. 18!10); m., Oct.. 1894, Miss 
E'lIiz'abe'th W. Gundy, TOf'onto; OOT- 
ri'st'er (wi:t'h lhoo:nlours I3!nod moo.. of 
the La w Soc. ) , 1890 : sucocæsful,l'Y 
praoC'tised hi's pl'of. ,in 'f\Ol"onto; ht3JS 
pl,el3,rue,d befoOPe Ithe Privy Ooul1'Ol1 
in Eng.: a memo 'fIOl'lOJllto Pub}.i.c 
Libl'ary Bd. fiOT 5 )'Irs.: ohalrman IOf 
Bd., 1 yr.; p.l'esn,t. Di-b. As-sn.., To- 
l1Onto, 1904-.5; author of .. The LaJW of 
Municipal NNdlgence rf'spectlng High- 
wavs" (190-6), a much (moted text- 
book: apptd. a junior judge, Co. Ct. 
of York, Ont., May 29, 1909; a warm 
ff'iend of Brit. conne.ctlon; has lectured 
on U The .Jurisprudence of the Em- 
pire" (1909): a iMeth.: a memo 
Offida.l Bd., Bl'oadway Tæbernt3.>ol.e, 
O Huron St., Toronto; Em- 
pire Club, do. 
"A of integrity, a SQlund lawye.r, 
of gre,a:t industry, and: with a. mind tb/lJt 
turns nat.urally to conside1'la.tions of 
pquity.."-T. Ne'w8. 
de Pender, The Bt. Bev, Adam Una. 
(Ang.), Bishop. 
O. S. late Peter Theodore and Sarah 
(Em::tman) de P., Burritt's Rapids, 
Ont.; U. E. L. stock on mother's side; 
German descent on father's sldf' 
grandf. served as a capt. in De Relde- 
sel's Drag-oOns during- Am. revolu- 
Hon: -bro. Mrs. 1M. E. GO'onwin (q.v.); 
h. Bl1r:rlott'
 Rapids, Ont.. 1866 ; 
e. public sch., Kemptvllle High Sch., 
private tutors andJ Trin. Unlv., Toronto 
(B.A., 1895; 'M.A., 1896; D.D., hon., 
1911) : m., .Junle, 1895, .Nina Fred-erica, 
d. We 'IA.-Ool.. !Dr-ed. WeJ.lJs, 1st 
Royal,s: '0. priest and ðeaúOOl, 1890: 
8'l1ccesSlvel'Y prl.eost-vtc.a1r, St. AJlban's 
Oatlh., T.(}ronl
, rector Uxbf1I-<lg-e, anod 
AoSiS!t. St. James's Oatih.. 'Dor.ontt'Ü'; rec- 
tor St. :Miattlh.ew'.S, Bn:md'On, Man., 1904- 
8; .dl(). St. Paul's, V.a,n-oouVieor, B.C., 
1908-10; was R.D., and clhta..irman 
Pu:bÞI,c Sicth. Bd., Braoo1on; a memo 
Genl. and P-r.oV1l. Synods, a.nd extve. 
ùomlte., Diocesan ISY'llod, Rupoert's 
Lanð, 1905-8; eleJCted Bishop or New 
WeS'tminlStJer, B.C., .June, 191(}; present. 
by 1nvlrtoa.tlon, at 'bhe ooJ"OnraJt.lon or Kdng 



George and Que
n 'Mary, Westmlnoste'r 
Abbey, .June, 1911; pl'esen.t.ed to King 
George, St. .James's Pala.coe, do.- 
Bishop's Court, New JVestminster, B.C. 
"A man of power and energy."- 
A. TcMp. Lewis. 
"A man of vigûur and E'IJergy, oßnd 
with a 
enialit:v of manner, and a power 
of attractinl!: the .younl!:. which at onre 
predisP<Jses in his favour."-Can. OhUTC/I- 
de Pender, Miss Mary Elizabeth (see 
Goodwin, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth). 
Derick, :Miss Carrie MatUda, educa- 
U.E.L. descent; d. Fredk. D.: b. 
Clarenceville, P.Q., Jan. 14, 1862: e. 
Clarencevllle Acad.. McGill Normal 
Sch. (Prince of Wales' med.), McGill 
Unlv. (B.A., and gold med. In nat. 
science, 1890; M.A., 1896), Wood's 
Ho,l,e, M-ass., Royal Acad. of Sdenee. 
London, Eng., and Bonn Unlv., Ger- 
many: demon. in botany, McGill Unh'. 
(the first woman on the stafT) , 1891; 
lect., do. do., do. do., 1896; since 1906. 
asst. prof, of botany, there; has lec- 
tured on .. The Origin of New Forms 
of Plant Life" (one of the Somer\"ille 
course); .. Nature Study and City Life," 
.. Some Impressions of German Art." 
.. University Edu
atlon for Women," 
.; has published .. Flowers of the 
F1if'ld and F1ol'es-t," and many oth-er 
delightful essays, and filled many im- 
portant public offices and positions, 
other than those heretofore mentioned. 
including the following: Mem. Am. 
Assn. for the Ad\anc, of Science; 
counci1lor, Montreal Phil. Club; record- 
Ing secy. Kat. Council of Women; 
V.-P. Nat. His. Soc., Montreal; do., 
Nat. Council of Women; and presdt. 

tontreal Local Council of \Vomen.- 
8:; Crescent St., Montreal; Women's 
Canudiun <Jlub; 1Vomen'8 Art Society, 
"Another splendid business woman."- 
V. IV orld. 
Deroche, Il1s Honour George Edward, 
Co. <.::t. judge. 
S, late Edward A. D., Napanee, Onto ; 
b. Camden .é:ast, Ont., Jan. 25, 186!J ; e. 
Newburgh Acad. and Onot. Law Seh. 
(honours) ; m., Oct., 1896, Bet'tha E., d. 
Rev. Robt. M
Culloch (Meth.); bar- 
rister, IH:)5; successfully practised his 
prof. at Deseronto, where he was town 
soIl'. and solI'. to the Bank of Montreal; 
formerly a Lib., and presdt. Deseronto 
Reform Assn.; elected presdt. Belle- 
viHe Children's Aid Soc., 1907: presdt. 
Belleville Can. CLub, 1908; in his 
yrs. a sch. teacher; since Feb. 3, 1906, 
has been judge of the Co. Ct. of Has- 
tings, Ont.; a Meth.-BtWeville, Onto 
"An earnest and successful worker 
among men."-T. Globe. 
Desbarats, George Joseph, Dom. pub- 
lic ,service. 
E. s. late Geo. E. D., formerly 
Queen's Printer, Can., and Lucianne, 
d. Illite ,Mr. Justice Bossé, Quebec; a 
bro. of the Baroness de Blaquière 
(q.v.); b. Quebec, .Jan. 27, 1861: e. 
public schs., Terrebonne ColI., Eco
Poly tech., Montreal (honours and gold 
pl'e-d., 1879), and Laval Univ. (B.A.Sc., 

1901): m., May, 1898, Llllian, y. d. Sir 
R. W. Scott (q.v.); memo Can. Soc. 
C. E., 1897; a councillor, do., 1907: 
V.-P., do., 1909; a councl1l0r, Ecole 
Poly tech.. do.; for a long time In the 
public service as an engr. on canal 
construction and other public works; 
became asst, to late .John Page, chief 
engr. of canals; Illspr. ry. construction, 
B.C., 1892-6: engr. construction GaloP8 
Canal, 1896-9; employed hydrographic 
survey work, S1. Lawrence River, 3 
yrs.; rebuilt and enlarged Govt. ship- 
yard, Sorel, P.Q., 1901; Govt. agent 
there, 1908-9; Acting Depty. Minr. 
IVL:uine and Fisheries. Ottawa, 1908-9; 
Depty., do., 1909-10: Depty. Mlnr., 
:'-J'a\'al AffaiÍI"'s since June, 1910; Is a 
memo E'i:,tve. Corn.toe., Ottawa Can. 
Club; R.C.-S.!O Wilbrod St., Ottawa; 
Rideau Club, do.; Engineers' Club, 
J[ 011 trea 1. 
.. A m{)st capable and efficien.t <Qffioor."- 
Judge CaBBels (q.v.). 
De.carrles, Joseph Adelard, lawyer; 
retired legislator. 
A memo of one of the oldest famlUes 
In P.Q.; y. s. 1:3.Ìe Pierre and Ellza- 
heth (Gougeon) D.; b. St. Timothee, 
P.Q.. Ko\". 7, ,1853; e. St. TimQlthoee, 
Montreal CoH.. and Laval Unlv. (LL:L., 
1879) ; m., 1881. Marie Célina Elmlre, 
d. A. N. Le PailIeu1', Lachine, P.Q.; 
advocate 1879; K.C. (E. of Derby), 
1893: su'ccessfully practises his prof. 
in Montreal; for many yrs. m
yor of 
1 .achine: is presdt. Equitable Fire Ins. 
Co.; a Con.; sat for .Jacques Car- 
tier (Local) for some yrs.; a R. C.- 
.'1.;,'1 St. Joseph St., Lachine, P.Q.; Con- 
ser'L'ative Club; Lachine Snowshoe 
C'lnb, do.: Club Lafontaine; Auto and 
J ero Club, Montreal. 
De Serres, Gaspard, _ financial agent; 
B. S1. A rn hroise-de-Kilrlare, P.Q., 
t 855; e. Uontreal; m. Mlle. Beaure- 

ard; has filled and is now filling many 
important public pm:itions, includ,lng 
the following: dir. Montreal Business 
Men's League; do. Montreal Citizens' 
Assn.; do. Saraguay Electric Co.; do. 
Montreal Notre Dame Hosp.; do. Mt. A!'!'ur. Co.; d,o. AbH'ibi M.inõn.g 
Co.; do. New Technical Seh.; coun- 
ciHor Children's Aid Soc. ; do. Chambre- 
l1e-CommerC'e: treas. .. Le Canada" 
Co.; elected presdt. Montreal Tech. 
Seh., 1907; Is also presdt. Provl. Sch. 
of Domestic Science; apptd. a Royal 
Commr. on Lndus. training- and tech. 
('duc., 1910; sat as an ald., Montreal, 
1 !104-8; gave $5,000 for the relief .of 
Notre Dame Hosp., Montreal, 1910; 
name Is now mentioned in connection 
with a seat in the Leg. Council; a 
Lib_; a R. C.--.!B Sherbrooke St. W., 
.u ollt1'eaZ; Club St. Denis; Club Can- 
aclien-de-Mont1'eal; Isleway Club; Re- 
I"01'11t Club; St. George's Snows/we 
Club, do. 
"A man held in wide esteem and in 
whom eve.r
'one has oonfidence."-S, N. 
"A man with an un-blemished record, 
ever working in the inwrests of civic reo 
form and clean government."-M. WitneS8. 



Desjardins, Eon. Alphonse, lawyer; 
S. E. and Josephine (Panneton) 
D.; b. Terrebonne, P.Q., May 6, 1841: 
belongs to a family long settled in the 
country; e. Masson ColI., Terrebonne 
and Nicolet CoIl.; m., 1st, May, 1864' 
Vlrglnle (d. Feb., 1879), e. d. laté 
Hubert Paré; 2ndly, May, 1880, Hor- 
tense, d. Joseph Barsoleau: advocate, 
1862; successfuUy practised hIs prof. In 
Montreal; gave up law for journalism, 
1868: after serving on the ed. staff of 
L'Ordre for some yrs., became chief 
ed. and one of the dlrs. of Le Nouveau 
Monde, and while occupying this posi- 
tion was created a Knight of the Order 
of Plus IX., In acknowledgment of his 
services to his Ch.; took .an active 
part In organizing the Papal Zouaves 
sent by Quebec to the assistance of the 
Holy Father, 1868; was also one of the 
framers of the .. Programme Catho- 
JoIque," 1871; a Con., and sat for Hoche- 
lagn In that Interest, 1878-92, when 
he was called to the senate; a commr. 
to confer with N.Y. State and Onto 
Govts. relative to the creation of an 
Intern. Park at Niagara Falls, .as 
proposed by Lord Dufferln, 1880; was 
mayor of Montreal, 1893, and In that 
capacity recd, the dels. attending the 
annual convention of the Christian 
Endeav. Soc. held that year in Mont- 
real; In same year refused to give 
official recognition to the officers of the 
Italian warship Etna; entd. the Bowell 
Govt. as Mlnr. of Mllltia, Jan. 15, 
1896; the æme year was one of the 
official dels. sent to Winnipeg respect- 
ing the Man. Sch. question; on the 
formation of the Tupper Admn., May 
1, 1896, took office under him as Mlnr. 
of Publfc Works, and retired with his 
leader and colleagues after their defeat 
at the polls same year, he being him- 
self defeated as a candidate for Rlche- 
Ihm (H. C.); formerly presdt. o.f the 
Banque Jacques Cartier (resigned, 
1899) ; of the Chambre de C{)mmerce, 
M'OIlotroaij. 1899-1900; and 'Of t'he Ore-ddit.- 
Foncler du Bas Can.; a dlr. Anti-Alco- 
holic League, iM()IIlJtJ
e:a1 CltlZ()ns' Assn., 
of ,Le OoffiJþtOll.r Mobner du Can., 
of tihe Oredn.t-Fonoler Fmnoo-Can.; 
nep'ty. chairman of Ithe 00. of 
Trustees O'f ,the Guar<].Jan Ins. 00.; 
V.-P. Oan. A'CCIlden:t Assur. Co., and 
presdt. :MOIJItreal Terra Ootta Lumber 
00.-412 St. Denis St., Montreal; Terre- 
bonne, P.Q.; Club Lafontaine, Mont- 
.. A man who has earned the r('spect of 
an his co.nfre-res on the press and of the 
DubUc generally."-M. Gazette. 
DesJardins, Benjamln Myrrlck, in- 
S. Gregoire and Marie (Trudeau) 
D., Ste. Thêrêse-de-Blalnvllle, P.Q. ; 
b. Tyre, Mich., Oct. 10, 1858; e. 
Kalamazoo Coli.; m., Aug., 1889, Cora 
Viola, d. Hermtan Snyder. Evanston, 
Ill.; as a young man served on the 
staff of several dally newspapers; In- 
vented a typesetting machine, 1882, 
which lack of means prevented him 
from Introducing to the pubIlc; later, 
Invented an Impròved typesetter and 
justifier. which W

 destroyed by fire; 

In 1894 constructed an automatic type- 
justifier, re-modelled froin his 1888 
machine; perfected this tm 1898, when 
he Invented a typewriter adding ma- 
chine which can be attached to any 
ordinary typewriter; In addition to 
other Inventions has also perfected a 
computing scale, comprising a mech. 
combination forming an Intermediate 
between a weighing scale and a cash 
register for computing and recording 
the value of goods weighed thereon; is 
pflesdt. of .tbe DesJardins TY'P'e JusU- 
filer Co., and of the DesJardlins Com- 
puting Register Co.; a Bapt., and 
chairman Bapt. Sunday Schs.-Hart- 
ford, Conn. 
.. His inve'nti.()lIls displa
' a; mi-nd of W101J. 
de!"ful originality and genius."-Nat. OJ/elo- 
pat'dia of Am. Riog. 
Desjardin8, Lt,-Col, Louis Georges, 
Quebec 'public service; author. 
S. late Franç:ois and Clarisse 
(Deschènes) D., Lêvis. P.Q.: b. St. 
Jean, Port JoIl, P.Q., May 12, 1849; 
e. Lévis CoIl.; m., Feb., 1873, Aurélle, 
d. late C. Lachance, Lêvis; formerly ed. 
Le Canadien, Quebec: author of a 
pamphlet In answer to Sir W. Laurler's 
lecture on Liberalism (1877); .. De- 
cisions des Omteurs de la Chambrf> des 
Communes du Canada, 1867-1900" 
(1901); of a vol. embodying the de- 
cisions of the speakers or the Queh
Legislative Assembly (1892); of a 
book on constitutional law and prac- 
tice (do.) of Ie Considerations on 
Annexation," and of a !"f'ries of letters 
In answer to D' Alton McCarthy, M.P., 
on the French-Can. question; sat for 
Montmorency, (10001), Con. Intere8t, 
1881-90, and for L'Islet (H.C.). 
1890-92, when he resigned; since then 
has been Clk. of the Leg. Assembly, 
P.Q.; passed Royal Mil. Sch., Quebec. 
1864; long in ,the v. m. servlcoe; at- 
tained to the command of the 17th 
Regt., 1884; now on R. 0.; served 
during Fenian raids (med.); holds 
long service decorat'lon; R..c.-61J8 St. 
John St., Quebec. 
II Has at his fingers' ends the whole sys- 
tem of constitutional fo-rm and procedure. 
-Q. ChroTlicle. 
De Sola, Clarence I" contractor; con- 
r se.rvke. 
A memo of an ancient and Illus- 
trious SpanIsh-Jewish family; 3rd s. 
late Rev. Abraham de S., LL.D., In 
his lffetIme one {)f the most scholarly 
exponents of orthodox Judaism in 
Am.; b. Montreal, Aug. 15, 1858; e. 
McGIll Unlv.; m. Belle Maud, B.A., 
d. Leopold Goldsmith, Cleveland, 0.; 
apptd. Belgian consul at Montreal, 
1904, In recognition of his valuable 
services in promoting commerce be- 
tween Belgium and Can.; s.lnce 1887, 
has been mango dir. of the Comptolr 
Belgo-Canadlen, a syndicate of the 
leading steel manfrs. and structural 
bridge and ry. contractors of Bel- 
gium, and In this capacity has car- 
ried out some noteworthy public 
works, Including a share of the Soul- 
anges and Trent canals, the re-track- 
Ing of part of the Interc. and P. E. 
I. Rys., and toe 'building of manJ 



public bridges: Is also the dir. of 
thp Can. office of Swan, Hunter & 
Wig-ham Richardson, Ltd., of WalIs- 
end-on-Tyne: In association with this 
co., has carried out contracts for the 
bul1dlng of a great number of ships for 
traffic on the Great Lakes, the St. 
Lawrence and. the ocean; has at-so 
carried out several contracts for 
ships for the Can. Govt. service: 
takes a prominent part in communal 
affairs (both Jewish and non-sec- 
tarian) and is an offr. in a number 
of philanthropic socS.; has become 
widely known as one of the chief 
l-e-arners 'Ûf 1!he W1oI'1I

embra'('!!ng Zi'On- 
1st movement for the settlement of 
the persecuterl Jews of Russia and 
other eastern European countries, in 
Pale.c;Une and the restoration of that 
country as a home for all oppressed 
Hebrews: besidps being a memo of 
the Actions Comte., the sU'Preme 
governing c'Ûuncil of the Zionist 
movpment, has been for many yrs. 
presdt. of the Federation of Zionist 
Societies of Can.; has taken a leading 
part in thp Zioni!"t Intprn. Congresc;ps : 
an nuthority on Jewish history, more 
especially the early records of the 
Jews of this country, and on which 
subject he has written and published 
a ñumber of articles; is an hon. 
corres. memo of the Am. Jewish Rist. 
Soc. and of the Anglo-Jewish Hist. 
Soc.-71 McGill ColI. Ave., Montreal; 
Engineers' Club, do. 
II The head find shoulders of the Zionist 
mOVe'Illi'Dt in Can.ada."-Can. Oentury. 
de Sola, 'Rev, Meldola. (Jewish). 
E. s. late Rev. A. doe S., LL.D., In his 
lifetime one of the most scholarly ex- 
ponents of orthod'ox Judaism In Am.: 
a bro. Chrence I de S. (q.1.'.); b. 
Montreal, May 22, 1853; P. under his 
father's direction: m.. 1887. J{a tip 
(formerly V.-P. and treas., local branch 
Nat. Coundl of Women of Can.: 
presdt., local sec. Council of Jewish 
Women), d. Rev. 1. Samuel, senior 
mlnr., Bayswater Synagogue, London, 
En-g.; followed commercial Ufe for a 
few yrs. ; his father's failing health re- 
directed his attention to the work of 
the ministry, and from 1876 to 1882 he 
officiated regularly as voluntary lay 
asst. to the Spanish and Portuguese 
synagogue, Montreal. the senior Jew- 
Ish congo there. and where his father 
had ministered' for a lengthened 
period; on the latter's d'eath, June. 
1882, succePded him and thus became 
the first Jewish minI'. of Can. birth: 
he soon became the recobrnlzed leader of 
the orth'Ûdox majority of the commun- 
Ity, and Is now acknowledged to be one 
of the ablest and most uncomnromlslng 
opponeJ'lts of the so-caned rpfo-rm move- 
ment In North Am.: In 1885 a number 
of Am. reform minrs. held a convention 
at Pittsburg for the purpose of defining 
the principles of rpformed Judaism: 
his sermon at that time led the ordin- 
ary press to denounce the reform plat- 
form as II IngersoIIlsm with a venge- 
ance"; has frequently preaohed In the 
U.S. and In Eng.; one of his sermons 
In N.Y. was subsequently pubUshed In 
pamphlet form and its copious notes 
llnd references were d'eclared by the 

Jewl!':h press In mngo. to be a valuable 
contribution to thp history of Jewish 
rpform In Am. ; during one of his visits 
to Eng. wa.s Invited by Dr. Adler, chief 
r'lhhl of thp united C'ongregatlons of the 
Brit. Empire, to occupy hts pulolt; the 
!'!prmon then delivprpd crpated a most 
fl3.vourn,ble ImipT'e,ssi'on: four yrs. later 
ihre rec-elv{'d the gI1E'3 test 'honour of hils 
C::lrppr. when Dr. Gastpr. thp prudite 
chi-ef rabbi of the Sephardtc Jews, in- 
vited. him to preach In London at the 
Bf'vls Marks synago
e upon the o('cas- 
Ion of the Installation of a new mlnr.: 
this svnagog-ue Is the olõest and. largest 
 place of worshin In Eng.; in 
his lifetime 
ir Moses MontE-fiore acted 
as its presiding- wa rð'pn for many yrs. ; 
it has been renderpd famous by the 
pmln'pnt scholars anð great orators 
who have 
erved In Its mlnlstrv, and 
its pulpit has been closed to ån but 
men of the first rank and of proved 
devotion to the Interests of orthodox 
Judaism; h{' wa s the first prpa('her 
not conn'f'cted with the congo who had 
bpen invited to preach at Bpvls Marks 
within 10 yrs.. and the circumstance 
was made the subject of f'ditorial com- 
ment hy the Jewish press of Eng. and 
the U.S.: his sprmon rpcplved thp elo- 
quent praise of Dr. Ga!'"ter. anI! thp 
wardpns of the historic 
"1lag-Og1.1e h::l d 
it nubIlshed In pamphlet form: In 18Q6, 
f)fflclatpfl at thp laving of the corner- 
stone of t'he g1'pat '
11::1nlsh and Portu- 
g1.1eSe synagogue. N.Y.: a year later 
offerpd the special praypr of df'dlcatIon 
at the consecration of thp hullding: 
thp occasion was a notablp one: the 
cong-. was the olòf>st Jewish body In 
the U.S., and all thE' reform leaders In 
the dist. werp present: undetprred by 
social ampnltlps. he prayed that the 
congo might be shielded from the bane- 
ful Influences of the reform movement, 
and In the ('oursp of his prayer sternly 
arraigned the reform lpaders; he was 
furiously attacked by the reform press 
from the Atlantic to the Pacific. but the 
authorities of the synagogue stood by 
him and the orthodox press proved 
that his statements, mercl1ess as they 
had been, were Incontroveortlhle truths; 
a bitter controversy ensued, and he 
pmerged from It the acknowledged 
leader of the party of aggressfv
orthodoxy In Am.; It was mainly 
through his unceoasing agitation that 
thp first conf. of the representatives of 
orthodox Judaism ever held on this 
continent was convened In N.Y., 1898; 
the obje
t of thp convention was to 
neutraUze the Influence of the rpform 
conferpnces; hp was unanimously 
elected: first V.-P., and was one of the 
3 rahbls who- d'rew up the dpc1aratlon 
of princlplps governing the convention; 
at the pubUc ses'slon of the conf. he 
mad'e an Impassioned apppal to the 
Immense audience to remain true to 
Its ancestral religion, and received a 
pprfect ovation upon the conclusion of 
his addre!;s:. one rel81111 of the conf. 
was the formation of the Union of 
Orthoodox (Jewish) Congs. of the U.S. 
find Can.: Is now first V.-P. of the 
Union and chalrmø.n of the co-mte. on 
Presentations of Judaism: In the latter 
capa.cfty he recently Issued the manl- 
fe!Oto of the Union denouncing the 
reform rabbis for discussing the advlsa- 



blllty of transferring the Jewish Sab- 
bath to the first day of the week; Is 
an ardent supporter of the Zion-I,st 
movement, which seeks to secure for 
Jewish victims of religious pel'secutlon 
.. a. 'PubUcI1\Y, leg1alll'Y assul'eid) !home" in 
Palestine; one of his publlshed serm<>ns 
upon Zionism elicited warm expres- 
sions of approval from Dr. Herzl, Max 
Nordau, Sir Francis Monte-fiore, and 
other leaders of the movement; has 
often been subjected to bitter attack, 
both In the U.S. and In En-g., but seems 
quite Indifferen.t to his assailanlts; hav- 
Ing a cau
e to plead, he pleads It ap- 
parently ,without fear or favor; ,he has 
received several caUs to positions that 
would be more remunerative to him, 
bUtt he has so tar .steadfastly refused 
to leave his father's olã cong.; while 
he assumed his present position for the 
pUl'Tpose of protecting the congo against 
the In.roads of raddcalism, his pulpit 
work has been by no means confined 
to this one line 01' duty, anCl: many of 
his sermons upon other subjects have 
been given to the public In se<parate 
11ol'ID; nl()'l" ihave 'hlis sYl1lagoogue labOurs 
been limited to the pul'Pit; an accom- 
;pllshed musician, 'he has Instructed the 
congo choir for more 1ilian a quarter 
of a century, and, under his guidance, 
the numerous responses are sung by the 
congo and choir with Impressive effect. 
38 Sherbrooke St., Montreal; sum- 
mer residence: St. Patricks, P.Q. 
Desrosiers, Hughe8 E" physician. 
S. late Dr. J. B. and Marle Camer- 
ande (Cartier) D., the latter a sister 
of the late Sir G. E. Cartier Bart 
Prime Minister of Can.: b. St. ÌIughes: 
P.Q., July 29, 1853; e. St. Hyacinthe 
CoIl.; m., 1883, Mlle. Marie Josephine 
Lassalle : etuòled for his prof. at 
Laval Un-Iv.; IM.B., 18,74: .M.D., 1876; 
removed to Montreal, 1878, where he 
has since pracUsf'd, and Is one of the 
leaders In his prof.; first house surg., 
Notre Dame Hosp., and now a visit- 
Ing physician, and a life gov. of that 
Institution: for many yrs. a prof. In 
the Mf'd. Faculty, Laval Unlv.: author 
.. MatiÞrf' Med.": a dlr. AIUancp Nat.: 
one of thf' promoters of the Citlzf'ns' 
Lea g'u e. Montrf'al: a ('on.: a R. C.- 
5H Parc Lafontaine, Montreal. 
Dess&ulles, Hon, George Casimir, 
Patprnally of Swiss origin: s. late 
Hon. Jean D., M.L.C., Seigneur of St. 
Hyacinthe, and Rosalie D., sister of the 
Hon. L. J. Papineau, the famous patriot 
of '37; a bro. of the late Hon. L.A.D., 
M.L.C.: b. St. Hyacinthe, P.Q., Sept. 
29, 1827; P. Rt. Hyacinthe ColI.; m., 
1st, 1857, Emilie (d. 1864), 3rd d. late 
Hon. Mr. Jusblce D. Mondelet; 2ndly, 
1869, Fmnces Louise, d. late D. S. 
Leman, M.D., Buckingham, P.Q.; In 
early life a law student: presdt. La 
Banque de St. Hyacinthe, 1878-1908; 
was mayor of St. Hyacln the for over 
25 yrs.; presdt. of a local manfg. Co.; 
do. local St. J oon Bapte. Soc.: a sch. 
commr.: apþtd. receiver Quebec South- 
ern & South Shore Rys., 1904: a Lih.; 
sat for St. Hyacinthe (local), 1897- 
1900; called to the Sena.te, by Earl 
Grey, Mch. 12, 1907; R. C.-St. 
Hyacinthe, P.Q. 

DeBsBuUes, Louis Joseph Casimir, 
S. Senator D. (q.v.); b. St. Hyacin- 
the, P.Q., 1875: e. there, Baltimore, 
Md., and Laval Univ. (B.A., 1893; 
LL.L., 1896): m. Mine. Pirus()Ine.aullt; 
advocate, 1896; successfully practises 
his prof. In Montretal, where he has 
been elected presdt. of the Junior Bar 
As's'l1'. ; Lib. ; R.iC.-S2 Pine Ave. Apart- 
ments, Montreal; Canadian Club; En- 
gineers' Club, do. 
de Struve, :Nicolas, consular service. 
German origin; S. Bernhard de S., 
who was gov. of several RussIan pro- 
vinces, and Anna de S., Baroness de 
Rosen; grands. of a celebrated astron' 
orner, founder and director of the Pul- 
kova (Russia) Observatory; b. Chat- 
eau Fall, nr. Reval, Russia, July 5, 
1862; e. privately, Odessa CoIl., Royal 
CoIl., Stuttgart, Germany, and Univ. 
St. Petersburg (LIt.D.. 1886) ; m., 1894, 
Mlle. Martlhe WISChnevsky; entd. Rus- 
sian public service as prof. living lan- 
guages, Dept. of Public Instruction, 
and as such was sf'nt to Sweden, Ger- 
many, Denmark and Holland to study 
educatl. systems there; apptd. tutor to 
H.I.H. Prince Alex. Romanoffskv. Duke 
of Lf'uchtenburg, and ac('ompaniel1 him 
to Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, 
Montenegro, Germany and Eng. ; trans- 
ferred to Dept. of Foreign Affairs, 
1894: vice-consul for Russia, Frank. 
fort-on-the-Maln, Germany, 1895.1900; 
since then, has been Imp. Russian 
Consul for Can., Montreal; apptd. a 
Councll1or of State, 1900; a com- 
mander order of St. Stanlslas 
(Russia); a chevalfer orders of 
Grand Cross of Ste. Anne (RussIa), 
MedjIdle (Turkey), St. Daniel (Mon- 
tenegro), and Crown of Wenden 
(Mecklemburg - Schwerin); memo 
Neophil. Soc., St. Petersburg. Goethp 
Soc., Weimar, etc.: has contributed 
several articles on teaching and edu- 
cation to the press: a memo Greek 
Orthodox Ch.-Imperial Russian Con- 
sulate, 169 Esplanade Ave., Montreal. 
"A ve,l'itabl
 walking encyclopædia on 
Eurorpe'an places and affaiÍrs; i.n all. oR 
man without enemies, & maker of frie-ndB." 
-M. Herald. 
de Sumichrast, Frederick Cæsar, 
B. Eng., 1845; e. Geneva, London 
and Edinburgh: m. (wife raIsed fund,s 
fur the relle<f .of the widows and chil- 
dren of Brit. sold.iers killed In the war 
in S. A.); !prof. mod. langs., Unlv. 
Kinlg's ColI., N.S. : ed. Morning 
Chronicle, Halifax, N.S.; regr. Unlv. 
of Halifax; asso. prof. of Frenc.h, Har- 
vard Univ, 1899; resigned, 1911 ; a.pptd. 
asso. prof. emeritus, d.o.; elected presd,t. 
Vict,orlan Club, Boston, Mass., 1902; 
a,lso presdt. Alliance Française, Boston, 
Mass.; the representative In the U. S. 
of the Soc. des Amis des Monuments, 
Paris; author .. Independence and the 
Treaty Making Power" (Can. Mag., 
May, 1908), and obher papers; ad- 
dresseã Can. Club, Toronto, 1907, on 
.. The British EmpIre WithIn and 
Wlth<>ut"; translator Theophile Gaut- 
Ier's works (24 vols.), and other 
works.-l079 Boylston St" Boston, Ma$8, 



De Veber, Miss :Beatrice, nursing 
D. late J. S. Boies de V., M.P., 
St. John, N.B.; b. and e. there; at 
present and for some yrs. su,pdt. Train- 
Ing Sch. for Nurses, Waltlham Ho.sp.- 
Waltham, Mass. 
de Veber, Eon, Leverett George, phy- 
silOia'l1J; 'lle'g.isllaooor. 
S. Richard S. and CaroUn
 de V.; 
an old-f'stabUshed N. B. family; b. St. 
.John, N.B., Feb. 10, 1849: e. ColI. 
Sch. and King's ColI., Windsor, N.S.; 
m., 1885, Miss Rachel Francf's Ryan; 
M.D. CU"niv, Penn., U. S.). ] 870; also 
studied St. Bartholomf'w's Hosn., Lon- 
don, Eng.; hpalth offr., Lethbriòge, 
Alta. ; elected first presdt. S. .Mta. Med. 
Assn., 1909; a Lib.; a memo of and 
Glom. whip, N.W. Assoem.. 1898-1905; a 
memo Alberta Assem., 1905-6; a memo 
Alberta Govt., without portfolio, 1905- 
6; caned to the Senate, by Earl GretY, 
Mch. 8, 1906; Ang. - Lethbridge, 
Alta.; Chinook Club, do. 
Deville, Capt. Edouard Gaston, Dom 
IþubHc soerV1Ïoe. 
B. La Cha.rltê sur Noire, Nlèvre, 
France, Feb. 21, 1849; e. Naval Sch., 
Brest; LL.D., \hIou., TOl'Ol11lt.o Univ., 
1904; servoe,c} 'in F.I1e,nch nnYy for geV- 
eral yrs., retiring therefrom after his 
arrival In Can., 1874; m., 1881, Jose- 
phine, d. late Hon. G. Ouimet, LL.D., 
Prime Minister, Quebec; while In the 
navy had charge of extensive hydro- 
gra,pih. ISWrw-ys in .south Sea Is lð-s. , 
Peru and other countries; entd. pub- 
lic service, Quebec, as a scientific ex- 
plorer and Inspr. of surveys, 1875: 
P.L.S., 1878; Dom. Top. Surv.,.. do.: 
Inspr. Dom. Land Sllrveys, Can., 1881; 
()hief Insipr. SurVoPYs, 1882; since Joam'., 
1885, has -been Surveyor-Genl. Dom. 
LandIS; o
lJ,so cIhJa'ÏI'111oan, Rd. od' Exrumrs., 
Dom. Land Surveyors, and a memo 
Geograph. Bd. of Can. ; a fellow 
Royal Soc. of Can., and has held 
office therein; a dir. Alliance Fran. 
çaise., Ottawa; a gov. St. Luke's Hosp" 
Ottawa; has pUblished many scientific 
booros am poa..poers; <:me of ibh!e 'orig1Ïnal 
II Oero1e de'S Dix," ObtJa.wa; a R.C.- 
60 Lisgar St., Ottawa. 
"Able, le<a<rned. d.ignified, po,tilShed And, 
Rgireewb1e."-Prof. Bake1. (q.v,). 
Devine, Rev, Edward James, S. J. 
(R.C. ). 
,So late .John and Maria (McDonnell) 
D.; fatlher a native of Kilkenny, Irel.; 
b. Bonnechere Point. Ont., Mch. 3, 
1860: e. primary sch., AYlmer, P.Q., 
and St. Francis Xavier's Coll., N. Y.: 
entd. .Jesuit Order, 1879; completed 
his studies in London, Eng., and in 
Montreal; o. 1889; spent several yrs. 
in mlssy. work in Can. West. and In 
N. W. Alaska; went farther north 
than any other R. C. missy.: Inventor 
and patentee of an automatic electric 
signal for rys.; author .. The Taming 
of Silas," a novel, and of a book of 
travel, U Across Wildest America: 
New1\ouTl'dr.lamd to Alaska" (905); 
now al1là 1\01' soon'e Y1rs. ed. Can. l\fes- 
senger, a 
rlgdous R.C. m o Oll1Jthly 
(MJoll't.roaà'); dk. 'Deague of Sacred 

Heart, and tddr. Momrea.l Free Library; 
foundied the 'LD'yoola Olub, IMontreaJl.; a 
memo llIltern. Truouh Sloe.; :has Jecrt:ur>ed 
'On :tJhe EsquimMIx of Alaska, earl.y 
, et'C.-St. Mary's Col- 
lege, lIfontreal; Loyola Cl1.
b, do. 
Devine, James Arthnr, physician. 
E. s. s. late Capt. Thos. D., F.R. 
a.s., Depty. Survey.-C'..enl. Can.; b. 
Toronto, Nov. 9, 1869; e. Cardinal 
Manning's ColI., West Kensington, 
lJoOOOil1. .Eng., anod TI1ÌI1J. con., DubJiilIl 
('M.,A.; M.B.; ROh.; B.A.O.; !M.D.); 
unm.; practises his prof. in Winni- 
peg; prof. therap. and cUn. med., Man. 
Med. ColI.; councillor and examr. 
mat. med. and therap. and clin. med., 
Man. Univ.; physician Winnipeg Gpnl. 
Hosp.: senior phys. Isolated wards, 
St. Boniface Hosp.; entd. mil. ser- 
vice as lIeut, 90th Regt., 1899; lieut. 
A. Meò. Corps, 1900; dapt., do. ; 
major, 1902: principal med. offr. Mil. 
Dlst. No. 10, 1906; resigned, 1909; 
served during S. A. War with 2 Can. 
ronting-pnts. the 1st and 2nd Can. 
Mounted Rifles (despatche,s twice; 
D.S.O.; Que'en's med., with 5 cla,sps) ; 
a V.-P. Assn. Mil. Surgs., 1907; one 
of the authors of "The Release of 
Allan Danvers," which won the Earl 
Grey dramamic IUf'OlJJlhy, 1907: Ihrls m'hosT 
play, U Tihe Mi"11s of 'uhe GDds," was 
pl'elsenbed oÏ:tl tlhoe Ealf\l Grey musical 
and!tlc .comjþetilti.on, 1911 ; a R:C. 
_U Osborne Place," Osborne st., Win- 
nipeg; Manitoba Club, do. 
DevUn., Cha.rles, merchant. 
S. Owen D., an Irish landed pro- 
prIetor, and Catherine (Mullaney) D.; 
a bro. late Lt.-Col. Bernard D., K.C., 
M.P., a distinguished Can. public man; 
b. Co. Roscommon, Irel., Sept. 17, 1827 ; 
e. there and Quebec; m. Miss Helen 
Roney, Stewarton, Scot.; long In mer- 
cantile business; was for many yrs. 
mayor of Aylmer, and warden of the 
Co. of Ottawa; always a Reformer: 
unsuccessfully contested Co. Ottawa 
(local), 1883; always active In Lib. 
party's Interests; served at one time, 
In early life, in U. S. Army; R. C.- 
Aylmer, P.Q. 
"No one more respected in the whole 
Ottawl!. Valley." - Late A.rchbishop Du- 
Devlln, Bon, Charles Ramsay, states- 
. 'man. 
S. Chas. D. (q.v.); a bro. E. B. D. 
(q.v.); b. Aylmer, P.Q., Oct. 29, 1858; 
e. Montreal Coli. and LRval Univ. 
(LL.D., hO'n., 19'08) ; LL.D. ('hon.), Ot- 
1:awoa UmlÌv., 1910; .m., Sep.t., ,1893, 
BI.aJnlC\hJe, d. Majoor Tesbard <1e M1onlt'ÏgT\'Y, 
Pirotd"1onlOtary, ste. Sc'JhlQllasbique, P.Q.: 
was d'or so'm.e Y1f1S. engod. .In meræ.n'uÏiloe 
and also j'Ü'll r.n aJlli Slt.fc N foe; a I1IOII:ted purb- 
Ide speaker; ISlpeaks FrenCh fiuen'tI'Y; 
srut fOT Ottawa 00. (H. C.), 1891-96, 
and for Wright (do.), 1896-1897; 
a Lib" and a R. C.: separated <from 
his party on the .Man. sch. ques- 
0.0'11, Ih-olldJlnlg "lÌIhirut 1'l3Jir !play SIhouLd 'be 
accorded the CathoUc minority"; in- 
troduced an act incorporating the C 
M. B. A., which became law; intro- 
dluced, 1902, a 'res-ol'U\HlOn eX;Pl'e,SS'lng 



sympoatJhy <wfi,tib IpIOldcy of Honre 
Rule for Irel. ; has always championed 
the cause of the oppressed; one of the 
signers of the address from the Lib. 
party to the Pope, resulting in the 
appt. of a Papal ablegate to Can., 
1896; was Can. Commr. for Irel., 1897- 
1903; as such delivered many speeches 
and addresses on behalf of the Dom. 
throughout Irel. and other portions of 
the United Kingdom; sat for Galway 
City (Brit. H. C.), 1903-6; was genl. 
secy. United Irish League, 1903-6; ap- 
pl.leð for the Chiltern Hundreds and 
was apptd. steward and bailiff of the 
manor of Northstead. 1906; called to 
the Gouin Cabinet, P.Q., and apptd. 
Minr. of Colonization, Mines and 
Fisheries, Oct. 17, 1907; has since sat 
for Nicolet (Local); believes In the 
policy of even-handed justice for all 
men; holds that .. Ireland Is entitled 
t'Ü e. rnodU100I syshem of oolif-.goveIïlJ!Ille'I1Jt 
based upon the lines of the Can. con- 
stitution."-1f6 St. Augu8t1n St., Que- 
.. A man o,f ability, cha-racter and 
merit."-Bon. R. Lemieux (q.v.). 
.. Hae the e'loquenoo o-f his 11"-&00. An 
out-and-out fighter."-M. Star. 
.. A vigorous poUtici.a.n" who &8 -& speoake-r 
has shown un'ILSlLaII power and pe.IISuasive- 
nees."-T, News. 
.. A maon wÏJtih a big hearl, whose genial 
find ob1i.ging ways heve made him many 
friends on: both siOO6 of politi cs. "-M. 
Devlin, Emmannel :B" lawyer. 
Irish orgin; s. Chas. D. (q.v.); b. 
Aylmer, P.Q., Dec. 24, 1872; e. St. 
Mary's (Jesuit) ColI., Montreal. Mt. 
St. Mary's, Den"byShdre, En-g., 'McQ1iU 
v. (.B.C.L., 1895), Daval UnlÌv. 
(B.A., 1892) a.nd Ca.ndsius CoJIl., 
Buffalio, N.Y. (.M.A.); m., June, 1907, 
Cecile, d. late Hon. L, R. Masson, form- 
erly Lt.-Govr., P.Q.; advocate, 1895; 
K.C., 1906; successful1y practised his 
prof. In Montreal, 6 yrs.; since then 
at Hun, P.Q., where he Is a memo of 
tlh:e Jaw fi.I"ffi IO'f D. amd ISte. M1arle; 
has pleaded In many notable cases, civil 
and criminal; Is solr. for Co. Wright; 
also known on the lecture platform, one 
of the most able of his efforts being 
.. Ireland's Position In the Empire": 
a Lib.; has sat for Wright (H. C.) 
since Feb., 1905; R. C.-5
St., ottawa. 
Devlin, Francis Eugene, physici8a; 
Que.bec public service. 
O. S. ,}ø!t:e IA.-Col. 
rnard D., K.C., 
M.P., Montreal; b. there; e. Laval 
Unlv. (1M. D., 1888): m., Sept., 1906, 
d. late Muir Steele, Richmond, P.Q.; 
apptd. asst. supdt. Longue Pointe 
Asylum, Montreal, 1887 ; elected presdt. 
St. Patrick's Soc., do., 1904; R. C.- 
'6 R08emount Ave., We8tm
mtl.t, Jlont- 
al. . 
Devlin, :Rev. Owen :Bernard (R.C.). 
S. Chas. D. (q.v.) ; bro. Hon. C. R. D. 
(q.v.) and E. B. D. (q.v.); b. Aylmer, 
P.Q., 1856; e. St. MaI1"Y'S (Jesuit) OoN. 
and Lava.l Unlv. (LL.B., 1875) ; advo- 
cate, do.: sucoessfully practised his 
prof. in partnership with his uncle, the 
late ,Lt.-Co!. Bernard D., Q.C., M.P., In 
Montreal and Ottawa Dists.; retired 

from the ,bar and joined the .Jesuit 
ord'e.r; '0., 1886; SJpent several yrs. in 
study at Jesuit CoIl. In Eng.; ,has been 
a prof. and viDe-rector, St. Mary',s CoIl., 
Montreal; rector at Guelph and Port 
Arthur, Ont.; also, Chester, Eng.; 
famed all over Can. and U.S. as a 
pulipit orator.-College of the lmmcwu- 
late Conception, Montreal. 
Dewar, Alexa.nder L" banking pro- 
S, Plummer and EJiza (Pew) D.; b. 
Glasgow, Scot., Aug. 6, 1852; e. Hamil- 
ton, Ont.; m., 1875, Grace M., d. John I. 
Mackenzie, Hamilton: entd. Bank B. 
N. A., Hamilton, 1868; occupied many 
positions of trust in various banks; 
mangr. Chicago branch, Can. Bank of 
Commerce, 1881-6; founded the Am. 
Exchange Nat. Bank of Chicago, and 
became its cashier, 1887; head of firm 
A. L. D. & Co., bankers and brokers, 
OMrogo, 189'5-,1907 : genL mangr., 
Mi(marcih Banik IOf Cain., 1907; Ql1e of 
tih!e foQlUl1J(!Iers of'tbe Bank of VI3JJlICIOtUVeT, 
1907-10: s'l-nlce l1:JhJen Ihas been ibs gen.l. 
mangr.; I!l. m'8lffi. N.Y. and OMcago 
StJook EXC!hianges.-Vancouver, B.C.; 
Pacific Club, Victoria; Chicago Club; 
Banker8' Club, Chicago; British Club, 
Mexico; Thru8he8 Club, London, Eng.; 
Albany Club, Toronto. 
Dewar, William Reid, entomologist. 
S. Robt. H. and Elizabeth (Reid) 
D., Dunfermline, Scot.; b. Fruitland, 
ant., May 10, 1882; e. Hamilton pub- 
lic schs. and ColI. Inst.; graduated 
B.S.A. (Toronto Unlv.), 1904; apptd, 
entomologist to Govt. Orange River 
Colony, 1904; Eastern Province ento- 
gist, Cape Colony, 1905; author 
various reports on economic subjects; 
Proto _ Graham8town, S.A.; Albany 
Club, Toronto. 
Dewart, Herbert Hartley, lawyer. 
E. s. late Rev. E. H. D., D.D. 
(Meth.), and Matilda (Hunt.), D.; b. 
St. Johns, P.Q., Nov. 9, 1861: e. To- 
ronto Model Sch., Toronto CoIl. Inst., 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1883); m., 
Feb., 1891, Emma (one of the 
mangrs. Boys' Home, Toronto), y. d. 
late H. B. Smit'1, Spama, ant.; bar- 
rister, 1887; K.t., 1899; successfully 
practises his prof. In Toronto: a memo 
law firm D., :Maw & Hodgson; counsel, 
with late B. B. Osler, K.C., In Clara 
Ford, Hyams and Rutledge, Rice and 
Jones murder trials; solr. Sun & Hast- 
ings Say. & Loan Co., and other simi- 
lar bodies; apptd. Co. Crown Atty., 
York, ant., Oct., 1891; resigned, Jan., 
1904; for several yrs. an examr. in 
Eng., Toronto Univ.; elected a sena- 
tor, do., 1906; served also as a memo 
Toronto Public Lib. Bd.; an active 
Lib.; was presdt. Young' Men's Lib. 
Club, 1887-8: twice secured nomina- 
tion from his party for parIty. hon- 
ours, and twice retIreð; wrote famous 
'llßltltreT {)III weaknl
ss of TJibeoo,Þism In ant. 
oßlt'Ü Daily Glohe, ApI., 1910); 
a dlr. of the Ontario Club: has written 
on the liquor question, and lectured 
on U Politics as a BusinelOs"; as R 
young man was a strong advocate of 
Oan. independence, and is still, pro- 



nourroedly, ,in favour 01' it, reg.aMing 
all questions from the standJpolnt of 
Can. Interests, free from Imp. and U. S. 
Interests; a Presb.-5 Elmsley Place, 
Toronto; Toronto Club; Toronto Golf 
Club; Toronto Hunt Club; Ontario 
Club, do.,. Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
.. One of the most genial and popular 
young men in Toronto."-S. N. 
.. A man of splendid fighting qualities, 
who is also a facile and effective public 
speaker."-T. Globe. 
Dewart. William T,. business man. 
Irish origin; a near relative of the 
late Rev. E. H. D., D.D.;. b. and e. 
Fenelon Falls, Ont.; m., ApI., 1908, 
Mary Louise, d. T. H. Wheeler, Stan- 
dard 011 Co., N.Y.; Is genl. mangr. 
Frank A. Munsey's publications; V.-P. 
and a dir. Boston Journal, Washington 
Times, Baltimore Ne1c8, etC.-New 
York; Union League Club, do, 
Dewdney. The Venerable Alfred 
Daniel Alexander (Ang.). 
Devonshire family; gt.-grandf. and 
uncle settled In Toronto, 1825; s. 
Robt. D., who joIned them, 1837; b. 
Toronto. Mch. 31, 1863; e. public 
schs., Toronto ColI. Inst., and To- 
ronto Univ.; m., 1891, Kathleen (d.), 
d. Isaac Honsberger, Cree:mi()re, Ont.; 

ndly, Alice .AshwO'od, d. A. H. Han- 
ingtO'n, K.C., St. .JO'hn, N.B.; studied 
theO'l., Wycliffe CO'Il., TO'rO'nto; o. 
deacO'n, 1886; priest, 1887: success- 
ively rector PO'rt Burwell and Vknna. 
Durham and Mitchell, all in Ont.; St. 
.Ji!Lm'8S, St. .JIOhm, N.B., 1894-1906; sinæ 
1906 rectO'r St. Alban's Cath., Prince 
Albert, Sask., and R. D.; 5 yrs. 
presdt. St. .JO'hn S. S. Teachers' Assn.; 
gO'v. W. M. O. I., St. .John; elected 
senator Sask. Unlv., 1907; is alsO' vlce- 
principal Sask. Dloc. TheO'l. CO'll. and 
lect. Old Test. apO'lO'getics, pract. 
theol., and ecclesias. hist. therein, and 
'E'X1a;mg. Clhtrupiain TO' .LoI"à Bishop; 
aI'abdea.oon, 1910; V.-P. Alumm\i Assn., 
W}'I01.iffe OQlI
., .1908; del. Pan-A'l1g. 
Ooo,g.I'ess, L<rndon, ffing., 1908; dlE'lI. to 
Prow. Synod.-PTince Albert, Sask. 
Dewdney, Hon, Walter. cIvil engIn- 
eer; statesman. 
Eng. origIn; B. Devonshire, Eng., 
1835; e. there; m., 1st, Mch., 
1864, .Jane Shaw (d..) , e. ò. SitrabtJon 
Mmr, Ooli()mbo, OeryIoDi; 2rudJlry, SeIpt., 
1909, BlanOClhe E. P., y. <1. llaJoo 
OQl1. C'hias. .John Ke
ll'eys-Tym.te, Hals- 
we}.}, iSoom1e'meJtsbJire, and Oe.fn Ma- 
bly, GlamO'rganshire; a civil engr.; 
went to' B. C., 1859, and was entrusted 
with the execution of variO'us import- 
ant pUblic wO'rks In the Province.; a 
CO'n. ; sat fO'r Kootenay (local), 
1868-9, for same constituency (H. C.), 
1872-9, and fO'r E. Assinibola, same 
chamber, 1888-92; was Indian Commr., 
N.W.T., 1879-81; Lt.-Govr., N.W.T,. 
1881-8; a memo of the Can. Govt. 
with the {)ffice of MInI'. of the 
Interior, 1882-92 ; Lt.-Govr., B. C., 
1892-7; siIlJOO tnren ihla:s been riIIJ pI'liv.ate 
'PI'a.o1!ioe .as .a minIJlIg broke-I', Ins. am 
firuand.aJl I3Jgerut; wa;s first pre.sd1. Ot- 
rt:awa GoJ.f ,Club; .M1g.-Victoria, B.C. 

Dewe, Bev. Joseph Adalbert (R. C.), 
author; educationist. 
B. Ramsgate, Eng.; e. Friar Park 
Coll., Vi'Ctoria Univ., Manchester, Eng., 
and Italy; 0., 1893; has ßerved on the 
educ. staff of several R.C. Institutions 
In various parts of the world; at 
pI'ooen.t .is .on :titre 'Ìleaohi'ng staff of Otta- 
wa Unlv.; author, "Medlæval and 
Modern History," "HIstory of Econ- 
omics," and "Psychology of Politics 
and History"; a musician, playing 
pIano. organ and violoncello; a memo 
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra; has 
travelled extensively.-Ottawa Univer- 
sity, Ottawa. 
"One O'f the 1el&ding sch-ü'lars in Can- 
ad,a."-T. Globe. 
Dewey. Bev. Finlay MacNaughton 
(Pres b.). 
Descended from one of the Puritan 
Fathers; s. late Alex. D., a native of 
N. y, State, and .Jane (MacFee) D.; 
b. St. Reml, P.Q., Sept. 21, 1851; e. 
dlst. sch., Huntingdon Acad.. St. 
Francis ColI., Richmond and McGUl 
Unlv. (B.A., with honours in mental 
and moral phil., 1874; M.A., 1882): 
m., July, 1889, Elsie Gordon (dir. 
Y. W. C. A., presdt. Ladles' WIIllng 
Workers' Hoc., and. of the Missy. Aux- 
l1lary and supdt. .Junior Christ. En- 
deavor Soc., :MO'ntreg,I), e. d. late Rev. 
Geo. Coull, a mlssy. Ch. of Soot. In 
Smyrna, anðJ an emInent scholar and 
Ilnguist ; 'PursueðJ theol. studies at 
Princeton '1'heol. Semy., graduating 
1877; D.D., Presb. Coll., Montreal, 
1909; O. 1877; past.or Richmond, P.Q., 
1877-86' do. Stanley St. Oh., Montreal, 
1886-19io; now pastor emern.tus' 9- 0 .; 
has heen presdtt. Montreal Proto MInis- 
terial Assn., and of Montreal branch 
Evangel. AlUanc-e, chairman Montreal 
Comte. Young peO'ple's Missy, Move- 
ment, and record. Montreal Aux. 
Brit. and For. Bible Soc.; also a dir. 
Y.M.C.A., and O'f Can. BIble Soc,- 
 Stanley St., Montreal. 
"Able and popular."-M. Gazette. 
(D. Mont1'eal, Apl. 15, 1911.) 
DeWitt, Norman Wentworth, educa- 
B. Hamilton, Ont., 1876; e. public 
schs. HamlltO'n CoIl Inst. (Prince of 
s prize), Victoria Univ. (B.A., 
1899) and Chicago Univ. (M.A., 
Ph.D.); m., Oct., 1906, Katharine, d. 
.JO'hn .JO'hnson, Lincoln, III. ; at ChicagO', 
won a fellowshIp of the Arch. Inst. of 
Am. for the study of Roman classical 
archæol. at Rome; prof. lang. LIncoln 
Univ., Ill., 1904-6; prof. Greek, Wash- 
ington Unlv., St. Louis, MO'., 1906-8; 
since then has been prof. of Latin and 
ancient hlst., VIctO'rIa Univ., Toronto; 
Meth.-Victoria University, Toronto. 
.. Has 8tt
acted attention as 8' writer on 
classical subjects."-T. N
De Wolfe, Bev, Henry Todd (Bapt.), 
FamIly old New Eng. and Eng. 
stock, origInally Dutch; s. late B. R. 
De W., WoQI!lfvUle, N..S.; b. St. Soophen, 
N.B., Sept. 14, 1867; e. St. Stephen 
Public and High Schs. and Acadla Unlv. 
(B.A" 1889; D.D., 1909); m., .July 



1893, Miss Harriet M. Eaton, Parrs- 
boro, N.S.; studied theol. Newton 
Theol. Semy.; o. 1895; instr. in Greek, 
Newton Theol. Semy., 1893-5; pastor 
Farboro, M3.ßs., 1895-1901; principal 
Acadia Semy., 1901-10; since then has 
been prof. Ne.w Test. lang. and lit., 
Acadia Univ.-Wolfville, N.S. 
Dexter, David, insurance manager. 
S. Ran\SlOfIll! and MaT'g1t. (Oolle) D.; 
grends. Eldsha D., who came to To- 
ronDo, 1798; fa.ther serv<ed during War 
{)If 1812, and was present at Queenston, 
under Brock; þ. St. Tbomas, Ont., ApI. 
4, 1848; e. public and -high schs.; m. 
Miss Isabelle McLachlan; has been 
mango dir. Federal Life Ins. Co. since 
1874, first, under its original name 
(The Industrial and Commercial Life 
Ins. Co.), and since 1882 under its 
present designation; since 1903 has 
been, also, presdt. of the Co.; has 
been likewise presdt. Life Ins. Offrs.' 
Assn, and presdt. ant. Curling Assn.: 
for 14 yrs. was a memo Hamilton 
Bd. of Educ.; now a dir. Sterling 
Bank; a Freemason, and a memo of 
the Scottish Rite; a Lib.: a Meth.- 
Hamilton, Ont.; Hamilton Club; Com- 
mercial Club ; Hamilton Jockey Club; 
Royal Hamilton Yacht Club, do.; 
National Club, Toronto. 
Dey, Bev, Willia.m John (Presb.). 
S. Thos. and Ellen (Farquhar) D' 
ast Hawkesbury, P.Q.; e. McGiIi 
Umv. (B.A. and gold med. in geol. 
and N. science. 1871; M.A., 1875) ; D.D. 
(hon.), Westminst
r ColI., Pa., 1910; 

.. June, 1877, MISS MaJl"g1t. L. JmI"ie, 
SpencerviIle, ant.; graduated Presb. 
ColI., Montreal (gold med. in arts; 
gold med. in theol.), 1875; O. 1876; 
pas.tor SpencerviIle, 1876-82; dean of 
resIdence and lect., Presb. Coli., Mont- 

eal, 1882-6; followed evangel. work 
III Mar. Pro.vinces and ant., 1886-7; 
pastor Erskille Ch., Hamilton, ant., 
; do. St. 
aul's Ch., Simcoe, 
ant., sillce 1890; sillce 1900 has been 
chairman Intern. Comte. on PsalmodY 
a comte. which has completed a ne
metrical version of the Psalms which 
version has reed. the cordial cómmen- 
dations of most of the Presb. supreme 
cts. In North Am.; much of the suc- 
cess of the comte. has been credited 
to his executive ability, and he has 
made Important contributions to the 
volume; his pastorates have abounded 
in great accomplishments for the bene- 
fit of his ch.; while a student, 1871-4, 
was principal of the Brit. and Can. 
Sch., Montreal.-Simcoe, Onto 
d'Ha.lewYJ1, Baron Henri Marie Jo- 
seph, Consular service. 
S. Baron d'H., Liettres Castle, Pas 
de Calais, France; an old Flemish fam- 
Ily; b. Vannes, Brittany, .Tan. 31, 1871 ; 
e. France and En.g.; m., Oct., 1909, 
Miss Pauline LaRocque, Montre8Jl ; 
entd. FrelltCh cOThSular service, 1897; 
apptd. vice-consul, Montreal, Feb. 13, 
1906; r
d. Russian order of St. Stan- 
Islas (3rd class), .Tuly, 1906; R. C.- 
t( 7'he Palmers ton}' "5 Union. Ave., 
j}f ontreal. 

d'Hellencourt, Henri 111, V, Lefebvre, 
B. Paris, France, Sept. 12, 1862; 
graduated St. Cyr Mil. Sch., France; 
.m. MMoe. Louise Eing>eruie Be'l:lGJoo; 18.a1 
officer in the French army, 1881-(n; 
ed. L'Echo du lIfanitoba (Winnipeg), 
1898-J.9JÛ5, where lÌle was CIOTI'sular 
agent 1101' FnaJl1JC1e; eodi.-dno-ohdetf Le 
Soleil (Qu-ebec)
 J.906-11; si'llJOO tlhoen 
'ms boon to :the Can. Oomll'ß!r., 
Paris, Fmnoe; a dlel. limp. Press Donf., 
LondJcm, En.g., 190'9.-Paris, Frwnce. 
Dlcker, Bev. A&sheton George Ha.m- 
S. Rev. .Eustace H. .and CatherIne 
Sarah V.; b. 
ng.; e. Canterbury and 
King's ColI., London; graduated 
A.K.C., 11:>1)6; m., June, 18
6, Helen 
Alice, e. d. Bishop Dunn (q.v.), Que- 
bec; 0., St. Paul's Cath., London, 

ng., I
H7; coming to Can., was cur- 
ate S. Acton, and in IH89 placed in 
charge of St. Barnabas, Actonvale, 
.P.Q.; apptd. rector St, Paul's, St. 
JlOhn, N.B., 18
3, he rem!3Jined tlÌl'ere 
till Sept., 1906, when he was called 
to his present post as rector of St. 
Luke's, Toronto (Iin succession to late 
Dean Langtry) ; elected a del. to the 
Genl. Synod, 1905-6, and by It apptd. 
upon the Compilation Comte. of the 
Can. Hymnal; a del. to the Pan-Ang. 
Congress, 1908.----'1 St. Joseph St., 
.. A man of tact and energy."-Oan, 
Dickie, Alfred, manufacturer. 
Ancestors Scotch, Irish, and Ger- 
man; s. Jas. E. and Harriet ('ruppeI') 
D.; nephew Hon. .T. B. D., formerly 
Speaker N. S. Assembly; b. Upper 
stewiacke, N.S., 1860; e. there and 
Dalhousie ColI. (B.A., 1879; M.A., 
1883); grade A, teacher's license, 
Halifax; m., 1886, Alice A., d. E. E. 
Dickie, Cornwallis, N.S.; a scientific 
lumberman and exporter of wood 
goods; owns and controls 400,000 
acres woodland in fee simple In N. S., 
and a large area of square miles In 
Labrador, besides several steamships; 
owns and operates 8 of the largest 
steam sawmills at different points in 
N. S., employing 2,000 men in forest 
and river continually; has opened up 
a large lumbering business at Hamil- 
ton Inlet, Labrador I called .. rrhe 
Lumber King of the Maritime Pro- 
vinces "; is sch. commr., COlchester, 
N.S.; presdt. local branch Can. Manu- 
facturers' Assn., and presdt. Grand 
River Pulp & Lumber Co.; elected 
first Mayor of Stewiacke, 1906; Lib., 
and twice UinsuooesSlfu1lly OOT1ltoestoo ()oil- 
CiÌlIester (LQlcaI) , ,in N13Jt .i'll'ool"eSit; a 
Presb., and 3IIl eldoe.r in .the cll.-Stewi- 
acke, N.$. 
.. A IDll'n of ind'Ustry, integrity, progress, 
and thrift."-H, Herø,ld. 
Dickie, Bev. Alfred Brown (Presb.). 
S. Adam and Eliza D., Maitland, 
N.S.; b. there, May 27, 1842: e. Dal- 
housie Unlv.: m., 1st, .Tuly, 1873, Miss 
Lillian .T. McLeod (d.); 2ndly, Nov., 
1902, Miss Susie .T. Annand; gradu- 
ated Presb, ColI., Halifax, N.S., 1869; 



o. 1869; has held various pastorates; 
elleotJed mooeoo,bor, 1907; tranßfe.l'l'e'd to 
Hanotspol't, Jurue, 1911.-Hant8port, 
Dickie, Bev, Gordon (Presb.). 
S. Hev. A. ;B. D. (PveSb., q. v.); b, 
N:S., 1.86.1; 
. Dath!ousie Univ. (B.A., 
w1th dilstH1ICIDmn, 18\16)., Ha.nard Univ. 
(IM.A.), Pr-esb. CoIl., Halifax (gradu- 
ated, 1900), and Marburg Univ., Ger- 
many; m., June, 1908, Maude Ethel, 
d. late Dr. J. E. .March, St. John, 
N.B.; o. 1902; 'since 1906 has been 
pastor St. Sbephen's Ch., St. John.- 
St. John, N.B. 
.. One of the. most brilliant p.reachers in 
the Mar. Provinces."-St. John l..'elegraph. 
Dickie, Bev, Henry (Presb.). 
B. N.S.; e. Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, 
. (B.A., 1883) and Cambridge 
Umv.; D.D., Presb. ColI., Montreal, 
1907; m.; 0., 1888; pastor St. John's 
Ch., 'Vindsor, N.S., up to 1904; pastor 
CÞ.almers' Ch., Woodstock, Ont., 1905-9 ; 
smce then pastor 1st Presb. Ch., 
Chatham, Ont.-1'he Man8e, CJhatham, 
.. A young man of exce.ptio.nal ability." 
-T. Globe, 
Dickie, Bev, Bobt, William (Presb.). 
Scottish parentage; b. Hyde Park, 
Ont., Jan. 28, 1873; e. London CoIl. 
Inst., Toronto Univ. (B.A., 18
4) and 
Edinburgh Univ.; m. Agnes Alexina, 
d. Rev. Dr. McDonald, Seaforth, Ont.; 
graduated Knox Col1., 1898; O. do.; 
pastor St. Andrew's, Orangeville,Ont., 
1898-1903; do. St. Paul's, Brandon, 
Man., 1903-9; since then pastor Cres- 
cent St., Montreal.--6H Dorche8ter St. 
W., Montreal. 
.. A preacher of the highest order."-1..'. 
W orlà. 
Dickie, Bon, Samuel, 
Scottish origin; S. Wm. and Jane 
(McNabb) D.; b. Co. Oxford, Ont., June 
6, 1851; e. AiliJ:>.ion 001.1., Mklh. (B..S., 
1872; M.IS., 1877; LL.D., 1900); m., 
Dec., 1872, Mlary, d. Hon. WIII1. H. 
Bl'Iockway, Al,bhm; Ipl'lof. Astrom.., AI- 
biÍion Oolff., 1877-87; ipl'e'sdrt. do. dlO. 
since fib., 1901; ,jIS presdt. A[ibion 
Buggy Co.; maY'or ..Ailbion, 18 1 96-7; 
ohai.rmalli NI8Jt. ProhlibitJi'On Oomm.., 
1887-1900; ,si:noo 1Jhen V11oe-.cIÌ11airm8JI1J; 
jpI'OIhi'bi.tÍJOn oand1d'wtoe for g1OV. of iMicJh.. 
1886; pif'eViioQuSllry can.d!idJaJtoe for Oon- 
gl'eSS; ed. arud publdSlhJer IOf The New 
Voice, 1899 .and 1900; a .Me:th. Epis.; 
lay d
l. GeJ11Jt. Oon!. O'f the Oh.. 1892, 
1896, .1900, 1904, 1908.-Albion, Mich. 
"A man of method and untiring ene,rgy, 
a pleasant companion, 8. strong .and oon- 
vindng speake'r, and thoroughly devoted to 
the cause he has espoused."-Nat. Cycle. of 
Am. Biographv. 
Dickinson. Edmund LindsaY', lawyer. 
S. Jas. John D., M.D., Cornwall 
Ont., and Mary (Mountain) D.; b. 
Cornwall, Mch. 6, 1855; e. Cornwall 
Grammar SCh., and Trin. Unlv., To- 
ronto (B.A., 1875); m., June, 1907, 
Constance D., d. late Wm. Corbould' 
barrister, 1879; K.C., 1907; a Llb.
Con. ; unsuccessfully contested E. 
Huron (H. C.), g. e. 1896, and g. e. 
1908; Ang.-Goderich, Ont, 

Dickinson. George Arthur, physician. 
Eng. origin; grandparents from 
LincolnshIre; b. Co. Durham, Ont., 
ApI. 3, 1865; e. public and high schs.; 
obtained a teacher's cert., and at- 
tended the Onto Agrlcul. CoIl.; m., 
1892, Margt. Jane, d. late Geo. Mur- 
,ra;y' Hogg, BæIJt1more, Onto ; M.D., 
Viet. Univ., 1888; memo ColI. P. & 
S., Ont., 1889; memo CoIl. p, & S. 
(N.W.T. >. 1892; author of various 
pajpeoI"S <m OO'l1c. su bjeets; a}so of a 
book, .. Your Boy: His Nature and 
Nurture" (1909) .-Port Hope, Onto 
.. A well-balanced. well-read medical 
man."-Saturday Night. 
Dickson, Charles W" educationist. 
S. C. T. D., NIlr. iÍnllanid revenue, 
Kingston, Ont.; b. there; e. Queen's 
Un iv, (M.A., and Univ. med. in chem- 
[st., 1900; took 1851 Exhn. Scholar., 
tenable for 2 yrs., 1901); Ph.D., Co- 
lumbia Univ., 1903; apptd. a lect. in 
chemist., Queen's Unlv., do,-King- 
8ton, Onto 
Dickson. E, B, Trenholme. Alberta 
public service. 
S. Jas. .and Charlotte (Tren'holme) 
D a of Judgle TI"eoruhloÞmoe 
(q:v.); b. TrenholmviIle, P.Q., 1872; 
e. St. Francis CoH., Richmond, P.Q., 
and McGlll Univ. (B.A., 1894; B.C.L., 
with 1st rank honours, 1897); m., 
1906. Miss Letitia Burgess, Macleod, 
AHa. ; advocate, 1897; successfully 
practised his prof. in Montreal; a 
former partner of J. N. Greenshields, 
K.C. (q.v.), and Lt.-Col. Hibbard, K.C. 
(q.v.); moved to Macleod, 1904; 
Crown prosecutor and agent of the 
Atty.-GenI. of Alta. for Macleod 
dist. till 1906, when apptd. elk. of 
the Supreme Ct., .Macleod dist., Altta.; 
elected mayor 'I.'own of Macleod, 1911; 
a senator Alberta Univ.; an active Lib. 
and a staunch believer in the sound- 
ness of Sir W. Laurier's naval policy. 
-Macleod, Alta. 
Dickson. B,ev, James A, B. (Presb.). 
S. David D.; b. Tranent, Scot., Oct. 
22 1839; came to Can., 1857; e. 
Br'antford Grammar Sch., Toronto and 
McGill Univs.; B.D., Presb. ColI., 
Montreal, 1883; Ph.D., Wooster UnIv., 
Ohio 1891; m., 1867, Isabella E. (d. 
Aug.: 1902), d. late Walter Fall'ooirn, 
London, Orut.; first studied bheoI.,Cong. 
CoIl., Montreal; graduated, 1865; suc- 
cessively pastor Congo Ch., London, 
and Northern Ch., Toronto; elected 
chairman, Congo Union, Onto and Que- 
bec, he, later, joined the Presb. Ch., 
and was O. 1879; since then been 
pastor Central Ch., Galt; elected Mod- 
erator, Toronto and KIngston, 1908; 
author of many books and tracts, in- 
cluding II Working for .Jesus," and a 
.. History of the Central Ch., Galt"; 
is ed. of the Christian Endeavour 
publications; was presdt. of the Onto 
Union, 1892-3.-Galt, Ont, 
Dickson, John Edward Earle, insur- 
ance manager. 
.SooWh ordgin; U. E. L. stock; b. 
Co. Kings, N.B., July 22, 1856; e. St. 
.J'Oihin Grammar Scih.; m., 11882, d. 1Jate 
Arthur Daniel, St. .John; has had a 



long connection with fire ins.; for- 
merly genl. agent, in N. B., for thE' 
Union Assur. Soc., and subsequently its 
mangr. at 
lontreal; since 18:.19 has 
been Ca.n. mangr. Law Union and 
Crown Ins. Co. of London; Ang.-7.9 
St. Jlark St., Montl'eal; St. Jamcs's 
Club, do. 
Dickson, Mrs, Mary H" educationist. 
D. late C
rhos. and Mary (
FleH, Hamilton, Ont.; b. and e, Ithere; 
m., 1882, Geo. Dickson, M.A., a dis- 
tJinguLslred educationist, who was prin- 
cipal U. C. Coll., 1885-95, and subse- 
quently, fr10im 18n, jJJ'1ædJt. St. Mar- 
garet's ColI., of which he was the 
founder, Toronto (d. Mch. 21, 1910); 
was associated with her husband in 
the m.anagement of ,the latter institu- 
non; e'l'eoted presd.t. do., ApI., uno; 
do. V.-P. Women's Can. Club, Toronto, 
do.; Presb.-St. Margaret's College, 
l.a Bloor St. E., 1.'oronto; Women's 
Can. Club, do. 
"A highly-accomplished W()IDlan."-Sir 
Sandford Fleming (q.v), 
Diggs, Mrs, Annie Leporte, journalist; 
B. London, Ont., 1853; e. public and 
private schs.; m. A. S. Diggs, Law- 
rence, Kan.; in early life engd. in 
j.:mrnaUsm, Washington, D.C.; chair- 
woman of delegation from D. C. to 
Nat. People's Party Con v., Omaha, 
] 892; has spoken on behalf of People's 
Party in nearly every state; state 
librarian, Kan., 1898-1902; a well- 
known lect. on social.; is assoc. 
ed. Topeka Advocate; presdt. Kan. 
\Vomen's Press Assn.; formerly presdt. 
Kan. State Woman Suffrage Assn.; a 
del. to Intern. Co-operative Cong., 
Manchester, Eng., 1903, and to Peace 
Cong., Rauen, France, 1904; author of 
.. Little Brown Brothers" and .. The 
Story of .Jerry Simpson."-7'opeka, 
Dignam, Mrs, :Mary Ena, artist. 
U. E. L. descent; d. Byron and 
Margt. Ellinor (Ferguson) Williams; 
b. Ont., .Jan. 13, 1860; e. private 
tutors; pursued artistic studies at Art 
Students' League, N.Y., and In Hol- 
land, I.'rance and Italy; m., 1880, .John 
Sjfton, e. s. Rev. Wm. Dignam; has 
exhibited at Royal Can. Acad. Expns., 
at Nat. Acad. of Design, N.Y., and in 
Eng.; dir. Moulton Call, Art Dept., 
1890-1902; elected presdt. Assd. 
Artists' Sch. of Art and Design, To- 
ronto, 1889; has been presdt. Women's 
Art Assn. of Can. since 1893; a memo 
N. Y. 4rt Club, and Intern. Art Club, 
London. Eng.; a mem.. extt.\-1(J. 1m'!). 
Or-der 0If Daugh11{)rs of :Ðmpire; laxly 
V.-P. U.E.L. Assn.; has wrltrt:-en speC'l1aJ. 
articles on art.-!84 St. George St., To- 
ronto; Toronto Ladies' Club, do.; 
Lyceum Club,' Woman's Inst., London, 
Dinon, The Bight Hon. Viscountess, 
titled lady. 
.Julia, e. d. late Isaac Brock Stanton 
(U.E.L. descent), Can. Civil Service, 
and Maria (Wilson) S.; b. and e. 
Can.; m., Nov. 3, 1870, Hon. Harold 
Arthur Dillon, e. s. 16th Viscount 
Dillon, who succeeded his father In the 

peerage as Viscount Dillon, 1892; was 
present at the coronation of King 
Edward and Queen Alexandra. \Vest- 
minster Abbey. 1902; was presented 
to both Queen Victoria and to King 
Eidward and Que<èn Al'ex,a,rudra; also 
'P'l'Ies'ent a.t 
he úorO'nation ()f King 
Ge.orge and Que-en Mary, 1911; Ang. 
_" Ditchley)' Enstone, Oxfordshire, 
Dillon-Mills, Samuel, mining geolo- 
S. late Rev. Wm. Mills, Bennett's 
Bridge, Co. Kildare, Irel., and .Jane E. 
(Dillon) M., sister late Sir .John Dillon, 
Bart., Lismullin, Co. Meath, Irel., 
Baron of the Holy Roman Empire; b. 
Dublin, Irel., Aug. 2, 1842; e, there; a 
student Royal Sch. of Science, 1860-64 ; 
m., 1873, Mary (d. 1885), d. late Dr. 
A. M'Ûrson, Hamilton, Orut,; tirst CRl"ne 
to Can., 1864; engd. in minÎ11g, N.::;., 
d.nd elsewhere; also as supt, and mangr. 
of blast furnaces, N. Mich., Texas, etc., 
3; secy., Toronto branch, Can. 
Mining Inst.; V.-P. Toronto Nat. His. 

oc.; V.-P. Can. Inst., Toronto; author 
of various papers read before above 
bodl-es; a Con.; ImperiaHst and union- 
ist as regards Irish as well as Can. 
politics; Ang.-2S Isabella St., 7'oronto; 
1!Jngineers' Club. do. 
Dimock, Clarence H" business man. 
S. Edward W, and Elizabeth D.; b. 
Windsor, N.S.; e. W.i.ndsor Call, SOh.; 
m. .11iss Laura C. Locke, Lòckeport, 
N.S.; a dir. Commereial Bank, Wind- 
SOl'; do. Wind.s'Û.r Foundry & Maohine 
Co.; presdt. Wentworth Gypsum .00.; 
e.l-ect-ed presd.t. N. S. Mining Soc., 
1905; Ang. - Windsor, N.S.; Halifax 
Club, Halifax. 
Dimock, Wilbert David, journalist. 
Mixtòd Eng. and Irish origin; s. late 
Rev. D. W. C, D., M.A. (Bapt.), 
'l'ruro, N.S.; b. Onslow, N.S., Nov. 27, 
1846; e. local schs., Model Sch., Truro, 
and Acadia Univ. (B.A., 1867); unm.; 
successively principal, N. Sydney Acad. 
and Model Schs., 
'ruro, secy.-treas., 
Cwn. DetPt., Inte.rn. F:isheri-es Exhn., 
London, 1883 (special diploma of 
honour and other aCknowledgm,ents), 
agent for N. S., Ind. and Col. Exhn., 
London, 1886, mangr., Mar. Provinces 
Exhn., lMonct'On, N.B., 1889, supdt., 
Can. sec., .Jama.ica Exhn., 1891, secy., 
Can. sec., \Vorld's Fall', Chicago, 18n; 
has been ed. Truro News since 1894; 
a dir. of the Canadian Club; a Can.; 
sat for Colchester (Local), 1894-6; re- 
signed to contest same constituency 
(H.C.), and was returned; unseated, 
1897; advocates the closest possible 
ties between the Mother Land and her 
over-seas possessions; also an interc. 
trade against the world, so far as may 
be consistent with protection of Can. 
interests and inùustries; an Ang.- 
"Forest Lawn," Truro, N.S.; Cana- 
dian Club, do. 
II A man of ability Bnd ene.rgy."-O, 
Dingman, William Smith. journalist. 
U. E. L. descent; s. late A. D., for- 
merl.y 1nspr. o()If Inòdan AgenCll-es and 
ReseTV'Ps; b. Tp. Sarnia, Co. La,1J1lbron, 
Ont., .May 9, 1859; e. Sarnda 'P'llblLc 



a'Illð gm.mmar scih:s. ; m.. Moh. 13, 1889, 
Margt. ElIza'beth, d. Rev. Wm. Mc- 
Donoag1h, StTa:tlhroy, Onl\:.; 1'0'1" 10 yrs. a 
memo Stl'3Jtfloro 00111. lust. Bd.; cha1r- 
man of same, 1895; 31M., 1903 and 
1906; mayur of Stra1.fo1'd, 1909-10'; 
]()'TIg' connected wiTh tJhoe ,press; -a P'MC- 
tJioaJ. printer; fo'rmerly 'PubliSh,el1', 
wiotJh his b'I'o., L. H. D., ()f t'he ,Stralf.h- 
roy Dispatch; subSieQuenotly ed. and 
TnJan1gr. Daily Sentinel, I'Q'l't Arthur, 
Ont.; his bTlO. acquImd: the 
Stratford Herald, 1886; ISbill ed. of 
tJhtalt p>ape'r anld 'Pl'esd:t. of the inoo<r- 
porated co. publishing it; founded the 
Daily Herald, Stratford, 1887: elected 
presdt. Can. Press Assn., 1899; for a 
long period a ch. organist and choir 
leader in Sarnia, Stra throy and Strat- 
ford; presdt. Stratford Vocal Soc., 
1899-1900; a Con.; a believer in Imp. 
pref. trade and retention of Brit. con- 
nexlon: thinks that Can. should speak 
In battleships In gratitude for all that 
Britain means to us: a Meth., and a 
steward and trustee of the Cent. Meth. 
Ch., Stratford.-Cambria St., Stratford, 
Dinnick, Augustus G, C" business 
B. Ramsgate, Eng., .Jan, 22, 1867; e. 
Grammar Sch. there: came to Can., 
1890; m., 1905, Alice L., y. d. late 
"\Vm. Benson, Guernsey, C. I.; now, and 
for some time, mango dir. Can. Casn- 
alty & Boner Ins. Co.; a dlr. GenI. 
Accident, Fire and Life Assur. Corpora- 
tion; Ang.; Ind. In poUtks.-St. Clai1' 
A ve., Toronto. 
Dinnick, Wßfrid Servington, business 
man; financier. 
S. late Rev. .J. D. D.; b. Gundford, 
Eng., July 19, 1876; e. oprlvao!Je tutors 
amd Elmfi'eld clOm. S'CIh., Brighton, 
En'g.; m., .June, 1905, Miss A11ioce 
Lo<uise OoTIlIIin, N.Y.; was lfilspr. Can. 
Blrkbeck In'Vle'S't., 
urity & Savings 
Co., 1.'Iorcm;to; V.-P. and .geTI\l. TllIan;gr. 
Sta'l1Jæa'l'f1 Looan 00., sinæ ,1899: is 
ge'C'Y. Can. O()IUnd.I, Bock.e<t Test. 
Leawe; a Meth.; a rOon.-" Eccles- 
bourne," Deer Park, Toronto; National 
Club; Albany Club, do. 
Dion, Adolphe Alfred, electrical and 
civil engineer. 
S. late .Jean Chrysostðme anð 
.Josephine (Campeau) D., Ottawa; b. 
Quebec, .June 14, 1859; e. there and 
Ottawa; m., ApI., 1884, Mlle. Adeline 
Deslauriers; a memo Am. Inst. Elect. 
Engrs.; elected a memo Oan. So('. C.E., 
1901 (a councillor, do., 1907-10); 
;p1'e5ldlt. Din. E.Þeot. Assn., 1899-1902 
and 1911 ; el,ectoo. a memo lust. lOt 
Elect.. En grs. , 1910; 
Ilected a dd.r. Can. 
Gas Assn., 1911; furmerly in service 
as an eloeot. of ilie In:t.erc. Ry. and Dam. 
Tel. Co.; now, and for many yrs., 
elf'ct. engr. and gen!. supdt. Ottawa 
Electric Co. ; Is vice-commodore Ottawa 
Canoe Club since 1907 ; has lectured on 
.. Wkeless ''l'>e,}oegraphy'' and' other Cla:g- 
na;be subj<ects; a l.iib.; a R..c.-! 
A ve., Ottawa. 
Dionne, Charles Eusèbe, naturalist. 
S. Eusêbe and (Lav'Ü'ie) D.; 
b. St. Denis-de-Ia-Boutelllerle, P.Q., 
.July 11, 1846; e. privately; M.A., hon., 
Laval Univ., 1903; m., 1879, MIle, 

Marie Emilie Pelletier, Quebec: a prac- 
tical taxidermist: a memo Ornlth. 
Union; Is curator Zool. Museum, Laval 
Unlv.; author, .. Las Olseaux du Can- 
ada:' .. Catß.logue des Olseaux de la 
Province," and II Les Mammlfêres de la 
Province de Quêbec"; R.C.-Laval 
rTniversit?t, Quebec. 
Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope, Que. pub- 
lic service; physician; author. 
S. Narcisse and ElI7abeth (Bou- 
chard) D.; b. St. DenIs-fle-la-BouteH- 
lerle, P.Q., May 18, 1848; e. CoR .of 
Ste. Anne, Quebec Semy., Levis CoH., 
and Lav'3.1 (.M.B.. 1872: M.D., 
1874; Lit. D., 1900); m., 1st. Oct., 
1873, Marie Laure (d. JUly, 1895), d. 
late P. V. Bouchard, Quebec; 2ndly, 
1896, Mlle. Emma BIdêl;arê; RUccess- 
fuJ1y practised his prof. at Stanfo1r1, 
P.Q., 1873. but later devoted himself 
to journalism and lit.; successively 
pd.-Ill-chief Le Cmlrr?er dn Can.. and 
l.e Journal de Québec; one of the 
founders of the CercIe Cath. and of the 
Quebec Press Assn.; secy. of latter 
body: F.R.S. C.; Federal license Inspr.. 
1884-5; since 1892 has been chief 
librarian of the Quebec Legislature; 
author of .. The Life of .Jacques 
Cartier," .. The Life of Samuel 
Champlain:' .. The Life of C. F. 
Painchaud," .. Servlteurs et Servante
de Dleu au Canada," .. Les Ecclesl- 
astlQues et les Royaliste!!! FrançaIs 
Rêfug-eês :au Oan:aða à :J:'EpO<tue doe 
la Rêvolution," .. Quêbec et Nouvelle 
France," and many other his. works; 
has col1aborated with Dr. Doughty 
(q.v.); R. C.-29 Couillard St., Quebec. 
.. One of the most -p1."()1ific, :ret finished, 
write-rs ;jn Canada."-M. and E. 
Dixon, Frederick Augustus, Dom. 
pubUc service. 
B. Eng., May 7. 1843; e. there; 
m. 1st, Au
.. 1887 Amelia Louisa 
(d. Aug. 1889), o. d. late Alfred 
Patrick, C.M.G., Ottawa; 2ndly, Sept., 
1907, Margt. Mary, e. d. late Dr. Her- 
man Hager, Withington, Manchester, 
.; came to Can. In the early 'Sev- 
enties, and was employed as a writer 
on the Toronto Mail, under the late 
T. C. Patteson; later, was apptd. 
tutor, at Rlfleau Hall, to the family 
of the late Marquis of DufTerin and 
Ava; entd. the C. S., 1878, and Is 
now, and has been for some yrs., 
chief clk. of correspondence, Dept. of 
Rvs. and Canals; besides being- the 
aùthor of spveral stage productions, 
Including II Thf' Mayor of St. Brleux," 
II Fiflne, the Fisher Maid." and II The 
Masque of Wf'lcome" (which were 
performed at Rideau Hall), he has 
been a frequent contributor to the 
mag-s., both In Can. and Eng.; also, 
asslstf'd the late Principal Grnnt wtth 
his Pirt1tresq1te Can., and Baedeker, 
with his .. Hand-book of Can.": has 
been warmly Interestefl In the devel- 
opment of art In thf' Dom., and was 
tnstrumpntal In the formation of the 
Royal Acad. of Art., and the Ottawa 
Art A ssn., the latter almost the earli- 
est of the various high clas
 art In- 
stltutf.cms IOf If.'he úOuntrv, wh1('1h have 
since arisen from H
 1ifax to' Van- 
couver; Ang.-" Rockliffe," Ottawa. 



Dixon, Lt,-Col, Henry George Smith, 
Dom. public service. 
E. s. late .J'as. S. D., f'Û
BertJhie-r-en-'hla.'ut, P.Q.; b. 1:JÌlIeI'e, Dec. 
18, 1857; e. Berthier Grammar Sch. 
and Montreal Business ColI.; unm.; 
has been employed in the Inland Rev. 
Dept., Montreal, since 1887; long in the 
v. m. s-eorvice, eni!:erill1.g' the 86Jth ,Re'gt., 
as a private, 1872; promotf'd lieut., 
1880; capt., 1887; major, 1890; It.-col., 
comm'dg. tJhe 
gt., 1893; niOW R.O.; 
holds .a 1st class cert. from the Royal 
Mil. Sch., and the long service decora- 
tion; one of the founders of the Mont- 
real Mil. Inst., and has been officially 
connected with the Veterans' Assn.; 
a Forester; an Ang.-59a Park Ave., 
D1:z:on, Rev, Hillyard Cameron (Ang.) 
B. Toronto; e. U. C. ColI.; originally 
In commercial life; best known as the 
originator of the free breakfasts for 
the poor, and the organizer of cottage 
meetings; was given a perpetual dia- 
con ate, which permitted him while 
exercising the functions of a deacon 
to engage in ordinary business; o. 
deacon, 1892; .pries1\:, 1902; canoOll St. 
Alban's Cath., Toronto (" as a fitting 
recognition of the noble service he 
has rendered to the Ch. throughout 
the diocese") 1903; rector, Trin. Ch., 
East Toronto, 1906; domestic chaplain 
-to 'ÌJhe B:p. of T'OronltJo, 1909; an 
Orangeml3n.-411 King St. E., Toronto. 
Dixon, Rev, John (Presb.). 
B. Galt., ant., .Jan. 25, 1847; e. 
Princeton Theol. Semy. (grad., 1873), 
and Lafayette ColI. (D.D., ] 889); 0., 
1873; pastor, 1st Ch., Providence, R.I., 
] 873-7; Wec;:tminstf'r Ch., Yonkers, 
N.Y., 1877-84; 1st Ch., Trenton, N.J., 
1884-98; since then has been asst. 
secy. Bd. of Home l\fissionc;, Presb. 
Ch.; a, Lafayette Coll. since 
1888.-156 5th Ave., New York. 
Dixon, Rev, Richard Perguson (Ang.) 
S. P. .J. D., -.J.P., and fór some yrs 
mayor of Carlisle. Eng.; paternal 
grandf., .John D., .J.P., D.L., M.P., and 
high sheriff; maternal grandf., Geo. 
H. Oliphant. .J.P., and also high sheriff 
for Cumberland; b. Houghton Hall, 
Carlisle, AnI. 28, 18
1: e. Blpncowe 
Grammar Sch. and IClifton ColI.; m., 
1879, Bessie (d. Me-h, 1904), 2nd d. 
late .John Geary, Cedar Grove, I.onõon, 
ant.; came to Can., 1873; pursued 
theol. studies Huron ColI.; o. deacon, 
1879; priest, 1880; having served for 

ome yrs at Tillsonburg and Hamilton, 
ant.. becamf' asst., St. Luke's Cath., 
leaving, 1896, to do temporary work 
In the Maritimf' Provinces and also 
In Eng'. for thp S. P. G.; rector S
vi111e, N.H., 1898-9; sinlCe 1:ll1oen d'Û. Hor- 
t'ÛIl1', N.S.: R. D. .of ,AVlo'T1, 1906; 
a gov. of King's ColI. Univ., 1906; 
ed. Chllrch Work, the organ of the dio- 
cese. 1898-1905; author several pam- 
phlets, short and serial stories, and 
numerous npwsp
nd mal{. articles. 
-The Rectory, Wolfville, N.S. 
.. Hoas dOlle excellent woork."-Biahop 
Worrell (q.v.). 

Dixon, Rev, Soford Piske (Meth.). 
S. Saml. Eugene and Yictorla 
(Gould) D.; b. Castlf'ton, ant., Feb. 
17, 1871; e. local public sch., Colborne 
High Sch., Albprt CoIl., and Victoria 
Univ.; m., 1st, Miss Lilian F. Staplps, 
M.L.A. (d.); 2ndly, Miss Ann GracE' 
Wa,ldron; o. 1900; held Vlari'Ous /pas!:JOT- 
ates; presdJt. Bay .of Quini!:oe Conf. IDp. 
Leag-l1e, 2 yrs.: a frf'Quent contributor 
to the press; favours "virile, but not 
vociferous, Canadianism; strong, but 
not strident, imperialism; imperial 
elasticity which vrovides for national 
rtuthority; Anglo - Raxon federation. 
based on freedom for empire and re- 
publ.i.c, and 't-h'e 'P'f'om'O'ÌiioIßo .of 1:Jhe pe-a'Cle 
of the world. with honour to Anglo-Sax- 
ondom; national schools for English- 
speaking provinces; clean politics and 
thf' 'sflunr<' deal' to the nation."- 
Courtice, Onto 
Dixon, Stephen Mitchell, educationist. 
S. Ge.o1rge anrl Rebe'0CIa (Y,ea.t>ps) D.; 
b. Irel.; e. Sch. and Trin. 
CtJil'l., Dubl]lj.n (B.A. ; M.A.) ;a.ll8'o 
took a deg. dn eng.img.: .on gra.d'Uài!:ti'O'll 
o'blta, oa s'E'nio,r m1o'dJemtlorrsh'Ï'J) and 
a g101}td med. in exper. ph'Y'slios; m., 
.JuThe, 1894. Aline A
 d'. latt.e 
Dr. Tobo's. H3.f'!"Ï/sO'T1, Oh.all'oel1oT, N.B. 
Univ.; for a short time a df'mon. In 
physics, Trin. ColI., Dublin: later, 
rf'sident f'ngr.. new Rf'd Hill tunnel, 
Trent Viaduct. Nottingham: prof. 
physics. N. B. Univ., 1892-1901; do. 
do_. Dalhousie 1:Tniv., 1901-4. and of 
civi1 enginlg., 1904-5; since t:hen has 
been prof. of civil enging., Birmingham 
Univ. and eXaJl11rr. in .enging., Lcmi'lon 
Un.iv.; an An;g.-
;} Hinhfield Rd., 
Edgbaston, Birmingham, Eng. 
Dixon, Wellington, educationist. 
Scottish origin; s. late .John and 
.Janet (Macdonald) D.; b. Highfield, 
P.E.I.; e. Prince of Wales ColI. Char- 
lottetown (Co. scholar: graduated, 
1874), and :McGiI1 Unlv. (B.A., and gold 
med. in Eng. lit., 1883); m., 1888, 
Isn,bel, d. late .John GreenshleJ.ds, Dan- 
voille, P.Q. ; principal Dorchester 81. Sch., 
Montreal, May, 1883; joined staff 
Montrf'al High Sch., Sept. same year; 
since .Jan., 1904, has been rector of the 
institution; is a Iso rector, High Sch. 
for Girls; apptd. Gov.'s Fellow, Mc- 
Gill Univ., 1903; re-apptd., 1906; for- 
merly a lieut., 6th Fusiliers; a memo 
Bd. of Mangt., Montrl;'al Presb. Colt; 
has been prf'sdt. prov!. Assn. of Proto 
Teachers, P.Q. ; presented by the 
scholars of his schs. with a service of 
plate on his completion of 25 yrs. as 
a teacher, 1908; a Presb. and an elder 
In the Ch.-! Weredale Pm"k, West- 
mount, Montreal. 
Doan, Robert Winson, educationist. 
Family, who were of the Soc. of 
Frif'nds, c.ame from Bucks Co., Penn., 
to Co. York, ant., early in the 19th 
cenhIry, (event celebrated at Mulock's 
Corners, ant., .July, 1908); b. nr. 
Queensville, ant., .July 14, 1839; e. local 
sch. and Toronto Normal Sch. (tst 
class cert.); m. Elizabeth, d. Da vid 
Evans, East Gwillimbury, ant.; suc- 
cessively principal Aurora public sch., 



Parliament St., Park, George St., VIc- 
toria St. and Dufferln schs., Toronto; 
principal City Model Sch. for the 
training of teachers, 1881-8: since 1871 
has been a memo Bd. of Sch. Examrs., 
Co. York: also secy. to the Bd.: served 
for a numbE'r of yrs. as a memo of the 
Ont. Ediuc. Oounclt, and' is secy. thereof; 
has held latter office for 30 yrs.; 
Is an ex-presdt. Toronto Teachers' 
Assn. as well as of the Toronto Prin- 
cipals' Assn.; was likewise chosen as 
a special examr. by the. ant. Educ. 
Dept.; an active temp. worker for 
many yrs., commencing as a cadet of 
temp.: V.-P. U. C. Bible Soc.; a Lib. ; 
a Meth. and an ex-So S. supt. and Re- 
cording Steward.-U6 Carlton St., 
II Possesses marked ability as a teacher 
and disciplina.rian" .and has justly earned 
the esteem of the teaching profession for 
his courtesy and ability."-Can. Teacher. 
Doane, Francia W, W" civil engineer, 
S. Capt. Harvey D.; b. Barrington, 
N.S., May 31, 1863; e. there;' became 
a student Gan. Soc. C. E., 1887: an 
assoc. mem., 1889, and a memo of the 
Soc., 1892 (a councillor, 1909); asst. 
to Provl. Govt. Engr., N.S., 1883-91: 
has been engd. on various surveys In 
that Province: has been City Engr., 
Halifax, since 1891; presdt. N.S. Inst. 
of Science, 1905-7: secy.-treas. N.S, 
Union of Municipalities since 1906; 
is also lect. on municipal englng., 
Dalhousie Unlv.-Halifax, N.S. 
Dobbie, WUUam James, physician, 
R. Guelph, ant., Apt 20, 1873; e 
local public schs., Guelph CoIl. Inst. 
(commercial specialist, 1891-1902), 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1897; M.A., 
1899) : m., June, 1908, Mabel, d. Robt, 
James, Guelph, ant.: graduated M.D., 
C.M. (Trin. Univ.), Toronto, 1905 ; 
winner of first scholar. 1st year, sil- 
ver med. 2nd year, and gold med. final 
year; Is physiclan-in-chlef Toronto 
Free Hosp. for Consumptives and 
King Edward Sanatorium since 1905; 
elected presdt. Can. Hosp. Assn., 1908: 
del. Intern. Conf. on TubercuI., Phlla- 
dE'lphla, 1908: do. do. do., Washing- 
ton do.; visited principal hosps. and 
san'atoriums, U. S., do.; author .. Ex- 
periments with School Chilr1ren on 
Colour 'Combination" (Unlv. ot Toron- 
to Studies, Vol. I.) .-Free Hosp. for 
Consumptives, Toronto. 
Dobbs, Mrø, Amy Mary, 
Wife Rev. C. E. D. (q.v.); e. d. 
Wm. Burrows, Liverpool, Eng., who 
Inherits from his grandf., Wm. Angus 
B the freedom of the city of Liver- 
pool as a reward for conspicuous 
sE'rvlce at the battle of Trafalgar; b. 
Montreal; e., In part, at the Convent 
of the Sacred Heart there; also at- 
tended the unlv. lectures there, where 
she took hÏ<gh rank; has been In turn 
sch. prlnd,pal, leet., reporter, settle- 
moelfllt worker, amid .ld't. con.trlbultor; her 
con1rlburtions 1Ì10 ,the '}J'T'eSS IhlaV'e 'boeoen of 
a varied character, dnclud,lng articles 
on Immigration, Insuranoe, etc.; has 
been ,spoken of as a cosmopolitan 

eaker.-O(lk ]Jank, Man., 

Dobbs, Bev. Conway Edward (Ang.), 
Irish origin: e. S. late Rev. F, W. 
D., rector Portsmouth, ant., and 
Marla (Graham) D.: b. Dublin, IreI.; 
e. Kingston Grammar Sch.: theoi. 
studies at Montreal Dloc. CoIl.: m., 
Oct., 1889, Amy Mary (q.v.), d. Wm. 
Burrows, Liverpool, Eng-.; o. priest, 
1899; 'has served In B.C. a'11d !Mlan.: 
nlOw fle'l:!i-red: a fi TS't >CJOU'sll,J)! SiT R. J. 
CaPbwn'g1h'Ì (q.v.) ; 100S done 18.g1g>l'eiSslV'e 
and sucoessf.ul toelJl1JP. ranld eVI3.ß'g. WIOrk: 
a gmd. Thoyru} Md'J,. ScIh., l{'ï.ßlgstlÜ'n, anid 
Ihas 1SJe.e:n actlÌV'e service lin 'Ì/hte miÏlJ.itd.a.- 
Oak Bank, Man. 
Dobbs, Bev, Ogilvie Graham (Ang.). 
S. late Rev. F. W. D.: bro. Rev. 
C. E. D. (q.v.); b. Wakefield. York- 
shire, Eng., Feh. 19, 1853: e. Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., 1877; M.A., 1878); m., 
Amy Caroline (d. ApI., 1909), 2nd d. 
H. A. BeUs, M.D., F.RC.S. (Eng.), 
II Oa.ldeI'Wood," Kingston, ant. ; O. 
deacOlJl., 1880; priest, 1881; suc- 
cessively mlssy. Wyebrld,g-e, curate 
St. .John, N.B., and rector St. George'.s, 
Carloe.ton, N.R; now rector St. Paul's, 
Brockivllle, and R. D., Leedls; has been 
V....P. Ang. Churchman's Unlon.-St. 
Paul's Rectory, Brockville, Onto 
DObell, Col, Charles Macpherson, 
H.M.'s regular rod'!. d'oreßs. 
Second s. late Hon. R. R. D., Que- 
hec: bro. W. M. D. (q.v.): b. Quebec, 
June 22, 1869; e. Charterhouse, Eng., 
and Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston; 
graduated, 1890; m., Mch., 1908, his 
cousin, Elsye, d. late Lt.-Co!. Meyrlck 
Bankes, Highland Lig-ht Infy., and 
widow of Capt. F. L. Campbell, R.N.; 
gazetted lIeut., Royal Welsh Fusilier!!!, 
1890: capt., 1899; major, 1907: bt. 
l., do.: ooll amd A.D.C. rbo tlh.e 
Kiimg, 191 0 ; 'P'3JSSoed Staff oOOIJII., 
Oumlbf>rley, ,l
0'4; statT oftr. aJt 
War Office, 1907: since then engd. In 
other staff duties; served In IIazara 
expdn., 1891 (med-. and clasp) ; served 
In occupation of Crete, 1897-8 (bt. of 
major): served operations In China, 
1900, as adjt. 2nd batt. of his rNct., 
and took part In the relief of Pekln; 
served S. A. war. 1899-1900, In com- 
mand of a regt. of mounted Infy., and 
took part In the relief of Kimberley, 
the operations In the OrangE' Free 
State, Feb. to May, 1900, Including- 
the engag-ements at Paardeberg-. and 
the actions at Poplar Grove, DrlE'fon- 
tpln, Houtnek, Vet River and Zand 
River: In the Transvaal. May and 
June, 1900, Including the engag-e- 
menta near Johannesburg, Pretoria 

nd Diamond Hill, and In Orang-e 
River Colony, May to .July 15, 1900, 
In('ludlng- the actions at Wlttebergen 
(Queen's med. and fI ('1 asps, mpn- 
tloned In dE'snat('hes. D.S.O.); served 
ral'So dTh N. Ni'g'errikl., 1 
06 (dlelSJ)'HlÌohoØlS, 
M. Irt.-ctOl.):!'.-Navol and Mil. 
Club, Piccadilly, London, En.Q. 
"A g:a
:J08mt nf'fìl'''.r. who hAS rendered bril" 
l'ia1\t serviee."-Blake Crofton (q.1J.). 
Dobell, William :Molson, merchant. 
E. s. late Hon. R. R. and Elizabeth 
Frances D., e. d. late Hon. Sir D. L. 
Macpherson, KC.M.G.; father, a tim- 
ber and lumber merchant, and a we1J- 



known Can. pUblic man; b. Quebec, 
1867; e. there and Charterhouse Sch., 
Eng.; m., Dec., 1895, Constance May, 
2nd d. late Dr. CoUn Sewell, Quebec; 
for some time he'ad of extensive lum- 
ber and Umber firm of Dobell. Beckett 
& Go., Quebec and London, En-g.; re- 
tired, 1907; a.pptd. memo Quebec Har- 
bour Comn., 1903; dlr. Thetford Asbes- 
tos Syndicate and Investment Trust 
Co., Montreal; a promoter Dom. Dry 
Dock 00., 1910; lieut., 8th Regt., 1887; 
capt., do., 1891; now retired; Ang.- 
U Beauvoir ]f.[anor," Quebec; Quebec 
Garrison Club; Quebec Turf Club, 'do.; 
St. James's Club; Montreal Hunt Club; 
Mt. Royal Club, Montreal; Rideau Club, 
Ottawa; Junior Athenæum Club, Lon- 
don, Eng. 
Dobie, The Venerable George Belson 
B. Rowanburn, Canoble, Scot.; e. 
St. Rau1's Miissy. Oo1n., Burgh, DInes., 
En'g.; D.D., Undv. 'MaTI_; o. <!leaClOn, 
1888; IPT'læt, 188>9; ourrute, St. Paull's, 
lnl3., 1888-9; do. Grell1:f.ellll. ISask., 
1889-91; do. M'E'TIlicine Hat, :Sask.. 1891; 
tncumlboe'llrt:. A<H Saints, Oanmd'll,gm,n 
fMoanl()r, 1891-5; J'IeIC!botr of St. .John's, 
I1J.Iddian Head, Sask., 1895-1909: since 
then !has been wa1'Òe'll, St. Chad's 
Hostel. Rietg'Ím<t ; cl1arplal'l1 Bp. of 
Q'Il'.A,ppe.lne, 18!)7: arohtd'eaJOO!Tl of Rie- 
g-inta, 1909.-St. Chad's Hostel, Regina, 
Doble, Arthur Richard, .bankiI\,g pro- 
E. s. Arthur D., Truro, Cornwall, 
En!:?;.: b. London. Eng., .Jan. 5, 1872: 
P. Istfngton Pronrletory Sch. ; m., 18G8. 
Georgie Ethe], 3rd d. Dr. Ge
. Hyde, 
Truro. N.S.: entd. service Bank of 
Montreal. 1887: apptd. secy. to Genl. 
Mangr., 1902: has taken a promlnf'nt 
part In the organization and dlrpction 
of several Important power and indll
pntf'rprlses; rear commodore, Royal St. 
Lawrence Yadhrt C.lub, 1910; V1ioce- 
co.mlIDlOo(lore. <!o., 19'1,1: one of tJhe 
 fP'romlOærs. T'Y'P'hl()l\d Emer- 
gency Hosp., ::Montrea], do.; author or 
some finp pOf'try in the Can. Centurv: 
Ang.-" Eglerose," Dorval. P.Q.: St. 
James's Club: Montreal Club; ROllal 
St. I.awrence Yacht Club; R01Wl Mont- 
real Golf Club; A 1do and Aero Club; 
Lachine Boating 
 CanollJing Club, 
Dobson, Rev, John R, (Presb.). 
Scottish origin; h. nr. Pictou, N.S.; 
e. Pictou Acad., McGI1l Univ. (B.A., 
189'1) and Monltl'E'oa,l Presb. CoN. (B.D.. 
with honours, 1894); m., Nov., 1895, 
Janet S., d. Rob't. Munro, M'OTI'trea;l; 
0., 1894; pastor Cðte St. Louis, Mont- 

\ 1894-8-' since 1JhoemJ has been p:as- 
IÌJOIT 'St. Glq.e
, .l\furutreal; ih!as <!IOO1d ned 
ca:lls trorn MO'llctJOTIo. Sy.fl'I1ev and other 
p]acaJ; a senator Presb. CoIl., /Mont- 
rea]; a thoughtful pr-eacher; hB:s 
tured on .. The Relation of ChrIstIan- 
ity to Itlhe .sociaJI Life of 
n," .. Ham- 
let" amid otlheT subj'ootg; deeply read 
1,111 ' Shaklespeare; a keoen cur]-ar; pre- 
senlted with a si.Jver .serV1loe by ihi.s 
oon,g., Sevt., 1904; obtaAn.ed a 1st o]ass 
cert and was for sewT3Jl }'Irs. a lPubldc 
adh:'teaclwr.-1173 8t, Denis St., Mont- 

Dodds, Rev, James Abner (Presb.), 
S. SamI. and Sarah (Briggs) D.; 
grand!. a pIoneer Tp. Mono, Co. Card- 
well, Ont.; b. Tp. Amaranth, Ont., .Jan. 
2, 1862; e. Owen Sound High Sch., 
Queen's Univ., Nat. Sch. Elocutl0n 
and Oratory, Phllade]phla (B.E., 
1889) Va]paralso COll., Ind. and 
Wooster Univ., O. (M.A., 1902; Ph.D., 
1903) ; m., ApI., 1892, CassIe, d. Robt. 
Goodfeltow, Barrie, Onto : studied 
theoI. Knox Coll., Queen's Un Iv. , Mc- 
Cormick Semy., Chicago, and other 
institutions; laboured as a studf'nt 
mdssy. ,in .Man., N. W. T., and Onlt.; 
o. 1892; filled various pulpits and 
pastorates in Mexico and U. S.; for a 
time was prof. mental physioI., Chi- 
cago Eclectic Men. ColI.. and 1ect. in 
Keokuk Med. Colt.; pastor, A1lIston, 
Ont 1905; removed to Leon. Mexico, 
wh,ffi.e he esta!bd. an In<!ustrial mIssion, 
1906; thence to Sunnyside, Utah, 1908. 
-Sunnyside, Utah, U.S. 
Dodds, Major Willia
 Okell Kolden, 
d.nsuranoe prof.esfHon. 
S. tate Chas. and Agnes (Smi
D . b YannooutJh, N.S., .July 3, 181.7; 
e . the
e' m. Nov., 1910, .Jean Haml1- 

 Holt' (elected presdlt. La'<1åe.s' M,o'nt- 
real Curldng Club, 19'11)'. e. d. R. W. 
Tyre Mionltreal; noW a89t. man,gr. 
aJ Life InS. 00. of N.Y., Morut- 
T\elal.' a prom-otoer Consucrners' C()Iubon 
00 .' a weU-knoawn amaroeur atJhleote; 

eT\ly presdt. Can. Amateur .MIMeltic 
U11IIon: . a memo Ex:tve. Comte. 
r Skat'Ï.1l!g AS'Sll. of Oan. ; 
elClt:e.d' as one of ,tJhoe Iteam of 
the Montreal Curling Club to proceed 
to Scot... but was unahle to go. Dec., 
1908; lon.g In the v. m. servIce; for- 
merly a ca'Pt. 5th Regt. Royal Scots; 
,>ubsequently commanded 3rd Batty., 
Montreal; organized 21st (Westmount) 
Batty., whIch he commanded, Oct. 26, 
1907, to AopI. 9, 1910; since then has 
been on Corps Reserve; elected preosdt. 
Montreal Mil. Inst., Jan., 1906; Is a 
councillor Boy Scout movement. Mont- 
rea1.-81 st. Mark St.. lIfontreal; Can- 
ada Club; Montreal Mil. Inst.; Mont- 
real Curling Club; M.A.A.A.; ]I.[ ont- 
real Hunt Club; St. James's Club; 
Royal Montreal Golf Club, do. 
Dodwell. Charles Edward Willoughby, 
cIvil engineer. 
S. tate Rev. Geo. D., M.A., a native 
of Halllford Middlesex. Eng.. and a 
graduate of' Clare Colt.. Camb.: h. 
Lennoxvl11e P.Q. ; e. King's CoU. 
Unlv.. Win.dsor, N.S. (B.A.. 1873); 
m the d Wm. Dimock, Wlnd!'1or, 
N'S.; me
. Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; 
ntrlbuted a paper to the Trans., 
do ' a councillor do.. for many yrs.; 
V.:P. do., 1904; memo Inst. C. E., 1881; 
Is resident engr., P. W. Dept.. Can., 
Ha.lifax; a memo Bd. or Visitors, 
Royal !MIll. 0oll11., 1908-1.l; a memo 
f>xtve. C()i\'\'1'Ì'e., HaUtax brenlCh, Bl"l.>t. 
Ðmrpilfe Leta'gLIe; elof'<"Ìoed 1pn's-òt. 
8t Ge-orge's Soc.. Halifax, 1908-10; 
V.:P, StJm],ley Quoit Club, 1909-10; 
formerly an offr. 66th Regt.; Ang.- 
HaZifa:x;, N.S.; 8tudle
 Quoi' Club, do, 


Doherty, Hon. Charles Joseph. states- 
man; retired judge. 
S, late Hon. Marcus D., a judge 
Sup. Ct., P.Q., and Elizabeth 
(O'Halloran) D.; b. Montreal, May 11, 
1855; e. St. Mary's (.Jesuit) Coll, and 
McGlll Univ, (B.C.L. and Elizabeth 
Torrance gold med., 1876; D.C.L., 
1893) ; LL.D., Ottawa Unlv., 1895; m., 
.June, 1888, Catherine Lucy, d. Edmund 
Barnard, K.C., Montreal; advocate, 
1877; K..C. (Loro Lansdowne), 1887; 
successfully practised his prof. in 
Montreal, where he became one of the 
leaders iO'f tJhe bar; .suocessfu1JIy !pleaded 
be.fOTe rtJhe P.C. .iru Eng.; OI1!e or tJhe 
counsel .for the Jesuits in libel suit 
BJg1aJinst ToflO'Il!ÌIO Mail; a mean. Royal 
comm. rt:o inV'e'stiglarte ilie wOT
i'ng I()f 
the OaJth. and Brot. Soh. Bdis., Mon:t- 
real-, 18>83; hias been for mam,y yI"S. 
'Prof, øivH and rirutoern. iLaw. MicGil:l 
Undv.; was fPTesdtL UlIliiv. Lit. Soc. 
there; UDS'lK'l0essfu.lly 'Oon,tested: MQnf:. 
real W. (H. C.), Om. iÏnterost, ,g. e. 
1881, oM1!ð M'ontr-ea;l C., ,g. e. 1886; 
ÐJPipM. a puisne jud.g.e, S. C., P.Q., 
Oct. 19, 1891; l'abirod.. 'With a pen- 
sll()n, .190.6; has .sat 1lor St. Ann's 
(,Ml()ntrerul), H. C., in Con. irubecr-est, since 
190.8; acoompWll1edJ Mr. Borden 0'Il h:ls 
Western IbouT., 19.1(); WiaS opop!OSed '00 
'tIhe Taf.t-F'i'eJtdIÌl1!g Tleciproolty oOJnI})aCt!; 
on rt'he -dJafeat I()f .the DaurueT Admn. aJt: 
tlhe pollils, Oct.. 1911, was sworn of tfuJe 
P..C. .a.11!d accepted office ,im .tù1Je BQlfld!oo 
Owblnoet as MiIllT. of .Justice, Oct. 11, 
19IJ.; Pl'eS'oo,tOO 'W1Ï't:h JMe-'SÏzed 'POT- 
traM :1'111 oillS, doOnle by Harl'is (q. v.), 
by Montreal bar, 190.7; elected a gOY. 
LavaL Univ., 190.3; 00. a Òlir. La 
Banque Prov., 190.'7; do., a dir. :MIO'Ilrt- 
real Cirty and Dist. ISa vdngs Ban!k, 
190.8; do. do. Prudenlttial T.rust 00., 
1911; 00. do. OWpÏ'tal Life. A.ssur. 00., 
1911; do. lP'resd't. Can, Securiot:1e6 Cor- 
'PomHo'l1, 1910. ; was iP'resdit. St. 
Parorkk's Soc., lMorutJreal, 19,0.3-4 ; 
a.lso a diir. J:iI1Joom. Tru:tJh Soc. and 
a Ibrustee St. PrutIick.'s OI:p\hJaJns' 
.A1syJ.'Um, MiontOO8Jl; as a Y'OUDg man 
was presdrt. of ilJhoe Shaml"lOClk Lacrosse 
Olub and. Ibhe ShlaJInroC'k Am. AItJh. ; f.ofI"merly 'Presd-t. Irish Nat. 
League, M1orutreall; a 'SIlJpJ)OI'IteT of 
Home Rule for IreI.; served through 
the N.-W, RebeHi.on, 1885, as a, 
65th Regt. (med.); R:C.-Ottawa; 
!8! Stanley .st., Montreal; summer 
residence: "Innishotqen," J3te. Agathe- 
des-Monts, P.Q.; St. James's Club; 
Club Lafontaine; Unive1'sity Club, 
Montreal; Club, Ottawa; Catho- 
lic Club, N.Y, 
''lAn h()'Jl()l1lI1aible man .of exooption'al 
ability and energy."-M. Witness. 
II Esteemed by all classes for bis cha.r- 
a. tet., his capacity and bis public spirit,"- 
M. Gazette. 
.. Is making his mark in Oa.n.. public life 
as probably no other man has ever 
I 'Prophesy fo.r him 18. 
reoat future."-R. 
].. Borden (q.v.). 
., No.tJ a rank paI1tÏ<san, bTht a loyal Co'n- 
serva.tive and a man of probity and worth. 
He'Presents m.e11J, women a.nd chiJdren 
on the floors of ParLt. than any o.ther mem- 
ber there."-S, N, 


DohertJ'. B.ev. George :Frederick Bur- 
ton (Ang.). 
S. W, B. D., LL.D., D.C.L., St. 
Thomas, ant., and Louisa Elizabeth 
(Parish) D.; b. st. Thomas; e. public 
.schs., St. T'horruas 1001d. !lnst., T0- 
ronto Unlv. (B.A" 1905), and 
001-1., TOflOllItJO; m., 1909, Alexa.ndnna 
Hooge, d. laJte 00. Jooge Woods, Strat- 
ford ant.; o. de
on, 190.6; priest, 
190.7. sometime curate St Mark's Ch., 
Parkdale, Toronto; rector St .John's, 
Tillsonburg, Ont., 190.8.10.; slnoo May, 
1910., has been asst. rector St. Paul's 
Catlh., Lond!on, Ont.-London, Onto 
Doherty. Manning William. manufac- 
S. late Wm. F. D., Egllnton, ant.: 
b. there, 1875; e. U. C. CoIl. and Cor- 
nell Univ. (M.A., 1897); graduated 
B SA. (Toronto Unlv.), 1895; m., 
190.3, Dolores, e. .d. .J. .J. iCassid'Y, M.D. 
(q.v.), Toronto; asso. prof. blol
Om. Agl'ic. OoH., 1898-190.2; orgamzed 
Wellington Field Naturalists' Club: 
now tma'Il'gr. .sussex :Mia.nfg. Co.; a 
memo Extve. Can. .Manfrs. Assn.; ;for- 
merly lieut. Rifles; Con., and a 
protectionist; R. C.-Sussex, N.B, 
Dollard, Bev, James B,. (R.C.). 
B. Kilkenny, IreI., Aug. 30., 1872; e. 
St. Mlc'hael's ColI., Toronto, and the 
Grand Berny., Montre
l; ,0., 1896: nQW 
stationed at St. .MonIca s Ch., EgUn- 
ton, ant.; has published two volu!lle5 
of poems and a book of short stones; 
contributions from his pen have ap- 
peared In 'mam.y Can. newspapers and 
mags . much of his verse has been 
IfaV'Orå.'bly revlewed.-Eglinton, Onto 
II '.Dhe author oexf 'Irish Mist a.nd SUiIl- 
shioo' h.aJ8 in: the minds olf m8ID.Y 
Oa.IlIooa the home of the 
rea<test. }.1V1'D
WTi1er of I'l1ish ballilia.dø."-Can. Couner. 
Domville. Lt,-Col, Hon, James. mer- 
dhlanrt; se.IWJtor. 
S. late Lt.-GenI. D., R.A., and 
Frances D., d. Hon. Wm. Usher; b. 
Belize, B.H., Nov. 29, 1842; e. Wool- 
wich, Eng.; m., 1867, Isabella, d. late 
W, H. SoovU, St, .John [daughter pre- 
sented with a gold locket, the personal 
gift of the Mikado, 1904]; came to 
Can., 1866; formerly an ald. and chair- 
man Finance Comte, St. .John, N.B.; 
also: presdt. King's Co. Bd. of 'rrade; 
f.OUJruà.oo St. .John Free Pub. Lilbl18Jry, 
and otihoel"Wise was usefuil ia;nd enlter- 
prisirug as .a c1rtJ.zen; rtJbe 1\ætiher of 
man'Y enrterprdses; a dtir. Edmonton, 
Yuki<m & Pacific Ry.. V.-P. OtJtawa 
River Ry. Co., f()lrmel'il'Y presdrt. Oen'tJ
Ry. 00. of Own., chairnnan 
I. Oi,l 
Tradoes 00. of lOan., .lAd.; 'buIlt w:d 
I1Iav.lgiaJted first vesseI oa.rry1Ïll1g BrIt. 
flag il:!ÌmJt -suooessfuJ'ly IIl/8.vlg.a:ted rtJhe 
BehfI"lLnlg Sea ;to 1Jhe YukJon, 1897; for- 
sd!t. I()f ,tJhoe MamtJime Bank of 
Oan.; a Lib.; !fQlI'11leJ1}ly a Oon., up :Do 
188'2; salt /for Kirug8 (H.C.), 187?-812, 
and agaJln 1896-190.,0.; sevel18JI tlmes 
dtef.OOJt.OO; called tJo ot::he SenaJte 'by Lord 
MintJo. .AJpl. 20., 1903; rta.bled 'l'eS()ll<utJIOlIl 
in thwt ol'1laàn'ber II for a suditabloe ceLe- 
bration by the ParIt. and people of 
Can. of the centennial anniversary of 
the death of Nelson," 190.5; presented 
to Queen Victoria, 1897; long In the 
v.m. servIce; holds 1st class cav, sch. 



cert. and long-service decoration; 
organized 8th Princess Louise, N.B., 
Regt. Hussars, which he commanded 
for 20 yrs.; volunteered his regt. for 
service In the Soudan, 1884 and 1896; 
also, during war In S.A., 1899; services 
accepted, 1896, but no corps was sent 
from Can. (thanked by H.M.'s Govt.) ; 
in his mil. capacity accompanied Sir 
W. Laurier, Prime Minr., to Eng., at 
Queen Victoria's Dlaß1()nd Jubilee 
(med).; R.O., 1899; apptd. hon. It.-col. 
of his old regt., Aug., 1904.-"The Wil- 
lows," Rothesay, N.B.; Union Club, 
St. John, N.R.; Rideau Club; Lauren- 
tian Club, Ottawa; Mil. In8titute, Mont- 
.. A man of decided ()riginoa.lity and 
force ()f cha ra cter.' '-Prof. Goldwin Smith, 
.. Don" (see Sheppard, E. E.). 
Donahue, His Honour Dennis Joseph, 
Co. Ct. Judge. 
S. late Dennis D., Tp. Westminster, 
Co. Middlesex, Ont.; b. there; e. local 
public sch. and St. Thomas High Sch.; 
m., 1st, Miss Mary Teresa Brady (d., 
July, 1901); 2ndly, Sept., 1906, Mary 
Elizabeth, e. d. late Wm. Murray, Pem- 
broke, Ont.; graduated, Law SCh., 
Ont., 1882; barrister, do.; K.C., 1899; 
suOCJeSS'Íu.liI'y proctJi,seðJ ihis !prof. .in St. 
'I'thJomas; 00. a:t't'Y., -Ellgin, Omt., 1886- 
19(}4; si'l1JCle'Mich., 1904, ihtaS ,been! 00. ct. 
 aJrudJ l,ooal judl
 of Itlhe H. Ot., Co. 
Rend'fleW; R.C.-Pembmke, Onto 
:Donald, Major Duncan, lawyer. 
S. late Richard D., merchant, To- 
ronto, and Elizabeth (Calder) D.; b. 
'Doran to, Dec. 17, 1869; e. Public 

chs., Jarvis St. >Call. Inst., Toront'O, 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1891), and Onto 
Law Seth.; m. Miiss J'ean .MacArot:Jhur; 
barrister, 1894; successfully pracNsed 
his prof. in Toronto up to 1910, when he 
was apptd. secy. and sub-treas. of the 
Law Soc. of U.C.; long In the v.m. 
service; adjt. 48th Highlanders under 
Cols. David20n, Cosby and Robertson 
(q.v.); oÌ>it.-maj-or, Oct., 1906; major, 
1911; Li'b.; P'l'esb.-74 Elm Ave., Rose- 
dale, Toronto; Can. ...'JHI. Institute, do. 
Donald, Thomas, educationist. 
Scotch and Eng. parentage; s. late 
Jas. D., Montreal, a native of Blair- 
gowrie, Perthshire, Scot.; b. St. Cath- 
arines, Ont., Oct. 30. 1856; e. Mont- 
real High Sch. and McGUl Unlv, 
(B.A., with 1st rank honours, and the 
Logan gold med. In nat. science, 
1878; M.A., 1882); m., 1888, Miss 
Evelyn Belliss, Wellington, Shropshire, 
Eng.; 1st science master high schs., 
Montreal (on recommendation of late 
Sir Wm. Dawson), 1878-84; prof. of 
chemist., Med. Facult., Bishop's Call., 
Lerunoxvli11lle, 1884-1902; si'll'Oe .then Ihas 
been govt. official anal., ITIOO. 
Dept., Dist. of Montreal; D.C.L., 
Bishop's Call., Unlv., 1903, in recog- 
nition of his long and valued services 
in the chair of chemist.; In connec- 
tion with his educ. work, has, since 
1880, been engaged In private prac- 
tice In mining and practical chemist.; 
has secured a numerous clientele, 
drawn from all parts of the Dam. 
makes a specialty of chemist. In its 
application to manufacturing, and Is 

consulting chemist to many important 
manfg. cas.; formerly lectured fre- 
quently, and contributed to the sclen- 
tJific press; a Lib.; a Presb.-196 Mil- 
ton St., Montreal. 
Donald, WUUam M" physician. 
Scotch and Eng. parentage; b. AI- 
Ian burg, Ont., Dec. 15, 1860; e. Goder- 
icll High Sch. and McGill Unlv.; m" 
1890, Miss Maude Douglas; gradu- 
ated M.D., 1887; Is prof. practice of 
med., Detroit Call. of Med.; physician 
St. Mary's Hüsp.; Presb.-970 Jeffer- 
son Ave., Detroit, Mich. 
Donalda, Madame, (See Madame 
Pauline Seveilhac.) 
Donaldson, Arthur George, journalist. 
S. late Rev. Jas. D., Ceres, Fife- 
shire, Scot.; b. Port Burwell, Ont.; e, 
Galt and Toran to ; unm.; learned 
printing trade In Galt; followed his 
prof. In Toronto and Boston, Mass,; 
returned to Can., 1896; news ed. 
Daily Reporter, Galt, 4 yrs.; since 
then secy.-treas. and business man gr. 
Jaffrey Bros., Ltd., publishers Galt 
Reporter; Is also secy, Galt Board 
of Trade; Presb.; Con.-Galt, Onto 
:Donaldson, John, fruit farmer. 
A bro. Rev. L. J. D. (q.v.); b. An- 
nandale Farm, N. S., 1881; e. Acadia 
Univ. (B.A., 1881), and Onto Agricul. 
Call., Guelph; m., 1889. d. late Prof. 
Hy. How, King's Call.; has had 
 AmIJ1J3.'llIdJa.le F1arm, a. mootell 
fruit farm In the Annapolis Valley_; 
presdt. N. S. Farmers' Assn., 1902-3; 
do. N. S. Fruit Growers' Assn., 1907- 
8; Ang.-Annandale Farm, nr. Port 
Williams, N.S. 
.. Progressive, wide awake and thrifty." 
-Farmer'8 A.dvocate. 
Donaldson, Bev, LeWis J, (Ang.). 
S. late John and - (Johnstone) 
D.; b. N. S.; e. King's ColI., Univ., 
Windsor, N.S. (B.A., 1893; M.A., 1894); 
m. d. J. Y. Bay
ant, Ha}j.fax (q.v.), 8J1Q 
widow Rev. C. G. Abbott, rector St. 
John's Ch., N. Sydney; studied theol., 
\Vyclifte Call., Toronto; O. deacon, 
1895; priest, 1896; successively asst., 
St. Mary's, Guysboro', and curate St. 
Paul's, Halifax; since 1903 has been 
rector, Trin. Ch., Halifax; a del. Pan- 
Ang. Congress, London, 1908.-Trinit21 
Rectory, Halifax, N.S. 
Donaldson, MorJe)", engineer; 
Can. railway service. 
O. S. S. late Major Robt. D., H. 
M.'s 41st Regt., and, subsequently, 
staft oftr. of 1)ensioners, Ottawa; b. 
nr. Edinburgh, Scot., May 1, 1851; 
e. France and Can.; unm.; served 
sometime in the engine works of E. 
Gilbert & Co., Montreal; served un- 
der the Messrs. Shanly (Walter and 
Frank), and was with them during 
the construction of the HODsac tun- 
nel, Mass., one of the largest In the 
world; a memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1889; 
entd. service Can. Atlantic Ry., as 
chief draughtsman, 1881, becoming, 
later, mech. supdt., supdt. of the traffic 
and mech. depts., and genl. supdt. at 
the road; since 1905, when It became 
a part of the G, T. system, has been 



SlIJpàot. of the Ottawa div.; al1J .Ang.- 
 A lbert St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; 
Ottawa Golf Club; Ottawa Hunt Club, 
.. .Wet11 fitted im e..ery w.ay fo,r his present"-JVm. Wainwright (q.v.) 
.. One of the most thorough men in the 
raÜwa.y se'rvioe."-l'he late Waltel'Shanty, 
M.P., C.E. 
Donegall, The Most Honourable Violet 
Gertrude Chichester, Marchioness 
of, Countess of Belfast, Vis- 
countess Chichester, Baroness 
Belfast and Baroness Fisher- 
wick, widow. 
O. d. late Hy. St. George and Ada 
(Black) 'Dwindn,g, Halifax, N.S.; b. 
.Halifax, N.S., :::3ept. 15, H!81; e. Hali- 
fax, Fredericton, Quincy Mansion Seh., 
Mass., and \Vellesley CoIl., Mass.; m., 
De<:. , 1902, George Augustus Hamilton 
Ohichester (d. 1!J04), 5th Marquis of 
Donegall; has a son, b. Oct. 7, 1!J03, 
now 6th Marquis of Donegall (gods. 
Lord Strathcona, q.v.; is Hereditary 
Lord High Admiral of Lough Neagh) ; 
presented to late Queen Victoria, Buck- 
ingham Palace; do., King Edward 
and Queen Alexandra, 1902 and 1909; 
present at the coronation of King 
Edward and Queen Alexandra (q.v.), 
190.2; present at the coronation of 
King George and Queen Mary, 1911; 
a memo \Vomen's Assn. of the '.t'ariff 
Reform League; much interested in 
politics and all Imp. questions, and in 
all socs. dealing with the prevention 
of Cruelty to children and to animals; 
founder of the Imp. Colonial Club and 
Overseas Union; has travelled a great 
deal, particularly in Russia, Egypt and 
the Sudan and South and East Africa; 
was present in S. A. at the relief of 
Ladysmith and Mafeking, and worked 
for the soldiers at the base (Gape 
Town) ; author of many mag. articles 
dealing principaUy with her travels' 
in full sympathy with Mr. Chamber
lain's ideas on tariff reform; Ang.- 
Castle Chichester, Isle Magee, Co. 
Antrim, Irel.; Empire Club, 69 Gros- 
venor St., London, Eng.; Imp. Colonial 
Club and Ovel'seas Union, do. 
Donly, Augustine William, Can. pub- 
Hc service. 
Bro. H. B. D. (q.v.); b. Simcoe, 
Ont., .May 6, 1866; e. 'simcoe public 
and hig.h schs. and Victoria Univ., 
.cobourg; m. .Miss Ava Maria Brook; 
taught seh. for .some yrs.; .formerly' 
depty. regr. Simcoe; has lived ill 
.Mexico since 1889; speaks .spanish 
.fluently; apptd. trade oommr. for Can. 
in Mexico, Jan. 1, 1!J07.-1I1(Jxico City. 
Mexico; Mexico Country Club; Univer- 
8ity Club, do. 
.. A Canadian' errant of whom the Do. 
minion should be proud."-O. Free Press. 
Donly, Hal Beauregard, journalist. 
Irish origin; s. late A. J. D., regr. 
Co. Norfolk, Ont.; b. Simcoe, Ont., 
Jan. 4, 1862; e. public and Grammar 
.Schs. there; m., Nov., 1892, Emma, 2nd 
d. Joseph Brook, presdt. Brook \Voollen 
Mills; entd. his father's newspaper 
office, May, 1879, and has since devoted 
himself to journalism; succeeded his 
father as ed. and propr. of the Simcoe 

Refol'mel" .and retail1Js Ibhe 'P'os
Hon; 2nd 
V.-P. of bhe OaTh PI'OOS AsSlllJ" he has 
also 'held and SltIiIlrl Ilrolds a ViaJI1i,ety of 
llOOaJt -offi<CJes; ;is pres<Ì<t. ()f ,the Norfol.k 
00. Fair Assn.; .a iIT1!eau. and ex-ohaJir- 
man of tJhte Bd. of EdillJC.; secy. of the 
Bd. of 1.'I1aJd ' e; a ,dJi'r. of It'he r.rrown Grus 
and 'Vater Üos., and secy. amj! 'lwesd!t. 
of tJhte NOI1tJh NoOr{ol<k Reform Ass'll.; 
flor 18 yrs. was secy.-treas. Can. 
Wlhe'ellII1len's Assn., .a;nd for 10 YI1s. ed. 
and :publ.isher of Ithe Can. Wheelman; 
a Lib.; unlSlIJC:ICIessful,I'y cOU1Jbæted Nor- 
{rolk (H.C.), ,g.B., 1904 an'd g. e. 1908; 
an Ang.---.Bimcoe, Ont.; Phænix Club, 
do.; Ontario Club; Royal Can. Yacht 
Club, TOl.onto. 
.. One of the. brightest journalists on the 
Can. press,"-T. Globe. 
.. A student of affairs, a goOO. spe.ake,r, 
and possessed of all' independenoo of spirit 
that is much to be desired -in, our public 
men."-M. Herald. 
Donnelly, Rev, John E, (R.C.) 
8. late Charles and Margt. (McAfee) 
D.; b. Point St. Charles, Montreal, 
F1eb. 22, 1861; e. ,local oohs., Bte. 
'l'h6rèse CoIl. and the Grand Semy., 
Montreal; o. 1884; for 1 year private 
secy. to the late Archbp. Fabre; since 
then, 'has been continual'ly rector, 'st. 
Anthony's Ch., Montreal, the largest 
Irish Catholic ,parish in that city; is 
bon. patron and -treas., St. A1J!tJhony's 
Harrier Club, an hon. memo of the 
Shamrock Lacro-sse club and a great 
patron of athletics; popularlY known as 
.f li1at'her J'Ühn."-St. Anthuny's Pl'es- 
by tel', 351 St. Antoine St., lIIontreal. 
.. A skilled musician, a good preacher, 
and is justly oonsidered as the. leader 
among the Irish Oatho-lic clergy of the city." 
-M. Herald. 
Donnelly, Patr1ck, business man. 
S. John D., Sheenboro, P.Q.; b. 
there, Mch. 17, 1875; e. there and 
Vancouver; long engd. in ins. and loan 
co. business in different portions of 
Can.; became mangr. in B. C. of Gt. 
West Permt. Loan & Savings Co., 
June, 1904; organized Securities Cor- 
poration, B.C., of which he is a dir. 
and genl. mangr., Oct., 1905; a R. C.; 
a charter memo and treas. of the 
Knights of Columbus, which body he 
assisted in organizing in B. C.; be- 
lieves in Chamberlain policy and col. 
preference; also that Can. should con- 
trol and maintain her own defensive 
force.-1160 Davie St., Vancouver, B.C. 
Donovan, Albert Edward, jnsurance 
.manager; legislator. 
S. John and Margt. D.; grandf., a 
lawyer, from Tipperary, Irel.; b. Port- 
land, Co. Leeds, Ont., 1863; e. public 
and high schs., Athens; m., 1887, O. 
d. la.te Duncan F1isher, A:thens; ,origin- 
aNy a seth. teacher; .subsequ.ently tooik 
up life i'llIS.; represent'ad Sun Life 
A'ssur. Co. ûf Oan., in E-ng. and Soot., 
as g,enl. s'l1pdit., 1893-5; l'Mer sta,t,joned 
at Halifax, N.S.; now and since 1906 
genl. mangr. in Onto for Mutual Life 
Ins. Co., N. Y.; a Con.; unsuccess- 
fully contested Brockville (Local), g. 
e., 1904; flrst returned, Oct., 1907; 



re-elected, g. e., 1908; a Meth.-Brock- 
ville, Onto 


zed 8S an able speaker."- 
Dontenwill, The Bight Bev. Augus- 
tin, O.M.I. (R. C.). 
S. . F. X. and Rosina (Ulrich) D.; 
b. Blrschwiller, Alsace, June 4 1857' 
e. Erstein, Alsace, and Ottawi Univ: 
(B.A., 1880; M.A., 1883); joined Or- 
der Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 
1878; attended Harvard Summer Sch., 
1887; prof. nat. hist., lang. and draw- 
ing, Ottawa Unlv., until 1889, when 
transfd. to New Westminster, B.C.; 
dir. St. Louis 
oll., do. do., until 1896; 
consecrated BIshop of Germanicopolis 
and coadjutor of Bp. of New West
minster, 1897; Bp. of New West- 
minster, 1899; elected supr. genl. 
Oblate Order, with the title of Archbp: 
of Ptolemais, Sept., 1908.-Rome, Italy. 
Dooley, William Wchael, journalist. 
Father a sea captain, trader and 
owner of vessels, in the employ of 
the H. B. Co.; b. Battle Harbour 
Labrador, 1875; e. St. Patrick's Hall' 
St. John's, Nfd.; m. Maude, d. Capt: 
S. C. Irvine, Army Paymaster, Ber- 
muda, W.I.; on ed. st.'aff St. Jl()lhIl', N.B., 
Telegrg,ph and Times, Campbell ton 
c; corre-spon-dent Assocd. Press, 
1902-7; now ed. Western Star, Bay of 
Islands, Nfd.; Interviewed Peary at 
Battle Harbour on arrival of the Roose- 
velt before other correspondents 
reached there; has written articles on 
Nfd. for the Field, Forest and stream 
and LondlQlI} Mail; secy.O()unoÍ<l Higher 
Education, Bay of Islands, Nfd.; 
tra veIled through unknown northern 
regions, Nfd., 1908; believes strongly 
in the autonomy of Nfd.; a R. C.- 
Bay oj Islands, Nfd.; Avalon Club, do, 
Doolittle, Charles Edward, manufac- 
S. John T. and Anna (Marshall) D.' 
,b. P8JiI1iesville, Ohio, Ajpl, 10, 1842; e: 
there; m., Ig7Z, Juliet Elizabeth, d. 
o'atJe J
ron Wil'cox, PainesvilLe; 
has lIved In Hamilton, Ont., since 
1880, where he was largely instru
mental in founding the Hamilton Steel 
& Iron Co., of which he Is V.-P. and 
the Onto Rolling Mill Co., of which 
he is presdt.; is also interested in 
the Hamilton Forge Co. and the Onto 
Tack Co.; in his youth served In the 
Union Army during the Am. civil war; 
a Mason of high degree; a K.T.; Ang, 
-llmnilton, Ont.; Hamilton Club, (:'0. 
"A man of capacity, 
nergy and integri- 
ty."-G. M. Ada""" (q.v.). 
Doolittle, Perry E, physician. 
GI'aJdluatoo M.D.,'C.M., Tl'in. Unffv., 
1885; one of the promoters of the 
Can. Wheelman's Assn., 1884, of which 
he became presdt., 1895;' has been a 
motorist for a long time; assisted in 
forming the Toronto Automobile Club, 
of which he has been hon. presdt. 
since 1904; is also a dir. Onto Motor 
League.-1BO Sherbourne St., Toronto. 
Dorais, Albert p" lawyer, 
S. late Louis Treffle and Marte 
(Poisson) D., St. Gregoire, P.Q.; 
father represented Nicolet (Local), 

82-88; b. St. Gregoire, P.Q.; e. 
olet Coli.; graduated B.A., Laval 
Umv., 1892; m., Nov., 1902, Bella, d. 
H. C. Cabana, prothy., Sherbrooke, 
P.Q.; advocate, 1895; practises his 
prof. in Montreal; a memo law firm 
D. D. & Bessette; author "Le Pro- 
gres et la Soc. Contemporaine .. 
03), and of 2 legal works, one re- 
laiDmg tJO 1:Jbe Code Civile, and ,tJhe 
otJher to .the Code de Pmcédure C-;vilp. 
of 1:Jhe Pvov'ince of Quebec, t:he !two 18Jt- 
ter In collaboration with his bro., 
Oscar P. D.; R. C.--666 St. Hubert 
St., Montreal. 
Doran, William Edward, architect. 
Irish origin; s. late Wm. D., Mont- 
real; b. there, 1853; e. at his father's 
sch.; m. Miss Mary J. Cotton; com- 
menced pmctice as an architect, 1874; 
designed many of the principal build- 
ings in Montreal and elsewhere; em- 
bellished and redecorated St. Patrick's 
Ch., Montreal; twice presdt. Quebec 
Assn. of Architects, 1903-5; apptd. to 
represent Can. Intern. Congress or 
Architects, London, Eng., 1904; Har- 
bour Commr., 1902-6; presdt. St. 
Patrick's Soc., 2 terms; unsuccessfully 
contested the mayoralty, Montreal, 
1900 and 1905; a Lib.; a R. C.; be- 
lieves in a Confederation of the Em- 
pire rather than Imp. Federation; this 
would mean that no memo of the Con- 
federation sh'Ould have an dndoependemt 
tariff barrier against the others, but 
wouLd 'leaV'e eaoh sbaJtoe free to make 
'treaties wit'h outside sva;tes as re b 'l3.l"ds 
,tI'a:dJe and coonmevce; also favours a for defence, and d'Ï1'eot taxes for 
IIl1\P. pur:poses.-Care 180 St. James Ht., 
Montreal; Engineel's' Club; Reform 
Club; St. Lawl'ence CU1'ling Club, clo.; 
summer residence: Pointe Claire, P.Q. 
Dorion, Hon, Achille, Circuit judge. 
B. late Hon. V. P. W. D., a judge 
S. C., P.Q., arud Rrud'egoooe Olympoe 
('l'restIer) D.; a nephew late Chief 
Justice Bir A. A. D.; b. and e. Mont- 
real; graduated LL.L. (avec {Jl'ande 
distinction), Laval Univ., 1880; advo- 
cate, do.; successfully practised his 
prof. in Montreal as a memo of the 
firm Geoffrion & D.; apptd. a judge 
of the Circuit Ct., Montreal, July 7, 
1898; R. C.-1Si Roy St., Mont1'eal, 
"Hia appo
ntmen1 crowns a successful 
career at the B.81r."-ChieJ Justice Arch- 
Dorion, Charles Edouard, judge. 
S. late Louis Eugene D., City Treas. 
Quebec; a nephew late Sir A. A. D., 
Chief Justice, P.Q.; b. Quebec; e. 
Quebec Semy, and Laval Univ. (B.L., 
IgI>O; LL.L., avec distinction, 11>84; 
LL.D., 1894); m" 1st, Mlle. Pare (d, 
Jan., 1907) ; 2ndly, Feb., 1910, Blanche, 
d. late E. Noel, Cr:own Lands Agent, 
Bhelõbrooke, P.Q.; advocate, 1884; 
K.'C., 1903; EU'coessfuHy opl'.3JCJtJisoo his 
prof. in Quebec; head of firm D. & 
Marchand; bâtonnier (Dist. of Que- 
bec), 1909; lJâtonnie1'-genl., P.Q., dio.; 
apptd. prof. civil law and of the Intro- 
duction to the study and history or 
law, LaV'al Un.iv., 1899; appbd. a puisne 
judge, S.C., P.Q., May, 1911; R.C.; oln- 



different in poH,bks.-2 St. Angèle St.
"A man of fine Ie-gal atta.inments."- 
Dr. de Gelles (q.v.). 
Doucet, Capt, Alexandre Louis Claude 
gny, H.M.'s regular mil. 
Nephew A. E. D. (q.v.) ; s. 'rhe<:Jdore 
and Jessy A. (Desbarats) D.; grands. 
late Theodore D., N.P.; b. M.ontreal, 
12 ec . 19, 1.875; e. there and Royal Mil. 
Coli., Kmgston; graduated (with 
honours), 1897; 2nd lieut., R.E., 1897; 
lieut., 1900; capt., 1906; served during 
S.A. war, 1900-2; took 'Part: in opera- 
tions In the Transvaal, Nov. 1900-June, 
1901, and Oct., 1901-Apl., 1902; In 
Orange River Colony, Nov., 1900-0ct., 
1901; also in Cape Colony, June-Oct., 
1901 (Queen's med. with 3 clasps; 
King's med. with 2 clasps); apptd. a 
memo of 'the An'gl'O-Germran Com'll. 
to deUminate the Gola-Lake Chad 
boundary, 1902; was second in com- 
mand on the Anglo-Portuguese Boun- 
dary Oomn., 1905; otransfd. It<> Gan. on 
special duty; R. C.-Ottawa. 
Doucet, Arthur Emile, civil engineer. 
S. late Theodore D., N.P., Montreal; 
b. there, June 9, 1860; e. there and 
Royal Mil. Coli., Kingston; graduated 
1880 ; m. Miss Barrett; gazetted a lieut., 
Infy. Sch. Corps, and served as 
A.D.C. to his bro.-in-law, the late Lt.- 
Genl. Sir F. D. Middleton, K.C.M.G., 
during ,tile N. W. RebeloldOIli, 1885 
(seriously wounded; med. and clasp) ; 
capt. Corps of Guides (special ser- 
vice), June, 1906; mem, Can. Soc. 
C.E., 1887; councillor, do. since 1905; 
presdt. Quebec branch, do. do., 1910; 
elected presdt. Royal Mil. ColI. Club, 
1903; for some yrs. chief engr. Quebec 
& Lake St. John Ry., and engd. in 
other important works and undertak- 
ings ; resigned these positions to 
'be<:ome a <list. engr. during Ibhe oon- 
struction of the Nat. Transcontinental 
.R.y., at the inception of that great 
work; later declined appt. as chief 
engr. of the Transcontinental Ry.; 8 
.promoter of bhe Quebec Transport Cu. 
and the Pacific Pass Coal Fields, Ltd.; 
RC.-U Mt. Ca1'mel St.
 Quebec; Que- 
bec Garrison Club
.. An excellent and irreproachable Cana. 
dian."-M. Witness. 
Doudiet, Rev, Charles A. (Presb.), 
.S. late Rev. Jas. F. D" an early 
y. to the French-Cans.; family 

mally from France; settled In 
Swazerliand, at ilie I"ev1ooo'Ìion of tble 
Edict of Nalllte.s; b, Gen-eva, Swilz.; e. 
Geneva ColI., Grande Llgne Bapt. 
ColI. and Queen's Univ., Kingston; 
m., 1st, Mch., 1857, Miss Rebecca 
Robinson, Terrebonne, P.Q. (d. Sept., 
1858); 2ndly, July, 1861, Miss Eliza 
Dunbar, Montreal (d. 1900); o. 1869; 
successively pastor of St. John's, and 
St. Matthew's, Montreal; .slnce de- 
V?ted .hJimseH to Frenoch evangel.; re- 
SIgned, 1911; 'has been oop'ty. grand 
C1haplaJn ,to tile Orangemen of B. N. A. 
I Prospect St.

Dougall, Rev, Hugh Shaw (Meth.). 
Scotch and Irish origin; b. Kempt- 
vllle, Ont., 1861; e. Coli. Insts., Kempt- 
vLlile, and St. OatharlI1!es, V:icl-or.Ja 
Univ., Toronto Univ., Yale Univ. 
(B.D.) and Wesl. Univ., Bloomington, 
Ill. (Ph.D.) ; m. d. T. H. Taylor, secy.- 
treas. and mangr. Riordan Paper Mills 
St. Catha rines, Ont.; 0., 1892; ha
filled some Important pastorates and 
offices; 2 yrs. presdt. Hamilton 
Epworth League; presdt. Walkerton 
Dist., .sinoo 1910; author: ., Progressive 
R:evelartdon"; whoHe not a pol,itiolan, 
hJas been outspoken CIOnoorning ques- 
Nons of IþOLirtic.a:l pUI"i,ty, and in su.p- 
p.orrt of It-ernp.-1S Curti8 St.
Dougan, James Samuel Biven, manu- 
S. Jas. D., Q native Dunning, Perth- 
shire, Scot., and Margt. (Webster) D. 
a native of Liverpool, Eng.; b. Mont
real, ApI. 26, 1853; e. there; m., 1879, 
Miss Mary Brereton Evans, Mont- 
real; for nearly 10 yrs. a partner in 
the house of McArthur, Corneille & 
Co. (varnishes), Montreal, but for 
some time has been principal in the 
house of McCaskill, D. & Co., manfrs. 
of varnishes, Montreal; a councillor, 
Montreal Bd. of Trad!e ; ihlaS also 
been presdt. of the Dom. Com. 
Travellers' Assn., presdt. Dom. Com. 
Travellers' Mutual Benefit Soc., and 
presdt. of the Montreal branch of the 
Can. Manfrs. .Assn.; Ind., iPOlii!tlcatLy; 
UnH.-75 St. Mark St.
 Montreal; Can- 
ada Club; Canadian Railway Club; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; 
M. A. A. Assn.; Montreal Busine88 
Men'8 League
:Dougall, John Bedpath, journalist. 
E. s. late John D., a native of Pais- 
ley, Scot., who founded the Montreal 
Witness, 1846, and Elizabeth D., e. d 
John Redpath, Montreal; b. there, 
Aug. 17, 1841; e. Montreal high sch, 
and McGIll Univ. (B.A., 1860; M.A., 
1867) ; unm.; is senior fellow in arts, 
McGill Univ.; acquired his business 
training under his father, and suc- 
ceeded him in the management of the 
Daily and Weekly Witne88 on his de- 
parture for N.Y., 1870; an indo Lib.; 
a Cong.; devoted to the temp. cause, 
public and private morality and the 
welfare and betterment of the masses; 
in addition to The Witnes8, pUblishes 
The Northern Me88enger, The World 
"lVide, and The Can. Pictorial, all im- 
portant and well conducted organs of 
public opinion; among many other 
offices filled by him, from time to time, 
have been the following: dir. Citizens' 
League, presdt. Congo Union; do. 
Y. M. C. A., Montreal; do. Dom. Alli- 
ance and do. Boys' Home, and Boys' 
Fann and Training Sch., Shawbridge, 
P.Q.; was a memo of the comte. on 
Ch, Union, 1904; was !presented 
with a testimonial, 1903, on complet- 
Ing 45 yrs. connection with a Sunday 
Sch. in Montreal.-" Ivy Green
" f9-1 
Drummond St.
.. Not only an, ahler writro'o but .a well- 
.read a:nd thoughtful man, .and all' era.rnest 
student of thooe higher problema of menJtaJ 



and m()ll"ail philosophy wohj-ch occupied 
the grea.t minds O'f ()/\l.r"-Dr. John 
Reade (q.v.). 
Dougall, Miss Lily, author; editor. 
Sister J. R. D. (q.v.); b. Ivy Cot- 
tage, IMontreal, ApI. 16, 1858; e. 
Bnooklyn, N.Y., Edinburgh Univ., .scot. 
and St. And'r,ew's Unoiv. (LL.A.) ; for å 
lon,g time has resided in Eng., owing to 
climatic infiuences; edits The World 
Wide, Montreal; author .. Beggars All ,. 
(1891); "What Necessity Knows" 
(1893); "The Mermaid" (1895); 
.. Zeitgeist" (do.) ; .. Question of 
Faith" (do.); .. The Madonna of a 
Day" (1896); "A Dozen Ways ot 
Love" (1897); "The Mormon Pro- 
phet" (1898); "The Earthly Purga- 
tory" (1904); .. The Spanish Dowry" 
(1906); "Paths of the Righteous" 
Cumnor, nr. Oxford, Eng.; 
Univel'sity Club for Ladies, London, 
.. Belongs to the privileged minority 
whose works even a profession181 no.vel-reoad. 
er is unable to forget."-Spectator, 
Doughty, Arthur George, Dom. public 
2nd s. late Wm. Jas. D., Grãntham 
Eng.; b. Maidenhead, Eng., Mch. 22: 
1860; e. public schs., Maidenhead, 
Lord Eldon Sch., London, New Inn 
Hall, Oxford Univ., and Dickenson 
Coli., Carlisle (M.A., 1890); Docteur 
é8 Lett1'e8 (hon.), Laval Unlv., 1901; 
m., 1st, June, 1886, Moiss Ber>bha Van 
KoEÙ (:d. - Jan., 1910); 2'l1', 
Jun1e, 19111, KatlhlleoeTh Rabhfl:run, o. d. 
1a.te Goo. A. Bnowrue, M'onIÌ1rea:l'; was 
assoocoiaJtoed at lOne .time with klol 
.HaJl;liows' IMiissi,on, ,Southwark, Lon- 
don, S.E., untdJer the Hlev. Ge<>. 
Berk.el'ey, and tJhe sisters of 1St. 
John 'bhe Barpbisrt, C1ewes" wi1:Jh rt:he 
view of entering the Ch., but abandon- 
ing such intention, came to Can., and 
was elllgd. in t0omm'erùial oocupaJt,i'Ûns 
In Montreal for some yrs.; devoting 
his leisure to literary work-princi- 
pally musical and dramatic criticism 
and Can. history-he contributed, not 
Infrequently, to the local mags. in both 
languages; was private secy. to the 
MinI'. of Public Works, P.Q., 1897; 
private s
y. to the Provo Treas., P.Q., 
1899-1901; joint librarian, Le.g. 
Library, P.Q., 1901-4; !Since May 16, 
1904, has been Dom. archivist and 
keeper of the records, Ottawa; C.M.G. 
1905; F. R. Hist. Soc., Eng., 1902; 
F.R.S.C., 1905; F.R.C.I.; a memo Can. 
So-c. of Authors, Li'. and Hist. Soc., 
Quebec, and 'Yisconsin Hist. .soc.; iß a 
dir. Alliance Française, Ottawa; apptd, 
a mrem. Can. His'Ì. .M'
n'll.s-cf\i;pt Comn., 
1907 ; a memo lit. cornte. apptd. in con- 
nection with t'he work of the Queb
Battlefields iAssn., 1908; do. a memo 
Dom. Geographic Bd., 1909; has at- 
tained proficiency in the .art of Ulum- 
inatin.g books on vellum; illuminated 
the volume presented by the city of 
Quebec t'O King George and Queen 
Mary, 1901; besides having contributed 
to the Am. Hist. Rev., Encycl. Britan- 
nica and similar pUblications, is the 
author of: a shorthand version of II In 
Memoriam" (1887); do. do., .. The 

Idylls of t,he K:ing" (1889); .. The 
Life and Work of Tennyson" (1893); 
.. Rose Leaves" (1894); .. The Song 
Story of Francesco and Beatrice .. 
(1896); "Nugæ OanlÜræ" (1897); 
.. The Site of the Battle of the Plains" 
(,18-98); .. T'bie Sie,ge .of Quebec and 
the Battle of the Plains" (with G. W, 
BaJl'IIlIailee, D.C.L., q.v.), 6 \'IOls., 1901- 
2; "Quebec Ulnldter Two Flra,gs" (wlit'h 
Dr. N. E. Di'Onn-e, q.v.), 190,3; 
.. The Fortr.ess úf Quebec, 1608-1903" 
(1904); "The Struggtle fQr Suprem- 
acy" (190.5); a coÞlecl:i'Ûn ()If docu- 
1IJJe1llt:s rolwinlg IÌ.Q .tirue' Constitu- 
tional Hist. of Can. (with Prof. Adam 
SlroI'Tbt, q.v.) (190.7); .. The Or3idle IOf 
New France" (1908) ; ,tne "Index and 
DiotJi..'On3Jry'Of Oanad.i'alJ1 llist-ory" (wli'th 
L. J. Bu'l"p>æ, q.v.) (19il1), and" The 
King'iS Book IO'f Quelboo'" (wilbh Lt.- 
001. W. C. H. WOÜ'od
 q.v.); now pre- 
,paI'Tin'g an ex.haustoivoe Irust. 'Of Oan., 
oomp:risin'g 112 vols.; wrolÌ.e the l.i:bretVt'Û 
of tbe oomñc opera, "BO'I1nie Prince 
Charlie" (1894); also wrote the lineli 
read on the oc-casion of the unveiling 
of the Montreal monument to ,Sir John 
MacdQnald, June 6, 1895; R. C.-165 
Cobourg St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; 
Ottawa Golf Club, do. 
nA w-oo-thy a,nd oapable ma.n .in his 
pIa.l'e. "-Collier' 8. 
'.A gra.ceful writer, ool,h of pro6e ßnd 
"D.eserves the highest credi,t for estab- 
fishing the> A,rchives Bureau O
a. operma.ruent ba:SIÍs."-H. E. the Eal'l Minto. 
"An a.uthority on an thångs relating to 
the co.nquest o.f Can. and that period."- 
.T. Ross Robertson (q.v.). 
Dougla., Alexander J., physician. 
S. W. D. and E. D.; b. Ont., 1874; e. 
Univ. Man. (B.A., 1893; M.D., C.M., 
1897) McGill Univ. and Eng. ; m., 1902, 
Miss N. E. Fairchild; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. in Winnipeg; is med. 
health offr., \Vinnipeg; prof. of hygiene, 
Man. Med. Coll. and staff phys., Winni- 
peg. genl. hosp.; also an examr. Can. 
branch, Royal Sany. Inst.; Ang.--86 
Smith St., Winnipeg; Manitoba Club, 
Dougla., Admiral Sir Archibald Lu- 
cius, Royal Navy (retired). 
2nd s. late Geo. Mellis D., M.D., and 
Charlotte.. d. late Arend. Campbell, 
Queen's Notary; b. Quebec, Feb. 8. 
1842; e. Quebec High Sch.; LL.D. 
(hon.), :McGill Univ., 1910; m., 1871, 
Constance E. (d. May, 1908), d. Rev. 
W. Hawks, formerly rector of Gates- 
head Fell., Co. Durham, Eng.; entd. 
R. N. as a cadet, on the nomination of 
Sir E. W. Head, Gov.-Genl. of Can., 
AJpl., 1856; promQted sub-lieut., 1861; 
lieut., 1862; comdr., 1872; capt., 1880; 
rear-admiral, 1895; vice-admiral, 1901; 
retired, 1907; served with Naval Bri- 
g3Jdte up .tIDe Oongo and Gambia, 1860; 
as gunnery lieut., H.M.S. Aurora, 
C'ommtanded .a gullluaæt on Can. lak1es 
during Fenian Rañ.d, 1866 ; was sr. staff 
offr. on H.M.S. Cambridge fo<r 3 yrs. 
6 múnths.; instr. in use of Harvey's 
torpedo to Channel and Reserve 
1872; apptd. commander of the naval 
mission to instruct Japanese navy, 



1873; dir. of Imp. Japanese Naval 
ColI., Yedo, 1873-5; commanded H.M.S. 
 dur>ing SouÒlan E}QI}dn., 1884 
(EgyptIan med.; K.høÒ.íiv-e's bronze 
ruter COlII1lmanlQler ,tJhe Edin- 
burgh, 'tJh'e Cambridge, and .t!he Excel- 
lent; <XJmrrn l anode'r-in-cl:lIilEf, East Indies, 
1898-9; 2nd Lord of the Admiralty 
1899-1902; memo ordnance .comte.: 
Woolwich, 1887-90; V.-P., do. do., 
1896-8; commander-in-chief, N. Am. 
and West Indian stations, 1902-4; dû. 
PortSU1louth, .1904-7; A.D.C. to late 
Queen Victoria, 1893-5 (Jubilee med.) ; 
K.C.B., :1902; G.C.V.O., 190-5; G.C.B., 
19,11; is also a Knight of the LegIon 
of Honour and holds 1st class Order 
of the Rising Sun (Japan); F.RC.I., 
1908.-Newnham Hook, Winchfield 
Hants, Eng.; Rock Cottage, Avonwick: 
Devo.n, do.; Travellers' Club; United 
ce Club, London; Royal Naval 
Club, Portsmouth, Eng. 
"A la.rge-he,a.rted, si,n,gle-minde-d. and 
P<> I(}ffice,
i8e de Fontenoy. 
'l'he fig.htmg tradItIOn. of the Soottish 
race- . has been worthily upheld by this 
warrIor son of Oa.nad'a."-M. Star. 
Douglas, Charles Stanford, journal- 
ist; le.gislator. 
Descended from Deacon Wm D 
who came from Scot., 1640, and. sei
tIed at Boston, Mass.; s. John A. D., 
who served as an otIr. in the Wis. 
volunteers during the Am. Civil War; 
cousin of Hon. Stephen A. D. (" The 
Little Giant") ; b. Madison, Wis., Oct. 
1, 1852; e. Wayland Univ., Wis.; m., 
1st, Dec., 1881, Annie (d.), d. J. E. 
Johnst<>n, Toronto; 2ndly iMch 1909 
Elizabeth ('Presdt., Vanco
ver W
Can. Club), d. John Fisher, Quebec 
and widow Principal Manley Toronto 
setHed at Fort WililiaJIIl, Oilt., 1877; 
removed to Emerson, Man. 1878 . 
published International ne
Was a memo town council, and U. S. 
consul .there; sat for Emerson (Local), 
Con. mterest, 1883-6; subsequently 
removed to B. C.; a broker In Van- 
couver; a dir. B. C. Refining C<>., Ltd.; 
presdt. Can. Renard Rd. 'l'ransporta- 
tion Co., Ltd., ,1910; elected mayor of 
Varuoouver, by 636 .majority, 19.10-11; 
Ang. - Vancouver, B.C.; Canadian 
Club, do. 
"Douglas, Edith" (see Black Miss E 
F.). ,. 
: Frederick Charles, physi- 
S. late Alex. and Mary Ross (Kyle) 
D..; b. Montreal, 1876; e. Montrf'al 
flIgh Sch. and McGill Univ.; m., Jan.. 
1908, Helene, d. late Jas. Baxter, 
Montreal; gwaduated M.D.,C.M. (Mc- 
Gill Univ.). 1903; D.P.H., 1905; M.R. 
S.T., London, Eng.; memo Royal SanI- 
tary Inst., 1906; at request of Bd. of 
Health, Fort William, Ont., took 
charge of typhoid epidemic existing 
there, and succeSSlfully overca.rne it, 
1906; Cong.-51 Park Ave., .Montreal. 
Douglas, His Honour George BenJa- 
min, Co. Ct. judge. 
Scottish origin; S. John D., Chat- 
ham, Ont.; nephew late Wm. D., K.C., 
elk. of the peace and co. atty., Co. 
Kent, Ont.; b. Chatham; e, Toronto 

Univ. (B.A., 1879); barrister 1882. 
apptd. judge Co. Ct., Co. Hal
.arud 11()lCa.1 judg>e Hi-g1h ICt., Ont., Api!. 23, 
1904.-Cayuga, Onto 
Doug1;as, Howard, Dom. public ser- 
S. Thos. and Charlotte (Ross) D., Co. 
Down, lreil.; b. Tp. Nelson, Ont., May 
8, 1852; e. Burlington High Sch.; m., 
1873, Alice Maud, d. Capt. vVm. John- 
son, Burlington, Onto ; went west, 
1882; for 4 yrs. engaged in construc- 
tion work C. P. By. ; af'VeT lÌJloat in busi- 
ness .on hiis o.wn a.ocorun1t; ald. dty o;f 
Calgary, and chairman Fire, Water, 
and Light Comte. 4 yrs. ; apptd. supdt. 
Riocky .Mbs. Bark IOf lOan., ,1897; now 
Ooanmr. Dam. .I"aJrks; sent !to 'Mont., 1:0 
brIng roo Oan. rtJhe 1h18Jl'd of buffalo pur- 
ohased !there Iby Itlhe Oan. Gov,t. f.or 
. Nat. Bark, 1907; Meth.-Banff, 
Douglas, James. metallurgist; capi- 
talis t. 
O. S. late Dr. Jas. D" M.RC.S., 
Edin., a native of Brechin, Sc.ot., and 
Elizabeth (Fergus<>n) D.; b. Quebec, 
1837; e. Edinburgh Univ. and Queen's 
UnJiv., Kli'IligstxmJ (.B.A., 1858); .LL.D., 
(hon.), McGill Unlv., H!99; m., 
Nov., 1860, Naomi, 3rd d. late Walter 
Doug-Ias, Glasgow, Scot.; o. to 
the Pres,b. ministry, but withdrew 
a1500r S<Ja'l1Ie yrs.' eXtPeTlience o1:Jhiel'eiin; 
was !prof. of ol1JeImistry, Miorrin COII.1., 
Quebec, for .sOlII1le y,rs.; presd.t. Ut. 
and Hist. Soc., Quebec, 1&69, land 
S11Jbsequenrt!ly; a f'requeTiit oontr>i,but'Or 
tJO 'boo OlJÒI Can. Monthly and other 
llooal mags.; iI"emovOO to tJhoe U. S., 
.18'7 5, }\IIl1JeTe noe .tl()Q\k chtwrg e () f Ibhie 
copper WIOrka oRit PlhæTI1ixV1Iilll8, Pa.; 

oa,toer -became presò!t. and business 
mangr. .of the Copoper Queen Mining 
Co., Detroit Copper 'Ca., and others in 
Arizona, and of the Nacozari Copper 
Mining Co., J\lexic<>; is also presdt. 
of the EI and S. W. Ry., the 
EI Paso and N. E. Ry., and the 
Nacozari Ry.; has been twice presdt. 
of the Inst. of Mining Engrs. and 
occupies an eminent and leading 
position in mining and ry. circles; 
represented the Uo'S. at the Mining 
Congress, Paris, 1900; a memo of 
many learned bodies; elected a trustee 
of Queen's Univ., 1901; do. a gov., 
McGiH Uuiv., 1910; opre.sdt., N. Y. 
QUoeeIlJS Ull1oiv. Soc., 1901; -is a od'ir. Can. 
Soc. of N, Y.; subscribed $10-,000 
towards the Sch. of Mining En- 
dowment fund, KIngston, 1908; gave 
'land, valued at $42,000, to the 
Proto Hosp. for the Insane, Montreal, 
do.; $5,000 to funds of McGill Univ., 
1909; !300 to Guy's Hosp. Sch., Lon- 
don, Eng., for X-rays and radium 
research, do.; and endowed a chair 
of Can. and colonial histary In 
Q,ueen's Univ. Soc., 1901; ,is a odJir. Dan. 
$25,00,0 to be dlevlOteod rtJo C'o-ordinoMoo 
:research ,in opa;t:h. IwboflaJtories, McGi.]ll 
Uruiv., 1911; besdd'es nrumel'ous pa.per.s 
on a. vaI1IetJy .of subjects, oorutri- 
buotelÒl IÌIO vari'ous Of\g3.nos 'of lPuhllic 
'Opi, noi,on lis .tlhe auotJhor of ,t:he foOt- 
'towi'ng w<>rks: "Clan. InodJepeno{]lence, 
Im,perial Federatiooll a.nodJ Anruexa'Uon.,.. 
'<.MiemooI,r of T. iS1tJerry Hurut, F.RS." 



(1898), "Uruteohruio3ll AddreS5e's <m 
Technical Subjects" (1905), "Old 
France in the New WIorld" (do.), 
.. The Intluence of the Railroads of 
:tJhe Uruited 
t:lætoes arua: CanadJa on 
1:!hJe Mineral Industry" (1909); and 
.. Journals and R-ean'inisøence.s of 
Jam'es Dougllas, M.D.," IÌJJ
(,19,10); a Bresb.-" Spuyten Duyvil," 
New York; 99 John St., New York; 
Century Association; Engineers' Club; 
City Club; Westchester Country Club; 
Adirondack League, N.Y.; Montmor- 
ency Club, Quebec. 
.. One of the foremost metallurgists in 
the wo.rld."-M. A.rgus. 
"A man of wide knowledge jn and thoro 
ough kI1JOlWllfdge <)if hiB W\<Yl"k!'-M. Gazette. 
Douglas, James .eCrie, merchant; 
S. Rev, Jas. D. (Presb.), a pioneer 
Western missy., now retired; b. Lan- 
ark, ant., 1868; went 'Vest with par- 
ents, 1878; e. in Man. and by private 
tuition; m., 1896, Miss Pickerton, 
Glasgow, Scot.; long in mercantile 
life at Strathcona; an ald. there, and 
presdt. Bd. of Trade; a Lib.; has 
sat for Strathcona (H. C.) since Oct., 
1909; one of 'the representatlV'es of 
H. .c. a.t COl'OnwUcm .of King Qe.ovg'e 
am Queen M,ary, 1911; a Presb.- 
St1.athcona, Alta. 
"Capable, painstaking, courteous and 
fair."-M. Herald. 
Douglas, Bon, James Moffat, legis- 
B. Linton, Bankhead, Roxborough, 
Scot., May 26, 1839; e. there and To- 
ronto Univ.; studied theol., Knox 
ColI., Toronto, and Princeton Semy.; 
m., 1861, Jane, d. Geo. Smith, Darl- 
ington, ant.; o. (presb. Ch.), 1865; 
after serving as pastor at Uxbridge 
and Cobourg, ant., went as a mlssy. 
to India; was chaplain to H. M.'s 
troops at Mhow, 1876-82; on return- 
ing to Can. was successively pastor at 
Brandon, Man., and Moosomln, N,W. 
T.; retire,a: from ministry to take up 
farming, 1896; sat for E. Assiniboia 
(H. C.), representing Patron interests, 
1896-1904 ; was c:hairman Standing 
Comte. on Agri-culture in that chamber; 
called to the Senate, Mch. 8, 1906; 
moved a resolution, 1898, f{)r a fuLler 
a.nd freer discussion of public questions 
in: the Seru;tite.-Tantallon, Sask. 
Douglas, John C" lawyer. 
S. John and Rebecca Ann D.; father 
mangr. of Collieries, Stellarton, for 
many yrs.; b. Stellarton, N.S., 1875; 
e. Albion Mines schs., Pictou Acad., 
M.t. AUiÏOOI1J Unriv. (B.A., 1897; M.A., 
1907) and DaJl'h!O'Usi,e Univ. (DL.B., 
1899); barrister, 1900; suooessfu
poI'aCItoiBed rus !prof. .at Stoellarton, for 
a short 'pedro; since 1:ù1oen 8Jt Gll!We 
Bay; wwn oolr., tthere, since 1909; 
oounciiHor, StJelillartO'Il, 1899
1900 ; 
may<Y1" of Gl'aoo Bay siIllOO 190.8 ; 
founded the Gl-aoe Bay .standard, 
which he ed. and 'P'l1blishoo f10r soone 
yrs.; refused 10 oaU !Qut the miHtia on 
1.lhe l!"eQ.uisÍiUon of ,bhe Dom. Coal Co. !\.n 
its II strike" wJ:th elI1!Pl{)iyeeos, 1909-10; 
during the course of this "strike," 
lasting over a year. was a consistent 

su.pporter of 1lhe hioniOu,mble prlnoitplles 
oJ' lrubour and sympa;bhized' with'llie men 
In their demands, which were con- 
sidered just; position taken by him 
wa..s enooI'lSeld ,by ltJh,e Tr'adies and LaJbo'llT 
Congress of Can. and many other less 
important bodies, as well as by a great 
number of private citizens all over 
Can.; Meth.; Con. and a staunch sup- 
porter of the Con. interests; a prob- 
able candidate for the Legislature at 
ensuing g.e.-Glace Bay, N.S. 
"A shrew.dJ busineßs man .and one of the 
best oT
a.nizers in t.he pro-vinoe."-H. 
Douglas, Robert Chambers, hydraulic 
.and .bI1id,g>Ð erugineer; Dam. public 
ScotJtiish O'f!i,gin; s. RoM. and Oath- 
erlne (Chambers) D., Amherst, N.S.; 
b. there, Jan. 6, 1847; e. Wolfville 
Acad., Acadia Univ. and Glasgow 
Univ.; unm.; a pupil of Messrs. Bell 
& Miller, hydraulic and bridge engrs., 
Glasgow, Scot.; sometime asst. engr. 
on their works; entd. pUblic service as 
an asst., chief engr.'s branch, Dept. 
Public Works, Can., 1871; promoted 
asst. en gr. , Dept. Rys. and Canals, 
18ï9; hydraulic engr., do., 1882; since 
1893 has been hydraulic and bridge 
engr., do.; took 1st prize In competi- 
tion for plans for Dufferin Bridge, Ot- 
ta wa; R:olYal comn. 10 enquire 
Into leasing of water power, Lachine 
CaDlaJl, 18&6; 1ffiIe1111. Royal Garon. re 
'Velllngton or Curran bridge, Lachine 
Canal, 1893; author numerous scien- 
tific papers, and of official reports on 
departmental matters; Presb.-9 Lyon 
St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; ottawa 
Golf Club, do. 
"A worthy pu.p
 of Jo()hn Page,"-O. 
"An .wble and trustworthy offioi.a<1."- 
M. Gazette. 
Douglas, Walter, mining engineeer. 
S. Jas. D., LL.D. (q.v.); b. Quebec. 
1870; e. U. C. ColI., Morrin ColI., Que- 
bec, Royal Mil, ColI., Kingston, and 
Columbia Univ., N. Y.; m., 
ept., 1902. 
E. M., d. Dr. Robt. Bell, F.R.
. (q.v.), 
Ottawa; is genl. mangr. Copper Queen 
CQnsoHd.aOOà: Mining Co., Bisbee, Ariz., 
and 2nd: V.-P. EL Paso & S. Western 
Ry. Co.; Presb.-Bisbee, Ariz., U.S.; 
Engineers' Club, New York; Columbia 
University Club, do, 
Douglas, WilUam James, business 
S. late Jas. S. D., A.M., M.D., Ph.D.; 
b. Hamilton, Oneida Co., N. Y., May 
28, \1&46; e. :Mil:walUkee, Wds; 1m. 
EUm., d, Jeremiah Riordan, surg. Royal 
Navy; came to Can., 1877; has J;>een 
gen!. mangr. Toronto .Mail and 
Empire Co, many yrs.; formerly V.- 
P. Nat. Club; is a trustee Toronto 
Genl. Hosp., a dir. Toronto Paper 
Co., and of Can. Associated Press, of 
which he was a promoter; Con.; 
Presb.--6Z St. Alban St., Toronto; 
National Club; Albany Club, do. 
Douglas, William Murray, lawyer. 
B. 1864 ; e. Toronto; m. Miss 
Eleanor Constance Coldham (d. Mch., 
1907); barrister, 1886; K.C., 1899; 



sucoessfulily pracbises h
s (prof. In To- 
ron too; .formef'1<y a moem. of fiTIIl Mc- 
Cartih'Y. Osl
 & Creelman; presdt. 
OsgO'ode Legal and LLt. Soc.. 1888-9; 
urusuccessfu1 oand'Ïda1:e f.or benohershLp 
Law Soc., 1906; a specialist dn ollie 
paorocu1ar branch of oOIDffilerC!.aà 'la.w; 
}ji.b.-l38 Madison Ave., Toronto; To- 
ronto Club. 
Douglass, William Alexander, ac- 
countant and assignee. 
Irish and Scottish descent; b. Sur- 
. rey, Eng., .June 21, 1842; e. Eng. schs., 
Toronto Normal Sch. (1st class cert.), 
and Victoria Univ. (B.A., 1873); m., 
1873, Emeline Sarah, 2ndd. RO'M. Arm- 
strong, .J.P., Millbrook, Ont.; origin- 
ally a telegraph operator; subsequently 
an educationist; successively, head 
master, High Schs., Mt. Pleasant and 
Onangeville ; later, accountant and asst. 
mangr. for 20 yrs. of the Freehold Loan 
& Savings Co., Toronto; now a public 
auditor, accountant and assignee, To- 
ronto; lûng a student of finance; 
widely known as a writer and speaker; 
read an Important paper before the 
Brit. Assn., 1884, which was the pre- 
cursor of many others on economic 
sUbjects; an advocate of the Single 
Tax; was electe.d 3rd V.
P. of the Single 
Tax League, N.Y., 1907; author, .. The 
Religion of the Social Problem .. 
(1902); Meth.-!20 Wellesley St., To- 
DonI!, Very Rev, Alexander John 
(Ang.) . 
S. late Alex. Keith D.. merchant. 
Halifax, N.S.; b. there, 1870; e. Pic- 
tou, N.S., Merchlston Castle Schoo 
Edinburgh. and Oriel ColI., Oxford 
(M.A., 1898); m., 1901, Gertrude, d. 
Francis Cundl11, Montreal; o. deacon, 
1896; priest, 1898; asst. curate parish 
ch., Leeds, Eng., 1896-9; do. do. Ch. 
of the Advent, Westmount, P.Q., 
1899-.190,1; recl:JOlr tdJo. do., 190,1-1910; 
since then has been dean of Caledonia 
and rector of Christ Ch. Cath., Vic- 
ctod'8,; a oounoomor Bishop's 00'111., 
LenIl1IOxvlUe, P.Q; apptd. ibon. oh1ajp- 

l3.dn, ACItlOrs' Dh. .AJ1!oiamce ûlf Am., 19111. 
-The Rectory, Victoria, B.C. 
.. An excellent preacher and a good 
administrator.' '-M. Gazette, 
Dou1l, Major John Doull, Oan. regular 
mil. forces. 
S. Wm. M. D., financial broker, 
Montreal; b. there, ApI. 17, 1874; e. 
Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston; graduated, 
1894; m., .July, 1906, Eva Rose, d. 
.Jas. H. Butler. Keystone Road. Mal- 
den, Mass.; gazetted Heut., Yorkshire 
Light Infy., 1894; capt. 1900' re- 
signed, and entd. Roy. Cán. Red., as 
oa,pt., 1905; promoted maJor, 1907; 
passed 1st class promotion examn. on 
staff duties, 1906; served during S. 
A. war, 1899-1902 (Queen's med.. with 
3 clasps; King's med., with 2 clasps). 
-Fredericton, N.B.; Halifax Club 
Halifax, N.S. ' 
Douvi1le, lI/Igr, Joseph Antoine :Irénée 
S. Pierre Michel and Marie Anne 
(Charest) D.; b. Ste. Anne-de-Ia- 
Perade, P.Q., Dec. 21, 1838; e. Nicolet 
CoIl, and Laval Unlv. (M.A.. 1866; 

D.D., 1902) ; o. 1862; successively prof. 
of math. and physIcs and chemistry, 
Nicolet ColI.; Prefect des Etudes, do., 
1882; superior, do., 1895; presided at 
works during the construction of the 
Monument du CentenaIre, do., 1900-3; 
,bon. canon, Montreal Calh., 1901 ; 
'prèlat Domestique d.e S. S. Ie Pape, 
1903 ; auLhor .. L'HisLoire au Ool,l.-Sem. 
de Nioolet" (1903); V. G., 1909; a;t- 
.tended the Plenary Council. Quebec, 
,1909, and the Eucharistic Oongress, 
Mûntreal, 1910.-The College, Nicolet, 
"A man of exceptional gift.s."-M. 
II EnjoYß t.he love- an.d esteem o.f all his 
coHeagues."-M. Herald. 
Dover, Miss Mary Violette, educa- 
D. Frank D., Peterborough, Ont.; 
b. there; e. there. and McGlll Unlv., 
Montreal (B.A., 1898; M.Sc., the first 
lady to receive the degree at McGill, 
1900) ; some time a lect. and demon- 
strator in chemist., McGlll Unlv.; 
gained a fellowship In chemist.. Bryn 
Mawr ColI., Penn., also a travelI. fel- 
lowship; Ph.D. (Breslau Unlv.), 1908; 
her treatise was In German, and on 
thf' subject of chemlst.-Peterborough, 
Dow Misses (Mary and Jessie), phH- 
Da;ugbters llaJle Andrew D., an em'Ïßlenrt: 
brewer, Montrea,l; sisters of Lady 
Hickson (q.v.); b. and e. Montreal; 
besides -contribu.ting libera;lly to the 
financial support of many of Mont- 
real's charitable and other deserving 
Institutions, they founded, In 1901, 
with the sum of $60.000, the William 
Dow Chair of Political Economy In 
McGill Unlv., In memory of thplr 
unde; they have also given IIberaltly 
to the funds or! 'the Montreal Aux. 
Bible Soc.; they are govs. of the Art 
Assn., Montreal, Mackay Inst. for 
Deaf and Dumb, Proto House of In- 
dustry, etc., and V.-Ps. of tJhe Montreal 
Tubercul. In st. and the Victorian Or- 
der of Nurses; are ranked by the Mont- 
r.ea1 Star as being among the mJ1llion- 
aJi.rels; .PreSb.-W7 Dorchester St. W., 
II Pre-eminoent for the-iT uJ1/hmmded 
cha.Tity, .and 1m erveT CO'TI'1;ideTing t.he 
aged arnd neroy."-The late Mrs. Wheeler. 
Dowler, Wellington Jeffers, retired 
A bro. W. A. D. (q.v.): e. Victoria 
Unlv. (B.A., 1880); o. (Meth. Ch.), 
1885; helld various pastorates In B. C. ; 
withdrew, 1889; sln.ce then has been 
city -elk., VI,etorla, B.C.; author of a 
national song, II Canada's; S-ong of Free- 
dom," dedicated to the Can. Clubs of 
the Dom. (1908).-"Victoria, B.C. 
Dowler, William Arthur, lawyer, 
S. late Rev. 
. A. D. (Meth. ), a 
native of Carrlcl{-on-Shannon, IreI., 
and Mary (Williams) D.; b. Mano- 
tick, Ont., ApI. 26, 1862; e. Perth and 
Iroquois High Schs., and Victoria 
Univ. (B.A., 1880); barrister, 1884; 
K.C., 1899; has suoocessfully practised 
hIs pro!. throughout at Tlllsonburg; a 



dir. Trusts & Guarantee Co.; a Lib., 
and unsuc.cessful1ly contested S. Oxford 
(Local), g. e., 1905; a Meth.-Till- 
8onburg, Onto 
Dowlin, His Honour John Lawrence, 
00. Ot. judge. 
Irish ancestry; b. nr. Appleton, 
Ont., .June 24, 1854; e. High Sch., 
Carleton Place., and St. Michael's 
Ü<)jll., TQronltJo; ro.; a 'bamster; suc- 
cessfuU.y prru:.'ltoisoo ihds !prof. .in: Ot- 
'ÌlaWla; wpp.tldi. jun'ilQlI" judlge, ,Co. Kerut, 
Ont., and cr'ooa:l> judge of .tJhe Hig'h Ct., 
Moh. 81, .1904; a R. C.--Chatham, Onto 
Dowling, Donaldson :Bogart, Dom. 
public service. 
S. Richd. D., NewburgQ, Onto ; 
grandf., .John D., an early s
,ttler of 
Addington; b. Tp. Camden, Co. Add- 
in1gton, On1., Nov. 5, 1858; e. Na;panee 
High Sch. and McGill Univ. (B.A.Sc., Gov.-GenJ1.'s meà. for highest genl. 
standing, 1883); m., Dec., 1885, Miss 
Lucy Isabella Perry, Tamworth, Ont.; 
entd. service Can. Geol. Survey, 1884; 
apptd. geologist, do., 1895; has had 
charge of a number of explorations in 
N. W., including Man.; has devoted 
much time to an examination of the 
coal resources O'f Central Can.; de- 
livered special ledure.s before McGill 
Unlv., 1910; author of various scien- 
tific reports and papers and of an index 
to the reports of the geol. survey, 1863- 
84; apptd. a memo Dom. Geographic 
Bd., .Jan., 1900; a Meth.-f89 MacLeod 
St., Ottawa. 
Dowling, The Venerable Theodore 
Edward (Ang.). 
Second s. late Rev. J. G. D., M.A., 
rector St. Mary-de-Crypt, Gloucester, 
Eng.; b. St. Mary-de-Crypt, Oct. 15, 
1837; e. St. Augustine's CoH., Canter- 
bury; D.D., hon. (Kin
s Colt., Windsor, 
N.S.), 1902; m., ApI., 1863, Carollne 
.Jane, o. d. Sheriff Walhaupter, Fred- 
ericton. N.B.; O. deacon, 1861; priest, 
1862, by Bp. of Fredericton; R. D., 
Fredericton, 1868-71: do., St. .John, 
N.B.. 1884: held various charges In 
N. B., 1861-89: Domestic Chap.. Bp. 
O'f .J-erosa.1erm, .1889: resid'eßltøry ctl.nlOl!1 
Olivet Stall, St. George'!': CoHo Ch., 
.Jerusalem; do., Ang. chaplain, Haifa: 
commissary within the Bishopric of 
.Jerusalem for intf'rcourse with the 
Eastern chs., 1906; archdeacon of 
Svria. 1907: author .. Dip!': P
f'1-c.-St. Luke's Mission, Haifa-under- 
Mt. Carmel, Palestine. 
Dowling, The :at, Bev, Thomas 
Joseph (R. C.), Bishop. 
B. Co. Limerick. Irel., Feb. 28, 1840; 
mme to Can.. 1851; e. Hamilton, St. 
Michael's ColI., Toronto, and the 
Grand Semy., Montreal; D.D. ; 0.. 
1864; was parish priest at Paris 22 
y,ng.: V.G. (Ha'ITl'iliooI1l), 1881; I3!dmnrr. 
of the diocese, 1883; Bp. of Peterboro, 
1887-9; trans<{'(l. .tlo Ha'mntOÜ'n
apptd. Grand Spiritual Adviser, C.M. 
B.A., 1906: excused from attending 
the Plenary Council, Quebec, 1909; 
aUended the Eucharistic Congress, 
MjO'nt1'e3.ll, 1910.-The Palace Hamil- 
ton, Ont, ' 

Downey, Joseph Patrick, journalist. 
Onto .public service. ' 
S. late Patrick 
. D., a native of 
Cork, IreI., and Bridget (McTague) 
D.; b. Puslinc11, Ont., 
an. 17, 1865' 
e. at his father's sch.; m., .June 1893' 
Elijen .Josephine, d. Thos. O
Guelph, Ont.; became city ed. Guellph 
Herald, 1883; ed., do., 1885; resigned, 
.Jan., 1907; elected Ipresdt. Can. Tuber- 
cu1. Assn., and Charities and Correction 
.AJSsn., 1909; do. hon. presdt. Om. Prof. 
Hockey League, 1908; apptd'. ühairman 
Royal Comn. to investigate !prison 
labour questions, Aug., 1907; repre- 
sented Weflllngton S. (Local), 1902-10, 
when a;pptd, supdt. Asy.lum for Idiots 
Ori1lia (
preseruted with a 'Purse con
taining $1,000 by'hloS constituents, Nov.. 
1910): a. memo I.O.F.. A.O.U.W., and 
C.M.E..A.; a R. IC.-The Asylum for 
Idiots, OriIlia, Onto 
"A fo()ll'oefulI ad'\'1()oOOte of many useful re- 
füorms."-M. & E. 
"A warm-hearted Irishman by descent, 
and pours into his speeches much of the 
inihe.rited feTVo'U r, eloquence and: [l>OOtry 
of his race."-T. Globe. 
Downey, Wallace, shipbuilder. 
B. Minudie, N.S., MHY 11, 1862: e. 
there; m., .June, 1894, Miss Ada pring-- 
norn, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Wf'nt to N. Y., 
1880; became presdt. Townsend-Dow- 
ney Shipbuilding Co. and the Tebo 
Yacht & Basin Co., there: built all 
types of vessels, including the famous 
cruising and racing yacht Meteor for 
the Emppror of Gf'rmanv, 1902: the 
yacht A.tln?ltic, winner of thf> gold cup 
!pre,sented Iby 1Jhe same mlOnarch for 
3JIlj intern. race, 1905: t'he y!R'0hts 
Shenandoah, Elemina, Murial, Neola, 
Te1cla, Resolute, A. , Jlara and many 
othf'r first class yachts known in the 
aquatic worM; award('d the contract 
for the mat:metic survf'Y vess"l Car- 
negie, a unique vessel, by Carnegie 
Inst., Washington, 1908; Is also presi- 
dent Prospect Land & Improvement 
Co. and the N. Y. Mf'tal Trai1f'Ts' 
Assn-.; served as presdlt. Can. Hoc., 
N. Y., for 2 te.rm.s; a memo Soc. Naval 
A rchitects and Marine Engrs.; enter- 
tained Prince Hf'nry of Prussia and 
Prf'sdt. Roospvelt at launching of 
lIfeteor: a Prf'sh.-275 C'i11tnn Ave., 
Brooklyn, N.Y.; New Yor1c Yacht Club; 
A.tlantic Yacht Club; Brit. Schs. and 
Universities Club, do. 
.. A Cumberland bov all Nova Scotia is 
proud of."-H. Herald. 
Downie, Bev, Joñn (Ang.). 
S. Hugh and Margt. (Haney) D., 
Toronto; b. IreI., 1841; e. Kingston 
Classical Sch., 1863-5, and Huron 
Con., 1866-9; B.D., Western Univ., 
1882; m., 1865, Miss .Josephine C. 
Rogers; o. 1869; rf>ctor Colchester 
and KlngsvlUe, 1869-74; Morpeth, 
1874-87: Lucan, 1887-9; Berlin, 1889- 
93; Wla:tf.ord, 1893-1905; 'fle<CtO'I' of Port 
Stanley since latter date: apptd. 
canon, St. Paul's Cath., London, Ont., 
1903; a clergyman of the Proto Evan. 
Ch.; believes In the plenary inspira- 
tion of the holy scriptures, and the 
pre-millennlal advent of our Blessed 



Lord; has been chairman of the 
Diocesan S. S. Comte. for a length- 
ened period, and takes a warm In- 
terest in the educ. of the young, the 
upbullding of parishes, the erection of 
ecclesiast. and well appointed ch. edi- 
fices, etc.; believes that the Bible 
should be a text-book In the pubUc 
and high s('hs., and that set portions 
of it should be committed to memory 
by the pupils: a Con.-Port Stanley, 
Downie, Wil1iam, Can. ry. service. 
A bro. Rev. Canon D. (q.v.): b. 
Rock Currie, Irel., Nov. 12, 1850 : 
e. t'here; m., Dec., 1901}, Charlotte, 2nd 
d. la1e Wiffi. WHson, M.D., K.C., OttGwa; 
entd. service Northern Ry. of Can., 
1866, becoming ultimately chief des- 
patcher and car distributor on that 
road: joined the C. P. Ry., 1886, and 
has been since then asst. supdt., Pac. 
div., 1886-97: supdt., -doo., 1897
1903. and 
since latter year, genl. supdt. of the 
Atlantic dlv.; Is a past grand master 
of the Freemasons of B. C., and a 
councillor, local hranch, Imp. Federa- 
tion League: In N. B., a òlr. St. .John 
Ry. Co., ani! Reaman's Mission Roc.; 
an Ang.: also a ch. 'Warden.-Cob1trg 
St., St. Jolin. N.R.; Union Club, do.; 
"Vanrouvpr Club. "Vancouver. 
"Exce'li 1 e.nt and 
()I()'d."-][. Gazette. 
Doyle, His Honour Berna.rd Louis, Co. 
Ct. .Judge. 
Irish parentage: s. Nicholas and 
Ann (Shannon) D.: b. Matilda, Co. 
Dundas, Ont., Dec. 9, ] 840: e. private 
tuition and Goderlch Grammar Sch.; 
m., Nov., ] 871. Caroline L. G. North- 
greaves (distinrguished: as a musical 
composer), ni.ece Very Rev. Dean 
Northgrea'Ves (q.v.); barrister, 1865: 
a memo town council. Goderlch; maY'Qr 
òo., 1880-81; dedlned Con. nomination 
for S. Huron (H. C.). 1875; junior 
judge, Co. Huron, 1883-1902; since then 
judge of Huron: was R. 0., under E. 
F. A., for E. ani! W. Huron: judg-e 
In admiralty, Exchequer ('t. for 
Huron and Brucf'. Aug'. 26. ] 897 : local 
master Rupreme Ct.. for Huron Sept. 
] 0, lRQ7: jl1i\g-e Rurrogate C't.. "Huron. 
Dec. 31. 1907: a R. C.-Goderich, Onto 
Drake, Frederick Phinea.s. phvc:lcian. 
S. late Wm. H. D.. M.D., Wlnt1sor, 
Onto ; h. an'ò e. Kingsvme, Ont.; gmòu- 
:lted "M.D..C.
r.. Toronto Univ., 188
m.. .Jan., 1902, Daisy, y. d. T. R. 
Wright. Port Huron. Mich.: memo -CoH. 
P. and R, Ont., 18R3; sucøessfully 
practises his prof. a t London; presen t 
nt the Intern. Med. Congress, Budapest, 
ary, and was presenteò at the 
A ustrlan Court, 1909.-,'71 We1lin ,.,ton 
St.. London, Ont.; London Club. dó. 
Drayton, Henry Lumley, lawyer. 
S. P. H. D. (,.,.'1'.) ; b. Kln
ston, Ont.: 
e. .Jarvis St. ColI. Inst.. Toronto, and 
in Eng.; m.. Seplt., 1892, Edith Mary, 
1". d. late .Joseph iCawthra, Toronto; 
barrister, 1891; K.C., 1908; suecess- 
fully practises hi's prof. in Toronto 
as a memo of the firm of Holman, D. 
& Bissett; formerly asst. city solr., 
and Co. atty., Toronto; resigned former 
offic.e, 1900, and latter office, Nov., 
1909; decIlned appt. as CorporoItl,on 

Counsel, Toronto, .June, 1909; apptd. 
-do., 19.10; RIWM. Irepl'esenttaltlV'e of city 
of Ttoronltl() I()IJ1 OOIffiIIlI. of Hy>d ro- Ðlectrk 
Affa,irs for T>OI101llÌJO, 1911; pl'ea.d!ed 
Þefol'e 'Ì!heP. C., En.g., do.; An.g.-18 
Elrn Ave., Toronto. 
.. An able man, and strong lawyer."-T, 
Drayton, PhiUp Henry, lawyer. 
Parents from Northamptonshire, 
Eng.; b. Barbadoes, W.I., Sept. 27, 
1846; e. Chelitenham ColI. ani1 the 
Royal Mil. Coil., Eng.; m., 1st, Margt. 
S. (d. .July, 1898), -d. late Dr. C. W. 
Covernton, Toronto: 2ndly, Oct., 1907, 
Isabel, 21l1d d.. W. E. Griffith, T()fIxmlto; 
formerly an offr. in H. M.'s 16th 
Regt., and subsequently in the Royal 
Can. Rifles ani1 H. M.'s 76th Regt.; 
studied ,law with the firm of Bethune, 
Oßler & Moss, Toronto; barrister, 1881; 
(took 4 scholarships at Osgoode Hall) ; 
has since successfully practised his 
prof. in Toronto; was. also. a lect. and 
law examr. at Osgoode Hall; at one 
time an ald. ; K.C., 1908; ap'Ptd. official 
arbitratoT and referee for Ont., Sept., 
1907; elected presdt. Imp. Soldiers' and 
Sailors' League. 1907: Ang.; Con.- 
151,1 Queen St. W., Toronto. 
Drennan, lIIßss Jennie Gillespie, 
D. late Rev. Alex. D. (Meth.); 
gra:rudd. laote 'TIh'Ü's. SIßJde Ro'b1inEJ'O'Il, To- 
ronto; b. Gaspê Basin, P.Q., Dec. 17. 
1870; e. Kingston ColI. Inst.; studied 
meò. "Toman's Med. ColI. and Queen's 
Univ.; graduated, 181}5; at present 
med. supdt. Amasa Wood HosD., St. 
Thomas, Ont.; Presb. - St. Thomas, 
Dresser, John Alexander, education- 
S. Geo. F. and Algin'! M. (Healy) 
D.: b. Richmond, P.Q., .June 27, 1866; 
e. St. Francis Coil., McGill Univ. 
(B.A., 1893: M.A.. 181}7) and Haryard 
Univ.; m., 1895, Florence M. (d. .Jan., 
1902), d. .John McLean, Aylmer, P.Q.; 
principal Shawville Acad., 1888-9; do. 
Aylmer do., 1889-95; do. St. Francis 
ColI., Richmond, P.Q., 1895-1903; do. 
Grammar Sch., St. Henri, P.Q., 1903; 
I1IOW (19110 ) , a Ileot. iu IgeoDll., McGnI 
Univ.; a V.-P. Proto Teachers' Assn., 
P.Q.; has devoted his life to genl. 
teaching and geologic research; in laUer 
field his Investigations have been 
carried out under the auspices of the 
Can. Geol. Survey; one of the most 
recent of these, is a detailed examina- 
tion of the copper-bearing rocks of the 
E. T.; author of a iP'alP'eT I(m t:hat sub- 
ject contd. in a nulletin Dl1nlishei1 nv 
'the Geol. Soc. of 'Am., 1907, and of 
another pUblished 'by the Can. Min- 
Ing Inst. 1902; Is asso. ed. for Can. of 
both thè Bulletin of the A rn. Bureau 
of Geography and the Am. Journ. of 
Geography; Ang.-19 Overdale Ave., 
Montreal; University Club, do. 
.. Is steadi1v making a name fo.r himself 
ical 'circles on this continent."- 
M. Herald. 
Dressler, Miss lIIIa.rle (Leila), actress. 
D. late Alexander Rudolph and Annie 
(Henderson) Roerber; b. Cobourg, 



Ont., Nov. 9, 1873 ; e. Toronto; rn. J. R. 
Dalton; a noted comedienne; early ap- 
pearances were in various aperaHc 
roles, including a tour with the Bennett 
& Moulton Opera Co.: appeared with 
CamllIe d' Arv-ille ,In .. Madeline, or the 
Magic Kiss"; supported Lillian Russell 
in .. .My Lady NiooUne," at the CasIno, 
N.Y., and there created the role of 
Flo Honeydew In .. The Lady Slavey," 
her chief success; starred In .. Miss 
Prlnnt " and took leading comedy parts 
at the N.Y. Theatre; joined the Weber 
Co., as leading woman, 1906: more 
recently, starred In Eng. and Can. in 
.. Tillie's Nightmare"; a perform- 
ance in N.Y., for her benefit, 1903, 
reallzed $7,682; a devoted golf player. 
-Care it Dramatic .
lirror," New York. 
II An American actress of extrao.rdin,a-rv 
foroo"-N. y, World. .' 
Drewry, Edward Lancaster, business 
S. Edward and Caroline D.; father 
formerly an f'xtensive brewer in Nf'w- 
port, Eng'.; b. London, Eng'.. 1851; 
came to Am.. 1860; e. St. Panl. Minn.; 
m., 1874, Eliza, e. d. late Cant. Jas 

t. Paul, formprly Sppaker 
Minn. Lpgislaturf'; removed to Win- 
niopg-. 1 R77: nropr. R"fiwnod Rrpw- 
ery; a dlr. N. W. Ins. Co., and of the 
Union Bank at' Can.; prpsdt. Pennt. 
Mortgage & Tnlst Co.; do. Operatic 
Soc.; a gov. Winnipeg Gen1. Hosn.; 
halnnan Public Parks Bd. 
and -pre'sdrt. Wdn;n.ipe.g' R1fl,e Assn..; has 
R.llSO bf'!eßl 'C1hairnmm, looaJl IbrenlC'ih. Can. 
Manf:rs. Assn.; .aM., WiÏnnÌ-peg. 1882-4: 
a CO'11_; s
rt for North W,inlJ'1'i'11,etg' 
(IJocaJI), 1886-88;' ðlOOldned furtohf>r 
lle'g'lsIJ'a1:ive honlOlUrs'; rntbed. as a mU- 
ldonlaire; Anig'. , and a d,el. tbo 11he 

fa?1itoba Club: 
C()mmerdal Cl1lb: ]Iran. Jockey Club: 
Winnipe.17 Rowing Club, do.; Alpine 
Club. Ranff. 
.. One of Winnipeg's solid men."-Rev. 
Dr. Cochrane. 
Drewry, Frederick William, busines!i 
Bro. ÐdWBrd L. D. (q.v.): b. NiPW'\1oOrt, 
Enlg.. Aug'. 6. 185!'í: f>. St. Paul. Minn. : 
m., 1 R8t. Autrusta E. (d. 1885), d. Co1. A. 
A. Kiefer, M.C., fonnf'rly Mayor of St. 
Paul; a memo firm D. & Son. brew- 
f'r!'l. St. Paul; removei! to Winnlpf'g' 
1881, whf're he pngi!. with his hro. in 
thp ('ondll('t of thp Rei!wood fact()rlp!'l: 
mane-r. of thp phnt do.:' wa!'l nrf'srlt. 
Winnlopg Exprpss Co.. WlnnlDPg In- 
nnst. 'F':"Xhn. .JI..ssn.. ani! 'f'oJ. -nT. (",.,.,..,. 
TI'avells.' Assn.; at nresf'Tht pre-sdt. Bd. 
nd'Tradlp. (e11f''Í',t,p(l, 19110) : a .('Ioir. H'Ûmlf' 
Invest. Co.. chainnan Publlc Parks Bd. 
and presdt. N. W. Farm Lands Cor- 
pOTation; also a g'ov. St. Charlf'!!! C'oun- 
try Club; a lover at' clean and m
sport; ha!-1 bepn a dlr. WlTmlpf'
('rosse Club. prf'
dt. st. Jl)hn's C-oll. 
Cricket Club. and nresdt. Man. Rug-hy 
Assn. : a Con., and, f-onnf'rly V.-P. Llñ.- 
Coon. Assn. ; all' Ang., and an a'l1dJltor I
 Cath.: hplong-!-1 t() A. O. U. W., 
A. O. U. n.. K. of P. anëJ. Fr p pma!-1ons' 
11f1!'1 i!pC"linpi! C"lviC' ::Inn 1"I
honours.- Winnipeg: Manitoba Club'; 
Commercial Club; St. Charle8 Country 

Club; Clef Club; Lake of the Wood.! 
Yacht Club; Winnipeg Tenni8 Club' 
owing Club; Canadia;" 
Club; Wtnmpeg A uto?11obile Club. 
"Very 'Populowr."-Hon. J. O. Patter. 
son (q.v.). 
Driscoll, G-:orge Frederick, theatrical 
S. J. D. D.. Ottawa; b. St. John 
N.B., Aug. 23, 18&2; oe. ofthere: m.: 
June, 1.911, W,in'Illifred, d. 'late Edwa:rd 
Hart, 'Mìonrt1"eta:l; 'E!n:bã. tJheatri'Cal pl'o- 
fession. 1902; fOT 3 y.I'S. was emlpl'o
n.s I"OOid man;g>r. and newspaper re.pre- 
eenrta1:1i'V'e of Vlarl'ous sbaJI's' ltatJer 
be'C3ime eonnoooted w1,th Itih'e' Bennett 
ThæJtJrloa.:1! En:terpris'es 00.. am.f.l 
supervised the erecltion of the Bennett 
Theatres In Lon-don and Hamiltlon, 
Ont; during 1906-7 opened a chain of 
moving picture houS'es, extending from 
Sydney, C.B., to London, Ont.; during 
1907-8 was in charge of the Bennett 
Theatre, at Hamilton, and during 1908- 
9 was the m.angr. of the principal office 
of the BenneJtt Co., and In charge of 
the CO.'iS Can. Booking Exchange at 
London, Ont.;. since then has been 
mangr. of the Bennett, now the Or- 
um Thea-t,1"e, McmlÌI"e'al: R. C.- 
Wmdsor Hotel, Montreal. 
. Drouin, Francois Xavier, lawveT. 
B. P. Q.; m.; advo{'ate, 1872; K.C., 
(M. of Lansd-owne), 1887; do. (P. Q.), 
1899; successfully practises his prof. 
in Quebec; head 0If firm D., D. & D.; 
LL.D, (Laval), 1908; blitonnier, Que- 
boeoc bar, ,1904-6; bâtonnier general, 
1906-7; unsuccessfully contested Que- 
bec E. (H. C.), Con. Inlterest, g. e. 
1887; R. C.-53 St. Ursule St., Quebec. 
Drum, Major Lorne, physician; Can. 
regular mil. forces. 
S. Wilson D., Quebec; b. there, 
July 25, 1871; e. there and McGill 
Univ. (B.A., with 1st class honours 
In Eng. lit., 1892; M.D., 1896; D.P.H., 
1909); gazetted 2nd Heut., Army Med. 
Services, 1900; promoted Heut., do., 
1901; capt., do., 1902; do., Permt. 
Army Med. Corps, 1905; major, do.. 
1906; wac; sanitary offr., Quebec ter- 
cent. cel,ebration. 1908; a memo Dr. 
Hodgetts' (q.v.) Sanitary Comn. dur- 
ing typhoid fever ep1.demic, Ot- 
tawa, 1911; rend-ere-d much useful ser- 
V'ice IOn 1JhJat ()oCI('09.Sian; S'e,rve.d S. A. 
War, .1902 (Queen's m-ed. with 2 
clasps) ; aJU'Ì'hor .. The SanritaTY Officer, 
this ,duties, Quallrifio::IJHonlS and soope O'f 
work on aotdV'e seTv.ioe" (191.1); Aug. 
-2581 Elgin St., Ottawa; Rideau Club, 
"A'n expert and 
tarian."-O. Free Press. 
Drummond, Andrew Thomas, finan- 
cial agent; lawyer. 
S. late Andrew D., mangr., Bank 
of Montreal, Ottawa, and Anne Tralll 
(Sinclair) D.; b. Kingston, Ont., July 
18, 1843; e. Queen's Coli. Sch. 
and Qupen's Pniv., King'!-1ton (B.A., 
1860; LL.B., 1863; LL.D., 1896); 
twice a fellow there; m., Aug., H!81, 
Florence C., d. W. R. Wonham, Mont- 
real; barrister, 1865; a partner of late 

ir Alex. Campbell at Ottawa for a 
short time; later gave up law owing 



to difficulty of hearing; now de\'otes 
himself to finance; has taken part in 
forming ....arious ry., land, navigation 
and other indus. cOS.; a trustee, 
Queen's Dniv. and of Trafalgar lnst., 
M.ontreal; a dir. Man. & N. W. Ry., 
and of the Montreal and Western 
Land Co.; a prolific writer for the 
mags. and newspaper press; also, the 
author of many pamphlets, including 
one on "Canadian Timber Trees: their 
Distribution and Preservation .. 
(1879), and one on .. Can. National 
Spirit" (1874); one of the founders 
of the Am. and Can. Fores try Assns. 
and one of the promoters of the 
Georgian Bay and Toronto Canal 
scheme, 1905; a councillor, Can. lnst.; 
a Pres b., who took an active part 11, 
securing the union of all the Presb. 
bodies.---61 Wellesley St., Toronto. 
Drummond, Bev, Daniel Bobert (Pres- 
Scottish origin; s. late Danl. and 
Marion (McCallum) D.; b. Tp. Ram- 
say, Co. Lanark, Ont.; e. there, Queen's 
Dniv. (B.A., 1889; M.A., 1890); and 
Edinburgh Univ, (B.D., 1893); 0., 
1894 ; pl3Jst-or Ru.sseltJo,wn. P.Q., 1894-7 ; 
do. Knox Ch., St. Thomas, Ont., 1897- 
1904; since then has been :pastor St. 
aul's, Han1'illt'Ûu, Ont.; .a trustee of 
Queen's Univ.
St. Paul's Manse, Ham- 
ilton, Onto 
.. Young, energetic and scholarly, and a 
thoughtful and eloquent preachex." - T. 
Drummond, George Edward, manu- 
facturer; capitalist; consular ser- 
S. Geo. and Elizabeth Morris 
(So.den) D.; b. Tawley, 00. LeÜrim, 
Ire1., Oct. 21, 1858; e. Royal Arthur 
Seh., Montreal; m., Feb., 1890, Eliza- 
beth Foster (V.-P. Montreal Diet Dis- 
pensary), d. late Ignatius ICockshutt, 
Brantford, Ont.; long assocd. with his 
bro., T. .J. D. (q.v.), and .J. T. McCall 
(q.v.), in business as iron .and steoel 
merchants, under the firm name of D., 
McCall & Co., founders of the Can. 
Iron Furnace Co., Ltd., the Montreal 
Pipe Foundry ,Co., the Can. Iron & 
Foundry Co., Ltd., and the London- 
derry Iron & Mining Co., Ltd.; IPresdt., 
Montreal Bd. of Trade, 1904-5; presdt. 
Can. Manfrs. Assn., do.; V.-P. Can. 
Mining Inst" 1908-9; regarded as a 
high authority on steel interests; Con- 
sul-Genl. for Derunark since 1909; a 
del. to Imp. Trade Congresses; a dir. 
Can. Cement Co., Can. Car Co., Liver- 
pool, London & 
IO'be Ins. Co., Montreal 
Trust & DepO'sIt 00., MDI's'ons Bamoc, 
etc.; a gov. and one of the comte. of 
mangt. Montreal Genl. Hosp. and the 
Western Hosp.; a dir. Montreal Assn. 
for the Blind; a Councillor Children's 
Aid So.c.; and V.-P. Central Council, St. 
John Ambulance .Aßsn.; also a memo 
extV'e. oomte. local branoh of t110e Navy 
League and of the Montreal Citizens' 
Assn.; V.-P. Laurentian Club, and 
V.-P. Fish & Game Club; rated as a 
miHionaire by the Montreal Star, 1909: 
elected a gov. McGill Univ., 1910; and 
apptd. by King Edward a Knight of 
Grace of the Order of the Hosp. of St. 
John of Jerusalem of Eng., do.: a 

stron'g Imvøri'aJMst; fa\"ours -:.\1ir. 'Cham- 
berlain's ;propaganda for a permanent 
consolidation of Imp. interests through 
the medium of a mutual arrangement 
by whi'ch each section of the Brit. 
Empire wil) grant to the products of 
the others a preference as against the 
jprod.ucts of f'Üreign lab'our; author: 
.. Iron Industry in 'Cana'da " and 
.. Fiscal and Imp. Defence Question," 
besides various contributions to local 
per>Ïodkals; Con.; Ang. and a ch. 
warden St. George's 'Ch., Montreal; 
V.-P. Oh. Home, Montreal, and for- 
merly V.-P. Ch, of Eng. dub, do. (See 
sketoh, Can. Mag., Nov., 1903).-15 
Macgregor St., Montreal; Mt. Royal 
Club; St. James's Club; Canada Club; 
Laurentian Club; 111 ontreal Club; St. 
George Snowshoe Club; St. Maurice 
Fish and Gam,C Club, do.; York Club, 
Toronto; summer 7'es.idence: <<Donna- 
cona Lodge," St. Bruno, P.Q. . 
Drummond, Henry Alexa11,'der, stock. 
S. late Andrew and Louisa Adelaide 
(Lindsay) D., Toronto; b. there, Sept. 
23, 1856; e. high 'sch., Quebe
; m., 
1893, Oat:Jh.erine L., e. d. e. H. Piinihoey, 
barrister, Ottawa; a dir. Can. Electrical 
& Motor Co., Merchants Fire Ins. Co.; 
presdt. Canada First, Ltd., publishers 
Canada First mag.; AIlig.; Oan, FiJ'Slt. 
-3:1 Chicora Ave., Toronto; Albany 
Club; Toronto Golf Club; Argonaut 
Row.infJ Cluù; Can. !lIi!:tnry Institute, 
Drummond, Huntley Bedpath, capi- 
S. late Sir G. A. D., K.C.M.G., presdt. 
Bank of Montreal, and Helen (Red- 
path) D.; b. Montreal; e. Montreal 
high sch. and in Eng.; m. Miss Rey- 
nl()lds (a Imem. ext
. comtoe. Proto 
I'll.dus. RÜ'011liS) ; tradned to a 'busiruess 
career undoer 'bris late !-athoer, whom he 
suC'ceedled as \pre-selt. O!f t110e Can. Sugar 
Refinery Co., Ltd., .after his dewth, 
Feb. 2, 1910; is 2nd V.-P. Montreal 
Bd. of Trade, a oouTIlC'i.}I1.or iM,(mt'l'ewl Avt 
Assn., a llife .g1OV. Wesbern H'Üs'p.; 
pl'esdit. Cum.oorà.anld Ry, & 1000] CQ., 
do. Can. Jute Cio., Gan. Bag Co.. 
etc.; a welI known amateur athlete 
and spor,tsman ; a charter memo 
Royal 8t. Lawrence Yacht Club; a 
designer of merit; won Montreal Ski 
Club's long distance jumping event, 
clearing 76 ft., 1905; elected V.-P. 
of tJhe Bob-.Sil.eig.h Club, ,1910; moved 
resoluNon before Bd. of Trade opposing 
Fielding-Taft Reciprocity Agreement 
with the U. S., whiüh resolution 
was carried, Jan., 19,11 ; Pres b.- 
448 Sherbrooke St:,,! Montreal; Mt. Royal 
Club; Royal St. .Lawrence Yacht Club; 
1If ontreal .ski Club; Auto & Aero Club; 
Forest & Stream Club; M. A. A. A.; 
Montreal Jockey Club, do.; summer 
7'csidence: Beaconsfield, P.Q. 
Drummond, Lady, widow. 
Third d. late Alex. Davidson Parker 
and Grace P., e. d. .John Gibson, W.S., 
Edinburgh, Scot.; b. and e. Montreal; 
m., 1st, 1879, Rev. Geo. Hamilton, 
M.A. (d. May, 1880), e. s. Robt. Hamil- 
ton, D.C.L., .. Ham,wood," Quebec: 
2nd1y, 1884, Hon. G. A. Drummond, 



senator, Montreal, who became, subse- 
quently, presdt. of the Bank of Mont- 
real, and was created a K.C.M.G, (d. 
Feb., 1910); very ea-rnest and active 
in all manner of benevolent work and 
in various forms of work for the public 
good; Lady Aberdeen (q.v.) places her 
at the head of the Can. sisterhood for 
activity in "promoting all that is true 
and just and beautiful among women, 
and for a consuming hatred for un- 
hteousness in every f.orm" (see 
Morgan's "Types of Can. Women," 
Toronto, 1903); in addition to the 
Hom-e for Incurables, the Women's 
Hist. Soc., the Aberdeen Aßsn. of the 
Anti-Tubercul. League, and the Parks 
and Blra.y.grounldrs' Assn. of iMontrea'I, Ï's 
a dir. of various other 5imllar bodies; 
in addition, served as a memo of the 
Quebec T'ercenrt. oee,loebro,tJj.on, 1908; wa
or is treas. of the house comte. of the 
Victorian Order of Nurses; presd1. 
local branch of the Nat. Council of 
Women, and hon. presdt. of the Need:le- 
work Guild; was elected presdt. of the 
\Vomen's Can. Glub, Montreal, 1907-8; 
presented a silver cup for competition 
by the mems. of the Royal Montreal 
Ladies' Golf Club, 1905; among other 
literary efforts has written an essay 
on "Purity of Speech and Accent'" 
was the first woman to speak at å 
public banquet in Montreal. 1908; pre- 
se.nted,! wÜh her late husband, to Queen 
VIctOrIa, 1900, and to the present King 
and Queen, 1901; on the latter occasion 
presented to the present <.!ueen Mary 
the beautiful je.w-el of native Can. gold 
and workmanship, suoscribed for in 
Montreal, her husband at the same 
time presenting to the then Prince of 
\Vales the citizen's commemorative 
medal; Presb.-448 Sherbrooke St. W., 
Montreal; Women'8 Can. Club, do.; 
in 8ummer: "Gad8hill," Cacouna 
P.Q.; "Huntly Wood," BeacOn8{ield' 

. "A WQaIlan of a. distinguished pre,sen,ce., 
with great per8O' charm, gilts of 
eloquence and the power of clothing her 
thoughts in most expressive Ianguage."- 
Lady .A.berdeen (q.v.). 
Drummond, Bev, Lewis Henry (R.C.). 
S. late Hon. L. T. D., a judge of 
the Ct. of Queen's Bench, P.Q., and 
Elmlre D., d. Hon. P. D. Debartzch 
and of Miss de St. Ours, whose 
mother was a niece of GenI. Murray, 
bro. 0If Baron EUbank, first (ffiv. of 
Quebec; b. Montreal, Oct. 19, 1848; 
e. Gold. Sell., rand: St. M'ary's (.Jesuit) 
00 1 1.1., 'there; 'later, sÚll-dd,oo phil., etc., 
Woodstock Coil., Md.; in early yrs. 
studied surveying and geol.; entd. 
.Jesuit order, 1868; 0., 1883; prior to 
this event, taught classics, S1. Mary's 
ColI., 1870-3; and in .Jesuit ColI., St. 
Francois Xavier, N.Y., and St. John's, 
Fordham, 1876-80; first 'Went to .Man., 
1885, and while there, taught rhetoric 
and phil. at St. Boniface ColI., and was 
a memo of the Bd. of Studies and a 
councllIor, iMan. Undv.; was reoctor, 
St. .Mary's ColI. and of t'he Gesu Ch., 
Montreal, 1890-2; resigned, oWing to 
llI-heralth; elected presdt. mango coun- 
cil, Montreal night schs., 1891; re- 
turned to Man., where he resumed 
his ColI. duties, with a seat on the 

Bd. and Council of Man. Dniv., 1892; 
became rector of the Ch. of Our Lady, 
Guelph, Ont., 1908, and ed. of 
America, (N.Y.), a new Cath. rev. of 
the week, h09; elected a dir. Dom. 
Educ. Assn., 1904; enjoys a high re- 
putation throughout Can. for learning 
and eloquence; has lectured and 
preached in many parts of Eng. (where 
he lived for several yrs.), Irel., Can. 
and the D.S.; on the staff of The 
Month (London), 11881-4; !has con- 
tributed essays and sonnets to the 
press, and has written 2 coil. plays, 
"The Conversion of Ireland" and 
"Möise en Egypte"; among his pub- 
lished lectures and writings are, "The 
French Element in the Can. North- 
west" (1887); "True and False 
Ideals in Education" (1888); .. The 
.Jesuits" (1889); "Controversy on the 
Constitution of the .Jesuits between Dr. 
Llttledale and Father D." (do.), and 
numberless articles in the N07"thwe8t 
Rev., the organ of the Eng.-spea.king 
Catholics of the West, and elsewhere; 
also translated the late M. Edouard 
Richard's "Acadia" (2 vols., 1895); 
has always been a firm believer In 
the great future of the Can West, 
with which his lecturing tours have 
made him thoroughly familiar.-The 
America Pre88. 82 TVa8hington Square 
W., New York. 
.. In the pulpit and lecture halI.g is re- 
me<mbe'red .as QIle O'f t\l11' immensely impres- 
sive personality."-M. Herald. 
Drummond, Hon, Bobert, journalist; 
Scottish origin; S. Robt. and Eliza- 
beth D.; b. Oct. 9, 1840; -e. Greenock, 
Scot.; m. May, d. Capt. Alexander; is 
ed. -and propr. Mining Record (Stellar- 
ton) ; for many yrs. secy. p.rov!. Work- 
 Assn., founded by him; a coun- 
clllor, N.S. Press Assn.; do. N.S. Min- 
ing Soc.; a Royal Commr. 7-e N.S. 
Stationary Engrs., 1906; do. do. re 
Old Age Pensions, 1\107; called to 
the Leg. Council, N.S., 1891; Llb.- 
Stellarton. N.S. 
Drummond, Thomas Joseph, manu- 
facturer; capi taIist. 
A bro. G. E. D. (q.v.); b. Tæwley, 
Co. Leitrim, Irel., Sept. 26, 1860; e. 
Royal Arthur Sch., Montreal; m., 
Oct., 1892, Edith M., o. d. Genl. A. 
L. Chetlain, U. S. Army; founded, 
together with his bro., G. E. D., and 
.J. T. McCall (q.v.) the eminent firm 
of D., McCall & Go., iron and steel 
merchants; an asso. memo Am. Inst. 
C. E.., Am. Inst. of Mining Engrs., 
and Can. Mining Inst.; presdt. Mont- 
real Bd. of Trad-e 1908-9; early in its 
career his firm became interested in 
the inùustrial life of Can. and may be 
ranked as pioneers in Iron-making 
in Can.; the "Drummond group" of 
Iron Industries were in 1908 consoli- 
dated under the name of the Can. 
Iron Corporation, of which he is the 
presdt.; elected presdt. Lake Superior 
Corporation, 1909; is also a dir. or 
the Royal Bank of Can., of the Can. 
Car & Foundry Co., of the Rhodes, 
Curry Co., the Western Can. Car Co., 
the Genl. Accident Assur. Co., the 
Imp, Life Assur. Co. of Can., the 



Can. Improvement Co., the N. B. 
Docks & 'I'erminals Co., the Carlton 
Hotel Co., and many other similar 
bodies; rated a "millionaire IT by the 
Montreal Star, 1909; an Ang.-512 
Slterbrooke St. W., Montreal; Mt. 
Royal Club; St. Jame8'8 Club; Canada 
Club; Montreal Jockey Cl!tb; Engin- 
eer8' Club; Laurentian Club; Montreal 
Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; 
St. MauTice Fi8h and Game Club, do.; 
Tm'onto Club, Toronto; 8ummer re8i- 
dence: tt lIfontaTville," St. Bruno, P.Q, 
Drury, Admiral Sir Charles Carter, 
Royal Navy. 
2nd s. Le Baron D., and Ellza, d. 
Lt.-Co!. .Jas. Poyntz, late commanding 
H. M.'s 30th Regt.; b. Rothesay, N.B., 
Aug. 27, 1846; e. CoIl. Sch., Frederic- 
ton, N.B.; m., 1st, 1886, Frances 
Ellen (d. Feb., 1900), e. d. Robt. 
W,hitehead, of Beckett, Berks and 
Fiume, Austria; an aunt of Prlnces.s 
Bismarck; 2ndly, 1907, Amy Gertrude, 
y. d. late .T. Middleton, London, Eng.; 
entrl. R.N., 1859 ; sub-lieut., 1865; lIeut., 
1868; commander, 1878; capt., 1885; 
rear admiral, 1899; vf.ce admiral. 1905 ; 
admiral, 1908; A.D.C. .toO Qruoe'6Il: Vic- 
toria, 1897-99; naval adviser to -lnspr.- 
genl. of fortifications, 1885-88; flag 
ømpt., N.A. and W.I., H. 'M.S. Belle- 
7"lll)hon, 1889-92; memo m'<3. C'om1te., 
1893-4; fla>g caplt. H. M. is. Royal 
Sm'C1'eign, 1894-5 (Ohannoe.l 'Squad- 
mn) ; do. H. M. S. Hood, Me.d'Ï't'erran- 
ean, 18:.16-8; senior offr., Gibraltar, 
1898-9; commander-in-chief, E. Indies, 
1902-3; do., Mediterranean, 1907-8; 
coommIRM'er-in-cohief a:t the .NlOre. 1908- 
11, wlhen he 1'ebiroo firom the activoß 
lds-t: 2nd naV1aJl lord of the AÒiffilira!]tty, 
1903-8; represented Royal Navy at the 
Delhi Durbar, do.; V.-P. o rd. comte. 
1900; thanks of foreign office for ser- 
Vii.cBS In Orete, 1896; has rooe'ÌV'e'd' the 
following decorations: Grand Officer 
Legion d'Honneur; Grand Cross of 
the Order of Merit (Naval) Spain: 
Grand Cross of the Royal Regiment of 
the Order of the Redeemer of Greece; 
Grand Cross of the Osmanleh (In 
bril1iants), Turkey; Grand Cross of the 
A ustr:iün lm1p. (Le'O'pold OJ'l<1er, .and 
GraTlJd! Cro<ss of .th'e Order Oif th1e RJeod 
E)ag-Ie, Genrumy; K.C.S.l., 1903 ; 
K.C.B., 1905; G.C.V.O., 1907: is a 
F.R.G.S.; Arug.
Care The Admiralty, 
London, Eng.,. Traveller8' Club; United 
Service Club, London, Eng.; Royal Na- 
val Club, Port8mouth; hon. memo 
Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowe8. 
"A son to be proud of,"-Lt.-Ool. H. H. 
McLean (q.v.). 
Drury. Brigadier-General Charle8 
William, Can. regular .mil. forces. 
E. s. "Vard Chipman and Charlotte 
Augusta (Haynes) D.; b. St. .Tohn, 
N.B., .July 18, 1856; e. there: m., 1880, 
Mary Louise. d. l-ate .Tas. A. Henderson, 
Q.C., D.C.L.. KånglSt'Ou, Onrt.; en-tid, 
N.B. Gar. Arty. as lieut., 1874; apptd. 
to " A" Batty., C.A.. 1877; capt., 1881 ; 
major, 1889; It.-col., 1899; coI., 1905; 
brlg.-genI., 1907; commandant Royal 
Sch. of Arty., Kingston, 1893-1905; 
asst. Instr. arty., 1898; instr. of arty., 
1903-5; O. C" Mar. Provinces (M.D.'.s 
8. 9. and 12). Ll905-11; since then 

has coo:mman.d'ed 6.tJh Div. ; serv'6ld 
N.W. Rebellion. 1885, Induding actions 
at Fish Creek, Batoche and operations 
aglainst Chief Big Bear's band 
(despatches; med. with clasp) ; served 
S. A. war, 1899-1900; (commanded 
Brig. div., special service, Royal Can. 
Arty.; despatches; bt. of coI.; C.B.; 
med.) ; formed one of Queen Victoria's 
escort at the opening of the Imp. 
Inst., London, 1893; an hon. A.D.C. to 
the Gov.-Gent since 1899; took over 
the command of the Halifax garrison 
from Sir Chas. Parsons (q.v.), June, 
1906; chairman Strathcona Trust fund, 
N.S., 1909; is presdt. N.S. Rifle Assn. ; 
ÂlJ1Jg. - Headquarter Hou8e, Halifax, 
N.S.; Halifax Club, do. 
"A source of strength."-Late Sir G. Å. 
Drury, Edmund Hazen, civil engineer. 
Second S. late Ward Chipman and 
Charlotte Augusta D., St. .Johñ, N.B.; 
b. there, .July 31, 1859; e. Bishop's 
ColI. Sch., Lennoxville, P.Q., and 
Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston; graduated, 
1881; m., Nov., 1895, Frances Ethel, 
o. d. F. .T. Austin, M.D., Sherbrooke. 
P.Q.; memo Soc. C. E., 1887: suc- 
cessively engr. in charge Cal
Edmonton Ry. (S. div.); do. on ex- 
ploration of line of ry., St. Clara to 
:Santiago, Cuba; do. In charge location 
and construction of ry., St. Clara to 
Puerto Principe; asst. chipf f'ngr. Al- 
goma Central Ry.; chief engr. Can. 
Central Ry.; resident en-gr. to Mexican 
Lighlt & Power Co., Necaxa, Mexico; 
lately eI'IllPloyed on survey Hudson Bay 
Ry.; Ang.- Winnipeg. 
Drury, Henl'J' Arthur Kings:mill, civil 
S. late Chipman D., St. .John, N.B.; 
a bro. Brig.-GenI. D. (q.v.); b. St. 
.John; e. there; m., ApI., 1909, Helen 
Robina, y. d. Ven. Archdeacon Rich- 
ardson, London, Onto (q.v.); resident 
engr., Winnipeg, for the Can. Ry. 
Oomn. ; Äng.-1Winnipeg; Manitoba 
Club, do. 
Drysdale, 1Ion. Arthur, judge. 
Scottish origin; s. Geo. and Margt. 
D., New Annan, N.S.; b. there, Sept. 
5, 1857; e. public schs. ; m., Sept., 1887, 
Carrie, d. late G. P. Mitchell; barrister, 
1882; K.C., 1893; do. (Earl of Aber- 
d'e-en) , 1895; prescH. ,Bwrrristers' Soc., 
1904; successfully practised his prof. 
at Halifax; commr. of Public Works 
an,d Mines, N.S., 1901-5; atty.-genI., 
N.S., 1905-7; a puisne judge, Sup. Ct. 
of N.S., since Mch. 13, 1907; depty. 
judge of the Admiralty Ct., Mch.. 1909; 
sat for Rants (local) ê 1891-7; a memo 
Ottruwa Interprov. o ruf. , 1906; do. 
lnterprov. Conf., Quebec, 1908; a memo 
("o'mn. 'app1td. to{) e're-ot a iITI'Onum'e'rut bo 
the late Hon. .Joseph Howe, 1903; 
chairman of .comte. apptd. in con- 
nection with the celebration of the 
150'th ann,iversary of the establt. of 
Responsible Govt. in N.S., 1908 ; 
Pres b.-Halifax, N.S.; Halifax Club, 
"Was a. prominent figure- at the bar, a 
very able politician, and one of the clever- 
est public speakers in the siste<r -province." 
-F. Herald. 



Drysdale. William, Dom. public ser- 
Scottish origin; s. late Adam and 
Mary (Black) D.; b. !MonlÌireal, AJpI.17, 
1847; e. under Principal Hicks; m., 
1st, 1880, Mary Malitbie (d. 1891), d. 
late Chas. Wales, St. Andrews, P.Q.; 
2ndly, Apl., 1893, Mary (d. 1907), d. 
.John McIntosh, Sherbrooke P.Q. ; 
gained business experience under late 
.John Dougall, publisher, Montreal; 
from 1874 to 1905 at the head of an 
extensive book and publishing trade, 
Montreal; since 1905, has been an 
appraiser of customs, Montreal; a 
public-spirited citizen, who has had 
much to do with the up-building of. 
Montreal and its institutions for 
many yrs.; a dir. Boys' Home, Mont- 
real; a memo Bd. of Mangt. Trafal- 
gar Inst., do.; a memo Adv. Comte., 
Hervey Inst., do.; hon. secy., Boys' 
Farm and Training Sch., Shawbridge, 
P.Q.; one of the promoters of the 
Citizens' League, Montreal, and pro- 
minently identified with the Numls. 
and Antiq. Soc., the Montreal Dis- 
pensary, Proto Hosp. for the Insane, 
etc.; for a long period has been 
presdt. of the Burns Club and has 
lootur.ed on .. Burns L. .caIllaida" an.d 
otJher .subjects; a Pres'b. and an el'ruel' 
in IÌihe coh.; also served rus a oommr. 
to 'Ìù1e Gen.!. Assembly.-6JB Dorchester 
St. "TV., lIIont?'eal; Canadian Club, do. 
"A well informed and highly cultured 
lUan, who() prohably knows more a.bout 
.Montreal a.nd its institutions than an,y 
man living since the, days of Alfred Pe'rry." 
-M. llerald. . 
Drysdale, William Flockhart, mech- 
anical engineer. 
S. 'Ym. D., Montreal (q.v.); b. 
Montreal, .July 16, 1881; e. Montreal 
High .soh. allid M,cGilil Un-iv. (B.Sc., 
1904); ihOlliOUI1S in mal... aruà highest 
prize for thesis on locomotive cross- 
heads; thesis ,published in Trans. Can. 
Soc. C. E. ; now and for some yrs. chief 
elk. chief engr. Dalton Am. Locomotive 
Co.; when a student was champion 
lightweight boxer, McGill Univ.; a 
memo Can. Soc. C. E. and of Am. Elect. 
Assn.; has written on prof. subjects 
and travelled extensively; a Presb.- 
Schenectady, N.Y.; 638 Dorcheste7' St" 
W., lIIontreal; }l,Iohawk Club, do.; Golf 
Club, do.; Locornotive Club, do. 
Dubeau, Eudore, surgeon dentist. 
Family originally from Rouen, 
France; S. E. .J. and Camille (Lacasse) 
D.; b. Quebec, May 16, 1873; e. Que- 
bec Semy., and St. Mary's (.Jesuit) 
ColI., Montreal; B.Sc. (Laval Univ.), 
1832; m., .June, 1896, Mme. Yvonne 
Leduc; licentiate and doctor of den- 
tal surg., ApI., 1895; founder, presdt. 
and dir. Laval Sch. of. Dental Surg., 
<estoobd. .1903, in '.M!, in whioh !he 
is prof. of oral path. and surg.; this 
is the only French dental sch. in Am.; 
is also secy. Bd. of Govs., ColI. of 
Dental Surgs., since 1898; presdt. Can. 
Dental Assn., 1904-6; an hon. memo 
Dental Sch. of. Paris and of the Socs. 
de Stomatol. et d'Odontol. de Paris; 
represented Quebec Govt. at the Intern. 
Dental Congress, Berlin, 1909; apptd. 

an officer of the Acad., by the French 
Govt., ApI., 1909; a contributor to the 
press on dental subjects; a Lib.; a 
R. C. - (Office) Salaberry Apart- 
ments, SOB Sherbrooke St. E., Mont- 
real; (Residence) 80" Dorchester st. 
W., do.; St. Denis Club; Reform Club, 
"By establishing the Laval Dental 
School has put dentistry on the same 
footing as any other profession."-M. 
DUbee. Patrick, Can. ry. service. 
S. Alphonse and Wlnnifrpd (Madpn) 
D.; b. Montreal, McIh. 4, 1876; e. St. 
Hpnr,i and St. (Paltrick's .schs.; m., 
.June, 1910, Bridget, y. d. Matthew 
Dineen, Montreal; many yrs. in ser- 
vice Montreal St. Ry.; aJppointed asst. 
secretary, 1900; secy.-treas. dio., 1903; 
also .a dir. of CO., and secy.-treas. 
Montreal Park & Island Ry., of Sub- 
urban Tramway & Power Co., and of 
MontreaJl St. Ry. Mutual Benefit Assn.; 
eleoted V.-P. Can. St. Ry. Assn., 191,1; 
largely instrumental in quelling st. ry. 
.. strike" some y'rs
 ago; presented 
with a silver service by his fellow 
officers, 1910; R. C.-
02 Ste. Elizabeth 
de Portugal Ave., Montreal; Victoria 
Golf Club, do. 
.. A man of ke.en busine,ss ability."-M. 
Dubois. Rev, Nazaire (R. C.), educa- 
S. Nazaire and Marie Ethelride 
(Larocque) D.; b. Ste. Thérèse, P.Q., 
Nov. 11, 1869; e. Ste. Thérêse CoIl.; 
O. 1894; pursued theol. studies at 
Can. CoIl., Rome (D.D., 1897) ; vicaire 
St. .Jacques, Montreal, 1897-8; asst. 
principal, .Jacques Cartier Normal Sch., 
Montreal, 1898-1901; principal do. 
(succeeding the late Abbé Verreau), 
Nov., 1901; apptd. a mem., Cath. sec.. 
Council of Public Inst., 1909.-Ecole 
Norrnale, Pare Lafontaine, Montreal. 
Dubuc, Alexandre Joseph Henri, law- 
S. Y::i

. Chief .Justice D. (q.v.); b. 
St. Boniface, Man., .July 31, 1873; e. 
St. Boniface (Jesuit) CoIl.; m., Jan., 
1903, Alice, d. late Auguste Couillard 
de l'Epinay, Montreal; barrister, 1895 ;. 
has successfully practised his prof. In 
Winnipeg; formerly a partner with 
J. E. P. (now .Judge) Prendergast 
(q.v.); a solr. for !3ev
ral. leading 
banking and financial mstItutlOns; has 
been presdt. .. Cercle Sa.cre Coeur," 
Winniopeg; C'Onsul for Belgium In Man. 
siIl'ce 1900; R. C.-159 Hargrave St., 
Dubuc. Hon, Joseph, retired judge. 
S. .Joseph and Phebée Euphémie 
(Garand) D.; f)amily estabd. aJt Longue- 
uil, P.Q., 1682; b. Ste. Martine, 
P.Q., Dec. 26, 1840; e. Montreal CoIl. 
and McGill Univ. (B.C.L., 1869); 
LL.D. (hon.), Untv. Toronto, 1907; m., 
,June, 1872,.Marfa Anne (V.-P. Women's 
Oan. Club), 3rd d. late H. B. Hénault, 
,St. Cuthbert, P.Q.; advocate (P. Q.), 
1869; do. (Man.), 1871; success- 
fully 'Practised his prof. in Wlnn
pPg, where he was Crown counsel In 
criminal oases; sometime ed. of La 



Metis; supdt. Cath. sec., Bd. of Educ" 
Man.; a councillor, Man. Unlv. since 
Its foundation, 1878; vice-chancellor, 
do., since 1888; elected to first Legis- 
,Iature of Man. as a Con., 1870; sat 
therein till 1878; sat for Provencher 
.(H. C.), 1878-9; a memo also of the 
Extve. C.ouncil, N. W. T.. 1872, rand its 
legal adviser, 1874; Atty.-Genl., under 
M. Girard, 1874; Speak,er of the Man. 
,A:ssembly, 1875-8; a puisne judge, Ct. 
of Q. B., Man., 1879-1903; Chief Justice, 
do., Aug. 8, 1903; retired, Feb., 1910; 
Administrator of the Govt., 1906 and 
,1908; his portrait pa.inted by Forster 
.(q.v.) for the Winnipeg Ct. House, 
1904; R. C.-72 Donald St., Winnipeg. 
II A general fav<J.rite."-We8lmin8ler. 
II A man of integrity, loyalty, unselfish- 
ness and public - spiritedness."-Winnipeg 
Ducharme, Guillaume Narcisse, 
banking profession. 
S. V. V. and Marie (St. Denis) D.; 
b. Chateauguay, P.Q., Jan. 3, 1851; 
e. St. Henri Eng. Soh. arudi 'Morut- 
real,; m., July, 1880, Maria Della, 
d. Leon Rivet, Montreal; successively 
secy. Cath. Sch. Bd., postmaster, and 
treas., Ste. Cunegonde, P.Q.; after 
ha ving served as an ald., was elected 
mayor of the municipality, 1898; 
elected presdt. Banque Jacques Cartier, 
1899, and presdt. La Banque Provin- 
dale du Can., 1900: ra Con.: has 
been twice an unsuccessful candidate 
for Hochelaga.: one of the promoters 
of the Club Lafontaine, 1903; a dir. of 
many Industrial and commercial coso 
Is also V.-P. of Montreal Stock Yard: 
presdt. Coloralne Mining Co.: do. Safe 
Guard Ins. Co.; do. Ohio and W. Vir- 
ginia on Co.: and do. Montreal 
Union Abattoir. Co.: has promoted 
many other cos., Including the Eco- 
nomic Gas Co., the Beaubien Produce 
and Milling Co., La Soc. de CrMit 
Hebdomadalre, the Queen's Hotel Co., 
the Boyer Gold Mining Co., and the 
Brit. Can. B:mk Note Co.: a R. C.- 
Chambly Basin, P.Q.; Club Lafontaine, 
Duchastel de Montrouge, Jules Alex- 
andre, civil engineer. 
S. L
on D. de M., French consul. 
Vancouver, B.C.,; b. N. Y. City. Sept. 
1, 1878: e. France, Holland, and Can. : 
m., Oct., 1904, Jeanne, d. Hon. Sir 
Alex. Lacoste (q.v.), late Chief Justfce 
P. Q.: graduated C. E., with honours, 
Ecole Polyfe-ch. (LavaJl Unlv.), 1901; 
memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1904; formerly 
to service C. P. Ry.: since 1906 t'Üw.n 
engr., Out-remont, P.Q.: R. c.-m Elm 
Ave., Westmount, Montreal; Engineers' 
Club, do. 
Duckworth, Bev, Henry Thomas 
Forbes (Ang-.), educationist. 
S. Hy. D.. F.R.G.S., J.P., Chester, 
Eng., and Mary D.. d. Thos. F. Ben- 
nett: nephew Rev. Dr. Robinson Duck- 
worth, sub-dean and canon of West- 
mInster; b. LIverpool, Eng.; e. Blrken- 
head Sch. and Merton ColI., Oxford: 
took a double 1st class honour degree 
In classics, 1889.91, folIawed by 
honours In theol., 1892; m., Sept., 
1908, Hope Holland, d. late Wel- 

lington Hunt, Brantford, Ont.: o. 
deacon, 1893; priest, 1894; cumte 
Wilton, 1893-6: apptd. for special 
service In Nicosia, Cyprus, In con- 
nection with an enquiry Into the lit- 
urgy, worship and doctrines of the 
Eastern C'h., 1896; Eng. chapla,in, 
Cairo, Egypt, 1900-1; since then prof. 
Greek, Trln. Unlv., Toronto, and 
elnce 1903 also dean of residence, do.: 
author II Greek Manuals of Ch. Doc- 
trine" and II Pa,ges of Levantine His- 
tory": has lectured on hlst. subjects, 
and contrilroted to the Trans. Onto Hist. 
Soc.; a senator and memo of the cor- 
poration, Trln. Univ.; a councl11or 
Alumni Assn., Toronto Unlv.-790 
Queen St. W., Toronto. 
Duclos, Arnolcl W" lawyer. 
A bro. C. A. D. (q.v.): e. Montreal 
High Sch. and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 
1894; B.C.I..., 1897); advocate, 1898; 
practises his prof. at HuH, P.Q., as 
a partner of Hy. Aylen (q.v.): one 
of the asst. eds. Quebec Law Reports: 
ed. new ed. Bourinot's .. How Canada 
is Governed" (1909).-152 James St., 
Duclos, Charles Albert. lawyer. 
E. S. Rev. R. P., B.D. (Presb.), and 
Sophie A. (Jeanren.aud) D.; father 
a French-Can.: mother, a native of 
Swltz.; b. Jollette. P.Q.. Aug. 3, 1861: 
e. Montreal High Sch. and Mcnm 
Univ. (B.A., 1881: B.C.L.. with Eliza- 
beth Torrance gold med., 1884): m.. 
June, 1889, Isabella Spence. d. G. M. 
Hol'brÜ'ok. Ottawa: advocMe, 1884; 
K.C., 190:J: successful1y practises his 
prof. In Montr{'lal: mayor of Weß'Ì- 
mount, 1905-6: V.-P. Ross RPoalty 00., 
1906: a Con.: a Pre!ib.-488 Elm Ave., 
fontreal: St. James's 
Club; Canada, Club; Royttl Montreal 
Golf Club: St. George Snowshoe Club; 
lI1anitou Club, do.; Rideau Club, Ot- 
II Clever."-M. Herald. 
Duclos, Bev, John E, (Pres b.). 
French extraction: b. of Am. par- 
ents, Brldport, Vt.; came to Dan. 
In early childhood: e. Roxton Falls, 
Polnte-aux-Trembles, Ottawa CoHo 
Inst., and Queen's Unlv. (B.A., 1884); 
m., 1889. NeIla M. (lVI.L.A.. Onto 
Ladles' CðlI.) , d. late Dr. P. Purvis. 
Portage-du-Fort, P.Q.: !'tudled theol.. 
Union Theol. Semy., N.Y.: graduatf'd, 
1887; 0., do.: pastor. Portage-du-Fort 
4 yrs.: do. Valleyfleld, P.Q., 17 yrs.: 
since 1909 pastor Norwood Ch., Ed- 
monton, Alta.-Edmonton, Alta. 
II A powerful speaker; his wife. a born 
elocutionist, and possesses high litera.ry 

ifts."-M. Witn//ss. 
II Dudley. Miriam" (see McOuat, Miss 
M. E.). 
Duff, Alexander Huntley, lawyer. 
S. J. M. M. D. (q.v.); b. Montreal, 
ApI. 16, 1878; e. St. Leonards-on-Sea, 
Eng., and McGl11 Univ. (B.A., with l
rank honours in mental and moral 
phil., 1898: B. C. L., 1902) : m., Sept., 
1!J06, Edith M., d. C. W. Davis (q.v.), 
Montreal; advocate, 1902; a memo 
legal firm Heneker, D. & Johnson, 



Montreal; a councillor Children's Aid 
Soc.; a dir. West India Electric Co . 
00n'g.-.p9 Mt. Stephen A ve., West
mount, Montreal; St. James's Club' 
University Club; Canadian Club 
Outremont Golf Club, do. ' 
Duff, Alexander Wilmer, education- 
S. Ailex. and wC'Y (iMcKen.z:i>e) D.; 
b. 1S1.. Joon, N.B., Mra'Y 23, 1864; e. 
Ibhere and 
. B. U!l'1iv. (B.A., 1884) ; 
W011l Gilchnst Sohol., 1884: erllt>ering 
:IDd,in. Hnliv., won ltIhe TynlaJltl Bru.c.e 
Bursa-ry, ,1886, Ibbe M1aJcKay Smñ,t1h 
schol. in 'phys., 11887, anI(} 'tlhe Vans 
DunILOIp schab. :in pihys., 1889; gT'3Jdu- 
Med B.A., LonldJO'l1 Undv., 1887; ran'ò 
M.A., ECLin. Unliv., 1st C!.ass 
honours in math. and phys., 1888; 
B.Sc., 1893; D.Sc., 1901; spent one 
semeste1' at Bel!':l'inr; m.,, .1894, ,Mliss 
Isabel S. McIntosh, Fredericton, N.B. 
(d., Jan., 1908); prof. phys.. Madras 
Univ., 1889-90; do. do., N. B. Unlv., 
1890-3; do. do., Purdue Unlv., 1893- 
99; since then has held the same 
chair in Worcester Poly tech. Inst.; 
was the organizer and secy. of Hnfv. 
Extension, St. John, N.B.; a feHow 
Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, of the 
Am. Physical Soc., of the Ind. Acad. 
of Sciences, etc.; besides being the 
author of papers on phys., presented 
to various bodlf's, has written and 
published text-books on elementary 
dynamics and other subjects.- Wor- 
cester Polytechnic Institute, Worces- 
ter, Mass. 
Duff, Rev, Archibald (Cong.), educa- 
S. late Rev. Archd. D., D.D., Sher- 
brooke, P.Q., and Catherine (Hamil- 
ton) D.; b. Fraserburgh, Aberdeen- 
shire, Scot., Sept. 26, 1845; came to 
Can., 1856; e. chiefly by his father, 
McGlU Normal Sch. (acad. diploma). 
and McGill Univ. (B.A., and gold med. 
In math. and phys., 1864; M.A., 1867; 
LL.D., 1881); D.D. (hon.), Queen's 
Unlv., Kingston, 19-03; m., 1st, 1877, 
Eliza'beth (d. De.c., 1891), d. Alex. 
Craigmile, Aberdeen, Scot. ; 2ndly 
1897, Mary R., d. late John Cockshott, 
Keighley, Yorks.; taught. successively, 
Dunham Acad., St. Francis CoIl., 
Riohmlon-d and ':MÎOrutreaJl Hig-h Sc'h.: 
studied theol., Andover Theol. Semy. 
(B.D., 1872), and Halle and Göttln- 
gen; lect., Bib. theol., Congo CoIl., 
Montreal, 1875; do. math. and nat. 
phil.; and also, pro tem., prof. He- 
brew, McGill Univ., 1876-8; since lat- 
ter year, has been prof. Old Test. 
theol. In Airedale CoIl., Eng., which, 
since its amalgamation with Rother- 
ham CoIl., is the United Ind. CoH.; 
elected co-ed. Bibliotheca Sacra, 1874: 
resigned, 1894; author II The Use of 
the Old Testament In the Study of 
Origin of Doctrine" (1879): ,. The 
History of Atonement among the 
Hebrews" (1880); II Old Testament 
TheoL" (V:01. I, 18911; V'ol. II, 1QOO); 
.. HebTew GMJIIl'lI1Jar" (1901); .. 'Ibool- 
ogy rand EltJh:ics .of bhe HebI"ews" 
(.1902); II Fir:st rand Seo()llId l Esdras In 
T>eImIple A'})OCrypiha" (1903); "Abrm- 
ham .and rtJhe PatrrdarohtaJl Age" (d'O.); 
.. Modern Old Testa.menJt Th'OOlogy .. 

( 1908); II His,oory of Old Testament 
Cnl,til'Clism " (19.1 0); chan..rmam, Y ork- 
Slhh-e Colllg. Union', 1893; .oity OOUTI- 
ci.loÞor, Br
lfiO'rd, .1904-6; moayior, doo., 
a908; a Lib., Riaid'læl1i andJ Reforme,r.- 
9 E Selborne Terrace, Bradford, Yorks., 
II Writ
s as 8 master in the new school 
of Higher Criticism."-Can. Churchman, 
Duff, Major George Mowat, R. M.'s 
regular mil. forces. 
S. late Lt.-Cot John D. Kingston 
Ont., and Jessie Bower, y. d. late JOlu
M?wat; b. Kingston, Oct. 31, 1862; e. 
Kmgston CoIl. Inst. and Royal Mil. 
CoIl., do.; graduated, do., 1882; m., 
1902, EmIly, d. late Col. Sir Edward 
Leeds, BG,rt. ; enlgd. as >ell,g'r. C. P. Ry., 
I.'erth to Toronto, 1882-5; fgazetted 
heut., R. 
., 1886; capt., 1895; major, 
1903; studIed sch. mll. enging., Chat- 
ham, Eng.; volunteered for service in 
India, 1887; subsequently, same year, 
volunteered for service In Upper Bur- 
mah, and was there during the occu- 
pation and annexation of that coun- 
try (med., with 2 clasps. 1885-7-9); 
returning to India, 1888, was em- 
ployed on certain works there, and 
recd. the thanks of the Govt. of Inòia 
!oor his services in connection with 
the defences of Attock, Punjaub; was 
eX'Ìve. eng.r. iru c'l1laJr
 of .special de- 
fence div., Rangoon, Lower Burmah. 
1891-2, and superintended and carried 
O'U,t eX1tensive and ioIJ1!I)Ofltant d,e- 
fence works there; stationed at Pe- 
shawur, Mch., 1894, until ordered, 
Mch., 1895, to join the expdn. for the 
relief of Chitral, as asst. field engr. 
(med., with clasp); afterwards em- 
ployed planning and superintending 
erection of defence works at Chalt- 
dara, Swat RiV'er ; asst. f.or forbificatlons 
to the dir.-genl. of mil. works, head- 
quarters, Simla, 1895-99; garrison 
engr. M. W. S. Umballa, 1900-01; 
since then has been chiefly C. R. E. 
Loralae Dist, M. W. S., N. W. fron- 
tier of India, bordering on Afghanis- 
tan, and engd. in reorganization works, 
Quetta Dlst.; Presb.-Care Cox & Co., 
London. En!J.; Grosvenor Club, do. do 
Duff, Lt.-Col, Hew Ramsay, phy- 
sician; Can. ,regular mil. service. 
S. late Lt.-Cot John D., Police 
Magte., Kingston, Ont.; b. there, Sept. 
20,1857; e. Kingston Grammar Sch. and 
Queen's Univ. (M.D., 1884); m. Amy, 
d. late Lt.-Col. M. W. Strange, P.M.; 
was il.on'g in the v. m. serV1ioe; surg.- 
maj. 4th Hussars, 1884; It.-col. A. 
.M. C., .1904; do., P. A. ::\1:. C., do.; has 
I1le.d. .charge "A" and .. B" Batteries, 
ton; P. M. Offr., Easoorn Onot. 
Oomm'amd ran:d 'Mdt Dist. No.3, 1905- 
11; sünoe tthen ihas 'been administrative 
med. offr., 3rd Div.; ra QOurucmor, 
Que-en's Univ.; f'OraneTly an Gild., K
stcm; V.-P. Assn. Oof MU. Surgs., 1907; 
presdlt. HWl"'t's RiV'e'l" Assn., 1904 ; 
served a.s ad!minlistJOOJthre med. a.nd 
sanitJa:ry off.r., Que.bec 'l'eroenlt. C'e'liebI"a- 
tlo.n, 1908; ap'p'td. presd't. AJrmy M'e,d. 
CoTIpB Ed. .of SrurV'eY, OtJtawa arud 
Dist., 11908; voliulllÌ!eered f{)lI' service 
during war in ,S. A.; went oult wl1h 2 
OOll'tingent:s (moo. wi,bh 3 clasps); 



holide long 
ce dooora;t:lJOm, ; prin,- 
C'lpal 'fied. OffT., Poeita:wawa Camp, 
1910; P.resb. -Kingston; Frontenac 
Cl1J,b, do. 
Duff, Ron, James Stoddart, states- 
man; farmer. 
North .olf Ire'l. .origin; s. JiOlhin 18.'rud 
Eliiza. Ja,r.'3 (StOOod<e11S) D.; lb. IlII". 
Cookstown, Orut., June 20, 1856; e. 
1()CI8J1 schs. and OoÞl,irugwl()l()d 0dl11. Inst.; 
m. Jane Bølll, d. lrute JohrI1l E. Stoo'- 
àJar1t. ra. þMicUoal agriculltur.ïst; ra. Con. 
arud! iÍ1as represerubed W. ,simooe (lJocraJ1') 
si'I1JOO 1898; !hoas bee<r1 MInT. or Agrtcul., 
In the Wih1,tney Aodm'll., since Oot. 6, 
1908; rpresenrt, 'by illiV'irtra.ti.on, in West- 
minster A:bbey, at <the coronartlon of 
T'ge and Quee-n ;MJæry, June, 
1911; pl'esen1ted rt.o 'bhrffir ,Maj'estl
d'o. ; an Orangemlafio; ra. Presb.-Parlw- 
ment Buildings, Toronto; Cooks town, 
Duff, John Morell Mackenzie, chart- 
ered accountant. 
S. late Rev. Archd. D., D.D. (Cong.), 
and Catherine (Hamilton) D.; b. 
Fraserburgh, Aberdeen, Scot.: e. by 
father, at home; m., July, 1871, Miss 
Sophia Louisa 
'foC'Dull'IlIoug1h, M1onlt- 
1'e'3Jl (d., N()V., 1907); a memo .ÂS9Il. 
.of Accountants, Montreal; an expert 
In real f'statp business; an assig-nee 
and liquidator; a J. P. since 1876; 
memo Bd. of Trade: chief census 
c,o-mmr., P.Q., 19().1; :tT'Ustee Q1.1-ebec 

outhern Ry., 1904: a dir. Can. Bank 
Ñote Co.; apptd. a mpm. Councl1 
Arts and M:mf., P. Q.. 1904: has been 
Grand WorthY Patriarch. Sons of 
Temp., and prèsi\t. provl. Lord's Da
Alliance; is a dlr. Montreal SaUors 
Inst.: a memo eJ.!j:V1P. ('()om.te. '::\f.').nrtreall 
Citizens' Assn., and V.
P. Antl-Alco- 
hoIl,ic League; a. ,g'ov. Boy\s' Home ; 
has l-edt.ur-e-d! '<m W.HJ1am 'Of Oronge; 
'hIs d., Doro1Jh'Y D., won ltIhe GQv.- 
Genl.'s ,g.oll(jl rned. foOrr t'he 'best ffi'say 
on 'the Ql1e1ÞPC Bart'N!f'ftelldls, 1908: 
a Lib., and a councillor and secy. 
Montreal Re.form Club: unsuccessfully 
contested 'Montreal, Div. No.5 (Local), 
F;. e. 1908'; a Cong., and ra. charter memo 
Emmanuel Ch.: a deacon since 1884: 
believes In free trade, direct taxation, 
customs tariff for revenue only, and 
the total su.ppression of the liquor 
9 Crescent St., Montreal; Re- 
form Club, do.; summer residence: 
Th1'ee Lakes, P.Q. 
Duff, John :Mowat, banking profes- 
S. late Lt.-Cot. John D. and Jessie 
Dower D., a sister of late Sir Oliver 
Mowat G.C.M.G.: b. Kingston, Ont., 
Oct. 25, 1855; e. Queen's Univ., King- 
ston; m., Feb., 1898, Louise Caroline, 
d. J. A. Nelles, Guelph, Ont.; Is man gr. 
Can. Bank of Commerce, Guelph; tm.s 
been mayor of Pa, rkhHiI Onlt.: tPres'Ò't. 
Guelph Ed. of Trade, and GUf'lph Fat 
Stock Cluh; Presb. - Guelph, Ont.; 
Priory Club. do. 
Duff, Eon, Lyman Poore, judge. 
.s. l'ate Rev. Ohas. D., M.A. (Cong.), 
enò Imi)}ell D., ,ò, Jt:=ts. JIO!!mst1onte. Bool'bon, 
Ont.; b. Meaford Ont., Jan. 7, 1865; e. 
public schs.. Onto and N. S.. and To- 

ronto Dnlv. (B.A., wllth 1st class 
honours in math. and meta., 1887: 
LL.B., .1889) ; m., July, 1898, Ð!'jzaootjh 
Eleanor, d. Hy. Bird, Barrie, Ont.; a 
grad. Onto Law Soc.; barrister (Ont.), 
1893; do. (B.C.), 1895; K.C., 1901; 
practlse.d his prof., originally, at 
Fergus, Ont., gQlng, su1bsequently, to 
Vict'Oria, IB.C., whel'e 'he -beca'1Tle 'One 
otf the lead.ers of the bar; was 
engd. as a counsel in the Duns- 
muir will case; represented bhe Pro- 
vince In the Deadman's Island trial, 
1901: was counsel at prosecution of 
the enquiry into the Columbian and 
Western land subsidy, 1903; also one 
of the counsel, representing Can. 
(with the Hon. Edward Blake, K.C., 
and the late Christopher Robinson, 
K.C.), before the Alaskan Boundary 
Intern. Comn., do. ; was a puisne judge, 
S. Ct., B. C., 1904-06: apptd. a judge 
of the Supreme Ct. of Can., Sept. 27, 
1906; while at the bar was an active 
Lib., and presdt. of the Victoria Lib. 
Club: while a young man, taught 
maths. in Barrie CoIl. Inst., and sub- 
sequently was presdt. of, and won the 
1st prize for speaking before, the 
Undv. Lit. Soc.-Goulburn Ave., Ot- 
tawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa Country 
Club, Ottawa,. Union Club, Victoria; 
Vancouver Club, Vancouver, B.C. 
CI Has · made good.' "-M. Star. 
Duff, :M, :McD., Can. ry. and steamshIp 
S. J. M. M. D. (q.v.): b. Montreal; 
P. Hastings. Eng.: !':ometime In service 
Montreal Expn. Co.: entd. service 
C.P. Ry., 1891; chief elk. to Mr. Piers 
(q.v.), Atlanrtlc Steamship dept., do., 
1902: promoted asst. man?"r. C. P. Rv. 
sbeamshlp service, Mch., 1909: Presb. 
-260a University St., Montreal; Royal 
St. Lawrence Yacht Club, do. 
Duff, Wm. Alexander R" lawyer. 
S. late Alex. and Jessie A. D. ; b. and 
e. Queenston, Ont.; a lawyer in succesp.- 
ful practice in Hamilton, Ont.; K.C.. 
1908.-Hamilton, Ont.; Hamilton Club, 
.Duffield, Jame. C" capitalist. 
S. Wm. D., presdt. City Gas Co., 
London, Ont.; b. London; e. there and 
U. C. ColI.; long mangr. City Gas Co. : 
presdt. Bennett Theat. Enterprises, 
Ltd., 1906; a promoter Oan. Theatres, 
Ltd., 1910; doeocllned appt. as a Trans- 
oon. Ry. Oommrr., 1904; lJib.-London, 
Ont.; London Club, do.; Ontario Club, 
Duffus, Major Edward John, H. M.'s 
regular mil. forces. 
S. Jas. Bain D., Halifax, N.S.; b. 
there Feb. 19. 1866; e. MerchiRton 
Oasblè ISoh., EdinlÌJIurgm, iRnd IRoyaI Mil. 
ColI., KIngston; graduated, 1885: m., 
Oct., 1906, Helen, d. late Robt. Mor- 
row, Halifax, and widow Major G. H. 
Paske, R. E.; gazetted lieut., R. A" 
1885; capt., 1895; major, 1900 ; 
served In Nile expdn., 1898 (med., 
with clasp, and Khedive's med), and 
S. A. War, 1899-1902 (Queen's med., 
with 3 clasps; King's med., with 2 
clasps: despatches, 10 Sept.. 1901. and 
29 July. 1903); adjt. 8th Brdg.. R. F, 



A., 1899-00; now oommdg. 61st 
(Howitzer) Batty., R. F. A., Bulford 
CaJIUP, Salisbury, Eng.-United Service 
Club, Pall 1.Iall, London, S. "IV., Enn.; 
Royal Nova Scotian Yacht Club, Hali- 
fax, N.S. 
Duffus, Lt,-Col, Graem Sym. King's 
regular mil. forces. 
Brd s. late John Duffus, meI"Chant, 
Halifax, N.S., and his first wife. Miss 
Stairs; b. Halifax; e. there and Royal 
Mil. ColI., Kingston; graduated,1882; 
m., May, 1894, Winifred, d. F. D. -Cor- 
bett; gazetted Heut. R.A., 1882; capt., 
1891; major, 1899; It.-col., 1909 ; 
'Served S.A. War, 1899-1900 (Queen's 
1TJ.eÒ. with clJasp).-Care War Of{ìce, 
London, Eng. 
Dugas, His Honour Calixte Aime, ter- 
ritorial judge. 
S. late Adolphe D.. .. a patriot" of 
1837, and Clotlh1e (Oligny) D.; b. St. 
Reml, P.Q., Feb. 11, 1845; e. Montreal 
(St. Sui pice) Coll.; m., 1st, Susan (d. 
ApI., 1907), d. John Harkin, 00. Derry, 
Ire!.; 2ndly, July, 1910. Matilda Kirk- 
patrick, d. Thos. Graham; advocate, 
1868; practiisoed !his Ip:nO'f. :S'll'ccessoful:ly .in 
Montreal; police magte., judge of the 
Sessions of the Peace and chairman of 
Quarter Sessions, Montreal, 1878-98; 
sinee SelJ)t. 12, 1898. has been judge of 
the Te,rrf.tor. Ot., Yuk()lI1' JTI. Dist. ; a:ppltð. 
a memo Yukon Council. Oct. 7, 1898; 
when p. m. In Montreal, was also an 
extradition and a license commr.; an 
unsuccessful candidate for Hochelaga 
(Local). g. e., 1878; apptd. chairman 
Royal Comn. of Enquiry re Crow's 
Nest Pass Ry., Jan., 1898; entd. v. 
m. service, 1879 (1 st class m. s. cert.) ; 
became, successively. major and It.- 
col. commdg., 65th Regt.; commanded 
this corps during N. W. Rebelllon, 
1885 (med.); retired, with rank, 1889; 
a keen sportsman; R. C.-Daw8on, 
"A mllll! 0<1 firmness, common sense and 
legal ability."-O. Journal. 
Dugas, Eon, :E"rançois octave, judge. 
S. Almê D., N.P., and Sophie 
(Poirier) D.; b. St. Jacques Nord. 
P.Q., ApI. 12, 1857; e. St. Mary's 
(.Jesuit) OoH.; m., Dot.. 1882, "Marie 
Alix, d. F. B. Godin, K.C., ex-M.P.; 
graduated B.C.L.. McGIll Unlv.. 1880; 
advocate, do.; town councillor, Joltette. 
1890-1900: Crown 'PT10SPC'UtOiI", 'Of 
Jiolte,bte, 1887-91 3.1I1d 1897-1909: K.C.. 
1900: sat for Montcalm (H. C.), In 
LÏ'b. l'Ilterest, 1900-09; apopt.
. ø lDuiS'T1e 
judge. Sup. Ct.. P.Q., Sept. 6, 1909; R. 
C.--Jolfptte, P.Q. 
Dugas, Bev, Georges (R.C.) 
S. Eðouard and Hedwlge (Lagarde) 
D.; b. St. Jacques de l' Achlgan, P.Q., 
Nov. 5, 1833; e. L'Assomption CoIl.; 
o. 1862; was supr. of the Semy., St. 
Boniface, Man., 1866-9, and held vari- 
ous other charges; since retired; 
author .. La Premiere Canadienne du 
Nord-Ouest" (1883); .. Mgr. Proven- 
('her et les Mis
lons de la Rlvl
Rouge" (1889); .. d'un Voya
cur (les 
Pays d'en Haut" (1890); .. Legendes 
du Nord-Ouest" (flo.); .. L'Ouest 
Canadien" (1896); "l'HlstolTe de la 
Parolsse de Ste. Anne des Plaines" 

(1900); .. Les Troubles de la Rlvl
Rouge" (1905); and .. L'Hlstolre de 
la Rlvl
re Rouge. 1822-69" (1906).- 
Ste. Anne deB Plaip,es, P.Q. 
Dugas, Mgr, Louis Ma.rie Marcel 
S. Joseph and Adelaide (Lanoue) D.; 
b. St. Jacques-de-l' Achlgan, P.Q., May 
20, 1845; e. Montreal; o. 1868; 
vicaire Hochehga, 1868-75; cU1'é, 1875- 
9; in the U.S., 1879-84; curé St. Jos- 
eph, Cohoes, N.Y., since 1884; Proto- 
notaire Apo8tolique, 1884.-Cohoe8,N.Y. 
Duggan. George Herrick, civil en- 
Irish origin; s. late John D., Q.C., 
and Amelia (Fulton) D., Toronto; b. 
there, 1862; e. U.C. CoIl. and Sch. 
Prac. Science; m., Oct., 1888, Mildred 
Scarth (formerly presdt. Ladies' Mont- 
real Curling Club; re-elected. 1909), 2nd 
ð. late P. S. Stevenson. Montreal; a 
memo Can. Soc. C.E., 1890; counctIlor, 
do., 1907; V.-P.. do., 1003; also, a memo 
Am. Soc. C.E.; his prof. service Includes 
tlhe em'Ploymoen't In the 
englng. dept.. C.P. Ry.: chief engr. 
Dom. Bridge Co., 1891-19Gl ; consulting 
engr. Dom. Iron & Steel Co.. 1902-3; 
genl. mangr. anò 2nd V.-P. Dom. Coal 
Co., 1903-10 (presented with a gold 
watch by officials on leaving); since 
then has been consul. engr. Dom. Iron 
& Steel Co. and Dom. Bridge Co., 
residing .at Montreal; known all over 
the continent in yachting circles: one 
of the founders of the Toronto Yacht 
and Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Clubs; 
capt. first-named. 1883-4; commodore 
of latter, 1889-90; commodore Royal 
Cape Breton Yacht Squadron. 1905-10; 
famed as e. deshmer: won SeRwanhaka 
Intern. Cup, 1896-1900.-,'90 Sherbrool.e 
St. W., Montreal; St. James'8 Club; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, do.: 
ROllal Cape Breton Yacht Club, S1Jd- 
ney: Royal Can. Yacht Club. Toronto; 
fTnlifax Club; Royal Halifax Yacht 
Club, Halifax. 
"Oarries as much sporting blood in him 
as ran safely be carried by a man who 
must temper sport with business." - T. 
"A big man, wh<Jl., whether building 
bridges, managing the affairs of a. huge 
co-al min,in?; company o.r des,igndng .and 
sa,jJjng smaIl boats, is equally at hQme."- 
Can. Century. 
Dumble, Capt, Wilfred Chatterton, 
late H. M.'s regular mil. forces. 
S. late .I. H. D., barrister and pollee 
magte.. Cobourg, Ont.; b. there: e. 
Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston; gradwlted. 
1392; gazetted, lIeut.. R. E., 1892; 
capt., 1903; Ang:-" Dromore/' Co- 
bourg. Onto, Very Bev, Frank (Ang.). 
S. late Hit. HieV'. .I. P. D. (q.v.): b. 
'Mionltrerul, 1871 : e. Trln. .coN. SC1h., Port 
Hope, Onto and Trln. Univ.. Toronto 
(B.A., 1892; M.A., 1904) ; LL.D., hon.. 
Unlv. St. FranlCig Xavte<r CoIl., Antbi- 
gonish, 1905: m., 1902, Ethel, d. late 
Rockwell King, Chicago, Ill. ; O. 
deacon, 1894; priest, do.; successively 
asst. Holy Trin., Toronto; do., do. 
do., Chicago; rector Emmanuel Ch., 
Cleveland; do., St. Peter's, Chicago; 



I!Ilnce 1906, has been Doon of the Epfs. 
dloceße of Ohio, and ex otftcio rector of 
Trln. Cath., Cleveland, 0.; declinpd 
appt. al!l Dean of Onto and rector St. 
George'!!! Cath., Kingston, Ont., 1906. 
-Cleveland. O. 
A prea.cher ()f great pl'Omiße."-M. 
., Taket! ra.JJlk W1it.h the m05,t finished 
and etTective preachers in the Epis. Ch. i'n 
America."-Can. Am. 
DuMoulin, :Rt, :Rev, John PhiUp 
(Ang.), bishop. 
B. Dublin, Irel.. 1834: e. Trln. 
Unlv., Toronto (M.A" 1873; D.C.L., 
1888); D.D., Bishop's Coli., Lennox- 
vllIe, P.Q., 1898; m.. Nov., 1863, 
Frances 'Mary, 4rth d. late Yen. Arch- 
deacon Brough; o. deacon, 1862: 
priest, 1863: eur
te, St. .John's, Lon- 
don, Onlt., >1862-66; dl(). Holy Trlnit'Y, 
Montreal. 1866-71 : Incumbpnt, St. 
Thomas, Hami1ton, Ont.. 1872-5: rector 
St. Mar-tin's, Monrtreal, 1875-83; exam. 
chaiplaln to Btshops Oxenden anld 
Bond, Montreal, 1870-82: rector and 
canon, St. .James's Cath., Toronto, 
1882-6; sub-dean, St. Alb:m's Cath.. 
Toronto, 1885-96; elected Bp. of 
Algoma, on the organization of that 
diocese, 1872, but declined the prefer- 
Tn"nt: pl"rtE'd 3rd Bp. of Niagara, 
May, 1896: attended Lambeth Cont., 
18q7; do. Pan.-Ang. Congress. London. 
1908: presented with a purse of gold 
by the pf>Ople ot hi!'! dloce!'!p on Ipnv- 
Ing Hamilton on that {)oCcasion: a d<el. 
Ang. Ch. Congress, HaUtax, N.S., 1910: 
presented to King Edward 'and Queen 
Alexandra, Buckingham Palace. .July, 
1908; was a memo of the complkttlon 
comte. of a hymnal for the Ch. of 
Eng. In Can.. 1906-7:' author of "The 
Eterml 'Law," the Slocum leetures art 
Mich. Unlv.. 1901 (1906), 
md of II Two 
Pillars of Empire," an address bpfore 
the Empire Club. Tor0nto (1904).- 
See Hous6, Hamilton, Onto 
" A preacher of gre-at power; an admin. 
istrator of strength and ability."-M. and 
"A man of eloquence, oompe'te,nt le'arn- 
In g., and wide knowleage of men. anð 
things."-Oan. Ohurchman. 
(D. Hamilton, Mch. f9, 1911.) 
Dunbar, Lt,-Col, Jam.. aecretan, Can. 
r-egular mil. ,service. 
O. S. late Jas. D., K.C., D.C.L., and 
Emma Amelia (Poole) D., Quebec: b. 
there, Sept. I, 1863; e. Quebec High 
Sch. and l.JawJ Un1v. (LL.L., avec 
umnde distinction, 1884; LL.B., 1885) ; 
m., ApI., 1887, Ida Northland, 2nd d, 
C. V. M. Temple, Toronto; advocate, 
1885, but does not now practise his 
prof.; entd. v.m. service as a lieut., 
8th Regt., 1883; capt., 1886; major, 
1893; joi'l1e'd mil. staff, 1902; .1't.-C'O'I., 
1906; D.S.A.. M.D. No.7, 1902-6; 
D.A.A.G., QueÞeoc Ooonman{!, 190'6-10; 
D.A.A.G., 'heaJdqU8Jrtoers, 1910
11; slnc-e 
.tJh1OO blals bee.n A.A.G., hoerudqua,rt'ers; 
passed tJ:wtli'CIaJl fitness course, AldoN- 
shOot, Erug., 1905; was a8S.t. adjot.-ge-nll., 
3rd Dlv., Infy, Brlgadoe, Quebec Te1r- 
oe.nrt:. celebration, 1908; an Ang.-Col- 
lege A V6., Ottawa; Quebec Gm"rison 
Club, Quebec; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
"A most pO!pu'lar offioor."-M. Herald. 

Dunbar, 'Ulric stonewall Jack.on, 
S. Alex. and Susannah (.Jackson) 
D.; b. London, Ont., .Jan. 31, 1862; e. 
public sch
. there and Rockwood 
Acad.; m., Sept., 1892, Miss Mary.John 
, Washington, D.C.; hag been 
engd. in scullpturlng !';Ince 1880: did 
figures for Atlanta, Buffalo and St. 
Louis Expns., for which he reed. 
meds. and diplomas; has executed 
over 100 portrait busts for U. S. 
Capitol. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 
Wa shington, Statp Capitol, St. Paul 
Union Club, N.Y., etc.: hae alsò 
executed several monuments; a bronze 
statue of late Gov. A. R. Shepherd 
for npw Municipal Bldg-., Washington: 
s1Prved for 3 yrs. in 'Oan. v.m.; me'I'TI. 
Nat. Art Assn., Soc. Washington 
Artists :md Nat. Soc. Fine Arte: an 
s. - 'TIheoslaplh1st. - 60 V St. N. W., 
Washington, D.O. 
Duncan, Davis Merritt, educationist. 
S. Rev. .Jas. Burns D. (Presb.) anð 
Annie (Borthwick) D.: b. Chicago, 
Ill., .Jan. 7, 1870: e. Galt con. Inst., 
Toront.o TTnlv. (B.A., 1894), and Man. 
Unlv. (M.A., 1899): m., 1896, MIss 
,Tessie W. MacVlcar. Wlnnlppg': gradu- 
ated from Onto Reh. of Ppd.. lR!15: 
classIcal master Winnipeg Coli. Tnst. 
since 1895: ed. Varsitll during' one 
tprm of colI. cours": author II Fflstory 
of Man. and the N. W. Tprrttortps," 
and II The Rtory of the Canadian Pf'O- 
pie": at. pre!'!ent regr. Man. Unlv.; 
1) Edmonton St., Winnipeg. 
Dnncan, Gaylen Bupert, civil en- 
S. Fneð. S. I2.llIiJI Harrl'e.t .J. (HiB-l- 
m3n) D.; b. Ottawa. Ont., 
e'b. 7. 
1878: e. pUblic and hlg1h 'scns., Tueker',s 
priva,te sc-h. anI(], McGIll Unlv., .Mont- 
rea:} (B.Se., 19M); M.,Se., 1901): m., 
June, 1903, 
1'oren'Cle Ben'E'ld.loC't, d. ROoM. 
Stewart, ex-M.P. (q.v.): A. 'M., Oan. 
Soc. C. E., 1902; is memo 'Da'll. E11OO. 
AsS'J1I. ; ðemo'Th. 
n ;phYiSllæ, MeGUI 
Univ., ,1900-1: en,gr. 'Monltl'ea} PI<pe 
Foundry, 1901: òoesl,gn'e-d'LonòO'TIòoel1ry 
q:JIla'Ilt; SUipd!t. ThiN"e RIV'eTS Ipll3ll't tI'I!1 
;J. Q06: lat'ffi' e'n,g.r. In- d1'aI1
e new pl.an1t 
m. ITlon and F1mmdry Co., 
t. WIIII- 
liÏ'all'Il; now head IQI1' fi rm G. R. D. & 
00., re'aJ1 estalte, Ins.. etc., F.t. Wm'lam; 
f.ormerl'Y ,}lieu.t., 861Ìih Regt.; no'W d'O., 
!l6'tlh Regt.; .mem. ex'tve. oComrt,e. 
m Bod. of Tra'æe am'd Lib. Als'SI!1.; 
P'U b JoI Shed! pamopih l le,t -on .. Tih'e-rmao., Oon
òfl.wtIv11Ìy of 'MJe1ÌlaJls," .giV1lll'g' new 
m'e:tihl()d, >by BI'orf. C'?IHe,n:d,aiI", IOff od'ert:er- 
'mInllng same (.1!100....1); be.lteves in 
.. Oanoavla for Oan1aiHa'Ils, Ill' TlooS1onl3.bÞe 
pI1Oibectofl(ffi too !nòust,r,loes am.ð. in> Ibh.e 
Georg1i'am Bay Can12.1 proo,Ï-oot": Presb. 
-Fort William, Ont,: Kaministiquia 
Olub,' Oommercial Club, do. 
10 On.e of the ablest O<f -our Y()'Iln-ge'T Can,. 
in{'eTs."-Call. ElIuinee.r. 
Duncan, Bev, John Macdonald (Pres- 
byterian), journallst. 
S. late Rev. .Jas. B. and Annie (Borth- 
wick) D., both of Scot.: b. ApI. 26, 
1859; e. public schs. and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1886); graduated B.D. (Knox 
Coll., Toronto), 1899; D.D., 1908: o. 
1889; fellow In phil" Unlv, Coli., To- 



ronto, 1888-9; lecturer, Knox ColI. 
1894-5; a senator and presdt, Knö
00111. .A!lumnll ASS'll., 1907; a coundlilor 
Unlv. of Toronto Alumni Assn., 1907; 
assoc. ed. Presb. S. S. publlcatlons 
since 1902; elected V.-P. Sunday Sch. 
Edit. Assn., Louisville, Ky., 1908.--61 
Roxborough St. W., Toronto. 
Duncan. Korman, author; education- 
S. Robt. Augustus and Susan (Haw- 
ley) D.; b. Brantford, Ont., July 2, 
1871; e. Toronto Unlv.; on the statT 
N. Y. Evening P08t, 1896-1901; prof. 
rhetoric, Washington and JetTerson 
CoIl., 1902-6; slnc.e 1907 has been ad- 
junct. prof. Eng. lit., Unlv. of Kansas; 
In addition to numerous contributions 
to mag. lit. Is the author of the fol- 
lowing works of fiction: II 'l'he Soul of 
the Street", II The Way of the Sea" 
.. Dr. Luke of the Labrador", II 'l'he 
M,other," II Dr. Grenfell's Parish" 
II T.he Adventures of Billy Topsail'" 
:: The Cruise of the Shining Light>' 
Every Man for HI,m!';elf," "'I'he Suit- 
able Child," II Going Down From 
.Terusalem," .. Billy Topsail and Co
pany"; elected V.-P. Can. Soc. of 
Authors, 1906.-Lawrence Ifansa8' 
City Club, N.Y. I , 
.. Has m.ade Newfoundl,and Ufe a field 
peculiarly his o'wn."-S. N. 
.. N,o W1l1iter .a.bou.t the sea hall ever 
proved its my&teories so deeply aDd 
fn1ly."-Frallk Bullen. 
Duncan, Bobt. Kennedy, educationist. 
E. bro. Norman D. (q.v.); b. Brant- 
ford, Ont., Nov. I, 1868; e. Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., with 1st class honours In 
physics and chpmls., 1892). Clarlc 
Unlv., and Columbia Unlv.; m., Df>c., 
] 899, MI
s Charlottf> M. Foster: fel10w 
In chemls.. Clark Unlv. and Chlca
Unlv.. 1892-3 ; Instr. physics and 
chemls., Acad. High Sch.. Auhurn. 
N. Y., 1893-5; do. Dr. .Tu1fus Sar>ñ's 

on. Tnst.. N. Y., 1895-8: do. Th!:' HI11 
Sch., Pottsdown. Pa.. 1898-1901: prof. 
chemistry, Wa
hlngton and .Tefff>rson 
Oola.. .190.1-6: S'lnc<e then IP,Tof. 
chemls, Kansas Unlv.: a discoverer 
::md patentee nf>W process for mfg. 
prhos;phoT'lls, or! a new low-lmelUrilg' 
glass, etc.; a contributor to thf> nres1'l 
and mag
.: Ruthor .. Thp New Know. 
e" (]!105). "The Chpmt!':try of 
Commprcf>" (1907), f'tc.-1!.'7 Tènnl's- 
sce St., Lawre'l1.ce, Ka'l1sas. 
Duncan, Sara Jeannette (see Cotes, 
Mrs. S. .1.). 
Dunt'lona.ld, Lfeut.-Genera.l. The Blsrht 
Ron, the Earl of, H.M.'s regular 
mIl. forces. 
S. 11th F.arl nnd Loul!'la. d. late 
Wm. A. Mackinnon of M
M.P.: b. O('t. 29, 18!'i2; f'. Eton; m 
'd, ð. Rðh't. B. Hf'
kf'Ì'h, h!lbe 
2nd Lift'" Guard!'l. Gwyrrh Ca
t1e, A hpr- 

1>e; e-n1f:d. 2nd 'UtiI' Gu
J1dls. lS70: 

f"rvl"d Nl1e Expf"dltlon. 1 R84-8!'i, al1d 
In St
wa.rt's desert march for relfef of 
Khartoum: present at batt1es of Abu 
Klea and Gouhat: commanded tram=!- 
port on march to Metemn{'h: acted a 
guide to the night convoys with 

wounded from the front; volunteered 
to ride with despatches across the 
desert from the front, announcing the 
seizure of Gakdul Wells, and again 
announcing the death of GenI. Gordon 
lami 111a1;I of Khartooum (despa.tches, 
promoted It.-col.); col. commanding 
2nd Life Guards, 1895-99; commanded 
mounted troops, South Natal Field 
Force. Colen so, etc., 1899; 2nd Cav- 
alry Brigade, with which he took part 
in Tugela fighting, and with his bri- 
gade led the final advance into Lady- 
smith, 1900; combined 3rd Mounted 
and Natal Volunteer Brigades in the 
fighting on the Biggarsberg and at 
Lang's Nek; 3rd Mounted Brigade, 
battles of Almond's Nek, Botha's Pass, 
Bergandel, and operations in Eastern 
Transvaal (despatches 6 times); pro- 
moted maj.-gen. for distinguished serv- 
ice, 1900; commanded Canadian mil- 
ra, 1902-1904: Jieut.-gen., 1907; ,bon. 
.col., 91st Can. Hlg1h!a'Ilders, Se:pt" 
[1903 ; oe}.eoìe-ð. Ip.resd!t. tihe Imperia} M,i's- 
sl-on, 1911; a,t preS'ent ,Is Gold-StJlck-'ln- 
Wal.tlng 'Ì!o His .Mt3.jesty ; An.g.-34 
Portman Sq., London, W.; fJwyrch 
Castle, Abm'gele, N. Wales; Brook8'8 
Club; Travellers' Club, London; New 
Club, Edinburgh. 
Dunlop, Alfref. :1"., architect. 
Belongs to a mil. family; nearly re- 
lated to Genl. Gordon of Khartoum: 
b. Montreal; completed his studies In 
the U.S.; m. the d. H. A. Ekers (q.v.) ; 
estabd. himself in an Ind. practice In 
Montreal, 1874; among the edifices 
which have been planned. designed and 
erected by him have been the new 
Royal Arthur Sch., the Dally Star 
building, the Temple offices, St. James' 
Meth. Ch., Standard Ins. offices, Sir 
Hug-h Graham's residence, etc.; elected 
R.C.A., 1890; V.-P. do., 1909; Instru- 
mental In founding, with others, the 
Royal Architectural 1nst. of Can.; 
elected first presdt. of the new body, 
1907, and continued In that office till 
his resignation, 1910; a memo Mont- 
real Bd. of Trade; a dlr. Quebec Fish 
and Game Assn.-92 St. Famille St., 
Montreal; summer re8idence: U The 
olmwood," Beau7.epaire, P.Q.; En- 
gtnem'8' Club; Beaconsfield Golf Club; 
lIf.A.A.A.: Outremont Golf Club; St. 
Jame8'8 Club, Montreal. 
.. A recognized expert in designing the 
best class of heavv structure'S Rnd t.he 
large,r dass of residèntial wo.rk."-M. Her- 
Dunlop, Major Edward Arunah, mer- 
O. S. late Arunah D., M.P.P.; b. 
Pembroke, Ont., oct. 26. 1876; e. 
there; m., June, 1908, Mabel, y. d. 
Donald Ferguson, BeamsvlIle, Ont.; I!I. 
hardware and lumber merchant; a dlr. 
Pembroke Nav. Co., Pembroke Elect. 
Light Co., and presdt. and mango dlr. 
Pembroke Lumb
'r Coo.; g'azet1toed a 
capt. 42nod Reg-t., .190.1; promoted 
major, 19'10; a. CoOn.; flat for N. Ren- 
frew (LoeaJ). 1903-8; a il\f.e-tJh.-Pem- 
broke, Ont.; Albany Club, Toronto. 
.. Old in business experienoo."-M. Ga- 



Dunlop, Hon, John, Judge. 
3rd, s. Alex. D., Clober, StfrIlngshlre, 
Scot.; b. there; e. Edinburgh Acad., 
Edinburgh UnIv., and McGlII Univ. 
(B.C.L., 1860; D.C.L., 1910); came to 
Can., 1857; m" 1863. Eleanor (d. Dec., 
1909), d. late David Bellhouse, /Mont- 
real; advocate, 1861; successfully prac- 
tised his ;prof. 'in Montreal; was one of 
the leader,s of the bar; an authority on 
municipal law; bðtonnier
bar, U91-2; also treas., do,; K.C., (E. 
of Derby), 1889; do. (P.Q.), 1899; 
declined .a judgeship, 1892; a memo 
comn. to enquire Into system of examn. 
of candidates for admission to the bar, 
1895; apptd. a !puisne judge, S.C., P.Q., 
May 5, 1904; a depty. judge of Admir- 
a'lity, 1906; a Pr-esb.-299 Peel St., 
Montreal; /,It. Royal Club; Montreal 
' Univer8ity Club, do. 
II A careful and uniformly courteous 
iudge"-M. Standard. 
.c A man of legal ability and professional 
eminence."-M. Star. 
"A man widely re&pe('t
d for his char. 
acter and Bttainments."-Jl. Herald. 
Dunlop, Rev, John Gaskin (Presb.). 
E. s. Wm. D., Kingston, Ont.: b 
there, .Jutv 8, 1867; e. city schs. and 
Queen's Unlv., Kingston (B.A.. 1 R87 ; 
M.A., 1891); m., Tokyo. .Tapan, May, 
1894. Emma, d. Saml. Ely. Kingston; 
o. U92; went to .JalPan, 1887: spe.n:t 
sf>veral yr
. as a tpnC'hpr of Enj::1;. In 
Govt. schs.: since 1890 em
d. In mIs- 
sionary work: a mf>m. Am. Presb 
Mission: elected moderator, .Japan. 
1900: during latter mths. of the war 
with Ru

Ia was with thp .Tapanf>sf> 
army In Manchuria, engd.In the varlf>d 
II comforting" work of the Y. 1\{ 
C. A.; a del. from .Japanese S. S. 
Assn. to Intern. S. S. Convention, 
Rome, 1907; a contributor to a num- 
ber of promInent Am. periodicals: a 
Presb. of the lib. type of his revered 
princIpal, the late Dr. Grant, of 
Queen's.-Fukul, Echfzen, Japan. 
Dunlap, !I', stuart, Can. ry. serv,Ice. 
B. Almonte, Ont.: e. there; entd. 
Can. Pac. Ry. service, 1888; apptd. 
tax and Insur. commr., claIms adjus- 
ter and mangr. floral dept., therein, 
Sept., 1901;. under his supervision a 
well kept flower garden has been 
estbd. at 
ry station on the line. 
from St. .John, N.B., to Vancouver. 
B.C., a ch81n of 1,500 ornamental 
gardens In all: elected presdt. chart(!r- 
f>d Stenographic Reporter\!! Assn.. Ont.. 
188 g,: dl()'. d'o., Am. À.l5sn>. .of Ry. OltaJllffi!' 
ents, 1911.-1.'0 Clandeboye Ave., 
Wt'stmount, Montreal. 
II A man of infinite patience and tact." 
-So N. 
Dunn, Hon, Albert T" Dom. public 
Irish and Eng. origin; s. .John and 
Martha (Gould) D.: b. St. .John, N.R. 
b. 6, 1M2; e. there; long engd. In 
 busillp!;s: also a farmpt': 
colIr. of 
, Musquash, N.R, for 
18 yrs.; reshmed, 1892, to enter poIl- 
s ; sat for 
t. .J'Ohn Co. (local), In Lib. 
Intf!rest; became R memo of the lo
admn., without portfolio, 1895; survey.- 
genl., 1896-1904; apptd. collr. of cus- 

toms, St. John, N.R, Mch. 23, 1901; 
elected V.-P. North Am. Fish and 
Game Probecthoe Assn., do.; re4oect-e-d 
presdlt. St. .T'dhn C. S. AS1sn., 1911; 
mO\l1eÒ! flOc t'ne eSlta bNshm-ent of a f(),l'est 
t'eservaUcm and Prov>l. Park in N. B., 
MIch., 19(}2; a Pl'esb.-St. John
Union Club, do. 
.Dunn, The Bt. Rev, Andrew Hunter 
(Ang.), Bishop. 
S. Hannibal D., Safl'ron Walden, 
Essex, Eng.. and Mary Ann D., e. d. 
Rt. Hon. Wm. Hunter. ald. and lord 
mayor of London; b. Safl'ron Walden, 
Oct. 16, 1839; e. private schs. in Eng.. 
at Heidelberg, Germany, and Corpus 
Chrl13U CoIl., Cambridge, where he ob- 
tained several scholarships, graduated 
29th wrangler and took his degrees: 
B.A., 1863: M.A., 1866: D.D., 1893: 
granted D.D. (hon.), BIs'hovs' Coli, 
LennoxvlUe, 1892; D.'C.L. (do.), 1907: 
m., 1866, Allee (formerly presdt. 
W'Üman's Aux. to the Bd. of Foreign 
and Domestic 'Missions for the Diocese 
of Quebec), o. d. Wm. Hunter, of Par- 
ley Lodge, nr. Croy-don, Surrey, Eng.; 
o. deacon, 1864; priest, 1865; In charge 
of mission at S. Acton, Middlesex, 
Eng., 1871-8: vicar or ,All Saints', S. 
Acton, do., 1872-92: elected 6th Bp. 
of Quebec, .June, 1892: consecrated, 
do., .sept. 18, 1892; while at S. Acton 
promoted the erection of 2 permt. chs., 
6 mission chs., besides sch'S., club- 
houses, a :parish hall and a parSOn2gf>: 
declined Bishopric of Nassau. 1886: 
do.. Bishopric of N. S.. 1888: waf'; V.-P. 
of the S. P. G., S. P. C. K., sn(1 t'he 
Ch. of Eng. Waifs and StraY's Soc.: 
a memo London: Diocesan Lny Helper!';' 
Assn. and a memo CounC'1l of PubIlC' 
Instruction, P.Q.; Is a citizen of Lon- 
don and a memo of the Livery of the 
Worshipful 'Co. of Groocers: a memo 
extV'e. comte., Mts
iQll"r Bd., Ch. of En-g'. 
In Can.; memo compilation comte., Ch. 
of Eng. Hymnal, 1906: a del. to the 
tercent. celebration, Richmond, Va., 
1907: do. Pan-An,g. Cong., London, 

ng.. 1908. and do. Ang. Ch. Cnng.. 
Halifax, 1910: presented to late KIng 
Edward and Queen Alf'xandra, London, 
1908: to t1le present King, do. : author: 
II Our Church Mrmual," II Hnly 
Thoughts for Qulpt Moments." II HeÞps 
by th
 Way, or PraYf>TS for Children," 
and II Our Only Hope."-cc Bi8hops- 
thorpe," Qll,elJec. 
"Bty his zeliJl and a-ctivity in the cau6/' 
M the ch. he has wen 8ust.ninp.d the name 
whirh he had made for himself oof{).re ('.om- 
ing to Oan."-Oan. Ohurchman. 
Dunn, Charles Richard. busIness man. 
B. I..ondon, Ont., Feb. 2
. 1870: f! 
pUblic schs.; m., Mch., 189ft Ethel 
, d. Robt. Stark. Toronto; 
dlr. And treas. Crescent Manf
. Co.. 
r Co., and ColonIal 
Asphalt Co.; apptd. a$t. secy. UnIon 
Trus.t On.. 1906. ð.o. 1tt'e'8.s.. 1908. all 
coso In Detroit: a Prot.-117 Tht'odore 
St., Detroit, M(Ch.; Bankers' Club, do. 
"A Bplendid ,business man."-M. & E. 
Dunn, Bev, Edward Arthur (Ang.). 
E. s. Dr. D., Lord Rp. of Quebec 
(q.v.); b. Westbourne Park, London, 



Eng., Aug. 8, 1870; e. Marlborough 
and Lancaster schs., and Pembroke 
ColI., Cambridge (senior math. schol., 
89-92; Bell Unlv. Schol., 1890-3 ; 
30th wrangler In math. trip os, 1892; 
3rd class theol. trlpos, part I., 1894; 
B.A., 1892; M.A., 1894) ; M.A., ad eun., 
Lennoxvllle, 1904; m., JulY, 1907, 
Ellinor, d. late Arthur Hunter Abbey. 
Hill, Bury St. Edmunds; o. ' deacon, 
1894; priest, 1895; chaplain, Bp. of 
Quebec, do.: rector St. Paul's, Que- 
bec, and Proto chaplain, Beauport 
Asylum, 1895; mlssy., Montmorency 
and Lake Beauport, 1898: ed. Quebec 
Dioc. Gazette; prof. past. theol., 
Bishop's CoIl., Lennoxvllle, 1901-8 ; 
prof. math., do., 1905-7; rector New 
Carlisle, Paspebiac, P.Q., since 1907; 
R. D., Gasp
, 1908; a Ufe memo co Ch. 
House," Dean's Yard, Westmlnster- 
Paspebiac W., P.Q. . 
Dunn, Capt, Edwin, Dom. public B'er- 
Eng. origin; b. Birmingham, Eng., 
Jan. 6, 18
8; came to Can. In Infancy; 
e. Owen Sound, Ont,; m., Jan., 1871. 
MI!'s Jane Hannah; a master mariner 
since 1859; been employed In Can. 
fisheries protection service since 1890; 
successively commanded the armed 
vessels Cruiser, Petrel, and Vin(lant; 
for 3 mths. at the front during Fenian 
Raid, 1866 (med.); not Identified 
with any ch.; always a Con.-Owen 
Sound, Onto 
Dunn, Guy Cramp Bell, Can. ry. ser- 
O. S. late Wm. and Catherine D.; 
grands. late John D., J,:mralrie, P.Q.; 
gt.-gran,(Jls. .}a;te Hon. 'M-a'tthrmv BeiH, 
Three Rivers, and Chief .Justice 
Bowen, Quebec; b. Quebec, May 15, 
1862; e. Bishop's CoIl. Sf'h., Lennox- 
vme; m., July. 189
. Charlotte, O. d. 
la,te Cohla'S. Lee'd'Ø1', Quy'Ü'11<, P.Q.; asso, 
memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; mpm. 
do., 1897; 8 yrs. chlpf en gr. Ottawa. 
Northern & Western Ry. System; also 
("hlef engr. and mftngr. of construc- 
tion Internrnvl. bridge. hetwepn Otta- 
wa and HuH. P.O. 
 dist. engr. Trans- 
continental Ry. Comn.. 1904-8; dlst. 
engr. G. T. Pacific Ry.; Ang.-St. 
John, N.B.; Union Club, do. 
Dunn, James ]I" stock broker. 
S. late Robt. H. and Eliza (Joudry) 
D., N.R; b. St. Peter's VIl- 
la,g-e t'here, Oct. 29, 1875; e. Bathurst 
and Dalhousie Unlv.; m. Gertrude, o. 
d. J. Price, lumber merchant. Quebe.c; 
barrls1te.r (N.S.), 1899; sometime as
clated with J. N. Greenshleloðs, K.C. 
(q.v.), In ,law; eJected a memo 'Monrt- 
real Stock, 1902; a memo 
of the firm .J. H. D. & Co. (com- 
pose.d of J. H. D., V. J. Hughes, anð 
 V. G. Gray), stock brokers and 
financial agents, Montreal; elected a 
dlr. Sovereign Bank, 1907; went to 
London, 1903, and has slnC'e re
there, wh
re he is reputed to be a lead- 
I'ng banker .anld brokeT; ,he-aid 'Of fir.m 
of Dunn', 
Isher & 00.: a Ui'b., .a'l1d '3n 
earnest supporter In Can. of Sir W. 
Laurler; gave $10,000 toward's the 
erection of a Cottage Hosp., Ba.thurst, 

1909; gavoe $25,000 rt'O DaiJihmlsl.e Unllv., 
1911.-Care Canadian Otffce, London, 
Eng.; Dunn
 Fisher & Co.
London, Eng. 
Dunn, Thomas, merchant. 
B. nr. Woodstock, Ont.; e. there: 
went to St. Louis, Mo., 1864; en
dn rnoerea.nftiÞe pursulots. and lh'3iS been 
-c'ted mayor or -bhe oi,ty.-St. Louis, 
Dunsmuir, Eon, James, statesman; 
E. S. late Hon. Robt. and Joanna 
(White) D.; father was a native of 
Scot., who discovered and developed 
the first coal measures of Importance 
In B. C., and was, afterwards, a memo 
of the Provl. Govt. there; b. Fort 
Vancouver, W.T., July 8, 1851; e. 
Nanalmo, B.C., Hamilton CoHo Inst., 
and Mil. Sch., Blackburg, Va.; m., 
1876, Laura (presented, with her hU1!- 
band, to the present King and Queen, 
and entertained them In B. C., Oct., 
1901; again presented to their Majes- 
ties, 1902; present, with her husband, 
by Invitation, at the coronation of the 
late King Edward and Queen Alex- 
andra, Westminster Abbey, Aug., 1902; 
presented, with her husband, to do. do., 
Windsor Castle, June, 1908; later was 
presented to the Emperor of Ger- 
many), d. W. B. Surles, Fayettesvllle, 
N.C.; joined his fathe,r In business 
and gained his knowledge of commer- 
cial affairs under him; succeeded him 
as presdt. and chief stockholder of the 
Union and We1Jtngton Co1llery Cos., 
also as presdt. and chief stockholder 
of the Esqulma1t and Nanaimo Ry.; 
sold this ry. to the Can. Pacific Ry., 
1905; now devotes himself to the care 
of his large business Interests; reputed 
to be many times a millionaire; owns 
about 40,000 acres of land; a dlr. of 
the Can. Pacific Ry. since 1908; won 
suit, Instituted by Edna Wa11ace Hop- 
per, on appeal to the P. C., In Eng., 
Aug., 1906; sat for E. Yale (Local) 
Con. int
rest., '1898-1902; was Prem
of B. C. and presdt. of the Council, 1900- 
1902, and Lt.-Gov. of the Province, 
1906-09; built the magn'lfi<:ent ry. and 
traffic bridge over the Fraser River, 
at New Westminster, during his 
ad'm>n.; a. gene-rou.s giver; corutrlbuteod 
largely to the endowment of McGill 
Unlv. In B. C., 1906; gave $10,000 to 
the Vancouver Sanitarium for Tuber- 
cuI., 1907: a Presb.- Victoria. B.C.; 
UnM>n Club, do.; Vancouver Club, Van- 
couver, B.C. 
II A man wh() &pe'a.ks 8e'ldom, but thinks 
much."-T. Globe. 
II Not a pron()unced pa.rty man, not an 
extremist .in his views, but a ma.n of in- 
teJligent e-nte.rpriøe and fomhought., who 
gO'Verned the Province in a Oon3tituUonai 
manner, both a.s P.remie.r and Governor."- 
V. World. 
Dunstan, Kenneth Jewell, telephone 
Mangr. Be11 Telephone Co., Toronto; 
formerly presdt. Can. Elect. Assn,; 
elected a V.-P. Can. Club. Toronto, 
1908: presdlt., odo., 19,1,l: V.-P. Gut:lld 
of CIvic AJrt, T>orontoo, 1909'; 'P'res.dJt., 
doo., 191(); presdlt. Past Mast'eTs ASL'm., 
'l'toronrto MI8i90llilc d1sts., 1910-'1\1; V1ioe. 



Ctooll'II1J8Jl1 Joirut Civ,ic I.II1jpI'Oremenl 
Combe., 'IIol'oolto, ol9.1(); m., Se,p.t., 1888, 
Aldce, e. d. 'laJte Goo. W. Beil"\Cle, Sl 
wlnlE!s, On't.; Arrug.-112 A venue 
Rd., Toronto; National Club, do. 
du Plessis, Major Joseph EU&'ène 
L.nobl.t, Can. mil. service. 
S. late J. O. L. du P., N.P., post- 
master, SorE-I, P.Q.; grands. Alexis C. 
L. du P., N.P., Contrecæur, P.Q.; b. 
Sorel, P.Q., JUJ1y 10, 1870; graduateld 
R. M. Coli., Kingston, 1892; m., in 
Germany, Oct., 1899, Anita, d. Dr'. 
HUKO Klapproth, Hanover; lIeut. mil., 
1892; do. R. C. A., 1896; capt. do., 
1902; major, ,1905; 'K'Unnery insrbr. 
Royal Sch. of Arty. (fteld); ed. Can. 
Artillerist, journal of the Can. Arty. 
Assn.-Halifaæ, N.S. 
Dupui., His Honour François Xavier, 
Quebec public service. 
S. Edouard and Angellque (Quenne- 
ville) D.; b. St. Anicet, P.Q., Sept. 
28, 1860; e. Montreal Coli.; m., July, 
1888, Azilda, d. Jas. McGowan, Ste. 
Martine, P.Q. ; advocate, 1885; success- 
fully practised his prof. In Montreal; 
re<:order, Ste. Cunegonde, 1891-1900; sat 
t.or Chateauguay (Local), In Lib. in. 
terest, g. e., 1900-0-7; an able and 
vigorous debater in Legislature; 
thanked by pUblic press for his efforts 
to restrict the sale or liquor In the 
Province; apptd. recorder or Montreal, 
Mch., 1907; In Feb., 1909, took a stand 
upon the social evil and the calI1!PRign 
against it, In Montreal, In opposition 
to that taken by !his col.league, Mr. Re- 
corder Weir (q.v.); has been recently 
denounce.d In certain quarters tor his 
s<H:$lled advocacy of the regulation of 
v'ice; R. C.-165 St. Denis St., Mont. 
real; Dupuis Island, Valleyfield, P.r;). 
DupuIs, Kathan Fellow... education- 
S. late Joseph D., a French-Can.; 
mother the d. of a U. E. L. from N, S.; 
b. Tp. Portland, Co. Frontenac, Ont., 
ApI. 13, 1836; e. Queen's Unlv. (B.A., 
1866; !M.A., 1868; LL.D., '19011): 
LL.D. (.boon.), 'MioGiU Unliv., 1909: 
m., 1st, :Miss AlffieÞi'a Ann Mia.-cginm:is, 
W!3Jt'Øl'tOWD, N.Y. ('d<. May, .1905); 
2nd'}y, Feb., ,1906, MI3Je, e. .d. La.'be 
Goo. 'l'h!om\PS'OI1, 'lioo'OillJOO ; 'has ofo
been IS. ,memo of the foa<mÞty ot 
Queen's Uruiv.; was 'Prof. of math. anè 
dean of the fucul ty of practical science 
there up Jbo 1911, when 'he retired from 
active work, after 45 yerurs -seTvice .on 
t'he .teaohin,g staff; oa F..R.S.C., and 
has con,trlbuted to Its Trams.; 3.uoth'OT: 
"Elem-em:ts of GeometJriC8il Oprbios .. 
('1868); "Juruior A:IgebTa" (.1882); 
"Geometry of -the ,Poiirut, Line and 
CI'role In llie PiIane" (1889);" Pfllm- 
C!l'pl'eS of Element
j..ry AJI,geÞra" (1893) ; 
"Elemenlls of Syn'bhieIt-Lo Solid Geo- 
metry" (1893); "Elerrreßlts of Trl'go- 
nomoetry for .Prnc.tlcal IScden.ce St'u- 
d-enlÌs" (1902); and "Ellements 001 
AstoonlOmY .. (.19.10); a >del. to fuoe 
DarwIn Ooort. ooleþI'a;Uon, Oambrid'ge, 
Eng., 19G9; his IþOr.traLt has .b-ren 
paln'toed by Harms (q.v.) foor Queen's 
Univ., 1901; a Presb.-l.f.f Universít21 
Ave., Kingston, Onto 
"An ..bIe ma.n; a finli!lhed 8choLar."- 
SiT Sa.ndford Fleming (q.'V.). 

Durand, Miss Laura Bradshaw, jour- 
D. late Chas. D., barrister, Toronto, 
and his second wife, Mary Ann Brad- 
shaw; gnand-d. Jas. D., M.P.P. for 
Wentworth and Halton, 1814, and 
afterwards regr. for those cos.; b. To- 
ronto, 1865; e. by private tuition; 
joined the Toronto Globe staff, 1894; 
htolds the poos,i,t,ion 0If ,Utern.TY ed.; hw 
wl'i.tten sþeCtia1 al'!ticles under the na;me 
of "Pihoa.'I'Os," and, .eà!uts t'he "OJ.oroloe 
of Young Can." under that pen name; 
):las reviewed every IÍmportant ;publica- 
tion that has appeared during the Last 
20 Yl'S., and wriHen ma'l1Y e(Htorials; 
tor some months was third ed. writer; 
an Imperialist and a single taxer; has 
no religious bellef.-I< Globe" Otffce, 
:I'oronto; Can. Womal1!a Press Club, 
"One o,f the progressive women of the 
North."-N. y, Tribune, 
"One of the best all-round journa}.ista 
on the Can.. press. "-D r. J. S. Willi,on 
II Durham, Julian" (see Henshaw, 
Mrs. Julia W.). 
Durley, Bichard John, educationist. 
B. Blerton, Bucks, Eng., Feb. 11, 
1868; e. Bedford Mod. Sch., Unlv. 
CoIl., Bristol, and Unlv. ColI., Lon- 
don (B.Sc., 1887); Ma.E. (McGill 
Unlv.), 1898; m. Miss Elizabeth 
Schwill, N. Y.; M. Inst., C. E.; with 
Earle's Shipbuilding and Englng. Co., 
Ltd., HuU, 1877-94; WlhtLtWoOr.t!h schOll., 
1893; chief lect. mech. englng., Muni- 
cipal Tech. Schs., Hull, 1894-99; since 
1899 has ,been prof. moecl1. en g'ing., Mc- 
Gin Univ., Montreal; elected a memo 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1904; a councillor of 
bhoa:t bod,y;; au.tJhor: "Killiematics of 
Moacbinoes" (,1903). - 20 Summerhill 
A ve., Montreal; Engineers' Club; 
Univer8ity Club; Royal St. Lawrence 
Yacht Club, do. 
Durnford, Augustus Decimu., banker. 
Bro. Geo. D. (q.v.); b. Green Hythe, 
Côte St. Antoine, Montreal; 7th and 
y. s. late Capt. D.; e. Montreal and 
Tours, France; m., Feb., 1896, Mary 
Oneida, 5th d. late Hon. Sir A. T. 
Galt, G.C.M.G.; Is chief Inspr. and 
supdt. of branches, Molsons Bank of 
Can.; a memo Bd. of Trade; a gov. 
Montreal Genl. Hosp.;' hon. secy. 
Parks and Playgrounds Assn.; Ang.- 
9 Simpson St., Montreal; Mt. Royal 
Club; St. Jame8's Club; Forest and 
Stream Club, do. 
Durnford, George, chartered account- 
E. s. late Philip D., late capt. H. M.'s 
68th Durham Light Infy.; as e. s. of 
an e. s., Is now head of the well- 
known mil. family of D.; b. Toronto, 
Aug. I, 1838; e. Montreal; m. Me- 
lanie, d. 'late Geo. Tarball Vardon 
practises his prof. In Montreal; a 
J. P.; hon. treas. Numis. and Antlq. 
Soc.; gov. Homeo. Hosp.; secy.-treas. 
C. S. P. C. A.; presdt. U. E. L. Assn., 
Montreal, 1899-1904; author various 
paperS; a Freemason; Ang.-" G?een 
H2Ithe," 660 8herbrooke st. W., Mont- 



Duryea, Brs, Peter (see Allen, Miss 
Viola Emily). 
Dnstan, George Gordon, chartered ac- 
S. late G. G. D., and bro. Rev. J. 
F. D. (q.v.), Halifax, N.S.; b. and e. 
Glasgow, Scot.; m., .sept., 1904, .Jane 
N., d. .John Allen, Halifax; elected 
presdt. Inst of Chartered Accountants, 
N. S., 1908; now a coun-oiHoT do ' 
 N.S. ., 
Dustan, Bev, John Francis (Presb.). 
A bro. G. G. D. (q.v.); b. Glasgow 
Scot., Mch. 13, 185-6; e. Dalhousie Univ' 
Halifax, Princeton, N..J., and Edin"
burg Univ.; 0., 1884; successively pas- 
tor St. Paul's, Truio, N.S., Knox Oh., 
Brandon, Man., and St. .John's, Bridge- 
water, N.S.; since 1891 has been pas- 
tor: Grove Ch., Halifax; opposed to oh. 
umon.-Grove Ch. Manse
Dutcher, Howard Ketchum, educa- 
Am. Dutch and Can.-Eng. descent; 
s. late Rev. C. 'V. D., St. .John, N.B.; 
b. Milltown, N.B, 1878; e Prince of 
Wales ColI., Char:lottetown, P.E.I. and 
McGill Univ. (B.Sc., 1904; M.Sc., 
1906); m., Sept., 1907, Neoma Tye 
Iolanthe.. d. .John .J. Snowdon, Snow- 
don .Junction, Mt. Royal Vale, Mont- 
rea:l; succe.ssively asst. engr. Allis- 

haimers-Bullock, Ltd., Montreal, and 
In charge enging. dept., McGill Univ. 
CoIl., Van('ouvpr (prof. civil enging.). 
-Vancouve1', B.C. 
Du Tremblay, Pamphile Beal, lawyer. 
S. P. P. V. du T., C.E., P.L.S., and 
Clementine Marie (Dufort) du '.I.' . b 
Ste. Anne de la Perade, P.Q., Mch: 5: 
1879: e. local schs., Levis, Nicolet, 
and Three Rtvers ColIs., and Quebec 
Normal Sch. ; m., Sept. 21, 1907, 
Angeline, d. Hon. T. Berthiaume, 
.IC. (q.v.); studied law, McGill 
Umv., and Laval Unlv. (LL.B., 1901) . 
advocate, do.; practises his prof. I
Montreal, where he Is solr. for the 
Govt. of Quebec In certain matters. 
ctive Lib., as a speaker and or
gamzer; presdt. Papineau Club' ex- 
presdt. Letellier Club; V.-P. Nat: Lib. 
Club; favoured Increased subsidies to 
the provinces, technical instruction In 
schs.; R. C.-979 Tupper St" Montreal' 
Club Canadien, do. 
.. A man of talent, energy and merit." 
-M. Herald. 
Du Val, Bev, Frederic Beal (Presb.). 
B. Prince GE'orge, Maryland, U.S.; 
Huguenot, FrencÀ and Scotch ances- 
try; e. Hightstown Classical Acad., 
N..J., and Princeton Unlv. (M.A., 
1875); graduated. with 2 gold meds. 
and 1st prize In Bib. knowledge, 1872; 
studied theol., Princeton. Theol. Semy.; 
D.D., WoostE'r Univ., 0., 1886: m., 
1876. Miss Caroline KE'arfott, Phlla- 
ddphia, Pa. (d. .June, 1909); o. 1875; 
for some yrs. pastor of a ch. at To- 
1.f't4,o. 0.: 'Pa
'[.or Kno-,,;: Oh.. "T.lnnipoe-g, 

ince 1888; Moderator Genl. Assembly, 
1908-9: a councillor Man. Unfv.; a 
memo Bd. of Mangt., and a senator 
Ma.n. ColI}. ; eloect-e.(ll a memo .Joinot 
Oomte. on Oh. Unclon, 1908; preacheð 
sermon, St. Andrew's Ch., Quebec, at 

Quebec Tercentenary, 1908' author of 
many beautiful Christian póems; trav- 
d . extensively In Europe, 1909.- 
.. Possesses the magic wand of .a ruler." 
-M. Witnes8. 
.. A highly educated man; a man of in- 
finite tact."-Saturdall Night. 
Duval, Louis Zéph71'in Arthur, phy- 
'sician; educationist. 
S. L. Z. D., N.P., St. Jean Port 
.Joly, P.Q., and Eléonore (Verreau) D., 
sister late Abbé V.; first ancestor in 
Can., a s. of Guillaume du V., Seign- 
eur dIU Pontlo, of Brittany, settled 
at Rlvlère Ouelle, P.Q.; b. St. .Jean 
Port .J'oly, Oct. 31, 1847; e. CoOll. 
Ste. Thérè5'e de Bloa,invoBJle, P.Q.; 
(Laval Unlv.), 1866; m., Sept., 1865, 
Loulou, d. Arsène Michaud, advocate, 
regr., Co. VIslet, P.Q.; M.D., 1872; 
successively, prof. 
mnastlcs, Latin, 
chemistry, physics and math., Jacques 
Oa.rHer Norma.l Sch., M,on.treal; prod'. 
chemist., Chambre des Arts et Manf., 
Montreal; asst. civil engr., Montreal, 
Ottawa & Occl-den t Ì'a;1 Ry.; dmughtrs- 
man Quelbec & N. ,Shore Ry., Three 
Rivers; prof. Frenoh, Royal ,Mil. CooIl1. ; 
prof. mus'ic a.nd sclenooes, is.iI1'd, prof. 
chemist., ,OOiIII. 'Of Piha,rm., Mon.trad, 
sinlce 1897; author varIous articloes 0011 
m:a;tIh. and obher bmlI1ches of science, 
\\,hiioh 'have been 'highly cQlmmoendoe,d 
by maUls. and obhers; R.C.-
B"a St. 
Denis St., Monh'eal. 
Du Vernet, Ernest Edward A" la.w- 
E. U. C. Oon.; -In., Aug. J.O, 189
Julia Sophia (eleded Ip'reSdt. Bp. 
Sbr.achan ,SClh. Old Girl,s' Assn., 1911), 
e. d. kde .klJex. MarNnog, LL.D., To- 
ron,toO; bapI'IÏste:r, 1889; K.C., 1908: 
onle of the leadeps of 1'hoe Cam. baT: 
has Ibeen eng:d. '3.'S counsel :in many 
Important cases, both ciVilI anrð 
criminal; a dir. Union Trust Co.; 
head of law firm, D., Raymond, Jones, 
Ross & Ardagh, Toronto; one of the 
origl1l'3!1 (!iirs. oOf t'he 
at:e United Em- 
plr.e Bank on Its organlz:ruUon; a Con.- 

Ol Indian Rd., Toronto; 'l'oronto Club; 
Albany Club, do. 
Du Vernet, The Bt, Bev, :Frederick 
Herbert (Ang.), Bishop. 
Huguenot descent; s. late Rev. Canon 
Du V. '3.1lIdi Frances Eli?Ja Du V., a sis- 
ter o'f Rev. Oall'o'll' El'legood (q.v.), 
MoOntl'eal; a ,gmnds. Lt.-Dol. Du V.. 
Royal Statr COI1pos'; b. Hemmingford, 
,P.Q., Jan. 20, 1860; e. King's CollI. 
UllIlv., Wintd1sor, N.S. (D.D., ,1905), To- 
ronto Univ., 8Jnd Wycllt'fe OoB. ToOrontt!o; 
B.D., .Arch'bp. of Canterbury, 1893: 
D.D., '.I.'rtn. Univ., 1904; m., 1885, Stella 
(an assoc. memo Synod oOf Caledonia. 
1907), d. Horatio Yates, M.D., King- 
ston, Ont.; O. 1883; mission preacher, 
dioce,se of Montreal, 2 yrs. ; secy.-treas. 
and ed. secy. Can. branch, Ch, Missy. 
Soc. Qif Eng.; memo Bd. of Mangt. 
Missy. Soc. of Can. Ch. from I,ts found- 
ation for many yrs.; conducted paro- 
chial missions In the principal cities 
and Itowns Oif Can.; successively 00, 
Can. Church Missy. Gleaner t and assoc. 
ed. New Era; prof. pract cal TheoI.. 
Wyclltre CoIl., Toronto, a85-95; rector 



St. John's Ch., Toronto Junction, 1895- 
1904; consecrated Bp. of Caledonia, 
B.C., Nov, 30, 1904.-See House, Prince 
Rupe7.t. B.C, 
.. A devout, learned, laborious and estim. 
able clerg
 man. "-Oan. Ohurchman. 
Dwight, Harvey Prentice, telegraph 
presiden t. 
B. Belleville, .Jefferson Co., N.Y., 
Dec. 23, ] 828; e. Osrwego Co.; m, 1st, 
1856, Miss Sarah Hutchinson, Port 
Robinson, ant (d.); 2ndly, Mary 
Margt., d. Wm. Helliwell, Toronto; 
a telegraph operator from his youth' 
came to Can., 1847; in the employ of 
the Montreal Telegraph Co., 1847-81' 
since then In service Gt. N. W. Tele: 
graph Co.; genl. mangr. of the co 
1881-1903; since 1892 has been presdt.: 
during N. W. Rebellion, 1886 re
dered signal service to the 'Govt 
which was acknowledged in Parlt. bÿ 
the Min'l". olf MiUtIa; ds 1st V.-P. Clan. 
GenJ. EI-eûtTic 00., V.-P. Lond'Ün Elec- 
tric Light Co. and a dir. Toronto 
Electric Light Co.; formerly presdt. 
Can. Birkbeck In'Vest. & Savings Co.. 
V.-P. Can. l\Iining Trust Co., and 
dlr. Midland Ry.; Is chairman of the 
bd. of Investigating govs., Royal Can. 
Humane Assn.; a promoter .John 
Abell Engine & Machine Co., 1902; 
Ang.-l07 St. George St., Toronto' To- 
ronto Club; Lambton Golf Club;'York 
Club. do. 
"Nobody equal to him."-Late Ron. 
W m. J[ acdougall. 
"An able, experienæ.d and upright busl- 
s manra
r."-The late Sir John Mac- 
.. DO'llbly gifted,-with a kee'n scien.tific 
instinct on the one hand .and rare busi- 
ness capacity on the- other."-T. Globe. 
Dyde, Samuel Walters, educationist. 
S. late Saml. D., Ottawa, and Jane 
Christina (Wardwpe) D., Berwick, 
Scot.; b. Ottawa, :\Ioh. 11, 1862; -e. 
Ott8Jwa Coil. Inst., Queen's Unlv., King- 
ston (B.A. and gold med. In classics, 
1883; M.A. and gold med
 In phil., 
1884; D.,Sc., 1887), and Germany; 
LL.D., hon., N. B. UnIv., 1900; m., Sept., 
1888, .Jane, d. late .T. W, Farrell, De- 
troit. Micl1.; prof. mental and mora') 
phil. and pol. econ., Unlv. of N. B., 
1886-89; prof. mental phil. and led. 
German dassical lit., Queen's UnIv., 
KIngston, 1889-191.1; has since been 
principal Presb. Theol. Coll. of Alberta; 
elected chairman Bd. of Educ., King- 
ston, 1903; has pUblished a transla- 
tion of Hegel's II Phil. of Right" 
(1896), and a translation, with an 
intJroduC'tJlon of .. The 'DhooetoeJtus of 
Plato" (1899); has lectured on .. The 
Humours of ShalreSþoo
e" and otJher 
subjects; this p.ortra,a (pr,egen.ted !t-o 
Queen's Unlv. by the Arts 80<:. of vhat 
ins.utu.uon, 19111; a P.resb.-St7.athcona. 
.. A man of a nervy, brainy nature."- 
St. John Telegraph. 
Dyer, Bev, William Pirritte (Meth.), 
S. late Jas. D. ; b. Orono, Ont., 1864; 
e. there, Albert CoIl., BellevUle (B.A., 
with honours In phil. and n. øc1ence, 

1877; M.A., 1889); and Vlct. Unlv., 
Toronto (B.Sc., 1892; D.D., hon., 
1894); m. Huldah, d. late Theodore 
L. Spafford, Belleville; studied theol. 
Albert ColI.; o. (Meth. Epis. Ch.), 
1875; in charge of Belleville, 1875- 
82; prof. nat. science, Albert ColI., 
for some yrs. up to 1886; since then, 
presdt..,of that Institution; a memo 
Bd. of Regents, Vlct. Unlv.; a sen- 
ator, Toronto Univ.-Albert College. 
Belleville. Onto 
.. Eminent and successful iD his pro- 
fession."-M. Witnes8. 
Dyke, Bev. Joshua (Meth.), ant. mu- 
nicipal service. 
Welsh origin; 3rd S. John and Mary 
D.; b. \\Tednesfield, Staffordshire, Eng.. 
Sept. 15, 1849 j e. pUblic schs. there; 
m., 1st, Bella ld.), d. late John Park, 
Lond'On, ant.; 2ndly, Sophia, d. John 
Fox, Chatham ì ant.; entd. Meth. min- 
Istry, Eng., 870; transfd. to Can., 
1872; o. 1874; successively pastor 
London, Chatham, Bowmanvllle, Cal- 
gary, Winnipeg, Fort William, Vir- 
den, Moosomln, Edmonton and BIrtle; 
retired, owing to throat affection, an<1 
settled at Fort WIlUam, 1900; prize 
essayist Theol. Union, Meth. Ch., 
1888; entd. municipal Ufe Fort Wil- 
liam, as ald. 
 and chairman Bd. of 
Works, 1901; elected mayor (by ac- 
clamation), 1902-3; also, a councillor, 
Bd. of Trade, and V.-P. Agricul. Soc.; 
del. Dom. Congress, Bds. of Trade, 
and presdt. PubUc Library; one of the 
founders Union of Can. Municipali- 
ties, of which he has been an office- 
bearer; has been distinguIshed as a 
promoter of municipal ownership; 
often styled the father of the move- 
ment; apptd. by local govt. to tour 
Man. In interests of municipal tele- 
phony, 1906; presented to Prince and 
Princess of Wales (now King George 
and Queen Mary), 1901; an Ind. Con.; 
a Freemason and an Oddtfellow.-!19 
Ross St., Fort William, Ont, 
II A polished and effective .peaker."- 
Am. Telephone Journ. 
Dyment, Hon, Lt,.Col, Albert Edward, 
stock broker; capÏotIa I'i st. 
Eng. and Scottish origin; S. late 
Nathaniel D., Barrie, ant., who came 
to Can. with his parents from Devon- 
shire, Eng., 1837, and Annie (McRae) 
D., a native of Inverness, Scot.; b. 
Lynden, ant., Feb. 23, 1869; e. Barrie 
ColI. Inst. and U.C. CoIl.; m" .June, 
1892, Edith, 2nd d. late A. T. Chapman, 
London, Ont.; removed from Barrie to 
Thessalon, ant., 1892; became partner 
and mangr. there of N. &: A. D., lumber 
manfrs.; sold timber mills and limits, 
1906; now lives at Toronto, where h
Is a memo of the firm D., Cassels & 
00., stock broke'rs, etc.; a goY. Can, 
Nat. Bureau of Breed1ng, an-d Is 
much Interested In the production of 
thoroughbred horses; elected a memo 
Toronto Stock Exchange, 1909; has 
attained promInence In financIal 
circles; a dlr. Wallaceburg Sugar Co., 
li'rost & Wood Co., Ltd., Can. Genl. 
Electric Co., Port Hood Coal Co., 
Maritime Coal & Ry. Co., and Sove- 
reign Bank of Can.; V,-P, The D. Se- 



curi-Ues Loan & Savings Co., and Can, 
'Dhoeatre.s Ltd.; -pre-sd,t. SoV'ereign Life 
A-ssur. 00.; also ,a dJk. Onto Ülub; 
formerly an ald. In Barrie; sat for 
Algoma (H. C.), Lib. Interest, 1896- 
1904, and for Algoma E., 1904-8, when 
d; presented with a gold watch 
and chain by Lib. friends in Algoma, 
May, 1906; apptd. hon. It.-c
l., 97th 
Regt. (haV'lng 'Previously been pay- 
master), Feb. 14, 1907; presented to 
the late King Edward, St. James's 
Palace, London, Eng., .June, 1907; a 
Pl'ot.-" Ravenswood," Toronto; On- Club; Toronto Club, do.; Rideau 
Club, Ottawa; Mt. Royal Club, Mont- 
Dymond, Allan Malcolm, lawyer; Onto 
pu blic service. 
S. late Alfred H. and Helen 
Susannah (Henderson) D., latterly of 
Brantford, Ont.; b. Brlxton, Surrey, 
Eng., Sept. 24, 1864; e. U. C. Coli.; 
m., Nov., 1890, Emma Staunton, 
Mus. Bac., d. Rev. Hy, F. Mellish, 
Caledonia, Ont.; barrister, 1885; K.C., 
1902; since 1870 law elk. to the Onto 
Legislature; a commr, (and secy,) for 

Ealran, Daniel, manufacturer. 
B. Galt, Ont.; e, Central Sch. and 
Dr, Tassie's Sch. there; m., 1874, Miss 
Mary S. Foster, Paris, Ont.; went to 
Penn., 1861, where he became Identi- 
fied with the steel Industry, becominJ: 
ultimately presdt. of the Am. Steel 
Casting Co., Philadelphia; Is officially 
connected with many other important 
,business oonooI"IJJS.-Thurlow, Pa. 
Ealran, WilUam :a:" banking pro; 
B. N, S., 1865; e, there; removed 
to Hutchinson, Kan., early In Ufe, be- 
coming a dlr, and cashier 1st National 
Bank there; apptd. presdt. Jackson 
Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, 
1903.-53 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 
Eakin, Bev, Thomas (Fresb.); educa- 
Irish origin; e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1896; M.A., 1897; Ph.D., 1905) and 
Knox CoIl., Toronto; graduated, 1899; 
formerly pastor St. Andrew's Ch., 
Guelph, Ont.; since 1906, asst. minI'. 
St. Andrew's Ch., Toronto; since 1905, 
has been a lect. in oriental langs., 
Univ, CoIl., Toronto.-116 Madison Ave., 
.. One ,00 the forelD()oSt pre'B.cbe-rs in 
Ca.nooa....-M. Witness. 
Eakins, Wllliam George, Jibrarian. 
B. Vienna, Ont., Nov. 16, 1854; e. 
Ingersoll and Galt grammar schs. and 
Toronto Un Iv. (B.A. and sUver med. 
In mod. languages, 1876; M.A., 1877) ; 
m., Apl., 1907, Edith Isabella Zim- 
merman, d. late Jas. Evatt, Toronto; 
barrister, 1880; practised Woodstock, 
Onlt., U1lIt1l .Joam. 1, 1884, wlhoen !he jolnoedJ 
the 00. st.atf of JlJhe Toronlto Mail as 
l'eaJdJer w:I1Uer; apptd. Ubmriran lAw 
iSoc. U. C., Dec., 1891, a !posHJion -he 
øtJlJJ1 fili1s; IlL 
rooma.soIIl; memo Sup. 

the Consolidation of the Statutes, 
June, 1906; author various legal pub- 
lications; an Ang., and a del. to the 
Provl. and Genl. Synods,-19 Castle 
Frank Crescent, Toronto. 
Dyonnet, Edmond, painter. 
B. France; came to Can. when quite 
young; studied art 4 yrs. In Italy, 
principally in Turin, Florence, Rome 
and Naples; before returning to Can. 
exhibited a few pictures at the Intern. 
Expn., Rome, where he has continued 
to exhibit; excels In male portraiture, 
virllity and refinement being happily 
blended in !his work; an oeJ{lMI1-pl
 of !hIs 
work is presented In his portrait of 
the late Archbp. Bond, Montreal (R. 
C. A. Exbn., 190.5) ; elected an assoc., 
R. C. A., 1892; now a full academi- 
cian; awarded a sUver med., Pan-Am. 
Expn., Butralo, 1901, and at the Louisi- 
ana Purchase Expn., 1904; has con- 
ducted an outdoor sketching class In 
oils, Montreal; represente,d R. C, A. 
at the Festival of Empire, Lond'On, 
Eng., 1910.-fQl1 Waverl:v St., Ville St. 
Louis, Montreal, 


Council 33rd degree, A. and A. S. R., 
Can.; also grand represent., near 
Grand Lodge, Can., of Grand Lodge 
of Hungary; an Ang., and a del. to 
Synod.-578 Huron St., Toronto; Na- 
tional Club, do. 
Earle, Jr.ufns Bedmond, lawyer. 
Fourth S. Rufus and CatherlntJ 
(Redmond) E.; maternal grandf. emi- 
grated from Irel. early part 19th cen- 
tury, and served in Brit. forces, 1812- 
14, taking part In Battle of Chrysler's 
Farm; b. Tp. Winchester, Co. Dun- 
das, Ont., May 8, 1876; e. local pub- 
lic schs., Morrlsburg ColI. Inst., Ot- 
taWia Normal Soh. , Orut. H
g.h Soh., 
'!',eachiers' Trralning Inst., 'Doronw, and 
Man. Undv. (LL.B.); pruIlJOÍjpal H
Sch., Ei,l,larney. IMian., 1898..1901; bar- 
l'Iisber (MJan.), 1904; doO. (N. W, T.), 
1905; suoccessfulily iPralCltises ihlis prof. 
at BaJbtl'eford ; .head of filìIn E. & Koelit!h ; 
b.; P,r-esb.-Battlelord, Sask. 
Eastmure, Arthur Lionel, insura.nce 
Belongs to an old Kentish family: 
S. late Saml. E. E., a ship owner and 
marine ins. broker, London, Eng.; gt.- 
grandf., a Brit. naval offr., k1l1ed In 
action before Copenhagen; b. Green- 
wich, Eng., ApI. 26, 1858; came to 
Can., with his parents, when a boy; 
e. Boys' Acad., Sherbrooke, P,Q., 
Bishop's COll., Lennoxvllle and Mont- 
real: m., June, 1890, Lydia Hoyle, e. 
d. late Jas. H. Ireland, Toronto; orig- 
Inally a reporter Montreal Daily Star; 
later, joined head office Citizens' Ins. 
Co. of Can., becoming chief elk. of 
his dept., and, In 1887, genl. lIupdt. 
of same, with headquarters at Toronto; 
founded firm of E. & Llghtbourn 
((I.v.), Ins. and financial agts., ad- 
..mlnlstrators and trustees, still exillt- 
..lng, and which are chief agentø for 



Can. and Nfd. of Lloyd's Plate Glass 
Ins. Co. of N.Y., and various other 
cos.: Is officially connected with many 
other business organizations: Is V.-P. 
Boller Inspection & Ins. Co. of Can., 
of the PlaJte Glass Undoe<rwriters' Assn. 
and or the Inlt:ern
 Assn. of Aocid'ent 
Underwriters, '8.'11'<l presdlt. of 'bhoe Queen 
City Plate Glass and Mirror Co., the 
Onto Accident Ins. Co., and of the 
Registry Co. of N. Am., of which he 
was the chief promoter: served form- 
erly In the 63rd Regt.: elected presdt. 
Ch. and Mercantile Cricket League. 
1905, and wel,1 known as an amateur 
athlete and oarsman; stroked the 
winning crew of the Argonaut Row- 
Ing Club (elp('tpd presdt., 1907) In the 
club races. 1895: holds many medals 
and trophies: a fellow Toronto Ins. 
Inst., and a mem. Brit. Empire 
League: author of an address on 
Employers' Llabf1lty Ins., and the Law 
of LlabfUty to Workmen, wli!ply pub- 
Ifshed: presented, with Mrs. E., to the 
l'3Jte Kringo Edwaro, Windsor Castle, 
.Tune. 1905: an Ind. Oon. : an Ang.-110 
Pembroke St.. Toronto: ## Northview," 
OrIole Ave., Centre Island, do.: ROllal 
Can. Yacht Club; Argonaut Row(ng 
Club, do. 
II Broad In his views. al1d untirinst In 
his efforts for the upbuildinl!: of the par. 
ticular branch of insuraJ1re. in which he 
is en.g&ged."-ORfcl! and Field. 
Easton, Bev, John Atkins (Ang.). 
S. late Wm. Ed. E., Chaldon. Sur- 
rpy. Eng.: b. Hull, Eng.. ApI. 18. 
1871: e. St. Peter's Sch., York, Cor- 
pus Christi Coil., and Ridley Hall. 
Camb. (M.A.): m., 1901t Norah Ethel 
y. d. .Tohn Attlep. Dorklngo, Surrey: 0 
deacon. 1894: prlf'st. 1R95: curate St. 
.Tohn the F.vangoe1ist. Ew'rton. Llvpr- 
pool. 1894-7: do. Christ ("h.. Brlgohton, 
1897-1900: do. 
t. .Tohn the Evang-el- 
1st. Bexley. 1900-0!>: Incumbent AT'- 
("ola and Carlvle. Bask., sln("e 1 905 : 
i1f'1. Pan-Ango. Con gorp ss, London. Engo., 
1908: opposed to marrlae- ø with de-' 
ceasei1 wife's slster.-Arcola. Sask. 
Ea.twood, John Mori.on, journalist. 
S. late .Tohn E., merchant, Hamil- 
ton, Ont.: b. and e. therf': m., Nov., 
1906, Florence, d. Hon. Wm. Gibson 
(q.v.). Senator: Is V.-P. and mango 
dir. Times Printing- Co.: formerly an 
ald.; a df.r. Ha.rruillton Lib. OIub: un- 
successfully contested Hamilton E. 
(H. C.), Lib. Interest, g. e. 1908: 
Presb.: one of the mangrs. Central 
Ch., HaJ!I1llton. - U Linden Place." 
Hamilton, Ont.; Hamilton Club. 
Eaton, Adonlram Judson, education- 
S. late Thos. W. E., Annapolis, N.S. ; 
b. there, 1850; e. Acadia Univ. (B.A., 
1873; M.A., 1877), Harvard Univ. 
(B.A., 1876), Yale and Lelpzlg Unlvs. 
(Ph.D., 1885) ; m. Miss Adelia Wood- 
man, WOlfvflle, N.S.; headmaster Am- 
herst Acad., 1877-9 ; sUbs
principal Woonsocket High Sch., Pro- 
vidence, R.I.: assoc. prof. classics. 
v., 1886: ,lSJter a pro!. IOf 
do., ltihere: retired from iprofe.ssorslhlp 

of o'liassics, 
n orner to 'Prosecute 1J'Ie- 
SOOiI"Clh W1Ork, 1911: .e.l.ecl.ed a mem.. 
Ann. Orltoolbal Soc., 1886, Am.. Plhl,lo!. 
Aissn., 1894: suoooeodeod In estaJbg. 
several brnnúhelS of t1he ATdh. Inst. of 
Am. .in 'Can.. 1909: hias eddted several 
text-books JÍI()Ir ooh. and roN. us'e: is. 
frequent ooonrtI"ibU'oor Ito edruol. .f{)IUrnals: 
rook a 'PT.orninenrt par.t 'In the fO'T'!Tl'8.tlO'Il 
of 'the Dom. Eodrud. AS'S11.-!2 Holton 
St., Westmount, Montreal. 
Eaton. :Rev, Arthur Wentworth Ham- 
ilton (Ang.); poet; essayist and 
E. s. late Wm. E., well known In 
connection with the educ. system of 
N. S.. and as havlT\g held many pUblic 
positions In that Province, an.d Anna 
Aug-usta WilloughbY (Hamilton) E.; 
b. KentviIlp, N.S. : f'. under his father's 
dlroot1on an"" a;t Da1ihous.le Un
v. (B.IA.. 
ad eun.. 1904: 'M.A., do.); graðuated 
Hl\rvard Univ.. 1880; D.C.L. (hon.), 
King's Col1. Unlv., 1905; unm.: o. 
deacon, 1884: priest, 1885: had charge 
of the :parish of Chestnut Hill, Boston. 
hut for many yr!". has been at the hpoad 
fl.f the dept. of Eng-. lit. in the Cutler 

('h., one of the oldest ani! most Im- 
portant bovs' sehs. of N. Y.; an hon. 
memo N. B. Hlst. Soc.. a corr. mf'm. 
N. S. Hist. 
oc. and a life memo Mass. 
t. and Genpalog. Soc.: ha5 contri- 
buted pro
e and v-er
e to manv mags. 
and 'Periodicals; 
ut'hor: .. T}1f' Heart 
of the Crepits; Historical Religion In 
the Lle-ht of Moclern Thougoht" (18R8) ; 
"Acadian Legends and Lyrics" (1889) ; 
.. Letter Writing-, Us Ethics and 
Etiquette" (1890): .. The Ch, of Eng. 
In N. S. and the Tory Clergy of the 
ReV'Olution" (891): .. Tales of a Gar- 
rl!';on Town" (with C. L. Betts) 
(892); II College Requirements In 
Eng." (900): "Acadian Ballads and 
Dp Soto's Last Dream II (1905): 
.. Poem
 of the >Christian Year" (1905\ : 
.. The J.otus of the Nile and Other 
Popms" (1907), and" The History of 
King-'s County, N.S.: Heart of the 
Acadian Land" (1910); ed, II Rec01- 
lectlons of a Georgia Loyalist" (1901), 
and Pope's "Rape of the Lock" (1901) : 
his genea.lo
lcal books and monograJPhs 
("omprise: II The Nova Scotia Eatons to : 
"Eaton of Elmwood". II The Olive- 
stob Hamlltons": II Th
 Hamlltons of 
Berwick and Dover to; II IA.-Col. Otho 
Hamilton, his sons .Tohn a.nd Otho, and 
his grandson Sir Ralph Hamilton''': 
"The Layton, Hfll, and Sut,h-erlancl 
Families," anll the II Cochran and 
Inglis Families of Nova Scotla."-IS 
Somerset St., Boston, Mass.; Authors' 
Club, do. 
.. His æn-se OIl rhvthm is delio!p.te, hi. 
masteTV ()'ve'r metre is s:urprisil1g, aY1d his 
method of thought essenttally sympathetic." 
-N.Y. Ohristian Union. . 
II Has already achieTed &n envi&bIe p1&ce 
among the thinkers of the day."-Boston 
.. Eaton, I think. has been the m.oct 
happy of the Can.adians in treating their 
national le
ndB. There are few writers in 
the UY1Hed States who equal him In th1a 
respeoCt."-You7lger A.merican Poet., 



Eaton, Miss :Beryl, nursing profes- 
Y. d. Edward E., artist, Montreal; 
b. and e. there; served In Brooklyn 
Ho8p. Training Sch. for Nurse,s 3 yrs . 
post-grad. course, Rhodes Ave Hosp' 
Chicago, Ill.; Is asst. supd1:. and supdi
of surg.. Frances E. Willard Nat. 
TE'mp. Hosp., Chicago; a mem. W.C. 
T.U.. Chicago; holds decided views on 
prohibftlon Question.--'


9 8. Lin- 
coln St., Ohicago, Ill. 
Eaton, Brenton Halliburton, lawyer. 
B. Cornwallis, N.S., Aug. 8, 1837; 
E'. Acadia Unlv. (B.A., 1859; M.A., 
1862; D.C.L., hon., 1899); barrister, 
1864; K.C. (M. of Lansdowne), 1884; 
R. 00. U'l1Jdlffi' E. F. Aci.. ,1885 ;
fuBy practises his prof. In Halifax; a 
gov.. Acama Unlv.; presdt. Bapt. Con
ventIon, Maritime Prov1nce5 1886-7' 
V.-P. Citizens' Moral Refor
1905; treas., do., 1909: pres'<Ï't. N. S. 
i:'æ'P. Allfance, 1905; Bapt.-Ha]ifax. 
Eaton, Rev, Charles Anbrey (Bapt.). 
On father'!!! sld
 descended from 
an 'Old Mass. ,famIly that settled In 
Haverht1l, Mass., 1638; s. Stephen 
and Mary D. (Parker) E.; b. Lake- 
vll1e. Co. Cumherland. N.R. Mch. 29 
1868; e. Acndfa Unlv. (B.A.. 1890: 
M.A.. 1893; D.D.. 1907). nnd Newton 
Theo1. Semy.; M.A., ad eund., iMcMas- 
ter Unlv., 1896; D.D.. Baylor Unlv.. 
1900; m., .Tune, 1895, Mary Wlnnffred, 
d. Capt. W. D. ParHn. Natlck. Mass.; 
beg-an to preach at 18 yrs. of a
e; o. 
1893: pnstor 1 st RRpt. {'h.. Natff'k 
1893-5; do. Bloor St. Bapt. IGh., To
ronto, 1895-1901; do. Old Euclf4'1 Ave. 
Rapt., Ch., Cleveland (.Tohn D. RoC'ke- 
feBer s Home Ch.). 1901-9; since then 
has been pa!';tor, iMadlson Ave. 
Ch, N. Y. City; spent geveral sum- 
mers In Gt. Brit. and on the c.ontfnent 
preaching- with gl'PRt 
u('cess; dec1tned 
('all to 1 st Bapt. Ch., Winnipeg'. 1899: 
4'10. Bupd't. of Intern. Young People's 
Movement of Am., 1901; one 0If the 
founders and 1st presdt. of New Eng- 
Alumni Assn. of Acadia Unlv.; Is 3r
V.-P. Can. So('. of N. Y.; has serve-d 
as a gOY. Mc'Master Unlv. and moder- 
ator of Clevf'land Ba"pt. Assn.; now 
a trustee of Denison Unlv.: has lec- 
tured on many topics, Including- '" Our 
Kith and Kin Beyond the Sea," '" The 
Relg-n of the Common People " '" Can 
Independen-cp It and '" 20th 'Centun; 
Chrlstfanl,ty " ; was ed.-In-chlef of 
Acadia Athenæ1tm, 1890; ed. writer on 
soclologolcal Bnd retfgtous topIcs, To- 
r.onto Globe. 'for 4 yrs. ; wrote a sel'tes 
of letters describing' the then state of 
affairs In Eng. for Toronto Globe. 1896 ; 
was also Can. correspondent for Boston 
Transcript and other Am. journal,s; 
author: U For Troubled Hearts" (1901) 
and U The Old Evang-e1fsm and t.he New 
EV<1\nge1fsm" (1901); uA me1torlst In 
social thougoht, Lfb. In poIltks."-Madi- 
son Ave. Rapt. Ok., New York Oity. 
"A fOl'cibl
 public sJjea.1rer and an At. 
tractive man in the pulpU."-M. Star. 
'"An elrrneEfi Ohristian teacher, who aim. 

at a
apt!pg his message to the age in which 
he lives. -Can. Ohurchman, 
"A scholar. a. thinke,r and a man of 
human sympathie.s."-T. Globe, 
Ea.ton, Mrs, Charlotte, author. 
B. and e. Eng.; m., 1887, Wyatt 
Eaton, a nat
ve of PhUipsburg-, P.Q., 
wI:o highly dIstinguished himself as a 
p,:unter ..(d. .Tune 7, 1896); author 
Desire, a volume of verse (1904), 
a.n d of various contributions to mag. 
ht.; also well known as a reader; 
cRlls {'an. II the land of her heart."- 
New York. 
.. The feminine Walt Whitman."-'" Kit." 
Ea.ton, Lt,-Col, David Xsaae Vernon, 
Can. permanent military f'Orces. 
S. .Tas. K. E., C.E., Truro, N.S., and 
Ann King (Pltblado) E.; descended 
from the HaverhtU Eatons, who came 
to Am. from Eng-., 1640: b. Truro, 
Sept. 19, 1869; e. pubtfc schs. and Truro 
Acad.; m., Dec., 1898, Myra, d. late 
Hon. ArC'hibald Fltz-Randolph, '" Frog- 
more," Fredericton, N.B.; emplovE'ò as 
C. E., Newfoundland Ry., 1889-90; 
surveyor and topographer, Can. Geol. 
survey, 1891-6; In charge surveying 
and topographY, A. P. I.ow's explora- 
ttons In Labrador. 1893-5; gazetted 
lleut. Can. permt. Forces (from major 
In mtlltlfl commdg-. Ottawa Ffpld 
Brutty.), 1896; ca'Pt., .1902 ; majO'T, 1905 ; 
It.-col., 1910; served as In S. A. 
War, 1899-1900, and major 2nd In com- 
mand, 3rd Regt., C. M. R., 1902 
(QuE'en's med., with 3 clasps); spe- 
clallv selecteò by Earl Rohprts, f'om- 
ef, for St.aff CoN., Cam- 
berley, and was the first C'olonial offr. 
to 'be admrJ.1rt.oo ,tihoe.reto, 1902: g1mdu- 
ated, 1905; JIH'Ip,senrt'e-d, ' M'l1S. E., 
to la're ,:K;IT1Ig anld Queen, ,I !!04; asst. 
drJ.r. opernrt.l()'11s and s't'aff ilutles, ,1905; 
a. 'ffiJem. .gent. staff OIf'the EmpÌ'I'e, 1907 ; 
dlr, of iÌ"l"8Jlno1ng, otJtawa, 1908; 1'eV'ert'S 
too 'I"e
lim'enlt3l1 d'l1lty, commðg-. U B" 
Ba.tJtery, R. C. H. A... Feb., 1911; a. ddr. 
()tJtawa Hunt Olub: An.g.-Ki?!{Jston, 
Onto ; Frontenac Club. do. : Rideau 
Olub Ottawa: Ottawa Golf Club; Ot- 
tawà Hunt Club; Oolonial Club
don, Eng. 
Eaton, John Craig, merchant and 
Y. s. late Timothy E. (d. .Tan. 81, 
1907) and Margt. (Beattie) E.; fath- 
E'r, a native CloghE'r, IreJ., founder T. 
Eaton Co., Ltd., Toronto, Winnipeg, 
and Vancouver, and of Margt. Eaton 
Sch. of Lit. anò Expression: b. To- 
ronto, NiOV. 9, 1875; e. T-oronrt-o Moooel 
ScIh.; m. rthe d. la1e JoOIhn 'McCrea, 
()rræmee, Ont.; IkaJlnlNl ttJo a busl- 
ne<ss }life unodleT ih'l-s father; V.-P. E. 
Co., un<1er his father; þresd1:. since his 
death; has factories In different cities 
In Ont.; also In Montreal; a dlr. Ster- 
Hng Bank, Dom. Bank, Margt. Eaton 
Sch. of Lit. and Exp., and Onto Motor 
League; presdt. TurbIne Steam
Co. and Hamilton Steamboat 00.: 
rated as a milUonalre; a memo bd. of 
rege.nts, Victoria Unlv.; a gOY. of the 
Toronto Gein'l. HO'S}).; '8. Lib., and V.-P. 



Toronto Reform League; has deollned 
nomination from his party to H. C.; 
olJlP'O'sed to Taft-
e1odin'g- l'eclpI'OOlt'Y 
enlt:, 1911 ; a .Me-tib. ; gav>e 
$10,000 to endoWIDenrt fund of V;lc- 
Í'()Irla Un
v., 1907, $5,000 to Y. W. 
C. A., W1nrupe.g, 1908, and $50,000 
to Y. M. C. A., Tol'cmrt:o, 1910; unodm-- 
took 10 .oonmroct :the .entire sur- 
giool wing of the new GenI. Hosp., at 
a cost of $250,000, In memory of his 
father, 1910; purchased" The Tekla," 
the laJrgest and best equipped steam 
yacht on Lake Ont., 1910; elected: an 
Indian IChlef, do.; (for an appreciation 
of his work, written by Augustus 
Bl"lidle, see The Globe, Saturdall mag. 
sec., A'P'I. 30, 1910-); Merbh.-1U Wal- 
mer Rd., Toronto; Manitoba Club, 
.. The most expert motorist in the 
Dominion."-T. World. 
II One whose deeds have been an inspira- 
tion no Jess than an example to other very 
rich men."-T. Telegram. 
.. It has become much of a proverb to 
say that Eaton's is the greaiU!st gene,ral 
purpo,ge store in,a-and the third 
in Aaneric&."-T. Globe. 
<fA phiJanthropist more practi001 than 
Oarnegie. whose sole ooncern in giving 
away millions is to look .afwr the minds 
of the human race, leaving other benefac. 
tors to take of their bod:ies."-S. N. 
Eaton, Lieut, Robert Barry, Can. 
mil. force. 

econd s. .Tas. K. E., C.E., Truro. 
N.S.; b. there, Aug. 5, 1871; e. there: 
m., Mch. 25, 1901, Violet Mav, e. d 
late Commander A. R. Gordon, R.N. 
and grandd. late Sir Melville Parker, 
Bart.; served in S. A. Constabulary 
during S. A. War (Queen's med., with 
4 clasps; King's med., with 2 clasps) ; 
Ang.-Cooksville, Onto 
Eaton, Robert y" merchant; manu- 
A nephew late T1imothy E., Tororuoo; 
b. BaUymena., IreI.; came .to ToroIllto 
when yO'Ung; e. rt'here; 1st V.-P. The 
T. IDaton 00., Tor.onto aJIld Winn
e].ected a (llr. of tlhe Sterltlng Bank, 
1908; do. Ham1-l'Ì'on Ste8!mbOOJt 00., 
19.11.-383 Brunswick Ave.
"A young man <J'f wonderful executive 
abiI.ity."-Oan. A.m. 
Eaton, Seymour, author. 
B. Epping, Ont., 1859; e. local schs.; 
m., .Tan., 1884, Miss .Tennle V. Adair, 
Winnipeg; in early manhood a 8ch. 
te.acher: hf'came a resident of Boston 
Mass., 1886, for 5 y>rs. dlr. Drexel 
Inst., Philadelphia; evolved the phm 
of the Chicago Record's home study 
courses, or which he was dlr., 1896; 
founded Booklovers' and Tahard Inn 
Ubrad-es .In U. S. Sioo Glt. Bdt.; 1l3Jter 
became secy. Intern. Policyholders' 
Assn.; resigned, 1906; creator of the 
famous Teddy bears; besides varIous 
text-books and other literary prOduc- 
tions, Is author of II Dan Black: Edi- 
tor and Proprlf'tor," which has been 
df'clared by Robert Barr (q.v.) to be 
.. ,the best story of the dJe.cadte,"-Lans- 
downe. Pa. 

Ebert., Eon, David MacEwen, law- 
yer; statesman. 
Third 8. late Wm. Duncan and Mary 
Bell (MacEwen) E.. Clmtham, Ont.: 
U. E. L. descent; b. Chathflm. Ont., 
0\ pl. 22, 1850; e. Chatham Grammar 
Sch. and Hf'l1muth CoIl.. London. Onto ; 
m., .Tune, 1884, Mabel Hove, f'. d. late 
Wm. Charles, la tf' Inspg. chief fnrtor, 
H. B. Co.; solicitor (B. C). 1880; 
barristpr, 1882; bpncher L<tw f:oc., 
1884; K.C. (E. of Derby). 1892; K.C. 
("R. C.), 1899; practlsf's his pror. In 
Victoria, in partnprshfp with W. J. 
Taylor, K.C., and H. D. Twigg-: one 
of the Ipaders of thp B. C. ba r; has 
pleadpd bpfore .Tl. Comtp. P. C.; re- 
commendpd ror a judgpshlD bv Tupper 
Admn., 1896; has heen prf'sdt. Union 
Club: has sat In the B. C. Lpglsla- 
rtllre since .1890; now sit.s for Saanlcm, 
n 18!!.fí: wa_<: a 'Tn'em. ,of 
successive Govts., and hpld the Atty.- 
Gpneralshlp In the Turnpr, Dunsmuir, 
and Prior Admns.; became Speaker of 
the Assembly, Mch., 1907; re-elprted, 
1910; present, by Invitation, In Wf'st- 
minster Abbey at royal coronation, 
Aug., 1902; a Llh.-Con.: an Ang.- 
Victoria, B.C.: Union Club, do.; Van- 
C01tver Club. Vancou1'er. 
"A ma.n (\f di
nitv Rnd courtesy, and 
with " wide knowlett
e of parliamentary 
IIIW and praf'ti C'e. "-V. World. 
Eby, Rev, Charles Samuel (Cong.). 
S. ,Jonas E., of Wa
dpnshm blood. 
and Hannah (Fess3nt) E., the latter 
a native of Eng.; b. Godprlch. Ont.. 
Nov. 4, 1845; e. Guelph High Sch. and 
Victoria Unlv., Cobourg (B.A., 1R71; 
D.D., 1886); m., .Tunp. 1871, Miss 
Ellie Keppol, Brooklyn, N.Y.; o. 1871 ; 
engd. Gf'rman mission work till 1876; 
proceeding to .Tapan, In latter year, 
under the Meth. Ch. of Can., openN] 
work in city of Kofu; later, In tne 
capital. sought to widen mission mpth- 
ods, and sf'cured the érf'ctlon of a 
central tabernacle at Toklo, ror the 
servlcps of the mission, acknowledged 
to hp the larg-est and finest Proto ch. 
in .Tapan; not only lectured In their 
lang-uage to the educatpd youth ofthp 
C'apitaI. wrotp pamphlets, and ed. for 
2 yrs. The Chrysanthemum Mag., but 
visited other cities on Ipcturlng and 
evang-plfi'tfc tours: rpturning- to Can., 
InvaHded, 1894, accepted a call to 
t. Meth. Cn., Vancouver, B.C., 
May, 1896: rf'turned to Toronto, 18Q9, 
and servpd spvpral chs. In Onto : placpd 
on the supprannnated 1i!"t, 1 Q 07, at his 
own request; was apptd., Oct., 1908, 
pastor Zion Congo Ch., Toronto; re- 
signed,iMay, 1910: founded the People's 
Ins't., Toronto, 1909; apptd. sery. Can. 
Peace and Arbitration Soc., do; while 
en god. In German work. pit. anl1 pub- 
lishf'd for a short perlol1 a German 
paper. called The Evangelist; author 
of "The Eastern Pioneer of Westf'rn 
Civilization, and thp Rpcognition Her 
Efforts Recelvf'," .. Mpthodlsm n nd the 
Mif'sionary Prohlem." .. (,hristlanlty 
and Civilization." II Christianity and 
Humanity-a Course of Lectures," 
.. God Love," II Charter of the King- 
dom," and II Problems of Citizenship"; 



oo's ilectured 'On "'I'he True Inwaro- 
ness or :tJhe Yellow Beni,}" amd other 
subjecl8; :in 1898 ref'll'sed a. dO'TIruU'Ol1 
to' ibis ch, beæ.ru'se dt was portion of 
bhe .procood.s or a tJhoetalÌrlCial1 enltenta.i'n- 
m'e'l1it.-ffO Westmoreland Ave., '1'0- 
.'A most magnetic spe-RJmr."-M. & E. 
Eby, Frederick, educatiO'nist. 
S. late Dr. Aaron E., Berlin, Ont.: 
h. there, Oct. 26. 1874; e. StratfO'rd 
CO'II. Inst., McMR8ter Unl". (B.A.. 
1895), ChicagO' {Tniv., Clark Univ. 
(Ph.D., 1900), and Univ. O'f Berlin: 
took fellow. In ped., Clark Unlv., 1899 ; 
m., Dec., 1900, Rlizabeth NuckO'll
. d. 
PrO'f. A. H. Newman (q.v.). D.D.. 
LJ....D.: prof. ChicagO' Univ.. 18n-9: 
dO'. phil. and educatiO'n, Baylor Unl"., 
since 1900; author "The Reconstruc- 
tlO'n O'f thf' Kindergarten "PedaJ!'oJ!'lcal 
Sem-Inar," .. The Orga'l11z13. MOTh OIf Per- 
sO'nallty," and "Report O'f the Intern 
CO'ngress for the EducatlO'n In the 
Family" (Liege, Belgium, 1905), <>tc.: 
Bapt.- Waco, Texas, U.S. 
Eoole.tone, Arthnr W" Am. ry. ser. 
B. HamlltO'n, Ont., Sept. 25, 1858; 
f'ntd. Sf'rvice Can. RO'uthf'rn Rv.. 1877. 
since when 'has filled many 'Import- 
ant and respO'nsiblf' pO'sltions, hecam- 
Ing E. passenger agent, ToledO', St. 
LO'uis & Kansas City Ry., 18Q2, rind 
subsequently S. passenger agent, Cen- 
tral VermO'nt & Can. Atlantic Ry.; 
since Sept., 1900, has beE'n dlst. pas- 
senger agent. N. Y., ChicagO' & St. 
LO'uis Ry. and S. passenger agent Cen- 
tral VE'rmont and Can. Atlantic Ry.- 
.'R5 Rroad'lNIJl, Ne'lo York. 
Bohlin, Edmund :Burke, physician. 
S. RO'bt. and Amanda (WO'od) E.; 
b. Tp. Beverley, WentwO'rth, Ont.: e 
Htgh ,Súh., DUßIC:1IaJ9, Ont. ;'s 
Univ., Kln'gisto'l1., OnlÌ. (B.A., 1899; 
M.D., 1891): stUJdled alsO' ,1.1'1 Lan
.clIO'n, Enog.; m. d. ,late A'l1dr,ew Mc-, Obtaw.a; fP'J"aobls,eð 'In 
Ottawa since .Jan., 1894: surgeO'n- 
maj'Or 2nd F1iel,à'BaM., Can., 189'7- 
1906: Is surgeO'n CO'. Carleton Proto 
Hosp., Ottawa; physician to' DO'm. and 
RO'yal N. W. MO'unted PO'lice. and to' 
Arty. Brigade: memo Soc. Mil. Sur- 

n.s, U. ,S.; pl'e'sd1t. Ottawa MOO.- 
CMr. Soc., 1908; a no01'E'ò f'OiOtbaH 
pia yeT, anð ,form'e,rly prpwt. OU'aw-a 
Lawn Ten'l1
1S Club; a Pre,sb.-196 Elgin 
St., Ottawa. 
Eckardt, Hamer Mark Philip, authar. 
S. Ed. and Catherine (Braithwattf') 
R; fa ther s. Philip E., an early set- 
tler CO'. YO'rk, Ont.; mO'thf'r frO'm 
YO'rkshlre, Eng.; b. UnlO'nvlllE', Ont.. 
Oct. 24, 1869; e. there and Markham 
High Sch.: m., Sept., 1910, Mrs. Edith 
E. Deyell, SO'urls, Man.; entd. service 
Merchants Bank O'f Can., 1886; now 
reUr-ed .on a pens,ÏtCm: -hra'S acteð R!" 
financial cO'rre
ondent f,ar a number O'f 
jO'urnals In Can., U. S.,' anl1 Eng. sincE' 
1902; pub1fshf'd "Mamml O'f Can. 
Bankl'n,g" (1909): "A Ra1la'Tll3Jl BRnk- 
Jnog Sys.t'em" (19,11); An-g. - Care 
lIferchants Bank of Can.,. Montreal. 
.. III making his wiI'itings a life study." 
-M. cf If, 

Edgar, Edward Kaoka7, banking pro- 
A bro. L. Lome E. (q.v.): b. U76: 
e. MO'ntreal: m., .June, 1906, Miss Ethel 
Pender: acquired much af his business 
experience In the omce O'f Senator 
Rabt. Mackay (q.v.): f:I. fO'rmer mem. 
MO'ntreal StO'ck Exchange and head of 
tJhe firm of E. 'Mla-ckay E. & .00'., 5't'ock 
and bO'nd brO'kers, MO'ntreal: retired 
from the MO'ntreal Exchange and 
remO'ved to' LondO'n, Eng., where he 
became a mem. O'f the LondO'n Stock 
Exchange and was admitted to' the 
Eng. banking firm of Sperling & Ca., 
1908; when In MO'ntreal was devO'ted 
to' amateur acting, tennis playing and 
yachting; built a trial boat fO'r the 
Seawanhaka Cup races, 1910: was a 
prO'moter of many successful public 
E'nterprlses when In Can.; Presb.- 
rare Sperling & Co., bankers, Lon- 
don, Eng. 
"Hns disp1a,\"pd financial ability in Ii 
marked degree."-!l. Herald. 
Edgar, L, Lome, stO'ck and bond 
S. late Frank E., a native of Quebec, 
a memo of the firm of Mackay BrO's., 
whO'lesale dry goods merchants. secy. 
slbO'O' Plaper CO'., etc.: b. and e. 
MO'ntrE'al; m. Miss BrO'phy: elected a 
memo :Montreal Stock Exchange, 1907; 
head O'f firm L. Lame E. & CO'., .Mant- 
real; tO'O'k over the business farmerly 
cO'ntrO'lled by his bro., 1907; a pro- 
mO'ter Mexican Electric Light Ca., 
1905; Presb.--66, it The Linton," Mont- 
real; Montreal Jockey Club, do. 
Edgar, Miss Mand Caroline, eduoo.- 
E. d. late HO'n. Sir .J. D. E., K.C. 
:M.G., and Lady E.; b. Toronto; e. 
TO'rO'ntO' Unlv. (B.A. and GO'v.-Genl.'s. 
med. In mod. liang'S., 1896); jolnro 
tea.ehlnrg staff, HaV'engal Col.I., T'OI'O'Ilto, 
1899: O'pened a ladies' sch. In Mont- 
real. of wMoh she Is 'Principal, 1909: 
a cleveT speaker and an accO'rn.pllshed 
amateur actress; author .. The Place 
Women's .CoUeges Fill In the Educa- 
tional Neeðs O'f Our CO'untry," a paper 
(1906) ; Ang.-507 Guy St., Montreal. 
Edgar, Pelham, authar; educa- 
2nd s. late HO'n. Sir Jas. D. and 
La-dy E., hobh aooompN,shed wrI'oors: 
b. Thronto, Mch. 17, 1871; e. U. C. 
0011., TIOronto (B.A.. 1892), 
and .J.ohns ,HOIPkins -D'l1llv. (Pth.D. 
amà l1e}.JlQw, 1897); m, Dec., .1893, 
Helen MaðeJ.\ne, 3rd '<1. 1'3.1e aeo. 
D' Arcy BO'ultO'n, Q.C.; taught U. C. 
CO'II., .1892-5; lect. French 
ang. and 
lit., VictO'ria Unlv., TO'rontO', 1897-9: 
assoc. praf. do. dO'. da., 1899-1902; 
since then 'has been 'prof. dO'. do. do.: 
has been secv. Can. SO'c. O'f AuthO'rs; 
alsO' presdt. TennysO'n Club, Toranta; 
Pf'esdlt. Mod. 'La'ng. -sec., OnlÌ. Ed'l1c. 
A.ssn., 1908-9; a promoter Un,iv. Print- 
Ing & Pu'bUshlng CO'" 1902; founded 
Pelham Edgar prize In French cotn- 
p.osition, TorO'nto Unlv.; besides having 
cO'ntrJbuted to Can. and Am. mags., 
has ed. editions of Parkman's .. The 
Struggle fO'r a Continent" and .. The 
Roomance of Oan. lUst,"; 
8 one of ttJhoe 



editors .of 
lOl'3.n,g's .. 'I1hoe 'M1akers IOf 
Oanada" se.ries; acted as eam .a.df- 
v1ser to .Sidne-y Lee in tlhe Ipfleù)8.ra- 
t10n of the new ed. of the "Dictionary 
or Nat. Biography," 1911; has lectured 
on .. Shelley's Debt to 18th Century 
Thought" and .. Nationalism in Poetry 
and Can. Poets"; a Ll,b.; an Ang.- 
21 Euclid Ave., Toronto; T01'onto Uoll 
Club, do. 
"A literary critic of th(7 highest orde-r, 
and an acoolIDpliÐhed and graceful w.riter." 
-T. Globe. 
Edmond., Bev. Walter Everard (Ang.) 
S. Worn. B. and! Alice M. (,Stitt) E.; 
b. Norwich, Ont., Oct. 30, 1875; e. 
Norwich, \Voodstock, Toronto, and St. 
John's ColI., \Vinnipeg, and Man. 
Univ, (B.A.; M.A.); m., Dee" 1903, 
MIss L. E. M. De Lome, Plymouth, 
Eng.; o. dea.ocm. 1902; priest, do.; 
sometime- v'iC8!r St. J'O'bn's, Sa,ska.toon, 
Sask. ; now retired; taught sch. 2 yrs.; 
first princi,pal Cards ton public scb.s.; 
subsequently headmaster Emmanuel 
ColI., Prince A1bert; a well-known con- 
tributor to Can. press; while at univ. 
was ed.-in-chiel! St. John'8 ColI. Mag.; 
in e'aJI"l'Y Gays a -notoed ßJthl:ete; w hli'liJ 
at coli., won the annual champion- 
ship; a staunch upholder of Imperial- 
ism.-Ulad8tone, Man. 
U Wields a facile pen; his serial, . Dash- 
 Dick,' as well as his beautiful little 
poem, · The Weddini of the Flowers,' much 
admired."-Can, Churchman. 
Edmond., William Lewi., journalist. 
S. W. G. and Elizabeth E. ; b. North- 
umberland, Eng., Jan. 15, 1859; e. 
Bideford, K. Devon, Eng.; m., June, 
1885, Ida E., d. E. Galley, Toronto; 
came to Can., with parents, 1873; 
began newspaper work, 1875, gOing 
through mech., reportorial, and ed. 
branches; published Onto Gleaner 
(Cannlngton) over 2 yrs.; then suc- 
cessively reporter Toronto New8, com- 
mercial and city ed. Toronto World, 
marug. ed. .MJacLean 'trad-e papers, anld 
later V.-P. and .genl. mangr. .M:aoLean 
Bub. 00.; sev-ered his lOO'IlJlIeoC!tion w.H-h 
/tIhe .Ma.oLeans, '00 form, with D. 0, 
'MeKln'lliOn. 'th
 Can. Merchant ,Ptub.lJish- 
ing CIO., Jan., .19.11; a J.P. and 
m'em. I!3d. of Tra.d'e; .a;uthar .. Tihe 
Can. Manufacturer's VuLne,rabÞe <<Spot " 
(1910); a Lib., and umsUJCIC'essfuJily 
Sltoo E. 'l"'ol1On'oo, ,in. 'Ì:ha.t in- 
terest (L()oOOII) , g. e. 1905; !pr
an unsuOC'esstUil candJiòate flOr Sclh. 
Bd.; eloect'ed pre,sdot. 1st Ward Youn,g 
Lib. Club, 1905; a Presb. ; .fm 
sevoeoral yrs. /took an aoCbiv
 peart "in 
S. .s. work, allso in young 'POOJ)!Ie's 
a.ssns.; favlOurs IDIOderate /pr.oteCit.jl()lJ1 
and rnun-lcipaJI and g>ov l t. !Ownership 
of pu bl ic uotiliotoies ; a FreOOllas-on ; 
an ardent lawn bowler; first presdt. 
Kew Bea-ch Bowlln.g Club.-l21 Balsam 
A ve., Toronto; National Club, Cana- 
dian Club, Ke1.O Beach Bowling Club. 
'.A Libeor.a.1, hært alld eoul."-Late 
John A.. Ewan. 
Edvina. Madame (see Edwardes, HOllo 
Mrs. Marie Louise Juliette). 

Edwarde., Bon. Karle Louise Juli- 
ette, vocalist. 
D. late F. X. Martin, Vancouver, 
B.C.; b. Quebec; e. Convent of the 
Sacred Heart, :Montræ.l; m., 1st, - 
Buxton (d.); 2ndly, 1901, Hon. Cecil 
Ed'Wardes, 3rd s. 4th Baron Kensing- 
.ton; f.arm.ed -as an a.matÐur v,ocra.!ris.t and 
actress; studied singing in Paris under 
Jean de Reszke, 1904-8; made her 
deburt 3JS 
farg-ueri!ta in .. Fa.ust," at 
Oovent Garden, London, Eng., 1908.- 
(Sta.g>e nam
: 'Madame E.dV1irua).- 
Cure Canadian Office, London, Eng. 
.. Literally fr.scinating-so pretty, so 
young, so dainty:'-V. World. 
Edward., C, B" Can. mun. servIce. 
Graduated B.A. (Queen's Univ., 
Kingston), 1900; sometime history 
master, London CoIl. Inst.; apptd. city 
clk., London, Ont., Dec. 26, 1902.- 
London, Onto 
Edward., Bev. Charle. (presb.). 
S, late 'Vm. E., secy. Dept. Public 
Works, Toronto; b. Toronto, Mch. 19, 
1863; e. Toronto ColI. Inst. and by 
private tuition; m., June, 1894, Miss 
Abbie Eldridge Bokee, Brooklyn, N.Y.; 
graduated Auburn Semy., N. Y., 1891; 
served as asst. minr. 13th St. Presb. 
Ch., N. Y.; o. 1892; for 11 yrs. pas- 
tor historic Franklin Ave. Presb. Ch., 
Brooklyn, N.Y.; since engd. in liter- 
ary and educl. work; has lectured on 
the Holy Land, and has read a series 
of papers entiUed "Mental Philosophy 
in .Li'amiliar Terms"; a Can. aiways.- 

59 (fates Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y, 
Edward., Lt.-Col. Elihu Burritt, law- 
S. Jas. and Euphemia E.; b. Peter- 
boro', Ont., Aug. 21, 1850; e. Peter- 
boro' Gra;mmar Sch. and Toronto Univ. 
(.B.A., WiiltJh l!1oonours in moOd. lang., 
UrìO; M.A., 1!
ï1; LL.B., 1881); m., 
1st, 1884, Harriet (d. July, 188
), d. 
late Rev. Wm. Reid, D.D.; 2ndly, 1895, 
Harriet France.s, d. late ßdJward 
Brown, Goodwood; barrister, 1874; 
K.C., 18

; formerly practised at 
Peterboro'; now practises at Edmon- 
'lon, .Aàta.; ell'td. v. an. as 571tJh 
Regt., 187
; major, 1889; It.-col. com- 
manding regt., 1!J00; brigade maj., 5th 
Brigade, 1900; D. A. A. G., 3rd Div., 
; transfd. R. 0., Oct., 1902; ap- 
ptd. It.-col. comdg. 101st Regt., 
Oct., 1
08; holds long service decora- 
tion; formerly noted for his interest 
In athletics and sports; long capt. 
Peterboro' Rowing Club; 
Am. Canoe Assn., 1883; hon. mem. 
Brit, Canoe Assn.; presdt. Onto Curl- 
ers' Assn., 1901-2; a councillor Onto 
Hist. Assn.; a Reformer; a Bapt.- 
Edmonton, Alta.; Edmonton Club, do. 
Edward., Gordon Cameron, In.anfr. 
S. J. C. and M.uìg1t. C., E., Ot- 
tawa; a nephew Senator E. (q.v.); 
b, 'Db:urso, P.Q., Nov. 17, 1867; e, 
there and Ottawa GoB. I'nst.; m., 
June, 1&95, Edna, Ù1. Wm. Me:ighen, 
Perth, Ont.; commenced business ca- 
reer in service Can. Lumber Co., Carle- 
ton Place, Ont.; now and for some 
yrs. man
r. W. C, Edwards Co. mills, 


Ottawa; one of the promoters and 
secy.-treas. Library Bureau of Can. 
(L. P., 1903); elected presdt. Can. 
Lumbermen's Assn., 1908-9; a dir. Per- 
!.ey HOome fíor Incurables al1ld Dom. 
Forestry As-sn.; treas. Ottawa Boys' 
Harne; presdt. Y. M. C. A., Ottawa, 
1907-9; as such madie a per.sonal 
appeal to the citizens of Ottawa 
for sum of $200,000, with which to 
erect a new bUilding for the assn. 
(the amount to be subscribed within 
a specified time), and got it; holds 
office in the local St. Andrew's Soc.; 
eJlooted presdt. OtJtawa {)an. Club, 1909 ; 
a Lib. an.d has been mentioOned dn con- 
nection wi,th municipal and poll tI cal 
hon-ours; a BaiJ)t.-55 Mackay St.
' Rideau Club; Laurentian Club; 
Ottawa Golf Club
' Ottawa Country 
Club; Ottawa Hunt Club; Canadian 
.. A man of ma.rked executive ability and 
ente.rprise."-O. Free Press. 
Edward., Mr., Henrietta (Muir), 
woman's work. 
B. and e. Montreal; m. O. C. Ed- 
wards; organized Working Girls' As- 
sociation, Montreal, 1875; to secure 
funds for her work renewed her art 
studies, under Wyatt Eaton, N. Y., her 
sister, Miss Muir, managln
 the assn. 
during her absence; on her return to 
Montreai, opened a studio and ex- 
hibited at Royal Can. Acad., the 
money thereby earned enabling her to 
enlarge the scope of her work; edited 
for yrs., with her sister, "Woman's 
\Vork In Canada," the earllest publi- 
cation of Its kind In Can.; after a 
brief sojourn In the Northwest, set- 
tled in Ottawa, where she became In- 
terested, with Miss Wright (now Mrs. 
Carr-Ham-is, q.v.), In the Y. W, C. A., 
of which she became Dom. supdt. of 
woman suffrage; later threw hersel! 
with great enthusiasm Into the work 
of the Nat. Council of Women, under 
Lady Aberdeen, and was entrusted 
with the preparation of several im- 
portant parts of the hand-book for the 
Paris Intern. Expn., compiled and 
pUbllshed by that organization; a del. 
to the Quinquennial Congress, Nat. 
Council of Women, Toronto, 1909; 
"has always held her voice and pen 
ready when called upon to aid any 
effort for the higher development of 
women, feeling that the recognition of 
her equallty to man could only bl:' 
attained by her becoming equal as a 
woman to her brother man, equal In 
education, as a citizen, In breadth of 
view, and strength of purpose."-Mac- 
leod, Alberta. 
Edwards, Jahn We.ley, physician; 
S. Geo. E., a native of Norwich, 
Eng., who came to Can. 1837, and 
Elizabeth Jane (Lyon) E., a Can. of 
U. E. L. stock; b. Storrlngton, Co. 
Frontenac, Ont., May 25, 1865; e. pub- 
lic schs., Sydenham High Sch" Ottawa 
Normal Sch., and Queen's Unlv., 
Kirugston (B.A., .1900; l\LD., 1900); 
m., 1890, Hester Jane. 3rd d R. G 
Pu'rdy, GJenburnl'e, Onlt.; .fOlrIll'eI"ly a 


pubJ-ic sch. .teaoher; 00. elk., Firorut'EIDac, 
18!J3-1907; an aotJiV'e Oon. tpOJ.i.ticdan.. 
presd't. Fvon,teniWC Lib.-CQo. Assn. ;re
turThed, in .tJhaJt dlllÌ'erest. far 
(H. C.), g. e. 11908; 'Meth.-Cataraquì 
Onto J 
., One of the 'best platform speakers 
in Eastern OntaJlio.' '-M. Gazette, 
Edwards, öTo.eph Plimaoll, business 
E. Feb. 6, 1857; m. d. late Francis 
Crispo, Montreal; formerly ed. Dom. 
Illustrated and Can. Military Gazette, 
Montreal; was secy.-treas. Soc. His- 
torical Studies, Montreal, and a fre- 
quent contributor to various other lit- 
erary publications, particularly on 
mil. and historical sUbjects; is reputed 
to possess the lar
est and finest library 
of O&n. books In ,Can.; ,furmerly a,d'j'Í;, 
Victoria Rifles, Montreal; now and for 
many yrs. mangr. Can. Iron & Foun- 
dry Co., Londonderry, N.S.; an Ang.- 
"Hillcrest," Londonderry
Edward., Kiss Lydia Agne., author. 
Published, In 1901, .. Tributes of 
Loyalty and Love from Canadian 
Hearta." a volume containing 30 
poems, from Can. pens, which ap- 
peared In the local press on the occa- 
sion of the death of Queen Victoria; 
the late King was pl-ea.sed to accept of 
a copy of rtJh.i.s work, and in his aokgt, 
said that he was deeply touched, as 
well as much gratified, by the love and 
sympathy displayed by the contrlbu- 
tors.-Truro. N.S. 
Edward., Bon. WW1am Cameron, 
lumber manufacturer; legislator; 
S. late Wm. E., a native of Ports- 
mouth, Eng., who came to Can. about 
1820, and settled In the tp. of Clar
ence, Co. Russell, Ont., and Martha 
Ann (Cameron) E., a native of Fort 
Willlam, Scot.; b. Clarence, May 7, 
1844; e. Ottawa Grammar Sch.; m., 
Jan., 1885, Catherine M. (present in 
Eng., with Sir W. and Lady Laurier, 
at the celebration of Queen Victoria's 
Diamond Jubilee, 1897, and again, 
during King Edward's coronation, 
1902), e. d, Ja;te Wm. Wù,lson, Oumber- 
la.nd, Ont.; en.ter'Ød l1umber busdnoos i8Jt 
Thurso, P.Q., when quite young; com- 
menced ,business on his own account, 
1868; subsequentJy estabd. the firm of 
W. C. E. & Co., whose sawmills and 
other wOorks at Rockland and New 
Edinburgh have long been amon
most extensive and prosperous In the 
whole Dom.; Is also .a noted stock 
bl' and ra!iser; t1s ,pl'e,sd't. .00. Rus- 
sell Agricul. Soc., iManufacturers' Lum- 
ber Co., Library Bureau of Can. ; V.
Can. Assn-. for Prevention of Tubercul.; 
d'ir. Can. Bank of Commerce, Toront.o 
GenI. 'l'rusts Covpn., Canada Cement 
Co., Central Can. Exhbn. Assn., Mont- 
real Indust. Exhbn. Assn., Sovereign 
Life Assur. Co., Otta.wa Fire Ins. Co., 
Can. Forestry .Assn.., Canada Central 
Ry. and OUa wa Calcium Carbide Co.; 
a gov. Can. Nat. Bureau of; 
promoter 'l'emiskaming Steamboat Co., 
Can. Lumber Co., 1887, Consumers' 
Electric CQ., 19011, and Cascapedla Mfg. 



and TraJdIng Co., 1904: was presdt, 
 Limit Holders' Assn., 1905-6, 
and Co. Carleton prot. Hosp., 1903; a 
memo Intern. Comn. on Bovine Tuber- 
cut, 1909; del. to U.S. Rivers and Har- 
bours Convention, Wa.shington, D.C., 
1908; aJpptd. a memo Royal Conserva- 
tion Comn., 1909; 
ave $20,000 to 
Y.M.C.A. building fund, Ottawa, 1907; 
a Lib.; a vigorous free trader; un- 
successfully contested Russell (H.C.), 
g. e., 1882; sat ,for same constituency 
(do.), 1887-1903; called lio the Senate 
by Lord Minto, .Mch. 17, 1903; Js chair- 
man Agricul. and Forestry Comte. of 
the Senate; Bapt.-80 Sussex St. N. 
Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa Hunt 
Club, do.; Mt. Royal Club, Montreal' 
1'01'k Club, Toronto. ' 
.. The life and soul or! Liberalism jn the 
O'tta.W&'le)....-M. Herald. 
. "Oan put hea.rt, vig
ur, enthusiasm, 
JudglIllent and kDiJ'wledge mro anything he 
undertakes."-H, E. Earl Grey, Gov.- 
Gem. (q.v.). 
Edward., Winiam Muir, educationist. 
S. Oliver C. E., M.D., Macleod, 
AUa., and Henrietta (Muir) E. (q.v.) ; 
a nephew of Senator E. (q.v.); b. 
Montreal; e. Montreal High Sch.; m. 
d. C. A. Douglas, Ottawa' graduated 
B.A.Sc, with Brit. Assn.' med. (Mc- 
Gilil Un.iv.)" 1900; M.Sc., 1902; as so. 
memo C
n. Soc. C. E., 1906; some yrs. 
a .l-ecl. 11!- matJh. and oivdl enging., .Mc- 
Gl:ll UDlV.; asst. prof. oivil engirug 
and 11001;. .in matJh., do., 1907; appW: 
prof. CIVÜ and munIcipal enging., 

I!-Iv., Aug., 1908; a specIalist 

n J?-uDlClpal enging. ; promInently 
 with athletics'; formerly a 
memo Nat. Regn. Oomte. Oan. Am. 
Ath!letic Union, and presdt. Ind. Har- 
riers' League.-Edmonton, Alberta, 
Edye, Lt.-COI, Lourenco, late H.M.'s 
,regular mil. forces. 
E. S. Le OhevaHer de AilImeida., Por- 
tugal (assumed by royal license his 
mate.rnal name of Edye); b. Rio de 
Janeiro, Brazil, Mch. 2, 1848; e. Eng. 
and France; m., July, 1872, Clara 
Frances, o. C. R W. Laws, H.E.LC.S.; 
entd. Royal Marines as 2nd Ueut., Dec. 
8, 1866; 1st lleut., Aug. 3, 1867; capL, 
Julr, 1881; bt.-major, Dec., 1887; 
maJor, Aug., 1888; bt.-It.-col., Dec., 
1894; It.-col., Sept., 1895: retired, 
1897; has held the appts. of Interpre- 
ter to H. M. fleet (China); asst. in- 
str. musketry; capt. and quartermas- 
ter (EgyJpt); dn:terpret-er Roya1J Ma- 
rines (Soudan); capt. and paymaster 
do. do. (Soudan); signalling offr. do. 
do. (Soudan); brigade signaller 2nd 
Brigade (Soudan), and inspr. gym- 
nasia, Royal Marine Forces; a memo 
Naval Inltelllgence Oomt-e.. 'Of AdmIr- 
alty, 1891-96; served in Egyptian cam- 
paign, 1882, and was present at ac- 
tions of EI-Magfar, 'l'el-el-Mahouta 
Masameh, Kassa.ssin Lock, Kassassln: 
and Battle of Tel-el-Keber (Egyptian 
med., Tel-el-Keber dasp, and, Khedive's 
star); served with Royal Marines de- 
fending SuakIm, and engd. In opera- 
tions In Eastern Soudan, 1884-85; sub- 
sequently on stat! 2nd BrIg.: present 

at the actions of Hasheen, attack on 
Gen. Sir John McNeil's Zareba ('1'0- 
frek), .t!he xeoon11laÏssaruoe on TeselaJh, 
and taking and burning of TamaU 
(clasp for Tofrek and Soudan, 1885); 
barrister-at-Iaw; called to the Middle 
Temple, London, 1886; joint author, 
with Lt.-CoL E. Rhodes, D.S.O., of 
.. Manual of Mil. Signalling;' and 
author of .. History of Royal Marine 
Oorps, 16
4-.1701"; a'pptd. a COIDml'. 
Trust & wan Co. of Can., Toooruûo, 
1899; oommr. aJt :M<M1Itl"OOil, 1900; a. 
memo ,MlOO1Jtrool Bel. .of TmdJe; 
Stanley Man8ion8, 131 StanleJ/ St., 
Montreal; United Service Club, Lon. 
don, Eng.; St. James's Club, Montreal. 
.Egan, Ken17 Kelly, manufacturer: 
Y. s. late John E., a native of Llx- 
siva.hane, Co. 'Ga:1w
, Irel., w'ho repre- 
sented Ottawa and Pontiac Counties 
successively In the Can. Assem., 1848- 
67, and Anne Margt. (Gibson) E.; b. 
Aylmer, P.Q., Jan. 16, 1848; e. Mont- 
real High Sch.; m., Feb" 1878, Har- 
det Augusta (presdt. of the Ladies' 
Golf Club; V.-P, of the Lad.I0eJ5' Aux., 
St. Luke's Hosp.; V.-P. Woman's Art 
Assn., and was one of !the origIna.tors 
of the Ottawa branch of the Women's 
Can. Hist. Soc.), y. d. late W, A. Rims- 
worth. elk. of the Queen's Privy Coun- 
cil, Can.: is mango dlr. Hawkesbury 
Lumber Co., having, with Messrs. 
Robinson, Thistle, and Blackburn, pur- 
chased the Hawkesbury lumber mills 
and the limits of Hamilton Bros., 
1888, merged in a co., with above 
name: formerly a dir, Union Forward- 
Ing & Ry, Co.; now a dir. Bank of 
Ottawa, Quebec Limit Holders' Assn., 
Ottawa Stock Exchange, Calcium Car- 
bide Co., Consumer.' Electric Co., Brit. 
Can. Bank Note Co., and V.-P, Can. 
Ry. Accident Co.: is also a Ufe memo 
Carleton Prot. Hosp., a gov, and V.-P. 
St. Luke's Hosp.. a life dir. Old Men's 
Home, a dir. Country Club, and a 
memo extv.e. Ot.tawa Golf Club 
(and presented a trophy for competi- 
tion by the mems. thereof, UJ04); 
one of the promoters of the Ottawa. 
and Montreal Power TransmIssion Co., 
1910; a Con., and has declined nomin- 
MLon t'O boo H. C.; an Ang.--30 Car- 
tier St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa 
Golf Club; Ottawa Country Club; Ot- 
tawa Hunt Club, do. 
E&,an, JlIart1n, press correspondent. 
B. and e. CaI., U. S.; m., Sept., 1905, 
Miss EJreanor Fìrankldn; war oorrespon- 
,dlerut Leslie's Weekly, N. Y. ; first news- 
er eXlpoe;rnence, as a repoI"te.r, on 
Victorla (B. C.) Colonist; later .repre- 
se-ruted Assoc. Press during Oa.n. tour 
Prince and PriI1lC'e'SS of Wa,Jes (now 
King and Queen of Eng.), 1901; 
was As.oo<:. Bress. correspondent aA: 
Miantlla. P.lI., and lrrute.r In Japan, dUT- 
Ing wa.r; since 1905 repre'gents Saí!Ile 
lniterests In London.-Associated Press, 
f-+ Old Jewry, London, E,C., Eng. 
Egan, William John, Can. public ser- 
E. s. Capt. Wm. E., Cast1ereagh, Ros- 
common, IreI., and Annie (Dyer) E., 



French Park, Roscommon; b. Quebec 
(city), Jan, 19, 1868; e. Montcalm 
Acad, and St. Bridget's. Sch., Mont- 
real; m. Miss Mary Molson. Montreal; 
many yrs. a traveller, representing 
8uccessively Hodgson, Sumner & Co., 
Ga;ul,t Boos 00., and W. R. Brook 
& 00.. Mon,tJreaJl!; later I'e.presenlte:d 
Arthur & Co., Glasgow, Scot., the 
lar&'est dry 
oods jobbers In the world; 
was dir. Dom. Commercial Travellers' 
Assn. 6 yrs.; then V.-P., and elected 
!presdJt. of dio., 3.907, bffing the tlr:st 
active traveller ever elected to that 
office; formerly secy, Emerald Snow- 
shoe Club, and dir. and V.-P, St. 
Mary's Cath. Young Men's Soc,; a 
R. C,; a Lib., and a memo Montreai 
Reform Club; favours building Geor- 
gian Bay Canal and the extension ot 
tJhe G. T. P. Ry.; tJhinkiS rys. should 
give a better freight delivery, and that 
aill .. ,g1raftt!r.s .. should be jall.oo; apptd. 
Can. trade coonmr. aJt 'Manúhester, 
Eng., Au>l., 19'11 ; presented wi'bh a goJd 
watch by Dom. Commercial Travellers' 
Assn., on leaving Montreal, 1911.- 
Canadian Offlce, Manchester, Eng, 
'.Active minded and ze'alQ'Us." - M. 
W itne88. 
Egg, Arthur Henry, organist. s. Wm. and FI18.I1C'eS E., origdn- 
aHy of PJyml()uth, Eng.; b. .Monltreal, 
1891; oI1garuist, Sta11iI'eY St. Pres
b. Oh., 
Montreal, at 15 yrs. of age; won 
Casavant organ scholar., giving free 
tuition, at McGill Conservatorlum for 
1 year, 1907; asst. organist, Cll. of 
St. John the Evangel., Montreal, 1900; 
organist and choirmaster, do. do., 
1909; won Strathcona musical scholar., 
giving 3 yrs. free tuition at Royal 
ColI. of Music, London, Eng., 1910; 
A'Il,g.-86! Tupper St., Montreal, 
EUr1I'. Jr.ev. Charla. William Gustave 
O. s. Wm. and Emilie E.; b. Doe- 
beln, Saxony, Germany, Sept. 23, 1871; 
accompanied parents to U. S. (Pitts- 
burg, Pa.), 1883; e. Concordia ColI., 
Ft. Wayne, Ind.; took 3 yrs.' course 
In theol., Concordia Semy., St. Louis, 
Mo.; o. 1895; pastor St. Mark's Ch., 
McKee's Rocks, Pa., 1895; do. Cum- 
berlanod, Md" 1899; do., Ottawa, Ont., 
1903; declined call to Bethlehem 
Ch., Baltimore, Md., 1907; elect- 
ed presdt. or moderator, Can. Dist. 
German Evangel. Lutheran Synod of 
Missouri, Ohio, and other states. 1906; 
apptd by Ottawa City CounclI to serve 
on Comte. Carnegie Public Library, for 
the selection of German books; made 
tour of Europe, 1908; a mem, Ottawa 
Field Nat. Club, Am. Ornith. Union 
and Deutscher V-ereinzum Schutze-Ide! 
Vogelwelt (Germany); author of ar- 
ticles in German ell. and family papers; 
8JItso in A uk and OtbaJwa Naturalist; 
slnæ 1909 a .teaoher in t'he LuthBrn:n 
Tool'S. Sem'Y., Addison., N.Y.-Addison, 
E!8feldt, Mr8, MBY, actress. 
D. late Robt. E. and .Jane (Draper) 
Camlþooll; a niece liaJte Ohester Draper; 
b. Wohitby. Ont., 1862; t!. rthere; wh-en a 
child made her début (with her sister 
Flora), under the stage name of II The 

Irwin Sisters:' at the Adelphl'Theatre, 
Buffalo, Fleb., 1876; aDagJe name: 
May Irwin; IIThem. funy Pastor',s 
00., N. Y., 1877-83; A
S1tln Da,ly's 
00., doO., 1883-7; .ll3Jter wl.tJh 10has. 
Frohrrnan and Rich & Ha.n1s; su b- 
soequ<e''Y'rred tin .. The Wtid'Ow 
Jones," .. The Swell Miss FltzweU:' 
II Courted Into Court:' .. Kate KIp- 
Buyer:' .. Sister Mary," co Belle of 
Bridgeport," .. Madge Smith, Attor- 
ney," II 1\1rs. Black Is Back," .. Mrs. 
Wilson-Andrews:' .. Mrs. Peckham's 
Carouse," .. The Sultan of Sulu," etc.; 
ha,s for some yrs. had a theatre of 
her own; considered the most success- 
ful Am. comedienne of her time; has 
undertaken to start a fund for the 
erootlO'Ill of a nl3Jtlonal t! (see 
Morgan's .. Types of Canadian Wo- 
men") ; brought up an Ang.; m., 1st, 
1878, Fredk. W. Keller, St. Louis (d, 
1886); 2ndly, 1907, Kurt Elsfeldt, 
N. Y.-I7'win Island, Clayton, N,Y. 
Eker., Henry Archer, manufacturer. 
S. late Thomas Alfred and Hannah 
(Austin) E., both natives of Devon- 
shire, Eng. : b. Montreal, Sept. 8, 1853; 
e. Montreal Collegiate Sch.; m., 1883, 
Miss Eliza McCleary, Montreal; entd. 
his father's bUl!llness at 14 and, at his 
death, succeeded him as head of the 
brewery established by him In 1840; 
was the chief factor In securing 
the amaLgamation of tJhe EkeTs busi- 
ness and the Can. Breweries Co., 
Ltd. (L. P., 1899), of which he Is 
presdt.; business now one of the larg- 
'est in Can; seI"V'eÒ. as ald., ,MonJt.rewl, 
1898-1906, and, while there, IQri'g1lnated 
and carried out many Important re- 
forms; Mayor of Montreal, 1906-7 
(vote: Ekers, 16,182; Doran, 12,739) ; 
visited Eng. and the Continent, In the 
Interests of civic reform, 1906; un- 
veiled Cremazle monument. do.; a 
Con., and unsuccessfully contested 
Montreal (St. Lawrence Dlv.), In that 
Interest (H. C.), g. e. 1900, and again 
g. e. 1908; a Ufe mem. Montreal A. A. 
Assn., a mem. St. George's Snowshoe 
Club and St. Lawrence Curling Club; 
a m'eoffi. Pf'ot. ,Sch. Bd., a g1ov, M.orut. 
real Gen!. Hosp., and Montreal Notre 
Dame Hosp., a dlr. Fish and Game 
Protection Assn., of Montreal High 
SCh., and Mon treell Senior Sch., Parks 
and Playgrounds AS3J1., Mount Royal 
Assur. Co., Business Men's League, 
Montreal Indus. Exhn. Assn., aOO 
V.-P. Club de Peche Labelle, and Mer- 
chants and Manfrs. Protective Assn.; 
Ang.-f65 Bishop St., Montreal; St. 
James's Club, Club Lafontaine, Mont- 
real Jockey Club, do. 
.. A man of integrity and businelll 
ability."-M. Herald. 
.. A good business man, of decided opin- 
ions and strong prejudices; he never f.r. 
gets his friends or his foes; has a clean 
municipal re cord. "-M. Star. 
Elder, Surg,-Major John :Munro, 
milltÆLry service. 
Scotch extraction; e. s. Geo. anod 
Catherine (Munro) E.; b. Hunting' 
don, P.Q., Oot. 24, 1859; e. :McGUI 
Unlv, (B.A., with 1st class honours In 
mental and moral phil., 1881; M.D., 


C.M., 1885); m., 1886, Miss Grace 
Whitehead Hendrioe, Montreal; succeSS- 
ful<ly praoti:ses :his 'Prof. ,in Mont-' is asst. prof. lsurg. and el'e.c. 
tiv>e' rejpreserutwtJiV'e !Í-e1ltl1ow in moo., 
McGill Univ., and attending surg., 
Montreal Genl. Hosp.; a dir. West- 
mount Municipal Assn.; for 22 yrs. 
surg. 2nd Regt. Can. Arty. (formerly 
Montreal Gar. Arty.); now on the 
R. 0., holding rank of surg.-major 
(med. for N. W. Rebellion, 1885; long 
service decoration, 1907) ; In youth an 
all-round athlete, especIally good at 
footbSiLl; a Presb.-
OO Mt. Pleasant 
Ave., We8tmount, Monh'eal; Mt. Roy,!' 
Club; Univer8ity Club; Montreal Md. 
In8t., do. 
Elgin and Kincardine, 9th Earl of. 
Victor Alexander Bruce. 
Of Illustrious Scottish ancestry; s. 
of 8th Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, 
KT., G.C.B., a distingulshe-di Eng, 
statesman, a;t one period Gov.-Genl. of 
Can. and who d. while Viceroy of 
IndJfå, and Lady Mary Louisa, C.l., 4th 
d 1st Earl of Dur:ham; b. Monklands, 
. Montreal, May 16, 1849; e. Eton 
and BaIUol ColI., Oxford (M.A., 1877) ; 
D.C.L. (bon.), Oxford Univ., 1899; 
LL.D. (do.), St. And1rews Univ.; diD. 
(do.), Glasgow Univ., 1907; dio. (do.), 
Cambridge Univ., 00.; m., Nov. 9, 
1876, Lady Constance Carnegie (d. 
Oct., 1909), 2nd d. 9th Earl of South- 
esk, K.T.; treas. of the household and 
1st commr. of works, 1886; Viceroy of 
India, 1894-9; secy. of state for the 
colonies, 1905-8; 10rd-lÏeut. {)f Fife- 
shire slruce 1886; apptd. chairman Comn. of enquiry into <the con- 
duct of the Boer War, 1902; do. do, 
Royal Comn. o.f enquiry into matt-ers 
connected with the Free Ch, and the 
United Fret! Ch., 1904; created an hon. 
memo of the St. Andrew's Soc., Toronto, 
at his birtJh; freedom of city of St. 
Andrews conferred on him, 1902; an 
Ang.-1B Enni8more Garden8, London, 
B. W., Eng.; Broomhall, Dunjermline, 
Fife8hire, Bcot.; Brook'8 Club; Travel- 
ler8' Club, London. 
"A &tatesma.n of proved a.bility."-M. 
"Personally bel()ved by his Can. oountry- 
men, who have watched his ca.reer with the 
liveliest feelings ()f int,"-Sir Sand- 
ford Fleming (q.v.). 
Eliot. Lt.-Col, Charles Algernon. Can. 
military service, 
Third s. late Capt. Wm. Hy. E., n 
native of Taunton, Eng., formerly 72nd 
Highlanders and 15th Foot, and Sarah 
Caroline E., e. d. late Wm. Lyons, 
surgeon 34th Foot; b. Fort George, 
Scot" Mch. 9, 1857; e. there; m., Oct., 
1891, Frances Ellen Wood (d. Dec. 
11, 1905), 3rd d. late Hon. John Hamil- 
ton, of Hawkesbury, Senator; m. again, 
recently; formerly In service Bank of 
Montreal; entd. 5th .. Princess Louise 
Dragoon Gds." as a trooper, 1879; at- 
tained to the command, as It.-col., Feb., 
1908; retired, 1910; holds let class cav. 
sch. cert. and long service d'ecoration; 
promoter Can. Yukon Pro.sp. & Mining 
Co., 1899; An-g.; a del. to GenI. and 
Diocesan Synods; trustee to Ottawa 


Synod and hon. genl. tr
as. to Missy. 
Soc. Ch. QIÍ Eng. In Can.-14B Elgin St., 
Ottawa; "Evandale Cottage," Fern- 
bank, Brockville, Ont,; Rideau Club, 
Ottawa; Ottawa Golf Club, do. 
Ellegood, Bev, Jacob (Ang.). 
U.E.L. descent; granoo. Co1. Jacob 
E., Co. Prinoess Ann, Va.. who, during 
the Am. Revolution, raised the Queen's 
RJoyal Am. Regt., WaJS 'taken pMS/onell", 
aoo llaJter emigrat,e-d t'Ü N. B.; s. 
Jacob and :M:argt. E. ; b. Dumfries, N.B., 
:M:c.h. 16, 1824; e. local schs., Kln
ColI., Fredericton, N.B. (B.A., 1848), 
Eng., and Lennoxville Univ. (M.A., 
1854; D.C.L., hon., 1903); m., Sept., 
1849, Harriet Elizabeth (d. 1868), e.d. 
late Geo. Taylor, London, Eng.; o. 
deacon, 1848; priest, 1849; served asst., 
Christ Ch. Calli., Montreal, 1848; after 
ordination was Immediatel:r 
placed in charge of S1. Anne's Chapel, 
Grlffintown, remaining there during the 
nce of the ship-fever in that 
place, and also, subsequently, during 
the fire, whicoh destroyed nearly the 
w:hole of that portion of M'Ontreal, in- 
cluding his c.h.; rebuilding upon the 
old: site, he may be said to have been 
the foundoer of that parish, as well as 
of severel others in the same mission, 
including that of which the fine Ch. 
o.f St. James the Apostle, with its 
rectory and sch.-house (all of which 
buildings erected through his 
efforts), is now the centre; of the Ch. 
of St. James the Apostle has been 
rector since 1864; apptd. a canon of 
OhriS't Oh. CatJh., ,1872; do. cÞaplain 
(with -rank 'Of hio'l'l. ca,pt.), 31"& Re.g:t., 
V,ictoria Rifles, 1862; ,pr>oono1ed hoOn. 
major, 1908; served Jòenian Ra-Id, 
1870 ( me.d.); brolds the l-orug -lSerV'Ïoe 
ool"aition ; p'r.esented wi-th lÌ1!is por- 
trait in oils, by Harris (tJ. v.), by his 
congo on the occasion of his jUbIlrpe, 
1898; a Freemason.-Rectory of St. 
Jame8 the Apostle, 697 St. Catherine 
St. W., Monh'eal. 
"A 1ova.ble old ma.n."-M. Star. 
"The grand old patJriarch of Can,adian 
An glicanism."-M. Witnes8. 
.. The friend of all, the enemy of none; 
still h{)1ds the working hammer in his 
hand."-Late Bp. Oarmichael. 
Elliot, Miss Bertha Elizabeth, nurs- 
ing profession. 
D. Hy. E., al'C'hitJerct; aDicoesÍ":ors 
from Nanttucket to N. S. after rtÞe Am. 
ReVIOlruti I O'l'1; 'b. Dar:tmoUlbh, N.S., '1863; 
e. there and BostO'l1, Mass.; grald'Uia bed 
BostO'l1 C'ity Hosp. Tr3JÏn,in,g Seth. flar 
Nut'lses, 18880; sup-d1. orf nru'l\Soes, V'ÍC- 
t1QiI"ia Gen. Hosp., HaHfax, N.S., 1894- 
9; s.i11Jæ then has .ooen supd,t. Pirav,l. 
Sanato.riUJIn, Kerutv'i.lIe, N.S.; farmerJoy 
a Unit. ; .a OOl1JV'erit lÍ!o ,tlhe Oh. of Rome., 
1903.-Kentville, N.S. 
Elliot, Charles Schomberg, physician. 
S. Capt. Hy. E., Royal Marines, and 
Susan (Wiswell) E., d. J. Wiswell, 
Halifax, N.S. (family U. E. L.'s from 
R. I., 1776); b. Guysboro', N.S., 1840; 
e. Halifax; m., 1861, Miss Fannie A. 
Mahon, Guysboro'. N.S.; graduated 
M.D., Harvard Univ., 1860; licentiate, 
N. S., do.; memo ColI. P. and S., ant., 
1869; ilIl'em. Bd. Ex.amrs., GO., 1886- 
9; coroner Co. Simcoe, 1866-88; med. 



health offr., o rima, 1878-88; mem, 
town council, do., 1876-7; med. supdt. 
Deer Park Sanatorium, 1890-7; Is 
presdt. Toronto Harvard Club; an oc- 
casional contributor to med, and ins. 
journals; a temp. and social reformer; 
Con.; Ang.-160 Huron St., Toronto; 
Canadian Club; Toronto Harvard 
Club, do. 
Elliot, James, banking profession. 
E. s. late Andr\:;w 
., contractor, and 
Sarah (Pullan) E.; b. Montreal, June, 
1840; e. Montreal High Sch.; unm.; 
entd. service Molsons Bank, 1860, be- 
coming accountant, 1870, and mangr. 
Montreal branch, 1879; apptd. genl. 
mangr. do., May, 1900; for many yrs. 
a councillor Can. Bankers' Assn.; Is a 
life gov. Montreal Western Hosp., and 
V.-P. Prisoners' Aid Assn., Montreal; 
has done mueh useful and beneficial 
philanthropic work; an Aug., and a 
del'. to .the Synods.-515 Côte St. An- 
toine Rd., Westntount, .Montreal; 
Canada Club. 
"A modeJ mans and a model 'banJær."- 
S. N. 
.. A man of prudence and far.sighted. 
ness, as weH 8S of urbanity .and courtesy," 
-M. Herald. 
Elliott, Charles, lawyer, 
A bro. Dr. Geo. E. (q.v.); b, Troy, 
Co. Wentworth, Ont.; e. Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1886; LL.B" 1889); m., Jun.e, 
1904, Mrs. Emma .Mau<1e Ott, Branot- 
ford, Ont.; barrister, 1889; success. 
fully practises in Toronto; ed. Can. 
Law Review ('Domn-to); 'eJlIeoted ptresdlt. 
Ol1lt. Ba:r A:ssn., 19'10; Ang.-75 Yonge 
ßt., 2'oronto, 
E.i.liott, George, physician. 
S. late Wm. John E., a native Ar- 
magh, Irel.; b. Troy, Co, Wentworth, 
Ont., Nov, 26, 1864; e. public schs. 
and Ingersoll Model Sch,; m. Sophia 
(d.. Feb" 1907), d. l.wt!e Riobt. Gardner, 
Toronto; graduated M.D.,C.M. (Trin. 
ColI., Toronto), 1895; practises in 
Toronto; formerly secy.-treas. Trln. 
Med. Alumni Assn, and asst. secy. 
ant. Med. Assn.; elected genl. secy. 
Can. Med. Assn" 190,1; is asst. demon. 
of anat., med. faculty, Toronto Unlv.; 
physician Outdoor dept., Toronto Genl. 
Hosp., and record secy. Toronto Clini- 
cal Soc.; a memo Can. Press Assn., 
contributed Illustrated article, .. Bowl- 
ing on the Green" (Can. Mag., 1902) ; 
for several yrs. Can. correspondent 
J ourn. Ant. M ed. Assn. and London 
I..ancet, and is publisher and mango ed. 
Dorn. .Me-d. 1Ji onthly; a Con.; an Ang. 
-f08 Beverley St., Toronto. 
Elliott, George Boy, educationist. 
S. Jos. H. and Annie (Coyne) E., 
London, ant.; b. there, Dec. 31, 1883; 
e. London CoIl. Inst. and Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., gold med., 1904); post- 
grad. studIes at Oxford Unlv. and 
Unlv. Jena, Germany (Ph.D., 1908): 
unm.; now instr. In Eng., Wisconsin 
State Un Iv. ; Ang.-Madison, Wis. 
Elliott, Harry George, Can. ry. ser- 
S. late Thos. E., ,Montreal. ; 'b. 
Chambly, P.Q., Aug. 22, 1860; e. Mont- 

real; fornnerly ticket agent Central VL 
Ry.; entd. serv.ioe G. '1', Ry. as ,ticket 
agent, 1897; chief elk., 1899; asst. 
genl. passenger and ticket agent, G. 
'1'. Ry.. :MionrtJreal, 1900-10; sin.oe tJhen 
iha.s !been tk&t a.sst. genL !paSs. agenlt, 
do., IOhi.oago; appttJd. g:eIlJl. passeI1l&'ßr 
.agent G. T. Roy. syst'em, F'eb., ,1911; 
el'ÐOtJed ,presdIt. Quebec !<ìi:slh and Game 
Protoec. Aissn., P. Q., 1909-10; a l<"1ree- 
mason; eleoted .grw1d first pl'inJcipal 
Z, R'Oya
 .A!roh .Ma.sons, Quebec, 19U8- 
10; a dir. La 1:) de la Oome(loÏoe 
l<lral1/Çaiise de MlcmtI1eaJ, 1909; V.-P. 
MontreiWl Indus. Expn.. Assn." 19009-10; 
a .rn-em. a; oomtoe. Business .M-en's 
League, MJoll'tJreal.-M ontreal. 
Elliott, Henry John.tone, lawyer. 
S. late Hugh E.; b. and e. Montreal; 
graduated B.C.L. (McGill Unv.), 1892, 
advocate, do.; K.C., 1908; head linn 
E. and David, successfully practising 
in Montreal; elected presdt. Junior Bar 
Assn., Montreal, 1908; an A11Jg., and 
a del. to the Synod.--65 Che8terfield 
Ave., Westrnount, Montreal; En- 
gineer8' Club; Beaconsfield Golf Club; 
Outremont Golf Club; 7'emple Club; 
Montreal A. A. AS8n., Monh-eal. 
Elliott, Jabez Henry, physician. 
Granùf. Hy. 
., who came from .N. 
ng., 1831, and was an early 
settler of Darlington, Co. Durham, Onto ; 
b, Hampton, Co. Durham, Ont., 1
matriculated into 'i'oronto Univ., 18J;5, 
from Bowmanville High Sch., with 
honours and high genl. pro1icienc.)' 
l'anking for 3 sCHolarships; m., June, 
1905, Mabel, d. Hy. C, 'i'aU, Bowman- 
ville, Ont.; graduated M.B. lToronto 
Univ.), UHJ7, winning gold med. ana 
honours In all subjects; stood at head 
of class each year; also won .. George 
Brown Memorial Scholar," on gradua- 
tion; a year's research in physiol., fol- 
lowed In the laboratories of the univ., 
resulting in the pUblication of a the::;ls 
.. On a New Proteid Reaction"; memo 
ColI. P. and S., Ont., 1
98; avPld. 
physician in charge Muskoka Cottage 

anatorium, devoted to treatment of 
pulmonary tuberculosis, 1898; reed. a 
yr.'s leave of absence, 190U, and was 
Rent with Dr. Annett and late Dr. Dut- 
ton, by Liverpool :::5ch. 'l'rop. l\1
d., to 
study malaria and other trop. dIseases 
in Nigeria (report of expedition pub- 
lished In 2 vols.) ; resigned trom sana- 
torium, Mch., 1907; took prol1}lnent 12 0 - 
sition in all med. congresses m U. S.; 
author numerous reviews and addresses 
on subject of tuberculosis; also a 
monograph on .. The Trees and Shr
of Muskoka "; Meth. - 611 SpadulO 
A ve., Toronto, 
Elliott, Bev, Jame. (Meth.), educa- 
B. Fermanagh, Irel., 1852; came to 
Can., 1874, and settled at Brockvllle, 
ant.; e. Victoria Univ., Cobourg, ant. 
(B.A. and gold med. In phil., 1886). 
and Queen's Univ" Kingston (Ph.D., 
1904); m., 1st, d. late .John 'l'eskcy, 
Appleton, ant. (d. June, 1901) ; 2ndly, 
July, 1904, Lillian Ross, 2nd d. Joseph 
E, Clark, Kingston, Onto ; o. 1876; helù 


various pastorates, including Cobour o ' 
Richmond (P.Q.), Ottawa (McLN
St. ), Kingston (Queen St.), and Mont- 
real (Centenary); was financial secy.. 
Obtawa, 1895-7; clhaJirman, Kinlgston 
1898-1900; del. to Genl. Conf., 1894: 
8, and P02; prof. ch. hist. and 
iPhQI. of '.Dhel"SIn. Moruh'E'JaJl W
l. Tiheol. 
ColI., 1902-06; since 1906 has been 
þ!'?f. .of íPÌlIIL and etlhIos, Wesl-ey CoU., 
W1lnnl1peg; dooliined 3d)Iprt. to IÌIhe 'Preg,i- 
dency of !the Mon1:I'eal Tbool. 00111., 
Jl3.n., 1911; has lootuiI'ed on the .Ref tOr- 
IDaJtJlon 'þe'viod and .Us Ilessons, and 
other subj'ec<ts; secure-d the firstP!h.D. 
degree ever granted by Queen's Univ. ; 
presented with purse of gold anù an 
ess regretting his departure. on 
g Morubre3JI 1101' Winni'peg, 1906.- 
II A man of extraordina.ry d.evotion to"-Yroj. IT'atson (q.v.). 
II A forcible and eloquent preacher a 

an o
 strong personality, and full' of 
vlgour. -M. Witnes8. 
Elliott, Rev. Ja.mes Alfred (Ang.). 
S. late Hugh E.; b. Shawville, P.Q-; 
e. there and McGill Unlv, (B.A., with 
honours In mental and moral phil. 
1890); m. Miss Charlotte Smarùon 
graduated Montreal Dioc, Theo!. CoIl.: 
1892; o. dt;acon. do.; priest, 1894; com- 
noed his oa;re<er, as Q m'issy. at 
MIlle Isles, P.Q.; subsequently was 7 
yrs. rector at Cowansville and Sweets- 
g, P.Q., and, later, r
ctor St. Mich- 
ael s, Vancouver; gave up ministerial 
work for a time to edit The Ch, llccora 
(Toronto), but in 1903 was called to 
Montreal, to become a.sst. minI', at St. 
George's; since June, 1907, has beel) 
rtctor of All Saints', Montreal; a mUll 
of literary force and character has 
been at various tlme
 connected' with 
he daJily newspaper ,pres's, and, whiile 
m Vancouver, ed. The Far We8t.-2'he 
Rectory, All Saint8', 1607 St. Deni8 St., 
.. A man of varied abilities and a fore&- 
ful and e,legant preacher."-M. and E. 
Elliott, James Rupert, public writer. 
Erug. and Aim. LoyaJ..lst odgin; b. 
Clarence, Co. Annapo1Ïs, N.S., ApI. 30, 
1844; e. there; m. Mi
s Mary Hutche- 
 Betts; engd. in commercial pur- 
S; served !> yrs. in Annapolis Mu- 
al . CouncIl; as a writer, besides 
pubhshmg pamphlets directed against 
the agitation for commercial union 
with the U. S., 1886-87, has contributed 
to Putnam's II Questions of the Day" 
Series a treatise on the economic con- 
dition of American farms; also, in 
1898, booklets entitled II Rambles In 
yerrie, Merrie England." and, in 1900. 
Rambles In an Ancient Colony, Terra 
Nova"; is a free trader In principle 
but a warm supporter of the Cham

erlain Imp. scheme; spends much time 
m Eng., -engaged :in commerc:ial II1Iat- 
te,rs.-Granville, N.S. 
Elliott, John, educationist. 
B. Tp. Colborne, Co. Huron, O:1t., 
55: e. Goderich High Sch., Toronto 

l Sch., Toronto Univ., and 
Queen s Unlv., Kingston (B.A., 1889) ; 


m. Miss McMullen, Holyrood, Ont.; a 
public sch. teacher for several yrs.' 
principal High Sch., Leamington, Ont.: 
1896-,1906; slnoe ,then ha.s been .prin- 
oipa,l HLg1h 18011" .Bowmanvilil-e; Me.tù1.- 
Bowmanville, Onto 
Elliott, Rev. John Henry (Calvinist). 
Grandf., John E., Brampton,, 
took 400 acres from Govt., built hous
founded village, and named it aftpr 
Eng. town, whence he came; b. Tp. 
Trafalgar, Ont., Mch. 4, 1853; e. in 
Ont.; m_, Augusta, Ga., 1879, Miss 
Beulah OLømenC'e; fo,r 5 y;rs. in buslÏ- 
ness life; se-cy. Y. M. C. A., 1877; 
o. (Oong.), 1894; entd. Presb. minis- 
try, 1896; Reformed Ch. (Dutch), 
1898; successively minI'. Presb. Ch., 
Rochester, N.Y., and pastor 34th St. 
Dutch Reformed Ch. (CollegIate), N. Y. 
City; D.D. (N. Y.), 1900; memo Bd. 
Tru'Sltelffi, Uniboo Sio,c. C. E., Boston, 
Mass.; twice presdt. N. Y. State C. E. 
Union; at present presdt. N. Y. City C. 
E., do.; as an evang., !formerly before 
settling In pastorate, has worked In 
almost all parts U. S. and Can., and as 
a conservative type of evang., has had 
almost unfailing success and heartle,st 
commendation; author .. Notes anl1 
Suggestions for Bible Readings" and 
.. Wor}rers' Weapon" (teachers' out- 
lJines 1)or W()lrkeT'S' Itra,lruirug olas'selS) ; has 
lectured on .. Religion, and HoW It May 
Be Tauglht."-Cor. Plea8ant St. and 
East Ave., Oak Park, Ill.; Reformed Social Union, Presbyte1"Ïan 
.. In many respects, one. of the. stro.ngest 
men I kno-w;, has wonderful familiarity 
with the Word of God, and a marvellous 
in!ftuence over men."-Rev. J. WilbuT 
Chapman, D.D. 
EUiott. walter Herman, educationist. 
B. Omemee, Ont., 1863; e. Omel.uee 
High Sch., Toronto Normal Sch. (1:;1 
olill3S cel1t. !fI'0Iffi Soh. of Peid.) , and 
Queen's Dnlv., Kingston (B.A., 18
4) ; 
specialist in Eng. and hi st. ; Ph.B. (Ill. 
State Univ.); m., Aug., 1888, Mi
Mary Blewett, Little Britain, Ont.; 
principal Glen Morris Public Sch., 
1887; Eng. master, Hamilton Coll. In- 
stitute, 1887-94; principal City Train- 
ing Sch. for Teachers, 1894-9:J; vice- 
principal Toronto Normal Sch., 1899- 
1908; !P'rlncl.p&l Strat1)ord Normal Seh., 
July, 1908; since Dec., 1908, pUblic 
sch. Inspr., Toronto; one of the authors 
.. Methods In Teaching"; asst. ed. 
Crawford's II Guide to Nature StudY" ; 
j-Ü'int ed. .. PU'blJic ,Soh. Nra>ÌJU're StudY" ; 
eleotJed ;Pl'esdlt. 'DOl1on,to 'l"eaC'hoelf's' Ass'll., 
1911; Met'h.; an al'dlerut ImperiSJI'ist.- 
 Walmer Rd., Toronto. 
.. The best man in Onto for hi.s present 
po-sitio-n."-Chief In8pector Hugheø (q.v.). 
Elliott, Bon. William, physician; 
S. la:te Jas. and Eleanor (Durnin) E.; 
both coming from nr. 1-1nnisk1llen ire;' 
1844; b. nr. Mitchell, Ont., Aug. 29: 
1863; e. Mitchell High Sch., Stratford 
Model Sch., and Toronto Normal Sch. 
(1st class cert.) ; m., July, 1896, M. J., 
d. late Wm. Carter, Mitchell; gradu- 



ated M.B., with silver med., for ;;enl. 
proficiency, 1893; a memo Coli. p, and 
S., Ont., Man., and N. W. T.; prac- 
tised first at Mitchell; sUbsequently at 
'Volst.'ley, Sask., where he has obtained 
a numerous clientele; was examr. 
Coli. P. and S., N. \V. T.; a Con., and 
represented Wolseley (Local), 1898- 
190'5; was OomInlr. o{ Agrioul. in Haul- 
tain Govt., 1903-5; returned for Moose 
Mountain (Local), 1905; re-elected, 
th.- Wolseley, Bask. 
"A &'O'Òd spe.a,'ke.r, level-headed, ,and not 
afra,id O'f wod
Elliott, William Arthur, educationist. 
. S. Geo. and Eliza (01'1') Eo; b. Hil- 
her, Ont., Mch. 27, 1866; e. All-egheny 
Coil. (A.B., 1889; A.M., 1892), Ger- 
many, and Am. Soh. of CIMSical 
Studies, tAJtlhJenlS, Greeoe; L
bt.D. (.hon,), 
Di.ckinson CoH., 1902; ro., Aug., 1896, 
Miss Ella Wade Miller, Oberlin, Ohio; 
instr. Greek and Latin, Allegheny 
CoIl., 1889; principal, Alleg'heny ColI, 
Prep. ::5ch., 1890; since 18::12 has been 
prof. Greek, Allegheny Coll. ; was 
V.-P. do., 1907-9; has travelled ex- 
tensively; a contr.ibutor to the mags, 
and revs.-Meadville, Fa. 
Ellis, Alexander George, temperance 
Second s. Alex. E., Elgin, Scot.. b. 
Kingstown, Irel., May 9, 1851; e. Gias- 
thule and Monkstown Schs.; m., 1873, 
Harriette Matilda, 2nd d. Capt. jolm 
D. strick, Portsea, Eng. ; came to Can., 
1886; entd. dry goods trade; long 
identified with t
mp. movement; for- 
merly successful organizer for I. O. 
G. '1'., of which he was grand elect. 
supdt., P. Q.; founded Temp. Volun- 
teers' Soc., and estbd. The 7'emp. Vol- 
unteer, an indo monthly, of which he 
was ed. during Its existence; has also 
held high rank In the Can. Order of 
Foresters; for over 10 yrs. county sec. 
in Montreal of Loyal Orange Assn.; 
organized Irish Proto Assn. of Can., 
18!J4; a successful lecturer; made a 
tour of the United Kingdom, where he 
delivered a number ot addresses on 
.. Can., Her Attractions, Wealth, and 
Beauties," 1899; has written exten- 
sively; an Ind. Con.; favours compul. 
sory education of all children; also 
that there be no state ch.; that every 
man should be made to learn some 
trade to make him ind., and that every 
male adult should learn the art of 
war, in order to be prepared to de- 
fend his country; a Congo - 4BU St. 
Catherine St., Westmount, Montreal. 
EIU., Daniel David, physician. 
Irish origin; s. Elijah and Margt. 
(Singleton) E.; b. Tp. Wallace, 
Co. Perth, Ont., jan. 6, 1860; e 
Listowel High Sch. and Toronto 
Unlv. (M.D., C.M., 1885); a. memo 
CoIl. P. & S., Ont., do. ; m., 
Apt, 1889, \Vllhelmina, d. Geo. Hess, 
M.P.P.; pt'lactised 10 yrs. in Ont.; 
16 In Sask. ; med. health otrr., 
Stratford, Ont., 1892-3; surg. (with 
rank of capt.) 28th Regt., 1892-3; 
Grand Master Orange Grand Lodge, 
Sask. ; re-elected, 1910; sat tor 
Moosomln (local), 1st Parlt., Sask., 

1905-!S; for ma.ny yrs. an active Con.' 
an Imperialist; Ang.-Fleming, ISaak: 
EIUs, Henry Di.ney, civil engineer. 
S. Col. H. D. E., H. M.'s 9th Regt. ; 
b. Berwick-on-Tweed, 1854; e. at pri- 
vate sch. for Woolwich; m. Maude M., 
d. late Wiffi. Annstrong, C.E., The 
Priory, Toronto; came to Can., 1873; 
P.L.S., 1877; D.L.S., 1882; A. M. Can. 
Soc. C. E., 1897 ; memo do., 1904; memo 
Inst. C. E" 1902; practised as a sur- 
veyor, London, Ont., 1877-80; asst. 
engr. on location, Onto & S. Ste. Marie 
Ry., 1880-82; employed by Dom. Govt. 
on base-line and outline work, N. W. 
T., 1882; later as asst. enlgr. Northern 
& Pa.cific junction Ry., on location 
and construction, Gravenhurst and N. 
Bay; went to the front, with Intelli- 
gence Corps, during Riel Rebellion, 
1885 (med. and clasp) ; later engr. in 
charge adjust. of track, N. P. j. Ry. 
and N. & N. W. Ry.: employed on De- 
troit Extension Onto & Quebec branch, 
C. p, Ry., 1888>; subsequentlyempilKYyed 
on harbour work and Don branch 
work, Toronto; later asst. city engr., 
Toronto, under late W. T, jennings, 
ha ving sp\
cial charge of construction 
of Toronto St. Ry., then being changell 
from a horse to an electric service; 
engd. by Mackenzie & Mann (q.v.) as 
engr. on construction Man. & Lake 
Dauphin Ry., 1895; on completion of 
this work left for Eng., and was apptd. 
commr. public works and surveys to 
His HighnesA the Rajah of Sara.wak, 
G.C.M.G.; while In this office carrIed 
out enormous improvements; on leav- 
ing Borneo, 1907, to become consult- 
ing engr. to the Sarawak Govt. In 
Eng. was presented with a aUver 
bowl, a silver salver, and a gold em- 
broidered sa.rorug.-" Cloverle3/," BJack- 
heath Park, London, B.E., EnfJ.; 
National Club, do.; Royal Can. Yacht 
Club, Toronto. 
Ell!., Jame. Spencer, journalist. 
:Ðng. oriÏ.g1icrl!; fat:Jhler a .aolng, minr.; b. 
London, Eng., 1838; e. pllvdte øch.; a 
printer and reporter; many yrs. on 
London 7'ime8; came to Can., 1876; 
entd. business as a printer, 1884; for 
nearly 20 yrs. ed. Secular 7'hought 
(Toronto); presdt. Can. Secular Un- 
Ion; non-partisan in politics; a radi- 
cal, and favours rational reform; free- 
thought in religion. -lS Kensington 
Ave., 7'oronto, Onto 
Elli.. John Albert, Can. municipal 
B. Accrington, Lancashire. Eng., 
june 2, 1864; e. there; came to Can., 
1886, and has since resided in Ottawa; 
m. Miss Catharine Flshwlck, Accrlng- 
ton; public sch. trustee, 1898-1900; 
Ald., 1901-3; Mayor of Ottawa, 1901- 
06; city treas. and secy. Electric 
Comn. since 1907; was 1st V.-P. Onto 
Municipal Assn. and 3rd V.-P, Union 
of Can. Municipalities; proposed a 
scheme for the formation of a Dom. 
ins. corporation, 1904; chairman Ja- 
panese Famine Relief Fund, 1906; 
Sec'Y. for many yT8. of !the Otrtawa Con. 
A.ssool8ltl1On ; 18. kee'll1 IhiO'rttiJoullturrlst ; 



V.-P. OtJta:w>a HortlcuI. Soc., and one 
f1t the judgoes lin lJaod'y IMinto's gaTden 
00nl'J)eoM:t1øl) dUTlng Ihoe.r !husband's 
regime :In Oan.; wals a.TI1TI()IUnlOed as t8. 
C3lßðldl8.lte f.or Ot1.<twa (H. .c.), but 
wlltihd'I"ew be1Ofl'1e dtay of iP'O'lilttng Ja'Il.. 
1910; eleciJedl j])I'Iesæt. Obtawa Ub.-Oon. 
As'STl., 19.11; Ang.-lSl Stanley Ave., 
II Possessed of keen of organiza- 
tion."-O. Freø Prellll. 
IUU., John. r., manufacturer. 
S. late John R. E., Mt. Pleasant. 
Ont.; famf1y came originally from 
Penn. to Can., 1799. and settled at Mt 
Plf'asant, on land purchased from 
Capt. Brant; b. there, Nov. 9, 1845: 
e. local grammar sch. and Toronto 
Normal Sch.; m., 1877, Emma, d. late 
Nicholas Mau
han, Toronto: estbd.. 
with John R. Barber (q.v.), the Bar- 
ber & ElUs Co., Ltd., papf'r dealf>rs and 
envelope makers, of which co. he ha!'l 
since bf'en mango dlr., 1876: It Is onf' 
of the largpst concerns of Its kind. If 
not /-he very largpst, In the porn.: wa!'l 
presdt. Can. Manfrs.' Assn.. 1898-1900: 
do. National Club, Toronto, 1901-2: 
do. Toronto Bd. of Trade, 1903-4; now 
a councf1lor Can. Manfrs.' Assn., 8 
trustee U. C. ColI., and V.-P. local 
branch Onto Fish and Game Protec. 
Assn.: one of the founders of the 
Commercial Travellers' Assn.: a del. 
to 6th Imp. Trade Congress, London. 
., July, 1906; moved a resolution 
in that body, In the Intere!'lt!'l of trade 
unity: presented to King Edward, on 
that occasion: presdt. Caledon Fish- 
 Club, 1903-5: a Lib.: a Mpt'h.-81 
Wellesley St., Toronto; National Club; 
Caledon Fishing Club, do. 
II One ()f Toronto's most progr!'l!sive and 
public-spirited business men."-M. Star. 
EW., Hon., John Valentine, journalist; 
Irish origin; S. Michael and Margt. 
(Walsh) E.; b. Halifax:, N.S., Feb. 14, 
1835; e. there; LL.D. (hon.). N. B. 
Univ., 1897; m., 1864, Mary Caroline 
(formerlypresdt. Local Council of 
Women, and a councluor Victorian 
Order of Nurses; one of a deputation 
of the ladles of St. John that pre- 
sented a mink and ermine stole and 
mink muff to Qu
n :Mary, 190<1: 
otlherw.ise taJC!tlÏve dn al,1 moan-n,er of 
F;ood work), e. d. late 'Saml. Babbitt, 
Fredericton; a 'Practical printer; went 
to St. .John, N..B., 1857, where he com- 
menced his newspaper career as 8 
reporter; 5 yrs. later he, with another, 
bought out t'he St. JOOn Globe, 'WIhlch 
he has since publlshed and conducted; 
a Lib.: sat lor the city 'Of St. .John 
(Local), 1882-7, and 1'01' same oon.- 
stltuency (H. e.), 1887-91, and from 
1896 tQ 1900, when, on Se<pit. 3, (hie was 
caJaed to the Senate by Lord Minto; 
had previously served as postmaster 
of St. John; 301'80 a9 a sdh. trustee and 
In various other capacities; for a 
lengthened period has been a dlr. of 
the N. B. H'Ort. Soc., St. J'Ohn ReHef 
and 'Aid Soc., presdt. KeySltone Fire 
In'S. Co., 'PI"OOdJt. Soc. f()lI' .t!he .Prev. 
o! Cruelty to Animals. and presdt. Nat. 

His. Soc. of N. B.; has been dhalrman 
Debates Comte. of 'tJhe Senate; has also 
served as a del. to the U. S. on Intern. 
matters; presented a gold med. to St. 
John Hig1h Sch. 1101' anniU8Jl comrpet'iHon 
in mng.; 
'S a Fl'e
'ason 'Of ,btg-h doe.- 

I"e-e, and hag filled 1'he officp of GroTI'd 
Mn!'tÌ.pr .of the Or-ð'eT dn N. B.: is .a,lso 
a 'F.G.H. 'Pr:IelSt -of the Gmnd Ohanter 
of N. B., Past Commani!er-in-Ohlpf of 
the .sov. Gt. Priory of Can.. anod PaS't 
Commander-In-Chdef of the Sup. Coun- 
cil Scottish Rilte for C1\n., ani! Provl. 
Grand /Master of the Royal Order of 
Scot.: In addition holds /hIgh office In 
the OddfelJl.ows: figured In a contempt 
of court case, In connection with and 
as a result of the Queen's (N. B.) elec- 
tion case (H. IC.), 1887, lÍor whloh he 
undel'Wf>nlt Im'Prisonment and wa.s sen- 
tenced to pay Ia fine, whlc.h was paid 
by pubLic ffil'bscription; 'became very 
popular throu
hout the country in con- 
sequence of the harshnf>!'Is wltlh which 
he was treated over this maMer (sef> 
1st ed. of this work, p. 309) : his name 
has been frequently menatloned In con- 
nection wi,tIh t'he 1t.-
O'Vernorship of 
N.S.: was, with Mr
. E.. sppcially In- 
vlte-d to the late King- Ei!ward's 
party. WlndsÜ'r 'OR!',Ue, June. 1907. and 
presente--d to the King and Quef>n, the 
!'tame year; author of several bro- 
<"h'l1'I'Ie'S: at one Deri'od fav'Oureà annex3.- 
Non to the U. S.; I'Mer, oovQoca ted 
Maritime Contfederatlon: since 1905 
would welcome tlhe most completp 
recl'proclty between Can. and the U. S. 
as Ibelng beneficial to the live Intf>Tf>!'Its 
of both countries: Ang.-St. J n'hn. 
N.B.; Union Club, St. John, N.B.; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
II Clean-handed, high-minded, deVQted t() 
the pulbJ.jc interest, reliable in any emer- 
gencv."-T. NewlI. 
" oonducted his pa
r from the 
first BO as to win for it .and hJÏms!'lf gene.ral 
re.spect and hODour."-St. John Sun. 
uA graceful writea-; his w<lrk gi'Ves evi. 
den.oo of lite.rary 18.8 wen as of 
wide,g."-St. John Telegraph. 
.'A man of unblemished character and 
high standing in the oommundty, and the 
editor of a newspaper Mghly este
d for 
its moderation and inde,pendence,"-T. 
Globe. _ 
Ellis, Joseph Kealon, lawyer. 
Y. s. Hon. .I, V. E. (q.v.); b. an<1 
e. St. John, N.B. ; m. Maud (secy. Van- 
couver Woman's Can. .club), y. d. A. 
E. mills, Port Hope, Ont.; barrhrter, 
1900; dn successfudpractlce In Van- 
couver: Ang.-Vancouver, B.C. 
Enis, :Mrs, :III1na A" explorer; author. 
D. late .Jas. Benson: b. -Bewd,!ry, nr. 
Cobourg, Ont.: e. there; m., 1st, Jan. 1, 
1901, ]:Æ.onl,(!'as Hubbard. j'Ûurn-aNSit and 
explorer (lost and died: In Labrador, 
Oct., 1903) ; 2ndly, Sept. 2, 190'8, Har- 
'Old Thornton, IS. Hit. Hon. Jdhn E. 
EN1s, M.P., 37 PrilJl0elS GaJt1f', LOn/dlon, 
Eng.: originally a m
m. of the nursing 
'prof.: graduated Brooklyn Training 
Sch. for Nurses and the Genl. Memorial 
Hosp., N.Y.; was, for a time, ass,t. 
supdt. S. R. Smith Infirmary, Staten 
Island, and supdt. Virginia Hosp., 
Richmond, Va.; after her first hU8- 



band's tragic death, organized and led 
an expdn. across the North-eastern 
portion of Labrador Peninsula, for the 
purpose of com'Pleting his work, mak- 
Ing many discoveries by the way. 1905; 
was the first of the white race to set 
foot on the Great Divide, between the 
Nasaupee and George rivers; on her 
return to the U.S. she published In 
The Bulletin of the Am. Geograph. Soc., 
an account of her notable journey, 
whÏ'clh was fol.lûwed by a book: "A 
WrnJ1lan's Wøy Tih'I"ou
LaJhradloT" (LonòoO'll', 1908); she also 
l'ectured on <Lh'e f'ame subjoot in Eng., 
the U. S. land 'Can.; a Oong.-Care 
Canadian Office, London, Eng. 
'.An intTI'.pid little woman."-Can. Life 
and Resources. 
"Her courageo'l1s work in tribute to the 
mellll(),ry ()f her husband gives the achieve- 
ment a touch (Jof heroic romance that wins 
the world's admiration,"-T. Globe. 
"A remarkable woman wh(Jo has suc. 
cessfully .accomplished a canoo journey 
through a wilderness no white mall' had 
ever trod, stretching fartheT than from 
Toronto to James B.ay."-T. New6. 
Ellis. Philip William. manufacturer. 
S. late W. H. E., C.E., Llvf>rpool. 
Eng.; b. Toronto, Sept. 11, 1856; e. 
Toronto Model Sch. and Colt. Inst.; m., 
1880, Ellzabeth K., d. late Jas. Gooder- 
ham, Streetsvllle, Ont.; tog-ethpr with 
R. Y. E. (q. v.) and M:. C. E., foundpd 
the P. W. E. Co., Ltd., wholesale and 
manfg. jewellers, Toronto, now one of 
the most extf>nslve, In the business, In 
the Dom., 1877;' of this co. he is 
presdt.; has been presdt. Can. Manfrs.' 
Assn., and remains a councillor there- 
of; apptd. a memo Hvdro-Electrlc 
Power Comn., 1905; resigned, 1906; 
was also vice-chairman and treas. 
Onto Power Cornn.; ap'Pbd. chaJirmaD 
'DorO'Ilioo ,city Hydiro-EI>ei0bric Oom'Il., 
19/11; apptJd. e. memo Qu
'fl, Vdot'orla 
Niag13.ra Fal,ls Park Oom'Il., 190'5; 
Is also presdot. Wesrtmounot Silver 
Mrfning Ca., lAd., Sll()oC18.n, B.C., anò 
prresdrt:. Oenbral Can. >Mranutaoturers' 
Mutu'al Fiire InlS. 00.; a doel. 5tJh 
Imp. ""rade 'Oongress, London, Eng., 
1903' !has fouruded e. br.onz'e, st.1ve<I', 
and 'gold meò for oomlþetdtoil()n in 
the political s
ence and commercial 
course Toronto Unlv.; a Con.. and has 

en 'V.-P. Young :Men's Llb.-Oon. 
ssn., Toronto, anð is now a moem, 
Ex.tve. N. TOl"iO' Li-b.-Oon. AlS'Sn.: 11 
Meth.-66 Glen Road. Rosedale, To- 
ronto; Canadian Club; Empire Clu.b; 
Rosednle Golf Club; Queen City Bowl- 
ing and Curltng Club, do. 
Ellis. Major Bichard Yates, manu- 
S. late Wm. E_, joint prop. Liverpool 
Journal and the originator and prop. 
of the 1st cherup newspaper, the Penny 
Post, and Mary (Danvers) E.; B. 
Oxton, Cheshire, Eng., 1840; e. there; 
m., Laura Boatnoer, ,d. ' A. F1mnkrloin 
Pugh, Assumption Parish, La.; came 
to Toronto, 1856; moved to Ingersoll, 
Ont., 1868; for many yrs. In partner- 
ship with his bro. In the hardfware 
business there; 1st secy. Ingersoll Bd. 
of Trade and a town councillor; re- 

turnpd to Toronto to enter firm of P. 
W. E. & 00., manufacturing jewellern, 
Toronto, organized by his nephew, 
1880; now a dir. of the co.; Is presdt. 
Archer Light, Heat & Power Co., 
Indust. Agen
y, Ltd., and Westbournoe 
Sch. for Girls; V.-P. Westmount Silver 
 Co.; a dir. Northern Crown 
Bank, '.roronto Indus. Exhbn. Assn., and 
Brit. Am. Watch Co.; prop. of the 
Hungerford Mar1>le Properties, Hast- 
Ings, Ont.; one of the best known art 
connoisseurs In Toron1:o, and hRS one 
of the flnest collections of Can. art 
in the Dominion: Is presdt. Onto Cen- 
tral Sch. of Indust. Design and Art: 
V.-P. Guild of Civic Art and Central 
IÆague of Sch. Art; a councillor Art 
Museum, Toronto; a memo Toronto Bd. 
of; chaIrman educ. comte.. 
TPOh. Sch. Bd.; joined th.p Merchants' 
Rifles, Toronto. at tlmp of Trent affair; 
entd. Queen's Own Rifles a
 a privatI' 
and bf'('ame f>n
lgn. 1866: server'! 
Fendan Ralðs, 1866 (
nl. serVJlce med. 
with clasp): 
azetted major, 22nd 
Regt. Oxford Rifles, 1876: now re- 
tired; holds long service decora\.lon; 
Ind. In politics; an Ang.-.UO Sher- 
bourne St., Toronto. 
Ellis. William Hodg.on, physician; 
ed ucattonlst. 
S. late J. E. E., M.R.C_S ; I!ra'1
Rev. Wm. E., a distinguished mission- 
ary; b. Bakewell, DerbyshIre, Eng., 
Nov. 23, 1845; e. Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1867; M.A., 1868): m., 1875, Ellen 
Maud, d. Chas. MIckle. Guelph, Ont.; 
M.B., Toronto Unliv., 11870; a senaboor, 
do., 1895; L.R.C.P., Eng'. 1871: F.C.S, 
Gt. Brit.; F.T.C.. do.; F.R.S.C.; also a 
memo Soc. Puhllc Analysts, Gt. Brit.; 
practises in Toronto; formerly prof. 
chern. Trln. Mell. Sf'h. and lef'turer on 
chern., Trin. Univ.. Toronto; later was 
Instr. of chern., Pro v!. ColI. of Tpch.; 
apptd. prof. app. chern.. Sch. of Pmc- 
Ural Self>nce, 1887: do. prof. texl- 
cology, Toronto Dnlv., 1900: te, al"o 
official analyst, Inland rpw'nup, Toron- 
to: twke presdt. Can. Inst.: now a 
coundllor do.: plprtprl prf'!'ilt. IOf'
soe.c. Chlf'm
'cral In(
(}c., 190f;: 
V'e-.d' wi,t'h Qm>en''S Own Rpg'lt. rut Rli!'g'e- 
way, lR66 (m'Ðd., wHh clasp) : aft,pr- 
ward.s capt. 1Ì'Il that oonps; relput,a.tio'Il 
as a che,misrt flnd ano'tloysot staT1llos \"ery 
 St. Alban St.. Toronto; To- 
ronto Club. 
Ellison, Hon, Price, 8ta tpsrnan. 
Eng. origin; .b. En,g., 1862: e. rtnere; 
m.; ml3.ny yrs. Tf'silllf'n1: ln B. C.; a 
fa.rm-err .a ntà 1"13 UIC!h.P'T ; the 1:a rge.!'t g11'OWf'.r 
of W1hæ.t in B. C.; ihras sa:t in B. C, 
Leg.lsl.a,ture since g. e. 1898; 
MicBri'de C.a;binoe1 as Minr. .of Lanid.s 
.and Works, Oct., 1909; became M.inr. 
of Finance and A
rlc'\1iL, Oot., .1910; 
has .propoosed IbO eXfÌ>e-nð rtihoe suffrage 1t.<J 
bay'S of 18; OO'Il.; Ang.-Vict01'ia, 
Ellison. William Bruce, lawyer. 
S. Richard and Sarah Eleanor (Ar- 
thurs) E.; father's famf1y came ori- 
ginally from N. of Irel; they "Settlpd 
In N. H. about 1640: mother'!, family 
Scotch: b. St. Thomas, Ont., July 17, 
1857; e. there; m., Sept., 1883, Miss 



May Alma J"ackson, St. Thomas; 'bar- 
rister (ant.), 1880; do. (N. Y.), 1882; 
memo N. Y. Legl!':latur
, elected on 
Df'm. tlck
t (the only Dem. ever plect- 
ed from his dI8t.), 1892; commr. water, 
gas, and f'lectrlclty, N. Y., ] Q06: cor- 
poration counsel, N. Y.. 1907: fr p - 
quently af'lutf1. commr. 
y Sl1nrpme f't 
In conrnectlon with watt>r-from aml 
nark prnpprtlf's: a dfr. Tpfft-Wf'l1pr 
00.: a me<m. Am. Aæd. Pool. and S-n- 
t"Ial Sdpnce Assn., Am. Bar Assn., amI 
N. Y. City Bar AS8I1.: thPl lo
ft"al can. 
of hIs flarty for govr. N. Y., 1908 (vide 
N. Y. T
qr",ph): authoOr pamphlet!'!: 
.. The Canadlan-Am.prlean Fisheries" 
and .. Th.p Po1ftlcal Unfflcatfon of 
Canada and: the United Statps": Enfs. 
-!I(IO W. Rnd A 1'1'1.. Npw York CitJ,: 
Colonial. Manhattan. Natfnnal npmo- 
cratic, M
rchant8', and Fordham Club8. 
"An efßcient, ca;po1ble. pubUc.spiri-ted Be'T- 
VOYJot oTld II. m-IIYJ ()f ste'rIim
 hOYJo()l1.1<r, IO'Y!llt-v, 
bre'lldth f'If miY1l1 8YJd ouitp. UYJl18'11",1 legsl 
snd administrative abilitv."-S. N. 
Elmsley. Jamcs. banker. 
R anf1 
. St"ot.: m., Ff''b.. H106. Ger- 
aliHne Cluny. d. W. M. Ramsay (q.v.). 
Montrpal: entd. 8ervlt"e Bank B. N. 
A., ] 
78; has 'been successively an a('- 
countant and man
r. at various 
branches of the Institution; su'bse- 
quent1y asst. Inspr. and chief Insur., 
snpdt. of branches, 1902-9: since then 
mang-r. Montreal branch: elected memo 
Montreal Bd. of Trade: presf'nted with 
ca'blnet of silver by thp !òtflff throu
out the ,seJrV11IC.e, 1906: Pf'eSh.-Tl1
8h p rbrooke. J.fontreal: st. Jame8'
C1nh; Canada Club; Royal Montreal 
Golf Club, do. . 
Elmsley, :Major James Harold, Can 
.regular mil. forces. 
S. late Remy and Nfna (Bradshaw) 
E., .. BarnstaJble," Toronto; a gralbèfis. 
()f Carpt. ,John E., and: g:t.-
ranods. ChIef 
.Justice E., Toronto; 'b. Thronto, Oct. 
. ] 878: e. Cardinal Newman's Col1.. 
ham, En
.: m., AnI.. 1908, 
Florf'nce A thol Gordon, e. d. Mf'lfort 
Bou, ItlOn Tor<m11O: 
zeotltcl ItIeut. G. 
n. B. G., .Jan., 1898: no. R C. D., 
.June, do.; capt. do., .1905: major d'o., 
1907; served d'UrfJ1l}::' w
r In S. A.; Á. 
D. C. to Maj.-Gent. Sir E. Hutton, com- 
manding T. M. I.: dangf'r01.1sly wouml- 
ed, nr. BelfaRt, Tr
nRvaal (Quf'en'!'I 
mef1., with !í cl

s: KIng's mf'<1.. with 
2 clasps): R. C.-!
 St. J08eph St., 
Toronto: Toronto Club. 
Elson, John :Mebourne, journalist. 
S. Oeo. and Charlotte (Wilkin) E.: 
b. B
'ron, ant., Dec. 25. 1880: e. T..on
don Coll. Inst. and Western Unlv.; m.,, .1907, W'ilIloolllI1 l in.a M., o. d. 
W. M.. F'aul
s, 'l\fuul1tt Brydges, Oru.t.; 
enJtd. Journa.}.}.sm, 1903, on s.taff Lon- 
don N eW8; la:teor j'()I!noo .staff rMont- 
real Gazet!
 and went to Eng. durin&, 
Chamberlam Tariff Reform campaign 
to study poUtlcal conditions; wrote 
special articles thereon; was also on 
staff Toronto Globe; ed. Toronto Sun- 
day World, 1907: asst. mango dIr., To- 
ronto World Publlshlnr; Co., 1909: since 
Mch., 1910, has been ed. and propr. 

St. Catharlnes Journal; secured only 
IntervIew given to Can. or Western 
U.S. press, except to Assoclated Press 
by Baron Komura, .Japan's plenlpo
tentlary at Peace Conference, Ports- 
mouth, N.H., 
fter Russo-.JaJpanese 
War; author, II Reclprocdty: The Out- 
come of Evolution" (1911). - 167 
Church. St., St. Catharine8, Ont.; St. 
8 Club, do. 
"A very po:pular newspaper ma.n."- 
T. Globe. 
Elton, David Horton, journalist. 
S. .John and I!òa'bella AmeUa. (Hor- 
ten) E.: b, Worcester, Eng., .Jan. 12, 
1877: e. there: m., ApI., 1901, In 
Lake Temple, Miss Nora Afton Ha.u- 
ser: ed. Alberta Star, Cardston, Alta.; 
founnf'd and now OWJlS Mfl gra th Pioneer 
and Raymond RU8tler; formerly ed. 
Sontl1ern Star, Chattanooga, Tf'nn.: 
elected presdt. Alberta and E. Brit. 
Col. Press Assn., 1908: a .J. P.: sub- 
agent Dom. lands; Dom. returnln
flcer, AHa., 1904; favours exclusion of 
Chinese and .Japanese: a memo Cll. 
of .Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salnts.- 
, Alta. 
Emard, The Bt, Bev, Josepl1 ]ll[édarð 
(R. C.). 
S. MMard and Mathf1df' (Rcaudin) 
K, St. Hu'bert, P.Q.; b. St. Constant, 
P.Q., ApI. 1, 1853: e. 'by his father, 
the Semy. Ste. Thérèse and St. Sulplct! 
ColI., Montreal; completed his phil. 
studies at the Grand Semy., Montreal; 
o. 1876; spent 3 yrs. at Rome, follow- 
Ing the theol. course at the Roman 
Doll. (D.D.); 8;lsQ -took degirees in 
the study of canon law at the Apol- 
lInalre Semy., under the direction of 
Palmieri, Mazella, De Angells, etc.; 
visited the Holy Land, an<1 Is the au- 
thor of a vol., II Voyage en Terre 
Salnte"; was first vicar St. .Joseph's 
Ch., Montreal, and vice-chancellor at 
the A reh.evêeh.e, later 'beoam!n'g prof. 
ec('leslastical hfst.. Laval Unlv.; ap- 
pointed challicel10r of the diocese, 1888; 
canon of the Cath., 1891, and first Bp. 
ot Val1eyfi-eld, on the organization of 
that diocese, AJpI. 5, 1892; cons>ecl'ated 
.June 9, 1892; !has since builrt: a s:pl'enK'Ud 
classical coli.. affi1iated to Laval, 2 
hospitals, besides several other Insti- 
tutlons: strongly opposf'd to Intemp. 
In 'hfs diocese; attended the Pilenary 
Council, Quebec, 1909, and, the Euchar- 
Istfc Congress, Montr
al, 1910.- 
Bishop'8 Palace, Valleytleld, P.Q. 
II One whose mission seems to be the 
performance of perpetual lCood."-Wîtneøø. 
Emard, Joseph 'tJ1r1c, lawyer. 
S. Medard and Mathilde (Bpaudin) 
Eo, St. Constant. P.Q.: bro. Bp. E. 
(q.v.) ; 'b. Mch. 27, 18:=;5; e. St. Hubert 
Gramm'lr Sch., conducted by his father. 
and :prlvaste Siclh. C'oßod,uctloo by AIbIM 
Villeneuve; m. Miss Exilda Stuart 
Montreal; graduated LL.L. (avec dls
tinction. Lav
t Univ.). 1881: advoc;;1te, 
do.; K.C., 1903; head of firm E. & E. ; 
practises Montreal, he 1s one of 
the leaders of the bar; has been Mayor 
town of Emard, P.Q.; presdt. St. .Joon 
Bapote. Soc. (St. Viru:::ent de Piau 1 sec.), 
1884; chief promoter Club .Jacques Car- 



tier, 1903;' elected tpresdt. Club St. 
Denis, Montreal, 1906; Is a dlr. In 
several land! and! -other cO's., and presdt. 
Pontiac and .A1bftlbl Gold MIne Co.; 
R. C,; Con.---6 Park Ave., Montreal; 
St. James's Club; Club Lafontaine; 
Club St. Denis. do. 
Embree, Luther :Edmund, education- 
Highland Scotch and Eng. parent- 
age; U. E. L. descent; b. Cape Bre- 
ton, N.S., 1844; e. there ani! Bramp- 
ton, ant., High SC'h.: later entd. To- 
ronto Unlv. (B.A. and si.Iver mei!. In 
mod. IRng.. 1875): LL.D.. hon. (Mc- 
Master Untv.), 1906; m., 1st, Miss Annie 
Welding, Sparta, ant. (d.); 2ndly, 
Annie, d. late Thos. B. Dane, 
N.S.; successIw'ly principal Yarmouth 
Spmy., Strathroy CoIl. In:::t., Whitby 
CoIl. Tnst., .Jameson Ave. CoIl. Inst., 
Toronto, and .Jarvis St. CoIl. Inst., <10.: 
apptd. to latter position, May, 1906; 
for some considerable time has repre- 

entei! the high sch. masters as a sena- 
tor of his Alma Mater; apptd. super- 
visor of practice teaching and Instr. 
In sch. manag-ement, Toronto Univ.. 
1908; recommended for third school 
Insppctor. Toronto, Novpmber. H108: 
presdt. OntarIo Ed'Uc. Assn., 1907; do. 
ant. Teachers' AIIlance, 1908: elected 
a S'M1lRtor Knox OoH., Toront'o, 1909: do. 
V.-P. Schoolmen's Club, 1910; a'Ppolnted 
one of a comte. of three to compile 
a npw series of readers for pubIlc and 
high schs., ant., which readers have, 
up to this time, been In use; a Free- 
mason; a Fresb.; Ind. In politics: 
favours unity of thp 'Empire. politt- 
caIly and <"Omm'erdalIy. - 225 Sher- 
bourne St., Toronto. 
Emery. Bev, Joseph Edward (R.C.). 
B. New Glasgow, P.Q.. 1855; e. CoIl. 
T} A:::somptlon, P.Q.: thf'oI. 'Studies at 
Ottawa Univ. (D.D., 1902); a mpm. 
OhlRtS de M
rIe Imma('ul
p: o. 1881: 
missionary Mattawa, ant., 1881-83; do. 
U. S., 1883-7; master of novices and 
superior Semy., Tewksbury. ?l-Iass., 
1 F-87-91; Buffalo, N.Y., 1891-2; St. 
.Joseph's, LoweIl, Mas
., 1892-3: St. 
Peter's, San AntonIo, Texas. 1893-4; 
R!'I!"istant pastor Holy Ang-els. Burrillo, 
1895-1901; rector 11nlv. ()tta
'a, 1901- 
5; Lachine, 1906-7: since rt:hen a md:::- 
slonary art: Polnte Bl-eue, Lake St. .John, 
P.Q.; hon. LL.D. (Unlv. St. Francis 
Xavlpr. Antigonish, N.S.), 1905: op- 
p<,sed to exten:::lve govt. ownership of 
public Industrlf's, the most perfect 
govt. being the 
Implest: beIlpves In 
, provli.lpd thpy he of)pnpi! to the 
ma!'ses and duly contested by the govt. ; 
free trade the Id'eal; protection a prac- 
tical necessity.-Pointe BlplIe, P.Q. 
Emmerson, Hon, Henry Robert, law- 
yer; statesman. 
U. E. L. descent; s. Rev. R. H. E. 
(Bapt.) and Augusta (Read) E.; b. 
'Maugervllle, N.B.. Sept. 25, 1853; e. 
Amherst Acad., Mt. Allison Acad.. St. 
.Joseph's CoIl., Memramcook, N.B., 
Acadia CoIl. (M.A., 1897 ; D.C.L. 
(hon.), 1904). and Boston Unlv. (prize 
essayist; LL.B., 1877); LL.D. (han.), 

N. B. Unlv., 1900: m., June, 1878, 
:mrnny C. (d. ApI., '1901), d. C. B. 
Record, Iron founder, \Mancton, N.B.; 
barrister, 1878; KC., 1899; success- 
fully practises !hIs prof. at Dorchester, 
where 'he Is ODie of the lea.ders of the 
bar; was solr. and mangr., Merchants' 
Bank of H8iIlfax, Dorchester, 1882-7; 
is presdt. N. B. Petroleum Co., Acadia 
Coal anð .coke Co. and SterIlng Coal 
Co.; a dlr. Record Foundry and 
Machine Co.; 
s a .gov. Acadia Unlv.; 
a Lib.; fonnerly V.-P. f.or N. B. .of 
Maritime LIb. Assn.; unsuccessfully 
con-teSited Wiestmoreland (H. C.),1887; 
sat for Albert (Local), 1888-90; Leg. 
Councillor, N. B., 1891-2; again repre- 
sented Allbert (LoCJal) , 1892-1900; 
Mlnr. of PubIfo Works, N. B., 1892- 
1900: Premier and Atty.-GenI., do., 
1897-1900; since tfhen !has sat for West- 
moreland (H. C.); was Mlnr. ()f Ry.l!l. 
and Canals (In Ithe Laurler tAdmn.), 
1904-7; favours the utm.ost pos- 
sible freedom of trade on the lInes 
of British free trnde; Is greaItly In- 
terested In growth of wheat and ,In 
promotln.g the !prospecting anð develap- 
ment .o.f 011 properties In N. B.; an 
Orangeman; a Bapt. ; pre-sdt. Maritime 
Bapt. Convention, 1899; do, Bapt. Con- 
gress of Can, 1900; autlhor .. The Legal 
Condition of Married Women to and 
other pamphlets and l
chester, N.B.; 16 Delaware Ave., Ot- 
tawa; Rideau Club, do. 
"Am able speaker and powe.rful in de- 
ba.te."-T. Globe. 
Emo, John, Insurance profession. 
S. late Wm. E., !Montreali; m.; 
eleoted V.-P. Inl!:e
n. .Aioc!ðremlt & Sick- 
ness Ins. Co., 1907; l'st V.-P. Intern. 
Ass'll. of Accldte111t Und.eil"Wfiliters. 1911; 
ts now gent mang>!". Can. Ry, Aocddent 
Ins. Co.-550 Gilmour St., Ottawa. 
Emory, Cummins Van ]forman, phy- 
S. Aaron D. and .Jane V.; b. Trafal- 
gar, Co. Halton, ant., Dec. 16, 1850; 
e. pubIfc and normal schs.; m., 1st, 
] 882, Miss Ada .Jane Crosby (d. 
1890); 2ndly, 1892, Miss Kate M. Ed- 
wards; pursued med. studies Victoria 
Untv. and Homæop. Hosp. CoU., Cleve- 
land, 0.; a IJublIc sch. teacher for 
some Y'flS.; IPraCJtdsed mw., 1879-88, lbut 
gave It up to advocate temp. cause; 
was examr., ColI. P. and S., ant., 3 
yrs.; subsequently presdt. Canadian 
Homæop. Inst.; now Dom. secy. Royal 
Templars: has served as del., In Ham- 
Ilton; an Ind. Lib.; a Meth.;' has 
been supdt. of S. S.'s for an extended 
period; a prohlbftfonlst; beIfeves the 
liquor tramc Is, perhaps, the mast gi- 
gantic evil In our land, and that the 
Govt. has no right to license such an 
5 Ontario Ave., Hamilton, Onto 
England, Prank BichardsoD, physI- 
E. s. Francfs E.. Dunham, P.Q., and 
late .Jane (Ruiter) E.: U. E. L. de- 
scent; b. CowansvUle, P.Q., Aug. 21. 
1862; e. Waterloo; m., 1st, 1887, Car- 
!pie An'll (d.), y. d. ilaite R. '1... Ga:ler, 
Dun!h'aJrn; 2.nd,ly, 11897, MJlss ()ota.V'fa 



Grace Ritchie, M.D. (q.v.); graduated 
M.D.,C.M. (BishO!P's OolN., Le.nn'oXV1l.l1te, 
P.Q.), 1885; successfully practises his 
prof. In Montreal; prof. diseases of 
children, Bishop's Coli., 1887; prof. 
surgery, do., 1894; presdt. Montreal 
Med.-Chlr. Soc., 1906; V.-P. Can. Med. 
Assn., 1907; Ang.-126 Bishop St., 
Montreal; University Club, do. 
:El1I'land, Mr., Octavia Grace, physi- 
Y. d. late Thos. W. Ritchie., Q.C., 
Montreal; b. Montreal; e. McGill 
Unlv. (B.A., with 1st class honours in 
natural science, 1888) ; tn., 1897, F. R 
England, M.D. (q.v.); graduated M.D.. 
C.M. (Bishop's CoIl., Lennoxville, 
P.Q.), 1891; one of the first class of 
ladies to graduate from McGill Dniv., 
and the first woman to receive a med. 
degree In the Prov, of Quebec; took a 
SClh.olar. I3Jt Kingston, and 5ubS'equel1Jt- 
ly followed a post-graduate course at 
Vienna; did much to arouse pUblic 
feelin&, In favour of the med. educa- 
tion of women In Quebec; was secy. 
of the Donalda students to procure lhis 
concession; a gov. of Western Hosp., 
Montreal, and asst. gynæcol. there, 
1894-1906; MS lectured on moo. sub- 
jects before the Women's Club and 
Y. W. C. A. ; a mem. Med.-Chlr. Soc., 
Montreal; a del. Quinquennial Con- 
gress, N wt. {)ounclil of W QII1Je'I1, To- 
ronto, 1909; Ang.-l!6 Bishop St., 
:El1I'lehart, Jacob Lewi., manufac- 
turer; capitallst; Onto pUblic ser- 
S. John Joel and Hannah E.; b. 
Cleveland, 0., Nov. 2, 1847; e. local 
schs.; m., Dec., 1891, Charlotte Eleanor, 
(d. ; Charlotte Eleanor Engleh8irt 
Hosp., founded In her memory by her 
husband, Dec., 1910), d, late Thos. 
horn;pson, Adelaide, Ont.; long in 
commercial Ufe in the U. S. and 
Can.; sInce 1866 has been head of 
the firm of J. L. E. & Co., engd. 
in the refining, producing and ex- 
portation of Oan. petroleum and its 
products; estbd. works in London, Ont., 
with offices in N.Y.; was one of the 
pioneers In the trade; removed to 
Pe.trolea, where he became 2nd V.-P. ot 
the Imperial on Co., 1881 ; Is also V.-P: 
Crown Savings & Loan Assn., Petrolea, 
and V.-P. London & Western Trust Co., 
London, Ont.; some time a gov. To- 
ronto Dniv. ; since Mch., 1905, has been 
a mem. of the Temiskarning & 
Northern Onto Ry., and chairman of 
the Bd.; a Con., and presdt. Lib-Con. 
ASBn. of Petrolee. and vicinity; gave 
an X-ray machine to St. Michael's 
Hosp., Toronto, 1909, and a chime of 11 
bells (one of the finest In the Prov- 
Ince) to Christ Ch., Petro lea, 1910; a 
Freema.son; an Ang.-I< Glenview/' 
Petro lea, Ont.; Queen's Hotel, To- 
t.onto; London Club, London, Onto 
"A man of largeneas of he'artand public 
.pirit."-M. and E. 
"A man ()f grea.t wealth &ud high a.bil- 
.ity; opl'Oi'reseive in spirjt, he d.s rende.1"1Ì'Ilg 
a _",iOlo to tile Province which has ne'Veil" 
rpa&Sed, if jt has 9,ver been, equal- 
led."-T. Telegram. 

En8'li.h, Walter :Murray, physician; 
Ont, public service. 
2nd i!!!. s. Rev. N. F. E. (Ang.) and 
Hester Ann Chapman (Wrong) E.; 
grands. Noble E., an early settler, 
London, Ont.; b. Goderich, Ont., Nov. 
13, 1861; e. London public and high 
schs., Western Dniv., Toronto Sch. 
o! Med. and Toronto Dniv. (M.D., 
1886); further prof. studies at Mid- 
dlesex (Eng.) Hasp.; m., Oct., 1893, 
Ellenor M., d. late Sheriff John F. 
Clarke, M.D., Port Arthur, ant.; suc- 
cessfully practised his prof. at Lon- 
don, Ont., up to 1907; memo Can., 
Onto and London Med. Assns.; do., 
Am. Assn. Ry. Surgs.; ex-chairman 
London Ed. of Health and London 
Ed. of Educ.; a senator Western 
Dnlv.; also prof. of hygiene and 
toxlcol. therein; fond of athletics; 
formerly presdt. London Rowing 
Club; since May, 1907, has be-en med. 
supdt. Hosp. for the Insane, Hamil- 
ton, ant.; Ang.-Hospital for the 171.- 
satl.e, Ilamilton, Onto 
:Enni., John, Can. steamship service. 
E. and e. Scot.; for a long period in 
Immigration and steamship business; 
since 1867 pas1senger mangr. AlJan 
Line, at Liv.eI"Pool; presented with his 
portrait i11l oils by his friends, in testi- 
mony of .his llong and mofTI.t'Ûrious ser- 
vioes, 1905.-Liverpool, Eno. 
II A man of tact and ability."-Liver- 
pool J OUTnal of Oommerce. 
:Ep.tein, Max Jo.eph, journalist; 
business man. 
E. Munich, Germany, 1878; e. 
Munich Dniv.; m. Mlle. Marie Rose 
Goetz; propr. E. press service; presdt. 
and ed. Can. Newspapf>r Syndicate; 
presdt. BI1it. and Col. Press Service, 
Ltd., 1909; sp.ecial corre.spondent for 
leading European newspapers; many 
leading Can. newspapers have recorded 
their appreciation of his services to 
them; his services have also been re- 
ferred to In dehate (H.C.); made 
record .tri'P round the world twice; a 
Hebrew.-695 Mance St., Ville St, Louis, 
:Ermatinger, Hi. Honour Charles 
Oakes Zaccheu., Co. Ct. Judge. 
S. late Edward E., M.P., Can. As- 
sem., 1844-47, and author of "The Life 
of Co!. Talbot," and Achsah E., d. 
1l3.iÌJe Ron. Z. Burruh:aru, 100bourg, Orut.; 
b. St. Thomas, Ont., Feb. 5, 1851; e. 
there and GaIt Grammar Sch.; m., 
1876. Charlotte Dickson, e. d. Hon. 
Hugh Richardson (q.v.); barrister, 
1873; K.C. (M. of Lansdowne), 1885; 
junior judge Co. Elgin, Ont., since Jan. 
21, 1890; sat for E. Elgin (Local), 
Con. Interest, 1883-6; unsuccessfully 
contested same constltUf'ncy (H. C.) . 
g. e. 1887; chairman Joint Comte. Tal- 
bot Sert:toomeJ1Jt iM.ørIl'orial, 190,1; .pre- 
sented/ to the Prince and Princess or 
Wales (now King and Queen), 1902; 
do. dl(). their 'Majesties the late King 
and Queen, 1907; author II The Cana- 
dian Franchise and Election Laws" 
and "The Tal'bot Regime"; Ang., an"! 
a del. to the Synods.-St. Thomas, Ont.; 
Elgin Golf Olu.b; Countr21 Club, do, 



Ernst, Miss Alice Lucretia, physician. 
EleVf>nth c. Christian and Sophia 
Elizabeth (Wynacht) E.; b. Bridge- 
water, N.S., .July 16, 1861; e. ProvI. 
Normal Sch., Truro, N.S.; graduated 
M.D. (Women's Med. CoIl., Penn.), 
1888; for one year an Interne, Wo- 
man's Hosp., Philadelphia; became a 
foreign missy., under Woman's Union 
Missy. Soc. Am., 1889; placed first In 
med. charge of a girls' orphanage, Cal- 
cutta; In addition, had a daily dispen- 
sary for women and children, and 
some practice in women's homes or 
Zpnanas: aftf'r 6 1 h yrs: work In Cal- 
cutta, took furlough in Europe and 
Am., and studiC'd in Vienna hosps. 8 
mths.; returned to India, under same 
soc., and built a fine hosp. and dis- 
pensary at .Jhan
i, 1898, which is un- 
der her chief superintendence; the 
Indian Govt. has shown its apprecia- 
tion by subsidizing her Nurses' Home; 
a frequent contributor to .Missionar21 
Link; a memo Evant Luth. Ch.- 
Jhansi, United Province3, India. 
"One of Nova Scotia's clever dr.ugh- 
ters."-ll. Herald. 
Erroll, The Bight Eon. the Earl of 
(Charle. Gore Kay), 
S. 18th Earl and Eliza, d. late Gent. 
Hon. Sir Chas. Gore, K.C.B.; b. King- 
ston, Ont., Feb. 7, 1852; e. Harrow; 
m., 1875, Mary, d. Edmund and Lady 
Haru-iett .1'Est'ran@e; e,nltd. arm'Y ao!! 
cornet Royal Horse Gds., 1869; It.-col. 
commùg., do., 1891-5; col., 1895; late 
brig.-gent on staff commdg. Yeomanry 
Brigade, S. A.; rebired, 1907; ,hem. 00.1. 
3rd BaHn., Gord'Ûn HIg1hlian'<lers, since 
1892; C.B., 1901; K.T., dl().; LL.D., 
A'berdeen; Is 23'M :hereditary ooTId lhig1h 
cO'l1stable .of Soot., cl'e3Jte'd! 13..15, am'] 
thus neareSt subject in Soot. ibo al!he 
:l'OYRJl famA'l'y; I()ffic:iatoed, as such, 8Jt 
the cororuatloll of the ,late King Edwarð 
and RJt 'tlrue tClOoI10-ll!3.:Uo'ru ,of Kirug George. 
-to Buckingham Gate, London, S. W.; 
Marlborough Club, do.; Slains Ca3tlt!!, 
C1'uden, A berdeenshire, Scot. 
Esler, Rev, Alexander (Pres b.). 
B. Co. Antrim, Irel.; e. Princeton, 
N..J.; graduated, 1893; m.; O. 1896; 
pastor West Chester, Pa., 1896-1901; 
do. Coolte's Ch., Toronto, 1901-7 ; 
since then Presb. evangelist, Philadel- 
phia North, Pa.; presdt. Christian En- 
deavour Union, Ont., 1903-4.-Phila- 
clclphia North, Pa. 
"As a preacher plain, practical al1d 
point-ed:'-Mail and Empire. 
Essery, Emmanuel Thomas, lawyer. 
B. and e. London, Ont.; Eng. par- 
f'ntage; m. Eliza .Jane. d. late Wm. 
'Vales, ToO,rOl1ÌJO; gro.du3Jted LL.B. 
('nOI'O'I1IÌJO Uruiv.), 1883; b&I"Irister, 1876: 
K.C., 1908; successfully practises his 
prof. in London, Ont.; water commr., 
do., 1888-90; chairman of bd., 1889; 
Mayor of London, 1893-4; ex-otflcio, 
presdt. London & Port Stanley Ry.; a 
Con., and unsuccessfully contested Lon- 
don (Local), as such, Nov., 1894; holds 
cert. from Royal Mil. Sch., 1865; served 
in volunteers during Fenian raids 
(med.); has been presdt. St. George's 
Soc.; elected! grand master Oran&,e 

Grond Lodge, Orut. W.est, 1907-8; do. 
grand councll1or Can. Order Chosen 
Friends, 1907; do. presdt. Can. Frater- 
nal Assn., 1908; also holds high.rank in 
OdJdifeltlows.-London, Onto 
Estabrooks, Theodore Harding, mer- 
chan t. 
B. Wicklow, N.B., Dec. 28, 1861; e. 
public schs., Sheffield Grammar Sch., 
and Kerr's Business CoIl., St. .John; 
m., May E. (V.-P, Y. W. C. Assn.), d. 
late Thos. Crothers, Upper Gagetown, 
N.B.; eU;.d.. business life, 1894; IlJOW a 
wholesa;le tea merchant, having 
branches in Toronto and Winnipeg; 
one of St. .John's foremost busIness 
men; a dir. Central Can. Manfrs.' 
Mutual Fire Ins., Co.; V.
P. St. .John 
Bd. I()If T'I"3Jdie, 1905-6; pres'rut. do., 1909- 
11; Ipresdlt. Centre;l 'J.ìe.Þ Co.; 
do. Prot. Orphan Asylum; on the 
Ex'lvoe. Boys' Indus. Home and ÁJssoc. 
Charities; also V.-P. St. .John branch 
.Arm. ArahæoI. -Soc. ; elected a ÒJIr. Banik 
of N. B., 19111; a memo Can. 'MM1U- 
facturers' Assn.; went to Eng. with 
that body, 1905; presented to King 
Edward, Windsor Castle, .June, 1905; 
a memo St. .John Taxation Comn., 
1906; a memo Comte. Citizens of St. 
.John re needs of port of St. .John, 
touching winter port traffic, 1907; 
serV'e.d In V. m. during Riel Relbellion, 
1885 (med.); an active Lib.-St. John, 
N.B.; Union Club, do. 
"A man o<f person.a
 ability and Tim."- 
St. John Sun, 
Etherington, Rev, Edward Jame3 
E. Queen's Unlv., Kingston (B.A., 
1891) ; m., .July, 1905, Ada, e. d. late 
W. C. GLbsol1'e, Quebec; o. deacon, 
1893; priest, 1894; formerly Incum- 
bent St. Magdalen, Lloydtown; for 6 
yrs. rector Trinity Ch., Quebec; since 
1903 rector St. Thomas' Ch., Hamllton, 
Ont.-Hamilton, Onto 
Ethier, ]II[11e, Anna, amateur actress. 
B. Montreal, 1890; sister Abbê A. 
Ethier, Ste. Cunegonde, P.Q.; e. Sis- 
ters of the Congo de Notre Dame, and 
Montreal High Sch.; as a memo of Le 
Cercle Lltteralre, St. Henri, Montreal, 
W13S alWal1doed the MJ3Jrg3Jre.t A'ngldn 
(q. v.) bracelet, In the Earl Grey musi- 
cal and dramatic competition, Apt, 
1909; she personated Llonette, In 
II La Princesse de Bagdad."-St. Henri, 
Ethier, Joseph Arthur Calixte, law- 
yer; legislator. 
S. .J. B. and .Julie (Boyer) E.; b 
SIt. Ben.()Iilt, P.Q., .May 26, 1868; e 
Montreal 00011.; m., Apt, 1891, Thêrêse 
(d. Feb., 1910), d. late L. A. For- 
tier, M.D; ad'V'Ocate, 1875; practises 
Ste. Scholastlque, P.Q.; K.C., 1906; do. 
(P. Q.), 1909; has served as Crown 
prosecutor Dist. of Terrebonne; for- 
merly depty. !prothy., SJC.; has repre- 
sented Two Mountains (H. C.), LLb. 
interest, .sInce 1896; has been for 
some yrs. chairman Expiring Laws 
and Private Bills Comte. (H. C.); 
one of the slg-ners of ,the address 
from the Lib. party to the Pope, 
resulting In the appt, of a papal able- 



gate to Can., 1896; a dir. Ottawa River 
Ry. Co. and Oenrt.:roJlJ Ry. Co.; soecy. 
Mutual Fire Ins. Co., sil1lce 1894; secy. 
Municipal and Sch. Bds., St. Colum- 
ban and Ste. Scholastlque, 1891-8: 
mayor Ste. Sohol.astlqU'e, 1899
R. C.-Stt:. Scholastiqut:, P.Q.; Club 
Canadien, Quebec. 
Ethier, Leandre Joseph, lawyer; Mont- 
real municipal service. 
B. St. Eusta<,he, P.Q., June 6, 1855; 
e. St Mary's (Jesuit) CoIl. and McGill 
Univ. (B.C.L., 1879); m., 1888, 
Blanche Ros
e, d. Simeon Delorme, 
merchant, Montreal; advocate, 1880; 
K.C. (E. Derby), 1889; do. (P. Q.), 
1899; has practised In all the provl. 
courts, in the Supreme Ct. Can., and 
before the .II. Comle. of H. M.'s Privy 
Council, Eng., where he has repre- 
sented Montreal In many Important 
cases; recognized as an eminent au- 
thority on municipal law; entd. law 
dept., city of MlJntreal, Oct., 1876. and 
has been, since the death of R. Roy, 
K.C., chief counsel and chief city atty. 
Montreal; represented Montreal at the 
unvelllng of the Cartier monument, St. 
Malo, France, 1905; fonnerly a capt. 
65th Regt., and served with It during 
N. W. Rebellion, 1885 (med.); R. C.- 
178 Berri St., Montreal; Club Cana- 
n eminent juriscQn-sul."-Can. Muni. 
cipal Journal. 
Evans, Arthur Thomas Kelly. civil 
engineer; Onto public .service. 
Second s. late George E., Gortmer- 
ron House, Co. Tyrone, Irel., and Jane 
(F.ftzgenalld:) E.; a brtO. ViscÜ'lmbess 
Avonmore (q.v.); b. Toronto, Mch. 4, 
1862; graduated Royal Mil. CoIl., 
Kingston, 1883; unm.; practised for 
10 yrs. as a civil engr.; organized the 
Onto Forest, Fish and Game Protection 
Assn., of which he Is secy.-treas.; has 
done good work In that capacity 
throughout the country and as a lect. 
on .the 1'esouroos of IjJhe Dom. ; on, 
oom1oe. Oan. øooI. Soc.; oaplpitd. fi,sh an:d . 
game In:spr. by Onto GoV't., 1909; run- 
successfully oc.ont-ested South WelUng- 
otlon (H. C.), Con. ,Int,erest. g. e. 1911.- 
f5 Front St. E., Toronto; Toronto Club; 
Hunt Club; Nati.onal Club; Royal 
Can. Yacht Club, do.; Metropolitan 
Club, New York. 
lOA well qualified man for his present 
position."-Sir J: P. Whitney (q.1J.). 
Evaus, David James, physician. 
S. Edward E., formerly of Montreal, 
now of Shanghai, China; b. Montreal, 
1868; e. private schs.; m., June, 1895, 
Miss Mary Emma Franklin, Orangp, 
N.J.; graduated M.D.,C.M. (McGII1 
Univ.), 1890; m., 'Mjay, 1911, Rosa- 
mond, d. Roge,r N. AMen, Boston, 
Moa;SAS.; !held V'aJI'i'ous ihiosp. I3Jp:polin<t- 
ments 1JiU .1892; since In private 
proCJti'C'e; .is asst. üoot. phoyslüla.n, 'MOTJIt- 
real Matprnity Hosp.; attending phy- 
sician Montreal FoundlIng and Baby 
Hasp.; fl()'r.metI"Ly .1'elClt. on ob'Slt. and 
driseases .of 'Infa'Illts, M,c.GlIll Unlv.; since 
1911 a.&st. pl'lof. of O'bsbeltrlos, d'o.; a 
('(mtrllbutl()r otJo sctI.entUic jouTnals; 
autJhor 1.eX't-book on obst., in use in 

several unlvs.; Ang.--60S Dorchester 
St. W., Montreal; Universi.ty Club; 
lIIontreal Jockey Club, do. 
Evans, Edward Arthur, civil englnee\'. 
B. Eng., Feb. 26, 1854; e. Eastman's 
Royal Naval ColI., portsmouth and 
King's ColI., London; memo Soc. C. E., 
1887; served his articles with Joseph 
Phillips, C.E.!., London; was engd. In 
construction Derby waterworks. Green- 
field waterworks and tunnel, Cheshire 
Lines Ry. (Liverpool N. extension), 
and many other Important undertak- 
Ings; came to Can., 1883, and was 
employed as engr. on surveys, Port 
Rowan & Lake Shore Ry., and on 
construction Pontiac Pacific Junction 
Ry., Gatlneau Valley Ry., Quebec, 
Montmorency & Charlevolx Ry., and 
Quebec City EllOOtrlc Ry.; upon aml3.Jl- 
gamation of 2 last-named COSo (which 
Included the Montmorency Electric 
Power Co.), under the name of the 
Quebec Ry., Light & Power Co., was · 
apptJd. ge.n1. crnangr. of IÌ.he 00.; If'e- 
sl.gned, 19'10: sin'C'e Jan., 1911, 11as 
been conlSulltlng engr., Queibe,c and 
Saguenay Ry.; f.ormetl'ly comrnand.p.d 
No. 1 Go., A. .s. Oor,ps.-f9 Ursule -St., 
Evans, :Hardy Pollman, Insurance 
S. Hy. A. and Louisa (Cole) E.: 
father, native London, Eng-., came to 
Can., 1835; mot11er, from Dublin, Irel., 
came to Can., 1850; b. Clinton, Ont., 
,.Tune 10, 1872; e. there; later studied 
med.; m., 1895, Ray L., d. Rev. Dr. 
Lake, KnoxvllIe, Tenn., fonner1y of 
Wales; been In the life Ins. busines!? 
since 1892, with experience in respon- 
sible positions In both U. S. and Can.; 
organized National Agency Co., of 
which he was V.-P. and genI. mangr., 
1900; formed Union Life Assur. Co., 
of which he has since been presdt. and 

enI. 'man/gr., 1902; also Ipresd.t. 
Land, F1ruit & !Packing 00.; a. ðï.r. in 
s.e"'el'a.l pu>bHc compoanl.e-g; Ang.- 
"Boullwyn," 60 Binscarth Rd., To- 
ronto; Rosedale Golf Club, do. 
Evans, Rev, James Gwallia (Ind.), 
author; lecturer. 
Welsh parents; a direct descendant 
old U Christmas Evans," the famous 
Welsh preacher; mother a Wynne, re- 
tated to late Sir Watkyn Wm. W.; 
grand-ancestor Rhodri Dhu, Lord of 
Angelsey; b. Gralg Dhu House, Garn- 
diffaith, Monmouth, Eng., Apt 24, 
1866; e. Wales and U. S.; m. Miss 
:Mary .I. Edmunðs, Ohio, U.S, ; o. Well,M 
Ind. Ch., 1887; preached at 13; known 
as the II boy preacher"; took course 
in me:d. anò SUorg. bo ,pr'e' for a 
wider sphere of rellglous usefulness as 
a med. missionary in the Orient, which 
he first entered 1892; a great traveller 
and a frequent lecturer; memo Pales- 
tine Explor. Soc.; fellow Brit. Inst. 
Mental Science; memo Bible Lands 
Arch. Research Soc.; do. Unlv. Anth. 
Soc. ; founded Cymeodorlan Society 

 Welsh), 1904; took an active part in 
bringing- Welsh colonists to Can. from 
Patagonia; reed. order of Mejldie from 
Turkish Govt., and the Grand Cross of 



the Knights Hospitallers of St. .John of 
.Jerusalem, 1905; author of several 
works on Indian character, travel, 
mental science, psychol., etc.; ed. an 
educ. weekly 2 yrs.; a recognized art 
critic, as well as collector of rare and 
valuable works of art; In early life a 
Gladstonian Lib.; In Can. an Imp. Ind., 
with Con. leanings; a staunch support- 
er of Mr. Chamberlain, and an advo- 
cate of protection; In favour of free 
trade only within the Empire; be- 
ldeves .in <moe .fl'ee, unlseeta:rlan sch. 
system.-Kingston. Onto 
Evans, John Dillon, farmer, 
B. Tp. Trafalgar, Co. Halton, Ont., 
.July 19, 1841; e. local schs.; a .J.P., 
1872; a memo York Co. Council for 
many yrs.; Warden, Co. York, 1890-1; 
presdt. Onto Bee-keepers' ABsn" .1902- 
03; now presdt. Hurnbervale Cemetery 
Co. and of York Mutual Fire Ins. Co.; 
represented York Co. Councll before 
R'Y. OO>ffilW., P. C., o()J1J 4 aliffe.I1enlt ooc:a- 
sions; declined nomination to Parlt. 
by Patrons of Industry, 1894; a past 
master Freemasons, Odd Fellows, For- 
esters, and U. Workmen; a Con., and 
atronlg protootÌJ()nlst; Mie'tJh.-To1'onto, 
Evans, Nevil Norton, educationist. 
S. late W. N. and Nora (Hunter) 
E.; b. Montreal, Sept. 28, 1865; e. 
Montreal HIgh Sch., M.cGlll Univ. 
(B.A.Sc., 1886; M.A.Sc., 1892), Frei- 
berg Sch. of Mines, and Leipzig Unlv. ; 
rn., Sept., 1902, Bertha Vail, e. d. E. G. 
O'Connor (q.v.), 'Montreal; lect. In 
chern. and scien. agricul., .McGilIl Nor- 
mal Sch.; asst. in chern., iMcG.ill Univ., 
1886; loect. in do, do., ,18911 ; asst. prof. 
do. do., 1899; asso. prof. do. do. since 
1907; Unit.-157 St. Famille St., Mont- 
real; Canadian Club; University Club; 
Montreal A. A. Assn., do. 
Evans, percy Norton, educationist. 
S. late Walter Norton E., a native 
WOlverhampton, Eng., who came to 
C[ln., 1860, and Nora (Hunter) E.; b, 
Montreal, 1869; e. Montreal High Sch., 
McGill Univ. (B.Sc., 1890), Leipzlg 
Univ. (Ph.D., 1893), and Clark Un Iv. 
(hon. fellow, 1894); m., 1897, Miss 
Mary E. Bruce, Middleton, Conn.; 
asst. in chemistry, McGill Univ., 1890- 
91; 1851 science scholar, do., 1891-3; 
asst. In chemistry, Wesl. Univ., Mid- 
dJI.eton, 1894-5; 'Prof. OOe!J11listry arud dir. 
chemical laboratory, Purdue Univ. 
since 1895; memo Am. Chemical Soc.; 
fellow Ind. Acad. Science; a contribu- 
tor to chemical journals; author 
"Quantitative AnalysIs" (1897 and 
1906) ; Unlt.-West Lafayette, Ind. 
Evans, Very Bev, Thoma. Frye Lewl. 
g, late Rev. Francis E., D.C.L., 
rector of Wood'house, Ont" and Maria 
Sophia (Lewis) E.; b. Woodhouse 
Rectory, Dec. 17, 1845; e. U. C. ColI. 
and Trin. Univ., Toronto (B.A., 1866: 
M.A., 1871: D.C.L., hon., 1894: D.D., 
do., 1902); D.D. (ihon.), BiShop's CoIl. 
Univ., Lennoxville, 1902: do. (do.), 
Western Unlv., 190-4; m., 1st, Dec., 
1873, Maye Stewart (d. Oct., 1903), 
e, d, late Strachan Bethune, K.C., 

chancellor of the diocese of Montreal}: 
2ndly, June, 1908, Emily Elizabeth, d. 
Illite Robt. Hy. Bethune, Toronto: O. 
deacon, 1869; priest, 1870: missy., 
Norwich, Ont., 1869-71; asst., Christ 
Ch. Cath., Montreal, 1871-3; since then 
has Ibeen rector, St. Stephen's, 'Mont- 
real: .hon. canon, Christ Ch. Oath., 
1873: bIs'hop's CJhaplain, 1879; Arch- 
deacon of IbervllIe, 1881: do. d'o., 
Montreal (sucCeeding the late Dr. 
Leach therein), 1887; Dean ot Monlt- 
real since May, 1902; an unsuccessful 
candidate for Bishopric of Montreal, 
1908; a del. to the .synods; chaIrman, 
Proto Bd. o
 Sch. Comrnrs., Montreal, 
1903- : tan official} del., Ang. Ch. BI- 
cent, celebration, Halifax, N.S., 1910; 
a del. Ang. Ch. Cong., Halifax, 1910, 
and Pan-Ang. Cong., London, Eng., 
1908; a Freemason and chaplain Royal 
Victoria Lodge, Montreal.-15 Hope 
Ave., Montreal, 
"As a prea.cher he is f'Orceful and con- 
vincing, a.nd his ener&'Y in al'l depa.rtmentl 
of religious .and &ocial wO"l"k is unbounded." 
-M. Herald. 
Evans, Lt,.Col, William Herbert, 
busliness man. 
S. .J. S. E., Montreal: b. there, Feb. 
27, 1872: e.; assocl.a1ed with his 
fat!her In Ti'al of?<staJte busltness; g.etrvoed 5 
yrs. R. N. W. M. Pollee; formerly a cap. 
tain 5th Royal Highlanders, Montreal; 
a capt. 3rd Special Service Corps, 
which garrisoned Halifax during S. A. 
War; apptd. It.-co!. comrnde-. 1st Regt., 
"Prince of Wales Fusiliers," May 31, 
1908; reltiITed, F'eIb., 1911:. an. enotlhu- 
s.ias,tJilC ihoorse!man.-249 Un'lvers1,ty St., 
Montreal; St, James's Club, do. 
Evan., William Herbert, business 
S. Herbt. E., Montreal; grands. 
Wm. E., County Cross; b. Montreal, 
1865; e. Montreal ProPY, Sch. and 
McGill Unlv. (B.A., 1886); m. Maud 
.KJaJtJh,er:inle ( gna:nWdl a dliYQroe" 19.11 ) , 
d. ISaml. Bishop, BattJh'll!rst, N.B.; 
.'PresdJt. E}v1an.s Bros., Lt., ('0001 and 
W1O>OO IID/ß'OOhan:Ìls), 'Monrt:I"OOiI; Thrd- 
ing Valiley R'Y., Th,rd'i'I1'g Vwlo1ey, 
B.C.; Imp. Coal and Coke Co. (mines 
and works, E. Kootenay, B.C.), and 
Nell Lake Mining Co., Montreal; Ang. 
-!J90 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal; St. 
James's Club; Montreal Club.: Mont- 
real Hunt Club; St. George's Snow- 
shoe Club; Montreal' Jockey Olub; 
St. Maurice Fish and Game Club; 
Manitou Club; Engineers' Olub, do, 
Evan., William Sanford, financial 
agent; public man. 
S. Rev. .J. S. E., D.D., and Mary 
.Jane (Vaux) E.; b. Spencervllle, Ont., 
Dec. 18, 11869: e. public schs., Hamil- 
ton Coll. Inst., Volctorla Unlv., Cobourg, 
and Columbia Univ., N.Y. (M.A.); m., 
.Jan., 1900, Mary Irene (a gifted pian- 
1st; founded Women's Musical Club, 
Toronto, 1889; elected first presdt., 
Women's Can. Club, Winnipeg, 1907; 
also presdt. Women's Musical Club, 
do.), d. Edward Gurney, (q.v.) To- 
ronto; entd, journaUsm on .staff of N.Y. 
P03t; on ed. staff Toronto Mail and 
Empire, 1897-1900: pre.dt. Wlnnlpe&, 



gram Printing Co., 1901-5; ed.-in- 
oholef Winnipeg Telegram
 1901-5; ruow 
engaged In financial agency and broker- 
age; a promoter Can. Associ- 
ated Bress, Ltd., 1904; a dir, Sove- 
reign lAfoe Assur. OJ.; ,is V.-P. W
peg Stock Exchange; a councillor Man. 
Univ. and Bd. of Trade; secy. Royal 
Comn. 1'
 Man. Univ., 1907; controller, 
Winnipeg, 1907; may.or, do., 1908-11; 
1st V.-P. Union of Gan. Municipalities, 
1909; presdt., do., 1910; associate<l 
with Can. Club movement from its 
Inception; 1st presdt., 1st Can. Club, 
Hamilton; organ'lzed Toronto and Win- 
nipeg Can. Clubs; elected presdt. Assn. 
of Can. Clubs, 1910; present at funeral 
of King EdJwal1d, London, Eng., May, 
19'10; prescnbed W King George, Buck- 
jngiham Palaoe, .Tune, 1911; holds 
to the 'þrindplle Ithat in P'l'OiP'OI"Hon 
tbo 'her 
lth, /PO'pulJaJtlon and dn- 
tre.I'e'StlS, OaTI. shoulld pooV1ide dleÍle'r1J0e, 
both by llan'd a,rud 1Soeß, establish- 
Ing her own services; ohas contributed 
ml3,ny 8.l'tlcles to .true IJllil,gs.; author: 
"T.he Can. Contingents and Can. Im- 
perlalism" (1901); a ,con.; 
fully contested S. Wentworth (Local), 
g. e. 1898, and WinnIpeg (H. C.) , 1904: 
a Freemason and a Meth.-4" Edmon- 
ton St.
 Winnipeg; Manitoba Club; 
Commercial Club; Canadian Club
Albany Club
an of character, ability, and public 
SpirIt. -T, New.. 
"A man of high character and excep- 
tional ability."-M. and E. 
Eve, Arthur stewart, educationist. 
S. IlG;OO J. R. E.; 'b. Si:!tsoe, Bed<>. , 
Eng., Nov. 22, 1862; e. Berk'hiamstoead 
Scih., Pembroke ColI., 'Camb. (B.A., 
188-4; M.A., 1885), and McGllJ UnlÍv. 
(IM.A., ad eun.
 1908; .D.Se., 00,.) ; m., 
190,5; Mjiss ENzaOOtIh A Brooks, ,M,ont- 
1'e13..1; 8J8S1Ì. mastrerr, M1a:rl'borough ÛO!I:t., 
1886-1902; bursar, do., 189,7-190.2; 
ledt. fin maJtJh., McGlU Unofv., 1903-5; 
assrt:. prof. of mtaJth., dl()., 1905-9; since 
tJhJen has been assoc. v.rot. or m8Juh. 
'OOt. In rn.dioactivlty, do. ; F.R.S.C., 
1910; ohS!s oon.trlbut'ed to .tihe Phil. Jlag. 
a'l't.icloes ()'J1, I"esea'l'C'h WIOII"'k .in phy.slos,- 
,. Woodbury," st. Catharines Rd.
des Neiges
Ewan, Rev, Bobert Barker (Meth.), 
medical missionary. 
B. 'Miasoouche, P.Q.; 'C. l
l s0I1..8., 
McGHJ: Un1iv. (M.D.,C.M., .1896), land 
iMoorutl'OOJl Woesli. Tbeol. 0011. (g.rad., 
1890); m., Nl()v., 1897, ,Miss S. J. 
LeW1t'hwaHJe, 'MiollJtI'lela,I; o. '1899; sinoe 
1896 IhI3JS Ibad oowrge of ,the ,Can. Moeth. 
Hosp. wt Oruen,ÌIU, Ohdna, and not lorug 
Slince 'P'fIOIP'O'S'eI tJo eroot a new aTId en- 
1liaT'g>eð oon:ldiIng oj:l() meet robe 'l"'eQulre- 
!I'J1IeIl1,ts of the sta ti<m.-Chentu, China. 
Ewart, David, architect; Dom. public 
S. of a Scottish builder; b. Peniculck, 
nr. Ed'inbur
h, Scot., Feb. 18, 1843; e. 
there; m., May, 1887, Annie, e. d. late 
Slgsworth Simpson, Barnsby, York- 
shire, Eng.; studied for his prof. at the 
Edinburgh Sch. of Arts; entd. Can. 
publlc service as an asst. to the asst. 
engr. and architect, Dept. of Publlc 
Work!!!, Ottawa, 1871; apptd. chief 

architect, do., on the retirement of late 
Thos. Fuller, Nov. 2, 1897; among his 
works, which have been many, have 
been the completion of the main tower 
of the Parlt. Buildings, O'ttawa, and 
the erection of buildings for the 
several Can. CúfJ'nns. at the PaI'i
Expn., the Chicago World's Fair, etc.; 
reed. a decoration from the French 
Govt.; I. S. 0'., 1903; memo Bd. of 
Assessors, with l'es.pect to new DeJ>lt 
'Bld'g1S. a.t O'ttJawa, 1906; a -counci1:lor 
Royal Arch. Inst. of Can., 1909.-1"5 
Cameron St., Ottawa. 
Ewart, John Sklrvinlr, lawyer. 
S. late Thos. E., harrister, Toronto, 
and Catherine Seaton (Skirving) E., 
Scot.; b. Toronto, Aug. 11, 1849; e. 
U. C. ColI.; LL.D. (hon.), O'ttawa 
Univ., 19'08; m., Sept., 1873, Jessie, d. 
llate Jas. ()ampoolil, T{)fÜ'noto; baJr- 
rister (O'nlt.), 1871; do. (Man.), 1882; 
K.C. (1M. of Lansdowne), 1884; first 
presdt. O'sg{)ode Legal and Lit. Soc., 
Tororubo, 1876-80; V.-P. Can. Bar 
Assn., 1896; successfully practised his 
prof. In Winnipeg up to 1904; since 
t-hoen .as bead of tl1Je finm of E., Sco'tJt, 
Maolaren and Kelley, O'ttawa; one of 
the leaders of the bar at O'btawa; 
apptd. solr., C. P. Thy., O'ttawa, 1908; 
chief c,ounsel for Can., Hague tribunal, 
1910; his address, as such, much ad- 
mired; ed, and 'PubUsher l'eports of 
cases before tlhe Mlan. courts, 1883-90; 
broug'ht into special .prominence in con- 
nection with the lltdgaJtion over the 
Man. sch. question in the ninetIes, in 
whiCh he appeared for the Cath. 
minority, both at Ottawa and London; 
also championed the cause of sep. sehs. 
wi,tJl1. ihis pen in bhJe ,rev,s. ; l'Lk.ewiS'e -came 
inlto prominence on the occasion of the 
awt. to tIhe bench of Mr. Justice Per- 
due (q.v.), Sept., 1903, and on tIre 
subject 'Ûf t.he empIoY'ffient land emolu- 
ment extended to judges out-side that 
atta.dhed to their offices; 'besides being 
a contributor to the Queen's Quarterly 
and ot'her organs of 'Public opinion, has 
pu ' bli.shed several legal works, includ- 
ing an ,. Index 'to the Statutes," a 
.. 'M:anuaJ. of Costs," an .. Exposition 
of the Princi'ples I()f Estoppel by Mis- 
representation," a review of the Man. 
ooh. quest ioo n, and:, .in conjuncldün W'itJh 
Sir T. W, Taylor (q.v.), a vol. on the 
Judicature Act, 1881; !has also 'Pub- 
lished a vol.: .. Tlhe Kingdom of Can- 
ada, Imperial Federation, The Colonial 
Coruferences, T1he Alaska Boundary, 
and ()ther Essays" (1908), land a 
brochure on "Sir .ToIhn Macdonald and 
tIDe C.ana,dJian Fla:g II (dJO.) , and a.n
ouher on .. Oanaddan I,nJdle!Pemdenloe" 
('1911) ; has 'lwtoelloy WTTlrt:ten .t'O true pI"eSS 
tJouahlng the Imperil3.Þistloa vioC!W's 01 
Eaml Grey, "1.0 whdC'h he ds muC1h. op- 
prosed; presenbe{l tbo his late 'Miajest'Y 
King EdWlaTd, WirudJso.r C:a:stle, June, 
1905; &P!potJd. a rruem. opermraTIeTIt -extV'ß. 
comJte. Earl GI'eY musioa,l and drnomatic 
tIl'oplry oompøtlHJi-on, 1910; allec.te.dJ V.-P. 
1!o.oal b:mrueh Am. ATiClhæol. I'llSt., 1908 ; 
presdlt. RdV1e<rnnee.d GoI'f Olub, 1910,; 
is aLso a iUfe d1r. 'Proto Genl. Hosp.; a 
frequent lecturer upoTI publ1-c subjoects; 
oI'lig.lnlalil'Y a Bres1b., -but does not now 
belong to any oh. .or pa'rty.-
OO Wil- 



brod St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ot. 
tawa Hunt Club; Canadian Club; 
Ottawa Goll Club; Rivermead Golt 
Club, do. 
.'.A. laW)'er if not a. broad p.atri(}t." 
-M. Witness. 
"A man of 'ripe e
 in his pro- 
fessi{)n."-Can. Law Journal. 
.. Has earned a -w.ide :re'}} for 
ca.reful and cle
r thionkin'g."-T. Globe. 
Ewing, Joseph Armitage, lawyer. 
E. s. late .Tohn E., regr. Co. RIch- 
mond, P.Q.; b. and e. Melbourne, P. 
Q.; m., Oct.. 1906, Henrietta M., d. 
Hy. Smith, Plantagpnet, Ont.: g-radu- 
ated B.C.L., McGill Unlv., 1897; ad- 
V\Ocatoe, 1898; K.C., 1909; 
practise!!! his prod'. In Montreal, in part- 
ner!!!hlp with G. B. CraIIW, K.C. ; elected 
presdt. St. .Tames's Lit. Soc., Montreal, 
1910.-467 St. Urbain St., Montreal. 
Ewing, Samuel Hamilton, manu- 
facturer; capitalist. 
Irish origin; s. late Samuel and 
Margt. (Hamilton) E.; b. LlsdlUon 
House, Londond.erry, Irel., May 10. 
1834; came to Can., wiJtJh :hls 1pa:n''l1lts, 
when a broy: .e. :local SCJh. and! MlOn- 
tJnea)}.; 1'11., 1st, 'Miss 'Oa!roJ,fne WdlS1O'I1 
0hJee'se, lJo'l1'ðlQn, En
. (d. 1872) ; 2ndlly, 
:Mi8rg\Ì. An'l113.. (Id. Mch., 1908), d. Geo. 
Kntj,g1ht, GlaSg10iW, SoolÌ. : 
'1lÌ'h hi,!" 
WO., Á. S. E., took oV'e'l" his fa'Ì-her'!'I 
neæ, known as ,samuel E. & 
Sons, MlQnlÌ
al' coffee and spke 
mUls, 1860; 
,H'l"ed ,from rtJhe firm, 
1892; Is pr>esd,t. ':M]on'tJreal Ootrt:lO'l1 00. 
and! LRke OhlMIl'Pl:a
n andJ S1. IJaw- 
rpnce Ship ('anal ('0.; V.-P. Molsnns 
Bank, Can. Coal &: Ry. Co., West Ind1a 
ElectrIc Co., Sun Life Assur. Co., and 
f'an. Birkbeck Invest. & Savlng-s Co. : a 
dJr. Montreal Trust &: Deposlrt: Co., Ill. 
Traction Co., Can. Accident Assur. Co., 
CRledonla Springs Co., Missisquol 
Marble Co., and Black Lak
datoed Asbestos Co.; a gov. Montreal 
('."enl. H"JoSip. ; ceasleð as treas.. dl()., 1906 ; 
also a gov. Proto Hosp. for the Insane; 
a del., 6th Oongress, Chambers of Com- 
 of the Empire, 1906; rated as 
a millionaire by Montreal Star, 1906: 

Fairbairn, Bichard p" cIvil engIneer. 
B. London, Ont., 1855; e. there; 
O.L.S.. 1901; s'UCúessfu l l1:lV ;poocblsf'Ò -hIs 
prof. 1Í'll! LonldlO-n; j{)lÍned De,pt. IOf Public 
W{)rks, TOro'l'l.t'Û', .1879: clMef engiI'. d(). 
do., Ont., 1903-10; !Since then has be'e<n 
õe.puty mdnr., PubN'C W(),rks DeTJ't., ðIo. 

52 Markham St., TOl'onto; Engineers' 
Club, do. 
Fairbank, Charles Oliver, physician. 
Df'scf'nded from the Fairbanks of 
Yorkshire, En
., some of whom came 
to Boston, Mass., 1633, and !';ettled in 
Deð.hon. Mass., 1636:. on mother's sId" 
Is of U. E. L. ð.pscent: s. .T. H. and 
Ednf\. (CrYl!ller) F.: father represent- 
ed E. Lambton (H. C.), 5th Parlt.: 
b. Nla
ara Falls, Ont., -; e. Hell- 
muth Coll., London, Ont., and Royal 
Mil. Coll., Kingston, being one of the 
original 18 at the openln&, of that In- 

a Con.-" Seaforth," 1M Côte des 
8 Rd., Montreal; Canada Club; 
St. James's Club; lilt. Royal Club; 
Canadian Club, do. 
"It iß dotubtful if the,re is a more active 
man of his in the city of MO'"- 
S. N. 
Ewing, Samuel William, merchant; 
E. s. S. H. E. (q.v.) ; grands. Samuel 
E., who came to Can. from N. of Irel.. 
1845; b. Montreal, Nov. 20, 1862; e. 
Montreal High Sch.; m., Nov., 1891, 
Ethel R., 4th d. late .T. .T. Vickers, To- 
ronto, and granðd. late Mrs. Susanna 
Moodie, author of "Roughing it in the 
Bush"; long in buS'lIl'ess In Montreal; 
memo firm S. H. E. & Sons, coff
I:IPlces and cork manfrs. and Importers; 
a à
l. OO'IlIgI'IE'SS Ohamhe,r,s -of Oom- 
merce of t!he Empire,' 1906; el,ected 
presdt., local branch. Can. Manfrs.' 
Assn., 1907: g.ov. õMontreal Genl. 
Hosp.; memo Montreal Bd. of Trade; 
II Believes strongly In protection for 
Canadians, wiHlh a ffiüdel'3'Ìe ipPed'e,r- 
e'I1lèe in fl3.v,ryur of the ìYrlQth'er OounlÌry. 
also In all ties tJhat will tend to cement 
closer union with Gt. Britain": a life- 
long Con.; ipresdt. .Tunior Con. Club. 
McmtÌ'reaJI., 1904: ID'elm. ext
. oo'!n.toe. Si'T 
.TlOIhp Mwcdton.aM 01ub; a Freoemøso'l1; 
a Presb.-" The Sherbrook
," 1018 Sher- 
 St., Montreal; Royal St. Law- 
rence Yacht Club: St. George Snow- 
shoe Club, do.; Albany Club, Toronto. 
Ewing, Walter Hamilton, champion 
E. s. late Alex. Miller E., Montreal; 
IrIsh ancestry; b. and e. Montreal: 
m., ApI., 1902, Ethel Raeburn, d. late 
Archd. McIntyre: long In buslnells life 
In Montreal: made hIghest amateur 
score, at first annual shooting tourna- 
ment of Can. Indians (winning Clar- 
en.d\On Cup), 'MJcm.t
eal. May, 1906; 
won champIonship of the world In 
tI'aJP shooting, Oloympk ,g>ames, Lan- 
don, Eng., .Tuly. 1908.-!4.J Elm Ave., 
Westmount, Montreal; Ranelagh Coun- 
try Club, do. 


stltution; graduated 1880, and was 
gazetted lIeut. R. A.; m., 1900, Mis!'! 
Clara M. Sussex: M.D. (Coll. P. and 
S., N. Y.), 1891: does not, however. 
practise his prof., though he remaIned 
for 3 yrs. In N. Y. studyIng special 
microscopical work and assIsting In 
genI. med. dept. of the Vanderbilt 
clinic; also assisted for a consIderable 
time at the electro-therap. clinic of 
Post-grad. Sch. and Hosp.; at present 
an 011 operator and producer: a memo 
Bd. Health and of Town Council, Pe- 
trolea; a councillor Bd. of Trade, dlr. 
Petrolea Wagon Works and of Crown 
Loan & Savings Co.: favours athletics 
among the young; formerly major 
commdg. London Field Battery: a 
Freemason; preødt. Petrolea LIb. A51!1n., 
and unsuccessfully contested E. Lamb- 
ton (H. C.) In that Interest, g. e. 
1908; an Ang.-Petrolea, Onto 



Pairbanks, :Miss Constance (see Piers, 
Mrs. Constance). 
Pairchild, George Moore, retired 
Scottish and Eng. origin: s. la te G. 
M. F., Quebec; b. there, 1854; e. Univ. 
of N. Y.; m., 1880, t'he gl'and'd. late 
Hon. .Tohn Neilson, M.P.P., Quebec; 
while engd. in commercial life in N. Y.. 
his application and talents attracted 
the notice of local capitalists, w1ho 
placed 'him in the firm of Schoff, F. 
& Co., to safeguard their intere5ts; 
managed his share of the 'business so 
successfully that at the early age of 
36 was enalbled to retire with a hand- 
some fortune; since then has lived in 
Quebec; during the most active period 
of .his mercantile career, found timf', 
not only to cultivate a love of letters, 
but to contribute to the press; in ad- 
dition to many articles upon passing 
events whlc;h hav
 appeared from his 
pen In the Am. periodicals, has pub- 
lished II Canadian Leaves II (1887); 
II Note!!! on Two .T
sult Manuscripts" 
(1887); .. Orltanl Souvenir" (1888); 
"A Hlstorv of the Qnebe<' Wlnte'T ("ar- 
nlval" (18
4); II Rod and Canof', Rifie 
and Snow"hoe, In Quebec's Adiron- 
dacks II (18
6); "A RlðfcuJOl1S Court- 
ship" (.1900), and II From My Quebec 
ScN'P Book" ('1907); 'P'd. II J10urnal of 
an Am!erlca.n P'l"isoner 19.t Fort Mald'f"l1 
and QUle-bf'C ,In lÌ'hie War of 1812" 
(1909); 'hi's MÞra/1"Y of Oanad,iana d.s 
probalbly one of ibhe most OOffilplete In 
ra's lOne of 'bhe <founod.eTs of 
the Oan. Club, N. Y., and d'ts V.-P. f,or 
several Y'I's.; ,Is an hon. m'e'ffi. of 
RewlI'al ijd.t'eT18.ry SJOclettd'es and organ- 
izartJi'OIlS.-5 St. Stanislas St., Quebec. 
II H{).S'þitabðe, gener<YUs, a.rtistic and 
le.a.rned, and a lreen, o.bærver ()f ,affairs."- 
Late Faucher de St. Maurice. 
Palrclough. George Herbert, organ. 
ist and pianist. 
S. .Tas. and El1izabe1th (Erving') F.; 
bro. rprof. H. R. F. (q.v.); b. Ham'll- 
ton, Ont., .Toa'n. 3
. 1869; 
. ,puMl,c soelhs., 
Hamtl.ltol1' Oom. Inst.. Toronto Univ., 
'l'()IJ'()nlto 0onserv. 'Of Music, RJoyal Hf.
Soh. IOf 'Musl'C. Bffl'lin, Pacts 
and Lon-d:on; m., Sept., 1897. MilS's 
Hopl'en 'Maudle Freem,an. Granod RmphloS, 
MlC'h.: Clh. 'org3 n1st sinN> ag'f' o'f 11; 
organist, .st. Mark',s Oh., HamiijtJon, 
ant., 1880; ðo. Cill. ot As
nsi'on, dIO., 
1885; (110. Oh. of tJh'e RJe<d'N'<, 'l'o- 
mn1o, 188'7; do. A.1Il ,sa,irn,tg' 
'h.. d'o., 
1889; whi-I
 a studoenrt:. 'Play>eoélJ at St. 
e's ell., Berlijn. 189'1-5; 1OTJ:!'
St. 'Luke's Ch., K!a II3.JII1Ia ZOO, Mdch., 
5-1900: slno('e rt!h-en. !has he.f>n do., St. 
.Tohn's Eptl.s. eh.. St. Paul" oMi'non.: is 
w1so ()I1",ganlist .T,ewlsh TemlJ)l
; h
aldJ of 
piano, organ and theory d
ts., l\fac- 
allester Coli. SClh. ot Music; conduCltor 
St. Paul iOh1()ral AsSJ1.; JT1lUslcailJ d'ir."d Laid'ies' DoH., 1889-91; dlr. 
mustca.l dept., Kalamazoo CoN., .1895- 
1909; IpI"esdrt:. 'Mdnn. MUSii'c Teachers' 
Assn., 1909-10; 2nd V.-P. N'8Jt. Ass'll. 
of Orga.n
siÌs, 190940; a mlem. Am. 
Guild or Org1UJ.1S!ts; has publff.shoo 
s>ome 8OnlgB: Ang.-5.J6 Ashland Ave., 
$t. Paul, Minn. 

Pairclough, Henry Bushton, educa- 
Eng. orl
in; s. Jas. and Elizabeth 
(Erving) F.: b. nr. BarI'le, Onrt:., .Tuly 
15,1862; e. 00111. Inst., HamiliÌ'on, 0'1111:., 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1883; :M.A.. 
1S85), and .Tohns Hopkins Univ. 
(Pih.D., 1896); held a fetUowshiip in 
Greek at Inst.: m., Aug-. , 1888, 
FredeI1irca, y. d. lIMe Rev. .T. A. AU.en, 
AIW'ing1ton, I
ln,gs'bo.n, ant., and g>ranodd. 
4'Ì'h .B
ron -die Lonog' ; foe-Uow -In clas- 
8ics, Unlv. con.. Toronto, 1883-4; asst. 
master BrockvllJp High Sch., 1 
R4-6 ; 
I'f'o('.t. in GrE'tf'k, Unliv. DoN., 1887-9::1; 
 this time assisted In establlsh- 
 Whetham con.. Vancouver;: prot. 
Grpek, Leland Stanford .Tunior Unlv.. 
-1902; sInce then prof. L'ltin 
(head od' lÒ'ep,t.). -<lll). .do.: 'PI'of., Am. 
f.:o('Ih. od' O!I'l'!'I"I!('
1 SltU:d.'Íoes. R;()I1'J1/e, 1 Q10- 
11; !has v'i!'Med naIl}'" :w,d Gref'C"e: a 
memo Am. Phil. <\<:'
n. (_prp,sr'U. PøM.fl:c 
Coast bmn,f'1h. 1907-8), HelJoeniÏc S.oc., 
A'1".cnæ-ol. In.
t. 'Û<f Am. (as
'f)('. !'If"C"V., 
190R-9): P.M Bf'lt'3 KRif),na and Alplha 
Del,ta Phii; oau.tl1oar: .. 'l'the Andria of 
Terenc.e II (1901) , II The A t.titude of 
tthof' GN>lek Tra'gf"dif-'s T-oward'!'! NR'Ì1lre" 
(1891)), .. The Ant'ig--one H1f 
otrrans! into Eng'. (1903); II The 
Oonn<<"t,i'on BetJweof'n :\f'US'ic and P.oe1:.ry 
in E''I..rl!Y Greek Li-Ðera'tuI'e" (1902), 
"Tyrtæus, Arr{'lhiilO-C'hus and S-U0C-els!"lors 
in GI'elßk UyI1I,c" (,In ""\\T'orli1's B'E"s,t 
LH'ÞrrotuI'e "), II V'i'rgìl'!; Æn'f"id" (wlith 
S. L. Brown. 1908). II Tihe Phormll/) ot)f 
'De-rf'ono('.e" (wloth L. .T. RiC'Ihar.d'son. 
), ., The TrlnlUmmus -of Pllautus" 
(1909), hpsides vRrlous eontI'ibuHrms 
to mrag. 1M.: ran A,n.
.-Stan'()rd lTni- 
1'ersit?I. Cal.; Unive1"sity Club, San 
Fnm cisco. 
.. A master of his 8ubfect. A Mund 
8cholar."-Lond. Athenaeum. 
Pairclough, William Erving, or
E. S. .Tas. F.. Aughton, LRnca!"hlrf'. 
Rng'.. and ElIza'heth. y. d. latp D 1111. 
ErvIng, LIverpool, Eng.; b. nr., Barrie, 
Ont., Aug-. 29. 18!'>9: e. publlc schs. and 
CoH. Inst., Hamilton, Ont.; m.. 1888, 
F.dlth, 5th d. late Richd. Bradfield 
.Tenner, Folkestom', En
.; first ml.lslcal 
8tudles under teRchers, Hamilton, 
Ont.; E'tudent Roval CoH. ot Music, 
London. En
., 11ndpl' Sir Wa1tpr Par- 
raU (organ), the late A. .T. Caldlcott 
(nlano). and 
Ir Fredk. Brld
e (thf'ory 
of mU!'llc). 1883-5; assoc. tpllow Roval 
("oB. Or
anli!:'lts, Lond'On, En-g., 1885: 
fpHow. do. do., lR8
: orgRni
t AH 
SaInts'. Hamilton. 1
hrlst ('h. 
Cath., do., 1877-8::1; Christ Ch., Folke- 
1'1tonf', Eng'., 18R4-7; St. Georgp's ("h., 
:Montreal. 1887-
0; An SaInts' Ch., To- 
ronto, since 1890; Is 
xamr. In prnc- 
tical music, Toronto Un Iv. ; teacher To- 
ronto Coll. of MusiC'. Rnd mu!'!lcal dlr. 
Hamilton Ladles' Coll.; J
cturpd (In 
II 'fhp Organ," bf'fore t'h
 Can. R(")c. of 
Musicians: engd. to give recit;11!'1 at 
Pan-Am. Expn., 1901; Ang.-,fð Haw- 
thorn Ave., Toronto; Toronto Clef 
Palrley, :MIss Grace, educationist. 
D. Rev. - F., a Free Ch. minr.; b. 
Ayrshlre, Scot.; e. there, on thf' Con- 
tinent, and at Edinburgh Unlv. (M.A., 



with 1st class honours, 1893); apptd. 
principal Trafalgar Inst., Montreal 
(for the higher education of young 
women), Dec., 1887; filled, for some 
yrs., the office of secy. Nat. Council 
of Women; before coming to Montreal 
had attained a high place as an edu- 
cationi:!lt.--83 Simpson St., 1Ilontreal. 
:!'alconbridge. John Delatre, lawyer. 
O. s. Chief .Justice Sir W. G. F. 
(q.v.); b. Toronto, .June 7, 1875; e. 
.Jarvis St. Call. Inst., Toronto, and To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1896; M.A., 1902; 
LL.B., 1904; winner Ed. Blake schol- 
arship at matriculation, 1892); m., 
Alpl.. 1905, El'izah'e1tlh PioflÌ!er, d. Rev. S. 
M. Hamilton, D.D., New York, and 
grandd. late Hon. W. A. Porter, some- 
timp justice of the Supreme Ct., Penn.; 
barrister, 181)9; successfully practises 
his prof. in Toronto; a memo firm Cas- 
sels, Brock, KeHy & F.; senior examr. 
ant. Law Sch., 11)05-08; apptd. lect. 
in equity, ant. Law Sch., Sept., 1909; 
do. an examr. In law, Toronto Un!v., 
d'o.; author co Banking and Bills of 
Exchange" (1907); ed. II Lovell's 
Law and C(')mmerclal Annals" (1909) ; 
has contributed on \legal subjects 
to law journals: a councillor To- 
ronto Univ. Alumni Assn.; an Ang.; a 
del. to Synod; a councillor WycUffe 
COllI.; a mlem. e"Xtv.e. cOIIßlt.'e. Lay- 
mlan's .Miss:Ï-onaJry Movem-ent; is. Con., 
but has taken no active part In poll- 
tics.-22 Chestnut Park Rd., Toronto; 
Toronto Club; R. C. Y. C., Toronto. 
Falconbrldge, Bon, Sir William Glen- 
holme, chief justice. 
S. late .John Kennedy F., .J.P., a 
native of the North of Irel.. who 
came to Can., 1837. and Sarah 
(Fralick) F., Drummondvllle, ant.; b. 
Drummondville, May 12, 1846; e. 
Barrie Grammar Sch., U. C. Model 
Grammar Sch. and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., with prizes and scholars., aml 
the gold med. for mod. langs., 1866; 
M.A., 1871): m. 1873, Mary, y. d. late 
Hon. Mr. .Justice Sullivan, Toronto, 
and stepd. late Sir Francis Hlncks, 
K.C.:\1.G.; master mod. lang-s., Yar- 
mouth Semy., N.S., 1871; lecl. Ital. 
and Spanish, Unlv. CoIl., Toronto. 
1872; barrlstpr. 1871; K.C. (M. of 
Lansdowne), 1885; successfully prac- 
tised his prof. as a m-em. of the old 
estab'd. firm of Harrison, Osler and 
Moss; WRS an examr. In the Univ. of 
'l'oronto for several yrs., and became 
rpg-r. of the univ. 1872, and a senator 
1881, being S1Jbsequently twice re- 
elected to thp latter office; resigned 
as such 1896, because he would not 
countenance the action of the senate 
in proposing to confer an hon. degree 
upon the late Prof. Goldwin Smith: 
ele-eted a bencher of the Law Soc., 
1883: was for a long period chairman 
of the Public Library Bd., an hon. 
trustee of the Folk Lore Soc., and 
presdt. of the headquarters branch of 
the ant. Fish and Game Protective 
Assn.; apptd. Ji. .Judge of the Queen's 
BenClh Div. of the Supreme Ct. of 
Judicature, ant., Nov. 21, 1887, and 
Chief .Justice of the Queen's (now 
King's) Bench, .July 3, 1900; knlJthted, 

1908; has since been known, by hit!! 
desire, as II Sir Glen'holme Falcon- 
brid,g-e "; a memo cO'IIln. It.o 
the Statutes of ant., 1896; a memo 
Royal tOomn. to ånV"es r Nog1abe aHeg.ed 
frauds of Returning Offrs. in Dam. 
EI.elCrbion.s, .1900; a memo oomn, t'O 
collect and revise Imp. Statute!!! affect- 
Ing civil rights in the Province of ant., 
1901; a m.em. Royal OOlInTh 1:10 in- 
vestigate charges of 'bribery of mem- 
bers of the ant. Legislature, 1903; 
possesses a fine knowledge of the 
ancient classics and of several modern 
langs.; has written metrical transla- 
tions of the Latin and German poets, 
also .the introduction to the Can. ed. 
de luxe of The Writings and Speeohes 
of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke 
('Mlorang: 12 vola., 190'1); AIIl,g".--80 
Isabella St., Toronto; Toronto Club, do. 
"A man of gre-at culture a.nd ability." 
-Dr. John Reade (q.v.). 
"A sdhOoIar of the fineSit qu.a.Uty."-The 
late Geo. Murray. 
".A lDlan in whom I have every oon- 
fidenoo."-Rt. Bon. Sir John Thompson. 
"A j\lJTiSlt of eminent ability and of un- 
eX!oe.ptionable personal character." - T. 
Falconer. Rev, Alexander (Bresb.). 
&nbti-sh diæoenlt; i}). C'Ü. Plioto'U, N .,S. ; 
e. fuere, Ha1Jiírax Preslb. 00111. (Ig'rnOO- 
alted, ,1862), rarud Eid'inburgh Undv.; 
D.D. (loon.), MonrbreaJF Presb. CoIl., 
1899: m.; '0. 1862: for 'some yr,s. a 
n Trdlßlidiax1: pastor I8!t PIC'ÌJOIl.1, 
N.S., f'Ür mtaJI1ry yrs.; 'ffil()'d'elI'3Jt:k>r 'Of 1JhJe 
Genl. Assembilty, 1906-7; !has held 
mlany ot!hoetr 'ÜffiCJi
 'POs'Ï.tJions; a memo 
jo1nlt combe. 'On Oh. UniO'n, 1908.- 
Halifax, N,S. 
II Has produced tW'O sOons who schol- 
a.rg o.f the fine at quaJity."-T. Globe. 
(D. at Elmsdale, N.S" July f3, 1911, 
aged 14.) 
Falconer. Rev, Jame. W, (Presb.). 
S. Rev. A. F., D.D., Halifax, N.S. 
(q.v.); boro. Riev. R. A. F. (q.v.), 
presiòreßlt Toronlt'Ü Univ.; b. P. E. I.; 
e. HraJlHax Prre,sb. OO'lIJ.. (g-radtualted, 
1893); 'M.A.; B.D.; ro., Sep"t., 1904, 
'Mia.bel Ho'WlaTd!. d. Wm. Robertson 
(q.v.), Halifax, N.S.; o. .Jan., 1892; 
hie'ld coorg'e at Truro, N.rS.; \I)a:8'tor, 
Fort. Mia:ssey Oh., HraHfax, 190,2-1907; 
sinæ -thien has beren 'pflof. 'Of New Test. 
EXofges'is, HaJloifux Presb. 100m.: au.tOOiI" 
.. The Thne<e Orosses" (19Û'7).-Hali- 
fax, N.S.; Balifax Cudino Club, do. 
II A bri'11ia.n1i preacher .and f.a<ithful pas- 
kIr."-H. Herald. 
Falconer, Rev, Robert Alexander 
(Presb.), educatlonlst
S. Rev. Alex. F., D.D., and Susan 
F., d. Rev. Robt. Douglas, P. E. I.: b. 
Charlottetown, P.E.I., Feb. 10, 1867; 
e. Queen's Royal ColI., Trinidad; 
West Indian Gilchrist soholar., 
London Univ. (B.A., with 'honours In 
classics and phil., 1888), Edlnburc;h 
Univ. (M.A., wi,tth honours in clrassdûs, 
1889: B.D., 1892: D.LItt., 1902), and 
Unlvs. Lelpzig, Berlin and Marburg; 
I.L.D. (hon.), N. B. Univ., 1900: do. 
(do.), Uuiv. St. Francis X:a.v1-e,r. Aut1- 
gonis'h, 1905: D,
do.). Kno



1906; LL.D. (do.), Toronto Univ., 
1907; do. (do.), McMaster Unlv., 1908; 
do. (do.), Dalhousie Univ., do.; do. 
(rlo), Man. Univ., 1911; m., 1897, 
Sophie (V.-P. Women's Can. Club, To- 
ronto, 1908; presdt. do., 1909-11; V.-P. 
Can. Immigration Guild, 1910), e. d. 
Rev. ;J. Ganrlier; o. 1892; lect. In New 
Testament Exegesis, Presb. ColI., Hali- 
fax, 1892-5; prof. do. do., do., 1895- 
1904; principal of the colI., 1904-7; 
since then has been presdt., Toronto 
Univ.; previously declined professor- 
ships In McCormick Univ., Chicago, and 
Knox Co11., 'IlOI'; dir. Y. 'M. C. A. 
Assn., Ha,t.Ifax, 1905; V.-P. wrITs Day 
Iia.noe, 1907; melßl. j.oin't oom.te. on 
Oh. Un
lon, 1907; V.-P. U. C. Bibl,e 
Soc., 1908; e,looboo ,p
sd'Ì. T>oron'Ì'o 
Schoolane71's Olub, 1910; a d,eL Darwin 
Qe.n.t. celelbra'Í'Ì.on., Oambflldge, En.g., 
1909; 1s ø. truslÌR<e Toron'Ì'Û GeniI. Ho!':p. ; 
has 00l1lt<T1lbubeð V'aT1ious theoI. arÌlÏ.cloe\s 
to tlæ Expositor (Londl()n), Expositonl 

l'i111e8 (EdInburgh), and to Can. and 
A m. mags.; author: .. Tlhe Truth of the 
Apostolic Gospel" (1904); has de- 
llvered 3!ddresses on: .. The Functi'ons 
of the Church In the National Life of 
Canada," .. The Place of UnIversity 
TraInIng In National Life," II ;Joseph 
Howe," .. The IndIvIduality of the 
Canadian People," .. The SChools of 
Greece," .. University Organization 
and A<dmånist'n::\lUiOn," " ProgI'ess," 
.. Woman,ly Ideals," etc. ; 8þptd. by tlhe 
Oan. Ins!:. a memo of the 'i'I.::>ming 
Eleot. Reform Oomte., 19.11; C.M.G., òo. 
--69 St. George St., Toronto; Y07'lc 
Club,. Toronto Golf Club, do.,. Cana- 
tlian Club, Halifax. 
CIA scholar, teacher, administrator and a 
ChTistian gentleman."-T. NewB. 
.. E.asily <me 01 the six best public 
speakers in Oanada."-Dom. PreBb. 
"Is certainly a highly cultivated gentle- 
man on the classical side, w.hiIe, on the 
othe,r hand, he does not lac.k sympathy 
with science and the te.chnical de'partmen.ts 
of the university."-Sir B. E, Walker 
Falconer, Walter George, Insurance 
B. Bathgate, Scot., Aug. 80, 1875; 
P. Gpo. Watson's Col1., EdInburgh. and 
Edin. Undv.; m. MIss AHce Margt. 
Farquharson; admitted a solr. of 
Scot., 1901; practised as such In EdIn- 
burgh and Pert'h, Scot.; came to Can., 
Sept., 1904; nOw and for some Y'1"s. 
mangr. Genl. Accldent Assur. Co. of 
Can.; Con.; Presb.--6 Oaklands Ave., 
Toronto. Onto 
Fallon, The Rt, Rev, Michael Francis 
(R. C.), bishop. 
S. DomInIck F., Kingston, Ont.; b. 
there, May 17, 1867; e. Christian 
Boo,s. ,Siclh. and 001111. Inst. th-eiJ'e, 
Ottalwa Undv. (B.A., '1889), and i Gre- 
g1Ot1Iø.n Unllv., RiO/me (D.D., 1894), 1894; 
o. doo. ; .a memo Obla:t Ord,eIT; some time 
prof. ETIlg. ,}lit., Ottawa Hnlv.; vice- 
I'IooÌ'or Ottawa Un'lv., 3 yr.s.; vectJor St. 
.Joseph's Ch., Ottawa, 1898-1901; 
rector Holy Angels Ch., Buffalo, N.Y., 
1901-04; ProvincIal of the Oblat 
Order, 1904-9; Bishop of London, Ont., 
since Dec., 1909; protested agaInst 

the terms of the Coronation Oath as 
beIng InsultIng to the Sovereign's 
loyal Can. Cath. subjects, 1899; a 
lover of clean sport. and was "coach" 
to the old Ottawa Unlv. football team, 
wfhen they WE'iI'e -chamIp1,ons of Can.; has 
lectured on DanIel O'Connell, Edmund 
Burke and other l1lustrlous IrIshmen; 
ed. Ottawa Owl for 7 yrs. and The 
Union (O
wa), 1 yeoar; prege'TIt'Ød 
wlt'h an aulomobHe by t'he Iprlests .of 
hds diocese, 191t.-The Palace, Lon- 
don, Onto 
.. WiN grace the E'Pisrolpwte."-M, Her- 
"A rOlbust ,a.nd deV1O'ted Impe'riaJist 
cause he 'firmlv beUeves that England 
dispenses m.o're freedom, more li
orty and 
more God-feoall"in
 justice than any po'We,r 
that ever held t,he ward of history; fair- 
play is .the inheritance OIÍ every ma.n' who 
lives beneath the flag'; is al90 an Im- 
peorf.a1Ï&t beCaotlSð he is a CathoHc, fall" no. 
where under too sun does the Ca,tho1ic Te'- 
ceive justioo ,as he receives it from England 
and the United States."-O.. Journal. 
Farewell, Lt,.Col, John Edwin Chand- 
ler, lawyer. 
Irish origIn; adopted s. late Abra- 
ham F., M.P.; b. E. WhitbY, Ont., 
Ff'b. 18, 1840; e. Whltbv and Barrie 
High Schs.; m., 1st, 1862, Mary (d.), 
d. ;Jacob Shurtleff, WhItby; 2ndly, 
Melinda Hawken, rf'lIct ;J. Wolfenden, 
do.: LL.B. (Toronto UnIv.), 1864: 
barrister, do.: K.C. (Earl of Derby), 
188:}; bencher Law Soc., 1906: presdt. 
Co. Onto Law Assn.; co. Crown atty., 
1872; elk of the peace, 1877; one of the 
leaders of the local bar: has been a 
town councillor, a memo and chairman 
High Sch. Bd., and presdt. Onto Educ. 
Assn.: also first presdt. High and 
Publfc Sch. Trustees of Ont., which 
body he organIzetl; while a 
was a mpm. of the Unlv. RIflf' Co. 
(Queen's Own) : later joIned thf' 84th 
Regt., rising to the command of th
corns as It.-cot.: retired. with rank. 
1900; holds Ff'nlan RaIds med. and 
Itmg 'Sprvfcf' decoration; was V.-P. 
Can. Mil. Inst., antl prpsf1t. Toronto 
Vetprans Assn.; a mpm. A. O. U. W.; 
elected grand master I. O. O. F., Ont., 
1899: a I...Ih.; holds that colonfN! 
should contribute reasonably to Imp. 
dpfen('f': a mf'm. DIsclplf's of (,hrl
C'Ih.-Whitby, Ont.: National Club; 
Military In8titute, Toronto. 
"A man of active wmperamel1t, with 
many admirable Qua1ities."-K e VBtone. 
Farlbault, EUg'ene Rodolphe, Quebec 
publIc service. 
S. Chas. Lancr
 F.. M.D., and 
Caroline (L
prohon) F.: b. L' Assomp- 
tion, P.Q., Nov. 4, 1860: e. Err)le Pol11- 
tprhnique anf1 Lav
l Unlv. (C.E. U1,ec 
distinction, 1892; B.A.S('.. 1898); m., 
1892, Ev
, d. l:ate A. N. .MontJpet.u, 01- 
taW'a; entd. .can. Geol. Surv>ev iR.lS a
to loate HUg1h Fletcher, ;July, i881; W:LoCf 
geoo1. In c.haf'g'f' .of ire-oJ. 
.y of N.R 
g-01'\'t-fie.Ms, 1884-1901): sent by MiI'l1T. 01f 
A'g1rlcu1. ;ÌJO Pa.rls Exh'll. Iln C"ha.rg-of> of 
mln-eral ex.h1bl,t IJ\t'e'P'al'ed b
 Ge'oJ. Sur- 
\"lPY, 1900; apptd. juror 100 Te1P'I'eSen" 
Brl.t. Oolondes tlher
, oanrl r
. goIltd 
med. faT mod-ell <>t Qto.l<'Irerwme go1ð 



min-e and .gool. wOTk dn N.S. golod-fioe.Iods: 
de-d g>olld m'ed. for sam'e imoodll
J, St. 
Louis Expn., 1904; elected m-em. It Cer- 
cle deB Dix." Otw.wa, 1904: raut/hor 
.. The GoJ.d Moeasure's I(}f N.S. and Deep 
Min1ng" (1899) "Nova Scotian De-ep 
Gold Mining It (1908). and reports In 
Annual Reports, Geol. Survey. since 
1885: a loyal Brit. subje.ct: favours 
Can. first, Frenoh second; R. C.-2
Laurier AVe. E., Ottawa, 
"A first.ol,a1!s man in ervecr-y p&rticula.r." 
-Dr. Robt. Bell (q.v.). 
II A: c&re<ful oibærver and .an ()!I'.igh}la
thinlrer."-Nova Scotian. 
Parmer, Ernest Jones, educationIst. 
S. Rev. J. H. F. (q.'V.); b. Wood- 

tock, ant., Mch. 18, 1883; e. McMas- 
ter Univ. (B.A.. 1908); A.T.C.M.. 
1903: unm.: studied Conser. of MusIc, 
Led[Jzi.g, 1905-8; on staff Toronto Con- 
ser. of MusIc -sInce 1908: reader In 
Eng., McMaster UnIv., since 1909; 
has pubIlshed 8 piano pieces, en- 
tltlpd Gavotte, Minuet and EIIssa 
(" Thoug-hUuIly written and conceived, 
thpy infer a high Ideal of artIstic 
aim. "-ftftls. Can.) : won athletic 
champIonship, McMaster Univ.. 1902; 
a Bapt.: betleves In the justice and 
necessity of dIrect legIslation, the Sin- 
gle Tax. pubtfc ownershIp of aU nat. 
monopolJes, and a franchIse based 
solf'lv on cltlzf'nshlp and educ. QuaIl- 
flcatlon.-750 Bathurst St., Toronto; 
Toronto Ohess Olub, do. 
Parmer, Jones Hughes, educatIonist. 
Anglo-Welsh descent; s. Thos. and 
Mary (Jonl{>'s) F., who came to Can 
1845; b. Perth, ant., Jan. 28, 1858' è' 
Perth 'Publl
 and hIgh séhs., Toro
Un1v. (B.A. and gold med. In classics, 
1878), and Southern Bapt. TheoJ. Semy 
under Dr. John A. Broadus, 1889-91'; 
LL.D., McMaster Unlv.. 1899: m., 
Aug.. 1881, Miss Cara Cuttpn N S. 
classIcal mastpr. London CotÌ. Ïnst.: 
1879-81: do., Woodstock ColI.. 1881- 
88; prIncIpal. do., 1888-:): sInce thf'n 
has been prof. Nf'w Tf'st. and PatrIs- 
tic Grf'f'k. McMaster Unlv., Toronto: 
made dean of theol., do. do., 1903: 
spent 1904-5 abroad. studying mf'thods 
In varIous institutIons. and trave11ln
In Gt. Brit.. on the Continent and In 
Egypt and Palestine: a memo of thf' 
senate, McMaster Unlv.. for yrs.; 
memo ant. Edu<,. Council. 1898-1908: 
R. memo -e:dv.e. Ba'PfÍ.. Yooung POOlpIE''!I 
Union of Am., 1899: moderator, Grand 
RIver ARsn. Bapt. Chs., 1887: presdt. 
Bapt. Convention, Onto and QUf'.. 
1898-9: memo extve. Lord'.s Day AnIM- 
ance, Ont.: memo ant. Efluc. Adv. 
Council, 1906: memo Comte. on Ch. 
UnIon, 1906; memo Adv. Council To- 
ronto Bapt. Assn., 1907: besides nu- 
merous c6ntributions to the mags. and 
literary journals, Is thf' author of a 
pamphlet, ,. The Study of the Classics" 
(1880): a hIstory of the ant. and 
Que. Baptists during the 19th Cpn- 
tury (for .. A Cf'ntury of Bapt. 
Achlevpmpnt "): and ,. E. W. Dadson. 
D.D.: The Man and His Messag'p II 
(1902) ; has been as so. ed. The West- 
minster (Toronto): a regular Bapt.. 
holdfng to the central evang. faith, 

and bf'lIeving that that faith Is fittlng1y 
symbolized and summarized In the 
ordInances of Baptism and the Lord's 
Supper: ., believes aU men should 
seek attaInment of the hIghest per- 
sonal character, and, undertakIng- theIr 
personal rf'sponslbIHUf's toward the 
pu blð-c, aJCIt In tJha,t ðoi reobilÜ'Il, 'On tJh e 
principle of the Goldf'n Rule' that 
means pure df'mocracy and' equal 
rlghts."-'ì'.,)O Bathurst St., Toronto. 
Parmer, Rev, Samuel John (Bapt.). 
Fat>he,r We.JI
h; moth-e,r Irish; b. 
Perth, Ont.. De,c. 19, ,1864; e. locaJ 
schs., Woodstock con., and Toronto 
Univ. (B.A.. 1888): B.A., ad eun. 
(McMastpr Unlv.), 1898: m.. Apt, 
1890, Miss SaTiah MC'Curdy, Ot1awn: 
o. 1892: pastor bt Bapt. Ch., Brant- 
ford, Onrt., Delc., 1900; '11l'M'e reocen111y t.o Re-g1ina ; oa 'Public SiCIh. 
be.aoher 3 yrs.: 'Pre SIlt. LOI'ld's Day 
AlItance, Brantford. 1 !J07-8: do. Alum- 
ni Assn.. McMastpr Unlv., 1908-9: has 
travpllpd much: an Ind. Lib.; favours 
p.rohibitlon of the IJqUOT traffic; Is 
thorougih]y convlnceðJ af the useless- 
ness of the Can. Senate, a.s at present 
cons1ltutedi a11(} would vote for It.s 
El!boUtdon.-Regina. Sask. 
l'arncomb, Rev, John (Ang.). 
S. late Fredk. F., collr. of customs, 
Newcastle, ant., and Jane (Robson) 
F.; b. N-ewc:astle, 1856; m. !MIss FaTi11- 
comb, London, ant.: O. deacon. 1879; 
prIest. 1880; successively at Batteau, 
LakefleJ.d, NoewmaTke.t and NeW'0ast:le: 
sInce 1901, rf'ctor St. Matthew's, Rlv- 
erdale, Toronto: CfmOn St. Alban's 
("oab}]., 1890; R. D. W. Y'ork; a del. to 
the Synod.-5
 Vfctor Ave., Toronto. 
Parr, Charles Cobbold, merchant; 
S. late Rev. John Lee F, (Ang.) 
and Emily Caroline (Cobbold) F. ; 
b. F1rostenãen, Suffolk, Eng., May 
29, 1851; e. HaJ.leY'bury OoU. ; m., Jucry. 
1878, Louisa Georgina, d. late Edward 
Probyn; came to Can. 1871; after an 
adventurous life In the Muskoka and 
lumber regions, drifted to Temlsca- 
mlngue ; at first -employed on the 
boundary survey; larter ellJtld. tlhe ser- 
vIce of the H. B. Co.: for 9 yrs. In 
charge of Klppewa Post; studied Ind. 
lan.guages an.d customs, as 'Ì'he resullt 
of which has published many enter- 
tainIng stories and papers in relation 
t'ruereto; subsequently was .r,OII' 6 YI'S. 
agent for H. B. Co" Fort Temlsca- 
m'ingue, oontem.p-oranoously wi,bh ltihe 
Initiation of French-Can. colonization; 
conceived the plan of establfshlng a 
r oolo()ny, on .vhoe Orut. sidle of the 
lake, and became an active advocate of 
the construction of the Nlplsslng & 
James Bay Ry. ; was authorIzed by the 
ant. Govt. to prepare a pamphlet de- 
scrIptive of the territory; Ukewlse 
secured the survey and openIng up of 
tJoWll.sh1ps; founded Itihe :town of Hail- 
eybury, of which he afterwards be- 
cam-e Mayor; a 1\requelllt and enter- 
taIning contributor to the press; 
aroused the attention of the outside 
world to the vast fields for agrtcul. 
and "-ndust. develJOlpmen1 dn Northern 



md to him, perh,a,þS, m'O'f\e than 
to anyone else is due the credit of 
colonizing this Immense territory ; 
founded The Haliburyian, of which for 
some time he was the ed.; was also a 
contributor to Rod and Gun; an Ang. 
-Hailey bury , Onto 
:rarrance, Jrll.. (see Banison, Miss 
rarrell, HI. Honour Alexander Gray, 
Co. Ct. judge. 
S. Jas. Wm. F., of Belfast, Irel., and 
Isobel Greig (Gray) F., of Aberdeen, 
Scot.; b. Detroit, Mlch.; e. privately, 
Onto public schs., Detroit High Sch., 
and Queen's Unlv. (B.A., 1885): B.A., 
ad eun., Sask. Unliv., 1908; m. Isa- 
bella, o. d. Wm. John Dick, Kingston, 
Ont.; barrister, 1888; successfully 
practised his prof. at Smith's Falls, 
Ont., until his removal to Moose Jaw, 
Oct., 1906; practised there in partner- 
shd,p witlh W. E. Kn()lW'loe's, M.P. (q.v.) ; 
np, Di,st. Ot., 'Mtoosoml.n, Sask., 
Nov., .1907; a mlfml.. lmuniCJI;pa'1 couno()i], 
Smith's Falls, many yrs.; mayor there 
1899-1900 (and as such consolidated 
the town debt, installed efficient water 
and sewer system, etc.) ; also a memo 
Public Liby. Bd.. secy. Bd. of Trade. 
and chairman Bd. of Educ.; a mpm. 
v. m. force since 1880; capt. In 14th 
Regt. ; senior major 42nd Regt. ; 
brigade major 8th Infy. Brigade; 
served during N. W. Rebellion, 1885 
(med.); entitled to long service de- 
coration; a councillor Queen's Univ. 
for many yrs.; now memo council, 
Sask. Univ.; always a staunch Lib. 
while in private life; had charge of 
the organization of the party in East- 
ern ant.; UI1JsuiOOe,ssfuHy oonbelSltoo S. 
Lanl!lJrk (:Local), g. e. 11905; 8!PPt:d. 
1þOUce magte., M'OOse Jaw, 1906; a 
Presb. and elder St. Andrew's Ch., 
Moose .Jaw; hoo1ds various mher offices 
in ch. and el,sewhere; an Imperialist; 
ag.ainst any tJruck\llng 'ÌIO U. S., unless 
an ample quid pro qltO is obtained for 
any concessions granted; a strong ad- 
vocate of more ample protection to 
and preservation of our forests, game, 
and fish, and of reforestry; approves 
of the formation of a Can. navy.- 
Moosomin, Sask.; Moose Jaw Club, do. 
Farrell, Hon, Edward Matthew, legis- 
lator; journalist. 
Irish origin; s. la
 Patrick and Mary 
Ann (Shea) F., one a native of N. 
B., the other of N. S.; b. LIverpool, 
N.S., ,Mch. 31, 1854; e. there; 'i
ed. and 'PTOPT. Live1"lþOOl Advance; 
sat for Queen's (Local), Lib. Interest, 
1896-1910, apd was Speakeor 'Of the 
Assembly, 1905-10; called .to the 
&en-a'toe, by IDarl Grey, Jan. 12, 1910; a 
Lib.; R. C.-Liverpool. N.S. 
Farrell, Gerald William, financial agt. 
and stock broker. 
S. late Hon. Edward F., M.D., a dis- 
tinguished surgeon and publicist; 
grands. Dominick F., Co. Watedord, a 
memo of a well-known S. of IreI. fam- 
ny, who, settling- In N. S. in the early 
forties, amassed a consldf'ra'hle for- 
tune, and d. a.t Wortlhiin:g, Ðng., Døc., 

1910; b. Hja,1Jfø.x, N.S., Dec. 7, 
1879: e. Benedictine CoIl., Arnnlf'forth, 
Yorkshire, Eng.; m., 1910, Elleen, d. 
D. D, O'Meara, Quebec; served several 
}'I"S. as .an 'Ûffr. ,in the Can. cpermanen.1 
miL force, .and, in 1902, was gaze-Moo as 
an offr. 'Ìn 2nd Can. Hiftes, and pro- 
ceeded to S.A. ; 'PTes-emt 3>t Hal1t',s RiveT 
(med.); now a capt., corps reserv..., 
66th Regt.; on his return to Can. re- 
llnquished mil. pursuits, and began a 
financial career In which hp h'ls been 
exceedingly successful: entering- ROY3J 
Securities Corpn. of Hallfax. was made 
mang-r.. and subspquently mane:. dir. 
thereof; resigned, 1909, to become 
mangr. C. Meredith & Co.. Ltd.. Mont- 
real, a position from which he retired. 
1910; now head of the finn G. W. F. & 
00., .stock and bond bro,kers, M.onltJreall'; 
W"f't1I kno!YWn as an ,atlhl'e-t'e; an effective 
memo lOan. Rug'by f-oo,tiball,1 fifte,en 
which toured Gt. Brit., 1902-3, when he 
was the team's vice-eaptain: also re- 
presented Can. in intern. cricket at 
Philad>elphia, and is well known in Mar. 
Provinces as a long distance runner, 
and won the Mar. Provinces half-mile 
Cloo,mpl'Üos.Mp ,in 1899; a o!lir. Ca,l"Ilet'on 
Hotel 00.,, and of the ,A1Þan- 
tðc Fruilt 00.; R. C.; Li'b.-7"l Sher- 
brooke St. W., Montreal; St. James's 
Olub; Montreal Jockey Club, Mont- 
real,. Toronto Hunt Olub; H ali/ax 
Farrell, Jame. ]ll[acaUøter, lawyer; 
Onto public service. 
E. Queen's Univ., Kingston (B.A., 
1889); m. Leonora Eliza (d. Oct., 
1904), d. Rev. Malcolm MacGillivray, 
M.A., Kingston; ba'l"rister, 1893; prac- 
tises his prof. in Kingston; apptd. po- 
lice magistrate there, Oct., 1902 ; 
served in City Council, 1899-1902; R 
councillor Queen's Unlv. for some yrs. ; 
eleded presdt. 81. Andrew's Soc., 
Kingston, 1906; a Lib., .and formerly 
pre8'd.t. Y. 'M.'.s Lib. Club, Kingston; 
Presb. - Kingston, Ont.,. Frontenac 
Club; Fourteenth Club, do. 
Farrer, Edward, journalis1. 
B. nr. Castlebar, Co. Mayo. IreI., 
1850; e. Stoneyhurst, Eng., and .Jesuit 
ColI., Rome; m. Miss A. Peters, To- 
ronto; originally intended for the 
priesthood, but abandoned that calling 
for journalism; carne to Can., 1870; 
first employed on the ed. statT of the 
Daily Telegraph, Toronto, with which 
he remained until the establishment of 
the };Jail, by the Con. party, 1872. when 
he joined that paper In a similar ca- 
pacity ; in 1874, was, for a short 
period, an Immigration agent In Ire!., 
whencp he passpd to the N. Y. World, 
as foreign ed.; from 1882 to 1884, was 
ed.-In-chief of the i',[ail,. later, lived in 
Winnipeg-, where he successively con- 
ducted the Times and Sun: on leaving 
that city was pJ'lesented wUh an address 
from the citizen,s, accompanIed by a 
purse of $500; whi1e last employed on 
the Mail, that paper entered On .. a 
crusade against Jesuitism, Cath. do- 
minaUon, the Federal ministry and the 
Influence of IÌhe hi.erarchy in Quebec, 
so skilfully conceived, so vigorously 
conduded, and so craftily fed, tha t In 



the course of 4 or 5 weeks the whole 
Province of Onto was worked Into fer- 
vid excitement" (Vide Mont. Gazette) ; 
was sUbsequently on t'he staff of the 
Tororuto Globe, but retired from active 
journalism In Can., .July, 1892, main- 
taining his conviction II that political 
union with the U.,s. Is the manifest 
destiny of Can."; later, lived at Wash- 
Ington, and In ApI.. 1896, appeared 
before a sub--comte. of the U. S. Ho. 
of Representatives and gave, what pur- 
ported to be, the views o! the Lib. 
party on the question of recllproclty; 
re-appeared In Can. about 1905, as a 
writer for the mags. and as Can. cor- 
respondent for the London Economist. 
88 Wilbrod St., Ottawa. 
II By common conßent the ablest wr.iter 
on the C-an. press; indeed it wouJ.d 
scarcely be hyperbole to say t.hat he i! 
the peer of -any writer on the Am. press." 
-M. Gazette. 
"In dignity &f style, in grasp of eoo.n()- questions, in steadiness o.f, in 
maturity of mind, and in command of all 
the resouroos of his oraft, he ha.s few peers 
in Canadian journaJiosm."-Dr. J. S. Willi- 
.071 (q.v.). 
:FarthIng, The :at. Bev, .John Cragg 
(Ang.), bishop. 
S. Richard Cragg and Rose F.; b. 
Cincinnati, 0., Dec. 13, 1861; e. P>ark- 
fleld Sch., Liverpool, and GonvlUe and 
Calus CoIl., Cambridge, Eng. (B.A., 
with honours, 1885; M.A., 1888); carne 
to Can., 1888; D.D. (hon.), Trln. Unlv., 
Toronto, 1907; D.C.L. (do.), KinK's 
ColI., N.S., 1908; D.]). (do.). Bls'hop's 
CoIl. Unlv., Lennoxvme, 1909; m., 
Sept., 1891, Elizabeth Mary (d. Feb., 
1909), d. John C. Kemp, man gr. Can. 
Bank of Oommerce. Toronto; O. deacon, 
1885; priest. 1886; Incumbent, Dur- 
ham, Ont.. 1885-8; curate, Woodst&k, 
Ont., 1888-9; rector, do., 1889-1906; 
canon, St. Paul's Cat'h., London, 1904; 
doean of OTiit. .anld reet-or Sit. Georg,e's 
Cath., Kingston, Ont., 1906-9; since 
then has been Bp. of Mon treal; an 
unsuccessful candidate for Bishopric 
of N. S., 1904, and for Coadjutor- 
Bishopric of Fredericton, 1906; served 
as a del. to the Genl. and Provl. 
Synods; elected ,prOllocutor of thp Lower 
House of the Genl. Synod. 19-05;' re- 
elected, do., 1908; a del. to Ang. tercen. 
eelebratlon, Richmond, Va., 1907, and 
to Ang. Ch. Congress, HallfRx, 1910; 
while at Wood,stock was a memo Coli. 
Inst. Ed.; was a senator, Western 
Un-Iv., London; presdt., Kingston 
branch, Am. Archæol. Assn., 1908; Is 
presdt. (ex-otTfcio) Dunham Ladles' 
CoN.; was dh3Jplaln, 22nd Regt., 1898- 
1905; has lectured on II iCanada'.s 
Greatest ÀSset an'Ò Her Grea-test Need" 
and If The Place of the Bible In Ohrls- 
tlan Society"; thinks that" every man 
desiring liquor should be able legally 
to get It; Intoxicants should be sold 
in sealed 'Packages; all sales should be 
under strict government contrOlI; but 
all bars and 'Public drinking places 
should be aboliShed absolutely"; a 
Freemason and a mem. I. O. F.- 
! Union Ave., Montreal. 
.. Recogn1ized 8-11 one of tJ1e bro-ad. 

minded and forceful men of the church."_ 
T. Globe. 
"A gentleman, of fine presen09, a foro&- 
iul and e<ven e-J'oque,nJt preoacher a.nd a gQiOd 
administra.ror."-T. New.. 
:Farwell, Charles :FranklIn, Gnt. pub. 
service; lawyer. 
Y. s. Ohas. and 'Mary (::\rICG-HI) F.; 
b. Oshaw
, Ont., Dec. 24, 1860; e. 
Oshawa HIgh Sch. and Onto Law Sch. ; 
m., Oct., 1905, Miss Dora Stuart Mc- 
Gtn, Port Perry, Ont.; barrister, 1885; 
K.C., 1899; successfully practised his 
prof. at Sault Ste. Marie; sat for E. 
Algoma (Iocal) , Lib. Intprest, 1894- 
1902; sInce then has been Registrar of 
Deoeds for AJIg'oma; strongly dn faw>ur 
of temp. and has been an ef'tectlve 
speaker In support thereof on the plat- 
form; a Prot.-Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; 
Sault Ste. Marie Club, do. 
:FarweU, Edward Winn, bankIng pro- 
E. S. Wm. F. (q. v.); b. and e. Shpr- 
brooke, P.Q.; has been long in the 
service of the Eastern Townships 
Bank; .now, and since 190!}, mangr. 
Shoef!brooke, dID. ; m., Jan., 1888, 
Hencr-le.N:a, (). d. Hy. Maof.arlane, T()- 
Y1ontJo; gazooted 2nd I.i'eult., 53f!d Regt., 
1885; 'Promoted ltfeut., 1887; C3Jpt., 
1889; lieu.t., ISiglJ1aU'i-ng 1904 . 
Di.S'tric-t Sdg-noa,IaiE'r, M.D. N(). 6 1904-11: 
Ang-.-Sherbrooke, P.Q.,. St.' George'8 
Club, do. 
Farwell, William, banking profes'sl()n. 
S. late Wm. and Harriet (Carr) F., 
Compton, P.Q.; b. there, Sept. 20, 
1835 ; e. Sherbrooke and Hatley 
Acads.; D.C.L. (hon.). Lennoxvllle 
Unlv., 1907; m., Oct.. 1860. Elizabeth 
.Jane, e. d. late Timothy Wlnn, Stan- 
stead, P.Q. ; commenced business 
career, under late Thos. Taft, Mel- 
bourne, P.Q.. and was afterward with 
the firm of Kilborn and MarveIl, whole- 
!'ale and retail gen1. mpr('hants, Stan- 
slt-elWd, and Derby Line, V<t.; entd. Sf"r- 
vkf' pf'()ple's H:mk-now the Nat. 
Bank----.of Derby Line, as a!';!"t. cashier, 
1859; apptd. asst. cashier, E. T. Bank, 
1860; p.romote.d genl. manl
T., 1861; 
since 1902 has been pr.f'S
t. of t'he bank; 
Is 'PresIH. Sherbrooke Proto Hosp.; dir. 
MarlUme Coal & Ry. ('0., Sherbrooke 
Ry. & Power Co., Can. Rand Drill Co., 
.Jenckes Machine 00.. Black IÆ.ke Con- 
sol,idatJe.à AsbestOls Co., and Moore Car- 
pet Co.; a trustee Blshop's CoIl., Len- 
noxvlUe, and a gov. Proto Hosp. for the 
Insane, .Montreal; Is one of the proprs. 
of the She,rbrooke Gazette; formerly 
V.P. Drummond Co. Ry.. and St. Fran- 
cis League for Prevo of TubeJ::cuI.; was 
a trustee South Eastern Rv. and dtr. 
Emlpire Trust Co.; mayor, Sherbrooke, 
1907-8; beHeves Nat. polley to be 
essential to the prosperity of the Dom. ; 
opposed to municipal ownership of pub- 
lic utfJIbles: a. Con.; an Ang. ancl a 
deL Pan-Ang. Cong., London, Eng., 
1908.-60 Dufferin Ave., Sherbrooke, 
P.Q.,. St. George's Club, do, 
.. His name a. hO'UsehoJd word In COiD'll.eC' 
t.ion wit.h the banik's s'Ilccess."-T. Globe. 
Fasken, David, lawyer. 
S. late Robt. and Isabel (Milne) F.; 
b. Tp. Pilkington, Co. Wellington, Ont., 



Jan. 1, 1861; e. Elora schs. and To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1882); m. Alice, d. 
late Edward Winstanley, Toronto; bar- 
rister, 1885; R.C., 1910; successfully 
practises his prof. in '1'oronto as a 
memo firm Beatty (q.v.), Blackstock 
(q.v.), F., Oowan (q.v..) & Ohadwick 
((1. v.); is presdlt. Excelsior LLf'e Ins. 
Co.; elected d.o., Niplsslng Co. of Can., 
1909; a senator, Toronto Univ.; a. gov. 
\Vestern Hosp.; a Meth.-112 Univm.- 
sity Ave., Toronto.. National Club, do. 
"Father. of Confederation" 8urviv- 
ing (see Macdonald, Hon. A. A. 
and Tupper, &t, Hon. Sir 
Charloe:s) . 
Faulkner, Hon, George Everett, mer- 
chant; legislator. 
N. Irel. origin; s. Thos. and Ara- 
bella F.; b. Folly Village, N.S., Jan. 
31, 1855; e. there and Pictou Acad.; 
m., Oct., 1883, Laura Guille, d. Wm. 
Denison, M.D.; head of firm F. and 
Co., ins. and financial agents; Ald. 
city of Halifax, and chaIrman Fin- 
ance and other comtes., 1896-1901; 
apptd. a memo Bd. Sch. Commrs., 
1895; chairman, do., 1898-9; presdt. 
Bd. of Trade, 1908-09; vice-chaIrman 
Citizens':Comte.f.or celebration of 100th 
anniversary establisht. of constitu- 
tional govt. in N. S., 1908-9; a Lib., 
and has sat for Halifax (Local) since 
1906; Speake.r, 1910-11; a g1ov-r. Halol- 
fax La-doies' DoN., In st. .for Deaf and 
Dumb, Assn. for IIJ1jpl' the Con. 
dition olf the Flaor, HaNfax Indus. Sah.. 
and V.-P. Lord's D&y All.l a noee, N.S. ; a 
dlir. Strurr Mantg. 00., Ea.'st,ern Can. 
S!av. & Loan 00., V'id'oria Soh. of AI" 
and De-gign, and T,ruro .oondlensed 
Milk Co.; -eIßCtoed .p-resdot. >Gan. Club, 
1910; a Rresb.-South Park St., Hali- 
t(lX, N.S... City Club.. Canadian Club; 
l1nlifax Cm'ling Club, do. 
Faulkner, Bev, John Alfred (Meth.), 
S. John L. and Elizabeth (Arm- 
strong) F.; b. Grand Pré, N.S., July 
14, 1857; e. public schs., Acacia Villa 
Sch., Horton Acad., Acadia Univ. 
(B.A., 1878; M.A., 1890; D.D., 1902), 
Drew Theoi. Semy. (B.D., 1881), Wesl. 
Univ. (D.D., 1897), and Unlvs. LeLp- 
zig and Bonn;. m., July, 1887, Miss 
Helen Mar Underwood, Pittston, Pa.: 
o. 1883; pastorates at Beach Lake, 
Yatesville, Taylor, Great Bend, Pa., 
and Binghampton, N.Y.; prof. histori- 
cal theoI., Drew Theoi. Semy., I!Ilnce 
1897; a memo Arm. Hist. Assn. : 
author numer-ous -theol. al'tict.e.s In 
t,he Revs. anld 'Of bhe f.olllOwing 
works: II Short History of the Chris- 
man Ch." (with anothelr), mediævaJ 
and mod. Eng. and Am. parts of II The 
History of the Christian Ch." (.do.), 
.. The Methodist," in the II Sto.ry of the 
Chs."; and: II Wesley as a Church- 
man ,. ; a Lib. in Can. 
 an Ind. In U. S. 
-},f adison. N.J, 
.. One of Acadia's most brillIia.nt gradu. 
ate&."-H. Herald. 
Fanlkner, Mrs. Sarah E., poet. 
D. Wm. and Frances C. (Mc- 
Oready) Sherwood; U. E. L. stock, 
on father's side; b. Lakefield, nr. Sus- 
sex, N.B., Dec. 28, 1853; e. there, 

Springfield, and Norton, Mt. Alllson 
Ladles' CoIl., and P. N. Sch., Freder- 
Icton; m., July, 1891, Isaac N. Faulk- 
ner; postmistress, 1871-1891; taught 
sch., 1885-93; author various contri- 
butiüns tü Can. püetlcal literature and 
of a vol., .. Sea Murmurs and Wood- 
land Süngs" (1903); a Bapt.-Ham- 
mond Vale, N.B. 
.. A true poet."-Late Dean PartridD8. 
Faull, J08eph Horace, educationist. 
S. Rev, Jas. and Catharine (Ben- 
netts) F., Cornwall, Eng.; b. L' Anse, 
Mich., May 3, 1870; came to Can., 
with parents, 1871; e. High Sch., Nap- 
anee, Ont, TOironto Unlv. (B.A. and 
gold m.ed. In scioence, 1898, also sev- 
eral scholarships), and Harvard Unlv. 
(Austin fellowship in botany, 1901-2; 
renewed for 1902-3; Ph.D" 1904); 
m., Dec., 1903, Annie Bell, e. d. C. F. 
Sargent, B.S., Bellwood, Pa.; prof. 
math. and physics, Albert ColI., Belle- 
ville, 1898-1900; lect. In botany, To- 
I'Out'O Unliv., 1902-7; since when .has 
bl.>en ass'Ü. 'Prof. of ootany, do(}.; ,se-cy.- 
troo,g.. Gall. Inst. Bd.. '1'1oron 1 t'O, 1894; 
æcy. Dan. 100st., do., 1908; madle .an 
extended visit to -the U.S. and Europe. 
1910; aÚlt'bior of pa<J>ers on oota.nical 
ts.-l02 Yorkville Ave., Toronto. 
Fawcett, Thomas, surveyor. 
S. Adam and Anna F., Scargill, 
Yorkshire, Eng.; b. Yorkshire, Oct., 
1848; e. public schs., Eng. and Can., 
and Albert CoIl., Belleville, Ont.; m., 
1889, Miss Margt. Thompson, d. üf a- 
retired Brit. army offr.; D.L.S., 1876; 
D.T.S., 1877; also an O.L.S.; employed 
for many yrs. by Dom. Güvt. on stan- 
dard meridian and outllned surveys in 
N. W.; also on explüratory surveys 
along the Eng., Albany, Athabaska, 
'ChurchUl, and other dvers; apptd. to 
succeed late G. C. Ralnboth on intern. 
bounoory line, 1910; V.-P., D.L.S. 
Assn., 1907-8; prostd1t., dID., .1911; 
presd,t. O. L. S. Assn., do(). ; 
Yl'IS. -published .the Grave'11Thurst 
Banner, and 'lalter The Daily Record, 
wi.Þh which latter lbe Is .s1.1H oon- 
n.ected ; bI'ought up a Melih.; nlOw 
a Presb.; a Con., but never bound by 
party lines; ready t'O suppor:t measures 
and men on princi,ple only.-Niagara 
Falls, Onto 
Featherstone, John Peter, late Onto 
pUblic service. 
Eng. and Scottish descent; s. late 
Jonathan F., M.D., H.M.'s 24th Foot, 
and of Black Hall, Northumberland, 
and Janet Dunbar F., d. Rev. Peter 
Nicholson, Thurso, Caithness; b. New- 
bus Grange, Durham, Eng., 1831: e. 
Ric.hmond, Yorkshire; m., 1st, Ellen 
Eliza (d. .Tan., 1870), e. d. T. W. 
Shepherd; 2ndly, 1871, Bessie (for- 
merly presdt. Ladies' Auxll., Co. Carle- 
ton Proto Hosp.; V.-P. Ottawa Humane 
Soc., etc.), d. late .Tohn Parnell, Co. 
Wlcklorw, IreI.; came to Can., 1857; 
was engd. In business In Ottawa !for 
some yrs.; a:ld., Ottawa, 1867-71 ; 
mayor, do., 1874-5; was also a memo 
1st Bd. of Water Commrs., Ottawa, 
and a memo High Sch. Bd.; was a dir. 
Co. Carleton GenL Proto Hosp. for 40 
yrs.; also a. dlr. and hon. Lady 



Stanley Jnst.; presdt. St. George's 
Soc., 1894, and aglaJin dn 1904; was 
V.-P. Ottawa Humane Soc.; a dir. 
Ottawa Masonic 'l'empl.e, 1910; apptd. 
Depty. Clk. of the Crown, Clk. of the 
Co. Ct., and Regr. of the Surrogate 
Ct. of the Co. of Carleton, Aug. 16, 
1869; resigned, on account of lll- 
heaH,h., 1911; a Lib.; formerly 
presdt. Ottawa Reform Assn.; unsuc- 
cessfully contested Ottawa (Local). 
1875, and do. (H. C.), 1877; holds 
high mnk in the Masonic Ord-er and 
in the Jnd. Order of Oddfellows; an 
Ang.-i52 Rideau St., Ottawa. 
"A good speaker, an acute thinker and 
a close reasoner."-Can. Illd. New.. 
II Felix, Pastor" (see Lockhart, Rev. 
A. .T.). 
Fellowes, Frederick Lyon. civil engi- 
S. loa te Geo. Byron Lyon F., an 
emin-ent Q.C., Ottawa, who sat ill the 
old Parlt. of Can.; b. and e. Ottawa; 
student Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; A.M., 
GO. do., I
OO; M. do. do., B07; city 
engr., City of 'Vestmount, Montreal, 
1901-11; since then has been supervis- 
ing engr., City of Vancouver; Ang.- 
"Vancouver, B.C. 
.. A proofe:s.s.j,OOlJal IllJ30n of high standing." 
-lV. J. Her (q.v.). 
Fenton, Faith (see Brown, Mrs. Alice 
Féré. Emery Norbert, physician, 
.K s. late NoriJert Joseph F., St. 
Eustache, .P.Q., and Elizab<-th (L:'I.w- 
lor) F., Toronto; b. St. Eustache, .P.Q., 
Aug. 15, 1864; e. S1. Michael's Coll. 
and ColI. Inst., Toronto; m. Sara.h 
Blanc'be (d. Ajp'!., 1907), d. la.t-e Wm. 
Blomfi'el1(J. I
N{)rfolk, Eng.; graduated M.D.,C.M. 
(Trin. Univ., Toronto), 1886; removed 
to Eng., do.; did post-graduate work 
in London, Edinhurgh, and Paris; L.R. 
e.p., Edin.; L.R.C.S., do.; L.F.P. and 
S., Glasgow; practises his prof. in Lon- 
don, Eng.; late memo Queen's Own 
Rifles, rroronto; commanded Ambu- 
lance Corps, Co!. Otter's column, N. W. 
Rebellion, 1885 (med. and clasp); 
memo West Lond. Med.-Chir. Soc.; 
memo Med. Graduates' ColI. and Poly- 
clinic, London, since Inception, and a 
councillor thereof; much interested in 
post-graduate work In London: an 
Imp. and tariff reformer.-The Royal 
Societies' Club, St. James's St., Lon- 
don, S. W., Eng. 
Fergie, Charles, mining engIneer. 
S. Rev. Canon T. F. F., B.D., Ince 
Vicarage, Wigan, Eng.; b. Wlgan, 
Lancashire, Eng., Nov. 29, 1857; e. 
Wigan Grammar, and Wigan MinIng 
Schs.; m., Mch., 1893, Mary Camp- 
. late Howard Primrose, 
banßJer, P.lOOOU, N.S.; e.Joootoo a memo 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1900, and is a coun- 
cillor of that body; presdt. Can. MIn- 
ing Inst., 1901-5; now a councillor, 
do.; successively, V.-P. and mango dlr., 
Intercol. Coal Co.; retired, 1903 ; 
supdt. of mines, Dom. Coal Co.. 1905- 
8; was presented with a handsome 
and unique testimonial, on retiring 
from this posltlon, by the Co.; now 

In private practice; Is consulting 
engr. 'Messf\s. Moacken2Jie and Mann, 
and 00 I1p'0 rabi on Agenol,es, Ltd. ; 
is V.- P. W
stern Coal & 'Co
e 00., and 
of the Hoc. .for p.rev.ent. Cruel1ty, HaÞI- 
fax; an Ang.-"4 The Linton, Sher- 
bl'ooke St. W., Montreal; St. James's 
Club; Mt. Royal Club; Montreal Club, 
Ferguson. Alexander Hngh. physic- 
.scottish parentage; s. Alex. and 
AnnIe (:McFadyen) F.; b. Manilla, 
Ont., Feb. 27, 1853; e. Rockwood Aoad., 
Trin. Univ. (M.B., 1881; M.D.,C.M., 
1882), Toronto Univ. (M.B., 1881), 
and in Germany, under Dr. Koch; 
m., April, 1882, .Tennie, d. late 
Edward Thomas, Guelph, Ont.; after 
successfully practising his prof. at 
Buffalo, went to Man., 1882, where 
in the following year he assisted 
in founding the Man. Med. ColI. ; 
was apptd. prof. of physlol., and 
afterwaTds prof. of surg. and elln, 
surg. therein, and was also regr. of the 
Coli. of P. and S., of Man.; after his 
return from Europe, 1889, was made 
presdt. of the Man. branch of the Brit. 
Med. Assn.; removed to Chicago, 1894, 
to become prof. of surg. in the Chicago 
Post-Grad, Med. Sch. and Hosp.; was 
also surg.-in-chief of the Chicago 
Hasp. up to 1910; since then has been 
attacheð to st. Luk.e's H{)sp., same 
city; has reed. many marks of pro- 
fessional distinction and was created 
a Commander of the Order of Christ 
by the King of Portugal, in recognition 
"of his gr
at taloent in surgery"; Is 
prof. of din. surgery In the Coll. of 
P. and S. of the Ill. State Univ.; has 
been presdt. Chicago Med. Soc. as well 
as of the Western Surg. and Gynecol. 
Soc.; is ,the author, in addition to 
severai papers on .hernia, prostate, etc., 
of a work on .. Hydatids of the Liver" ; 
a Presb.; a Lib.-4619 Grand Boulevard, 
Chicago, Ill. 
"A surgeon of world-wide reputation." 
(lJ. Chicago, Oct. fO, 1911.) 
Ferguson, Bev. John Calvin (Meth.), 
S. Rev. .Tohn (Meth.) and Catherine 
Matilda (Pomeroy) F.; b. Lonsdale, 
Ont., Mch. 1, 1866; e. Albert Coli" 
Belleville, Ont., and Boston Univ. 
(A.B., 1886; Ph.D., 1902); m., Aug., 
1887, Miss Mary E. Wilson, Macedon 
Centre, N.Y.; studied theol. Union 
Theol. Sch., Boston; commenced 
preaching, 1884; after holding various 
pastorates in U. S., was transferred to 
Central China Mission, with which he 
has since been connected, 1887; presdt. 
Nanking Univ" 1888-97; do. Nanyang 
ColI., Shanghai, 1897-1902; sent by 
Chinese Govt. on special mission to 
investigate comm-ercial schs, of Europe 
and U. S., 1901,; secy. Chinese minis- 
try of commerce. 1902: chief SeCY. 
Imp. Qhinese Ry. Admn., 1903-5; 
foreign adviser to viceroys of Naniting 
since 1898, and of ,"Vuchang I:!lnce 
1900; memo Chinese comn. to revise 
treaties with U. S. and Japan, 1902-3; 



sent on special missions for Chinese 
Gov,t. 1.0 U. S., 1901, ,1904, 1907; holds 
3rd class button from Chinese Govt., 
Order of Double Dragon, 2nd grade, 

 rd class; Chevalier de la Lègion 
d' Honneur, France; Order of Sacred 
Treasure, 4th class, from Japan; is 
hon. secy. China branch, Royal Asiatic 
Soc., and a memo of various otheI 
learned bodies; author various mag. 
articles and of papers read before 
Royal Asiatic Soc.; translated into 
CiMnese .. Clhemistry .. and: Froebel's 
"EdiUlCaJt'Ion."-Shanghai, China, 
uA dipwmat of the first class."-M. 
Ferguson, John Hutchison, Seigneur; 
S. late David F., Little MeUs, P.Q.; 
b. and e. Montreal; unm.; formerly 
connected with H. M's. Customs and 
Lloyds; acted for Lord Mount Stephen 
for 20 yrs.; Mayor of Little Metis, 6 
terms; is Seigneur of Metis; long a 
contributor of short stories and in- 
teresting historical articles to the 
Can. mags. and newspapers; among 
the best known of his storiettes have 
been: "Capt. Christophersen:' .. N ep- 
tune" " The Commodore of the 
Amånda," "An Interrupted Voyage," 
"The Founder of his House," .. ::;te. 
Thérêse:' "Pere Nadeau," .. Plan- 
chette:' .. Phantom of the Travere:' 
and .. The Vision of Auralle Danyon" ; 
Presb.; Con.-Little .lI-letis, P.Q. 
"His sto.riettes, if reproduced in. book 
form, 86 they should be, would be of great to tourists and natives."-Sir J. 
M. Le Moine. 
Ferguson, Thomas Boberts. lawyer. 
Irish <1escerut; s. late lsa.a.c F., natiV'e 
00. Cavan, 1l'e1., and Emily J., y. d. 
late Lt.-Dol. Ogle R. Gowan, M.P. for 
Leeds and GrenviIJe, Ont., a na,tiv-e of 
Brockv'ille; a nephew of lat:e Lt.-OùL 
T. R. Ferguson, M.,P. for South Simcoe; 
b. Oook.stown, Ont., Sept. 30, 1864; e, 
U. C. Call. ; maJtr1Ïculat
d Univ., 
1883; m., Nov., 1890, Etla May, y. d. 
E. V. Hanmer, Barrie, Ont.; barrister 
(Ont.), 1888; do. (Man.), 1902; K.C., 
1909; successfully practises his prof. 
in Winnipeg; an active Con., frequent- 
ly addressing meetings at election 
times; a Mason; a Forester; an Ang. 
-2 Ruskin Row, Winnipeg; .Manitoba 
Club; St. Cl
arles Country Club; Cana- 
dian Club, do. 
Ferguson, William Nassau, lawyer, 
Third s. Isaac F., Cookstown, Ont., 
who came to Can. from Cavan, Ire!., 
1842, and Emily J., d. late Lt.-Co!. 
Ogle R. Gowan, M.P.; an Irish family 
of Scotch extraction; b. Cookstown, 
Dec. 31, 1869: e. U. C. ColI.; unm.; 
studied law under present ChIef Jus- 
tice Sir Wm. Mulock, K.C.M.G. (q.v.); 
barrister, 1894; K.C., 1908; a memo 
firm Millar, F. & Hunter, Toronto; has 
been and is still iden tified with Can. 
outdoor sports; played lacrosse with 
the Toronto Lacrosse Club, and foot- 
ball with U. C. CoIl. and Osgoode Hall, 
of both of which teams he was capt.; 
has since been presdt. of the Onto 
Rugby Union and a dir, Toronto La- 

orogg.e Club; 1s now a {Lir. Tecumse.b 
Lacrosse Ollub and of Toronloo Baseba.H 
Olub.-Arlington Hotel, T01'onto; Na- 
tional Club; Albany Club; R.C, Yache 
Club, do. 
Ferguson. WiWam Scott. educationist. 
2nd s. late Hon. Donald F., P.C., 
senator, and Elizabetlh (Scott) F.; b. 
"Tulloch," Marshfield, P.E.I., Nov. 11, 
1875; e, public schs., Prin'Ce of Wales 
CoIl. Charlottetown (Gov.-Genl:s 
med:) , McGill Dnlv. (B.A., with 1st 
rank honours in classics, 1896), Cor- 
nell Univ. (A.M., 1897; Ph.D., 1899), 
and Berlin Un lv, ; m., 1902, Mary 
Alena, d. Robt. White, Charlotteto
P.E.I. ; instr. in Greek and Roman hlst., 
Calirornia Un Iv., 1900-3; asst. prof. do., 
do., 1903-6; assoc, prof. do., do., 1906- 
8; since Sept, 1, 1908, has been a.sst. 
prof. of classical hist., Harvard Univ.; 
Research Assoc., Carnegie Inst., W'ash- 
ington, 1906-7; Is a memo Am. Philol?g. 
Assn., Am. A.rchæol, Inst., Am, Rlsl. 
Assn. and Phil Beta 
ppa; was invited 
to address the In tern. Congr
ss of His- 
torians, Berlin, Aug., 1908; selected as 
Am. Assoc. ed. bhe Beitraege zur alten 
Geschichte, Lelpzlg, Germany, 1904; 
has contributed to Klio, Am. Hi8t. Re,,?, 
Classical Philology, Am. Journ. of Phd- 
ology, Trans. Am. Philo log. Assn., 
Classical Rev., etc.; author: .. The 
Athenian -Seéretaries" (1898) and 
.. The Athenian Archons" (1899).- 
GaTden Terrace, CambTidge, .lI-lass.; 
COlOnial Club, do. 
"A br.illiant young spedaUst whose pub- 
lished works have already attracted the 
kee.nest interest of the wo.rld of scholar. 
ship."-Benjamin I. Wheeler, pre6ident, 
Univ. 01 California. 
Fergusson, George Tower, stock 
S. Geo. D. F., banker, Fergus,. Ont., 
a bro. of the late Hon. A. J. F ergus- 
son-Blair P. C.; grands. Hon. Adam 
, M.L.C., Laird of Woodhill, 
Ont.' b. Fergus, Ont.; e. Galt Gram- 
mar' Seh. (Dr. Tassie's); m., 1st, 
Margt. (d. Dec., 1899), d. J as, Molr, 
Elora. Orut.; 2ndly, Aug., 190,2, 
Davidson (a voc.alist of marked abIl- 
ity), d. late Hugh B. Ronan, Ottawa; 
elected a memo Toronto Stock Ex- 
change, 1893; presdt. do., 1898-9; has 
taken a 'prominent part in the C, E. 
movement; 1st presdt. of a C. E.. soc, 
started by the people of Westmmster 
Presb. Ch., Toronto; subseque
tly be- 
came presdt. Toronto City Umon; 1st 
chairman, Can. Council of C. E., 11)96; 
elected pl'esdt. Toronto Y. M. C. A" 
1905; Is chairman Indus, Schs, Assn., 
Toronto' a dir. Muskoka Lakes Nav, 
& Hotel' Co. and Onto Club; a LIb.; a 
pre,sb &nd a memo Bd. of Trustees of 
the ch, in Can.-10 Madison Ave., '1'0- 
?'onto; Toronto Club; Ontario Club, do. 
Ferland, Joseph Auge-A1bert, artist 
and poet. 
B. Montreal, Aug. 23, 1872; studIed 
literature, history and theol. ; m., 
1894; devoted himself to drawing as 
a prof.; has produced many historical 
portraits, over 70 of which have been 
published; author .. Mélodles Poét- 
iques" (1893), .. Femmes Rêvêes" 



(with !preface by the late Dr. L. H. 
Frechette, C.M.G.), 1899, both of 
which have received high praise from 
Parisian journals; has also contrib- 
uted to Les Soirées du Château de 
Ramesay ; was one of the founders and 
presdt. of Ecole Littéraire, Mont- 
real; elected a corresponding mem. of 
the Acad. Litt. et Biographique de 
France, 1893.-22 Notre Dame St. E.
Fernie, William, prospector; miner, 
and cd.pnanst. 
Joint Scotch and Eng. ancestry; s. 
Thos. P. F" Kim bolton, Huntingdon- 
shire, Eng.; b. there, 1837 i leaving 
home, led an adventurous life in Aus- 
tralia, S. and N. Am., and B. C.; went 
to B. C., 1860, and for many yrs. 
mined in that Province; gold commr., 
B. C., 1873-82; located coal deposits 
at Crow's Nest, 1887, and was one ot 
the promoters of the B. C. Southern 
Ry. and the Crow's Nest Pass Coal 
Co., of which latter he remains a dir. ; 
became the founder of the town ot 
Fernie, to which his name was given. 
-" Kimbolton
" Victoria
Fe.rnow, Bernhard Eduard. education- 
S. Eduard and iClara F.; b. Inow- 
raclaw, Posen, Prussia, Jan. 7, 1851; 
e. Gymnasium, Bromberg, Forest 
Acad., Muenden, and Univ. Königs- 
berg; LL.D. (Univ. of "Vis.)' do. 
(Queen's Univ., Ont.), 1903; m., '1879, 
Miss Olivia Reynolds; removed to 
U. S., 1876; some yrs. engd. in metal- 
lurgical business; chief div. of fores- 
try, U. S. Dept. of Agricul., 1886-98; 
secy., 1883-9; Jl8Jter chaiI1II1l3.n Extve. 
Comte., and sUbsequently 1st V.-P. 
Am. Forestry Assn.; sometime ed. 'I'he 
Forester and Forestry Quarterly; dir. 
and dean N. Y. State Coil. of Fores- 
try, Cornell Univ., 1898-1903; also 
oonsult. ,forest en gr. and loot. YlaJl'e 
Forest. Sch.; prof. forestry State CoIl. 
of p.enn., 1907; ,sÍ'ruce Moh., 1907, has 
iboon lP'f'O,r. forestry allid dean of the- 
doept. of forestry, Torollito Uillv.; 
el'8tCIte-d presdlt. Can. Soc. Forest. Engrs" 
1908; do. Can. ForestJry Assn., 1909; 
preselllt<8d .to forestry d8jpt., 'Doron1.o 
Un'Ìv.. 'his entire OOlJlootiou of more 
than 2,500 books, IIXliffi'p11Üets, and Illlilg'S. 
dea;l'ing wi-tJh foreetry and kindred sllb- 
jeot's, 1908; a.ppt.d. a memo Ro'yal Oon- 
georv'3Jtdon Oomn., 1909; oo,9idteß maIlß" 
LootJUres, ,is 1Ih.e author .. The Wlhite 
Pine" (189'9), .. RepoI'lt Upon 'Forestry 
Investli'gabi'Ons of U.S. Dept. of .AJg1rlcuJI- 
ture" (do.), .. Economd.cs of Forestry" 
(,1902), .. History of Forestry" (1907), 
.. The Care of Trees In Lawn, Street 
and Park" (1910), etc.; served dur- 
Ing Franco-German War.-16 AdrnÏ1"al 
 Toronto; York Club, do. 
.. N.o &bler man in his own department." 
-Can. Courier. 
II One of the foremost forestry experts 
on this continent."-T. Globe. 
Ferns, James Hamilton, Can. muni- 
cipal servIce. 
Irish Proto origin; b. Montreal. .rune 
24, 1854; e. schs. of Proto Sch. Com- 

missIoners; m. Miss l\Iargt. E. Fraser; 
now and for some yrs. chairman Bd. 
of Assessors, Montreal; presdt. Iri8h 
Proto Ben. Soc., Montreal, 1899-1900; 
V,'P. Dom. Com. Travels.' Mut. Ben, 
Soc., 1907-8; presdt. do., 1909-10; 
presdt. People's Building Soc., 1910-11 ; 
has lectured on .. Irish Eloquence and 
Humour" ; .M!eth.-14i City CoUnCil101"8 
St., 1I-lontreal. 
Fessenden, 1IrIrs, Clementina, widow; 
Eng. and Scottish ancestry; 4th 
d. laJte Ed ward 
veililrollll1le, Trenholnre, 
P.Q., and <Marian (Ridley) T.;' a sister 
-of Judgoe Trenholme (q.v.); b. P.Q.; e. 
at home and Mrs. Lay's Semy., Mont- 
real; m., 1867, Rev. E. J. Fessenden, 
B.A. (Ang.), d.; an ardent Imperialist; 
eavly in 'hoer married life identified her- 
self with nat. and patriotic work; as a 
journalist her writings have always 
found ready acceptance; was one 'Of 
the first eds. of the Niagara W. A, 
Letter Leaflet; is pUblisher of a bro- 
chure, .. Our Union Jack." a copy of 
which her late Majesty Queen Vic- 
toria accepted with her thanks, 
and of a ,paiITIjplhleot, .. 'Dhe Gen.esis of 
EmpIre Day"; is convener of the 
.. Flag and Coin" days' comte. ot 
the Ollit. Historical Soc., and as 
such has done much to Inculcate 
a knO'Wledge of the story of the 
fiag and a proper respect for it as 
an unifying badge of Empire; was 
elected as councillor to the .. League 
of Empire," London, Eng., Sept. 25, 
1903; is secy. of the Wentworth Rlst. 
Soc.; a memo of the Nat. Council of 
\Vomen; organizing secy. for the 
Daughters of the Empire; in 1901 
read the address to the Duke of 
Cornwall and York (now King of 
Eng.) on the occasion of his visit to 
Hamilton, when the Fessenden 
Ooopber presen.t,ed' the 13,th BOYo3Jl Reg!{:. 
with a new stand of colours; took a 
strong and success.ful stand against 
the erection of the monument to Geni. 
Mon tgomery in Quebec, and wi th the 
late Wm. Kirby moved against the 
erection of a Washington memorial 
in Westminster Abbey; but her 
greatest work has been the founding 
of an Empire Day, which will ever 
remain a monument to her name; 
does not believe in the parly. fran- 
chise for women; a staunch Con.; 
Ang.-f07 James st. S., Harnilton
Fessenden, Cortez, educationIst. 
U.E.L. descent; s. Elisha and Elsie 
(Tibbets) F.; b. Romoo, Mich., U.S., 
Mch. 11, 1852; e. Knowlton Acad., Mc- 
Gill Normal Sch., Montreal, and Trinity 
Univ. (B.A., 1875; M.A. and Welling- 
ton Scholar., 1891); m., Dec., 1878, 
Ethel Elizabeth, e.d. T. A. Agar, 
Brampton. Ont.; math. master, Hell- 
muth CoIl., London, Ont., for some 
months; prIncipal, Brampt<m High 
Sch., 1876-81; do. Napan.e<e High Sch., 
1881-90; do. Peterboro ColI. lust., 
1890-1908; sin.ce then has been math. 
ma'mer, do.; V.-P. Toronlw Un
Alumni Assn., 1908; author: .. High 
Sch. Physics" (with Mr. Gage) and 
.. The Elements of PhysJ.cs"; a. Con.; 



an Ang.-Peterboro', Ont.; Peterboro' 
Club. do. 
U One of our be-st educationiste."-J!. & 
Fe.senden, Kenneth Harcourt, jour- 
2nd s. late Rev. E. J. F., rector of 
AncaE'tpr, ant.; b. Bolton. P.Q., July 
15, 1868; e. pub. schf!. and Trin. CoIl. 
Sch., Port Hope; went West, 1887; has 
followed various c.a!lings. Including 
banking and ranching In B. C., Alta. 
and Man.; f'dltorlal writer, Wlnnipf'
Tribune, during g. e. 1892, also 1892'- 
1902; do. do., Winnipeg Telegram, 
since .Jan., 1903; is" ArnoIrlian in 
'Political prlndples, and strongly Can. 
In views of nat. policy": Con.; Ang.- 
!9!f Kennedy St., Winnipeg. 
Fessenden, Reginald AUbrey, electri- 
clan: educationist. 
S. late Rev. E. J. F. (An g.) and 
Clementina (Trenholme) F. (Q.v.); b. 
Bolton, P.Q., Oct. 6, 1866; e. Deveaux 
MIL Sch., Suspension Bridge, N.Y., 
Trln'I'ÌY ColI. SCh., Port, anod 
Bishop's ColI., Lennoxvllle: m., SE'>pt., 
1890, Miss Helen May Trott, Ber- 
muda; Inspecting en gr., Ellison Ma- 
chine Co., Menlo Park. N.J., 1886-7; 
head chemist, Thos. A. Edison's labora- 
tory, 1887-90; electrician, Westlng- 
hoqse Electric & Manfg. Co., Newark, 
N.J., 1890-2; prof. physics. and 
e!leot.rkal eng1Ïmg., Purdue UIl'lv., La- 
fayetrtJe, Inò., 1892-3 ; pJ"lOlt'. ellPc- 
trlcal englng., Western Unlv. or Pa., 
AIl egheny, Pa., 1893-1900; since then 
has -been special agent, U.S. Weather 
Bureau; apptd. a memo ant. Municipal 
Power Comn., 1905; has spent some 
yrs. In experimental work for the U.S. 
Govt. In wireless telegraphy, and has 
developed an original and very effi- 
cient system; author of numerous 
scientific papers, as wen as of a num- 
ber of Inventions at present In use In 
electrical and .chemical engineering; 
among his memoirs are papers on the 
electrostatic thpory of cohesion, on the 
properties of glucinum, on Insulation, 
on conductivity of copper (read before 
the Intern. Congress of Electricians, 
Chicago, 1893), on g-ravltatlon, on hys- 
teresis and magnetic formulæ; Is a 
memo of the Am. Inst. of Electrical 
Engrs., of the Englneprlng Soc. of 
Western Penn., of the Ind. Acad. of 
Science, of the Intern. Comte. on In- 
completed Congress Work, and oft' the 
Intern. Comte. on Standards of Light 
and Illumination: a believer In 
.. Greater Britain" ; an Ang.-17n 
Rig,Os Place, Washington, D.C. 
U The g-reatest wheless inventor ö-f the 
llge."-Elihu Thompøon. 
Fetherstonhaugh, Edward Phillips, 
S. E. C. B. F., Montreal; b. there, 
.July 20, 1879; e. High Sch. there 
and McGill Univ. (B.Sc., 1899); m., 
Sept., 1908, Ruth, 2nd d. late Prof. 
B. J. Harrington, Montreal: managed 
Ottawa branch, F. & Co.. 4 yrs.: led. 
In elecotrloal eng'ing., McGHI Unlv., 
1904-6; wlt'h Wes'Ì'ing1h1ouse E10ectnk 
M:m.fg. Co., Pibtsburg, Pa., 1906; elec- 
trical .e.ngr. for W.lnml,f)eg' office, Can. 
WesUnglhousoe 00., 1907-9; since then 

has 'been .prof. of elecl'rlcal en gln.g., 
Manitoba Unlv.-119 Betou1'ney St., 
Winnipeg, Man. 
Fether.tonhaugh, Frederick :Barnard, 
lawyer; patent expert. 
S. Francis and Fannie (Swift) F.; 
b. Paisley, ant., Junp 2, 1863: e. Ryer- 
son Sch., Toronto, Toronto CoIl. Inst., 
find. Toronto Unlv.; m.. Feb.. 1887, 
Marlon ArabeIle (councnIor, Toronto 
Women's Can. Club), d. Jas. RutIe-dge, 
Co. Mayo, IreI.; barrister, 1889; K.C., 
1910; for 9 Yl's. associated with RIdout 
& Co., patent soIlcltors: now and for 
many yrs. head of the firm of F. & Co., 
patent barristers anll soll('It'Ors, engrs. 
and draughtsmen, with branches In 
Montreal, Winnipeg, Ottawa and Van- 
couver; elected presdt. Toronto EmpIre 
Club, 1911 ; author of .. The A. B. C. of 
Patents"; presf'nted, with Mrs. F., to 
late King- Ediward, Windsor Castle, 
June, 1905: an Ang-.- ff L1mne Lod.Qe," 
Lake Shore Rd., Mimfco. Onto : National 
Club: Engineers' Clllb: R071al ('an. 
Yacht Olub; Argonaut Rowing Olub, 
.. FIdells" (see Machar, Miss A. M.) 
Fidler, Rev, Lrthur John (Ang-.). 
Eng. origin; 2nd s. late Rev. A. J. F. 
(Ang-.); b. Cookstown, ant.: e. there 
find TrIn. Unlv., Toronto (B.A., 1 RR3; 
M.A., 1886); m.; o. deacon, 1884: 
priest, 1885; served In dlocpse of ant.; 
afterwards at Greensburgh, Penn.; re- 
turning to Can., bpcame rector of Col- 
borne. ant.; rector Grace Ch., Toronto, 
1906-10; sin{'e then has been rector st. 
Clement's Ch., Egllnton, Ont.-St. 
Clement's Rectory, Eglinton, N. To- 
.. A g'(Ind prp3cher: a faithful parish 
nripst."-T. lilob.. 
Field, J"rank Meade, lawyer. 
E. s. late Corem C. F.. Cobourg-, 
ant., merchant, and M.P.P. for W. 
Northumberland, 1886-98. ant1 - (Hos- 
sack) F.: father from DevonshIre, 
Eng-.: b. Cobourg, ant., Jan. 21. 1868: 
e. Cobourg CoU. Inst. and. Victoria 
Unlv. (B.A., 1884): m., .June, 1895, 
Abbie, d. .Jas. McGlennon, J.P., Col- 
borne, ant.; barrlstpor, 1887 ; K.C.. 
1908; mpp'M. FIoNoce Moa.gte., 00lfbornte, 
Dec. 6, 1892; engd. as counsel and. 
Crown counsel In some notable caSPS, 
civil and criminal: now practises 
alone; sevpral yrs. In Cobourg Town 
Council; now a memo Cohourg CoU. 
Inst. Bd.; V.-P. N. and Durham Power 
Co.; solr. Tps. Alnwlck and. Hamilton 
and Mptropolltan Bank, Cobourg; a 
Con., and unsuccessfuIly contested W. 
Northumbprland (Local), In that In- 
terest, 1905; favours some measure of 
municipal and state ownership or 
operatfon of public utfIltfps, abolition 
or revision of Senate, practical educa- 
tion In the schs., compulsory voting at 
elections safpg-uarded, provIncial con- 
stabulary, and district magistrates; 
Presb.-Cobo1trg. Ont.: Albany Olub; 
National Club, Toronto. 
Field, Frederick William (" Frank- 
bred "), journalist. 
S. Fredk. and- Amelia (Parsons) F.; 
b. TwIckenham, Eng., A'Pl. 4, 1884: 



e. Tiffin's Sch., Kingston-on-Thames, 
Eng., and France; m., 1907, Miss 
Frances Annie Farrant, Brig'hton, 
Eng.; free lance in London, Eng.; a 
contributor to Eng. mags. on Can 
topics, and to London humorous jour- 
nals: tramped through Holland for 
Dutch impression stories, 1905; of!er 
from several Can. dailies to undertake 
tour ot the world on their bpha1t, 
1906; s-ilJ1iCe 1907 has boon ed. Monetary 
Times, Toronto (haV'ing .preV'ilQlUs'ly been 
asst. ed.) ; iÏn additiÏ'On, .since Oct., 1909, 
has 'bee.n an Imp. trade cOlTeSlpond!e'rut 
at Toronto ,to H.'M.'s GovlÌ.; memo 
Comber, On.t., Ed. of TrnlC1e and To- 
Tonto Hd. of Tna;de.--'BO Victoria St., 
Toronto; Canadian Club, do,; Toronto 
Press Club; Guild of Civic A rt, do.; 
Can. Press Assn., do.; Calgary Hun- 
dred Thousand Club; Winnipeg Com- 
munity C11tb. 
Fielding, Hon, William steven.. 
Eng. origin; 8. late Chas. and Sarah 
F.; b. Halifax, N.S., Nov. 24, 1848; e. 
there; D.C.L., (hon.) Acadia Univ., 
1901; LL.D. (do.), Queen's Unlv., 
1903; do. (do.), McGill Univ., 1906; 
m., Sept., 1876, Hester, d. late Thos 
A. Rankine, St. .Tohn, N.B.; by prof 
a journalist: joined the Morning 
Chronicle,' 1864; ultlma1et1y became 
mango ed. of tha.t paJper; reUred from 
journalism, 1884: a Lib.; sat tor Co. 
Halifax (Local), 1882-96; since then 
has sat tor Shelburne and Qupen's, 
N.S. (H. C.), and held office as MinI'. 
of Finance In the LaurieI' Admn.; un- 
seated on petition, Aug., 1906: declined 
Premiership of N. S., .Tuly, 1882; entd. 
Mr. Pipes' Adron., Aug. same year, but 
retire.d from this position, iMay. 1884, 
owing to his inabiUty to at-tend to 
eiHtorial and departmental duUes; on 
Mr. Pipe.s resign
ng office, 1884, formed 
a new Admn., In which he held the 
portfolio of Provl. Secy., and whlclh 
remained in existen
 up to his trans- 
fer to Ottawa, 1896; was a vioe-.c'hair- 
man Ottawa Reform Convention, .Tune, 
1893; Ipresdt. St. George's Soc., Hali- 
fax, 1893-7; a 'In-em. Quebec Inlt.e.rpr{)vI. 
Cont., 1897; Invited Signor Marconi 
to experiment with telegraphy 
In Can., 1901; estbd. a bran-ch of the 
Royal Mint, Ot'tawa, do.; !present with 
his wife and daughter 8-t the corona- 
tion of King Edward and Queen Alex- 
andra, Westminster Abbey, 1902; de- 
dined knighthood, do.; estabd. Penny 
Bank system In Can., 1903; a memo 
new Tariff Comn., 1905; visl1ed Rome 
and Italy, and was received In private 
audience by His Holiness the Pape, 
do.; has introduced the Budge1 (H. C.) 
during 15 yrs., a fact unique in the 
hdstory of Oan., shewing ltihat 'he has 
held offiæ flo.r Ia .longe;r tpemi.od othan any 
other 'Min r. IOf Fünanoe; (has also h<>-eon 
a-ble to report a surplus as between 
ordinary revenue and eXlpenòlture and 
even Including 1he debatable question 
of capital accoun1 In each year, ex- 
cept the first OIJ1e af1:oer hd.s appt., 1101' 
wh,loh /he was not ,responsible; .Intro- 
duced the vaI1ious m-eoa.sures fOIimlng 
the Brlot.. IpreferelfLtJl.a'll tariff, var.l.ous 
ILmendmen1.s 10 the BankJng and Ins. 

!,--cts, and has placed several large and 
Important loans on the London money 
market upon favourable terms. as Act- 
ing MinI'. of Railways. 1903, c
the negotiations resulting in the agree- 
ment to construct the Nat. Transconti- 
nental Ry., the contract between the 
Govt. and the G. T. Pacific Ry. being 
also signed by him; a del. to the Col. 
Conf.. London, 1902. and to the Imp. 
Conf., do., 1907; was unable, owing 
to illness, to attend the latter; pre- 
sented to the late King Edward and 
Queen Alexandra, London, 1907 ; 
duly au.thorized by His Majesty 
for the purpose of acting in con- 
junction with His Majesty's Am- 
bassador at Paris to negotiate a con- 
vention with the Govt. of the French 
Republic respecting the commercial re- 
lations between France and Can.. 1907 . 
apptd. plenipotentiary by the King, to
gether with Hon. L. P. Brodf'ur (q.v.), 
to make and conclude a trpaty with the 
French Govt. for trade purposes be- 
tween France and Can., Aug., do.; 
banquetted at Paris by dirs. Brit. 
Chamber of Commerce, do.. 1908; 
lunched with the Prince and Prin- 
('pss of 'Yales (now the King and 
Queen), London. do.: a Royal Commr. 
for thp promotion of clospr tradp 
relations and for the development 
of mutual trading facilities between 
Can. and the Brit. W. I., 1909; 
received in private audience by King 
Edward, Bucking>ham Palace 1909 . 
prpsenteò with his wife and ,daughte; 
to King Edward and Queen Alexand-ra 
Buckingham Pala.ce, do.; a del. tó 
Washington, with Hon. G. P. Graham 
(q. v. ), to discuss reciprocity with 
PreSlide'l1lt Taft, 1910; a òo. dto., Wlith 
Hon. W. Pa.t'eI'SOIl1' (q.v.), do. 00. òû., 
.T3.I]1., 1911; pT'eosentoed wilt'll a g'Hit of 
$120,000 by dtizens O'f Oan. 'Of aliI 
shað'es of pol'i.tical oplndlO'fi, dn recognlÎ- 
lion of !his emlinent pubJijIC Sel]"V'læls, 
ApI., 1910; (his partraM fP'3.inted -by .T. 
W. L. Forster (q.v.); is a gov. Dal- 
housie Univ.; an hon. memo Quebec 
Garrison Club and V.-P. for N. S., Can. 
branch, Red Cross Soc.: a Bapt. (See 
II Hon. W. .s. Fielding as a Newspaper 
" by ,Percy St. OlaiT HwrnHiton, 
q.V. S.N., Dec.. 1'J07).-f16 Metcalfe 
St., Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf 
Club; Ottawa Country Club, do.; Hali- 
fax Club; City Club, Halifax, N.S. 
"A masterly P.arliamentar.ian."-M. Wit- 
"As honest as the summer's day is long." 
-So N. 
II The embodiment of I'lD,Perialism."-L. 
Morning POBt. 
.. Modest, straightforward .and trust- 
w'Û'rthy."-T. News. 
"A man skiilfu-l a8 a leader .and of splen- 
did tact. "-M. Herald. 
.. Nimble, bustling, chirpy and without 
anoy airs."-Can. Collier's. 
"Is to Laurier what Stonewall .T.acks.o.n 
was to Lee. or Sheridan and Sherman to 
GTant, in war."-E. W. ThomBon (q.v.). 
"An indubitable masòot .and advanoo 
agent of good times; one all!O who ia one 



of the mo-st c()nscÏentiollS a.nd disinwreßt.ed 
o-f public men. "-T. Glob
,. The greatest Finanoo Minister Oanada 
has ever posSês
II One of the brightest in
l1ect!l Oa.nada 
t produ ced. "-Bon. W. A, W
Field., John Charle., educationist. 
Parents Can. born; Scotch-Irish ex- 
traction; b. Hamilton, Ont.. May 14, 
1863; e. High Sch., Hamilton, Toronto 
Untv. (B.A. and gold med. In math.. 
1884), .Jo.hns Hopkins Unlv. (Ph.D.. 
1887), Paris, Göttingen. and BerIln; 
unm. ; s>ometime fellow In math., .Johns 
Hopkins Univ.; prof. of math., Alleg- 
heny ColI., Pa., 1889-92; te..ct. In math., 
Toronto UOIiv.. 1902-4; assoc. prof. of 
math., do. do., since 1905: a memo 
Am. Math. Soc. and of the Soc. M'lth. 
de France; elected a F. R. S. C., 1909; 
author of various papers on math. tn 
Crelli's Journal (Berlin). Acta Math. 
tockholm). Am. Jonrn. of lIfath., 
Trans. Am. Math. Soc., etc.; also of a 
work, "Theory of the Algebraic Func- 
tions of a Complpx Variable" (1906). 
-University of Toronto. Toronto. 
II One O'f the g.reatest En
mathematicians."-Dr. Geo. Murray. 
FIennes-Clinton, Bev, Henry Glynne 
S. Rpv. By. F.-r.. rector Cromwell, 
Nottingham8hlre, Eng., and Catherine 
F.-C.: b. Nottlnghamshlre, Eng., 1854: 
t". Keble ColI., Oxford (B.A., with 
honlOurs, 1877); "B.A. (ad eun., Len- 
noxvfIIe), 1884: M.A. (do., do.), 1886; 
o. deacon, 1878; priest, 1880; vlce- 
pThH"fpal Mi!':c:ion House. Warmlnster, 
RaIfsbury. 1878-81; asst. curatp St. 
Mary Magdalen. Bradford, 1881-5; 
came to Can., 1885, and has since been 
rector St. .James's Ch.. Vancouver; Is 
chaplain Grand Lodge of Freemasons, 
B. C.; wen known in the cricket field. 
-St. James's Rectory, Vancouver, B.C. 
File, Lorne Kenelm, actuary, 
S. Dr. A. .J. F., AmeUasburg, Ont.; 
U. E. L. stock; b. Am eld8Js'b'urg, .Jan. 
30, 1879; e. pubUc sch., Picton High 
Sch., Napanee ColI. Inst., and Toronto 
Unlv.; won several 'Scholars. in math., 
and gra-d.uat.ed B.A., with the gold 
moed. -in .moatlh.. 1903; foelllOW 'In maJtlh., 
1904; for 6 yrs. an actuary, Imp. Life 
Assur. Co.; since 1909 in the service 
of the Can. I
lfe Assur. Co. in same 
capacitv; fellow Actuar. Soc. of Am.. 
1907; èlected F.I.A. (Gt. Brit.), 1909; 
won prize of the Ins. Inst., Toronto, 
for the best essay on .. The Past, Pre- 
sent and Future of Life Assurance" 
(1906); author of another paper, 
.. Surrender and Loan Values" (1908) ; 
has declined many offers to engage in 
actuar. work in the U. S.; Ang.-598 
},fannin!} Ave., Toronto. 
.. One of the best Qualified of our 
V(JUnJ1;er actuaries."-Bulletin. 
Filliter, Bev. George SI..on (Ang.). 
E. s. late Co!. and - (Sisson) 
F., Belleville, Ont.; b. nr. there, May 
16, 1842; e. BeIIevlUe Grammar Sch. 
and U. C. ColI. (exhibitioner. 1861); 
m., .June, 1877, Emily Violette, d. late 

v. G. W. Brarnold, vicar 
. Mark- 

ham, Notts.; for some yrs. a law stu- 
dent in Toronto; went to Eng.. 1866, 
and. with a view to entering the Ch., 
matrIculated at Durham Unlv. (B.A.), 
and became a licentiate In theo!.: o. 
1873. and has held various living's; 
iLP'Ptd. master of Archbp. Holgate 
Hosp., Hemsworth, York. - Holgate 
Lodge, Hemsworth, Wakefield. En!}. 
Filteau, LoW.. V" Quebec public ser- 
B. and e, Lêvi.s, P.Q.; m. Mr3. 
Clement Dansereau (née Hayward); 
a practical printer: supdt. La Patrie 
printing office, Montreal, 1896-1910; 
since then, King's Printer, P.Q.; R. C. 
Findlay, William E,. Insurance pro- 
S. Capt. F., R.N., and - (Forbes) 
F.; b. Montreal. ApI. 26, 1867: e. 
model and private schs. ; m. Miss 
Laura B. Grier; succef.'sively mangy-. 
and inspr. Northern LIfe Asso. Cry.; 
since 1906 genl. secy., do. <<:lo.; In IIfp 
Ins. business slnpe leaving sch.: R 
.J. P.; a commr. Sup. Ct.; apptd. 2nd 
lieut., 6th Regt. FusiUers. 1891; capt.. 
1892; Corps Rese.rve, 1904: hold.s 1st 
class cert., R. S. I. ; a well-known 
sportsman; iUr.-genl. Montreal A. A. 
A 1905-6; vresd.t.. M. A. A. A. Lawn 
BOwling Club, 1908-9.-5" St. François 
Xavier St., Montreal. 
Finkle Kis Honour Alexander, Co. 
Ct. judge. 
S. .John F.; b. Woodstock. Ont.. 
1843; e. Grammar Sch. there; m., 
1897: barrIster (Ont.). 1864; do. 
(Man.), 1883; has prRctfsed his orof. 
at different Urnes at Woodstock, N. Y., 
Washington and Winnipeg; apptd. 
judge, Co. Ct.. Oxford, Ont., .June 10, 
1885; elected presdt. Oxford Law Soc., 
1897; a dir. Sovereign Life Assur. 
Co.; Ang.- Woodstock, Onto 
Finlayson, HI. Honour Duncan, Co. 
Ct. .Judge. 
Soottis:h eX'trac,bilon; s. Donald and 
A'Il'nabel'lla (Murohison) F.; b. Gra.nd 
RdVJer, N.S.. SeiP'Ì. 12, 1867; e. Syr1'1eyo 
A-cad. and Dalll1'Ousie Univ. (B.A., 
1893; LL.B., ,1895); m., Doc., 1905, 
Ðuh<eD Maud, d. IltaJte Wm. G. Bunam, 
A!richat N.S.; 'barrister. 1895; solr. 
mundC'i,Þa.lfoty 'Of Ricihimond, N.S.. 1896- 
190.4; 'SaJt for Rd'c'hm'Ond (Local), Lib. 
In1ereet, '1897-1904, and for same oon- 
stJItue'JloC'Y (H.C.), 1904-8; rup.prl:d. judge 
Co. Ot., Disot. No.7. N.S., Nov. 13, 
1908; a ,Bresb.-SydneJl, N.S.; Royal 
Cape Breton Yacht Club, do. 
Finlay. on, Lt.-Col. John .AIn.lee, 
B. .Jan. 16, 1851; e. Montreal; m. 
Miss Fessend-en; long In mercantile 
l,ifJe; presd't. Monot,rea11 Oratorio Soc.; 
eloelCtoo 'Presrut. Weetmount Ohoral 
Soc., 1909; a councillor Q. R. Assn. 
and D. R. Assn.; j,oined .M'onltreal Gar. 
Arty., 1868; passed through the vari- 
ous grades until he attained a cap- 
taincy, 1890, when he retired; joined 
1st Prince of Wales Regt., as capt., 
1891; remained with this corps up to 
and after Its amalgamation with the 
6th FuslIfers, 1898, becoming It.-co'' 



of the regt. under Its new desIgna- 
tlon: 1,st Reg-t., .. PrInce (}If Wales 
FuslUers," May, 1903; retired, 1907: 
holds the long service decoration; 
s-erV'ed dl\lrlng- t'he Fenian ra:lrds (moo.) ; 
8iISIO -t!he N.W. Rebe>lil,lon. 1885 (med.). 
-37 Burton Ave., Westmount, Mont- 
real; Military Inst., do. 
Pinnie, David :Maclachlan, banking 
S. Robt. and Mary (Smith) F.; 
b. Peterhead, Scot., .July 10, 1849; e. 
parIsh sch. there; m. Caroline Nlchol- 
sion (d. .June, 1911), d. Wal1e'r Ster- 
ling, Hiamd1lbon
qulrOO. buSl1.ßlesoS 
and bankiin,g .ex'})'eT'ience in office A. & 
W. Boyd, solrs. anJd. ag>enltJs, Un,I'on 
Bank of Soo1., Fet!eI'lhead, in Bank 
B. N. A., London, Enog., 'Mon1lf'eal, 
F/iamlÏllIton and Arnlp'I"!Ï-or, and dn Bank 
of Ottawa, a.s mangr. at Arnprlor 
and Ottawa; now, and for some 
consIderable time, asst. genl. mangr. 
last nampd Institution; elpcted V.-P. 
Ottawa Bd. of Trad.e, 1909; a pro- 
moter Federal Colonization and Land 
ReclaimIng- Co., 1906: chief promoter 
Imp. Realty Co.. do.: Ang. and ch, 
wardoen, tAJIl Salinrts' Oh.. Ot,t-awa.- 

'!9 Chapel St., Ottawa: Rfdeou Club: 
Countr1f Club; Ottawa Golf Club; Ot- 
tawa Hunt Club, do. 
"A splendid all-round banke'ro"-Late 
Geo. Hay. 
Finnie, John Thom, .physlclan; legis- 
S. Robt. and Mary F., Peterhead, 
Scoot. : b. trhN'e, Sept. 14, 1847: e. t!here, 
h Sch.. 'Montreal, and McGll1J. Unlv 
(M.D.,C.M., 1869): m., A-pI. .t874, 
Amelda, d. -late Ohr.l9tOlpher Healey, 
Montreal; L.RC.S. (Edlin.), -00.: 
p-raCitlse-s hi,s ,pI'lOf. Sl]{X
iSiSfuIÞy in 
MonrtTeal; an entrhu!"last1c -sportsman, 
and not,OO for !h,ls I}.ove <Ol all 
k'lnðlS 101' out.doO'r exerd'S-e : was 
presdt. of the Quebec Fish and Game 
Protect. Soc., 1895-99: among- the first 
to denounce. In vigorous terms, th," 
wholesale slaug-htpr of our fish Rnd 
game bl.OOs by .. pot" <and market 
huntf'rs; remains a d!r. of the Soc. 
and Is also a V.-P. of the North Am. 
Fish and Game Prote<'t. Assn: has also 
heen, or Is. a dlr. Can. Widow and 
Orplhans' Life 00., presdt. Can. branch 
Royal Caledonia Curling- Club, and 
presdt. MontreRI Swimming- Club, 
Thlst1p Curling Club. and Metropolitan 
Golf Club: .. an out and out supportpr 
of Sir Lomer GouIn": has represent- 
f'(! Montreal. Dlv. No. 4 (Local), 
since g. e. 1908; a .J. P.; Ang.-35 Park 
Ave., Montreal. 
.. Couldn't get on without him in Mont. 
T'el&t"-Latl' Lt.-Col. .4.. .4.. Steve
Firth, William P., educationist. 
E. Queen's UnIv., Kingston (B.A., 
1900; M.A., 1901; D.Sc., 1907); for 
many yrs. principal of Pickering Colt., 
an Institution under the care of the 
Soc. of Friends (Quakers).-Newmar- 
ket, Onto 
Pi.cher, W, G" Dom. public service. 
Prusslan extraction: b. Toronto, May 
16, 1861; e. there; was long engd. In 
the wholesale l!3ather business, To- 

ronto: apptd. Dom. Trade Commr., 
Glasg-ow, Scot., Nov. 1, 1908: do do., 
Berlin. Germany, May, 1910.-Cana- 
dian Offlce, Berlin, Germany. 
.. An ardent Can
dian; & keen busineu 
man."-O. Journal. 
Pi.cher, William JO.eph, physician; 
German descent; father came ori- 
ginally from Switzerland; mother, a 
born and bred Canadian; b. Waterloo, 
Ont., Feb. 1, 1879: e. St. .Jerome's CoIl., 
Berlin, Ont., and Western Un Iv. (M.D., 
1902) ; memo CoIl. P. & S., Ont., 1903; 
successfully practises his prof. In 
Waterloo, Onto ; house surg., St. 
Joseph's Hosp., London, Ont., 1902-4: 
has contributed poetry, short stories, 
novels and essays on literary and med. 
to,plcs to the Can. and Am. mags.: 
author: "Songs by tJhe Wayside," 
II Winona and Other Stories," II The 
Toiler," U The Years Between," and 
II Child of Destiny"; a R.C.-Water- 
loo, Onto 
II Hia technique is remarkable for 80 
Y'Oung & poet, and gives the promise of 
pf'rfection in the near future."-Roðary 
Magazine. Lt.-Col. Bon. Jean Baptiste 
Bomuald, physician; legislator. 
S. Henri F., St. Cuthbert, P.Q.: b. 
t'hiere. F1eb. 7, 1843: e. iM-on:trea.1 OolI. 
and LaVial Un.iv. (B":M., 1867: M.D.. 
1868) ; m., F>e'b., 1869, A1mêe (d. Oct., 
1905), d. Iarte Honorê P.I.affioonðlOn, Que- 
hec; .a gx)V. 00'101. P. and S., P.Q.: 
formerly councillor and mayor of 
Rimousk1 ; passed Royal Mil. Sch., Que- 
bec 1865; surg. 89th Reg-t., 1871: 
sUI'lg.-maj.. 1895; retired (with rank of 
a.-col.), 1899; Is 'Presdt. Flslh and Game 
Club, Rimouskl; a Lib., and a persoJ1l8.1 
friend of Sir W. Laurler: sat for 
Rlmouskl (H. C.), 1872-82, 1887-91, 
1896-7; since Oct. 20, 1897, has been 
a senator o,f Can.; one of the signers 
of the address from the LIb. party to 
the P\()pe, T-f'-sUllrtllng rln thP awt. of a 
Papal ableg-ate to Can., 1896; aRC. 
-Rimouski, P.Q., Col, :Marie Jo.eph Eugene, Can. 
I})ubllc service. 
S. Hon. .J. B. R F. (q.v.); b. RI- 
mouskl. P.Q., Mch. 15, 1874: e. Rlmoll- 
ski 0011. anrd LaV'wl Un.iv. ('l\I.B., 1896; 
'M.D.,C.M., 1898) ; m., Ma;y, 1892, Stella. 
d. late Llniere Taschereau, K.C., M.P.: 
specially qualified for treatment of 
ears, nose and throat, London and 
Paris, 1901; aplPtd. asst. coroner, 
RI.mou, slcl 1900;>. v. offi. ,servlÏce, ru; 
lot., 89th Regt., 1890; 'PI1omOited majo,r. 
1898; bt. '1It.-coI., 1901; It.-CIOI., Army 
Med. Servioce, 1903: ('IOI.. 'P.,A:M.C., 
1904; staff adrjt. of M'eð. Servi.
1902-3; D.G:M.S., 1903-6: De'Prty. MinlI", 
Mil. and Defence since Dec. 22, 1906; 
served during S. A. war, 1899-1900: 
present at operations In Orange Free 
State, Feb.-May, 1900, including oper- 
ations at Paardeberg (18-26 Feb.), 
Rnd actions at Poplar Grove (Mch. 7), 
Driefonteln (Mch. 10), Hout Nek 
(May 1), Zand River (May 10): op- 
erations In Orange River Colony and 
Eastern and Western Transvaal (.July 



29-Nov., 1900); mentioned 3 times In 
despatches; bt. It.-col. A. M. S, ; 
Queen's med, with 4 clasps; also 
awarded D.S.O., and decorated In per- 
son by H. E. Lord Minto, Paarde- 
berg Day, Ottawa, 1903; served as 
P.M.O. with Coronation Contingent, 
London, 1
02, and on that occasion 
was again mentioned In Lord Roberts' 
úesprutohe.s; aþptd. hon. Burg. '00 H. E. 
Itohoe Gov.-Gerul., 1905; a mean. Bd. 01 
Vi.sHors, Roy.a.l Mil. 00111., ,1
08; a d:
AIHance França.ise, Ottawa; R. C.- 
i64 Wilbrod St., Ottawa; Rideau Clubj 
Uttawa Golf Club; Ottawa HuntClubj 
Laurentian Club, do.; Quebec Garrison 
II Possesses a war record second to none, 
and enjoys the love and respect of the 
officers and men to he ministeTed 
under fire."-Can. 'Mil. Gazette. 
Fisher, His Honour Alson Alexander, 
J uùge. 
S. late Duncan and Helen (Mitchell) 
F,; b. Athens, Ont., Dec. 9, It)63; e. 
Athens High .sch. a.nd: Onto Law 
Sch,; m., Aug. 6, 1894, Mary Edith, 
e, d. Riohard Brown (q.v.), To.ronto; 
brurriste,r, 1886; .suocesslully amaCtt:is-oo 
his prof. at Brockville; apptd. junior 
judge, Co. Ct" Renfrew, A,pl., 1911; 
presdt. Brockvme Genl. Hosp., 1902; 
do. BrockvJ.lle -Can. Club, 1909-10; 
chairman, Brockville Public Seh. Bd., 
1903; gazetted major, 41st Regt., 
U-1; It.-CUi., cummuog. the rt::gt., l:lUô; 
.H.. a., 1:110; sinoe l:Jll has commanded 
Mh lnfy. Hrigade.-Pemb1'oke, U?
.Hrockville UlulJ, .Hrockville; Can. Mil. 
lnst., Toronto. 
Fisher, Edwin Bayard, physician; 
ProvJ.ncia,l .puhÜ<: serV1ice. . 
S. C, H. B. F., K.C., and Mary 
Louisa, d. late Hon. John H. Ander- 
son, senator, Halifax, N.S.; grands. 
late Hy. F., chief supdt. educ., .N. B.; 
b. Fredericton, N.B., Dec. 7, 1867; e. 
local schs. and N. B. Univ. (B.A.. 
1888) ; m., ApI., 1892, Annie Pickard, 
d. Wm. F. Fowler, Fredericton, N.H.; 
M.B. (Toronto Univ., 1894); post- 
gra.d. course Edinburgh Univ.; Is secy. 
provl. Bd. of Health, N. B., and chief 
med. offr. of province; a memo Advls. 
Council Am. Public Health Assn., and 
memo exarng. Bd. Royal Sany. Inst. of 
Ut. Brit.; had much to do in suppress- 
Ing recent smallpox epidemic in N. B. ; 
Lib.; Meth.-1I1arysvilZe, N.R. 
Fisher, Elstner, Oan. railway service. 
S. Wm. M. and Louise (Elstner) F.; 
graduated U. S. Naval Acad., 1876; 
m., 1885, Miss Sarah A. Burt (d. 
1899); memo Am. Soc. C. E.; memo 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1907; some yrs. in 
U. S. Navy; resigned, 1883; asst. engr. 
Penn. Ry., 1883-7; do. do. Michigan 
Central Ry., 1887-9; asst. trainmaster, 
trainmaster, and asst. supdt. do. do., 
1889-97; genl. supdt. and chief engr., 
Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Ry. since 
1897; Ang.-275 James St. 8., Hamil- 
ton, Onto ; Hamilton Club, do.; En- 
gineers' Club, Toronto; Brantford 
Club; Buffalo Club; Transportation 
Club, N. y, 
(D. Hamilton, Oct. It, 1909.) 

Fisher, James, la.wyer. 
S. late John 1<'., Breadalbane, Scot.; 
b. Glenquaich, Perthshire, Scot., Nov. 
6, 1840; e. Stratford (Ont.) Grammar 
Sch. and Toronto Univ, (B.A., 1862, 
M.A" 1872); m., 1st, July, 1871, 
es Gordon (d. Moh., 1890), d. 
late Rev. T. Macphers.on. Stratford, 
Ont.; 2ndl
, 1894, Miss Gertrude F, 
. Adams, New Haven, Conn.; barrister 
(Ont.), 1867; practised successfully at 
Stratford till 1883; since then, at 
Winnipeg; elected a bencher of the 
Law Soc., Man.; K.C. (Earl of Aber- 
deen), 1893; an old time Lib.; un- 
successfully contested N. Perth 
(H. C.), 1875 and 1878; sat for 
Russell (local, Man.), 1888-99, when 
he retired; one of the founders ot 
the Intern. Reciprocity Assn. and was 
presdt. of the Assn.; V.-P. Intern. Deep 
Waterways Assn., 1893; V.-P. for Can., 
Waterways Convention, Cleveland, 0., 
1895; V.-P, Univ. of Toronto Alumni 
Assn., 1906; accompanied govt. expdn. 
sent to Hudson s Bay as the repre- 
sentative of the Man. govt., 1897; 
elected presdt. Man. Midland Ry. Co., 
1906; author of a pamphlet on the 
Hudson's Bay Ry. (1891), and of 
another on .. The Manitoba School 
QueS'bi()1l" (1895) ; Ind. in llOOallpoUtiCtS ; 
advocates the adoption of the Onto 
system of schs., the abolition of the 
present office of It.-gov. for the 
Provinces, and the performance of 
the duties by the Chief Justice or 
some other high Federal officer; in the 
broader field of Federal politics Is a 
firm upholder of Brit. connection, and 
favours the adoption, as far as the 
circumstances of the country will per- 
mit, of the Brit. doctrine of free 
trade; is also an earnest advocate 
of a lib. and expansive treaty of re- 
ciprocity with the U.S., which would 
include natural products and a large 
list of manufactures; is likewise an 
advoaate of deep-water navigation 
from the head of the lakes to Mont- 
real, and is the author of a pamphlet 
urging that the canals should be deep- 
ened to a depth of 21 ft. at the joint 
expense of the U.S. and Can., who 
would exercise a joint control over the 
canals with the abolition of all tolls; 
a PreSb.-Winnipeg,o Manitoba Club, 
Fisher, John ." merchant; legislator. 
S. Robt. and Mary Ann (Hunter) 
F.; Eng. and Irish parentage; b. 
Paris, Ont., ApI. 23, 1855; e. local 
public and high schs.; m., Sept., 1883, 
Miss Jessie D. Martin; has served In 
00. Oounoi'L ØiS oouncdlJ.or, .reeve and 
W3JTden; m.a}'lOr ()of Piard,s 5 ,terms; 1h8ß 
sat for N. Brant (Local) since 1905; 
a Presb.-pari8, Ont.; Albany Club, 
Fisher, Eon, Bydne:r Arthur. statell- 
S. Arthur F., M.D., L.R.C.S. (Edln.), 
a.nd Susanna (Corse) F., MOIl'treal; 
b. tlhere, J,une 12, 1850; e. l\1j(}llItreai 
 Sdh. (DaN
dson: moo., and" Dux" 
of tlhe .scIh., 1866), M'cGiH Undv., .Morut- 
real, and Trin. CoU., ICajffilbru>d!
(B.A., 1871); unm.; deV1Otoo hdrnseI.t 
to farming; Aàva Fa.rm, Knowlttool. 



own-ed and culti\"wtJe'd by him, .hall 
been long knawn as among tlhe 
finest fruruIlS in true P.rovtiIliCe 01 
Quebec; 'One IOf the f'Üunid'ers 'Of Ith F.ruJiot GroweI'\s' Assn.. and h
beten V.-P. of It!ha:t ,body; is ru130 
ollOsely ,id.e'Il'hified with -th-e Can. Nat. 
Live Assn., MOlLtreal Ensila,ge 
and Stock-FeeòlÍng A,s-sn., Provo Da:i'ry 
.AJssn. and BI'ome Ag>ricul. Assn. ; . 
apptd. a mem. OOUThcdl of Agricul., 
P. Q., 1891; Ò'Ü. do. d.o. Proto sec., Pub- 
llio In.struotion, -dio., 190.1; m'em. Ex.tvte. 
Council, Can. Assn. for Prevention 0-1 
1.'ubeTcul., 1902; elected hon. ;presdt, 
Montreal Indust. Exbn., 1904; Is V.-P, 
A.lliance Française, Ottawa; a dir. 
Do-m. Forestry Assn.; a gov. Proto 
Hosp. for Ins,ane, !Montreal, and Mont- 
real Boys' Home; a'Pptd. a memo 
Royrul Conservation Oomn., 1909; do. 
do. Can. Hist. Manuscrlipts Comn., 1907; 
chairman Ed. of Commrs., Paris Exbn., 
1900; .oan. commr. to Intern. Exhbn., 
Osaka, Japan, 1903; elected 1st V.-P. 
Genl. Assembly, Intern. Institution ot 
Agricul., Rome, Italy, 1908. a Can. 
commr. to conf. .to consider conserva- 
tion of natupal resour,ces of Am. con- 
tineTht, Washington, D.C., 1909; a dJetl. 
Imp. Copyright Conf., Londol1, Eng., 
1910; a prominent Itemp. worker .for- 
merly V.-P. Quebec branch, Dom. Al- 
Hance; luncJhed with the late King Ed- 
ward and Queen Alexandra, Oublm 
Irel., 1907; presented to King Victor 
Emmanuel, Rome, 19.08 ; ra:tJtended 
(officially) funeral of Kin
London, 1910; a Lib.; unsuccessfully 

ontest.ed Brame (H.,C.), 1880; sat tor 
Slame oOons:tJÏJt:uency (110.), 1882-91 
(when dlefeate'd by a major1ÏtJy 'Of 'Ü'lW), 
and sin'C-e 1896. sinee July 13, 1896, !has 
been Minr. of Agrlcul. In the Laurier 
Admn.; mentioned as a Senate proba- 
bill ty, 1910; has delivered addresses 
on "Some Economic As'pects of Agrl- 
cuI. in Can.,.. "Can. and Its Position 
in regard to the Brit. E'lIIlPire," .. Cana- 
dian Agrlcul.,.. .. Conservation of ()' 
Natural Resources," "Rural Education 
in P. Q.:' .. J.a,pan, its ffis'bory, ()u,s- 
toms, Ant an'd Tl13.d,e," 'E,t.c; since Ihis 
advent 'rut Ot.tawa has been 'l:.hie aUl!:JhoOl 
of much useful, im'Portant and beneficial 
l.eglsl8ition, and ,has founded several 
pUblic institutions, including the Nat. 
Art Gallery and the Archives Bureau, 
at Ottawa; beJleves that" all natural 
resources should be a V'aJlabl-e by 
the whole people and should not be 
controlled by or given away to private 
c.ol'plora'tion.s "; an Ang. - Salisbury 
Ave., Ottawa; "Alva Farm;' Knowlton, 
P.Q.; Rideau Club; Ottawa Hunt 
Club, Ottawa; University Club; Re- 
form Club, Montreal; Garrison Club, 
.. The right man in the rigM place."- 
The iate Sir H. G. de Lotbinitre. 
"An industrioull and painstaking public 
se.rV18'nt."-Can. Courier. 
"An eXicellen.t debater .and keen poll. 
tician."-T. Globe. 
., One of the all-round 8uccelsftù me.n 
In public life to
day."--S. N. 
.. Growe in the confidence o-f the f..rm- 
in4r community; "I an admindaÞratoOr ÏI 

oapa.ble, eneTgetic and progrellBive.,"-T. 
.. One of the be8t agricultu.riata And 
Minister. that Oanada or any ot.he-r country 
ever had. "-M. Herald. 
Fisher, WilUam Shives, manufac- 
U.E.L. descent; S. 'Vm. F., Frederic- 
ton, N .B.; nephew -late Hon. Chas. F., 
I?C.L.,. one of the Judges of the Sup. 
Ct., N.B., and on-e of .tJhe FìatJhoers od 
Oonfedel'8JUon; b. F,red'erioton, F.e,b. 
20, 1854; e. St. John Grammar Sch . 

. Miss Mabel Shaw, St. John, N.B:; 
IS V.-P. and secy., Emerson & F., Ltd., 
manfrs. of hardware and wholesale and 
retail dealers in Ihardware supplies' is 

resdt. Enterprise Foundry Co.. do., 
::;t. John Iron & Hardware Assn., 1907 ; 
do., St. John Bd. of ,Trade, 1896-7. do. 
Maritime Bd. of Trade, 190ô; and do.: 
::;t. John Art Olub; provl. V.-P., Can. 
lIrlan.frs. Assn. and St. J-ohn Horticul. 
Soc.; a dir. St. John Tubercul. Assn. 
and Bd. or Assoc. ChariUes; a Can.; 
an Ang., and.a del. to the Synod; a 
memo Nat. Comte., tAng. .Layman's 
Missy. Movement, 1909.-78 Orange St. 
St. John, N.E.; Union Club, do. ' 
"A man of &trong personal character. 
istics. GeI1Ïal in disposit.ion, polished in 
both speech and manne.r, pOS6efised of .. 
qu,iet vein of hUDWur &Ild hospitable to a 
degree, he has all the necessary qualifica- 
ti<>ns to win .and re-tain the f.riendship of 
t.he poo-ple wJth whom he comea in daily 
conta ct. "-Indu.t. Canada, 
Fiske, John Jeffery, lawyer. 
S. late Ebenezer and Eliza (Brad- 
ford) F., Abbotsford, P.Q.; mother a 
d. late Rev. Richard Bradford, 1st 
Ang. rector Chatham, P.Q.; grandt. 
Capt. Cotton F., a U. E. L.; b. Feb. 
24, 1844; e. .A!bb'Otsfurd, Granby, St. 
Hyacint!he, a.nld McGd'1l Univ. (B.C.L., 
186&). m., 1872, .AJieyda E. W., d. 
late Lt.-.Oal. E. D. David, 'MolLtl'eal; 
a,d;VOCIabe, do. ; IP'raotLsed !his pro- 
fession in Montreal and Coatlcook, 
whither he removed, 1871; assisted in 
organizing Coati cook Knitting Co., 
acting as secy.-treas., 1872; assumed 
the management and gave his atten- 
tion to the manufacture of knitted 
goods. subsequently was Dlangr. at 
Coati cook of the Penman Manfg. Co.. 
was a memo of the Municipal Council 
and presdt. Coaticook Free Readin&" 
Hoom and Library; returned to Mont- 
real, 1907; a Lib.
Con.; an An&"., and 
a del. to the Synod.-B7 Arlington Ave., 
Westmount, Montreal. . 
Fisk, Walter Manson, physician. 
Belongs to an ancient Eng. family; 
can be traced back to Lord Symond 
1':" A.D., 1464. in this country of U. 
E. L. stock; s. John M. F., Abbots- 
tord, P.Q., presdt. Porno log. Soc., 
P. Q.. mother e. d. late Luke M. 
Knowlton, Knowlton, P.Q.. b. Ab- 
botsford, P.Q., 1872. e. there, Knowl- 
ton, and Granby; m., 1st, Oct., 1JOl, 
Constance Clare (d.) ,2nd d. Rev 
Chas. Bancroft, Knowlton, P.Q.; 2ndly: 
Aug., 1905, Miss Lucy M. Wheeler, 
Chicago, Ill. . graduated M.D.,C.M. 
(McGill Unlv,), 1896. demon. hili1toL, 



do.. 1899; lect. do., 1905; clln. asst. 
diseases of children. Montreal Geni. 
Hosp.. 1900; demon. do. do., McGill 
Unlv., 1906; supdt. Infect. wards. 
Montreal Geni. Hosp.. and at Civic 
Hosp. for Contagious Diseases, 1896-7; 
house surg., Mantreal Genl. Hospital, 
. 1897-8; supdt. Mantreal Smallpax 
Hosp., 1900; asst. physIcian, Mantreal 
dispensary, 1901-5; Con.; Ang.-98 
Park Ave., Montreal; University Club, 
Fitch, His Honour Clarence Bu..ell, 
d,istr-lot judge. 
S. late B. F. F., barrister, Brant- 
ford, Ont.; b. there, Feb. 22. 1866; e. 
Brantf'Or.d Coll. Inst.. Taronto, and 
Bloomingtan, Ill.; Ph.B.; m. Marie T., 
d. late Hy. Main, banker, Galt, Ont.; 
barrister, 1887; successfully practised 
his pr.of. 3<t Brantford and Stouffvllle, 
Onto ; chairman Public Sch. Bd., Stouff- 
ville, 8 yrs.; presdt. E. Yark Lib. Assn. 
and V.-P. N. York Lib. Assn. for some 
YVS., but declined nomination to Parlt. ; 
a.wtd. judge Rainy River Dist.. Ont., 
May 29. HI09.-Fort Frances, Onto 
Fitzgerald, Frederick Jesse Comfort, 
S. late Judge W. W. and Sara M. 
(Comfort) F.; b. Londan, Ont., 1874; 
e. London ColI. Inst. and Western 
Unlv.; m.. ApI., 1902, Hattie S., d. late 
Rev. Christian F. Grimm, N.Y.; gradu
ated M.D. (Western Univ. Med. ColI.), 
1897; a memo ColI. P. and S., 1898; 
shortly afterward granted a license 
for N. Y. State, and .commenced .prac- 
tice in N. Y. City. where he Is a memo 
N. Y. Co. Med. Soc., clin. asst. N. Y 
Eye and Ear Infirmy., surg. N. y. 
'l'hroat and Nose Hosp., Burg. eye de- 
partment. Williamsburg Hosp., lect 
far the Soc. for Instruc. in First Aid 
to the Injured, etc.; formerly an offr. 
7th FusilierSi; retired, 1897; a m
Can. Camp; an ex-office-bearer Can. 
Club; his practice is limited to the 
eye, ear, nose, and throat. In which he 
is a speciallst.-39 E, Twenty-seventh 
Street. New York. 
Fitzgerald, Frederick wllliam Ger- 
ald, business man. 
Irish origin; a descendant of the 
F:s of GUn, Co. Limerick; b. Pallas- 
Kenry, Limerick. IreI., 1866; e. mainly 
at private schs. and by tutors; m., 
Feb., 1896, Clara Du Bois, 3rd d. Hon. 
Featherstan Osle.r, Toronto; serv""l on 
ed. staff Toronto Daily Mail, 1890-1; 
founded Can. Birkbeck Invest. & Sav- 
Ings Co., 1893; founded Debenture & 
Securities Corporation of Can., 1903; 
holds office of mango dir. in both cos.; 
9 Chestnut Park Road, Toron- 
to; Toronto Club, do.; St. James's 
Club, Montreal. 
FitzGerald, John Gerald, physician. 
S. Wm. F.; b. Drayton, Ont., Dec. 
1882; e. ,th'ere and Toronto UI1Ilv. 
(l\1..B., 1903); 'POst-gorad. stu<1Jies 
neuroloog., Jlohns HopkIns Hosp., 
Balitdmore., Md.; m., AjpIl., 1910, Edna 
May, o. d. Chas. W. LeoI1J3.rd Trewls- 
ton., London.. Ont.; a memo Onto 0011. 
P. and S.; aJt. present ollÏn. Ò/ir. 
Toronto Insane Aß}'11um. and pa:t:h. 

prov,I. asyhlltm3, Ont.; tan assoc. memo 
Am. Medi,oo-Psych>()ll. ABSn. ; his Hterary 
\vl()rk MS ,been mainly 'On roed. sub- 
j,oots, c}lÏoefty in psyclI.. dn the Am. 
Journ. of Insanity. - Toronto Insane 
Asylum, Toronto. 
Fitzgerald, Hon, Bowan BObert, 
B. and e. P.E.I.; barrister, 1869; 
apptd. stipend. mag., with criminal 
jurisdiction, 1875; since 1892 has been 
judge. City Ct., Charlottetown; D.C.L. 
(hon.), Univ. King's ColI., 1899; 
presdt. P.E.I. Exbn. Assn., 1908.- 
Charlottetown, P.E.I. 
Fitzgerald, William, Dom. public ser- 
vice; lawyer. 
B. nr. London, Ont., July 29, 1845; 
e. London Grammar Sch., Toronto 
Univ. (B.A. with gold med. in math, 
1866; M.A., 1871), and Onto Law Sch.; 
m. Josephine, e.d. late Rev. Edwy Ry- 
ersan; barrister. 1870; successfully 
practised his prof. In Toronto, in part- 
nershIp with the late N. G. Bigelow; 
supdt. of ins., and asst.-depty. minr. of 
finance of Can., since Dec. 1, 1885; 
Ang.-!60 MacLaren St., Ottawa. 
"A conscie,nti'Ous publio offioor."-Late 
Sir S. L. Tilley. 
FitzGibbon, Mr., Mary Alrne. ("Lally 
Bernard" and .. Citoyenne ") 
jQUirnal,iS't; litterateur. 
2nd d. late R. B. Bernard, barrister, 
and Agnes Elizabeth (LaI.1y) B.; niece 
of the Baroness Macdonald of Earns- 
cliffe (q.v.); b. Barrie, Ont" 1862; e. 
Can. privately; m., 1882, Clare Valen- 
tine FitzGibbon, S. Hon. Gerald and 
Lady Louise FitzGibbon, Mt. Shannon, 
Irel.; lived abroad for some yrs. until 
1896, when she made her permanent 
home with her step-father. the late 
D'Alton McCarthy, Q.C., M.P., Toronto; 
after hIs death, toak up journalism; 
wrote for the Toranto Globe, Can. Mag., 
etc.; special coronation corr., Toronto 
Globe, London, Eng., 1902; for several 
y,rs. wr:o:te a weekly. column enNtloo 
" Driftwood," in the Toranto Globe; be- 

ame Londan corr. for Man. Free Press, 
Toronto. News and Taronto Globe, 1904 ; 
returned to Can. 1907; visited some of 
the Doukhobor settlements in the N.W.. 
writing letters to the Globe, 1907; went 
to B.C., Oct., 1907; has since resided 
1n ViiobOI'lia, B.C., writing Jetters 100 Ðng. 
papers f,rotn tbilI1le'oo time on " Canada's 
RiiV'iera," et.c.; is hion. ipresdl1. Can. 
Women's Pires,s OI!Ub; presEm'Ì.ed 1\:.0 
pl'eseI1Jt King and Queen. .81. James's 
Palace, 1902; while resIdent In Eng. 
did much public speaking under the 
auspices of the Victoria Léague and 
Woman's Branch of Tariff Reform 
League; has contributed articles, short 
stories and verse to the periodicals; 
"is more interested in the problem of 
Imp. Unity than in anything else, and 
is a pro-Orientalist"; one of the 1st 
mems. of the Woman's branch Imp. 
Federation League; An g.-Victoria, 
B.C.; Women's Can. Club, do.; Ladies' 
Empire Club, London, EnD.; Can. 
Authors' Club, Toronto. 
.. One in ten thousand."-S. N. 
.. Shines in wha.teve,r she att.eiIIlpte to 
'do,"-Katø Simp.on Hallu (q.v,), 



FitzGibbon. Miss Mary Agne.. author. 
E. d. late Chas. F" barrister, To- 
ronto, and Agnes Dunbar F., 2nd d. 
late Sheriff Moodie, Belleville, Ont.; 
b. Belleville, June 18, 1851; e. 
there and Pinehurst, Toronto; through 
her mother, is related to the weB 
known literary family, the Strick- 
lands; is 
orr. .secy. Women's Can. 
Hist. Soc., which she founded, 18
one of the promoters of the Female 
Immigrants' Receivirrg Home, To- 
ronto, 1
05; author: "A Trip to 
Manitoba; or, Rougning It on the Line" 
(1880), "Home Work" (1887), "A 
Veteran of 1812" (1895; 1898), .being 
a record of the life and achievements 
of her grandfather, the late Col. Jas. 
FitzGibbon, .. hero of Beaver Dam," 
"Historic Days" (1898), and" A 'I'rip 
to Niagara" (1909); published with 
Miss Sara Mickle, .. The Cabot Calen- 
dar, 1497-1897" (1897); is an active 
memo of the Can. lnst., etc.---66 Welles- 
ley St., 7'oronto; Ladies' Empire Club, 
London, EnD. 
"Doing much useful literary and other 
w{)rk."-lJr. John Reade (q.v.). 
Fitzhugh. Earl Hopkins. Can. ry. ser- 
B. Co. MontgomeTY, Mo., Feb. 1, 
1853; e. public schs., St. Louis, Mo.; 
m. Miss Lider; entd. Am. ry. service 
as elk. in the office of the master car 
r, St. Louis, Kansas City and 
Northern Ry., 1873; later, after the 
road was absorbed by the \Vabash 
system, became 
hief elk. to the supdt. 
of the Western div. .of the latter, and, 
in 1889, was promoted master ot! trans- 
portation at Moberly; joined the G.T. 
Ry., as supdt. of the Middle div., with 
headquarters at Toronto, Jan., 1896; 
V.-P, and genl. mangr., Central Vt. 
Ry., 1899-1901; asst. to presdt., 
Southern Pacific Ry., May-Dee" 1901; 
V.-P. and genl, mangr. CentraJl Vt. 
Ry., St. Al'bans, Vt., 1
02-4; 3rd V.-P. 
Grand Trunk Ry. and V.-P. Central 
Vt. Ry., 1905-10; since then has been 
1st V.-P. Grand Trunk Ry. and V.-P. 
Central Vt. Ry. ; is a dir. Can. Express 
Co., Grand Trunk Pacific Ry., Mont- 
real Warehousing Co., and Can. At- 
lantic Ry.; ds jpresd't. OeI1Jbral VertrIbOn:t 
Ry. I3.nd SoutJhern New Eng. Ry.; 'pro- 
mJQotoelr, Onto Oar Fel'ry 00., 1905 (see 
.. E. H. l<'iotZihug'h: Ra:ilway OhIie,f.," by 
J. C. RJoss, TO'roruto Globe, 8, 
1911).-462 She1'brooke St. W., Mont- 
real; lilt. Royal Club; Royal Montreal 
Goll Club; Canada Club; Montreal 
Hunt Club, do. 
"Affable, tactfu1 and admirably self- 
contained."-M. Witne88. 
"His 6trong point is organ'Ïzation; and 
it is that there are few .l'ailway men 
on the continent quicker than he to size up 
a situation or W deal with an emergency." 
-M. Stu.ndard. 
Fitzpatrick. B.ev, Alfred (Presb.), 
Irish and Scotch origin; b. Millsville, 
l, 22, 1862; e. Piotou Acad., 
Queen's Univ., Kingston (Lewis prize; 
scholar. in Coh. Hist; B.A., 1890), and 
Stamford Univ.; unm.; 0., 1902; presdt. 
Y. M. C. A., Queen's Univ., one year; 
did mission work in the Redwoods of 

Mendocino, Cal. ; did much of the read- 
Ing in this connection upon horse- 
back; on returning to Can. applied for 
mission work in Algoma, preferring 
this to older settlements; since then, 
has laboured in this work along educ. 
lines, fearing that the existing methods 
of the Ch. were inadequate; author 
.. Library Extension in Ont.: Travelling. 
Libraries and Reading Camps," and 
.. The Education of the Frontier 
Labourer" ; has lectured on .. The Duty 
of the StaJt,e rtJo .thoe Fl1on.ti-er Labourer," 
.. Life on Üre Oa.nl3id
an FrorutlÌ.e,r," etc. ; 
has been called .. the Jacob Riis of 
the lumbering, mining, fishing and rail- 
way construction camps."-l88 Ja1'v18 
St., T01.onto. 
.. Beginning life as a missionary alo.n'i 
the frontier of Qur industrial expanosion, 
he had the eye to see that lumberer&, 
mine,l'S and construction men needed some. 
thing eLse than sermOI16. He discovered 
that they could never be effectively reached 
by the routine propaganda of the chur
With increasing expe,rienoo a Bense o.f then 
bitte.r need grew U!PO,n him and stung him 
into the desire, and finally the resolve. tt 
cre.ate 6Qme ne'w agency to meet that need. 
Slowly a plan gre,w up in his mind, and 
when he became convinced of its practica.- 
biHty, he abandoned the preaching min'Ís- 
try f{)r the no leßS real and more 6tatea. 
man-like ministry of Camp Educati{),n....- 
Rev. R. J. Hutcheon (q.v.). 
Fitzpatrick. The Bot, Hon, Sir Charle.. 
chief justice. 
3rd s. late JQhn and Mary (Con- 
nolI)') F.; b. Quebec, Dec. 19, 1863; 
e. St. Anne's Coil., Quebec Semy. and 
Laval Univ. (B.A., 1873; LL.B., and 
Gov.-Genl.'s roed., 1876; LL.D., 1902) ; 
LL.D. (illon.), Ot.:tawa Undv., 1906; d'o. 
(do.), !
kGiiil1 Univ., 1911; 00. (<110.), 
Un>iv. of Notre Dame, Ind., do.; do. 
(!bon.), T'Ür.on,t:o Unu.v., do.; iID:', 
1879 Corinne (V.-P. Can. Immlgr.atJion 
Gu.Ud) , d. .late Hon. R. E. Caron. 
LL.D., Lt.-Gov. P. Q.; .advooa.te (P.Q.), 
1876; baJrr1stter (Ont.), 1896; K.C. 
(E. of Aberdeen), 1893; do. (P.Q.), 
1899; sucoessfulily ptl'13.ctised Ih:i:s poof. 
in Quebec, where ihe was Crown 
prosecutor for the dist., 1879 and 
1887; bâtonnier-genl" P.Q., :1898-,1900; 
spe.cially distinguished as a c. rimi ':lal 
lawyer; chief .counsel for LoUlS Riel, 
trie.d for high treason and exe.cuted, 
Regina, 1885; defended the .late Hon. 
H. Mercie,r and Ernest Paoaud in the 
prosecutions following the fall of tJhe 
Mercier Admn., Ig92; represented 
Dam. Govt, before P.C., Eng., in 
Fisheries case, 1897; sat, as a Lib., for 
Quebec Co. (Local), Ib90 to Ib
when he resigned and was returned 
for same co. (H. C.); continued to 
represent that constituency in that 
chamber up to his appt. as Chief 
Justice of Can., June 4, 1906; was 
Solr.-Genl. of Oan., 1896-1902; and 
Minr. of Justice of Can., 1902-06; 
declined appt. as Atty.-Genl., P.Q., 
1891; K.C.M.G., 1907; a memo H. M.'.s 
P. C., 1908; G.e.M.G. (.investJed 'by 
tlhe King, dn jpe,rson ) , 1911; one at 
the sligners of <the address from the 
Lib. party to 1he Pope, resulting in Üle 
aJPpt. of a Papal Ablegate to Can.. 



1896; an ex-officio memo of the Royal 
Comn. for the revision of the Public 
Statutes, 1902; apptd. a Brit. mem., 
Hague Peace Tribunal, 1908; has 
several times acted as administrator 
of the GO\'lt. o.f Can. ; .i,s ,presdlt. OUa Wa 
Archæol. Soc.; for some yrs. has been 
prof. of criminal law, Laval Unlv.; 
present by invitation at funeral or 
King Edwal'Ò., Winds,or, 1910; formerly 
pre9d.t., Quebec branch, Irish Nat. 
League; a del. Irish Nat. Convention, 
Dublin, 1896; a R.C. and a gov. Catoh., 
Ch. Extension Soc. in Can.; a del. first 
Am. R.C. iMissy. Congress, Chicago, 
1908; a speCiÏ.w1 CO'lI1Jþ1imenJt was paid 
him, ,by ,the U. S. Senate, June, 1911, 'by 
ordering lÌ1Iis s!peetCJh a.t 11M annuaù dJin- 
ruer of Ibb-e Soc. of lnterna-tlional Law 
tlQ be printed, as "a valuable oonlbrJ.- 
buti.on to It'oo general caJUse of (pOO.Ce 
anld arbÍitl'aJtion."-2W Daly, Ot- 
tawa; Rideau Club, do.; St. James's 
Club, Montreal; Garrison Club, Que- 
bec; National Club, Toronto. 
" Has worthily held the highest offioo'S." 
-M. and E. 
., One o.f the .a-ble-st la.wyers and one of 
the ;most forceful personalities in Can, 
public life."-T. Globe, 
.. Men/ noted for quickness of per. 
oeption and readiness of wi
 and he fur. 
nishes an example of the amount of work 
an .active. industrious man c-an o:vertake." 
-London Advertuer, 
Fitzwilliam, The Bight Hon, William 
Charle. de Meuron Wen'tworth 
Fi1izwllliam, 7th EarL 
O. s, Viseount Milton. M.P., and 
Laura, d. of late Lord Chas. Beauclerk; 
b. Meuron. Lake SuperJ.or, nr. Fort 
\Villiam, ont., July 
a, 1!)/
; e. Btun 
and Trin. CoH., Camb.; m., 18
6, Lady 
Maud Frederica Elizabeth Dundas, d. 
Marquess of Zetland; a J. P.; major 
4th Batt. Oxford Light Infy.; A. D. C., 
to M.arquis of Lansdowne in India, 
1892-3; served army Headquarters 
stan:, S.A., 1900 (despatches; D.S.Q.) ; 
sat fu
 Wakie:ft.eld' (H. C.) I3JS a Lib.- 
UnÍlOruist, :189'5-1902; travell-ed muoh 
in Indiia and EUTOpe ; lI11JaJi.nly <in- 
stJruII1lelLtaJl dn ol"glantiZiing too series 
of Vlisl:ts p3Jid by the CollOnial tJfOOI1)S 
to ItJhe various rntansi-ons of ,tJh>e Bl1i't. 
nobiloity 'Upon the l()oC.OOJSdon of ,tfhe 
vdsit of rtJhe .troops to Eng. during 
Queen Victoria's Jubilee, and reed. 
from the Secy. of State for the 
Colonies the thanks of the Colonial 
troops for his services in that behalf; 
a. trustee Ascot Grand Stand Fund; 
succeeded his grandfather, 1902.-" 
Grosvenor Square W., London, Eng., 
Wentworth - Woodhouse, Rotherham, 
Yorkshire, Eng.; Cootlattin, Shillelagh, 
Co. Wicklow, Irel.; Carnew Castle, 
Carnew, Co. Wicklow, Irel.; Brooks, 
York, Pratt's, Turf, Bachelors', Jockey 
Clubs, London; Kildare St. Club, Dub- 
lin, Irel. 
Flaha.ut, Jean Emile Karle, educa- 
B. Bailleul, France, May 20, 1880; 
e. Lille and Jersey, Channel Ilds.; ad- 
mitted to the Naval Coll., France, 
1898; bachelier ês lettres, do; bachel- 
ler ês sciences, 1899; premier a. l'ecole 

Sup. de Commerce, LllIe, do.; prof. de 
l'enseignements secondaire llbre en 
France (math., phy. et clinic), de- 
puis, 1901; admis à la license et 
sciences. 1907; prof. agrégé de l'Unlv. 
Laval, chargé du cours de clinic mln- 
érale et organique since 1906 ; has 
been assoc. ed. Revue des Flandrcs; 
author .. Louis Pasteur" and of .. La 
Libertê Morale"; R. C.-138 Rue St. 
Denis, Montreal, 
Flander., Bev, Cha., :Ruston (Meth.). 
S. late Rev. Rufus Arlington F, 
(Meth.), and Charlotte (Ruston) F.; 
b. Shefford, P.Q., Aug. 2, 1852; t!. 
Waterloo Acad., and Victoria Unlv, 
(B.A., 1881); D.D., Montreal West 
Theol. Coli., 1896; m. Miss Stevens (a 
highly accomplished lady) ; entd. minis. 
try, 1873, and held some il11iPortant 
pastorates; for a ,time was a leet., 
Montreal 'Vesl. Theol. Coli., of which 
he is a senator; was principal Stan- 
stead Coil., 1893-1907; since then has 
been pasor Oentenary Meth. Oh., St. 
J.ohn. .N.R; elt:ctoo pcr'esÙit. ,.\Loral and 
SO'Cia} Refool1m Oounclll of .N. B., 1911; 
00. V.-.P. St. J'o1J:n Evan-g. AJlJ.ance, 
d1o.; a fetlllJow, ex-of1ìcio, .MicGüIJ Univ.- 
St. John, N.B. 
.. A scholarly, earnest and eloquent 
speaker."-St. John Telegraph. 
.. A successful, ener
tic and highly 
esteemed principaL.' '- We8tminøter. 
.. :i"laneur, The" (see \Viltshire, · 
Flavelle, John Dunda., merchant. 
Irish origin; s. John and Dorothea 
(Dundas) .1<'., both natives of Irel., 
who came to Can., 1847; eld. bro. Jos. 
W. (q.v.); b. Peterboro', Ont., July 
18, 1850; e. public and grammar sch. 
there; m., 1873, Miss Mary Anna 
Cooper, Lindsay, Ont.; In commercial 
lite in Lindsay since ApI., 1864; a 
memo Bd. of Educ. for an extended 
period; has been Reeve of Sturgeon 
Pt.; now chairman Water Commrs.; 
also chairman Bd. of Govs. Ross Me- 
morial Hosp., and a councillor Can. 
Miarufrs. Assn.; ajppItd. a mJem. Grain 
Survey Bd. by Dom. Govt., 1904; one 
of the promoters Maple Leaf Flour 
Co. (capital, $1,000,000; L. P., 1904) ; 
a ðiir. Central Can. Manfrs.' Mutual 
!'lire Ins. Co. and of Can. Cereal and 
.MilÞing 00.; presd,t. 1 lLÌJe rn. MUI- 
Ing 00. ; a strcmog supporter of 
amateur sports; known as an f'n- 
thuslastic curler; won Dodge Intern. 
Cup, Winnipeg, 1906, besil1es many 
other prizes; has been presdt. Onto 
Curling Assn., and: was elected an hon. 
memo Royal Caledonian Cur.ldng Club, 
1907 ; with his wife and daughters was 
presented to his late. Majesty King 
Edward, Win(ls.or Castle, June, 1905, 
a. Lib.-Con.; a Met'h.-LindBay, Onto 
.. The most faIIliOuB curler in Ca.nada.... 
-H. Herald. 

lavelle, Jo.eph we.le7, manufac- 
turer; capitalist. 
Irish origin; s. late John and 
Dorothea (Dundas) F.; b. nr. Peter- 
boro', Ont., Feb. 14, 1868; e. public 
and grammar schs., Peterboro', Ont.; 
LL.D, (hon), Toronto Univ., 1906; m.. 



Sept., 1882, Miss Clara Ellsworth; long 
in the dry goods business 1n Lindsay 
Ont., in partnership wit.h ,hIs bro., .Tohr; 
D. 1<'. (q. v.); removed to Toronto, 
where he has sInce resided, 1887; 
Is presdt. Wm. Davies Co., vorl( 
pacl[ers, Toronto; do. Harris Abattoir 
Co. and Nat. T.rust Co.; V.-P. Robt. 
Simpson Go.; dir. Can. Bank of Com- 
merce; a councillor, Can. branch, Brit. 
Red. Cross Soc. ; V.-P. Canada 
Cycle and Motor Co. and a dir. Work- 
ing Boys' Home, Toronto; V.-P. 
['onto Penny Bank, 1905; hon. presdt. 
Petel'boro' Old Boys' Assn., 1903; fur- 
merly propr. Toronto News; chairman 
'fuoonto Ed. of License Oommt1S., 1905; 
a memo Intern. Oomm. on 'booViine truOOr' 
cuI., 1909; is a goV. Toronto branch, 
Victorian Order of Nurses; a gOY. To- 
ronto Univ.; chairman Royal Comn. 
to reorganize Toronto Univ., 1905 ; 
endowed a chair in Hebrew, VlctQria 
Univ" with a subscription of $25,000, 
19()5; founded a travelling fellowship 
In classics of $750 a yr., Toronto Univ., 
1905; subscribed ,handsomely toward 
the erect<ion of new residences for 
students, Toronto Univ., 1908; Is ohalr- 
man, bd. of trustees, Toronto Genl. 
Hosp.; rated as a mUlion:aire by S. N., 
1907; a strong .prohibitionlst; V.-P. 
Dom. Alliance, 1900; has delivered ad- 
dresses on .. The Young Man in Can- 
ada" and .. Ideals of Citizenship'" a 
· Møth.; gave (willi Mrs. F.) $25,000"00 
the ViotJoI1ia Goll. f'und, 1899; is 6 
memo Bd. IOf .Miissions, iMetJh. CIh.; an 
Ind. Con.-" Holwood," Queen's Park, 
'Toronto; Toronto Club; York Club; 
Albany Club; National Club; Queen 
City Curling Club, do.; Mt. Royal Club, 
do.; .Mt. Royal Club, Montreal. 
"A man ()f far-sighted gene-rosity."-T. 
"A ' man of exoop.ti
ni&1 0I0IP- 
acity.' '-Canada. 
.. One of the he,althiefit Bnd san
t pro-- 
du.cts of moodJe.rn tim.ea in Canada....-T. 
Fleet, Charles James, lawyer. 
S. late Wm. Hy. F., advocate, and 
a well-known journalist, and Isabella 
F., d. late Rev. .Tas. Robertson. Sher- 
brooke, P.Q.; b. Montreal, 1852; e. 
high sch. there, and McGill Unlv. 
(B.A., with 1st rank honours in Eng. 
Lit., 1873; B.C.L., 187:1); m., May, 
1884, Augusta Elænor (d. Aug., 
1910). d. late John Roo-path, Ter- 
race Bank, Montreal; advocate, 1879; 
K.C. (P. Q.), 1903; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. in Montreal; head of 
law firm F., Falconer, Oughtred, 
Pheloan, Wi1liams & Bovey, 801r8. Bank 
of Montreal and other corpomtions; 
Is V.-P. Montreal Bar Assn., a dir. W. 
1. Elect. Ry. Co., of Alexandra Hosp. 
for Contagious Diseases, of Mt. Royal 
Cemetery Co., and of St. Lawrence 
Flour Mills Co.; hon\ treas. Parks and 
Phaygroun.ds Assn., and V.-P. end 
treas. Montreal Art Assn.; formerly 
presdt. McGill Unlv. Graduates' Soc.; 
elected a gov. McGill Unlv., 1894; a 
Presb.-"" Ontario Ave., Montreal; Mt. 
Royal Club; St. Jameð'8 Club; Canada 

Club; Montreal Hunt Club,' Outremont 
Golf Club; Univer8ity Club, do,; 8um- 
mer reswence: UStagnan," Little ltletis 

Q. J 
. ",
f courte()us and gentlemanly beay. 
Ing. -M. Gautte. 
ear-Admlral Ernest James, 
S. .Tas. F. F., Surrey, Eng., and 
Frances, d. Chas. Roche, Daventry, 
Eng.; b. Surrey, Eng., Sept. 23, 1850; 
e. Charterhouse, Worcester, and H. M. 
S. Britannia; m., 1896, Edythe Mary, 
d. Hon. W. J. Macdonald, SenartJor 
. (q.v.); entd. R. N., 1865; post capt., 
1897; commanded H. M. S. Icaruð. 
Naiad, Edgar, Phaeton, Imperieu8e, 
Sans Pareil, Resolution, and Swift8ure; 
retired, 1905; promoted rear-admiral, 
. on retired list, 1907; holds Egyptian 
med. and Khedive's Star, for opera- 
tions In Soudan, 1884; African mcd. 
a.nd clasp ;for W. exp-dns., E. Mrk'8., 
and silver med., Royal Humane Soc., 
tor saving life on E. coast of Africa; 
an Imp.; anti. Home Rule (IreI.); ad- 
vocates moderate tarin reform for Gt. 
Brit., and of national mil. training; 
also of a support .. in kind," not 8 
pecuniary support, by the Dom. to- 
wa;rds Imp. naval defence; Ang.- 
Of Armadale," Victoria, B.C.; Junior 
Constitutional Club, London, Eng. 
Fleming, Eev, John Dick (Presb.), 
S. Rev. .Tas. F. "'Whlthom, Scot.; b. 
there, 1863; e. Edinburgh Uulv 
(M.A.); theoi. studies U. P. Theoi. 
Hall, Edinburgh (B.D.); spent 6 yrs. 
studying at Berlin, Göttingen, Heidf'l- 
berg, Paris, and Leyden; D.D. (Knox 
CoIl., Toronto), 1908; m., 1900, d. 
Chas. McClelland, Fordbank. Wlgton-; minT. Tranent, E. LothIan, 13 
yrs., from 1894; since 1907 prof. sys- 
tematic theol, and apolog., Manitoba 
ColI. ; author essays In Expo8itory 
Timea, and II IsraeI's Golden Age."- 
155 Furby St., Winnipeg. 
II Comes with a brilliant reputation."- 
Il. Witneo'J8. 
Flem1ng, Eobert John, Can. ry. ser- 
S. late Wm. and .Tane (Cauldwell) 
F.; b. Toronto, Nov. 23, 1854; e. there; 
m., 1st, Dec., 1879, .Margt. .Tane (d. 
Mch., 1883) e. d. late Christopher 
Breadon, Montreal; 2ndly, Oct., 1888, 
Lydia .Tane, d. late Wm. Orford, To- 
ronto; sometime in commercial life; 
commencing .fan., 1886, served as an 
ald. in T-oronto for 4 yrs.; was mayor 
of Tooron1bo, 1892-3, and again in 1896; 
unsuccessfully contested the mayor- 
alty, 1894 and 1895; strongly In favour 
of temp.; presided OVf'r Nat. ProhibI- 
tion Convention, Montreal, 1894 ; 
elected presdt. Dom. Prohibitory AIll- 
ance, 1895; a friend of the working 
cLa,sses; was Assessment Commr., 
Toronto, 1897-1903; since then has 
been Geni. Mangr. Toronto Ry. Co.; 
a LIb.; a Meth.-St. Clair Ave., cor. 
Bathur8t St., Toronto. 
.. The brainiest man in Toronto munlÏ- 
ciP6,1 po.Utics."-T. Telegram. 
II Whole.hearted intereal In the work, 



whatever the work may be, is R. J. Flem- 
ing's cbief cbaTacteristic."-Paul E. BiZ- 
keV (q.v.). 
Fleming, Sir Sandford, civil engin- 
eer; scientist; public man. 
S. late Andrew Greig and Elizabeth 
(Arnot) F.; b. Kirkcald'y, Fifeshlre, 
Scot., Jan. 7, 1827;. e. there; LL.D. 
(ho.n.), St. Andrews Univ., 1884; do. 
(do..) Oo.lumbia CoIl., N.Y., 1887; do, 
(do..) Toro.nto Univ., 1907; do. (do.) 
Queen's Univ., 1908; m., 1855, Ann Jean 
(d. MClh., 1888), d. lrruoo Mr. Sheriff Halll,, Ont.; studied surveying and 
enging. in Sco.t.; came to. Can., 1845; 
later, jo.ined the enging. staff o.f the 
No.rthern Ry.,; apptd. chie! 
engr., do.., 1857; subsequently prac- 
tised his pro.f. in Ont., in partnership 
with Messrs. Rido.ut & Schreiber (q.v.) , 
was later o.n elected a M.lnst.C.E., Lan- 
dion, and a memo o.f the Am. 
oc. of 
C.E.; was elected an ho.n. memo of the 
Can. Soc. C.E., 1908; in 1863, was 
chosen by the peo.ple of the Red River 
settlement (no.w included in the Pro- 
vince o.f Man.) to. pro.ceed to. Eng. fo.r 
the o.f urging the Imp. autho.rl- 
ties to. apen ry. communication between 
Red River and Eastern Can.; an Ws 
return fro.m this mission, was apptd. 
by the govts. af Can., N.S. and N.B., 
in co.njunctIo.n with H.Mo's go.vt., to 
conduct a survey far the first link In 
a ry. which would extend fro.m the 
Atlantic ,to the Pacific within Brit. 
territo.ry ; of this ro.al1--the Inter- 
colo.nial-he was chief engr. during Its 
constructio.n; meanwhile (1871) he had 
been apptd. engr.-in-ohief tJO carry on 
the Pac. Ry. surveys; In 1872, he 
heade'd an expdn., whose results are 
embodied in the late Principal Grant's 
hook, .. Ocean to Ocean," which pro.- 
ceeded through the Ro.cky Mountains 
by the Yellowhiead Pass; while en- 
gaged on the Intercol., and In the ex- 
ploring operations between Ottawa and 
B.C. fo.r the Pacific Ry., he carried o.n, 
at his o.wn expense, an examination of 
Nfd., to. ascertain the possibility of 
establishing a ry. service that 
island; after the engr. emplo.yed by 
him had reportoo satisfactorily, he 
was gratefully thanked by the Houl'e 
of Assembly and charged by the 
go.vt. to. conüuct a ry. survey fro.m St. 
John's to St. George's Bay; the out- 
come Is the road there since built and 
operated by the Messrs. Reid (q.v.); 
In 1880. owing ,to .poI1d.t!ioal exigencies, 
he retired froR1 the service of the Do.m. 
Go.vt. ; at that date the transco.ntlnental 
surveys had established the practica- 
bility o.f the Pacific Ry., and the means 
of overcoming the fo.rmidable barriers 
imposed by nature had been deter- 
mined; constructio.n of the work was 
being pro.ceeded with at both ends and 
between Lake Superlo.r and the heart 
of Man., In all ranging over 2,000 
miles, 600 miles were nearly co.mpleted; 
since then he has devoted himself to 
special branches of science and litera- 
ture and In lending his assistance to. 
the Go"'t. in an advis. cav.aoity in 
various de.pts. of IÌlhe public ser- 
vice; el
ted coo11JCeNor of Queen's 
Un;lv., 1880, .anù has be.e'l1 many 
tlme.s re-elected to. toot o.ffice, which he 
has now filled for more than 30 yrs.;' 

en pa88ant, It may be said that he has 
given largely of his means to the 
furtherance of the Univ.'s needs; in 
return the Univ. has nat been unmind- 
ful of his interest, and., in 1903, nam
the ne.w englng. build'ing, then erected. 
after him; when on a visit to. Eng., 
1883, was asked by cable to assist in 
the establishment of the Can. Pacific 
Ry. by Its present ro.ute thro.ugh the 
Rocky Mountains; he speedily returned 
to Oan. and: made ano.ther averland 
jo.urney, an account of, which was given 
to. the people in .. Old to New West- 
minster"; this was the first through 
journey made in advance of the rails 
being laid fro.m ocean to ocean; among 
the subjects which have spedally en- 
gaged his study and attentio.n is that 
of universal or Cosmic time; the first 
steps in this regard were taken by him, 
1878-79, In co.mmunlcatlng to the Can. 
Inst" Toranta (of which body he was 
one of the founders), two papers, one 
o.n .. Time Reckoning," and the ather 
o.n ,the .. SelectIo.n of a Prime Meridian 
to. be Common to all Natlo.ns, in Con- 
nectian with Time Recko.nlng"; the 
great objeot was stated to be to. mal[e 
Greenwich the standard fo.r the whole 
WIOrld . the COUJ1JCU ,of !the Oa.n. Ins'l., dn 
publishing a fasciculus on' the subject 
In 1885, roadie honourable mention of 
his pro.po.sal, condudlng In these words: 
.. His effo.rts haV1e contributed in no 
small degree to. the adJoptlo.n o.
Iniotlal meridian Co.mmon to all natIOHs, 
and that he has unquestionably been 
the Initiator and principal agent In the 
movement .for rei!o.rm in time-reckon- 
Ing and in the establishment af t.'1e 
universal day; the Inst. canno.t, per- 
haps, better express the debt o.f grati- 
tudiE! which the civilized world owes to 
him In this connection than by quoting 
from the accompanyng paper fro.m the 
pen of the distinguished Astrono.mer 
Ro.yal of Russia, M. Otto Struve: · It 
Is,' writes M. Struve., 'through Mr. 
Fleming's Indefatigable labo.urs and 
writings that infiuentlal IndIviduals 
and scientific societies and Institutes 
in Am. and Europe nave been wo.n 
over to the cause'''; another subject 
which he has studied and made his 
awn Is that of the Empire-girdling 
chain of state cables, of which the. 
Pacific cable is the first sec.; In 1879, 
he submitted to the Can. Govt. a 
scheme to.r spanning the Pacific Ocean 
by electric cable, which, in connectio.n 
with the overland telegraph would com- 
plete the electric girdle of the globe 
and bring Gt. Brit., Can., Australia, 
New Zealand, India and South Africa 
Into. ul1'brokien: teLegraph touch of each 
o.t!her wltho.ut :passing over foreign 
soil; since that date he has continually 
advocated the establishment af the 
w.ork, and has written much on the 
subject; the pro.ceeäings af the Calo- 
nlal Confs., of 1887 and 1894, give his 
vlew.s and arguments at length, and 
sho.w how much the discussion hinged 
upon them; this impo.rtant national 
wo.rk Is seemingly in a fair way af 
becoming an accomplished fact, and If 
ever Its history be wrlUen, hiis name 
must take a pro.minent place; has also 
sougbt the establishment of .. a great 
Imp. IntelI!gence un10n, as a means of 
pro.moting the consolidation of the Em- 



pirè," his scheme being o.utlined in an 
add,ress delivered the Eighty 
Club, in .July, 1906, but undo.ubtedly of his most impof'tant wo.rks to. 
the end indicated has been the ere<.;- 
Ho.n of a memorial to.wer, at Halifax, 
for the o.f commemo.rating the 
o.rigin of representative govt. there and 
all the benefits which have accrued 
therefram; o.f this to.wer, which it is 
ho.ped! will be constructed be-fare the 
close o.f 1911, and to. which all Po.rtions 
af the Empire 
re contributing sculp- 
tured s:l!abs to be built in the interlo.r 
walls, the Rt. Ho.n. .Jas. Bryce, Brit. 
ambassador at Washingron, has said 
that there has been no.thing in th", 
warld's histo.ry to. compare with the 
o.bject which Sir Sandfo.rd Fleming has 
so patriotically cammemo.rated In this 
plea.sing fashion; Is the autho.r af a 
large number o.f reports and papers on 
purely professio.nal subjeds; has also 
written and published: "A Great Ter- 
ritarial Road to. B.C." (1863); "The 
Intercalonial; a Historical Sketch" 
(1876); "Sho.rt Sunday Service fo.r 
Travellers," a compilatio.n (1877): 
" Daily Prayers fo.r Busy Households" 
(1879); "Unifo.rm Standard. Time" 
(1881) ; "A Cable the Pacific" 
(1882); "The Prime Meridian Ques- 
tion" (1884) ; "England and Canada; 
Old to. New We.stminster" 1.l884); 
"Ex,peditio.ns to the Pacific" (1889); 
" Parliamentary vs. Party Go.vern- 
ment" (1891); "An Appeal to. the 
CanaéHan Institute on the Rectification 
of Parliament" (1892) ; again a.IPopea.led 
in 1911, when the Can. Institute re- 
so.lved t'O inaugurate a league to. take 
up and ; electo.ral re!o.rm 
asso.ciation with the Proportionate Re- 
present.aJtQ.o.n S<>cjety of the Unioted 
Kingdo.m; "'J1he Meteo.r Flla.g ol ,the 
Do.minio.n .. (1895); " The Estab- 
lishment af a great Imperial In- 
telligence Un1'On as a means af pro.- 
mo.ting !the Co.nsolidatio.n of the Em- 
pire" (1906); "A Memo.rable Na- 
tio.nal" (1908); and " The 
Begi:nning o.f the Empire" (1910); at 
the time o.f the "Trent" affair, raised 
a co.. af the 10th Ro.yals, To.ranto., 
which he co.nrt:inued to co.mmand till 
1864; now an the retired list; in recag- 
nition of hi,s public services, was 
created by Queen Victoria a Campanion 
af the orcær o.f St. Michael and St. 
George, 1877, and was pramoted by her 
to. be a KnigbJt Cammander of the same 
order, on the co.mpletion of the 60th 
year of Her Majesty's reign, 1897; 
co.mmencing in 1876, was an sever'll 
accasions presented to. the late Queen 
Vif.ctoria, 18.18>0, during his short reign 
and iP'f'eV'iously, to .His late Majesty 
King EXlwaIXl; ffiJOre reoen1:1y, has 
been .preJgeTIlted .to Itlhe Pl'eærut SovereiÏgn 
a.nd Royal Oonsürl ; was one 
of fJ()lur (and rohe .on1lry .one nOW sur- 
V'iV'ing) woo saved Queen Viotoria's 
po.rtrait from destructio.n at the burn- 
Ing of the Parliament Buildings, Mlmt- 
real, ApI. 25, 1849; in 1881, represented 
the Can. Inst. and the Am. Metrological 
Soc. at the Intern. Geog. Co.ngress held 
at Venice; In 1882, was presented with 
the freedom of the Kirkcald3r burghs; 
In 1884, he represented tlhe Dam. at 
the Intern. Prime Meridian Co.n!, at 

Washingto.n; fOil" his services on this 
occasio.n an expression of the high ap- 
preciatlan o.f Her Majesty's govt. was 
cOIIl1IIlunicated to. him furaugh the then 
govt. of the day; in 1886, he was 
awarded the confedell"atio.n med. by the 
Gav.-GenL In Council, as an acknowl- 
edgment af his eminen t services as an 
en-gr.; In 1887, he represented Can. 
(jointly with the late Sir Alex. Camp- 
bell) at the Oolonial Canf. in Londo.n; 
in 1888, he was elected presdt. of the 
Royal Soc. of Can. (af which bo.dy he 
was chosen a Fellaw on its first ar- 
ganizatlon); In 1892, represented Ot- 
tawa at the Con.gress of the Chambers 
of Cammerce of the Empire; in 1893, 
he praceeded on a special missian to. 
Australia and Eng. In reference to. the 
Pacific cable; In 1894, he was of 
the rßpresen.t.atiV'eS of Can. GJt thie 
OOIlonia.l Conf. .aJt Otba'Wla (a gaJbher- 
ing first sug:g1es11e'à 'by hiÏm); ån tlhoe 
sam.e YeaJl' he was serut by 1Jhe Oan. 
GoV't. as a ,sped'all oomm'r. to 
HawaU; in 189.6 the a.ttended: 0'11 
behaU of the Dom. .the Imp. Pacific 
Cable. Conf. held in Londo.n; In 1901, 
was apptd. a memo of the Can. Patriotic 
Fund Assn. ; .in 1906, wa.s a del. to. the 
6th Congress o.f the Ohambers of Cam- 
merce of the Empire; in 1906, was 
apptd. an han. Cornmr. In Can. a! the 
Intern. Expn., Christchurch, New Zea- 
land; In 1907, became a co.uncillor of 
the Can. Landmarks Assn.; In the 
same year, was apptd., by the Do.m. 
Govt., a memo of the Ot1awa Improve- 
ment Cornn. ; In 1909 was apptd., by the 
Gov. in Council, a mem. of the Ro.yal 
Conservation Camn. ; among ather pasi- 
tlo.ns filled by him, from time to. time, 
have been those of a dir. of the Hud- 
so.n's Bay Ca. (fo.r 25 yrs.), a dir. C.P. 
Ry., a co.uncillar of the VlctOlI'ian Orcær 
o.f Nurses, and a memo of the llterary 
Co.mte. af the Can. Battlefields Assn.; 
has been presdt. o.f the Intern. Cement 
Co. and of the Western Can. Cement 
and Co.., and was hon. pre-sdt. af 
the Can. Cement Co.. until he resigned 
In the spring of 1911; is also. a Fello.w 
of the Geo.I. Soc., af the Victoria Inst., 
the Royal Historical Sac., and of the 
Royal Geog. Soc., an ho.n. memo af the 
Oan. Inst., of the Geog. Soc., Quebec, 
o.f the Hamilton Assn., -of St. Andrew's 
Soc., Toro.n to., of the Royal Geo.g. Soc. 
of AustraMa, and of the Imp. Geog. 
Soc. of Vienna; was for some yrs. 
presd.t. of the Ottawa branch of the 
Imp. Fed:. League, and Is now V.-P. o.f 
the United Empire League; polltical1y, 
belangs to. no. party, but is an ardent 
Imperialist; In faith, is a 
Presb.; (see II The Life of a Great 
Canadian" by C. Frederick Hamil to.n, 
q.V., Montreal Daily Witness, Fe.b. 20, 
1911).-" Winterholme," Chapel St., 
Ottawa; II The Lodge)' N.W. Ann, 
Halifax, N.S.; Rideau Club, Ottawa; 
Halifax Club; Studeley Quoit Club, 
"One ()f the gre l 8.t ()f Canada.... 
-So N. 
.. In .the front rank of oollQllial state-ø. 
m.en."-London Morning P08t. 
.. His g'reatest c1aim to undying fame i. 
his ImperiaJism."-Can. Oourier. 
.. One who oan Look U1pon a. life of 


405 and v.a.ried usefu'lneßs--and is still 
act.ive."-Can. Gazette. 
" One of the JIlOo9t pubHc-gptrited B-ritons 
the Em'Pin> has e.vell' pro.d'Uce'd."-H. E. 
Earl Gre1l (q.v.). 
" His name that o.f a. man who has done 
great and good work, not al()IIJe forr Can., 
bu,t for the Empire as a who.le."-Lord 
Strathcona, (q.v.). 
"Quiet and mode'St with regM"d to 
achievements, a man 01 wide tr-avel, of 
the mood; c.atho
ic tastes in Iiterature and 
science, a. geni'at, ple.asant man of the 
world, he fa:res through life with a. brig-ht 
proospe<ct ooDistanÞly before him. His 
c.oIDopanion.sMp is valued by the best peo- 
ple on two oontine.nlts, with whom he 
has come in' cemlt.act, an interch.ange- of with him is s()IIJght by the most 
brilli.ant intellects, .and whe.n his family 
gather in his Ottawa home to oon!!:raw. 
l.ate .him on n',achin.go t.he Ye'T1erab l 4> a.gol' 
o.f more than foursoore they may well fee1 
t.hat their congratulations are shared by a 
g'rate1ua n.ation of CanRd1ans, and by 
tho.usands o.f loovers ()f the E.m:pire the WQrld 
over to whom his nlame is fami1iar."-T. 
"He is the de,an of the enginee.rin.g pro- 
fe.ssio.n of Oa-noada:. On January 7 OIl this 
ye'a,r he oomp1ffiro his 84th y>ear. He 
built the Interoolonia.J. He out foOl' 
the Canadian Pacific the rout-'l' by the 
YedJowhead PaoSs fo'r which to-day three 
tl'ansoon.tinenta.l railways are striving. He 
WiRS the first ma.n to. proove the practic- 
ability of the final Can.adia.n Pacific "M1\l'Íìe 
t:h-rough the Ki'cking Hone, Eag1le and 
s -passes. He wa'S the pio.neer of the 
twenty-fo'l1r-hour-day Sy.stem. of time reckon- 
ing. He is the father of the P.acific cable. 
He has 1Jee,nl Chancellor of Queen's Un.i- 
versity forr one and thil'ty years. Alld he 
has a few other 8>'\"e4IDemts to his credit. 
He sits t'o-wav in th
 stud", a,t .Winter- 
holme, his Otta.wa. residence sin'oo 1869, a 
hale. he'll.rty man of 84, wMte-bE'a,rde-d, 
kind'ly, keen as e"VIeIT. Around him rise 
great stacks of books, .amo'llg the se1'TÍe-d 
ranks showing- ll(}n
 S/O),id 1ines of the dark 
leather bindings tha,t be>Spelak government 
rerports: reports of o,fficial happenings 01 
which he was no uDiiIDJpOl'tant part. A'round 
the grey stone wal1!; o.f Winwrholme are the 
houses o.f Sandy Hill. ffi()'re n'lIme,rous tha.n 
whim he fir-SIt made it his abode 100m-two 

a'rs a
, sh()'Win
 a. prOSlpe'rity ca.usèl/l in 
no sma;LI part by the migohtv works in which 
he has boo-ne his share."-Capt. C. F. 
Hamilton (q.v.), in the Montreal Daily 
Fletcher, 1IIIIss Anne, artist. 
D. Donald F.. Cobourg-. Ont.: grand- 
daughter late Lt.-Co1. Ge-o. Hay, Ot- 
ta.wa; b. Chicago, HI., June 18, 1876; 
e. Denver, Col., N. Y., Paris. Inst. Art 
Reh., Art Club, Richmond, Va.: memo 
Bd. of Control, Art Students' Lea
N. Y.; gold med., Denver; scholar. 
N. Y.; Salon des Beaux Arts, Paris: 
Presb.-Art Club, Richmond, Va. 
'Pletcher, Mis. Evelyn Ashton (see 
Copp, Mrs. Evelyn Ashton-Flet- 
Fletcher, Hon, Jame. Hayden, jour- 
nallst: legislator. 
Mixed Scotch, Irish and Eng. parent- 
age; b. Orwell, P. E. I.; ed. common 

schs. and Charlottetown Central Acad. ; 
m., Miss Lavinia J. Moore, Brudenel 
River, P.RI.; a journalist hy prof.: 
founded The IslaM Argus, Which he 
owmeð and edHed' for 11 YI'.<;., Nov.. 1869 : 
removed Ito South Dakota, 1883, and 
to Salem, Oregon, 1893; owned and 
conducted, at latter place. 2 journals: 
The Daily Independent and The Oregon 
Independent; sold both papers, 1900: 
now Uves on his farm at .Jefferson, 
writing only occasionally for the press: 
became prominent .as a lect. in P.E.I.; 
was Rn Ald. and Queen's Printer at 
Charlottetown; In South Dakota was 
elected to the Territorial Legislature 
for 2 terms In succession, and on the 
admission of the Territory Into the 
Union of State!';, 1890, was returned as 
Lt.-Gov. and first presdt. of the Sen- 
ate.-Salem, Oregon, U. S. 
Fletcher, John, educationist. 
S. late Hugh Rose F., mining- engr.; 
b. Loni!on. Eng., 18!'í0; e. TJ. C. ColI. 
("Head Boy"), Toronto Univ.(B.A. 
and Igold me.d. In Classics, 1872), and 
Balliol CoH., Oxford (first :n classical 
moderations. seconi! in Lit. Hnmnniores 
and M.A.. 1880) ; LL.D. (hon.), Queen's 
v., 188'1; m.. 1881. Tsabe-l, <1. lat.e 
Andil'e1W I-noc!he.s, Depoty.-Su,r_-Ge<nl., N.S. : 
'Pf'1ndpa1, Y<a;r.mouth SeIJT1Y., 1872-5; 
Prof. Classics, N.B. Univ., 1872-81; 
do. do., Queen's Unlv., Kingston, 1881- 
95: since thpn has been prof. of Latin, 
Univ. Coll., TÜl'on1ÌJO; a senaJt'Or, TÜI'IOTI- 
to Unlv.; elected a memo of the Ad- 
v,isory Council of Educ., Ont., 1909; 
joint author of 3 sch. and call. text 
books, Greek Prose ComposfUon, Latin 
do. do. and First Latin book.-5
Huron St., Toronto. 
"Both an em.inent teacher and an un. 
tiring promoter of the- be-st interests 01 
education and an author of distin.ction."- 
Prof. McNaughton (q.v.). 
Flett, John, merchant. 
S. late John F., W.S., a native of 
the Orlmey Ilds., and Helen (Gowan- 
lock) F.; b. Edinburgh, Scot., 1833: 
came to Can., with his parents, 1837: 
e. there and Frf'donla Acad., N. Y.: 
m., June, 1878. Rhoda Mary (d. .June, 
1899), O. d. Dr. JOIhn Forbes, R.N.: 
was associated with his father In bus!- 
ness at Chippewa for many yrs.; re- 
moved to Toronto. 187!'í. where he ,",as 
since been presdt. F., Lowndes & Co., 
Ltd., manfrs. and Importf'rs, wholesalE> 
dry goods, Lowndes Co. and F. 
Lowndes' Syndicate: at Chippewa was 
a memo Town CouncfJ: a caut. In 44th 
Regt. (med. for Fenian Raid), and 8 
R S. supdt.: In Toronto has bef'n :in 
ald., a councn.I<>r, and 'bon. m.em. Bd. 
of Trade, a mf'm. Bd. of License Com- 
missioners, ani! Its chairman for (; 
YI1S.; a d,lr. .Mp,tropoJiotan EJ,ectriml 
C<>. (OttaJwa ) . BJ"litt. Am. 0001 00., 
and Intern. M.eroonHlie Aiglency; V.-P. 
l<>-Am. Ins. 00., TDronoo & 
Westørn Min-e13 Devel'Op, Co., R. 
W,n1lfam Land & In'V'es't. 00., anI(] 
Eureka Co., a trustee Sick Children's 
Hosp., a promoter Genl. Accident AS'SUr. 
Co., and chief promoter Niagara River 
Tramway Co.; a Lib.; unsuccessfully 
contested Toronto C, (H. C.), &. e. 



1900; an Ang.-l!9 Isabella St., To- 
ronto; Toronto Club ; National Club; 
Ontario Club, do. 
.. A good business man and an upright 
citizen."-T. Telegram. 
Flett, John A" labour leader. 
B. Hamilton, Ont., 1860; e. there; 
served his apprenticeship as a car- 
penter and joiner; while following 
this occupation joined the labour 
union; later be.came a Knight of 
Labour; elected presdt. Hamilton 
Trades and Labour Council, he repre- 
sented that city at the Trades Con- 
gress, and was, for 6 yrs., a memo of 
tlhe extve. com.toe. for o nit:. , and subse- 
Quently chairman thereof: elected V.- 
P. of the Trades and Labour Con- 
gress, 1898, he attained the 'Presi- 
dency of that body, 1902, retiring 
therefrom, 1904, In favour of Mr. 
Verville (q.v.); apptd. genl. organizer 
for Can., by the Am. Federation of 
Labour, Feb., 1900, an office he sUll 
retains; has travelled all over the 
continent In the interests of labour; 
favours pUblic ownership of rye. and 
telegraphs; presented with a gold 
watch, at the Am. Federation of 
Labour Convention, San Francisco, 
1904.-Hamilton, Onto 
.. An ideal organizer. Suave, witty, 
diplomatic, self-possessed, he always cre. 
ates a pleasing impression upon his audi- 
tors, and at the same time leaves the con- 
viction that he is thorou!!;hly in earnest 
a"JId devoted to the cause of industrial 
liberty. With his intense personality, 
forceful and polished speech, and broad. 
minded views, he is eminently fitted fo()r 
the high position he occupies, and is doing 
much not only to better the industrial 
condition of the workingmen of Canada, 
but also to educate them on sound <:!co- 
nomic and political principles."-M. Star. 
Fleury, Ferdinand A., physician. 
B. and e., P.Q.; graduated M.D., 
Laval Univ., 1901; post-grad. studies 
In Europe; m., .Tune, 1905, Clara, d. 
Paul Galibert, (q.v.), Montreal; has 
been SUcoessfV1el'Y asst. su.pd.t. anò 
SUIPð!t. Notre Da.mle Ho1:U>.. .M,onot-r-eal; 
one I()f luhe lead,e-rs In .his iPror.-16
Denis St., Montreal. 
Flint, Thoma. Barnard, clerk of the 
House of .commons of Canada; 
lawyer; ex-legislator. 
New Eng. ancestry; s. late .Tohn F., 
Øhlpowne.r, and Anne (BarnlM'd) F.; 
b. Yarmouth, N.S., ApI. 28, 1847; e. 
Mt. Allison Univ. (B.A., 1867: M.A., 
1872; D.C.L., hon. 1903) ; and Harvard 
Un1v. (LL.B" 1871); m., 1874, Mary 
Ellen, d. late Thos. B. Dane, Yar- 
mouth; barrister, 1872; successfully 
pracHsed his prof. at Yarmouth; was 
one of the leaders of the local bar; 
ap:ptd. a Commr. of the Sup. and Co. 
Cts., 1873; High Sheriff of Yannouth, 
1884-7; asst. elk., N. S. Assembly, 1887- 
91; formerly V.-P. Dom. Prohibitory 
Alllance; do. 'Presdt. Yarmouth Build- 
Ing & Loan Soc.; was Grand Master of 
the Freemasons of N. S., 1897-9; un- 
øuccessfully contested Yarmouth (Lo- 
cal), in Lib. Interest, 1873 and 1882; 
ea1: for Y
rmO\lth (H. C.), t891-1902; 

while there, was chief Govt. whip for 
the Maritime Provinces; chalrma.n 
Comte. on Standing Orders, 1898-1902; 
a warm upholder of temp. principles; 
both In 1894 and 1895 moved resolu- 
tbil()l!1!S ,in 1iav'O'U'r of Brohtibi,tion; sup- 
ported Mr. Davin for the extension of 
the Dom. franchise to women. .Tune, 
1895; apptd. elk. of the Ho. of Com- 
mons as the SUCCf'ssor of the late Rir 
.Tohn Bourinot, K.C.M.G., Nov. 11, 
1902; edited tbe 3rd ed. Bourinot's 
II .Parlty. Practice and Procedure .. 
(1904); elected presdt. Ottawa Lit. 
and Scien. Soc., 1907-9; Ang.-67 
Somerset St., Ottawa; Yarmouth, N.S. 
.. In the House was of its lreenest 
debateTs."-M. Witne88. 
"A man 00{ a'ccuracy, despatch and in- 
dustry-as w.eH as possessing a thorou,;h 
knl)Wledge of the. rule1! and practice, of the 
House. "-Can. Life and Re8ource8. . 
Floyd, Rev. John Franklin (Dis- 
S. Nathan and Hannah F.; ancestors 
among earliest Eng. settlers In Am.; 
b. nr. Lexington, Ky., Mch. 7, 1852; 
graduated CoIl. of the Bible, Ky., 
1876; m., Feb., 1877, Miss Nannle 
Lancaster, Lexington, Ky.; commenced 
preaching, 1874; held various pastor- 
ates in U. S. and New Zealand; lived 
4 yrs. In Australia; made a tour of 
the world; Is familiar with Ceylon, 
Egypt, Palestine, Italy, France, and 
Eng.; has been ed. and publisher The 
Faithful 'Witness, Topeka, K!ansas, 
The Christian Herald, Monmouth, Ore., 
and The Church of Christ, Wellington, 
N.Z.; asso. ed. Australian Christian 
Standard and The Christian Pioneer, 
both of Melbourne, Aus.; author" Our 
Tour Around the World," .. What Must 
I Do to Be Saved?" .. How to Become 
a Christian," etc.; pastor Cobourg Ht. 
Christian Ch., St. .Tohn, N.B., 1904-8; 
do. do. Charlottetown since then.- 
Charlottetown, P.E.I. 
Floyd, Lt.-Co1, William Herbert, 
S. late Major F., town elk., Cobourg, 
Ont.; Welsh descent; b. Cobourg, r;;ov. 
7, 1860; e. pUblic schs. and ColI. Jnst.. 
there; m., 1881, Miss .Tessie R. M. 
Gordon (d.); a Town Councillor 4 
yrs.; Mayor of Cobourg (elected by 
acclamation), 1903-4; recd. mil. In- 
sbrue>tdon Royal Sühts. o.f InlÍy., Don- 
don and Toronto; comp1eted It at 
Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston; has served 
In 40th Regt. for an extended period, 
and filled every position, from that 
of mess-boy up to It.-col.; apptd. to 
that rank, In command of regt., M;tY 
20, 1904; now R. 0.; holds long ser- 
vlcß decoration; commanded a co., 46th 
Re-g't., at Royal review, hef.ore the 
presenrt King, TOl'OIl'Ì1o, 1901; an Ang.; 
a Oon.-Cobourg, Onto 
Flumerfelt, Alfred Cornel1u., capital- 
U.E.L. descent; s. Geo. and Cynthia 
(Barnes) F.; b. Markham, Ont., Sept. 
29, 1856; e. local schs; m., 1881, Miss 
Ada Kilvlngton, Winnipeg; long In mer- 
cantile life; was mangr. Man. branch, 
Ames, Holden & Co., boot and s\)oe 



man frs. , Montreal, 1883-6; do., B. C. 
branch of the co., 1886-1900; since then 
has been engd. in mining; is asst. geni. 
man gr. and dÏr., Granby Consolldated 
Mining, Smelting & Power Co., presòt. 
Intern. Coal & Coke Co., Pacific 
Marine Ins. Co., Western Mortgage 
Corpn., Hastings Shingle Co., and 
Brit. Am. Trust Co.; a dir. Ames, 
Holden & Co., Miner Rubber Co., 
Trusts & Guarantee Co., Eastern 
Townships Bank, Redmond & Co., 
Hutchison Co., Patterson Shoe Co., 
Can. Consolidated Rubber Co. and Em- 
pire Trust Co. ; presdt. Victoria Bd. of 
Trade, 1893; formerly V.-P. Royal 
.Tubilee Hosp., Victoria, Union Club and 
Proto Orphans' Home; apptd. a memo 
Royal Comn. On Timber and Forestry. 
B.C., 1!109; is treas. McGill ColI. of 
B.C.; offered a prize for the best de- 
scription of B.C.'s forest wealth, 1907; 
gave $500 towards the endowment of a 
chair of civil engineering, to be re- 
placeò by a permt. endowment of $10.- 
, McGill ColI. of B.C., 1906; o1Tered 
prIzes for best essays describing the 
Immigration problem, 1908; an Ang.; 
a Freemason.-Victoria, B.C.; Union 
Club, do.,. Vancouver Club, Vancouver,. 
Manitoba Club, Winnipeg; Mt. Royal 
Club, Montreal. 
I< WeB inf'Û"lïIled, active and progressive." 
-Dr. John Reade (q.1J.). 
l'oley, James G" Dom. pub. service. 
S. late Declan F., Westpor:t, Ont.; 
bro. Rev. Canon D. F. F., Almonte, 
Ont.: b. Oct. 21, 1852; e. local schs.; 
m. Mrs. Doney, Ottawa; entd. pubUc 
service, Privy Council office, 1885; 
promoted chief elk. and depty. elk. of 
the Gmwn in Chan0ery, 1904; odlD. olk. 
of the OJ'O!W11 dn Chancery, Apt, 1908; 
R. C.; e1eüt 1 ed 'P'l'OV,l. 'ÌJl'ust-OO, Orut>h. 
Order of F-oreslters.-19 First Ave., Ot- 

oley, Michael Sylvester, journalist. 
E. s. 01' tlhe late Tho'S. Foley, arohi- 
tect and builder; descended on moth- 
er's side from the McGraths and the 
Powers of 'Vaterford; b. Mt. Unhcke, 
nr. 'l'own o()f Y-O'l1g'ha'l. Irel., 1842; e. 
In his native country and Can.: m., 
1st, 1865, Miss Ellen Leonard, Oshawa, 
Onto (d.); 2ndly, 1874, Miss Margt. 
Ann .Tane Macdougall, Montreal. be- 
gan journalistic career as ét shorthand 
writer in Can. Parlt. in the early six- 
ties; was private secy. to the then 
commr. of Crown lands, Hon. Wm. 
Macdougall, C.B., 1864; later apptd. 
by late Si!" Oliver Mowat to a position 
In t?e civil service; resigning this, he 
agaIn entd. on a newspaper career, 

tnd founded the Journal o( Commerce 
(Montreal), of which he has been ed., 
mangr., and p.ropr. throughout sInce 
1875; it was of thi.s paper that Sir 
Francis Hincks was a
. ed. fox the 
10 yrs. immediately pr
e.d1ing his 
death; a political economist and not a 
politician, and: gives his attention 
chiefly to his pape,r; has been for many 
yrs. a govr. of the Montreal Genl. 
Hosp., a .T. P., and a memo of the Bd. 
of Trade; motto: .. Utf. 'Pl'o,sim'" an 
extensive property owner In MonlTeaJ 
and elsÐwhere; built tJhe .. Bellevue 

Apartments," the first of such edifices 
eV'e.T erected In Montreal.-
5 Belmont 
Park, Montreal,. M ontreaJ Club,. St. 
George's Snowshoe Club; Royal St. 
LawTence Yacht Club, do. 
I< Of versatile talents: 8 man <Yf bU8i- 
ne-ss, a musician, poet, linguist and a 
writer oí nQ meSon o.roer."-Cal1ada First. 
Foley, Rev. WUliam J, ('R.C.). 
Irish origin; s. late Maurice F., 
Halifax, N.S.; b. there, 1869; e. St. 
Patrick's Sch., therp, and Qupbec 
Bemy.; graduated D.D.. Laval Univ., 
1889; 0., do.; successively, asst. at 
Yarmouth, N.S., and St. Mary's Cath., 
Halifax, and parish priest TUFket 
V\ T -ei1'g'P 
'I1'íl Pa rl'l!"'n<'1I!'O', nlQ'W T'E'üt'or 
Mary's Cath., Halifax; a de1. to Irish 
Con\-entlon, Dublin, Irel., 1896: later, 
we rut to Rome on a special mission; 
was spiritual (Hr. C.,M.B.A., Halifax; 
devoted to ,the temp. cause; an ed. 
contributor to the Cath. Record (Lon- 
don, Ont.), and other religious and 
na't. publ.i'C'art'ions; I.s 18't V.-P. The 
Gl'elél'Ì'er Hal'ifax OentJl'al oConf.-Hali- 
fax, N.S. 
I< A strônj! man in every sense of the 
term."-H. Herald. 
Folger, Benjamin W" Jr., Company 
S. late Hy. F., Kingston. Ont.: b. 
and e. there: m.. 1st, 18%, Miss 
Bertha Kin
 (d.): 2nd1y, 1900, Marie 
Scott, d. Geni. A. D. Shaw, Water- 
town, N.Y.; successively. geni. man
St. Lawrence River Steamboat Co., 
and gen1. supdt. f'leC'tric linf's, Rrook- 
lyn Rapid Transit Co.: appti1. mangr. 
Niagara Nav. Co.. Ft'b., 1903; form- 
erly commodore Kingston IC'e Yacht 
Club; Ane-.-f
 Crescent Rd., Toronto; 
Toronto Club, do. 
Folger. Howard S" steamboat pro- 
S. late Hy. F., Kingston. Ont.: a 
bro. B. W. F.. Jr. (q. v.) ; b. Kingston: 
e. Queen's Univ. (B.A., and sl1Vf'r 
med. in mod. lan
s.. 1887): m., 1893, 
May, e. d. .Tudge C. V. Pricf'. King- 
ston (q.v.); now genl. man gr. an<1 
princlnal ownf'r, St. Lawrence River 
find 1.000 Jslani1s Steamboat Co.: 
formerly commodore Kingston Ice 
Yacht Club; AlJ1g. - Kin.oston, Ont.,. 
Frontenac Club, do. 
Foote, Rev, William Rl
ftt8 (pre'-'b.). 
Scottish stock; S. .T. H. P. F., Graf- 
ton, N.S.; b. Cambridge, Mass., .ApI. 
29, 1869; e. AJC:adia Un1Ív. (B.A., 1895; 
M.A., 1896); graduated B.D. (Presb. 
0011., Halii,fax, N.S.), 1898; do. ad eun. 
( Pl'esb. C oIlil., Mon'Ì1l'eal) , 1907; m., 
.Tune, 1898. Edith, d. C. N. Sprott, 
Musquodoboit, N.S., and grandd. late 
Rev. .Tohn Sprott, M.A.; o. 1898; 
has sinoe 'been a mlissi'ÜnaJry In Corea, 
-Wonsar, Corea. 
Poran, Joseph Kearney, poet; jour- 
nalist; Dom. Parliamentary ser- 
S. late .Tohn F., Green Park, Aylmer 
P.Q., and his second wife, Catherin
Frances (Kearney) F., an accom- 
pliS\b.ed lady, who was, for some yrs. 
pr.evlous to her marriage, connected, 
In a literary way, with tl
e Dttbltn 



Nation, and> was, subsequently, ed. of 
The Ladies' Literary Journal (Phila- 
delphla); b. Aylmer, Sept. 5, 1857; e. 
Ottawa Unlv. (Lit. D., 1894) and 
Laval Un Iv. (LL.B., 1880); m., 1892, 
Louisa, e. d. Eðwln Davis, contractor, 
Ottawa; aðvocate, 1881; falling hea1th 
compelled him to give up the practice 
of the law and to s,pend his winters 
In the woods, among the Indian tribes 
of the Upper Ottawa; was on ed. statT 
Montrea'li Star, 1886-7; on sessional 
statT, H.C., Ottawa, 1887-91; ed.-In- 
chief Montreal True Witness. 1892-9; 
estbd. The Pen, a literary, historical 
and critlcæl rev., 1898: was apptd. 
øhleo! Eng. translator (H.iC.), Ottawa, 
1902; law, do., 1905-8; since 
then has been asst. law elk., do.; 
wIdely known as a lect. and was the 
1st Can. to address the Cath. Sum- 
mer Sch. of Amj.; 'besides a large 
number of -poems. essays and revs.. 
contributed to the newspaper and 
periodical press, Is the author of: 
II Simon the Abenak
s: a Tale of Can. 
Shoa.ntiY Tilf,p." II Tom EJI1oi!':: oS. Story of 
the N.W. RebE"lllon," .. The Laws or 
Obllg-atton," .. The Spirit of the Age." 
anð .. Can. Lyrics anð Other Poems" ; 
a R.C.: del. to the Eucharistic Con- 
g-re!':s, Montreal. 1910: elected presdt. 
Cabh. Truth Soc., 1894.-ffouse of 
Commons, ottawa; 10:1' St. Hubert St., 
II Well infonnedt, popular, enthusiastic, 
and has the Irish gift of eloquence."- 
O. Citizen. 
:l"oran, Tho:rna. Patrick, lawyer. 
Irish origin: s. late ;John F.. Ayl- 
mer, P.Q.. and Mary Loul
a (FulforiJ) 
F.: h. Avlmer. Mch. 14, IMq: P. Ot- 
tawa Unlv. (B.A., 1872: M.A.. 1875), 
and McGUI Unlv. (B.C.L., 1870); m., 
1 st. A1H
., 188
. Marv Isabella (d. 
.July, 1892), d. D. B. McDonald,; 2ndly, 
ApI., 1899, Mary Gerenl!';h, d. Alex. 
Hay. II Glenbrae." Wl1Ilamstown, Ont.; 
h:'!rrlster. 1871: K.C. (Earl of Derby), 
1894; btltonnier, OM,awa Dist. bar, 
1904-7: practises his prof. In Hull, 
P.Q., where he Is onp of thp leader
of the bar: has been city solr., and 
dtrafted new rlharter for Hun. 1906: 
Town .cOl1n
mor. Aylmpr. 1891-6 : 
chairman Sch. Bd., do., 1885-8; wen 
known as a writer; author FO'1"an's 
.. Code 01 Civil Procedure" and 
.. Digest of Criminal Cases," and an 
annotated ed. of the WOTkmen's Com- 
pensation Act; also of a brochure on 
the trial of Ambrose Lepine; Ind. In 
politics; unsuccessfully contested Ot- 
tawa, P.Q. (Local), 1878; R. C.-Hun. 
P.Q.; ll"l Wilbrod St., Ottawa. 
II K'TIown f-or his thorough grasp of the 
law, his keen. analytical mind, force of 
character, and studious app1ica.tion."-O. 
Forbes, Alexander MAcKenzie Tor- 
rance, physician. 
B. Montreal, 1874: e. HIl':'h Sch.. 
there; unm. ; graduated M.D..C.M., 
1898: for a ttme govt. physician, 
French Shore, Nfd.: for one year on 
thp statT Hosp. for the Ruptured and 
Crippled. N.Y.; slncp then has success- 
fully practised In Montreal, where he 

Is secy. of the Children's Memorial 
Hosp.. an Institution founded hv him' 
has lectured on tUbercuI.-.J85 Guÿ 
St., Montreal; St. Jmnes'lt Club, do. 
Forbe., lIIIrs, Elizabeth Adela stan- 
hope, artist. \ 
D. late Wm. Armstrong, civil ser- 
vice, Ottawa: b. Can., Dec. 29. 1859: 
m., 1889, Stanhope Alex. Forbes, 
A.R.A.: studied for her prof. at Art 
Students' League, N. Y., and Munich; 
later palnteël In the open on the 
French coast, but her chief work has 
been done at Newlyn, and It was she 
who did so much to spcure fame for 
this new sch.: has pxhlbltf'd at the 
Royal Acad., Paris Salon, Royal Soc. 
of Painter Etchers. etc.; elected an 
assoc. Royal Water-Color Soc., J 899 
-Higher Faugan, Newlyn, Penza nee 
Eng. ' 
Forbes, His Honour Francis Gordon 
Co. Ct. judge. ' 
Descended from the old Scotch fam- 
Ily of F. of thf' branch of Alaster 
Cam., 3rd s. Sir A lex., afterward
I.ord F. of Pitsllgo: 3ril s. late .J. F. 
F., M.D.. a native of St. Kitts, W.J., 
at In thp ('an. H. C. for 11 lenl!th- 
ened period. anil Sa rah .Jane (,Jacoh!':) 
F.: b. Liverpool. N.S.. Dec. 27, 1856; 
e. St. Pf'tpr's S('h.. P. K I.. and King's 
("011. Unlv., Windsor. N.S. (RA., 
1R79): m.. Sept.. lR87. Harrlf'tte 
Frances. y. iI. tf-tte F. W. Coltins, 
Liverpool: barrister. 18R
: In af'tlve 
anil successful practlpe at HaHfax for 
16 yr!';.; !':at In Llh. Interest, for 
Queen's. N.R (H. C.). 1 RQl-96: rf'- 
!':il!Tlpil. 1 R9R. anil wa!': 
pptd. co. ('t. 
judg-.e, Dist. No.2, N. S., .Jan. 12. 1897' 
organized a co. v. m., and nuaJ1ifleil a
('apt., 71)th RPgt.: a gOY. King's Colt.. 
N. 08.: e-l'OOteð J}f'E>'!soo. A lum'l1ol 
dIo., 19,11: .an Ang-. 3'l1d oS. del. t.o ,tmp 
!':vnoils: hpllf'vPS In the Integritv of 
the Brit. Emplrp ani! that Can. should 
rpmaln a part thereof unilpr her p1'es- 
pnt form of reprpsentatlve govt.- 
tI (frClff1 ip1 ,nr." T,i1\prpnol, N.S.; CUy 
(flub. Ha 1i fax, N.S. 
Forbes, His Honour Frederick Fra- 
ser, DI!':t. jud
Bro. His Honour F. G. F. (q.v.); b. 
. s., .Junp, 181)4; e. public 
scns. and Aoaðia Univ.: barrister (N. 
S.), 1882: went West, 1885, and prac- 
Used at the Regina bar, where he was 
() re<gr. LA s<:ijn1i bo 1'<1 I/I'lliñ Re'gïl. 
Dlst.: apptð. i!ist. 1uðge .J1. Dist. of 
Moosomin. Sask., Nov. 21, 1907.- 
Prince Albert, Sask. 
Forbes, James, dramatist. 
B. anil e. Guelph, Ont.: early eng-". 
In newspaper work: wpnt to the U. S.. 
where he followpd the same ('alling-, 
but ahandoned It to become a theatri- 
pal advance al!ent: morp recpntly 
took up dramatic author!"hlp: a.uthor 
of 2 very Sl1('('essful !Plays, II The 
f""Ohnrus Lady" anil .. Thp Travelling 

alp!"1T''1n.''-anre tI The Dramatic Mir- 
ror." New York. 
.. Master of a brPezy, harmless, but cap. 
 humour that has placed him 
already at the t()P of the ladder in hi. 
chosen line."-Oan..AmeTican. 



Forbes, His Honour James Gordon, 
Co. Ct. judge. 
S. late John F., a capt. late H. M:s 
93rd Highlanders, a native of Dunheath, 
Caithness-shire, and Janet (Gunn) F., 
same parish; b. Guysborough, N.S., 
May 10, 1838; e. Antigonish Acad. 
and Halifax; m., Sept., 1871. Miss 
Mary J. Holmes (d. Mch., 1901) ; fol- 
lowed course at Harvard Law Sch.; 
barrister, 1865; long a successful 
practitioner In St. John; K,C. (E. ot 
Derby), 1881; took an active part in 
favour of Confederation with Can., 
1864-5-6, and was presented with a 
gold watch and chain in ackgt. of his 
services; unsuccessfully contested St. 
John (local), Con. Interest, g. e. 
1872; nominated for Guysborough 
(H, C.), g. e. 1896;.a dir. N. B. Hort. 
Soc. and of FernhUl Cemetery Co.; 
has been presdt. St. Andrew's Soc., St, 
John, and wrote" The History lit St. 
Andrew's Ch.:' there (1906); for 
many yrs. presdt. local branch Vic- 
torian Order of Nurses, St. John; 
re-eleCibed, 191'1; a}.so offioiJal 1 1y con... 
n'ÐClted wi,bh Can. Bible Soc. (eliootted 
presdlt, crt 'the N. B. AuxU. Soc., 
1909), and Lol'd's Day AIlUan.oe; 
eltect.oo grand master of the Grand 
Lodlg'e 'Of FreelIJ1!a.SOI1s, N.B., 190,0, 
and is noW the representative of the 
Grand Lodge of Scot., nr. ,the Grand 
Lodge of N. B. (his portrait unveiled, 
1903); el
ibed. V.-P. St. 'bronm 
Am. A-rohæol. Soc., 1909; .a,pptd. 00. 
ct. judge 0.0. IOf ,St. John, .Jan. 22, 
1895; a Presb., and an eI1der In 
and sUjpdt. of S. S. of St. Andrew's 
Ch.; continuously a memo of the Gen. 
Assem. for many yrs., and has sat on 
some of its most important comtes.; 
was a del. to the Pan-Presb. Council, 
Glasgow, 1896; to the Council, Wash- 
ington, 1899, and to that at Liverpool, 
04; also to the services, at Boston, 
1909, in connection with the founding 
of the Mass. Bible Soc.-St. John. 
N.B.; Union Club. do. 
.. A pillar of the Presb;)terian Church 
and of orthodoxy itself."-T. New8. 
Forbes, Rev. Jean (R.C.). 
B. Isle Perrot, P.Q., Jan. 10, 1864; 
e. Montreal Semy.; joined the White 
Fathers, Alger, Africa,- 1886; o. Carth- 
age, 1888; prof. Petit Sêmin. grec-mel- 
chite, Jerusalem, 1888-93; dJr. of 
novices and prof. of Ara'bic, Alger, 
1893-1900; fondateur du postulat, Que- 
bec, 1900-1; su.perior, do., since ,1901 ; 
l>a.Jter founded the Missions D' Afrique. 
a monthly pubHoa'bi'on.-Quebec. 
.. The first Oanadian to join the Order 
of the White Fathers."-M. StaT. 
Forbes, John Colin, artist. 
Scotch-Eng. origin; s. late Duncan 
and Jemie (Turner) F.; b. Toront.'Ü, 
Jan. 23, '1846; e. U. .c. CoO'lil.; ro., 
Meh., 1888, Lauro GeI'1trudle, e. d. 
G. M. Holbrook, Ottawa; studied 
South Kensington Museum, Roya. 
Aæ.d., and Union I-ntern. des Beaux 
.4.rts, Pa.ris; R.C.A., 1882; .amorug this 
works are: II Toron to Bay" ( 
prize, Toronto Exhn., 1866); II Be- 
ware" (Nat. Gallery, Ottawa); .. Loss 
ot the Hibernia"; and II Christ and 

Barabbas"; among portraits: Marquis 
of Dufferin (Parliament Bdgs., Ot- 
tawa); Senator Miller (do.);- Sir Wil- 
frid Laurier (do.), Sir John A. Mac- 
donald, Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, Hon, 
Edward Blake, Sir Chas. Tupper, .sir 
OUver Mowat, Rt. Hon. W. E. Gla.d- 
stone (Nat. Lib. Club, London, Eng.) , 
the late Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Campbell- 
Bannerman (do.): was speciallY com- 
missioned by the House of Commons 
of Can. 11:0 paint portrSiits of late KIng 
Edward and Queen Alexandra, for 
the adornment of the chamber, and 
was accorded personal sittings for 
the same; later was commissioned by 
Queen Alexandra to paint Her 
Majesty's portrait, for the Queen of 
Norway; has also painted portraits ot 
many En-g., Aim. and FreJ1j()h I1JOta.biH- 
tJles; PI" St. Paul Studios. West 
Kensington, London, Eng. ; National 
Liberal Club; Atlantic Liberal Club; 
Yon-ick Club; United Arts Club; Wim- 
bledo'n Golf Club, do. 
"P\OSSeiSßeß m.a,ny .and gæ'at 'PO,werrs."- 
I\' ation. 


Forbes, Rev. Joseph Guillaume (R.C.). 
S. Jean and Octavle (Lèger) F., 
Isle Perrot, P.Q.; a bro, Rev. Jean F. 
(q.v.); b. Isle P-e.rrot, P.Q., Aug. 10, 
1!j65; e. Semy., Montreal; o. 1888; 
vicar to the Iroquois, Cauglhnawaga, 
1888-92; since 1903 curé Ste. Anne de 
Bellevue; profoundly learned in In- 
dian dialects; be.sides seve-ral religious 
works, has ed. and republishe.d! a .. Life 
of OaJl:Jheri'ne Teklakw:H!ha"; 08.'lso pub- 
lished an Iroquois almanac, 1899-1903. 
-Ste. Anne-du-Bout de l'lle, P.Q. 
Porbes, Ron. George, public man. 
S. late Malcolm F" M.P.P., a native 
of Perthshire, Scot.; b. Marshfield, 
.t>.E.I., 1840; e. there; m., Mch., 1876, 
Miss Jessie Isabella Stewart; a LIb., 
and sat in that Interest (Local) from 
1886 for many yrs.; a memo Local 
Govt., without portfolIo, 1901-4; men- 
tioned In connection with It.-governor- 
sMp, 190.4, and since; Bapt.-Vernon 
River Bridge. P.E.I. 
Forbes, George D" manufacturer. 
Can.-Scotch parentage; b. Guelph, 
Ont.; e. GueLph 00'11. Inst. (Ta.ssLe's); 
IntHested in all kinds of manufactur- 
ing-woollens, Iron. furniture, machin- 
ery, etc.; elected Mayor, Hespeler, Ont., 
1909; Presb.-Hespeler, Onto 
Forbes, Bev, Bobert (Meth.). 
S. Alex. and Margt. (Dundass) F.; 
b. Stoneham, P.Q., Nov. 13, 1844; e. 
Can. and Hamline Univ. (D.D., 1888) ; 
m. May, 1866, Miss Sarah E. Savage, 
Dung1a.nnlOTh, Ont.; 'Û. 1870; poast'Ü'r, By- 
ron, Minn., 1870-3; Kasson, Minn., 
1873-6; Waseca, Minn., 1876-9; Farl- 
baua, Minn., 1879-81; 1st Ch., Minne- 
apolis, 1881-4; Jackson St. Ch., 1St. 
Paul, 1884-7; Bates Ave. Ch., do., 1888; 
presiding elder, St. Paul Disl., 1889- 
92; pastor, Asbury Ch., Duluth, 1892- 
7; presiding elder, Duluth Dist., 1897- 
1903; asst. corr. secy., Bd. of Horne 
Missions and Ch, Extension, 1903-7; 
since then has 'been corr. secy. do.; Is 
ch. ed. The Christian Republic; was 
chaplain, Minn. House of Representa- 



ti ves, 2 terms; do., do., Senate, 2 
terms; a trustee Hamline Univ. fol' 
many yrs.; author: 'The Changeless 
Ohrist" (1905); Rep.-116 South .5th 
St., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Ford, Frank. lawyer. 
Of Welsh-Eng. parents on both 
sides; s. Jas. and Katherine (Poole) 
F.; b. Toronto, Mch. 4, 1873; e. To- 
rOnto pUblic schs., Onto Acad. (pri- 
vate), and Trin. Unlv., Toronto 
(B.C.L., with highest honours and 
med., 1901; D.C.L., 1909); LL.B., 
ad eund., Sask. Unlv., 1908; m., June, 
1899, Nora Elizabeth, d. late Wm. A. 
Sampson, banker; barrister (Ont.), 
1895; do. (N.W.T.) 1906; K.C., 1907; 
do. (Ont.), 1910; !private secy, 
and legal .. devil" to the late D' Alton 
McCarthy, Q.c., M.P., 1893-7, being 
d wi't:h him .in IIlIany dmplOl'ba:rut 
oases; was assocdaJt
d1 wH:Jb: 1the .late 
B. B. 0.s4er. Q.C.. dn 18. number of 
fumorus mUl'oor rtJriaJls, notably ttJhJe 
Hjyrums 18.rud oul1er cases; !pracrtlsed law 
as a memo of the firm of Denton, Dods 
and F., Toronto; private secy. to the 
late Hon. A. S. Hardy, Premier and 
Atty.-Gent (Ont.), Nov., 1898; on his 
retirement became private secy. to 
Hon. J. M. Gibson (q.v.), Atty.-Genl. 
and was made law clerk of the Atty.- 
Genl.'s dept.; apptd. solI'. to the Treas- 
ury (Ont.), Oct., 1902, and as such 
was the head of the Succession Duty 
branch; resigned, to' return to prac- 
tice, and entered the firm of McCarthy, 
Osler, Hoskins & Harcourt, Mch. 1904; 
a,pptd. Depty. Atty.-Genl. of Saskatche- 
wan, 9, 1906; resigned Nov., 
1910; since then has been In active and 
successful practice at Edmonton; was 
a Royal Commr. to revise and consol- 
Idate the statutes and ordinances af- 
fecting Bask., 1906; in military life 
gazetted 2nd lIeut. provisionally, 1899; 
2nd lieut., 1900; lieut., 1901; capt., 
1903, in 20th Regt., .. Lorne Rifles," 
(Halton); on organization of 95th 
Regt. (Sask.), was given command, 
witJh Tank Q1f major, .1908, and gaz- 
etted lieut.-col. and to command, Oct. 
8, 1908; author of a small work on 
.. Titles of Honour in Canada," (flrst 
published in the Queen's Quart.) and 
has occasionally contributed short 
stories to mags.; an Ang.; has been a 
memo of Trin. Univ. Corporation; is a 
memo of Can. Mil. Inst., the Masonic 
Order, and of the Delta Chi Greek 
Letter Soc.-Edmonton, Alta.; Edmon- 
ton Club, do. 
.. A young man of fine character and 
first-rate ability."-T. New.. 
Forget. Kon, Amédée Emmanuel. law- 
yer; legLs.lator. 
S. late Jeremie and Marie (Guenette) 
F.; b. MarieviIle, P.Q., Nov. 12, 1847; 
e. Marieville CoIl.; m., Oct., 1876, Hen- 
riette A. (hon. presdt. Daughters of the 
Empire and Nat. Council of Women; 
entertained present King and Queen at 
Govt. House, Regina, 1901), d. late Lt.- 
Col. C. E. Drolet; advocate, 187.1; 
secy. Council Montreal bar for some 
yrs"; elk. of the Cuuncil and private 
secy. Lt.-Gov., N. W. T., 1876; later 
became elk. of the Assembly, Regina, 
and asst. com mI'. of Indian affairs, 

Man. and N. W. T., Aug. 3, 1888' a 
memo Council Public Inst., N. W. 'T., 
1893; Indian Commr., do., 1895-8; Lt.- 
Govr., N. W. T., 1898-1905; Lt.-Govr., 
Stask., '1905-11>; æ.Hed 1ÌI0 'the ISel1JaJte 
by ,Ead Grey, iMay, 19'11; a lÒ!ir. 
WesJtJe.rn Clan. Se'b1Jllers' Mutual 00.; 
V.- P. Can. PaJtJrio,tlic .F\md; dl(). Bl'it- 
Ernpke .ùeag'ue; 'þl'\ovl. V.-P. Dorm. 
F\orestry Assn.; R. C.-Regina, Sask. 
:l'orget, Kon, Lt,-Col, J08eph David 
Bodolphe. banker and broker; 
S. DaV1ld and 'All'gêle (Limoges) F.; 
b. Terrebonne, P.Q., Dec. 10, 1861; e. 
Ma.sson CoIl. there; ,m., 1st, Oct., 1885, 
Mlle, Alexandra Tourvllle (d.); 2ndly, 
ApI., 1894, Blanche (a dir. Montreal 
Day lNurse.ry; 00. Notre .Dame HOSfP.; 
ellOOt:edi V.-iF. Women'sOan. Olub, 1909, 
etc.), y. d. Jaw A. R. McDoIl(I.'ld, stock- 
broker. Quebec; joln-ed .l\funtJl'ooJI StJock 
Exohang-e, 1890; chJaJrman, doo., 1908; 
resigned. dJo., 1911; sin'oo kug. 1, 
1907, has carrIed on business with 
T. W. McAnulty (q.v.) as L. J. For- 
get & Co., his unele (the late Hon. L. 
J. F.) having retired therefrom on that 
date; estbd. a branch of his firm at 
Paris, 1907; apptd. hon. It,-col. 65th 
Cara.bIniers, .. Mont Royal," Montreal, 
1907; 1s presd't. R1cheùieu and Onto 
Nav. Co., Quebec and Saguenay Ry., 
Can. ,Car F'Ûunodiry 00.. Quebec Ry., 
Lig'ht, Heat and Power Co., and 
Eastern Can. Steel and Iron \Vorks, 
Ltd.; V.-P. 'Montreal Light, Heat and 
Power Co., Can. Securities COl'pn., 
P. Q. Rifle Assn., and Notre Dame 
Hosp. (gave $100,000 towards the 
ho-sp., 1911); a dlr. Toronto St. Ry. 
00., Duluth St. Ry. Co., Canada 
Cement .co., Montreal-London Securi- 
ties Corpn., Quebec Gas Co., Black 
Lake Consolidated Asbestos Co., Ster- 
ling Ooal 00., Can. Genl. Electric Co., 
Intern. Cement Co., InduSt. Develop- 
ment Co., Union Brewery Co., Murray 
Bay Lumber and Pulp Co., City 
OenitJrnil Bleal Est'ate Go., .Montreal 
,Smellting anrd' Redluotion 00., St. Law- 
rence :b'lour ,Mil!1s 00., But!te Central 
Oower 00., Club St. De'11'is and Can. 
NI3Jt. Bureau 'Of Bl'e'E:ldJÏng; iLs a l-ife gov. 
Num. a.nd kntiq. Soc.; bon. ,tl'eas., 
Moo11!l:Ireal Opera 00. ; found.ed lß. 
Banq'lOO In1
rn. du lOan., J,an., 19'11; 
.has been presd,t. Ro
l' E.l'ectl'ic Co., 
Mt. RJoy,a,'J: Assur. Co. and Club La- 
fonuéliine; WoéliS V.-IP. La Soc. d' Adminis. 
Ge-neTale and C1'édit Foncier Franco- 
Can. ; fro'rmteJrly dJir. Drown Life Ins. 
00., Dan. MaJrooru \Voireless Tele- 
g'llaph (.'0., .Momtrnoren'cy OOltton ..MUla 
00., Payne Consolidated Mining Co., 
La Banqlle Pl'OVinClilwlle and Le 
JOU1"nal Co.; mle'm. eX'ÌVie. OO'lllJbe. Can. 
Handtkra.f.ts Guild', Montreal., 19.08 ; 
head'ed .the NravlÍgwb
on rrl1'erge'r, 191'1; 
ra!j:'ed! as a milli.onadre by :\rcmt
Star, 1907; an Ind. Oon.; iha.s swt fur 
Charlevoix (H. C.) since 1904; be- 
lieves in a direct contribution from 
Cranada for ,uh'e l'ffiipelriraJ navy; O'ppo.soed 
100 the Tafit-li'i.elding reoipro<cJioty 'J)IaC1t; 
a R. C.-S61 SherbTOoke St. W., Mont- 
real; "Gil _1J,[ont," St. lrenée les Bains f 
P.Q.; Et. James's Club; JUt. Roya 
Club; Club Lafontaine; Club Cana- 



dien; Club St. Denis; Oanada Club; 
Montreal Club; MontreaL Jockey Club; 
Montreal Hunt Club; Canadian Club; 
F.m'est and St1"eam Club; 1I1ontreal 
Cw"ling Club; Montreal Mil. Inst.; 
Royal Montreal Golf Club; Royal St. 
Lawrence Yacht Club, .Montreal; Gar- 
rison Club, Quebec. 
.. The young Napoleon of St. 
Xavier St. "-M. & E. 
.. One of the most po.werful men .in 
financial circles in Can.ada; he can make 
and unma.lre, and has 5eldom been be.a.t&n 
in a. financial battle."-Can. Oourier, 
Forin, Alexander, physician. 
E. s. John and Jane (McLaren) F., 
Belleville, Ont.; b. there, 1857; e. 
Belleville Grammar Sch.; m., 1888, 
Winnifred, e. d. F. W. Fair, CoIling- 
w()I(}d, Ont.; IgmduaJtJed from Queen's 
Univ. and Royal CoIl. P. and S., King- 
ston, 1884; a memo Med. C<>uncll, On.t., 
1886; do. (B.C.), 1897; do. (Alta.), 
1903; formerly a capt. 15th Regt.; 
asst. Burg. Minn. Nat. Gds., 1893-6; 
coroner, B. C., 1898; surg., Alberta 
Peny. since 1906; an active supporter 
of the Lib. party in its development of 
the West; Presb.-Edmonton, Alta. 
Forman, James C" Onto municipal 
S. late James and Mary (Key) F.; 
b. Toronto, 1851; e. B. A. Commercial 
CoIl.; early in mercantile life; entd. 
Toronto civic service, In Assessment 
Dept., as junior elk. ; promoted Assess- 
ment Commr., do., 1905; assisted In 
preparing new Onto Assessment Act; 
author .. Business Assessments as a 
Substitute for Personal Property Tax," 
read before Intern. Tax Conf., 1908, 
and other papers; an Ang., and a del. 
to the Synod.-435 Broadview Ave., 
Toronto; Albany Club, do. 
Forneret, The Ven, George Augustus 
S. late Lt.-Col. Chas. A. F., whose 
father, Major Geo. V. F., 60th Regt., 
a FrenCih Huguenot, served under Sir 
John Moore, at Corunna, and Elizabeth 
(Barbier) F.; b. Berthier-en-haut, 
P.Q., Sept. 23, 1851; e. Berthler Gram- 
mar Sell., Bishqp's Call., LennoxvUle, 
and McGill Univ. (B.A., 1877; M.A., 
1880) ; graduated Montreal Dioc. Theol. 
ColI., 1875; m., June, 1888, Adlelaide E., 
y. d. N. B. Rob'bins, HamiLton', Ont.; o. 
priest, 1876; successively, curate 
Cthr,ist Oh. ea,t!h., .Mon.troo.l, missy. 
Dioc. Sask.. rector Dunham, P.Q., cur- 
ate St. Thomas', St. Catharines; do. 
Dundas, and since 1886 rector All 
Saints', Hamilton; formerly R. D., 
Hamilton; Archdeacon of Guelph, 
1\;107; look 2nd class cert., R. Mil. 
Seh.; a'Pptd. hon. chRIPlain (with hon. 
rank of capt.), 13th Regt., Oct., 1896; 
promoted major, 1906; a V.-P. Soc. 
Preven. Cruel. to Animals; a memo 
. cOffilte. AITg. MÍSS!ÏJOn Bd.; a dlel. 
to the Synods; started a movement 
in favour of a 20th Century Fund for 
the Ang. Gh. in Can., Oct., 1899; author 
of a tract, II How Shall I Give?"-All 
Saints' Rectory, 1!J Queen. St, South, 
Hamilton, On.t, 

E'orreøt, Jame8 .oyse Vanslttart, 
Descended from .Tohn F., Lord 
Mayor of Dublin (see Burke's II Cot. 
Gentry," Vol. II.); family connected 
with that of Maria Edgeworth; 'B. 
Grant F., by his 2nd wife, Ellen Pon- 
sonby Savage YIelding, of By town, 
now Ottawa; b. Quebec; e. BIshop's 
Coil. Sch., LennoxviIIe, P.Q., and Mc- 
Gill UOIiv.; m., Amelia (d. Oct., 1904), 
d. late Dr. Saml. Waller, Montreal, 
bro. Sir EdJrnund: Waller, Bart., of 
Nøw;port; studied first f'or the eh., 
and then med.; finally took up journ- 
alism' has been for many yrs. ed. In 
chief 'of the Daily Witness, Montreal. 
-f!4! Mance St., Montreal. 
.. A silent power, and II. man who i. 
universally respected."-Sir S. Fleming 
Forre8t, Bev, John (Presb.), educa- 
Scottish descent; S. late Alex. F., 
M.D., Halifax, N.S.; b. New Glasgow, 
N.S., Nov. 25, 1842; e. Presb. ColI., 
Truro and Halifax; graduated at lat- 
ter Institution, 1865; D.D. (Queen's 
Unlv.), 1863; D.C.L., hon. (King's 
ColI. Univ., N.B.), 1890; LL.D., hon. 
(Univ. St. F. x., Antigonish), 1905; 
m., Annie Prescott, d. Rev. Wm. Duff. 
Lune.nbul'g, N..S.; (). !1866; (ffi'OOIeIr- 
ator Genl. !Assembly, 1910; pastor, St. 
John's Ch., Halifax, 1866-81; !prof. of 
history, Dalhousie CoIl. and Univ., 1881- 
85 ; tpr.esdJt., doo., dn a.dldliotlÏon ,to 'his other 
ed-lle. ClhaJf1g'eS, 1885-19'11, when ihte 
'tired fir!OII11: aot!ive 'WIOrk; is V.-P. .looaJ. 
'branch, Briot. Errupire League; eleobed 
presd!t. N. B
Ï>t. Soc., HJaJÞifax; has 
SiII1JOO heen ÞilrowJse elOO'bed tpresd.t. 
of the N. S. Hist. Soc.; V.
P. of the 
Halifax ArchæoI. lnst. and a memo of 
the Strathoona Trust Fund, N.S.; Is a 
gov. and senator of Dalhousie Unlv., 
and a dir. of the Brit. Am. Book and 
Tract Soc.; also a fellow of the Soc. 
of Science, Eng.; suggested a public 
.rnonrumlen't to tJloo HoTh. J10ge'P'h R<Ywe 
dn I!Ja;llifax; ()ne {)If !the IpromO'teors ()f 
the Gain. Olub, Hial'if-ax, ap.d was In 
1908 apptd. .a memo of t!rue jodrut comoo. 
ÍJOof'1'JlOO on Oh. Union, whlclh he g.reatly 
faWJIUrs.-Halifax, N.S. 
II Loved by eve'ry une."-Sir Sandford 
Fleming (q.v.). 
.. Outspoken and' whole-he.arted."-H. 
.. A c'leve'r-hellded, e<nel"getic, p1e,asinog 
spe.akeT."-O. Citizen. 
Forster, Arthur Stewart, journalist. 
Eng. origin; family from Brampton, 
Eng.; s. .Tohn F., mill owner and farm- 
er, an early settle.r in TOO'onto Dlst., 
wh()served as an offr. in loyal forces, 
1837; b. Britann,ia, Ont., Od. 17, 1871; 
e. Oakville; m., 1904, Margt. Harriet, y. 
d late R. W. Smith, and grandd. late 
Col. G. K. Chisholm; has served as a 
town and co. councillor; has published 
and ed The Oakville Star since 1888; 
for yrs. was .. baby" ed. Can. Press 
Assn.; Ufe-Iong Lib., with protection- 
ist views in moderation; holds ad- 
vanced views on moral and reform 
subjects; a Freemason; master of a 



lodge and secy. of his dist.; a Meth.- 
Chisholm Homestead, Oakville, Onto 
"A man of good judgment."-T. Globe. 
Forster, John Wycliffe Lowell, painter. 
S. late Thos. and Martha (Wilkin- 
son) F.; b. Norval, Ont., Dec. 31, 
1850; e. Brampton Grammar Sch.; 
unm. ; studied for his prof. under 
Boulanger, Lefêvre, Fleury, Houguer- 
eau and Carolus Duran, Par1s; ad- 
mitted to Paris Salon, 1880; success- 
ively A.R.C.A. and R.C.A.; excels in 
portraiture, which he alms to make a 
psyoholOgic study, that Is, that instead 
of m-erely cataloguing features and 
forms, the character and prevalent 
moods of the subject are made ev.l- 
dent; amongst his most successful 
efforts have b
n, in addition to the 
historical canvases .. Hiawatha's ,",is- 
ton," .. The Departure of Canada's 
First Contingent," and .. The Me.eting 
of rbbe Ooill(m.ia:
 Oonoferenæ art Ottawa, 
1894," Ind'Ívldual !portraits of Genl. 
Wolfe, Gen!. Brock, Gov. Simcoe. Earl 
Grey, F..M. Earl Roberts, Sir .John 
MaoolOnal.d. :Hon. .AJI'ex. M<, Silr 
Wilfrid Laurier (especially admired), 
Sir .J.ohn Thompson, Hon. .J. B. Robin- 
son, Hon. W. S. Fielding, Sj,r G. W. 
Ross, Sir Sandford Fleming, the late 
Chief Justice Moss, Hon. .T. S. Mac- 
d'onald, Sir .J. P. Whitney, Sir Wm. 
Mulock, CMef .Justioe Sir W. R. Mere- 
dith, Hon. G. W. Allan, Sir Gilbert 
Parker, Hon. R. L. Sutherland, Oen!. 
Booth, Archbishop Machray, Rev. Dr. 
Ryerson, Rev. Dr. Caven, Rev. Dr. 
Potts, H. S. SbrSJthy, etc. ; again visited 
Europe, 1900, and subsequently, when 
he gained furthet experIence in the 
galleries of France and Brit.; also 
visited .Jerusalem and the East; his 
portraits are to be seen every'Where In 
Can. and are much admired by com- 
petenlÌJ crdtios; was a CI01lfÌributor 0'Il 
Art to bhla Week, and stJillL WrJtelS 
lÌ:o It!1e jpfless ()'CICI3.sionally on the 
same subjed; author of a brochure 
on the art of William Adolphe Bou- 
guereau, .. A Master of the French 
School" (1907); Is a dir. of the Can. 
Purity Assn., and has lectured on 
Chri.stlan unity; elected presdt. Pe.el 
Old Boys' Assn., 1905; a memo of the 
Can. Inst., Toronto, and has con- 
tributed to its Trans.; was one of the 
promoters of the Sch. of .AJrt & Design, 
Toronto; Meth.-l
1 Farnham Ave., 'I'o- 
" A man of rare talenot."-Oanada. 
"One of the ablest men in his prof. in 
the Dom."-Late Sir Alex. Mackenzie. 
"An excellent artist, and a fine man in 
every respect."-Late Sir J. D. Edgar. 
Forsyth, Frederic Gregory (Viscount 
de Fronsac), Herald-Marshal of 
the Aryan and Seigneurial Order 
of the Empire In Am. 
S. Capt. F. F., Viscount de F., and 
Harriette Marie, d. Maj.-Gen!. .Joseph 
Scott .JE:wett, of Scarborough and Port- 
land, Me. (see II History and Genea- 
logy of the Family of Forsyt:h de Fron- 
sac," also Old and New,' Montreal 
Gazette, Dec. 15, 1906); b. Montreal, 
.July 18, 1856; e. principally In the 
U.S.; unm.; author of various musical 

c<;>ffiPositions and songs; also of several 
hIstorical essays and other works; has 
been quoted as all' authority in feudal 
and customary law and anthropology. 
the Am. Mag., 1910, has made a sped
y of his articles on these topics; con- 
tnbuted a lengthy communication to 
the London Morning Post, April, 1908, 
on the Can. Teroentenary; among his 
patriotic songs are "From the Towers 
of Old Quebec" and "The Song for 
the Flag."-Cornwall, Onto 
Forsyth, Col, Joseph Ben, Dom. publlc 
Family of very ancient date, having 
been in Scot. from 1250, or before that 
period; it 
ame originaUy from the 
town of Forsyth, In France, sometimes 
spelt1: F'oorsaJilbh ; IWhel'ltê de Forsy.till. 
and ibis SOIlS 
hf!: if-or RoooI'ltê de 
Bruce of Scot., one being his chief 
commander and adviser; Forsyth 
Castle, said to have been close to 
Stirling, was taken and retaken and 
finally destroyed in some of the 
struggles between the different clans 
and their kinsmen in those early days; 
S. late .Jas. Bell F., merchant, Quebec, 
and Fanny F., 2nd d. late Hon. Mat- 
thew Bell, Three Rivers, P.Q.; b. Que- 
bec, .June, 30, 1830; e. Dr. Lundy's 
classical sch. and Bishop's Coil.,' Len- 
noxviUe; m. El1za'Þetbh Ma.gdoaJlene (d. 
.J'Uly, 191!1). o. d. late T. B. Ander- 
son. \PIl"esdrt. Bank of MOIl'bl'OOJl, and 
Ann A., d. Hon. J10hn Rilchardson, 
or many Y1rs. a oommds- 
SiOIl .meroha11Jt and broker, Quebec; 
.1JoI1IIleI11Jy a 'harbour oommr., do. ; 
has ''J:>eten roUr. of customs of 1::hart: 
port, since ApI. 17, 1891; was first 
presdt. of the Quebec Bridge Co.; 
served In the v. m. for a considerable 
period; attained the rank of It.-col., 
1866; commanded the Queen's Own 
Can. Hussars, Quebec (a corps raised 
by his grandfather in 1810), 1862- 
1894, when he retired; apptd. hon. It.- 
co!. of the regt., 1898; promoted col., 
1907; served Fenian Raids, 1866-70 
(genl. service med. with 2 clasps); 
also holds long service decoration; a 
memo Extve. comte., S. p, C. A., Que- 
bec, 1899; an Ang.; a V.-P. Dioc. Ch. 
Soc.; a del. to the Provl. and Genl. 
Synods.- H Roslin," Gomin Rd., Que- 
bec; Garrison Club, do. 
"An eXI'Rllent public officer and a worthy 
gentleman."-Sir J. M. LeMoine (q.v.). 
Forsyth, Wesley Octavius, pianist. 
Scotch, German, and Irish origin; 
s. Wm. Archibald and Susanna Char- 
lotte (Udelle) F.; b. Tp. Markham, 
Co. York, Ont., .Jan. 26, 1861; e. pub- 
lic and higlh scms.; m., .Jan., 1890, 
Sara Stewart, d. late .Jas. McGee, 
presdt. Union Loan & Savings Co., To- 
ronto; conducted musical studies In 
Toronto; sUbsequently at Leipzig Con- 
servatoire, and under distinguished 
masters at Vienna; on terms of friend- 
ship with many famous artists; Is 
pianist, teacher, and musical dir. 
Metropolitan Sch. of Music, Toronto; 
In addition has large class of private 
pupils, many of whom are studying 
and preparing for professional Ufe; 
connected, also, with Moulton Ladles' 




CoIl. and othèr Institutions: author of 
many musical compositions, both !<;;,)ngs 
and piano pieces, which have heen 
very popular: a frequent contributor 
to AmerÍC'an and Can. musical jour- 
nal!;; formerly musical critic for The 
Week.-393 Palmer8ton Ave., Toronto. 
II A splendid musician: B brilliant 
pianist."-Prof. J1lliu8 Ep8tein, Vienna. 
.. In his knowledge of the piano bas no 
superior .and few equale in Oanada."- 
Can. Courier. 
Fortier, Samuel, U. S. Govt. :o::ervice. 
Father a French-Can., b. Island of 
Orleans, P.Q.: mother Scotch, from 
PertJhshlre: s. Leanðre and- Ann (Reid) 
F.; b. Tip. Leeds, M<eganHc, P.Q., AipI. 
24, 1855; 
. 1h>ere, St. Francrls {)oIl., 
Richmond, P.Q., and McGill Normal 
Sclh. and Un1iv., Montrea:l, at wlhliC1h 
I-a:bter he ()bta:ined an e.ll('-m.enotJaTy, a 
mrodlel S'Clh., and an acad. ò'lplmna.; m., 
Oct., 1888. Mis'S Helena B. S. McLeay, 
Da.nV'I'I'lie, 'P.Q.; a-fter serv
ng 2 Y'rs. a8 
prlndpaJI Danv'i}oJ.e AJOad., eIlltð. the 
h'CÜI'Ìy ,of {\)pop!,fe<d sclenæ, McGill 
Unlv. (B.A.Sc., 1885; Mla.E., 1896: 
D.Se., 1907); a lIl1<em. Oan. Soc. C. 
E. and -of {be Am. .soc. IrJ1ig. Engrs.: 
Rwa.rdied .þh/e GZO!Wskil med. by 'ÌJhe 
fOI'1ìlier, f>or a paper -on the st'Ü'Mg'e 
of waiter In eoafItJhten TeservQÏrs, 1896: 
his W'O'rk during 20Y'I"s. ctmsls{oe(f 
dlriefiy of bydrn.uldc Rn,d Ifrrlgatd>on 
en'ging.; in 1886 was 1st a,set. en'gIl' 
of the DenV1eT Watoer 00.. and dur- 
Ing 4 yrs. service wHJh Jot actJed as 
en gr. In charge of the Cherry Creek 
Waterworks. the South Platte Water- 
works, and a number of smaller water 
systems throughout the State of Colo.: 
In 1890 was chief engr. of the Ogd
Waterworks, and the year follow!ng 
was apptd-. chief -engr. and supdt. of 
the Bear River Canal System and the 
Ogden Waterworks, both of which cost 
over $2,000,000; from 1893 to 18!18 
was prof. of civil and hydraulic en- 
gineering at the Agricul. CoIl. of Utah, 
Rnò from .July, 1900, tlO 1903, 'WIa-S ddr. 
of the Mont. Experiment Station, as 
welI as prof. of civil and hydraulic 
engineering of the Mont. Agrlcul. ColI. ; 
during the past 15 yrs., in addition to 
his regular duties, has acted as con- 
sulting engr. for a number of Irriga- 
tion and wateTWork
 enterprisPs : 
among these have been the East Can- 
yon reservoir dam, 150ft. from bed 
rock, In Weber Co., Utah; the Logan 
Waterworks, Logan, Utah; the Mystic 
Lake Reservoir, Galatin Co., Mont.: 
the Davis and Weber Canal, and the 
Re:Yr River Canal Co.. Utah, and the 
Turlock Irrigation Dist., Cal.: for 14 
yrs. has been connected with the Irri- 
gation work of the U. S. Govt., first as 
resident hydrogTapher for the U. S. 
Geol. Survey In Utah and Mont.; 
second, as Irrigation en gr. of the Irri- 
gation Investigations of the U. S. Dept. 
of Agrlcul.; and, thirdly", as Irrigation 
engr. In charge of the Pacific Dlst. of 
Irrigation Investigations of the TJ. S. 
Dept. of Agrlcul.: since 1908 has 
been chief of this lattpr work; author: 
of many official bulletins, reports, 

and prupoers; a Presb.-!310 19th St. N. 
W., Washington, D.C. 
II A scholar and engineer of marked 
ability."-M. Witne88. 
Fortin, The Venerable Octave (Ang.). 
French-Can. origin; s. Wm. and 
Sophia F., IbervllIe, P.Q.; b. Chrlstle- 
vilIe, P.Q., .Jan. 5, 1842; e. St. 
.Johns, P.Q., Bishop's ColI. Unlv., Len- 
noxvllIe (B.A., 1862), and McGill 
Univ. (B.A., ad eun.. 1867); D.D., St. 
.John's Coli., Winnipeg, 1896; m., 
1874, Margaretta Elizabeth, d. late 
E. S. Freer, postmaster. Montreal: o. 
df'acon, 1865; priest, 1866; his first 
charge was among the Abenakis In- 
dians of St. Frances, where he built 
a substantial ch. and parsonage: 
later, spent a year In Eng.. in depu- 
tation work for the C. and! C.C.S.; 
successively curate of Sorel, In cum- 
hent St. .Jude's, Montreal, and rector 
Holy Trln. Ch., same city; since 1875 
has been rector Holy Trln. Çh._ Win- 
nipeg, and since 1887 Archdeacon of 
Winnipeg: Is also a prof. St. .John's 
ColI., and an examr. and councillor 
Unlv. of Man.; a del. Provl. and GenI. 
Synods.-IIoly Trinity Rectory, Win- 
"Famed as a preacher."-M. Star, 
Forward, Arthur James, lawyer. 
B. Co. Huron, Ont.: -e. there and 
Toronto Un Iv. (B.A., 1885): lived for 
18 yrs. in Co. Dundas; was subse- 
quently In the civil service, Ottawa, 
after which was called to the bar; has 
practised througfhout In Ottawa, where 
he has becom-e closely Identified with 
the Ottawa and Georgian Bay Canal 
project; Is also secy. Federated Eds. 
of Trade and Can, Peat Soc.-137 
Aylmer Ave., Ottawa. 
Fosbery, Charles Sanderson, educa- 
S. Rev. G. W. F., M.A., and Frances 
F.: b. Sheffield. Eng.: e. Nf'warl{ and 
T.rln. Col-I., Dublin (M.A.); asst. music 
mastf'r, Chf'ltenham Coli.: headmast
Howden Grammar Sch., Eng.: now 
and .for some yrs. headmaster of Lower 
Can. C-ol I. , Notre Dame-de-Graoe, 
Mon1rea.I (new soh. 'Opened, 1909); 
SOOTIf'It1me oeholrmaster and Qrg>anlst Oh. 
of St. .J.()hn the EvangeIdst, Montreal; 
author of a manual on monotonlng the 
eh. serVlfce ; an Ang.-Royal Ave., 
Notre Dame-de-Grace, Montreal. 
Fosbery, Ernest George, painter. 
Third s. Henry T. F., late Finance 
Dept.. Ottawa: b. Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 
29, 1874; e. Model Sch. and ColI. Inst., 
Ottawa: m., .June, 1900, Miss Martha 
Agnes Patrick: pursued art studies at 
Ottawa under Franklin RrowneIl 
(q.v.), and In Paris, under Fernand 
Conu, afterwards visiting principal 
galleries of Europe; meds. from Onto 
Govt. for painting and drawing from 
life: apptd. Instr. of drawing and 
T1alntin1!. A rt Students' Lf'ague, Buf- 
falo, N.Y., 1907; a memo Copley Soc. 
of Boston, and of Buffalo Soc. of Art- 
Ists: won special prize offered by latter 
body. 1910.-62 N. Norwood Ave" 
Buffalo, N.Y. 



:Poster, Eon. George EuIas, states- 
U. E. L. descent; s. late .John and 
Margt. F., ApohaQul, N.B.; b. Co. 
Carleton, N.B., Sept. 3, 1847; e. 
local common and superior schs., 
N. B. Un1v. (B.A., King's Co. 
scholar., h'Onout's in nat. science an-d 
Douglas gold me-d. for an En'g. essay, 
1868; LL.D., 1894), Ed!inburgh Univ. 
and Heidelberg Univ.; D.C.L. (hon.), 
Acadia Univ., 1885; m., May, 1889, 
A-dJdie (noted throughout the Dom. for 
her Interest in social refonns and other 
good works; successively presdt. 
W.C.T.U., Ont.; ed. Women's Journal; 
presdt. Ottawa Women's Can. Hlst. 
Soc.; V.-P. Ottawa Humane Soc., and 
Women's Morning Music Club; elected 
presdt. Victorian Order of Nurses, Ot- 
tawa, 1909-10), e. ð. late Milton Davies, 
ßamHton, On t., and who was first m. 
to D. B. Chisholm, barrister and ex- 
M.P., and whom she dlvoreed, 1889; 
was sometime engd. In the reaching 
prof., first In the Grand Falls Gram- 
mar Sch., becoming, subsequenltly, prin- 
cipal of the pUblic sch., Fredericton 
.Junction, classical master Bapt. Semy., 
do., principal or the La-dies' High Sch., 
do., and finally prof. of classics In the 
Unlv. of N.B.; ,reslgntlng therefirom, 
1879, he entd. upon an exrenslve lec- 
turing tour In the U.S. and Can., dur- 
Ing which he spo
e chlefiy on the sub- 
ject of Temp. and Prohibition; sat 
tor Kings, N.H. (H.C.) as an Ind. Con., 
1882-96; for York, N.B., 1896-1900; and 
since g.e. 1904 has sat for N. Toronto: 
unsucc.ess!uHy contested St. .John City 
(H. C.), g.e. 1900, and N. Ontario 
(H.lC.) at a bye-election, Mch. 10, 
1903; held office successively as Minr. 
of Marine and Fisheries and Minr: 
of Finance, under Sir .John Mac- 
donald, 1885-91, and as Minr. of 
Finance, in the Abbott, Thompson, 
Bowell a'nod Tu,pper Admns. suoces- 
Sli'rely, 1891-96; was Gov1. qlOOider in 
t!hie H. C. ðuring .Jan., 1896, and -diU,r- 
In.g the sesosi'On of 1905: was one of the 
",Nest OIf Trat'ÍJOII's," so oa,Ued by Sir 
M'ackenz'i'e .BOIW1eIi1 (q.v.): as Mlnr. of 
Mari'ne and Fìis>hoeol'ies, he 'had tJo pre- 
pare tile Can. ,siðe of we case tin IOOgaro 
to Ifflle Doop Soo. F'isherioes !or ,the joln't 
comn. ,thiwt sat at WrasIh'ington In 1888 
resulting in the Chamberlain-Bayard 
Treaty; this duty he performed with 
great care and thoroughness; he 
visited the W. I. in connection with 
trade Interests In 1889, and In 1892 
and 1894 visited Eng. regarding the 
finances of the Dom., on the latter 
occasion negotlatln.g a loan of $11,250,- 
000: was one of Canada's represent- 
atives to the first Intercol. Conf., Ot- 
tawa, 1892, and was the mover thereat 
of the resolution affirming the 3idvlsa- 
bllity or trade preference between the 
Colonies and Mother Country: In 1891 
he moved for the appt. of a royal 
comn. on {he liquor traffic: In .June, 
1895, was 1me omtor of the dlay e.,t 
the unveiling of the Macdonald monu- 
ment, Montreal; In .June, 1895, sup- 
ported the late Mr. Davin In his resolu- 
tion for the extension or the Dom. 
franchise to women: claims to be a 
thorough Can. and a firm believer In 
the future 
realn-eSll of the Dom.; ad- 

vocated the constn.lCtion of the C. P. 
Ry., belleving that It would be a power- 
ful force in the development and uni- 
fication of the Dom.; also favours the 
Idea of an Imp. Fedoe-ration of the Brit. 
Dominions, in which each country, 
while perfectly ,free to manage Its own 
domestic affairs, shall be leagued with 
all the others In a community of trade 
and defence; in 1903, made a series 
of speeches in Gt. Brit. on the invita- 
tion of Mr. Chamberlain and in sup- 
port of Imp. trade preference, and was 
heard with great acceptance by large 
audiences In Eålnburgh, London, Liver- 
pool and other large centres; is a memo 
of the Advisory Bd. of the Lib. Con. 
Aissn. of Can.; ihas -been 'COnnected, 
as presdt. or dlr., with many mining 
and Industrial coso in Can.; was ;for 
some yrs. V.-P. and gen!.' mangr. of 
the Union Trust Co., Toronto, but 
retired May, 1906; Is V.-P. for N.B. 
of the Can. branch of the Red Cross 
Soc.: was one of the representatives 
of th-e H.C. at the coronation of King 
George and Queen Mary, .June, 1911, 
and was present, by Invitation, In 
Westminster Abbey on that occasion; 
elected an hon. life memo of the 
National Club, Toronto, 1900: a con- 
tributor to the periodical pres.s: one of 
U The Four Georges"; is a Free 
Christian; was a memo of the comte. 
t'O ol1ga.n'ize a BaJþt. Undon, 1908; IOn 
tohe defeat. of IÌlhe LaU'1'1ier AdmlJ1. a.t 
t'hie polls, g. e. 19.11, 9.00e'Pted loffice as 
Minr. 'Of Trade am rGommeroo .in true 
BOl1doen GOVit., Dot. 10, 1911; actin,g 
Premier, .1911; Ba.'pt..--61 Macdonald 
St., Ottawa; Toronto ; National Club, 
Toronto; ,Canadian Club, do. 
"The ab.lest and most acrimoniou.s of 
the Oommon's debaters."-Can. Re8ource.. 
"A lucid a.nd pleasing speaker and -one 
o.f the best debaters in Parliament."-T. 
.. He towers abovø a.ll othe'rs ,as the 
foremoSlt Conservativø critic, but IlIObody 
loveos him when he sits oown."-S. N. 
" In Parliament did more work than any 
man can lon.g e,ndure': he made himself an 
authority on every quest1Û'n, <and had 
charge for his iparty o.f <an financial que.s. 
tÏ<ms."-St. John Standard. 
"An admil"able speaker; is exoeUent o.n 
the and exceHent in Parliament; 
i.t is dJOubtf'll1 if the House of Commons 
nO'W conta-ine so g<>oo a. debater, with, peT-, the single exoopt.ion .of Sir Richard 
Ca.rtwrigM; he has not the s
eloquence of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. and 
therefore his greater performances do not 
equal the more finished w()rk of t,he Prime 
Minister; but in all the qualities which 
make a spe,aker oonsiste-Iltly strong and 
uniforml'y effective on the p!.adorm and in 
P.arliament, he is sU:l"pa.ssed by noo man 
in public life in Canada, .and e<J.ualIe-d 
anly by the Premie,r oi\' Ontari<> (H()n. G. 
W. Ross, q.v.)".-T. New. (1903). 
Poster, George Green, lawyer. 
S. Saml. W. F. (q.v.) and Ellen 
(Green) F.; b. Knowlton, P.Q., .June 
21, 1860; e. Knowlton Acad. and Mc- 
Glll Untv. (B.C.L., 1881); m., .Jan., 
1896, Mary Maud, o. d. late Hon. G. C. 
V. Buchanan, .Judge S. C., P.Q.; advo- 
cate, 1881; K.C., 1896; has success- 
fully practised his prof. in Montreal 



f1hr.oughl()ut; at iprese'n1 ds hoo.'d of the 
ftnn of F., Martin, 'Mann, Mackinnon 
& Hackett; one of the leaders of the 
bar; Is V.-P. Orford Mountain Ry. Co., 
St. Lawrence Power Co. and Geo. Hall 
Coal Co.; a dir. Eastern Townships 
Bank, Montreal St. Ry., Aluminum Co. 
of Am., Northern Aluminum Co., Can, 
Light & Power Co., and Dom. Guaran- 
tee Co.; also a dlr. St. George's Soc.; 
a Con.; formerly presdt. Eastern 
T!Jwnships Con. Assn.; unsuccessfully 
contested Brome (H.C.), g. e., 1896; 
an Ang.-8 Edgehill Ave.. JIontreal; 
summer: {( Blarne1f Castle," Knowlton, 
P.Q.; Me. Royal Club; Montreal Club; 
Mont1"eal Hunt Club, Montreal; Rideau 
Club, Ottawa. 
ro.ter, Col, Eon, John Gilman, con- 
sular service. 
Of Puritan stock; a Uneal descendant 
of Elder Brews<te<r and Sbetpihoen Hop- 
kins, who came over in The May- 
flower; ancestor, Thos. F., came to 
Am. in ship Hercules. 1634; s. late Hon. 
Austin T. F., presdt. Nat. Bank and 
V.-P. Massawippi VaHey Ry., Derby 
Lin'e. Vt.. anc
 Sarah H. (Gilman) F.; 
b. Derby Line, Mch. 9, 1859; e. Godòard 
Semy., Barre. Vt., and Tuft's Col1., 
Mass. (B.A., 1880) ; m., 1886, Clara S., 
d. Judge Amos Lee Merrim,an, Peoria, 
Ill.; Counspllor-at- Law, (Vt.) 1881; 
sat in Vt. Leg., 1892-3; apptd. CoI. on 
staff, Gov. Vt., 1892; dir. Eastern 
s,taff, Gov. of v,t., 1892; '<lir. Ea,st-ern 
T,ps. Bank, Shie<l'bl'ooke, P.Q., 1893-7; 
sinoo tlh-en V.-P. Nat. Bank, Derb
Oonsul-GenI. f.or tlhe U. S., HaJ1If>ax, 
N.S., 1897-1903 (entel'tJained M a pub- 
Uc banquet by Ed. of T.rade and citizens 
of Halifax, and his wife presented with 
a handsome set of furs on leaving that 
cIty); promoted Consul-Gent. at Ot- 
tawa, June 18, 1903; took part In the 
D.S. Reciprocity negotiations, Ottawa, 
1910; suggested that the commemora- 
tion of the century of peace between 
the U.S. and Can. be marlred by the 
bundlng of a great intern. bridge be- 
tween the ,two countries at Niagara 
Falls, .do.-A,ne1"Ìcan Consulate, Well- 
ington St. Ottawa; 1

 Laurier Ave. E., 
Ottawa; 'Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf 
Club; Ottawa Hunt Club, do. 
.. Ne'Ver had there 
n any tWQ pe-r80n8 
representing the American Govt. (oocauße 
Mrs. Fo.srer also represented that <fflvt.), 
who had so oompletely won their way in,to 
the hearts of the pe'ople of Halifax a5 had 
the Consul-Gent. and Mrs. FOßter."-Lt.. 
Gov. Hon. ..4.. G. Joneø; øpeech at Halifa-x, 
July, 190
roster, Samuel Willard, railway pre- 
S. late Dr. Stephen S. F., an early 
settler In the E. T., who represented 
Sh-eff.ord in the Can. ParIt., 1841-7; b. 
Shefford, 1832; e. Shefford Acad., Con- 
cord, ,'Mass., and Un1iv. of V,ermont; m., 
1857 (wif>e fior:merly ,pre's(]t. W. C. T. D., 
P.Q.) ; stJudlied law under H. :B. Terrill 
and .113, te .Judge Hi'CIM'OO, and, after ,hii!l 
c:aJH to 1'M boar, Ipra<"Hsed for .a cons,idler. 
ablte peri'Od in .tih.e ,(]list. or St. Frands: 
f(}r 8 Y'l"S., up >11() Aug., 1877, was Dist. 
.Magte. and Judge or the Sessl.ons for 
the Dist. of Bedford; a ralIway organ- 

Izer and promoter; took an actlvp part 
in securing the construction of the 
Stanstead. Shefford an<'l Chamhly R)'., 
of whtc'h he was presdtt., and later, 
In assoclaUon with his bro., the 
late H. S. F.. d,id much 10 'P'Tomo,Ì'p 
the com
tructlon of ,the South-E3Jstprn 
Ry. ; also .olbtalned a charter for 
the Montreal and Champlain Junc- 
tion Ry., for a hranch extending from 
the Våot()f!"ia bflidg'e '00 th-e 1ntpTn. 
boundary line; a (lir. Beauharnois Ry., 
Montreal and Ch' .Junction Ry. : 
presdt. and mango flir. of thp Orford 
:MJounltn,ln Ry., an'd V.-'P. .of t'he D. S. 
and ICan. Ry.; presented with his por- 
trait in oils by the cltizens of Knowl- 
ton in ackn.owledgrment of his .. vaIu- 
able s-ervices," 1904; a Oon.; an Ang. 
and e. ò
l. ,t'O bh'e Syn"Od.-" Darley 
Place," Knowlton, P.Q. 
Foster, Walter Edward, merchant. 
Third s. late E. H. F. and EIlz
F., St. Martins, N.B.; b. there, Ant 9, 
1874; e. there; m., Jan., 1900, Joa.n 
Mary, d. late Wm. Vasslp: in servIce 
Bank of N.B. 10 yrs.; retired 1899. to 
become a memo of the wholesale dry 
goods ftnn of Vassie & Co., Ltd., St. 
John; now and! for some yrs. V.-P. anò 
mango diT. do.; V.-P. Bd. of Trad\e, St. 
John, 1906-7: opresdt. do.. 1908-9; is 
presdt. .St. Martin's Ry. -Co.; formerly 
an otTr. N. B. Reg.t., Can. ATty. : retired 
wlt!h rank of capt.. 1903: a Lib.. and 
.. a great admirer of LauriE'!!' anð F'leld- 
Jng "; I!lidvoca.rtes -a m'aI"itime unolon: 
Ang.-27 Petcr St.. 8t. John, N.R.: 
summer residence: Rothesay, N.B.; 
Union Club, st. John. 
Foster, WilUam Ga-rland, journalist. 
S. Benj. and Ellen Jane (Garland) 
F.; b. Be.Jj's C'OITn.ers. nr. Obtawa, 
ApI. 25, 1879; e. Co. Carleton public 
schs. and Ottawa Coll. lnst.; joined 
statT Ottawa Free Press, Mch., 1898; 
since then has heen engd. on various 
journals in WinnIpeg, Portagp la 
Prairie, Man. and Victoria and Nelson, 
B.C.; now (1!110) mango ed. I>rril.lf 
News. Nelson. B.C'.: a consistpnt Con. 
-Nelson, B.C.; Nelson Club, do. 
rotheringham, Bev, Thoma. rrancis 
( ). 
S. Thos. and Frances S. (Flaws) F., 
both natives of Orknev SC'ot.; b. 
Hammon, Ont., Ant 6, iS47; e. Cen- 
tral Sch. there, D.C. ColI., Toronto 
Dniv. (B.,A., 1871; M.A., 1872), Knox 
ColI. (grad., 18H), United Presb. Hall, 
Edinburgh, and Lei-pzig Unlv.: D.D. 
(hon.), Hallfax Presb. Co1I., 1901; m., 
1st, Sept., 1875, Miss Annie R. Cruick- 
shank (d. .July, 1882); 2n-d,jy, May, 
1887, Miss Amelia E. Trimble, St. 
John, N.B.; o. 1875; was pastor, Nor- 
wood and Hastings, Ont.; for a brief 
period, lect. In Apologetics, Queen's 
Dniv., Kingston; later, removed to 
Santa. Monica, Davisville, Colton and 
San Bernardino. CaI. ; returnerl to Can., 
1883; pastor St. John Ch., St. John, 
N.B., 1883-1908; since then has been 
pastor, Tr1nlty Presb. Ch., Orland, Cal. ; 
was conve.ner .of ftlh-e Pres'b. GenJ.. 
Assembly's Comte. on Sabbath Schs. 
for some yrs.; founded the series of 
Lesson Helps now In use in that ch.; 



has taken a prominent part In the 
Christian Endeav-our movement; widely 
known In conection with the introduc- 
tion of the" Boys' Brigade" Into Can. ; 
was Br.i.gaðe 'P'I'esoiH. for Oan. untll 
Lord Aberdeen accepted that position' 
ø. IJiIb.-Citrona Park, Orland, Cal, ' 
Foucher, Auguste AcbUle, physician. 
S. Frnnçoi,s (mod OdHe (Durooher) 
F.; b. Jollette, P.Q.: e. local colI.: 
m., 1881, Lumina. 3rd d. late Hon. .J. 
B. RoHand, senator, Montreal: M.D., 
Vlct. Unlv., 1879; took special course 
In diseases of the eye, ear, nose and 
throat In Europe: whl1e there was 
apptd. prof. of ophtha1. and otoI., 
Laval Unlv.: subsequently took an 
active part In the foundation of Notrf
Dame Hosp., Montreal; became sur
oculist and aurlst there; Is also a Ufe 
gov., do. : presQt. Montreal Med,kal Soc., 
1886; hon. chairman sec. on O'toI., Pan'" 
Am. Congre-ss, Washinlg'ton, D.IC.. 1893: 
;presdt. L' Assn. .des MM. .de Langue 
Franc. de l' Am. ðu NOf\d', '1904 ; a;pptd. 
by French Govt. an oiTr. de 1'Inst. 
Pub., do.: a memo La Soc. Franc. 
d'Opht'haI. de Paris, and, of La Soc. 
Franc. d'Hyglene: pubHshed an ex- 
haustive treatise on diseases of the 
eye, ear and throat, 1894; for nearlv 
30 yrs. has been a contributor to th'e 
Union Med. du Can. and other tech- 
nical journals: a Con.; a R. C.-9G 
St. Denis St" Montreal. 
FoW'ler, Bey, James (Presb.), educa- 
Acottlsh orl
ln: e. s. Geo. antI .Tane 
(McKnight) F.; b. Bartlbog, N.H.. July 
16. 1829; e. LitHe Bran
h Sch.. Chat- 
ham Grammar Sclh. and N. B. Unlv. 
(M.A., 1872; LL.D., 1900); !pursued 
theol. studilf's Prresb. Con., Ha.lIfax, 
N.S.; m., 1858, Miss !Mary Ann Mc- 
Leod, Truro, N.S. (d
 1890) ; o. 1857; 
held various pastorates; Teslgned from 
active ch. duty. owing to chronic laryn- 
gitis, 1876; science master, Prov1. N-or- 
ma-I Sch., Fredericton, N.B.. 1878-80; 
Iect., nat. science, Qu
n's UniÏv., 
Ktngi9tton, 1880-91; pr-of. do. .f1{)., '18!11- 
1907, when .retlred; F.R.S.C.. 1891; 
author of varIous contributions to 

C"I'M1lÌJifi() .loHeroJtul'e. - 121 Union St., 
Kingston. Onto 
Fowler, William Henr7 Ðegbie, jour- 
S. late Monmouth H. F., Lak?
Hampton, N.H.: b. San Francisco, CaI., 
Nov. 20, 1877: e. St. Paul's SC'h., Lon- 
don, En
., and Stanford Univ., Cn!. 
(B.A.) : m., Feb.. 1909, Laura. d. C. B. 
Wens, Maul, HawaII: Hbrarlan S
Francisco Chronicle, 1 
94-5: coast ed. 
00. do., 1896-1902, 1906-9; also auto- 
mobllf' writer: nf>WS0a11pr ani! 11lng. 
 Crr.1ifo r 11Ïn St.. San 
Francisco, Cal.; Stanford Club, do 
Foy, Hon, James Joseph, lawyer: 
S. late Patrick F., Toronto, who 
came. from Irel.. 1832. and became a 
partner In business house of the late 
.Jas. Austin. IprE'sdt. of the Dom. Bank; 
h. Toronto. Feh. 22, 1847; e. St. 
Michael's CoIl., Toronto, and Ushaw 
CoIl., Durham, Eng-.; I
L.D. (hon.), 
Toronto Unlv., 1902; m., 1879, Marie 

(d. .July, 1903), d. late Maurice 
0u"V1Ïla1oer, MOll/tT-ea:l (see Morgan"s 
u Type's IOf Clan. W'omten") ; ool'lrist.E'!r, 
1871;. ben.cbter 'Of .the Law Soc., 1881, 
and sanee; K.C. (M. I{)'f Lome), 1883; 
.Ins s'U!C'C'e,ssfuUy praot.lse-d 'hris pl!1of. In 
ToronTo; a fQI'\me'r p'3Jrtnoe-r 'Of J. Stp'W
Tupper, K.C. (q.v.). and .John A. Mø.c- 
doneH, K.C. (q.v.); now, and for 
some yrs. head of the firm of 1<'. & 
K.eNy (q.v.); one 'Of .the 1.pao(!lers O'f 
11he bar; d-s V.-P. Albany 01.ub ahd 
Nat. Life Assur. 00.; a ðiÏr. T()rr.on10 
GfflJ1. Trusof)s Oonpn., Am. SU'T'e<ty 00. 
of N. Y, DOl!l1 l inti'O-lli Bank, Nilag\3.ffi 
Nav. Co. and Nat. Sanitarium A
sn . 
formerly presdt. St. Mi:?h3t'l's 'con: 
Alumni Assn.. Onto Lib.-Con. Assn.\ 
Co. York Law Assn., and 'roronto 
Orthopedic Hosp.; a del. Irish Nat. 
Convention, Dublin, 1896; do., Ottawa 
Interprov. Confs., 1906 and 1910. do 
Quebec Interpr-ov. Conf., 1906;' ð
FE'dera1 Conf. on Educ., London, Eng-., 
1907: a Con.; has s-at for S. Toronto 
(Local), since 1898; apptd. Commr. of 
Crown ,Lands In the W'hltney Adpm., 
Feb. 8, 1905; sin
e May 30, 1905, has 
been Afl'ÌJy-Genl.. Onfl.; d.edln'ed an 
aiPlpt. \ÌJO lÌJbe 'ben
1h, ma'd'e by the 
Laurrler Govt. ; a R. C.-90 Isabel1n St 
Toronto: TOl'onto Club: Albany Club.,: 
Royal Can. Yacht Club, do. 
II One of tne wnitest of public men."- 
Dr. Sproule, M.I'. (q.v.). 
"A sound lawyer and 8' good adminie- 
tratoT."-Farmer'.. Sun. 
"A man of undoubted integrity, ability 
and good citizenship in eve.ry I'espect."- 
T. World. 
"No pubHc man stands ni
her in the 
 of his felk>rw men."-Late Sir 
Oliver Mowat. 
"A man o.f ho
est purpose snd strict 
rectitude and of un'Usual independence of 
character."-T. New... 
Foy, William Sherwood, educationi!';t. 
S. Rev. E. T. F., treas. of Bapt. Mls- 
sl-ons, Toronto: b. there: e. Harbord 
ColI. Inst., McMaster Unlv., Toron'to 
(B.A., 1!100: M.A.. 1906). and .Johns 
Hopkins Unlv. (Ph.D., 1911) ; was pro!. 
of Greek, Brandon ColI., oMan., for some 
yrs.: later, took a post-grad. course 
at Johns Hopkins Unlv., where he was 
feHow by courtesy, 1909-10, and Unlv. 
fencyw ,In classical archæol., 1910-11; In 
the latter year was aoptd. asst. prof. 
of classics, Princeton Unlv.; Is a con- 
tributor to the Am. Journ, of Phil.: 
Bapt.-Princeton, N.J. 
F'raleck, His Honour Edison BaldWin, 
Co. Ct. judge. 
German ancestry on paternal side; 
great-grandf., Martin Fröllg, who rose 
to the rank of col., served during the 
Am. revolutionary war. on rebel 
grran,M., Lewis Fraleck, a LoyalIst. who 
came to Can.: father, Thos. Tl11otson 
F.. served on IIO'yoall sille througihiCmt 
the war of 1812, and remained on the 
rons till 1821: maternal grandf., 
Robt. Nicholson, a native of Aberdeen, 
Scot.. and a capt. In a Highland regt., 
served throug-hout the Am. revolution- 
ary war, coming to Can. about 1793, 
on account of the persecution of the 



Loyalists by the U, S. Govt.; b. Tp. 
Sidney, Co. Hastings, ant., Feb. 6, 
1841; e. public and high schs., and 
Queen's Un lv, (B.A., 1863) ; m., Aug., 
1874, .Jane E., d. late Wm. .Judd, Ster- 
HlLg, ant.; barrister, 1868; successfully 
practised his .prof. at Belleville; has 
been junior judge for Co. Ha.stings, 
since Dee. 28, 1881; R. O. undeiI' 
E. F. Ad, 1885; judge of the Surro- 
gate Ct., 1906; a couniCillor, Queen's 
Univ., for a lengthened period; a 
lieut., 49th Regt., 1868-74; a strong 
and active wrlte>r on political subjects, 
before his elevation; a keen sports- 
man, aml has contributed frequently 
to Can. Mag., Can. Sportsman, Forest 
and Stream, etc., the result of his ex- 
periences as such; Is and always will 
be an I:rIljpoeJ'\iaÞlst and 13. IproltJeC'N
a '1'eady rand fluent speaker; did Spol:e71- 
dJid servic.e, as such, ðuring ,the 0071- 
fud,øratl'O'n oam'P'3.!Ígn, ralLd subsequeJlJt.- 
Joy; a Presb.-Belleville, Onto 
Frame, :Miss Elizabeth, author. 
Irish origin; e. d. late .John and 
.Janet (Sutherland) F., Shubenacadie, 
N.S.; grandd. Matthew and Elizabeth 
(Murdock) F., the latter the only sis- 
ter of Rev. Jas. Murdoch, the first 
ordained clergyman of the Presb. Ch. 
to settle permanently In Can.; b. Shu- 
benacadlp., Mch., 1820; e. by her 
grandfather, at J. S. Thompson's pri- 
vate sch. for ladles, Halifax, where 
she had for sch. mate, Sir John S. D. 
Thompson, a future prime minister, at 
Truro Acad. and Normal Sch.; was 
for 38 yrs. a public sch. teacher; be- 
sides numerous contributions to the 
newspaper and mag. press, Is the au- 
thoro! the following vols. :-" Descrip- 
tive Sketches of Nova Scotia, In Prose 
and Verse" ; II The Twlllght of 
Faith" ; .. A Memoir of the Rev. 
.Tames Murdoch," II Settlers on the 
Shubenacadle," and .. The Mlc-Macs, a 
brief history of the Aborigines of the 
Provinces"; several other papers have 
appeared In the Trans. of the N. S. 
Rist. Soc. and those of the Mass. 
Rist. Soc.; Presb.-Shubenacadie, N.S. 
Francis, Walter Joseph, civil engr. 
Eng.-Can. descent; s. Joseph and 
Elizabeth F.; b. Tp. York, nr. To- 
ronto, .Jan. 28, 1872; e. Toronto ColI. 
[nst.; m., 1897, Miss Laura Grainger, 
Deer Park, Toronto; studied for his 
pJ'lOlf. at thJe Onto Soh. PTa.cli>CtaJ] ,Scii'ence 
and Toronto Unlv. (C.E., with honours, 
1901); assoc. memo Can. Soc. C. E., 
f896; mem., do., 1902; assoc. memo 
Am. Soc. C. E., 1901; mem., do., 1904; 
on enlging. srtaffs G. T. Riy., C. IP. Ry., 
and In private practice; In service 
Dept. Rys. and Canals, Can., for nearly 
9 yrs., being for 4 yrs. engr. hydraulic 
lift locks on Trent Canal, and In Im- 
mediate chargf', under Mr. R. B. 
Rogers, of that important work 
tm its completion. in 1904; award- 
ed Gzowskl med., 1906, by Can. Soc. 
C. E. for paper, .. Mechanical Canal 
Locks In Canada"; has written many 
articles on prof. !Subjects; Is Can. 
writer for The Engineer, London, 
Eng.; was asst. to Royal Comn. on 
QuebE'c Bridge enquiry, 19(\7-8: at 

present consulting engr., Montreal; an 
enthusiastic Freemason; a past first 
principal In Royal Arch Masonry, past 
presiding preceptor of Knights Tem- 
plar, and a memo of the Order of the 
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; a Meth. 
-4881 Sherbrooke St. W., Westmount.. 
Montreal; Engineers' Club, do. 
.. An engineer of great skill and ability." 
-Late Bon. A.. G. Blair. 
Francq, Gustav, labor leader. 
B. France; became a naturalized 
Brit. citizen, Feb. 21, 1891; prop. Mer- 
cantile Printing Co.. Montreal; edits 
and .publishes L'Ouvrler (Montreal) 
since 1908; presdt. Jacques Cartier 
Typograph. Council and successively 
V.-P. and ,presdt. for Quebec of the 
. Dom. Trades and Labor Congress; 
elected V.-P. do. do. Can" 1910; un- 
successfully contested Hochelaga 
(local) la;bour Interest, g. e., 1903.- 
123 Buller Ave., Ville St. Loui8, Mon- 
Fraser, Alexander, ant. pUblic ser- 
vl.ce; author: Gaelic scholar. 
S. Hugh and Mary (Mackenzie) F.; 
b. Inverness-shire, Scot., Nov. 2, 1860; 
e. parish sch., Inverness High Sch., 
Davidson's Classical Acad., Perth and 
Glasgx>'W Undv. (M.A.); lID., MlC!h., .1SS9, 
Christina Elizab
th Frances, e. d. late 
S. F. Ramsay, M.D., Toronto; came to 
Can., 1886; for many yrs. city ed. To- 
ronto Mail and Toronto Mail & Empire; 
ed. Scottish-Cem., Massey Illustrated, 
The Pre8b. Rev. and Fraser's Scotti8h 
Annual; apptd. Provl. ArC'hlvlst, ant., 
1903; Grand Chid, Sons of Scot., 14 
yrs.; presdt. Gaeldc Soc. of Can., 4 
yrs. ; now hon. secy. and librarian, do.; 
was one of the originators of the 48th 
Regt. Highlanders, Toronto, 1891; Is 
presdt. Can. Folklore Soc., Can. Frater- 
nal Assn. and Scottish Can. Aßsn. ; for- 
merly presdt. Toronto Burns Club and 
Highland Shlnty Club; hon. secy., 
Empire Club. Toronto, 1910: d
the an-nu3JI Gaelic a.dd1'\ßS8 be!ore tJhe 
Inverness, Scot., GaeUe Soc., 1895; ie: 
a councillor, Ont. Hist. Soc.: formerly 
chairman, Toronto CoIl. Inst. Bd.; 
lect. In Gaelic Knox CoH. for some 
yrs.; author: II Short Scottish Can. 
Biographies," .. 'Dhe Last Laird of 
Nab:' II Essays on Celtic Litera- 
ture," II Practica;l Lessons In Gaelic 
Grammar," II History of Toronto," 
.. Guide to Toronto," II Antiquities and 
Art." II The Mission of the Scot In 
Canada," .. History of the 4Rth Hig'h- 
landers," .. 'Dhe Clan FfIaSIeJI' in Oanla.- 
ða," IR710d .. Hdstlory ICYf Onltarlo"; a 
Freemason; IR Presb.-" Kineras," 61 
Woodlawn Ave., Toronto. 
II RegaTded a,a th9 Gaeli C IIchQ,ta.r o-f 
highest authority in the Dominion."- 
U. & E. 
Fraser, Rev, Alexander X.ouls (Pre
S. Hugh and Charlotte F.; b. Blue 
Mountain, N.S., .July 8, 1870; e. Pictou 
Acad., Dalhousie Unlv. (B.A., 1895; 
M.A., 1904), Presb. CoIl., Halifax 
(B.D., 1897), and New ColI., Edln- 
h (post-grad. coure); m" 1199, 
Miss Ida May MacCasklll, Arlchat, 
N.S.; 0.. 1897: !'tH"C'f'!'slvely pastor 


Newport and Gt. Village, N.S.; gaIned 
a scholar. at Harvard Div. Sch., 1898, 
but did not take advantage of it; 
has contributed poems and literary 
essays to leading Can. puhIio'ttions: 
author of two vols.: "Sonnets and 
Other Verses" (1909) and "At LIfe's 
WIndows" (1910). - Great Village, 
.. A writer nf artistic and scholarly 
verse."-H. Ohronicle. 
Traser, Angus William, lawyer. 
Scottish origin; s. late .Jas. and Isa- 
be'I,11a F.. Looh Garry, Glenga,rry, Ont.; 
b. there, Aug. 22, 1859; e. AlexandriR 
High Sch.; m., Dec., 1900, Mary, d. 
.John Bromley, Pembroke, Ont.; bar- 
rIster, 1887; K.C., 1899; successfully 
praot'isoo IM.s prof. .10' Ot'tla:wa; memo tOf 
fJ.'r.m Perkilns, F. & Gibson; 'One I{Jf 
the leaders of the ,bar; a trustee Ot- 
tawa LadLes' iColl.; a 'PT-omoter and 
dir. KeewatIn Flour Mollls Co., and of 
the Finance 
orpn. 'Of Oan.; dlr. Leitch 
Od1ß.lIer-les, Ltld., and Oopeolland-Ohoa.tJt'er- 
son-CraIn, Ltd.; presdt. Onto and Man. 
F1j'our ,MillIS, Ltd.; V.-P. Riig>h.t I()f Way 
Mines, Ltd.; actilv.e'ly lò'ernltified wl'tJh 
O'tiher iÍndus. and 'Inanrfg. OOI'1P{)Ira- 
Hons; long Identified with LIb. party, 
both In Glengarry and Ottawa; presdt. 
Ottawa Reform Assn., 1901-3; an Odd 
Fellow (chlpf ranger) and a Forestf'r: 
elected presdt. St. Andrew's Soc., Ot- 
tawa, 1910; Prtes,b.-151 Gilmour St., 
Ottawa; Rideau Club, do. 
"One of the most successful lawyers in 
Otta.w,a....-M. Herald. 
Fraser, Mrs, Bessie G" widow. 
D. Wm. Graham, New Glasg-ow, 
N.S.; b. and e. there; m., Oct., 1878, 
Duncan Cameron (d. Sept., 1910), e. 
s. Alex. and Ann (Ohisholm) Fraser; 
wh'O, enterIng pubIlc life, was succes- 
sIvely a memo of the local Legislature, 
a memo of the H. C., a judge of the 
Sup. Ct. of N.S., and at the time of 
hils tloeatlh Lt.-Gov. of ,tihte Prov-lnoe 
of N.S. ; 'ÌiOQk a 'PromIn.en:t 'PaI't iÍn oon- 
noOOt.I'on with .t!he te,stiÍm'On'ia1 :pres'enlteid 
by the peoople of N.S. to othe Prince 
n.nòP1rlncess of WallE's, n,ow King 
GelO'rge an.d 'Queen Ma'l'Y, 1908, anò 
reoeived obhie tJhla.nks I()f Heor M1ajoe,sty for 
the!tSloone 'Present re.fe'rred Ito; 
f'lresb.-New Gla8gow, N.S, 
Fraser, Charles Frederick, educatlon- 
j,st; journalist. 
One of the Lovat Frasers; S. late 
B. D. F., M.D., and Eliza-beth (AllI- 
scm) F., Wdn-dso r, N.S.; b. 'ÌJhere, Joan. 
4, 1850; e. there; M.A. (hon.), Unlv. 
KIng's Call., 1884; LL.D. (do.), Dal- 
housie Univ., 1901; m., 1st, 1891, Ella 
:I. (d. May 21, 1909; contributed fre- 
quently to the press and was the 
author 'Of II Master SunshIne" and 
· other stories of an entertaining and 
instructive character), d. late Jas. 
Hunter, St. .John, N.B.; 2ndly, .June, 
1910, .Janie C. R., d. Wm. Stephens, 
.. Burn Brae," Brooklyn, N.S.; studIed 
at Perkins Inst. for the Blind, Boston, 
Mass; since 1873 !has been supdt. of 
the S
h. ;for the Blind, Halifax; has 
been foremost In the work of edu- 
rating the blind, and the sch. over 
whirt1 hp pre
iil(>!'1 Is J"f'(,,0'{.mI zN'1 both 


on thIs continent and In Europe as one 
well-equipped and of a first class 
character; estbd. a high class weekly 
journal at Halifax, called TI
e Critic, 
whfClh enjoyed a wIde popularity dur- 
Ing its exIstence, 1884; Is presùt. Hali- 
fax Canadian Club, N.S. Telephone Co. 
and Halifax Electoral Reform League; 
V.-P. Halifax Archæol. Inst.; a dir. 
Emp'lre Trust 00.; a m-em. Extve. 
Oom.oo., HJaJI.i,fax branch, Brit. Em.p:Ire 
Leoa.g-u.e; ;prorrnlOlber N. S. Le.a;gu1e ,f'Or otlhe 
Pro.tootJi'Û'l'Þ of otohe Fe'e'bl-e-mindle-dJ, 1908; 
pl1e'sæt. NlOrtJh Br1't. Sooc., Hal.!1fax, '1884; 
an ATI'g.-n Fan-aline," Bedford, N.S.; 
Canadian Club, Halifax. 
.. In h,im found a firm will, phe. 
nomenal prescience, keen insight, phil{)osoph. 
ical patience, tenacity of purpose, tact and 
skill in planning and controlling and the 
ability to grasp the gene.ral outHnell of any 
srubject and also its endless details; added 
to these gifts is a passionate industry, 
utterly ignorant (}of inactivity."-H. Herald. 
Fraser, Charles Gordon, ooucationlst. 
Highland descent; S. Gordon and 
Sarah Ann (Stackhouse) F.; U. 'E. L. 
stock; b. St. Andrews, P.Q., Nov. 24, 
1861; m., 1884, MIss Llbbie Wood, 
New Hamburg, Ont.; a public echo 
teacher; taught In various schs. In 
Ont.; joined Toronto pubUc sch. statt, 
1894; now and for some yrs. principal 
:Mannirug Ave. Scih., Thron10; sIs presdlt. 
Toronto Principals' Assn.; has been 
prominently connected with public pch. 
dJe'P'Ï., Onto EduCtt Assn.; has, beten 
presdt. and for some yrs. secy. there- 
of; a frequent contributor to the press 
on ed/UlCl. IbopIüs; a'll tJhor of ra ærJ'e6 
of echo text-books on history, geogra- 
phy, hygiene, grammar, lang. work, 
composItion, and mental arith., used In 
every provInce; an aggressive temp. 
worker: very active as the secy. of 
the comte. which arranged for the for- 
mation of a union of the teachers of 
the province; a strong advocate of the 
use of the Bible as a regular text-book 
in the schs.; a Freemason and a memo 
of other fraternal bodies; a Meth., 
class-leader, local preacher. and secy. 
Trustee Bd.; enthusIastically devoted 
to work among the young people of 
the ch.-l0 Sylvan A ve., Toronto. 
Fraser, Rev, Daniel James (Presb.), 
S. late Rev. Allan F., minI". of Alber- 
tan, P.E.I., and Ann, d. Prof. .John 
Ke.iT, D.D., one or ,tJhe iPI'cmeer mdns. of 
P. E.!.; b. Alberton, P.E.I., Sept. 15. 
1866; e. PrInce of Wales CoIl., Ch
lottetown (1st class teaching diploma), 
McGlll Unlv. (B.A., with 1st clas!!' 
-htornours ,In P'hil., and vta;loedlclo.r!oan. 
18')0), and Harvard Unlv. (S. T. B.. 
18<)7); LL.D., hon. (N. B. Unlv.), 
1 !"I 00 ; pursued thpo!. studies Pr('
Call., Montreal (B.D., gold meù.. and 
McKay scho!., 18<)3); D.D. (Knox 
Call., Toronto, 1908; unm.; lect. In 
da.ssks Knox CtOl!.tl., 1890-2, and ed.-dn- 
chloeof' College Jou1"nal; O. 1893; 
, N.S., 189,3-5; d'O. St. Ste- 
phen's Ch., St. .r.ohn
 N.B., 1897-1904; 
Slln,ce tJhen ha.s .beIen prof. New Test. ].l1:. 
and exe.gesi's, P.resb. Call., Montreal; 
a1lC:O a m'C'm. Ed. of 3Iang>t. : mIOdoem,tor, 

Montreal Presby.. fOT 6 mC>n't'ns, 19,11; 
a:uthJÜ'r II VIotQlI'!Íla, Queen and 'Mot!her" 
(1897) S'eTTI11'001S In lPa:tnlpihlert f 'Û'l'l11i 'and 
,t combrd'lYu<1rions 'ÌJO e<thIæJI I!Lnd 
theoI. mags.; sometime chaplain St. 
Andrew's Soc., St. .John; V.-P, St. John 
Golf Club (champion gentleman golf 
player, St. .John), and chaplain Thistle 
CurIlng Club; is a chaplain St. An- 
drew's Soc., Montreal; a del Pan- 
Presb. Alliance, Liverpool, Eng.. 1904. 
-Presbyterian College, Montreal; 
II The Marlborough," 210 Milton St., 
J,fontreal; Univentity Club; Thistle 
Curling Club; St. George Snowshoe 
Club, do, 
II A cultured Christian 
Ohief Justice Barker. 
Fraser, Donald Andrew, author. 
E. s. late Rev. Donald (Presb.). and 
Sarah (Rogf>rson) F.; b, Port Elgin, 
Ont., ApI. 30, 1875; e. public schs., 
ant. and B. C., Victoria High Sch., 
and Normal Sch., Vancouver; a sch. 
teacher since 1897: taught at Sooke. 
1 897-1901 ; .s'incre .tlhen at Vlcoo-ria; '3. u- 
vb-o'r tOf "\'ers'(>Is and! short sIDøbches fO'r 
mIa,g:s. ; publdSlheid
.a VIo'1. .o.f verse, II Peib- 
bil-e,g and ShelfilS" (1909): PreSb.-314 
Phænix Place, Vktoria, B.a. 
Fraser, Elisha Alexander, lawyer. 
S. Rev. NIram A. and ElIzabeth 
(Fletcher) F.; b. Bowmanvllle, ant., 
Mch. 13, 1837: e. Oberlin COli. and 
Mich. Univ. (A.B., 1863: A.M.. 1866) ; 
m., Dec. 1863, Mis5 Maud J. Lym- 
burner; was supdt. pubUc schs., Kala- 
mazoo, Mich., 1864-73: barrister, 1873; 
successfully practised hIs prof. In 
Battle Creek; since 1876, at Detroit; 
was city atty., Battle Creek, 1875-6: 
since 1892, has been a prof. Detroit 
Coli. otf Law; a Rep.; a prominent 
Pres.b.; ruling elder, Fort St. Ch., De- 
troit; del. GenI. Assembly, Presb. Ch, 
in U.S., N.Y., 1889 and 1904; a memo 
comte. to revIse the creed, 1900-4; 
represented Presb. Ch. of U.S. at Pan- 
Piresb. AlIlance, Liverpool, Eng., 1904: 
òellvered address -on II Christianity and 
National Expansion" there.-l054 4th 
A ve., Detroit, Mich. 
Fraser, George Albert Holden. retired 
educationist; lawyer. 
S. late Rev. Wm. F., D.D., for more 
than 40 yrs. stated elk. Genl. Assembly 
Presb. Ch. in Can., and Marla .James. 
d. late Jas. Nicholas, M.D.. Guernsey. 
and latterly of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; 
b. Bond Head, Ont., Mch. 3, 1867: e 
Bradford High Sch., Barrie CoIl. Tnst.. 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1889: M.A.. 
1890); was tutorial fellow in cla5siC's. 
Toronto Unl"Ç'., 1889-91, and 5ubse- 
Quently presiding examr. and examr 
in cJasslcs same Univ., examr. 
n ant. 
A,g-rk'lll. O
lil., anorl <a.SSQoc. e:xamT. in 
Ðdul('Mi-on Delprt., On<1.; l3.'Pip!tJd. ])J'()f. 011' 
T.;a,t,in and Gre<ek la , ng1.J02.,g--es .and 1111. in 
1. of Mon1Jan.a. 189.1, and, wh
.ho!dIng that chaIr, became a memo 
StJaJte Coundl -On HIgher Edu.c. : 
resigned Þo.trh poe!<1i011S, 1893, Wlhoen 
Rp'ptd. prof. o,r l.GJtdn, Oo'l-omdo OoiN.; 
.resigned, 1898, 1100 -enlÌ.oe'r l1e'g>a.'1 !plrofes- 
.sion, -af-tler ihJavln,g made ta repuw..tllon 
wfhoereveT lbee had b
 as Ian u:nruS'llaJJo1y 
bl"lJIl.anot !anod! etloC('lE'oSl'1ful umv. Ject. and 



i11JSltroclOT; was ca:lQeã rbo tlhoe 'ba!r, 1901; 
now a 'PraotdSlln-g ICtO'UnseJ,J,or at laiW, 
Denver, and 1!:W'!St. rabt'Y. Denver MIdJl'and 
Ry.: Oon. 'in can., ReV. in U.S.-Bos- 
ton Bldg., Denver, 0010. 
Fra8er, George Brown, merchant. 
B. Stricken, Aiberdeenshire, Scot.; e. 
Old Deer Parish Sch.; m., 1880, Re- 
becca, d. late .John Morrison, contrac- 
tor: trained to the dry goods trade; 
came to Can., 1875; now and for many 
yrs. a partnf'r in the wholesale house 
of Greenshields, Ltd., Montreal; a 
councillor and presdt. dry goods Bee., 
Montreal Bd. of Trade; a memo Tarlf!' 
Comte.: dir. .Jas. Williamson Storage 
Co.: life gov. Montreal Genl. Hosp.; 
a memo St. Anòn'w's Soc.; Presb.-.f 
!I[urray Ave. Westmount, lI
St. James's Club; Can., 1Jfanitou, West- 
mount, and Beaconsfield Golf Olubs, do., Graham, manufacturer. 
S. late Thos. F., New Glasgow, N.S.; 
h. there, Aug. 12, 1846; e. there: m. 
Miss Ch'trlotte Dicks, Pictou, N.S.: 
founded tI'1e Hope Iron Works. 1872. 
later, founded the N. S. Forge Co., and 
still lrater, -in 1882, the N. S. Steel & 
Coal Co., Ltd.; of this latter Co. was 
mangr. fo.r some yrs.; apptd. GenI. 
Man gr. Dom. Iron & .steel Co., Jan. 1, 
04, but retired from all connection 
with this organization, Dec., 1909: 
general1y recogn,ized as one of the 'Íore- 
m05t pioneers in coal mining and steel 
making in CaJI}e Breton; elected Mayor 
of New Gla.ggow, 1910; a Presb.-New 
Glasgow, N.S. . 
Fraser, Lieut.-Col. Harry Redfern, 
S. late John D. and Ellen Stott 
(Redfern) F.; latter stilI llving; b. 
Sherbrooke, P.Q., Sept. 24, 1859: e. 
there; m., Aug., 1902, HarrIet Helen 
Mackenzie, e. d. Arthur F. Simpson, 
Sherbrooke, P.Q.; LL.B. (Bishop's 
ColI., LennoxviIle, P.Q.); advocate, 
1883; K.C., 1906; practises his prof. 
at Sherbrooke; a memo firm Hurd &: 
F.; one O'f -the ille.aJdteors of .the PrO'ViI. 
'bar; successive:l,y fÌ.t'eaJS. and bdtonnier; 
for yrs. a memo City Council; first 
mayor of SheIibrooke eleoct-ed !by 'the 
peaple, 1898; do. agaIn. 1902 ; a trustee 
Bishop's ColI. and chairman dirs. 
Bishop's CoIl. Sch.; presdt. Lake Mal:\- 
sawlppi Fish and Game Protec. Club; 
formerly mango dlr. Sherbrooke Exbn.; 
rose step by step from the ranks to 
the command of the 53rd Regt.: re- 
th'ed., 1906: Ibolds loong seI"V'foOO deoora- 
Uon; a staunch and consistent Con., 
and has supported his party on all oc- 
casions; a strong loyalist and a thor- 
oug-h believer In and upholder of Brit. 
connection; an Ang., a ch. warden, and 
a del. to the Synod.-26 Melbourne St., 
Sherbrooke, P.Q.; St. George's Club, 
Fraser, James William, electrical en- 
S. John and Catherine Forbes 
(Nairn) F., Co. Invernes5, Scot.; b. 
BridgeviIle, Pictou, N.S., Mch. 6, 1874; 
e. public sch. and Pictou Acad.; m. 
M15s Annie L. MacGillivray; gradu- 
atf'ð B.S('., 1899: M.Sc. (McGill Univ.), 



1901; demon. physics, McGill Unlv., 
1899-1900; (lio. el-ee. en.g., do. dtO., 1900- 
 studènt Westinghouse E. H. M. 
Co., 1901-02; constructing en gr. Shaw- 
Inlgan Water & Power Co., 1902-03; 
do. do. Westinghouse E. H. M. Co., 
1903-5; asst. chief en gr. Southern 
Power Co. since 1905; author paper!:' 
contrIbuted Electrkal Revieto, etc.. 
Presb.-Charlotte. N.C.; Southern 
Manufacturera' Club. 
Fraser, Miss Jane Wens, jonrnallst. 
D. Rev. R. D. Fraser. D.D. (q.1 7 .); 
b. Toronto, Dec. 20, 1877; e. pubIlc 
and hlg'll sehs., BO'WIIlanvUle, ant.; f-or 10 yrs. has been asst. ed., undE'r 
her father, of the Illustrated papers 
published by the Pl'esb. Ch, In Can.; a 
memo Can. Press Assn.; elected record. 
se.CY. Can. Women's Press Club. 1909; 
a Presb.-69 Roxborough St. W., To- 
ronto, Ont.; Can. Women'8 Pre88 <Jlub; 
Heliconian Club, do. 
Fraser, John, Can. public service. 
Second s. late .Jas. and Isabella 
(McDonald) F.; bro. A. W. F. (q.v.); 
b. Loch Garry, Glengarry, Ont., Dec. 
13, 1852; e. local sch.; m., .July, 
1876, Miss Mary .J. Atchison, ot- 
tawa: enltd. pubUc sel"V'loe, May, 1875; 
rose through varIous grades from ex- 
tra elk. t'O that of aud.itO'r-genl., wUh 
rank of dieputy hea;d, .to which l'a.Jtoer 
office he was .a,ppt-d. Aug. ,1, 1905; 
presented with silver salver by staff 
of Finance Dept.. do.; I.S.O., 1908: a 
Presb. and an elder In the ch.--6J Car- 
ling Ave., Ottawa. 
.. A man of precision and BOund judg- 
ment."-M. Gazette, 
Fraser, John Kennedy, journalist. 
Descended from Stratherrlck Fras- 
ers; s. Alex. F., Inverness, Scot.; b. 
there (town), 1877 
 e. Central Public 
Sch. and Raining's Sch., Inverness; 
 for some yrs. a law student. hut 
finally went Into journalism: success- 
fully competed for prize essay on poet 
Burns, open to all Scot.: came to Can., 
1900; after a short period In the public 
servlc'e resumed law studies, and 
wrote for press: became ed. Man. 
Scot8man, founded 1905, which later 
was merged In Can. Scot8man. of 
which he Is 8tm ed.: has also written 
!!Iome admirable verse for the press; a 
strong, patriotic, and Imperialist strain 
pervades his wrItings: some of his 
verse has been set to m1.1slc and puh- 
IIshed: has celebrated Cern Rhodes. 
Imp. fe{l'f!ratl-on. la'Ild rtJhe Brlilffu flag 
In poetry: first to sugg-est a memorial 
to Alex. MuIr, the poet; believes <:h
the Interests of all parts of the Em- 
pIre can be best served by closer 'lnd 
better defined co-operation; a Presh., 
and represents the 
t. Ani!rew's Ch. 
Y. M.'IS UnIon In the Young Men's Fed- 
eration, Winnipeg': prominent In temp. 
and OhrlS'tlan Endeav1o'lI-r Woork; a suc- 
cessful speaker and lect.; 
e('y. for 
some yrs. St. Andr-ew's Soc., Winnipeg: 
a Ll'b., a.nd an eXJtve. IIntem. Y. 'M.'s 
Lib. Club; served In the volunteers In 
Brit and Can.-Winnofpeg. 

Fraser, Miss Margaret Ethel Vic- 
toria, physician. 
D. Donald and Elizabeth .Jane 
(Brown) F., both Canadians by birth; 
b. Quebec (city), Oct. 5, 1871; e. High 
SC'Ih. and Morrin ColI., Quebec; (B.A., 
:\<IcGIIl Unlv., 1894); graduated M.D., 
r.M. (Trln. Univ., Toronto). 1899: ad- 
mitted to practice, Mass., 1900; Illln- 
olis, 1902; OOIltOra.OO, 1906; ihas had an 
extensive and varied prof. experIence; 
now physician to State Indus. Seh. for 
Girls, Col.; also asst. In gynecol., Den- 
ver and Gross Coli. of Med.: attending 
g-ynecol., City and Co. Hosp.. Denver; 
interne, 1899-1900; asst. New Eng. 
Hosp., Boston, Mass., 1900-05; Meth.- 
 Glenm.m St., Denver, Col. 
Fraser, Bev. :Robert Douglas (Pl'esb.) , 
Fourth s. late Rev. Wm. F., D.D.. 
Bond Head. ant.; grandf. came to 
Can. from Inverness, Scot., as a child 
in arms, on board ship Hector, ca 1."ry- 
Ing first settlers to Pictou, N.S.; 
mother Nancy (McCurdy) F.; b. Bond 
Head, ant., June 19, 1849: e. Bradford 
and Newhurgh High Sehs. and To- 
ronto Unlv. (B.A. and g-old med. In 
nat. science, 1870: M.A., 1871): 
studied theol., Knox Coli., Toronto 
(D.D., 1906), and Presb. Coli., Mont- 
real (B.D., 1893): m., 1873. Elizabeth 
S., d Chas. Wilson, Tf'cumseh. ant.; 
o. 1873: pastorates at Cookstown, To- 
ronto. Claude. and Bowmanvllle; s
18q8 has been 00'. and business mang'r. 
Sabbath seh. publications, Presb. Ch. 
In Can.; minute elk., 1907; memo .Joint 
Comte. on Ch, Union, 1908; a del. 
World's Sunday Boo. Convention, 
Washington, D.C., 1910. -69 Rox- 
borough st. W., Toronto. 
.. Has made a speci.a1 study of teaching 
and Sabbath School work."-T. Globe. 
Fraser, :Rev, Thurlow (Presb.). 
S. late Robt. and Louisa .Jan.e (Hurd- 
man) F.: father a native Castle 
Blaney, Co. Armagh, Irel., came to 
Can., 1837, and took part In the de- 
fence of the country at that time; 
voungest of 9 chHdren: b. Cumberhmd, 
Ont.. .July 18, 1869: e. HIg-h Uch., 
Hawkesbury, Ottawa Normal Sch.. Al- 
monte High Sch., and Queen's Unlv., 
Kingston (B.A.. Gov.-Genl.'s schol., 
with honours In Eng. and -classics, 
1898) : post-grad. year and unlv. tl1tor 
In Enl'!".: studfed the01., !:lame IT'!'<tltu- 
Hem (B.D., 1902) ; D.D. (hoon.). l\ftOnt- 
l'eal P1'e,sb. CoH., 19:11; m., .July, 190.1. 
.Jane Armsrt:rong, y. d. IJ.taJt.e RJic'hoaro 
Fraser. Pemlbroke, Ont.; Bþe'I1t 
V'rs. w'hd1e a I!Itudenlf: In 5Ch. t-ea.chdng: 
åll-so .cMd mdSCJelI.aneous mlnWstoe.rla.1J. work; 
o. 1902: asst.. pastor, Bank st. Oh., Ot- 
tawa, 1901-2 (presented with a te!':tl- 
monlal on leaving) ; missionary to For- 
mosa. as 8u('cessor to famous Rev. Dr. 
Ma('Kay, with special reference to the 
eðucl. work for the tm
n1ng of a 
m1ttve mInistry for the Formosan C'h., 
1902-4; took up and acquired a know- 
ledge of Amoy Chinese and the .Japan- 
ese lang-uRg-es; returnpd to Can.. 1904, 
nnd since 1905 hRS been pastor at Port- 
ag'e-la-'PrRlrl p . 'Man.: apptd. chaplain 



(with hon. rank of capt.), 99th Regt., 
AJpl. 1, 1910; holds that political 
corruption Is the crying 5in of Can., 
more unblushing and shameful than 
the majority of those peccadlilos 
against which the pulpit ordinal'ily 
casts Its thunders; Is heartily in sym- 
pathy with the I>resent movement to- 
wards a stronger nat. feeling In Can.; 
whatever allowance we make for the 
strong home ties to which our fathers 
fondly and rightly clung, we of the 
younger generations should be Cans., 
rather than Eng., Irish, Scotch, or 
French-Cans.; believes that If Brit. 
and French, Prats. and R. C:s in Can. 
would study each other's history s.nd 
religion, enter into greater sympathY 
with each other's alms and ideals, and 
know the good that each other has 
done, It would go a long way towards 
breaking down the barriers of national 
and religious differences which have 
existed In the past; we have been 
suspicious of one another because we 
were ignorant of one another, and Ig- 
norance always breeds suspicion: at 
the same time believes that the Uberty 
necessary for this Can. nationalism is 
perfectly consistent with even closer 
Brit. connection than Can. has at 
present; without Brit. connection Can. 
would be but the fag of her none too 
conscientious nelghbour to the south; 
but If we are to have the benefits of 
Brit. connection we must be prepa,red 
to also bear the burdens; If Can. IR to 
be protected by Brit. armies and fleets, 
she must be prepared to contribute to 
the maintenance of these armies and 
fleets; If she Is to have Brit. prefer- 
ence she must give preference in re- 
turn: WlhlIe Dans. doOuobles,s tbave 'l"eason 
to complain of such British diplomg,cy 
as the Ashburton Treaty of 1842, the 
Oregon boundary and Alaska boun- 
dary søtUements of 1846 and 1903, 
Brit. statesmen can also complain that 
our attitude to the Mother Country 
has been a purely selfish one of get- 
ting as much as possible and giving as 
little as possible; to use Rev. Dr. Rose's 
(q.v.) phrase, our contributions to 1m. 
perlallsm have nearly all been labelled 
"C. O. D."; In religious matters be- 
lIeves in the fullest unity, co-operation, 
and brotherhood between Chvistlan 
bodies; the accentuation of the many 
things in which we agree rather than 
the few in which we differ; Is a con- 
butor to the mags.; author .. For- 
mosa unoor -the .Taa:>anese It (1907).- 
Portage la Prairie, Ma7t,.; Canadian 
Club, do. 
Fraser, William Alexander, poet and 
B. and e. Co. Pictou, N.S.; m.: spent 
his youth In N. Y. and Boston; at 13. 
comparatively early age went to India, 
where he lived for 7 yrs., returning, 
later, for a stay of a year and a half; 
later still, had 5 yrs.' experience in 
the Can, North-West; some of his 
 re connected with these Eastern 
and Western lands: 8Qmetlmes called 
.. The Can. KLopldng" ; besides hI.s many 
ViOls., of WÙ1Iioh a Mst is giV1en below, 
has wriltJtien ma.ny sl:llorl stories, 

a;ppe.aring in 11he Saturday Evening 
Post, Collier's weekl Y t Century,. Mc- 
Clure's, Outing, Pal Man J;Iag., 
Appleton, Can. 1'.fag., Red Book, 
Delineator, Ainslie's, Massey's, Pear- 
son's, Cassel's, Ladies' Homa Journal 
JVinds01' and Temple Bm', 
tJc.; IoIved 
rly In Toronto; noW lives at 
Georgetown, Ont.; the following com- 
prise a !Jst of his publications in book 
form: .. The Eye of a God" (1899), 
"Mooswa and Others of the Boundar- 
Ies" (1900), "The Outcasts" (1901), 
" Thoroughbreds It (1902), .. The Blood 
Lilies" (1903), .. Brave Heart!'!" 
(1904), "T,hirteen Men" (1906), " Sa- 
'Zada Tales" (1906), and .. The Lone 
Fur.row" (1907); wrote a nat. song 
el1'bÏ1ollOO. .. Canada, GOld '3.'1ld Our Land" 
(1906); Pr-eSb.-Ge01.getown, Ont,; 
National Club, T01.onto. 
"A master o-f the sho.rt sto.ry."-M. StGr. 
.. Writes from heart .and soul 815 well a. 
brain.."-" Kit" (q.v.). 
., He pD-SseSseS a ßtyle o.f hiB own and a 
V'eTY good one it is."-Metropolitan. 
.. A write.r of short stories that c&n 
always be recommende.d .and will a1moet 
inva.riably be enjo.yed."-M. and E. 
Fraser, WUUam Henry. educationist. 
5th s.late Rev. Wm. F., D.D. (Presb.), 
and Nancy (McCurdy) F.; b. Bond 
Head, Ont., 1853; e. Bradford High 
Sch. and Toronto Unlv. (B.A. and gold 
med. in mod. languages, 1880); m., 
1883, Miss Hêlène Zahn; resident 
master U. C. Coli., 1880-3: French and 
German master, do., 1884-7; lect. Ital- 
ian and Spanish, Univ. of Toronto, 
1887-92; assoc. prof. do., 1892-1901; 
since then has been prof. do.; author, 
with Prof. .T. Squair (q.v.), of "High 
Sch. French Grammar," and with Prof. 
W. H. Van del' Smissen (q.v.), of the 
"High Sch. German Gmmmar It: has 
also edited various foreign texts and 
pubUshed many papers on educ. and 
literary topics; Presb.-67 Madison 
A ve., Toronto. 
Frechette, Achille, late Dom. public 
service; litterateur. 
A bro. late Dr. L. H. F., C.M.G., 
the poet; b. Lêv\s, P.Q., Oct. 13, 18i7; 
e. Lêvls ColI. and Quebec Semy.; m. 
Annie T. (q.v.), d. late Hon. W. C. 
Howells, formerly U. S. Consul, 
Quebec, and a sister of W. D. H., 
presdt. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences; 
advocate, 1869; formerly IR journalist; 
entd. service, H, C., Can., 1874; 
apptd. chief translation branch, do., 
Sept., 1908; sent to Belgium and 
Switzerland, by H. C., to enquire into 
the systems followed in the transla- 
tion and publication of the Parity. de- 
bates and public documents in the 
rf'spective official langs. of thos(" coun- 
tries, 1910; 1.S.0., do.; retired from 
the 'Public service, do.; one or the 
original It Cercle des Dix," Ottawa; 
long chairman French sec., Ottawa Sch. 
Bd.; also ed. French ,papers In Trans. 
Royal Soc, of Can.; author occasional 
poetry and prose .contributions to 
peri'od.f.OOJls.-Care Can. CommiS8ione1", 
10 Rue de Rome, Pad.s, Franc.. 



Frechette, JIlIn, A>>.nIe Thomas 
D. late Hon. Wm. Cooper and Mary 
(Dean) Ho.wells; sister Wm. Dean 
Howells, the well-known noveltst ; 
father, formerly U. S. consul at Que- 
bee; b. Hamilton, 0., U.S.; e. High 
Sch., Jetrerson, 0.; m., June, 1877, 
Achll1e Frechette (q.v.), I.S.O., chief 
translator (R. C.), Can., a bro. of The 
late L. H. F., CJ
r.G., the distinguished 
poet; for a time lit. ed. Chicago Inter- 
Ocean,. later corresponden.t for N. Y. 
T1.ibune, N. Y. Graphic, Chicago Tri- 
bune, Boston Courier, Ohio State- 
Journal, Clevelan'd, Herald, Hearth 
and Home, a.nd other nerwspapßrs and 
periodicals; besides many mag. artl- 
des, Is rtlhe aJUtJhor of: "On Grand- 
father's Farm," "The Fa.rm's LitBe 
Peo,ple" (both for chlIdren) ; aoo (In 
oollaboration with the late Count de 
Premlo-iReal), .. Popular Sayings f,rom 
Ol.d Oberla"; Is V..P. Ottawa Humane 
Soc. and officially conne.cted with the 
Na1. Ooundl of WOffile'Il.-Care Cana- 
dian Commr., 40 Rue de Rom!!." Pari8, 
France; Women'8 CU)I. Frell8 lliub. 
.. A woman of deep culture and refine. 
me<nlt."-" Kit" (q.l'.). 
Freed, Augustus Toplad;V, rx.-n. pub- 
lic service. 
Eng. origin; father a yeoman of 
Kent; mother, d. of a clergyman; b. 
Beamsvllle, Ont., Oct. 8, 1835; e. pub- 
lic schs.; m., 1874, Martha Eliza- 
beth (d. Nov., 1903), d. late A. 
J. Parker, Port Jefferson, Long 
Island, N. Y.; became a printer; 
served in U. S. army during portion 
Aim. CIVJil Wl8,.r; rbook !PRvt In biaJtlbles 
of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsvllle, and 
Gettysburg; one of the Chicago volup. 
teers who returned to Can. during 
Fenian Raid, 1866; royal labour com- 
missioner, 1886-9, becoming chairman 
of comn. on death of Chief Ju.:stice 
Armstrong; mango ed. Hamilton Daily 
Spectator, 1880-1, and ed.-In-chief, do., 
1881-4, wh.en apptd. to present position, 
inspr, of weights and measures, Ham- 
Ilton; a Freemason of 33rd deg. 
rank; was grand mastt:r Grand Loù
of Can., 1907-9; author of .. Life o( 
Hancock," and some poems, includIng 
the popular ditty, "The Daddy 01 
Them All"; and the patriotic line5: 
.. Canada to Britain" ; believes in Can. 
first; desires the closest possible unio11 
of the Empire; no ch, ; a Con.- It H aw- 
cob:' -+9 Homewood Ave., Hamilton, 
Freeman, Claude Wealey, physician. 
S. E. B. and Eleanor C. (Bannister) 
F.; Eng. origin; on paternal side de- 
scended from one of the early foun- 
ders of Methodism In N. S.: b. Co. 
Halton, Ont., Sept. 24, 1874; e. Bur- 
lington Public Sch., Hamilton ColI. 
lnst. and Victoria Unlv. (B.A., 1896) ; 
m., Feb., 1907, Florence Lllllan, v. d. 
lrute 'Dhos. ,MQrtson, Oak Ridges, Ont.; 
M.B. (Toronto Univ.), 1903; house 
surg., City Hasp., Hamilton, Ont., 
1903-4; med'. supdt., do., 1904-5; since 
tJhen nws 'been I3.sst. Genl. H
., Ohuni&' 
KIng, Sze-Chuan, China (under aU8- 

plces Bd. of Missions. Meth. Ep. Ch., 
U.S.A.) ; a Meth.-Chung King, China. 
Freeman, Daniel, lawyer. 
Descended from Edward F., b. in 
., 1670, who came to Am., 1691; 
s. D. W. F., Co. Norfolk, Ont.: b. Nls- 
sourf, Co. Middlesex, Ont., June 30, 
1837; e. there; m., 1864, Catherine 
Grace, d. Capt. John Christie, R.N.; 
barrister (Ont.), 1864; went to Cal., 
1873; bought a large ranch nr. Los 
Angeles and settled there; for several 
yrs. prf'sdt. Los Angeles Chamber of 
Commerce: now and for many yrs. a 
fllr. Cal. Southern Ry.; Ang.-Ingle- 
wood, Cal.,. California Club, L08 An- 
Fremantle, JIII1ss Elizabeth (see Co- 
vey, Mrs. Elizabeth). 
French, :E"rederick William, education- 
Y. s. John and Harriet F., Mt. Al- 
bert, Co. York, Ont.: b. there, Meh. 13, 
1868; e. Uxbrldg-e HI
h Sch., Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., 1889), and Chicago Univ.; 
m., 1st. Dec., 1892, Miss M. L. Taylor, 
Clinton, Onto (d.); 2ndty, Mch., 1908, 
Mrs. C. A, McCausland, E. Toronto; 
math. master, KincardinE' High Seh., 
1890-2; classical and Eng. master, 
Pembroke High Sch., 181)2-3: do. do., 
Ridgetown Call. lnst., 1893-4: classi- 
cal master, Napanee eQI,l. lnst.. 1894- 
1901; instr. in Latin, Univ. of Chicago 
Secondary Sch., 1903; 'Since 1903 has 
been first 'prlnclpal E. Toronto HIgh 
Sch.; an assoc. exam r. in -classics, 
EdJuc!. Dept., Ont., 1895-7.-124 Beech 
A ve., Toronto. 
French, Major-General Sir George 
Arthur, late Can. permanent mH. 
E. s. Ja1:Je .John F., Miorndllig'Ìon ,Park, 
Co. DU!blin, Irel.; b. Ros'common, Ire!., 
June 19, 1841; e. R. :\'I. Coil, Sand- 
hurst, and R. M. Acad., 'Voolwich; m., 
1862, Janet Clarke, d. latE' RoM. L. 
Innes, Kingston, Onto ; joined the Royal 
Arty., 1860, became It.-co!., 1887; and 
was promoted cot for .. distinguished 
service than In the field," 1892; 
in Can. was apptd. It.-col. and Inspr. 
of arty., 1870, and CIOIffimandant {)of 
the Sch. of Gunnery, 1871; he organ- 
iZE'd the R. N. W. M. Police, 1873. and 
was its first commr., being also a 
stipend. magte. for the N. W. T.; in 
the following year commanded an 
expdn. sent from the Red River to the 
Rocky Mts. by the Can. Gov,t.; was 
made a C.M.G. for his services In Can., 
1877; since -leaving the Dam. his ser- 
vIces and appts. have been ag follows: 
Inspr. of Warltke Stores, Devonport, 
1878-83; commandant Queensland De- 
fence F
rce, 1883-91; c'hlef instr. Sch. 
of Gunnery, Shoeburyness, 1892-93; 
col. on the 5tafT, Bombay, 1894; brlg.- 
genl. R. A., Bombay army, 1896-96; 
and maj.-genl. commdg. the N. S. W. 
I0orces, ,AIPI., 1896-1902; I1e,tlood on fuB 
,pay, 1902; I' Ibhe thanks of both 
Houses of tJhe Queensland Parlt. fQr 
s :In ,tJhJa:t oolony; K.C.M.G., 
1902; 1'09 13.'IJg 'belolever .In the 
unLty and ,integrity of the Brit. Em- 
plre; an Ang.--60 Drayton Gardens, 


London, S.W,; Junior Con8titutional 
Club, do. 
"An able and thorough soldier."-Rt. 
Hon. Sir John Macdonald, G.C.B. 
French, Major :Herbert Cummin
physicia.n; H.M:s regular mil. 
S. Major-Genl. Sir G. A. F. (q.v.); 
nephoeiW CSipt. .John F., R. N. W. M. P., 
kUled N. W. Reb., 1885; b. Quebe
Nov. 22, 1869; .e. KIng's C.oll., Lon- 
dion (prIzeman and scho!.); m., ApI., 
1898-, C3iroUlle Sophia DaIry. grandd. 
late Sir Allan MacNab, Bart., P.rlme 
MinI'. of Can.; M.R.C.S. (Eng.); 
L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1892; a fenow Royal 
Inst. Public Health; a memo Brit. Med. 
Assn.; gazetted surg. lIeut., R. A. M. C" 
1893; surg.-capt., 1896; major, 1905; 
served S. A. War (med. and 3 clasps) ; 
holds, also, med. Royal Humane f1oc., 
1902, and Royal Albert med., presented 
by late King Edward VII. for gallantry 
In saving life at sea, off Singapore, 
Nov., 1902; a contributor to med. 
press; Ang.--Junior Army and Navy 
Club, London, Eng,; care Holt & Co., 
agent8, do. 
Fripp, Alfred Ernest, lawyer; legis- 
S. late S. B. F., architect, and Mary 
(Eaton) F.; b. Ottawa, June 29, 1866; 
e. public schs., by :private ,tuition, 
and Onto Law Sch.; m., 1894, Clemen- 
tine Sophia, d. tate Andrew W. Bell, 
Carleton Place, Ont.; barrister, 1893; 
K.C. (Ont.), 1908; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. in Ottawa, as mem 
firm F. & McGee; ald., Ottawa, 1899; 
presdt., St. George's Soc., Ottawa, 
1907-8; Con.; presdt. Lib.-Con. Assn., 
Otoo.wa., 1907-8; sat for Ottawa W.e,st 
(Local!), Oon. interest, 1908-11, when 
ihJe roB1I.gnedt to Tun 1('01' Ot.t:awa (H.C.) ; 
.-407 Queen St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club; Ottawa Golf Club, do. 
.. A young man. who will yet be heard 
from. "-Dr. Sproule, M.P. (q.v.). 
Frost, :Hon, FranciB Theodore. manu- 
facturer; senator. 
Parents came from Vt., 1834, set- 
tling first at Hawkesbury and remov- 
ing to Smith's Falls, Ont., 1838; b. 
Smith's Falls, Dec. 21, 1843; e. there, 
Coventry Acad., Vt., and St. Law- 
rence Acad., Potsdam, N.Y.; m., .June, 
1868, Miss Marla E. Powell I, Madrid, 
N.Y. (V.-P. Nat Ommoll of Women, 
1908; a del. Quinquennial C<mgress, 
Nat. Council of Women, Toronto, 
1909); head of the Frost & Wood 
Co., Smith's Falls, agricul. imple- 
ments (L. P., 1898), bU't estabd. 
1846; a dlr. Imperial Guarantee & 
Accident Ins. Co. of Can.; a trustee 
Ottawa Ladies' Call.; apptd. a memo 
OtJt'a\\"R Imlprovement OO'mn., .June 
17, 1902; has lectured on applted art, 
with special reference to the Ottawa 
I'mprovemen1t Oom11.; oa Lib., and 
a memo of the Genl. Reform Assn. of 
Ont.; sat for N. Leeds and Grenville 
(H. C.), 1896-1900; called to the 
Senate by Lord Minto, Mch. 12, 1903; 
a Presb.-" Elmcroft}' Smith'8 Falls, 
Ont.; Rideau Club, Ottawa; Ontario 
Club, Toronto. 
.. One of the squarest men in Parlia- 


ment, and one of the best 1iked."-T. Tele. 
FroBt, George Henry. civil engineer; 
Bro. Hon. F. T. F. (q.v.) senator; b, 
Hawkesbury, Ont., .July 9, 1838; e. 
public schs., an Am. Sicad., by priva.te 
tutor, and McGill Unlv. (C.E., 1860); 
m., Dec., 1868, Miss Louisa H. Hunt, 
Chicago, Ill.; P.L.S., 1863; is a memo 
Clan. Soc. of C. E., taal asS>0C'. ,memo 
of the Am. Soc. of Civil Engrs., and an 
hon. memo of several other learned 
bodies; -proceeding 'West, entd. the 
service of the Chicago & N. W. Ry., 
and later be.came a city surveyor, 
Chkago; in 1879, ceased practising 
his prof. entirely. having 2 yrs. ,previ- 
ously founded the Engineering New8, 
now, and for some yrs., the foremost 
engineering journal In the world, wltih 
which he removed to N.Y., 1879; also 
owns and pUblishes the Courier-New8, 
Plainfield, N.J.; has travelled abroa.d 
ex.teniSlt'li-.ely; ,gave $5,000 .to Smi<tJh's 
F1wJl1os Genl. Hasp. and $1.000 IÌ'O St. 
Fra.ncls HoSop., SmitJh's Fa}o!.s, 191'1; .ls 
a Li.b. In Dan., Ill. 'HIe-p. dn. -the U.iS., and 
a Pr04tootlondst In b04t'h.-Plainfield, 
N.J.; !20 Broadway, New York; Plain- 
field Country Club. 
Fry. Edward Carey, merchant 9.nd 
B. Bristol, Eng., June 24, 1842; e. 
Bristol Grammar Sch,; m., Elizabeth, 
d. late Rev. David Marsh (Bapt.). 
Quebec; early associated with his bro., 
Hy. F., Quebec, as a Can. ship-owner, 
and eventually became his partner In 
the business, under the name and 
style, Hy. F. & Co., ship brokers, genl. 
comn. merchants, and Lloyd's agents; 
on the retirement of his bro., 1882, 
became head of the firm; a memo 
Quebec Bd. of Trade, and regarded as 
an authority on the navigation of the 
St. Lawrence; a promoter of the Wm. 
A. Marsh Co., Quebec (L. P., 1900); 
a memo Royal Comn. on Transporta- 
tion (apptd. Aug., 1903; resigned, 
1905); a Brupt.-8Z de Salaberry st., 
Fryer, Joseph :Henry, manufacturer. 
Eng. Ofligin; b. 00. Kerut, Ont.; aJLd., 
town of Galt, Ont.; chairman Sewer 
Construction Comte. : memo Panes 
Comn. ; presdt. Bd. of Trade (2 
terms) ; presdt. Niagara Power Union; 
do. 'Vestern Onto Munlcip,aUties Niagara 
Power Union; mango dir. Galt Ma!le- 
aMe I'I'Io.n Works; M
tJh.-Galt Ont.; 
Waterloo County Golf and Öountry 
"A deep thinkeT and a man of varied 
aH,ainme.nts."-T. Globe. 
.E'udger, :Harris Henry, merchant and 
Irish origin; S. late Edward F., a 
native of Kinsale, Ire!., who came to 
Toronto, 1851; b. Toronto, Dec. 19, 
1851; e. Grammar Sch., Paris, Ont.; 
m. Hannah, d. late R. Wickens, To- 
ronto; prpsdt. Robt. Simpson Co., Ltd., 
'roronto (departmental store), since 
1898; early connected with firm of 
late Robt. Wilkes, wholesale fancy 
goods and jewelry business, Toronto 



and Montreal; formed partnership 
with Hy, Smith, as successors to Mr. 
Wilkes in this business, 1880; formed 
The Goldsmit'hs' Stock Co, of Can., 
1888, and The Fancy Goods Co. of 
Can... 1897; a dir, Nat. Trust Co.; a 
trustee Toronto Genl. Hosp.; a memo 
extve. coanrtoe. Horrue f'Or Incu1'3!ble Ohll- 
dren, Toronto; a dlr. Queen City Curl- 
Ing Club; a regent Victoria Univ., To- 
ronto; a Meth.; gave $10,000 to Meth 
Endowment Fund, 1899; apptd. treas. 
Genl. Bd. of Meth. Ch., 1904; elected 
presdt. Meth. Social Union, 1906; a 
memo Oalli Extve. Laym.en',s Missy. 
Movement, and elected chairman of 
local comte, of the Nat. Congress, 
1909 ; also a memo Bd. of Educ., Mf'th. 
Ch., and of special comte. on Ch. 
Federal Union; apptd. a councillor, 
Intern. IS. S. Convention, 1907; and a 
del., with late Rev. Dr. Sutherland, to 
China and Jajpan, 1905, to report on 
Meth. mlsslons.-
O Maple Ave., R08e- 
dale, Toronto. 
Fulford, Mr., Mary Wilder, widow. 
D. Dr. Hy. O. White, Salem, Mass.; 
m., .Jan., 1880, Hon. Geo. T. Fulford, 
senator, Brockville, Onto (d. Newton, 
Mass., as the result of an automobile 
accident, Oct. 15, 1906); presented 
town of Brockvf1le with the lacrosse 
grounds there, for athletic purposes, 
May, 1908; a Meth.-Brockville, Onto 
Fuller, George Damon, educaJUonist. 
S, Damon and Eliza (-Chalmers) F.; 
Am. and Scottish origin: b. .Adams- 
vllle, P.Q., Jan. 18, 1869; e. public 
sch., Gmnby HI'giIl: ScIh., 1St. Fù-ancis 
Coli. Richmond, McGill Normal Sch., 
McGill Univ. (B.A., 1901), and Chicago 
Unlv.; m., Sept., 1908, Miss Louise M. 
Miller, Clarencevllle, P.Q. ; having 
obtained el.ementary model sch. and an 
acado diploma, taught In various edu- 
cational Institutions, and was ;principal 
Stan bridge E. High Seh., 1892-4; do., 
Clarencevllle Acad., 1894-97; commer- 
cial master St. Francis CoIl. Sch., 
1897-8; held a McGlU scholar. at Marine 
BioI. Labory., Woods Hall. Mass.. 
1901-2; dlr. sch_ gardens. Macdona'(] 
Rural Schs., Knowlton, P.Q., 1903-6: 
asst. ,In bootlan'Y, Ohtlcago Undv., 1906; 

TIBtr. In do., Soh. IOf Eduoo,tdon, do., 
SlÏnoe ,1907; !hirE; leotul'ed 011 .. Our 
Native Birds" and kindred subjects; 
Cong.-Univer8ity of CMcago, CMcago, 
Fuller, Henry Jone., business man. 
S. Late Rev. Homer T. F., D.D., at 
one time presdt. Worcester Poly. Inst., 
WOI'\Clester, .Mass.; b. rohere, 1874; e. 
WOI'\ClesteT Polry. Inst. (M.E., 1895) ; m., 
Feb.. 1902, Nancy Christl-e, d. Ron. Mr. 
.Justloe Archdbald (q.v.); a dtJr. Oan. 
Ocmsol,idaJbedi Ruboor Co., E. and T. 
Fa.lrbanks 00., ,Can. Rand 00., E. T. 
Bank, and {}f It/he Jjauren1ian Club; 
V.-P. .AJNdSi-OhJa.Inrers-Bt1JLIJck Co. and 
presd 1. Dom. Safe and Vaut.t 00.; has 
beEm also f,Ü'r som.e yrs. tpresdot. and 
genJ1. :mangr. Tihe Can. FaITba1nk.s 00. 
(L.P., 1905); eÞe.ote'd' 'Presdt. Can. 
FaI,rb&nks-.:\1o()J'ISe 00., 191'1; has ,lec- 
tured on "'Dhe Art of DoIng Business" ; 
one of the principal promoters of the 

Typhoid Emergency Hosp., Montreal, 
1910; Presb.---35 MacGregor St.}.. Mont- 
,.eal; St. Jame8'8 Club, do.; :J.'oronto 
Club; York Club; National Club, To- 
.. Fro' a chance Importatio.n, on which 
no duty was paid, he sure has turned 'Out 
weU"-S. N. 
Fullerton, James Scott, lawyer. 
Irish parentage; s. Matthew and 
Eleanor (McKinley) F.; b. S. Dorches-, Co. Elgin, Ont., ApI. 3, 1848; e. 
l,ocal sehs., Galt Coll. lñst., and To- 
ronto Normal Seh. (gra.d., with 1st 
class "A" cert.); matriculated in To- 
ron-to Unlv.; m., 1st, Miss Emma 
Stevenson, Pe.terboro',Ont. (d.) ; 2ndly, 
Elizabeth, d. Chas. Doran, Toronto; 
originally a sch. teacher; barrister, 
1877; took 2nd, 3rd and 4th year 
schol.s. a.t OSgJÜ'ode Ha,N; K.C. (E. of 
Derby), 1889; successfully practise.d 
his prof. in Toronto; corporation coun- 
sel, dty of Toronto, Nov. 19, 1894; re-, .June, 1909; nlQlW 1Ìl!æd. firm. F., 
Macdonald & Lytle, Toronto; formerly 
presdt. Osgoode Legal and Lit. So<:.; 
a Con.; an Ang.; a Freema.son.- 
.. Fm'nham Lodge," Farnham Ave., 
Toronto; Albany Club, do. 
.. A man of indefatil!;able industry and 
much ability."-M. and E. 
Fulton, Edwa.rd, educatIOnist. 
S. .Joseph and Amanda (Ellis) F.; 
b. Lower Stewiacke, N.S., .July 22. 
1862; e. Dalhousie Unlv. (B.A., with 
1st rank honours in Eng. and Eng. 
hi st., and DemlIl gold med., 1889), 
and Harvard Unlv. (M.A" 1892): 
took post-grad. course In Eng. at 
same unlv. (Ph.D., 1894); has been dn en g>in.g. , ProV1I. N'onna.l Sc!h., 
Truro, N.S.; Instr. In enging., Harvard 
ColI.; prof. of enging., Wells Coll., 
Aurora, N.Y.; spent a year abroad; 
since 1901 has been asst. prof. of 
rhetoric, Unlv. of Ill.; ed., with in- 
troduction and notes, II The Shorter 
Poems of Wordsworth" (N, Y., 
1903); Presb.-Urbana, Ill. 
Fulton, Hon, Frederick John, states- 
man ; lawyer. 
Joint Scotch and Eng. origin; s. 
Alex. and Barbara F.; b. Bedl1ngton, 
Eng., Dec. 8, 1862; e. Heversham 
Grammar Sch. and Magdalen Coli., 
Camb. (B.A.); unm.; barrister; K.C., 
] 900; a Con. and has represented 
Kamloops (Local), since 1900; entd. 
the McBride Admn., as Presdt. of the 
Council, 1903, and has since filled the 
followIng offces: provl. .secy., mlnr. of 
educ., atty.-genl., and chief commr. 
lands and works; remains a memo ot 
the Cabinet; apptd. a memo Royal 
Inst. for the Advanc. of Learning, 
B. C., 1906; a memo of the Irrigation 
Convention, 1907; a memo Timber and 
Forestry Comn., 1909; a Prot.-Vic- 
toria, B.C.; Union Club, do. 
II Very jovial in his manners, and 
makes friends in .all cirdes."-M. Star. 
Fulton, John Hamilton, banking pro- 
S. ilate .Jolhn F.. C.A., MO'I1Jtreal; b. 
Côte-does-Neiges, MQJ1Jtræl, Nov. 12, 



1869; e. Montreal HIg1h ,Sc;h. ; m., Sept., 
1895, .Tean Mon,tgomery, ,d. Wm. T
son, C.1'Y'de Ba.nk; e'11'td. seTvi.ce 
chants Bank of Can., Mcih., 1883; 
{l and wen1 1:0 Pensacola, Fla., 
.Tune, 1886 ; returned !to Montreal and 
entd servl,ce .Dan. Bank o.f OO'mll'ne,rce, 
Oct., 1887; acc-oun'tant, N.Y. A,gency, 
do., SeJpt., 1896; a.gen.t, tdJo., New Or- 
, La., Se,p.t., 1898; formed {)Offi- 
merolifUl N.wt. Bank, .New OrJ!eans, and 
became ,llts V.-P., .Tan., 1900; Ol'ganlized 
OO11lJI11oereial T'l'ust i&nd SlaVlings Bank, 
d l .)., and ' its genl. mlangr. and 
V.-P., June, 1902; hils present lp'osHi'lms 
a,r.e: V.-P. and man-gr. Oommel'cl-al Nat. 
Bank; V.-P. ameli genl. mangr. Com- 
m,eoroi1al Getmll8:nla TTUS.t and Savings 
Bank; iPn
sdt. 1st Nat. Bank, McÜomb 
Oity, 'M,iss.; a òdr. in seV'em.1 ,Þooal 
enteI" and country -banks; ,pl'esdlt. 
La. Bankers' Assln., '1902-3, and 
I"ffiml.'ins a m>em. ()If the e:x.tV'e. oooncll 
of that bodly; PI' Charles Ave., 
New Orleans, La.; Boston Club, do. 
Pulton, Rev. Robert G, (Meth.). 
Irish origin; entd. ministry, 1895; 
successively pastor Kingston, Sack- 
vllle, Grand Manan, Upham, St. Mar- 
tin's, and Woodstock, N.B.; elected 
Grand Mastf'r, Oran
e Grand Lodge, 
N B., 1907-8; moved to Vancouver, 
1909.-Vancouver, B.C. 
Futcher, Thomas Barnes, physicIan. 
Fifth s. Thos. and Susan F., St 
T}1omas, Ont.; b. therf', .Tan. 1, 1871; 
e. publlc schs. and St. Thomas CoHo 
Inst.; m., Nov., 1909, Marjorie, y. d. 
late R. Palmer Howard, M.D., Mont- 
real; graduated M.B. (Toronto Unlv.), 
1893; post-graduate studies at .Tohns 
Hopkins Univ. and Unlvs. Graz 
trassburg; assoc. In mpd., .Tohns 
Ho:pkJms Univ., 1899-1901; a.ssoc. ,prof. 
o! do. do. since 1901; Ang.-" W. 
F1'anklin St., Baltimore, Md,; Mary- 
land Club,. Baltimore Country Club. 
:Pyles, Rev, Thomas W. (Ang). 
S. Thos. and Elizabeth (Tearle) F., 
London, Eng.; b. .. The Hermitage," 
Enfield Chase, Eng., 1832; e. London; 
D.C.L. (hon.), Un Iv. BIshop's Coll., 
Lennoxvllle, P.Q., 1898; m.; 0., 1862; 
Incumbent. Iron Hill and West Brome, 
P.Q., 1863; do., Cowansville and 
Sweets-burgh, 1871; rector, Misslsquol 
HIg1h Sch. and rector Nelsonville, 1873; 
emlg-ratlon chaplain at Quebec for the 
S. P. C. K., 1883; now retired; in 
addition to two volumes of poems, has 
written numerous papers In religious, 
educ. and scientific periodicals; was 
for some yrs. a memo of the Bd. of 
Examrs. for granting teachel'S' {ll1pl'O- 
mas, and In 1880 reed. from the educl. 
comte. of the Dom. Exhn. a 1st class 
diploma for scientific exhibits; was a 
oounclllor o.f too Enlt'OOJ1lOcr,. Soc. (I'f On/t., 

Gaboury, Arthur, street ry. service. 
B. Montreal, ApI. 6. 1875; e. thpre; 
m. MHe. Dore; Momt'mal St. Ry 
servLce, 1894, as motorman, since when 
he has been, successIvely, dep.ot maste-r, 
Inspector, .claims agent, asst. supdt., 
and supdt. (ap,ptd. to last-named posl- 

1882-8; del. to t,he Royal Soc. of Can., 
dru1"in,g se'VeoraJl IY'rs.; an
m. of the 
edIting comte. of the Canadian En- 
tomologist, 1889-97; V.-P. of the Soc., 
1898; presdt., 1899-1900; nOw an ex- 
officio diireot'Ü'r of the soc.; was eloeoted 
a fellow of the Llnnean Soc. of Lon- 
don, 1890.-Hull, P.Q. 
"A cultured BchQlar who write-s in a 
somewhat humourQus vein."-Oan. Oourier. 
Fyshe, James Carlyle, physician. 
S. Thos. (q.v.) and late AvIs (Loo- 
nowne.s) F.; 'h. Montreal, 18-78; e. 
HJarvard Undv. (A.B.) and McGi.}rl 
v. (B.A., ad eun" 1901; M.D.,C.M., 
wlt'h .hionou'r.s, 1904); m., Dec., 1908, 
.Tulia OCYrisandle, d. Lt.-OoIl.. Gregor 

l(ia.ttitC.e. Monotr>eoa'l; resI,diE'tllt physician, 
Momt'reaJ Gen!. Ho.sp., 1904-6; !took a 
eours.e rut tlhe Oonwg.Ious Dlsease.s 
H!O'Slp., BOSIbon
 M3SS., 1906; med. 
iSu:pdlt:., A!lexnndra H{}sp. ,f!or Conlta.- 
,g>ilQlUS Diseases. Mon:t'l"ea..l, 1906-7; since 
t!hen ho3.s heen 8!sst. Med. OfTI'. of 
Heal-tJh, Bang-look, Slam; .gazet1ed 2nd 
lieut., 2nd Regtt., C. .A., 11900; pro- 
motof'.d lileut., d'O., /1901; -tllent., 3lrd 
BaMy., e.F.A., 1903.-Bangkok, Siam. 
Fyshe, Thomas, retired banker. 
B. East Lotlhla'll, Soot., Oct. 3, 1845; 
e. f'lfierstJonopans, In othat co.; m., .Tune, 
18,77, Avis (d. 'May, 1902), d. Mol's. 
T'h'O... Led-g<h Leonowens, o3.,t ()ne <trIme 
1'aJdy tUlÌlOr 1'0 'uhe Kiln.g- of Slam and 
a.uthlOll' of: "Thoe En,glish GO/V"Ie-rt1less at 
 Oourt of 'St!wm," .. Romlai!1C1e of t'he 
Harem," .. Life and: Travel In India," 
and other Interesting works; served 
as a elk. Jon ibhle Bank o.f Sootoland a:n<d 
the (Blirmln:gha,m .T>dinlt Stock Ba11Jk; 
03m'e to. ,Can. and ,tlOO Ban.k 
of B.N.A., Kingston, Ont.; removed to 
,MOl1Jtrea.I, 1868' wag iS1eTlltilbo N.Y., 1&69, 
but re,turned ,in Núv.. 'Of same Y'r. ; act- 
In.g a.oct. of the hank, Tl()lr.onlto., 1872; 
2'nd agenot, N.Y., ,1872-4; was Ifor SOI!11e 
yrs. in buSiiness as R broker, N.Y., 
,ÞaIÌJe.r wa,s -a,pptJd., Bank of N.IS., 
St. Jiollm, .N.B. ; was af,te-rward.s caShioe,r 
of the bank; '3JPpo\:!d. joOllntt gJencrl. anll:i.ll'gr., 
Merdhanots Bank of Can., .Tune, '1897; 
r.esigneid, 1905; a {l,Ir. iMont'l'eia,1 Trust 
find Deposit 00., Brandiram-He.ndJer.son 
100. o3.nd Onto Aoolðenrt: Ins. Co. ; opresdtt. 
Can. Banwørs' Assn., 1895-6; authOT of 
a .pam'fjMet: .. Lebters on M'l1nilclpal 
Taxation" (1880), and of a pape'r on 
the .. Growth of Corporations" (Can. 
Bankers' Journal), 1895: a Civil 'Ser- 
"doe commr., ObtalW'a, 1907-8; 'hls por- 
trMt executed by Harris (q.V'.) !fur 
.the .diil's. 01t' tohe ,Banik of N.S., 1908; 
a Pr>esb.-70 McTavish St., Montreal; 
St. James's Club; Montreal Club, do. 
II Has estabHshed an enrviable reco.rd for 
himself as an authQrity QD high fina-noce."- 
M. Witness. 


tlon, which he now holds, Dec. 21, 
1906) ; a m
m. Kndghts 'Of Columbus; 
R. C.-Stuart Ave., Outremont, Mont- 
real; Lafontaine Club; Club St. Denis; 
Outremont Curling Club, do. 
.. A man of e;,rperienoo and ability."- 
M. Herald. 



II Gaétane de M:ontreuU" (see Gill, 
Madame <kLétane). 
Gaetz, Halley Hamilton, bu<;lness man 
S. late Rev. Dr. Lf'onard and Caro- 
line Blowers (Hamilton) G.; b. Mid- 
dle Musquodoboit, N.S., Apt 8, 1867; 
e. there; m.. Jan.. 1893, Miss Charlotte 
Emily Tousley, Carlisle, Ont.; settled, 
with his family, at Red Deer, 1884; 
an early pionef'r ; trained in the 
II Univ. of Hard Knocks to; presdt. the 
G.-Cornett Drug & Book Co., Ltd.: a 
memo local Sch. Bd.: presdt. Red Deer 
Bd. of Trade: a memo Municipal Coun- 
cil; a memo Union Alberta Munlclpali- 
tie,s; :UO'Cal V.-P. UnIon of Can. Mun.IocI-, 1910; Mayor of Red Dærr, 
1907-8; eloeoted a sen-ator, -AJl'Ì>e'I'ta 
Un,Iv., .1908; n'Ü't an a'dherent of any 
poJoi'tIæ I party; inc'1i!.nred Itoo J'a,dtlcalism 
and oa,àV1allooed Libernlllism; beli-c-ves iln 
pubÞlc ownership of puMioc utilities; 
beUeVies .in the Ohristian .relig-ion, but 
is 11'Oot a" Rotm- 
wold," Red Deer, Alta. 
Gage, William James, publisher; 
capitalist; philanthropi!"t. 
B. Co. Peel, Ont.; e. Brampton and 
Toronto Normal Sch. (1st class cert.) ; 
m., May, 1880, Ina, d. DavId BurnsIde, 
F.E.I.S., Toronto; for some yrs. a sch. 
teacher; commenced business life In 
house of Adam Miller & Co., publishers, 
Toronto: l'ater was admitted a partner 
and, on Mr. Miller's de
th, continued to 
carryon the business, enterIng largely 
into the publication of sch. books; Is 
now presdt. W. J. Gage & Co., Ltd. 
(L.P., 1893), one of the lead,ing book 
and stationery firms of Ont.; al8'O 
presdt. Educ. Book Co., Klnleith Paper 
Co. and Can. Copyright Assn.; a dir. 
Imp. Bank, Onto Sugar Co. and Anglo- 
Am. Fire Ins. Co.; presdt. Toronto Bd. 
of T'I"8õte, .1910; l,st .pr
sdt. Assoüd. Bd.s. 
of Trade of Ont., 1911; a del., 6th Con- 
g-ress, Chambers of Commerce of the 
Empire, Lonòon, En.g., .1906; do. BrH. 
Imp. Council {)f Commerce, d.o., 1911; 
is especially known as the founder and 
promotf'r of the Kat. R'lnft'l.rium Assn., 
contvQI}ijing- the M'Uslwka Ootta,g-e Sanl- 
t a rium and .bhe Free Hosp. f.O'r Don- 
sump' nr. GraVlenlhurst, Ont.; is 
ühoa,lnman ex'tv
. 'ÛO'ITIIÌe. N'a,t. SanJ- 
ta'rium Assn.; als'O dhah':ffil3.n, Bd. of 
Trustees, T>orontoo Free Hosp. ,f'or Oon- 
s>um'ptive POlO I' ; .off' 5 ,soho'1arsihi,ps 
of $100 e
oh to encourage the study 
llnod cure ,of ,tubercul., TOl'Oll,to Un1iv., 
1910; ,presented Q publtic park o'f 3
Bcres to town .of Bra.m'p,t>on, 1902; 
ofl'ered ,to ,give 10 acres fÌo clioty of T.o- 
r.ont.o f'Or a botan1caJ1 garden, 19-11; a 
Moeth.-" Bon Air," 434 Bloor St. ""'., 
Toronto; National Club; York Club, 
.. Known eve
' as a \'"ery succcss- 
fu,} bUf;ine.sB man."-T. News. 
Gagnier, Rev, Alexander A, (R.C.), 
ed ucati.onist. 
S. late Anthony G., a native of 
France, and Ellzabeth (Allan) G. 
(author .. Conflict and Triumph," and 
other works), a native of Scot.; b. T.o- 
ronto, Jan. 22, 1863; e. Coil. Inst., 
St, .catharines, Ont., and St. Mary's 
(JeBu!.t) CoIl., Montreal; studIed ;phil. 

and fueol. at the Semy. of the Immacu. 
late Conception, Montreal, and spent 1 
yr. in the study of ascetic theot at Mold, 
"Tale", where the French Jesu!.ts had 
a semy., afterwards tran-sfd. to Canter- 
bury; o. 1901; 8. memo of the Jesuit 
Order; formerly a prof. in Loyola and 
St. Mary's CoMs., Montreal: subse- 
fluently p. p., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; 
apptd. rector Loyola ColI., Montreal, 
Aug., 1907.-Loyola Col1., 68 Drum- 
mond St., Montreal. 
Gagnier, Lt,-Col, Légl1us Antoine, 
Belongs to an old French-Can. fam- 
ily; s. FranGois and Sophie (Perras) 
G.; b. Ste. Martine, P.Q., Oct. 4, 1871; 
e. Ste. T'heTeSe OoN., .Sit. Hyadnlt'hoe 
Semy., and Lava,l Un,iv.. (M.D., 1895) : 
m., 18!J7, l\f.1Ioe. D"olia Conerebbe; prac- 
Uses hf.s 'Pl'of. ,in Montrea,l, wheore he 
nhyslcian to the Ital. Mutual Benefit 
Soc. and to many other organizations; 
mf'd. examr. La Suregardf'. supreme 
med. examr. L'Union St. PIerre, and 
med. examr. and physician to Cercle 
Olier of L' Alllance Nat., and to sev- 
eral cts. of the Can. Order of Forest- 
ers; j.{)l\ned v. m. seTVfc-e as a bugler, 
oming It.-cot commdg. 64th Regt., 
Oct. 4, 1871; was the youngest com- 
manding offr. in the mn. of t;an.; 
whHe .at 001,1. organized a caod
e,t ('or,ps 
from among the students; Con.; H. C. 
-f56 St. Denis St., Montreal. 
Gagnon, Charles Alphonse Na.thanael, 
author; pUbllc functionary. 
S. Clias. and Clementine (Dubê) G.; 
ancestors came from Perche, France, 
1630; b. St. Jean, Port Joll, P.Q, 1851; 
P. public schs.; m, May, 1897, Marie 
Loulsf', fl. Alex. F'raser, advocate, Que- 
bec; some time a newspaper rf'portf'r 
and a rf'portf'r for the Law Courts; 
now and for !"ome "HITS in the pm- 
ployment of t'he Quebec Oovt., Quebec; 
has p'roduC'etd a numlber of tales, sket- 
ches, essays and translations, 
the most noteworthy of which have 
been; "Douleurs et Jodes," an historical 
l ; II Genevlève, St. Jean, Port 
Joll," a ,Can. legend; .. Quelques Con- 
!E,idéraHons sur les Temps Aetuels"; 
.. En Raoonot'ant" ; .. Les Ðænques 
d'E}pargues"; II Etudes Arch- 
æolo'giques et Varlétés" ; "Canadlenes- 
Mêfiez-vous," and others; R. C.--87 
Berthelot St., Quebec. 
Gagn,u1., MgT, Charles Octave (R.C.), 
Ancestors, \Mathurin G. and Robt. 
Caron, c.arne -to Oan. before 1640, oa.nd 
settled in th-e selgnl.ory of Beau- 
pré; S. Chas. and tfortcnse (Oaron) 
G.; b. city of Quebec, Dec. 23, 1857; 
e. Quebec Semy. and Laval Univ. (B.A., 
1878) ; 'O. 1882; Secy. des Archives de 
l'A1'clt. de Quebec, 1882-97; accom- 
panied Bp. Dominique Racine to Rome, 
on an importan t mission touching the 
religious afl'alrs of the pccles. Provlncf' 
of Que-bee, 1885; apptd. master of 
ceremonies to the Archbp. of Qu-ebec 
at the rel1glous ceremonies on the 
occasion of the appt. of the first 
Can. cardinal, 1886; do., Camerier 
Sec1'et to !the lPope, 1890; do. eha.p- 
lain St. John Baptf'. SO("., do. ; 

. , 



of the first Can. cardinal, 1886; do., 
Cameder Secret 1-0 ,the BO'pe, 1890; d,o. 
Chaplain St. .Tohn Bapte Soc., do.; 
accompanied Archbp. Bégln (q.v.) to 
Rome, 1893; created a Domestic Pre- 
late to the Po-pe, .d-o.; sp.edal envoy to 
t at N. Y. H. E. Mgr, Merry d.el 
Val, Apo,st. Delegate to Can, 1897; has 
been chaplain Hosp. St. Charles, Que- 
bec, since 1898; So memo Champlain 
MO'nument Oomte., 1898; !(]to'. do. extv'e. 
camte. Jubil-ee Ce.lebra.tfon of Laval 
Univ., 1902; attend'e'd the Plenary 
Council, Quebec, 1909; do. the Euchar- 
is'Nc OongI'le'FS, Mon.t'rea.l, 1910; joinltly, 
with Mgr. Tetu (q.v.), edited If Les 
Mand'ements, Lettres, Pastorels et Clr- 
cullalres des Evêques de Quebec" (4 
vols., 18S7).-A1'chbishop's Palace, 
Gagnon, Clarence A., artist. 
B. and e. Montreal; studied for his 
prof. with W. Brymner (q.v.) and.T. B. 
Laurens, Paris: A.R.C.A., 1909; m., 
Dec., 1!}07, Kathryne, d. Mrs Edward 
Trwin, Montreal; hl1.s done clever work 
in oils. but It is as an etcher that he 
will rloubtle!':s achieve reputation; has 
exhibited frequently; awarded a 
bronze med. at the Louisiana Purchase 
Expn., 1904: exhibited Paris Salon, 
1906; reed. .non. a,ward.s <for 6, 
at same place, 1910: his .. Dancing 
Girl," spoken of by the Can. (]our;pr 
as II a bril'Hant a>CIruiev-e<ment"; his 
work is represenotoed in t.he Na'Í. GaU.ery, 
Ottawa.-Care Canadian Office, Paris, 
Gagnon. Frederick Ernest Amedee 
organist; musical composer; au- 
thor; retired public serv.ant. 
S. Chas. E. G., N.P., and .Tulle .Tanl- 
(Durand) G.; b. Loulseville. PO 
Nov. 7, 1834; e. .ToIlette Coil.; Litt f) 
(hon.), Laval Unlv., 1902: m.. 1st 
1860, Caroline. e. d. late Dr. N;m1t 
Quebec (d. 1871); 2ndly, 1874, MI'I-e. 
Emma Cimon; c.arripd on his mu
studies at home, nfterwards at Joll- 
ette and, subsequently, in Europe: 
organist, parish ch., St. .Tohn's su- 
burbs, Quebec, 1853-64: do., Basillca 
Quebe>c, 1864-1909; was prof. .of musk. 
Laval NO'rmal Soh. f.or some ti'me, 
and for over 30 yrs. hell(} :the office 
of SecY. .of 'the Dept. of A.grkul. 
and Public W'O'rks, P.Q. ; se-rViOO. 
as .specoi.a.l CO'I"res'Pondoent .in Europe 
for Le Courrier du Can., Quebec ; 
f'Ounde.d 1Jbe Soc. de Ü,sa,biol1 
de Quebec, 1863, and the Acad. dE- 
Muslque de Quebec, lE69: later, was 
created by the French Govt. an of'tr 
de l'Inst. Pub.; among his publiBheiJ 
works are: II OhJans.on:s PO'pull<l
res en 
Can.,.. II Lettres de Voyage," If Le 
Comte de Paris à Quêbec," "Au Pays 
des OuananiClhes," .. Le Fort et 
Châ'beau St. Louis," II Le Palais Legis- 
l-atif de Québe-c," II Le doe 
Carillon," II Palmes d'Or," II Cantiques 
Populalres du Can. Françats," If Louis 
.Toliet," II Pages d'Histoire," If Choses 
d' Autrefois," If Feumes Eparses," and 
II FeuiHes Volan1es."-16
 Grande Allée, 
.. A courtie.r of UU
 d,avB that he ill .- 
fond of writing aMnt."-'M. Stn?'. 

Gagnon, Henri, 
S. Gustave G.; b. city {)of Quebec, 
] 887; e. St. 'Mary's (.Tesuit) C.oIl. ; 
conducted musical studle.s under protls. 
LetOlurd'8JI and Couture (q.v.), Mànrt- 
real, and 8Jt Paris; graduated, with 
honours at the Conservatoire there, 
1909; since then has been .organist at 
the, Quebec; R. C.-16
.4.llée, Quebec. 
Gagnon, Phllea., bibliographer; archi- 
A bro. of Mgr. G. (q.v.); b. Quebec, 
1854; e. there; sometime engd. In 
commercial life, but for many yrs. has 
devoted himself to the gtudy of Can. 
bibliography; made a collection of 
Canadiana, acknowledged to be the 
most -extensive .and complete in exist- 
ence, which he disposed of to the Cor- 
poration of the City of Montreal, for 
$31,000. .Tan., 1910; published Essai 
de B.ibl-iographie Canadienne (1895), 
and oha" made other contributions to 
the press on the same subject; was 
awarded a diploma of honour by the 
Royal Soc. of Can., for archaeological 
studies, 1908; has sat in the Quebec 
City Council and served as pro. mayor: 
poUticaJoloy II a f,ree trader, a,nd wOllM 
go so far as to vote for annexa tion to 
the U. S., if free trade could not be 
obtained otherwise"; Is .archivist for 
th-e Dist. of Que'bec at the Court House, 
Quebec; R. C.-Court House, Quebec; 
1.1 Rue Ste. Julie, do. 
Galbraith, Francis W" journallst. 
For many yrs. ed., and one of the 
props. Guelph (Ont.), Mercury; left 
there, Oct., 1906, to assume control of 
the Alberta Advocate, Red Deer; on 
that occasion, presented by the citi- 
zens with 8. purse of gold. and an 
alldress, expressivp of their regret at 
his rleparture; Lib.-Red Deer, Alta. 
II A stronJ1; f8ct()r in Canadianizing the 
st."-T. Globe. 
Galbraith, John, civil engineer; edu- 
S. latp Tho
. and J
me (Anderson) 
G.; h. Montrpal, Sppt. 5, 1846; e. 
Port Hone Grammar Sch., anrl Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., with double scholar. In 
math. aJ1ld genl. proficiency; gold med. 
In math., and Prince's prlzeman, 1868; 
M.A., 1875; LL..D., !hon., 190'2) ; LL.D. 
(hon.), Queen's Univ., 1903: m., 1886. 
Emily, y. d. lat
 Capt. R. D. Stupart, 
R.N.: studied engineering and survey- 
ing unðoer Geo. A. Ste.war>t. Chief Engr., 
M'idÒanotl Ry. ; P..L..s.; D.L.S.: eITT1ploye&d 
on con
t'ructlon II1Itoer0ol. Ry., 
Ry. ex.t,onBi'Ûn too G-eor'i,ian Bay, I8.n'd' 
connelC'U'on wit;}), ,the !C. 'P. Ry.; on the 
rOl"'matlon 'Of the Sch. of Practical 
Sc-lence for Ont., 1878, was Mlptd. to 
the chair 'Of enging. the'reln; since 1889 
has bt"en prlnclipal of the sch.; lIS nOW 
in adJdltlon thereto, Dean ()of the Faculty 
of Applied Science and Englng., To- 
ronto Unlv. (presented with his por- 
trait In oils -by the gradl\1ates and 
undergradu8Jtes, .. in appreoiation of his 
services and worth," 1908); was ()TIe 
of the founders of the Can. Soc. C. E., 
and long 'a councillor thereof; elected 
p'I'Ie'.sdot. dlo. d-o., 1908; ds also a.n .ag190. 
of th-fo. In'Sot. 'Of C. E., Eng.; Ihl3.8 alH 



served as V.....P. of 'Ìlhe Can. Inst., To- 
-1'Onlo; a,pptd. a memo of ,the Royal 
Oomn. !to investigate and report on th
cOilIapse of the Quebec bridge, 1907 
(see an appreclaNon in Engineering 
News, Foeb. 5, 1908).-693 St. Mary St" 
"A th{)roughly trustw{)rthy man
in training honesty and patience."-Rev. 
Principal Falconer (q.v.). 
"In a w{)rld where men are aggressive, 
crowdini: and pushful, it is gratifying to 
see now and then, a man who is quiet and 
retiring brought out whether OT no, and 
placed in front where his attainments 
entitle him to 00'."-8. N. 
Galbraith, Walter Stuart, physician. 
11'lsh origIn; s. F. W. G., late of 
Guelph, Ont.; b. there, Aug. 1, 1866; 
e. public sch. and Guelph CoIl. Inst.; 
m., Aug., 1901, MIss MatIlda S. 
GaIll.nger; M.D.,C.M. (McGill Unlv.), 
1899; memo Sch. Bd. past 7 yrs.; memo 
local Bd. of Health; Mayor of Leth- 
bridge, 1907; a senator Alberta Unlv. ; 
Lib.; Meth.-914 Redpath St., Leth- 
b7'idge, Alta.; Chinook Club, do. 
Gale, Rev, James Scarth (Presb.). 
S. .John G., a native Aberdeen, Scot.. 
and MIami (Bradt) G., a native of 
Ont.; b. Pilkington, Ont., Feb. 19, 
1863; e, Elora High Sch., St. Cathar- 
Ines CoIl. Inst., and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1888); m., 1892, the widow of 
Dr. Heron, physician to the King of 
Korea; o. 1897; a mdnr. Am. Pres-b. 
Ch.; a mlssy. In Korea for over 20 
yrs.; pubIlshed a book on the Korean 
lang., called .. Korean Grammatical 
Forms" (1892); a Korean-Eng. dic- 
tionary (1897); .. Korean Sketches," 
dealing with the customs and hahlts of 
the people (1898); .. The Vanguard." 
a story dealing with mlssy. work In 
Korea (1904); for 10 yrs. one of the 
translators of the Bible Into Korea; a 
Christian; belongs to the Presb. Ch., 
but is In entire sympathy with all 
other denominations. - Seoul, Korea, 
II The forem{)Bt literary int-erpreter of 
the Korean mind to the Occidental world." 
GaUbert, Emil, manufacturer. 
E. s. s. late Calixte G., Montreal; b. 
Mlllau, France, 1847; e. partly In his 
native country and party In Can.; m. 
Mlle. Antoine Chabert; accompanied 
his father to Can.; estbd., with him, 
the firm of C. G. & Son Co., Montreal, 
1863, leather manfrs., 'hide and woo] 
dealers, etc.; a prominent and honour- 
ed memo of the French colony, .Mont- 
real; closely connected with the Mont- 
real Wool & Sheep Skin Co" and the 
Montreal Hide and Calf Skin Co.; Im- 
ported 100 goats from Europe, for their 
milk-producing Qualities, for La Chev- 
rerle Can., of which he Is presdt., 1903; 
was presdt. de la Cham. de Commerce, 
Montreal, for an extended period; also 
pre!!dt. de rUnlon Nat. France. de 
Montreal; apptd. by the Frf'nch Go"t. 
a consellIer du Commerce Extêrleur de 
la France, and a chev. de la L/lglon 
d'Hon.n-eur.-81 Cherrier St., Montreal. 

Gallagher, Miss Ethel, nursing pro- 
B. and e. Harrowsmlth, Ont.; now 
supervisor of nurses, Delaware Hosp,; 
Ang.- 'Wilmington, Del. 
Gallagher, Richard Edward, educa- 
S. late John G.; b. nr. Waterdown, 
Ont., ApI. 4, 1853; e. high seh. there, 
and Can. Business CoIl. (genI. profici- 
ency prize) : m., .Jan., 1877, Helen (7 
y,t'S. pr
sdt. Ladl
s' A'Ux., Y.M.C.A.), 3rd 
d. late .Jas. Horsburgh, Hamilton, Ont.; 
successively commercial master, Ot- 
tawa Normal Sch., and a teacher Can. 
Business ColI., Hamilton; since 1880 
principal of that Institution; a C. S. 
examr.; a memo Hamilton Bd. of 
Trade; first elected presdt. Business 
Educator,s' Assn. of Am., at Educ. Oon- 
gress. Chicago, 1893; the only Can. 
elected to that position up to that 
time; elected presdt. Federated Busi- 
nesS CoIls., Ont., 1906-7; a Free- 
mason; a Con.-Hamilton, Onto 
Gallie, Donald Mackay, dental sur- 
S. late .John M. G.. OakvllIe, Ont., a 
native of Stirling-shire, Scot.; b. Oak- 
vllIe, May 8. 1866: e. local High Sch.; 
m. Miss Harriet Hastings Puddefoote; 
studied for his prof. In Lake Forrest 
Uni". (D.D.S., 1891); adjunct prof. 
dental anat. and path., Chicago CoIl. 
of Dental Surg., 1892-5; since then 
adjunct prof. operative dentistry. Eame 
institution : el
ted V.-P. Inst. of 
Dental Pedagogics, 1909; pre'Sdt. 
Illinois Dental Assn., 1910; has also 
been presd,1. Victoria Club. Sons of 
On,1., and Ashland Club, Chicago; a 
leading memo Can. Veteran Assn., 
Chicago; contributes to dental mags.; 
a Rep.: a Presb.-l00 State St., Chi- 
cago, Ill.; Ashland Club; Victoria 
Club, do. 
Galliher, Hon, William. Alfred, judge. 
Irish origin; s. Francis and Sarah 
(KIrkpatrick) G.; b. Co. Bruce, Ont., 
1860; e. public and high schs., Walker- 
ton. and CoIl. Inst.. Collingwood: m., 
Apl., 1907, Louisa Margt., d. late Chas. 
Brown, Toronto (presented with a 
gold watch by his fellow-mems,. on 
that occasion): barrister, 1887; suc. 
ce-ssfully practised In Vancouver; In 
his y,outh a noted athlete; served with 
the Nile contingent In Egypt, under 
Lord Wolsèley, 1885 (med. and Khe- 
dive's Star) ; a Lib.; sat for Kootenay 
(H. C.), 1900-08; declined re-election; 
apptd<. a justice, Ct. of -^a>peal, B.C., 

ov. 30, 1909; IAng.-Vancouver, B.C.; 
Vancouver Club; Terminal City Club, 
GalUnger, Bon, Jacob Harold, phy- 
sicIan; statesman. 
Dutch ancestrv; paternal gt. grand- 
father emigrated from Holland, previ- 
ous to the Am. Revolutionary war. first 
spttling in N.Y. and going thpnce to 
Oa:n. with bIs son; s. .Jacob and Cather- 
ine (Cook) G.: b. Cornwall. Ont.. Mch. 
28, 1837: e. local sehs.. private tui- 
tion, EC'lpctlc Mf'd. Inst.. Cincinnati 
(M.D.. 1858), and N. Y. Homæop. Me'd. 
ColI. (M.D., 1868) ; A.M. (hon.), Dart- 



· mouth Coll., 1885; m., Aug., 1860, Miss 
Mary Anna Bailey, SalIsbury, N.H.; 
was a printer in early life; success- 
fully practised med. untll entering 
puh1ic life: surg-eon-g-pnl., N.H., with 
rank of brlg.-genl., 1879-80; a Rep.; 
memo N.H. House of Reps., 1872-3 and 
18!H; do.. N.H. Senate, 1878-80 
(presdt., 1879-80) ; memo Constitutional 
Conv., 1876; chairman Rep. State 
Comte., 1882-90 and 1898-1907; chaIr- 
man, N.H. delegation, Rep. Nat. Convs.. 
1888, 1900. 1904 and 1908; memo Rep. 
Nat. Comte., 1902-4: memo 49th and 
50th Congresses, 1885-9; elected U.S. 
Senator, Mch. 4, 1891; elected presd1.. 
do., pro. tmn., 1911; present term ends. 
1915; a frequent contributor to the 
med. 'Press; a Bapt.-Concord, N.H.; 
University Club, do. 
.. One of Oan.ada's sons whO' hn.s made 
good."-1'. Globe. 
Galt, Alexander Casimir, lawyer. 
E. s. late Chief Justice Sir Thos. 
G., Tordnto; b. Toronto, Mch. 15, 1853; 
e. Hellmuth Coll., London, and Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., 1873); m., June, 1885, 
Miss Ella Grace Vivian; barrister, 
1876; KC., 1909; successfully prac- 
tised his prof. In Toronto till 1894; In 
Rossland, B.C., till 1905; in Victoria, 
B.C., till 1906; since then In Winni- 
peg, where he Is a memo of the firm of 
Tupper, G., Tuppe1r & McTav.ish; 
aut:hor of vario'Us oO'ntrlbu,u.ons to the 
legal press; Ang.--219 Gale Ave., Win. 
nIpeg,' Manitoba Club, do.; Union 
Club, Victoria, B.C. 
Galt, Elliott ".rorrance, Can, ry, pre- 
siden t. 
E. S. late Hon. Sir A. T. G., G. C. M. 
G., a distinguished Can. statesman, who 
was one of the Fathers of Confedera- 
tion, and Elliott (Torrance) G.; b. 
Sherbrooke, P.Q., May 24, 1850; e. 
Bishop's CoIl. Sch., Lennoxville, and 
Harrow, Eng.; unm.; Indian Commr., 
N.'V.T., 1881; mangr. N. W. Coal and 
N.av. Co., 1882-93; presdt do. do., 1894- 
1903; since then has been presdt. of the 
Alberta Ry. & lrrlgatiQÐ Co., which 
had acquired the franchise of the 
Alberta Ry. Co., the Alberta Ry. & 
Irrigation Co., and the St. Mary's 
River Ry. Co., with a capital of $7,500,- 
000, and headquarters at London, Eng. ; 
Ang.--s.; Simpson St., Montreal; Mt. 
Royal Club; St. James's Club; Winte1 
Club, do.; Toronto Club, Toronto 
Met1'Opolitan Club, New York; Wel. 
lington Club, London, Eng. 
Galt, George Frederick, merchant. 
S. late Chief Justice Sir Thos. G. 
and Frances Louisa (Perkins) G. ; 
b. Toronto, Mch. 1, 1855; e. Galt ColI. 
lnst. (Tassle's); m., 1883, Margt., d. 
Richard Smith, Montreal; has been 
long In commercial Ufe; formed a 
partnership with his cousin John G. 
(q.v.), under the firm name of G. F. 
& J. G. (wholesale groceries), Winni- 
peg, with branches in Toronto, Cal- 
g.ary, Edmonton, Prince Albert, and 
Vancouver, 1882; presdt. Winnipeg Bd. 
of Trade, 1888-9; do. Northern Trust 
Co., 1904-5; V.-P, Gt. West Life Assur. 
Co., etc.; formerly V.-P. WinnIpeg 
Grain and Produce Exchange; elected 

a dlr. Can. Bank of Commerce, 1910; 
also a dlr. of Can. Pennt. Loan Corpn. 
and Western Can. Loan Corpn.; a lover 
of all legitimate out-door sports; for- 
merly presdt. and capt. Winnipeg Row- 
Ing Club; an originator Man. Jockey 
Club; a memo of Olympic Games Comte., 
1908; elected V.-P. Can. Assn. Ama- 
teur Oarsmen, 1909; .also warmly in- 
terested in benevolent and philan- 
thropic works; for 13. long time treas. 
Winnipeg Genl. Hosp; Ang.- Winni- 
pl'!J: Manitoba Club,. Commercial 
Club, do.; Mt. Royal Club, Montreal; 
Toronto Clyb; York Club, Toronto. 
Galt, John, merchant. 
S. late Sir A. T. G., G.C.M.G., and 
his second wife, Amy Gordon (Tor- 
rance) G.; b. Montreal, 1856; e. High 
Sch., Montreal, Dr. Barron's sch., Rice 
Lake, and under private tutor, at 
Gotha, Germany; m., 1st, 1885, Miss 
Isabel Atkinson, Chicago, Ill. (d. 
1887) ; 2ndly, 1890, Miss Mabel Patton 
Henderson; sometime private !\ecre- 
tary to his father; afterward for 6 
yrs. in service Bank of Montreal; re- 
moved to Winnipeg, 1882, where hú 
has since been in partnership with his 
cousin, G. F. G. (q.v.), as a wholesale 
grocer; a dir. Union Bank of Can; 
Can. Fire Ins. Co.. and Alberta Ry. & 
Irrigation Co.; a Con. ; an Ang.- Win- 
nipeg,. Manitoba Club, do.; Mt. Royal 
Club, Mont1'eal. 
Galt, Lady, widow. 
Amy Gordon, d. late John Torrance, 
Montreal; b. and e. Montreal; m., 1852, 
as hIs 2nd wife, Hon. Sir Alex. Tllloch 
Galt, G.C..M.G. (d. 1893) ; S. John anoÕ 
Eliza/beth (T
UOiClh) G., ,uhe foormer is 
native of Irv,ill'e, .00. Ayr, Soot.; 18 
memo extve. oomtJe., HerVleY Imst., M'O'!1rt- 
rool, and connected with other similar; Bved wl,t:h he'r husbandl In Lon- 
-&0'11, Erug., during the y
a1'S .in rwhddh 
!he was Hig1h Commr. for Can. rt.!hCJre; 
pr.egented to the late Queen Victoria., 
1881; pt"esenbed to the 18JOO K,ing Ed. 
war>dr (then Prince of Wales), 1886; 
'Ang.-84 Simpson St., Montreal. 
Galt, ".rhomas Percival, lawyer. 
3rd s. late Ohoief Justioe Sir ThO's. 
G. and Fran<CeS Louisa (Perklns) 
G.; b. Tororuto, Feb. 19, 1857; e. Galt 
(T:a.ssie',g) ()()Ill. !nst.; m.. Oct., 1886, 
Susan M>a'billda, e. d. ]RJte Wm. Lee 
Ba:ttùT1, S1. T1homas, P.Q.; barrds'ber, 
1878; KC., 1908; su,coessful1y prac. 
tises his 'P,ro.f. IÍn TOJ'lo.nbo; 1lUlK.'th de. 
voted to amateur athletics; has been 
for some yrs. presdt. of the Argonaut 
Rowing Club; a memo Can. Olympic 
Games Comte., 1!J08; Con.; Ang.-30 
St. Joseph St., Toronto; Toronto Club, 
Albany Club, do. 
Gamble, Francis Clarke, civil engr. 
Second S. S. late Clarke G., K.C., 
and his 2nd wife, Harriet Eliza, d. 
late Hon. H. J. Boulton; b. To- 
roruto, Oct. 23, 1848; e. U. C. CoIl. 
and by. privatß tuition; m. Sarah 
Eleanor, d. W. E. Clark, P. E.!.; be- 
gan engineering career on Intercol. 
Ry., 1869; asst. engr. Can. Air Line 
(G. W. Ry.), 1872; subsequently res. 
ellgr. for contractors P. E. Ry.; asst. 
engr. Intercol. Ry., the Q. M. & O. Ry., 



and the C. P. Ry. 'Of Rat Portage. 
during construction; ordered to B. C., 
1880; was asst. engr. on Govt. work 
above Yale; subsequently transferred 
to Dept. of Pubolk Works .of Can. in 
B. C.; apptd. res. emgr. and agent for 
dept. in B. C., 1887; resigned, 1897: 
ipulbolic works engr. and 1m,pr. or d'Yke
.f.or ftlhe Proviruoe of B. C., 1898-1911; 
since tJhen IhaS been chielf e.ngr. .an,d 
in,spoe.ctln.g 'engr. of rys., B. C.; ellC('fte.d 
a mem. Dan. Soc. C. E., ,188,7; do. Irn::.t. 
of C. E., Lond'Ün, En'g., 18-9'1; do. An11. 
Sooc. C. E., dro; Ang.--820 Pembertml 
Rd., Victoria, B.C.; Union Club, do. 
Gamble, Barry Dudley, lawyer. 
h is. ,5. ,late Ol:a.rkoe G., Q.C.; b 
TO'rorut.o, AJpI. 12, 1855; e. U. C. OoN.. 
Hellmuth Coli., and Galt Coli. Inst.; 
m. E)dytIhie ,May, d. A. M. .J'aTVlis. To. 
runlto; Ihas iplel3Jdle'd 'l>e.f'Ü'
t.he Privy ()ou.n00i1 .In Ðng.; a Con.; <8.'II 
An.g.-78 Elm Ave., Tm'onto; TOl"Onto 
Club.. A lbany Club.. Toronto Hunt 
Club, do. 
Gamble, Bev, Robert (Presb.). 
B. Wakefield, P.Q.; e. there and Mc- 
GIll Univ. (B.A., 1881); took theol. 
course Montreal Presb. Coli.; gradu- 
ated, 1884; o. 1884, and has since been 
pastor Wakefield and Masham; 
moderator, Montreal and Ottawa, 1906. 
-Wakefield, P.Q. 
Gammage, Arthur Ellsworth, lawyer. 
Eng. and Can. origin; 8. late Thos. 
and Helen (Ross) G.; b. Co. Brant, 
ant., Oct. 5, 1861; e. Brantford and 
Detroit, Mich.; LL.B.; counsellor-at- 
law, Mich., 1892; do. do., Ill., 1894; 
has suc.cessfully practised his prof. in 
Chicago for many yrs.; bas been for 
a long time prof. med. jurisprudence 
in Chicago colis.; al'so for yrs. presdt. 
Coli. Med. and Burg., Chicago; also 
presdot. Nat. .Assn. Physlco--Med., Phy-s., 
and Surg. ; has contribute.d to moo. Ilt. ; 
author" Su,icide amd I'll.sanity" (50,000 ordered by Nat. Assn.); Ind. 
Prot.-167 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.; 
Hamilton Club, do. 
Gandier, Rev. Alfred (Presb.), edu- 
E. s. Rev. Joseph G., a native of 
Suffolk, Eng.; b. Co. Hastings, ant.. 
Nov. 29, 1861; e. Queen's Univ., Kings- 
ton (B.A., gold med. in phil., and gold 
med. in hist. and Eng. lit., 1884: M.A. 
1887), and Edinburgh Univ. (B.D. 
1889); D.D. (hon.), Montreal Presb 
ColI., 1908; do. (do.), Knox Col\., do.: 
m., June, 1899, Jean, d. Wm. Water
East Wdll!Ji3Jffi!S, Onrt.; (). 1889; ipaStor. 
Brampton, ant., 1889-93; do. F.ort 
Massey Ch., Halifax, N.S., 1893-1901: 
do. St. James's Square Oh., Toronto, 
1901-8; iect. on Apologetics, Knox CoIl.. 
Toronto, 1902-8; since then has been 
principal ther-e; declined professorshil' 
of Systematic Theol., Halifax Presh 
Coil., 1903; has served as convener of 
Presb. Assembly's Cûmte. on Young 
People's Socs.; is chairman of Senate. 
Knox Col'\,; .. has never taJ!:en an 
active part in politics but sympathize!;' 
chiefly with the Reform Party and 
favours finest possible trade relations." 
5 St. Vincent St., Toronto. 
II One of t-he 1eoad6rB among the YO'\UJie.r 

men in the Pre'sbyteri-aD Church of 
CSlJlad'a."-M. Witnes8. 
Gandier, Rev, Daniel McGillivray 
S. Rev. Jos, G., Newburgh, ant., and 
Helen (Eastwood) G.; Eng-. p'lrenbge; 
father from Norfolk; mother from 
Kent; grandf. also a clergyman; b. 
Newburgh, ant., ApI. 27, 1868; e, 
Kingston ColI. Inst. and Queen's Un Iv. 
(B.A., with honours, 1894); m., June, 
1900, Helena M., d Danl. M. Burdette, 
Newburgh, ant.; llcensed, Kingston, 
ant., ApI., 1897; o. Rossland, B.C., do. ; 
first pastor Rossland Presb. Ch., 
where exerted decided Influence to- 
ward Improvement of social conditions; 
first convener of home missions for 
new Presby. of Kootenay, and as such 
had a strong Influence for 3 yrs. In 
laying foundations In that respect all 
over dist.: said to be original of 
II Shock" In Ralph Connor's .. Pros- 
pector": went from Rossland to San 
Bernardino, Cal., and was pastor 1st 
Presb. Ch. there nearly 5 yrs.; Influ- 
ence strongly felt In municipal atfalrliJ; 
now an asst. state supdt. Cal. Antl- 
Saloon League; calls himself .. an In- 
telligent Presb. Christian," trying .. to 
prove all things" and to hold fast that 
which commends Itself to reason and 
conscience; a bellever In governmental 
prohibition of the liquor traffic, and of 
everything which affects society and Is 
clearly proven to hurt many and help 
no one; a strong bellever in the duty 
of ('very good citizen to share In the 
shaping of public policies, In the elec- 
tion of clean, efficient men to office, 
and in the carrying of Christian prIn- 
ciples Into business and politles.-l106 
Union Trust Building, Los Angeles, 
Cal... Feaeration Club, do. 
Ga.nong, William Francis, education- 
Of Loyalist descen t on both sides; 
g-reat-great-grandf., Thos. G., a loyalist 
from N. Y., settled In King-'s Co., N.B. ; 
s. Jas. H. and Susan (Brittain) G.; 
b. St. John, .N.B., Feb. 19, 1864; e. 
public schs., Univ. of N. B. (B.A., 
1884; M.A., 1886; Ph.D., ad eun.,1900), 
Harvar.d Unlv. (A.B., 1887), and Unlv. 
of Munich (Ph.D., 1894); m., April, 
1888, Jean Murray, d. late Wm. Oar- 
man, and sister of Bliss Carman (q.v.) ; 
asst. prof. of -botany, Harvard Univ., 
1887-9; Instr. 'in botany, do. do" 1889- 
93; since 1894 has been prof. of botany, 
Smitih Doll., Northampton, Mass.; has 
been secy. of the Soc. for Plant M-or- 
phOI. and Physiol. since 1896; is a 
corr. memo R. S. Can., a lLfe memo 
Nat. Hist. Soc., St.. John, and of 
various other Can. and Am. scientific 
socs.; has contributed many articles 
to Am. Naturalist, Trans. R. S. Can., 
Bulletin N. B, Nat. Hist, Soc., Trans. 
N. S. Inst. o( Nat. Science, etc., .on 
botanical and Can. hist. subjects ; 
author -of a series of monographs on 
.. The Plac-e Nomenclature of N. B.", 
.. Cart.ography of N. B.", .. Historic 
::;ltes of N. B.", and .. EQundaries of 
N, B." ; and of ,. The Teaching 
Botanist" (1899) and "A l.iaboratory 
Course In Plant Physlol." (1901); an 




Epls.-11 MMsasoit St., Northampton, 
"A man wh06e know!ed
 of the Mari- 
time P.rov.inces iß unri\'alled."-M. Herald. 
.. An unsurpa-&sed authority on Cham. 
plain's work in Acadia."-Dr. John Reade 
.. A distingui6hffi scholar and scientist, 
who1!e reputation is now continentll.l."-St. 
John Telegraph. 
Garand, Ubalde, banker. 
S. late Moise G., N.P., Montreal, and Ailix (Prévl()st) G.; b. St. Louis- 
de-(}(mza,g'ue, ,P.Q., ApI. 5, 1856; 
L' Acad. Com. Cath., Montreal; m., 
Nov., 1879, Augustine, d. F. L. 
Genaud, M.D., Montreal; for some yrs. 
In commercial life; entd. service La 
Banque Ville Marie, 1874; was suc- 
cessively asst. accountant, accountant, 
inspr., asst. cashier and cashier of that 
institution; now and for some yrs. 
head of firm G., Terroux & Co., bank- 
ers and exchange brokers, Montreal; 
one of the founders and a dir. Mont- 
real Clearing House; a former dir. of 
the Credit Foncier; decorated with 
the Sauvateur des Alpes Maritimes, 
1887; R. C.-51.' St. Hubert St., Mont- 
real' Club Canadien-de-1If ont1'eal; sum- 
mer' residence: Ste. Rose, P.Q, 
Gard, An.on A,. author. 
B. on a farm, nr. Tremont City, 9.. 
Sept. 9, 1849; on both sides of dIS- 
tinguished Colonial ancestry, mother 
a cousin of Wm. Ross Wallace, of 
Scotch-Irish origin; e. Ohio We:;l. 
Univ., Delaware, 0.; m., 1886, JennIe, 
2nd d. late Chief Justice John C. 
Perry, Wyoming; a "\Vichita, Kansas. 
pioneer, 1871-2; went to Va., with his 
father and bro., 1880; as S. H. G. & 
Sons, was In business there, as one 
of the largest dealers In walnut logs 
and lumber in Am.; later became 
engd. In real estate business, :N. Y. 
City; .. Armour Villa Park," Yonkers, 
was one of his enterprises; came to 
Dan., 1901, and has since remain
his time being fully occupied, prin- 
cipally, with literary work; when a
colI wrote for the country press, 
whên In Va. produced .. Gard's Log 
Book," regarded to this day 
s an 
authority; since then has publIshed: 
.. My Friend Bill," a novel (1900); 
.. The Yankee in Quebec" (1901); 
.. Uncle Sam In Quebe-c" (1902); .. A 
Modern Sol110Quy," poem (do.): .. The 
New Canada" (do.); .. The Wander- 
in&, Yankee" (do.), by which soubri- 
quet he is now known; .. How to See 
MrmtrPaI" (1903); .. The Hub and 
the !-'pokes, or the Canadian Capital 
and its Environs" (1904); .. The 
Pioneers of the Upper Ottawa anð 
the Hum.ours of the Valley" (1906) , 
.. The Last West" (do.); "Beauti- 
ful Ottawa" (1907); .. The Real 
Cobalt.. (do.), and "The Gateway 
to Sllverland, being the story of 
a ha.ppy, prosperous pe<?,ple who 
are building the MetropolIs of th{' 
North" (1909) ; excels In short 
stories; took first prize out of 5,000 
contributions in a N. Y. contest ill 
this class of literature; presentFd 
trophy, for competition, to Dom. R. 

Assn. ; &l,tel,y .e>IlJgage-dJ ,in writing 'Ulp 'Ìlh
PiÜ'l'cupline (Ont.) 't'eg,i.O'll; ihJas p.ublisheò 
The Hun'igrant (Tol'onto) ,in C{)'!l;fi'l.'C- 
tJion t'berewM!h.-.1J-'1iddletown, N.Y.; 353 
Chul"ch St., Toronto. 
.. Reminds me of Sa.m Slick."-Lllte 
Dr. Oeo. John-lJon. 
.. A writer of many qualifications, e-vinc- 
ing, chie1ly, accurac)" of statement and a 
remarkable degree of re
Suite (q.v.). 
Garden, The Venerable Archdeacon 
Alfred William Savary (Prot. 
Epis.) . 
U. E. L. descent; s. late Jas. R. and 
Eliza (Savary) G., Co. Digby, N.S.; b. 
Fredericton, N.B., ApI. 1, li70; e. 
N. B. Univ.; took theol. course at Wy- 
cliffe ColI., Toronto; m., Aug., 1904, 
Miss Maude E. Woodhouse, Browns- 
vllle, Texas; o. deacon, 1893; priest, 
1894; missionary, Nanticoke, Ont., 
1893-6; do. Goliah, Texas, 1896-8; I'ec- 
tor Grace 011., iCuero, 00., 1898-1903; 
archdeacon W. Texas, since 1904; at 
present rector W. Texas Mil. Acad.. 
Sa:n .-\.nrtooni'Û. - West Texas Military 
llcademy, San Antonio, Texas. 
Garden, James :Ford, civil engineer. 
S. H. M. G. G. (U. E. L.) ; lb. Wood!- 
st'ock, N.B.. Feb. 19, 1847; .e. OharlllQlttJe 
Gramrruar ,Scoh.; unm.; a C. E. and 
D. L. S.; .elretoed- a ,memo ,Oan. Soc. C, 
E., ,1894; may<O'T of Vancouver, '1898- 
190(,; a Con.; .sat ,foor Oity 
(, 1900-9; un.8IUooe.ssfuUy con- 
-d 'secæt (H. C.), g. e. 1900; served 
with inlt>elUg.en.ce corps .du.r,irrg N.- W. 
Rebel Jti'Ûn, 1885 (lITIIe'<l.; wound-ed aJt 
Ba,toob-e); Aug. - Vancouver, B.C.; 
"Vancouver Club, do. 
Gardiner, Herbert :Fairbairn, Onto 
public service. 
S. Late Rev. Jas. G., D.C.L. (Meth.), 
who came to Port Hope, Ont., from 
[<'ermanagh, Irel., 1827, and MaUlda 
(Fairbairn) G., Brockvllle, Ont.; b. 
Brockvil1e, Aug. 21, 1849; e. Albert 
ColI., Bell.vllle, Onto (B.A., 1869; 
M.A., 1870); m., Dec., 1875, Margt. 
Eille-n, d. Andrew B. Mord-en, London, 
Ont.; after serving as a reporter on 
the HamUton Ti'mes, became ed. 
Brantlor.d Expositor, 1873; ed. writer 
on London Advertiser, 1874 ; mango ed., 
Hamilton Spectator, 1877, and ed.-In- 
chief, Hamilton Times, 1880; con- 
tinued in this }}OSition up to 1903; 
apptd. principal, Onto Inst. :for the 
Educ. of the Blind, Brantford, July 15, 
1903; believes in absolute free trade, 
with direct taxation on land values 
for revenue' the abolition of Pr.ovl. 
subsidies; the municipalization of 
monopoUes; and the state ownershi>> 
of rvs. telegraphs, etc. ; author: 
.. t\oUiing but Names: an Inquiry into 
the Origin of the Names ol the 
Cmmties and Townships of Ontario" 
(1899); a .Me-th. - "Sarclarghar," 
Brantford. Ont.; Brantford Club, do.; 
Hamilton Club, Hamilton. 
.. One of the .ablest writel's on the Cana- 
dian"-Oodcrich Signal. 
.. A with a. love. of histo.rica.l deJtail, 
a. t,aste fo.t a.ccumuloa.tion and roll.ating it 
and habits of indußtty."-Hllmilton He't'ald, 



Gardner, John J" oculist and aurist. 
Scottish origin; s. late Wm. G., 
Gray's Creek Farm, Cornwall, Ont.; 
b, St. Louls-de-Gonzague, P.Q., 1867; 
e. Huntingdon Acad. and McGill 
Unlv. (M.D., 1883); m., Apt, 1906, 
Catherine .Josephine, e. d. late Wm. 
Macleod, Summerstown, Ont.; carried 
on further studies in eye and ear 
clll1Jlcs In !Paris, BerIln, Vienna and 
London; was clinical asst. at the 
Royal London Ophth. Hosp. and the 
Moorfields Eye Hosp.; :returning to 
Montreal was asst. to the late Dr. 
Buller, 1887; since then has been In 
gen.l. practice; formerly 'Prof. of anat. 
Bishop's Coll., Lennoxvllle, and on the 
staff of McGill Un1v.; a Presb.-lf8 
Bishop St.
 Montreal; St. James's Club; 
Royal St. .Lawrence Yacht Club; Outre- 
mont Golf Club; St, George Snowshoe 
Club, do. 
Gardner, 1I/Iajor Robert Lorne, phyei- 
S. late W. R. G., manufacturer, 
Brockvllle, Ont.; b. there, Sept. 21, 
1878; e. Brockvllle CoIl. Inst. and Mc- 
OBi! Und.v. (B.A., 1899; M.D.,C.M.. 
1901) ; unm.; hassuocessf.ullYlPractisoo 
his prof. throughout In Ottawa; resident 
house surg., St. Luke's Hosp., Ottawa, 
1 yr.; now path. land memo of attend- 
Ing staff, do.; a Gov. do., 1910; a 
memo Coll. P. and S., Onto and Que.; 
a llcent. Univ. State of N.Y.; presdt. 
Ottawa Med. Soc., 1909; 
lIeut. A. M. C., 1902; promoted major, 
1907; is adj-t. NIO. 2 F1ioelld AmÞuI'a'11loo; 
Presb.-US Bank St., Ottawa; Ottawa 
Hunt Club; Ottawa Golf Club, do. 
Gardner, William, physician. 
oS. lat'C Wm. G., Gray's Creek Farm, 
Oornwall, a native of Soot.; bro. 
.John .J. G. (q.v.) ; b. St. Louis-de-Gon- 
zague, P.Q., Sept. 5, 1845; e. Hunt- 
Ingdon Acad., and McGill Unlv. (M.D. 
C.M., with honours, 1866); M.A 
(hon.), Univ. Bishop's Coll., Lennox- 
vllle, 1871; m., .June, 1882, .Janie, d 
late Augustin Cantin, Montreal; suè- 
cessfully practises his prof. in Mont- 
real; up to 1875 was prof. Med. .Juris- 
prudence, Unlv. Bishop's Coll,; subse- 
quently held same chair In iMcGIll 
Unlv., and was 'the first prof. of 
Dlsæ.ses of Women in that institution; 
a distinguished memo of his prof.; he 
was selected to become gynæcoI.-in- 
chle! to the Royal Victoria Hosp., 
Montreal, and latør was consulting 
gynæcol. to the Montreal GenI. Hosp.; 
has also !been tpresdt. of the Med.- 
Chir. Soc., 'SIMIl'C city; knowl1J as an 
aflt oormoisseur; ihas 10000g been con- 
nected 'With the -Montreal Art Assn.; 
elected V,-P, do., 1902, and presdt., 
1903; is also presdt. Alliance Fran- 
çalse; a Presb.-.f57 Sherbrooke St., 
Montreal; Mt. Royal Club; St. James's 
Club; Royal Montreal Golf Club; 
University Club. do. 
Garneau, HOJ1. Edouar4 Burroughs, 
merehant; legislator, 
E. s. late Hon. Pierre Garneau, 
l\I.L.C., and Cecile (Burroughs) G.; 
b. Quebec, .Jan. 18, 1869; e. Commer- 
cial Acad., Quebec High Sch. and 
Eastman's CoIl., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; 

m., Oct., 1882, Laure, d. late Frederic 
Braun, advocate; presdt. Garneau, 
Ltd. (wholesale d.ry goods), long 
estbd. (L.P., 1908); a dir. Nat. Tele- 
phone Co., Quebec Cartage & Trans- 
fer Co., Monarch Life Assur. Co., 
Club Canadien, Quebec and Sague- 
nay Ry. and Richelleu & Onto Na\" 
Co.; presdit. Quebe.c Land Co.; dio. 
Quebec Business Men's League; 
presdt. Quebec Bd. of Trade, 1893-6; 
a Lib.; called to the Leg. Council, 
P.Q.. ApI. 6, 11904; R. C.-I02 Grande 
Allée, Quebec; Quebec Garrison Club; 
Club Canadien, do. 
(D. Quebec, Aug, 18, 1911.) 
Garneau, Hector, litterateur; 
S. late Alfred and Elodie (Globen- 
sky) G.; grands. F, X. G., the Can. 
historÍian; b. Ottawa, 1872; e. Ottawa 
Un Iv. and Laval Unlv. (LL.B., with 
'bo.n,()/\.ms, 1895); rn., Jan., 1905, Mlle. 
l3l-anche Pillet.. Montreal; advocate, 
1895; later, gave up law for literature 
and journallsm, in which he has won 
no inconsiderable place; contributed 
weeki1y Chroniques urudler 1Jhe obl'Ue 
.. Heures de CauseI"ie," to Le lIfonde, 
1892; wrote an article on French-Can. 
Hterature for La Rev. Nationale, 1895 ; 
wrote literary criticisms in Les Nou- 
velles, 2 yrs.; also contributed articles 
in Frenoh to the Can. Monthly; asst. 
cd. La Patrie, 2 yrs.; do. do. Le 
Canada. 1903-4: chief secy. to Hon. 
L. P. Brodeur, Minr. of Inland Revenue, 
1904-5; author: .. Poêsles d' Alfred 
Garneau" (1906); is now engd. In 
prepa1'Íng a 5th ed. o.f his grandfather's 
History in 4 vols.; elected a memo 
Champlain Soc., 1905; has lectured on 
.. How my gmnodfathe:r ca,m'C to. wflite 
the French-Can. history of Can."; R.C. 
-li8 University St., Montreal. 
.. POS>Ses&es .ard()ur, im;ight. judgment 
and perst"Veronce."-Dr. John Reade (q.v.). 
Garneau, Sir Jean George, merchant; 
civil engineer. 
Ancestors came from France, 1664; 
s. late Hon. Pierre G., M.L.C., and 
Catherine Cecile (Burroughs) G.; b. 
Quebec, Nov. 9, 1864; e. Quebec 
Semy., Ecole Poly tech., Montreal 
(honours), and Le.val Univ. (B.A.Sc., 
1898); m., .Jan., 1892, Marie Alma, d. 
Major A. Benoit, Quebec; asst. engr. 
on construction, Q. & L. St. John Ry. 
some yrs.; since 1888 has been a part- 
ner In -the wholesale dry goods housa 
of P. G., Fils & Cle, Quebec; a dir. 
Quebec & Lak'e St. .John Ry., lnltern. 
Bank of Can., Queboec Ste.amshtip 
00.., 18.00 Sport.srnen's F'ish & Game 
Olub; also aist. depty. Kn1ig'ht.s IOf 
Ool'llmbus (med., 1906); a g'Gv. Laval 
Un i\". oarud prof. of anal. ch'Cmistry 

md drir. anal. Jaboratory 'Ìhereln; 
an ald. for SOII1le yrs.; may_or .of 
Que 1 be1::, 1906-9; ohalrman Ro.yal 
Quebec Battleftetds Oomn., 1908-10; 
knighted by present King In person, 
Quebec, 1908; apptd. a commander, 
Leg'ion {}of Hon.our, by Frenoh Republic, 
do.; en tertained King George ( then 
Prince of Wales) at luncheon, Que- 
bec, do.; awarded Teroent. med., 
1909; one of the originators AnU- 
Alcohollc League, 1907; apptd. a 



memo Royal Quebec Public Utilities 
Commn., 1910; a keen sportsman; Ind. 
Lib.; a firm believer in .. Can. first," 
and the future greatness of our coun- 
try; a R. C.-1M Grand Allée
Quebec Garrison Club
.. A 6ucoossfrul busines8 ma.n of keen in- 
rel1oot, who po.sse&æ8 the confidence of both 
raoes."-T. News. 
Garneau, Hon. Nemese, manufactur- 
er; stJaiOOsman. 
S. .J. B. G.,l\1.D., and Marie Nathalie 
(Rinfret) G.; b. Ste. Anne-de-Ia- 
Perade, P.Q., Nov. 16, 1847; e. St. 
Cyr's Acad. there and Thorn's Com- 
mercial Acad., Quebec; In., Oct., 1870, 
Marie Elodie, d. P. P. Plamondon, 
advocate, Quebec; a dry goods mer- 
chant, Quebec, up to 1896, but has 
always been interested in agrlcul. 
and colonization; a memo of Council 
or Agr<icui. sinooe 1896 (lauréat agri- 
cut m.erl-t, 1895) ; a. moem. -e
tve. OO'mte. 
Quebec Dairymen's ABsn., 1896-1905; 
presdt. Quebec Geni. Live Stock 
Breeders' Assn. since 1898; was 8 
dir. of the Quebec Bridge & Ry. Co., 
and Is a councillor Quebec Bd. of 
Trade and a dlr. Club Canadien, 
Quebec; was one of the promoters 
of the Chicoutlml Pulp Co. (opened 
1903), and has since been presdt. of 
the co.; declined appt. to the Civil Oomn., Otbawa, 1907; a Lib., 
but Ind.; sat for Quebec Co. (Local), 
1897-1901; since then has sat in the 
Leg. Councll; held office as MinI'. of 
Agrlcul. in the Parent Govt., 1904-5; 
reocd. in audience by Preadt. FalUeres 
of France, 1906; favours moderate pro- 
tectlon; a strong believer in the policy 
of Can. for the Canadians, and for the 
increased development of our Indus- 
tries and resources; would favour 
the greatest liberty to all in educ. 
and religious matters.-Ste. Foy
bec; Club Canadien, do. 
Garratt, Miss Eelen, nursing profes- 
D. .John G., Wellington, Ont.; now 
and for some yrs. supdt. Amsterdam 
Hasp., N. Y.-New York. 
Garrett, :Richard William, physician. 
Eng. and Irish parentage; b. 'l'p. 
Brock, Co. Ont.! Ont., May 31, 18ã3; 
e. Onto ColI., PIcton, and Trln. Univ., 
Toronto (B.A., 1880; M.A., 1887); m., 
Sept., 1887, Minnie Louisa, o. d. late 
Alex. S. Kirkpatrick, Kingston Ont. 
M.D. (Queen's Unlv., Kingston)' 1882: 
practises his prof. in Kingston,' .vher
he is prof. obst. and gynæcol. in his 
alma mater and prof. of anat., ROY-ll 
CoIl. P. and S.; Is also senior surg. of 
the Geni. Hosp.; apptd. rned. offr. J 4th 
Regt., Sept., 1892 (hon. lieut.-col., 
Sept., 1904); holds long service e.e- 
co ration ; Is ed. Kingston Med. Q
ter., and has otherwise contributed to 
 med. press; Ang.--5! Johnson St., 
Ktngston, Ont.; Frontenac Club, do. 
Garrioch, :Rev, Alfred Campbell 
(Ang.) . 
S. .John and Eliza (Campbell) G.; 
b. Ktldonan, Man., Feb. 10, 1848; e. 
parish seh., Portage la Prairie, Man.; 
m., Mch., 1886, Agnes B., d. Richard 

Crabbe, Portsmouth, Eng.; 0, 1875; 
estbd, first Proto mission existing at 
Peace River, 1877; later assisted In 
founding a training sch. for Ind. l.hil- 
dren at Fort Vermilion; visited Eng., 
and while there published several 
translations Into the Beaver Ind. lang. 
and an Eng.-Beaver and Cree vocabu- 
lary; retuming to Peace River, re- 
mained 5 yrs. longer in Ind. mission 
work; taking UP worlt in Diocese of 
Rupert's Land, 19-02, was 3 yrs. Incum- 
bent at Rapid City, 6 yrs. at Poplar 
Pt. and High Bluff, and, later, at Hlgb 
Bluff, having charge of St, Mary's 
Chapel, Portage la Prairie; retired, 
1905; D.D.-P01'tage la Prairie, Man. 
Garrow, Alexander E" physician. 
Scottish origin; S. late .John G., Ot- 
tawa; b. there; e. there and McGlll 
Unliv. (M.D.,C.M., and gold med., 
1889); m., .June, 1891, .Miss V.Lctoria 
Craig, North Gower, Ont.; successfully 
practised his prof. In Ottawa for some 
yrs.; s()'llletÌ'Íme a. partner or late Dr. 
A.. A. Hend-ers>on, there; n.ow and for 
some yrs. ,in MO()ll1
1'eß.I; oen1inen1. as 
a Burg.; ranks I3.S SIlI.c'h a.mou'g thie 
hig1hest in Dan., if IlIOt IÍn ,Am.; is 
ass't. IJ)rof. ,in surg. anàclinlOOiI 
surg., McGill Unlv.; also asst. surg. 
Royal Victoria Hasp., Montreal; a 
M.etJh. -289 Mountain St., lIIont1'eal; 
University Club; Montreal A. A, Assn., 
Garrow, Hon, James ':E'hompson, 
Scottish ancestry; S. late Edward 
and Rebecca G.; b. Chippewa, Ont., 
Mch. 11, 1843; e. Goderlch High Sch.; 
m., .July, 1872, :Mary Balfour, d. Rev. 
Chas. Fletcher (Presb.); barrister, 
1869; K.C. (Marquis of Lansdowne) 
1885; do. (Ont.), 1899; successfully 
practised his prof. at Goderich; served 
as reeve of Goderich and warden of 
Huron for a lengthened period; sat for 
W. Huron (local), Lib. interest, 1890- 
1902; was a MinI'. In the Ross Govt., 
without portfolio, 1899-1902; since 
Mch. 20, 1902, has been a judge of 
the Sup. Ct. for Ont.; apptd. a Royal 
Commr. for the revision of the Statutf's 
of Ont., June, 1906; do. a local judge 
in Admiralty of the Exch. Ct. for To- 
ronto DisL, Mch. 1, 1910; elected hon. 
presdt. Huron Old Boys' Assn., 1903.- 
49 St. George St., T01'onto. 
.. A man of great natural gifta, developed 
by an extensive legal pr.a cti 00. 0f the BOund- 
est judgment, of wide and accurate read. 
ing and of the utmost fai.rne.....-T, Globe. 
Ga.rside, Rev. :Robert (Presb.). 
 origin; b. Headlngly, Leeds, 
Eng., ApI. 23, 1857; e. Woodstock 
Coil., and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., with 
honours In metaph., 1886); In., Nov., 
1887, Margt, (d. Dec., 1901), d. late 
Rev. Dr. Denovan; 2ndly, .June, 
1904, Mabel, d. .John Tucker, St. Cath- 
arlnes, Ont.; studied theol., McMaster 
Unlv. (B.Th., 1895; B.D., 1899); 
Ph.D., Central Unlv., Indianapolis, 
Ind.; o. (Bapt. Ch.), 1887; served as 
a mlssy., S. India, 6 yrs. and 3 mths.; 
described by Prlnclpàl Castle as .. one 
of the best and noblest gifts the To- 
ronto coil. could bestow upon india"; 



was 7 1-2 yrs. pastor Lyman st. Bapt. 
Ch., St. Catharlnes; 2 yrs. do., Buck- 
ingham, P.Q.; elected moderator Ot- 
tawa Assn., 1906; 2 yrs. on Foreign 
Mission Bd.; joined Presb. Ch., 1907; 
pastor Swan River, Man., do.; since 
1908 pastor Alameda, Sask.; author 3 
tracts In Telugu language; wrote a 
series of letters, describing a tour In 
India, made In 1892-3, from Tunl to 
Calcutta, thence to Benares, Agra, 
Lucknow, Cawnpore, Delhi, .Teypore, 
Amedabad, Bombay, Poona, Hydera- 
bad, Secunderabad, Bezwada, Cocanda, 
and back to Tunl; an athlete, bicy- 
clist, pedestrian, horseman, and oars- 
man; swam the Niagara River, from 
Queenston to Lewiston, in 20 minutes; 
a Reformer; favours complete separa- 
tion of Church and State.-Alameda. 
Garth, Bev. William Henry (Ang.). 
S. H. W. G., Montreal; b. there, 
Dec. 8, 1868; e. Montreal Senior Sch. 
and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 1889); m., 
.Tune. 1903, Irene Emerson, widow 
Chas. H. Trask, jr., Boston, Mass., and 
d. Saml. Hy. Ransom, Albany, N.Y.; 
took theol. course Montreal Dioc. 
Theol. Coli.; graduated, 1891; o. dea- 
con, 1891; priest, 1893; asst. mlnr. St. 
Martin's, Montreal, 1891-4; asst. to 
Rev. Dr. Ralnsford, St. George's, N.Y., 
1894-8; rector Ch, of the Ascension, 
Wakefield, R.I., 1898-1902; rector, St. 
Michael's, Naugaluck, Conn.. 1902-08; 
since then has been rector St. Mark's, 
IsUp, L. I., N.Y.-The Rectory, 1slip, 
L.I., New York. 
Garton, Bev. William John (Ang.). 
A memo of an old Yorkshire family; 
b. London, Eng., ApI. 22, 1856; e. Lon- 
don, Eng., and Ch. Missionary Inst., 
Reading, Eng.; m., Sept., 1885, Miss 
Laura Elizabeth Nash, Mlddlebro, 
Yorks; o. deacon, 1883; priest, 1884; 
now incumbent St. Philip's, and col- 
lector for new St. .Tohn's Coll., Winni- 
peg; apptd. hon. canon St. .Tohn's 
Cath., Winnipeg, 1909; author of vari- 
ous hymns: Confirmation, Easter, Ru- 
pert's Land, Woman's Aux. Hymn, etc. 
-S6:e College Ave., Winnipeg. 
Gartshore, Lt.-Col, William Moir, 
S. .Tohn G., Dundas, Ont.; b. there, 
ApI. 3, 1853.; e. Galt Coli. 1nst. (Dr. 
Tassie's); m.. Dec., 1876, Catherine, 
2nò d. John MoOlary (q. v. ), London, 
Ont.; has been for many yrs. in com- 
mercial life, and is now V.-P. and genl. 
mangr. McClary Mfg. Co., manfrs. of 
stoves and furnaces, London, Toronto, 
Winnipeg, Montreal, Vancouver, and 
St. .Tohn, N.B.; provl. V.-P. Can. 
Mantrs. Assn., 1908; is III dlr. Weste,rn 
Fair Assn., Central Can. Manfrs. 
Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Onto Loan & 
Debenture Co. and Can. Trust Co.; 
entd. V. m. service, 1874; holds 1st 
class R. Sch. Caval. cert.; was junior 
major 7th Fusillers during N. \V. 
Rebellion, 1885 (med.); promoted 
major, 1884; It.-col. commdg. 1st Regt. 
of Hussars, 1892; now R. 0.; pre- 
sented to late Kli\g Edward, 1886 and 
1905; a. Lib., 'but qpposed to 'tire Taf,t- 
F:!eldJIng .reo!pf'OoCliltJy a;greemeil1 l t., 1911. 

-Lon-don, Ont.; London Club, do.; 
National Club, Toronto. 
Garvin, John William, ins. profession, 
Irish and Eng. origin; e. s. late 
David and Melissa (Lemon) G.; b. 
Lynden, Ont., Mch. 19, 1859; e. Mid- 
hurst Public Sch., Barrie Coll. Inst., 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A., with honours 
ie mental and moral science, logic, 1'01. 
science, Eng., and history, 1892); m., 
1887, Miss Elizabeth Appelbe, Barrie, 
ant.; successively principal of modpl 
and public schs. at Welland anti 
Woodstock, Ont.; sUbsequently inspr. 
city public schs., Peterboro'; retired 
from teaching to enter Ins. prof., 1895; 
founded in Ottawa the Sterling Life 
Assur. Co., of which he became mang, 
dir., 1906; collected and edited the 
poems of I-sabella Valancy Crawford, 
the Can. poet (1905); a Con.; unsuc- 
cessfully contested W. peterboro' (Lo- 
cal), g. e. 1898;. e. Presb. and a Free- 
Gates, Bev, George 0, (Bapt.). 
B. N. S.; e. Horton Acad. and _"-ca- 
dla Unlv. (B.A., 1873; M.A., 1877; 
D.D., 1899); originally a pUblic sch. 
teacher; after ordination was pastor 
at Liverpool, N.S.; subsequently la- 
boured at Moncton, N.B., for over 5 
yrs.; became pastor Germain St. Ch., 
St. .Tohn, N.B., 1886, and, with the (:x- 
ceptlon of 2 yrs. spent at Windsor, 
N.S., remained in this charge till 1906 ; 
since then has been pastor of West- 
mount Ch.; declined a call to Wood- 
stock, ant., 1906; formerly secy. Hapt. 
Comte. on Union; a dlr. Bapt. Messen- 
ger and Visitor Pub. Co., aoo of the 
R S. Union, P. Q.-:J36 Metcalfe Ave., 
n'estmo1.tnt, :Montreal. 
Gates, Beginald BuggIes, scientist. 
S. Andrew B. G., a descendant of 
Capt. Olrlham G., who removed from 
Mass. to N. So prior to 1760, and Char- 
lotte E. (Ruggles) G., a direct de- 
scendant of Brlg.-Geni. Timothy R., 
U.E.L., who figured prominently in the 
Am. colonies as lawyer, judge, parlia- 
mentarian, and soldier; b. Middleton, 
N.S., May 1, 1882; e. Mt. Allison 
Unlv. (B.A., with 1st class honours In 
science, 1903; M.A., 1904); spent 2 
yrs. In post-grad. work In bioI. 
sciences at the McGill Unlv. (B.Sc. and 
special cert. In botany, 1906); during 
last year there carried on research 
work and acte.d as demon. of botany: 
\1ioOe-prinoiplaJl MaooOO1la1lò Co>nsoI
Sc-hs., :\Hàodle.tJon, 1904-5; spen-t, also, 
1 iSUffilrner (1902) lin ibOitandcai work at 
Cornell Unlv. and 3 summe,rs at .:\f''1,rlne 
BioI. Laboratory, Wood's Hole, Mass., 
In bot. research work; apptd. a fellow 
In botany, Clhicago Univ.; previously 
elected a memo N. S. Inst. of Science, 
to which he has contributed papers on 
the fungi of his home region; has also 
written various popular articles, chief- 
ly on botany and geol. topics; read a 
paper before the Am. Assn. for the 
Advanc. of Science, N. Y., 1907, rle- 
scribing the result of recent Investi- 
gations, which was pronounced the 
most valuable contribution to sclpntific 
knowledge of the year; Meth.-Mßdle- 
ton. N.S. 



Gaudaur, Jaoob GUI, champion oars- 
French-Canadlan descent; s. Fran- 
çois and Jessie (Glll) G., Orillia, Ont.; 
b. at the Narrows, Lake Couchlching, 
Ont., Ap
. 4, 1858; from his earliest yrs. 
had a strong fancy for aquatic sports; 
his fi.rst year In a shell was In 1879, 
n he rowed at Prescott, London 
and Sarnla In exhn. races; his first 
shell race was with Mc
n, on To- 
ronto Bay, In the same year, which he 
won easily; rowed 3rd at Barrie, 
Hanlan and Riley dead-heating; in 
1881, July 1, at Ottawa, won a race 
from Ross, Hosmer, Ten Eyck and 
Riley; at Pullman, III., June 23 1883, 
was beaten by Teeaner in the consola- 
tion race In 20.14 ; at Lake Minnetonka, 
on. Aug. 4, he finished behind Hanlan, 
Lee, Hosmer, and Hamm; In 1884, at 
Boston, July 4, won the 3-mlle single 
sculls in 21.50 and the working boat 
event in 22,20; on Oct. 26, rowed a 
dead heat with Teemer; on Nov. 2, won 
in 20.24 at Creve Cæur Lake, Mo.: the 
ups and downs of the Can. sculler con- 
tinued In 1885; won the 3-mile single 
scuBs race at Boston, July 4, In 20.30, 
and on the same day, with Hosmer as 
partner, OO1)tured the double sculls: 
on May 25 rowed second to 'l'eemer at 
New Or
eans In 20.011, and won the 
double with Hosmer; .on June 13 de- 
feated Hosmer at a regatta at Moline, 
Ill., and on the 18th defeated Teemer 
at Plttsburg, where Hosmer again sat 
with him in the winning double sculls 
boat; his first championship race .in 
the doubles with Hosmer for partner 
was disastrous; Courtney and Conley 
bel3.t them over a 3-mile CQurse at 
Pl.easure Island. near Albany, N.Y., for 
$5,000 and the title, in 17.571; on Oct. 
30, the same year, G. beat Al Hamm 
(5 se'cs.) for $1,000, 3 miles with turn, 
in 21.15; perhaps 1886 was the most 
important year of his life; on June 12, 
won the championship of Am. and 
$2,000 over a 3-mlle CQurse with turn 
from Teemer, at Pullman, Ill., in 21.20; 
again on June 26, made the best 3-mlle 
record up to that time, 19.54, at White 
Bear Lake, Minn., beating Teemer and 
Hamm; on Sept. 18 occurred the fa- 
mous race with Wm. Beach. of Aus- 
tralia, for the world's championshdp 
and $5,000 on the Thames, London, 
Enrg.; G. was beaten over a 41-mlle 
course in 22.29 by a short half-boat 
length. Rowing men who saw the con- 
test said it was the greatest that had 
ever taken place In the history of the 
sport; on May 30, 1887, won $5,000 
and defended the championship from 
Hanlan In 19.32, makin
 a new record; 
in July, at Pullman, Hanlan won the 
title, finishing outside the flags in the 
darkness; Teemer beat Hanlan on 
Aug. 13, and G. was unsuccessful In 
hiis etrort to win the title from the 
McKeesporter on Oct. 28, at Lake 
Maranacook, Me.: Teemer's time was 
20.28 2-5 f>or the 3 miles with a turn; 
from this time G.'s eng3.gements be- 
came very numerous, and only his im- 
portant races are given from 1888 to 
1896; In 1888, Aug. 3, he and McKay, 
of Halifax, defeated Teemer and Hamm 
for the double-sculling cha

and $5,000, 3 mlle's with turn, In 19. 
25, at Saratog.a Lake; later on in the 
same year the late Wm. O'Connor 
beat G. at Sturgeon Point, Ont., In a 
regatta; this was O'Connor's first 
brush with him: on March 3, 1889, 
\Vm. O'Connor defeated G. on San 
Frands'co Bay In a 3-mile race, In 
19.45; on Sept. 13 the latter beat 
Teemer at McKeesport, but the stakes 
were afterwards' dTawn, the American 
claiming a foul and refusing toO row; 
in 1890, at the Duluth regatta, July 
21-26, G. made his third record, 19.31, 
In winning the single scull race 
against Teemer, Hanlan, Hosmer and 
others; McKay and l\f won the doubles, 
and his crew also capturoo the 4- 
oared race at the same regatta; in 
1891 HanLan and O'Conn.or defeated 
G. anJdi Mcl(:ay for the diOU:ble .scuH 
world's championship at BurlIngton 
Beach, on Aug. 8, 3 miles with turn, 
In 18.26}; in 1892, Chas. Stephenson, 
the New Zealand champion, was 
beaten easily on Aug. 13 by G. at. 
OrllIia, over the regular 3-mile course, 
from the wharf to's Point and 
return; on Sept. 5 he and G. H. Hos- 
mer won the double sculUng champion- 
ship. from Hanlan and O'Connor at 
Charlotte, N.Y.; again, at OrllHa, Oct. 
15, the same result took place, the 3 
miles beIng covered by the winners In 
18.30; rowed at Austin, Texas" June, 
1893; won the 3-mUe with turn single 
scull event In 19.06, his fourth record, 
defeating Peterson, Stanbury, the 
world's champion, Hanlan, Teemer, 
Rogers and Ten Eyck; Hosmer and he 
won the doubles by 20 lengths In 
18.03}, the fastest time yet recorded 
for the 3 mHes with turn; In Nov., 
1895, G. competed at the Intern. re- 
gatta in Austin, Texas: his first ap- 
pearance was with his bro. in the 
dl()ltl'ble scuJIl .race at 3 miles; the Gos. 
were beaten by Teemer and Haines; 
the time was 18.21, which equalled 
the world's record for the distance: 
on Nov. 5, Teemer beat G. In a half- 
mne dash; on Nov. 7, G. won the 
cbampionship of the world, the 
Richard K. Fox trophy and $1,500, 
beating Rogers, Bubear and Haines; 
the same day, together with his bro. 
and Teemer and Rogers, G. competed 
in a 4-oared race with Bubear, Barry, 
Haines and Win
ate; the Eng. crew 
won the race, which was a 3-mile one, 
in 17.201, a world's record for the dis- 
t1ance; G. alS'Ü won several minor 
events: In 1896, competed at t'he 
intern. regatta at Halifax;' Ilkewise 
appeared with the Oan.-Am. 4-oar 
crew, which succeeded in defeating 
Bubear's Eng. crew: his last great vic- 
tory occurred Sep.t. 7, 1896, when 
he won the sin
le scull race for 
tohe cha:mpionshi,p o.f the world on 
the Thames from Jas. H. Stan- 
bury, the course being from Put- 
ney to Mortlake. 4 miles; G.'s time 
was 23.01, and Stanbury's, 23.46; In 
Dec., the same year, he Issued a chal- 
lenge otrerlng to row any man In the 
world" In Am., in June, 1897, fo'r the 
championship and a stake of $2,500 
or $5,000 a side, and in J,an., 1897, he 
was challenged by Hanlan to rO'W for 



the world's championship and $1,000 
a side, either in Am. or Eng. waters; 
G. weighs about 175 pound>s, and is 6 
ft. high.-Orillia, Onto 
Gaudet, Lt,-Col, Frederic Monderet, 

an mil. servke. 
S. late ;r, F. G., C.E.; b. Three 
Rivers, P.Q., Aã>l. 11, 1867; e. Royal 
Mil. ColI., Kingston; graduated, 1887; 
m., June, 1898, Margt. (presdt. Quebec 
Ladies' Golf Club), d. late Andrew 
']'homson, presdt. Union Bank o-f Can. ; 
memo Can. Soc. C.E., 1903; apptd. It., 
R.,C.A., 1887; c8iPt., 1901; major, 1905; 
It.-co!., 1908; su,pdt. Dom. Arsenal, 
Quebec, May, 1896; lnspr. Small Arms, 
sdnoe J'llI'Y, ,1903; lis tJue inventor 01 a 
new,get .and amlJIl'llnj'tion to use 
W1Ï.th 11.; R. C.-Artillery Park, Quebec; 
Quebec Garrison. Club. 
II Efficient and: popular."-Can. Mil. 
Gault, Andrew Hamilton, merchant; 
O. s. L. H. (q.v.) and Marion A. 
(Davidson) G.; b. England, 1882; 
e. Bishop',s ColI., Lennoxville, and 
McGlll Vniv.; prepared for Oxford 
Vniv.; m., Mch., 1904, Marguerite 
Claire, y. d. late Hon. G. W. 
Stephens, M.L.A., M.E.C., Montreal; 
a dir. G. Bros. & Co. (wholesale 
dry goods, etc.), Montreal Cotton Co., 
Van Allen Co., Trent Valley Woollen 
Co., Crescent Manfg. Co., G. Bros., 
Win.ndpeg, and G. Bros., Vanco-uver, 
apptd. consul-genl. for Sweden in Can., 
May, 1909; a capt., Corps Reserve, 
Royal Highlanders of Can.; served as 
a subaltern, 2nd Can. Mounted Rifles, 
war In S. A. (Queen's med. with 3 
clasps); Con.; Ang.-" Rokeby," 595 
Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal; lilt. 
Royal Club; St. James's Club; Mont- 
real Hunt Club; Montreal Jockey 
Club; Montreal Racquet Club; Back 
River Polo (;lub; Canadian Club; Royal 
St. Lawrence Yacht Club, do.; York 
Club, Toronto. 
Gault, Lt,-Col, Arthur Fitzroy, real 
estate and insurance broker. 
S. late M. H. G., M.P., and Eliza- 
beth I. (Bourne) G.; ,bro. Maj'oT C. 
E. and. L. H. G. (q.v.); b. Montreal, 
1876; e. Rid,ley ColI., Eng.; m., June, 
1904, Georgina May Laurie, d. Harri- 
son G. Beemer; is a partner firm G. 
& Ewing, real estate and ins. brokers 
and financial agents, Montreal; gazet- 
ted 2nd lieut., 6th Regt., Royal High- 
landers, 18
; J;>romoted, Ueut., I89!!; 
capt., 1901, major, 1906; It.-col., May 
11, 1909; holds 1st class cert., Royal 
Sch. lnfy.; an Ang.; elected presdt. 
Federation of Churchmen's Assns., 
Montreal, 1909.-229 Un'iversity St., 
111 ontreal; Canada Club; lIHI. lnst. ; 
Jlan-itou Club, do. 
Gault, :Major Charle. Erne.t, stock- 
broker; legislator. 
2nd s. late M. H. G., M.P., and 
Elizabeth I. (Bourne) B.; a bro. 
L. H. G. (q.v.); b. Montreal, Sept. 19, 
1861; e. Montreal High Sch. and Pre- 
paratory Coli,; m., Sept., 1890, Flor- 
ence (prominently Identified with the 
movement for providing playgrounds 
for children, 1902), e. d. Rufus Falr- 

banks; joined Montreal Stock Ex- 
change, 1887; apptd. paymaster (with 
hon. rank of major), 5th Regt., Royal 
Highlanders of Can., Jan., 1898; for- 
merly a well-known athlete; a 'proml- 
noen.t Don.; e.leoted presdt. of Junior 
Oon. Club, 1906; siots for St. Antoine 
:\ (Local), sinoe Jan.., 1907; 
\J}.g.-llB Mackay St" Montreal; Mt. 
Royal Club; Mont1.eal Club; .Montreal 
Hunt Club; Canada Club' Montreal 
J1iI. lnst.; Manitou Club, d
"A business man of repute."-j{, Go- 
Gault, Leslie Hamilton, m&chant. 
man ufacturer; capi taUst. ' 
S. late Matthew H. G., M.P., for- 
merly of Strabane, Irel., and Elizabeth 
I. (Bourne) G.; b. Montreal, 1855; e. 
Monrtrea1 High Soh. and Galt OoH. Inst. ; 
m., ApI., 18!J6, Marlon Anderson, d. 
e John Davidson, Glasgow, Scot.; 
Jomed firm G. Bros. & Co. (wholesale 
dry gooodis, etc.; L. P., 1896), 1871; 
presdt. of the co. since 1903; one of 
the promoters of the Crescent Manfg. 
Co. (L. P., 1905), and of many other 
business organizations; a councillor 
Montreal Bd. of Trade; a gov., Mont: 
real Genl. Hosp., and of the Montreal 
Diocesan TheoI. Coll.; a Ufe memo 
Montreal A. A. Assn.; a del. to the 
6th Commercial Congress of the Em- 
pire; a Con.; an Ang.-" Braeltead," 
148 McTavish St., Montl'eal; St. James's 
Club; Canada Club; Montreal Hunt 
Club, do. 
Gauthier, The MOst B.ev, Cha.rle. 
Hugh (R.C.), archbishop. 
Of S
ottish and French ancestry; 
S. Gabriel and Mary (McKinnon) G.; 
b. Alexandria, Ont., Nov. 13, 1843; e. 
local schs. and Reglopolis Coil., KIngs- 
ton; o. 1867; served for some yrs. as a 
prof. of Tihetoric at his Alma Mater; 
thereafter was successively parish priest 
at Gananoque, Westport, Williamstown, 
Glen Nevis and Brockville; btJcame 
an, 1886; and V. G., 1891; while 
::;till at BrockviIle was ,apptd. 2nd 
Archbp. of Kingston, July 29, 1898; 
presented with an address on leaving 
BrockvllIe from both R. C.s and Prots.; 
attended the Plenary Council, Quebec, 
1909, and the Eucharistic Congress, 
):Iontreal, 1910; apptd. second Archbp. 
of Ottawa, Sept., 1910; consecrated, 
I911.-A.,.cltbishop's Palace, Ottawa. 
"A man o.f wisdom, prudence and faith- 
ful &Jrvi.ce."-Cath. Register. 
II Can speak English, French or GaeIie 
equally well. Is alwa)-s clear, impreilBive 
and, convincing."-M. Star. 
Gauthier, MIle, Josephine Phoebe 
Eva (see Knoùte, Madame Jo- 
!:;ephine Phoebe Eva). 
Gavi11er, :Maurice, civil engineer anrl 
land survevor. 
S. Alex. and" Charlotte (Williams) 
G.; b. London, Eng., 1842; accompan- 
ied parents to Can., 1844; e. Rond 
Head, Newmarket, and Barrie Gram- 
mar Schs.; m. Miss Catherine !'Æarle 
Holt; matriculated in enging., Toronto 
Vniv., 1859; C.E. (McGill Univ.), 
1863; P.L.S., 1866;. D.L.S., ; a 
memo Bd, of Examrs. O. L. S.; presdt. 



O. L. S.s' Assn., 1895-6; engd. for 
many yrs. In govt., township, munici- 
pal, and other surveys; also In g"old 
mining; has offices both In Co11ing-- 
wood and Barrie; Ang.-Collinytoood, 
II Gay, Lady" (.;;ee Denison, Mrs 
Grace Elizabeth). 
Gaynor, Rev, Wßliam Cleophas (R.C.). 
Irish origin; s. Thos. and CatherinE' 
(Buckley) G.; b. Chatham, N.B., Sept. 
25, 1855; e. Newcastle, Chatham, Mem- 
ramcook ColI., In N. B., and Burling- 
ton. Vt.; o. 1878; stationed Carleton 
(W. St. John). Woodstock. Debec, Sus- 
sex. and St. John; prof. Eng. lit. and 
hIgher math., St. Jospph's Unlv. ; V.-P. 
Cànadian Club. prpsdt. Excerpta Lit. 
Club, and N. B. Hist. Soc., St. John: 
writer of mag. stories; ed. St. John 
Freeman: author II Papal Infallibili- 
ty" II Fifty Years a Priest," II Mem- 
tou, a Rist. Monogram"; Llb.-Con.: 
Imp.; believer in Mr. Chamberlain; In- 
stincts literary rather than ecclesiasti- 
cal; broad in views of intercourse be- 
tween religious denominations, stand- 
ing for and repre:'1f'ntlng that class of 
R:,C.'s.-St. John, N.B. 
Gays, Harry Eeigwin, Can. railway 
S. H. W. G. (q.1J.); In service N. Y 
Central Ry. since 1899; promoted genl. 
pass. agent, Ottawa & N. Y. Ry., 1907; 
Peslgned, 1911; .one 'Ûf 1Jhe !promote.l'S, 
willi his 'fratther, 'Ûf ,the Quebeoc and 
Ontaflio L-um'ber Co. (1.. .P.,; 1906) 
Brot.-37 Argyle Ave., Ottawa. 
Gays, Henry William, Can. railway 
Eng-. origin; s. Wm. and Sarah 
(Walker) G.; b. Brant, Erie Co., N.Y., 
Mch. 31, 1849; e. Dunkirk Sch.. N.Y.; 
m., Oct., 1876, Miss Nannie Borden 

edgTWin, Jeff.el'scJ.n!v,f,)Je, Ind'. ; entrcJ. Am. 
ry. serV'lce, 1862, and has since been 
continuously In service, on various 
roads, and holding different Important 
positions; s'lnce Feb., 1899. has bpen 
connected with the N. Y. & Ottawa Ry., 
always as mangr., and, at times, 
presdt. and mrmgr.; one of the pro- 
motprs of the Quebec & O.,t. Lumber 
Co. (1.. P., 1906) ; a Prot.-Roxborough 
Apartments, Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa. 
II A capable railroad man, of wide ex- 
perience."-M. Star. 
Gear, William I" merchant. 
S. late Hy. J. G.; b. Toronlt'o; 
f'. Ha,igJh't',s Oommle'rda,l ,Slah., Mont- 
veal: enltd. serV1ioe t1nn 10.t Rpford 
& Dd-1:I{)lI1', 'WihiolÞesaITe g,rocers, 'l\f.OlJ'lt- 
rea,l, 1874. and has s
nce l"emaJn'eod 
with same house; now, and for some 
yrs., V.-P. Robt. Reford (q.v.) Co., 
Ltd. : Is V.-P. Fessenden Wireless Tele- 
graph Co. of Can., and connected with 
various other enterprises; was presðt. 
Montreal Corn Ex('hange, 1902; presdt. 
Montreal Bd. of Traðe. 1905; Ang.- 
450 Macka7f St., lIfontreal: summer 
rp8;de11ce: LnnguP7(.il. P.Q.: 8t. Jam('.<;'s 
Club,. Canada Cl1tb: Canadian Clu.b,. 
Jr. A. A. A."I8n. ,. Montreal 117lnt Club; 
LonQue1tiZ Boatfng Cl7.tb, Montreal. 
"A man of ki!en business fo-resight."- 
Wm. Drysdale (q.v.). 

Geary, George Reginald, lawyer. 
Eng. and Irish descent; paternal 
great-grandf. came to Can., 1806, and 
settled near London. Ont.: maternal 
great-grandf. a U. E. Loyalist; S. T. 
J. and Mary (Goodson) G; b. Strath- 
my, On'Ì., .Aug. 12, 1873; e. U. C. ColI. 
and Toronto Unlv.; unm.; barrister, 
1904; K.C., 1908; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. In Toronto as a memo 
'Of the loegal t].nn of MaiCd'on,eH, Mtc- 
Miast-er & G. ; CQuns-el for Onto In Insur- 
ra,nce in'VIe,sÌ'Î,gaJti-øn ; Oan. rcpl'es'en:tJaUve 
Intern. Tax Assn.; has been a sch. 
t'l'ustoe'e and &111. 'Doran-to, 'the aatter 
fair 5 yrs.; an um
uccessf.UlI üan,d:idate 
Toronto Mayoralty, 1908; Controller, 
1909; Mayor, 1910 (vote: G. 19,017; 
Hoicke.n, q.V., 14,935); was re-el-ecte>d, 
1911; ellecbed CIQ'rr. ,sec'Jr. foor DOID. of 
OaTI. In'Ì'ern. Tax Comn., 1910; 1st 
V.-P. Urui'Ü'n 'Û,f Oan. M!un', 
1910-11; attended funeral of late King 
Edcward, LO'nd.on, En:g., 1910; ,presented 
to :K,lng GeOlI1g.e, Sit. Jam-e.s',s Pala,ce, 
June, 1911; present, hy ,inv>ltMI'Ûn, at 
coron'a'Hon of Thedr Maj.eSiUe.s, Wesrt- 
ter Atbbey, do. ; a Oon. and iPr.esdt. 
To,ro'Il'tJo lJlb.-Oon. Olub; an Ang.; an 
Ornn-geman.-W Wellesley St., Toronto; 
A.lbany Club; Toronto Golf Club. 
.. Has cha-raote,r, aibiJity Mld 
-T. News. 
Geddes, George, insurance profession. 
S. Geo. N. and Jane Ann (Forbes) 
G.; b. Glenmorrls, Ont., Sept. 20, 
1860; e. local schs.; m. Miss Margt. 
Alexander, Galt. Ont.; In Insurance 
bu!'lness since 1897; mang-r. extensive 
Oùnr mills, Tl1lsonburg, Ont.; succes- 
sÌ\'ely ald. and mayor, St. Thomas, 
ant.; a senator Western Un Iv., Lon- 
don, Ont.; a gov. Amasa Wood Hosp. 
and Alma Coll., St. Thomas; elected 
presdt. Onto Municipal Assn., 1909; a 
past grand marshal, I. O. O. F.; past 
master A. F. and A. M.; grand chan- 
cellor Knights of Pythlas for Ont.; 
prominent in Bowling, Curling, Golf. 
Whist, a.nd other assns.; believes that 
C:m. should bund, equip, man. and its own navy.: a Presb.-16 
Pparl St.. St. Thomas, Ont.: Canadial1 
Club; Elgin Country Club. do. 
Gee, Rev, Abram Leonard (lVIeth.). 
U. E. L. descent; S. late Capt. John 
and Rebecca G.: b. Tp. Gatnsboro, Co. 
Lincoln, Ont., Mch. 31, 1854; e. public 
!1('hs. and Wesl. Unlv.. Bloomington, 
Tll. (Ph.B., 1888; Ph.D., 1896); m. 
Martha A., o. d. 1\'1. Parker, Basing- 
stonE', Ont.; originally a sch. teacho?r; 
O. 1874; has filled many Important 
pastorates; takes high rank as a 
preacher; has been secy. and presdt. 
of con f.; a dlr. Home Life Assn. of 
Can.: Ind. In poUtics,-Simcoe, Onto 
(D. Muskoka, Ont., Aug. 8
Ge!fgie, Rev, Andrew Logan (Pre<;b.). 
B. Border Dlst., Scot., 1862; e. Edin- 
burgh Unlv., Free Ch, CoIl., same city, 
rand Presb. Cooll., Halifax, N.S.; m., 
.June, 1888, Miss Janoett M. MHol.e'r; o. 
1888; came to N. S., 1887; served as a 
missionary there; has been pm,tor 
Dunn Ave. Presb. Ch., Toronto, since 
1899; decHned a can to Zion Ch., Char- 



..,::." .' 

lottetown, P.E.I., 1898, and to St. An- 
ÒJrew's Oh., W'inni;poeg, 1909; a eenl8Jtor, 
Kn-ox C.oM.; elecl<ed presdrt. Old C.o'Un- 
try Olub, TorollltJO, 1911; an a,ggresslV1e 
It'ffinp. leader; nated of-or tbe ",it and 
f'erv'our of U11s addlre\ss
s; a'll Omll'ge- 
man.-l07 Jameson Ave., TOl'onto. 
GeUde, Archibald James, physIcian. 
E. s. Dr. W. B. G. (q.v.); b. To- 
ronto, Feb. 13, 1859; e. there; M.B., 
Trln. Univ., 1879; M.D., do. do.; M.B., 
Toronto Unlv., do.; fellow Trln. Med. 
Sch., do.; practises his prof., with his 
father; Presb.-52 Maitlmul St., To- 
ron to. 
Geikie, Walter Bayne, .physician; re- 
tired educationIst. 
S. Rev. Archibald G.; bro. late Rev. 
A. Constable G., D.D., LL.D.. for many 
yrs. Presb. minI'. of Ba.thurst, N., S.""\Y. 
and of late Rev. ;J. Cunningham G.. 
D.D., LL.D., the emInent Biblical 
scholar; b. Edinburgh, Scot., May 8, 
1830; licensed as a med. practitioner, 
Med. Bd. of U.C., 1851; M.D., ;Jeffer- 
son C-oll., Philadelphia, 1852; D.C.L. 
(hon.), Trin. Un Iv., Toronto, 1889; 
LL.D. (do.), Que
n's Unlv., 1907; moo 
Feb., 1854. Frances M. (d. 1890), 3rd 
d. late Woodhouse; L.R.C.P., 
Land. ; L.R.C.S., Edln. ; F.R.C.S., Edin. ; 
suocessfuUy practised his prof. for 
some time In Co. York, but rem-oved 
to Toronto; became prof. o! Mat. Med., 
Victoria Unlv., Cobourg, 1856; later, 
held ohalrs of Anat., Surg. and Mid- 
wifery, there;. severed his connection 
with the unlv., 1870; suggested In 
1871 the estbt. of a med. faculty In 
Trin. Univ., Toronto, which became In- 
corporated under an indo charter as 
Trin. Mad. Coil., 1877; filled the chair 
of Med. and Olinical Med. therein, and 
was dean of the faculty, 1878-1903; 
acted as examr. In med. for Trinity 
Univ. up to 1908; was for many yr.s. 
on the consulting staff, Toronto Genl. 
Hosp.; V.-P. ColI. of P. & S., Ont., 
1882-3; represented Trln. Moo. Call. 
on council of P. & S., Ont., 1877-1902; 
was presdt. Union Loan & Savings Co. 
for some yrs.; do., Toronto City Mis- 
sion, 12 yrs. ; 15 V.-P., U. C. Bible Soc. ; 
acted as treas. in Can. for the Ar- 
menian Relief Fund, 1896-7; his IIfe- 
sized portrait In oils by Forster (q. v.) 
was presented to him by graduates of 
Trln. Moo. CoIJ.., In acknowled,gment 
of his long-servlc
 to med. educ., 1908; 
.. strongly l-oyal to the Brit. Empire 
and devoted to Can.'s Interests as a 
highly Important part of the Empire; 
regard.s our system of govt. as the most 
free and the best In the world"; a 
Presb.-" Holyrood Villa," 52 .Mait- 
land St., Toronto. 
.. A velte'l'\alll in med. science, who has 
imperishably left biß mark for good upon'J).t-o inoSt.Ïtution&."-Rev. Prof. Wm. 
Clark (q.1'.). 
Geldert, John Morris, lawyer. 
Of an old North Country family, re- 
siding In N. Y. at time of Am. nevo- 
1 ution; removed, with t'he Loy.allsts, to 
Shelburne, N.S. ; b. Halifax, N.S., 1853 ; 
e. Hallfax Grammar Sch.; LL.B. (Har- 
vard), 1873; barrister, do.; practlseß In 
Hal.1fax; ald. there 9 yrs.; nvem. ;Joint 

Dommer. Oo.mtoe. C.i.ty Oounci'l amid Bd. 
of Trade; chairman Public Library and 
Laws and Privileges Comte.; do. Sch. 
Bd.; reporter Sup. Ct.; ed. N. S. De- 
cisions.. for a number of yrs. on ed. 
staff Halifax Citizen, Morning Chroni- 
cle, and Daily Echn. newspapers: Lib. 
-59 Queen St., Halifax, N.S.; Harvard 
Univ., Cambridge, .Jjfas8.; Cit11 Club, 
Halifax, N.S. - 
Gemmill, Lt.-Col, James Dunlop, re- 
ttr>ed merohan.t; CJa,pHtalllsl. 
Descended from the Gs. o.r Temple- 
house, Ayrshlre, Scot., andent va... 
sals of the Knights Templar; In pos- 
session of their lands from before 
the 14th century; s. late ;John G., 
merchant, Almonte. Ont.; b. there, 
Jan. 31, 1833; e. there, the French 
Call., Pointe-aux-Trpmhles, P.Q., and 
Royal Mil. Sch., Kingston (1st class 
cert., 1865) ; m., Oct., 1877, Katharine 
MuÑ:och (d. at Rome, Mch. 18, 1908), 
d. late Geo. Knight, Glasgow, Scot.; 
a dlr. Lanark Agrlcul. Assn., and 
other local bodies; a famous hunter; 
spent a year in the Can, North- 
West, 1861, hunting buffalo and 
other game; has lived and travelled 
much abroad; was present at the out- 
break of the Commune. Paris, 1871; 
has been admItted to private audi- 
ences with the Pope, the King and 
Queen of Italy, and the King and 
Queen o! Greece; IPres-eruteð. W1Ïltoh hiis 
daugihite'rs, 00 tJhe late Kin.g {Lnd Quæn 
of En-g., St. ;Jlames's BailaC'e, 1902: was 
loOng dn 'the v. m. servloe; Þt....col. 42.00 
Regt., 187,1; serv'ed durln,g Foen/lan 
Ra.i-ds (med. amd 2 clasps); 
2.'; Via Emilia, Rome, Italy; Almonte, 
Genest, Arthur T" Dam. public ser- 
Family, on paternal side, came from 
France, about 200 yrs. ago, where a 
few small towns bear the name; S. 
J. N. G., J.P., for many yrs. supdt. 
Radnor Forges, and Marie Paullne, d. 
Jos. Turcotte, Gentllly, P.Q.; grands. 
Laurent G. (apptd. N. P., 1808): 
nephew late Hon. ;J. E. Turcotte, Q.C., 
M.P.; b. Fermont, Co. St. Maurice, 
P.Q., ;July 10, 1859; e. St. ;Joseph's 
ColI., Three Rivers, and private tutors; 
m., Oct., 1888. Mary Lillian. d. late 
Bernard Devlln, Q.C., M.P., Montreal; 
P.L.S., 1879; D.L.S., 1883; early train- 
ing In ry. location and construction, 
Q., M:., O. & O. Ry.; engr. in C'ha'l'ge 
location and construction (In part), 
Laurentian Ry. (now a portion Can. 
North. Ry.); engr. for contractors 
{'arly construction Pontiac Pac. June. 
Ry. (now Ottawa and Waltham); 
1st asst. engr. enlargement Lachine 
Canal, 1895-7; prospected for a co. In 
Klondlke dlst., 1897; 1st asst. engr. 
Rapid Plat and Farran's Pt. Canal; 
ùlv. engr., Balsam-Simcoe Lake dlv., 
construction Trent Canal; engr. In 
charge final estimates for completion 
Cornwall Canal enlargement, 1901-4; 
since 1904 ha.3 been an engr. at head- 
quarters projected Georgian Bay Ship 
Canal; engd. In various other under- 
takings, Including surveying work In 



Northern Quebec for the Provl. Govt.; In'ooke St. E., Montreal; summe1. reBi- 
nn asso. memo Can. Soc. C. E.; a dence: Terrebonne, P.Q.; Canada Club; 
nwm. Nat. Geographic Soc., 
Vashing- Cnnadian Club; Club st. Denis; Mont- 
ton, D.C., and of the Am. Acad. Pol. real Jockey Club; Nomads Club; Re- 
and Social Science, Philadelphia; fonn Club, Montl'eal. 
elected presdt. Can. Inst., Ottawa, "A very popula,r man.n-y. Star. 
1908; founded The Clarion, the first "One of the most en'terprising and sue. 
dally newspaper published at Three ce5MUl merchants of the city."-M. Wit. 
RivPrs, 1884: a contributor to the neBB. 
French nnd Eng. pres.;!, under various 
noms litteraires.-ií19 King Edward Geoffrion, Victor. lawyer; legislator. 
Ave., Ottawa. S. Felix and Catherine (Brodeur) 
G.; b. St. Simon, P.Q., Oct. 23, 1851; 
Geoffrion, AIme, lawyer. e. St. Hyacinthe Coll. and McGill Unlv. 
O. s. late Hon. C. A. ond Eulalie G.. (B.C.L., 1891) ; m., Sept., 1884, Fran- 
e. d. late Chief Justice Sir A. A. Dor- cesca, d. late Hon. A. H. Paquet, M.D., 
Ion; b. Montreal, Nov. 13, 1872; e. senator; advocate, 1892; K.C., 1904; 
St. John's Sch., St. Mary's (Jesuit) successfully practises his prof. In Mont- 
CoU., and McGill Unlv. (B.C.L. and real as a memo of the firm of G., G. lie 
med., 1893); m., Nov., 1896. Marg-uPr- Casson; lived for some yrs. In. th
He, e. d. l::lte Hon. J. R. Thi'baudeau, U. S.: a Lib., and has sat for Cham- 
senator, Montreal; advocate, 1894: bly and Vercheres (H.C.) since 1900; 
K.C., 1903: successfully practises his has served as chairman standing 
prof. in Montreal; a councillor Mont- Comte. on Public Accounts, and also 
real bar; occupies a distinguished pro- of 1til1'e .s:pec.l'3.\l comte. ito e.nquire 
fessional position; since 1905 has been into the TransoC'onotln'entJail Ry. Oomn. 
prof. of civil law, McGill Unlv. (suc- charges; declined appt. as Chief Lib. 
ceeding therein Mr. Justice Fortin, "W!hip for Quebec, 1910; a R. C.-!3
q.v.); has pleaded on several ocoo- 1I1ountain St., Montreal; Club Cana- 
slons before the JI. Comte.. P. C.; one dien; Montreal Reform Club, do. 
of the counsel retained by Quebec In 
the arbitration between the Dom. and "A g<J'od business man and a clever law. 
Onto and Quebec for a settlement of Yer."-Jf. Star. 
outstanding .accounts existing at Con- . II A d.irect, lIJItra:j,ghtfo'I"Waord po!lished a:nd 
federation; was junior Dom. counsel In digndfied spel8ke,r."-M. Herald. 
the matter of the Alaska Boundary George the Fifth, BIs Most Excellent 
Arbfotrrutdon, 1903-4: a'P'ptd. a mean. Majesty, George Frederick Ernest 
Can. s,æ., I mt,ern. W;a.terw.a.ys Com-n.. Albert, King'. K.G.. K.T., K.P., 
1911; a Lib.; R. C.-50 Durochel' St., G.C.RI., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., G.C. 
.\'Iont1'eal; St. James's Club " Club V.O., I.S.O. 
Canadien; J-[ont1'eaI Refonn Club, do. O. s. s. of His late Majesty Kin
"One who we]] sustains the hereditary Edward VII. and of Her Majesty 
glo.ries of his l\.ouße\."-Sir W. Launer. Queen Alexandra (now the Queen 
Mother, q.v.); b. Marl'borough House, 
Geoffrion, J, V, Arthur, lawyer; Dom. London, June 3, 1865; e. by private 
pub. service. tuition and on the Bl.itannia; LL.D. 
B. .P. Q.; e. Lava] Univ. (LL..B., (lhon..), Un,i\'. of Oambvid'g'e, 1894; I(]:o. 
1897); -adrv.o'Cate, 1898: a LIb. and (.dIO.), McGiili1 Univ., 1901; 00. Queen's 
f'o,rme,rly IPresdt. .of t'h,e Club Na.t., Undv., KJinlgsoon, do.; d.o. (od'O.), 'Laval 
iMJontreal ; an aM. ,Ste. Cunegcmde some Utn4.v., do.; do. (dlo.), WelSh, 
yrs.: fa\'ouI'S piOll'lUæ..l In<1JepeJ1/denoce; 1902; dio. (do.), LondlOn, ,1903; 
apptd. Dom. emigration agent In D.C. L. (ho'Il-.), OxfoI1d1 Untv., 1897; 
France, Oct., 1907; R. C.-Montreal. do. (do.), Me1lbQlurn-e Umlv., <10.; (1.0. 
Geoffrion, Louis Elie, merchant. (dID.), Sydney Un'iv.. d'O.; do. (dlo.), 
A memo of the family of the same Arl,elaJiæe Un:lv., (10. ; Mus. Doc. 
name which has given to the pubHc (bon.), Unlv. of Wa,loes, '1902; dlO. 
life of Can. the late Hon. Felix and (,æo.), Lanoon Unliv., 1903; m., J'l1'ly 
the late Hon. L. 0., G., besides those 6, 1893, Her Se.OOI1'e Hilghn-ess 
mems. of it now living, among them cess Victoria Mary Augus.ta. Louist> 
his bro, J. Amedee G, K.C., M.L.A.; , OIJga Pauline Cll3;udrirue A'gne.s (gl'anted 
b. V,arennes, P.Q., 1853; e. there and , the hon. degree of LL. D. by M..'GilL 
In Montreal; entd. employ IOf Chaput Un-Iv., 1901), 'b. May 26, 1867, o. d. 
(q.v.) & Sons, !Wholesale grocers, Mont- Her Royal Highness the late Duchess 
r-eal, when a youth; after 7 yrs. wa!' and His Highness the late Duke of 
given a partnership, and continues that '.reck; succeeded his father a,s Klns 
relatlonshl'p; has been a councillor of the United Kingdom of Gt. Britain 
Montreal Bd. of Trade; presdt. and Irel., of the Bdt. Dominions 
Chmnbre-de-Commerce, 1900-2; first be

()ll!di \the Sel3..<;, anodJ as Empoe'ror of 
presdt. Queõec Wh'OIesale Grocers' India, 'May 6, 1910; proclaimed do. do. 
Guild, 1904-5; do. Dom. do. d'O., 1907-8, do., May 9, do.; crowned do. do. do., 
and a HaroourOomanr. for .som-e; a. June, 1911; .entd. the Royal Navy, with 
Loib., was successively V.-P. and presdt. hlis 1>01'10., tihJe llalÌ.e Duke o.f OIGJreruce. as 
of the Montreal Reform Club; a. dir. I a cadet, June 5, 1877; spent 2 yrs. on 
IJe Canada Co.; dosely Identified with the Britannia, the schoolshi.p at Dart- 
many commercial and business enter- mouth; j.olned the Bacchante, under 
lses; favoul"'eld ISt
cmgly a Bd. of Cow- the C'ommand of the Earl of ClanwlI- 
trol f,or Montreal, 1909; worked In the lIam, 1879, and went on a cruise to 
Interests of the Antl-Alcohollc League tlhe W.I.; promoted midshipman, 1880, 
'it an eoarlier date; elected presdt. and later crossed the equator, visited 
N'Omads Club, 1907; R. C.-tOt Sher- the Canaries, the Falkland
. Simon'



Bay, Montevideo. and Australia, where 
he remained several months; then 
went to. China and returning to the 
Mediterranean by Singap.)re and the 
SUEZ Canal, completed his tour by a 
trip through Palestine; spent sIx 
months with his brather ir.. Lausanne, 
Switzerland; in 1884, was made a sub- 
lieut. and joined H.M.S. Canada on 
the North Am. station; the foHowing 
y{'ar, became a full lieut. ; was attached 
successively to various I'hlps, and' 
served with t'he Dreadnought and the 
Alexandra, flagship of the Mediterran- 
ean squadron, o.f which his uncle, the 
Duke of Edinburgh, was commander- 
in-chief; in 1889, received his first 
command, that of to.l'lPedo boat No. 79. 
during the naval manæuvres; while in 
charge of this vessel rendered valua 1 )le 
assistance to another vessel which was 
In distress; on May 6, 1890, was placed 
in charge of the first-class gunboat 
Th1'ush, and In it spent a Y'ear on the 
Korth Am. station, visiting Can. and 
the West Indies; in 1890 was desig- 
nated by Queen Victoria to open the 
industrial exhn., .Jamaica (W.I.): In 
1891, on his return to. Eng., was 
promoted commander; his latest C'om- 
mand wa.<; H.M.S. Crescent, In which 
during 1898 he visited many of the sea- 
port towns of Eng. and Irel. : was made 
capt., 1893: rear-admiral, 1901: vice- 
admiral. 1903; and admiral, 1907: was 
gazetted a genl. in th{' army, 1902; in 
Can., he is hon. co.l. of the Royal Can. 
Dragaons and the 43rd Regt., The 
Duke of Cornwall's Own Rifles: was 
created Duke of York, Earl af Inver- 
ness and Baro.n Klllarney, 1892; the 
death of the Duke of ClarenC''C from 
pneumania In that year left him heir- 
rlpparent to the throne: he had himself 
ba relv recovered from an attack of 
typhoid, which nearly cost him hIs llfe ; 
In .July, 1895, PI
slded at the sixth 
Intern. Geog. Congress, held at the 
Imp. Inst. ; In 1899, succeeded the Duke 
of Argyll as presdt. of The Royal Hu- 
mane Soc.; became a personal naval 
A.D.C. to. Que-en Victoria, Lord WardEn 
of the Cinque Parts, Constable of Dover 
Castle, and, later, personal naval A.D.C. 
to King Edward VII., 1905-7: 'Jecame 
a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, 1902, and 
treas., 1903; was installed as chan- 
ce-llor of the Cape Univ., 1901, 
nd ()f 
the Welsh Unlv., 1902; In 1897 their 
present Majesties made a journey to 
Irel., they were very cordially 
receIved; their memorable visit to the 
British colonIes In the four corners of 
the earth, as Duke and Duchess of 
Cornwall and York, was begun in the 
steamship Ophir, in Mch., 1901; the 
Itinerary was through the Me{llterran- 
ean and the Suez Canal to. India, Aus- 
trnUa, New Zealand, South Africa. St. 
Vincent (W.I.), thence to. Nova Scotia, 
through Can. to. the Pacific Ocean and 
back, arriving In Eng. on Nov. 1, 1!lù1; 
the royal couple received an enthusl. 
astic reception home; about a month 
la ter, on the occasIon of his receptIon 
at the GulldhaIl dinner by the lord 
mayor, the aldermen and the county 
cauncll, his speech, which Lord Rose- 
bery referred to as "a statesman'lkfo 
a.ddress," a term whIch all the London 
press a.ccepted as worthily describing It. 

put hIm before the astonished and ad- 
miring eyes of the world as a states- 
man, and lifted hdm to a hIgh place In 
the rpspect of the Brit. people; in 1908, 
His Majesty came to Can., in connection 
wl-th .the ce'loebrartlon Oif t'he TeT- 
lcentenary of Quebec, and on .Ju

4, p-M1sonaHy Ihanded over to ilie 
Gov.-GemI. (Earl Grey, q.v.) the deeds 
of the IbatUeftelods of tJhat anlC'lel'l't clity, 
thereafter to be used as a public park 
for all time: later, In the same year, 
Queen Mary (as she Is now known) 
prEsented the Un1v. of Toronto and 
the Vil1a Marla Convent, Montreal, 
each with a handsome bann
r; the 
King was created an Iroquois chief, 
:'\I[ay. 1909: In Sept., 1910, His Majesty 
sent, by the Bp. of London, a handsome 
orayer book as a pr
sent to the Ang. 
011. at Annapollis Royal, N.S., wlhere, 
'W" yrs. before, the first Ch, of En.1' 
.::en'ice in Can. was held: His Majesty 
Is an hon. member of the HallfaJ< 
Club, the St. .James's Club, Montreal, 
the l\H. Royal Club, Montreal. and 
tJhe Ridoeau Club, Otrt.awa; onbhe oc- 
casion of ihdg oorona tion !he lal'd two 
oo'rnoer stOlIles (by cable) ,in Sot. .John's, 
Nlfd., {me beln,g ,tlhl3Jt o.f a ,
Nurses, and rt!J1e 'O'Ì'her of a Seamoen's 
Inst.; on tlhe Blame coca,ston was ip1'e- 
sen.teð. wl1h a solId Slilver bread baskoet, 
fililed w.I'Ì!h the finest pro.ducl. af Sask- 
atohelWan's whea<t, 'tlhe glfjt of ,the Gradn 
Grow'ers of Saskatchoewan; an Anrg.- 
Buckingham Palace, London, Eng.; 
Windsor Castle, 1Vin ds or, Eng.; Bal- 
moral. Ballater, Scot. 
"A1re.ady a great state9lIlan."-Lord 
Strathcona (q.v.). 
George, Rev, John Lyall (Presb.). 
S. late Rev. Francis W. G., Culross, 
Flfeshlre, Scat.; b. Halifax, N.S., 
.July, 1857; e. Amherst and Pictou 
Acads., Dalhousie Unlv. (B.A., and 
Gov.-Genl.'s gold med., 1878), Prince- 
ton Semy., and Cornell Unlv. (M.A., 
1881); m., 1886, Lydia, d. late G. W. 
Underwood, N.S.; o. 1881: succes- 
sively pastor Sherbrooke and Golden- 
viNe. N.S., Dartlffi'oo:tb, do., St. 
.Joh'Il's, B
Nevnle, Ont., Calvin 011., 
Montreal: resigned latter dharge an 
aCoCoun't of III-health, 1909; moderator 
(Montreal), 1906; a senator, Montreal 
Presb. Coll.-1117 Greene A. ve., We8t- 
mount, }.[ontreal. 
uA fine prea cher. "---='M. Herald. . 
George, Rev. Joøeph Henry (Cong.). 
educa tionlst. 
Eng. origIn; s. .Joseph and Margt. 
Ann (Armstrong) G.; b. nr. Cobourg'. 
Ont., May 3, 1853; e. Co.II. Inst., Co- 
bourg, Albert COoll., Vdctorla Univ. 
(B.A., and Prince of Wales gold med. 
In p'hH., 1880; M.A., 1885), and Boston 
Un Iv. (Ph.D., 1884) ; D.D., DruryColl., 
SprIngfield, Mo., 1894; do., Montreal 
Congo CoIl., 1900; m., .June, 1889, 
Blanche Helena, d. late A. G. North- 
rup, Belleville, Ont.; o. (Meth.), 187L 
withdrew and united with the Presb 
Ch., 1884; pastor .John St. Ch., Belle- 
vd:i1e, Ont., 1884-90; pastor 1st Congo 
Ch., St. Louis, Mo., and presdt. bd. of 
trustees Drury Coli., 1891-7; principal 
Congo CoIl., Montreal, 1897-1901; p-as- 
tor 1st Congo Ch., St. Paul. Minn., 



1901; pr{)f. homUetlcs, Chicago Congo 
Semy., 1901-6; presdt. do., 1903-6; 
pastor, 1st. Congo Ch., Burlington, Vt., 
1906-7 ; since then has been presdt. and 
prof. of Christian ethics and homiletics, 
Drury CoIl., Springfield, Mo.; elected 
chaJnnan, Can. Congo Union, 1900; 
do. presdt., P. Q. A
sn. of Proto 
Teachers, do.; formerly .taught He- 
brew and was an examr. In phil., .A!lbert 
Coli., Belleville; was a. Senator, Vic- 
toria Univ.; was also a trustee of 
Monticello Semy., a dlr. of Forest Park 
Un-iv., an dn 'the Qhlcag;o Theol. 
Semy., V.-P. I()f .the Ooll/g. OHy Mlssy. 
Soc., St. Louis, and! iPMS<lt. 'Of 'line oex,tve. 
OO1TIIte. of -the Sta.te, Missy. Soc.; 
belleves In the federation of the Chs. 
and undted effort In- Christian work, the 
needs of the age demanding IS. united 
Christian ch.-1136 Benton Ave., Spring- 
field, Mo.; Springfield Club; Country 
Club, do.; UnIversity Club; IrvIng 
Club, Chicago; Round Tablf1 Club; 
Mercantile Club, Bt. Louis. 
II Profound .ø a thinkðr and lucid .... 
an eXip06Îtor."-M. W'tneøø. 
"An able and eloquent preacher. &n ex- 
cellent administrator, and posseaseø a genial 
personality."-M. StaT. 
George, BusseU D., educationist. 
Eng. orl
in; s. Fredk. and Mary 
Anne (Palmer) G.; b. Claremont, Ont., 
May 5, 1866; e. UXbrl-dge High &h., 
Woodstock Coli., MoMaster Univ. (B.A., 
1897; M.A., 1898) and Chicago Un Iv. 
(Ph.D., 1900); m., June, 1908, .Miss 
Marcia Ohipman, Chicago, III.; taugh t 
COllingwood ColI. Inst., 1886-7; Wood- 
stock CoIl., 1890-5; memo field staff, 
Onto Bureau of Mines, 1898; fellow in 
geol. and Instr. In mineral., Chicago 
Unlv., 1898-1900; with U. S. Geo!. 
Survey, 1899; Instr. ge<>I., Univ. of 
Iowa, 1900; asst. prof. d{). do., 1901; 
prof. economic geol., do., 1902; instr. 
ge-ol., of OhLcago, ,summers 1900- 
2; since 1903 has heen !hood of the 
dept. of g>eol., Univ..of Colo.; since 1907 
.hiaß also been state geol., Colo.; fel.Low, 
Am. Assn. for the Advanc. of Scien<:e, 
Colo, Scientific Soc., memo Nat. Geog. 
Soc., Am. Inst. Mining Engrs., Geol. 
Soc. of Am., Am. Mining Congress, Am. 
Health Leag ue, IO/Wa Acad. Sciences, 
and Sigma Xi; author .. 1st Report 
of Geol. Survey of Colo." (1909) and 
.. Outline Notes on the Rock-Maldng 
Minerals" (1909); has also contri- 
buted many articles to scientific jour- 
nals; a Rep.; a Cong.-Boulder, Colo.; 
Boulder Club, do, 
George, William Kerr, manufacturer; 
Scottish ancestry; s. lat.e Rev. Jas 
G., D.D. (Glasgow), Principal Queen's 
Unlv., Kingston, Ont., .and Janet 
(Kerr) G.: b. Kingston, Aug. 26, 1861; 
e. Kingston, Galt CoIl. Inst., and To- 
ronto Unlv.; m., 1892, Miss Rachel R., 
Lee, Toronto (presented with her hus- 
band and ooughter to the late King 
Edward, Windsor Castle, 1905; elected 
standard-bearer Imp. Daughters of the 
E-mpJre, Toron1o, 1907; 00. ron. secy., 
do., 1908); began his business career 
in the North-West, 1882, an< went 

to Chicago, where he engd. In the 
manufacturing business; after the 
lapse of 7 yrs. returned to Toronto, 
where he founded the Standard Silver 
Co., Ltd., of which he continues to be 
pTesdlt. and mango dlr.; is also mango 
dir. of -the Simpson Hall Mlller Co., 
Ltd.; Is a dir. of the Chlmalapa Land 
Co., Mexico, the North Am. Life Assur. 
00., the Intern. Mercantile Agency and 
the Toronto Conserv. of Music, and 
V.-P. of the Sterling Bank; was elected 
presdt. Can. Manfrs. Assn., 1904, 
presdt. Nat. Club, Tor{)nto, 1906, and 
presdt. Can. Nat. Exbn. Assn., 1907; 
is also a mem. Toronto Bd. of Trade: 
a Lib., and was elected presdt. To- 
ronto Reform Assn.. 1908; reslgntßd, 
do., 191:1; ihas ómore than onoo d.ecUned 
Parliamentary ihonours; 'Iectured on 
.. T'he Hßlations between oOan. and Brit. 
Manufaoturers" (1906), etc.; a former 
memo 011' tlhe Un1Ïv. of '.['IOroIlltO Rugby 
team, and helped to win the oham'Pion
ship of Can. for -the Toron'to Lacrossoe 
Assn. footbal.l .beam; likewise addicted 
to baseball and cl'i<:ket; oppo.sed to the 
Taft-F1Ieldin.g rooiprócity agreemßD1t; a 
Presb.-St. George Mansions, Toronto; 
National Club,' Toronto Hunt Club; 
Royal Can. Yacht Club; Caledon 
Mountain Trout Club, do. 
"A man of sterling WO'l'th."-M. & E. 
"A man actuated by sheer public spirit, 
who has 8e
d the community laboriously 
and unselfishly, and who in doing 80 has 
manifested the fines.t. quality of citizen- 
ship."-T, New.. 
Gerald, William John, Dom. public 
S. late Wm. and Charlotte G., Pres- 
cott, Ont.; b. there, July 27, 1850; e. 
there and St. Laurent Coil., Morutreal; 
m., 1869, Elizabeth Hainsworth, d. 
Wm. Billyard<, C.E., Wln.dso r, Ont.; 
entd. public service, Inland Rev. Dept., 
ApI., 1867; after filling various offices, 
was apptd., successively, collr., Brant- 
ford dlv., Jan., 1880; do., London dlv., 
1881; Inspr. tobacco factories, 1
asst. commr. Inland Rev., 1887; since 
June, 190.1, has been Depty. Mlnr. In- 
land Rev.; apptd. to revise the laws and 
regulations respg. the manufacture of 
tobacoo and clg1ars, 1882; 1..8.0., 1909; 
presdit. Lake Bernard Fisbing Club and 
íHe Old Boys' Assn.; a ipl'omoter 
Wlhyrte :R;y. Signa,l .00. (L. P., 1909); 
a. mem. combe. Oan. Club, Ot- 
tawa.; a United Workman; 3. Knight 
of Py1Jhlas; an Ang.-336 Metcalfe 8t., 
Niagara Falls 13., Ont, 
Gérln, Leon, litterateur, 
Second So late A. Gérln-Lajole, one 
of the librarians of the Can. Parlt., 
and a distinguished man of letters, 
and Josephine, d. of late Etienne Par- 
ent, Under-Secy. 'Of State; b. Quebec 
(city), 1863; e. Colis. Ottawa and 
Nicolet; m., Oct., 1904, Adrienne. d. 
John Walker, Dept. Marine and Fish- 
eries, Ottawa; studIed law Laval 
Unlv.; advocate, 1885; attended lec- 
tures at Le Museum d'Hist. Nat. and 
L'Ecole de Science Sodale, Paris, 
France; shorthand reporter, Montreal 
'law courts, 1882-92; prlva;te secy. to 



Hon. A. R. Angers (q.v.), 'Mlnr, of 
A'grlcul., 1892-5; do. Hon. A. Desjar- 
dins (q.v.), Mlnr. of M1Htla, 1896; and 
again do. Hon. A. R. Angers, Presdt. 
of the Council, 1896; secy. to Prof. J. 
W. RoÞer>tson (q.v.), Oommr. .of 
Agrlcul., 1896-1903; since then on 
the statt of Hansard translators 
(H. C.); s.lnce 1891 a constant con- 
tributor to the periodical La Science 
Sociale, of Pards, France: noJtabllY, 
of a series of papers on the 
col'onlzatlon of Can.; of one on the 
social characteristics of the French- 
Cans. ; and of a third on II 11 t- 
pracy In the various provinces of the 
Dominion; elected a fellow of the 
Royal Soc., Can., to whose proceed- 
Ings, as well as those of other learned 
bodies, he has contributed many valu- 
able papers, 1908; satisfied that the 
most urgent need of the French-Cans. 
at the present time Is the advent in 
their midst of a class of leaders In 
agricul., Industry and commerce, he 
took u.p, some 18 yrs. ago, In the E. T., 
Quebe-c, new land, which Is gradually 
being worked into a first-class dairy 
farm; a R. C.-Clairefontaine, via 
Coatfcook, P.Q. 
Writing of II L'Habitant de Saint-Juø. 
tin," one of M. Gérin's oonJt-ributions, 
Prof. G. M. Wrong (q.v.) says: II This i. 
the most thorough and most important 
study that has yet been made of any 
phase of social life. in Canada." 
German, Bev, John Ferguson (Meth). 
U. E. L. descent; s. late Rev. Peter 
and Martha lNetr) G.; b. S. Dumfrlps, 
Brant, Ont., Dec. 25, 1842: e. Mt. 
Pleasant Semy., and Victoria Unlv. 
(B.A., 1864; M.A., 1867; D.D., 1893); 
m., June, 1869, Kate Augusta, d. J. 
H. Falls, Simcoe, Ont.; o. 1866: has 
hpld many Important and responsible 
pastorates and positions: was pastor 
Grace Ch., \Vlnnipeg, 4 yrs., and was 
one of the original mems. of Convo- 
cation, Unlv. of Man.; a dir. Onto 
Ladles' ColI.: has been secy. and 
presdt. (twice), Toronto Conf.: dur- 
Ing many yrs. a del. to the Gpnl. 
O Lindsey A1.'e., Toronto. 
German, WiUiam Jlanle7, lawyer; 
S. Geo. and Susan (Garratt) G.: b. 
HIUler, Co. Prince Edward, Ont., May 
26, 1851; e. there and VIctoria CoIl., 
Cobourg: m., July, 1885, H
Aylmer, d. A. D. Macdonell, Toronto: 
barrister, 1885; K.C., 1899; practises 
his prof. in WeIland; elected a mf!m. 
Brit. Empire League In Can. 1904; a 
dir. Trusts and Guarantee Co., and 
Save reign Life As su r. Co.; a Lib.; sat 
for Welland (H. C.), 1891, but un- 
seated and ðisquallfif!d: sat far same 
constituency (Local), 1894-1900; sInce 
l'hen has represen ted the Co. (H. C.) ; 
elected chairman Standing Camte. 
Pl"iv.llleges and EilectJlons, 1909; o,ppoo&e-d 
to the Taft-
ield,ing ,reciprocity oagree- 
men1t, and took a dietel'ffilined stand 
against H, 1911; a o<Ur. Nait. Land, 
Frul1t and! Packlnrg 00.; a .Meth.- Wei- 
land, Ont,; Ontario Club, Toronto; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa. 

Gerrie, Rev, John Petrie (Cong.). 
Scottish origin; s. late Geo. and 
Mary (Petrie) G.; b. Garafraxa, Ont., 
Dpc. 12, 1860; e. Fergus High Sch., 
Mt. Forest Model Sch. and McGill 
Unlv. (B.A., 1887); m. Mattie, d. late 
P. S. Martin; studied theoJ. Congo 
ColI., Montreal; o. 1888; served M pas- 
tor at Stratford and Toronto succes- 
sively, l'e.turn.lng toO fonner place, 1904: 
rut .(Lltrerent times !has he1d varIous offi- 
cial positions, Including the chairman- 
ship of the Congo Union of Onto and 
Quebec; elected presdt. Western Congo 
Assn., 1907; has contributed 1t'O varl.aus 
mags., Including the Rev. of Reviews, 
and was for 6 yrs. ed. Can. CongTl3!ln- 
tionalist; since 1. 911 a.t Kerroboert, 
Sask.; a Llb.-Kerrobert, Sask. 
Gervais, Hon, Honore B:ippolyte 
Achille, judge. 
Family an ancien t one In the Pro- 
vince of Quebec, the earliest memo 
of It having bepn II substitut du juge 
et procureur fiscal" In Montreal, 
1653; s. Chas. and Adêle (Monty) G.; 
b. Rlchelleu, P.Q., Aug. 13, 1864; e. 
Petit Semy., CoIl. Ste. Marie-de- 
Monnolr, P.Q., Laval Unlv. (LL.B., 
1887; LL.L., avec grande distinction, 
do.), and Albany Law Seh.; m., May, 
1887, AlbIna, d. Joseph Robert, Mont- 
real; advocate, 1887; .suc
prnotised his prof. dn Moont'real; a 
former Ipafltnoe,r Chlle.f JusÌiice Archam- 
beauLt (q.v.); was one of .the leaders 
of the looaJl bar; K.C., 1897; elected 
bdtonnier (Montreal), 1908; do., 
bdtonnier-général (P.Q.), do.; author 
of several legal text-books; an 
exa'mr. {or tJh.e Quebec bar, a ddr. 
Ecole Poly tech., Man<trea;l, gov. of t!h
Sch. for Higher Commercial Studies, 
aidm'1'., LaVlaI Univ., tP'rof. of In.tern. 
Law and Civil Procedure, same 
Institution, a councillor Alliance 
L.'ranc., and a corresponding memo of 
La Soc. de Leg. Comparée de France; 
apptd. an otrr. of Public Inst. by the 
French Republdc, 1909, and a 
Chevalier of the Legion of Honour by 
same Govt. later In the same year; 
has lectured on II Roman and Con- 
temporary Life," and other subjects; 
a Lib., and sat 110'1' .Mant'reo3Jl (H. C.; 
St. J'am
s), 1904-11; ele:cted chairman 
Stand'l-ng Coml'e. on De'ba;tes (H. C.). 
1909; his name frequently mentioned 
in connoe<."tilQ11 wJi.t'h office; apptd. a 
 of tJh.e Ct. of King's Benoh, P.Q., 
.&ug., 1911; has striven earn6S'Hy 
In favou.r .of making MOII1ltreal a 
nat. .port; adV1()CQ,ves the awt. (w,I,th 
tlhe permission of Eng.) of native 
oonsular :a@ents abrood; R. C.-181 
Bern St., ,110ntreal; Club St. Denis; 
Reform Club; Canada Club; Canadian 
Club; .Uontreal Club; University Club} 
do.; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
.. A man of gr()lWling strength."-T. NewB. 
.. Perwnl3!ll
' exceedingly pO'Puloar."-M. 
"A de.Lightful oompanion and a. warm 
friernd."-M. Herald. 
Gibbard, Alexander Hannah, educa- 
Eng. and Scottish origin; s. Chas. A. 
G., and his 2nd wife, Content Wells 



(Hawley) G., U. E. L. descent; b. :Na- 
panee, ant., Feb. 18, 1863; e. Orono 
and Bowmanville High Schs. and To- 
ronto Unlv. (B.A., with high honours 
In mod. langs. and Eng.; also taking 
honour work In phil., pol. econ., and 
history in 2nd and 3rd yr.., 1887); 
m., 1890, Margt. 
., d. W. R. Ham, 
Scugog Island, Port Perry, ant.; a 
pubUc sch. teacher, 1882; Quallfled for 
high sch. work, 1887; successively 
asst. Athens High Seh., Ingersoll C;oll. 
lnst., and Brantford ColI. lnst.; 6 yrs. 
principal Georgetown High Sch.: more 
rpcently principal Stamford High Sch.. 
Niagara Falls: formerly ed. and pub. 
Whitby Chronicle; chairman Public 
Library Bd., Georgetown and Whitby; 
secy. do., Nlag-ara Falls, do.: secy. lld. 
of Trade, Whitby; supdt. S. S., Brant- 
ford, Georgetown, Whitby, and Ni- 
agara ThIUs; mem.. oeXltve. comtes. Mod. 
Lang. Assn. and Trustees' Assn., Ont.: 
one of the founders ant. Library Assn.; 
an enthusiastic advocate of free educ., 
free public libraries, and of the (
so!ldation of rural schs.-LundY'8 Lane, 
Nwgara Falls S., Onto 
Gibbons, Cha.rle. Harrison, journal- 
S. Wm. H. G., St. Catharlnes, Ont.; 
rnal grandf. one of the pioneers 
In Niagara dlst., fought under Brock 
at Queenston Heights; b. St. Thomas, 
Ont., May 9, 1869; e. St. Catharlnes 
CoIl. lnst.; m., Aug., 1890, Sara 
.AJgn'es, d. Geo. Coleman, R.N.; city 
ed. Victoria Colonist, 1888-99; organ- 
Izer and pre.sdt. Western Can. Press 
Bureau; ed. Vancouver Province, 1900- 
1; since then has been ed. DaUy World; 
ropr.eserutatlv,e {)If LondoOn Times dn 
Western Can.; o'rganlz
r InteT'lOOI. 
Press Assn., ,('It'c.; B. C. Oommrr. Pan- 
AJrn. Expn., 1901; ,bas done 1C0nsMe'r- 
a'bol'e mag. an'ii lIIlIIllJ()r dramatic work.- 
Vancouver, B.C. 
Gib bonø, Sir Geor8'e Chriøtie, law- 
yer; DoOm. public service. 
S. late Wm. G" formerly of St. 
Catharlnes, ant.; b. there, .July 2, 
1848; e. St. Catharlnes Grammar Sch. 
and U. C. CoIl.; m., 1876, Elizabeth 
Campoell (presdt. Women's Can. 
Club, London, ant., 1910), d. Hugh 
Craig, Montreal; barrister, 1869; 
K.C., 1891; bencher Law Soc., 1894; 
re-elected, 1906; one of the leaders 
of the Provl. bar; long presdt. Mid- 
dlesex Law Assn.; a dir. London Life 
Ins. Co.; presdt. London & Western 
Trusts Co.; hon. presdlt. Can. Club, 
London; one of the founders London 
Hunt Club; subsequently Its master 
and presdt.; one of the founders of 
the London Club; elected presdt. 
London Lib. Club, 1909; since 1905 
has been chairman Can. sec., Intern. 
Waterways Oommn.: knll,gbte-d oy King 
George, .Jan., 19111: Ihls name f'l'equeI1lt- 
ly moenlNon.oo in CIOnnteiC'tJl.on wHlh a sea1 
In Par1t. and In the Dom. Cabinet; 
passed Royal MH. SCh., 1865; served 
In v. m. during Fenian Raid (med.); 
a Lib. of a very 'Pronounced char- 
acter; pleaded for Can. Independence 
In a lecture be'fore Queen's Unlv. 
Scle'u-ce Club, 1908; an Ang.-" Lorne- 

hurst," London Ont.; London Club; 
London Hunt Club, do.; Ontario Olub; 
Toronto Hunt Club; Toronto Golf 
Club; York Club, Toronto; St. James's 
Olub, Montreal. 
"Able &nd im'Preß&ive."-SiT G. W. ROB6 
II The chie!f credit f()or the succeufw ne- 
gotis.tion of the '.rreaty belongs 
to Sl.r G. 0. Gibbon....-T. NewB. 
Gibb., Frank El'erton. Dom. public 
S. late Hon. Thos. Nicholson and 
Almira (Ash) G.; b. OShawa, ant., 
Dec. 14, 1844; e. U. C. ColI.; m., 1st, 
1872, May Louise (d. 
une, 1903), e. d. 
late Lt.-Dol. S. B. Fairbanks, Oshawa; 
2ndly, 1908, 
essle, e. d. 
as. Holmes, 
Woodstock, ant,; since Oct., 1885, has 
been Dom. grain Inspr. at Port Arthur 
and Fort W1lllam; formerly capt., 34th 
Ba ttn., Co. On t. : served In Fenian 
Raid, 1866 (med.).-Port Arthur, Onto 
"'An enterprising a.nd public-spirited citi- 
zen."-M. StaT, 
Gib.on, Hi. Honour COl, the Hon. 
John Mori.on, Lieut.-Governor; 
Scottish origin; S. late Wm. G., who 
came to Can. from Glamis, Forfarshlre, 
Scot., 1827, and Mary (Sinclair) G.; 
b. Tp. Toronto, Co. Peel, ant., .Jan. I, 
1842; e. Central Sch., Hamilton, and 
Toronto Unlv. (B.A., Prince of Wales 
prize, slIver med. In classics and 
modern lang., and taking the prize in 
Oriental lang., 1863; M.A., 1864 ; 
LL.B. and gold med., 1869; LL.D., 
hon., 1902); LL.D. (hon.), McMaster 
Unlv., 1909; m., 1st, Oct., 1869, Emily 
Annie (d. June, 1874)., d. late Ralph 
Birrell, London, ant.; 2ndly, Sept., 
1876, Caroline (d. Oct., 1877), d. late 
Hon. Adam Hope, senator; 3rdly, May, 
1881, Eliza (formerly presdt. Hamilton 
Local Council of Women), d. late Judge 
Malloch, Brockvllle, ant.; barrister, 
1867; K.C., 1890; for many yrs. suc- 
cessfuHy practised his prof. at Hamil- 
ton; was one of the leaders of the 
Provl. bar; a bencher, Law Soc. of 
U. C., 1899; now holds office as such 
ex-officio; chairman, Hamilton Bd. of 
Educ. 2 yrs.; presdt. Hamilton Art 
Sch. 5 yrs.; now a dir., do.; Is a dlr. 
Hamilton Health Assn., Can. Bank of 
Commeree, Can. Life Assur. Co., Can. 
Westinghouse .co., and HaIIliIlton, 
Grlmsby & Beamsvllle Electric Ry.; 
formerly presdt. Dom. Power & 
Transmission Co., Can. Red ,Cross 
Soc., and Hamilton Cataract, Power, 
Light & Traction Co.: presdt. Toronto 
Un Iv. Alumni Assn., 1909 and 1911 ; do. 
Dom. .RIfle Assn., 1893-1907; odo., Can. 
Mil. lnst., 1891-2 and 1897: a senator, 
Toronto Unlv.; Is V.-P. ant. Lord's 
Day Alliance; presdt. HJamllton St. 
Andrew's Soc., 1890-1; a promoter 
Westinghouse Mfg. Co., 1897; Peddle 
Rtftp Stght Co., 1902; Can. Screw Co., 
1907, BI'It. & 001. Land- & ,Secul'ltJes 
00., 1911, and ,BnU. Coæn. ShipbuUdd11lg 
& Dock 00., 1911; 3.-poptd.. cha:frman To- 
ronDO oextve. .comIt.e., Eiaml Grey lJIl'llsloa'l 
and dramatic competition, 1910; long 
in V. m.; was an active memo 13th 



Regt., 1860-95, when he resigned the 
command; apptd. hon. It.-co!. 13th 
Regt., Nov. 9, 1895; bon. col, do., June 
15, 1901; commanded 15th Infy. 
Brlgadp, 1905-9; passed Royal Mil. 
Sch., Hamilton, 1st class, 1865; served 
at Ridgeway with his regt., 1866 (genl. 
service med. with clasp) ; was a memo 
Can. Wlmbledon team:!!, 1874, 1875, and 
1879; won the Prince of Wales' prlzp 
(a badge and UOO), 1879; commanded 
"Timbledon team, 1881, and Bisley 
team, 1907; has presented a cup, 
valued at $
OO, for competition, Dom. 
Rifle Assn.; Is an hon. A.D.C. to tht 
Gov.-Genl.; aa:>a:><td. a Knlg1ht Qf Grace, 
Order of tihe Hosp. of St. John or 
J-eruS3.'lieJm, 19'11; was .sel-eoted by I!:he 
Mil. Dept. to 'Procoeed to Eng. in ocmn'8C- 
Mon wi,th Itohe celoebmtiJ.on of ,tlhe Queen's 
Diamond JublIee, 1897 ; attended 
Queen's garden party, London, June, 
1897; was present by invitation in 
Westminster Abbey at the coronation 
of late King Edward and Queen Alex- 
andra, Aug., 1902; was presented to 
present King George and Queen Mary, 
St. James's Palace, July. 1902, and 
June, 1911; formerly se-cy. HramlltolJ1 
Reform Assn.; a lAb.; sat fIoT W. 
HamUton (LoooI) , 1879-98; do., E 
We-lUngt'O'Jl (üo.), 1898-1905; was 
P'r>OV'1. Secy. (Mowat Admn.), 1889- 
1896; OOitIllffi'r. of Orown Lands 
(Hardy .A.dmn.). 1896-1899, and A.tty.- 
GeniI. (Ross Admn.), ,1899
1905; dater, 
sat iIb the Ross GoVlt., W1Ithowt 'þ(Jl't- 
foliio; Lt.-Gov. of Ont., 1908; 
Buthor many imlJ)ortoa.nt Jneasure.s, 
lnbroduced aOO carried Itbrough ili-e 
Legislature by ihiim; a Fre-e'I11li:LSOIl of 
high de,gree; e>looted Dejplty. Grand 
Master of the MM'Ünlc Grand Lodge 
of Oan., 1890; later, was Grand 
Master, do.; Gmnd Commantd-e-r A. 
and A. S. RHe for Can.; a Presb.- 
Government House, Toronto; Toronto 
Club; National Club; York Club do.; 
Hamilton Club, Hamilton. ' 
.. A ma'D' of catlroLi.c taste, of wide read- 
ing, and of philosophic temper:'-T. News. 
.. A fine rifle shot, a splelldid LawJe.r. a 
good Oriental scholar (for private recrea 
tio'll') and a man of practically unLimited 
powers of work....-S. N. 
.. Has the pers'onal e
teem a.nd the pe'r 
sonlal friendship of those who .s,re his most 
active political opponents; ha
 a high posi- 
tion .at the bar, and hag a well-ba.Lance-d 
and judici$l mind."-T. Globe. 
Gibson, Joseph, Dom. public service. 
Eng. parentage; b. Wlstaston, Che- 
shire, Eng., Nov. 22, 1842; e. local 
schs.; m., Dec., 1869. Miss Janet 
Buchanan; came to Can. with his 
parents, 1852; has been town coun- 
cHI 0 1', reeve and! mayor, Ingersoll; 
apptd. postmaster, Ingersoll, Oct. 2, 
1882; a prominent temp. worker; has 
been for some yrs. presdt. Onto branch 
Dam. Alllance; a Con.; unsuccessfully 
contested S. Oxford (H. C.), g.e. 1878; 
has been Grand Master Workman, 
A.O.U.W.; a Meth. and a del. to genl. 
conf. for many yrs.; has been a memo 
MissIon Bd. and chaIrman of the temp. 
comte. of genl. conf.; for 16 yrs. has 
been a memo of the Book Room and 
Publishing House comte. ; a del. 

Ecumenical Wes1. Conf., London, Eng., 
1901.-Inge.-soll, Onto 
.. Few bette'r platform speakers."-T. 
N e1V8. 
"A good spe.a.1rer."-Late Rt. Bon. Sir 
John A. Macdonald. 
Gibson, Rev, Leonard Boyd (Pre:!!b.). 
Scottish origin; b. Co. Down, Irel., 
Oct. 28, 1878; e. Belfast. Dublin 
('M.A.), Presb. College, Hallfax, N.S. 
(graduated 1904), Knox CoIl., To- 
1'0nt'Ü (B.D., 1906), and UnIted Free 
Ch. CoIl., Gla.sgow; m., 1906, Edith 
LouIse, o. d. John Henderson, St, 
John, N.B.; o. 1904; pastor Glassville, 
N.B., 1904-6; asst. Rev. Thos. Somer- 
ville, M.A., D.D., Blackfrlars' ParIsh 
Ch., Glasgow, 1906-7; sInce then ha& 
been pastor St. Stephen, N.B.; wa:!! 
resident master Wesley CoIl., Dublin, 
Irel., 1898-1900; authar .. Christian 
Imperialism" (1909).-The Manse, St. 
Stephen, N.E. 
Gibson, Thomas, lawyer. 
Eng. and Scotch origin; b. Inger- 
soll, Ont., JunC' 14, 1875; e. Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., 1897); m. Miss Clara 
Annie Sharon; barrister, 1900; suc- 
cf'ssfully practised his prof. in Toronto 
as a memo of the firm Rowe1l, Reid, 
Wilkie, Wood & G.; since 1909, Genl. 
Oounsel, Lake SupeTior Oorporation 
and secy.-treas. S3.tnJe corporation; 
Meth.-8 St. James Ave., Toronto; Al- 
bany Club; T. A. .4.. C., do. 
Gibson, Ron, William, senator; con- 
tractor; capitallst. 
E. S. late Wm. and Lucretia (Gil- 
zeau) G.; b. Peterhead, Scot.. Aug. 
7. 1849; e. Peterhead Acad.; came to 
Can., 1870; m., 1st, Dec., 1876, Jane 
(d. Feb., 1902), e. d. late John F. 
DavIdson, Hamil tan, Ont.; 2ndly. Aug., 
1904, Margt. E., 2nd d. late Alex. 
Mackie, Peterhead; as a contractor 
has successfully carrIed out some of 
the most Important ry. contracts In 
Can., including the masonry on both 
s1des of .the river of the St. Clair 
tunnel, with the Sarnia or Onto 
portals and approaches, and the 
masonry far the enlargement of the 
Victoria Jubilee bridge, Montreal; a 
dir. Can. Screw Co., Can. Steel Co., 
HamUtton prov,ident & Loan Soc., 111118 
Mel'CJaIbtile Tl'Ust 00., and 'Presdit. 
Hamilton Gas Ught 00., Keewatln 
Lumber & Mf,g. 00., Keewa1in Power 
00., Bank of HamIlt.on, and Hamiloton 
Jockiey Olub; Is a councilJ!or, Beams- 
'\1Hle; a Dib. .. of no UI1JC'er,t,ain sound"; 
sat for Lincoln (H. C.), 1891-1900; 
e'l-ect.ed Ohief LIb. .. Whip" for that 
chamllJ.e'r. 1900; caJlled t'O the Sena.te by 
Lord MInto, Feb. 11, 1902; elected 
chairman StandIng Comte. on Bank- 
ing there; accompanIed Sir W. 
LaurieI' on his Western tour, 1910; 
one of ,the roeIPres>enltatives tOf the Senate 
B't COI'ona'N'On of Geot'g'e anò 
Queen Mary, London, 1911; rood. 
in aud,ienoe .by the Pope, 1902; pre- 
,,-en-t.ed to the late King and Queen, 
1907; a Freemal!\on of exalted rank, 
33 0 ; Grand Master of Can.. A.F. and 
A.M., 1896-8; Grand 1st Pl"lnC'lpal Z. 
of the Royal Arch Mal!lons of Can., 
1902-3; ehïded Sup. Grand Master 


Sover; Great Priory of Can., 1903; 
a Presb.- u Inverugie," Beam8ville J 
Ont.; Hamilton Club; Hamilto'll 
Jockey Clu b, Hamilton; Toronto Club; 
National Club, Toronto; Rideau Club, 
"A genial,, kindly h
arted Srot." 
-Rt'v. Dr. Charters (q.v.). 
.. A man of abiJity, experience and &:000 
business kn{)wledge."-H, Spectator. 
Gibsone, George Farar, lawyer. 
Scottish origin; s. late Wm. Cup- 
hage G., advocate, Quebec, and Eliza- 
beth (Primrose) G.; b. Quebec, Sept. 
18, 1874; e. Semy. de Quebec, Que- 
bec High Sch, (Hy. Fry med. for 
Eng. lang. and lit; Lt.-Gov.'s med. 
for French lang. and lit., and" Dux" 
of the sch.), Morrin ColI., and Laval" 
Unlv. (Lt.-Gov.'s med, for civil law, 
Tessler med. for prof., LL.B., 1895; 
LL.l\1., 1896); unm.; advocate, lS96; 
K.C., 1909; successfully practises hIs 
prof. In Quebec; one of the promoters 
La Com. Maritime et Com. du Bas 
St. Laurent (L.P., 1903); sometime 
In the v. m. service; gazetted major 
8th Regt., ApI., 1907; IS. keen sports- 
man; a Con. and a protectionist; Ang. 
-39 Ste. Ur8ule St., Quebec; Quebec 
Garrison Club, do. 
Gifkins, Percy, Can. ry service. 
B. Harpenden, Eng., Dec. 25, 1850; 
entd. ry. service, 1871, as au-<],i't clI<., 
and was subsequently paymaster 
\Vindsor & Annapolis Ry., now the 
Dom. Atlantic Ry., since which he 
has been consecutively, 1872 to 1875, 
station master. same road, at An- 
napolis and Halifax; 1875 to 1889, 
auditor; 1889 to 1893, auditor and 
genl. passenger agent; 1893 to Jan., 
1896, genl. passenger agent; Jan.. 
1896, to July, 1897, traffic supdt.; July, 
1897, to May 1, 1900, supdt.; since 
then and no,w ge-nl. ma.n-gr., sam.e Iroad ; 
a ] Maritime Express Co., 1905. 
-Kentville, N.S. 
"A brain)", right-band man."-H. Her 
Gigau1t, George Auguste, Quebec 
public service. 
S. Pierre and Margt. (Walt) G.; b. 
St. Mathias. P.Q., Nov. 23, 1845; e. St. 
Hyacinthe ColI.; m., July, 1870, Miss 
Isabella Dillon, BelæU, P.Q.: N,P., 
1867; later a memo Bd. of Notaries: 
postmaster, St. Cesalre, P.Q., 1870-74: 
Mayor, do. (and as such Introduced 
waterworks thel'e), 1875-8; paS'Se>d 
Ro,yal Mil. Sch., Montreal, 1864; M. P. 
for Rouville (H. C.), 1878-91; asst. 
commr. agricul. and colonization, P. Q., 
1892-97; since then has been asst. 
commr. agricul.; the originator of 
experimental farms in Can.; while 
in ParIII:. gecured the appt. of a 
comte. which, aft,er studying the 
subject, submitted an outline of the 
project for the consideration of the 
Govt. ; since his appt. has visited 
Europe>, for the purpose of 
himself on the dairy and agrIcul. In- 
dustries of Denmarl<, Eng.. Ire!., Bel- 
gium, and France. with the view of 
promoting those Industries In Quebec, 
thf' rpsults of his mission being em- 
hodif'd in an elaborate report; a dir. 
p.poò G:row,p,n;' Aossn: a memo 


eX1tv>e. comte. Can. Nl3Jt. Live Stock 
Assn.; a R. C.-Ste. Foy, Quebec, 
Gilbert, Alexander Glen, Dom. public 
Scottish origin; grandf., on father's 
side, an Eng. offr., with a good re- 
cord; grandm., on same side. a Grant, 
dçscended from the head of the clan; 
b. Georgetown, W.I., Dec. 31, 1840; 
e. Glasgow, Scot.; m., Dec., 1879, Miss 
Susie Anna Chamlngs. Devonshire, 
Eng.; journalist till 1882, when he 
entd. Dept. of Interior, Ottawa; since 
1887 has been poultry supdt. and ex- 
pert, Central Experiment. Farm. Ot- 
tawa; for a long period lect. at farm- 
ers' meetings and conventions, on 
poultry matters; services much In de- 
mand; author co From Montreal to 
Halifax and Return" (1867), and of 
various pamphlets and bulle-tins on 
poultry breeding and management; 
has addressed the Agrlcul. Comte. 
(H. C. ) On Modern Methods of 
Poultry-keeping; considered a good 
descriptive writer; present at Ridge- 
way, .June, 1866 (Fenian Raids med.) : 
A'l1g. - Central Experimental Farm, 
Gilchrist, William Calder, physician. 
S. Archibald and Helen (McCuaig) 
G.. natives of Islay, Scot.: b. Tp. Oro, 
Co. Simcoe, Ont.; e. Barrie public and 
hlg-h schs.. Victoria Univ. (M.D.,C.M., 
1888), and Edinburgh Unlv.; m. Miss 
f:arah Helena Delmage, St. Mary's, 
Ont.: memo CoIl. P. and S., Ont., 1889: 
L.R.C.P.; L.R.C.S.; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. In Orillla; has been 
presdt. Highland Club and St. Andrew's 
Soc., OrlIlla; was Grand Chieftain and 
Grand Chief of the Sons of Scot. Benev. 
Assn.; well known In his student days 
as an athlete; a Presb.; a. Con.- 
O"iZlia, Onto 
Gilday, :Frederick William, physician. 
Irish origin; s. Thos. G. (q. 'I).), 
Montreal; b. and e. there; m., June, 
1908, Ethel Beatrice. d R. H. I....ope 
Cookshire, P.Q.,:' M.D.,C.M. (McGill 
Univ.), 1897; succes'sfully practises his 
prof. in Montreal; councillor Irls'h Proto 
Ben. Soc., .MontTeaJI ; a ;prom'oter 'Of -the 
Campbell-GUday Co. (L. P., 1909): 
Ang.-188 Peel St., lIIontreal; Univer- 
8ity Club; Outremont Golf Club, do. 
Gilday, Thomas, manufacturer. 
Long a resident of Montreal: a mem. 
firm Campbell and G., roofers, there 
(now the Campbell-G. Co.) ; a dlr. Ho. 
of Industry, Montreal; a gov. Proto 
Hosp. for the Insane, do.: long Identi- 
fied with Orange order: for some yrs. 
grand master of the order, P. Q.; 
elected grand master Orange Grand 
Black Chapter, B. N. A., 1909.-'t 
Seymour Ave., Montreal. 
Gilderøleeve, Henry Herchmer, steam- 
boat manager. 
S. late C. F. G., mangr. Rlchelleu & 
Onto Nav. Co.; b. and e. Kingston, 
Ont.: m., Sept.. 1904, Lucinda AblgaU, 
iI. Joel Thompson; succeeded his 
father as mangr. Lake Onto & Bay of 
Qulnte Steamboat Co., 1894; 'SInce 
1904 has bf>en gent mang-r. North
Nav. Co. of Ont.: Is V.-P. Dom. Ma- 
rine> Assn.: an Ang.-Sarnia, Onto 



Giles, William Bellamy, dental sur- 
B. Athens, Ont., 1864; e. Ath
High Sch. and McGill Univ. (B.A., ,..ith 
] st class honours in nat. science, 
1888); nnm.; D.D.S. (Univ. Penn.); 
L.D.S.; admitted to dental prof.. P. Q., 
1892; prof. dental mat. med. and 
therap., 1896; dean of Dental ColI., 
P. Q.; prof. opel'. dentist. and crown 
and bridgework, 1900-01; a contributor 
to Dom. Dental Journ.; a believer in 
Brit. pref. tariff and tariff for revenue; 
Meth.-Birks Bdg., Phillips Square, 
!If ontreal. 
Giles, William James, dental profes- 
E. McGill Univ. (B.A., with 1st rank 
honours In nat. science, 1888) ; D.D.S., 
wirtJh 1st Tank lhon,(Y\l,r.s (U nil v. 'Penn.) ; 
admitted to dental prof., 1892; dean of 
dpntal colI., P.Q., and prof. of opera- 
tive dentistry therein, 1900-09; m., 
Aug.. 1909, Ada Eliza, d. Wm. Almour, 
Montreal. - 
S Windsor Ave., We3t- 
mount, Montreal; Montreal Dental 
Club; ]If. A. A. Assn. 
G111, Bev, Frederic (Unit.). 
S. Robt. and Catherine A. (Murphy) 
G.; b. Kingston, Ont., ApI. 17, 1862; 
e. local schs., Meadville (Pa.) Theo!. 
Soh., and Harvard Univ.-; m., ApI., 
1902, Miss Ruth Pierson. Gomerville, 
Mass.; .0. 1892; slnc.e then !pastor 1st 
Congo Parish (Unit.), Arlington, Mass. : 
a contributor to the New World and 
Harvard Theol. Rev., etc.-29 Academy 
St., Arlington, Mass. 
Gill, Madame Gaétane, journalist. 
D. laJtJe Arrnlbroise and B
rênioo Sedi- 
lot (de Montreuil) Bêlanger; mother 
the descendant of an old and noble 
French family; b. Quebec; e. l' Acad. 
des ,Srs. Gri-ses (dipl'oma, 1st dass, and 
med.); m., May, 1902, Charles Gill, 
artiste peintre et litterateur; first 
chronigueuse of La Presse, Montreal; 
has occupied that position for nearly 
10 yrs.; contributes to other papers In 
Can. and the U. S.; many of her arti- 
cles have been reproduced in France: 
wI"Írt:-es undler 1'he nom-de-plume of 
Gaêtane.'-50Z Parc Lafontaine, Mont- 
GiU, Bobert, banking profession. 
S. Wm. G., mech. engr., and Alison 
(Sanderson) G., both of Scottish Bor- 
der families; b. Dundas. Ont., Sept. 
30, 1851; e. U. C. ColI.; m.. 1st, Sept., 
1881, Caroline (d. ApI., 1884), e. d. 
late John Gilmour, "Marchmont," Que- 
bec; 2ndoly, Nov., 1899, Anna Louisa. d. 
late W. R. Thistle, P.L.S.. Ottawa; for 
many yrs. in .service Can. Bank of 
Commerce; mangr., do.. Galt, Ont.. 
1874-6; Ottawa, 1876-81; genl. inspr. I 
of banik, 118&1-87; man,gr. at Otta:wa, 
1887-1911, 'W1heno 'he r>eU,:red from 8JCIth-.e 
w<>rk; /ÍlQI1"III1lffi"ly P3-'YtTlIa.ster, G.-H. F. 
Ods.; ds a Idfe govr. and rtTeaS. St. 
Luke's Hosp., Otltawa; .f()T a rteTTI1 
presdt. Ottawa Lit. and Scien. Soc.; 
author "Post Office Saving's Banks" 
(see Can. Banker's Journ., Oct., 1909) ; 
and other occasional art'icles; Ang.- 
281 O'Connor St., Ottawa; "East View," 
St. AndrewB, N.R.; Rideau Club; Coun- 
try Club; Ottawa Hunt Club,' Ottawa 

Goll Club, Ottawa; St. James's Club, 
.. Has ßJttaåned an' en'Vi.ab
e and wen- 
deserved re'putatio-n, enhan'OOd by hiB un- 
failiing oourtesy a.nd ul'bandty &f tempera- 
ment."-O. Citizen. 

Gillespie, Alexander, ins. profession. 
SCOltJCIh ancestry; s. late Goo. H. and 
Eliza.beth Agneos G., Hamilton, Ont.; 
b. and e. there; long asst. secy. Can. 
Life Assur. Co.; promoted secy. do., 
ApI., 1908; Presb.-1 Prince Arthur 
A ve., Toronto. 
Gillespie, Hon. Andrew, judge._ 
S. DanI. G., Cornwall, Onto ; b. there; 
e. Cornwall Grammar Sch.; çompleted 
law studies In Chicago; apptd. Co. Ct. 
judge, there, 1903.-Chicago, Ill. 
GiUespie, Mrs, Christie (Christie 
Macdonald), actress. 
D. Illalbe Orup,t. and J-essie (''enZlÏe) 
M'aodt()lna1lld, .Plicrt{)U, N.S.; b. Ibhere, 
1876; e. .tlheore; m., lIst, 'M13.iy, 19011, 
Wm. WinlOOr Jefferson, s. Ilrure Jos. 
J{)fferSOO1, one of -the .. ldnlgs" of tlhe 
Ann. stage (d.iV'oreed, A!pl., 1910); 
2ndJl'Y, 1910, Henry L. GHI1'eslPie, s. 
'D11oos, A. GBiloæpile, Pilttsbul"'g, Pa.; 
eaJrly dLs:play>ed òTa.matic talent rund 
sing1l:rug qualdltd-es and we.s lITIuûh In 
dlfm1and 3Jt loooa.l conoerts and am13.rteur 
pel'1fomna.nocæ; 'W'etIl1Í: to Boston, Mass., 
and stuòded under 03'1'1 Bren'll{).m-an; 
1l13.Jtoer. stuòifeÒi Sbl'1l,g11'ea, IN. Y. ; 
maòe 1her first oappeanlniOO witlh PaJU
HaWs /00., Bosrton; Ih-e'r filJ'S,t SIIlcoess 
was wlt,h F'mnl('Jis W,i,lsO'll as LulCintÒa 
.in "HaJI,f a KinJg"; 118.-001' appearoo dn 
.. The ÐÞeot:.," " Ho(l.g{)....Pooge.,.. 
"Hook of Holo113.nd," e<tc; lOne of tt'he 
brightoest sta'rs j'n C'O'l11Jic opoera; now 
(19.11) ,stal"' dn "The ,spf'ing Ma1ðf' ; 
elecOOd p'resdt. of the 'Veston Club, a 
WI3.Ilkdng so-c., ol910.
Care U Dramatk 
Mirror," New York City. 
"Alwar& dai.nty and a.lwoays doing things 
in the right Wiay."-N. Y. Star. 
" One &f the man'Y Cana,dians who have 
woon d'iS'tinctiOOJ on the Am. &tage."-M. 
.. Sings always .as the 1ånne.t sings, M"t- 
le.ssly but with perle-ct cM1lf.rol of all VIO'cal 
mechandsm, a'nd thus &coomplishes the IIW6t 
difficult ;passages, runs oßjnd triUs with ,the 
same ea-se and OOa.utiful VQca.l.i'8m 088 if she 
we're singin'g a simple fol/k 9Ong."--J. D. 
Logan (q.v.). 
Gillespie, Miss Jo, nursing profes- 
D. Dan!. G., Parrsboro, N.S.; b. and 
I e. there; ,resigned as swpd t. Hilg1hlaiIld 
View Hosp., Amherst, N.S., 1907.- 
Parr8boro, N.S. 
Gillespie, Walter Hamilton, educa- 
S. late G. H. G., Hamilton, Ont.; 
b. there, Aug. 25, 1872; e. Hamilton 
ColI. Inst., Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1894), 
Harvard Unlv. (Ph.D., 1900), and Chi- 
cago Unlv.; m. MIss Margt.. N. Alex- 
ander, Hamilton; Greek master, MIl- 
ton Acad., Mass., 1899-1900; classical 
master, Unlv. Sch., Cleveland, Ohio, 
1900-06; senior master, Cheshire Sch.. 
Conn., ",Inee 1907.-ChfJshire, Conn. 



Glliespie, WiUiam, educationist. 
Scottish origin; s. late Geo. H. G., 
presdt. Hamilton Provident & Loan 
Assn., and Elizabeth Agnes, d. late 
Alex. G., II Sunnyside," LanarkshIre, 
Scot.; b. Hamilton. ant., 1870: e. 
Hamilton High Sch. and Toro
Unlv. (B.A., 1893); post-grad. course 
Chicago Unlv., where he held a fellow- 
ship, 1893-7 (Ph.D., 1900); since 1897 
has been teaching math. at PrInceton 
Semy., N. Y.; now and for Borne yrs. 
asst. prof. there: Presb.-l0 Nassau 
St., Princeton, N.J. 
Gillies, Joseph Alexander, lawyer; ex- 
Highland Scotch origin: s. tate .John 
G., Inverness-shire, Scot., and Mary 
Isabella (!MacLean) G., Argyllshire, 
Scot. ; b. Irish Cove, Cape Breton, 
N.S., Sept. 17, 1849; e. St. Francis 
Xavier CoIl., Antigonish (M.A. 1871); 
m., 1883, Mlle. .JosephIne Euialle Ber- 
trand, Prescott, Ont.; barrister. 1875; 
K.C. (Ear.) of Ikberdeen), 1895; one 
of rbbe lea,dlE'rs of the bar In N. S.; 
was Regr. of Prdbate, C. B., 1872-87: 
Clk. of the Peace, do., 1876-9; .elk. of 
the Municipality of C.B., 1879-83; has 
also been solldtor, do. do.; formerly 
presdt. N. S. Barristers' Soc. ; has been 
CorIl'Inr. oOf Soh., C. B.. sInce 1884; OIDW 
In active practice In Sydney as a memo 
firm G. & Hill; .Is French Consul at 
Sydney; bought Sydney Post, 1901; 
a CIon.; unsuccessfully contested Cape 
Breton (H. C.) as an Ind. candidate,. 
1887; sat for Rilchmond (H. C.), 1891- 
1900; Is hon. 'Presdt. C. B. Llb.-Con. 
Assn.; a strong bellever In ample pro- 
tection to native Industries; R. C.- 
<i Rose-Mere Park," Sydney, C.B.; 
Royal C. B. Yacht Club, do. 
Gillis, Hon. Archibald Beaton, legis- 
S. Donald M. and Mary G.; SoottI.sih 
ßJncest-ry; b. WihiYlC'ocomag1h, N.S., .Jtan. 
28, 1864; e. there; 1.1'nm.; postmtaS'tJe,r 
aot Whl'tof>!Wooo, Sask., for IInan'Y yrs.; 

rt foOl' Wh,f;tewD'O'dl (N.-W. Assem'bty), 
1894-.1905; òof>lpt'y. sp'eaker, 1898-190.2; 
sp.eak'er, 1903-5: Tep.l'esE'nrtoeð "\\'11,fiJe- 
w'Ooo (:Loc3J1), 1905-8, and sl'nee 1908 
hoas s.<ut 1''01' P,ipestone (diD.); 
g ohtlei! 
.. rwMp" of the Prov:!o RI'g1hts ip l 3Jrty 
In ttJhop 'Le,glslra't'l1re; elected ip'resdt. 
Sask. Oon. [Jart'Y, 1908; a Oon. in Dom. 
pol'NJlûs : a. st'ronrg be-Me'V1e.r In Imp. 
pre'fere:n>ce ; a Preslb. - Whitewood, 
GilUs, Bev, Dugald (R.C.), educa- 
S. Andrew and Sarah (Cameron) 
G., of Highland Scotch extraction; 8 
Novoa Scotian of the third generation 
h. PItcher's Farm, Co. Antigonish, N$.. 
Mch. 2, 1868; e. Untv. St. Franci!" 
Xavif'r, Antigonish. N.S., Bnd CoIl. of 
the Propaganda, Rome, Italy (B.A.; 
Ph.D.; S.T.L.); o. 1897; since thflt 
date has spent 3 yrs. at parochial 
work, and the rest of the time as prof 
of Greek and Latin, at his Alma Mater 
In N. S.-St. Francis Xavier's College 
Antigonish, N.S. 
.. As :a. p
.ache<r, '1ectureT lInd professo. r 
PTljOYB oS h1Ïgn TCputati()D.... - Lat
f"1T(lke, of Rom

GtUt., Hugh Evan, lawyer; municipal 
Parents came from Inverness-shire, 
Scot., and settled In N.S.; b. Dempton, 
Co. Inverness, N.S., Api. 8, 1855; e. 
St. Francis Xavier Coll., Antigonish, 
N.S.; m. L. Lloyd, e. d. Rev. .John 
Cassidy, Hamilton, Bermuda; barrister 
(N.S.), 1882; agent, Dept. of Justice, 
Co. Antigonish, for some yrs.; was 
first mayor of Annapolis Royal; re- 
el,ecloed fur 3 SUJCJCJessive terms; a-IsQ a 
sch. commr., there, for a long period; 
apptd. city elk. of Calgary, May, 1904; 
do. a municipal commr. for do. do. 
Nov., 1905; a P. D. G. M. of Free- 
masons, N.S.; a Past Grand King 
Royal Arch Chap., N.S., secy. Con. 
Assn. for Annapolis for 10 yrs.; un- 
successfully contested Co. (loaal) , 
1895; a strong believer In Imp. Fed- 
eratlon; Ang.
Calgary. Alta. 
Gilman, Bon, Pranc!. Edward, lawyer: 
U. E. L. descent;' s. late Stephen M. 
G., Danvllle, P.Q.; b. there, Api. 11, 
1842; e. St. Francis Coll., Rlchmrmd, 
and McGill Univ. (B.A., 1862; M.A., 
1865; B. C. I.... , 1865; LL.D., 1877): m., 
May, 1866, AmelIa M. (1st dlreotress 
Prato Infants' Home, Montreal), d. late 
G. W. Weaver, Montreal; advocate, 
1865; K.C., 1885; practises his prof. 
in Montreal; a suocessful commer- 
cial .lawyer; furmerly an ruM. tJhere, 
and chairman PoUce Committee- ; a 
life govr. Montreal Genl. Hosp., 
Western H.osp., Mechs.' 111'st., and 
other institutions: presdt. Proto In- 
fants' Home; a LIb.; unsuccessfully 
contested Argenteull (Local) g. e. 
1881; summoned to the Leg. Council, 
P. Q. (WelUngton Dlv.), .Mch. 12, 1887; 
the first one to Introduce a measure 
to permit parties In a civil suit to tes- 
tify in their own behalf; also a mea- 
sure In favour of compulsory voting: 
likewise moved for the abolition of the 
Leg. Council. - 15 Melbourne Avenue, 
Wcstmount, 1I1ontreal. 
Gilmour, John, manufacturer. 
S. late .John G., a native of South 
Walto, Mearns, Renfrewshlre, Scot., 
who was one of the pioneers of the 
lumber trade in Can.; b. Quebec, Api. 
22, 1849; e. there; took cert., Royal 
Mil. Sch., under Col. Lord Alex. Rus- 
sell, C.B.; m., Dec., 1874, .Jessie Mil- 
ler, 2nd d. late Andrew McLimont, 
Quebec; 8ucceeded his father In busi- 
ness; since then has been presdt. Gil- 
mour & Hughson Lumber Co., with 
sawmllls at Trenton, ant., Hull, P.Q.. 
find on the North Nat.ion and Blanche 
Rivers, P.Q.; 
rmerly a lIeut. 8th 
lloYlal Rifle!!; presdt. Ottawa I-\unt and 
RIding Club, 1906-7; Presb.-f9 Carlie7' 
St." Ottav:a; Rideau Club; Ottawa 
Hunt Club, do. 
Gilmour, John Ta710r, phyøtctan; 
Onto public service. 
U. E. L. descent, on mother's side; 
s. Late Thos. G., Co. Durham, ant.; 
b. Newcastle, Ont., Mch. 3, 1855; e. 
Port Hope High Sch. and Trln. Unlv., 
Toronto (M.D., 1878); m., 1st, Sept., 
1878, Emma (d. Mch., 1886), d. late 
Morgan Hawkins, Canton, ant.; 2l1dly, 
Oí't., 18R9, MRggi(', d. Jat
 .Jno. Edþr 



Troronfw; oorg. C. P. Ry., Toronto anod 
Toronto .Junction, 1886-94, when he 
roUred f'rom practice; estabd. Y-Ü'1"k 
Tribune, of which he was ed. for 2 
yrs.; sat for W. York (Local), Lib. 
interest, 1886-94; declined renomina- 
tion; a supporter of Sir O. Mowat; 
regr. of deeds, Co. York, 1894-6; since 
then has been warden of the Central 
Prison, Toronto; took an active part 
in ßStoabg. thoe CoIl. InSIt.. Toronto 
Junction; chairman High Sch. Bd. 
there; a frequent lect. on prison re- 
form and prison discipline, the preven- 
tion of crime and the treatment of 
prisoners; a writer on the same and 
other. sUbjects; advocates whipping for 
certam offences; a dir. Sun & Hast- 
Ings Savings & Loan Co.; a V.-P. 
Dickens Fellowship; elected presdt. 
"\Vardens' Assn. of the Nat. Prison 
Congress, 1904; presdt. Am. Prison 
n., 1908; Meth.- Warden's Resi- 
dence, Central Prison, Toronto' 
National Club, do, ' 
.. A man who accomplishes the maxi- 
mum of reform with the minimum of fuss." 
-Can. Courier. 
Gilmour, Bev, Joseph Leem.1ng 
(Bapt.); educationist. 
Grands. late Rev. John G.. the first 
Bapt. clergyman settled In Montreal, 
coming from Aberdeen, 1830; b. Peter- 
boro, Onto ; e. ColI. Inst., there, Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., 1885), McMaster Unlv. 
(B.A.. ad eUM., 1894; B.Th., 1899; 
B.D., do.; D.D., 1908), and Edinburgh 
Oxford and Berlin Univs.; m.. 1895: 
Georgina, y. d. late Geo. Burnham, 
M.D., Peterboro, ant.; was successively 
pastor at Oakville, Brockville, Hamil- 
ton and Olivet Ch., Montreal; has oc- 
cupied a chair In McMaster Univ. 
since 1907; author II The .H.elation of 
Protestantism to Roman Catholicism" 
(1905) and other papers; V.-P. Grande 
Li'gne Mdssion .soc.. 1905; a memo 
C'omte. on Oh. Union, 1906; V.-P. U. C. 
Bible So'C., 1911.-86 Major St., To- 
.. A man of culture and winning 
pe-rsonality."-T. Globe, 
.. A man of wide and! accurate 8chota.r- 
ship, remarkable pulpit and pastoral effi- 
ciency, and fine pastoral QualitiN."-Wut- 
Gilpin, Bev, Victor James (Unit.). 
S. late Rev. John W. (Meth.) and 
Louisa (Bell) G.; b. Thedford, Ont., 
Mch. 10, 1872; e. Llstowel High Sell. 
and Victoria Unlv. (B.A., 1898); 
took post-grad. course In theo-l. and 
economlca at MeadvlIle (Pa.) Semy.; 
m., July, 1900, MIss Effie ReId, RIce- 
vilIe, Ont.; o. (Meth.) 1900; left Meth. 
Ch., owing to change of theol. views, 
feeling that Meth. theol. was not In ac- 
cord with modern thought. 1904; now a 
Unit. LIb.; author of .. The Sabbath" 
(1306), and also of poetical contribu- 
tions to the mags. and several sermons 
on science and religion; Interested In 
(1) modern relhdous thought, based on 
evolutionary phil.; (2) modern munl- 
C'ipal betterment; (3) the educational 
problem, favouring more natural stud- 
ies and much less technique; Is of 
opinion that the absolute exclusion of 

the Asiatic from our shores wIll at 
length prove a fatal pOlley. tending to 
decapltallze our country and breed 
withIn us the ambiguous qualities of 
arrogantly protected countries; that 
our univs. must SOOn enter the field 
of the discussion of practical politics, 
and hence contribute their legitimate 
share to the much-needed Intellectual 
and literary regeneration of our 1
latlve bodies; that no distinctly politi- 
cal c1ea vage between Can. and the 
U. S. can neutralize the undeniable 
('omity of these two countries In social, 
literary, scientific, Industrial, and other 
matters; a memo Rational Sunday 
League. which advocates a more lib. 
Interpretation of the laws governing 
the day; an Ind. Con.-l.f8 Duchess 
Ave., London, Ont.; Canadian Club. 
.. In that coming reconstruction of the> 
religious th()Ught of the country he will 
certainly be beard from."-T. Globe. 
II Combines in an unusual degree a 
logical manner of thinking and a' pleasing 
'le of Hrerary utterance."-8, N. 
Oilray, :Rev, A]exander (Presb.). 
Scottish ancestry; S. late Robt. G,; 
b. Perth shire, Scot., 1845; e. Can. pub- 
lic schs. and Toronto Unlv., where he 
took 1st class honours In Hebrew; 
pursued theol. studies at Knox CoIl.. 
Toronto, where he obtained a scholar- 
ship In Hebrew, and graduated. 1873: 
D.D. (do.), 1903; also studied at 
Union Semy., N. Y., and Princeton, 
N.J.; m.. 1st, 1876. Miss Annle M. 
Baln (d. Nov., 1879); 2ntdJly, 1883, 
AImde A. (d. OCt., 1895), rd.. Jo.sep!h 
GÍJbson, Deer ,Park, Toronto; o. 1875; 
pastor of OOililege St. Presb. Ob., T0- 
ronto, sinoe !hils on:1linatJIo'l1; orl' 
a ,small missl()n. .vhoe membership, unoor 
his pastorate, has grown from 50 to 
1,300; has likewise erected a fine new 
ch.. and a well-appoInted Sunday sch. 
building; Moderator (Toronto and 
Kingston), 1899-1900; V.-P. U. C. 
Blhle Soc., 1908; a mean. ex.tve. comDe. 
Assd. Charities, etc.; has travelled 
extensively, both in Am. and Europe. 
-367 Palmerston Ave., Toronto. 
.. A p
acher of )treat power."-MaiZ 
and Empire. 
.. Not onlv a8 a preacher, but a8 a 
pastor and friend, he is known to every- 
cme."-T. Globe. 
Gilroy, :Rev, WIUlam Edgar (Cong-.). 
Irish onigln; e, s. W. J. G., Mlt. 
iS't, Ont.; lb. there, Fe-b. 10, 1876; 
e. Mt. F'o'r'est High Soh., TOTOnto UnIv 
Victoria UnJv. (B.A., 1897); m., July. 
1901, An'1'1de Elizabeth, O. d. J. R. .M.e- 
KiI-cba.n, Hamilton, Onlt..: þrQlbatJIoner. 
an'd rpre3JCIhoed 2 yrs. rIn Mjert'l1. Cih.; 0, 
(Oong.), 1900; p.ast'Or, Bro
Mh1-ew Ave. 
Ch., Toronto, 1900-7 (pre.sentOO w,llbh 
a gold 'Wa.t
h by oong. on l'eaving); 
s.inoe tJhen 'has been pastor, BranJtforo, 
Omt.; dool;ine>d cal:l.s to Ottawa, 1910, 
.and t'O HamnlÌ'On, 1911; 00. Can. Con- 
fJ1'egationaZi8t, 1904-6; now edHs The 
Awakener, a,n organ of Free Ohrls- 
rtJLa.nlty; W'On 1st tprlze In Munsey com- 
pøtltdon, for a ,t'O'pIica) poem, 1904, sub- 
ject: .. The Lament of lobe Old Buc- 
C"aneers ": has c.onrtTibtilt('(!: .ro ot1heT 



journals; ø. lAb. a.nd íree-thlInldng 
ChI1IsUan; strongly opposeü to the 
pr.omulga.tlon of a forrna.l autboTltaHV'e 
d or <>rgan
zatdon; would abolish 
evt!ry test 'exoe-pt that (If chø.racte
life; hence out of harmony with much 
present-day religIous teaohlng, but 
strcmgly con,'wnced of OhristIanity, as 
vev-ea.J.ed in -the liÏ1:e and teachiing of 
Jesu:s.-Brantford, Onto 
Gimby, John Haughton, physician. 
Descended Richard and Eliza (Shep- 
herd) Gynbee, Cambridge, Eng., ] 697 ; 
S. late Jos. and Eliza (Haughton) G., 
Owen Sound,. Ont.; b. Owen Sound: e. 
public and high schs., there, ancl To- 
ronto Normal Sch.; m.; graduated 
M.D. (Victoria Unlv.), 1890; M.C.P.S., 
Onto ; Mayor, Owen Sound, 1906-8; later 
presdt. Union of Algoma Municipali- 
ties; chairman Bd, of Health; a.sks 
for a square deal for New Ont., by 
the development of her mlneØ and the 
opening up to the settler of her vast 
agricultural lands; a Meth.-Sault Ste. 
Marie, Onto 
Girard, Bodolphe, Dom. public ser- 
vice; journaUst; dramatist. 
S. Louis G., H.M.'s Customs, Three 
Rivers, P.Q., and Emma (Trottier) G.; 
b. Three Rivers, ApI. 24, 1879; e. 
Frères de la Doctrine Chrétiennes and 
L' A cad. Com. Cath. de Montréal; m., 
1901, R
glne (d. Jan., 1911), d. late 
J. B. Lefalvre; was, for 4 yrs., on the 
ed. staff of La Presse (Mentreal), and 
subsequently, for 3 yrs., on the staff 
of La Patrie (do.) ; became ed.-In-chlef 
of Le Temps (Ottawa), 1904, but later 
entd. the pUblic service and Is now a 
translator (H.C.); presdt., Quebec 
Press Galloery. 1906; de., VInst. Can. 
Française, 11907; Offr. d' Acad., do.;, 1.0'C3!l branch Alliance Française, 
1908; a memo lit. comte. re Quebec 
Battlefields Assn., do.; has taken a 
leadIng posItIon as a dramatist and 8 
wrI.ter of fiction; among .his plays, 
several of which have been produced 
upon the oM on treal stage, iha ve been: 
ce Fleur de Lys," ø. drama In 5 acts; 
.. Le Censerlt Imperial," .. Le Chien 
d'Or," "A la Conquêt d'un Balser:' 
.. Le Dolght de la Femme et Cor- 
Inne "; among his tales and romances: 
.. Flerence," .. Redemption," .. Mos- 
alque," co L' Amour, O'h r Amour," and 
.. Marle - Calumet," the latter of which 
was Inscribed by the French Acad., 
for the Mont yon competition, 1905 (
L' Album Universel, Mch., 1903); R.C. 
28 BeS8erer St., Ottawa. 
.. L'b(J(IDme du jour dans Ie detI 
lettJres."-L'Album Univer8el. 
Girardot, Ernest J., Dom. pub. servIce. 
French origin; parents emigrated to 
Can., 1845; b. Sandwich, Ont., Mch. 
25, 1849; e. St. Hyacinthe (P. Q.) 
CoIl. and .Jacques Cartier and Toronto 
Normal Schs.; m., 1875, Mlle. ,Tulle 
VIger, Detroit, Mich.; formerly a pub- 
lic sch. teacher; subsequently pUblIc 
seh. Inspr., N. Essex; J. P., since 1572 ; 
a well-known grape grower and wine 
manfr.: through him this Industry has 
prospered In his native county: for 
13 yrs. Mayor of Sandwich: carried 
out great Improvements In the town; 

a staunch Lib.; unsuccessfully con- 
tested N. Essex (Local), In that In- 
terest, g. e. 1905; a frequent contribu- 
tor to the press; knows French Bnd 
Eng. perfectly; apptd. a memo of the 
Can. Oovt. Comn. at the St. Louis 
Expn., 1904, and has since Tepre- 
sented Can. at the Liege, Milan, Dub- 
lin, London, and Seattle Expns.; recd. 
the cross of the Nat. Order of Civil 
Merit from the Prince of Bulgaria, 
1906, and the Order of the Thorn, from 
the King of the Belgiaru!, 1910; aRC. 
-Sandwich, Onto 
Girdlestone, Charles William, physI- 
S. Geo. Wm. and Louisa R, ( 
G.; b. Windsor, Ont., Aug. 7, 18G8; e. 
St. John's Boys' Sch., Winnipeg, and 
M:an. Undv. (B.A., 1888; M.A., 1892) . 
m., 1894, Miss May Be,ue ,PeI1I'ey; M.D.: 
C..M. (MicGlll Univ.), 1892; Rep.: 
Pl'ot.-Riverside, Cal.; Victoria Club, 
Girdwood, Gilbert Prout, phy>sIcian. 
S. late G. F. G., M.D., London, Eng., 
and Susan Sophia G., d. Rev, Thos. 
Bazeley, rector of La venha.m, Suffolk, 
and chaplain to H.R.H. the Duke of 
Gloucester; b. London, Oct. 22, 1832: 
e. private sch., Unlv. CoIl., and St. 
George's Sch. .of Med.; ro., 1862, 
Fanny Merriman, d. late Thos. E. 
Blackwell, C.E.; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1854; 
gazetted asst. surg., H.M.'s Grenadier 
Gds., do.; accompanIed 1st Batt. to 
Can., at the time of the Trent affair, 
1862; on Its return to Eng., 1864, re- 
tired from the army, In order to take 
up his permanent residence In Mont- 
real; surgeon, 3rd Regt, VIctoria 
Rifles, 1865; served with that regt. 
during Fenian troubles (med.): Is a 
memo Colls. of p, and S., P. Q., Ont., 
and B. C.: a memo Brit. and Am. 
Assns. for the Advanc. of Science, 
Soc. of Public Analysts, Chemical Soc., 
Soc. of ChemIcal Industry (V.-P., Can. 
section); a fellow Chemical lnst. of 
Gt. Britain, Nat. HIstory Soc., and 
Montreal Microscopical Soc. (presdt., 
1892); one of the original fellows, 
Royal Soc. of Can., 1882; Is consult- 
Ing surgeon, Montreal Dispensary, 
Genl. Hosp. and Children's Hosp.; dlr. 
of electrical dept. and X-rays, Royal 
VictorIa Hosp.. Montreal: chief med. 
offr., C. P. Ry.; formerly presdt., 
Roentgen Soc. of Am.; prof. of prac- 
tical chern., med. faculty, McGIIl Unlv., 
1872-94; 'Prof. of ohern., de., 1879-1902 ; 
now 'Prof. emeritus of chern. ,there; has 
contributed various articles on prof. 
subjects to the Lonòon Lancet, Mont- 
real Med. Journ., Trans. R. S. C x etc.; 
a Llb.-Con.: a Freemason; an ng.- 
111 University St., Montreal; St. 
James's Club; St. George Snowshoe 
Club, do. 
.. BeIlooved by everybody,"-M. Star. 
Glrling, Theodore AUgu8tu8, V.S. 
Y. s. Rev. W. II. G., rector of Wl1- 
shaw, Huddersfleld, Eng.; e. Hudders.. 
field CoIl.; m., Jan., 1905, Dora Sim- 
cox, 4th d. Richard N. Lea, Manitou, 
Man.; took gold med. for genl. profi- 
ciency, Onto Vet. Coil., 1904; a moder- 
ate Con.; Ang.-Sa8katocm. Sa8k, 



Girouard, His ExceUency Colonel Sir 
Edouard Percy CranwiU, H.M.'s 
regular mil. forces; admInIstra- 
S. late Hon. Dêslr
 G., judge of the 
Supreme Ct. of Can., and his second 
wife, Essie (Cranwill) D.; b. Montreal, 
.Jan. 26, 1867; e. private tuition, Semy. 
of Three Rivers and: Royal Mil. CoIl., 
Kingston (grad., 1886); m., Sept. 10, 
1903, Mary Gwendolen, o. c. Hon. Sir 
Richard Solomon, agent-genI. in Lon- 
don for the Transvaal; gained his ry. 
experience while on enging. staff, C.P. 
Ry.; gazetted 2nd lieut., R.E., 1888; 
lieut., 1891; capt., 1899; major, 1899; 
It.-coI., 1904; coI., 1909; ry. traffic, Woolwich, 1890-6; dir. of 
Soudan Rys., 1896-8; pres'dt. of Egyp- 
tian Ry. Ed., 1898-9; dir. of Rys., S. 
Africa, 1899-1902; commr. of Rys., 
Transvaal and Orange River Colony, 
1902-4; asst. quartermaster-ge, nl. 
Wætern Command. Chester, Eng., 
1906; 'high commr., Protectorate of 
Northern Nigeria, 1907-8; governo.r of 
Protectorate of Northern Nigeria, 1908- 
9; since then has been gov. and com- 
mander-in-chief of the East AfTica 
Protectorat.e; D.S.O., 1896; K.C.M.G., 
1900; F.R.C.T., 1907; 2n'd class, Imp. 
OttiOman Order of the Medjidle, 1902; 
author: .. History of the Railways 
during the War In South A1.irlca, 1899- 
1902" (1905); served with the Don- 
gola Expdn. under Lord Kltchener, 
1896-7; engagement at Firket and the 
operations at Hafir (despatc!hes; Brit. 
med., Khedive's moo. with 2 clasps); 
operations 01' 1897, resulting In capture 
of Abu Hamed (despatches; clasp to 
Khedive's med.); served S. African 
War, 1899-1900 (despatches) ; gazetted 
hon. It.-<:ol. 18th Regt., .. Franc-Tireurs 
du Saguenay," Mch. 3, 1903; presented 
with fTeedom of the Ironmongers' 
Guild, London, 1903; guest of King 
George, WindsoT Castle, 1911; R.C.- 
Government House, Nairobi, East 
Africa; Army & Navy Club; Brooks's 
Club; Reform Club, London, Eng. 
II An officer of brilliant ,ability."-Lord 
II Tbe inca.rn8Jtåon of ene1rgy and force 
of wiLl."-Westminster Gazette. 
.. A plea.&ing, kind-hearted, hard-wOIrking 
fellow, who would do well in any line he 
trurned his hand to."-M. A.. P. 
"A great civil 5eTV'ant who has suc- 
ceeded in every posåtion he has unde!!"- 
taken."-Lord Desborough. 
Giroux, Francois Xavier Arthur, 
S. Louis and Elmire (Poulin) G.; b. 
Farnham, P.Q., Mch. 3, 1866; e. there, 
S1. Hyacinthe, and Marleville CoIls. and 
Laval Un<iv. (B.A., 1895; LL.B., 1890) ; 
m., .June, 1892,M.H'8. E}ug
nde Lafond; 
advocate, 1890; IPraotdses 31t Sweets- 
bUl'g. ,P.Q., of whioh village 'he was 
may.or; ' In all,l .impol'tt3..Tht cases 
.in his d-ist.; bâtonnier, Bedford bar, 
1898; a sch. oommr., and warmly de. 
\'oted to rt!he Interests .of education, 
general, teohnf.oa,l, and agrlcultural; 8 
Oon., and uns\lOC'e8sfully contested 
M,issisquol (Looa,}), in 'Ìiha;t iruterest, 
g. e. 1908; The Correspondent, 
Pe'WSJ>aa>ef (Fa,
), ot wbdch !he 

remal,ns proprietJor; !has be-en Iþresdrt. 
OowansvJ'lle Litte-rary Ol,ub, and 1s 
V.-P. Md.ssIsqu().. Hls'Í. SOiC.; R. C.- 
Sweet8burg, P.Q. 
Gisborne, Francis Hernamen, Dom. 
public service. 
2nd s. late F. N, G., C,E., a native of 
Lancashire, Eng., for many yrs. supdt. 
telegraph and signal service of Can., 
who was the orIginator of trans-Atlan- 
tic submarine telegraphy; b. Brigus, 
Nf.d., May 19, 1853; e. London, Eng., 
CoIl. Sch., Windsor, N.S., and by 
private tuition; m. d, the late F. H. 
Himsworth, Privy Council office; bar- 
rister, 1880; entd. public service, 1882; 
apptd. chief elk., Dept. of Justice, July, 
1903; author of .. The Duty of the 
Parent In Relation to Education;' and 
other papers; an Ang., and a del. to 
the synods; a memo Mission Bd.; a 
memo Nat. Comte. Ang. Layman's 
Missionary Mov.ement; officially con- 
nected with the St. Andrew's Brother- 
hood; apptd. secy. Ottawa branch 
Moral and Social Reform CounclI, 1909. 
-110 Cartier St., Ottawa; summer: 
(( Rivermead:' Gatineau Pt., P.Q. 
Glashan, John Cadenhead, education- 
S. Thos. G., M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S.. 
and Frances (Stuart) G.; b. Ellon 
Aberdeenshire, Scot., .Jan. 23, 1844; 
m., 1868, Anne, d. Thos. Churcher, 
London, Ont.; came to Can. with f_'ar- 
ents, 1853; e. public schs., ProvI. Nor- 
mal Sch. (where he obtd. a 1st dass 
teacher's cert.), and Toronto Unlv. 
(LL.D., hon., 1899); F.R.S. C., 1902; 
after serving as a publIc sch. teacher, 
became 1st ass1. ProvI. Model Sch., 
Toronto, 1864, and Inspr. schs., Co. 
Middlesex, 1871; Inspr. 'PubUc sc'hs., 
Cilty of Ott!a'wa, 1876; superannuated, 
Aug., .1910; since 1895 a memo 
Bd. of C. S. Examrs.; has been 
V.-P. Alumni Assn., Toronto Univ.; 
presdt. Toronto Univ. Club, Ottawa; 
presdt. London Old Boys' Assn., 
Ottawa, and presdt. St. Andrew's 
Soc., Ottawa; formerly a memo Bd. 
of Examrs, Royal Mil. ColI.; founded 
G. gold med. (math.), Toronto 
Unlv.: joint author, with Wentworth 
and McI.ellan, of a treatise on alge- 
braic analysIs, and author of an arith- 
metic for pUblic schs., and of an ad- 
vanced arithmetic for high schs.; a 
contributor to the Phil. Mag.. the 
Quarterly Journ. of Math., and the 
Am. Jo1trn. of J.fath.; possesses what 
he believes to be the flnest math. lI- 
brary In Can.; presented with his por- 
trait In oils by the public sch. teach- 
ers, Ottawa, 1901.-Hf MacLaren St., 
.. One of the best read mathematicians 
on the continent."-Prof. Alf. Bakef' 
Glass, Chester, lawyer. 
S. late Hon. David G., Q.C., a well 
known Can. public man, and Sarah G., 
d. late Hy. Dalton, London, Ont.; h. 
London, Ont.; e. Hellmuth ColI., and 
Toronto Univ. ; m., .June, 1883, Beatrice 
Claus, d. late .Judge Kingsmlll, Co. 
Bruce, Ont.; barrister (Ont.), 1878; 
do, (Man.), 1882; do, (Mlnn,). 1889; 



subsequently to other bars; success- 
fully practised his prof. at Winnipeg, 
Spok>ane, Wash, a.nd elsewhere; now 
living in N.Y.; has large mining and 
other interests In the U.S.; has travel- 
'led extensively; published: .. The 
WoI1ld, Round It and Ov
r It" (1881) 
and .. Hon. David Glass, Q.C.; some 
of his Writings and Speeches" (1909) ; 
Ang.-74 Broadway
 New York; Calu- 
met Club, do. 
Glassford, Bev, Bobert J. :M, (Presb.). 
E. s. late Rev. Peter G., minr., 
Vaughan and Albion, Ont., 1855-73, 
who came from Scot., 1854; b. nr. 
Elder's Mills, Ont., Nov. 23, 1860; e. 
Weston High Sch. and Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1884); m., Jan., 1890, AgnF-s, 
o. d A. F. Cranston, J.P., Caledon E., 
Onto ; follrow-oo 1Jheol. stuàlies Knox 
CoIl., Toronto; post-grad. course Union 
Semy., N.Y.; o. 1887; pastor Streets- 
vllle, 1889-93; do. Chalmer's Gh., 
Guelph, Ont., 1893...1909; since then hM 
been field secy. Onto Sabbath Sch. 
Assn.; moderator, Toronto and Kings. 
ton, 1906-7; a memo Knox CoH. 
Bd. of Mangt., Onto S. S, Assn., 
Onto Lord's Day Alliance, and Onto 
Ex.tve. Y. P. S. C. E.; foor 3 yrs. 
a memo Presb. Foreign Missionary 
Comte. and various committees of 
Synod and Assembly; represented Onto 
at 4th World's S. S. Convention, Jeru- 
salem, 1904; successfully conducted ch. 
questions In Synod and Gent Assem- 
bly; atpptd. Chaplain, wi,th .m.nk of bon. 
capt., 30th Regt., June, 1904 ; resdrgn.oo, 
191t.-Guelph, Onto 
Globensky, Hon, Arthur, judge. 
S. Lt.-CoI. Hubert and Fanny (Hays) 
G. ; b. St. Eustache, P.Q., Oct. 28, 1850 ; 
e. Montreal CoHo and St. Mary's 
(Jesuit) ColI.; m., 1889, Louisa, d. - 
Moore and widow J. B. Burland; advo- 
cate, 1874; K.C., 1899; successfully 
practised his prof. In Montreal; a for- 
mer partner of Jud'ge St. Pierre (q.v.), 
ex-Recorder Poirier (q.v.) and late O. 
M. Angê, Q.C., M.P.P.; syndic, Mont- 
real bar, 1892-8; an examr. of the P.Q. 
bar, 1892-7; secy.-genI., do., 1897-1910; 
legal agent of the Quebec Govt. at Ot- 
tawa, 1908-10; since Dec., 1910, has 
been a (pU!s.rue judge, S. C., P. Q.; !for- 
merly a. Lib.; on two ooc:aslÏ-ons de- 
clrJ.ned nomlÍnation to Parlrt:.; R. C.- 
 P.Q.; Z66 University St., 
.. A reader a:nd a scholar; is a 
good speaker .and writes prose and verse 
with eleganoo."-M. Star. 
Glockling, Bobert, labour leader. 
S. late Peter and Elizabeth G., To- 
ronto: b. and e. there; for many yrs. 
secy. Ont. Labour Bureau; elected 
presdt. Trades and Labour Council, 
1889; succeeded E. W. Tatum as 
presdt. Intern. Brotherhood of Book- 
binders, 1904, and was subsequently 
several times re-el-e.cted to ,thaJt office; 
elec1.ed V.
P. TD'ronlto .La;bour 'Vemplle 
Co., 1905; a cha,l'ter memo .Peo'plle's 
Tavern Co.; removOO to OIncfnrnoatl, 0., 
Glockling, William, labour leader. 
A bro. Robt. Ú. (q.v.); elected 
presdt. Trades and Labour Congress 

of Can., Sept., 1909; re-elected d'O., 
,Sept., 1910; V.-P. Moral and Social 
:Reform Council of Can.--6 Ottawa Bt.
Glover, Terrot Beaveley, educationist. 
Scottish extraction; only s. Rev. 
Richard G., D.D. (lately presdt. Bapt. 
Union of Eng.) ; b. Bristol, Eng., 1869 ; 
e. Bristol Grammar Sch. and S1. John's 
ColI., Carob. (fellow, 1892-8; 1901); 
m., 1897, ÂJlice, 2nd d. H. G. Few, 
Cambridge; prof. Latin, Queen's Unlv., 
Kingston, 1896-1901; since then classi- 
cal lect. St. John's CoIl., Camb.; au- 
thor .. Life and Letters in the Fourth 
Century" (1901), on which he had 
been engd. during his residence in 
Can. (pronounced by the Montreal Ga- 
zette .. one of the few works of real 
scholarship that Can. has produced"), 
.. Studi-es In VJÏrg1iI" (.1904), and" Tohe 
Conflict of Religions dn the IDarly 
Roman Emp.lre" (909); a Baipt.-57 
Glisson Rd., Cambridge
Gobeil, Antoine, lawyer; retired pub- 
lic servant. 
S. late Antoine G., St. Jean, lIe 
d'Orleans, P.Q.; b. there, Sept. 22, 
1853; e. Quoebe() Semy. and Laval 
Un'lv. (B.L.); m., 1877, Mlle. BJaoohe 
Gingras; advocate, 1902; entering the 
Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa, 1872. 
served as Jaw elk. therein, 1879- 
85; secy., 1885-91; and Depty. Minr. 
from latter year to his retirement, on 
a pensIon, July, 1908 (.presented by the 
staff with an address, a purse of 
$1,000, and a silver service, on retir- 
Ing); since then has been In active 
practice, as an advocate, In Montreal; 
I.S.O., 1904; was presented with a 
gold watch by the Inst. Can., Ottawa, 
1894 in recognition of his services as 
presdt. during the previous 3 yrs.; 
elected presdt. Ind. Develop. Co., Mont- 
real, 1908; an unsuccessful cand.fdate 
for Montmorency (H. C.), In Con. In- 
terest, g. e. 1908; a R. C.-The Marl- 
 Montreal; Rideau Club
Gocher, William Xenry, journalist. 
Eng. and Irish origin; s. Fred. and 
Margt. (Templeton) G.; b. Richmond, 
Co. Carleton, Ont., Feb. 4, 1864; e. 
Kemptville, Ont.; m., Nov., 1889, Miss 
C. A. .I. Neild, Toronto; originally a 
sch. teacher; assoc. ed. Can. Sports- 
man (Toronto), 1881-6; do. do. N. Y. 
Sportsman, 1886-9; ed. The Horseman 
(Chicago) 1889-90; ed. Am. Sports- 
man (Cle
eland), which he founded, 
1890-5' since then secy. Nat. Trot- 
ting Assn and manl'!:. dir. Conn. f.".";tate 
Fair, Hartford; published, 1903, .. Taleg 
of the Turf" (2 vols.); an Epls.- 
H artford
GodfreY, Charles H" Company offi- 
S. late Robt. T. G., M.D., and Ann 
G.; b. ,Ml(mtrea:I, May 18, 1861; e. 
there; m.; now and for some yrs. 
V.-P. and .treas. M-on.treal Steel Works; 
an Ang.; a 00n.-17Z Drummond St., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Forest 
and .stream Club; St. George Snow- 
8hoe Club; Chaple<<u Club



Godfrey, Forbes Elliott, physician. 
A bro. of .1, M. G. (q.".); b. Tp. 
York, Ont., Mch. 31, 1867; e, Owen 
Soound CoIl. InoSt. and Toronto Un Iv. 
(M.B., 1902); an., June, 1894, Miss 
MM'Y M. OaTson; memo -ColI. P. anod 
S., Ont., 1902; L.RC.P. and S., L.F.P. 
a'Ild S. (GloasgI()w); sU'coessfulJy prac- 
tliSies his .prof. R't M'lmico; has saJt for 
W, York (Looail), Con. dnterest.. since 
June, 1907: moved for a comn. to In- 
vestigate the question of tubercul. and 
draw up a definite plan of warfare, 
Mch., 1908; a .Meth.-Southampton St., 
Mimico, Ont.; Albany Club, Toronto. 
Godfrey, John Milton, lawyer. 
S. Rev. Robt. (Meth.), and Mary G. ; 
father Irish; b. vlllage of Hastings. 
Ont., July 23, 1871; e. Owen Sound 
and Clinton colI. Insts. and Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., 1891; LL.B., 1893); m., 
June, 1900, Miss Lily Connor: bar- 
rister, 1894; successfully practises his 
prof. In Toronto; a memo firm Robin- 
ette, G., Phelan & Hend'er-son: ß me-m. 
Toronto PubLic Sch. Bd., 1896-1903; 
chairman, do., 1903; formerly a C.on.; 
left the !party with the late D' Alton 
McCarthy over the Man. sc'h. question; 
now an Ind. Lib.; unsuccessfully con- 
tested Peel (Local), Lib. interest, g. e. 
1908; a Meth.-95 Close Ave.) Toronto; 
National Club; Ontario Club, do. 
Goforth, :Rev, Jonathan (Presb.). 
Eng. and Irish origin; s. Francis 
and Jane (Bates) G.; b. nr. Thorndale, 
Ont., Feb. 10, 1859; e. Ingersoll Gram- 
mar Sch. and Knox Coll., Toronto: 
m., Oct., 1887, Florence Rosalind, y. d. 
late John Bell-Smith, artist; was led 
to decide for mission work through 
hearing the late Dr. Mackay. of For- 
mosa, preach, and It was mainly 
through the Influence of the latter that 
the Alumni Assn. of Knox CoIl. de- 
cided to support him In the China mis- 
sion field, which they have continued 
to do since his appt.. 1888; the site of 
his mi.ssion is North Honan; since 
Ws !arrival :there ihas laiboured wltth 
the most successful results: is said 
to have led a great revival there, which 
has swept the whole of Manchuria, 
1908; he and Mrs. G. returned to Can. 
on furlough, 1909.-Chang Te Fu, N. 
Honan, China. 
.. An elQQ.uent speaker, wh()8e addresses 
bristle with interesting and telling facts." 
-M. Witne... 
Goggin, David James, educationist. 
B. Tp. Cartwright, Co. Durham, 
Ont., Nov. 25, 1849; e. public sChs., 
private tuition and Man. Unlv. (B.A., 
1887; M.A., 1890) ; M.A., ad eund., Vic- 
toria Unlv.. 1891; D.C.L. (hon.), Troin. 
Unlv., 1900; m., Aug., 1898. Miss 
Frences N. Sweetland, Port Hope (a 
memo Local Council of Women; a 
Daughter .of the Empire; one of the 
Founders Regina Victoria Hosp.; d. 
Sept. 1901); successively principal 
MiIlbro.ok schs.. and Port Hope pub- 
lic and model schs.; went to Winni- 
peg to become principal of the Man. 
Normal Sch. and conductor Teachers' 
Insts., 1884, and from 1893 to 1902 

was supdt. of educ., N.W.T.; from 
1902 to 1907 was literary man gr. .of 
the Can. Publishing Co.. Toronto; 
apptd. mango ed. of the new Ont. sch. 
text-books, 1909; In both Man. and 
the Territories filled a variety of 
other offices and positions; was a 
counclllor of Man. Unlv., a coun- 
cillor St. John's ColI" presdt. Man. 
Teachers' ASSD., presdt. Regina Vic- 
toria Hosp., presdt. Dom. Educ. 
Assn., High Chief Ranger I.O.F., 
Grand Master of Freemasons. etc.; 
is the author of a PubUc Sch. Gram- 
mar and of numerous essays and 
sketches; has lectured on .. Canadian 
Education the Standpoint of 
Agriculture and Manufacture It (1906) 
and other subjects; elected presdt. 
Toronto Empire Club, 1908, and V.-P. 
Toronto Univ. Alumni Assn. 1909 ; 
Is a public speaker of more than local 
reputation; an Ang. and a del. to the 
synods.-96 Bismarck Ave.] Toronto; 
Albany Club; National Cluo, do. 
"A'll all-round educationist."-T. New.. 
Goldman, Leopold, Insurance man- 
A mean. Ins-t. of Accls.; for 7 yrs. 
accountant Conf. Life Assn.; on the 
organization of the N. A. Life Assur. 
Co., .Jan., 1881, became secy. thereof; 
remained In this office tlll Mr. Mc- 
Cabe. the mango dir., died, ApI.. 1903, 
when he was apptd. to succeed him; 
elected presdt. Ins. Inst., Toronto, 
1908; author of various papers on Ins. 
topics.-176 St. George St., Toronto; 
National Club, do, . 
GOldstein, Maxwell, lawyer. 
S. Adolphe and Rebecca (Stein) G.; 
b. Quebec (city), May 13, 1863; e. 
NaotJionaJI and High Scl1s., there, a11Jd 
MC'CM:ll Unt\v., Montreal (B.C.!...., wit-h 
Eldzalbe1!h Torrance g.o.Jd med., 1882); 
m., .1892, RosaUe, d. Db-as. Stern, To- 
'1'<>'0'1)0; studied law wl,t'h -the 13JOO Ju:diglee 
Hoft and Irvine, Quebec, ta1e late W. 
H. Kerr, Q.C., and the late C, B. 
Carter, KC" MontreRil, and, on 
attaIning his majority. was called 
to the 'bar, 1884; a former partner 
In firm of Kerr, Carter & G.: now 
hetad of Ibhe firm G. & Be-ulilac, 
Montreal; KC.. 1903; one of the lead- 
ers of the local bar; takes a promm- 
ent part in communal matters; Is hon. 
counsel Baron de Hirsch Inst. and 
German Nat. Soc.; is an hon. presdt. 
Montefiore Club, founded In 1881, in 
honour of the great philanthropist, Sir 
Moses Montefiore, Bart., and devoted 
to literary and social pursuits; was 
first presdt. of the Hebrew Natural- 
ization Assn., having for Its obje
t the 
Instruction of his co-religionists In the 
rights and duties of Can. citizenship; 
elected dJr. Montreal Citizens' Assn., 
1909; beUeves in free elementary edu- 
cation for Rill creeds, and was Instru- 
men tal, /With .others, In having ,the law 
of Quebec altered so as to secure to 
Jewish children equal rights In the pub- 
He schs.; an occMlonal contributor to 
the press upon legal and soclologlcaJ 
subjects: In politics .he has remained 
Independent of party.-BZ St. .Matthew 
St., Montreal; lrlontetiore Club; Mont- 



real Club, do.; Canada Club, London, 
"A man widely respected." - M. 
Good, Henry John Prescott Wn.hire, 
manager; journalist. 
S. .John P., M.A... and Clara Louise 
(Rogers) G.: b. nr. Birmingham, Eng., 
Nov. 22, 1848; e. private tuition, 
Shoreham, and KIng's ColI.; m. MIss 
MacClude; came to Can., 1869; a gov. 
and secy. for ant., Can. Nat. Búreau of 
BreedIng; formerly preadt. Can. 
Lacrosse Assn.; presdt. Can. Bowlers' 
Assn.; was ed. Sundau World (To- 
ronto) for a lengthened period; stln 
edits a dept. of that paper; since 
1909 has been ed. Can. SlJ01.tsrnan; 
long secy. and mangr. Toronto Open- 
AIr Parade Assn., and news agent 
Toronto Indus. Exbn. Assn.; apptd. 
mangr. Dom. Exbn. at St. .John, N.B., 
1910; asked to manage Vancouver 
Exbn., 1911.--6H Manning Ave., To- 
ronto; Albany Club, Toronto. 
Goodday, Horace BichardBon, mer- 
Eng. origin; e. s. Horatio Geo. 
.Jane (Richardson) G.; grands. Dr. 
Horatio G., London, Eng.; b. Feb. 8, 
1873; m., Feb., 1905, Dorothea A:ljce, 
o. d. Mrs. E. E. Baily, Dig1by Moan- 
s.ions, Lonl('l.on; .head of firm H. R. 
G. & Co., lumber merchants, Quebee; 
presdt. Beauce Pulp & Lumber Co.; 
a steward Quebec Turf Club: a capt. 
corps reserve, 10th" Queen's Own Can. 
Hussars"; Ang.-!78 Grand AlZée, 
Quebec; Quebec Garrison Club. 
Gooderham, Lt,-CoL Albert Edward, 
Eng. origin; 2nd s. late Geo. G., 
distiller and banker, and Harriet 
(Dean) G., Toronto; b. there, .June 2, 
1861; e. U. C, CoIl.; m., Oct., 1883, 
Mary Reford (V.-P. Imp. Order 
Daughters of the EmpIre and hon. 
treas. of fund for caring for soldiers' 
gmv-es In S. A.: presented a completoe 
set of drums and fifes ,t'O 1he 100th Relgt 
"Rooyal GrenadIe<rs," 1911), d. Andrew 
Duncanson, Aaniherstburg, On.t.; long In 
v. m. service; en1od. 10tlh "Royal Grena- 
dIers," as 2nd Ileut., 1885; :promote-d 
l.leut., 1887; capt., 1896: major, 1902; 
It.-cot, with -command of the regt., 
1907; commanded hIs regt. at Quebec 
tercent. celebration, 1908; Is V.-P. 
Can. MIl. Inst. and presdt. Offrs.' In- 
door Baseball League; presdt. Dom. of 
Can. Guarantee & ,Accident Ins. CQ.; 
a dolr. Bank of Toronto, Toronto 
Indust. Ex.hbn. Assn., Toronto Genl. 
Trusts Cor,pn., Cllfton Hotel Co.. and 
Havergal Ladles' 'ColI.: rated by 
Saturday Night as a millionaire, 1907; 
on occ8;sion of hIs 25th wedding annI- 
versary, 1908, was presented wIth a 
sterling slIver punch bowl ,by offrs. 
of hIs regt.; Con.; an Ang.-" Dean- 
CTO!t," Glen Rd., Toronto; Albany 
Club; Toronto Club, do. 
"A mast popular officer."-T. Newll. 
Gooderham, George Horace, manu- 
facturer; capitalist; legislator. 
Eng. orhdn; 8rd s. late Geo. and 
HarrIet (Dean) G.: b. Toronto, Apt 
18, 1868; e. Toronto Model Sch. and 

.J8!MS St. COlJ. In!rt.: m., Søpt., 1888, 
Maude, o. d. and heir late Hy. Stephen 
and Maud (Strong) Northrop, Toronto; 
18 presdt. Oolonlal Invest. & Loan Co., 
Imp. Trusts Co. of Can., Toronto Indust. 
Exhbn, Assn., Toronto Hotel Co., Auto- 
mobIle & Supply Co., Can. Zoologlc-al 
Soc.; V.-P. Can. Securltles Corpn.; a 
dlr. Onto Mohor League, Children's Aid 
Soc., and Alta. Central Land Corpn.; 
formerly presdt. ,can. Pe.rmanent Mort- 
gage Cor:pn., and a dlr. Can. Improve- 
ment Co., and Excelsior LIfe Ins. Co.; 
a gov. Toronto Gent Hosp.: an en- 
thusiastic sportsman ; commodore Royal 
Can. Y.acht Club, 1900-3; now vlce- 
commodore of the club; presdt. Granite 
Curllng Club, 1903 and 1906: presented 
a tl'ophy to Toronto Assn. Football 
League for competition, 1904; memo 
PubUc 'Sch. Bd., Toronto, 1899-1903: 
elected chairman, Bd. of Educ., do., 
1904; an unsuccessful candldrate for 
Toronto mayoralty, 1905; has gIven 
25 sc'holarsbips to Toronto pUblic 
sche.: memo Citizens' .comte. to co- 
operate with CIvic Parks Comte., To- 
ronto, 1909; a Freemason and Son of 
Eng.: a Con. and has represented 
South Toronto, Seat "A" (Local) since 
g. e. 1908; an Ang.-fO
 St. George St., 
Toronto; Toronto Club; Albany Club; 
Royal Can. Yacht Club; Granite Cud- 
ing Club, do. 
"A man of cle'an habits and universal 
lDindliness."-" Kit" (q.v.). 
"A level-headed. industrious, well-con- 
du.cted citizen.."-S. N. 
"A man of lei-sure and 'Wealth., wh{} 
li!ho1illd have but one motive in rervintg 
the people---1hat o.f the publio good."- 
T. Globe. 
Gooderham, William George, capital- 
ist; manufacturer. 
Eng. origin; e. s. late George and 
HarrIe't (Dean) G.; b. Toronto, .Jan. 
5, 1853: e. U. C. Coll.; 'In.,, 1875, 
Ella, d. late Wm. and .Mary (Ross) 
Hargraft. Cobourg, ant.; Is !presdt. 
Can. Permanent Mortgage Corpn. and 
G. & Worts, Ltd.; V.-P. Bank of To- 
ronto; presdt. U. C. ColI. Old Boys' 
Assn.: a dlr. York Club, Toronto; 
rated by Saturday Night as a mlUIon- 
aIre, 1907; a Con.; an Ang.-
2 Elm 
A ve., Toronto ; York Club; Toronto 
Club; Albany Club, do.; Rideau Club, 
"Able and efficient."--Can. Oentu1]l. 
Goodeve, Hon, Arthur Samuel, legisla- 
Eng-. and Can. origIn; S. Arthur H. 
and Caroline G.; b. Guelph, Ont., Df'c. 
15, 1860; e. there; m., ApI., 1884, MIss 
Ellen Edith Spence: a graduate CoIl. 
of Phannacy; Mayor of Rossland, 1889- 
1900: apptd. Pro vI. Secy. In the Mc- 
BrIde Admn. (Local), .June, 1903, but 
was defeated In hIs constituency, and 
rf'slgned; returned for Kootenay (H. 
C.), g. e. 1908; apptd.. a memo Tlmber 
and Forestry Gomn., B. C., 1909; do.. 
1910; do., Can. "w.hd'P" (H. C.),1910: 
a Con.; a PJ'e-sb.-Ro88lClnd, B.a. 
"A formidable campaigner and an 
assiduous and painstaking representative." 
-T. Newll, 



ue, Edward Solon, physician' 
htterateur. ' 
S. late Jas. G., fonnerly of Wis- 
casset, Me., and Mariam (Emer,son) 
G.; latter, d. Wm. Emerson, of the 
same family as Ralph Waldo Emer- 
son; first ancestor In Am., Wm. Good- 
hue, of Ipswich, Mass, 1636, a descend- 

nt of Wm, Goodhue, Eng. (vide 
Goodhue Genealogy"); b. Artha- 
_ ba.skavllle, P.Q., Sept. 29, 1861; e. by 
pnvate tutor, St. Francis ColI., Rich- 
mond, P.Q., and Rush CoIl. (Lake 

orest Univ.); graduated, 1892; m., 
Sept., 1889, Miss Lulu Mae Roser 
Chicago, Ill.; was prof. of d-iseases of 
children, Mariam Emerson SCh, of 
Healbh (founded by him), Riverside 
Cal., 1894-5; HJawaiian Govt. phy,sicia
and med. 'supdt., KJoloa Hosp., 1895-7; 
me-d. su-pdJt. Malul.ani Hos,p., and surg. 
Hawaiian and "\Vailuku Sugar Cos: 
1897-1900; Govt. physician. Koloå 
Kaual and surg. Koloa and M-cBryde 
Sugar Oos., 1900-1; med. supdt., 
Mariam Emerson, Koloa Sugar 00. and 
Koloa Govt. Hasps., 1901; asst. surg., 
Marine Hosp. Serv>ice, Koloa Kauai, 
1901; now Govt. physician, North 
Kona, Hawaii, and house ,physician, 
Tille Doctorage Sanitarium, Holualoa 
Ha1wail; Ia memo Am. Med. Assn.: 
Hawallan. TerritJorial Med. Soc., Am. 
Assn. Life Ins. Examining Surgeons 
Assn. Mil. Surgeons of U. S., etc.: 
a..pptd. judg.e, Tax Appeal Ct., Kaua-i, 
but declined, 1902; a del. 2nd Inwrn. 
Scientific Conf., Bergen, Norway, 1909; 
was secy. Aux. French-Can. Evan. Soc., 
1878-81; ed. St. Francis CoIl. Echo, 
1879; do. The Dawn, 1881; do. Daily 
and Weekly Enterprise, Riiv-erSJide, .Cal., 
special contributor, San Francisco 
Bulletin and Ca", and .a memo ed. staff, 
Law and Order Mag., Toronto, 1887; 
ed. Chicago Corpuscle and special cor- 
respiOndent Topeka Lance, 1890; class 
poet, Rush Med. CoIl., 1892; ed. New 
Education, Riverside, 1894; since 1903 
has 'b
n lit. ed., Honolulu Evening 
Bulletm,. Is a correspondent San Jose 
MercunJ, Chicago Corpuscle Pacific 
Bapt., Riverside .county Refle:!:, and St. 
Louis Med. Bne',. a contributor to 
Youth's Companion, Journal Am. Med. 
Assn., etc.; a memo Western Wrlt.el'ls. 
Assn.; author: "Verses from the Val- 
ley" (1889); ",College Hymn, 'Happy 
College Days'" (1891); ,. Class poom 
'Non Fìi'11.ltum sed .Ince.ptum'" (1892): 
"The SeI"V13.nt Question .in Hawall ,; 
(1898); "Beneath Hawaiian Palms 
and Slars" (1899)"; "Hawaii First" 
(1900) ; "The White Settler in Hawaii" 
(1900); "Out ot the Pigeon Holes" 
(1901); "My Trinity" (1903); and 
of the 
Ilowing af\tlcles, reports and 
works on med. .subjects: "Typhoid 
Fever" (1893); "Operation for the 
Correction of Deformity of the Wrist" 
(1894) ; "Government Report" (1895) . 
"Government Report" (1897); "Lep
rosy in Hawall" (1900); "Mistaken 
Identity"; " Salt!'; "A .Product of 
Mortal Mind" ; "Wound of the Trachea 
with Union and 'by First Intention"; 
.. Gastric ULcer" (1900); "State Care 
of Leprosy" (1901); II Molokal, the 
Leper Island" (1901); II A Case of 

Fracture and 'Medical Ethics" (1902)' 
"Practical Surgery" (1903); II Some 
Notes on Dysen.tery in Hawaii .. ; II The 
Physician .in HawaU"; "The Danger 
from Leprosy" ; " The Ol'igin of 
Leprosy II'} Hawall"; "Culture and 
Education In the Medical Man" (1904) . 
and "A Case of Ethics and True Mole": 
a Lib. In Can. and Eng.; in U. S. å 
Rep.; U heart and soul in favour of. 
legitimate nat. expansion"; a Un It.- 
"The Doctorage," N. Kona Hawaii 
T: H.,. Kauai Kodak Club, KoZoa; 
erra Club, San Francisco; Autho1.8' 
Club, Indianapolis. 
"BoOth wit a.nd wisdom in his writings:' 
-Boston Transcript. 
U Is an eßsayist something of the sl)"l.! 
o.f. Chas. Dudley Warner, Donald G. 
MItchell, Norman Bridge a.nd Oliver Wen. 
dell Holmes."-Dr. Walter Lindley, tn 
80uthern Cal. Practitioner. 
Goodhue, William Joseph, physician. 
S. Jas. and Mariam (Emerson) G.; 
bro. Dr. E. S. G. (q.v.); b. Artha- 
baskaville, P.Q., Oct. 8, 1869; e. pri- 
vate tutor, High Sch., Rochester, N.Y., 
and Rush Med. CoIl. (M.D., 1897); 
founded the Mariam Emerson Hasp., 
Eleele KaUlal, Hawaii, 1900; was med. 
supdt. there, 1900-2; since then has 
been do. do., Lepe.r Settlement, MJolokai, 
Hawaii; all his time ,is d-evoted to the 
investigation of leprosy, clinically, 
bacteriologicaIly and chemically; ðis- 
covered the germ of leprosy In the 
mOSQuito and 'bedlbug, 1906; a del. to 
the Worlð's Leprosy Con., Christiania, 
Norway, 1909; reed. hon. m.ention from 
U. S. MIB.l"1in-e Hasp. Service for his 
work in the Eleele plague epidemic, 
1901; besides various reports Is >the 
author of: "Some Clinical Observa- 
Hons at the Settle.ment," U Leper Fever" 
and "Sunnyside and- Obher poems" 
(1890).-Leper Settlement, Molokai, 
"A man in. whom I have ('!Very oontfidence 
in his professional .abilities."-Presdt., Ed. 
of H ealth, Hawaii. 
Goodspeed, Bev, Calvin (Bapt.), edu- 
S. late Calvin L. and Mary A. G.; 
b. Nashwaak, N.B., May 5, 1842; e. 
N. B. Unlv. (B.A., 1866; M.A., 1872; 
LL.D., hon., 1900) ; m., Aug., 1871. Miss 
Anna Fowler; studied theol. Newton 
Theo.!. Semy., Mass., and ,Phi.I., Leiop- 
zig Un-Iv., Germany; o. 1868; (prlnd- 
pal Bapt. Semy., Fredericton, N.B., 
1870; pastor Woodstock, Ont., Rapt. 
Ch., 1874; prof. Woodstock CoIl., 1878; 
pastor 1st Yarmouth (N. S.) Ba
Ch., 1882; ed. Rapt. Messenger (tnd 
Visitor (St. John, N.B.), 1886-90: 
prof. sy,stem. theol. and apol., !McMaster 
Univ., Toronto, 1891-11905; do. do. do.. 
Baylor Univ., Texas, 1905-09; resigned 
owing to lll-heaUh; author" Messiah's 
Second Advent" (1901); a pronounced 
prohibitionist; V.-P. Onto branch Dom. 
.å.'II1iance, 1905-6.-Paradise, N.S. 
"Holds a large place in the esteem and 
confidence of hiB religious brethren."-T. 
Goodwill, Victor Lyall, physician. 
Second s. late Rev. John G. (Ch. of 
Scot. ), a fonner missionary to the 



New Hebrides; 'J. Melbourne, Aust., 
Feb. 3, 1875; e. l>rince of Wales CoIl., 
Charlottetown; m Miss Florence Mabel 
Reid, Kingston, Ont.; graduated M.D. 
(Queen's Univ., Kingston), 1899; post- 
grad. course N. Y.; studied methods 
of mango 'Ínsante hosrps., Mass., N. Y., 
and Ont: apptd. med. supdt. Hosp. for 
the Insane, P. E. I., Feb. 15, 1900; 
consult. physician in mental diseases, 
P. E. Hosp.: estabd. the hosp. in treat- 
Ing and mango the Insane, and abol- 
ished all mechanical re9tralnts and 
covered beds, which had been ex- 
tensively used In P. E. I. till 1900: 
thinks them relics of barbarism: 
estab. a training sch. for nurses 
in connection with hosp., with ex- 
cellent results; has been spoken of 
as the U right man in the right placp" ; 
is bt.-maj'Or a:nd adjt., 82TItò. Regt.: e. 
Presb.-Hosp. for the Insane, Char- 
lottetown, P.E.I. 
Goodwin, Mr., Mary Elizabeth, nurs- 
ing profession. . 
German 'OTigin; one of a. f.amuly ot 
10: d. Isaac Wal.toer and A'I1n (Car- 
roll) doe 
ncier: granodd. Tbteodl(),l'e 
OhMs.tian ode PenC'ier, .an .offr. .in Bur- 
goyne's army òurlnlg ,the Am. revo1u- 
'Í!Ïon.a'ry war; b. on the f'arm <>wnoeod by 
her gt.
gmrudf., nr. BurriU's Riaip'i,dis. 
Ont., Sept, 10, 1857; e. 'local and pri- 
vwtoe sabs., and Bp. Stmchan Soc.h., To- 
I'Onto; graduated, with honours (1st 
class), Tmin'ing Sah. for Nurses, King- 
ston Genl. Hosp., 1895; awardoed òoe- 
gree R. N. (Regc1. Nurse), Undv. Stwte 
of N. Y., 1905: m., Feb., 19:11, Thioha'pd 
Goodwin, Spen1C'eTVliHe, Orut.: su.pdt. 
Infants' Home, King.s.ton, ant, 1895; 
su<pdt. nurses, RockiW'()()Ò Hosp., do., 
1896-7; su.pd,t. GenI. Hasp., and Train- 
ing Seh. for l'Ul's-es, B
ll'Øv-i'He, Onot., 
1898-1903; supdlt. St. lJukoe's Ha,sp., 
NCWlburgh-on-Hud:son, N.Y., 1903-7. sub-soequellitly un1:d:l 'her retJtl"e>moent, 
1!U 1, sU'pdit. Arulotman 'Mem-orla.l Hosp. 
-and Tra,in'irug Sc'h. for Nur&es, Oanton, 
Ohil'O; is a meom. of ,the Canton Gra.d- 
ualte Nurses' AoSsn., and a. memo Am. 
Assn. of Hoop. 
llpdtS.; An1g.-Spen- 
ce7'ville, Onto 
II A teacher of remarkable ability."- 
Dr. O. K. Olarke (q.v.). 
II Pi>&sesses many qualities rarely found 
in one indiv'Ídual, a.ID{)ng others great 
executive .aibiIit
.. As a tÆ:acher alld in, the 
practical training of nurses haß few 
equals." - Mrs. N. M. Shipp, formerly 
Presdt. St. Luke's Ho"p., Newburgh. 
Goodwin, William Henry, business 
E. Buxton, Derbyshire, Eng., 1869; 
m.; came to Can., 1881; some time in 
service Merchants Bank of Can., Win- 
nipeg branch; subsequently and suc- 
cessively a farmer at Moose Jaw, clk. 
In a store, Donald, B.C., and engd. In 
the real estate business, Vancouver; 
after the lapse of several yrs., returned 
East and whIle in Toronto brought 
out the G. method of teaching history 
by chart; afterwards was advertising 
man gr. for T. Eaton & Co., and took 
service with the Robt. Simpson Co., 
becoming, later, ma.ngr. of the John 
Murphy Co., Montreal; now and since 

1910, m.ang. ddr. Goodwine, lAd. (awn- 
ing and o
ra;bing A. E. Rea & Co. 
'Ü'!lttrea.l, Ltd.), an extensive de- 
partmenba.ol lS'tol'e.-.JlìO D07'cJwstm' St. 
1V., Mont1"eal. 
.. Rather 8 remarkable man."-S. N. 
Goodwin, William Lawton, education- 
S. Ed.wa.N! OhnppeH and .Margaret 
(Carey) G.; b. Baie Verte, N.B./', ApI. 
30, 1856; e. local sch., Mt. Allison 
Acad. and Univ. (Gllchrist scholar.), 
EdJinbur,goh Univ. (D.Se.), HeidoeJlber,g 
Univ., and London Univ. (B.Sc., with 
honours in chern. and experimental 
physics, 1881); m., 1885, Christina, d. 
Rev. Wm. Murray, Earltown, N.S.; 
demon. of chern., Edinburgh Univ., 
1879-80: demon. of chern., Univ. ColI., 
Bristol, 1881-2; prof. of chern. and 
physics, Mt. Allison Unlv., 1882-3; 
prof. of chern., Queen's Univ., King- 
ston, 1883-92: since 1893 has been dir. 
of the Sch. of Mining, Kingston; 
F.R.S. C., 1890; Is vice-chalnnan, Can. 
Sec., Soc. O'f Chern. Industry; besides 
being a c<>ntributor to Chemical News, 
Nature, Can. Mining Rev., etc., Is the 
author of "A Text-book of Chemistry" 
(1887), and of a pamphlet on II Ohemi- 
cal Laws" (1893); a Meth.-3 Alice 
St., King8ton, Onto 
Gordon, Bev,. Alexander Beid 
( presb. ), oed uC\3Jtionist. 
E. S. Alex. G., In'verurioe, AÞerd.e-en- 
shire, Scot.; b. Feb. 11, 1872: e. 
King'sCoU., A
berdieen (M.A.; D.Litt.) , 
New ColI., Edinburgh, and the Univs. 
Frelburg, Göttlngen and Berlin; m. 
 Margt., e. d. late Francis Las- 
celles Cockburn, Kotagirl, India; stud- 
Ied theol. New ColI., Edinburgh, where 
he highly distinguished himself; O. 
1898; prof. Old Test. lit. and exeg
Presb. OoJ.l., .Montreal, since 1907; 
haplaln St. Andrew's Soc., 
Mon treal, same year; a utbor: .. T1he 
Earl'Y Trad'l-tJio.rus of Genesis" (.1907); 
a frequent contributor to the Brit. 
press.-5 Springfield Ave., Westmount, 
Gordon, Charles Blair, manufacturer. 
S. John and Jane G., Montreal; b. 
Montreal, 1867: e. high sch. there; 
m., 1897, Miss Annie Brooks, Sea- 
forth, Ont.: began business career 
with McIntyre, Sons & Co., Montreal; 
left that firm to undertake the or- 
ganization and management of the 
Standard Shirt Co., Montreal, subse- 
quently merged with other concerns 
in the Can. Converters Co.; continued 
to manage this co. until the organiza- 
tion of the Dom. Textile Co., of which 
he became, at first, mango dir. and 
V.-P.; elected presdt. of the co., 1909; 
was also previously V.-P. of the 
Montmorency Cotton Mills Co., and of 
the Colonial Bleaching and Printing 
Co., and a dlr. of the Merchants' Cot- 
ton and the Montreal Cotton Cos.; re- 
tains his connection with the latter 
body, and is also V.-P. Penmans, 
Lt'd., and pvesdrt:. Hillcres't Oo.lliierie>s, 
Ltd.; elected a dir, Molsons Bank, 
1909, a dir. C. Meredoith, Ltd., 1910, 
and of the Travellers' Life Assur. C<>., 
do.; eloected V.-P. Quebec brancl1 Dan. 



Manfrs.' tA:ssn., 1911; has J.'eCJtured on 
"'l'he BusIness Management Problem" ; 
ranked by the M. Star as a millIonaIre, 
1911; a Prot.-" Terra Nova," St. Luc 
Rd., Ville Notre Dame deB NeigeB, 
Montreal; Mt. Royal Club; Canada 
Club; Montreal Jockey Club; Royal 
St, Lawrence Yacht Club, do. 
II Outstripped most men of his age."- 
M. Herald. 
.. A practical man, who knows the cot- 
t()n business from A t() Z."-M. Star. 
Gordon, Rev, Charles William 
(Presb.) ; author, 
Scottish parentage; s. Rev. Daniel G. 
(Presb.), who came to Can. in the 
early fortles, and Mary R. (Robertson) 
G.; b. Indian Lands, Glengarry, ant., 
Sept. 13, 1860; e. local sch., Harring- 
ton public sch., St. Mary's High Sch., 
Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1883), Knox 
ColI. (grad., 1887; D.D., hon., 1906), 
and Edrfnburgh Unlv.; m., Sept., 1899, 
Helen Skinner (B.A., Man. ColI., 1896), 
o. d. late Rev. John M. King, principal, 
Man. ColI., Winnipeg; o. 1890; served 
as a missy. to the miners and lumber- 
men of the N.W.T., 1890-3; represented 
Can. Western Presb. Missions, Gt. 
Britain, 1893-4; sIncc then has been 
pastor, St. Stephen's Ch., Winnipeg; Is 
V.-P. Can. Soc. of A'llthQlrs, Can. Ooun- 
ell Pocket '!'est. League, and To- 
ronto Unlv. Alumni Assn.; a dir. Brit. 
and Co!. Press Services and Publishers 
Press, Ltd.; a Fellow Royal Soc. -of 
Can.; chairman bd. of conciIia tlon re 
WInnIpeg St. Ry. Co.'s employees, 
1909; do. bd. of arbitration to adjudI- 
cate In the B.'C. and Alta. Mines dis- 
pute. 1911; apptd. chaplain (with 
hon. rank of capt.), 79th Cameron 
Highlanders of Canada, Feb. I, 1910, 
wri,l:Je,s unldteor .the nom-de-plume 01 
.. Ralph Connor"; .author: .. Beyond 
the Marshes" (1897); .. Black Rock" 
(1898) ; "The Sky PIlot" (1899), "The 
Man from Glengarry" (1901), "Glen- 
garry School Days" (1902), "The 
Prospector" (1904), "The Doctor" 
(1906), "The Angel and the Star" 
(1908), "The Life of the late Rev. 
Dr. Jas. Robertson" (1908), and .. The 
ForeIgner" (1909); elected presdt. 
Winnipeg Can. Club, 1909; has ren- 
dered important services to the cause 
of education, and moQro;Hty .in 
"\V,LnnlÍ,poe'g and the Wes1.-561 Broad- 
way, Winnipeg; -Canadian Club, do. 
.. As a Iite'l'1ary artist st,ands in the front 
of mode.rn writel'6."-Sir Gl'o. W. ROBB 
.. A good judge of human n,a,tUTe and 
has bIemded humour and path-os ve,ry skill- 
funy in his fictionl."-N. Y. Herald. 
.. His style, f
h, crisp !/l,nd teT8e, 
accords with the Weste,rn I.ife, which he 
wen unde'rsta:nds."-The Outlook. 
.. Uses a pe'n dipped in the vell'y cOllors 
and t<mes 00 the ean)"On and s.tmJit h.j.Jls. 
. . . It touchet! just the chords which vibrate 
luxuriously in the P<J'Pular heart."-Boston 
.. With pe.rfect wholesoIDeoneSf!, with ex- 
quisite de-lieaey, with entire fidelity, with 
truest pathos, with freshest humour, he has 
deline,ated choa.mcter. has analyzed motive's 
and emotions, and has portrayed life."- 
St. Louis Globe_Democrat. 

Gordon, Very Rev, Daniel Miner 
(Presb.), educationist. 
S. late Wm. G., a native of Suther- 
Jandshire, Scot., and Amelia (MIner) 
G.; b. Pictou, N.S., Jan. 30, 1845; e. 
Pictou Acad., Glasgow Univ. (M.A., 
1863; B.D., 1866; D.D., 1895), and 
Berlin Univ.; LL.D. (hon.). DalhousIe 
Unlv., 1904: D.D. (do.). Knox ColI., 
T-oronto, 1908; LL.D. (do.), Toronto 
Univ., 19.11; do. (do.), St. Andrew's 
Un.iv., do.; 'ffi., Sept., 1869, EJ.iza 
Simona (d. Jan., 1910), y. d. late Rev. 
John Maclennan, Kilchrennan, ArgyIl- 
shire, Scot.; o. 1866; pastor, St. Paul's 
Ch., Truro, N.S., 1866-7; do., St. 
Andrew's Ch., Ottawa, 1867-82; do., 
Knox Ch., Winnipeg, 1882-7; do., St. 
Andrew's Ch., Halifax, N.S., 1887-94; 
prof. of systematic theol. and apolo- 
getics, Halifax Presb. CoIl., 1894-1902; 
since then principal and vice-chan- 
cellor, Queen's Univ., Kingston, ant.; 
moderator, Genl. Assembly, Presb. Ch., 
1896; was chaplain, 90th Regt., and 
was on active service with it during 
N. W. Rebellion, 1885 (med. with 
clasp) ; took an active part In promot- 
ing the union of the Presb. Chs. 
throughout the Dom., and was a del. 
to the Genl. Assembly of the Ch. of 
Scot., 1875; a del. World's MIssy. Con- 
vention, Edinburgh, 1910; is V.-P. 
Lord's Day Alliance; a memo comte. on 
ch. union, 1906; gave $5,000 to Queen's 
Univ. Endowment Fund, 1910; apptd. 
by Can. Inst. a memo of the FlemIng 
(q.v.) Electoral Reform Comte., 1911; 
In addItion to varIous articles In Good 
W01"dB and other publications, Is the 
author of U MountaIn and Prairie" 
(1880), the narrative of a journey 
made by him from VictorIa acrosS 
Northern B. C., via Peace River Pass, 
and over the praIries to Winnipeg, 
1879.-Queen'B Univ., Kingston, Ont.; 
F'rontenac Club, do.; Am. Universit.ies 
.. An .all.round schowr in the trueM 
sense."-T. Globe. 
.. A man 01 learning, of .attractive per- 
son03,lity and of business ability."-O.' 
.. No one can handle a subject with sucb 
a deft touch, frank demeanor and mildl)' 
aggressive .attitude."-M. WitnesB. 
.. His preoSeoßce is graceful and impres- 
sive; his matteor inv,a,riably wen .arra.nged, 
anod his deli verry, in beauty of elocution, un- 
surpassed in the Oa,noadia.n church."-M. 
"A man of scholarly .attainments and 
wide experience, a tihm"oughgoing Oan03dian 
and wen po.sted on Canadian affairs; .above 
an, a gentleman po6sessing a high sense 
of his respon6ibilLty to his feUow-orea.tures." 
-1..'. World. 
Gordon, Rev, David Lowry (Presb.). 
IrIsh orIgIn; s. John and Margt. J. 
(Walker) G,; b. nr. RIchmond, ant., 
July 6, 1868; e. publlc and hIgh schs. 
and Queen's Unlv. (B.A.. 1897); m., 
Jan., 1900, Anna A., d. Rev. G. H. 
Porter, PI,ct-on, Onlt.; stud.led rhheol. 
Queen's Unlv. and Man. ColI.; twice 
valedIctorian; graduated, 1899 ; o. 
do.; rolled t-o F1ern, I.e B.C., 1900; 
as a missIonary, in S. E. Kootenay, 
with FernIe as headquarters, found Ii 



wide sphere of work and usefulness; 
recognized as the champion of the lab- 
ouring men during labour troubles, 
Fernie, 1902-3; later, called to For- 
ester's Falls, Ont., and still later to 
Russell, Ont.; a commr. to the Geni. 
Assembly, St. John, N. B., 1904, and 
addressed that body on home mis- 
sions in the Kootenays; in early life 
a public sch. teacher; takes a deep 
Interest In the govt. of the country.- 
Russell, Onto 
II An able and :ftuent l!J)eaker; his !ler- 
m{)n!l breathe of the !lturdy spirit which 
has made Presbyterianism such a power in 
the world."-8t. John Telegraph. 
Gordon, Mrs. Emma LeUa, physician 
D. late Colin Skinner, Toronto; b. 
and e. Toronto; graduated M.B., To- 
ronto Unlv., 1896; a memo CoIl. P. and 
S., Ont., do.; m., ApI., 1908, Hy. B. 
Gordon. architect, Toronto, a coun- 
cillor Can. Inst. Architects; a dir. In- 
dust. Schs. Assn., Toronto; a Presb.- 

67 Spadina Ave., Toronto. 
Gordon, George, manufacturer; legis- 
Scottish IQrig:in; s. \Alex. and Eliza- 
beth (Fraser) G.; b. Pakenham, Ont., 
May 2, 1865; e. public and high schs.. 
Pembroke, Ont.; m., Aug., 1894, Miss 
A. E. Parry, Dunnville, Ont.: a lum- 
ber merchant: head of firm Geo. G. & 
Co.; dlr. Cache Bay, Temagaml, Strong 
and Lovering Lumber Cos., A. J. Young 
Co., and other 'business organizations; 
elected for NIpiss'ing (H. C.), Con. In- 
terest, 'g. e. 1908; an unsu
candidate, doo., g. e. 1904; a Presb.- 
Sturoeon Falls, Onto 
.. Ån able b
!liness man."-O. Oitizen. 
Gordon, Harry. Duncan LO
chartered accountant. 
E. s. W. H. L. G. (q.v.), Toronto; 
b. there; e. there and Eng.: m., Feb., 
1905, Mary Kathleen Hamilton, e. d. 
Hon. Mr. Justice Cassels (q.v.): 
trained as an acct. In the office of 
Cooper Bros., London, Eng.; later, In 
the employ of Clarkson & Cross, To- 
ronto; a memo Dom. and Onto Assns. 
Chartered Accts., and of Soc. of 
Accts. and Auditors, London, Eng-: 
one of the originators and promoters 
of the Penny Bank, Toronto (L. P., 
1904); mang-r. do. do. since then; 
Ang.-l0 Dale A ve., Toronto. 
Gordon, Henry Banld, architect. 
S. Thos. and ElIzabpth '(Hamilton) 
G.; b. Toronto, Sept. 30, 1854; e. To- 
ronto Model Sch.: m., 1st, Miss Mary 
Reynolds (d.); 2ndly, Dr. E. L. Skin- 
ner (q.v.); stliCûES'sfuHy pl'alCtifs
s hi,s 
prof. in Toronlto; a counoilil-or Royal 
ATCJh. Inst. <>If Can, ; IÌwlJ.ce presd.t. On t. 
A.ssn. _A.Jrc'hN:
ots; gp.ent 3 y'rs. In N. 
Ohlna and Korea, practising arehiitec- 
ture; Presb.; Ind. Lib.-.f67 Spadina 
A ve., Toronto; (OOlce) Confederation 
Life Bldg., do. 
Gordon, Rev, James Logan (Cong.). 
Scotch-Irish orIgin; b. Philadelphia, 
Pa. : special training and private 
tuition; m. Miss Lillian Horrman 
James, Reading, Pa.; a pastor of the 
Union Congo Ch. before coming to 

Can.; succeeded Rev. Morgan Wood, 
D.D., as pastor Bond St. Congo Ch., 
Toronto, 1899; since 1905 has been 
pastor Central Congo Ch., Winnipeg; 
elected grand chaplain, Grand Lodge 
of Freemasons, Man., 1906; apptd. 
memo Royal Comn. re Man. Univ., 
1908: signed the majority report, do., 
1910; author of several works, in- 
cluding .. Individualism," .. Christian 
Work," .. SUCCE'SS," and .. Fundamen- 
tal Facts of Christianity" ; well known 
on the lecture platform, one of his 
favoI"l'te th-emes being: .. Grace, Grilt 
and Gre-enbacks"; ,is LIb., !but CO'Il.; 
believoes if.n too II F'art:herhoood ()f God 
and tthe Brotherhood of -Man"; QP- 
pose(f 10 .bribery and corrurpHon In 
poldtlcs;ll:lfe, and deS'fres .bandshanent of 
t'he ibaT dn Ì'Ìve l
quor ttroffic.- Winni- 
.. A preacher of more than ordinary 
pulpit ability."-T, Glnbe. 
.. The terror of the journalist, speaking 
at time!? with lightning-like rapidity."-M. 
Gordon, Lt.-Col, .Tames Robertson, 
mining- engineer. 
B. ApI. 22, 1858; a bro. Rev. C. W. 
G. (" Ralph Connor to) (q.v.): e. scien- 
tific training Sch. of Practical Sci- 
ence, Toronto: one of the pioneers of 
Northern Ont.: formerly resided at 
Sud-bury; mu-oh 1nterested In !the doe- 
velopment of the silver mining region 
In Coleman; by skilful diamond drill- 
ing made an Important discovery In 
Clear Lake, 1906; one of a comte. 
formed, In 1906, for securing the or- 
ganization of Northern Onto into a 
new province; long In the V. m. ser- 
V'ice; It.-col. commdg. 97tJh Regt., 
1906-9; gav
 3 meda, for competition 
by his regt. In shooting, 1907; a presb. 
-Cobalt, Onto 
Gordon, .Tames Thomas, manufac. 
turer; legislator. 
Trlsh orlg-In: S. latp .John and Sarah 
(Elliott) G.; b. nr. Tweed, Ont., Dec. 
25, 1859; e. there; m., Nov., 1885, 
MearIe, d. .Jose'Ph Baldwin, Co. York, 
Ont.: removed to Man., 1879; always 
in mercantlle life; founded the firm of 
G., Ironsides & Fares, Winnipeg, 
which has established one of the larg- 

st packing houses In Can. west of the 
Great Lakps, having branches at Fort 
William, Port Arthur, Kenora, Rainy 
River, Sudbury, Sault Ste. 'MarIoe, and 
Montreal; a dlr. Gt. West Permt. 
Loan Co. of Winnipeg; presdt. Stand- 
ard Trust Co., and Monarch Life 
Assur. Co.: pr
sdt. Dom. Expn., Win- 
nipeg, 1904: has sat for WinnIpeg S. 
(Local), Con. Interest, since Jan., 
1901 ; moved addrpss in rpply to speech 
from thronp. 1902; ::t Meth.-Wfnni- 
peg; Manitoba Club, do. 
.. One of the 
reat men of the Weøt."- 
Late Senator Perley. 
.. The PhHip D. Arm()'Ur of Cana.d.a."- 
Oan. Century. 
Gordon, Rev. John A, (Bapt.). 
Scottish origin; b. Ulgg, P.E.I.; e. 
public and high schs., P. E. I.; M.A. 
(hon.), Acadia CoIl., 1894; D.D. 



(hon.), do., 1904; m. e. d. late John 
Ford, North River, E. Point, P.E.I.; 
followed theol. course, Newton Theol. 
Semy., Mass.; o. 1875; successively 
pastor Milton Ch., Yarmouth, N.S.; 
Lelnster st. Ch., St. John, N.B.; Main 
St., do. ; 1st Ch., Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; 
since 1899 has been pastor 1st Bapt. 
Ch., Montreal, which edifice he has re- 
built; has declined calls from Winni- 
peg, Charlottetown, and other cities; 
has been V.-P. Lord's Day AlUancp 
Oocal branch); V.-P. Prisoners' Aid 
Assn., and presdt. Grande Llgne Missy. 
Soc. and Maritime Bapt. Union; apptd. 
a memo of the Comte. on Ch. Union, 
1906; was also one of the promoters 
and a memo of the comte. to organize 
Bapt. Union, 1908; a gov. Acadia 
Univ.: Is also a memo For. Mission 
BdI. 'Of Onlt. and Quebec, 'Of the BrU. 
and Foreign Bible Soc. and of th., 
Moral and Social Reform Council; 
takes a Ufe-long interest In temp. re- 
form; author of a .. History of the 
F1i,rnt BapNst Ohurc'h 'Of .Mmf.tTOOq, ,. 
(1906) ; objected to th
 celebration of 
high mass on the Plains of Abraham, 
Aug., 1908, as part of Teroent. celebrn- 
tlon.-lf5 Hutchison St., Montreal. 
Gordon, John Calder, business man; 
journalist; publicist. 
S. late John G., merchant, Glasgow. 
Scot., and Agnes (Calder) G., one 
of the Calders of Caithness, Scot.. n 
lineal descendant of Admiral Sir Robt. 
Calder, Bart. ; grandnephew late 
Duncan McIntyre, Montreal: b. Kep- 
poch House; Glasgow; came, when 
very young, to Hamilton, ant.; later. 
removed to Toronto: went to Boston, 
Mass., with his family, 1881; has 
taken a prominent part In all mat- 
ters of Interest to the Brit. colony of 
Boston and Mass.; was state secY., 
Brit. Am. Assn., Mass., founded, prin- 
cipally, to create a better understand- 
Ing and more friendly feeling be- 
tween the U. S. of Am. and Gt. Brit. 
and her colonies: more recently has 
held a similar official position in the 
Anglo-Am. Assn., a non-partisan body 
seeking to interest Brltlshers who 
have become Am. citizens In affair!'! 
of state; for a number of yrs. has 
rendered important service to Can. by 
his enthusiastic and timely advocacy 
of the resource!'! and opportunities 
offered In the Dom. to wide-awake, 
progressive men, in industrial, com- 
mercial and agrlcul. pursuits. and 
has repeatedly appeared before comtes. 
of the Mass. Legislature in opposi- 
tion to the sort of recfprocfty sug- 
gested In the petitions presented to 
Congress to move in the matter of 
tradp relations with Can.: as secy. 
of the Can. Summer Resort Assn., 
Boston, has also been affori1ei1 fin 
opportunity of showing his frleni1Iy 
regard for the" Dom.: has wrItten 
coplousl,y; a mpm. of the Scots Char- 
-I,table SOIC., Burns Miem'OrilRil Assn.. Rnod 
OreeT of Baronets of N. S.-Brookline, 
Mass.; Victorian Club, Boston. 
Gordon, Bev. John Simpson (Presb.). 
S. Hy. and Sophia G.; b. Montrose, 
P.E.I., Nov. 28, 1865; e. pUblic and 

high schs., Prince of Wales Call., 
Charlottetown, and McGlIl Unlv. (B.A. 
and gold med. for best genl. stand- 
Ing, 1893) ; m., July, 1899, Miss Laura 
Brown, Vancouver, B.C.; pursued 
theol. studies at Montreal Presb. CoIl.; 
o. 1896; after teaching in Vancouver 
5 yrs. was a,pptd. Inspr. OIf schs. for 
Y\8.Jle-Oarlboo, 1902; s
nCJe 1908 ha
been in charge of the Vancouver Island 
Sc11. DIst.-Victoria, B.C. 
Gordon, Mr., Margaret Blair, physi- 
D. .John and Mary Ann BlaIr 
('F1l'a1ffiJe) Y,oun-g, na,N.voe'S GI.a,sgIQ'W, 
'Soot.; b. Lon,c]lon, ant., Jan. 14, 1861; 
e. Toronto pUblic schs.; m., Sept. 30, 
1885, Geo. A. Gordon; M.D. (Trin. 
Unlv., Toronto), 1898; memo CoIl. P. 
a,nrd S., Ont., 1899; a .ffi'eIll1. extve. 
combe. Peaoe and Ar'bit. ,SlOe. and 
Slng>lre Tax Assn.; .tI"OO.s. ,Loca;l Coun- 
C'H of Women, V.-P. Nat. Can. 
Assn. and Progressive Ol'ub; .franchJ!se 
surpdlt. W./C.T.U., Toron1o; ra; 
!:a,vQurs :poldtlClaJI equaJ1lty ()If sexes anld 
pUbl'ic ()IWnersh:lp of lPulbillic UltUd.tde,s; a 
foree Itrader.-7f6 Spadina Ave., To- 
Gordon, Bev, Kathan (.Jewish). 
A graduate of the Hebrew Union 
CoIl. and Unlv. of Cincinnati; apptd. 
Rabbi of Temple Emmanu-El, Mont- 
real, Sept., 1906; apptd. lect. rabbi- 
nical and mediæval Jewish lit., Mc- 
Gill Unlv., ApI., 1909; long an ardent 
student of Oriental langs. and lit.; one 
of the most eloquent and telling appeals 
on behalf of the nationalization of the 
Plains of Abraham in 1908 came from 
hlm.-lIfcGill University, 1IIontreal. 
Gordon, His Honour Thomas Cran- 
ston, Dist. judge. 
B. Collingwood, ant., July 14, 1867; 
e. COlIlngwood Call. Inst.; grad. ant. 
Law Sch., 1893; barrister (ant.), do.; 
went West same year, and was ad- 
mitted to local bar; successfully prac- 
ti-sed ihis ,prof. at Carn1duff, &'lsk.; 
;I pptd. dds't. judge, jI. d'ist. Y;o-rkton, 
Nov. 21, .1907.-Yorkton, Sask. 
Gordon, Col, William Dunlop, late 
Can. regular mHltary service. 
S. Tihoo. G. and Raohael (Moore) 
G., Klngsto.n. Onlt.; b. PeteIl'borougih, 
Feb. 16, 1852; e. It:Ihere; m. :IDIlza J be1oh 
Amellira, d. M. iL. Pense, Kingston: 
enrtd. V. 1ll1. service, at 16, as a bug-lrel". 
14th Regt.; became en'sign, 1869 ; 
Heut., 1872; ca;pt., 1873, rand major, 
1878; entering !permanent 001ìPS', was 
capt., I. ,So C., on 'Org1an,izat:ion, 1883; 
maj'Or, 11893; cr1.-ool., 1899, and col., 
1905; wter j.oln.lnog- .the mil. staff, was 
aotJln.g D. O. C., M. D., No.9, 1891-3; 
D. O. C., M. D., NO.5, 1897-1905; 
(10. Eastern Onto CQTI1'l11rand', 1905-9; 
Quebec command, 1909; retired, Aug., 
1910; while In N. B. was A. D. C. and 
private secy. to successive It.-govs.; 
has passed all the required exams., 
both here and In Eng., and holds many 
1st class certs.: /Served during the 
Fenian raids, 1866-70 (genl. service 
med., with 2 clasps), and S. A. War, 
1899-1901 (med.); read King's procIa- 
m.aJÌlÏon, Montreal, on thl,s a-cce.sslon t() 
the IthrO'Ile, 1910; oommanded 2nd Dlv., 


Infy. Br:lga,d.e, Quebec 
roem. Ce<I:e-- 
bmtlon, .1908; a ICOUnc.ulor, HOlY. Scout 
movemoolt, Mon-trOOJ}, .1910; Ang.- 
Kingston, Ont.; Frontenac Club, do. j 
St. .James's CLub, Montreal, 
Gordon. William Seton, lawyer. 
Fourth So Capt. John G., formerly 
of Quebec, and 
rtrude, d. Col. Gouv- 
erneur Ogden, Ogdensburgh, N.Y.; be- 
longs to the Gordons of Lochdougan, 
cadets of th
 Kenmure family, whose 
principal seat Is Kenmure Castle, nr. 
Galloway, Scot.; b. Troy, N.Y., Aug. 1, 
1853; e. Columbia Univ., N.Y., and 
Trln. Unlv., Toronto (B.A., 1871; 
M.A., 1886); m., Feb., 1880, Mary 
Newbold, niece late Rt. Hon. J. A. 
Roebuck, M.P. ; barrister (Ont. ) . 
1877; succ
ssfully practised his prof. 
In Toronto for yrs.; later removed to 
N. Y., where he has since practised 
as a memo of the local bar; a well- 
known contributor to the legal prof. 
journals; also wrlt
s extensively for 
the dally newspaper press, both Eng-. 
and Am.; an ardent Imp. FederaUon- 
1st; his articles upon this subject In 
Can. and Brit. journals at the incep- 
tion of the movem
nt some yrs. ago 
attracted considerable attentlon.-9R 
Lorraine Ave.. Upper Montclair, N.J.; 
Delta Phi Club; Bar Association, N. Y. 
Gordonsmith. Charles Robert Wil. 
liam, journalist. 
E. s. late Rev. C. E. G., F.S.Sc. 
(Presb.) ; b. Twillfngham, Essex, Eng., 
June 10, 1870; m., Sept., 1894, Alice, 
e. d. late Joseph Hall, Montreal; as 
a young man studied -chemistry; 
abandoned It for journaHsm, 1891, 
first joining stafT Montreal Herald: 
later, joined 51-afT Montreal Star, of 
which !he was city ed., 1896-1901: 
since then has been ed. Montreal 
Weekly Witness; Is also mango ed. Can. 
Pictorial; was presdt. Press Assn., P.Q., 
1900-1; 'Provl. G. M., P. Q., I. O. O. F. 
(M. U.), 1903-4; vice-regent, Lauren- 
tian Coundl, Royal Arcanum, 1903-4; 
Presb.--35 .Milton St., .Montreal. 
Gorham, His Honour Thomas Am- 
brose, Co. Ct. judge. 
Descended from Sir Ralph G., who 
accompanied William of Normandy to 
Eng.; Jas. G., a native of BenefIcld, 
Northamptonshlre, who came over In 
the Mayflower, was the first of the 
family to land In Am.; many merns. 
of family rose to high rank in Brit. 
army, and served at Havana, Louls- 
burg, and Que
, Ve.spec:tJiVE,ly; s. 
Chas. and Helen D. ('Mi.Ine) G.; b. nr. 
Sparta, On1.; E. NEwmark,at and To- 
!'Onto; 'Ill., 1893, AnrmaJOOIla, o. d. Oa'P.t. 
F'mnds VliHl.ers, W'innipeg; is'tud'i-ed law 
wI-vh late Sir O. Mowat. G.C.M.G., onE 
of t'he Fathers {)If Oonrfoo'e'ratd-on; baT- 
rister, 1882; commenced 'J)oocotiÏ-ce 
Port AiI'It'hur, where be was ellE!-0toed .a 
C-oundUor, 1888, and MaytOT, 1889; 
Crown atty. and olk. of ItJhe poeoacoe, 
Thunder Bay, 1892; jud'ge Co. Ot., Ha,l- 
ton, Nov. 27, 1901; was :In .servoice OIf 
C.P. Ry. Co., 1882-5, risirug to the posi- 
tion 'Of asst. g'enol. supd.t. (W. (].fv.); 
resI.gned iTI tlatter yea,r to devote him- 
self! to hIs prof.; whdle 1n ipTlvate life 


a Lib. ; .an Ang., but a str-ong S'UP'l>OTter 
and .aod>heren.t of -t-he Pr>esb. Ch.-Mil- 
ton, Ont.; National Club, Toronto. 
Gorman, Major Henry, Onto public 
service; journalist. 
Irish origin; s. Cornelius ,G., form- 
erly 23rd Royal Welsh Fusillers, and 
Ann (Preston) G.; b. Halifax, N.S., 
Feb. 6, 1839; e. publfc and high "Schs., 
Londion, Ont.; m., 1864, HarrIet (d. 
1904), d, Evan Evans, London, Ont.; 
joined 100th Royal Can. Regt., on Its 
formation, 1858; retired after 4 yrs.' 

ervice: 1Iput. 7th Fusillers. London, 
Ont., 1866; retired, with rank of major, 
1879; served during Fenian raid'S 
(me<1.) ; apptd. polI
e magistmte, town 
of Sarnla, 1899; a J. P., do.; for 15 yrs. 
was asst. ed. and parity. reporter 
London Advertiser,. since 1879 has 
been ed. and propr. Sarnia Observer; 
a Lib.; a R. C.-Sarnia, Onto 
Gorman, Michael James, lawyer. 
Second S. late Jos. and Mary 
(Ouellette) G.: father a native of 
Kilrush, Co. Clare, Irel.: mother, a 
native of Can.: b. nr. Pembroke, Ont., 
Sept. 16, 1856; e. T,ol'on.t:o Un,iv. 
(LL.B., J.882) and Ottawa Unlh.'. 
(LL.B., ad e1tn., 1889); lID., OcIt., 
1883, Mary F'ranües, 2nd d. lalte 
Michael O'Meara, Pembroke. Onto : 
barrister, 1880; practised his prof. 
successfully at Pembroke 7 yrs.; ad- 
mitted to ba r of nl., U.s.. 1887; prac- 
tised in Chicago 1 yr.; has practised 
In Ottawa since 1888; KC., 1902: 
one of the leaders of the bar: much 
trusted by his co-rellglon.lsts; ipresdt. 
Al,umnl Assn., Ottawa Unlv., 1889- 
1890; do. Co. of Carleton Law Assn., 
1898-99; state dejpty. for Ont., 
Knights of Columbus, 1904-5; for some 
yrs. a councillor St. Patrick's Asylum: 
reed. in audienrce by His HoI.fness the 
Pope, 1910; a frequent contributor of 
leadin,g art'lcles In legal 'Periodicals; 
!l uthor "A County Court 1.!anual" (2nd 
ed., 1910) ; R. C.-!.f
 Augusta St., Ot- 
tawa; Laurentian Club; Rivermead 
Golf Clnb, do. 
Gorrell, Lt.-Col. Charles Wilson Far- 
ra.n, physician. 
S. Geo. Taylor and CatherIne (Ful- 
ton) G.; father's family from Fer- 
managh, Irel.: mother a descendant of 
Chas. Beale, Birmingham, Eng., t 708 ; 
b. Farran's Pt.. Ont.. Oct. 27. 1871; P. 
Br.ockville PuMlc .goh. and 0011. In'!"t. 
and ,McGill Univ. (M.D.,C.,M., 1894); 
unm.; asst. private secy. late Hon. C. 
F. Fraser, MinI'. of Publl-e Works, To- 
1"0 , 1886-9; 1st asst. ;Mont. Genl. 
Hos-p., 1894; med. sU'J)dt. Garr>ebt 
Hosp., Ba:l.t!imove, Md., 1895: la<t'e,r 
oame li:o Ottawa and joined stafT 
at St. Luke's Hosp.: studied for mil. 
prof. at mil. schs., London, Toronto, 
and St. John's: enllsted in 41st Re
as a private, 1888; gazetted lIeut. 42nd 
Regt., 1889; late major commdg. No.2 
nearer Co., A. M. C.; promoted It.-co.l., 
Nov., 1906; apptd. P. M. 0., M. D. 
No.4, Jan., 1907; 'holds l'Ong seTV'ÍCe 
decomtl'on: a !.Jlb.; an An.g.-3OfI 
Some1'set St., Ottawa.. Otta1Va H1I11t 
. Club, do. 



Gorrle, Alexander Johnston, business 
B. Raith, Klrcaldy, Scot., Dec. 10, 
1868; e. public schs.; m., Oct., 1905, 
Ada, ð. late Dr. Octavius Yates, King- 
ston, Ont.; entd. .servlce Caledonian 
Ry., Glasgow, Scot., as a elk., May, 
1883, and, after ftlllng various posi- 
tions therein, came to Can., 1892, to 
enoter the servJce of the C. P. Ry. : joined 
Can. Northern Ry., In charge of the 
operating dept. at Winnipeg, 1899; 
became supdt. Port Arthur, Duluth & 
Western Ry., at Port Arthur. Onto 
('now a portion of the Can. Northern 
Ry.), .July, 1900; supdt. Can. North- 
ern Ry., at Winnipeg, 1902; gent su- 
perintendent Gt. Northern Ry. of Can., 
May, 1903; resigned, .Jan., 1908; since 
then has been genl. mango and V.-P. 
Geo. Hall Coal Co., Montreal; present- 
ed with silver service by the oiTrs., on 
'p'aV'ing the Glt. N.or.tlhleTTl Ry.; Am.g.- 
578 Dorchester St. W., Montreal; St. 
James's Club,. Engineers' Club,. Thistle 
Curling Club, do.,. Quebec Garrison 
Gosling', William Gilbert, merchant: 
R Chas. Gray and Elizabeth 
(Gflbert) G.; b. Bermmla, Sept. 8, 
1863 : e. there; m. Miss Armine 
Nutting, Waterloo, P.Q.; In commerdal 
life in Nfò.: Y.-P. Nfò. Rò. of Traòe: 
author II I.abrador: Its DIscovery, Ex- 
ploration and Development" (1910); 
"Life of 
ir Humphrey Gilbert" (in 
press) :. also, of a series of articles on 
II The Tempest and the Bermudas," 
pUblishedj in Literature; strongly 
opposed to the confederation of Nfd. 
with Can.; Ang.-77 Le Marchant Rd., 
St. John's, Nfd.,. City Club, do. 
.. Leavens his learned labour 80 a8 to 
make the reading {)f his bo-ok on Labrado-r 
ns -pleasant as it is instructive."-Truth. 
Gosnell, B, Edward, B.C. public ser- 
S. late .John and Margt. G.; b. Lake 
Beauport, P.Q., 1860: e. Onto schs.; 
m., 1887, Miss Agnes White (d. 1898); 
In early yrs. a publfc .sch. teacher; 
later turned to journallsm, and was 
ed. of several Onto journals; went 
to B. C., 1888; after being employed 
on the press and filling several re- 
sponsible official positions there, was 
named LegIslative Librarian and 
Secy. of Statistics and Historical In- 
formation; after leaving this position 
was ed. of the VIctoria Colonist for 
some yrs.; more recently has been 
made secy. of the B. C. Forestry 
Comn. and p.rov.!. A.rûhoiwS't: was 
prominently identified w.lth the Imp. 
Federation cause find Brit. EmpIre 
League in B. C.; wrote .. Some Prac- 
tical Phases of a Great Question" 
(1901): was the ed. of II The Year 
Book of B. C." (1904); collaborated 
with R H. Coats (q.v.) in producing 
.. The Life of Sir .James Douglas" 
(1905). and won a Flumerfelt (q.v.) 
prize on -immigration (1908); a del. 
to the Conf. on Educ., London, Eng., 
1907.-Victoria, B.C. 
II A gentleman alwaya."-V. World. 
.. An auth-ority on the hIstory and afraln 
o-f B. O."-T, Ne1J).. 

Go..eUn, Bev, AUg'uste Honor6 
(RC.), !hIstorian: hlogra,p!her. 
S. Joseph and Angele (Labrie) G,: 
mother, a near relative of Late Dr. J. 
Labrie, M.P.P.; b. St. Charles-de- 
Bellechasse, P. Q., Dec. 29, 1843: e. 
Quebec Semy. and Laval Unlv. (B.A. 
and; Prince of Wales gold med., 1863; 
Lltt. D., 1890); LL.D. (hon.), Ottawa 
Unlv., 1897: o. 1866; secy. to the 
Archbp. Baillargeon, Quebec, 1866-8; 
V1Ioar, BasiUca., Quebec, 1868-9; fl.'I"st 
curé, Ste. Jeanne de Neuville (Pont 
Rouge), 1869-86: displayed such ability 
and activity in C1h. work as to merit 
the special commendation of his ecclesi- 
astical superiors; curé of St. Ferrêol, 
1886-93: since then has devoted his 
whole attention to literary work; 
F.RS.C., 1892; a 001'1'. mlØtn. Soc. of 
Antlq. of Normandy an(} of Soc. of 
Agrlcul., Sciences, Arts and Belles- 
I,ettres of the Dept
 of rEure: apptd. 
a memo Can. HIstorical 'Manuscript 
Comn., 1907; has on two occasions 
v.i.sio1oo Ell'rop.e, .pen
tratlrug toO Eg"Y1p!t 
and the Holy Land; has contributed to 
Le Can. Français (Que-bee), La Rev. 
Can. (Montreal), La Rev. Cath. de 
N ormandie, etc.; aut'hor: .. La Vile de 
Mgr. de Laval, premier êvêque de Quê- 
bec et apðtre du Canada" (2 vols., 
1890); .. Les Nonnands au Can." (3 
vols., 1892-4) : an account of the sacer- 
dotal jubilee of Card. Taschereau 
(1892); II Observations apropos du 
P. Ie .Jeune et de M. de Queylus" 
(1896): II La Vie de Henri de Ber- 
niêres" (1897); .. Un bon patriot 
d'autrefols, Ie Dr. Labrie" (1898); 
.. ,Mgr. .de .sa,lnt Valtl'lelr et ,Son Temps" 
(1900) ; II Jean Nicolet et Ie Canada de 
Son Temps" (1905); and many other 
historical and biographical works.- 
St. Charles-de-Bellechasse, P.Q. 
II A distinguished manl of let
. :a ripe .and a. close stude.nt."-Dr. John 
Ileade (q.v.). 
GOBs1er, Philip Green, electrical engm'. 
B. Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa., 
Aug., 1870; employed on the starr or 
[he United Electric Light & Power Co.. 
N. Y., for some yrs., up to May, 1895, 
when he went to Montreal, as genl. 
mangr. Montreal Light, Heat & Power 
Co.: resigned this position, Mch., 1904, 
to become man gr. of the operating de- 
partment of J. G. White & Co., N. Y.; 
a memo Am. and Can. Inst. E. E.; 
presdt. Can. Elect. Assn., 1903.-Neto 
York; St. James's Club, Montreal. 
Gothard, Samuel James Deens, jour- 
S. Ambrose and Mary Isabella 
(Deens) G.; b. Edinburgh, Scot., .Jan. 
26, 1874; e. Brandon Acad.: m. Miss 
Kate Matilda Downing, Vancouver, 
B.C.; a printer and journalist: cd. 
7'rade Unionist; mangr. Monday Guar- 
dian (Vancouver); originally Con., 
now ind., on account of corruption In 
the country and coercive relfgIous 
measures; favours stoppage of patron- 
age sy,stem, IS. 'referendum vo-te in re- 
gard to huge bonuses, etc., municipal 
and govt. ownershIp; regards the re- 
IIgl0U8 coercfon Initiated by the Laur- 
IeI' Govt. as the worst thing that has 



happened the cauntry; no. religlan,- 
Vancouver, B.C, 
GOuln, Jam.e. Alfred, Dam. public 
Paternal nncestorl!l came fram Poltau, 
France, 1663;' 6th 8. Françals and 
Lucinda (Spicer) G.; latter U. E. L. 
st'OCk; b, Ba1e ð.u F"1ebv'I"e, P.Q., Meh. 
19 1835; e. Rlchmand, P.Q., and 
Thom's Commercial Acad., Quebec; 
m., OCJt., 1862,, 4th d. -løJte 
J". F. FÞI, nooll Trenton, Orut.; !in eaTIIY 
y'l"S. in 't:he Jl\lmoor trade; for a long 
period pro,pr. Russ.en House, Ottawa; 
b. 7, 1885, has 'been .PO'9t- 
master of Ottawa; R.C.-357 B, Ken- 
ni8ton Apt8., Ottawa; Rideau Club, do.. 
Gouin, Hon, Sir Jean Lomer, lawyer; 
Family lang settled In P.Q. ; s. ;r. N. 
G., M.D., and Vlctarle Seraphine (Fu- 
gere) G.; b. Grand-tnes, P.Q., Mch. 19, 
18C2; e. Sarel Coil., Levis Call. and 
Laval Unlv. (LL.B., 1884; LL.D., han., 
1902); LL.D. (hon.), McGill Unlv.. 
1!}11; m., 1st, .May, 1888, Ðlliza (d. 
Sept., 1904), d. ,late Hon. Honore Mer-, Prim.e Mlnlr. -of QUeJbec; 2ndJlY', 
Sept., ,1911, IAJltice, ,d. la.t.e Auguste 
Atmos, .MonltI'eiSil; stud
ed law under 
late Sir J"dhn A'bboU and late 
Han. R. Laflamme, two. prominent 
leaders af the Mantreal bar; adivocatf', 
1884; one ot the leaders ot the provt. 
bar; succ>essfully practises his praf. 
In Mantreal as head af flrm af G., 
Lemieux (q.v.), Murphy & Berard; a 
former partner af J"udge Pagnuelo and 
late Han. H. Mercier; elected bdton- 
nier-oenl., Provl. bar, 1910; a,pptd. an 
offr. de l'In8t. Pub. (Fran-ce), 1902, 
and af the Legian of Hanaur (do.), 
1907; knighted by King Gearge, Que- 
bec Tercentenary celebratlan, 1908; 
ap.ptd. a mem., Council at Public Instr., 
P.Q., 1898; elected presdt. North Am. 
Fish & Game Prato Assn., 1910; do. do.. 
Dan. Camp Club, 00.; a dlr. Mt. 
Rayal Assur. Ca.; a memo Bd. of Con- 
tro.l, Le Banque Pravl.; an ald., Mant- 
real, 1900; a Lib.; unsuccessfully co.n- 
tested RlcheHeu (H.C.), g. e., 1891; 
sail far Mantreal, St. J"ames's dlv. 
(Lacal), 1897-1908; sInce then has sat 
for Partneuf (da.); Cammr. of Public 
Warks (Parent Admn.), 1900-4; since 
Mch. 23, 1905, has been PremI<er .and 
AJHy. Gent, ,P.Q.; ohal.rman, Ot'taw.a 
InteJ'iProvl. Cont'., 1906; ra del. 00. 
do., 1910; ed. a -specd:wl oo-IUan 
ot the Quebec ,M'lmloIp8l1 Code;. 
present, by Invltatian, at the 
tIan <>t' King Gearge and Queen Mary, 
Westrmn'ster AJbbey, Junoe, 19.1.1; on 
the oooasian of hIs ma.rriage, .1911. wa.s 
plIe8ented 'by hIs Mantreal ,frIends wIth 
a sHyer t<<1. service, and by his pollI- 
tloaJ frle-nods dn ,the Assembly wl,th ra 
sllve-r d'inner aerv.Loe; a R.C.-Quebec; 
Gani80n Club, do.; Club St. Deni8; 
Montreal Reform Club, Montreal. 
uA øtra.Ightforward business man."- 
V.ner4bu Archdeacon Kerr (q.l1.). 
II The greate6t Prime :Min.ister the Pro- 
dnce has eveT known."-Hon. L. A. Taø- 
ehereau (q.l1.). 
II An>a.bor ()If brea.dth of view, 

reat energy And a.biUty and 
K.b18 pl"OlbåJty."-M. Witness. 

GoulnlocJr:, George W., architect. 
S. late Walter G., Paris, Ont.; b. 
and e. there; m.; studled for hIs prof, 
In Hamlltan, Chicago. and MIlwaukee; 
In successful practice In Taran to. far 
24 Y'I"S.; -has designed thoe Indoust. 
Expn. buUdlngs, rtlhe T-emple, the Gay- 
etJy 'Dheatre, and the extension of .the 
Parlt. Bdgs., Taronta, the Foresters' 
Orpoorus' Horne, Deseron'to, etc.; elect- 
ed presdt. Onto Assn. of Archltectl!l, 
1909; a Can.; an Ang., and a del. to 
the Synad.--s1 Walmer Rd., Toronto; 
National Club; Albany Club, do. 
,. His oh.aM.oOOristics are :industry, f,nmk- 
ness and pI"ogressivooess." - Saturday 
Gould, Charles Henry, lIbrarlam.. 
E. S. J"aseph G., (q.v.) and AbigaIl, 
d. late J"acab De Witt, M.P., Mantreal; 
b. Mantreal, Dec. 6, 1855; e. Mantreal 
High Sch. and McGUI Unlv. (B.A., with 
1st rank hanaurs and Chapman med. 
In classIcs, 1877); did past-grad. wark 
In physics during part af the yrs. 
1877-8; In business for several yrs; 
then studied lib. ecanamy, and trav- 
elled' llbrarlan McGill. Unlv., since 
1892; entd. on duties Sept. 1893; gov.'s 
fellaw, 1891; -founded McGill Sch. far 
Librarians, 1904; elected 1st V.-P. 
Am. LlbT8Jry .Aossn., 11907-8; presd't. do., 
1908-9. .diecillned a.pp.t. as ras.soc. IIbra- 
dan, Ìh'OOk1ym, N.Y. PubUc Llbimry, 
1908; do.. as'Ìan Taromta P'lIbIlc 
Library, d{).; a memo Am. Lib. Ins,t., 
Champ:lain So,c., .BibHograpih. Soc. of 
Am. and other OO{U{\s.-!9.f Peel St., 
Montreal; University Club, do, 
"A loyal and valuable citizen.."-Oan. 
M un. J ourn. 
Gould, Hon, Elgin BaI.ton Loven, 
public man. 
Eng., Am. and Dutch origin; e, .. 
J"ahn T. and Emily Adelaide (Crank) 
G.; b. Oshawa, Ont., Aug. 16, 1860; e. 
private sch., Victarla Unlv. (B.A., 
:1.881' 'LL.D. (Own.), Toranto, 
1911: and ;r'Olhtns HOipkoins Unlv., 
Baltimare, Md. (Ph.D., 1886); m., 
Sept., 1887, Mary Hurst, e. d. late L. 
B. Purnell, Baltlmare; farmerly stat. 
expert In charge af varia us InvesU- 
gatÌ'Oßos for U. .s. Dept. af Dabour; do., 
Iect., Jahns Hapklns Unlv. and praf. 
Chicago Unlv.; memo N. Y. Charter 
Revislan Comns., 1907 and 1908; 
chamberlain City af N. Y., 1902-4; 
takes an active Interest in public, re- 
ligiaus and phllanthraplc affairs; 
praminent in Citizens' UnIon, N. Y.'s 
refarm municipal pa.rty; vestryman 
and treas. St. Bartholomew's Ch.; 
elected presdt. City & ,Suburban 
Homoes 00., 1907; 00. V.P. Toronrt<> 
Urulv. 'A'lumnl iAssn., 119Ji1; author: 
.. The GothenbuJ'lg .system of Liquor 
'I'mffic "; .. Housing ()f !boo Work1ng 
P-e-ople"; .. P'lIbldc COIll!JI'()!]! ot the Uqu{)r 
Traffic"; .. The Saclal Candltlon of 
Labaur"; and .. Civic Uelann and 
Saclal Progress"; gIven publIc dinner 
by citizens af N. Y., Jan., 1902, In 
recognitlan af his meritarlous public 
service to the city; Prat. Epls. ; 
Con. Demacrat.-57 W, 51nd Bt., New 
York; Century Club; City Club; Na- 
tional Arta Club; Barnard- Club; Bt. 



Andrew's Golf Club. do.; Country 
Club. Baltimore, Md. 
.. One CanoadiaJl whQ has made good."- 
M. Star. 
Gould, Joseph, art and musical critic. 
S lrute Ira G., .. Oity Mill's," Mont- 
real, the first manfr. of Can. Hour for 
port to Gt. Brit.; b. Penn Yan, N.Y., 
Jan. <!8, 1833; f.or several yrs. head of 
the firm of G. & Hill, importers of 
pianos; subsequently joined his bros. 
as mems. of the milling firm of Ira G. 
& Sons; although known as a writer 
and lecturer on music and 8Jrt culture 
generally, his talents in this re.sp
were not fully displayed until the 
publication of Arcadia, 1892, a fort- 
nightly mag. devoted to music, art and 
letters, of which he was ed. and prop. ; 
an unique feature of this mag. was the 
combination of 3 distinct pUblications 
in one, each of the 3 depts., art, music, 
and lit., being equipped with a special 
ed. staff, and with correspondents anù 
contributors from all the great art 
centres of Europe and the U.S., as wel. 
as the Dom. 00: Can.; has aLways taken 
a very active part in the promotion of 
general musical interests in this 
country; in 1864, organized! in Mont- 
real a private musical soc. known as 
the .. Mendelssohn Choi,r," and during 
the 30 yrs. of its existence maintained 
and personally directed and managed 
its affairs and oonducted its rehearsals 
and. public performances; the reputa- 
tion of this choir of 120 voices, whose 
unaccompanied prurt-singing reached a 
point of unusual excellence, extended 
even to Europe; while maintaining this 
organization, was, for s'everal yrs., 
V.-P, of the Montreal Philharmonic 
Soc.; was made an hon. memo of the 
soc. a few yrs. before its dissolution; 
in 18!J5, in acknowledgment of .. signal 
services" rendered by him to the Mont- 
l'eaJl Art A-ssn., was una.nd.mously elec- 
ted a ldfe mem.-287 Peel St., Montreal. 
.. Has done work of l
stinog oonent RJld 
importance for mu.sic in Oa.na4a, work that 
will live .after him; and his life is but 
another ex-amople of h.ow much may be cLone 
by a &Ïngle man (}f high ideals and hroad, 
general cu1.ture....-D. C. Scott (q.v.). 
Gould, William Henry, actuary. 
Eng. 'ÜI1Ï'g1ÍI1J; is. Joseph S. G.; b. 
Kingston, Ont., June 17, 1879; e. pub- 
lic schs., Kingston CoIl. Inst. and 
Queen's Untv. (M.A., and gold med. 
in m3Jth., 1900); W'(),Il solliol. .in coB. 
and univ.; an assoc. Inst. of Act., Gt. 
Britain.; do. Act. Sac, of Am.; fellow 
Toronto Ins. Inst.; m. Lilian, d. T. 
p, Johnstone, Toronto; for a short 
time tutor in math., Queen's Univ.; 
i-rained 'by actua.r. dlelJ)t., Can. Life 
Assur. 00.; oactuary SOv>eJr-eoign LitlE! 
Assur. Co., 1904-6 ; since Ithe'll lhias been 
seoy.-trea.s. A!lil1U'lty Co. of Dan., Wdn- 
n.i,p-eg; wrote priz.e eæay on .. Assess- 
ment Assumruc>e" 'fur Ins. Inst., To- 
roruto; A:ng.-Winnipeg, .Uan.; St. 
Charles Country Club, do.; Actuaries' 
Club; Royal Can. Yacht Club, Toronto, 
om Waldemar, telegraph 
Eng. parentage; b. nr. Winchester, 
Rants, Eng., Apt 2, 1863; came to 
Can. when a youth, and was e. there; 

unm.; joined the Gt. N W. Tel. Co., 
Winnipeg, 1876; went, later, to St. 
Paul, Minn., with the Western Union 
C<;,., and to Vancouver, B.C., as mangr., 
with the same co., 1898; apptd. 8updt. 
of the 2nd dlst. of the Pacific dlv., 
July 1, 1902, he remained at Seattle 
"Tash.. his headquarters, till his re
moval to London, Eng., as gent supdt. 
of the Western Union Tel. Co.'s cable 
service, Oct., 1904; Ang.-!5! Gresham 
HOt/se, Old Broad St., London, E.C. 
.. A man of many sterling qualitieø."- 
V. World. 
Gourlay, John Ed
ar Reginald, law- 
yer; aut!hIQ-T; j'ol\l'rnaHst. 
S. late Lt.-Col. G., H.M.'s 23rd Roval 
Welsh Fuslliers; b. Hamilton, Ont., 
1854; e. Hellmuth Call., London, and 
Trinity Univ., Toronto (B.A., 1871); 
m., 1880, Alice. e. d. late Chief .Justice 
the Rt. Hon. Sir Hy. Strong; barrister, 
1880; successfully practised his prof. 
for some yrs.; now devotes his whole 
attention to literature; has contributed 
poetry, short stories, articles, etc., to 
the Century "Mag., Life, Rev. of Revs., 
Outing, Youth's Companion, Harper's 
Round Table, Harper's Mag., Can. 
"Mag., St. Nicholas, Massey's Mag., 
Field & Stream, Windsor Mag., S. N., 
1I1ont1'eal Herald, etc:; author: .. The 
Necklace of Pan dura " (1907);" a 
Con., but with a strong belief in the 
theory of state or public ownership of 
such property as railroads, telephones, 
telegraphs, etc."; an Ang.-" Brae- 
head," Picton, Onto 
Gourlay, Bobert S" manufacturer. 
Scot1'ish aTlJClestry; b. New York 
(cLty), 'Sept. 2,1, ,1852; ca.!IIle 'to Dan. iln 
early IUfe; e. Co. Gra'IDID8!r 8cIh., To- 
ronto ( .. seruim boy" lin mJaJtJh.); m.; 
l-ong dn lbusiness Ufe in t'haJt dty; 
f.oundoo there, many YI'\s. ag'o, the ex- 
'benlsive house of G., WinJter & Leem l l'11.g. 
i:I11tPol'ters and .manfrs. of pianos, of 
whioh house he :is .the senl'or pa:rtner; 
officially oonnoeotoo wl.t1h tile Can. .Assn.; a ,Preosb. a.nràJ a Commr. 
to the Gen!. Assembly; al'so a :mem. 
Bd. .of Mang'l. of Knox OoH., Toronlto; 
elecftooo pl'esdlt. J>lf\es'b. Oh. -ExtensI-on 
Un'Ïon. 1907; do. V.-P. .11OOa:l branoh; 
ØJsstd. coufs. in BI"itain and Germany 
fO'stering \friendly relations betWeetl 
two 1911; ,faV'Ours bilingualism 
in our sohool's; OiPPolsed' {'he recLprocity 
C'ompa.ot.-51.f Jarvis St., Toronto; 
National Club, do. 
. "A "business man 'Of abi1i.ty and ex'pe'r- 
len-ce. -T. News. 
"An dnteHigent and succe&sfu.I busine9S 
man."-T. Globe. 
Gowan, Rev, Herbert Henry (Epi
B. Runham, Gt. Yarmouth, Eng.. 
May 29, 1864; e. Priory Sch., Gt. Yar- 
mouth, and St. Augustine's ColI., Can- 
terbury; m., 1892, Anne Kate, d. G. 
E. Green, Gt. Yarmouth; o. deacon, 
1886; priest, 1887; curate Cath., Hono- 
lulu, H.I., 1886-90; do. Gt. Yarmouth, 
Eng., 1890; went to B. C., 1892, where 
he became curate at the Cath., New 
Westminster, and chaplain B. C. Peni- 
tentiary; since 1896 has been rector 
Holy Trinity, Seattle, Wash.; presdt. 



Royal City Art and Scien. Assn.. 1893- 
96; F.R.G.S., 1895; well known as a 
lecturer; author .. Temperantia " 
(1891), II The Kingdom of Man" 
(1893), II Church Work In British Col- 
umbia: A Memoir of Bp. Sillitoe" 
(1899), "Hawaiian Idylls of Love and 
Death" (1909).-Holy T1 0 inity Rec- 
tory, Seattle, Wash. 
Goyette, His Honour Henri Adolphe, 
Quebec public service. 
S. late Joseph and Euphroslne 
(D'Aoust) G.; b. St. Cleuvert de Beau- 
harnois, P.Q., Sept. 26, 1857; e. Broth- 
PI'S' Coli., Beauharnois, and at Ste. 
Thérèse Coli.; a graduate of Laval 
Univ.; B.C.L. (McGill Unlv.), 1880; 
m., Feb., 1887, Marie Des Neiges, e. d. 
late Hercule Gravel, Hull, P.Q.; ad- 
vocate, 1880; clk. Co. Ct., Co. Ottawa, 
Oct., ,1887-94; trustoo R. C. .scl1s., HuH, 
1890-3; Md., do., 1899-1901; coonmr. 
Sup. Ct., 1887; K.C., 1903; recordel. 
City of Hull, .July 27, 1904; Crown 
prosecutor, Oct., 1906; stipendiary 
mgte., Di,st. of Obba:wl3., Oct., 1906; 
published L' Alliance ne.wspaper In the 
interest of the Lib. party, 1886-7; a 
R. 'C.-37 St. Omer St., Hull, P.Q. 
Grace, :Mrs. ELizabeth Boss, Y.W.C.A. 
D. late Rev. John and Anna Ross, 
Brucefteld, Ont.; mother some yrs 
principal Ottawa Ladles' ColI.; comes 
ot old Presb. stock; b. Brucefteld, June 
12, 1875; e. McGill Univ. (B.A., with 
1st class honours In mental and moral 
phIl., 1897); mo, Nov., 1901, Rev 
Archibald Hew Grace, B.A., mission' 
ary, Y. M. C. A., Allahabad, India (d. 
July, 1908); 1 yr. secy. Y. W. C. A.. 
Ypsilanti, Mich.; 1 yr. travel. secy. 
Studentt. V'O'luJ1ltleer !Movement for FoÜ'r- 
elgn Missions; the first travelling and 
organ. secy. of the Can. Y. W. C. A.; 
formerly asst. ,principal Ottawa Ladles' 
ColI. ; spent 7 yrs. in India, and Is most 
keE:nly aware of the gravity of the 
present conditions In that country.- 
Strassburg, Sosk. 
Gra.ce, James Cæsar, street ry. service. 
Irish-Norman descent; s. late Wm. 
G., elk. Co. Ct., Co. Victoria, Ont.; b. 
Lindsay, Ont., ApI. 24, 1861; e. U. C. 
Coli.; m., Dec., 1890, Mary McKiddie. 
o. d. late Capt. Ross, Cromarty, Scot.; 
now and for some yrs. secy.-treas. 
Toronto St. Ry. Co.; also a dir. of 
flame co. ; promoter Carcross Syndicat..... 
1905; .p'ossesses ra 1st class V. B. oert., 
and was 'formerly a IC'aJpt. 45th Regt.; 
served In N.-,W. Rebel,l'ian, 1885 
(moo.) ; Ang.-Toronto; Toronto Club. 
Grace, John Dominick, journalist. 
Irish parentage; b. Panmure, Ont., 
1868; e. thel'e; early acquired a 
knowled,ge of the printing business; 
commenced journalism as an -ed. 
cÜ'ntributor to Carlelton P,lace Her- 
ald; from the first espoused the cause 
of Home Rule In Irel., and has since 
promoted it In every way; coming to 
Ottawa, joined the local press; as- 
sisted by Father Coffey and others, 
founded United Canada, Nov., 1888, 
as an organ to assist In the exposition, 
advocacy, sustainment, and defence of 
Cath. principles and teachings, besides 

being an auxiliary of the Cath. hier- 
archy of Irel., in the cause of Irish 
legislative Ind.; purchased the paper, 
1890, and continues to edit It, assisted 
by several local clergymen (L. P., 
1906); for some yrs. presdt. St. Pat- 
rick's Assn.; a memo Ct. of Revision; 
(his name dn the field f{)1" mayor, 1903; 
indo In politics; contributed to cam- 
paign lit. In opposition to the '.ruppeI' 
Govt., previous to Its defeat; a R. C.- 
!1 Slater St., Ottawa. 
Graff, Mrs, Florence Anne, .retired 
D. Wm. Brims-on, T{)ronto; b. Néw- 
market, Onrt.; moved rto Toronto when 
9 yrs. of age; m., 1899, O1arence Graft, 
banker, New York; stud
.ed sin1g.tng 4 
yrs. with .Mad. Marohesi, :rut .BarIs, 
F'raIliCe; san:g for 8 Yl'S. .In grnnÒl opera 
undoer stage naIDJe MMoc. TOl'(}nt:a; was 
a memo of the Damrosc'h-Ellis Opera 
Co., and shared honours w,ith .Mad. 
Melba; oroetolred: from on her 
; A1ng.-51 South St" Park 
Lane, Mayfair, London, Eng. 
.. Took her place among the leading 
prima do.nna8 of the day."-" Kit" (q.v.). 
.. Grafton, Garth" (see Cotes, Mrs 
ISara J.eannoebte). 
Graham, Lt,-Col, Alezander Petrie, 
Am. municipal service. 
S. Murdoch McKay G., Hamilton, 
Ont.; Highland Scotch ancestry; b. 
Hamilton, Ont., Mch. 18, 1864; e. 
there; m. Miss Blanche, Haver- 
iloilol, Mass.; servoo wHh Queen's Own, Toronto, during N.W. RebelUon, 
1885 (moed.); nJ3.S lived dn ,Ma.sIS. for 
over 20 yrs.; fÜ'l'ffi'erly park commr., 
Hawrllill CLty G<YV1t. ; past commander 
Bri-t. Naval and Mlil. Veterans of .Mass., 
a very unique ol'
dZiaJtion .In a f\Ü'reign 
land, composed of Brit. soldIers and 
sailors; one of the foremost In found- 
ing Can. clubs In U. S.; elected presdt. 
Can. 01ub, Boston, 1909-.10; a memo 
Anolocnt rand Hon. ,ArNUery Co. 01 
Mass.; aooomptanded tlhat re'g11:. on ilt'S 
last v.lsit to Eng.; has persona,uy 
met .the .late KjiI1Jg Edward VH. and 
the presenlt King anJd QU-eeIl; "has 
an abiding faith In the future of Can., 
which he believes will be one of the 
greatest countries In the world; be- 
lieves that the reason why Canadians 
d0 so well abroad Is owing to their re- 
SPEect for law and order, and owing to 
the fine moral tone In which they ar
reared"; Presb.-Business address, 68 
Essex St., Boston, Mass.; residence: 
t75 Main St., Haverhill, Mas8.; Can. 
Club, Boston, Ma8s. 
"Known to aH Can.adi.ans visiti'llg Boa- 
t()n; s, we}.}.inf'Olrmed and cultured Cans,. 
di.a.n, who is earnestly devoted to the best 
j.nte.rem.s of the two oounttnes.."-Dom. 
Graham, Bev, Angus A, (Presb.). 
S. late Capt. Duncan and Ann G., 
both nJaitives, ISddt.; f<aJtheT 
drowned by capsizing of his schooner 
in Lake Huron, 1872; b. Tp, Ekfrld, 
nr. Glencoe, Co. Middlesex, Ont., Nov. 
13, 1867; e. Wardsvllle High Sch., 
Glencoe High Sch., and McGill Unlv. 
(B.A., 1st rank honours In m
ntal and 




moral phil., and Prince of Wales gold 
med., 1894: M.A.. 1897); m., 1898, 
.Tennle G. (
.A., McGill Univ., 1897), 
d. W, W. Stephen, Ottawa; pursued 
theol, studies Montreal Presb. CoIl. 
(B.D., 1897): o. 1897: pastor Petro- 
lola, ant., 1897-1904; opa'stor St. Davl,d's 
Oh., ,Sit. .John, N.B., 1904-11; since then 
has been 'Prln.C'ipa'l, .Sa,sk. Boys' Resi- 
doenUal'Coll.. Moose .Jaw, ,Sa:sk. ; el.ectoeð 
presdt. Lord's Day Alllance, St. .John, 
1906; eloected a memo extv,e. oomlt-e. 
N.B. Moral and Social Refol'II1 CounüÌ'l, 
1908.-Moose Jaw, Sask. 
II A pulpit orator of m(}re than local 
renown; a minister of much foroo and 
earnestness."-M. Herald. 
Graham, Rev, Edward (Presb.) 
S. Alex. and Marg't. (McEwen) G 
nwtlves ,A'I"gyl1shire, Seo-t.; b. OhaJteau- 
guay, P.Q., ApI., 1838; e. McGill High 
Sch. and Unlv. and Toronto Unlv.; 
m., Sept., 1871, .Jennie H., y. d. T. H. 
Brown, M.D., Milwaukee, Wis.; pur- 
sued theol. studies Knox ColI., To- 
ronto (D.D., 1895): o. 1861; settled 
first In Co. Waterloo, ant., where he 
was supdt. of schs.: removed to U. S., 
1869; settled successively at Milwau- 
kee, Wis., Santa Barbara, and Chico, 
Cal. : has been moderator of the 
SYnod, a dlr. San Francisco Theol. 
Semy., and presdt. of its bd., a memo 
Bd. of Regents, State Normal Schs.. 
and, for several yrs., presrlt. Chko 
Normal Sch. In Cal.; a contributor in 
early life to a great variety of jour- 
nals and periodicals: latterly, author 
of numerous sermons and addresses. 
published separately.-!
19 Channing 
Way, Berkeley, Cal. 
II One of the ablest parliamentarians in 
the Presbyterian Church on the Pacific 
Coast."-Pen Picture_ of California Min- 
Graha.m, Fra.nklin (Thomas), business 
man; author. 
S. Thos. and Celanlre (Brunelle de 
Sablonlère) G.: b. Feb. 14, 1869: e. 
common schs.; m. Miss Charlotte 
Franckum: joined Dun, Wiman & Co., 
commercial agency, Montreal, 1887 ; was 
subsequently mangr. for do. at Quebec; 
founded Franklin Pub. Co., Philadel- 
phia, and was also connected with the 
mercantile agency there: became asso- 
ciated with the Booklovers' Library, 
Philadelphia, and estbd. the system in 
New York, 1900; went to Europe, 1901, 
as genl. mangr. for R. G. Dun & Co.; 
since organized branch offices of the 
mercantile agency in the principal 
Continental cities; is hon. secy, Am. 
Chamb. of Commerce, Paris; a pro- 
minent memo Anglo-Am. Chamb. of 
Commerce, Brussels, Cham.b. de Com- 
merce Franc. d' Alexandrle, Egypt. etc.; 
an ofTr. de I'Instr. Pub. (" Palmes 
Academlque"); has contributed mag. 
articles on subjects of pol. economy 
and dramatic hlst.; author of .. His- 
trionic Montreal" (1897; 2nd ed., 
1902): now confines literary contribu- 
tions to subjects of pol. economy, not- 
a>bly for Dun's Rev. (Intern. ed.)- 
Place de l'Alma, Paris; Fontainebleau, 

e; offl,ce: 178 Rue Montmartre, 

Graham, B.ev. Frederick HeUer 
E. s. Geo. F. G., Liverpool, Eng.: 
b. there, .June 10, 1870: e. McGUl 
Unlv. (B.A., 1894); m., .Tune, 1897, 
Gertrude Vivian, o. d. late Lt.-Col. 
Dowker, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P.Q.; 
graduated Montreal Dloc. Theol. Coli., 
1895; o. deacon, 1896; priest, 1897; 
associated In rectorship Grace Ch., 
Brantford, ant., 1896; rector, Trinity 
Ch., Montreal, 1896-1901; since then 
has been rector St. Savlour'.s, Nelson, 
B..c.; apptd. chaplain (with hon. rank 
of capt.) 102nd Regt., May, 1908.-The 
Rectory, Nelson, B.C. 
Graham, Hon. George Perry, ex- 
journalist; statesman. 
Irish descent; s. late Rev. W. H. G. 
(Meth.) and Eleanor (Stephen.son) G.; 
b. Eganville, ant., Mch. 31, 1859; e. 
local sch., Iroquois High Sch. and 
Morrlsburg CoIl. Inst.; m., 1882, Carrie 
L., d. Nelson Southworth, Morrlsburg; 
was In early yrs. a pUblic sch. teacher; 
went Into journalism as ed. Morrlsburg 
Herald, 1880; ed. this paper up to 1892, 
when he became asst. ed. Ottawa Free 
Press; from 1893 to- 1907 was mango ed. 
Brockvllle RecQ1'der: formerly reeve of 
Morrisburg; unsuccessfully contested 
Dundas (Local), g.e. 1890; sat for 
Bmckvllle (Local), 1898-1907; was 
Prov.I. Secy., ant., In the Ross Admn., 
1904-5; rot,lred frOom office when .f.t was 
defoeated; l
ader of 10he local opposl- 
t,lon, 1907; slnoee th-en has sat 
for Brockville (H.C.); sworn of the 
P.C., Aug. 29, 1!!07, and has since been 
MinI". of Railways and Canals In the 
Laurler Admn.; a Freemason and a 
memo A.O.U.W.; was Gran.d Master 
latter order for 2 yrs. ; a life-long Lib. ; 
a Meth.-2
5 Kenniston Apartments, 
Elgin St., Ottawa; Brockville, Ont.; 
BrockvilZe Club, do.; Ontario Club, 
Toronto; Laurentian Club, Ottawa. 
II Sh,rewd and clever."-S. N. 
II An able and reputable public m8IlJ....- 
T. Globe. 
II A pleasing speaker and ,all' e'Xperienced 
party o.rganizer."-M. Star. 
.. One of the ve.ry be'8t pLatform speake'rB 
in Ontarlo--quick, alert, good-humored a.nd 
aggressive- when the- occD.sion. dema..nda."- 
T. Globe. 
Graham, Miss Hannah Isabel, poet, 
D. late Rev. Wm. G. (Presb.), 
a graduate of St. Andrew's, Glasgow, 
and Edinburgh Unlvs. and Elizabeth 
G., y. d. Dr. .Tohn Goulnlock, both na- 
tives of Scot.; b. Harpurhey, ant.; e. 
Egmondville and Seaforth public schs. 
and Coil. Inst., and Toronto Coli. of 
Music (studied piano. pipe organ and 
harmony at latter institution) ; besides 
lJelng a frequent contributor to the 
Oan. and U.S. press, Is th-e author of 
the sacred song, II Satisfied" (1896), 
of .. Fifty Years of Presbyterianism In 
Egrnondvllle" (1896), and of "A Song 
of December anð: Other Poems" 
(1904); Presb.-Seaforth, Onto 
II Of gre,at promise."-Late Geo. Murray. 
.. Some o.f her poems remind one at 
times (}f Longfellow a.nd Lowell, while tiIle 
Sootch &OngB would not be unworthy even 
o.f IWbert Burns."-Ohri,tian Guardian. 



Graham, Sir Hugh, journalist. 
Scottish origin; s.' late R. W. 
and Marion (Gardner) G., both 
natives of Scot.; b. Huntingdon, 
P.Q., July 18, 1848; e, Hunting- 
don Acad..; LL.D. (hon.), Vnlv. of 
Glasgow, 1909; m., Mch., 1891, Miss 
Annie Be-ekman Hamilton, Montreal (a 
dir. Soc. of Decorative Art, Montreal; 
V.P. Eng. sec. Woman's bran
h, Num. 
and Antlq. Soc.; prominently identified 
with the movement for providing play- 
grounds for children, Montreal; pre- 
sent, by Invitation, with her husband, 
In Westminster Abbey, at coronation 
of the late King Edward and Queen 
Alexandra, 1902; presented. with her 
husband, to their Majesties King Ed- 
ward and Queen Alexandra, 19013); 
gained business and newspaper knowl- 
edge under his unde, the late E. H. 
Parsons; ed. and rpubUsher, successive- 
ly, of tlhe Commercial Advertiser and 
Evening Telegran
, Montreal; later 
was for a short period secy.-treas., 
Gazette (Montreal) Printing Co.; 
fuunded Mon treal Dally and Weekly 
Star, among the most Influential and 
largest In circulation of Can. journals, 
1869 (L.P., 1904); has devoted his 
whole life to the paper and has made 
It what it Is to-day, without the in- 
fluence of any political party, without 
any sustained polIcy and without being 
tied to fixed opinions on sUbject or 
question; was one of the founders of 
the Good Govt. Assn. of Montreal, and 
has done not a little In the cause of 
municipal and political reform; is also 
a dlr. of the Soc. for the Prevention 
of Cruelty to Animals and of the Soc. 
for the Protec. of Women and Children; 
V.-P. of the Ohildren's Memorial Hosp. ; 
a promoter of the Pure Milk League, 
and a leader In other organizations of 
a humane and benevolent character; 
collected $71,000 for the Indian Famine 
Fund, 1897; bought and presented to 
the Children's Fresh All' Fund, for the 
use of the chIldren of M'ontreal, a 
home at Chambly, 1903; gave $25,- 
000 to the Montreal Genl. Hosp., 1906; 
$5,000 to the .. Sarah Maxwell Memo- 
rial," 1907; and $10,000 to the Chll- 
dn,n's Memorial Hosp., 1909; I'\. memo 
Can. Patriotic Fund Assn., 1901, ar.d 
organized Children's Patriotic Fund 
for famlUes of Brit. soldiers; also In- 
sured the lives of the first Can. con- 
tingent to S.A., 1899, each in $1,000, 
for the benefit of their fam-lUes; a 
memo Conlte. of mangt., Montreal Genl. 
Hosp., and of various other Institu- 
tions; was one of the founders of the 
Mt. Royal Club, 1899; elected V.-P. of 
the Inst. of Journalists, Eng., 1910; a 
del. (and cl1alrman, Can. sec.) Imp. 
Press Con!., London, Eng., 1909; 
present by .Invitatlon, at coronation of 
King Georg>e and Queen Mary, 
Westminster Abbey, June, 1911; 
knighted by late King Edward, in 
recognition of eminen.t servdce8 dn 
many public and philanthropic enter- 
prises. 1908; a Presb.-5
8 Sherlu'l)oke 
St., .Montreal,. .Mt. Royal Chtb,. St. 
James's Club; Canada Club,. Lauren- 
tian Club,. Montreal Club; Royal 
Montreal Golf Club, do. 
"A man with a big hea.rt, and the 
t S}-mpa.thy with all movements for 

the betterment of social cO'nditione."-T. 
"EB6i1y the most prominent and fin&Jl' 
cially suoceßsful newspaper mal1J in 
Oanada....-M. Witne88. 
".Wins. more and more, the oordia.l a-p- 
preciatian of his fellow-oountrymen, with. 
out diSitin.ct.i.on a.s to raoo or creed."-La 
Graham, ms. Jean, journalist. 
A'Pptd. ed.-ln-chietf Can. Home 
Journal, 1909; !Is also aSlSOC. ed. Can. 
Courier and Can. Mag.; elected a ,local 
V.-P. Can. Woman's Press Club, 
1909.--62 Gloucester St., Toronto. 
"A writer of dainty, lifting poems and 
racy editarials."-Can. Centu7'JI. 
"Her wark is of the very finest fibre: 
her writings are always"-" Kit .. 
Graham, Bev. John Wellington 
(.Meth. ). 
E. s. late Rev. .Tas. G. (Meth.), a 
native Co. Cavan, Irel., and E. 
(Jetl'ers) G., the latter author of 
"Etchings from a Parsonage Veran- 
dah" (1895); b. Clinton, Ont., 1871; 
e. public and high schs., and Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., 1892); m., Sept., 1899, 
Jewel, d. l-aJte JOhn MocGea.TY, Brant- 
ford, Ont.: after speß'<:"!.ing some yl'S. i.n 
ruttendanoe at the On.t. Law Soh., in- 
tend,lng to take up law, cl1.angJed Ibis 
mind, and Wi8S o. to -tJhe ministry, .1896 ; 
besddes other duty, had oharge f'Or 2 
yrs. of llie Froo. V.lotor Mission, To- 
ron10; latoer was .pastor E. Toronto, 
and pastor St. JaIJ'Iles's, Montreal, 190.1- 
2 ; ca.ned to .
he 1st -Me-th. Oh., London, 
Ont., he was still there when apptd. 
genl. secy. of educ. for the Meth. Ch., 
an office he still fills; D.D., Wesl. 
Thiool. Co}'I., .Montreal, 1908.-17 Wells 
St. Toronto. 
"A man af the highest clall."-W..t- 
"A marvel in Methodism. Is doing e 
rJc, which no man oould do. well 
and be either a bigot or a oonven.tÏonelist." 
-Can. Courier. 
Graham, Robert James, merchan t. 
S. late R. J. G., M.P.P., and Eliza 
Ann (RobUn) G., BellevUle, Ont.; 
grandf. came to Can., 1800; b. nr. 
Belleville, ApI. 2, 1860; e. public and 
hlglh schs., BellevUIe, and Onto Com- 
mercial Coil.; m.,1887, Gra..ce A., d. Geo. 
Roblin, Co. Prince EdJward; an exrporter 
of apples and other Can. fruit; owns 
numerous 'Plants and factories, both In 
Can. and V. S., for the preservation 
and evaporation of fruits; also the 
canning of vegetables; a dir. Belle- 
ville Hardware Co. ; presdt, Onto 
Evaporating Assn.; mayor of Belle- 
vme, 1901-3; presdt. Belleville Bd. of 
Trade, 1907-8; has also been presdt. 
Can. Club and Y.M.C.A., Belleville, and 
presdt. N. B, Cold Storage Co.; un- 
successfully contested W, Hastings 
(Local), temil>. Interest, 1894; now 
presdt. Public Library Bd.; a memo 
Can. iManufacturers' Assn. and Intern. 

ple Shii)pers', Assn.; one of the 
promoters Dom. Fruit EX'Cha.n-ge (L. 
P., 1908); a Con., and has been 
presdt. Hastings Llb.-Con. AS8n.; & 



Mason and an OddfeHow; a del. 6th 
Imp. Commercial Congress, 1906 ; 
present, with Mrs. G., at coronation 
King and Queen of Norw<ty, dQ.; be- 
lieves in absolute free trade within the 
Empire, customs receipts to be pooled 
and divided; Bresb.-Bellev-ille, Ont.; 
Imperial Club, do.; Union Club, St, 
John, N.B. 
"A pr-acticaJ man."-O. Citizen. 
Graham, Sharon, la wy er 
S. late Dugald G., Montreal; h. 
there, .June 21, 1875; e. U, C. ColI. 
and McGill Unlv. ; m. Miss Lucy Emily 
Hamilton, London, Eng. ; followed 
legal studies Columbia Law Sch., N. 
Y.; an atty. and councillor at laW'; 
formerly on legal statl' Metropolitan 
St. Ry. Co., N. Y.; now and for some 
yrs. practising alone; now an Am. 
citizen.-(Ot1ìce) 256 Broadway, New 
York; Canadian Club; Canadian So- 
ciety; Brit. Schs. and Universities 
Club; McGill Univ. Graduates' Club, 
New York. 
Graham, Kon, Wallace, judge. 
S. David and Mary Elizabeth (Bige- 
low) G.; b. Antigonish, N.S., .Jan. 15, 
1848; e. Acadia 0011. (B.A., 1867); 
m. Annie, d. late .John P. Lyons, Co. 
Kings, N.S.; barrister, 1871; K.C. 
(Marquis of Lorne), 1881; practised 
hds prof. tR
 HaM.fax, N..S.; a .pa.l'tner, 
In turn, of SiT R. L. \Voeatherb-e (q.v.), 
Sir .J. S. D. Thompson, Sir C. H. Tup- 
per (q.v.), anù R. L. Borden, K.rC., 
M.P, (q.v.); standing counsel in N. 
S. for Govt, of Can., 8 yrs.; assO. 
counsel, with the late Sir .J. S. D. 
Thompson, In preparing Brit. case for 
FIshery Oomn., WashingtQn, 1887-8; a 
eommr. to l'evioo the Statutes of 
Can., 1883; do. do. Statutes of N. S., 
1898; (plJ"levjous'ly Ipl'es'dlt. Law Soc., .N". 
S.; a gov. Dalhousie ColI. and Unlv.; 
previously a memo of its law faculty; 
famed as a lecturer; apptd. a judge 
Sup.. Ct., N. S., and judge in Equity 
in that Ct., Sept. 24, 1889; Is also 
judge of the Divorce Ct., N. S.; pre- 
sented, with Mrs. G., to their Majes- 
Ues the late K,ing and Queen, Winds'or 
Castle, .June, 1908; an Ang.-"7 S. 
Park St., Halifax, N.S.; Halifax Club, 
.. One whom the. lure of polit,ips, the 
pleasures of sod-ail life, the delights of lit- 
emture, have failed to take away f,r{)'IU h'is 
law books."-M. Star. 
Graham, Bev, William T. (Bapt.). 
113. nr. Ohatham, Ont.: gmdf\1ateò 
McMaster Univ., 1889; D.D.; m.; suc- 
cessively prustor, Ottawa, Grace Ch., 
Montreal, Oalvary Ch., Brantford, and 
Central Gh., Sarnla; mas beoen :ptRsltO'r 
1st Ave. Ch., Toronto, since May, 1908. 
--63 Simpson Ave., Toronto. 
.. One whose oratory 18 both ef'feetlve 
and thoughtful."-M. and E. 
Grace, John Dominick, journalist. 
S., by second wife, late .Joseph G., 
founder Horse Repository, Toronto, 
1856, and which Is still in existence; 
b. and e. TOroTIlt-o; m., May, 1881, 
Nina Gordon, y. d. Alex. WnUamson. 
Toronto: early associated with his 

father In business, and, after his 
death, one of the props. of his Re- 
pository; as such, according to the 
late T. C. Patteson, Toronto, .. In- 
vented a trade which, from a national 
point of view, need not be secondary 
to any that concerns the breeders and 
agriculturists of Ont."; becoming one 
of the props. of the Am. Horse Ex- 
change, N. Y., 1893, has since then 
resided in that city; the Exchange Is 
now known as the Tichenor-Grand 
Repository of .N. Y.; on leaving To- 
ronto, was entertained at a banquet, 
and presented with testimonials., at 
the National OIru:b.-Cor, B1"Oaaway 
and 61st St., New York. 
.. Founded an important industry in the 
right way, and brought it to a prosperous 
fruition. A notable pioneer, and in all a 
gentleman, possessing personal qualities of 
a high degree for honesty and for fair 
dealing."-M. and E. 
Grange, Edward Alexander Andrew, 
V.S.; oeducaobionist. 
Irish descent; s. late Lt.-Col. Geo. 
.J. G., sheritl' .00. WelUngton, Ont., 1840- 
76, and formerly presdt. Guel-ph and 
Ga:lt Ry.; b. London, Eng.: e. by private 
tuition, private schs., and Onto Veterin- 
ary CoIl. (V.S., 1873) ; M.Sc., 1908; m., 
Bessie, y. d. late Col. .Jas. Webster, 
negro Co. Welllngton, Ont.; lect., Onto 
Agrlcul. CoIl., 1875-82; prof. Veter. 
Science, Mich. Agrlcul. ColI., 1883-97: 
princlpral Detroit Veterinary Coli., 
1897; veterinary research work in N.Y. 
State, 1899-1908: since then has been 
principal, Onto Veterinary Coll.
ronto; a memo of numerous veter. and 
other scientific socs.; elected an hon. 
memo Alpha Psi Soc. of Cornell Univ. 
an'd an hon. memo of the N. Y. Alumni 
Aßsn. of the same coli., 1911; Ang.- 
644 Huron St., Toronto. 
II In every way qu,alified fOT his present 
P<J.sit-ion."-Late Dr. Andrew Smith. 
Granger, Rev, Samuel, S..J. (R.C.). 
S. late Hector G., Montreal; bro. 
Granger Freres, do.; b. Montreal, .Jan. 
23, 1863; e. St. Mary's (.Jesuit) ColI.; 
o. 1896; ,saul,tJ au RêcoIrlet, 1896-8: 
CIh. a o}'I'II1JII13JCulée OonCieption, Mon,t- 
real, 1898-9; prefect, St. Mary's CoIl., 
ùo., 18:19-1900: missionnaire, 1900-02; 
since then In charge of the Indian 
mission, Caughnawaga; has complIed 
and published the" Iroquois Almanac.", P.Q. 
Grant, Alexander J" civH engineer. 
A bro. of Gordon G. (q.v.): elected 
an asso. memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1891; a 
memo do., 1901: now and for some yrs. 
Superin.tendlng Trent Water- 
ways; R. C.-Peterbo1'o1tyh. Onto 
Grant, :Mr., Alice, physician; educa- 
D. Charles Fitch. Wolfville, N.S.: 
b. there; e. Acadia Univ. (B.A., 1885: 
M.A., 1892): m., 1896, Rev. Donald 
Grant, Montreal: principal Moulton 
COli., Toronto, 1893-6: previously in 
charge Eng. dept., Acadia Semy. ; 
again apptd. to last named charge, 
1906.-Wolfville, N.S. 
.. Of considerable ability as an educa. 
tionist."-M. Witne88. 



Grant. Bev, Andrew Shaw (Presb.). 
Scottish ancestry; s. Thomas and 
Mary (Fraser) G., La Guerre, P.Q.; 
b. there; e. McGUl Univ. (B.A., 1885), 
Edinburgh Univ., and Presb. ColI., Mont- 
real (B.D., 1888) ; m. Miss MacMaster, 
Toronto; o. 1889; successively pastor 
Almonte, Ont., and St. Andrew's, 
Dawson, Y.T., .1892-.1908; at 'furoruto, 
1908-1.1; since 1:h{!n :has 'reen g'en.l. 
suþ<Ì't. of 'missiol1lS, Presb. rOh.; was 
t.h-e firs't o'
d.ajnetd luill'r. in -the Yukon; 
while there, besides erecting a eh., 
founded and instituted the Good 
Samaritan Hosp.; did much to ex- 
þose aJbuse and viøe; elected ',PI"e5dt. 
Moral arud .8oai.aJl .RJeform Læ-g ue, To- 
rOIl/to, 1908; has lectured on .. Life 'in 
the Far NooTlth" and kiIl/dred 1:Jo;pios.- 
25 Cluny A'Ve., Toronto. 
.. Gifted with keen mental and business 
acumen."-l'. Globe. 
Grant, Bev. Charles Mal1;1n (Pres b.) 
Y. s. late .Jas. G., Pictou, N.S.; bro. 
late Principal G., C.M.G., Queen.. 
Univ., Kingston, Ont.; b. Co. Pictou, 
N.S., .July 12, 1842; e. Pictou Acad., 
and Univs. Glasgow (M.A.) and Ed- 
inburgh (B.D.; D.D.); m. Miss 
.Jamesa Muirhead, Glasgow, Scot.; o. 
1866; minr. St. Andrew's Ch., Hali- 
fax, 1866-8; resigned, at the request 
of the famous Dr. Norman MacLeod, 
of the Baronry parish, to act as mlssy. 
to the educated natives of Calcutta; 
retired, owing to Ill-health, 1871; 
since then has resided and worked In 
Scot., first In Partlck, Glasgow, and 
then In Dundee, where he still Is; 
a contributor to the various mags.; 
author .. Bible Heathens," a vol. of 
hlst. sketches concerning the various 
n3Jt:ions wlÌ11ioeh formed ilie env.iron- 
ment of the Hebrew people; II an 
ard-ent ImiP'ßri
LltiSlt, and h'3is never 
failed -to educate 'the .s:1Ug,g1Ïsh mind of 
tthe aMot'hoer OoUllitry 8JS to 'her Imp. 
position an,d calli" ; 0ÎI1J Clh. matJters may 
be called Broad Evangel.; calls him- 
self the .. most vagabond" mlnr. in 
the Ch., using the adjective in Its 
right meaning of wandering; he 
preached In Europe, Asia, AfrIca and 
Am. before he was 27 yrs. of age, 
and the furnished h'ÛUß-e in 3 contin- 
ents before he was 30.-St. .Mm'k's 
JlIanse, Dundee, Scot. 
.. \\-ell sustains the famil
. name."- 
K noxonian. 
Grant, His Honour David, Co. Cl 
B. and e. N. S.; m.; barrister (N. 
B.), 1884; subsequently moved to B. 
C., and practised his prof. at Van- 
couver; aJPptd. junior judg'e, Co. Ot., 
Vancouver, May 13, 1907.-Vancouver. 
Grant. Donald. railway contractor. 
B. Glengarry, Ont., 1837; moved to 
Ohio, 1857, going north to Farlbault, 
1863, since which time has been ac- 
tively engaged in the building of rys.; 
built the greatest and heaviest por- 
tion of the C. P. Ry., from Winnipeg 
to the summit of the Rockies, and 
subsequently the extension of the St. 
Paul, Minn. & Man. Ry., from Minot, 

Dak" to Gt. Falls, Mont., 750 miles; 
later, contracted to build the Intern. 
Ry., to connect with a spur of the 
Intern. system of Mexico; owns the 
Duluth & Winnipeg Ry., and other 
large ry. Interests; a Rep.; mayor of 
Faribault, 1892-3.-Faribault, Minn. 
Grant. Edward Eame.. manufacturer, 
S. Geo. "V. and Sarah E. (Geer) G., 
Scotch-Eng. origin: b. Trenton, N.J., 
Aug. 21, 1861; e. state sohs.; m. M, 
Anna W. Taylor; came to Can., 18Û; 
since engd. In 011 operations; council- 
lor PetroJ.-ea 4 y-rs. l-n succession; 
mayor .do., 1907; defeated, 1908; re- 
.elootoo, 1909, 'larg,e majority; Don., but 
inoHned t'O be Ind. ; .favours a high pro- 
tective rtal1iff, -better govt, rontro1 ()of 
oor,po.oo.Ui>ns, and! more equitable .ry. 
taxation on behalf of the people; Ang. 
-Petro lea, Ont.; Petro lea Club. 
Grant. George Davidson, lawyer; leg- 
Scotch and Irish forbears; s. late 
Rev. R. N. G., D.D. (" Knoxonian ") 1 
and Marianne (McMullen) G.; b. The 
Manse, Waterdown, Ont., .June 25, 
1870; e. public sch. and colI. Inst.; 
unm.; graduated Osgoode Hall; bar- 
rister, 1891; successfully practises his 
prof. at Orlllia and Uxbridge; a Lib.; 
sat for N. Ontario (H. C.), 1903-8; 
whUe In the House was Lib. whip for 
Ont., and chairman Standing Comte. 
rug Orodle
s; fond -of curling anIÙ 
golf; was presdt. Orillia Curling Club; 
has written occasionally for the mags. 
and other periodical-s; Presb.-Orillia, 
.. One of the most resourceful and most 
briJIiant among the young men of the 
day."-T. Globe. 
" A young mam CJIf poopuLar m.a.n.ners and 
addJress, disrtinctlly gifted .as & pub1ioe 
speaker."-.M. & E. 
Grant, Gordon, civil engineer. 
S. Peter, C.E., and Helen (Gordon) 
G.; 'b. Duffti>wn, IScOt., .Joan. 2, 1865; 
came to Can., 1872; e. Ottawa Bus. 
CoIl. and Ottawa Univ. ; m., Dec., 1906, 
Katherine Mary, o. d. late Wm. Mc- 
Carthy, C.E., Ottawa; an A.M. Ca.n. 
Soc. C. E., 1898; M., do., 1906; began 
enging. career In S. Am., where he 
was engd. in ry. construction for 6 
yrs.; later, was with the enging. 
branch, Dept. Rys. and Canals, Ot- 
tawa, 3 yrs., and, afterwards, with 
the C. P. Ry., 12 yrs.; joined stat'[, 
Can. Nat. Trans. Ry., 1905, and after 
holding some minor appts., was apptd. 
chief engr., replacing Mr. Lumsden 
(q.v.), .July, 1909; R. C.-58 Sweet- 
land Ave., Ottawa; Rideau Club, do. 
Grant, Gordon Monroe, lawyer. 
Scotch-Can. and Eng. origin; par- 
ents resided In B. C. before Confed- 
eratlon; b. Victoria, B.C., .July 25, 
1883; e. public and high schs., and 
private tuition; barrister, 1905; suc- 
cessfully practised his prof. in Vic- 
toria tm 1907; since then In Van- 

ouver; a 'partner of .Judge McInnes 
(q.v.), while the Latter was at the bar; 
an advanced Lib., and a campaign 
speaker; strongly favours exc
uslon of 
AosJ.atJiocs; on 'Ül'ganizaoti-on of Atsla't'Ìc 


Exoluslon League, after 'l'he Va11.OOUve,r 
riots, Sept., 1907, became secy, of the 
League, and one of the active leaders 
or th-e exdusion move,ment; believes in 
free trade, single tax, and govt. owner- 
ship of public utilities.-Vancouver. 
Grant, Bev, Hugh R. (Presb.). 
A retired clergyman; B.A., Queen's 
Unlv., Kingston, 1883: Is secy. N. S. 
'l'emp. Alllance; publishes Truth. a 
temp. paper.-New Glasgow, N.S. 
Grant, Bev. Hugh R, (Presb.). 
B. Ont.; 'e. Queen's Univ. ; o. 
1898; s.fnooe 19(}4 /has 'been 1J>'3..9Wr 
of Rossland; chairman comte. of ar- 
bitration between coal cos. operating 
In Crow's Nest Pass and their min- 
ers, 1
07; the original of Ralph Con- 
nor's .. Sky PUot"; Ri>ptd. chairman 
Bd. of Conciliation re W -estern Coal 
Operators' Assn. Employees, 1909.- 
Fernie. B.C. 
Grant, Rev. James A, (Presb.). 
S. Rev. Jas. G., Ingersoll, Ont.; e. 
Queen's Unlv., Kingston (B.A., 1878) ; 
m., Sept., 1891, Jessie (d.), d.. Rev. 
R. D. Mackay; 2ndly, ApI., 1903, 
Nettle Ellen, e. d. G. B. Moore, West- 
boro, Ont.; o. 1887; previously pastor, 
Colllngwood, Ont.; since 1895, has 
been pastor Richmond Hill and Thorn- 
hill.-Richmond Hill, Onto 
Grant, Lt,-C01, James Alexander, 
,physician; Can. permanent mil. 
E. s. Sir J. A. G., K.C.M.G. (q.v.); 
b. Ottawa, Sept. 25, 1856; e. Ottawa 
Coli. Inst., and Queen's Univ., King- 
ston (B.A., 1878); m., Dec., 1899, 
Lucile E., d. late Hon. John Mac- 
donald, senator, Toronto; M.D.,C.M., 
McGill Unlv., 1882; memo CoIl. P. and 
S., Ont., 1884 ; L.R.C.P, (Edln.), 
1894; successfully practised his prof. 
for S'O'IIle Y'rs. ,In Ottawa; joined G.-G. 
F. Gds., as asst. .surg., 1885; sur.-maj., 
do., 1899; It.-col., A.M.C., 1904; P.M.O., 
M.D. No.4, Feb., 1904; P.M.O., Weslt- 
ern Onto Command, Toronto, 1908-,11; 
since then has been admlnistra'l.ive 
med. offr, , 2nd Dlv.; served. drurdng 
N.-W. Rebel-Hon, 1885; was !presen.t a.t 
F,lsh Creek and Batoc.h-e (med., w,irth 
clasp); a Presb.-163 St, George St., 
Toronto; Toro7Ltn Club; Y o1'k Club, do. 
Grant, Sir James Alexander, phy- 
S. late Dr. Jas. G., who came to 
Can. from Edinburgh, Scot., 1831, and 
Jane (Ord) G.; grands. Jas. G., 7th, 
of CorI'11 emo ny, Scot., author 0-1 
.. Th'oughts on the Origin and Descent 
of the Gael," and other works; b. 
Inverness-shire, Scot., Aug. 11, 1831; 
e. Martlntown, Ont., Queen's CoIl., 
Kingston (honours In classics and 
math.), and ,McGill Unlv. (M.D., 
1854); m., Jan., 1856, Marla (gave 
medals for several yrs. for presentation 
by the Ottawa Humane Soc.; V.-P. Ot- 
tawa Maternity Hos-p., and intimately 
connected with ot'her local JnsUtu- 
blons), 2nd d. late Edward 'Malloch, 
M.P.P.; M.R.C.S., Eng., 1864; M.R.C,S., 
Lcmd., do.; F.R.C.S" Edin., do.; memo 
Moo, Council, 1866-9; preadt., do., 


1868-9; memo Med. Council, P. and S., 
Ont., 1869, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1910; long 
one of the leaders In his prof. In Ot- 
tawa; was physician to the several 
Gov.-GenIs. of Can., from Lord Monck's 
time until 1905, when apptd. hon. phy- 
slcian; attended H.R.H. the Princess 
Louise while In ,Can.; reed. In prJvate 
audience by late Queen Viiotorla and 
thanked for his 'Prof. services to the 
Princess, 1896; 'has .been .presdtt. Can. 
Med. Assn., presdt. teaching starr, Ot- 
tawa Gen!. Hasp., presd1:. St. John 
Ambulance Assn. in Can., preBdt. 
Tubercul. Assn. of Can., presdt. Intern. 
Congress of Hygiene for Can., ;presdt. 
Royal Soc. of Can., presdt. Ottawa St. 
Andrew's Soc., etc.; was long In active 
political life and a supporter of Sir 
John Macdonald, Sir John ThO'IIlpson 
and Si-r Ohas. (q.v.); one .01 
the" Old Guard" under Sir John Mac- 
donald; sat for Russell (H. C.), 1865- 
73, and for Ottawa (H. C.), 1892-6; 
Introduced bill for the oonstructlon of 
the Paolfic Ry., 1872; supported the 
late Mr. Davin In 'his motion for the 
extension of the Dom. franchise to 
women, 1895; K.C.M.G., 1887; awarded 
gold med., .As8n, dei Bene meriti 
Italiani, Palermo, Sicily, for med. 
science; memo Ital. Legion of Honour; 
. an hon. memo Brit. iMed. Assn.; a del. 
to various Intern. Conventions held -in 
the U. S. and Europe; an hon. memo 
Intern. Surgical Congress Oif the World, 
Brussels, Belgium; presented (with 
Lady Grant) ,to the present King and 
Queen, St. James's Palace, 1902; pre- 
sent (wlt'h Lady Grant) by Invitation 
at th-e oororuation 0{ the aate Kin!! 
Edward and Queen Alexandra, do.; 
entertained at a public banquet and 
presented wirth a slIver loving cup, by 
his prof. brethren dn Can., In com- 
memoration o,f his .having completed 
50 yrs. as an active prof. practitioner, 
ApI., 1903; reed. {,he freedom of ,the 
city of Inverness, 1910; for many yrs. 
an amateur geologist; has written 
much on geol. and med. subjects; 
author .. TuberoulJosis and the .sImpler 
LIfe," a le<cture doe}olvered dn SCoOt., 
1906; hra.s ralso ,lectured on .. How to 
Llv'e a Hundred YeaTs," and 'Other sub- 
joots; formerllY SUI'1g. OH.awa Rifle 
00. anrd: served during tJhe Trent 
affair; a Presb.-150 Elgin St., Ot- 
tawa; Rideau Club, do. 
.. His .record as .a. med. maD- wa. .. a.n 
open book to all; man,y honours had come 
to .him .and he de,seorved them .aU."-Tht 
late Sherif! Sweetland, M.D. 
Grant, James Miller, author. 
S. Jas. G., merchant; b. Grantown, 
Scot., 1853; e. public sch. and Edin- 
burgh Unlv.; m. Allee Balfour, d. late 
Ro bt. Armstrong, govr. E. Lothian 
Combination Poorhouse: author of 
booklets: "The Mother of St, Nicho- 
las" (San'ta Claus), '''Dhe Fa-iPy 
'Schrool of 'Oastle F.rank," and II Can- 
ada, My Home and O'tboer ,poems"; 
also of rtIhe pa,trlotlc poems, .. Canada, 
My HO'IIle" ( 15th rt:housand), .. My 
M-obherland" (4th thousand), .. Can- 
ftJOO tor ChrJst," .. Brlta.nnJa.,.. etc.; an 
oooa..s.lonal con.trflbutor to the news- 



p.apeT <p'I'e\SS; wrlotes 'Unod
plume: .. Grant Balfour"; made a 

eneral report on Northern Onto for 
Provl. Govt., and a general report of 
Western Can. to the coast, for the 
C. P. Ry.; for some yrs. actively engd. 
In the campaign made against tuber- 
cuI. by the Nat. Sanitarium of Can.; 
a Presb., but virtually undenomlna- 
tfonal; a Briton to his finger-tips; con- 
siders It an honour to remain a sub- 
ject of Gt. Britain, and to strenJrthen 
It to the full extent of his ablUty.- 
16 Parkvfew Ave., Toronto, 
.. Possesses the true p<>etic touch, and 
writes in a spirit of devout reverence 
ratitude that makes for hi
patriotism."-O. Guardian. 
Grant, Jean (see Mutch, Mrs. AnnIe 
Elizabeth) . 
Grant, John, merchant; miner; legis- 
E. S. late John G., Morayshlre, 
Scot.; b. AltoI'd, Scot., 1841; e. Scot.; 
m. Laura, o. d. John Heywood, Vic- 
toria, B.C.; lived for some yrs. at 
Elora, Ont.; moved to B. C., 1862: 
served as a contractor there, and 
bunt many miles of road; also, as a 

ovt. road supdt.; sat In Victoria 
City Council; mayor of Victoria, 
1890-1 (and as such received the 
Duke and Duchess of Connaught): 
represented Cassiar (Local), 1886- 
90; later, moved to the 
ukon. ancl 
was returned to the Yukon Council 
for S. Dawson, g. e., 1907; a Llb.- 
Daw80n, Y.T. 
Grant, Bev. ][ennetil J, (Presh.). 
B. Pictou, N.S., Feb. 2, 1839: e. 
there; studied theol., Presb. ColI., 
HaUfax; for close on 40 yrs. a mlssy. 
In Trinidad, W.I. ; retired, 1907; 
plected modprator (Maritime Pro- 
vlnces), 1903; D.D. (hon.). Queen's 
Unlv., Kingston, 1893.-Halffax, N.S. 
Grant, Lawford Stanley Foster, elec. 
trical enginef'r. 
Y. s. Alex. G., Boat of Gartf'n. In- 
verness, Scot.; b. Swansf'a. Wales. 
Aug. 30, 1878; e. Winchester House. 
Clifton, Eng'.; m., 1905. Nancy Nplmes. 
3rd d. John Grnnt, .. The Conifers," 
Hambrook, nr. Bristol, En
.; articled 
to civil en
., ani! nftpTwarils took 
up elect. englng.; A.M.I.E.E. (Lond.); 
A.M.I.C.E. (Dub.); A.I.E.E. (N.Y.): 
M.RS.A. (Lond.); memo Montrpal Bd 
of Trade; prpsdt. and mango dlr. Can. 
Brit. Tnsulatf'd Co., Ltd.: hon. -secy.- 
treas. for Can. for Inst. Elect. Engrs.. 
Lond'Ün, Eng-.; ,Prot.-St1'athmore, nr, 
Montreal; Canada Club; Enginee1's' 
Club; Royal St. Law1'ence Yacht Club. 
"!If ont1'eal. 
Grant, :Nelson Parker, physician. 
B. and e. N. B.; m., July, 1906, 
Julia Merritt, d. Herbert A. Reynolds; 
M.D.,C.M., McGill Unlv.. 1906; supdt. 
St. John Gent. PubItc Hosp., 1904-6; 
since In private practice; Meth.- 
Woodstock, N.B. 
Grant, Bev, Boland Dwight (Bapt.). 
S. Naaman and Sarah G. (kin of 
Genl. U. S. G.); had 40 ancestors In 
Colonial and Rev. war; b. Windsor, 
Conn, (In same house erected by his 

family, 1697): e, Colgate Unlv, 
(A.M.), and CQ}fax CQH. (D.D.): m., 
1874, Miss Nahala Bean, Warren, 
N.H.: successively pastor Boston, 
Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, B.C.: 
famed as a lect. on popular and scI- 
entific subjects: studied art many yrs.: 
originator .. See Am. First.. move- 
ment: travelled extensively; 41 times 
across Am. Continent; possesses 
splendid coHf'ctions In nat. hlst., one 
loaned to Public Library. Vancouver; 
a memo of mnny clubs.-Englf8h Bay, 
Vancouver, B.C. 
Grant, T, Geddes, merchant. 
S. Rev. K. J. G., D.D. (q.v.): b. 
Pictou, N.S.: e. there: entd. employ- 
mf'nt Sir Chas. Tennant Co., Ltd., 
Trinidad, W. T., 1884: estbd. Trini- 
dad's Can. a
ency, for the cultivation 
of an Import and export trailf' be- 
tween Can. and the W. Too 1906: a 
Presb.-Porl of Spain, Trfnfdad, W.l. 
Grant, Lt.-Col, Thomas Hunter, re- 
tired merchant. 
Scottish and Irish origin; o. S. latf' 
P. and Margt. (Thompson) G., who 
('ame to Can. In early life: b. and P. 
Quebec; m., Aug., 1864, Carrie, y. d. 
late Wm. Drum, manufacturer, Quebec; 
though he studied for and was In- 
tended for the Ch., later entd. mf'r- 
can tile life; after being head cashier 
['or H. J. Noad & Co., Quebec, was in 
huslness first associated with the late 
J'Ühn Lemesurler, and afterwards on 
his own account; served also for a con- 
siderable period, up to 1875, as secy. 
to the Quebec Bd. of Trade: In the 
latter capacity, did muc.h, rogether 
with the late Hon. John Young, Mont- 
real, to pTomote the !oormation of the 
Dom. Bd. of Trade, and was a del. 
from that body to the Detroit Trade 
Convention, 1864; later, was a memo 
o! the Quebec Harbour Comn. and was 
sent as a del. by it to the CoLonIal 
Secy., Londol1', to ask for Imp. aid 
towards the construction of the Que- 
bec Graving Dock and certain other 
harbour Improvements; assisted In or- 
ganizing the Quebec Gulf Ports 
ship Co. and the Stadacona Bank, 01 
whieoh latter he was one of the first 
dirs.; was thanked by the MinI'. of 
Marine and Fisheries for his exertions 
and advice in promoting the maritime 
In'Ì/erests (If Can.; a devoted Loyalist; 
was long in the v.m. service; at time of 
the Trent affair, raised a batty. of 
garrison arty., which was afterwards 
incorporated Into a batt., of which he 
became It.-col. and commanded during 
the Fenian raids (med.); In the ab- 
sence of H.M:s regular fOTces, at the 
front, wa.s for a limited period, com- 
mandant of the Quebe<J Citadel; for hl
services on this occasion. reed. the 
t'hanks of the MinI'. of Militia (Sir G. 
E. Cartier), Sir John Macdonald, Hon. 
Alex. MackenzIe, and others; an Ang. : 
was presd,t., Ch. of Eng. Youn
Assn. and officially connected with 
other clerical guilds; was presented to 
the late Queen Victoria, St. James's 
Palace, London; MS written several 
hures on trad'e and other subjects; 
has resided In Eng. for many yrs.: Is 
a Felil,ow o.f the Royal COI. Inst. and a 
V.P. of the St. George's Club.- Care 



National Bank of Scotland, 37 Nicholas 
Lane, London, Eng.; Blenheim Club; 
Primrose Club, do. 
II A matt o.f indomitable energy and 
pl'a.cticaJ C81þ8city."-Q. Ohronicle. 
Grant, 'Mrs, W, Forsyth, journa,Ilst. 
Minnie Carellne, e. d. late Hen. J. 
B. Rablnsen, Q.C., Lt.-Gav. af Ont.. 
1880-7, and Mary Jane, d. Han. C. A. 
Hagerman; b. and e. Tarente; m., 
188\1, WIITl. Forsytth Grant, late C61P1. 
H.M.'s 82nd Regt., sen ef Wm. Fer- 
syth, af Ecclesgrie
, Co'. Kincardine. 
Scot., J.P, and D.L., whO', In 1842, 
assumed by Reyal License the addi- 
tienal surname ef Grant (vide Chai!- 
wick); lived fer seme Y'I'S. In Hawaii, 
an-lt Is the aut her ef II Scenes In Hawaii 
ar Life In the Sandwich Islands ,: 
(1888); has written alsO' fer Can. 
perledlcal lit. ; at present, ani! has been 
fer some vrs., society ed. af the '1'0'- 
rento Daily Globe; 'Was fermerly 
presdt. IOf the Ladles' Relief Sec., Te- 
rente, and Is new and has been fer a 
long perled. presdt. of the Women's 
Can. Hlsterlcal Sec.; also an afflce- 
bearer ef the Asseci3Jte!d Charities and 
U. E. Leyallsts' Assn., same city; an 
Ang.-30 Nanton Crescent, Toronto. 
.. Writes in an e'asy and chatty style." 
-M. & E. 
Grant, Rev, William Harvey (Presb.). 
S. late Rev. Alex. G., M.A., St. 
Mary's, Ont., a geld and sll. med., 
Toranta Unlv.: b. Cayuga, Ont.: e. 
Terenta Unlv. (B.A., 1889) : m., Sept.. 
1902, Miss .sus1ie .MicOa}.lla. "M.D.; a 
mlssy. to China, 1892.-Chang-te-fu. 
Honan, China. 
Grant, William Lawsan, educationist. 
O. s. s, late Very Rev. Gee. Menre 
G., C.M.G.. LL.D., D.D., principal 
Queen's Unlv., Klngsten. Ont., and 
.Tessie. d. Wm. Lawsen. Hal'lfax. N.S.; 
b. Halifax, Nev. 2, 1872: e. Kingsten 
Cell. Inst., Queen's Unlv., Kingsten 
(M.A., and med. In Latin and Greek. 
1894), Bamel Coli.. Oxferd (B.A.. and 
1st dass henours In literæ humaniores 
1898), and Unlv. ef Paris; m" .Tune: 
19.11, Maude El'sklnoe (B.A.. McGiql 
Univ., 1903; 'formerly asst., Victoria 
CellI., ManlC'he!"ter, :h:ng.) , ð. Dr. Geo. 
R. Barkdn, C.M.G. (q. v.): 
enler his- 
tory and geography master, U. C. Cell.. 
1898-1902: de., St. Andrew's Cell., '1'0'- 
rente, 1902-4; Belt lect. In Cel. hls- 
tery, Oxferd Unlv., 1906-10: since 
then has been pref. of Coi. hlstery, 
Queen's Unlv., Klngsten: elected a 
memo Soc. d'Histoire Diplomat., 1906: 
F.R.C.I., 1905: F.R.S. C., 1911: gazetted 
lieut., 48th Regt. Highlanders, 1902; 
Cerps Reserve, 1906: besides many mag. 
articles is the auther: " Principal 
Grant. a Blegraphy" (with C. Fredk. 
Hamilton, q.v., 1904): II The Vaya
of Samuel de Champlain" (1907), 
"Can. Censtltutlenal Development" 
(with H. E. Egerten, 1908), and "Acts 
af the Privy Ceuncll" (CeLonlal series: 
witlh .T. 'M'lln!ro, 1907-10); IS. Presb.- 
Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont.; Mil. 
Institute, Toronto. 
"A young gen.tlema.n of rising lite'T'ary 
tate-nit; the wo,rrthy &On of a distingu ishpd 
aire."-Sir Sandford Fleming (q.".), 

Grant-Schaefer, George Alfred, cam- 
peser and vacal teacher. 
U. E. L. steck; b. Wllllamstewn, 
Ont.: far 10 yrs. arganlst and chelr- 
master Centenary M. E. Ch., ChicagO', 
where he has a vested chelr af both 
sexes (children and yauths), the first 
chelr af the kind In any M. E. ch.; 
cempeser af chlldren's sengs and pl- 
anefarte pieces: his principal werk Is 
a set af 7 French-Can. scenes for 
pianO', entitled "Scenes Canadlennes" 
(Le1pzf.g land BostJon
 1907), whiclh d'e- 
pict the quaint life of the French In 
Can.; Ang.-Fine A1.ts Building. Chi- 
cago, Ill. 
Granville, Mrs, Cliffard (Jennie Mc- 
Garry). elocutionist. 
B. nr. Mentreal; e. McGiU Univ. 
(ene af the late Pref. Andrews' ablest 
pupils): m. Clifford Granville, B.A., 
Lonò.on, Eng.; 'When .a young giTI, sus- 
uined, w.ioth ,great abU.i'Ìy, the Utle 
rôle ,in the Gl'e-ek trag1eày of "A,nlÌ.l- 
gone"; t'aug'h.t el'ocutQ:on ,In Divinity 
Cell. and Ladles' 00'11., Halifax, 
N.S.: lecturer in valce praduction to 
several Instltutians and sees. In En
has recited with marked success in 
Oan., U. S., Eng. a:nd Soot.: Iin1eresteò 
in .aliI wem'en's meve-men ts ; .Ang.- 
81 Priory Rd., 1V. Ha1npstead, London. 
N. W., Eng. 
.. Is entitled tOo take he'r ;p},ace- amon'g the 
mo'st prominent .I'e,aders that armo,n.g 
uoS."-Edinb'llrgh Scotsman. 
"Well and justly famed for puritv of 
diction, gracefulness of pose, and' fine 
dramatio eXjpression,."-Morning Post. 
Grasett, Frederick Le Maitre, phy- 
S. late Dean G., Torente, and 
Sarah Marla G.. e. d. Han. .Tehn 
Stewart, pl'esdt. Extve CeunooH, L.C.: 
b. Terente, ApI. 1. 1851; e. private 
sch. and Hel1muth Cell.. Lenden, Ont.: 
m., 1883, Jane Stuart, d. late A. 
Thernten Tedd, Tarente: M.D.,C.M., 
Edln. Unlv., 1873; M.R.C.S., Eng.. 
1875: L.R.C.S., Edln.. de.: F.R.C.S., 
Edin., 1877: memo Cell. P. and 
Ont., do.; memo Bd. of Examrs.. de. 
de., 1891-9: elected presdt. Can. Med. 
Assn., 1895: fellew the Obstf't. Soc., 
Edln., and praf. ef sur
ery and elln. 
surgery, Teronto Univ. Med. Faculty; 
a memo alsO' Can. Council Red Cress 
Soc., anod the -extve. com.te. Vlc.torl'an 
Ol'd'er of Nurses; Cen.: Ang.-
Si1ncoe St.. Toronto: Toronto Club, do. 
" Stands very high in his profession."- 
Sir W. P. Howland. 
Grasett, Lt.-Cal. Henry James, On t. 
munic.ipal Sf'rviÍCe. 
Bro. ef Dr. F. L. G. (q.v.): e. S. S. 
late Dean G., Terente: b. there, .Tune 
18, 1847: e. Learning-ten Cell., Eng.; 
m., Oct., 1877, Alice Katharine, d. late 
Wm. Parke. Landen. Eng. : entd. army. 
as ensign H. M.'s 100th Rf'
t. (Royal 
Canadians). Sept. 25, 1857: retired, 
as lIeut.. 1875; has been c'hløf cen- 
stable, Toronto, since 1886: gazetted 
It.-col., 10th Reyal Grenadiers, Te- 
rente, Nev. 5, 1880; cemmanded It 
during N. W. RebeUien, 1885: present 
at Fish Creek, Bateche, and In opera- 
tlens against Chief Big Bear's band 



(despatclhes; med. and! clasp) ; served 
also with Queen's Own Rifles durIng 
Fenian raid, 1866; present at Llme- 
ridge (gent service med., with 1 
clasp); elected V.-P. Pollee ChIefs 
Assn., U. S. and Can., 1902; presdt. 
Chief Constables' Assn.. 1905; memo 
adv. comte., Toronto Ladies' ReItef 
Soc.; presented to Prince and Prin- 
cess of Wales (now King anà Queen 
of Eng.), St. .James's Palace, 1902; 
a Con.; an Ang., and a ch. warden.- 
66 St. Patrick St.. Toronto; Toronto 
Club; Royal Can. Yacht Club; T{)ronto 
Hunt Club; Toronto Military Inst., do. 
Gravel, Joseph Ovide, merchant. 
S. late .Jean Marie and Sophh- 
(Fabre) G.; b. Montreal, 1839; e 
Commercial Sch. there; m. Miss Aurp- 
lie La Rocque; emplo
ed with the oW 
firm of Benning & Barsalou, 1854-63: 
treas. Can. Rubber Co., 1863-99; now 
ml3.nogr. and exeocutoT esta te J'Oh'l 
Pratt; a dir. Can. Lins'ood Oil MiUs. 
T.Æ. So
. d' AJdmin. General'e, 
Montreal CItizen's' Assn.; trustee Guar- 
dian Assur. Co.; presdt. the Sin- 
rennes McNaughton Line, the Dom 
Oilcloth Co.. and the Corona RubbN 
Co.; R. C.-59 ]Ilansfield St., ltIontreal 
GraveIle, Arthur, journalist; stock 
Family came from France, 1643 
b. Renfrew, Ont., Jan. 4, 1857; e 
local schs. and Ottawa Unlv.: m. 
.June, 1886, Mary, 2n.d d. late SImon 
O'Gorman, Renfrew; a .J. P.; a town 
oou71CTfllor; maY'OO" (by aoolamation) 
1909-11; memo and chaIrman Hoso 
Bd.; do. High Sch. Bd.: s-ecy. Antf- 
tubercu1. Soc.; V.-P. Bd. of Trade; 
presdt. St. .Jean Bapte. Soc.; hon 
presdt. Children's Aid Soc. ; estbd. Ren- 
frew Journal, 1886; published it for 
22 yrs.; now a stock broker; became 
famous as an expert witness in the 
Napanee Bank robbery case, where he 
demonstrated that he could open the 
combination of any bank safe in a very 
short time without any previous know- 
ledge of the comblnation.-Renf1'ew, 
Gra7, Venerable Henry Allen (Ang.). 
S. late Hy. G., R.N., and Fanny G., 
old DevQns'hiil'e family; b. London, 
Eng., 1863; e. Chatham House ColI., 
RamsgtaJte, Kent, .and Man. Univ. (M.A.. 
1895) ; M.A. (Alberta UnIv.) ; m., 1904, 
Elizabeth Frances, O. d. .John Andoer- 
son.. Chaudlêre Basin, P.Q.; came to 
Oan., 1886; Jay l"eadelr, 1889; I(). dea- 
con., 1895; priest, 1896; -Incumbent 
lIlOly Trin., Stmthooona, 1895; :rector 
AM Salnt-s, Edmonton, sinoce 1897; 
R.D., 1903; Archdpacon of Edmonton 
1907; mpm. Eilmonton Puhlic Seh. Bd. 
1903-9; in early life was for 6 yrs. fol- 
lowing commercIal pursuits, London, 
Eng., and 6 yrs. In the N. W., .. cow- 
punching"; non-'Partlsan In politics; 
supports municipal ownershIp. - 5
Third St., Edmonton, Alta. 
Gra7, Bev. John (Pres b.). 
S. late Capt. Arthur G., Ceylon Rifle 
Regt.; gt.-grands. Capt. Robt. Urqu- 
hart, Tannachy, Scot., who was with 
Wolfe at the capture of Quebec, and 

gt.-gt.-grand.s. Lewis Kay of RoseIsl-e 
and Burghead, private secy. to Prln
Chas. Edward Stuart; b. Plttenselr Ho., 
Morayshlre, Scot., Sept. 1, 1824; e. 
parish schs. of Urquhart and St. 
Andrews, Lhanbryde, King's Colt, 
.A:berdeen, Knox ColI., Toronto (D.D., 
hon., 1885), and Queen's Unlv., Kings- 
ton (B.A., 1873: M.A., 1874); m., 1st, 
Miss Rebecca Harlot Fraser (d.) ; 2ndly, 
Miss Barbara OgIlvie (d. 1899); 0.. 
1851; became subsequently mlnr. ot 
OrilUa and so remained until his 
retirement. owing to III health, 1882; 
has been local supdt. of schs.; gram- 
mar and high sch. trustee; examr. of 
tPoachers: memo of the senate and bd. 
of examrs. and of management. Knox 
Coll, : and elk. of the synods of Toronto 
and Kingston; celebrated his jubilee as 
a Presb. minr. and pastor emeritus of 
Orl Ilia , 1891; hM written a great num. 
ber of sermons, lectures, addresses and 
newspaper artielps; also assisted In 
preparing first Can. geography and 
hist. Issued from the press In Can.; 
pOlitfcaUy was an admirer of late Sir 
O. Mowat; believes in free trade and 
Is opposed to the .. N.P.": an ardent 
LoyaUst and rejoices In our connec- 
tion with Brlt.-Tannachy Cottage, 
Orillia, Onto 
"A. ripe ,and .acoompHshe.d schO'1ißlr."- 
Presb. Rev. 
Gray, Boland Palmer, educationist. 
S. Corydon L. and Jane (Amerman) 
n., father a Scotchman, who settled in 
ast Seabury, Martha's Vlneyarù, 

Iass.; b. N. Y. City, Feb. 6, 1868; 
P. private and public schs., N. Y. City, 
Colgate Univ. (graduated, 1889), Col- 
umbia Unlv., N.Y. (A.B., 1893), Yale 
Univ. and Oxford Univ.; m. Miss 
Xettip PattHson. Hamilton, N.Y.; in- 
str. Eng. Lit., Marmaduke .Mil. Acad., 
18Q3-4; do. do. State Univ., Neb.. 
1894-5; R. S. Burrows .asst. prof. 
., UnÍ\r. of Rochester, 1895-1905: 
prof. gng. lang. and lit., A('
dia TTniv.. 
1905-8; prof. Eng. Lit., 'Mt. Allison 
Univ., 1908; since then at the Univ. 
of Maine: formerly 'asst. ed. Nebmsko 
Lit. I1fonthly; author of a series of 
theme tablets for essay work; joint 
author of .. Some Helps to Sentence 
Analysis"; a; a Rep.-Oron n , 
.lIe.; Delta Upsilon. 
"A bro.adly educated sch()lar."-H. 
Greata, John ]II" banking profession. 
S. late Henry .J. Robt. and Sarah G.. 
manford, Eng.; b. and e. there; many 
vrs. In service of Bank of Montreal; 
successively acting man gr. at Ottawa; 
asst. Inspr., mangr.. St. .John's, Nfrl.: 
second agent, New York; now and fo" 
Rome yrs. man gr. at Chicago; R. C.- 
Chicago, Ill. 
Green, Leslie Arnold, educationist. 
S. Philip H. and Emily (Willard) 
G.; former of U. E. L. stock; b. 
Sheffield, Co. Wentworth, Ont., Oct. 11, 
1867; e. under his father, local sch.. 
Brantford Coli. Inst. (2nd class cert.), 
Brant Co. Model Sch. (1st class cert.). 
and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1895); m., 
Aug., 1898, KItty Mary, d. Wm. Young, 
Galt, Ont.; entd. teaching prof., 1886; 



wa.s successively principal Rosevllle 
Sch., do. Dlst. Training Sch., Sault 
Ste. Marie, and tlhe High Sch., fMlme 
place; since 1904 has been Publlc Sch. 
Il1spr, for Algoma; has filled various 
other publlc positions, Including that 
of presdt. of the E. rAlgoma Teachers' 
Assn.; ,Is also a dlr. Y. M. C. A.; a 
Lib., but not an aggressive one' a 
Presb. and an elder In the ch, ; bell
In a .stronger Brit. connexlon and the 
development of Can. as a part of a 
great Emplre.-Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 
"A fair.minded and able Canadian."- 
M. Witne88. 
Greene, Major-General Francis Vin- 
ton, civil engineer; U. S. army, 
,S. Major-
nl. Geo. S. G. and .M3Il'bha 
(Dana) G.; father's family 8th 
generation In descent from J.ohn G., 
Sallsbury, Eng., and Providence, R.I.; 
b. Providence, June 27, 1850; e. U.S. 
A_cad., West Point. 1866-70; m., Feb. 
2a, 1879, Mis,s Belle Eugên"le Ohievalllliê 
Washington, D.C.; !promoted from 
cadet 10 maj.-genl., U. ,S. army; U. S. 
mH. attaché, at headquarters RJussiÍan 
army during war Turkey, 1877-8; 
now presdt. Niagara Oonstructlon 
Co., Ont., and Niagara Power Co.' 
author of .. The Russian Army and it
Campaigns In Turkey, 1877-8," .. Army 
Life In Russia," .. The Mississippi 
(Campaigns of the Civil War)" 
.. Life of Major-General Nathana
Greene"; a Rep.; was chairman Rep. 
Comte., N.Y. Co., 1900; del. Nat. Con- 
vention, Philadelphia, do.; Proto Epls. 
-303 North St., Buffalo, N.Y.; Buffalo 
Club; University Club, do.; Country 
Club, do.; University Club, New York; 
Century Club, !io.; Metropolitan Club, 

ci. Metropohtan Club, Washington. 
Greenshields, Edward :Black, mer- 
E. s. late John G., a well known 
merchant of Glas
ow and Montreal' 
grands. late Rev. Edward Black D D ' 
founder St. Paul's Presb. Ch., 'l\!öni
real; b. Montreal, 1850; e. High Sch. 
and McGill Univ. (B.A., gold med. and 
honours In mental and moral phil., 
L.D., hon., 1910); m., Oct.. 
1876, ElIza Eleano.r Brodie (V.-P. Mont- 
real Decorative Art Assn.. 1907; first 
dlrectress, Montreal Proto Orphan 
Asylum, 1910). y. d. late Rev. John 
Cook, D.D.. principal, Morrin Call., 
Quebec; entd. firm of S. Greenshlelds, 
Son & Co., wholesale dry goods mer- 
chants, which "'"as founded by his 
father and grandtfather, 1833; became 
a partner In the business, 1876; Is 
now presdt. of Greenshle.Jds. Ltd., which 
succeeded to the business, 1903; served 
as a volunteer in the Victoria Rifles and 
retired with rank of capt.; presdt. 
Montreal Bd. of Trade, 1892; do., 
Wholesale Dry Goods Assn., 1896; Is 
a dlr. Bank of Montreal, Royal Trust 
Co., Standard Life Assur. Co., Ocean 
Accident Corpn., G. T. P. Ry., and 
Penman's Ltd.; is presdt. Pacific Pass 
Coal Fields and Lethbridge Collieries, 
and Western Coal and Coke Co.; V.-P. 
Mexican Northern Power Co.; hon. 
tI'e'9.s., .McGm UI1Jlv., 1903-11; rated 
as a millionaire by Montreal Star, 

1911; one of the 23 men who are 
according to the Montreal Standard" 
at the basis of Can. finance; Is á 
councillor, Montreal Art Assn.; has 
been presdt., do.; Is a gov., McGill 
Unlv.; author: .. Landscape Painting 
and M'Od.e.rn Dutoh Artists It (1906)' 
has contributed to the Univ. Mag.; 
Presb.-" The Elms," S39 Peel St., 
Montreal; St. James's Club; Mt. R01fal 
Club; Forest & Stream Club; Mont- 
real Hunt Club; Royal Montreal Golf 
Club, do. 
.. A ma.n of exce.tIent ba.La.nce a.nd (If 
wide apprecLartiJo-n."-S. N. 
Greenshields, James liaism1th, 
S. late John G.. mill owner and 
farmer, Danvllle, P.Q., and Margt. G.: 
b. Danvllle, P.Q., 1853; e. St. Francis 
Call., Richmond, P.Q., and McGm 
Unlv. (B.C.L. and Elizabeth Torrance 
g<;>ld med., 1876); m., Dec.. 1878. 
Lizzie Thomson, e. d. Rev, Chas. G. 
Glass, M.A., Springhill. N.S. ; advocate 
1877; K.C. (Earl of Derby), 1889; d
(P. Q.), 1899; one of the foremost 
commercial and criminal lawyer,s of 
'his Hme; Ih-eoad oO'f 'Ì'hoe law firm 
G. G. & Languedoc, Montreal; success
fuBy de.fended Annie Eastman, DonaM 
lMor.l'Ilsoll, Hoop.e.r a.nd Shortls, æ.cih 
ror murder: was .prose-cu.tlng attry. 
In the F'aJhey-Neagle-Bu'\'!ell!U tr.lal. 
othoeI"W1lse 1moQWß as rthe Grand Trunk 
Ry. robbery trial; was counsel for 
the loIquldalors agadnst the õirs. 01 
t,he defunct Exohang.e Bank; 'ÌooQk 
part in the }.lOOI ease of .Baxlter 
1)S. Slllls ; was counsel for Gale 
against the Equitable Life Assur. Co., 
when the co. were obliged to settle 
with the plaintiff for over $100,000: 

as chief counsel for a comte. of 
cItizens In the matter of the pollee 
Investigation In Montreal, 1894; and 
was chIef counsel for Louis Riel tried 
for high treason at Regina, '1885; 
was also one o.f the counsel for 
Hon. H. Mercier and E. Pacand, 18q2: 
Is presdt. Drummond Co. Ry., City 
Central Real Estate Co., Black J..akè 
Consolidated Asbestos Co., and Mont- 
real-London Securities Corpn.; V.-P. 
Imp. Asbesto,s ,co.: a dlr. Intern. 
Bank of Can., Quebec Ry., Light, 
Heat & Power Co., Travellers' Life 
Assur. Co., Quebec & Saguenay Ry., 
Park Realty Co., Quebec Gas Co., 
Wabasso Cotton Co.. Shawini2"Rn Car- 
bide Co., Montmorency Cotton Mills Co., 
and Nat. Life Assur. Co. ; formerly V.-P. 
Shawinigan Water & Power Co.; a 
IJI'b., burt O'PP'osed to tlhe Ta.r.t-Fi-eld!ng 
l'ecl,proclty agreement, 1911; unsu.c- 
cessfuUy coniesled RJiC'h'lTI'ond antd 
Wolfe (H. C.), g. e. 1887; bas 
severaJ. .tlmes later dledlned nom,ln- 
atlon for Parlt.; a Presb.-9 Mac- 
Gregor St., Montreal; " lsuleigh 
Grange," Danvi1le. P.Q.; St. James's 
Club; Caf/ada Clnb: Montreal Jockey 
Club, Monf1'eal; Rideau Club, Ottawa; 
Garrison Club, Quebec. 
Greenshields, Hon, Bobert Alfred 
Ernest, judge. 
Bro. J. N. G. (q.v.): b. Danvllle, 
P.Q.; e. there, Danv.uIe Acad., Rich- 
mond, P.Q., and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 



1883: B.C.L., ] 885): m., .Jan., 1890. 
Maude A. (a cUr. Montreal Day Nur- 
sery, etc.), e. d. Robt. T. Gooderham, 
Toronto: advocate, 1885; K.C., 1899; 
a councl1lor, Montreal Bar Assn., 
1908-9; successfully practised his prof. 
In Montreal. In partnership with his 
bro.; defended Dillon and Frank (alias 
U Crooked Neck") Smith, Mrs. SclateJ 
and Wallace McCraw, all for murder; 
successfully pleaded before the .Jl. 
Comte. of the P. C., Eng., 1904; was 
a Lib. In 'Politics and Is a personal 
friend of Sir W. Laurler: a Presb.; 
apptd. a Puisne Judge, S. C., P. Q., 
.July 6, 1910.-5" Simpson St., Montreal; 
St. James's Olub; Mont1'eal Ourling 
Olub ,. Montreal Jockey Olub; St. George 
Snowshoe Olub, do. 
It When at the bar was uniformly suc. 
cessful, more especially in defending crimi. 
nals."-M. Star. 
Greenway, John Wesley, Dom. public 
E. s. late Hon. Thos. G., formerly 
Premier of Man., and Annie (Hicks) 
G.; b. Bernie, Co. Bruce, Ont., Aug 
27, 1861; e. local public and high Echs. ; 
accompanied his father to Man.; for- 
merly In business at Crystal City. 
entd. public service, .Jan., 1898, as in- 
spector of sch. lands for Can. In Man. ; 
apptd. commr. of Dom. lands, Dept 
of the Interior, Ottawa, Mch. 23. 19U4; 
a Meth., and a del. to Genl. Con f.- 
 Oobourg St., Ottawa. 
Greenwood, Lt,-Col, Henry Smith, 
civil engineer. 
S. late .Jas. G., merchant, and - 
G., d. late Tunis L. Snook, Kingston, 
Ont.: b. there, ApI. 27, 1861; e. there 
and Royal Mil. CoIl.; graduated, 1882; 
m., 1st, Oct., 1891, MatIlda Florence 
(d. .Johannesburg, S.A., .July 14, 1903), 
d. late Hon. Sir H. G. .Joly de Lot- 
re : 2ndly, Feb., 1908, Miss 
Dorothy May, niece Wallace Pierce, 
Boston, Mass.: memo Can. Soc. C.E., 
1896; some time in Dom. Govt. ser- 
vice as an engr.; employed on Corn- 
wall Canal and Trent Waterways and 
was asst. supdg. en gr. Trent Canal, 
Peterboro, Ont.; holds a Royal Sch. 
Infy. 1st class cert. and the long- 
service decora tlon; long In the v. m. 
service; capt. and adjt. 4th Hussars, 
1886; It.-col. 3rd Dragoons, 1889; 
R.O., 1907; served S. 4-frlcan War 
with 1 st Regt. Can. Moun ted Rifles; 
operations In Orange Free State 
(Feb.-May, 1900), Including actions 
at Vet River and Zand River (Queen's 
med. with 3 clasps; King's med. with 
2 clasps); also served in the Natal 
Native RebeIllon, 1906 (med.); was 
on staff Dir. of Imp. Mil. Rys. In 
Transvaal, in charge of construction 
coso for repairs and maintenance .of 
rys., .June, 1900-May, 1902; later was 
resident en gr. of the Ry. Dept., 
.Johannesburg; superintended erec- 
tion of monuments In S.A. for Can. 
S. African Memorial Assn, 1904; now 
resides In Toronto; elected presdt. To- 
ronto R. M. ColI. Club, 1911: Ang.- 
St. George Apartments, Toronto. 
Greenwood, Major Thomas Hamar, 
lawyer; statesman. 
U.E.L. descent; s. .John Hamar G., 
barrister, Whitby. Ont., and Charlotte 

Churchill (Hubbard) G.; b, Whitby, 
Feb. 7, 1870; e. Whitby ColI. Inst. and 
T-orontto Unlv. (B.A., 1895); !In., May. 
1911, Margery, d. Wallt1:er Spencer, 
V'úwnhope Oourt, Heref-ordshlre, Eng.; 
some time In Dept. of Agrlcul., Ont.; 
went to Eng.. 1885; admitted a bar- 
risot-er-at-law of Grey's Inn: el<eocte.d 
pre.sdlt. -Can. Soc., Lond.on, Enog., 1906: 
Lib.; declin.ed dnvd.tation 'Ìo contest 
Grlmsby (Eng. H. ,C.), ,1900; send-or 
M.P. for Y.ork (do.), 1906-10; re'turn.ed 
for .sunderland, De.c., ,19.10; has served 
n s Pa.rlty. Under-Sec'y. -to Mr. Winston 
Churchlll ; presentoo to late King 
Edward, 1908; for 8 yrs. lIeut. In Can. 
v. m.; now major, King Edward's 
Horse.-St. James Ot., Buckingham 
Gate, London, S. W.; .f Orown Otflce 
Row, Temple, London, E.C.; Eiahtv 
Olub; Nat, Liberal Olub; Reform Club, 
"A pOipular speaker, with a gift of 
lanoguage and a fine presence. He will 
make good."-S. N. 
"Whateve>r {;f SUC0&6S he has 8Ichieved 
is due n()lt a.t aJll to .s. happy chaIIloo but 
altoge'ther to his own- abiHty and deter. 
minatton to take occa'Slion by the hs.nd."- 
Dr. J. A. Macdonald. 
Gregg, Charles Abraham, journallst. 
Irish origin: e. s. late Abraham Ben- 
nett G.; b. St. Stephen, N.B., Nov. 5, 
1867; e. there; m., 1900, Stella, e. d. 
Capt. Wm. Meyer, Victoria, B.C. : 
trained to newspaper work on Victoria 
(B.C.) Daily Times; founded Victoria 
Daily Globe, 1899; later was mango ed. 
Nelson Daily News, and Rossland 
Daily Miner; since 1901 !has been asst. 
ed. Victoria Daily Oolonist; In Decem- 
ber, 1908, suggested. to Lord Milner 
that the Admiralty should offer the 
use of discarded cruisers to Can., thus 
Inducing the Dom. to embark upon a 
polIcy of creating the nucleus of a Can. 
navy which would prove an Imp. asset, 
Lord Milner forwarded Mr. G.'s article 
to the London Times, and the same 
was faV'OuTably commented on by .the 
'l'imes and In a debate in the House .of 
Commons, Ottawa; an ardent Imperial- 
ist: Lib.; Ang.-602 Dunedin St., Vic- 
t01"Ïa, B.O. 
.. Has given Impe.rial thQught a new 
dire.ctiQn in one of its aspects."-V. 001071- 
Gregor, Leigh Richmond, educationist. 
B. New Glasgow, P.E.I., 1860; e. 
Prince of Wales ColI., Charlottetown, 
and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 1882); post- 
grad. course In romance lang. and lit. 
at Unlv. of Heidelberg (Ph.D., 1896) ; 
m., 1899, Marg-t., d. Dan!. Gibbens, 
M.D., Boston, Mass.: has published 
annotated eds. of Heine's U Harzrelse," 
Gpo. Sand's It La Mare au Dlable," an(l 
FreY'tag's ".Journallsten"; lect. on mod. 
lang-s., McGllI Unlv., 1892; now asso. 
prof. of do. there: a dlr. and one of 
the secs. Amance Nat. Françals and 
V.-P. City Improvement League, Mont- 
roo.l,and Fed-e.rRiblon of French A'I:If- 
anees ,In U. S. and Can. ; .has lectured. 
among ot-her subjects, on U The New 
Can. Patriotism," UEng., Am. and Dan. 
Speeoch," "The Life and Works of De 
Gaspê."-139 Bayle St., Montreal; 8um- 



mer: Cambridge, Mass.; lTniversitJI 
Club, Mont1'eal, 
Gregory, Charles Ernest, lawyer. 
S. late Chas. C. G., C.E.; b Frerl- 
ericton, N.B., M3.Y 5, 1867; e. Univ. 
King's ColI., Windsor, and Dalhousie 
Univ. (LL.B., 1888); m., 1891, Maude 
C., d. late Da vid Graham; barrister, 
1887; K.C., 1905; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. in Antigonish: revising 
harrister undpr E. F. Act, 1892-5: 
Ip'Ct. on Inte-rn. Law, St. FramC1is 
Xavlpr'.s ColI., Antigonish; a Lib.; for- 
merly a Con.: unsuccessfullv contestpd 
Guysboro' (H.C.). Con., 1896 
find 1900; V.-P.. Soc. Pl'pvpntion 
Cruelty to Animals, Halithx; strongly 
opposed to policy of Govt. ownership 
and operation of our rys.; believes in 
protection for Can. industries; Ang.- 
u Fernwood," Anti(]()l1 ish. ?V..r;:.: A11t;(]- 
onish Club, do.: Halifax Cl1lb, Ha1ifn:'C. 
.. A ge.nt1eman of ex('eptionAl ability-"- 
IT. Herald. 
Gregory, Lt.-Col. John Johnson, far- 
B. and e. Niagara Dist.: U.E.L. de- 
scent; m. d. "rm. H. Reed, Port Dal- 
housh>, Ont.: fillerl various municipal 
offices, Including that of Reeve, both In 
Niagara Dist. and North Bay, whither 
hp removed, 1894; assisted in organ- 
Izing first sch. and ffrst municipality h 
last-named place; removprl to Lacombp. 
Alta., where he hRs also entd. muni- 
cipal life, 1893; a lifp-Iong militiaman: 
f"ntd. VI01lUI1lteer Il11.iHtìia ,3:t 16; jolnoed 
St. Catharines troop of ca\'alry, 1857. 
and, passing through the severa I gradl's. 
attained command of his corps, with 
rank of It.-col., .June, 1883; retired, re- 
taining rank, 1892; holds 1st class c.c. 
rert.; seTverl during Trent affair 
and Fenian Raid (med.); awarded 
long service decoration; politically 
Ind.; desires the fullest measure of 
provl. autonomy for his province, with 
the right to determine their own schs. 
rmd administer their own resources; 
Ang.-Lacombe, Alta. 
Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, physic- 
ian; philanthropist. 
S. Algernon Sydney and .Jane 
Georgina (Hutchinson) G.; b. Park- 
gate, Cheshire, Eng., Feb. 28, 1865; 
e. Marlborough ColI., Oxford Unlv. 
(M.D., 1889; M.D. (hon.), 1907), and 
London Hosp.; M.A. (hon.), Harvard 
Unlv., 1909; LL.D. (hon.), William!! 
CoIl., do.; m., 1889, Anna Elizabeth, d. 
Mrs. E. B. MacClanahan, Lake Forest, 
Ill. ; .J.P.; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P., Lond. ; 
qualified for his prof. under Sir Fredk. 
Treves and late Sir Andrew Clark; 
accepted In 1890 the office of supdt. 
of the Mlss'lon to Deep Sea Fisher- 
men, which was made a royal nat. 
Institution by Her Majesty the late 
Queen Victoria, 1897; sailed for 
Labrador, 1892, and has since been 
working there; has built there 4 
small mission hOsps., a series of co- 
operative stores, an orphanage, and 
founded vl3.rious indus. schemes. : 
cted as W. B. Noble lect., Harvarà 
Unlv., 1911-12; awa-r,dJe-d t'he Murchi- 
son Bequegt .by the Royal GoeOg. Soc., 
1911; Is ,In .fa vou,r ()If a f-ederat:lon of 

Nfd. and Labrador w,ith Can.; C..M.G., 
1907; C.V.O., 19.11 ;reod. ;prIV13.'Ì'e 'inrt-er- 
\'iew wfotJh KJing George, Moh., 1911; 
besides many articles In Black- 
wood's, The Outlook (N. Y.), The 
Youth's Companion, etc., is the author 
of "The Vikings 'Of To-òay," "Ad.rdfJt 
on a P8JCk of lee," "A Man's Faith," 
"The ,Harvest OIf the ISøa," "Off 'Ì'he 
Rocks," .. Down ,to thoe Sea," .. Lahra- 
d.or: The Country and 'the Beop}ie," 
and 'Ûlth
r 'bo'Ûk1S; Anrg.-Labradm', 
via St. John's, Nfd.,o St. Anthony. 
Nfd,; 181 Queen Victoria St., London, 
Grenier, Amédée Léonidas Wolfred, 
S. late .Jerome G., wholesale dry 
goods merchant, Montreal. and M. 
(Perrault) G.; b. . Montreal, Oct. 12, 
1840; e. St. Mary's (Jesuit) CoIl.; 
m., Oct., 1868, Miss Albina Fournier 
(d. Jan., 1898) ; graduated B.C.L., Mc- 
Gill Univ., 1863; advocate, do.; K.C. 
(Earl of DerbY), 1889; In active prac- 
Nee in ,MoTI'tr
a]; also, before Supreme 
Ct., Ottawa; now In partnership with 
his s., Armand G.; for 16 yrs. the 
Dal'tne'r of .bbe løJte Hon. Mr. Justic+o 
Curran; an old-time Con.; fought in 
yrs. past under the banner of the late 
Sir G. E. Cartier, whose last letter, 
dated London, Eng., May 1, 1873, he 
J{eeps with reverential care, coming 
from the grea t chie'f, who d. on the 
22nd -of the samoe mon-toh; .R. C.-
6 St. 
Venis St., Montreal. 
Grenier, Gustave, Que. pub. service. 
S. late Geo. G.. Montreal; b. there, 
June, 1847; e. Toronto and Quebec: 
m., 1st, 1879, Miss Kate Winnifre<1 
Heatley, Quebec (d. 1880);, 
Mch., 1889, Hêlene (V.-P. Women's 
Can. Club, Quebec), e. ili late Hon. F. 
G. Marehand, Lit.D., Prime ,l\tinr. .of 
Quøboeoc; entd. Extve. Counoil Ofikp, 
Quebec, 1867; od'epty. elk., 00., 1878; 
nromoted elk. of t:he CouncH, .1887; .Is 
Depty. Lt.-Gov. .for wa'rran1:8; 
I. S. 0., 1904; a J.'P. for tlhoe whooloe 
province; R. C.-1fJ7 Grande Allée, 
.. A man of Irreat personal charm and 
('ourtesy."-M. Star. 
Grey, Hon, Col" the Bight Hon. 
Albert Henry George Grey, 4th 
Earl, state,; late Governor- 
General of Canada. 
S. late Genl. Hon. Chas. G. and 
Caroline, d. Sir T. H. Farquhar, Bart.; 
b. Nov. 28, 1851; e. Harrow and Trin. 
Coli., Cambridge (senior In law and 
hist. tripos, 1873) ; LL.D. (hon.), Mc- 
Gill Univ., 1905; do. (do.). Queen's 
Univ., do.; do. (do.), Laval Univ.. do.; 
D.C.L. (do.), Oxon, 1909; do. (do.), 
Lennoxvllle Univ., 1910; do. (do.), 
Cambridge Univ., 1911; m., 1877, Alice 
(was with Earl Grey In Soutlh Africa 
during the Matabe]e Rebellion; in 
Can. has been presdt. of the Aberdeen 
Assn.: patroness, WlQmen's Welcome 
Hostel, Toronto; hon. presdt. Ottawa 
Maternity Hosp., VIctorIan Order of 
Nurses, and Woman's branch Num. 
and Antìiquarian Soc., Montreal; car- 
ried on the work started by H. E. the 
Countess of Minto of bestowing re- 



wards f.or well-kept gardens, Ottawa; 
suggested and hooded the movement 
madE by the women of OUa wa for the 
reUef of the sufferers from the Fernie 
fire, 1908; turned first liIod for the 
monument to commemorate the battle 
of Stoney Creek, 1909), d. late Robt. 
Stayner Holforà, M.P.; a dlr. (and 
sometime admnr. of their territories) 
of the Brit. South Africa Co.; elected 
M.P. for Northumberland S. (Brit. H. 
C.) with Mr. E. Ridley (d'OublE return), 
1878, but upon a scrutiny was un- 
seated; sat f.or Northumberland S., 
1880-5 ; and for Tyneside div. of 
Northumberland, 1885-6, when de- 
feated; visited Oan., 1888 and 1889; 
.J.P.; Gov.-Genl. and Commander-In- 
Chief of Can., 1904-11; arrived In Hali- 
fax and was sworn Into office there, Dec. 
10, 1904; reached Ottawa, Dec. 13, and 
reed. a civic welcome; during his term 
of office (which was extended for 12 
months, at the dIrect Instance of the 
late Sovereign) visited every provInce 
and section of the Doon. anà made 
himself personally acquainted with 
the great majority of His Majesty's 
subjects therein, both old and new; 
has also visited N.fd. and the U. S.; 
has been the guest of ex-Presdt. Roose- 
velt and of Preedt. Taft at Washington, 
and was warmly welcomed by the 
people of the Am. Rellmblic; has been 
throughout closely Id'i!ntified with every 
project, undlertaking or movement look- 
ing to or calculated to be for the ad- 
vancement of the public interest, and 
has cheerfully given of 'his means, 
whenever needed, to advance the cause 
in hand; re-cd. the thanks of Parlt. 
in an adidress from both Houses, pre- 
serutoed to !bJim, ,May 4, .1910; also 'Of 
t'he Leg.isla1ure of Orut. aßldi of eeV'eTal 
other of thE Provl. Barlrts.; Ipl'eseruted 
with a golld .c'up (a re.plica of the 
Derby Cup) by "the M'Oßltreal .Jockey 
Club, Montreal, Seipot., 1911; G.C..M.G. 
(invested by King Edward in person), 
04; G.<C.V.O., 1908; P.C., doo.; G.C.B. 
(mvestoo after .leavlng Oan. .by His 
:lli.'ljeSlty 1he King In person), 1911; 
apptd., ex-otflcio, 'bOon. coL., Gov.-GenJ.'s 
F.oo1: Gds., 1904; do. !bon. oommr., 
R.N.W.M.P., 1905: elect1Jed a Gl'and 
Saohem 'Of thE I'roquois nation, 1908.; 
aPtPtd. a Deopoty. Grand Chief of tlhe 
Arctic Brotiherlhtooid. 1910;' was ØJlso a 
patron, Vi.ctúrlan Order of Nurses' a 
V.-.P. of thE United Empire Club; 'dú. 
Royal 001. Inst.; presdlt. :\ Fes- 
tlva:ls of the Empive and hon. !pre-sd.t. 
of .tlhe ,Càn. Nat. Oon.grees, 'lìo- 
ronto; -among .the prindpal event.s witlh 
which he 'bad lpoe.rsonally t1:o do during 
his 'term of .officehaV>e been: the un- 
veiling of a monument to H. A. 
Harper, Ottawa; the unveiling o. 
a monument to the Quebec sold.lers 
who fell In South Africa; a visit 
paid to the West Point Mil. Acad. 
U:.S.; tbe inauguration of the nelW Pro: 
VInce of Alberta: attending the State 
concert and re-ception of the Montreal 
Bd. of Trade; a visit to Nfd.; laying 
the corner stone of the lfbrary of the 
Can. Mil. Inst., Toronto; the opening 
or the Royal Mlrut. Ottawa; the ter- 
cent. celebration of the foundation of 
the City of Quebec; the establfshment 
of a nat. park on the Plains of Abra- 

ham, Quebec (to which project he gave 
a subscrIption of $1,000) : the unveIl- 
ing of the Laval Monument, Quebec; 
the laying of the corner stone of the 
New Legislative Blàgs., Regina; the 
journey through the Arctic Regions, 
via 'Vinnipeg, Fort Churchill, Hud- 
son's Bay, and Nfd., to prove the 
adaptability of the sea route for trade 
and other purposes; the opening of 
the 'llew Tubereul. SanM:arIurn at 
Gre venrhurst and Lond.on, Orut.; the 
opendng 'Olf t,he LaQ.y GTey 'l'uiberou l 1. 
SanHal'1iums, To'oon1o and Ottalwa; 1he 
laying of the corner stone 'Of ,tJbJe 
Broaàview Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Toronto; 
the reception given the first ships of 
tlhe CanlWdiiaru Na.vy; t'he ull'- 
veiling of a statue erected to the 
memory of the late Queen Victoria by 
the Berlin Chapter of the Imp. Order 
of the Daughters of the Empire; 
the opening of the Women's Welcome 
Hostel, Toronto; the opening of the 
new med. building, McGill Unlv., Mont- 
real; the laying of the corner-stone of 
the new Mon treal Gen1. Hosp.; the 
opening of the Rivermead Golf Club, 
Ot!truwa; ot!he .lay<in<g of t'he corner -st'Onoe 
of the tAleXia'lldra .Þranoo, Y. W. C. A., 
T.oron10, etc.; I8Jmong tthe trop'hies 
touI1doed or es't.aiboldshed by Hi's Excel- 
lJenc'Y whJfle in .can. have been: a cup 
far c.QIl'I1jpetiÏ,tion rto thE :\Iorutreal Horse 
Show; the :marl Grey tl'Ophiy f.or figure 
skating; 'tJhe EaJrl GrelY Anruwteur Dram
atJic and 
usiCi3JI trophy; rtIhJe chal- 
lenge cup for the Amateur Foot- 
ball Championship of Can.: the chal- 
lenge shield to town or city having 
the greatest number of cadets to its 
population; author of .. Hubert Her- 
vey: A Memoir," of many state !papers 
and of a volume of speeches de- 
livered in Can.; is an hon. memo of 
the Mt. Royal and St. .James's Clubs, 
Montreal, the Halifax Club, the Quebec 
Garrison Club, and the Rideau Club, 
Ottawa; an Ang. (see .. Lord Grey In 
Canada," by Dr. And.rew Macphail, 
q.v., Oan. Century, .Jurue, 1910: pre- 
seruted wH!h a soldd sLIver .ink-.Sba.'llQ. by 
t!he curlers 'Of <thE Can. 'bramoh, RoYo3JI 
OwLedondan Cuvldng Club, as a !are- 
wen token of .t'heir este-e.m and grati- 
tude, Oct., 1911.-Howick House, Les- 
bury, Northumberland, Eng.; Brooks' 
Club, London. 
"Hiß ilJ.'flue'nce is fe-It eve.r\"where."- 
Sir Sandford Fleming (q.v.). . 
"A staltelSmlll.n a;nd a phi>1a'lllthropist in the 
best l!emoo."-Lord Strathcona (q.v.). 
"A ma,n of inoSi,ghot, inspiJroabÏJo'll and 
ÏJtiool ge'lldus."-E. W. Thomson (q.v.). 
"A ma..'ll of sbeml'iJng Ohl'isma.n chwracteor, a 
loe.aæ'r .aIDlO'll.g men .and of wh()(!Il 
Oa.nl8da may woeI!.1 be proud."-Bishop 
Worrell (q.v.). 
"A maiIJo of bJ'gh ability, 
(Qtr work alJld a wi
lHn'gness too spemd his 
s.breniglth im l behafif o;f eve.ry f;'OOd pubLic 
objelC't."-M. Gazette. 
"He oombimes, oILS few peoipl-e do., much 
busimeæ-J.ike abilliity .a.nd .aon emlthusi,a:sm 
which carries 
\r)'othing befoll'e Ïit."-Mar- 
quis of Lansdowne. 
II No one had eVeT ba.1ren more pa.iJUI to 
IDia,]æ hÌimself acqU6lÌmtOO. WiÍ.th <bbda CQu11Jbry 



and probab1y not haU -a doze'll men cooJd 
be found in the Do.mi'l1,wn who knew 
CaiJ18da Bð t.hol'mlghly."-Sir Richard Cart- 
wright (q.v.). 
.. In his peTSOIn', iiJ1 his ide-as, in his rest. 
Ie6S ene.rgy, he re.oa.Llos the t)'J>e of the great 
adve'l1ture.rg who sailed the Span.ïsh mSli'll,. 
There is aoout him the very 8il'Oma. of the 
Icnighrthood of the 16th CIe'IllÌuxy. whose 1l"8- 
g'l"IIImC6 lom.g in the OOl'ridors of 
tåme."-W, T. Stead. 
.. He brought to the JI'O'9t gift.!!., 
a high Be.nee of duty a.nd a broo.d grasp of 
the Imperiw problem in a.Ll its phases. 
From the O'Utset he halS re-oognñzed th.a.t 
Oa.n4ld.a. wishes to be rega.rded as .an auxiLi- 
ary kingdom, ra.ther than .as a mere de- 
pefIJde,ncy of the Mo!Jhe<r COWl'iJry. He ha
take'll a lively and helpfUtl wttereet in a 
numbe<r of impoll'bant nl8<tiofIJlIlJI movemefIJibs, 
his tact has been unofa.io1in
, Sind when he 
oomea to' quilt Rideau HaM he wiU lea,ve 
OOhind; him in this oounltry :a host of 
fl"ie'Ilds, and he will ooal1' back with him to 
the Sorvere,ign whom he re.prege!I1Its the 8311011- 
ta.Won6 of a loya.l D-oaniruiofIJ."-T. News. 
.. But it i.s a.s ,a 9tudetnlt of Oana:doa's 
resoUll'ces a.nd a prolphect of he,r mighty 
deostiny that. EI8Ir'I Grey o.ccutpies a pLace an 
his own.. Few noative-born Oanoadians have 
seen so much of the DomindO'll' in a Life- 
time a.s the Go<rernor-
nem1 has d'llring 
the past six years. He has the mstin,('t 
()f tihe pionee,r 0If large viSlio.n,. The old 
dJays when Rhodesi'a was his in the 
formatJive pel1'iod bent his th>OlUghts toward 
empire-bThi The edge 0If civiLi7Jation 
f.ascinoa.tes håm. He Í8 quÍ1te manHestily 
more i.n his eloemeiJ1i11 expJ.o.ri'l1g the. shoref; 
of Hudso.Qo Bay than in the ctroumscribed 
ro'llnd of so'CÍoal dulbies wtItIaoehin.g to his 
o.ffice, .aM.horugh håa soda1 qu r a. 1 ,j,tlies p1a.ce 
hirm .a1om.ogs1de the w.i.bty Dufferin,"-T. 
.. T;t 'MJouM be d
fficuilit ro spetak too 
highly of His ExcelJency's work in this 
cQunltiry. His ß}lIIlpoathies .are broad, his 
insight keen, his energies unfailing, and 
he has &nch a kYve for C8II1Ia.d18 and her 
})eO.ple oas to oope,n aH healJ'bs. Lord Grey 
ha.s allws}1S stood for Oano! hoano,geneoity 
and a. broad-based imipetrl'a;LiIml, a'Dd he wi.lJ 
leoa,ve a be'Ddgn wfiue'lÞOO ()Iß moany phases 
of Oaißadil8iJ1J Life, 00th useful alld omla. 
m('lnt3'l. He has mlÌereosted himæ]tf in the 
details of fo1'e.gtry, of mining, the' fisheries, 
agriculrture, mafIJ,ufacturing. .a.m,,c, loa.n- 
guage., eduoa.tJÍIOIn
 the fight aga.inst tuber- 
(,nOOsie, and a hundred olther activities, amd 
he boas eonlte-red inlto them a:JoI with a ze,st 
t.hB.1t h'as be-em of itæ-lof refreshi'l1.g, ood has 
given thai!; oontin.ued impelÌus make 
('allee'S sucC'e'SSful."-M. Witness. 
.. During his 00rm i'D OallJl8dJa. Eoarl Grey 
had spalN'd no effOll't to bring the FreiJ1lch 
IImd English race'S mOIre dose
y togethell'. 
He had endeavoured to prQID.ote the use of 
the French language- by the EiJ1'!!;1lish ma. 
joroitv.. He had promoted the. fo'rm.a
00 c1ruib-s w helT'e 1J'OOiP'1e of the two roa ceos 
oould meet. He had ende.av011red to make 
more wideav Jrn()IWoJ'I the re.oo.rds of French- 
Canadoian heroes and by all these works he 
d be mOoSt kind.1v remembered by the 
Rrenl'h i'l1 Oanada. HitS experienoo in the 
beaut!ifi08iÌ1ioiJ1 and emhcllHshnwnlt o.f citñeos 
had bee-n given free']y to Oa.n'a4a.. A8 an 
instance of tMs, he wOlUld say thllit while 
in :MOiJ1.trea! Elai!'l Grey had oolI1ferrred with 
the civic 6.uth.o Be too ,pLams fur the 

berautifica.t.ïO'Il of that city and improving 
the oonditJio'l15 8@ t<> paiTks Mld dweUings 
for the pooreit' peoop1e."-Senator Dandur- 
and (q.v.). 
Grey, Francis William, Dom. pUblic 
service; litterateur. 
5th s. late Admiral Hon. Geo. G., 
R.N., and Jane Frances (Stuart) G.; 
grands. Cha.s., 2nd Earl Grey, K.G., 
Prime Minister of Eng.; b. Eng., Jan. 
8, 1860; e. there; Lit. D. (Ottawa 
Univ.), 1908; m., 1885, Jessie, d. - 
Rolland, Ste. Marie de Monnolr, P.Q.; 
a dir. Ottawa Tubercul. Assn..; em- 
ployed in the Archives Bureau, Ot- 
tawa, since 1908; previously prof. ûf 
Eng. lit. and rhetoric, Unlv. of Ot- 
tawa; well known as a c.ontributor to 
the Univ. Mag., Montreal, The lIIonth, 
and other pe.rlodicals; author: II Six- 
teen-Ninety," a play (1904); has also 
;published .. Le Curê de St. Phdloi1})þe," a 
tale, and a vol. of poems; R.c.-
Daly Ave., Ottawa. 
Grier, Alexanð.er Monro, lawyer. 
S. late Chas. G., L.R.C.P.. St. Ives, 
Cornwall. Eng.; e. Manma Hall, Clif- 
ton, nr. Bristol, Eng.; m., July, 1892, 
Mary Christana Beatrice, widow Jas. 
Campbell, and d. late Capt. John 
Douglas, H.E.I.C.S.; barrister (En g.), 
1882; do. (Ont.), 1884: K.C., 1902; 
pngd. as junior counsel for Can. Pac. 
Ry. Co., In arbitration between Dom. 
Govt. and Can. Pac. Ry.. with refer- 
e-noce Ito B. C. sec. of Can. Pac. Ry. ; al80 
an ,a'rbHoratlon and .llitigation with t'he 
con.toraotors ún otlhe Lake Sup-plr.ior sec. ; 
afterwards was engd. principally In 
parIty. practice tm 1901, when apptd. 
to present position as secy. and solr. 
Can. Niagara Power Co.: elected 2nd 
V.-P., do. do., 1905: Is also secy. and 
treas., and a dlr. Clifton Hotel Co.; 
poleeted 'Pl"esdrt:. Ndoaga.I'a ThUs Oan. 
Olub, 19.11; /has Ilectured ún .. Tlhe 
Quald.tioes wlhiclh go Ito rnak.e uop a Good 
Oitizen of It'hie EmpiÏre " ; An.g.- 
Niagara Falls, Ont.; Rideau Club. Ot- 
tawa; Niagara Club, Niagara Falls. 
Grier, Major Edmund Wyly, painter. 
S. Chas. G., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S.: b 
Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 26, 1862; 
came to Can., 1876; e. Bristol. Eng.. 
and U. C. ColI.; m., 1895, Florence 
Geale, e. d. J. Geale Dickson. South- 
ampton, Eng.; studied for his prof. 
at the Slade Sch. of Art, London, 
Eng., .Jul.lan s, Paris, and In the 
Scuola Libera, Rome; R.C.A., 1894; 
also a memo Ont. Soc. of Artists; Is 
now and has been for several yrs. 
presdt. of latter bOdy; elected V.-P. 
Can. MIL Inst., 1903; do. presdt. Arts 
and Letters Club, Toronto, 1909; ex- 
hibited Royal Acad., London, 1886, a.n.d 
subsequently; Paris Salon (med.. 1890) ; 
silver med. for 'PortraIture, Pan-Am. 
Expn., Buffalo, 1901; painted portrait 
Prof. Goldwin Smith for Bodleian 
Library, Oxford; his other works In- 
elude: Sir .John A. Macdonald, Hon. 
Eòward Blake, Sir Oliver Mowat, Sir 
W. R. Meredith, Sir Wm. Mulock, SIr 
W. G. Falconbridge, Sir Sandford 
Fleming, Senator Wood, and many 
other Can. public men; has lectured on 
II Some Great Port'I'8lit P.alnoters," 



.. Modern Art," >etc.; forme.rly major 
in command 9th Toronto Floe-lid B8Jt- 
1ery; res'Igned, 1905; iAng.-" Ben 
Eden," 78 Gormley Ave., Toronto, Ont.; 
National Club; Arts and Letters Club, 
.. Remarkably able; destined to be.come 
a. leader in his profession, if he is not &0 
aJready."--Sir Sandford Fleming (q.v.). 
Grier, Miss Bose, educationist. 
E. d. late Rev. John G., M.A., Ang. 
rector, of Belleville, Ont.: b. and e. 
there; lady principal the Bishop 
Strachan Sch., Wykeham Hall, To- 
ronto, for 20 yrs., from Its estabUsh- 
ment, 1876: author of .. Alleviations," 
a book of verse (1905); (see Bp. 
Strachan Sch. Mag., 1905, for an ap- 
preciation of her work and character.) 
Grierson, John Arthur, lawyer. 
Scotch and Eng. origin; s. Wm. aud 
Ke>aren G.; 'b. KentvU>le, N.S., July 3, 
1864; e. Kentvllle Acad., Pictou Acad., 
Normal Sch., Truro, and Dalhousie 
Univ. (B.A., 1891; LL.B., 18-93); m., 
1897, Miss Edie Annie Freeman, Wey- 
mouth, N.S.; barrister, 1893; N.P., 
1893; commr. Sup. Ct., 1894; stipend. 
mgte., 1901: sch. trustee since 1896; 
elected to Municipal Council, 1901: 
hiJ?;h counsellor. I. O. F.. N. S., 18!16-8 ' 
also D. D. G. M., I. O. O. F. >tor Mar. 
Provinces; a Con., and V.-P. Llb.-Con. 
A>ssn., C:o. Di,gby, 1894-.1903; unsuc- 
cessfully con.testlOO (H. C.) . 
g. e. 1904.-Wellmouth Bridge, N.S. 
Grierson, Bev, Bobert (Presb.). 
S. John G., a veteran Christian 
worker in Labrador and elsewhere; b. 
Halifax, N.S. : e. Dalhousie Univ. 
(B.A., 1890; M.D., 1897); m.; gradu- 
ated presb. CoIl., Halifax, 1893; o. 
1898; since served as a missionary in 
Korea; famed as a lecturer.-Korea. 
Griesbach, Major WilUam Antrobus, 
Belongs to Austrian ::md German 
hes of the family; s. Major Arthur 
Hy. G., late H. M.'s 11th Hm
Imp. Cape Mounted Rifles, and R. ]I; 
W. M. P., and Emma G.: b. Fort Qu'- 
Appelle. Sask., Jan. 3, 1878: e. St. 
John's ColI., Winnipeg; m., Jan., 1906, 
Miss J:tnet Scott McDonald Laudpr: 
IbarrlsteT, 1901; ald., Edmonton, 1905- 
06; mayor, do., 1907-8; elected 'þTesd.t. 
Union of .Alherta MunicinallUes, HOI): 
a Con.: an Imp. federatlonlst; presdt. 
Fed. Elect. Dist. Con. Assn.; elected 
presdt. Can. Club, Edmonton, 1910; 
unsuûee.ssfully conteSlt.ed Edmünrton 
(Local), g. e. 1905; served in Can. 
Mounted Rifles. during S. A. War 
(Queen's med., with 4 clasps) : gazetted 
capt. 19th Alberta Mounted Rifles, May 
4, 1908: major, June, 1910; author of 
a few short stories and essaY'S and 
papers on municipal matters; Ang.- 
196 Sixth st., Edmonton, Alta.; Edmon- 
ton Club. 
.. Y{)un
, but level-headed, a ready 
speaker, a natural and forceful leader."- 
S. N. 
Griffin, Alfred, engineering profes- 
B. London, Eng., 1861: e. St. Ste- 
phen's, Westminster, and under private 

tutor: m.: studied for englng. prof., 
takIng a course at King's CoIl.; came 
to Can., 1887; an expert in gas mat- 
ters; presented with silver med. by 
Nat. His. Soc., Montreal, June, 1909, 
on completing 21 yrs. active service 
as supdt. of that body; holds also 
bronze med. St. John's Ambulance 
Assn.: a memo Can. Entomol. Soc. 
(Iocal branch), a gov. St. George's 
Soc., and a prominent Freemason: a 
Prot.: a Con.: an ardent Imp.-15! 
Drummond St., ftIontreal. 
Griffin, Edward Scott, Can. ry. ser- 
Eng. origin: s. late Gilbert G., P. O. 
Inspr., London, Ont., and AmeUa G., 
3rd d. late Capt. John Harris, R.N.. 
the first to board and the last to 
leave the steamer Caroline .on the 
ara River durln
 the rebe11l0n, 
1837-8: b. and e. Londün, Ont.; m., Oct., 
1901, Mabel, 2nd d. Sir Wm. Mac- 
kenzie, K.B. (q.v.), Toronto; barrister, 
1892; sometime private secy. to Sfr 
,T. P. Whitney, when leader Onto Leg- 
Islative Opposition; also secy. Onto 
Con. Assn.; supdt. Can. Northern Ry. 
(express and telegraph system), 1901- 
8; sln.oo 'then 'has been gen'l. mangr. en- 
tire eX>press and telegraph system; 
presented.- with ,Mrs. G., to 
George, "'Buok,ingham Palace, .May, 
19.11.-5 Clarendon Ave., Toronto; To- 
ronto Club, do. 
Grimn, BE'v, Frederick Bobertson 
S. Rev. Richard Andrew G. (Unit.), 
author and artist; b. ZanesvUle, 0., 
May 3, 1876; e. Bates CoIl. (B.A., 
1898), and Harvard Dnlv. (S.T.B., 
1901); m., Oct., 1902, Miss Edith J. 
Bell, Northampton, lMass.: o. 1902; 
pastor All Souls' Ch., Bralntree, Mass., 
1901-9; do. Ch, of the Messiah, Mont- 
real, since Sept., 1909: chairman of 
t,rustees Thayer PubIlc Library, Braln- 
t'1'OO, 1902-9; a dår. Unit. S. S. Soc., 
BOStton, 1903-7.-Church of the Mes- 
siah, lIIontreal. 
Griffin, Frederick Thomas, Co,n rail- 
way service. 
B. Waterdown, Ont., Oct. 29, 1853; 
e. public and hlp;h schs., Hamilton; 
m., Sept., 1878, Edna E., d. Charles 
Walker, Toronto; In service Ontario 
Govt. (Dept. of Educ.), 1875-82; then 
In service Can. N. W. Land Co.: since 
1883 In service Land Depot., C. (P. Ry. 
Co., Winnipeg; chief elk., do., 1885; 
asst. land commr., do., 1890; since 
1900 Ifmd commr., do.: Ang.-Winni- 
peg; Manitoba Club, do. 
GrImn, James Young, merchant. 
S. Michael T., a native of N. S., 
and Sophia (Jackson) G.; b. Co. 
Halton, Ont.. Oct. 28, 1857; e. there; 
m., 1884, Minnie (d. June, 1903), d. 
Lachlan Campbell, S1. Thomas, Ont.; 
removed to Winnipeg, 1883; entd. 
pork packing busIness; since 1904 
presdt. and gen.!. man gr. :T. Y. G. 
& Co., Ltd., an extensive concern, 
having branches at various points In 
the N. W. and B. C.; chief promoter 
Dom. Produce Co. (L. P.. 1905) and 
Lethbridge Collieries (1906); a dlr. 



Bole Drug Co., Ont., Man., & West- 
ern Land Co., Annuity Co., and those 
008. previouSily menoW'oned.- Winnipeg; 
lIfanitoba Club; St, Charles Country 
Club, do. 


Ohn Joseph (R.C.), ed
S, Jeremiah and Mary G.; b. Corn- 
Ing, N.Y., June 24, 1859; e. Ottawa 
Undv. (B.IA., 1881; ,M.A., 1883); 
Bitud.ied 'tihOOl., Ottawa Dioc. Berny.; 
o. 1885; 'inmr. rplhJyslos, OttJarwa Uruiv., 
1885-6; 1nstr. ohemistry, St. Tlhomaos 
Aquinaos COllI., O:Lm'bl'iÒJgevor.t:. Mass., 
1886-7; !prO!!. clhemlst., OtJtawa UllJiv 
1887-90; gored. sltu-denot, chemdst:: 
physics land 1II1.aJt1h., .Jûhns Hopldns 
Univ., BaJltLmoI'e, .1890-5 (PIh.D.); at 
same time oonduotJing c.lasses in 
ohemist., St. Josewh's Berny. and Notre 
Damoe, Mid.; !prof. ohemdst., CatJh. Univ. 
of Am., sdnce 1&9,5; also dean :facuRy 
of ,pIhil., do., 19()'3-5, rand dean facullty 
ot science, 00., sirucoe .1908; :memo Acrn. 
Ohem. Soc., .ft..A.A.S., ISoclety Ohern. 
Industry, Deu'ÌSClhe Chemrisohe Gese.l:l- 
scfuJaJflt, J?eUJtsCll}e :BunsEm GeselollscJhaft. 
-;-Cathohc Umv, 0/ America Wash- 
mgton, D,C.,. University Club, do. 
artln Joseph, Dom. public 


e; ex-journalist; literary 
S, Capt. P. G., merchant 
arine' b 
St. J'OIhn's, N1'd., Aug. 7, 1847; came to 
Can., 1854; e. St. Mary's CoIl., Hali- 
fax, N.S. (B.A.); LL.D. (hon.), Dal- 
hom;ie Univ., 1902; do. (do.): McGill 
Un Iv., 1909; m., 1872, Harriet, d. latE' 
'Ym. Starratt, Liverpool, N.S.; bar- 
rister (tst class cert.), 1868; success- 
fully practised his proto in Halifax' 
aSISlsteð H
. Jas. McDorua;ld (q.v.) i
preparing hIS case as counsel for N.S. 
before the Hal1fax Fisheries Comn.. 
1873; an early contributor to the news- 
paper and mag. press ot Can. and thE' 
United Kingdom, and so continues to 
this day; author ot the series of 
articles, devoted to literary criticism 
appearing In the Mon treal Gazetté 
under the heading: "At Dodsley'.s" ; as 
a journalist served first on the Halifax 
Chronicle; was ed. ot the Halifax Ex- 
press, 1868-74; editorial representative 
ot the Toronto Mail at Ottawa, 1879- 
81; edltor-In-chlet, do. do., 1881-85; 
since then, has been one ot the two 
parIty. librarians at Ottawa; eecy. of 
the Royal Comn. to enquire Into the 
condition ot the C.S., 1880; has con- 
tributed to ne
rly aU the Can. mags. 
and to Blackwood's, The Forum, and 
other high-class Eng. and Am. publiÏca- 
tlons; C.M.G., 1907; unsuccessfully 
contested. Halifax (Local), Con. In- 
terest, g.e. 1874; a R.C.-319 Daly Ave., 
Ottawa; Ottawa Golf Club, do. 
.. An .able wdter and an &UJthQritr on 
all literary ques.tioll8."-M. & E. 
Grl1!!n, Watson, author; journalIst. 
S. latJe Geo. D. G.; 'b. HamUtoOn. 
Ont., Nov. 4, ,1860; (U. E. L. de- 
scent); -e. pubJiic 'schs. and ColI. 
Inst. rtheore; pas,g.ed true sendor ma- 
1:'rdoula,Uon ex.amn. at Tororuto Undv 
but did not graduate; after serving ås 
a sch. teacher tor a brlet period, sought 
E'mt>loyment on the newspaper press 

and has since been connected with var- 
Ious Can. and Am. journals; was mango 
ed. Montreal Family Herald and 
Weekly Star for over 9 yrs. and after- 
ward for some time chlet ed. writer 
on the Mon treal Dailu Star; In Nov., 
1902, became man gr. of the II Made In 
Canada Educational Campaign," Inau- 
gurated by Can. manfrs.; besides act- 
Ing as ed. writer tor Industrial Canada, 
the organ of the Can. Manfrs. Assn., 
prepared and sent out a large number 
of pamphlets and leafiets on this ques- 
tion (about a million copies being dis- 
tributed during the first year and a 
halt ot the campaign), while he has 
dellvered a number of speeches In ad- 
vocacy of higher protection at ban- 
quets and public meetings; since Nov., 
1910, has been ed.-in-chief of The 
Can. Century and Can. Life and Re- 
sources (Montreal); In addition to to various Am. and 
Brit. mags. and revs., has published, 
separately, the following: II The Pro- 
vinces and the States; or, Why Can. 
does Not Want Annexation" (1884); 
II Twok," a novel (1886); II An Irish 
Evolution" (1887), treating ot Home 
Rule from an Am. standpoint; II Can., 
the Land ot Waterways" (1890), pub- 
ItiShed ,by the Am. Geogreph. Soc., 
.. Protection and Prices" (1904), and 
a number ot smaller pamphlets.- 
"Can. Century" Otfice, Montreal. 
II A man who has d'Ü'ne the State some 
service."-Late Bon. Tholluu White. 
.. W,hatever he undertakes to do .is sure 
to be done welI."-M. Gazette. 
Griffith, Alexander BrandaU, physician. 
U. E. L. stock; S. late Jas. and 
Ellen (Randall) G., WeIland, Ont.; 
b. there, 1864; e. Ann Arbor, Mich.; 
m. Miss Mary L. Milne; M.D. 
(homeop.), N. Y., 1891; now and tor 
some yrs. med. supdt. Montreal 
Homeop Hosp.; Ind. In politics; Bap- 
tist.-f!l Peel St., Montreal, 
Griffith, Rev, John (Pres b.). 
B.A. (Toronto Univ.), 1895; gradu- 
ated Knox CoIl., Toronto, 1897; o. 
do.; m., May, 1901, Marguerite A., d. 
Thos. Rogers, Toronto; a mlssy. of 
the Can. Presb. Ch., Honan ChIna; 
edits The Honan Refugee.-Òhang-te- 
fu, Honan, China. 
Griffith, John, actor. 
Welsh and Scotch parentage; s. 
John and Agnes G.; b. Hamilton, 
Ont., Dec. 18, 1868; e. Springfield, 
Ill., whither his father had removed; 
made his debut as an actor with 
Mrs. D. P. Bowers, 1888; first ap- 
peared as a II star," 1893; success- 
fully produced Sir Hy. Irving's ver- 
sions ot II The Bells," .. Chatterton," 
.. The Fool's Revenge," and .. Faust" ; 
has since toured the country in 
Shakespearian roles.-Care "Dramatic 
1I1irror/' New York. 
Griffith, Brev, Thomas (Meth.). 
B. Harrowsmith, nr. Kingston, Ont., 
Mch.3, 1844; e. Newburgh (Ont.) High 
Sch. and Toronto Unlv.; M.A., Bloom- 
field Univ., Ill.; Ph.D., do.; m. Miss 
Agnes Edmondson (Charges), Brant- 
tord, Ont.; o. 1883; has held pastor- 
ates at Toronto, PhIladelphIa, U,S., 



Kingston. BrockvUle, Quebec. Mont- 
real, and St. Thomas; now retired; a 
del. to GenI. Conf. on several occa- 
slons; ha,s been secy. Toronto Conf.; 
asst. secy, GenI. Conf., and! !presdt. 
Montreal Conf.; a memo of comte. 
formulating the basis of union of the 

Ieth. Ch, in Can.; one of those who 
advocated the conversion of the Plains 
of Albl'alham into a pUlbHc :park.-188 
Dowling Ave., Toronto., William Linny, Dom. public 
S. .John and Mary Elizabeth (Row- 
lands) G.; b. Bangor, North Wales, 
Aug. 16, 1864; e. Grocers' Co. Schs. 
and City of Lond. ColI.; m. Miss J. 
Ruth Sutherland, Co. Huron, Ont.; 
came to Can., 1882; for some yrs. a 
successful farmer in Southern Man.; 
one of rthe first wheat exporters to 
Eng. ; Dan. C'Ü'ITh1l1eroial agent to Wa,le,s, 
1897; 'later sp.ecil3.l,ly apptd. to Pa.ta- 
gon,ia, and brought Welsh sle,tl'loers ,to 
Ca.n. from there; apptd. 'to succeed .J. 
G. Colmer (q.v.) as secy. Hqg!h 
Commr.'.s Offioe, London, En-g.. 'Moh. 1 
1903; inaugureteod lte-Cture.s on Can. li
Lond-on for busines,s men, 1904; 
sinûe then deliwred 'many (pubLic l,etC. 
tures and addresses iHustraotin.g .tn.'I' 
grow,t'h of Can. and 1'he many !phase"!! 
of her developnrerut; author: "The 
Domiruion of Canada" (" .AJLl Red: .. 
series; 191.1); íPresoen.ted :to the late 
King and Qu-een. 1907; Ipre.s.enlted to 
King George and Queen Mary. Buck- 
ingham PiaJlace, .Jurue, 191'1; 'Present, 
b}- 1nvoita:tio,n, I3.Jt t'hoe cOl'onat.Ï:on of MajesNes. d.o.-Canadian Office 
ndon, Eng.; White Lodge, 60 Tuls
HÛI, London, S. W., Eng.' Emm'son 
Man.; Devonshire Club; Cfznada Clztl/ 

DO'In,g a vast amQ
l1Jt of gooo wOlrk 
f()l1' the Dom.,inoÏon....-T. Globe. 
".\ man of experience. and othl'rwise 
wel1l1 fitted [()11' his present post. "-M. Star. 
Griffl.ths, Thomas James Turnbull, 
labour leader. 
B. Liverpool, Eng., Sept. 1, 1859; 
e. there; m., Aug., 1888, Miss Cecilia 

aud Speary; came to Can. 188.'; 
Joined Knights of Labour, 1886; pre- 
sident Brass Workers' Union, 1892; a 
del. Federated Trades and Labour 
Council, do.; joined Socialist Labour 
party,. Montreal, 1893, subsequently 
becommg nat. secy. Socialist Labour 
Paflty of Can.; for a time seocy. Pio- 
neer Free Thought Club, Montreal; 
founded Nat. Trades and Labour Con- 
gress of Can.. Berlin, Ont.. Sept. 18, 
1902, of which he has since been 
secy.-treas. and genl. organizf'r ; a 
t'orrespondent Dom. Labour Gazette' 
has lectured' on "Can. Trade Union: 
ism, Jots Philosophy and Idealism'" Is 
a Christian of the TIOlstoyan tYI>é.- 
188 Fullum St., 
Grigg, Richard, Eng-. public 
S. Richard and Matilda Clara (Leth- 
bridge) G.; b. Plymouth, Eng., Sept. 
6, 1847; e. Elmira, N.Y.; m. Clara, 
d. Adolphus Ayer, Plymouth; long 
engd. .In manfg. and business pursuits 
in Eng.; first came to Can., 1872; was 
a Special Commr. to Can. for H.M.'s 
Bd. of Trade, 1906; apptd. H. M.'s 

Trade Commr. !f.or Can., 1909; ha
seen much of Can. and U. S.; author 
.. Conditions and Prospeoclts of Brit. 
Trade in Canada," and VQI1lous othør 
officii3.J1 -blue books.-The New Sher- 
brooke, Montreal; Wingfield, Devon- 
port, Eng.; St. James'8 Club, Mont- 
real; Con8titutional Club, London: 
Royal Western Yacht Club, Plymouth. 
"A ze.a.tous t!eTV&nt o.f the Empiore."- 
H. E. Earl Grey (q.v.). 
.. KnoW's Ca,nada., bath e.ast and west, 
as few Oa.n<adians do.; his dutieß beoin.g 
l' and fait.hfuLly operfQrmed."-Can. 
Municipal Journal. 
Grigg, Rev. Samuel Edward (Bapt.). 
S. Thos. and Anna (Prince) G., 
Somerset, Eng.; b. Hatch Beauchamp, 
Somerset, .Jan. 29. 1867; came to Can.. 
1888; e. Woodstock CoIl. and McMas- 
ter Unlv., Toronto (B.A., 1900); m., 
.June, 1901, Miss M. Edna Starr, Brook- 
!in, Ont.; o. 1900; pastor Bapt. Ch., 
Ing>ersoll, 1904; -d.-o., -Brockvllle. Nov., 
1905; nl()w a.t Toronto.-14 Macdonell 
Ave., Toronto. 
Grlmison, Hon. James A" retired 
S. .John and Margt. G., who eml- 
gratf'd from N. of Irel. and settled In 
Tp. Hope, Co. Durham, Ont., 1842; 
b. there. .Tan.. 1843; e. public and 
high schs., Port Hope; moved to 
Neb., U.S., 1870; co. supdt. of 
schs., 1874-8; admitted to the bar, 
187 ß: :I times public prosecutor; 
judp;e Co. Ct., 1884-8;' do. Dist. Ct.. 
1899-1904; formerly grand master 
Cryntic Masonry; allied to Rep. party, 
1870-91: since a PoIP'llUst; OIp-þOse-d. to 
so-cal'le'd: modern Imperialism; a Lib- 
erallst in religion.-Schuyler, Neb. 
Grimmer, George X., physician. 
Fifth s. Geo. S. G., Q.C.. and Mary 
Allan G., 11. Jate Wm. Hazen, Wood- 
stock, N.R; b. St. Andrews, N.R, 
1867; e. Charlotte Grammar Sch., 
con, Sch., Fredericton, and N. B. 
rnh'. (B.A.. 18Rì) ; gradmltpd M.B.. 
C.M. (Edinbur
h Univ.), 1892; spent 
a year in attendance at the London 
hospitals; settled in genl. practice. 
South Queensferry, Scot.. 1893; ap- 
pointed med. health oiTr. to that 
burp;h. with charp;e Dlst. Cottage 
Fever Ho.sp.: was also med. oiTr. Earl 
of Hopetoun',s estate; a memo Queens
ferry Town Council, 1895-8; relin- 
quished p;pnl. practice and took up 
special study of ear, nose, throat, and 
eye. holdinp; In succpssion the posi- 
tions of house surg. in the eye dept. 
and ear, throat, and nose depts. of the 
Edlnburp;h Royal Infinny. ; aftl"r- 
wards attf'ndf'd the clinics of Polit- 
zer, etc.. in Vienna: plectpò F.R.C.R. 
Ðdin., 1900; took M.D. (Edin.), with 
honours for a speda.l thesis, 1901; re- 
turning to Can., was apptd. asst. 
laryngol.. Montreal Genl. Hosp., 1902: 
has contributed to the Archive8 of 
Otology and thp Montreal Med. Jour- 
nal.-169 Peel St., l'tlontreal. 
Grisdale, The Bight Rev, John (Aug.), 
S. Robt. and Allee G.; b. Bolton, 
Lancashire, Eng., June 25, 1846; e, 



Ch. Missy. CoIl., IsUngton; m., Nov., 
1871, Anne, d, .T. Chaplln, Hinckley, 
LelcestersihlTe; 0 1872; .f-or a tlm
master In St. .Tohn's CoIl. Agra, 
India; a,lso mlnr. Old Oh., Oa..1- 
cutta; curate Broomfield, Eng., 1872- 
73; came to Man., 1873, since when 
has held the following appts: Incum- 
bent St. Andrew's and asst. finan. 
secy. of the C. M. S. for Rupert's 
Land, 1873; dncumbenrt: Holy TI1ln., 
Winnipeg, 1874-6; do. Christ Ch., do., 
1876-82; prof. system, theol., St. 
.Tohn's ColI. and canon St. .Tohn's 
Ca't'h., 1876-82: dean of Rupert's Lanð 
and prof. pastoral theol.,' St. .Tohn's 
Coli., 1882-6; also prolocutor of Ru- 
pert's Land and depty. prolocutor- 
gent Synod of Can.; elected 3rd Bp. 
of Qu' Arp.pelIe, 1896; an unsuccessful 
candidate for Bishopric of Rupert's 
Land, 1905; long a councillor and nn 
examr. Man., Unlv.; elected a 
Sask. Unlv., 1907; a del. to the genl. 
convention of the Proto Epls. Ch. of 
the U. S., 1895; attended Lamheth 
Con f., ] 897; Pan-Ang. Cong., London. 
1908; B.D. (Archbp. of Canterbury), 
1875: D.D. (St. .John's CoIl.): hon. 
D.C.L. (Trln. Unlv.), Toronto, 1893; 
presenbed Ito The,lr Majesties 1'h
KIng and Queen, BuckIngham Palace, 
London, .July, 1908; a lifelong Con.; 
reg.arddng oeoduæ.tlon, <thinks moral.ttr 
should have a rellglous basIs.-BiBhop's 
Court, Indian Head, Sa8k. 
II A man of rare tact. ripe- wisdom and 
kindliness of heart."-Can. Ch, Mall. 
Grl8dale. J08eph Hiram. Dom. public 
S. AI'bert D. and Elizabeth (SImp- 
son) G.; b. St. Marthe, P.Q., Feb., 
1870: e. Vankleek Hill Acad., Albert 
Coil., Belleville, Ont., Onto Agricui. 
Ooll. (gold med.), Toronto Unlv. and 
Iowa State CoIl. of Agricul., Ames, Ia. 
(lst class honours); m. Mi'SS Laura 
Vipond, Hudson, P.Q.; in early life a 
public sch. teacher; agriculturist, Cen- 
tral Experimental Farm, Ottawa, 1899- 
1911; since then, dlr. Dom. Experi- 
mental Farms.-Dom. Experimental 
Farm, Ottawa. 
"A worthy successor o-f the talented Dr. 
Saunders."-O. Citizen. 
Groff. Henry Harris, banker. 
S. Hy. G., banker, Simcoe, Ont., 
and Berenice A. (Harris) G., Inger- 
soll, Ont.; b. Simcoe, Ont., 1853; e. 
there: m. Miss Ellen Mary Skynner, 
'I'oronto : Is rnangr. Molsons Bank. 
Simcoe; presdt. Norfolk Union Agri- 
cut Soc. and Simcoe Hortlcul. Soc.; 
a hybrldlst; specialty: the gladiolus; 
winner of gold med., Pan-Am. Expn., 
and grand prize, World's Fair, St. 
Louis, 1904, besides other awards; 
author of many. articles on plant 
breeding: Lib.: Ang.-Simcoe, Onto 
"A wizard of flo<"-S.N. 
Grondin. Slméon Eugene, physIcian. 
S. E. and C. (Morin) G.; b. Que- 
bec, .Jan. 11, 1862: e. Quebec Semy.; 
m., 1st, Dec., 1888. MI.le. Marie Z. 
Mlèlte, French Ardennes (d.); 2ndly, 
.June, 1908, Clothilde, d. Hon. Sir L. A. 
.Jettê (q.v.), K..c.M.G., late Lt.-Govr. of 

Quebec; M.D. (Laval Unlv.), 1885; 
post-grad. course at Dublin and Paris, 
studying more particularlY diseases of 
women; practises his prof. In QuebE"c, 
where he estabd. a private hosp. (the 
first existing In that city), 1831; np- 
ptd. a - memo of .the med. faculty, 
Laval Unlv., 1889: also on the staff 
of the Hotel Dleu, Quebec; Is an oiTr. 
de I'Inst. Publlque (apptd. by the 
Frf'nch Govt.); In extf'nslve practice, 
both as a physlcln.n and surg.; R.C. 
-.f5 Ste. Ursule St., Quebec, 
Grothê, Louis Ovlde, manufacturer. 
B. MontrE"al, Oct. 26, 1856: e. 
there: m. Mlle. David: long eng.d. In 
commercla.l life, first In the re1all and 
S'Ubsequently and now In the wJholesale 
cigar trade: head of L. O. G. & Co., 
cigar manf'rrs., employing over 300 
hands, Montreal: has dione a great deal 
to Improve tobacco cullture In Can.; 
()IWßOS a mode.] -tÜ'ba.coo fano at Ste. 
Monlque, P.Q.: e-Iecte-d mayor, Oa.rUer- 
vnle, P.Q., 1911: a Lib., and unOSl1OC'e'S'S- 
fully con tested Malsonnel1ve (H. C.), 
on death of Hion. R. Pre-fontalne, t.he 
former mem., Feb., 1906; a memo of 
the 'Cham. de Commel'Ce and Knights 
of Columbus; R. C.-!9 Esplanade 
A ve., Montreal; St. Denis Club; Club 
Canadien,. Forest and Stream Club. do. 
Grout, Mr8, Ella Morrison, author and 
Scotch and Am. orlJctn: grandpar- 
ents on father's .slde Vt. Quakers; b. 
Spring-dale, Iowa, .Jan. 10, 1867: P. 
Quaker Serny., Sprlngdale. and Acad. 
Sacrpd Heart. Sistprs of Lorptto: m., 
1st, Nov., 1883, A. T. PI'Ûmteaux (d.) : 
2nd.loy. Moa,y, 1893, F. H. Grout: ass.o. ed. 
and ed. several journals In U. S.; author 
of various poems, short stories, and 
descriptive articles; connected for a 
time with press of B. C.; filled vari- 
ous offices; writes sometimes und

the nom-de-plume of .. Becky Sharpe. 
-Hotel Shirley, Seattle, Wash. 
Grout. The Venerable George Herbert 
Paul (Epis.). 
Second s. Rev. Canon G. W. G. G., 
M.A., Kingston, Ont., and CharloHe E. 
(Lundy) G.; b. Sterling, Ont., Jan. 25, 
1869; e. Trln. Coli. Sch., port Hove, 
and Trln. ColI. Unlv., Toronto (B.A., 
1890; M.A., 1892): m., June, 1895, 
Miss Ella M. .Jones, Prescott, Ont.; o. 
deacon, 1892; priest, 1892; curate, 
Prescott, Ont., 1892-4; rector, New- 
boro, Ont., 1894-1902: since then has 
been rector, Delhi, N.Y..; apptd. arch. 
deacon of Susquehanna, 1906.-St. 
John's Rectory
 Delhi, N.Y, 
"A good preacher and with a. noble, 
generous heart his career ha
 been worthy 
of him."-M. Gazette, 
Grout. Hon, Jo.lah. lawyer; states- 
S. .J'OSJ!fili and .sophronia ( G.; 
b. Compton, P.Q., ,May 28, 1841: e. 
Glover Acad., and Loon.bard Undv., 
Ill.: LL.D., Vlt. Univ. ; do., N()r- 
wlch Unlv.. 1896; m., Oct., 1868, Miss 
Harriet HInman, DerbY, Vt.; prac- 
tised I>rof. of law, Vt. courts, 1866- 
75; In Ill. cts., 1875-81; distinguished 
as a criminal lawyer; formerly an 



off.r. In tlbe v. m.; sat In Vil. [ùeg1fs- 
lature for a lengthened period; 
speaker (House of R.), 1874-88; 
state senator, 1892; gov. vt., 1896-8; 
Rep.-Newport, Vt. 
Grout, Roscoe W., journalist. 
B. and e. Can.; now and for some 
yrs. ed. the Anglo-Am, Mag., N. Y.- 
60 Wall St., New York. 
Groves, Abraham, nhy"'ician. 
S. Abraham and Margt. (Gibson) 
G.; b. Peterborough, Ont., Sept. 8, 
1847; e. F1er'gus High ,Soh.; gradua tied 
M.B. ('l
ororutJo Unlv.), 1871; M.D., 
1873; m., 1st, M.iss .J'í'D'l1'le Gii'bbon 
(d.);, .Joan., 1911, .Miss :Ethel 
Burk, Kn.o, xv.ill.e Toe-nn.; promOlt'er .of 
Roy-al ,Alexandra Hosp., Fergus, anod 
has be.en rSlIipdt. .and surg.-In-chief 
t'here-of, slinee Jots const.ruoUon, 1901; 
a memo Se<h. Rd. and Peeve of F1er- 
-g-us; med. d.i'r. Gen.t'rnl Dife In's. 
Co., dlr. Ty,pewriter Ex- 
choanlg-e and úf Fanners Bank; ha.s 
contributed various articles to the 
med. press; a believer In a federll.tion 
of the Empire, with free trade within 
the Empire and prot.ectlon a.g'alnst all 
outsiders; An g.-Fergus, Onto 
Guerin, Kon, Edmund William Pat- 
rick, judge. 
4th s. late Thos. G., C. E., Deop1. of 
Public Works, Ottawa, and Mary 
(Maguire) G.; b. Montreal. Oct. 25. 
1858; e. Montreal CoIl. and McGill 
Hniv. (B.A.. and gold mpd. in Eng. 
Lit., Du1Terin med: in Mod. Langs., 
and Valedictorian, 1878; B.C.L., 
and ValediC1torian, 1881; D.C.L., hon.. 
1911); m., 1st, 1895, Moarie (0 
.Ta n., 1902 ) , d. .1'3Jte .J'Ü'hn :Eva ns, 
New Orleans, La.; 2ndl!)', 1904, ,Mary 
r,in'p, e. d. Sam!. H. Sexton, 
Crass City, Ino(l. ; ad ViOCa.te, 1881 : 
K.C., 1899; was one úf t'he lea.ders 
of tile 1.oc:al <har; ,fa.mO' in crim- 
Inal cares; aC'ted as Crown 'pr0ge- 
cu.tor .in Montre.a'} rand .ot<'her dQsrts.: 
'Pros.eouted dn t,he ScIoa.ter, Ha'C'keU. 
Laderoute, and Glacconl murder cases; 
equally famous In civil cases; earned 
the gratitudE' of the poorer classes by 
his services in the crusade agaInst the 
usurers, .. who were so Inhumanly 
bleeding numerous victims in Mont- 
real"; was local commr. Montreal 
PHots 001.; formerly V.-P. M'Ûn:tTlea.l 
Lib. Club; a del. to the Ottawa Lib 
Convl"ntion, 1893: unsuccessfully con- 
tested Mon.treal Centore (H. C.), .1891; 
served for some vea rs as an offr. In 
the Victoria Rifles'; since Jan. 14, 1907, 
has been a puisne juðge S. C., P. Q. : 
R. C.--86 Union Ave., Montreal; St. 
George Snowshoe Club; University 
Club, do. 
"Always approachable and courteous." 
r. Standard. 
"A d{}ughty champion of Irish rights." 
-Jr. "
"A man of energy and skill as a law 
3'er."-T. Globe. 
"Vigilant, active and oourag1Jous as a 
Crown officer."-M. Star, 
Guerin, Kon, James John Ec!munc!, 
Bro. Hon. E. W. P. G. (Q.v); b. 
Montreal. .July 4, 1856; e. Montreal 

ColI. and McGiH Univ. (M.D., C.M., 
1878) ; m., 1883, Mary (d. 1886), d. late 
Hon. .Jas. O'Brien, Senator; has long 
been In suC'cessful practice In Montreal, Ihe ils Ipl"e,9dJt, of 't:he .Med. Bd., 
Hotel Dieu Hosp. and prof. of Clinical 
Med., Laval Unlv.; presdt. St. Pat- 
rick's Soc., M'ontreal. 1895-7; Is hon. 
presdt. French-speaking Med. Assn. of 
N. America; V.-P. Standard Gold'es, Ltd.; a dlr. N3Jt. Theal Esæ:toe 
& Invest. Co.; aþptd. a memo Royal 
Comn. re spread of tubercuI., 1909: a 
Royal Commr. re settlement of dalms 
arising out of N.W. RebellIion, 1885; 
a dir. Royal Edward Inst.; a gov. Vic- 
torian Order of Nurses; apptd. a memo 
Council 01[ Publ.ic Instn., P.Q., 190.1; oS 
del. Irish Nat. Convention, DubHn, 
1896; mayor of Montreal, 1910-12; 
represented city of Montreal at funeral 
of King Edward, London. May. 1910. 
and at the Coronation of King George 
and Queen Miary, do., 191-1; 'Pl"Plsenlted 
to T!h:e,ir .Majesties, Buck,ing-ham Fa.lace, 
June, do.; cl"ea.ted Q Kni
1 Goan- 
manðoer of St. Gregory .the GreaJt, do.; 
a Li'b.; soa..t for Monltreal, St. Ann's 
Di\-. (LocaH, 18!J5-1904; minor. wi,tohou.t 
portfolio, P.Q. (Marchand and Parent 
Admns.), 1897-1904: a R.C.-
hill Ave., Montreal: c< Beaurivage." 
Laprairie, P.Q.; University Club, 
Uontrenl Jockey Club, Montreal. 
lOA sane, practical man."-T. Globe. 
"A man o.f breadth of mind Bnd cuI. 
tUTe."-M. Herald. 
Guest, Kon, Lionel George William, 
sttock 'broker. 
Fourth S. 1st Baron Wlmborne and 
Lady Cornelia Henrietta Marla Spen- 
cer-ChurchlIl, e. d. 7th Duke of Marl- 
borough; b. Nov. 16, 1880; e. Eng.; 
m., July, 1905, Mrs. Flora Do.dge 
[<author of "Thle JeweIJ.pd HaloI" (1908) 
and other navelsJ, ð. Hon. John B1g
low, forme'rly U. S. Ambassador to 
France; formerly genL man gr. the Can. 
Appraisal Co., of he was one of 
the pl'Omoters (L. P., 1905); sinoe 
1910 has been .secy.-treas. .c. Mere- 
dith & 00., stock brokers and flnancfal 
agents, Montrea.I; a councillor Mont- 
real Bel. of Treðe.-Ile. St. Gilles; Ste. 
Anne de Bellevue. P.Q. ; 767 Sherbrooke 
St. W., llIontreal; Mt. Royal Club; 
Engineers' Club; Canadian Club; 
Montreal Club ; Montreal Jockey Club; 
Montreal Racquet Club, lJIIontreal. 
Guggf8berg, Major Frec!erlck Gordon, 
H.M.'s regular mil. forces; author. 
E. s. late Fredk. G. : b. Toronto, Ont., 
.July 20, 1869; e. Burney's. Hampshire, 
Eng., and R. M. Acad., Woolwlch; m., 
1905. Miss Lilian Decima Moore: entd. 
R. E. as 2nd lieut., 1889; lieut., 1892; 
capt., 1900; major, 1908: Instr. In 
fortification, R. M. Acad., Woolwlch, 
7-1902; asst. dir. of survey of Gold 
Coast and Ashantl, under CoL Office, 
1902-5; dlr. of surveys, do. do., 1905-8; 
 1910 has been surveyor-genl. of 
Southern Nfgßll"la; served In Singapore, 
1893-6; C.M.G., 1908; author: "The 
Shop," U The Story of the R. M. A.", 
a one-act play, "A Black Mark," 
U Leaves from the African Forest:' 



.. We Two In W. Africa," and numer- 
ous articles and short stories; writes 
under t1he nom-de-plume of "Ublque." 
-l:1Z Clarence Gate Gardens, London, 
N. TV., Eng.,. Lagos, lVest Africa; 
lIfarylebone Cricket Club, London. 
Gullen, Mrs, Augusta stowe, phy- 
D. late .John and Dr. Emily Stowe, 
b. Norwich, Ont.; e. Trln. Unlv., To- 
ronto (M.D.,C.M., 1887); enjoys the 
distinction of being the first woman 
physician to take an entirely Can 
course of study; m. Dr. .John B. Gul. 
toen, Toronto; mle-m. 0011. P. and S., 
Ont., 1883; apptd. demon. of anat., and 
5Ubsequently prof. diseases of children, 
Women's Med. Coil., Toronto; One OJ 
the eds. Can. Journ. of Med. and Surg., 
elected to the Toronto Sch. Bd., 1892; 
successfully practises her prof. in To- 
ronto: presdt. Ladies' Aux. Bd., West- 
ern Hosp., Toronto, 1899; V.-P. Local 
Council of "
omen, 1906, and since: 
presdt. Nat. Suffrage Assn.. 1908; 
elected a spnator Toronto Univ.. 1910: 
a Meth., but does not now believe ÍlI 
61 Slwilina A 1..'e., Toronto. 
"An attra-ctive and convincing platform 
speaker."-T. Globe. 
Gundy, Rev, Joseph B. (Meth.). 
S. late Rev. Wm. G. (Meth.); b. 
Mount Mellck, Irel., 1838; e. St. Cath- 
arines Acad. and Toronrto Hnlv.; D.D 
('hon.), Vliet:. Un
v., 19M; m., Sept., 
1865, Isabella, 0(1. Wm. Evelelg'h, 
Mon1'; o. 1859; ihas flI:led many 
important þMtoT.aJbee; at present ØJt 
St. Thrn11'a,s, Onlt.; ihas served .as 
a del. 10() ,the Genl. 'Oond'. on moany 
occasIons, and has filled the offices of 
secy. and presdt. of his conf. several 
times: a firm supporter of the Union 
of 1874, and was elected a memo of 
the .Joint Comte. on Ch. Union, 1908; 
author of a paper, .. A Plea for Ch. 
Union" (1905); a memo 20th Cen- 
tury Thanksg1vlng Fund, 1898; D.D., 
hon. (Victoria Unlv.). 1902; do. do. 
(Wes1. Theol. Coil.), Montreal, do.- 
St. Thomas, Onto 
U Gunhilda," (See WI.gglns, Mrs. E. 
Gunn, Alexander Donald, lawyer; 
Scottish origin; s. Alex. and Mary 
G.: b. St. Mary's, Co. Pictou, N.S., 
ApI. 18, 1872; e. Pictou Acad. Rnd 
Dalhousie Unlv. (B.L., 1895; LL.B., 
1897) ; m., 1899, Miss .Jane :M. LIIIRn 
Spencer; baNister, 1897; practises his 
prof. at Rvdney. slncp 1904; on staff 
Halifax Chronfcle, 1896-7; ed. Brn3 
d'or Gazette. 1898-1900; f-ouD'lied Sy1<i. 
ney Daily Post, and edited It tm 
Sept., 1902; ald. for 3 yrs.; mayor. 
1910; J'e-'eloe-Ctted, 19,11; eleC'tf'-d local 
V.-P. Undon of Can. .MunddpallUes, 
1910-11; Con.; Presb.-Sydney, C.B. 
Gunn, James, business man. 
S. late Dona,]'<'I G.; b. Bannrisklrk, 
CaAtJhness-shlre, SoOIt.; e. there; came 
to Can., 1867; eT1'W, service T-oronl!:o 
St. Ry. Co., 
!U;q: hpl"ame 
enl. m-'lngr 
do. (under the city's management), 
1891: !!Updt. do. (under company's 
d-o.), 1892: now, and for some yrs. a 

dlr. of the 00.: Is also V.-P. Reliance 
Loan and Savings Co. of Ont.; Presb. 
-13:1 Isabella St., Toronto. 
" A man of capacity, integrity and zeal:' 
-T. New.. 
Gunn, James A" civil engineer. 
S. late Alex. G., ex-M.P.. and 
Angellque Agnes (Matthews) G . 
Kingston, Ont.; b. thpre; e. R. M 
CoH.: m., ApI.. 1900. Mary Alexandra, 
d. Prof. R. Carr Harris (q. v.); ha
been successively engr. in charge of 
sec. of operation, Egyptian Govt. rys., 
govt. engr. In charge. of the Imp-ortant 
enging. works and services, Port of 
Alexandria; Inspr. of govt. rys., anð 
secy. to the comn. in charge of 
Egyptfan Govt. rys.; a Presb.-Cairo, 
Gunn, His Honour Banald D" .Jun- 
Ior Co. Ct. judge. 
Highland Scotch ancestry; on his 
mother's side descendpd from the 
McDoneHs. one of whom. Miles !VfC'- 
Donell. was Govr. of the Selkirk 
settlemenl!:, N.-W.T., another Atty.- 
Genl. of U. C.. and a third the 
first Catholic Bp. 
n U. C., now 
ant.; S. Allan G.. Glengarry, ant.; 
b. Barrie, ant., 186
; P. Driva te schs.. 
Barrie CoH. lnst. and De la SaHe lnst., 
Toronto; m. Kate, d. late W. .J. Mid- 
dleton, Toronto; barrister, 1889; K.C., 
1 Q02 ; a promlnpnt and successful prac- 
<tlti.oner in OrilUa for many y,rs.; a 
memo C. 1M. B. A., C. O. F. and IRoyal 
Aroanum, a Knight of Columbus, a 
Past Chief of the Sons of Scot. and 
chairman of the Sep. Sch. Bd.: un. 
su'CCe<ssfulIy contested E. Simcoe 
(local), in Lib. interest, g. e.. 1904; 
apptd. junior judgp Co. Ct., Carleton, 
ant., Mch. 15, 1907; do. chairman Bd. 
of Condllatlon re Kingston & Pembroke 
Ry. employees, 1909; a R. C.-
(5 Wil- 
brod St., Ottawa. 
Gunn, Rev. Sa.mne] C. (Prp"b.). 
Scottish parentage; b. East River, 
Co. Pictou. 'N.S., Nov. 12, 1841: e. 
Dalhousie Unlv.; m.. Oct., 1871, Anna, 
e. d. la'te Murdoch Sutherland., Pictou, 
N.S.; took theol. course Presb. CoH.. 
Halifax, N.S.; D.D.; O. 1870; served 
the :r:oll()win
 ohs.: West and Olyde 
Rlvprs and Brook'field, P.RI.. 1870-6; 
St. Peter's Bay, P.E.I., 1876-8
; Sprlng- 
side, U. Stewlacke. N.S., 1883-7; sInce 
Aug. 1, 1887, has been pastor Scotch 
Presb. Ch., Boston, Mass., or since it!'! 
foundation; on the occasion of cele- 
 Its foundation, 1903, was prp- 
sented by the con. with a purse of 

old, and Mrs. G. with a !-;fIver loving 
cup.-17 Copley St., Roxbury, Boston, 
Gunn, Bev, William Thomas (Cong-.). 
R McGill Hnlv. (B.A.. 1891: M.A.. 
1894); shHilpd theo1.. Con
. CoH. of 
CRn.; grA chm ted, 1885; B.D., do.. 
1R98: O. 189
: imhlhpd a stron
spirit, but 'Was unable to gratify It. 
owing to III-health; pastor, Embro, 
Ont., 8 yrs.; sometime treas. Foreign . 
Missy. Corporation; later. as supdt. 
.Jubilee Fund raised $200,000, to re- 
move ch. ð'f>ht; c'halrman. Congo Union, 
1906-7; some yrs. ed. The ConI/rega- 



tionalist; since 1907 has been gent. 
secy. Congo Ch. of Can.; a memo Joint 
Comte. on Ch. Union; 'has loectured on 
II The Fundamentals ot the Early 
Church" and cognate subjects: In 
early lite tonowed business pursults.- 
SS Victor A ve. Toronto. 
II One of the leading men of the denom 
ination."-T. News. 
Gunnison, Herbert Foster, journalist. 
S. Rev. Nathaniel G., for many yrs. 
pastor Universalist Ch., Halifax, N.S., 
and Ann Louise (Foster) G.; b. 
Ha1ffax, June 28, 1858; e. St. Law- 
rence Unlv.; graduated, 1880; m., 
lRR5, Miss Allee May (d. 1903); In 
journa1fsm since leaving con.; now 
2nd tor many yrs. dlr. anð business 
manp;r. Brooklyn Dan?, Eagle: also 
pð. .. "Eae-If' Almanac": corresponl1ent 
for Brooklyn Eagle at 
tate canltal. 
Albany. N.Y.: secy. anl1 treas. Ba e-Ie 
e & 
torap;e Co.; a fOlmðer. 
:I yrs. treRs., 2 yrs. !>pcy. Am. New!I:I- 
t)er 'Pub. ,. 
!!n.: formerly a ðlr. 
"Rrnnklvn 'Public Llhrarv: mr.. N
u 'l'nl!:Ì Co.: on N. Y. 
tn N'u::h"IlIp "P':'{T'lT\.: 'RPn.: TTn'v.-111'
A 71,p'/?1(1rlp 1?r1.. Rrnn1rl1tn. N. V.: "nn- 
m,pr. RrnnJr71m TTnh,.. fTnmf,ltnn. 

rnn1r7?'''. ]tf"n.;r{f')ftl. 
t. T (11.vrence. 
Unfon Lea Que, Unfver3alf3t Clubs. 
Gunther, .Lt,-Col, Ernest Frederick, 
S la;;

nod G.. Toron1t.o: h. 1"0' 
ronto, Feb. 13, 1862; e. U. C. C,?l.t. 
and Toronto Un'iv. (B.IA.. '1!!!L): 
wed 'law course, same 1nstl't'll.tlon. 
but oð
d not gI'aJd,ua1te; m.. Jun.e, 1911. 
Ina Hinman, ð. RoHand Hf11s, To1'onl1o: 
a 'ba rrlSlteor: sU0Ce,s.<rl'ul1y iDr3C't,lseð !hIs 
prof. In Toronto: since 1911 hoas been 
supd.t. of ,Insurance. B..c.; long 1n .Þhe 
v. m. seTV1fce; art:ta.lneil to 1he rank 01 
]it.-'('()L 1n com<ml\lnd or a batt. of t'hJe 
. Qu
n's Own Rffl.e1s, ApI. 10, 1906: 
R. 0.. .1911 ; S'PT'VIeð with 1hp 
. ður- 
.Inlg' N. W. ReJhel1do'l1'. 188!'i (mel1.): 
holds 'long' serv1fce d-ecc>OOJtion.- Vfc- 
toria, B.C. 
Gurd, Fraser :8ai111e, physician. 
S Dr. D. F. G., Montreal: b. Mont- 
reai, Jan. 7, 1883; e. Montreal High 
Sch. and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 1904; 
(M.D.,C.M., with honours, 1904); m., 
.Jan., 1910, Jessie Gibson, o. ð. T. H. 
Newman, WeredJale Park, Montreal; 
further studies In Germany; resident 
plhysiclan Montreal Gen1. Hosp., 1906-8 : 
secy. Montreal Tubercul. Expn., 1908; 
author path. and bacter. articles, dealing with bacter. ot the 
fem.a!le gentfotal 'ÌJr.act; a gov. F:rot. 
Hos!p. for 1ihe Insanoe, .M'Ûn.tre.a.l; Sl'l1lC1e 
19010 has been a loot. In Tulane UIlIlv. ; 
Cong.-New Orleans, La. 
Gurd. Norman St. Clair, lawyer. 
S. Robt. S. G., barrister, Sarnla, 
Ont.; b. there, Nov. 27, 1870: e. Trln. 
Coli. Sch., Port Hope; m., June, 1899, 
Edna Isabel, 2nd d. Geo. H. Wilkes, 
Branttord, Onto ; graduated B.C.L. 
(Trln. Vnlv., Toronto), 1896; bar- 
rister, 1894; practises his prof. at 
Sarnla; V.-P. Lambton Loan and In- 
vest, 00.; preSldt. Onto Llbr8lry Assn., 

1906-8; now a. councillor, do.; a del. 
first Library Cont. ; edited Onto Library 
Assn. catalogue ot books tor children, 
published by Onto Govt.; author mag. 
arUcles and brochures on library work; 
Lib.; secy. W. Lambton Lib. Assn.; 
an Ang.-Sarnfa, Onto 
Gurney. Edward, manufacturer. 
O. s. la te Edward G., a na tlve of 
Holland Patent, N.Y., who. with hi!! 
boo, Oharles, JI
lIild ttlhe foundation in 
Hamilton, Ont., many yrs. ago, ot'the 
well-known toundry business of E. & 
C. Gurney; b. Hamilton, Aup;. 4, 1845: 
e. local public flchs.; m., 1868, Mary 
Frances (V.-P. Can. Household Econ- 
omic Assn.), d. tate Wm. A. Cromwel1, 
Toronto: acqulreil .::I practil"aI knowt- 
edge, as a machinist, .In his twtlher's 
foundry; was admittf'd to the firm 
1869; removed to Toronto an'd was 
placed In charge ot a branch ot the 
business then estbð. In tha t city, do.: 
the firm became a joint stock co., unðer 
the name ot the Gurney Foundry Co.. 
1891; Is presdt. ot the co.; a branch 
ot the business was estbd. In Boston, 
Mass., 1887; Is a memo extve. comte 
Nat. Sanitarium Assn.; V.-P. N. A
Lite Assur. Co.; presdt. Onto Hosp. 
Assn., 1905; presdt. Ont. Manfrs. Assn., 
1880-1; V.-P., Toronto BI1. ot Trade. 
1896; presdt., do., 1897: Is R i'ov. Grace 
Hosp., Toronto: "would build the Can. 
tariff as high as Haman's gallows If It 
would keep oui!: U. S. manufa.ctures "; a 
Con.; a Meth.; 'ex-presdt. Meth. Social 
Union; memo joint comte. on ch. union, 
1907.-.U Walmer Rd., Toronto; To- 
ronto Club, do. . 
"One otf the Mlid business men of the 
ooun1ry."-T. Globe. 
Gustin, Rev. Wm. Alfred (Ang.). 
B. Fitch Bay, P.Q.. 1872: e. 
stead Wesl. con., McGill Unlv. (B.A., 
1895; M.A., 1898), and LennoxvllIe 
Unlv. (M.A.. ad e1ln.) : unm.; O. deac0n. 
1897; prle
t. 18Q8; tormf'rty rector St 
Andrew's Ch.. Peoria, III.; now canon 
St. .John's Cath., and priest In charg-e 
Ch. of the Good Shepher<i. Quincy, III.: 
a Mason, K. T., and Noblf' of Mvstfc 
Shrlne.-1109 Maine St., Quinc?!, Ill. 
GuteUu8, Frederick Passmore, Can. 
ry. service. . 
German and Quaker parentage; b. 
Mlffllnburg, Pa., Dec. 21, 1864; e. 
thf're; m., May, ] 892, Mi
s Anne 
Eaton, Mlffllnburp;: graðuated C. E. 
(Lafayptte Call), 1887: a!"st. engr. 
and asst. sunervh::or Penn. Co., Pltb;- 
lmrg. Pa.. 1882-1)2; removed to B. C.. 
1895: genl. supdt. Columbia & West- 
ern Ry. (constructing and operating 
ry. between Robson and Rosslanð) , 
18!J5-98: dlv. SUtPiI'Ì., C. P. Ry., 1898
1900: various positions In f'nglneerlng, ðl()., 1900-2: engr. ffil3..lnrtJenanüe 
ort way, 00., 1902-06; as
. ohl.ef enogr. 
Eastern 'l
noes, do., .1906-08; g-ent 
sup.ðt. Leke ,S'tllperl'Olr òlv., 1908-10; 
since then do. do., Ða.
ern .dlv.; proe- 
senter] wi-tth sI'lver te&tlm-o-nlal 'Ûn loe.av- 
Ing M''le1al: memo Oa n. Soc. C. E. 
(counc1!iIor, 1907-8), 1902: autJhor of on .. Steel RaUs In Can." (read 
bef{)J<e RaUway Club, Monotreal) ; Proto 
-Montreal; Engineer8' Club, do, 



Guthrie, Donald, lawyer; ant. pUblic 
S. late Hugh and Catherine (Mc- 
Gregor) G.: b. Edinburgh, Scot., May 
8, 1840; e. there and Toronto; m., Dec., 
] 863, Eliza Margt. (d. 1900), y. d. late 
.ToIhn MacVlcar, Dunglass, Argyllshlre, 
Scot.; solI'. (ant.), 1863; barrister, 
1866: K.C. (ant.), 1876; do. (M. of 
Lansd'Ûwne), 1885; bencher, ant. Law 
. S'lnlC'e 1882; sucC'essfuUy Ipraotises 
his prof. In Guelph in partnership with 
'his son, Hugh G. (q.v.); sinoe 1863 
has been city solr., Guelph, and solI'. 
Co. WellIngton; presdt Guelph Light 
& Power Co., 1870-1903; since 1895 
has been Inspr. of Reg. Offices for ant. ; 
sat for S. WelHngton (H.C.), Lib. In- 
terest, 1876-82: represented same con- 
st.1tuency (Local), 1886-94; moV'e/d ad- 
dTeiSS In fie-ply t.o spefe.Ch fram .the 
t'hlrOone, H. C., 1877: do., d'Û., Onlt. lÆg. 
Assem.. 1887: a warm 'Personal and 
political frienð of Hon. Edward ,Blake 
(q.v.) and Sir W. Laurier (q.v.): a 
:Rre,sb.-" A rdmay," Guelph, Ont.; Pri- 
01'y Club, do. 
Guthrie, Rev, Donald (Presb.). 
S. Donald G., K.C. (q.v.) : b. Guelph, 
Ont.: e. there, McGIH Univ. (B.A.. 
1892), and Montreal Presb. CoIl. 
(grad., 1894); D.D., Hampton Sidney 
COoll., Va., 1899; m., Dec., 1894, .Tennle, 
d. late Davf.ð Stlrton, M.P.; for a 
short time pa stor, Knox Ch., Walker- 
ton, ant.; co-pastor. 2nd Presb. Ch., 
Richmond, Va., 1898-1900; since then 
has been pastor, 1st Presb. Ch., Balti- 
more, Md.-Baltimore, Md. 
II An e.arnest and faithful Christian 
w'Orker."-Baltimore Sun. 
Guthrie, Hugh, lawyer; legislator. 
Scottl-sh ancestry: s. Donald G., 
K.C. (q.v.); b. Guelph, ant., Aug. 13, 
1866; e. Guellph CoIl. Inst. and Onto 
Law Sch.; m., Dec., 1895, Maude 
Henrietta, d. Thos. H. Scarff, Guelph; 
barrister 1888: K.C., 1902; success- 
fully pråctlses his ,prof. at Guelph as 
a memo flrm of G. & G.; has sat for' 
Welldnig't.on S. (H. C.), Lib. Interest, 
since g. e. 1900; ohalTIl1oan Bys. Combe., 
H. C., since 1907; frequently spoken 
of in connecti.on with a seat In the 
LaurieI' admn.: m.oved for the appt. 
of a Royal Comn. ,to enquire dnto 
needs .of tech. education throug1hout 
the Dam., 1909; one of 'tJhe repre,sen'ta- 
tJivP'.s ()f 'tJhie H. C. oat C'o-ron:aUon ,of 
KJÏng Ge-Oflge and Queen Mary, London, 
19.11, and was IJ)resenlted to Their 
Moajesties on that occasion; Bflesb.- 
GuellJh, Ont.; Priory Club, do. 
uA trained constitutio.nal law;)'er, and 
one (}If the- .ableM. Liiberw1ð jn the HmIse." 
M. and E. 
.. Po&seß.Ses many of the gifts of the 
orator: has a. consecutive, logical mind, 
with a c8/Pacity for hard work Bnd a large 
fund of phytsicaJ strength. "-Can. Courier. 
Guttmann, Leo Frank, educationist. 
S. Dr. Osæ.r G., .an aut-h.oT'i.'ty on ex- 
pl'Ûsives; b. 1879: e. .private soh., Lon- 
d-on, Oenotral Tte<'lh. CoH., Lon'i'/on Unliv., 
He1.æelherg Univ. (Wl.D., '190.3) .and 
Unlv. ColI., London; an assoc. Inst. of 
Chpmist. of Gt. Brit. and Irel., 1903; 
fellow do., 1906; demon. Unlv. CoIl., 

London, 1903-5; Carnegie resetarch 
asst., 1905; tutor, then instr. and head 
of div. of physical chemis., ColI. of 
City of N. Y., 1905-9: since then has 
been a:sst. prof. Iphys. and indus. 
chemls., Queen's Unlv., Klng-ston; 
served on comte. ()'f Brit. Assn. for 
Advanc. of Science, Am. Chemical Soc., 
A:m. E!ectr.o-Cìhem. Soc.; el-ecled If>el,!ow 
.Am. Assn., 1910: published papers In 
""13.rious sclen. journals, chiefly on 
physical and organic chemis.: consul- 
tant to various 
hem. fad'Ûrles.-40 
F1'ontenac St., Kingston, Ont.; F1'on- 
tenac Club, do. 
Gwillim, John Cole, educationist. 
A memo G., Spencer, and Ballard 
families of Herefordshire, En
.; b. 
Laver Ct., Clifford, Herefordshire; m., 
Oct., 1900, Miss .Tane Birch, Vancou- 
ver, B.C.; 
raduated In mining en
neering, 1895; engd. in mining, B. C.. 
till 1899, and again, subsequently; 
for some time employed on the Can. 
Geol. Survey; apptd. prof. of mining, 
Queen's Unlv., Kingston, 1902.-King- 
ston. Ont.; Frontenac Club, do. 
Gwyn, Rev, Herbert Britton (Pro- 
testant Epls.). 
S. Lt.-Col. H. C. G., K.C. (q.v.), and 
Charlotte E. G.: b. Dun d'a s, Ont.; e. 
Hamnton CoIl. Inst. and Trln. Unlv., 
Toronto (B.A., 1893; M.A., 1896) ; m. 
Miss Katharine Maconochip, Chien zù, 
Ill.; o. 1896: curate All Saints', T'Û- 
!Onto 1896-99: asst. St. Pptpr's. Chl- 
H!O: 1900-02: rector St. Simon's. (Jo., 
1902; Is secy. Chicago LaJW and Order 
League and N. Side Law and: Order 
League: author occasional verses.- 
f096 Btenmore Ave., Chicago, Ill.; 
Ravenswood Club. 
Gwyn, Lt.-Col, Herbert Charles, law- 
S. Y Wm . B. Ü., Norfolk, Eng.; b. 
ApI. 29, 1846: e. Dundas Grammar 
Soh.: m. d. Rev. Canon F. L. Osler. 
Dundas, Ont.: studied law with late B. 
B. Osler, Q.'C,: barrister, 1876; K.C., 
1908: successfully prac.tlses his prof. in 
Dundas, ort wihld1 town he W13.S mayorr, 
] 887-8; now town s.olr. there; passoo 
Royal Mil. ,sOO., Hamilton, 1865, and 
has been V.-P. Can. Mil. Inst., To- 
ronto; l.on'g dn v. m. service: a:lttadn1oo 
.to commoand 77th, 1887: since 
retired: holds long service decoration: 
a son, A. H. G., graduated from Royal 
Mil. C<JIll., 1902, and has entd. the army 
in India: a Con., and was treas. Con. 
Assn., N. Wentworth: Ang.-" Staple- 
hurst!' Dundas, Ont.; Hamilton Club, 
Gwynne, Lt,-Col. Reginald John, land- 
ed proprietor. 
E. s, .T. E. A. G., .T.P., T".S.A., Folk- 
ington Manor, Polegate, Sussex, Eng.: 
b. London, Eng., Sept. 16, 1863; e. 
Cheam, Eton, and Pembroke ColJ.. 
Oxford: m., 1894, Mary Mayall, e. d. 
S. Taylor, Oldham, Lancashire; 
zetted major 16th Li
ht Horsp, 1907: 
lrt.-co]. commanding do., 1908: V.-P. 
Can. Caval. Assn., 1910: author: .. Ex- 
planations tRnd Details (lor Movements 
In Cavalry Training," 1909; Ang.- 



Gwynne, William Durie, lawyer. 
S. late Hon. Mr. Justice G., S].l- 
preme Ct. of Can. and Julia G., y. d. 
Dr. Wm. Durie, K.H.; b. June 15, 
1857; e. U. C. ColI. and Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1881) ; m., Sept., 1887, Frances 
Maye, widow of Capt. E. D. Clarke, 
R.N.W.M.P., and d. late Hon. Jas 
Cockburn, K.C., M.P., one of the 
"Fathers of Confederation"; a bar- 
rister; memo loegal firm of Crombie, 
WlQrrell & G., Toronto; a trustee York 
Law Assn.; a Freemason; a Con.; an 
Ang.; a del. to the synods; a memo 
Oen1:rn.l Gamt-e. A'l1.g.',s Mis- 
sionary Movement.-f" Dunbar Road 
Toronto. ' 
Gye, Madame Marie Louise Emma 
Cecile Albani-, prima donna. 
E. d. I'8Jte J.()SI81J>Ih ùa.j-euJ1lesse and 
Mélina (Mignault) L. ; grandm., 
Rachel McCutcheon, came to Can. 
from N. Y. In early life; b. Chambly 
P.Q., Sept. 27, 1847; e. Plattsburg' 
N.Y., and Convent of Sacred Heart' 
Sault au RecoIlet, Montreal (wher
she sang before the late King, then P. 
of Wales, 1860); received early mus- 
ical training from her father and 
made her first appearance In public 
when 7 yrs. of age, at Mechanics' Hall 
Montreal; at 15 became an organist at 
Saratoga Springs, and prof. of singing 
and the piano at Kellwood:; after 3 yrs. 
went to Paris, where she studied under 
Duprez and Benoist, and later at Milan 
under Lampert!; made her debut at 
Messina, 1870, In BellinI's "La Son- 
nambula," takIng the name of Al banI 
from an old and almost extinct Ital. 
family; after achieving great success 
there, at Florence, and elsewhere In 
I'taly, .she madlE! her appøarance alt t'he 
Royal Hal. Opera, London, 1872, and 
established a reputation in the world's 
capital that has never waned; she 
has sung In Am., Russia, Germany, 
Australia, S. Africa, and Can" with 
great suc
css, and, In addition to beIng 
a great opera singer, has achieved dis- 
Unction In oratorIo; she had no great- 
er friend than the late Queen Vic- 
toria, before whom she sang repeat- 
edly, and who accordled .her man.y 
proofs of her regard; she sang also 
at the funeral of the great Queen, 
and subsequently at the Guild Hall, 
London, at the reception given there 
to King Edward and Q\le
n Alexan- 
dra; also at the opening of the Fran- 
co-British Expn., London, 1908; apptd. 
court singer to the Emperor of Ger- 
many, she received the Order of Merit 
for Art, Science, and Music from too 
late King Edward VII., and the Or- 
ders of Merit from Denmark and 
Germany; other rewards and decora- 
tions in her possession Include the Vic- 
toria badge, the Jubilee med. of 1887, 
with clasp for the Diamond Jubilee, 

Haanel, Eugene EmU Bichard, Dom. 
public service. 
S. Franz and Ann (Herde) H.; 
b. Breslau, Silesla, May 24, 1841; 
e. Gymnasium and Breslau Univ. 
(PIh,D., 1872) ; first came to Am., 1856; 

the King of the Sandwich Islands Or- 
der, the badge of the Amateur Or- 
chestral Soc., London, and the Bee- 
thoven med. of the Royal PhlIhar- 
monIc Soc., London; a R. C.; she m., 
1878, Ernest Gye, impressarlo, and 
by him has one s., who has entered 
the Eng. diplomatic service; her por- 
trait has been painted by Wm. H. Low 
for the Albany Club, Albany, N.Y.- 
Park House, Earl's Court Road, Lon- 
don, 13. W., Eng. 
I 'membe.r wan tam I be, sleepin', jus' 
. onder some beeg pine tree, 
An' song of de robin wak' me. but robin 
he don't see me. 
Dere's not'ing for scarin' dat bird dere, 
He's feel all alone on de worl', 
IlI Ma-dam she mus' lissen lak dat 
too, when she was de Chambly girl I 
'COli how could she sing dat nice chanson, 
de sam' as de bird I was near, 
Till I see it de maple an' pine tree- an' 
RñcheUeu ronlJlJn' near. 
Again I'm de leetle feller, lak young colt 
upon de spring 
Dat's jus' on de way I was feel, me, w'en 
Ma:-dam All-ba-nee is sing 1 
An' after de song it is finish, an' crowd 
is mak' noise wit' its han' 
I s'pose dey be t'inkin' I'm crazy, dat 
mebbe I don't onderstall', 
'<XIs I'm set on de chair very quiet, mese" 
an' poor Jeremie, 
An' I see dat hees eye it was cry too, 
jus' sam' w'ay it go wit' me. 
-" When Albani Sang," bJl the late Dr. 
W. H. Drummond. 
Gzowski, Casimir Stanislaus, financial 
agent and broker; capitalist. 
O. s. s. late COl. Sir C. .s. G., K.C. 
M.G., C.E., A.D.C. to the late Queen 
Victoria, and Marla (Beebe) G.; b. 
Toronto. Dec. 2, 1847; e. Leamlngton 
CoIl., Eng., and Toronto Unlv.; m. 
Mary (formerly presdt. Nursing at 
Home Mission and Union Mission, and 
hon. presdt. Home for Incurable Chil- 
dren, Toronto), d. late David Bell, 
Buffalo, N.Y.; forn\erly a memo and 
treas. Toronto Stock Exchange; a memo 
and one of the founders of the Toronto 
Mining Exohange; {'Ürme
I'Y In ipartner- 
.shi'p of Ew,in'g Budhan (q.v.), .as a 
banker and stock broker; now doing 
business On his own account; rated as 
a millionaire by ß.N., 1907; V.P. Lon- 
don and Can. Loan & Agency Co., and 
Pre.sdt. Douglas MinIng Co.; elected a 
dlr. Bank of Ontario by shareholders, 
after the failure of the Bank, Dec., 
1906; well known for hIs philanthropic 
and charitable labours; a memo Extve. 
Comte. Assoolated Charities; has been 
supdt. of 'l'oronto Mission Union; has 
been presdt, Y.M.C.A., Toronto, etc.; 
Ang.; Con.--60 Glen Rd., Toronto; To- 
ronto Club, do. 


m., Nov., 1866, MLss Ju.lria F. DarloJ.n<g, 
Lake Ridge, Mich.; served In Federal 
Army during Am. Civil War; prof. 
mod. lang., Adrian ColI., Mich., 1864; 
do. Hlllsdale CoIl., do., 1865: prof. 
nat. science, Albion ColI., 1867-70; 



prof. do., Victoria Unlv., Cobourg, 
Ont., 1872-90; while there built 
and equipped Faraday Hall; prof. 
physics, Syracuse Unlv., 1888; supdt. 
of mines, Can., .June 8, 1901; since 
May 3, 1907, has been dlr. of mines of 
Can.; a Royal Commr. to proceed to 
Europe to Investigate the electro-ther- 
mio processes emiPloyed In Ithoe sm1el,ting 
of iron ores and the manufacture of 
steel, 1901; V.-P. Am. of Ohem. 
Engrs., 1909; presdt. Am. Peat Soc. 
1909-10; is a charter fellow ROyaÌ 
Soc. Can.; a Meth.-lS,J Fir8t Ave., 
Ottawa. , 
"One of the .abOOst pl'!l<ctical soientists 
!, l8.nd, perha
s, tIDe first the,istic 
BcÏeJntist O'll the Co.nrbi,Dlent."-E. Odium. 
Hackett, James Keteltas, actor- 
S. late .Jas. Henry and Clara Cynthia 
(Morgan) H.; b. Wolfe Island, Ont., 
Sept. 6, 1869; e. CoIl. of City of N. Y. 
(B.A., 1891), and N. Y. Law Seh.; m., 
May 2, 1897, Miss Mary Mannering, 
the famous actress (divorced .Jan., 
1910) ; made début on the stage, Pal- 
mer's Stock Co., Park Theatre, Phila- 
delphia, 1892; became leading man N. 
Y. Lyceum Theatre, 1896; reached 
great success In "Thoe Prisoner of 
Zenda," "Rupert of Hentzau" "The 
Pride of .Jennico," and "The Crisis" . 
now lessee, actor and mangr., the 
Hackett Theatre, N. Y.-f6! W. 9Hh 
St., New York; Player8' Club; Lamb8' 
Club; Friars' Club; Stroller8' Club' 
City College Club; Green Room Club'. 
N. Y. Athletic Club, do.; Can. Camp 
Club; St. Be1"1tanl Fish & Game Club. 
Hacking, John Albert, merchant. 
S. late W. H. H., Llstowel, Ont., a 
native of Leeds, Eng.; mother native 
of Clare, Irel.; b. Co. York, Ont., 
1849; e. there; m., 1873, Miss Eliza- 
beth Flal1f'rty; In mercantile life; has 
!Jeen Councillor, Depty.-Reeve, Reeve, 
and Mayor of Llstowel; Reeve 5 se- 
parate occasions;" Mayor twice; War- 
den, Co. Perth, twice, a record unex- 
celled In Can.; Llb.-Listowel, Ont, 
Haddow, Bev, Bobert (Presb.). 
S. Geo. H., formerly M.P. for Res- 
tlgouche, N.B., and Christina (Mc- 
Curdy) H., a d. Rev. .John McCurdy, 
D.D.; b. Dalhousie, N.B., Nov. 17. 
1860; e. public and high sch., Dal- 
housie, Princeton Preparatory Sch. 
and Unlv., Toronto Un Iv. (B.A., 1882), 
and Knox ColI., Toronto (B.D., 18.98) ; 
m., 1893, Eleanor, d. Wm. Caldwell 
Milton, Ont.; o. 1896; pastor Milton; 
Ont., 1888-95; do. Watford, Ont., 1897- 
1901; since then has been ed. of The 
"IVestminste1., 'l'oronto; V.-P. Knox 
CoIl. Alumni Assn.; author "How Can- 
ada Was Saved," et-c.; an Ind. LÏ'b.; ,be- 
lieves that "the tariff should approach 
as near free trade as possible without 
Injustice to existing Industries; every 
effort should be made to promote ac- 
quaJiltance and good understanding 
between various racial and religious 
elements In Can., and Canada's Ideal 
should be that of a nation. free and 
self-governing, bound up with other 
parts of the British Empire by ties of 
sentiment and mutual advantage; her 

Influence within the Empire should be 
exerted in favour of peace and good- 
will In International relations" ; a 
Presb. by descent and education; a 
strong believer In Christian union on 
the basis of simple Biblical creeù.- 
Weston, Onto 
"Admira,bly fitted for the important 
duty to which he has been entrusted."- 
M. Witness. 
Hadley, Henry, jr" civil engineer. 
S. Henry and Alice (Ward) H.; b. 
Montreal, Feb. 16, 1884; e. Verdun 
Sch. and Montreal High Sch.; unm.; 
gmduated B.Sc. (McGill Unlv.), 1906; 
entd. student Can. Soc. C.E., 1906; 
assoe. memo do., 1909; apptd. town 
engr., Verdun, P.Q., 1907; author 
several tech. papers; Lib.; Proto - 
10fl Wellington St., Verdun, P.Q. 
"An .able and very capable man."- 
Mayor's report. 
Hadrill, Alfred W" business ma.n. 
.A bro. Geo. H. (q.v.); m. Miss For- 
ster; ,is seúy. tOan. Fire Underwl1i,teTs' 
.AJssn.; Ang.---6 Seymour Ave., 
real; Canadian Club, do. 
Hadrlll, George, business man. 
S. late Geo. and Elizabeth (Bush- 
ell) H.; b. London, Eng., Aug. 2, 
1848; e. t'hefle; m., 1st, 189.1, Emmeldne 
Lilian ('11.. De>C., J.902); 2ndly, d. .J. 
Albert Oopland, "Benefield," Ohelms- 
Cord, Eng.; spent earlier yrs. of his 
business life In London; came to Can., 
1874; joined staff Montreal Bd. of 
Trade, 1877; asst. se>Cy., 1880; lSecy. 
since 1886; a del. to several Imp. Trade 
Congresses, the last one held at Syd- 
ney, A'lLStralfa; a .del., by lrwitaUon, 
to Nfd., to assist In the formation of 
a bd. of trade there, 1909; presented 
with a testimonial from Brit. dele- 
giates to Imp. Trade Cong., Montreal, 
1903, In acknowledgment of courtes- 
Ies and services rendered by him, 1904 ; 
elected an Ihan. memo Inte'rn. .Rd. 0If T,m d-e , N.Y., 1905; do. !bon. 
secy. King EdWiard .:\{.emoma.1 Combe., 
Mon.trea,I, 191.1; iPresented wi1'h a 
cabinet of sil'V'el1ware 'by .M,ontreal Bd. 
of Tmd'e, on {'he coIniJjletion of 25t'h 
year as soecy. 1'hie:reof, od'D.; a d'ir. St. 
George',s Soc, Montreal; Ang.---6"! D01'- 
clteste1' St. "IV., lIIontreal; Canada Club; 
Church of England Club; Canadian 
Club, do. 
"A man of great natural a-bilities as .8 
statistician and accounltant."-M. Herald. 
.. P'osse-sses unusual qualifications for 
his .office, which caUs fO'r a d'is'play of 
diploomacy. taot and soci,al qualities, a.B 
weB as for purely business .abHity."- 
S. N. 
Hagar, Miss Annie, nursing profes- 
D. late Franklin H., WeIland, Ont.; 
b. and e. there; now and for some 
yrs. supdt. of Dunkirk Hosp.; Meth.- 
Dunkirk, N.Y. 
Hagar, Charles W., Insurance pro- 
M. ; previously mangr, Royal Electric 
Co., Montreal; subsequently city mana- 
ger Guardian Assur. Co.; since 1898 
genl. mangr. Dom. Guarantee Co.; a 



Freemason, and an office-bearer Que- 
bec Grand LOdge.---3.f McGill Oollege 
Ave., 1I10n treal. 
Hagarty, Miss Clara Sophia, painter, 
E. d. 
. H. G. H., shipping mer- 
chant, Toronto; grø.ndd. late Chief 

ustice Sir 
. H. H.; b. and e. Toron- 
to; a pupil in art of E. W. Grier 
(q.v.) and late Miss Tully; a memo 
summe.r skeltch classes 'Of M. Cbase, N. 
Y. ; later studied extensively In 
France, Italy and Hol1aThd; !has ex- 
hibited frequently; favourite subjects 
portraits and Interiors; a memo Onto 
Soc. of Artists: an assoc. memo R. C. 
A.; Ang.-l
 Spaclina Rd., Toronto. 
.. A vigorous and powerful painter."- 
T. Teleuram. 
Hagarty, Edward William, education- 
S. late DanI. H., Bandon, Co. Cork, 
Ire!., and Sarah (Galen) H., d. one 
of the early settlers on Grand River, 
Ont.; b. Brantford, Ont., Sept. 7, 
1862; e. Toronto public schs., Toronto 
0011. Inst. (" hel3.d bD'y"), and Toronto 
Univ. (B.A. and gold med. In classics, 
1883); post-grad. course Johns Hop- 
kins Unlv., where he was a fellow by 
courtesy; m. Miss Charlotte Helen 
Plummer, Brantford, Ont.; classical 
master, Aylmer and Seaforth High 
Schs., 1883-7; headmaster Mt. Forest 
High Sch., 1887-91; classical master 
Harbord ColI. Inst., 1891-1906; prin- 
cipal, do., since Sept., 1906; a senator 
Toronto Unlv., 1906; elected secy. 
High Sch. Teachers' Assn., ApI., 1906; 
do. presdt. do. do., Dec., 1907; apptd. 
to educ. faculty, Toronto Unlv., Oct., 
1909; has also been secy. of the coIl. 
and high sch. depts. Onto EducI. Assn. ; 
author of an introductory Latin gram- 
mar (authorized for use in Man. and 
Onto !;:C'hs.) and of sch. eds. of Cæsar 
and Virgil; an Imperialist, with very 
friendly feelings towards the people of 
the U. S.; presented a gold merI. to 
Dom. Rifle Assn. for competition 
among Eng. Cadets visiting Can., 1910; 
Ang.-662 Euclid Ave., Toronto; Beta 
Theta Pi, Toronto University; OZ 
.. Known throuj1;hout the province 89 n 
ssful teacher of the claRsic8." - T. 
Haggart, Alexander, lawyer; legis- 
Scottish origin; s. Archd. and Eliza- 
beth (McGregor) H.; b. Peterborough, 
an. 20, 1849; e. Peterborough 
Hi,goh Sc'h. &nd Victoria Univ. (B.A., 
] 872; LL.B., 1876); m., July, 1889, 
Miss Elizabeth Littlehales, Shrews- 
bury, Eng.; barristf'r (O:lt.), 1876 ; 
do. (Man.), 1880; K.C. (Lord Aber- 
deen), 1893; one of the leaders of the 
local bar: a former partner late Chief 

ustice :Killam; now and for some yrs. 
a partner Hon. H. J. Macdonald. K.C. 
(q.v.); several times mentioned for 
a seat on the bench; presdt. Man. Law 
Soc.; has been an ald., sch. trustee, 
and chairman Sch. Bd., Winnipeg; a 
Con., and since g. e. 1908 has repre- 
senteà Winnipeg (H. C.); has taken 
a determined stand In Parlt. on the 

quesrtJlon of ,tihe extension ()f the bound- 
ari-es of Man., and moved a resolution 
on the subject, ApI., 1910; a Cong.- 
229 Kennedy St., Winnipeg; Manitoba 
Club; Commercial Club, do. 
.. One of the most popular men in "\Vin- 
nipeg."-M. Gazette. 
Haggart, Hon, ;John Graham, states- 
S. late John H., a native of Breadal- 
bane, Scot., who came to Oan. In the 
early days and was afterwards a suc- 
cessful mlIIer and contractor at Perth, 
Ont., and Isabella (Graham) H., a 
native o.f Isle of Skye; b. Perth, Ont., 
Nov. 14, 1836; e. there; m., early In 
life, Oa.r01lne (d. .Tan., 1900), d. late 
RÜ'bt. Douglas, Perth; some time In 
the mflling business; may-or of Perth, 
1867, 1869, and 1871; unsuccessfully 
con tested .s. Lanark, Con. interest, 
1867, 1869 and 1871; has sat for S. 
Lanark (H. C.) since 1872; called to 
the P.C., Aug. 3, 1888, and was there- 
after successively Postmaster-Genl. In 
the Macdonald and AbboH Admns. and 
Minr. of Rallways and Oanals In the 
Abbott, Thompson, Bowell and Tupper 
Admns., going out of office with his 
oo.I1e-a,gues, July, 1896; <>n ,the elevation 
of Sir Mackenzie Bowell (q.v.) to 
the Senate, Dec., 1892, became Onto 
leader or! the Con. pal'ty and later 
was spoken of In COimection wit
the premiership, tohe Toronto Mad 
dedaring that .. 8iS between Mr. 
Bowell and Mr. Haggart the latter 
would be the safe.r man for th'e party" ; 
was one of <the .. nest of traitors" 
(so-C8Jlled) who was chargoo by his 
leader, Sir M. Bowen (q.v,) with de- 
serting him, 
an., 1896; whlle In charge 
of the Dept. of Rys. and Canals, suc- 
ceeded In running the IntercoI. Ry. dur- 
ing the fiscal year, 1892-93, with a 
surplus over aH expenses; he also 
completed the construction o
Sault Ste. Marie Canal, the last lmk In 
the c'haJn of Can. canals connecting the 
Great Lakes with the St. Lawrence: 
was elected chairman of the extve. of 
the Lib.
Con. Union of Ont., Oct., 
1896. served at the time of the Trent 
affai; as capt. of the Perth Infy. Co.; 
apptd. .one of the representatives. of 
the H.C. at the coronation of Kmg 
George and Queen Mary, 
une.. 1911, 
and was present, by Invitation, In 
Westminster Abbey on that occasion; 
presen'tJed ,to Thed'r ,M,aj,es.ties, Bu-cking- 
une, 1911; favours the 
oonstrucÌJio.n of tlhe OtJtawa anod Geor- 
g'ia.n Bay CanI3JI; a Presb.-Perth, 
Ont.; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
"One who }>la)s the game O'f poHtics like 
8 øporrt,srna.n.' -T. Globe. 
.. A man of deep thought and o.f un. 
usual,ly wide reacting."-M. Star. 
U A man of oourage., eneiI"gy .and a1ldacity 
and who kn()ws the rOpe5."-The late 
Ron. J. I. Tarte. 
Haggart, William B088, business 
B. Cornwall, Ont.; e. Bellevl11e Busi- 
ness con.; went to Philadelphia, Pa., 
1907, becoming mangr. Garlock Pack- 
Ing Co.; elected to Philadelphia City 
Council, 1907; a Rep. - PMladelphla. 



Hal'ue, Bev, Dyson (Ang.). 
2nd s. Geo. H. (q.v.) and his first 
wife, Miss Cousins; b. Toronto, ApI. 
20, 1857; e. U. C. ColI., Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1880; M.A., 1881), and Wyc- 
IU'fe CoIl., Toronto; m., Oct., 1884, May, 
e. d. late Robt. Baldwin, Toronto, and 
grand-d. Hon. Robt. Baldwin, C.B., 
one of the fathers of responsible govt. 
In the colonies; o. deacon, 1882; priest, 
1883; curate, St. .James' Cath., To- 
ronto, 3 yrs.; first rector, St. Paul's 
Ch., Brockville, Ont., 1885-1890; rec- 
tor, St. Paul's Ch., Halifax, N.S., the 
oldest Proto ch, in the Dom., and the 
largest in the Mar. Provinces, 1890-7; 
prof. past theol. and homiletics, Wyc- 
liffe Theo!. ColI, 1897; after a brief 
ministry, as asst. to the late Bp. Car- 
michael, at St. George's" Montreal, 
1901-3, became rector of the Bp. 
Cronyn Memorial Ch., London, Ont., 
where he still is; was presdt. St. 
George's Y. M. C. A., Montreal; a 
senator Western Univ.; a memo genl. 
comte., Western Ont., Bible Soc.; a 
del. to the Provl. and Genl. Synods; 
a memo ed. staff, Ang. Ch. Record 
S.S. publications; a memo genl. comte. 
for a revised Hymnal for Ch, of Eng. 
In Can.; apptd. an hon. canon, St. 
Paul's Cath., London, Ont., 1!!08; au- 
thor of several works published in 
Eng., the U. S. .and Can., including: 
"The Best Work in the World," .. The 
Church of England as a Centre of 
Union"; "The Life Worth Living"; 
" Confirmation: Why we ha ve It ; 
What it means; What it requires"; 
"Ways to Win"; "The Church of 
England before the ReformaUon"; a 
del. Ang. Oh, Congress, Halifax, N.S., 
1910.-7'he Rectory
 Memo1.ial Church, 
London, Onto 
" A lucid and acute writer."-Literature. 
.. A writer who' has laid the, whole Angli. 
can Church under great obligation. to 
him."-Record (London, Enll.) 
..1118, George, retired banker. 
Belongs to an old Yorkshire family; 
e. .John H., Rotherham, Yorkshire, 
Eng.; b. there, .Jan. 13, 1825; e. Moor- 
gate Acad., Rotherham; m., 1st, 1852, 
Sarah (d. .June, 1900), d. .Josepl 
Cousins, Sheffielò, Eng.; 2nò,l,y, 'MicIh., 
1902, :Mary Foranoes, Ò. .l13!W MoGre:gor 
Mltoheson, Philadelphia, Pa.; com- 
menced his banking career in the ser- 
vice of the Sheffield Banking Co.; 
OMJlIe to Can., 1854, as It he financial 
mangr. of a firm of ry. contmctors: 
after 2 yrs. became accountant at 
headquarters In the newly organized 
Bank of Toronto; was subsequently 
man gr. at Cobourg, and in 1863 suc- 
ceeded the late Angus Cameron as 
cashier of 1Jh,e bank; retired therefrom 
1876 and WlaS presented by the dlrs. 
wdth' a service of plate, "in ackgt. by 
t'he banks of Can. for many of the 
privileges they enjoy"; was genl. 
mangr. of the Merchants' Bank of Can., 
1877..,1902, rw1hen !he retdred from aotdve 
Iþrof. Ufe, bedng 'Presell'bed b'Y tlhe din. 
with a handsome piece of silver; has 
mince devoted himself to literary and 
philanthropic work; In addl,tlon to 
many articles In the newspapers and 
revs. on bankln.g, financial and Phllan- 

throplc subjeds, Is the author of a 
Itl'oo..tise on .. Dan. Barukintg," .of .. Free 
'Dhougihit and 
inòlred Topios, of'rom a 
praouical ,point of vde,w," of .. ,Some 
Practical Studies In the History and 
Biography of the Old Tesbament," and 
other works; is a gov. of McGill Unlv., 
V.-P. .Mon.treal Dlo.c. ColI., a gov. Mont- 
real Gen.l. Hasp., a V.-P. Charity Or- 
ganization Soc., a dlr. Montreal Boys' 
H()m.e, a dlr. Houoo of Industry, a mleaTI. 
bd. of m.a.nag>e.ment P,rot. Hasp. for t'he 
Insane, a V.-P. Soc. 'Pl'o-tec. Women 
and Children, V.-P. Can. Bible Sac. 
and Victorian Order of Nurses; is also 
a dir. Guarantee Co. of N. A., of the 
Montreal Trust & Deposit Co. and 
other similar bodies; was formerly 
presdt. Y. M. C. A., Montrea'l, and gave 
largely to its funds; presdt. Good Govt. 
Assn. and presdt. and hon. presdt. Can. 
Bankers' Assn., of whloh he was one 
of the founders; served as chairman, 
Civil Service Comn., 1891; a Lib.-Con.; 
an Ang.; approvoes of Mr. Ohamber- 
l8Jin's policy as being the best for the 
Empire at large.-" Rotherwood," Red- 
path St., Montreal; "Fairmount Lodge," 
Ste. Agathe-des-Jl.Ionts, P.Q. 
'"A leading authority o.n all bank<ing 
ma.tters."-M, Witne8s. 
"A high-minded Ohristian gentæman, 
public spirited and always at the, front in 
6Viery philailithropic mOViemel1lt. We never 
kne,w a fairer man or one more 6ctively 
unselfìsh."-Oan.-A. m. 
Balght, Walter Lockwood, lawyer. 
U. E. L. descent; s. late Cannltr 
and .Jane Casey (Ingersoll) H.; father 
8.uthor of .. Country Life In Can. Fifty 
Years Ago" and other works; b. Pic- 
ton, Ont., .July 23, 1860; e. publlc 
schs. Toronto Model Sch., and U. C. 
OoI.l. '; m., 1st, .Jul'Y, 18g3, Louise M. 
(d.), d. Capt. Geo. SChofield, Noiragam, 
Onlt.; 2ndly, Mich., 1899, Helen, d. fl8!w 
Hugh MacKay, Parry Sound, Ont.; a 
grad. of the Law Sch., Osgoode Hall; 
barrister, - ; successfully prac- 
tised his prof. .at Parry Sound; ap- 
pointed crown atty. and clk. of the 
peace there; formerly presdt. Con. 
Assn., Parry Sound; has decllned 
several Invitations to enter political 
life; AnJi.-pan'y Sound, Onto 
Bale. Georlre Bughes, journalist. 
B. Omemee, Ont., Dec. 16, 1846; e. 
Grammar Sch. there; m. :Miss Marlon 
Macfarlane Gow, Orillla, Ont.; a 
practical printer; began newspaper 
career in office of the Orlllla Ex- 
positor; joined his bro. (Wm. M. H.), 
who had previously estbd. the Orillia 
Packet, 1873, and has since been 
associated with him in publlshing 
a.nd conducting that paper; a man 
of cultured tastes, taking much In- 
terest in historical study and Investi- 
gation; a Prot.; a Lib.-Con.; an I
perlalist. - 01.iZZia, Onto ; Canadtan 
Club, do. 
.. Hale, Katherine II (see Warnock, 
Miss A. B.). 
Hale, William Amherst, gentleman. 
Y. s. late Hon. Edward H., D.C.L., 
M.L.C., and Eliza Cecilia H., 2nd d. 
late Chief .Justice Bowen, Quebec; 



Krands. Hon. .John H., and Hon. Eliza. 
beth H., sister 1st Earl Amherst; b. 
Rherbrooke, P.Q., Feb. 23, 1847; e, 
Bishop's CoIl. Sch., LennoxvlIle; m., 
Ellen, 2nd d. late Stewart Derblshlre, 
at one time private se<:y. to Lord Dur- 
ham, and aftel"Wards Queen's Printer; 
Mayor Oxford, P.Q., 1890-3; chairman, 
Sch. Commrs., do. ; Ang. ; a Protestant, 
fI nil a strong Þellever In total proM- 
hltlon.-" Sleepy Hollow," Sherbroolce, 
Hales-Sanders, A, J,. educationist. 
S. T. Hales-S., a noted artist, a memo 
of the Royal lnst. of Painters, Eng., 
and an exhihitor at the Roval Acad; 
b. Eng.; -e. Usham 00'11.: M..A.; m.; 
has been fool' oome Y'rs. plrlnoC
1 Oath. 
High Sch., -Mon-tr-E'al; diOOl,lnoo aJppt. 
as ,prlIllC1ipal 11:0 tlhe new bI-ldng-u8l1 
 sdh., Ototawa, 1907; R. C.- 
II Blinkbonnie/' 908 St. Catherine St, 
"tV., lI!ontreal. 
.. A 511('C>essful and efficien.t prlncipal."- 
111. H eraM. 
Haley, Francis Baymond, eduC81Uon- 
S. late William and AdelaIde (Rob- 
bIns) H., both of New En
. stock; b. 
Yarmouth, N.R, Aug. 24. 1862; e. Aca- 
clfa Un Iv. (B.A., 1884: M.A., 18Q2). 
Harvard Unlv. (B.A.), and Lel.pzlg 
Hnlv.: m.. Sept., 1893, MIss Elizabeth 
Kenyon Wilcox; since 1890 has been 
prof. of physics. Acadia Unlv.; Is also 
provl. examr. of schs., N. S.; a Bapt. 
- Wolfville, N,S. 
Hallyard, Bev, Samuel (Meth.), edu- 
Eng. parenta
e; s. Saml. and PrI!I- 
cllla H.; b. Nfd., 1873; graduated 
Boston Unlv., where he took the 
course In phil., In adldltion to the re- 

ull8.r requirements for graduation 
from the ColI. of Liberal Arts and 
Sch. of Theol.; was apptd. .Jacob 
Sleeper fellow of Boston Unlv., and 
honoured with 2 yrs.' residence ,In Ger- 
many, where he divided his time be- 
tween the unlvs. of Berlin and Mun- 
Ich; In Germany devoted his time 
t.o .phdl., tihe<>l., 00. hlst., 'Pol. science, 
a nd art: In the study of art he visited 
all the leadln
 galleries In Germany, 
France, and EnK.: A.B., S.T.B., Ph.D.; 
o. 1895: m. the d. W. .J. WIlson, To- 
ronto; Is prof. of phIl.. Wesley ColI., 
N. Dak.-Grand Forks, N. Dak.; Fort- 
nightly Club, do. 
Hall, Bev, Alfred (Evang.). 
Y. S. late Chas. H. Newbury. Berks. 
.: b. there, 1860; e. St. Bartholo- 
mew's Grammar Sch. there; m.. 1889, 
Lottie, e. d. late H. .J. Grove. Windsor, 
. ; rlergyman Bapt. Ch., 1883-1909; 
held charges at Hampton Court, St. 
T .eonard's. (Hastln
s), and Merthyr- 
TYdfil, Wales, and at Port Elizabeth, 
Cape Colony and Durban, Natal. S. 
Africa; memo HasUn
s Sch. B
., 1894; 
.J. P., Port Elizabeth, 1905; gOY. 
Ladles' CoIl., Durhan. 1906: presdt. 
pt. UnIon of all S. Africa. 1904; 
f'X'tve. councillor f-or Africa. World's Cih. OoßtgTess, 1905; now re:pre- 
sentatJlvoe in Oan. of BrIt. and Foreign 

Sanors' Soc. (estabd. 1818; patron, 
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales); ed. 
S. African Baptist, 1898-1909; an 
alumnus Met. Theol. ColI.. London, 
 presidency of Its founder. Rev. 
C. H. Spur
eon, 1883-8: a ff'now 
Royal Col. lnst.; a life memo Navy 
Leag-ue: servf'd on Soldiers' Comfort!'! 
Comte. throughout S. African war, and 
on ex'Ìve. co:mt-e. Navy League to well. 
come Sir PeI'C'Y Scott's cruIser squadron 
to Natal, 1908: now apptd. to distri- 
bute Nelson shields In Lord Strath- 
cona's name to the unlvs., collf'
es and 
schs. of Can.
.f Wellesley St., To- 
Hall, Prancill William, lawyer. 
D. Irate .John A. Nesbitt, ToOf'on'to; 
Ont.: b. thf're: e. Perth CoIl. lnst.; 
m., Nov.. 190:t, Margt. Elsie, P. iI. Hon. 
Peter McLaren, senator, Perth: a 
g-raduate Law Sch., Osgoode Hall; 
harrl!':tpr, 1894; successfully prac- 
t'!':"!'; hIs prof. 
t Pprth: elprted Mayor. 
1909; re-elected, 1910-11; Ang.-Perth, 
Hall, J:rving Lincoln, dramatIst. 
Bf'longs to an old New Ene'. fa.m- 
Ilv' h. Lowell. Ma
s., Nov. 7. 1 
fl6; e. 
nuhllc schs. and Brv
nt & 
"Rnc:lnp!,:!,! ("nIl., Bo'
ton. Mas
.: m., 
QO. M'

 Mym. Bellknap Harrington, 
Dnvf'r, N.H.: In commerclq 1 1ff" tm 
1897: sinre then f'ng
. In lit. work: In 
rollahoratfon with W. K. Tremayne 
(,.,.v.) h(ts written sevf'ral plays and 
drama tfzed several books: 2 of the 
most "SUcCf'ssful nlays have bef'n .. The 
Light of Other Days" and "The Tri- 
umph of Bett:v": In his opinion .. the 

e Is an all-Important factor In the 
education Qn
 morals of a country: 
the liberal ro-operatlon of the people 
of Can. would give Mr. Tremayne and 
hlmsf'lf a Can. stage that would stand 
for what Is hpst In literature .and art, 
therehv elf'vatlne' thf' moral an
'n'" nrofp
sfon the pnvv of all": 
a Prot.-1!H!6 Budge St., Dracut Centre, 
Ball, 'Mrll. Jean, pianist. 
D. late .JoIhn A. NeSbitt, Toronrho; 
b. ToronlÏ.o: a. tmp11 'Of 
made her fiorst London appearanoce at 
Bechsteln Hall, Sept., 1910; gives 
pl'omlse of becoming a dlstfngulshed 
mf'm. of her prof
slon: m., .June, 19.11, 
.John Hoal1, " The Gl'ange," Haole, 
Che.sohire, Eßtg.-" The Grange," Hale, 
Cheshire, Eng. 
.. Her te,chn iQue hB8 aU the bril1ian'c@ 
and palish which are the hall mBrkil of 
pupils of Tescheti7Jky with little O'f the 
harshness which cuttiV'atiO'n .of the
ties is apt to' produce."-L. Daûll New.. 
Hall, Lt.-Col, John Albert, Can. mil. 
B. Aug. 24, 1868; a long time In the 
v. m.; ap:ptd. Jrt.-co.l. 5.tfh B. C., 
Gar. Arty., Feb. 28, 1903; commanded 
Western Infy. contingent. Quebec ter- 
centenary celf'hratfon, 1908: presented 
to Prince of Wales (now King George 
V.), do.; V.-P. Dom. Arty. Assn.. 
1908-9: now on tihe R. O.-Vlctoria, 
B.C.; Union Club. do. 



Hall, Lewis, dental surgeon. 
Elected Mayor of Vktorla, B.C., 
1908: do. V.-P. B. C. Union of Munl- 
 Htff's. do,: presf'nted to Prince of 
Wales (now King George V.), Quebec 
tercentenary celebration, 1908.-Vic- 
toria, B.C. 
Hall, Matthew Alexander, lawyer. 
Eng. and Scottish origin; s. Thoe. 
H. and .Janet (Burns) H.; b. Soar- 
borough, Co. York, Ont., .July 31, 
1862; grandparents among early set- 
tlers northern shore Lake Ont.: e. 
public schs., Newmarket High Sch., 
and Toronto CoIl. Inst.; m., Oct., 1890, 
May. d. C. .J. C. Wurtele, advocate, 
Sorel, P.Q.: In early life a sch. teach- 
er; afterwards a com. traveller In 
Onto .a.nd U. S.; graduated LL.B. 
Wis. Unlv., 1888; since then has been 
In active and successful practlcp at 
Omaha, Neb.: a memo leg-al firm Mont- 
gomery & H.: apptd. Brit. vlce-con- 

uI. Omaha. 1897: a del. to Can. from 
thf'!':-Misslsslppl and Intern. Ex- 
positioTl to 1T1l'1llce the authorities the!"e 
to parttdpa1e In the expn., a. mlss10n 
In wtJich hI" was s11ccessful, 18'"18 ; 
presdt. Victoria. Diamond .Jubl1ee 
Assn. of Neb. and Iowa, .1897 : 
presdt. Brlt.-Am. Cluh. Omaha, 18Q8; 
1'10.. Omaha Cricket Club, do.; prf'sdt. 
Can. Soc., Omaha, 1905: became 8 
naturalized citizen, U. S., 1892: a 
Rep., and elected state senator, 1902: 
rpsldf'nt V.-P. and atty. Am. Surety 
('0., N. Y., a memo Am. Bar Assn., a 
Frf'pmason anrl Forf'ster of exalted 
rank; one of the nobles of the Mystic 
Shrjnf'. find a gov. of thp Knights of 
A k-Rar-Ben_ - Omaha, Npb.: Omaha 
Club,. Omaha Country Club, do. 
.. A man of high cha.racteiI", exem. 
plary private life, active public spirit, and 
faithful devotion to professional duty."- 
Hi.. of N
Hall, Bobert :Richard, lawyer. 
Third s. Wm. and Alice (DavIdson) 
H.: b. Tp. Fenelon, Co. Victoria, Ont.. 
Dec. 10, 1865; e. public 'SChs. and 
Peterborough CoIl. Inst.; m., .July, 
1894. Clara Elizabeth. d. .John Lud- 
gate, Ashburnham, Ont.; an under- 
grad. In law, Toronto Univ.; a grad. 
Law Soc., Osgoode Hall: barrister, 
1888: successfully practises his prof. 
at Peterborough; a dlr. of the Otona- 
bee Power Co., Ltd.. the Can. Con- 
solidated on Co., and Chlnalapa Land 
Co., Mexico; a Lib.: sat for Peter- 
borough W. (H. C.), 1904-8; decJJned 
rf'nomlnatlon: a Presb.-Peterborough, 
Ont.,. Ontario Club, Toronto. 
.. Brimful of energ'-, public spirited, an 
excellent speaker. and with good busineBII 
I'apacity."-T. Glob
Hall, Thomas Proctor, phy,slclan; 
- educationist. 
Enig. orlg'in; s. R. .s. arud .Jane 
(Greenw()()l(l) H.; b. Hornby, Orut., 
Oct. 7, 1858; e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1882), III. WesI. Unlv. (M.A., Ph.D., 
1888), and Clark Unlv. (Ph.D., 1902) ; 
M.D. (Nat. Med. Univ., Chicago), 
1902 ;. m., 1st, .July, 1885, Miss Eliza- 
beth Knight, Sourls, P.E.I. (d.) ; 2ndly, 
Sept., 1902, Dr. Ruth 14. Mc14anus, 

Chicago; tellow Toronto Unlv., 1883-4; 
science master, Woodstock ColI., 1885- 
90: fellow Clark Unlv., 1891-3: ex- 
aminer Toronto Unlv., 1892; prof. nat. 
science, Tabor ColI., Iowa, 189:1-6; 
presdt. Iowa Acad. Science, 1896; 
prof. physics, Kansas City Unlv., 1897- 
1901; prof. physics and chemist., Nat. 
Med. Unlv., Chicago, and secy. and 
prof. electro-physics. Chicago ColI. of 
X-ray and Electro-Therap., since 1901; 
elected presdt. Can. Soc.. Kansas City, 
1901: ed.-In-chlef Am. X-ray Jo'Urn.; 
ed. Chicago Pan-Path. (mf'd.): n memo 
Am. Math. Soc.: do. Am. Roentgf'n 
Ray Soc.; a Bapt.: believes that .. de- 
nomfnationo'1J differences aTf' fading 
out, and will soon be among the things 
that havf' bef'n: Chrl"tlanltv It"-"elf Is 
ri8ing toward it!> lrlf'a1 a world re- 
1igion."-Vanco1tver, B.C. 
Hallett, William Kinghorn, American 
rallwav serVICe. 
S. Bartl
tt L. and Augusta (Mosh- 
er) H.; b. Douglas Parish, nr. Fred- 
ericton, N.B.-, Mch. 15, 1873; e. local 
schs.; m., .June, 1895, Miss Grace 
Coughlan, Stanley, N.B.: entd. ry. ser- 
vice, 1893; since Mch., 1905, has been 
supdt. Bangor & Aroostook Ry.; Proto 
-Bangor, Me. 
Halliwell, Edward Armitage Earl, 
s. late Rev. .Jo'hn H., rectooT (A ng. ) 
Stirling, Ont., and Annette (Earl) 
H.: a bro. 1ate Lt.-Cot .J. E. R.. a dls- 
tlngulshf'd Can. snldler, Stlrlfng-: b. 
Chatham. Ont., 1865: e. BelIevllIe. To- 
ronto. and Quebec: for som p consldf'r- 
able time owner and erl. lIfexico, an 
Intf'rn. mag.; somf'tfmf' Brit. vlce-C'on- 

1J1. Me....fro: served wIth distinction fn 
'0an. Y. m.: com'lnand'E>td If!., .trOO-D 41111 
H1JS!'1'Irs. Kingston: servf'1'1 during N. 
w. Re,
mon (moe-rl.). 1885: II)I'p
In the c'halJ"g'e .::t.t Bat{)l('he, In wh'k'h 
both hop antl 'hIs bro. were set"llolls l 'Y 
wounoded.-British Club, Mexico City. 
Halloran, Matthew K., maT\ufacturer. 
S. of a soldier; b. Limerick, IreI., 
1852; spent early youth at Corfu. 
Malta, and Gibraltar; came to Can. 
with parents In early sixties; e. Mont- 
J'ea I; estabd. himself at Brantford, 
1873; a cigar manufacturer; ald., 1892- 
1901; mayor, 1903-4; propo.:::ed as a 
labour candidate (H. C.), g. e. 1904, 
but withdrew: a Lib.; a R. C.- 
Brantford, Onto 
Halloran, Patrick M., Am. ry. service. 
Irish origin; S. Patrick and .Jane 
(Devine) H.; b. Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 
11, 1860; e. there; m., .July, 1903, 
Miss Mary S. Harte, Toronto (d., .July, 
1903): entd. ry. sen'ÍCe as elk. Gt. 
Western Ry., 1875, since which time 
has held many Important and highly 
responsi'ble positions; since ApI., 1897, 
has been auditor, secy., and treas. 
Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Ry.; Is also 
a dlr. of the Co.; R. C.-Anaconda, 
III onto 
Halpenny, Bev, Edmund Wesley 
Bro. Rev. T. A. H, (q.v.); b. and e. 
nr. .ManoUck, Ont.; studded tJheoI. Wesl. 
Theol. CoIl., Montreal (S.T.L., 1898; 



B.D., 1909); o. 1898; filled severa) 
Important pastorates, Onto and P. Q.: 
was secy. S. S. Union, P. Q., several 
yrs.; genl. secy. S. S. Work In Ind., 
U.S., 1902-9; was dean there for 3 
yrs.; elected genl. secy., Onto S. S. 
Aossn., Oot., 1909.-
 Hillcrest Park, 
Halpenny, .Jasper, physician. 
Eng. origin; s. Richard and Eliza- 
beth (Boyd) H.; b. Co. Perth, Ont., 
Oct. 23. 1869; e. public schs. and Man. 
Unlv. (B.A., ] 894; M.A., 1904) : unm.; 
M.D.,C.M. (Man. Unlv.), 1900; has 
successful1y practised his prof. In Wln- 
nl.peg; now a pa'l'tner of Dr. R. M. 
Simpson (q.v.); was for 4 yrs. med. 
supdt. ",rlnnipeg Gen1. Hosp.: nOW 
surg. rthere; úonsul,tamt GI"H(,(> Hosrp.; 
lect. clln. surg. Manitoba Med. Coli.; 
l>.on. secy. M
n. Med. Assn.: was Govt. 
del. Intern. Med. Congress, Budapest, 
Austria, 1909; read an exhaustive 
paper there on "The Symptoms, Path., 
and Treatment of Typhoid SpIne," 
which attracted much attention and 
was highly rega rded by the med. press 
of Europe: on that occasion was pre- 
sented at the Austrian Court: read a 
paper on "An EX'Perlmental Study of 
the Relationship Between the Thyroid 
a.nd Pam1:h. Glan'lls" hf',fo'N' Brit. 
Assn., Winnipeg, 1909, which was also 
highly r{>garded; takes keen Interest 
in 'E'sta.bUs'hlng miE"d. examn. of .pub- 
lie sch. chIldren, Winnipeg; a memo Bureau the,re, and is actively In- 
terested In the development of West- 
ern Can.: a Meth.; Ind. In politlcs.- 

69 Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg. 
Halpenny, :Rev, '1', Anson (Meth.). 
S. late Richard and Eliza (Code) 
H. ; ,b. nr. IManotick, Ont.; e. Carleton 
and Sydenham High Schs. and Mcnlll 
Unlv. (B.A., 1903): m., .Tune, 1906 
May, e. ð. Rev. D. WI.ntffi", Wlnchestf'r, 
OOlt.; studle<1 .tJheol., Wesl. 'ITh-eül. C.Qoll., 
Mon'trea.l (S.T.L.): entd. mdmist'I"Y, 
]902; j'lInl'Û'r 'Pastor St. .T'ames Oh., 
Montreal, 1904-6: pastor S!1eflbrookie 
St. Dh., 1906-10; al
o S. S. 8'eCy.: now 
pasror East End 011., ,M'0ll'treat.-187 
St. Timothy St., Montreal. 
"A C.a.rleti()'Tl bory we M"C an 'PrQud O'Í." 
-0. Citizen. 
Ham, Albert, musician. 
S. Robt. DHlon and Elizabeth H.. 
Bathwick, Bath, Eng.; b. th-ere, 1858: 
e. privately and Trln. ColI., Dublin 
(Mus. D
.): Mus. Doc. (hon.), To- 
ronto Univ.. ] 906: m. Edl1h E., d. W. 
B. Chase, H.M. Civil Service. I1mi.nster, 
Somersetshlre: a Fellow Royal ColI. 
of Organists, London, Emg.; Licenti- 
ate, Trin. Call., Lonùon: was suc- 
cessIvely organist and choirmaster All 
Saints'. Ch., Bath, Ilmlnster Parish Ch 
Eng., and St. .Tohn's Ch., Taunton: 
Eng.: since 1897 has been organist and 
choirmaster St. .Tames's Cath., To- 
ron,to; Is Instr. In voice, Branksome 
Hall and St. Margt.'s Coil., Toronto: a 
councillor, Trinity Unlv. ; is also presdt. 
Guild of Can. Organists; conductor 
of the Nat. Chorus; Invited to attend 
Intern. Music Congress and to take 
part In service at coronation of King 
e and Queen Mary, London, Eng,. 

1911; author: "The Boy's VoIce and 
Its Culture"; composer of various 
an thems, services, songs, marches, etc. ; 
an Ang.-561 Jarvis St., Toronto. 
.. A,s a tra,iner of boys i.s un,rivaUed."- 
T. New.. 
Ham, Cyril Ernest, organist. 
S. Dr. Albert H. (q.v.); b. 1885; e. 
U. C. CoIl.; studied musIc under his 
father and in Eng.; served as asst. 
organist at St. James's Cath., To- 
ronto, but since ApI., 1906, has been 
organist Ch. of St. Philip and St. 
.Tames, Oxford.-Oxford, Eng. 
Ham, George Henry, Can. ry. service. 
U. E. L. descent: s. J. V. H., LL.B.; 
b. Trenton, Ont., Aug., 23, 1847: e. 
Whitby Grammar Sch.: m. Miss 
Martha Helen Blow, Whitby, Onto (d. 
Aug., 1905); was long connected with 
the Can. newspaper press; went to 
Winnipeg, 1875; formerly mango ed. 
.'Ninnipeg Times, and I'd. Nor'-1Vester, 
same city: represented Toronto Mail 
In the field durIng N. W. Rebellion, 
1885; was also its representative dur- 
Ing threatened Ind. rising, 1886; sat 
In Winnipeg city councll; al,so a sch. 
trustee, a license commr. and a regr. 
of deeds In Man.; retired from jour- 
nalism and entd. service C. P. Ry. 
as advertising .mangr., 1891; 8tm in 
that position; has travelled exten- 
sively and Is widely known: elected 
hon. presdt. Can. Women's Press 
Club, 1904; presented with a gold watch 
by Can. Press Gallery, Ottawa, 1906; 
presented with a handsome testi- 
monIal by visiting Brit. journalists. 
1907; presented with a silver tray by 
ladies accompanying visiting Am;- 
trallan journalists, 1909: author of 
.. The New West" (1888), etc. (See 
sketoh S. N., Oct. 27, 1910).-41
Western Ave., Weshnount, Montreal; 
lIfontreal Club, do.; Laurentian Club, 
.. Known and loved in every centre of 
population in the- country."-M. and E. 
.. The greatest wit, un printed and un- 
bound" in. No.rth Am."-Can. Collier's. 
Hamber, Eric W" banking profession. 
B. Winnipeg; e. St. John's Call. 
there; entd. service Dom. Bank, To- 
ronto, 1898; mangr., Calgary, 1906; do. 
Vancouver, 1908; apopltd. firs,t man-gr. 
same bank, London, Eng., 1911; long 
in t'he v. 'ffi. se,rvd1ce; oa e-apt. 72nd Sro- 
fort'h Highlanders of Can. : weB known 
in wuhle'bic olfIC,lles; a fOI1II1er sbt'oke In 
tih-e Argonaut crew sent ,to Enlg.; Ang. 
-73 CornhiZl, London, Eng. 
Hambidge, .Jay, artist. 
S. Geo. F. and Christina (Shields) 
H.; b. Simcoe, Ont., Jan. 13, 1867; e. 
Public Schs.. Ingersoll, Ont.: m., .Tan., 
1889, Miss Cordelia Selina De Lorme 
Omaha, Neb.; pupil Art StudentS- 
League, and Wm. IVL Chase, N.Y.; 
exhlbLted Paris Expn., 1900; Pan- 
Am. Exhn., 1901; St. Louis Exhn., 1904, 
etc. : a memo Soc. for Prom. of Hellenic 
Study. London, Soc. Illustrators, N.Y., 
Graphic Arts Club, Toronto; has been 
many yrs. Illustrator for the Century, 
McClure'B, Collier'8, Harper'B, and other 
mags. and books: Epis.-1Z2 Lefferta 
Ave., Richmond Hill, L,l., N.Y, 



Hamel, Mlfr, 'Z'homaø Etienne (R.C.). 
S. late Victor and Thêrêse (De Foy) 
H.; b. Quebec, Dec. 28, 1830; e, Que- 
bec Semy., and 8;t rthe Ecole des Car
mes ,and the Sor'h01me, Paris; M.A., 
ad eund., Laval Unlv., 1857; o. 1854; 
prof. physics, Laval Unlv. (at same 
time having charge of the classes In 
astron., mineral. and geol. In Ie Petit 
Semy.), 1858; subsequently secy. of 
the unlv., a memo of council, superior 
of the Semy., and ex-officio rector of 
Laval Unlv.; V.-G., 1871; an hon. 
V.-G. of other dioceses; a memo Am. 
Assn. for the Advan. of Science since 
t 870; an original fellow of the Royal 
Soc. of Can., selected by the Marquis 
of Lorne (now Duke o-t Argy,H, q.v.) ; 
presd,t. do., 1886; apptd. Protonot. 
Apost. -by t'he 'Pope, 1887: libra.rfan 
to LaV1al Un;ïv. sinoce 1888: aut'hor: 
It Le Premier Cardinal Canadien" 
(1888); II Cours d'Eloquence Parlée" 
(190'6); Ihas .p'aJid ma'I1'Y vi'SiltS' to 
F.uro'P'e In tJhoe in't'eresrt,s -of Lav,a] 
Univ. and of education generally.- 
'i'he Seminary, Quebec. 
.. One otf Canadia.'s gratlld ()
d me,n."- 
Sir Sandford Fleminll. 
 whom evell"roone l'els'pe.cts and 
e steems. "-0. Oitizen. 
Hamersle,y, Alfred st, George. law- 
yer; leg1-so}.aJtur. 
,So Hu
h H., D.L., .LP., Ptvrton 
Manor, Oxf.ord1shire, Eng.; b. Hàzeley 
House, Oxfordsh!r.e, Oeft. 3. 1848; e. 
Marl'borough ColI.; m., 1876, Isabel 
Maud, d. Chas. Ha'stlngs Snow, Wel- 
lington, New Zealand; barrister, Middle 
Temple, London, 1873; practised New 
Zealand bar, 1876-87; barrister (B. C.), 
]899; KC. (B. C.), 1900; practises at 
the Vancouvf'r har, where hf' Is one of 
the leaders in his 'Prof.; elected city 
solr., 1896; a 'dlr. Vancouver Mfg. Co. 
and Western 011 & Cool Consolid: Co. ; 
presdt. Union Steamship Co.; a memo 
N. Vancouver Bd'. of Trade; a council- 
lor local branc'h Im.p. Federation 
League: In New Zealand was coI. New 
Zealand Arty., and commanded con- 
tingent In operations ,against 1he 
natives at ParJhaka: selected as 
Unionist candidate for South Molton 
(Brit. H. C.), 1907; elected for Wood- 
s,tack d,iv., Oxford (do. du.), .Jan., 
191 0; re-el.ooted, De-c., do.; well known 
as an amateur sportsman In Eng., 
New Zealand, and B. C.; was capt. 
M,arl,borough Football Club, capt. 
Eng. Rugby Union Intern. team, 1871- 
74: rowed at Henley for Grand Chal- 
lenge Cup and at other regattas for 
Kingston Rowing Club; first secy. and 
organizer New Zealand Grand Nat. 
Steeplechase Club, and was for 7 yrs. 
C'hnlrman S. Canterbury .Jockev Club, 
there; an ardent Imperialfst......:..Wood- 
eaton, 1slip, Oxfordshire, Eng.; North 
Vancouver, B.C... Vancouver Club. 
Vancouver " National Club; United 
Empi,'e Club; Union Olub, London, 
Hamerllley, Capt. HUlfh st. Georlfe, 
H.M.'s regular mil. forces. 
E. s. A. St. G. H., K.C., Vancouver, 
B.C. (q.v.); b. Vancouver; e. there 

and Royal Mil. CoIl., Kingston' gradu- 
ated, 1898; m., 
ept., 1907, Marg!. 
EveUne, e. d. Dr. Sutton, Cwm House, 
Worcester, Eng. : gazetted lieut., Royal 
Gar. Arty., 1878: capt., 1904; served 
in S. A. War, 1900-1, and took part In 
the operations In the Transvaal, w. of 
Pretoria (moo.); An g.-Care War 
Office, London Eng. 
Hamilton, Bev, Braddin (Prot. Epls.). 
S. .Justice Jlas. H.; b. Stratford. 
Ont., Nov. 20, 1861; e. Hellmuth and 
Huron Colis., London, Ont., Trln. 
Univ., Toronto (B.A.. 1881; M.A.. 
] 886), Trin. ColI., CambrIdge. and 
Westf'rn Univ., London (B.D., D.D.): 
m.,.. .June, 1896. Aug-usta Rosnlie, d. 
Howard A. Stevenson, Philadelphia, 
Pia.: o. deacon, 1882; priest, 1883; 
preached at Woodstock and Eastwood, 
Ont.; select preacher Cambridge Univ. 
Club, Eng., 1882; one of the founders 
of 1'0ynbee Hall, E. London, Eng.. do: 
removed to N. Y. City. 18q1: for 2 
yrs. asst. rector, St. Bartholomf'w's, 
N.Y.; ::1ftf'rnoon prel"!cher, C'h. of Hf'a- 
venly Rest, do.; pubUc minr., Dept. 
of Charities and Corrections, City of 
N. Y.: now presdt, Episcopal Publica- 
tion Co., N.Y.; Rep. If'ader 7th Dist., 
2fJth Ward, N.Y., 1900; admitted to 
N. Y. bar, 1903; author, .. The Faml1y 
of Hamilton" (1898), and .. Sermons 
preached at Newport" (1900-4); con
tributed II Errors of Society" to Smart 
Set, Oct., 1900: favourably known on 
the lecture platform.-61 E. 55th St., 
New York: Church Club: Knicker- 
bocker Club; Riding Club, do. 
.. Probably kno'ws more .about the two ex- 
tremes of life in this country-the richellt 
and the poorest-than any other moderp 
writer."-N. Y. Herald. 
Hamilton, The Most Rev. Charlell, 
Arch bishop of Ottawa, and Met- 
ropolitan of Can. (Ang.). 
Irish origin; belongs to the Hs. 
of Hamwood, Co. Meath, Irel. (see 
Burke's .. Landed Gentry"); 4th S. 
late Lt.-Col. Hon. Geo. H., Quebec and 
Hawkesbury, founder of the Hawkes- 
bury Lumber Mills, Ottawa River, 
and Lucy (Craigie) H.; b. Hawkes- 
bury, Ont., .Jan. 6. 1834; e. Montreal 
High Sch. and Univ. con., Oxford 
(B.A., 1856; M.A., 1859) ; D.D., Lennox- 
vllle Unlv., 1885; D.C.L., Trln. Univ., 
Toronto, do.: D.D. (Ihon.), Un Iv. King's 
001.1... N.S., 1910: m., 1862, Fra'I1C>es 
Louisa illum-e, d. 1ate Deip1y. OomIII1Y.- 
GeniI. T. H. ThQlmson; o. òeacon, 1857 ; 
priest, 1858; successively curate 
Quebec Cath., incumben.t St. Peter's, 
Quebec, and rector St. Matthew's, do.; 
Bp. of Nlaglara, 1885-96; first Bp. of 
Ottawa, 1896-1909; first Archbishop 
of Ottawa, since 1909; chosen Metro- 
politan of Can., same year; a dlr. 
Ottawa Tuber. Assn.; a memo ad. 
com-te, Victorian Order of Nurses; 
V.-P. Diocesan Ch. Soc., Quebec; do. 
Burial Reform Assn.; presdt. Ang. 
S. S. Assn., Ottawa, and presdt. Can. 
Comte. Bp. Blyth's Mission to the 
.Tews; an Epois. canon, 'st. George's 
ColI. Ch., .Jerusalem; a del. to the 
first Pro vI. Ch. of Eng. Synod, Mont- 
real. 1861; do., Lambeth Conf., 1888; 
do., Pan-Ang. Congress, London, 1908; 



d.o. Ang. Ch. Oongræs, Halifax (hon. 
V.-P.), 1910; presented to the late 
King and Queen, Buckingham Palace, 
1908; ifaV10UJ'S strongly IDhe 'f'eSIerv.ation 
of :playground,s fool' chHdren ,in aU ,the 
principal cliti,eg and 10wns of Oan.- 
Archbishop's Palace, 495 Wilbrod St., 
.. Loved, cher.ished and esreemed by alL" 
-Can. Ch1.tTchman. 
.. SI1<\Wf; great ra,poa6ty fm' wOOl'k and 
g"a,a't, IJI
'adoth (I,f rudot,ur"."-('un. ('011/";(,1'. 
Hamliton, Hon, Charles Edward, law- 
II18h origin; s. Capt. Geo. Valiancy 
H., formerly H. 1\1.'s 41st Regt., and 
latterly of the R. C. Rifles, and Jane 
H., d. Geo. Smyth, Fermanagh, Irel.; 
\1. Upnpr Castle, nr. Rodwster, Kent., 
Eng., Meh. 25, 18H; e. Grantham 
.\.cad., St. Catharinps, Ont.; m., Jan., 
1884, Lizzie Alpla, d. late John Ash- 
worth, "Belmont," Hull, P.Q.; bar- 
rister (Ont.), 1865; do. (Man.), 1881; 
ùo. (Minn.), 1888; K.C. (M. of Lan::;- 
downe), 1886; successfully practised 
his prof. at St. Catharlnes, and after- 
wards in Winnipeg; since 1888, at St. 
Paul, Minn.; went to Man., 1881; 
mayor of Winnipeg, 1885-6; repre- 
sented Winnipeg S. (Local), Con. In- 
terest, 1885-6, and Shoal Lake, 1886- 
8; entd. the Norquay govt. as atty.- 
genl., 1885, and subsequently held the 
same office in the Harrison govt.; 
drew the first .. Torrens title" Bill 
adopted In Can.; author of other im- 
portant legislation; a memo Quebec 
Interprov. Conf., 1897; served as a 
capt. 44th Regt. during Fenian Raid, 
1870-1 (med.); apptd. Brit. consul at 
St. Baul, 1907; favors a closer friend- 
ly relationship between the several 
brånches of the Anglo-Saxon people, 
with a view to the preservation of the 
world's peace; a Presb.-St. Paul, 
"A man whose purity of record dis- 
armed envy."-Ro8
Hamilton, Charte. Frederick, journ- 
E. and o. s. s. Chas. H., M.D., 
C.M., Smithville, Ont., and Alice, d, 
late G. E. Jacques, Montreal; a Can. 
of the 3rd generation, of N. of Irel. 
and U. E. L. extraction; b. Roslin, 
Ont., Dec. 7, 1869; e. public and high 
schs. and Queen's Univ. (M.A. and 
gold med. in hist. and Eng. lit., 1890) ; 
m., 1st, 1898: Clarissa Alexandrina 
Blanche (d., Mch., 1902), e. d. D. W, 
Ross, B.A., barrister, formerly of W,al- 
kerton, Ont.; 2ndly, .July, 1904, Eliza 
Henrietta, d. l'3.te Rev. Jas. Mock- 
ridge, M.A.; entd. journalism, Toronto, 
1891; Ihas s'erved on the Toronto 
World, Star, Globe and News; since 
1904, has been resident Ottawa cor- 
respondent of the Toronto News; 
acted as war correspondent for the 
Toronto Globe, S. A., 1899-1900, in 
connection with the services of the 
First Can. Contingent; conveyed first 
news to Canadians of the victory at 
Paardeberg (med.); formerly a Ueut. 
37th Regt.; since July, 1903, a capt. 
(special service) Corps of Guides; 
B. ddr. lPubÞlshers' Fire&'; , lAd.; joinlt 

autlhor wIrth W. L. Gmrut (q.'V.) 
of "Life of Principal Grant" (1904) ; a 
frequent contributor to the Can., Uni'V., 
Nat. and other mags and revs.; a 
memo lit. comte. Quebec Battlefields 
Assn., 1908; a devoted Imperialist; 
favours t'hie .aJPP1. of a Royal ,Prince 
as King of Can. (see Ottawa Free 
Press, Aug. 8, 1908); Ang., and a ch. 
warden, Christ Ch, Cath., Ottawa.- 
8 Cliff St., Ottawa; Rideau Club, do.; 
Can. Mil. Institute, Toronto. 
"A man whose English equals tb.&t of 
Goldwin Smith. "-DT. John Reade (q.v.). 
.. N-o newspaper writer in Canada com- 
mands nrore a,trenVÌQ'll' than he."-H. 
H eraJd. 
Ha.milton, :Rev, Daniel S, (Cong.}. 
S. late David and Elizabeth (Mc- 
PJIeroon) H., .Argy,lllishlre, Scot., a.nd 
latterly of Forest, Ont.; b. Forest; 
e. there, Brit.-Am. Business CoIl., 
Toronto, McGlll Unlv. (B.A., 1892), 
and Congo ColI. (,graduated, with 
Barbour gold med., 1894); m.; pastor, 
successively, at Forest, Pt. St. 
OhaJrles, Montreal, Lon!doon, Orut., Unl-on 
Oh., ere-e,lman, ISask., and! Winn1ipoe.g: 
r,ersigned: t.o oßruter loosiness, 19111; whine 
rut 00111. was ,pl'e'sd't. -McGilol Uulv. Ath- 
løta,c AAsn. ; in Mion't,l'etal 'WIaS anod<em:bor 
Quelboec .Ass:n. OIf Congo dhs., 'll8lt V.-iF. 
of 'uhe Congo ClIub, V.-IP. Congo 0011.1. 
lUumnli A,ssn., e.toc., etc.; In London 
was V.-P. Ont. hranrclh DOlIn. Aliltlanæ, 
a memo Bd. of Educ., presdt. 
Temp. Le.ague, etc.; elected a memo 
joint comte. on ch. union, 1906.- 
Winnipeg, .Jian. 
Hamilton, David Wiley, ed:u-catlonlst. 
:So late John H. (born nr. London- 
derry, Ire!., of Scottish parentage) and 
Ellen (Dyer) H_, (a native of N.B., 
of Eng. parentage); b. Florencevllle, 
N.B., ApI. 30, 1878; e. Florenceville 
Sup. Sch., Provl. Normal Sch. (Teach- 
er's 1st class license, and other hon- 
ours), Freoderi,c ton , N. B. Univ. (B.A. 
with 1st class honours in nat. science, 
chemist. and physics, and Gov.-Genl.'s 
med. in nlat. scrienæ, 190,1; M.A., 1903; 
Ph.D., 1907), Chicago Unlv., Cor- 
nell Univ., Columbia Univ., and Onto 
Agrlcul. ColI., Guelph; m., Dec., 1904, 
Bertie A., 2nd d. 'V. B. Dayton, St- 
Mary's, N.B.; successively principal 
Florenceville Sup. Sch., prof. nat. 
science Provl. Normal Sch., Frederic- 
ton; principal Macdonald Consolidated 
Sch., Kingston. N.B.; and since 1907 
has ,been taSSt. Instr. math., Normal 
Sch., and 'supdt. of school gardens, 
N.B.; has also lectured on botany at 
Summer ,Sch. of Science for Mar. Pro- 
vinces; Is a !popular lect. on scientific 
and educl. subjects; a non-commd. 
offr. Brighton Engrs.; a memo Can. 
Coronation contingent to Eng., 1902; 
V.-P. Co. Carleton prohibition cam- 
paIgn, 1898; a Prot.-Fredericton, 
Hamilton, Edmund Charle., l
te H. 
1\1's. mil. forces. 
3rd S. late Hon. John H., senator, 
Montreal ,and Hawke'sbury, and hili 
2nd wife, Ellen Marlon (Wood) H.; 
b. Mon treal; e. there .and Royal Mil. 
ColI., Kingston; graduated, 1888; In., 


Feb., 1
92, Adelaide Augusta, y. d. 
I.ate D. .MacDougall', Montr-eal; 
gaz-etted cornet, H.M:s 3rd King's 
Hussars, 1888; lieut., 1890; subse- 
quently capt.; now retired; attaIned 
some celebrity all the Irish turf; one 
of hIs Ihunters won the Meath cup, 
1895 å Ang.-Somer/ord Manor, Wilt- 
shire, Eng, . 
Hamilton, Lt,-Col, George Arthur 
Sicotte, stock brolier. 
O. s. late Geo. Wellesley and Hen- 
rietteLoulse, d. late Hon. Louis 
Victor Sicotte, a Judge S. C., P.Q.; 
father sat in Onto LegIslature; b. 
July 28, 1871; e. in Oan. and Eng.; 
m. Miss Rae; elected a memo Mont- 
real Stock Ex-change, .Jan., 1897 ; 
head of the firm of G. W. H. & Son; 
a dir. B. N. A. Minln1g Co. ; was It.-co!. 
eom'ffi,dig. 3rd RJetg't., Vdotor!Ía Rift-e.s, 
:\Lont-f'eaJl, 1900-03; an 
yachtsman; Amg.-Do1'val, P.Q.; st. 
James's Club, do.; Royal St. Law
1.ence Yacht Club; Forest and Stream 
Club, do. 
Hamil ton, Rev, Harold Francis 
(Aing.), e'ducationlst. 
S. His Graee ArchTbp. H. (q.y.), Ot- 
tawa; b. Quebec, 1876; e. T-rm. CoHo 
Sc<h p.o-fIt Ro,p-e, Ohrist C\h., Ox{.ooo, 
Eng: (M.,A.; B.D.), and Bishop's CoM. 
Univ., Lennoxviltle (M.A., 1903); o. 
d,æcon, 1900; :porliest, _1901; cut'\aJÌie, Sit. 
Mabthew's Oh., Quebec, 1900-2; leiC1t., 
Bis<bOiP'S OOill. Unlv., 1902-6; In
Genl. Theol. Semy., N.Y., I!:Þ06-7; smce 
then has 'been prof. Past. Theo!., 
Bishop's Call. Univ.-Bishop's College, 
Lennoxville, P.Q. 
Hamilton, Rev, Heber James (Ang.). 
S. late W. B. H., Cornwall, Eng., 
a memo of the same famlly as the 
Dowager Marchioness of Dufferln; 
b. Ont.; e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1885) 
and Wycliffe ColI.; m., Nov., 1894, 
Mary, o. d. late .John Locke Spence, 
Toronto; o. 1892; went to .Japan for 
C. M. S., 1892.-Nagoya, Japan. 
Hamilton, Herbert James, physician. 
,S. Ridhrurò H.., wh'Ose lparents were 
frOlffi ,tlhe N. of Ire1., and IsahelJa 
(GraJham) H., of U. E. L. d-escenlt; 
b. CoO. IPee1l, Orut., Aug. 10, 1864; e. 
Bmmpton Higih .soh., Vlotoria Unilv. 
(M.D., 1885), .and Toront'O Unùv. 
(M.,E., 1886); 'ffi. ,Annie, d. .John 
Aik'ins, and niooc latJe Senlat'O'r Aikins; 
L.R.C.P., Lond., 1886; memo Coil. ,Po 
and g" Orut., 11885; suooessful,l'Y 
Hses his prof. in Tor0ll1tJo; & Acad. 
of Med., Tororuto; presdl1:. Tor'Onto CJdn. 
Soc.; lPl'esd't. Ont. Moo. Assn., 1908; 
elooted a sen:wt'Or. Toronto UnifY., .1906; 
a detl Il1'tern. Merl. Congress, Budapest, 
Hunga,ry, 1909; 'Pr,es-e.ulted at A'listrian 
Court, 00. ; a 'Don.; a Met1h.-f20 Bloor 
St. W., Toronto; Toronto Club; Al- 
bany Club; R. C. Yacht Club, do. 
"A geneT.a.'l prectiti.oner w>Íth a. wide 
knowlwge of country a.s wetll as city ron- 
diitil()-ns."-S. N. 
Hamilton, Hubert DouglaB, physIcian. 
S. late E. G. H., Halifax, N.S., and 
Katharine J. H., d. I. D. Bedell; b. 
MontJN!aJl; e. BIshop's OoM. Un6v., 


Lennoxvllle, P.Q. (B.A., 1886; M.A., 
1896), and McGill Unlv. (M.D.,C.M., 
1890); L.R.C.P. .and S. (Edln.); L.F.P. 
and S. (Glasgow); a specialist In 
dIseases of the nose, throat and ear; 
is demon. in laryngol. and rhinol., 
McGill Univ.; laryngo!., Montreal 
Genl. Hosp.; a 'lI1'em. extve.' coante. 
Montreal Dispensary; a del. to Med. 
Oongress, BUd.a.pest, 1909 ; 'Presented at 
the Austrian Court on that occasIon; a 
Freemason; Ihas been W. M. St. Paul's 
LOdge; Ang.-39 Crescent St., Mont- 
real; St. J antes's Club; Unive1'sity 
Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, 
do.; summer residence: Dorval, P.Q. 
Hamilton, John, retired merchant. 
I rish origin; s. late Robt. H., D.C.L., 
.. Hamwood," Quebec, and Isa:bella H. 
(Thomson). H.; a nephew Archbp. H., 
Ottawa (q.v.); b. New Liverpool, nr. 
Quebec., Sept 7, 1851; e. Bishop's ColI. 
Sch., ILennoxville and Trin. Univ., To- 
ronto (B.A., 1871; M.A., 1895) ; D.C.L. 
(hon.), Lenn'Oxvlll'e, 1900; m., 1897, 
Ida Mary, d. Il!lJte A. C. Buchana:n, 
Quebec, and grand-d. Chief .Justice 
!Bowen, do. ; elootoo dl1anceUor of 
BIshop's CoIl. Unlv., Lennoxvllle, 1900; 
is also a dir. Bishop's ColI. Sch., do.; 
elected V.-P. Can. -Club, Quebec, 1910; 
he and his family have made many 
handsome "money contributions to the 
Univ., and to the Ang. Ch. In Can.; 
an Ang., and a del. to the Ang. Synods; 
a memo Nat. Comte., Ang. Layman's 
Missy. Movement; a memo Ang. Mis- 
si.oIIJ Bd.; a del. JPIan
A'll.g. Congress, 
London, Eng., 1908; a de!. to the Ang. 
Ch. Congress, HaUfax, N.S., 1910 ; 
V.-P. DiQOCSaJTl 011. ,soc., a m
, extve. 
oomte. ,Soc. .foal' the Prey. of Oruellty 11:'0 
Anlmal's, P.Q.; a dir. Lake EdJward 
SanitarIum; V.-P. Lit. and Hist. Soc., 
Que,bec; amon,g 1Jhos'EJ wihIO were 
mental in sroul1ln.g IÌJhe !J}reserV13.>tlon of 
t'he PJra-lI1Js of A'bI'lalham -flrO'ffi deseora- 
<t:Í'on, 11901.-48 Des Carrières St., Que- 
bec; Quebec Garrison Club; Canadian 
Club, do.; Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 
"An e.arnest, aLIa and devoted church. 
ma.n."-Bp. Worrell (q.v.). 
Hamilton, Rev, Joseph, (Presb.). 
113. Irel.; e. Eng.; m., Miss Sarah 
^ nn Chambers, Linen HilI, Ire!. (d. 
Oct., 1910); o. (IPr-eSb. Oh.); has 
held Several pastorates in Can. and 
u. S.; lately at Wilson, N.Y.; author 
.. The Starry Hosts," a prIze book or 
the .soience and Art Educ. Council, 
London, Eng.; "Our 'Own and Othel 
Worlds," .. The Spirit W'Orld," .. Num- 
lJering t'he ,Stars, "Transfigul'ed," etc.; 
all these works have had a large sale, 
Rnd have -been V'ery favorably re- 
viewed.-f45 Dunn Ave., 7'm'onto. 
"A þreacher and writer o.f far more 
than ordißoar
' ability."-Dom. Preab. 
Hamilton, Major Joshua Smith, 
B. Oct. 12, 18'*8; m.; has serv
d in 
the City Council, Bd. of Trade and Sch. 
Bd., City of Brantford; elected first 
presdt. Pelee Island WIne & Vineyard 
Co., 1888; still In that position; long 
In v. an. servloe; gaze1Jbed 
and hon. major 38th Regt., Dufferin 



Rifles; mainly instrumental in having 
a monument erected in Brantford, in 
honour of the local heroes who fell 
during the S. A. war; holds long ser- 
vice decoration; Ang. -" Langley 
Park," Brantford, Onto 
.. Alwa:rs a busy rnan."-Oan. .4m. 
lton, La1\chlan Alexander, late 
Dom. public service; late ,Can. 
ra.ilway serv1loo. 
S. \Vm. B. H., Cornwall, Eng.; 
grands. Capt. Jas. M. H., late H. 1.1..'s 
5th Foot; b. Penetangulshene, Ont., 
Sept. 20, 1852; e. Collingwood High 
Be.h.; m., 1st, Sept, 1880, 1,1!IaJbe1 (d.), 
d. .lwte Jas. Leask; 2ndlly, Aã>l., 1888, 
Constance Eaton (an hon. memo 
\Vomen's Musical Club. Toronto; for- 
merly presdt. Women's Musical Club, 
Winnipeg), d. Dr. G. F. Bodlngton, 
New \Vestminster, B.C.; a P. L. S. and 
a D. L. S. ; surveyed a large portion or 
the city of Vancouver, and was a memo 
of its first council, elected in 1886; 
for some time in office of the Surveyor- 
Genl. of Can.; afterwaNl asst. lanfl 
commr., C. P. Ry.; resigned, 1900; 
made a tour of the world, 1904-5; for 
some yrs. presdt. Winnipeg Rugby 
Football Club, and more recently or 
the Mississauga Golf Club; a Con.; 
an Ang., and a del. to the Synods; 
elected a V.-P. Toronto Licensed Lay 
Readers' Assn., 1909.-Lorne Park, 
Ont.; Toronto Club, Toronto; Manitoba 
Club, Winnipeg. 
.. Was one of the most popular men in 
Manitoba."-T. Globe. 
Hamilton, :Mr., :May E., artist. 
E. \Vinnipeg; studied in Berlin and 
Paris; has painted there, .and In Italy 
and Holland; 3 of her pIctures were 
hung .. on the line" at the Paris 
Salon, 1905-6 (See Strand,, 1907). 
-Care Canadian Office, Pans, France. 
Hamilton, Percy st, Clair, journalist. 
S. late Lt.-Col. P. S. and Annie 
(Brown) H., Halifax, N.S.; b. there; 
e. Halifax Grammar Sch., under Dean 
Gilpin (q.v.) : m. 1881, Mary Millicent, 
d. Hugh McPhail; reporter and after- 
ward city ed. Halifax Chronicle, at 15 ; 
ed. Yarmouth Times, 1883-8; dO.. 
mouth Daily News, 1888-99; Jomed 
staff Montreal Daily Star as ed. 
writer 1899-1902; ed. and prop. Mont- 
real Sunday Sun, 1902, and when that 
paper ceased publication, returned to 
the Star; a prolific contributor to the 
mags. and other press of Ca.n. and 
U. S., principally in humorous sketches 
and fiction; nom-de-plume: .. M. T. 
Oldwhistle "; has also written several 
minor dramas which have been pro- 
duced on Jt!he U. S. stage, and a novel- 
ization or .tlhe lwte Sir W. .s. Gll.beTtt'iS 
play, .. Dandel Druce"; has a Oa
historic novel, .. Paul \Ventworth, 
and a collection of humorous stories, 
.. Owlville Papers and Other Stories," 
in the hands of English publishers; 
Ang.-f-i Souvenir Ave.", Montreal; 
Press Club, do. 
Hamllton, Lt.-Col, Eobert Baldwin, 
late Onto pUblic service. 
U. E. L. descent; S. late Sidney 
Smith H., a well-known lake capt.; 

b. Toronto, Oct. 10, 1847; e, Model 
and Grammar schs. there; m., ApI., 
1878, Mary K.ate, e. d. late Hy. Pel- 
latt, Toronto; some yrs. in commer- 
cial life; a memo public sch. bd.; an 
ald.; inspr. vital statistics for Ont., 
2-1905; one of the original pro- 
moters and first secy. Onto and Sault 
Ste. Marie Light & Power Co., taken 
over by F. H, .clergue (q.v.), 1893; 
holds a 1st dass Royal Mil. Sch. 
cert., and was long in the V. m. 
service, entering the 2nd Regt. 
(" Queen's Own") as a. priYaite; 
passed tJhroug:h the several Inter- 
vening grades to the command of 
the regt. Aug. 30, 1889: R. 0.. July, 
1897; took an active interest for 
many yrs. in the Can. nat. game, 
and was presdt. and field capt. of 
the Toronto Lacrosse Club; also One 
of the principal promoters a.nd first 
presdt. of the Can. Lacrosse Assn.; 
now a memo Toronto Lacrosse and 
Athletic Club; is a dlr. Onto Motor 
League and 'presdt. Packard Automobile 
Workis; an Ang.; a Lib.-265 Sher- 
bOU1'ne St., Toronto; St. Oatharines. 
Ont.; Oan. Military Institute, 7'o1'onto. 
Hamllton, Mrs, Susanna Peel, phy- 
D. Ilate Dav'Ïd Boyle, LL.D., and 
Mart!ha S. (Fìrankland) B.; .b. Elora, 
Ont., Aug. 17, 1869; e. Eil,om !Public 
and Hig1h Sohs., Jra>rvls St. CoHo I nlSt. , 
TOI'On,to, Ont. 'Med. Co},}. for Women 
and Trin. Un,iv. (M.D.,C.M., 1890); 
m., 1902, ArrtJhur S. Ha'lI1JHton., B.S., 
M.D., ,MiirunoOO,þoHs; suooessfuUy prac- 
tised her !prof. ,in Toronto; prof. path., 
Onrt:. Moo. .0011. for Women. 1890-8; 
WOInJan ph'Ys., SbaJte Ho's,p. for tJhe In- 
sane, In'd'epoerudenûe, I.awa, 1898-1904; 
was also resident .surg., New Erug. 
Hosp.for 'Women, Boston.,; 
aUJthw of trallisl3Jtions fl'o'ffi' the I.taI.ian 
for Alienist and Neurologist; .Pre,sb.- 
503 Washington Ave" S.E., Minneapolis, 
Hamilton, WlllJam Fawcett, physi 
S. late G. W, and Eleanor (Good- 
win) H., Upper ::;ackville, N.B.: b. 
there; e. there and :McGill Un Iv. 
(M.D.,C.M., 1891); m., June, 1897, 
1\1iss Janet Mills, Westmount, P.Q.; 
successfully practises his prof. in 
Montreal; med. supdt. Montreal Genl. 
Hosp., 1893-4; asst. physician Royal 
Vlc. Hosp., 1895-6; apptd. to s.ame 
inostn. to carry ,on., conjointly wLtih 
Dr. Martin, the work of the dept. 
of Int. Med., formerly undertaken 
by the late Dr. J8JS. Stewart, 1906; 
Is as'st. prof. clin. med., McGill 
Unlv.; elected a memo Bd. Victorian 
Order of Nurses, 1909; a dir. Y. M. 
C. A.. and a senator Montreal Wes!. 
Theol. ColI.; a del. Brit. Med. Assn. 
Congress, 1910; a Meth.-f87 Mountain 
St., Montreal; University Club, do. 
Hamilton, Major William JOhn: edu- 
B. Cobourg, Ont.; e. public sch. and 
CoIl. lnst:. there, Ottawa Normal 
sch., Collingwood and Owen Sound 
CoIl. (1st class cert.) lnsts., Sch. of 
Pedag. Toronto (specialist cert. In nat. 



science and a pUblic echo fnspr'8. 
cert.) and Queen's Unlv., Kingston 
(B.A., 1906); m. Mary Gordon, y. d. 
late John Sim, Feterbor-ough, ant.; 
successively principal mo.del and 
public sehs., Cobourg; on staff Owen 
Sound Coll. Inst.; science master, 
Picton; Campbell ford High 
Sch.; since 1907 has been prindpal Fort 
WtJIltam Coli. Inst.; long In the v. m. 
service; holds certs. in arty., cavly., 
and infy., and has been senior major 
40th Regt.; for a brief period was 
dlst. mangr. of the Imp. Life Co. at 
Brockvllle; a Freemason, an Oddfel- 
low, and a Son of Scot,; a Presb.- 
Fort William, Onto 
II A teacher whose work is commend 
able from an po'iuts of view."-John 
H od08on, 
.ammond, IIi.. Elizabeth A. (see 
Irwin, .Mil'S. Elizabeth A.) 
.ammond, JOhn, painter. 
B. Montreal, 1843; e. there; m., 1st, 
Miss Akers, Montreal (d. Jan., 1900); 
2ndly, June, 1902, Miss Stark, Sack- 
vllle, N.B. ; studied art in Eng., France, 
Holland and Italy; time principal 
Owens' Art Museum, St. John, and head 
of the Mt. Allison Sch. of Art; elected 
R. C. A.; a counctllor, do., 1906-7; has 
exhibited In the Royal Acad., London, 
the Paris Salon, and elsewhere; rep- 
resented in Nat. Art Gallery, Ottawa; 
excels In landscape; awarded a silver 
med. Pan-Am. Expn., 1901, and a 
bronze med. Louisiana Purch. Expn., 
1904; lately painted a series of friezes 
for the new offices of the C.P. Ry., 
London, Eng.-Care Montreal Art 
Assn., Montreal. 
II To be congratu1ated upo'n hil growinr 
freedom from the slavery {)f an old Ity1e 
and traditions."-M. Witne88. 
Kammond, Melvin Ormond, journal. 
O. s. late Alvin and Catherine H.; 
b. Tp. Toronto, Co. Peel, ant., July 17, 
1876; e. Clarkson Public and Oakville 
High 'Soh.; 1Ill., 1900, ,Miss Olara J. S. 
WlHiiams, Toronto.; oeI1Itd. journaldSJ111 'by 
joining .staff Tor<>nto Globe, Nov., 1895 ; 
served several yrs. as Parity. corres- 
pondent and political reporter, till 
apptd. ed. mag. sec. of The Globe, Oct., 
1906. lias travelled over the greater 
part of Can. as a special correspondent, 
conducting many Important enquiries; 
author II The West from a Car Win- 
dow" (1909); elected V.-P. Toronto 
Press Clüb 1909; <10. presdt. do. do., 
1910; a Meth.-l-iB Albany Ave., To- 
ronto; Press Club, do. 
.. Conducts bis depa-rtme'nlt with much 
skiLl and ability."-John Boyd (q.v.). 
.and, .ev, J, Edward, (Ang.). 
B. Co. Simcoe, ant.; e. Collingwood 
Coli. Inst., Toronto Univ. and Wycliffe 
Coli!.; ,gradua;too, 1898; 1m.; o. 1898; 
formerly stationed in N. S. and C<>nn. ; 
rector, St. James Ch., St. John, N.B., 
1906-9; since then 'has been rector of 
Lima, a.-Lima, O. 
Kand, Jame. Albert, journalist. 
S. Wm. and Mar&"t. H., Stanton, ant.; 
b. Mansfield, ant., ApI. 10, 1878; e. 
Orangevllle Hl&,h Sch., ant., Agrlcu!. 

C<>ll., Guelp-h, and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.S.A., 1905); m., Oct., 1909, MIss 
Sadie A. Hamilto.n, Grand Valley, ant. ; 
taught sch., C<>. Peel, ant., 1902; entd. 
journalism as assoc. ed. Can. Horticul- 
turist, Peterboro', ant., 1905; ed. 
Weekly Telegram, Winnipeg, 1906; 
lect. field husbandry, Man. Agricul. 
CoIl., Winnipeg, 1907-8; assoc. ed. 
Fanners' Advocate, London, Ont., 
1908-9; since June, 1909, has been ed.- 
in-chief Farmers' Advocate and Home 
Journal, Winnipeg; .. believes that 
more aJttention should be given to 
agriculture, that we need demonstra- 
ti<>n furms to show the indifferen t 
farmer that It wtll pay him in dollars 
and cents to change his methods, and 
that we must have co-operation be- 
tween Dom. and provincial govts. in 
the true interests of agriculture"; 
Meth.-l0 Cooper St.. Winnipeg, lIIan. 
Hand, VerJ' _.'9', John L, (R. C.) 
B. Westmoe.atJh, I'rel., '1859; e. 'tthere; 
came to Can., 1867; studied theol., 
Grand Semy., Montreal; o. 1882 ; 
curate St. Mlc'hael's Cath., Toronto, 
1882-90; rector St. Gregory's, Oshawa, 
1890-2; since then has been pastor St. 
PaJUl's 011. Toronto; at the cele-bratlon 
of ibis prleS'tly jubilee, 1907, was .pre- 
sen ted by his c
mg. with a purse of 
$1,000; a memo Sep. Soh. Bd., Tor<>nto. 
-Presbytery, St. Paul's Ch., B! Power 
St. Toronto. 
II Highly respected and widely in- 
fOlI"IDed."-Late J. G. Moylan. 
Hands, Jonathan GrUllths, physician; 
Eng. amd Irish odgin; (). s. Jonathan 
and Sarah H.; b. Camp den, Glouces- 
tershlre, Eng.; e. Battersea Dioc. 
Training Coli.; lmm.; taught in pub- 
lic schs. of ant. and B. C.; did high 
sch. work, London, Peterboro', and 
Colllngwood ; science master, latter 
Institution, 1878-83; ed. Colllngwood 
Bulletin 4 yrs.; contributed to various 
ant. newspapers; graduated M.D., 
Detroit, 1889; practised med., State 
ar Wash. some yrs.; since 1904 has 
been city Hbrarian, V,i.c<t'ol'ia; Ll,b.; a 
warm aæmlrer of Mr. Chamberlain, 
and of the new Asian mystery, modern 
Japan; Ang.-City Library, Victoria, 
B.C.; Pacific Club. 
Haney, Michael John, civil engineer 
and contractor. 
S. Peter and Bridget (Ruddy) H.; 
b. Galway, Ire!., Se,pt. 5, 1854; came 
to Am. willi his family when young; 
e. Watertown, N.Y.; m., 1881, Miss 
Margt. Godfrey, Kingston, ant.; 
memo Can Soc. C. E., 1902; has shown 
great aptitude for ry. construction, 
and has carried out with much skill 
and success many important under- 
takings in that line, both in Can. and 
the U. S.; head of firm H. & Miller, 
engrs. and contractors, Toronto; as- 
sumed the management of the White- 
head contract on sec. 15, C. P. Ry., 
known as Cross Lake !!Iec.; when only 
27 yrs. of age went, with the late Mr. 
Onderdonk, to B.C., to take charge of 
that portion of the C. P. Ry., which the 
latter had contracted for; later, was 
associated with the late Hugh and 


John Ryan In building the Red River 
Valley Ry., and the Can. canal at 
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; 8tlIl later, he 
superintended the construction of the 
Crow's Nest Pass Line, for the C. P. 
Ry.; built the HlIlsborough bridge, 
P.E.I., and the tunnel under the De- 
troit River, between \Vindsor and De- 
troit, for the Mich. Central Ry.; a dir. 
North Am. Life Assur. Co. and of tl1e 
Home .Bank; ra gOY. Oa1:ù1loltioe Ohi. Ex- 
tension So-c., a trustee Toronto Genl. 
Hosp., and 'þl'ersdJ1. .Oan. .Pol"ltlran.(j, C
ment Co. and of the Onto (Lib.) Club; 
also ,hon. 'pre,sdt. of otJoo Irish-Gan. 
Athletic Club; a generous giv-er; sub- 
scribed $5,000 towards the erection 
and equipment of a new science hall 
for the Univ. of Ottawa; a memo 
extv.e.. T-oro'l1lto branidh UnLted IriSh 
League, and a prominent memo of the 
C.M.B.A.; elected presdt. Toronto Im- 
provement Soc., 1907; a R. C.; an 
actlv.e Lib.-" Cli/den Hall," Rosedale, 
1'm'onto; National Club; Engine61's' 
Club; Ontm'Ío Club, do.; Rideau Club, 
" One o.f the most eminent contract<)rs in 
Can."-St. John Telegraph. 
"A man of great force of character, 
w.ith a practical business miud and possess- 
ing also a large and gene'rous heart."- 
T. Globe. 
"A splendid specimen o.f the whole- 
hearted Can.; broad-minded and tolerant in 
his views, and 8 liberal giver to' every good 
cause."-The late Judge Curran. 
Hanington, Bev. Edward Arthur 
WeUe.ley (Ang.), 
4th s. late Hon. D. L. H., presdt 
Leg. Council, N.S., and Margt. (Peters) 
H.; bro. late Hon. D. L. H., LL.D., 
D.C.I,., judge of the Sup. Ct., N.B.; 
b. Shedlac, N.B., 1844; e. N. B. Univ. 
(B.A., 1865); m., 1867, Margt., d. 
late Alex. McLean, Sherif[ of Frederic- 
ton; o. deacon, 1866; priest, 1867; 
rector, St. Clement's Ch., Prince Wil- 
liam, and St. Paul's Ch., Dumfries, 
N.B" 1866-77;. R. D., Woodstock, do., 
1873-77; rector, Milford, Ont., 1877-8; 
since then has been rector, parish of St. 
Bartholomew's, New Edinburgh, Ont.; 
also, since Dec., 1878, has been special 
chaplain at the Can. viceregal resi- 
dence, Rideau Hall; has officiated in 
la,tJber oa;paci.ty ,to S1.lJCIOeSSiv
nors-'Genl., and !has I"ecd. f,rom otJhem 
many marks of their esteem and re- 
spoect; a stauJ1Idh Imperialdst.; a del. 
to 'Dhe ,Syn-od; lis clerioal secy. otJo tJoo 
Synod of Ottawa.--'st. Bartholomew's 
Rectory, 125 Mackay St., Ottawa, Onto 
Hanna, David Blythe, Can. railway 
S. Wm. H., Thornliebank and Barr- 
head, Scot.; b. 'I.ìhornliebank, Dec. 20, 
1858; e. local sch.; m., ApI., 1889, 
Margt. L., e. d. T. A. Garland, Portage 
la Prairie, Man. ; entd. Scottish ry. ser- 
vice, as an asst. agent, when 16, be- 
coming, later, chief clk. and cashier on 
the Caledonian Ry.; came to Can., 
1882, since when he has tilled the fol- 
lowing positions :-Clk., auditor's office, 
G. T. Ry., Montreal, 1882-4; elk., 
auditor's office, N. Y., West Shore and 
Buffalo Ry., N. Y., 1884-6; chief 


acct., Man. and N. W. Ry., 1886-92; 
treas., do., 1892-6; land commr., do., 
nl. supdt., Can. Northern 
Ry., 1896-1902; since then has been 
3rd V.-P., do. ; since 1907 has also been 
genl. mangr., do.; is presdt., Can. 
Northern Quebec Ry., Quebec and 
Lake S1. John Ry., Can. Lake & 
Ocean Nav. Co., and Duluth, Winni- 
peg and P8.lCitic Ry.; V.-P. Can, North- 
ern Ont. Ry., Reading Camp Assn. Can. 
Norbhern Prairie Lands Co., and 'Hali- 
fax and S.- W. Ry.; a dlr. Manfrs. Life 
Ins. Co., Columbia River Lumber Co., 
Lond-on and Can. Loan and Agency 
00., Brit. Am. Assur. Co., Brit. Emp1re 
Trust Co., Bank of Hamilton, Winni- 
peg Electric Ry., and Western Assur. 
Co.; one of the 23 men, who are, 
according to the Montreal Standard, 
a t the basis of Can. finance; a Presb.- 
"Th01'nliebank/' Rosedale, Toronto; 
Toronto Club; Albany Club ; York 
Club, do.; MatlÁtoba Club, Winnipeg. 
.. Hiß splendid gra.sp of accounts .and 
ßn.a.nces, toge,ther with the, and in, 
cre-asing inte,rest in. his work, has made 
him a, most valuable o.fficer."-V. World. 
Hanna, Bev, Wm. Girdwood (Pres b.). 
S. Geo. and Ann (Girdwood) H.; 
b. Holmesville, Ont., Oct. 1, 1856; e. 
Clinton High Sch., Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1881), and Princeton Semy., N.J.; m., 
Feb., 1886, Miss Janet Strang; 0., 1886 ; 
pastor Uxbridge, 1889-97; do. Mt. 
Forest, 1897-1907; oapptd. Secy. Onto 
Lord's Day Alliance and Asso. Eastern 
Secy. Lord's Day Alliance of Can., 
60 Euclid Ave., Toronto. 
Hanna, Eon, WiUiam John, lawyer; 
Irish origin; s. Geo. and Jane (Mur- 
dock) H.; b. Tp. Adelaide, Co. Middle- 
sex, Ont., Oct. 13, 1862; e. local schs., 
Toronto Unlv., and Onto Law Sch.; 
m., 1st, Jan., 1891, Miss Jean G. Neil 
(d.); 2ndly, Miss Maud McAdàms; 
barrister, 1890; K.C., 1908; success- 
fully practises his prof. at Sarnia; 
one ot the leaders of the Western bar; 
at present Is head of the firm of H., 
Le Sueur & Howitt; a dir. Western 
Can. SøtJtle'rs Mutuo8JI 00. I8.J1Id Ste'rling 
Bank; V.
P. Empire Accident & Surety 
Co.; a Con.; unsuccessfully contested 
West Lambton (H. C.), g. e.'s, 1896 
and 1900; has represented same riding 
(Local) since g. e. 1902; since Feb. 8, 
1905, has been prov!. secy. and regr. 
gent of Onto In the Whitney Admn.; 
a memo IJ1Iterprov.J. COJ1If., Ottawa, 
1910; a Meth.-Parliament BuildinglJ, 
Toronto; Sm'nia, Ont.; Toronto Club; 
York Club, Toronto. 
.. Oaopable, suave, n:"s.ourcefw1."-J[. arid 
" .A with a bi'g hea,rt .aJD'd a bTahl'v 
head."-T. Globe. . 
.. An engaging personality, with 60me 
genius fOil" opl'1aebicaa po'lit.Ïoæ"-'l'. Neu'.v. 
.. An excellent deba
1l' a.nd platform 
sJ)e''r, R-nd, witho'Wt duubt, a C'ÛlDl,j,ng 
ma.n-."-Oan. Oourier, 
Hannah, George Weir, Can. steam- 
ship service. 
S. Wm. and Margt. H.; b. Glasgow, 
Scot., Dec. 6, 1847; e. Glasgow and 
Brooklyn, N.Y.; m. Com A. (d. .Mcl1.., 



1911). d. JJabe Pete-I' Kå,ssan, N.Y.; 
came to Am. many yrs. since; w
(,or 25 ytrs. connooted wHih ,tlhe 
Inman Steamship Co., N.Y.; moved to 
Can. 1893, and has, since then, been 
passenger mangr. of the Allan Steam- 
EilhÏip Co., Montreal; a pr.omote'r of ,tihe 
Stuart TUflbine 00., .1906; :has 

.:m "OanadJa'fJ Share in .A1tlantdc ISteam
shtip EVJOIl'UltJi-c)lll," etx::.-186 .Mansfield St., 
Montreal; St. Jmnes'8 Club; Canada 
Club, do. 
"A ca.pable man, with a high reputation 
for integrity and rectitude-, who is an 
enthusiastic believer in the future of the 
Dom."-Oan, Am, 
Hannah, Ian Campbell, educationist. 
E. s. Very RJev. John J. H., Dean 
of Chiohes:te<r, .Ðng.; lb. Br>igihton, 
Eng., De-c. 16, 1874; e. Wlinch'ester 
CoU. tScIh., and Tl'iin. CoIl" ,oam- 
bI1idlge (B.A., wi,th \honours, 1895; 
M.A., 1899); D.C.L., King's CoIl., N.8., 
1904); m., 1904, Miss Edit.h Brand, 
Oberlin, Ohio; master Eng. sCh., Tien- 
'l'sin, China. 1897-9; Cambridge Vniv. 
Extens. Lect., 1899-1904; presdt. 
Kllng',s 0011.. WJ.nd'sor. N.,S., 1904-6 
(also a gov. of that Institution); 
author, .. A Brief History of Eastern 
Asia," and several text books; ha:5 
travelled extensively in North Am., 
Europe and the Medi rerranean. the 
far East, S. Africa, etc.; believes 
.. that. in a few generations, Eastf:rn 
Can. would be French again, simpl
through the Eng, communities being 
confined to the towns"; Ang.-Cam- 
b1'idge, Eng. 
Hannay, Arthur :Burnø, journalist. 
B. and e. in New Brunswick; a 
nephew late Jas. H., F.R.S.C., historian 
and journalist; m., June, 1904, Bertha 
Lauise, d. 
'albe Wm. RaJinnde, 'St. J'oIhn. 
N..B. (presented. on his marriage with 
a solid silver tea. service by colleagues 
in Ottawa Press Gallery); originally 
news ed. Daily Telegraph (St. John, 
N.B.); joined .staff, Montreal Herald, 
1900, and has since remained with that 
journal, more re-cently as ParIty. repre- 
sent'ative at Ottawa; elected presdt. Ot- 
tawa Press Gallery, 1910.-56
Laren St., Ottawa. 
Hannington, Miss Mabel LOuise, phy- 
sician; missionary. 
D. A. H. H., St. John, N.B.; b. 
there; e. there, Toronto Univ. (M.B., 
1900), arud Trin. Univ. (M.D.,C.M., 
1900); .took 
eoial üaul'\Sle N. Y. 
Polyclinic Hosp., 1909; went out to 
China, as a missy. under the C. M. S., 
1903; now building a hosp., to be 
under her charge; Ang.-Ning Taik, 
Hannon, His Honour James Willson, 
Di'st. Ot. judge. 
S. Rev. Jas. H., D.D. (Meth.), and 
S8.Jrah Margt. (Willson) H., Toronto; 
b. Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 11, 1870; e. pub- 
lic, high, coIl., model and law schs. 
of Ont.; under-grad. Toronto Unlv., 
with honours in classics; m., July, 1900, 
Miss Emma Orilla Woods, B.A.; bar- 
rister, 1895; <successfully jpIl"actised his 
prof. at Guellph, Ont.; removed to 
Prince Albert, Sask., 1898; town solr., 
1899-1902; Çrown prosecutor, jl. dlst. 

Sask., do.; agent Dom. Lands and 
Crown Timber Agent, Prince AI,bert, 
1902-1905; Rßgr. Land Titles, Ba.ttle- 
ford, 1905-9; also served a:s sch. trustee 
and election elk., Dom. Plebiscite, 1898, 
and Dom. g. e., 1900; apptd. judge 
Dlst. Ct., jI. dist. of Regina, .July 17, 
1909; a .Meth.-2276 Lorne St., Regina, 
Hanratty, Christopher James, jour- 
B. Dublin, Irel., ApI. 10, 1877; e. 
there and Montreal; journalist, 1893- 
1908; sþeCda.1 wrirter on .sportirug. dlra- 
matico and commercial sUbjects; at 
present secy.-treas. McGill Un Iv. 
Union. and secy. McGill Unlv. Stu- 
dents' Council; R. C.-129 Laval Ave., 
Montreal; Ranelagh Club, do. 
Hansard, Hugh Hazen, lawyer; Can. 
railway service. 
B. N.B., Oct. 6, 1869; e. there and 
Oxford Vniv. (B.A.); m., Oct., 1901. 
Nan, d. late Hon. Isaac Burpee, for- 
mer,ly MinI'. of Customs, Ottawa; bar- 
rister (N. B.), 1894; successfully prac- 
tised his prof. In St. John, N.B., for 
several YI1s.; entd. Dom. public service, 
1901; chief clk. and ,law elk., Dept. of 
Rys, and Canals, 1903-8; In brokerage 
business, Ottawa, 1908-11; slnoe then 
has been asst. solicitor, G. T. Pacific 
Ry.-W1nnipeg, Man.; Rideau Club, 
Hanson, Charles AUg'u8tine, stock 
A bro. Wm. H. (q.v.); b. Fowey, 
Cornwall, Eng., 1845; e. there; m. the 
d. Jas. Appelbe, J.P., Traf,algar, Co. 
Halton, Ont.; founded the firm of H. 
Bros., Montreal; joined firm of Coat
Son & Co., London, 1890; depty. chair- 
man Gresham Life Assur. Co. since 
1901' apptd. by Prince of Wales sheriff 
of the Co. of Cornwall, Eng., 1907; 
elected a shefliff of .vh.e City of Lon- 
d011, Eng, 1911; !presented to ,tlhe late 
King Edward and Queen ,MoeX\8.ndra, 
1907; decllinM Con. nomlnBJtlcm ,bo Barl.t., 1903; Prot.-Fowey Hall, 
Cor;"wall Eng.; Con8ervative City, 
Carleton,' Wellington, and Royal We8t- 
ern Clubs, do.; Mt. Royal Club, Mont- 
Hanson, Edwin, Investment broker 
and financial agent. 
Bro. Wm. and C. A. H. (q. v.); b. 
and e. Eng.; came to Can., 1870; m. 
Miss Clements; a memo of the firm ot 
H. ,Bros., Montreal; engd. In many 
public enterprises; a dir. Montreal 
Trust & Deposit Co., Can. Coal & Ry. 
Co., Laurentide Pulp Co., Quebec & 
La,ke St. JOìhn Ry., M8.Jr.lNme Coal, Ry. 
and .Power Co., Brlt.-Can. Bank Note 
Co., 'Permt. Ins. A:gßncy. and pre.s-d't. 
::Mionrtroo,l WtR1Jer & ,Po.wer Go., etc.; 
formerly;presd,t. Havana. Eloc. R'Y. Co. ; 
eleded e. gov. VLot(mian Order of 
Nurse.s, 1902.--832 Dorche8ter St. W.. 
Montreal; Mt. Royal Club; St. James's 
Club; Canadian Club; Forest and 
St1'eam Club ; Montreal Club; 111 onh'eal 
Jockey Club; Mt. Royal Lawn 7'enni8 
Club; Royal Montreal Golf Club; 
Royal 8t. Lawrence Yacht Club; 
Manitou Club, do.; Canada Club, Lon- 
don, Eng. 



Hanson, William, stock and Invest- 
men t broker. 
3rd s. late Capt. H., Fowey, Corn- 
Wl3.11, Eng.; b. there, ApI. 14, 1851; 
e. there and Can.; m. Ada Maria, d. 
late Edward Daly, Napanee, Ont.; a 
memo and partner of the firms, H. 
Bros. & H. & Ferguson, Montreal; a 
dlr. Ottawa Northern & Western Ry., 
Brit. Columbia Southern Ry., Montreal 
Water & Power Co., Dom. Guarantee 
Co., Ricbelieu & Omt. Na v. Co., Oan, 
Arpprailsal 00., Chicout.imi Pu.l.p 00., 
Terminal Warehouse & Cartage Co., 
amd V.-P. Quel:Jie.c & Lake ,St. .John Ry. 
Co.; also orgt3.nlzed and was a dir. of 
,tJhe Crow's Nest .Pass Ooal Co.; flor- 
merly engd. In the Ins. busIness; a 
Meth., and a gOY. and treas. Montreal 
Wesl. TheoJ. CoIL and presdt. Mon- 
real Social Union.-" Restormel," 
Mt. Pleasant Ave.. Westmount, .Mont- 
real; St. Jame
's Club; Montreal 
Club; Canadian Club; Montreal Hunt 
Club; Mt. Royal Lawn Tennis Club; 
Westmount Golf Club,. Manitou Club, 
do.; Rideau Club, Ottawa. 
Harcourt, Frederick Weir, Onto pUbllc 
service; lawyer. 
5th s. late Michael H., M.P.P. ; a bro. 
Hon. Richard H., K.C. (q.v.); b. York, 
Co. Haldimand, Ont.; e. privately by 
Rev. B. C. Hill, Cayuga CoIl. Inst. and 
U.. C. CoIl.; m., d. late Campbell Mac- 
Kenzie, Toronto; barrister, 1886; a 
bencher, Law Soc., 1906 and 1911; 
K.C., 1908; suCC"ess1'u l ll'Y <praotisoo iMs 
pr.o-f. in Toronto; a d,ir. Can. Landoed 
and Naot. Investment Co.; appbd. 
Official GuaTd-ian. High Ct. of Justice, 
Ont., Nov., 1902; a Freemas<m of hoi,gth 
degree; Past Dist. Grand Master; 
An.g.; a oCth. warden anla, a del. :to hhe 

r-nods.-90 St. George St., Toronto; 
Toronto Club, do. 
Harcourt, George, Alberta publlc ser- 
B. Co. Huron, Ont., Nov. 3, 1863; e. 
there; graduated B.S.A., (with gold 
medal for ,proficiency), Tororuto Ulllv., 
1889; m., 1893, Ettie .J., d. Sheriff 
Stir ton, Morden, Man.; asst. to Prof. 
Robertson (q.v.), Ont. Agrlcul. CoIl., 
and afterwards In full charge of the 
dairy dept. and asst. chemist in that 
institution; Prof. of Agricul., Prince of 
Wales ColI., Charlottetown, P.E.I., 
1891-4; supdt. Farmers' Insts. and 
Fairs, N."\V.T., 1903-5; since then, 
Depty. Minr. of Agricul., Alta.; was 
f.ormerly agricuL ed. Island Guardian 
(Charlottetown), also ed. of Farming 
(Toron t'O) and mOire I!".ece.mtly ed. of tlhe 
Nor'- West Farmer,. a dir. Oan. Seed 
Growers' Assn., and a Senator of 

,rta Un,iv. ; PreSh. - Edmonton, 
II A man of large and varied experience 
fOor his office, his whole life having been 
spent in the business of the farm either 811 
a wo.rker, a student., or a teacher."- 
Harcourt, Hon, Bichard, law:rer; 
3rd s. late Michael H., who repre- 
sented Haldimand in the Can. Legis- 
lature previous to Confederation; b. 
Seneca, Co. Haldlmand, Ont., Mch. 17, 

1849; e. private sch. and Toronto Un Iv. 
(B.A., 1870; M.A., 1871; LL.D., hon., 
1902); D.C.L. (hon.), 'l'rln. Unlv., 
1902; LL.D. (do.), Queen's Unlv., 
1903; m., May, 1876, Augusta H., O. d. 
late .Jacob Young; barrister, 1876; 
K.C., 1890; successfully practises his 
prof. In Weiland, Ont. ; was for a time 
prIncipal Cayuga High Sch., and later 
a pUblic sch. inspr. for. Haldlmand ; 
is a senator Toronto Univ. and a gov. 
U. C. ColI.; a Lib.; sat for Monck 
(Local), 1878-1908; was a memo of 
the 'Mowat, Hardy, and Ross Admnos.; 
ProVìl. T'reas., Ont., 1890-9; M,inr. of 
Education, do., 1899-1905; a del. Educ. 
Congress, 8t. Louis, Mo., 1904; an 
Ang.- Welland, Ont, 
.. His>e Is noted for its purity, 
con,ciseness and .st.rength."-T. Globe. 
Harcourt, Bobert, educatlomst. 
A bro. Geo. H. (q.v.); S. latE" .John 
T. and Helen (Ratcliffe) H.; b. Co. 
Huron, Ont.; e. there and Toronto 
Univ. (B.S.A., 1893); wife d. Dec. 4, 
1910; for some yrs. iProf. of c'hemdstry, 
Onto Agricul. 0011., Gu-elph, Ont.; a 
Presb.-Guelph, Onto 
Harding, Ernest stanley, physican. 
B. Amherst, N.S., .June I, 1873; e. 
Amherst Sch., and Acadia Univ. (B.A., 
1893); graduated M.D.,C.M. (McGill 
Univ.), 1897; house surg., Montreal 
Genl. Hosp. for 15 mos.; won prize 
offered by Tubercul. League for the 
best catechism on public health and 
tubercul., 1907; has been secy. to 
Montreal Tubercul. League, since 
1904; provl. tennis champion, 1901-3.- 
" St. Denis St., 1JIontreal. 
Harding, John Elley, U.S. Army. 
S. Judg
 H., Lindsay, Onto (q.v.) , 
b. and e. St. Marys, Ont.; unm.; 1st 
Lieut. and Adjt., 35th Infantry, U.S.A.; 
now chief of police, ManiLa, P.I.- 
Manila, P.I.; Manila Club. 
Harding, Hi. Honour John Elley, Co. 
Ct. judge. 
S. .John and .Jane (Talbot) H., who 
were among the first settlers in the 
London Dist., Ont.; b. Tp. B2verley, 
Co. Wentworth, Ont., May 29, 1840; e. 
Caradoc Acad, and under Rev. H. B. 
.Jessop, M.A., p'rivRJte .tutor; 'ill., 1866, 
Mary (d. Nov., 1905), d. Geo. Steven- 
son, Sarnia, Ont.; barrister, 1866; suc- 
cessfully practised his prof. for 18 yrs. 
at St. Marys, Omt., and .for 14 yrs. at 
Stratford, Ont.; K.C., 1890; junior 
judge Co. Ct., Victoria. Ont., Sept. 10, 
1898; apptd. senIor judge do. do., Feb. 
3, 1906; lon1g anod 'honoumbly connect- 
ed with the Masonic craft; has been 
g-rand master of the Grand Lodge of 
Orut. ; a P. G. Z. of ,tJhe Grand 
Chapter of Can., and a P. G. V. C. of 
the Knights Templar of Can.; Ang.- 
Lindsay, Onto 
Harding, The Bight Bev, Malcolm 
Taylor McAdam, bishop (Ang.). 
S. .John Richard and .Jane Kilby (Mc- 
Adam) H.; b. Barkway, Hertford- 
shire, Eng., 1865; e. City of London 
ColI., and King's ColI., London (B.A); 
D.D. (St. .John's ColI., Winnipeg), 1906; 
m. twice; 2ndly, Oct., 1907, the relict 
of S. H. Caswell, Qu' Appelle; o. 



deacon, 1887; priest, 1888; curate, 
Mattawa, ant., 1888; Brockville, ant., 
1889; St. George's Cath., Kingston 
ant., 1890; rector and R.D., Brandon; 
Man., 1893-1903; archdeacon of Asslni- 
boia and exam. chaplain to the Bp. 
of Qu'Appelle, 1903; declined a call 
to St. Luke's, Toronto, 1906; elected 
coadjutor Bp. of Qu' Appelle, June, 
1909; d'O. 
p. ()f Qu' AJppelllie, ,19111; 
presen.ted WI-Vh a .POOtol'al cross iI11'iltr>e 
and ohain ,by ,the An.g1}1i.oans {)or' Bran- 
don, 1909; .believes in .. The Oatholt1c 

'aith" as reed. by the Ch. of Eng. 
ill Can.; a del. Halifax Ang. Ch. Con- 

' 1910.-Bishop's Court, Regina, 
"An racoompÐished OhrisUan ge'n.tI<eman." 
-Dr. John Reade (q.v.). 
.. Invalua'ble in counsel, apt in executive 
work, a giant in the field, and, at all times. 
a charming companion."-Can. Church 
Hardman, John Ernest, mining engr. 
Y. s. Wm. and Hannah H., natives 
of Manchester, Eng.; b. Lowell, Mass., 
ApI. 27, 1856; e. Mass. pubHc schs., 
Mass. Inst. of Tech., Boston (B.Sc.), 
McGill Univ. (B.A.Sc., ad eun., 1898; 
Ma.E., do.), .t>aris and BerUn; m., 
ApI., 1895, Elizabeth, 3rd d. late H. 
F. McCarthY, Ottawa; memo Mining 
Soc., 1877; do. Can. Soc. C. E., 1905; 
successfully practises his prOof. in Mont- 
real; for 15 yrs. was connected with 
gold mining in N. S.; prof. mining and 
metallurgy. McGill Univ., 1895-6; has 
been presdt. N. S. Mining Soc. and 
Gan. Mining Inst., V.-P. Am. Inst. of 
M. E., and a councillor Can. Soc. C. E. . 
a memo Royal Comn. to investlgat
Treadgold concession, Yukon, 1903' 
promoter Review Publishing Co. (L.P.; 
1904) ; has contributed technical 
a,rticI-es t.o Engineering Mag., '1'Tans. 
Can. Soc. C. E., etc.-The Sherbrooke 
Sherbrooke St., M ontTeal; EngineeTs: 
Club.. University Club, do. 
"A skilled e,nginee-r in mining and 
metaJ'lurgy."-Can. Gazette. 
Hardy, His Honour Alezander David 
Co. Ct. Judge. ' 
Y. s. late Russell and Juletta (Stur- 
gis) H.; bro. late Hon. A. S. H., 
Premier and Atty.-Genl., ant.; U. E. 
L. descent; b. Brantford, Ont., July 13, 
1859; e. Brantford public and high 
schs., and under late J. C. Thompson, 
M.A., London, ant.; m., 1894, Mary 
E., d. late David Curtis, collI'. of cus- 
toms, Brantford; barrister, 1886; suc- 
cessfully practised his prof., first at 
London and subsequently in his native 
town; was a memo old-estabd. firm ot 
H., Wilke's & H., Brantford; apptd. co. 
judge of Brant and local judge High 
Ct. of Justice, ant., ApI. 23, 1897; sur- 
rogate jUdge ()f Briant, Oct. 4, 1899, 
and local master, Sup. Ct. of Judica- 
ture .for ant., Nov. 21, 1902; a del. 
firs't Library Inst., On't., 1907; el-ected 
V.-P. ant. Library Assn., 1908; presdt. 
Oan. Olub, BrantJford, 1907; do, Brant 
Hlst. Soc., 1909; Ang.-BTantfoTd. 
Ont.; B1'antfoTd Club, do. - 
Hardy, Edwin Austin, educationist; 
New Eng. stock, the family lines 
on both sides running back to 1630; 

b. Laconia, N.H., Aug. 30, 1867 ; 
parents moved to Guelph, ant., 1870; 
e. UXbrldge High Sch. and Toronto 
Unlv, (B.A., with honours In Eng. lit., 
history and mod. langs., 1888
; m., 
July, 1891, Annie Florence, d. Robt. 
Everett, UXbridge, ant.; Eng. master, 
Lindsay Coll. Inst., 1889-1904; teacher- 
training secy., ant. Sunday Sch. 
Assn., 1904-6; principal, Moulton ColI., 
Toronto, 1906-9; since t;hen haAS been 
secy., Toronto Bible Class Federation; 
also since 1900 secy. ant. Liby, Assn. ; 
secy. (1889-92), presdt. (1896), ant. 
Christian Endeavour; apptd. Eng. and 
hlst. master Jarvis CoIl. Inst., Toronto, 
1910; has ,served also as 'hon lect., 
summer llt. .sch., McGill Univ.; a del. 
to the first ant. Library Inst., Brant- 
ford, ant., 1907; besides being asso. 
ed. Endeavour Herald, has contri- 
buted to the mag. press, and acted 
as asst. ed. Morang's lit. series; as 
such has edited" Selections from Can. 
Poetry" (1906) and .. Selections from 
Can. Prose" ('do.) ; has also been joint 
ed. Can. Fir-st Standard Teaoher-train- 
Ing Course, .and ed. Quarter. Bulletin 
of Best Books, ant. Library A
sn. and 
ant. Dept. of Education, Toronto; a 
Bapt.---8 University CTescent, Toronto. 
II An excellent man f(}r hi. pOIition."- 
Late Geo. Murray. 
Hardy, Eugene Ale.zander Patrick, 
Third s. late Hon. A. S. Hardy, 
K.C., sometime Prime Mlnr. of ant., 
and Mary (Morrison) H.; b. Brant- 
ford, Onot., 1875; e. Un,iv. {JÍ Toron,to 
LB., 1902); IM.D.,'lg 00111., 
Chicago, 1897; memo CoIl. P. and 
S., Onot. (Ihomæop.), 1897; memo Coull.-- 
ell do. do., 1902-3; V.-P. do. do., 
1907; presdt. do. do., 1908-9; Is secy. 
Can. Inst. Homæop., and a memo In- 
Itern. HaJhnemamn Imlst.-6!l Spadina 
A ve., Toronto; University Club; Vic- 
toria Club, do. 
Hare, Henry .ather, physician. 
S. larte Wm. Almon H., Ha;J.ifax. 
N:S.; g'rands. latle Major H., H..M.'s 
971t'h .Reg't., of l\u. Henry, n:r. Lim'erick, 
Irel, ; b. Hal:L1ia.x, N.S., AJp.1. 20, 
1863; e. 1}U'ÞÞic wh., DalihouSlie Undv. 
and Univ. of N. Y. (M.D., 1889); 
hosp. surg., HalH1ax Batt., N.- '\V. 
Rebellion, 1885 (med.) ; 7 yrs. in charge 
of hosp., West China, Can. Meth. Mis- 
sion ; staff Interpreter, 2nd Brig., 
China Exped. Force, 1900 (med.); 
physician on staff, Halifax City Dis- 
pensary; do. Salvation Army Home; 
med. officer In charge Deep Sea Mission 
Hosp., Harrington Harbour, Labrador, 
since 1905; lectured on his experiences 
In La.brador, 1910; Meth.-Harrington 
HaTbour, P.Q. 
Hare, Bev. John Jam.. (Meth.), edu. 
S. late Robt. and Barbara (ShlIllng- 
ton) H.; b. Tp. Nepean, ant., Oct. 3, 
1847; e. Victoria Unlv., Cobourg (B.A., 
with 1st prize honours metaphy., He- 
br{!w, and ScrIpture hist., and with 
highest stan.ding In soph. year, 1873; 
M..A., 1879) ; Bh.D. (Ill. Wes!. Unlv.) ; 
m., Sept., 1874, Katherine Isabella, d. 
late Rev. D. C. McDowell (Meth.); a 



public SC'h. teacher for some yrs.; o. 
1873; for 1 year pastor, London, ant.;' 
since Sept., 1874, has been principal 
ant. Ladles' Coil., Whitby, ant.; apptd. 
gov., as well as principal, 1879; since 
his appt. the coIl. has been twIce en- 
larg:ed, 2 additions having been made: 
Ryerson Hall and Frances Hall; a 
s.enator Toronto Univ.-Ont. Ladies' 
College, Whitby, Onto 
"One of the leading educationist!! of 
Canada."-O. Free Presø. 
II Has shoown .r!ll1"e exe.cutive wbiHty, a.nd 
to this, to'ge,the,r with his indefatiga'ble 
exertions and 
ntire dev{)tion to its in. 
terems, the
abIe success of his in- 
stitUttÍODi is 1argely to 00 attributOO."-T. 
Hargraft, Alezander Boss, merchant. 
.second s. labe "\Vom. H, M.P.P., 
Cobourg, ant., anrd Ma,r:gt. H.; b. 
Cobourg-, ant.. Nov. 28. 1860; e. Coli. 
Inst., th-ere; m., NIQ'V., 1883, FI'OflenoOO. 
d. late Lt.-Col. Fairbanks. Oshawa, 
ant.; first went west, as far as Ed- 
monton. 1879: took up residence at 
Winnipeg, embarking In grain trade, 
1901; became a councillor, Winnipeg 
Grain Exchange; elected presdt., do., 
1904; Lib.; Ang,-Winnipeg; Manitoba 
Club, do. 
Hargraft, George Boss, Insurance 
Bro. A. R. H. (q.v.); e. s. late Wm. 
H.. M.P.P.; b. Cobourg, ant., Feb. 2, 
1856; e. there; m., Sept., 1881, Rachel, 
o. d. Lt.-Cot. E. A. Macnachtan. Co- 
bourg; sometime In sel"Vl
 <Bank ()f 
Toronto; since .then conneoted with 
tJhe Commel
dii!1Jl Union :AS,SUT. Co., 
Ltd., London, Eng.; apptd. genl. agent. 
do., at Toronto, .Jan. 1, 1900; Is also 
J{enl. agent there Can. Accident Assur. 
Co.; is presdt. Cobourg and Northum- 
berland Old Boys' Assn., Toronto; 
past presdt. Granite CurUng Club, To- 
ronto; do. do. ant. Lawn Bowling 
Assn. ; presented a trophy for competi- 
tion between the lawn bowling clubs 
of Toronto and Immediate vicinity. 
1905; an Ang.--6! Glen Rd., Rosedale, 
Toronto; Granite Club; National Club, 
Harkness, Bev, David Bruce (Bapt.). 
E. McMaster Unlv. (B.A., 1899; 
M.A., 1904) ; m., Oct., 1900, Amy Eliza, 
e. d. P. S. Gibson, C.E., D.L.S., WIl- 
Iowdale, Ont.; ed. Western Outlook; a 
memo comte. to organize Bapt. Union, 
1908; apptd. supdt. Bapt. Missions, 
Western Can., 1909.-7.6 Langside St., 
Harkness, James, educationist. 
S. late .John H., Derby, Eng.; b. 
there, Jan. 24, 1864; e. Derby Sch. and 
Oam'briòge Univ.: m., May. 1908, K.aJtJh- 
erlne Emily, e. d. Rev. W. H. Cam, 
Birchanger, Bishops Stortford, Herts, 
Eng.; sC'hol. Trinity ColI., Cambridge, 
1882-8; prot. mat'h., Bryn Mawr ColI., 
Penn., 1888-96: a full prof. there, 1896- 
1903; since then Redpat'h prof. math., 
McGill Un-Iv.: a memo Am. Math
and London Math. Soc.; has also been 
V.-P. Am. Math. Soc.; F.R.RC.. 1908 ; 
 Lorne Ave., Montreal; Univer- 
6ity Club. do. 

Harkness, Bev, Bobert (Presb.). 
S. Geo. and Agnes (Angus) H., 
Dumfrlesshlre, Scot.; b. Tp. E. Nls- 
sourl, Co. Oxford. ant., 1858; e. St. 
Catharines and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1888); Ph.D. (Central Unlv., Ind.), 
1904: m., 1888, Isabella .Jane, d. Rich- 
ard Wilson, Renfrew, ant.; O. 1898; 
one of the first 3 Can. missionaries to 
entoer Korea, 1888; .tau,g,ht for a time In 
the Royal CoIl.. Seoul; spE"nt 6 yrs. In 
educt work In Kanazawa, .JaJpan ; since 
1902 pastor Knox Ch., Cornwall, ant.; 
a SE"n:ltor MontrE"al Prf>sb. Colt-Knox 
Church Manse, Cornwa", Onto 
II A charming lecturer."-M. Witnesø. 
Harley, Bev. A, W. M. (An g.). 
E. King's CoIl. Univ., Windsor, N.S. 
(B.A., 1884; M.A., 1887); o. deacon, 
1886; priest. 1887; formerly rector 
Trln. Ch., Liverpool, N.S.; ø.ppt<l. 
prof. Eng. lit. and economics, King's 
Coil.. 1907.-Windsor, N.S. 
II A man of wide culture, deep th(}uu;ht, 
a writer of beautiful and forceful En 11:- 
Ush, and a gentlemall ()f the highest char- 
acter. "-Can. Ohurchman. 
Harley, Bev, ][, A. (Ang.). 
E. King's CoIl. Unlv., Windsor, N.S. 
("B.A., 1884; M.A., 1887); o. deacon, 
1884: priest, 1885; successively mlssy. 
Country Harbour, curate Windsor, and 
rector Pictou and Digby. N.S.: apptð. 
mango dlr. and seCY. II Edgehl1I" Ch. 
Sch. for Girls. Windsor, N.S., Aug., 
1908.-Windsor, N.S. 
Harley, James, lawyer. 
S. Archfb3.ld H.. ex-M.P. for South 
Oxford (H. C.), and Elizabeth (Stew- 
art) H.; b. Tp. Burford, Co. Brant, 
Ont., Aug. 15, 1850: e. Brantford ColI. 
Inst.; m. Annie C., d. Capt. Manson, 
Port Hope, ant.: barrlstH, 1881 : K.C., 
1899: successful1y practises his prof. 
at Brantford: frequentlY entrustE"ð 
with crown business; ald., 1884-9; 
has .also heen a memo and chairman 
Branttord con. Inst. Bd. ani! a mem. 
and cl1airman Bd. of Lf('enS'e -Commrs. ; 
a gov. .John H. Stratford Hosp.. 1888-9 ; 
a Lib.; a Meth.-Brantford, Onto 
II One of the fe;w men w.h{) P(}Ss.eS9 the 
oonfldence {)f an hearts."-Rev. Dr. Coch- 
Harling, Bobert Dawson, merchant. 
B. Liverpool, Eng., 1861; e. Nat. 
schs. there and St. Mark's Colt, Chel- 
sea: m., 1892, e. d. late .John Roberts, 
chief customs Inspr., Liverpool; a 
steamship freight broker, Liverpool. 
In p.artners1J.ip with his bro., Thos. H., 
up to 1896: subsequently western 
freight agent tor various Atlantic 
lines, Toronto; since 1899. the repre- 
sentative In Cam. and the U. S. of the 
Manchéster Ship Canal Co.. Manches- 
ter Corporation, and Manchester Lin- 
ers, Ltd.; has lecturf>d occasionally 
on the subject of the Manchester 
Canal; Ang.-ln6 Springhnrst Ave., 
Toronto: National Club, do.; TratTfc 
Club, Chicago. 
HarUnJr, Thoma_, business man. 
S. Mark and Agnes H.; b. Liver- 
pool, Eng., .July 6, 1859; e. St, Peter's 
Ch. Sch. and Liverpool COil.; m., 1884, 



Miss Grace Parry: entd. shippIng 
busIness, as junior partner, firm of 
Wm. Hunter & Co., Liverpool, 1873: 
succeeded to management of the busi- 
ness, 1883; joined Elder, Dempster & 
Co. as Can. mango partner, 1895; do. 
Ji'red. Leyland & Co., 1898, and con- 
tinued with that firm until It was ab- 
sorbed by Am. capitalists; since then 
has been In 'prlvate business In Mont- 
real: apptd. Can. trade representative, 
port of Bristol, 1907: mango dlr. Que- 
hec Tnansport Co., 1905-6: a. dir. 
Un.ion Oold ,Sot'orage .00., !Montreal; pro- 
moter Sunllg-ht Gas Co., 1902: is 
officially and prominently Identified 
with ,Montreal Sailors' Inst.; a life gOY. 
Montroeal GenI. Hosp.; chairman West- 
mount Sch. Bd., 1895-7; memo Extve, 
0omte. Woestmount Munlcipa.l Assn.; 
Lih., and a cmlJ1ciIlor Montreal Rpform 
C1ub.-l05 Côte St. Antoine Rd., lVest- 
mount. Montreal,. Canada Club,. Re- 
form Club,. "JVestmount A. A. Club, do. 
Harper, Bev, Frank Cecil (Presb.). 
North of Irei. descent; S. Hy. and 
Marg-t. (McClain) H.: a bro. late Hy. 
A. H. (In recognition of whose gal- 
lantry a public monument has been 
erected at Ottawa): b. Cookstown, 
Ont., ApI. 10, 1877; e. public sch. and 
Coli. Inst., Barrie, Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., with 1st class honours In 
classics, pol. science and law, 1894), 
Knox ColI.. Toronto (B.D., with 1st 
class honours, 1901), and New Coli., 
Edinburgh, Scot.; took several prizes 
and scholarships at Knox Coli.; o. 
1 !J03; held charges at, 
Pickering, and Drummond Hill Ch., 
T .undy's Lane, and is now at Barrie; 
a Freemason of high degree; memo 
Royal Arch Ch3.p., and 8t. .Tohn the 
Almoner, Preceptory of K.T.; Lib. 
always.-Ban'ie. Onto 
Harper, Rev, Henry (Meth.). 
B. Tp. Whitby. Ont.: e. Port Perry 
High Sch. and Ill. WesI. Univ. (M.A.); 
0., 1883; formerly pastor Parry Sound 
and Huntsville; chairman Parry 
Sound, 1898-1900: secy. Toronto Conf., 
1902; chairman. do., 1908; pr('sdt., do., 
1909.-0rangeville, Onto 
"A'I1 earnest preacher, with a great f:'nd 
of humonr; a. koon spOTtsman and a 
splendid shot."-T. News. 
Harper, John Murdoch, littel'ateur; 
Celtlc origIn on maternal side: s. 
late Robt. M. H., founder of t'he first 
weekly newspaper published in .Tohn- 
stone, Scot.. and Marion (Henderson) 
H.; b. .Tohnstone, Feb. 10, 1845; e. 
Paisley Abbey Parish Schs., Dundas 
Vale Normal ColI., Glasgow (highest 
certs. from Council of Educ, and specIal 
certs. from Science and Art Dept., 
Kensington, as well as Queen's 
scholar), Queen's Unlv.. Kingston 
(B.A., 1882) and Ill. Unlv. (Ph.D., 
1881) : m., 1st, Agnes (d. 1883), e. d 
late Wm. Kirkwood, Stanley Muir, 
Paisley, Scot.: 2ndly, Elizabeth, d. 
Andrew Hastings, St. .Tohn, N.B.: sch. In Scot. for a short time; 
reed. an appt. to an aead. In the Mar. 
Provinces, and later became suc- 
C'essively head-master, ProvI. Model 
Soh., Tr
ro, N.S., &nd pr
nclpal, VIc- 

torla and! Girls' High Schs., St. .Tohn, 
N.B.; was invited by P.E.I. Govt. to 
become supdt. of educ. In that Pro- 
vince, 1887, but declined; later was 
asked to assume the princlpalshlp of 
the Provl. Normal Scl1., Charlottetown' 
this position he accepted, being alsó 
for a time prof. In the Amalgamated 
Normal Sch. and Prince at Wales 
Coli., wItih special supervision of the 
dept. .for the training of teachers: 
went to Quebec, 1880. to become rector, 
Quebec High Sch.; held that posltio!1 
until 1886, when he became Inspr. of 
r Schs., P.Q.; resigned, 1903; 
for a tIme was prof. of math., Morrin 
CoIl., Quebec; ed. Educ. Record for 
many yrs.; has been presdt. St. 
Andrew's Soc. and Teachers' Assn.: 
has also been V.-P. Quebec Lit, and 
Hlst. Soc., Provl. Assn. (}If Teachers, 
and Dom. Educ. Assn.; F.E.I.S., 1881; 
as a complIer of sch. books. his earlier 
pfforts were undertaken with Dr. Tho.... 
Morison, of Glasgow High Sch., the 
result being" The Maritime Readers" ; 
among his oth-er sch. books are: "A 
History of the .Marltime Provinces of 
Canada" and "An EieIThentary Geo- 
graphy"; author, likewise, 'f)f " Plato," 
"The New Education," "Cause and 
Effect In School Work," "Canad
Unity," "The Development of the 
Greek Drama," "Our .Teames," "Ga- 
zetteer .of <Canada... "Sacrament Sun- 
day," "The Earliest Beginnings of 
Canada," "The Mon tgomery Siege." 
"Mr. Maydian's Family Circle," 
"Translations in Verse from Classic 
Authors," "Champlain's To.mb," "T'he 
Battle of the Plains," "The Morai 
Dr1II Manual." " The Fundamental 
Moral Principles," "The Little Ser- 
g-eant." "Ohamlplaln : a Drama," 
"The Prince's Booklet," "The Scpr of 
Si'IVle,r ;Lake," "Songis ,for l.he Ter- 
centeJ1ary," and "Dominus Dom!, or 
the Chateau St. Louis"; has also con- 
tributed to the Can. 11/ag., Queen's 
Quarter., Dom. Presb., etc.: favòurs 
the creation of a nat. Bureau of Educ. 
for Can.; an I:m:pe,nwldst; a Fresb.- 
a A berdeen St., Quebec; Canadian 
Club, do. 
"An'nced write-r....-M. Star. 
"A true poe't."-Dr. W. W. Campbell 
(q.t J .). 
"One of the g'1'elate-st dramat,ists in Can 
since Hoovy
ge."-Dr. O'Hagan (q.".).' 
"Onoe o.f thoe most ve'rsB.t,ile and 
tri<Jus litterateurs <Jf CanadJa."-Lafe Geo. 
Harper, Vincent (soo Adams, Hy. A.). 
Harrington, John Lyle, civil engineer. 
S. Robt. Chas. and Angeline Vir- 
ginia (Henry) H.; b. Lawrence, Kan- 
sas, Dec. 7, 1868; e. public and pri- 
vate schs. and Univ. of Kansas 
(B.A.Sc., 1895; B.A.. do.; C.E., do.); 
B.Sc., ad eund., McGill Unlv., 1906; 
m., .Tune, 1899, Miss Daisy .Tune Orton. 
White Cloud. Kan.; memo Inst. C. E., 
Can. Soc. C. E., Am. Soc. C. E., Am. 
Soc. M. E., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., 
and an hon. member Sigma Xi; pro- 
fessional service with the following: 
Dr. J. A. L. Waddell (q.v.), consult. 
engr. ; Elmira Bridge Co., Elmira. 
N.Y., Pencoyd Iron Works. Phfla- 
delphia, Carnegie Steel Co" !{ersto



Bridge Works, Pittsburgh, Cambria 
Steel Co., Johnstown, Pa., designed 
and bullt new structural shops, Bucyrus 
Co., Milwaukee Steam Shovels and 
Dredges; was asst. chief engr. N 
westtrn Elevated. Ry., Chicago, asst. 
chief engr. In charge of construction 
of steel work; the Berlin Iron Bridge 
Co., designing engr.; the Baltimore & 
Ohio Ry. Co., designing- engr.; the C. 
W. HurutJCo., N.Y., 1h000S't!ingandcon
ing machinery designers and manu- 
facturers, In clhal'
 ot englng. and 
business of the co.; the Locomotive 
& Machine Co., Montreal, chief engr. 
and man gr. bridge and structural busi- 
ness ; has designed some notable 
hoisting machinery and many note- 
worthy bridges and structures; ed. 
.. The Principal Professional Papers ot 
Dr. J. A. L. Waddell" (1905); author 
"The Value of English to the Tech- 
nical Man" (1907), "The Necessity 
for Individual Engineering Libraries 
and for Continuing Study after Grad- 
uatlon" (1908), etc.; now In part- 
nership with Dr. J. A. L. Waddell.- 
(q.v.).-Kansus City, lIfo. 
Harriott, Mrs, Clara, retired actress. 
B. Toronto, Mch. 17, 1849; moved to 
Cleveland, Ohio, when 3 months old; 
became a memo of the ballet, Acad. of 
Music, Cleveland, 1861, advancing to 
Leading; knolWu u.POn the stag-e 
as Clara MorI"is; leading Iladiy Wood's 
Theatre, Cincinnati. 1869: memo Daly's 
Fifth Ave. Co., N.Y., 1870; has starred 
In all principal Am. theatres as "Ca- 
mille," "AlIxe," "Miss Multon." "Mercy 
Merrick" In T'he N f'!W Magdalene, 
.. Cora" In L' Article 47, and other 
Important roles: one of the greatest 
emotional actresses that ever graced 
the Am. stage; has contributed to 
many mags. ; author, "A Sllent Singer" 
(I 899), .. My Little Jim Crow" 
(1900), "Life on the Stage" (1901), 
"A Pasteboard Crown" (1902), "Stage 
Confidences" (1902), "The Trouble 
Woman" (1904), "Life of a Star" 
(1906), "Left In Charge" (1907) and 
"New East Lynne" (1908); m., 1874, 
Frederick C. Harriott, N.Y.-Rivel'- 
dale-on-Hudson, N.Y. 
Harris, Adam Ferguson Athol Carr-, 
mining engineer. 
4th s. Prof. R. Carr-H. (q.v.) and 
late Ellen Jane (Fitton) H.; b. King- 
ston, Ont., Sept. 26. 1883: e. Queen's 
Univ. (B.Sc., 1906); m., Feb.. 1909, 
Marion (B.A., Queen's Univ., 1906). d 
Donald McLean, London, Ont.: was In 
charge of survey party, G. T. Pacific 
Ry., 2 yrs.; on englng. staff, Douglas 
Copper Mines, nr. Bisbee, Arizona, 1 
yr.; afterwards looated a branch line 
of ry. nr. Cananea, Mexico: now asst. 
to chief engr., Consolidated Copper 
Mining Cos.' Mines, nr. Cananea 
Mexico.-Cananea, Jllexico. 
Harris, Lt.-Co1, Alexander Waddell, 
Can. regular mll. fOfl0es. 
S. Jas. H., V.S., and Jane (Hunter) 
H.; b. Ottawa, 1871: e. there and Mc- 
GlIl Unlv. (V.S., 1890); In successful 
practice In Ottawa; long In v. m. 
service; granted hon. rank of It.-col., 
5t1h Prinoess Louise Dra
oon Gds., 

908; gazetted Jrt.-col., Can. Army 

Vetell"llnary Corps, Jul'Y 22, 1911; (holds 
l'Ong-servlæ decoQll"'8Jtlon; eleoted 'PresdlÌ. 
Oerutral Can. Vetter. ,Assn., 1904; a 
memo Montreal aoo .AJm. Ve1er. Assns.; 
a Freema8'On: a Son 'Of 8oot.-78 Ave., Ottawa. 
Harris, Mrs. Bertha Carr, aUithor; 
philan throplst. 
D. E. V. Wright, Ottawa; b. and e. 
Hull, P.Q.; m., June, 1896 as his 2nd 
wife, Proif. R. Oa.rr-Halrni.s' (q.v.) ; .be- 
f.ore ber marriage, acquÏcr"oo an dn1rern. 
reputation because of her effol'lts in 
bhe 'Clause of If8iIrren Ihumand.ty; was the 
foundler of t'he Home for 
Women, of lÌlhe Young WQI11,en's Ohrls- 
tJian Inst., of ItJhe Y. W. C. A. and 'Of 
.bl).e Gospel :Mis l siofi1 Undon, Ottawa, and 
was for SO'IIlJe time organdzlnlg secy. of 
tJhe Dom. Y. W. C. A.; autlhor' 
"Lights and iShades of Mls'slon Work'; 
(1892) and II The Wlhirte Ohtlef of ilie 
Ot.t'8W1a" (1903).-Kinuston, Onto 
Harri., Charles Lewis Matthew, doc- 
tor of musIC. 
S. Rev. Hy. H.; b. Stanlngly York- 
shire, Eng., 1863; '; to Can., with 
parents, 1869; e. Can. and Eng.; m., 
1891, Miss Mary Thomson, gt.-grandd. 
first settler In Scarborough Ont' 
graduated Mus. Bac. (Trln. Urilv., Tö
ron:to) , 18911; Mus. Doc. (do.), 1898; 
studied piano and violin with eminent 
teachers; organist Parllament St. 
Meth. Ch., Toronto, when 8 yrs. of 
age; since then organist and choir- 
master. St. Paul's Presb. Ch., Hamil- 
ton, 1885-1905; do. do., Erskine Ch., 
do.; has been musical dlr. Hamilton 
Ladles' Coll. and Hamilton Conser. of 
Music for many yrs.; an examr. In 
music, Toronto Unlv.; presdt. Assoc. 
Muslclrans ot Ont.: formerly conductor 
Hamllton Choral Soc. and Harris Or- 
chestral Club: has conducted several 
operatic performances. and produced 
some of the most ambitious composi- 
tlons: the first C:ln. canl1ldate to rp- 
celve the degree ot Mus. Doc., and the 
only Can. up to the present time who 
secured It by passing the required unlv. 
pXRmn. at a 
an. unlv.: Prot.-Hamil- 
ton, Ont.; Royal Can. Yacht Club; 
r"fI,ndinn rZub. do. 
Harris, Edward William, lawyer. 
U. E. L. dæoent.; s. Caplt. John H., 
a naval ofTr., one of the stafT on the 
Havfield and Owen survey of the Gt. 
T."!,:. lR16. and subsequpntly: grand- 
soOn Saml. RY'eTSe, one 'Of -the co. illeuts. 
selected and apoptd. by Genl. Simcoe, 
1804, to organize the Province of U. C.; 
b. on hmnesæad, WoodÙ1ouse, Long 
Point Bay, Lake Erie, Ont., Mch., 1832 ; 
e. London Dlst. Grammar Sch. and by 
private tutors; m., 1860, Sophia Howard 
(presented to Queen Victoria by the 
C.ountess Grey, 1856), O. d. late Rev. 
Dr. Egerton Ryerson; barrister, 1854; 
In practice for many yrs.. In London, 
Ont.; senior In the firm H. & Magee; 
was th
 promoter and organizer Onto 
Loan & Debenture Co.. a dlr. London 
& Pt. Stanley Ry. and London Life Ins. 
Co.; for many yrs. presdt. Long Point 
Co.: has contributed largplv to the 
pt,bllc press, and has puhlished tho 
following among other pamphlets :- 



II Upper Canada's EarUest Women," 
II The QruaJi.l:' "Our Grea:t Lak,e F1lsh- 
eries, a ,passing heritage," "The Ontario 
Fisheries: How and Why Destroyed," 
"Canada the Making of a Nation," "Is 
Game Off Any Value to the Farmer?" 
and a II Review of Civic Ownership"; 
aJP'Ptd. a memo Royal Fishery Comn., 
1892 (<11hie valut1JbIle rerr>oI'lt It'hen prapaJI'- 
ed in conI1JeC't1on tJh.eTe'Wit:'h, WIaS largeily 
hds 'Work); is al'so V.-P. Ontt. Inish & 
(}a;me Pr1()lt
lon Assn-.; A:ng. -11 
Manor House, ltfarylebone Rd., London, 
N. W., Eng, 
.. One wiho almQ'St single-handed has done 
muClh for t,he 'Prese'l'V'ation O'f the Oan. 
fisherie,s."-M. Star. 
Harris, Bev, Elmore (Bapt.). 
- -So late .Tohn H., Massey-Harris Co.; 
b. Brantford, Ont., Feb. 23, 1854; e. 
local schs.. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1877), 
and McMaster Unlv. (D.D., hon., 
1899); m., 18't, Rutlh (od. 'Moh., 1910), 
d. ,}late Thos. S. Slhen,sltone, Bmnltrford., 
Ont.; 2ndliy, S
pt., 1911, O!dve Marlon, 
d. late .T. A. Cu!'ham, 1000r.Ïsber, IfumoliI- 
ton, Onl!:.; has 'heM paSltoll'ates In St. 
'Dhoona-s, Ont., and TOJI'.onftoo; for 
some yrs. ,from 1895 iP'l'e,sd,t. Torcm1to 
Bible Train1nog 1Sc'h.; a g>Dv. MicMtast
Univ., and sinreoe 1906 'hon. 'lect. dn 
En'g. Bible 1Jhell'e; V.-P. People's 
Taverns i()o., 1903; eioectoo ip'OOSdlt., 
local 'bnmcJh, EvangeI10al A'Ndanoce, 
1908; gaV1e $5,000 1'0 TOT'onto Y. M. C. 
A., 1910.--85 Walmer Rd., Toronto. 
II One 1;)1. the most notable divines jn 
Can ada. "-V. World. 
Harris, Captain Ernest Dale Carr-, 
H.M.'s regular mil. forces. 
2nd. s. Prof. R. Carr-H. (q.v.) and 
late Ellen .Tane (Fitton) H.: b. Thurso. 
P.Q., Feb. 14, 1878; e. R. M. ColI. 
(graduated with sword of honour, 
Gov.-Genl.'s gold med., aT\d many other 
honours, 1899); gazetted lIeut., R. E., 
1900; capt., 1908; served' 2 yrs. with 
allied forces In N. China; commanded 
the detachment of R. E. employed In 
fortifying the Brit. Legation grounds. 
Pekln; afterwards served as chief 
engr. constructing public roads. 
wharves and other civil works, Wel 
Hal Wel; also commanded R. E. de- 
tachment, Singapore, for 2 yrs.; was 
a memo advanced course, R. E., Chat- 
ham, Eng-., 1906-7: now capt. Garrison 
EnJ:'rs., Kohat, India; formHly capt 
R M. CoH. football team.-Care War 
Otffce, London, Eng. 
Harris, Ferguson Fitton Carr-, phy- 
\E. 's. Porof. R. CaII'I'-H. (q.v.) and 
late Ellen .Tane (Fitton) H.: b. Ot. 
tawa, Dec. 25, 1876; e. R. M. CoIl. 
(graduated with honours. 1897) and 
Qupen's Unlv. (M.D..C.M.. 1901); 
M.RC.S.. EnJ:'., 1906; L.RC.P.. London, 
1906; otrered a comn. In Imp. army; 
was gazetted capt. and adjutant, 4th 
Regt. Hussars: surg-eon. KinJ:'ston 
GenI. Hosp., 1901-3; do. Co. Carleton 
Genl. Hmm., Ottawa. 1903-4; house 
surg-eon, City Hosp., Blackwell's Island, 
N.Y., 1904; do. do., St. Fr.a.nrls Ho
N.Y. City, 1905-6; do. do., Hosp. for 
Ruptured and Crippled, do., 1906-7; do. 
do., Maternity Hosp., do., 1907' now 

successfully practises his proto In 
Cananea, Mexico; a well known foot- 
ball player In his colI. days; captained 
Can. Mil. Football team which toured 
EnJ:'., 1903.-Cananea, Mexico. 
Harrill, Gordon A" Dom. publlc ser- 
A bro. Lloyd H. (q. v.); b. Beams- 
vllle, Ont., Dec. 15, 1880; e. pubIlc sch. 
and'Brantford Coll.lnst.; followed busi- 
ness !pursuits In Can. and U.S. ; was for 
a time ed. and propr. of The Okanagan 
(Vernon, B.C.) ; since Mch., 1909, has 
been Trade Commr. In .Tapan; elected 
presdt. Can. Club, Yokohama. 1910; 
Ang. - Canadian Offlce, Yokohama, 
.. If nOlI; ß d'ipJ<m1'l1t, a.t least .a ge'I1'tle- 
man."-O. F1't!e Prelflf. 
Harrill, Hon, Lt,-Col, Lloyd, .manu- 
fae.turer; capltaUst; legislator. 
Can. parentage; S. .Tohn H.; grands. 
..\Janson H., founder of an Important 
Industry now forming a part of the 
Massey - Harris Co., Toronto; b. 
Bf'amsvllIe, Ont., Mch. 14, 1867; e. 
Brantford pubIlc sch., Brantford CoIl. 
Tnst. and Woodstock CoIl.; m., 1st, 
Oct., 1887, Mary (d. 1892), d. .Tas. 
Perkins, Petrolea, Ont.; 2ndly, Evelyn 
Fnances, d. Capt. Wm. Blackmore, 
Ppnzance, Eng.: originally In the ser- 
vice of the A. Harris, Son & Co. ; went 
to Europe In the Interests of the firm, 
1889, becoming resident mangr. In Gt. 
Brit., with head offlce In London. after 
the formation of the Massey-Harris 
Co., 1891; returned to Can., 1900, 
since when he has devoted his whole 
attention to his extensive private In- 
terests; Is head of the firm of H., 
Cook & Co., bankers and financial 
agents, Brantford, and of the H. Trust 
Co.; V.-P. Can. Starch Co.; V.-P. of 
the Manfrs.' Life Ins. Co. of Toronto; 
a dlir. 'Drrusts & Gua.ranltee Co., Rus- 
se!,! oM.olÍ:OII' Oar 00., and ltJhe Dom. 
PiorweiJ" & Transmil.lsslo11J 00. :. sec<y. 
Steel Co. of Can., and presdt. Can. 
Bolt & Nut Co., and offlclally con- 
nected with various other organIza- 
tlons; Is also now the "Massey" of the 
Massey-Harris Co., and a large share- 
holder t,hereln; elected presdt. of the 
Brantford Bd'. of Trade, 1902-3; and 
he came V.
P. Can. Manofrs. Assn., 1905; 
was also a memo city coundl; devoted 
to athletics; Is a dlr. of the Ont. Motor 
League, and presdt. Brantford La- 
crosse Club; was apptd. hon. It.-col. 
25th Brantford Dragoons, 1909; was 
presented to the late King Edward, 
Windsor Castle, .Tune, 1905; Is presdt. 
iBmntbford 01u.b; a Lib., and I'epl'e- 
se'TIlted Branltfol"d (H. C.), 1908-1911; 
slÍ:'I"O'tl.gliy O!P'.P'Osed to ltJhe Taft -F'loelod1 ng 
1'e'CI!.procMJY compacl, ,1911; Ang.-ll0 
Brant Ave,. Brantford, On t.; Brant- 
ford Club, do.; National Club; Ontario 
Club,. Toronto Club; Country and 
Hunt Club,. Royal Can. Yacht Club, 
Toronto; Rideau Club, Ottawa; 
Colonial Club,. Sports Club, London, 
Eng.; British Club, Paris, France. 
Barris, Bobert, a.rtist. 
S. late Wm. Critchlow H., Anglesey, 
North Wales, and Sarah (Stretch) H., 
Lancashire; b. Vale of Con-way, North 



Wales, Sept. 17, 1849; came with his 
parents to P. E. I., 1856; e. Prince of 
WalES 001,1.,'otJtet.ofwn; m., .1885, 
Elizabeth, d. L. N. Putnam, Montreal; 
originally a P. L. S.; studied In the 
Slade Sch., Univ. ColI., London, and in 
the Atelier of Bonnat, Paris; also In 
Italy, Belgium and Holland; R.C.A., 
1880; iPresdlt., ,do., 189,3-.1906; :has aJlso 
served as presdt. Onto Soc. of Artists; 
dlr. Art ,Sch., Montreal Art aAssn., 
1883-7; has exhibited at the Royal 
Acad., London, the Paris Salon, and 
other galleries; awarded a med. 
World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, a gold 
med., Pan.-Am. Expn., Buffalo, 1901, 
and a gold moo. and diploma, World's 
F,air, St. Louis, 1904; C.M.G., 1902; 
wn principally as a figure and por- 
trait painter; one of his early pictures 
.. The School Trustees," Is In thé 
National Gallery, Ottawa; also II The 
Fathers of Confederation," which was 
executed under a comn. from the 
Dom. Govt., .and which, so far as care 
and research could make it, Is regarded 
as an accurate record of what it repre- 
sents; among the most successful of 
his portraits those of the Earl of 
At;>erdeen, Lord Strathcona, Lord 
Mmto, Lord Mount Stephen Sir John 
A. Macdonald, Sir O. Mow.åt, Sir Hy. 
Strong, Sir L. Tilley, Sir A. Campbell 
Sir John Allen, Sir Hugh Allan Si; 
Wm. Dawson, Sir' Joseph Hickson 
Senator Ferrj.
r,. Senator Allan, Archbp: 
Bond" Bp. WillIams, Sir G. A. Drum- 
mond, Jas. Ross, Rev. Dr. Douglas 
Peter Redpath, Goo. Gooderham Joh
Crawford, A. F. Gault, Sir H. Montagu 
Allan, Sir H. N. Bate, Eug>ene Lafieur 
Dr. B. J. Harrington, and Miss M: 
Campbell (Mrs. Jones); has lectured 
on subjects connected with art. an 
Ang.-ll Durocher St., Montreal. ' 
.. The Dean of Ganoadian artiiSts."-Oan. 
 man of charming personality and 
r.llDg worth. "-T. Globe. 
.. T
e pee-r fOIl' sound" h'OneiSt, adequa.te 
 o,f .any man painting to,cLay." 
-M. Witness. 
. "'Dhe .able-st livin.g e
()nenfl of the 
hlg'hest !Ü'
 of culture 00 which a n,a.tion 
('Ian 8.spue. -JI. ArguIJ. 
Harri., :aobert Carr-, civil engineer' 
oouC8lti'Onist. ' 
S. Alex. H., Berkshire, and Ursula 
SaraJh (Cl8Jl'r) H., Yor
shi'f1e, Erug.; .b. 
London, Eng., 1843; e. King's CQIl., 
London; m., 1st, 1875, Ellen .Jane 
(-d. 1890), d. Robt. W. Fitton, l\!.D., 
Cork, Irel., by whom he !had 4 sons 
(q.v.) and 2 daughters; 2ndly, June, 
1896, Bertha (q.v.), d. E. V. W,right, 
Ottawa; entd'. prof. of C.E.'s 1864. 
asst. en gr. during constructlo
co1. Ry., Can., 1867; asst. dist. 
erugr., d,o., Moh., 1872; ddv. engr., 
C. ,Po Ry., 1875; div. engr., Quebec 
Govt. Ry., 1876; 'Was ema:>'loayed on the 
Brooklyn waterworks, 1874; on the 
C.P. Ry., In calculating super- 
structure trusses, and In Inspecting on 
behalf of the Dom. Govt. the bridges 
on that road from the Rocky Mts. to 
Vancouver; also as consulting bridge 
engr. for St. George Viaduct, G. T. Ry.; 
his prof. experience In ry. construction 

has been of the most varied and ex- 
tended character, having had! to do in 
one way or another with every link of 
the rys. that cross North Am., from 
the Atlantic to the Pacific, viz.: the 
Pictou Ry., the Intercol. Ry., the Que- 
bec Govt. Ry., and C.P. Ry.; prof. of 
coivil enging., R. M. CoIl., Kingston, 
1879-97; prof. of gen1. enging., Soh. of 
Mines, Kingston, 1898-1901; chief 
engr. of trial and location surveys, 
Brockville and Sault Ste. Marie Ry., 
1902-4; div. engr., C. P. Ry., Guelph 
and Goderich location and construction, 
1906-9; in charge of mining surveys In 
northern N.B., 1909-10; since then has 
been consulting engr. to Wilbur Iron 
Mining Co.; has been an assoc. of the 
Soc. of C. E., London, Eng., for many 
yrs.; besides being the author of 
articles on II Sanitary Engineering," 
and the "Reclamation of Tidal Marshes 
from the Sea," has publlshed 2 text- 
books on "Civil Engineering:' and 
"Bridge Calculations"; an IffiIP. Feder- 
a.tionist; a Bresb.-Kingston, Onto 
. .. I atltribUite la, any m-e<asU're 'Of suc- 
cess I may have attained .as an engineer 
to you.r e,nde,a,vours and uDlf,ailing in:tere-st 
in the welcrare of your studenlts."-Sir 
Percy Girouard (q.v.): Letter to Prof. 
"In my lo.n (J' eXipe'rienooo I do nolt think I have 
e't many men-cel1ta.inJy I 
have melt no Pf18CtñCaJ highly 
qualified in many essenotial parts, as Pfl1()f. 
Harris."-Sir Sandford l'leming (q.v.). 
Harris, Bobert Edward, lawyer. 
U. E. L. stock; s. late Robt. J. and 
 (Ditmars) H.; b. Annapolis 
Royal, N.S., Aug. 18, 1860; e. private 
tutors and Annapolis Acad.; D.C.L. 
(.hon.) King's College Univ., N.S., 1905; 
m., June, 1883, Minnie L., d. Jas. Hors- 
f,all, Annapolis; studied law with late 
Rt. Hon. Sir J. S. D. Thompson and 
Hon. Mr. Justioe Graham (q.v.); bar- 
rister, 1882; K.C. (Earl of Derby), 
1890; do. (N. S.), d().; a coun'CHlor N. 
S. Barristers' Soc., 1896; V.-P., do., 
1905; presdt., do., 1907; successfully 
practised his prof., first at Yarmouth, 
up to 1892; since then at Halifax; long 
one of the leaders of the Can. bar; a 
dir. Eastern Trust Co., Trinidad Elec- 
tric Co., Robb Enging. Co., Porto Rico 
Ry., Brandram-Henderson, Ltd, Acadia 
Sugar Refinery Co., and Sch. for the 
Blind; presdt. N. S. Steel and! Coal 
Co., and Elgin and Petitcodlac and 
lock Ry.; promoter Can. :I!'lour 
Mills Co. 
 1900), N. S. Shipping Co. 
(1902), and Mexican Light and Power 
Co. (1902); is a gov. Univ. of King's 
ColI.; a Llb.-Con.; an Ang., and a del. 
to the Synod.-B8 Spring Garden Rd., 
Halifax, N.S.; Halifax Club, do. 
Harris, Bobert Balph Carr-, civil 
3rd s. ,Prof. R. Ca,rr-H. (q.v.) amd 
late Ellen Jane (Fitton) H.; b. King- 
ston, Ont., ApI. 17, 1881; e. R. M. CoIl. 
(graduated w(th sword of honour and 
other distinctiòns, 1903), and Queen's 
Univ" Kingston; unm.; declined a 
comn. In the Brit. army; gazetted lIeut. 
4th HusSlaJI"S, v. m. ; asst. engr. Cwta.ract 
Elec. Power Co., Niagara Falls, Ont., 
1904; resident engT., C. P. Ry. con!!truc- 



lion, Goderich, Ont., 1904-7; while In 
this service built 2 large bridges across 
the Maitland River, Goderlch; apptd., 
,by competition, asst. engr. to tihe chief 
engr. of the Canton-Hankow Imp. 
Chinese Govt. Rys., where he still Is; 
when 16, having undertaken a contract 
to put the late Major .Walsh and the 
N. W. M. Police stores across the Chil- 
koot Pass, safely accomplished the 
task; while at colI. was capt. of the 
R. M. ColI. hockey team, and has since 
become one of the best known and 
most successful hockey players in Can. 
-Confederation Life Bldg., 2'm'onto. 
Harris, Boland Caldwell, Can. muni- 
cipal service. 
S. Jas. and Catherine (Allen) H., 
both Canadians; paternal grandpar- 
ents Irish; maternal do., Irish and 
Scotch; b. Lansing, Ont., May 26, 
1875; e. Toronto public and high 
schs.; m., May, 1902, Miss Alice Mary 
Ingram; apptd. chief elk. Property 
Dept., Toronto, 1901; promoted Prop- 
erty Commr. dú., Oct., 1905; forrnel'ly 
a reporter Toronto News; elected ' 
and treas. Intern. Assn. for the 
ventlon of Smoke Nuisance, 1909; 
Gon.; Ba,pt.-50 Balsam Ave" TOl'onto; 
TOl'onto Camera Club. 
.Harris, :Rev, Voorhees Evan. (Ang.). 
S. Robt. Jefferson and Rebecca (Dit- 
mars) H., both of U. E. Loyalist de- 
scent; b. Annapolis Royal, N,S., ApI. 
16, 1856; e. Annapolis Acad. and Univ. 
of King's ColI., Windsor, N.S. (Genl. 
Williams' prize In mineral. and Steven- 
son scholar., 1876; McCawley Hebrew 
prize and Wm. Cogswell scholar., 1877; 
Bishop's prizeman, 1878; B.A., do.; 
M.A., 1882) ; m., 1880, Emma Chandler, 
d. late Hon. W. B. Troop, M.P.P.; 
headmaster, St. Peter's Soh., Charlotte- 
town, P.E.I., 1878-9; o. deacon, 1879; 
priest, 1880; rector, St. Paul's Ch., Lon- 
donderry Mines, N.S., 1880-3; vicar, 
Christ Ch., Amherst, N.S., 1883-95; 
rector, do., do., 1895-1900; do., Sack- 
vllle and Bedford, 1901-10 ; since then 
has been clerical diocesan secy., N. S.; 
rural dean, Amherst, 1889-1900; a del. 
to Genl. Synod; recording secy., Ang. 
Ch, Congress, Halifax, 1910; has 
several times visited Eng. In the in- 
terests of the Soc. for Propagation of 
the Gospel; formerly a dir. .. Edge-hill " 
Ch, Sch. for Girls, Windsor, N.S.; a 
gov., King's Coli. Univ.; also a lect. 
in divinity, do., since 1906; a del. Ang. 
Ch. Congress, Halifax, 1910; is opposed 
to the amalgamation of -King's and 
Dalhousie Univs.-Halifax, N.S. 
II A man of mo're than aVofl"age .ability, 
of tiI"e,less e'nergy and of consecrated life." 
-Church IV ork. 
Harris, Wilfred Ernest, physician. 
S. late Major Thos. R. H., M.P.P., 
J,P., and Annie H.; b. Aylesford, N.S., 
Sept. 3, 1873; e. pUblic schs., AcacIa 
Villa Semy., Horton, N.S., private sch!!. 
and Am. Sch. of Osteopathy, Klrks- 
vllle, Mo. (grad.) ; m., Sept., 1899, Miss 
Jean C. H. Van Allen, Morrlsburg, 
Ont.; successfully practised his prof. 
for a short time in Princeton and Vln- 
cennes, Ind.; now and tor some yrs. 
at Cambrldlge, Mass.; prof. of t:herap. 
and clinical demonstration, Mass. Coli. 

of OsteopathY, 3 yrs. ; now presdt., do. ; 
elected presdt., Assoc. CoUs. of Osteop. 
of Am., 1907; do. do., Boston Can. 
Olub, 1911; house physician, Cam- 
bridge Osteopathic and Surgical Sani- 
tarium several yrs. ; has written 
numerous scientific articles and is now 
compillng a text-book on the practice 
of osteopathy; a Con.; an Ang.- 
"Hotel Cantabrigia," 1010 Massachusetts 
Ave., Cambridge, Mass.; Canadian 
Club, Boston. 
"Has won dj,stinction aoS 6 ]ecture,r and 
writer."-H. Herald. 
Harris, William Dale, civil engineer. 
B. Eng.; e. Mass. Inst. Tech., Bos- 
ton (B.Sc., 1878); m. Miss Lewin 
(ipresdt. W.omen's !Mt()r.ndrug Musle Club, 
Ottawa, for several yrs.); entd. .prof. 
C. E., 1865; merro. Soc. C. E., 1888: 
practised as a C. E. on surveys and 
construction of the Interet Ry. and 
branohes, ,t'he N. 'S. Rys., C. P. Roy. an(l 
branches, BrookHne waterworks, Bos- 
ton waterworks, etc.; served In aU 
capacIties on ry. work, from rodman to 
chief engr., and In the management, a!! 
mango dlr., and, finaUy, presrlt.; re- 
signed, as presdt. Montreal Terminal 
Ry., 1901, to proceed to Eng., on pri- 
vate business; now In private prac- 
tlce; Presb.-26" MacLaren St., Ottawa. 
Harris, Very Bev, William Blchard 
B. Cork, IreI., Mch. 3, 1847; accom- 
panied parents to Can. at an ear]y 
age; e. St. Michae)'s Co]l., Toronto, 
ColI. of the. Propaganda, Rome (B.D.); 
LL.D., Ottawa Univ., 1897; O. 1870; 
successively rector, Adja]a, St. 
Michael's Cath., Toronto, and dean of 
S1. Catharines; resigned latter office, 
1904; has since, owing to iH-'hea1th, 
trave]]ed abroad, sendin"I impres- 
sions of his journf"ý to the nTail rrnd 
Empire, Toronto, antl otlwr journa]s; 
accompanied the late Archbp. Lynch 
to Rome, 1869, and was a del. to the 
Irish Nat. Convention, DubHn, 1896; 
was presdt. Assn. of Mech. Insts. of 
Ont., 1885-7; besides various his. 
essays, Is the author of the following 
vols. : .. The Catho]ic Church in the 
Niagara Penlnsu]a, 1626-1895" (1895); 
"Days and Nigh ts In the Tropics" 
(do.); and .. By Path and Trail; a 
book of Southern Trave]" (1908).- 
Salt Lake City, Utah. 
"Rem8ll"k,atble foOO' his fine I.ite'r.a.ry judg- 
ment, his productions .and hJs ecclesiastical 
v.irtuea."-Can. Courier. 
HaITiBon, Arthur GregOT)', civil en- 
R .liWte Thos. H., 'LL.D., Chanoc'e]]Or 
Unlv. of N. B., and Susan Lois (Tay- 
lor) H.; b. Fredericton, N.B., Sept. 2, 
1870; e. N. B. Univ. (B.A., 1891); 
C.E., 1893; m., Oct., 1903, Miss Flor- 
ence M. Jackson; ass1. engr. Pitts- 
burgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis 
Ry. Co., 1892; engr. Edmonton Dist. 
Ry., 1898; do. Edmonton & S]ave Lake 
Ry., 1899; census commr. N. Alberta, 
1901; homestead Inspr., 1902; Dom. 
land agent, Edmonton Dlst., 1902-7; 
secy. Edmonton Bd. at Trade, 1908; 
ejected a senator AI1aerta Unlv., 1904; 
treas. Can. Club.; belleves In owner- 



ship of railroads, etc., under govt. 
control, and In the abolition of the 
pUblic bar-room; a Lib.; an Ang.- 
458 McKay .II. 'lie. , Edmonton, Alta.; 
Canadian Club, do. 
Harrison, Earl Stanley, educationist. 
B. Co. Halton, Ont.; nephew Dr. W. 
S. H. (q.v.); e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
1894); principal Meth. Coil., Blue 
Ridge, Ga., 1894-1909; since then, head 
mod. lang. dept., Commercial High 
&ih., Brooklyn, N.Y.-Bmoklyn, N.Y. 
Harrison, Lt.-Col. Edward, Dom. pub- 
lic service. 
S. late Capt. Edward H., Belleville, 
Ont.; b. May 24, 1851; e. U. C. ColI.; 
unm.; has been in Dom. public service, 
Ottawa, since July, 1882; long In v. 
m. service; attained command 49th 
Regt., Dec., 1898; now R. 0.; holds 
long service deconation; served dur- 
Ing Fenian raid, 1866 (genl. service 
med. with 1 clasp), and North-West 
Rebellion, 1885, in Midland Regt., un- 
der late Col. Williams, M.P. (med. 
and grant of land); Ang.
56 f.fac- 
Im"en St., Ottawa. 
Harrison, His Honour Eli, Co. Ct. 
B. Eng.; came to B. C., 1858; e. 
B. C. Coli. Sch. and private tutor; 
m., 1880, Miss E. M L. Seabrook, Lon- 
don, Onto ; barrister, 1874; acting 
Regr.-Genl. of Titles, B.C., 1875; law 
clk. to the Legislature, 1876; clk. to 
do., 1878; solr. Atty.-GenI's dept., do.; 
elected a Bencher, Law Soc., 1883; 
stipend. magte. for the Province, 1884; 
Co. Ct. judge for Cariboo and Lllooet, 
Oct., 1884; judge Co. Ct., Nanalmo. 
since 1889; is also local judge of the 
Sup. Ct., and judge of the Ct. of Re- 
vision under Assessment Acts; Ang., 
and a del. to the Synod.-Nanaimo, 
B.C.; Union Club, Victoria, B.C, 
Harrison, Miss Eve1een, nursing pro- 
D. late Richard M. H., merohant, 
Quebec; b. and e. there; graduated 
Post-Gra.d. Tra.fnJin'g Sc'h., Piost-GraJd. 
Med. Seh. and Hosp., N.Y., 1893; 
devoted herself for some time to pri- 
vate practice; devotes herself more 
especially to surgical work; has ex- 
hibited great skill in her prof.; con- 
tinued further studies In Europe; was 
for some yrs. a memo of the ed. staff 
of the Am. Journ. of Nursing; author 
of "The Emergency Roll" (1897), 
and of a very useful vol.: "Home 
Nursing; Modoern Scientific Methods 
for the Sick Room" (l900).-OfficlJ 
Am. Journ. of Nursing, New York. 
"I consider beT work one of the 
sen.sible books on nursing I have ever 
reoad."-Dr. J. A.. Temple (q.v.). 
Harrison, Maj or prancis Charles st, 
Barbe, educationist. 
Eng. origin; closely connected with 
the families of St. Barbe and Austen; 
s. F. Sladen H., late H.M.'s 4th Regt.; 
b. 1871; e. Birmll11gham, Toronto Unlv. 
(B.S.A., 1892), Berne UnIv., Wis. 
Unlv., Mich. Univ., Cambridge Unlv., 
Copenhagen Unlv. and McGill Unlv. 
(B.&., 1907; M.Sc., do.; D.Se., 
1908); m., 1896, Margt. Rosalind, 
2nd d. Dr. Jas. Mills (q.v.) asst. to 
prof. of bIology, Onto Agrlcu1. ColI., 

Guelph, 1893-7; bacterlol., "do., 1897-8; 
prof. of bacteriol., do., 1898-1905; 
since then has been prof. of bacterio1., 
Jl.I.3.cdonl3ld Coli., Ste. Anne de Betle- 
vue, P.Q.; and .since 1911 (prinl0ipal, 
do.; -is a mem. lAm. .Pub-Mc Health 
A.ssn., and Laboratory Comte., do.; a 
memo and councillor Am. Soc. of 
Bacteriol.; gazetted 2nd lIeut., 16th 
Howitzer Batty., Can. Arty., 1896; pro- 
moted lieut., 1898; capt., 1902; major, 
commdg. the batty., 1904; transferred 
to command 16th FleM Batty., 1907; 
R. 0., 1911; author of numerous bul- 
letins, papers, reports, etc.-Macdonald 
College, Ste. Anne-de-Belle1:ue, P.Q. 
Harrison, John W, p" organist and 
B. Bristol, Eng.; e. there; m., 1879, 
Susie Frances (q.v.), d. J. B. Riley, 
Toronto; musical training under 
Esain, Lubeck, Rilseloey, emlinent 
teachers in Europe; was for a time 
choirmaster of the Eng. Ch., Naples; 
came to Can., when 24, a,s organist 
St. George's 011.,. MlOntreal; later, 
went to Ottawa as dir. Ottawa 
Ladies' Coll., and organist and choir- 
master, Christ Ch. Cath. ; finally moved 
to Toronto, as organist and choirmaster 
Ch, of St. Simon the Apostle; has 
been also on the staff of the Onto 
Ladles' Coll., the T.oronto Conser. of 
Music and various other institutions 
and assns.; the first to produce in 
Can. (1874) Mendelssohn's "Antigone," 
and the only one who has yet given 
the companion work .. Oedipus and 
Colon us"; composer of various musi- 
cal pleces.-Zl Dunbar Rd., Toronto. 
"A man of artistic and cultured per. 
sonality."-T. Star. 
Harrison, Mrs, Marie (Madame 
YuIlsse), vocalist. 
D. late J. F. Smith, Dunnville, Ont.; 
b. there; e. local schs. ; m., Chas. \Ves- 
.ley Harr,ison (B.A., Victoria Univ" 
1875; M.A., 1880; 'Þa!te 'pri n'Ci.p a 1 .Mjt. 
Allison Boys' Sch., Saekville, N.B.); 
commenced studying ,at Hamilton; 
afterwards went to Buffalo; later 
studied at Paris under Mme. Marchesi; 
sang at the Grand Opera and Opera 
Comique, Paris; still later went to 
London, and appeared In grand opera 
at Notting Hill and Covent Garden; 
also sang before the late Queen Vic- 
toria and King Edward; in 1906 was 
singing on the Pa.cific Coast.-Gm"e J. 
H. Smith, Dumt'liille, Onto 
II The only living singe'r who sings the 
high nws as origin-a.lI)' wriUen."-Lo-ndon 
Harrison, Mrs, Susie Prances, author. 
D. late John Byron Riley; b. To- 
ronto ; e. there and Montreal; m., 
1879, J. W. F. Harrison (q.v.); began 
writing for the press, revipws, essays 
and short stories, at 16; while living 
at Ottawa, wrote and composed a song 
of welcome for the Initial appearance 
of the Marquis of Lansdowne In Can.; 
wrote several other songs which were 
published In Eng.; under the name of 
"Gilbert King," acted as musical critic 
for one of the large western dailies; 
since then has contributed to The 
Strand, Pall lIlall Mag., Temple Bar, 



Atlantic Monthly, Cosmopolitan, New 
Eng. /ltag., Can. Courier, Saturday 
Night, Detroit Free Press, etJc.; some- 
times writes under the nom-de-plume 
of "Seranus"; of separate works has 
pUbldshed: "Crowded Out," a collec- 
Hon of short stories (1888), "The 
Can. Bi,rthdl3.Y Book" (.1889), "Pine, 
Rose and Fleur-de-I'ls" (do.), "Down 
the River" (1891), "The F'ore9t of 
Bourg-iMarle," a novel (1900), etc.; 
has also written. many songs and an 
entire opera, with the music; on the 
subject of old French-Can. folk songs 
is consl:dered e.n authrorlty; has also 
won recognUion in the lecture field, 
In whi'C'h dejpt. has done much fer the 
promotion of li'tel1ature ami art In 
Can.-fl Dunbar Rd., Toronto; Art 
Study Club, do.; Women's Art Assn., 
"A Oan,adiÏan LongfeUÐ'W." - London 
"A deep-hea.rted patriot who-se series of 
BOrugS are verita.ble caske,ts of precious New 
World oonoeits."-Saturdall Rev.. 
Harrison, William Spencer, phy,slcdan. 
S. Wm. H., a pioneer t3armer, Co. 
Halton, Ont.; b. Milton, Ont., Aug. 10, 
1864; e. public sch., Waterdown High 
Sch. and Trin. Unlv., Toronto (M.D., 
C.M., 1884); ald., Toronto, 1903-6: 
controller, do., 1907-09; chairman Bd. 
of Health, Toronto, 1904-5; unsuccess- 
fully contested Halton (H. C.), Lib. 
interest, g. e. 1908 (vote: Henderson, 
2,397; Harrison, 2,185) ; Is head phy- 
s-idan and head oonsult. commander, 
Can. Order Woodmen of the World, 
and a med. referee Toronto Llf.e Ins.' 
00.; a d'el. Public Health ConrvenUon, 
PlMladel!phia, 1911; a Bapt,; believes 
in munid'pa'l oor govt. ownership, con- 
ducted on .business ipl'inc'i.ploe-s.-.'I
den St., T01"Onto,' Ontario Club, do. 
"Able and aggre.sSiive."-T. World. 
Harriss, Charles Albert Edwin, musi- 
cian and composer. 
S. Edwin and Ellzabeth (DufT) H.; 
b. London, Eng., Dec. 17, 1862; e. St. 
Michael's ColI., Tenbury, Eng. (Ouse- 
ley scholar., 1873); Mus.B. (Toronto 
Unlv.), 1900; Mus.D. (Cantuar), 1905; 
came to Can., 1882; m., 189,7, Ella (a 
councLllor Abe,rdeen Assn. ; a dlr. 
Woman's Art Assn., Ottawa; presdt. for 
several yrs. of t'he Woman's Morn!rt'g 
Music Club; presented at Court, with 
her husband, 1902), 2nd d. late John 
Beatty, M.D., formerly prof. of 
sciences, Victoria Unlv., Cobourg, Ont., 
and widow George K. Shoenberger, 
"Scarlet Oaks," Cincinnati, 0.; organ- 
Ist Welshipool Pal1lsh Ch., 1880-2; do. 
St. Alban's the Marty,r, 1882; organIst 
and regus chori Christ Ch. Cath., Mont- 
real, 1883; do., Ch, St. James the 
Aipostle. do. ; concert organdst, Can. and 
t!he U. S., 1891; dlr. Plhilharmonlc Soc., 
Montreal, 1905; first presdt. Ottawa 
Amateur Orchestral Soc., 1901-2 ; 
a,pptd. Idtir. of examns. 'ÌJhroughout Oan. 
to the Associated Bds. of the Royal 
Acad. of !Music, London, and tJhe Royal 
Coli. of Music, do., and McGill Unlv., 
Montreal, 1903; first dlr. McGHl Con- 
servatorium, Montreal, 1904; resIgned 
d'O., 1907; an hon. memo of the Royal 

Acad. of Music; a Idveryma.n of the 
Worship. 00. of MusicianlS; a memo 
Soc. of Brit. ComJ>Osers; a life memo 
UnIon of GraduaJtes In Music In Gt. 
BIM. ; oRlpptod. a .rnoetn. pennanent extve. 
oomte. Earl Grey Musical and Dram- 
a.bie Competition, 1908; gave $700 
to Lady Minto',s COibba,ge Hasp. "F'und, 
1906; f'or several y'M. Ibas b

onduct'Or of State Ooncerts to H. E. 
the Gov.-.Genl. of Can.; direoted first 
cycle of Brit.-tAm. Musical Festivals, 
Can., with Sir Alex. ,Mackenzie, 1903; 
directed first Can.
Brit. Festival, Lon- 
don, 1906; founded Empire Day Con- 
certs, London, 1907; conducted Con- 
cer:t to Colonial Premiers, do., 190.7; in- 
vited Sheffield .Choir (200) and Dr. 
Coward to Can., 1908; Invited Sir 
F,redk. Bridge, and organized Festivals, 
Cath. Composers, Can., 1908; repre- 
sented Dom., 5th Nat. Congress, Haydn 
Cent., Viienna, 1909,; guest conductor 
S. A. MunlcipaJl Music Festival, tCape 
Town, 1909; organized Imp. Choir, 
London, 1910; lectured on musical 
redproclty around the EmiPire, do.; 
Inaugurated a musical Festival of the 
Empil'e, the King as lP'a-tron, 
1911 ; broug1hot the Sheffl.eolid. Choir 
(200) t.o Can., ,MClh., 1911, anld has 
s,jnce m3Jde a Itour ,throughout the :mm- 
pine with .tJhe'lIl; author: "Daniel be- 
fore the King," "Torquil," "Festival 
Mass," ".Coronatlon Mass, Edward 
VII." , "Pan," "Sands of Dee," and 
of many Empire choruses, songs, piano- 
forte and 'Organ pieces; played before 
the late King Edward VII., In London, 
and received His Majesty's thanks In 
person; Ang.-" Earnscli(fe," Ottawa; 
.. Earnscliffe Lodge," Banff, Alta.; 160 
Wardour St., London, 1V.; Rideau 
Club; Ottawa Hunt Club; Ottawa Golf 
Club, Ottawa; Savage Club; German 
Athenæum Club, London, EnD. 
"A pioneer .and cre-atOT rather than a 
ma.noager,"-M. Herald. 
.. One of the fo'remost musical promoters 
in Oanada....-Oan. Oourier. 
"In London, we can nr. HarrÏse the 
'Napo,leon of Impel1La.1 Music.' "-Oanada. 
"Ai ma.n o,f baundLe&e e'nerv
Lng cO'Ul'age a.nd stre'Il'U()IUs go-.a.-hoodnes>&, 
he carries all before him."-M. Star. 
"A man wivh a muoorly grip of hie 
orchestra and choir . . . A man O'f øtrengt.h, 
d,irectnes& o&ndi with & perfect kn()IW
of hi:s choir."-Dailll Telegraph. 
Hart, Miss Ethel Muriel, 
D. L. A. (q.v.) and F. E. (Benja- 
min) H.; b. Montreal; e. McGill UnIv, 
(B.A. and Shakespeare gold med., 
1904).-236 Elm Ave., West mount, 
Hart, Ge.rald E" author and numis- 
S. late Adolphus M. H., advocate; 
b. Montreal, Mch. 26, 1849; e. there, 
N. Y. and Three Rivers; for some yrs. 
genl. mangr. Phoenix Fire Ins. Co., 
Montreal; formed several valuable 
collections of coins, one of which he 
sold to the Dom. Govt. for $2,500; an- 
other collection was sold In N. Y., 
1888, for $4,275; has lalso fonned 
valuable coUectlOns of paper money 
and autographs; one of the earllest 
mems. of the Numls. and Antlq. Soc., 



M'Ontreal, of whdch he was a V.-P.; 
a founder and presdt. Soc. of Hist. 
Studies; besides numerous papers, Is 
the author of the following works: 
.. The Fall of New France," .. Notes of 
1837," and" The Quebec Act, 1774."- 
 Pm"k Ave., New Y01"k City. 
Kart, ;1, W., educationIst, 
S. Rev. 
. R. H., Granville Ferry, 
N.S.; b. there; took a course at the 
Onto AgricuI. ColI., Guelph, Ont.; m. 
Blanche, d. G. W. Dykeman, Frederic- 
ton, N.B.; filled various positions in 
dairy work in A-1-a. and S. C.; sup-æt. 
East. Onto Dairy Scl1., Kingston, Ont., 
1898-1903: head of Dairy dept., Univ. 
of Il1., 1903-5; .since then has been a 
dlr. ColI. of Agrfcu1., Sao Paulo, 
Brazll.-Sao Paulo, Bmzil. 
Hart, John S" physician. 
ohn and Sabra (Way) H.; lat- 
ter of U. E. L. descent: b. Wilfrid. 
Onto Aug. 9, 1866; e. Brock pUblic 
sch. 'and Port Perry High Sch.; m. 
May, 1903. 
ean. d. Wm. Lawson, To- 
ronto; M.D.,C.M. (Victoria Unlv.), 
1888; M.B. (Toronto Unlv.), 1889; 
M. C. P. and S., Ont., do.; a memo Onto 
Med. Council, 1906: med. statT Toronto 
Hosp. for Incurables: surg. Toronto 
Western Hosp.: a.uthor short articles 
and essays and of an article In Em- 
pil"e Rev., 1906, urg'ing better trade 
conditions between Can. find the W. I.; 
strongly pro-British; an ,; Q 
Tory, though ancestors were Reform- 
ers On both sides: specially Interested 
In Can. history -and lit.; a collector of 
Can. books; a Meth.-l.&81J Queen St. 
W., Toronto,. Canadian Club, do. 
Kart, Lewi. Alexander, notary pub- 
Gt.-grands. Aaron R.. who. coming 
from Eng. to Can., 1760. settled with 
his family at Three Rivers, P.Q.. where 
he Invested lflrgely In real estate and 
n'Pmme the 
lf"igne1(r of tlh'e fi,pf-s, Ste. 
'Marguer.lte, M'3:rqui
 et Dusable, and 
'I1l't; y. s. 113.Ite Aloex. ThQls. R., 
Three Rivers,. 8eigne1lr of It'he fief. 
Courval; b. Three Rivers. 
ulv 16. 
1 R47: e. there. Montreal ColI. Sch.. and 
McGi'li! Univ. (B.A., 1866; M.A., 1869; 
RC.L., 186Q): m.. Oct.. 187R. Fanny 
Rlizabeth, 2nd Ò. latp Hy. Benjflmln, 
Montreal: N. P.. 1R69: sl1ccessfully 
practises his prof. In Montreal: for 
some yrs. a lect. on the theory ani1 
prflctice of not. depds ani1 nro"l'ens, 

Tlð a memo of the law faculty, McC1ill 
Univ.; author. flmong othpr proðuc- 
tions. of .. A 
ewlsh Renlv tn C'hrls- 
tI:m Evangelists" (1906), which fur- 
nishes fin answer tn some of t1lP argu- 
ments that Chrlc;tI
T\ pvang-llst!'; ail- 
vanC'e in snnport of thø f n ni1aTPenfaJ 
doctrines of their relig1on, and by 
which thev pn(lpavour tn pro"u rø the 
conversion. of ,Tpws to Chri<;tlanity.- 
f!j6 Elm Ave.. We8tmount. 
Hart, Miss Louisa Helena, medical 
D. Rpv. T. n. 
Tlð C'h
rlottp .TaTlP 
(Dixon) R., Sambro. N.S.; father's 
family came to New Eng. from Eng.: 
mot'her:s family. originally Dutch; both 
families of U. E. stock, removing to N. 

S. at the beginning of the Am. revolu- 
tion; b. Shelburne, N.S., 
une 6, 1870; 
e. there; iM.D., Woman's Med. CoIl. of 
N. Y. Infirmary, 1894; took special 
course of study in surg. at 
Hopkins and Cornell med. schs. ; 
joined Dutch Reform mission of Am. 
to the Arcot mission In Southern mis- 
sion, S. India, 1895; served.. first, for 
4 yrs. as assoc. physician and surg.; 
then as acting chief for 2 yrs. In the 
Ranipet Gent. Hosp.; on her return 
from her first furlough, did the same 
in the VeIl ore Mission Hosp. for 
Women and Children, besides attend- 
Ing to a large practice all over the 
country, adding to It the training of 
native women as nurses, and com- 
bating In as many ways as possible, 
but chiefly prlyately, the ravages of 
tubercul. among the peoplp: declined 
various public positions offered her, 
both by the Eng'. Govt. and by a nfl- 
tive queen, feeling that she could do 
her best work through the mission: 
assisted the govr. a little in a special 
way, in connection with the plague In 
Vellore, in recognition of which she re- 
C'elved the Kalser-I-Hlnd med. of thf' 
2nd class from the late King Edward. 
Mch., 1909 (invested by the govr. of 
Madras); Proto Chrl'stian, associated 
with Dutch Rei!'. /Ch. of Am.; in early 
life a Meth.-VeII01"e, N. Al"Cot, Mad- 
dl"aS Pl"e8idency, India. 
.. In the first pJace I desirE> to convey 
my cordial felicitations to Miss Louisa 
Hart, who has come to India from the 
Far West to undertake the T1()hle task 
of upraising- the sick, the sufferin
the sinful of this Jand. On behalf of 
the Government, and in the name of all 
in this country. whether Amdo-Saxons or 
Indians, I ask her acceptance of our OOT- 
dial g-reeting-s and best thanks. I have 
visited Vellore and witnessed the admir- 
able WIOiI"k OIJli W'hJcl1 she ie enga.ged. Miss 
Hart is there carrvine: on a laoour of 
love, and bv the devotion of scientific 
skill and Ceaseless personal effort is 
bring-ine help and comfort and hope to 
the sufferinl? al1d the poor. It has often 

n my pleasure to speak of the splen- 
did work done in this countrv bv Chris- 
tian missions, and I know óf ño more 
conspicuous ex.ample than that of thE' 
American Mission in VeI1ore. It has 
earned the g-ratitude and the admiration 
of all of us who have eves to see and 
hearts to feel, aud I kn<,w that I am 
only expressinJ!: the opinion of all presf'nt 
when I sav that we cone:ratulate Mis!! 
Hart most sincerely on this recOJ!:nition of 
her noble work, and hope that she mßV 
 live to wear the Kaiser-i-Hind med:!1 
wit}, which she has lust been TJrf'!\ented." 
-H. E. Sir Arthur Lawley: Address in 
prese'nting Miss Hart with Kaiser-i-Hind 
Hart, Percie WIlUam Edward, author. 
S. A. W. and Marla Wylde (Cun- 
ningham) H.: b. Halifax, N.S., 
27, 1870; e. High Sch.; m., Aug., 1891, 
Miss Annie L. SUmls, Newark. N.
besides being a contrlbutor of many 
short stories to the mags.. Is the author 
of .. The Ludovic Zam AtTalr" (1901), 
.. Hart's Yarns," 2 vols (1903), II 
son-Nova Scotia" (1904'), .. Pleasures 



Passed Alon;g" (t 906), "The PI
pa8'RloI'lgos OI'g1aniz.e.d" (1907) and 
"Ease of BooI,Y" (1908); an offr. In 
tlhe Can. v. m.; underwent a course 
at bhe ROY'3-"1 .Mll. Son., Frodelr1coton 
N .B.- W orceste1', 111 a88.; P1.e88 Club' 
New York. - 
T:i. Thomas (Presb.), educa- 
.s. late John and Jean M. (Semple) 
H.; b. Paisley, Scot., Sept. 6, 1835; e. 
local schs. and Queen's Unlv., KJngs- 
ton (B.A., 1860; M.A., 1868; B.D., 
1880; D.D., 1902); m.. Aug. 1872 
IsabeIla Margt., d. late Judge Malloch' 
Perth, Ont.; 0., 1872; for several yrs' 
Principal Perth High Sch. and Wtards
vllle Grammar Sch.; went to Man., 
1872; was from that time up to 1901} 
prof. of Classlc.s and Freno('lh anld 
led. I.n He'breIW, Man. CoH.; one 'of the 
founders of Man. Univ.. 1877; modera- 
tor (,Man. and N.W.T. ).' 1889.- 
-U8 Qu Appelle Ave., Winnipeg. 
Hart, Walter T., Y.iM.C.A. work. 
E. s. W. T. R.. Outremont, Montreal: 
b. Montreal, 1867; e. there; entd. em- 
t>loy Y. M. C. A., Chicago, 1887; became 
asst. g-enl. secy. tih'E'Jre; genl. s'ßC'y.. 
t Winrnd.peg-., 1902; rE" 
signed owing to Ill-health, Dec., 1909 
-Care Y. 1If. C. A., Winnipeg. 
Hartley, :Basll S" Dom. public ser- 
B. and e. En
. ; B.A. ; ap'Ptd. a naval 
Instr., R.N., June 14, 1892; dlr. ot 
s!udles. Royal Naval ColI., Ha.titax, 
N.S.. I910.-Halifax, N.S.; Halîfaa; 
Club. do. 
Hart-McHarg, Major WiUiam, law- 
S. late Major W. H.-McH., H.M.'s 
44th (Essex) Regt.; b. Kilkenny Bar- 
I'I'lcks, 11'1"1.: camp to C:1n.. 18R!'i' 
umTl.; 'barrister OMan.), 1895, do: 
(B. C.), 1897; a memo }.elglal firm, 
Albobotrt & MeR., Vancouver; g-azt'ttted 
cwpt. 6th, B. C., Jun'e 1903 ' 
major, 1!}.1 0; rf.ormel'ly CtaPlt.' 
Moun.ta.ln Rang-ers; distdIJog1JIShed as a 
cI'ack shot: has been rto Bls1ev spvporal 
U"'!loes; won -Gov.-Genl.'s meit., Dom. 
RIfle Assn. Meeting, Ottawa, 1908; 
served with Royal Can. Reg-t. (1st Con- 
tingent), S.A. War, 1899-1900; present 

t Paardeberg, Poplar Grove, Drel- 
fonteln, etc. (med. with 4 clasps)' 
O. C., II B." Co., Infy., Can. coronatdon' 
contdng>enlt, 1911; autihor of a vol 
"Quebec rt.o Pr>ertor,la" (1902) ami1 
an ih,lstor.ÍC'a,1 !Souvenir of 1'h
Reogt. (Duke of Conna.u;ghot's Own 
Rilfles); ele'0Ì'ed presd,t. .s. IA. Cam.' Assn.. 1906-7; provl. V.-P 
Can. S. A. Servioo Assn., 1909 . 
a LIb., and V.-P. Vancouver Lib 
Assn.: Ang.-TTanco1lver. R.C.: Va1/.- 
r Olub; Canadian Club; United 
Se1.V1ce Olub, do. 
II Hal! prOdlH'E'd a ronl"iBe and readable 
book"_" Kit" (q.v.). 
Harty, Hon, William, statesman; 

. John an
 ElIza,beth (Heenan) 
H.; b. Tp. Biddulph, Co. Middlesex. 
Ont., Mch. 8, 1847; e. ChrIstian Bros.' 

('h. :1ni1 Rpgiopo1iE; ('011., King-sto'l. 
Ont.; m., 1870, Catherine Mary (d. 

1889), d. late Jas. Bermingham, Ot- 
tawa; long in commerckll life; was 
a partner and afterwards head of the 
wholesale grocery firm of Jas. R. & 
Co., Kingston; sometime gent. mangr. 
in Can. of the Equitable Life Ins. 
Co., N. Y.: became, aftè1'I:tTards, a 
trustee of the co.; fOI'med the co. for 
the possession of the Can. Loco- 
motive & Engine Works, and was Its 
mango dlr. up to 1888; purchased the 
Can. Locomotive Works, Kingston, 
and organized a co. for the carrying 
on of the same, of which he Is 
presdt., 1900; presdt. Kingston Bd. of 
Trade, 1873; has sat In Kingston City 
Council, and was chairman of Its 
Finance Comte.; sat for Kingston 
(Local), Lib. in1erest, ;1892-1902, and 
f'or .same sea.t (H. C.), 1902-,11, when 
he TeUred fl"'Oll11. iP'O'l.INc's; sart in the 
Ross Ca:binert as Oommr. of PubHc 
Works, 1894-99, and Without '!)ol't- 
folio, 1899-1902; a dir. ImíP.' Life 
Assur. Co. of Can. and of the Kings- 
ton & Pembroke Ry.; Is a trustee of 
Queen's Univ. (has subscribed liber- 
ally to Its support), and chairman 
Bd. of Govs., Sch. of Mining; an hon. 
memo Frontenac Hist. Soc.; apptd. a 
senator Toronto Univ., 1892; 8 
commr. for the revision of the Onto 
Sta!tutes, 1896; .R. C.-King8ton, Ont.; 
F'rontenac Club, do.; National Club 
Toronto; Rideau Club, Ottawa. I 
II A clean-hllT1df'd, upright, able adminis- 
tI1ator."-T. Telegram. 
Harvey, Alfred Eugene, lawyer. 
Second S. Morris and Harriet M. 
(Drew) R., Stanstead, P.Q.; b. there, 
Sept. 2, 1861; e. De-rby Aæ.ð., Vlt., 
Stanstead West. 0011., 'and McGill! 
Un,iv. (B.oC.I.., valoeodic,tori'an and Wiln- 
ner 1st prize 'thesis, 1890); m., 1896, 
Elizabeth BarbalfY Tíhompson. reUct 
Wrn. OI3Jre, 'LoulsvllJe, Ky.; advo- 
catoe, 1891; .suocessfuHry praotlses his 
Dra.f. 1n Ml()mtr.eal; a memo I eg1a 1 
firm Stephens & H.: K.C., 1906; soIl'. 
town of St. Lambert and. several In- 
corporated cos.; atty. for plalntlfTs 
McCarter and Dom. Cartrldg-e Co., 
Ltd., which ran through all the Quebec 
courts, the SuP. Ct., and the P. C. 
(quoted very frequently as a prece- 
dent): apptd. a mpm. Bd. of Revis- 
ors, Montreal, 1907; a Lib.; one of 
the founders and - a leader of the 
Montreal Mock Parliament; presdt. 
St. Lambert Lib. Club: memo Mont- 
real Reform Club; declined Lib. 
nomination in Co. Stanstead; favours 
"efficiency, economy and honesty In 
public affairs; that Immed.iate steps be 
taken to inculcate In the minds ot the 
thousands of strangers flocking to 
our country from all parts of the 
world a proper Can. sentiment, loyalty 
to Britain, and respect for the laws of 
the land": a. Presb.-189 St. James 
St., Montreal; 8umme1' residence: 7 
Second St., St. Lambert, P.Q. 
Harvey, Mr., Anne Catharine Rob- 
erta, organist and musical com- 
poser. . 
D. Jas. C. GedèlPB (TJ. E. L. de- 
scent): b. Hamilton, Ont.: e. there; 
Mus. Bac., Trln. Unlv., Toronto, 1899: 



m., 1884, Gardiner Harvey, Tp. 
Guelph; organist St. George's Ch., 
Guelph, since 1876. havln
 played pre- 
V1iousl'Y '8!t Ghrist Ch. and St. Thoma;s's, 
Hamilton; has composed a great deal 
of ch. music. including Christmas and 
Easter ant'hems, some of which have 
been Included In the Parish Choir 
(Boston), and 'hav>e had a w.ide sale; 
opere, "La Terre Bonne," a.nd of an 
ora t.ofli 0, .. oSalvat'Or," ,the f' sue- 
oossfully prod-ueed In 1903, and Ihhe 
latter In 1905; Ang.-9 Cardigan St.. 
Guelph, Onto . 
" Her oomopositions, pre'8eß't.ed in v'arious 
forms, show her to be a perfect mistress 
of her art."-M. & E. 
Harvey, :Basil Coleman Hyatt, phy 
sic Ian. 
S. Leander H., M.D.. a native of 
Newport, N.S.; b. Watford, Ont., .Jan. 
16, 1875: e. TDronto Univ. (B.A.. 
1894; M.B., 1898): further studies 
Unlv. of BasI e, Swltz.: M. C. P. and 
S., Ont., 1898; demon. of an at., Toron- 
to Unlv., 1895-7; assoc. In anat.. Chl- 
N\go Unlv..slnce 1901.-Universih, of 
Chicago. Chicago, Ill, ; Quadrangle 
Club, do. 
Harvey, C, C., Am. rAilway service. 
B. Nfd.. 1846; enti!. ry. service, In 
Eng.. 1864; since then has fined nu- 
me-rous Important po!':itlons. IncludlnR 
that of presdt. 'Of the Ne-w Orleaml 
& Northwp!':tprn Rv.. Alahamfl & 
Yfrkshurg Rv. ãnd VIcksburg, 

llrf>veport & "Padflc Ry., held since 
1 RQ4.-New Orleans. La. 
Harvey, Charles Herbert, Dom. publlc 
S. Hv. E. H., W. J. merrhant. Hali- 
fax. N.S.. a natlvp of Be-rmuila: b. 
Ha1ffmr. .T11np 1. 1 S56: e. nuh1fr c:ch.: 
m., 1st, 1886, Mary A. (d. 1896). d. 
Fòrwin F' Ran(l'olm'h. Brl('\gptown. 
N.'S.: 2nòijoy. 1900. ,Te
lp E., ð. a.M. n. 
Dustan, Dartmouth. N.S.: commenced 
huslness on hi!'! awn Rccount In ex- 
port tra<'1e at 17: cantlnue-it In W. I 
:mit wholf'!'I
 Ie grocery trade up to 
1 Q09: oa J.P.: a memo extve. RaHtax 
Bit. of Tr:ldp and Dom. Whalpsal(> 
Grocprs' Gul1d: 1"rh. commr. DRrt- 
T1"'outh 6 yr!'l.: a01)til. 1\J!e-nt npot. 
MarIne Rnd Ffsherlp!'l for N. R. 190Q: 
R life-long- farmerlv ch"lfrm:m 
I.Jlb. D"a.t"lty, Dart'1T100utlh: lhf'afltHy Su.o- 
ports the development of Can. resources 
:mil the e-",tahUshme-nt of II.. Can. :mx- 
IfRry navy :IS our best support of thp 
Empire: also thf' e-ncouragempnt of 

tf'el shln-hul1dfng In Can.. and that 
the- pre-ff're-nttal tarltr should ßpnly 
only to ImOl'rts through Can. parts; 
an Ang., and form<eTlv a d1. warnen.- 
II Eastside." Dartmotith, N.S. 
"A more honourable, honed and fear- 
If'!!s mAn ('0\1111 not l111ve been lelerted for 
his offi('e."-". H
Harvey, Hon, Horace, juòg-e. 
R Inte Wm. H.. M.P. for R Ele-In 
(T"!". C.). 1872-4: h. Tn. Malahlde. Co. 
ElgIn, Ont., Ort. 1. 1863; f>. Aylmer 
ßnil OranJ!f'Yf11e HIgh 
Thomoas (0011. Tnst.. ani! Toranto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1881; LL.B., 1888); m., July, 

1893, Nora Laulse, d Ell Palmer, To- 
ronto: a stll'drenrt: 'late CoHn Maoo.oug- 
a11, K.C., M.P.: barrister, 1889; suc- 
cessfully practised his prof. In T.oronto 
till 1893; removeò to Calgary In that 
year, remaining In practice there till 
1896; a.p-ptd. regr. land HUes, S. AI. 
berta, Dec., 1896; Depty. Atty.-Qen1., 
N. W. T., 1900: a puisne judge Sup. 
Ct., N. W. T., .June 27, 1904; do. do. 
d'o. do., Alberta, Sept., 1907: promoteI'! 
Chief Justice of that Province, Oct. 
12, 1910; was a memo of the Royal 
Comn. to Investigate the ma Her of the 
Great Water,ways Ry., 1910; formerly 
a Lib.; an Ang.-Edmonton, A lta. 
"A man of high character, posseßsed of 
a wide knowledge of t'he law, with a. m.ind 
singularly free from prejudices and with 
a. sense of pulblic d'11ty that will go far to. 
wards m.aking him a usefut occupant 
of I!:he bench."-M. Herald. 
Harvey, James Albert, lawyer. 
U. E. L. descent; family 'Originally 
settled In N. B.; moved to Ont., 1856: 
s. late Moses H., treas. Elma Tp.. Co. 
Perth, Ont.; b. there, Feb., 1858; e. 
local sch. and St. Catharlnes and Col- 
lingwood CoIl. Insts.: m.. Oct., 1894, 
Lilian. -sls'Ìer .Mr. Justice Teet1zel, TQ- 
ronta (q.v.); a gmd. Osgoode Hall; 
barrister (Ont.), 1893; da. (B. C.), 
1897; removed to B.C., òo().; Ihas s-Ince 
successfully practised his prof. at 
Cranbrook: K. C., 1907; originally a 
DubHc and high sch. t(>acher: an ac- 
tive Con.; unsuccessfully contested 
Cranbrook (Local). 1907: II a strong 
advocatp of the unity 'Of the Empire: 
beIieve-s that the Anglo-S"txon neaple- 
are destfned to rule the world. And 
hapes at na distant day to see a fpd- 
ørßtfan of all the Anglo-
axon ne-aplf', 
fnrluil!nJ! the U. R: beIievf'!'I that the 
tp ("e-cfl Rhoile-s, bv provldlnJ! In his 
wt'1 for thf' f>ducatlon at Oxfard 'Of 
!.ffiod.lng youn1g mf"n from aJ1.1J 'J}al"ts Df 
tll ø Empfrf' "tnd the U. R. took fl long 
c:tpp towards :ophfpvlne- thflt vprv ile- 
c:frable end": Mpth.-CrClffbronk, 'F (". .- 
JTrontpna?f ("1ub ðn. : Ufflnn Club. 
Victoria. B.C.: Canadian Clllb, do. 
Harvey, If, Darrell, phy,sfcian. 
S. 1ate John Howlett H., Halifax, 
N:S.: b. HaIlf
x, N.S., 1865: e. Dal- 
housie Untv., Halifax, and ColumbIa 
rTnlv., N.Y.: m. Miss Mary Augusta 
n; M.D., 1888: 
cla'llty: ðl
of eye and ear: O'phthaI. surge-on. R. Y. 
Hosp.; wa,s an 3!'1!':t. Stl'I'Ig., U.,S. V'(}lun- 
tet'rs, In war with Spain: a Df'm.; 
A ng-.-.f.'6 Brnok St., P1'Ovidence, R.I.; 
University Club, do. 
Harvie, Mrs. Elizabeth ð" pht1an- 
throplst; Onto public service. 
Irish and Ne-w Eng. origin; d. late 
Rev. R. Creighton (Meth.): b. nr. 
Peterborough, Ont., 1840; e. Ottawa 
"Ind Meth. La d'l es' CoIl., Dundas, Ont.: 
m., 1861, John Harvie, Northern R. R. 
'1f Can.: asslstf>d In founding the 
Woman's Med. CoIl.. Taronto (treas. 
se-veral yrs.) , and Haven and Prison 
Gate Mission (presdt. 17 yrs.) : presdt. 
ladles' comte., Hasp. for Sick Chil- 
dren 5 yrs.: founded Y. W. C. Guild 
for Working Women, 1888; presdt., do., 



16 yrs.; since 1896 has been Inspr. of 
Neglected and Dependent Children, 
Ont.; was 1st corr. secy., Toronto W. 
C. T. U.; asstd. In founding Onto W. 
C. T. U.. and served as a del. to the 
Nat. W.C.T.U., U.S., Philadelphia; 
represented Woman's Bd. of Missions 
at Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee; 
also a del. to Congress of Women, 
Chicago, 1893: a Presb.: first forelg-n 
sooy., Woman's Bd. of M1ss10ns, 1876- 
96; was sent to visit Indian missions 
and schs. by this bd., 1884; a Llb.- 
177 Balmoral Ave., Toronto. 
Jlarwood, Charles Auguste de Lot- 
binière, lawyer. 
S. late Robt. 'Ym. H. M.P., for 
Vaudrpuil (TI. C.), 1872-R. and Mary 
Charlotte, d. John McGillis, Laird of 
WIlUamstown, Glengarry, Ont.: thp 
Harwoods are closely connected with 
the de Lotbinière family. and are seig- 
neurs IOf Vruud'l'eui:l; b. VcaU'd!I'euil, 
P.Q., Aug. 2, 1869; e. St. Laurent 
Coil. and Laval Unlv. : m., Sept., 1898. 
Marie Adelaide, d. late Ron. L. R. 
Masson, Lt.-Govr. of Quebec; gradu- 
ated B.C.L. (McGill Un Iv. ), 1893 : 
advocate, 1895; practises In Montreal 
as a memo legal firm Lighthall (q.v.) 
& H.: syndic, Montreal bar, 1911; 
a Li,b.-Con., and Ihoa,g bee.n s'eoy. 
Con. Assn., Co. Vaudreull : presdt. Car- 
tier Club, Junior Con. Club, Montreal; 
a memo Historic Landmarks Assn., and 
for many yrs. hon. recording secy. 
Numls. and Antlq. Soc., Montreal; 
author of II The Fort Garry Conven- 
tion" and other historical papers; a 
R. C.-16! Hutchison St., },f ontreal : 
If Les Cheneaux," Vaudreuil, P.Q. (.n 
summel'); Lafontaine Club, Montreal. 
Harwood, Louis de Lotbinière, phy- 
O. S. late Henry S. H., 'POst-master 
Montreal, and Jo()sépbine .Sidney, ò. 113Jtc 
J. C. Branncis; b. Vaud,reuil, P.Q., 
1866; e. .coH. doe &t'e. Thêrèse, Rigaud 
Semy., and Lavall Unlv. (M.B., 1888; 
M.D., 1891) ; m., lIst, Mwrie (d. 1904), 
d. late Henri Masson; 2nd-loy, l.liss 
Kathleen D. MacDonald, (d. 1908); 
successfully practises his prof. In 
Montreal; for 2 yea rs house surg. 
Notre Dame Hosp., Montreal: studied 
gynaecol. under Dr. PQzzi, the most 
famous gynae.col., òo. do., 1903-6 : 
gynaecol., Notre Dame Hosp., 1896- 
1903; head gynaecol., do. do., 1903-6: 
since then has been med. supdt., do. 
do.: apptd. prof. of gynaecol., Laval 
Univ., 1904; presdt., gynaecol. sec.. 
Med. C<>ngress, French-Sp.eak1ng P.hysi- 
dans of N. A., 1904; do. Holstein 
Cattle Breeders' Assn., 1907; R. C.- 
560 St, Urbain St., Montreal; St. 
James's Club: St. Denis Club, do. 
II Recognized by all as one o.f the le8dinr; 
gynæool. in the Dom....-M. StaT. 
Ha8lam, Rev, George Edward (Ang.). 
s. John and Isahella H.: b. Culllns- 
w('o<1 House, nr. DubUn. Irel., Mch. 30. 
1857; e. private sch., Trln. Col1., Dub- 
lin (B.A., science honour and 
moderwtor), and Trinity Univ., Toronto 
(B.A., ad. eun. 1882; M.A., 1884) ; m., 
Aug., 1890, Mabel 'Mary, 2nd d. late 
Rev. Ca.non Brent, Newca
tle, Ont., and 

sister Bp, Brent (q.v.); O. doeacon, 
1884; priest, 1886; curate St. Stephen's, 
TOoronlto, 1884; f-el,low and lect. In nat. 
science, Trin. Univ., Toronto; rector 
Lunenburg, N:S., 1887-1900; undertook 
mangt. 20th Century Funds, Diocese 
N. S., 1900; rector Rose Blanche, Nfd., 
1904-7; since 1907 In charge Dprry, 
N.H.; for some yrs. publisher and ed. 
Church Re'lJiew; also lect. In apolog. 
King's CoIl., Windsor, N.S.; has pub- 
lished several lectures on scientific sub- 
jects.-Derl'y, N.H. 
Haslam, Rev, .obert Henry Albert 
B. Springfield, P.E.I.; e. there, To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1899), and Wyc- 
litTe CoIl., Toronto (graduated, 1900); 
m., Sept., 1903, Mildred Jean (M.B., 
Toronto Univ., 1903), d. N. W. Hoyles, 
K.C. (q.v.),; o. deacon, 1900; priest. 
1901: for a short period ('urate St. 
John's (Stone) ("h., St. John, N.B.: 
I,ef.t wvtlh his wife fOor C. lrudda, as 
missionaries, being the first to be sent 
there by the Ch. of Eng. In Can., 1903; 
a del. Ang. Ch. Congress, HaHfax, N.S., 
1910.-Kangra, Punjaub, India. 
Hassard, Albert R, J, F" lawyer. 
H. NIxon and Anne (Fraser) H.; h. 
Co. Fermanagh, Ire!.; largely seIr- 
ed'l10M,ed and! I3.It Tir1nMy Unlv. (IB.C.L., 
1895); 'unro.; 'bamst'e'I', 1895; a 
grad. Osgoode Hall (Hoyle prize ora- 
tor, 1898); successfully practises his 
prof. In '.roronto; counsel for defence 
In many criminal cases; defend-ed Alex. 
Martin. for murder, 1904; lect. In com- 
mercial law. Y. M. C. A.: author 
II Canadian Constitutional History and 
Law" (1900); also of many short 
poems, stories, and hlst. essays; a 
prominent political platform speaker; 
a Meth., and a local preacher; active 
In .all work that tends to uplift hu- 
manHoy, InlCl'llò'irug t.emp. WIOrk; a LI,b.- 
Con., :but Ind. in all his views: sym- 
p, strongly wltlh Irish home-rule. 
-9 North St., T01"Onto. 
Hassard, Rev. William Edward 
Irish origin; e. s. late Rev. R. H. 
(Meth); b. Collin's Bay,. Ont., Aug. 
14, 1868; e. public B('hs.. high schs.. 
Port Perry and Bowmanvllle, and Vic- 
toria Unlv. (B.A., 1890; B.D., 1903); 
m., Sept., 1893, Miss F. A. Sh1.ver, 
Ancaster; entd. ministry. 1890: filled 
3 different pHstorates In Toronto; 
Secy. Toronto Minis. Assn., 1904; also 
prominently identified with Lord's Day 
Alliance and provl. S. S. Assn.; apptd. 
dist. secy. Upper Can. Bible Soc., 1907. 
-1'20 Grace St., Toronto. 
Hastings, Mis. Alice Marton. actrps;. 
D. Joseph J. H.: b. Stanbrldge. P.Q.. 
1885; graduated from a local sch. of 
oratory;. entd. theatrical prof., 1884. 
-Care" Dramatic Mirror," New York. 
II EnjoY1l exceptional d.ramatic taJent,"- 
Boston Herald. 
Hastings, Charle8 John Oliver, phy- 
Irish origin; s. John and Marla 
(Orr) H.: b. Co. York, Ont.: e. To- 
l'onlÌJo and Hamlllt'on 00'1'1. Inst.; m., 
Oot., 1891, Nlliot! <1;. RJ\c
rd Hialtoh. 



Toronto; M.D., C.M. (Vdct'Orla Undv.), 
1885; Lic. Kin,gs and Queen's 001'1. 
Pbys., Irel., 1886; cert. Brit. Reg., 
celSsfuHy prnc.t<iseoS ,his ,pr{)f. 
in Toronto; aotling med. \he
;tltth {)ffr., 
1885; lP'U'bllc va.ooina10'r, {l.o.; a 
memo Brit., Can., and Onto Med. 
Assns.: senior physician Grace Hosp., 
rl'o ron to, Free SanitarIum, Royal Cot- 
anltarlum for Consumptives, 
Gravenlhurst, ,etc.; a moem. extw. hy- 
gJÏene sec., Onto EdlUc. AsSTI.; h-e-aded a 
crusade a.gainslt impure milk, 1908; d1e- 
cllned appt. to a chair In obstet. In an 
Am. unlv., 1902: elected a senator To- 
ronto Univ., 1906: prpsdt. Progressive 
Club, 1908; a memo Public OwnersJ1lp 
League; rupptd. med. ,heaUh .offr., T{)- 
ron 00, Oct., 1910; a IpriO'mote'1" of the 
Can. Pu1blk Heal,tth Assn., do.; autlh.o,r 
0If manlY V13.1'Uabl,e rpa'Per.s, ,i.nciudlilllg' an 
address on "Race Suicide: the Great 
Prob'l-em of ;the Day" (Toronto, 1907) ; 
a ."Mietlh.-f5i Wellesley St.. T01"On to. 
"A wise, strong and far-sighted adminis-"-T. Telegram. 
Hastings, Ernest, actor. 
S. Thos. H., Parkhill, Onto ; b. thpre: 
e. there and Toronto; a barrister: 
entd. theatrical prof.. 1882: attained 
grf>at SllC'Cf'SS as "Shf'rlock Holmes" 
and In "It I Werf> King." etc.. In U. S. 
and Anstralh.-Care tt Dramatic Mir- 
ror." New York. 
Hastings, George Victor, manufac- 
3rà s. late Geo. H., Petite Côte, 
Montrml, whose father came to Can., 
from Boston, Mass., and Margt. (Ogil- 
vie) H.; b. Sf'vt. 16, 1853; e. Mont- 
real; m. Miss Margt. Anderson; now 
and for some vrs. genl. man gr. Lake 
of the Wood,s Milling Co.; Is a coun- 
cillor, Winnipeg Grain Exchange; 
elected presdt. Nort,hern Mortgage Co., 
1910.-Winnipeg; lIIanitoba Club, do. 
Haszard, Hon, Francis Longworth, 
S. late Chas. and Margaret (Long 
worth) H.; b. Bellevue, Queen's Co. 
P.E.I., Nov. 20, 1849; e. public schs 
and Prince ot Wales CoIl., Charlotte- 
town; m., 1871, Elizabeth, d. late 
Lestock P. W. DesBrisay; barrister, 
1872; K.C. (E. of Aberdeen), 1894; 
successfully pmctised his prof. In 
Charlottetown, at first in partnership 
with late Hon. .John Longworth, Q.C. 
and later, with Sir L. H. Davies, K.C 
(q.v.); judge, City Ct., Charlottetown 
1895-1900; was some time Recorder of 
Charlottetown; lbecøm.e seniOT memo {)f 
the l-aw firm of H., Ga,ud
t & R., Char- 
lottetown, 1900; a Li'b., and sat tor 
Queen's, 4th Dis't. (Looc:al) , ,1904-1J.; 
aocetpted a sealt in the Extve. Ooußl(
witlJ1ou1 '})Ol't!olqo, und.e-r the late Hon. 
Artlhur Peters, .Jan., ,1905 ; was 
and Att'Y.-Gen1. af.ter Mr. Beot'eT'S deatlh, 
dn .Jan., 1908; a.þvtd. a memo .of the 
Su,preme Ot., P.E.I., -May, 1911; a del. 
to Maritime .con f., St. .J'dhn, N.H., 
Sepot., 1910; òo. In:terprovl. Conlf., 
OtJtJaJwa, Dec., 00.; was !presdt., P.E.I. 
Exhn. A,ssn., 1907-8; Is a l.ocal V.-P. 
Oan. Manfors. Assn. and V.-P. Can, 
Club, Ohar'loUetown; ø-pptd. a mem. of 

fue R0Y'3'1 COnservati.on Comn., 1909; 
Ang,-Chm'lottetown, P.E.I.; Cana- 
dian Club, do. 
"A man of uDlblemished characte.r, an 
able la.wyer, a keen debater, and one with 
a wide knowledge on most subjects, who 
believes that any thing that is wurth doing 
is worth doing well."-T. Globe. 
Hatheway, Warren Franklin, mer- 
chant; legislator. 
U. E. L. descent; S. Thos. Gilbert 
R., St. .John, N.B.; a cousin late Hon. 
Geo. L. H., formerly Prime Minr., N. 
B.; b. St. .J.ohn, Sept. 16, 1850; e. 
there; m. Ella C. (presdt. Free Kinder- 
g;3.rten Assn.), d. Wm. S. Marvin, St. 
John; Is head of firm W. F. H. & Co., 
Ltd., wholesale grocf'rs; presdt. St. 
J.ohn Bd. of Trade, 1895: a de1. to the 
Commercial Congress of the Empire 
on several occasions; apptd. consul for 
Guatemala, St. .John, 1897; Is a dlr. 
Seaman's Missy. Soc. and St. .John 
Horticul. Soc.; V.-P., S. P. C. A., St. 
John; gazetted ensign. 62nd Regt.. 
1870.; ('apt.. 1872; has contributed 
articlps to thf> Contempn r ar1/ Rp1'.. Em- 
pire Re1J., Can. l.fag., New Eng. lIfag., 
etc.; author: "God and the Doubter" 
(poems), "Can. Nationality, and Other 
Essays" (1906), and "The Cry of 
Labour" (1907); writE'S unðer >the 
nom-de-plllme of " Belmont"; well 
known on t.he lecture platform; a Con. ; 
unsuccessfully contestNl St. .John 
(Local), 1903; since 1908 has sat for 
same constituency (do.); favours ex- 
tension of the franchise, in Provl. elec- 
tions, to women; an Ang.-St. John, 
N.B,; Canadian Club, do. 
.. WTHes wi,th v.igour."-Charlottetown 
"A, a moan of le.arn-in.g with the 
esprit of hi
h cultu,re, .and mOTe than that 
he is a t,hinker on most e.levated lines of 
a. schOOl1 the IDO'Bit nwdern" the most op- 
posed to l'Outine, and s
.mpathetic with 
reforms."-Le Samedi. 
Batt, William Xendrick, educa.tlonIsrt:. 
S. Ge'O. o::mò .sa rah EHzoabf'ltlh 
(C1a:rk) H.; b. F.reò:eridoo, N.B., Oct. 
10, 1868; e. Undv. N.B. (B.A., 1887; 
M.A., 1898) and Oornell Univ. (C.E., 
189.1); FIh.D. (Purdue Univ.), 1901; 
m., 1896, ,M.iss .J'osi-e B. ApplebY, Wash- 
ing:bon, D.C.; Iprof. dvq.1 eng'Í.ng., N.B. 
Un.iv., 1892-93; dnstr. do., Cot'n'e.J.l Undv. 
1892-3; assoc. I)'rof. I(]o.. Pwroue Univ., 
1893-5; asSoOC. prto1'. applied meC'h., do., 
1896-1901; ;pro'f. do. do., 1902-6; since 
Se!P't., 1907, ,bas ,been .prof. of ciV'il 
eng>ing. and d'Ír. MI3.1t.eriall Telstlng 
LabOll'., do.; ;presdlt. Imd. Eng:ing. Soc., 
1907- 8; apptò. '<f ()If sac. tf.,imiÞeT 
IfßStS, Bur-eau of F,ore'Stry, U. S. 
Derpt. .of A;grloul1>., 1903; 'has servro 
as a C. E., Interc. Ry., Can.; an assoc. 
memo Am. Soc. C. E.: memo Intern. 
Soc. for Testing Materi-als, Ind. Acad. 
of Sciences, Soc. for Promotion of En
ging. Educ., and Soc. 'Of Sigma XI; 
author of various papers on sden. 
subjecls.-Lafayette, Ind.; Lafayette 
Club, do. 
Hattie, Bobert McConnell, j.ournalist. 
Bro. Dr. W. H. H. (q.v.); b. and 
e. St. .John, N.B.; m., .July, 1906, 
Florence Daisy, d, late F, R. Gue, 



prel!ldt. Acadia Powder Co.; for some 
yrs. aest. eel. Maritime Merchant; 
Presb.-Halifax, N.S. 
.attie, WllUam Harop, physician. 
S. late Geo. H., St. John, N.B., a 
native of Pictou. N.S.; b. and e. St. 
JtOIIm; g:I'ladl\latelÒ! oM.D., C.M., McGiU 
Unlv., 1891; m. the d. J. Fisher Grant, 
New Glasgow, N.S.; now and for some 
yrs. Med. Supdt. Prov!. Hasp. for the 
Insanoe, N.'S,; hØ!s lec-turoed on .. Epi- 
demic Madn-ess" and other cognate 
subjects; Pl"'esb.-Dm"tmouth, N.S. 
Hatton, Hon,. Edwin Fu11arton, phy- 
S. late D. G. H., Peterborough, Onto ; 
b. there, 1858; e. U. C. CoIl.; m. 
Marlon Seton, d. late Capt. M. G. 
Browne, Royal Horse Arty., London, 
Eng.; M.B. (Toronto Unlv.). 1880; 
do. (Trln. Unlv.), 1889; M.R.C.S., Eng.; 
entd. Cot Med. Service. 1882: t"lowand 
for some time s.enl.or med. ot'!'r., Gren- 
ada; med. supdt. lunatic and po'Or 
asylums, and me-d. ofl'r. Ito rprlS()lJ1, d
a'Pptd. a memo 'Of the Le
. Council. da., 
1904.-Richmond Hill, Grenada, W.I.; 
St. George's Club, do. 
Hatton, John Cassie, lawyer. 
S. late 
aml. H.: b. Port Hope,Ont.. 
1840: e. Victoria ColI.. Cobourg, and 
Toronto TTnlv. (B.A.. 1861: M.A.. 
1863: LT
.B.. 1872)
 m.. 1870, Olfvla 
Drewe (>d. Oct.. 1909). d. late ROIbt. 
Jas. Grl'wes, M.D.. Cloghan Castle. 
King's Ca., and Menlon SQ., Dublfn-: (Ont.). 1865; a
vocate P. 
Q.), '1867: K.C. (P. Q.), 1878; do. (M. 
of Lansdowne). 1887: successfu11y 
practised his prof. In Montreal. where 
he was one of the leaders of the bar. 
bls specialty .beln
 Ins. and corpor
law; retired from practice. 1901: 
elected T1resdt. Montr.eal, Portland & 
Boston Ry., 1889; was Chief agent In 
Can. ,for rtlhe Norwloh Uind.on Llfoe Ins. 
Soc.; A'ng.-Hamilton House, Victoria 
Embankment. London, E.C.; Garrick 
Club, do.; Royal Albert Yacht Club. 
Southsea, Eng. 
"A man <Yf culture and wide knowledge 
of law. w.hom it was a pleasure to meet." 
-Thø late Dr. R. G. Haliburton, E.O. 
Hatton, Hi8 Honour William J" Co. 
ct. judge. 
B. Owen Sound, 1865; barrister. 
1891: successfully practised his prof. 
at Owen Sound. In partnersltlp with 
Hem. A. G. Mackay, K.C. (q.v.) ; aprptd. 
!!enlor judge, Co. Grey, Ont., ApI. 6. 
1903: apptd. surrogate judge In Ad- 
ml,raÞty I(),f tJhie EX'C'h. Ct., for Grey. 
Bruce antd Simcoe, ApI. 23, 1906.- 
Owen Sound. Onto 
(D. Owen Sound, Ont., June 11, 1911.) 
HanItain, Hon, Frederick WßUam 
Gordon, lawyer: state!':man. 
2nd s. late Lt.-Col. F. W. H., wh'Ü. 
after serving In the Royal Arty., came 
to Oan.. settled a.t Peterboro', Ont., 
1860, and was returned to the Can. 
lslature In thf' Lib. Intf'rf'!':t: b. 
Wo01wfch, Eng., Nov. 25, 1857: e. 
Montreal High Sch., Peterboro' ColI. 
Inst. and Toronto Unlv. (B.A.. with 
1st class honours In classics, 1879): 
unm.; barrIster (Ont.), 1882; do. 

(N.W.T.), 1884; some time CrowR 
Prosecutor, Fart Macleod, Alta.; K.C. 
(E. of Minto), 1902; do. (Sask.), 
1907; now head legal firm H.. Cross & 
Jonah, Regina; V.-P. Can. Bar Assn, 
1896; Is a dfr. Western Can. Cement 
& Coal Co.; a senator, Sask. Unlv.; 
gazetted 2nd lieut., 57th Regt., 1879; 
presented to King George and Queen 
Mary, St. James's Palace, 1902 ; 
represented N.W.T. at King Edward's 
coranatlon, do.; a Con. ; elected a mem. 
N.W. Council, 1887; memo Advisory 
Council, N.W.T., 1888-97; sat for Mac- 
leod (Local), 1888-1905: s.lnce then 
has sat for S. Qu' App
lle (Local); 
Premier. Atty.-Gent and Commr. of 
Educ., N.W.T., 1897-1905; Is hon. 
presdt. Con. Assn. of N.W.T.: an Ang. 
-Regina, Sask.; Assiniboia Club. do.; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa; lI-Ianitoba Club, 
.. An incisive spea.keil' wit:J1 an anelytical 
mind that at on.oo deltects the weoakness of 
a: Pl"oposi,ti01l a.nd & critical faculty tn,at 
gives him oommandin.g discernment."- 
M. & E. 
.. His re,cord as an admindstraror in face 
of grea.t and disoou1'lag>ing oonditi()IQß, his 
ie.s oß8 a fighiter and his person,a.l 
poopu.larity, aU point to' him a.a the oom1ng 
ma.n."-SatuTdav Sunset. 
Haultain, Herbert Edward Terrick 
civil engineer; educa.tlonlist. ' 
Y. S. late Major-Gen1. F. M. H.; bro. 
T. A. H. (q.v.); b. BrIghton, Eng., 
1869: e. publIc soh. and Coil. Inst., 
Peterborough, Ont; graduated In civIl 
englng., Toronto .sch. of Prac. Science, 
1889, becoming 'Presdt. of Englng. Soc. 
in his 3rd year: took post-grad. work 
In Londan and Freiburg; C.E. (Toronto 
Unlv.), 1900; m., Sept., 1909. France! 
Murle1, d. late Benj. Cronyn, Toronto; 
desIgned and operated first electric 
minIng hoist on Continent of Europe, 
1890; In mining work In 
B. C., S. A., and several of the 
"\\-Testern States; took charge of Can. 
C(lrundum Works, Craigmont, 1905 ; 
has worked all over the world In ores 
of Un, copper, sIlver. gold, lead, zinc, 
and corundum, and has heJd a11 posI- 
tions, from that of labourer, with pIck 
ana shovel, to that of gen1. mangr.; 
an assoc. memo Inst. C. E., memo Inst. 
of Mining and Metall., memo Can. Soc. 
C. E.. and councUlor Can. Mining- Inst. : 
awtd. IProf. of minin.g i&\.glng., Toronto 
UnIv., 19110; eleoted dhaiLrman, Toronto 
brandh. Can. Soc. oaf C.E., 191t.-To- 
ronto Univ., T01"Onto; Engineers' Club, 
.. Has brought credit .a.nd h{)IDOIlI' to his 
aJm'a mate'r."-T. New8. 
Haultain, Theodore Arnold, essayist; 
E. S. Maj.-Gent F. M. and Isabella 
(Thomas) H.; b. Cannanore. India, 
Nov. 3, 1857; e. private sch., Brighton, 
Eng., Bedfovd Grammar Sch.. and To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., 1879; M.A., 1880) ; 
m., 1886, Miss Amy Millicent Fraser; 
after studYing med. for a while gave 
It up In favour of letters and journal- 
,ism: tor many yrs. 'Was 'Private secy. 
to ,Prof. Go:1òwln iSml1:Jh, up Ito Ithe 
-time of Ibis dooJth, 1910; !has since 
written and published hi5 memotrs ;. has 



been a frequent contributor to the 
Nineteenth Century, the Contemporary, 
the Atlantic Monthly, the Can. Mag., 
the University !flag. and other perIod- 
Icals; author: "A Critique of Car- 
dinal Newman's Exposition of the 
Illative Sense"; .. A Fmgmentary 
Dialogue on Love and Religion"; 
.. Verslculi'" (poems); "Who should 
Emigrate" , '.. Two Country Walks in 
Canada'" '" The Mystery of Golf"; 
.. Hints 'flor Lo-vers." .. England's 
P]!ig1h.t. a Returned Exile's Impres- 
sions ,,' etc.; ih8:s edited .1 .or 2 10C'wl 
joury{a,ls; {has loectured \()In " The 
Pisy.dho]ogy of Art" and oj)he-r 
subjects before the Woman's Art 
A'ssn. and before Cornoen Univ., on 
.. Style in Llterat:ure."-49 Springhurst 
Ave., Toronto; Toronto Goll Club, do. 
.. 'Tha.reve-r he wrioos is we-n writoon, and 
Lilrely t.o be read fool' ;its inkim;i.c ch.a,rm." 
-So N. 
If Havergal, The Canadian," (See 
Miss Amy Pa;rkinson.) 
Haverson, James, lawyer. 
S. late Capt. .Jas. H.. Toronto and 
Oshawa. ant.; b. Macduff. Scot., Oct. 
30, 1852; m. Miss .Jennie Crossley, 
Hamilton, ant.; barrister. 1878: K.C.. 
1902; solr. for the liquor traffic of 
ant. since 1894; has appeared In that 
Interest before the Provl. and Dom. 
Govts. In connection with legislation 
affecting the trade; opposed to sump- 
tuary laws; a Llb.-40B Bloor St. 1V., 
Haverson, James Percival, author 
and journallst. 
S. ,Tas. H., K.C. (q.v.); h. Toronto, 
Oct. 3, 1880; e. Toronto Model Sch., 
RIdley con., .st. Catharines and ant. 
La w Sch.; m. Miss .Tessie Hodson; 
for some yrs. a law student; turned 
to journallsm, and has .been em- 
ployed on the St. Paul (Minn.) 
Globe the Duluth News-Tribune, etc.; 
now ón staff Toronto World; contri- 
buted trlolets, In the slang of the 
street, to the souvenir of the Toronto 
Press Club; a frequent contributor of 
humorous verse to Saturday Night: 
author II Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead 
and Other Songs of the Street" 
(1908). -" World" Otnce, Toronto; 
Press Club, do. 
II The exponent of Canadian sidewalk 
Hawke, John Thomas, journalist. 
Cornish descent; S. .John P. and M. 
A. (Harvey) H.; b. Plymouth, Eng., 
ApI. 30. 1854: e. there; m.. Oct., 1875, 
Miss Della Thornton. Aylmer West, 
ant.; came to Am., 1873: moved to 
Can. same year; legislative reporter 
Toronto Leader, 1875-8: after serving 
on 'Staff of Ottawa Citizen, Toronto 
Globe (for which he was !';uccesslvely 
parliamentary reporter, political corre- 
spondent at Ottaw
, and man!!. news 
elt.) , became ed. HamIlton Tribune, a 
prohibitionist dally, 1885. and, later, 
ro.-In-chlef Ottawa Free Press; since 
] 887 has been ed. and prop. of 'l'he 
Transcript (Moncton, N.B.) ; came Into 
prominence. 1888, In a fedpral election 
contempt of court case, at Fredericton; 

on that occasion he addressed the full 
bench of the Supreme Ct. of N. B. for 5 
hours, pleading his case and reviewing 
the law of contempt of ct. and criminal 
libel; he was sen tenced to be confined 
In York Co. .Jail for 2 months and to 
pay a fine of $200; a purse of $1,000 
was raised by pubUc subscription to 
meet the fine and costs; secy. of Mari- 
time Press Assn. during the first 3 
years of its existence. and was elected 
presdt. N. B. Assn.. 19-05-7; was also 
chairman Moncton Sch. Bd. and presdt. 
Moncton Bd. of Trade: elected V.-P. 
Moncton Can. Club, 1909; is a prohibi- 
tionist, and In politics a Lib. of ad- 
vanced views; Is a strong advocate of 
the maintenance of Brit. connection: a 
.J.P., bakes a pII".ominent part in the 
local political campaigns. and has at- 
tained popularity as .a public speakf'r: 

e.ntted cHy 'Ü'f ,MonoC'ton at Coro- 
natloOn .of K:ing George, 1911; a Meth. 
-Moncton, N.B. 
".AJble and forcible."-Hon. A. G. Jones. 
Hawkes, Arthur, Can. ry. service. 
Y. s. late 'Vm. H., Avlesford, Kf'nt, 
Eng.; b. Aylf'sford. 1871 
 e. Ma.ld- 
stone and Kent Con., Canterbury, 
Eng.; m., 1894. Augusta .Jospphine, d. 
late Herr Anderson, Wengdala. Swe- 
den; tralnf'd as a journalist on coun- 
try weekU'Õ's tn Eng.; reporter M:m- 
chester Guardian; sub-ed. Dail?1 M rtil; 
snectal commr. and London f'rl. J\.fan- 
chester DnilJl Despatch: speC'ial f'on- 
trihutor Review of Reviews In 
. Af- 
rica; mango. ed. Toronto WorM.' e"l 
jfonetan/ Times (Torontt'o); Ilatoer I.n 
C'11arg- p of publicitv fnr ('<IT> Nortnorn 
Ry. System: resignf'd. 1910; author 
sDecial articles on Brit., A'frican. and 
Oan. subjects in leading periodIcals; 
!;pent 3 yrs., 1885-88, In Western Can. ; 
travf'lled In Can. and U. S., 1890-5, 
settling finally In Toron,to, Dec., 1905; 
at 21 was elected to Bd. of Guardians. 
sf'Ûrd. and later heC'ame chairman 
first parish Counci1 of Aylesforrl: chief 
promoter of the Ama].g-amatpd Press of 
Can. (L.P.. .1907); -since MClh., 1911, 
.has been Gena. SeOCy. ('an. Nat. League. 
estbd. The British News of Can., a 
wf'opkly for C'irouUation in Gt. Brit., of 
which he is -f"(j., 1911; fumed as a lec- 
turer up.on sDeclal subjects; beHf'ves 
in mak,ing II (A9.n. firs't in the IDmplre." 
-1.}:1.! Beech Ave., Toronto. 
Hawthornthwaite, James Hurst, legis- 
B. Westmeath, Ire!.: e. Eng.; went 
to B. C., 1885; m.. 1890. Ada. d. M3.rk 
Bate, ex-mayor, Nanaimo, B.C.: some- 
time secy. Am. consul. Victoria; 
arJDtd. U. S. consular agent, Nanalmo, 
1888; was also in the employ of the 
Vancouver Coal Co.; has sat for Nan- 
almo City (Locat), almost uninter- 
ruptedly. sInce 1901: unsuccessfully 
contested Nanalmo (H. C.) , 1908: a 
la.lbour leader; a .socialist.-Newcast1e. 
Hay, Prancfs Wellington, merchant. 
Scottish origin; S. late Wm. Gibson 
and Agnes (Rogerson) H.; b. Lis- 
towel, ant.. Nov. 17, 1864: P. local 
public and high schs.; m., 1890, Miss 



Josephine Riggs; In the grain trade; 
town councillor, 1901; mayor of Lls- 
towel, 1903-5; memo Toronto Bd. of 
Trade; Lib.; Cong.-Listowel, Ont.; 
Listowel Club, do.; Ontario Club, Na- 
tional Club, Toronto. 
Hay, George tTpha.m, educa.tionist; 
U. E. L. sto
k; s. Wm. and Eliza H. ; 
b. Norton, N.B., June 18, 1843; e. local 
schs., Ill. Wesl. Unlv. (Ph.B.), and 
Acadia Un-Iv. (M.A., 1894; D.Sc., hon., 
1901) ; m., 1876, Miss Frances Annetta 
Hartt (V:P. Ladd-es' Aux. Nat. Hlst. 
Soc., St. John) ; originally a journalist; 
subsequentl'Y an eduootlonlst; princl. 
pal, Victoria High Sch., St. John, N.B., 
10 yrs.; estbd., with Dr. A. H. Mackay 
(q.v.) the Educ. Rf}v. (of which he Is 
now mangr. and ed.), 1887; is V.-P. Hist. Soc., St. John; do., Moral 
and Sodal Reform Counoeil of N.B.; a 
library commr., S1. John; formerly a 
dlr. Dom. Educ. Assn. and N. B. Horti- 
cultural Assn.: F.R.S.C. (presdlt. sect. 
IV. 1904); presdt. Botanical Club of 
., 1905: is a memo New Eng. Bo- 
tanical Club; served on Dom. History 
Comte., 1894-6; ed. and published 
.. Canadian History Readings," a series 
of valuable original papers on the his- 
tory of Can. (1900) ; author: "A School 
History of Canada" (1901) and "A 
School History of New Brunswick" 
(1904); has contributed papers on 
botany to Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, 
Bulletin Nat. Hist. Soc., N.B., and Educ. 
Review; also of various papers on edu- 
cation and nat. science in Proc. Dom. 
Educ. Assn., Educ. Inst. of N. B. and 
Educ, Review.-
l Leinster St., St. 
John, N.B.; Canadian Club, do. 
Haycock, Ernest, educationist. 
U. E. L. stock; s. Maurice and Eliza 
(Peters) H., Westport, N.S.; b. there. 
May 29, 1867; e. public schs., Acadia 
Univ. (A.B.. 1896), and Harvard 
Unlv. (A.B., 1897; A.M., 1898); m., 
1897, Miss Annie Priscilla Hall, Gran- 
ville. N.S.; instr. chemist. and geol., 
Acadia Unlv., 1898-1900: since then 
has been prof. do. do.; engd. In field 
work for Can. Geol. Survey since 1902 ; 
author various papers and reports on 
local gool. ; Ba.pot.- Wolfville, N.S. 
Haycock, Joseph Langford, Dom. 
public service. 
Eng. origin; 3rd s. Fred. H.; b. 
Swltzerville, ant., ApI. 9, 1850: e. 
Newburgh Acad.: m., 1877, Martha, d. 
Wm. Grange, Napanee, ant.; a farm- 
er: represented Frontenac (Local), 
Patron interest, 1894-98, when defeat- 
ed' was leader Patrons of Industry 
In 'Legislature; apptd. inspr. binder 
twine for Dom., 1903; Meth.-Cq,tara- 
Qui, Onto 
Havden, John Dumble, busine<:s man. 
S. late John H., Cobourg, ant.: b. 
there; e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1881); 
a dir. Cumberland Ry. and Ooal Co.: 
plecte.d presdt. Can. League of Civic 
Impr,oveme'l1't, 1909-10-11; and presdt 
Oooourg Rd. of Trade, d-o.: 
s also 
V.-P. Oolbou'l'g iOrlcket Club and pr.esdt. 
Cobourg Horse Show .AJssn'.; Meth.- 
Cobourg, Onto 

Hayes, Charles A" Can. ry. service. 
B. \Vest Springfield, Mass., Mch. 10, 
1865: entd. ry service, 1882, and was 
connected with several lines in the 
U. S.: mangr. Nat. Despatch, Gt. East- 
ern Line, 1902-3; became connect.:',! 
with G. T. Ry. as asst. genl. 
agent, Chicago, in l,atter year; \suc- 
ceeded J. E. Dalrymple (q.v.) as genl. 
flI'cight agent, 1908.-7
1 She1'brooke Ft. 
W., Montreal; Country Golf Club. do. 
Hayes, Mrø, Kate E, (" Mary Mark- 
well "), poet and miscellaneous 
3rd d. late Patrick Hayes, Dalhousie, 
N.B.; b. there, 1856; m., 1882, C. 
Bowman, S. late Hon. John Simpson. 
senator, BO/Wml3.nville, ant., frDm 
whom she DbtaIned a legal separation, 
1889; inherits her taste for literature 
from her mother, a highly cultivated 
woman; o-riginally a pUbllc soh. 
teacher (took a 2nd class cert. In 
music) ; went to the Can. West, 1879: 
subsequent,loy was librarian to the 
Legislature there; has written largely 
for the Western press anI(} for the 
Eng. and Am. mags.; author: "Prairie 
Potpourri" (1895), the first story book 
produced in Western Can.: also of 
"Awena," "The Legend Df the West," 
.. Derby Day in the Yukon," by Yukon 
Bill, .. Hitting the Tran," and "Wo- 
men's Work in Western Canada."; 
has also written several songs ar.d 
plays which have been pnpular; elected 
first presdt. of the Can. Women's Press 
Olub, of whiûh she was one of lJ.e 
founders, 1906; in the S3me year was 
sent to Eng. by the DOom. Govt. on 
speocial immigration busdness ; did 
some excellent work there in bringing 
out high class Brit. women to the 
Prairie West; her letters on Can. ap- 
peared in T. P.'s Weekly, The Ex- 
press, Gentlewoman, Sphere, Tribune, 
Manchester G1wrdian, etc., while her 
platfonn talks on Oan. g>ave her ar 
assured place as a public speaker; 
while In London, presided at E- 
" Canada" dJinner, given by the Ly- 
ceum Club: has travelled widely, and 
while at Rome was reed. in prlvatf> 
audience by the P,Dpe; joined the ed. 
staff of the Man. Free Press, 1899, 
and remained with that paper for 
many yrs.: later, did literary work for 
the C. P. Ry, and still later was cd. 
of the women's page of the Ottawa 
Free Press; was present in London at 
the corona'tlon of .the present King and 
Queen, June, 1911; n. C.-Winnipeg; 
Can. Women's Press Club. 
" the brig-hte'st of \Yestern 
w()m.en writers."-" Kit" (q.v.). 
Hayes, :Major Louis :Martin, lawyer. 
S. late Michael H., Co. Crown Atty., 
Co. Perth, ant.; grands. Jas. H., M.D., 
Toronto: b. Toronto, Feb. 11, 1863; 
e. St. Michael's ColI., Toronto: m. 
Margt. Maude, d. late Angus D. Mac- 
donell, Toronto: barrister, 1885; K.C.. 
1908; suocesSlfully practises his 'Prof. 
as a memo of firm Hal,I, H. & Hall, 
Peterboro'; memo Publlc Library Ed: 
chainnan Bd. of Educ. there; apptd. 
r 57th Regt. (with hon. rank 
of major), Jan., 1907; Lib.-Con.; R. C. 
-Peterborough, Ont.; Peter borough 
Club, do. 



:&:ay., Charles Melville, Can. rallway 
B. Rock Island, Ill., May 16, 1856; 
e. public schs. and Rock Island High 
Sch.; m. Clara .T., d. Worn. H. Gregg, 
St. Louis, Mo.; commenced ry. ser- 
vice, when 17, in passenger dept. 
Atla.ntlc & Pacific Ry., S1. Louis, Mo.; 
a year later was transferred to the 
auditor's dept., and subsequently 
passed into genl. supdt.'s office where 
his abillty and aptitude wer'e soon 
manifested; from 1878 to 1884 was 
secy. to the genl. man gr. of the Mis- 
souri Pacific, and from 1884 to 1886 
secy. to the genl. man gr. of the 
'Vabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry' In 
1886 was apptd. asst. genl. mangr. of 
that road, and in the following year 
bpeame gent mangr. of the Wabash 
W-esteTIl; 'in 1889 was apptd. gen'l. 
man gr. of the reorganized Wabash 
system, and 5 yrs. later was elected 
V.-P. of that co.; became gent mangr. 
of the Grand Trunk Ry. system, Jan., 
1896, succeeding L. J. Seargeant, who 
proceeded to London to act in an ad- 
visory capaci ty to the bd. of direc- 
tors; relinquished this office .Ian 1 
1901, and became presdt. of 'thé 
Southern Pac. Ry., retiring from that 
office the latter part of 1901 to return 
to the G. T. Ry. system as 2nd V.-P. 
and genl. mangr.; on the retirement 
of Sir Chas. R. Wilson, Oct., 1909, 
was advanced to the presidency of 
the co.; is also -presd.t. of the Oentral 
VermoTIt Ry., Grand Trunk W
Ry., Deot-I'oi,t, Grarud Haven & Moil. 
waukee Ry., 'l'oloooO, Sagin3Jw & 
Muskeg.on Ry., Mic<hig1an lAir Line 
Ry., .ohioag1O, De.troit & Oanada Grand 
Trunk Junction Ry., Detroit & Tüledo 
ShOlI'ß Lin-e, 'Southern New Eng. Ry. 
qo., Can. EXJpress Co., St. 
'Iunnoel Go., Inl'ern. Bridge Co., MoOnt- 
real Warehousing 00., Portland Ele. 
\'8Jtor 00., and New Eng. Elevator 
Co.; also represents the Grand Trunk 
'Vestern Ry. as dir. of the Chicago 
& Western Indiana Ry. and Belt Ry., 
Chicago; elected .presdt. Grand Trunk 

ac. Ry.. 1905; do., a memo Permt. 
Comn. Intern. Ry. Congress do' do 
a dir. U. S. Mortg.age & T'rust' Co . 
.;. decorated with the Order of thë 
Rlsmg Sun (3rd class) by Emperor 
of Japan, 1907; a del. Imp. Trades 
Congress, 1903; one of the founders 
of the Mt. Royal Club, Montreal. 
1906: presdlt. {}f the G. T. Ry. Im
. & 
ProvIdent Soc.; a gov. of the Mont- 
real Genl. H?sp. and a gov. of the 
Royal Vlct
rIa Hosp.; a gOY. McGill 
Unlv.; a dIr. Royal Trust Co. and 
Merchants Bank of Can.; a dir. Mont- 
real Horticul. & Fruit Growing As!m.; 
a ,dlr. Can. Bd. London & Lancashire 
LIf.e ÅSs"Ur. Co.; reputed to have 
doeo1oin-ed kni,g.Mhood, 1910; in rel'igioUls 
belief a Presb.-27 Ontario Ave., Mont- 
?'eal; 11ft. Royal Club; St. James'8 
Club; Canada Club; Forest and 
Stream Club; Montreal Jockey Club' 
Montreal Hunt Club; St. Maurice Fish 
d Game Club; Laurentian Club do . 
Ruleau Club, Ottawa. ' ., 
"A valuable acquisition to Canada; a 

tho-rough Calladian at heart."-Sir W. 
"A splendid eciDam:p1:e of wha,t bl1aåns, 
pluck a,nd indusbry can 
oome 80nd 8oC' 
oomplish."-M. Witness. 
"A rna.n of quiet dignüty, sanåty 
a.nd strengbh are see'll Sind fe,lit in a.ll Ms 
un,dertak.ings."-M. Standard. 
.. Hayseed II (
ee McMillan, Ernest 
Hayward, Gerald Sinclair, miniature 
3rd s. Capt. Alfred and Caroline 
(Bartlett) H., Aylesbury, Bucks, Eng.; 
b. Port Hope, ant., 1847; e. Brighton, 
Eng. ; m., Miss Sophia Cawley, Jersey; 
a pupil of M. Matthews (q.v.); studied 
Royal Acad. Sehs., London; has ex- 
hibitoo !frequently RIt 1Jh.e Roy.a;1 Acad., 
London, and Royal Scottish Acad., 
Edinburgh; g1ave first exhn. of mod. 
miniatures in Am., N. Y., 1883; has 
painted the late Queen Victoria, the 
Qu-een-Mobher of En.g., the Empr.ess 
of Russia, the Czarewitch, the late 
Princess Alice, the Countess of Minto 
and numerous other titled personages; 
Ang.-" The Den," Larchmont Manor, 
N. Y.; Transportation Club, do. 
"The reviver o-f miniature painting in 
this country."-Evening Post, N. Y. 
"Has produced BOrne exquisite po.r- 
trait9."-Geo. Murray. 
Hazen, :&:on, John Douglas, lawy&; 
Pur.itoan 'aJ1là Loyallist Idle'scent ; ,famoHy 
among the ('arliest 
pttlprs in N.B.; 
s. ,13,te Jas. K. and ENz3!beth Mari.on 
H., d. late Hon. John A. Bec1{with: b. 
Oromocto, N.B., June 5, 1860; e. ColI. 
Seh., Fredericton and N. B. Univ. 
(B.A., with honours in Eng. lang. and 
lit., 1879; B.C.L., 1890; LL.D., 1908); 
m., Sept., 1884, Ada (a council1or 
Woman's Can. Club), 2nd d. Jas. Tib- 
bitts, Fredericton; bnrrister, 1883 ; 
K.C. (Earl of Aberdeen), 1894; suc- 
cessfully practised his pro,f., fiflst at 
Fre<1erÜ:t'On, anod, stnoe .189
, has íPr
tJised at St. J.oIhn; has heen presdt. 
Barrist'ers' 810<:., N.B., and of iSt. J'Ünn 
Law Soc.; regr. and treas: N.B. Univ. 
1882-9-0; a mem .of t'he Alumni So<:, 
and a Sena.tor, do., do.; 'was also V.-P. 
R:oY'al Victoria Hosp., Fred.eruct-oTI ; now 
a dir. N.B. T.elephoOne 00. and ;presd.t. 
St. J'OIhn HOl't'icuUmral A'ssn.; suoc-es. 
s'ively .alð. anld mayor of Fredericton; 
a Oon.; sat f-or St. John -city and co. 
(H. !C.), 11891-96, rw" en defElated: S!ll'P- 
pOl1ted M.r. Davlin's moti-on for the ex- 
t'ension of ltIhe Dom. franchise .to 
w.omen, 1895; .has sat ,foOr ,SUTIíbury 
(Local), since 1899; 'CJh'Os'en leader of 
<t/he o,pposi.bion (Local)), 1899; since 
M-oh.. 1908. bas ,been PI'emier -of N.B., 
ohOilodtinig the -office of Attty-Genl1.; a 
memo Ißlterp'rovl. Conf., Ottawa 1910' 
and 'of ,the Mal'it,ime Prov.1. Cmid'., doo.; 
fa voO
red 'tJhe givlÌng by Can. of money 
or ShIPS .to(} En1g. .on .t'he naval question, 
1909; rWppt-d. payma,ster (wit.h hon. 
ro.nk of c-ap'1.). 300 N.B. Regt. Arty., 
1898; 'PI'esent at coronat.ion of Kiing 
Geonge and Que
n M'ary, Lontd'On, June, 
1911; was subsequently pres'ented It)o 
bheir MaJesties; opposed to(} ,the Taft- 



We.ld,ing re.oipT-QicHy oomiPact; on 'l'he 
defeat of rt'h:e Lauri-er :Admn. at tlhe 
polls, g. e. 1911, was s'Worn of bhe p.e. 
an.d accepte-d office -in Ithe Borden 
Cabinet .a.s :MinI'. of :Marine anI('! Fislh- 
eries, Oct. 10, 191.1; Ang.-Ottawa; St. 
John, N.B.; Union Club, do. 
" A man of high standing, with 8 reoord 
as a .sta1.etsma.n of which the pl"QlVinoo ma
be þl'Q'Ud."-S. N. 
Hazlewood, Rev. Jas. Henry (Meth.)" 
Grandf. emigrated from IreI., 1817; 
3 g-enern:ticm's 'before, an-oegtor came 
from Eng. with 'Vil1iam, Prince of 
Orange, and was present at the cross- 
ing of the Boyne; b. Brockville, ant., 
Feb. 16, 1857; e. BrockvllIe Coli. Inst., 
Wesl. Theol. ColI., Montreal (D.D., 
1904), and McGill Univ.; m., Aug., 
1883, Miss Margt. Purvis, Brockville, 
ant.; o. 1882; has held many Im- 
portant pastorates; pastor Centro.l Ch., 
Hamilt,on, 1907-10; now iPastoOr Cen- 
bral Ch., TorontJo, and cma1r:man T.o- 
)'onto Conl.; elected presdt. Hamilton 
Conf., 1899; a memo Genl. Conf., 1898 
and 1902; a memo Meth. Ecumenical 
Conf., LOI1Jdon, Eng., 1901.-1-+ Park 
Rd., Toronto, Onto 
.. Of fine prese.noe, a" good preacher and 
energetic worlrer and one, moreover. o.f 
go.od executive and administrative ability." 
-0. Guardian. 
Healy, Rev, Ezra Anthony (Meth.). 
S. Almon H.; grands. Rev. Ezra H., 
one of the pioneers of Can. Method- 
Ism, who came to Canada from N. Y. 
State, 1822; b. Smith's Falls, ant., 
1844; e. Victoria Univ., Cobourg (B.A., 
1883; D.D., 1905); M.A. (Toronto 
Vniv.) ; m. Mary Priscilla, 2nd d. Ira 
Edmunds, Hollin, ant.; entd. ministry, 
Stratford, ant., 1867; removed to Cal., 
1886; now and for some yrs. pastor 
University Cll., Los Angeles, and presi- 
dent Bd. of rrrustees, Unlv. of Southern 
Cal.; an orthodox Llb.-Los Angeles, 
Cal.; University Club, do. 
"A live scholar, the BOul of honour, a 
faithful and sympathetic pastor, an orig. 
inal and evangelical preacher."-Rev. J. 
8. Ross, D.D. (q.v.). 
Heaman, John Andrew, civil engIn. 
Eng. and Scotch origin; So Geo. and 
Isabella (Simpson) H.; b. Memphis. 
rrenn., .June 3, 1874; e. In private, 
public, and high schs., London, ant.; 
graduated B.Sc. (with Brit. Assn. 
med.), 1902; m., .July, 1907, Miss 
Edith Edna Dunlop, Ottawa; a memo 
Can. Soc. IC.E., 1901; with G. T. Ry. 
on enging. staff; res. engr., do. do., 
Montreal and Toronto, 1902-3; asst. 
engr. G. T. P. Ry., 1903-4; in 
charge N. T. Ry., 1903-5; asst. 
en-gr. N. T. Ry., 1906-7; since then 
wIth G. T. P. Ry., as asst. <Est. engr.: 
Meth.-Kenora, Ont.; Lake of the 
.Woods Club, do. 
Hearst, William Howard, lawyer; 
Y. s. late Wm. H., one of the pio- 
neers Co. Bruce, ant., and Margt. 
(McFadden) H,; b. Tp. Arran, Co. 

Bruce, Feb. 15, 1863; e. 1000.1 public 
sch., Collingwood CoIl. Inst., and To- 
ronto Univ.; m., .July, 1891, Isabella 
.Jane, d. late Jiohn Dunkin, Sim-coe, ant. ; 
graduated, with honours, Law Soc., 
Osgoode Hall; barrister, 1888; has 
successfully practised his prof. at 
Sault Ste. Marie; counsel In all the 
important civil and cases 
tried in Algoma; govt. agent and 
counsel In connection with guarantee 
loan to Lal{e Superior Corporation; 
resigned, 1908; K.C., 1908; has bpen 
high sch. trustee, Sunday sch. supdt., 
and presdt. Bd. of Trade; a lifelong 
Con. and worker; unsuccessfully con- 
tpsted Algoma (LoC".al), g. e. 1894; 
returned for Sault Ste. Marie (Local), 
g. e. 1908; a Freemason of high de- 
gree; a Meth., and a trustee and a 
memo of Quarter. Bd.; has great faith 
in the future of Northern Ont.-Sault 
Ste. Marie, Onto 
Heartz, Rev, William H, (Meth.). 
O. S. late Richard H.. private banker 
and dry goods merchant, Charlotte- 
town, P.E.I.; a bno. late Ben.i. H. 
presdt. Merchants Bank, P. E. I.; b. 
and e. Charlottetown; D.D. (Mt. AUi- 
son Univ.), 1893; m.; O. 1866: has 
since held many important pastorates 
in N. B. and N. S. ; ðet to Genl. Conf.on 
many occasions; finan. secy., 1881-2; 
presdt. of Conf., 1883-4, and a
1908-9; a memo Comte. on Ch. Union, 
1906; declined appt. as local supdt. of 
missions, N. B. and Ntld., 1907.-Am- 
herst, N.S. 
Heathcote, Rev, :Francis Cooke 
S. late Rev. Gilbert V. H.; grands. 
Rt. Ron. Sir Wm. R., Bart., of Hursley, 
Hampshire, Eng.; b. Stamford, North- 
amptonshlre, Eng., 1868; e. Eng. and 
Trin. Univ., Toronto (L.Th., 1891) ; m., 
1901, Evelyn Margt., d. .J. F. Smith, 
K.C., 'Domnt'O (q.v.); o. òoetaClOn, 1891; 
pf7Ïest, 1892; suoC'essively -curate alt 
\Vooolbrtidge, ant., and St. Simon's, To- 
ronto, and peotor of King and of 1St. 
Olern-enlt',s, Tloro,IlttoO, 1899-1905; since 
tlhen, has Ibeen r.eotor, AJ1
 Sainrts, Win- 
nitpeg.-All Saints Rectory, Winnipeg. 
Heaton, Edward Percival, Insurance 
Formerly gent mangr. at Montreal 
of the Citizens' Ins. Co. of Can., follow- 
ing which was, for 8 yrs., genl. mangr., 
sam-e city, of the Guardian Assur, Co. 
of Can.; resigned, 1904; since 1905, has 
been Ins. expert and man gr. of the 
ins. dept. of the Can. Manfrs. Assn.; 
a dir. Dom. Guarantee Co.; treas. Mont- 
real West. Hosp., 1900; presdt. Ins. 
Lnst. of Montreal, 1903; resigned, 1904; 
addressed Can. Club, Toronto, on .. The 
Rationale of FIre Insurance" (1903); 
m. the d. late Chas. Morton, Montreal. 
-37 St. Mary St., Toronto; Toronto 
Club,. Canadian Club, do. 
Heaton, Ernest, lawyer. 
S. Rev. Hugh E. H., PI as Heaton, 
Denbighshire, N. Wales; b. Bettws-yn- 
Rhos, N. Wales; e. Marlborough CoIl. 
and Unlv. CoIl., Oxford (B.A., 1884); 
came to Can., 1884; barrister, 1887; 
practised his prof. In Toronto till 1892 ; 



removed to Goderlch; returned to To- 
ronto, 1900; now mangr. H:s Agency, 
Toronto; besidES many 8Jrticles toO Dan. 
and Eng. mags., Is the authór oOf 
"Canada's Problem" (1895), "The 
Trust Company Idea and Its Develop- 
ment" (1904), etc.; has also edited a 
II Commercial Handbook of Can." ; 
Con.; Ang., and a del. to the synods.- 
35 Cluny Ave., Toronto; Toronto Club. 
Heaven, Rev, Cecil Arthur (Ang.), 
S. A. G. H., barrister, Bristol, Eng., 
late of Oakville, Eng., and .Jane 
(Stephens) H.; b. Portishead, Eng., 
1876; e. Trin. CoIl. Sch., Port Hope, 
ant., and Trin. Unlv., Toronto (B.A., 
1896; M.A., 1897); m., 1900, Frances 
Milll'ÎCent Louise, y. d. .J. Boyd DaV1Ï.s, 
barrister, Oakvllle, ant.; o. deacon, 
1899; priest, 1900; served on teaching 
sbarr Ashibury ColI., Ottawa; apptd re>c- 
tor Ber:th&er-en-Haut, 'P.Q., and !head- 
master Berthier Grammar Sch., 1908.- 
The Grammar School, Berthier-en- 
Haut, P.Q. 
Hebb, Thomas Carlyle, educationist. 
S. Solomon - and Anna Mary 
(Wylde) H.; b. BrIdgewater, N.S., 
Dec. 22, 1878; e. DalhousIe Unlv., 
Hallfax (B.A., with high honours In 
math. and physIcs, 1900; M.A., 1901; 
B.Sc., 1902); awarded 1851 Exbn. 
Science Research scholar.; went to 
Chicago to study physics; Ph.D., 1904; 
unm.; lect. In physics Dalhousie ColI., 
1904-5; now 'prof. physics and chern., 
Northern State Normal Sch., Mar- 
Quette, Mich.; noO church.-Mm.quette, 
Hebden, Edward Feild, banking pro- 
Fourth s. late Rev. Canon H., M.A. 
(Trun. 00011., DuMin) , f-ormeply Tecl-o,r 
Oh. of 1Jhe Ascens1on, HamIlton, ant., 
and Catherine Elizabeth (PilkIngton) 
H. (Tore famUy), King's Co., IreI.; b. 
Hamilton, ant., ApI. 29, 1851; e. 
Hellmuth ColI., London, and HeIdel- 
berg, Germany; m., 1884, Mary, 3rd 
d. late .Jas. Henderson, Hanley 
Castle, WorcesterShIre; entd. service 
Merchants Bank of Can., 1871; made 
mangr., 1878, and from that on to 
1896 'had charge of dIfferent offices 
.of the bank; ohief ' and supdt. of 
bmnches, 1896-1905; acting general 
mangr., 1905; geniI. man gr., d.o.; a life 
goy. P.rot. Hosp. .foOr the Insane, Mont- 
1'e3!1 ; .a councillor Can. Bankers' lÅ ; 
do. Montreal Bd. of Trede; .one .of the 
prIncIpal promoters of the TY'J)hot.d 
Emergency Hosp., Montreal, 1910; 
Ang.-.H5 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal; 
St. Jame8'8 Club; Mt. Royal Club; 
Montreal Hunt Club; Royal Montreal 
Golf Club; Canada Club; St. Maurice 
Fi8h and Game Club; Manitou Club; 
Chapleau Club, do.; Toronto Club, To- 
.. A man of experience and ability."- 
M. Star. 
Bebden, Bobert Young, banking pro- 
Bro. E. F. H. (q.v.) ; 2nd s. late Rev. 
Canon H., M.A.; b. Henbury, Eng., 
Jan., 1848; came to Can. in childhood; 

e. Galt Grammar Sch. (Dr. Tassle's) : 
tn., Oct., .1896, Isa'beÞlra (Zaidee) (d. 
ApI., 1911), e. d. of the late Hon. 
.Jas. Cockburn, Q.C., Speaker of the 
House of Commons. Can., and one of 
the Fathers of Confederation; a long 
time In -servIce Bank of Montreal, 
chiefly Toronto and Chicago branches; 
now and for some yrs. 1st agent Bank 
of Montreal, N. Y.; Ang.; Con.- 
 N.J.; N. Y. Yacht Club; Dow" 
Town Club, do.; St. Jame8'8 Club, 
Montreal; Toronto Club, Toronto. 
Hébert, Louis Philippe, sculptor. 
S. late ThêophlIe and .Julie (Bou;-- 
geols) H.; on father's side of Acad,Ian 
origin, on mother's sIde descended from 
a French family that emigrated to 
Can. after the French revolution; b. 
Ste. Sophie d'Halifax, Co. Megantlc, 
P.Q., .Jan. 27, 1850: e. l<>eal schs.; m., 
May, 1879, Marie, à. Thos. Roy, Mont- 
real, and niece of Victor Roy, archi- 
tect: as a youth worked on a farm; 
went to Rome as a Pontlficial Zouave, 
1869; studie-d for his prof. in the 
atelier of N. Bourassa. (q.v.), .Morut- 
real, and afterwards wi: Paris; some 
time prof. of modeIllng, Assn. Arts 
and Manufactures,, m wh1cl1 
he was V.-P., 1898; R.C.A., 1883; has 
won and recd. a great number of 
iPrizes, botJh In money and meds,; 
awarded the Confederation med. by the 
Oan. Govt. as a mark of 'a'PiP'rooiaJtLcm 
of his talents, 1894; created a Knight 
of the LegIon of Honour (France), 
1901; C..M.G., 1903; emOl1Jg his best 
known works are tne following: 
the De Salaberry Monument, Chambly, 
P.Q.; the Sir Geo. E. Cartier, Hon, 
Alex. Mackenzie, Sir .John Macdonald 
and Queen Victoria Monuments, ParIt. 
Square, Ottawa; the Maisonneuve, 
Chê, Ron. .J.dhn Young, .AJroh
Bourget, and Pierre Le Gard.eur 
statues, Montreal; the Laval Monu- 
ment, Quebec, and ibhe Rowe statue, 
HaJ1ifax; eJCoowtoo a number of Ms- 
torical statues .f{)Or t!h:e Leg1islatlve 
Blidigs., -Quelbec, 1886; R.C.-fl1 Berri 
St., Montreal. 
"'l'he equal of any man who has moulded 
clay on 1:ihi5 COll'tinen-t."-Rt. Hon. Sir 
lVilfrid Laurier (q.v.). 
Hedlfes, Miss Agnes Jane, education- 
Elder d. Edwin Thos. and Marlanne 
(Thompson) H., London, Eng.; grand- 
d. Rev. Chas. H., M.A., Lincoln ColI., 
OXiford, rector of Hartwell, Bucks; b. 
Colchester, Eng., Nov. 3, 1873; e. 
'Peckham schs., K:lngsley lUton, Rants, 
Leighton Buzzard High Sch., VIlla 
BeHe:vu'ß Sch., Brussels, and Pen- 
sionnat Gelderblom, Godesbergam, 
Rlheim, GeNIlany: speoiaLty, 1l8.IlJg'Uageß 
and music; studied music at Bonn 2 
yrs. under Prof. Kufferath, at Bonn 
(Colonge Conserv.), as well as Ger- 
man; took 1st class senior cert.. 
French and German, London Soc. of 
Arts., and 1st class double dIstinc- 
tion, German, 1st class In French, 
with distinction In the viva-voce, Lon- 
don Chamber of Commerce; served as 
teacher Miss Henderson's Sch. for 
Girls, Quebec, 1 yr,; teacher music, 



French and German, Compton CoIl., 4 
yrs.; teacher French and German, 
Girls' High Sch., Ronderbosch, Cape 
'l'own, S.rt.; principal Dunham (Ang.), 
Lad!ies' OoI.!., 1909-11; .Arug.-Care of 
Bank of Ottawa
 Arnprior, Ont.; New 
Era Club, 67 Curzon St., May/air, Lon- 
don, W. 
Hedges, W, H" insurance profession. 
Originally in service Eastmure & 
Llghtbourn, Toronto; inspr. Onto Acci- 
dent Ins. Co., 1899-19U6 (presented 
with gold watch by co-workers on leav- 
ing co.) ; asst. mangr. for Can. Gent 
Accident hsur. Co., 1906-7; mango .dir. 
AccIdent & Guarantee Co. of Can., 
Montreal, 1907.-476 Victoria Avenue 
Westmount, Montreal. ' 
Hedley, James Alexander, journalIst. 
Fauher a border Englishman; mother 
a Fifeshlre Scotchwoman; b. Preston- 
pans, Scot., 1844; e. Can.; m., 18íO, 
Emma, d. late John MacLeod, M.P, 
for Essex, Ont.; since 1877 has been 
ed. .Monetary 7'imes (Toronto); also 
a dir. Monetary 7'imes Printing Co. 
and of Gt. N. W. Telegraph Co.; a 
lieut. v. m., 1864; presented to late 
King Edward, Windsor Castle, .Tune, 
1905.-79 St. Joseph St., 7'01'Onto. 
National Club
' Granite Club
Hedrick, Ira Grant, civil engineer. 
S. Henderson and Mary Ann 
(Bryan) H.; b. West Salem, lItI., Ap!. 
6, 1868; B.C.E. (Ufitiv. of Ark.), 1892; 
C.E., 1901; B.A.Se., 1898; M.Sc., 1899; 
D.::3c., I
U5 lMcUiU Univ., Montreal) ; 
ð. memo Inst. C. E., Can. Soc. 
C. E., Am. Soc. C. E., Soc. for the 
Promotion of Enging. Educ.; hon. 
men1. Rensselaer SOoC.. C. E.; m., Feb., 
1889, Louisa N., d. Newton .T. Luther, 
Wedington, Washington Co., Ark.; 
asst. engr., In the employ of Dr. .T. A. 
L. Waddoe!J1 (q.v.), 1892-8; ass-t. :to 

lhie.f enl
r. Kansas Oi.ty, Rititsburg & 
Gulf Ry., 1898; since .Tan., 1899, in 
partnership with Dr. Waddell, under 
name and style Waddell & H.-Kan- 
sas City, Mo. 
".AlbIe, energetic and enlterprising."-Dr. 
TV addell (q. v.). 
Heeney, B.ev. William Bertal (Ang.). 
Irish origin; b. Danford Lake, P.Q., 
Feb. 18, 1873; e. Lachute Acad. and 
McGill Unlv. (B.A., 18
9); graduated 
Montreal Diocesan Theo!. ColI., 1900; 
m., .Tan., 1901, Eva Marjorie, d. late 
R. H. Holland, Montreal; o. deacon, 
1900; priest, 1901; rector Christ Ch., 
Belleville, Ont., 1901-5; St. George's, 
Newport, R.I., 1905-8; was subse- 
Quently for a short time at Barrie; 
since 1909, has been rector St. Luke's, 
Winni.peg.-St. Luke's Rectory
"Eloquent and popular."-O. Citizen. 
Hees, George H., manufacturer. 
B. Onondaga Co., N. Y., Feb. 24, 
1843; e. there; m. Miss Nettie Rath- 
bun (d. Oct. 14, 1909) ; long a resident 
of Toronto; presdt. Geo. H. H., Son & 
Co., Ltd., window shade and ,pole 
manfrs., etc., Toronto; also a dir. 
Crown Life Ins. Co.; a memo Advls. 
Comte. Union Bank of Can., Toronto, 

and presdt. Merchants' Fire Ins. Co.; 
has travelled extensively in Europe; 
wrote series of papers of his Impres- 
sions for M. and E., 1905-6.-174 St. 
George St., Toronto. 
Heffernan, B.ev, Thomas F, (R. C.). 
Irish origin; e. S. late Thomas and 
Ellen (Murray) H., Montreal; b. and 
e. Montreal; o. 1894; asst. St. An- 
thony's Ch., Montreal, 1894-1908; since 
then pastor St. Thomas Aquinas Ch., 
same city.-MontreaZ. 
Heggie, David, physician. 
S. Da vid H., ColI essie, Fife-shire, 
the Ch. of Scot. Training ColI., Edin- 
burgh, and Queen's Unlv. (M.D., 
1865) ; m., 1865, Mary (d. Nov., 1905), 
d. Wm. Cal1ter and g1r>andJd. JiohlIl EHloH, 
rounder of Brampton, Ont.; success- 
fully practises his pr-of. at Brampton; 
a .T. P. and co. coroner; surg. co. gaol 
and G. T. By.; Ih:a;s been ohadnnan 
both High and Pub1<ioc Scih. Bds.; 
author " How I Read Carlyle's 
French Revolution" (1902).-" 001- 
lessie House}' Brampton, Onto 
"A ma.n o.f dis.tinctioDJ and force, who- 
is weU qU3,1ified to act -as the inte,rpre-te.r 
of Oa.rlyle's richeß to other men."-Queen's 
Heine, Philip E" Can. ry. ,s-ervlce. 
S. S. Hy. A. H., Norton, N.S.; b. 
there, Aug. 5, 1855; e. there; m., Aug., 
1882, Miss Emma Hume, Newton, 
Mass.; in service Interc. Ry., continu- 
ously, since 1876; elected grand master 
Loyal Orange Assn., N. B.. 1903; re- 
elected, 1904; an Imperialist; Bapt.- 
Moncton, N.B. 
Heins, Donald, musician. 
,So late Nichola.s H., composer; 
b. Hereford, Eng., Feb. 19, 1878; e. 
there; m. Dorothy, d. .T. C. Roger, Ot- 
tawa, herself a violinist of note; 
studied for his prof. at the Conserva- 
torium of Music, Leipzig, and under 
eminent teachers In Eng.; came to 
Gan., 1902; became conductor Can. 
Conservatory of Music Orchestra, Ot- 
ta wa, which has thrice won first place 
in the Earl Grey Can. musical com- 
petition; is also organist and choir- 
master Knox Presb. Ch., Ottawa, and 
musicoR,1 diir. .of the band ,of the 43rd 
Duk,e of ,Corn wall's Reg:t.; a..þptd. 
musicæl jud.g1e, :IDarl Grey .Musical and 
DramaNc T'l1opihy C-o:m;petJit1<>n, 1911; 
a v.io1inilSt -of exceHence; also a com- 
poser and au thor, among 'his publ-islhed being: "Softly, Low .the Lig1ht 
of Day," an antihem, and " 
Oanadien," ded'Í-ca;ted 10 Moiss Mal1ioe 
Hall and ,played -by her in Lonð<>n, 
Eng.-171 1VaverZey St.
.. Ln '&uvenoi,r Can'3dien' we have a 
me<Lodi()l1J.s gem."-London Chronicle. 
Helliwell, :Miss, (See Cantley, Mrs. 
Mabel MacLean.) 
Hellmuth, Isidore Frederick, lawyer. 
E. s. late Rt. Rev. Isaac H.., for- 
merly Lord Bp. of Huron and his 
first wife, Catherine (Evans) H.; b. 
Sherbrooke, P.Q., 1854; e. Hellmuth 
ColI., London, Ont., and Trln. Coll., 
Cambridge (LL.B., with honours in 
Law Trlpos, 1877); m., ApI., 1880, 



Harriet Emily, 3rd d. late Clarke 
Gamble, K.C., Toronto; called to Eng. 
bar, 1877, and to ant. bar, same year; 
K.C., 1902; pnactised originally in 
London, ant.; since 1900, In Toronto, 
where he Is one of the leaders of the 
bar; head of legal firm, H., Cattanach 
& Meredith: appeared for late C. R. 
.Jamieson (" .Junius, .Jr.") bpfore the Unlv. Oomn., 1905 (pre- 
sented with an illuminated address 
recording the thanks of the students, 
1906); rf>presented Calgarv and Ed- 
monton Ry. Co. v. .tl11e King, before 
the .JI. Comte. of the P.C., 1904, which 
decided in favour of his clients: ap- 
peared .befoOre the Royal Ins. Comn., 
representing the ant. policy-holders. 
1906-7; was chief counsel for Hon. 
G. E. Foster (q. v. ) In the suit 
against the Rev. .J. A. Macdonald 
(q.v.) for alleged !':lander and libel, 
FIe-b., 1910; an Aug., and Is presdt. 
Hellmuth Ladies' College; a Con.- 
II Lawton Park," 
 Beaumont Rd., To- 
ronto; Toronto Club, do.; Rideau 
Club, Ottawa; London Club, London, 
.. Has a wonderfully cleaT and lo.gical se- 
quence of tbougbt, a superb command of 
ÐJJ'gIIisih wheil"ewH.h to c1<>the it, and a 
füorce.ful .and oonv.inrcing detive'ry."-O. 
Free Press, 
Helmcken, He.nry Dallas, lawyer. 
Second"S. Hon. .J. S. R., M.D. (q.v.): 
b. Victoria, B.C., Dec. 22, 1859: e. there 
and Toronto Univ.; m., ] 895, Mrs. 
Goodwin; barrister, 1883; K.C. (Ear! 
of Abf>rdeen), 1894: do. (B.C.), ]900: 
one of the leaders of the local bar: 9 
bencher of the Law Soc.; formerly 
presdt. St. Andrew's Soc., Victoria: 
chalnnan .Jubilee Ho!o;p., Victoria (anll 
uch reed. the Prin1c-e and PI'1InoE"ss 
of Wale's (n,ow the Kin.g anld QU-E''E'Tl 
.of Eng.), tIllere, ]901); .a Oon., and 
f.oJ'llll.e.rly :presdt. Victoria CoOn. As!':n.: 
sat f,()I' V,i,ctoY"i.a (Loca1) , 1894..,1903: 
An-g.-Victoria, B.C.; Union Club, do. 
Helmcken, Hon, John sebastian, phy- 
German origin; b. London, Eng.. 
.Tune 5, 1823; e. St. George's Sch. ; m.. 
1852, d. late Sir .Tames Douglas, K.C.R, 
first Gov. of B. C.: studied med. and 
took diploma, Apothecaries' Hall. Lon- 
d'on,. 1847; 'M..R.e..s., ETl:g., 1848; in 
early yrs. employed as surg. on sea- 
going vessels plying to York Factory, 
H.B., an-d subsequently to Bombay; 
came to B. C., 1850, as surg. to H. B. 
Co.; has since resid'ed and practised 
his prof. at Victoria; now one of Its 
oldest InhaJbltants; sat in first V. I. 
A'ssembly, 1855-71; was Speaker of 
that 'body; a m'e'ITI. EXltv<e. Council, 
B. C., 1864-71; a del. rto Can. from 
B. C., toO negoOt,iate terms of un,lon, 
1871 ; -d.ecloine.d a senlatiol'S'hip, doO.; Ang. 
-Victoria. B.C. 
Helmer, Lt,-Col, Richard Alexis, 
Can. regular mil. forces. 
E. s. Nathaniel and Melissa (.John- 
son) H., Russell, ant.: b. there, Oct. 
12, 1864; e. Ottawa pUblic schs. and 
CoIl. Inst.: m. Miss Elizabeth .J. Han- 
num, Hull, P.Q.; graduated chemist 
(Ont.), 1885; 00. (P.Q.), 1886; suc- 

cess,fully practised his prof. In Hull, 
P.Q., up to 1904, when he retired there- 
from: loOng In v.m. service: entd. 43rd 
Rf>gt. as a private, ] 883: lIeut., 18<<}}; 
cap t. , 1896; major, 1899: It.-col., 1910; 
apptd. Depty. A. A. Genl. for Mus- 
ketry, Headquarters StafT, 1905: A. A. 
GenII. far Musketry, do.. 1908-10; Asst. 
Adjutant Genl., 1910-11; since then 
has been Dlr. of Musketry; since 
1907 also commanðant Can. Scih. 
of Musketry: holds long-service 
decoration: an expert rifle shot; ad- 
jutant. Can. rifle team, Blsley, 1899: 
do., Can. Palma trophy teams, 1901, 
1902 and 1908; ald., Hull, P.Q., for 10 
yrs. ; mayor, do., 1896 and 1900: Meth. 
-lff Gilmour St., Ottawa; Laurentian 
Club, do. 
II To-day (),ne ()f tbe best-ge,lWJ{)noo shots 
in the ÐominiÌ'OOl'."-Oan. Oentury. 
Heming', Arthur Henry Howard, 
S. late Capt. Goo. E. and Frances 
Ann (Morgan) H.; b. Paris, ant., .Jan. 
17, 1870: e. pUbll-e schs.; studied for 
his prof. at the Hamilton Art Sch., 
where he subsequently became a 
teacher, and the Art Students' League, 
London: unm.; was first employed as 
an illustrator on the staff of the Dom. 
Illust?'ated; afterwards became a free- 
lance; was sent by Me!':srs. Harper 
to accompany Casper Whitney to the 
barren grounds of Can. as Illustrator; 
bf>sides patrolling- with the R. N. W. 
M. P. and travelling by pack train in 
the Rocky Mts., has covered 550 miles 
by raft, 1,100 by dog team, 1,700 on 
snowshoO'es and 3,300 by canoe: has pub- 
lished articles and drawings In the 
ng Can., Eng., French, German, 
and Am. periodlc.als; author of a novel, 
II Spirit Lake" (1907): Is a memo Soc. 
of Illustrators: an Ang.-Old L1fme, 
Conn.; Hamilton, Ont.; Canadian Club, 
.. An artist of skill and insigbt."-T. 
.. A wb()lle,some, moded. .serious-minded, 
'oung Oanuck."-ArthuT 
Rf1'iT/[Jer (q. v.). 
Hemmeon, Rev, Douglas B, (Meth.). 
S. Rev. .J. B. H.; b. Parrsboro, 
N.S.: e. Acadia Unlv. (B.A., 1891); 
m., .June, 1897, Amanda. e. d. .J. W. 
Caldwell, Ottawa: O. 1895: pastor 
various places. Inclurlfng Bermuda; 
now at Halifax: has contributed 
many Interf>stfng- ch:'!racter sketchel!l 
t'Û !the m'a,gs.-Hamilton, Bermuda, 
W. I. 
II His sermons mllrked bv fresbness of 
thoue:bt. aptness of i11ustration, and prac- 
tical helpfulness."-O. Free Pre88. 
Hemmeon, James Albert Moran, phy- 
ski an. 
S. Rf>v. .J. B. and Ellen Dickie 
(Chapman) H.: b. Grand Lake, N.S., 
Dpc. 10, ] 872 : e. Acadia ColI. Sch. and 
Univ. (B.A., ] 892): pursued med. 
studies Dalhousie Med. Sch., Balti- 
more, Md., and London special hosps.: 
M.D. (N.IS.), 1896: poT13JC'tises ÐJt. Se- 
at,bI'e: m., 1907, Olive, y. d. Hon. W. 
H. Owen; a Lib.; an Ang.-705 Alaska 
Building, Seattle, Wash.; Golf and 
Country Clubs, do, 



Hemmeon, Joseph Clarence, educa- 
U. E. L. stock; B. Rev. J. B. and 
Sarah Ellen Dickey (Chapman) H.; b. 
Parrsboro, N.S., Jan. 7, 1879; e. Acadia 
Univ. (B.A., 1898: M.A., 1904), Dal- 
housie Unlv., and Harvard Unlv. 
(Ph.D., 1906): awarded Ricardo fel- 
lowship In economics, Harvard, 1906; 
subject of thesis for Ph.D.: II The Or- 
ganization and Development of the 
Brit. Post-office to ] 840"; taught 
Latin and hlst., King's CoIl. Sch., 
Windsor, N.S., 1899-1902: Instr. In 
economics. Unlv. of 111., 1906-7: since 
then has been prof. economl.cs, McGill 
Univ.: a free trader.-McGiZl Univ., 
Hemming', Col, Thomas Davies :Robin- 
son, Can. reg. mil. forces. 
2nd s. late E. J. Hemming, D.C.L, 
K.C., M.P.P., and SophLa. Louisa H., 
e. d. late Thos Robinson. London, 
Eng.: b. Drummondville, P.Q., Nov. 6, 
1862: e. there; long In tlhe v. m. 
service; lIeut., 1883: capt., 1888: 
major, 1897: It.-coI.. 1899: col., 1910: 
C..S.O., Ont., 1907-9: D.O.C., M.D., 
No.3, 1909-11: sdnlce ,then !has 'been 
A.IA.G. in ç/ -of ad'mbn., 2nd Div.: 
servoo Qn staff, Queil>'etC Tercent. cele- 
bratiQD, 1908.-Toronto; Frontenac 
Club, Kingston, Onto 
Henderson, Alexander, ,statesman; 
Dom. public service. 
S. late Alex. H., formerly of Caith- 
ness, ,scot.: ,b. OShoawa, Onlt., Meh. 13, 
1860; e. Oshawa High Sch. and Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A.. 1884); m., Sept.. 1895, 
Susan Crawford. d. Wm. Mf'Cranev, 
ex-M.P.; barrister, 1889; K.C., 1899: 
ed at Oshawa up to 1891; went 
to B.C., In that Yf>ar, and successfully 
practised his nrnf. in New W('st- 
minster: agent, Minr. of Justice, on the 
mainland, B.C., 1896; sat for New 
Wf>!'Otminster (local), as an Ind., g. e.. 
1898-1900; then retired from politics; 
succef>ded Jc>sf>ph Martin (q.v.) as 
atty.-genl., Aug., 1899, holding the 
officf> till the following Yf>ar: was Co. 
Ct. Judge for Vancouver, June 6, 1901, 
to Dec., 1906, when he resigned, and 
unsuccessfully contested Vancouvf>r 
(Iocal), g. e., 1907; since June 17, 
1907, has been commr. of the Yukon 
Territory: one of the leaders In the 
movement for the founding of a 
Univ. in B.C., 1906; provl. V.-P. Dom. 
Forestry Assn.. 1909; served In the 
v. m. .for a lengTtlhenoo lPerlod and W
a capt. In the 6th Regt.; served as 
adjt., Bisley team, 1901; an Ang.- 
(;'ovprnmenf HoU!
e. Daw.'wn. Yukon; 
Vancouver Club, Vancouver, B.C. 
II A man of exceptional ability." - V. 
Hender.on, Elmes, lawyer. 
A bro. Jas. H. (q.v.) ; 2nd S. lIMe Jas. 
H.: b. Toronto, June 8, 1840: e. U. C. 
ColI. and Trin. Univ., Toronto (B.A., 
1861: M.A., 1877); m., Apt, 1876, 
Frederica ,Jane (1st directress Proto 
Orphans' Home, TOTonlÌO), Q. d. Rev. 
I". J. S. Groves (Ang.): barrister, 
1866; successfully practises his prof. 
In 'roronto; head of legal firm H. & 
Pavidson, TOlonto; 
 memo of Corpor

Hon, Trln. ColI.; Ang. : Con.-!
Doverco1trt Rd., Toronto; Albany Club, 
Henderson, Ernest George, ciV'il en- 
3rd S. Rev. Hy. Henderson (Ang.): 
b. Holywood, Co. Down, Irel.; e. HiIl- 
brook: m., 1885, Miss Agnes Quinn: 
an articled pupil en gr. B. & C. B. Ry., 
1873; asst. engr., do., 1877; do. Gt. 
Northern Ry., 1878; came to Can., 
1883: m. Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; also, 
a memo Irish Inst.; on surveys and con- 
struction, C. P. Ry., till 1888; with 
same Co., as asst. and resident engr., 
till 1893; since 1893 has been mangr. 
and V.-P. Can. Salt Co., Ltd.: has been 
prcsdt. Bd. of Trade, Windsor, Ont.; 
a del. to 6th Commercial Congress 
of the Empire, London, Eng., 1906; 
an Ang. and a del. to the Provl. and 
Genl. Synods; was also a memo genl. 
comte. apptd. to compile a revised 
Hymnal for the Ch. of Eng. In Can.; 
a Con.-l
7 Victoria Ave., Windsor, 
Ont.; Detroit Club, Detroit, Mich.; 
A lbany Club, Toronto. 
Henderson, Ernest Henry, physIcian. 
Irish and Scotch origin; b. Rock- 
burn, P.Q., July 17, 1874; e. Hunting- 
don Acad. and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 
with 1 st class honours In na t. science, 
and Log>an prize, 1899; M.Sc., 1905: 
M.D.,C.M., do.); m., Oct., 1908, Miss 
Carrie Maud Cantwell-, iMontreal: a.d- 
mitted to practice, State N. Y., 1906: 
practisps his prof. at Mansonville, P.Q. ; 
formerly ho. surg., Royal Victoria 
Hosp., Montreal; previously asst. prin- 
cIpal Huntingdon Acad.: during ses- 
sions 1902-4 did spf>clal research work 
In M('Gill bio1. laboratorlps on astertd 
development, the results of which were 
published in the annals and mags. of 
natural history, Oct., 1905: for this 
work he recelvf'd his M.Sc. degree: 
politically Ind.: for honest govt., with- 
out rf>ference to party: Presb.-Man- 
sonville, P.Q. 
Henderson, 1!,'Ilss Florence, nursing 
D. late J. T. and Eliza (Wordle) 
R., Perth, Ont.; b. there: e. there 
and Miss Dupont's Sch.. Toronto; 
graduatf:d Royal Victoria Hosp., Mont.- 
rea 1, 18!J7; .a ttac hed to the staff there 
and afterward in ('harge Children's 
Hosp., Baltimore, Md. : asst. lady 
ffilT1dt., Royal Victoria Ho
p., Feb., 
1900: lrudy supdt., do., 1900-8: since 
then has been In charg.e of a private 
hosp. at Rlohmond, Va.; .a mem. 
genl. comte. Victorian Order of Nurses 
and hon. presdt. of Can. Nurses' 
Assn.-lfJl W. Grm! St., Richmond, Va. 
.. A ca'PabIa .admini.strator, -and very 
POIPUaall'."'-M. Herald. 
Henderson, Georg'e Frederick, la.w- 
yer; Onto public serV1Ìce. 
Scottish and Eng. origin: s. late 
Peter R. H., mango dir. Montreal Trans- 
portation Co., Kingston, and Henrietta 
(Sweetland) H.: b. Kingston, Feb. 17, 
1864; e. privately, Kingston CoIl. Inst. 
and Queen's Unlv. (B.A., 1884): m., 
ApI., 1890, Margt. Egllngton, d. late 
Robt. Brown, Ott3.wa; barrister, 1899; 
K.C., 19Q8; successfullr vractises !tit' 



prof. In Ottawa; a memo legal firm 
MacCraken, H., McDougal & Greene; 
engd. particularly in counsel work; 
acts for several leading banks and 
corporations; has pleaded before 
P. C. In Eng.; presdt. Carleton Co. 
Law Assn., 1906; presdt. Ottawa Bd. 
of Trade, 1898-1900; del. to Commercial 
Congress of the Empire, London, Eng., 
1900, 1901 and 1906; also to Congress, 
at Montreal, 1903; a dir. Ottawa Furn- 
ace & Foundry Co.; V.-P. Cobalt Lake 
Mining Co.; elected trustee for 6 yrs. 
Queen's UnIv., 1905; re-elootoo doo., 
1911; appM. DMJinage Referee !for 
East-ern Ont., May, 1906; do., for 
'Ì.he 'Whole of tlhe Brovince, .Tune, 
1909; author <JIf Ihandbook of pro- 
cedure on the Ditches and Water- 
courses Act (1894); is a firm believer 
In the importance of Imp. connexion; 
has consistently advocated a federal In- 
solvency law as being- seriously neces- 
'sa.ry to Can. comm,erre; ,PreSb.-1B,f 
Somerset St., Ottawa: Ridean Club.- 
Ottawa Golf Club; Ottawa Hunt Club, 
Henderson, Gordon Smith, lawyer. 
Y. s. Wm. H., resident architect, 
Dom. public works, Victoria, B.C., and 
Mary (Smith) H.; b. Aberdeen, Scot., 
1866; e. public and model sch., Ottawa, 
and Trin. Univ., T-oronto (B.C.L., 
1894; D.C.L., 1910); m., Dec., 1906, 
Miss Charlotte 'stratton; barrister, 
1893; suocessful1y ;practises his 'Prof. 
In Ottawa, parUcularlY In criminal; has a'Cted as Crown Counsel; a 
Li.b., arud known as a successful 
.. stumrp " speak'er ; a Presb. -16
Spm.lc8 st., Ottawa. 
Henderson, James, Dom. public ser- 
S. late - H., Brampton, Ont.; 
h. Milnathort, Kinrosshire, Rcot., .Tan. 
14, 1842; e. there; m.. May, 1874. 
-d. late Alex. Kennedy, South- 
ampton, Ont.: served as rlppty. reg-r.. 
00. Peel, and sUJooequently as cashi'er 
and 'b-ookkooper for K. Choisholm & 00., 
Bramrpton; entd. .pub-loic servive, Dec., 
1871; served as Asst. P. O. Inspr. for 
20 yrs.; promoted Inspr., Toronto dlv., 
Aug., 1897; a Presb. and an elder in 
the ch.; a memo A. O. U. W. and 
I.0.F.-I062 Brunswick Ave., Toronto. 
II A man with a high sense of rectitude." 
-T. Globe. 
Henderson, James, lawyer. 
S. .Tas. and Millicent Pollock, d. late 
Capt. Elmes Steele, R.N., M.P.; Con- 
vocation Hall of Trln. Coil., Toronto, 
built by his famt1y as a memorial of 
his father; b. Toronto, .Tan. 7, 1838; 
e. U. C. ColI. and Trin. Unlv., Toronto 
(B.A., 1858; M.A., 1865: D.C.L. hon., 
1900); m. Minnie, d. Wm. Beverley 
Heward; barrister, 1862; .successfully 
practises his prof. In Toronto; head 
legal firm H. & Small; a senator, To- 
ronto Univ. ; a dir. Consumers Gas Co. : 
a memo of Corporation and Bd. of 
Endowment and finance!", Trin. Univ.; 
V.-P. Bp. Stro.'C'han Sch., Toronto; 
gave $10,000 to funds of th8lt Institu- 
tion, 1904; Ang.; Con.-54 Madison 

 ve., Tqro?}to. . 

Henderson, :Rev, James (Meth.). 
Scottish parentage; b. Airdrif>, Scot.; 
e. Glasgow; D.D. (hon.), Victoria Unlv., 
1894; m., 1876, Mary, 2nd .d. .Tas. Gil- 
lespie, Quebec; parents Presb., and was 
brought up In that faith; o. 1876 
(Meth.); successively pastor at Sher- 
brooke, S. Quebec, Cookshlre, Hunting- 
don, Sherbrooke St., Montreal. St. 
.Tames', <l1O., Dom. Square, dD., Oarl1on 
St. Ch., Toronto, and Sherbourne St. 
Ch., do.; withdrew from the active 
ministry to fiB U1f' position of assoc. 
secy. of the Meth. Missy. Soc., 1896, but 
returned. to it, 1907, to become pastor 
of the Dom. Ch., Ottawa:'ed on 
accounrt of UI
heal1!h, 19.11; now rest- 
Ing In Gt. Briot,a,in; an hon. memo 
Dan. Temp. Leagu-e; a <leI. to Ithe 
Gent. ICon!., on several ú0Ca,slons ; 
a do. Ecum. Miss. Conf., N.Y., 1900; 
do. Intern. Con. Epworth League, S<tn 
Francisco, 1901; do. Meth. Epls. Ch., 
North, 1906; do. do. Baltimore, Md., 
1908; very popular: as a minister has 
accomplished great works; famed for 
his pUlpit eloquence: was referred to in 
Baltimore as .. the Cicero of Can. Meth- 
odlsm"; does not believe in a materia! 
heU; has 'Pr> b-efüre H. E. Earl 
Grey -on .. WO'Illan's Part In -Socie1try 
and on .the Sta J ge."-1!4S Li8!]ar St., 
II Perhaps the moot winning and mag- 
netic pulpit personality in the church to 
which he belongs."-Weøtminøter (1907) 
Henderson, John, educationist. 
Scottish origin: S. .Tas. and Agnes 
(Riddell) H.; b. Selkirk, Scot., Feb. 
20, 1846; e. Scot., Can. public schs. 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1871; M.A., 
1R72) : m., 1st, Miss .Tane Risk, Ratho, 
Onto (d. Feb., 1906) ; 2ndly, Oct., 1909, 

rs. Catherine Tucker, St. Catharines, 
Ont.; taught 5 yrs. public schs., Co. 
Oxford, Ont.; high sch., Beamsvil1e, 
Ont., 1871: classical master, St. Cath- 
arines Coll. lnst., 1872-84; principal, 
do., 1884-1909; on retiring from this 
posItion was presented with his por. 
trait In oils, by his late pupils, and 
with a slIver service, by the Coll, Inst. 
Bd.; presdt. Onto Educ. Assn., 1902-3; 
a senator Toronto Univ., 1892-1904; a 
memo Bd. of Mangt., St. Catharlnes 
Public Library, 1876-1900; elf>cted 
presdt. St. Andrew's Soc., 1906: edited, 
in conjunction with E. W. Ha garty 
(q.v.), .. Cæsar BelL Gall. I.-IV. Virgil 
I, II, III, V," also II First Latin Book"; 
"Latin Prose," In conjunction with 
Prof. Fletcher (q. v.); a Presb.-St. 
Catharinps, Onto 
Henderson, John, Can. municipal 
Scottish origin: S. .Tohn H., solicitor, 
and Elizabeth (Smith) H.; b. Duns, 
Berwlckshlre, Scot., ApI. 5, 1835: e. 
thpre and Edinburgh Unlv.; m.. 1863, 
Miss Mary Hamilton, Ottawa; In 
early yrs. a law student; came to 
Can., ] 857, since when he has been a 
nt of Ottawa; aM., New Ed1n- 
burgh, 1873-6; reeve, <lo., 1876-87; 
ald., Ottawa, 1887-91; ohairman 
Finance Comte., Co. Council; for over 
20 yrs. chairman Sch. Bd.. and some- 
time secr. Vd. Sch. Trustees, :New 



Edinburgh: later rnf'm. Ottawa Sch. 
Bd.: city elk., Ottawa, since 1891: a 
J". P.; a Presb.. and many yrs. secy. 
and chairman Knox Ch., Ottawa.-3l 
Alexander St., Ottawa. 
II An IIccompIisbed penman."-Sir JohTl 
Henderson, John A" physician. 
S. late Alex and Mary (Tasker) H., 
Ora ng p \'il1f'. Ont.: b. thf're: f'. therp 
and McGllI Unlv. (M.D.,C.M., and 
med., 1893); m., May. 1897. Vesta 
Viola (presdt. Hervf'Y Tnst.. Montr('al. 
1905), o. d. late J". Eugene Hersey, 
Montreal; now and for some yrs. lect. 
In ant'
.t., McGill Unlv.: formerly on 
statT Montreal Genl. Hosp.-34 Park 
A ve., Montreal. 
Henderson, Joseph, bank'ing pr-ofe,s- 
R Hamil't-on, Ont., Mcl1. 4, 1849; -e. 
mj1].ton Gro.mmar Soclh.: m., J"une, 
] 874, Louise, d.Thos Ewapt, 'l:Yarrist'f'r, 
T.oron.t-o: served in Gore B::Inlk. H::Imil- 
ton, 1864-9; entd. oSM'vice .Bank of To- 
1'Iont-o 1869: was mrangr. at St. O::l'Ì-h- 
a pin,es and iOO'oourg, sU{'l0E'ssivf"ly ; 
bh'en inspor.; nmv and foor ,some y,rs 
asst. genrl. m'ang.r.; elected '3 , ani1 
2n<'l V.-P. 
f t'he bank, 1911: is ß. <'Ilr. 
C'omm.m'Prs' Gas Co. and Confe,d-em- 
Non Lf.f.e A
ur. Co.: '9.. Presh, 
eil1alrman W-id,ow.s' and Orplhrans' 1"110.0 
C-omte.. Pre8'b. Db. In Can.-l.'i?í C1"PS- 
cent Rd.. Toronto: Tot'onto Club: To- 
,'onto GoU Club; York Club, do.; Cit?/ 
Club, N.Y. 
Henderson, Lawrence L" business 
A bro. G. F. H. (a.v.); b. rclnd P- 
Kingston, Ont.; m. Jean, d. L. B. 
Spencer. King-!'ton, Ont.; has serVE'id 
::In -aU1.. sch. trustef', memo Bd. 
of Tra;(1e, 11 nd on fohe extv,e. of 
tlJle Dam. Marine Assn.: entd ser- 
vice Montrpal Transportation Co.. 
Kine-ston, ] 885: promoted agent of thf' 
("0. there (on the death of his fathHL 
1896; g-enl. mangr., do.. J"an., 1909: 
on leaving Kingston for Montreal. 1909. 
was presented by the Bd. of Trade. 
therp with a handsome slIver salvf'r. 
and hY the employees of the ("0.. with 
a sliver loving cup: a memo Montrpal 
Bd. -of Trade: a dolr. Na1. Real E!'>Ìl9.te 
and Invlf'
.t. Co., 1911: Presh.-West- 
mount . Montreal; Canada Club; Mt. 
Ro?wl Club, do. 
Henderson, Robert, actuary. 

('ottish origin: S. WaItpr R., Russell. 
011t.; h. thprf', May 24. 1 R71 : f'. puhllC' 
sch., St. Catharlnes ColI. Inst. and 
Toronto Unlv. (B.A., with ]st dass 
honours In math., 1891); ff'llow In 
math., 18'12-7: m.. July, 1897. Anna. 
d. late J"ohn Magee, Kemptvllle, Ont.: 

ssoc. Tnst. of Actuaries, ] RfJ4: 1'f'l1ow. 
do., 1896; memo Actuarial Soc. of Am., 
1 Q02: mpm. Exam. Comtp.. do.. 1900: 
for a short time In Ins. Bureau, 
Ottawa: now and for some yrs. with 
the Equitablf' Lifp A ssnr. Soc., N.Y.: 
author of contributions to various 
sden. bodies; Presb.-Summit, N.J. 
.. His achievements in math. and actuar- 
Ial science have placed him among the 
forefront 'Of oactuf'irie-s."-Officio-l Orgo-n. 

Henderson, Robert, miner. 
Scottish Presb. parentage: b. Big 
Island. Co. Pktou, N.S., 1857; e. there; 
m. Eliza, d. Hector Grant, Antigonish, 
N.S. : when ] 4, ran away to sea: sailed 
round the world: mined in Australia, 
New Zealand and Cat: prepared for a 
trip from London to reported new gold- 
fields In Patagonia, In the 60's, but 
missed his ship; pioneered and mined 
for spveral yrs. in Colo.. U.S.; wf'nt 
north and reached 60 mile post (now 
Ogilvie, Yukon), J"uly. 1894: stn.rted 
for Indian River, and for 2 yrs. pros- 
pPC'ted and minf'd on Indian River 
tributaries; In 1896 went alone over the 
divide or ridge between Indian and 
Klondike valleys and made the first 
known discovery of creek gold In the 
Klondike Valley, on Gold Bottom- 
Hunker Creek; Induced other miners 
to join him and worl{ed for nf'arly 
2 mths., ground sluicing on Gold Bottom 
Creek; washed up nearly $1,000 worth 
of coarse gold, the first gold washpd 
up In Klondike Valley: his claim as 
first discoverer of gold In this region, 
has b
n supported by many reliable 
and trustworthy authorities, and recog- 
nized by the Dom. Govt., which, In con- 
sideration of the facts and of certain 
losses sustained by him, authorized H., 
In 1904, to locate a total fronta!;!e of 
2 000 feet of avaiJable placer mming 
ound, in the territory, without en- 
trance fee: 'sinc-e 1896, has continued 
his mining operations in the Yukon; 
now asst. mining inapr. there.-Daw- 
son, Yu1con. 
.. Tall and of fine ph
'sique, with 'Open, 
fearless face, sober, h<!nest, generous, rNIO- 
lute and well info.rmed. he is a type of the 
best d'ass of Oanoada"S ;pi'Onee,rs."-Major 
Henry J. Woodside (q.v.). 
Henderson, stuart Alexander, law- 
yer; legislator. 
A bro. Gordon S. H. (q.v.); b. Lon- 
may, Scot., Sept. 19, 1863; came to 
Can. with his parents, 1872: . e. 
Ottawa Coli. Inst., Toronto Umv. 
(B.A., 1885: .LL.B., and gold med., 
1888), Tr,in. Univ. (B.-C.L., 1888), an1d 
Osgoode Hnl!: m.. 1st, J"une. 1890, 
Alice (d. J"uly, 1895), d. late Edward 
Loudon, Toronto; 2ndly, Dec., 1904, 
Miss Mary J"ane Lusk, San Francisco, 
Cal. : barrister (Ont.), 1888; do. 
(B.C.) 1898; successfully practises his 
prof. at Asheroft; II a consistent and 
persistent Lib."; has been V.-P. Yale- 
Kootenay Lib. Assn. and V.-P. B. C. 
Lib. Assn.; also acting presdt. do.; sat 
for Yale (local), ]893-1910, when de- 
feated by Mr. McBride (q.v.); when 
in Ottrtwa, an ald.; formerly a lieut. 
34th Regt. v. m.; when In 1Jh..e ,loegisla- 
ture introduced and succeeded In pass- 
ing a bill (1905) prohibiting the wear- 
Ing of wigs and gowns other than 
black, by judges, barristers and court 
officials; defeated for Lib. leadership, 
1903: a Presb.-Ashcroft, B.C. 
.. One 'Of the foremost speakers of the 
Liberal party."-M. Star. 
Henderson, Walter, physician. 
f:;cottish origin; S. vValter and J"essie 
(Eadie) H.; b. Russel!, Ont., Feb. 28, 
1866; e. there and McGill Unlv. (M.D., 



C.M., 1894); m., 1st, July, 1896, Miss 
Frances BroLey (d.); 2ndly, Dec., 1900, 
Miss Helen Hoyle, Cannington, Ont.; 
mayor of Qu'AppelIe, 1904-6; med. 
health otfr., South Qu'AppeIle, 1900-6; 
presdt. Sask. Med. Assn., 1905-6; 
elected provl. Grand Master, Orange 
Assn., 1903; 'Pl'ÐSdt. Royal Oaledonia 
Curling Cluo, local branch, 1!J06; an 
Ind. Con.; favours provl. rights, Brit. 
connexion and public owners/up of pub- 
Hc utilities; a Presb.-Qu'Appelle, 
Henderson, Bev, William (Meth.). 
Irish parentage; s. late Saml. H., 
Lakefield, P.Q.; b. there, 1841; e. West 
Can.; m., 1st, 1869, Miss Lucie J. 
Leggett, South CrosbY, Ont. (d., 1879) ; 
2ndly, Miss Annie Russell, Delta, Ont.; 
entd. ministry, 1864; held various im- 
portJant pastorates; now superannu- 
ated; holds active positions in several 
benevolent and Christian Socs.; has 
written in numerous papers on current 
topics, and is a believer in equal rights 
for all; an ardent supporter of the 
Union with Brit. and affirms there 
should be a. federation of the Eng.- 
speaking world; made a lengthy tour 
urope, Egypt and Palestine, enter- 
ing the land of the Pharaohs a few 
days after the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, 
HHi2; has given many lectures on 
.. Bible Lands," illustrated by a 
museum of articles he brought from 
the Orient and a Chart of the great 
Pyramid; people and press from 
bec to Vancouver have spoken of the 
entertJ:.J.inml::nt in highest tl::rms of com- 
on; a .B 1 reemason and Distrid 
Grand C.hwplain A. F. and A. .\'1.- 
'1 hree Rivers, P.CJ. 
hendrick, Wilmot, education 
S. W, A. and Blanche E. (Clark) 
H.; b. 
'p. Murray, Co. Northumber- 
land, Ont., June 26, 1870; e. pubHc 
sch., Stirling High 
ch., Owen 
ColI. Inst., Onto Normal and Model 
Schs., and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
 /); sl.:Ìlolar. man in HIS cuursl::, 
winning Alex. Mackenzie and a spe- 
cial scholar.; 1st class honour grad. 
Normal and Model Schs.; mod. lang. 
master, Picton High Sch.; since 19U2 
bas been prof. Eng. lang. and lit., 
Whdtman ICoH., Walla \Val
a; wlso at 
present principal \Vhltman Acad. and 
dean of men, do.; formerly held sev- 
eral. provl. educl. appts.; has decliueù 
appt. to very high positions becaUse 
of his preference for present duty; a 
constant contributor to many mags. on 
literary subjects; an Imperialist, and 
an adv-üCaoo of f,ree sehs. and shorter 
courses at colleges; Ang. - Billing"s 
Hall, Walla Walla, Washington, U.S.; 
Enquiry Club, do. 
Jlendrle, Lt,-Col, Hon, John Strath- 
earn, statesman; capitalist. 
Scottish ancestry; s. late Wm. H., 
presdt. of the Onto Jockey Club and 
the winner of the Queen's Plate In 
Ont., and Margt. (Walker) H.; b. 
Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 15, 1857; e. 
private sch., Hamilton Grammar Sch. 
a.nd U. C. Coli.; m., ApI., 1885, Lena 
Maude (pre,sdt. Que>en V,iotoria Mem- 

orial St.aJtue Combe., 1902; do. Hamtl- 
ton Ladies' Golf Club; V.-P. Women's 
\Ventworth Hist. Soc., 1905), d. late P. 
R. Hendel'son, Kingston, Ont.; a con- 
tractor; built several rys. in Can. 
and U. S.; a promoter Hamilton Bridge 
Works Co., of which he has been a 
g<en1. mang.r. for .some .y,r.s.; mayor of 
Hamilton, 1901-3; a dir. and 13. coun- 
ciLlor HamiHon Bid. of Trade; also a dir. 
Gt. West Life Assur. Co., of the Hen- 
drie Co., of the Northern Nav. Co., of 
the Niagara Nav. Co., of the Mercantile 
Trust 'Co., and of the Bank of Hamil- 
ton; formerly at the head of the 
Hamilton J ocirey Club (retired, 1906) ; 
owns, witih his bro., a. ra.cing stable, 
with a Continental reputation for ex- 
ceHen.ce and cO'lTIJpl-eteness; won King's 
Blate, Toronto, 1910; a Oon.; hoM 
sat for Hamilton (Local) since g. e. 
1902; a Minister, without portfolio, In 
the \VhLtney Admn., since its formation, 
Feb., 1905, having previously declined 
appt. as Commr. of Public Works, 
therein; apptd. a memo Royal Hydro- 
Elec. Power Comn., 1906; a memo 
Nat. Battlefields Comn., 1908; is chair- 
man, Ry. Comte., Ont. Assembly; pre- 
pared ry. bill, 1906, warmly approved 
by both pol. parties; a del. Interprovl. 
Conf., Ottawa. 1910; joined 4th Field 
Batty., Can. Arty., 1883; promoted 
major 1894; commanded batty., 1899; 
It.-col:, 1903 ; retired, 1909; commanded 
Arty. Queen Victoria's Diamond 
Jubilee, London, Eng., 1897; holds 
long servke decoration; wpptd. ,C. V, 
0., 1907; counooiUor Red Cross Soc.; 
V.-P. Can. ;Mil. Inst. ; presdt. Onto A-flty. 
A,ssn., 1906-7; formerly ohl3ii,rm:a.n 
Ham<Ïlt.on Club; a strong .advocate .of 
compulsory mil. Itra..lning; Fire-s'b.- 
James St. S., Hamilton, Ont.; Hamil- 
ton Club, do.; T01"Onto Club; Albany 
Club; Y01'k Club; Ontario Jockey Club, 
"A dear-headed., capa.ble business ma..n." 
JI. and. E. 
.. Hi'S praise .is in all t.he churche'8."- 
Sir J. P. Whitney (q.v.). 
Hendrie, Miss Lilian Margaret, edu- 
Scottish origin; d. late Wm. H. and 
- (Carmichael) H., Montreal; b. 
there, July 18, 1870; e. private sch., 
pubUc sch. (scholar.), McGill Normal 
Sch. (Acad. diploma, with honours), 
and McGill univ.; commenced teach- 
ing career in one of the public schs. 
in her 17th year, taking, shortly after- 
wards, a position in Bute House, and 
later, one in Trafalgar II1ISt.; was 
prindpal .of the Halifax Ladi<es' CoB., 
1906-11; .s!ince .then Iha.S been lady 
prln<eilpal, Higih Sch. for Girls, Mont- 
re3Jl; -Presb.-High Soh. lor Gids, 
"A splendid woman, a fine educationist, 
an excellent disciplinarian and in every 
w,ay we<1l qualified foil' t.he po<sitioon's she 
has held and .00 the one she nOiW .b.olds."- 
Rev. Dr. Laing (q.v.). 
Hendry, John, manufacturer. 
S. Jas. and Margt. (Wilson) H., 
West Kilbride, Ayrshlre, Scot.; b. 
BeBedune, N.B., Jan. 20, 1843; e. N.B. 
j)ubli.c schs.; m., 1881, AdaIlne, d, 



Daniel McMillan, Pictou, N.S.; after 
leaving sch. studied and practised 
saw-miH and fiour-mlll enging.; ful- 
lowed this occupation for some time 
in the Mar. Provinces; went to B.C., 
1872; afterwards spent some time iq 
Cal. and Washington Territory; re- 
turned to B.C., 1874; visite<l Man., 
1875; went back to B. C. same yr. 
and has sin-w resided there; one of the 
pioneers in the timber trade, in saw- 
milling, factories and in genl. utiliza- 
tion of lumber in B.C.; is presdt., B.C. 
Mills, Timber & Trading Co., operating 
mills at Vancouver, New Westminster 
and Burrard Inlet; also presdt., Pacific 
Coast Lumber & Shingle Manfrs. Assn., 
Nicola Valley Ooal & Coke Co., Van- 
couver, Westminster & Yukon Ry., and 
Victoria, Vancouver & Eastern Ry.; 
chairman, Burrard, Westminster & 
Boundary Ry. & Nav. Co.; a dir., 
Western Oil & Coal Co. and Western 
Can. Power Co.; mayor, New West- 
mdnster, 1889; presdl., Vancouver Bd. 
of Trad.e, 1891; has also been presdt. 
New Westminster Bd. of Trade; elec- 
ted presdt. Can. Manfrs. Assn., 1909; 
is V.-P., Can. Forestry Assn.; has 
several Urnes aeted as a del. to Con- 
groess of Ohambers of Commerce of 
the Empire; apptd: a memo of Royal 
Conservation Comn., 1909; presented to 
late King Edward, Windsor Castle, 
1905, and to King George, Buckingham 
Palace, 1911; a Freemason; a Lib.; 
believes that .. the great natural re- 
sources of Can. should be conserved 
and utilIzed for the benefit of those 
people. developing and upbullding 
Can."; a Presb.-Burnaby and Jel'vis 
Sts., Vancouver, B.C.; Vancouver Club; 
J.'enninal City Club; J e1"icho Countl'y 
Club; Canadian Club, do.; Union Club, 
Victoria, B.C.; Westminster Club, New 
Westminster, B.C. 
.. Has won the esteem an-d the confiden ce 
of .all witill whom he h.a.s been brought into 
cloæ contact, hi,s $Þe'rlifilg W\()orth as a man 
of integrity a.nd uprightness forcing itself 
0'Ili .aJJ who h'ave business sssocia.tionis with 
him."-M. Herald. 
Reneker, Capt, Frederick Christian, 
H.IVI.'s regular mil. forces. 
Y. s. R. W. H. (q.v.) ; b. She rb rooke, 
P.Q., June 13, 1873; e. BishÛiÞ's Doll. 
SCh., Lennoxville, P.Q., 
nd R. M. ColI., 
Kingston (gram, 1894) ; m., Aug., 1905, 
Constance Mary, y. d. late John Ben- 
nett Lee, Ravensbourne Park, Catford, 
Eng.; entd. army as 2nd lieut., Prince 
of Wales' Leinster Regt. (" Royal 
Canadians "), 1894; promoted lieut., 
1896; capt., 1900; Ang.-Care War 
OfTìce, London, Eng. 
Heneker, Bichard TUB on, lawyer. 
E. s. R. W. H., D.C.L. (q.v.); b. 
Aug. 5, 1858; e. Bishop's Coll. Sch., 
LennoxvUiloe, 'l'flin. Coll., Stralt,f.ord-on- 
Avon, Emg., Laval Vniv. (LL.L., wdtlh 
oonours, 1880) and LennoxviJle Vniv. 
(LL.lM., 1881); srndi.ed; Frenoh in 
Frtance; m., J,an., 1885, Alice, d. 
late Sir J. J. C. Abbott, !late Prime 
MinT. Gf Can.; adV'OCaJbe, 1881; K.C., 
1906; soIlT. 'Dan. Rae. Ry., 1881- 
1900; has since successfully prac- 
tised his prof. In Montreal, whpre he 
Is one of the leaders of the bar; a 

former partner of Greenshields &: 
Greenshields (q.v.) ; now and for some 
yvs. head of tIh-e fi-rm H., Duff & John- 
son; a promoter of many pUibldc cos.; 
a dJi'r. Blis'h'ÜlIJ's ColI. Soh.; an eil.eoHv,e 
1Jacka,y Inst. for 'tJhoe DeaJf and 
b; a IInem. eXltve. oomrt.e. ,Soc. for 
the P,r.ev. of Ofluel:t'Y Ito Animals; fur- 
mef!ly an oftir. in ViCltoflia Riifie.s; pre- 
sented ,to Jat
 Kin'g Ediwa,rd, 'Vinrdisor 
ClasUe, June, 1905; an ATI.g.-235 St. 
James St., Mont1"eal; Ste. Anne-de- 
Bellevue, do.; St. James's Club; Can- 
ada Club; Canadian Club; Montreal 
Racquet Club, do. 
Heneker, Bichard William, 'retired 
banking official. 
Eng. and Irish origin; b. Dublin, 
Irel., May 2, 1823; e. Vniv. ColI. 
SCh., London, and private tuition; m., 
1856, Elizabeth, d. Lieut. Tuson, 
R.N.; studied architecture and sur- 
veYing under the late Sir Chas. Barry, 
and was engd. on the work of de- 
signing the present Westminster 
Houses of parlt. and Westminster 
Bridge, London; carried on further 
studies on the Oontinent; aban- 
doned the prof., 1855, in which year 
he came to Can., as commr. Brit. Am. 
Land Co., Sherbrooke; retired, 1901; 
among other offices held by him while 
in Can. were the presidency of the 
E. T. Bank, the presidency of the 
Sherbrooke Gas, Water &: Electric 
Light Co., the chairmanship of the 
Proto sec. of the Council of Public 
Instruction, and the chancellorship of 
Bishop's ColI., Lennoxville (M.A., 
1864; D.C.L., 1875) ; on retiring from 
this position, 1900, his portrait, by 
HavflÏlS (q.v.), was plaJCed. in the main 
hiaU; is an !hon. IJL.D. 'of .M.cGHI1 Vniv. ; 
an Ang.-Bou1"nemouth, Eng. 
Reneker, Bt.-Col, William Charle. 
Giffard, H.l\I.'s regular mil. forces. 
S. R. W. H. (q.v.); b. Sherbrooke, 
P.Q., Aug. 22, 1867; e. Bishop's Coli. 
Sch., LennoxvHl'e, P.Q., and R. M. Goll., 
Kingston (grad. 1888) ; m., Oct., 1901, 
"Clara Marion, 5th d. late Edrward 
Jones, Velindre, Wales; entd. army as 
2nd lieut., Connaught RaI1lgers, 1881; 
promoted lieut., 1890; capt., 1897; bt.- 
major, 1901; bl.-lt.-col., 1905; major, 
1907; bt.-col. and A.D.C. to ,the King, 
1907; served Benin Territories Expdn., 
as survey and inteUigence offr., 1899 
(dJespatches; med.); oommand-ed Vlia 
and Ishan Expdns., 1900 (dJespatohes; 
med.) ; commanded various columnB in 
Aro Expdn., 1901-2 (d,espatches; 
D.S.O.) ; comII1l3.nded Ibeku-Oloko- 
Afikpo and Igam Expdns., 1902-3 
(despatches); travel,ling comn., Niger 
Coast Protectora.t.e, West Africa, 1899- 
1900; 2nd In command, Southern 
Nigeria Regt., W.est Africa Fron1.ier 
Force, 1901-3; D.A.A.G. and Q.M.G., 
Orange River Colony Disl., 1906-10; 
author, .. Bush Warfare" (1906); an 
Ang.-Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall, 
London, Eng.; Sports Club, do. 
.. A superb o'ffioer."-Oan. Mil. Gazette. 
"Henley, George," ((see Rankin, A. 



Benning, Fred Sayers, marine en 
Y. s. late W. S. H.; b. St. Cathar- 
Ines, Ont., Feb. 4, 1862; e. there; m. 
Miss H. Shuman, Port Robinson, Onto ; 
long connected with the Can. Assn. of 
Marine Engrs. ; successively grand 
conductor, treas., and secy., do. ; elected 
presdt. Toronto Council No.1, dio., 1903 ; 
ed. and revised .. Engineers' Manual," 
1902; employed as a marIne engr. by 
govt. during N. W. RebeIUon, 1885; 
more recently chief engr. Island 
pumping station, Toronto; a Con.; a 
Presb.-19 Soho St., 7'oronto. 
'Henry, Be.v, Edwin Arthur (Presb.). 
S. Thos. H., Toronto, a native of 
Grenville, Ont., and a pioneer from 
the N. of Irel., and late Rebecca 
(Reid) H., a native of Belfast; b. 
Montreal, Oct. 29, 1866; e. Toronto 
public schs., Jarvis St. ColI. Inst., Co. 
Model SCh., Parkdale, Toronto Nor- 
mal Sch. (gold med., 1887), and To- 
ronto Dniv. (B.A. and honour graa. 
In phil., 1893); m., June, 1895, Miss 
Ida C. Taylor, Harriston, Ont.; orig- 
Inally a sch. teacher: graõuated 
Knox ColI., Toronto, 1895: licensed 
and 0., 1895; pastor, Brandon Man. 
(and built ch. there), 18%-190'2; do., 
Knox Ch., Hamilton, Ont.. 190
-6 ; 
do., Kn{)x rOh., Regina, Sask., 1906- 
10; sinæ 1Jhoen lpaJstor Oha'l.mem Oh., 
'VoanoouV'er, iE.C. ; f.ormerly <pres-d,t. 
Brandon Children',s Aid Soc.; as a 
clergyman belongs to the broad sch.; 
interested in newer theol.; sympathetic 
towards modern thought and critical 
method; regarded as a .. grand 
preacher" : his addr
ss on .. The Home 
Church-The Duty of the Hour," be- 
fore t'he Presb. Summer Sc<h., 1903, 
created a most favourable impression 
everywhere; presented with a purse 
of gold, on leaving Regina; a Lib.- 
Vancouver, B.C. 
II His success in Regina was almost un- 
exampled."-T. Globe. 
Henry, Hon, Hugh McDonald, retired 
S. late Hon. W. A. H. and Chris- 
tina H., d. Hugh McDonald, Elmbank, 
Antigonish, N.S.; father one of the 
.. Fathers of Confederation" and after- 
wards a judge of the Sup. Ct. of Can. ; 
b. Antigonish, Dec. 20, 1850; e. Hali- 
fax Grammar Sch., Dalhousie Univ. 
and Harvard Univ. (LL.B., 1873); 
barrister, 1874: successfully practised 
his prof. at Halifax; K.C. (M. of 
Lorne), 1881; wras presdt. N. S. Bar- 
risters' Soc.; a lect. in Dalhousie Law 
Sch., and prof. med. jurisprudence, 
Halifax Med. CoIl. ; unsuccessfully 
contested Halifax (Local) Con. in- 
terest, 1890; a puisne judge, Sup. Ct., 
N. is., Feb. 20, 1893; fl'eIbi red , owing Ito 
Ul-lbeaHJh, Oct., 1903; ele(:'te.d V.-P. 
Harvard Law Sch. Assn., ,1901; V.
of Ibhe .soc. !!jor ,bhe Brev. of Crue.lrty 
'Ì{) . AnimaJ,g, .1905.-Halifax, N.S.; 
Hahfax Club do. 
Henry, WiUiam Alexander, lawyer. 
S. late Hon. W. A. H., judge of the 
Supreme Ct. of Can.; b. AntigoniSh, 
N,S., Mch. 19, 1863; e. Halifax, Lycee 

de Tours, France, Merchlston Castle 
Sch., Scot., and Dalhousie Unlv. (LL.B., 
1886) ; m., May, 1892, Minna, d. Goo. J. 
Troop; a grad. of Harvard Law Sch.; 
barrister, 1887; K.C., 1907; a memo 
lega-l fi.rm HaJrl'lLs, H., ,StJaf-rs & I-trurris, 
Halifax, N.S. ; one of the best all-round 
athletes in Can.; equally well known 
at football, lacrosse, and cricket; 
sometime capt. Wanderers' football 
and cricket teams; played cricket, for 
Can., against the U. S., 1886, 1888, 
1896, and 1897; as a sch. boy made a 
record at Edinburgh, 1880, of 5.03 2-5 
for mile run; led the batting of the 
Can. cricket team, Eng., 1887, making 
88 In 46 minutes against Dr. Grace'. 
12.-16 South St., Halifax, N.S.; Hali- 
fax Club; H alijax Golf Club, do. 
II The finest half back ever seen in Ne.w 
York."-Turf, Field and Farm. 
Henshaw, Mrs, Julia Wilmotte, 
D. late Wm. Henderson, Ashford Ct., 
Shropshire, Eng., author of several 
works on folk-lore and angling; b. 
Durham, Eng.; e. there; m., June 15, 
1887, Chas. Grant Henshaw, Montreal; 
writes under the pen name of II Julian 
Durham" ; was on ed. staff Vancouver 
Province, 1894-8; has contributed 
articles to the Gi1"ls' Own Paper Can. 
Mag., The Graphic, Sketch, The Queen 
Lady's Pictorial, and The Traveller 
author: .. Hypnotized? -or the Experl: 
ment of Sir Hugh Galbraith" (1898) 
.. Why not, Sweetheart?" (19 01) , 
.. MouDJtain Wild FI{)wers of Canada ,: 
(1906), and .. The Wild Flowers of Columbia" (1908); Is a V.-P. 
Vancouver Women's Can. Club' a 
memo Can. Soc. of Authors and of' the 
Soc. of Authors, Eng.-Vancouver 
B.C.; Women's Can. Club, do.; Alpiné 
Club, Banff; Authors' Club London 
II An 8utn.o.ress of more than common 
merit."-Victoria Colonist. 
.. Her bright writing boas bee'n very 
genel'sJly appreda.ted."-V. Province. 
Hensley, Mrs, Sophia Almon, author; 
A direct descendant of Cotton 
Mather, through Mather Byles; d. 
Henry Pryor and Sarah Frances (De 
Wolfe) Almon; b. Bridgetown, N.S., 
May 31, 1866; e. Eng. and France; 
studied lit., under C. G. D. Roberts 
(q:v.), then prof. of lit., King's ColI., 
Wmdsor, N.S.; m., 1889, Hubert Ar- 
thur Hensley; removed to N.Y., 1890; 
leet. on lit. and philanthropic sub- 
jects; popular speaker at women's 
dubs, usually on such subjects as 
.. Heredity," .. Child Culture," and 
.. The Child of the Tenements" ; presdt. 
Soc. for the Study of Lite; ex-presdt. 
N. Y. City Mothers' Club; ex-secy. 
N. Y. State Assembly of Mothers; 
identified with Mothers' Congress 
work; assoc. ed. Health Culture' 
author .. A Woman's Love Letters'
.. Love & Co., Ltd," .. The Heart of 'a 
Woman" (poems), .. Princess Mig- 
non," a oh'l,}',s musical :pla.y' 
.. WtO'Illan and ,the Race" (under nom: 
de-plume, .. Gordl()I) Hart "), and many 
mag. anld newsp3JP'ßr al'tioles ; B. 



student of the social and political 
theories of the late Henry George, 
commonly called the Single Tax; be- 
lieves in municipal ownership of pub- 
lic franchises, in social tolerance and 
relligious freOO.0m.-150 W. 47th St., 
New York, 
Hepner, Kiss Louise, (See .Willis, 
Herbin, John Frederic, author. 
Father French; mother descended 
from French Acadian people, exiled, 
1755; b. Windsor, N.S., Feb. 8, 1860; 
e. Acadia ColI., 'Volfville, N.S. (B.A., 
1890); m.; for some yrs. a school 
ìæJclber in Colo.; may-or 'Of Wol:fVJiùlle, 
1902-3; while holding this office was 
instrumental in establishing the Long- 
fellow memorial park at Grand Pré, 
N.S. ; author If The Marshlands," 
poems (1893); If History of Grand 
Prê .. (1903) , and If The H'e'Ïir ,to 
Grand Prê" (1908); If does not believe 
that Parkman is, as some suppose, the 
court of last appeal, with regard to 
the Acadian expulsion."-Wolfville, 
.. A landscape painter in verse,"- 
Books and Notions. 
Herbison, Bev, Bobert (Presb.). 
S, Benj. H.; b. Sand Bay, Ont.; e. 
there and Queen's Vniv. (M.A., with 
triJPle !ÌlOtl1iours, 1896); m.,, Oct., 
1905, J,enny Gibson (d. Feb., 1906), d. 
Goo. HUll'oor, Glas
ow, .scot,; 2ndly, 
ApI., 1910, Mary, e. d. James Wlhi'De, 
TQroll'OO; '0. 1898; jþ3Jstor Stewrurton 
On., Ottawa, 1898-.1904; since 11905 has 
been pastoT, St. Giles', Tororuto; secy., 
Ottawa Minist. Assn., 1901-3 ; 
moderator (Montreal and Ottawa), 
1903-4; a lover of healthy outdoor 
sports; an expert canoeman ; favours 
ch. union; an extempore speaker; a 
great admirer of and believer In Robert 
Browruing.-44 ROBe Ave... Toronto. 
Herdt, Louis Anthyme, electrical en- 
S. late John and Helene (Fleury de 
la Hussinlère) H.; ,b. TrouvilLe, France, 
1872; e. Montreal High Sch., McGill 
Vnlv. (B.A.Sc., 1893; Ma.E., 1898; 
D.Sc., 1910) , and Electrotech. Inst., 
Montefiore, Belgium (E.E., with hon- 
ours; M.A.I.E.E.); m., 1899, Blanche 
(d. Oct., 1907), d. Mr. Justice Dugas 
(q.v.), Dawson City; an assoc. memo 
Can. Soc. C.E., 1899 (councillor, do., 
1909) ; also V.-P. Elect. sec., do., do.; 
memo Am. lOist. Elect. En
rs.; F.R..S.C., 
1911; a diÏr. Prince Rupert Hyd,ro- 
Electric 00.; cO'nsulttiÏrug engr. DOIIIl. 
Go\'lt.; .suoceælvely demon. in eleCit. 
ing., loot., asst. pl"Of. and rass'OC, 
proof., Elect. EI1Ig'ing., .McGill VnlÎv.; 
elected iLc:>ooa.1 :ho.n. secy. Am. Inst. 
Eloeot.. Enrgms., 1909; del. Intern. 
Ðloootro-TecIh. Comn., London, EÀ1tg., 
1907; 8ßJ'ptd. off1". d'Acad. de France, 
1905; aJUltJhor of vrurlous opoa.pers con- 
t.ribuoted '00 soos. and the tedh. press.- 
8l DU1"ocher St., Montreal; E7Lginee1"8' 
Club, do. 
., A ma:n .00 the highest alttaånment.s as 
a. scie n.tist. "-JI. HeraJ.d. 

Heroux, Omer, journalist. 
8. L. D. and Marie Adelaide (Neault) 
H.; b. St. Mauri<:e, P.Q., Sept. 8, 1876; 
e. Three Rivers Semy.; tormerly on 
the staff of La Patrie
 Montreal, and 
subsequently, for some yrs. up to 1909, 
ed. L'Action Sociale, the clerical organ 
at Quebec; now at Montreal on the 
Na'tionalist press; m. the d. of the 
late J. P. Tardival, journalist, Quebec 
(d. June, 1908); R.C.-71a st. Jamea 
St., 111 ont1"eal. 
Herridge, Bev, William ":rhomaa 
O. s. late Rev. Wm. H. (Meth.) and 
Emma (Barkshire) H., Reading, Ellg'.; 
b. th
re, Jan. 14, 1857; e. 'Toronto 
Model Sch., Hamilton ColI. Inst., To- 
ronto Vniv. (B,A., with 3 scholars. and 
high classical and other honours, 1880) 
and Montreal Presb. Coli. (B.D. and 
gold med., 1883; D.D., hon., 189
also studied at Edinburgh, Glasg.Jw 
and London; m., 1885, the d. late Rev. 
hos. Duncan, D.D.; while at Mont- 
rerul was 8Jsst. ,at St. Bauf's Ch. ; since 
Aug., 1
83, has been pastor, Ht. An- 
dlrew's Ch., Ottawa; declined call to 
Frognal Presb. Oh., Lond'On, Eng., 
1902; is a trustee, Queen's Vnlv. and 
a memo Bd. of Mangt., Montre;ll Pr
ColI.; formerly a senator, Toronto 
Univ. ; presdt., Ottawa Art Assn., 1898- 
9; gazetted odhaplain (wHJh :boOn. rank 
of C8Jpt.) , 5 tJh Brin<:ess Louise Dra- 
goon Gds., May, 1!106; a nl<
m. J')int 
Oomte. o.n iOh. Vndon, 1906; .is the 
author of essays on "Beethoven," 
" Milton," "Robert Browning," and 
"'V oman: Her Place and \V,Jrk ,.; also 
of "The Orbit of Life" (1900 and 
.. The .ooign of Vantage" (1\)08); 
as a clergyman, has broug:1t to hi" 
wO'rk earnestness, thoug1hrt, aTI1d: out- 
spoken manly presentation of truth; 
one o.f the aims he has always had in 
view has been tJhe conservation of 
religious pea.ce wit'h honour among the 
different sections of the Can. com- 
munity ; ltakes it I3JS a /happy ornle'll 
" that thoughtful men in different ch3. 
al'e 8jI)'proo.CJhing 'O'ne aI1lOther a'long the 
Lines of least resistanc'e, and ape seri- 
ously asking tJhe question whether It 
ds Go.d's will .tJhat tlhere should ,be 
such a perplexing number of sects and 
'denominations,' and are realizing wit
growing clearness that the weakest 
part of a man's .creed is that which 
is peculiar to himself, and the strong- 
est part that which he holds in com- 
mon with all Wlho really desire the 
name of Ohristian; in this land. of 
ours, where religious tolerance has 
such full opportunity for its display, 
we ought to be able to contribute 
our part in answering the prayer of 
Christ Himself that His ch. on earth 
may be one."-St. And1"ew's .Manse, 
f93 Somerset St., Ottawa. 
.. A preacher of uatio'Dal reputation."- 
St. John Telegraph. 
If Holds a p}.ace in the front rank 00 bril. 
liant pulpiteers."-N. Y. Herald. 
.. A man of br<Jad schoLa.rship a.nd great 
executive .abÏiJity."-Judge McTavish (q.v.) 
"One o.f Canada's most gifted and 
eloquent divine6, a ma.n of thought a.nd 
le'a>rning."-Dr. J. M. Harper (q.lI.), 



Herriman, WiUiam Choate, physician; 
Ont. public service. 
B. Orono, Ont., 1867; e. public and 
high schs., Port Hope and Lindsay; 
m., Oct., 1900, Nellie J., d. Lewis Wil- 
liams, Johnstown, Pa,; M.B. (Toron- 
to Univ.), 1890; successfully followed 
the practice of his prof. at LIndsay; 
sin.ce then has .be.en successively asst. 
physician Inst. for the Feeble-minded, 
Orillia, Ont.; asst. supdt. Hosp. for the 
Insane, Toronto; has aloSo been on the 
staff of the several hasps. for the In- 
,sane in Ont., more .recently Rockwood 
Hosp., Kingston, and is demon. in psy- 
ohia:try, T'ororrto Univ.; apptd. med. 
dir., Inst. for the Fee.ble-minded, OriIlia, 
Oot!., 1910; an aot'Íve a.rud .corr. m.em. of 
several med., sclen., and hist. socs. and 
an occasional contributor to their pro- 
cee<J.,ings or trarus.-Hospital for the 
Herring, Mrs, Prances Elizabeth, 
Northern Scotch and Eng. origin; 
one of the Clarkes of Norfolk; b. 
King's Lynn, Norfolk, Eng.; e. there 
and Reading, Berks; m., Dec., 1874, 
A. M, Herring, New Westminster, B.C. ; 
the first woman to {)btain a 1st class A 
teachers' cert. by examn. in B.C., 
1876; read papers before 'reachers' 
Convention; her first paper advocating 
the advisability of tlhe GoV't. spending 
revenue on educ. rather than upon 
jails and penitentiaries, widely noticed 
and read; later beca]lle ed. of the Home 
Circle in 'j'he Commonwealth (New 
'Vestminster), at same time writing 
many sketches and descriptions of 
\Vestern life and doings for the To- 
l'onto Globe; author of the following 
works: " Canauian Camp Life" (1900), 
"Among the People of British Col- 
umbia, Red, White, Yellow and Brown" 
(,1903), .. In 'vhe Pathless West, witJh 
Soldiers, Miners, Pioneers and Sav- 
ages" (.1904), ,t-og.etJher with" BioneeT 
Women in the 'Vest" and .. Gold 
Hunters of the West," now in press; 
has also contributed to the Can. Mag. 
and 'j'he English Mag.; in favour of 
close and still closer relations with the 
Mother Country; an Ang. (Broad Ch.). 
-"Altamont.." New Westminster.. B.C. 
.. Writes with a charm which is all her 
own."-M, Wihh?". 
.. Among the best kn()wn of An
Canadian writers."-M. Star, 
Herrington, Walter stevens, lawyer; 
U. E. L, descent; s. late SUllmen 
M. and Caroline (Morden) H.; b. Tp. 
Ameliasburg, Co. Prince Edward, Ont., 
July 14, 1860; e. Brantford and Co- 
bourg Coli. Insts. and Victoria Unlv. 
(B.A., 1883); m., May, 1890, Miss 
Mary Tilley, Napanee; barrister, 1886; 
K.C., 1898; successfully practises his 
prof. at Napanee; town solr.; crown 
prosecutor in Ponton and other cases; 
gov.t. commr. .00 di.stJfIÏ'bute .g.rant and 
adjust claims against Central Co.'.s Ry., 
1899; has ,Þeen a m'Eml. Bd. .of Educ. 
several yrs. ; presdt. Public LIbrary Bd. 
for an extend.oed period; fouruder and 
p.resd:t. Na;pane-e Shakespeare Olub; 

elected presdt. Can. \Vhist League, 
I!JO-l; author: "Heroines of Can. His- 
tory" (1909), and "The Martyrs of 
New France. 
1910); Lib.; Ang.- 
Napanee.. Onto 
Herron, John, retired rancher; legis- 
Ir1s.h aI1>dI ,Sootdb origin; s. ,la,te JOilm 
and .MaIìg<t. (Cram) H.; b. A1slÜon, 
Orut., N{)v. 15, 1853; .e. .t'here; m.. 
June, 1878, Miss Ida Lake; an 
earLy pioneer 1n Ibhe N. \V. T.; sU'b- 
sequenotù'Y in oC'<XIl1IIIlerdal Hfe in Ot- 
tawa; was se.rg>t.-'major, Pl' 
Louise Dragoon Gds.; woOn man'Y 
trophies as an athlete; joined late 
Major John Stewart in ranching 1?usi- 
ness, Pincher Creek, 1881; retired, 
1900; raised a co. of the Rocky Mt. 
Rangers, and served during N.- W. 
Rebellion, 1885 (med.); has sat for 
kl,oorta (H. C.), LiJb.-Qon. lnte-rest, 
S'Ílnoo 1904; a stock in-spr. -in Al
an Omng-eman; a Presb.-Pincher 
Creek, Alta. 
.. · Honest J{)hn' by name and by ua. 
lure."-The West. 
Hersey, Milton Lewis, chemical ex- 
pert and assayer; capitalist. 
Y. S. Randoiph B., .Montreal; b. 
::\funtreal, Aug. 22, .1&69; e. private 
tuiH'on. Roya.l Ail'tlhur Soh., 
Hi'g.h Soh. and .McGill Univ. (B.A. 
Sc., .1889; .M., A..Sc. 189&); ,LL.D. 
(bon.), Queen's Univ., 1908; a Re-p. 
FeLlow ,in Ajp>p. ,Soienoe" McGi.l,L Un-iv. 
1909; m., M,ay, 1893; Emma Adeline, 
e. d. Joseph Holliday, formerl'Y of 
BI1aJ<].fiord, Enrg.; 'head of 'llh-e MH- 
ton H. Co., Ltd., -ohem.isbs, 
insp.e.otoI1s (L. P., Sept., 1906); for 
some y.m. -a lect. 'in Sci-en.ce, Mc- 
GiH Univ., ,to wtMc'h dnstituUon he 
gave $10,UOO, for the maintenance of 
the metall. dept., 1909; gave $10,000 to 
endow a fellowship in the dept. of 
chemist., Kingston Sch. of Mining, 
1908; apptd. analyst for the city of 
Montreal, by the Dom. Govt., 1901; 
head of the Govt. Assay Laboratory, 
Montreal, do.; apptd. by Montreal City 
Council, to report on purity of city 
water supply, 1904; founded research 
fellow. in metallurg. enging., McGill 
Univ., 1908; elected chairman, Can. 
Sec. Soc. {)f Oheankal l.udust., 1909; is 
also che-mdst G. T. Ry.; .engr. of testis, 
C. P. Ry.; a memo Intern. Soc. for 
Testing Materials; declined nomina- 
tion as controller, Montreal, 1909 ; 
called "one of the Cobalt Kings," 
:V['Orutreal Star.. 1908; Tanked Þy .Mont- 
real StUl' as a millionaire, 1909 ; 
elected: prescH. Mon,treal .NiaIt. Hist. 
Soc., .1910; l'1e-eÞecte-d, 1911; a OOUfiI- 
oiIlor, Oan. MintÏtl.g Inst.; hon. Ip
\Vestern Ho&p., Miorutr.eal; a UnH. and 
a memo oomte. ()f mangt., Oh. of Ithe 
Moessialh, MoonotrOOJI; a Lib.-lJ RQse- 
!nount Ave., Westmount. Montreal,; 
Enginee1's' Club; Auto and Aero Club; 
Canada Club; Canadian Club; Outre- 
mont Golf Club; st. James's Club.. do, 
"Has made a name f-or himself in hi. 
profession aJi ave'r the DQlminiQn, and i. 
recûgnized as a thoroughly capable analy.' 
and chemist."-M. Herald. 



Hespeler, Hon, Wilhelm, consular 
S. .Johnna Glory and Barbara Anna 
H.; b. Grand Duchy of Baden, Ger- 
many, Dec. 29, 1830; e. there; came to 
Can., 1850; first 
ntd. into business 
with his bro., the late .Jacob H., at 
Preston, Ont.; later removed to Water- 
loo, S8J!I1e CO., wlh!erre jtJhe firm ()f H. & 
Randall was long and widely known; 
still later removed to Man.. where he 
became mangr. Man. Land Co.. and 
was Commr. of Agricul. and Immi- 
gration for Mian. and Ithe N. W. T.; 
apptd. consul for Germany, 1882; 
jurisdiction, as such, extended so as 
to cover Sask. and Alta., 1906; apptd. 
liquidator Man. Commercial Bank. 
1896; resIgned, 1900; was also presdt. 
Winnipeg GenI. Trusts Co.; is a dir". 
Imp. Trusts Co., and connected offi- 
cially with other similar organiza- 
tlons: a memo Proto sec. Bd. of Educ. : 
elected presdt. Winnipeg Genl. Hosp., 
1885, and presdt. Winnipeg Lib.- 
Con. Assn., 1888; regarded as the 
founder of the flourishing German 
Mennonite settlements in S. Man.; 
sat for Rosenfeldt (Local), 1899- 
; was Speaker of the Assembly 
during same period: decorated by the 
German Emperor with the order of 
the Rpd Eagle, 1904; m.. ApJ.. ]887, 
K-atoe R. (a sister od' his first wi,fe), d. 
Duncan'i-e, N.Y.; a Lubh.-1Vin- 
nipeg; Manitoba Club, do. 
Hetherington, George Albert, phy- 
S. .Jas. Grierson and Mary .J. 
(CLark) H.; b. .Johnston, N.B., Mch. 
17, ] 851; e. Normal Sch., Free Bapt. 
Semy., Fredericton, Mich. Univ., Genl. 
Hosp. and ColI. of Med. and Surg., 
Cincinnati (M.D., 1875), Edinburgh 
Royal Infirmary and Dublin Rotunda 
Hosp. for Women (L.M.); m., Sept., 
1876, Miss Sybil McIntyre, Sussex, 
N.B. (d.); In general practice in St. 
.John; besides other appts. has been 
resident phys. Prov!. Lunatic Asylum; 
a lect. and examr. St. John Tl'Ialnlng 
Sch. f.or Nurses, and path., St. Jo-hn 
Genl. Public Hosp.; is a dir. Nat. Life 
Assur. Co.; a Knight of Pythlas, .a 
FOlresrter, ano a Fìreemason; a Ba;pt.; 
a Lib.-62 Sydney St., St. John, N.B.; 
Canadian Club, do. 
(D. St.. John, N.B., June 14, 1911.) 
J[etherington, Major Thomas S., 
S. Thos. H., Quebec; b. there, Mch. 
23, 1868; e. there; long in commercial 
Jife; formerly lIlJ3,jor, 13th Scottish 
Light Dragoons; RO., ApI. 1909; holds 
long-service decoration; elected presdt. 
Quebec Bd. of Trade, 1908; re-elected 
1909; presided at banquet to celebrate 
100th anniversary of the formation of 
the Bd., Feb., 1909; presdt. Quebec 
Turf Club, 1908; a Meth. and a trustee 
of the Me<tJh. Oh., Quebe.c.-366 St. John 
St., Quebec; Quebec Garrison Club, do. 
.. One 00 Que-be.c's m()st e,nerget.Ïc c1ti- 
zens."-S. N. 
Heward, Lt.-Col, Edward Hampden 
Turner, Can. regular mHo forces. 
S. F. H. and Eliza H., Toronto; b. 
there, Jan. 17, 1852; e. U. C. Coli.; 

m., May, 1891, Louisa, y. d. late Chief 
.Justice Sir W. C. Meredith, Quebec; 
long In the v. m. ; It. G. G. B. G., 1879; 
It. and adjt. Permt. Cav. Sch. Corp. 
(now R. C. Dragoons), 1883; command- 
ant, R. C. Mtd. Riftes, Winnipeg, 
1891-6; bt.-capt., 1888; A.D.C. to 
G. O. C. Can. Mil., 1901-3; staff offr. 
to Inspr.-Genl., with rank of major, 
since 1904; bt.-lt.-col. 1906; served In 
li'enian Raid, 1866 (genl. service med., 
with clasp), and in N. .W. Rebellion, 
1885 (med.); Ang.-
15 Laurier Ave. 
ltJ., Ottawa; Canadian Club, do. 
Heward, Stephen Beverley, merchant. 
U. E. L. descent; s. late Francis 
Harris and Eliza (Paul) H.; grands. 
St-ep'hen H., ,'Iìororutü; b. M'onÜeaJ1-, 
Nov. 7, 1843; 'e. U. C. DoH.; 1lIl., 
1875, Miss AI,ke Gmham, N. Y.; 
v ioc e-.con suI for t,he NetJh.erlands siruoe 
1879; aICIUng consul-genl. d'O. ,f'Ür a 
YBRr; was ,tJhe pi'Ün.ær iÏn the Ne'ther- 

ands East Indåa direct trade wt.Ï'uh 
Can., 1869; ClI'OO!ted a Kn1gM of the 
Order IOf Orange, Nas,sau, Holland, 
1909; served on tJhe foron,tioer, ,in Can.. 
v. m., 1864-66 (Feruian moo'. and: lano 
grant); stJroongly in d'aV1our of Br,it. 
conlIJ..eoti()n; Oon.; Ang.-l0 Park Ave., 
Mont1'eal; St Jameð's Club, do. 
Hewett, Major Edward Vincent Os- 
borne, H.M's regular mIl. torces. 
E. s. late Lt.-Genl. E. O. H., C.M.G., 
RE., flrst commandant Royal Mil. 
Coil., Kingston, Onto and Catherine 
Mary H., d. Major Vincent Biscoe, 
RE., Hookwood, Surrey, Eng.; b. Hall- 
fax, N.S., Mch. 14, 1867; e. Royal Mil. 
ing1Ston; m., .JlUly, 1904, Bren- 
da, 2nd d. Fredk. Platt-Higgins, M.P., 
Hornleig1h, Bowd,en. Cheshire; .gaze<tted 
lieut. Queen's Own Royal West Kent 
Regt., 1885; capt., 1894; major, 1903; 
served with Soudan frontier field force, 
1885-6; was 'Present in !the engage- 
ment at Giniss (med. Qnd Khedive's 
star); also in the campaign N. W. 
frontier of India, under Sir Wm. Lock- 
!ha:rt, 1897- 8; wi'!:ùl the Malakand fle}ld 
force as brigade signaller, 1st Brigade, 
during the operations In Upper Swat, 
including the engagement at Landa- 
kal and the operations in Bajaur and 
the Mohmand country, and with the 
Utman Khel column; served also with 
the Buner field force QS dlv. signalling 
offr. during the operations In Buner 
and Chamla, including the engage- 
ment at Tanga Pass (despatches; 
med., with clasp) ; was prof. mil. hist., 
stNiitegy otJa,(jbies, amid J'teoontlladssance, 
Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston, 1900-5; 
elected commodore Kingston Ice Yacht 
Assn., 1902; presdt. Royal Mil. ColI. 
Hockey Cluíb, 1903; now R. 0.; tA.Thg.- 
G1'osvenor Club, London, Eng. 
Hewitt, Charles Gordon, Dom. pubUc 
S. 'I1hoQlS\ Hy. 
tnldi .RJaooh
1 H.; b. nr. 
:.vracCtl:esfi.eJ.à, En\g'., We<b. 23, 1885; e. 
:VltaIOCI.e,sfi'ell(]: GramllIll3.r Och. an.d 
chester Unlv. ; unlv. prizeman and grad. 
sch()l.; D.Sc.; asst. 'I.eot. and demon. 
in Zool., .Mancl1ester Uruiv., 1904; l'OOt. 
In econ. zool., do. do., 1907; apptd. 
Doan. ento,m,oloogist, 1909; hon. aecy. 



for severaJ scientific SQCS. beJfoOre l-eav- 
ing Eng. for Can., Sept., 1909; el-eoted 
V.-P. Onto Entomol. Soc., 1910; author 
of various contributions on zoo!., espe- 
cially econ. and entomol. subjects in 
scileon'uific jOlUrnaJ!is.-" The Sherbrooke," 
90 O'Conn01' Et., Ottawa; Centra
 Fann, do. 
Hewitt, Miss Lida B., nursing pro- 
B. and e. Charlottetown, P.E.I.; a 
gra.duate Mass. Genl. Hosp. ; was 
supdt. Genl. Public Hosp., &t. John, but 
resigned to take a position in Boston; 
re-apptd., as supdt., at St. John, 1
-Genl. Public Hospita
, St. John, N.R. 
Hewson, His Honour Charles Edward, 
Go. Ct. judge. 
S. 'Vm. and Abigail M. H. ; b. Pains- 
wick, Ont, Oct., 23, 1856; e. Barrie 
Coll. Inst.; m. Julia. y. d. Hy. Cres- 
wicke, P.L.S.; barrister, 1880; prac- 
tised his prof. at Barrie, In partner- 
ship with A. E. H. Crtswicke, K.C.; 
K.C., 1902; has been a town council- 
lor, a co. councillor, and a memo of 
the Sch. Bd.; unsuccessfully contested 
C. Simcoe (Local), In Lib. Interest, 
g. e. 1905; apptd. district ct. judge, 
Manitoulin, Onrt., and a IOOOil: judge, 
Hig;h Gt. of Justice, Ont., De.c. 13, 1908. 
-Gore Bay, Onto 
Hewson, Miss Grace Ellen, lawyer. 
D. Judge H. (q.v.); b. Barrie,Ont., 
June 4, 1885; e. there; barrister, 
1908 (the third lady to be called to 
the 'b'ar -of Ont.); was .in :parltnershi,p 
wi,tIh F. H. K!ee'fer, R.C. (q.v.), .:?ort 
Arthur, Ont; now .in IPract
oo of 'her 
!prof. in Toronto on her .own .acooun.t; 
Ang.-2 Surrey Place, Toronto. 
Heyd, Louis Franklyn, lawyer. 
.H. Brantford, Ont., 1856; e. there; 
m.; spent some yrs. in commercial 
life; barrister, 1884; K.C., 1899; suc- 
cessfully practised his prof. in Brant- 
ford up to 1896; since then in Toronto; 
has been crown prosecutor at various 
assizes; a Lib. and well known upon 
the "stump" ; a Freemason; a Forester; 
a Presb. - iJ8 Sherbourne St., To- 
Hibbard, Charles Benjamin, Can. 
raIlway serVlce. 
S. late John H.; b. St. John's, P.Q., 
Moh. 31, 1&58; eo 'there; entd. G. T. Ry, 
service, as telegraph operator, 187
stenographer and chief clk., pass. dept., 
Central Vt. Ry.; genl. pass. agent, 
Duluth, ISoUibb Shore & AJtl.a.IlItic Ry. & 
" Soo" Line, 1889; presdt. North. N. 
Y. Ry., 1895; gent mangr. Quebec, 
Montreal & Southern Ry., 1903-8; 
since then has been 2nd V.-P. Quebec 
East Ry. .00. and of LotJbiruiere & Me- 
gantic Ry. and V.-P. Slherbrook-e St. 
R'Y.; Ang.-Iberville, P.Q. 
"An able and effective railway man. 
ager."-M. Gazette. 
Hibbard, Lt.-Co!, Frederick William, 
lawyer; Quebec public service. 
S. late Lt.-Col. Ashley H., Montreal, 
and Sarah Ann H., 2nd d. Rev. Am- 
brose Lane, M.A., perpetual curate of 
St. Thomas, Pendleton, Manchester, 
Eng.; b. Dublin, Irel., Oct. 19, 1865; 
e, privately and McGill Unlv. (B.A., 

1889; M.A., 1892; B.C.L., and med., 
1891); m., Nov., 1898, Emily Laura, 
3rd d. Joseph S. Baker, Dunham, P.Q.; 
barrister, 1893; K.C., 1907; Crown 
prosecutor, Dist. of Montreal, 1907-10; 
one of the leaders of the .bar In Mon t- 
real; apptd. iJresdt. Royal Public 
UUl'i.tie<s Cornn., 1910; elected Iþresdl 
St. .Tames' Lit. Soc., Montreal, 1903; 
popular and instructive as a lect., his 
repertoire including" The Literature of 
To-day" ; " Canadian Constitutional 
Government"; "The Land Defence of 
Canada"; "The Value of Organized 
Effort in Municipal Affairs"; " The 
Prophecy of the West," and "Cana- 
dians at Home and Abroad"; holds 
a 1st class cert., Royal Sch. of Arty.; 
joined 2nd Regt., C.A.. as a lieut., 
1894; capt., 1.895; major, 1897; It.-col. 
In command, 1901; R.O., 1906; one of 
the arty. offrs. on the second Can. 
contingent, at Queen Victoria's Jubilee; 
recd. the Diamond Jubilee med. from 
the hand of King Edward, and was 
presenl\:ed to the late Queen Victoria at 
Windsor Castle; presdt. Montreal 
Mil. Inst., 1900; V.-P. Dom. Arty. 
Assn., 1905; later, presdt. Outremont 
Golf Club; a Lib. and an active 
worker; a V.-P. Montreal Reform 
Club; an Ang. and a ch. ward-en.- 
4031 Dorchester St., Westmount, Mont- 
; St. James's Club; University 
ub; Outremont Go
f Club, do. 
"A coming man."-M. Witness. 
"A man of di,gnity and learning."-D. 
A. Lafortune, E.G., M.P. (q.v.), 
Hibbard, George W" Am. railway 
Cousin of C. B. H. (q.v.); b. St. 
Johns, P.Q., June 15, 1852; e. there: 
entd. ry. service, as night freight elk., 
Vt. Central Ry., 1870, since when he 
has filled many Important and respon- 
s'ible positions, on the G. T. R'Y., .c. p, 
Ry., Moex'ican Centrel, Duluth, Sou1:Jh 
Shore and Atlantic, and otlher TY'S.; 
sin<:e June 15, 1905, !has Ibeen genl. 
pass. agent, Nat. Lines, Mex'Ï<:o.- 
Mexico City, Mexico. 
Hibbard, Miss Mary Eugenie, nurs- 
ing profession. 
D. late Ashley H., Montreal: a sis- 
ter Lt.-Col. F. W. H. (q.v.); b. Mont- 
real; e. Eng.; graduated St. Cathar- 
ines (Ont.) Hosp. Sch.; successively 
supdt. of this training sch. and of 
Grace Hosp., Detroit, Mich.; chief 
nuvse, Camp Cuba Librê, during Am.- 
Spanish War, and, later, chief nurse 
on 'the hosp. ship Maine, In S. A.; 
apptd. lady supdt. of the hosp. In con- 
nection wl'th fue Panama Cana.! 
works, July, 1904; Ang.-Ancon Hill 
Hospital, Panama. 
Hibbard, Bev. Walter Bobert (Ang.), 
A bro. Lt.-Col. F. W. H. (q.v.); b. 
Montreal, Nov., 1876; e. there and 
Bishop's Coil. Unlv., Lennoxville (B.A. 
with 1st class math. honours and Genl. 
Nicholls scholar., 1895; M.A., 1900); 
o. deacon, 1891: priest. 1893: served 
as a missy. at various places; asst. 
master, Bishop's Coil. Sch., 1899-1901; 
senior math. master, Trln, con, Sch., 



Port Hope, Ont., 1901-5; head master 
Grammar Sch., Berthler-en-haut, P.Q., 
1905-8; since then do. do., ColI. for 
Boys, Rothesay, N.B.-Rothesay, N.E. 
Hickman, W. Albert.littemtew'. 
B. Pictou, N.S., 1875; e. there; 
B.Sc.; author of "The Sacrifice of the 
Shannon," a novel (1904) ; .. Oriented" 
(1909); "An Unofficial Love Story" 
(1910); II ComiPensated" (1911); and 
of numerous short stories contributed 
to the Century, the Can. Mag., and 
other first-class monthlies; has 
served as a lect. for the Dom. and 
N. B. Govts. In Britain; was elected 
a fellow of the Royal Col. Inst., 1900, 
and contributed. to its Transactions; 
published II A Hand-book of New 
Brunswick" (1900).-St. John, N.B. 
",A,t la,st, in the great mass of fiction 
I!erved up to us we have here in 'The 
Sacrifice of the Shannon' an o,riginal idea 
and a new c.o-n-diment."-N. y, Sun. 
Kicks on. Lady Catherine. married 
E. d. late Andrew Dow, Montreal; 
b. and e. Montreal; m., June 17, 1869, 
Joseph Hickson, then secy.-treas. and, 
at his death, Jan. 4, 1877, presdt. of 
the G. T. Ry. of Can.; .husband Wru3 
knighted 'by Que-en Victoria, 1890; is 
prominently id-entified with the Mont- 
real League for the Prevo of Tube-rcul. 
and was one 'Of the ,promoters of thé 
Royal Edwar.d Inst., 1909; besides vari- 
ous -other similar bodies, is V.-P. of the 
Montreal branch of the Needlework 
Guild of Can.-27.2 .Mountain St. Mont- 
,'eal; Canadian Woman's Club, do. 
"A queenly h()stess."-M. Star, 
:Rickson. James Claud, lawyer. 
Second s. late Sir Joseph H., genl. 
mangr, G. T. Ry. ; ,b. Montreal, 1874; 6. 
McGill Univ. (B.A., 1895; B.C.L., 
1898) ; unm.; advocate" 1898; a memo 
legal firm H. & Campbem; previously 
a law partner of D. MacMaster, K.C., 
M.P. (q.v.); one of the leaders of the 
bar; junior counsel for U, S. 
Govt. In extradition proceedings against 
Gaynor and Greene; engaged in other 
important cases; K.C., 1909; a life 
gov. Montreal Genl. Hosp.; elected 
presdt. Montreal Baseball & Amuse- 
ment /Co., 1908; resigned, 1910 ; 
a Fre-ema1son; .Ang.-272 Mountain St., 
Montreal; Mt. Royal Club; Canada 
Club; Montreal Hunt Club; Royal 
Montreal Golf Club; Montreal Curling 
Club; Lafontaine Club; Montreal 
Jockey Cl.ub; Montreal Racquet Club; 
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club; Uni- 
versity Club, do.; Constitutional Club, 
London, Eng. 
Kick.on. Joseph William Andrew, 
E. s. la:te ,Sir J,oseIfu, H.; b. Mou'Ì- 
real; e. McGill Univ. (B.A. and med. 
in mental and moral phn., 1893; M.A., 
1896) and Unlvs. Berlin, Frelburg, and 
Halle (Ph.D., 1900); unm.; lect. and 
tutor, phil. dept., McGill Univ., 1900- 
05; asst. prof. psych. and lect. In 
phil., do., 1905-9; since then has been 
.asst. prof. metaphy. and logic, do.; a 

Dtribut()r to the Univ. and other 
mags. and revs. ; a. councillor Econ-om

and Stat. .soc., and of the Unlv. Club; 
a memo Bd. of iMang.t. House of Inùus- 
t'ry and Refuge; has a:s.ceruded Mt. 
Douglæs and otlher d,ifikul,t mountain 
poeaks in 'the Rookies -during the la&t 
six yeal's.-272 Mountain St., Mont1'eal; 
Mt.. .Royal Club; UniveTsity Club j 
Pohtfcal Economy Club, do.; Alpine 
Club, Banff. 
"A,n e,n,thus.i.a.s.tio IIliOIIln.tain: oloimbe.r"- 
Jf. Gazette. 
Hickson. Miss .Mary Elizabeth, author. 
Y. d. late SIr Joseph and Catherine 
(Dow) H.; b. Montreal; e. there and 
Eng.; an early contributor of tales 
and sketches to the mags.; author of 
two charming tales of French-Can. 
life: " Madame Janvler's Church" 
(1910) and "'Dhe Call -of God" (1911) . 
of the former the late Geo. Murray de
clared the work to be "true to nature" 
and as a literary compasition to be 
.. almost fiawless."-272 Mountain St 
111 ontreal. ., 
.. A write'r of the pr()mise."-Dr. 
John Reade (q.v.). 
Hiebert. Cornelius. merchant; legis- 
S. John and Helena (Tows) H. 
Russian Mennonites, who came to Can.: 
1876; b. nr. the Sea of Azov S Rus- 
sia, Aug. 2, 1862: e. there and in. Can. : 
m., Jul'Y, 1888, Miss A; a 'lumoor 
merchant; previously owner Holland 
Roller MiHs; drir. Knee Hill Goal 00.; 
elf:'cted a sch. trustee, 1902, and was 
for some yrs. secy.-treas. of Rhineland; 
a Con.; sa,t for Rosebud (local), for 
several yrs.-Didsbury. Alta. 
"An active, energetic business man."- 
Higgins, Hon, David Williams. 
.author; journalist; ex-legislator. 
4th s. late \Vm. B. H., a native of 
Manchester, Eng., who emigrated to 
N. S., 1814, and moved thence to 
Brooklyn, N.Y.; b. Halifax, N.S., No,'. 
30, 1834; e. Brooklyn; m., 1863, Mary 
J. (d. Jan., 1901), d. late J. T. Pid- 
well, Charlottøtown, P.E.I.; went to 
Cal., 1856; soon afterwards found.ed 
there The Morning Call newspapèr, 
whloh he cont'inuedto publ.ish up to 
his removal to B. C., 1858; estbd. the 
Victoria lrlorning Ch1"Onicle, a journal 
which was subsequently amalgamated 
with the Brit. Colonist, the new paper 
neeoming the Colonist and Chronicle, 
but reverting afterwards to the older 
title, 1862; remained owner and ed. of 
the Colonist until 1886; ed. Vancouver 
.World, 1906-7, when he retired from 
journalism; w.a.s for some yrs. a memo 
Victoria City Council and Seh. Bd., and 
chairman Bd. .of Ediuc.; was also 
presdt. Viotoria Fire Dept. and Nat, 
Electric Tramway Go.; apptd. a memo 
Royal Gomn. On Fishel'les, 1892; a 
Lib.-Con. ; sat for Esquimault (Local), 
1886-98; Speaker of the Assembly, 
B. C., 1890-8; author: "The Mystic 
Spring and Other Tales of Western · 
Life" (1904), and "The Passing of a 
Race: More Tales of Western Life" 
(1905).-Victoria, B,C. 
.. A peI'lambu'La.tinog cyc1opædia. of kn()w- 
l-edge oonce,rnoing the ea.rly timee in: ß.ritish 



Oolumbia; his memory ()f fa.cts, srene
ch,a;racteI'6 .and ()'CCUl'renoe.s which have 
tJO'ffie under notice during h.
s lon'g life, 
is simply prodi
'{)uß."-S. N. 
Highet, Miss Mary Elizabeth, educa- 
E. d. Robt. H., CObourg', Ont.: b. 
there, 1869; e. Cobourg ColI. Inst. and 
Victoria Unlv., do. (B.A., with hon- 
ours In moderns and Eng. and med., 
1891: M.A., 1892): apptd. to a post- 
g'rad. scholar.. Cornell Unlv., N. Y. 
(:Bh.'M., 1894: Ph.D., 1905) ; one of the 
first Can. women to receive the Ph.D.; 
fellow Teutonic philol., Bryn Mawr 
ColI., Pa.: post-g-md. scholar., Yale 
Univ.; 3 yrs. teacher mod. lang., 
State Normal Sch., New Paltz, N.Y.; 
pursued post-grad. work, Berlin Unlv., 
Germany, and travelled extensively In 
EurOlP-e: since 1902 has 'been prof. Ger- 
man 'lang. and lit., Elmira Coli., N. Y.; 
Meth.-Elmira College, Elmira, N.Y.; 
home address: Cobourg, Onto 
Higman, Ormond, Dom. pubUc ser- 
B. Cornwall. Eng.. Mch. I, 1850; e. 
there; m. .Miss Lowe. Brockvilile, 
Ont.; came to Oan., 1869; was for 
some yrs. In the em'ployment of the 
G. N. W. Tel. Co.; sometime chief 
operator, sessional staff (H. C.); entd. 
public service, Dec., 1895; sUDse- 
quentIy apptd. to present office, chl
eleet. engr. and chief Inspr. of gas, 
Dept. of In1. Rev., Ottoawa: assoc. mem., 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1893; m., do. do., 1907; 
represented Can. at meeting of Royal 
Comn. on Elect. Units and Standards, 
London, Eng., 1906. and at other 
similar gatherings held before and 
since; Is ra memo Can. branch, Intern. 
Ele.ctro-TechnIJCal Comn. ; declined 
appt. as elect. engr. of Queensland, 
Austrn.lIa, 1896; for some yrs. presdt. 
RÌldeau Canoe C1ub; hon. presdt. d{). 
since 1908; a Christian Scientist.-!Sl 
JlcLeod St., Ottawa; Ottawa Canoe 
Club, do. 
Hill, Albert BOBS, educationist. 
S. late Danl. and Esther (Davison) 
H., Five Islands, N.S.; b. there, Oct. 
4, 1869; e. local sch., Pictou Acad., 
Dalhousie Univ. (B.A., with high hon- :in phil. and Gov.-Genil.'s .sIlver 
mcd., 18
2), Cornell Univ. (Ph.D., 
1895), Clark Univ., Heidelberg, Ber- 
lin and Strassburg Univs.; LL.D., 
Univ. of .soutlh <Caro1ina, 1905; do., 
Dal,housie Univ., 1908; do., West- 
minster ()OON., 1909; m., Aug., 1896 
A,gnoes -8ime ('B.A., M.A., Bh.D.), d: 
Robt. Baxter, Halifax, N.S.; f\:augih1 
sch., N. S., 3 yrs.; prof. psych. and 
educ., State Normal CoiL, Oshkosh, 
'Vis., 1895-6; asso. prof. phil., Univ. 
of Neb., 1897-8; prof. phil., do., 1898; 
prof. psych. and dean of Teachers' CoiL, 
Unlv. of Missouri, 1903-7; dean Coil. 
of Arts and Sciences, Cornell Univ., 
1907-8; since then has been presdt. 
Unlv. of Missouri; secy. Western Phil. 
Assn., 1900-4; 'Preosdt. do., 1904-5 ; 
memo Nat. Coun-cil of Educ., 1903: do. 

at. Council O'f Sclen. Soc. of Sigma 
Xi, .1904; I3Jloo 'a memo o.f the folllQlW.tng 
soclßtie<s: Ron. Srnen. So-c. of Sigma 
XI, Na-t. Soc. !for Selen. Study ot 

Educ., Soc. C{)Il. Toeachers of Educ., 
Nat. Educ. Assn., Western Phil. Assn.: 
pUbllshed a short treatise on Kant's 
Theory of Knowledge; has written 
articles on psych. and educ. for the 
Am. Journ. of Psych., Sch. Rev., and 
the Southern Educ. Rev.; a Presb. 
and an eldpr In the Ch.-Columbia, 
1110: Town and Gown Club, St. Louis, 
Mo.; University Club, Columbia, Mo. 
II I that within hall-a-dozen 
years Pres. Hill will prove to be one of 
the foremost ha1f-dozen educat-oTs of the 

:'-PreBdt. Schurman (q v.), Cornell 
Hill, Miss Alice Cordelia (" COO die "), 
actress and vocalist. 
Eng. origin; d. late H. J. H., man gr. 
Toronto Exbn. Assn., and Rachel 
(Clute) H., T'oronto; b. and e. T-o- 
ronto; joined "Isle of Spice" (a 
musical comedy) Co., as a chorus p,frl, 
1903; promoted to be a prima donna, 
190fi; now appears as a star; took 
leading- part in "Bong Bong." 1905, 
in "A Broken 1-<101.." 1909. and In "The 
C.hoC'olatf'" (1911); (her stage 
n'ame: A'!.ice Yorke) .-Care (I Dramatic 
]firror," New York. 
. II Hils !;hown 
rent t:ilellt. And is del!- 
tined to high honours."-S. N. 
Hill, Rev. Allan Massie (Presb.). 
R O. M. H.. Halifax. N.S.; grands. 
Rev. J. O. H.. Eilmnrook Chapel. Here- 
ford. Eng.; b. HRlifax. Aug. 187';: e. 
('hs., Dalhousip Univ. (B.A.. 
18Q';: M.A.. lRQ9), Pine Hill ('nl1.. 
(B.D., 1900), Montrf'-al 'Presib. ColI 
(RD., 1901), and Unfv. of II1inois 
h.D.. 1907) ; m.. Miss Mary Chaloner. 
DIgby. N.S.; 0.. 1899: pa!':tor Falrville 
Ch., St. JoIhn, N.B., 1901-7; since then 
has been pastor St. John's Presb. Oh., 
Yarmouth: while at S1. John was se('y. 

t. .John :Ministerial Assn. and presdt. 
Fafrvi1le A. A. Assn.: also Govt. chap- 
lain Provo Hosp. for Nervous Diseases: 
author II Chapters in the History of 
Digby County," land "A memoir of 
Col. David Fannlng."-Yarmouth, N.S. 
II An el()oQuent and impressive pre-ache-r." 
-H. Herald. 
Hill, Arthur Edmund Breton, civil en- 
U. 1<:. L. st('l('1{: S. .Jnh" L. H. l"""h 
sheriff, and Ma.rgt. (Whyte) H.: b. 
f1il1siif.e. nr. Sydnpv, N.S., O('t. U. 
1 S4 5: e. SvifTlPY (}rammar S<,h. '1.nd 
"H'Rd.: m. 181"10. .J<lTlø. if. que-h G""- 
'ham. Hun.t1ng-dlOn, P.Q., .an1d nlooe Sir 
Hugh Gra!ham (a.v.); g-r
duated B.A. 

c. (M-cGilJI Univ.). H7!'i; admitted 
R!'ISOC'. m-e-m. Ins't. C. E.. 1887 ; memo In!':t. 
r. 1<:., U!Q::!: mpm. C::m. 
. F... 
1 RR7: asst. en'gr. Govt. g.tafT, C. P. Ry.. 
1 R81: a C'or:poorn.t.ion of>ng-r., and manl
dlr. OO<1uitlam Wate'rworks Co., 1886: 
n. P. ""T. 18R8: ('hlpf eng-r. Npw Wf>st- 
mfnstpr Watpr C,)'11Tl. (ifpsignfn
!':l1rprvi!':fT1O' tl,p ,. nT1 strl1,.UnTl nf wf'lt"r- 
work!'1), 1890; ald. and c'hairITIla.n Rv. 
COfl"1tp.. 1'IJ"pw Wpstmln
tr>r. 1 RQI}: W
pmplovpd on fin<1.1 10f"
ttn., an
!"truC'ttoion C. P. Rv. In B. C.; aut.hor ..1 
pa'per, II N. W. Waterworks" (Trans. 
In!'1t. C. E.. Eng.): ralsf>i1 
nd com- 
manded first ('0. a('tlve mtlltla orgaT\- 



Ized In Cape Breton; was a capt. N. S. 
militia, and holds 'SImilar rank In Can. 
milltla; straight Con.; an ardent Imp. 
Federatlonlst; believer In .Jos. Cham. 
berlaln, Sir Chas. Tup:per. lrute'r-Imper- 
lal preferential trade, and Brit. connec- 
tlon; advocates rigorous restriction of 
Asiatic Immigration and absolute ex- 
elusion of .Japanes p and ChineS!> from 
naturalization; a Hapt. -1100 Robson 
St., Vancouver, B.C. 
KllI, Commander Arthur George Ken- 
nedy, Royal Navy. 
E. s. W. H. H. (q.v.); b. and e. 
Hallrfax, N.,S.; m.; naval cadet, 1886; 
mfidshlpman, 1889; sub-Ueut., 1893; 
lIeut., 1895; commander. 1906; re- 
puted to be one of the best amateur 
actors In the navy. - Care The 
Admiralty, London, Eng. 
Hill, The Venerable Arunrdel Charles 
2nd s. late Rev. B. C. H., M.A. 
(An g.); b. York, Co. Haldlmand, ant., 
May 22, 1845; e. by his father, Trln. 
UnIV' (B.A. and g'old med. in classics, 
1867; M.A.. 1868). and Huron Coll.; 
m., 1874, IDmdly M. (d. De-c., 1908), 
2nd d. cri8.te Dawson Ð,eli8.'mere, To- 
'roooto; (). ,d'ea.con, 1869; 'P'dest, 1870; 
served, successively, as curate, St. 
Paul's Cath., London, ant.: do., St. 
.James's Cath., Toronto: asst. mlnr. 
Ch. of the Ascension, Hamilton; In- 
cumbent of Burford; rector Strath- 
TQy, and s.ince 1885 rreOOr Holy T>r:ln, 
Oh., St. Thomas, ant.; a canon London 
Cath.. 1882; RD., 1885; archdeacon 
of Elgin, 1903; a councillor Huron 
ColI., a senator Western Unlv.; a 
'In.em. exhl'e. ('I()Iffiltre. of the diocese and 
a del. to the Provl. and GenI. Synods; 
while at colI. served with the Unlv. 
Co. at Ridgeway (med.); .apptd. chap- 
lain (with hon. rank of capt.) 25th 
Rpgt., May 17, 1904.-The Rectory, St. 
Thnmas, Onto 
II Lives in the hearts of his people, be- 
loved and respected by all."-Oan. Ohurch- 
Hill, Bev,. E
ward Munson (Cong.); 
New Eng. Puritan stock; s. late I. 
Munson H., Wallingford, Vt. : b. there; 
e. Bel'Oit Coli., Wis. (B.A.. 1876; D.D., 
hon., 1900), Andoverr Theo!. Semy., 
Mass. (M.A., 1882), and Yale Unlv.; 
m., .June, 1898, .Jeanie Cora, d. late S 
.H. C. 'Miner, Granlby, P.Q.; taught fo; 
some yrs. in high schs. and colis.; o. 
] 883; pa:stor, Calvary Oh., Montreal, 
.1883-1901; since then has been prin- 
cipal, Oong. CoHo of Can.; chairman, 
Congo Union, 1893; secy. of Foreign 
,Missy. Soc., 1883-1902; thas also been 
presdt., Montreal Proto Ministerial 
Assn. and Prov!. C. E. Union: a memo 
joint comte. on Ch. Union, 1908; made 
.an extend,ed tour of the Continent, 
]890.--60 McTavish St., Montreal. 
JIlll, Lt,-Col, Frederic William, law- 
S. late A. G. H., pollce magte. Niag- 
ara Falls, ant., and Isabel (Thomp- 

on) H.; b. WelJand, ant., Aug. 8 
1866: e. Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1881) ; 
m., Oct., 1894, Henrietta, Y. d. late 
:Henry T. ,J"ol1nson, D1,mnvUle, Qnt.; 

barrllster, 1891; successfully practlse
his prof. at Niagara FalJs; mayor 
there, 1898-9; long In the v. m. ser- 
vice; formerly In the "Queen's Own," 
'l'oronto; It.-col. commdg. 44th Regt., 
1909; holds the long service decora- 
tion; a Lib.; an Ang.-Niagara Falls 
Onto ' 
HDI, Rev. George C, (Ang.). 
Now and since 1900 rector St. 
 Ch., Regina, Sask.; previously 
at BOIssevaln; has been twice m.; 1st 
wife d. 1901; m., 2ndly, July, 1907, 
Horton, relict of W. Cayley 
Hamilton, Goderlch, ant.; Is hon. 
presdt. Regina Philharmonic Soc., 
and plresdot. He-glna Hortlcul. Soc.- 
St. Paul's Rectory, Regina, Sask. 
Kill, George William, sculptor. 
S. G. T. H., Richmond, P.Q.; b. Tp. 
Shipton, P.Q., 1862; e. St. Francis ColJ.. 
Richmond; m. Miss Kent; studied 
aJrt In the Acad. .Julien and !the Ecole 
Nat. des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1889-94; 
since tlhen ha's sucoossfuHy pIThctise{J 
his prof. 1n Montreal; an as so. 1S0ul.p- 
tor, RC.A., 1908: .an ,exill.LbU'or attJhe 
Paris Salon, 1905; succ-ess1'uUy com- 
peted for the South African War 
Memorial, Montreal, 1904; the bust 
of the poet Drummond for the Car- 
negie Inst., N. Y., 1907; the South 
African memorial, London, ant., 1908; 
and the statues of the Hon. George 
Brown and the Hon. T. D. McGee, Ot- 
tawa, .1910; Is now engd. In preparing 
a pe.dIment for the Parlt. BClgs., Re- 
gina, Sask.-!55 Bleury St., Montreal; 
Pen and Pencil Club, do. 
"A great Canoadian."-Oan. Oentury. 
"As great a8 he is modest and unassum- 
ing."-Lord Strathcona (q.v.). 
Kill, Hamnett Pinhey, lawyer. 
S. late H. P. H., barristpr. Ottawa' 
b. the-re, Dec 18, 1876; e. PubUc Sehs' 
Ottawa, 0011. Inst. and Toronto Und;: 
(B.A., 1898) ; m., Sept., 1907, Beatrice 
Sarah, y. d. late .Arthur Lindsay, Ot- 
tawa; barrister, 1902: sucC'essfulJy 
practises 'hIs prof. In Ottawa; one 01 
the prh)clpal founders of ,the Can, 
Club, Ottawa; presdt., do., 1907-8: do. 
Sons of Eng. Beneftt Soc., 1907-8: a 
Con. and formerly presClt. Llb.-Con. 
Assn., Ottawa; Ang.-1!!i" Concessio1l 
St., Ottawa; Rideau Club, do. 
Hill, James Jerome. American railway 
service (retired) . 
S. .Jas. and Ann (Dunbar) H.; b. 
nr. Guelph, ant., Sept. 16, ]838; e. 
Rockwood Acad.; m., Aug. ]9, 1867, 
Miss Mary Theresa Mehegan. St. Paul; 
early In life left his father's farm for 
business .life In Minn.; raised a co. for 
sprvlce during the Am. Civil War, 
1863-5: agent North-Western Packe.t 
Co.. 1865; later estbd. a general fuel 
and transportation buslnesR on his 
own aecounat; Ihead of Hill, Gl'ig'g'S 
& Co.. same line, 1869-75; e
tbd. 1870, 
Red River Transportation Co., which 
was first to open communication be- 
tween St. Panl and Wlnnipep,; orJ!an- 
Ized, 1875, the North-Western Fuel 
Co., and 3 yrs. later sold out his In- 
terest therein, in the meantime hav- 
ing organized a syndicate which 
d çontro\ of the Ht.. Paul & 


Pacific R. R., tr0'm Dutch owners 
of ,tlhe securities, reorgtanlized sys- 
t-em as St. Paul, Minm
a<pOl1s & 
ManJ.tOlba Roy. 00'., and W1aS Rs genl 
man gr. , 1879-82; V.-P. 1882-3; IP'reSD'l. 
since 1883; it became paJ'lt Great 
N0'rthern s.ystem, 1890; Interesteð 
hlmoolf 1n Þurild,ing the Grea.t Nor-th- 
em Ry., extend'ing fr0'm Lake 
Superior to Puget ISound, with north- 
ern and soutlhern b.ranche.s, ani1 a 
d,lr.ect stearrnlshoi.p connoeøtion wi.tth Ohlna 
and Ja'P'an, 1883-93; presd.t. entire 
Great Northern sy,stem, 1893; reHroo 
ApI. 1, 1907, and ,became 'Clhairman bd. 
of dirs. of the ,same; chief !promoter 
and now presdt. Northern Securities 
Co.; dir. Coo B. & Q. R. R. Co., C., ,B. 
& Q. Ry. Co., St. Paul, Minneapolis 
& Manitoba Ry. Co., Manhattan Trust 
Co., Chase Nat. Bank, 1st Nat. Bank 
of City 0'f N. Y., and 1st Nat. Bank of 
Chicago; V.-P. N. Y. Ohamber of 
Commerce; gave $500,000 toward estab- 
IIshIng R. C. Theo!. Semy. at St. Paul, 
Minn.; not unknown upon the lecture 
iplaotf'ÜT'ffi; has wriotten 0'n "The Future 
of the United States," U Highways of 
Progress," and ot'her subjects;. his 
statue unveiled at the Yukon Pacific 
Expn., 1909; reJPuted to be worth 
('1905) fiflty m>i.IUon dols.; favo.ured 
tJhe Taft-F,ie.lruinog 'Z'OC'ip'rocity compact; 
aDem.; a Pr.ot.-f
O Summit, St. 
"Ono of the men of the · Northern 
zone' none of us need be. ashamed of." 
U A man of experience, sagacity Rnd 
reputation in the business world. as well 
as It man of broad culture lind a.rtistic 
appre-ciation.-T. Globe. 
Hill, John Warren, educationist. 
S. .Tas. 
nd Anne .Tane (McClure) 
R.; U. E. L. descent on mothpr's sIde; 
b. Lakeside, N.B., May 31. 1880: e. 
public sch.. Normal Sch.. N. B. Univ. 
(B.A., 1905; M.A.. 1907), and Yalp 
Univ. (M.A., 1909); m., Aug., 1906. 
Mi!':s AlvGrptta Dorcus, Fr('derlcton, 
N.B.; a public sch. t('acher, 1900-4; 
as!':t. In chpmi!"t., N. B. Univ., 1904-5; 
principal Mc"à
m High Sch., 1905-6: 
t. Mary's-Gibson Sup. Sch.. 1906- 
7; Univ. 
cholar.. Yalp TTniv., 1908: 
asst. in chemist., do., 1909-10; a writer 
of verse; at college ed. of Monthly,. 
author of various sC'lentific articles; 
an Impprialist : bplIeves firmly In 
great future b('fore Can., but desires 
her to rpmain within the Empire; be- 
lIpvps that thf' Empire should be ra. 
confedpration of equal states; a Meth. 
-Jl.fontnmcse. Conn. 
Hill, Louis Warren, Am. ry. service. 
2nd s. J. .T. (q.v.) and Mary (Mehe- 
gan) H.; b. 'st. Paul, 'Minn., .May 19, 
1872; e. Exeter Mil. Aead. and Y,
Un.iv. (PIh.B... 1893); m., .Tune, 1901, 
Mil's Maude VJan OwUandot '.I.'1a)'1lo,r, 
N. Y. ; reed. Ibis bus'iness trainln.g 
un-der his ,fruther; a.pptd. to 9u
his father as .pre9d't. Gt. Nor,them Ry., 
A'PI., 1907; ;prevtÏously V.-P.; an ex- 
t-en.s,lve ranch owneT in Can.-f60 Su.m- 
mit A. ve., Bt. Paul, Jl.linn.,. Minnesota 
Club, do.,. University Club,. Yale Club, 
N, Y. City, 


Hill, The Bight Ron, Bowland Bich- 
ard Clegg-Hill, 4th Viscount, 
S. Brd Viscount and Mary (Madex) 
H.; b. Feb. 12, 1863; e. Eng.; m., 
July, 1890, Annie Edith, d. Wm. 
Irwin, London, Ont.; lived .for some 
Yl's. in Ont.: purchased the Star- 
Transcript (Paris, Ont.), ApI., 1891, 
which he conducted for some time; suc- 
ceeded his father in rthe peerage, 1895; 
formerly a capt. Royal Warwickshire 
Regt.; now represents the comn. apptd.. 
to calrry out the arrangements for the 
great Brit. Imp. Expn., to be held In 
London-, 1915.-" Leybourne Wood." 
Borough Green, S. O. Kent, Eng.,. Wel- 
lington Club, London. 
Hill, William Henry, late Dom. pub- 
Uc service. 
Y. s. late Capt. N. F. H., Royal 
Staff Corps; bro. late Ron. P. C. H., 
D.C.L., Prime Minr. N.S.; b. Oct. 13, 
1836; e. Col1. Sch. and King's ColI. 
Univ., Windsor, N.S.; m., Florence 
Grace, e. d. Arthur Woodgate, Post- 
mast'er Gen!. of N. S., under the Imp. 
Govt.: held for many yrs.. from 18
Ithe office of Inspil'. of Customs, N. S., 
and Ca;pe Breton; a memo N. S. Hist. 
Soc.; autlhor sever8Jl 'PapeJ'ls of lnoterest 
on the earl'y history of Hal.lfax; in ,his 
young('r days famed as an amateur 
comedian and dramatic read'er.-187 
Pleasant St., Halifax, N.S.,. Halifax 
Club, do. 
Hilliard, Thomas, actuary and Ins. 
S. .Tohn and Ann (HutchIson) H.; 
b. Tanllagh, Co. Fermanagh, IreI., Aa:>t. 
9, 1841; e. Bolton (Ont.) public sch. 
and Onto Normal Sch. ; m. Miss Cather- 
Ine Lauder; came to Can., 1844; for 
some yrs. a public sch. teacher: 
originally publfRher of the Maple Leaf 
and Waterloo Chronicle; sUbsequently 
fnspr. of tlhe Temp. & Gent. Life A'Ssur. 
Co.; since then, chief promoter of the 
Dom. Life Ins. Co., of Which he is now 
presdt. and mango dlr., do. (see .re'Port 
Roy,al OO'lTIn. on Tns., voL HI., 1907): 
elect'ed poresdt. ICan. !Afe Ins. Offrs.' 
Assn., 1904-5; a Meth.; a dpl to Gpnl. 
Conf., 1906; n memo Gen!. Mission Bd., 
Meth. Ch.-Waterloo, Onto 
Hill-Tout, Charles, educationist; sci- 
S. .Tohn 'and Elizabeth H.-T.; b. 
Cyland, Eng.. Sp'pt. 28, 1858: e. private 
tutors and Scholæ Chancellarii. !An- 
coIn, Eng.: trained for the mlnlstrv of 
thp Ch. of Eng., but on account of In- 
t.eHec1:ual dlffl.culltoIe<s took up educl. and 
e work instead; some ttme ex
for public sch. teachers. B.C.; .T.P.; 
formerly prindpoal for many yrs. of 
Buckland ColI., an early educ. Insti- 
tution, Vancouv-er, B.C.; organizing 
secy. ethnol. survey of ean.: awarded 
a money grant by Royal Soc.. Lon- 
don, Eng., to enable hIm to pursue 
his ethnol. stud.ies among the native 
races of B. C., 1903; among his pub- 
lications have been: .. Later Pre- 
historic Man In B. C."; .. The Oceanic 
Affinities of 'the Kwakiuth-Salish 
Trlb('s of B. C.": .. Origin of Totf'mism 
of the Native Races of B. C." (all 
Included In tQe Trans. of the ROVCl' 



Soc. of Càn.): numerous articles and 
memoirs t'O'Uchlng the fulk-lùre, cus- 
toms, langs. and beliefs of the native 
races, sa-me Province, and a more 
than ordinarily Importan t work on 
II The Native Races of British North 
Am.: The Far West, the Home of 
-the Sa.1,i9h and Dl!nl!" (1907).-" The 
Bucklunds," Abbotsford, B.C. 
Hiltz, Bev, Bobert Arthur (Ang.). 
B. Windsor, N.S., Sept. 10, 1867: e. 
public s-ch., King's CoIl., Unlv., Wind- 
sor (B.A., 1896: M.A., 1910), and Wy- 
cllffe 'Doll., Toronto: m., Dec., 1901, 
lAura Kat'hleen, o. d. A. Groves, M.D. 
(q.v.), FeTg'l1s, ant,; 0, od'OOJCon, 189'9; 
priest, ,1900; ,genl. ,s,ecy. .Suniday Sch. 
Gomoll., Oh. of Eng-. ,in Can., ,since 1910. 
-Confederation Life Building, Toronto. 
Himsworth, William, Dom. public ser- 
O. s. late W. A. H., clk., Queen'
Privy Council, Can., and Louise 
(Morrison) H.; b. Mon, tTeal Dec. 23. 
1847: e. Toronto and Quebec; a graã 
of the Royal Mil. Sch., Quebec; m., 
] 880, .Julia Emily (d. Aug., 1893), d. 
.Jas. Easton, Be1J.eville, Ontt.; entd. 
C.S., .June 30, 1868; became a 1st cIas
elk., .Jan. 1, 1875; chief clk., .July 1. 
1884; apptd. secy. Dept. of Inlanrl 
Revenue, .July, 1884; an Ang.-81 
Somerset St., Ottawa. 
"AiD! able and me.ritol1"io'11ß 'Public o()f!ìceT." 
-The late Sir H. G. Joly de Lotbinière. 
Hinchliffe, Bev, Joshua (Ang.). 
Ancestors Landowners and farmers 
In Yorkshire for generations; b. Brad- 
ford, Yorks, May 24, 1868; e. there 
and St. .John's CoH., Winnipeg (B.A., 
1899) ; m., Sept., 1890: deacon, 1893: 
priest, 1894; mlssy. to the Pelg-ans, 
1893; Incumbent, S1. Luke's, Red Deer, 
AHa., 1899-1904: reclor do. d.o., ] 904- 
07; S!ÏnoC'e ,tlhen Ihas been T.eclor Ohi1ll,i- 
W'a'C'k, B.C.: lbishO'j)'s .('!hoa'Pl.ain for Ind. 
affail's, 1900; R. D., Re-d Door, 1902; 
boon. canon, Oalgary, 1903; tl'ansl8!too 
mo,rning an-d ey-ening prayer and offioe 
f,or holy comm'llnd.on Into lang. .of tlÌ1'e 
Blackfoot Indians.-The Rectory, Chil- 
liwack, B.C. 
Hind, Miss Ella Cora, journalist. 
O. d. Edwin and .Jane (Carroll) H.; 
father an Englishman, a sculptor: 
mother a Can., of U. E. L. descent: 
b. Toronto, ant., Sept. 18, 1861; e. 
public scns., Co. Grey and CoIl. Inst., 
OrilUa: went west, 1882; newspaper 
training and experience received on 
Man. Free Press, of which she h::l8 
been commercial ed'. since 1906; all 
agricuI. and commercial subjects dealt 
with by her; Is Western correspon- 
dent Maclean PubUsh. Co.; also for 
The Grocer, Hardware, and Dry Goods 
Mags.; apptd. secy. Man. Dairy Assn., 
1897, the only woman so employed In 
Can.: besides various mag. articles, 
Is author .. Red River .Jottings II 
(1905) ; believes in the right of women 
to vote at all elections; that voting 
should be compulsory; a presb.- 
Winnipeg, Man. 
U A wom!lon of achievement."-S. N. 

Hind, Bev. J[, C, (Ang.). 
S. late Hy. Y. H., D.C.L., and Kath- 
erine, 2nd d. Lt.-Col. Duncan Cam- 
eron, C.B., commdg. 79th Highland- 
ers, a Waterloo hero; b. Eng.: e. 
King's CoIl., Windsor, N.S. (B.A., 
1882; M.A.. 1885); o. deacon, 1883; 
prlf'st, 1884; has hel
 charges at 
HalMax, Newrp.ort, and W.o'lfvdUe, N.R; 
now a'gadn oat ihon. canon, .&1. 
Luke's Oa tlh. , 1910; is domE'sNc ohap- 
lain to i'he Bp. .of N. S.-Halifax, N.S. 
Hingston, Donald Alexander, phy- 
S. latE\ Sir Wm. H.; b. Montrf'al 
AtpI. 5, 1878; -e. the're, IIJaval Un Iv., 
and King',s .00111. Hosp., London, Eng.: 
m., Moeh., .1908, (úiHian, e. d. P. A. 
P,f"t-erson, C.E. (q.v.); graduateod 
M.D. (Laval Un1v.), 1897; F.R.C.S., 
Edin.; me-d. supM. Hot,el DitE'u HoStp., 
MotllÌ'ræ'I, 1901; a trustee Montrea.l St. 
Patrick's Of1p'h.a.ns' Asyl'um, 1907: for- 
merly me,d. .offr. (w.tth 1110n. rank .01 
l1-eu1.), 17'Í,h RO'Y1a.ll Oan. Hus1'8rn; a 
ddr. Mon l treal Racque1 CIU'b: a R. C.- 
!Sl Stanley St., Montreal,' Engineers' 
Club; University Club; lIIontreal Rac- 
quet Club, do. 
Hingston, Lady Margaret Josephine, 
D. late Hon. D. A. Macdonald, P.C., 
formerly Lt.-Gov. of ant., and Cather- 
Ine, 2nd d. late Hon. Col. Alex, Fras'er 
of Fraserfield, ant.: b. Alexandria, 
ant.; e. Montreal; m., 1875, Sir Wm. 
Hales Hingston, Kt., M.D., D.C.L.. 
LL.D., senator (d. Feb., 1907); a 
memo Ladies' Comte. L'lnst. dE's 
Ec,oles iMl!nageres, a d,lr. PaTks ani1 
Playgrounds Assn., a memo Ed. of 
Mangt. Samaritan Free Hosp. for 'Vo- 
men, a memo House Carote. Victorian 
Order 'Of Nurses, a memo extve. comte. 
Can. HandiC'rafts, V.-P. Npedle-work 
Guild, V.P. Alberde.en Assn., hon. presi- 
dent Loyola Lit. Club; prominently 
identified with local League for the 
Prevo of Tuberculosis; formerly prpsdt. 
WOffi"an'.s :Bark Pl'Oteot. Assn., etc.; 
el.ecteò pr-esd.t. oCaotihoHoc Girls' Clulb, 
Mon'Ìl'eaI (an a.ssn. ,largely f.outlld.e-d ,by 
her), 1911: a R. C.-
60 Sherbrooke 
St. W., Montreal; summer residence: 
Varennes, P.Q. 
Hinton, William Pittman, Can. ry. 
B. Hintonburg, Ottawa, ant., Aug'. 
30, 1871; e. Ottawa CoIl. Inst.; entd. 
",ervlce Can. Atlantk Ry. (now a 
branch of the G. T. system), 1887: 
travell. aud,uor same road, 1891; since 
then, has been promoted to various 
important and responsible positions in 
the service, bpcoming g"pnl. pass. ag-t. 
of the G. T. P. Ry., W.innlpeg, Aa:>1., 
1909; elected ,pr-e.s1dt. Can. Freig1ht 
Assn., 1903.-Winnipeg. 
.. A man of energy, ability and enthuB- 
iasm."-M. Gazettt!. 
Hoare, Edward Arthur, civil engineer. 
M. Inst. C.E., 1879: memo Can. Soc. 
C.E., 1887; counclI1or, do., 1906: chief 
engr. Quebec Bridge & Ry. Co. sln
1900: was subsequently employed by 
the Nat. T.rans. Ry, Oomn.; engd. 
in vario\ls ktnds of englng. work tn 



Can. for many yrs.-St. Foy Rd., Que- 
bec; Quebec Ga1-rison Club, do. 
HObart, George Vere (see Philpott, 
George Vere Ho bart). 
Hobb8, Alfred Thomas, physician. 
S. late Thos. H., London, Ont.; e. 
there, Toronto Univ. (M.B., 1890), 
and Western Univ., London (M.D., 
1890) ; memo ColI. P. & S., Ont., 1890; 
had long experience in the treatment 
of mental and nervous diseases; now 
and for a considera.ble time has been 
supdt. of the Homewood Sanitarium, 
GueÞph.-Guelph, Onto 
Hobbs, lion, Lt,-Col, Thomas Saun- 
ders, merchant; ex-legislator. 
S. Thos. S. and Mary H.,- London, 
Ont.; b. Devonshire, Eng., 1856; e. 
Bible Christ. Meth. CoIl., Shebbear, 
Eng.; unm.; came to Can. with other 
mems. of his family and entd. into 
mercantile life, London, Ont.; now, and 
for considerable time, presdt. Hobbs 
Hardware Co., Hobbs Manfg. Co. and 
The Ind. Cordage Co.; also a dir. 
Trusts & Guarantee Co. ; has been V.-P. 
London Bd. of Tmde and otherwise 
prominently Identified with the city's 
business interests; formerly major, 
1st Hussars; apptd. ihon. It.-coI. do., 
1910; a Lib., and has been presdt. of 
the London Lib. Club; now a dir. 
Onto Reform Assn. and Ont. Club; 
sat for London (local), 1894-8; a 
Math.-L01ulon, Ont.; London Club, 
do.; Toronto Hunt Club; Ontario Club; 
National Club, Toronto. 
Hobson, Joseph, civil engineer; late 
,Can. ry. sen'lce. 
Eng. origin; s. Late .Joseph H.; b. 
Paisley Block, Tp. Guelph, Ont., Mch., 
1834; e. local schs.; m. Miss Elizabeth 
Laidlaw, Guelph; a memo Can. and 
Am. Soc. C. E.; m. Inst. C. E., 1886; 
long In the Can. ry. service; chief 
engr. G. T. Ry system, 1896, till his 
retire<I11'ent, 1907; builIt. ltihe 'St. Olair 
tunnel, Ont., 1890-91; had entire 
charge of the reconstruction of the 
VictorLa. .Jubilee Bridge, Montreal, 
1897.-Hamilton, Ont.; Ham.ilton Club, 
"A gre,at engjneer and a fine type of 
the true Oan. ge,nt
eoJnaI1J."-T. Telegram. 
Hobson, Robert, manufacturer. 
S. .Joseph H., C.E. (q.v.), and Eliza- 
beth H. ; b. Berlin, Ont., Aug. 31, 1861; 
e. various schs.; m., Oct., 1891, Mary 
Andtr'f.lw, M.A., 2nd d. ilJaJte Ron. A. 
T. Wood, SeIJJator, Hamilton, Ont.; a 
memo Am. Inst. of Mining Engrs.; a 
dir. GenI. Accident Assur. Co. of Can., 
Hamilton J.ookiey OIU'b, Oan. Loco- 
m'Ü'Hv'e \00., and Oen1t:ral. Oan. Manfrs, 
Fi're Ins. Co.; V.-.P. Oaledon Moun- 
tain Tro'Ut Club; Ol'iginally engd. 1n 
ry. work; seocy.-trea.s. Hamilton Blast 
F'urna-ce 00. (.tohe first rprodu
rs of 
Lronlin Ont.), 1876-99; gent. mangir. 
HamU,ton Imn & IStæl Co., 1899, and 
since 19'10 gle.nJ1. man-gr. Steel Co. of 
Can.; el-ec.ted presd't. Can. MlanfI1s.' 
Msn., 1908 (see "'Dbe Men at the Head 
of bhe New St'eetl 00. I()f Can.,.. S. N., 
July 2, 1910); oa Ub.; a Presb.-56 
Charlton Ave. W., Hamilton, Ont.; 
Hamilton Club, do.; St. James's Club l 

.'If ont1'eal; Toronto Club; N at.ional 
Club; Caledon Mt, Trout Club, Toronto. 
.. Kot less,rgetic than. father."- 
Can. Courier. 
", ca.reful yet f,rank, .and oombin. 
ing many qualities which co.ntri-bure 
towards the success o.f a great oonoorn."- 
S. N. 
lIocken, Horatio Clarence, journaUs,t. 
Eng. parentage; b. Toronto, Oct. 12, 
1857; e. local sehs.; m., 1880, Isabella, 
d. late Gregory .T. Page; began his 
press career when a boy by learning 
ÌIl1Je trade of a compositor on the 
Toronto Globe; joined the staff of the 
Evening News, as foreman o.f tJhe com- 
posing room, 1883; became municipal 
reporter, 1893, and mango ed. do., 1895; 
purchased an interest in St. Thomas 
Journal, 1902; returned to the News 
as an ed. writer under Dr. Willison 
(q.v.), 1903; remained with him till 
June, 1905, when he purchased 'l'h8 
Sentinel (Toronto.), and has since that 
time been ed. and mangr. of that organ 
of prot. sentimen't; is secy.-treas., To- 
ro.nto Island Assn.; served as con- 
tro.ller, Toronto., 1907-9 and 1911; un- 
successfully contested Toronto mayor- 
alty, 1910; aU'ÌlhJor: "25 Years of 
stant Progress" (1899) and of 
a pO'litical pamphlet, "The Duty o.f 
the Hour" (1908); is depty. grand 
treas., Grand Orange Lodge of B.N.A. ; 
a Can.; presdt., Borden Club, Toronto, 
1906-9; a Meth.-563 Euclid Aoe., ']'0- 
ronto; Canadian Club, do. 
U His reputation is untarruishoo."-T. 
TV orld. 
U Courageous, lbrustwo.rtJhy and str.aight- 
fQrward."-T. News. 
"One of the most pugnaciously aggres- 
sive men th.a.t eve'l' lived-"-Can. Courier. 
"A man of sbrict in'
grit)., of fine ,public 
spirit and of practical te.-ro.per."-T. News. 
"Hockey in Ontario, The :Father of 
Amateur" (see Robertson, .J. 
HOdgetts, Major Charles Alfred, phy- 
sician; Dam. public service. 
3rd s. late Geo. H., Toronto; grands. 
late Lt.-Col. Thos. .d., H. M:s 24th 
Regt.; b. Toronto, Aug. 23, 1859; e. 
Provl. Model Sch., Toronto (Dutrerln 
med.), Victoria Univ. (M.D., 1886), 
Onto CoIl. of Ph arm. , and the hosps. 
of London and Birmingham; ffi., 1896, 
ElizaootJh ,B. ( d. .M1CIh., 1909 ) , d. W. 
T. Salter, St. John's, Nfd.; L.R.C.P., 
Lond., 1889; house surg., Toronto 
Genl. Hasp., 1886-7; resident asst. 
surg., Stafford Infirmy., Eng., 1888; 
moo. .inspr., Brovl. >Rd. 01' Herult'h, Onlt., 
1891-1904; ,see-yo ðo. do. and ðJeiPty. 
regr.- genl., 190-1-10; since then has 
been .head of Health Dept., Royal Con- 
&e-rv.ation Com'll., OttaiWa; .h1QJ1. t1'>eas., 
St. John's Ambulance Assn.; secy., 
Can. branch Brit. Red Cross Soc. (re- 
signed, 1910); ,hon. assoc. ðo. do.; 
sup. presdt. Sons of Eng. Ben. Soc., 
Can., 1900-1; a fellow Royal Inst. 
Public Heal,th, 1905; an examr. Royal 
San. Inst., 1906; a memo Intern. 
Comn. on Bov,ine TulbeI1C'\.l1l., 1909; a 
memo On-to Gomn. to tlnvesti
t'C the 
best souI'0e .of wa.ter suaJPly for Otota.wa 
and tosugg>eSt! a (plan .of sewage d1,s- 


posal for tJhrut city, ,1911; a counolllor 
Red C.roos Soc., do.; V.-P. Am. Public 
\JIth IAssn., do.; an !hon. V.-'P. .AJssn. 
Publlic Va.oci'llorutor:s, Gtt. BrJ.t., do.; 
an Esquire, Order of St. John .of 
Jerusalem, 1910 ; presdt. Extve. 
Offices State and prof. Conf. of Bds. 
of Health, Washington, do.; apptd. a 
felIow 80c. of Med. Offrs. of Heal th 
or Gt. Brit., 1910; gazeHed major, 
A. M. C., Feb., 1906; all'uhor numerous 
contributions to the press and or 
sev.eral pamphlets on ;public health; 
belIeves that the maintenance of Brit. 
connexion is essential for the .continu- 
anee 'Of .can.
re&S; a Prot.-Rock- 
cliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont.; Can. Mili- 
tary Institute, Toronto. 
'. The f{).reD1QSt puMic hetalth authority 
in C-an.awa."-O. Free Press. 
.. Regarded everywhere as an authority 
on .all su.bjects dealing with public health." 
-Jl. Gazette. 
HOdgins, Major Arthur .Edward. cIvil 
2nd s. lat'e Hon. Tohos. H., K.C., 
LL.D., Judge of Admiralty, Toronto, 
and Maria Burgoyne (ScobIe) H.; b. 

''Oronto, ApI. 15, 1861; e. U. C. CoHo 
an.d R. M. ColI., Kingston (grad. 1882) ; 
In. Rose Mary, d. 'l'hos. J. Heathcote, 
J.P., Shaw Hill, Wilts, Bng.; A. M., 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; M., do., 1904; 
engr. (}"n C. P. Ry. construction in !prairie 
and mountain sects., 1882-6; engr. on 
C. P. Ry. const'ooúUon, iMe. short Hne, 
1886-9; also Taranto ta Detroit sec., 
1889; dlv. engr. lnter.-Oceanic Ry., 
Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1889-90; resided 
in Nelson, B.C., successfully practising 
his prof., 1890-9; was also supdt. of I 
construction, Hall Mines Smelter, Nel- 
soOn; lieut., R. 0., 1882; capt., Rocky 
Mt. Rangers, 1890; major, S. Africa, 
1901; do., Rocky Mt. Rangers, 1905; 
R. 0., do.; at the 'Outbreak 'Of the S. A. 
war, 1899, was selected as an offr. 
re.presenting B. C. for 1st contingent; 
served in operations in Orange Free 
State (Feb.-May, 1900), lncluding thase 
at Paardeburg, actions at Poplar 
Grove, Driefontein, Hout Nek, and 
Zand River; operations in Transyaal 
(May-June, 1900), including actions 
nr. Johannesburg and Pretoria; served 
on staff Imp, Mil. Rys., Transvaal, 
June, 1900-May, 1902; offr. In com- 
mand new construction, Imp. Mil. Rys., 
Transvaal and Orange River Colony, 
1901-2; on return to Can. was aPPtd. 
dist. engr., G. T. Pacific Ry. at Winni- 
peg; resigned. 1907; apptd. a J.P., 
Transva,al, 1900. - Victoria, B.C.; 
Manitoba Club, Winnipeg; Rand Club, 
JOhannesburg, S.A. 
.. Has grea.t abiLity and long experience 
as a,n enginee'r, and is known everywhere 
as a man of most ull'C
-mpromising recti- 
tude."-S. N. 
Hodgins, Prank Egerton, lawyer. 
2nd s. John George H., l.S.O., LL.D. 
(q.v.); b. Toranto, Mch. 27, 1854; e. 
U. C. ColI. and Trin. Univ. (B.C.L., 
1904); m., 1st, Sept., 1880, Anna (d. 
June, 1896), 5th d. Oliver T. Macklem, 
ChIppewa, Ont.; 2ndly, Oct., 1899, 
BlaI1JClhe, e. d. Joas. Lookha,rtJ, Torontto; 


barrister, 1879; K.C., 1902; success- 
fully practises his prof, in Toronto a. 
head of the firm of H., Helghingtan & 
Bastedo; one of the leaders of the Onto 
bar; Is a bencher, Law Soc. of U. C.; 
legal agent for the Dam. Govt. at '1.'0- 
ronoo, 1890-6; acted as counsel for 
Onto Govt. on the License Investiga- 
tion, 1907; for Major HOdgins (q.v.) 
before a comte. 'Of the H. C. In refer- 
ence to overclassification an the G. T. 
Pacific Ry., May, 1908, and for A. C. 
Boyce (q.v.) in the Bush Polls Voters' 
Lists appeals, Oct., 1908; apptd. solr. 
for Toronto Bd. of Educ., 1908; presdt. 
Onto Bar Assn., 1908-9; is a dir. Crawn 
Life Ins. Ca. and Musson Baok Co.; 
author, .. The Life Insurance Contract 
in OntarIo" (1902); a Con.; an Ang.; 
a del. to Provl. and Genl. Synods; a 
del. to the Genl. Canventlon of the Epls. 
Ch., U. S., Richmond, Va., 1907; chaIr- 
man, Ang. comte., Layman's Missy. 
.Movement, 1908-9; Ch. extve. combe, 
f.or a RevLsed Hy'mnal for Ang. Ch., 
1906.-" Cloynewood/' 9 Dale Ave., To- 
ronto; Toronto .club; Albany Club; 
Toronto Golf Club; Onto Jockey Club; 
University Club, do. 
Hodgins. Rev, Prederic Brinkley 
Y. s. Dr. J. G. H. (q.v.) ; b. Toronto, 

uly 29, 1862; e. U. C. ColI., Toronto 
ColI. lnst., Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1880), 
and Wycliffe ColI. (grad. with honours, 
1890) ; m., Nav., 1896, Edith 
y. d. late Richard Bull, Hamilton, Onto ; 
O. deacon, 1890; priest, 1891; became 
asst. Eng. master and asst. chaplain, 
Ridley ColI., St. Catharines, Ont., and 
curate, St. George's Ch., Ottawa, 1893; 
ed. 'Varsity, 1885-9; was apptd. ed. 
Evangel. Churchman, Toronto, 1896; 
was curate, All Saints', Toronto, and 
later, hosp. .and jail chaplain, same 
city; rectal', St. Thomas', Detroit, 
Mich., 1897-1900; asst., St. John's, De- 
troit. 1900-1; assoc. ed. Booklo'L'er'3 
lIIag., Philadelphia, 1901-3; mango ed. 
Church Standard, da., 1903-4; since 
then has been rector, Ch, of the Atone- 
ment, Morton, Pa, - The Rectory, Ave., Morton, Pa. 
"Able, fl"ank, learned and courteous."- 
M. Gazette. 
.. The wIt.tiest a.fte'r-dinner spe,ake<r Ot-, ever possæsed."-O. Oitizen. 
Hodgins. George Sherwood. mechan- 
ical engineer. 
S. Dr. J. G. H. (q. 'L'.); b. Toronto, 
Dec. 29, 1858; e. Toronto Model Sch., 
U. C. ColI., and Toronto Univ.; m., 
ApI., 1890, Sarah, 2nd d. late Hon. C. S. 
Patterson, judge Sup. Ct. of Can.; 
trained to his prof. In the mech. dept. of 
the C. P. Ry.; apptd., sUbsequently, 
managing ed. Railwav and Locomotive 
Engineering (N.Y.); Anrg.-565 West 
139th St., New York; Railway Club, do. 
.Hodgins. John George, author; Onto 
public service. 
E. S. late Wm. and. Frances (Doyle) 
H., Dublin, Irel.; b. there, Aug. 12, 
1821; e. U.C. Acad., Victoria Univ., 
Oobourg (M.A., 1856) and Toronto 
Univ. (LL.B., 1860; LL.D., 1870) ; m., 
1st, Nov., 1849, Frances Rae-hel (d. 
1883), e. d. Jas. Doyle, Cloyne, Co. 



Cork, Irel.; 2ndly, 1889, He,len [.'or- 
lescue (presdt., Aberdeen Assn.), y. d. 
late John ScobIe, M.P. ; barrister, 1 S70 ; 
ohief elk., Dept. of Educ., U.C., 184-1-6; 
secy., Pro vI. Bd. of Educ., ant., 1846- 
55; Depty. Supdt. of Educ., do., 1855- 
76; Depty. l\Ilnr. of Educ., do., 1876-90; 
librarian and historiographer of lhe 
dept., 1890-1904; siñce then has b'
historiographer; with Dr. Ma- 
dhatt1e visited the U. S. .and \re:po.rted on 
the subject of tech. schs. of science, 
1871; hml. sooy., U. 'C. Bi'blloe Soc., for 30 
yrs.; is V.-P. Toronto Humane Soc.; 
presdt. Prisoners' Aid Soc. and: Irish 
Flrot. Benevol.ent Soc.; one of Nl'
founders of the Royal Can. Humane 
Soc. and is hon. secy. of that body; 
took a prominent part in the forma- 
tion of the Queen's Own Rifles ar.d 
was a lieut. and capt. therein; hOI1. 
secy. Intern. Congress of Educators, 
New Orleans, La., and one of the educ. 
jur.ors at the expn. held In that city. 
1885; F.R.G.S., 1861; recd. the French 
decoration of the Palm Leaf, 1879; a 
corr. fellow of the Acad. of Sciences, 
New Orleans; under Lord Lansdowne's 
admn. was awarded the Confederation 
med. in acknowledgment of his ser- 
vices as a public offr. and a man of 
I,e-totel's; decorated woitlh IÌIhe T. S. 0., 
1903; ed. U.. C. Journ. of Educ. for 
30 Yl's.; 'one .of It'h!e !pioneers .In soh. 
book .Iitera'tul'e In Can.; aut-ho'r: 
.. Lovell's General Geography." .. First 
Steps in General GeographY," .. School 
History of Canada and of the <:>ther 
British North American Provinp.f'!s," 
.. The Canadian School Speaker and 
Reciter," .. School Manual," .. Lectures 
on thE' S('hool Law," .. Sketches and 
Anoodo.tes .of Queen V.tcto.J'lia," "The 
Sohool House .and! dts .Archi.tecture," 
"T,he DocumenltlaI'Y History of Educa- 
tion ,in U,pper Oanlad.a" (28 vols.), "The 
Establishment of Schools and Colleges 
of Ontario, 1792-1910" (3 vols.), "Life 
and Work of the la.te Rev. Dr. Ryer- 
son," "The Legislation and History of 
Separate Schools In Upper Camula,', 
"Hymns and Stories," .. Schoolro01n 
Deooration," "Incidents of Interna- 
tional Courtesy," and" Popular Educa- 
tion in England, 1897-8"; is also the 
aut'hor of many papeI1S on educt su'b- 
jects; an Ang.; hon. lay secy., Synod 
of the Diocese of Toronto, 30 yrs.- 
92 Pembrolee St., Toronto. 
.. His sørviæ-s w educatio
 in Omt. can. 
nl(}t be overestÏma.ted."-Dr. J. M. Harper 
.. One whose pain1>1:aking industry and 
research have thrown much Ligbt 01l' t.he 
hisoo'TY and work 00 the Can. Ohu'!"ch."- 
11l. &; E. 
" As a Wil"i.ter hd5 works ch.a.racoorized 
by wide ]e,arnlÏnlg, accuracy and clearness 
and a luminl(}Usstyae that oomman
ti(}D'."-T. Globe. 
"One who is elUline
tJly we}.! fitlted by 
litell"ary ta.ste.s .and aptitude, as well as by 
education, fo'!" the impor'tamt position he 
nl(}w occupies. "-Educ. Journal. 
.. Has done f,O'l" On<t.aTio, .as an educ. 
rapher, a greater se.rvice than any 
oauntry in the wor,ld can bo,ast <rf."-Late 
Geo. Murray. 

Hodgins, Lloyd Clifford Arnott, ed u- 
S. Rev. J. W. H., rector, Chatham, 
ant.; b. Thamesford, ant., June 8, 
1882; e, Trin. Univ., 'l'oronto (B.A., 
1904), Toronto Unlv. (M.A., 1905), 
and Harvard Unlv. (A.M., 1907); 
unm.; now Eng. master. St. Paul's 
Sch., Concord, N.H.; Ang.-St. Paul':s 
Sch., Concord, N.H. 
Hodgins, COl, William Egerton, Can. 
r mil. íOI1Ces; lawyer. 
E. s. J. G. H., I.S.O., LL.D. (q.v.); 
b. Toronto, Oct. 3, 1850; e. Hellmuth 
Coil., London, ant., and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., with honours, 1874; M.A., 
1875) ; m., 1st, June, 1880, the d. late 
G. M. Clark, Q.C., formerly Co. Ct. 
Judge, Cobourg, ant. (d.); 2ndly, 
Eleanor Jaffrey (formerly presdt. Ot- 
tawa Soldiers' Wives League), e. d. 
late Hon. Sir W. J. Ritchie, Chief Jus- 
tice of Can.; barrister, 1877; success- 
fully practised his prof. in Toronto; 
held a position as an expert in the 
Dept. of Justice, Ottawa, 1883-1903; 
while there compiled 2 vols. embodying 
correspondence, reports of the Minr. of 
Justice, and Orders in Council upon 
the subject of Provl. Legislation, also 
a work on Joint Stock Coso and the 
Issue of Letters Patent in Can.; entd. 
Royal Mil. Sch., Toronto, as a cadet, 
1866, and after obtaining a 2nd class 
cert. there was gazetted ensign in the 
militia; subsequently joined the Univ. 
Co., Queen's Own Rifles; Heut., 1877; 
capt., 1!S81; transferred to Gov.-Genl.'s 
Foot Gds., as aðJjt., 1883; bt.-major, 
1889; major, 1890; It.-cot commdg. 
lhe regt., 1ts94-9; R. 0., 1899; joined 
permt. staff, 1902; offr. commdg. Ot- 
tawa Brigade, 1902-3; D.O..c., M.D. 
No.4, 1903-9; D.O.C., M.D., No.1, 
1909-11; since then has been O.C. 
1st Division; promoted col., 1909; 
extra A.D.C. to bhe Marquis of 
Lansdowne and Earl of Aberdeen, 
Govs.-GenI.; apptd. hon. A.D.C. to late 
Sir Alex. Campbell, Lt.-Gov. of ant., 
1888; was a memo of the councils ot 
the Dom. and ant. Rifle Assns.; secy. 
Dom. Rifle Assn., 1897-1903; holds a 
1st class V. B. cert. in addition to his 
other certs.; also holds long service 
decoration; presented to the late King 
rd (and dined with His Majesty), 
Éucklngham Palace, 1904; an Ang.- 
W olseley Ban'ac1es, London, Ont.; Lon- 
don Club, do.; Rideau Club; Ottawa 
Golf Club, Ottawa. 
.. An energetic .and paInstaking officer." 
-Oan. Mil. Gazette. 
.. OM of the ablest i-n the Oan. 
milit.ia."-Maj.-Genl. Lord Aylmer (q.v.). 
Hodgson, Arthur Jacob, merchant. 
B. Birkenhead, Eng., 1860; e. there; 
m. Miss Williams; en td. service of firm 
of H. Bros., founded by his father In 
1856; came to Montreal, 1885; Is now 
a memo of firm of H. Bros. & Rowson, 
Ltd., eXp.<)1'!ters and comn. merchants; 
is a life gov. Montreal Genl. Hosp.; 
was a del., 5th Congress, Chambers of 
Commerce of the EmJPire, 1903 ; presdt. 
Montreal Bd. of Trade, 1903-4 ; 
F.R.C.I., 1911; a Con.; a presb.- 
5 Murray Ave., Westmount, Montreal; 
Canada Club; Montreal Curling Club; 



Royal Montreal Golf Club; St. James's 
Club; Westmount Golf Club; Manitou 
Club, do. 
Hodgson, Hon, Edward Jarvis, retired 
S. late Danl. H., prothy. of the Sup. 
Ct., P. E. 1.; b. Charlottetown, P.E.I., 
.July 29, 1840; e Centrol Acad. there; 
LL.D. (hon.), Laval Univ., 1890; 
D.C.L. (hon.), King's ColI. Unlv., 
Windsor, N.S., 1896; m., 1863, Margt. 
Matilda .Jane (d. 1889), o. d'. late 
Hon. .John Brecken; barriste.r, 1862; 
K.C. (M. of Lorne), 1879; was one of 
the leaders of the local bar; master 
of the rolls and an asst. judge oC the 
SUjp. oOt., P. E. I., 11891-1910; was 
dhance,).J-or of King's 10011. UnJÌv., Wind- 
sor, froOm 1896 utP fÌ10 the perIod IOf lhois 
d!ea,tJh; an Ang. and a del. to ,bhe Synod. 
-Hills borough House, Charlottetown, 
II In hi-s day a pQIitical power in P. E. 
1."-0. Citizen. 
(D. Charlottetown, Aug. 12, 1911.) 
Hodgson, Henry Abraham, merchant. 
Eng. origin; b. Higher Tranmere, 
Birkenhead, Eng.; e. Liverpool Inst" 
Mt. Pleasant; m., Nov., 1879, Miss 
Mary Anne Stroud; came to Can., 
1874, since when has resided princi- 
pally in Montreal; a memo of the firm 
H. Bros. & Rowson, Ltd., Montreal 
and Rowson, H. & Co., Ltd., London, 
Eng., exporters and commission mer- 
chants; a life govr. Montreal General 
Hospibal, hon. treas. Montreal Western 
Genl. Hosp., a dir. Westmount Muni- 
cipal Assn., a counclIlor Montreal Bd. 
of Trade; has been presdt. St. George's 
Soc. and of the Montreal Produce Mer- 
chants' Assn.; a promoter Sunlight 
Gas Co.; a Bapt.; a Lib. and a memo 
Montreal Reform Club.-48 Linton 
Apartments, Sherbrooke St. W., Mont- 
real; Canada Club; St. James's Club; 
11Iont1'eal Cw'ling Club; Royal St. 
LuwrenLe Yacht Club, do. 
Hodgson, Jonathan, merchant; manu- 
S. late Thos. H., who emigrated to 
Can., from Durham, Eng., 181g, sub- 
sequently removed to the U. S., where 
his business called him, but returning 
to Can., 1835, settled at LacolIe, P.Q., 
where he successfully cultlv,ated a 
farm from that date up to his demise, 
1879; b. Clintonville, N.Y., ApI. 15, 
1827; e. Lacolle; m., Mch., 1854, 
Margt., d. late .John Cassels, Montreal; 
commenced his business career at 
Naplerville, P.Q., but removed to Mont- 
real, 1850, entering the employ of the 
late Wm. Moody, wholesale merchant, 
wi th whom he remained for 7 yrs.; 
then entd. into business, on his own 
account, in p.artnership with .John 
Foulds; on the retirement of the latter, 
1870, became senior partner of the 
firm, which was reorganized, 1879, by 
the admIssion of other partners; it Is 
now known as Hodgson, Sumner & Co. ; 
Is a prominent memo of the Dry Goods 
Assn., and has served as a del. to Ot- 
tawa from that bOdy on several occa- 
sIons to interview the Govt. on matters 
afTectlng its Interests; one of the oldest 
mems. of the Bd. of Trade; Is a dlr. 
Merchants' Mfg. Co., Almonte Knitting 

Co., Royal Victoria Life Ins. Co., 
Herald Publishing Co., Paton Mfg. Co. 
and Alliance Assur. Co.; V.-P. Mer- 
chants' Bank of Oan. ; ,also a dlr. Mont- 
real Sailors' Inst.; his portrait was 
painted by Harris (q.v.) for dirs. Mer- 
clhants' Bank, 1907; harbour commr., 
Montreal, 1896-1904; a life gov. Mont- 
real Genl. Hosp.; a Lib. ; a Presb., but 
lends his aid to all religious and moral 
movements looking to the welfare and 
benefit of his :tellow-men; as a public 
man, has always believed In a tariff 
for revenue only; Is a firm believer in 
the advantages of Brit. connection, and 
is utterly opposed to annexation with 
the U. S.-340 Peel St., Montreal; Re- 
form Club; St. James's Club, do. 
II Ha.s raJsed bim8e.1f by Lnd1l8itry, pell'lS6- 
vel1ance, ability .and strict in,tegrity to a 
foremo<st positio-n."-M. Herald. 
Hodson, Frederick W" stock breeder, 
journalist, land expert and com- 
pany official. 
S. of a successful breeder of Cots- 
wold sheep; b. Tp. West Whitby, Ont., 
Oot., 1&56; e. ,pubJ.ic sOh. land WhitJby 
CoIl. Inst.; m., .June, 1894, Hannah 
Bennett Garland, y. d. late JUdge G. 
A. Drew, Q.C.; asst. ed. Farmers' 
Advocate (London, Ont.) , 1880-2 and 
1887-94; founder Dom. Sheep Breeders' 
and Dom. Swine Breeders' Assn., of 
which he became secy.; also, of the 
Can. Nat. Live Stock Assn., 1905; 
supdt. Farmers' In.sts., Ont., 1895-1900; 
live stock! commr., 1900; resigned, 
1906; presented' wIth a service of plate, 
in acklJlowledgment 00: 'the value and 
success Off his pioneer work dn true 
several offices held by him, 1899; 
since then has been mangr. Land 
Dept., Union Trust Co., Ltd.; widely 
celebrated as a breeder and importer 
of Ootswold sheep and as an importer 
of Shropshlres; a Bapt.-l71 Ro:r;- 
borough St. 1V. J Toronto. 
"A g.rea.t,iZJe.r-"-O. Free Press. 
Hodson, William Harwell, phy.slclan. 
S. Wm. and Alicia (Tate) H.; 
father, Eng.; mother, Can.; b. An- 
caster, Ont., 1848; e. Haml1ton ColI. 
Inst.; m., .Jan., 1888, Miss Mary M. 
Dyer; graduated M.D., Bellevue Hosp. 
Med. ColI., N. Y., 1882; practises his 
prof. at Buffalo, N.Y.; govt. pension 
examr., 1893-6; med. examr., Incipi- 
tant State Hosp. for Consumptives, 
Ray Brook, N.Y.; marine med. 
examr.; surg. Lockport,. N. Y., City 
Hosp.; Rep.; Presb.-156 W. Hum- 
boldt Parkway, Buffalo, N.Y. 
Hoffmann, George Christian, chemist 
and mineralogist. 
B. London, Eng., .June 7, 1837; e. 
Eng. and Germany; LL.D. (hon.), 
Queen's Unlv., Kingston, 1895; studied 
Royal Sch. of Mines, London, Eng., 
takIng, In addition to regular course, 
a specIal course In assaying in 
the metall. Laboratory; also at Royal 
CoIl. of Chemls., London, Eng., 
where, having gone through the usual 
cO'Urse and afterrwaI1d's workIng f.or 
several yrs. as junior asst., subse- 
quently held position of asst. in the 
private laboratory of Prof. A. W. 
Hofmann; was for several yrs. In 


charge of the chemical and techno- 
logical laboratory attached to the Mel- 
bourne Botanic Garden, under Baron 
Sir Ferdinand yon Mueller; fellow of 
the Inst. of Chemistry of Gt. Brit. and 
I reI. , 1879; an hon. memo of the 
Pharmac. Assn. of P. Q., 1885; memo 
of the Mineral. Soc. of Gt. Brit. and 
IreI.. 1888; one of the original fellows 
of the Royal .soc. of Can., apptd. by 
the Marquis of Lorne (now Duke of 
Argyll); a gOY. St. Luke's Hosp., Ot- 
ta.wa; author of numerous papers and 
reports; .became a memo of the staff of 
the G
ol. Survey of Can., Sept. 1, 1872; 
d, AlpI., 1907.--317 Cooper St., Ot- 
Hogarth, George Henry, education- 
Eng. origin; b. Co. Durham, ant., 
1863; e. public sch.. BowmanvlIIe High 
Sch.. and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1885) ; 
m., 1888, Miss Sallie L. Bowers, Kin- 
cardine. ant.: high sch. teacher since 
J3.n., 1886; asst. succe9Siv.el!y Strathroy 
ColI. Inst., Kincardine High Sch., 
Stratford !ColI. Inst., and Whitby Coil. 
In-st.; principal do. d.o. since 1900; 
Meth.-Brock St., Whitby, Onto 
Hogbln, Bev, George Henry (Ang.). 
B. June 4, 1869: O. deacon and 
pr,iest, 1894; since 1896 has been /prin- 
cipal St. Dunstan's Ind. Industrial Sch., 
Qalgary; R. D., 1904; canon; appM. 
oh3Jp ('With Ih.on. lM.nk .of capt.), 
15:tJh Light HÜlrse, Aug., 1905: elooted 
G. M. Grand LÜld!ge, A. F. and A. 
Masons, .Allberta., 1908.-Banff, Alta. 
Hogg, John L" educationist. 
B. nr. Seaforth, ant., ApI. 17, 1871: 
e. Seaforth ColI. Inst.. Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., 1899), and Harvard Univ. 
(M.A., 190'2; P.h.D., 1904); M.A., ad 
e1in., McMaster Un-iv.. 1907; m., July, 
1900, Miss Amy T. iMC'Lean, Oroange- 
viHe, Ont; 'oogan tmcll'l'ing I'ural soh., 
1890; OrnngevdLle High Seth., 1893-5; 
Søaf.ortlh CoN. Ins't., 1900-01: In-stir., 
Harvaro Univ., 1905-6; 
oeot. MocMastJer 
Undv., 1906-8; !prof. phys,ics, d.o., 1908- 
111; s.ince then !has be-en ;prof. 'Of 
plhys.lcs, Sask. U.noiv.: aubh<Jr vo8Jl'ious 
papers 'Published in the Proceed. o( 
the Am. Acad.-Saskatoon, Sask. 
 Henry, civil engineer. 
Eng. origin; 7th S. John and JanE' 
(Browne) H.; b. Milton, ant., Sept. 
14, 1863; e. Toronto:' m.. Sept.. 1888, 
Miss Bessie Bell Headley, Milford, 
Delaware; memo Can. Soc. C. E., 
1887 (contributed a paper to Its Trans., 
and was awarded the Gzowskl med.) ; 
a memo firm Ross & H., consulting 
engrs., Montreal: chief engr. N. & 
N. W. Ry., 1884-92; engr. Central 
Bridge Co., Royal Electric Co.. Mont- 
real Park & Island Co., and West 
India Electrl(' Co., up to 1900; re- 
tained bv Federal and ProvI. Govts. 
for special engineering enquiries and 
reports: so retained re hydraulic lift 
lock, Peterboro ; apptd. a royal 
commr. to report on collapse of the 
Quebec Bridge, Sept., 1907: of late 
yrs. designed and built several largE' 
hydraulic power plants for transmis- 
sion of electric power; a memo 'Several 


arbitration commns.: a councillor Can. 
Soc. C. E.;' V.-P. Dom. Engineering 
& Construction Co.; an occasional 
contributor to tech. journals: author 
of an eX'hausbive pa;per .on Nof'tJhoeast 
Can. (1908): indo In pOlitics: a Chris- 
tian, but non-sectarian: believes !n 
Can. for Canadians, and for any 
ot.her.s w(hl() 'WIJI become good citizen.s; 
has lectUJl'ed .on .. Soon.e F1aots Reg"IaJrd- 
illig 1\:Jhe UP'J}& St. Dawrence."-.U 
Rosemount Ave., Westrnount, Mont- 
real,. Engineers' Club, do.,. Engineers' 
Club. Toronto. 
Holgate, Thomas Franklin, educa- 
Eng. origin: s. late Thomas and 
Eleanor (Wright) H.: mother U. E, 
L. descent; b. Co. Hastings, Ont., 
ApI. 8, 1859; e. Albert Coll. (B.A., 
1884) and Victoria Univ. (M.A., 
1889): fellow Clark Univ., 1890-3; 
Ph.D., 1893;. LL.D. (Univ. of Ill.), 
1905; m., 1st, 1885, JuUa C. (d. 1887), 
d. John Sharp, Ernestawn, ant.; 
2ndly, 1890, Miss Georgina Angela 
Burdette, Newburgh. ant.; math. mas- 
ter, Albert CoIl., 1884-90; prof. math., 
N. W. Unlv.. since 1893: dean of the 
Coil. of Lib. Arts, same institution, 
since 1902; acting presdt. N. W. Univ., 
1904-6; socy. Intern. :Con.g. .of 
mat:lcdanlS, Rome, 190'8; a memo Am. 
Matlh. 'Soc. and De-utSC'he M.atematiker 
Vereinig-1mg, &r.].jn; formerly a lieut. 
151tlh Regt., v. ro. : 'hoesides beIng a oon- 
Ij:.rib'lltor to. matlh. jl()urnl3Jls, i's a trolIllS- 
lator of Reyes's .. Gromet'I"Y of P.osi- 
Non" and author .of an elemen.ta-ry 
geometry; a Lib., and a ßree traðler; 
a Metlh.--617 Libranl St., Evanston, 
Ill.; University Club, Chicago, Ill.; 
University Club, Evanston. 
Holland, Andrew, official reporter. 
A bro. G. C. H. (q.v.); b. Ottawa, 
Aug. 11, 1844; e. there; m., 1875, 
Margt., d. late Jlas. Gibson, contractor 
and builder, Ottawa; a parIty. and law 
reporter; official reporter, with his bro., 
Geo. C. H., of the Senate of Can. and 
of the Senate Divorce Comte. since 
18ï6; also official reporters of the Dom. 
Ed. of Trade (while In existence); 
official reporters in the settlement of 
the Intercolonial Ry. and WeIland 
Canal construction contracts, and also 
to the royal comn., apptd. 1880, to 
enquire Into the engineering. con- 
struction, and rout.e m IÌJhe C. P. Ry. 
prior to its being handed over to the 
C. P. Ry. Co.; was man gr. of .tJhe Ot- 
tawa Citizen during the period that 
he and his bro. owned and published 
tlhat 'Pa.perr; as r
p'resenting HoUand 
Bros., visited Australia (twice) and 
S. Africa, In which countries he suc- 
cessfullY introduced the Smith Pre- 
mIer typewriter and! the Edison Kine- 
toscope; while in Australia assisted 
the late Mr. Jas. Huddart in securing 
a contract and subsidy from Can. to 
establish the Can.-Australlan steam- 
ship lines between Sydney and Van- 
couver, for which service he reed. the 
thanks of the Ottawa Bd. of Trade 
and the personal congratulations of 
Sir Chas. Tupper (q.v.), Sir John 
Thompson, and the Hon, A. R. Angers 



(q.v.) ; is the father of a project for 
the conversion of the city of Ottawa 
and a portion of the surrounding dlst. 
Into a federal dist. In a manner simi- 
lar to the Dlst. of Columbia, In the 
adjoining republic; believes .. in fos- 
tering the Industries of the country 
by a tariff sufficiently high to protect 
them against unfair competition, from 
the scientific dumping practices of 
older and better equipped foreign 
rivals and the products of the cheap 
labour of Europe, thus securing for 
the artisans and labouring classes of 
Can. continuous and well-remunerated 
employment that will maintain a high- 
er standard of living for the masses 
than they could have If our home 
market were protected by a tariff for 
rev>enlUe only" ; 'bhe Go1oden Rule is his 
rellgious 'beIief.-41 Vittoria St., Ot- 
tawa; Canadian Club, do. 
Holland, :Major Edward James, late 
Can. v. m. force. 
.S. And'rew (q.v.) and Mal'g1t. (Gib- 
son) H.; b. Ot'bawa, F-e'b. 2, 1878; e. 
Model Sch. and CoIl. Inst., Ottawa; 
m., ApI., 1902, Dora Spencer, d. F, A. 
Knapp, Prescott, ant.; served as a 
private, 43rd Regt., 1 year, and in 
Princess Louise Dragoon Gds. 2 yrs.; 
went to S. A., as a private, Canadian 
Mounted Rifles, Dec., 1899; made 
sergt. machine gun sec., May, 1900; 
served In S. A. during war to Dec., 
1900 (despatches; V. C.; QUf'en's med., 
with 5 clasps) ; returned to Can., .Jan., 
1901; V. C. conferred for conspicuous 
bra very during the action at Komati 
River, Nov. 7, 1900 (see London Ga- 
R:ette, ApI. 19, 1901): gazetted lIeut., 
Princess Louise Dragoon Gds., ApI., 
1901: major, 13th Scottish Light Dra- 
goons, May, 1904: major, Corps Re- 
serve, May, 1906: an expert amateur 
boxer, long distance cyclist, and all- 
round athlete; a life memo Ott'lwa 
Amateur Athletic Assn.-Cobalt, Ont.; 
Haileybury, Onto 
HoUand, Frederick :Montford, com- 
.pany officia;I. 
Eng. origin; s. late Wm. H. H., 
banker, and Eleanor Mary (Rudston) 
H.; b. Kingston, ant., May 10, 1866; 
e. IPulbHc and lhigih 'sohs., Osihawa, 
Uxbridge, and Brampton, ant.; m., 
Selpl1:., 1900, Ma.bffi., 3rd d. 
ßJte Geo. .A. 
Masson, Oshawa; now and for some 
yrs. geni. mangr. and Ia dir. Dom. 
Permt. Loan Co.; also a dir. Trusts & 
Guaran te.e Co. and Imp. Cotton Co.; 
an A'Il'g.-29 Chicora Ave., Toronto; 
Albany Club; Granite Club; Royal 
Can. Yacht Club, do. 
HoUand, George Clarke, official re- 
Second s. Wm. Lewis H., merchant, 
and Charlotte (Clarke) H., Ottawa; 
b. Tp. Nepean, Co. Carleton, ant., 
Mch. 5, 1846; e. pubIfc and high schs. 
there; m., Dec., 1874, Miss Aiison 
Hilson Robinson, Toronto; commenced 
newspaper career, as reportQr on Ot- 
tawa Evening Post, 1866; subsequently 
connected In same capacity with Ot- 
tawa Citizen, Toronto Telegraph, Chi- 
cago Times, Toronto Globe, St. Louis 
Republfcan, Nashville Union and Am- 

e1'ican, Washington Post, N. Y. Sun, 
N. Y. Herald, and Brooklyn Eagle; 
with his bro., Andrf'w H. (q.v. L was 
joint owner and mango ed. Ottawa 
Citizen, 1872-75; joined Hansard staff 
(H. C.), 1875, and In 1877 he and hl9 
bro. became official reporters of the 
Senate of Can.: this position thf'y 
8Ì'UI hold under the name and s.tyl.e ,o.f 
Holland Bros.; has been official re- 
porter of the Senate Divorce Comte. 
for an extended period; wrote an Eng. 
v.eroslon for Lav.allêe':s nM. m,elooy, 
II a Canada," 1910; Introduced the 
Smith Premier typewriter and Edison 
phonograph and Kinetoscope Into Can., 
Au sbrall a, and: 'S. Aif.rioa: seI"V'ed In t'hoe 
V. m., Fort Wellington, ant., 1866, dur- 
In.g Fenian Raid (med.); represented 
TorontiO Globe In E. T. and Northern 
Vt. during Fenian Raid, 1870; Unlt.- 
91 MacLaren St., Ottawa; Canadian 
Club, do. 
HOlland, Sir Thomas Henry, scientist. 
S. .John H., Springfield, Man.; b. 
Helston, Eng., Nov. 22, 18ß8: e. 
Royal Sch. of Mines, London (Murchi- 
son med.; nat. scholar.); latl'! Berke- 
ley fellow, Owens Coli.. Manchester; 
hon. associate Royal ColI. of Science, 
London: m. Frances Maud. d. late 
Chas. Chapm
 n. Oudh: dir. Geo!. Sur- 
Vf'!Y, Inoddla, ,1903-9; sin.ce then Ihas b.eeTl 
prod'. of gpoo.l., , Um
pl'elsd't. Minin,g and Geo-l. Inst. of Ind'la, 
1906-7; presdt. Asiatlic So-c, of BengaJ.. 
1909'; cllailrman 'trustees Indian 
s'oom 1905-9; tielUo.w .Oalcut.ta Umv.; 
àean'of Facuility of Sci,ence, do., 1909; 
presd,t. 01' Bd. of iStud'ies in Geol. 
Mineooll., do., 1905-9; 'Presdi. Inð
Mining and 
logkal oCI ub and! Royal 
001:1. of Selenee, Old IStUidtentts' ,Aß:sn., 
1910; F.G.IS.; K.C.I.E., 1908; iR!l hon. 
memo Roya,lJ Oornwa,m Pol)'lÌiec>hllll'c Soc. 
and iMining and Goolo.gieall Ins:t. of 
India; F.R.S., 1904; author numerous 
meß1JOlÏf1s on ge.oll,. and anbhrop.-The 
University, Manchester, Eng.; Savage 
Club, London, Eng. 
HoUfnrake, Rev, Frederick William 
Eng. and Irish parentage; b. Mil- 
ton ant., ApI. 20, 1866: e. Albert 
Coli., Belleville and Victoria Univ., To- 
ronto (B.A., 1894: B.D., 1899); m., 
1896 Miss Emma Mary Acheson, 
rich, ant.: o. 1896; successively 
pastor Barton St. Ch. and Zion Taber-, Hamilton, ant; now at 'Vind,sor, 
Ont.- Windsor, Onto 
Holman, Charles J., lawyer. 
Eng. descent; S. late .John and Mary 
(Webster) H.; b. Cobourg, ant., 1852; 
e. local sch and Victoria Univ. 
(B.A., 1872; DL:B., 1876; M.A., 1878) ; 
LL D. (McMaster Univ.), 1909: m., 
June, 1893, Carrie (presdt. Wo
Home and For. Missy. ConventIOn), 
d. late Rev. W. M. Haigih, D.D., Chi- 
cago, Il
.; barrister, 1876; a student 
w.i1'h the la.te Ohlef Justice Armour and 
18. stu.dlent I!LIlJd partner o,f ,the Ron. 
Edw,ard Blake, KC. (q.v.); noW head 
of ,the :loe-gal firm H., Dray;ton & Bissett. 
Toronto; one of the leaders of the 
ant. bar; K.C., 1899; counsel In many 



Important damage, commercial, and 
f'lectlon cases; an active factor In the 
founding of McMaster Univ., Toronto; 
was træs. and dhalr:man of lfue ex1:'V
oomte. <Yf rtlhart: un1v. for 'Il11any yl'S., 
and has since its foundation been 
elected to represent the Bapt. Conven- 
tion of ant. and Que. In the Senate 
and Bd. of Govs. of the unlv.: is also 
an executor of the millIon-dollar fund 
with which the late Senator McMas- 
ter endowed the unlv.; elected presdt. 
Bapt. Can v'eruNon (Onlt. an,ñ Que. ). 
1910; an Ind. Llb.- Holmhurst;' 75 
Lowther Ave., Toronto; Toronto Club, 
"AJlJ exceeding able y<mng man."-Hon. 
E. Blake (q.v.). 
Holmes, Bev, Alonzo Lee (:Meth.). 
B. Derby Line, Vt., nr. Stanstead, 
P.Q., 1846; e. Victoria Unlv.. Cobourg, 
ant. (B.A., 1871; M.A., 1874); m., 
1873, Miss Mary W. Pierce. Boston, 
Mass.; o. 1875; principal, Stan stead 
Wesl. CoIl., 1874-85; removed to 
Mass., 1885; pastor. Ind. Meth. Ch., 
Nahant, Mass., 1886-9; prof. oratory, 
Boston Unlv., 1888-90; returned to 
Can., 1891; sInce then has been 
stationed In P.Q. ; was chairman 
Stan stead dist., 1897; now and for 
some yrs. rE'gr., treas. and a prof. In 
Stanstf'ad Wesl. ColI.; Is also a sena- 
tor :Montreal Wesl. Theol. CoIl.- 
Stanstead, P.Q. 
Holmes, The Bight Bev, George 
(Ang.), bishop. 
B. Westmoreland, Eng., 1861; e. 
there and Ch. Missy. ColI., IsIlngton, 
London; D.D. (St. John's CoIl., Win- 
nipeg, 1905); o. deacon, 1887; priest 
1888; had charge Lesser Slave Lake' 
1887-1905; archdeacon of Athabaska' 
1901-3; Bp. of Moosonee, 1903-9; 
translated to Bishopric of Athabaska 
1909; an unsuccf'ssful candidate for 
archbIshopric of Rupert's Land, 1905; 
a del. to the Pan-Ang. Congress, Lon- 
n, Eng., 1908; presented to Late 
Kmg and Queen. Buckingham Palace 
do.-A thabaska Landing, Alta. ' 
II An excellent 
nd wen 
worthy of his high office."-T. Globe. 
Holmes, Col, Josiah Greenwood late 
Can. regular mil. forces. ' 
IS. la.te Josiah H., a native of Grant- 
ha.m, Lincolnshire, Eng.; b. St. Cath- 
armes, ant., Nov. 10. 1845: e. Grant- 
ham Acad.; m., 1870, Elizabeth, d. 
Wm. Kew, Beamsv-ille, ant.; ensign 
19bh Regt., Lincoln Mil., 1865; capt. 
St. Catharlnes Garr. Arty., 1872; 
gazetted to permanent force as IIeut 
"A" Batty., .July, 1874; promoted 
capt., 1882; bt.-mal, 1877; It.-col., 
1883; was apptd. actg. D.A.G., M.D. 
No. 11 (Vi.ctoria, B.C.), 1883; D.O.C., 
M.D. No.1, 1898; D.O.C., M.D. No. II, 
1901; whl1e at Victoria was com- 
mandant Royal Sch. of Arty. estbd. 
there; commanded the expdn. sent 
against the Indians of the Skeen a 
dl;:;t., 1888; .T. P. (B. C.); served on 
NIagara Frontier during Fenian 
Raids, 1866 and 1870 (med. with 2 
clasps); gaIned 1st prize ofl'ered by 
the Dom. ,fi-rty. Assn.. for the best 
essay on The Organization, EquIp- 

ment and Localization of Arty. for 
the Dom. of Can..., 1878; retired Sept. 
1, 1909; Ang.-Victoria, B.C.; Union 
Club, do. 
Holme., Hon, Simon Hugh, states- 
man; N.S. public service. 
S. late Hon. John and Christina 
(Fraser) H.; b. East River, Pictou, 
N.S., .Tuly 30, 1831; e. Pictou Acad.; 
m., Dec., 1874, Isabella J., e. d. Jas. 
Little, Haliburton Stream, N.S.; bar- 
rister, 1864; In addition was ed. and 
prop. Colonial Standard (Pictou) for 
20 yrs.; K.C. (M. of Lorne) , 1880; 
was V.-P. and one of the promoters 
of the Midland Ry., N. S.; Premier of 
N. S., 1878-82; has been prothy. and 
elk. of the Crown, Co. Halifax, since 
May 23, 1882; sat for PIctou (Local), 
Con. Interest, 1878-82; a Presb.- 
Halifax, N.S. 
HOlme., William Henry, lawyer. 
Fifth s. late .Toslah H., .T.P., Hart- 
ley Place, St. Catharlnes, Ont., and 
Nancy, e. d. late Thos. Hartley, 
Keighley, Yorkshire, Eng. ; b. St. 
Catharines, Dec. 15, 1855; e. St. Cath- 
arlnes Grammar Sch.. Pickering- CoIl., 
Toronto Unlv., and Trln. Univ. (B.IC.L., 
1895); m., .Tune, 1883, Ida May, e. à. 
q. .T. Wh1tney, Detroit, Mich.; bar- 
rIster, 1895; elected a gov. King's 
CoIl., Windsor, N.S., 1909; author: 
"History of the Union .Tack: Its Vic- 
tories, etc." (] 897) ; an extenslvf' con- 
tributor to public press, especIally on 
patriotic and matters of Imp. and Can. 
concern; Inventor and patentee In U. 
Kingdom and on 2 continents of cor- 
ridor ry. carriage. now in gE'neral use 
In Eng. and on European Continent; 
served throughout Fenian Raid, 1870. 
being only 14 yrs. of age (med. and 
clasp) ; Ind. politically; "an advocate 
of state-ownership of pUblic utilities 
and of municipal ownership of tram 
I1n-es, li-ghting, etc.; also of a Can. con- 
tribution to cost and support of one 
common navy for the efficient protec- 
tion of the Brit. world, and of com- 
mercial union of thf' wholE' Empire". 
Ang._ u Bellevue," Truro, N.S. ' 
.. A man with few superiors physicallv 
air JDe'n.taIly, with fine educa.tionral' adJrnn- 
tages. full of strong and aO'O'ressive im. 
perinI sentimpnt. The most :
ergetic and 
untiring WOll"keT illl the propagatiOlIl o.f 1.he 
true spirit of loyalty in its proper sense." 
-G. W. Stuart (q.v.). 
d, George Smith, ant. public 
S. Arthur H., an Eng. sotr., and 
Elizabeth H., d. Dr. .Tas. Smith. Hert- 
fordshlre; b. London, Eng., Mch. 15. 
1841; e. private schs.; m., Dec., 1873, 
Edith Marla, y. d. late Rev. A. F. At- 
kinson, D.D.. formerly rector of St. 
Catharlnes, Ont.; came to Can., 1857 : 
barrister, 1865; successfully practised 
his prof., first at Napanee and subse- 
qùently in Toronto; K.C., 1902; apptd. 
referee In chambers, Ct. of Chancery, 
ant., Dec. 16, 1872; regr. Ct. of Chan- 
cery, referee of titles, and Inspr. of 
titles, ApI. 1. 1876; on the passIng of 
the ant. .Tudlcature Act, 1881. became 
regr. of the Chancery Dlv. and re- 
feree a.nd Inspr. ot titles, and also ac- 



count. of the Sup. Ct. of Judicature of 
Ont., which offices he continues to 
flll; In add.ïtion t'O numerous articles 
In the Can. Law Journ. and Can. 
Monthly, has published an annotated 
ed. of the Chancery Orders of Jan.. 
1876; an annotated ed. of U The 
MeCha'llIiocs' Lien A'Ot of Ont.... ulA !Man- 
ual of Practice Under the Onto Judica- 
ture Act." U An Index of Cases on the 
Statutes," U An Index to the Con- 
.soUdated MI\.mi-ciiP'al Act {)of Onlt.:' and, 
together with 'rhos. Langton, K.C., 
(q.v.), an annotated ed. of U The Onto 
Judicature Act and Rules"; apptd., In 
1900, to revise and consolidate (under 
the supervision of a committee of 
judges) the Imp. Statutes in force In 
Onto In 1897, by virtue of provl. legisla- 
tion; this revision and consolidation 
was completed In 1902, and Is con- 
tained In the 3rd vol. of the Revised 
Statutes of Ont., 1897; an Ang., and a 
del. to the synods.-58 St. Alban st., 
Holt, Charle. lIIacpherson, lawyer. 
S. late Hon. Chas. Gates H., Q.C. 
Judge of the Sessions of the Peace. 
Quebec, and Margt. (Macpherson) 
H.: b. City of Quebec, Jan. 26. 
1862; e. Bishop's CoIl. Sch., Lennox- 
vllIe, P.Q., and Laval Univ. (LL.L., 
1882;. LL.D.. 1901); m., Nov., 1895, 
Mabel G
rtrude (gov. new Mat
Hosp., Montreal), d. late Hon. M. H. 
Cochrane, senator. Hillhurst. P.Q. ; 
advocate. 1883; KC., 1903; success- 
fully practises his prof. in Mon'treal. 
where ,he is one of -t!he lead'eTs 'O.t 
the ,bar; is a dlr. PI"Udentla1 Tll'Ust 
Co.. RO}"a1 :md'Wla
d Inst.. Bishop's 
0011. ,Sch.. .Montæal Genl. Hosp., 
Oharf:ty OI'ganizaUon -SOIC. and Tuber- 
cuI. Lea.gue; a .promoter, Montrea.l 
Typhoid EmeI'g'Ie11cy Hosp., 1910 ; 
apptd. a R-oyal Commr. re Spread of 
'l'ubercu1., 1909; a councillor Alliance 
F?'ançaise, 1909; author: U A Treatise 
on the Insurance Law of Canada" 
(1898), and U Principles of Railway 
Law" (1885); Is Ilquidator of the 
Glasgow and LondJOn Ins. Co. and chief 

gent of the Life Assn. of S('ot.; 8 
Con.; opjp'osed: 10 t'he T>aft-Field1ng 
r.edprocity -c.omopaC't, 1911; a Presb.- 
f81 University St, Montreal; St. 
James's Club; Royal 1Ilontreal Goll 
Club; Montreal Hunt Club, do. 
.. Ve'ry well known and highly regarded." 
-Late. HOll. L. J. Forget. 
Holt, Herbert Samuel, civil engineer; 
Younger s. late Wm. Robt. Grattan 
R.. King's Co.. Ire1.; b. Dublin, Irel., 
1856; e. local sehs.; camel to Can., 
1875; m., 1890, Jessie (a memo comte. 
of mangt. Montreal Maternity Hosp. 
and other institutions), e. d. late 
An-drew Paton, manufacturer. Sher
bI"OOke, IP.Q.; studIed ciV1i1 engdng. In 
I-re.l.; mem. lAm. Soc. C. ,E.. 188
A.IM. Oan. Soc. C. E., d'Ü.; 1M. 
d'O.. do.; ff'O/ffi 1875 1'0 .1883 aated 
l'Y as en gr. .for the JCroolt 
Valley, Vliüt'oif'ia. ;Uake ,Simooe Junc- 
'Ì'i'on. Onlt. & Quebec. and other ry.s. 
In Onto 
 en,gr. and suopd't. of oon- 
struction. Prairie and IMt. Divs.. C. P. 
Ry., 1883-4; c
rrted out extenstve con- 

tracts in Rocky Mts., P. Q. and Stat-e 
of Maine for C. P. Ry.. 1884-9; built, 
in partnership with Messrs. Ross, Mac- 
kenzie and :M.ann (q.v.). the Reogina, 
Qu' Aopopelle and Long Lake and the 
Calgary and Edmonton Rys., aggre- 
g.aotlßlg 550 miles, 1889
92; since t.hen 
has devoted Ihis whole time to financial 
and banking business; Is presdt. Mont- 
real Light. Heat & Power C-o., Royal 
Bank of Can., Montreal Trus-t Co., 
OoloonlioaJ iB100Jdhi:ng & Ptr,intinlg 00., 
KiaJrninds'Liquia POIWffi' 00., Monrt:rea.l 
Gas Co., Oalgary Power CQ., and Imp. 
Writing ,Mlalchinoe tOo.; V.-IP. Steel 00. 
of Oan., .Am. Banikers' Assn., Pierm't. 
Ins. Ag.e11CY, Dom. T'exti1e Coo., and 
n. Baper 00.; dir. M'Onltreal: Oot'tQn 
C'O., Soo'W'inlÏg1a.n Water & 'PlOwe.r 00.. 
Oan. Goo!. IDI.e'cotrIc 100., Car-l:ton HOItel 
CQ., C. P. Ry. 100., OgiIvl.e Flour MHls 
Co.,' Nat. Trust 00., Can. Car 00.. I.;on- 
dlOn 8t. Ry. Co., Detl'o-it Ry.. TOledl() 
Rys. & Lig'hIt 00., Sun Life .Assur. 00.. 
Imp. Life ASiSUr. Co.. and IMi01I1t-e;rey 
Ry. & Li'g;hIt tOo,.; a counoCliHlor. 1M0nlÌ- 
real A'l't .AJSSll'l.; a .ldd'e gov., M'ontre.a.l 
Gen1- Ho.sp.; 'One of rthe IprinlCÍlP31 'Pro- 
moilers of !the Ty1phoïd EmergenlCY 
., MiOnttreal. 1910; a ;Pl'om'O'te-r, 
Can. Land & In'V,est. Co., 189-1; Oan. 
Const,ruc<tion 00., 1896; No
bh .Star 
Mining 00.. 1899; E. N. Heney 00.. 
1904, anò Grand Fa.Hs CQ.. Ltd., 19'10; 
was jpresd<t. Sovereign Bank of Can.. 
1902-4; alsl() formerly presdt. Monltreal 
Park & Island Ry.; -rated as a miNI'On- 
a.ire !by iMloßlÌi1'eal Star, 1911; an Ang. ; 
a 001J'l.-291 St,anley St., Montreal; 
St. James's Club.. Montreal Jockey 
Club; Winter Club; Thistle Curling 
Club; Mt. Royal Club; Royal 2\.font- 
real Golf Club; Royal St. Lawrence 
Yacht Club; Montreal Hunt Club; 
Forest and Stream Club; Montreal 
Racquet Club, do.; Toronto Club; York 
Club, Toronto; Manitoba Club, Winn.i- 
II One of the men who make Canadia 
hum."-Late Sir G. A. Drummond. 
., Essen,tiatly a se1f-oontainoo man
J<JIWed with -an immense capacity 
or hard 
WOl'k, and is full 00 energy an,d applies- 

iQn."-M. Herald. 
Holt, Hi. Honour Philip, C'Ü. Ct. 
S. late Wm. H.. Harbury. Yorkshire, 
Eng.. and Marie (Culert) H.. Berlin. 
Prussia; b. Harbury, Sept. 8, 1852; 
e. Barrie Grammar Sch.; m., Aug'., 
1879, Rebecca. y. d. late Ven. Arch- 
deacon Elwood. rector St. George's 
Ch., Goderich: barrister, 1876; K.C.. 
1899; su.ooessfully .pracbised !his prof. 
at Goderich; a partnf'r In business 
with the late Lt.-Gov. M. C. Campron; 
dJeoputy reev
 6 YJl'8.; a co. cQlUncllflor, 
6 yrs.; warden Co. Huron. 1901-2.; 
apptd. Deputy '-Judge, Co. Huron. July 
16. 1902; do. Junior Judge, do. do.. 
Dec. 10. 1902; ra Senator Western 
UnIv.; an Ang.: Warden St. Gf'orgp's 
Ch.; a del. to the Synod.-Goderich, 
Ont.; National Club, Toronto. 
Hood, Samuel Camel, merchant. 
S. John H.. who came to Weymouth, 
N.S., from Eng.; related to Admiral 
Sir Saml. H.; b. Weymouth; e. there; 
m., 1st, Miss Anne E. Powell (d.); 



2ndly, Miss Annie S. Guest; councillor; 
Mayor Yarmouth, 3rd term; presdt. 
N. S. municipalities; author letters on 
juvenile reform; de
lres a new politi- 
cal party In Can., free fr01I1. II graft- 
ers"; Ang.-Seminary St., Yarmouth, 
N.S.; }'Ierchant8' Club. 
Hoodless, John, manufacturer. 
S. of an early pioneer; b. and e 
Hamilton, Ont.; m., Sept., 1881, 
Adelaide S. (a lady who was founder 
and presd t. of the Onto Normal Sch. 
of Domestic Science and Art, and 
presdt. of the Dom. Y. W. C. A
d., universally regretted, Mch., 1910), 
d. DavId Hunter, Co. Monaghan, lrel.; 
presdt. the .T. H. Furniture Co., Ltd. 
(founded by his father); R memo 
Hamilton Bd. of Trade; formerly 
chairman Hamilton Bd. of Educ.; 
elected presdt. Greater Hamilton 
Assn., 1909; a D.D.G.M., Grand Lodge 
of Fr
masons; has declined nomina- 
tion to the presidency of the Bd. of 
Trade and to a seat in the Legislature; 
a Con., and V.-P. Con. Club; Ang.- 
<I Earl8court," Hamilton, Onto 
Hooper, :Rev. Edward Bertram (An
B. Ont., May 2, 1863; e. U. C. Coll. 
and N. B. Unlv. (B.A., 1881; Alumni 
orator, 1909); o. deacon, 1886; prle,st, 
1887; curate, Andover, 1886; rector 
Harcourt:, 1887-91; do., St. George's 
Ch., Moncton, 1891-1906; sln
e then 
has been rector St. Paul's Ch., St. 
.Tohn, N.B. ; apptd. -ühapiain (wltJh hon. 
rank of capt.), 6:md Regt., 1907; 
el-ectro presdt. Dh. of Eng. lnst., St. 
.John, 1909; re-electoo, 1910; do., 1911; 
is also c'h:aplain St Georg
's Soc., St. 
.JO'hn; a del. Sunday Sch. Convention, 
Louisville, Ky., 1908.-St. Paul'8 Rec- 
t01.y, St. John, N.B. 
.. A clergJman oJ gre-at ability and one 
of the .ablest preachers in the diocese. u - 
St. John Telegraph. 
Hooper, Major George :Robertson, 
2nd s. late Angus C. and Katherine 
(Robertson) H.; b. Montreal, .July 3, 
1862; e. Bishop's ColI. Sch., Lennox- 
"llle, and R M. ColI. (grad., 1882); 
m., ApI., 1894, Margt. Aitken, o. d. late 
.Jahn Hope, Montreal; Is V.-P. Wm. 
Dow & Co., brewers, and 2nd V.-P. 
Nat. Breweries, Ltd.; V.-P., Soc. Pre- 
vention of Cruelty to Animals, and 
Montreal Parks and Playgrounds 
A!"sn.; a dlr. Bishop's ColI. Sch.; one 
of the principal promoters of the 
Typhoid Emergency Hosp.. Montrpal, 
1910; M. F. H., Montreal Hunt, 1896: 
1 !!O
; presdt. Back Ri.ver Polo Club. 
1906; a d-ir. Montrelæl .Tockey Olub, aOod 
Montreal Canine Assn.; elected presdt. 
R. M. ColI. Club, 1911; long In V. m.; 
gazetted 2nd lIeut., 3rd Field Batty., 
1885; promoted lIeut., 1886; capt., 
1891: major, 1895; since 1906 has com- 
manded the Ammunition Park, Mont- 
real: holds 1st class cert., Royal Sch. 
Arty.; Ang.-24 St. lflark St., lf10nt- 
real; lJft. Royal Club: St. James's 
Club: Royal Montreal Golf Club; 
.}10ntreal Jockey Club; lJfontreal 
Hunt Club; Back River Polo Club; 
Fore8t and Stream Club; l.1ilitary 
In1ltitnte; J\fontre(ll Racquet Club j 

,st. George Snow8hoe Club; Winter 
Club, do.; 8ttmme1' re8idence: St. An- 
drew8, N.B. 
Hooper, Samuel, designer and sculp 
B. Devonshire, Eng.; e. there; m., 
1872, Miss .Jane Ferguson Simpson, 
Ðdilnburgh, Scot.; stud'ierd architecture 
with his uncle; came to Can.. 1869: 
lived till 1880 at London, Ont., engd. 
in stone carving and architecture: 
since then at "nnnipeg, whf're he Is 
presdt. H.'s Marble & Granite Co.: 
designed volunteer monument, Winni- 
peg, the Norquay memorial at St. 
.John's, and thf' Seven Oaks memO'f'lal. 
unvf'tled by Lady Selkirk; apptd. 
provl. architect for Man., 1904: elect- 
ed Y.-P. Royal Architectural Inst. of 
Can.. 1909: a Frf'f'mason: an Ang.- 
!'i!i l.Cain St., W(nn(peg. 
(D. London, Ellg., Oct. 19, 1911.) 
Hooper, William Leslie, educationist. 
S. Rev. Wm. H. (Un Iv.) , And Anne 
,Tane (Why tal) H.: b. Halifax. N.S., 
Aug. 2, 1855: e. public s('hs.. Mas
(gmduatf'd Gloucester High Sch., 
1R72), And Tuft's ColI. (B.A., 1877: 
M.A., 1878 
 Ph.D.. lRQ8): m.. 1879, 
MIss Mary E. Heard, Waltham, Mass. : 
Instr. math. and phys. 
clences. "Rrom- 
fif'ld Acad., Howard, Mass., 1878-80; 
prlnclpal do., and sunilt. pUblic schs.. 
town of Howard. 1880-3: asst. prof. 
.f':ics. Tuft's ColI., with chargf' of 
nf'wlv crea ted df'Dt. of etect. englng., 
Ince then prof. of elect. 
f'nging-., do.: fOt" many vt"s. was a 
illY". Somf'rvlI1e Elect. Light Co.: has 
freQuently a('ted flS eynert or consult. 
engr. for ('os. In the U. R and Can.: 
f'lf'('tf'd ff'llow Am. Acad. Arts and 
Sclen('es, Roston, If!86: a 
udge elf'ct. 
exhibits. Chicago World's Fair. 1893; 
memo Intprn. Elect. Congress, St. 
Louis, 1904: has wrlttf'n numerous 
elect. flrtfc1ps. and nllhllsnpd an elect. 
text-book.-Tuft's CoIl.. Mass.: sum- 
mer residence: nr. Sherbrooke, P.Q. 
Hope, :Robert Knight, Onto public ser- 
Scottish origin: S. la te Chas. ,T. F. 
H.; a Ooe-phew late Hon. Adam H 
soenator; b. London. Onlt.: e. U. ë: 
CoIl. ; m. d. late Hon. .Jas. Turner, Sf'n- 
a tor, Hamtlton, Onto (d.): now and for 
some yrs. regr., Co. Wentworth; a gov. 
U. C. Col1.; a veteran In the Can. 
('rlcket field; also well known In the 
Rugby footbal1 fietd and on the local 
golf lln1<s; nlayed again
t naft's Eng. 
team, Dr. W. G. Grace's Eng. team, 
and Fitzgerald and Shaw's Eng. teams; 
formerly presdt. Hamilton Cricket 
Club ,and thf' Hamiiton Club, and a 
llf'l1t. In the ] 3th Regt. (retfred Dec., 
1R76).-Ilamilton, Ont.; Hamilton 
Club, do. 
Hope, William, artist. 
Scottish origin: o. s. late .Tohn H., 
mer('ho.nt, Montreal; b. and e. there; 
m., .Tan., 1897, Constance, e. d. Arthur 
.Jarvis, Toronto; studied for his proto 
In Paris; celebrated for his land. 
scapes; A.RC.A., 1880; RC.A., 1902; 
a councillor, do., 1906; awarded a 
brQn7le med., l4ollt q lanl\. Purchase 



Expn., 1904; Is a memo Montreal Art 
Assn.; Ang.-99,f Dorche8ter St. W. 
Montreal; Mt, Royal Club; Montt'eai 
Jockey Club; Royal Montreal Golf 
Club, do.; 8ummer re8idence: St. An- 
drew8, N.B. 
Hopewell, Charles, contractor. 
S. Andrew and Mary Ann (H-eodley) 
H.; b. South March, Co. Carleton. Ont., 
1864: e. public scl1. and Ottawa CoIl. 
Inst.; m. ,Ann, d. DavJd McMurtry; 
ald., 1900-7; oontroll1er, 1908; mayo.r 
of Ottawa, 1908-11 (and as such re- 
ceivoo The,lr Roy
J HIg'lmesses thE 
Duke and Dudheoss of Connauglht, on 
the.J.r arrival dn oOan.. 1911); elected 
V.-P. for Ont., Un10n (If Oan. Munl o 
olpal1Ues, 1909; do. :presdt. Onto .Munl- 
dpa'l Assn., 1910; a MetJh.; a Free- 
mason, a United Workman and a 
F'orest-er; .Is also a memo Laymen's 
Missy. Movemenl!:; a 00n.-258 Elgi'll 
St., Ottawa; Canadian Club. 
"A man w:ith .ideas."-O. Oitizen. 
Hopkin, Rev, Robert (C'Ûng.). 
Scottish origin; s. late James and 
Janet (Lees) H.; b. Galston. Ayrshlre. 
Scot., Oct. 22, 1862; came to Can. wIth 
hIs parents, 1872; e. Can. Congo Coil.. 
and McGI11 Unlv.; m., Aug., 1890, Miss 
Janet Maxwell, Hamilton, Ont.; o. 
1895: has held pastoratps at Llstowel: 
Ont., Bethlehem Ch., Westmount and 
Kent, OhIo: since Oct. 1904, has been 
pastor :Frañklin AVe. Congo Ch., Cleve- 
land, Ohio; in Montreal was secy. 
Lord's Day Allfance; secy.-treas. Prot. 
Ministerial Assn., V.-P. Dntted Chari- 
ties Organization. Westmount; presdt. 
Montreal Congo Ministerial Assn. and 
presdt. Montreal Single Tax Assn.; 
dlstlng-ulshed as a lect., his repertoire 
including" The Quests of Youth" and 
"The Women of Yesterday and The 
Women of To-day."-Cleveland, Ohio. 
"An earnest and persuasive p.reacber.- 
M. WitnelJlJ. 
Hopkins, Arthur George, journalIst; 
Dom. pulblic serv1ce, 
Eng. origin: e. S. late Geo. H., supdt. 
Foreign sec., Genl. Post-office, St. Mar- 
tins-Ie-grand, London, Eng.. and Sarah 
F. H., Y. d. Ald. Ja!'l. I. Fairall, Ryde, 
I. W.; b. London. Eng.. Mch. 9, 1869; 
e. St. Mark's ColI., Chelsea, Eng.: m., 
1st. Miss Nel1y M. Dewar (d. 19''UI); 
2ndly, Aip.!., 1900, M.lss J{'an oS. Hab- 
kirk, Neetpawa. Onl!:. (d. 1905) ; came I!: 0 
Can.. 1885; Veterinarian (Toronto), 
1891; doctor of Vet. Med., Iowa Rt
Call., 1899; B.S.A., Onot. AgrrIcu1. CoOIl., 
Guelph, Ont., 1898: do. do. Agricui. 
Call., Ames, la., do.; asst. prof. AnImal 
Husbandry, Agricul. CoIl., Wis. Unlv., 
1900-1; vpt. quarantine offr. for CAn. 
In Gt. Brit., 1902; In charg-e Health 
of Anlm<!Js Work. B.C.. 1903: Inspr 
Live Stock Dlv. and Health of Animal!' 
Branch, Dom. Dept. of Agrlcul., 1907; 
author" Veterinary Elements." (2 eds.) 
a handbook for farmers and ag-ricui. 
students; was ed.-In-chlef Farmer8' 
Advocate (Winnipeg), 1904-7; a presb. 
-Winnipeg; Canadian Club
Hopkins, Gerald Holmes, lAwyer. 
S. late Ja8. Holmes and Elizabeth 
H.; b. Arundel, Sussex, Eng., Jan. 10, 

1857; e. there; m.. Jan., 1880, Mls
Rose Adam; barrister, 1879: K.C., 
1908; practises his prof. In Lindsay, 
In partnership with his son. Fre<1k H.; 
enjoys extensive practice; devotes con- 
siderable attention to counsel work; 
for 25 yrs. solicitor town of LIndsay: 
also to Bank of Montreal, and to 
many large commercIal corporations; 
takes great Interest In all sorts of 
manly sports, and I!': a wf'll-known 
curler nnd golfer; Con.; Ang.; be- 
lieves In N. P. and preferential trade 
within the EmpIre; prominent In ch, 
and party councils.-" Al"Undel Hou8e," 
L-fnd8ay, Onto 
Hopkins, John Castell, editor and 
Eng. parentage; S. John C. and 
PheLla Heude-hourck H.; b. Dyers- 
vH1e, Iowa. U.S., A;pI. I, 1864; e. Bow- 
manvlllp publIc and ht
h sehs.; m., 
Oct., 1906, Annie ReA.trlce 1'lary, d. 
late J. J. Bonner. Toronto; for some 
yrs. In service of the Imp. Bank; 
tater was nsso. ed. Toronto Dail?1 Em- 
pire; resigned to devote himself to 
,JltbeTaJTY pursuits, 1893 : h
many articles to the We8tmln8ter Rev., 
A81atic Quartei"Zy, United Service Mag., 
Forum, Am. JOU1'naZ of Politir8, North 
Am. Review, Can. Mag., National Re- 
view, London Time8, New York Tri- 
bune, Gla8gow Herald, Univer8it11 
Mag., Economic Rev., mc.; his llterary 
works are: "Toronto: An Historical 
Sketch" (1893); .. Life and Wo.rk 
of Sir John Thom;pson" (1895); 
" Life .and W'Ork 'Of Mr. Gla.d- 
st'Ûne" (1895); .. T.he ,sword of IS!l3.m ; 
or, Annals .of Turl{1\!':'h Power" (1896): 
" Queoen VIC'torla: Her Life and Reign" 
(1896) ; "The Story .of -the Dom:ln.i<m .. 
(1899); "History .of South Af.rlca" 
(1900); .. The Progress of Canada ofn 
the 19th OenrtuTY" (1900); and "LIf
of Elng Edward VII." (1910); ed. 
.. Morang's Annual Re.g!ster of Can. 
Affalfls" (1901); do. "Canada: An 
Ency.DI.opæd:la 'Of the Country" (6 
vols., 1897-1900); since 1902 has 
wr!N.en "Th.p Cl3.n. Annual Rev. 01' 
Public Affairs"; author of the fol- 
lowing opan1ophlets : .. The Progress 
of Imperial Federation." " Links 
of Union between Australofa and 
Canada... "Canada and the Em- 
pIre," "A Study <Yf Brit. Connec- 
tion," .. The Position 'Of Canada," 
.. The Inter-Colonial Conference," "The 
AmerIcan Situation," .. Canl3.da under 
the Que.en," "Review of Ca n. Litera- 
ture and Journalism," "A Can. View 
of the South African Question," 
.. Chronology of Can. History from 
1867 tiO 1901," .. History of the Cana- 
d'ian Club .Move<rn.ent," and .. The 
Orlg1n and History of Empire Day": 
contributor 'Ìo -Appleton's .. Annual 
CYclopædla," .. Encyclopedia Amerl- 
cana," and .. United Editors' Ency- 
c.1opædla,"; F.S.S.; memo extve. comte. 
Can. Soc. 'Of Authors. Onto Hlst. 
Soc.. and Niagara Hlst. Soc.; was 
ge<'y. Can. 'bran.c.h, Imp.. Federation 
League and js memo extve. comte., Empire League; del. Congress 
of Chambers of COIn.tIleroe of tlw! 



Empire. London, Eng., -1896; was a 
memo Toron to High Sch. Bd.; hon. 
secy., SIr John Macdonald Memorial 
Comte., Toron-to, 1893-4; 'Presdt. o.l bhe 
Empire Club of Oanad
, 1910-11. and 
one ol Its lounders in 1903; edited for 
S yn. Its Annual V-olume ol Speeches; 
a Con. and formerly presdt. Toronto 
Y.oung Men's Con. Assn.; an Ang.- 
8 Oakla?ld8 Ave., Toronto; Albany 
Club; RoyaZ Canadian Yacht Club; 
Empire Club, do. 
Horn, David, Dom. public service. 
B. Gla.s'gow, Scat., 1849; e. there and 
in Can.; m., 1889, Miss Isabella Woods, 
E. T.; for 15 yrs. engd. In the mill- 
ing and contracting- business, assocI- 
ated with Alex. Nairn, Winnipeg; ap- 
ptd. chief grain Inspr. for Man., Sept., 
1888; do. do., for Can., Sept., 1899; 
resigned, 1910; ha,s since been man gr. 
of an elevator co., Port Arthur; was 
presented with a sliver service on 
leaving Winnipeg; a memo Royal 
Comn. .on Grain In
ion. 1907; a. 
Presb.-Port Arthur, Ont; Manitolìa 
Club, Winnipeg. 
.. Ranks the world's highest 
authorities on everything pertaining to 
grain."-M. Herald. 
Horner, :Rev, Ralph Cecil (Holiness 
B. T-p. Clarendon, Co. Ponot1ac, P.Q., 
Dec. 22, 1854; e.. local sdhs., Renfrew 
(Ont.) High Sch., and Nat. Seh. of 
Elocution and Oratory, Philadelphia 
(B.O., 1886); m., Nov., 1890, Ann,le 
E.. d. Kenne1h .McDonald, FaH-owfield, 
Ont.; entd. Meth. min,lstry, 1882; o. 
(Me-th.), 1887; 'held s>eveTal .pastor- 
ates; sus]}el1'ded from the Meth. Ch. 
for ohooslng to do evang-eUsUc iTaJt'her 
tlhan pastoral work, 1895; out of his 
labours there 'bas sprun
 up -a denom- 
Inat10n known as the Holiness Move- 
ment Dh.; this oh. !has confs. In Onl1:., 
M'an. and Mich.; it also maintains 
missionaries In Africa and China; 
t'he founder of the Holiness Movemen1 
CoH., Ottawa, which was op
ned, Nov., 
1895; author o,f several tracts and 
other 'Publloatlons.-77 Florence St., 
Horning, LeWis Emerson, education- 
U. E. L. descent; S. .Jas. at1d Eliza 
(Macklem) H.; b. Norwich. Ont., ApI. 
!. ] 858: e. Brantford CoHo Ynst.. Vic- 
toria Unlv., Toronto (B.A., Prince 
of Wales g'old mel1. and Rilvf'r med. 
In phil., 1884), Unlv. of BresJau. 
Untv. of Götttng-en (Ph.D.. 1891). and 
Un Iv. of Lelpzlg; m., 1885, Beatrice 
Li11lan (B.A., Victoria. 1895), d. Chas. 
Nixon. U Woodview," St. George. Ont.: 
taug-ht Peterboro' con. Inst., ] 884-6; 
asst. prof. classics and mod. lang-s., 
Victoria Un Iv., ] 8R6-91: prof. German 
and Old En g". , 1891-1905: since then 
has been prof. Teutonic phl1ology; has 
been an examr. In arts, Toronto Unlv., 
and one of the Central Bd. of Examrs.. 
Onto Dept. of Educ.; founded Nelles 
8cholar., Toronto Unlv.; elected a sena- 
tor, do., 1904; is hon. presdt. French 
and German Club; one of the pro- 
moters Northumberland Hlst. Soc.; his 
literary contributions Include a Ger- 

man composition for 
chs. (1895), be- 
sides numerous articles In the period- 
Icals of the day, Including several on 
Can. literature, the history and pro- 
gress of which he has made a special 
study; also In collaboration with L. 
J. Burpee (q.v.), .. A Bibliography of 
Can. Fiction to (1904); an advancell 
Lib.; a Meth.-Victoria University, 
Toronto; II COldblow," Cobourg, Oltt. 
U Has a good reputation 
n. oouoat.10'Il181 
and literary circles."-Late Geo. Murray. 
Horsey, Edwin E" company omclal. 
S. late R. M. H., chief of police, 
Klng-ston, Ont.; b. and e. there; m. 
(wife d. ApI., 1907): formerly on the 
press; apptd. gent mangr-. Onto and 
Bay of Quinte Nav, Co., Feb., 1906.- 
King8ton, Onto 
Horsey, Rev, Herbert E. (Ang,). 
A bro. of E. E. H. (q.v.); h. King- 
ston. Ont.; e. Queen's Unlv. (B.A. A.nll 
gold mf'l1. In math.. 1886; M.A., 
1887); B.D. 
Montreal Dloc. The-ol. 
co-n.), 1897; m., Aug., 1891, Laura W., 
d. Wm. Rees, Kingston, Ont.; electeð 
prf'sdt. Montreal TheoJ. con. Assn., 
1902; formerly rector Abbotsford, P.Q. ; 
tor St. Paul's Ch., Montreal.- 
1729 Dufferin St., Montreal. 
Horton, Albert, official reporter. 
S. late Orin and Sarah H.; b. Wolfe 
Island. Ont., Oct. 29, 1853; e. Kingston 
and Toronto, Ont.; m., July, 1905, Miss 
Margt. Graham, Musquodoboft, N.S. 
(long connect('d with the press; a 
memo and founder Can. Women's Press 
Club): formerly a prominent Can. 
journalist. but now and for many yrs. 
a memo .. Hansard to staff (H. C.). Ot- 
tawa: apptd. chlf'f of the II Hansard to 
statT, Se-pt. 1, 1908: a dlr. Can. Peace 
and ArbltraHon SOoC., 1907; a Unolot., 
and ;presd1.. of the Parish Bd., 011. of 
Our Father, Ot 1 ta.wa.-!08 Clem ow Ave., 
U Capable, inte1ligent and popu1ar."- 
Late John Oharlton, M.P. 
Horwood, Edgar Lewis, architect. 
B. Eng-., 1868; f'. St. JohTJ's ColI.. 
Frome; tn. o. d. 113.t-e John MaYlbf'rry, 
Preo..<:cott, Ont.; came to Can., 188:!: 
studied for his -prof. N. Y. and Buftal'O; 
has sU<'0f' 'Practised dn Ott-awa 
sin'C'e 1893; h
lld of firm H & Taylor; 
d,eslgne-d Cerneg'ie Public Library, St. 
Luke's Hosp.. and other Important anll 
attractive edlficps In OttAwa; elected 
presdt. Ottawa Chapter, Onto Assn. or 
Architects, 1907-9; a gov. St. Luke's 
Hasp.; g-azetted a 11 ('ut. , 43rd Regt., 
ApI.. 1906.---"05 Metcalfe St., Ottawa; 
Rideau Club; Laurentian Club, do. 
Horwood, Hon, Sir William H., chief 
t. In})n's. Nftd.. Nov. ñ. 1862; 
e. prlncf.pal1y Bp. FleJ1id ColI.; m. 
JuUa, d. Rf'v. G. Hutohlnson; bar- 
rister, 1886; bencher Law SOoC., 
1891; K.C., 1895; elected 
o Ntd. 
hr. 1 g!j4. 1 R'I7. pnll 1 '100: ('01. 
Seocy., 18Q4-5; Extve. CouncILlor, 1894- 
7 and 1900-2; Act.lng Atty.-Genl., 1897 ; 
Mlnr. of Justice and Atty.-Genl. of 
Nfd., 1900-2; del. from Govt. of Nfd. 
to Ottawa Conf., to dlscUQ with mem. 



bers of Can. Cabinet terms of pro- 
posed union of the colony with Can., 
1895; acted as leader of the Govt., 
1901; Chief Justf.ce of Nfd, since 
1902; admr. of the GOyt. on several 
occasions since 1902; knightpd. 1904: 
AJ1g.-13 Church Hill ß Bt. John'sß Nfd. 
HOBJdn, John, lawyer. 
S. RIchard H., HOlsworthy, Devon- 
shire, Eng.; b. t'here, May, 1836: e. 
London, Eng.; came to Can., 1854; 
LL.D. (hon.), Toronto Unlv., 1899; 
D.C.L. (do.), Trln. Unlv., 1904; m., 
1866, Mary Agnes (d. .July, 1910), o. 
d. late Walter Mackenzie, barrister, 
Castle Frank, Toronto; barrister, 1863 ; 
K.C. (E. of Duft'erin), 1873; long suc- 
cessfully practised his prof. In Toronto; 
a partner for some time of the late 
D'Alton McCarthy. Q.C., M.P., and the 
lal1<e B. B. Osler, Q.C.; was -one of the 
leaders of the chancery bar; for some 
yrs. head of the firm of McCarthy, 
Osler, H., & Harcourt; formerly a 
benc'her, Law Soc. of U. C.; chairman, 
Bd. of Trustees, Toronto Unlv" up to 
1906; do., Bd. of Govs., do., 1906-10; 
Guardian ad litum and Official Guar- 
dian of Infants, Ont., 1874-1902; since 
then has been advisory counsel to hig 
successor, F. W. Harcourt, K.C. (q.v.) ; 
Is a trustee, Toronto Genl. Hosp.; V.-P. 
Can. Landed! & Nat. Invest. Co., Brit. 
Am. Assur. Co., and Western Assur. 
Co.; a dlr., Can. Bank of Commerce, 
'l'oronto Genl. Trusts Corpn. (for many 
yrs. presdt.), and Consumers' Gas Co. ; 
his portrait painted by Harris (q.v.) 
for the Bd. of Govs., Toronto Univ., 
1910; a memo Plymouth Brethren.- 
Home Life Bldg., Toronto; "Arma- 
dale," Tunbridge Wells, Eng.; Toronto 
Club, T01'onto,' Grosvenor Club, Lon- 
don, Eng. 
HOBmer, CharleB Budolph, capitalist. 
S. late Hiram Pratt and Mary 
(Briggs) H.; b. Coteau Landing, P.Q., 
Nov. 12, 1851; e. there; m., 1878, Miss 
Clara .Jane Bigelow, Monttreal; gained 
business experience, In part, with the 
G. T. Ry. Telegraph Co.; sUbsequently 
joined the Dom. Tel. Co., of which he 
became supdt.; later was preSdt. and 
man gr. Can. Mutual Tel. Co.; apptd. 
mangr. C. P. R'Y. !tel. systerr., 1886: 
retired, to devote himself to other fields 
of enodeaV'Our, 18.99; ,is iPresdlt. Ogilvie 
Fl()'U,r MÆfils 00. I3.nd E. N. Heney 00.; 
V.-'P. Commercial Crable Co. ; .a d:ir. C.. 
P. Ry., Bank of Montreal, Royal TruSlt 
Co., Dom. Textile Co., Sun Life Assur. 
Co., Carlton Hotel Co., C. Meredith & 
Co., Laurentide Pulp Co., War Eagle 
Mlnin,g Co., Edwardsburg Starch Co., 
Dom. Express Co., Centre Star Mining 
Co., Acadia Coal Co.. Montreal Light, 
Heat & Power Co., Laurentide Paper 
Co., ConsolidJated Mining & Smelting 
Co., Can. Sta.rch Co., Can. Paper Co., 
Kakabeka Power 00., Postal TelegI'aPh 
Cable Co., HaUrfax & Bermudas Cable 
Co., West Kootenay Power & Light Co., 
Direct West Ind'ia Cable Co., London 
& Lancashire Life Ins. Co., Plllow- 
Hersey Mfg. Co., and Colonial Bleach- 
Ing & Printing Co.; a coundUor Mont- 
real Art Assn. and Children's Aid Soc. ; 
a gov. Montreal GenJ. Hosp., Western 
Hosp.. Royal Victoria Hosp. and 

Alexandra Hosp.; V.-P. Montreal 
Tubercul. AssllI.; promoter Pacific Coal 
Co., 1901, Electrical Flour Patents 
Co., 1904, and Kamlnlstfqula Power 
Co., 1905; rated as a millionaire by 
Montreal Star, 1911; one of the 23 
men who are, according to the Mont- 
real Standard, at the basis of Can. 
finance, 1909; presented to and was 
the guest of the late King Edward, 
1909; 'p.resent, by Invitation, at unvefl- 
in-g of Memorial to Queen Victoria, 
London, Eng., 1911; a Con.; a Proto 
-SO! Drummond St., Montreal; Mt. 
Royal Club; St. J ames'8 Club; M ont- 
real Jockey Club; Winter Club; Royal 
St. Lawrence Yacht Club; Forest and 
Stream Club; Royal Monh'eal Golf 
Club; Auto and Aero Club; Canadian 
Club; JIontreal Club; Montreal Hunt 
Club; St. George Snowshoe .Club, do.; 
Rideau Club, Ottawa; Yorlc Club, 7'0- 
ronto; 8ummer residences: Dorval, 
P.Q., and St. Andrew8, N.B. 
"Above aJil eLse, a w,orke-r."-Oa11.. 
"A good fell<ow in e.very sense."-La" 
Lt.-Ool. .4.. .4.. Steven8on. 
"One of the m()st poogre&sive men in 
the finanoia.l world."-M. Herald. 
"Ever .a.leTt and faithful t'O his dut.ies; 
has a wonderfu.l oapacity for work, &nd 
neveT Ures of it."-M. Witne88. 
.. Kee'll, fa
r-see'inog, acute, a.lld not to be 
impo.sed upo.n, he trea.ts the world f,a.irl)., 
and expects fa.i'r treatme.nt ill' re-turn."- 
S. N. 
HOBmer, Lt,-Col. Edward Arthur 
ChriBtopher, farmer. 
S. Rev. A. H. H. (Ang.) and Ellen 
(Fagan) H., d. Genl. Fagan, C.B.; 
grands. Admiral H., H.E.I.S. ; b. 
Madeira, Aug. 5, 1853; e. private tutor; 
m., 1883, Louise, sister Sir Hy. .Jufa., 
Speaker Ho. of Assembly, Cape Town; 
gazetted 2nd Ueut., Royal West Kent 
Regt., 1874; served through the Galeka 
and Galka Wars, S. Africa, 1877-9 
(wounded; mentioned In despatches; 
med. with 2 clasps) ; the Basuto War, 
1881 (med. with clasp) ; oame to Can., 
1885; settled at Virden, where he 
farms extensively, and Is presdt. of the 
Virden Agrlcul. Soc. and the Fanners' 
Elevator Co.; also, a trustee Con- 
solidated Virden Sch. and a memo of 
the advls. bd. of the prov1. Agricul. 
ColI.; was second In command of the 
5th Can. Mounted Rifies in S.A., 1902; 
la ter, was It.-col. oommò'g. tJhe 12th 
Man. Dragoons, and was apptd. to thp 
command of the 4th Cay. Brigade, M.D. 
No. 10, Apt, 1909; holds the long- 
service decoration: F.R.C.I., 1884 ; 
elected V.-P. Can. Caval. Assn., 1910; 
a Lib.-Oon., and .a SUIWOrter of Mr. 
ChamberlaIn's policy; an Ang.-" The 
Maples," Virden, Man.; Royal Colonial 
In8t., London ß Eng. 
HOBBack, Donald Calvin, lawyer. 
S. late .Jas. and Barbara (Bethune) 
H., former from Ross-shire, the latter 
from Edllnburgh, Scot.; b. Tp. Hamilton, 
CO'. Northumberland, Ont.. ApI. 20, 
1862; e. VIClt.oria Univ. (B.A., 1883; 
M.A., 1886; LL.B., 1888) and Knox 
ColI., Toronto (grad., 1889): m. Miss 
Lucinda Emily Ross; barrister, 1886; 



successfully p,ractised his prof. at Co- 
bourg, anod subsequently In Toronto: 
n'O'W In aotlve 'Practloe there: o. 
(,PreSlb.), 1889: ;pastor, Om ngevme, 
Ont., 1889-9.3: do. Parkdal'e 011., To- 
ront(), 1893-9; pastor, Door Park Oh., 
Toronto, 1901-8; moderator, 1.'or<mto 
Presby., 2 -teruns: d.ff"Hnoo call .00 1st 
Oh., FrankÞin, \Pa., 1902, and 1st Oh., 
C'rupetown, 'S.A., 1903: ed. Ibhe P1.esb. 
Rev. for some months; author: .. The 
Gospel of -the Home" (1903); a Lib.; 
sfuHy contested N. 'roronto, 
Se8Jt .. B" (Local), g. e. 1908; OIP- 
posed .to the Taft-Flel.cHng rreclpr.oo!:ty 
a;gl'oeemen t, 1911.-C1'own Life Blclg., 
.rontD; Grace Terrace, Moore Pm.'e, 
U Was a ,preacher of e!Xcepbion.aJ fOO'ce 
and e'Loquence."-T. Globe. 
Hough, Pranklin Arthur, lawyer. 
E. and o. s. s. Hy. H., M.A., LL.D., 
Toronto, a former Can. journalist: b. 
Cobourg, Ont.; e. there and Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., 1888): m., Oct., 1901, 
Susie Lorne, o. d. late Jas. Turvllle, 
Amherstburg, On t.; successfully prac- 
tises his prof. at Amherstburg; mayor 
of that town, 1907-8: Meth.-Amherst- 
burg, Onto 
Hough, John Stanley, lawyer. 
A iSucoesg,ful memo ()f the Winnilþeg 
bar: m., Moh., 1896, JuUa F1ra.nces d 
late Jobn Ohaft'ey, NoewJooro', O
K.C. (E. of iA:berdeen), 1893; a òdr. 
Home LI.fe Assn. of Can., and a Can. 
dlr. Royal Exchange Assur. Corpn. ot 
Lond()n, Eng.; Ang.-Winnipeg; Mani- 
toba Club, do. 
Houghton, Bev, ErneBt John (Ang.). 
, on father's side, Eng.; 
on mother s, Eng. and French. b 
Montreal, Dec. 4, 1853; e. In Eng.' and 
McGill Unlv.: unm.: o. deacon, 1877; 
t, 1878; successively curate St. 
Paul s, Upper Lachine, and St. Luke's, 
Montreal; rector, LongueuH, P.Q.; 
vicar St. Luke's, Gloucester, Eng. ; 
vicar, Brookthorpe, do.; now rector 
St. Stephen the Martyr, Bristol, Eng.; 
formerly asst. diocesan missioner, Dlo. 
Gloucester and Bristol' acting chap- 
lain H. M.'s Foot Gds., WelUngton 
Barracks, and 3rd Batt., Gloucester 
Regt. ; diocesan representative for 
Glastonbury Abbey; has done much 
work for ex-soldiers, and Is V.-P. 
Bristol Junior Veterans' Assn., under 
presidency of Lord Roberts; an ac- 
complished musician, violoncellist. 
has successfully exhibited in water
colour socS. and exhns.; author of vari- 
ous sermons, verses, and translations, 
and of spvcral musical composltions.- 
St.. Stephen's Rectory, 10 Charlotte St., 
Bnstol, Eng. 
Houghton, MiB8 Margaret, artist. 
D. late J. G. K. H., advocate, Mont- 
real, þrev,lolliJly a Meut. H.oM.'s 171th 
Regt., and Harriet, d, Rev. Joseph 
Ab1:)ooH (Ang.), a. ntlec
 of the late Hon. 
Sir J. J. C. Abbott, Prime MinI'. of 
Can.: b. 'Montreal, Sept. 23, 1865: 
studied tor hoer 'PrOof. under Bougeree.u. 
Fleury and others, Paris; has become 
IJtrongly Imbued with the idea of the 

IJ1IOdern impressionistic soh,; has won 
much sucèess; exhibits occasionally In 
Can.-Poste Resronte, Dol Le BrFtogne, 
Ille-et- Vi lain e, France. 
Houston, 1IIrB" retired vocaUst; 
Augusta Louisa, y. d. late Hon. J. B. 
Robinson, Q.C., M.P.; sister Sir J. B. 
Robinson, Bart. (q.v.), and of Mrs, 
Forsyth Grant (q.v.); b. and e. To- 
ronto; m., Oct. 8, 1898, Stewart 
Field Houston (d. Feb., 1910), barris- 
ter, s. Ven. Arohdea
on H. (q.tI.); 
amid her many social duties found 
time to cultivate a very admirable 
voice, which she had Inherited from 
her mother; went to New York to 
study under Signor Agramonte; a few 
yrs. later, decided to undertake sing- 
Ing professionally, and proceeded to 
Paris, where she studied under Mad- 
ame La Borde, and London, where she 
completed her vocal training with Ran- 
degger and Henschel; was associated 
with Maud Valerie White, the eminent 
woman composer, In a number of reci- 
tals In London, and also made a num- 
ber of appearances In London at St. 
James' Hall, Queen's Hall, and other 
places: was on tour with Plunkett 
Greene, Ben Davies, Marie Brema, and 
other notable artists; returning to 
Can. in 1895, achieved great success In 
Massey Hall In .. The Creation": In 
1896-7, was a memo of Mme. Albanl's 
(q.tI.) concert party on her tour of 
Can. and the U. S.; In 1899 sang on 
tour with Plunkett Greene In Can.; In 
1899-1900 sang on behalf of the Dom. 
Patriotic Fund of the South African 
War, In a large number of cities, and 
as a result of this series of entertain- 
ments arranged by her husband some 
$10,000 was obtained for patriotic pur- 
poses: then retired from the concert 
stage; Is deeply interested In the work 
of the Soc. for Prevo of Cruel. to AnI- 
mals, Is V.- P. of the Humane j3oc., 
Toronto, and has latterly delivered ad- 
dresses In several cities on the sub- 
ject; Ang.-5 Cluny Ave., Toronto; 
Toronto Ladies' Club; Ladies' Empire 
Club, London, Eng. 
HouBtOn, The Very Beverend Stuart 
B. Tp. Ramsay, Co. Lanark, Ont., 
1834; e. Carleton Place High Sch. .and 
Trin. Univ., Toronto (B.A., and genl. 
prlzeman for genl. proficiency In div. 
class, 1857: M.A. and prize essayist, 
1863; D.C.L., 1908); m., 1865, d. late 
Rev. R. Gregory Cox; o. deacon 'lnd 
priest, 1859; mlssy., Art:hur, 1859-66; 
Incumbent Grace Ch., Waterdown, 1 
78; since then, up to 1910, IhM been 
rector Clifton (now Niagara Falls); 
pastor emeritus, 1910; canon Christ Ch, 
Cath., Hamilton, 1875; archdeacon of 
Niagara, 1894: dean of Niagara, 1902; 
takes a warm Interest In the prose- 
cution of historical research, especially 
In connection with the Niagara 
frontier, and has been corr. secy. 
Lundy's Lane Hlst. Soc.; a del. to the 
Synods; a Con.-The Rectory, Niagara 
Falls, Onto 
"Alw.aye a' gentleman and a. man ol 
h On()UT. "-001. Oruik8hank (q.v.). 



Bouston, WiWam, journall.t. 
S. Jas. H., a native of the Orkney 
Islands, and, Janet (Young) H., a 
native of Glasgow, Scot.; b. Lanark, 
ant., Sept. 9, 1844; e. pUblic schs. and 
Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1872; M.A., 
18;4); m., 1883, Jane Hood, y. d. Jas. 
Ewing, Galston, Ayrshlre, Scot.; com- 
menced newspaper career as a re- 
porter for the Toronto Daily Globe, 
becoming soon afterwards a leafier 
writer on the same paper; subsequently 
was suooessfvely on the eð. staff or 
the St. .Tolhn Daily Telegraph and 
the Toronto Liberal; was f'or a 
time on the too.ching .staff .of one 
of the high schs.; librarian, ant. Provl. 
Library, 1883-92; dlr. of Teachers' 
Inst.8., Ont., 1892-9; later was, up to 
1904, pUblic sch. Inspr. for Manitoulin 
and Algoma; lect. on Can. constltu- 
Uonal hlst., Toronto Unlv., 1906; now, 
and for some Ume, again -employed on 
ed. staff, Toronto Globe; a senator, To- 
ronto Univ.. 1882-1904; also a senator, 
Knox Coil.; memo Bd. of Educ., To- 
ronto, 1908-10; V.-P. Dickens' Fellow- 
ship, Toronto, 1905; do. Toronto Suf- 
frage Assn., 1908; memo advls. coonoi,l, 
Toronto Presb. Ladles' CoIl., 1906; one 
of the -commrs. apptd. to enquire Into 
the workIng of 1.he municipal systems 
of other countries, 1887; has held office 
as presdt. of the Univ. of '1'oronto Pol. 
Science Assn., the Orkney and Shet- 
land Islanders' Soc., and the Sch. of 
Pedag.; for several yrs. carried on 
courses of lectures on historIcal sub- 
jects In conneC'tlon with the Unlv. Ex- 
tensIon movement; Is an hon. memo 
Can. Press Assn.; author of various 
papers contributed to 'Var8Uy, Ma8- 
8ey'a Mag., and to the Proc. of the Can. 
Inst., Young Men's Lib. Olub. and 
Scottish Home Rule Assn.; contri-buted 
.. Geo. Brown 8S I Remember Him" 
for the SouvenIr No., Brantford Ex- 
p08Uor, 1895; edited" Documents Illus- 
tra tlve of the Can. ConsUtution " 
(1891); has lectured on "Some Im- 
perlal Problems," .. Primary Rea-ding 
In Relation to Expressive ReadIng," 
.. The 80lence o.f Soc-l 01 ogy," " The 
Evolution of Higher Education for 
Women," "The Cul1.ure Use of Eng. 
Literature," and "Territorial Insti- 
tutional Ev'OlutIon I()f Can."; a T.1Ib.; a 
Presb. -9 Howland Ave., Toronto; 
Schoohnen'8 Club, do. 
"Remarkablv able and well informed."- 
Lord Aberdeen (q.v.). 
"Few men in Canadi
n jOUJ:I'IJ-aliøm are 
bette'r equipped. for the work of editorial 
writing."-Dr. J. S. WiUiøon (q.".). 
Bow, Thomas :p" banking profession. 
Originally a Toronto boy; entd. ser- 
vice of Bank of Toronto, 1877; was 
mangr. of the bank at GananoQue, 
Brockvllle and London, Ont.; mangr" 
Montreal branch, 1894-1911: sln.ce then 
has been genl. man gr. of the bank; a 
d'ir. -Crown Trust 00.; m.-Toronto: 
York Club, do.; Canada Club; St. 
Jamea'8 Club, Montreal. 
"A careful and conservative banker."- 
M. Gazette. 
Howard, Bev, ADen LesUe (Fresb.), 
8. Stephen M. and Lavllla M. H.; b 
Bond Head, Unt., 1873; e. Bradforèl, 

Newmarket, Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1901; 
M.A., 1903; Ph. D., 1908) and N.Y. 
City; m., 1905, Grace Lillian, o. d. late 
Nicholas Awrey, M.P.P,; graduated 
Knox CoIL, Toronto, 190.:1; 0., do.; 
past'Or Cayuga Presb. Coh., 1903-7 ; 
pastor Kemptvflle and Oxford Mills, 
Onlt., 1!}07-1Ð: pas1.ür P.eOO'ia, III., Ino- 
11; since then pastor at Napanee, 
On t.; for 2 yrs. a pUblic sch. teacher; 
author some short poems; also "7,000 
facts about Temperance" (1908); a 
Lib.; believes that all social problems 
are to be solved by the teaching of 
Jesus.-Napanee, Onto 
Howard, Major Donald Macdonald, 
R.N W.!V1. Police. 
Bro. Rev. .T. S. H. (q.v.); b. To- 
ronto, Feb. 6, 1861: e. Trln. CoIl. Soh., 
Port Hope, and Trln. Unlv., Toronto 
(B.A., 1881) ; m., ApI., 1895,. Mary, 3rd 
d. .Tohn Thornton Bulloch, Kmgston-on- 
Thames, Eng.; capt., 10th Grenadiers, 
Toronto, 1887; served as a lfeut. In 
tl1a t regt. during the N.- W. Re bemon, 
1885 and was present at the engage- 
ments at Fish Creek and the taking 
of Batoche (med. and clasp); entd. 
service R. N. \V. M. Police, as an 
Inspr., Nov., 1890; for 2'n yrs. was 
In charge of Herschel Island, the 
most northerly customs port, post 
office and judicial dlst. In the world; 
served In the S. A. War, 1900-01, In 
Lord Strathcona's Horse, as capt., and 
later as major (med. and 4 clasps) 
Ang.-AtJutba8ka Landing, Alta. 
Howard :Brastus Edwin, lawyer. 
S Re
. E. S. H. (Meth.); b. P. Q.; 
e McGill Unlv. (B.A., with gold med. 
Iit math. and physics, 1895; B.C.L., 
98); m., ApI., 1906, Evelyn Isobel, 
d. S. S. Peverley; advocate. 1899; suc. 
cessfully practises his prof. In Mont- 
real as a memo of the firm of Mc- 
Lennan, H. & Aylmer; eleded presdt. 
Can. Club, Montreal, 1908; re-eloec1.ed 
rep. fellow in law, McG.J\ol Uß'lv., 1911. 
-.J8 Hampton Ct. Apa1.tment8
7'eal' University Club; Canadian Club; 
on8fìeld Golf Club; Canada Cl
Club Lafontaine; Mont1'eal CurlmD 
Club; We8tmount Golf Club
Howard, Major John, N.S. public ser- 
B. Halifax, N.S., .Tune 17, 1856; e. 
In Eng. and on the Continent; on his 
return engd. in commercial pursuits In 
N.S.; joined staff High Commr. for 
Can. in London, Dec., 1882: apptd. 
Agent-Genl. for N. S. In London, 1891 : 
now the senior Colonial representative 
there in point of length of service; 
formerly an offr. 66th Regt., Halifax; 
subsequently of the Surrey Rifles; 
apptd. major, King's Colonials (King 
Edward's Horse), 1903; an experl 
rIfle and revolver shot; won 81. 
George's Challenge Cup, the Loder 
Cup, and other prIzes, at Blsley ; a V.-P. 
Colonial Club, London; present at 
Royal reception at the opening of th
Imp. Inst., Lond'on, 1893; presented to 
the la-te King Edward, 1902, and, 1<8 tel", 
to the present rnonarcl1 of Eng.-Nova 
Scotia Office, London, /!Jng.; Colonial 
Club, do. 
h An Imp(>rin}
"t of the k(>oen
M 1On.,..- 



Howard, Rev, John Scott (Ang.). 
S. late A. McL. and Wilhelmina 
(Macdonald) H.; b. Toronto, Oct. 2U, 
1856; e. U. C. Coli., Trin. Coll. 
Port Hope and Trin. Uni v, (B.A., 
O; M.A., 1882): m.. June, l
Emma Louise, 3rd d. John Russell, 
Toronto; o. deacon, 1882; priest, 1
t. Matthew's, Toronto, 1

1901; since then has been rector, New- 
castle, Ont.-7'he Rectory, Newca8tle, 
Howard, Mrs, Mabel (see Harrison, 
.Miss Mabel), 
Howard, Hon, Mrs, Margaret Char- 
lotte, married woman. 
O. c. and heir 1st Lord Strathcona 
and Mount Royal (q.v.): b. and e. 
Can.; ro., Montreal, F1eb., 1888, Robert 
.Tared Bliss Howard, M.D. (q.v.); a 
new pa ten t of peerag-e was granted her 
father with remainder to her, as his 
only daughter, 1900; gave $ãO,OOO to 
McGill Vnlv. for improvements to the 
med. building, 1899; presented to 
Queen Victoria, Windsor Castle, .Tuly, 
1886, and agaIn, .Tune, ]8118, and to 
their Majesties the late King and 
the Queen M()t'her, Windsor Castle, 
.Tune, 190
; presented, with Dr. H., to 
King Ge-orge and Queen Mary, 
ingham Palace, .Tune, 1911, and was 
pl'e.s.ent at the Corona.tion of their 
MiajestIes; Ang.-S1 Queen Anne St., 
Cavendi8h Square W., London, Eng. 
Howard, Rev, OBwald Wilfred (Ang.) 
2nd s. late Veo. and Sarah (WIll- 
iams) H., Watford, Onto ; b. Co. MIddle- 
sex, Ont., Aug. 6, 1869; e. Watford 
Public Schs., Strathroy CoIl. Inst., 
Ont. Normal ColI., (diploma), Huron 
Coli., London, Onto (Dean Boomer's 
Scholar. for genl. proficiency) Toronto 
Vniv. (B.A. with 1st class h
nours In 
modern Eng. Lit., and Gov.-Genl.'s gold 
med., 18'/6) and Montreal Dioc. Theo!. 
Coli. (B.D., I!!OO); m., .Tune, 1901, 
GeorgIna Lee, 4th d. late Rev. John 
Gillespie, (Ang.) Toronto; o. deacon 
1894; priest, 18:18; taught in Onto pub
lIc schs., 1887-9; classical and math. 
master, Rothesay (N.B.) Ch, Schs., 
1891-3; principal, do., 1896-8; asst. 
mlnr. St. George's Ch, Montreal (under 
late Bp. CarmIchael), 1898-1901; since 
then Prof. ot Apol. and Ch. History, 
Montreal Diocesan Theo!. Coli.; de- 
clined call as rector St. .Tames Ch., 
Stratford, Onto (as the successor to 
Bp. Williams) Mch., 1905.-201 Univer- 
øity St., Montreal. 
"A skiHed aOO expe.rÍê-n.ced teacher."- 
M. Witness. 
"As a preacher has won a. high pLace 
in the pubHe rega.rd."-M. Herald. 
A man of high Ohri&tian cha.ract-er 
and 8cl1ola.rly attainme<:nts."-.Dean Evan.! 
Howar<<:1, Bobert Jared BUBB, phy- 
O. c. late Dr. R. P. H., Dean of the 
Med. Faculty, McGill Vnlv., and his 
ftrst wife>, Mary Frances, d. late .Tudge 
man, HalIfax, N.S.; b. Montreal; 
e. hIgh sch. there, McGill Univ. (B.A.. 
with 1st rank honours In Nat. 

Science, 1879; M.D.,C.M., 1882) and 
London, Berlin, Vienna and Lelpzig 
Vnivs. ; m., Montreal, Feb., 1888, 
l\Iargt. Charlotte (q.v.), o. c. Lord 
and Lady Strathcona (q.v.) ; for 50me 
yrs. associated with his father in the 

ractice of his prof; also a teacher 
",t practical am't., McGill Vniv.; a 
fellow, RO}"3.1 MW.-ClllrurglOOJ1: Soc.; 
presented, with ,his wife, to the late 
KIng a.nd th
 Queen Mother, Wind,sor 
, .Tune, 1908; pres-ented to King 
George and Queen Mary, Buckingham 
Pal&ce, .Tune, 1911; 1''11 Qnee11 
Anne St., Cavendish Square W., Lon- 
don, Eng.; St. James'8 Club, Montreal. 
Howard, Major Stuart, civil engIneer. 
A bro. late Col. Walter H., H.M.'s 
80th Regt.; Eng. origin; b. Ports- 
mouth, Eng., Oct., 1849; e. Queens- 
wood Coil., Hampshire, Eng. ; m. 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; awarded 
Gzowskl med., do. do., 1900; was 
chief engr. during building St. 
CatharInes water works; engd. on 
other important enging. works, more 
particularlY In connection with the 
C. P. Ry.; has been depty. city sur- 
veyor, Montreal, since 1900; long in 
V. m. service; apptd. major No. 4 
Co., Can. Engrs., Montreal, 1903.-16 
Dorne Ave., Montreal; Engineer8' Club; 
JIontreal Curling Club, do. 
Howay, Hi. Honour Prederick Wil- 
liam, Co. Ct. judge. 
Apptd judge of the Co. Ct. ot West- 
minster, Oct. 14, 1907; author, .. The 
Work ot the Royal Engineers In B.C., 
1858-63" (1910).-New Westmin8ter, 
B.C. , 
Howay, John, journalist. 
S. E. .T. and Charlotte (Percival) 
H.; b. Springfield, Ont., May 21, 1877; 
e. there; m., 1st, Miss Luella .Tewett, 
Florencevllle, N.B. (d.); 2ndly, Miss 
Mabe>l Tuttle, Pugwash, N.S.; in news- 
paper work in Edmonton, Alta., for 
12 yrs.; most of the time on the 
Bulletin; now and tor 6 yrs. ed. of that 
paper; l'{'presellted Bulletin in Ottawa 
Press Gallery, 1907-8; favours sanp 
ImperIalism, lower tariff, restraIned 
individualism; Meth.-529 Heiminck 
St., Edmonton, Alta. 
Howe, Jonas, manufacturer. 
Irish parentage; e. s. late .Tohn and 
.Tane (Draper) H., natives Co. Cork, 
Irel.; b. St. .Tohn. N.B., 1840; e. there; 
m., 1878, Jane Elizabeth, o. d. .Tohn 
Parker, KIngston. N.B.; author ot 
articles on historical subjects contrib- 
uted to the publIcations of the N.B. 
Hist. Soc., Stewart'8 Quarterly, N.B. 
Mag., Acadien8i8, etc.; presdt. N.B. 
Hist. Soc., 1901-3; now a councillor, 
do.; an Imp. Federatlonlst; a Llb.- 
9 Elliott Row, St. John, N.R. 
Howell, George Alexander, manufac- 
S. Rev. James and Margt. (Dougall) 
H. ; b. Liverpool, N.S., May 24, 1861; e. 
PublIc Schs., Granby, P.Q., and Cold- 
springs, Ont.; m., .Tune, 1900, Miss 
Lucy Knox, N.Y.; mango dlr. "Grip:' 
Ltd., 1!J03-6; also, of "Grip" Printing 
& PublIshing Co., Ltd.; remains a dIr. 
and secy.-treas., do.; acquired a halt- 
Interest Standard Paper Co., 1906; 



elected presdt. Intern. Assñ. Photo En- 
gravers, Detroit, 1906; has .also been 
presdot. Toronto Ph-oro Engraving Go., 
V.-P. and treas. Central Onto Sch. of 
Al't aood Design, .pr
\Sd t, Can. .club, To- 
ronto, vice-comm.odore Am. Canoe 
Assn. anod commodore T'Or.on to Can.o-e 
Club; a free trader; a Lib. ; inclined to 
be an AgnosNc.
 Indian Rd., To- 
T'onto; National Club, do. 
Howen, Hon, Hector Mansfield. chief 
S. Chas. H.; b. Tp. Thurlow, Co. 
Hastings, Ont., Sept. 17, 1842; e. pub- 
lic /Rnd high schs. and Albert ColI., 
BeIlevflIe, Ont.; m., 1875, Harriette, 
(d. Dec., 1909), d. late E. G. Lally, 
Barrie, Ont.; In early yrs. a sch. 
teacher; barrister (Ont.), 1871; do. 
(Man.), 1879; practised, originally, 
with his uncle, the late. D' Alton Mc- 
Carthy, Q.C., M.P.. afterwards at Ux- 
bridge, Ont., a.nd Winnipeg; was one .of 
the leaden; of the M.1.n. bar; presdt. 
Man. Law Soc., 1904; K.C. (M. of 
Lansdowne), 1884; a gov. St. John's 
Ladies' SCh.; a dlr. Northern Bank: 
presdt. Winnipeg Rowing Club; for- 
merly a leading memo of the Winnipeg 
Lib.-Con. Assn. and an unsuccessful 
candidate for -the Legislature; joined 
tthe Lib. party with his uncle, D'Alton 
McCarthy, owing to the political split 
over the Man. Sch. question; since July 
23, 1906, 'has been chief justice of the 
Ct. of Appeal, Man.; An g.- Winnipeg; 
Manitoba Club, do. 
., A man of strong convictions and In. 
tense feelings in matters of public or n8- 
tional impo,rt.
-M. Star. 
Howell, Henry Spencer, litte1'ateur. 
O. S. Danl. and Sarah (Spencer) 
H.; b. GaLt, Ont., July 5, 1857; e. Galt 
ColI. Inst. and Rockwood Acad.; m., 
1883, Fl'ancßs Annie (d. Dec., 1908), 
d. late Chas. Dod, Queenscllft', Aus- 
traHa; devotes his time princlpallv 
to literary work and travel; has 
twice made a circle of the globe 
vlsJting on hIs way the Antipodean 
Colonies, New Zealand, Samoa 
Hawaiian IslandlS, India, CeYlon, thé 
Mediterranean ports and famous 
European cltIes; in addition to 
various mag. articles and brochures, 
Including among -the latter, " The 
Keys of the B
tille of Par,is" (1887), 
.. The Women of Canada" (1895), 
"The Brltl
h Union Jack" (1897), 
and "Rest In Pooce" (1904), Is the 
author of a book of travels, "An 
Island Paradise and RemIniscences 
of Travel" (1892), which met with 
a favourable reception from the 
preISS, as well as of many beautiful 
poems, printed for private clrculatl'On; 
Is a memo of the Can. Inst., Toronto, 
and of the Can. Club, Hamilton; also 
secy. of the South Waterloo Lib.-Con. 
Assn.; and presdt. of Galt Young 
Men's Con. Assn.; recd. the Con. 
nomination as a candidate for 
Waterloo (H. C.), Jan., 1895, and In 
the Legislature, 1897, but declined; 
presd,t. Galt Hort. Soc., 1895-9; flrs,t 
commodore Galt Canoe Club, 1886; 
elected a fellow Royal Col. Inst., 1899; 
has been .paymaster and hon. capt. 
29th Regt.; started the discussion In 

the press on the que.stion of a more 
appropl'iate Can. flag, 1893; was genl. 
secy. Old Boys' reunion of the Galt 
C()IIl. lnst. (" Tass1e's "), 1903; Is the 
poss-essor of a most Interesting col- 
lection of historical curios; Ang.- 
" Stoneyhu7"st," Galt, Onto 
"An acute observer and an intelligent 
critic of men, countries and institutions." 
-Dr. John Reade (q.v.) 
Howitt, Henry. lawyer; civic se.rvlce. 
S. Chas. E. If.. .. Honwwood:' 
Guelph, Ont.; grands. late Hy. H., 
Long Eaton Hall, Long Eaton, Derby- 
shire, Eng.; b. Guelplh, Sept. 19, 1878; 
barrister, 1908; 2nd asst. city solr., 
Toronto, May, 1909; promoted 1st 
asst. do., Oct., do.; formerly capt. 1st 
Brig., Field Arty., Guelph; now on 
R. 0.; Ang.-7 Alcorn Ave., Toronto. 
Howland, Goldwin William, physician. 
S. late Wm. Holmes and Laura 
Edith (Chipman) H.; grands. Hon. ::3ir 
W. P. H., K.C.M.G., one of the II Fath- 
ers of Confederation"; father was for 
2 yrs. Mayor of Toronto; b. Toronto. 
1875; e. old Grammar Sch., 'l'oronto 
Univ. (B.A.. 1897), Lon<'lon, and Hf'r- 
lin; m., 1906, Margt. Christian, O. d. W. 
rrlngton. M.LC.E., London, Eng.; 

raduated M.B. (Toronto lTniv.), 1900; 
L.RC.P. and M.RC.S., Eng., 1902; 
M.RC.P., Lond., 1903; regr. Netley 
IIosp., London, Eng., 1902-3; do. To- 
ronto Genl. Hosp., 1906; junior do. do.. 
1908; presented to the late King 
Edward, 1905; a dir. Indus, Schs. 
Assn., 1906; has contributed articles to 
current med. journals; Ang. - 5SB 
Spadina Ave., Toronto. 
Howland, MiBB Jobyna (see StrInger, 
Mrs. Arthur J.). 
Howlett, James David, educationist. 
A direct descendant on his mother's 
side, of Lord Chas. Townshend; b. St. 
George's, P.E.I., 1875; e. WatervUle, 
Me., and Colgr.te Univ., N.Y. (B.A., 
1890; M.A., 1891); took Grout prize 
for oratory, do.; principal Coburn 
Classical Inst., 1902-3; sub-master 
Quincy High Sch., 1903-4; head mas- 
ter and prof. .of Latin and Eng. lit., 
Plymouth HIgh Sch., since 1905; Is 
secy.-treas. Plymouth Co. Tea
Assn., and presdt. Plymouth Teachers' 
Assn.; a memo Phi Beta Kappa Soc. 
of Scholars; author several songs, 
short poems, religious and Educl. ad- 
dresses; an ardent advocate of closer 
relations between Can. and the U. S.; 
a Unit.--Plymouth, Mass. 
"A splendid speaker."-T. News. 
"An educational administrator of signal 
abiJity and success. "-Truatees, Ooburn 
Classical I nst. 
Howley, JameB Patrick, Newfound- 
Land ,public service. . 
Irish origin; b. Mt. Cashel, St. 
John's, Nfd., July 7, 1847; e. St. 
Bonaventure's Coli. ; m. Miss Elizabeth 
Jane Firth: has been long In the Nfd. 
public service; asst. geol. surveyor, 
] RI)7-R7; !"incf' then. chief of the dppt. 
and dir. of the geol. survey; engd, 
for over 40 yrs. in carrying out a 
topograph., trlgonomet. survey of 



Nfd., studying out Its geol, features; 
possesses a very minute and detailed 
knowledge of the resources and cap- 
abilities of the CDlony: electpd a memo 
of the Mineral. Soc. of Gt. Brit.. 1879, 
a fellow of the Geol. Soc. of London, 
1883, and a memo of the North of 
Eng. Inst. of Mining and Mech. 
Engrs., 1896; author of II The Geology 
of Newfoundland," for the use of 
schools (1877), /find of various reports, 
pamphlets, letters and .articles re- 
lating to the colony; now (1910) 
curator of the Colony's Court at the 
Festival of Empire, Crystal Palace, 
London, Bng.; R. C.-St. John'8, Nfd. 
II A man ()f untiring zeal in the public 
servioo."-H. E. Sir Cavendish Boyle. 
Howley, The Most Rev, Michael 
FranciB, archbIshop (R.C.). 
S. Richard H., Glangoole, Co. Tip- 
perary, Irel., later of St. John's, Nfd.; 
b. St. Jo'hn',s, Nfd., Sept. 25, 1843; 
e. St. Bonaventure's Coli. and the 
Propaganda, Rome (D. D., 1868); O. 
1868; secy. Archbp. Eyre, with whom 
he returned from Glasgow to Rome, 
in attendance at the vatican Coun-cil, 
1869; returning to Nfd. with the lat.e 
Mgr. Power, 1870, was apptd. prefect 
apostol. St. George's West, 1885; con- 
secrated bp, in St. John's and vicar 
apostol. of St. George's, 1892; bp, of 
St. John's, 1894; 1st archbp. of the 
new Province of Nfd., Feb., 1904; be- 
sides numerous contributions to the 
mags., revs. and newspapers, Is the 
author of an II Eccle.siastical History of 
Newfoundland" (1888); a II Life of 
Bishop MuIlock"; a paper on II :NEW- 
foundland Name Lore," and a paper on 
the Royal .o\Jrms, the 118.tter contributeð 
to the Tran8. of the Royal Soc. of Gan., 
of which body His Grac
 is a fellow, 
and of which 'he has been presdt. of 
Sec. II. ; has Quite recently restored his 
catll., destroyed by fire some yrs. ago; 
takes an active Interest In all that re- 
lates to the welfare and advancement 
of his native country, and It has been 
frequently asserted that he favours 
the entrance of Nfd. Into the Dom. of 
Can.-The Palace, St. John'8, Nfd. 
\ pre"n;t
 ()i le111 and abilit)., and 
highly esteemed by e,vel')"'OOle."-Late Rev. 
nl'. Harvey. 
.. His intellectual activity, his repute as 
II. litterateur, his iD'fllH'IlOO in dipl()mnt,ic 
circles, his learning IInd scholarship, doubt. 
less all influenced the authorities of the 
Vnti('nn and procured his advanCS!ment."- 
St. John's TeleUl'am. 
Hoyles, Newman Wright, lawyer. 
S. late Hon. Sir Hugh Wm. R., Chid 
JusNce of Nfd., and .Jean (Liddell) H.: 
b. St. John's, Nlfd., 'Men, 14, 1844; e. U. 
C. Coil., King's Coli. Univ., "Tindsor, 
N.S., and '1'rin. ColI., Cambrid\g-e (B.A.. 
1867); LL.D. (hon.), Queen"s Unlv., 
!902; m., 1873, Georgina M., d. late 
Lewis Moffatt, Toronto; barrister, 
1872; K.C., 1889; a bencher, Law Soc.. 
Ont.; successfully practises his prof. 
in Toronto: has been principal of the 
Law Sch., Osgoode Hall, Toronto, since 
Oct., 1894; Is presdt. of the Corpn. and 
chairman of the Council of WYCllfl'E 
ColI.; presdt. U. C. Bible Soc. and Can. 
Biblp Soc.; V.-P. Brit. and ForeIgn 

Bible Soc. and Toronto City Mission; 
also presdt. Havergal CoIl.; special 
lect. on the Jurisprudence of Canada 
In the Sch. of .Jurisprudence and 
Diplomacy, Columbian Unlv., Wash- 
ington, D.C.; a senator, Toronto Univ.; 
a del. to cent. celebration, Brit. and 
Foreign Bible Soc., London, Eng., 
1904; an Ang. and a del. to the Synod; 
presdt. Can. Ch. Missy. Soc.; V.-P. Ch, 
Missy. Soc. of Eng; memo extve. comte, 
Layman's Missy. l\1ovcmpnt; a i!f>1. to 
Pan-Ang. Con'g
ss, London, 1908, aOO 
Ang. Ch, Congress, Halifax, N.S., 1910; 
author of numerous contributions to 
legal journals; portrait by Grier (q.v.) 
executed for Wyclifl'e ColI., 1906.-567 
Huron St., Toronto. 
.. A Bou'nd and able .1aw).er."-T. Globe. 
.. A le1ading exponen.t of leg,al principles 
and thoroughly familiar with it.s prac- 
tice."-T. World. 
Huard, Bev, Victor AlphonBuB (R.C.), 
author and journalist. 
S. Laurent and Ursula (Terrien) 
H.; b. Quebec, Feb. 28, 1853; e. 
Quebec ::;emy. and Laval Univ. 
(B.A., 1872; M.A., 1885); O. 1876; 
successively prof. of rhetoric, pre- 
fect of studies and superior Chicou- 
timl SeIIl'Y.; curator of the museum, 
Dept. of Public Inst., P. Q., since 1904; 
also a memo Bd. of Marine BioI. Sta- 
tion of Can.; ed. Oiseau-Mouche, 1893- 
1901; ed. and propr. Le Naturali8te 
Canadien since 1894; ed. La Semaine 
Religieuse de Quebec since 1901; au- 
thor_" L'Apõtre du Saguenay" (3rd ed., 
189:>); "Labrador et Anticosti.. 
(1897), "Trai1e Elêmerut. de Zool-ogie 
et D'Hygiene" (1906), "Impressions 
d'un Passant" (do.), .. Abrégé de Zoo- 
logle" (1907), and, In collaboration 
with Rev. H. Simard (q.v.). .. Manuel 
des Sciences Usuelles" (do.) .-A rch- 
bi8hop'8 Palace, Quebec. 
"A benefactor of his race,"-Dr. John 
Reade (q.v.). 
Hubbard, Bev, George Henry (Cong.), 
S. Hy. and Lois Fuller (Carr) H.; 
b. Barnston, P.Q., June 2, 1857; e. 
Dartmouth Unlv. (B.A., 1880; M.A., 
1884); m., June, 1889, Miss Deborah 
Bowditch Dean, Cambridge, Mass.; 
studied div. Hartford Theol. Semy.; 
graduated, 1884; o. do.; spent 2 yrs. 
in home mission work and 2 yrl>. In 
special study of social Que:;-tlons at 
Harvard; pastor Trinitarian Ch., Nor- 
ton, Mass., 1888-96; dl(). Congo Ch., En- 
field, ,MaS's., 1896-1901; since 1901 pas- 
tor Union Congo Ch., HaverhilI, Mass.: 
author" The Why of Poverty" (1901), 
.. Srlrltual Power at 'Vork" (19 1 )3), 
.. Spiritual Coins and Counterfeits .. 
(1904). "Teachings of Jesus in Para- 
blp" (1907); a frpfluent contributor to 
thE' m'"lg"s. and rpltgtous press.-Havcr- 
hill, !flass. 
Hubbard, Mrs, LeonidaB (see Ellis 
Mrs. Mlna A.). 
Hubbard, William p" Onto municipal 
S. late Moseley and Lavinia H., 
Toronto, natives of Vlrglnfoa, U.S.; b. 
Toronto. 1848; e. Modp] Sch. there; 



long engd. In commercial life; ald., 
1894-1903; controller, 1904-7; acting 
mayor, 1905: vice-chairman, 190!i-6; 
presdt. Onto Municipal Assn., 1906-7; 
an høn. dlr. Toronto Exbn. Bd.; 
a Con.--660 Broadview Ave., Toronto, 
.. Ready In debate, a close student of 
civic problems, and an aeknowledged 
authOTity ().n municipa1 matters." - T. 
Hubbard, WilUa.m Woodbridge. New 
Brunswick 'l>U'bllc service. 
Descended on father's side from 
U. E. L.'s, from Conn.; b. Burton, 
N.B., Aug. 4, 1866: e. Sunbury Gram- 
mar Sch. and Onto Agrlcul. ColI., 
Guelph, Ont.; m., 1893, Miss Anna L. 
gory, Fredericton, N.B. ; secy. 
N.B. Farmers' and Dairymen's Assn.: 
first supdt. of Fanners' Insts. In the 
Province; mango dlr. Dom. Intern. 
Expn., St. John. 1902 and 1904; agri- 
cuI. lect. at various times: ed. Mn-i- 
time Farmer (
ussex. N.R. >, 1 
1901; do. Home8tead (HaUfax, N.S.), 
1902; agrlcul. agent, C. P. Ry.. 1Q02: 
sln-ce then has been offiefally connected 
with the 10ca1 Dept. of Agrlcul.: an 
Imperialist; believes that Can. should 
be the central 'Portion of thf! future 
Greater Brit.: an Ang.-St. John, 
N.B.,. Burton Hill, Sunbury, N.B.,. 
Union Club, St. John. 
Hubbell, Major Ernest wnson, clvfI 
S. Dr. an<l Eliza (Wilson) H.; b. 
Brockvfl1p. Ont., Nov. 5, 1862: p 
Rnval MI1. ("011.. Kln/Z'!'itoT1: /Z'T'adu.ated 
1881; m., June, 1886. Emilie A., (1, l::Ite 
Geo. Ca-rl'eton Woof!, Ottawa; D.L.S., 
1884; engr. succes!"lvely Murray Canal. 
Trent V.aI
ey Canal, and OalO'ps 
Rapids: a Dom. Govt. surVf'vor for a 
IPTH r thpTlprl pprfod: now fTl!'inr. of f'\l1r- 
v.eys. Df'pt. of the Inte-rlor: elp<'teõ 
prf'-sdt. Dom. Land Surv{'Y'ors' Assn., 
1907-8: /Z'azetJteð major, Can. En2"rs.. 
July, 1902: em;pollO'Y'ed .on rlv. mil. stafT 
In æmrrnJ of Instruct'lon: served 1n 
N. W. Rf'be-J,J1-on, 1885, fnd1
Uons against Orief 
fg' Bear's band 
(með.): Ang.-6.'J Russell Ave., Ot- 
tawa; Elks Club, do. 
HUdgell, Rev, Robert William (An
Y. s. Joseph and Mary T-T.; b. LOT)- 
rlon., Apt 23, 185Q: e. 
n.pnre:f"!'i Paro('l1l"'1.1 
King-'s CoIl.. Lon<lon. ani! Ringo's ("nIl.. 
Wi n-dsor, N.S. (L.S.T.. 1887) : (). 1887; 
slvely rf'ctor 
tf"WI::I('kf>. N.S., 
St. Jude',s, 
t. John, N.B., St. Tllomas, 
Mpthuen, IMHSS., curate Npmopnf'tt, 
Rome-rset, Eng., reclor St. George's, 
Maynari!, Mass., Calvary Ch., Dan- 
rs, Mass.; at presf'nt curnte St. 
Lpn'1::1 r il's. LeÍr'f>!'ter. En J7 .-St. Leon- 
nrtf'lI Church. Leire.<:ter, Eng. 
Hudgin, Harry Wbitfte1d, or
R .A mos ::I nd Lvdla H.; b. Toronto 
Oct. 16, 1881; Mus. Bac.: F.r.G.C.M. 
(Lond_) : has been or/Z'anlst In spvpral 
chs. : at present at St. Ppt{'r's, Toronto: 
dfr. Brnmpton ColI. of MusIc: composer 
of v::Irlous mu
lcal numbers; Ang.- 
116 Shuter St., Toronto. 
Hudson, Rufus Sawyer, bu",ln{'",q man. 
R late JO!'lephus nnd Dldamln 
(Church) H., Chelsea, P.Q.; En
. and 

U. E. L. ancestry; b. Chelsea, Dec. 
17, 1843; e. Ottawa Grammar Seh. 
(silver med. >, U. C. Colt, (leading 
prlzeman), and Toronto Unlv.; math. 
master, Brock\"llle Grammar Sch.; 
headmaster Lyn Sch.; mangr. Lyn 
Tannery and Mills; Inepr. and after- 
wards IiUpdt. Can. Permt. Loan & Sav- 
Ings Co.; asst. gent mangr., and now 
joInt g('nl. mangr. Can. Pf'rmt. Mo!"t- 
g-age Corpora.tlon: elected presdt. Land 
Mortgage Co.'s Assn., 1910; do. St. 
George's Soc., Toronto, 1909-10; Is 
V.-P. St. George's Soc., Toronto; m., 
1865, Marv H., d. Tho!'!. Yates, To- 
ronto; a Bapt.; a Oon.: a Free and 
Rioyal ATCh Miason.-Alexandra Palace, 
Toronto; AlbanJI Club; Vktorfa Club; 
Caledon Mountain Trout Club. 
Hudson, Thomas Hales, Insurance ex- 
S. Geo. R. H.: b. Londtm, Eng., Nov. 
3, 1854: e. there; can1f' to Can.. 1875' 
formerly O"1n. mangr. United Ffre Ins: 
Co. of Manchester, Eng.; now Rnll 
since 1895, secy. and mangr. Can. 
Accident Assur. CO.-71 Tupper St., 
Huestis, :Miss Annie Campbell, poet 
and story writer. 
n. Martin B. H.; on fath{'r's sIde 
of U. E. L. nncestry: on mother's, 
rl('scf'nded from 2 Eng. families. tlle 
Ttons and C::Iters: b. Rnd P. Hali- 
fax. N.R: first story W::lS pnhlfshf'd 
in the WesleJm?t. at thp age of 9, nnd 
first poem In the N. Y. Independpnt, 
at the ag-e of 11: since thf'n. h(HI con- 
trlbutf'd to Rt. Nicholas, A eta Vietori- 
ana, the Wesle1fan. the Suburban. D<>n- 
o/me's Mag., S. S. Time8 (Phllndel- 
ohln), the N. Y. Independent, find 
other mags. and nf'wspapers; Is al.3o 
rppresf'nted by poems in Dr. Rand's 
.. Trf'aslIry of Canadio'1n Verse," In 
.. CanadIan 
;Tl2"f'rs aT'd thf'fr 
anõ In Dr. O'Hagan's (q. v.) volume on 
.. Canadian \Vrlters": vi
ltf'd the U.S., 

ng-.. Scot., Hol1and, Bole:fllm aTld 
France- as a press corrf>sponnpnt, 1905. 
 Cobourg Rd., Halifax, N.S. 
.. Not the least merit of her work is the 
strong and original thought it embodie
Shp is much more than a singer or m
melodist: she is a true idea'ist and dreøm- 
er, whoSE' ('onC'rete t'reations body fo.rth 1h
beautiful world of the souI."-Dr. O'Ha- 
gan (q.v.). 
Huestis, Arthur Edward. insurance 
S. Rev. S. F. H., D.D., Hallfax, N.S. 
(q.v.), and Louisa F. (Archibald) H.: 
b. DIg-by, N.S., Oct. 18, 1865; e. pub- 
liC' schs. and Hallfax Co. .Acad.: 01.. 

r.ay, 1891, Amy Douglas, d. Richard 
Brown (q.v.), Toronto; log agent, 
Imp. Guaranty and Accident Ins. 
Co., Toronto; secy. Mendelssohn 
Choir, at organIzatIon and for some 
yrs., and then V.-P.; do. Can. Club. 
Toronto, 8 yrs.; elected memo Public 
Library Bd., Toronto, 1905: C'halrman 
do. do., Library CounC'll, 1907-8: do. 
clo. do., Building- and Flnan('f' Comtf'.: 
.10. do. do., Publtc Library Rd., 1910- 
11; Is also secy. Granite Bowling Rnd 
C"urllng Club; as secy. of Canadian 
Club was iluccessful In brlngln
 to To- 



ront'Ü many promdnent public men to 
eu >the club, the Arcih- 
blf'hop of 

fltprburv. Anòrew Car- 
n<@gle, Lord Morl
y, Rt. Hon. .James 
, Sir Wm. Osler, .J. Pierpont Mor- 

an, the Lord BIshop of Lond-on, Eng., 
Dr. GrenfeU, RIder Hagga-rd, General 
Booth; Booker T. Washington, .Jprornp 
K. .Jerome and Forbes Robertson; a 
LIb. and an active worker; a Mpth.- 
 lJomtleu St., Toronto: ()ntario Club; 
Granite Club; Canadian Club, do. 
Hue.tlll, Rev, Charlell Herbert (Meth- 
S. Rpv. S. F. H.. D.D. (q.v.); b. 
.Jacksonville, N.B., M::ty 2fi, 1863: e. 
Mt. Allison Unlv. (B.A., 188!\; M.A.. 
18'16), and McGIH Unlv. (M.A., eref 
emuf., 1906) : m., .JuJy, 1888. .Tessie B., 
d. Rpv. S. R. A('kman; entd. minis- 
try, 1885: o. 1888; has hp1d pastor- 
atps at Port Hood. Brldgpwatpr, Bpr- 
m1Ula. W.I., Barrlng-ton. Rvdnev. flnd 
F.l1monton: ('haplalfl R.M'.. For/"ps. 
Bf'rmu, c10n 3 yrs.: bf>slc1ps be1ng 
pastor M<'Dougat1 Ch.. Edmonton, was in phil, AJberta Coli., genl. sup.dt. 
In1ern. S. S. Assn. for Albe-rta, and 
dlr. Retlg10us Educ. Assn., d'Ü.: slnC'e 
May, lQll. h'ls beoen flel-d se<,y. for 
Alta. and B. C., Can. Lord's Day AIIi- 
anf"e: elected presd.t. A'lberta Oonf., 
1 '109; a frequent contributor t'Ü the 
press on ec1uc1., 'psy<,ho1. and Sunday 
5('h. matte-rs; has aòd'ressed the Re- 
lIgl'Üus Educ. Assn. 'Of Am. : as a M-eth. 
Is strongly sympathetic with -the hlst. 
method, and the evolutionary view of 
thlflgs: a Lib.: favours govt. OWflpr- 
ship of all great Intern. utIHtles: 
the mnnlclpaJization of Jarger city 
monopollps. -and pro"1. fll1tonornv In 
Western Provlnces.-Red Deer, Alta. 
.. l\n :lhl" ""11 instructive exposito-r."- 
Edmonton Bulletin. 
Huestlll, Rev, Stephen Fulton (Meth- 
R. .JoF=hua and Rebecca H., Wat1ace, 
N.S.: U. F.. L. dpf'C'pnt: h. WaHßC'e, 
' 8, 1835 ; e. Mt. A1lI!'Ion Unlv. (D. D.. 
1'100): m., 1862, Louise, d. AJex. 
Archlhald, Truro. N.S.; entd. minis- 
try. 18á8; o. 1862; servpd In varIous 
cIrcuIts In N. S. and N. B. 
 also occu- 
plpd !'1uch offldpl positions as spcv. anl1 
presdt. of Conf.: chairman of (lIsts.; 
was book stpward of the M
r. Prov- 
Incps, from 1880 up to his rpslgnatlon, 
1908; òP1. Erl1mPfl. Conf., 'V
ton, 1891, and Toront'Ü, 1911; do. 
Ecumoen. Missy. -Council. N.Y., 1900; 
fI. memo Gen1. Bd. o! MlsslO't1s since 
1874; Sf'CY. Gpn1. Conf., 1890-4: eleeted 
V.-P. Can. BIble Soc., 1909; V.-P. 
Moral and SlX'lal Reform C'Ounctl, 
N.S., d'Ü.: 'Presdt. N. S. Bible Soc. 
do.; also a memo oeomte. on Oh. 
Union, 1906: has pUblished the We.9- 
leWIn. a re1lJ?;lous wepkly, since ] 8RO ; 
bplongR to a faml1y of Liberals, but Is 
hlm!'1plf Ind.; a strong- supporter of the 
Tpmp. canse. anl1 of clA'"!T'I I?:ovt.. po- 
!ttlcal and otherwlse.-Halifaæ, N.S. 
.. F.minently tactful, his outstanding 
qU.ßYitil's have been always geniality and 
kIndliness of"-Re"'. D. Hemmeon 

Huggard, John Thompson, la.wyer, 
R R. T. H., barrister. and Esther 
(Mulvpv) H.: b. LI!'1towe1. Ont., .Jl1ne 
13, 1867; e. Man. Unlv. (B. A" 1885: 
M.A., LL.B., and Gov.-Genl.'!! merl.. 
1888): m. LlHlan, d. la'Ïe .John Ohal- 
mers, Brooklyn, N.Y.: 'ba.rrlster, 1890; 
a former partnop'r Mr. .Justice Prendoer- 
g-ast (q.v.); toge1oher with M'r. JustIce 
Mart.ln (q.v.), originated We8tern Law 
Time8, Winnipeg; organized the East- 
ern and Western Land Co., of which 
he Is a dlr. and agent In WInnIpeg; 
founded the largest German colony In 
Am.; a dlr. Brlt.-Can. Trust Co., Leth- 
brldgp. an<1 the Colonl
l Flrp Ins. Co.; 
 Bannatyne St., Winnipeg. 
Hughell, Arthur Jordan, Insurance 
S. late Wm. S. H., Chelspa, and 
Martha (Waters) H., St. MerwYR, 
Cornwall, Eng.; b. Chelsea, Eng., Feb. 
2:1. 18;0; e. St. Mark's ColI., and 
KIng's CoH., London; unm.; came to 
Can., 1890; secy. and actuary Crown 
I.lfe Ins. Co., Toronto, from Its founda- 
tion, 1900. up to his resignation, 1905 
(prp'sented with a gold watch by the 
office staff on Jeavlng); for some yrs. 
a lieut. 9th Field Batty., Toronto (pre- 
spnted with a 
ilver 10vlnJ?; cup by his 
bro. offrs. on his resignation, 1905): 
since Dec., 1905, has been actuary and 
secy. of the China Mutual Life Ins. 
Co., Shanghai, China; a Unit.: memo 
Brit. Empire and Navy Leagues; a 
believer In and advocate of Imp. Fed- 
ei'atlon.-Shanghai, China. 
Hughell, Charle., Insurance profes- 
B. and e. London, Eng.; bro. A. .J. 
H. (q. v.); was for 4 yrs. actuary, 
Conn. Ins. Dept.; previously In actuar- 
Ial dept. of the Equitable Life; suc- 
ceeded his hro. as artuary Crown Life 
Ins. Co., Mch., 1906; Is also mango 
dlr. of the Co.: an Assodate Actuarl. 
Soc. of Am. ; a Unlt.-Toronto. 
Hughell, HIli Honour :DavId John, 
retired judge. 
S. late Rev. David H., formerly head 
master of a classIcal and math. sch. at 
Klng-sbrldgp, Devon, Eng., and subse- 
quently minr. Vlcarag-e St. Chapel, 
Yeovll, Romprset. and ,ranI" (Morrish) 
H.; b. Klngsbr:ldge, May 7, 1820; e. 
prIvate tuition and London Dlst. Gram- 
mar Sch., Ont.; m., Dec., 1843, Sarah, 
e.. d. late Richard Richardson, cashier, 
Bank of U. C.. London, Ont.: barrister, 
1842; successful1y practised his prof., 
fllrst at Woodstock and subsequently 
at London, Ont.; apptd. .Judge of the 
Cü. Ct. of Elgin, Ont., Sept. 29, 1853; 
retired, 1903, lYu1. .preslded OV'eT 'tthe Ct. 
at the request of the present .Judge, 
1910; was for some yrs. V.-P. local 
branch of St. J.ohn's Ambulance Assn.; 
a Presb.-St. Thoma8, Onto 
"A well trained lawyer, thoroughly ve.rsed 
and equipped for his judicial work; 
though of a. kindly nature., was a terror 
to evildoers."-T. Globe, 
Hughes, Hon, George Edward, mer- 
chant; legislator. 
Eng. descent; II. Fredk. W. R; b. 
Charlottetown, P.E.I., ApI. 6, 1854; 
e. PrInce of Wales ColI., and 8t. 


Dunstan's 0011. there; m., Jan., 1879, 
Miss Anna G. BOYle; a memo City 
Council 8 yrs.; presdt. Marltlme Bd. 
of Trade; do. P. E. I. Development 
& Tourist Assn.; sat In Local Legis- 
lature, 1900-08; was also a memo of 
'11h:e Exltw. COli'nclil, wHlhoout opol"tfoldo; 
a memo Inter.prov.Oont., Quebec, 1906; 
returned for Charlottetown (H. C.) , 
g. e. 1908.-165 EU8ton St., Charlotte- 
town, P.E.I. 
Hughell, Hon, Jamell A.nthon7, mer- 
S. Ja.s. W. and El.]len (McNulrty) H.; 
b. Oorunna, Ont., Feb. 27, 1861; e. 
tlhel'e; m., Dec., .1885, iMliss Bene Vin- 
son, OeTedo, W. Via.; a lJumbe'r mer- 
cl1Jant; a Refp.; sat in Va. Legisl1at'uI'ie, 
1887-19(}1 ; since rthen has been i.n 00't1- 
gross.--.Huntfngdon, W. Va. 
II One of the Repub1ican. stalwarts."-T. 
Hughell, Jamell Laughlin, education- 
Huguenot descent: s. late John H 
a natllve of Tyrone, Ire!., and Carollnë 
(Laughlin) H.; a bro. Co!. Saml H 
M.P., and Lt.-'Ool. John H. (q.v.): b: 
nr. Bowmanvl1le, Ont.. Feb. 20, 1846' 
e. public schs. and Toronto NormaÍ 
Sch.: m., 1st., Dec., 1870, Milss AnnIe 
Agnes Sutherland, Toronto (d.) . 
2ndly, Dec., 1885, Miss Ada A. Mar: 
eau (trained as a kindergarten teacher 
by Mad. Kraus-BoeIte, N.Y., and be- 
came celebrated as an instr. In Toronto 
and St. John, N.B.; ed. "Bouquet of 
Kindergarten and Primary Songs;' 
1900; known also on the lecture pla.t- 
1Iorm as an acC'offi'J)lIshedi speaker; 
,presdt., women's 'branch, Blrklbeck 
Loan & Savings Co., 1894: a del. to 
Am. Nat. Household Econ. Assn., 
1901; presdt. Intern. Kindergartell 
Union, 1906; do. Can. Household Econ. 
,Assn., 1904 ; now hon. preS'dt., do. ; V.-P., 
Toronto Local Council of Women, 1907 ; 
2nd V.-P., Nat. Suffrage Assn., 1908) : 
In early yrs. a public sch. teacher; asst., 
Toronto Model Sch., 1867-71; principal, 
do., 1871-4; Inapr. of public schs., To- 
ronto, 1874-1902; since then has been 
chief Inspr. of public sohs., do.; apptd. 
hon. It.-col. PubUc Scl1. Cadet BaUn 
Toronto, 1901: a mem, Cen1ral Comt.ë: 
of Examrs., 1877-82; a special C'Ommr. 
to Investigate the frauds In teachers' 
examns., 1877: sent by Onto GOyt. t(
report on kindergarten system In St. 
wUls, Mo., 1883; chairman, World's 
Congress of Elementary Educ., 1893; 
has been preedt. Chautauqua Lit. and 
Sclentlflc Circle In Can.; Is presdt., 
Durham Old Boys' Assn. and Toronto 
Suffrage Assn.; V.-P., Home Life 
Assn., Schoolmen's Club and Dickens 
Fel1O'WsMp, Toronto; a dlr. Toronto 
Humane Soc" 1905; Becy., Bd. 'Of 
Trustees, Toronto Free Hosp. for Con- 
sumptives, 1906; treas., Can. Amateur 
,Athletic Union" 1908; diD., Toronto 
Playgrounds Assn.; formerly presdt.. 
Central Art League, Irish Proto Benev. 
Soc., Toronto S.S. Assn., Toronto Pub- 
He Sch. AthLetic Assn., and Toronto 
Lacrosse Olub; was also secy. Cau. 
S.S. Assn. and of Nat. Lacrosse 
Union; elected a I1lr. Dom. EduC'. .\!"sn , 
1895; wa.s chairman, extve. comte, 


Intern. Educ. Aesn. and Intern. Ep- 
worth League; Paet Grand Master 
Ûrangemen of Onto West; represented 
that body at Orange Triennial Council, 
London, Eng., 1894; a Freemason; 
apptd. supervisor of practice teaohlng 
and Instr. in kindergarten principles. 
'Doronto Unlv., 1908; a del. Federal 
Conf. on Educ., London, Eng., 1907; 
author: "A Humorous Reciter .. 
(1874); "A Prohibition Reciter" 
(do.) ; II Mistakes In Teaching .. 
(1876); .. How to Secure and Retain 
Attentdon" (1878); "Topical History 
of Can." (1881); "Topical History of 
Eng." (1882) ; II The Practical 
Spel.ler" (1883): .. Equal Suffrage" 
(1895): .. Froebel's Educational Laws 
for all Teachers" (1897); and II Dick- 
ens as an Educator" (1901); ed. 
.. Gage's Can. Readers" (1884): ha'J 
lectured very widely through the U.S. 
on e.duc. Questions: Meth.: a Con.; 
unsuccessfuHy oontested Peel (Local), 
g. e. 1890; formerly a memo of the 
council, Imp. Federation League; a 
strong opponent of the demands of 
political Romarulsm, and was one or 
the organizers of the Equal Rights 
Assn.; likewise favours prohlbltlon.- 
.f7 Dundonald St., Toronto. 
u Obse(l'V.ant, f,aT-sighted, ambiti()l\l8 and 
energetic."-M. &; E. 
.. Easily at the f'ron.t 8JD.O'ng Am. school 
men....-New Eng. a11d Nat. Journal of 
II A gerut1em.a.n of fine a.nd distinguished 
preeen.ce, a.nd has the musical vo+i.oe tbat 
is so fRHing a factoor in .8 speaker's 8UC' 
cess." -Richmond (Va.) TimelJ. 
Hughell, Lt,-Col, John, merchant. 
A bro. Col. Sam!. Hugh
s anrl J. T.. 
H, (q.v.); b. Dec. 18, 184!1; e, looal 
schs.; m. Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, 
Lotus, Ont.; long in commercial life; 
Interested in educ. and agricul. affairs; 
for a lengthened period In v. m. ser- 
vice: holds long service decoration; 
rose to the comm
nrl nf the 46th Reg-t. ; 
apptd. hon. It.-.col. 46th Regt., Oct. 22, 
1!103; apptd. to command 6th Infy. 
Brigade, Eastern Onto Command, Mch. 
1, 1906; commanded 4th Brig., 2nd 
dlv. Infy. div., Quebec Tercentenary 
celebration, 1908; served with Midland 
Batt. during N. W, Rebellion, 1885; 
present at Batoche, and operations 
against Chief Big Bear's band (dis- 
p.a;tches; moo. wIth .emp); elected 
presdt. In!y. Assn. of 3'00 Dlv., 1911; 
an Orangeman; Depoty. G. M.. Gmnd 
I....o&ge, Onlt. Eaist, 1909; G.M., do., do., 
1911; a PreSh.; a Oon.-Clarke P.O., 
Hughell, Xillll Katherine, author; 
Alberta public service. 
D. John Wellington and Annie 
Laurie (O'Brien) H.; b. Melbourne, 
P.E.I.; e. Notre Dame Convent and 
Prince of Wales ColI.; graduated with 
honours; was engd. for a few yrs. 
after leaving coIl. upon work for the 
uplift of the Can. Indian races; joined 
ed, staff :\:1ontreal Star, 1903, and the 
Edmonton BulleNn staff, 1906; repre- 
sented the Bulletin In press gallery 
of the Alberta Legis.; since 1908 has 
been provl. archivist for Alberta; 
elected V.-P. Women's Press Club, 



1909; in same year made a tour alone 
ot the Peace River and Athabasca 
dlsts. by frontier stage, canoe, SCOW8 
and river boats In search ot material 
tor Alberta archlveß; in addition to 
Bhort stories and articles on a variety 
ot Bubjects, contributed to the news- 
paper .and mag. press, Is the author 
ot "Archbishop O'Brien; Man and 
Churchman" (her uncle), 1906, and 
Ls now ipreparIng a It Lif.e of Pêre La- 
combe to (q.v.)-150 Bellamy St., Ed- 
monton, .Alta. 
"A ro>'.al wOOlan."-MaI'JI Markwell 
"H.aa a man's grasp of subje-cts .a.nd 
p,re.sent9 them with .a1i the> dJ.reotness a.nd 
logåc of .a Reoade."-" Kit" (q.v.). 
Hughe., Col, Bon, Sa.muel, legislator. 
Bro. J. L. H. and Lt.-Col. John H. 
(q.v.); b. Darlington, Ont., Jan. 8, 
1853; e. l'Ocal schs., Toronto Model and 
Normal Schs, (1st class cert.), To- 
ronto Univ. (hon'Ors in EnJ?;., French, 
German an'd Hist,), and Royal Mil. 
Schs.; m., 1st, 1872, Caroline J. (d.), 
d. late Major Isaac Preston, Van- 
couver, B.C.; 2ndly, 1875, 'Mary E., 
e. d. H. W. Burk, ex-M.P. ; In early yrs. 
a public sch. teacher; taug1ht in Belle- 
,'i!lt:. Llfford and Bowmanville 
for 10 yrs. lect. In Eng. lang., lit. and 
hløt., Torozvto Ooill. Inst.; relbiroo, to 
devote hImself to journalism, 1885; ed. 
anI! prop. Lindsay Warder, 1885-97; 
a former amatoeur .aJtJhIlErte ; WOiI1 
ehaInJPi-ons!hl.p mile ra.ce of Am., 
1872; entd. v. m. In early life; gazetted 
lieut. 45th Regt., 1873; oapt. and 
adjt., 1878; bt.-major. 1888; major, 
1895; It.-col. oo.mmanding the regt., 
1897; as such took part In the mil. 
display, London, Eng., In oon'l1ection 
with the celebration af Queen 
Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897 
(med.); In Oct., same yr., tendered 
to the Imp. Govt. the services of the 
45th Regt. to proceed to any part of 
the globe on a'C'tive service; acting 
brlgad'e major, Mil. Dist. No.3, 1886; 
do. Brigadier, Niagara, 1899; visited 
N.Z., AustraUa and the FijI Islands, 
in the Interes.t of colonial assistance dn 
Tmp. wars, 1897-8; served FenIan Raid, 
1870 (gen.1. servIce med. with clasp) ; 
took part In S. A. War, 1899-1900; rose 
to be asst. to Col. Wynter on transport 
to Modd-er River; asst. to Inspr.-Gen<1. 
Sir H. H. Settle on lines of communl- 
catio.n throughout S.A., traversIng all 
Nle rail To.utes; ohlef of inteULgencø 
staff to Lt.-Genl. Sir Chas. Warren In 
Griqualand West and Bechuanaland 
campaign, May-July, 1900; com- 
manded mounted brigade and led In 
attack on and capture of Douglas and 
Orpen's Heights (d'espatches) ; Faber's 
Puts (despatches); operations along 
Koap Mts. at Tweefonteln, Knotrel- 
fonteln and Catn!Pbell; commanded 
force In advance into. Bechuanaland; 
captured 800 Boers nr. Kuruman, with 
immense stock of animals and ammuni- 
tion. June, 1900 (despatches); asst. 
adjt.-genl., S. African Field Forces, 
1900; pro:mot-ed col., 1902; lapptd. rrry'. 
InteM,I.g.ence offr., H.Q., 1903; .ts 'Presdot. 
Dam. RIfle Assn.; also iPt'elSd't. Ver- 
mJIldon. Asslnlbo.lne and Sask. La.nd 
Co. nnll Lltt1e Nlpisslng MIning Co.; 

app:td. chaIrman, bd. of VlIsHoors, 'R. M, 
ColI., 1910; ry. dnrtell.1gell'ce offr., Que- 
bec Tercent. ocoelebratkm, 1908; aut/har 
of several! oed uc. works; hoOl1<Is blg'h 
rank In tlhe Orange Ord.'er and Is Iß 
F-reema'son; F.R.C.I., 19,11; ipl"e6'ßnrtoo 
to King George, ,st.<s's Balaoe, 
June, 19't.l; IP't'elSentt!by dnV'itation dn 
Westm1nst>er Aiblbey, at ooronø..tJIon of 
T,heIr Mta;J.esUes, doo., d:o.; a COon. staJ. 
wart; unsuocessfuUy contested N. Vdc- 
Ì'O'ri.a (H. C.), ;g. e. 1891; sat for .same 
constituency (dJo.), 1892..,19M; sInce 
t.h.en ha.s represen.ted: Vk:tor1a and Ha.M.. 
buMan (dlO.); ,re-elecleod, g. e. 19'11' 
opposed .to Ithe Ta'g recj
proclty co.mrpa,ct; .on rthe defea;t 8Jt the 
 of the LnurJ:er Adm'll., Dot., 1911, 
was sworn Oof :t!he P. C., and o3JOCoØþted 
offl.ce in the Borden CaJblnet, a>s :Mlnr. 
of MoIll.Na and Defence Oct. 10 19111' 
II .bed1eves In 'One GI'OOJt'IlJ)jþeII'iai IParLt: 
!n W1hloh t!h.e men of En'g., of Oan., of 
IndIa, o.f Ausrbra>Ida and of other a>laces 
could ga,t!hoer"; a Moeth. - Ottawa' 
Lindsay, Ont.; Albany Club TOTonto
Canadian Club. 
. .. Has done 1l1JOl'e in his day and ge.nel1A' 
tlOn, for the upbuilding of the militia in 
Ca.n.ada a.nd the Empire, than a.ny other 
man."-Rt. Bon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier 
Hughell, Bev. SUall Jamell (Meth.). 
.s. l:a.te John M. H., WelLington, Onto ; 
U. E. L. doescen1t on botll1 sides of .thoe 
house; first I(}f the fannily came to N. S. 
from t'he ,Am. Oolonies; b. Bul'lI'll:gtlOln, 
N,.S., Joan., 1849; e. pubUc SoCIhs Mc- 
GLll Un1v. and Woesl. T.beol." Col,l., 
'Montreal (.grað., 11874); M.A. (pm 
mento), 1111. We.s:L Un1v., 18&1; ro., 
1877, J
l"a .A., 3'rd d. 'Late A. ,B. Per.ry, 
C.E., Emgston, Ont.; rtook a 1st class 
teacher's cert., and was f.or soane y,rs. 
a rtea>dher:,ry, 1872; 
o. .1877 ; -has llJ.eld ma.ny ,Ima:>ortan1t pa.8- 
tor3!t-es in Eastern Ont.; chaIrman, 
Perbh dist., 1910-11; rpresdt., .M'Ontreal 
dIst., .1911.-KemptvUle, Onto 
Hughell, Vincent Jamell, stock broker. 
S. late B. B. H., Toronto; b. there; 
P. Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1894; LL.B., 
1895); m., June, 1903, Evelyn 'Ma.ry 
(d. Sept., 1909), 2nd d. Ohlef Justice 
Sir W. G. Falconbridge (q.v.); barris- 
ter, 1895; successfully practised his 
prof. In Toronto for some yrs.; apptd. 
secy. Montreal Trust Co., Montreal, 
1902; now a memo J. H. Dunn & Co., 
MontreaJ StJook Exchan'ge; R. C.-UJ 
Peel St., Montreal; St. Jame8'a Club; 
JIontreal Club; Royal St. Lawrence 
Yacht Club, do. 
Hughllon, Bev, Lyman Stanley (Bap- 
tist) . 
S. G. L. and Ruth (Gates) H.; de- 
scended from famllles long resident in 
N. Y. State; both sides Identified with 
patriotic side In Am. Revolution; b. 
Schoharie Ca., N. Y., Mch. 20, 1885; 
came to Can., 1873; e. Sarnla High 
SC'h., Woodstock ColI., Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., 1887), 08Jnd MoMJaster Undv. 
(B.Th., 1890; B.D., 1896; D.D., 1907) : 
m., Mch., 1891, Miss Bertha L. Wil- 
son, Coatlcook, P.Q.; o. 1890; suc- 
cessively pastor Coati cook, Lindsay, 



Windsor, and Stratford, Ont.; went tl.> 
latter city, 1910; a lIenator McMas- 
ter Unlv.; has been presdt. Alumni 
Assn., moderator Whitby and Lindsay, 
ðo. Guelph Assn. 'Of Bap-t, Chs., a 
memo extve. comte., and one 'Of .the 
Bù. of Mangrs. Bapt. Young People'. 
Un.lon, etc.; a Bapt.; from a Lib.-Don. 
standpoint believes that the political 
need 'Of the hour In Can. Is men wha, 
In their parties, are Ind. In their 
HUlro. :Francill M.. lawyer. 
Bro, Hon. N. F, H. (q.v.); b. and 
e. Kingstan, Ont.; an atty., success- 
fully practising his prof. at \Vatertown. 
N.Y.; eIected mayor otIhere, 1906; Aug., N.Y. 
Hugo. Hon. :Nicha1as Frederic. mech- 
anIcal engIneer. 
Eng. origin; ø. late Nicholas and 
Mary R. (Marks) H., Klngstan, Ont.; 
b. and e, ther.e; m, Miss AnnIe \V. 
Wells; ald., Duluth, Minn., 2 terms; re- 
presentaUve State Legis!., 1903-4; 
Speaker, do., pro tem., 1905-6; a can- 
tractor for many public warks, princi- 
pally breakwaters; senior lIeut. Minn. 
Naval Militia; Ang.-If! E. Third St., 
Duluth, Jlinn.; Oommercial Olub, do, 
Jlnlro. Trevanion William. consul ting 
Eld. bro. Hon. N. F. H. (q.v.); ,b, 
Cornwall, Eng., July 29, 1848; e. King- 
ston, Ont.; mayor of Duluth, 1901-4; a 
promoter of a projrot to construct a 
canal between GeIOrgian Bay and To- 
ronta, 1905; Rep.; Ang.-f2I W. 6th 
A ve.
 Minn.; Oommercial Olub; 
Garfield Olub
Huguenin, Madame Anne Marie, lit- 
D. late John Gleason, Montreal; b. 
and e, there; m., Oct., 1904, Dr. Wil- 
frid A. Huguenin, Montreal; conducts 
a dept. In La Patrie newspaper, 
Montreal, entitled II Le Royaume des 
Femmes"; a frequent contributor. dur- 
Ing Its existence, to Le Journal {le 
Françoiae and other French-Can. 
journals; wrote and .staged a 'Play: 
II The Farewell of a Poet, 'Or The 
Death 'Of Octave Cremazle" 1902; 
writes under the nom-de-plume of 
II Madeleine"; R. C.-ilO St. Hubert 
St., Montreal. 
.. A charming writer."-M. Herald. 
Hun. Gordon Feme, educationIst. 
Irish-Scottish origin; s. John anð 
Jane (Moore) H.; b. Garnet, Ont., 
Oct. 7, 1870; e. Caledonia. High Sch., 
Hamilton ColI. Inst., Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A., with 1st class honours In math. 
and physics. 1892), and Chicago Unlv. 
(Ph.D., 1897; fellow In (physics, 1892- 
95; fellow and asst. In physics. 1895- 
97); unm.; Instr. In ,physics, Chicago 
Unlv., 1897-8; prof. do.. Colby Call., 
WatervfIle, Me., 1898-1900; aøst. prof. 
do., Dartmouth ColI.. N.H.. 1900-3; 
since 1903 has been prof. of physics, 
same unlv.; a fellow A.A.A.S.; a memo 
Am. Phys. Soc., Am. Astron. and 
Astrophys. Soc., and Can. Royal 
Aslron. Soc.; aut-hor of various articles 
In the Ph'll8ical :and o.ther revs. and 

trans.-Hanover, N,H,; QuadraKgZe 
rø, Margaret (see Anglin. Mls8 
.;Y.Lar&,aret .Mary), 
IIU: n CÐ:i:'Etone, Mr., Clara :E. Speight, 
E[ig. ahd German origin; d. Saml. 
Drake S., and - S.. d. John D. 
Van Vlack, Penn. ; b. Acton, Ont., 186
c. Acton pub, sch. and Co. Model sch. 
(cert. as a. public sch. teacher); m., 
1881, S. T. Humberstone, Newton- 
brook, Ont.. of the family 'Of H., Co. 
Denblgh, Eng.; known as the author 
of .. The Spherical Bacteria Cell 
the Constructor of the Earth and her 
Life, through the Radio-active Con- 
struction of Electro-M:tgnetic Particles" 
(1906) ; also 'Of various articles, contri- 
buted ta the Scientific American, 
Farmer8' Advocate, and various other 
journals; has lectured on the .. Prab- 
lem 'Of Life"; a memo Royal Astron. 
Soc, of Can. and 'Vomen's Can. Hlst. 
Soc.-Newtonbrook, Onto 
Humble. Capt. Bernard JIIa;ynard, 
company official. 
B. ApI. 25, 1865; m.; a capt. 3rd 
Regt., "Victoria Rifles of Can.... 1904; 
served with that regt. In N.W. Rebel- 
lion, 1885 (med.) ; placed on Corps Re- 
serve, l!l08; formel'ly secy. and mangr 
St. James's Club, Montreal; resigned, 
Nov., 1902; secy, Vancouver Club, 
1907-8; subsequently man gr. Empress 
(C. P. Ry.) Hotel, V Ictorla, B.C.; 
resigned. 1910; now In real estate 
buslness.-Victoria, B.O.; Mt. Royal 
Olub; St. Jame8's Olub, Monh"eal. 
Hume, H, Harald, educationist. 
B. Marvelville, Ont., 1875; e, local 
schs., Onto Agrlcul. Coll., Guelph, Ont., 
and Iowa State ColI. (B.S.A., 18!19; 
M.A., 1901) ; m., Dec., 1900, MissEm1l7 
Georgia. Norman, N.Y.; originally a 
sch. teacher; prof. hortlcul. and bot- 
any, Unlv, Florida, 1899-1904; State 
Horticulturist, N.C., 1904-6; now prof. 
of hortlcu!., Macdonald Coil., P.Q.; a 
Meth.-Macdonald Oollege, P.O. 
Rume, Mills M,. nursing profession. 
Sister Dr. R. G. D. H. (q.v.); b. and 
e. Galt, Ont.; now and for some yrs. 
supdt. 'Vom:lll's Hosp., Chicago; Presb. 
-Oor. S2nd St. and Rhodea A V6., Chi- 
Hume. Mis. Bowena Grace DOUlrla8, 
D. late GavIn H.; grandd. late Jas. 
Inglis, Scot.; b. Galt, Ont,; e. Galt 
Coli. Inst. and Onto Merl. Coli. for 
Women (M.D.,C.M., Trln. Unlv., 1899) ; 
In successful practice In Toronto; 
lect. bacteriol. In Onto Med. Coil. 
lor Women, and the LilIian Massey Sch. 
of Household Science, Toronto; Presb. 
-!26 Oarlton St" Toronto. 
HumphreJ'. Col, William KarllhaU. 
Can. regular mil. forces. 
E. S. late Wm. R.. Ulminster, Somer- 
set. Eng.; b. halifax, N.S.. July 8, 
1852; e. private schs. and Dalhousie 
CoIl.; m.
}H73, Eva, e. d. late Andrew 
Mitchell, Halifax; for a short time In 
commercial life; has been connected 
with the v, m. since 1869, In which 
year joined the 66th Regt. as ensljp1; 



passed through the -various Interven- 
ing grades and was apptd. It.-col. com- 
manding the regt., 1889; col., 1910; 
placed on R. 0., 1898; apptd. hon. It.- 
col., 66'tlh Regt., June 6, 1898; dlst. 
staff offr., M. D. No.9, July, 1901; 
depty. asst. adjt.-genl. (Mar. Pro- 
vinces), 1905; chief staff offr. (do. 
do.), 1908; D.O.C., M.D. No.8, 1909- 
11; since 'then bas been A.A.G. in 
charge of adm1nlSitratlon, 6th Div.; 
on Invlt.aJtion of the Mil. Depart., was 
present at Queen Victoria's Dlamoncl 
Jubllee, London, En.g., 1897, as one 
of the Can. contingent; holds 1st cla.5s 
v. b. cel't. and othe long service decora. 
tlon; Ang.-Halifax, N.S.; Union Club, 
St. John, N.B.; Halifax Club, HaZifax. 
Hunt, Mrs, Anna Rebecca, author. 
E. d. late Hon. Saml. Gale, a puisne 
Judge, Sup. Ct., L. C. (U. E. L. de- 
scent); b. and e. MontTea.I; ro., Jan., 
18iS, Dr. T. 
terry Hunt, F.R.S. (d. 
Feb., 1892), cl1id asst. to rbhe late Sir 
W. E. Logan, on the Can. 
ol. Sur- 
voey; lived with ohbn .at Boston, Mass., 
whoe're &he met Longfellow, Ho.lmes and 
other liot6rary "Uons" ; an accompliSihed 
1àngulst; ha.o;; traveMed much; a gov. 
Al't Assn., oM.ontreal; author "In 
Bohem.ia, and obher Studies .fo,r Poems" 
OO), and other works; a contribu- 
tor of muoh fine verse to the Can., 
Eng. and Am. :press.-2!56 University 
St., Montreal. 
Hunt, Aylmer Byron, merchant; leg- 
Eng. origin; s. Jas. and Jane 
(Stokes) H.; b. Bury, P.Q., ApI. 26, 
Ib64; e. :Model SCh., there; 01., Nov. 
10, 1892, Miss Annie Dawson; a lum- 
ber merchant and manfr.; a memo or 
firm of Ohadburn and H., real estate 
agents, Montreal; -has sat In Ule 
Co. Council; uns
ssfully contested 
Compton (Local), g. e. 1900; has sa1 
for same Co. (H.C.), since g. e., 1904; 
defeated R. H, Pope; now spoken of 
as a future senator; an Ang.; a Lib. 
-Robinson, P.(j. 
.. A source ()f strength to the Lib. party 
In the Eastern Townships."-M. StaT. 
Hunt, Lewis G" physician. 
S. Rev. A. S. H., late Supdt. of E<1., 
N. S.; b. Canard, N.S.; e. Acadia Unlv, 
(B.A., 1868; M.A., 1883; D.C.L., 
09); m. d. late Rev. .Tas, Stuart 
Vaughan, Clifton; M.D.,C.M. (McUilJ 
Unlv.), 1871; L.R.C.P. and S. (Edin. 
and Glasgow); has been surg. Union 
Infirmary, Sheffield, and held other 
prof. posUlons; a .T. P.; a tariff re- 
former; a R. C.-Richmond, Surrey, 
Enf}.; Richmond Club; United Sports 
Club, London, Eng. 
Hunt, Rev, Thomall Henry (Ang.), 
S. Wm. T. and Isabella Fortune 
(Mackenley) H., S.t. Eleanor's, P.I
b. there, Nov. 7, 1865; e. St. Peter's 
Boys' Sell., Charlottetown, P.E.I., and 
King's Coil. Unlv., Windsor, N.S. 
(B.A., 1887; M.A., 1890; B.D., 1897; 
D.D., 1902); O. deacon, 1888; prle
1889; .head master, S1. p.e'ter's BoY's' 
Sch., Charlot.tetown, 1888-1890; asst. 
priest, St. Peter's Cath., è.o., 1889-1904; 

lect. in Hebrew and Old Test., TrIn. 
Call., Torffilto, 1904-8; sln.oe otù1en bas 
been Alexandra prof. of divinity, King's 
ColI. Unlv., Windsor, N,S.-Win.dsor, 
"One- of the most scholarly of our 
clergymen."-OhaTlottetown Patriot, 
Hunt, Willla.m p" banker. 
S. late Richard H., postmaster and 
mayor, Summerside, P.E.I.; b. and e. 
there; entd. service Bank N. S., 1881; 
manfj;r. do., Kingston, Jamaica, W.I., 
8 yrs.; a J. P. there; presented with 
slIver loving cup, by Jamaica friends, 
on his leaving there, June, 1903; since 
then mangr. of the bank in Montreal; 
chalr:man MorlttreaJ Ol-ea..l'lng-house, 
Jan., 1909.-
05 Dorchester St. W., 
Montreal; Mt. Royal Club; St. James's 
Club; Montreal Jockey Club; Mt. Royal 
Golf Olub, do. 
Hunter, Alfred Taylour, lawyer; 
S. late. John Howard H., K.C., and 
Annie (Gordon) H.; b. Dundas, Ont., 
Oct. 25, 1866; e. Toronto Grammar 
Sch. and Toronto Unlv. (LL.B., 1890) ; 
m. Miss Olive M. J ef[ery, Midland, 
Onto ; barrister, 18
2 ; successfully 
practises his prof. In Toronto; memo 
legal firm H. & H.; author of the 
fOllowing law books: " Power 01 
Sale In 'Mortgages"; " Foreclosure 
of Mortgages"; "Real Property Stat- 
utes"; .. Law of Torts"; apptd. capt. 
12th Regt., '0' York Rangers," May, 
OJ; has lectured on .. Condensed 
Militarism in Can."; "Universal Mili- 
tary Training In Can."; "The Organ- 
Ization of Green Troops," and other 
mil. subjects; V.-P. '1'oronto Revolver 
Club, 1908; unsuccessfully contested 
Toronto West (H.C.), as a McCarthy- 
lte, 1896, and same seat (H.C.) In 
Lib. Intere.s't, g, e. 1904; elected presd,t. 
Ward 6, Lib. Assn., Toronto, 1911; a 
PreS'b.-94 Spencer A ve., Toronto; P1'O- 
gressive Olub; .Argonaut Rowing Club, 
"A public benefactor."-Oanada. 
Hunter, Andrew Frederick, journal1st. 
S, Wm. Telfer and Martha. (War- 
nlca) H.; b. Tp. Innlsfil, Ont., Dec. 31, 
1863; e. Barrie ColI. Inst. and Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A., 1889; M.A" 1892) ; unm.; 
ed. and publisher Barrie Examiner, 
1889-95; author of various contribu- 
tions deaUng with Can. history, 
archæology and geology, including "A 
History of Simcoe County" (1910); a 
memo Can. Inst,; a fellow Am. Assn. 
tor the .Aodvanc. of Science; a ooun- 
oiU:or Onto Hist, Soc.-Barrie, Onto 
"Has the natural instinct ()f the anti- 
quarian and historian."-M. & E. 
Hunter, Francis Jamell, banking pro- 
Grands. Francis H., a native of 
Alloa, Scot., who was talten prisoner 
by a French man-of-war and carrlea 
to France, 1798, when on his way to 
Can.; S. late Francis H., merchant, 
Montreal, who 'held a comn. In the 
militia during the Hebemon of 1837, 
and was afterw.arl1s in the C.S., Ottawa 
and Allcia Frances (Macdonagh) H.; 
b. Montreal, Jan. 18, 18
3; e. High 


Sch., Quebec and ColI. Inst., Ottawa; 
unm.; long in the service of the Bank 
of Montreal, successively acting mana- 
ger, Amherst, N.S.; manager at Monc- 
ton, N.B., Regina, Sa,sk., .st. .lo1l1n's, 

fd., anù other I'!:L.,.};; ;lppt.1. iIl
N. W. T. and B. C. branches, 1903; 
the first mangr. of a chartered 
bank in the N. W. T.; prepared, with 
others, the prospeoctus which success- 
fully floated the city of Regina's bond 
Issue In London, Eng.; a memo Regina 
Bd. of Trade; served in Ottawa Gar. 
Arty. during Fenian RaId, 1870 (med. 
and clasp); also servoo tlhe 
ReobeHion, N. W. T., 1885 (med.).- 
Winnipeg; lIIanitoba Club, do.; City 
Club, St. John'8, Nfd. 
Hunter, George Ernest, Dom. publIc 
Scottish origin; s. Chas. Tupper and 
Rarah (Giles) H.; b. "\Vpstchester, N.S., 
Nov. 30, 1882; e. Oxford; m., Oct., 
1909, Alma Elsie, e. d. Howard Sibbald, 
Banff, Alta. : telegraph operrator, Interc. 
Ry., 1895-1902; entd. public service, 
Can. Nat. Park, Banff. 1904; promoted 
supdt. Rocky Mtns, Park, ApI., 1908; 
transfd. to same position, Yoho Park, 
May, 1909; is presdt. Banff Baspball, 
Hockey, Football and Cricket Clubs; 
1st V.-P. R'tnff Curling Club; St-PY 
Sch. Bd., Field; J. P. for Alta. and 
B.C.; Bapt.-Yoho Park, Field, B.C. 
Hunter, Miss Georgina, educationist. 
E. M.cGUl Normal Soh. ( d.I,p- 
loma) and M.cGiU Unlv. (B.A. and 
gold med. in En.g. Ht., 1888); began 
her teaohing work ,in ilie Sherbl'OOke 
St. IScIh., Montl'OO.l; Eng.'her, High 
Seh. for G
rls, Montre:aJ, 1882-1904; 
app'tod. lrudY ;prIncipal d'Ü. do., Jan., 
1904; 1s a memo Brot. .sec. C()UI1JCoIl of 
PubiM.c Inst., ,P.Q., and 'Ûof rtIhoe Ed'Uc. 
Oomte., .l'ocal branch, NaiÍ.. Ooun l 0iI of 
WoQmen; retired as pI1incLpal HIgh Seh. 
for GIrls, June, 1911, oQn whioh occasIon 
was presen.ted w.ïth an add-ress and a 
handsome testolm,onial; has }.ectured on 
II The Pos'iUon of Women In Ancient 
Greece" and otJhør subj
Court, Stanley St., Montreal; Women'8 
Canadian Club; Westmount Goll Club, 
.. D.istin.guished fo'r atre.ngth 0If intellect, 
rilþe scholarB'hip, high ideals in education 
a,nld Jnn.ate killd'ne,ss and s)"mpalthy."-JI. 
Hunter, Hon, Gordon, chief justice. 
E. s. late John Howard H.. R.C., and 
Annie (Gordon) H.; b. Beamsvllle, 
Ont., May 4, 1863; e. Brantford ColI. 
Inst. and Toronto Univ. (B.A., with 
Lorne silver and Lansdowne gold 
meds. for genl. proficiency and various 
sC"holar,s., 1885); m., 1896, Mrs. Ira 
Nelson, d. Chas. F. Johnson, Portland, 
On,; barrister (Ont.), 1888; do. 
(B. C.), 1892; K.C., 1900; first official 
law reporter to the Supreme Ct., B. C. ; 
Crown solI'. , E. C., 1892-4; successfully 
practised his prof. with Hon. Theod0re 
(afterwardlS Chief Justice) DavIe; was 
apptd. gold commr. for the Yukon, 
1898, but decHned; apptd. Chief Jus- 
tice of B. C., Mch. 8, 1902; V.-P. To- 
ronto Un Iv. Alumni Assn., 1906; ad- 
ministrator of the Govt., 1908; a Royal 


commr. re stril{es and lockouts be- 
tween, amongst others, owners of coal 
and metaIllferous mInes and their em- 
ployees throughout B. C., 1903; for- 
merly a LIb.; Ang.-Vfctoria, B.C.; 
Union Club, do.; Vancouver Club, Van- 
II Democratic .a.nd dev(),id of frills."-Ji. 
II erald. 
Hunter, He.nry C., lawyer. 
S. Hy. S. and Harriet (Gaylord) H.; 
b. Stanstead, P.Q.; e. Stanstead Call., 
Phillips Exeter Acad., and Unlv. Law 
Sch., N. Y.; counsellor-at-law, N. Y., 
1895; successfully practises his proto 
in N. Y.; counsel for N. Y. and N. J. 
foundrymen, Including all large foun- 
dries In N. Y. city and vicinity; also 
for N. Y. Metal Trades Assn., com- 
posed of all shipbuilding and shIp-re- 
pairing firms, manfrs. of machinery, 
etc.; one of the founders and for many 
yrs. secy. of the Can. Soc., N. Y.; 
elect.ed presdt., do., 1907; a memo 
Comte. of Civic Federation; chosen to 
speak on behalf of the manfrs. of the 
D.S. before the convention, Chicago 
Nat. Civic Federation, 1903; a frequent 
contributor to the press on subjects re- 
lating to organIzed capital and <>rgan- 
ized labour; an Epis.-
iO "JV. One 
Hund1'ed and F01.ty-sixth St., New York 
City; Brit. School8 and Universitie8 
Club; St. George'8 Society; H eight8 
Club; Republican Club; Law Institute; 
Am. Inst. 01 Social Science, do. 
Hunter, James Blake, Dom. pUblic 
S. late D. H. H., principal, Wood- 
stock (Ont.) Coil. Inst., and Eunice 
(Kitchen) H.; b. Waterdown, Ont., 
Aug. 31, 1876; e. there, Woodstock 
Coil. Inst., and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 
with honours, 1899); m., Oct., 1906, 
Helena Augusta, 2nd d. W. S. Calvert 
(q.v.), Strathroy, Ont.; entd. Dom. 
public service, 1899; served as private 
secy. to successive MinI's. of the Crown; 
asst. depty. MinI'. of Public Works, 
Can., Jan. I, 1908; depty. Mlnr., do., 
since July 1, 1908; one of the pro- 
moters Civil Service Club, Ottawa, 
1910.-752 MacLaren St., Ottawa; Civil 
Service Club, do. 
.. Canada should be proud of his re- 
conl."-Hon. Wm. PUDsley (q.v.). 
Hunter, John, physician. 
6th s. late David and Jane H., St. 
George, Ont.; b. Co. Peel, Ont., Oct. 
18, 1850; e. public sch., Galt Coli. Inst. 
and 'l'oronto Univ. (M.B., 1875); m., 
Nov., 1877, Elizabeth J., e. d. late John 
Renwick, Orono, Ont.; memo ColI. P. 
and S., Ont., .1875; took Ipoot...grad. 
course i:1 ilJ
pS. uf Gt. Brit., France, 
Germany, Austria, Italy, and D. S.; a 
memo Public Sch. Ed., Toronto, 1894- 
5; presdt. Toronto Med. Soc., 1904-5; 
elected a memo Bd. of Educ., Toronto, 
1907; author of frequent contrIbutions 
to med. journals; a Lib.; unsuccess- 
fully contested West Toronto (Local), 
1905; believes In public ownershIp of 
public utilities, nat. schs.. abolition of 
the bar-room and .. treating" system 
and of sale of lIquor hy an agent or 
govts.: a Prpsb., and an plder in the 



ch.-268 Ronce8valle8 Ave., To)'onto; 
Cana4ian Club, do. 
Hunter, John Kelso, Can. municipal 
S. ;T. K. and Margt. (Goldie) H.; 
b. Glasgow, Scot., Nov. 18, 1856; e. 
Glasgow Univ.; m. Miss E. 'V. Walker, 
Sunderland, Eng.; came to Oan., 1892; 
founded -the .Aroadian co!<my, nr. 
Yorkton, Sask.; some time in looa.l 
C. S.; successively secy.-treas. and 
assessor, Regina; city elk., do., and an 
ooV'OoCate and ba,rrIster; since 1906 has 
be.en s-ooy.-t.reas., Union of 'MuThi- 
ol;paldtlE'S; r
resenlts Royal Trust Co.; 
one 'Of .t.he found'ers of the Can. Club; 
author .. Reg-Ina MunJoIp.a1 Mtanua1."- 
f!8.'tO Victoria St., Regina, Sask.; Cana- 
dian Club; A8siniboia Club, do. 
Hunter, Joseph, civil engineer. 
B. Aberdeen, Scot.. 1842; e. Gram- 
mar Sch. and Marischal ColI., Aber- 
deen; m. d. late Hon. ;Tohn Robson, 
Premier of B. C.; came to B. C., 1864; 
a surveyor and en gr. ; was employed 
as such on C. P. Ry.; Ð;p:ptd. ehi-ef engr. 
ESQuimalt & Nanaimo Ry., 188a, and 
genI. supdt. of the co., 1886; sat for 
Cariboo (Local), 1871-5, and again, 
1900-3, and for Comox, 1890-1900; a 
Con.-Victoria B.C.; Union Club. do. 
Hunter, Samuel, cartoonist. 
S. late CBJpt. ;Tohn H., clk. Div. Ct. 
MlloloflOO'k, Onlt., and Jane (O'Brian) 
H. ; U.E.L. odeSCle'IlIt on fa-ther's side; b. 
Millbrook, Mch. 3, 1858; e. there; m., 
July, 1888, Miss ;Teannette Brayley, To- 
ronto; from the first had a predilec- 
tion for caricature; early devoted 
himself to newspaper lllustraUon; ex- 
ercised both pen and pencil, much of 
his paragraphing finding a market 
among the comic weeklies of the U. S.; 
spent several yrs in Can. West, study- 
Ing Ind. life and the picturesQuë of the 
plains; his reproductions of native life 
found ready sale; since 1894 has been 
principally engd. producing political 
cartoons, his work appearing in many 
of the leading Can. dallies, almost ex- 
ûlousively in 1he Toronto World since 
1897; is a firm believer in the possi- 
bilities of Can., and desires to see It 
occupy the position of a nation In the 
near future.-158 Springhurst Ave., To- 
ronto; 8ummer re8idence: Stonll Lake, 
.. Gro.w8 more felicitous the more he 
<1raws."-T, Globe. 
.. A great and gentle caricaturist"- 
E. W. Thomlton (q.v.) 
.. Bold, brutal, LaverU'TIe, 
M.L.A. (q.v.). 
.. Has the happy faculty of making hi! 
drawings most keenly pene! rating withont 
being offensive"-Bobcay. Indepe'TIdent. 
Hunter, W, E, Lincoln, lawyer. 
Irish origin; s. R
v. Dr. W 
;T. H. (q.v.); b. London, Ont., ;Tan. 
13, 1870; e. Hamilton Call. Inst. 
and Toronto Law Sch.; m., ;Tune, 
1904, Mary E., d. Hy, Smith, 
supdt. Colonization Rds., Toronto; 
barrister, 1891; successfully practises 
his prof. In Toronto; census commr., 
C. Toronto, 1901; a la-I'ge owner of 

real estate In Toronto; author .. The 
Woman in Blue," a saUrlcal novel 
(1895); .!lOng dn the v, m, service; 
gazetted capt., 10th Grenadiers, Nov., 
1907; a Lib.; has been V.-P. C. To- 
ronto Reform Assn. and President N. 
Toronto Lib. Club; a great traveller; 
Ang.; Walmer Rd., Toronto; 
Onto Liberal Club; Elk8 Club; Royal 
Can. Yacht Club; Can. Military 111,- 
8titute, do. 
Hunter, .ev, WilUam Armstrol1C 
S. Wm. H., Mlllbrook, Ont.; b. there; 
e. Peterboro Call. Inst., Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., with honours and gold med. 
In Meontæl and lM)oNll1 PhoH., .1877; M.A. 
1879; 'P,h.D., 1895), Knox ColI., Tor- 
on:to an.d Union Tihool. Semy., N. Y. ; 
m., Jan., 1901, Sarah, e. d. J. C. Hol- 
den, Montreal; O. 1880; successively 
pastor Barkdale and Erskine Ch., Tor- 
onto, and 1st Ave. Presb. Ch., Denver, 
Colo.; author "Evolution and Chrlstl- 
a.nlty" (1896), and other works.-l070 
Lennon St., River8ide, Cal. 
Hunter, WnUam J,. Can. ry. service. 
S. ;Tas. and Mary A. H., Detroit, 
Mich.; b. Toronto, ;Tran. 10, 1864; e. 
DE'trolt Grammar and High Schs.; m. 
Miss Marie A. Silverthorne, Harrls- 
vllle, Mich.; asst. genl. frdght and 
Dass. agent's office, Detroit, Mich., 
1877; genl. mangr.'s office, G. E. line, 
Roston. Mas!'!., ] 881; solg-. frelg-ht 
agent, G. T. Ry., Detro1t, Mloh., 1886; 
tra v. fretg-ht agent, do., Battle Creek. 
Mich.. 1896: genl. travel. agent, do., 
Detroit, Mich., 1898; N. Y. State 
agent, do., Buffalo, N.Y., 1899; comm!. 
agent., do., Pittsburg, Pa., 1901; since 
1904 do. do. do., Winnipeg; elected 
V.-P. Traffic Club, Plttsburg, 1903: an 
F;pis.- Winnipeg, Man.; Manitoba Club, 
Hunton, Sidney Walker, 
S. late Thos. H., Ottawa; b. there, 
;Tuly 4, 1858; e. Ottawa ColI. Inst. 
(Dufferln med. In math. and cLassics) 
and McGill Univ.; won Can. Gilchrist 
scholar. of noo stg. per annum, ten- 
able for 3 yrs., 1878: proceeding to 
London, studied at Univ. Call., ap- 
plying himself to math.: won thE' 
Rothschild scholar., valued at !56, 
awarded for the greateiSt proficiency In 
math., 1881; graduated Univ. of Lon- 
don, 1881; asst. prof. of math., there, 
2 yrs.; lect. In math., Elect. Enging. 
CdI!., London, 1882-3; since then ha!'! 
been prof. of math., 'Mt. Allison Univ., 
N.B. ; also a senator of that univ.; pur- 
sued furtíher studies at 'Cambridge and 
Heidelberg; m., Dec., 1884, Annie, d. 
Dr. ;T. R. Inch, late presdt. Univ. of 
N. B.; a .Meth.-Sackville, N.B. 
"An Ottawa bay deoSe<r'Vil1g aU hml()IU1\." 
-0. Free Press. 
Hurdman, Frederick Harold, account- 
S. Geo. and Agnes C. (Fraser) H.; 
b. Ottawa; e. Ottawa CoIl. Inst., To- 
ronto Univ. and N. Y. Univ. (B.C.S.): 
unm.; certified public .accountant,1909 ; 
a memo firm of Suffern & Son, puob1<ic 
accoun tan ts, N. Y.; supef'tn tending ac- 
countant Oriental Bank: secy. WIl- 



lIamsburgh Trust Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.; 
II mem. ..2hamber of Commerce, N. Y. ; 
Rep.; lHeth.-White Plains, N.Y.: 
White Plafnø Club, do.; TranlJportation 
Club, N.Y,; Brooklyn League, Brook- 
"Iyn, N.Y: 
Hurdman, Lt.-Col. William George, 
Ca.n. regular mil. forces. 
B. Ottawa, Nov. I, ] 8fí8; e. local 
!'Ichs.; m., 1st, Charlotte EJfzabpth (d. 
Aug., 1899), d. late John Burns, Civil 
Service, Ottawa; 2ndly, Feb., 1905, 
Lillian May, y. d. late J. T. Pennock, 
Ottawa; was for some yrs. In the lum- 
ber and mercantile business; Is now 
Inspr. of carriages and mnitary stores, 
Militia Dept.; long In v. m.; entd. G. 
G. F. Gds. as a prIvate, 1874; lIf'ut., 
2nd Field Batty., Can. Arty., 1888; 
major commdg. the batty., 1896; it.- 
col., 1901; commanded 8th Brig., Can. 
Field Arty., 1902-9; since then has 
been R. 0.; served S. African War, 
1899-1900; operations In Transvaal, 
east of Pretoria, JulY-Nov., 1900 ; 
opera tfons In Orange River Colony, 
MaY-Nov., 1900; operations In CRP
Colony, south of Orange River, 1899- 
1900 (Queen's med. with 3 clasps): 
holds long sen-ice decoration; i.-;. 
presù.t. Ottawa Valley Motor Assn. I 
(re-elected 1911); treas. Dom. Arty. I 
Assn.: chairman Bd. of Sch. Trustees, 
Ottawa, B07; presdt. Onto Arty. Assn., 
1904-5; a Meth.-lS8 Stewart St., Ot- 
tawa; Ottawa Hunt Club, do. 
.. A mO&t entohusiß.&tic and painstaking 
offtCeT."-O. Citizen. 

Hurlbatt, Mis. Ethel, educationist_ 
B. Kent, Eng.; e. private schs. 
and Somerville Coli., Oxford; ex- 
hibitioner, 1888-91; post-grad. scholar., 
18n-2; final honours Sch. Mod. Hlst., I 
Oxford, ] 8H ; principal Aberdare 
Hall, Cardiff, 1892-8; memo Comte. 
Train. Sch. of Cookery and Domes- 
tic Arts, Cardiff. till ]8'18: 
Howell's Sch., Landaff, till 1898: hon. 
sP('v. (S. \V
 If's) As!>". for p r orI1nti 'I;. 
ed'Uc. of women in Wales, till 1898; 
V.-P. Nat. UnIon of Women Workers: 
principal Bedford Coli. (for women) 
Unlv. of London, and lect. In pol. econ., 
1898-1906; since then has been warden 
Royal Victoria Coli" McGill Unlv., 
Montreal: was engd. for several yrs., 
during long vacation, as temporary 
memo of statT at BodleIan Librna-y, 
Oxford, in calendaring mpdiaev:'\l Latin 
charters; !presented to Th(òlr MaJesties 
'bhe late King and Queen of Eng., 
June, 1907; elected V.-P. Women's 
Can. Club, 1908; since coming to 
Can. has read papers bEfore public I 
bodies on It Sch. H)'glene," It The . 
Teaching- of Historv," .. 
0me Qupstions 
()f Health," .. The Ha.ce ôf the 
Woman Teacher In Elementary Edu- 
oo'tlún," It W'OIrnen In IndustrIal Eng- 
land" ; favours woman suffrage.- 
Royal Victm'la College, Montreal; 
"1'" omen'8 Canadian Club, do. 
.. No he'ad of a college has ever been 
more popular."-Eccles. Journal. 
It One of the Montreal women whose 
SOod works wU! DeTer dJe."-T. World. 

Husband, Blcha.rd Wellington, edu- 
Irish origin: family place In Lim- 
erick by Cromwell: 8. Richard and 
Eleanor (Teeple) H.; b. MHton, Ont., 
Nov. 27, 1869; e. Kincardine High 
Rch.. Stanford Dlllv. (B.:\., 1895: M.A., 
1896), Tôronto Un Iv. (B.A., ad eun., 
1896), and Unlv. of Cal.: m.. Jun". 
1901, Miss Helene Borgm,an. Yonkers, 
N. Y.; reader In Greek, Unlv. of Cal., 
]897-8; asst. in Latin. do., 1898; In- 
structor In Latin, Mills CoIl., Cal., 
1898-9; do. do., Stanford Unlv., 1899- 
1900: Instructor in Greek, Dartmouth 
Coli., 1900-03 ; since then has been asst. 
prof. of classical philo!., do. do. ; presdt. 
Grad. Club, Unlv. of Cat, 1898-99; a 
memo Intern. Assn. Phonetlque and 
New Eng. Assn. of CoIls. and Prep,ara- 
tory Schs.; ed. .. Li!"t of Books Re- 
commended for Library of a Classical 
Teacher" (1902): Ang, -Hanover, 
Hutcheon, Bev, Bobert J, (Unlt.). 
B. nr. Campbellford, Ont., 1869: e. 
Burnbrae, On1., Campbellford High 
Sch., Queen's Unlv. (M.A., 1892), and 
Harvard Unlv. (A.M., 1906): m. 
Maggie D. (M.A., with gold med. In 
science, Queen's Unlv., 1895), d. late 
Ald. Wm. Allen, Kingston, Ont.: O. 
(Presb.), 1892: pastor, Cape Vincent, 
N. Y., 1896-6: asst., St. Andrew's Ch., 
King St., Toronto, 1896: pastor, 8t. 
Andrew's Ch., Almonte, Ont., 1897- 
1901; O. (Unit.), 1902; pastor, Ch, of 
Our Father, Ottawa, 1902-5; since 1906 
has been pastor, Jarvis St. Unit. Ch.,; elected Þl'esdt. BrownIng 
Olub, T()rol1lto, 1909.--3 Edoedaie Rd., 
"A man full of zeal and energy. a.nd 
possessed of the personal qUBlities needed 
for a successful pastorate....-M. Herald, 
Hutchins, Mrs, Eileen (see AngUn, 
.\118s Eileen). 
Hutchlnll, Horace Albert, lawyer. 
S. late Rodney and Harriet (Hul- 
burt) H., East Farn'ham, P.Q. ; b. there, 
1863; e. St. Francis 0011., Richmond, 
P.Q.; m., 1892, An-Ula Lyndon, d. 1
Joa,s. A. !Moran, St. MartIn's, N.B.; 
graduateod B.C.L. (McGill Unlv.), 
I 1883; advocate, 1884; K.C., 1902; suc- 
ú&Ssfully p< In 'Montreal: Is a 
dolr. Wi:stmoun.t Munlolpa! Assn. and 
sool'r. for .Pointe Olalre, P.Q.; Lib.; 
Ang.-" Clo-,;el'ly," R08emount Ave., 
We8tmount, Montreal. 
Hutchinll, Bev. William. Borman 
( Hapt.). 
S. late Wm. and Bessie H.; b. Hal1- 
fax, N.S., Mch. 12, 1869: e. public 
sohs.. HalIfax, .A,cad'ia UnJv. (B.A., 
1891; M.A., 1894), an'd IWchester Theol. 
Semy. (H.D., 1905): m., Nov., 1902, 
Georgetta H., d. late T. A. Margeson, 
Halifax; o. 1894; pastor, Cannlng, N.S., 
1 S J 4-1902; do. 1st Bapt. Ch., Truro, 
N.S., 1902-9; elected president UnIted 
Bapt. Convention, Mar. Provinces, 
1907; a Senator Acadia Unlv. since 
1897; author various articles In rell- 
g-Ious and secular press.--chicago, Ill. 
Of A pastor of godliness, mental vigour, 
studiousness, balanced jUdgment and prac. 
tical experience."-Rev. Dr. Trotter (q.lI.). 



Hutchinson, Bev. David (Bapt.). 
t:;. late Rev. Hy. H. (Bapt.); b. 
Hertfordshlre, Eng., 1855; e. private 
Sch, and East London Call., under Dr. 
Guinness, where he was prfiJpared for 
the minIstry; D.D, (hon.), Acadia 
Coil" 1910; on completing Ws studies, 
did evang. work in Ntld., N.S., N.B., 
Ont. and U.S.; first pastoral charge, 
Ingersoll, Ont.; since then has been 
pastor, successively, at St. Thomas, 
Brantford, Moncton and st. John, N.B.; 
elooted presd>t. &1>t. Convention, Om. 
and Quebec, 18!);!; a memo Comte. on 
Bapt. Union, 1908; a gov. McMaster 
Unlv.; a Lib,-.J1 DouglCl8 Ave., St. 
John, N.B. 
.. A student, an a1l1e preacher &nd 
one who can hold his own in argument."- 
T. Globe. 
Hutchin80n, George Edgar, architect. 
O. s. Enoch and Elizabeth H., Morris- 
town, N.S.; b. there, Jan. 11, 1862; e. 
Public Schs. and Boston (Mass. ) 
Architectural Sch.; m., 1st, June, 1884, 
Elizabeth (d, ApI., 1901), O. d. Fredk. 
Mead, Boston" Mass.; 2ndly, Nov., 
1901, Maud, d. John Devlin, Halifax, 
N.S.; a charter memo Sask. Arch. 
Aßsn.; Pro vI. Arc'hitect, Bask., 1906-8; 
designed and superinten I
J the erec. 
tlon of many chs., schs. and pUbllc 
buildings In Can.; a memo Sydney, 
C. B., Ed. or Trade, 1900-4; since tilen 
has been a memo Regina Bd. of Trade, 
-Regina, Sask. 
.. As an artistic architectural draughts. 
man second to none."-W, 0, Oon. 
Hutchinson, Hon, Matthew, judge. 
Scottish ancestry; S. \Vm. Scott and 
Sarah Martha (Archibald) H.: b. Co. 
Halifax, N.S., Oct. 29, 1842; e. London 
(Ont.) Grammar Sch. and McGill 
Unlv, (B.C.L., and Elizabeth Torrance 
gold med., 1873; D.C.L., 1887); m., 
1st, Miss Mary Hood, Montreal (d. 
Jan., 1884) ; 2ndly, June, 1888, Ellza- 
beth (d. June, 1892), d. Jas. Lang- 
lands, Montreal; 3rdly, July, 19u5, 
Annie, e. d. late Rev. Dr. Principal 
MacVicar, Montreal; advocate, 1874; 
KC., 1899; successfully practised his 
prof. In Mon treal; was one of the 
leaders of the bar; mayor, Westmount, 
1890-2; prof. law faculty, McGill Unlv., 
1878-90; apptd. a puIsne judge, S. C., 
P.Q., Nov. 16, 1904; sat for Montreal, 
St. Antoine Div. (Local), Lib. interest, 
1900-4; a Presb.-Sherbrooke, P.Q.; 
Canada Club, 11..Iontreal. 
.. An able and upright judge, whooSe de. 
cisions have been admirnbly conceived and" expressed."-Late Judge Curran. 
Hutchinson, Wallace :Irving, U.S. pub. 
Eng. and Scotch origin; S. J. R. and 
L. C. H., Wolfville, N.S.; b. N.S., Jan. 
:10, 1881: e. Horton Coli. Acad., Acadia 
Un1v. (B.A., 1901) and Yale Unlv. 
Uept. or .Forestry \M.l<'., I
03) ; entd. 
U. S. Bureau of Forestry, July, 1901; In 
charge forestry dept., Island of Min- 
dinas, P.I., 1
06-H; since then has 
done much research work In India, 
Belgium and Germany; a memo Am. 
Forestry Assn.; author of numerous 
articles on Forestry In periodlcals.- 
Bureau of Forestry, Washington., D,C. 

Hutchinson, Rev. Bernard 
B. Londonderry, N.S., Jan. HI, 1861; 
e. Acadia Unlv, (B.A., 1886; M.A., 
189ð), Rochester Theol. Semy. (B.D.) 
and Newton Theol. Semy., MaSs. 
(D.D.) ; m., Oct., 1890, Miss Grace E. 
Terhune, Quebec; 0., 1889; pastor, 
Topeka, Kansas, 1890-1904; do., Law- 
rence, do., 1904-7; apptd. presdt. 
Acadia Unlv., June, 1907; resigned, 
June, 1909; (during his Incumbency 
the Acadia Coil. Forward Fund at 
$230,000 was completed, John D. 
Rockefeller contributing $100,000 and 
Andrew Carnegie $30,OOO).-Hutchin. 
son, Kansas. 
.. A stalwart man. full of energy and 
with great capacity for bringing thines to 
pass."-H. Herald. 
Hutchison, Alexander Cowper, archi- 
Scottish ancestry; S. late Wm. and 
Helen Campbell (Hall) H.; b. Mont- 
real, ApI. 2, 1838; e. there; m., 1862, 
Miss Margt. Burnet, Cobourg, Ont.; In 
early yrs. a stonecutter; had charge 
of the stone-cutting required for the 
Parlt. Bdgs., during the course of their 
erection, up to 1865; later, after spe- 
cial Instruction, conducted classes In 
architectural and geomet. drawing In 
connection with the Mech. lnst. and 
the Bd. of Arts and Manufactures, 
Montreal; 'Was flor many yrs. after- 
wards in the actlv.e 'pursuit of his prof. 
In ,toot city; now a consulting ar
t; many of the principal bulldlngs 
In M'Ontreal have been designed by 
him; has also lectuTed on architecture 
before the Art Assn. and 'the Presb. 
Coli., !Montreal: was one ()f the 
orIginal mems. (.selected by Its faun de-I', 
the Marquis of Lorn.e) of the Royal 
Can. Acad. .of Art, and Temalned Its 
V.-P. up to 1907; 'has also been presdt, 
of the Que-bee Architects' Assn.; a 
Presb. and an elder In the ch.; also 
a memo of the Bd. of Mangt:. of the 
M'Ontreal Presb. Call. and a memo of 
the Nat. Comte. of the Presb. Lay- 
man's Missy. .Movement, 1909; was 
for 21 yrs. suþdt. of the St. Andrew's 
Ch. Sunday Sch., Westmount; also 
V.-P. of the Sunday Sch. Assn., P.Q., 
and a dllI'. of the Pr.ot. House of In- 
dustry and Refuge; was a warm per- 
sonal fll"lend of the late Hon. Alex. 
Mackenzie. - 2iO Kensington Ave., 
II One 0If Montreal's best known and 
most honoured citizenø."-o. Free Pre... 

Hutchison, Bev, David (Pres b.), edu- 
Scottish origin; S. D. H., Orlllia. 
Ont. : b. Arbroath, Scot., Jan. 25, 1866; 
e. McGill Unlv. (B.A., 1893; M.A., 
1899)" Hairvard Un
v. (A.B., Ph.D.) 
and Montreal Presb. Coil. (B.D., 1898) ; 
m., June, 1895, Miss Laura Mooney, 
Montreal; O. 1895: filled several pas- 
torates: Instr. In Hebrew and Asst. 
Instr. In HI'St. and Sociology, Union 
Univ., N.Y., 1906-10; sInce then has 
been a Prof., Dept. of Hlst., State Nor- 
mal Call., Albany, N.Y.-----i68 Yates St., 
Albany, N,Y. 



Butchi.on. ....ame. Alexander, phy- 
slclan; Can. ry. servIce, 
S. Matthew and Helen (Ogilvie) 
H., Goderlch, Ont.; b. Montreal, June 
12, 1863; e. Goderlch and McGill 
Unlv. (M.D.,C.M., 1884) ; L.R.C.p. and 
S., Edln, ; m., May, 1891, JessIe, d. late 
Thos. Caverhlll, Montreal; asst. surg. 
Montreal Genl. Hosp., 1891; attendIng 
surg., 1894 ; successfully practises 
his prof. In Montreal; has been chIef 
moo oirr. of the G. T. and G. T, 
Pacific Rys. since 1905; is asst. 
prof. of BUrg. and c1ln. surg. McGill 
Unlv.; presdt. Montreal Chir, Soc.; 
elected V.-P. Can. Tubercul. Assn., 
1909; a llfe mem., M.A.A.A.; author 
of many very valuable contrIbutions 
to moo.. U/bera1.'llTe,-&.+ Mackay Bt., 
Montreal; St. James'8 Club; Univer- 
:lity Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht 
Club; Royal Montreal Golf Club, do. 
Hutchi.on, COl, William. Dom, publlc 
S. late Robt. and Mary H.; father 
a native of Ayrshlre, Scot.; b. Ot- 
tawa, Dec. 25, 1843; e. Ottawa Gram- 
mar Sch.; m., Sept., 1874, E. Blanche, 
e. d. S. T. Willet, Chambly, P.Q.; 
gained business experIence under his 
uncle, the late Thos. McKay, an Ot- 
tawa fiour miller, and was sometime 
hIs partner; afterward was long 
mango dlr. McKay Milling Co.; presdt. 
Central Can. EXlbn. .Assn., 1899-41906; 
an ald., and sometime chaIrman Bd. 
of Works, Ottawa, 1885-91; sat for 
Ottawa (H. C.), LIb. Interest, 1896- 
1904; sInce 1902 has served as a 
Commr. of Expns. for the Dam. of 
Can.; now and for some yrs. Is Chief 
Commr.; decorated with the Order of 
the Rising Sun (with the rank of col. 
In the army), by Emperor of Japan, 
1904; with Order of Leopold, by King 
of the Belgians, 1905, and with Order 
of the Crown of Italy, by the King 
of Italy, 1907; presented to and 
lunched with the late King Edward 
and Queen Alexandra, Dublln, July, 
1907.-Care Department of Agricul- 
ture, Ottawa; Rideau Club, do. 
10 To hiB cre.ative genius, foresight and 
Indomitable energy due the creditable 
natlO1lo!Ll displaya made abroad by the 
Dom. In- connection with these seve.ral exhl. 
bitrons."-Late Sir Geo. Drummond. 
Hutton, Maurice, educationist. 
S. Rev. Joseph Henry H., rector of 
West Heslerton, Eng., and Mary 
(Mottram) H.; nephew Richard H., 
of the London Spectator; b. Manches- 
ter, Eng., 1856; e. Magdalen Call. SCh., 
\Vorcester CoIl., Oxford {open scholar- 
shIp, 1874; 1 st class classical modera- 
tions, 1877; 1st cla.1iJS LiterlB Human- 
(ores, 1879); LL,D. (hon.), Toronto 
Urrlv., 1903; do. (do.), Queen's UnJlv., 
1903; m., 1885, Annie Margt., d. late 
Rev. John McCaul, LL.D., first presdt. 
TorollJto Unlv.; fel10w of Me1'ton O>Jil., 
1879-86; lect. on classics and ancient 
hIlst.. Fll'bh Ooltl., Sheffiel1d, 188(}; prof. 
of classics, Unlv. Coil., Toronto, 
1880-87; prof. of Greek, do., since 
1887 and principal of the ColI. since 
1901; acting presdt. of Toronto Unlv., 
1906-7; presented wJth a token of 
appreciation of his .. high Intelligence 

and unf.alllng courtesy In the perform- 
ance of hIs duties," by the unlv. gOV8., 
1907 ; portrait I.n 
. paln1f>o(} ,hy Orulck- 
8hank, for the Cnlv., 1
U;' ; apIJtd. memo 
Onto Educ. Advisory Council, 1
resigned, 1909; a mem of the Browning 
Club, and has lectured before that and 
other bodies, In Can.; author of vari- 
ous papers and articles contrIbuted 
to the mags. and to the Transactions at 
learned bodies; Ang.--67 Queen'8 Park. 
Toronto,. Unfver8ity of Toronto 
Faculty Unfon, do. 
10 Has, year by year, edded lustre to the of classics In, the University." 
-Rev. Dr. R. A. Falconer (q.v.). 
Buycke, His Honour Edward COI'- 
nelius Stanbury. Co. Ct. judge. 
U. E. L. stock; s. late Jas. Kempt 
and Annie (Stanbury) H.; b. Tip. Percy, 
00. Northumberland, Ont., Mch. 16, 
1860; e. public .and .hlgh schs. and VIc- 
toria Unlv. (B.A" 1883: LL.B., 1887) ; 
m., 1887, Rose Meredith, y. d. late J. C. 
Field, ex-M.P.P., Cobourg; barrister, 
1886; K.C., 1902; successfully prac- 
tised his prof. at Cobourg; mayor of 
Cobourg, 1899-1902; declined political 
preferment; formerly presdt. local Lib. 
Assn., but was never an extreme Lib.; 
as a young man was a classical 
tea.cJher, and 'has been all hils ,lrIfe a stu- 
dent of iLittere, cla.sslcal and Eng.; 
elooted presdt. Northumht'rland Hlst. 
Soc., 1901; do. .a dlr. No.rthumberland 
and Durham Power Co.. 1906; Is a 
senator and regent, Victoria Unlv.; 
always an enthusiastic Can.; declined 
appt. to Haldlmand Co. judgeship, Apl., 
1904; apptd. Co. Ct. Judge for Peter- 
bora, July 6,1909; a Meth.-Peterboro, 
Ont.; Citizen8' Club, do. 
.. Was 8 pa.rticu
rly foroible and 
eLoquent pIe ade r. "-T. Globe. 
Hyde, John. chartered accountant. 
S. Jas. and Agnes (Clarke) H.; b. at 
sea, June 4, 1853; e. pUblic schs., Mont- 
real; m., 1st, Miss Annie Gordon (d.); 
2nd,ly, Miss AdlelaJlde Hyatt; ad!mlbtoed 
to Assn. of Accountants, Montreal, 
1891; {:ouncJllor, do., 1896; 2nd V.-P., 
do., 1898; 1st V.-P" 1899: presdt., do., 
1901-3; 'J)resdt. Dom. Msn. Chartered 
Accountants, 1902-4; a fellow Soc. of 
Accountants, Eng., 1905; chairman, 
Can. Council, Soc. Auditors and 
Accountants, Eng., 1906; V.-P. West- 
mount MunIcipal Council, 1908; presdt., 
do., Dec. 1908; a J.P.; a Commr, for 
taking Affidavits In all the Provinces; 
long and successfully In business In 
Montreal; retained by prominent law 
firms, commercLal and financial institu- 
tions In Important Investigations; also, 
by Govt., notably in the McGreevy, 
Bale-des-Chaleurs and Inter-provl. ar- 
bitration cases; Presb,----3
O Wood Ave., 
Westmount, Montreal; We8tmount A. 
A. Club, do. 
.. RecognIzed a8 a.ble and tru8two<rthy." 
-M. Herald. 
Hyde, Bev. Thomas :8, (Cong.). 
B. Irel.; graduated from the Moody 
Sehs., Northfield, Mass., and, later, 
from the Training Sch., ChIcago; was 
for 4 yrs. pastor of the Moody Ch., 
there, but owing to a failure of phys- 
deal strength, through the arduous 



duties of the charge, was compelled to 
resign, Nov., 1893; later, the same year, 
became pastor of the Northern Congo 
Ch., Toronto; resigned, owing to fll- 
health, Oct., 1907; for same reason 
declined a call to Vancouver, 1902, and 
to Hamilton, 1908; a memo Comte. on 
Ch. Union, 1906; was presdt. of the 
Cong, Foreign Missy. Soc. for several 
yrs.-6-6 I8abella St., Toronto. 
K"man, lion. Charle. Smith, sta t
man; merchant. 
S. late ElUs W. and Annie M. 
(Nlles) H.; b. London, Ont., Aug. 31, 
1854; e. Hellmuth ColI. there; m., 1876, 
Elizabeth, d. late John Birrell. Lon- 
don, Ont.; on his father's, 1878, 
succeeded him as senior partner In 
his business as a tanner and leather 
merchant, and Is at present head of 
the fil'ms of C. S. H. & Co., London, 
Ont., S. Arscott & Co., Benton, N.R, 
St. John Hide & Leather Co., St. John, 
N.E., and presdt. of the Fenlln 00., Mkmtreal; ;presdrt:. London 
Ed. of Tr.ade, 1881-2; chairman 
Finance Comte. City of London, 
1882-3; mayor of Lol1ld{}n
 1884; a. dJr. 
Bank of Toronto; a Ll.b.; a secy. Dom, 
Lib. Convention, Ottawa, 1893; un- 
successfully contested London (H. 
C.), 1887; elected for that constituency, 
1891, but was defeated, 1892, and 
g. e., 1896; again elected, g. e., 1900, 
and sat till 1908; chairman Standing 
Comte. Railways, Canals and Tele- 
graph Lines, 1892, 1893 and 1894; 
sworn of the Privy Council and was 
a memo of the Laurier Govt., without 
portfollo, for a short period in 
1904-5; was Mlnr. of Publlc Works, 
from May, 1905, up iOO hfsretirement 
owing to Ill-health, July, 1907; made 
ß. trip round the world, 1907-9; 
formerly a well-known 8;mateur 
athlete; has been presdt. London 
Oricket OlU'b; one of the .orIginators 
of the London Hunt Club; An
" Idlewyld," London, Ont.; London 
Club, do.; Rideau Club, Ottawa; To- 
ronto Club,. Ontario Club, Toronto; St. 

ld1ngton, lion. John, judge. 
S. late Peter and Catherine (::;tew- 
art) 1.; father from Berwlckshire, 
mother from PerthShire, Scot.; b. nr. 
M(\rrl!';ton. Ont., Oct. 14. 1840: P. GHlt 
(Tassle's) Grammar Sch., and Toronto 
Univ. (LL.B. and gold med., 1864) ; m. 
Maggie, d. late Geo. Colcleugh, Mt. 
Forest, Ont.; barrister, 1864; K.C. 
(Ont.), 1876; do. (M. of Lansdownp), 
1885; suc0eSsfuloly .praotlsed at IStrs.t- 
ford, Ont.; elk. of t'he :J}'e"ace and 00. 
atty. for Perth, 1879-11904; :presdt. 
Western Bar Assn., 1894-5; jud,ge 
High at. Justolce. Ont., Mdh., 1904 (on 
leaving St.raJtford waos 'Presen.ted by ,the 
bar with a OOJbinet of sUverware, in 
token of their respe.ct and a,d,mlra:tlon) ; 
sirwe Feb., 1905, Ibas beoen a judge 
Sup. Ct. lOan.; when at .t.he bar -de- 
fended OhlalpeLle for murder (see 
Murray's .. MemoIrs "); was alsoo 
presdit. N. Pert'h Retonn A..ssn.; a., 

Jame8'a Club, Montreal; Union Club, 
St. John, N,B. 
.. Deservedly popul'ar, much a.bove the 
average in. I8IbHlty, and by no mea-ne dervold 
of the finer impulses of a public man."- 
.. Don." 
Hyndman, :rrederlok Wüllam, insur- 
ance profession. 
6th s. late Robt. and Anne (Mc- 
Nutt) H.; mother a grand-d. of tlhe 
first Chief .Justice P.E.I.; b. Prlnce- 
town, P.E.I., ,Sept. 4, 1841; e. Central 
Acad., Charlottetown; m., Sept., 1871, 
Eliza, d. Wellington Nelson; entd. R.N., 
1856; retired, as asst. paymaster In 
chaJl'g>e H. M. S. Newport, 1870 . 
provl. auditor, 1876-9; later apptd. 
marshal, Vice-Admiralty Ct., P. E. I., 
and Lloyd's agent for P. E. 1., 1902: 
went Into genI. Ins. business, 1878; 
n()IW repres
-ßobfng fiTe {)ffices :--.North 
British & Mercantile, Union Assur. 
Soc., Phænlx of London, Guardian 
Assur. Co. and German-Am. Standard 
Life Aissur. Co. or EdJin!burgh; maorlnoe: 
-Lloyd's UndoerwrUers' (London), 
ManI1lheim Marine Ins. 00., Rioya>l Ex- 
change MArine, Royal Marine Ins. Co.. 
Inod.emn.Hy Ins. 00., also EmployeTS' 
IAability C.orp.. and Canada Pennanen t 
Mortgs'ge Corp., an-d Home .Pi1a'te-GI.ass 
Assur.; while In the R. N. was an 
Admiralty surveyor, 1st class; served 
wltoh CBJPtaln Orlebar, R.N., on Nfd. 
and Gulf st. Lawrence survey several 
yrs.; took part In the following his- 
toric events: llaylng of telegTl"s;ph cable 
between Cape Breton and Nfd., the 
landing of first Atlantic cable at 
Hoo.rt's OonJtenlt. Nfd.; thoe 'laying of 
cable from Malta to Alexandria, 
Egypt, 1868; took part In the suppres- 
sion of Jamaioa Rebellion, 1865-6; also 
in suppressing Fenian Raid, 1866. on 
ib{) .of N. B., in flagshdp Duncan, 
AdmI. Sir Jas. Hope (Fenian Raid 
med., 1866) ; accompanied the Empress 
of the French through the Suez Canal 
at the formal opening of same, Nov., 
1869, with m.any persons of note: a 
Chrlstlan.-Charlottetown, P.E.I. 


by Can. Inst. a memo of Sir Sandforù 
Fleming's (q.v.) Oomte. on Electoral 
Refonn, 1911; .Presb.-.'IZ5 Stewart St., 
Ottawa, Ont.,. Rideau Club, do. 
'Puolalr with the bar, fl'(Hl1 C(J's-Jlw'1IJ.1 
to the St. Clair and Port Arthur."-T. 
De., George, author. 
S. Fredk. I.; b. GIbraltar, Spain, JUlw 
20, 1852; came to Can. with his par- 
er-ts ; e. Montreal; unm.; formerly 
man gr. Windsor Hotel. Montreal (pre- 
sented by friends with a purse of 
$1,000, In ackgt. of his many acts of 
public usefulness on retiring therefrom, 
1887); ed. .. Little Masterpieces of 
Science" (1902) and .. Little Master 
Autobiographies" (1908); author .. A 
Class In Geometry: Lessons in Obser- 
vation and Experiment" (1894), 
Of Flame, Electricity, and the Camera ,. 
(1900), If InventorR at Work" (1906); 



a frequent contributor to Can. and Am. 
mags. and periodicals; for 18 yrø. advo. 
cated .. the appraisal of lIteraturc." 
by engaging trustworthy au thorUles 
to chooøe the best 'books and say 
aÞout each R word of description and 
criticism most helpful to readers and 
students; In connection therewith ha!' 
ed., with others, .. A List of Books for 
Girls and Women and Their Clubs" 
(895), and other similar publica- 
tions; gave $10,000 to Am. Library 
A r,sn. towards cost of .. Guide to Am. 
Hlfltory" (1902).-Park Ave. Hotel, 
New York, 
nIsley. Percival J" organist. 
B. Ched, dl-erton Stafford.shire, En-g., 
1865; Teed. musIcal training Llch- 
tI-elid Oa, t'h. Eng., as res-ident arUc100 
pupil of 
. B. 'Lott, Mus. Bac., 
F.RC.O., cathedral organIst for 7 
yrs.: was depty. org'anlst to cath. a>1d 
organist st. .John's .Ch., LIchfield. 1885- 
R6,- bE'comlng prIvate or
anlst to 
MarchIoness of Hastings, 1886: orgHn- 
t and cholrma!"ter, Holy Trin. Ch.. 
Queensbury, Yorks, 1887-1891, where 
he tvi:l.S alRo conductor of Orpheus Gl^e 
Union: while holdIng thIs position. 
1891, was apptd. organIst and choIr- 
master St. George's Ch., Montreal. 
where he sun Is: Is also l"ctl1rer In 
ch, musIc to Montreal Dioc. ColI., and 
on teaf'hI>1g- 
taff McGltl Conservator- 
lum of Music; obtained diploma of 
Assoc. of Royal Coll. of Organists, 
1887; Mus. Bac., gold and !"l1ver meds. 
('l'rln. Unlv., Toronto), 18t}3: Mus. 
Bae., ad eun. (Bishop's College, Len- 
noxvlll-e) , 1895; fellow ort the Royal 
ColI. of Organists, 1901: apptd. cou!l- 
('fIlor and rp
., Dom. ColI. of MusIc. 
Montreal, 1908.-29 Mackay St., 1lfont- 
.. Play. In a masterly way.It-M. Herald. 
Inch, James Bobert, educationist. 
Y. s. N:a:bhanlet1 and A'll'ltie (Arnn- 
strong) I., who emigrated from nr. 
Ennlsklllen, Irel., to N. B., and settled 
at PetersvllJe, Co. Queens, 1824; b. 
Petersvllle, ApI. 29, 1835: e. Gage- 
town Grammar Sch. and Mt. Allison 
Unlv. (A.B., 1864: A.M., 1867; T.-L.D.. 
1878); hon. LL.D., Univ. of N. B., 
1909: m., 1854, Miss Mary Alice 
Dunn, Keswlck, N.B. (d. ApI., 1904); 
licensed as 1st class teacher: spent 
some yrs. In early Ufe In pubUc sch. 
service; principal Mt. Allison L!l.dies' 
ColI., 1864-78; presdt. N. B. Hnlv.. 
1878-91 : sIn
 then supdt. of education 
and presdt. N. B. Unlv. (the 2 offices 
having been amalgamated by leg-!sla- 
tlon: resIgned, 1909; Is also presdt. of' 
Senate, N. B. Unlv., and a fellow an.d 
senator HaUfax Unlv.: elected local 
V.-P. Am. Inst. Christian PhIl., 1886, 
and V.-P. Dom. EducL Assn., 1895; 
a.pptd a memo (}eogoraplhlc Ed. of Can., 
1905; a del. Imp. Educl. Conf., London, 
Eng., 1907: an active adheren.t of Meth. 
Ch.: has been a memo of all the GenI. I 
Confs. of that body since 1878; also fii 
memo Ch. Union Comte., 1906. and a D 
eJCtve. comte. Can. Bible Soc.: an ab]
and exp.erlenced f>.ducatlonlst, he ha

been the means of conferring many 
Important services, not only on the 
several Institutions with which he 
bf'en connected, but on the whole 8ch. 
system of N. B.-Fredericton, N.ll. 
"An experien-ced and able ed\lJC8tionlat," 
-St. John Telegraph. 
Inches, Pa.trick Bobertson, physicIan. 
as. and 
anet (Small) I., who 
came to st 
ohn, N.B., 1832: Cather 
trom Dunkeld ; mother from Dlr- 
nanean, Strathardle, Perthshlre, Scot. ; 
b. St. .John, 1835: e. St. 
ohn Gr,,lm- 
mar Sch.; m., 1876, Mary Dorot.1Nl. 
d. Dr. C. R Flf'kp. 
t. .John: "'I.D 
(N. Y. Unfv.), 1866: M.R C.
. (L r lT1- 
(ton) 1868: rf'!'1M p nt phyc;. l'v1'ltPTnify 
HosP., Edln., ] 867: a C011ncl11or con. 
P. and S., N. B.; a dlr. St, .John R;- 
Hef and Alii Soc.: pre!'1(lt. 
t. .John 
Andrew's Soc.. I!1 Q O: 1'1'1. N n TTIc-t 
Soc 1899. a del. Brit. Mp(
. Assn. Con. 

s, 191Ö.-179 Germain St., St. John, 
Ingalls, Allen G., lawyer and In- 
B Durham, P.Q., Af1I. 24, 185;;: e. 
bY Acad. .aO{l Stanste
d ColI. : 
m., Dec., 1883, Annett", P. d. W. ;i 
Parmalep. (q.v.) ; B.C.L. (M G 1 
Unlv.), 1881; advocate. do.; Invented 
kinetic heat system; holds a cert. In 
gunnery.-Laprairie, P.Q. 
Ingram, Andrew :8" Onto public .ser- 
Spcond s. late Thos. and Marv Ann 
Y., Strabnne, Ont.; grands. Andrew I.. 
a nAtive Co. Tyrone, Irf'J.. who s"rw'(] 
In the army under the Duke of Wel- 
Unrgton for 19 yrs., and was present 
at Quatre Bras and WHterJoo; b. Htrrt- 
bane, Ont., ApI. 2
, ] !I!) 1 : e. 1\forrls- 
ton, Ont.; m., 1882, E1!zabf'th, e. d. 
Allen McIn.tyre, Aberfoyle, Ont.: for 
some yrs. ,In Am. and Can. ry. ser- 
vice: formerly prf'srlt. St. Thom
Trades and Labour Council; now and 
for many yrs. hon. presdt. do.; S'1. t 
tor W. Elgin (Local). Con. Intf'rpst, 
1886-90. Hnd for E. Elgin (H. C.), 
1891-06, when he retired, owl"f! to his 
appt. as memo Onto Ry. and Municipal 
Coron.: was presented with a gold 
watch chaIn and locket by his Con. 
colleag"U('s on leaving the H. C.: a 
Con. .. whip" In Commons: orlgln"lted 
many new provisions In Dom. Elt>c- 
tlons Act; a Kn!g-ht of Labour, a For- 
f'stf'r. and an Oiid Fellow: an Ang-.- 
Rt. Thomas, Onto 
.. A 
ood li:f/PllkPT, not gIven to makln
8n ornt
rical di8P'lav, bnt n"VPT fni1in:; to 
present a good cBRe."-T. World. 
Innes, Hugh Paterøon, lawyer; legis- 
Sef'ond s. Wm. P. T.. found"T 
coe CA.nnln
 Co.. an
Tlon n.lvlng-- 
stone) I.: b. Dtln
as. Ont.. 
pnt. 14. 
1871 ; m., 
uly, 18t}8, Mabel Margt., e. 
d. His Honour .Judge Livingstone; bar- 
rister, 1893; K.C.. 1908; prnct!ses In 
Simcoe and througlhout that dllstrlct: a 
Con., and returned In that Intere!"t for 
N. Norfolk (Local), g. e. 1908; Presb 
-Blmooe. Onto 



I11ne.. John B,. artist. 
O. s. late \ 
ry Hev. Dean I., D.D., 
London, Ont., by his first wife, Ellza- 
beth Anne. o. d. Col. John Clarke, 76th 
Regt.; b. and e. London, Oat.; long 
connected with Can. press as an illus- 
trator and sl{etch writer: C'o!lt'lbutp(] 
several storIes, Illustrated by himself, 
to Can. Mag., Can. Cou1'ie)', Saturday 
Night, and to other per.IodIcals; w-ent 
to S. A. during Boer Woar, 1902, .as cor- 
f{'spondent for Mail and EmpÜ'e. To- 
ronto; lIved also In Western Can.; 
hIs pictures of Western life and B. C. 
mountain scenery spedaHy admired; 
while a trooper in Gov.-Uenl:s JJody 
Guard, July, 1904, rode, with 3 others, 
from Niagara Camp to Toronto, 90 
milt's, In 23 hours and 25 minutes. 
carrying with them on a pack horse a 
tent and complete camp outfit, Inc1ud- 
ing rations: joined Hearst newspapers, 
N. Y.. as IPust-ratnr, 1907.-NetD Yurl
II His pictures full of life, vigour and 
dramatic quality."-Oan. Oourier. 
Innes, Bobert Hayward. Am. ry. ser- 
S. R. L. and C. F.. (Haywarl1) I.: 
b. Kingston, Ont., Dec. 25, 1852; e. 
BPllevllle, Ont.; m. Miss Lucy Riley, 
Columbus, Tex. : entd. ry. se>rylC'e, 
1870, since when has fined many Im- 
portant and responsible positions, beln!!, 
employed succes
lvely 011 Atlantic & 
Pac. RY., St. Louis, Salem & Little 
Rock Ry., Galveston, Harrisburg- l{ 
San Antonio Ry.. and Sf111 A ...tonl.... & 
Arkansas Pass Ry.; since 1893 has 
....pen dlY. supl1t. last-na 111ed rO'1d. -Ii.'? 
Cnr8 t m Rt.. San Antonio, Tex.; San 
Antonio Club. 
Internoscia, Jerome, 1awyer. 
S. Nicola and T resa (D' Arn
 to I 
T.; f:tthf'r a11 e'("-HeDt. Halla"! Na t 
Army: h. Rapolla. Italy. S<>pt. 
1 RI;Q; e. Jlifplfi. Tt'1ly. ......"1 1I.I!"n
(B.A., 18Q2: M.A., 18'16: B.C.T
., with 
honours. 1894); m., July, 1904, .MlIe. 
Meva Garneau. Quebec: advocate, 1899: 
practises In Montreal: Is solr. Royal 
ItaUan Consulate; came to Can., 1887; 
was a('t!11g consul-g-I'n1. of Italy, l\Io.,t. 
real, 1898, 1901, 1905. and ag-aln 1906: 
øpptd. a cheva!ler of the Crown of 
Ita!y by KIng of Italy, 1905; author 
.. New Code of International Law" 
(1908), desIgned to suit the needs of an 
natIons, and prepared In the Interests 
of peace and for the abolition of war; 
J1p favours a1so tJ,p l1J,OlltfO'l of (,
tal punlshment.-fZ'8 Mance St., Annex, 
1I.f ontreal. 
Ireland. Francis Charles, manufac- 
Eng. and Irish parf'ntage; on fath- 
('r's I<lde connectl'd with the founder 
of the Ireland scholar., Oxford Unlv.: 
b. Brl
hton, Ont., Sept. 1, 1837: e. 
Victoria Unlv.: B.Sc. from an Am. 
unlv.; ed. for the ministry. but after- 
wards entd. mercantHe life, and. ha!;t 
become widely known as a manfr. or 
hyg-Ipnlc foods; was awardei1 7 mei1s. 
111 J.jng., whither he went, 1 R9f!, to In- 
troduce his cereal foods and hygienic 
prf'paratlons; spent 6 yrs. In En
now presdt. Jlreh Dla.betlc Food Co., 

N. Y.; chief promoter the Phlllpsbura 
Milling Co., (L.P., 1
03); estbd. 11r8t 
newspaper publlshed In Co. Arg
teuU, P.Q., to which he contributed 
some Intcrestlng llterary essays; 
author .. The Methodists and the Ch, 
oi England," a pamphlet (1887); 
.. Good Health: or the Physiology of 
Dietetics and Massage" (1896), and 
. The Church's Hope" (1904); always 
a Con.; formerly presdt. Llb.-Con. 
.\!"sn., Argenteui1; has refused all par- 
liamentary honours: favours a pro- 
tective tarlt!, the so!ld unity of the 
Brit. Empire, freedom of creed and 
dass, so long as they comply with 
c0nstltutlonal requirements and are 
faithful In their nlJeglance to the 
Crown' separate schs., where peop:e 
I'equlre' them, and the restriction of 
the sale of alcoholic liquors, but not 
('nCorced prohibition as now advocated 
by some people; an An
. and a lay 
reader In the ch., to which he has 
glw'n 3 sons: Rev. Austen, 
ev. J. E., 
.md the Rev. I". C. 1.---830 S&xth A1ic- 
Ime, N. Y. City. 
Ireland. Bev. George Drillio (Pres b.). 
S. late Jas. and Ann (McLt'od) I.; 
thf'r a native of Dovpr. Ene::.: b. 
Tignlsh, P.E.I., ApI. 6. 1866: e. Prince 
of Wales ColJe
e, Charlottetown. an<i 
fcGm University (B.A.. 1894): ro., 
September, 1905, Elizabeth Carollne, 
eldest daughter of the late E. Byron 
'.Ylnslow, K.C.; followed thcool. !"tutll"'s. 
:-'lontreal Theol. Coli. (
,,"11 Dh'lnltv 
"'h.. t;hlt'agn o. 
18 Q 8; past,ôr St. Paul's, Woodstock, 

.B., 1898-1911; sln-ce then has been 
pastor SO'Uth Vancouver, B.C.; organ- 
; 'V(\ncl!"t....('1{ Gn'f ("Iub. local 
branch Booklovers' Library, a.nd e. 
chief promotl r Carleton Co. Hosp.. of 
which he Is a dlr. and trustf'e: 1-1 
I"reemason and grand chapl
ln Grand 
T n<1g-<> N.' B.: a .....CO""1. ^ 1J)J,a T )
Phi Fmternlty, M-cGUl Cha.p.-South 
Vancouver, B.C. 
II An authority on Biblical nnd Enltlish 
ïterntnre aDd a stron
Bcher Bnd 
lecturer. 'Recognized as one of the 
and most earnest of the younjter mt'n In 
the Presbv,te:I'Í:an mi,n.isbr)',"-Wood8tO('k 
Dispatch. . 
Ireland. WIUiam, journaUst. 
S. \Vm. and Mary Ann 1.; Eng. 01'1- 

In; b. Crewkerne, Somersflshlr
8ng., Sept. 14, 1852; accompanied 
parents to Can., 1854; e. Aurora, Ont., 
Public and High Schs.: m., 1874, MI.33 
Jennie Brodie, Aurora. Ont.: learned 
nrlntfng bu!"lnpss anl1 w0rk-(] at It till 
1879; purchased North Star, Parry 
Sound, 1880. and has continued to 
edit and pUbiish the paper ever since: 
promInently identified with growth 
and progress of Parry Sound, town 
and dist.; license Inspr. since 188 
an offlcf'-bearer Can. Pre!"s Assn.; 
n local BI1 of Health, e:TI\nd 
secy. Can. Assn. Masters and Mates; 
capt. and paymaster 23rd Regt. 
(" Northern PIoneers to) since Sept., 
1903; a Lib.; a Bapt.-Parrv Bound, 



Irish, Bev. Henry Howard (Meth.). 
Entd. ministry, 1901; m., Aug., 19û
Margt., d. H. A. Taylor, Alton, N.::;.; 
a missionary to China, 1908.-Chenlu, 
Irish, Mark Howard, ins. broker, 
S. late Mark I., man gr. Am. 
press Co., Toronto; b. Madison, 
July 18 1874; e. U. C. Coli; m., Dw., 
1899 Mabpl Beatrice, d. late David 
t; matriculated in law, OsgOO.:!03 
Hall, 1896; successfully carnes on 
business in Toronto; þresdt. Can. Club, 
Toronto, 1906-7; a trustee Toronto 
Genl. Hosp., 1910; a Con., and elected 
þresdt. Con. Assn., 1908.-46 Chestnut 
Park Rd., Toronto; Natio?}al Club; 
Albany Club; Royal Canadtan Yacht 
Club; Lmnbton C01tntry Club, do. 
:Irwin, Joseph Samuel, manufacturer. 
S. Col. Joseph I., 77th Ill. Volunteers, 
and EI1za:l>ct:h M. 1.; b. Be.lJl-e Plain, 
Ill., May 6, 1862; e. there; m.. 1st. 
1892, Marthoa Elmira (d. Mch., 1907), 
d. late Saml. Barnard, Ypsilanti, Mich. ; 
2ndly, Oct., 1909, Naida ElizaJOO'Dh, d, 
late Lt.-Gol. Joshua Wright, Otta.wa; 
came to Can., 1900; followed commer. 
clal pursuits In U. S. ; was the youngest 
genl. mangr. in mercantile life In the 
U. S.; sometime engd. in the organiza- 
tion and promotion of various cement 
cos.; after coming to Can. promoted 
and built the works 0If the Intern. 
Portland Cement Co" Hull, P.Q, and 
is now Its mango dir.; also promoted 
and bunt the works of the Western 
Can. Cement & Coal Co., Exshaw, 
Alta.; was a prime mover In the great 
cement merger, 1909, and a 
dir. in the Can. Cement Co., the out- 
come thereof; Ang.-65 Cartier St., 
Irvine, Lt,-Col, Acheson Gosford Do- 
minion public .service. ' 
Y. s. late Lt.-Col. 1. G. I., Dom. 
A. D. C. to the Gov.-Genl. Can., anù 
Annie I., d. Hon. Matthew B211: b 
Quebec, Dec. 7, 1837; e. 'iliere, and was 
for some yrs. in commercial life: 
unm.; taking a 1st class Cav. 8ch 
cert. and a 1st class M. S. cert., was 
gazetted lleut. in 3rd or .. Eastern .. 
AdmInistrative Batt. for service at 
LalÞmlI1ie, under lilie 
mand ()If 001. 
(now F. M. Lord) Wolseley, Dec. 30. 
1864; raised and was apptd. capt. of 
what became afterwards No. 1 Co., 
55th Megant!c Light Infy., Mch., 1866, 
promoted major, June, 1867; serv'.:d 
as major 2nd Batt., Quebec Rilles, R{"d 
River expedy. force, 1870, and on the 
force In Man. being reduced, 1871, was 
placed In command of the provl. Batt. 
of Rlffes which remained there; re- 
tired, with rank of It.-col. (gent. spr- 
vice med., with 3 clasps), .Tune, 1875: 
on formation of Royal N. W. Mounted 
PoIlce, 1875, became asst. commr. ; pro- 
moted commr., Nov., 1880; as such 
assisted In the suppression of the N. W. 
Rebellion, 1885 (med.); retired, ApI., 
1886; formerly R memo N. W. Coun- 
ell; apptd. to prpsent office, warden 
Man. Penty., Oct. 13, 1892; elected 
V.-P. Nat. Prison Congress, U. S.; 
decorated with Y. S.. 0., 1903; elected 

presdt. Red River Expn. Assn.. 1895; 
an Ang. - Stony .u.ountain Peniten- 
tiary, Man.; Manitoba Club, Winnipeg. 
Irvine, Edon Coulter, educationist. 
E. s. Hy. C.!., St. Mary's, Ont.; b. 
nr. Seaforth, Ont., 1876; e. St. Mary's 
pubHc schs. and Call. Inst. and ro- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., with honours, 1903 ; 
M.A., 1904); m., Junp, 1908, Alice 
Clark, 2nd d. C. B. Hutchinson; ob- 
tained a 1st class teacher's non-prof. 
cert., St. Mary's, 1894, following whidl 
he took a prof. cert., at Stratford, 

ubseqt1ently taldng a course at tt:f' 
Sch. of Pedagogy; for 4 yrs. han 
charge of an .ungraded sch. at Ran- 
nock, Ont.: was math. master Stan&- 
stead CoIl., P.Q., 1903-8: since Sept., 
1908 has bpen principal ShPrbrooke 
High SC'h.; formprly spcy. Tpachprs' 
A Asn., Dist. St. Francls.-Sherbrool,c, 
P. Q. . . I . d 
II A teacher of ability, dlS'Clp me, 
great moral influence." - Rev. PrincIpal 
Flanderø (q. v.). 
Irvine Bobert T., physIcIan. 
Fou;th s. Robt. I., Carp, Ont.; b. 
there, 1861; e. Central Sch. West anfl 
CoIl. Tnst., Ottawa: m.. 1885, d. late 
Dr. Fergu, s')n Buckingham, 
.Q. ; 
c-rarluat('d M.D..C.M. (McCan Umv.). 
1885' some yrs. presdt. WestcheAter 
Co Mpi1. Soc.: Sl1rg. Sing' 
Ing "Prl"rm 
sh';æ 1891; do. N. Y. C. Ry.; ih<e.a;l1:h 
offr. city of Ossining: author .. Pl l aSj 
modlum Malaria," .. The Co!;gen ta 
Criminal," .. Anthra
 .Malh:ma,. ptc.-: 
12 Mavle Place. Osstntn!1' N.Y.. Cann. 
dian Club: Transportatton Club. N.Y. 
Irving, Sir Æmilius, lawyer; retired 
legislator. . . M L C 
Slate Hon. Jacob Æmllms I., ..., 
('. who sprw'd as an offr. In thp 
lli' Light Dragoons" was present 
at ,YatPTloo. anfl. came to Ca
:. 1;!4

Tli1 r.
thf'rlnp Tìmnq Y.. d ",Ir r 
y, Ulandaff HO'US'e, Glam,

. b Leamlngton. Eng., 182", e. 
shire.. h LL D (Toronto 
U C Call.. on. .. t 
lv.), 1905 ': m., June' d 18 1 51 t ' t

Louisa (d. 1892), e. . 
 e . '. 
Gugy, M.P., Quebec; barnste
, 1849 
K.C. (Viscount Monck), 1863, bench 
P1' Law 
oc.. sincp 1874: trf'as. fin. flo. 
slnæ .1893; the .. Nest
o.r':' of the .bar ()of 
Ont; sucües-sfuU'Y pl'aJCtlsed for m.any 
yrs. at Hamilton; on many Ocæ.Slo'ns 
Crown Ipro'sccuOOr, ,and served. on ro'

cümns.; was co.unsel tor On't. m arblt- 
r8!tion ,f,or settlemenlt of ,dls'pu1:w ac- 
counts between Dom. and Govbs. of 
On,t. and Que.; aJlso ap;poearw foor O
before .the .II. Comte. of .tihe P. C. In 
fisheries case; l'eIpol'e,sen'l:ed Onto ba.r 
at IJneeHng .Am. Law Assn., 1899; 
kn.ighted, 1906; a d'ir. Toronto GenI. 
Trusts OOflporaNon; ,præd1. York OM 
Boys' ASSIl.; a vet-eran Freemason 
(,presented with 1:,eslt'ÍmoniaI from the 
bl'e.tlhren, 1907); Lib.; Ang.-19 Rus- 
sell St., Toronto; Toronto Club; Vi!1- 
toria Club, do.; Hamilton Club, Hamtl- 
ton, 0,., t. 
"A man. of a.bility. le,arning and assidu. 
ity. "-T. Globe. 
.. Rc-DljWn
.d to'l' t.1w sO'llndne5'i of hiB 



OpInIOnS and the vigorou& way in which 
he presents his cases."-S. N. 
II:vin!f, Rev, Georgoe (Con!'!:.). 
S. David P. I., M.P.P. (P. E. I.), and 
Anne (Tweedy) I.; b. Vernon, P.E.I., 
ApI. 7, 1877; e. Prince of Wales ColI. 
and McGill Univ. (B.A., 1902); m., 
Nov., 1908, Ohrlsbina C., y. d. lat-e .Tas. 
KIng, M.onbreal; ,form-e.rly a Presb.; now a C'ong.; g.en!. secy. 
Y. M. C. A., MicGiH Unliv., 1898-1900; 
PI'eoSdt. do. do. d,o., 1901-2; gen!. secy. 
do. do., 1902-4; seey. Can. West tOolInt'e. 
Y. :VI. C. A., 1905; selcy. Intern. Oomte., 
Y. M. C. A., 1906-8; asst. pastor Clare- 
mont Congo Ch., 1908.-ClU1'emúnt
Irving, George or" manufacturer. 
R. late \\Tm. and Mary (Sheard) I. 
roronto: b. and e. there: m.. N!)v.. 
1908. Eleanor, d. Frank PhillIps, 'rn- 
rnnto; long in business in Toronto: 
elected presdt. National Ciub, Toronto. 
1908-9; presented with cabinet of sil- 
ver by his friends, on occasion of hi
marriage; Ang.--69 Spadina Rd., To- 
ronto; National Clllb, do. 
Irving, Col, James Douglas, late Can. 
.regular mil. forees. 
S. late Robt. Blake I., who emig-rat- 
ed to P. E. I. from Annan, Scot., 18:{2 
and .Toanna Charlotte I., d. Thos. R 
Haszard; b. Charlottetown, P.E.T.. 
Feb. 12, 1844; e. by his father; fo:' 
some yrs. depty. prothy. Sup. Ct.. 
P. E. I.; regr. Cts. of Chancery and 
Vice-Admiralty and elk. of the Crown; 
entd. active militia, P. E. 1., as lieut.. 
Mch., 1867; after union with Can., was 
given a comn. in Can. Arty. Mil.; 
subsequently commanded P. E. I. Pro- 
\'isional Gar. Arty.; promoted major, 
IS82; brig.-major M. D. No. 12, ApI. 
1, 1885: It.-col., 1887; apptd. D. O. C.. 
M. D. No.9, N. S., Api. 14, 1893; com- 
manded 6th Regt., Can. Mounted Rifles, 
one of the regts. of the last contingent 
raised for service in S. A., 1902; pro- 
moted co!., D
c., 1902; retired with 
that rank, Sept., 1907; awarded the 
long service decoration; V.-P. Dom. 
Rifle Assn. 1908; presdt. N. S. Rifle 
Assn., 1903; presdt. North Brit. Soc.. 
Halifax, 1900-1.-" The Elms," Annan. 
Dmnfriesshire, Scot. 
.. A good soldier, a warm friend, to popu 
lar citizen."-H. Hera.ld. 
Irving, Lt,-Col, Lennox, lawyer, 
S. Andrew I., late regr. Co. Ren- 
frew, Ont., and Mary C., y. d. late 
Dr. Cannon, surg., R. N.; closf'ly re- 
lated to Rev. Edward I.; b. Pembrolce. 
Ont., Mch. It), 1863; e. Pembroke 
HIgh Sch. and Queen's Unlv., KIng-- 
s! on (B.A., 1886); unm.; barristpr, 
1900; suocessfmly ;praotls>es (hIs prof. 
mbrok-e; a counclHor Queen's 
UJlIÎv.; s-ecy. Pembroke Libro.ry Bd.; 
giazetteð Heut. 42nd Regt., 1883; 
ca'pt., 1887; major, 1898; lot.-co!. 
commdg., 1901; reUred, 1908; holds 
long servloo éLeooration ; formerly 
capt. Queen's UnJv. Foo.t'oolJ (oham- 
pion9hIp) Olub; a memo also first 
hockey <ream in Ol1't., and scored 
the first and only goal of the first r..- 
corded match between Queen's UnIv. 

and the cadets of the Royal Mil. ColI.; 
a Lib.; a Presb.-pembroke, Onto 
Xrving, Major Lewis Erskine Went- 
worth, physician; late Can. regu- 
lar mil. forces. 
5th S. Sir Æmlllus I. (q.v.); b. 
Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 16, 1868; e. U. 
C. CoIl., McGill Unlv. and Trinity 
Univ. (M.D.,C.M., 1900); m., Mch., 
1903, Maude, d. late Surgeon-Col. Mac- 
I lean, Meaford, Ont.; gazetted lleut., 
9th Field Batty., Can. Field Arty., 
I 1890; capt., 1891; major, 1901; now 
R. 0.; served S. African War (Rho- 
desian FIel.d, Force), 1899-1900 
(despatches; D.S.O.; Queen's med. 
with 4 clasps); memo CoIl. P. & S., 
ant., 1900; do. do., N. W. '1.'., 1905; 
now successfully practises his prof. In 
Edmonton. - Edmonton, Alta.; Can. 
Mil. Inst.
Irving, Lukin Homfray, Onto public 
public service. 
Second S. Sir Æmilius I. (q.1i.); b. 
Galt, Ont., Oct. 19, 1855; e. Galt 
Grammar Seh., Eidgen. Polytecknlcum, 
Zurich. Switz.. and Royal Mil. ColI., 
ston (awarded sword of honour 
for conduct, drills, and disdplinf"): 
moo 1 R82. Louh:a. P. ð. F. W. Stoc
we1tI, Lonil:lJon, Eng-., rand .. HIghlands, 
Quebec; entd. Onto C. 
., 1880, as elk. 
In prov!. agency, Liverpool, Eng.; 
apptd. asst. provl. depty. regr., 1903; 
Iieut., C. A., 1884; resigned, 1887; in- 
r strumentHl in formation of Onto 
I Assn., 1885, of which he has smce 
been secy.; also (together with Gen. 
Otter, C.B., q.1i.) dn esta:b. Can. Mil. 
Inst., 1889, of which he was honorary 
I secretary-treasurer to 1898, and after- 
wards se,cy. anod l,
brar-Ian: llkewlse 
active in forming ROY3ll: MH. CO'1,!. 
Olub 1885. of whioo he was pr.esd.t. 
for SeV'e'ro1 )o"l"S.; an hon. ,IHe memo 
Anglo-Am. Boa.t:fng CIUlb, 'Switz.; a 
coundI.lor and moean. extve. oomlte. 
Dom. Arty. Assn.; a fr,equen't oontI'iI- 
but'Ür to th-e press under nom-de-plume 
.. LIn('ihpin "; iPublrished .. Offiûe'l's of 
I the Brirt. FOI'iC1eS dn Canada During the 
War, 1812-15" (,1908).-93 Dunn Ave., 
Toronto; Canadian Military Institute, 
Irving, Hon, Paulus Æm1Uus, judge. 
Third S. Sir Æmillus I. (q.v.); b. 
Hamilton, Ont.. ApI. 3, 1857; e. 'rrin. 
C:oll. Sch., Port Hope. and Trln. Unlv., 
Toronto (B.A.. 1877: M.A., 1881 : 
R.C.L., 1881; D.C.L., 1902): m., 1883. 
Dbma, fl. Hon. "Tymond Hamley. VIC'- 
lorIa, B.C.; barrIster (Ont.), 1880; 
rlo. (B. C.), 1882: Depty. Atty.-Gpn1., 
B. C., 1883-90; apptd. a P'IlIsne jud,ge, 
Sup. Ct., B. C., Doc., 1897; Ò{). a judge 
of Atppeal) Ct. of Appeal, B.C., Nov. 
30, 1909; a.s spedal commr., ,settled 
mIn1ng d,ls.putes 1n At'lifn, B.C., 1899 
(.serv.ices on ,tohI,s 00Cas:i,on a,ckn'Ow- 
ledged in ,the speeoh ,from ,the 'throne) ; 
pres-enot, by 1nv1itrubIon, in W.estminster 
I Abbey, 08)t corona.tilOn of late KIng and 
Queen, 1902.-" Halwyn," 29 Richard- 
son St.
 Victoria St.
 Vict01'ia, B.C.; 
Union ulub, Victorla
 B.C.; Vanoouver 
Club, Vanoou1ier. 



Irving, '1'homaB Oraik, busIness man. 
S. Wm. and Catht:rine (Craik) 1.. 
n:'! Uvcs of Dumfrles, Scot.: b. Agln- 
Court, Ont., Aug. 23, 1849: e. local 
sehs. and Jarvis St. Coli. Inst., To- 
ronto ; formerly librarian Toronto 
Mf>ch. Inst.: sInce 1867 has been In 
the employ of the Bradstreet Co., and 
Is now. and has b. en for some yrs.. 
genI. mangr. of the co. for Westprn 
Can.; a dlr. Nat. Life Assur. Co, and 
V.-P. Intl. Cortlage Co.: a promoter 
WinnIpeg Mining & Develop. Co.: 8 
LIIJ., whose name has bet.n assoclat.ed 
with a senatorship; a past ma st err 
United. Workmen.-146 Huron St., 7'0- 
Tanto ; National ClUb, do. 
Irwin, Alexander Cameron, Am. ry, 
S. late A. C. l., Toronto; b. Mont- 
real, Oct. 8, 1848; e. 'l'oronto: m., una. 
ue E. Lawrence, Marys\il.e 
Cal.; removed to CaI., 186
; has re
sided In l\1ar
'8ville for about 25 yrs.: 
memo Yuba Co. B:i. of SupErvisol's. 
for a decade; prior to 1893 served 
city as a sch. commr. for 
 yrs., then 
as a councilman; was also s,-cy. 
Chamber of Commerce and SèCY. liSth 
Dlst. Agricul. Soc.; now and for some 
time pn"sdt. State Bd. Ry. Commrs.; 
one of the organizers Sacramento Val- 
ley Develop. Assn.; first chairman of 
'g.anization formed by supervisonl 01 
16 coso to co-operate with Develop. 
.Assn. in advancing the welfare of .N. 
Cal.; Hep.; Proto Epis.---S5ò1 Yuba St.. 
Marysville, Cal, 
Irwin, COl, De la Cherois '1'homas, late 
H.M.'s regular mil. forces. 
Second s. J. R. I., Carnagh House. 
Co. Armagh, Irel.; b. there, Mch. ::n. 
1843; e. privately, Royal Mil. ColI., 
Woolwlch, and Staff ColI., Sand- 
hurst; m., ApI., 1867, Isabella, e. 
d. late Robert Hamilton DeL 
"Hamwood," Quebec; gazetted .ll
R. A., July 1, 1861; came to Can., 
same Year, during Trent atTair. 
marched, with batty., from St. JOhn: 
N.B., to R. du Loup; retired from 
army, on retired pay, with hon. rank 
of It.-col., Sept. 9, 1882; was gun- 
nery Instr., Kingston Sch. of Gunnery, 
for a short period; apptd. COmman- 
dant .. A" Batty, Gar, Arty. and Sch. 
of Gunnery, and asst. Inspr. of arty. 
for Ont., Dec. 6, 1873; promoted In- 
spr. of arty. for Dom., Jan., 1876, and 
DS!'!t. al1lt.-genl. for arty. (hear1Quar- 
tera), Oct. 6, 1894: actg. adjt.-genl 
mil., 1897; retired from Can. service, 
his services being commpnded In G. 0., 
July, 1897: now on R. 0., hol:Un
rank of It.-cot. since 1875, and of hon. 
rol. since 1909, and with genl. serv,lce 
med., wIth 1 clasp. for Fenian Raid: 
apptd. an hon. A. D. C. to G,-G., Jan., 
1906: secy. Can. Patriotic Fund Assn., 
1900: presented with a service of 
plate by H E. Earl Grey, on behalf 
of the assn., "as a recognition of 
ap-preclatlon of the very valuabìe 
nature of the services tendered graU. 
tuously and most efficiently by him af! 
such," Nov., 1910: was also hon. treas. 
Ce.n, 8. A, -:Memorial Â.S8n, up to the 

dose of Us work, Sept., 1909: C.M.G., 
1901; has been chairman Council and 
presdt. Dam. Arty. Assn. (presented 
with gold watch and chaIn, in recog- 
nition of his long service and earnest 
de\"otion to the assn., 1905) ; a gov, St. 
Luke's Hosp.; a dir. Ottawa Anti- 
Tuberculosis Assn. and of Ashbury 
ColI.; formerly presdt. of Can. Golf 
Assn. and of Ottawa Golf Club; 
elected ohalrman, Ottawa branch, St. 
John A1mbulance Assn., Dec., 1910; 
Ang.-no Cooper St., Ottawa; Rideau 
Club; Ottawa Golf Club; Ottawa Hunt 
Club, do. 
IrWin, Mrs, EUzabeth Agnes, retireò 
Eng. origin: d. Hy. and Jane 
Seymour (Tucker) Hammond; b. Mont- 
real; e. High Sch. for Girls (" Dux" 
and 1m .acad. df.pI.oma), and M.é. 
UlIl Unlv., Montreal (B.A., 1st rank 
honours In classical lang. and lft., and 
gold me{!. In classics, 1896; M.A 
1900); m., Wilson Irwin, Montreal'; 
entd. teaching prof., 1896; taught 
classIcs In Montreal high sehs.; was 
also non-resident tutor In classics, 
Royal Viet. Call., McGill Univ. and 
a memo of the examg. bd., Proto sec., 
Councll of PubIlc Inst., P.Q.; author 
of many scholarly papers.-16l Villen- 
euve St., Ville St. Loui8, Montreal. 
Irwin, Herbert Edward, lawyer; Onto 
.public serVlioee. 
Descended, on father's sIde, from a 
family which accompanied \Vm. Penn, 
and one of whom assisted Penn in sur- 
veying the origInal site of Philadel- 
phla; on mother's side, from Peregrine 
"'hite, the first ohild born among the 
Pilgrim !<'athers after they reached 
the shores of Am.; b. Tp. T{'cums 'h, 
Co. Simcoe, Ont., Oct. 14, 1862: e. pub- 
lic schs., Newmarket HIgh Sch. and 
Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1885) ; m., Sept., 
1888, Mlnnlp. Strachan, y. d. 'l"homas 
Mercer, "Wf'stwood," Delmpr, Ont.; 
barrister, 1888; K.C., 1902; h3.s been 
elk. of the peace, Co. York, Ont., slncf' 
ApI., 1899; has practised throu
In Toronto; memo firm Mills, Ranf'Y, 
L.ucas & Hales, tire Ins. a spe- 
cialty, and Is soIl'. to numerous eos.: 
a ddr. Equity Fire Ins. 00., Mf'tropol. 
Fire Ins. Go., St. Andrew's CoIl., To- 
ronto, -anlCl chairman Toronto Jund. 
Coil. Inst. Bd. : elected V.-P. Brit. Wel- 
come League, Toronlio, 1911; formerly 
,pt'E'sdt. Undv. Ooll!. Lit. Soc.; formeI'l1
a Liíb.: a memo oextvoe. oomte. FrIends 
Asen. ; a. Presb. and an elider; a strong 
advocate of aU .measures calculated 
bo e
blnguish the LIquor traffic; commr. 
to Genl. Assam. Presb. Ch., 1903-4.- 
City Hall Toronto ; Weston, Ont.; 
National Club, Toronto. 
Irwin, Mi.. May (see Elsfeldt, Mrs. 
Issaury, Madame Beatrice, vocalist. 
B. Montre:al, 1881 ( ' e. there: won 
Donald A. Smith Lord Strathcona) 
scholar., for the 'VIolin at the Royal 
Coli. of MusIc, London, tenable for 3 
yrs., 1895; her success, however, was 
so great that the dirs. gave her 2 yrs. 
extension: when near the close of her 



term at the Col1., It was discovered 
that she possessed a wonderful voice, 
and from that time she devoted al1 her 
time to Its cultivation; she made her 
debut In Karn Hall, In her native city, 
Oct., 1900, subsequently going to Lon- 
don and Paris; on the completion of 
her studies she made her appearance 
In grand opera at Brussels, 1903, where 
she won Instant suc
ess; her voice Is 
a soprano, rich and solid and of good 
compass and capable of a wide range 
of emotional expression; when, later, 
she appeared at Covent Garden, Lon- 
don, she created astonishment by her 
readiness to sing In 4 languages, Eng., 
French, German and Italian; of late 
ahe has been singing with the Beecham 
Opera Co.. and had engaged. to come 
to Am,: she appeared to advantage In 
London, Eng., during the Coronation 
festivities, .June, 1911; m., 1908, Salva- 
tor Issaury, of the Opera Comique, 
Paris; R. C.--Care Canadian Ot/'ice. 
London. Eng. 
Ives, Hubert Boot, manufacturer. 
S. Wm. A. and .Julia (Root) 1.: b. 
Plainville, Conn., Sept. 15, 1833 ; 
moved to New Haven. 1847; e. Hop- 
kins Grammar Sch.. Nf>w Haven: m.. 
1st, 1858, .AlIoe (d.), d. Rev. A. T. 
Ohester, D.D., Buffalo, N.Y.; 2ndly, 
1887, Jean, d. late .Judge Dan I el:l , 
L'Orlgnal, Ont.; entd. mercantlle Idfe 
1853, and fir&t visited Can. as :the re- 
presentative of several hardware 
manfr>>. ; took up !his :reslden.oe 1n 

Jack, Mr8, Annie L., author. 
D. John Hayr; b. Northamptonshlre, 
Eng., .Jan. I, 1839; e. Mrs. Willard's 
Acad., Troy, N.Y. (where she was a 
sch. friend of Loul!se Chandler Moul- 
ton); m. Robt. Jack, a Scotch frult- 
grower (d. ApI., 1900); In early yrs. 
was a sch. teacher at Troy; after her 
marriage devoted herself to writing on 
horticultural subjects, In which field 
she has long been a recognized author- 
Ity; Is also well known as a writer on 
other subjects, particularly of stories 
and poems for the mags.; under the 
nom-de-plume of .. Loyal Janet," wrote 
for the Montreal Witness, some yr9. 
ago, some Scotch articles that hit upon 
social topics, and were very popular; 
among her separate works have been: 
.. Belated Violets," .. The Lltt!e 
Organist of St. .Jerome and Other 
Stories" (1902); .. The Can. Garden: 
a Pocket Help for the Amateur" 
(1903) ; .. Rhyme Thoughts for a Can. 
Year" (1904), and .. Maple Lore II 
(1911). - .. Hillside," Chateauguay 
Basin, P.Q.; Women's Club. Montreal. 
.. Has done splendid service for h()rtl- 
culture, aDd, incide.n.tally, for he<r J'laoo."- 
Lafe Geo. Murray. 
Jack, David Bussell, consular ser- 
vice; journalist and man of 
Partly Scotoh and pa.rtly Loyalist 
descent; e. s. late Hy. and Annie C. 
(Johnston) .T.; b. 81. John, N,B.; e. 

Montreal, 1859, and commenced the 
manufaetU'I'e there of ha:rdware, being 
the pIoneEr In thIs Une in Can.: 
also carried on gEneral f{)IUndry and 
architectural' Iron work of a high 
class, specImen!! of which may be 
seen 1n every d ty in the Dom.; 
later, 18ïl, commenced the manufac- 
ture of Eng. style Iron and brass bt:'d- 
steads, being the first on the continent 
in this branch of tradp; was chief 
pr-omoter H. R. I. 00. (L. P., 1903); 
Ute co. were manfrs. of .the .ornamental 
dron guteoS to the .PaI'llit. and Depart- 
mental Bldgs., Ottawa; an asso. memo 
Soc. C. E., a memo Bd. of Trade (and 
for some yrs. a councillor and memo 
Bd. of Arbitration), Ufe memo Mont- 
rf-al Art Assn.; a gov, Montreal Genl. 
Hosp., Western Hosp., Verdun Hosp., 
and Montreal Dispensary; Interested 
in forestry and the protection of fish 
and game: elected presdt. Fish and 
Game Assn., P.Q., 1907; 8pptd.. at the 
Instance of Miss AmEUa B. Edwards, 
the novf'llst. hon. secy. for 'Can. to the 
Egypt Exploration Fund: obtained a 
block from Great Temple of Bubastls. 
with the cartoU' of Ramese8 II., and 
'nted it to the Redpath Museum, 
McGill Unlv.; a Con., and supporter 
of the X. P.: nn Ang.-
.' Hampton 
Court Apartments, Montreal; St. 
James's Club,. Engineers' Club, do. 
.. A progre9Siv6 pubLic-øpirtted citizen, 
sed (}f &O'Ilnd judgmerut amd K'OO'<l e-xe- 
e abi1ity."-M. Gazette. 


public flchs.; unm.; vice-consul for 
Spain, S1. .John, since 1884, IÕUC- 
ceeding his father, who held that 
office for 20 yrs. previously; has 
done much to promote trade between 
Can. and 
'pi1in; founded, 1901, .-lca. 
diensÏ8 (St. .John), an excellent peri- 
odical devùtf'd to hist. research, nnd 
was Its ed. and publisher up to 1909, 
when It ceased publication: has sat 
In Common Council, St. .John; won 
prize esS8.}' on the history of the 
city and co. of S1. .John; has acted as 
travl. correspondent for the Mont- 
real Star and other Can. journals; a 
memo Ed. of Sch. Trustees for 7 yrs.; 
Is historian for N.B. U.E. Loyalists 
Soc. and cor. secy. N.B. Historical 
Soc.; a Lib.; a Presb.-87 Prince Wil- 
liam St.. St. John. N.B.; Canadian 
Club, do. 
Jack, John George, educationist. 
S. Robt. and Annie L. (Hayr) .J., 
(q.v.), Chtateauguay, Que.: Elder bro. 
Rev. 'Milton .J. (q.v.); b. OhlßJteau- 
guay, P.Q., A,pI. 15, 1861; e. chiefly 
a.t home; devel'O'ped V'ery early 8 
taste for nat. science; went to Bos. 
ton and was apptd. asst., Arnold Ar- 
boretum, Harvard Unlv., May, 1886; 
which posltlon he stm fll1s ; is also 
lect. on dendrol. there, and Instr. In 
forestry, Harvard Unlv., and Instr. in 
landscape hortlcul., Inst. of Tech. 
Mass.: a fellow Am. Acad. Arts and 
Sciences, a fellow Am. Assn. for the 



Advanc. of Sclenc.e, a memo Boston 
Soc. of Nat. Hlst., a memo Montreal 
branch Entomol. Soc., Ont., a.nd a Ufe 
memo BoEiton .soc. of Nat. IIlst., Mass. 
HorticuH.. .socy.; has written many 
des-crl-ptlve R'rbldes for Forest and 
Garden, N. Y. ; a Bri't. subject.- 
Jamaica Plains, Mass. 
Jack, Miss lIIIarion Elizabeth, artil5t. 
Scottish origin; d. late Hy. J., vlce- 
consul of Spain, St. John. N.B.; b. St. 
John, N.B.; e. there, Quebec, and 
Edgehlll, Windsor, N.S.; studied paint- 
ing under Chas. Lasar, Paris, and 
others; owing to Ill-health, foregoe. 
the studio and paints In the open air; 
has exhibited at the Salon, Paris, and 
In London; 4 decorative panels of 
iandscape, recently contributed to the 
.. Natlonale," attracted much attention, 
bf'lng noticed In The Strand and other 
publications; resides at Parls.-Care 
D. R. Jack, Esq., St. John, N.B. 
Jack, Bev. Milton (Presb.). 
S. RoM. and Annie L. (HiaJy1r) J. 
(q.v.) ; b. Chateauguay Basin, P.Q.; e. 
McGill Unlv. (B.A. and gold med. in 
Eng. lit., 1902; M.A., 1905); post- 
grad. course Chicago Univ.; followed 
theol. course, Montreal Presb. Coli. 
(B.D., silver med., and $400 McCorklll 
scholar., 1905); m., Nov., 1906, Cath- 
erine Winifred (B.A. and 1st rank 
honours In mod. langs., McGill Unlv., 
1901), 2nd ð. Rev. T,hJOs. Bennett, 
Montreal; licensed and o. for foreign 
mi,ssy. work, Montreal Presh-y., 1905.- 
Tamsui, Formosa, Japan. 
Jack, Bev, Thomas Chalmer. 
(Presb. ). 
S. late Rev. Lewis J., Chatham, N.B., 
the II Father of the Presb. Ch. In Can," 
and - (McK-enz,le) J.; b. St. J3Jmes' 
Manse, nr. St. Stephen, N.B.; e. St. 
John Grammar Sch. and N. B. Unlv. 
(B.A. and Douglas gold med., 1876); 
followed theol. course, Presb. ColI., 
Halifax; graduated, 1879; DoD., 1906; 
admitted licentiate, Lunenburg, N.S., 
1879; o. do.; pastor St. David's Ch., 
Maitland, N.iS., 1879-96; since -t'hen (has 
been pastor ,st. Mattlhew's Coh., N. 
Sydney, do.; a mem. N. .s. Rist. Soc.; 
auilior of v3Jrl<ros hdst. and biograplhloa,l 
sketches; !n theol. belongs to the Ub. 
sch.; a Con. up to 1896, when he be- 
Ctame a supporter oOf Sir W. Laurler, 
on the Man. sc!h. questlon.-St. Mat- 
thew's Manse, North Sydney, N.S. 
"Able, energetic and forcible."-M. Star. 
"An accomplished Bcholar, a profound 
theologian, and, aB regards practical the- 
ology, an adept."-Late Dr. Robt. Murray. 

ackson, Charle. Adam., education- 
S. John J" Gill, Mass., and Patty 
Warner (Knowlton) J., Newfane, Vt.; 
b. Brome, P.Q., 1853; e. Waterloo, 
P.Q., and McGill Unlv. (B.A., exhibi- 
tioner and scholarship) : M.A. (hon.); 
m., 1885, Julia (d. 1888), d. M. H. San- 
born, Montreal; long In the teaching 
p.rofesslon; prlnclpa!l Knowlton Acad., 
1875-87; do., Waterloo (P.Q.) Acad., 
1887-8: do., Weetmount .Acad., 1888- 
94: do., St. Lambert Acad., 1894-1900 i 
do., Lachine Acad., 1900-1906: all these 

schs. ranked first In the Province, as 
the result of his connection with 
them; apptd. principal St. FranchI 
Coli., Rlclunond. 'P.Q., 1907; resIgned, 
1909; now supdot. of schs., Lachine, 
P.Q.; w.eU known on 'Ì.he lecture pll::l.'t- 
foOrm; r-eturnoo from a 1r.i'p round The 
worM, 1910; AIn,g.-566 Roslyn Ave., 
1Vestmount, Montreal. 

ackson, Bev, George (Meth.), educa- 
Second S. Wm. and Eliza J.: b 
Grlmsby, Eng., Oct. 15. 1864: e. CoIl 
Sch. there, Wesl. Meth. Coli., Rich- 
mond, and LondlOI1 Unlv. (B.A.); 
D.D. (hoOn.), Que.en's Unlv., 19i1l; 
m., 1892, Annl-e, d. J. Hyslop Bell, Dar- 
lington, Eng'.: began regular work, as 
a pastor, Clitheroe Circuit, 1887; re- 
moved to Edinburgh, where he, for 18 
yrs., had charge of the principal mis- 
sion ch. of the city, 1888; came to 
Can., for the restoration of his health, 
and intending to stay In the country 
only 3 yrs., 1906; pastor Sherbourne 
St. Ch., 1906-9; declined a call to 
Metropolitan Ch., samp city, 1907; 
apptd. prof. Eng. Bible, Yictorla Unlv., 
.June, 1909; author U First Things 
First" .. Table Talk of Jesus. and 
Othe; Addresses," .. Judgment, Human 
and Divine," .. Young Man's Religion," 
" The 'ren Commandmf'nts," II The 
Teaching of Jesus," U A Young- Man's 
Book Shelf" II The Old Methodism and 
the New:: .. Memoranda Paulln
.. The Thct of Conv.erslon
" II Studies 
in the Oid Testament," and oth-er 
worl{s.-ll;; 1Vellesley St., 'l'oronto. 
II A great scholar IInd a Bimple, Bincere 
Christian."-T. News. 
"A pre,ae.her a.nd .author who has en. 
han,oed bis re,putation- since coming to 
Cana-d'B."-H. H rald. 
"A preacher of e
cepti(}nal powe.
deed one, of the most effective preachers in 
the Canadian pulpit to-day.".-T. Globe. 
3'ack.on, 3'ohn Bell, lawyer; Dom 
public service. 
S. Wm. and Jean (Proudfoot) J., 
Lockerbie, Scot.; b. there, Mch. 24, 
1856; e, Onto coonmon schs., HamHton 
ColI. Inst. and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 
1881); m., Aug., 1885, Carrie B., d. 
Robt. Tllney, late of Covington, Ky.; 
barrister, 1883; K.C., 1899: success- 
fully practised his prof. at Ingersoll, 
where he was town solr.; chairman 
and memo Ingersoll Ed. of Educ., 14 
yrs.; apptd. commercial agent and 
trade commr. for Can. to Leeds and 
Hull, Eng., 1903; transferred to 
Shanghai, China, Jan., 1907; Presb.- 
Shanghai, China. 
Jackson, Bev, John LonIngton (Bap- 
O. s. John and Margt. (McCall) J.; 
father native of Hull, Eng.; h. Brant- 
ford, Ont., May 31, 1849; e. Shurtleff 
ColI. (D. D., 1888) and Chicago Unlv. 
(M.A., 1872); m. Miss Ella Adf'le Lo- 
vett; pursued theol. studies Chicago 
Unlv. (B.D., 1876); O. 1874: pastor 
successively at Aurora and Blooming- 
ton, Ill., and Grand Rapids, Mlch.; 
since 1896 at Hyde Par)(. Chicago; 



moderator Chicago Bapt. Assn., 1903 ; 
later pr
sdt. Northwestern Educ. Soc. 
-HVde Park, CMcago, Ill. 
Jackson, Maunsell Bower., la.wyer; 
Onto public 
S. Benj. and Anne (Tuthill) .1.; b 
Co. Wexford. Irel; e. Toronto Acad.; 
m., July, 1868, Miss Claire Edlt11 Cull; 
barrister, 1855; K.C., 1908; successfully 
practised In Toronto In partnership with 
the late H.on. Stephen Richards, K.C.; 
apptd. clk. Crown and Pleas, Ont., Mch., 
1864: an An
. - u Drll>>lsnab," Castle 
Frank A'I.'e., Rosedale, Toronto. 
Jack.on, Samuel Ward, la.wyer. 
S. late By. F. J. .1., a native of Vm- 
don, Eng., and Isabella A. (Murphy) 
.T., n. native of Montreal: b. BerUn. 
Ont., .Tune 21, 1858; e. public and hl
schs.: unm.: 
raduated B.C.L. (Mc- 
Gill Unlv.), 1881: advocate (P. Q.). 
do.: atty, and counsellor (Ill.), 1883: 
practises In Chicago: served formerlv 
in Victoria RlfIes, Montreal; a 32n<1 
deg. Mason and K. T.: memo Order of 
thf' Mystic Shrinf': a Rep., and a mem 
CItizens' Assn., ChIcago, an assn. fOS- 
tabUshed for the purpose of exposing 
abm;ps hv public oflkials an!1 of SUf)- 
porting and enlCouraging an honest -and 
pfficient public service, irrespf'ctive of 
party affiliations in municipal 
Ang. - ,'101 Grovelanrl Ave., Chicago. 
Tll.; New Illinois Athletic Chtb: Wan- 
derers' Cricket and Athletic Club. 
Jackson, Bev. William (Meth.). 
rands., an!1 
t.-gr:mds. of Meth 
clergymen; b. Lincoln, En
., 1840: ('. 
prIvate acad., and for somf> }-rs. fol- 
lowed a mercantilf' Iffp; m.. 1st, 1868. 
Mis!'! Lucy Ann Bat<>8, OUf'bpC" (d 
1878): 2n"dlv, 1880. Miss Harrif't Ann 
Bailey, Kingston, Ont.; came to Cain. 
18/)2: o. 1863: has flllf'd manv Im- 
portant pastorntes, Inl"'ludIn
Quebec, Danvllle, Mf>lbournt>, Sher- 
brooke, KJn
ston, Coatlcook, Montreal 
Cornwan, Pert.h, GananoQue, etc. : 
since 1908 at Farnham. P.Q.: bpslde!l 
being a del. to the Genl. Conf., on 
many occasions, has been journal sec.. 
financIal secv., spcy. of conf. anit prpsi- 
dent of conlf.; was also prof. system. 
theol., apologf'tks. and homllf'tic!'õ_ a!' 
wpll as regr., Wf>sl. Theol. Coll., Mont- 
real, ] 
01-8: author of a. vol. on .. Im
mortality:' and has written larJrPly on 
theo1. and other rpUl?:fous suhipcts : 
D.D.. hnTl. (Wpsl '1'hf'ol. CoH.. Mont
real), 1893.-Farnham, P.Q. 
.. Has risen into emine'l1ce 0'11 a Ccnl1 'I1t 
of I1is wMe TP,,*,arch and I';reat pulpit 
IIbi1ity."-M. WifntRIf. 
Jacob., Samuel William, lawyer. 
Second s. late Wm. and Hannah .1.: 
b. nT. I.ancastl'r, Ont., May 6. 1871: 
e. MontTPal HI
h Sch. : graduated 
B.C.L. (McGi1l Unlv.), 1893: do. (La- 
val Unlv.), 1895: advocate, 1894: K.C., 
1908; succ
ssful1y practises In Mont- 
real, as senior memo of the firm of J. 
&. Garneau: a frequent contributor 
to law ma
s. and revlpws: joint 
ed., wIth his 'Partner, of .. Jacobs 
&: Garneau's Annotated Code of Oivll 
Procedure to: author of a work on 
the ry. law of Can,; 01ìf" (If the pro- 

moters of the Jacobs Exploration Co. 
(L. P., Oct., 1908): a dlr. and life 
gov. Baron de Hirsch Inst., Montreal: 
a memo Can. Comte. Jewish Coloniza- 
tIon A.ssn., Paris (.to the trus'tees 1Q:f 
which the late Baron de Hirsch be- 
queathed his fortune to ameliorate the 
condition of the Jews throughout the 
world); a life gov. Montreal Genl. 
Hosp.; belongs to Jewish persuasIon, 
and Is interested in everythIng tend- 
ing to the welfare and betterment of 
the poorer Jews driven to this coun- 
try by persecution In Europe; Is 
specfally Interested In the movement 
Instituted by Baron de Hirsch to col- 
onIze Jews In Western Can. and the 
Argentine Republic; has visited all 
the Can. provInces and made reports 
on the condition and prospects of his 
people for the Paris Assn., under 
whose supervisIon the colonies now 
are; a Llb.-5! McGill College Ave., 
Montreal; Montefiore Club, do. 
.. One of the most prominent 
law)"ers aot the bar."-T. NetlJlJ. 
Jattray, CUve Talbot, banker. 
S. la.te Wm. .1., BerHn. Ont.; b. thert
.Tuly 1, 1865: e. Berlin HIl?:h Sch.; m.. 
ApI., 1891, MadeleIne, d. Erastus Dow 
Palmer, Albany, N.Y.; acct. Merchants 
Bank of Can., Berlin, 1885: asst. cash- 
Ier Northwf'stern Nat. Bank. Minne- 
apolis, 1890-4: cashier 1st Nat. Bank. 
do., 1895-1904; V.-P. do. do. do. do. 
since 1895: a dlr. Mlnnf'apolls Trul!lt 
Co., Real Estate Title Ins. Co., North- 
western Nat. LIfe Ins. Co., and Wis- 
consin Cf'ntral Ry., and treas. and 

ovr. Minneapolis Club: An
.-1616 ]',-ft. 
Curve Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn.: 1IIi1l,- 
ncopolÏ8 Club. 
Jattray, James p" journaUst. 
S. late Wm. and Agnes S. (Jack- 
son) .T., Berlin, Ont.; father founded of Ayr, Ont.; b. and e. Ber- 
lin; assol"'Iated with his bro., R. M. 
J. (q.v.), founded -the Brantford 
Telegram, 1880, and the Can. Amer(- 
ran, 1882. the lattf'r being published 
flrf;t at MInnf'apolis, MInn.. and later 
at Chicago: was subsequently for some 
y,rs., ed,. and prO'J)r. of the Galt 
Reporter; a dlr. Can. Press Assn.; 
presdt. Grand River Improv. Assn.; 
V.-P. Onto HortlcuI. Soc.; elected 
presdt. Western Onto Cricket League. 
1907-9: Con.; Ang.-Galt, Onto 
Jattray, Hon, Bobert, legislator; 
S. late William and Margt. (Heugh) 
.1.: b. on 'hIs father's farm, near Ban- 
nockburn, ScoL, Jan. 23, 1832; 
Stlrllng Acad.; m., 1860, Mary (d. 
Mch., 1906), d. John Bugg, Toronto; 
gained business experience In Edin- 
burgh, where he was for some yrs. 
in commercfal life; came to Can., 
1852; In the retail and wholesale gro- 
cery business, Toronto, 1852-83: since 
then has devoted his attention to vari- 
ous Indus., commercial and financial un- 
"dertaklngs; a memo council, Toronto 
Bd. of Trade; Is now, or has been at 
some time, officially connected as a 
dlr. with a great many public cos., 
Including the Can. Life Assur. Co" 



the Genl. ElectrIc Co., the Onto Beet 
Sugar Co., the Genl. Accident ÁSsur. 
Co., the Brit. AmerIcan Assur. Co., 
the Toronto Genl. Trusts Corpn., the 
Cen tral Can. Loan and SavIngs Co., 
the Toronto Incandescent Elec. Llgoht 
Co..t.and the N.S. Steel and Coal Co.; 
Is v.-P.. Crow's Nest Pass Coal Co., 
King Edward Hotel Co., Imperial 
Bank; presdt. of the Land Security 
Co., and of the Globe Printing Co.: a 
memo of the Can. Patriotic Fund 
Assn., 1901; WåS apptd. a commr., 
Queen Victoria Park Bd., Niagara 
Falls, 1902, and later a V.-P. Home- 
wood Sanitarium, Guelph, Ont.; a 
govt, dIr. of the old Northern Ry., 
1874; was the means of having a 
Royal Oomn. apptd. .to enquIre into 
Its affairs; sUbsequently was a dlr. 
of the Midland and other rys.; apptd. 
a memo and chairman of the Temls- 
kamlng and Northern Ry. Commn., 
] 904, but reslgoned, 1905; a LIb. and 
formerly presdt. of the Toronto Re- 
form Assn.; called to the senate by 
Earl Grey, ,Mch. 8. ]906; a Free- 
mason: a Presb. - it Surrey Lodne," 
G,.enville St., Toronto
' Ontario Club; 
National Club, Toronto; Rideau Club, 
to A man o.f force and .ability bey()nd the 
u8ual."-The late John Oameron. 
to A man of untiring enerlIT, with an 
, e-ager mind, an abounding love' for 
hiB eountry, and an unshaken faith. in- the 
efficacy of free institutioDø."-T. New8. 
Jaffray, Rev, Bobert A, (Christian 
Misstonary All1ance,. 
S. Senator J. (q.v.): h. Toronto, 
Dec. 16, 1873; studied In N. Y.: m.: 
went as a mlsl!ly. to ChinA.. 1895; of 
late yrs. has Applied hImself to the 
educatIon of ChInese as missionaries 
to theIr own people, with success: haR 
been visiting Can. and the U. S. on 
furlough, and has noW (1909) re- 
turned to China, wIth the purpose of 
establishing a rellgolo..1s newspaper for 
the Chlnese.- Wuchou, 80uth China, 
Jafrray, Bob9rt Killer, journalist. 
A bro. J. P. J. (q.'V.); b. Galt, 
Ont., Oct. 12. 1857: e. there; m. 
IAlUra, d. Dr. R. T. Reynoli1!'J. Berlin, 
Ont.: estabd. Gazette (Norwich, Ont.), 
1877, and, later, with his brother, 
the Brant Telegram, and the Can. 
A merfcnn. the latter now published 
ftt Chleagoo; was busIness mangr. of 
the Referee (ChIcago) an<1 the Am. 
Referee In London. 1889-97; became 
presdt. The Cycle Age, In latter year. 
and has since mam'l
ed varlou
shows In Toronto. Mo"trpal. ChleR-goo. 
ftnd elsewlhere; Ang.-Wind8or
Jaffray. William G" stock broker and 
financial agent. 
E. s. Senator 
. (q.v.); b. and e. 
Toronto; m.. .Tunf'. 1 qOt, Ethe1wyn. 
Y. d. Benj. (;ll1esple, Toronto: elected 
a mem.. Toronto Rtock Exehan
1 Rql : hPRd of stock firm J.. CAssel
ar, Toronto; a dlr. and secy. To- 
ronto Globe PrlnUn
 Co.: a Presb.- 
78 Grenville Be., Toronto; National 
Club, do, 

Jagger, Harold, auditor. 
Eng. origIn; b. Yorkshire, En
1869: e. Liverpool Inst., En
.: unm.: 
rame to Can., 18R4; at Qu' A ppella 
UN 1895; nO'W at Moose .Taw: man gr. 
priva'Ìe bank; municipal and ;provl. 
aud.Jtor and mas. ()if Sc.h. Bd. and 
OoH. Bd.; W, iM. Jaw Masonic 
Lodge 3 
rms: since t'hen, suc
G.SoW. D.G.M.,; and W.Q.M. Grand 
Lodge, Sask" A. F. & A. :M.; Lib. .prin- 
clples; Ang.-Moo8e Jaw. 8a8k.; 
Ma8onio Club. do. 
James, Charles Canniff, litterateur; 
Onto pUblic service. 
Irish origin: U. E. L. descent; s. 
Chas. and Ellen (Canniff) .T.; b. 
Napanee, Ont., 
uly 14, 1863: e. 
Napanee High Seh. and Vlcto.rla Unlv., 
To.ron1:.o (B.A. and gold med. In nat. 
science, 1883; M.A., 1886); m., .Tan.. 
1887, F. L., d. late Jas. Crossen. 
Cobourg, Ont.: asst. master, CObo.urg 
Coli. Inst., 1883-6; prof. chern., Onto 
Agrfcul. Coli., Guelph, 1886-91: sInce 
.Tune, 1891, has been Depty. Mlnr. of 
Agorfcu1. and Secy. Bureau of Tndus- 
tries, Ont.; a del. to the Deep Water- 
ways Convention, 1894: a dlr. Can. 
Seed Growers' Assn.; V.-P. Lambton 
Golf Club and Royal Can. Go.lf A!'sn.; 
a memo Can. Olymnlc comtp.. 1908: 
A. senator, Toronto Univ.: a fellow of 
the Royal Soc. of Can.: C.M.G. (coro- 
nation), 1911; hM been presdt.. Onto 
Historical Soc.; a well-known lecturer; 
has delivered addresses on .. The Irish 
Palatines in Upper Canada," "The 
TeaChing of Agriculture in our Public 
Schools," to The Pro.blem of the Inrllf- 
.ferent Farmer," etc.; author: "The 
Early History of the Town of Amherst- 
burg," "The Second Legolslature of 
Upper Canada," "A Tennyson PlIgTfm- 
aJ?;e, and Tennyson. the ImperlaHst." 
to The Do.wnfall of the Huron Na tlon:' 
"A BIbliography of Canadian Poetrÿ 
(EngoUsh) ," The Ro.mance of Ontario: 
or the Peopling of the Province"; a 
freQuent contributor to the magos.; a 
Meth.-1H 8t. George 8t., Toronto; 
Lambton Golf Club; National Club. do. 
.. A many sided and 08.pable official."- 
Can. Oourier. 
.. ODe of the be-st men we havf' in the 
Onto public servioo."-Sir G. W. ROIIR 
"POS8eSsetl a thoroughly fll"Ïe-ntifir knc"\'9- 
ledge of al'n"irul,ture, combined with higb 
talentB of and admini8tre.tion."- 
T. Globe. 
James, Rev, Charles John (Ang.). 
S. late .John R. .T., Toronto: b. there, 
1857; e. Toronto TTnlv. (RA., with 
honours, 1881; M.A., 18(15), A.m' 
WycIfrre Co.H.: m., 1 st. 1 RR7. Efllth 

tuart (d. 1900), d. Wm. Birkett, Dun- 
<las, Ont.: 2ndly, 190
. Mary Woodley, 
d. late Chas. TlnHng-. Barhadof's, 
W.!.; o. 1883; success'vely curate Ch, 
of the Ascension, HRmtlton, Ont., 
asst. to Rev. W. H. Ralnsforfl. N. Y., 
rector St. .Tames. St. .Tohn, N.B., And 
a.qst. at St. George's, Montreal; since 
1902 has been rector Ch. of the Re- 
deemer, Toronto.-l6IJ Bloor 8t. W.. 



James, Bev. David (Presb.). 
S. late John J., D.D.. Hamilton, Ont.. 
nnd Ag-nes (Craig-) 
.; b. Glasgow. 
Scot., Feb. 18. 1854; e. Union Coil.. 
Schenectady, N.Y., and Knox Coil.. 
Toronto: IZ"radu:1tpd, 1 
R1: o. do.: for- 
merly pastor San Rafael, Cat.; lat&' 
at Par,ls, Ont.: now at Vancouver.- 
Vancouver, B.C. 
3'ames, Edgar Augustus, cIvil engln- 
N'r; journalist. 
S. David and Frances M. (
.T.: b. Thornhl11, Ont., Aug. 25, 1875; 
e. public sch., Newmarket High Sch., 
Toronto Normal Sch. And Toronto 
Unlv. (B.A. Sc.. 1905); admitted A.M., 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1907; resident engr. for 
Man. Govt., 1902; do., do., Can. Pac. 
Ry., 1905-7; !pJ"1esM. Englng. Soc.. Soh, 
of Practical ScIence, 1904-5; elected 
senator, Toronto. Unlv., 1906; presdt., 
Toronto branch Can. So
. C. E., 1909- 
10; ed. Can. Engineer, Tooroll'to, '1908- 
10: town en,gr., N. Toronto, On'Ì., 
1l; since th.en <has be<en engr. to 
the Improved R'O'ads Comn., Toronto; 
Me1h.-16 St. Joseph St., T07"Onto: En- 
 Club, do. 
James, Edwin Alfred, late Can. ry. 
S. Edwin and Harriet (Foster) 
J.; b. London, Eng., ApI. 11, 1865; 

me to Can. In earlv Ufe; e. Co. 
Hastings. Ont.; m" 1896, Katherine, 
d. D. M. Telford, Strathroy, Ont.: 
Pf1td. rv. "ervfce, G. T. Ry., Madoc. 
Ont.. 1880; has s1nce flned many 
hlg-hly Important .and res-ponslble 
posItions on C. P. Ry. and Can. Nor- 
thern RY.; was genl. supt. of latter 
road, 1903, and gen1. mangr., 1904-7. 
when he retired.-Victoria, B.C. 
James. :Marshall Jesse Albert, jour- 
naUst; dental surgeon. 
A. MORes A. (q.v.) and M'\ry .T. 
.; b. Baltimore, Ont., 
an. 7, 
1876; e. Bowmanvf11e HIg-h Sch., Trln. 
UnIv.. Toronto, and Unlv. of Penn. 
(D.D.S., 1898); m., Sept., 1903, Miss 
Florence Louise Robb, Holley, N.Y.; 
successfully practised as a specIalist 
In orthodontia 8 yrs.; returned to 
journallsm, 1906, since when he has 
been asst. business mangr., Buffalo 
Evening News: was asst. ed., Can. 
Statesman, Bowmanvf11p. Ont., under 
his father, 1892-6.-" News" Of/, 
Buffalo, N.Y. 
3'ames, :Moses A., journalist. 
S. John and E'izabeth J.; b. Brad- 
worthy, Devon, F.:n
.. J:m, 14, 184q; e. 
pUhllc sch., Enfleld, Ont.; m., Oct., 
1873. Mary J., 2nd d. Jonathan Bray, 
Enfleld; In early yrs. a public sch. 
teacher (1st class cert.); principal, 
Baltimore Public Sch. 3% yrs.; has 
been ed. and propr. Canadian States- 
man (Bowmanvllle, Ont.), since 1878; 
a J.P., a town and co. councillor; 
mayor of Bowmanvllte, 1903-5; R. dlr., 
Can. Press Assn.; a memo ex1ve. co.mte. 
Dom. Alliance; govt. Issuer of mar- 
riage licenses; presdt., local branch 
Relhmce Loan and 
R vlngs Co.; dlr., 
Co. Farmers' Inst., Horticultural Soc., 
dlr., secy.-treas. and mangr., Durham 
Agrlcul. Soc.: d:lr., Can. League for 
Civic Im,provement; trustee; mem.. 

Officfal BeL and Sunday 8ch. BeL 
and treas. of Meth. Ch.; a frequent 
contributor to the outsIde press; haa 
travelled extensively In Can., Brit., 
and U.S.; always a Lib.; secy., Lib, 
Assn., W, Durham; an active mem.. 
Meth Ch.-Bowmanville, Onto 
.. Beloved by an. . , , Frankly, oour- 
age.ously Bnd independently Liberal."-2'. 
James, Nathaniel Chamne7, educa- 
Irish origin; s. late Thos. and Mary 
(Chamney) J., who were among the 
pIoneers of the Co. Lanark, Ont.; b. 
Clayton, Ont., Feb. 25, 1860; e. Col- 
lingwood ColI. Inst., Toronto Univ. 
(B.A., with 1st class honours In mod. 
langs., 1883), BerUn Unlv. and Hatte 
(Ph.D., 1893); m., 1st. 1888, Marl'rt. 
(d. 1890), d. Rev. K. McKenzie; 2ndly, 
DeUa F., d. Peter Alison, Strathroy, 
Ont.; taught 7 yrs. HaIlfax ACAd,; 
prof. of moderns, Western Unlv., 
1896, and has since been apptd. 
provost and presdt. of the Unlv.; 
apptd. a mem, Onto Educ. Advisory 
Council, 1906; Ang.-Western UnltJðr- 
sitv, London, Onto 
II One of the most scholarly men In Oan.." 
-So N. 
Jamieson, His Honour Joseph, Co. 
Cl. jut1g-e. 
S. late Wm. J., a na tlve of LOl'ldon- 
(terry. Iret.. who. settled at Perth, 
Ont., 1818, and Margt. (Molyneux) 

.; b. Sherbrooke, Co. Lanark, Ont., 
Mch. 15, 1839; e. Perth Grammar 
Sch.; m., Nov., 1865. Elizabeth, e. d. 
late Robt. Carss, Fitzroy, Ont.; bar- 
ter, 1869; K.C. (Earl of Derby), 
1889; was reeve of Almonte and 
wnrdpn of T...anark: sat for N. T...annrk 
(H. C.), Con. intere-st, 188!-91; ha
been junior Co. Ct. judge, We1!ln
Ont.. sInce Dec. 8. 1891: R. 0., Wel- 
lington C., under E. F. Ad, 1893; 
when In Par1t. was a strenuous advo.- 
cate of prohibition, and moved a reso- 
lution In favour of Its adoptlon.- 
Guelph, Onto 
Jamieson, MelvUl Allan, journalist. 
Y. S. Wm. Allan J., M.D., Knight of 
the Order of St. John of Jenlsalem, 
J1resdt. of the Royal Coil. of Phys. of 
dlnburgh, and Christina, d. late Alex. 
Robinson, J.P., Berwick-on-Tweed, who 
in 1835, at l\Iontreal, m. the d. of GenL 
]"Inlay; b. Edinburgh, Scot., Nov, 14, 
1 R81; e. EflInbur
h AC':1fl. and Repton, 
Eng.; m., June, 1906, Ellen, d. late F. 
H. Warrington, Montreal; has trav- 
elled extensively In Can., Awstralia, 
New Zealand nnd S. A.; joined staft 
Montreal Star, 1903, nnd In ApI., 1909, 
was apptd. special representative of 
the Montreal Dnil,/ Star, Family Rer- 
(/l(l and Weekly Star, and the 1Ilont- 
I'eal Stnndnrd for Gt. Brit. Rnd Eur- 
ope, with offices In the Grand Trunk 
Railway Buildings, 17 Cockspllr St., 
'l'1'afalgar Sq., London; served through 
the R A. \-Var, 1 R'}'}-1902. In "horn"'y- 
croft's Mounted Infy., and afterwards 
In the Cent. S. A. Ry.; a Con.; a Proto 
-18 Montpelier Rise, Golder's Green. 
London, Eng,; Motor Club, do, 




ce:aeUben Bupert, Can. ry.. 
S. John and Mary J., Galt, Ont.; b. 
Westover, Ont., Dee.. 12, 1856; e. pUbJlc 
8chs.; m., -Moh., 1882, Miss Alice J. 
Jukes, Chicago, Ill. ; entd. G. W. R. ser- 
vice, Can., 1873, since when has held 
many Important and responsible posi- 
tlons; became ass.t. supdt. C. P. R., 
1890; supdt. E. D., Farnham, P.Q., 
1896; do., Crow's Nest brancih, Cran- 
brook, B.C., 1902; genl. supdt., W. D., 
1903; genl. supdrt. C. D., 1907; resigned 
to become V.-P. and genl. man gr. Mer- 
chants and Calgary Fire Ins. Co., 1908; 
elected Mayor Calgary, 1908.10; V.-P. 
Union ot AlbeTta Munlcipalltles.-Cal- 
gary, Alta.; Ranchman's Club, do. 
(D. New Westminste7',.,May SO, 1911.) 
Jamieson, Thomas N" Am. public 
Scottish origin; b. Co. Grey, Ont., 
Feb. 29, 1848; e. pUblic schs.; went 
to Chicago, 1866; entd. drug business 
tor hlmselt, 1870: successively presdt. 
Chicago Retail Drug Assn. and presdt. 
Ill. Bd. ot Pharmacy; a Rep., anll 
held va rlous Important local appts. In 
the gift of that party; apptd. naval 
offr. at Chicago, 1904; a large claim 
owner In PorcupIne. which dist. was 
named by hlm.-.&508 Woodlawn Ave., 
Chicago, Ill. 
Jamieson, Bev. William Henry 
(P.resb. ). 
S. David and Mary Jane J.; b. 
North Gower, Ont., June 28, 1849; e. 
Cobourg ColI. Inst.. Victoria Unlv. 
and Ill. Unlv. (Ph.D.); m., 1879, 
Miss Hattle Foster, Oakwood, Ont.; 
pursued theol. studies at Knox ColI., 
Toronto. Rnd presb. ColI., Montreal 
(D.D., 1897); o. 1877; author II The 
Nation and the Sabbath": tor some 
yrs. has been pastor 1st Presb. Ch., 
Birmingham, Mich. - Birmingham, 
Janey, 1IIl1e, Marguerite (see Ethier, 
Mlle. Anna). 
Janes, Simeon Heman, capitalist. 
S. Heman J.. who !':"ttled in Co. Ox- 
f.oro, Ont., 1800; U. E. L. d
Huguenot origin: family first settled 
in Am. in Mass.: b. W. O'Cford. Feb. 
5, 1843; e. Inge.rso1l1 Grammar 8011. 
and Victoria Univ., Cobourg (B.A. and 
,alediC'torian, 1866: M.A., 1872): m., 
1867, 'Maria Ann (d. June, 1907), e. d. 
late Cornelius Quinlan, Port HOope, 
Ont.; a tormer wholesale dry goods 
merchant; afterwards a land and 
m{\ney hroker; retired, 1888: i'OlUùt'l1 
Janes scholar., Toronto Conserv. of 
:Music, 1889; do. medals for comp >tI- 
tlon in classics, math., phil" and mort. 
lang., Victoria Univ.; LL.D. (Hamlinf' 
. Univ., Minn.), 1R96: a dir. Guild Civic 
Art; a uromotpr Onto Beet Sugar Co.: 
formerly V.-P. Commerdal Union 
Club; a Lib.; an Ang.-73 St. Ge07'gc 
St., T07'onto. 
II Janet, Loyal" (see Jack, Mrs 
Janln, Georges, civil engineer; Can. 
civic service. 
B. Poltlers, France, 1853; e. France; 
came to Can.. 1892; aJ;lSOC, memo Can. 

Soc. C. E., 1899; entd. service, City of 
Montreal, as acting supdt. aqueduct 
system, 1898; subsequently was asst. 
supdt. and supdt. ViTa tel' Dept.; slnre 
Dec., 1910, has been genl. municipal 
engr., Montreal; Is also consulting 
engr. to Bd. ot Health, P.Q.; a con- 
tributor to Trans. Can. Soc. C. E.; 
R. C.-City Hall, Montreal; Lachine, 
P.Q.; Engineers' Club, lIfont7'eal. 
Jardine, Bobert, physician. 
6th s. late Thos. J., shipbuilder and 
timber merchant, JardineviIle, N.B.; 
b. there, Jan. 30, 1862; e. Mt. Allison 
Unlv. and Edinburgh Univ. (M.B., 
C.M., 1886; M.D., with commendation, 
1889) ; m., 1889, May Barbara, d. late 
Graham Brymner, J.P., Greenock, 
Scot., and niece ot late Dr. Douglas 
Brymner, Dom. archivist, Ottawa; 
M.R.C.S., Eng., 1886; F.F.P. & S., 
Glasgow, 1895; F.R.S., Edinburgh, 
1899; a noted obstetrician and 
gynl1lie.col.; ap.ptð. physician, W
st End 
branch, Glasgow Maternity Hosp" 
1890; asst. physician, do., 1895; phy- 
sician, do., since 1896; examr. In mld- 
witery, Glasgow Univ., 1899-1903; 
since then has been proto of midwitery, 
St. Mungo's ColI., Glasgow; an examr. 
in midwifery, Victoria Univ., Man- 
chester, since 1908; apptd. visiting 
gynaecoI., Glasgow Maternity and 
Women's CoIl., 1911; is examr. to the 
Scottish Conjoint Bd. ; presdt., Glasgow 
ObstetrIc-al and Gynaecolog. Soc., 
1900-2; author: .. C1inical Obstetrics," 
.. Text-book of Midwitery tor Nurses," 
II CUnical Lectures on Hæmorrhage and 
Eclampsia," and ot numerous contri- 
butions to the med-. pre
s; an elder In 
the Established Ch. ot Scot.-20 Royal 
C7'escent, Glasgow, Scot.; Glasgow 
JIedica! Club, do. 
I< In his ea$', theTe is .ß ha.ppy un-ion 
o.f BOund judgment, ente'rprise and ekill, 
aJoong with the ft8culty ()f expoeitiono. 60 
essentia,l to good tearhing."-Prof. Mur- 
dorh Cameron. 
Jarvis, Rev, Arthur (Ang.), 
U. K L. stock; s, late Judge G. S. 
J., Cornwall. Ont.. who Sf'rved as an 
ofl'r. in H. M.'s 8th anrt 104th Regts. 
(1l1riYl!::" th<> -n T :1r of 1 R12-14, an 11 al!"() 
òuring rehe1Hon, 1837; .b. Cornwal1, 
Ont.. May 28, 1849: e. CornwaH Gram- 
mar Sch., rrrin. ColI. Sch., Port Hope, 
and Trin. Unh.. (B.A., Wit11 h"no l 11'!,:, 
71; M.A., 1886): m.. Jan.. 1884. 
Frances Annie Julia, d. 1ate Yen. 
Archdeaoon Roe; O. deacon, 1872: 
priest, 1873; curate, Hawkesbur:\r,Ont.. 
H;73; mis.<:lonary, Altred and Planta- 
gl'nct; incumbent Osnabruck, 187;; : 
rpctor :Morrl, shurgh 1881: do., Carle- 
ton Place. 1884: do., Napanee, :,in
1890; retired trom active duty. 1909; 
canon St. George's Cath., Kingston. 
Ont., 1901; served in vol. mil. during 
Fenian Raid, 1866 (med.); High Ch.; 
family Con. for generations. - The 
Rectory, Na]Janee, Onto 
Jarvis, Lt.-Col, Arthnr Leonard Fitz- 
gerald, Dom. public service. 
U. E. L. descent; s. late Geo. 
Murray and E1iza-beth Arnold (Jarvis) 
J' grands. Col. S. P. J., chief 
ÍX1.t, Ind. I\-ffalrs. who serve-d In W



of 1812 and also during rebellion 
of 1837: b. Toronto, June 17, 1852: 
e. Toronto and Quebec; m., Dec., 1906, 
Frances Geraldine, 2nd d. late Capt. 
C. L. J. Fitzgerald, 1st W. 1. Regt.; 
entd. publfc service, Sept., 1868; 
Mch., 1896, has been secy. Dept. of 
Agricul.; ap'Ptd. Asst. Deptoy Mlnr. of 
Agricul., Feb., 1909: I. S. 0., 1905; has 
been 'Ì.wice preswt. RIdeau Curling Club: 
joined Ottawa Brig., Garrison .Arty., 
as a bugler, during Fenian raids, 1870; 
gazetted 2nd lieut., G. G. F. Gds., 1885 ; 
attained command of regt., Oct. 28, 
1899 : retired, with rank of!. Mch., 
1904: holds gen!. servIce med., with 1 
clasp, for Fenian Raid, 1870, and long 
service d.ecoratlon ; while In command of 
his reg1. IÛTgandz.ed ctlhe Bignta:l OQoI'lpS aJt- 
tached thereto; Ang.
65 Daly Ave.. 
Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf 
Club; Rideau Curling Club. 
Jarvis, Major Arthur Murray, Royal 
N.W.l\I. Police. 
U. E. L. descent; 2nd s. Arthur 
MUI1I"ay amd Ann ,Stein (M.acIear) J.; 
b. Toronto, ApI. 6, 1862; e. there; 
unm.; joined Royal N. W. M. Police, 
1880; promoted inspector, 1893; served 
throughout second N. W. RebeIUon, 
1885 (med.); selected by Commr. 
Herdhmer, 1896, '00 en'Ì1cr the un- 
organized territories In the Athabasca 
and Peace River districts, and report 
on the buffalo, game, fisheries, and 
other matters of interest to the Govt,: 
travelled over 2,000 miles with dog 
teams and sleds; apptd. stipend. magte. 
for Kootenay Co., B.C., 1897, and 
placed In command of police on con- 
struction of the Crow's Nest Pass 
Ry.; 'built police post at summit of 
Rocky Mts.; commanded expdn. 1898, 
with a detachment of 26 R. N. W. 
Mounted Police, over the Dalton trail 
in the Yukon; e8tbd. the intern. 
boundary line on that trail, and built 
strong fort at foot of summit of Chll- 
kat Pass, also posts along the trail; 
apptd. by Dom. Govt., collector of cus- 
toms and mining recorder for Yukon, 
and .by the B. C. Govt., stipoend. magte., 
Co. Vancouver; given commission as 
major, 1900, in the British service, in 
LoN. StratlhJcon.a',s :Hoo'1se, !lor service dn 
South. Mrica; ooonma.n.àed "B" squad- 
ron of that corps; served under GenI. 
Sir Redvers Buller In Earl Dundonald's 
3rd Mounted Brigadre, al'so under 
GenIs. C. Knox and Barton; served in 
Cape Colony, Natal, Zululand, Trans- 
vaal, Basutoland, and Orange River 
Oolony; commanded! squadron which 
entered the towns of Amersfort, 
Ermelo, and Pilgrim's Rest, In advance 
of the army; also commanded a 
squadron of South African Light Horse, 
one company of the Royal Engineers, 
a.nd '';8'' \Squadron of Lord Strat!bJoona's 
Horse, at Sabies Drift, In the Lyden- 
berg Mountains, In advance of GenI. 
Sir Redvers BuUer's army (despatohes; 
med. with cla.sps) ; C.M.G., 1900; since 
his return to Can. has served succes- 
sively at White Horse, Y.T., Dawson, 
Regina, Wood Mountain and Moosomln, 
Mackenzie River dlst., which Includes 
Fort Macpherson, at the mouth of the 
Mackenzie River and Herschel IsLand, 

In .the Atlantic Ocean; remained at 
latter station from 1907 till .Tuly, 1908; 
now at Regina; An g.-Po lice Barrack8, 
Regina, Bask. 
Jarvis, Edward Æmilius, banker a.nd 
S. late Wm. Dummer Powell and 
Diana (Irving) .T.; U.E.L. descent; b. 
YIQIllIge St.. Co York, Ont., lApl. 25, 
1860; e. U. C. IOoiM. ; iI11., Oct. 14, 1886, 
Elizabeth Margt. Harriet Augusta, d. 
Sir ÆnriIlus Irving, K.C. (q.v.); in 
service, Bank of Hamilton, 1877-82; 
later, was 
onnected with the Fanners' 
and Traders' Loan Assn., Hamilton 
and Traders Bank: tnspr. and asst. 
gen.!. mangr., Traders Bank, Toronto, 
1890-2; .since then has been head of 
of firm ÆmiUus J. and Co., bankers 
and .brokers, Toronto; since 1907 has 
been presdt. Sovereign Bank of Can.; 
is also presdt. Hamilton Steamboat Go. 
and Brit. and Col. Press Services, Ltd. ; 
V.-P. B.C. Packers' Assn.; a dir. Can. 
Locomotive Co., Denver and S. 
Western Ry., Niagara, St. Catharines 
and Toronto Electric Ry., Niagara, St. 
Catharines and Toronto Nav. Co., To- 
ronto Safe Deposit and Agency CoO., 
Toronto Hotel Co. and Sand and 
Dredging, Ltd.; has been very actively 
assocd. with tm.e R.C. Yacht Club; has 
been commodore of the Club several 
yrs.; elected presdt. Yacht Racing 
Union of the Gt. Lakes, 1908; a del. 
from N, Am. Yacht Racing Assn. to 
Yacht Racing Assn, of Gt. Brit., Lon- 
don, 1897; long connected with intern. 
yachting contests, chiefly the capture 
and defence of Canada's Cup; pre- 
sented with his portrait in oils by 
Grier (q.v.), by the mems. of the 
R. C. Yacht Club, 1903; Ang.- 
(( Hazelburn," S
 Prince Arthur Ave., 
Toronto; Toronto Club; York Club; 
R. C. Yacht Club; Queen City Yacht 
Club, do.; Hamilton Yacht Club, 
Hamilton; Kingston Yacht Club, 
II E.ver)"body'e fr-ie.nd."-Bir G. W. Ro.. 
"ALw.ays a spo'rtsman, whether he wina 
or loses."-S. N, 
Jarvis, Ernest Frederick, Dom. public 
S. Hy. Fitzgerald J., M.D., and 
Lucy (DeiS Brlsay) J.; grands. Hon. 
Edward .T., Chief .Tustice P. E. I.; b. 
St. Eleanor's, P.E.I., Sept. 16, 1862; e. 
then'; m., Sept., 1892, Ethel Colborne, 
4th Ò. la.te E. A. Meredith. LL.D., for- 
meI1JJy Undoer Seey. State, Can.; enrtd. 
Dom. lþuþllJc serwiice, 'Mch., 1881; ser- 
voo suOC'e.SsiV' as pl'livaotoe seey. !fun. 
Ed. Blake, ,Sir W. LaJlwiør, amd Hem. .T. 
C. Baroterson, when In office; ohief elk., 
DeIP't. lMild'tla. aM Def-ence, 1903; s.eC'y. 
'Ì. ( secy, ,to .M
ldt1a .oounoH), 
1907; a,sst. DEWty. Mim. ()IÍ MHltla, 
'1909; serut rbo WlaS1hIJrugton, D.C., to roe. 
pQll't 1Q11 matters of dept. orgall'lzaJtl,on, 
1902; Al1g.
47 Stewa7't St., Ottawa. 
Jarvi., Harold Augustu, singer. 
S. Arthur M., and Martha Matilda 
(RatcllfTe) .T., Toronto; b. there, Dec. 
27, .i864; ;for some yrs. a sailor, and 
was an our. on Allan and P. & O. 



steamers. as well as In Royal Naval 
Reserve; early exhtd. a rare talent as 
a singer; gained a gold med. at Acad. 
o! Music, London; now takes rank as 
a robusto tenor of exceptional merIt; 
has toured Can., U. S., and Gt. Brit.; 
sang the tenor role In .. The Messiah" 
with Albani, Mad. Van der Veer Green, 
and Norman Sa:lmontd. 1903; was <tenor 
SQilolst 1st PreSh. Oh., Detroit; 
turnOO1lÌo ToTonto, 19.111; oðJoolJined: offer 
to go into comic qpern. a1. $500 a week, 
1899; Âãl,g.; m. !Laura, e. d. Dr. W. 
B. Gei:k:ie (q.v.), To.ronrto.-31 Castle 
Frank Rd., Rosedale, Toronto. 
.. A. . Binger of popular ballads bas few 
equals."-St. John Telegraph. 
Jarvi., Paul, baJnker. 
Second s. late Edgar John and Char- 
lotte (Beaumont) J.; b. Toronto, Sept. 
27, 1865; e. Trin. Call. Sch., Port 
Hqpe. Ja,rvdos St. Oolil. !nst.. and. U. -C. 
Call.; matriculated Osgoode Hall; be- 
gan business career In service Dom. 
Bank; later was successively In busi- 
ness in Winnipeg and Buffalo, N.Y.; 
was secy. 
'oronto Bd. of Trade, 1902- 
03: resigned to again enter bu
became the representative In Buffalo 
and Chicago ot Spencer, Trask & Co., 
bankers. N. Y.; since .1910 .in cha.l'geof 
bond dept., A. E. Ames & .00., Toronto; 
Ang.-7'+ St. George St., Toronto; 
National Club, do. 
Jarvi., Thoma. :Neil.oD, Am. ry. ser- 
U. B: L. stock; s. late Peter Robin- 
son and Marion (Neilson) J., Strat- 
tord, Ont.; b. there, May 22. 1854: e. 
there; unm; was ,In sernce G. T. Ry. 
1&74-78; has held various positions 
on different rys. in U. S.. becoming 
tratnc -weight mangI'. Hooigh Valley 
Ry., l\. Y., 19û4; eh::cted V.-P. do. do.. 
1906; elected ast V.-G>. Can. Soc. of 
N. Y.. 1911; Anog_-36 W. 35th St., New 
York; New York Club; New Yðrk Ath- 
letic Club; Atlantic Yacht Club; 
Marine and. Field Club, do. 
homas stinson, author and 
dramatic critic. 
S. Stephen Maule and Mary (3tm- 
son) J., Toronto; b. there, May 31, 
1854; e. U. C. Coll.; m., May, 1881, 
Annie, d. 1ate Prof. By. Croft, Toronto 
Unlv.; barrister, 1880; author" Letters 
frum East Longitudes," .. Geoffrey 
Hampsteaù," a novel; .. Doctor Per- 
due," do.; .. The Ascent of Life," .. She 
Lived In New York," a novel, and 
other works; ed. .. Reminiscences of a 
Loyalist" (Col. Stephen Jarvis) Can. 
Jfag., 1906; has done much literary 
work In U. S., whither he removed, 
lS91; has travelIed much abroad.-P. 
O. Box 116, Station C., North Angeles, 
Jarvis, William Henry Pope, author. 
Y. s. late H. F. J., M.D., F.RC.S. 
(Edln.), P. E. I.; b. and e. there; 
m., July, 1909, Mary IsabelIe, 2nd Ù. 
late Alfred HO!lkln, K.C.; was engd. 
In journalism for some time in th
West: author .. Trails and Tales of 
Cobalt," a collection of mining stories 
(1907); .. Letters of a RemIttance 

Man to his Mother" (1908), ete,; 
Ang.--Gare Rev, Dr, Bri'ßB þ Toronto. 
.. Possesses high liæraJ'7 mern."-o. 
Jarvi., Lt,-CoL WiUiam K1U!..on, la.w- 
U. E. L. descent; s, Wm, J.; grand- 
son Munson J., who came to St. John. 
N.B., from Stamford, Conn., was a 
memo of the Common Council, at the 
il1lOOrp.n. of rbhe city, 1785, anò, JlaJter. a 
rt"presentative In the provl. Parlt.; b. 
St. John, Oct. 9, 1838; e. St. John 
Gramml8.r Sdh.: m., list. .Tane Hope 
(d,), d. Capt .Beer. :a.N.; 2oo.1y. 'Mairy 
Lucretia, d. Wm. Hy. Scovil; barris- 
ter. 1863; became genl. agent for N, B. 
(afterwards for whole Mar. Provinces) 
Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. Co.; 
Jate.r ,presdtt. tN. B. Ed. Fire UiIlIdJer- 
writers; presdt. Mar. Bd. of Trade, 
1898; do. St. John Bd. of Trade, 1902- 
03; has also been a commr., St. .fohn 
F1ree IPubldo IAbreiry, presdlt, St, John's 
Citizens' League, St. George's Soc., and 
N. B. Hist. Soc.; took a prominent 
part In securing the Incorpn. of the 
tcwn of Portland, and prepared the 
charter ot the town; tor several yrs. 
a memo Portland Council; entd. vol. 
mil. during first Fenian Raid; was 
major 2nd Batt., and, subsequently, 
It.-col. 3rd Batt., St. John Co. MiL; 
Ang., and a del. to Provl. and Gent 
Synods; formerly deputy chairman 
Finance Bd., V.-P. Diocesan Ch, Soc., 
and presdt. S. S. Teachers' Assn.; In- 
troduced a mission system; a memo 
Compilation Comte. respecting a hym- 
nal for Ch. of Eng. In Can.; a. del. to 
the Ang. 'CIh. Congress, Hal1fax, N.S., 
1910.-198 Prince88 St., St. John, N.B.; 
Union Club, do. 
Jeakins, Bev, ChaJlie. Edward (Ang.). 
E. s. Rev. 
'. B. J., R.D. (q.v.); b. 
Yorlishire, Eng.; e. McGlIl Unlv. (B.A., 
1!<0l) ; m., Feb., 1903, M. Georgina, d. 
Jl()lhn Simpson, MontreaJl; gra.duated U 
gold med. (IM.on treal Dioe. Theol. 
Calli.), 1902; O.
 189-2; IPrieet, 
do.; for 2 yrs. missionary, Arundel 
Dist., P.Q.; rector Huntingdon, 1904- 
08; do., W,ingham, Ont.. 1908-09; a 
prof. Huron Ool:l. antd asst. 'to .Prlln'C'
WaUer, 00., ,1909-;11; since tohen 'ha..s 
been reotor, Clin'
on, OM.; .formerly 
grand ohapltaJn, Morutrea.l Dist., Grand 
Lod1ge of F1reemasons (presen1ed with 
graM oh:ajpllaJln'.s jewel, 1908) .-Clin- 
ton, Ont, 
"A man of reoognized alb,i1i,ty as .. 
preacber."-M. Gazette. 
Jeakins, Rev, '.l'homa. Bentley (Ang.), 
S. Thos. Shawley and Mary (Bent- 
ley) J.; b. Buckden. HunUngdonshlre, 
Eng., Oct. 8, 1858; e. HallfR.x, Eng.; 
m. Eben, e. d. late Wm. Whitehead, 
Eowerby Bridge, Eng.; came to Can., 
1890; o. deacon, 1891; priest, 1892; 
licensed to Hemmingford and Haller- 
ton, P.Q., 1891; rector Huntingdon, 
1896; do. St. Luke's, Waterloo, and 
Christ Ch., Frost Village, 1898; R. D., 
Sherrord, 1901: a memo of Sch. Bd.; 
V.-P. S. Sch. Inst., Bedford, and V.-P. 
S. Sch. Union, P. Q.; Inaugurated ser- 



les ot open-air services on Sunday 
evenings, commendng atter the usual 
services ot the ch. were over, 1900.- 
The Rectorv, Waterloo, P.Q. 
"A most efficient :pl'IÍe8t &00 a skillful 
lmj.D1istl'l8lto<r." -M. W itne... 
JeUer8. Bev, Eliaklm Tupper (presb.). 
S. Jas. Dickey and Mary A, B. (Tup- 
per) J.; b. U. Stewiacke, N.S., ApI. 6, 
1841; e. High Seh., Lawrence, Mass., 
and Jetferson ColI.; ro., tM,a,y, 1867, Miss 
E:sther Graham Hodgens; studicd 
theoJ. Princeton Theol. Semy. and 
U. P. Theol. Semy., Allegheny, Pa. 
(D.D., 1872): LL.D., Washdngton and 
Jefferson Coll., 1902; o. 1865; pa.stor 
Oxford, Pa., 1865-72; presdt. Wt:st- 
minster ColI., Pa., 1872-83; proto theol., 
Lincoln Univ., 1883-90; pastor Presb. 
Ch., Oil City, 1890-3; presdt. York 
ColI. Inst. since 1893; moderator U. P. 
Assembly, 1880; presdt. Pa, State 
Teachers' Assn., 1895; a memo Vic- 
toria Inst.. London. Eng. : author 
.. Shortest Road to Cæsar" (1896).- 
York, Pa, 
Jeffer., James Frith, educationist; 
S. late Rev. Wellington Jeffers, D.D. 
(Meth.), and Jane (Frith) J.; b. 
Belleville, Ont., ApI. 6, 1842; e. Model 
Grammar Sch., Toronto, and Toronto 
Univ. (B.A., 1875; M.A., 1877); m., 
Dec., 1904, Faustina J., e. d. Mrs. D. 
H. Foster, Belleville, Ont,; In early 
life a public seh. teacher; classical 
master, Peterborough Coil. Inst.. 1876; 
headmaster, do., 1881; later became 
presdt. Belleville Business ColI,; tor 
some yrs, has pursued accountancy, 
va]uatlng, and auditing; formerly chief 
auditor Midland Ry. Co. of Can., under 
presidency of Senator Geo. A. Cox 
(q.v.); so continued untll amalgama- 
tion of co. W1l1Jh G. T. Ry. .system; 
author" History O!f Canada" (1876), 
.. Summary of do." (1878), .. Book- 
keeping" (1905); also, with J. L. 
Nichols, M.A., .. Canadian and Ameri- 
can Citizenship" (1896); Meth.- 
Belleville, Onto 
Jetferson, Mrs, Christie (see Gillespie, 
Mr.s. Christie). ' 
Jetferson, Bev. Selby (Meth.). 
S. Mark and Jane J.; b. Gostorth, 
NewcasUe-on-Tyne, Eng., Nov, 12, 
1866; e. there; m. July, 1895, Miss 
Edith Evans, Newport, Eng.; entd. 
ministry, Nfd. Cont., as a probationer, 
1890; o. 1894; transferred N. S. C'ont., 
1899; has served 18;t Berm!llJda, W.I.; 
now .a't Sel"boy, N.S.; V.-iF. Oan. Pea.oe 
and ArbHration Soc., 19 (}7.--;Selby, 
JetferY', Albert Oscar, .lawyer. 
S. late Jos. and Augusta A. (Haley) 
J.; father from Ipswich, Eng.; mother 
from St. Andrew's, N.B., and of U.E.L. 
descent; b. Tp. London, Ont., July 5. 
1857; e. public sehs., Hellmuth Boys' 
ColI., London, T-Qronto Unlv, (LL..B., 
3), and T.rin. Univ., ToroJ1!to (B.C.L., 
1887; D.C.L., 1892); LL.D. (Western 
Univ.), 1898; m., July, 1883, Edna E., 
d. late H. A. Baxter; barrister, 1878; 
K.C., 1899; practises London, Ont.; one 

ot the leaders of t'he bar; solr, to 
various corpora.tions; scll. trustee, 1886- 
96; chairman dQ., /1889-99; <trustoo Pub- 
Ide .l.Ji.brary Bd., 1899-19,0'4; ohairman 
do., .1904; V.-P. .London Life Ins. Co. 
since 1894; successively secy.-treas. 
and presdt. Middlesex Law LAssn.; Is 
also presdt. London Hortlcul. Soc.; has 
attained equal \prominence in fraternal 
circles; has held the chaIr In various 
Masonic bodies and been high chIef 
ranger In A. O. F.; author treatise on 
.. Law of Allegiance In Can," submit- 
ted to Trln. Unlv. for doctor's degree 
and highly commended; a Lib., and ac- 
tiv(' in o;-very campaign since 1
74: on 
LondiOn lJLb,,; Ba,pt.--.516 Ridout 
St., London, Onto 
Jeffery, Bev, Charles Norman Fitz- 
gerald (Ang.), 
O. s. .late W. and Oeleste (Har- 
vie) J., Newport, N.S.; grands. lat<'! 
Tho.s. N. J., Halifax, N.S.; b. New- 
['ûrt, Dec. 3, 18GO; e. Mt. Allison 
Unlv., N.B., and Man. Univ, (B.A., 
1884; M.A.; B.D., 1885); m., ApI., 
1891, Eleanor H" 3rd d. late Robt. 
Gunne, Portage la Prairie, Man,; pur- 
sued divinity studies St. John's Coli" 
Winnipeg (B.D.); post-grad, course 
Gent Theol. Semy., N. y,; 0, deacon, 
1884; priest, 1885; missionary, Clear- 
water, 'Ma.n., 1884-5; iI'eCbor iP, Ita 
Prairie, 1886-7; do, Douglaston, N. Y. 
city, 1891-7; secy. of synod, Rupert's 
Lanü, 1901-6; do. Dauphin. Man., 1898- 
1900; su;pò)t. of mlssiO'I1's, Rupert's 
lJand, 190.1-6; hon canon St. JoIhn'lS 
Oa1Jh., Wdnniipeg, .1909; a ,st'I"aiglhit Con. 
-1$8 Donald 'st., Winnipeg. 
Jetferys, Charle. William, artist. 
S. Chas. T. and Ellen (Kennard) J., 
Co. Kent, Eng.; b. Rochester, Eng., 
It-69; e. pUblic schs., Toronto; m" 1st, 
1694, Miss Jane M. F. Adams (d, 
1899); 2ndly, 1907, Clara, d S. E. 
West, Toronto;. reed. art education To- 
ronto Art League and N. Y.; engd. in 
black and white illustrations In N. Y. 
for some yrs.; now engd. in illustra- 
tion in Can., contributing to Can. 
Mag., Globe, W07'ld, Courier, etc.; 
also books; has been chief political car- 
toonist for the Moon and World, To- 
ronto; special artist for N. Y. Herald 
during Pullman strike, Bryan conven- 
tion, Pan-Am. Exposition. etc.; do. do. 
for Toronto Globe tour Prince 
and Princess of Wales (now King and 
Queen), 1901; his work highly com- 
mended and praised: exhibited largely 
in U. S. and Can., both oil and 
water-oolouI'lS; represented .In Aflt 
lery and City Hall, Toronto; for- 
mioJrÞy presdt. Graphic Arts Club; 
f'lected memo Onto Soc. Artists, 1902; 
V.-P. and treas. do., 1908; also on ad- 
visory bd. Central Onto Sch. Art and 
Design; favours extension of principle 
ot pUblic ownership of public utillties 
and Lma>. !federation InvolvlJl1g no loss 
of local seIt-govt.-!16 GOIrden A tJe.. 
Toronto; Arts and Lettera Club, do. 
II His work shows & delicacy of humour, 
combined with an artistic sense that ia u 
raTe .as it is de}.jgohtfru.l."-" Kit" (q.v,), 



Jeffrey, Edward Chas" educationist. 
E. s. Andrew J., Toronto; grands, 
late Hon. Andrew .J., M.L.C., Cobourg, 
Ont.; e. Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1888); 
m., June, 1901, Jennette Atwater, 2nd 
d. Chas. B. Street, Toronto; for some 
}'rs. lecturer in botany, Toronto Unlv.; 
resigned, 1902; since then asst. proto 
in botany, Harvard Unlv.; an auth
on Can. forest trees, and has written 
and lectured thereon. - Cambridge, 
II Has imparted information of great 
practical va.J.ue."-T. Globe. 
;rekill, Lt,-Col, Bev, Henry B, (Ang.). 
S. late Major Isaac and Matilda 
(Stapleton) .J.; b. Morin Flats, P.Q., 
May 22, 1865; e. eJo8mentary schs., La- 
chute Acad., McGill Univ. (B.A., 1892), 
and Montreal Dioc. .call.; m., .Tune, 
1897, Mary Louisa, e. d. A. T. Sexton, 
.Eutaw, AIØJooma; o. 1892; rector, St. 
,Mary's Oh., Hochelaga, Montreal, 1893; 
retired, .owing If:.o t'hT'Ola:t troubl'e, Dec., 
1909; is chaplain Brit. Army and 
Navy Veterans, Montreal; a Free- 
mason ot high degree, and grand chap- 
lain, Grand Lodge, P.Q.; author" The 
South Africa War: Its Causes and 
Lessons" (1900); the chief speaker 
at the Lord Nelson Centenary Celebra- 
tion Montreal, 1905; joined 11th Regt. 
when 15 yrs of age; attained to the 
command of the regt., Feb. 3, 1905; 
now R. 0.; holds a 1st class Infy. 
Sch. cert., and the long service decora- 
tion. an expert and enthusiastic rifle 
sh.ot '. won fifth place in the grand 
gate in the annual matches of 
the Province of Quebec Rifle Assn.- 
14 Darling 8t., Montreal. 
II One of the best shots in the Pro-vince." 
-M. Star. 
U A w-arm friend, an earnest, logical and 
eloquent preacher, and is belo.ved by all."- 
M. Herald. 
;reUs, George Frederick, lawyer; Ont. 
public service. 
S. Samt. .T., Sherborne, Dorset, Eng.; 
b. and e. there; m. Anne, d. John 
Alexander, Hamilton, Ont.; barrister, 
H82; apptd. pollee magistrate, Hamil- 
ton, Ont., 1893; author" The True Ob- 
ject of Life" (1906), "Ooonmen- 
tarfes on Sin" (1910), and of 2 law 
books, .. Guide to Statutory Law" and 
.. Offences Under the Liquor License 
Act"; believes that all police magis- 
trates in Can. should meet together, at 
the pUblic expense, every 3 yrs. to 
suggest and discuss amendments to 
the criminal law; secy. Hamilton Re- 
form Assn., under the leadership of 
Mowat and Mackenzie; .. the Father- 
hood of God and the brotherhood 
man," is hIs religIous creed.-Hamd- 
ton, Onto 
;remmett, :Praneis George Bernard, 
E. s. late Alex J., Binfield, Berk- 
shire, Eng., and late of Grenada, \V,I. ; 
b. Blnfield, Apt. 18, 1861; e. Eng.; m., 
Nov., 1891, Helen, 2nd d. late Rev. G. 
Jemmett, Ottawa; entd. øervlce Can. 
Bank of Commerce, ApI., 1885; filled 
various positions In dUTerent branch<.!s; 

apptd. secy. of bank, 1902; genl. 
man gr. Sovereign Bank ot Can., l\lay, 
1907; occasional contributor to mags. 
of articles on social, economic, and 
financial subjects, generally oVt'r a 
nom-de-plume; aut'hor ot 2 articlo8s, 
under general heading "Canada," in 
1905 ed. II Encyclopaedia Americana," 
one descriptive of the Can. banking 
system; the other entitled .. Currency 
Coinage and Legal Tender." -.J! War- 
7'en Rd., T07'onto,o T07'onto Club. 
II A sound, careful, conservative banker." 
-T. Newll. 
;renckes, Sylvester William, manu- 
A promoter, and now presdt. Jenckes 
Machine Co. (L. P. 1903) ; also a pro- 
moter Crown Spinning Co. (L. P. 
1906), and Can. Rand Co. (L. P. 
1907) ; a dir. Richmond & Drummond 
Fire Ins. Co., Sherbrooke Proto Hosp., 
and Sherbrooke Library and Art 
Union; a Cong.-She7'brooke, P.Q. 
JOOlkins, Benjamin Stockton, Can. ry. 
Grn.nòs. Rev. Wm. .J. (Presb.); b. 
Co. York, Ont., ApI. 8, 1859; e. there; 
entd. service Montreal Tel. Co., as 
operator, 1874; do. do. C. P. Ry., at 
Winnipeg, Sept., 1881 ; promoted 
Supdt. Telegraphs, W. dlv., do. (and 
as such organized telegraph service 
in the West), Aug. I, 1883; genI. 
supdt. do., lines w. ot Lake Superiol', 
1899; a Presb.-1Vinnipeg,o Manitoba 
Club, do. 
;renkins, Charles, manufacturer. 
B. nr, Bannockiburn, Scot.; e. Scot,; 
after a brief residence in Eng., came 
to Can., 1869; m. Anne EUzrubeth (d. 
1895), e. d. .13.to8 .s. F. .K,i-rkpatrick, bar- 
r,is-ter, Petel"lbor.oug'h, Orut.; an o.pera,t.or 
in Onto oil fields; now and for some 
yrs. ma-ngr. Onto Lands & Oil Co,; 
has served 2 yrs. Public Scll. Bd., 12 
yrs. High Sch. Bd., and 8 yrs. petrolea 
Town Council; a Lib., and a memo 
GE'ni. Assn. Onto Lib. Assn.; unsuc- 
cef>sfully contested E. Lambton (H. -C.), 
g. e. 1904; name mentioned in connec- 
tiDal wibh a Dom.; an Ang.. 
and a del. to the Gent. and Provl. 
Synods of the ch.; a memo Mission 
Bd.; a memo Genl. Comte. for a re- 
vised hymnal for Ch, of Eng. In Can., 
1906; elected a memo Nat!. C.omte. Ang. 
Lay'man'IS MiESY. MOV'ØII1'enJt, 1909; 
favours the ex,pansion -of the Ang. 
ordinal so as to permit deacons 
to {allow IS. secular oaLling; favours 
ch, union; author ot a paper, II Aim!! 
and Objects of the Canadian Church 
Union, witlh SpecIal Reference t.o the 
Uniting of the Ch, Throughout the 
Whole ot British North America" 
(Can. Churchman, Dec., 1888); a dir. 
N C\rthern Life Assur. Co. - Petroìea. 
.. A man of incorruptible integrity, pub. 
lie-spirited and far-sighted, and B man 
whose prominence in the commercial 
world entitles him to the notice and con- 
sideration of his political chief."-Oan, 



Jenkin_, Bev, E, C, ( 
S. Aaron J., CodY's, N.E.; b. there; 
e. Bapt. Semy., St. Martins, N.B. ; 
studied theol. Colgate Univ., Hamilton, 
N. Y.; after ordination, was successive- 
ly pastor at Lebanon, N.Y., in Wlscoa- 
sin, SaUna, Kan., and Ludlow St., St. 
.John, N.B.; now at Hartland, N.B.- 
Hartland, N.R. 
Jenkins, Gri:fftth Parry, business man. 
E. s. Richard and .Jane J., Henafod, 
Llancynfelin, S. Wales; b. there, 3e;Jt, 
17, 1860; e. Ardwyn Sch., Abery- 
stwyth; m., Sept., 1883, Miss Sarah 
Gomm, Oxford, Eng.; came to Can., 
1902; is inspr. Continental Life Ins. 
Co.; well known as a public lecturer 
on astronom. subjects, Including 
II Shakespeare Under the Stars"; for- 
merly In service Nat. Prov!. Banlt, 
Eng.; man gr. Colwyn Bay branch for 
many yrs.; one of the original mems. 
Brit. Astronom. Assn. and helped to 
found the Astronom. Soc. of Wales; 
elected a fellow of the Royal Astro- 
nom. Soc., Apl., 1894; is also a memo 
01 the Royal Astronom. Soc. of Can.; 
elected presdt. Hamilton Astronom. 
Soc., 1905 and 1908; one of the mems. 
of the Can. Govt. solar eclipse expdn. 
to La;brador, 1905.-Hamilton, Onto 
II A delightful lecturer."-Hamilton Her 
Jenkins, Bobert Smith, educationist. 
S. .John and Matilda (Smith) .J., 
Collingwood. Ont.; b. Rosemont, Ont., 
Dec. 26, 1870; e. Alliston and Colling- 
wood public schs., Collingwood ColI. 
Inst., Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1893 ; 
M.A., 1896), and Chicago Univ.; 
fOl'merly a fellow tlhere; m., Dec., 
1904, 'Mary (M.A., Toronto UnIv., 
1904), d. David Annis, WoodviUe, 
Onto ; leacher of classics, Orange- 
viUe HIgh S
h., 1894-1900; fellow 
In Romance I angs. , Chicago Univ., 
1901-2; lect. in mod. langs. and phil., 
Trin. Univ., Toronto, 1902-4; study- 
ing, Rome and Paris, 1904-5; prin- 
cipal city schs., Strathcona, Alta., 
1906-8; engd. in lit. work, Montreal, 
1908; was elected presdt. N. Alberta 
Teachers' Assn., 1907, and a senator 
Alberta Unlv., 1908; besides contribu- 
tions to the mags., is the author 
II Poems of the New Century" (1903), 
II Canadian Civics" (1908); Lib.; 
Meth.-115M. Chabot St., Montreal. 
II A scholar of eminence."-Saturday 
Jenks, Bev. Arthur Whipple (Ang.), 
B. Concord. N.H., 1863; e. Dart- 
mouth CoIl., Hanover, N.H. ('M.A., 
witlh Ihonour.s ,in olassics); M.A., 
ad eun. (Trin. Univ., Toronto). 1901, 
B.D. (Genl. Theol. Spmy.. N. Y.); 
prof. eccles. blst. and Ilturg-Ies, Theol. 
Semy., Nashotah, 1894-1901; prof. 
ddvInlty, Trinity Un-Iv., Toronto, 1901- 
10; sInce then has been prof. ecclesIas- 
tical hI8t., Genl. Theol. Semy., N. x.- 
Genl. Theol, Semy., Chelsea Square, 
New York. 
II A of wide culture and large 
øympathies."-Mail and Empire. 

Jenks, John Edward, journalis,t. 
S. .John Moore and Carrie ElIza- 
bath (Foernald) .J.; b. St. J()Ibn" N.B., 
Dec. 15, 1866; e. public schs., Boston, 
Mass.; unm.; ed. Washington Sunday 
Capital, 1888-9; has been ed. and pub- 
lisher U. S. Government Adverti3er. 
Washington, since 1890, and ed. Army 
and Navy Register since 1898; also 
an editorial contributor to Harper's 
Weekly and other mags.; a Unit.-315.t 
Mount Pleasant St., Washington, D.C. 
Jenks, stuart Dixon, lawyer; N. S. 
public service. 
S. John Wm. and Es1.her A. .J.; b. 
Parrsboro, N.S.; e. therf' and CorneIt 
Unlv.; m., Sept., 1898, Miss Nettie C. 
Yeomans, Belleville, Ont.; graduated 
LL.B. (Dalhousie Univ.), 1896: bar- 
rister, do.; practises Amherst, N.S., a
memo firm Rogers, .J. & Purdy; Town 
Councillor, Amherst. 1907-8; also a 
sch. commr.; 8JPptd. Depty. AttY.-GenI., 
N. S., 1909; presdt. Can. ,Club, Am. 
herst, 1909; Lib.; Ang. -Halifax, N. S. 
Jennison, J, Leslie, lawyer. 
Scotch; rn. the d. Lewis W. Des 
Barres, Halifax. N.S.; barrIster, 1883; 
K.C. (N. S.), 1907; successfully prac- 
tises his !prof. at New Glasgow; a 
former law partner of the late Hon. 
D. C. Fraser, Lt.-Gov. of N. S. ; 
removed ,to tCaJI'g.aTY, .AHa., 1911 ; 
Ang.; a del. to the Ch. Synods; a 
frequent speaker In those bodies; 
apptd. a memo Genl. Comte. for a 
revised Hymnal for Ch, of Eng. In 
Can., 1906; nominated by Can. Ch, 
del. to Proto Epis. Ch. Convention, 
Richmond. Va., oct., 1907, but un- 
&Me to 'abtoenò; Con.-Calgary, Alta. 
Jephson, Lady, author; artist. 
Harriet .Julia, d. Archd. Campbell, 
Joint Prothy., S. C., P. Q., and Isa- 
bella C. (Prior) C.; b. nr. Quebec, 
May 14, 1854: e. there; m., Oct., 1873, 
Capt. Sir Alfred Jepbson, R.N. (d.), 
Knight of Grace, Order of St. John 
of Jerusalem, and at diff.erent periods 
agent-genl. for the Niger Coast Pro- 
tectorate, asst. secy., Imp. Inst., and 
secy.-genl. for the Order of St. John 
of .Jerusalem; has contributed essays 
to the New Rev., Nat. Rev., Vanity 
Fair, Lady's Realm, Atalante, The 
World, The Windsor 1.Iag., Literature, 
and other ipa:pel'S; has published .. 'A 
OanadJian Scmp-Book"; as an artIst 
has exhibited in London at the Royal 
Bl'iHsh A<rtIst, Inst. of PaLn'ters In 
Water Colours, Grafton Gallery, 
Grosvenor GaNery, New Gallery, 
DudLey and in T'he Woman's Exbn. 
.alt Earl's Court; .in R<m1e mas oexblbited 
in II The A
ademy"; was apptd. Lady 
of Grace of the Order of St. JoIhn of 
Jerusalem, 1896,-23 Gilbe7.t St., G7'08- 
venor Sq., London, Eng. 
Jette, Bev, Jules (R. C.). 
O. S. SIr L. A. .J. (q.v.); b. and e. 
Montreal; joined .Jesuit order, 1896; 
0., do.; stationed at Sault-au-Recolloet, 
P.Q., 1896-8; a mlssy. to the Nulato 
Indians, Alaska, 1898-1906; since 
then, at Tenana; author of a paper on 
the soclaJI condH1on or tihe Zena. 
Indians, anù of other ethnol. studi.!s; 



has translated into the Zena lang. 
a prayer-book, catechism and hymn 
book.-L'Asile St. Jean de Dieu, Mont- 
Jette, E'On, Sir L'Ou!. Amable chief 
justice; ex-lieut.-governor. ' 
S. alate AJmaJble J., anoerohant, L' As- 
SQIlIlIptIron, P.Q., and Car()l
ne d. 
Maroolin Gautfrea'U, a 'Planter of Gua- 
ulpe. W.I.; b. L'
tlon Jan 
15, 1836; e. L'iAsSIOmjJYtlon IÛOIl'l. ; 'LL.D: 
('hon..),ILaW1J Undv., 1878; D.tC.L. (do.) 
iLennoxvlH'le, 1899; LL.D. (00.), TQ: 
r'OIVt'O Undv.. 1908; m., ÃJpl.,11862, .BeTthe 
(auth'Or of a .. Life of Mad. d'Youvllie; 
entertained as her guests, at Spencer 
Wood, 1901, the present King and 
Q';Ieen of Eng., and later, His Royal 
HIghness Prince Arthur 'Of Connaught 
and His Imp. Highness Prince 
FUShlmi or J8jpa.n) , d. late Touæa.inlt 
Laflamme, MOll'treaJI, and sister Il!lJte 
HiQn. iR. lJafl.amme, Q.C., M.P., 'One of 
t'he l'ea.deI'lS at Illie 
n, Ibar; adVlOCa.1.e, 
1857; SUCOOSSiful1lIy rpra.cbi'sed. ihJI.s prOof 
at the M1cm!Ì"OO3!I ba.r; dlist1ngu1.shoo 'hI!I11
!Sell! dn the Gulbord case, 1870. and 
'later, pleaded before I1lJ1.e íP.C. In En.g, 
on oohaJ1!t ,of 'bhe Quebec Govt.; S3Jt for 
Mon treal East (H. C. ), Lib. Interest 
1.872-8, defeating, 187,2, Sir G. E. Car: 
tIer, the leader of the French-Can 
wing of the LLb.-'Con. party, by a ma
jortty of 1250; declfned the Mlnlster- 
sMp Off Jus'tlce In the Maekenzle 
Admn., 'May, 1878; apptd. a Puisne 
Judge, ,S. C., P.Q.. ,Sept. 2, 1878; re- 
red Jan., 1898; re-apptd., 1908; prof. 
CIVlJ law, Laval Unlv., 1878; dean 'Of 
the Law Faculty thereIn, 1890; a .Royal 
Commr. to enquire .inta the Bale-des- 
Chaleurs Ry. matter, and chairman 
thereof, 1891; presented a separate 
report, differing from that 'Of his assoc. 
commrs., Judges Baby and Davidson 
(q.tJ.) ; Lt,-Gov. of Quebec, 1898-1908 
being given a second term; acted as 
administrator of t'he Govt. during the 
HilIJ,eæ of ,bh-e Jate OOC'Upant ()of tthe 
office, 1910-11; apptd. Chief Justice of 
the Ct. of King's Bench, P.Q., Nov. 16 
1909; do., a ,Commander of the Legion 
of Honour of France; K.C.M.G., 1901; 
Invested with this decoration by King 
George (then Duke of Cornwall and 
York), Quebec, Oct., 1901; is also a 
corr.espo!1 dln g memo -of the Soc. de 
Leglalahon Comparée and of the Soc 
d' Hist. Diplomatique Off Paris; a mem: 
Alaska Boundary Tribunal London 
Eng., 1903 (dissented from the find1ng 
of Jthe saM Oomn. 
n a. separate l'e- 
port, Oct., 1903); In early lffe was a 
contributor to the political press, and 
edited L'Ordre newspaper (Montreal) ; 
was presdt. of the Reform Assn. of the 
Parti National, Wlhen elected to Parlt. ; 
later, -became a memo of the Council 
bLlc IDIßtn.. ,P.Q.; was a,PiJYÌd a 
Commr. for the revision of the Civil 
Code, and conjointly with his fellow 
commrs., published II Observations .re- 
latlves au Code de Procédure Civil" 
(1888), being a review of the judicial 
lIyst.em and Procedure Acts of Quebec; 
unveiled a statue 'Of Wolte, Quebec, 
1901: on the occåslon of his appt. as 
Lieut.-Gov., .Tan., 1898, !Was presented 
with an address of conirI'atulatlon 

from the Bar oIf !Montreal, and On the 
occasion oIf ,his completdng the 50th 
anniversary of his call to the bar, 
1907. reed. another addTess 'Of COn- 
gratulation from the bar 'Of the Pro- 
vince; was also entertained at a ban- 
quet by the Jud'ges of 
peal and 
Rev., Montreal, on the first of t
occasions; presented to King Edward, 
Buckingham Palace, Oct., 1903; recd. 
In p,rlvate audience by His HoUneu 
the Pope, da.; presdt. Quebec Battle- 
flelldlS Comn. (g'OIld med.); a ddr. 
Ecole Poly tech., Montreal; an hon. 
memo Lit. and Rist. Soc., Quebec, of 
the Qu
c Garrison Clulb, and a V.-P. 
Can. ,Pa1:r>Lot1c Fund (.1900); R.C.-71 
Ð'AuteuU St., Quebec; Quebec Ganiaon 
Club, do. 
II Has made a governor who rombined 
tact with wisoom."-Can. Oourier. 
"A man of em.ïnent literary attainments 
and high cu}.ture."-Sir Alex. Laco8te 
.. Had horn'ffilred a.nd d1gnifl.ed the Oa.n.. 
bar and 
nch, AS advo-cate, Parliament- 
ar.iaQl, and govt!rn'Or."-Sir A. B. 
Aylesworth (q.v.). 
II His oo'lm and even tempe.rament, hi. 
great patience, his courtesy, and at the 
same time, his dignity of manner, hie cuI. 
tured mind, his si'Ilcere love of his pro- 
fession and his profound ,knowledge 'Of the 
law had rendered him exceptionally quali- 
fied ro perfo.rm the duties {)f hill om
and he !mew that he had performed them 
to the satisf.action of all inte-rested in the 
good administration of justice."-Ohief 
J.uatice Sir M. M. Tait (q.v.) 
II Irre'proachably neat in hill pe-rson, hi. 
external appearance is a reflection i)f the 
oO'rrectnes8 and method that exists in hi. 
mind. With him all things are done in 
their proper time and place-, and by such 
scnlpul()uø e
actnet!s that he has been 
enabled to devote 12 or 15 hours 'Of hi. 
daily life tv active w'Ork. His exquisite 
tact and politeness have become provel'bial, 
and long .and successful Career at the 
bar marked by the strictest probity."- 
M. Witne8., 
Jewett, Frederick Arnald. eduC8it1on- 
H. Watprville, N.R, Feb. 6, 1883; e. 
N. B. Univ. (B.A., 1907); unm.; a 
public sch. teacher; apptd. prlncfpal 
Macdonald Consolld. Sch., Kingston, 
N.B., Aug. 1907; when at colI. was 
mangr. of football team; Meth.- 
Kingaton, N.H, 
Jabin, Albert, physician. 
S. JOB. and Malvina (JoUcæur) J.; 
b. Quebec (city), Feb. 23, 1867; e. 
there; m. Julle Anna, d. J. B. Dela-ge, 
N.P.; graduated M.D. (Laval Unlv.), 
1893; speclallst In infantile medicina; 
gOY. ColI. P. and S., P. Q., since 1898; 
also treas. Provl. Med. Bd.; Ald., Que- 
bec City Council, since 1908; memo 
Corn. Sch. Cath., since 1906; ex-V.-P. 
Comte. Monument Laval; ex-presdt. 
genl. St. Jean Bapte. Soc., Quebec; a 
Knight of Columbus; sat for Queb(>c 
E. (Local) as an Ind. Lib., 1904-1; 
collaJborateur In a weekly journ. ; 
R. C,-.... Caron 8t.. Quebec. 



"John, Alix" (,see Jones, Miss Alice). 
.. John, Father" (see Donnell)", Rev. 
J. E.). 
,John.on, Alexander, educationist. 
B. Ire!. ; -e. Trrln. CoH., Dubl1n ; classi- 
cal sohol. there, but 'UlIOre partJcularly 
d,lsMngulsh-ed himself in mJ3iÌ'h. an.d 
physics; obtd. a senior moderatorship 
(gald med.) at his degree (B.A.) ex- 
amlnatian; M.A., 1858; LL.D., 1861; 
apptd. prof. math. and nat. phil., Mc- 
Gill Univ., and came to Can., 1857; 
later became Peter Redpath praf. af 
pure math.; vice-dean, faculty af arts, 
1867; subsequently vice-principal and 
a fellaw of the unlv., and Ilean af the 
faculty af arts; acted principal af 
faculty of arts; acted. principal of unlv. 

 yrs.; since 1903 has !been vlce-prln- 
cipal emeritus; awptd. a fellow af the 
Royal Soc. of Can., on Its foundation by 
t'he present Duke of Argyll, 1881; 
presdt. math., phys., and. chem,lcal sec., 
00., 1883; presdt. af soc., 1905; has con. 
tributed some valuable papers to. the 
trans. of the soc.: also read papers 
before Brit. Assn. for Advanc. of Scl- 

nce: was secy. math. and phys. sec., 
do., Montreal, 1884, and pracured apPt. 
af a cornte. af the assn. to. deal with the 
subject of tidal observations In Can. 
waters; was chairman and secy. of 
this carnte., which eventuated In the 

stabIlshment af the Udal survey, 1890; 
apptd. chairman, subsequently, of a 
comte. af the Royal Soc. af Can., se- 
cured by him, which abtalned from 
ParIt, an appropriation towards the 
commencement af a general hydro- 
graphic survey af the Atlantic and 
Pacific caasts: was V.- P. math. and 
, IBI'lt. Assn., Toronto, 1897, 
(which meeting he was instrumental In 
bringing to Toranto, as he was af the 
meeting af the same bady held at Win- 
nl,peg, 1909), and was Instrumental In 
-securing appt. of a carnte. to co-aper- 
ate with the Rayal Soc. af Can. can- 
cerning a hYdrographic survey; D.e.L., 
bon. (Bishop's ColI.. Lennoxville), 
1882; LL.D., ban. (N. B. Unlv.) , 1900; 
-represented McGill Univ. at tercent. 
festival Unlv. of Dublin, 1892: do. 
Dublin Unlv., at centennial N. B. 
Unlv., 1900; do.. do. inauguration cere- 
manles, Queen's Unlv.. Kingston, 1903; 
.authar II Sclf'nce and Rpligio'1 It (1 R7 6), 
and other (pamphlets and pa.pers; V.-P. 
Montreal A'llx. Bible Soc., presdot. Mc- 
v. Y.M.e.A., a gOY. Monotr>eal 
Di-oc. Tiheol. CoI.I.; an Ang., and a del. 
to the oh. synoods; for some yrs. lay 
secy. to tohe Prov,I. Synod.-
5" Sher- 
brooke St. W., Montreal. 
II A man who haa given e.arnest and de- 
voted ærvice to the ca.ulle <>f education in 
<Jan."-Oorporatlon McGill Univ., Apl. 190.'. 
Johnsan, Alfred Sldne7, editar; lec- 
turer and aut.hor. 
A direct descendant thraugh maternal 
grandm. af Isaac Allerton, a passen- 
ger an the Mayflower, 1620; also., af 
Robt. Cushman, who chartered the 
vessel; e. s. Eden P. and Sarah Jane 
(Marstan) J.; b. L'Orlgnal, Ont., Dec. 
15, 1860: e. Ottawa Call. Inst., Ta- 
ronto Unlv. (B.A. and gald med., 1883; 

M.A., 1885), and HI. Wesl. Unlv. 
(Ph.D., 1888): m., Sept., 1884, Emma 
.Mexandra, o. d. John Clarke, 'Bramp- 
ton, On
.; a Imem. Soc. of MayfloweT 
d>escenda:nts, 1896; feÞLow Unlv. Ool
T<>roruto, 1&83-6; examr., To-ronJt.o Undv" 
1885-7; SUIb-examT., Ed'llcn., Ollit., 
1883-6; metr. ,psych. aOO logic, Corne1
Univ., 1886-7; pl'in. DenrmB:rk, 10.., 
Acad., 1887-90; ed. Ourrent History 
1890-1901; ma-ngr., 00., The Technical 
World Mag., 1904-7; ed. texot-booJc 
dept., Am. ScJ1. Corresp'On-dence, A
mour Inst., 1907-9; sinoe tohen .ed. 
ooaJrg'E! Cyclqp. IDept., Radiford Aircl11- 
tectural 00., Ohica.go, and assoc. ed. 
American Carpenter and Builder and 
Oement World; a .g:rad. ,Royal M
Seh., Kingston, 1882; gaze>tted a 
I1doot., 'l&tlh Regt., do. ; a memo 
Can. Inst. and Buffla10 ,M!\CrO'S. Soc., 
a feUow Roya.l Astron. Soc., Can.; 
afflclally accredited as press carres- 
pond9nt, Can. Gavt. Solar Eclipse 
Expeditlan sent to. Labrador, 1905; a 
cantri!butor to. numeraus mags.; 
author II The Materials and Manufac- 
ture of Concrete It (1909); Ang.-731fJ 
Lafayette Ave., Chicago.! Ill. (offlce) 
Medinal Temple, 185 E. Jackson Blvd., 
Chicago; Press Club, do. 
iTahnson, Arthur iTukes, physician. 
E. s. late Rev. W. A. J., rector af 
"Testan, Ont., and faunder of Trln. 
Call. Sch., Weston; grands. Lt.-Col. 
John J., C.B.; b. tnoor St., 'l'oronto, 
Aug. 20, 1848; e. MO'del Gmmmar Soh., 
'l'oronota, T.rln. Oolol. 'Soh., Weston, To- 
ron/to Unlv. ('M.B., 1870), and T'rln, 
Unllv. (do., 1892); rm., July, 1887, 
So;ptMe !Maud Eliot, e d. late Oha-s. 
Widder, .. Lyndhurst," Gooerloh, Ont.; 
M.R.C..S., 1871; memo Col'!. P. -and,S., 
Ont., 1873; feU'O'W Ooot. Soc., Lond.; 
dlo. ROY.aJ1 M
orOoSCOp. Soc., åo.; memo 
Path. 'S
., dl().; do. Am. Mlcrosco,p. 
Assn.; 'late lret. on rrnicroscop. and anat., TI">in. CollI. Med. Soh., 
'l'oron'to; dl(). 'paJth., Genl. Hosp. ; 
house surg., St. T,bomas's Hosp., Lon- 
don, 1871; memo 'Moo. Ooun., CoIL ,P. 
and .S., Ont., 1890-5, 1902-6; 'a.pptd. 
chief ooroner, Toronto, 1903; consuIUng 
surg., TIOronto GenI. Hosp., ,St. JoIhJn'a 
Hasp., and St. Mlchaf'l's Hosp.. Ta- 
ronta: an expert on poisons, and has 
been an adviser far the Crawn In many 
murder cases; elected a dir. Confedera- 
tion Life AS'sn., 1908; author: II In- 
Quests and Investigatirons-PI'OC'ed'UN! 
for Ooroners It (1911); Ang.-5! BloOT 
St. W., Toronto; Toronto Club; Royal 
Can. Yacht Club, do. 
II Has officiated at more inqueøÌII. prob- 
ably, than any other practitioner in To- 
ronto."-T, Globe. 
JOhnsan, Bey. Chas, Herbert (Meth.). 
S. Rev. D. W. and Jennie L. (Marse) 
J.: b. Oxfard, N.S., July 11, 1878; e. 
Ur.iv. !\oft. Allison (B.A., 1898) and 
N. Y. Unlv. (M.A., 1902): m., Aug" 
 04, Louise H. (B.A., Mt. AllIsan, 
1898; IM.A., CorIÞelN, 1899), d. la.te 
Rev. C. H. Paisley. D.D.: pursued 
thoo1. stud'lee Drew Thea!. iSemy., Madi- 

on, N.J. (B.D., 1902); entd. Meth. 
Ch., 1898; a. 1901; pastar successively 


at Glen Margaret, Eureka, Sydney 
Mines, Londonderry, Caledonia, and 
River PhlllI', N.S.: author various 
short stories and poems in ch, press: 
Presb.-Gadsby, Alta. 
Johnson, Charles Belson, dental sur- 
geon; author and journalist. 
S. Winthrop and Laura (Moore) J.; 
b. TV. Brock, Co. Ontario, Mch. 16, 
1860: e. High Sch.. Port Perry, Ont.; 
m., Mch., 1883, Fannie, c1. Dr. Elijah 
Patterson, Toronto; grad. In dentistry. 
I,.D.S. (Royal ColI. Dental Surg., Ont.), 
1881: D.D.S. (Chicago CoIl... Dental 
Surg.). 1885; A.M. (Lake Forest Unlv.), 
1897; practises his prof. in ChIcago, 
where he Is also 'Pro.f. of operat. 
dentistry, ChIcago ColI. Dental Surg-., 
and ed. Dental Review,. is a memo Nat. 
Dental Assn., Ill. State Dental Soc., 
Ch!cago Dental Soc., Odontol. Soc., 
ChIcago. and Odontol. Graphic Soc., 
Chicago; has been presdt. of several 
of these assns.; author "The Hermit 
of the Nonquon," a work of fiction 
(1893), II Poom.s of the Farm and 
Other ,Poems" (.19011 ) , and II S'ucCJeSs 
In Practice" (1903); also of "Filling 
Teeth" (t
cJmicaI) .-6118 Sheridan Rd.. 
Chicago, Ill. 
"Hds 1pOOm9 oombilJle the moot soulful 
p.atoos Wlith the moISt SþOIJl'Ìianeous hum<Jtur. 
vhe<re is aiIl' elllæ and g.mce about them that 
be.spe.aks the hand or! a maste'l'."-Oan. A.m. 
Johnson, Rev, David W, (Meth.). 
S. late DunlCan H. ;T., River JoIhn, 
N.IS.: b. N.S.; e. Mt. .Amson UnJiv. 
(iE.A" 11873; M.A., 1888); !m.; entd. 
'stry 1874; o. 1877; fiNed many im- 
pm'taniÌ past'Ol"ates, including. Horton 
Dal"Ìimouth, Ya.rmoutJh, N. Sydney and 
Guysboro; was asst. secy of conf., 
1881-3; secy. do. 1891-6: presdt. do. 
1897: has served as del. to the genl. 
conf.; since Sept., 1906, has been 
ed. of The Wesleyan (Halifax): well 
 upon the lecture pll8.tfo'rm.- 
Hahfax. N.S. 
Johnson, Sir Edward Gomon. Bart. 
S. late Archibald Kennedy J., 3rd 
bro. of the 4th Bart.; b. Montreal, 
M.oh. 17, 1867; e. m. 1902 "Vo1'oilet 
EV'e'I'ine, d. T,hos. iIDdlWlard 'Hayes 
M.D., Dublin, Irel.; suc
eeded to thé 
title, 1908; employed In the head office 
C. P. Ry., Montreal; Ang.-1 Closse 
St., Montreal. 
Johnson, Edwin, voca.Ust. 
B. Guelph, Ont.; e. there; made his 
debut as a tenor under Miss Edith 
Miller (q.v. ) at a concert given by 
her at Guelph; went to N. Y., where he 
secured a position In a ch. choir and 
had all the concert engagements he 
could fill: fulfilled the tenor part in 
II A Waltz Dream." an opera by Oscar 
StraJuss, whic'h ihrad a great run in N.Y. 
1897-8; since then Ihas scored a great 
sUoCOOss a:t tilre,gham Festival, 
at .Be
liln, Germany, a.nd els.ewhere.- 
Guelph, Onto 
II Now in the :first rank <Jf concert tenOl'8 
on this cOlJltinen-t."-M. and E. . 
Johnson, Miss Emily Pauline(" Teka- 
hionwake "), rpoet-en.tertainer. 
2nd d. late Geo. Hy. M. J., head 
chief of the Six Nation Indians, and 


Emily S. (Howells) J., a n"ltive of 
tol, Eng.; b. II Chlefswood," Six 
NatIOn Indian Reserve, Co. Brant, 
Ont,; e. by private tuition and Brant- 
fO'rd Model Sch.; first verses appeared 
In the" Gem!!! of Poetryt N.Y.; since 
then has been a frequent contrIbutor 
to the Eng., Am. and Can. periodical 
press; .. Her best poems," writes one 
of her biographers, .. the ones in whIch 
there is tihe greatest life and fire, are 
those on Indian subjects, canoeIng. 
Can, scenery, etc. Into her poems of 
this class, 'The Death Cry,' 'A Cry 
from an Indian Wife,' 'As Red Men 
Die,' 'The Idler,' , In the Shadows,' 'In 
April,' she has thrO'wn all her heart. 
They possess an Irresistl'ble passion 
and ardour. N'Ûthlng stronger than 
'As Red Men Die,' was ever published 
In Can.: nothing more sympathetic 
with nature, and hence more thorough- 
ly artistic, than 'In April.' And as 
regards prose, one has but to read 
such a sketch as 'Prone on the Earth,' 
to apprecIate her power and delicacy 
of tou
h upon the harp-strings or 
'human ntaJtuore"; slhe first'i,ted ErD.'g., 
1894, and while there published" The 
White Wampum," a c.ollection of about 
two-sc'ore poems; again went to- 
Europe, 1906, making her first Lon- 
don appearance at Stelnway Hall, as 
a poet-entertainer, in July of that year, 
and being well received everywhere; 
according to the London Morning Post, 
her work was .. powerfully descrip- 
tive"; she made her first appearan
as a reciter 'Of her own poems In 1891, 
and has sinee then app.oored in many 
Can. and Am. cities, making 10 or 
more tours across Can.; during one 
season, she gave tJhe remarkable num- 
ber of 125 recitals in 50 di1'ferent. 
places; more recently she has recited 
In the U. S., an-d on the Pacific Coast; 
in 1896 she won the 1st .prize of the 
three offered by the iIndustrial League 
for the best campaign song for th
Dom. general elections; It was en- 
titled, II The Good Old N. P.": she 
published a new vO'l. of poems, .. Cana- 
dian Born" (1903); one of the mO'st 
popular of her newer pieces is "Made 
In Canada," written for the Manu- 
faúÌJurer.s' bamquet, Branttf'Ûro, 1903. 
-B7'antfo7'd, Onto 
II Possesses genuine' poetical ability, and 
study of the . divine art.' "-Late George 
II On acoo-unt of he.r descent, the most 
interesting Ðnglish poetess now livinog."- 
London A.thenaeum. 
.. Poet, reciter, a brilliant co-nversati<Jn- 
alist, and probably the most expert lady 
canoeist in the w{)rld."-Canada. 
Johnson, Ron, GeO'rge Macness. judge, 
S. late Rev. G. M. J.. late rector 
Barningham Parva, Norfolk, Eng., who 
resfided .foOr 30 }'Irs. at St. John's, N.fd. ; 
b. S1. John's, Aug. 11, 1853; e. Ch. of 
Eng. Acad., St. John's, and St. John's 
("011., Hurstpierpolnt. Eng.: m., 1885, 
Ann.te, d. l'ate EdrWard C. Bown, Syd'- 
ney, C.D.; solr., 1875; barrister, 1876; 
KC., 18!!3; a legal partner late Rt. 
Hon. Sir W. V. "Thlteway; represent- 
ed Trinity In Nfd. LegIslature several 



yrs.; a judge Supreme Ct., Nfd., since 
July, 1902; Ang.-" Glen Brook," St. 
John's, Nfd.; City Club, do. 
Johnson, Gordon Bennett, civil en- 
Second s. J. W. J., M.P.P. (q.v.); b. 
Belleville, ant, Nov, 1880; e. there 
and Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston; gradu- 
ated, with honours, 1900; later gradu- 
ated Sch. Mil. Enging., Chatham, Eng. ; 
gazetted 2nd lieut., R. E., 1900; lieut., 
1903; attached to Colchester command 
till 1903, when ordered to Ceylon. 
where he was put in charge ot mil. 
telegraphs and engd. in building works 
<>f various kinds; resigned trom army, 
1'.fay, 1905; asst. en gr. on construction, 
Shanghai-Nanking Ry., 1905-8; now 
(1909) employed in Mexico, in charge 
ot extensive Irrigation w.orks.-Care of 
.J. W. Johnson, Esq., lIf.P.P., II Dun- 
severick," Belleville, Onto 
II One of CaDada's brightest young 
engineers."-T. News. 
Johnson, Kiss Harriet, educationist. 
For some yrs. a pUblic sch. teacher, 
'"l'oronto; filled successively the offices 
of presdt. Toronto Teachers' Assn. and 
"'oman Teachers' Assn., Toronto; was 
the pUblic seh. teachers' successful 
d;òate for the Advisory Bd. ot Educa- 
tion, On1., Nov., 1906; ,re..,eJ.eøted rOO 
the Bd., 19(}9.-f2'+ Davenport Road, 
.. A WO'l11an ()f great tact and judgment," 
-T. Telegram. 
Johnson, Lt,-Col, Henry :Dawson, 
S. Dr. Hammond J., Lincoln, Eng., 
and later of Charlottetown, P.E.I.; 
grends. Dr. Hy. A. J.; b. Charlotte. 
town, June 28, 1863; e. Prince of 
Wales ColI. and McGill Univ. (M.D., 
1885); m., July, 1890, Miss Davlns 
McLeod; commenced work as supdt. of 
a Hosp. tor the Insane; in general 
practice tor 20 yrs.; now a specialist 
In treatment eye, ear, nose and throat; 
an ald. tor some yrs.; a coroner, and 
chiet health offr. tor the Province; 
tormel'ly presd't. P. E. I. Med. S
110W .a. memo Oouncil, do. ; P.M.O., M.oD., 
Ko. 12, with .rank IOf I t.-'0Oil. , 1903-11; 
R.O., 1911; served as a med. offr. 
in IS. A. (moo. with 3 .clasps); 
holds. also. long service decoration; 
holds membership in and has filled 
"the hig.hest \positions in severol 
fra.ternal ûrg1aI1Jiz,aUons; aIrways taken 
a greatt lillltel'ßst 1n outdoor spo.rts, 
1lind was, while Sit MoGill, fur 
3 yrs. quarterback on the football 
team, as well as a memo ot the ho
team, and after his grad. played the 
!!ame position on the II AbeQueits," a 
tamous team In the Mar. Provinces, 
1885 and 1892; is 2nd V.-P. Amateur 
Athletic Union of Can.; elected presdt. 
Mar. Provinces A. A. Assn., 1909; a 
Lib. and has been presdt. Lib. Assn., 
Charlottetown.-Charlottetown, P.E.I.; 
Charlottetown Club. 
Johnson, James Bovel1, physician. 
S. Rev. W. A. J., late of Weston, 
ant.; grands. Col. John J., C.B., R.E.; 
b. Toronto, 1852; e. Trln. CoIl. Sell. 
'Trin. Univ., TOl'onto, .and McGill 

Univ. (N.D., C.
I., 1876); further 
study -in London Hosps. ; !house 
surg. and house phys.. London Hosp.; 
med. otrr'. toO '\"aI'I<>us un,lons under 1000..1 
govt. control In Eng.; formerly ruling 
councillor Campden Habitation Prim- 
rose League; Ang., and a licensed 
reader for the Diocese ot Salisbury.- 
Raselbury Bryan, St'Urminster Newton, 
D07'set, Eng. 
Johnson, John, educationist. 
B.- .Irel.; e. Trin. ColI., Dublin 
(iM.A.) ; m., Oct., 1867, Harriet Heriot 
(d. July, 1906), 2nd d. late R. N. 
Watts, M.P.P.';' for many yrs. proOf. ot 
classics, Dalhousie Univ. (LL.D., 
1900); retired, 1894; now emC1.
proto Itlhere; .An.g.-Drummondville, 
Johnson, John Wesley, legislator; 
S. Wm. J., merchant. Antrim, Irel.; 
b. there, Jan. 17, 1846; e. there and 
Can.; came to Can., 1864; m.. 1st, 
Sarah 'L. (d.), d. Dr. W. P. Smith, 
'M'Ontreal'; 2ndilcy, Mø.y, 1886, May .S., 
d. Rufus Sawyer, Picton, ant.; widely 
known as a pUblic accountant and as 
principal ant. Business ColI.; a char- 
tel'ed .aoommtan1., Føb. .1, 1883; fellow 
Chartered. Accountants (F. C. A.), 
Nov. 4, 1885; successively elected V.-P. 
and presdt. Inst. Chartered Account- 
ants ot ant.; author 3 books In com- 
m(,rclal science: .. The Canadian Ac- 
countant" (16th ed.), ".Joint Stock 
Company Bookkeeping" (13th ed.). 
and II Promissory Notes. Drafts. and 
(fueques" (II0,t<h ed.) ; mayor (}f BeMte- 
ville, 1897-1900; a former supporter of 
com. union; now a Con., and has taken 
a prominent place on the political plat- 
form in advocating a national policy 
for Can. and her recognition as a part- 
ner In the Empire; returned for W. 
Hastings (Local), g. e. 1908; seconded 
the address in reply to the speech trom 
the throne, 1909; a del. 6th Imp. Trade 
Congress, London, Eng., 1906; a re- 
tired capt. 49th Regt. (adjt. for four 
yrs. y ;. was on active service, Niagara 
frbntier, . 1865; Cornwall (Fenlan 
Raid), 1866 (Fenian Raid med. and 
long service diecoratIbn); thinks that 
Can. should no longer sponge on the 
Mother Country In the matter of ImJp. 
defence, whic'h, a.fter all, Is for her .own 
defe.nce ; a Meth. - " Dunseverick," 
Belleville, Ont.,. Albany Club, Toronto. 
II A vigorous, clear, and forceful speak, 
er."-T. Globe. 
"Has borne himself with dignity and 
n'.al a.biHty."-Bellevilie Inlelligencer. 
Johnson, Lacey B,. Can. ry. service. 
B. Abingdon. Eng.; e. grammar seh. 
there; m. Miss Warburton; entd. 
serviJoe Gt. Western Ry., Swindon, 
as a pr-eTI1ium apPl'en'tÏtCe, 1870; chief 
engr. ,sev-eral exte.ns'lve !paper mills, 
1875: entJd. IOOY8J1 .Arsenal, W-oolrwidh, 
1876; went to In(}ia, 1879; -entd. 
oo G. T. Ry., Can.. 1882; la.ter 
8/PIPtd. genl. 1)oreman C. P. Ry., Carle- 
ton Place, ant. ; asst. master mechanic, 
Lake SuperIor div., 1886 ; do. do., 
Pacific div., 1886; later placed in com- 



mand marine englng. dept., Pacific 
Ooean steamship 8el'V'ice, In addition to 
bls .other duties, n
eS8lta.tlng periodical 
visits toO Japan and China; asst. supdt. 
rolling stock, Montreal, 1901; since 
1905 In charge af designing, manfg., 
 repairs af locamotlves and ma- 
cNnery, Angus I!!hops, Montreal: memo 
Can. Soc. C. E., 1906: also a memo 
Inst. 'Mech. EngTs.; electf'd pre3dt. 
Can. Ry. Olub. 1908.---'51 Oliver Ave., 
Westmount, Montreal; Engineers' Club, 
Montreal; Military Inst" Montreal, 
John.on, Phelps, civil engineer, 
B. U. S.; e. there; unm.; came to 
Taron to many yrs. ago, as engr. for 
the Toronto Bridge Co.; this co., on 
obtJaJfning tJhe contract ,tor the C, p, Ry. 
bridge across the St. Lawrence, at La- 
chine, moved to Lachine, and became 
the Dom. Bridge Co., Mr. J. rising j 0 
the position of chief engr., and later 
2nd V.-P. and mango thereof; these 
pcsltlans he still fills; one of the work;) 
of the co. was the famous hydraulit.
Uft lock at Peterborough, Ont.: Ii'! a 
mEmo Soc. C. E. and Can. Soc. C. E. 
(elected V.-P. do., 1907); one of the 
four experts calLed dn lÌ.o adv'ts>e t'he 
Quelbec Bridge Oomn. as toO the char- 
acter O'f tlhe piers and fo()undations of 
that structure, Aug., 1909; a dlr. AllIs- 
Ohalmers-BulalOOk, Ltd.; chief \promoter 
Structural Steel Co. (L. P. 1909).- 
Windsor Hotel, Montreal; 8t. James's 
Club; Engineers' Club; Royal St. Law- 
rence Yacht Club, do. 
Johnllton, His Honour Adam, Co. Ct. 
S. John J., a native of Scot.; b. 
Bouck's HiU'l, Onlt., Nov. 2, !1853; e. 
at /MooaIrlsburg Cola. Inst. anld ToronfÌ.O 
Undv. (B.iÅ., gold moo.. dn classics, sl
ver med. in mod. langs., and Prince of 
Wales ,prlzeman for genl. proficiency, 
1877); íLLÆ. and sHrvoer moo., 1881; 
unm. ; .lba.rri.ster, with honours, 11882; 
previously Iprlrucip;ail Ganaruoque High 
Sch. ; oStl'coeæfuHy pralCtlsoed .his prof. at 
MQrr1isburg, !Where 'he was tlown soll1". 
and dhadI'l1l1laJl Ed. of Ed11ooaUon ; apptd. 
juruliOr 'CO. jud'
, 'Presoott and .Russelil, 
May 21, 1904: was fbhe unS'llooossful 
Lib. oanddd'aJte tor Dundas (H. C.), 
1887, 1891, 1896, and 1900; a Presb.- 
L'Orignal, P.Q. 
.. One of the beet read Dle'D! iÏlt the pro- 
nl1ee."-M. Herald. 
Johnston, Alexander, Dom. public 
service; ex-journalist. 
Scottish origin; s. Donald and Mary 
J.: b. Red Island parish, Co. Rich- 
mond, N.S., ApI. 24, 1867: e. local schs. 
and St. Frencls XaV1ier Undv., An1igo- 
nlsh; m., Margt., d. Joseph McPherson, 
ex-M.P.P., North Sydney, N.S.; for a 
long 'perlod presdt. Sydney Printing 
Co., and mango ed. Sydney Daily 
Record; sat formerly In N. S. Assem- 
bly, dn Lib. dnterest; ,sat floor Oape Bre- 
ton (H. C.), 1900, defeating Sir Chas. 
Tupper (q.v.), up to g. e. 1908; was 
ane of the Govt. whips In the Com- 
mons: present with his wife, by Invi- 
tation In Westminster Abbey, at the 
CoranåUon of King Edward and Queen 
Alexandra, 1902; has been depty. minr. 
Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, since 

June, 1910; R. C..-Roxbm'ough Apts., 
Ottawa, Onto 
John.ton, :Mrs. AmeUa, physlcia.n. 
U, E. L. descen,t; 4th d. Jas. Keefer, 
elk. Co. Ct., Co. Middlesex, Ont.; 
grand-d. Gea. Keefer U. E. L., Thor- 
ald, Ont., and Capt. Cook, same place; 
b. Napier, Ont., Jan. 30, 1851; e. 
Strathroy Grammar Sch.;' graduated 
with gold med. In math. and 1st prize 
In genl. proficiency; 1st class teacher's 
cert., 1865; enid. Mich. Un(v., 1887; 
graduated flrom Homæp. 0011. with 
degree af M.D., 1890; graduated from 
Boston Unlv, Sch, of Med., with degree 
of M.D., 1904; matriculated In med. 
faculty, Toronto Unlv., 1891, .and also 
In the CoIl. of P. and S., Ont., 1887; 
the first woonan registered as a phy- 
sician in Can. Inst. rof Homæpathy; 
m., Feb, 24, 1869, Alex. Johnston, 
banker, Strathroy, Onto (d. June, 
1893) ; was genl. agent for the Equit- 
aJb.le Lite Ins. oSQiC. and Birkbeck Loan 
and ,Savings 00., London, Eng., and or- 
ganized a Women's Local Bd., Toronto, 
in connection with the latter co.; was 
t..he first toO Qlbject to homework In public 
schs.; an ,Ang., and reed. the 1st ad- 
van.ced di!Plroma given In Can, by the 
Onto rSucr1day Sch. .Assn., fOIl" Bible 
study, ch. hlst., child study, and organ- 
izatIon of ,Sunday schs.; her e. d., 'Mary. 
was e. at StJra.'t'hroy CoH. Inst. (gradu- 
ated, wit'll highest record ever attained, 
1899), Toronto Univ. (B.A., with 
honours, 1893; M.A., 1897), and Univs. 
Berlin and Paris; m., Nov., 19M, Col. 
(}eo. F. HOIchderffer, ,Arizona Gds.; 
she was successively .on the staffs of 
Toront-o ColI. of Music, BaI'lrle and 
Carleton Place High Schs., prof. 'Of 
modern languages, State Nonnal Sch., 
New Ip.a,l'tz, N.Y., and on staff 'Morns 
High Sch., N. Y. .city; was formerly 
prescH. of N. Y. 'branlCh of Toronto 
Unlv. Alumni Assn.; she resides at 
Summit Ranch, nr. Flagstaff, Ariz.; 
he<<- 2nd d., Annie, was e. at Bp. 
Str8JChan Sch., Toronto, and gn-aduated 
from .sprln,gfield, 'Mass., Hosp., 1895; 
m., Aug., 1903, Jas. Daniel, Boston, 
Mass. (d. 1904); heT e. s. s., Arthur 
Cameron, b. June 30, 1873, was e. at 
Strat'hroy CoHo Inst. (graduated with 
1st Flrov. prize and 2nd Dom. prize, 
1891), Toronto Univ, (B.A.Sc., 1895). 
and Phlliade1-phla Univ. (M. E.); was 
successively In charge of electric light 
pIant, Smi.tJh's FailLs, Ont., with W.est- 
h()use 00., Ptlttsbur,g, IPa., teacher 
af moech. ÒJralWlrug, Y. M. C. A., do., 
d-o., anI() mang1I". Lomine Steel 00.. 
Ohio; -now oollisul,tdng enogr., Link 
Belt Ell@inoeel"ing Co., Nice-tow.n, Fihila- 
deln:>lhia, iPIa.; 'Won 2nd lPl"iize for 
which a prize WM a.warded; re.sides 
In PhIladelphia; her 2nd s., Frank 
Keefer, b. Feb. 4, 1875; e. at Strath- 
roy Col'1. Inst. and Toronto l!nlv, 
(B.A., 1896; M.tA., 1897); barrister 
(Ont.), 1899; do. (N. Y.); elected a 
memo Legislative ASgem., N. Y., tor 
11th dlst., N. Y. City, 1907; succeeded 
In having !price of gas reduced from $1 
to 80 cents per 1,000, and also advo- 
cated \prohibiting vlviseotLon In scien- 
tific research and the election of 
sena.tors by the people: 'Was weU 



known as an athl.ete while attending 
Osgoode HJa.n: formerly secy., N. Y. 
bm'l1ch, TioJ'lOlnlto Univ. A.lumni AsSl1.; 
his 'Office Is at 29 Broadway, New 
YO/I'k: Helen, her 3rd d., was e. at Bp. 
Strachan Sch., Toronto, and Toronto 
UnIv. (B.A., 1898): m.. July, 1905, 
Tyydore Waldenberg, M.E., now repre- 
 of the Inlg1ersoll Rand 00. 
at Budapest, Hungary: was before 
marriage on staffs of St. Gabriel's 
CoIL, PeekskllI, N.Y., and Tarrytown, 
N.Y., HIg'}} Soh.: while at coIl. was 
V.-P. of her class and presdt. of the 
Girls' Lawn Tennis Club: her resi- 
dence Is In Budapest: her 4th d., 
Jessie Magdel.ene, was e. at Stratlwoy 
Ooll. Inst., Bp. Strachan Sch., Toronto, 
and Toronto Unlv. (B.A" 1899): m., 
May, 1903, Cecil H. Clegg, B.A., LL.B., 
now prosecuting aJtty. for Aaaska. at 
Washington, D.C.: t'aught for a time 
at Stamford, Conn.: whHe at Toron'to 
Unlv. was V.-P. of her class and 
presdt. of the Girls' Tennis and Fenc- 
Ing Clubs, and was champion tennis of Toront'O; she resides at 
W.a.shington, D.C.: her 5th d., Amelia, 
was e. at Bp. Stra.c'ha.n SCh., Toront'O, 
and Western Unlv., London, Onto (B.A., 
with honGUfI"s, 1904): m., Jan., 1907, 
Fenton E. Jones, Flagstaff, AJrlz.; she 
mak-es her residence at Tempe, Ariz., 
In win ter and F1ag5tatr, ATlz., in sum- 
melI'; her y. d., MarjorIe, wa.s e. at St. 
Monloa.'s Sch., Toronto, where she 
gTradrua.ted w.!rtih Ihonoum and won the 
gold ,braoelet giv-en by 001. P.hil1potts, 
R.E.; unm.-Montgomery Ave., Eglin- 
ton, N. Toronto, Onto 
Johnston, Bev, Charle. 0, (Meth.). 
B. Tp. King, Co. York, Ont.; .
. pub- 
lic sch. and Guelph ColI. Inst. ; o. 188.); 
has held pastorates at St. Catharines. 
Toronto (St. Paul's Ch.), Hamilton, 
Napanee, Kingston, Toronto (Bathurst 
St.), do. (Quee_n St.), do. (Wesley 
Ch.) .-70 Grange Ave., Toronto. 
"His belief is that religion should be 
made attractive. Has never ha.d 
with sufficient seating capacity to accom- 
modate the crowds who go to hear him."- 
T, World, . 
Johnston, Ebenezer Pors7th Black!., 
B. Haddingtonshlre. Scot., Dec. 20, 
1850; e. there and Osgoode Hall, To- 
ronto: m., Jan., 1866, Sara, d. W. C. 
Schreiber, formerly of Barrie, Ont.; 
barrister, 1880; successfully practIse'l 
his prof. at Guelph for a few yrs.; 
now, and for some time, at Toronto; 
was tor 4 yrs. dept. atty.-genl. and elk. 
of the EXJtve. COlmeH, Onto ; subsequent- 
ly, for 3 yrs., dn
. of Registry offices : 
one of the leaders of the bar In Ont.; 
K.C., 1890: head of law firm J., McKay, 
Dods & Grant; Is hon.presdt. Onto 
Bar Åßsn.; has frequently acted as 
Crown Counsel, beIng retaIned In 
several Important murder trials, and 
In that capacity and otherwise has won 
distinction in his profession; has con- 
ductt"d with great success several Im- 
portant criminal defences, notably as 
a ,leading counsel. in the Cla.ra Ford, 
Hyams, Sitton, Stearnaman, and other 
noted cases; prosecuted for the Crown 

the Weiland dynamiters, now serving 
a life sentence; acted for the Ross 
Govt., In the celebrated Gamey charges, 
for the defence In the Grocers' com- 
bine case, 1908, and also for the de- 
fence In the great Foster-Macdonald 
libel suit, 1910; one of the founde
and first dlrs. of the Crown Bank of 
Can. ; now a dir. Traders Bank of Can., 
and presdt. Title & Trust Co.; also a 
dir. Guild of Civic Art.; his name fre- 
quently mentioned In connection with 
a seat on the Bench; formerly presdt. 
Guelph Caledonian Soc.; a strong poli- 
tical speaker on the Lib. side; 'Some- 
time presdt. S. Wellington Rf'form 
Assn.-119 8t. George 8t., T01'Onto; 
Ontario Club, do. 
"A close reasoner, and in mpdical juri.- 
prudence has few equals."-T. World. 
.. It hat! been s.aid of him he il! the 
most capable man for counsel work in 
Can."-O. Fr,e Pres8. 
Johnston, His Honour Frederick Wil- 
liam, 00. Ct. Judge. 
S. late Hugh and Matilda (Rich) J.: 
father native Omagh, Irel., and tor 
my yrs. depty. elk. of the Crown 
regr. Surrogate Ct., Co. Huron; mother 
native Kent, Eng.; b. Goderich, Ont., 
ApI. 6, 1849; e. publlc and grammal' 
sC'hs.; m., 1890. Elizabeth Selina, d. 
Thos. Graham: barrister, 1872; prac- 
ed In Goderich; successively Ald., 
Depty. Reeve, and Reeve of Goderich; 
Warden 'Of Huron, 1882: was for many 
yrs. an active Con. politician; unsuc- 
cessfully contested W. Huron (Local), 
g. e. 1883: appbd.. junior judge, Algoma, 
June 18, 1890; R. 0., E. Algoma, JUtle 
1, 1891; senior judge, Algoma, July 9, 
1S92; presented with a gold watch by 
his bro. dlst. judges, Dec., 1898, in re- 
cognition of his valuable services as 
secy. Bd. of Dist. Judges; presented, 
for Mrs. J., with silver tea service, in 
further recoe-nltIon of his services, in 
the same offioe, Dec., 1906; a. Fr
mason, an Orangeman, and an O.ld 
Fellow: an Ang.-Sault Ste. .Marie, 
(D. Sault Ste. Marie, Jan. 16, 1911.) 
John.ton, George PrankUn, ;invest- 
ment broker. 
Enog...ISoorttish de.sæn1.; b. Ox1\ord, Co. 
Grenv.illle, Onlt., 1862; -e. 'Morrislburg, 
Onot., .and McGdH Univ.: m. M:ac- 
FaTlan.e; SUJOCe.sslveoLy, goenl. agent, Sun 
Life As.sur. 00.. man,gr. o.f foreign 
ag.enC'les do., asst. supd:t. of aeencie-s, 
do., suopodt. of a.genlC.ies do., genl. ma.ngr. 
f'Or Can., N. Y. Life InlS. Co., and super- 
V1isor of agencies ,fur Can., N. Y., N. J., 
Conn. and R. I., 00.; since 1906 has 
been head or firm of J., M<."OoDJle}oJ 
(q.v.) aoo A1llison, inrvestment brokers, 
IMKJDltreal; a Con. and otPposOO. to the 
Taft-F1feldling reofa>l'OOity agreement, 
191,1. - BeUev-ue Ave., Westmo-unt, 
Montreal; Bummer: Woodlands, P.Q.; 
Montreal Club, Montreal. 
"A o1eoa.r-thinQcing busineßS ma.n."-M. 
Johnston, George Law.on, capitalist. 
S. late John Lawson J., formerly of 

herbrooke and Montreal, and latterly 
of Kingswood, Sydenham Hill, Kent, 



Eng., and - (Lawson) .J.; father sent 
first consignment of frozen poultry and 
meat to Eng., 1874; b. Edinburgh, 
Scot., 1873; e. privately In Can. and 
aftf'rwards at Dulwich ColI., Eng.; ro., 
02, Edith Laura, 5th d. 16th Lord 
st. .J.oIhn of iBl'e'bsoo; ViÏice-chaJ..rman 
Bovril, Ltd.; a dir. Daily Express, 
London, and of Henderson's Transvaal 
Estates; memo eXltve. OOInte. K1ng Ed- 
ward's Hosp. Fund for London; memo 
Cc-uncil Brit. Emp. League.-29 Port- 
man Square, W. o London, Eng.; DCVOI1- 
ðhire Club; Hurlingham Club; Royal 
Temple Yacht Club, do.; Yacht Club 
de France, Paris. 
Johnston, Major George Napier, 
H.M.'s regular mil, forces. 
S. late Peter .J., Quebec; b. there; 
gJ aduated Royal Mil. ColI., Kingston, 
1888; m., Aug., 1893, iM-argt. Hilda, 
y. d. late .John Stairs, Halifax, N.S.; 
gazetted 2nd lIeut., R. A., 1888; lieut., 
1891; capt., 1898; major, 1909; for 
some yrs. starr olrr. for arty. services, 
New Zealand; ILater oaa:>'Ì. 381tJh Co., 
Royal Gar. Arty., BlymJOU'tlh, Eng.; nl()w 
major oOlffifIIldg. No. 39 Co. dl(). do., 
Plymouth, Eng.-Plymouth, Eng. 
ton, George Wesley. education- 
B. nr. Caledonia, Ont., 1864; e. Cale- 
Donia High Sch., Hamilton ColI. lnst., 
and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., with hon- 
ours in classics, 1886); for some yrs. 
classical master, Brampton High Scll. ; 
resigned to take a post-grad. course 
In Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit in .Johns 
Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md.; theæ 
won great distinction; was univ. schol. 
In Latin, 1892-3; fellow, 1893-4, anù 
fellow by courtesy, 1894-5 (Ph.D., 
1895) ; asst. prof. Latin, Cornell Univ., 
1895-6; while there, presdt. Can. Club; 
]a ter apptd. lect. in Latin, Toronto 
Unlv., and asso. lect. in Latin there, 
.July 1, 1907; since Dec., 1908, has 
been secy., Dept. of Can., Archeolog. 
Inst. of Am.-1J19 Brunswick Avenue
Johnston, Miss Grace. educationist. 
D. late .Jas. .J.; grandd. late .James 
Dickson, M.P., and subsequently regr. 
Co. Huron, Ont.; b. GOderich, Ont.; e. 
GOderich, and began her kindergarten 
training there, 1892, continuing it at 
London, Ont.; an honour graduate To- 
ronto Normal Sch.; also holds a post- 
graduate diploma from the Baltimore 
Kindergarten Assn. ; after a short timoi' 
spent in private teaching, took a dlr.'s 
position 8!t BeI1Un, Ont.; a U oh'Lld cul- 
ture circle" was organized, of which 
she was presdt.; apptd. supervisor of 
kindergartens, Stratford, where she also 
conducts a training class for students; 
elected presdt. kindergarten dept., Onto 
Educ. Assn., 19ú7.-Stratford, Onto 
Johnston, Bev. Hugh (Meth.). 
S. late John and Mary Ann (Teet- 
zel) J.; b. Tp. Southwold, Co. Elgin, 
Ont., Jan. 5, 1840; e. Victoria Univ., 
Cobourg (B.A., Prince of Wales med., 
and valedictorian, 1865; M.A., 1869; 
"B.D., 1874; D.D., 1889); m., .June, 
1867, EHza, d. Riohard Holland, Mont- 

rea.l; took 1st olass tea..cl1er's C'el't. be- 
tlore 'he was .18, lboeoomilllg heaxìma&ter 
l<\!rkona Hig.h I8c1h.; O. ,1865, and was, 
fur a tiÏme, aßlst. <tOo Ibhe liaJte iRev. Dr. 
Douglca.s" MlOII1ltTeaJl; oth-en, suocessdvely, 
pastor Oe-nllÆnary Oh., Hamf.!Jton, St. 
nltrea:l. Cal'lot<m 'St., Trin- 
ity, Queen St., and Metropolitan Chs., 
'.roronto; apptd. pastor Metropol1tan 
MclJh. Ep. IOh., WlaJShingoon, F-eib., 1893 
(presented with a handsome tesU- 
monlaJ1 on Toronto) ; !pasoor of 
the !historic .Meth. Ðp. Oh., BaJtf- 
more, Md.. 1898-1904; since 1904 .secy. 
Ed. of Trus'tøe.s Woman's CIOII., /Balti- 
mlOre; !WlliJil'e íÍn TIO-ronltOo !held vaI1iQUs 
official !POSitli.ons, Includ'in.g the .pres'i- 
ò <Yf the 
. Oi,ty Charities 
and the MiruisteI1ia:l Association; actoo 
a.s ohapliain 1.0 rtOO U. S. Senate 
durdng rohe albsenoe of .the late Rev. 
W. H. lMIiJ:burn
 189'7; IMllbhoor .. To- 
ward the Sull'ni,se " (sk>eoohe.s .of 
travel In Europe and Holy Land), 
"Beyond Death" (work on escha- 
tology), a "Life of William Morley 
Punshon," a "Life of the late Hon. 
John Macdonald," and various vol- 
umes of religious discourses.-2622 N. 
Charles St., Baltimore, },Id. 
.. We
1 and fa.vorurably knQWIll eve,ry- 
wheiÆ."-M. Gazette. 
.. An elQquent preacher, an incIsIve 
platform speaker, and a good debater."- 
T. Globe. 
Johnston. Blchard Holland, librarian. 
S. Rev. Hugh .J., D.D. (q.v.), and 
Eliza, d. Richard Holland, Montreal; 
h. Windsor, Ont., May 6, 1868; e. Univ. 
CoIl.; graduated B.A. (Toronto Univ.), 
If189 ; post-graduate work In theol., Vic- 
toria CoIL, 1889-1892; librarian, Vic- 
toria ColI., 1892-6; reference desk, 
Library of Congress, 1897-1909; since 
then, librarian Bureau of Ry. Eco- 
nomics; .oontributor t.o vol. VII. 
"Hurst's Hist. of Methodism"; author 
" Bibliography of .Jefferson"; con- 
tributor to mags. and correspondent for 
various newspapers; m. Elizabeth, d. 
Wm. Thode and Amy Van Bokkelen, 
Baltimore, Md.-Bureau of Ry. Eco- 
nomics Library, .Washington, D.C. 
Johnston, Bev. Bobert (Presb.). 
S. late Jas. .J., Kincardine, Ont., an 
elder of the Presb. Ch., and Agnes 
(McBratney) J., both from Bella:,!t, 
Irel.; father's family originally Scotch; 
IT-other's family originally Eng.; D. 
Kincardine, 1862; e. McGill Univ. 
(B.A., Prince of W-ates se:hol. and Gov.- 
G('nl.'s gold med., 1887) ; pursued theol. 
studies MontTe8!l Presb. ColI. (Mackay 
SOool. and g10ld moo" 1889; va.ledic- 
torlan In arts and theol.; B.D., 1894; 
D.n., by examn. In ecclesiol., 1839); 
m. Sept., 1891, Miss Mary Dawson, 
Montreal; O. 1889; pastor St. Andrew',ò 
Ch., Lindsay, Ont., 1889-95; declined 
cal'ls '1.0 Dunn Ave. .oh., ToronVo, Knox 
Ch., Stratford, and Knox Ch., Ottawa, 
but accepted one to St. Andrew's Ch., 
London, Ont., 1895; remained there till 
1903, declining Invitations to B'lltimore, 
Chicago, and Toronto; became pastor 
Am. Presb. Ch., Montreal, Dec., 1903, 
,,"here he has since been; on leaving 
London was presented by his old con- 


gregation with a handsome silver ser- 
vice; declined call to N. Y., 1907;. le
turer in homiletics, Knox ColI., Toron- 
to, 1903; a del. to the Ecumenical 
Councils at Glasgow, 1896, and Wash- 
Irgton, 1899, and to Intern. S. S. Con- 
vention, Louisville, Ky., 1908; a pro- 
minent speaker at intern. conventions, 
a leading worker among men; as a lec- 
turer and 'preacher known all over the 
continent; also famed as an evangel- 
t; preached, by invitation,. at Can- 
terbury OaJth., on the OCICaSlon of its 
358th anniversary, July, 1905; a sena. 
tor Montreal Presb. CoIl.; pre::;dt. 
Lord's Day Alliance, P.Q., 1907-8; lec- 
tures frequently on religious, social, 
and national subjects; author numer- 
ous mag. articles and of a vol., .. Pres- 
byterian Worship: Its Spirit, Method, 
and History" (1891); an outspoken 
a.dvocate of vigQrous l-eglslaHve restric- 
tion of the liquor trafflc: an earne.;;t 
adViOcate for closer ch, union in Can.; 
presented with a silver service by 
Union Teaohers' Class, Quebec S. S. 
Union, 1909.-286 Stanley St., Montrea

.. The beau ideal of 8 popular speaker. 
-M. Herald. . " 
.. Young, strong, hopeful, aggressIve. - 
M. Star. 
.. One of the most brilliant of Presby- 
terian pulpit orators."-T. Globe. 
u.As a preaoher .and <pasWI', a friend 
a.nd advise,r, he is ooloved of thousand'S." 
-London N eWB. 
Johnston, :Rev. :Robert (Presb.). 
B. Ire!.; e. Royal Univ. of Ire!.; 
(B.A.) ; m., Aug., 1904, Kathleen Mal'y, 
E'. d. David S. Kelly, Castledawson, 
Derry, Ire!.; studied theoI. Presb. ColI., 
Belfast; o. 1899; served 1 yr. as asst. 
in one of the chs. there, and -subse- 
quently as pastor at Castledawson; 
since 1904 has been pastor St. An- 
drew'S, HaUfa:c, N.S.-Halifax, N.S. " 
.. A young, vIgorous, and earnest man. 
-H. Herald. 
Johnston, William, lawyer. 
B. nr. Morrlsburg, Ont.; a bro. 
Judge Adam J. (q.v.); e. Morrlsburg 
and Toronto Univ. (B.A., 1883; LL.B., 
with honours, 1891); a graduate Onto 
Law Sch.; barrister, 1891; practised 
first at Athens, Ont.; since then, In 
Toronto; apptd. Mst. city -solr., To- 
ronto, 1903; city solr., 1909; Meth.- 
 Cottingham St., Toronto. 
Johnstone, :Rev, ;1, (Presb.), author. 
B. Scot.; e. Edinburgh and Glasgow 
Univs. (honours in classics and matllS. 
and prize in logic); m., 1868, Miss 
Bligh; 0., 1865; sent by Free Ch. of 
Scot. to aid in founding a High Sc., 
Auckland, N.Z., 1862; acted as chap- 
lain to Brit. troops during Maori War; 
removed to New South Wales, 1865; 
held charge at Braidwood, N.S. W. ; 
removed to Eng. and held charge nr. 
Southampton for 17 yrs.; moved to 
London, 1889; while in Eng. was chap- 
lain, Seaforth Highlanders and Scots 
Greys, Hampton Ct.; carne to Can., 
1902; was for 5 yrs. mlnr. at West- 
bourne, Man.; retired, 1907; author, 
"A Song in the Night" (1905), .. The 
Vision of Immanuel" (1906).-t2f 
Edmonton St., Winnipeg. 


Johnstone, Hon, Thos, Cooke, judge. 
B. and e. Ont.; barrister (Ont.), 
1876; practised his prof, In Toronto; 
went West, and was called to the N. 
W. T. bar; successf.uIly practised at 
Regina, where he was city solr. and 
Crown prosecutor; apptd. a puisne 
judge, Sup.reme Ct., N. W, T., Oct. 8, 
1906; subsequently assigned to new 
Province of Sask.-Regina, Sask. 
;101:y de Lotbinière, Major Alain 
Chartier, H.M.'s regular mil. 
Second s. late Sir H. G. J. de L., 
KC.M.G.; b. Quebec, Oct. 31, 1862; e. 
Bishop's ColI. Sch., Lennoxville, and 
Royal Mil. CoIl., Kingston; graduat
1883; m., 1887, Marlon Helen, d. late 
Lt.-CoI. J. T. CamphelJ, R. C. Rifles; 
gaz.ebted 'ldeut., Royal Engrs., .1886; 
capt., 1895; major, 1903; has rendered 
much important service; proposed and 
carried out the first large hydro-elec- 
tric transmission power scheme In lhe 
East, vi:t., the Cauvery Falls trans- 
mission of power to the Kolar gold- 
fields, In Mysore, S.I.; for a short lime 
this was the longest power transmis- 
sion Hne In the world; at present is 
er1gaged in constructing a large hydro- 
electric power installation on the Rlvel' 
Shelum, in Kashmir; this power will be 
used for the Abbotabad Srlnagar Ry., 
dredging of the River Shelum, In Kash. 
mir, and for Industrial purposes In 
Kashmir and the Punjab; has been de- 
corated with the C. I. E., and received 
the Kalser-i-Hind gold med.; Ang.- 
Slinagar, Kashmir, India. 
.. HiB talent has a wide tlcope. The 
Far 'Vestern country has every reason 
to be pr()IUd of heT IWyal EngineEr spe.- 
cialist."-Time3 of India. 
Jol:y de Lotbinière, Edmond Gustave. 
E. s. late Hon. Sir H. G. J. de L.. 
KC.M.G., Lt.-Gov. B. C., and a dis. 
tingulshoed Can. .st>atesman; b. Quebec: 
e. Bis'hop's CoOlI. ,Sc.h., Len'filoxvilile (now 
a dir. thereof) ; m. Lucy, d. late W. D. 
Campbell, Quebec; advooate, 1883 ; 
successfully practises his prof. In Que- 
bec; like his father, takes much in- 
terest in forestry; has written much on 
the subject, and has been presdt. Can. 
Forestry Assn.; formerly an oifr. In 
the Royal Rifles; Ang.-12 A venue St., 
Denis, Quebec. 
(D. Point Platon, P.Q., July 15, 1911.) 
Jol:y de Lotbin1ère, Major Henri Gus- 
tave, H.M.'s regular mil. forces. 
Third s. late Sir H. G. J. de L., 
KC.M.G.; b. Quebec, Mch. 10, 1868; e. 
Bishop's ColI. SCh., Lennoxville, and 
Royal Mil. con., Klng!"ton; graduated 
senior of his class, 1888; m., 1902. 
Mildred Louisa (,presentoo at court, 
1903), d. C. S. Gr-emf'E'lI'J" EHoonk, Tl()p- 
\oO'W, Bucks, Eng.; gaz.ette'd 2nd Ueut., 
R. E., 1888: Neut., 1891: c.a.p:t., 1899; 
major, 1900; served. N. W. frcmt"'er, 
In.dla, 1897-8 (moo., w
th 3 olaSJPS) , 
S. Africa, 1899-1902 (despatohes twice, 
Queen's and King's m.ed
., 5 clasps: 
O.S.O.), and Somalilan'd, 1903-4 
(med.); Ang.-Care .War Office, Lon- 
don, Eng. 



JoJiAh, :rraJ1k Gilbert, civil engineer, 
B. Co, Albert, N.B., Oct. 6, 1864; e. 
iMoncton High Sch.; ro., Mch., 1896, 
Miss Ollvia Richardson, Marine, Ill.; 
a memo Am. Soc. C. E.: entd. office 
chief engr. Interc. Ry., Moncton, as a 
student, 1882; resident engr. on con- 
struction, Oxford & New Glasgow Hy., 
N, S" 1887-89; asst. engr. Interc. Ry., 
1889-90; do. do. St, Louis Merchants' 
Bridge Terminal Co., St. Louis, Mo., 
1890-94 ; resident engr. St. Louis, 
pfooria & Northern Ry. (headquarters 
Marine and Springfield, Ill.), 1894-99; 
('pgr. maintf'nance of way, Chica
o & 
Alton ,Ry., .Bloomington. Ill., 1899-1901 : 
chief engt'. Blackwell, Enid & S. West- 
e:rn Ry. (headquarters Blackwell, Ok- 
lahoma), 1901-3: asst. engr. St. Louis 
& San Francisco Ry., New Orleans, 
1903; chief engr. St. Louis, BrOWIl6- 
vllle & Mexico Ry., Corpus Christl, 
Tex., 1903-4; locating engr. St. Louis 
& San Francisco Ry., 1904-5; since 
then terminal engr. New Orleans Ter- 
minal Ry.; In 1887 surveyed the Straits 
of Northumberland for Dom. Govt., to 
ascertain the practicablUty of a sub- 
way to connf'ct 'P. E. I. with the main- 
land; Con. .in Ca.n.; Dem. dn U, ,S.; a 
Baopt. nominally, but a Unlv. ;in senti- 
ment; believes that the protective tar- 
iff in the U. S. is the direct cause of 
the widespread sPirit of graft.-Arabi, 
Jonas, Henri, merchant. 
Head of firm Henri J. & Co., grocers' 
and confectioners' supplies (wholesale), 
Montreal; b. and e. France; came to 
Can. about 1878: has since resided In 
Montreal; m., Jan., 1902, Elizabeth 
Corse, widow C. C. Claggett; a me:m. 
Bd. of Trade and Chambre de Com- 
me:rcp, Montreal; presdt. of latter bod
1900-4; apptd. commander of Order of 
Nlchan Iftikhar, by French Govt., 'n 
recognition of public services, 1908.- 
3S:; Mountain St., Montreal; Enginecr:J' 
Club, do. 
.Jone8, Mi88 Alice (uAlix John"), nov- 
U. E. L. stock: d. late Hon. A. G. J., 
Lt.-Gov. of N. S., and his first wife, 
Margt. Wiseman (Stairs) J.; b. and e. 
Halifax, N.S.; studied langs. Franre 
and Italy: whUe abroad wrote for To- 
ronto Week a prize story; subsequent- 
ly contributed a serial, II A Hazard ot 
Hearts," to Frank Leslie'8 Monthl.l/, 
N. Y.; this was followed by II The 
Night Hawk" (1902), II Bubbles We 
Buy" (903), II Gabriel Praed's Cas- 
tle" (1904), II At the Harbour's 
Mouth" (1905), II The Consul's Niece" 
(1907) ; contributes occasionally to tht> 
Can. mags. ; speaking of .. Gabriel 
Praed's Castle," the Oan. Mag. has 
said that II It Is a novel whIch. if the 

rlter is not mIstaken, raises M[ss J. 
to the proud pre-eminence of being tlólf' 
l('ading Can. novellst."-Halifa:!:, N.S. 
.Jones, Cecil Charles, educationist. 
S. kbel and Catherine (Steeves) 
J.: b. Moncton, N.B., 1871; e. there 
and N. B. Univ. (B.A., with 1st class 
honours In math. and math. physiCS, 
:and Gov.-Genl.'s gold med., 1897 ; 

M.A., 1899; Ph.D., 1902); post-grad. 
course at Harvard Unlv. (B,A., 1898), 
and Chicago Unlv.; LL.D" hon. (To- 
ronto Unlv., 1907); m., July, 1899, 
Margt., y. d. Saml. BaIrd, Chlpma
N.æ.; prof, math., Aæ.dla Col.t., N, S., 
1898-1906; prof. math. and chaIrman 
of faculty, N. B. Unlv" since then' 
chancellor N. B. Univ. since 1906 
declined c'halr of math., Colby Unlv' 
Me. 1903; has lectured on II The Rë= 
sources 0If N. B:'; a Bapt.; elected 
pre9dt. United Bapt. Convention, Mar. 
Provinces, 1908; a del. Darwin Cen- 
tenary, Cambridge, Eng., 1909; apptd. 
a memo Royal, Conservation Como" 
do.; do. dl(). IE. C. Un1v. Site Comn 
1910.-Fredericton, N.B. ., 
"A mathematical expert:'-Oan. Oourier. 
H A systematic wo-r1ær, ripe scholar and 
capable instructor." - St, John Telegraph, 
es, Bev. Arthur Edward (R. C,), 
U. E. L. stock; 4th s. late Hy. J., 
merchant and legislator, Brockvllle, 
Ont., and Lucy Catherine, d. W, J, 
Ma cdonell (vide ChadwIck) ; b, Brock- 
viUe, Nov. 17, 1838; e, Wlndeat's Dist. 
Sch. and St. Mary's (Jesuit) CoIl., 
Montreal; joined Jesuit Soc., France, 
Uì57; spent 4 yrs. in France, and sub- 
sequently attended Bostón Coil., Mass.' 
coma:>leteð his phålOoS'O!Phlca.) c>ourse and' 
taught rhetoric and bellea lettrea at 
81. John.s Univ., Fordham, N.Y.; fol- 
lowed divinity course 4 yrs., WoodstOCK 
Coil., under Cardinal Mazzella; 0, 
1873: a memo of the faculties St. 
John's, Fordham, and St. F. Xavier'
N. Y., 2 yrs.; engd. in parochial worlt, 
Guelph, Ont., 1881-2; since then a resi- 
dent of Montreal; since 1882 has been 
archivist St. Mary's Coli., Montreal: 
apptd. rector Loyola Coil., do., Aug., 
1901, but has since vacated that office; 
awarded a silver med. at the St. Louis 
Thir tor !his diLsplay of early missy, 
manuscripts, and the grand prize 
(with a gold med.) for a slmUar dl.s- 
play at the Louisiana Purchase Expn.: 
besides publishing several rare worK!!! 
and documents relating to early Cath. 
missions, has written several pamph- 
l('ts In defence of the principles of the 
Jesuit Order; F.R.S.-c., 1910.-St. 
Mary'8 Ooll., Montreal. 
.. An intensely patriotic Britisher, an 
enthusiastic arcrueologist, a. devoted priel&, 
and a very lovable man."-Montreal Arllu.. 
Jones, Charles Albert, land surveyor 
and civil engineer. 
Eng. origin; grandf., Thos. J. J., who 
was connected with the Bank of Eng., 
oam.e from London, Eng., to '1)>. of Lon- 
don, Co. Middlesex, Ont., where he 
took up land, 1822; b. there; e. 
London Grammar Sch.; admitted a P. 
L. S., 1881; a D. L. S., 1882: has been 
town engr. of Petro'Iea and of severaJ 
adjoining tps.: 'SUccessively V.-P. .tnð 
presdt. O. L. S. Assn.; opposed to 
II treating" system; thinks that tne 
Gp.rman custom, where every man pays 
for his own drink, would, if Instituted 
in Can., do away with moro:t of the 
apparerut drun.kenness; Ang.-Petrolea. 

.JODes, Oharle. .J.rom., Dam. public 
U. E. L. descent; s. late Ralph and 
Christina (Loudon) J.; b. Port Hope, 
Ont., Dec. 4, 1848; e. Port Hope Gram 4 
mar Sch., Trln. ColI. Sch., and Trln. 
Unlv., Toronto (B,A., 1868); unm.; 
for 5 yrs. a cattle rancher In Texas; 
enttd. office ()f Gov.-Genl.'s sæy.. Ot, 
tawa, .Jan., 1875; ohief elk., do., 1883; 
I)e.puty-Gov., .for purpose of slgnJnJg 
certa.1n .documents, 1905; Asst. Gov.- 
Genl.'s secy., .1909 ; 1. is. 0., 1903 : Ang, 
- Vkt01"Ïa Chambers Ottawa; Ridea'l.l 
Club; Ottawa Golf dub; Ottawa Hun' 
Club, do. 
"A splendid office man-Done bette.r."- 
001. Fletcher. O.M.G. 
Jones, Mr.. Edith Beatrice, philan- 
D. late W. H. Gibbs, M.P.; b. Osha- 
wa, Ont.; e. public and high schs. and 
Bexley House, Montreal; m. Dr. .J. D. 
.Tones; made religious work and chari- 
ties her avocation; for 13 yrs. 
Glenn Industrial Horne, Cincinnati; 
also a Bible class teacher; mem. Cin- 
cinnati Woman's Club. and a memo Bel 
of Trust
. Women's .Hiorne Missy. 
Soc.; a del. to Bible Convention. .Jeru- 
salem, 1904; secy. Coloured Deaconess 
Bureau, Meth. Ch.; a memo M. E, elL, 
but In sympathy with all Christian dc- 
nomlnatlons.-l0l-S McMillan 8t., Wal- 
nut Hills, Cincinnati, O. 
.Jane., 11111.. Eva L., educationist. 
Graduated LL.A., with 1st class hon- 
ours In Eng. hist. and mod. lang.; 
c<,mpleted her education abroad, a.nd 
holds a diploma for proficiency In 
French, from the Sorbonne. Paris; edu- 
cational experience gained in Germany, 
London, and South Wales; 4 yrs. on 
f;taff Havergal ColI., Toronto, during 
3 of which had charge of the da)- seh.; 
apptd. principal Havergal ColI., Win- 
nipeg, Aug., 1906; Ang.-Havergal Col- 
1(lge. W'innipeg; University Woman's 
Club, Toronto. 
Jones, :Frank Percy, business ma.n. 
Second s. Chilion .J., C.E., and Eliza 
M. (HaTvey) J., Brockvme, Onto (see 
Morgan's" Types of Can. Women') ; 
b. BrockV1l11e, Ont., Nov. 5, 1869; e. 
there and iRoyal Mil. ColI., Kingston: 
m. d. S. A. Stephens, BrockvUle; for 5 
yrs. in service N. S. Steel & Ooal Co.; 
bec8Jl11e, then, sales agent Dorn. Iron & 
Steel Co.; mangr. do. do., 1905-09; 
since then has 'been V.-P. and genl. 
mangr. Can. Cement Co.; Ang.-Im- 
perial Life Bldg., Montreal. 
&< One of the a.blelSt y.oun.g men in 
Oanada's life."-M. Star. 
&< A manl of courage; jndgment, Bnd 
sagacity, and 0If great Du&iness a.bility."- 
H. Herald. 
Jones, Lt.-OoL George Edwin ADen, 
S. late Edwin Allen and Mary Ailn 
{Poole) J.; father do merchant and 
presdt. Quebec Fire Ins. Co., etc.; b. 
Quebec, Sept. 28, 1860: e. Bishop's Call. 
I!;ch., Len.noxville, and Laval Unlv.: 
graduated LL.B., with Tessler and 
l.'8 gold med., 1885: LL.M., 



avec distinction.., 1886; m., Jan., 1889, 
Grace Apes, 0. Wm. DarlinK Camp- 
bell, N.P., Quebec: advocate, 1886; 
eDJtd. vdI. mil. serV'Lce as 2nd Heut., 8th 
Rioya.i Rifies, 1882; attained tJl1e com- 
mand of the regt., Sept., 1897; retired, 
with rank of It.-col., 1903; aopptd. It.- 
col. commdg. 20th Infy. Brigade, Que- 
bec, Mch., 1907; commanded 6th Infy. 
Brigade, Quebec tercentenary celebra- 
tion, 1908: holds 1st class M. S. cert. 
and long service decoration; presdt. 
Can. 'Mil. Rifle League. 1900-2; do. 
Quebec City Rifle Assn., 1907-8: a dlr. 
Nat. Agency 00., and treas, Quebec 1m- 
provemf'nt Co.; a principal shareholder 
in Magdalen Island Syndicate, 1903; 
Ang., and a ch, warden, Quebec Cath. 
--6 des Carrières St., Quebec; Quebec 
Garrison Club. 
Jones, 001, Guy Oarleton, Can. mil. 
S. late Hon. A. G. .J., Lt.-Gov. of 
N. S., and M3Jrg1t. J., d, late Hon. Wm. 
Stairs; b. Ha;Hfa.x, N.S., Dec. 28, 1864; 
e. Merchiston Castle Sch., Edinburgh; 
Galt Call. Inst., and King's Call., Lon- 
dlOn; rn. Susan (q.'V.), d. late.Robt. Mor. 
row, Halifax.. N.S.; g'I'a.Jdua1ed M.D" 
C.M. (Halifax Med. Call), 1890; M.R., 
C.S., Eng.. 1887; local V.-P. Can. Med. 
Assn., 1905; formerly asst. Quarantine 
ofrr., Hal,tfax: e11lt.d. VIOl. mil. .service, 
as surg.-lot., 1st Regt. C. A., 1896; ,be- 
came subsequently principal med. offr. 
Maritime Provinces; since Dec., 1906, 
Itah been dir.-genl. of med. services; 
apptd. hon. surgo. to the Gov.-Gen., 
Mch., 1906; served during S. A. War, 
2nd in command, 10th Can. Field Hosp., 
UOO-2 (med., with 2 clasps) ; P. M. 0., 
Quebec tercentenary celebration, 1908; 
promoted cOl., 1910; has lectured on 
med. subjeots; an Ang., and has served 
as a ch. waroen.-" Birkenfels:' Rock- 
liffe Park, Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ot- 
tawa Hunt Club, do.; Halifax Club, 
Halifax; Fniversity Club, Montreal. 
Jones, Bev, Harold Hudson Bedford- 
S. late Ven. T. B.-J., M.A., LL.D., 
D.C.L., Archdeacon of Kingston, Ont., 
and Sarah Stuart (Cartwright) J.; b. 
Ottawa, 1869; e. Trln. CoIl. Sch., Port 
Hope, and Trln. Unlv., Toronto (B.A.. 
1889; M.A., 1892); m., .June, 1904, 
Margt. Holland, e. d. C. E. Britton 
(q.v.), Gananoque, Ont.; o. deacon, 
1893; priest, 1894; sometime fellow 
and lect., Trin. Coli.; curate St. Peter's, 
Brockville, Ont., 1893-1901; rector, d')., 
since 1901: elected presdt. Ang. A. A. 
Assn., 1908; apptd. chaplain (with 
rank of hon. capt.), 41st Regt., May 
28, 1909.-The Rectory, 8t. Peter'ø, 
Brockville, Onto 
Jones, Henry Victor Franklin, banker. 
S. late C. S. and Helen (Macdougall) 
.J.; mother a sister of the late Hon. 
Wm. Macdougall, C.B., one of the 
U Fathers of Confederation"; b, St. 
Mary's, Ont., Sept. 28, 1871; e. '.ro- 
ran to; m., .June, 1904, Bunella, d. late 
E. W. Rathbun, Deseronto, Ont.; ent.d. 
service Can. Bank of Commerce, Dec. 
13. 1887; was at head office and N. Y. 
branCh; n
 mangr. iLondon. Eng., 


branoh 0If tJhJat in.std t'UJbion; a mem. of 
the romtoe, , Oanaòa Clu'b, London; a 
Presb.; memo St. Oolu'I111ba's C'h. lJcm- 
dJon.-7 Grosvenor Hill Wimbledon 
S.W., London, Eng.; Néw Club' CitÝ 
Carleton Club, London, Eng.;' Rich- 
mond Country Club, New York. 
Jone_, Herbert Chillon, lawyer. 
U. E. L. stock; 2nd s. late Sidney 
and Susan Isabella (Ford) J.; b. 
Brockvllle, Ont., May 6, 1836; e. Trill 
Unlv., Toronto (B.A., 1855; M.A. 
1858); rn. Mary, d. late Goo. Mor- 
'bon; barrister (Ont.), 1859; advoca:te 
(P. Q.), 1873; practises in Toronto. 
served as an officlal assignee under In
solvency Act; commanded a gunbua.t 
Oil St. Lawrence, during Fenian trou
bles; ed. and propr. Impetus; promoter 
Morristown & Black River Ry., and a 
dlr. of the 00.; author of two legal 
works ;-a practical treatise on real 
property limitation and a practical 
treatise on the Land Titles Act, 1885, 
and the Real PrOlperty A
t, Man.; 
Ang.; Oon.-218 John St., Toronto. 
Jones, James Edmund, la.wyer. 
S. Rev. Septimus J., M.A. (Aug.). a 
na tive of Portsmouth, Eng., and Catll- 
erlne Eliza Bruce J., d. late Wm. Hut- 
ton, Dei)uty Mlnr. of Agrlc., Can.; b. 
Belleville, Ont., June 24, 1866; e. U. C. 
CoIl. (" head boy") and Toronto Unlv. 
(B.A. and Prince of Wales scholarship, 
1888) ; m., 1898, E. Florence, d. Ch.1S. 
E. Hooper, TorontoO; barrister, 1891; 
successfully 'Practises his prof. In To- 
rcmoo, as m-em. of firnn Rawa.n, J. & 
Somerville; author .. Camping and 
Canoeing" (1903); presdt. Aura Lee 
Club; the prime mover In securing 
action for a revised hy.mnal for the Ch. 
at Eng. in Can., and the secy. of the 
comte. of synod! apptd. In the ;premises 
1905; edited the annotated ed. of thé 
neIW Book of Comm,?n Praise (1909); 
presented with a sol,ld slIver salV'er by 
nl. HY'mnla!l Oomte. CYf 'tJh.e Genl. 
Syn'Od, .. -for 'his ånval'llabLe work" in 
connection therewith, do. ; musical 
tastes; compiled .. University of To- 
ronto Song Book"; a lover of clean 
and manly athletic recreation; Ang.- 

z Prince Arthur Ave., Torq,nto. 
.. _\. man, who spend'S one-halo! o()f hi,s d.ay 
w{)'l'king fO'l. h.ims\',lf .and the o1:her part 
working f()r his fellows."-T. New., 
Jones, John Cecil, educationist. 
Y. g, Dr. R. V. (q.v.) and Emma 
R. (Pineo) J.; b. WO}.fv>l11e, N.H., 
1879; e. Acadia Unlv. (B.A., 1900; 
M.A., 1901), and Harvard Unlv. 
(A.M., 1902); m., June, 1909, Fred- 
ericka Hlick, d. Dr. T. L. Hatch 
Owatonna, Minn.; head of the Eng: 
dept., Pillsbury Mil. Acad., Owa- 
tonna.-Kelly Hall
 Pillsbury Owa- 
tonna, Minn., U.S. ' 
Jones,. The Bight Bev, Llewellyn, 
Bishop (Ang.). 
B. Liverpool, Eng., Oct. 11, 1840' e 
ColI. Inst., Liverpool, Cheltenham OÓlI.: 
row, and Trin. ColI., Camb. (B.A., 
; M.A., 1866); D.D. (Oxon.), 
1878; do., hon. (King's ColI.), Wind- 
sor, N.S., 1905; took further study dlv. 


course, Wells Theo!. Coli.; O. 1865; 10 
yrs. curate Bromsgrove; rector Little 
Hereford, 1874-8; apptd. Bp. of New- 
foundJand and ,Bermuda 1878' aJ1- 
tended Lambeth Corns., 1888 and '1897 
and Pan-.A.n.g. Congress, London, 190.8; 
a deL Ang. Oh. Oongress, HIWLi,fax, N.iS.. 
1910; an., 18&4, Ellizabe1!h Alice (d. 
1903), 2nd Ò. late Hon. Si-r A. G. Arclhl- 

ld, K.C.M.G., Lt.-Gov. of N. S.- 
Btshop's Court, St. John's, Nfd. 
Jones, Louis Eossuth, Dom. public 
Bro. C. J. J. (q.v.); b. June 9, 1849' 
e. Trin, ColI. Sch., Port Hope; m" ApI.: 
1877, Clara, d, late John Dewe chief 
P. O. Inspr., and relict F. D. Burrowes. 
entd. publio service, 1870; has held 
V'ar important and responsible 
POSItIO!lS; chief elk., 1893; secy. Dept. 
of RaIlways and Canals since 1897; 
I. S. 0., 1906; Ang.-480 2JIacLaren St., 
Ottawa; Rideau Club; Ottawa Golf 
Club, do. 
Jones, Hon, Sir Lyman Melvin, manu- 
fa.cturer; statesman. 
Welsh descent; s. Norman and 
Therese Jane (Patterson) J.; b. Co. 
York, Ont., Sept. 21, 1843; e. there; 
m., July, 1872, Louisa S. (a councillor 
of the Daughters of the Em'Pire' a 
V.-P. Can. Immigration Guild, 1910), d. 
late ThoOs. Irwin, Tecumseth, Ont.; as a 
young man entd. employ A. Harris, 
Son & Co., agT'ilCuL imploemen1t manfrs., 
Brantford, Ont.; admitted a partner, 
1872; sent to "\Vinnipeg, as We
lI'llarngr., 1879; 'Lat-er'boecame gent mangr. 
of co., and on the formation o.f the Mas. 
sey-Harris Co., 1891, moved to Toron- 
to, elected a dir., and apptd. 
man gr. of consolidated cos.; since 1902 
has been presdt. and genl. man gr. Mas- 
sey-Harris Co.; is also a dir. Verity 
Plow Co" Ltd., Brantford, Can. Cyde 
& Motor 00., Toronto, and ,presdt, Bain 
Waggon 00., Ltd., Woodstock, and 
JdhnSIOOn Harvesrt-er 00., iBataVlia, N.Y. ; 
eleoted a memo Toronlt'O :Bd. of Trode 
1893; a Ò/ir. N. S. Steel & Coal Co.' 
1901, and a dir. Oan. 'Bank of Com: 
meree, 1902; called to 'true Senate, by 
tIhoe Earl of :Minto, Jan. 21, 1901' 
knllghted by K'ing Geor
, 1911; pre: 
seruted ('WIlli a,nd !MIiss J.) '00 
Prince a,nd Pl'inocess 'Of WtaJles (now the 
King .and qrueen), LonðJon, July, 19().2; 
f)Tesenrt (wil1tJh M-TS. and Miss J.), by in- 
vitation, in .Westminster AJbbey, at 
royal coronatIon, Aug., 1902; has tra- 
velled extens!vely in Europe; rated by 
Saturday N1.ght as a II millionaire," 
1907; as presdt. Massey-Harris Co,. 
contributed $5,000 to nationalization of 
Plains of Abraham. 1908; while at 
WlnnIpe,g was an aM'., aIJ1Id dhal-rman 
Flruance Comt-e" 1886; may'Ü.r anrd V.-P. 
Erl. of Trade, 1887-8; returned to the 
Legislature, 1888, and was Treas. In 
the Greenway Admn., 1888-9; a Lib., 
and a "Warm personal friend of Sir W. 
Laurler; a Presb., and a man gr. New 
St. Andrew's Ob., Toronto.- tI Llaw- 
haden}' St. George St., Toronto; To- 
ronto Club; N ation<ll Club; Country 
and Hunt Club; R, Can. Yacht Club; 
Victoria Club; Toronto Cricket Club; 



Onto Jockey Club, do.; Rideau Club, 
II A businen man of the hil'hest stand. 
ing."-T. Globe. 
Jones, Mrs. Susan, author. 
D. late Robt. and - (Stairs) Mor- 
row, Halifax, N.S.; b. Halifax; e. 
there; m. CO'I. G. C. .JlCmes (q.v.); 
gained prize O'f $200 In N Y. Herald 
short story competition, Feb" 1903, for 
story of "The CO'rduroy Road" ;. author 
ot V'arious works of fiction, including "A 
Detached Pirate," "A Girl of the 
North," "The Fascinating of Mr. Sav- 
age," "The Career o.f Mrs. Osborne," 
.. The, or The Ribbonoo Way," 
and" Out of Drowning Valley"; .S()IIIle- 
times writes under tlhe nom-de-plume: 
.. Helen 'M1Uecøbe" ; oontri:butoes to Lip- 
pincott's and The Smart Set.-" Birken- 
fels," Rockliffe Park, Ottawa. 
.. A bright, vivacions, and good-looking 
woman."-H. Herald. 
Jones, Hen, Wendell Phillips, lawyer; 
S. late RandO'lph K. and GertrudE:- 
(Raymond) .J.; both U. E. L. descent; 
b. WO'odstock, N.B., Nov. 25, 1866; e. 
Woodstock Grammar Sch. and Dal- 
housie Univ.; m., 1888. Grace, d. Chas. 
D. .Joroan; .groJduaJted Boston Univ. 
Law Sch.; barrister, 1897; K.C., 1905; 
practised his prof. In Woodstock, N.H. ; 
has pleaded before P. C., In Eng.; 
been sch. trustee, memo Bd. of Educ., 
and commr. Provl. Hosp. for Cure O'f 
Nervous Diseases; secy.-treas. munici- 
pality O'f Carleton, N.B., 1899-1900; 
sat fO'r CarletO'n, N.B. (Local), 1903-b; 
was Solr.-Gent. (Robinson Cabinet), 
1905-8; Lib.; Ang.-Woodstock, N.B. 
.. A good speaker, and an aftab.1e 1\1Id 
courteous gentleman."-St. John Telegraph. 
Jones, William Evans, journalist. 
B. Swansea, Wales, May 12, 1828; 
e. Eng. (M.A., London Univ.), 1855; 
commenced journalism In Eng., 1847, 
at which time he was special corre- 
spondent in Ire!., during the rebellion 
and famine periods, for the London 
Morning Chronicle; was subsequently 
a co-worker, on the press, with .JO's. 
Hatton, the novelist; cO'ming to' Can., 
1858, purchased the Richmond Ad- 
vocate, which he has since published 
as The Guardian; some of the earllcst 
articles on prO'tectlon, confederatiO'n, 
and Imp. federat,ion appeared from 111s 
pen in this paper; founded, subse- 
quently, with the late Wm. Bowden, the 
CoaticoO'k Observer, and for a cO'uple 
or more yrs. published, simultaneously, 
no less than 4 newspapers, editing them 
all, viz., The Can. Scotsman, The Me- 
gantic Argu8, The Danville Union, and 
the Richmond Guardian; nOw O'ne of the 
very oldest jO'urnalists in Can.; retired, 
1909: apptd. a special emigration com- 
missioner In Eng., 1871, being a col- 
league while there of the late Hon. 
Thos. White, the representative of Onto 
In same interest; his lectures In Eng. 
and Scot. reed. extended notice In the 
press; fO'r nearly half a century secy.- 
treas. municipality of Cleveland; 10 
yrs. chairman Bd. of Examrs. O'f Sch. 
Teachers; first presdt. E. T. Press 

Assn., an office he has twice occupied; 
a trustee St. Francis ColI., Richmond; 
now engd. writing a history of Rich- 
mond; a Con., and for 3 yrs. presdt. 
Llb.-Con. Assn., Richmond and Wolfe: 
twice a candidate for parliamentary 
honours; a BaiPt.-Vancouver, B.C. 
"A careful thin:ke1J' a.nd a. good writer," 
-M. Gazette. 
.. A journalist with a oonscience."-Late 
Hon. H. T. Duly, K.G. 
.. A vig{)rons writer and of marked in. 
dependence."-Dom. Ill1J.strated. 
Jordan, Herbert Edwin, educationist. 
S. Frank .J.; b. nr. Lemonville, Ont., 
Feb. 18, 1878; e. there, Markham High 
Sch., McMaster Unlv. (B.A., 1900; 
M.A., 1901), and Chicago Unlv. (Ph.D., 
1904); m. Miss Neva Belle Mills, 
Chicago, Ill.; a prO't., Brandon Bapt. 
Coll., 1904-6; nO'w Instr. in math. and 
physics, Mich. ColI. of Mines, Hough- 
tO'n, Mich.; Bapt. -1
1 Ruby St., 
Houghton, Mich. 
Jordan, Bev, Louis Henry (Presb.). 
S. late Wm. and Anne (McElwalne) 
.J., Halifax, N.S.; b. there, .July 27, 
1855; e. Dalhousie Univ. (B.A. and 
Dutrerln gold med., 1875; M.A., 1878), 
Princeton Unlv., Edinburgh Unlv. 
(B.D., with med. In phil., 1882), Ox- 
fo-ro., Berlin, iMJarbulI"g and Leipzig; 
m., Sept., 1890, Catherine pollO'k, d. 
Hon. .Jas. McDonald (q.v.), late Chief 
.Justice of N. S.; licensed, 1879; 0., 
1882; pastor, St. Andrew's Ch., Hali- 
fax, 1882-5; do., Erskine Ch., Mont- 
real, 1885-90; lect. on Ch. Polity, 
Montreal Presb. ColI., 1887-9; pastor, 
St. .James's Square Presb. Ch., To- 
ronto, 1894-1900; since then has de- 
voted his whole time to travel and 
special study;' special lect. on cO'm- 
paratlve religion, Chicago Unlv" 1902; 
attended the Parlt. of Religions, 
Chicago, 1893; elected a corr, mem., 
.Japan SO'c" LO'ndon, Eng., 1891; 
author: .. The Pastor's Diary and 
Clerical Record" (1884), "The Com- 
munion Register" (1887), co Compara- 
tive RellgiO'n: Its Genesis and Growth" 
(1905); .. Comparative Religion: a 
Survey of Its Recent Literature" 
(1906); .. Comparative Religion: Its 
Method and Scope" (1908); .. The 
Study of RellgiO'n in the Italian Univer- 
sltles" (1909); "Modernism in Italy: 
Its Origin, Its Incentive, Its Leaders, 
and Its Aims" (1909); II Comparative 
Religion: Its Meaning and Value" 
(1910); has cO'ntrlbuted to the Rev. 
o( Theology and Philosophy, Hibbert 
Journal, Princeton Theol. Rev., Am. 
Journal of Theol., Biblical World, 
Westminster, etc.-ll Broad St., Ox- 
ford, Eng. 
.. A brilliant teacher and pre,aoher."- 
T. New.'/. 
Jordan, Bev, William aeorlre (Presb.), 
ed uca Uoni8t. 
S. Dennis and Elizabeth (Batty) 
.J. ; b. Whitby, Eng., 1852; e. Nat. 
sch., there, private study, London 
Univ. (B.A.), and Airedale ColI., Brad- 
fO'rd; later, a grad. In theol., Presb. 
CoIl., London, En
.; D.D. (hon.), 



Queen's Unlv., 1899; m., 1880, MarI- 
anne, d. J. B. Taylorson, Sunderland, 
Eng.; mlnr. United Meth, Free Chs., 
Eng., 1872-85; joined communion 
Presb. Ch, of Eng., 1878; mlnr" Dud- 
ley, 2 yrs.; came to Can., 1889; 
Presb. minr., Strathroy, Ont., 9 yrs.; 
prof. Hebrew and Old Test. exegesis, 
Queen's Unlv., Kingston, Ont., since 
1899; dharuoel,llOr'S .loect., 1906-7; was l'it. 
ed. Dom. Presbyterian (Ottawa); In 
addition to articles In Am. Journ. o( 
Theal., Biblical World, Westmi7t8ter, 
etc., is the author of .. Prophetic 
Ideas and Id-eals" (1902), .. The 
Philippian Gospel" (1904), .. Biblical 
Criticism and !Modern Thought " 
(1909), and" The Crown of Individu- 
allty" (1910).-76 ßydenham St., 
Kingston, Onto 
" Queen's ablest pro.fessor." - Dom. 
"A man of wide general eulture."- 
Glaøgow Herald. 
.. A scholarly and gr8cefnl writer."- 
J[ . Herald. 
Jost. 1\llls8 Kay. missionary, 
D. Rev. Cranswlck J., D.D. (Meth.) ; 
a graduate of Mt. Allison Ladles' Coll.; 
left for Japan, to join her sister, Miss 
Hattle J., in mission work In city of 
Kanazawa, Dec., 1908. - Kanazawa, 
Joussard. The Bight Bev. Henri 
Cèlestin (R. C.), Bishop. 
S. Fran<;ols and Mélanle (Joug) J.; 
b. St. Mlchel-de-St. Geolrs, l'Isere, 
France, Oct. 22, 1851; e. Notre- 
Dame-de-l'Osier and Notre-Dame-des- 
Lumiêres, France; D.D.; joined the 
Obla:t Order, 1873; o. 1880; missy. at 
St. Isidore, Sask., 1880-9; sU'perior at 
Vermilion, AHa., 1889-1909: l!l'P'Ptd. 
v10ar 8JPos'toUc aux. qp. of Arthabaska, 
Sept.., 1909: attended the Plenary 
Council, Quebec, 1909, aoo Eucharistic 
Congress, Montreal, 1910.-Bi8hop's 
Palace, Lesser Slave Lake, Alta. 
.. His life story is written in noble 
deeds and noteworthy accomplishments in 
the wildest parts of the oountry."- 
Joynt. Bobt, L,. merchant; legislator. 
Irish origin; s. John and Mary 
(Layng) J.; b. New Boyne, Ont., May 
22, 1845; e. there; m., July, 1874, 
Margt., e. d. Jas. Donovan. Portland, 
Ont.; has been Reeve of Augusta and 
Warden of Leeds and Grenville; a 
Con., and sat for Grenville (Local), 
1898-1905, when he retired; presdt. Gt. 
Prairie Invest. Co., Man., 1903; V.-P. 
ø Lake Onto NavIgation Co., 1904; Ang. 
--North Augusta, Onto 
Judd. Joseph Coulson. lawyer. 
S. Hubert Henry and Margt. (Coul- 
lIOn) J.; father from Devonshire; 
mothp.r from Yorkshire, Eng.; b. Lon- 
don, Ont., Feb. 1, 1864; e. pubUc sch. 
and London Call. Inst.; m., Oct., 18R8, 
DaJ!.sy, y. d. il8.lte F. W. Forman, Lon- 
don; barl'lster, 1886; K.C., 1908; suc- 
cessfully practises his prof. In London; 
ald., 1891-4, 1903-4; water commr., 
1895-7 (chairman, 1896) ; memo PubUc 
Library Bd., 1898-1902; Mayor of Lon- 
don, 1906-7 ; V.-P. Union of Can. Munl- 

cipalities, 1907-8; presdt, London " 
Port Stanley Ry., 1906-7; V.-P. Lon- 
don Can. Club, 1906; a royal commr. 
to Investigate charges re depty. oommr, 
o.f fisheries, Ont., 1905; do. do. do. 
chaTg'eS re govr. Tooonto Jadl. 1906; 
apptd. pollee magte., London, June 1st, 
1911; a Con., and unsuccessfully con- 
tested S. Middlesex (H. C.), In that In- 
terest, g. e. 1900; Ang.-173 Ridout St., 
London, Ont.; London Club; Travellers' 
Club; Baconian Club; Conservative 
Club, do. 
Judge. Bev, Arthur Korner (Ang.). 
S. CorneUus and Harriet (Horner) 
J., Bedfordshlre, Eng.; b. Montreal, 
Aug. 11, 1859; e, Unlv. Bishop's CoIl., 
Lennoxvllle, P.Q. (B.A., 1878; M.A., 
1882); m., 1884, Frederica Georgiana, 
rd d. Major Mathias, 2nd Queen's 
Own Regt., ".t1Jill ,Acres," Melbourne, 
P.Q.; O. deacon, 1882; priest, 1883; 
rector St. Peter's, CooksWre, P.Q., 
1882; curate Ch. of the Heavenly 
Rest, 5th Ave., N, Y., 1890; rector 
St. Johns, Franklin, Penn., 1895; 
since 1900 do. St. Matthew's Ch., N. 
Y.; presdt. Brl\ot. &:fus. and Universi- 
ties' Club, N. Y., 1904-5; as such, pre- 
sented by club with a handsome jewel 
of office.-32 W, 8
th St., New York. 
Judge. Edgar. merchant. 
B. Bedfordshlre, Eng.. 1833; e. there; 
m. (wife d. 1908) ; came to Can., 1857; 
was for a time associated with late 
Thos. Sellar, In publishing the Ech" 
and Proto Epis. Recorder, then the 
Ang. ch, organ In Ont.; removed to 
Montreal, and entd. mercantlle Ufe 
there, 1860; commenced business in 
the grain trade on hili own acoount, 
1865; was also ed, of Saturday Reader 
and of Trade Re1J.; was one of the 
originators of the Montreal Citizens' 
League, 1888; 
ater, a !promoter 'Of Ibhe 
Good Govt. Assn.; has long been con- 
neded with the Bd. of Trade (coun- 
cillor some yrs., treas. 3 and the 
Corn Exchange Assn. (presdt. 2 yrs.) ; 
presdt. Westmount Municipal Assn., 
1903-5 ; formerly treas. Montreal 
Ec-onomlc and Statistical Assn. and a 
memo Extve. Comte., .Montreal branch 
Navy League; Is a councillor, Montreal 
Pol. Econ. Club; ,formerly a Lib., and 
was presdt. of Y.M.'s RefoTm Club; 
since 1891 a Can.; an Ang. and a Synod 
del.-a The Sherbrooke," 1'.1 ontreal. 
II No 
ne is better known or is more 
highly respected in Montreal."-M. Star. 
Judge. Bev, Edward Percival (Ang.). 
E. s. Edgar J. (q.v.); b. and e. 
Montreal; m., Mch., 1894, Katie Martha, 
d. Geo. B. Capel, Montreal; graduated 
Montreal Dloc. Theol. ColI., 1890; O. 
deacon, 1890; priest, 1891; has been 
incumbent Papineauvllle and Mas- 
couche, P.Q.; now rector of Brame, 
P.Q.; V.-P. Sunday Sch. Union, P.Q., 
1909.-Brome, P.Q. 
,. Junius. Jr." (see Hellmuth, I. F.). 
Junkin. James Frederick. financial 
agent and broker. 
B. nr. Fenelon Falls, Ont., 1862; e. 
Peterborough High Sch.; m., 1889, 
iMilss Susan A. M'Organ (& memo extV'e. 
cOffilte. Woman' oS tA,rt Assn. of Can. ) , 


Qhdoa.g'O, 1i1l.; stJudJed f'Or moo. 'Prof. a.t 
TI'Ì'n. Undv., 'Doronoo, Þut arrer some 
Y'rs. entd. ,ins. fie.Id; Ð.gIent Sun Life 
Ass"U'r. Co., BrockviUe, and llaltør at 
Ot1aJwa and tÌ1!fIOIUghout Obtawa V8Jl- 
ley, be>OQlming ulltimate1y genl. .8Jgent 
8lt bead offi.ce; ræLgned" .1892, to 
aocept 'ProV'l. rnanageI'lShÏp!rs.' 
Lï.fe C'O., Montreal, whioh he ex- 
tEmdeð so as to include ;the foredgn 
òe!P't- ; promo1oo gteJ1ll. and 
mango dir. 'Of 00., May, 1895; Il"e- 
signed, May, 1007, to enter business 
on his 'Own a.ooou.nt; on anndver- 
sary of his appt. was presented with 
silver tea service by the co., In ap- 
preciation of his work; circled thA 
globe, 'Via Egypt, India, and China, 
1902; elected V.-P. Can. Life In
OtTr.s.' .Aossn., 190.4,-" Ra'Ven8tOold)' 
01"e8cent Rd., Toronto; National Olub. 
II A born in6u,rance man."-ln.. BuUe- 
Junor. Bev, David (Presb.). 
S. late Kenneth J" formerly of Inver- 
gordon, Scot.; b. London, Ont., July 20, 
1842; e. public schs. and Toronto Univ. 
(B.A.. witJh .sio1v>er med. in mØJt.h. and 
prize for Eng. essay, 1866; M.A., 
1869); m., 1870, Helen, d. Robt. 
Holmes, Detroit. Mich. ; barrister, 
1870; pra.ctised 4 yrs., at St. Mary's; 
removed to Wisconsin, 1872; admitted 
to Wis. bar, 1873, but did not prac- 
tise there; principal Berlin (Ont.) 
High Sch., and late. do. High Sch., 
Saginaw, Mich.; entd. Presb. ministry, 
1886; pastor Mt. Olivet Presb. Ch., 
Brooklyn, 1286-75; since then has been 
pastor old ch. of the Huguenots, 
Huguenot Park, Borough of Richmond, 
N. Y. City; active in public matters; 
a memo Borough Comte. 'On new ferry 
and the comte. to layout new 3,600- 
acre 'Park system; also of comte. of 
5 to look after the drainage of the 
borough. - Huguenot Park, Borough 
of Richmond, New York Oity, 
JUnor. Bev. Kenneth Frank (Presb.). 
Bro. of preceding; b. London, Ont., 
Aug. 31, 1846; e. St. Mary's Sch. and 
Toronto Un-iv.; tn., 1st. 1873, Miss E. 
J. Moore, St. Mary's, Onto (d. 1886); 1893, Mrs. Morrison", d. 1l3ite Jas. 
Campbell, Toronto; studied theol. at 
Knox ColI., Toronto, and Union Semy., 
N. Y.; graduated 1873;; o. do.; first 
Presb. pastor, Hamilton, Bermuda, 
1873-77; foreign moLssy., Formosa, 
China, 1877-82; M.D. (Univ. of N. Y.), 
1886; pastor De Witt Dutch Ref. Ch., 
1886-95; since then do. 34th St. Re- 

Kaburagi, Bev. Goro (Meth.). 
A memo clan of Chlba; b. Chiba-Ken, 
Japan; e. Imp. CoIl. of Forestry, 
Tokyo, and Upper Iowa Univ., Fay- 
ettE'; m. Miss Kaoru Jahiwara; pur- 
sued theol. studies Garrett Bib. Inst., 
Evanston, Ill.; admitted Meth. minis- 
try, 1879; a memo B. C. Conf., Can. 
Meth. Ch.; supdt. of Japanese work, 
and pastor Japanese Ch., Vancouver, 


form. C-oll. Ch.; lecturer on China ABd 
Formosa, Bd. of Educ., N, Y., for 80me 
yrs.; practising physician and con- 
sulting oculist Ideal Sight Restorer 
Co., N, Y.; formerly ed. Bermudian, 
Bermuda, and, later, of Christian Idea, 
N. Y.; an expert microscopist; a memo 
N: Y. Mlcroscop. Soc., Acad. of Med., 
Kings Co. Med. Soc., and N. Y. Ento- 
mological Soc. - .658 E. Twenty-ninth 
St., Brooklyn, N.Y, 
JurJ". Alfred p,. Dom. pubUc service. 
B. and e. Kent, Eng.; came to Can., 
1873; originally a tailor; all his life 
sln.ce manhood! has been closely ,Identi- 
fied with labour interests; served fre- 
quently as a memo Dom. Trades Oon- 
gress; contrI-bute-d to the Toronto Globe 
a series of pa.pers on the condition of 
the working classes, Its cause and 
remedy, 1880; contested Toronto E. 
(H. C.), In Lab.-Lib. Interest, g. e. 
1887; favoured commercial union, 
1888; a'pptd. memo Onto Prison Reform 
Coron., 1890; do. Dam. Immigration 
Agent, Liverpool, Eng., Mch., 1897.- 
Liverpool, Eng. 
II P.roud to be counted among hi. 
friends."-Late Prof. Goldwin Smith. 
"An effective public speaker and an old 
campaigner."-T. Globø, 
Just, Conradin Frederick. Dom. public 
B. Clifton, Bristol, Eng., Nov, 8, 
1857; e. Bristol Grammar Sch.; recd. 
a business training in Eng. and on 
Continent of Europe; apptd., Mch., 
1881, to statT of High Commr.'s Office, 
London, Eng., under late Sir Alex. 
Galt, where he remains; is the senior 
official In the Can. service In Gt. Brit.; 
served as Can. juror, Antwerp Intern. 
Exhn., 1885; acted subsequently as pri- 
vate secy, to Sir Chas. Tupper, 
Bart. (q.'V.); was on various special 
foreign missions, including the Postal 
Congress at Vienna, 1891; the 
Intern. Ry. Congress, 1892 and 
1895, and during the French treaty 
negotiations at Paris, 1893 and 1894, 
the first treaty concluded by a Brit. 
selt-governing colony; a frequent con- 
tributor to the Eng. and Can. press on 
commercial and economic subjects and 
va the ,proceed'ing1s .of V\arious SQoC'S.; 
awarded the Soc. of Arts med. for a 
paper on "The Manufacturing Indus- 
tries of Greater Brltain-Canada.... 
1905.-11 and 12 Oharing 01'088, Lon- 
don, S. W.; National Liberal Club, 
WJLitehall Place, B. W. 


B.C.; ed. Oanadian New8, the first and 
only Japanese daily published In Can,; 
was also the founder of the Vancouvcl" 
Weekly and The Star of Bethlehem; 
organized the first Japanese chUdren'. 
sch. in Can.; Is the only ordained min- 
ister among his people.-
Z8 Oordova 
St. E., Vancouver, B.O, 
"Kahn, The II (see Kernighan, Robert 



Kame, Hon. John Charles, legislator; 
S. late Ald. John and Ellen (Mc- 
Gowan) K.; b. Quebec, Oct. 18, 1854; 
e. Commercial Acad., Quebec; m., 1st, 
Jan., 1879, Miss Theresa Maria TuckeI' 
(d.); 2ndly, Feb., 1904, Miss Hel
Smith; a steamboat owner and lumber 
manfr. ; Can. representative Lake 
Champlain Transportation Co., and the 
pulpwood importing firm, Burleigh & 
Weeks, Whitehall, N.Y.; chief promoter 
K. & Bird Transportation Co. (L. P. 
1907); formerly presdt. St. Patrick's 
Lit. Inst., Quebec; author address on 
.. The Irishman in Can." (1907), high- 
ly commended; a Lib., and has repre- 
sented Quebec West (Local) since g. e. 
1904; called to the Quebec Govt., with- 
out portfolio, Jan., 1906; R. C.-
! Ste. 
Ursule St., Quebec. 
Kains, Archibald, banking profession. 
S. late "\Vm. King K., a native of 
Grenville, P.Q. ; grands. Thos. K., a re- 
tired naval offr.; family early settled 
In Ottawa Valley; b. London, Ont., 
Nov. 24, 1865; e. London ColI. Inst.; 
m., 1895, d. Geo. W. Donaldson, Ard- 
tornish, Pike Co., Penn.; since leaving 
sch. has been in service of Can. Bank 
of Commerce; was successively asst. 
mangr., Montreal; mangr., Chicago, and 
mangr., San Francisco; apptd. clearing 
house man gr. , San Francisco, being the 
first to hold the position, ApI., 1908; 
Ang.-9,U Chestnut St., San Francisco, 
Cal.;. Pacific Union Club, do. 
Kappele, George, Onto public service. 
German descent; s. late Rev. Stephen 
K. (,Meth.); b. and e. Ont.; m., May, 
1889, Kate Reece, o. s. d, Mary Bezin 
Heyes, Toronto; an undergrad. in law, 
T.oronto Univ.; barrister, 1883 (gold 
med., Can. Law Soc.) ; K.C., 1908; suc- 
cessfully practised his prof. In To- 
ronto; a partner late John Bain, K.C., 
and Wm. Laidlaw, K.C.; presdt. Os- 
goode Legal and Lit. Soc., 1890-1; ap- 
pOinted an official referee, Sept., 1907; 
a Meth.; a FrE'emason. - 9 Meredith 
Crescent, Toronto: Albany Club. 
Karn, Dennis Weston, manufacturer. 
S. late Peter and Priscilla (Thorn- 
ton) K., West Zorra, Co. Oxford, Ont.: 
b. there, Feb. 6, 1843; e. dlst. schs. and 
Woodstock ColI., of which he was sub- 
sequently treas. and memo Bel. Trus- 
tees; m., 1865, Elizabeth Hannah, e. d. 
late Ralph Featherston, West Zorra; 
presdt. K. Piano & Organ Co., Ltd., 
manfrs. pianos, organs, melodeons, and 
other musical instruments: !has built 
organs for many of the Ang., Presb., 
Meth., and Cath. churches In the Dom. ; 
In 1903 Installed in the Metropolltan 
Meth. Ch., Toron to, a pipe organ be- 
lieved to be the largest ever erected In 
Can. up to that time; has branch offices 
and warerooms In London, Eng., and 
Hamburg, Germany; has served In both 
Town and Co. Councils; was succes- 
sive.1y reev-e and ma
-or (Jf Woodstock, 
presdt. Bd. of Trade, and an electri
light and waterworks commr.; is a dir. 
Home Life Assn., V.-P. Trusts & Guar- 
antee Co., Dom. Permt. Loan Co., Peo- 
ple's Life Ins. Co., Woodstock & Thame!'l 

Valley & Ingersoll Electric Ry. System, 
and presdt. Woodstock Express Print- 
Ing Co. and Woodstock Genl. Hosp.; 
elected presdt. Can. Manfrs.' Assn" 
U97; a supporter of athletics; Is 
pr<'sdt. Lawn Tennis and Bowllng Club, 
and hon. presdt. Western Bowling 
Assn.; a Con.; Is hon. presdt. Wood- 
stock Con. Club, and contested N. Ox- 
ford (H. C.), unsuccessfully, in that 
intE'rest, g. e.'s 1891 and 1896; a con- 
tributor to Can. Horticulturist: a Frpe- 
mason, m'em. Can. Home Circl'EJS :and (J.f 
A. O. U. W.; a Bapt.; is a govr. and 
senator McMaster Unlv., and V.-P. 
Bapt. Convention, Onto and Quebec.- 
I< Woodbine," Woodstock, Onto 
.. Possesses a continental reputation lor- 
the excellence 01 his productll."-M. and E, 
Kaulbach, Major Henry Albert, H.M.'. 
regular mil. forces. 
O. s. Ven. .ATühCLeaoon (q.v.) and 
Ml3.ry S.oJpihia (IBradishaw) K.; b. Truro, 
N.,S. ; gradu;wted Royal M.i1. 0011., K
ston, 1899: m. A'}.ice, d. .la.te Rev. A 
J. Townsend: (iAmg.); a maj'Or, Royal 
Lanocast!er Regt.; 8il>ptd. aòjt. RDy'al 
Mil. 001'1., KiI1lgSton, Sept., 1908; held 
appts. 8)t St. HeJlenla, Belfast, and other 
places; served in S. Afrioan Wrar, 1899- 
1901 (mentioned in desp'abcbes. Qu.een's 
med., w:i,th 6 clasps); An,g.-Royat 
Military ,College, Kingston, Ont.; 
Frontenao Club, do. 
Kaulbach, The Venerable James Al- 
bert (Ang,). 
Third s. late J. H. K., high sheriff of 
Lunenburg, N.S.; b. Lunenburg, Aug. 
30, 1839; E'. local Grammar Sch. and 
Kir:g's Coli., Windsor (B.A., 186-1; 
M.A., 1868; D.D., 1900) ; m., ApI., 1876, 
Mary Sop.hda, d. laJte Jas. F, Bradshaw, 
QueblCiC; O. d'OOJC'on, 1&64; pr-ie<st, 1865; 
curate River Joohn
 1864-70; vicaT .ot 
Trur.o, 1870-03; rector d'O. since 1903; 
apptd. archdeacon of N. S. and a canull 
St. Luke's ,00000h" Hal,ifax, IMtay, 1889; 
has bf'en examg. chaplain to the Bp. 
of N. S.. since 1896; formerly a govr. 
of King's CoIL and ,0011. S'CIh., Wlnd's'O-r; 
has served as a del. to the prov!. an(] 
Geni. Synods; was a del. Pan-Ang. 
Congress, London, Eng., 1908; a del., 
Ang. Oh. Oongress, Hall fax , N.S., 1910: 
a d,ir. Can. Club, T.ruro.-Truro, N.S.; 
Canadian Club, do. 
Kavanagh, Henry John, lawyer. 
Irish origin: s. late Hy. K., Inspr, 
of customs of Can., and Mary A. H, 
(Horan) K.; b. Quebec, Oct. 30. 1850 
e.'O'PoHs ColI., Klng'St'On, St, 
Ma.ry's (JeS'U-it) OolL, anoei !M'oGUI Unlv. 
(B.C.L., 1878), Montreal; m., Oct., 
1904, Minnie, d. late Ohas. Crookall, 
Merehants' Bank (Jf Can.; oadV'OCat-e, 
1879; K..C. (E. of Derby), 1893; d(J. 
(P.Q.), 1899: head (}If law firm K" 
Lajoie & Laooste, 'Montrøal; oR. 0., 
unl<ÌJC'r E. F. AJc.t, Mont're-al OentI"1e, 
1885 ; clOffilPiIe.r of an 00. of II The OivU 
Ood.e 'Of Lower Oan." (1898); a memo 
Intern. Truth Soc., 190-6: ,presdt. Cath. 

'rut!h Soc., Monrtr.eal, 1896-7; do. ,St. 
Patr,iock's Soc., Moontr-ea-l, 1909-10; a 
del. Irisih Nat. C.on vent,i on, Dub),in þ 
Irel., 1896; elected a dir. Moontreal 
Citizens' Assn., 1910; a Con. ; a R. C.- 



19 Lome A ve., Montreal; Knights 01 
Columbus, do. 
.][avanagh, Bev, Isidore J" S..J. 
Bro. Henry J. K. (q.v.); b. Mont- 
real, 1855; e. Commercial Acad., St. 
Mary's (.Jøsui-t) 0011., St<mey- 
burst, Eng., and St. Francis Xavier 
COlli., N.Y. (B.:A.., 1878; B.Sc., dlO.; 
M.A., 1905); D.Sc., hon. (St Francis 
Xavier Univ., Antigonish, N.S.), 1909: 
-entd. S. J. and was o. 1888; studied 
at Stoneyhurst under Father Perry, 
S.J., dir. astron. and mag. observa- 
tory; took post-grad. course at Owens 
ColI. (Victoria Univ.), under Dr. Bal- 
four Stewart and Sir Hy. Roscoe; his 
geol. work on Lower Carboniferous at- 
tracted attention of Brit. Assn., South- 
port; spent 2 years In Europe In theoI. 
study, after 0.; returning to Can., was 
101' 4 yrs. prof. of science, St. Boni- 
face ColI., Man.; also math. examr. 
Man. Univ. and pastor Portage la 
Prairie; since 1896 has been science 
master Loyola ColI., Montreal, and 
chaplain Royal Vie. Hosp., Montreal; 
a noted astronomer, and a memo Royal 
Astron. Soc.; was a memo of the Can. 
Govt. Expdn. to Labrador for the c b- 
servation of the solar eclipse, 1905 
(see his report, published by ParIt.) ; 
well known as a lecturer.-Loyola Col- 
lege, Montreal. 
Kay, Oeorge :E'rederick, educationist. 
S. Jos. S. K., Virginia, Ont. : b. there 
Sept. 14. 1873: e. Owen Sound CoIl. 
1nS't., Toron'to Un-iv. (B..A., 1900; M.A., 
1902), and Ohicago Uruiv.: m. Miss 
Bethea H. Hopper, Paisley, Ont.; J)rin- 
dopal pubHc SM., Zephy'l', Orbt, 1892-4; 
fellow in geol., Chicago Univ.. 190
asst. .prof. mineral. and p.etroÞogy, Kan- 
sas Univ., 1904-7; prof. minerel., petro- 
}logy, anod economic g-eol., Univ. of 10"\',"3., 
since 1907; was asst. geol., Algoma 
CoommeI"Cial Co., Sault Ste. !Marie. 
1901-3; field asst., Onto Bureau of 
Mines, 1903; do. do. U. S. Qeol. Survey 
during summers 1905-7; author various 
scientific papers; Presb.-Iowa City, 
Xaye, Edmund George, lawyer. 
S. late J. J. K.. Q.C., and Anne 
Elizabeth (Bonsall) K.; U. E. r.... 
stock on mother's side; b. and e. St. 
John, N.B.; unm.; barrister, 1879; 
K.C., 1907; successfully practises his 
prof. In St. John-; for some yrs. was a 
leet. on bills and notes and ,private 
intern. law, King's Coll. Uaw Sch., St. 
John; Lib.; Ang.-l0 Peel St., St. John, 
Halifax Club, Halifax, N.S. 
Xaye, Major John Henry, Can. regu- 
lar mil. forces. 
S. late J. J. K., Q.C.. St. John, N.H ; 
b. there, June 28, 1869; e. there; m., 
Oct., 1903, Ida Beatrice, o. d. late 
Brig.-Genl. Buchan, C.B.; gazetted 
Heu-t., R. C. R. I., 1898; capt., 1904; 
major, 1909; servoo odouring oS A. War 
{Queen's med., w.ith 4 dasps) ; Am
Wolseley Barracks, London, Ont.; 
Halifax Club, Halifax, N.S. 
Xeane, Mrs. Amy Hoskin, author and 
D. late L. J. Hoskin, a prominent 

pioneer of the Newcastle Dlst., Ont., 
and a Can. mother, through whom ::;ht> 
Is connected with several old Frencl1- 
Can. families; b. Co. Northumberland, 
Ont.; e. by her father; studied music 
under !private m:asteoI"S and at t'he Cong. 
de Notre Dame, Ottawa; m., Nov., 188í, 
M. J. Keane, M.D., Brantford, Ont.; a 
memo .. The Daughters of the Empire" ; 
Introduced the custom therein of com- 
memorating the services of the mems. 
of the S. A. contingents, by presenting 
each of the survivors with a com- 
memorative card and boutonniere of 
violets on Victoria Day, on which da)p 
thE' order authorizes the wearing of thE' 
,-Iolet; author of a vol. and of numer- 
ous articles for the press, as well as or 
the mil. song, II The Colonials and tIlt' 
Flag," which has passed through 2 
eds., has been approved by His Majes- 
ty the King, and sanctioned for use In 
the public schs. and other educational 
institutions of Ont.-Brantford, Onto 
Keane, JOhn, civic service. 
B. Co. Tyrone, Irel.; e. there; came 
to Can., 1874; m., July, 1902, Miss :May 
Electra Allan, Ottawa;' has been secy. 
for many yrs. of the Assoc. Charities 
and Children's Aid Soc., Ottawa; {! 
PrE'sb.-292 Kent St., Ottawa. 
Kearney, Thomas James, merchant. 
E. s. family of 5; b. Tp. Smith, Co. 
Peterborough, Onto (where family has 
Î'l:'en settled since 1825), 1872; e. pub- 
lic sch., Young's Point; unm.; went to 
Klondike, 1898; an extensive and suc- 
cessful merchant; nominated for H. C. 
by Yukon Lib. convention, 1904, but 
retired in favour of Dr. Thompson, who 
flccepted the Lib. platform and was 
elected; a R. C.-Bonanza, Yukon. 
:Keary, Wnliam Holland, late Dom. 
public service. 
B. ApI. 27, 1857; for some time ac- 
countant, storekeeper and sch. master. 
B. C. Penty.; elected Mayor of New 
Westminster, B.C., being his 80th con- 
secutive Ite-rm., Dec., 1909; elected 
preSidt. Union of B. C. Municipalities, 
1909...10; has been provl. p.resdt. Union 
Can. Municlp.a;lltles.-New Westmin- 
ster, B.C. 
:Keating, Cecil A" manufactu.rer. 
IS. W. H. and Eliza W. K., Halifax, 
N.S.; b. Halifax, -Mch. 20, 1850; e. pub- 
lic schs.; m., 1877, Miss Nellie C. Joy", 
Kankakee, Ill.; began mfg. Implements, 
Chicago, 1870; now presdt. Keating 
Implement & Machine Co. and Texas 
Disc Plow Co. ; also, since 1891, presdt. 
Trinity River Navigation Co., organ- 
ized for purpose of securing Govt. aid 
to convert Trinity River from Dallas 
to Gulf of Mexico, 500 miles. into a 
can a,}, for which .purpose Congress 
has appropr.iated. a;oout $1,000,000; al90 
presdt. Texas State Fall' Comn. ; 
spoken of as a candidate for govr.- 
Dallas, Te:r;, 
.. In the very fore.front of bu&inea. 
and municipal life."-Dalla. New.. 
Keating, Edward Henry, civil en- 
Fourth S. Wm. Hy. K., barrister, Co!' 
many yrs. Depty. provl. Secy. of N, S.; 



b. Ha:Lifa.x, N.s.. Aug. 7, 1844; e, Free 
Ch, Acad. and Dalhousie Univ.; m. 
Mary Little, e. d. J. Fleming Blanch- 
ard, Truro, N.S.; studied enging. under 
Oeo. Whiteman, C.E., prov!. Oovt. en- 
gineer, and Sir Sandford Fleming 
(q.v.): a memo lnst. C. E., London, 
1873; do. Am. .soc. of C. E.; a memo Can. 
Soc. C.E. (past presdt. and hon. coun- 
ciUor do.); has filled the following 
poelUons: ass1. eng.r., Pdctou Exten- 
sion Ry., N. S.; chief draughtsman, 
Vnndsor and Annapolis Ry., do.; con- 
tractors' engr. European and N. Am. 
Ry., N. B.: asst. engr. different divs. 
Intercl. Ry., N. S. and N. B.; div. en gr. 
In ohaI'lge IOf .exp1omtlon C. P. Ry. ; city 
ell gr. and chief engr. of waterworks, 
Halifax, N.S.; also resident engr. Halt- 
tax Graving Dock, 1872-90; city engr., 
Duluth, Minn., and designed extensive 
Improvements in watprworks system 
there, 1891; city engr., Toronto, 1892-8 ; 
genl. man gr. Toronto St. Ry., 1898- 
1904: mangr. and engr. Mackenzie &: 
Mann Syndicate, Mexico, 1904-5; since 
then consulting engr. K. & Breithaupt, 
Toronto; was a royal commr. re dry- 
dock, Montreal, 1903; has designed 
waterworks for various towns and 
cities, besides sewerage works and 
other Improvements; author of numer- 
ous papers and reports on technical 
and proto sujects; a Con.; an Ang.- 
"9 Elm A'Ve., Toronto; Toronto Club; 
Engineers' Club, do. 
.. An able and honest engineer."- 
.. A man of tad and dip]om-aey."- 
Oan. Archftecf. 
Keating, Miss Heloise :1" harpist. 
D. E. H. K. (q.'V.); b. and e. Can.; 
pursued studies at the Conservatolre. 
Royal dp Bruxelles; awarded first prizp 
(avec di3tinction) , rogetJber with the 
Queen's prize, 1906: joined stall' '1'0- 
ronto Oonserv. of Music, 00.-99 Elm 
A'Ve., Toronto. 
.. Keats, The Cana41an" (see String- 
er, Arthur John). 
Ke.7, Herbert 0., educationist. 
S. Orestes H., a.tJty.-at-Ia.w, and Ma
A. K.; b. Laconla, N.H., Aug. 15, 1875; 
e. Sanborn Semy., N. H., and Mass, 
[nst. Tech., Bostún, Mass. (B.Sc.); a 
mech. engr,; wl'fu IPenn. Steel 00., .1900- 
D1; ch'lef diraughtsman Boston & :Maine 
Ry., Bost'Ûn, Mass., 1901-06; asst. prof. 
mech. enging. McGill Unlv., 1906-8; 
apptd. prof. transportation and head 
of dept. of railways. do., May. 1908.: 
a Prot.-210 Milton St., Montreal; Un
versity Club, do. 
Keefer, Benjamin Berr7, j ouma.ll st. 
Seventh S. late Jacob and ChrlsUna 
Th(.resa (Grant) K., Beaver Dams and 
Thorold, Ont.; U. E. L. descent: b. 
Oct. 23. 1848; e. Thorold; m., Nov., 
1876, Bessie A. Starr (d. ). d. Thos. 
Allan, merchant and shipowne,:. .Yar- 
mouth, N.S.; entd. Meth. mInIstry. 
1868; held pastorates. Brantford, Lon- 
don. Guelph, Hamilton. Wing-ham, e.te. ; 
withdrew from ministry. 1892; SInce 
devoted himself to journalism; was on 
ed. staff Hamilton Spectator and Ot- 
tawa Citizen; since Mch., 190i, has 

bßen ed. and propr. The Glengarrian, 
Alexandria: autJhor several sermon-a 
and loect'Ures; a Oon.-Alexandria, Ont, 
(D. Ottawa, June 19. 1911.) 
Keefer, Charles Henr7, civil engineer, 
E. ,so '1'. C. K., LL.Ð., C.M.G. (q.'V.); 
U. E. L. descent; b. Rideau Hall, Ot- 
tawa, May 7, 1851; e ,there; m., 1877: 
Lucy M. (a dlr. W'Ûman's Art Assn., 
Ottawa), d. late Alpheus Jones, Pres- 
cott, Ont.; studied! for his prof. with 
hIs father; a charter memo Soc, C. E., 
1887; V.-P, do., 1905; employed on 
prt:Ilmlnary survey for Ottawa water- 
works, 1869, and, later, on another 
survey tor Can. Govt.; engd. On con- 
structllon, C. P. Ry. (Ottawa and Carle- 
ton ,Pla.oe), 1870; do, dl(). Chaudlere 
branch, St. Lawrence & Ottawa Hy., 
1871; do. do. Ottawa waterworks, 1871- 
75; on location of surveys, Ypllow 
Head, Rocky .M,ts., C. .P. Ry., 1876-7; 
after devoting several yrs. to harbour 
wûrks and surveys for ship channel 
bf'tween Montreal and Quebec, and 
bridge and ry. work, undertook work 
in connection with location and con- 
struction of branches In Penn. of N. Y., 
Lake Erie & Western Ry., and of the 
tructlon on that line of the well- 
known Klnzua Viaduct. 301 ft. in 
heLg.hit and 2,053 in length; subse- 
Quently was employed On constn.ction 
of C. P. tRy.: dn Kicking Horse Pass, 
B.C.; sInce then has been employed. III 
canal W'O'l"k; at 'Present .Is In !J>8,rtner- 
ship with his son, '1'. C. K., jr., late 
Heut. R. E., Ottawa, making a specially 
of reports and construction water-pow- 
el"S, 'W'8.'terW()Tkis, sewerage, bflidges 18.00 
rys.; An.g,: presented site for new Ch, 
of Eng. at iRoekl:iffe, 1909.-" Elnt- 
wood," Rockliffe, Ottawa; Rideau Club; 
Ottawa Hunt Club, do. 
Keefer, Fra.ncls Hen17, lawyer. 
S. Jas. K., co. elk., Middlesex, Ont.; 
grands. Geo. K., Thorold, Ont.; U. E. 
L. descent; .b. StmJbhroy, Onrt., Jully 24, 
!EGO; e. local grammar sch., U. C. 
ColI., and Toronto Unlv. (B.A., 1R81; 
MJA., 1882; LL.B., do.);. m.. J.884, 
knnle, d. Capt. A. W. Dailey, N.Y.; 
barrister, 1884; K.C., 1908; suc- 
cessfully pmotls-E!lS hl.s p.rof. in Port 
Art-hur, where he Is one I()f the 
loee.doers 'Ûf the bar, town solr., and 
Crown .counsel fbr the dlst.; V.-P. 
U. C. Coil. Old! Boys' Assn., 1910; a 
Con., and unsuccessfully con tested 
Thunder Bay and Rainy River (H. C.) 
In that Interest, g. e. 1908; an Ang., 
and a del. to the Synod: a memo Nat. 
Comte. Ang. Layman's Missy. Move. 
ment 1909; an official del. BI-Cent. 
Ang.' Ch, celebration, Halifax, N.S., 
191i; an Od'difellow and a Forester.- 
Port Arthur, Ont.; Port Arthur Club. 
Keefer, George Alexander, civil engr. 
Second and only surv. s. late Oeo, 
K, jr., C.E., Thorold, Ont.; U. E. L. 
descent; b. Cornwall, Ont., Sept. 10, 
1836; e. U. C. OoLI.; m. Oh.wrllOtte 
Maude, y. d. late Dan!. MacMartin, 
Q.C., Perth, Ont.; a memo Inst. C. E., 
Am. Soc. C. E., and Can. Soc. C. E.; 
first employed on survey G. T. R., 
Montreal t'Û Cúrnwall, and 18Jter on V. 



A: O. branch, under late Wm. Kings- 
ford, C.E., and afterwards on Brock- 
vllle & Ottawa branch, under his uncle, 
the late Saml. Keefer, C.E.; was, sub- 
sequently, chief engr. Belleville &: N. 
Hastings Junction Ry., from BellevUle 
to Peterborough, and made the first 
exploration for a direct line of ry. 
from Ottawa to TOI'lonto (nowC.,P. Ry, 
roube); entering Govt. serv'i'Ce, 1872, 
was employed in prellminary surveys 

r C. P. Ry. -in JOO.cky iM'ts., through 
the Yellow Head Pass, wintering In 
the Rockies, and remained in that ser- 
vice until the completion of B. C. sec. 
by Govt., and Its transfer to the co., 
1886; constructed one of the heaviest 
secs. In Fmser River Canyons (on 
w'hdch a S'tat1o:n named Koofers 
s es- 
tab.); afterwards constructed water- 
works for city of Vancouver, by bring- 
Ing the waters of the Capitano River 
from the m ts. on the north side of 
Burrard Inlet by a submerged pipe In 
a rapid tide-way; also dykes and 
drainage works In B. C.; since May, 
1!I00, has been resident engr. of Dom. 
Public Works in B. C.: whf'n the Rus- 
stan engrs. examined the C. P. Ry., pre- 
vious to the commencement of their 
Siberian road, they offered a Can. 
eyndicate a contract for the terminal 
sec. on the Pacific, at Vladivostock, at 
prices which Induced the syndicate to 
send over an en gr. (Mr. K.) to ex- 
amine and report In the matter; be 
took steamer from Victoria to Japan, 
and then to Vladivostock, going over 
the proposed route between tbat sea- 
port and the Amoor River, and rf'- 
porting thereon to. bls employers on 
his return: Is a councillor Can. Soc. 
C. E.; hoMs a 1st olass M. S. oert., 
and was a commissioned otrr. In the 
Vol. Mil. for some yrs.: an An
Vfctoria, B.C.; Union Club. do.; West- 
111inster Club, New West111inster, B.C. 
Keefer, ':rhoma. Coltrin, civil engin- 
Grands. of an AJsatian Huguenot 
who carne to Am. In early llfe, set- 
tling In the Brit. Colony of N. J., and 
who afterwards served In the Brit. 
army during the Am. Revolutionary 
War; s. Geo. K., aU. E. Loyalist, and 
Jane, d. Ed,ward McBride, M.P.P.; b. 
Thorold, Ont., Nov. 4, 1821; e. St. 
Catharlnes Acad. and U. C. CoIl.; 
LL.D. (hon.), McGIII Unlv., 1905; m., 
1st, 1848, Ellzabeth (d. 1870), y. d. 
late Hon. Thos. IMcKlay, M.L.-C., Rideau 
Ha1J, Ottawa; 2ndly, 1873, her sister 
Annie, (d. Dec., 1906), widow John 
McKinnon, Ottawa; commenced career 
as an engr. on the 'Erie and Well and 
canals, 1838-45; was chief engr. Ot- 
ta;wa River Works, 1845-8: later was 
charged wLth .surveys for the naviga- 
tion of the Taß)dds of the St. Lawrence, 
and still ,Yater (1850) was sent by the 
Can. Govt. to assist the U. S. Consul 
to report on Can. trade wltlh the U. .S. ; 
alSo() assisted dn preparing a second 
report, Which, with the 'Other Teport, 
led to the Reciprocity Treaty of 1854; 
8ibout this time was engd. in making 
preliminary surveys for the G. T, Ry., 
between iMontreal and Toronto, and 

for a ry. bridge over the St. Lawrence 
at Montreal; served as a commr. 
Intern. Exbn., London, Eng., 1857 and 
1862, and as Can. commr., Parus Exbn., 
1878; ('Presented to the late King 
Edward; cre'ated an officer of tobe 
Legion of Honour; C.M.G., 1878) ; engr. 
Montrea-l HJatíbour OommTs., 1853 ; 'lste<r 
constructed '\Vater works, Montreal. 
HamUton and Ottawa, and /Was for 
some tim
 chief en.g1I'. to V'arious rys. 
in U
r and Lower Can., and Intern. 
oommr. for deeper watel'lWays between 
the Great Lakes and the Atlantic sea- 
boo,Td; Slerv>ed 'bhe muntry in many 
'Other oaJpacltle.s and w,lrtJh ,great 
benefit Ithe
rt'O a.nd oredit ot'O himself; 
WIOIl Lord Elgin's þI'lIz.e f'Or tlhe be&t 
essay on II The Influence 'Of ,the Cana:1. 
of Canada on her Agriculture" (1850); 
aJS'O au.thor of .. The RhiIosophy of 
RaUwa}'1S" (1849) and, otJher works, dn- 
clud,lng one advocating t'he construc- 
Uon of a .can. Pacific Ry.; F.R.S.C., 
-1891; V.-P. do., 1
97; presd,t. do., 
1898; mem. II1ß'Ì. C. E., 1877; a memo 
Am. Soc. C. E. (V.-P. do., 1886-7; 
presdt., 1888; desired to sit for hi. 
portrait for the soc., 1905); one of 
the f-ounders of the Can. Soc. C. E. 
and Its first presdt., 1887; re-elected 
pre.sdt., 1897; an hon. memo do. since 
1903, and an hon. mem. of various 
other bodies; presdt. Rideau Club, 
1881; 'has .served on various OCCasloM 
as a Royal' Oomrmor., noo1aJbly 'in CJOIIJ.- 
neot1()n wltlh 'fue C. IP. Ry. and torue ice 
ft.oodl9 rat ,M'Ol1itreal; A'llrg.-" ManoT 
House," Rackliffe, Ottawa; Ridea# 
Club; Canadian Club, Ottawa. 
.. His emri'nent pThblic services wiLl merit 
aome further ma.rk .of Ro-y&1 f.a.voor--øhaU 
we have the great pJe.asure of greeting him 
IIIC)]J1e day as Sir Thooon>as î"-O. Citizen. 
II His enginooring works Ohave madehil 
Di&1De f.amiliar throughout Osnada" and hiI 
writings have stamped him u & man of foresight IÍD jpUblic aff.ai1'8."- 
T, Globe, 
Keefer, William .apier, 18Ite øurg.- 
major, Bengal army, 
U.E.L. descent; o. S. s. late Peter 
K., Galt, Ont.; b. 'Dhorold, Ont., Dec. 
17, 1844; e. Galt Grammar Sch., To- 
ronto Univ. (B.A., with 1st prize in 
agrlcul., 1864) and McGill Univ. 
(M.D., 1869) ; m., Dec., 1889, Allee Eu- 
genia, 2nd d. Matthew Wilks, of N.Y., 
and of Crulckston Park, Galt, Ont.; 
M.R.C.S., Edln., 1869;, ust. surg., 
H.M.'s Army, 1870; surg., 1876; 
surg.-major, 1881; retired, 1889; dur- 
Ing his mil. career, served under Lord 
Roberts In Ithe Af.ghan war, being 
present at the battle of Alt--Musjld, 
p.nd under Lord Wolseley In the 
Egyptian campaign, taking part tn 
the battle of Tel-el-Kebir and the 
forced march on Cairo, when Arabl 
Pasha was cap,tured; besides these en- 
gagements, also served throughout 
several frontler campaigns In India. 
where he spent more than 15 yrs. of 
his life (med.) ; elected presdt., Unltoed 
Empire Loyalist Assn., 1910; has con- 
trdbu-ood to /the Trans. of the Can. Mil, 
lnst.; .Amg._ Cl Seof}unge," Galt, Ont.; 
Canadian Military Institute, Toronto. 



Keegan, Miss Mary, author. 
D. late Geo. W. K., barrister, Ham- 
Ilton, Ont., and Margt., y. d. Stoddard 
Bates; U. E. L. stock; family came to 
Onto from N. S., 1833; e. Loretta and 
Sacre Cæur Convents and Paris; af- 
terward travelled In the East, Includ- 
Ing Palestine, and Europe; took up 
acting as a career, playing first at 
iMja11,gr3.te, fina-llY' .Loo1dÛ'Il'; a memo CIOS. 
of Mr. Tree, SiLr Joom Ifure. an.dJ -Mir. 
Oomyn Oa.rr; 3JllS() 'Pllayot?'d 13. g{)l(}d .(1.001 
for the Ind. and New Century Thea- 
tre Socs.; gave up acting and went 
Into lItera.ture, producing principally 
fiction and contributing to the West- 
minster, Budget. Sketch. Lady's Pic- 
torial, Household Words, Pearðon'ð, 
and .other lpeI1Î; 
-enltJly .has 
been: clos.eJY' ,ldeDiNfioo with ltJhe 
Women's and Bolitica;l Unllon, 
of Lorud'On. Eng; a Lib.; 13. R. C.- 
Writers' Club, 10 Norfolk St., Strand, 
London, W., Eng.; Portscatho, R. S. 0., 
Cornwall, Eng. 
Keeley, David Herbert, civil engin. 
eer; Dom. pubþlc servioce. 
B. June 11, 1858; originally In the 
service of the Dom. Telegraph Co; 
ap. asso. memo Can. Soc. C. E., 1887; 
won Gzowski med., 1890; a memo of 
the Soc. C. E., 1895; a councl11 or, do., 
1897; asst. supdt. Govt. tellegraphs In 
Can., 1882; hlas 'boon supod,t. do. -dIO. 
since the death of F. N. Gisborne, 
C. E., 1895; an Ang.; m. d. late Rev. 
J. G. Armstrong (Ang.) (d.)-470 Mac- 
Laren St., Ottawa. 
.Keely, Boyal B" electrical and mech- 
anical engineer. 
Scotch-Irish-Am. origin; b. New 
York, Sept., 1875; a graduate Cornell 
Univ., Ithaca, N.Y.; m., 1905, Miss 
Marjorie Woods, Chicago, Ill.; operat- 
Ing municipal light, power. and tel 1:'- 
!phone system, waterworks and søwerage 
systems; for some yrs. has been city 
engr., Edmonton, Alta.; admitted jun- 
ior memo Am. Soc. Mech. Eng-r!"., 1900; 
f.ulll mem., 1906; ;mlem. N. Y. Ra.Hroo.d 
Club, 1901; do. Soc. of Arts, London, 
Eng., 1906; do. Can. Elect. Soc., 1906; 
do. Can. Soc. C. E., 1907; engr. West- 
inghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., 1900-4; 
prof. enging., Univ. S. Dak., 1904-5; 
served as elect. engr. U. S. Navy dur- 
Ing Spanish-Am. War; has travelled 
and studied In Europe; an advocate of 
munldpa.l owneTSlhiiip, .christian ISclen:- 
tist. - Edmonton, Alta.; Edmonton 
Keenan, Campbell Brown, physician. 
S. D. D. K., Ottawa; Scotch origin; 
b. Ottawa, Ont., 1871; e. Ottawa ColI. 
Inst. .am.d .MoGUI Uiruiv. (!M.D.,C.M., 
1897) ; m., Ap1., 1905, WJnnlifr>ed (hO'Il. 
recording secy. Can. Handicrafts Guild, 
1910), e. d. late John T. Hagar, 
MiontreaJ; was S\.1!CIC'es-slvely jU'n
o-r and 
senior resldenlt surg., Ro
l Victoria 
Hasp. ; reg\Ï.g:n.ed, 1900, toO :aooe;plt 
a,ppt. as 'Surg.-H'OOlt. in Lord StraJth- 
eon a's H'Ûrse, on Us or-ganlæU'Ûn for 
service In S. A.; was present wl.tftJ. 
that corps in the engagements with 
the enemy in which it participated 
(moo.; menti'Oned In despaJtJcthes; and 

D. S..O.); aJIJiP'td. SUl'g., Roya;l 
Viictlol'La. Hiooop., 1901; asst. dem'On. 
cliÏn. sur.g>ery, !McGiLl Undv., 11905; 
Pl'eSIb.-.!76 Mountain St., Montreal; 
University Club, do. 
KeeDleyside, Ellis William, insurance 
S. late Anthony K.. oil producer and 
refiner, London, Ont.; Eng. and Irish 
origin; b. and e. London, Ont.; m. Mis!'! 
Margt. Irvine; for many yrs. eng-d. In 
Ins. business, first in Onto and latterly 
In R. C., where he is provl. mangr. 
North Am. Life Assur. Co.; a dolr. Dam. 
Trust Co., and of Y. M. C. A.; Lib.; 
Mf:th.-1115 Comox Street, Vancouver, 
B.C.; Canadian Club, do. 
Kehoe, Bev, John (R.C.). 
B. Co. Wlcklow, I reI. , 1863; e. par- 
Ish sch. and Carlow CoIl.; O. 1890; 
came to Can., do.; asst. priest St. 
Mary's Cath., Kingston, Ont., for 6 
yrs.; first pastor Cushendall, Ont., 
1896; rector St. Mary's Cath., King- 
ston, 1899; pastor Gananoque, Onto 
since Oct., 1906.-Gananoque, Onto 
Kehoe, His Honour John James, dis- 
trict judge. 
S. late John K., Ott8lwa: b. there, 
Sept. 2, 1854; e. Ottawa Un:iv. (LL.D., 
hon., 1909) ; m., 1st, Jan., 1878, Theresa 
L. (d.), y. d. Oeo. Hanlover, AJlmlOnrte, 
00lt.; 2ndll')", ,Sejpt., 1886, 'Dheresa (d). 
d. P. WlheÏ'l:hl3JI1
 St. !:\fu,ry's, Ont.; 
3rdly, Miss Catherine Brandon, Em- 
m-eltit, M'llcIh.; ,barrister, 1876; co. atty., 
Djst. .AJlglOma, 18-84-1904; district jud!ge, 
Sudbury, since July, 1908; practised his 
prof. at Sault Ste. Marie; an unsuc- 
cessful candidate. in Lib. interest, for 
Al}igoma West (iH. C.), g. e. 1904; was 
ed. T<>ron'to Tribune, 1875-6; d'Û. 
Stratford Adverti8er, 1883-4; a contri- 
butor to the Can. mags. and other 
periodicals; author .. Law of Choses 
In Action" and .. Municipal and 
Assessment Guide"; R. C.-sudbury, 
Ont.,' Algoma Club, do. 
10 A man of splendid legal attainments." 
-0. Free Pre88. 
Kehoe, Louis J" lawyer. 
Irish origin; S. William K., gov- 
ernor Carleton County Jail; b. Ot- 
tawa, 1872; e. Ottawa University 
(B.A., 1894); barrister, 1897; prac- 
tised In Ottawa; elected presdt. St. 
Patrick's Lit. and Sclen. Soc.. Ottawa, 
l!ìC5; do. do. Ottawa Reform Assn., 
1909; a memo Knights of Columbus and 
Cath. Order of Forl:'sters; while at col- 
lege was prominently Identified with 
the Unlv. Athletic Assn. ; Lib.; R, C.- 
;5 Nichola8 St., Ottawa. 
Keirstead, Rev. Elias Mlles (Ba,pt.), 
S. late Rev. Elias K. (Bapt. ) and 
Margt. (Ganong) K.; U. E. L. de- 
scent; b. Collina, N.B.. Feb. 11, 1850; 
e. local schs., N. B. Unlv. (B.A., 1873), 
and AcadIa Un-Iv. (M.A., 1883; D.D., 
1895); m., 1st, June, 1877. Mary J. 
(d.), 2rud! d. Jooel Fenwiok, !MiLlstrooam, 
NÆ,; 2llJdily, .July, 1894, Mary A., d. 
mile HoOn. D. MeN. 'Parker, IM.D., M.L.C., 
Dartmouth, N.S. ; pursued tl1eol. 
studies Newton Theal. Inst.; LL.D., 



h-on. (Univ. St. F. Xavier, Antigon- 
ish, N.S.), 1905; o. 1876; successively 
pastor Milton and Windsor, N.S.,; prof. 
Eng. lit. and moral phil., Acadia Unlv., 
for 20 yrs.; since 1905, prof. systema- 
tic theol. and apolog., McMaster Univ., 
Toronto; has been secy. and presdt. 
Bapt. Convention, Maritime Provinces; 
a dir. Moral and Social Reform Coun- 
cil, Toronto. -76 Lowther Ave., To- 
"Of attractive perS011ality, winsome, and 
gracious in manner, he is held in universal 
esteem, while his pulpit and platform ability 
awakens much admiratiGn."-M. and E. 
Keirstead, Jacob W" iTIsurance pro- 
S. ,liaJte Hy. A. ø.n.d Eliza K. K., Fen- 
W:iek, N.B.; U. E. L. dte8Oent; b. Fen- 
wick;' e. St.'tln's Semy. amli Aoadoia 
Univ. (B.A., with honours in economics, 
1899); ip'aSÌK)r, Bap.t. Oh., CaInjpoolI- 
ton, N.iB., 1900-2; d'O. <10., Oxf-ord, N.S., 
1906-7; do. Tabernooe Baa>t. Oh., St. 
JooIhl1l, N.B., 1907-8, whoen .he ,ret1red 
from the oh. owing IÌIO 'il'l-;b,eaHÙ1; now 
moan-gr. O(JnltJinlenltaI Dife Ins. 00., St 
Jiohn.-St. John, N.R. 
"A ma.n with a 
n insight into -bu;;t: 
ness and a friend of the WIOO"kiIllg man."- 
Rev. David Hutchinson (q.v.). 
:Keirstead, Bev, Wilfred Currier 
(Bapt.), educationist. 
S. Jas. Wallace and Malvlna (Dun- 
field) K.; b. Kings Co., N.B., 1871; 
e. Gommon soh., AipIoIhaqUJi .sup. 8c'h., 
Provl. Normal Sch., N. B., and N. B. 
Univ. (B.A., 1898; M.A., 1900); post- 
grad. course Chicago Univ. (Ph.D., 
1904); m., Aug., 1904, Gertrude L., 
y. d. Capt. Geo. Seely, St. John, N.B.; 
o. 1896; successively pastor 1st Bapt. 
Ch., Rockford, Ill., and United Bapt. 
Ch., Woodstock, N.B.; since 1908 has 
been prof. phil. and economics, N. B. 
Unlv., to which he was first apptd. 
June, 1904: addressed Women's Can. 
Club, St. John, N.B., 19,10, -on II The 
Function of thJe Radical and Conser- 
vative Elements of Human Society"; 
Is of opinion "that the fundamental 
principles which previously separated 
the two great political parties In 
Can. have practfcalIy oceaæd to 
exist, and what Is now needed Is a 
greater number of voters whose polf- 
tical affiliations are Ind. and un- 
shackled by party ties."-Fredericton, 

Keith, Fra8er Sanderson, elec. en- 
Second s. W. l\{. K., Smith's Falls, 
Ont.; b. there, June 8, 1878; e. Smith's 
Fans High Sch.; m., Dec., 1908, Miss 
Mildred Beatrice Lloyd : 
B.Sc. (McGill Univ.), 1903: senior 
demon. elect. enging., McGlll Un-Iv., 
1903-04; mango ed. Can. .'IÆachinery, 
1905-6; ed. Can. Manufacturer, 1906-8; 
afterwards secy. Y:oung M-en's Muni- 
cipal Club, Toronto; now V.-P. and 
treas. Concrete En.glng. & Construction 
Co., Vancouver; a protectionist; 
favO'llr.s munlclipoa,l ownership; Presb.- 
Vancouver, R.C. 

Keith, Bev, Henry Jame. (Presb.). 
B. Smith's Falls, Ont., Sept. 10, 
1875; e. there and McGUl Univ, (B.A., 
with 1st class honours in mental and 
moral phil., 1899; M.A., 1900) ; gradu- 
ated B.D., gold med., and McKay 
schol. In theol., Presb. ColI., Mont- 
real, 1904; further studies at Prince- 
ton, N.J.; m., Sept., 1904, Louise 
(B. A., McGill, 1899), 2nd d. late D. 
L. McDougall, Montreal: 0.. 1904; 
apptd. by Intern. Comn., Y. M. C. A., 
N. Y., as nat. secy. of Bible study for 
India, 1904; spent 2 yrs. In India, 
with headquarters In Calcutta: In- 
valided home end of 1906; -sInce Mch., 
1907, pastor Knox Ch., Peterborough, 
Ont.-Peterborough, Onto 
.. A brilliant scholar and preacher."- 
M. Witness. 
:Keith," "Karian (see Ma.cGregor, 
Mrs. Mary Esther). 
:Kella.her, Hon, Daniel, merchanrt:; leg- 
So Danl. and Mar
. K.; b. Llverpnol, 
N.,S., 1865; e. there; ro., Junoe, 1890, 
Miss Alice F. Burns, Boston, Mass.; 
was engd. In mercantile life at Boston, 
Mass., and has continued In business 
In Oregon; elected state senator, Ore- 
gon, 1908 (maj., 18,500).-Ea8t Port- 
land, Oregon. 
Xellaher, James Z:" journaUst. 
Bro. Hon. D. K. (q.v.); Is man-gr. 
HaIUax Chronicle Printing & Publish- 
ing 00. ; a 'ProIn\otør Can. ASisood. Press, 
Ltd., 1904.-Halifa:z:, N.S. 
Kelley, Very Bev, Franci. Clement 
B. Vernon River, P.E.I., Oct. Z3, 
1870; e. St. Dunstan's ColI.. Charl.ot
town, Nicolet Semy., and Laval Umv. 
(D.D., 1907); LL.D. (Notre DR-me 
Unlv.), 1907: 0., Nicolet, P.Q., 1893; 
was rector Lapeer, Mich., 12 yrs.; 
served as chaplain, 32nd Mich. Infy., 
during Spanish War; A. D. C., with 
rank of col., on staff of commander of 
Spanish War veterans; now vice-com- 
mander-genl. of Mil. Order of Foreign 
Wars of U. S.; founder Cath. Ch. Ex- 
tension Soc. of U. S.; elected presdt. 
of do., Oct. 18, 1905 (thus becomes CIl- 
titled to the use of "Very" before 
"Rev." when addressed) ; famed as a 
lecturer and orator; his address at 1-he 
OMoog'o /MIssy'. 00'ngT.e9S on V'aMOOS 
abuses and scandals in the fold of the 
R. C. Ch. produced a profound sensa- 
tion; attenctprl Eucharistic Congress, 
Montreal, 1910, with his car. .. St. 
Anthony," which Is the first and -only 
.. \CJhuroh on wlheell,S" in ItJhe world.- 
8 The Rookery. Chicago, Ill, 
"An ide>a
 op1aMorm o'l'\artw'--
"QUng, hand. 
some., etaJSHy mo.ved, a,nd as el&iSÍiiy morving 
otherrs by the emJOtiQIlL9 of path08, hrumO'1lT, 
or hi,gih enotJI.11'SÜaSIlll, V1O,ioo, figuore, .and ex- 
preiSSiior.n-aJol weILl matched to his ma\S- 
te.rful OO'!U.D11aIIld of"-Boston 
KeUey, Frederick W" educationist. 
Scotch-Irish and Scotch-Eng. origin; 
b. StewiackE', N.S., 1844; e. Truro Nor- 



mal Sch., McGfll Unlv. (B.A. and gold 
med. In Eng. lit., 1871), and Cornell 
Un Iv. (Ph.D.); m., 1893, Miss Jean 
Livingstone Fuller, formerly principal 
Girls' High Sch., Montreal; successively 
Eng. master, Montreal High Sch. and 
principal Royal Arthur Sch.; now and 
for some time asst. headmaster Mont- 
real High Sch.; well known as a lec- 
turer; has filled various positions con- 
nectE'd with education In P. Q.; a fel- 
low McGill Unlv.; secy. Provl. Teach- 
erlf Assn; a senator Presb. Coli., Mont- 
real; much devoted to Y. M. C. A. 
work (presdt., 1884-5); also to S. S. 
work (V.-P. S. S. Union, 1905-9); II 
Presb., and an plder In the ch.-Gazctte 
Ave., Montreal West, P.Q. 
lteUey, Howard G" Can. ry. service. 
S. Edwin A. and Mary B. (Peterson) 
K.; b. Phliadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12, 1858; 
graduated Poly tech. Coli., Pa,; m., Jan., 
1899, Miss Cora J. Lingo, Denison, 
Texas; entd. ry. service, 1881, being 
asst. engr. on location, construction, 
and bridge construction, W. and Paci- 
fic òivs., N. "P
cific Ry.; supdt. mlnps, 
Montana, 1884-7; res. engr. and supdt. 
bridges and bldgs., St. Louis S. W. Ry. 
System, 1887-90; chief engr., do., 1890- 
98; do. do. Minneapolis & St. Louis 
Ry., 1898; do. do. Iowa Central Ry., 
1900; consult. engr. St. Louis S. W. 
Ry.. 1898-99; chief engr. Grand Trunk 
Ry. System since .July 4, 1907: was 
presdot. Am. Ry. EDiging. and !MaIn.. 
t-enance or Way AS&Il., 1905-6.-781 
8herbrooke St. W., Montreal; En- 
ginee1"s' Club, do. 
It.lUher, Bartholomew Bro.nan, Can. 
ry, service. 
Irish origin; s. late John K., C. E. ; b. 
Dublin, Irel.. Dec. 26, 1862; e. under 
Jesuit Fathers and Dublin Unlv.; m., 
June 1, 1904, Miss Anna Souter (d. 
Sept., 1908); served articled pupliage 
under .Jas. Dfllon, C.E., Dublin; engd. 
on ry. surveys In Irel.; came to U. R. 
18R6; with Union Pacific Ry., 1886-90; 
asst. enogr. Northern Pacific iRtv. (Cas- 
cadE and Pacific divs.), 1890-96; min- 
Ing engr. Anaconda Copper Co., Butta, 
Mont., 1896-7; div. engr. Oregon short 
11m" 1897-1903; resident en gr. location 
Denver, N. Westprn & Pacific Rv., 
1903-4 ; d,lv. engr. Grand Truník Pacific 
lRy., W.lnn1peg, 1904-5; since JA.'Ilg., 
1905, chief eng;r. G. T. P. Ry.; memo 
Qan. Soc. C. E., 1906; bas remall1Jeld a 
Br-lt. ttlhroug1hl(:mt; a new !town 
in the West hl3.Js beiCn named after Mm. 
- Winnipeg; Manitoba Club, do. 
lteDock, Bev. DaT14 (P.resb.). 
S. David K, land steward; b. nr. St. 
.Andrew's, Scot.; e. parish sch. and SL 
Andrew's Unlv.; m., July. 1861, Miss 
Grace McClymont: pursued thpol. stud- 

, DIvln.lty Hall, Queen's, King- 
ston; o. 1881: held pastorates In Onto ; 
was pastor at Richmond, P.Q., 11 yrs. ; 
J1astor at Klnnpar's Mflls, P.Q.. sim'e 
1904 (resigned. 1910); moderator 
Montreal Synod. 1907; M.A., Ph.D., 
from a Western unlv.; an earnest 
e.dvQca.te of Itemp.-Upper Melbourne, 

It.uock, Bey, John McClymont (Pres- 
S. Rev. Dr. K. (q.v.) and Grace 
(McClymont) K.: a nephpw Rev. .John 
Inglis. D.D., missy. to the New He- 
brides; b. Manchester, Eng., Feb. :"6, 
1867; e. Bath, Kemptville and King- 
ston schs. and Queen's Unlv. (M.A. and 
g-old med. In Eng. lang. and lit., 1892) ; 
m., 1896, Miss Jennie Kennedy; gradu- 
ated Divinity Hall, Kingston, and Pres- 
hyterian CoIl., Montreal; o. 1894: held 
pastorates a.ot Moore-wood, o rut. , HOwfck, 
/P.Q., ElVIa, .:M.a.n.; nlOw 8!tOypt'e'ssRlver; 
mod-era.tor BrOICk",iUe IPresby. 1 Y'r.; 
memo Com-te, of Auogmeniatl'O'n, MooJ1lt- 
real: aut'hor IOf a ([lumher .of essays, 
wrIibbe'Il unl('l-er nom-de-plume, and of 
'PubUshed JSeTII11on's, which have boon 
commended by the Presby. of Mont- 
real for their literary finish: II holds 
with Burke, that · we should love our 
country, and make It lovely'; that we 
should help maintain Britain's army 
and navy, and should npver rest until 
J'Plpres-ent-ed directly in otlhe Brit. 
Parl1."; Ref'Ûrmer.-The Manse, Cy- 
press River, Man. 
Kellogg, Bev. Edwin Henry (Pres b.). 
S. late Rev. S. H. K., D.D., LL,D., 
formerly pastor St. James SQ. Presb. 
Ch., Toronto., One of the foremost 
Sanskrit schohrs of his day: b. Alle- 
g:hoeny, Pa.. May, 1880; e. IMIoOOl 
Sch.. Toronto, privately, Princeton 
Unlv. (B.A., 1902), Princeton Theol. 
Semy. and Berlin Unlv.; m., May, 
1906, Constance LouIse, d. .Joseph Hen- 
derson, Toronto; O. 1906; mlssy., 
Manlpurl, India, 1907-8; since 1909 
has been pastor 2nd Presb. Oh., Car- 
lisle, Pa.-3O! W, High St., Carli8le, 
Kelly, Andrew, manufacturer. 
S. .John K.; b. N. Middlesex, Ont., 
.July 10, 1852; e. local schs.; m., 1882, 
Miss Mary Louise Bremner, Water- 
down, Ont.: went to Man., 1881, and 
has since been identified with th A 
trade: founded the A. Kelly Milling 
Co., which, later, became the Western 
Can. Milling Co., In amalgamation with 
the Lake Huron & Man. Milling Co., of 
Goderlch, Ont.: of thIs co. having 
mflls at Goderich, Brandon, and Win- 
nipeg, and which turns out 6,000 bar- 
rels of fiour, or over, per day, he Is 
presdt. ; was also the chief promoter of 
the North Star Lumber Co. and the 
Can. Fish & Cold Storage Co., and one 
of the original dlrs. of the Gt. ''Vest 
f Jife A.ssur. 00.; forme
'Y an of 
Branò<m, and mayt()r f()(f that city. 1890- 
91; a Con.; a Presb.-Winnipeg, lllan.; 
Manitoba Club, do. 
Itelly. Xr., Ethel KD.lght, retired ac- 
D. W. K. Mollison, St. .John, N.B.; 
Scottish parentage; b. St. .John; e. Dul- 
wJch, Eng.; studied art In Boston, and 
passed entrance examn., South Ken- 
sington Art Sch.; made her debut, as 
an actress, with Miss Olga Nethersole, 
on her first Am. tour, under Augustin 
Daly's management, Nov., 1894; subse- 
Quently played the lead with late Rlch- 



ard Mansfield, for several seasons, and 
attained distinction In her profession; 
was also a successful I>lay and story 
writer; left for a tour of Australla, 
1903, and, while there, m. T. H. Kelly 
(see .. Morgan's Types of Canadian 
Women," Toronto, 1903). - Sydney. 
A t&strana, 
Ke117, :rrederick :1"" physician. 
n. and P. Charlottetown, P.E.I: 
practises hlos (prof. there; e1ecbed'II1l8.yor 
of Charlottetown, 1904; first Cathollc 
mayor ,there; de1oe.8JtOO, 1906; (presd't. 
A. O. H.; .trea.s. C. M. B. A.; Con.- 
Charlottetown, P.E.l, 
y, George H, manufacturer. 
For several yrs. genl. supdt. Lake of 
the Woods Milling Co.-Keewatin, Onto 
Keny, Hugh '.rhoma., lawyer, 
Irish origin; grandparents early set- 
tlers In Tp. AÒijala, Co. Simcoe, Ont.; s. 
late .John and Annie (McLaughlin) K.; 
b, Adjala.. Mch, 1, 1858; e, St. Michael's 
CoH., Toronto (gold med. for genI. )11"0- 
ficlency) and Toronto Univ.; m., Jan., 
H90, Mary, d. late M. Hynes, Toronto; 
barrister, 1286; K.C., 1908: a memo of 
the firm or Foy (q,",) & K., ToroIllto; 
V.-P. Ymk Law IAissn., 1909; ''Í.. 
do" 1910; re-elected 00. 00., 191.1: 
a memo Toronto ,Pulbllc L!.bra.ry Bd, 
from Its orlg1ln, 1894; twice ohalr- 
man, <1-0.; electoo clha.1rnnan, 1ior 
time, 1909; was ohtaMmam 'Building 
Oamre. or new PUlbllic Li'brary. 1908- 
9; apptd. a govr. Toronto Unlv., 
1906; a 'Oon.; a .R. C.: !has always 
fellt and ø.dVOCJalte<1 t'hrat Oanool3.'s 
Ir:terests can best be advanced by the 
fostering' of a strong Can. sentiment, 
aud to do this two things are essential: 
the encouragement of a !Sph'!t of tol- 
eration In a people of varied ancestry, 
and the education of the rising genera- 
tion to a faith and confidence In our 
 Maple Ave., Rosedale, To- 
Kelly, John Ban, lawyer; leglsla.tor. 
Irish origin; s. late Man-eer .Jas. and 
Sarah Bridget (Hall) K.; b. St. God- 
froy, Co. Bonaventure, P.Q., Sept. 1, 
1879: e. Unlv. St. .Joseph's ColI., Mem- 
ramcook, N.B. (B.A., 1900); m., Feb., 
1904, Marie Adele, d. C. E. L. Dionne, 
K.C., Quebec; graduated LL.L., avec 
grande distinction (Laval Univ.), 1903: 
advocate, 1902; practises New Carllsle; 
much success in both civil and crim- 
Inal casps; organized Bonaventure & 
Gasp6 Telephone Co., of which he is 
presdt., 1905; author .. The Position of 
the Settler In the Province of Quebec" 
(1907); a Lib., and has represented 
Bonaventure (Local), in that Interest, 
since g. e. 1904; a R. C.-New Car- 
lisle, P.O. 
Kelly, Jo.eph ]II" Am. ry. service. 
B. Ste. Anne, P.Q., Oct. 4, 1859; e. 
there; entd. ry. service, 1902, as preødt. 
Farmers' Grain & Shipping Co., which 
built the Devil's Lake & Northern Ry. 
of N. Dakota. which position he still 
retains.-Garske, N.D. 
KeU,", Bey, Patrick J, (R.C.). 
Irish origin; s. late Thos. and Ma
Ann (Simons) K.; b. and e. Peter- 

boroug:h, Onlt.: o. 1903; later a.t th
Ca:th., P>eiteI1'borough, ant.; now ..t 
NOI'WO'OÒ.-Norwood, Onto 
Kelly, .obert, merchant, 
Irish ori
n; s. .Jas. and Sarah 
(Mills) K., Russell, Ont.; b. there, Aug. 
15, 1862; e. local schs.: m., 1892, Ul- 
Ilan, d. Alex. Craig, Russell; went west, 
1888; was tor a sh-ort time a resident 
of Ca!.: since then In Vancouver; with 
Oopenhplmpr Bros., wholesale 
1889-96: founded firm K., Dauglas 
& Co., wholesale grocers and tea Im- 
porters, of which he is presdt. and 
mang'o dir., 1896; business covers whole 
of B. C. and Yukon Territory: also 
V.-P. Wm. Hickey & CD., Ltd., salman 
packers, and local V.-P. Dam. Whole- 
sale Grocers' Guild; a memo Vancouver 
Bd. -of Trade; a dlr. Dam. Fire Ins. 
C-o. and Securities Corp-orat1on af 
B. C.; a Lib. ; Is treas. and han. presdt. 
VancOIUver Lib. Assn. : recammoended by 
lQlcal party for Senator, 1906; Ang.- 
Vancouver, B.C.; Vancouver Club; 
Terminal City Club; Western Club, do. 
.. y,cmng, vig'()ll'()llls" a.nd aJCtive, .a.nd 'PO!t' 
sesses businee& <8JbiJdty <Yf a Mgh O'l'der."- 
V. World. . 
Kelly, '.rhe Venerable '.rhoma. (R.C.). 
B. and e. Waterford, Irel.; (\. 1877; 
bEcame private secy. late Archbishop 
Clpary (Kingston, ant.), and rectar 
Cath. St. Mary Immaculate, there; 
apptd. V.-G. and archdeacon, 1896; 
subsequently, dean of Reglopolls ColI.; 
transfd. to Smith's FaUs, as pastor St. 
F. Xavier Ch., 1899. - Smith's Falltl, 
Kelly, William Edward, lawyer. 
S. David and Catherine E. (O'Brlen) 
K.; Irish origin; b. Tp. Woodlhouse, 
Norfolk, ant., Aug. 11. 1865; e. Part 
Dover High .sch. anò Toronto Unlv.; 
m. Annie, d. Danl. O'Mahony, .J.P., 
Townsend: barrister, 1890: K.C., 1908: 
practised throug;hout in NorfoLk Dlst.; 
celebrated In criminal cage<S; grand 
depty. for Norfol,k, C. 1M. B. A.; far- 
merly II eut. , 39th Regt.; Lib.; R. C.- 
Simcoe, Onto 
:Kelsch, Baymond S" electrical and 
ci vil engineer. 
B. U. S., '1862; -e. tbere; m. Mis! 
Brennan: memo lOan. SOle. C. E., 189,8; 
C'OuncIH'Ol', d()., .1908-10; prevlousl,y of 
Ohlcago: slJ1JCe 1897 In Morutrea.I: 
went there to. et'eCt and <>iJ)erate ltJh.e 
Lachine hy<1rauHc system;
In charg.e ()f same, a.s genl st),pdt, 
an'll engr., urutll the Lacl1ln.e Co. was 
a boorbed by the MIOnltre:al Llglh!t, 
Heat & .Power Co., 19Û'3; then 
o.pened an office as oonsul tlng eloec- 
trloa.I erugr.; at same time retained 
by latter co. to consolidate the 2 cos.; 
haJs d.esigned and construoted ipOIW
plants a11J. rover 'the J)o.m.; very suc- 
cessful; apptd. consulting engr., Lon- 
dC\n, ant.. 1909: a promater Can. Fleet. 
F:, Co., 1906; V.-P. and man
. (1ir. 
do.: V.-P. Can. Elect. Assn.. 1 
presdt., do., 1908-9; a contributor to 
the Trans. Can. Soc. C. E.; retained to 
cansolldate the various properties can- 
trolled by th
 Quebec Electric M.erger, 
1910. - 
 T1lpper St., Westmount, 



Montreal; Engineers' Club; Montreal 
A. A. Assn.; Montreal Curling Club, do. 
Kelso, John Joseph, Onto public ser- 
S. late Geo. K.; b. Dundalk, Irel., 
Mch. 31, 1864; came, with his parents, 
to Toronto, 1874; e. there; m., June, 
1901, Miss Irene Maddin Martin Nash- 
ville, Tenn.; has devoted his whole life 
to philanthropic work; since 1893 has 
bE-en supdt. neglected and dependent 
children in Ont.: also, sincf> 1 W)7 Im- 
migration Inspr. for Ont. ; organized T'o- 
ronto Humane Soc., 1886; do. Toronto 
Children's Fresh Air Fund, 1888; do. 
Children's Aid Soc., 1891; do. Toronto 
Playgrounds Assn., 1908; mainly re- 
sponsible for passing of Children's Pro- 
tection Act, 1893, under which he has 
organized children's aid goes. in the 
large,r dtles a11'drowns; tihe Ourfew be'll 
was also Instituted under this act; his 
services on the same lines have been 
extended t'O othe'r provinces; has spoken 
and lectured frequently, his principal 
topic being II Social Problems, with 
Special Reference to Children"; pro- 
jected a matrimonial bureau. in connec. 
tion with his df>pt., 1903; elf>cted V.-P 
Con. Conf, of Charities, which he WH5: 
I:Hg'ply instrumental in ore-ani zing. 
1899; V.-P. Am. Conf. of Charities, 
1902, and V.-P. Federation of Humane 
Soos., 1909; also a iIIlJem. extve. c-omlte. 
Nat. Charities and Corrections Assn. 
U. S.; a dir. Working Boys' Home, To: 
ronto. and V.-P. Toronto Humane So('. . 
elected !hon. secy., Indust. Prison Con-' 
gress, Wash:ingbon, D.C., 1910; in earl'Y 
yrs. on repotrtor.ial stJaff T,ol'o11'Ì'o World 
anld Toronto Globe; Presb., and an 
elder In .the ch.-fl Prince Arthw- Ave. 


"It is n()t Jtoing too fa r to s.ay that 
J. J. Kelso, in what he has done to 
secure the surroundings of proper home 
influences for children whose parents were 
unfit f().r pa,ren;thoo<1, has perfo.rmed a 
more valuable service in preventing crime 
than half the police force of Ontario 
have performed in the suppression of 
crime."-T. Star. 
Kemp, Hon, Albert Edward, manu- 
facturer; legislator. 
S. Robt. and Sarah A. K.; b. 
Clarenceville, P.Q., Aug. 11, 1858; e. 
the Acad. there and Lacolle Acad.; m., 
1879, Miss Wilson, Montreal; Is presdt. 
Kemp Manfg. Co., largest manfrs. of 
graniteware and tinware in Canada; 
also presdt. Sheet Metal Products Co.; 
Is a dlr. Nat. Trust Co. and Imp. Life 
Assur. Co.; was presdt. Toronto Bd. of 
Trade, 1899-1901; presdt. Can. Manfrs. 
Assn., 1895-6; a del. to 6th Commer. 
Congress of the Empire. 1906; rated 
as a mllUonalre by S. N., 1911; gave 
$5,000 to Toronto Y. M. C. A., 1910; 
memo Bd. of Regents, Victoria ColI., 
1906; presented to present King and 
Queen, St. James's Palace, London, 
1902: a CO'n.; sat for E. TorontO' 
(H. C.), 1900-8, and again since g. e. 
1911; (}'P'POE!ed .to &tÆre Taft-FI-e.ld'ing 
redproclty ooII1lPaCJt; on the defeat of 
the Laurler Admn. 3:t the !pIolls, g. e, 
1911, was sworn û'f the P. C., and ac- 
cepted a seat In -the Borden Oabinet, 

wi,toout P'OT'tfoUo, Oct. 11, 1910; a 
CastZe Frank Crescent To- 
ronto; Toronto Club; Albany 'Club' 
York Club, do.; Rideau Club, Ottawa.
. .. A
'B ,able and ready."-M. Ga2leiflte. 
"A strong, rerouToofut m,an of .aff,a-Ïrs 
an adV1anoced thinker, oa. tower of strength. 
to the ind'1lstrial in
erel8t ()f the oountry." 
-M. & E. 
Kennedy, George, lawyer; Onto public- 
S. late Donald and Janet (Bucl{ham) 
K., both natives of Perthshlre, Scot.; 
b. By town (now Ottawa), Ont., Mch. 
1, 1838; e. Co. Carleton Grammar 
Sch.; matriculated Into Toronto Univ 
and obtained there the 1st class classi: 
cal scholar., besides 1st class honours 
in math., metaph., and ethics, mod. 
lang-s., and nat. sclences, and on gradu- 
ating, 1857, took the gold medal in 
metaph. and ethics: M.A., 1860; m., 
June, 188,3, Sarah (d. 1910), d. Hy. 
Jackson; took the law course at his 
alma mater; LL.B., 1864; LL.D., 1877; 
barris1t,er, 1865; K.C., 190,2; suoc-ess- PI'1aJotiseid' hIs 'Prof. in OttJawa; 
'8.IPlptd. law olk., De,pt. IDf Oro'Wn Lands, 
OUlt., where he sU.Il ,is, 1872; an 
examr. ,in loaiW, TtoTontlO Univ., IB7B- 
80; ra oounúUllor Br.1ot. EIDip. League, 
T1O'ronibD branoh ; hoas been pre.sdt. 
Burns' Olub, Ca,loedûnla Soc., St. An- 
dl!'e<W"s SO'C., and IDf Oan. Institute, To- 
1"011'ÌJO; was ed. Trans. of latJter 'bO'dy; 
author of .. The Relation of Law to 
Science" and of various other histori- 
cal and lit. essays; also of II A Digest 
of Crown Lands Cases" (1891) : firmly 
wedJded to Brit. COoIlJllOOtloon, and Is a 
hdiever in thf> ultimatf> attainment of 
some scheme of Imp. federatiO'n, look- 
ing even beyond that, to an alliance of 
all the Eng.-speaking peoples of the 
1 Bloor St. W., Taronto; Na- 
tional Club, do. 
Kennedy, George Allan, physician. 
S. T1h1OS. and .Tanoe (.AHan) K., bOOh 
.sootoh, who SelbtJledi 
n Omt. oaibout 1840 ; 
b. Dundas, ,AJpI. 16, 1858; e. Grommar 
.Sch., ,St. Oatlharine'8 'Doll. Inst., and 
T1O'r.o.nlt'O Univ. (M.B., 1878) ; m., 1883, 
Alolioo Maude, d. 'late Dr. W. Cox Allen, 
Ooz:nrw.aIJ. On'Ì.; surg. RO'yal N. W. M. 
Piohce, 1878-87; PTesd't DoB. P. and S., 
N. W. T., 1902-7; In'S{Pr. of ho9ps., 
N. W. T., 1897-1905; surg. C. P. 
Ry.; V.-P. Can. Med. Assn.; mem, 
Council P. and S., N. W. T. for 
many yrs.; elected a Senator Al- 
berta Un.iv., 1908; first lPre.sdt. l'Æax:- 
leod Club; author various med. and 
scientific papers; served in V. m. dur- 
ing N. W. Rebellion, 1885 (med.); Ind. 
in Dom. politics; a warm supporter of 
Mr. Haullt!ln (q.v.) In IP,rovl. p'O'Utics' 
an Imrperialoist; Ang.-Macleod, Alta..: 
.'I{acleod Club, dO'. 
Kennedy, Harold, merchant. 
B. and e. LiverI>ool, Eng.; m., Jan., 
1894, the d. late Hon. Geo. Irvine, K.C., 
judg-e of the Ct. of Vice-Admiralty, 
Quebec; came to Can. about 1883, as 
the representative of the well-known 
timber house of Taylor, Pierce & Co.; 
later, went Into business On his own 
account, as a commission agent <Ind 



ship broker; elected presdt. McArthur 
Export Co., Ltd., 1902; bought the At- 
kinson Mills, Etchemin, and otherwise 
became largely engd. In lumbering busi- 
ness; organized the Sovereign Con- 
'struction Co.. 1905: apptd. a harbour 
-commr., Quebec, 1896: resigned, 1907; 
do. a memo Royal Comn. on Transpor- 
tation, May, 1903 (declined): Is V.-P. 
Jacques Cartier Electric Power Co.; a 
memo Quebec branch Navy League; a 
-st.eward Quebec Turf Olub; Ang.- 
4S d'Auteuil St., Quebec; Quebec Gar- 
rison Club. 
II On-e of the most enterprising- of the 
younger generation of our business men." 
-T. Globe. 
Xennedy, Howard Angus, jour.nalist. 
Y. S. late Rev. Dr. John K, (Cong.) 
and Helen Stodart, d. Alex. Blackle, 
Aberdeen. and sister late Prof. J. S. 
Bloackie, Edinburgh; b. Stepney Green, 
;London, Eng., Dec. 27, 1861; e. City of 
London Sch.; m., June, 1886, Marie 
Louise, d. late Dr. J. L. Chapman, Nash- 
ville, Tenn.; spent 3 yrs. in a London 
shipowner's office; travelled through 
West Indies, 1881; joined staff Montreal 
Witness same yr.; acted as special 
corr. of the Witness through N.W. Re- 
beIHon, 1883; special corr. same paper, 
New Orleans Intern. Exhbn, 1885; city 
ed. of the Witness, 1886-90: since 1891 
bias been ed. of the Times Weekly 
Edition; made trip to B. C., 1893, and 
to AHa. and Sask., 1905, as corr. of the 

l'imes; also made tour of Can., Japan, 
China, India, Egypt, etc., 1909-10; a 
memo London Sch. Bd., 1900-3; founded 
a working men's club, Stepney; has 
lectured on the French-Canadians; 
.author: "Prof. BIackie: His Sayings 
and Doing,s" (1895); "The Story of 
Canada" (1897) ; "Old Highland Days: 
the Reminiscences of Dr. John Ken- 
nedy" (1901), II The New World Fairy 
Book" (1904), and" New Canada and 
the New Canadians" (1907) ; has con- 
tributed short stories and articles to 
Pall Mall 1
Iag., Contemporary Rev., 
etc.; an advanced Lib. and strong 
Imperialist; believes in Imperial (fail- 
ing universal) free trade, to be got In 
Instalments; a Con g.-SO Willoughby 
Rd., Hampstead, London, Eng.; Hamp- 
stead Golf Club, do. 
"A,lw.a;rs true .to. the Gan. 
Sandford Fleming (q.v.). 
Xennedy, Hugh Arthur, Am. railway 
B. Morrisburg, Ont., 1870; e. ColI. 
Inst., there; entd. G. T. Ry. .serv.toe, 
1886; since Apt, 1893, has been New 
Eng. agenlt MiIliIllela!P'011s, St. PaUll & S. 
Ste. Marie Ry. and Minneapolis, St. 
Paul & Buffalo Steamship Co.-131 State 
St., Boston, Mas8. 
Kennedy, James Buckham, manufac- 
turer; legislator. 
S. Donald and Janet (Buckham) K.; 
Lowll3.rud Scotch origIn; 'b. By town 
(now Ottawa), Ont., Feb. 23, 1844; e. 
OtbaJwa Grammar .Sch.; m., 1st, Nov., 
1880, Miss Josephine Eugenie De Beck, 
New Westminster (d.); 2ndly, June, 
1891, Mrs. Mary Adelaide Lloyd, Win- 
nlpeg; for some yrs. engd. in the lum- 
ber trade at Ottawa; went to B. C.. 

1877, where he has continued in the 
same occupation; was a sch. trustee 
and ald. at New Westminster; a memo 
Pilot Bd.; a Lib., but considers that 
he does not owe his party anything; 
sat for New Westminster City (Local), 
1894-8, and for New Westminster (H. 
C.), 1904-8; a Presb., and an elder in 
the ch.-Sapperton, B.C. 
Kennedy, James Henry, civil engineer. 
S. la-t-e Jl()\hn and lsabeHIa K., .south- 
wolò, Ont.; b. C'Û. Oamle.oon, Orut., MC'h. 
3, 1852; e. .there; m., J.uly, '1884, tAnnic, 
d. John HunUey, 00. ElgTjn, Ont.; 
graduated ,c. E. (Thflonto Univ.),1886; 
O.L..S., do. ; memo can. Soc. C. E., 1887 ; 
memo Am. Soc. C. E., 1900; asst. 
engr. C. P. Ry., 188.2-6; eng1r. Temis- 
couata Ry., 1887; locating en gr. G. N. 
Ry., 1888-92; restdJent e.ngr. 00., IRocky 
Mts., 1892; resident engr. Soo Line. 
Dakota, 1893-4; chief engr. Vancouver, 
Victoria & Eastern Ry. since 1901; a 
Ba,p't.-Keremeos, B.C. 
Kennedy, John, civil engineer. 
E. S. late Wm. K., a native of Dum- 
friess.hire, Scot., founder of the engin- 
eering firm of Wm. K. & Sons, Owen 
Sound, Ont., and Agnes (Stark) K., 
Quebec; b. Spencerville, Ont., 1838; e. 
by private tuition, By town Grammar 
Sch. and ,McGill Univ.; m., 1865, 
Louisa C., d. late S. B. Scott, Mont- 
real; memo Am. Soc. C. E., 1875; do. 
Inst. C E., Eng., 0'0. (s.inoe a .oouruciUor, 
d'Û. do.); a memo (and a flounder) 
Dan. ,Soc. C. E., 1887 (/pres<H., d'Û" 1892, 
sinoo and now a IC'OUIlcüU.or); OOTn- 
m,enced professi'onal career, 1853, umær 
.T. C. Keefer (q.v.), and 3JSsist<ed in 
the construction "Of the water works 
of Montreal and Hamilton, as also In 
ry. and other works of a wide engineer- 
Ing practice; in 1863 he was made asst. 
city surveyor (city engr.) of Montreal, 
and soon afterwards was apptd. 
deputy; In 1867 he resign.ed this appt. 
to become man gr. of the Hull Iron Min- 
Jng & ldia.nuf.a,crtn.urJng Oo.',s 'Iflcm mi-rues 
and new smelting works at IronsIde, 
P.Q.; In 1871 he became dlv. engr. 
on the construction of the WelIlngton, 
Grey and Bruce branch of the Great 
Western Ry. of Can., from whiCJh he 
rapidly rose to be chief en gr. of the 
whole Great Western system; in the 
latter capacity he completed the Can. 
Air Line, built some minor branches 
and doubled the main line between 
Glen-coe and Windsor, constructing the 
first double track Llne laid in the Dom. ; 
in 1875 he resigned to become .chIef 
engr. of the Montreal Harbour Comn., 
whIch position he held till Feb., 1907, 
when he became consulting engr.; as 
chief engr. he deepened the ship canal 
between Montreal and Quebec from 20 
ft. to 27i ft. and designed and carried 
out all the improvements in the Mont- 
real harbour during 32 yrs.; on retir- 
Ing from active service the Harlbour 
Commrs. placed on record their deep 
sense of his lengthened and devoted 
service and of his fal thful and zealous 
performance of the same; was a memo 
of the Royal Comn. apptd. In 1886 to 
enquire into the leasing of water power 
on the Lachine Canal, a memo of the 



RoY'al Comn, apptd, In the same year 
to enquire Into the causes of floods at 
Mon treal and t'O suggest remedIes 
therefor, and a mem, o! the Royal 
Comn, a;pptd. 1888 to report upon the 
advIsa'bllity of completing the Trent 
Valley Canal system; was often called 
upon t'O act as arbitrator or consulting 
engr. in reference to Important ques- 
tions relating t'O rys., water-ways, 
water works. water powers, etc., and 
to act as dir. in mining and Industrial 
enterprises; made an extended visit to 
Europe In the Interests of his .dept,. 
1903; a dir. Y. M. C. A. and of the 
Montreal Assn. for the Blind; a Bapt., 
and a helper In religious and social 
reform work of all k1nds.-" Tbe Sher- 
brooke," Montreal; Canada Club; 
Canadian Club, do. 
.. A'Jl engineer gIfted with rare power8." 
-M. Herald. 
II Has proved himself to be an engineer 
of the firøt ra.n-k."-M, Witne88. 
Kennedy, John Alexander, physician. 
S. Daniel A. and - (Hewitt) K., 
Toronto; b. Toronto, 1875; e. thE-re; 
gra,d'l.laJted M.D.,C.IM. (Trin. Un:lv.) , 
1900; as a youth spent some time In 
JI()Ihan.nElSlburg, S.A.; later bOOk UiP Ihls 
residence In Zululand, where he became 
dist. surg., and was lieut.-surg. in the 
Dmveta Mounted Rifles; was thanked 
by GenI. Lyttelton, on behalf of the 
aTIIlY in NataJl. for his .. va;lu8ible as- 
sistance to the sick and wounded at 
Atall."-f86 Carlton St., Toronto, 
Kennedy, Major John Chambera Baa- 
aau. H.Mo's regular mil. focces. 
E. s. late Lt.-Col. VV. N. K., com- 
manding 90th Regt., who d. in London, 
Eng., from smallpox, on his return 
from Egypt, where he had served as 
paymaster of the Nile Can. contingent, 
1885, a pension being granted by Queen 
Victoria to his widow and an allow- 
ance to each of Ihlis C'hiildren; ,b. Wdnnd- 
peg; graduated Royal Mil. ColI., King- 
ston (with med. for genl. profichmcy), 
1886; m., Jan., 1893, Sarah Gertrude, 
2nd d. late S. B. Booth, 3 Gray's Inn 
Square, London, Eng.; gazetted lieut. 
R. E., 1886; capt., 1896; major, 1904; 
has held various staff appts.; was 
supdt. of telegraphs under Sir P. Girou- 
ard in .t'he Transvaal; served during 
war in S. A., 1899-1900 (mentioned in 
despatches; Queen's medal, with six 
clasps) ; Ang.-Care War Office, Lon- 
don, Eng. 
Ke:nnedy, Thoma. John, Can. ry, ser- 
.s. Davi.d K, Cam(pooll.!ord, Orut.; b. 
Warkwol'1tJh, Dntt., Sept. 1, 1854; e. Port 
Hope High Sch.; m., Miss Fl,orence E. 
Shaw, Ottawa, ant.; chairman, Gov.t. 
staff, C. P. Ry., Wdnruipeg, 1874; pro- 
moted contractors' engr., sec. .. B," C. P. 
Ry., 1880; 0'Il first survey on .that sec. ; 
roadmaster, Chapleau div., 1885; super- 
Intendent, do., 1892; do. North Bay dlv., 
1899; since June, 1900, genl. supdt. 
Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Ry. Co., 
an,] mangr. Intern. Transit St. Ry. and 
Saun t Ste. .Mia'rie Trans. Co.; Ang.- 
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; Sault Ste. Marie 
Club, do. 

Kennedy, Willard 3'ohn, educationist, 
Scotch descent; s. Archd. K, Vernon, 
O!lt.; b. there, Oct. 1, 1876; e. Kempt- 
vIlle High Sch.; m., Feb., 1904, Mis. 
Beulah Bingham, Ames, Ia.; gradu8lted 
B.S.A. (ant. Agrlc. CoIl.) ; M.S. (IOIW8. 
State Coil.); a teacher, Univ. of Ill., 
1899-1901; 00. Iowa StaJÌ'e 0011.; IlJOW 
and for some yrs. v.ïoe-dir. I'Ü'Wa Exper. 
Station; !prof. a.nLmal husbarud:ry. LoiWR 
State COll., and expert in animal hus- 
bandry, U. S. Dept. of Agrlcul.; special 
representative of U. S. Govt. to study 
European methods of agricul., 1904-5' 
formerly expert in do., Sioux City Cor': 
resp. Agrlcul. Coli.; a special contrIbu- 
toT to Breeders' Gazette, Qhiægo, Wal- 
lace's Farmer, Des M'Oinoes, Drover8' 
Journ., Live Stock Report, Chilca:go. 
etc. ; a Presb.; favours closer trade re- 
lations between U. S. and Can.-Ames, 
Ia.; Grant Rep. Club, Des Moines, la. 
nedY, William, civil engineer, 
S. Ia;te \Vm. and Agnes (Stark) 
K., Owen Sound, ant.; b. Oharles- 
ton, ant., Jan. 4, 1848; e. Owen 
Sound Grammar Sch. ; m., Jan., 
1871, Miss Eliza Ann Brown; elected 
memo Soc. C. E., 1887 (councillor, 
HiOS) ; supdt. and mangr. Ottawa city 
waterworks, 1876-9; since then in pri- 
vate practice, principally in hydraulic 
and mech. enging.; has built several 
waterworks and sewerage systems and 
important hydro-electric and othf'r 
power fW1Ork,s; as.sociwt.ed w1JtJb C. B. 
:Smith (q.v.) in construction of Winni- 
peg power plant, 1906; visited Europe 
4 times professionally; &pt.-79 St. 
].fatthew St., Montreal. 
Kenny, Lt,-Col. Edward George, bond 
S. late T. E. K., formE-rly l\iI.P., and, 
at his deat'h, rpresdrt:. Bank of N. S., and 
Margt. Jones (Burke) K.; b. Halifax, 
N.S., ApI. 17, 1859; e. there: m., 1st, 
XlQv., 1889, Elizaiooth (d. July, 19()3), 
d. late Hon. H. II. Fuller, Halifax; 
2ndly, June. 1907. Gertrude, e. d. Jas. 
MoParland, .. lThnds!aÆI," K1ngsbon., and 
.. Tremont Park," Gananoque, ant.; 
head of firm E. G. K & Co., bond 
brokems, HaI.Lf.a.x:; a memo extve. COim.te, 
Soc. for Protect. of Children, HaIlfax; 
long in vol. mil. service; gazetted It.- 
col. commdg. 66th Regt. (" Princess 
Louise Fusiliers"), May, 1905; retired, 
1910; served in N. W. RebelUon, 1886 
(moo.) ; bolds l'Ong sel"V'lce dlecoration. 
-" Pinehurst," Halifax, N.S.; Halifa:>> 
Kenny, :Rev, George B. (R.C.), 
S. late Hon. Sir Edward K., for a 
time adminIstrator of Govt. of N. S., 
and Anne (Forrtstall) K; b. Halifax, 
N.S., Oct. 18, 1840; e. there and Ford- 
ham Call., N. Y.; barrIster, 1862: prac- 
tised in Halifax, in partnership with 
his bro.-in-law, Sir M. B. Daly (q.v.); 
abandoning law, was o. 1874; proto St. 
Mary's (Jesuit) Call., Montreal, 1887- 
91: superior CoIl. Immaculate Concep- 
tion, Guelph, ant., from that tlm
seme yrs.; at present again at St. 
Mary's ColI.; known as one of the fore- 
most preachers in the Jesuit Order; 
preached an eloquent, patriotic, and 



fervent sermon on the death of Queen 
Victoria, 1901. - St. .Mary's College, 
Kent, Bev, Alexander ( 
S. Jas. and Sarah (Archibald) K.; 
b. Troro, N.S., NOv. 27, 18.37; e. there 
and :Lomoord Univ., HI.; 'm., Jan., 
1878, lMiss Carrie E. Gave; studied 
t.heol. 0an1Jon (.N.Y.) Theol. ,Sc'h. a.nd St. 
Lawrence Univ.; began preachingUniv. 
Ch., Iowa; pastor Univ. Ch., Hallfax, 
N.S., 1865-7; do. do.. Portland. Me.. 
1867-9; later sta;t>e mlssy., Minn. and 
Baltimore; pas1ror Uulv. Db., Wash- 
1ngtxm, 12 'Y'I"S., and bu.ilt ch.; 1fl()r 
many yrs. '\WlJS !pastor unodenO'I11lina- 
tlona.l People's 011., Waslhlngron; 
autlh'Or m'OD'ograph, .. The Oo-operativ-e 
Oommunltdes of 'bhoe Untted States" 
(1902).-26 T. St.
 N. W.
(D. 1908.) 
Kent, Ambr08e, manufacturer. 
S. Ambrose and Harriet (Kirk) K.; 
b. Lincolnshire, En
., Dec. 26, 1843: 
came to Oa.n., settHng at Toronto, 
1850; e. rthlelre; m., 18,68, Miss Ma.r}' 
Ann Brock; a J. P.; presdt. Ambrose 
K & Sons, Ltd., manufacturing jewel- 
lers, Toronto (founded Dec., 1856, anù 
said to be the oldest jewelry estab- 
lishment of its kind In Can.); V.-F. 
Hastings Savings & Loan Co.; a Meth.. 
and for 50 yrs. devoted to S. S. work, 
during 25 of which has been a S. S. 
slipdt.; also a dir. Nat. Sanitarium 
Assn. of Can.; a trustee Toronto Free 
Hosp. for Consumptives, and presdt. 
Tororubo H()S.p. :for Incumb-les.-19! 
Lowthe1' Ave., Toronto. 
Kent, James, Can. ry. servIce. 
Scotch and Irish origin; s. Robt. and 
Ellza (Bu
hel1) K.; b. Montreal, 
.Jan. 15, 1854; e. there; 01., May, 1880, 
Evelyn E., d. late Thos. Vipond, Mont- 
rt'al; for many yrs. an operator :Mont- 
rpal Tel. Co.; resignpd, 1886, to become 
chief .operator C. PRy. -telegraPhs, 
Montreal; promoted supdt. E. div., do.. 
O; mangr. of telegraphs, do. (suc- 
COO<1lrrug C. R. Hosmer, q.v.), Nov., 
1899; a. Wood Ave. West- 
mount, lIIontreal; Montreal Club, do. 
".A ma.n of tact rand no smaffil I8dmlruis- 
trMñve a.bility....-M. Witness. 
Kent, Lt.-Co!, Bobert Edwin, banker. 
S. late Rybert and Amella Mary 
(Barker) K., Kingston. Ont.; b. there, 
t. 6, 1861; e. Kingston ColI. Inst., 
and Royal Mil. Col!., do.; '01., June, 
1887, Isabella Cale, d. Major Camp- 
bel1, H3Jlifax, N.IS.; se.nI}'Or memo K. 
Bros., bankers; previously In service 
Federal Bank; has served as an ald.; 
mayor of Kingston, 1901 (as such. 
had the honour of recplvlng the 
PlPince anJd Pril1lCJeSs 'Of Wales, now 
King Georg1e and Queen Mary, on 
their vlsl.t t'O Kingston thaJt Y'ear) ; long 
In v. m. service; It.-co!. 14th Regt., 
1903-9; commanded regt. {Ct Quebec 
Tercentenary Celebration, 1908; pre- 
sented with silver loving cup by o III's. 
on retiring from the command; holds 
long service decoration; apptd. It.-col, 
commdg. Infy. Brig" E. Ont. command, 

Jan. 19, 1909; many yrs. presdt. King- 
ston Hort. Soc.; a Forester; Lib.; 
Ang.--85 King St.
Frontenac Club
"A ba.nker of long standing; a fir. 
class busine&a man."-T, Globe. 
Kent, Samuel E., Can. municipal 
Previously asst. city clk. : apptù. city 
elk., Hamilton, Ont., vice Beasley re- 
tlired, Feb., 1906.-Hamilton, ant: 
Ker, The Venerable John (Ang.) 
Y. s. late Robert K., Newbl1ss. 
Monaghan, Irel., and Elizabeth K.; 
b. Newbllss, Alpl. 22, 18,48; e. :Montreal 
Diocesan Theol. ColI. (prizeman), 
Trio.. Univ., Toronto (B.D., 1889; 
D.D., 18
'3), and Bishop's Coli. Un lv" 
Len.IroxviHe, P.Q. (D.D., ad eun.d.; 
D.C.L., 1895); m., 1876, Mary Thom- 
son, 2nd d. late Thos. .cousins, 
Iberville, P.Q.; o. deacon, 1876; priest, 
1879; rector, Glen Sutton, P.Q., 1876- 
81; do., Dunham, P.Q., 1881-9; since 
then has been rector of Grace Ch., 
Montreal; hon. canon Christ Ch. 
Cath., Montreal, 1900; apptd. arch- 
deacon of St. Andrew's, P.Q., 1902; 
proposed as a candidate for the 
Bishopric of Montreal, 1909; author 
of .. Family Prayers for Busy People" 
(1902); .. The Church's Relation to 
the Social Problem" (do.); .. Call to 
Higher National Ideals" (1907), etc.; 
a gov. Montreal Theol. ColI. since 
1900; a councillor Lennoxville Unlv.; 
a memo Mission Bd., Ch. of Eng., In 
Can. ; a d
I. to 'thie Synods; a del. Plan- 
Ang. Congress, London, 1908; pre- 
sented to late King Edward, do.; a. 
Freemason and chapl3iin, Argyle Lodge, 
Montreal; an aro-enrt; I'rnperi3JList.- 
Grace Church Rectory
 tn9 Wellington 
St., Montreal. 
.. .Extreme.J.y 
1l po.sted on and 
foreIgn -The late Bishop Oar- 
.. The perSO'll.a1 chann which is OOQspicu- 
()IUS in OOll'Versa.tiOlD: is fortified in the pulpit 
by hi-s scho1a.rloy .a.ttai,nments; fluent and 
gr.a.æful in: dewove,ry, he is 'Ilible, withOllå 
effort, to hold the attention of hjs oongre. 
gatiolJ1."-M. Herald. 
Ker, :Newton James, civil engineer. 
S. Jas. and .Jennie (Peterson) K., 
now of Vancouver, B.C.; b. Brantford. 
Ont., May 6, 1866: e. private schs. and 
Brantford ColI. Inst.: 01., 1896, Ger- 
trude, 2nd d. late Col. H. DickIe, Brant- 
ford; studied eng-ing-. under his uneleo 
P. A. Peterson (q.v.); a!!lso. memo Can: 
Soc. C. E., 1893: memo do. do., 1905 
(councillor. do., 190
): eng-
. in en- 
gineering .work, C. P. iRy., lMonrtreal, 
Tor.ontto, LiQiIldlOn, and W.lndsor, OnfÌ.., 
1887-90; asst. city. engr., Toronto, 
1890-98; do. do., Ottawa, 1898-1900; 
since thpn city engr., do.: has been 
engd. on the foU<JIWln.g Important works: 
The construction !Of ,the C. P. Ry. be- 
tween London and Detroit; in charge 
of the construction of Toronto St. Ry, 
Co.'s tracks, the Queen St. subway, To- 
ronto, as well as being engr. in charge 
ot roadways, sewers, and special 
works; In Ottawa has carrIed on the 
main drainage system, the extension of 


waterworks system, the Ottawa East 
water system, and other municipal 
works: declined appt. to Transcontin- 
ental Ry., 1904; do. appt. as chief engr. 
dio. dc., 1909; do(). Sjppt. !as city .engr. 
V.anoouVoffi'. B.C., 1911; joined COI1PS of 
guides, .UJlJoor Lord DuntdO'n/æld; was 
d.i,s,t. drutel>l. offr., Mil. Dis,t. No.4, until 
May, 1908, W1hen Ihe retJir>ed, <and reed. 
 a:ppooin'Ì'lI1en t t as spooial serViioe offr., 
Wl'Ìih rank of capt.; ooietf lP'romlOtJe'r 

offa:t Fuel-Saver, Ltd. (L. ,P., 1906) ; 
du. Onto & M:vn. F1ll()ur ,M'HIIS, Ltd.; 
V.-P. Rideau RooIty 00., Ottama and 
M.oose Jaw .ID1.ectric Ry 100.; Presb.- 
31.'j MacLeod St., Ottawa; Ottawa Hunt 
II Undoubtedly the best city engineer Ot- 
tawa has ever had."-O. Oitizen, 
Ker, Rev. Bobert (Ang.). 
Bro. Yen. Archdeacon K. (q.v.), 
Montreal; b. New-bliss, IreI., 1843; e. 
ere and Normal Training CoIl., Dub- 
1m (schoI. and 1st class cert.); m., 

Ug., 1874, Lizzie, y. d. late Thos. Wil- 
km, New Brighton, L.I.; taught Lord 
Powercourt's ehief sch. several yrs.; 
gave up teaching for joornalism; was 
special correspondent at Belfast for 
l1-ish Times, Dublin; served aflterwards 
on every leading Irish paper; came to 
Can., 1872; was on staff Toronto 
Leader; at same time ed. Patriot, an 
Orange organ; matriculated Into Trln. 
Univ., 1874, for the purpose of study- 
Ing' divinity: o. deacon, 1877: priest, 
1878; .served SlUICCess.i'vely as missy. aJt 
Chel1Jsela, .Inoumbent of BucklI1tg1bam, 
dJo., IM.ansonvdl;le, lI"ootor Tr.iu. Oh., Que- 
boeIc. dio. òJo. Mitooo'iJ}, Ont., and d'O. 1St. 
Joame.s's, Ingersolll, St. Geo'l"g.e's, iSt. 
OaJtIharlrres, .1891-1911; now 'l'etùred, 
O!W,iI1lg 11:0 nrr-lheallth; Wihile in P. Q. was 
succ.esslvely IPrll1JCiiipaJ Hig1h Sch., 1St. 
Johns, and vloe-I"eOtIOr Boys' Higlh S'Clh., 
Quebec; a;þso V.-iP. Que boo Teadhers' 
Assn.; 'insp.r. sorus. /fOIl' OoN. Oh. Soc., 
a,nd memo Ed. Proto Sc'h. iOommns.; 
aUJtool', oMnoug oOItJheol' :productions, IOf 
.. '11he H'istory of 1St. George's !Parish 
C.h., St. Oatlharines" (18
2); oa,pptJd. 
chiaJplain, wi-th hon. rank o.f anajo'l", 
191th Reg1t., Niov, , 1897; a Froomason, 
and th>a.s been grn,nd dhajpIa..ln of the 
Gmnd Lodge, ,P. Q.; a del.. 110 'Ì!bie 
.3ynoos.-St. Catharine8, ant. 
Kerby, Bev, George W, (Meth.). 
B. Tp. Sombra, Ca. Lambton Ont 
Ju1y 18, 1860; e. Sarnia HiglÍ Soh:: 
Cobourg ColI. Inst. and TorontO' Unlv. 
(B.A., with 1st class honours In phil., 
logic, and civil polity, and a prize In 
moml !PhH., 1888) ; rn-., 1888, Emily, d. 
late Rev. Jas. Spencer, M.A., ed. Chrl8- 
tian Guardian; a. 1888; held pastor- 
ates at Woodstock, Hamilton, St. 
Catha rines, Brantfard, and Montreal 
(Douglas Ch.); pasbor Ce.ntral Meth. 
Ch., Cal.gary, 1903-10; since then has 
been presdt. Morunrt: Royal CoIl., Cal- 
gairy ; elected presdt. ALberta Conf., 
1907; formerly pres&t. Hami.Þton Conf. 
Epworth League; ma-ð.e tour of Gt. 
Brit. and Europe, 1907; for some yrs. 
engd. In evangeldstlc work wHh the 
Rev. G. R. Turk; a memo Joint Comte. 
on Ch, Union; the originator of the 
Forward Movement In Bible Situdy and 


<e'V.ange!I'Ïs't1c work; a;utJhOiI' "The Broken 
'Dmi1 .. (1909 ) .
14 .sixth Ave. W., 
Calgary, Alta. 
.. A clear thinker, with great force of 
expression."-Can. Epworth Era. 
Kermode, Francis, naturalist; B. C. 
public service. 
Eng. parentage; b. Liverpool, Eng., 
June 26, 1874; came to B. C., with 
parents, 1883; e. provl. public ßchs.; 
m., 1900, Margt. Allan, d. C. E. Fowler, 
Vancouver, B.C.; entd local Govt. ser- 
vice, in Provl. Museum, 1890; apptd. 
curator, do. do., Feb., 1904; memo Nat. 
Hist. Soc. B. C.; assoc. memo Am. 
Ornithol. Union; active charter mpm. 
Am. Assn. of Museums; in recognition 
of his nature investigations in B. C., 
has had the honour of having a new 
ecies of whit'e bear named Ursu8 
Ií.ermodei (HornadJay), Jan. 10, 1905. 
- 'Victoria, B.C. 
Kernighan, Robert Kirkland, poet 
and journalist. 
R. A ndrpw and Jane K.; father 
Erlsh; motlher from QueJbec; b. .. RuSh- 
dale Farm," nr. Hamilton, Ont., Api. 
25, 1857; e. common sch.; unm.; 
when a young man joined the staff of 
the Hamilton Spectator, as local ed.; 
later was ed. Winnipeg Sun; known 
as the author of many clever songs 
and of patriotic and humorous verse: 
WlI"l'tea UIlJder .tJhJe nom-de-plume o-f 
.. The Khan" and .. Old Twilight"; 
his verse Includes "The Men af the 
Northern Zone" (published separate- 
ly and set to music), .. Canada First," 
.. The Frontier Way," .. Ya-houk:' 
.. The Wabagoon," .. All Night Long," 
.. When Daddy Comes Home With His 
Wages," .. The Song of the Thaw," 
.. The Newer Motherland," .. Listen to' 
Your Daddy," etc.; they were Includ- 
ed in a vol. entitled" The Khan's Can- 
ticles" (1896); another vol. has sInce 
been published; author, also, of "The 
Tattleton Papers" (1894); It was the 
opinion {)If Sir John Ma'Cdona.ld that If 
Can. ever went to war our soldiers 
would march to batJt1e singing .. The 
Men of t'he Northern Zone" ; a farmer, 
and fond of tree-iPlantlng; in pOlitics 
a Con., but believes only in Can.; 
inimical to no one but the annexation- 
ist.-" The Wigwam," Rushdale Farm., 
Rockton, Onto 
.. Canada's gre.atest poet,"-T, !rei.. 
.. Our Canadian James Whitcomb 
Rile.y."-D. O. Scott (q.v.). , 
.. A hundred years hence will be known 
to fame as the .author of 'Wihe'n Daddy 
ÛGmes Home with His Wages.' "-Th. 
late Bon. J. G. Blaine. 
Kerr, Miss Estelle .., writer and 
D. Geo. K., barrister, Toronto; b. 
and e. Taronto; studied art under Miss 
Laura Muntz (q.v.), Toronto, Art 
Students' League, N. Y., In Paris, 
Switzerland, Italy, and Holland; paints 
landscapes and portraits; published, 
1908, II Little Sam In Volendam," com- 
prising rhymes and plctures.-l,J Madi- 
son Ave., Toronto. 
.. A c1ever Toronoto Ilrl."-8, N, 

\.Ç' J5J 

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