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Publication of the Wyoming Native Plant Society 

October 2016, Volume 35(3) 

Now posted at 

In this issue : 

The Secret Life of Lichens 1, 3 

Plant Profile: Explorer's gentian 4 

Relevancy of Herbaria 5 

Growing Native Plants - Trees 6 

The Secret Life of Lichens 

Lichens occupy some of the harshest habitats in 
Wyoming and the world - how do they do it? 
“Lichens are fungi that have discovered agriculture", 
according to lichenologist Trevor Goward, lichen 
curator at the University of British Columbia [Grice 
2010). They represent perhaps the oldest known 
symbiosis in science, a close relationship between a 
fungus species [almost always an ascomycete) and a 
photosynthesizing alga species, taking on a 
macrolichen growth form. 

...At least that was the paradigm until scientists 
discovered a third party in the picture that had 
eluded science all these years. Spribille et al. [2016) 
discovered that North American beard-like lichens 
are comprised of three symbiotic partners that 
include basidiomycete yeasts. These single-celled 
associates may actually account for some of lichen 
gross morphology, and for production of secondary 
metabolites that have baffled scientists for years. 

Two putative Bryoria species of Montana were the 
first subjects of study, including B.fremontii [tree 
hair lichen). They are common in the Rocky 
Mountains, and have chemical contrasts but 
provisional taxonomic equivalency. Hypothesizing 
that the chemical differences between the two 
species would be explained by differential gene 
expression, the scientists analyzed -messenger RNA 
[also called the transcriptome). Results revealed no 
systematic differences between the ascomycete fungi 
of the two species. ..but a startling difference when 

Above: Explorer's gentian [Gentiana calycosa). Illustration 
by jeanne R. Janish. From: Hitchcock, C. L., A. Cronquist, 
and M. Ownbey. 1959. Vascular Plants of the Pacific 
Northwest, Part 4: Ericaceae through Campanulaceae. 
University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. Reprinted 
with permission. See p. 4 for a plant profile of this species.! 

the taxonomic range of analysis was expanded to 
include basidiomycetes. Both species contained 
the same unknown basidiomycete, but it was much 
more abundant in one of the species. 

Next, the lichen research team analyzed the 
correlation and global distribution pattern of 
basidiomycete taxa in relation to ascomycete taxa 
from many different macrolichens sampled on six 
continents, finding basidiomycete yeasts ubiquitous 
among macrolichens, with apparent taxonomic 
consistencies in the associations between the two 
different types of fungi. Most of the basidiomycetes 
[Continued, p. 3) 


New Members : Please welcome the following new 
members to WYNPS: Ron Bice, Cody; Blair & Nancy 
Butterfield, Dubois; Lori Clark-Erickson, Jackson; 
Eugenie Copp, Dubois; Janice Hansen, Alpine; Jennifer 
Howland, Elko, NV; Sam Jordan, Laramie; Earle F. 
Layser, Alta; Janet Marschner, Cheyenne; Bobbie 
McCrackin, Atlanta, GA; Janice McKee, Cheyenne; 
Lillian McMath, Dubois; John Mionczynski, Lander; 
Nathaniel Moy, Elko, NV; Rob Outka, Rozet; Danita 
Sayers, Dubois; Mae Smith, Greybull; Georgi Still, 
Wilson; Nancy Thomas, Star Valley Ranch; Kathy 
Treanor, Dubois; Trudy Trevarthen, Dubois; 

American Wilderness Botanicals, LLC., Wilson; 
Gardening With Altitude, Cheyenne. 

Treasurer's Report : Treasurer's report: Balance as 
of 15 Sept 2016: Scholarship = $1295.50; general 
fund = $7250.50; total = $8546. 

WYNPS Board -2016 
President: Karen Clause, Pinedale 
r ) 

Vice-President: Brian Sebade, Laramie 
r bsebade@uwvo.edu1 

Sec.-Treasurer: Dorothy Tuthill r 1 

Walt Fertig, Phoenix, AZ ['16-'17) 

r 1 

Bob Giurgevich, Sheridan ['15-'16) 

r 1 

Other contacts : 

WYNPS homepage: also on 

Teton Plants Chapter: Amy Taylor, Treasurer 
r tetonplants@gmail.com1 and homepage 
http : / / 

Sublette Chapter: Julie Kraft, President 

r 1 

Editor: Bonnie Heidel r bheidel@uwvo.edu1 

Webmaster: VACANT 

Bighorn Native Plant Society: Jean Daly, Treasurer 
(P.O. Box 21, Big Horn, WY 82833 

Wyoming Native Plant Society 
P.O. Box 2500 
Laramie, WY 82073 

Teton Plants Fall Program Event : 

When: Tuesday, October 25, @ 6 p.m. 

What: Douglas Fir Fire History and Dynamics in 
Jackson Hole 

Who: Kevin Krasnow, Faculty and Research 

Specialist, Teton Science School 

Where: Teton Public Library, Jackson 

Watch for future program announcements at the homepage 

of the Teton Plants Chapter: h ttp://www. tetonplan ts. ora/ 

Laramie Event : 

When: Thursday, October 27, @ 5:30 p.m. 

What: Historical Journey of Wyoming's Plant 
Explorers, from Horseback to Satellites 

Who: Robert Dorn, botanist and author 
Where: Berry Biodiversity Conservation Center, 
Laramie, at 10^^ and Lewis Streets [U-WY) 

Robert Dorn will talk about exploration of 
Wyoming's rich plant life. Advances in technology 
across three centuries have streamlined the process- 
from horseback to motorized vehicles, quill pens to 
computers, and unmapped wilderness to GPS. He 
received his PhD from the Botany Department [U- 
WY) and authored Vascular Plants of Wyoming [3rd 
ed., 2001), The Wyoming Landscape, 1805-1878 
[1986), and co-authored with his wife Jane, Wyoming 
Birds [2nd ed., 1999) and Growing Native Plants of the 
Rocky Mountain Area [2007). 

It is sponsored by Rocky Mountain Herbarium [RM] and 
Biodiversity Institute [U-WY]. It is preceded by a RM Open 
House @ 4:30 pm. A Reception f ollows the talk. 

Message from the President 

Fall is here! As field season 
wind down, here's the news. 

Nominations are open for the 
"Ronald L. Hartman Wyoming 
Excellence in Botany Award", 
named after its first recipient in 
2015. Send nominations to the 
award committee at the Society 
address [below). 

I'm also appointing a 
nomination committee for Board positions - would you 
like to be on the committee or run for office? -Call or write! 

Please enjoy the fall colors. Thanks again for a great 
annual meeting in Dubois. Last but not least, HURRAH for 
new members ©. 

-Karen Clause 

Contributors to this Issue : Karen Clause, Eva Crane, 

Robert Dorn, Walter Fertig, David Giblin, Bonnie Heidel, 
Mae Smith, Lynn Stewart, Amy Taylor, Dorothy Tuthill. 


2016 WYNPS Annual 

Dubois, WY 

About 70 people came to 
the 2016 Annual Meeting in 
Dubois. We also had an 
amazing showing in the Plant 
Kingdom! Thank you to 
Dubois hosts, and to one and 
all for coming! 

Above: Hold onto your hats! Whiskey Mountain hikes ran both Saturday and Sunday. 
Here's a view of some hikers at the blustery summit. Photo by Mae Smith 

Left: Aquilegia jonesii [Limestone columbine; Jones’ columbine, appeared in profusion 
to the glee of Whiskey Mountain hikers. Photo by Lynn Stewart 

Left: Androsace chamaejasme (Sweet-flowered rock jasmine) 
contributed to the kaleidoscope of color on top with Aquilegia 
jonesii. Photo by Eva Crane 

The Secret Life of Lichens, cont. from p. 1 

belong to one [newly-recognized) order that appears 
to have a shared evolutionary history with the lichen- 
forming ascomycetes. 

How did yeasts within lichens escape detection all 
these years? Their location and the previous 
techniques used by lichenologists are parts of the 
explanation. The breadth of results indicate that 
basidiomycete yeasts are essential partners for most 
lichens and may help explain the heretofore 
impossibility of reconstituting lichen symbiosis in the 

...Maybe lichens in their three-way partnerships 
provide a new paradigm for collaboration! BH and DT 


Grice, G. 2010. Lichens: fungi that have discovered 
agriculture. Discover Magazine. Posted at: . 

Spribille, T., V. Tuovinen, P. Resl, D. Vanderpool, H. 
Wolinski, M.C. Aime, K. Schneider, E. 
Stabentheiner, M. Toome-Heller, G. Thor, H. 
Mayrhofer, H. Johannesson and J.P. McCutcheon. 
2016. Science 353: 488-492. 


Lichen photographs by Bruce Parkinson will 
go on display at the Berry Biodiversity 
Conservation Center [U-WY in Laramie) from 
October 24 thru the end of the academic year. 


Plant profile : 

Gentiana calycosa 

By David Giblin 

University of Washington Herbarium, Burke Museum 
[Adapted from: Douglasia 40 (3). [2016)] 

Thou blossom bright with autumn dew, 

And coloured withe heaven's own blue, 

That openest when the quiet light 
Succeeds the keen and frosty night. 

So begins the poem “Ode to a Fringed Gentian" by 
nineteenth-century write William Cullen Bryant. 
Though his musings were of Gentianopsis crinita, he 
might as well have been writing about G. calycosa 
[explorer's gentian, also called mountain bog gentian 
or Rainier pleated gentian), a native member of our 
flora commonly found throughout the subalpine and 
alpine meadows of the Cascades and Olympic 
mountains. Its broader range extends from British 
Columbia to California, east to Alberta, Montana, 
Wyoming and Utah. 

Gentiana calycosa is in the Gentianaceae, a family 
of plants closely related to the dogbane family 
[Apocynaceae), the latter of which includes the 
milkweeds. The gentian family has a worldwide 
distribution and comprises some 100 genera and 
1,800 species with growth forms ranging from annual 
herbs to small trees. The genus Gentiana itself is huge 
- about 360 species of herbaceous plants found on 
every continent except Antarctica, though the vast 
majority of them are found in Asia. The online Flora 
of China shows 317 species occur there. 

The origin of the name Gentiana traces back to 
Gentius, a second-century king of Illyria, who 
according to legend discovered the medicinal value of 
G. lutea. The specific epithet calycosa is from the Latin 
calyx, seed pod, husk or outer covering, and the Latin 
os, here meaning "full." The reference to a full calyx is 

Taxonomically, Gentiana has presented serious 
challenges to researchers. Results from molecular 
studies over the past 30 years have warranted the 
recognition of serval genera to accurately capture the 
evolutionary relationships of many species that 
historically were placed in Gentiana. 

Explorer's gentian is one of my all-time favorite 
mountain plants. 1 think part of it has to do with them 
being late-season bloomers [late July to September), 
squeezing in their reproductive cycle just before the 
impending end to the wildflower season. 1 also like 
that the flowers are presented at the tips of stems 
that are often are not higher than the surrounding 
vegetation. There is often an element of surprise 
when first encountering them each year. 

Explorer's gentians are perennial herbs, typically 
with multiple stems originating from a common base 
[cespitose). The leaves are simple, opposite, and lack 
petioles [sessile). Overall the plants are quite 
striking, though they must be difficult to cultivate in a 
garden setting, as I've never seen them for sale in a 
nursery. Its flowers have sepals and petals in fives, 
with the petals fused into a broad tube. The five, 
rounded lobes at the top of the tube have the most 
remarkable greenish-yellow flecking. This flecking 
continues downward in the tube in patterning so 
dense as to form vertical guides for pollinators to 
locate the nectaries located at the base of the flower. 
You really need to see this if you haven't. The flowers 
are primarily bumblebee-pollinated. There are five 
stamens fused to the inner corolla tube, and the 
ovary is superior. Flower buds typically have a 
twisted appearance prior to opening. 

Remarkably, 1 was not able to locate a single 
scientific publication exclusively focused on the 
biology of G. calycosa. What this means is that we 
know precious little about the natural history, 
physiology, longevity, ecology, or pollination biology 
of a common member of our native flora. A study was 
conducted on a related member [G. algida) native to 
the Rocky Mountains, in which the researcher found 
that plants responded to oncoming thunderstorms by 
closing the petals of their flowers. This remarkable 
response improved reproductive output by keeping 
pollen and stigmatic surfaces dry [you can find an 
abstract of that study here: 


ct ). Whether our own G. calycosa does this is 
unknown, but certainly something considering the 
next time you encounter it! 


Are Herbaria Still Relevant in the 21st Century? 

[Adapted from: Sego Lily 39:1 [2016) 

By Walter Fertig, Arizona State University Herbarium 

If herbaria are to survive, those of us who care 
about them need to do a better job of demonstrating 
their value to society. Herbaria are increasingly 
relevant in the fields of ecology, biogeography, and 
conservation biology, on top of important 
conventional taxonomic research. Specimens are 
also valuable for building public appreciation of 
plants and of botany in general. Rather than hiding 
our specimens behind cabinet doors, we need to 
make them more accessible, especially digitally. 

In the past, users of specimen data had to either 
visit herbaria in person or arrange to borrow 
material. With the advent of digital databases, 
herbarium records are now readily available around 
the clock and from any home, office, or mobile device 
that has internet access [even in the field). On-line 
databases include standard label information 
[species name, collector, date, locality, habitat) and 
often have maps of collection sites and digital images 
of the actual specimen. These data can be queried in 
numerous ways to create local or rangewide 
distribution maps or customized species lists, e.g., at 
the Rocky Mountain Herbarium [RM) search page 
[]. Individual 
herbaria are increasingly pooling their digital data 
into regional and national networks, such as SEINet 
[Southwest Environmental Information Network), 
the Consortium of Intermountain Herbaria, or the 
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria, allowing 
users to access millions of records with ease. Other 
digital products, such as image libraries and links to 
original botanical literature, are greatly increasing 
the utility and scope of herbarium information. 

Brick-and-mortar herbaria [and the professional staff 
needed to maintain them) are still vital for plant 
identification services. Potential clients range from 
farmers and ranchers, government biologists, and industry 
consultants to home gardeners, amateur naturalists, and 
school children: essentially anyone who might need 
assistance identifying mystery plants. Sometimes 
herbarium staff are asked to provide expertise on plant 
fragments rather than whole specimens. Such "forensic 
botany" can help archeologists interpret prehistoric sites, 
paleoecologists infer past climates, and law enforcement 
officers solve crimes. 

Herbaria can also be thought of as vast genetic libraries. 
Rather than having to travel around the world to gather 
samples, researchers have millions of collections at their 
disposal, already identified to species and with collection 
dates and localities provided. In the case of extinct or 
protected species, herbarium specimens may be the 

Explorer's gentian 
[Gentiana calycosa], 
a specimen by David Scott, 
from Grand Teton Natl. Park, 
Coll. No. 4997, 

For on-line viewing see 
Rocky Mountain Herbarium 

Each herbarium sheet has three main pieces of 

-The most obvious is the physical specimen itself: 
stems, leaves, roots, flowers, and fruits. From these, 
researchers can determine the identity of the 
species and recognize the diversity among 
individual plants within and between populations. 
Measurements and observations of specimens is the 
basis for species descriptions and identification 

-Additional information can be gleaned from the 
internal chemistry of the specimens, especially 
genetic data from nuclear and organelle DNA. Such 
data can be used to reconstruct phylogenetic 
relationships among species, genera, and families. 

-Perhaps the most useful information, however, 
comes from the specimen label which records the 
name of the species [and any subsequent changes or 
corrections), the collector, the date of the collection, 
locality, and other data on habitat, elevation, 
associated species, or abundance. These three 
datasets are the foundation of taxonomic research 
and can be especially useful in studies of ecology 
and conservation biology. 


only material available for study. Older specimens 
can offer a window into changes in genetic structure 
in populations and evidence of ongoing evolution. 

There have been challenges in utilizing herbarium 
collections in molecular research. Initially 
researchers had difficulty extracting sufficient 
quantities of DNA from old collections. DNA can also 
be altered if specimens were pickled or dried 
improperly. Recent advances in molecular 
techniques are resolving many of these problems. A 
recent study (Choi et al. 2015) found no relationship 
between the age of a specimen and the purity of DNA 
that could be extracted and later amplified. Ames 
and Spooner (2008) used DNA from 200-year old 
herbarium specimens of Irish potato in Europe to 
match unique genetic markers with their source 
populations in the Andes and lowlands of Chile and 
help determine the multiple points of origin of this 
important crop plant. 

Herbarium specimens can also be time capsules of 
past environmental conditions. Atmospheric carbon 
dioxide levels have been recorded in herbarium 
specimens collected in the late 1700s and compared 
with recently collected plants to document changes in 
the concentration of greenhouse gases since the 
industrial revolution (Bonal et al. 2011). 

For taxonomists, the most important specimens 
are the type collections, which provide the basis for 
species names and taxonomic concepts. When a new 
species is discovered, a holotype is designated and 
deposited in an herbarium to serve as the standard 
(or archetype) for which all other individuals of the 
species are compared. A recent study found that 
nearly one-quarter of all newly documented species 
were already found within existing herbarium 
collections but had been initially misidentified or 
unidentified (Bebber et al. 2010). The authors even 
suggested that as many as 70,000 undescribed plant 
species might still be lurking within the world's 

Herbarium specimens can also be a source for new 
records of pathogens and parasites. In the 1990s, the 
late John Baxter, a retired mycologist, discovered 
over 30 state records of rust and smut fungi growing 
on plant specimens in the Rocky Mountain 
Herbarium at the University of Wyoming. One of 
these was Puccinia yosemitana, a rust from California 
and Colorado that was new to Wyoming. Baxter 
found it growing on a specimen of Opal phlox [Phlox 
opalensis] that I had collected in SW Wyoming a few 
years earlier. 

Specimen vouchers (deposited in herbaria) are 
important for documenting new occurrences of rare 
and unusual plants. Compared to observation 
records or photographs, physical specimens are 
easier to corroborate if there is any debate about a 
report's authenticity. This can be especially 
important in ecological studies or when developing 
checklists for protected areas, such as national parks 
or wildlife refuges. 

Locality data from herbarium specimens is also 
useful in studying the spread of invasive weeds on 
one hand, and to identify gaps in the network of 
protected areas, on the other. In Wyoming, 10.6% of 
the state is “protected" (in national parks, wilderness 
areas, special botanical areas, and Nature 
Conservancy preserves), but these areas tend to be 
concentrated nonrandomly in the northwest corner 
of the state and at high elevations. Based on 
herbarium records, I found that 18% of the state's 
plant species were completely absent from these 
protected areas (Fertig 2011). 

Digital locality data from herbarium specimens can 
be used in modeling the potential distribution of 
weeds, rare plants, and other species of high 
management interest. At the University of Wyoming, 

I used more than 325,000 digital records in the Rocky 
Mountain herbarium database to identify patterns in 
the presence and inferred absence of 200 randomly 
selected plant species with a mix of environmental 
variables (average monthly temperature and 
precipitation, bedrock geology, soil type, vegetation, 


Ames, M. and D.M. Spooner. 2008. DNA from herbarium 
specimens settles a controversy about origins of the 
European potato. American Journal of Botany 

Bebber, D.P. et al. 2010. Herbaria are a major frontier for 
species discovery. PNAS 107(51):22169-22171. 

Bonal, D. Etal. 2011. Leaf functional response to 
increasing atmospheric CO 2 concentrations over the 
last century in two northern Amazonian tree species: a 
historical and 6^^ 0 approach using herbarium 
samples. Plant, Cell & Environment 34(8):1332-1344. 

Choi, J., et al. 2015. All that is gold does not glitter? Age, 
taxonomy, and ancient plant DNA quality. Peer] 3 

Deng, Boer. 2015. Plant collections get pruned back. 
Nature 523:16. 

Fertig, W.F. 2011. Strategies for plant conservation in 
Wyoming: Distributional modeling, gap analysis, and 
identifying species at risk. Ph.D., Dept, of Botany, 
University of Wyoming. 


Rocky Mountain Herbarium (U-WY) 
- at the forefront 

Yellowstone National Park would not be where 
it is today without the Roeky Mountain Herbarium 
(RM). Yellowstone National Park is the heart of 
the Greater Yellowstone Eeosystem and straddles 
three states. RM is invaluable for getting a 
broader eeosystem perspeetive for nonnative 
speeies as well as rare speeies. While 
Yellowstone does have a herbarium of its own, our 
reeords only represent the flora of Yellowstone 
National Park, not the entire eeosystem. In 
addition, our eolleetion is very young with most of 
it more reeent than 1950; earlier speeimens were 
sent off around the eountry and world. Herbaria 
provide historieal distributions for the native flora 
as well as the latest diseoveries and taxonomie 
revisions. We rely heavily on this eontext from the 
Roeky Mountain Herbarium to meet our mandates 
for native plant eonservation. 

Heidi Anderson, Wetland Ecologist and Botanist, 
Yellowstone National Park; Mammoth, MT 

Are you a fan of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium? 

Become an official FRIEND at: 

http : / / /botanv/rm-friends / for 

alumni, colleagues and public admirers at large! 

The Roeky Mountain Herbarium (RM), and 
the online availability of the information held 
there, has been instrumental for understanding 
the distribution, habitat, and threats to some of 
our rarest plants and the plants that are 
impaeted by Forest Serviee management. 
Similarly, the information held at RM provides 
eritieal information about the eeology of the 
plants that are the foundation of the eeosystems 
throughout the Roeky Mountains whieh the 
Forest Serviee manages. The information from 
RM is also used to determine whieh speeies are 
to be used in restoration after natural and 
artifieial disturbanee on national forests. 

Tyler Johnson, Rocky Mountain Regional 
Botanist, U.S. Forest Service; Golden, CO 

The Roeky Mountain Herbarium (RM) is a truly invaluable resouree to the Bureau of Fand 
Management in Wyoming. BLM WY regularly uses the RM resourees to learn or eonfirm the identity 
of plants, whieh is a fundamental part of assessing resouree eonditions. RM provides important 
information on the loeation and distribution of common desirable plant species throughout Wyoming 
and this information is used to identify areas for the BFM Native Plant Materials Development Program 
to target for seed collection. Using these targeted local seed collections increases the chances of 
successful reclamation seeding efforts. The online herbarium database is extremely useful for the many 
seasonal interns and employees who often come from other regions of the country and have little 
familiarity with the plant communities of the Rocky Mountain region. And of course the BFM WY 
relies heavily on the RM for understanding the distribution, and identifying potential habitat, for rare 
and sensitive plant species. The RM is in the midst of digitizing all of the BFM Field Office herbaria 
specimens as part of a cooperative agreement. This will be yet another extremely valuable resource 
aiding the BFM WY resource protection efforts. 

Tanya Skurski, BLM State Botanist, Cheyenne, WY 


Growing Native Plants 

Part 21. Trees 

By Robert Dorn 

In each of the previous parts we usually looked at 
five examples of native plants. This has tallied to 
around 100 species. There are many more native 
plants that are desirable to grow. In the next parts of 
this series I will present some of these additional 
species. I will begin with trees since these take the 
longest time to get to a desirable size. 

Betula papyrifera, Paper Birch, is a fast growing 
deciduous tree that can reach 60 feet tall and 20 feet 
wide. It is usually less than half that tall. The root 
system is shallow. The bark is cream colored to chalky 
white marked with gray or black scars. The bark 
continually peels to expose new bark. This is the tree 
that the native peoples used to build their birchbark 
canoes. The leaves are ovate with pointed tips and to 
3 inches long. They turn yellow in the fall. The flowers 
are inconspicuous and borne in catkins which appear 
from April to June. They grow naturally in Wyoming 
mostly in the Black Hills where they have persisted 
since the glacial period after being pushed south from 
the Northern Boreal Forest. They occur on cool, moist, 
north-facing slopes. They prefer cool, moist areas in 
well-drained soil with at least partial shade such as on 
the north side of a building. They do not tolerate 
drought nor excessive wind. They are generally short- 
lived and may be subject to birch borers. It can be 
grown from untreated seed. Surface sow to allow light 
exposure. It is also in the nursery trade. 

Pinus flexilis, Limber Pine, is a slow growing, long- 
lived, evergreen tree that can reach 80 feet tall and 30 
feet wide but is usually much smaller. The leaves are 
needle-like in clusters of 5 and to 2.5 inches long. The 
female cones are very resinous and to 8 inches long. 
The plants occur naturally on dryish, often wind swept 
and rocky ridges and slopes from rocky outcrops on 
the plains to subalpine areas in the mountains. They 
prefer moist to dry, open areas and are tolerant of 
drought, wind, cold, and heat. They are a good 
candidate for bonsai culture. It can be grown from 
seed which is best cold stratified for 21 to 90 days 
before planting. Barely cover with soil. Small trees 
can be transplanted. The foothills ecotype will do best 
at our lower elevations. There are many cultivars in 
the nursery trade. 

Betula papyrifera, Crook Co. 

Betula papyrifera, Custer Co., SD 

Pinus flexilis, Albany Co. 

Pseudotsuga menziesii, Douglasfir, is a fast growing, 
evergreen tree, cone-shaped when young but 
becoming more irregular and open with age. They can 
reach 70 feet or more high and 30 feet wide but are 


usually much smaller. The leaves are linear, flattened, 
blunt at the tip, to 1.5 inches long, and borne singly 
along the branches similar to a fir tree. The female 
cones are to 3 inches long with 3-lobed bracts 
protruding from the cone scales. They occur naturally 
on dry, often rocky slopes and ridges in the mountains. 
They prefer a well-drained site in full sun or part 
shade. They are drought and wind tolerant but are 
best grown on a north-facing exposure. At lower 
elevations they may be subject to winter sun burn and 
pests like gall aphids, tussock moths, and needle scale. 
It is an alternate host for spruce gall aphid so spruce 
and Douglasfir should not be planted in close 
proximity. It can be grown from fresh seed barely 
covered with soil. For spring sowing, cold stratify the 
seed for at least 60 days. There are many cultivars in 
the nursery trade. 

Quercus gambelii, Carbon Co. 

Salix amygdaloides, Platte Co. 

Salix amygdaloides, Goshen Co. 

Pseudotsuga menziesii, Meagher Co., MT 

Quercus gambelii, Gambel Oak, is a slow growing 
deciduous tree [may be shrub-like) to 20 feet tall and 
as wide. It tends to sucker and form thickets. The 
leaves are lobed like typical oak leaves and to 6 inches 
long. They turn yellow, orange, or red in the fall. The 
flowers are inconspicuous appearing in March and 
April. The fruit is an acorn about 0.5 inch across. The 
plants occur naturally in Wyoming mostly on the west 
slope of the Sierra Madre Mountains in Carbon County. 
They prefer moist to dry, open or partly shaded areas. 
They are tolerant of wind and some drought. It can be 
grown from the acorn planted half an inch deep 
outside in the fall. It is difficult to transplant. It is also 
in the nursery trade. 

[Continued, p. 10) 


Growing Native Plants 

[Continued from p. 9) 

Salix amygdaloides, Peachleaf Willow, is a 
fast growing deciduous tree to 40 feet tall and 
30 feet wide. The leaves are ovate with long 
pointed tips and to 3.5 inches long. They turn 
light yellow in the fall. The flowers are 
inconspicuous and borne in catkins from 
April to June. The plants occur naturally on 
flood plains, shores, and other wet places on 
the plains and in the valleys and basins up to 
about 7000 feet. They prefer moist to wet, 
sandy, gravelly, or silty soils in full sun. 

Ideally they should be planted along a pond 
or stream but will do well in a regularly 
irrigated lawn if the soil is not allowed to dry 
out. It may be desirable to prune out multiple 
trunks that it tends to develop. It is easy to 
grow from cuttings of small branches taken in 
late winter, treated with rooting hormone, 
and rooted in water or a moist medium. 

Fresh seeds germinate readily on a wet soil 
surface in direct light. Salix amygdaloides is 
commercially available. 

Wyoming Native Plant Society is a non-profit organization established 
in 1981 to encourage the appreciation and conservation of the native 
plants and plant communities of Wyoming. The Society promotes 
education and research through its newsletter, field trips, annual 
student scholarships and small grants awards. Membership is open to 
individuals, families, or organizations. To join or renew, you can do it on- 
line f WWW. ) or return this form to: 

Wyoming Native Plant Society 
P.O. Box 2449 
Laramie, WY 82073 

Name: _ 

Email : 

Check one: [ ] New member [ ] Renewing member 

[ ] Check here if this is an address change. 

[ ] Check here if you prefer to receive the newsletter electronically. 

[ ] WYNPS annual membership: $10; or 
[ ] WYNPS annual membership with scholarship support: $20 
[$10 for membership and $10 for Scholarship fund) 

[ ] WYNPS Lifetime membership: $300 [$150 for membership 

and $150 for Scholarship fund) 

In addition to the statewide organization, we have two chapters. 
Membership in chapters is optional; chapter members must also be 
members of the statewide organization. 

[ ] Sublette Chapter annual membership: $5.00 
[ ] Teton Plants Chapter annual membership: $5.00 
Total enclosed: THANKYOU! 

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