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Bellum Catilinariutri et Jugurthinum, 



tita SALLXJSril Auaor e Vira Ch 



i)ISSERTATIO, in quii quam egregie conferant ad Lijnguam Lati'* 

nam facilius promptiufque percipicndam, Au^torum Claflkorum 

VerfioAei Aftglicae, tam ad verbum quam liberius fa^ta, 

j^luribus demonftratur. 

I. E. 

The HI$f ORYof the WARS 

O F 


B Y • 

^ A L L U S 7; 



The LIFE of S ALLUS^T by thc famous 

Monfieur Le C LE R C 

, A« ALSO ^ 

A large DISSERTATIOK upon the Ufefulnefs of Tranflations of 

Claflic Authors, both literaV an^ free, for the more eafy expe- 

ditious Attainmcnt of the L^tin Tongue. 

Fjr JOHN CLAR R E, of Hull. 

& LO Q E STB R: 

P R I N^ T E D B Y R. R A I J: fi S. 

And sold by J'. F. and C. Rivingtonj^ St. PaVl's CHtj&ciC' 
Yard, and James Evans, Pater-Noster..Row, LoNoexr* 

■ ■ I ■■■■■^■■iM ■ ■« M I .l^ «^ 


/ ♦ 

''il'l Mi. \ li ,,"/"1 , ,, „„ n',ii,i ' .\ .,'( < 

T H E 

P R E F A C E, 

n^HE CharaSler of Sallust as an Hiftorian^ is fo wiU 
•* knowHj andfo juflly eflabliP)ed in the Learned TVorUy that 
Ijudge it needlefs to enlarge utdn tbe Subje£f ; and I declineit 
the rather^ becatife I dm fenfthle Enconuums ofthat ^indfrom 
a Tranjhtoror Commentatorj are generalty^ and but too jujilyy 
fdpeSfed by the moftfenfible ReaderSj toproceed onlyfrom a De^ 
Jtgn tofet offy or recommend more effeSlually his own Peffor- 
mance. It will liot however be improper to obferve^ that the 
Subje^Sy which have employed the elegant andjudicious Pen of 
ihis Htftorian^ are very well chofen Periods of the Soman Ht-» 
Jiory. Catiline's Confpiracy wasfo defperate and viUainous a 
Defign as isfcarcely to be paraUeled in the Hiftory of Mankindm 
Tfhe Circumftances of it werefuch as to demand the Tolents of 
ihe abUft Writery and the deepejl Jttention of the Jiudious 
Reader. And it is proper to add^ that ihis very Attempt of 
Catiline rendered tke Confulate ofthe illtiftrious Roman Orator 
fhe moft eminent that is to befoundin theAnnals ofhis Country^ 

XHE War againft King Jugurtha too^ for thi Time ofits 
Continuance^ is asfull ofimportant and remarkable Inciaents^ 
as any other in the whole Roman Hiftory bejides. We fei 
tbere io what a Height Bribery and Corruption were at tfoat 
Timfi g<a in^S^OfXit 'y to fuch a Height indeedy that the KoxxiSins 
wanted butorie Thing tocombleat their Shame arid Ruin at once^ 
fhat isy to have had the Biliy which was prejerrfd to the Peo^ 

IV P R E F A C E- 

ple againft the Penjtoners to tbe King^ rejeSied, And this wat 
what many of the Senate (in ail Likelihood a very great Majo," 
rity) endeavoured hy clandejiine MeanSj and Jly PraSiiceSy to 
bring abo&t. But the PeopUj corrupt, as they were^ yet were 
not wtcked andjhamelefs enough to come into fo'vile a ProjeSfy 
whichj had it fucceededj mu/i^ in all Probabilityj have made 
Jugurtha Majier of Rome. To concludej we may learnj from 
this and thefuhfequent Partofthe Roman Story^ V/7/Julius 
Caefar executed hh long projeiled Defign upon his Countryj this 
Lejfonj that where Bribfery andCorruption prevail amongft 
the Govcmors of a Free State, unlefs fomepowerful Remedy 
can befpeedily applied, there the Deftruftion of Libefty muft 
unavoidably and prefently enfue. > 

M Tranflations of ihe Claflick Authors, both Literal 
and Freej are exceedingly ufeful in learning the Latin Tongue^ I 
, have thoughtfit tofubjoin to this Preface m^ Dijfertation upon 
ihat Subje£fj but conjiderably fnlarged* ' - \ 

C. CR I S P J 



V I T A. . 

BONORUM Virorum tiniiditati, incanllantix, aut iinpradn|tii|i 
vixignoicere poflumus, fiquidaliquandomoribusfuis indignum, 
& antc aftsc Vil>c minus confentaiieum protulerint. Sed mutta' 
inagis iram nodram movent improborum honelti fermoncs ; qtiibus^ 
jut nequitiam fuam occultent, certiufque lioceant, utl iblent ; nibil 
enim fcelenitiug, quan^armisVirtutis uti, ut Vitium tuearis. tiatt 
puto autem quemauam prav£ hujus fimulationis labe magis infeflum 
vixilTe, quam celiheririmum tlillaricum (J- CaispvM Sai.lvs- 
TivM, ut liquebit ex ejiis vita; quam ex Veteribus colligere Ratui, 
it quicumque eamlegent, hocwemplointetligarit, nop eBeproptere» 
exiltimandum bonum quemquamfuifle, qiiod Virtutem f^lavio de- 
fenderit, iiifl conllet mores cum ferraonibus confenfitTe. tJemo certe 
tlegantius & acriusin luie jctatis vitia, quam SALLOSTins, inveihi» 
eft ; iiec quilquam vitae niinus fevene fuit. 

Natus erat faj Amiterni, in Sabinis, apiid quo5 eitant etiamnum 
antiqux feveritatfs reliquife, annoab Urbe condita^i^ ncLxix. L. 
<:anielio Chma ni^ & Cn. Pafiho Carbone Coff. Hi Sullie infenfi hel- 

lum civile concitanint, quod non delit, nilTpofiquam Sulla, trienniQ 
polt, rerumpotitusen'. His annis, omnis generis fladtia in Italia 
commiffa, plebeixque & nobilcs farailix graviHimas calamitat^s paf.. 
ix funt jun^e inteiligere licet miferrimo ac flagitiofiHipio xvonatuni 
elTe Sallujlium, Sc quo raulto plura, qux vitaret, ({uam ciUfe fequere. 
lur, videbat. Parenies tamen ejus inculpatic vitae fuiffe credibile 
Ht, quod prifcus Dfeclamator, qui noniine CiceTonis in Sallufiium in- 
veAus eft, oraniaque conquifivit, qux In eum dici poQent, nihil i^ 
"fama, rumoribufque Jubfequentis xtatis invenerit, quod iis exprp-, 
■braret. Patreln certe Sallujlii (e fraierire aKx ; quijl, inquit, «um- 
qaamin -viia fiia peccajfet, lamen majorem injuriam Reipuhlica facert 
hon poiuijfet, ^uam quod eumtalem fhum genuerai. Siibjiciti fe ««g^ 

(a) ViJi £are^iiin in ChrsT;. »d Ai. VDCCCCXXXI, (b) A. C, 




exfequijiqua in^ueritia peccafei SalktfiiuSt ne farehtem ejus aeeufare 
ruideretury qui ^o temfore fumtnam ejus fotejlatem babuit, Qi^ae verbsi 
fatis oftendiint, probra nulU in Hiftonci nodri parentes lunc tempo- 
rls ja6ta ; neque enim iis vehemens Declamator peperciflety ut SaU 
lujlii nc(}uitiam credibiliorem redderet. 

Plebeiam ejus familiam, non patrici^m, ut nonnuUi volunt, fuilTe 
liquet, ex);o quod Tribunus Klebisfuerit; ac fane ubique in nobile» 
invdhitur, ac praefertim in Hiftoria Belli Jugurthini^ Sc pofterioro 
Epiftola^ad C. Caefarem de Republica Ordinanda, 

A teneris annis excult^m eloquentiam, & operam diiigentem lit* 
tens d Sallujiio datam, fatis odendunt ejusfcripta; nequ^ cnim ita, 
fcribunt, qui ferius fe fe ad litterarum lludia contulerunt. Ideo fi- 
demeiminime detraxerim dicenti £pi(t. ii. ad Cxfarem pofiquam 
Jfbi (etaSf ingeniumque adole^vijfet^ Je haudferme armis atque equis corpus 
exercuijfe, fed animum in litieris agitajfe ; fif, quod natura Jirmhts erat^ 
ingemum in laboribus babuijfe, Sed 8c hoc diferte tedatur (a) Sueto-* 
nius ; Praeceptorcm enim ejus fuilTe ^iocct Atteium Praetextatum, no* 
bilem Grammaticum'Latinum, qui fe Pbilologum vpcavit, & <\wi Satt 
fujiium familiaridime coluit. Vix tjimen videtur, more atiorumi^ 
caufa» adlitaflTe, ut grati^m ac famam (ibi a£lionibus forenfibus com« 
pararet. Nulla certe vmemoria ejus rei, apud veteres ; nec Cicero^ 
qui totaequalium fuoriim, qui operamiuam venditarunt in fbro, me- 
ifltnit, C. Crljpi Salluftii meiitidaem ullam ufquam fecit. Si quis (i« 
Itfrfiitaufftnifuifre inimicitia{n,.qu£ inter eos fuit, fufpicetur; do- 
.^it twT Cicerd cjus faltem obitcr non memuierit, ut vituperaret. Ac 
i&ne geniis eloquentise Sallufiianae minus apturh foro fuit ; aptiifimunx 
Jliftdrfce, cjuae aj^ otiofis Jegitur. Q^iare fb) ^inttlicinus^ vitar! 
d^oftefe judic^t m caufis a^endis illam Sallufiianam (quamquam iix 
fp(6 yirtutis Ibcum obtinet) brevitatem, & abruptum fermonis genus,r 
4uM dfidfum fortafle ledlorem minus falUt, audientem tranfvolat. . 

Ceclamator, (c) quem dixi, turpiflimam adolefcentiam SalluJHo 
^t^rdbrat, nefandaYiimque volupts^tum amorem objicit ; quae crimi- 
nifloneS, ut falfae eiTe poflunt, non omnino incredibiles ob fequuta^ 
jl^agilia videntur. Domum paternam, ii accufatori crcdimus, «vi*uOi 
fdire, turpt^me *venalem babuit, ac 'vendidit ; morique coegit ex moe« 
rorc patrem, quonondum mortuo, jam pro herede omnia gerebat. 
jJQec xtatis tirccinio lapfus, pofte^ fe correxit, fed abiit in fodalitiunt. ' 
Sfcrilegi nefcio cujus Nigidiani ; bis accufatus eft apud Judices, bifii 
fiibiblutus ; y^rum it^ ut non iqnPCens t^t^ fed Judices pejerafre vide.* 
tfetTTur. • ^ 

Cum s^d capelTfendoi Reipublicae honpres cohtenderet, (d) (X|Lt<e* 

tiiram e(l cpnfequutust quam fi petiit legitimo anao, hoc eft, vige- 
mo quiqto, Quaeftor fuit A. U. C. (e) Dcxciv. Q^into Caecii 
lio Metello Celere &. L, Afrjahio CoflT* Aliofne honores ambiverit, a^n 
diSicuItatibus deterritus ad prlyuitam vitam, iis miflis, conceflerity 
fioh fatlsliquet. Ab hoc certe tenxppre nullos honores, ad Tribuna- 
tnTT> ufque Plebis, geflit. In ipfo adolefcentiae ardore, videtur ea . 
idrilifi(fe> quaea&t ern^m nomini ejus infa,m.iam. inuflerunt. (J) M% 

(a) Ta LiB. de tltufirllui Grammatjcit c. lo. (h) Lih. iv. Cap, 2«. 

(c) Cap. s* 
* (d) Uiaem, fe) A. C. l-x. (f) Apud Aul. Geliiun^Uh. xn}. c. l8. nde 


JiWr^ ^ctiplol" gravi0imus, in iibro quem mfcriprerat IVvf, zxitdg 
Bace^ C Sallufimm in aduiteno deprehenfnm cum Faullay SuUae filiajf 
4i Milofie ejus viro loris bene csfum^ &, curo peQUmam dedilTeti di- 
ttiifiUm fuiife prodidit. 

AttamenA. U. G* dccii. fa^ Tribunatum Plebis adeptus cft, 
tempore quo ufque adeo turbata erat Refpublics^ ut eo deventum fit, 
ut Cn, rompejus Magnus Conful, fme collcg^, crcaretur. -Cum 
aiutem paullo anteT. Annius Milo P. Clodium occidifTet, Pompe 
jufque legem de vi tuH(kt> quamflfituebatur qusedio de ea csede; ui^ 
ciftendi oecadonem na^his Salluftms^ (ibi non defuit. Cum duobu^ 
aliis Tribunis Plebis inimicininfttS conciones, ut fcribit Afconlus Fe- 
diamus in Ckeronis Milonianam, de MiVone habuit, invidiofa^ etiani 
«le Ciceronci quod Milonem fummo ftiidio.defenderet ; eratque 
maximsTpars multitudinis infenfk iton fohim Miioni, fed ipff. etiam^ 
propter invifum patrocinium, Ciceroni. Poflea tamen cum de accu. 
fyam ftudio mullum remifiCet Sallujlius, in fufpicione fuit in gratiani, 
yediiile tum Miione ^ Cicerone. . 

Crediderim, hifce temporibus, fcriptam foiife hiitorlam Catilina- 
'riac-Conjurationis; cum Saliuftius, exa6to Tribunatus tempore, pri- 
vatus ageret, nec Ciceroni e(fet infenfus ; rcm enim ita narrat, ut ea, 
le^ hiftoria,' nemo non a6la Ciceronis fit probatiirus. Forte & bel- 
lum Jugurthinum, &, Civilia, quse id inlequuta funt, aliaque cum 
iis coancxa, eodem illp tempore confcripfit, aut aliquanto poftc- 
rius. Certc npn ftint ea fcripta homims adolcfcentis, teftaturque 
ipfe,'initio conjurationis Catilinarise, ft tum 4emum Hiftoriam a^- 
^effum icribere, (b} uhi animus ex muitis mrferiis atque pericuHs re* 
fttie*vit^ &Jibi reli^uam aiatem a RefuhHca pracul liabendam decrefvit,; 
quodvlxante Tnbunatum, quem aono^^tatis xli. geflit, fieripo- 
tuit. Tum vcro ftatuit resgefias Populi Romani carptim (fic ipfe lo- 
quitiir) ta quaque memoria digna inderentur perfcribere ; eo magisy quod, 
€iafpey metu^ partibus Reipubiic^ animus liper erat, Haec funt verba; 
hdmmis honores nuiios amplius iperantis, aut certe ambitionem egre-- 
gie diflTimuiantis. At ncc ante diflimularat honorum cupiditatcm j 
nec poft^a, rerum potiente Caefare, eorum pontemtum prae fe tu- 

Itaque ante omnia Catilinariam conjurationem, qua contigerat 
anno ejus vitae XXX, acprdnde cujus teftis fuerat, fcribere undecini 
tirciter poft annia aggremis eft, fi calcuios rcdlc ponimus. Tum Ju- 
gurthinum Ijciium, quod diu antequam nafceretur, & Civile,, quod 
co puero geftum eft, confcripfit. Periit poftremum Opus, fi frag* 
menta qusedftm excipias, quse tamen fat ampia ad nos pervcnerunt^ 
ut ex iis inteiligere poflimus, non minuS accurate ac cetera perfcrip^ 
tum fuifle. (c) Sed mihi videor ex loco Aufbnii pbfTe colligere tcm-» 
pora, quortim Hiftorian^ fcripferat SaiiufiiuSf in iis iibris qui peri- 
crunt. Aufonius vn Idyilio xxxii, ad Ncpotem, docet pucrum, 
quos librds legcre ^um oportcat, k, quos ipfe, in gratiam ejus in 
iBanumitcnimfumcre fitparatos. Itaque incmorato Terentio, fic io- 
quitur^c Saiiufiii libris i 

yamfacinusy Catiiina, tu}im:y Lcpidlque tumuhum Ab Lepido, 6? 
Catulo, jam res ^ tempora Romtt Orfus, bis fenos feriem cohneiio per 

(a) A. C.N. I.II. 
(h) Cap. 3. (c) Sutm\ui dt tli, Oraiftfn% Cap. x. 




mruis^ yam lego ci^ili mijlum Ma^vorte duellumf Mo^vit quodfocio S^i^. 
torius exful Itiero, Haec fimt omn.ia opera Sallufitiy excepto belloi 
Jugurtliino, quodcur omiferit Aufonius, tiovi intdiigo. Forte ali— 
quot verfus vetuftate interciderunt. i. Occurrit belUim Catilina^t 
riumy de q^iio nihil necefle eft dicer^. 1 1 . Hiftoiua tumultus excicati 
SL Mar^o JBmiUo Lepidoy anno Urbis Conditse dclxxxvii poftqujeinK 
inno.fuperiariCqnful fuilfet: Is;tumultus a Pomgejo & Catiilo op- 
preiliis eft, eodem annfo. iii. Inde Salluftius fcripferat hiftoriant 
]Ferum in R,epubIiGa Romana per duodecim annos geftarum^ ante 
Lepidi .tumultum ; quorum duQdecim aonorum^ initium fecerim, 
circiterab anno U. C. dclxiii, qpo bellum. Mardcum inchoaium^ 
*b eo eiiim tempore, iJfq^e ad extcemam Dij^aturam' SuII«> duode- 
^im circiter anni fluxerunt. Multa autem inveniuntur fragniQnta; 
Sailuftiiy ex qjuibus iiqiiet eum.x^sa SuIIa geftas fcripiiiTe; quasea 
tfemporis intercapedine continentur. iv. Bellum fcripferat Sertori- 
s(ntim, quod cceperat fub finem vitae SuUae, prpximeque duodecim. 
innos memoratos confequebatur ; Metellusenim in Hifpaniam contr^c 
Sertorium miflus eft anno U. C. dclxxiv. qui duodecim illoruin 
anhoruxp ultimus fuit. Si ea Hiftoria ad receptas ufque Hifpanias pei'-; 
textaeft, quodcredibile videtur, pertinuit ad annum dclxxxi. nam- 
eo demum anno,i occifts Sertorio ^ P^r-perna> p^cat^ fimt Hiipa* 

Hmc VidemiTS q'uamvis SaUuftius carptim fcripfiflet Hiftoria'm:.Ro»>' 
xiianam, nec continua temporum ferie luc.ubrationes fuas edidiflet»^ 
cx tribuspoftremo memoratis.ope£ibuspotuifl*e contexi circiter o6to> 
decimannorum Hiftoriam; quae, utinam fane exftaretl Fragmenta:. 
cnim ejiis filem noftram- excitant, non reftinguunt. Hi autemlibri, 
^amvisab au£tbreeo ordine, ^uem memorat 4«/b«/«j, editi, viden- 
turpoftea at Gi^ammaticis in ordmem quemdam redacti, ut ex tribus 
opcribus una, conftaretur Hiftoria, Librique ejus perpetuo ordihe a 
|)rimo ad ultimum decurrerent^ convmodiufque au teftimonium cita- 
Jt^ntur. Afinius Poliio, in libro cniQ.Salluftii fcripta»reprehenderat, ut 
mmiaprifcorum verborum adfeciatione oblita, .^radebat, In eam.rem^ 
a'djutorium ei feciffe maxime quemdam Atteium iratextaium^^ nobilem 
Grammaticum Latinum, declamantium deinde adjutorem atque pracep* 
torem, Ab hoc aiebat Salluftiumy Hiftoriam fcribere aggreffumy bre* 
'viario rerum omnium Romanarum, ex quihus quas <vellet eiigerety in-^ 
ftru£lum fuiffe^ anti(juaque ei <verba ^ ftguras fmlitum eum effe coUigere* 
Videtur Grammatieus non ignobilis ca in re ingenio ac voluntati 
Salluftii gratificatus efle, potius quam fuum ipfius judicium fequa- 
tus; nam inprffceptisRhetQrlcis ad Afinium Pollionem, cinii)ilaiiud 
fhadebat, ut prodidit Suetonius, quamut notOy ciiiJique ^proprio Ser» 
mone uterefur, njitaretque rnaxime obfcuritatejnr Gfv audaciam in tranjla^ 
tiombus^, Credibile eft 5tf//«/?/«iw ea re grayjtatem ftyli captafle, j& 
prifcocum illorum Roihanorum fermopem imitatum, qiiorum xnori- 
bUs eri^t diflimillimus, ut flagitiofe vitae msjculas elueret, perfuade- 
retqueiis,,' quibus fatis notus non eraty falfaefle omnia, quae de illo 
niihus h6nefta ja6labantur. 

. Verum haeartes belle homini non ceflerunt, nam anno (a) U. C. 
Dcciv. Coff*. L. iEmilio Paulo & C. Claudio, Marcello, Appius> 
.Claudiiis PulcIVer Cenfprj nbh repughante CoUega L. Calpuirhio Pi- 

ii) A. Cbr. N.L.. 

, i€I2C> 

fya^j 9Xic^t int^r eos Cri^tfrn Sallugiumy qui hij^riam coQrQripd^ 
$eA^tt4 ^ecit. Quqd fa^^uq^ 6 veter\)9\is, (^^ Grammsiticis ci;cr 
dixnuSy^ pr^pter a^Mlteria ; dicitur enixi» ^ iis Saiiufiius tafuaardor^ 
itH/ajfirvijfi in lib^rtfnaSf^ fuantQ m^ichus in m^rQa^Sf quod cunp ilH itf 
Sfm^tu. g^ Cfnfarib^s^ o/fjeiiutf^, ^Jy refponditje non matronarum, fedlif- 
^/fruna^Pin^ feiffator/w effc %ap^^ ^x Senfttu^ iuqui^nt* eie&us^ ef^ 
|lo^ quQqV^ ei exprobra^t perfoimtus iile (b) Ciara, qi^ peclamatioqp 
in ejus mores inve6lus eft. Iden^ aps 4o^e^, po^u^^ C^^ores Se- 
natum, u\qK€ xx^jpKum, legiflfcB,t, i^i^ifi^ <;pnCp^ay^ ^flfe Sa/iujUum 
Roina^ f^fp^^urq\ie tum fe cmjffmviea cafir^ ^ffoomjfiffefitit^ 
JSieipuhlic^ co^fii^xfraf^ ; hoc Q%, m GJalUam-ad Carfi^r^ fe co^tulifle* 
Non m.uiqrib.VjS.<f^JtcQnviciiseum ea^^t^^vit Ifeiff^ufii Pompfji Ma^gni 
libertuis, ex amore erga patroni memorian^ quep[i ^ciHufiit^. fcri|^r%t 
frisftrobi, ofHmo ipiverecunfdp fuifik^ Ideo L,pi»l\S p.oftesv Hiftoricunil 
Do^um aceriij0ma S^yra^ ut dc^^t Sueliqaius, lofi^rafuif, lailurum 
& luifconem^ nebulonem popjnoneix^^e ^J^<//^j,^ vitafcriptifquc 
XDon^rqAjipc), fri^t^r^if priicqruni, Catonifque ver$(^iM^ inerudi^iili- 
mum fupepv Q^ia ex occ^f^ae, fic de fiiin^p^jo fcripfifliet Siaih0ius 
pod interitum ejus Hidqri^, qqnji^re aqn poCruinus; at con^t 
paefarianis pattibus e S^natu e?L,pulfuip f^viile. 

Cum pofteaquaxif^ fiefpiiblic^ arxiftis oppreflfa eft, ;^ioo fequent^ 
Cd) U. C. pccv. C. Claudio Mar^ello S^ i^. CprneUQ luentul^ 
ColT. arCsefare (e) e(lin Senatvim re^udlus % Q^ftucaiferum aqcepta» 
ut hoaef):ius in ampUfliimim ordipem reciperetur. £um autem bono^ 
rem (i adve|rfas fanfiae pre^iniMS^ ttag^tf ut nibU in^% tvm n;enale; ia-^ 
iuerity cujus cifi^uis emtorfyii. J^ibil nan 4fqtium (tc 've^rum d^^itt qtfod 
ijjlfifacere coUihtiiffet, Prqp^er i^ecatapi Qjuae&urw, prificus Decla^^ 
|n«^tory cujus verbaprotniiniiMS, bis Sfn^toremf bis i^^^.em fadium 
aic. At i>io Lil:). XLU. vult, \\X recuperaret dignitatem Senatariamp 
Praetqrem cres^tpm. Maljm, Qggeflt^ra in euip. coUat^ faAum hoc 
cffe^ eo eniin M^igiftiutu cap^p> I^omana Juven(U$iagre(Uebatqr Se« 
patum. , 

Hpctempord, viris do6^i$ yid^tur (cripfifle ^d CaBfarem duas illaa 
^ter^Sy oi|se perperam Oratioaf^s ixifcribuntur, d^e i^ubiica ordii 
^ofida, Sed ^ofleripres qi|if)em» hqc tempore, icrijpfi^ potuit \ at 
priores snon niii propemodum fpnte^to beUo fcriput. MaUmer|;o 
bafcedigerre in ax^num dccvu. aut certe ad ^oem ^nni antecedentis, 
cum vi£lus eifet Cn* Pompejus. 

. Igitur fiib iinem (f) anni pc c vi. cum in Afia eflet Caefar,*ab iis {g) 
^m Roma ad eum venerant cogoovi^, Uterifque urbanis animadvertift* 
inulta Rpmae male Sc inutiUter adminiibrari, ne(|ue uUam partem 
)lei|^ifbUcae fatis cpmmo^e geri; quod& contentionibus tribunitiU 
pernitiofae feditiones orirentur, 8c ambitione atque induIgentiaTribiu- 
Borum MiUtum» Sa qjui legipnibus prseeraot, multa cpatra moremj, 
coi^fuetudu^emque miUtarem iierent, qMas diflblvendae dilj^ipUnae^ 
feveritatifque eflent. Hanc crediderim occaflon^m fuifl^, fcrjbendi 
iterum ad Caefarem de ordin^nda RepubUca ; qua de rej^ cogitare fcr 

(a) Schol, tn Sat. 11. Lik» 1. Horatiu (b) Cap. 5. ^ ^ (O Sueto- ^ 
nivisde illujir, Gramm» eap. 15. 

(d) Cicer, in SalluB, cap. 6. (t) ^. C. ^. xlix. Id* r^ VIJ* (f) A% C^ 
i/« X !• ^y i X • (g) H irti U8 49 BeU Ahxand. cap . 1. y t . 


lio non potiut, nifi ppftvi6liim Pompejum. Antea c^m&^m SdUufr 
tiusy Caelare hondum 5n Macedoniam profefto, vigenteque bello^ 
multa monnerat, ea de re, in Eptftoja, quae n. Oratio |>erperani 
iiicitur,' ubi de Jif. 5z^/o & L. Domltlo'^ quafi viventibus loquitur, 
cum Blbulus mortuus fit ante pugnara Pharfalicam, '& Dbmitiiis ex ea 
fugiens interfeftus. Sed; in altera Epiflola, in qua de BfeHoi qua{i 
confe^o, lo(jultur, rem camdem it^rum aggrftditui*. It£(que, qui 
prior efl, eam oporteret eflTe pofteriorem, quod etikni fjfrfum ejus, 
quae pofterior «ft, prooemium fatis oftendit. . . . • 

Antequam autem Caefar cohtra Scipionein, Pompeji fdc^rum, in 
Africam iret, anno U. Ci^DCCVii. quoCaefar iterum DtiJ^itor iuit, 
M. Antonius Magifter Eqiiitum, Praetor fadlus t^' SaUufiiits \ qui 
honor videtur hon tam monitorum de Republica ordinanda, quam 
turpium adulationum iis admiffarum pfaemiitm fuifle.' Ai Salluftio 
'propemodum fatalis fuit'; (a) cum enim eflet in Campanizi, apud 
CaefarianoS milites, riioj^: in Africam tranfmittendbs, niotaque ab ii? 
eflet feditio, quam fruftra. compcfcere tentavit,*'^b iisferme eft inter- 
feftus. Quin etii^m cum Romam' ad Cafefarem coiitenderet, , ut hat: 
de re cert4orem faceret, infequuti eum eom^Iuresmilitum, bbvios 
quofqueocdderuht ; ipfum, ^fi adipifci' pbfiTent, e medio fublaturi. 

Caefar vero, placatis militibus, ftib l?riMh«imin Africam, cum parte 
exercitus, trajecit, fecumque Saliuftium duxit; quem, paucisdiebu^ 
poftquam- adpuliffet, cum penuria anndn-ae preiheretur^ (&J ad^Cer- 
cinam infulamj quam adverfarii tenebant, cum parte navitim, ire 
juflit, quodibi ihagnlim numerum irumenti effe audiebah (c) Ejus 
adventu C. Decimius Quseftorius, qui ibi cuM grandi famifiae fuse 
praefidio pr^erat commeatui, parvulvim navigiifm na6lus confcendit, 
«c fe fugae commendavit. Salluftius interim a Cercinatibus receptua, 
magno numero f rumenti invento, naves onerarias, quarum ibi fatis 
magna copiafuit, comptevit, atque incaftraad Caefarem mifit. Quid 
aliud in eo telldgeflerit Satluftius^ nemo prodidit,fed fidelerti ac ftrei. 
nuslm operara Caefari navaffe, ex praemio intelligere eft.^ {d) An- 
110 cnim U. C. Dccvii. confe6to^Africano belloj /"^j Caefar eum iit 
Numidia recepta, verbo quidem adminiftrandae provinciae caufa, re, 
ipfa autem expilandae, pro Praetore reliqUit. Itaqiie dona'multa 
Salluftius accepit, multa rapuit, Romamqu« deinde reyerfus, cum a 
Numidis accufaretur, maximam infamiam retulit; qubd cumlibrbs 
fcripfifret, in quibus copiofa & acerba oratione inve6his erat in eos 
qui ex provinciis quaeftum feciffent, rebus ipfis quod fcripferat noii 
exprefnflfct. N^ (f) tamen caufara diceret, (g) feftertio duodecies 
cum Casfare pa6lus eft, fi credimus perfonato Ciceroni, Graviflimus 
certe Hiftoricus Dioy prodidit eum, licet a Caefare dimiffum, fuis 
ipfius fcriptispercnnem infamiam fibi creafTe, quod vita ab iis prorfus 

Ea praeda, (b) qui raodo ne paternji^ra quidcm domum redimere 
poterat, repente tamquam fomnio beatus, hortos pretiofiffimos, qui 

(a) ExDhnelAh, xlii. 

(hj Hirtius de Bello Afric. cap. viii,^ (c) Ibld, cap. xxxiv. 

(d) J,C. N.xLvu (e) Dion, Llb. XLiji. (f) Cicer, In SaKuft, cap. 8, 
(g) Nonageftes milUJf. eoque amplius* 

(h) CiLer, ht Salluft, cap, 8« 


V 1 r A. xi 

Y«J Saliujilam, ab ejus nomine, difti funt, villam Tibiirtinam, & 
aliaspofleffiones fibi comparavil. 

(^uaratione, vitam pollea traduserit Sallufims, Veteribus tacen- 
tibus, nobis iion liquet, Credibile eft ornandie doraui, exftniendis 
villis, deliciifque undiquaque fibi parandis occupatnm fuifle ; iia ut 
faluberrimis prjeceptis, qu* in Hiftoriis tradideral, exemplo fuo, 
vim pondiifque detrahere pergeret. De ejusorationein Ciccroaent, Sc 
Cictrtnis in Saltufiiu», nihil addam ; quia, licet anliqua; fint, nec 
infra Ecvum Tiberianum, animi cauia, a Rhetore quopiam confiftas 
nemo amplius dubitat, 

Septuagefimo itatis anno, fato funflus eft, quadriennjo (b) ante 
bellum Afliacum, hoceft, anno (c) V. C. dccxix. S, Pompejo 
& S. Carnificio Coff. Vir fane fuit memorabilis, fi Hiftorias ejiis fpec- 
tes; quK, fi nimium antiquioris ftyli ftudium exeipias, nulljs aliis 
poftponend:e funt, principemquc locum, intei Romanos Hiftoricos, 
eliam judieio Vcterum, ei pepererunt. Nec brevitatem ac effica- 
ciamfingularem diftionisdumtaxat laudant, led eliam veritatisfta. 
diumi quod ita inlelligendum, ut dealiis ioquenlilideshabeatur, de 
fe ipfi nihil credatur nifiquod re ipfa comprobatum eft. Facilocredo, 
cnm fe Reipublic^longomvaledixiJeputaret, (d) Conjiliam ei nrnifu- 
ijfc, ul ipfe dicit, Jacvrdia aique dejidia bonum ciiun cnBtererc, niqut 
vere, agriim alende ac •venando, fm/ilibus officiii inienlum, atalem 
egife, fed honeftiorbus ftudiis & lcriptionibus operam dedifte, At 
necoblitum delicianimac voluptatnm opinor; quibus& puer &ado- 
lefcens & fenex, quafi Sirenihus quibufdam adhicfit : nec, ut pulo, 
dum Hiftorias, florcnte Ktate fcriptitaret, runeium remifit. 

Idem fecit, quod (c) plerique Philofophorum, difentmm in con- 
•viciumfuum, gufiiji audiai in a-variliam, it li&idiiiem, im amiiiioiunt 
feroranus, indicium fnfeffes futes, adeo redundant ad iffos malediaa in 
fablicum miffal Interea ejus Hiftoria, ut ceteris omnibus, utamur 
oportet, quippe qux non minus gravia ac utilia pnecepta, exempla- 
que continet, quam fi fcriptor fanAitale morum piilcos omnei fupe- 

(a) De iis vidt Fam. NiHinom r.(, Rtm^ lib. 'n. op. 7. (b) rU, 
Mufib. in Ckrtn. (c) A. CS. XXXI. (d) CtnJMt. tUtU.t*i. iw. 
(1) Stat<:»ifad Laaatl. Ufc. ln.t.p. 15. 

II I I I 1 1 I ' ' t '» ^ 



T R A N'S L A T 1 ^ N ^ 

O F 

Ig^u: Miih&rii^ ioth iiteral and fiee^ 

L A 'T IM . T O .N'G U 'E, • 

««kiganExtraafromthe E5SAY UPON ,EDUCAT10N, 
'aiid other Booksy put>lilhed by^Mr. Clarkb, iate School-Mafter 
of-ifulif Ijut very rauch cnlarged with «forther Thoughts upon 
^he^Si^jefty iiusibly dlflfered «o Ihe Cohfideration^of the Leamcfdy 
in' order tooa l^eformation of ^die vulgartKf^thod of rproceediog in 
<9raimnar-School8y as to thatimpertant Arlide Cf Edueationi tkc 

^^ Youebin our Gntftmiar-Schobls, vvHl fee Caufe to 
VfdnScr, tbat MiidR ^flie noHe ^Jndcavours for the Advance- 
tnent 6f Leamhig, 'a ri^t Bfethcfd of Education has been in 
a^maiitter whojly^ bverlookcd. Whilft thcGreat Mcn in the 
Ccteimon-weaith bf Lettcrs have*bBetrbufily ^nd fucccfsfuUy 
employcd, ftiimptovingand carryingonthefcvcral Arts ana 
SclCncc^, tiiey havc ne|le6ted ^hat -was cqually neceffary, thoe * 
Gare of Youtfi. Forhad tKis bcen as diiiy attcnded to, »b 
the Im|K>rtance dftheMatterrcqmred, thefar Labours would 
haVe ' beto of far ^more Ufc to the World. Qrammars and 
Ndteis tipon Authors *we have in Abundance indced, and 
morc^by far than are good ibrany thing; yet tliefe whcm 
th^ are ttfcful,i4re only fo jto fuch as ^have madc^a confidcrabk 
Progrcfs 'in thc Latin l'ongue. But B^nners have facen 
fcft ^hblly without any proper Helps, till of late fome few 
have bccn provided for them, by one engaged in the laborious 
And troublfcfome Employmcnt of teaehing School, v«:ho 
confecpiently had both lefs Time, and lefs Eafe of Mind 
fcr that Work, 'that many othcrs bettcr qualified to pro- 
fiiote -a rational Mtthod of Educartion amonsft us, had It 


f XIV 3 

l^leal^d thcm to tum their Thoughts to the Subjcft, and puffl 
the Matter, by fupplying our Schools with proper Books 
for the Purpofe. But the Leamed, it feems, have thought 
Things of tnis Kind bclow their Notice. Thefc was raore 
Credit and Fame to be got by writing for Men than Chil- 
dren, and thereforc thelatter have been fti^angely negle£ied. 

As the Courfe of Life L was feveral, Years cngaged in, obli- 
ged me to tum my Thoughts this Way, I have lon^ fincc 
publiflied my Sentiments upon the S,ubje(a:, in a Treatife un- 
der the Title of an EJJay upon the Education of Touth in 
Grammar-Schook. What I have there faid, and elfewhere, up- 
«n the Ufefulnefe of Tranflations for thc cafy cxpeditioiiis 
AttainmentofthcLatin Tongue, I have thought fit todraw 
togethcr under ome View,' but mudh enlarg^d with further 
Thoughts upon th^ Subjecl, in order to tura more efFe<aual~ 
ly the Attentioii of ^he Publick to a Matter of fuch ^ great 
and general Concern. 

' Translations are of two, kinds, or there are two 
Ways of tranflating Authors for tlie Ufe of Schools, thc 
m& Literal or Verbal^ in which the Latin is rendcred inta 
Englifh Word for Word, orthe Senfe and Megning of every 
Wordinthe Original is ^vcn in the Tranllatioh ; the pthef 
Free and Proper^ wherein Rcgard is only had to the Senfe, 
whLch the Tranflator endeavours to expf^efs in the mpft juft 
and handfome Manner, withput pretending to give the pre- 
cife Mcaning of evcry indvidual Word, as in the Literal or 
Verbal Way. Now both thefe Sorts .of T^^nflations; arc 
fo highly and apparently ufefiil, for the ready Attainm^nt 
of theLatin Tongue, thatit is rcally amazing the World 
ihould not long fince have been fenfible of it \ and it is yet 
morc amazing, thatafterfo muchhas be^n faid upoti the Sub- 
jc<£i, and Tranflations too of fevcral Authors piovidei fbr 
the Ufe of Schools, to which ^o Exccption has bcen taken, 
as ill done, that ever I could I^ear ; yet a great inany of . our 
Maftcrs ftiould fliew fo ftrong an Averfion to what is fo ma- 
nifeftly calculated for their £afe, at the fame time it i$.fit-> 
tcd for the greater Improvement of Youth under their Care^ 
In order to open the Eyes offuch, if poflible, upona Matter 
fo much for their Quiet, Intereft, and Credit, J have thought 
fit to prefentthcm wlth^this Difllertation, I fliall therefore 
fpcak diftinftly to the Ufcfulnefs of Translations, both 
Literal and Free. And firft of the LiteraL 

When Boysfet forwardin the reading of Authors, there 
arebut three ieveral Ways for them to proceed in. i. By 



ihc Help of a Maftcr to conftruc their Leffons to them. 2^ 
By the Help'of aDiftionary. Or, 3. By that of Literai 
Tranflations. '^ • ' 

L Asto the firft, our Schools arevery few ofthem pro- 
victeS with any More than twd Mafters ; in which Cafe it i« 
Impbffible for a Man that has three or four Clafles to takc 
care-bf, to givethat Attendance to them all, in the Way of 
cohftruing their Leflbns to the*m, as to.keepthem employed 
a ihAtA part <yf the-Time they have to fpend in the School. 
For it is not fuffiei^t for a Mafter to cbriftrue- Bc^s a Leflra 
once over from Beginhing to End, in a Hurry (as is ufual, I 
believe) and foclearhis Handsof them, in Expcftation th^ 
ihotildferve the T\irn,'by keeping them properly employedi 
arfd he bfe i>o mbretroubled with them for his Afliftance upoa 
thatLeflbn. Alas! this will fignify juft nothing at alh If 
'he;would aflift thetn to any Puypoiei he mufl: go over eadt 
FcSi^ of a Leffon dtftiniily and flowly by itfelf, more than 
onte^ and-then try theBoysin«it oiie afterfeftother, helping 
•th^nfl out, wheft*he finds thein faulter, or at a ftand ; and 
1161 advancing fiiitheri *till the floweft of them are prettjr 
perfia in what*theyaf& upoii.' But then whilft he is thus 
cri|ag6d ■wkh one^Clafs, the reft for want of-Help, wffl 
iave little or nothing to do, but^gape aaid ftire about then^ 
if they be not worfe eftipteyed. 'Befidesi this is fuch a Piece 
Of Drudgery, as few Mafter$, • I believe, will have any gp^ 
Storoach to. Forwhere tbe Ufe of Tranflattons kr^lEkdAi 
and the Mafter^s Lungs zfQ to'&pplythe Want of them, hc 
in regard to his iwn Eafe, and>' to fave his Breath, is apt to 
make very fliort Work of it, by fetting the Boys but verf 
iittle Leflbns,notra: third, orntot a-fourth Part? of- what 
they might eafilyget, and 10 gteater Perfedion, by the 
rielip ofia Literal Tj?anflation, wthout giving hira any 
Trouble at all. Two Thirds then of their Time at leaft 
fnuft be fpent in fauntenng, or trifling ; and therefore this 
Way of proceeding will not anfwer the Defign propo-^ 
fed, or prodiice the defired EffeSt, the fpeedy Progrefe of 
Youth in their Bufinefs. .. 

IL As to the Ufe of? a Di<aionary. ThatWayisyet 
more improper than the fotmer. Young Boys are but very 
awkwardat finding Words in a Diftionary, which Work 
will confequentJy make a fad Confumption of their Tinrte, 
a fingle Word requiring as much as willfuffice them forthe 
getting two or three Lines perfeftly to conftrue by the-Help 
of a Liter^l Tranflation. '. And then what a tedious whik 


Hiuft thfly be m g«tti^. fo idw^ K|i«i tp. cQKiftctw^ thf 
tJfe of a Didionary, whcrg they i»ay bavQ^ Oc^iQP^ ^ 
xnuft often happen, tolookouthalfaPozen Wor4$oi>5@i9i|e 
fof thatPurpo^ ? Does i^ot tbci^Al^i^ditrjf oi fuQh a Med^od 
of Procecding flare the Reader ia ^, F^ ? An^ JwyK ic^a 
Gentlemen be eaiy ia h^ing ^w SpnR qinri«d Qtt ift a W^ 
fe i3Qianifeftly trifling ? vfUdk wai.a|p^r yot mcw fo*. whi» 
k is confidered, that Young Boys can indeediliiake Wt \\^^ 
Ufe of a Diftiowyj, fo«" W^t of Softfe to «Jiftif^pi^fti^ 
^ongft the vario^s Signi&atiQna many Word^t haye,. ^ch 
as ajT^ proper fbr theii Pui^^ofe 5 opt tg fay top, tfea^ tbt b«jSt 
pi^UoQaries wiU in tWf q«^q fisequently f;*U thjK».. Ki3^ 
Juppofe all this wa? otherwife^ yeit hy what Ki&A of Q^* 
j^uraticMi mufl young. l^a^s, betwixt Tm and Fcwi?*ec8^ W-' 
f^^vel tbat perplexed Qrdftr of Words in tbe Latin Tong)«« i 
Tbis they can i^vey (to^ giv^ them what Ioft3m£HQnft yau 
miU for it, HUl tbey qome to bave a pm^ gener^ Kj^iQW- 
krigeafWord^j fogithat uppn readioga. S«nten^on«e.or 
twjqe ilowly aia4 ^tentivdy wer, tbey eitfeer difcover tb^ 
Swfe, or cQm« pwtty aear it. • Tha* ^teoe, and not any 
ISir^aioas youi gan gy^ : Yowg, ^l «a&able 
u?if avel the intriqate Order Words u&illy have intbi^ Lati» 
Tongue. N<)w Juiter^tTranflatioiip dareSfc them imm<9di*- 
?i^y fep tb^ Order. 19 whiqh Woi5d« smt0 be,tak©n, «ndmt 
tbe fam§ time imWdia^dy fupply them witli tlie Meaniag 
of luch Words as tbey wwt to kaow the Meaoing af, AH 
tJatha^b^enfoidupq^tbis.Hcad^ appearstonais foVery, ovi-r- 
4ent and inconteftaW^ tbkt fwmy Part l fee not baw it 
can b^ cjifputed by any on^. 

IU. , Thbrje is then no> otber propeac Help feft for young 
i/^s in the reading of Aiitbors, for the finft three or four 
Yi?gr^at l€?ftof theifibeingat School, but tbat of Liier^ 

J^uT perhaps it may be ^ledged (for ibm^e I have known 
weak enough to make the AHegationj ' That the getting^ 
* tbeir Leflbns by a Di(9ionary fixes ihe Meaning of Wpijds 
^ better in the Memory of Boys, thaDt the Ufc 6f Tranfla- 
< tions,' To which I anfwa:,. ^pofing x% pra(3icabljB,for 
ywng Boys togejt their Leflbtis by the Help of a D»fHonat- 
ry, which I have ft^wn it is not> yet doies thc toffing over 
the Leaves of a Dv^nary to find a .Word^ eontribi^e ta 
^ tbe Meaning of it, when ibund, in thie Memory ? If fo^ 
thc longer Boys ai^ in. findiog a Woxd, tbat i$, tbe ksnger 
tliey aBC c'er they comc zt th?. Senfe of a Wprdj da^beiteif 


^^cy . vftll rcmcniberit. Whichis as tnuch astofity,. tihat tfac 
lefs Bufuaels they dp, ±he greater Pragrefe.thcy will make.; 
whidi I fear is too .ridiculous to p;afs with.any, J)pdy. The 
tunung over-the Leaves of a Didion^, 'ti^ cvident, can 
%nifynOrnsLoi:e tothe Purpofe, than tiietoffing:ojf,aBallft lOr 
the knocking down >of Ndne-Eias. Whati^ j? ^hen .that is 
of Ufe for jfixing the Meaning.of .a WjOKd ia thejMcmory ? 
^Tis plainly iK>^ng but fbeing ix, in thl^ D\€ti^g^^^nd no^ 
peatiivg it over.and over fjg^in., A^^d js therp<^9.Y *hing qf 
Charm in the Name of a DiSionary, thfit ,^l>^^/-iqsing the 
Meaaing of a Word in a'Tj:anflajti6n xunningritnr^ Golumn 
along witih.thexOr^ginal, joincdTwith ,lliie iijte R/|pe$itipt> <^ 
it, uu>uld SLOt produoe, tbe fame ESoQij and conduce as 
,much io fixit in the Jrferpory ? There^dii^ga Wordthree 
or four^ Ximj^ vvxx in ;a,fDi£tionaryv you fay, ^l dociake a 
&:ong ijstjj^^^^^fioa the Mind^ WiU.not readkfig the fan^ 
Word as oiftea wer in ai^ other Bopk, ^mdcsr aay other De;- 
nominatiqn, ,pit>du^e thip like impreilipfi^ Ifr^Wt, it i]^]l^ 
k^ becE^e tbe Leaf c^ a DiiSlionary, as fuci^ »has foi^e 
ftrdng^ bey^iAc^ngVirtuf ^ it, .a poM^er..of ^pfeiiiatiHg i^ipoa 
the Mi^4t^^d affediii^ it^ which ^e L^ pf noorhcr 
Book; can j^tpllibly have.- — 'Rifum temfi^s. ^ . .. . • * 

I HAV-Eiikewift^eardh^Jedgeds 'frhatAeilJl^of Tran- 
' ilatioQS 'wiJL^mak^ Boys idle >'; ^n AUeg^fton mpi;e;ridicu- 
iou^ if ^poflibi^ f han the formei;. A» Boy^ ^ufinefs is by 
tiie Ufe of-lfnu^flatiqr^s nender^d vaftly ipare eafy tojt^eii^ 
if their-Taik-pr LdTonisincreafcd in P^opoi^tipn, as itiougb^ 
to ,bqi/bp>^,is .tib^€5.aay*pncour^emeat giveny.or^Uowanee 
mad% fpr Jdl^nefc ?• Trgnflations arc deiigned .tp aijfifl: Boys 
injgftting.their Leffims onty, not in faying theraLto the Ma- 
.fl:er. . li> Ihis tattcr Crfc the»'Tranil?tions are to be under 
clofe pofser,4iihat j-by , ther Manner of tiie- ♦Boys - acquitting 
themiclvf^ ttie Mafier;inay have Proqf of tbeir Di%cnc^ 
or dae cpntiary . utoid if ihe fa»mc Metbods are taken. to en- 
courage Induflcy, and idifcourage Idienefs, where Boys at^ 
helped by a Tranflatioh, as where they have. the help of a 
M^erj orareJeft to theXIfe 6f a Diftionary, why fliould 
they not have the .&meEfFe£t? If Sygar-Plumbs, fruit, 
Play-thii;)^, or Halfnpeiice, wdU make Boys attend diligentiy 
toldieli^mdions of arMafter, or thrum their Didionary 
heartily^ will they not pperate as ftrongly to make Boys 
dil^ent in thc Ufe of a Tranflation ? Ot, if Correftion 
be neceflTary, why fl:iouid it not work up a Lad to Indufl^r}', 
as well vvkerehe hastthe Afliflance of a Tranflation, as where 

[ c ] he 

• V 

[ xvm > J 

he has not ? WiU a' Tranilation mafcc him thicker feinned, 
or lefs ienfible-of Pain ? O rem ridiculam^ Cato^^etjochfam! 
It is therefore a very fenfelefs Thing to pretend, that TraA- 
flations ^viH make Bbys idte. 0ne Way to encotrr^e them 
tiD,indiaffiry'isi''to m4ke tKeir 'Bufinefff eafy and pleafcint to 
thfem; whichTranflationS certaftnlydo: And therefore are' a 
vifibleMeah's;ri6ttoniak(5;therh idle, but induftrious. Wher^- 
as^in the vulgar Methbd of 6ur*Schools, 'Boys find it imprac- 
ticable to, do their Bufinefs taCofitent, ahd foare ofteritifnfes 
rendered defperately idle, as beingconvmcedby frequent and 
^oful Experiehcie, that *no Pains^ hp Ihduftry they can ufe, 
wU avail^to fecure them effetSuaHy froih the Lafli'. " . ^ 

These- Obje^ions againft the yfeof Tra^^ation» have 
not however hindered, but that 'Traftflation^ ^"have beeh 
-thought fo hccefiary'for the eafy and Ipeedy Attammeht of the 
Gi*eek Ti>ngue, that for above thefe himdredand Jifty Years 
laft paftj-no Authbrs^n that Language havc fceen publiflied 
without them. This might,^ ohe would think, havenatu*. 
rally led th6* World to the Purfuit of the fame^Method, A 
leaff with the eafier Aiithors of thcLatih Tongue' for the 
Ufe of Schools. For muft it hotmecds appear to any conw 
fiderate Man a little*unaccountable, thatTfanflations^flit^uld 
be thought ufeful and neceffaty for Meti or elder Boys, in 
order to their more eafy and fpeedy Prbgrefs' in''the' Gree^ 
Tongue, but neither necefliLry nor ufeful for ybunger Boys, 
m the Attainmieht of the Latin ? Is it agreeable to Reafon 
or dommon Senfe, to fuppofea Boyof fixAe^n or fevChteen 
Years pf Ageftands in need pf a Tranflation, to aflift him 
in reading bf Greek, but that a Boy of ten Pr twelve may 
do his B«finefs in the Latin Tongue efafily and expeditioufly 
enoughHvi^hout any^fiich*Help?- Ifasa-Child-of that Age 
more Senfe fbr tlte confultin^ and ufinga L?ttm DIQ^ipiiary, 
than he ha^ for makfhg ufcof a^ Greek^Lfexfcbh, cWhiri hfe is 
■arriVed afeioft^at tlie Years^ of Manhodd ? •And Sl^t forry 
Work would Boys make of it, if^-upori ehtering the Greek 
Tefl*ament, they ftiould be denied the Ufe of ' a Latin Tef- 
tament, to help them ih gettihjg their Leflbns, and be obli- 
ged to pick the Meaning of their Words out of a L€*icon? 
Every body can fee the Abfurdity cCfecTi a Manner oTpro- 
ceeding iri this Ihftance, and would -be forward enough to 
<:ry out agaihft any Mafter that ftiould be guilty of it, And 
-yet the like -Abfutdity committed in the teaching of the La- 
tin Tongue goes glibly down, and pafles for the moft proper 
V/ay of proceeding. Now what is i|: that difpofes Men to 


r xix • 1 , 

make fo wide a DifFerence, where there is ijont at aBin:. tjie 
Nature of Thing^ ? Nothing but Cuftom, the great Rule : 
that moft Men ufually go by in the moft important Affairs " 
of Life, without confulting their Reafon at all. Very few 
have the noble Freedom of Mind to examine Things ftri<9:- 
ly and impartially, in order to make the Refult of fuch Ex- 
amination the Ruie of their Conduct. The Generality chufe 
to fave themfelves that Trouble, by going with the Hcrd, 
qua itur^noH^qua eundtm ^^ as s^ Great Man amongft th^- 
Aatients words himfelf iipon Occafion of making the famef 
Remarkjjf my Memwy fails.^ne not. - 

As for th^Hebr^ To^gue;» to facilitate the learning o£ 
that, Arias Montanus long firice publiftied the Hebrew Bi- ' 
ble wiith aninterlineary Verfipn, fpr wliich, I doubt not, 
fuch as apply themfelves to the ,Study of the liebfiew.Lan-> 
guage, are thankful to his Memory > at-Ieaft they have ai 
great deal of ReafoUvI amfure, haying recciycd inyfelfa, 
greatdeal of Benefit from.the-Ufe of it in learningthat Lan-, 
guage. And Mr. Locke was fo fenfible of the- v^aft Help tq 
be had from Literal Tranflationsj that he did-notthink it 
belowhim to publiih Mfop'^ Fables in thg fame Form a^ 
Montanus did thC; Hebrew Bibicj wi,th an intei}in^ary,Verii- • 
on. I grant indeed that Way of publiftiihg . AvthQrs witb 
the Tranflation fo intermixed wi^h the Origia^Ij is nof pro-j ^ 
per for Schopls. But howey^rwhat.tbQjfc t^/Jo.Gentlemen 
didin that Way, fhews fuffi<^ic^tly their Qpinipr^.of the Ufe- 
fulnefe of Literal Tranflations. , Ai^d tlie, latter,*Mr* Locke^ 
thought fo wcll pf. them,. that; he.declares in his,jB^^ rf Et' 
ducation Mothers may by the Hclp of them tcach .their 
Sons the Latin Tongue themfelvesj if they.pleafe:: What-^ 
cver Stir^ fays he, there is^ ynade about getting cf.Lqtin^ 
his ;(a young Gentleman's) Mather may teach 4V.hi7nher-f^^. 
ifjhe will, but fpend two or three ^Hours in a>Dayf<M\fhlfni> 
and tnafie him read tbe Ev^ngelijis in Latin to^hery * -Eorfhei 
need but huy a Latin Tejiament^ ^^d having^got fome-j^dy to 
7nark. the laji. Syllable.but on^y inWorjk rf a):7qye two Sylla-c 
bles, (which is enough to regulate her Pronunciatlon)- read^ 
daily in the Gofpels^ and then^ let^ her avGtd underjianding 
them in Latin^ ifjhe can. ^And-when fncunderjiands the 
Evangelifis in Catin^ let her^ in the fame Manner reqd: 
Ri^'^ s^Fables^.and fo '^procecd-.Q^ to Eutropius, Juftin, and^ 
othe.r fuchrBooks, 1 do not]'tneniicn this as an Imqgination 
ifiwfxai l fancy may do^ hut as (f a Thlng I have k^^own 
dqney andrthe Latin Tongue xvith Eafe goP this Way, 
..•.■■■■■ ■ i C2 ] , - Tp 


C xn ]' 

Td cbnclttde, th&Vk oi Lkercd Trmjlaticm has rlo Dif- 
fieulty ilrit,- employs' nothing but Mera(ory. The Boys 
httve proper Words all ready ^t hand^ without the tedious and 
oftentimesfruitkfsLabourofhtinling ^d^porirtgin a Dic- 
tionary, 0* tiiat of troubling their Mafteror School-felloiw» 
fol^tfeem»; and fo gp- fmooSdy forward^ without 2my Rtibs 
11* tiieir Way, or Lofs of Time, and with a great deal of 
S^tisf^ion to find their Bufincfs^ fo vciy eafy. And I fhall 
vferituret^^fey, what I bdieve fewMen of Scnlfei that will 
b«!t duly cbnfider >^hat has been feidabovci wiligaanfay,That 
a Boy by the Help of Literd Tranflations would make a 
bctter Prbgrefe in the Lftftguage in cJne Year, than without 
them he could do in tJiree or foui». 
. NoR are Literal Tranflations- of Latin Authors ufeful 
only for the lower Forms of a Schooli but likewife fbr the 
higher, or fuch as can Tcadthem pretty wdlj without any 
^ fnch Help, as well to- brihg them to a more compleat Ac- 
quaintance with themj in the mofl^ expeditious Manner,' as 
likewife to a- Readinefs in the writing and fpeaking of proper 
Latin, by reading the Tranflation into the original Latin of 
the Author. Conftant Converfation in Latin with fuch as 
talk it- well, would indeed be of great Ufe for that Purpofe. 
But thcn very little can be done in that way at School. For 
toconfine Boystothetalking of Latin amongft themfelves, 
befbre they have attained any tolerable Skill in the Language, 
is abfurd, and a Means to prevent their ever fpeaking or wri- 
tingit well.* If Boys are to be fo confined, they ought to 
be conftantly attended by a good Maft»', to helpthem outxip- 
on a!l Occiafions, by furniftiing them with proper Lan- 
guage. ^ Btit this is manifdlly imprafticablcj where there are 
but two Mafters in a School, br, as is oftentimes the Cafe, 
but one. A ready and prbper Ufe of the Latin Tongue is a 
Matter of veiy great Difficulty, and never to be attained by 
Boys talkingbarbaroufly amongft themfelves ; if it is at all 
attainabte at School. For my Part I never yet knew fo much 
as one Inftance pf its being^attained there, in any School that 
has come within the Reach* of m,y Obfervation, or indeed 
any thing like it. Nay I have talked with very ingenious 
Men, of uncommon Leaming, and bcfides Perfons of con- 
fiderableExperiencein that Way, who looked upon the bring- 
ing Boys at School tb any thingofatrueandgenuineLatin 
StilewhoUy impradicable. Now, tho' I wifl notafiirmtfaisi 
yet I muft be allowed to fay, it is a Matter of very greatDif-' 
ticulty, infotiiuch that I greatly qucftioii, whcther any Me- 
• .. • . - ,-thod 

i: 3fid ] : : 

tbdd that can ^*t^S^ witH them) mU be found g^erally 
fuceefsfiil^ in any^^fes^nable Time, beMes^kis I hererecom- 
niend. AU the GraiHmar indeed necdi&ryfor the Purpofey 
may eafily betaughtfthaxi: Butwhen thatisdoney the Main 
o( the Difficulty i» iMll' behind, as ev^ one muft be fenfible 
that knows much' of Ae Latin Tongue» A ready Ufe of 
proper Terms^ and of proper Phrafes, or Forms of Expref* 
fion upon allOccafionSj feema t^udlyattiainable in any re^n- 
afele Timei or the^ Ibngcft Term of tiie Continuanfee of 
Bbys" at Gratnmar-Schools^ but in tfae M^thod I propoik. 
This, I fay^ v«U bc the mpft ready expeditious Mcthod that 
can4)e takm, at Sehool however, to famifti the Mind with 
a Plenty of Words j and a Variay of Phrafes and Expreffions 
foi' the fame Senfe, and that wimont any Danger of Error, 
which the Ufe of DiSionafies aaid Phrafe-books wouW be 
atttended with. For none indeed can receive any great Be- 
neft firom them foi: that Puipofe, but fuch as are good 
Judges ih tbe Latin Tongue, and well acquainted with the 
Idiom thereof already. 

LITERJL Tranjldtions Boys are to begin with, and af- 
ter they have gone through fouror five A^i3iors, in tfie Me- 
thod- of reading fuch Tranflationsinto the very original La- 
tin of the Authors^ they are to be advanced to free mAelegant 
Tranflations. Twoot thrce dF the fineft Claffick Hiftorians^ 
with Terenpe^ and fome of the Epiftles, andothcr Pieecs of 
Tutty^ pabliflied with fuch Tranflations, vwuld^ in Conjunc- 
tioft with the Claffick Efiftoriansl have ali^^iy publlflied with 
Literal Trahflations; be fufficient for the Purpofe of attain- 
ihg a ready Ufe of a good Latin Stile, perhapsequal to Con«i 
vWation itfelf, if notpreferablc to it, ^rt leaft in one Refpefl 
more advantageous, by fiimifliBig the Tyro with better La- 
tih for his En^ifli, as oftas l^ewantsit, than any, eventhe 
gceateft Mafters of the Latin Tongu^ could hclp him to, 
ih' ifite Way of Convetfation. For the great Advantage of 
cohftant Converfetion for the A^ainment of any Languagc, 
Hes in the perpetual Exercife of the Invention, iri what a 
Mim fays himfelf, and the like perpetual Affiftance given to 
his^Invention, in theconftant Suggeftion of proper Language 
by thofe he converfes with, Now both thefe Advantages are 
to fee had fix)m the Metliod of Proceeding here advifed, and 
the latth» of them tb a greater Degree pf Perfeaion, than 
can be had in the Way of ConvCrfation^ For in cohverfmg 
to attainthe Ufe of a Langtiage, the Leamer employs his In- 
Vention to exprefs his Thoughts propcrly; hc hunts and cafts 
'" ' , about 

[r xlair Jj . 

atout coqtinuaUy «for' WQrdsanii PlvjafesjtfejiJ mjiv fuit -hi* 
Del^gn» If he ^diVers Jiimfelf improperirjiy; or ftijcks ajod 
ftammers for w^nt ''of,:>Lan^age,»thofe-h^ vyjth 

correct his Improprietiqs, and help him to wharifi^proper, 
which,he carefuUy^tt^^d^ to, ai^d repjpa^^s^. it Qigyi>e, two 
or three' Times to Jijtfnfelf,; ' tpjm^ke it, fticfc by him, againft 
another Occafipft.r Juil fojioo^in siitemping to read a l'ran- 
flatiQn- into.Latin, the Learnerftretches his Invention, and 
ftudies<)per Wor^s aiid Phrafeology, vi^. thatofthe 
Orlginf^ which he h^s p^r^f^d qarefuUy over, comparing it 
Periodby J^"eriod with the Tranflation to jp^epaxc hira for the 
Work he^is upon. If he^,cai^r>ot fatisfy himfetf tjberein, or is . 
at a ftopx one fingle Cfift o/ his £>yc upon th^ J^atin Column 
informs him iq what he wants, which iic read^.with clofe At-r 
tentioncoyer and. QV^,^ in ord^r to rcfnember it .againft a re- 
peated Perufal of th^ P^ragr^ph or Cbapt^r, 'Fh^s.the In-, 
viention i§ as much ejc^cif€i4«and aflliled in this Way of ufing^ 
Tranflations, as in .Coaverfatior>i. inr^bich Exercife and 
Affiftance given to thc Invention lies the whole Advantage tyi 
Conv^fetion for theattaining of a Language.. Nay, the 
Invention is more fubftantially affifted in the former Cafe.. 
F,or the Claflick Authors were Men of.the mofteminent 
Parts, w,ho writ in their natiye Language, writ at Lejfuce 
and upon Deliberation, reviewed and corweffced their Works,» 
oyer,and ov^r, rthereby. reduci^ themto fuch an Accura<;y 
and Exaftnefs, asno modern-Talker of Latin muft pretend; 
to in any Extempqre Effufion, or the Swiftnefs and Hurry 
of Converfation. So.tba^ I think^ I.need not feruple to pro- 
nounce, that tl\e Way.of ufi^g Tranflations for the attaining 
to fpeak Latin,^ whichl here advife, is cv^n .preferable to th&r 
beft Converfatign th^ is to be had in that I^anguage. ^. : 
BuT Literal Tranjiatims oihdXiti Authors are i>ot.only; 
very ufefiil for Boys at School, but Men tpo, efpecialjy.fucfi» 
as having got a pretty good Infight into the Latin Tongw^ ^t 
School, but through Difufe forgotit in a;great.Meafure, «yre; 
defirous to recover it : Which may be. done with a g^at deaj^ 
of Eafe, by the Help of fuch Books as I have already pub-;^ 
lifll'd, viz- Cordery, Erafmus^ Eutropius^ FioruSy C. Ne-^ 
pos^.jujliny Suetoniusy IntroduSiion to the ma^i^ of. Latinj^ 
a new Grammar ofthe Latin Tongue.- . By. the Help, I fay,- 
of thefe already publifti'd, and fome few more of dje Claf^ 
fick Authors I propofe to pubiifti, partly with Literal, and, 
partly with free ,and proper Tranflations, iike that pf my, 
Suetoniusy with this of Sallujiy by an !^}<,aip,inaUQn of . vvhich 

* ' • Geri- 

tf xxiii "] \ 

Gfentlemcn'rtayjq)dg^?^'whiat th^ flte-td^nexpe^l: frdih me in 

at ¥rmJIation of Lii)% ':^Wd4 1 -miy {fcrhaps in time attempt^ 

•#1; «nd the Pubjitk?dtfp^d tcf/ gfcvis.ETfiG^ragement-.for ,iu 

' O^^Hour or- twd mxpip^^m rtadfefti Ckffick Authors ,widi 

Trtifcfr-' Tranflltt§nsi 'efiTy^' Dky,^ fbf "iavYear togetheryiWH 

&rli1g'G^htleit^ft ^ait^r^igiiorant of rhe Latin Tongvie, to 

r^iff Profe witfr^Eafe* khd PleafuVe^ ^^r-which tbe^Poetfe 

^^b\['be difficult foi^ theht t6 underf»nd,' by the Helpdf 

fiifeh Notes a$ they ^re publiflied with, efpeciaMyWiieri .the 

-W^ fhaH be paved fbr them, by a Literai Tranflatioii: ©f t?w 

msPs Metamorphbfer, which I have readyfo'iitbit'.Rpefe,Jand 

^^{ign fo publifti^with' afl c6Ayi3iiet\t!Speedn-^d th3tii::am.ni5t 

wholly without?^ilepes,"itna^v%'^«^ fiooks I havfc puli- 
Kfted, tofadlitafethei'eahiVhgdf'thenliddnTongue, have 
^orie a Fiece c^aecgptabl^ervrce.txir.fuchGendemen, as 
;«rfeitefirotf^of r%|^l4ilig ^rim^t^m^i^e^Mll they had ac* 
'c(uSrid at SthoaB Feiv::^ittwh ^eoplei^wiJl lever have thie 
PatierKe to haiftttfer:e«ft*wteal5angiiwge as the Latin, by thc 
rt^p of aOi^^iofti^yt^^^THttwdoldreqaite more Time than 
ariyone irf?a Thcfttfeaidcaa or \ivsitT|f)are. But in this.Way 
^f P!t)Geeding,*the-t€gaift'ing, or iaspfoving in, the ^Lai&i 
'TTongue, Will .bbt-be-ia new' Kind^fcDive^n, whicKthe 
^Wotid has hithmo ' been unacquaii^eAwiA^^ iThe Tim^ 
<5ent^rtieri need to employ thatoW«ry'is lefi thsfti thofe 
cwho^r^f the moft taken iip ' with^Bufiaifte:^ ujftiallyi^end lipon 
^hs^ir Plfcafures. \}: ^ .: . ;i ,;:;vsv:;n 

- 'I PRQCEED now to treafcicf Frii:mii 'R^if^^Wr/xrflmi^ 
cns^ wheretn a large Liberty is taken' of departirfgcftom tfas 
Letter of the 'LatiTt,'>iiiordcr tt>Mriike'fceiaDftr handfome 
proper Englifh. '"Now thegmt fJfefiaJkdfi r of CHaffitJk Au- 
thorspubliftied witiv^^fueht Tianfl^fiion^ifefQr: Very apparent^ 
tKat j wonder no body'hftsr:attdmptidi:^yvftiing otf thisKind 
beforq tne. Engfifli iTmiflationsialtdeedJof -miatiy of theni 
have^been publiihed by themfclves;' as: beitig defigned, I fup- 
pofe, ^purdy «forthe<UiefiJ0f rftichi a^rffe? ignorantiof the La- 
tiri Tongue,- by prefenMng^tbicirf^^&r^thfein^I^ 
' Ain\jifefhenty Withtltttnn > Ettgli-ftiJ :^»lHch.they;couW-iiKit 
^me at in the Origic»lv.:wifl[iout any ftirtber View br Inten:*. 
tidnit all. Biit then ftch-TranflaiaailSaii^ beofthegrAt 
teft Ufe fqr dther impoftant Purprifes, ttpon» account of which 
it is hi^Wy cdnveniem tO'have;the^ pubiif^d along wiA the 
Origiaals. 'As. ^ "•<' •"■■? - i ■ • •■ ;■ •'. ('•-'•. . ' ■• •,-•'. 
L Classick Authorsro pufeliihed wUl bcivaftlylerviceable 
for the eafy ahd ^eed IiriprQVemerit-of fuch as havirigDO 


I ^^ il 

great Acquamtance mA tbe Latin Toi!^^ are defiroijis of 
attaining a caompetant ikill therein, £o as t^ fead Authoi^ of 
all Sorts eafily and famiUariv. I do net faySiat Trai^ti- 
cnS) wherein a good deal or Fnbedom -ts taken of departifig 
from the JLetter or Wosds of the Ori^nsd) «re st all for tbe 
Purpofe of fnch a$ have but little or no Knoiwrledge fof the jLa- 
dn TQngue^ to begin with, m ordef te) their jeiffiung oftjtiat 
Lan^age. No, Such ougbt in the fiift Place to n»keUfe 
lof Ltteml Tranflatibnfi^ 'till th^ have .go^; a fMreity general 
Acquatntance with Wqrds; amr which itbey .m^y 1^04:^ 
to fuch as af e Free and PrQper, >by the Help wbei^f they 
will read an Attdioriibbflantiidiy 'Over in a fQurthPartof itibue 
Timethey coidd do wtfimit, tto^fpeak witilfcin Coqipa&. : 

U. Th£ publiihing of Cbffick Au&hocB wfith pfoperjan^ 
handfome TranflationB, will he mrynconx^menit for^pi^ 
that are defurous to.attain a F^aouhy -of imAng and .^pe^^c^ 
Latin with Prcqpriety .and JLotdinefs. The wjiy willi^^^itp 
aread the Origifaal, -andTratxflatkrtiifigetih^^ 'till thwrcan 
neadily render theJatlser Jntottihe Wotdar^jthe cirigin^ Lattii 
piecifcly and cxaiftly; Trbebeing^iliUsaCimftQmed to feedai^ 
Momofthetwo Langnages go cmftaptlyitQgetherj jpped 
•with continualiEifibrts foCjrand^ingtiiQjCWiby ,iihe^jWiH 
snake the Idioth' /of. tdae Latm- TongtAe^ilffnoftfas &^^ 
to theMindas thatofthe finglifli. And I ihal} beboW:^ 
fay, that this is ifar b^ohdCTcry Tiung^rilfr thajt oanbe di]4ie> 
at School however, for the eafy and ready Attainmentof.^ 
good LatinrStile.. Butupcm fixi^.Foint I hftve^enlai^edfiifii- 
ciently abote. . -. w :/:: : i - . ' :• . . 

.. in. ANqTH«k Ufc*thatinayben»d^<)fCl2rfrickAwti|o^ 
(b pubUflieS, ts for daciealy quick Attamxpeni pf a good Eb-* 
glifli Stile. i And the Way tteretoxi» «^hecerag^in fqr a Perfijf^ 
to compaie theOri^nBl.and.Tjianflaticm together, 'tjll he 
is able to cender theLatin.Xext vsry re»dily into.the precife 
Words of-the Tranflati^n. What w^fiyl St^ff d^,,^ys:»t 
School, for wani of this . He^ uftsally- jfender^the ClafiM^^ 
Amthors into, in ihe cimihuiiEig of jdb@^ ByWhich 

we may eafriyraccoitttt for what;foin&iJiiivebl^f€ff\^..{Mr? 
Lvs]k£aTid thQ' Spechitir^'i£ STKy Mtnx^ Kite not) tiwt 
Men educatied toLefeters^ who havethr^hed hard at La^ 
for nine or ten Yearstogether, are ofi»ntimes very defieient 
in their own Lai^aage : And no wonder. : For hofw (hould 
thofe who have, ror fo many Years together at Schooj^ been 
fo inmch inured to ' vile barfaaroias Language, ioe ^bk to ' deli- 
9erthemfeIve&in:mii£hbettejr>*withany£reatJEIafeior Rea- 
1, : dinefs 

■tfifteft. ItljUlls'ta)te«P<*fe(9nerimevCTy Thli^.Mafikhid 
have Occafiortto leara in otder to praafce. Andtherrfo» 
it is not to be expe^ted, that oor Youth, ^fier thoy have nto 
»h*o6gh th*.Oo«rfeoJa Graininar.^choOl» DiobW haveainf 
Talent «tt^he-wrkiiigor ^e^inghandfoBOe Englirtr, wiih 
smy tafe andFIueneyiiif -they iave ncver beah ufed toany 
thu^ ^ that i^d~^% tiut Mtdad thereof, have had the 
RdiQiof their Miittd» vMtffad, by a peipetual run 6f knpn)-' 
tler bH):batt>tts Laiigiui^ «r DieerGibbffiCh. £ut jn tfae 
Wsy ofproceediHg hMe ^idvili^' the C{rie is thc reverft. 
The Invention being ' fo conllanriy eKWMfed In Search irf 
proper handfome Langu^e, and withai as conftantly aflifted 
in the fnsft ^ul:^Btilrf Manner, and prefeotly fet a going 
again, in cafe of any Stop or Difficulty, muiii^G^SFender 
fuch Language very familiar to the Mind,- .aiSl tftakfc' is^- 
cur upon all Occaficais of Writing or Speaking, with grcat 
Eafe and Readinefs. In /hort, I fay, this way of ufing frce 
' (uid proper Tranflations of Claflic Authors, if fo apparently 
of the greatcft and moft cxeellcnt Ufe, for the purpofe o£ 
writing and fpeaking good Englifh, with £afe and Fluency, 
that, in my Opinioii, the Matter can admit of no Difpute 
amongftPer'" " ^ - « "ieratioriat all. 

The feve to be made of Claf- 

(ick Authoi Ith handfomc clegant 

TranPationi IsAdvantage itwould 

beloourG fome of the choiceft 

among their 'ozen fuch tiirown into 

our Schools fiould be, would cer- 

tainly work is would foon ba very 

vifible all t! . ,.,._, . -, - '^ greater and quicker 
Improvemenl of Youthin bWn tbe fcanguages of Latin and 
Englilh together. Now the Way of cxercifing Boys in 
Clwicla fopubliftied, would be, to makethem get three oi 
four Leflbns ih the Original to read exa£Uy into thc Tran- 
flation } and wh»i that is done, to make them go llie fame 
Leflons over again, and get the TranHation lo read as exa^- ' 
lybackagain, into the original Latin. This (Ilayitagaiht 
anddciire the Reader would take Notice of it) will, inmy 
OiHnion, be thc moft effe^ual expeditious Method to bring 
Youth to an eafy elegant Ufe of both Languages, that can 
pofilbly bc taken with them. 

I Havb now done with this {mportant Article of Educa- 

tion, and I hope, done enough to latisfy any reafonable un< 

pcq^udlccd Rcader, o£ thc neccflity of a furtharRefbrmation 

t d ] of 

t »4*1 j . 

DftheViilgar. Meliiod.-of :P«K<R4irg;ii3_-.*iiP.'jS^90ls,;asM 
this Parttcular. AU I IhaU fld4. h,. tt)^ifi«3iv;5f^tlciflen a$ 
-iUte. thc Scntimcnts ddiv^d -in. t{^s lii^_rt?|ior), may, I 
■,humblj[ prc&,..find:-niaDS:"S'*r:?^1"3Py agreea- 
ble tQ tt^m^ BBcm all the-BRSWhea «f"^ucation, ia my 
■ Efay i^n tKe Si*je£t ■ as likewife" up(jn.iaUriiic fii^hw ttf 
■X<it«ratures in a Bookl publjlhEd ft)qiB ,Xiipe ag^ UiidEf 
-thcTitleof, AnEjJay ,ufsn:^tuBy^vikAtripIi^iSi4t afj 
■^ghenforthe due Ctnduil there^^ Mui^i.^kS'm^^^hii"'i^>y 
.preperforihe Purpofe^ .iSf, c^l^^ Bwi^.fn aB tk'e 
'ifeveralPartief Lfarningi ,._.... ,. .,, ."i^j .;. ■,_\---:~i :,."■" 

; ■■ '■' i^ ' ■'^'.i ■■ - '-.'"';;' jaH;K!^c'f^'irt 

T..Gloce(l^ . ■ \, . .„, ■.:'i vflc 1'i..: : ..;:. •■; 
















..1 1 



>: 3-" 


Bellum Catilinarium : 

■ • S I V E D E 

Conjuratione Catilinae. 

OMNIS homines jk LL meny laho art difi- 

qui fcfe 'ftudent /^ »"»«J *" *'«' o'^"" ««'- 

przftafe caeteris -*• ■*■ maU^ fieuld endeavour 

animalibus, fumina ope hy all meatu nat ta paft their days 

niti decet, nc vitam filen- - in Jdencti Me eattle, vjbich na- 

tio tranfeant, veluti peco- lurt bas fsrmed in an inclining 

con, 'quje natura prom pafturty and ajlate tf JubjeStinn ta • 

atquc ventri obedieniia their btllies, But mr facultiet 

finxit. Sed noftra omnis are ef twa Sffirent tindiy Bftht 

via in animo & corpore hedy and ihejoul, "Tit tht bu- 

fita eft. Aninii imperio, Jinef! of tbe fiul ta eeTBiaand, and 

corporis iervttio magis thatvfthe badf to ohey. fheem 

utimur. Altcrum nofais ■luehavt in eamman with tbe Gadsy 

cum dis, aJterum cum and the ether with brutes, jtnd 

bdluis commune cft. therefori. to na it appears more ad-r 

Qyo mihi rcdlius videtur, vifeable to purfuegkry by the abi- 
ingenii, ' quanl viriurfi' Utiei of the mind, than thofe o" 
Opibus gloriam quserc- the body ; anfi Jince the UJe w 

, &, quoniam vila enjoy, is but Jbort, ta makt quf 
ipfa, qua fruimur, brevis , taemeries as la/ling as pojjilile in 
eft, Q^etiioriam noftri thA worid. The ^hndeur richec 


cfficefc Natifi divitiamm 
c{ formaB gloria fluxa 
atque fragilis cftj virtus 
clara «tcrnaque habetur. 
Sed diu ■ magnum inter 
niortales^ ceftamen fuit ; 
vine corporis, an virtutc 
animi, res militaris magis 
procederet. Nam & pri- 
us quam incipias, confiil- 
to ; &, ubi confuleris, 
mature fafto opus eft: 
Ita utrumque ' per fe in- 
digen^ . ^{ermn alteii^s 
auxilio veget. 

II. Igiturinitio reges 
(nam in terris nomea 
imperii id primum fuit) 
diverfi, pars ingenium, 
alii cofpus dxercebant.v 
Etiam tum vita homi- 
num fine cupiditate agi- 
tabaturr/fUa c\]ique {z^ 
tis piaqebdnt. Poftea 
Wo quam iti Afia Cy- 
fU8, iii Qrabcia Lace- 
dsemonii ic Athenienfes 
cqepere urbes atque na- 
tiones fubigerei ; lubidi- 
nem dominandl ^aufam 
belU habeit; maxumani 
glcriani in ihaxumo im- 
perio putare: tum de- 
tnutrt pericub atque ne- 
gotiis '. compertum cft, 
in bello plurimum inge- 
hium pofle. Quod fi 
rcgum atque imperato- 
rum animi virtus in pace 
ita, ut in bcllo, yale- 
tet ; aequabilius atquc 
cortftantius fefe rcs hu-. 
mariifc bahfercnt: neque 

4^ul beauty ytildjT it faiiiig and 
fraii\ butviriue is thought ta 
give an gverlafling btftre^ Yet 
it has been a long time a mattdr of 
no fmall debate amdngjf Hfien^ 
whether. fuccefs in war has more 
depended uponjirength ofbody^ or 
the abilities ofthe mind. For en^ 
terprizes of that kind ought not ta 
be undertak^n but upon previous 
deliberationy arid"' whin refihed 
upoTiy ought vigoroujly to he put 
in execution. Thus whil/l neither 
ofthefi ihings is of itjef fuffei^ 
ent\ theyfucceedfy ibi pmimiaid 

II. TVhereforein th,e early ages 
ofikeworld^ Kings ( for monar^ 
chyfeems to have been the Jir/f 
^^^« yf government amr^Ji men) 
fomi ifthem labouredihe improve^ 
mentoftheir mindsy and others of 
their bodies. ^At that time indeed 
m^nkind were firangers to cove'- 
toufnefs^ every one being content 
withhisofwn^ But afierCyrusin 
Afta^ and in Greece the Atheniam 
and Lacedemonians^ tegun io con- 
quer cities andwbole nationsj and 
to look upon the lufl tf dminion at 
a Jufficient groum of war^ andia 
reckon the greaiefi ghry to confift 
i^ tbe iarge etctent ^of iheir ^on-- ' 
quefis ; then it was fiund by txpe-» 
riencej that an able head was the 
mofi Jepvicable in war. Andif 
the great obiiiuts cf Kings ' Hnd 
Commander^ preducea iut as good 
ejfifis in peace as in War^ ihe af^ 
Jairs 'of mankind would be in a 
much more calm and fettled JJate. 
NorJhouU wefee fuch hurly-bur-^ 
ly^ Juch difiraSlion and tonfufwn 
firmd over tbefaci of tbe earth. 


» *'• 



aUud alidfi^m^ neque mu- 
tari ac mifceri omnia ccr» 
neres. Nam imperitim 
£ic3eiis artibus retinetur, 
qnibu^ imtio partum eft. 
Vcrmrr, uH pro labore 
defidia, pro continentia 
& -aequitate lubidd} atque 
fuperbia invafere, fortuna 
fimul cum moribus im- 
mutatun Ita imperium 
femper al optumum 
^uemqviea^ minus bono 
transfertur. Qux homi* 
lic$ arant, navigant, xdi- 
^cant, virtuti omnia pa* 
. rent. Sed muki morta- 
les, dediti ventri atque 
fomno, , indo£ti, inculti- 
quei vitam ficuti peregri* 
nantes tranfiere: quibus 
profe£io, contra natu- 
ram, corpus voluptati, a- 
nima oneri ftiit. Eorum 
ego vitam mortemque 
juxta aeftumo 5 qupAiam 
de utraque filetur. Ve- 
rum enimvero is demum 
tnihi vivere, & frui anima 
videtur; qui, aliquo ne^ 
gotio intentus, praeclari 
facinoris, aut artis bonae 
famam quasrit, Sed in 
magna copia rerum, aliud 
alii natura iter oftendit. 

III. Pulchrum eft bcne 
facere reipublic»: etiam 
bene dicere haud abfur- 
dum eft. y el pace vel bel- 
Ipclarum fieri licet. Et 
qui fecere, & qui feda ali- 
orum fcripfere, multi 
laudantur. Ac mihi qui- 
dem, tametfi haudqua- 

Fcr dominion is eafily ^femred hy 
thefame arts by which it was firjl 
acjuired, But ivhtn idhnefs hat 
fucceeded in the ptace of induflry^ 
and infiead of moderation- an4 
equity luji and fride prevaily 
then the fortum of apeople chdn^ 
ges with tbeir manners. And 
thus power is ever Jhifting about 
from the worfe to tbe better 
part rf men ; and the advanta" 
ges of plowingy failingy and 
buildingj become the perquifttes 
of virtue^ But a great many 
men who minded nothing but eat^ 
ing andfleepingj iUiterate and un^ 
polijhed^ havefpent their doytlike 
jirangers in -the. worldy whofe 
kappinefsy contrary io naturcy laid 
in pampering their bodieSy whil/i 
theirfouk were a burden io tbem, 
The life and deatb of fuch at 
thefe l rechn much the fame^ 
Jince no notice is taken of eitber. 
But be indeed appears to me f^ 
be truly alinjCy and to enjoy Ui\ 
who is engaged in fome ufefm 
emphymenty a^ endeavours U 
acquir^j fame by noble aSfionSy «r 
the praifice of fome commendabk 
art. But in tfoe midji ofplenty 
for tbatpurpofey nature bas point- 
ed out to dtfferent men different 

III. It is a glorious thing to be 
ferviceable * to the JiatCy and elo^ 
quence is no defpifeable talent,^ A^ 
man may make^ himfelf famous in 
peace or in war, Aianyy as welt 
thofe that have performed great 
aSiionSy as thofe that have given 
us the bijiory tbejreofy are bighly 
applauded^ And tbo* I cannot 


•c, CRiaEn SALUfiTu: 

quailipar gloria fequatur 
fcriptorem & auftorem 
rerum, tamen in primii 
a|xluum videtur res geftas 
fcribere: ' primum, quod 
{^2L di6lis exa&quanda 
funt : dein, quia pkrique, 
quae deliita reprehende- 
ris, malevolentia & invi- 
dia dida putant. Ubi de 
magna virtute atque glo- 
ria bpnorum ,memores 
quse fibi quifque facilia 
f^du putat, aequo animo 
accipit: fiJipra, veluti fic-t 
tapro falfis ducit. Sed ego 
adoleffentulus initio, fii 
cuti plerique, fludio . ad 
fcmpublicam latus fum.: 
ibiquc mihi multa advorfa 
fuerc. Nam pro pudore^ 
pro abftinentia, pro vir- 
tute, audacia, largitio, 
^varitia vigebant. Quae 
tametfi animus . afpema-» 
b^tur, infolens njalarum 
artium ;• tamen inter tan- 
ta yitia imhecilla aetas 
aml^itione corrupta te- 
pebatur. Ac me, cum 
ab reliquis malis mori- 
bus . diflentiremj . nihilo- 
Tninus honoris cupido 
eadem, quae caeteros, fa- 
ma atque, invidia, vexa- 

IV. Igitj^f, ubi animus 
^x multis miferiis atque 
pericuiis requievit, & mihi 
reliquam ajtatem a repub- 
lica procul habendam dc- 
crevi^i ^ion fqit cofifiliunx 

indeed fijy ' thnt *tke . Htftman, ^ 
md 'the Herp areAntitted to ib»r 
fame. fhare of gipry \ yet ii appears' . 
i^me \a matter ^Tno ^fmaU . diffi-,. " 
\cuky to write hiJiQry toelL^ Firfl^: 
hecaufe in ih£ ■■ rBiatidtt of:jnme,' 
a£fionSj thejiyle muji he.Juitid . to 
the. grandeur of the fubje^ \: and 
in the next placey. ieeaufe mojt 
readers are apt to look upon the 
cenfure of any mifcarriageSy at- 
proceeding from ill-nafure and en^ 
vy* Andin accounts ofithe gallant^ 
behnviour\^ and gkrious atchieve-^ 
'.ments ofworthy men^ fuch tbii^s: 
as -any one looks upon . to bave iw 
great difficulty in them, hercau 
readiuith patiehcej as credibiet hut 
all heyond he treats as meerfiSiion^ 
and uttetly falfe» When I was m 
young many I waSy like mojl other 
Gentlemeny very inclinable to en^ 
V i^S^ i^ ihe fervice ofthejiatey hut 
every wherefound great difficuitiesi 
in the way offuch my deftgny for 
injiead ofmodejiyyjujiicey andvir^ 
tucy impudence^ bribery^ andavarice 
carried allbefore them, Which tho* 
I had anahhorrence ofy as having 
never bem cncujiomed to fuch viU 
pra^icesy yet thofe^ being now Af-- 
come the fajhion, ofihe timesy my 
unexperienced youth expofed me toi 
,beca,ught hy the haits of amhition* 
And tho* I did not fall entirely Jn 
with a vitious age in other refpeSfSy 
yet / had the fame fpirit ofambftiT 
Qn and en-vy ii^ w as. others -had^ 

IV. Being a^ la/i happily deli^ 
vered from a world of vexation 
and dangery and refolved m more 
tq ^Ufddle in, Stafe^Ajfairs^ I was 
notj kowevcry minded^to fpendmy 
da^l in .id/enefs, arfd floth^ or tp 



focoMiaalq^defidia^ bo> imphy ttjy lifg 'iH Mgnc&iture'^ 
num^ o^ium conterere:. huhungy or the likt ferviU ^-^ 
•neque vero, agrum colen- ' c<?^; but immidiatety tefunud thd 
'Ao^wox. Veniindo^ fervili- pujfuit tf fny form(r\ defign:^ 
inis officiisivimentum, se^ from^which 'wicied imhiiicn had 
tatem. a^^re: fed- a cjuo^ divtrted^ me^ md d$titmined t9 
incoeptav.^/ ifudibqpe^^e- fst aboUf wriiiHg- ^ihi Hifl^y^f 
ambitip ix^^al^^^xltttintierat . f)Sre^>«^ R-<f9^fi* P^t^leyfuib^pai^fi 
cod^TegneHdir/^ifiatui-res « 9/r,.i/^ l^miiht^ tu Uippeared t$ 
'geAas '* popiifi '>\iR?3iitam*\ 7Hr'.'iOT<7/?: Wdrtijc of}fhe wtice 4f 
•&Ad^^ uti q\)aefqiBe'rm&* ^rjp(^i^ity-*^i\ /ind^the^^^r&ther^ ^'#t 
moida cKgria \yviii^aa^yiT^t..caufe my mind twai^^poVai jatl* ift^ 
f&^m\xvc:i\yje9%vm^isi'r^*ft(eu^^ h&peiifear^ ^or farty^ 
^dd .miia \. ^ci.metu -ipr^kdics^' Accrdingly J /haUifi 
^aitibusc' rdpoblica^»^ .dhi/-. .^jkfirftflace^i • ^giw» i « hriifa&^ 
mus. libeiri^.cratr.^cIgiturT.ViiKitf ^ 'C^Uine^s ''donjpiracyj 
de fCs^iq^» t^xonjiiratk)i^:rv <2ff^/£<7/.«t^rri& aH^poffihUi^regam 
t>e, vq»ain--veriffime-pa.^ \ U^^^^uth^' Fa^r' I^ ioik>*uipon\ tbiti 
^i>^ ;mucis:-rahibiva«i;v.\-^/^;igl« to\ have *'bein OHe rf r^thi 
l^am ^ ^isi^niirin/>primis.'vwxn^ rmhiorablt ^hat^ever weni^ 
(Bgby tEiemtn^ilevxtiMlu* '^;/^^ 'the-^flrangfhwukedn^sj^and 
im^^^fce^s a^WfKrica^ \danger ^^ity"whiih'''I Jfalk-hi^«ttaite:^VI^ ci9tts'.bp-t vj^/». wiV^i.^ fifcrp,'chkra^ir.'if.i'thk 

^'3q^nahda^:iunt^. qmm ^^ -> ii'Mj''f ^j^ /V^ri.-K- -!• rfitr 
inktun!! naixandifadam» ^ c»^ -^^ •' •'•->. :,. p* 
■v.::y . Xucios .. Catifina > >» ^^- Lucius ^€kiiilms'ww^i^ 
liobaL gpnerenattiM;) hi\x fieniied iff a rf^h&' f^{lyi,'y-mA 
magna vi U animi & cbr-j - ^eniffwed ^^Ufith* TtiprsifimirdiHctff 
poris j-fed ingeiiiQ, Ta\3\o' vigQUrh&th cf bddy'^nd tnihd^ ^hui 
pravoquei fiuk ab ado- ^ ^.ip. wi^tid^ pet^erfe ' dtfpofttioUi. 
^ lefcentia •'^ bella- inteflinav ^ • mhi hadftom his youfh notking; 
caBdes^vra)!)in8e,.'diicbrdiai ;^'»2^r^-^/ he&rt^ as civil war^ 
civilis, grata 'fuf^e.) ibique-^ rqpine^ and embroiting $f th^^ 
|uveihtute9ilft£iim; exetfca- -l^ate ; in which hefpint iheprime 
it*C(»rpUSf>atien8inedix, efhis yearsi^ His b^ywas incre-i 
^goils,. - vigUiOj*. fujH^a Mly^ qu^lifiidfor ihe endurin^cf 
cpaam cuiffuam credibiie rharsger^ ivant^^ofjleip^ and ccLL 
iril. ' Anin^ui audax, fub-,' Hiamind w^s' 'daring^ trMfty'^ 
dolus, varius^ cupflibet..-^):i(&^ capable'' iff th^ mjl pro^ 
rei fimulatc^ ^ '£i&mul fmnd dijjimulaticny^ and of a^r 
lator, aliemappetQns, ful ing "ijnypart whatever^ gnedy bf 
profufus, ardens in cupU ^iuhat was mt his /mvni and kj- 
fbtatibu^ ^ faUd loquentW» > vi/h<)of^hat was^^ ixirernify^egtr 
-;; \ fapi- 


c. CiiiSPi SAtDUs.tll:: 

jB^ientiac' paruxn* Vaftus inihe gratifoatkb \^f.Msd^es^^ 
animus Ipnmoderatsi, in- doq^ence tnougb be mdi buttHtde 
credihilia, qimls. alta fem- w^fdffm, His wiU fitd was,€ver 
per cppiebat*. Hun^, poft enge^ed in thefinofiity^tran&agani 
. daminationem Lv SuUge, proje^s^ things jmatitainaUef mti 
' lubido msulLuitia invaferat abovi his fpbert^y .Aft^. tbe^t^^ 
reipub^cae c^piundao^: ne- ran^ of Svlk^^ bt^Mcomtfi^'' 
queidquibus.modisacifev.v nat€Lyfonditf.fazing.i.tht gmkm^ 
iq^ueretUr, dum ^ reg- :>ment -^ <and..pxkuidei'Js^yvuid,iut 
luim pararet, quitiquam bring his furfife aimti' he <are4 
pend . habebat .^. Agitaba* not at ail by^^wjs^t means^ hk dii 
tur magismagifiiue indies iti.'.. His :famge\ .fot^LitkaSi Mre 
animus ferox ^ inopia rei . ^ ^ndmore agitatedjivitk his . poivtru 
familiari8> & confdentia. ^ ty^ and. a Jinjh of gttHty ibo^ 
Hoelerum' ; qu» .utraque tutich he, Isaa-^enciiiefed by> thi.vih 
l^s artibus auxeraty quas pr>a£iices.Mbove,:imenii(m&d. cMe 
ilupra wem^vuv. bicitar*. \ijuas.. mor£Ov&" ^encourag^ 7» bis 
bant pr^rea corrupti cir- v. entenprixe\ by : liieiTwicieApefs, .^ 
^tati^ mores: quos pet^ the.times^ tbe City.jbeing fsuSy 

overrunc mitb rJtW-*£/^ii& imr^ 
'bui-wry d^ereBtirfirts;:^: vipts^ 
iuxtiry andtavaripe^ cisdi^firfceJ 
.^m ^ot-upAn^ti^Si ^jc&fntfondf 
mtperhapsi bjr asi:impi^esc.:Q6Sttb 
onof running hatihtth^TA^r.dadp 
ages of ihei JSiman*peaphi taifgiai 
M accountiof the canduU op^ur 
^s&^ty^^!:mo^X^^ bow tbey managediheir. 

lican!!.. habuerint, quan'A.v:a^iri peacA and warjond 
tamque rdiquerint ;. &,\ -Ja-wbatKa fbeight thi^ brMght th^ 
ut paujatim- immutata»j: Roman Statet^* howl^ d^rees if 

has beetr^ ^angidy . tind ofioe MP/t 
giorious, and bejftj-it.betome* tha 
werfi and.m(^i'.fiagiiio9es*\ . 

, VI, ^ Ithe Qty MimyMsfter «i 

Icanfind^ wasMuiit^.Qand^fiff^ it^ 

habitedby the TrojanSy whobeirt^ 

Trojani.;» qui \®neaidu-.-^%r<sf Jd fi^from> their natim 

ce, profugj, fedibusi in,* couUryyfirolled aboutfrompldi^ 

topmii^-under .iie leading ofM^ 
neas^^ Sut with \tbem njuere join^ 
the AborigineSy :a.':Viiid fort of 
people^ Ainder m. reftxaint]frm 
iaw jor jgovermHentMy aiii. How* 


(vwA ac diYei& inker fe 
teala, ^luxuria \*atque ava- 
rkla^VVexabahtJ Res i^Y 
£ithoj!tad . viiietuiv quQni<^\ 
atn de moribus civitatis 
tempus admonuit, fupra 
repetere, ac paucis inftitu- 
tivm^JQrum.diQjcfti militi- 

ex pulchferruma & optU/ 
ma pelTuma ac flagotiofif-- 
fUma fa£la fit, diSerJere» 

VI. ' Urbem! Romara» 
iicuti . ego acccp3, condi- 
dere atquie habuere; tnitio 

certis vagabanti^-s cum^ 
que.his Aborigines, genus 
hominum.agrefte, finele- 
gibus,. -fii^ft imperio^ libe- 
rum atque folutum. .Hi» 


];)oftquam in una moenia 
convenere, difpari genere, 
diflimili lingua, alii alio 
more viventes, incredibi- 
le memoratu eft, quam 
facile coaluerint. Sed 
poftquam res eorum civi- 
bus, moribus, agris auc- 

que pollens videbatur ; fi- 
cuti pleraque mortalium 
habentur, invidia ex opu- 
lentia orta eft. Igitur 
reges populique finitimi 
bello tentare. Pauci ex 
amicis auxilio efl[e. Nam 
caeteri, metu perculfi, a 
periculis aberant. At Ro- 

ever^ upon their uniting and co^ 
habiting in the fame city^ not^ 
withjianding the wide difference 
hetwixt them^ with refpeSf to theit 
language^ and manner oflife^ yet 
it is incredible tofay^ how eaftly 
they hecame one peiple, But after 
this newjlate receivedfuch an im- 
ta, fatis profpcra, fatif- provement in number of people^ 

manners and territoryy as to ap^ 
pear in a profperous and vigorous 
condition^ their happy circunifian- 
ceSy as is ufual infuch cafeSy drew 
down the envy oftheir iieighbourSy 
upon ihem, Accordingly the neigh- 
bouring princes andjlates prefent-^ 
ly engaged in war againjl them % 
wherein fofne few of their friends 
mani, domi militiaeque Jlood by them^ whiift the reji^ for 
intenti, fefl!nare, parare, fear ofthe worji^ kept themfehes 
alius alium hortari, hofti- out ofdanger. "The Romaniy how- 
bus obviam ire, liberta- ever^y were not wanting in their 
tem^ patriam, paifentef- endeavours^ both at home and a- 

broady for a vigorous defence^ but * 
animated by mutual encourage- 
mentSy boldiyfaced their enemy for 
the fecurity oftheir iiberty^ cOun- 
tryy andparents, And after they 
had by their bravery repelied the 
dangers that threatenedthemy gave 
in their turn ajji/iance to their ai^ 
iies and friends y andadded to the 
numher oftheniy more by the confer^ 
ring offavoursy than the receiving 
ofthem. Their government was a , 
legai oncy under the name of a mo- 
narchy. Peffons weak ofbody by 
reafon of their age^ but eminent 
appellabantur. Poft, ubi for their wifdom and abiiities of 
regium imperium, quod mind^ were appointed as a council 
initio confervandae liber- of Jiate^ to providefor thepubiick 
tatis atque augendae rei- Jecurity -, who from iheir age^ or 
gublicae fuerat, ih fuper- their obiigaticfn io a patemai con* 
biam dominationemque cerh for tJje gbod ef the common^ 

B con- 

que armis tegere. Poft, 
ubi pericula virtute pro- 
pulerant, fociis atque a- 
micis auxilia portabant ; 
magifque dandis, quam 
accipiundis beneficiis a 
micitias parabant. Impe- 
rium legitimum, nomen 
imperii regium habebant. 
Delefti, quibus corpus 
annis infirmum, ingeni- 
um fapientia validum e- 
rat, reipublicae confulta- 
bant. Hi, vel aet^te vel 
curae fimilitudine, Patres 

< • 


cbnvertit, . immutato wealth^ were cdlled Fathfii^s. iBt^ 
mdre, annua imperia, bi- when kingly government^which at 
nos imperatores fibi fece- firji proved a means ofprejerving 
re, Eo modo minume their libertyy and advancing fhe 
pdfl^putabantperlicenti. puhlick intereji^ degen>raUd inio 
am infolefcere animum haughtinefs and tyr^anriy^ it was 
humanum. Idid aftde^ and in -room ihereof 

two magi/frates were yearly dppointed io govern ihe Jiate, 
For this they ihought the moji likely means to prevent a licen- 
tious infolence in their Governors, 

VII. Sed ea tempefta- VII. Now .every one begun fo 
te coepere fe quifqUe ma- exert himfelf and employ all his 
gis magifque . extollere, faculties^ for the pubiick fervice. 
ingcniumque in promptu For under Kings^ perfons ofworth 

and merit are more apt io be hok" 
ed upon with a jealous eye^ than 
thofe ofa contrary charaSier, For 
Princes are ever apprehenfive 6f 
greai abiliiies in fheir fUbje£ts, 
But after the Roman Jiate had 
thus recovered its Ubertyj it is in^ 
credible to fay^ nxihat a mighiy im- 
provement. it prefently received, 
primum Juventus, fimul fuch an appetitefor glory had now 
acbellipatienseratjinca- prevailed amongli that people. 

Now the youthj asfoon as capable 
of hearing arms^ were irained 
up in ihe fatigues of a camp^ to 
the bufinefs of war, .Handfome 
armSy and fine war-horfes were 
much moretheir concern^ ihan Ihe 
praSfice of lewdnefs and luxury, 
To fuch men as thefe hardjhip was 
no noveltyj no place too rugged or 
(Ufficulty no enemy was terribley 
their refolution bore down all he-^ 
fore it. But at the fame iime 
ihere was the highefl emulation 
among/i them in point of gtory ; 
every one being zeaious io di/iin- 
guifl) himfelf in fightj or the fca- 
ling ofwaSsj in the view oj his 
raceret, properabat. Eas feUow-foIdiers, This was iheir 
divitias, eam bonam fa- richesy therr gloryy and what 


habere. Nam regibus 
boni, quam mali, fuTpec- 
aliena virtus formidolo^ 
eft. Sed dvitas, incredi- 
bile memoratu eft, adepta 
iibertate, quantum 'brevi 
creverit: Tanta cupidb 
gloriae inceflferat. Jam- 

ftris per laborem ufu mi- 
litiam difcebat; magif- 
que in decoris armis & 
militaribus equis, quam 
in fcortis atque conviviis, 
lubidiijem habebat. Xgi- 
tur talibus viris non la- 
bos infolitus, non locus 
ullus afper aut arduus e- 
rat, non armatus hof- 
tis formidolofus : Virtus 
omnia domuerat. Sed 
gloriae maxumum- certa- 
men inter ipfos erat. 
Quifque hoftem ferire, 
murum adfcendere, con- 
ipici, dum tale facinus 



mam, magnamque no- 
bilitatem putabant. Lau- 
dis avidi, pecuniae libera- 
les erant. Gloriam in- 
gentem, divitias honeftas 
volebant. Memorare pof- ' 
fem, quibus in locis max- 
limas hoftium copias po- 
puliis R. parva manu fii- 
derit, quas urbes natura 
munitas pugnandp cepe- 
rit ; ni ea res longiu^ nos 
ab incoepto traheret. 

tuna in omm re domina- 
tur. Ea res cundas, ex 
lubidine magis^ quam ex 
vero, cel^brat obfcurat- 
que. Athenienfium res 
geftae, ficut ego exiftu- 
mo, fatis amplae magni- 
ficaeque fuerej Verum 
aliquanto minores tamen, 
quamfam^feruntur. Sed 
quia.provenere ibi magna 
rcriptorum ingenia, per 
terrarum orbem Atheni- 
enfium fafta pro maxu- 
mis celebrantur. Ita eo- 
rum, qui ea fecere, vir- 
tus tanta habetur, quan- 
tum verbis ea potuere ^x- 
tollere praeclara ingenia. 
At populo Rbmano num- 
quam ea copia fuit > Quia 
prudentiffimus quifque 
negotiofus maxupae erat. 
Ingenium nemo fine cor- 
pore exercehat. Optu- 
mus quifque facere, quam 
,dicere; fua ab aliis t^ene 
fada laudari, quam ipfe 
aliorum narrare, malebat. 

aUne ennobled them^ in their opi^ 
nion, n^y were greed^ of ho^ 
nour^ hut lavijh of their money. , 
Glory they could never have too 
much. of butfor riches a handfome 
competericy jufficed them. And 

. here I coula entertain the reader 
with numerous in/iances ofmighty 
armies defeated hy inconftderahle 
numherSy and cities wonderfully^ 

fortified hy nature taken hy them. 
But that would detain me too long 

from my purpofe. 

VIII. But fortune has indeed 
a mighty fway inall thi^igs', raifes . 
or deprejjes them at pleapLrey ra- 
ther than according to truth, T^he 
aSfions ofthe Athenians were^ in 
my opinion^ great and glorious; 
enoughj hut not altogether fo con" 

fiderahle as fame reprefenis them» 
But hecauje . that city produced 
great plenty of fine authors^ the 
exploits ofthdt people are through- 
out the world celehrated for the 
greatefi ihat ^ver were perform- 
ed hy men, Accordingly the cou- 
rage and condu£i of t,he aSiorSy 
have heen as much magnifiedy as 
it was in the power of the finefi 
wits to do it, But this was an 
advantage the Roman people never 
had^ hecauje the wifefi men were 
aiways the jnofi etfgaged in thefer- 
vice ofthefiate\for none purfu^ 
ed the impxovement of the mind 
onlyy without regard to that ofthe 
body, The heji men chofe rather 
the partofaciing than fpeaking 'y 
and to have their own aichieye- 
ments celehrated hy othersy ratbeic 
than wrife thofe of others them" 


IX. Irf. 



IX. Igit\jir cfomi mi« 
litiaequeboni mores cole- 
bantur. Concordia max- 
uma, minuma avaritia 
erat. Jus bonumque a- 
pud eos non legibus ma- 
gis, guam natura, vale- 
bat. Jui^ia, difcordias, 
fimultates cum hoftibus 
cxercebant. Cives cum 
civibus de virtute certa- 
bant. In fuppliciis deo- 
rum magnifici, domi par- 
ci, in amicos iidq}es erant. 
Duabus his artibus, au- 
dacia bello, ubi pax eve-, 
nerat, ^equitate, feque 
remque publicam cura- 
bant. pparum rerum 
ego maxuma documenta 
haec habeoj quod in bel- 
lo faepius vindicatum eft 
in eos, qui contra jimpe- 
rium in hoftem pugnave- 
rant, quique tardius revo- 
cati praelio exceflerant, 
quam qui figna relinquere, 
aut pulfi, loco cedere aufi 
erant. Inpacevero,benc- 
ficiis magis, quam metu, 
imperium agitabant ; et 
accepta injuria, ignofcere, 
quamperfequi, malebant, 
X. Sed, ubi labore at- 
que juftitia refpublica cre- 
vit; reges inagni bello 
domiti; nationes ferae, & 
populi ingentes vi fubac- 
ti; Carthago aemula im- 
perii Romani, ab ftirpe 
interiit; cuncSa maria ter- 
raeque patebant; fortu- 
na faevire ac mifcere om- 
nia caepit, Qui labores, 

IX. Goodmanners^therefor^were 
pra^ifed both at home^ and ahrqad 
in the wars. Tl^eir unanimity was 
greatj hut dejires very moderate, 
Jujlice and equity prevailed a*-» 
mongji them^ not more hy theforce 
oflaws^ than natural inciination. 
Ml the differences and quarrels 
ihey had were with the enemies of 
thejiate. But one with another 
they had no other conteji^ than 
who fbould hehave hejl, In the 
worjhip of the Gods tbey were 
magntficenty hut thrifty at homcy 
and faithful to their friends. 
And hy the praSiice ofhravery in 
war^ and equity in peace^ did they 
tnanage themfelves and the puhlick 
affairs. (Jf which thefe things 
are fufficient proofsy that fuch as 
fought the enemy contrary to or^ 
dersy were ofiner punijhedy than 
fuch as defertedy or in time of 
aSiion quitted their po/is, But 
in peace the adminiiiration was 
managed more in ihe way of 
kindnefs than terrour: And in 
cafe of an injury received^ they 
chofe rather to forgive^ than re- 
venge it^ 

X, But when hy the praSiice 
of indujiry andjujiice^ the Roman 
Jiate was come to a conftderahle 
heighty great princes conquered^ 
wild nations atid mighty Jiates 
hrought under fuhjeSiion hy dint of 
armsy and Carthage that was ri- 
val with Rome for the empireof 
the worldy utterly deJiroyed\ and 
allparts ofity whether hy fea^ or 
hy landy at the devotion of the 




pcricula, dubias atque af- 
peras res facile tolerave- 
rant, iis otimn, divitiae, 
optandae aliis, oneri mife- 
riaeque fiiere. Igitur pri- 
ino pecuniae, dein impe- 
rii cupido crevit.' Ea quafi 
materie^ omnium malo- 
rum fuere. Namque a- 
varitia fidem, probitatem, 
caeterafque artes bonas 
fubvertit ; pro his fuper- 
biam, credulitatem, deos 


RoTnan5'y fortune began to Jhew 
her malice^ and confound all. For 
they who had endured fatigueSy 

^ ^^ , dangersy and the moji fevere tri^ 

riaeque fiiere. Igitur pri- als^ with eafe^ founa peace and , 
mo pecuniae, dein impe- plenty (deftrable things with the 

' ' '^ " re/f of men) to be their bane, 

Firji the love ofmney^ andthen 
of power grew upon them, and 
proved the occajion of allmariner ' 
ofmifchief For avarice was the 
deJiruSfion of faith^ honejly^ and 
other good qualities\ and in the 
negligere, omnia venalia • room thereofy brought in fajhionj 
habere edocuit. Ambitio pride^ cruelty^ profanenefs^ and a 

mercenary fpirit. Ambition obliged 
many to breach of faith^ and to 
have one thing in their heartSy 
and another upon their tongues^ 
to contra^ or breakfriendjhip^ not 
as honour^ but their inierejt re- 
quired; and to feem good, rather 

multos mortalis falfos fi- 
eri fubegit ; aliud claufum 
in peftore, aliud promp- 
tum in lingua habere ; a- 
micitias inimicitiafque 
non ex re, fed ex com- 
modo aeftumare 5 ma- 
gifque vultum, quam in- 

fenium, bpnum habere. 
laec primo pauUatim 
crefcere, interdum vindi- 
cari. Poft, ubi conta- 

than be really fo. Thefe vices 

Jome timcy 

grew up but Jlowly for ^ 
and were now and then punijhed. 
But the infeSiion at laji carrying 
all before it like the plague^ the 
gio, quafi peftilentia, in- Jiate was hugely altered^ and the 
vafit; civitas immutata, governmentj from being the mojl 
imperium, ex juftiffumo jujiy and the beji that ever wasy 
atque optumo, crudele became cruelandintolerable. 

intolerandumque faftum. 
XI. Sec^primo magis 
ambitio, quam avaritia, 
animos hominum exerce- 
bat: Quod tamen vitium 
propius virtuti erat. Nam 
gloriam, honorem, im- 
perium, bonus, ignavus, 
aeque fibi exoptant. Sed 
ille vera via nititur ; huic 
quia bonae artes defunt, 
dolis atque fallaciis con- 
tendit. Avaritia pecuniae 

XI. But atfirji qmbttion more 
than avarice infiuenced the minds 
ofthe Romans : JVhich vice^ how- 
ever^ hadjome refemblance of a 
virtue. For the brave^ and the 
bafe-fpiritedy are equally fond of 
glory^ honoury and power. But 
the former purfues tkem in the 
right way \ whereas the latter^ as 
dejiitute of all good qualitiesy en- 
deavours to come at them in the 
way oftrick and deceit, Avarice 



(hidium hat^ i quam is mthin^ but, m extrg^agant dc- 

nemo fapiens concupivit. Jire 9f moneyj^ which m wife man 

Ea^ quafi venei;iis malis wai ever fond of And this paf- 

imbutaj corpus ^imugci- fion-i as tf it was enforced by the 

que virilem effeminat : power of encharfXment^ enervates 

Sempjer infinita, infatia- koth the kodies audfoids ofmen^ is 

bilis eftj neq^ue copia, ev^er bomdlefi gnd inffltiaUe^ not 

neque inopia minuitur. to be redvLced by either pknty or 

Sed, poftquam L. S\jll^ wcmt^ But after Lujcius Sylla 

armis recepta republica, fiz^d ^ppn th^ govfirnrnent by 

bonis initiis malosi evea- force of axms^ and tho^ he b.egun^ 

tus .habuit ; rapere om- v^el^ yet run, in,t9 great outragcs^ 

hes, trahere. Dpmum a- rapine and viofence prevaijed ui^^i- 

liusj alius agros cupere j verfajly> The cmquerorsy onefet 

neqye modum rieque hi^ hear( upon a fne houfe^ ano^ 

mod^ftiam yiftores ha- ther upon^ landsy and in the profe-^ 

bere; ifaeda crudeliaque cution oftheir pveral dejireiy h<x,d 

ii^ civis^ facinc^ facere. tjuft the Uaft ^nclure ofmoder^tz- 

Huc ^ccedebatj quod on or modfifty at all^ but pra^fed 

L. Sulla exercitum» (iU the moji abomina.ble e»;ceffes of 

quem in Afia du6ia- cruelty upon thdrfellow-citizens» 

verat, quo fibi fidum Befides tkisy L. Stiliay i.n order to 

faceret, contra morem en^age th^ (^rmy he had comnmnd- 

majorum, luxuriofe ni- ed in 4ficiy to Jfarujl bv himy didy 

mifque liberaliter habu- contrary to_ th.e ^foge of our ^nce^ 

crat. Lpca amaena, Jiors,yJ)ackeni;hereinsofdifcipUne^ 

voluptaria facile in otip in the wx^y of indulgehce and 

feroces milit\im animQs pvofufiony to a great excefs. And 

molliverant. Ibi pri- the pleapnht voluptuous country of 

mum infuevit exerci- ^a hady afier the war was ena- 

tus populi Romani a- ed therey ftrangely foftened the 

mare, potare; figna, ruggedminds ofthefotatery.There 

tabulas piftas, yafa cae- firfi of ail dtd th.e Roman trcops 

lata mirari ; ea priva- (ontra^ a paffionfor whoring and 

tim ac publice rapere; drinkingy fidt^esy piStureSy and 

delubra fpoliare; facra fine-wroMght platey which ihey 

1>rofanaque omnia pol- publickly and privately n^de pJun^ 

uere. Igitur hi milites,' der of robbing tbe temples of the 

poftquam viftoriam a- Qodsy andfparing no places what^ 

depti funt, nihil reli- ever^ whether fa^red or profane. 

qui viSis fecere. Quip- For thofe foldiersy cft^r th.eir con- 

pe fecundae res fapien- quefis tn th(fe pariSy left the con- 

tium animps fatig^nt : quered mthing at ^IL Sudcefs in- 

* . ' Ne 

BELLlJM CATltiNAfelUM. 15 

Nfe iffi, cotftiptis ma- di^imaltes aJirdHgiTHfreJJionupffn 

ritius, vifiorias tempe- t}te mincts 'tfnjfftfe fhen^ ahd ihere^ 

rarenft. fore it is fidt to be iuSHdered at^ if 
aH arniy fo ^carrupted by iu difcipline^ fhdUld Hiake fo bad a 
ufe ofthetr eoHqueJi. 

aH Poftquatn <fivi- 3C[I. Whin ridhes now begun 

tia honori effc cjcperant, to be infuch Hjafi e/ieem^ andto be 

& eas gloria, iiSiperium, atteHded uokh glory^ conmand^ 

potentia fcqaiebatul-: he- andpower^ virPue begun tolan^ 

befcere virtus, paupertas guijh^ pdverty to be acco)inted 

probro haberi, iraiocentia tnatter 'ofrepYo'ac\ and innocena 

pfo malevoi^ntia duci- to pdfs for ilUnature. Hereupon 

csepit. I^tur Cx divitiis 9Ur youth became infe£led wiih 

juVentutem hixuria atque luxury. dvarice^ mdpride qllto^ 

avaritia cum ftrperbia in- gether. Thiy noio raifaged and 

vafetc. Rapere, corrfu- wajied all before them^ and never 

mere ; fiia p*:^ penderc: fatisfied with 'vuhat was their 

aliefia cuperfc ; pudorem, own^ weVe ever longingfor what 

pudicitiafm, divina atque was not\ trarfipled upon modejiy^ 

humana pJromifcua, nihil friendfhip^ Chajiity^ and every^ 

penfi fieque moderati ha- thing elfe^ divine or human^ with^^ 

bere. Operse pretium eft, out diJiin£lion\ and throwing off 

cum domos atque villas- alirejiraint^ hqd ndt fhe leaji care 

cognoveris in urbium or cdncernfor any thing that wds 

modum exaedificatas, vi- goifd. It ts worth while to take a 

fere templa deorum, quas view of the fine houfes in toivn 

noftri majdres, religiofif- and couniry^ andthen toyiftt the 

fumi mortales, fecere. temples ofthe Gods^ built by our 

Verum illi delubra deo- forefathers^ fhe moji reiigious of 

rum pietate, domos fuas mankind. But they graced the 

gloria decorabant ; neque temples of the Gods with their 

vi£iis quidquam prater pi^ty^ ana their houfes wifh glory : 

injuriae licentiam, eripie- And took nothing from thofe they 

barit, At hi contra, ig- cffnquered^ but the licence of do- 

navifiumi homines, per ing mifchief But thofe Ifpoke of 

fummum fcehis omnia above^ the mofi worthlefs of men^ 

ea fociis adimere, quse have in the moji wicked manner 

fortiffumi viri vicldres ravijhed from our alliesy all the 

hoffibusreliquemnt:Pro- brave old conquerors had lefi 

inde quafi injuriam fece- them^ as ifthe tfe of power con- 

re, id demum effet impe- fi/ied in the doing ofmifchief 
rio uti. 

5Qtt Nam quid ea XIII. For whyjhduld I fpend 

memorem, quae, nifi his^ timc in the reiatim rf thingSj - 

. qui 



qui videre nemini credibi- 
liafunt; a privatis com- 
pluribus fubverfos mon* 
tis, maria conffarata efle? 
Quibus mihi ludibrio vi- 
dentur fuiife divitiae ; 
quippe, quas honefte ha- 
bere lidebat, per turpitu- 
dinem abuti properabant. 
Sed lubido ftupri, ganeae, 
caeterique cultus non mi- 
nor inceflerat. Viri pati 
muliebria: Mulieres pu- 
dicitiam in propatulo ha- 
bere: Vefcendi caufater- 
ra marique omnia exqui- 
rere : Dormire prius, 
quam fomni cupido eflet: 
Non famem aut fitim, 
neque frigus neque laflltu- 
dinem operiri, Sed ea om- 
nia luxu antecapere, Haec 
juventutem, ubi familia- 
res opes defecerant, ad fa- . 
cinora incendebant. A- 
nimus imbutus malis ar- 
tibus, haud facile lubidi- 
nibus carebat : Eo profu- 
fius omnibus modis quae- 
flui atque fumptui dedi- 
tus erat. 

XIV. In tanta tamque 
corrupta civitate, Catili- 
na, id quod faftu facillu- 
mum erat, omnium fla- 
gitioforum atque facino- 
roforum circum fe, tam- 
quam ftipatorum, cater- 
vas habebat. Nam, qui- 
cunque impudicus, adul- 
ter, ganeo, alea, manu, 
ventre, pene bona patria 
laceraverat, quique alie- 
num aes grande conflave- 

wbich can appear credible to no tmtf 
thai has not^feen themi as th^ 
levelling of mountains^ building 
fine palakes in the fea itfelf^ hy 
many prfUate p^^ons ; whojeemed 
to play witb their riches^ in the 
way ofbantering^ as it were^ and 
ahufmg them in the moji fcandahus 
manner^ when they might have 
enjoyed them with bonour, Nbr 
were they lefs extravagant in their 
amourSj and all the articles of 
furniture and equipage : The men 
and womeh were guilty of the 
moft barefaced projiitution. Sea 
and land were ranfacked tofur^ 
nifh out their tables with dainties^ 
And the natural return ofjleepy 
hungery and thirjl^ were antici^ 
pated by a luxurious indulgence^ 
The praciice of thefe vices firji 
reduced the youth of Rome to 
wantj and then pujhed them upon 
all manner ofvillainy. The mind 
being once inured to thofe vile 
p.ra£iices knew not how to forego 
the gratification of its lijisj and 
fo was the more violently bent 
upon all the ways of hoth getting 

XIV. In fo great and fo wicked 

a cityj Catalinej as was no hard 

maHter to be fure^ had. troops of 

flagitiousy profiigate fellowSj like 

fo many life^guard menj always 

about him, For all your catamiteSy 

cuckold-makerSj rakesy that had 

fpent their jeJiateSj in aU the ways 

of luxury and lewdnefsj all fuch 

as had run over head and ears in 

debty to fcreen themfelves from 

the punifhment due to their crimesj 

parricides beftdes from all quar- 



ftit, quo fla^tmm aut fa- tersy facrikgiom rafctih^ fuch ai 

cinvis redimeret ; praete- had been alrendy legally coHviSfed 

red, omitfcs imdique par- of hhrrid viiiainies^ or -ftared Jh 

ricWae, facrilegi, convic- to be; and further^ alt fuch a^ 

ti jlxdiciiis, aut pro factis maifttaimd therHfelves hy perjury 

jiidicium timentes, ad or murder : Finaliy^ all whom 

hoc, quos maniis atque wickednefs^ wantj or a guiky con^ 

lingua pequrio & fangui- fcience made uneafy f thefe were 

ne civili alebat ; poftre- Gdtitine^s neareji and moji inti- 

mo, oituies^ quos flagi- Tnate friends, And if any inno- 

tium, egeftas, confcius cent perfon happened to he engaged 

animus exagitabat, hi Ca- in any friendjhip with bini^ by 

tilinse proxumi familia- daily converfaiion and wheedling^ 

refque fci^nt: Quod fi he was foon made like the reji of 

quis etiatn a culpa vacuus the treiv. Bnt thoft he chiefiy af- 

in amicitiam ejus incide- ft£led to draw into hisparty^ vjert 

rat^ quotidiano ufu at- young gentkmen. Their ininds 

tjue illecebris faeile par fi- being^ by redfon of their age^ fofl 

milifque caeteris efficieba- ^and pliable^ were eafily cajoled. 

tur. Sed maxume ado- For^ according to theit feveral in- 

lefcentium familiaritates dinations^ fome he farnijhed with 

appetebat. Eorum ani- whores^ for others he would hu^ 

mi, molles & aetate fluxi, dbgs and horfes, Finaily^ hefiuck 

dolishauddifficultercapi- at no cofi^ or breach of modefiy^ 

ebahtur. Nam, uti eu- whatevtr^ to get them into his 

jufque fhidium ex aetate power^ andfecure them tb his in^ 

flagrabat, aliis fcorta prae- tere/i. I am fenfible^ fome people 

bere, aliis canes atque e- were of opinion^ that the youth 

quos mercari: Poflremo that freqnented Catiline^s houfe^ 

neque fumpturneque mo- were engaged in unhatural lewd- 

defliae fuae parcere, dum nefs\ but this fancy proceeded^ I 

illos obnojcios fidofque fuppofe^ notfo muchfrom any cer» 

fibi faceret. Scio fuiffe tain evidence of the thing^ as 

nonnuUos, quiita.exi- other reafons. 

ftumarent ; juventutem, quae domum CatiKnae frequenta- 
bat, parum honefle pudicitiam habuifle, Sedex aliis fe- 
bus magis, quam quod cuiquam id coiftpertum foret, haec 
fama valehat. 

XV. Jamprimum a- XV. Catiline himfelfi nbhen a 

dolefcens Catilina multa yovng fellow^ had betn engaged in 

nefanda' fhipra fecerat, feveral viliainous intrigues with a 

cum virgine nobili, cum young Iddy ofhigh quaiity^ one^^of 

facerdote Veftae; & alia the Vefiai rluns^ and mcny cther 

hujtlfcemodx contra jus the likt abominable pranks. At 

C faf- 


fafque. Poftremo, capr laft hefell in love with Aureli^i 

tus amore Aureliae Ore- Urejiiua^ in ^bom no good man 

ftillae, cujus, praeter for- ever commended anj thing but her 

mam nihil umquam bo- beauty\ and becaufe Jhe made a 

nus laudavit, quod ea nu- fcrupU of marrying him^ by rea- 

bere illi dubitabat, timens fon hisjon was at man^s ejiate^ tt 

privignum adultum aeta- is heheved for a certainiy^ ' he 

tej pro certo creditur, murdered himy to make way for 

necato filio, vacuam do- fo wicked a match, Which indeed, 

nium fcelefti^ nuptiis fe- / believe^ might ie the reafon of 

cifle. Quae ,quidem res his pujhing his interprize withji 

mihi in primis videtur much violence as he did. For his 

caufla fuiffe facinoris ma- polluted foul^ fired,with rage <?- 

turahdl. Namque ani- - gainji both Gods and men^ could 

mus impurus, dis homi- findno reft either waking or fleep^ 

nibufque infeftus, neque ing\ fo much was. he haunted 

, vigiliisnequequietibus fe- with the terrours of an evil con^ 

dari poterat ; Ita confci- fcience. Accordingiy his complexi'^ 

entia mentem excitam on was very pale^ his eyes ghajlly^ 

vexabat. Igitur colos ei his gate fometimes quick^ fome^ 

exfanguis, faedioculi ; ci- times Jhw : In Jhorty his wbole 

tus modo, modo tardus appearance was perfeSily tbat of 

inceffus ; prorfus in facie a mad m(^n. 
vultuque vecordia inerat. 

XVI. Sed juventutem, XVI . Now the young men be 

quam, ut fupra diximus, wbeedled in to join bim^ as has 

illexerat, multis modis been above faid^ he trained up to 

mala facinora edocebat, villany by various ways, from a^ 

ex illis teftes fignatorefque mongft tbem be ufed to furnifb 

falfos cofnmodare ; fi- falfe witneffes^ and others to fign 

dem, fortunas, pericula forged deeds^, teaching them by 

vilia habere. Poft, ubi tbat means tofet light by their ho- 

eorum famam atque pu- nour\ ejlates^ and danger. And 

dorem attriverat, majora after he bad utterly fupprejfed in 

alia imperabat. Si caufla tbem aU regard to credit orjhame^ 

peccandi in prsefens mi- he put them upon greater proje£ls. 

nus fuppetebat ; nihilo- And if no prefent opportunity pre- 

minusinfontesjficutifon- fented for the exercife of their 

tes, circumyenire, jugu- talent^ yet he kept them doing^ by 

lare. Scilicet, ne per o- employing them to circumvent and 

tium torpefcerent ma- murder fuch as had given him no 

niis, aut animus, gratui- offence^ /^s if tbey had\ that isy 

to potius malus atque to keep their hands and minds in 

crudefi^ erat. His amicis ufcy he was wicked and eruel^ 


* I 



IbciifquecGiliifus Catilina, 
fimu) quod aes alienum 
per omnes terras ingens 
erat, & quod plerique 
SuUani milites, largius 
fuo ufi, rapinarum & vic- 
toriae veteris mcmores, 
civile belhim exoptabant, 
opprimund^ reipublica 
c6nfilium cepit. In Ita- 
lia nullus exercitus , Cn. 
Pompejus in extremis 
terris bellum gerebat ; ip- 
(\ confulatum petundi 
magna fpes ; Senatus ni- 
hil fane intentus: Tutae 
tranquillaeque res omnes. 
Sed ea prorfus opportuna 

without any, provocation fo, to he» 
Catiline confidin^ in thefe friends 
and accomplices^ and hecaufe the 
number of perfons invohed in deht 
was every where very great^ and 
hecaufe too mofl of Sulla^s .oldfol- 
diersj having made an end of 
what they had ^tten^ and r^- 
memhering full well the plunder 
they had made upon SulkC s fuccefs^ 
Wtjhed for a civil war; Catiliney 
Ifay^ putting thefe feveral things 
together^ entered into a defign of 
ufurping the governmenU There 
was no^ army in Italy ; C«. Pom- 
pey was carrying on awar in the 
remoteji parts of the earth : He 
himfelf had great hopes ofohtain- 
ing ihe Conful/hip\ the Senate ap- 
peared. very fecure ; and all was fafe and quiet ; which feveral 
things feemed to prefent Catiline with a favourable opportu^ 
nity of carrying his pointt . 

XVlI. Igitur circiter XVII. Wherefore about the 
Kalendas Jun. L. Caefa- firji of June^ in the year\ of 
re & C. Figulo confuli- the Confuljfhip of L. Casfar^ and 

C. figuiuSj he applies himfelf to 
his ajfociates feparately firjt\ fome 
he encouragedy others he triea-y he 
acquaints them with his Jirength^ 
how little the governrtient was 
provided to oppofe him^ and what 
vaji advantages they might pro^ 
mife thmfelves from thejicccefs of 
the conjpiracy, Jjter hehad fuf- 
ficientiy fifted them witb relation 
to his defign^ he dfaWs together 
nere fenatorii' ordinis P. fuch of them as were under tbe 
Lentulus Sura, P. Au- greateji difficulties^ and^appeared 
tronius, L. Caflius Lon- the moji daring. Upon ihat occa- 
ginus, C. Cethegus, P. fion affemhied of the Senatorian 
& Ser. SullaB Servii filii, rank^Fuhlius LentulusSura^Pub" 

lius JutroniuSy Lucius Cajftus Lon- 
ginuSy Caius Cethegus^ Publius 
andJServius the Sons of Sulla Ser- 
C 2 \ Prse- 

,bus, primo fingulos ap- 
pellare ; hortari aiios, ali- 
os tentare; opes fuas, im- 
paratam rempublicam, 
magna prdnia conjurati- 
onis docere, Ubi fatis ex- 
plorata funt, quae voluit ; 
in unum omnesconvocat, 
quibus maxuma necefli- 
tudo & plurimum auda- 
ciae inerat. Eo conve- 

L. Varguntejus, Q^ An- 
nius, M, Porcius Laecca, 
L. Beftia, Q. Curius: 



Praeterea, ex equeftri ar- 
fiine, M- Fulvius Nobi- 
lior, L. Statilius, P Ga- 
binius Ca|^to> C. Cqrne- 
Jius: A4 l^ocj piulti ej^ 
coloniis & muni^ipiis do- 
"mi nobilesi. Erantpraete- 
rea comp^u^es paullo oc- 
<:ultins cpnfilii hujufce 
participes npbilesj quos 
magis ^Gpiinationis fpes. 
hortabatuT) quam inopia 
aut alia n^cefiitudo. Csc- 
terum, j^ventus pleraque^ 
fed maxum^ nQbiliun\, 
Catilinj^ incoeptis faye- 
bat. <^ibus in otio vel 
magnifice vel molliter vi- 
vere ^opi^ efat, incerta 
pro.certis, bellvun, quam 
pacem ipalebant. Fu- 
ere item ea tempeftate, 
qui crederent M. Licini- 
um Craflilm .no^> igna- 
rum ejus confilii; fuiff^ : 
Quia Cnejus Pompgus, 
invifus ipfi, magnum ex- 
crcitum diiAabat, cvyufvis 
opes voluifte contra illius 
potentiam crefcere: Si- 
mul con6f\mi, fi conjiwa^ 
tio valuifiet, facile apud 
iUos principem fe.fore. 
Sed antdk item conjura^ 
vere pauci, in quibus Ca- 
tUina. De quo, quam 
veriflume potero, dicam. 

XVm. L. Tullo, M, 
Lepidocofl['i P. Autroni- 
us & i^. SuUa, defignati 
f:onfules, legibus ambitus 
interrogati, paenas dede- 
rant. Poft paulio Catili- 

viusy Lt4citis Vcirgtmt^jis^ ^jjg-' 
tus ji^nii{Sy A&ircm Po>rfius Lac-» 
cq^ {^uciiis B(/iia^ ^intus Cur^ 
Jiiusi affid ffe/fdes thefe^ (f Eque- 
Jiria^ r^,^k^ Miar(4is Eidvius J^a- 
bilior-i Lu(it^s S^qU^u^^ JPub^i^s 
Gabiniu^s C^ipitj^ Ca'^^ Ckirmli^s ^ 
(md qver; ^iid (if^V.i ^^i^ ^^V^My^ 
ma^ fr^m th^ c^Ionies gn4 ^o-^ 
rougk^-tQSAms^ nobly i^^n^d. tkire^ 
7her£ ii^re liiew.ifr ^ gofld manji 
rwbJe/ner^^ who ^nder^-hfifid c^t^- 
tenanced tke A^Jigny whinrp, ^^ 
h^es of power^ mfisce tfsan wantj 
or cfny ather necejftty^ engaged 
the^ein, B.ut mofi of the yotitky 
ejpecially gmotj^/i th^ nobility^ fan 
vmr^d Cgtiline^s ui^rtaking\ 
who might have Uved ,in gre^if 
quiet^ Jplendidly gnd pleafgntly: 
But th^y chofe rather mcertainties 
for things certain^ and war r<?- 
ther thgtt pegce, Thfre were 
fome too at that Hm^^ wko did r^- 
glly belisisue^ ihai> M^rk Craff^s 
was not urwcqumn^ed with th^ 
defign\ h^caufe Cn, Pawpeyy 'whmf 
he mortaJiy hated^ ■ e&rrmand^ a 
gregt arm^ to reduce^ whofe pow- 
er^ he was regdy U:X^fe any one 
whatever\ but k^id, /«?, if fbe 
confpiracy f^cceeded^ to have the 
chieffway, But before %his time^ 
fom few gerUiemfn hed entierei 
into a: confpiracy agairi/i tbejiatey 
of which Ccitiline wajs one^ cojf- 
cerning which IJhiM here. give Qs 
true ^n account as.I' cgru 

XVIII. Jn the :Cmfulfiip tf 
Lmcius Tullus and Aiari Lepidus^ 
Pubiius, . Jutronius gnd Ptiblius 
Sulla Confuls ele&y kad heen pro- 
fecuted for briheryy md punfjfhed. 
Some Uttle time aftepf Catiline 


bi;j,li;m qatilinarium; 


n^t pecqnianim refJiemn' 
daFuip reus, proliibitus 
^r^t petere coivfulatuin ; 
^WkI' intra l^i^i^iQS die^ 
profiteri neqtiiveEat. £rat 
^em tempore Cn. Pifo, 
adol^fc^ns nobjli^ fum- 
Wfia^ audacuip,^ens, fa;:- 
lipfusi q\Aeffi ad p^rtvr- 
.\))^dam r^^ipubUc^ 
;^Qpia atque niali mores 
ili^pi^bsuit. Ci^iri hoc 
C.s^tilina Sc Autrpnius, 
circitei: Non§s P.ecembr. 
90nfilip copHn^nicato, 
parabsmt i{ik Capholio 
Kale^disi Jaja\;^rX. Cot-. 
tam & L. Torquatum 
Coff. iaterficerp s ipfi, faf- 
<ubua corrqptis, l^ifon^ 
jpufn exercitu ad obtmen- 
4a8 duas Hifpanias i^itte- 
re. Ea re cognit^ rur- 
i^9 ia Nooas FQbruai*, 
i^oniiUvim ca^4is ^:anftule- 
runt. Jam tum npn 
confulibus modo, fed ple- 
rifque fenatoribus, pemi- 
mta ma^binabkit^r. 
Quod ni CsHUl^a i^i^tu- 
t%Skt pro curia .figayiKi 
ipciis dare; ep dji^ ppft 
<K>n$ii(am url^m Roia[iam« 
|>^umum ^cir»^s . patra- 
^iim foret. Quia ii<E^ui;B 
jr^uiances axit^^ti coAver 
jijaracit i ea res ^ipfilium 

. XIX. Ppfej^.Fifp iA 
citeriorwi iiifpa|ii^l9i 
<paeftor pco ^s^pm mi- 
jus^, adnitent^ Craiibji 
quod ^um inilpftuna Cn. 
Pompgo cpgnpv^ipafr 

b^lng lii^^^ifii profecuUd fnr ex-r 
tortion^ y^as npt alkuied to Jiani 
candidate^ fov t^e^ Cojgfuljhip^ he-f 
caufs he did. not enpr kis name 
for that purp^ej witffinjhe tim^ 
limited iy k^» Th^re ^fas ai 
that time^ Cn* Pifoy q n^J^ yoiiih 
of great b(^dnefs^ Pover^ an^ 4 
fa^ious ^irif'^ Ivhom ifice ((n4 
%vani togepher exci^ed to di/h^^k 
the gQve^nTHer{tn Wi^th him (^?- 
tiline and jiiitrojftius ^efiterinF in^^ 
a cabalj abq^t the n^nes. of De^ 
cemb^r^ . cqn^ to a refolutio^ . qf 
affajjinaimg^ the frjiif Jm^ry 
folkwingj tha.Confuls l^uke Cot^ 
ta,y eandXuke Torquatu^sri v^^ere^ 
upon they were to fei^e tf)& Q^ 
ful/hipy afld fsnd Ptfo with ^te 
army^ to be governor . ofthe two 
Spains, But the plot being difco^ 
veredj they drferred the in^tend^d 
murther t^ ih^ nones of February. 
And n6w tkiy propofed mt only to 
tak^ off thi (^idsy but mo/i of 
the Sengffirs. f^% And had not 
Cdtiline, b^^t^ tpp bqfiy m giving 
the ftgnot/ far that purprfe before 
t)ie Sencijte-Mo^fey^^ that day would 
have bem . epeefuted the hqrrideji 
villany^i Ahat^ .had ever been per- 
petrqtedf. frorn, the building of 
Romcy to that time. But as there 
was . nor^ great a^ear^nce cf th^ 
(^qnfpiraUrs^ that prevented the 
fiXefiution.jfitbeir d^fign. . 

XIX* Afierwards Pifo wa^ 
fint ^ajlor^ but with -t/^e au- 
thority of Prator^ into Spain^y 
hy the interejl of Craffus^j becaufe 
he knevji him tp be a bitte^ enemy 
of Cn* :PoTr(peyj the Senate not 




Neque tamen fcnatus 
, provinciam invitus dede- 
rat. Quippe faedum ho- 
minem a republica procul 
abefle volebat: Simul, 
quia bonicomplures pras- 
fidium in eo putabant, ic 
jam tum potentia Cn. 
Pompqi formidplofa erat. 
Sed is Pifo, in provinci- 
am, ab equitibus Hifpa- 
nis, quos in exercitu duc- 
tabat, iter faciens, occi- 
fiis e(l. Sunt qui ita di- 
cant, imperia gus injufta- 
fuperba, crudelia, barba^ 
ros nequivifle pati. Alii 
autem, equites illos, Cn. 
Pompeji veteres fidofque 
clientcs, voluntate ejus 
Pifonem aggreflfos :' 

Numquamhifpanos prae- 
terea tale faclnus feciffe, 
fed imperia faeva mtilta 
antea perpeflbs. Nos 
eam rem in medio relin- 
. quimus. De fuperiori 
conjuratione fatis didhim. 
XX. Catilina, ubi eos, 
quos pauUo ante memo- 
ravi, convenifle videt, ta- 
metfi cum fingufis multa 
faepe egerat, tamen in 
rem forecredens univerfos 
appellare & coKortari, in 
abditam partem aedii^m 
fcceffit, atque ibi, omni- 
bus arbitris procul amo- 
tis, orationemhujufcemo- 
di habuit. JV? virtusfi- 
defque vejlra fatts fpeSfa- 
ta mthi foret\ nequic^ 
quam vpportuna res ceci- 
dijfet ; fpes magnOy dmi^ 

being averfe io the thtngy in or-' 
der to get rid of fo troublefome a 
fellow^ as alfo becaufe a great 
many honeft men tbought good ufe 
might be made of him in oppoji^ 
tion to the p&wer of Po^ey^ 
which was now hecomeformtda^ 
ble, But Pifo waSy in his march 
for Spain^ affajfmated by fome 
Spanijh horfe he had in his army. 
The reafon whereof fome fay^ 
was his unjufty haugbty^ cruel 
behaviour^in his commandj ivhicb 
the barbarians were not able to 
endure. But others will have it^ 
that th^e horfes Were fome old 
trufiy clients ^ Cn\ PofnpefSy 
and took off rifo by his encou^ 
tagement, For the Spaniards 
had never been guilty of any 
thing liie that brfore^ but had 
bore the cruelty of feveral other 
governors with patience, We 
fhall leave the ntatter undeter-* 
mined. And fo much for that 

XX» Wben Catiline faw his 
company above-^mentioned affem^ 
bledj tW he hadbefore had much 
conference with them fingly and 
feparatefyy yet judging it proper te 
fpeak to them all together^ and 
encourage them to the work^ he 
retired with them into aprivate 
part of his houfe^ where he ad» 
dreffedthem in the fottowing ha^ 
rangue. If your virtue and ho- 
nour were not fufficiently known 
to me, a moft lucky opjiortumty 
for our intended proje6i would 
have prefentcd itfclf in vain; vaft 
hopes and dominion would hav« 




nath in manibui ffu^ 
/ira fuijfent: Neque per 
ignaviam aut vana inge-' 
niay incerta pro certis 
captarem. Sed^ quia muU 
tis fcf magms tempejiati^ 
bus vos cognovi firtes fi- 
dofque mihij eo animus 
aufus eft maximum atqui 
pukherimum facinus in^- 
cipere^ ftmul^ quta vobis 
eadem^ qua mihi^ bona 
tmlaque effe intellexi, 
Nam idem .veUe atque 
idem nolUy ea demum fir^ 
tna amicitia eji. Sed^ ego 
qua mente agitaviy om^ 
nes jam antea diviji au- 
diftis, Caterum mihi in- 
dies magis anipius accen^ 
ditury cum conftdero^ qua 
conditio vita futura ftt^ 
niji nofmetipfos vindtca" 
mus in libertatem, Nam 
poftquam refpublica in 
paucorum potentium jus 
atque dittonem concejfit ; 
femperlilUs reges^ tetrar- 
cha ve^igales ejfe\ po-' 
puliy nationes- Jiipendia 
penderei cateri omnes^ 
flrenuiy boniy nobiles at- 
que ignobileSy vulgus fui'' 
musy Jine gratiay Jtne 
nu^oritatey his obnoxiiy 
quibuSy Ji refpublica vale- 
rety formidini ejfemus^ 
liaque ornnis grattay po-^ 
tentiay honoSy divttia 
apud illos funty aut ubi 
illi voluni: Nobis reli- 
querunt periculay repuU 
faSy judiciay egejtatem' 
Slua quoufqui tdndem 

drbpped intoourhands to ho pur- 
pofe. Norwouldlforcertainties 
purfueuncertainties,by the helpof 
forry fellows nbt tobeaepended on 
But as I have, upon many impor- 
tant occaiions, lound you gallant 
and faithful to me, I have thereby 
been encouraged to engagc in the 
greateft and moft glorious under- 
taking that ever was, and the ra- 
ther, becaufe I am.fenfible our in- 
terefts are the vpry fame. For a 
imion of intereft is the only laft- 
ing bond of friendftiip. But you 
have already each of you heard 
apart what it is I propofe to gp 
upon. And I am daily more hear- 
tily difpofed thereto, when I con- 
fider what fort of life we muft 
lead, if we do not endeavour the 
recoveryof ourliberty. For fince 
ali power and authority has been 
engroflfed by a few great men, 
Kings and Tetrarghs have been 
tributary to them 5 to them only 
have the feveral nations and pro- 
vinces of the Empire paid taxes. 
The reft of us, however brave 
and honeft, whether noble or ig- 
noble, have been treated as mob 
only, without intereft or autliori- 
ty, in a flavifti fubjecSion to thofe, 
to whom we fliould be a terrour, 
if the government was upon a 
right foot. Now all intereft, pow- 
er, honour, and riches, are with 
them, or where they pleafe. They 
have left us nothing but dangers, 
diflionour, . impeachments, and 
want. And how long, my moft 
gallant friends, will you take all 
this at their hands? Is it not bet- 
ter to die bravely, than to lofe a 
miferable diihoaQurable life in z 




patUmihi^ finljffufm vi- drlgj^cefiilrnarmef-i dfteryouha^e 

f-i? Nonne emri j)?r beehexpofedtothem(ultsofth6i1r 

^irtutem praeftat^ quani haughty diidain? 

^itam fhiferam atque inhBmJiainy ubi aiitniie fiiperbiee ludibYfb 

fueris^ per dedecui amitiere? * 

XXl. Ferum enimveroy ^ XXI. But, O Gods! Viadrf 

Proh deum atque homi- is itl our hahds; \Vt are ih iht 

prime of our ftrehgth, our mirtds 
in fiill vigour: They upoh the 
declhie both from age and luxu- 
ry. We need but begin, the pro- 
jeS will execute itfelf. For ivhisit 
mortal, that has the fpirit of k 
man in him, can crtdiire with pas. 
tience^ that they ihbuld fo waU 
!ow in rlches^ as to wafte thcm ifi 
ftraitening,the very feas by thbS" 
large and ftately buildings, and iii 
the ievdlihg of fnbuntains, whilft 
we are in waht of neceflaries : 
That they fliouldhavetwohoufes 
or more, and yre hone at all? 
They, tho' they al^ ever purcha- 
fing fine pidtures, ftatues, and 
veffels of fine wotkrhanftiip, arfe 
ever puDing down even new hou^ 
fes, and building them up agaih : 
In ftiort, tfid' they contrive all 
the ways and means imagihabte^ 
to wafte and confume their mb- 
ney, yet with all their extrava- 

vexant : Tamen fummoT gance they can fee no end of their 

luhidine divitias fuas vin- riches: Whilft we have nothing 

but waht at homc, and debt a- 
broad, our condition bad, ^nd ouf 
expeclatiofts worfe. Finally, what 
have we left, but a wretched Hfe? 
Roufe then, Gentlemen. Sce 
now the Hberty you have fo oftcfi . 
wiftied for, riches morebvcr, ho- 
nouf and glory, are all in view, 
Fortune offers all thefe rewards 
to the conquerots. Let the cafe 
itfelfj thc junilure, your danger, 


nutn fidem! vi^oria in 
nmnu nohis ijl : Viget 
getas^ animus valet. Con- 
tra iltisy annis atque di- 
^ifiis^ ornnia cmfenue- 
runt, Tantumm&do in- 
€apto opus ejl : Catera 
res expediet. Etenim 
^tiis mortalium^ cui virile 
ingenium ejl^ tolerare po^ 
tijf^ itlis divitias fuperare^ 
quas profundant in extru- 
mdcr mari t^ mMibus 
€oaquandis 5 nobis rem 
familiarem etiam ad ne- 
£effaria deeffe? Illos bi" 
naSj aut amplius^ dombs 
continuare ; nobis larcrn 
familiarerft nufquafn uU 
lum cjfef Cum tabulas^ 
fignay toreumata emunt^ 
nova' diruunt^ alia adifi- 
€ant : Pojfremo omnibus 
tnodis pecuniam trahunt^ 

At nobis 
foris as 
resj fpes 

tere nequeunt» 
5/? domi inopiay 
alienum ; mala 
tnulto afperior, 
quid reliqui 
prater miferam ' 
mamf .^in igitur 
pefgifcimini ? JEn .. iilay 
illa^ quam fape optajlis^ 
liheirtas \ prteterea divi" 
l/V, decus^ giori-a in ^cH" 




lisjka Junt. Fortuna ea 
omnia viSloribus framia 
pofuiu ReSj tempusj pe- 
rictdaj egeftas^ helli fpolia 
mggmfica magisy quam o^ 
ratio mea^ vos hortentur, 
Vel imperatore vel milite 
me utimini. ' Neque ani^ 
mus neque corpus a vohis 
aherit^ Hac ipfa^ utfpero^ 
vobifcum una conful agam : 
nijiforte me animus fallit^ 
i^ vosfervire magis^ quam 
imperare^ parati ejiis. 

XXII. Poilquam ao- 
cepere ea homines, quibus 
mala abunde omnia e- 
rant, fed neque res, neque 
fpes bona ulla; tamedi 
illis, quleta movere, 
magna merces videbatur ; 
tamen poftulare plerique, 
uti proponeret, qua con^ 
ditio belliforet^ qua armis 
pranua peterent ; quid a- 
bique opis aut.fpei habe-» 
rent, TumCatilinapoUi- 
ceri tabulas novas^ pro^ 
fcriptionem locupletium^ 
magi/iratus, facerdotia^ 
rapinaSj alia omniay qua 
hellum atque lubido viSfo- 
rumfert. Praterea^ effi 
in Hifpania citeriore JPi^ 
fonenif in AHauritania cum 
exercitu P, Sitiuni Nu- 
cerinum^ confilii fui par- 
ticipes. Petere confutatum 
C. Antonium^ quem Jibi 
collegam fore Jperaret^ 
honunem (sf fanuliarem 
^ omnibus necejjitudini^ 
bus circumventum. Qum 
eo confutem fe initium 

want, and the noble fpoils of a 
war work upon you, more than 
my fpeech. You ihall have me 
cither for your leader, or your 
fellow-foldier. Neither my body 
nor mind (hall ever forfake you. 
The things I am now fpeaking to 
you about, I hope to a<Sl in pof- 
feflion of the Confular dignity 
conjointly with you, unlefs my 
guefs faiis me, and you prefer ila- 
very before power and dominion. 

XXII. The company^ upon hear^ 
ing thisfpeechy tho^ they were all 
wretched to the lajl degree^ and 
without the leaji hope of any a^ 
mendment of their condition, and 
tho* they were inclinable too to 
think they might pojfthly find their 
own account in a puhlick confufi^ 
on: yet moji of them defired to 
know^ upon what terms they were 
to engage in this war, or what 
advantage they were to reap by itj 
what ftrength they had, or what 
hope^ of fuccefs. Then Catiline 
promifed them a cancelling of ail 
paft debts, a profcription of the 
rich places in the magiftracy, or 
the priefthood, free plunder, and 
all things elfe that war, and the 
licence of^conqueft, are apt to 
produce. Befides^ he told them^ 
there was Pifo in Hither Spain, 
and Publius Sitius Nucerinus in, 
Mauritania, with an army, who 
were both embarked with him in 
the defign. That C. Antonius 
was candidate for the Confulftiip, 
whom he hoped to have for his 
coUeague, a man that was his in- 
timate frieud, and engaged in all 
JD agendi 


i:^emii /aSfurttm. Ad pttAlbletiesaiidobUgatiofistofatm^ 

h^ m9ledi£)is increpa- that he woiild enter upon the af- 

l^tomae^ honos^ ruomm f^r tn coajunj£tion with him. Ta 

xmnmqmmqnG noaib-^ tUs he addcd, gnat dui of 'bit-^ 

naos, laudare^ adnwrure ter refle5lion upan all the hme/l. 

alium egtftatis^ alium tu- p^^iy^ ^^ thtn naming his vum 

piMtatis fua^ ^omplures fingly each^ one he hi^tly com- 

periculi aut ignmini^y monded) another he put in ounil 

multos vi£ioria Sullana^ of his povarty, anotim of kxB&^ 

quihus ea prada fuerat. thing h^ ionged for^ moft of 

Poftq^m omnium ami- fthem of their daii^r or ihame^ 

9K>$ alacres vldet; cohor- and many of thdr fuccefs und^ 

tatus ut petttionem fuam SuUa^ whereby they hadbem en<^ 

curae haberent, conven- riched. And peruiving ihtm 4dl 

tutn dimifit. to he much eievaUdy he advifed 

them to taki car^ ofhis xniereji in 
the enfuing eiemonj , and tben 
breke up iheaffemhly. 

XXIII. Fuere ea tem- XXIIL There were at tb^ 

peftate, qui dicerent, Ca- time fime who faid that Catiliney 

tilinam, oraiione habila, after the nuiking tf this fpeeeb if 

cum ad jusjurandum po- hisy adminiftered an oatb to bts 

pulares fceleris £ui adige- feUow^confpiratorSy and oblig^d 

ret, faumani corporis fan- them to drink a mi^tur^ of wim 

guinem vino permixtum , and man^s bloody handed about in 

in pateris circumtuliilb ; bffwls; which wben they bad doney 

inde, cum poft exfecrati- in imitatim ofAe cuftnm jsfdrink- 

onem omnes deguilavif- ing wine reun4 i» folem» facrifi- 

fent, ficuti in foiemnibus ces he m$re fuUy difclofed' to them 

facris fieri coniuevit, ape- his intenfionsy and told tbemy he 

ruiile confiiium fuum: had made ufe of that ceremonyy to 

alique eo di<5titare feciiie, engage them the more effsBuaUy to 

<po inter iie magis iidi a faithful unammous execution of 

foreot, alius alii tanti fa- fo noBle a deftgn. Butfome beHe- 

cinoris ccmfcii. Nonnul- fued aU thisy and much more of 

li ficia fc hac & multa tbe like kindy was mere fiQimiy 

praeterea exiihimabant ab proceedtng from fuch as thought 

iis, qui Ciceronis invidi- the odium^ which Cicero jxfter- 

am, quae poilea orta ell, tvards feU under^ ?night he aba- 
leniri credebant atrocitate . ted by the horrid wifkednefs if 

, fceleris eorum, qui paenas thofe that were punijhed by him. 

dederant. Nobis ea res For my party I muft own^ I have 

pro magnitudine parum mt met with anyfufficient evidence 

.comperta eft. for fo heinousa£harge* 





XXIV. Scd in ca con- 
juratione futt Q. Curius, 
natus haud obfcuro loco, 
flagitiis atque facinoribus 
coopertus; quem cenfo- 
res fenatu probri gratia 
moverant. nuic homii^ 
non minor vanitas inerat, 
quam audacia. Neque 
reticere quc au^erat^ 
nequ^facerq quidquam 
psnii ^abebat. £rat ei 
cum Fulvia, muliere no- 
biti, fhipri vetus confue- 
tudo. Cui cum minus 
gratus efibt, quod inopia 
minus hurgiri poterat, re- 
pente glorians maria 
montifque poUiceri ; mi- 
nari interdttm ferrny ni 
Jibi obnoxia foret, Poftre- 
mo, ftrocius agitare, quam 
folitus «^t. At Fulvia, 
infolentiae Curii caufa 
cognita, tale periculum 
reipublicae haud occultum 
habuit; fed, fublato auc- 
tore, de Catilinae ccmju- 
ratione, quae quo modo 
audierat, compluribus 
narravit. Ea res in pri- 
ITiis ftudia hominum ac- 
cendit ad confulatum 
mandandum M. TuUio 
Ciceroni. Namque antea 
pleraque nabihtas invidia 
seftuabat, & quafi poliui 
coriirulatum credebat, fi 
eum, quamvia egregius, 
homo novus adeptusfo- 
ret. Sed ubi p^iculum 
advenit, invidia atque 
fuperbia poft-fuere. 

A, ^, 


^ ' i 

-• . '-4 


XXIV. Naw m thit con/fi^ 
racy was engaged ^ Curius^ de-- 
fcended of no mean family, but a 
vile proj^gate wretch^ ^bom^ the 
Cenfars^ for his fcandalous tife had 
Jhruck ottt ofthe tiji of tht Sena^ 
tors, This man had an equaljhare 
of vanity and impudencey was nei- 
ther ahle to contain a fecret^ nor ' 
even to conceal his own wicked /, 
pranks'y in Jhorty he neither re^^'^'^^^'' 
gerded what he fsddy or what h^csi^ ^a 
did . He had an oid intrigue witL /^ ; ^ , 
one Fulvioy a lady of noble birth j ^^ 
but dedimng infavour with hery ' . /' 
by reafon of his pQverty^ which ^^ 
difabled bim for making the pre- 
fents Jhe expe^ed from himy he 
begun all on a fudden to bounce^ 
and promifeher golden mounlainsy 
and fometimes threatened to ftah 
her, if (he would not comply vritb 
his inclinationsj andinfborty be^ 
haved in a mmb moh fawcy 
haughty mannery than be had ever 
been ufed to do before^ Fidvia^ 
when.Jhe eame to underjiand the 
occafim of all this infolencey made 
no fecret of the danger the Jiaie 
zvas iny but told to feveral all 
Jhe had heard relating to Catiline*s 
confpiracyy yet zuithQutnamng hsr 
author, This difcovery made the 
peopte in general %ealous far chu" 
fing M. TuUy Cicero'ConJuL For 
before thisy almoji all the nobiliiy 
ujed to fret witk envy^ and hok 
upon the Confular. dignity as dtfi^ 
ledy when any perfm d^low birthy 
bow excellently qu^ified Joever be 
waSy happened to pmcure ihe fame. 
But nowj upon ihe appearance of 
this dangery envy andpr^ide vet* 
vijhed at once* 
D2 XXV. 

i ■ : 

/'^'< V 

V Jt ,•!> 



XXV. Igitur, comitiis 
habitis, confules decla- 
rantur M. TuUius & C. 
Antonius. Quod faftum 
primo populares conjura- 
tionis concuflerat. NeqUe 
tamen Catilinae fliror mi- 
nuebaturj fed indies plura 
agitare ; arma per Italiam 
locis opportunis parare ; 
pecuniam, fua aut ami- 
corum fide fumptam mu- 
tuam, Faefulas ad Man- 
lium quemdam portare; 
qui poflea princeps fuit 
belli faciundi. Ea tem- 
peftate plurimos cujufque 
generis homines adfcivifle 
fibi dicitur j mulieres eti- 
am aliquot, quae primo 
ingentis fumptus fiupro 
corporis toleraverant ; 
poft, ubi aetas tantum- 
modo quaeftui, neque 
luxuriae modum fecerat, 
aes alienum grande con- 
flaverant. Per eas fe 
Catilina credebat pofte 
fervitia urbana folicitare, 
urbem incendere, viros 
earum vel adjungere fibi 
vd interficcre. 

XXVI. Sed in hiserat 
Sempronia,. quae multa 
faepe virilis audaciae faci- 
nora commiferat. Haec 
mulier genere atque for- 
ma, praeterea viro atque 
liberis fatis fortunata fuit: 
Literis Graecis & latinis 
doSa ; pfallere, faltare ele- 
gantius, quam necefle eft 
probaej' multa alia, quae 
inftrumenta luxuriae funt. 

XXV. Accordingly at the ^ff- 
fuing ' ele^iiin^ M, Titlly and C. 
Antonius were declared Confulsy 
which at firji gave a great Jhock 
to the conjpirators, However^ the 
madnefs of Catiline did not abate 
upon it at alL He was every day 
more and ' more taken up with 
frejh projeSfs'y he lodged arms in 
the moji convenient places for his 
dejign^ up and down Itaf/y took 
up money upon his own credit^ or 
that of hisfriendsj and fent it to 
FafuUe to Manlius^ who was af-^ 
terwards the firji that appeared 
in armsfor the caufe* He is faid 
at the Jame time to have drinvn 
in great numbers of all ranks^ and 
fome womenj who in the prime cf 
their years hadfupported their ex^ 
travagance hy pro/iitution; but 
when age put an end to that trade^ 
tho^^ not their luxury^ had run 
themfelves into a great deal of 
debt. Catiline expeSfed by thetr 
means to engage the city-flaves for 
him^ to fire the town^ and either 
draw over their hu/bands to join 
himy or murther them. 

XXVI. Amngft thefe was 
Sempronia^ who had in her time^ 
with a boldnefs very uncommon 
with the fexy played a great many 
mad pranks. This woman was 
happy in' her extra£tion and per- 
fon^ as likewife a hufband and 
children \ a great mijirefs of the 
Greek and Latin tongue-y wotdd 
play upon an in/irument^ and dance 
more finely than any honeji wo^ 
man needs to do-y and in feveral 




tum abjuraverat, caedis 
confcia fuerat, luxuriaat- 
que inopia praeceps abie- 
rat. Verum,ingeniumejus 
haud abfurdum. Pofle 
verfusfacere; jocum mo- 
vere ; fermone uti, vel mo- 
defto, vci moUi, vel prpca- 

Sed €1 cariora fempcr om- other articles of luxufyjhe was 
nia,quamdecusatquepu- very nice and dexirous. But 
dicitiafiiit. Pecuniae anfa- far decency and chajiityy thofe were 
mae minus parceret, haud the leaji ofher care. It was hard 
faciledifcemeres.Lubidine to fay^ whether Jhe was more la- 
(\c accenfa, ut fsepius pe- vijh ofhef money^ or her reputa" 
teret viros, quam petere- tion, She was a woman of that 
tur. Sed ea fgepe antehac furious lufi^ thatjhe more frequeftt^ 
fidem pro&derat, credi- ly made advances to the men^ than 

they to her. She had frequently 
contrary to her promife given^ re- 
vealed^ fecrets^ adjured what had 
been left in trufi with her^ had 
heen guilty of murther^ and^ at 
the injiigation of luxury and po^ 
verty together^ had run headlong 
into all manner of wickednefs, But 
ci. Prorfus multae facetiae, flie was a woman ofparts^ could 
multulque lepos inerat. write verfesy was very facetious^ 
and equaUy fitted for modeji or wanton converfation, In 
fhort^ Jhe was an exceeding pleafant witty womanm 

XXVII. His rebus XXVII. But notwithfianding 
comparatis, Catiiina ni- thefe preparations for the executi- 

on of his projeSt^ Catiline decla- 
red himfelf a candidate for the 
Confuljhip againfi ihe next year ; 
in hopes^ if hejhould he chofeny of 
making Anthony his tooL In tbe 
mean time he was not idle^ hut 
ufed his utmoji endeavours to take 
off Cicero^ who wanted not cun^ 
ning and dexterity on his part to 
countermine all his contrivances. 
Fofy asfoonas he entered upon the 
office of conful^ hy large ptromifes 
to Fulvia^ heprevailedwith ^in^ 
tus Curius^ whom I havemention- 
ed a little ahove^ to difcover to 
him all the dejigns of Catiline. 
And further^ hy the affurance of 
a province^ he , engaged Anthony 
not to aSf againfi the ^overn^ 
ment\ and had privately guards 
of friends and clients ahout him. 


hilominus in proxumum 
annum confulaturo pete- 
bat; fperans, fi defigna- 
tus foret, facile fe ex 
voluntate Antonio ufu- 
rum. Neque interia qui- 
etus erat, fed omnibus 
modis iafidias parabat Ci- 
ceroni. Nequ^ illi tamen 
ad cavendum dolus aut 
aftutiae deerant. Namque 
a principio confulatus' fui, 
multa per Fulviam poU 
licendo efFecerat, ut Q. 
Curius, de quo paulo ante 
memoravi, confilia Cati- 
linse fibi proderet. Ad 
hoc, coUegam fuum An- 
tonium pad^ione provin- 
ciae perpulerat, ne contra 
rempublicani fentiret : 


circum fe prafidia amico- fFhen thr day tf ekSiim eame^ 

rum atque clientium oc- and Catilim found ihat neither 

cuite habebat. Poftquam his fuit for the Csnfutflapj mr 

4ies coinitiorum veni^ & his plot fir (iffaffinating the Con^ 

Catilinae neque petitio, fuls in the field of Marsy fuc^ 

neque infidiaB, quas con» ceeded^ he refolved upon epin war^ 

fuK fecerat, profpere cef- \ and to try the utmofl extretmty^ 

ferej conftituit bellum Jince all his underhand emtrivan^ 

facere, & extrema omnia ces had miferably mifcarried. 

tfxperiri; quoniam, quae / , /^ . "- ^^.^.jf^ . .. 

occuke tentavcrat, afpera ''^ * '*<*- < . .^ ^. ^ 
faedaque eveneranl:. 

XXVIII. Igitur C. . XXVIII. Jccordingly he dif^ 

Manlium Faefulas, atque patched away C. Manlius to F^^ 

in eam partem Etruriae^ fui^ to take care of his concerns 

SeptimiumquexrtdamCa- there^ and in the neigbbouring 

mertem in agruQi Pice- parfs of Etruria j one Septimius 

num, C. Julium in A- Camers into the territory df Pi^ 

puUam dimifitj praeterea cene^ and C Julius into Apulia. 

alium alio, quem ubique Others Ukewife he fent off^ one 

opportunum fibi fore cre- one way\ and another another^ 

d€lbat. Intcrea Romse where he ihought they might be 

multafimulmoliti: Con- mojl fubfervient to his dejign. In 

fuli infidias tenderc. Pa- the mean time he was carrfmg m 

rare incendia. Opportuna feveral trojeSiSy one to murther 

ioca armatis bominibus the Conful; another toftrethe cityi 

obfidere. Ipfe cum tdo another tofecure pr^er places with 

«fle, item * alios jubere, an armedforce^ He had akvays 

hortari, uti femper intenti a fword about him^ and ordered 

paratique eilent, Dies the reji ta be provided after the 

noiStiique feftinare. Vi- fame manner; and defired them 

gilare, neque infomniis to be always ready^ and prepared 

neque labore fatigari. Po- for a^ion*. He was day dnd night 

ftremo, ubi multa agitaiiti in a hurry^ got littlejleep^ and yet 

nihil procedit, rurfus inr was not fatigued with the ivant 

tempefta noile conjurati- of it^ or all the pains he under" 

onis principes convocat went^ Finally^ when all his en-r 

perM. Porcium Laeccam, deavours proved abortive^ he a^ 

^bique multa de ignavia gain fummms tbe principal tf.the 

leorum queftus, docet fe ^confptrators^ hy M. Porcius Lac- 

pramififfe Manlium ad ca^ to repair to his houfe in the 

eam multitudineniy quam dead time of the night\ and. there 

ad capiunda arma para- complaining havily oftheir want 

perati item alios in -alia rffpirit and a^fivity^ he informs 




loca cpporiumij fui in^ 
itium belli fflurt^\ jt- 
qufi ad exercitum frfi-- 
Jkifcf cupere^ fi prius 
Ciceronsm (fp^^^ • 
Eum J^s cfinfiSis mul" 
tufn (ffi^ere^ 

tbm^ that he ind &nt Man&ns 
brforc him to tiie pcopk lie had 
pfiepared to tgbe i]p arm$, aod haii 
likisipife di^mched avray othen jn- 
to proper pbces, to be^ the war : 
And that fae idinfelf was ddiroiis 
_ tiogo tothearmf, laitiffantfid to 

takje off Cicero fifft* for that he veiy nuidi obdniAed hi» 

XXIX. Igitur, p<er- XXIX. y///ifc rejt^hiing di^ 
teiri<is ae did>itaflti]9«s fpiriti^j asfinstst aUfsrtuard t$ 
c^^finSj C» Coratdius e- engiage infiuh mm affmr^ C^ Cor» 

udius^ a Roman Knight^ 9ffinr£d 

bis firvice^ and iogttber witb 

himy Lucius yarguntejus^ a JSena^ 

tor, Tbey prspofid to gotbat vi" 

ry nigbt witb arnud men to Ga^ 

rc^s boufiy and enter it^ mder 

pretence of paying th^ir refpeiis^ 

and then taflaJl unexpieiiediy upon 

bim and fiah ' b^m^ unprosfided 

for a dejence. Curiusj i^o^find» 

ing baw great a danger tbe Con^ 

Adi iQ;]^ndeat| pmpere fulwas in^ immediately difpaube$ 

per Fulviajn Cicero&i do- away FulviaJo bim^ io giy^ bim 

natice of tbe defign. Wbereupon 
tbe ajjaffim were denied qdmit^ 
tanciy aad^that' plat was Uafied» 
In tbi mean timiy Manlius in jE- 
truria follicits the common people 
to rifi^ who were ripefir a rebeL' 
lion^ infiigated by their poviriyj 
and refintment of tbe injufiiee 
tbat bad been done tbem^ having 
been firipped of iheir. Jands and 
goods under th^ tyranny tfSuUa* 
Hi iikiwifi ittcouragid robhers cf 
all kinds to como in tohim^ ofwbicb 
magna <:opia jerat, noa- . tbire was great plenty In that 
ijulTos ex SiiUanis jCqIo- country. Some likewije he picked 
nis, quibus li^bido atque upfrom amongfi the oldfildiers of 
luxuria ex magnis rapinis Sullay whom he had fettied in the 
nihil rdiqui fecerasit. pffijfion of lands in that country^ 

to whom lewdnefs and luxury had left nothing of all the 
greatfpoil they had made under him^ XXX. 

que» B.Qm. operam fuajoa 
poUicitus, & cum eo L. 
Vargunt^sfenatic^ coa- 
ftituere ea w&t paulo 
poft, cum armatis Jiomir- 
nibui^ ficuti iali^tEtum, 
iairoir^ ad Ciceronem, & 
de improviib domi ftue 
mxparatum cwfodere. 
Curlus, ubi intelligit^ 
quantum periculum. con- 

i>un, cpii parabalur, jenun- 
ciat. Ita ilii janua prohi* 
biti, tanjtum f^icinus ftu- 
ftra fufceperant. Interea 
Maidias in Etruria ple- 
bem folicitare, ^geftate 
fimul .ac dolo^e injutiae 
00 varum reivm cupidam } 
qupd SuU® don^inatione 
agrps bonaque omnia 
amilenU; pi^terea la- 
trones c^ulque generis, 
qtitorum .ea in regione 



. XXX. EacumCice- 
roni nunciarentur, anci-- 
piti maio permptus, quod 
neque urbem ab infidiis 
privato confilio longius 
tueri poterat, neque ex- 
ercitus Manlii quantus, aut 
quo <x)nfiiiQ foret,' fatis 
compertum habebat, rcm 
ad fenatuln refert, jam 
antea vulgi rumoribus 
exagitatam. Itaque, quod 
plerumque in atrod ne-^ 
gotio folet, fenatus de- 
crevit, darent operam 
confuhij nequid refpublica 
detrimenti caperet, Ea 
potefias per fetiatum, mp- 
re Romano, magiftratui 
maxuma permittitur,' ex- 
ercitum parare, bellum 
gerere, coercere omnibus 
modis focios atque civis; 
domi militiaeque imperi- 
um atque judicium fum- 
mum habere. Aliter, fi- 
ne populi juffii, nulli ea- 
rum rerum confuli jus 

es L. Senius fenator in fe- 
natu literas recitavit, quas 
Faefulis allatas fibi dicebat 
a Q. Fabio; in quibus 
fcriptum erat, C. Manli- 
um arraa cepifle, cum 
magna muititudine ante 
diem VL^ Kal. Nov. fi- 
mul, id quod in tali re io*- 
let, alii portenta atque 
prodigianunciabant: aJii, 
cbnventus fieri, arma por- 
tari, Capuae atquein Apu- 
lia fervile bellum moveri. 

XXX^ UpoH advice of this^ 
Cicero being tnoved vjith a fenfe 
of the double danger that threat-' 
ened the Common-weaithj hecaufe 
it was neither pofftblefor him^ hy 
his own fingle endeavours^ any 
hnger to /ecure effeStually the city 
againfi the plot\ nor had he any 
certain account of ihe number of 
Manlius*s army^ or how he de^ 
figned to proceed\ he lays the mat^- 
ter before the Senate^ which was 
alreaay become the common talk of 
the town. Upon thisj according 
to ancient cuflom in a time of 
great danger^ the Senate pafs*d a 
votCy That the Confuls mould 
take care, and provide for the fe-' 
curity of the fcitej. Now iyfuch 
a vote as ihis^ the Qonfuls become 
invejiedwith a very extraordina- 
ryauthorityy' of raifing troopSj 
Uvyir^ war^ and exercifing aforV 
pf defpotick ponXjer^ as well over 
the Romansy as their alUes^ both 
athome and abroad. Otherwifcy 
without tbe people^s order^ a Con- 
ful has no authority for any ifthefe 

XXXL' Afewdays after this^ 
Lucius Senius a Senator read a 
letter in the houfe^ which hefaid 
was brought himfrom Fafula by 
Sluintus FabiuSy giving an ac^ 
count, that C, Manlius had taken 
up armsy with a vafi number of 
people^ upon the fixth of the ca- 
lends of Novemher. At the fame 
time^ as it ufually happens infuch 
cafesy fome brought riews ofjirange 
omens and prodigies^ others ofun^ 
ufual affembli^Sy and the hurrying 
of arms from place to place; and 
that thefidves were up at Capua 




Igitur fenati decreto Q^ 
Marcius Rex Fjefulas, Q* 
Metellus, Creticus in A- 
puliam, circumque ea lo- 
ca miiTi. Hi utrique ad 
urbem imperatores erant 
impediti, ne triumpha- 
rent, calumnia pauco- 
rum, quibus omnia hone- 
fta atque inhonefta vcn- 
dere mois erat. Sed prae- 
tores Q. Pompejus Ru- 
fus Capuam, 0^ M^el* 
lus Celer in agrum Pice- 
numj hifque permifTuin, 
uti pro tempore atque pt* 
riculo exercitum compa" 
rarent, . Ad hoc, ft quis 
indicajfit ,de cof^uratione^ 

and in Apulia. Wher^re by or^ 
der ofthe Senate^ ^ Marcius Rex 
was difpatched away to Fafula^ 
^ Metellus Creticus into J^ulia^ 
and the places tbereahout, Thef(\ 
two gentlemen were at that tim^ 
in the command of armies^ attend- 
ing nigh the . city^ in ea^e^ationof 
the honour ofa triumph ; but were 
baulk^dby the jpiteful erideavours 
of fome^ whofe cujiom was to d9 
any thing^ right or wrongy for 
money^ and nothing withaut. The 
Prators too^ j^ Pompeius Rufits 
wasfent to Capua^ and ^. MeteU 
lus Celer into the territory of Pi^ 
cene^ with comnuffions to levy 
troops astheexigency ofthe times 
and the danger might require. Be-" 
quee contra rempublicam Jides the Senate voted 2l reward of 
faSia eraty pramium^ hisfreedom, and a hundred thou- 

fandfeflerces, toanyilave; anda 
pardon, widi two hundred thou- 
fand fefterces, to anyfree-man, 
that would make afty aifcovery re- 
lating to the ccmfpiracy tben, opi 
foot againilthe goVemment. Thjsy 
likewtfe orderedj That gladiiitdrs 
fhould be difperfed in Capua, ^nid 
otherborough-towns, innumb^s 
proportionedto the abilities c^each 
town for the fupport of them, aod 
that conftant guards (hQuld4>e kept 
upand downRome, commanded 
by the inferior magiftrates. 
«XXII. By all thefe things 
bus permota civitas, at- " the city was put into a mighty con^ 
que immutata facies ur- Jiernation^ and the appearance 
biserat: ex fumma laeti- thereof very much changed\ and 
tia atque lafcivia, quae from a Jiate of jollity and wan^ 
diuturria quies pepererat, tonnefs^ which a long quiet had 

produced^ a dfnal concern fpread 

through the whole town. There 

was nothing but hurry andfright 

E homi- 

fervo lihertatem IS fe^ 
Jiertia centum \ libero 
impunitatem ifjus rei & 
fe^ertta cc. Itemque de- 
crcvere, uti familiec gla^ 
diatoria Captiam & in 
catera municipia di/iri* 
buerentur pro cujufque 
opibus i Roma per to-- 
tam urbem vigilia ha" 
berentur^ ^ifque minores 
magijiratus praejfint. 

XXXII. Quibus rc- 

repente omnis triftitia in- 
vafit. Feftinarc, ttepi- 
dare, neque ioco, neque 



homihi cuiquain fatis cre- 
derej neque bellum gere- 
re neque pacem habere. 
Suo quifque metu peri- 
cula metiri. Ad hoc, 
mulieres, quibus pro rei- 
publicas magnitudine belli 
timor infolitus incefierat, 
afflidare fefe ; manus 
fupplices ad coelum ten- 
dere ; mifereri parvos li- 
beros ; rogitare ; omnia 
pavere; fuperbia atque 
deliciis omillis, fibi patri- 
«que diffidere. At Ca- 
tilina& crudelis animus 
eadem illa movebat, ta- 
. metfi praefidia paraban- 
tur, & ipfe lege Plautia 
interrogatus erat ab L. 
Pauio. Poftremo, dif- 
fimulandi caufla, & quafi 
fui expui^ndi, ficuti 
jurgio laceifitus foret, in 
fenatum venit. Tum 
M. Tullius conful, five 
praefentiam ejus timens, 
five ira commotus, ora- 
tionem habuit luculentam 
atque utilem reipubjicae, 
quam poflea fcriptam edi- 
dit. Sed ubi ille Idfedit, 
Catilina, ut erat paratus 
ad diflimulanda omnia, 
demiflb vultu, voce fup- 
plici, pojiulare a patribus^ 
ne quid de fe temere cre^ 
dirent : Ea familia or- 
tuni^ ita ab adolefcentia 
vitam in/lituij}^ ut om- 
nia bona in fpe haberet, 
Ne exifiumarent^ ftbi pa^ 
trich homini^ cujus ipfi-^ 
us atque majorum pluri- 

every where, No one thought any 

place^ or any company fufficiently 

fecure. They had neither war nor 

peace^ and every one meafured the 

danger by his own fears, Notu 

the women^ full of the apprehoi" 

fion of war^ ivhich^ by reafon of 

the grandeur of the Romanfiate^ 

they had not been before ufed tOj 

bemoaned their cafe mojl difmally^ 

Kft up their hands in prayer to 

heaven^ bewailed their little chil'' 

dren^ were full of enquiry after 

news^ afraid of every thingy and 

dropping their pride^ nicenefs^ and 

finery^ all at once^ gave up them^ 

felves and their country for gone. 

But the cruel foul of Catilihe Jiill 

purfued the fame wild pfoje&s^ 

notwithjianding all the precauti^ 

ons thatwere taken again/lhim; 

and tho^ he himfelfwas impeached 

upon the Plautian law hy Lucius 

Paulus, At lajl he made his ap- the Senate^houfe^ in 

order to cloak his villany^ . and a«- 

der pretence of clearing himfelfy 

as if he had been ivrongfully de- 

fatrud, Then- M, Tully the Con- 

fulj whether apprehen/ive of ill 

« confequences from his appearance 

there^ or fired with refentrnent^ 

made a very finejpeech^ very fuit^ 

able to the occafmi ^ which he af- 

-• terwards put in tvriting^ andpub- 

Iffhed. ' But after he. fate down^ 

Catiline^ ashe was a finijhed ma- 

Jier in the art. of' difftmulation^ 

with a dejeSied look^ and humhle 

tone^ begun to beg of the houfe, 

not rafhly to belieye what v\ras 

faid of him ; that his family was 

fuch, and he had frbm his youth 

led his life in fuch a manner, that 




blica opus ej/ey cum eam 
Jervaret M, TuUius^ ih- 
quilinuji civis urbis Ro- 
ma. Ad hoc, maledi(9a 
alia cum adderet ; obftre- 
pere omnes; hojiem^ aU 
que paricidam vocare, 
Tum ille furibundus, 
^uoniam quidem circum- 
ventusj inquit, ah inimi- 
cis^ praceps agor^ incen- 
dium meum ruina extin- 

ma beneficia ' in plehem -he had reafon to expe6t€very thing 
R. ejfent^ perdita repu- he could wi(h for. He requejied 

of them^ they would not believe, 
that hea ncAleman, who had himy 
felf, as wellashis anceftors, done 
raany fervices for the people of 
Roine, ftiould have any occafion 
to feek the defltuftion of the com- 
monwealth, whilft M. Tully, 
who was but a tenantin town, 
fl»od up for its prefervation. As 
he proceeded in his reJie£fions upon 
the Confulj there was a general 
outcry raifed againjl him by the 
houfe^ as an enemy to his countr}% 
and a parricide. Upon which he^ in a mighty rage^ faid^ 
Since I find myfelf circumvented, and puflied upon extremi- 
ties by my enemies, I will gut out the fire oFyour houfes, 
with the utter demolition of them. 

XXXIII. Dein fe ex XXXIII. Withthat hegot ha^ 
curia domum proripuit. fiily out of the houfe^ and went 
Ibi multa.fecum ipfe vol- home-y where conftdering with 

himfelf that his deftgns upon the 
Conful came ta nothing^ and that 
the city wasfeeured againft his in- 
tention ofburning it^ bywatchand 
wdrd conjiantly kept\ he thought 
his heji courfe would be to increafe 
his army^ and to- make his advan" 
tage by feizing ofproperplacesfor 
his purpofcy before the legions - de- 
nofte intempefla cum figned to oppofe him were raifed, 
paucis in Manliana caflra Accordingly ahout midnight he 
profedhis eft. Sed Ce- went off^ with a few attendants^ 
thego atque Lentulo, cae- for Maniius's camp. But recom" 
terifque, quonjm cogno- mended to Cethegus and Leniulus^ 

and others^ whjfe zeal and hold^ 
nefs he was affuredof by all pof- 
fiblc means to ftrengthen theirpar- 
ty, to gefrid of Cicero as foon as 
poflible, and prepare for a mafla- 
cre, firing oTtlie town, and other 
a£ts of war: That he would im- 
mediately come to the city with a 
great army. XXXIV. 

vens, quod neque infidiae 
confuli procedebant, ^ & 
ab incendio intelligebat 
urbem vigiliis munitam, 
optumum fa£hi credens 
exercitum augere, ac 
prius, , quam legiones fcri- 
berentur, multa anteca- 
pere quas bello ufui forent. 

verat * promptam audaci- 
am, mandat, quihus rehus 
pojjent^ opes faSlionis con- 
firment^ injidias confuli 
maturent\ "cadem^ in^ 
cendiay aliaque belli fa- 
cinora parsnt: Sefe pro^ 
pediem cum magno exer- 
citu ad urbem accejfurum. 



XXXIV. Dum haec 
Romae gcruntur, C. 
Manlius ex fuo numero 
legatos ad (^ Mardum 
Rcgem mittit, cum^nan- 
datis hujufcemodi: £>eos 
haminefque tejfamur^ Im- 
feratoTj nos arma neque 
cantra patriam cepijfe^ ne-^ 
que quo periculum aliis fa^ 
ceremus^ fed uti corfora 
no/ira ab injuria tutafo- 
rent \ qui miferiy egen- 
tesy violentia atque cru^ 
delitate fceneratorum^ 
plerique patria^ fed omnes 
fama atque ^ fortunis ex- 
pertes fumus. Neque cui^ 
quam nojlrum licuit^ mo^ 
re majorum^ lege uti i 
nequcy amijfo patrimonio^ 
corpus liberum habere ; 
tanta favitia fosnerato- 
rum atque pratoris fuit^ 
Sape ^ majores noflri^ 
miferiti plebis R. decretis 
fuis inopia ejus opitulati 
funt. Ac noviffime^ me- 
Tnoria noflra^ propter 
magnitudinem aris alie- 
pij volentihus omnibus ho^ 
nisy argentum are folu- 
tum ejl, Sape ipfa ple^ 
heSy aut dominandi Jiudio 
permota^ . aut fuperbia 
fnagiflratuum armata^ a 
patribus fecefjit. At nos 
non imperium neque divi^ 
tias petimus\ quarum fe^ 
rum caujfa^ hella atque 
certamina inter mortalis 
funt\ fed libertatemj 
quam nemo honus, nifi 
cum anima fimul^ amit- 
tit. 7e atque fenatum 

XXXIV. Whilji thefe tbings 
are doing at Rome^ C.Manlius 
fentfome of his lieutenant-generals 
to ^ Marcius Rex^ with a mef- 
fage to this effe^. We call Gods 
and itien to witnefs, noble Gene- 
ral, that we have not taken up 
arms either againft our country, 
orto bring others iri danger, but 
only to defend our own perfons 
froni illufage, who beingreduced 
toaftate of mifery and want, by 
the violence and cruelty of our 
creditors, are moft of us bani(hed 
our country, but all c?f us ftript 
entirely ot our credit and fortunes. 
Nor could any of us have the ufual 
bef^efit of the law for our protec- 
tipn, or enjoy the liberty of our 
perfons, after the lofs of our e- 
ftates; fuch was the cruelty of 
our creditors, and the Pra^tor to- 
gether. Our fore-elders frequenjt- 
ly took pity of the commons of 
Rome, and by their decrees re- 
lievcd their want. And lately ih 
our own times, by reafon of* 
the great debt that multitudes were 
involved in, brafs was made to pafs 
in payment for filver, weight for 
weight. The Commons have 
frequently in their ftruggles for a 
ftiare of power and authority in 
the govemment, or upon provo- 
cation from the pride of the ma- 
giftrates, cometo anopenbreach 
with the Senate. But we neither 
defire power, nor riches ; for the 
fake of which all the wars and 
contentions, that happen amongft 
mankind, are raifed. * 'Tis liberty 
only that we requeft, whichno 
brave man is willing to lofe, but 
withhislife. Wc therefore beg 




ohteftamur^ confulath mi* 
ferts civibus\ Ugis prafi- 
dium^ qtud iniquitas pra" 
ttris eripuity rejiituatis% 
neve mbis eam neceffitu-^ 
dinem intponatis^ ut qua^ 
ramusy qumam . modoj 
maxume ulti fanguinem 
ni^rum pereamus, 

XXXV. Ad hac Q. 
Marcius refpondit: Si 
qnidab fenatu petere veU 
ienty al armis difcedanty 
Romam fupplices proficif' 
cantur, Ea mifericordia 
atque manfuetudine fena^ 
tum populumque Roma-^ 
num femper fuifffy ut nC" 
mo unquam ab eo fru/ira 
auxilium petiverit. At 
Catilina ex itinere pkrif- 
que confularibus, praete* 
rea optumo cuique literas 
mittit: Se falfts crimi^ 
nihus circumventumy quo-- 
niam faSiioni inimicorum 
refi/iere nequiverity for- 
turne cedercy Maffdiam 
in exfilium proficifci : 
Non quod ftbi tanti fcele^ 
ris confcius effety fed uti 
refpublica quieta forety 
neve ex fua contentione 
feditio oriretur, Ab his 
longe diverfas literas Q. 
Catulus in fenatu recita- 
vit ; quas fibi ' nomine 
Catilinae redditas dicebat. 
Earum exemplum infra 
fcrlptum eft. 

XXXVI. L. Catilina 
^ CatuloSn Egregia tua 

of you and the Sienate, to tJike the 
care of us yoqr fdlow-^tizens un- 
der confid^tion, and reilore us 
the protcftion of the law, which 
thc iniquity of the Praetor took 
from us ; and that you would not 
layus under a neceffity ofcon- 
fidering how we may fell our lives 
at the deareft rate. 

XXXV. To this ^ Marcius 
made ^nfwery If thcy had any 
tliing to requeft of the Senate, 
they ought to lay down their 
arms, and apply with alldue fub- 
miffiontoRome. ThattheSenate 
and people of Rome had always 
Ihewn themfelves of fo mild and 
merciful adifpofition, thatnoone 
cver applied to them for their af- 
fiftance in vain. But Catiline in 
his journey^ fent letters to mc/i of 
the Confular gentlempn in RomCy 
efpecially thofe of thc heji charac^ 
ter amongji theniy fignifyingy That 
whereas he had been on all hands 
perfecuted with charges of a hei- 
nous nature, utterly falfe, and found 
it impoffible to uand againft the 
faftion of his enemies, he fubmit- 
ted to his fate, and was going to 
Marfeilles, to fpend his daysin ba- 
niftiment there ; not that he was 
confcious to himfelf of the vilhny 
he was charged with, but in regard 
folely to the quiet of his country, 

• and to prevent the diftjurbance his 
coi^tefting with his enemies might 
occafion. But ^. Caiulus read in 
the Senate-houfey a letter quite dif-^ 
ferent from all thefe^ whichy he 
faidy was deliveredhim asfrom Ca- 
tiline^ a copy ofwhich follows. 

XXXVI. L. Catilineto Q, Ca- 
tulus, greeting. Your extraordi- 




fides^ te cognita^ grata 
mihiy magnis in meis pe^ 
ricuiisy Jiduciam commen- 
dationi w^ea tribuit, 
^uamobrem defenjionem 
in conjilio novo non Jiatui 
parctre : fatisfaSiionem ex 
nulla confcientia de culpa 
proponere decrevi : ^a 
medius Jidius licet vera 
mecum cognofcas, Injuriis 
contumeliifque concitatus^ 
quod^ fru£fu laboris in- 
du/iriaque mea privatus^ 
Jiatum dignitatis non ob~ 
tinebamy publicam mife^ 
rorum cauffam pro mea 
confuetudine fufcepi, Non 
quin as alienum meis no- 
minibus e^x poffejjionibus 
folvere poffem ; cum ^ 
aliis nominibus iiberali- 
tas Aureliie OreJiilLs 
fuis fiUaque copiis per- 
foiveret, Sed^ quod non 
dignos homines honore 
honejiatos ^idebam^ mcr 
que faifa fufpicione aiie- 
natum efje Jentiebam ; 
hoc nomine Jatis, honejias 
pro meo caju Jpes reliqua 
dignitatis confervanda 
fum fecutus, Plura cum 
fcribere veilem^ nuncia- 
tum eji mihi vimparari, 
Nunc Oreliiiiam tibi com- 
mendoy tuaque fldet tra- 
do, Eam ab injuria de- 
fendas^ per iiberos tuos 
rogatus. Haveto. 

nary honour, known to me by ex- 
perience, and for which I am obiir 
gedtoyou, gives me the aflurance 
of recommending my caufe to 
you, inmyprefentdiflrefs. And 
in dependance upon your under- 
taking it, I would not ftand upon 
my defence in the uncommon 
meafures taken againfl me, bnt 
for the prefent contented myielf 
with the fatisfaftion arifing from" a 
confcioufnefs of my innocence, 
which I do aver upon my honour 
to be real. Provoked by injuries 
and indignities, inbeirigrobbedof 
the fruits of my labour and indu- 
ftry, and not fufFered to keep the 
honourable ftation that belonged 
to me, I publickly undertook the 
caufe of poor ppprefled people, 
agreeably to my former way of 
life. Notbut that I could have- 
fatisfied my own creditors out of 
my own eftate, whilft the genero- 
fity of Oreftilla would have done 
the fame for others myfriends, 
out of her own and her daughter's, 
eftate. But finding worthlefs men 
advanced to places of* truft and 
power in the govemment, and 
myfelf fet afideupon a groundlefs 
fufpicion, I have, I think, confi- 
dering my circumftances, purfued 
means honourable enoughforthe 
prefervation of the remainder of 
dignity left me. I fliouid have faid 
more to you, but word is juft 
brought me, that we aregoing to 
be attack'd. I recommend to 
your prote<SKon Ordlilla. SufFer 
her not to be ill ufed, I beg of 
you, as you wifli well to your 
own cbildren. Farewel. 




XXXVII. Sed Ve> 
paucos dies commoratus 
apu4 C. Flamixuum in 
agro Reatino, dum vici* 
nitotem antea fplicitatam 
armis expmat, cum faf- 
cibus atque aliis imperii 
infignibus in caiha ad 
Manlium contehdit Haec 
vJtn Roms comperta 
funt, fenatus Catilinam 
t^ Manlium hoftis judi- 
cat \ catera mtdtitudini 
diem Jfatuit^ ante quam 
liaret Jine fraude ah ar-* 
mis dtfcedere^ prater re^ 
rum capitalium condem- 
natis, Praeterea decer- 
nit, uti confuks deleSfum 
habeant ; C. jtntonius 
cum exercitu Catilinam 
perfequi maturet ; Cicero 
urhiprafidiojit, Ea tem- 
peflate mihi imperium 
populi R. multo.maxu- 
me miferabile vifum eft ; 
cui cum ad occafum ab 
ortu folis .omnia domita 
armis parerent, domi oti- 
um atque divitiae, quae 
prima mortales putant, 
affluerent; fiiere tamen 
cives qui feque remque 
publicam -obfiinatis ani- 
misperditumirent. Nam- 
^ue, duobus fenati decre- 
tis, ex tanta multitudine, 
neque praemio indudhis 
conjurationem patefece- 
rat, neque ex caftris Ca- 
tilinae quifquam.omnium 
difceflerat. Tanta vis 
morbi, atque uti tabes, 
plerofqe civium ani.nos 

XXXVII. Hejiay^d afew days 
with C, Flaminius Fhmmaj in 
the territary of ReatCy Uill he 
could proFoide the neighhoarhoodj 
which had heen engaged in • the 
caufe hefore^with arms^ and then 
marched with the Fafces^ anU 
other enfigns of commandj to Man^ 
lius^s camp. When the news of 
this was carried to Rome^ tbe Se^ 
nate voted Catiline and Manlius 
enemies, and fix'd a day for the 
troops under their command, with- 
in which, if they laid down their 
arms, they wereaflured ofa par- 
don, except fuch as had been con- 
demned for capital crimes. They 
likewife ordered the Confuls to le- 
vy anarmy, which C. Antoni- 
us was to lead with ail expedition 
agaiiift Catiline, whilft Cicero was 
to provide for thefecurityofthe 
city. The Romanjtate at that 
time feenCd to me, to he in a moft 
piteous conditio1i'y whenj tho' all 
nations from the rifing of the fun 
to the fetting of the famey were 
reduced to their obediencej and 
there was at home a ' profound 
peacey and a prodigious affluence of 
richeSy whtch men are apt to pre- 
fer hefore every thing elfe: yet 
were there a fort of peopUy and 
Romans tooy who were ohjiinately 
hent upon their own ruin^ with 
that of the commonweaitb, For^ 
notwithfianding the two votes a- 
bove-mentionedy there was not one 
of fo great a number concerned in 
the ploty that was prevailed upon 
by tbe reward offeredy to make the 
leajl difcoveryy nor one deferted 
Catilirie^s camp, Sojirangely were 
their minds infe^ed with a dijpe-^ 
fition to rehellion and mlfchief • 




XXXVIIL Nequefo-. 

lum iilis alieda mens erat, 

qui confcii conjuratio&is 

foerant ; fed omnino 

cundia plebes^ novaruih 

renim fhidia, Catilinse 

incQepta probabat. Id 

adeo more iuovidebatur 

facere. Nam femper in 

civitate, quibus opes nul'- 

lae funt, bonis invident^ 

malos extoUunt > vetera 

odere, nova exoptant; 

odio fuarum rerum mu- 

tm omiiia fludent; tur^ 

ba atque ieditionibus fine 

cura aiuntur, quoniam 

egeitas fcxile habetur fine 

damno. , Sed urbana jde^ 

hes ea vero praeceps ierat 

multisdecauilis. I^rimuih 

omnium, qui ubique pro* 

bro atque petulantia 

maxume prs^bant; i- 

tem alii, per dedecora, 

patrimoniis amiiHs; po- 

ilremo omnes, quos ila- 

gitium aut facinus domo 

expulerat, hi Romam, 

iicuti in fentinam, con- 

fluxerant. Dein multi, 

memores SuUanas vi6to- 

riae, quod ex gregariis 

militibus alios fenatore« 

videbant ; alios ita divites, 

ut regio vi^ atque cul- 

tu setatem agerent; iibi 

quifque, ii in armis foret,* 

ex vi(ftoria talia fperabat. 

Praeterea juventus, quse 

in agris manuum mercede 

inc^iam toleraverat, pri- 

vatis atque publicis lar- 

gitionibus excita, urba- 

XXXVni. Nor wastlmthe 

tafe only ef thofe that were con^ 

cerHed in the cotfpiracy ; but the 

xjuhole bvdy (f the common teopU 

were defirous of a revolutton in 

the govem?nent^ and approved af 

Catiline^s defigm Ani berein they 

feemed to a^ only according to their 

ufual tempir ^nd difpojition* For^ 

in all govimments^ the poorer fort 

are apt to ewvy • the good, and ex-^ 

taU the had; hate a eonftitution 

thty have been ufed tOy andwifii 

fir a new one\ and fr0m a diffa^ 

tisfaSfion with their own circum- 

Jiances^ endeavour to have mll 

things turn'd upfids^down, ba^ 

caufe in a time ^fpublick difordsr 

ana confufion^ they find an eajy 

fubfiftance^ as having^ by reafon if 

their povertyj nothing to lofe, But 

the tommonaky of Romsj ^fpeciaUy 

at this time^ wore Jrom feveral 

caufes grown extremely corrupt. In 

the firji place^ tbe moft prafligjate 

wretches eviry where^ and fuch 

as badwujied thrir eftates byjcan-^ 

dalous extravagance\ finally^ all 

whofe vitiajnis had farced thsm 

from their native country^ floclc^d 

to Rome^ as a comman fewerfor 

the reception of all mannef of 

filth. And then again^ many re- 

fleSiing upon SuU^s fuccefs^ and 

how they had feen many raijed 

from the degree of eommm foldters 

to the digmty of 8enetors^ and 

tnany Jo enriched^ as . ta live like 

Kings aii their iives ajfter^ every 

?nijnj in cafe of a war^ hopedfor 

the likcy from the fuccefs of his 

party, Befides^ the young fellows 

tbat lived in the country by their 

labour^ tempted to town by the 




num otium ingrato labo* 
ri praetulerat. £os atque 
alios omnis tnalum pub- 
licum akbat. Quo mi- 
nus miraudum eft, ho- 
mines egentis, malis mo- 
ribus, maxuma i^ rei- 
publicas juxta ac iibi 
confuluifle. Prsetereaquo- 
rum, vic^oria Sullae, pa- 
rentes profcripti, bona 
.erq>ta, jus libertatis im- 
minuium erat, haud fane 
aiio animo heiii eventum 
expeSabant- Ad hoc^ 
quicunque aliflrum atque 
fenati partkim erant, 
coQ.turbah lempublicamy 
quam minus valere ipfi, 
inalebant. Id adeo ma- 
lum multos poft annos 
in civitatem reveitmt. 

XXXIX. Nam poft- 
quam Cn, Pompqo & 
M. Craflb COSS. tri^. 
bunitia poteftas reftituta 
eft, hoxnines adolefcen- 
tes, fummam poteftatem 
na£ti, quibu$ a&tas ani- 
mufque ferox erat, coe- 
pere, fenatum criminan'- 
do, piebem exagitare ; 
dein largiundo atque pol- 
licitando magis incendere ; 
ita ipfi clari potentefque 
fieri. Contra eosf fumma 
ope nitebatur pieraque 
nobilitas, fenati fub fpecie, 
pro fua magnitudine, 
Namque, uti paucis ve- 
rum abfolvam^ per illa 

private andpublick Iflrgejjis therf 
Jiirring^ preferrfid Qn idle life 
there to h^irdworking in the coun-^ 
try. Thefe^ and the rejf l mm^ 
tioned^ were fuhfjied by the trou^ 
bles of the fommmvealth j and 
therefore it is not to be wondered^ ' 
that a pack offcrubby rafcally fel- 
lows^ wiihfuch a view before them^ 
jhouldjuji b( as much concernedfor 
the good of the puhlick^ as thry 
. had been for their own before, Be* 
fides too^ all thofe whyc parents 
had been profcribed under the ty^^ 
ranny of SuUa^ who had had their 
ejiates confifcatedy or b^en disfran^ . 
chifed^ had much the like expe&a* 
tionsfrom a war^ as th'e others had* 
And moreover^ they whb were ofthi 
party oppofite to the Senate^ choff 
rather to have the Jiate invohei 
in confufwn^ than not ^Jtfjrry their 
point % a humur which had for 
many years laid dormantj but was 
nowjiarted up in the city again» 

XXXIX. For aftfr the revivai 

ofthe Tribunitian authority ijj tht 

Carfuljhip of Cn. Pompey and, M, 

Crajfusy raw young gentlcmen of 

great fpirits^ gctting into poffeffwn 

of that high dignity^ began by 

railing at the Senate^ to incenfe 

the commonality againji them \ and 

then by throwing away their mo^' 

ney upon them^ and making mighty 

promifes of what great things 

they would dofor themy they infia-r 

med themfiiU the morej and were 

themfelves in high vogue^ and car^ 

ried all before them, Thefi. wen 

oppofed by tke gre^atefi part ^ the 

nMiiyy under .pretence . of promo- 

tmg the power jjj^ th.e Senate^ but 

in reality for their oivn. foK^ tp 

F tem- 

— V- 



tempora quicumque rem- 
publicam agitavere, ho- 
neftis nominibus, alii, fi- 
cutijura populi defende- 
rent, pars, quo fenati 
audtoritas maxuma foret, 
bonum publicum fimu- 
lantes, pro fua quifque 
potentia certabant ; ne- 
que illis modeftia, neque 
modus contentionis erat : 
Utrique vi6toriam crude- 
liter exercebant. 

XL. Sed, poftquam 
Cn. Pompejus ad bellum 
maritimum * atque Mith- 
ridaticum miflus efl:, ple- 
bis opes imminutae, pau- 
corum potentia crevit. 
Hi magLftratus, provin- 
Cias, aliaque omnia tene- 
re: Ipfi innoxii, floren- 
tes, fine metu aetatem 
agere, caeterofque judiciis 
terrere, .quo plebem in. 
magiftratu placidius trac- 
tarent. Sed ubi primum 
dubiis rebus novandis fpes 
oblata eft, vetus certa- 
men animos eorum ar- 
.rexit. Quodfiprimoprae- 
ho Catilina fuperior, aut 
acque manu difcefllflet ; 
pToi^o magna clades at- 
que calamitas rempubll^ ' 
cam opprefliflfet : Neque 
illis, qui viftoriam adepti 
forent, di^^tius ea uti ii- 
cuiflet^ qliin xlefeflis & 
e^fanguibus, qui plus 
poflet, imperium atque 
iibertatem extorqueret; 

fay the truth ai once^ aU the di^^ 
Jiurbers of the~ publick at that 
timt^ under plaufihle pretencesj 
fome of ajferting the rights and 
privileges of the peophj others of 
advancing the authority ofthe Se^ 
nate^ pretending all to have no- 
thingfo much at heart as the pub- 
lic goody did in reality JHckle every 
one only for their own power-y 
and that without any regard to 
modejiy or moderation at fiU, And 
hoth fidesy as they happened to pre- 
vaily made a cruel ufe oftheir vic^ 

XL. But when Cn, Pon^y 
wasfent to the war againfl th^Pi- 
rates and MithridateSy the power 
of the commons begun to decline^ 
and that of a few to rife upon it, 
Thefe engroffed the publick offices 
ofjlatey theprovinces and aUthings 
elfe 5 Uv^d in great eafcy grandeur 
and fecurityy and kept the refi in 
conjtant apprehenfions of profecu- 
tians and impeachmentSy in order 
to render the commons moTfe tatne 
and fuhmiffwe, But asfoort as any 
hapes of a revolution prefentedy the 
commons took hearty and begun to 
play the oldgame over agaim And 
if CatiUne in the firft hattle had 
come off conquerory or but with 
equal advantagCy the pubiici would 
have been engaged in the mo/i ter- 
rible circumfiances of ruin and de^ 
foUition ; nor would thofe who got 
the viSforyy have kng enjoyed it ; 
hut the moji potent amongji thetiiy 
would have forc^d from the refi 
weary and lifelefs with ihe difputcy 
aU powery and their Uberty with-* - 
all, However there were feveral 
not concerned in the confpiracyy wha 




Fuere tamcn extra con- 
Jurationem cbmplures, 
qui ad Catilinam initio 
profeiftifunt. Inhib. eratA. 
Fulvius, fenatoris filius ; 
quem retra£bim ex itine- 
re pater necari juiTit. Iif« 
dem temporibus Rom^ 
Lentulus, ficuti Catilina 
praeceperat, quofcunque 
xnoribus aut fortuna no- 
vis rebus idoneos crede- 
bat, aut per fe aut per 
alios folicitabat ; neque 
folum cives, fed cujuf- 
quemodi genus homi- 
num, quod modo ufui 
bello foret.' 

XLI. Igitur P. Um. 
breno cuidam negotium 
dat, uti legatos Allobro- 
gum requirat; eofque, fi 
poffit^ impellat ad focie- 
tatem belli; exiflumans 
publice privatimque aere 
alieno opprefibs, praete- 
rea quod natura gens 
Gallica bellicofa effet, fa- 
cile ad tale confilium ad- 
duci poffe. Umbrenus, 
quod in Gallia negotiatus 
erat, plerifque principibus 
civitatum nOtus erat, at- 
que eos noverat. Itaque 
fine mora, ubi primum 
legatos in foro confpexit, 
percun6latus pauca de 
ftatu civitatis, . & quafi 
dolens ejus cafum, requi- 
rere coepit, qusm exitum 
tantis malis fperarent, 
Poftquam illos videt queri 
de avaritia magijiratu* 
um^ accufare fenatum^ 

at firji weut over to Catilinej tf- 
n^ngfl them ji. Fulvius a Senator's 
fon ; who was fetched hack again^ 
before he could reach the camp^ 
and put to deathj by the order tf 
hisfather, At thefame time Len^ 
tufus at Romey agreeably to the in- 
JiruSfions of Catiline^ endeavoured 
by himfelf or others^ to engage in 
the caufe allfuch as he looked upon 
to be dtfpofed by theirvices or ill 
circunjiances for a rehellion^ and 
not Citizens only^ but any kind of 
men whatever^ tfthey could but be 
ofany fervice in the war. 

XLL Accordingly he employs 
one P. Umbrenus to feek out the 
ambaffadors of the Ailobroges^ and 
perfwade them^ if pfffihle-, to join 
in the war ; fuppofing that as the 
J^ate ofthe AUohroges^' as 
great numbers of private perfons 
amongfi them^ wert fadly encum- 
bered with debts^ and as the whole 
nation of the Gauis was naturaiiy 
wariikey they might eafiiy be drawn 
intofuch a deftgn, Umbrenus hav- 
ing foiiowed the empioyment of a 
merchant in Gaui^ was acquatnted 
with moji of the ieading men tiure, 
Wh^refore without more ado^ as 
foon as he fet fight on the amhaffa-' 
dors in the forum^ he briefiy en-. 
quiredhovf matters went at hdme- 
with them* And as.Jf hn wat 
concerned for their condition^ Ije 
bogun to afk them;yfhether they 
hadany liopestofee an end of their 
raisfortunes ? Upon their compiain-^ 
ing of the greedinefs of the magi- 
. ftracy bf Rome, and railing at the 

F 2 quod 



guod in eo auxiHi nihil 
^it'y tmferiii fuis reme" 
dium mortem expeiiare : 
jtt fgOy inquit, vobisy Ji 
modo viri effe vultisy ra- 
iionem oftendam^ qua tan^ 
i^ mata ifta eftbgiatis* 
Haec ubi cuxit i AUobro- 
ges) in fpem maxumam 
adduiSti) Umbrenum ora- 
rc, uti fui mifereretur, 
Nihil tam afperum^ neque 
iam difficile effe^ quod non 
eiipidij/iime fa&uri ejfenty 
dum ea res civitatem are 
alieno liberaret. Ille eos 
in domum Decimi Bruti 
perducit j quod foro pro- 
pinqua erat, neque aliena 
confilii, propter Sempro- 
niam. Nam tum Brutus 
ab Roma aberat. Pras- 
terea Gabinium accerfit, 
quo major audloritas fer^ 
moni ineiTet. Eo prsefcnte 
conjurationem aperit, no- 
minat focios, prseterea 
multos cujufque generis 
innoxios ; quo legatis a- 
nimus amplior eiiet: De- 
in eos pollicitos operam 
fuam, domum dimittit. 

XLIL Scd Allobroges 
diu in incerto habuere, 
quidnam confilii cape- 
rent. In altera parteerat 
aes alienum, ftudium belli, 
magna merces in fpe vic- 
toriae, At ia ^tera ma- 
jores opes, tuta confilia, 
pro incerta fpe certa prae- 
mia. Haec illis volventi- 
bus, tandem vicit fortu*-* 
na rcipublics. Itaque Q. 

Scnate for giving them nd rclief ^ 

and faying that they expeaed 

death muit be tbe only cure for 

tbeiir mifcry : But, j&yf he^ if you 

will adl like men, ril (hew you a 

way how «to get rid of all your 

misfortunes^ The Allohroges hear-^ 

ing this from him^ and ihereupon 

conceiving mighty hopes^ hegged of 

Umbrenus tQ tsi/t pity of them. 

Thcre was, they faidi^* tiG^mg to 

hadh or fo difficQlt^ they weuld 

not giadly do^ to eafe their ftate of 

fuch a vaft load of debt. He car^ 

ries them to the houfe of D.^Brutus^ 

becaufe it was nigh the forum^ 

and the family no ilUwifnert to 

the defigny through Sefhpronia, 

For Brutus was at that time abfent 

from Rome, Umbreifus fends too 

for Gabinius-, to give the greaier 

weight to what hefhouldfay. Af- 

ter he came^ he dtfcovered the plot 

to tbem^ names thofe that were 

concerned in ity dnd a great many 

more of all ranks that were not^ 

to beget in the ambajfadors a hetter 

liking of the bujinefs, Upon pfo- 

mifmg their afftftance^ XJmbrenus 

dtfmiffed them. 

XLII. But the Allobroges were 
a long time in doubt what courfe to 
take. On one fide were their 
debts^ an inclination to war^ and 
great advantage ' to be hoped for 
from a vi^ory, But on the other^ 
greater benefit to theinfehes^ fafe 
meafures^ certain rewards injhad 
of uncertain hopes, After they had 
mufedfome time upon the matter^ 
at laji the fortune of Rome pre- 
vailed, Accordingly they difoever 




trockiio civitas plurimum 
utebatuf) rem omnem^ 
ud cognoverant) aperi- 
unt. Cicero, pcr San- 
gam concilio cognitp, k- 
gatis praecipit, ut ftudium 
conjurationis vehementer 
iimUlenty caeteros adeant, 
b^ne polUceantur ; dent- 
que operam, ut eos quam 
maxumi manifeftos ha- 

XLIII. lifdem fere 
temporibus, in GalUa ci- 
teriore atque ulteriore, 
item in agro Piceno, Brut- 
tio,. Apulia motus erat. 
Namque iUi, quos ante 
CatiJina dimiferat, incon-' 
fulte, ac veluti per de- 
nientiam, cunfta fimul 
agere : Nofturnis confi- 
liis, armorum atque te- 
lorum portationibus, fe- 
ftinando, agitando omnia, 
plus timoris, quam peri- 
culi, efFeceiant. £x eq 
numero compluris Q. 
MeteUus Celer prsetor, 
ex S. C. cauffa co^ita, 
jn viticula conjecerat ; 
item in citeriore Gallia C. 
Mursena, qui ei provincise 
legatus praeerat. 

XLIV. At Roma 
, Lentulus cum caeteris, 
qui principes conjuratio- 
nis erant, paratis, uti vi- 
debatur, magnis copiis, 
conftituerat, uti, cum 
Catilina in agrum Faefu- 
lanum cum exercitu ve- 
niflet,. L. Beftia tribunus 

tbe whole dffair^ as they had heard 
it^ io ^inius Fabius Sangay whofe 
paironage ibe.fiaie of the JllUbro^ 
ge$ rmch itfed^ dcero underjland-' 
ing the matter fr&m Sanga^ ordfrs 
the ambajfadw t§ pretend a hugt 
liking and xealfar the confpiracy^ 
to get into ibe eompany of the refl 
of thofe cmcerned in tt^ promife 
their utmoji afftftance^ and endea'- 
vour to have as plain and ample 
proofagainft them as poffible. 

XLIII, yfbout the fame time^ 
there was great bttffle in hither 
and further Gaulj as alfo in the 
country of Picene^ the Bruttiiy 
and JpuUa. For thofe whom Ca^ 
tiline had difpatched thither^ in- 
confiderately and madly a£fed all 
things at once ; andby their night^ 
affemblies^ the carriage of arms 
up and down^ and huge hurry^ 
and hajiy aBion^^ caufed more of 
fright than danger. A great'^ 
many of them the Prator ^. 
Mttellus Celer^ as in^owered by 
the authority of the Senate^ try- 
ed^ and clapt in chains 5 as like" 
wife did C. Muretna in hither 
Gauly who prejided as deputy go-^ 
vemor over that province. 

XLIV. But at Rome^ Lentu^ 
lusy wiih the otber ringleaders of 
ihe confpiracy^ having provided^ * 
as they thought^ a fujficient force^ 
refolved^ that^ as foon as Catiline 
tuas come with hts army into- the 
country of Frefulee^ L. BeJiiaTri- 
bune of the cormnons^ fhould call 
the people together^ and comflain 




plebis, concione Iiabita, 
quereretur de a£tionibus 
Ciceronis, bellique gra- 
viflumi invidiam optumo 
confuli imponejet ;\ eo 
iigi^o, proxumtX/ nofte" 
csetera multitudo coaju- 
rationis fuum qmfque ne^ 
gotium exfequeretur. Sed 
ea divifa hoc modo*dice- 
bantur. Statilius & Ga- 
binius uti cum magna 
manu duodecim fimul 
opportuna loca urbis in- 
cenderent, quo tumultu 
facilior aditus ad confulem 
caeterofque, quibus infi- 
diae parabantur, fieret, 
Cethegus Ciceronis janu- 
am obfideret, eumque vi 
aggrederetur, alius autem 
alium. Sed filii familia- 
rum, quorum ex nobili- 
tate maxuma pars erat, 
parentes interficerent ; 
fimul, csede, & incendio 
perculfis omnibus, ad 
Catilinam erumperent. 
Inter haec parata atque 
decreta, Cethegus femper 
querebatur de ignaviafo" 
ciorum : IlloSy duhitan^o 
& diis prolatando mag- 
nas . opportunitates cor- 
rumpere-y facfo^ non con- 
fultOy in tali periculoy 
apus effe ; Seque^ fi pauci 
adjuvarenty languentibus 
aliisy impetum in curi- 
am fa£iurum. Natura 
ferox, vehemens, manu 
promptus erat : Maxu- 
mum bonum in celeritate 

of Cicero^s proceedings, aiyt lay 
the odium of fo dang&rous a %var 

, upon the heji of Confuls \ and 
ihat^ upon this fignal^ the night 

following^ the reji of the confpi" 
racy fhould every one mind the 
proper hufinefs ajjigned them ; 
which was as follows^ Statilius 
and GahiniuSj atten^ed with a 
confiderahle body of men^ were.sto 
fire the city^ in twelve places the 
moji convenient for their purpofiej 
that in the confufion ouajioned 
therehy^ they might the more eajily 
come at the Confulsy and others 
they defigned to affaffmate. Ce- 
thegus was tofecure the entrance 
into Cicero^s houfey and fall upon 
himy whiljl others were elfewhere 
employed in the like wicked dejigns. 
Then young gentlemeny the great^ 
eji part of which were of noble 
familiesy were tokill their fathersy 
and during the dijira^fion of the 
town^ frx)jn the maffacre and the 
fire togethery they were all to faUy 
outy and march ojf to Cataline^ 
In the mid/i of thefe prepdrations 
and refolveSy Cethegus was conti-^ 
nually complaining of the back- 
wardnefs of the reft. That theyby 
their hefitation and delay ruined a. 
very hopeful caufe ; that in an en- 
terprize of fo much danger, there 
was, he faidy more occafion for 
aftion than debate; and that for 
his part, he w^s ready, if a few 
only would but ftand by him, let 
jhe reft fleep if they would, to at- 
tack the Senate. Cethegus was na-* 
turally of a ■ daring violent fpirity 
and thoughi the fuccefs of their 
caufe depended upon pujhivg ii 
with vigour, 





XLV. ScdAllobroges, 
cx praecepto Ciceronis, 
per Gabinium caetcros 
conveniunt: ab Lentulo, 
Cethego, Statilio, item 
Caffio poftulant jusjuran- 
dum, quod iignatum ad 
civis perferant : aliter 
haud facile eos ad tantum 
negotium impelli pofle, 
Caeteri nihil fufpicantes 
dant. Caffius femet eo 
brcvi venturum poUice- 
tur, ac pauUo ante lega- 
tos ex urbe proficifcitur. 
Leptulus cum his T. 
Volturcium quendam 
Crotonienfem mittit, uti 
AUobroges, prius quam 
domum pergerent, cum 
Catilina, data atque ac- 
cepta fide, focietatem 
confirmarent. Ipfe Vol- 
turcio literas ad Catili- 
nam dat; quarum ex- 
emplum infra fcriptum 

^is ftm^ ex eoj quem 
ad te mifi^ cognofces. 
Fac cogiteSj tn quanta ca- 
lamitate fisj li memine" 
ris^ ti virum effe, Con-f 
fidereSy quod tua ratio- 
nes pofiulent. Auxilium 
fetas ah omnibusj etiam 
ab infimis. Ad hoc, man- 
deta verbis dat : cum ab 
fenatu hofiis judicatus fit^ 
quo confilio fervitia repw 
diet, In urbe parata 
effe^ qua jufferit*. Ne 
cu)n6letur ipfe propius ac^ 

XLV. But the Allohroges^ ac^ 
cording to Cicero^s inflru£fionSy 
procured by Gahinius*s meanSj a 
meeting withHhe refi of the Con^ 

fpiratorSy Ot which they infifted 
upon an oath from Lentulus^ Ce- 

^theguSj Statihus and Caffius^ un" 
der their hands andfeals^ to carry 
to their mafiers at home^ pretend- 
ing it would he otherwife impoffible 
to engage them in * an ajfair of fo 
great importance ; which the reft^ 
having no fufpicion oftheir defign 
in itj readtly granted. But CaJJius 
affured them he would he in their 
country very fpeedily^ and accord-" 
ingly left the town a little before 
the amhajjadors, Lentulus fent 
along with them one T, Volturcius 
of Croton^ that they might farther 
ratify what had heen agreed on^ 
with Cataline himfelf hefore they 
went home ; and gave rolturcius 
a letter for Cataline^ a copy of 

You will underftand who I am 
that write to you by the bearer. 
Confider the calamitous circum- 
ftances you are in, andremember 
you are a man ; and confider fur- 
ther too what yourcaufe requires. 
Scek affiftance from people of all 
conditionsj even the meaneft. He 
moreover infiru^ed Volttircius to 
ajk hiniy fince he was declared an 
enemy by the Senate, what he 
meant by refufing to accept of the 
affifliance of flaves. That all things 
in town were ready acccrding to 
his order ; and therefore that^he 
ftiouldnot delay to advance forth- 



XLVL His rebus ita XLVL Vpon this, the nighf 

afti^ conftituta noSe hing fix'd fir $he departure of 

qua proficifcerentur, Ci- ths amhajjadors^ Cicero being in-^ 

cero, per legatus cun(3a firmed hy them cf all that had 

edo(9iis, L. Valerio Flac- pajfed^ orders th^ Prators L. F^ 

co & C. Pomtino prae- lerius FJaccuSy and C, Pomjtinus^ 

toribus imperat, uti in to go and lie in wait for the am^ 

ponte Mulvio per infidias bc^adors at the Mulman bridge^ 

Allobrogum comitatus acquainting them at thefame time 

dq)rehendant. Rem om- with the wbsle affair^ and lcav- 

nem aperit, cujus gratia ing the management to their dif^ 

mittebantur. Caetera, uti cretion. Thefe gentlemen having 

fa£to opns fit, ita agant^ ie^n in the nulitary frvicey ac-^ 

Homines militares, fine cording to their orders^ witbtmt 

tumultu praefidiis coUo- any hujlle^ plant tbemfelves with 

catis, ficuti prxceptum an armed force nigh the bridge^ 

erat, occulte pontem ob- and lie fnug there Uill the arri- 

fidunt. Poftquam ad id val of Volturcius with the amhaf^ 

loci legati cum Volturcio fadors \ upon which a jhout wds 

venerunt, fimul utnmque fet up on hoth fides. The Gauh 

clamor exortus eft. Gal- quickly underjlanding the matter^ 

li, cito cognito confilio, imnudiately furrender tbenfelves 

fine mora praetoribus fe up to the Prators. Volturcius- at 

tradunt. Volturcius pri-, firfi ,calUng upon his men tojiand 

mo, cohortatus caeteros, by him^ drew kisfword in his de^ 

gladio fe a multitudine fence; hut,heing deferted hy the 

defendit; dein^ubialegatis amhajfadors^ he hegged hard rf 

defertus eft, multa prhis Pointinus^ with whom he had had 

de falute fua Pomtinum an acquaintance^ to fpare his life^ 

obteftatus, quod ei notus and then in great fright and de* 

eratj poftrerao timidus fpair^ furrendered himfelf to the 

ac vitae diffidens, velut Prators^ as ifthey hm heen ene-^ 

hoftibus, fefe praetoribus mies.' 

XLVII. Quibus rebus XLVII. Jn .account of this af 

confecHs, omnia propere fair was immeMatdy carried to 

per nuncios confuli decla- tbe ConfuL, who mas thereupon 

rantur. At iUum ingens full of concern dndyoy all at once, 

cura atque laetitia fimul He was glad to think^ that hyfo 

occupavere. Laetabatur fuU a dfcovery of tbe pkt^ the ci- 

inlelligens, conjuratione ty was mw dclivered fro?n the 

patefa6ta, civitatem pe- danger it had heen in\ and then 

riculis ereptam effe : por- again^ as the perfons concerned in 

ro autem anxius erat, in the yillany^ were of the higheji 




maxumb fcdefe tantis ci- 
vibus jdeprehenfis, quid 
fa6lo opus efiet;,poenam 
illorum fibi oneri, impu- 
nitatem perdundae reipu- 
blicae fore credebat. Igi- 
tur, confirmato animo, 
vocari ad fefejubet Len- 
tulum, Cethegum, Sta- 
tiliumj Gabinium, item- 
que Coeparium Terfaci- 
nenfem, qui in Apuliam 
ad concitanda fervitia 
proficifci narabat. Caeteri 
fine mora veniunt. Cce- 
pa:rius, pauUo ante domo 
egreflus, cognito indicio, 
ex urbe profugerat. Ccm- 
ful Lentulum, quod prae- 
tor erat, ipfe manu te- 
nens, in fenatum pcrdu- 
cit; reliquos cum cufio- 
dibus in aedem Concor- 
diae venire jubet. Eofena- 
tum advocat, magnaque 
frequentia ejus ordinis, 
Volturcium cum lcgatis 
introducit ; Flaccum pra?- 
torem fcrinium cum lite- 
ris, quas a legatis accepe- 
rat, eodemadferrejubet. 

XLVIII. Volturchis 
interrogatus de itinere^ de 
literis^ fojiremo quid^ aut 
qua de caujfa^ conftlii ha^ 
huijjet ; primo fingere alia 
omnia, diflxmulare de con- 
juratione ; poft, ubi fitde 
public^ dicere juflus eft, 
omnia, uti gejla erant^ 
aperity docetq ; Je paucis 
ante diebus a Gabinio £ff 
Ccepario focium afcitum : 
Nikil amplius fcire^ quam 

'rank and quality^ he was infime 
douht with himfelf how to proceed 
againji them, The punijhment of 
them might fall heavy upon him- 
felfy he ihoughty and to let them 
pafs unpunijhed would be ruinous 
to the puhiic. Wherefore^ takirtg 
couragej he orders Lenttehis^ &- 
thegusj Statilius and Gahinius to 
be fummoned before hiin^ as alfo 
Gctparius of Tcrracina^ who fvas 
upon the point ofgoing into Apulia^ 
to raife ihe flaves there, The reji 
ofthem carhe immediateiy. Ccepa-' 
rius heirig gone from home d little 
hefore thefummons camcy and hav-" 
ing fome notice of the hufinefs^ 
hadflipt out oftown. The Conful. 
tCiking Lentulus hy the hdndy be^- 
caufe he was Prator^ condu£ts him 
into the Senate-houfe ; and orders . 
the rtji under a guard to repair to 
the tentpie of Concord, Thifher 
hefufnmoHt the Senate^ and therc 
heing afuU houfe upon the Qocajion^ 
he introduces rolturcius wifh the 
amhaffadorsy and orders the Prtt* 
tor Flaccus to hring in a 'hox with 
the iettersj which he bad from the 

XLVIII. Folturcius heing quef; 
tioned about his joumey, and the 
lettefs, and what his defign was, 
or upon what account he had uii- 
dertakenthejoumey; atfirjimade 
ufe offome idie pretences^ wrthout 

Jayin^ a word of ihe confpiracy. 
But being ajfured upon the public 

faith of his pardon^ if ^^ wouid 
declare tbe truth^ he made a fuil 
difcovery of ali\ and toid them 
that a few days beforc hfe had been 
drawh inbyGabkiius ahdCijepari-^ 
G iegdtos : 



legatos ; tantummodo au- 
dire folitum ex Gabinioj 
P. Autronium^ Ser, Sul- 
lam^ i. Varguntejum^ 
multos praterea in ea 
conjuratione ejfe\ Eadem 
Galli fatentur. At Len- 
tulum diiGmulanteni co- 
arguunt, praeter literas, 
fermonibus, quos ille ha- 
bere folitus erat^ ex libris 
Sibyllinis^ regnum Romte 
iribus Corneliis portendi^ 
Cinnam atque Sullam an- 
tea^ fe, tertium effe^ cui 
fatuM foret urbis potiri ; 
praterea ^b incenfo Ca^ 
pitolio illum effe vigefi- 
mum armum^ quem fape 
ex prodigiis harufpices re- 
fpondiffent bello civili cru^ 
entum fore» Igitur, per- 
le£lis literis, cum prius 
omnes figna. fua cogno- 
vijflent, fenatys decemit, 
utiy abdicato magiJiratUj 
Lentuius ifemque cceteri 
in liberis cujiodiis habe- 
antur^ . .^t^4^^ Lentulus 
P. Lentulo Spintheri, qui 
tum aedilis erat, Cethegus 
Q. ComificiD, Statilius 
C. CaBfari, Gabinius M. 
Craflx), Cceparius (nam 
. is pauUo ante ex fiiga re- 
tradlus erat) Cn. Teren- 
tio fenatori traduntur. 

XLIX. Interea plebes; 
Conjuratione patefadta, 
quae primo, cupida rerum 
novarum) nimis bello fa- 

us tojojn in the confpiracy j that 
he knew no more than the ambaf- 
fadors ; he only ufed ,to he^ of 
Gabinius, that P. Autronius, Ser-r 
SuIIa, and L. Varguntejus, with 
many others, were concerned in 
the Plot.' The Gauls confirmed 
what hefaidy and charged Lentu^ 
lus^ who pretetided to know nothing 
of the matter^ not oniy with his 
ietterSy but with fome things he 
was ufed tofay in converfation^ as 
that there was a prophecy in the 
books of the Sibyls, that three of 
the Cornelian family fliould bc 
mafters of Rome, two of which, 
Cinna and Sulla, had already been 
fo ; that he wa? the third, for 
whom that honour was referved 
by the fates ; befides, that was the 
twentieth year from the burning 
of the Capitol, which the haru- 
fpices, from divers prodigies, had 
often foretold would be remark- 
able For a bloody civil war. Upon 
this the ietters were read^ <^fi^r 
each ofthe writers had owned his 
feal\ and the Senate voted^ that 
Lentulus ftiould abdicate his office, 
and that both he and the reft 
ftiould be fecured in the cuftody of 
Gentlemen. Accordi^igly Lentu- 
ius is delivered up to Pubiius 
Lentuius Spinthery who was at 
that time JEdiie^ Cethegus . to 
. ^uintus CorniJiciuSy Statiiius to 
Caius Cafar^ Gabinius to Mark 
Craffus^ Cceparius^ for he had 
beenfetched back to town aJittie be-- 
fore^ to Cn, Terentius a Senator, 

XLIX. In the mean time the 
common peopie^ whoj upon the firji 
difcovery of the pioty from the ioye 
ofmvelty^f had too much favoured 




vebat, mutata mente, 
Catilinae confilia exfecra- 
ri j Ciceronem ad coelum 
tollere; velut ex fervitu- 
te erepta, gaudium atque 
laetitiam agitabat. Nam- 
que alia belli facinora 
praedae magis, quam de- 
trimento, rore ; incendi- 
um vero crudele, immo- 
deratum, ac fibi maxume 
calamitofum putabat ; 
<;luippe cui omnes copiae 
in ufu quotidiano & cul- 
tu corporis erant. Poft 
cum diem quidam L. 
Tarquinius ad fenatum 
addu<9xis erat, quem, ad 
Catilinam proficifcen- 
tem, ex itinere retrac- 
tum ajebant. Is cum fe 
diceret de conjuratione 
indicaturum, fi fides pu- 
blica data efiet ; juiTus a 
confule, quae fciret, edt- 
cere, eadem> fere, quae 
Volturcius, de parati^ in- 
cendiis, de caede bonorum, 
de itinere hoftium, fena- 
tum edocet, Praeterea, 
fe mijfum a M. Crajjo^ 
qui Catilime nunciaret ; 
ne eum Lentulus ^ Ce- 
theguSj aliique ex €onju- 
ratione deprehenji terre-- 
rent'y eoque magis prope^ 
raret ad urhem accederey 
quo & ceterorum animos 
rejiceretj fcf illi facilius 
e periculo eriperentur. 
Sed, ubi Tarquinius Craf- 
fum nominavit, homi- 
nem nobilem, maxumis 
divitiis, fumma potcntiaj 

ihe tuarj now changing their 
mindSj hegun to curfe the dejigns of 
Catilinej andto extol Cicero to the , 
heavens ; andy as being now fecu^ 
red againjl the Jlavery they were 
threatened with^ werefull <f joy 
andjollity, For the other a£ts of 
war they thought might turn more 
to their advantage than detriment', 
hut the firing of the town . they 
looked upon as' a cruel wild projeSfy 
and what would have heen perni^ 
cious to them eJpeciaUy^ whofefub^ 
Jiance conjijled entirky in cloathsy 
and a few houjhold-goods. After 
thisy one Lucius Tarquinius was ' 
hrought before the Senate^ who was 
faid to be going over to Catiliney ■ 
and had heen , thei'efore brought 
back to town, He offeredto make a, 
full difcovery oftheploty ifhe might 
have the publick faith for his par-^ 
don: And being thereupon ordered 
by the Chnful io declare what he 
kneWy he gave much thefame in^ 
formation Volturcius had doney as 
tofiring ofthe toumy the deftgned 
majfacrey and ihe march of the 
enemy. He added^ that he had 
been difpatched by M. Crafius to 
tell CatUine, not to be fiighttd at 
the feizing of Lentulus, Cethegus, 
arid others of the confpirators, but 
make the morehafte to town, for 
the encouragement of.the.refl:^ 
and for the releafe rfthofe that 
were prifoners.. But^wben Tar^ 
quin named CraJJiiSy a ferfon ^f 
the higheft qualityy a va/i efi^tty 
and mighty power\ fome mUng 
upon what wasfaid as incredihUy 
and otherSy thtf' ihey helievedl it 
truey yet' becaufe fo pawtrful a 
man was T^ther ta li^ wheedtedy 
G 2 aiii ~ 



^ii rem incredibilem rati -, 
pars tametfi verum exi* 
^ l]iimabat, tamen, quia 
' in tali tempore tanta vis 
kominis magis lehiunda, 
qu^m exagitanda, vide- 
batur, plerique, Craffi^ex- 
negotiis privatis obnoxii, 
conclamant, indicem faU 
fu?n ejfe ; deque ea re po- 
ftulant uti referatur, Ita- 
que, Cicerone confulente, 
freqiftens fenatus decemit,v 
'TarqHinii indicium faU 
fUm videri^ eumque in 
vinculis retinendum 3 ne- 
que amplius pntejiatem 
faciundam^ eo in^ 
dicaret^ cujus CQnfilio tan- 
iam rem ejfet mentitus, 
Erant eo tempore, qui 
exiftumarent indicium il- 
lud a P. Autronio ma- 
chinatum ; quo facilius, 
^pellato Crailb, per fo- 
detatem periculi rdiquos 

thanprovoked atfuck ajunSlurey 
being moft of them too under parti-- 
cularMigations to Crajfus^ they gll 
cried out the informer was a raf- 
cal, and defired the houfe might 
immediately go upon tkat affair. 
Which Cicera complying mithy and 
moving tjhe houfe accordinglyy tbey 
voted by a great majorityj that 
Tarquin's information appeared 
to them to be fatfe^ and that he be 
kept in cuflody, and not be enlar- 
ged, 'till he difcovered the perlbn, . 
at whofe inlligation he had forged 
that lie. ^There werefome at that 
timej who didhelieve that the thing 
was a proje^ of Publiih Autroru* 
usj in order tofcreen the amfpira^ 
torsy by naming Crajfiis as one, 
Somefaid Tarqutn wasput upon if 
by Ciceroy Ufi Crajfus Jbould^ qc^ 
cording to his way^ take upon him 
the proteSiion of the viUainSy and 
tbereby confound the proceedings. tf 
the govemment agamjl thprru Jnd 

^ ^^ I myfelf afterwards heard Craffus 

iilius potentia tegeret. A- fay^ that^ that bafe trick had been 
lii Tarquinium a Cicerp- put upon him . by Cicero. But at 

the fifme time ^ Catulus and C, 

Pifo could by no Intereji^ importu- 

nity^ or money^ pr^ail upon Ci-r 

cero to have Cafapfalfely namgd 

as a confpiratory by the AHohrdgeSj 

or any one elfe, Both, tbofe gen- 

tlemen were bitter enemies to hinty 

Pifo having been profecuted by him 

in an adlion of damag£Sy for the 

_ unju/i punijhment of a certain per^ 

fy C. Pifo neque gratia, fin of Gallia beyond the Po. Ca- 

neque gr^ibus, neque tulus bore him a grudge, ever af- 

ter the ttme ofhisjiandingjhr tbe 
pjace of high^priejiy wl>en. &, tfit^ 
a man inyearsj whohad bo^ne tbe 
greateji offices in the fi^He^ can^t 

ri(^ iminiilum ajebant; ne 
QrafTus, pipre fuo, fuf- 
ceptor maiomm patroci- 
nip, rempubiicam contur- 
l^r^t. Ipfum CrafTum 
egot poftea praec^cantem 
ajudivi, tant^m illam con- 
t^melii^. fi^ ab Cicerone 
J^ imppfitam.^Sed iiijdeai 
temporibus Q. Catulus 

— 1 — jf,- '-, - ■ — # _- - _^__ _ 
precip Ciceionem impel- 
l^equivere; uti perAl- 
lobrpges aut ^lium indi^ 
cem C. Ca^aif fs\Ifo np- 



jxiiQaretur. Nam uterque 
• cuin illo gravis inimicitias 
exerccbant j Pifo, op- 
pugnatus in judicio repe- 
tundsunm, propter cu- 
jufdam Tranfpadani fup- 
plicium injuftumj Catu- 
lus, ex petitione pontiii- 
catus odio incenfus ; quod 
^xtrema astate, snaxumis 
honoribus ufus, ab ado- 
kfcentulo Caifare vidus 
difceflerat. Resautemop- 
portuna videbatur ; quod 
is priyatijn egregia libera- 
litate^ puUice maxumis 
munenbus graxvdem pe- 
cupiam debebstt. Sed ubi 
confulem ad tantum faci* 
nas itnpellere- nequeunt) 
ipfi figillatiHa circume- 
undp) a4^ue ementiendo 
qu^ (e ex Volturcio aut 
AiUobrogibus a^udifTe dice- 
X^K naagnam- illi invi- 
diam conilaverant ; uf- 
que adeo, uti nonn^lii 
equites Rom. qui praefidii 
cauiTa cum telis erant 
circum aedem ConcOrdjaB^ 
^u pcriculi magakudine, 
feu animi nobilitate im- 
pulii, quo ftudiumfuum 
in rempubli(fam. clarius- 
efle^ eg^edienti ex im^ 
tu Caefari gladio mimta- 
J3^Tmtm:f^ Dum hae in. fe- 
natu aguntur, ic , dwn 
legatis Aliobn^m & T. 
Voltu^cio, comprobatd 
cqmsfi indicii^ prseoaia 
4ececnuntui^ libmi; & 
pauci ex clies^ibus Leo^ 
tuii) ^y^ii& iUfiM^ilTUs, 

^ffbaffled hy CaffiVy wbo «mu «f 
tbat tirne but a very ymnj imnf^ 
The^ charge feemed fikeiy U frfs^ 
becaufe he by his privaie gemerlf/l~ 
ty^ and pubiick diverfiom^ hr tbe 
entertainment of the people^ wms 
got into a worid ofdeht^ BtU h^ 
ing Kot able to engage the Cutfid 
infuch a piece ofroguery^ thej by 
going aBput^ andfalfely repartmg^ 
what they pretended td have beard. 
from Volturcius and the jBbbr^» 
ges^ brought him under a wry 
great odium^ infomuch that Jime 
. gentlemen of the Equejirian ^rder^ 
who ivere pofted in arms ahntt tbe 
temple of Concord^ as a guari$9 
the houfey wbether pu/hed mby a 
fenfe of^ danger^ or fome mikr 
motive^ to Jhew their %talf»r Aa 
publick^ threatened Qafar of bi$ 
coming ^out of the hou/i witb * 
their drqwn fwords* JyhiJfi tb^ 
things ar^e done in the fenqte^ aad 
rewardt are voted for tbe Aih^ 
broges and T. FolturciitSy wbefe 
information was approved tfi 
fome freed^men and tlients ef 
Lentulus 4fp^^f^^ themfehes fii 
town^ £fnd endeavoured to ef^age 
the workmen and fiaves they nui 
with in thejireets^ to refcue idau 
And fome would gladly bavepre^ 
vailed witb the leaders of tbe 
mob to head them^ whn were wfed 
for hire to give dijiurhana »nm 
and then to the government, Bnt 
Cethegus, hy meffengeri hegged rf 
his Jlaves and freed^min^ ebeice 
blades^ and fich as had heea 
irainld tep in the prq^ice tfheld 
wicked pranks^ toform thenfehes 
' into a, hody^ and hreak in t§ bhm 
with aYms. The Conful heing 


C CRISPI Sallustii 

ispificcs tttquc fervitia in 
T icis ad eum eripiendum 
foUicitabant, Partim ex- 
quirebant duces multitu- 
dinum^ quiprecio rem- 
felicam vexare foliti 
crint. Cethegus autem 
per nuncios familiam, at- 
que libertos fuos, ledos 
& exercitatos in audaci- 
^rtty orabat;, uti, grege 
fsB:o, cum telis ad fefe 
inttmperent. Conful, ubi 
ca parari cognovit, difpo- 
fitis praefidiis, utires atque 
tempus monebat, convo- 
to fenatu refert, quid 

infarmed of thefe att^mptSy pltr-^ 
C£d guards as the occajion requi^ 
red^ and then calling the Senate 
togethery dejired to know their 
pleafure with rdation to the pri- 
fiwiers, what they vvould have 
done with them. Jfull houfe had 
already voted them guilty of d 
traiterous defign againjl the go^ 
vernment. Then D. Junius Silanux 
heingfirft ajkedy what he thought^ 
of the matter^ for he was at that 
time Conful eleSt^ declared for 
capital punijhment to be injliifed 
upon thofe in cujiody^ as a^o i. 
CaJJius^ •P- Furius^ P. Umhre- 
nus, and ^. AnniuSy if they 
ie Msfieri placeat^ qui ia ffi>ould he taken* But being af-- 
eujiodiam tradiU' erant. terwards much affe6led~with a 
Sed cos paulo ante fre- fpeech of C, Cafar io the houfey 
quens fenatus judicaverat ke declaredfor the opinion offi^ 

berius NerOy whowasfor having 
thefurther debate rf thfit matter 
deferredy ^till the honfe was pro^ 
vtded with a better guard. Now 
Cafar, when the Conful was comt 
io hiniy and deftred his fenti^ 
mentSy fpoke to the effe^ following. 
L. Caffio^ PI FuriO", P. Umbrcno, Q^ Annio, fi deprehenfir 
forent, fiipplkium fumeridum decreverat. Ifque poftca, per-- 
mxHus orationeC. Caefaris, pedibus in fententiam Ti, Neyonis 
Hfcurum fe dixeratj quod deea rc, praefidiis addrtis, referun- 
Aim, cenfuerat. Sed Caefar, ubi ad cum ventum eft,' rogatus 
fententiam a confiile, hujufcemodi verba locutus cft. 

L. Omnis hominesy Pa-- L. Illuftrious fathers, AH men- 
tres Confcripti^ quiderebas in their debates upon matters oF 

difficulty, ought to be fre^ from ^^ 
the paflions of hatred, love, an- 
ger, andpitv; Themindofrilan 
does not cafity fee the trutb, where 
thofe obftruitions are in the way; 
nor has cver any manbecrt aWe to 
confuh his intereft arid his pafiion 
together, Wherethe underitand- 


cotttra rempublicam fecif- 
fc^ Tum D. Junius Si- 
lanus, primus fententiam 
rogatu^, qubd eo tempore 
conf«l defignatus erat, de 
hJSf qui in cuftodiis tene- 
-Imitur, & praeterea de. 

dubris eonfultanty ab odio 
amicitiay ira atque mife- 
rrcordia vacuos effe decet. 
Hctud facile ammus ve^ 
rum providet, ubi illa of» 
fcrunt^ neque quifquam 
ffnmium Inbidini fimul feT 
yfui paruit. Ubi inter^ 



Aris ingenium^ valet, Si 
iubido pojftdet^ ea dQmi- 
natur-, afiimtts nihil va^ 
let. Magna . mihi copia 
eft mejnorandi^ P. C, qui 
reges aut qui popuiiy ira 
aut mifericordia iTnpulJi^ 
male confuluerint, Sed ea 

^ malo dicere^ qua majores 
nojlri^ contra lubidinem 
animifui^ re£ie atque or^ 
dine fecere, BeUo Ma^ 
cedonicOy quod cum rege 
Perfe gejffimuSy Rhodio^ 
rum civitaSy magna -atque 
magnifica^ quat populi 
Rom. opibus creverat^ in- 
fida atque advorfa nobis 
fuit, Sed poftquam bello 
confe£lo\ de Kbodiis con- 
fuftum ejiy majores nojiri^ 
ne quis divitiarum magisj 
quam injuria cauffay heU 
lum inceptum diceret^ 
impunitos eos dimifere, 
Item bellis Punicis omni- 
hus^ cum fape Carthagi- 
ninenfes ^ in pace ts^ per 
inducias multa nefanda 
fatinora fecijfent^ nun- 
quam ipfi per occafionem 
talia fecercy magis^ quod 
f$ dtgnum foret^ quam 
quod in iUosjureJieri pof- 
fety quarebant, lioc 
ttefn vobis providendum 
e/lj P, C. ne plus^ valeat 
apud vos P. Lentuli &f 
caterorum fcaluSy quam 

\ vejlra dignitas\ neu ma- 

^gis ira vejira^ quam fa- 

ma^ confulatis, Nam Ji 

digna pana pro fa^is 

eorum reperitur^ novum 

ing is in any cafe dvdy af^edi k 
does it's work effeduaily. But if 
paffioa of any kind poflefies th£. 
mind that rules, a man'sfenfe or 
parts fignify nothing« I cou}<i 
bring many inflances of kingsand 
ftates, that have by anger or pity 
been led into pernicious miflakes. 
But I chufe rather to take notice 
to you of the behaviour of our 
anceftors, wherein they fliew'd a 
noble feLT-denial. In the Mace- 
doni^ war, which we had with 
king Perfes, the Rhodians, a great 
a- d fi6urift\ing people, who bad 
been raifed by the mpportof tbe 
RomanSi proved bafeand trea-- 
cherous to us, Yet when, upon 
the conclufion of the war, the 
cafe of the Rhodians came under 
confideration, our anceftors, to 
leave no pretence for faying that 
the war had been undertaken but 
of a covetous humour, more th^n 
upon account of injury received, 
pardoned them. In ail the Car- 
thaginian wars too, tho' that peo- 
ple in time of peace, or cd&tion of 
arms, had been guilty of many 
wicked things againft us, yet our 
anceftors never upon any occafioa 
return'd them the like ufagc, re- 
garding more what was worthy of 
diemfelves, th^ what might have 
been fairly pradtiied aga^ift them.. 
And in like manner ought you, 
gentlemen, to take care, that the 
wickednefs of Lentulus and thft 
reft of the confpirators, have not 
more influence upon you, than 
your own honour,. and not grati- 
fy your refentment at theexpence 
of your reputation. For if a pu- 
nimment equal to their crime be 



C. CRISPI sALlustii 

t99^hm Approdo. Sin 
fhagnitudo Jceleris omni- 
ftm ingema e^uperat} 
ii$ wtendum cenfeo^ 'T*^f 
legibm compctrata fient. 
Pbrifue eorum^ qui dnte 
ine fententias dixerunty 
cmpofite atque mag^ntfice 
caficm reipublica mifirati 
fiiftti quiS beffi fisvitidt 
tffety qua viStis qccide-- 
renty ehumeraverei rapi 
virginesy pueros\ divrlR 
Hberos a parentum com- 
pkxu\ matres fatmliar^m 
Patij quee viStoribus colti-^ 
buijfint\ fana dtque &- 
ims '• e9ffpoliari\ ccedem^ 
irtcendia ^fieri\ pofhremo 
armisy caddveribtcsy cru- 
Sre atque ht^' omnia- 
compliri. Sedj per dios 
immortalisj qub illa ora- ■ 
th pertinuit? An^ uti 
vos infyfos conjurationi 
facerent r SciScetj quem 
res fbnta atque tam atrox 
non permovity -eum oratio 
accendet, Non ita eft. 
Neque cuiquam mortali- 
um injuria fu^ parva 
videntur. Afulti eas gra- 
vius aquo habucre. Sed 
alia aliis licentia cfi P. 
C. ^ui dermjfi in obfcuro 
vitam aguntj fi quid ira- 
cundia deliqucre^ pauci 
fciunt\ fama atque fortu- 
na torum paresfunt. ^ui 
magno impeno pra-diti^ in 
excelfi atatem agunt^ eo- 
ru?n faSta cun^i morta- 
lis nevere, Jta in max^ 
uma fortuna mimtma /?- 

j^iHJble to be found, I approve cf 
the ft^ange advice given. But if 
the greatnefs of llieir villainy be 
ftich, as to puzzle the beft inven- 
tion to find out a puniihment e- 
qual to it, I think we ought to 
content ourfelves with fuch as are 
provided by law. Moft 6f the 
gentlemen that fpoke before me, 
have Very elegantly and Aobly la- 
m^nted thfe misfortuhe df the 
cotnmonwealths have enumerated 
aH the cruel confequences of a 
war, and the mifcrable circum- 
ftahces the vanqui(hed party muft 
needs be in ; fuch as the ravilhin^ 
of virgins, the unnatural abufe of 
boys, the tearing away of chil- 
dren from the embraces of their 
piarents, thie expofing of matrons 
to thc luft of the conqucrors, the 
plundering of temples and houfes, 
ilaughter, the firing of towns; and 
finally, thefiilihgof all pla<;eswith 
arms, dead bodies, blood, and la- 
mentation. But,forheaven*sfake, 
what dqes all that way of talking 
tend to ? to incenfe you againft the 
confpirac}'? Words, I warrant, 
will inflame thofe^ whom fo mon- 
ftrous and villainous a crime can- 
not move. No, no. No man 
is apt to under-rate the injuries . 
done to himfelf. Many aggravate 
them beyond all reafpn. But all 
men have nottbe famelibcrty al- 
lowed them. If perfons in low 
fife, through paffion, are gullty of 
any mifcondud, few know of it. 
But diofe in great power and au- 
tliority, ftand high, and their a6H-' 
ons are known to ail men. Thus 
in thc greateft fortune is there the 
leaftlicenceaDowable. luthatthcre 




^entza efi, NeqiLe Jiudere^ 
neque odiffe^ fed minume 
irafci decet, ^a apud 
abos iracundia dicitur^ 
ea in imperio fuperbia 
^tque crudelitas appella- 
tur, Equidem ego Jic 
exijiumo^ P. C omnis^ 
cruciatus aninores^ quam 
facinora illorumy ejfe. Sed 
plerique mortales pojlre^ 
ma meminere \ ^ \ in ho^ 
minibus impiisy fceleris 
eorum oblitiy de pana dif- 
ferunty fi ea paulo feveri- 
or fuerit, Z). Hilammy 
virum fortem atque Jire^ 
nuumy certo fcioy qua 
dixerity Jiudio reipublica 
dixijfey neque illum in 
tanta re gratiam aut ini- 
Tnicitias exercere, Eos mo- 
rcs eamque modejiiam 
viri cognovi, J^erumfen-^ 
tentia ejus mihi non cru- 
delis (quid enim in talis 
homines crudele fieri po- 
isji? ) Sed aliena a rC" 
publica Jiojira videtur, 
jSfam profeSio aut metus 
aut injuria tefubegit^ Si- 
lancy confulem defigna- 
tumj genus pcena novum 
decernere, De timore 
fupervacaneum efi diffe- 
rere ; cum^ praferttm dili- 
gentia clarijfumi viri con- 
fulis^ tanta prcufidia fmt 
in armis, De pana^ pof- 
fumus equidem dicere idy 
quod res habet: in Iu5iu 
atq'y miferiis mortem a- 
rumnarum requiem^ non 
cruciatum ejjey eam cunc-^, 

muft be no party-prejudice, or ha- 
tred, andpadfionleaftof^JJ. What 
is xalled anger upon other occafi- 
ons, in perfons invefted with great 
power, goes by the name of pride, 
and cruelty. IVuly gentlemen, I 
am of opinion, thatnopuniftiment , 
can be thought of, bad eriough 
for their crimes. But moft men 
remember the upftiot of things, 
and iii the cafeof villains, forget- 
ting their wickednefs, talk only of 
their puniftiment, if that bealit- 
tle too fevere. I am well aftured 
that the worthy brave gentleman 
D. Silanus faid, what he did out of 
zeal to the publickfervice, without 
tbe leaft regard to favour, or ill-r 
will, to any one : fuch is his vir- 
tue and modefty to my kno wledge. 
But his advice appears to me, not 
cruel indeed (for what can be cruel 
againft fuch wretchcjs?) but not •- 
agreeable to the proceedings of our 
govemment. For certainly, Sila- 
nus, either your fear, or the injury 
' defigned the publick, mioved you 
to advife a puniftiment unknown 
to our laws. As to your fear, I 
need fay nothing, efpecially fince 
by the diJigence of our glorious 
Conful, fo fuflicient a force has 
been provided for our fecurity. 
And as to the pumftiment, we 
.may fay indeed, whatis thetruth 
in reality, that in a ftate of moum- 
ing and mifery, death is a delive- 
rance, not a puniftiment. That 
puts an end to all the miferies of 
mankind, beyondwhich, therei» 
gio room for either forrow or joy. 
Butbyheaven; tell me, whydid 
you not advife too to have them 
feverely laftied, beforc they were 
H ta 



td mbrtallum rrudii dlJfoU 
vere\ ukrit neque cXir<p 
neque gaudh Ucum effe. 
Sed^ per dehs ihmortalis^ 
quamohrem in fententram 
non addidijiiy uti prius 
verberibus in m anirrurd- 
verteretur ? An\ quia lex 
Porcia vetat ? At aWa 
leges iterti condemhatis ci- 


pui: t6 death? Was it becaufe thcr 
pot*dan law exprefsly forbids it? 
fiut tiiere are other laws too, that 
equaHy forbid the putting a con- 
dernned Roman to death, and al- 
itm him the favour of bahilh- 
ment. Or was it becaufe whip- 
piiig is a; feverer puniihmetit tharv 
aeath? But what can be toq cru- 
el or fevere againil men conviSed 
of fo horrid a villainy ? But if it 
was becaufe whipping is really a 
leffer puniftiment, is it fit to re- 
gard the laW in a matter of fmal- 
fer moment, whilft you .flight it 

mmis grave eji in homines inagreater? But who will blame, 

tanti facinoris conviSfosf you'll fay, what ftiall be refolved 

upon againft men bent upon the 
dcftrudtion of the commonwealth? 
Time and fortune, who rule the-r 
world at pleafure. They certain- 
ly deferve the worft that can be- 
fall them. But do you, worthy 
fathers, confider well what you 
refolve lipon againft them. All 
ill examples had their rife fix)m 
harmlefs beginnings. But whert 
power comes into the hands of 
ignorant or wicked men, the pre- 
cedent fet is transferred from de- 
ferving ^hd proper objefts to fuch 

rnala exempla ex bonis as are ndt fo. 

initiis orta funt, Sed^ ubi impertum ad ignaros ^aut minns 

honos perve7i\t\ novum illud exemplum ah dignis ^ idonezs 

ad tndlgiias ij non idoneos transfertur, 

LI. Lacademoniij . 'de- LI. After the Lacedaetnoniahs 

vi^is 'Aihemenfthus^ tri- hadconqueredtheAthenians,they 

lodged the government in the 
hands of thirty perfons; who at 
firft begun to put to death, with- 
out trj^I, the wickedeft amoAgft 
them, and fuch as were univerfal- 
ly odious. This the people re- 

^ merito dicere 'fieri,-' joyced at, and faid was right pro- 

vibus noH' ttnimam 
fed extlium permitti ju- 
hertt. An quia gravius eji 
verherari^ qUam necUrif 
^id autem acerhum^ atit 

Siny quia levius eji\ qui 
convefiit in 'minore nego- 
iio legem ohfervare^ cum 
eam in majore neglexe- 
risP At enim quis ripre- 
hendet^ ' quod in parrici- 
das reipublica decretum 
ertt? Tempus^ dies^ for- 
tuna^ cujus lubido genti- 
hus moderatur,^ 'Iliis me- 
rito accidetj quicquid e- 
venerit. CaterUm vosy 
P, C, quid in alios Jiatu-- 
atis^ confuieratc, Omnia 

gvita viros inipofuere^ qui 
rempuUicam tracfarent, 
Hi primo capere peffu- 
mumquemque tsf omnihus 
invifum indemnatum ne- 
care, Eo poptdus ieetart^ 



Paffy' ubi paulatim licen- 

tia €r£vit \ juxta honos 

i^ malos lubidinofe inter- 

ficere^ cateros metu ter- 

rere. jta civitas^ fervi- 

4ute opprejfa^ fiulia la- 

titia gravis panas dedit. 

Nofira memorii viStor 

Sulla^ cum Damafippum 

i5f aliis hujufmodiy qui 

^nalo reipuhlicfe creve- 

rant^ jugulari jujjit^ qias 

non fadum ejus lauda- 

bat ? Homines fcelefios 

^ fa^ofgsy qui feditioni" 

' biu rempublicafn exagita- 
verantj merito necatos 
/ijehant. Sed ea res mag- 
na initium cladis fuit. 
Namque^ uti quifque do- 
mum aut villamy pojirerm 
aut vas aut veftimentum 
^licujus concupiveraty da- 
bat operam^ uti is in pro- 

fcriptorum numero ejfet, 
Ita illiy quibus Darnafippi 
mors latitia fueraty pau- 
lo poft ipfi trahebantur* 
Neque prius finis jugu- 
landi fuit^ quam ISulla 
omnis fuos diyitiis exple- 
vit* Atque ego hoc non 
ih \M. TuUioy neque his 
temporibus vereor, Sed 
in magna civitate multa 
^ varia ingenia funt, 
Potefi alio. te^mpore^ aiio^ 
confuUy cui item e^ercitus 
in manu fit^ falfum ali- 
quid prfi vero credi, Ubi 
hoc exemploy per fenati 
decretufKy conful ^tadium 
eduxerit'y quis illt finem 

fiatuety aut quis modera- 

ceeding. ^ut prefently, a$ this 
humour grew upqri tb^ii>, they 
proceeded to put good and b^ 
promifcuoufly to death at their 
pleafure, and fill'd the r^ft with 
apprehenfions of ^lie |ike ufage* 
7"hus the poor city being mUejca- 
bly eriflaved, fuffercd fufficiently 
for their fiUy rejoycing. In our 
times too, when Sulla, after hi3 
fuccefs in thewar, ordered £)ama- 
fippus, and fome others like hini, 
who bad raiied tj:^^mfelves by the 
inisfortunes pf their country, to 
be put to death, >yho did not com- 
mend him for it?' Every body 
faid, that thofe wkked fa<Siious 
ra£:a]s, who had plagued the pub- 
lick by their feditious pra6tices, 
were defervedly put to4eath. fiut 
^at was the firfl: p^ only adied 
in one of the mofl: bl^dy fcenes 
that ever was. For as any of the 
party chanced to take a fancy for, 
any gentleman's houfe in town or 
country, nay but any piece of 
plate, dr fine coat, he took care 
to get him put upon the lift of the 
profcribed. Thusthey whorejoiced 
at the deathof Daniafippus, were 
themfelves foon after hurried away 
to ex,ecution. Norwas there any 
endofthisbutchery, 'till SMlIahad 
gluttedallhisfoUowers withriches. 
lapprehend indeed riothing like 
this in Mark Tully, or tlxeCe tipies. 
But in a mighty ftate, there ^re 
many various humours. At anp- 
ther time, another Gonful, who 
ftiall haye an army at his .com- 
mafid, may be under a ipjftake, 
.ajndthen, when, upon this prece- 
dent, the Conful fliall by a vote'of 
the Senate draw the fword, who 
(hall ftop, pr pver-ruleit? 



LII. Majdres nojiri^ 

Patres Confcriptiy ^ neque 

conjilii neque audacia 

umquam eguere, Neque 

fuperbia objiabat^ quo mi- 

'nus inftituta alima^ Ji 

modo proba eranty imita- 

rentur, Arma atque tela 

militaria ab Sarrtnit^bus^ 

injignia magijiratuum ab 

Ttufcis pleraque ^ fumpfe- 

runt. Poftremo^ quod 

ubique apudfocios aut ho- 

Jiis idoneum videbatur^ 

cum fummo Jiudio domi 

exfequebantur, Imitari^ 

quam invidere bonisj ma,- 

lebant, Sed eodem illo 

Um^ore Greci^ morem 

imitati^ verberibus ani- 

' madvertebant in civis^ de 

condemnatis fummum Jup- 

plicium fumebant, Poji- 

quam refpublica adolevitj 

^ multitudine civium 

faSiiones valuere^ circum- 

veniri innocentesj alia 

hujufcemodi fieri Cispere\ 

tunc lex Porcia aliaque 

leges paratts funt 'y quibus 

Ugibus exilium damnatis 

permijfum eji, Hanc ego 

caujfamj P, C. quo minus 

coriftlium novum capia- 

mus^ in primis magnam 

. puto* PfofeSfo. 

que fapientia major in 

. illis fuity qui ex parvis 

epibus tantum imperium 

fecerej quam in nobisj 

qui bent Jbarta vix reti- 

nemus, Placet igiturj eos 

dimittij 6f augeri exer- 

citum CatHina? Minume, 

,LII. Oyr anceftors, worthy 
fathers, i^ever wanted either coti- 
duiSt or courage; nor did a fpirit of 
pride hinder ihem from imitating 
the laudable cufloms of other na- 
tlons. They borrowed from tbe 
Samnites arms^ and weappns of 
war, moft of the omaments of 
our magiftrates from the Tuf- 
cans. In fine, they ftudioufly put 
in praftice at hoipe whatfoever 
appeared, either amongft friends 
or foes, worthy of their recepti- 
on. They chofe rather to imitate, 
than envy the good. Now at 
that time, according to the ufage 
of Greece, they ufed to punifti 
by fcourging, and put citizens 
to death. fiut when the Roman 
ftate was grown up to its full mag- 
nitude, and in a nunierous peoplc 
faftions prevaile^, innocent men 
begun to be trepanned, and other 
the like wickednefs to be praiftifed ; 
then the Porcian law, and other 
laws were provided, by which all 
fuch as fhould be condemned for 
capital crimesy were allowed the 
favourofbanifhment. Andthere- 
fore I think this a very fubftantial 
reafon againft the new proceedings 
advifed to. Certainly their con- 
duft and wifdom, who from a 
fmall rife produced fo vaft an em- 
pire, ^as far above our's, whd 
have much ado to keep what was 
fo welh provided to our hands. 
Well, you*II fey, would I have 
them difcharged, to augment Ca- 
tiline's army? By no means. 
But my fentence is this. Lettheir 
eftates be confifcated, themfelves 
kept in clofe cuftody, in the moft 
fubftantial boroughs. Let no one 




ever move the SenatC) or make 
the leaft application to the people 
in their favour: And let it l^ 
declared as the opinion of this 
houfe, that whoever does, is a 
tra§tor to his country, and an 

Sed ita cenfeo^ publican" 

das eorum pecunias; ipfos 

in vinculis habeiidos per 

municipiaj qu(S maxime 

opibus valentf neu quis 

de his poflea ad. fenatum^ 

referat^ neve cum populo enemy tb the commonwealth, 

agat, ^i aliter fecerit^ fenatum exiflumare^ eum contra 

ren^ublicam l^ falutem omnium fa5iurum. 

LIU. Poftquam Cae- 
far dicendi finem fecit; 
caeteri 'verbo, alius alii 
varie affentiebantur. At 
M. Porcius Cato, roga- 
tus fententiam, hujulice- 
modi orationem habuit. 

LIV. Longe mihi alia 
mens 5/?, Patres Confcrip- 
tiy^ cum res atque pericula 
nofira conjideroy & cum 
fententias nonnullorum 

mecum ipfe reputo, Illi 
mihi differuiffe videntur 
de pana eorum^ qui pa- 
tria^ parentibuSy aris 
atque focis fuis bellum 
paravere* Res autem 
monety cavere ab illis 
magisy quanty quid in iL 
los fiatuamuSy confulta- 
rje. Nam astera malefi- 
cia tum perfequare^ ubi 
f^^a funt; hoc^ niji pro~ 
vidertSy ne accidat^ ubi 
evenity fruflra judicia 
implores. Capta urbe^ 
nthilfit reliqui *ui£iis, Sed 
per deos immortalis^ vos 
cgo appelloy qui femper do^ 
mos^ viliaSj figna^ tabu^ 
las vefiras pluris^ quam 
re^npublicam^ fecijiis. Si 
ijia^ cujufcumque modi 
fmty qua amplexamini^ 

LIII. After Cafar had made 
an end of his fpeechy the refi ftg^ 
nified their affent^ Jome to ont 
andfome toanother, nut M. Por^ 
cius Cato* being afked what he 
thought of the matter^ made a 
fpeech to the following ejfeSi. 
. LIV. I am, gentlemen, of a 
quite different opinion from you 
in this cafe, when I confider it, 
and the danger we are in, as alfo 
the advice that has been offered 
byfome. The bufinefs theyfecm 
alone to have had in view, is the 
punifhment of thofe who have 
formed a defign to makc war up- 
on their country, parents, and re- 
ligion. Nqw the nature of the 
thing obKges us to confider rather, 
how we may guard effedually a- 
gainft them, than how we are to 
punifti them. For other crimci 
you may* punifti after they are 
committed ; but imlefs you pre- 
vent the commiffion of this, it 
will be in vain to fly to the law 
for vengeance,. V/hen the city 
ftiall be taken, the conquered will 
have nothing left. But, by the 
immortal Gdds, I fpeak to you, 
who have always had more regard 
to your iine houfes, ftatues and 
pictures, than the welfare of your 
country. Ifyou haveamind to 
keep the things, be they what they 




retinerej fi voluptatibus 
yejlrii otiUfn prabere 
vultis \ expergifamini a- 
Ii§ua){doy & capejfite rem- 
puhlicam. Non agitur de 
ve^igalihuf^ non de foai^ 
4irum injuriis» Libertas 
^ anima nojira in duhio 
eji. Sapenumero^ P, C 
Tmdta v^rba in hoc ordine 
feci* S^pe de luxuria 
atque^ avaritia nojlrorujn 
civiuni ^uejius fum. Mul- 
tofque mortalis ea cat^a 
advorfos haheo., ^i mihi 
atque animo tneo nullius 
umqiiam deliSii gratiam 
feciffem^ hqud facile al- 
terius lubidini malefa6ia 
cendonabam, Sed^ ea ta^ 
matft VGS parvi pendeha- 
tisy tamen refpublica fir- 
ma erat. Opulentia 
negligentiam tolerabat. • 
J!func vero non id agiturj 
b(mifne < an malis mori^ 
hU(S vivamus > neque quan- 
tum aut quam magnip^ 
cum imperium populi Ro- 
maniftt \ ftd htsc^ cujuf- 
ciimque, modi videntur^ 
noft^a^ an nobifcum una 
ho/iium futura fint, 

LV. Hic mihi quis^ 
quam manfuetudinem fff 
'mjfericordiam nominat ? 
jampridem equidem nos 
vera rerum vocabula a^ 
mifmus, ^ia bona aii^ 
ena largiri^ liberalitas ; 
Tnalarum rerum audacia, 
firtitudo vocatur; eo ref- 
publica in extremo fita 
eji, Sint fane^ quoniam 

will, you are fb fond of, and to 
find time for the purfuit ofyour 
pleafures; rouze at laft, and ftand 
•up for thedefence of your country. 
We are treating of the 
rAienue of the ftate, or tjje ill 
uiage of our allies. Our liberty, 
our lives are at ftake. I have, 
gentlemen, fpoke often and much 
in his hpufe. I have oftenjCom-. 
plained of the extravagance and 
avarice that prevail amongft us ^ 
and bave, by fo doing, made my- 
fclf many enemies. Now I, who 
would never indulge myfelf in the 
leaft fault, could noi eafilypar- 
don the crimes of others. But 
tho' you minded little what I (aid, 
yet our country was fecure. Our 
great opulence would admit of 
fome negligence in the nianage- 
ment of our aflairs. But a retor- 
mation of manners, or the ag- 
grandizing the ftate, i$ not the 
bufinefs, We have now under 
coi>fideration ; but whether what 
we have, be it what it v^i^ 
fliould be our own, or, together 
with ourfelves, be delivered up a 
prey to the enemy. 

LV. And fliall any one talk to 
me, in this cafe,of mildnefs and 
mercy ? Wehave long fmce indeed 
loft the right jtlames of chings fi-om 
amongft us. - The giving of what 
belongs to other people, is caUed 
generofity ; and the courage to 
ventureupon wickednefs, is nam- 
ed fortitude; by which means it 
is, that theftatehasbeen brought 
upon the very brink of deftrufti- 



ita fi mores haienty libe- 
rales ex fociorum fbrtu- 
nis. Sint mifericordes in 
furihus ararii, Ne illis 
fanguinem nojirum largi- 
mtur\ (Sf, dum paucis 
fceleratis parcunt, bonos 
tmnis perditum eant. 5^* 
ne & l^ompojite C Cafar 
paullo ante in hoc ordine 
de vita ^ morte differu- 
ity credo falfa exijiumans 
ea^ qua de inferis^memo- 
rantur ; diverfo itinere 
vialos a bonis foca tatra^ 
incultay foeda atque for- 
midohfa habere. Itaque 
cenfmty pecumas eorum 
publicandaSy ipfos per v^u- 
nicipia in cujiodiis haben- 
dos ; videlicety ne^ fi Ro- 
mafintj aut a popularibus 
conjurationisy aut a mul" 
titudine conduSfa^per vim 
eripiantur.. ^^aft vero 
7nali atque fcelejfi tan- 
tummodo in urbe^ ^ non 
per totam Italiam ftnt\ 
aut non ibi ptus pofpt 
audacia^ uhi ad defenden- 
dtim opes minores funt. 
^uare vanum equidem 
hoc conftlium ejt^ Ji peri- 
(fUlum ex illis metuit, Sin 
in tanto omniu?n metu 
folus non timet y eo magis 
referty me mihi atque 
vobis timere, 

LVI. ^are cum de 
P» Lentulo caterifque 
Jlatuetisy pro certo habe- 
tote^ vos Jimul de exer- 
citu Catilina^ £s* de om- 
nihus conjuratis decerne^ 

on. Let tbem, fincc it « now 
become the iafhion of the times> 
be generous out of the fortunes of 
our allies, Let them (hcw com- 
paffion totherobbcrs of the pub- 
lick } btlt let thcm not pretend to 
make a prefent of our blood to 
them ; and by j^paring a few vil- 
iains, bring deftrudlion upon all 
good people. C. C^far fpoke 
juft now very handfomely and 
prettiiy of life and death, asjudg- 
ing, I prefume, thc vulgar noti- 
ons of hell, where thc bad are di- 
vided from the good, and confined 
in nafty, xincomfortable, filthy, 
difmal places, to be falfe ; and 
therefore advifed to confifcate itheir 
eftates, and keep their perfons un- 
der confinement in the boroughs ; 
from an apprehenfion, I fuppofe, 
if they fliould bc kept at Rome> 
of their being refcued, either by 
their fellows, or a hiredmob. As 
if we tiad rafcals and villains only 
in town, and not all Italy over; 
or as if bold attempts would not 
be more likely to fucceed, where 
therewas the leaft abilitytoop- 
pofe them. This therefore is ve- 
ry idle advice, if he f^s any dan- 
ger from them ; but if he alone 
is not afraid, whilft every body 
elfe is, I am the more obliged to 
be afraid, both for myfeif and 

LVI. Wherefore, in judging 
the cafe of Lentulus, you may 
depend upon it, you determine 
that of Catiline's army, and the 
reft of the confpirators, at the 
fame time. The more vigour you 




re. ^uanto vos attenti^ 
us ea agetis^ tanto illis 
animis infirmior erit. Si 
paullulum, modo vos lan- 
guere viderint^ jam om- 
nes feroces aderunt, No- 
lite exijlumare^ majores 
noftros .. armis' rempubli- 
, cam ex parva magnam 
fecijfe, . St ita res ejfet^ 
multo pulcherrumam eam 
nos haberemus. ^'Pp/ 
fociorum . aiiiue civium^ 
praterea, armorum atque 
equorum major copia no^ 
bis^ quam illis^ eji.^ Sed 
aliafuere^ qua illos mag- 
nos fecere\ quts nobis 
nulla funt. Domi indu- 
Jiria^ foris jujium ijnpe- 
' rium-y /xnimus in confu- 
lendo liber^ neque deU£lo 
neque luhidini obnoxius, 
Pro his nos habemus hix- 
uriam atque avaritiam\ 
publice egejiatem^ pri- 
vatim opulentiam, Lau- 
damus divitias^ fequimur 
inertiam, Inter bcnss & 
malos difcritnen nulluin^ 
Omnia virtutis pramia 
ambitio pojfulct. Neque 
mirum\ ubi vos fepara- 
tim fibi quifque confdium 
capitis^ uhi domi volup- 
tatibus^ hic pecunia aut 
gratia ferv:th'y eo ffy 
ut impetus fu7t in vacu- 
am rempubllcam, Sed 
ego hcec omitto, Conju- 
ravere cives Kohilijp^mi 
patriam iyicendcre ; GaU 
lorum gentem^ infejiijfu- 
mam nomin: R.ziiiano^ ad 

a6t with, the more difqpuraged 
they will be. But if they fee you 
faint-hearted,they will all forthwith 
advance boldly upon us. Do not 
think that ojir forefathers brought 
the Roman ftate from a^ low rife 
to itsprefent height by their arms. 
. If they had, we Ihould then be in 
a much more happy fecure condi- 
tion than they. For we have more 
aliies andpeople, as well as n;iore 
arms and horfes, than they. But 
they were other things which 
made them great, which we have 
nothing of. I mean induftry at 
home, and juft management a- 
broad ; minds freefrom the influ- 
ence of vice and humour in pub- 
lick councils.: In the room of 
which, we have got luxury and 
avarice, publick poverty, and pri- 
vate wealth. We admire riches^ 
and are in love with idlenefs, We 
make no diftinftion between thc 
• worthy and the worthlefs. A m- 
bition is poflefled of all the re- 
wards of virtue. Nor is it to be 
v/ondered at, whilftyou each of 
you purfuefeparate meafurcs only 
for your own intereft ; whilft you 
mind nothing but your pleafures 
at home, and in this place wealth 
and honour. 'Tis this behaviour 
of yours, that has encouraged th« 
viUains to fall uoon the abandoned 
ftate. But I lei thefe things alone. 
Perfons of the hlgheft quality havg;. 
engaged in a confplracy to hre the 
city, and are endeavouring to 
bring the.GauIs, thofe mortal 
enemies of Rome, to jpin them 
in a war againft us. The com- 
niander of the enemy is at pur 
gatcs with an aimy ; and do you- 






b^Iluni arcejjunt^ Dux 
hoftiutn cum exercitu fu- 
pra caput eft, Vos cunifa- 
mini etiam nunc^ ^ du- 
bitatisj quidy intra .ma^ 
nia deprehenfts hojlibus^ 
faciatis? mifereamini^ 

cenfeo. Deliquere homi-^ 
nes adolefcentuli ^per am- 
bitionem, Atque etiam 
armatos dimittatis. Na 
ifta vohis manfuetudo & 
ifiifericordia^ Ji illi arma 
ceperintj in miferiam 

vertent. Scilicet res ipfa 
ajpera eft^fedvos non ti- 
tnetis eam, Imo vero ntax- 
umei fedj inertia & mol- 
litia animi^ alius alium 
ixpeSiantes^ cunlJamini\ 
videlicet diis immortalibus 
confifty Mui hanc rempub'-^ 
lic^m tn maxumis fape. 
periculis fervavere. Non 
votisy neque fuppliciis mu- 
lieribus auxilta deorum 
parantur. Vigilandoy a- 
gendoy bene confulendo 
profpere omnia cedunt, 
Ubi focordia tete atque 
ignavia tradideris^ ne- 
quicquam deos implores, /- 
rati infeftique Junt. Atud 
majores noftros A. Man^ 
lius Torquatus bello Gal- 
lico filium fuunzy qitod is 
contra imperium in hoftem 
pugnaveraty necari jujjit, 
Atque ille egregius adolef- 
cens immoderata fortitu- 
dinis mrte panas dedit. 
VoSy de cruaelijfumis par^ 
ricidis quid Jlatuatisy 
cun^amini ? Videlicet 

pretend to demur upon the mat- 
ter ? or make any doubt, what 
you ought to do with thofe of the 
enemy you have catched within 
your walls ? You fhould take pi- 
ty of them, I fuppofe. They 
are only young fellows led away 
by the love of power, and there- 
fore ought to be difcharged. Tru- 
ly that mildnefs and mercy, if 
they get but arms into their hands^ 
will prove your deftruftion. The 
cafe indeed is very difm^I; but 
you are notwithftanding, it feem«, 
fearlefs about it. Far from it; 
but for want of fpirit and vigour^ 
you hang back, waiting one ano- 
ther's motions ; confidmg, Ifup- 
pofe, in the providence of the im- 
mbrtal Gods, who have frequent- 
ly faved this ftate of ours in the 
greateft of dangep. But the ;affi- 
ftance of the GckIs is not procured 
by vows and womanifti prayers. 
All defigns fucceed ,by vigilance, 
induftry, and wife counfels. If . 
yougive yourfelves upto idlenefe 
andfloth, 'tis in vairi to invoke 
the affiftance of the Gods. They 
are angry and enraged at you. In 
the days of old, Aulus Manlius 
Torquatus in the Gallick war, or- 
dered his fon to be put to deatfa, 
for fighting contrary to his order. 
Thus was that excellent youth pu« 
niftied forhisilUgovemedcourage. 
You are in doubt what todo with 
parricides, movedj I fuppofc, by 
the great innocence of their lives, 
before they engaged in thisprcjeS. 
Y«s, ftiew a regard to thc quaJity 
of Lentulus, if ever he (hew«d 
the leaft to his own chaftity, or 
credit, to either Gods or men. 
1 vita^ 



vita €aiera eorum huic 
fceleri ohjiat. Verum par-^ 
cite dignitati Le^tuh ; Ji 
rpfe pudicitia^ Ji fama 
jua^ fi diis aut hominibus 
umquam ullius pepercit, 
Ignofcite Cethegi adolef-^ 
centiiv^ nift iterum jam 
patria bellumfecit, Nam 
quid ego de Gabinioy Sta- 
tilioy Ciepario loquar? 
^uibus fi quidquam penji 
unquam fuiffet^ non ea 
confilia ae republica ha^ 
huiffent, Pojirepio^ Pa^ 
tres Confcripti^ fi meher" 
cle peccato locus effet^ fa- 
cile paterer ms ipja re 
corrigi ; quoni^m verha 
contemnitis, Sed undique 
circumventi fumus. Cati- 
lina cum exercitu infau- 
cihus urget. Alii intra 
mania atque infnu urbis 
funi iiojies. Neque parari 
neque confuli quidquam 
occulte poteJl\ quo ma- 
gis properandum eji. 
^uare ita ego cenfeo : 
Cum nefario confilio Jce^ 
Uratorum civium refpub" 
iica in maxuma pericula 
venerit^ hique indicio Tl 
Volturcii \ Csf . legatorum 
Allohrogum convi^i^ con^- 
Jeffique Jint^ Ci^demy in- 
jcendiaj aiiaq*y fada atq; 
criideUa facimra in civis 
patriamq'y paravijfe ; de 
confeffts^ Jicutir de mani^ 
feftis rerum capitaliumy 
mre majorum JuppTtcium 

Pardon the youth of Cethegus, if 
this be not the fecond time he has 
made war upon his country. ,For 
what need 1 fay any thlng of Ga- 
binius, Statilius, and Cseparius ? 
who, if they had had but the 
leaft confideration at all, would 
never have engaged in fuch defigns 
againft the publick. Finally, fe- 
thers, if there was in this cafe 
room for mifconduft, I could ea- 
•filyfuffcryou to be fet rightby 
the event, fince you regard not 
words. Butwearepuftiedhomeon 
all fides, Catiline with an afmy 
isjuft upon us. Others of the 
enemy are within our walls, and 
in the midft of the city itfelf. 
No preparations or confultations 
of ours can be concealed from 
them, and therefore we muft ufe 
expedition. Wherefore my opi- 
nion is this. Since the ftate has 
been brought into the utmoft 
danger by the villainous contri- 
vance of fome wicked members 
of it, and thefe have been fuflSci- 
entiy proved guilty of the fame, 
by the evidence of T. Volturcius, 
and the deputies of the Allobro- 
gcs, and have confeflred their be- 
mg concerned in a defign to af- 
faffinate divers gentlemen, and 
fire the clty, and to commitvari- 
ous other di/inal and cruel crimcs 
againft their fellow-citizens and 
country, my opinion, I faj^ is, 
that they be puniihed accon' 
. antient ufage, as being, 
own confemon, manifeffl] 
of crimes worthy ofdeal 





.VII. Poftquam Ca- 
to afifedit ; con^lares 
omnes, itemque fenati 
magna pars, fententiam 
ejus laudant, virtutem a- 
nimi ad coelum ferunt. 
Alii aiios increpantes ti- 
midos vocant. , Cato cla- 
rus atque magnus habe- 
tur- Senati decretum fit, 
ficut jUe cenfuerat. Sed 
mihi, multa legenti, 
multa audienti, ' quae 
populus Romanus do- 
mi militiaeque, mari at- 
que terra praeclara fa- 
cinora fecit, forte lubuit 
attendere, quae res max- 
ume tanta negotia fufti- 
nuiflet. Sciebam fsepe- 
numero paVva manu cum 
magnis legionibus hofti- 
um contendifle. Cogno- 
veram parvis copiis bella 
gcfta cum opulentis re^- 
bus; ad hoc, faepe for- 
tunae violentiam tolerafle; 
facundia Graecos, gloria 
belli Gallos ante Roma- 
nos fuifle. Ac mihi mul- 
ta agifanti, conftabat, 
paucorum civium egregi- 
am virtutem cun£b p^^ 
travifle; eoque fa^ip, 
uti divitias paupertas, 
multitudinem paucitas 
fuperaret. Sed poftquam 
luxu atque defidia civitas 
corrupta eft; rurfus ref- 
publica magnitudine fua 
imperatorom atque ma« 
giftratuum vitia fuftenta- 
bat ; ac, veluti efFoeta pa- 
fent^ ^iultis temjpeftati- 

LVIL Mer Cato fate down^ 
all the Comular gentlemen^ with 
the greatejt part oftbe reji^ at^ 
J>laud his fentence^ and extol his 
rejilution to the heavensj upbraid^ 
ing and calling one another cow^ 
ardsy but magnifiing ani( celebra'- 
ting Catofor a hero. Accordingly 
a vote taffed conformahle to his 
advice.j^ "Now^ as I have readand 
heard m^ch of the noble atchieve-f 
ments of the Roman peoplcy bath 
in peace and war^ byfea andhy 
landy I had a, mind to make a 
Jlri£l enquiry into the true fpring 
ofall their mightyfuccefs* Iwa$ 
fenjibley they had ofientimes with 
a handful of men engaged vaji 
armies of their enemies* I was 
not ignorantj 4hey had carried on 
wars againft mighty princes with 
fmallforces ; • and befides^ had of-* 
tentimes felt the feverefi flrokes of 
ill fortune\ that the Greeks were 
fuperior to them in eloquencey and 
the Gauls for reputation in war. 
Upon due conftderation I found^ 
that the proaigious bravery and 
fonduSf of afew fine men did aU^ 
and was the true caujcy that po- 
verty prevailed againji riches^ and 
fmall njmbers againfi great. But 
after the city became dehauched 
with luxury and idlenefsy Jlill the . 
commonwealthj by reafon of ifs 
grandeur^ was able to bear up un^ 
der all the vices of it's comman^ 
ders and magijirates\ but yet 
Rome^ like a woman effete with . 
the produSIion ofa numerous broody 
' did not, for a long time^ producefo 
much as one man of any extraor^ 
dinary charaSIer.. But within the 
compafs ofmy own times^ we have 

I jt bu^ 



bus haud lane quifquam had two perfons df great abilltlesj 
Rbmae virtute magnus hut quite different diffofttiom^ Al. 
fuit. Sed, menaofia mtfea, Cato and 6. Cafar^ whom I was 
ingenti virtute, diverfis not wiiling to pafs Jlightly by^ ftnce 
moribus fuere viri duo, fofair an opportunity prefented af 
M. Cato & C. Ca?far*, enlarging upon their chAra5lers. 
quos, quoniam res ob- l/They were pretty much upon a par^ 
tul^at, filentio praeterire ^-ty/V^ refpe6i to their exiraSfiony 

age^ and eloquence, They had 
both the fame greatnefs lof fouly 
with an equaljhare ofgkry^ but 
of a different kind, C(zfar was 
celebrated fir a houndlefs and no- 
hle generofity^ Catofor ihe inte- 
grity of his life ne former he- 
camefamous by his mildnefs and 
mercy ; his feverity gave a mighty 
reputation to ihe latter, Cafar 
acquired glory hy the praSIice of 
generofity^ compajjion^ and cle- 
mency\ Cato hy refufmg to wajie 
his fuhjiance in hribing the peaple, 
' In one there was a fure refuge 
far dando, fublevando, for the miferable \ in ihe other cer- 
ignofcendo ; Cato, nihil tain deJiruSiion for the wicked, 

The eafmefs of the former was 
admiredy thejieady refolution of 
the latteri^ rinally^ Cafar was 
lahorious, yigilant^ intent upoh 
all occaftons offerving his friends^ 
to the negleSt of his otJn concerns ; 
denied no hody any thing that was 
worth iheir acceptance^ and 
fought nothing for himfelf but 

non foit conplium; quin 
utriufque naturam & mo- 
res, quantum ingenio 
poflem, aperirem.^jClgi- 
tur his genus, aetas^ elo- 
quentia prope aequalia fu- 
ere. Magnitudo animi 
par, item gloria; fed alia 
alii. Caefar beneficiis ac 
munificenti^ magnus ha- 
bebatur ; • integritate vita 
Cato. IUe manfuetudine 
& mifericordia clarus fac- 
tus; huic fevcritas dig- 
nitatem addiderat. Cae- 

Jargiundo, gloriam adep- 
tus eft. In altero miferis 
perfugium; in altero ma- 
lis pernicies. IUius facili- 
tas, hujus conftantia, lau- 
dabatur. Poflxemo Cap- 
far in animum ' induxerat 
l^borare, vigilare; nego- 
tiis amicorum intetitus, 
fua negligere; nihil dene- 
gare, quod dono dignum 
eflfet; fibi magnum im- 

the command ef an army^ with a 

new wary in order to difplay his 
va/i^abilities io the world, Cato 
was a lover of moderation^ decen- 
cy^ andy ahove aU^ ftriSi 'difci" 
pline. He did not vi^ '^ith the 
rich in riches^ nor infaSiion wiih 
thefaSiious^ but in brctvery with 
tbe hrave^ in modejiy with the 
Non divitiis cum divite, modeji^ and iti jujiice ivith the 

•^ '- neque 

perium, exercitum, bel- 
lum novum exoptabat, 
ubi virtus enitefcere pof- 
fet. At Catoni ftudium 
tnodeftiae, dec(5tis ; fed 
maxume feveritatis erat. 



neque faftione cum ftc- innocent. JJr chi^£ retherU be 
tiofo; fed cum ftrenuo good^ than appear fo-y and thirt- 
virtute, cum innocenteab- frre the /j/i he fought after ghry^ 
ftmenria certafoat. Efle, the more it fiilowed him^ 
quam videri^ bonus malebat. Ita, q«K> minus glQriam ^te- 
bat, eo magis illum ^|equebatur. 

LVIII. Poftquam, uti LVIII. After the Senate, as I 
dixi, fenatus in Catenis havefaiel^ gave in to Caio^s opU 

nim^ tht Canful thinking ii tbt 
beji way to have the fentence sxi^ 
cuted that very night^ which was 

fententiam.difceffitj con- 
ful optumum faftu ratus, 
noftem, quae inftabat. 

antecapere, ne quid eo /«/? at hand\ fir fear of any ri" 
fpatio novaretur, trium- Jing in the city^ in cafe of delay^ 
viros, quae fupjdicium orders the Triumviri to have aH 
poftulabat, parare jubet. things ready for the fame, Ht 
Ipfe,. praeiidiis difpofitis, himfelf conduSls Lentulus to pri-^ 
Lentulum in carcerem fon^ where he placedjirong guardsi 
jdeducit. Idem fit-ceeteris whilfi the Prators do the fame by 
per pratores. Eft in car- the reji cf the confpirators. There 
cere locus quod Tullia- is a place in the jaiiy calied Tul- . 
num appdlatur, ubi paul- lianum, upon a fmaii rife to the 
lulum afcenderis ad lae- lefi hand^ as one enters^ which is 
vam, circiter XII. pedes Junk tweive foot within the earthj 
humi depfefius. Eum fecured on aiiftdeshy JirongwaUs^ 
muniunt undique parie- dnd a good arch ofjione ahove^ 

but a najiy^ dark^ fiinking^ dif 
mai piaee, As foon as Lentmus 
was iet down tnto the fame^ the 
executiorters appointedfor thepur» 
lis ejus facies. In eum lo- pofejirangied him, Thus did that 
cum poftquam dcmifliis gentieman of a patrician famifyy 

the grcat famty of the Comeliiy 
who had been Confui o^ Romej 
come to an end fuitedto his man", 
ners and behaviour, CetieguSj 
Statiiiusy GahirtiuSy and Qepa-^ 
riusy were aiipunijhed in thefame 
manner, * 

mae habuerat, dignum moribus faSifque fuis exitum vitae 
inVenit. De Cethego, Statilio, Gabinio, Caepario^ eodem 
xnodo fupplicium fumptum eft. 

LIX. Dum ea RomaB LIX. Whiijl thefe things are 
geruntur, Catilina ex doing at Rome^ Catiline formed 
^mni copia, quam ipfe two iegions out of the tr^ops he 


tes, atque infuper camera 
lapideis fomicibus 'vinc- 
ta; fed ihcultu, tenebris, 
odorefaeda, atque terribi- 

eftLentuIus; vindices re- 
rum capitalium, quibus 
praeceptum erat, laqueo 
gulam fi^egere. Ita ille pa- 
tricius, ex gente clariflu- 
ma * Coffneliomm, qui 
corifulare imperium Ro- 



adduxerat & Mahlius ha- had brought tuitb him^ dnd thofB 

• buerat, duas legiones in-^ of Manlius together^ and makes 

ftituit, cohortes pro nu- up his hattalions according to the 

mero militum complet. number of his men ; and then as 

Dein, uti quifque voljin- any pohnteers^ or thofe that had 

tarius aut ex fociis in ca- before engaged it^ the ploty came 

ftra venerat, aequaliter iw, he difpofed of ihent equalfy 

diftribuerat; acbrevifpa- among histroops-y and in a Jhort 

tio legiones numero ho- time made his legions full as io 

minum expleverat; cum number tho* he had not at firfi 

initio non amplius duo- above tivo thoufand men. Uf 

busmillibushabuiflet. Sed thefe about a. fourth part were 

ex onmi copia circiter compleatly armed\ the refi^ as it^ 

pars quarta erat militari- happened^ had fpears or lances^ 

bus armis inftrufta. Cae- and fome onfy Jharp fiakes. But 

teri,. ut quemque cafiis after the approach of Anthony 

armaverat, fparos aut lan- with his army^ , Catiline took to 

ceas, alii praeacutas fudes the mountains, andone while made 

portabant. Sed poftquam a movement towards Rome^ and 

, Antonius cum exercitu then again > towards Gaul^ but 

adventabat, Catilina per wouldgive the eneray no opportu^ 

montis iter facere; modo nity ofbattle. He hoped hejhould 

ad urbem, modo in Gal- fpeedtly have a vafi army^ if his 

Eam verfus caftra move- ' fellows did butfucceed in the exe^ 

re; hoftibus occafionem cution of their defigns in town. 

pugnandi non dare. Spe- In the mean time he rejufed the 

rabat propediem magnas Jlaves that came in to him atfirfi 

copias k habiturum, fi in great numbers^ depending upon 

Romae focii incepta pa- the fimngth of the confpiracy ; - 

traviflent. Interea fervi-^ andjat thefame time not thinking 

tia repudiabat, cujus ihi- it confifient with his pretenfionsy 

tio ad eum magnae copiae to appear to jumble freemen and 

concurrebant, opibus con- flave^ together in thefame interefi. 

juradonis fretus; fimul But afi$r news arrived in the 

alienum fuis rationibus campy that a full difcovery hadbeen 

exiftumans, videri cauf- made &f the con/piracy at Rome ; 

fam civium cum fervis that Lentulusy Gthegus^ and the 

fugitivis* communicaflfe. reji mentioned above^ had been all 

Sed poftquam in caftra put to deathy mofi of Catiline^s 

nuhcius pervenit, Romae men^ whom the hopes of plunder^ 

Cdnjurationem patefac- or the love of changCy had tetnpt^ 

tam, dc Lentulo, & Ce- ed to the war^ flip away. The 

thego, caeterifque, quos refi Catiline ledby great marches 

fupra joaemoravi, fuppli- ihrough craggy mountainsy intp 

. ^ium, 



cium ftimptum, plerique, 
quos ad bellum fpes rapi- 
narum, aut novarum re- 
rum ftudium illexerat, di- 
labuntur. Reliquos Cati- 
lina per montis afperos 
magnis itineribus in a- 
grum Piftorienfem abdu- 
cit; eo confilio, uti per 
tramites occulte profuge- 
ret in Galliam Tranfelpi- 
nam. At Q. Metdlus Ce- 
lercum tribus legionibus 
in agro Piceno prasfidebat 5 
ex difiiculte rerum ea- 
dem illa exiflximans, quse 
fiipra diximus, CatHinam 
^gitare. Igitur, ubi iter 
qus ex perfiigis eognovit, 
caftta propere movit, ac 
fub ipfis i;adicibus moh- 
tium cojifedit, qua illi de- 
fcenfus erat ih Galliam 
properanti. Ncque ta- 

the neighbourhood of Pi/lorium^ 
tn order to make his way privately 
through fome narrow' defiles jnto 
Tranfalpine Gaul. But ^ Me^ 
tellus Celer was po/Ied with three 
legions in the territory of Picenej 
who guejfed by thejireights Cati" 
line wqs in^ he had fuch a defign^ 
as has been mentionedj in vieWm 
Whirefore heing informed byfome 
deferters from him^ of the rout 
he had taken^ he immediately 
-marched away^ and encamped at 
tbe bottom of the mountainy where 
he was ' to pafs into GauL Nior 
was Anihony far offy who purfued 
the enemy fiying wiih Httle or na 
baggagCy wiih a goed army^ a~ . 
long the low country, But Cati-' 
line finding himfelf imlofedhy the 
mauntainSj. and the enemy^s troepi 
togetherj that all went wAng tn 
the citVs and that there 

— * — jf — — ^ — — Q — 
exercitu locis sequioribus 
expeditos in fugam feque- 
retur. Sed Catilina, poft- 
qnam vidit montibus at- 

ctty^ ana tuat tmre was m 

hopes either of fiight or defenc§ 

men Antonius longe abe- ' within waUs^ thinking it the hejl 

rat; utpote qui magno way infuch a cafe^ to trythefor^ 

tune ofa battle, he refohed to en^ 
gage Anthony as foon as poffible* 
Wherefore calling his army toge^ 
ther^ hemade thtm afpeech to tbe 
que copiis hoftium fefe folkwing purpofe. 
daufum, in urbe res adverfas, neque fugae ncque prsefidii ul- 
lam fpem, optumum &£hi ratus in tali re fortunam belli ten- 
tare, ftatuit cum Antonio quam primum confligere. Itaque^ 
concione advocata, hujufcemodi orationem habuit« 

LX. Compertum ego LX. I am very fenfible, gcn*^ 
hdbeoy militesj verba vi- tlemen, that words cannot infpire 

courage, and that an army of 
droncs will never become vigo-- 
rous and adive, or of cowards 
bravfe, by any thing a general can 
fay to thcm. Juft as much cou- 
rage as nature or ufe has given a 
man, wiU he fticw in time of bat* 


ris virtutem non addere; 
neque ex ignavo ftrenuum^ 
neque fortem ex timtdo 
exercitum oratione impe^ 
ratoris fieri ^anta cu^f 
jufque animo audacia na^ 
tura aut mribus ineft^ 



iani^ in beUo patenfokt. 
^mm neque ghria neque 
p^ricula excitaret^ nequic- 
quam borttre, Ttmor a/ii- 
mi auribus officit. Sed ego 
^oSj qiio pauca momrem^, 
advocavis Jimul uti cauf^ 
fam conjilii mei aperirem,. 
Scitis equidem^ ?nilites^ 
focordia atque ignavia 
Lentuliy quantam ipji no' 
iif(^ue cladem adtukrit ; 
quoque modoy dum ex ur- 
be jprafidia opperior^ in 
GnUiam profictfci nequi- 
*uerim* l^unc vero^ quo 
m loco res nojira fint^ 
jusfta Tnecum omnes inteU^ 

LXI. Exercitus hojii^ 
tm duo^ unus ab urbcj 
^er a Gallia^ objiant. 
Diutius in bis locis ejfey.ji 
maxume animus ferat^ 
friimenti atque dliarum 
rerum egejias prohibet. 
^uocunque ire placety 
ferro iter aperiundum efi. 
^uapropter v^s moneo^ 
utiforti atque parato ani* 
mo fitis ; Csr, cum praii-' 
um ' inibitisy memineri^ 
tis^ vos divitias^ decus^ 
ghriam^ praterea iiber" 
tatem^ atque patriam^ in 
dextris vejiris portare. . 
5/ vincimus^ omnia nobis 
iuta erunti cojnmeatus. 
abundcy municipia atqug 
cobnia patebunt,^ Sin me^ 
tu cejferimus^ eadem ill^ 
advorfa fient \ neque lo- 
cus neque amicus quifquam 
tegety . fuem arma uon 

de. 'Tis ui vain to encourage 
one, whom neithef glcrry aor dan- 
ger can work upou; his fear pre- 
vents all attention to what: you 
fay. I have therefore called you 
together, only to jgive you a little 
advice, and acquaint ypfu witli the: 
reafon of my proceedings.. You 
know fuU weil7 gentlemen, what 
liiifchief theduilnefs and ina<Sivity 
of Lentulus has» brought upon 
bimfelf arid us all ; and how, 
whilft I wait here fof reinforce- 
ments from town, I have beea 
preventedfrom getting into G^ul. 
Now you are all as fenfible as I 
myfel^ of the ftateofour affairs. 

/ - 

LXL We have two anbies up- 
ou us, pnefiromRome, andano- 
ther frQ.m Gaul. The w^nt of 
corr^ and ottiiKr npceflaries, will 
not allow of jDur contihuance here, 
tho' we never fo much defired it. 
And whitherfoever we think of 
niarching, >ye muft mak< our way 
-with the fword. Wherefore be 
bold and refolute, and whien yQU 
engage, cortfider that you carry 
riches, honpur, gjory, liberty, 
and your country, in your right 
hanas. If we conquer, all will 
be fafe j we fhall have plenty of 
provifions, and the boroughs and 
colonies all at our devotion. But 
if we flinch through fear, our cafe 
will be the reyerfe. No place or 
friend will be able to fecure him, • 
Y^hom arms could not. Befides, 
gentlemen, there is not the fame 
neceflity incumbent upon us and 
thetti. We fight fpr our countiy, 
llbeiFty, and livesi they to ad- 




Htei^ non eadem nobfs ^ 

illis necejjitudo ifnpendet. 

Nosprapairii', pro liber^ 

t£tte^ pro vlta certamus. 

lUis Jupervacaneum efl 

\pro potenti^ taidcorum 

puznarev hua atmictusrag^ 

.^redtmmt^ ^mfimores pri-^ 

Jiina viriuiis. Licuit 

yance the power of a few^^^y^^ich 
they haye no need to /ia j which 
;fliould.encourage.yx>u .to/ajl on 
bl-ayely, jiundfil of your ^qrmpr 
oDurage. We migl^t' h^y^ lived jin 
bahiihment, but vfith .rt\Q .v^mq^ 
difgface. Sojifie of y^u top mig^t 
have liyed at Rome in ia !ftanricg 
condition« and a flatef oi deperi- 
dance. ^ JBut bec^ijjfe thofe things 
ziobis £um Junmd turpi^ at)peare<^8i(honoura^ ^itok- 
'ti^ii^e in, jexjilio fstatem ' raSle to.^rave men^ you- refolyed 
j^gere. P}>iuijiis nonnul' upbii th^^Vart yo\§^now a^, . A.^^ 
2i Romar,..amjjJts bpnis^ i^y^^ deftre to jget out pf yqijr 
aiienas iipks ejcpe£fare. prefent^ill circamftances,' cp;uf age 
J^ta illa.. fieda aique itt" . is the only way to it. Noqie but 
toleranda viris videban- . conguergrs eyer. chaf^e war for 
iur^ bac Mqui. decrevi^ Pf^^S^* S^9^ ^^ ^^^. f^c^fity 91 
^is.^ Si tfjsc relinquere ,fl»glit, whenthearms thajlhquii 
vultisi audacia ipis ^ ejl. 'iecure ajinap, aretumedifrpm ttie 
Nimo^ mji vipory .pace aiemy, -is nKidnefs..^ Xhe' moii 
'belltim .'mutavit. ,^am 'timOTous are alyvay^; ifi .tjie- m^ 
in fuga Jduiem Jperare^ . time oftottle. . yaloi^r 
cum arma [quis cofpus te^, ,is a wall ,of defence,^ Whep X 
gitur^ dk . hoflibus ayer^ . confider .you, an4 ypur gallai^t 

behaviom*, gcpdensien, I ain in 

reat bop^ of vjfijoiry. Yo\xt 

jirit, jouth, and ccwrage, giye 

liie heart ; as alfo the nepeffity 

you are under, which makes cow- 

ards brave. For the narrownefs 

of the place we are to eiigage in, 

fecares^us againft being furround-- 

viSforia teniK .'JnimuSy .ed by the enemy's numbersp But 

\ietas^ virtus yejlra me if fortuiie cnvy your brayery, be 

fureyou fall not unrevenged. Suf- 
fer notjourfelves tobe takenand 
ftaughtered like cattle \ but f^ljt 
like men rather, and leave the 
enemy a bloody, and a forrowful 
_ viftory. 
ft virtutl veflra fortuna ihviderity cavetej ne inulti animam 
amittatis i neve capti potiuSy Jicuti pecora^ trucidemini^ qt*am 
virorutn inore pu^nantes^ cruentam atque luSiuofam vi^oriam 
hojlibus relifiquatts* ' K LXU» 

-tensj ea vero dementta 
£ft. Semper Jn pr^lio iis 
maxumum. eji periculumy 
t^ui maxume timent. -<&- 
Jacia pro muro habetur. 
Cum vos conftderoy mili- 
ies,f h^ eum .JaSa vejira 
^sjiumoy magna me fpes 

hortantur-y praterea ne- 
cejfttUdoj qu^ etiam timi-^ 
dos fortis facit» Namy 
muititudo hojiium ne cir^ 
cunruenire queatj prohi- 
tent angiJiia. loci, ^Uod 

:y4 •'•'(3. CRISPI SAtLUStlt' * 

' • liXII.' Haec"ubi-dixit, ^^^^» ^^^ ^f^^ the delhery^ 
' pauUulum ^^^ commoratus of ihis fpeech^.he ^commanded the 
' 'figna xariere- jubet j ?itque . jighal to he giDeh for hattle^ and 
" inftru6tbs"bnfines m lo- draws dowh his troops in fhper 
•cum3equuAi'deciucit. ID^- ordir tipon' a 'troiind toinmodious 

- ih,' refftfotis omnium ' ti- fof him 5 and then hauihg ordered 

- ^tiisi qiJa- 'ntilitibus, ex- all ihe horfes (nxxay^ to pui the ikore 
; sequ^to peiiculo, animus ; 'fefohtibn ihio hirmen^. Ijy. makihg 

afmplibf ' eflet, ipfe • pedcs the dariger of aii .»A'i^ • he heing 
exercittim pro loco atque • -" hirnfelf m foot^ marjhcds his: ar-* 
Copiid Wftrutt:- Nam,' utr ' t^t^j '^j the nature xfthe placey 
plartities- e/atr' mteir fini^^ ^and^his mmherof tneh reqmred. 
ftros monti^^''& ab dfeXte-^- ^'-Pdr' as ihe pldih pad'on the left a 
' ra fupes a^era, b6lo co^ ^moimtain^ andon therighta crag- 
hortis in fronte coriflitxr-'* ^jy rvcky he dreiv up eight. baitali^ 
it ; reliqua -figria in fub-' - tms-infrohty andthe . refihe pla^ 
fidiis.ar6Hti$ coUocat. A-b ' ced''clofe in the y^ear^ to relieve 
his centuriones oriitiisj & - thefh upon occdfoh*' But he 'cuU 
evocatbsj ' priaeter^a ex hdfrom amongjt^ them^alt the choi^ 
greg^rits - militibus pptu^ ceft xenturiorts^ andothef old foh 
mum quemqiie afmiatum 'diersy 'e*uen comnh)n fildiers' tooy 
irt priniaitt' acieni fufcdu- ahd^ pofted them in ihe fofemofi 
cit. C Mahlium in dex- rank* He appointyC. Manttusto 
tra, Faefulanum quen- command onthe right^ afid an of^ 
dam in finiftfa parte' cu- • ftce¥ of Feefulte onthe ieftJ' tit 
rarejubeti ' Ipfe cum Ir-' with' his freed^-men^' am fome of 
bertis &' cotenis prdpter 'Sulla^s^olafoldiers^ that had fettled 
aquilarii adfiffit, quam, in thofe partSj took up hisjiand hy 
bello Cimbrico C. Mari- '" the eagte^ wpich^ it' was faid^ C. 
us in exercitu habuiflTe di- . Marius ^had hadin his army in the 
cebatur. At ex ialtera paf- Cimbrick wan On the otherfidey 
te C. Antonius, pedibus ^C, Anionius heing rendered hy a 
ager, quod praelio , adefle ftt ofthe goutj uhcapahie to com- 
nequibat, M. Petrejo le-^ himfeif upoh ihis occafton^ 
■ gato exercitum permit- commiftioned his lieuienant'-general 
tit. IUecohortis vetera- M, Fetreius to fupply his place. 
^ nas, quas tumuhi cauflTa Accordingly he pofis the old hatta- 
confcriprerat, infronte; lions^ which hehad dranjun^ toge- 
poft' eas, cseterum ^er- thtr upon account of this rebelii' 
•citum in fubfidiis' locat. on^ in thefront^ and behind them 
Ipfe, equo circumiens, the r-eji ofthearmy^ to reinforce 
unumquemque nomi- thcm^ if need required, He ri-. 
pans, appcUat, hortatur, ding about^ and calling upon his 
jrogat, uti meminerint fe men^ here andtherehy name^ ani^ 

• . cmU'a 


t^tra: •ktroru$..'imrmsy.',7n(lt^h cncouxages^ fftdj t^gs -of 
pra- .patria, \pro lib^rii^^ ^he?nj to coniider, «Ijat they were. 
pri aris atque focis Juis noyv U> fight agaiaft ^ parcel pf 
cerfare, . Hoino mifita- iinarmed robbers, iortheircbun,-^- 
ris, quod ampliu^ aniios iry, ii?^ir ch^dren,>^ir all. 
r?0, tribunus aut praefec- jind. as he^ had led the:iiU, pf a /&/- * 
tuSy aut legatus, aut prae- . , ^n^r^ \having. been\ .emplQyfa, ,in the^ 
tor, cum rnagna gloria .^at reputa-^ 
in exercitu fuerat, plerof- ' tlonyfor above ihirty.years' tcge*,, 
qucy ip/bs, . faftaque eorum ther, ^ as Jribune^^,,^pmm^,d^r of^, 
fortia nover^t, ea com- horfey lieutenant-generfly or pra^ , 
rnemorando, p:iiUtUm a- tor, h^ was acquainted/uiith, mo/i , 
nimgs aceend^ljat,. ifthefoldiers, and the brave ac^\ 

. notice.of whicp^ he, ^ef-y mkch rai-^ . 
. fed their cpuraze. ^ , ^ ,. 

LXIli. Sed ubi, otn- , LXJII. After a thorough in^ . 
nibus , rebus exploratis, -. fpeSfim into the fitfpo/kion Qf his 
Pel;j:ejus tubai fignum da^." troots^^ Pctreiu^ V^Jfrx ih^ ftgnal ■ 
cohortis pauUatim ince- 'io le ^founded, , anf 'il>e Jfatt^lions 
dere jubet. Jdeqi fecit bo- to a^vance ftowly^ wV^W ^^, ^^-*.. 
ftium exercitus». Poft- mfs army does t\efami. .After^^^ 
quam ^o ventum eft, un- they^ came ncar enougk for , the ^ 
de^a fereritajciis . praqlium, Ught-armedfoldiersto'begin ihe 
committi^ poffet ; ri^axu- ^ Jighty hoth Jtdes fall io piork . with 
nip cIamore,.infefti^ fignis, . a very great thbut^ Jword in hand^ 
cpricurrunt,; .pila omit- [without maktng tfe of ih(ir fi)ort^ 
tunt ; gladiis res gqritun. lances, ^hiveteransy^mi^dfuiof 
Veter^ni priftiriaB virtu- their forrner bravery^engqge the,\ 
tis memores, cominus enemy in clofe fight with great , 
acriter inftare ^ illi haud fury i^^whil^ they make as . jgallant , 
timidi refifturif. Maxuma a reft/iance^ fo ihat a very de^e'^, 
vi certatur.y .Iriterea' Ca-. rate battle enfued. In .which Ca-^ 
tillria cum expeditis in ^ iiline- with a detdQhed pariy^ mo- , 
prima acte verfari; la- * vedahout in thejirfi .Itney reliev-^ ] 
borantibusfuccurrer^; in- 'ing the dijlrejfedy bringing . up i 
tegrbs prd fauciis accer- frejh mert to fupply the ptace pfthe , 
ferej omnia- prbvidere; iJooundedy arid providing. for^- all. ^ 
niultum ipfe pugnare, ^xigences ; fighting himfelf too, in '-. 
faepe hoftem ferire. Strc- perfon' very^ ofien^ . ahd ^perform-^ . 
nui riiilitis & bpni 'iriipe- ' once^ali ih'e .duties 'ofafioui 
ratoris officia fimuLexfe-i foldiery dnd d goocf commanderm 
quebatur. !Petrejus, ubi Petreiusfinfing jOatiliney conira^ 

vi^Qt .Catilinam, contra ry iihii^pe^aiionsymnd to it^ 

K 2 ac 




ac rattts crat, magna vi with great objiinac^^ bringf nf 
tendere, cohortem prse- the generafs oivnjeie^ batialion - 
toriam in rtiedios hpftis ufOn their mffin body^ bywhichhe\ 
tnducit; ep%ie pcrtur- hnke them\ and tbo* the^ rallted. 
batos, att[ue aHos alibi re- ' agalvy and fixted' abont upojt him 
fiftjent^ iftferficit. Deinde here and ihere^ jft he mqdie vafi^ 
utrimqueex lateribusca-^ fiaftfghter of Ihem. Ajier' nXfhhtk 
teros aggreditur. Manlius^ , he aitacki thi rtH in^eath^r^. . 
& Faefalanus. in pnmis Manlius and thi Fajulan werd 
pugnantes cadimtV Pbft- ' amongfi the firft ihat fielU Cati^ . 
cjpam fuTas copias, fequc line Jeeing his fones f^outedy ^"^ . 
ctfm jiaueis rcliaum vir ^ri^^lf teft wiih^ d findU pcirty^ . 
det.Catiliria, mcjnor gc- thatjioodby him^ refteSltng upon 
nSris" atque^ prifliniae dig- bis.fehnilyy and former dignitjy 
nitatis faae, in cbnfcrtiG ri^fd in amongft the thickeji of 
fumos hoftis incurrit, ibi- thje enemyy and.%.uas thert. Jlai^ 
que pugnaris cdnfoditur. figlking to ihe lafii 

tXW. t^yco^o,: XXIV; Jtfiei^ ' the battle was 
pfaelio, tltm vero cerne- eHded^ you mtght haye feen ample 
TeSs^ quahta audacia, qugn- toiens of the. defperAte' couragc 
taqU^ ahimi visf fuiflej ih and fpirii }n ihe armf. of CatiUne^, 
cjcercitu, Catilinae. Nam They were generdlly found fiain 
ferej quen(i quifque, viyus upo^ [the yery fpotthsy ivcr&pojted 
pugnando iQCum ceperat, iri at fhe heginnin^ Qftise. aljiony 
efim, amif& anima, cor- Somefewonly ofthe main bo^^^ 
porie tegcbat, ^Pauci au- which hadbeek brokeby the ^ine// 
t€in quoi; inedios cohori raTs gudrd^.fetlfcatfetedhere 
pritbrii digecerat, pauUo and there''at .la liitfe ^ijtdtice^ bnt^ 
dhrerflUs, fed omhes ,^a. aHwiih woiinds before. But Ca^. 
men adverfii vulncritus^ tiline himfelf vdasfoimS ata great ^ 
cdnciderant. ^ Catilina.yiero dijtance frpmthe,refl^ am^ft^hat. 
longp a fuis injer hoftmm heaps of ihe' Jlaught^red enem^^^ , 
cada^era repqtus " efl^ . not qutte deady andret^ining iH ^ 
p^IIukmi etiafn. l][)irans> his loiks his Wonied ^fiercenefi* 
fetociamque anirijiij quam finalty^ out of all ihat numhef^ 
hibuerat yivu$, m vuitu notfomuchasoneman dbove ihc\ 
n^mens. iPoftremo, ex qualityofajldye^wasjakeiiyeir:,, 
oibni copia, n^que in prae- ther in t6e batile^ or in ihe fiigh^ \ 
lio, rieque in fiiga, qriif- that they feemed to^ hdve. fpdrea \ 
qtoi^ civisingemius cap- their ownjivesy ds .little as th&fe^^ 
tus etf. Ita 'cuhai fijae ofthe enemy.' Nor.had ihe armf. 
hoftiumque^ vit^ juxta ' ofthe.repulbUckmuch reafQntore^ 
pfperceraiit N^qiie ta- joice hi their vi£loryy , as being /t 
irtcri^exferdtus populi Ro- very^iloody one. For tbe bravejf 

^ ' mani' 



ma^ Iztam >ut 'iiftiWi- ttm^g-tiiim weri aU^ »tthirlp^ny 
tam. viSonain. adeptus. an -dtfitrattfy uioundid. jManf 
cni. Nam flrcoinfiomuii thca camt tut ef thi tBmf 4e vien/ . 
quifque aut occtderat in the field of battli, or plunder tbe 
pnelio, aut graviter vul- Jlainy in tumiling over the dead 
neratus difc^fqt^ Midti io^/J, fiitne feund afrifndy atbtrs 
autem, qui e caiftris vi- a rtiation-y andfome te» iightup- 
fundi, aut fpoliasdi gratia on th<ir jnemiet. So ihat_ tbere 
proceflenint, volventea was "throughoui the vjhtU armyy 
hoftilia c^davera, atnicuin a Jlrangt- mixtttr^e of-mrth^aad 
alii, pars hofpitem aut prrimiy mourning andjoy. 
■ comatura reperiebant. Fuarcvitsni, qui inimicos fuos cog- 
noTcerent. Ita varie per omnem exercitum lictitia, moeror, 
ludus, atque^auti(^,^t|ibaaturp ' 

C CJLI.S-,, 

. >' 


I » 


•C; Crispi SallusttJ 

^^ I , 

- ■ <-\ /-v 



f •^ « ■- * ^ 

" > * 1 ■ . <.;^ J 


- u 

y i: 

w'< • ' 

Belluin Jugiirthintim. 

FA L S O queritur 
de natura fua ge- 
nus humanurt, 
quod imbecille atque aevi 
brevis, forte potius, quam 
virtute, regatur. Nam 
contra reputando, nequc 
tnajus aliud, neque prae- 
ftabilius invenias ; ^ tnagif- 
que naturae induflriam 
hominum, quam yim aut 
tempus, deefle. S^ddux 
atque imperator vitae 
mortalium animus eft ; 
qui, ubi ad gloriamvir- 
tutis via graffatur, abunde 
poUens, potenfque, & cla-. 
rus eft, neque fortuna 
^et ; quippe quae probi^ 
tatem, induftriam, aliaf- 
que artis bonas neque da- 
re, neque eripere cuiquam 
poteft. bin captus pravis 
cupidinibus, ad inertiam 
& voluptates corporis 
peffumdatus .dft, pernici- 
ofa* lAbidine p&uUifper u- 

MAnkini complain of thett^ 
nature without caufe^ as 
infirm and Jhort-lived^ 
and more under tbe dire^fion of 
chance than virtue^ But upon 
confidering the human frame in d 
diffetent^vieWy you will find no^^ 
thing in ihe world m^re great and 
excellent ; and that men wantin^» 
dujlry more than abilities^ or tirrui 
Nqw' the foul is the leader and 
commander tn the life of man^ 
which^ whll/i it purfues glofy itt 
ihe way of virtue^ ts abundantfy 
vigorous^ dblej ■ and gloriouSj and 
fUtnds . in no need of fortune^s 
help ; as who can neither give nor 
take away from any one probity^ 
indufiry^ or other good qualitiesi 
But if the mindy Captivated by 
wicked lujisy ftnks into idlenefs and 
pleafure^ after it has for a while 
indulged its httmour^ to the ruin of 
ifs own vigoury and tbat of the 
body^ bejides lofs of time^ thi 
weaknefs of human nature is bla^ 
medfor it j as people ofill condu£t 




'quippe cuipam' , a£lore$ 

;ad riegotia tt^nsferurit. 
Quod fi horalnibUs bd- 
natura rtmta tahta cui^a 

^effet, quatito -ftudio alie- 
na ac nihil* profutura, 

'iiiukum etTam' periculo- 
fkj ' pttunt ; heque rege- 
rcntti^ In^gis quam rege- 

^fv&y 'Hibi'*^p&r'' {ocOT&zm^ * ar^^apth transfer all hldme fram 
vircs,^ tefr!pu$^"''ihgenrum '"''/ii^^ upon the"- circumjlances 

*3iffluxerc; ' hatui-se infir- ' "of aWairs • they- are' engaged iri. 
mitas, accu(atur. . ^^3^v^';,Now'ifmen iverelmt as^miscB^ 

eoricernedfor ihings' irhily gcody 

aPthey ■' d^ fot- ' 'i»hai- \ir^ '^ither^ 

wife\ and can dvail ^t^k^ ndthingy 

nay' are' really verf4aHg4rvuSyihey 

would not.hefo much^-ptfernied hy 

cbarice^-ns over-^ruleity and ar^ 

rive at' that gratide-urj ai iu^ead 

'ofhiHng\ mortalj to ^f^ar lever 

tn the rtecords offame,- '■'- 

rent cafiisr*^ eo^ magnrtudinis procederent, ubi^pnxmortalibus 

gloria^terni fierent. * .' - • :.' /. 

'11'; Nahx utigpnus ho- IL Forasman is mdeApoftw}) 

'rninum x:6mpofitum ex paris^ hodyandfmlv fo-aiUurcm" 

^rporp & .airima eftj ita ^efris aiCdpurfuits havea^iear uffi' 

-res cundfagj ftudiaque om- nity with ihe niature ofthe one^ or 

nia rioftra,* corporis TiYvsiy^the ethei^. Thus'heauty^ ri^heSy- 

alia aAiti^se naturim fe- dnd-f^rength^^^witb other things 

quuntur. Igitur praeclara ofihe Hke 'hiridy dre fdon gone\ 

.facies, magriae divitiae, ad , hut *the -noUe prodnSfions of the 

hoc, yis corporis, & alia 'mind^ are like the mind itfef^ im^ 

omnia hi^ufcembdiibrevi morial. ' Finaifyy the goods ofthe 

hody andf&rtune^ as they hav,e a 

heginning^ fo have they likewife 

an end ; and dll things that rife^ 

fety and fuch as groWy grow old 

too. But the foul fuffers no decay^ 

is eiernal^ the guide ofman^ a£tf 

and poffeffes all things ; hut is it^ 

auftaTenefcunt. Animus, felf out of the power of every 

incorruptus, aetemus, rec- thing elfe. How wonderful is 

theif' weaknefs then^ who give 
therrfelves up to fenfual enjoy-r 
meniSy and fpend fheir lives in 
luxury and idlenefs ; hut fuffer 
their ndnds^ the hefi and the 
greateji thing in human naturey 
to Ife failoWy withouf ciny 'culii" 
vfltion or care at all of it ? efpe^ 
cially^ when there are fo many^ 
andfuch various^ ways of employ^ 


dilabuntur. • At ingenii 
.leg^egia facinora, ficiiti 
anima, immQrtalia fimt. 
Poftrfmo, corporis & 
fortunae bonorufti, uti 
initiutn, ficfiniseft, om- 
niaque orta occidunt & 

tor humani generis, agit 
^tque habet cundla, ne- 
ique ipfe hibetur. Quo 
magis pravitas eorum ad- 
miranda eft, qui, dediti 
corporis gaudiis, per lux- 
tim atque ignaviam aeta- 
tem agunt ; caeterum, in- 
genium, quo neque meli- 
us, neque amplius aliud in 




<^tam fiiorttiium efi^ ia* ing thf, rmd^\ wkereby. fl mm 

cultu atqqt. focordia tor- may ren^er his,^ame.httmrtaL . 

pefcere finunt} cum prisfatim tam multse variaequeiintaites 

aiumi> .quibus fumma clariti[ld0.paratur. 

III. Vcrum ex his ma- JII. But of thefe fe^veral %ua^\^ 

offices ciyil and mi,litqryy ir^Jhort^ 
all publifck. ,pkices fif itufi artd 
pow^r whatev^r^ f^.^ ^ ^^^ 
time not at J^i^, defirahie , whe^ 
virtue has no rfgard paid it ; and 
thfffe who'ky ha/e^arts oht^in thenfy 
are not^ therefire ^orejecure ^r 
boncurable at alL For to ^overn 


cypur cvuntry or^qr^nts . tn^ tte way 
of violence^ 'tho[ you . %ave , it in 

.^iilnitus & iaiperla, po- 
ftremo omnis^cum rerum 

Eublicarum, minume mi- 
i bac . tempeftate G\|pi-. 
unda videntiii^ Quoniam 
'neijue virtuti honos da- 
*tur>j neque ijli,, quil^s 
per frauclem^jus fuit, tuti, 
aut toeodgiisrhoiielli iur^t. 
Nam, vi quidem regere 

«patriam aut parentes, jaur poyjen^^ .and rnay perhaps , reC^ 
quamquam & •poirisi,. &. p}fyfomeiJ)ijigsihatare qtjtifs in 
itWoi corrigas; tanien , tk^n^ is.however yfryyexatious.i 
^importuhum eft ; cum ^fpecially^ Jmce all t^volutions are 
|]ras^im omt)^' TQt^^ /ure^p ie^/ahenM th^mcr^ 

Uiutotianes ^dem^ fu- ther and hamf&yuntL xf .grmt 
gam, alia hoftilia portenv Wfnbersy^ and. other jrahmities ^ 
tiant. Fruftra autejn niti, TW^zr. 'Nbwfor nman to takea 
tieqii^ aliud, fe fatigan- • yuorld ofpains tc no purpofe^ and 

fo-get nowing by all his^ fatiguey 
hut to be hated hy ^the worlA^ ts 
meer madnefs^ and what none 

do, nifi odium quaerere, 
extremx dementiae eftj 
nifi forte quem inhonefta 
& pemiciofa lubido tenet, 
ipotentiae paucorum decuis 
atque libertatem fu^ 

would be guilty offurey hut thofe 

'afe . ' 

iV. Gaeterum ^x iis 
lEiegotiis, quoe ingenio e>c- 
«rcentur, in primis mag- 
•no ufui eft memoria re*- 

of a humour bafe and pernicious 
enou^hj to facrifce their iongur 
nndliberty both to the power rf xi 

IV. But ofall the ways of em-^ 
•pkying^a man^s partSy that ofwri^ 
ting hij^ory feems to be offingular 
ufe* But this isfo heaten afubr 
rumgeftarum. Cujusde jeSf^ that ijhallTay nothing of it -, 
'virtiite quia multi dixere, andthe ristker^ lejl any onejhould 
■pi^tereundum puto; fi- thihh I-magnified my own empky-r 
-mul, ne per infolentiam wwrf, oui of vdnity onh. And 
<iuis «xiihimet m«net as i^^^^^determined to decline aU 
-ftudium meum laudando prefe^^^^ ^« the Jiatey I doubt 
extoUere. Atqueegocre- there w/W be fome ready to give 
-do fo»e, tjui, tjuia decrevi the ti^^ <f ialenefs to the ufful 




procul a republica aeta- 
tem agere, tanto tamque 
utili labori meo -nomen 
inertiae imponant; certe, 
quibus maxuma induftria 
videtur, falutare plebem 
&> conviviis gratiam quas- 
rere. Qui fi reputaverint, 
& quibus ego temporibus 
magiftratum adeptusfimj 
& quales viri idem adfe- 
qui nequiverint j & po- 
ftea, quae genera homi- 
num in fenatum pervene- 
rint: profefto exiftuma- 
bunt, me magis merito, 
quam ignavia,, judicium 
animi mei mutaviile ; 
majufque commodum ex 
otio meo, quam ex alio- 
rum negotiis, reipublicae 
v^nturum. Nam faepc 
audivi, Q^ Maxumum, 
P. Scipionem, praeterea 
civitatis npftrse praeclaros 
viros folitos ita dicere, 
Cum nuiprum - imagines 
intuerentur^ vehementif- 
fume fibi pnimum ad vir- 
tutem accendi, Scilicet, 
non ceram illam^ neque 
figuram, tantam vim in 
fefe habere \ fed memoria 
rerum geftar^m eam 
flammam egregiis viris in 
peftore crcfcere ; neque 
prius fedari, quam virtus 
e^rum famam atque glo- 
riam adaequaverit. At 
contra, quis eft omnium, 
his moribus, quin.divitiis 
& fumptibus, non t»:obi- 
tate, neque induftria, cum 
majoribus fuis contendatf 

way of life I have cbofen ; fuch I 
mean^ who think the greatejl in-^. 
dujiry is fhewn in complementing 
and treating the^ mob.^ Who tf 
• they wQuld but confider^ in what 
times I was preferred in the go-^ 
vernmentj and what covfiderable 
men mifcarried in their endeavouri 
to that purpofe^ and what fort of 
men havefince got into the Senate^ 
they will certainly think^ that ^ aU 
teredmy mindupon very good rea- 
fon^ and not from a love of /&- 
nefs i and that the puhlick witl r^- 
ceive greater advantages from my 
declining of bufinefs^ than from 
others engaging therein, For I 
have often heard^ that ^ Maxi* 
mus^ Publius Scipioy and other 
perfons of great figure in the go-- 
vernmenty ufed tofay^ that when 
they look'd upon the images of* 
tbeir anceftors, their minds were 
fired to the laft degrt^e with an 
emulation of their noble behavi- 
our. Now to befure the wax^ or 
it*s figurey had nofuch ejffjcacy in 
it i but it was the refecfion up- 
on their great a^ions^ which raif-^ 
ed that fiame in the breajls of 
■thofe excellent men^ andgave them 
no quiet^ .'till they arrived at the 
fame height of reputation and glo^' 
ry 'with their anceflors, But what 
perfon have we^ as the times now 
g^y thai is not much mdre con^ 
cerned to outjirip his forefathers 
in riches and prodigalityy than 
probity and indujhry. Nay^ gen^ 
tlemen of low ranky who before 
ufed^ hy their good gualities to raife 
thetnfelves above the nobleSj now 
endeavour to get into places of 
power and truji^' by under^hand 
L Etiam 



venire, furtim & per ]a- 
trodoia potius, qaAmbo^ 
nis ardbus, ad impesia ic 
honom nituntur. Pro- 
inde quafi ^^rxtacz & ccm- 
fulatus, ^tque a!iaoauiia 

Etiam homiiics novi, qni truiiy mi r^^vma^ more than 

antea per viitutrai foliti' laudahle accnmpljjbmenu. Jb if 

tmsA nobititatcm ante- the Pr/ri9^fiy'.py Cfinful/bif^ ' and 

eiher the ake o^ces^ ^ere in 
themfeJves gbrious and bomura- 
hle^ and nst rendered Jjuh cnJy hj 
the go'A hihcrjzmr cf thsfe tbat 
enjoy them, But I have run fui 
to7 freely and t^9 far ir^ffii ihh 
hujufbemodi per fe ipfa fuhjeif^ out of pure indigTuiticn 
cisura & ma^iifica fint, againfi the corrupiion ofihetivus. 
ac non pcnmie haljcan- Nvw 1 rctum to my purptfe. 
tur, ut eorum, qui ea fufiinent, virtus eft. Verum e^ Hbaius 
altiuftiue proceffi, dum me civitatis morum piget taedetque. 
Nunc ad incoeptum ledeo. 

V. IVhich is to wrlie tbt bifio^ 
r/ cf the war tbe Roman people 
had wlth Jugurihoy King of ihe 
Numidiansy -firfi^ hecai^e it was 
agreai and a terribU one^ fuU if 
various turns of fortune ; and 
m fiiit ; dein, quia tum fecondly toOj hecaufe tben was 
primum fuperbiae nobili- the firfi fiand made againfi tbe 

infolence of tbe nobiliij ; wbicb 
dtf^utt confounded all things^ botb 
atvine awt buman ; and was ear^ 
ried to that beight of madnefsy 
thai noihing but a war^ and tbe 
defolaiion af liafyj couU pul an 
end io ii». Bui before Irnterup^ 
on thisfiehje^j I mufi run backa 
liiile^ in order io fet ibe wbole in 
aproper Kgbt. In thefeeond Pu-- 
nickwar^ wherein Hannibal^ ge^ 
neral of ihe Carthaginiansy gave 
the greaiefi fhock ofall oihers io 
ihe Roman grandeur^ bj a ierri- 
ble devafiaiion (f licdy^ Mkjimjpty 
King ofihe Numidians^ being rr- 
ceivedinto the Roman aUiance^ hy 
P. Scipio afierwardj fimamed A- 

V. BeHum fcripturus 
fum, quod populus Ro- 
manus cum Jugurtha re- 
ge Numidarum geflit ; 
primum, quia ma^um 
& atrox, variaque vi£bo- 

tatis obviam itum eft ; 

quae contentio divina & 

humana cunda permif-* 

cuit; eoque vecordia* 

procellit, uti ftudiis civi- 

libus beUumatquevaftitas 

Italiae finem facerent. Sed. 

prius, quam hujufcempdi 

rei initium expedio, pau- 

ca fupra repetam; quo, 

ad cognofcendum, omnia 

illuftria ma^s, magifque 

in aperto fint. Belto Pu- 

nico fecundo, quo dux 

Carthaginienfium Han- 

nibal, poft ma|nitudinem 

nomihis Romani, Italias 

opcs maxume attriverat, 

Mafinifia rex Numida* fricanus^ tipon accourk cf his fut^ 

rum, in amicitiam recep- ting a haptrf conclufkn to that 

tus a P. Scipionei cui 

w^ had Sfiingu^dmnje^ by 




poftea Africano cogno- 
men ex virtute fuit, mul- 
ta ic praeclara rei militaris 
facinora fecerat. Oh q^se, 
vi(ftis Carthaginienfibus, 
& capto Syphace, cujus 
in Africa maghum atque 
late imperium valuit, po- 
pulus Romanus quaf- 
cumq^e urbis & agros 
manu ceperat^ regi dpno 
dedit. Igitur . amicitia 
Maiinii& bona atque ho- 
nefianobispermanfit. Sed 
imperii vitseque ejus finis 
idem fuit. Dein Miclpfa 
filius regnum folus obti- 
nuit, Manaftabaie $1 
.Guluffa fratribus nM)rbo 
abfumptis. Is Atberba- 
lem & Hiempfalem ex 
-fefe g^nuit ; Jugurtham- 
que . filium Manafiabalis 
fi:itris, quem Mafinifl% 
.quod.ortus e:^ ccxicubina 
exat, prjyatum reliquerat, 
eodem cuhu, quo liberos 
fuos, domi h^buit. 

VI. Qui, ubiprimum 
addevit, pollens viribus, 
decora facie, fed muko, 
maxume ingenio v^idus, 
non fe luxu neque inertia^ 
corjrumpisndum dedit $ 
kdf ^uti mos' gentis iilius 
eft^ equitafe, jaculari, 
curfu cum asqmlibus cer-, 
tare ; &, cum omnis glo- 
j|;ia anteiret, omriibus ta- 
men carus effe. Ad hoc, 
pleraque tempora in ve- 
nando agere ; le^nietn at- 
que alias fer^s primus sfut 
p primis ferires pluri» 

many brave und galfant aSii(fns : 
in conftdet^cftion ^ which, ajter: 
the Garthcfgimans mere. tonqmred^ 
and Syphaic taietty . who was maf^' 
ter ofa great and pmvkrful king-' 
dom in Africa^ the Rjoman feopU 
made a prefent of ail the cities' 
and territory they had taken, i9 
King Mafmiffn ; for which boun- 

• ty he was ever tsfier ,a faft and 

faithful qlly io us^ continuing in 
the enjoyment .of his dmmnions *tiil 
his death. J^ter which, theyfell 
intp the hands ofbisfon Mitipfay 
his tivo hrothers Majhinabal and 

^ Guluffa bisving diedjorhe tirne be-^ 

fore, He had twb fins Atherbal 
and Jliempfali but heveribelefs 

, educated in. his oivn court^ and in 
thefame manner as his ownfinsj 
JugHrthatbe fin of his brother 
Manajiabalj whom^ as heing he^ 

got of a. concubine^ Mafiniffa h&d 
left in the condition of a private> 

perfoh, [ 

VI. Thii youtki whm hi came 
to man^s eftate^ i^eing confpicuous 
forjirength of body^ handfirmhefi 
of perfin^ ahd great paris^ did 
not give bimfilf up J9 luxury and 
idlenefs $ buty according to tbe 
fajhion of bis country^ exercifid 
himfelf m fidingy throwing tbi 
lance^ and racing, In which exet'^ 
cifis^ tho\he ivas fhucb fuperior ta 
ail bisfelkws^ yei - he was never^ 
thelefs exceedingfy and univerfdily 
behved by them. Befides^ hejpent 
moft ofhis iime in hunting. iift 
wasfure to beihefirfi^ $r amongflt 
theforemft^ i^jhe ehfofcnterint ^f 
L 2 mu^ 

\ V 


mum faccre, & minu- lionsy and other wild heafls \ and 
XSi\ivci ipfe de fe loqui. tho*he did the moft^ yei he faid 
Quibus rebus Micipfa, the leaji of himfelf, With ivhich 
tametfi initio laetus fue- thingSj tho^ Micipfa was at firji 
rat, exiftumans virtutem well pleafed^ as looking upon the 
Jugurthae regno fuo glo- gallant behaviour of Jugurtha as 
riae fore, tamen, poft- redounding to the honour of his 
quam hJominem adplef- kingdom ; yet ' finding the young 
centem, exa^fta aetate fua, man grow more and more in fame^ 
& parvis liberis, magis his days heing now near an end, 
raagifque crefcere intelle- and his children hutfmall^ he was 
^t, vehementer eo nego- very much affe^ed^ and full of 
tio permotus, multa cum perplexity ahout him, The nature 
animo fuo volvebat. Ter- ofman greedy ofpower^ and dif^ 
rebat eum natura morta- pofed at any rate to gratify that 
lium, avida imperii, & pajfion^ alarmed him ; hut efpeci^ 
praeceps ad expkndam auy the opportunity which his own 
animi cupidinem; prae- age^ and that tf his children, gave 
terea, opportunitas fuee him ; a temptation that is apt, to 
liberorumque aetatis, quae lead men^ otherwife not amhiti- 
etiam mediocris viros fpe ous^ aftray. But what terrified 
praedae franfvorfos agit ; him moji of alt^ wdSj the vdji 
ad hoc, ftudia Numida- fondnefs the Numidians had for 
rum in Jug^rtham accen- Jugurtha^ infomuch ihat hefear- 
ra ; ex quibus, fi talem ed^ ifhemaae him away prwate- 
viriim dolis iriterfeciflit, ly^ tt might occajion a general mu- 
ne qua feditio aut bellum tiny^ ifnot a war. 
orietur, anxius erat. « 

VII. His diificultati- * VII. Perpkxedwith ihefe dif- 
bus circumventus, ubi ficulties^ and finding it impra^i- 
videt, neque per vim, ne- cahle to take him off^ either hy 
que infidiis, opprimi poflfe open force^ or fecret contrivance^ 
hominem tam acceptum confidering how popular he wasj 
popularibus ; quod erat he refolved' to try how favourahle 
Juguftha manu promp- fortune might prove to him in a^ 
• tus, & appetens gloriae nother way^ that isy by expofmg 
militaris, ftatuit eum ob- him to dangers. For he was ac- 
jeaare periculis, & eo tive in fight^ and vajily fond of 
i mcido fortunam tentare. military glory. Wherefore Mi- 
Igitur bcUo Numantino cipfa heing Jj) fend fome troops of 
Micipfe, cum populo* hoth horfe and foot^ to the afft-^ 
Romano equitum atque Jiance of the Roman people in the 
peditum auxilia mitteret, war^ ogainji Numantia^ hoping 
fperans vel pftcntando that his dejire of diJIinSliony or 

' virtu- 


virtutem, vel hoftium thefury of the enemy might prove 

fevitia facile eum occa- fatal to him^ he made him com- 

furum, praefecit Numidis maniLer of the forces he fent into^ 

quos in Hifpaniam mit- Spain. Bttt that matter ended ^ 

tebat. Sed ea res lon- quiie otherwife than he expeSied. 

ge aliter, ac ratus' crat, For Jugurtha^ as he was of an 

evenit. Nam Jugurtha, a£iive enterprifmg genius^ upon 

ut erat rmpigro atque a- ohferving tke nature of P. Scipio^ 

eri' ingenio, ubi naturam a^td ihe enemfs nvay of managtng^ 

P. bcipionisy qui tum did^ 'hy the utmo/i pains and dHi" 

Romanis imperatbr erat, gence in aSiicn^ as alfo hy a mofl 

/c morem hoftium cog- fubmiffive chedience to xiil orders^ 

ilovit, multolabore, inul- dnd frequcntly expofing his perfon 

taque cura, praeterea mo- to dangers^ in a little time become 

deftifliime parendo, & fae- fo very famous^ 'that he was ex- 

pe bbviam eundo pericu- ccedingly heloved hy ourmen^ and 

lis, in tantam claritudi- was^Dery terrible to the Numan- 

nem brevi perveneratj uti ^ iinss. And what is very difficult 

rioftris vehementer carus, indeed^ he was hrave in aSfiony 

Numantinis maxumo and wife in counciL One ofwhicb 

terrori effet. Ac fahe, qualitiesy from aforefight ofdan- 

quod difRcillumum in ger^ h apt to caufefeary and ihe 

primis eft, & pradio ftre- other rdflmefs; Jccordingly the 

nuus erat, &'bonus con- general executcd"all defperate pro^ 

fifio. C^oriim alterum jeBs hy the means of Jugurtha^ 

ex providentia timorem, releived him intoihe number of 

alterum ex audacia teme-^' his friends^ and ^rew every day 

ritatem adferre plerum- more fond of htm^ as a man whofe 

que foiet. Igitur impera- advice and undertakings neverfai-^ 

tor omnis fere res afperas led offuccefs ; to which were ad- 

per Jugurtham agere, in ded a great generofity ofmind^ and 

amicis habere, magis ma- "huge dexterity of parts \ by which 

gifque cum indies am- . qualities he procured himfelf an 

plefti ; qijippe ciijus ne- • intimate friendjhip ivith many of 

que confiiium, neque irv- the Romans. 
ceeptUm uUum • fruftra erat. Huc accedebat munificentia 

animi & ingenii follertra. Quibus rebus ftbi multos ex Ro- 
manis famiuari amicitia conjunxerat. 

VIII. Ea t^mpeftate- Vlil. There were at that time 

in exercitu * noftro fuere in'our army^ a great many^ botb 

complures novi atque ofhigh and lovj rank^ who tre^ 

nobiles, , quibus- divitise ferred riches h^fore virtue andho^ 

bono honeftoque potiores nour^ mighty party^men^ and of 

prant, fadKofi, domi po- great intercfi in their feveral coun^ 



tcntcs, apud . clai:i iriesi befter known than efieem^ 

magis qiiam hotncfti \ qui ed amongft our alliei^ who in^ 

Jugurthae non ihcdio- Jfymed^ the ambitious foul of Ju^ 

crem animuni poUicitan- gurtha by offers of their fervicey 

do accendebant, Ji Mi- telUng hiniy That whcn Micipfa 

cipfa rex occidiffety fore 

utifolus imperio Numidia 

fotiretur. In ipfo maxu- 

mam virtutemy Roma 

omnia venalia effe. Sed 

poilquam, Numantia de- 

Icta^ jP. Scipio dimittere 

•auxilia, ix, ipfe rcvorti do- 

mum decrevit, donatum 

atque laudatum magniii* 

ccrpro concione Jugur- 

tham in prxtorium ad- 

duxit ; ibique fecreto mo- 

huity uti potius pubJicey 

quam privatimy amiciti- 

am popuU ^Rofnani cole^ 

rit\ neu quibus largiri 

infuefceret. Periculofe a 

faucisr- einij ^uod multO" 

rum effet, Si permanere 

-kfellei in fuis ' artibusy ul^ 

tro illi ^ gloriam ^ reg- 

num venturum. Sin pro^ 

perantius pergeret^ ipfum 

pecimia pracipitem_ cafu" 


IX. Sic locutus, cum 
littens cum, quas Micip- 
fas redderet, dimifit ; ca- 
rum fententia hsec erat. 
Jugurtha tui bello Nu^ 
mantino longe maxuma 
virtus fuit. ^am rem 
tibi certofcio gaudio effe. 
Nobis ob meritafua carus 
eft. Ut idem S. P. ^ 
K. fity funma ope nite- 
mur. Tibi quidem pro 

dropp'd, he might eafily fecure 
thc kingdom of Numidia to him- 
felf alone. He was a pcrfon of 
grcat abilities, and al] things werc 
to be fpld at Rome. But when^ 
upon the Redu^ion of Numantia^ 
Scipio hgd determined to difmifs 
the auxiliary troops^ and return 
home hinjfey'^ he didy in the face 
ofthe army^prefent Jugurthay and 
applaud him in tertns rf the high-- 
eft approbationi but afierwards 
taiing hiffiinto his tenty he fecret^ 
ly advfedx hiniy to cultivatc a 
friendmip with thc Roman pc<^e, 
by paying tus courtto the gofvern- 
ment, raU^er than privatc perfons, 
and to avoid bribery ; fincc it 
would bc h^zardq^s to purchafe 
that of a fcw, whlch bclonged to 
many. If hc would but continue. 
fteady in tbe exercife of his own 
good qualitics, glory 2^ a kii^- 
dom too.would drop in to him o£ 
themfelvcs ', but if he was too ha- 
fly, his moncy would be the ruin 
01 him. . , 

IX. ,y0er this advice^ he dif-. 
mtjffed him ^ith § ktter for . Mi^ 
eipfoy to the foUowing ^purpofe. 
Your Jvgurtha has heliavcd in- 
comparably wcli in tbie Avar. pi 
Numan^ia^ whkh, 1 am fiire^ 
muft be matt^ of no foKdl joy 
to you. We havc, and very de- 
fervcdlyy the highcft refpea for 
hin(i ; and will.cndeavour to pro- 
cure him the famc from the Se- 
nate and peoplc.of Rome. In re- 




mfira amicitia gratubr. 
Mn ^hakes virum dignum 
te atque avofuo Majinif- 
fa^ Igitur rex, ubi ea, 
quae fama acceperat, ex 
litteris itiiperatoris ita efie 
cognovit, cum virtutc, 
tum gratia viri permotus, 
ilexit animum fuutn; 
& Jugurtham beneficiis 
vincere aggreflus eft, Sta- 
timqueeum adoptavit, & 
teftainento pariter cum 
liliis h^redem inftituit. 
Sed ipfe, paucos pk>ft an- 
nos, morbo atque aetate 
confefhis, cum fibi finem 
vitae adefle intelligeret, 
coram amicis & cognatis, 
itemqiie Atherbale & Hi- 
empfale filiis, diqitur hu- 
jufcemodi verba cum Ju- 
gurtha habuiffe. 

X. Parvum- ego te^ 
Jugurtha^ amiffo patre^ 
Jine fpCy Jine opibus^ in 
meum regnum accepiy 
ixijiumans non minus me 
tibij quam Ji genuijfem^ 
ob benejicia carum fore. 
Ntque ea res falfum yne- 
hahuit^ Nanty ut aUa 
magna & egregia tua o^ 
mittam^ novijfume redi^ 
ens Numantia^ meque 
regnumque meum gloria 
honoravi/iiy tuaque vir^ 
tute nobis Romams ex a^ 
micis amiciffimos feciJH, 
In Hijpama nomen fit^ 
milia renovatume/I. ?^ 
Jiremoj^ quod dijfffciUu^ 
mum hrter morttrles eji 

Fird to the friendfhip betwixt us, 
congratulate you upon this oc- 
cafion. Herewith I retum you a 
man, worthy of you, and his 
grand&ther Mafinifla. The King 
finding what common fame had 
before informed him of cbr^rm^ 
ed by this letter of the general^ 
moved as well by th'e fine accom- 
plijhments of the man^ as his inte^ 
reji with the Romans^ refolved to ' 
be eafy with him^ and endeavour ' 
to conquer him by kindnefs^ Ac^ 
cordingly he immetUately adopied 
hirn^ /ind hy a will made him 
joint-heir with his fons, In afew 
years after-^ being worn out witb 
infirmtties and old age together 
and finding hinfelf a dying man^ 
he is faidf in the prefence of his 
frierms and reiations^ his twofons 
Atherbal and Hiempfal too being 
by^ to have addreffed himfelfto yu^ 
gurtha^ in the words following. 

X. I did, my dear Jugurtha, 
rcceive you into my court, left a 
lirtie one by your father, without 
hopes or fortune, promifing my- 
felr, thatyou wouldbemindfuiof 
the fevour, and love mc no le& 
than my own children, if I fhoulrf 
have any; nor was I deceivcd ih ' 
that naatter. Fof to fay nothing ' 
of other greatand noble aSionsc^ 
yours, at your rcturn from Nu- 
maiitia, you did me and my king* 
domthe utmofthonour, by-yoxir,- 
exccHent behaviour improved to 
the highefl: pitch the fHendfhip 
thatbefore fubfifted betwixtthe 
Romans and us ; and revived a- ' 
frcfh the name of our femily in • 
Spain ; and finaUy, what is tiie - 
moft difficult thing in the world, 




gkria invidiam vicijli^ 
Nuncy quoniam mihi na- 
tura finem vitts facit^ per 
hanc dextram^ per regni 
fidem^ maneo obteJiorqUe^ 
uti hoSy qui tibi genere 
propinquiy beneficio meo 
fratres funty caros habe^ 
' as ; neu malis alienos 
^djungej^ey quam fanguine 
cnnjunMos retinere. Non 
exercituSy neque thefauriy 
praftdia regfii funty ve^ 
Tum amici'y quos neque 
armis cogercy neque auro 
farare queas^ Officio i^ 
fide pariuntur, ^^uis au- 
tem amiciory quam frd- 
ier fratri? Aut quem 
alienum fidumy invenieSy 
fi tuis hojlis fueris? E- 
quidem ego regnum vobis 
trada firmumy fi boni eri- 
tis ; fi maliy imbeci/Iu?n. 
Ndm concordia res par^ 
va crefcunty difcordia 
maxuma dilabuntur. 

Caterumy ante hcSy fe^ 
Jugurthay qui atate ^ 
Japientia prior esy ne ali- 
ter quid eveniaty provi- 
iere decet. Nam in omni 
certaminey qui opulentior 
efiy etiamfi accipit injuri^ 
amy tameny quia , plus 
f9tejiy facere videtur. 
Fos ^autem Atherhal £ff 
Hiefnpfaly colitey obfer" 
vate talem hunc virum\ 
imitamini virtutem^ & 
enitiminiy ne ego meli- 
eres liberos fumpfiffe vi^ 
dear^ fuam genutffe. 

you overcara^ envy itfelf by your 
glory. Now, fince aature isjufi 
putting an end to my life, I be- 
feegh you by this right hand, by 
the honour of a Kingtop, I en- 
treat and beg of you, to love my 
children, your relations, and bro- 
thers. by adoption ; and that you 
would not transfer your affecldon 
to ftrangers, rather tlian keep it 
fix'd upon thofe who are united 
to you by blood. Armies and 
treafures are not the fecurity of 
kingdoms, fo mucb as friends, 
whora you can neither force to be 
fuch by arms, nor purchafe wnth 
gold. Theyare only procured by 
good ofHces and fidelity. Who 
?hould be more a frjend, than-one 
brother to another? Or what 
ftranger will you find faithful to 
you, if you are an enemy to your 
own relations? I deliver up to 
you a kingdom, ftrong indeed, if 
ydu aregood toohe another, but 
weak, if you are wicked. For 
fmall ftates grow great by unani- 
mity, whilil great ones come to 
nothing by difcord. But it be- 
hoves you, Jugurtha, more than 
they, you who are bbth older and 
wifer than they, to take care and 
guard againft any mifcondudl in 
this afFair. For in all contefts, the 
more opulent party, tho' he real- 
ly receive wrongi yet becaufe he i» 
the more powerful, is thought to 
do wrong. But do you, AAerbal 
and Hiempfal, relpeil and reve- 
rence this worthj man, imitate his 
noblerbehaviour, and do your ut- 
moft, that the world niay not 
think, I have adopted a fon prefer- . 
able to thofe naturc beftowed up- 
on me, XI. 


kl. Aa ea JugUrtha, XI. To ihh Ju^urtha inade li 

femetfi regem fi6la iocu- <oery compldifant refly^ fuitahh tv 

lum intdligebat, et ipfe the occajion^ tho* he was fenjihk 

Jonge aiiter animo agita- the King was far from hetngfm'- 

bat, tamen pro tempore cerein what he faid^ dnd he him- 

benigne refpondit. Mi- felf tuas as far from defgning 

tlpfa paucis poft diebus; what te dmtared fir^ Micipfi 

Imoritur. Pdftquam' illi dted a few days afte^r. Jsfooh as 

knore Jregio jiifta magni-* the funeral joie?n)tit)\ which wtis 

fice fecmnt, reguli itl very magnificent^ wds over^ thi 

unum cotivenere, ut in- three princes met together^ in or^ 

ter fe de negotiis cuhftis der to confer about the fettlement 

difceptarent. SedHiemp- of tbeir affhirs. ' Bul Hiempfiij 

fail, qui ihitlumlis ex illi^ the youngefl of them^ heing natu-- 

mt, natura ferox, etiaiii rdlly higtj-fpirited^ who had hefori 

antea ignobilitatem Ju- flighted jugurthafor the meannets 

■gtirthae, quid m^terno ofhis hirth hy ihe ntother*s fide^ 

genere impar erat, def- placed hhnftlf on the right hand 

1)iciens, dextra Athcrba- of Atherhal^ to prevent Jugur* 

em adfedit; ne riiedius thd^sfedting himfelf in themiddli 

tx tribus, cjuod apud hetwtxt him ahd his hrothery which 

NumidaS honori dttditiif, dmongH the Numidiuns is reckonei 

Jugurtha forfet. Dein th^ mofi honourahle fiation. And 

tamen, ut abtati conccd^- it was loith much ado he was pre- 

fet, f&tlgatii^ a fratre, vix vailed upon hy tht impurtuffify fff 

in parteiti altef ani trahf- his brother^ io pay a dkference t» 

du6his eft. Ibi cuni mul- the age of Jugurtha^ iji fiating 

ta de admihiflrando im- himfdf on the ather fide. Afier 

perio' diflerereht, Jugur- d great deal of difiourfe tipon d 

tha inter alias res jacit, method of proceeding in the admi^ 

OpSrtBre quinquennii niflratioJi of their kingdbm^ fu^ 

confidta ^ dicreta omnia guriha^ amongft othtt things^ pro^ 

rejcindi\ nafh per , ea /f&/}j a repfcal of all the rcfofetr- 

tempora confeHum annis ons and ap^ointments of the five 

Micij^dm partm antrdo yearsfor6goirtg,«bec2tufe Micrp- 

valutj}. TXxai idtrh Hi- fa was af that time but in a ddat- 

empiy plactri J^ht rt^ ing condhioh. Niempfalfaidyh^ 

fpDndit j * natti ipfum illutn was 6f the ftmc mihd j for his' a- 

tribus his prpxumis anrtis doption hhd happened withfn tfirf 

adoptatiohe in regnum time, ta wjf, aliout three yeirs 

perveniffe. Qtiod ver- b^fbre. Whichfctythgfunkaieper 

Dunt in pe(5ius Jugurtha^' inio the' mind of Jugurtha\ iban 

flltiuSy^ quaih quifquam' any ohe imaginedv Therefofe frotn 

btiis mXy defcendih thdidayfarwdrd^ helhg ptrpltxei 

. M ^ Itaque 



Itaque, cx eo tempore 
ira & metu anxius, mo- 
liri, parare, atque ea mo- 
do in animo habere, qui- 
bus Hiempfal per dolum 
caperetur. Quae ubi tar- 
dius procedunt, neque le- 
nitur animus feroxj fta- 
tuit quovis modo incoep- 
tum perficere. ' 

XII. Primo co^ventu,, 
quem ab regulis fatShim 
fupra memoravi, propter 
diflenfionem placuerat di- 
vidi thefauros, finifque 
imperii fingulis conftitui. 
Itaque tempus ad utram- 
que rem decemitur, fed 
maturius ad pecuniam 
diftribuendam. Reguli 
interea in loca propinqua 
thefauris, alius alio con- 
ceflere.' Sed Hiempfal in 
oppido Thirmida forte 
ejus domo u^batur, jqui 
proxumus li£ior Jugur- 
thae, carus acceptufque 
ei femper fuerat. Queni 
iUe cafu njiniftrum obla- 
tum promiflis onerat im- 
pellitque, uti tamquam 
iiiam domum vifens eat, 
portarum claves adulteri- 
nas paret; nam verae ad 
Hiempfalem refereban- 
tm*. Caeterum, ubi res 
poftularet, fe ipfum cum 
magna venturum manu. 
Numida mandata brevi 
conficit; atque, uti doc- 
tus erat, nodu Jugurthae 
milites introducit. Qui, 
j>oftquam in aedes irrupe- 

bctwixt anger and fear^ hi^ nfe^f 
hb utmojl endeavours^ all the art 
and contrivance in his power^i P^i' 
vately to make away with Hientp^ 
faL But finding he could not^ in 
that way of proceeding^ gain his 
purpofe fojoon as he deftred^ and 
his enraged foul heing not to be pa^ 
cified^ he refolves at any rate to 
execute bis defign of murdering 

XII. In-thefirflmeetingwhichy 
we have ahonje faid^ the princes 
hady they could not agree ; and 
therefhre refolved to divide tbe 
treafure . and the kingdom too ; and 
a time was accordingly fixed for 
hothy hutfirjlfor the partition of 
themoney. In ihenuantime^ the 
princes had withdrawn feparately 
into lodgings not far from theplace 
where the money lay\ particular'- 
ly Hiempfal into the town ofThir'^ 
midoy to the houfe of one that had 
been prime ferjeant to Jugurthaj 
and ever htghly in hisfavour and 
confidence, Nowfortune prefenting 
him withfofine an opportunity^ he 
loads thefellow witb promifesy^ and 
prevails with him io go underpre- 
tence of vijiting his houfe^ and 
provide falfe keys of the doors \ for 
the true oneswere always at night 
carried up . to Hiefnpfalin his bed^ 
chamber j and when all was rea-- 
dyy he toldhimy he would he fure 
to (ome with a conftderable force . 
The Numidian quickly executed his 
orders^ and as inflru£fedy let in 
fugurtha^ s foldiers .by night. Af-- 
ter they were got in^ they runfome 
one way and forne another^ in, 
quejl of the King. Some they kil-- 
led afieep^ and others Jianding 




•TC, diverfi regem quaere- 
rc; dormientis alios, alios 
occuif^ntis interficere? 
fcrutari loca abdita; clau* 
fa efiTingeie; ftrepitu & 
tumuku omnia mifcerc. 
Cum interim Hiempfal 
reperitur, occultans fe 
tugiirio mulieris ancillae, 
quo initib pavidu.s & ig- 
narus loci profugerat. 
Numidae caput ejus, uti 
jufRerant, ad Juguitham 
rcferunt. - 

XIIL Cseterum fama 
tanti facinoris peromnem 
Afiicam brevi divulga- 
tur. Atherbalem, om- 
nilque^ qui fub Micipfae 
imperio fuerant, metu« 
invadit. In -duas partis 
difcedunt Numidae ; plu- 
res Atherbatem fequun- 
tur, fed illum alterum 
bello melioFCs. Igitur Ju- 
gurtha, quam maxumas 
poteft, copias ,armat. 
Urbis partim vi, alias vo- 
luntate imperio fao ad- 
jungit. Omni Numidige 
imperare parat. Ather- 
bal, tametfi Romam le- 
gatos miferat, qui fena- 
tum docerent de caede 
fratris & fortunis fuis, 
tamen fretus^ muititudine 
militum, \p9rabat armis 
corttendert. Sed, ubi res 
^d certamen vcnit, vidhis 
ex praeiio profugit in pro- 
vinciam, -ac dehinc Ro- 
malm contendit. Tumju- 
gurtha, paitrfttis confiliis, 
poftquatn* omni Numidia 

upon' iheir defence\ fearched all 
the private places about the houfe^ 
and broke open fuch as were lock*- 
edy andfilled every partwith noife 
and cofrfufion. Whilft in the mean 
time^ fliempfal was found hiding 
himfelf in the poor lodging ofa 
maid-fervant \ whither^ upan the 
firfi alarm^ he ran in a frighty 
being not as yet very well acquaint- 
€dwith the houfe. The Numidi- 
ans^ according to their orders^ car^ 
ry his heccd to yugurtha^ 

XII r. The fame of this villai^ 
ny wasfoonfpread all Africa over^ 
andjiruck a mighty terror into A-- 
therbal^ and all that hadbeen fub-- 
je£fs ofMicipfa. The Numidians 
were divided upon it into two par-' 
ties'y the majority fided with At 
therbal, • but the mofi warlike with 
yugurtha% who raifing asgreat 
an army as he could^ reduces five- 
ralcities^ fome byforce^ and others 
hy perfwafion^ under his fubje^i^ 
on j and, infl^ort^ aims at noihing 
lefs than being mafier of all Nu^ 
midid. Atherba/y tko* he hadSf^ 
patched ambaffadors to Rome^ to 
inform the Senate of the murder 
of his brother^ and his own londi^ 
tion-y yet depending upon the num-- 
ber of his troops^ rejohed to give 
his enemy battU. 6ui being de- 
feated therein^ m made his efcape 
, into the Roman province^ andfrdm 
thence went to Rome, Jugurtha^ 
afier he had thus finifi^ea his work^ 
and was now become majler ofall 
Nurnidia^ conftdering the matter 
coolly hy himfelf^ dreaded the Ro- 
man people^ and could find no fe- 
4urity^ againji their refentment^ 
M 2 potic» 



pp.tlebatur, in qtip faci- fwj in^thc avark^ ofihmbHitji^ 
nUjS fivui;n cum animo re- qnd his monj^. ff^^frefore 1,9 a 
putans, timf re popiJLluni j^ d^^s iime,^ b^ difpatcl^jf ^Ui^j^ 
Komanum, oeque ad- a?ribg£iidors ta jR^nie with gr^aft 
vprfus iran[i gusufquam, fiore ofjifyer andgold^ andardfrs 
ni(i in ayaritia iiobiUtati^ them i^i the frji pUue to glut all 
i^.p^unia fua, fpem ha- l^ls old friendi with prejjsnl^^ qn.i 
bere. . Itaque, paucis di- then to prQcur.e kim «4W one,i y in^ 
elpus, cu?n ajurp argentp- Jhor^ tojlick gj^ nojthin^^ iut brib^, 
que rnultp kgatos Ro- all before the/j^. M foon gs the 
m^rp^ n)ittit ; queis prae- gentlerjfien cgme to Rome^^ a^ndy gc-i 
cipjt, uti primuoQ yetercs cordi^g tp the King^s inJlru^iQnSy^ 
amicos munoribus exple- \liflribute4, lg;rge prefentSy ^o tjj^ 
ant ; dein npvos acqui- perfom by whom they wer^ enter'^ 

tathedj c^d^ athers^ Ugjiing . men 
gj^ ti^gt t^Djie in the Senat^y fufik 
a woniierfuL chg/tgje, erfued ufiqp^ 
ity that yug^rthg^ injlcg^ of hf^ 
i^g ^^V ^ terrihie odijuin^ wg^ 
mgktjh jn. tke good grofes^of gil 
tfje, nokility:y fome, of wkich tewpt^^ 
e4 by hopa^ and oikirs. by affuaj 
brii^es^ madp a ^rj^ng inUreJi ifl. 
the houfsy tq prev^np, any jruefA 
refolution agai^^ hin\* Where.r, 
invidia in gratiam & fa^ firh ^^ fp^^ ^^ ^he, ambaJfgdorK 
vorem. nobjlii^ti^ Jugur.- th^iighf tkey bad nuide. aU fgfe^ 
tha vci^iret; quorum they and Atherbal kad afi audiencl 
p^rs ipe, ~ %lii pra^oupL given. tke. Senate^ Upor\ 
ir^ufti fingulo§ ex fena- which occafiojn jifb^rbah ifs faid^ 
tu ambiundp, pittjbantur, fpoke to the f6lio%^ing,efff^. 
nq grayh^s \\ e^uip ijojiliiiej-^tur, Igitur, ubi l^ati fatis coQr 
fi4ur>tj die conftitxitp! fen^tus utqfque dat,ur, Atb^rbalein 
hoc mo^o Ipcutum a.cciapiujus. 

XIV.. >. C. 'Mcip/a. XIV. V^ner^We.FajtheTs,Mi. 
pgter meus moriens mihi. cipla my father. at liis i^axhj gavQ 
pracepity uti regni Nu- ipe a cjia^., to lopk upon thead- 

njiniftratjpn of thi^. kingdom of 
N^inidia gnly as minp, buttha 
right, and fovereignty. ta be ir> 
youi andat th^.fame tieaptobd 
as ferviceable tptbeRoman.pcoplq 
as pofibk, both ir> pefto^ and ia 
war 5 andjfigard y ou a% my rida- 


rajxt; pp^emo, quem- 
cunque ppffint largiundq 
parzfre, ije cupflentur. 
Sed .1^1 Eomam kgati 
v^ne];^,, &f e^ praeceptp 
rcgis, Up4)itibus, aliifqu?;, 
quprucQ ^a tempeftate i^ 
fenatu ^u£^ita& polkr- 
bat, magria muhera mi- 
fei:e; <iai>t;a cbmmut^tio 
inceflit, ut ex ma^^ut^a 

mldia tantumjn^do prg^ 
curationem.^ ' exl/iumgfen^, 
meapiy catermM.^imr 
perium peiiiS 9^^ ^Jf^\.fi- 
mul e^itfrfr dQm^ Tjiititir 
aque qugtn,^ r^xUi7nq ufui, 
ejje popuh RonigfiO', %(os^. 



cum adfmum iucer/mvfi 
eftfcciffiimii in vejlra omT 
citifl fxdrcifum^ divi^iaf^ 
mmiffi^titif regni m fe- 
kiturum, ^0 prf^epta 
patris mei cuin agitarem^ 
yugi4rthay hmo Qmnium^ 
quoi texra fu/iiue^ fi^h- 
r,atiJfumuSy conWi^ttf im^ 
periq vejro^ . Mqfimjk 
W nepoim^ etiam ab 
Jiirpe fo^ium, at^u^ ami'- 
cim populi Rmaniy reg^ 
no. fortumfytie ommbus 
expulit. At(^ fgo^ ?• C. 
quoniam ea miferianm 
^enturus eram^ vttim^ 
pSitius ob ma^i quam oh 
m^o^nm mfiorum, kemfi^ 
cia^ pojfe md 0. voins aux- 
iliMm peter^ ac vf^fium^ 
ikheri mihi. itn^aia. a^ 
popull JSfimajn^y quHm.non 
egcTienif ficmium ce^ fi 
dijiiexanda eranty . uti 
^ekitis ut^ren Sed ^uo-r 
Him parum ^ufa. per fe 
ipfa. pfobitas. ej}, ; nfii^ue 
mihi in^ m^nu, fuity ^- 
gfirtha Qmlis jortt j ad. 
VQS confugi^ Pf C. quir- 
h^^y. qwd mihi miferru^ 
mum eji^ cog(ir prius ane- 
riy quflm ufiti^ ejij, CW- 
teri regesy aut. belh- vi^i 
in amiciiiam a. vobis r^r- 
cepti. funt:^ aut in fuis 
dubiis rebuS' fociejtatem 
Vf/iram^ appeiiveruntf 

X'V. Pamilia. nofira. 
cum populo Mfimano belto 
Parthaginienfi amicitir. 
m infiituit^ qua. tmpsre. 

tjoos. and kj»fm.en 5 
l did fo, l (bould b^ fure to 4nd 
fQfces, ri<^besy and a ibcurity tQ 
my kipgdooi, in your friendihjp. 
Attd whilft I was propofing to put 
thpfe x)rd/ers of iny fath^r in exe^ 
ci*tio», Jv^ttbai^ tbe wickcd^ 
wretch aUv^ in cpo^empt of your 
high aut-hprity^ ftripp'd me thQ 
grandfop. of M^fini&, and bom 
an ally and friend of the Roman 
Iteode, of my kingdoQ), andever 
ryuingdfem tJ&worl4. And 
fiiioe i W9$» mxA illiiftrious £a^ 
thfir^ to be reduccd to fo mifera^ 
hl^ a conditioQ,. I cQuld wii[h I 
might Have had tbe advantage^ 
bowever, tp irnplorf^ your affi^ 
fiance for xM pwn p^rfona] ferYi- 
ces, rather tnan.thofe of my for^ 
fathers ; . but ahove all, that I 
Q^ght have a del^ of kind/iefa 
dufe to rm from tfae Rpmah peo- 
pliQ, that. J might neter have oc- 
cafion iot.'i. or if I bad, might 
on)ymakeu(e of fuck as were 
dufi to me. But bti^aufe int^ity na fu0icient fecurity, nor 
wa$ itin-mypower to dima the 
condu6t of Jugurtha, I, have flM 
tp ]roii, wonky Fatftm, fqr jup^ 
t^ioa ; . to wbom, tds my im- 
fpeakable (brrow, I am obl^ed to 
be burdeni:)mey before I could be 
of any fervice. Otber Kings Jiave 
bQen.6ither firft conques]ed in war, 
and^then gracioufly received into 
your alliance, or elfe have in -dif-* 
trefs foUicited for the fame. 

XV. Qur fiamily firft contracSl- 
ed an aliiance with the Roman 
people^ in a war of theirs againft 
the Carthaginians, at a time when 




magis fides ejus^ quam 
Jbrtunay pendenda erat,. 
^uorum prvg€niem voSj 
iP. C nolite pati me ne^ 
fotem Mafinijfa frujira 
a vobis auxilium petere, 
Sl ad impetrandum nihil 
caujps hab^rem^ prater 
miferandam fortunam \ 
quod paulo ante rex ge^ 
nere^ fama^ atqUe copiis 
potens^ nunc deformatus 
icrumnisy imps^ t aUinas 
cpes exp4£io\ taiken^ erat 
jnajeflaiis • populi Somani 
.prohihei^ei^itpUriam^' neqUe 
pati * ^i^iitfqUatn i regnurA 
per^jahis{ crefcer^e.^ Ve-^^ 
rifmr^egty^yiis finihus- ejic^ 
tus fut^^ ^quos ihajcribus 
rneis phpulus* Romiinus de- 
St^^-unde pater ^ avus- 
meus una vobifcum •eKpu*^ 
lere Syphacem £sf Gzr-' 
thaginienfes^' ' Veflra be^ 
neficia mihi. erepta funt^ 
P, C, ^os in mea injuria^- 
defpeSfi ejlis^ ■ Eheu m^ 
mtferum ! huccine, Mi^ "- 
cipfa pater^ beneficia tua 

, evafetie^ uti quem tt^ 
parem cum liberis tuie^ 
regnique participem fe- 
ci/fi^ is pot^mum Jiir- 
pis iua exiinSior fd. f 
Sfumquamne ergo familia . 
noftra quieta eritf Semr 

perne in' fanguine^ ferro^ 

fuga verfabijmir t Dum 
Carthaginienfes incolu- 
mes fuer£, jure omnia 

fava patiebamur, Hofiis . 
ab latere y hos amici pro^ 
i^ul; fpeS' efmis in armis^ 

-their honour was more to be rt^ 
garded, than ^heir fortune. Suf- 
fer me. not, mighty Fathers, a 
defcendaiit of that family, the 
grandfon of Mafihif&, to implore 
your afliftance in vain. If I had 
, tto other preteniions for procuring 
the fame,, beiides the mifery of 
my circumftances, that I, who 
was but ktely a prihce confiderable 
for my extra(9ion, fame, and for- 
'Ce^, am now reduced to the loweft 
ftate of mife-y^ poverty,, and de-r 
peadence 5 yet would it highly be- 
camethe majefty of the Roman 
-peojple tovouchfafe me their pro- 
te&ion, and notfafferany princc 
to grdw great ^by ^he praQice of 
villamv. But I have been forced, 
' out of a country, which the Rp*. 
man people beftowcd * upon my 
anceftors; fromwhence myfather 
and grandfather,' in conjundion 
with you, drove Syphax and tbe 
earthaginiaus. vlhe fevours you 
cocfferred upon mjr^family have 
been taken fromine, noble fathers ; 
lyou have been^defpitefuUy treated 
in the injuftice done to me. Alafs, 
wbetch that I/ am ^ Is all your 
kindnefs, my dear father Micipfa, 
come to -this, that the man you 
had made equal to your own fons, 
and joynt-heir of your kingdom 
with them, ihouU, above all o- 
.thei«, be the rnin of your ifihe ? 
Muft our famiJy then never be at 
reft ? Muft we be ever in blood, 
war, or banifliment ? Whilft 
the Carthaginians flburilhed, we 
jMight well fuffer every thing that 
was difmal. Our enemies wert 
our next neighbours, and you our 
iri^nds far off. All oyr hope^ were 




erat. Pojiquam illa pejlh 
ex Africa ejeSfa eji^ lati 
pacem dgitabamus ; quip;- 
pcy queis hojiis nullus erat^ 
niji forte quem vos juffif 
fetis, Ecce autem ex 
improvifo Jugurtha^ in- 
toleranda audacia^ fcelere 
atque fuperhia fefe effe'- 
fens^ frdtre meo atque 
eodem propinquo fuo in^ 
terfeSio^ primum regnum 
ejus fceleris fui pradam 
fecit\ pofl^ ubi me iifdem 

. dolis nequit capere^ nihil 
minusy quam vim aui hel^ 
lumy expeSantem^ in im- 
perio vejiroy Jicuti videtisy 
exiorrem patria^ domo ; 
inopem^ coopertum miferi-- 
is^ effecitj ut ubivis tutiu^j 
quam in meo regno^ effem* 
XVL Ego ftc exijin-^ 
mahafn^ Patres Confcrip" 
tiy uti pradicantem au* 
diveram patrem meum ; 
qui vejiram amicitiam 
diligentej^ colerent^ eos 
multum lahorem fufcipe^ 
re^ caterum ex omnibus 
maxume tutos effe', ^od 
in familia nojira Juity 
prajiitit\ uti in o?nnibus 
bellis adeffet vobis'y nos 
uti per otium tuti JimuSy 
in manu vejira eji^ Pa" 
tres Confcripti, Pater 
nos duos reliquit ; . 
te7'tiam Jugurtham be^ 
neficiis fuis ratus eji no- 
his conjun£ium fore, AL 
ter eorum necatus ; alte^ 
rius ipfe ego ?nanus impi^ 

^ vix effugi^ . ^id a 

in our arms. But when Africa 

was delivered from that peftilent 

peopie, we» enjoy'd ali the delight^ 

of peace, as having no enemy, un- 

lefs fuch as you had appointed us^ 

WJien bchold, uuexpedtedly, Ju- 

gurtha ereding his plumes witb 

intolerableimpudence^ wickednefs^ 

and pride ; and murdering my 

brother, his riear relation, made 

his kingdom the firft prize of his 

villainy ; and then not finding it 

praAicable to take me ofFby the 

little wicked contrivance, whilft I 

expeSed nothing at allof violence 

, or war, has, in the face of your 

mighty power, driven me, as you 

fee, fi-om mycountry, from my 

home, in want of every thing^ 

and under the heavieft load of mi- 

fery, and yet more fecure any 

where, thanin my ownkingdom* 

XV L' I really thought, Ove- 

nerable FathcTS, as I had heard my 

fathe^" often fay, that fuch as took 

care to cultivate a friendfliip with 

you, muft do it at the expence 

of much labour and pains, but 

were of all mankind the moft fe- 

cure, All that was in the power 

of our family to do, it did, that 

is, it afEfted you in« all your 

wars ; it is in vour power to makc 

us a return of peace and fecurity, 

mighty Fathers. My - father left 

behind him us two brothers, and 

thought he fliould njake Jiigurtha 

a third brothcr to us, by the fa^ 

vours he heaped upon hira. On^ 

of the three is already murdered, 

and I had much ado to efcapethe 

wicked hands ofthe other. What 

ftiall I do ? Or whither ftiall I, 

unhappyman, appj^myfelf? AU 

gam ? 


Ci GlkliPi SALLUStll 

gant^ JM qno potiffit-^ 
ntufh ' wfelix actedam ? 
Generis pretfidiA oninia 
ti^tindta jUitt \ pater^ ttti 
neteffe erdij nntnrtiB con- 
tefftt\ Jratn^ querH Mi^- 
nume decuity prc^iH^uus 
per fcelus vitaM tripuity 
ttdfinis^ afnicos^ propin^ 
fuos cateros tneos^ alium 
atia ciades oppreff^\ 
t^pti ah yugurtSay pars 
in crucetji aSii^ pars be-^ 
Jiiis ol^eSfi fuHt ; paUci^ 
,quibus reli6fd ejl aniffm^ 
tlauft in tenebris cum 
marore iff luStUy tmrte 
fraviorefti vitdm exi^ 
gunt. Si ofnntay quts aut 
amft^ aut ex neceffariis 
advorfa faBa funt^ in-* 
columia manirent ; ta-^ 
me% fi quid ex imprdvifo- 
mali aceidiffet^ vos im^ 
ploraretn^ Pafres Con" 
fcripti; quibus pro rfiag^ 
nitudirte imperiiy jus £sf 
injurias omnis cura effe 
decet, Nitnc vero exful 
patrtet^ domo^ folusj atque 
^mnium honejiartm . r^- 
rum egens^ quoi accedani^ 
aut quo appelkm ? Na^ 
tionesne an regis^ qui 
emnes familia naftrte ob 
vejlram dmicitiam infejli 
funt ? Afi quoquam mihi 
adire licet^ tibi noH mdjo^ 
rum meorum hoftilia md^ 
numcnta plurifna fint ? 
An quifquam noftri mife^ 
reri poteji^ qtci aliquando 
vobis hojlisfuit ?' ' 

the ftcurity \6 hi had from My 
0'»^n famlly is gohe. My fathef 
yifeWed, as neceffity requlr^, td: 
thfe oi-der df nature. My brothef 
^as villainotifly rbbbed of hislife, 
by a relatibn, who of all mert 
rtiould have been the furtheft fronl 
fuch a clfithfei My friends atid re- 
latibns, >^hfether by blood or mar- 
riage, have be^ri all ruihed, fdrhe 
onfe way^ fomfe ahbther. Beihg 
t&keii prifohers, p^ft df thehl havd 
been crucified, whilft oth^rs have 
been thrdwn td wild bcaftsi A 
few vvhofe lives werefpared, havei 
bten chpt up ih dungeons, ahd 
leadalifeih forrdtv ahd mourtr- 
ing, worfe than death; If 1 was 
in fiill pbfleffion of al[ I liave loft, 
and my.relations and friends w^er^ 
none of them my encmies, or un-» 
fortuhate ; yet iri cafe' of a fuddert 
calamity furprizihg hie, I ftiouldj 
mighty Fathers, af ply to you fof 
ddiverancej whom, by reiafon 
of yoiir vaft dominion, it highly 
becomes to fee right and juftic^ 
dbne thrdughout the world. But 
now whither fliaH I go, or tcr 
whoifi fhall I apply, banlflied 
as I am, frbm my country, my 
home, lcft alohe^ ahd in waht of 
every the leaft deceht accpmnio-. 
datioh of life ? Shall I apply to 
fofeign natiohs or princesj who are 
all mortal ehemies to our familjri 
uponaccouftt of ouir alliahce vvitli 
you ? Oi* can I go any whrther^ 
where there are not very many 
monuments of the valour of ihy 
anceftors, employed againft the 
country in your favour ? Ot can 
afty one bavecompaffionujpoh mcf 
who wasevcr an encray to yy« ? g^ 



fiki£kn(ii..ita:in/iituitj Pi 
C« n^ quim ' cukrmufy 
hifi ^populum ' Romanum \ 

Hiva^ maipirimus; ffbun- 

}k m4gttd 'p^afidiq mbii 
u n)iftra > to^ibiiia /ore ^ 
fi huii-^ imperia fifrtun^ 

ac diis' mUtttiiuSy mggni 
iftis -^^ idpAlinti\ omma 
ficHndu .'i^i obidientia 
fmti qu^Jmlius foav-- 
rufft injurws cjaan iuet^ 

: XVli» Fi^yjiwortbyfi^^thers, 

p^l)r evex wa^j ^q m^|^e no equf ^ 

KQ ^y ftyt the Roto^Ai Kopk> \9. 
.«ng^ ia ;iQ a^^^ance^ Qr treatie§ "* 
wiife ai\y o^her p^wer whatevjer j^ 
aJJe^ging, th^t we fliould iind st^ 
^tone ; ^tut that if fortune ihoulq'' 
muUirituri una Vcciden- ,t^Xi upon the Kpwn power tQ 
rf^^ jwi/j i£i. Virtute jt's :deftru<Syon, we muft then of - 

neeeffity peri(h y^h it. ByyoiMr 
QWn gogd condu<9^ and th^ favour 
pf tie Go4s, you are great an4. 
W^bty^ fuc^fe and ^fu^miiTiQi^ 

»tt^d you diroughout the worWj 
3[^a^m iiifd mnon.m. .whtt*ebyyou^r^en^bIedtQredre(s 
Ifms ptivata.amcitia 5^«r*» :witb ea|e the injviries qf your al* 
gurthd^ Kpaxum ^nita^ .^m*- AU that I fe^r in the cafe is, 
tranfmrfits : ^s^t ; quos, . leftthefrie|id(hij;xof Jugurtha witl^ 
'eg$:-^^udio .maxuma t^e;. ]p«rticul«r piegibers of this ftate, 
idti^^ ambiKes^ Jatigare im$ tQ^om h^ \^ OQt fu^cioiUy 
" ' " ' ' " itown, ihoiil4 fi^ifeuid? t^iw y^ 

thek cqQ4u£l: upon this occafioh^ 
Tj^hp, I am ii;ifQmfd, are ufing; 
titmr utcnpftei^4«^y<?ur§, follic^ii^ 
god impQi:|uiwa|[ yoyt ^jy a v^ry 
particulkr ?fiplip^ti^>.][iot tp prpr 
ceed to any refolutipn ^grainft hi|n, 
as he is-UQt here feimfdr, witl^Qut 
a i\j^ h^aring of his cjkufe. 'Ti^ 
faid, that Y^hat l J^ledge, is pre- 
iencp only ; as if I ha4 not been 
forced to fly my kingdoip, k^% 
narum xura oriatur ; ut .xnight have (jQiitinu,^ in it, if f 
ille^ qui nunc fieleribus woi^d. .HeaY«n$ gWit I coul^ 
fiiis ferMx * ntqui . pracla- but fee the riwi, ,by whofc impi- 
rus g^, amnibus malis ex^ &i% violence I hay^Jb^fjx plvil^ge^ 
cruciatus^ itapietatis in :iatamypj3efent|i^ifery,4ifl!emWi?>g 
panntem nofirum^ fra- -as I dp \ andth^t a,t laft either you, 
Sris mei ^fis^ mearum-- ortheinunortalGodsjWQviI^talc^ 
jjue mifiriarum gravis theafiairs ofmankirip.mid^ryQur 
faenas reddat. Jam jam care. .Then woui4 tbe wr^tch, 
frater animo' meo cariffu-^ whOiOOafir prides.aod.ttijJQffihf IP 
^^ N • me^ 

fingulos^ n^quid de aifin 
te^ ina^mta' cauffa^ Jiar 
tuatis'y fingare me mrhas 
fS 'fugam fiAadare^ eui 
iicuerit ip ngno manjtri\ 
^od Mtinnan ..iiluaii cU^ 
jus impio facinore in has 
ntiferias prc^Stus fum^ 
eadem h^ . fmulantem 
mdeam ; £^ aliquando, aut 
iapud VoSy aut apud Deos 
inanorialis^ rerum hwna- 




,j quHmquam tiH im* 
maturoy iaf unde minume 
decuitj vita erepta eji^ 
tamen latandum magis^ 
quam dolendwnij puto ca-* 
fum tuum. Nofi enim 
regnuntj fed fugam^ ex" 
JHiumy egejlatem^ . 6* has 
emf7iSy qute me premunt^ 

his villainy, by all imagiakMeftii'» 

fery, fufFer the vengeance due to 

him^ forhis>wickeddiiregardto the 

memory of our father, the m\ir* 

der of my brothcr, mi reducing 

me to the woefui condition I am 

now in. Now, now, dear, 

dear;brother, tho' you wcre cut 

down in the prime of your days, 

cum animajh-' and by hand of ail othcrs that 

mul a?iiijijii. Jt ego in- fhoulaleaft have bcen guilty 6f 

'"''^ * * ' fuchafa<Sl;yet;lGannotbutthink 

I have reafon rathcr to rejoyce at, 
than lament, your fall. For you 
^id not- fo much lofe your kir^- 
don>with yourli&, as you efcaped 
the wretched neceffity of fiight, 
banilhment, Want, and ali^ that 
weight of woe, wiuch lies fo hca- 
yy upon me. But I, poor.wretch^ 
thrown headlong from the beight 
of my fathef's kingdpin into the 
loweft depths 6f miferyj apa ano- 
torious inftance of the imcertaiaty 
of ^ human^ aifairs, not knoVriQg 
what to do ; whedier to profecutc 
the revenge ofthe wrongs done to 
you, helplefsas I am, orendeavour 
only the recovery of my kingdom, 
whilft the difpofal 6f me, with re- 
Xpe<a to life or death, is entirely in 
the power of others.. Lcould wilh 
obviam injuria ; nolife^ death might put a decent end to 
pati regnMn Numidia^ mylife, toavoidthedefpicableap- 
quod vejirum ejiy per pearancel muftmake; iftiredout 
fcelus ^ fanguinem fami" by my misfortunes, I muft be o- 
iiis nojlra tabefcef^e. bligedtobcquietundertheinjuftice 

J have fuffered. Nqw I have no inclination to life, and yet I 
cannot die with honour. *Now Ibegof you, mighty Fathers^ 
for the fake of yourfelves, your chiidren and parents, and 
the majefty of the Roman people, relieve a poor wretch, 
curb the violence of Jugurtha, and fuffer not the kingdom of 
"Numidia, which is yours, to comc to nothing, by villainy, 
ahd the murdet of our family, 


felixj in tanta maia pra^ 
cipitatuSy pulfus ex patrio 
regnoj rerum humanarum 
fpe£faculum prabeo'y iih- 
certus quid agam^ tuafne 
injurias perfequar^ ipfe 
Quxilii egensy ■ ati rigno 
confuUtmy cujUs vita «^- 
cijque potejias ex optbus 
alienis pendet, Utinam 
imoriy fortunis > meis • bo- 
nejius exitus ejjet j ne vi^ 
vere contemptus vidererj 
fi dejeffiis fttalis injuria 
concejftffem, - NitHc^. neque 
vivere lubef^ ne^Ue' mori 
-iicet ftne d&iecore, JP. C. 
per voSy per iiberos atque 
parentes ve/iros^ 
jejiatem populi Romaniy 
fubvenite mifero mihi ; ite 



XYIII. Poftquamrcx 
fiaem loqucndi fecit, le- 
gati Jijgurthje, laratione 
magts, quam cauiui, fre* 
tiy pauci$ refpooaent i 
HimpfaUm^ oh JavifU 
am Juam^ ab Ifumdis 
int0rfe6ium 5 Jtherba^ 
lem ultro bellum inferen» 
temj poftquam fuperatus ' 
JitT, queriy quod injuriam 
facere nequijfet ; Jugur^ 
tham ab fenatu petere^ 
ne fe alium putarentj ac 
Numantia cognitus effet \ 
Tieu . verha inimici ante 
fa£fa fua ponerent. De- 
inde utrique Curia egre- 
diuntur. Senatus ftatim 
xpnfulitur, Fautores lega- 
tprum, praeterea magna 
pars gratia depravata, Ji^ 
tberbalis difta contemne- 
re ; Jugurth^s virtutem 
laiidibus extollere; gratia, 
vpce, deniqnie omnibus 
fi)odis pro alicAO fcelere 
Sc ilagitio, fya qu^^fii pro 
glpria, nitebafityr. At 
contra pauci, quibu.s bo- 
num ^ s^yum xlivitii$ 
c^rius erat, fubvoiiun- 
dum Adierbali, ic Hi- 
eipp(alis mort$m fevere 
vjndicandam cenfebant* 
Sjpd ex omnibus max- 
pme /Emilius Scaurus, 
hpmo nobiiis, impigeT) 
fadiofus, avidus pPten- 
tiae, honoris, djvitiarani ; 
c^terumvitia fua callide 
pccultans. Is, poftquam 
videt regis ' largitionem 
^^olani impudentem- 

XVm. 4ier the Kmg ha4 
made an endof.hisfpeech^ fhe dei- 
puties of jugurtha^ depfnding 
more upon tne hribes they had gi^ 
Veny than their caufe^ made ajhort 
T^h\ That Hiempfal had been 
murdered by the Numidians, be- 
caufe of his cruelty ; that Atjier-p 
bal had been the aggreffor in th^ 
late war,.and becaufe he hadbeer^ 
baiSed therein, 'and could not do 
Jugurtha themifchief he intended, 
he now complained. That Ju- 
gurtha begged of the Senate, they 
would not take him to be any o- . 
ther man, than what he had been 
kiiown to bc at Numantia, or 
flicw more re^d to the words of 



than to his adtions* 

Vpon thiSy hoth parties quit .the 
houfey andthe Senate immediatefy 
went upon the affair. The fa^ 
vourers of the atnhafjadorsy and a 
great party bejidey made by the in^ 
fluence d' their friends amongft 
theformery flighted what wasfaid 
by Atherhaly^ highfy extotted the 
condu£i ofjugurtha^ aru^ by their 
interejly argumentSy and^ injhortj 
ffll mamer of means^ Jiruggled as 
hard'to cover Jugurtha^s wicked^ 
nefsy and infamous crimes^ as if 
toeir own honour was at Jiake^ 
On thfi other hand^ afmall party 
that regcfrd^d ju/iice and equity 
more than money^ advijid to re» 
lie^e Atherbaly and revenge Jer 
Verefy the death of Hiempfal. The 
mo/l eminent amongff thefe was 
MmiUus Scaurusy a perfon ofno^ 
hle defcenty aflivcy faSltous^ grecT 
dy ofpowery honotfry and riches \ 
but cunningfy concealing hi^ vices» 
Hejinding that tho hribery carri- 
N? . . ^u^, 


<^. CRISfel -S^tBtjStU 

que, vcritirs, qudi rti ta-= 
li tc. foldt, ttc {^olluta li-^ 
centia invidiam dccende- 
ret, ariimum i tonlueta 
Jubiditie cohtinuit. 

XtX. ticrt tamen m 
fenatu pars ilia, quse rero 
pfetiunfi aut p-atiani *an- 
tefei-elj^t. . I)ecretuiti fft, 
uii deceni ihgati regnum^ 
quod Mitipfa obtinnerati 
inter ^ugurtham W A^ 
therbakm ^diviSerent. 
Cujus legatlonis princeps 

edbnby the\Krng wa} 'notoriaut ^ni 

hartjhtedy fearing^ ' ai ii iijual^. 

hi^fens ihfuch a tafe^ Itfi theviiji 

Uctnce ta%in in thai maiter fi^ulll 

iTifitifne the general ddiuni again/i 

the jbdrtiis guiHy^ hid latd a re^ 

Jfratrii upon his vicitnes ini:Knation. 

XIX. Howevery tbepartythai 

preferred pioney or fdvbur iefori 

the truthy prevaihd in ihe Senate ; 

tind a voie paffed for the appoimt- 

* ment of ^en cbmmi(Sbhers, to di- 

vide the kingdbm which Micipfa 

had had, betwixt Jugurtha atjd 

A therbal . The firft ' comrtnffioner 

was L. Opimiusy a perfon ofgreat 

fuit Ir. *t)pimius, homo figure^ ahd ofvajitoeight at thai 

clafus, & ttim ih fenatu time inthehoufe\ becaufe^whenhe 

was Confulf he had iaken off C. 

pbtens, quia cpnful, C. 
(jraccfio & Ki. Fulyio 
interfeftis, Acerrume vm- 
'di£lim nobilitatis ih plc- 
b^ni exfercuerat. Eum 
Jiigurtha, tametfi 'Rom« 
in amicis habuerat, tameh 
accuratiffume recepit ; 
dando & pollkendo mul- 
ta perfecit, tfti' famae, fi- 
dei, pollremo omhibus 
fuis rebus commodum re- 
gis anteferret. Reliquoslc- 
g^os eadem via aggreffus, 
prerofque (iapit;' paucis 
carior fides, qunm pecu- 
nia, fuit. Irt diviiione, 
quae pars Numidra; Mau- 
ritaniam attingit, agro 
virifque, opulehtior, Ju- 
gurthae traditur. lUam 
alteram, fpecie, quam 
ufu, potiorem, qu^ pof- 
tUQfior& sediftciis magis 
fcxornata crat, Atherbal 
poffedit. ReS poftuhpe 

Gracehus andM, Ftihius^ and af-^ 
ttr thnt fuccefs^ hndfurioufly exe- 
cutedihe vengeante cftht nohility 
up^ ihe comfhons. And tho* he hlad 
ieen one of yagurthd*s friends at 
Iiomey.'yety upon hisiarrivalin A- 
frica^ he received him wiih bnge 
ceremony ; and by gvuing him nw^ 
neyj and promifing morey he fifar 
wi-ought vtron him^ that he prtfer" 
red the King^s iriteyeft hefort his 
own credity honottr^ and^ infnort^ 
every thihg elfe. yugurthawenttd 
wori.ln the fafke nianner with ihe 
reji gJ the cdnmiffion-ert^ and eor-^ 
Yuptedmoftofthem, Afewofihem 
valuedtheir honourmore ihan mo^ 
ney, In the divijton ofthe iingdoni^ 
that part'(f Ntmidia^ whichhor-^ 
ders upon mauritaniay andis mutfi 
the more tonftderahie fvr goodmfs 
offoil^ and httmher ofpeo^e^ ivers 

biit Ttot Yeatiiy\ m having mor^ 


p% ^jqpon^re ; & ea^ gen- Jhd ierr • / |;a%/, it ntaf'': nff^ i? 

tls,- qtiibufeum nobte bid- ifnpriperfil gii^e a flmi dct&Ani^^ 

ItfiW^t aimcitiJi fuki air the Jituefikn\(f jtfricai'^^Mt'^ 

tingere. Sed qujje loca pL thbJeMatibiis '^ bwe hacLar^ vh^ 
httiones, ob ealorc^, ' or alliinee ivith, Buf ^t f^ Wt^ 

aut arperitateni, item' fo-; fM^^d^Hdiion^j phifl^^ 'hetv^ 

|itudiil6s, mihus frequen- eftheir^kiteffive h(ptty ibeirhiing^ 

tatsfunt, deiis haud ifa- rQckfor^deJert^ are- tefi jfre^ehi'' 

cile comjpettura narr»ire- <^, */ canfiff lUtk witb artv nt^' 

fim, caetera quarii pAu- ^iaihfy -y 'SUt tieryi I Jhall dtjpcficb 

diSimis abfplVam. ivithallpdffSIe/revity, 
-'XX. tn divifioneorbis^. • XK.^ Jn tbe divijhn ofthe 

terfae pterique tft pafte ' ^ai^th.^ mfiji aUthors teckon ^ffite( 

teffik Africani*' pofu^; <i fhirdparii 8ome reehntjideeS 

pauci tantitoihjDoo Afi- hut two^ Afia^ ahd- E^rope i fef 
am K Eiiropani tfCty i^ > thenihey 'cduni 4frica in Eitrope. 

^ricam in Eurofia. Bi That is hpunded on tbewejlhy ihe' 

firiis habetj ab oeciddtite fireighty vohich inakes the contmur 

fretum nofei maris & nication betwixi our fea and tht 

Oceani; ab orfu folis de- ocean^ on the ia/i hy a yjide' decUi-^ 

clivcpfi latitudinern, quem vity^ caliedfy the natives Caia^' 

. jbcum Gatabathmoh in- hathmcs.' Thefea bordering uplm 

jcolab appeHaht. ' Mare it is hoifierous^ where there are 

iTaevuih, importubfum. A- few or no harbours, The country 

ger fii^mn fertflis,^ borkus isfrnitfkl in grain of all kindi^ 

pecori,. arbori mfcecun- and good fbrfeedrng ofcattle^ hut 

diis; cxlp terraque pe- frodttces vetyfew'trees; wateris 

huria ^quaruth; gfjhus fcarce^ as well fpring^water^ as 

hominamfalubri corpore^ rain. The nati^Oes are healthy^ 

vdox, patiens laboruhi; fivifi of fqot^' and hardy, Mofi} 

pierofque feheftiis diflbl- ofthem aieof^ld age^ exceptfuch 

vit, nifi qui feh*o aut a as perijb hy the fword^ or wild 

\xXX\i% interiere. Nam heafis. For a dtfeaje fildom dif- 

ptorbus haud faepe quepi- patches them» Bui ihen it ahounds 

quam* fupeirat. Ad hbc, withnoxious &eatures. NoWy ai 

malefici jgenefis pliiripia to the firfi inbabiiants of this 

animalia. Sed qui mor- country^ *and thofe that injncceed^ 

tales initio Africam habu- ing ages Jetiled there^ and hoW 

erint, quique ppftea ac- they incorforated^ I frall give a 

ceflerint, aiit qiio hiodo very hrief acco&ntj difiirent in- 

ihter fe penpixti finl ; deed from the common one^ hut 

quamquam ab ea fama, fuch as wds interpreted io me out 

flua^ plerofque obtinet, of the Oarihaginidn hooksy whicb 

' ' ^ diver- 

oro? . C, eRISPJ SALLUSril ! 

^erCxktfi ^ tamei^ u( ^enfatdp be King HiempfaPs^ 

cx Ubris Punicis, qui re» ^nd %vhat the pepple of ihat c»^n^ 

gis Hieippfalis dicebai^-^ try take to 'be fa^. But let the 

tQr» i^terpretatutn nobis auth^rs Mnjwerfor the credibility 

cft, ytique rem fefe ha-* pfit.i 

tcre cultQiP^s gus teme putant^ qyam {KUiciiiumis ^icam* 
C^ter^m iidei^ ejus rei penes. audores erit. 

. X^. Africam initio X^L The criginal ifihabitants 

Ijabuere Ga&tuli & Libyes, of Jfrica.ivhere the GatuBqm a^ 

dTperiincUltique; queisci-* the J^ikyanSy a r^ugh unp^ijhed 

^us erat caro ferina, atque feoplcy who lived tipmfiejk taken 

humi pabulum, uti pecoh in hunting^ or t^n herbiy liis 

xibus. Hi neqi^e mori- ^attle, Thefe were. under nq man^ 

bus, neque lege, autim- ner iff amfinement from xuftom^^ 

perio cujufquam rpgeban- [law pr goverfimenf ', butJiroUing 

turj vagi, palantes, quas ahout^here and therej tookuptheir 

nox coegerat, fedes ngi- Mging^ where the night happeri^ 

bebant. Sed poftquani ed ta^ overtake them. fiuf cffter 

ip Hifpania Hercujies, fi- Hercules died^n Spainy as the 4-^ 

cuti Afri putant, interiit; fricans have it^ his armythatwas 

cxercjtus ejus, compofi- madeup of divers nations^ uporr 

tu& 63^ gcntibus variis, a- the lofs pf their leadery and tha 

miffo duce, ac paffim bti/iU made by a competitionfor the 

multi^ fibi quifque impe- c^mmandy difperfed in afhort time^ 

4um pctentibus, brevi Of that^ number the Medes^ the 

dilabitur. Exeonumero Perfiansy and 4i^meniansy pajTmg 

Medi^ Perfae, & Arme- overjfy^ipping into ^fricayfeizr- 

nii, navibus in Africam edupon thqfe parts. ofit^ that lye, 

tranfveiti, pfoxumos no- upon ourfea. But the Perfians lye 

ftro mari locos occupave- more upon the ocean, 7%ey made 

re. Sed Perfse intra Oce- ufe of their Jhips turned bottom up^ 

anummagis; hique alve- wards for houfe^\ becaufe there 

os navium inverfos pro was no wood in that country^ nor 

tuguriis habuere ; quia had they any dpporiunity ofbuying 

neque materia in agris, any^ or trucking for it with the 

neque ab. Hifpanis emun- Spamards. ^widefea^ atid a Janr 

dl aut mutandi copia erat. guage to them unknown^ render'd 

Mare magnum & ignara ^ ajl commerce intpraElicdble^^ . Bj 

lingua commercia prohi- degrees^ . they hy^ intert^arriages 

bebant. Hi paulatim per mi^ed wiih the Gatulian^ ; and 

cpnnubia Gaetulos fecum becaufe tbey were often Jhijfiing a-f 

mifcuere ; & quia, iaepe ,J?out from pla^e to place^ totrythe 

tentantes a^os, alia de^ podnejs of the joily they calki 

^de alia loca petiverant, themjelves Nm^idians, Jo thi^ 



Ibmct q>(t Numidas.ap- 
pellavere* Csterum ad- 
huc sediiicia Numidarum 
iigr^Aium, qu^e Mapatiu 
illi vdcant) oblotkga^ in:^ 
otfvis lateribus te<^ (fh' . 
fi itavium carinas iunt« 
Medisr autem U Anpeniis 
acoeilere Libyes. ^am 
hi^^nopiu&mare Afncum^ 
igitabant. Ga^uli fub 
ipcdcmagiS) jiaud proctd 
abarddribus; hiquie ma^ 
tur^ pppida .habuere. 
Naiii) fretu divifi ab 
Hifpahiaj ^nutare res iil- 
txS' & inftituerant. -^ No- , 
men eorum pa\ill;|tim>Li-' 
laycs ' corrupere, > barbara 
ikigtia Mauro^ pto. Miedis 
appellantes. Sedvm Per^ 
farum brevi adoleyit: ac 
pqftea Nomo-^Numid», 
prbpter muhitudinem^ a 
parentibus degreffi^ ^poC- 
federe ea loca, quse^prox^ 
uma Carthagiheni Nur ^ 
'midia appellatun X)einde, ^ 
utrique alteris fireti, iimti- 
mos armis aut metu fub 
imperium fuum coegere ; 
nomen gloriamque fibi 
addidere ; magis hi, 
noftrum mare procefTe- 
rant ; quia Libyes, quam 
Gaetuli, minus bellicofi. 
Denique Africa&pars infe- 
ricr pleraque ab Numidis 
poftdla eft. V i(S^i omnes 
in geiitem nomenque im- 
perantium concefTece. . 

XXn. PofteaPhoeni-. 
cesy alii multitudinis do- 
mi minuendx gratia, pars 

day ihe <tfitagU (fihe Numidi^m'^ 

wbich ihiy^^alf MzpzhZf iar^ 9f 

m eblong form^ vjith the Jidet 

hending.suii Uke the hulls ofJhips\ 

TheLibyms .jmed ibe Medes arvi 

Jrmenians^ who-Jived nearer th4' 

Afritanfea^ The Gatuliansiyeimr^ 

to. thef»n^::mtfar\from'the'hDU 

teft farV.of tbe torridxme^. Ani 

tbefe quidily huili towns* F&r be-* 

ing divided^ottly^hy fa narrow fea . 

fromSpain^\ tbey carried^n a-iraf^ 

fick there. But ibe Libyafk bi 

degrees , akerid. ibeir nkmej ctiiU 

ing themj intheir knguage^ Mai%» 

ri, infteadtfMedi* But the Per^ 

fians befiomtj in a Jbort timef.a 

flourijhingip^le^^ Afterwards iw 

the Nomo^^Nun^idians^ by/reufitntf 

theit vaft .numbersy ifeparatixg 

from their parentSj pofte^diihem-k 

fehes (f tb£. country about Car^ 

thagCy whicb is cailed Numidia* 

After thaty . both parties depending 

uponthehr. mutitai/iffjjiancei.ifoat 

anotherf did hy.force of armsi ag 

tf)efear.wereof bring their migi^ 

.bourj under fubjeSlion to tbem^ and 

acquired: to. themfejves a migity 

name^ and greai glory ^ but efpe^ 

cially thgfe who bordered upon min 

fea y becaufe the Libyans arel^» 

warlike than the Gat^lians. : Fi^ 

nally^ the lower part af Africa 

was maft of it over^run by thi 

Numidians. And the conquered 

people mixed with^ and went ty 

the*name ofthe conquerors. 

XXIL AfterwardsthePhceni^ 
ciansy fome to lejffin the over^great 
crewdi atiomey and others out of 




tdi^ Ci ckispi SALyLustii: ; 

impera cu{)idine, Iblidta-» \tf 4tfir^ ^j^tiii^ ^HH^ taafa^ 
ta pteb^ .& aliis noKamoi >€fth$ co^iiminaity 't(t ^put themftk^s, 
rermn avidis^/H^ppmea^. Undir tbimkaiing aH £r6itiAn\ 
Hadrumfituaiy . Leptim, as vuelUat dibtrs th^t pieaf€^\fmi 
aitafque urbis inorajxia^ 'jof mveky^ i^Ut Hipp^ iHadrun 
sitima.condidece. . Hkqjm; meiutfi^ J^ps^. €ind athif/citiis 
brmaxittltum«iktt£be, par8< . t^^ f)^< fka^eot^ii .> ubid..titefit 
originibus ^is .prseficUo, \growing saufidtratdy iu A,iiim, 
aliae deood fuere;. /iJasn timey ^uen^-farily a JJscuri^^Md 
de. CarthagifQe iilsrA tok^ partfy an iv'nament'iQ,tbiirfy^jgt{ 
&US'.puto,. qu^m jparum derjl Fot aito £arthagi^ Itbij^ 
d^cete; .quoniam aiio pm% k bettef iiofiiy^ noibing at oiL^ofit^ 
(tr^ . tempus « /jaioilet«. . thaniut- ta dittlgg \ hei^aufe^ . L^am iu 
Xgkur adv. Cat&badimbo, bajft, to. jnituin • to «9 frcper&b-f 
<{ui ^oois. ^gyi^im WheK)f§rj by tCatabafimof^ 

Afiica .dixidit, '&:inu^ .which plsice<jdimics Egypt.^frOfk 
m^ prkna Cyren^.^vdi^A j^ricay^d^n thi.fia^ frfi Mcvxt 
colonia :TJa6^.a;. ^ ;(ku v\\\Qtr^^,-iz KcMnfKirf the, Tiurtam 
i^cep&Avx ^yxte^ bit&r^K^ ^iii fkilsd;. tie ^taia ifyrtgs^ ^if^ 
^pc /*efls\ Ifqpds ; deii^de Leptis bafmiietotl\emr^'.idiek thejoii 
tynlemoii aris 9 cpifim lo« > tars'^fth3i^i(ik*taesj xAii£iu^ 
raib ii£gyptum .veifiis ihiboundaryiio^lt&e Cart&agimait 
finem ui)perti habueoe rewpire ^io tbiffide^rf Sgypt^/efU 
^rthi^gkiieafes ) poll /a»\ \ /^r themfufictid^aibjir i^artiagiai* 

U» £uQiCse urbes iZx^-.andties^. ^T/^eilr^^fffj/ft^ 

ter^ioca uique ad .Mau^ far as Mam{tamj^ ^eNumi^Uani 
mahiam Nunaidse.teneaft. ^ ^^are po£'effid: ofi'i:Tbe:',Moars ' are 
Proxume Hifpaoiam nedctJo ^aimLTbeXi^Huliam^ wa. 

Mauri funt. Super Nu-* are Joldj- ,fye \aba^ Numidia^ mha 
midiatn '.Qa^ulos accepi- part of tbem live in iuts^.part 
mxLSy. parttm in tuguriis^ wanderMbout^ witboit anyftt^ed 
s^ios incuhtus vagos ^^^ habitattotu Beyond ihem iye: tbt 
tare; poft eos ^thiopas ^thtoptans^' beyond. whm.Jhe 
eile; ddn ioca exufla fo^ couKtry is bumt.up. with £X£i^^ 
Usardoribus. Igitur^ellO heat. in^tbe time ,tf\ the war> a^ 
Jugurthino pl^que ex- gainfi yugurtbfi^ tl^ Romjm' .pet^f^ 
Punids- oppida, & finis ple.govsrmd m^of.the Punick 
Carthaginienrium, quos towns^ as weH as ihe jCOunfBBy^ 
novifTume habuerant, that had been under thefJtje&on 
populus Rofnanus per . of the 'Carih^ginians^ by ^m^gi^ 
Magiftratus adminiftra- Jhates of their ewn^ A grea^ 
hat, Gaetiilorum magoa part of the Gatuliausy and the 
parsNumidise ad flumen Numtdians 41S far. as the riviv 
ufque Mulucham/ub Ju«. . Mukcha^ were under Jiugunkak 



gtirtha . aMt ; Mauris 
oma&usrex Bocchus im- 
peritabatj praeter nomen, 
cadera ignarus populi Ro- 

King Bocchus ruled- over M ihe 
Moorsy afivMger tothe Romans^ 
any fartber than th»ir name, and 
not known W- Us hefore^ either by 

and its inhabitants. 

matii ; itemque nobis peace or Hvar. But this ma 
neque belio, neque pace ficemy .purpofe t» fay (f 
anteacognitus. DeAfdca 
& ^us incoUs, ad necefii-* 
tudinem ret fstis di£him. 

XXIII. Poflquam, di. 
vifo regno, legati Africa 
deoefibre ; v & Jugurtha, 
contra tiinbtem animi, 
praemia feeleris adeptum 
fefe videt ; certum ratus, 
quod examicis apudNu-^ 
mantiam acceperat, on!i- 
ma Romae venalia eile; 
fimul & iUorum pollici- 
tationibus accenfus, quos 
pauUo ante muneribus 
expkverat, in regnum 
Atherbalis animum in- 
tendit. Ipfe acer, belIi-> 

XXIII. After ihe Homan com-' 
miffioners had divided the king^ 
dom^ and left Africa ; and Ju^ 
gurtha^ • contrary toMsfears^ fatu 
himfelf rewardedfof his .vUlainy i 
taking itnimfir if^erutinty which 
he had heardfrom his friends at 
Numantia^ that ail things tvere 
tohefoldat Rom^ being likewifi 
pufiedon by the promifes of thye^ 
njbbom he had but <a liitle hefore 

haded with prefinis^ he refohed 
to ba^e Atherbafs ykingdm from 
hifh. ^ He was himfiif-an ahive^ 
warlike man ; buf he whom he de^ 
cx>fus ; at is, quem pe- figned to attack^ ]. a quiei^ weakj 
tebat, quietus, imbeUis, meek-fpirited creafurey undble ia 

dtfend himfilfy and more fearful 

dfjthers-^ than to befettred by any» 

^ erefir-e Jugufiha invades his 

cmntry with a great^Hfmy^ takes 

abundance of meri^ cattUy and o^ 

thet ' plunder 5 fires towns^ ani 

(mer^runs- almoft all the country 

with his borfe, Andwheh he had 

done^ returned with all his forcts 

into his< own kit^dom ;. fuppofing 

^Aiherbal would refent ana revenge 

the abufi^ andfo a war would en^ 

fue upon ii, 'But he not looking up^ 

an himfelfas a matchfor theother 

inwary and depending more upon 

thefriendjhip ofthe Roman people^ 

than his Numididn fubjeSis^ Jvnt 

fore. At iUe, quod Vi^/^depuiies^Q yugurtha^ to^complain 


placido ingenio, opportu- 
nns injurise, metuens ma- 
gis, qaam metuendus. 
Igitur ex improvifo iinis 
ejus cum magna manu 
invadit; multos mortalis 
cum pecore atque alia 
praeda icapit; aedificiaon- 
cendi^t; plecaqtie loca ho- 
ftilitercum eqiiitatu acce- 
dit. Deinde cun^ omni 
multitudme in regnum 
fuum xx>nvertit, exiftu- 
mans dc^ore permotum 
Atherbakm dnjurias fuas 
manu . . viruiicaturum, 
leamque rem beUi cauilam 


que (e parem annis cxi- nf the injtfftice done bim. And 

ftumabat, & amicitia po- M they brought but a rude an^ 

puli Romani magis, quam fwer back again^ yet he refohed 

Numidis, fretus era^ lc- to fuffer any thing^ rather tbun 

gatos ad Jugurtham de engage in a war^ htiving hadjuch 

mjuriis queftum mifit ; iUfucceJs in theformer. Howevexi 

qui, tametfi contumeliofa Jugurtha^s greedy bumour was not 

di6ta retulerant, prius ta- hereby lejfened at all^ as having 

men omnia pati decrevit, in his own thoughts abready 'de^ 

quam bellum fumere; voured his whole kingdom», Wbere^ 

quia tentatum antea fecus fire he begun now to make tDar^ 

ceflerat, Nequeeo magis nota^beforey with abandofplun^ 

cupido Jugurthae minue- derers only^ but with a numerous 

batur; quippe qui totum and a regular army '9 and now a^ 

cjus regnum animo jam vowedly claimed for himfelf the 

invaferat. Itaque non, kingdom of all Numidia\ and 

ut antea, cum prasdato- 'where-evet; he came^ laid wajie 

ria manu, fed magno ex- and plundered both town andcoun^ 

ercitu comparato, bellum try ; put life^ into his own menj 

gerere coepit, & aperte and increafed more and more the 

totius Numidias imperi- fright ihe eneiny was in^ 
um petere. C«terum, qua petgebat,. urbis, agros vaftare; 
praedas agere \ fiiis animum, hofiibus terrorem augere. 

^ XXIV, AtherbaJ, ubi XXIV. Jtherbal Jinding mat-^ 

intelligit eo procefium, ers were come tofuchapaJ\ that 

uti regnum aut reliquen- he muji either quit his kingdom^ or 

dum eflet, aut armis reti- keep itbyforce of arms^ wds ne^ 

nendum, necefllario (^opi^ tef^ated ta raife troops^ and march 

as parat, &.JugurthaB again/i Jugurtha. In tbernean 

obvius procedit. Interim, time^ botb arndes encamped not 

haud longe a mari prope farfrom the fea^ nigh the town 

Cirtam oppid^ixL, utriuf- ofCirta\ and becaufe tbe dayvuas 

gue confedit exercitus ; almojifpent^ they did not engage 

&, quia diei extremum ik battle. But whentbenightwas 

erat, praelium non incep- a/mo/i overy about twiJightj 'tbe 

tum. Sed, ubi plerumque foldiers of Jugurtha had the Jig- 

no6lis proceflit, obfcuro nalgiven thentj. and nmde an af- 

etiam tum lumine, mili- fault upon Hhe .enemy\ campj put 

tes Jugurthini, figno da- to flight and difperfed tbem^ whiljl 

tOj caftra hoftium inva- fome were half afleepy and othert 

dunt; femifomnos par- were taking to their arms. Atber.-^ 

tim, alios arma fumentis bal^ with afew borfej made his 

fugant funduntque. A- efcape to Cirta \ and had there not 

therbal cym paucis equi- mn a good number of Romans in 



tibus Cirtam profugit; 
&, ni multitudo togato- 
xum^faiflet, quae Numir 
.das infequentis maenibus 
prohibuir, uno die inter 
duos r^escoeptum atque 
patratuiH fbret bellum. 
Igitur Jugurtha oppidum 
circumfedit; vineis, tur^ 
ribufque, & machinis 
omnium generum expug** 
narea^editur; maxume 
feftinans tempus legato- 
rum antecapere, quosan- 
te praelium faQxtm Ro^ 
mam ab Atherbale miiTos 
audiverat. Sed, poftquam 
fenatus de bello eorum 
accepit, tres adolefcentes 
in Africam legantur, qui 
ambos reges adeant; S.^ 
P. Q^ R. verbis nundent, 
veiU ^. cenfere eos / 4ib ar-^ 
mis difcedere'f de cmtro^ 
verfm fidsy jure potius 
quambello difceptare : Ita 
feque illifque dignum effe^ 

XXV. LegatiAfricam 
maturantes veniunt; eo 
fnagis, quod Romae, dum 
proficifci parant, de proe- 
lio fado, & oppugnatione 
Cirtae audiebatur. Sed is 
rumor clemens erat. 
Quorum Jiigurtha ac- 
c^ta oratione reipondit; 
fifi nequ£ majus quid'- 
quam^ neque carius au£to-^ 
rifatefenati effe\ ab ado^ 
hfcentia fua itafe enifumj . 
ut ab optumo quoque pro^ 
baretur. Virtutey . non 
fjfalitiay P. Scipidniy fum^ 
m viro pldcuiffe ; ob eaf^ 

towrty wbo repulfed the Numidi* 
ansj in purfuit ofhimy from the 
wallsy the war beiwixt the two 
Kings had been begun and ended 
in one day. Upon this^ fugurtha 
laid clofe fiege to the town^ and 
endeavours by means of vinea^ 
towersy and engines of all fortSy 
to. take it\ making all ihe hajie 
he could to be beforehand with 
tbe deputies he heard had beenfent 
to Rome by Jtberbaly befote the 
battle. But after the Senflte were 
informed of this war^ three young 
gentlemen were dijpatched by them 
into Africay with orders to appty 
to both KingSy and acquaint themy 
That it was the pleafure of the 
Senate and peofde of Rome, they 
(hould both be quiet, and decide 
their di^tes in the way of r^- 
fon, and not of war, as what 
wouM be more for the honour of 
the Romans, and themfelves tbo. 

XXV. Thejeputi£s make all 
poffible ^ajle into Africoy and the 
rathery becaufe whilfi they were 
preparing for their journeyy news 
arrived in Rome. of ibe battle^ 
and thefiege of Cirta ; but fuch 
too as leffened very much the ^* 
oufnefs (f the fa^is, Jugurthay 
upon hearing ihe deputiesy repliedy 
Thal he was ready to pay the 
utmoft deference to the autliority 
of the Senate; he had endeavour- 
ed from hii youth to behave in 
fuch a manner, as to gain the ap« 
probation of the beft of men, aqd 
had recommended himfelf to the 
favour of tbat great man F. . S^i*- . 
O 2 dem 



dm artis a A£ciffa^ nm 
fenuria liberoruTn^ in reg^ 
num adoptaium ejfe, Ca^ 
terum^ quo piura hem 
atque Jlrenue fecijfet^ eo 
animum fuum tmuriam 
minus toUrare. Ather^ 
balem dolis vita Jua in^ 
fuUatum', quod ubi com^ 
fertj[et<^ fceleri o&mum 
jffe* Populum Romanum 
neque re6ie^ . neque pro 
hono faSiurunty Ji ah jure 
gentium fefe prohihuerit. 
poftremoj de omnihus re^ 
hus legatos Romdm hrevi 
mijfurum. Ita utrique 
digredkiotur. Atherbafis 
aj^pellaDcU copia noa futt.. 
Jjugurtha, ubieos- Africa 
deceffifle ratus eft, neque 
propter loci naturamX^ir- 
tam armis expug^^are po^ 
XsSiy vallo atqnc fofia 
mcenia circumdati turris 
extruit, eafque praefidiis 
firraat \ prseterea dies 
DOiStifque, aut :per vim, 
aut dcJis tentare; defen- 
foribus moenium proemia 
modo, HKxio fbrmidinjem 
gftentare; fuos hortando 
ad virtutem erigere \ 
prorfus intentqs cun6la 
parare. Atherbal ubi in- 
teiligit omnis fi^rtunas 
fuas in extremo fitas, ho- 

piO| by bis virtoe^ notwifkedngfs, 
He. had ULewife been adc^rted by 
Micipia, to fucceed in his king- 
doni, for the iame good quaiities, 
and not for want of fons. But 
the betto' he had behaved, the 
more he refented any abufe. That 
Atherbal bad fonn^d a plot agaiftfl 
his lifiv upon the. dUfcovery of 
whidi, hebadendeavouredtopve- 
veat him. That tbe Rtnnan peo- 
ple would not dowell, pr deal 
fairly by-him, if they deborredhini 
firom the commoo right of nati- 
ons. Finally, he told them, he 
would fhortly fend deputies to 
Rom^about all matters. J^er 
this anfiver^ they farted. ^he 
Xaman deputies could not get inta 
tbe town to fpiak to AtherhaL 
When yugurtha thougbtthey tvere 
departedfrom Africa^ finding it 
impoffible to take Cirta hf affdultj 
hecaufe of the natural Jirengtb of 
the place^ he hlocks . it . tip clofdy on 
all ftdes with a ^ rantpart and a 
diichi huilds tower^y andflls them 
wlth armed' men t . arui beftdes^ 
makes frequent attempts upon ii 
byday and hynigbt^ in the way,of 
open forccy or firatagem ; plyifig 
thebefieged ont while wkb pronti^ 
fesy and. another whiU -^ith 
tbreats 'y. and at thefame time 
anitfuting bis mfn men to ^do^ tb^r 
utmofi. In Jhort^ be puftad' tbe 

hufinefs witb all poffihle appHcaii' 
flem infcfiiim, auxiiii ' on and eagemefs. Atherhal find^ 
fpcm nulhm, penuria rc- ing himfelf reduced\to thehfi ex^ 

tremity^ bis enemy hent upon.bis- 
de/im'^iony no bl^s of a^ance^ 
andtiat.tbe war could not he con^- 
tinued for want of necefjariesy 
chufesfrom amongfi tbofe that bad 


rum neceJTariarum bd- 
lum trahi non pofle ; ex 
lis, qui una Cirtam pto^ 
fugerant, duos . maxume 
impigros deiegit > eos, 



nmlta poHicendd ac Jiufe-^ 
randa (nfuixt fimm) con- 
GfmaA, utx pes hoiHuin 
mairitiones noQxL\ ad 
proxumum marC) dein 
Rottiam pergei^nft. Nu- 
midse paucis diebusjui]a 
efHciimt. ' Litterae Ather- 
balis in fenatu recitatse, 
quarum fententna bsec 

XXVL N(m tnia ctd-^ 
pa faft^ ad vos oratum. 
tmtto^ P. C. Jei vis 5f«- 
gUrtha fubtgh ; qtum 
tanta lubido me ^xtsn»- 
guindi invajh^ uti neque 
vos Heque deos immortalis 
in animo babeat ; fangui^ 
nem meum, quamomnia, 
malit^ ttaqtte quintum 
jam menfemfocius^ ami' 
cus poptiU -Komani armiis 
jiis teneor^ neque mihi. 

Tcipfa patris mei benc" 
ficiaj neqi^ veftra decreta 
auxiUanttir. Ferro an 
fame acrius '^urgear^^ in- 
cirtus fum. Plura de 
yugurtha fcribere dehor" 
tatur me fortuna mea. 
Etiam antea expertus fum^ 
parum fidei miferis effe. 
Nifi tamen intelligo i7- 
lum^fupra quam ego fum^ 
pitere\ neque fimul ami^ 
citiam' vejfram & reg^ 
rtum meum fierare'; «- 
trum gravius exi/tumety 
nemini occultumefi. Nam 
initio ocfidit ' fiiempfalem 
fratrem meum ; aeinde 
patriq regno, me expulit. 
^ua fani fuerint nofir^ 

%fcaped,ahng nXxith him to^ Cirtff^ 
two if the moft aSfivei and, by 
large promifes^ and. lamenting hi$ 
condition^ prevails with them - 19 
get through the enemies lines in 
the night-^time down to. ' the fea^ 
and from thence to go tp Rome. 
The Numidians execute their or^ 
ders in afew days. Ajtherbafs letr . 
ter was readin the Senaie^, 'Ufhicb 
was to thefaltowing effe^.. , 

XXVL 'Tjs nofaultof min^ 
illuflrious .Fathers, that I trouble 
you with fuch irequent meiTages; 
htit Lam obliged by the yIop^ 
lence of Jugurtha, i/irho is fo mad- 
ly bent upon my deftrudipn, that . 
he has no regard to you, or the 
immortal Gods ; but had rather 
have my blood, than all things in 
the wprld befides. And dierefoie 
I, an ally andiriend of the Romaa 
people, have been clofely befieged 
for five months, tpgether; whilft 
neither the fervices of my father 
Micipfa, n6r your decrees» avail at , 
all to my relief. I ^m unable to 
tell you, whether I am more di- 
ih-efiied by fword, or by famine« ' 
My circumflances difcourage me 
from enlarging on my complaints 
againil Jugurtha. Lhavefoundby 
experience, the imfortunate have 
but little credit. But hbwever, 
I am fenfible, he has fomething ia 
view beyond my deihudion, and 
neverexpefts toenjoyyourfiiicnd- 
fhip and my kingdom together* 
Which of the two he is moft am- 
bitiouilyfondoi^ can be no fecret. 
to any body. For he firft of all 
nrarcieredmy brother Hiempfai, & 
then forced me from my rather's 
kingdom. {^etthoielpeai^Qfin- 



iHjurta\ nihil ai vcs» 
Verum nunc regnum ve^- 
Jlrum armis tenet\ w, 
quem vos imperatorem 
Numidis pofuijfis^ claU" 
fum obfidet ; legatorum 
verba quaTfti fecerity 
pericula mea ^ declarant* 
^id eft reliquum^ nifi 
vis vejlray qua moveri 
poffit? Nam ego quidem 
viiiemj £5f hac qua fcri^ 
boj & illa quof antea in 
fenatu quejlus fum^ vana 
Jhrent potiusy quam mife- 
ria mea fidem verhis fa- 
ceret. Sed quoniam eo 
natus fum^ ut Jugurtha 
fcelerum- ofientui ejfem ; 
non jam mortem neque 
arumftaSy tantummodo 
inimici intperium^ bf cru- 
ciatus corporis deprecor. 
Regno NumiSa^ quod 
vejirum eft^ uti lubety con- 
fuHte \ ^ me ex manibus 
impiis eripitej per maje^ 
Jiatem imperiiy per ami- 
citia ftdem^ fi ulla apud 
vos memoria remanet avi 
mei Mafmiffa 

XXVIL His litteris 
recitatis, fiiere qui cxer- 
citum in Africam mit- 
tendym cenferent, & 
quam primum Atherbali 
fubveniundum ; de Ju- 
gurtha interim uti confu- 
leretur, quoniam legatis 
nidn paruiilet.. Sed ab' 
iiidem illis regis faptoriw 
bus fumma ope enifumi, 
ne tile decretum fieret. 
Ita bonum publicum^ ut 

jufticc to us, yrhich na ways afl^ 
you. Yet now he keeps, by forcc 
of arms, a kingdom that is yours^ 
and befiegcs me, whom you ap. 
pointed King of thc Numidians ; 
dien too how muchhe minded the 
remonfbr^ces of your «deputies, 
my danger fufficiently ihews. 
What remains therefore to move 
him, «but force ,on your part ? 
For I could wiih, that wbat I . 
now write, and what. I before 
complained of toyou, had no* 
thingoftruth in it, rather than 
that my mifery (hould gaincredit 
. to what I fay. But fince I was 
bom to manifcft to die world, in 
my perfoii, tKe villainies of Ju- 
gurtha, I b^ not a delivery from 
death or mifery, but the hands of 
Jugurtha, and the crud torture I 
muft expe£i: from him. Difpofe 
ofthekingdomofNumidia, which 
is yours, as you pleafe. But I be- 
feech you by the majefty of your 
mighty powcr, and the honour of 
our alliance, ddiver me fifom thofe 
impious hands, if you have any 
refpeft for the memory of my 
grandfatheir Maiinifla. 

XXVII. After ihe reading oj 
this letter, fome tvere Jor fending 
an army over into Afrtca^ and re^ 
lieving Atherbal forthwith ; and 
conjideringy in the mean-while^ in 
what way to proceed againft ju^ 
gurthaj forflighting their nujjage 
to him, But this was Jtrenuotjly 
oppofed byfticb as had before fa" 
voured tbe catfe of jugurtha. 
ThuS' was the publick goddy as it 
commonly falls outy baffled hy pri^^ 
vatLtntereft. Howeveryfome eh 


ih plcrifquc negouis folet, 
privata gratia devi<Stuni. 
Jjegamtxir tameti in Afri- 
cam nu^or^s natu nobi- 
les, amplis honoribus ufi, 
in qu^s fuit M. Scajurus, 
jde quo fupra memoravi- 
m\Jis^< confularis^ & tum 
fenati princeps. Hi, quod 
in invidia res erat, fimul 
& a Numidis obfecrati, 
triduo navim adfcendere ; 
dein brevi Uticam adpul- 
fi litteras ad - Jugurtfaam 
mittimt, ^uam oit^ume 
ad provinciam . accedat ; 
Je ad eum ab fenatu mij' 
fos. Ille ubi acoej^ fao- 
«lines claros, quoruni 
. auiftoritatein RcHnse poU 
lere audiverat, contra in-^ 
caeptum ^ fuum veniile ; 
primo commotus metu 
atque lubidine divorfus 
agitabatur. Timefaat iram 
Jtoati, ni parmfiet lega- 
tis; porro smimus cupi- 
dine csecus ad incaeptum 
£celus rapiebat. Vidt ta- 
men in avido ing^io 
pravum confilium. I^- 
tur, exercitu circumdato, 
fumma vi Cirtam irrum- 
pere nititur; maxume 
fperans, diduiSla manu 
hofiium, aut vi aut dolis 
fefe cafum vi<9:oriaB in- 
venturum. Quod ubi 
fecus procedit, nequd, 
quod intenderat, efficere 
poteft, uti prius, quam 
. legatos conveniret, A- 
therbalis potiretur ; ne 
amplius morando Scau- 

derly noblemenj that iad^ run 
through the great offices ofjiat^y 
are difpdtched over into ylfrica ; 
amongft whom was M. Scaurus 
mentioned above^ a Confular gen- 
tiemany and thmatthebeadpftii 
Senate. Thefe gentlemen^ asitbere 
was a general outcry agdinft^ Ju^ 
gurtha-s behavibury and' the Nu-^ 
midians vehemently pre£id them 
for difpatchy went aboard ajhip in 
three days timey and arrivingfion 
after at Vticay fend a letter to 
jugurthoy with orders to repair 
foithwith totheminthe province; 
' for that they had a mei&ge to him 
frojxi the S^^nate. Upin find^ 
ing that perfons rf high ranky and 
of very great Jway at liomey as 
he had heen informedy were come 
to oppofiMs dejignsy hi was mxich 
Jhockedy and diftra£ted betwixt 
fear and a pajftonate defire ,io atr*- 
ry his point ctgainfl AtherbaL He 
fearedthe' Senate*s refentmMy if 
he did not ehey the commsjponers j 
andthen againy his mind blinded 
with ambitiony htirried bim on tQ 
the compktion rf his . wicked enter^ 
prize, The wsrfeofthe.tmoihin^s 
propofid to hts choicef at' laft 
wreught Mpon his ambitidus fiuL 
JVherefore drawing hisarmyquite 
rifundtbe placcy heufee his tamofi 
ejforts to break into Cirta\ being 
in great hopeSy that by thus di-^ 
viding ' the force of the enemy^'^^ 
might hit upbnfime ducky chance 
for fuccefiy either byforce or cun^ 
ning, But mifiarrying in his d^ 
fign of getiing Jtherbal ■ into his 
handsy before he attended the com^ 
mijjionersy for fear of provokin^ 
Scaurufy Vihom \b4 m^h dreadedy 




hy his delay^ he eante^ attendM 
with a few horfe^ into the pro^ 
vincei Jlndtho^ they did^ inibe 
Tume of the : Senate^ tbreaten . bim 
very Jeverefyifir .ndt raijh^ tbe 
nae\jgFaves nonciabantury Jiegej yet (^r^adeal ofcvjrmgle 
quod . ab oppitgnatlone upon the fiikje^-.the comimffwner^ 

departed^ wiihoHt-^heing ahlt.ta 
move him in th» leqfi^^ . • 

rum, 'quem plurimiiim 
metuebat^ , incend^etj 
cum paucis equitibus in 
provihdam venit. . Ac 
tametfi^ fenati verbis mi*- 

. con- 

non defifteret.; 
tamen. oratijone 
fumpta^ legati 

•quam Cirtse audita funt^^ 
Italici, quorum virt;ute 
joioema: , defenfabanftur, 

i ' 


XXVIIL Whenihe^ntwi^ 
this was hrougiht to Grta^^ tbe Ita» 
liansj hy whom the town had been 
drfendedy fvppofing^ in cafe ofa 
'cdhftii,- deditione. fa(3% farrender^ that they, upon. account 
propter ^ magnitudinem jf.ihe iRjormt grandeur^ Jhould 
popi^i.Romahiiilvidatos xome to no ebrmagey advife jfther- 

halto deliver up himfe^ and tbe 

fefe -foire, Atherbali fua- 
dent, titi feque ii oppi- 
dum Jugurthae tradat j 
tantum ab eo vitam pa^ 
cifcatur ; de c^teris feni-> 
tui curse foce. . At iUe, 
tametfi omnia pdtiora 
Ade Jugufthae rebatur, 
tamen, quia penes eof- 
dem, fi advorfaretury co- 
gendi . . poteftas erat, ita» 
iitL ceiifiierant Italici, de- 
ditionenif fecit. Igitur 
Ji^uitha. in primis A^- 
dlerbalem excruciatum 

town io Jugttriha^.artidk^ for. 
life onty\ finee , etber. matters 
tbe Senate wouldtake eart of 
Buty tho^ he abborred above afl 
things the thoughts if trufting 
fugurtha^ yet becaufe. it was Jn 
theirpowery if he refufed^ tafarie 
him to-a con^Uance^ he did fur^ 
rendery as the i Italians ^a(wifed 
him. Whereupon Jugurtkayrin 
the firft.fdaci^ futs Jtherlml to 
deathwith tortur^.^ and.tbeuput 
allthe ifumtUans of dge^ and the 
merchants AoOy that appeared in 
armsy mitboat diftin^iony to tbe 

necat; deinomnis pubiereis 

Nulnidas atque negotia-f fwordi 
tores promifcue, uti quif- 
que armatus obvius fue- 
lat^ intorfidt. 

XXlX. Quod poft- . XXIX. Jls foon as this was 

4iuam Romae co^itum .ittownmt Rome^ andthe mattfr 

t% &.re& in fenatu agi- hegun to be debated imthe Senat^y 

tari ccepta ; iidem iHi ihe fame penfioners to^ihe King^ 

miniftri regis^ interpel- 'by .obftruSiing proee^dingSj jnn^ 

^lando, ac (sepe gratia^ fpihnir^ out theiimfirt£fsy^by-their 



infferduip jurgiis trahenda 
tempus, attocitatem fac- 
ti ieniebant. Ac ni C. 
Memmius, triburius pfe- 
bis defignatusj vir acer & 
infeftus potentiae nobilita- 
tis. populum Romanum 
cdrocuifiet^ id agij utiper 
paucos faSfiofos Jugurtha 
fcelus condonaretur^ pro- 
fedb omnis invidia, pro- 
latandis confultationibus, 
dilapfa foret. Tanta «vis 
gratias atque petrunias re^ 
gis er^t. ' Sed ubi fenatus 
detidi confcientia popu- 
lum timet ; legc Sempro- 
nia provinciae futuris 
confuHbus Numidia atque 
Italia ' decretae \ confules 
declarati P. Scipio Nafica, 
L. Bcftia ' CalpumiuS 5 
Calpumio Numidia, Sci* 
pioni Italia obvenit. Dein 
exercitus, qui in Africam 
portaretur, fcribitur j 
ftipendium, aliaque, quae 
bcllo ufui forcnt, dccer- 

XXX. At Ju^rtha, 
contra fpem nuncio ac- 
^epto, quij^ cui, Romae 
dmnia venire, in animo 
haeferat, filium & cuni 
ko duos familtaris ad fe- 
hatifm legatos mittit ; 
lifque, ut illis, quos Hi-s> 
fempfale interfe£lo^ mife- 
irat, praecipit^ omnis mor^ 
talis pecunia aggr^dian^ 
Jtur. Qm poftquam Ro- 
mam advcntabant, fena-* 
tus a Bcftia confultus eft, 
platfretni legatos Ju^ 

iftfereji in ihe men^ers^ and 
tvrdngling togethtr^ endeavoured 
\to Itffen the odioufnefs ofthe faSfi 
And had noi Ct A&mmiusj ^ri- 
bune ofthe commons ele3^ a hrijk 
man^ and an avowed enemy to the 
p&wer ofiht nobiHty^ informed th^ 
Romdnpeople^ that the defign w^ 
to fcreed Jugurtha from the pu- 
nifhmentduetohiswickednefs, by 
the means oi 2l few leading menj 
all tbe odium ofthe thing^ by the 
dildtory proceedings of the Senate^ 
would hdve vanijhed. Snch weight 
had^the King^s infereft and money 
together amongft them. But wheri 
the Senate^ from a fenfe of their 
owh guilty hegun to be apprehenftoe 
of the peoplis refentment^ a bill 
was preferred to the people^ and 
pajjid^ whereby the provinces ap^ 
Pointedfor the fucceeding Confuls^ 
were Isumidia and Italy j P, Seipio 
Nafica^ and L. Beffia CalpurniuSj 
were made Confuli ; and Numidia 
fellio Calpurniusi and Italy to Sci^ 
pio, Then an army was leviedfot 
Africa^ money^ and other ihtngs 
neteffaryfor the war^ voted. 

XXX. But Jugurtha^ furpri^ 

fed at the news of this^ as who 

had been fxll of a perfuajion^ that 

all things were to be hadfor maney 

at Rome^ difpatches dway his fon^ 

andtwo dmbajjadors with hinij td 

the Senate^ and 6rders ihemy as he 

had befort, dont thofe he fent after 

the murdef of Hi^pfal^ to bribe 

ali about them, wnerever thcy 

came. ^er their artival at 

Rome^ tht Stnatt was confulitdbj 

Beftia^ to kntroj thtir pltdfurej 

WhetJier thc? ambafiadors of Ju- 

gurtha fihould bc admitted inio ^ 

1? gurtha 




gurtha recipi nueyiibus ; 
iique decrevere, j^i reg- 
num ipfumque ^deditum 
venijjintj ut in diebus 
proxumis decem ' ItaUa 
decederent. Conful Nu- 
midis ex fenati decreto 
nunciari jubet. Ita in- 
fedis rebus illi domum 
difcedunt. Interim Cal- 
purnius, parato exercitu, 
legat fibi homines nobilis, 
fa£liofos, quorum audo- 
ritate, quae deliquiiTet, 
munita fore fperabat \ in 
queis fuit Scaurus, cujbs 
de natura & habitu fupra 
memoravimus. Nam in 
confule npftro multae bo- 
naeque artes animi & cor- 
poris erant; quas omnis 
avaritia praepediebat, Pa- 

, tiens laborum, acri inge- 
nio, fatis providens, belli 
haud ignarus, firmiiliimus 
contra pericula & infidias. 

• Sed legiones per Italiam 
Rhegium, a^ue inde Si- 
ciliam, porro ex Sicilia in 

. Africam.tranfvc(SaE. Igi- 
tur Calpurnius, initio 
paratis commeatibus, a- 
criter Numidiam ingref- 
fusxftj multofque mor- 
talis & urbis aliquot pug- 
nando cepit. 

XXXI. Sed ubi Ju- 
gurtha per legatos pecunia 
tentarcy bellique, quod 

. adminiftrabat, afperita- 
tem oftendcre coepit j 
animus seger avaritia fa- 
cile converfus eft. Cas'- 
terum focius & adminifter 

^ city^ .or no. And tbe Senate -^^- 
ted thereupoHj That unlefs they 
were come to furrender both' Ju- 
gurtha and his kingdom, they 
ftiould be gone out of Italy in ten 
days time. IVhichy hy order of 
the SenatCy the Conful fignified to 
the Numidians\ and accordingly 
they went home^ without doing any 
thii^g. Jnthemeantime^ Calpur^ 
nius having raifedanarmy^ chufes 
for his lieutenant-genera/sy noble" 
men of the^reateft intereji 'y hy the 
autbority of whom^ he hoped^ the 
crimes he propofed to co,nmity might 
pafs unpunifhed. Am^ng(i thefe was 
Scaurusj whofe chara5fer I have 
given ahove, For our Confulhad 
many excellent quaiities^ both of 
body andmind^ theexercife where- 
ofwasmuch obflru^ed by hh co^ 
vetoufnefs* He was hardy^ of 
fhrewdpartSy a man of greatfore- 
fighty and well verfed in t^he bufi^ 
nefs of war^ and much itpon his 
guard again/l all danger andfur» 
prize, The legions were led thro^ 
Italy to Rbegium^ from thence 
carried over to Sicily^ andfrom '5/- 

, cily to Africa* Where Calpurnius 
providing his army^ in the fir/i 
place^ witb all neceffaries^ very 
brifkly entered Numidia^ took abun^ 
dance ofprifonersj andfeveral ci^ 
tiesfword in hand. 

XXXI. But after Jugurtha 
begun by his meffengers to lay the 
money-batt in his way^ and to make 
himfenfible of the difficulty ofthe 
wary hismind^ overrun wito the 
djfiemper of covetoufnefs^ begun to 
faulter* Scaurus he made his part-^ 
ner and affifiant in all his mea" 



ofnnitam CQnfillorum af- 
fumitur Scaums; qui ta- 
mctfi a principio, plerif- 
que ex fadione ejus cor- 
ruptis, acemime regem 
impugnaverat j tamen, 
magnitudine pecuniae, 
a bono honeftoque in 
pravum abftra6hjs eft^ 
Sed ^Jugurtha primuip 
tantummodo belli mo^ 
ram redimebat, exiftu- 
mans fefe aliquid interim 
Romae pretio aut gratia 
efFefturum, Poftea vero, 
quam participem negotii 
Scaurum accepit, in 
rr^xvimam fpem adduc- 
tus recuperandse pacis, 
ftatuit cum eis de onmi- 
b«s pa£kionibus praefen* 
agere. Casterum interea 
fidei caufiia mittitur a 
confule Sextius quaeftor 
in oppidum Jugurthae 
Vaccam > cujus rei fpeci- 
e$ erat accq>tio frumenti, 
quod Calpurnius palam 
legatis imperaverat ; quo- 
niam deditionis mora in- 
duciae agitabantur. Igitur 
rex, uti conftituerat, in 
caftra venit; ac pauca 
praefenti conciKo loaitus 
de^invidia fisuS^i fui, atque 
utin deditionem accipe- 
retur, reliqua cum Beftia 
& Scauro fecretatranfi^t ; 
dein poftero die, quafi per 
faturam fententiis exqui^- 
tis, in deditionem accipi- 
tur. Sed, uti pro Con- 
cilio imperatum erat, ele- 
pbant) xxx, pecus atque 

fures ; wbo thci* at firft^ tvben 
moft ofhis party hadheen corrvpt- 
ed^ he had violently oppofed the 
King ; yet was he at laft driven , 
by the dint ofhard hrihery , from 
his integrityj to patronize the 
wickednejfs of fugurtha^ who at 
firft purchajed only a fufpenfion of 
the warj in hopes to carry hispointy 
in the mean time^ at Rome^ hyhri^ 
hery or interefi, But whenhefound 
Scaurus was engagedin hisfavour^ 
in firong confidence $f compafjing 
a peaccj he refelved to ^enter into a 
perfonal treaty with themy in re^ 
lation to all concems whatever, 
But in the mean time^ Sextius the 
^afior is difpatchedy by way of 
fecurityy into a town of fugurthaj 
ealled Vdcca^ urider pretence of 
. receiving corn^ which Calpiirnius 
had ordered the deputies fo provide 
for his army'y becaufi fhere was 
now a truccy in oraer to yugurr 
tha's maiing afitrrender ofhim*- 
felf Wherefore the Kingy accQrd^ 
ing id his appointmenty came into 
the camp. And cfier be hadfpoke 
very briefiy^ with relation to the ' 
odium his late conduSi had brought 
upon him^ in the hearing ofa coun^ 
cil of war^ and defired he might 
be admitted to an hpnourahle fur^ 
render^ he treated with Be/iia and 
Scaurus in private about their 
ther affairs ; and then the day af- 
rter^ the opinion of the eouncil as 
to divers particulars^ being taken 
togethery and in a hurry^ he is 
admitted to h furrender, But^ 
agreeahly towh^t hadbeen enjoin-^ 
id him^ in the prefence of the 
counciL, thirty elephants^ fome catr 
tlej and ahundance.tfh^rfih ^^^^ 

P 2 c(|i4 



equi niulti, cum.parvo 
argenti pondere^ qu^ori 
tradutitur. Calpumius 
Rpniam ad magiftratu^ 
rogandos pi^cifcitur. In 
Numjdia & exercitu no- 
flrb pax agitabatur, 

XXXIl. Poftc|uamres 
in Africa gcfta^j quoquo 
modo a(^ae ibrent, Fama 
divulgavit ; Romae pet 
omnis locos ic conventus 
de fa6h) confuKs agitari. 
Apud plebem gravisinvi- 
dia ; patres foliciti erant ; 
probarenme tantum Ba- 
gitium, an decretum con- 
ftilis fubverterent, parum 
<:(mftabat. ' Ac maxume 
eos potientia Scauri, quod 
\s au6tor Sj: focius Beftiae 
iferebatur, a vero bonoque 
impediet^t. AtC. Mcni- 
mius, cujus de libmate 
ingenii, & odio potentise 
' pobilitatts fupra diximus, 
inter dubitationem & 
moras fenati^ condonibus 
populum ad* vindicandum 
hortari, monere, ne rem- 
publicam, ne libert^tem 
iugm defcrerent ; muita 
(pperba, & crudelia faci- 
nora nobilitatis oftende- 
re ; prorfus intentus omni 
modo piebis animum ac- 
cendebat. Sed, quoniam 
ea tempeftate Romae 
Memmii facundia clara 
pollenfque fuit, decere 
exiftumavi unam ex tam 
multis orationem qus 
perfcribere ; ac potifiii- 
mum ea dicam, quse m 

e fmall quantity ^fiher^ are de-^ 
liveredup to ihe ^aftor. Ceifi 
purnrus goes to Rome^ to prejide 
in tbe eleSHon of new magijlnxtes j 
whiljl all fpas now q^iei. iH Numi'^ 
dia^ andouranriy, 

XXXII. ff^en cmmmfame 
hadnow dipulged tbe iranfa£Hm$ 
in y^rica^ with tbe manner;of 
ihem^ the behavioup ofihe Conful 
wa$ ihe fuhje& of much' conver" 
fdtion^ in ali piacis and companits 
atRome. Thecommons were highfy 
incenfed ai the bujinefs \ and the 
Senate in gredt perpUxity* They 
knew not whe{ber tbey fh(ftdd ra^ 
tify fo vile a piece vf combfdfy or 
maie void aU that bad been refoU 
vedon by ihe ConfuL What chieflx 
diverted themfrom tie purfuit ^. 
right andjti/itce in tbe cafiy was 
ihe.power of ScauruSj who uw 
faidto have encouraged and fup* 
ported Beftia in ihe (iefign^ Bui 
C, Memmius^ conceming ^fbofi 
bfildnefsy andfpight to the nobiHty^ 
we have fpoken above^ during thi 
doubts and delays ofthe Senate^ 
did^ by feveral harangues, exhori 
fhe-people to.punijh the yfufbehavi- 
our of the Confu\ and admonijhed 
them not to defert the caufe cf 
the publick^ and their own 'liberty» 
He gave many infi^incerof the in^ 
foient and cruel behavioiir of the 
nobiiity ; and diol^ with the utmefi 
atplication^ endeavour tofpirit up 
the convmons againfi ihem^ Andy 
becaufe at that time he bore a 
mighty charaiierat ^mefbr eio'^ 
quence^ I have thought it Woutd 
not be am^Sj to prefent the riader 
witb one-ef the manj ffeecbes he 



made ^nthis o£caJifn\ that I tnean^ 
which he made tn an ajfembly of 
the people^ afier the return of 
^e^iny inthefoUofvin^ words. 

XXXIIi. Many mings wouI4 

^ocione, ^ppft reditum 
Beftia^ hujufceinodi ver*- 
bis ({iileruit» 

XXXIIL Muka n^ 
^ihortantur a vdbis^ ^tr 
rites^ ni fiudium reipub^ 
Ufiee omn^ /tiperet ; cpes 
fa^ioniSf njtejra patienr 
ti^ jusnulbimi ac max^^ 
Imte^ quod innicentia plus 
peficulij quam hifnorisy 
ep» ifnm iUa juidem 
piiet dicere^ hfs annis 
<9irv« quam ludibrio fueri'* 
fif f(*per%ieet paucorum \ 
ifuam fsde» quamque in^ 
ulti perierint 'pejiri de^ 
fenfores % uti vMf animus 
^ab ignavia atque' ficordia 
^orruptus ft\ qui ne 
'rae^c quidem oinoxiis ini^ 
mcis^ exfurgitis f ^tque 
^tiem nunc timetis eosy 
fuibus vets decet terrori 
ijfi, Sed quamquam hisc 
talia funt % tamen obviam 
ire faSfionis pofentia a^ 
nimus fukigit* Certe ego 
Hbertatemy qua mihi a 
'parente meo tradita ejl^ 
experiar ; verufQ idfru^ 
ftra^ an oh rfjn faciam^ 
in veftra manu Jitum eft^ 

XXXIV. tfequf fgo 
vos hortorj qmtfiepe ma^ 
jores ^eftri fecere^ uti 
contra injurtas drmati 
eatis. NihH viy nihil 
fecftjfiom tpus efi. Necejfe 
eji^ fuomet ipft w^re pra- 

difcourage me from aDplying to 
you^ as I now ^ geatJemen, diq 
not a regarcl for Uie gppd of th^ 
publick preyail with^me above all 
otberconiiderations. Tbe tbings 
I mean, are, the power of thp 
facf^iQn (^ the nobles, your tamcf 
fubmiiTion, and want cf authori- 
ty ; afid aboye all, that innocency 
is ndw attended wjth n)ore<langer| 
^aA honour. Fof it is r^ly irkii 
fome to me to remind ypu, how 
infoleiitly you havebeen treated by 
fome great men fbr thefe fifteen, 
years laf^ and how bafdy the pa« 
trops of your caufe were taken oS^ 
ivithput the leaft puniihpient in- 
flidled upon thofe that were guilty 
of it \ as alfo what a mean dauard** 
ly fpirit you Ihew, who ftir i^ot in 
yourowndefence, evennowwher!^ 
your enemies are at yoi^r mercy \ 
^nd are afraid of thofe, to whoql 
you ought to be a terror. But tho' 
matters be thus, yet I am determi- 
ned to make a ftand againij the 
po wer of the fa<5tion, I will try at 
}eaft, the liberty that has been lefit, 
me by my father ; but whethejr 
that my endeavour ftiaU be attend^ 
ed wi^ fuccefs, or not, muft de- < 
jj^end entirely upon you, gentlemen, 

• XXXIV. Yet do I not advife 
you to what your forefathers often 
did, that is, to do yourfelves ju- 
iftice by force of arms. No, there 
is no occs^fton for violence, or 
leaving the town. They muft 
peeds be ruined by theirown way 

• cipi-* 



jcipites erant, Ocdfo Ti, 
Graccho^ quem regnum 
farare ajehant^ in ple- 
hem ,Romanam quaflioncs 
graves habita Junt. PoJ} 
a Gracchi & M. Fulvii 
Cisdem^ item orHinis ^e- 
Jfri muliimqrtaics in car-- 
cete necati junt* Utriufm 
que cladis non lex^ verum 
hihido ' eorian finem feciti 
Sedfane fuerit regni pa- 
tatroy pfeffi jurd fua re- 
Jiiiuefe: * 9uidquid fine 
fong'Uinp''^'^criHttm ukifci 
neqmfkry jure . faSfuni fit, 
Sittf^ivf^biis^^ annis tdciti _ 
indt^ffahanffki ararium- 
txpilari ; " ' teges &f ' populos 
Mberos ', paucis nohiHhuf 
'^e^igdt' 'pindere \ fenes ' 
iofdem ^ fummam glori^ 
am<i Cff maxumas divitias ' 
£^.' Tamcfi ' h/cc taliafa^ 
dnora impune fufcepijje^ 
parum • hahuere 5 itaque 
pojlrem^ legeSj majejias 
vejira^ divina ^ humana 
omnia hojtihus ' traditd 
funt. Neque ■ eosy qui ea 
fecei-e^ pudet aut poeni^ 
tet \ fcd incedunt per ora 
Vfjlra magnifici^ facerdo- 
iia^ ^ ' confulatus^ pdrs 
triumphss juos qfientan" 
tes ; perinde quaft ea ho- 
?Toriy non pradjs^ hahe^ 
dnt. Servi' csre parati 
injujia •imperia doTnino- 
rum non perferunt j -vos^ 
^irites^ imperio nati^ 
ivquo animo fervitutem 
toleratis ? At' qui funt 
hisi qui rem puhlicam oc^ 

of proceeding.' After Tiberius 
Gracchus was flaiti, whom they 
charged with a defign upon the fo- 
vfereignfy, there was territ > exe- 
cutipn done upon the comnions of 
Rome. After the rtiurder.of C. 
Gracchus aridM. Fujvius, agreat 
fhany perfons of your rank werfe 
put to death in prifori. Nor was 
an end piit \o thdfe violent pro- 
eeedingsby law ; biit the hutnoUr 
only of thofe ^ thfft werer gOilty 
thereof. But let * the attempt to 
teftore the commonsto their rlght 
jiafs for a defign; to feize the go- 
vernment. Lctwhatcver caonot 
be ptiniflied wtth6ilt fhedding*the 
blood of our*'fellow.citfe2ens, be 
warrantably fb done. For fonie 
years paft, tho' you faid nothing, 
^ yet you were full of indignatioh, 
to fee the treafiiry robbed. Kings' 
and free nations pay taxes to a'f6w 
of the nobility, who lived in*: the 
greateft height of glory and pkn- 
ty. Nor did-lt fuffice them to go 
unpuniftied for fuch ftrange con- 
du6l: ; and therefore at laft your 
laws, majefty, and ajl things di- 
vine and hiiman, were betrayed 
into the hands of your cnemies. 
Nor are the perfons guihy of this 
treafon, aftiamed of, or forry for 
it ; but ftrut in- the moft ftately 
manner before your eyes, priding 
themfelve^ intheir facred dignities, 
confulftiips, and triumphs, as if 
they valued them ©nly for the ho- 
nour arifing from tliem, and not 
for the convenienc^ they ^hercby 
hadof robbingthepublick* Slaves 
bought with money, refufe to fub- 
mit to the unreafonable infoleuce 
of their maftej-s ; and 4<? yoii, gen- 




culpavere ? Mommsfie^ 
leratijumij cruet^tU 7(1(1" 
nibuSy immani avaritiay 
mcentijjimiy idemque fu' 
perhijjkmi ; quibus JideSy 
decusy pieiasj pojiremo 
honejia' atque inhonejia 
omnia quajiuijunt, Pars 
eorum occidijfe. tribunos . 
flebisy aiii quajiiones in- 
jti/iasy pierique cadem in 
VQS .fecijfey pro munimen^ 
to habent, , Ita^ quam 
quifque pejfume fecit^ tam 
maxume tutus eji, Me- 
tum a Jcelere Juo ^ ad igna^ 
viam vejiram tranjiuie^ 
re \ quos omnis eadem cu- 
pere^ eadem odijfey eadem 
metuere in Mnum coegit* 
Sed hac inter bonos ami- 
citiay inter m^ilos fa^i^ 

hating, and fearing the fame 
good men is friendfhip, but 

XXXy, ^odfi vos 
tam iibertatis curam hd" 
beretisy quam ilii ad do^ 
minationem accenfi funt y 
profe^Q neque refpubiicay 
ficuii nuncy vajiaretur ; 
l^ benejicia vejira penes 
optumosy non audacijju^ 
moSy forent* Majores 
vejiriy parandi jurisy fff 
maje/iatis conjiituenda 
gratiay bis per fecejftonem 
armati Aventinum occu^ 
pavere. Vos pro Ubertate 
quam ab iliis accepifiisy 
nonne fumma ope nitemi^ 
ni ? atque eo vehementi- 
uSy quo majus dedecus ejiy 
partu amittere^ quam 

tlemen, who were bom to domi- 
nion, endure to be enflaved with 
patience ? But who are thefe that 
have got the management of af- 
fairs into their hands ? The irioft 
wicked, bloody^ avaricious, per- 
nicious, infolent wretches^ whb 
carry fiiith, honour, piety, and, 
in Ihort, every tjiing honourabl^ 
or otherwife, to market. Some 
have fecured themfelves by mur- 
dering your Tribunes, others by 
unjuft profecutions, ^nd.others a-* 
gain by the murder of many a- 
mongft yourfelves. And thus the 
worfeany man behaveshimfelf, the 
fafer he is. And inftead of tbeir 
fearing you, left you fliould punifll 
them fortheir wicke^nefs, you arc 
fo bafc-fpirited, as to be anraid of 
th^em i who are united amongfl: 
themfelves by the conformity of 
their difpofitions, as.all coveting, 
things. And this union amon^ 
amongft the wicked, facSion. 

XXXV. But if you had only 
as great a concernfor the preferva- 
tion of your liberty, as tliey havc 
to acquire a defpotick power over 
you, the publick would not be fo 
wretchedly abufed, and your fa- 
vours would falluponthebeft, and 
not the moft audacious, of meq. 
Your forefathers twice lcft the 
tbwn in arms, and pofiefled them- 
felves of the Aventihe mount, in 
order to aflert their right, and e- 
ftablifli their authority. And will 
not you exert your utmoft endea- 
vours in defence of the liberty you 
have received from them? and 
the more fo, the more ftiame it i^, 
to lofe what has been once got, 
than never to have acquired it at ' 



t. CRISPI SAttiJStil 

all. Sdme pethaps tnay ^ik, What 
I wbuld have done then ? Td 
which I anfwer^ that I would havi 
thofe puruflied, who have betray- 
ed the republick to the enemy, yet 
noi in the way of violence or 
fbrce ; whicl) how much focver 
they may have defenred at your 
hands, yet would be a part un- 
worthy bfyou tpaft. No, thd 
j^ijt deditittus ejl^ pro- way I would have yoil to proceed 
feSfo jujjis vejlris obedif ' in, is that of a legal profecotiqn^ 

and the evidence of Jugurtha him- 
felf. Who, if he has furrendered 
in good eameft) will be obedient 
to your orders. But if hc Aigbt 
them, you may thereby judgewhat 
kind of peace and fubmiffion that 
is, by virtue whereof Tugurtha \% 
to^eap impunity for alihis erimes, 
a few great mcn immenfe riches, 
^d the republick nothing but lofs 
and difgrace. Unlefs. y ou are not 
even yet weary of their tyranny, 
and thofe times pleafe you bcn, 
when kingdoms, the provinces, 
laws, courts, war and peace^ and, 
in ihort, all things whatever, both 
divine and human, were at thc dif- 
penes paucos erant i vos pofal of a few great men : Whilft 
'fiuteniy hoc efl^ populus you the Romanpeople, theinvin- 
** . -. . . ^j^jg Lords of the world, wcre 

content with lifc alone. For which 
of you durft ref ufe the yoke l And 
yet, tho' I think it highly difho^ 
nourable for a mah to bear ill u- 
fage with a tame fubmiffion, I 
could be content you (hould par-i 
don thofe wicked wretchcs, be-^ 
caufe they are your fenow-citi^ 
zens, if your compailion to thcai 
would not end in your own de-*' 
funt^ aquQ animo paterer^ ni mifericordia in pemiciem cafurd 

emnino non par)2viffe ? 
Dicit aliquisj quid igitur 
cenfes f Vindicandum in 
eosj qui ho/fi prodidere 
rempublicamy non manu^ 
neque vi (quod magis 
' vos fecijpj quam illis ac 
tidiffey indignum ejl ) 
verum que^ionibus Qin^ 
dicio tpftus yugurthtCi 

eni erit', ftn ea contem^ 
niti fcilicet ajiumabitis^ 
qudlis illapax aut deditio 
Jit, ex qua ad Jugur^ 
tbam fcelerum impunitasy 
ad paucos potentis maxu^ 
ma divitia, in rempubU- 
cam damna atque dedeco» 
ra pervenerint, Nififorte 
nondum etiam vos domi^ 
nationis eprum fatietas 
tenet'y fj /V/t?, quam hac 
tempora magis placent \ 
ctim regnay provincia, le- 
geSy juray . judicia, bella 
atque pacesy po/iremo di- 
vina hf humana omnia 

RofnanuSy inviSfi ab ho- 
Jiibusy imperatores omni^ 
um gentiumy fatis hahe- 
hatii animam retinere* 
Nam fervitutem quidem 
quis vejlrum^ audebat re- 
cujare ? Atqne egOy ta^ 
metfi Jlagitiojiffufnum ex" 
j/fumo impune injuriam 
accepijfe ; tamen vos ho- 
minibus Jceleratijfumis ig^ 
nofcercy quonia?n cives 


XX3CVI, Nam &f i7- 
Uiy quantum in^rtuni" 
^asfs babef^y parum eft 
■ impune male fecijfe^ niji 
4einde faciundi Hcentia 
eripitur j 6f vobis aterna 
/olicitudo remanebity cum 
intellegetisy aut ferviun^ 
dum ejfe^ aut per manus 
Mbertatem retinendam. 
Nam Jidei ^uidem aut 
concordia qua Jpe^ eji ? 
Dondnari illi volunt^ vos 
liberi ejjeyfacereilli in» 
juriaSy vos prohibere^ 
Poftremo Jociis vejiris 
. veluti hi/iibuly hoftibus 
pro Jociis utuntur» Po^ 
teftne in tam divorjis 
mentibus pax aut amicitia 
ejfe? Sluare moneo hor-^ 
torque vos^ ne tantum 
Jcelus impunitum dimitta^ 
tis. Non pecutatus ararit 
fa6lus fb j neque per . 
vim foctis erepta pecu-^ 
ma*y quay quamquam 
gravia funt^ tamen con» 
fuetudine jam pro nihik 
habentur. Hofti acerrunw 
frodita Jenati au£ioritaSy 
proditum imperium ve-^ 
/irum ', domi Tmlitiaque 
re/publica venalis fuit» 
^ua niji quajitd eruntj 
fiifi vindicatum in TwxioSj 
quid erit reliquumy niji 
ut iilisy quia ea fecere^ o^ 
hedientes vivamus ? Nam 
impune qualibet facere^ 
id eji regem ejfe* Neque 
egp vosy ^iriteSy Ijortor^ 
utijam malitis civis ve^ 
flros perperam^ quam rec^ 

XXXVL But fo violedt is 
tbeir indination to mrfchief,, thac 
the lettingthem go unpunifliod for 
paft crimes will avail you nothing, 
unlefs the power of committing 
the like be taken from thcm for the 
future : and you muft liveih per- 
petual anxiety, whcn you find 
yourfelves under a necemty o£be- 
mgflaves, ormaintainingyourli- 
berty by force of arms.. Forwhat 
hopc is there of preferving faith 
or concord amongft us ? They 
are defirous to lord it over you^at 
pleafure, you to be free ; thcy to 
do mifchief, you to hinder it*' Fi- 
naliy, thcy u|e your allies as ene- 
mies, your enemics as allics* Caa 
there bc any pcace or friendfliip ia 
minds. fo dilFcrently difpofed ? 
Whcreforel advife and bcfcech 
you, not to let fuch villainy ^ 
unpuniflied^ Thecafcnowbeforp 
you is not that of robbing tlu^ 
ueafury, oroppreifingyourallicsy 
whicb tho' vciy gricvous tbiBg^ 
yet are grpwn u> fafliionable, tbat 
they paft for triflcs only* The au- 
thority of the Senate, and yoco* 
mighty powcr, havc bcen betraycd 
to your moft virulent ehcmy \ and 
thc;commonwcalth fct tp fak both 
at hpme and abroad. And unlefs 
ftri(^enquiry be.madc into this 
mifcondui^, andthcguUtybcpU- 
niflied, ^at will be lcft for us> 
but to livc in a flavifli fubjeflioR ■, 
to thc villains ? For to do with \ 
impunity whatfocver a man plca^- 
fcs, is to bc a King* I v^ould not . 
hereby be thought to encourage 
you to wifli your fellow-citizens 
m^y be rather fouhd guilty, thab \ 
innoccnt ; but Quly ilot to paidon ^ 




d$ m4lisy bms pi^dituM 
liff/k M hoc^ ih rtpHhlkfi 
mubk prafiai^ henificii^ 
guafn mdeficii^ imrHerj^ 
reihijft. Btnus tahium'- 
nutb Jegnivr fitf ubi neg^ 
Ugas y dt maius impro^ 
hior. Ad hocy fi iHJuriit 
mn fotty hdttd pppe auxr 
Hii ifg^as* 


XKXVIL Hjttcdtque 
ali» hi^itfcemodi fiipe 
^icundo, C. MfsinmiUs 
pppulo Romind perfuia- 
dec,: uti Lt Csrffiiis, ^ui 
tum {Mf^setor mti ad Ju- 
giurtluim thitreretui: i 
«timque^ int^fpofita fide 
ptiUica, Roihakh duce^ 
itti ' ouo fe^ilius ihdicip 
reg^ ^G^utiy fc. reliqilb. 
rum, tpidft pec4intie capt^. 
mxmiOa)Xi d^&A pate-. 
j&eretit. Dum haec K&xsjBt 
g^nti»^ qui in Numi:- 
dia reliai ab Befiisl exer- 
cttui pHbenmt^ fecuti 
nAorem tmpetatoris fiii) 
plurima fc fldgiti^dfifluma 

facinora ftcdce. Fiierd^ 
t)Ui iaUM) corrttpti ek- 
pkantoft Jugurthae trade^ 
rent; aIiit>^fit^Veiide- 
rent ; pdins t^ P^^ 
pnfBdas agc^nt. Tcmla 
avarithi in animos ecv- 
rum^^ veliiti tabe% inva- 

km, AtCafiius )>faBt6r$ 
pdrhta rt^gationie a C. 
A^numio^ ac ^^ulfa 
omni' n(>biHtat<?) »d Ju^ 
|uHfattm {iroficilbktti^i 

. 3> 

fuch as ihaH riially ap|>ear gmlty^ 
to the ruinbf theinnbcenti Befid^^ 
ih l^e axbnihiftrsMion of the go- 
velrhtaeht, it is bfett^ to fofget a 
kindhefi d6ne the pubUck, than axi 
Offthcexommittedftgainftit; -Tfie 
gocki mah only b^i:bme!s Itfs ihcli- 
ned to ferve his wmntryj if ybU 
ovelrlook him ; but the wicked be- 
comes ffili woric. Befides, if ho 
wickednfefs be afted againft- the 
ftite^ you feldom waht alfiftance. 

XXXVIL By Jrequ^nih^^ha^ 
rtitiguing thepeopk in ihiiMfoffSy 
Afernmus perfuades them io^ find 
L. Oajfiusy at that time 'Tr^oTj 
to Juguttha tohring himto Rome 
npon the pMickJhnihj in orikr to 
ufi him as an etndence agoinfi 
otaurusy dndthe tejt^ who wers 
charged with ^takihg^ his mohey, 
Whi^ ihefi things qre doing at 
Romey they who were l^ hy JJr- 
Jiid injfth the eommandtf fhe ar^ 
ihf/ inNurfudidj foBowing tht tx- 
ampie ojtbeit generaii Wehfguihy 

Sfa greai deal oj very Jcdndakus 
ebtrtriour» Some were hHM to 
return Jugnrtha^Mi >elephdfttSy 
otbers tofeti him defiHerSj uthers 
agdiH plufidered the country thdt 
wns dtpeaee with «i. Toficch d 
digree hdd covHouJnefsy hke the 
plagncy iffe^ed thttr minds. Bvt 
Ct^us tht Pratbrj t^on paffing 
. ^the hill preftrrtd hy Sfernmus^ 
' to the gredt confiernation of0the 
mhilkyy goes ffoet to yugarfhoy 
tmd perfiiades hitn heing JoYefy 
J^ghhdj and from djenfi oj hit 
gtntt boking ttpon his cme dsdejht^ 
rattj Since he h^d fiiDmitted ta 
the Romah people, not to hiake 
ttial bf ttieii' power, ratfaer than 





fn^ nt fHnh ^m mp' 

wftefy eugagfd kis awn ftuA im 
his hiha^ tuhiich iht ath^r yalusi 
fts mch ns tbe puhKckfiutb itfi^^ 
jff melfen$ ich^rifaer bad Caf* 

rikrdiam c/V> ^^rii^i fm ¥ tka$ tim.. 
malit^ Pflv^tipA pV^et^rea ^m Aiam inisipoBit^.qttam ill^ 
non iniQpri% qu9tm public^m, ducebat. T^a et ttinpeftat^ 
i^mi^ 4fli C^^o (srat. 

XXXVin. fFkerefir^ Jugur. 
ih4t 4omes ahug tuitb Qpjins ta 
Mm^i mth Q v^ fiarry eqaifage^ 
mmk hebw tb$ ^guity afa frime^ 
j(tf4 tho* be had a gaotf beart up* 
ffft the meftierj heing auouragid ijr 
^ by wbrfe pmer aad rqguery 
be h^d b^eu fiepperted \n his tuick-^ 
ei mngg^tnent, . abofue rebxtedi 
fera^ qusf fupm memcora- yet he prevails witb C. Bahius^ 
viini4s, C» Bsrbium tribtt- fribtnne ef.ihe emmeees^ hy an 

immfe tribey ta en^y aJl bis 
in^udenee^ in arder ta prote^ 
hiui again^ ^igbtj emd aU mqu^ 
ner tf 01 uf^e. Bui C. Mtm^. 
mius fiinmoning ihe peopk toge-. 
ther^ altbo* ihey were mncb enra^ 
ged againt/l tbe King^ and finte 
were for cbpping him in jail, and 
ethers for puni(hing htm capitally» 
accprciing to the ancknt Romai| 
uifagei unlefs he difcovered tfaQ& 
conqsmed with him in his wick- 
ednefe^ yet Memmius^ I fay^ ha-^ 
ving tf regard t9 what bomur re^ 
fmredj ratber tban what paJRon 
dire^ed, endewoured t» allay tbeir 
hfat^ an4 moUify thetm defiaring 
tam forCs Poft, wbi fi- finallyy tbat he however wouU 
lentium coepit, produdo hav<s no hand in the violatbn of 
Jiignrtba, verba facit ; tlie pubtick faith. Jnd at laft^ 
Ikom0 Numidiaque fa- whenfilence was obtainedy Jugur-^ 
cinora ejus memorat, tha being breught before the afi 
fcelera in patrem fratref fembly^ hefpoke^^ and recounted all 
^que ofti^it i qutbus ju^ his pranks at Rqme, and in Nu- 

(^7, vanti^ 

XXXVm. I^tur Jw, 
gurthat cgnti^ decu^ re«- 
gium, cifltu qumn maxu- 

m^ miffirtil^ ^n» Caffio 
Romam v«nit, At» ^am^tQ 
in ipfo ms^^ vis animi 

erat, ci^BfiimatW ab om- 
nibu^, qnorum pc^^nti^ 
aut U^Ux^ enn^ ea gef- 

num jrfpbis m*«iia mw:e- 
deparai, cujus impuden- 
tia cQntraJHs H iajurids 
omnis muaitu^, foret. At 
C* Mem^iius, advocata 
coneione, (quamquam 
r^ infeft^ pld^es erat, U 
pars in vincuUt duci jubor 
bat, pars, ni focios fiele^ 
ris apprirety more majo' 
rum de hofie fuppliciHm 
fumi) dignitati magis, 
quam irse, confulens, fe- 

dare motus, ii animos 
eorum mpllire; poftrem^ 
confirmare, fidem pu^ 
blicam per fefe inviola- 



varttibusy quibuique mini^ 
Jiris ea egerit^ quamquam 
inteUigat populus Homa^ 
nusy tamen velle mani" 
fefta magis ex illo habere j 
Ji verum aperiaty in fide 
i^ clementia' populi Jtor 
mani magnam fpem iUi 
ftam i Jin reticeatj non 
fociis faluti fire^ fed fe 
fuasque fpes corrupttirum, 
Dein ubi Memmius 4i- 
cendi fineQi fecit, & Jii- 
gurtha refpon^ere juiliis 
t&j C. Bsebiu^ tribunus 
plebis, quem pecunia cor- 
Fuptum fupra diximus, 
Degem taccre jutet. Ac, 
tametfi multitudo, quas 
in cpncipne aderat, vehe- 
menter accenfa, terrebat 
eum clamore, vultu, faepe 
impetu, atque aliis om- 
nibus, quasirafieri amat, 
vicit famen impudentia. 
Ita populus, ludibrio ha- 
bitus, ex cpncione difce- 
dit. Jugurthae, Beftiae- 
que^ & ceteiis, quos illa 
quaeftio exagitabat, ani^ 
xni augefcunr. 

XXXIX. Erat ea 
tempeftate Romae Nu- 
mida quidam 
M&liiva, Culuflae filius, 

MafinifTae nepos ; quiquia 
i|i diflenfione regum, Ju- 
gurthae advorfus fuerat, 
dedita Cirta, & Athjerbale 
interfe£io, profugus ejf 
Africa abierat. Huic Sp. 
Albinus, qni proxumo 

midia 5 fetforthhis wicked beha^ 
viour toM^ards his father, and his 
brothers; andgave hiMto under- 
fiandj that tbo' the Rornan pedplc 
knew by whofe afliiftance and fup-. 
port he haddone all tlioie things, 
yet tkey had a miAd to have ^ 
more full difcovery of the lame 
frpm himfelf, which if he would 
truly andfaith^ly make, hemight 
depend upon the honour-and de- 
m«icy of the Roman pcople; but 
if not, he yroujd do his friends no 
fervice, ahd would moreover blaft 
all his own hopes entirely. When 
Memmius had done fpeakingy and 
^^ugurtha was ordered to r^fy^ C, 
labiusj Tribune of the commonsy 
ivho had beenjecured by good 
bribej as Itook notice- abovcy com" 
mands the King to hold his tongue, 
And tho* the people there affembled 
were mightify incenfed^ and did by 
JhoutSj angry looks^ and violence 
too very ofterij and allother means 
that paffton diSiateSj endeavour to 
deter himfrom his purpofej yet his 
impudence prevailed, The people 
. bHng thusfooledj brgke up and de-* 
parted, Jugurtha^ Befliay and 
the peji of themj againft whom 
this enqutry was poinied^ took 
hearttipon it»^ 

XXKlK^^Tiere was at ihat 
tttne a certain Numidian at Romey 
by name MaJJiva^ the fan of Gu^ 
luffa^ and grandfon of Majinijfay 
who^ becaufe in the quarrel be- 
twixt the ituo Kings^ he had been 
Qgainjl Jugurtha^ when Cirta was 
furrendereely and Atherbal put to 
deathy had Jied out of Africa^ Sf^ 
AlbinuSj who the next year after 
Bejiiaj wa^ Conful with ^ AH^ 




anrto poft Beftiam cum 
Q.Mmuck) Rufoconfu- 
ktum gerebat, perfuadet, 
i^oniam ex ftiipe Mafi- 
niife {\ty Jugurtham ob 
fcelera invidia cum metu 
uigeat, regnum Numidiae 
ab fenatu petat. Avidus 
conful belli gerundi, mo- 
, v^ri, quaim fenefccre, om- 
nia malebat. Ipfi pro- 
vincia Nymidia, Minucio 
Macedonia evenerat. 

Quse poftquam Mafiiva 
agitare coepit j neque 
Jugurthae in amicis fatis 
prasfidii eft ; quod eorum 
alium confcientia, alium 
mala iama & timor animi 
impediebat ; Bofnilcari 
proxumo ac ma^me fi- 
do fibi imperat, precioy 
Jicuti multa confecerat^ 
injidiatores MaJJvva pa- 
reti ac maxume cccultei 
Jin id parum procedat^ 
quovis m$do Numidam 
interficiat. Bomilcar 

mature regis mahdata 
cxfequitur; &, pdr hO'» 
mines talis negotii artifi- 
ces, itinera egreffiifque 
cjusj poftremo loca, atque 
tempora cunda explorat ; 
dein, ubi res poftulabat, 
infidias tendit. Igiturunus 
€x eo numero, qui ad 
caedem parati erant, paul- 
io inconfultius Maflivam 
aggreditur, illum obtrun- 
cat ; fed ipfe deprehenfus, 
multis hortaptibus, & in 
primis Albino confule, 
[ndiciym pro^tetur. Fit 

nuckdS RufuSy perfuades himy fince 
he was defcended from Mafiniffay 
to aggravate the odioufnefs of ju- 
gurtha^s crimesy and alarm him 
witbfearSy by making his fuit to 
' the &enahfor the kingdom of Nu'- 
• midia. Tthe Conful being vaflly 
dejirous of having the war contt-r 
nued under his commandy wasfor 
kindting a new flamcy rather than 
have^ the oM ohe die awayi He 
had got hy lot the province of Nu- 
midiay MinuciusMacedonia. When 
MaJJrua begun tojiir in the buji- 
' ^5/^) yugurtha being not ahle to 
depend upon the proteStion of his 
friendsy becaufe fome wexe aifcou^ 
ragedftom meddling further m his 
behalfy hy ajenfe of their guilt ; 
others hy Jujhicions conceived of 
thenty and their fears togethery 
orders Bomilcafy a very near 
relationy and heartily in his inte^ 
^fft^i to go to work in a way, 
wherein he had carried many of 
hi3 points, and hirc fome perfons 
to take off Mafl[iva, and priv^ate- 
ly, ifpoflible; but if that Ihould 
not be found feafible, by any way 
or means whatever. Bomilcar 
quicklyputs the King^s orders in 
execution ; and hy men well verjed 
infuch fort of worky watches all 
his motions andhaunts ; andwhen 
the matter feemed ripefor //, lays 
his plot. One ofthe rogues enga^ 
ged in the deftgn^ falls upon Maf- 
JtvOy and kills hiwy hut in Jo un-^ 
guarded a mannery that he was 
immediately apprehendedi and he- 
ing urged hy manyy and efpecially 
V Alhinus the Confuly to confefs who 
fet him on worky he did fd, Bo^ 
i»ikar was profecuted upon /V, more 



c, caispi sAt.i4USTn 

reu$ n^agis e^ srquo bg^ 
i^oque, quajq^ ex jure g^iir 
tiupri Bomilcar) (:Qines 
ejus, qui Roipam f^de 
pliblica veperant. At Ju- 
gurtha, manifj^us tanti 
jlceieris, non priu^ omifit 
^ontra verum niti, quarn 
animadvertit:, fuper grsi- 
tiam ^tquQ pec^niafp fu- 
am invidigm fzd^ effQ. 
Jgi):ur, quamqiism \n 
priore «^Atcme e^ .^niipis 

quinquagiWa vgcjesded^- 
, rat, regnp m^gis qu?H| 
vadibys, (TQnfulens,' c}^ 
in ^i;midiam BQnriUca-. 
rem ^imittjt ; veritvia, i^e 
rejiqi)os popularis fri^tvs 
inv^d^et parendi fibi, fi 
d^ il]o fupplicium fump- 
tun^ foret. ]^t ipfe paucis 
diisbu^ eo^er^ prpf^^Slus 
^, juiTus a f<sngtu Italia 
^cedctr^. Sed pQ(U|uftf!n 
Roma egrei&s eft, f^tur, 
faep^ topitus e.o risfpicien^, 
pQ(]^einp dixifl^, Urtev^ 
vemkmy & mafMre pe- 
rituram^ Ji emptarem in-^ 

XL. Interim Albinus, 
renovato bello, com- 
m^tum^ ilipendium, 
aliaque, qu£ militibus 
ufui forent, maturat in 
Africam portare ; ac fta- 
tim ipfe profe6tus, ut apte 
i;;OiT>itia, quod tempus 
haiid longe aberat, arniis, 
aut deditio^e, aut quovis 
modo bellum corjficer^t. 
At contra Jugurtha tra- 
liere pmnia, H alias, de- 

JHfticey tha^ th»i of mHmh s* 

gurtbay i^S^ hH 4om§ H Jtam 
Hfan thf puhUekfititb. Sut JtH 
guriha^ th' mniftfl^ guiHjt qf 

/9 villainm 0/f^i 4i4 mt aiw 

^er/aciJfg 4njun tke trutii, ^tilf 

hf percei^jf^tliie A^m tftke iUng 
m^i quitq t^ k^rifor e^H bis iifr , 
tfrefi anef fn^n^ iogethff 4n4 
thereforf^ iU' in thi firft (f^io^n 
h hd given ffty 0/ Ms /ritndsi 

as i^ilfav Smik^^^ 4ppianmfej 

yef ieing mre cpr^trnsd /ifr thet 

prefervatim ^ bif iimdanfy tham 

kis h(iilj bfjfffdl^ him QjfprivHfii 

i^t^ Num4m famHg hj iha rj^ 
^ hif fubj^s jh(iuI4 he ^fraid ef 
ebeying hitpy if 'be JhonU h >*-, 

nijbed, Jrtdinafm ^i ffi^ 

he fiffnt emay ftimjil/^ being. or^ 
4fre4 by thi Senatf to dtp^ri out q/ 
Jtaly, It is reparted ^kitfh tkai 
ei/i^rhetvifsgQt wt $/ Ropu, k^ 
/requentfy heked back'^ u^ithout/ay" 
if*g etny thing i but atlaft kr^ie 
q^t intotbe/e words^ that^the aily 
wg^fobefpld, ^ndy^uldfpODbe 
mnsA if it did but ipeet with a. 
chapfnan, . 

Xtr. The war being nmi repi^ 
vedj Jlkinus mak(?f hafte t^ trdvf" 
pcrt into Jfrieci provijhnsj ntumyy 
^nd other necejjkrifs for ihe armyY 
andwent forthwith himfelfy th^t^ 
he might hy fme gfpirmSy thtfursf 
r^nder of jugurthaj or by any 
Gther meansy dfpfitch the war be^ 
fore the eleSii»nj whfcb w4S not 
very far off, But on the other 
hand^ yugurtba endeavoured to 
fpin put ibe time^ and conirived 
divcr^ means for tbat purpofe* Ht 


BELLUM jUGDRrtttl^tJM. • liy 

ihde ^ks teoi-ae ^tiidas 
Facerej ^ollieeH deditio- 
heitt, ^ccfeiiidi^. mttum 
fimulare ; ihftahti cederci 
& pauUo pb^ ne fui 
diffidereut initarc ; ila 
belli modo, itiodo jJicis 
mora cbnfulem ludifieait. 
Ac fUer^ qtd tutn Albi- 
nuth haud ignarutti con- 
filii regii exitttMhareht J 
neijiie ek tanta propetiin- 
tia t^fti fadle traaum bd- 
luifa fo^ordia tha^s,^quam 
dolo^ crederent. 

XLL Sed poftquam, 
dilapfp tfempbre» comi- 
tiohiiri di6s advchtabat; 
Albihus, Atilb fratre iil 
caliris prbj^r^tbte rtliflxx, 
Rotnafti decefilt. Esl 
teihpeil^td Rbkn^ ftdlti^ 
ohibus tilbUhidis attodth* 
refptiblica agltabatur. « P. 
Lueuiius & L. Ahhiiis 
tfibUni ptebis, ttfiifehti- 
bus-cbllegis, cohtinuare 
iria^ftratUfti hitebahtiir; 
qiia^ diiTehfib totius aiihi 
cbthitii iftijpedifebat. Ea 
mora in fpeih 'addu^us 
Aiilus, quefti piropraeto^ 
reih Incifttisi^iauhi fu^ 
pra dixiihus, aut confid- 
uhdi belli, iUt tdrfore eit. 
er^itu^ ab te^ petUnii^ 
c^i^iUhd^ ttullt^. tnibafb 
J^hU^i-ib ^k hibtmis ih 
cxpedilipttem ^tat ; 
maghirque Itiridrlbus hie- 
me ^ef^ bd-v^t ad 
oppidum Suthul, ub{ re- 
' ^i tottt. Qudd 

pHfmfsd to fnrr^der^ ttni thrM 
ijkict/y i^ctfid himfsjf^ jundef- pne^ 
mct 4ff dpprebtHdinjj^ iH ttpJS^. 
fFhtn tht tHemy fnfMi hifn^ he 
fled\ aHd firefknifyy fhr /hdf tJT 
dffconra^fig hts fnen^ c^hit hfijkly 
ih again. Jnd thns did hthifiol 
iht Confkly tnt ^iie hy prettH^ 

' fims of^^aY^ ttHd ttmther ixihik 
ihopofpieact. Thtre wtre fimt' 
at ihat tiiHTy wh^o did heliM thii^ 
j^inus itas no jlranger td the 
Kinp^s pfirp^ty tind thai ajkeV fo 
TiMicv bafity the war was not pf^' 
traiied fr^n vartlejhifsy hui de-* 
ftgn. # 

XLL 5«/ the time heing mw 
tic^fed^ and ihi day of eki^bn at 
bandy . jSbinns leave^ his hrothit 
Aulus to fufply his phce in ihi 
tan^y anagoes tb Romi, jftt that 
tiHHe the "eofMonwtaUh v)ets fUt 
intd gf-eat tojivnjpons kffime bHik 
oiHong thtTribnnes. P. Liiad-' 
/ff j, dnd Li jfHWiuSy THitines of 
the tomritoniy prHtnded to Jhhid 
tandrdates for ihi Mce iht next 
yrafibOy wh^eih tmy were dppo-^ 

fedhy aji thti^r colteagnes ; which 
d^n k(^i ojgrall fhe othifr^ ekc^ 
irons iiiewffe. Vpon otcoj/ioH if 
thisdkhy^ Auysywhby kswthdinjt 

jlfi faidy httd been lift Prbpt^o^ 
iH fht camp'y btingput ik h^s of 
fithtr finijhing iht ivahy or tyctort-^ 

- ihg fnoney tn^ "tftht Kihgy by tht 
terrour ofhi^ 'armyy draws bis foU 
ditrsy in iht fhorAh of Januaryy 

^ out^ thfiy wrn^^r-^uarie^s upoH 
ffH txhtditiony vnfd lor^ by grtat 
Tna^mSy iH aftvtrtftafony io thi 
toxbn of S&ihut^ iohtre dil the 
King^ trtafure liy. Whivhy iM- 
ifxbuld ffbtie ekhH iaien^ ^ he*'' 
^. quam- 



quamquam, & faevitia 
temporis, & opportunita- 
te loci, neque capi neque 
obCderi poterat, (nam 
circum murum fitum in 
praerupti montis cxtremo 
planicies limofa hiemali- 
bus aquis paludem fece- 
rat ) tamen, aut fimulan- 
di gratia^ quo regi for- 
midinem adderet, aut 
cupidine caecus, ob thc- 
feuros oppidi potiundi, 
vineas agere, aggerem 
jacere, aliaque, quae in- 
coepto ufui forenr, pro- 

XLII. At JugUrtha, 
cognita vanitate atque 
imperitia legati, fubdolus 
ejus augere amentiam ; 
mifiitare fupplicantis le-* 
gatos; ipfe, quafi vita- 
bundus, per falutofa loca 
& tramttes exercitum 
du£tare. Denique Auluitn 
fpe padionis perpulit, uti, 
relido Suthiue, in abdi- 
tas regiones fefe, veluti 
cedentem infequeretur ; 
ita delida bccultiora fore. 
Interea per homines cal- 
lidos diu noduque cxerci- 
tum tentabat. Centurio- 
nes ducifque turmarum 
partim, uti transfugerent, 
corrumpere ; alii, figno 
dato, locum uti defere- 
rent. Qua: poftquam ex 
fententia inftruxit ; in- 
tempefte no£te de im- 
provifo multitudine Nu- 
midarum Auli caftra cir- 
cumvenit. Milites Ro- * 

fieged^ by reafon of the Jharpfiefs 
ef tbe weather^ and the natural 
firength tf the place \ for there 
fjOas a perfeSf marjh made by the 
winter^s rains quite round the 
wally built upon the extremity of 
a <rqggy mountain \ yet either hy 
way offeinty to fright the , Kingy 
or htinded with . a greedy dejire of 
taking the town^ fir the_ hooty that 
was in itj he began to form W- 
«^^, to caji up a m^unt^ and 
make other neceffary preparations 
for an ajfauk upon the place. 

XLIL iui ijohen fugurtha 
found out the weaknefs qnd un-^ 
Jkilfulnefs * of the lieutenanty he 
craftily contrived how to improve 
his madnefs. He WQuld frequenily 
fend deputies wiih very fubmijjive 
mejfagesy and he himfelf as if m 
purpofe t$ keep out of his way^ 
woutd often lead his army through 
woody parts of tbe counfryy^ and 
by-roads. Finallyy he tempted Au- 
luSy by the hopes ofa good bargaiuy 
to quii Suthuly andfollow him in^ 
to a lonely part of the country^ as 
if he was Jlying before him^ but 
in reality the better to conceal their 
vile pranks. In the mean time^ he 
was day qnd night tampering witb 
the army^ byfome cunning agents» 
Some centurions^ and officers of 
horje-i he bribed to defert to hifJh 
'and others to quit theirpo/is^ when 
the ftgnal was giveh, j0er he 
had thus madefuch preparations as 
he thought proper^ very iinexpeif^ 
edly^ in fhe dead of the /light^ he 
inchfes Aulus^i camp ^uite round^ 




mani perculfi tumultu 
infolito, anna capere alii i 
alii fe abdet^ \ pars terri- 
tos confirmare ; trepidare 
omnibus lotis ; vis magna 
hoftiumif coelum node 
atque nubibus obfcura- 
timi; periculuoi anceps; 
jKiftremo, fugere, an ma-^ 
ntire, tutius foret, in inoir- 
to erat. Sed ex eo nume- 
ro, quos paullo ante cor- 
ruptos <£ximus, cohors 
\maL1gurum, cum dua- 
bus turmis Thracumi & 
paucjs gregariis militibus, 
trai^fiere ad regem j & 
centurio primi pili tertiae* 
legionis per munitionem, 
quam, uti defenderet, 
acceperat, locum boftibus 
introeundi dedit ; eaque 
Numidise cunfti irrupere. 
Noifari Ibeda fuga, plerique 
abje£lis annis proxu^ 
mum ^collem occupavere* 
Nox atque prseda ca{bro- 
rum hoftis, quo minus vi- 
£toria uterentur, remora- 
ta funt, X)einde Jugurtha 
poilero die cum Aulo in 
coUoquio verba facit ; ta^ 
metji ipjitm cu^ exercitu 
fdme ferroque claufum 
tenety tamenfe^ memorem 
rerwn humanayum^ fi fe-^ 
cum foeda facent^ incor- 
lumes omnis Jui jugum 
mijfurum \ pr^terecy uti 
diehus decem Numidia de-^ 
cediret^ Q^^ gravia 
qtiamquam & flagitii ple* 
na erant ; tamen, quia 
mortis metu mutabanmr. 

nvith a vaji number of hfs Numi^ 
dians\ The Romanfoldters heing 
alarnied with an unufual hurry a^ 
hout the camp^ fome of ihem took 
armsy others hid themfehes^ fom 
endeavoured ta encourage fucb as 
werefrighted ', great confiernation 
there was in au plaeesy tbe ene^ 
mies very nuinerous^ the night dark 
and cloudy^ danger m au hands» 
Finally it was impojftbk ta juifge^ 
whether it would befafer ie fiy<^ or 
Jtay in the camp* But cfthe num^^ 
her ofthofe^ whoj I havejuftfaidj 
hadibeen. bribedi one battabon rf 
LigurianSy with two tr^s of 
Thracian horfey andafew common*' 
foldiersy went $vcr ta the King^ . 
And a centurion of the firji rank 
hehnging to the third legiony gave 
the enemy entrance into the 'camp^ 
by thatpart ofthe rampart where 
hewas pofiedfor ifs defencey ani 
there ml the Numidians broie in* 
Our men by a Jhameful fiighty and 
tnofi ofthem throwing away their 
armsy got offto a neighbouring hil/i 
Nighty andthe plunder ofthe camp ^ 
hindered the . enemy from making . 
adva^iage of their vi^ory* The 
next d^y Jugurthay at a coi^erence - 
witb Ju/usy told him, That tho' 
he had hiih witb his army in hi$ 
power, diftrefled both by famin^ 
and fword, yet beingfenfible of th^ 

uncertaintyofhumanaffairs,ifh« • 
would conclude a treaty with tum» , 
he would give qx^arter to ibe ar- 
my, but (hou)d obUge them to 
pals under the yoke ^ and fuither* 
mcM^e infifted upon hi$ quitting 
Ntimidia in ten day$. Jnd tho' 
the ierms were kard a^id fcanda-^ . 
hu5% yet thi fear of death^made 
" R • ficuti 



ficuti r^i lubuerat, pax 

XLIIi. Scd, ubi ea 
Romae comperta funt, 
nictus atque moeror civl. 
tatem invafere. Pars do- 
lere pra gloria imperii 
pars infoiita rerum belli- 
carum timere libertati ; 
Aulo omnes infefti> ac 
maxume qui bello faepe 
praeclari fuerant,- quod 

, armahis dedecore potius, 
qilam . manu, (alutem 
quaejSverit. Ob ea conful 
Albiniis, ex deIi£^o fratris 
invidiam, ' ac deinde peri- 
culum timens, fenatum 
de foedere confulebat ; & 
tamen interim exercitui 
fupplementum fcribere ; 
ab ibciis & nomine Lati- 
np auxilia accerfere ; de- 
nique omnibus modis fe- 
ftinare. Senatus ita, uti 
par fuetat, decemit, fuo 
atque pbpuli injujju nul" 
lum potuijfe fcedus fieri, 
Conful, impcditus a tri- 
bunis plebis, ne, quas 
paraverat copias, fecum 
portaret, paucS diebus in 
Africam ■ pfdficifcitur. 
Nam omniis cxerdtus, 

* uti convenerati Numidia 
deduftusinprovincia hi- 
emabat; Poftquam eo 
venit (quamquam perfe- 
qui Jugurtham,- & medcri 
fratemas invidiae animo 
ard^at) cognitis militi- 
bus, quos praetcr ftigam, 
foluto impcrio, liccntia 

them go down^ and a feace waf 
accordingly concluded upon tbe cort^ 
ditions offered by the King. i 

XLIll. Asfoon as the news of 

all this was- carried to Rome^ the 

citj was full 'of fear and forr&w 

both. Sotne were conceirned for 

the honour ofthe empife^', others^ 

unacquainted wtth the hufinefs-ef'- 

war^ thought their liberty in dan^ 

ger, Allpeople were in a rage at 

AuluSy but pf-incipally thofey wha 

had often diftlnguijhed themfehes - 

by their gallant behaviour tn the 

wars^ that he^ when he had arms 

* in his hand fbouldfave himfelf by 

an infamous fubmiffion^ without 

Jiriking ajiroke, Uppn this,'the 

Conful Albinus being apprehenfivey 

from the ill behaviour ' of his bro^ 

thery . of the publiek odium, and 

danger thereby^ confulted the Se^ 

nate upon the late treaty of his -, 

andyet at the fame time raifed re- 

cruitsfor the army^ and Jent for 

auxiSary Jhrces from the alaes, 

and the people of Latium^ and 

that with all pojftble expedition* 

The SenatCy as it was Jit they 

Jhuld^ voted^ That no valid treaty 

couldbeconcluded, withouttheirs, 

and the peopIe's authority forit, 

The Conjul being mt Juffered hy 

th,e Tribunes of the commons^ ta 

carry with him the troops he bad 

raifedy in a few days time went 

overinto Africj^^thout thenu^For 

all the armyy according to the late 

agreementy hdd quitted Numidia^ 

and wintered in the province. 

After his arrivaly altho^ he was 

paffionately ^defirous to go in queft 

ofyugurthay and wipe off the 

odium occajioned by his brother's ill 

. .aitqu« 




atque lafcivia, coituperat, conduSf ; yet finding the^ ill Jiate 
ex copia rerum flatuit, thefoldiery were in^ not only^ from" 
fibi nihil agitandum. iheir late defeaty hut the tuant tf 

difcipline^ licence^ and wantonnefs^ wherehy his hrother had 
dehauched them^ he refolved^ conftdering the had fttuation of 
affairsy to he quiet, • 

XLIV. In the mean time at 

XLIV. IntereaRom» 
C. Mamilius Limetanu3 
tribunis ^lebis rogatio- 
nem ad populum pro- 
mulgat) ftti ' quareretur 
in eoSy quorum conJUio 
yugurtha fenati decreta 
neglexiffet \ quique ah eo 
in legationihusj aut impe- 
riis pecunias. accepiffent ; 
qui elephantos , quique 
perfugcis tradidiffent \ ir 
tem^ qui de pace aut hello 
cum hqftihus paSliones fe- 
affent. Huic rogationi 
partim confcii • fibi, alii 
ex partium invidia peri- 
fula metuentes, quoniam 
^perte refifterenQn pote- 
rant, quin ilia, & alta 
talia placere fibi fateren- 
tur, occulte per amicos, 
ac maxume per homines 
nominis Latini, & focios 

^ome^ C, Mamilius Limetanusy 
Trihune of the commonSj ^refer^ 
red a hillio thepeople^ for appoint- 
ing a commiilion of enquiry, for 
the tryal of all thofe^ by whbfe en« 
courag^ment Jugurtha had flight-p 
cd the orders of the benatej and 
fuch deputies or ton>m^nders, as 
had taken money of theKingj fuch 
as had deljvered up to him his ele- 
phants and deferters; as alfo thofe 
who had made any agreements 
with the enemy; relating to peace 
oj' war. Nowfuch as wre guiU 
tyy and others apprehenfive ofdan" 
ger from the odium ofth^ party 
they had engaged in^ durfi ngt 
openly op^ofp thisbill\ hutpretend-^ 
ed to he well pleafed with thify and 
other the like proceedings ; yet un^ 
derhand endeavoured to hinder ifs 
pqlJingy hy means of their frjends^ 
:ios and efpecially thofe of Jl,atiu?n, and 
Italicos, impedimenta pa^ the alUes of Itafy^ But ft is in^? 

rabant. Sed plebes, in- 
credible mempratu t% 
quantum intentk fuerit, 
quantaque vi rog^tionem 
jufierit, decrcverit, volu- 
erit ; magis odio nobilita- 

credihle tojayy how zealous the 
people werefor the billy and with 
whcft eagernefs they paffedit ; more 
out ofhatredto the nobilityy againft 
whom it was levelledy than out of 
any concern for the publick weal ; 
tis, ciii mala illa paraban- fo violent was thefury ofthe par^ 
tur, quam cura reipubli- ties at that time, fVherefore^ 
ca^: Tanta lubido in par- whilff albthe refl were heartily 
tibus erat. Igitur caeteris frightedy M. Scaurusy who was a 
{iietu perculfis, M. Scati- lieutenant-general of Befiia^^y as 
rus, quem legituin Be- / have above faidy amidff the ex^ 
^se fuafie fupra memoiU- ultations ofthe commttn peopky the 

R 2 vimus, 


vimus, intcr laetitiam fight of thofi if his f^rty^ and 

gcbis & (Horum fuga^n, ^the diftraition of fhe\ towny pro- 

epida etjam tum dvita- cured himfelf to f^e eh^n cne rf 

tc, cum' ex Mamiliana the three commij/ioners appoinud 

IPgataOfie tres quaeQtores hy Mamilius^s biU. But as the 

rokarehtur, effecetat, ut comrhijjion was executed with 

ipfe in eo nuihero creare- greqtfeverity and violencey in con^ 

XMX* Scd quaeftione exer- formity to vulgar report^ and the 

cita a^)ere violehtcrque, humourof thepeople\ thefe^grew 

cx rumore & lubidine at that time infaleKt upon their 

plebis, utl faepe nobilita- fuctefs^ as the mhility hnd efitn 

tem, fic ea . tempeftate beenbefore, 
plebem cx Tecundis rebus 
infolentia ceperat. 

XLV. Caeterum tnos XLV, Nowtheparty of the 

partitizh popularium^ & commonsy and the faSfims of the 

fenati fa<^ionum,' ac de- SenatCy with all the ?niJchievouf 

inde omnigim malarum pra^ices enfuingj took their rife 

fcrtium, 'piXicis ante ^nnis at ItoTne but afew years heforey 

Rom^ ortus eft, otio at- from idlenefsy and plentj ef fuch 

ff^t abundantia Carum re- things a^ mankind are apt to Jet 

Tum, qiiae pritna mortales ihebighefl vaiue upon. For hefore 

ducunt, >3anl, anle Car- the deJiruMion of Garthagey the 

tfaaginem deletam, po- peopte and Senate of Rome fhana^ 

pulus & fen^tus Roma- ged theif affaifs jointfyy in per-, 

nus placide inodefteque fe^' harmony and moderatiofiy 

inter • fe Vempublicam without the leajl hickering vpon 
traftabant ; heque gloriae • accota^t tfglory dndpower, The 

dominatiohis . certamen fear of their enemieS kept tfk city 

mter civis erat; metiis, in goodorder. But when thai fear 

hoftilis in bonis artibus was ndw no morcy then the con^ 

civitateni retinebat. Sed fiant attendants upon a ftcrte of 

ubi formido iHa mentibus profperiiyy wantonnefs and frldey 

deceffit, fcilicet ea, quae came into.fafl)ion, T^husthey hai 

j^cundae res amant, lafci- nofooner attained what they had 

via atque fuperbii incefle- wijhed fof^ in the time of their 

re, Ita, quod in advorfis adverfttyy peace^ than they found 

rebus' optayeraht, otium, 'ihe tnoji pernicious confequtnces 

poftquam ' adepti fuht, from rty and their cafe to be really 

afperius acerbiufque fuit. worfe ihan it was hejore* For the 

Namque coepere nobi- hobitky begun to iurn their powery 

litas dignitatem, ppputus and the people their libertyy inta 

jibertatem in lubidinern licentioufnefs, Rapine and violenca 

ycrtere j fibi quifque du- mw prevailed univerfaUy. And 



c^e» trahere> rapere. lit 
omaix in duas p«ti$ ab- 
(trada. funt, RdpuMica, 
qu2e tnedia jfuerat) dilace- 
rata. Caeterum nobiiitas 
fst&iane magis pdlebat) 
plebis vis foluta atque 
dirper£^ ia multitudine 
jninus poteraf; paucorum 
arbitrio beili domique ref- 
publica agitabatur ; p^es 
eofdem aerarium, provin- 
cise, magiftratus, gIoriae> 
triumj^ique ctant ; po- 
pulus militia, atque ino- 
pia urgebatur ; prsedas 
bellicas imperatores cum 
pauds diripiebant. Interea 
parentes, aut parvi liberi 
ttiilitum, uti quifque po- 
' tentiori confinis erat, fedi- 
bus pellebantur. Ita cum 
potentia ayaritia line 
xnodo modeftiaque inva- 
^ere, poUucre & vaftare 
omnia ; nihii penfi nequc 
fandi liabere, quoad fe- 
met ipfa praecipitavit. 
Nam, ubi primum ex 
ncfcilitate reperti funt, 
qui veram gloriam inju- 
ffise potentiae antepone- 
reht,^ moveri civitas, & 
dififenfio civilis, * quafi 
perinixtio terrae, griri 

XLVI. Nam, pofl:- 
qiiam Tiberius & C. 
Gracchus, quorum ma- 
jores Punico, atque aliis 
beliis multum reipublicae 
addiderarit, vindicare ple- 
Ijem in libertatem, & 
paucorum fcelera patefa- 

fhus was the tonmanwMlih rent 
into twpartieSy by which it was 
niiferahly tcrn to pieces . ThefaSfl- 
m ^ftbe nohility prcved the ntofi 
frevalents that of the commons 
being more kofe and divided^ by 
reafon oftheir numbersy was Bhii-- 
ged to give groundy w}?ereupon the 
management of all ajfairs^ both in 
peace and war^ feU into the hhnds 
of afew, ^ They had the difftfal 
tf the treafury\ provinces^ placesy 
ghryy andtriumphs, The populaee 
were opprejfed hy fervice in wars 
and want, The generals^ with a 
fewfriends^ made prize of all the 
fpoifs^ofviSfory, In the mean time 
theparents^ or the young chiidren 
of thefildiers^ according as they 
happenedto be neigbbours to any of 
tbe grandeesy were forced from tbe 
pojfeffion oftbeir ejiates. Thus did 
avaricey in conjunSfion with pow*- 
er^ feize^ ravage^ and lay wafie 
all oefore ity without the leaft re*- 
gardto moderation or mode/ly at 
all \ without ibought or di/lin^i*. 
ony ^till it plunged itfelf into ineX'* 
tricahle difficulties. For asfoon ds 
fome of the nobilityjiarted upy who 
preferred true gtory before unjujt 
power^ the city begun to be in ^ 
uproary and civil diJira£fion and 
confufton^ not unlike a disjointittg 
of the very earth itfelf to arifi 
upon it, 

XLVI. For after Tiberius and 
C, GracchuSy whofe ancejlors bad^ 
in the Carthagintan and other 
warSy been high/y ferviceable to th^ 
Jlate^ begun to ajfert the liherties 
ofthe commonSy and to expofe the 
wickednefs of the other party ; the 
^nobility beingguiltyy and therefore 




ccre coepcrc ; nobilitas 

lioxia, atque co percuifa, 

inodo'pcr focios ac no- 

ipicn Latinum, intcrduin 

pcr cquites Romanos, quos 

ipcs focietatis a plebedi- 

xnoverat, Gracchopim 

a6Konibu3 obviam ierat ; 

i& primo Tiberivim, dein 

'paucos poQr annos eadem 

mgredienteip Cajum, 

Tribunum plebis alte- 

rum, alterum triumvirum 

coloniis deducendis, cum 

M. Fiilvip Flacco, ferro 

necaverat, Et fane Grac- 

chis, cupidinp vifioriaB, 

haud fatis animus mode- 

ratus fuit. Sed bono vinci 

fatius eft, quam malp 

more injuriam yir>cere. 

Jgitur ea vidloria nobilitas 

exluhidine fua ufa, mor^ 

talis muhos ferro aut fuga 

extinxit ; plufque in reU- 

quum fibi timoris, quam 

potentiae, addidit ; quae 

res plerumque magnas 

civitates pefliim dedit ; 

dum aheri aheros vincere 

quovis modo, & yiitos 

acerbius ulcifci yolunt. 

Sed, de ftudiis partium, 

& omnibus civitatis mo- 

ribus, fi fingillatim aut , 

pro magnitudine parem 

diflerere, tempus, quam 

rcs, maturius deferet, 

quamobrem ad incoep- 

pxm redeo. 

XLVII. Poft Auli 
/oedus, exercitufque iloftri 
foedam fugam, Metellus 

undef terrihle apprehenjionsy did 
one whtle by our Jtalian allieiy and 
thofe . of Latium, another whiU 
hy tbe Roman inightSj whom the 
hopes ofjharing in the fpoil mzth 
themy Ihd feparated from the in^ 
terejl of tbe comm$nSy endeavour 
to oppofe the pretenjions of the 
Gracchij and iiiled by the fword 
TlberiuSj and afew years afier C. 
purfuifig the fame meafureSy the 
one a Tribune of the commnsy and 
the other one ofthe three commif 
fioners appointed fqr the planting 
of cplonies ; as alfo M. Futuius 
Flacehus. Andindeed the Gracchiy 
from too keen <? defre of carrying 
their pointy pujhed matters toofar. 
But a good man would rather chufe 
to be baffled in any caufcy than car^ 
ry it by^ ill meafures. Ti(herefore* 
the nobility making a moft injolent 
uje of their fuccefs in that flruggUy 
put to deathy or banijhedygreat num- 
bers afthe commonSy and rendered 
themjehes for- thefuture more ter^ 
rihUy rather thari more powerful ; 
a thing that has often proyed rui^ 
nous to mighty flatesy whilfi^itrties 
are for fuhduing one another at any 
ratCy and ujing their viSfory with 
a yetrgeance upgn their enemteSy 
when they have once got them un- 
der, But Jhould I propoje t^ dcr 
Jcant upon ,thefury ofpartieSy and 
all the other corruptions of the city 
at large^ and according to the ex^ 
tent of the fubje^y time would 
fooner fail me^ than matter, J 
Jkall therejore again take up tbe 
thread ofmy hiflory. 

XLVil. Jfter the treatj of 
Aulus^ and the fcandalous refwn 
ofour army into the previncey t'Je 



& SUanus, confules defig- 
nati, provincias intcr fe 
partiverant ; Metelloque 
Numidia cvenerat, acri 
viro, & quamquam ad- 
vcrfo populi partibus, fa- 
ma tamcn aequabili & in- 
violata, Is, ubi primum 
magiftratum ingreflus eft, 
alia omnia fibi cum colle- 
ga commuma ratus, ad 
bellum, quod gefturus 
crat, animum intendit. 
Igitur diffidens veteri ex- 
ercitui,' milites .fcribcre, 
prasfidia undique acccrfe-' 
res arma, tela, equos, 
& caetera inftrumenta 
xnilitias parare ; ad hoc, 
commeamm a^tim ; de- 
nique omnia, quas in bcUo 
vario, & rerum nxultarum 
cgcntij ufui cfle folent. 
Csetcrum ad ca patranda 
fcnatus au£toritate, focij, 

Confuls ete^y Metellus and Sila-' 
nusy divided the provinces betwixt 
them by kty and Nunudia fell to 
Metellusy a brijk many ana th9* 
an enemy to tie popular party^ yet 
ofa general goocLcbaraSfery and 
vjithout blemijh, Jsfoon ashe en- 
t^red upon his officep thinking all 
other things concerned his col- 
league as much as him^ he applied 
himfelf to make preparations for 
the ivar he was t^ command in^ ^as 
what was his proper and peculiar 
bujinefs. Whereforcy asheputna 
great confid^nce in the old army^ 
he made new leviesy and fentfor 
troops from all partSy andprovid" 
ed arms of att fortSy horjesy arid 
other inftruments of war^ bejides 
plenty of provifions ; and finally^ 
all things neceffaryfor a war^ that 
would require no fmatt variety» 
Andto helpforward the bufinefs^ 
the Senate contributed their autho^ 

rit^y our aUies and the LatinSy and 
nomenque Latinum, & foreignprinces tooy fent in troops of 
reges ultro auxilia mit- their own accord; andfinallyy the 

whole city exerted itfelfjirenuoufiy 
upon the occ^fion, yFhereforcy 
when now att things were prepa^^ 
redy and regulatedy to his ^mindy 
he pajps over into Numidia^ whilfi 
the Komans were now att infuU 
expe£fation offuccefsy as wett be-* 
caufe ofthe other excettent quali^ 
ties of the generaly as efpeciattyy 
hecaufe hehada^foul invincibly for-' 
tified againjl the temptaiion oj mo^ 
ney ; whereas our affairs in Africa 
had been ruinedy and thejlrength 
ofthe enemy increafedy by the </- 
varice ofour own commanders* 

XLVIII. But after his arrival 
in j^fricay the army ofthe Procon-* 

tendo, poftremo omnis 
civitas fummo ftudio ad- 
nitebatur. Itaque, cx 
fentcntia omnibus rcbus 
paratis compofitifquc, in 
Numidiam proiicifcitur, 
magna fpe civium, cum 
propter artis bonas, tum 
-iniaxume quod advorfum 
divitias invi£him ani- 
mum gerebat ; & avaritia 
ihagiftratuum ante id 
tQmpus in Numidia no- 
ftrae opes contufx, -hofti- 
umque au£bs crant. 

XLVIII. Sed, ubi in 
Africam vcnit, cxercitus 




ci traditur Sp. Albini 
proconfulis, iners, im- 
bellis, neque periculi, ne- 
que laboris patiehs, lingua, 
quam manu, promptior, 
pr^dator ex fociis, & ipfe 
praeda hdftium^fine im^ 

ferio & modeftia habitus, 
ta fmperatori hovo plus 
ex malis moribus folicitu- 
dinis, quam ex copia mi- 
litum auxilii, aut bon^ 
fpei, accedebat. Statuit 
tamen Metellus, (quam- 
quam & aeftivorum tem- 
pus comitiorum moraim- 
minuerat, & exfpe<Satio- 
ne eventi civium animos 
jntentos putabat) non 
prius bellum attingere, 
quam majorum difciplina 
milites laborarc coegiffet. 
Nam Albinus, Auli fra- 
tris exercitufque clade 
perculfus, poftquam de- 
creverat non cgredi pro- 
vincia, quantum temporis 
^ftivorum in imperio 
fuit, plerumque milites 
in ftativis caftris habebat ; 
nifx cum odos, aut pabuli 
egeftas, locum mutare 
fubegerat. Sed neque mo- 
re militari vigilise deduce- 
bantur Uti Cuique iu- 
bebat, ab fignis aberat. 
I^ixae permifti cum mili- 
tibus diu no6luque vaga- 
bantur -, &c palantes agros * 
vaftare, viUas expugnare, 
pecoris & mancipiorum 
prsdas certarites agere ; 
caqtle mutare cum mer- 
c^toxibus vino advectitio. 

ful Sp. jObinus tum deliverfd upio 
himy not at all difpofsd fir a£iigny 
but heartlefi^ andnettber eapahU of 
enduring danger orfatiguey zauch 
more ready wilh their tongues tban 
their handsy accii/lomed ta plunder 
the alliesy vshiyl they theznfelves 
were a prey tif the enemjy as being 
under na preper commandy in m 
crder at alL Thus tbe new ^ene^ 
ral had more trouble with the w- 
cious manners of tbe foUierSy than 
he had either help or hope JtQm 
their nurnbers. Howevery Jdetel- 
lus was refolvedy HotwithJiancBng 
the latenefs ofthe ele£lion had left 
but a Jhort time for that year*s 
campaigny and bfi did fuppofe, that 
the minds of the people at Rome 
would wait ihe i^ue if tbe war 
wiih impatienccy mt to enter up* 
. on a^iony ^till he hadbydue difci* 
pline brought the fobtiers to beaf 
fatigue. For Aliinus bein^ quite 
difmayed with ihe hte defeat oj 
the army under the cotnmand of 
his brothery and refolving therC" 
upon not tofiir out ofthe provincey 
kept the foldiersy during the time 
of his command that fummery in 
Jianding ccmpSy mhich he changed 
noty ^till the Jltench of themy or 
the want offdrage^ obfiged him ta 
be gone. But neither was the watch 
kept^ as is ufudl in war ; and eve" 
ry man Jtrolled froni the camp at 
pleafure ; and tbe fervantSy toge* 
ther with the foIdierSy run about 
night and day^ wq/Iing the cpun" 
try^ and forcing gentlemen^s hm-- 
fcsy carried off vajl numbers of 
catthy and Jlaves continuaJIyy and 
exchanged them ioith merchants 
for wine they brou^ht them^ and 



& alHs talibus. /Praeterea) 
frumentum pubJice da- 
tum vendere, panem in 
dies mercari. Poilremo, 
quaecumque dici aut fingi 
queunt ignavise lu^uriae* 
que probra, in illo exer- 
citu cunda fuere, & alia 

XLIX. Sed in ea dif- 
ficultate Metellum non 
minus, quam in rebus 
hoililibus, magnum & 
fapientem virum* fuifle 
comperiorj tanta tem- 
peranti^ inter ambitio- 
nem fsvitiamque mode- 
ratum. Namque edidio 
primo adjumenta ignavias 
fufhlliQe, ne quifquam in 
cajiris pdnem^ aut quim 
aiium cibumL co^um ven- 
derety ne Uxa exercitum 
fequerentur ; ne tmUs 
gregarius in caftrisy nepe 
in agmine firvum^ aut 
jumentum hah^ret. Cse- 
teris arte modum flktuif- 
fe. Praeterea, tranfvorfis 
itineribus quotidie caflra 
movere ; juxta, ac fi ho- 
ftcs adeflent, vallo at- 
que fofla munirej vigi- 
)ias crebras ponere» & ea$ 
ipfe cum legatis circuire ; 
item in agmine in primi^ 
modoy modo in poflre* 
mis> faepe in medio adeflb, 
nequifq^uam ordineegre- 
jderetur > uti cum fignis 
frequentes incedertnt, mi- 
les cibum & arma portar 
ret. Ita prohibendo^ a 
deli^ magis, quajn ^n- 

otherfuchthings. BefideSytheywouId 
fellthe corn allowed ihem by the 
government^ and huy bread every 
day, In Jhorty all the moflrftan-^ 
dakus effeSfs ofidlenefs and luxu^ 
ry^ that can be meniioned or ima^ 
ginedy were every one of them in 
that armyy andmore too, 

XLIX. But I find Metettm 

fhewed himfelf as great gnd able 

a man under this difficulty^ as in 

his condu£f againft the enemy; be 

obferved fo ,due a mean h)itwixt 

fneaking to gain thefavour of his 

troops, and cruelty, For tn the 

firfl placcy he ordered out of the 

camp by proclamationy aU thefup-^ 

ports ofidIenefs'y as that nobody 

fbould fcll bread, oc any. other 

drefTed viduais, in the camp ; that 

no fetchers of wood fhould foUow 

the army, nor any common fol- 

dier have in the camp» or upon a 

march,. a fervant, or any beafl of 

burden. And in refpek ofother 

thingSj was very fparing in his 

allowance of themi Befides, he 

woutd daily march his army^ not 

direffly forwardy hut to the right 

and left altem^tefyy andfecure his 

camp by a rampart and ditchy yuft as 

ifan enemy was at hand\ ,kept due 

watch in the fame^ and went the 

rounds himfel/y attended by his lieu- 

tenant^generals ; and upon a marchy 

be wouI4 fometimes he in the van^ 

fhmetimes in the rear.y and often- 

titne^ irfthe mofin body.y tofie that 

no manjguitted his r<ank\ hut all 

. duly attmded their own ft^ndardsy, 

and carried their own provyions 

andcirms. Thus in ajhort time he 

infded vigour andjpirit into his 

S dicandc^ 



dicandO) exercitum brevi 

L. Interea Jiigurtha^ 
. ubi, quae Metellus age- 
bat, ex nunciis accepit, 
.fimul de innocentia .ejus 
certior Romae fadus, dif- 
fidere fuis rebys, ac tum 
dcmum veram deditio- 
nem facere conatus eft. 
Igitur legatos ad confu- 
lem cum fuppliciis mittit, 
qui tantummodo ipfi li- 
berifque vitani peterent, 
alia omnia deder^nt po- 
pulo Romano. Sed Me- 
tello jam antea experi- 
mentis cognitum erat, 
genus Numidarum infi- 
dum, ingenio mobili, no- 
varum rerum avidum ef- 
fe. Itaque legatos alium 
ab alio diverfos aggredi- 
tur; ac paullatim ten- 
tando, poftquam ' oppor- 
tusios fibi cognovit, mul- 
ta pollicendo perfuadet, 
uti yuguriham maxume 
vivuTriy Jin id farutn prO" 
cedat^ necatum Jibi trade- 
renty caeterum palam, 
quae ex voluntate forent, 
regi nunciari jubet, Dein 
ipie paucis diebus intento 
atque infefto exercitu in 
.Numidiam procedit; ubi, 
contra belli faciem, tu- 
guria plena hominum, 
pecora, cultorefque irt 
agris erant \ ex oppidis & 
ms^alibus praefe£^i regis 
obviam procedebant, pa- 
rati frumeiitum dgre^ 

army^ rather hy keeping themfrom 
the breach of orderSy than punijb- 
ing them» 

L. In the mean time^ J^g^'^- 
tha being advjfed of what Metel- 
lus was doing^ and having been in- 
formed at Rome of his integrityy 
begun noiu to defpair of juccefs in 
the war^ and to think of making 
afurrender of himfelf in good ear- 
nefl. TVherefore he difpatches mef 
fengers to the Conful^ to capitulate 
only for the lives of himfelf and 
children^ fubmitting every thing 
bejides to the pleajure of the Ro- 
man people. But Metellus had be^ 
fore fotmd fuffciently by experience 
the nation of the Numidians to be 
faithlefsy fickUy and. fond ff 
change, ' tVherefore he tampers 
with the meffengers apart^ and 
when by fifting rf themj he found 
themfor his purpofcy he hy large 
promifes perfuades thern^ to deli- 
ver up to him Jugurtha alive, if 
poffible, but if not, dead. But 
openly orders them to carry an an^ 
fwer to the King^ agreeable to his 
deftre. And a few days after 
nitirches into Numidia with his ar- 
my readyfor aSfion ; where there 
was not the leajl appearance of 
war^ the country houfes being fuU 
of men^ and the lands of cattle^ 
and people at work upon their 
ground: the King*s governors too 
came from the towns and cot- 
tages to meet AletelluSj ready 
tofurnijh him with corn^ an4 other 
provifions ; ' and in Jhort^ to exe^ 
cute all his commands whatever. 
- But Metellus notwithjianding^ 
mafchedwith his army inafojiure 
of defencr^ as if the enemy wa& 




#ommeatum portare ; at han4 ; /^nt his fcouis into all 
poftremo , omnia^ quas quarters, romd^ as looking upon 
imperarentur,. " facere. thofe tokens of fubmiffton defigned 
Neque Metellus idcirco forfhew only^ and in order to tre^ 
minus, fed, pariter ac fi pan him: IVherefore he merched 

in the van^ attenaed by fom$ bat^ 
talions clear ofbaggage^^ 
dy offlingers and archers, Jn the 
rear commanded his lieutenant-ge- . 
neral C. Afarius ivith the horfe ;: 
and the auxiliary horfe he difpofed^ 
of in the fianks^ under the com^ 
mandofthe Tribunes of the legi-y 
anSj and the csmmanders of the^ 
l^attalionsy with which were mi^-- - 
ed fome light-armed foot ; and 
all this he did in order to repulfe ■ 
the enemfshorfe^ in wbat quarter 
foever they JhouM make their at-- 
tack. For yugurtha was a man 
vffo much fubtilty^ and fo^ well 
acquainted with tbe country^ and 
the buftnefs of war^ that it was 
hard to fay^ whether he w$is more 
mifchievouSy when abfent or pre^ 
Jugurtha tantus dolus, fent^ in peace or war, 
t^ntaqu^ peritia locorum & jiiilitiae ergt, ut, abfens an prsefens, 
pacem an bellunj gerens, perniciofior effet, in incerto haberetur, • 
LL Erat haud longe . LL There was notfarfrom the 

rout Metellus was tn^ a town of 
the Numidians^ called Vacca^ 4 
place ofthe greatejl trade of any 
in the kingdom^ where a great 
many Jtalian mtrchants were fet^ 
iime celebratum ; ubi & tled^ upon account of traffick^ 
in<;:olere & jiiercari con- MeteUus^ as weU ta try the fub^ 

mlffion of the people^ as upon ac^ 
count of the advantages of the 
placey put a garrifon into it { and 
further made a demand of corn^ 
and other neceffaries fbr his army^ 
impofuit ; prseterea . im- fuppofmg^ as it was natu^al to do^ 
peravit frumentum, & that the great numher of nter" 
^lla^ quap bellp ufqi fp- chants there would b^ very conve-^ 

S ^ ' rcnt. 

hoftes adeflent, munilo 
agmine incedere, late cx- 
plorare omnia, iUa dedi- 
tionis figna^oftentui cre- 
dere, & infidiis locum 
tentare. Itaque ipfe cum 
expeditis qohortibus, i-r 
tem funditorum & fagit- 
tariorum deleda manu 
apud primo§ crat. In po- 
ftremo C. Marius lega- 
tus cum equitibus cura- 
bat. In utrumque latus 
equites auxiliarios tribu- 
nis legionum & prasfedlis 
cohortjum difpertiverat ; 
uti cum his permixti ve- 
lites, (juocumque accede- 
rent, equitatus hoftium 
prppulfarent. Nam in 

ab eo itinere, quo MeteJ- 
lus pergebat, oppidum 
Numidarum, nomine 
Vacca, forum rerum ve- 
aalium totius regni max- 

fueverant Italici generis 
multi mortales. Huc con- 
ful, fimul tentandi gratia, 
&, fi paterentur oppor- 
tunitates loci, praefidium 

* / 



rent, cotnportar^; ratus 
}d, quo^ res mon^t, fre- 
quentiam negotiatorum 
& comnneatum juvatu- 
rum exercitum, & jam 
paratis r^us munime^to 
forc. Iiiter haec negotia 
Jugurtha impenfius mo- 
do legato$ fupplices mit- 
tere, pacem^orare, prae- 
tcr fuam libcrorumque 
vitam omnia I^etello de- 
dere. Quos item, uti priq- 
res, conful illedos ad pro- 
ditionem domum dimit- 
tebat j regi paccm, quam 
poftuiabat, neque abnue- 
re, ncque poUiceri, & in- 
tcr eas moras promifla lc^^ 
gatorunj exfpoaarc, 

LIL Jugurtha, ubi 
Metclli dixJla cum faftis 
• comppfiiit, ac fuis fe ar- 
tibus ^ntari animadver- 
tit, ( quippe cui verbis 
pax nnnciabatur, c^c- 
rwm re beitum afpcrri- 
mum erat, urbs tnaxima 
alienata, age^' hoftibus 
cognitus, animi popula- 
rium tentati) coaflus re- 
rum neceffitudine, ftatuit 
armis certarc. Igitur, 
cxplorato hoftium itinere, 
in fpem vicftoriae adduc- 
tus, ex opportunitate lo- 
ci, quam maxumas po- 
teft copias omnium gc- 
perum parat, acper trt- 
mites occultos exercitum 
Metelli antevenit. Erat 
in ea parte Numidiae, 
quam Atherbalin divifi- 
one pofledcraf, flumen^ 

nient^or the fnpplytng his troeps 
wHh provijions^ and a means io 
fecure bis conquefts, In the mean 
iimey yuguriha was cantinualfy 
fending mejfengers^ and hegging 
peace in"the moji fubmijjive man^ 
ner^ leaving all fhings to ihe dtf- 
pofal ofMeteliuSy bm his own and 
tts children^s ; lives whom ihe Con^ 
Jul wheedled into a dejign of he- 
traying their majier^ as he had 
done hy thoje that werefent before^ 
neitheir abfolutely refufmgy nor 
promijing the Xing thi peace he 
dejiredy bui in the mean tvhile 
waiting the execution of' ihe pro-' 
mifes made him by the mejfengers. 

• Ltl. Jugurtha eomparing Hde^ 

tellus^t vjords with his 'deeds^ and 

finding himjelf attatked by the 

arts h^ himjeif had' before praiii^ 

fedy as havtngy notioith^iinding 

tht hopesgiveH hiht of a peace^ a 

veryjmartwar upon his hands^ the 

principal city in %is kingdom^ heing 

taken from h,imj the country well 

known to the enemyy And his fub- 

je^s tamPered wiih to Jiduce them 

from their allegiance^ veing forced 

by the necefftty ' of his affairs^ he 

refolved to give battle to 'Metellus, 

Jvherefore having goi fufficient in" 

telligcnce ofthe march of ihe cnjLe- 

my^ and being in hopes of a vi^o^ 

ry from the advantage their fitU" 

'atfon prefen^edy he raifes aS great 

a force as pojjihle^i of both borfe 

andfoot \ and byfome private crofi 

routs gets ^efore Metellus*s army, 

Yhere was in that part of Numi-^ 

didy which Atherhal hady upon 


l' *'*"*• l' • 


oriens a mericiie, nomine 
Muthul ; quo ' aberat 
mons fermc millia paffu- 
um vlginti, tradhi pari, 
vaftus ab natura & hu- 
rpano cultu ; fed ex eo 
medio quafi coUis orieba- 
tur, in immenfum perti- 
nens, veftitus oleaflro ac 
myttetis, • aliifque gene- 
ribus arborum, quse hu- 
mi arido atque arenofo 
gignuntur. Media autem 
pianicies deferta, penuria 
aquae, praet^ fluminis 
propinqua loca. Ea con- 
fita arbuftis, pecore atque 
cultoribus frequentaban- 

LIII. Igitur in eo col- 
le, quem tranfvorfo itine- 
re porreftum docuimus, 
Jugurtha exteniiata fuo- 
rom acie confedit ; el^- 
phantis & parti copiarum 
pbdefti^ium Bomikarem 
praefecit ? eumque edocet 
quae ageret. Ipfe propior 
montemcum omni equi- 
t^tu & peditibus dele<ftis 
fuos collocat , dein fingu- 
las turmas & manipulos 
circumiens monet atque 
obteftatur, «//, memores 
prifiln/t virtutis Jff vlSio- 
riay Jefe regnumque fuum 
ab Romanorufn avaritia 
defendant* Cum his ceria^ 
menfore^ quos dntea viSfos 
fub jugum miferint ; ducem 
illisy non animum^ muta" 
tum. ^u^ ah . imperatore 
decuerinty omniq fuis pro- 
^ifa ^ iocum Juperiorem 

the divijion thereof^ a rivtr run^ 
rdngfrom ihefouw^ by mame Mu* 
thul^at about ttueitty miles diftance 
from whichy there ivas a mcuntain 
parallel to the river^ wafte and 
uncuitivatedy from the middle of 
which rofe a hill of vaji heighty 
covered with wild diveSy myrtUsy 
and other treesy which are apt t^ 
grow in a dry fandy foiL The 
piain betwixt the river and moun^ 
tain, was all defert for want of 
watery except tbe parts border^ 
ing upon the river. Thofe were 
full of hrufhwoody cattUy and 

LIII. In ihis hilly whichy we' 
have already taken noiiccy lay a^ 
crofs the rout Metellus wds takingj 
Jugurtha fat down with his arfriy^ 
Jiretched out to a great length. 
He gave the command of the eU^ 
phantSy with a partofthe infan- 
tryy to Bomilcary and inJiruSfs' 
him what to do. ^HepoJis himfelf 
nigher the mountainy with all tbe' 
horfcy and the choiceji ofthefoot ; 
and then ridlng round the feVeral 
troops and companieSy he begs and 
befeeches themy to be mindful of 
their former bravery and fuccefs, 
and to defend themfelves and his 
dominions for the avarice of the' 
Romans. They were now to en- 
gage with thofe, whom they had ■ 
before conquered, and obliged to 
pafs under the yoke ; that they 
had only changed theif gene- 
ral, not their temper. That he 
had madeall the preparations for 
the battle, that could be expedled 

. uti 



uti prudent^s cum imperi'^ 
tisy ne. pauciores cumplu^ 
rihus^ aut rudes cum bello 
Tnelioribus manum confere- 
rsnt, Proinde parati in- 
ientique ejjenty Jigno dato 
Rotnanos mvadere \ illum 
diem aut omnis laborcs & 
niiSIorias confirmaturum^ 
aut maxumarum arumna^ 
rum initium fore* Ad 
hoc viritim, uti quemque 
ob niilitare facinus pecu- 

, niaaut honore extulerat^' 
commonefacere beneficii 
lui, & ' eum' ipfum aliis 
oftentare, Poftremo, pro 
cujufque ingenio pollicen- 
do> minitando, obteftan- 
<lo^ alium ,alio modo -ex- 
' citare ; cum interlm 
Metellus^ ignarus , hofti- 
itm, . monts degrediens 
cVim exercitu confpicaba- 
tur. Prlmo dubius, quid 
nam infplita Tacies often: 
deret ( nam inter virgul- 
ta equi Numidiasque con- 
f^fderant, neque plane oc- 
cultati humilitate arbo- 
Tum, ,& tamen incerti 
quidoam effet, cum natu- 
Ta ioci turp dplo ipfi atque 
, figna militaria obfcurati ) 
dein, brevi cognitis . infi-» 
diis, paullifper agmen 
conftituit. Ibi commu- 
tatis ordinibys, in dextro 

, latere, quod proxumum 
hoftis erat, triplicibus fub- 
fidiis aciem' inftruxit j in- 
ter manipulos funditores 
jj^ fagittarios difpcrtit, e- 
<juitatum pmnep in qor- 

. frorti acommander ; fo that thtCT 
had the advantage of the grDuna, 

. furprize, nurhbers, ^nd ftill in 
v^ar, on their fide ; and therefore 
ought to be upon their guard, and 
ready, wlien the fignal (hould be 
given, to fall upon the Romans, 
That that d^y wquld eitber fecure 
to them the fruits of their fonnpr 
labours andvi«itories, orprovethe 
beginning of the moft extreme mi- 
fery. Bejldes^ he addreffed him- 
flf fmgly to fuch as he had for 
their gallant behaviour raifed to 
riches or honour^ put them in mind 
of his ^indnefs^ and Jhewed them 
to the rejl^ In Jhorty he endea- 
voured to rouze the courage of one 
in one wdy^ and another another^ 
ly promifing^ th/e.atningy or en- 
treqting them^ according to their 
feveral tempers, TVhilft in the 
meari time Metellus^ being not a- 
wareofthe enemy^ wasjpiedcoming 
down ihe mourdain with his army, 
And being at firfi in fome douht^ 

' what that unufual appearance ■ 
Jhould mgan ( for the Numidians 
with their hcrfes were among the 
brujhivood^ but not fujfiiciently^ co- 
vered^ by reafon of the lownsfs of 
the trees^ nor yet appearing fo as 
to difcover what thcy were^ as he-^ 
i?ig themfelves and thcir Jfandards 
conccalea by the nature of ihe 
placc^ and otherzvays defignedly ) 
but in a Jhbrt time pcrceiving the 

Jiratagerri of the enemy^ he arde- 
red his army to halt a little ; and 
then altering the_ dljfofilioh there- 
ofy he reinforced it in the right 
wing^ which was* next the enemy^ 
with three feveral bodies of re- 
ferycs^ for their fi9pport^ if occa- 



tiibus locat ; ac pauca pro 
tcmpore milites hortatus, 
aciem) ficuH inftruxerat, 
tranfvorfis principiis in 
planum deducit. 

LIV. Sed, ubiNumi- 
das quietos, neque colle 
degr^i animadvertit, ve- 
ritus ex anni tempore& 
inopia aquse, ne fiti con- 
ficeretur exercitus, Ru- 
tilium legatum cum ex- 
peditis cohortibus, & parte 
equitum, praemifit ad flu- 
men, uti locum caftris 
antecaperet ; exiftumans 
hoftis crebro impetu, & 
tranfvorfis proeliis, iter 
(uum remoraturos ; &, 
quoniam armis diftide- 
rent, laffitudinem & fitim 
militum tentaturos. Dein 
ipfe pro re atque loco, fi- 
cuti monte defcenderat, 
pauUatim procedere ; Ma- 
rium poft principia habe- 
re ; ipfe cum finiftrae alse 
equitibus eife, qui in ag- 
mine principes fadi erant. 
At Jugurtha, ubi extre- 
mum agmen Metelli pri- 
mos fuos prastergreflum 
videt, praefidio quafi du- 
um millium peditum 
montem occupat, qua 
Metellus defcenderat ; ne 
forte cedentibus adver- 
fariis receptui, ac poft 
munimento foret ; dcin, 
repente figno dato, hoftis 
invadit. Numidi^ alii 

Jidn reqnired \ dijirihutes the Jling'^ 
ers and archers amongli thefeve^ 
ral companieSy and piaces all the 
horfe irt the wingSy and nAxking a 
Jhort ffeech fuitable to the occajion^ 
for the encouragement of his men^ 
be dreiv dovjn his army into the 

LIV. But finding the Numidi- 
ans keep their ground^ withcut 
offering to quit the hilly and feflr- 
ingfrom the feafon of the year^ 
andthe want of water in thoje 
partSj leji his crrmy fhonid he di- 
Jireffed hy thirji^ hefent bis lietcte^ 
nant-general RutiliuSj with a 
light detachment of infantry^ and 
part of the cavalry^ down to 
the rivery tofecure a proper piace 
for his campy as fuppofmg the ene^ 
mj woitidy hyfrequent attacks upon 
their Jiankj endeaveur to retard 
their march ; ' and as they had //V- 
iie hopes of fuceeding hy force cf 
armSj wouid endeavour to dijirefs 
our foidiers hy continual fatigue 
and thir/i. Upon this he advan^ 
ced ieifttreiy^ in thefame order as 
he came doivn the mountain^ fifi^^ 
as the nature of the place would 
admit, H^ kept Marius hehind 
the principes ; he marched with 
tbe horfe of the left wingy who 
were now become the foremoji in 
the march. But when ^ugurtha 
faw that the rear of Meteiius was 
now got by his van^ he feizes up^ 
on the mountain Meteiius had quit" 
tedy with a body of two thoufand 
vurty that tl?e enemy^ if routed^ 
might not heiake themfelves tlAther 
for fecurity ; and then fuddeniy 
giving thefignaij hefalis upon the 
enemy, Tke Numidians fome cf 



pofiremos caedare ; pars rfthem efttacked tbt reary whiUl 

a finiftra ac dextra tenta- others did thefame upon thejlanks^ 

re;~infenfi adefle atquc being very prejfing and furiousy in^ 

inftare, omnibus locis Ro- fomuch fkat they every where fut 

manorum ordines contur- the Romans intofome diforder. Of 

bare. Quorum etiam qui VDhich thofe that made the mo/I 

firmioribus animis obvii gallqnt oppofttion^ were yet hefooied 

hoftibus fuerant, ludificati hy the enemfs unfteady way of 

incerto prcelio, ipfi modo fighting \ and heing thmfehjes 

eminus fauciabantur, ne- wounded hy the difcharge of the 

que contra feriundi aut enemfs weapons^ made upon them 

conferendi nianum copia at a difiance^ could npt come to 

erat. Antejamdofti ab Jirokes or clofe fight tjuith them at 

Jugurtha equites, ubi- alL For the horfe^ as they had 

cumque Romanorum hefore been inflru£ted by Jugurthay 

turma infequi coeperat, whenfoever any troops of the Ro^ 

non confertim, neque in man cavalry begun to purfue tbetn^ 

unum fefe recipiebant, didnot fly off togethery or to any 

.fed alius alio quam max- me certain place^ but difperfedy 

ume divorfi. Ita numero one one way^ and another anotherj 

priores, fi. ^ perfcquendo as much as poffible, Andfo being 

hoftis deterrere nequive- fuperior in numbersy ifthey could 

rant, disjecStos ab tergo not by that means dijcourage the 

adt lateribus circumveni- enemfs purfuit^ they atteifkedtbem 

ebant. Sin opportunior upon their dividingy in regr^ or 

fugae.collis, quam campi Jiank, But if d hill lay more conve^ 

fuerant, ea vero confueti nient fpr their flight^ than tbe 

Numidarum equi facile plain^ the horfes of the Numidians 

inter ., virgulta evadere ; heing ufed to the workywould eafily 

noftros afperitas & info- maAe their way through the biifhesy 

lentla loci retinebat. which ours^ forwant ofbeing ex- 

ercifed tn fuch rough worky coujd 

notdo. . 

LV. Casterum facies LV, But the apperance of 

totius negotii varia, incer- things during the whole tranfac^ 

ta, foeda atque miferabi- tion^ was variousy uncertainy dif-^ 

lis. .Difperfi a fuis, pars mal^ andmiferahle. Some^ fepa-- 

cedere, alii infequi. Ne- ratedfrom their main body^ fledy 

que figna, neque ordines whil/i others were engaged in the 

obfervare. Ubi quemque purfuit . of the enemy. They nei- 

pcriculum ceperat, ibi re- ther kept hy theirjiandards nor com- 

iiftere ac propirifarc. Ar- panies, fVbere danger overtook ar^ 

.ftia, tela, equi, viri, ho- oneytherehemade ajiandy andrt" 

ftesjcivespermixti. Nihil pulfed his adverfary, Arms rf all 




tonfilio, neque imperio 
agi, ; fors omnia regere. 
Itaque multum diei pro-* 
cefTerat, cum etiam tum 
eventus in incerto erat. 
Denique, omnibus labore 
& apftu languidis, Metel- 
lus, uiji videt .Numidas 
ininus infiare, pauUatim 
milites in unum conducit ; 
ordines reftituit, & co- 
hortes legionarias quatuor 
advorfum pedites hoftium 
collocat ; eprum magna 
pars fuperioribus locis fef- 
fa confederat. Simul ora- 
re, hortari milites, ne de- 
ficerent^ neu paterentur 
hoftes fugientes vincere : 
Neque illis cajira e£e^ ne- 
que munimentum ullum^ 
quo cedentes tenderent \ 
in armis omnia Jita. Sed 
nec Jugurtha quidem in- 
terea quietus erat ; circum- 
ire, hortari, renovare 
proelium, & ipfe cum 
dele6Hs tentare ,omnia ; 
fubvenire fuis, hoftibus 
dubii^ inftare ; quos fir- 
inos . cocnoverat, eminus 
pugnando retinere. 

'LVI. feo modo duo 
imperatores, fummi viri, 
inter fe certabant ; ipfi 
pares, caeterum opibus 
difparibus. Nam Metello 
virtus militum erat, locus 
advorfus ; jugurthae alia 
omnia, praeter milites,. 
opportuna. Denique Rd- 

fortSj horfesy men^ hoth enemies and 
Romans tuere all jumbled togcr 
ther ; nothing was done under any 
certain condu^ or command 5 
char\ce ruled alL JVherefore the 
day was novo far fpent^' whiljl the 
cvent was fiill uncertain» Finally^ 
when a(I were now quite faint 
with thefatigue ofthe a£lion^ and 
heat ,of the day^ Metellus fercei- 
ing the Numidians to ahate' of 
their vigour^ draws hy degress his 
foldicrs into one place^ puts them in 
dui order^ and pofls four Ie'giona-' 
ry battalions againji the enemy*s 
foot \ a great part of which heing 
heartily tiredy were fet down icp^ 
on fome rifing ground. At tbe 
fame time Metellus entreated and 
encouraged his men not to faintj or 
fufFer the flyin^ enemy to get the 
viftory . They had no camp or any 
fortification to fly to ; all their 
hopes werein their arms. Nor was 
Jugurtha idle in the mean time^ 
hut rid round his troops to encou»^ 
rage them^ and renew ihe fighty 
and didy with ^a body of choice 
troopsj make all imaginahle ef^ 
forts for Jhe purpofe^ relieving his 
own men^ and pujhing home upon 
the enemy^ where they were in di» 
firefs ; qnd fuch as fioodfirm^ he 
kept in playy hy annoying ihem at 
a di/iance, 

LVI. Andihus did thefe tw$ 
great commanders Jiruggfe toge* 
thef for viSfory^ ^ugfy matthed 
indeed in their own pe^onSy hut in 
vcry differcnt circumfianeejs as to 
cther refpe^s. Metellus had the . 
advantagc with regard io the cou^^ 
rage hf his men^ hut the diJadVan'» 
tage as to ground, yuguriha had 

T mani. 




xnam, ubi intelligunt, ne- the hetter vf it in all cfiher re-» 
■quc fibi perfugium efle, fpe^Sy exceptlng his men^ Finally^ 
neque ab hofte copiam the Romans finding no other means 

of fe^urity left fhem^ fince the 
ene?ny^ by keeping at a dijfanccj 
would give them no opportunity of 
engaging them^ and night was now 
coming on apace^ advance^ as they 
were orderedy up the hill ; ivhere^ 
upon the Numidians quitting their 
ground^ were routedy and put to 
funt. Interea Bomilcar, flightj andfomefew of themjlain. 
quem elephantis & parti But the mojl of them tvere faved 

hy the goodnefs of their heels^ and 
the enemfs wfint offitfficient ac^ 
^uaintance with the countryy toge- 
theri iri the mean time Bomil- 
car^ io whom fugurthay as we 
have above faidy had given the 
commandofthe elephantSj and a 
part of the infantry^ as foon as 
Rutili^s was paffed him^ draws 
down his men very leifurely, into 
the plain '; and whil/i^the lieute» 
nant-generaly accoraing to his or^ 
dersypurfues his march with ali 
expediiion to the river^ he^ un-^ 
rnolejledj puts his troops into fuch 
■a difpofitiony as the nature of the 
cafe requiredy and does not neglcB 
to get inteUigente' what the enemy 
was every where doing. Jfnd af- 
ter he was advifed^ that Rutilius 
was nov; encampedy and under no 
apprehenfions of an enemyy and 
' um itincri officeret, latius- perceived tooj that the fiioiitingy 
porrigit ; . eoque modo ad wherefugurtha was engagedygreio 
Rutiiii caflta procedit. louder and louder^ fearing l^ the 

lieutenant-gineraly upon underflanding the matter^ fijould 
return to the relief of his friends in di/frefsj he exiends bis 
forceSy whichy in dtflrufi of their couragCy he had drawn 
Mp in clofe array^ to a confiderable lengthy in order to ob- 
• firuQ his paffage ; and in ihat difpofition advances tmards 
the camp ofRutilius. 


pugnandi fieri (& jam 
die vefper erat ) advorfo 
colle, ficuti prseceptum 
fuerat, evadunt. Amifib 
loco Numidae fufi fugati- 
que, pauci interiere. Ple- 
rofquc velocitas & regio 
hoftibus ignara tutata 

-copiarum pedeftrium 
praefectum . ab Jugurtha 
fopra diximus, ubi eum 
Rutilius praetergrefius eft, 
paulfetinl fuos in aequum 
locum deducit ; ac, dum 
legatus ad flumen, quo 
prsemififus erat, feftinans 
pergit, quietus, uti res 
poftulabat, aciem exor- 
Bat ; neqlic remittit, quid 
ubique hoftes agerent, ex- 
florare. Poftquam Ru- 
tilium confediflTe jam, & 
animo vacuuna accepit, 
fimulque ex Jugurthae 
prodio clamorem augeri, 
veritusnel^tus, cognita 
re, laborantibus fuis au- 
xilio fbret, aciem, quam 
diffidens virtuti militum 
arte ftatuerat, quo hofti- 



^ LVIL Romani ex 
impravifo pulveris vim 
magnam animadvertunt ; 
Inam profpedum ager ar- 
buftis confitus prohibeat. 
£t primo rati humum 
aridam vento agitari ; 
pofl, ubi aequabilem ma- 
nere, &, ficuti acles mo- 
vebatur, magis nugisque 
appropinquarc vident ; 
cognita re, properantes 
arma caplunt, ac pro ca- 
ilris ficuti imperabatur, 
confiftunt. Deinde, ubi 
propius ventum eft, u- 
trimque magno xlamore 
concurritur. Numid», 
tantummodo remorati, 
dumin elephantis auxili- 
um putant, po(lquam eos 
impeditos ramis arborum, 
atque ita disje6ios cir- 
cumvenirifvident, fugam 
faciunt: ac plerique, ab- 
je£l:is armis^ coUis, aut 
no£)is, quae jam aderat, 
auxilio integri abeunt. 
Elephanti quatuor capti, 
reliqui omnes numero 
quadraginta interfe£ti. At 
Romani, quamquam iti- 
nere, atque opere daftro- 
ruift, &proeliofeifi; laeti- 
que erant, tamen, quod 
Metellus amplius opinio- 
ne morabatur, inftrufti 
intentique obviam proce- 
dunt. Nam dolus Nu- 
midarum nihil languidi 
neque remiffi patiebatur. 
Acprimo obfcura no6le, 
poftquam haud procul 
imer fe erant^ ftrepitu, 

' LVII. The Romans werefur^ 
prixed wtth ihe judden appearance 

• af a mi^hty dufi raifed \ for thg 
couriiry being thickfet with Jhruhs^ 

. hindered the view at any difiance* 
And at firft futpcfed it was onlji 
Qccafioned by the tvind*s fweeping 
the dryplain ; hut perceiving itta 
be conflanty and Opproach nearer 
andnearer^ as the'army advan-- 
ced^ and thereupon difcovering the 
mattery they fly to their arms^ anj 
hy ^der oftheir commander^ draw * 
up before the camp, And fffter the 
enemy was come within proper di- 

fiance^ both fides engage with a 
great Jhout, Tlje Numidians only 
madea Jiand^ whilfi they thought 
the elepbants might be offervice ta 
them \ hut when theyfaw them en^ 
iangled among/i the brujh-wood^ 
andfeparately enciofedby the ene^ 
my^ theytake ta their heels, and 
mofi ofthem^ throwing away their 
4xrms got ojf fafe by the advan" 
tage of a hiil and ihe night togcr 
ther^ which was now come on^ 
.Four elephants were taken; aU 
the refij forty in number^ wcre 
flain. But the Romans^ altho* fa^ 
tigued with their marchy the work 
of encampingy andbattie tooj and 
allin the height of joy for their 
fuccefs ; y£t as Jiietellus fiaid be^ 
yond their AXpeSfationy put themr 
felves in due order^ and advance 
to meet him, For ihe wiles of the 
Numidians admitted no flacknefs 
or remiffnefs at all, And when 
now they were notfar afunder^ the 
night being dari^ the noife alarmr 
ed both fides with the apprehenfi^ 
ons of an enemy advancing^ thc 
confequence whereof kad Hke to 

T 2 velut 



velut hoftes adyentarent, 
alteri apud alteros fonni- 
dinetn fitnul & tumul- 
tum facere ; & pene im- 
prudentia admiflum faci- 
nus miferabile, ni utrim- 
que praeqiifll equites rem 
exploraviffent. Igitur pro 
metu repente gaudium 
exortum. Milites alius 
alium laeti appeliant, aila 
edocent, atque audiunt ; 

have bien fatal^ but that fcm0 
horfe^ dijpatched by hoth partiesy 
dijcovered the truth, fVheir^upon 
theirfear was foUowtd with joy : 
(ind the foldiers fell to congratU" 
lating one another-y and mutuaily 
imparting their accounts- of the 
two aSiionSy whil/i each man ex- 
tolls his own behaviour to the 
heavens. Forfuch is the conditi- 
on of mankind: upon a vidiory 
(owards may boaji j but illfuccefs 


fua quifque fortia fafta ad fmks the fpirits . of the 
coelum fert. Quippe res thet^ifelves. . 
humanns ita fe hatent ; in vidoria vel ignayis gloriari licet 
advorfae res etiam bonos detredlant., 

LVIIL Metellus, in LVIII. Meiellus continuedfour 

days in the fame ^campy took due 
carefor the recovery of his ivound" 
ed 7neny confers prejents^ as is //- 
praeliis more militise do- fualinwar^ uponjuch as had di- 
nat ; univerfos in conci- Jlinguijhed themfelves in the late 
one laudat, ^atque agit fght^ cbmmends them all in a 
gratias ; hortatur, ad coS" Jpeech he made them^ atid gives 
tera^ qua levia funt^ pa- them thanks^ adviftng them to 

(hew the like courage for the dif- 

iifdem caftris quatriduo 
jnoratus, faucios cum cu- 
r^ reficit ; meritos ih 

rem antmum gerant ; pro 
vi^oriafatis jam pugna- 
tum reiiquoi lahores pro 
prcecla fore, Tamen in»- 
rerim transfugas & alips 
opportunos,* Jugurtha ubi 
gentium, aut quid agita- 
ret, cum paucis ne effet, 
an exercitum iiaberet uti 
fcfe vi6lus gereret, ex- 
ploratum mifit. At ille 
fefe in loca faltuofa & 
natura munita receperat ; 
ibique cogebat exercitum, 
jiumero hominum ampli- 
oremy fed hebetem iniir- 
niuiTjque,, agri ac pecoiis 
Aagis, quum belli, cul- 
Jiorem. Id ca jratia eye- 

patch of the work remaining upon 
their hands, which was but mcon- 
fiderable. They had fbught fufiici- 
entJy for vidory all they had now 
to labour for, was plunder. Yet 
in the mean time he fent out fonu 
deferters^ ami other proper perfons^ 
to enquire where yugiirtha ivas^ 
or what he defigned to do ; whe- 
ther he was only atteyided by feWy 
oranarmy-y andhow he hehaved 
himfelf dfter hls defeat. But ke 
was alrcady retired to a woody 
paxt of the cpuntryy that was na^ 
turafly veryjlrong \ and was there 
raijing an army already greater 
than the formery > but unfit for 
a^iony and of no qccmnt -, as be- 




niebat, quod, prseter e- 
quites negios, nemo oiri- 
nium Numidarum ex fu- 
ga regem fequitur. Quo 
cujufqTie animus f^&rt, eo 
ditcedunt, Neque id fla- 
gitium militiae ducitur ; 
ha fe mores habent. Igitur 
Metellus, ubi videt ctiam 
tum regis animum fera- 
ccm ; effc bellum renova- 
ri, qupd niii ex illius lu- 
bidine geri noh poflet ; 
praetcrea iniquum certa- 
jnen fibi cum hoftibus 
ihinore detrimento illos, 
viijci, quam fuos vincere ; 
ftatuitnon prceliis, neque 
?cie, fed alio more bfellum 
gerundum. Ita^ue in loca 
Nunfiidiae opulentifluma 
pergit I agros vaftat ; 
tnulta caftella & oppida, 
temere munita, aut fine 
prxfidio, capit incendit- 
que ; puberes intcrfici ju- 
bet, aJia omnia militum 
prgedam eflTe. Ea formi- 
dine multi mortales Ro- 
fuanis dediti obfides; fru- 
mentum, & alia, quae 
ufui forent, affiatim prae- 
bita ; ubicumque res po- 
ftulabat, praefidium im- 
pofitum. Quae negotia 
multo magis, quam proe- 
lium male pugnatum ab 
fuis, regem terrebant. 
Quippe cujus fpes omnis 
in fuga fita ,erat ; feqiii 
cogcbatur; ^, qui fua 
Joca defendere nequive- 
jrat, in alienis bellum ge- 
rere. Tamen ex inopia. 

ing more acquainted with hujban" 
dry and grazing^ than the huji- 
nefs ofwar, The reafon whereof 
wasy that not a man ofthe Numi-- 
dians attends their prince upoH a 
defeat^ excepting his own horfe^ 
guards^ but go where they pUafe* 
^Nor is this any hlemijh vpon their^ 
honour at all^ as being tbe fajhi^ 
on* Wherefore 'Aletellus perceiving 
the King' s fpirit to hejlill undaunt'' 
ed^ and that the war was like t9 
grow upon him again, which could 
not be carried on but as Jugurtha 
pleafed ; and that he was mt tipon 
an equalfqoting with the enemy in 
theconte/t; that they fujiain'ed l^s 
damage hy a defeat^ than his men 
did by a vi6fory^ he refolved not to 
carry on the war in the way of 
pitched field^-battleSy but after a 
different manner. Wherefore a- 
^ay he' marches into the richeji 
parts of Numidia^ where he rava- 
ges the country^ and takes abun- 
dance of cajiles^ and towns^ that 
were bui Jlightly fortified^ or with-> 
out any garrtfon in themy and 
burns them^ orders all the males 
of age to be put to the fword^ 
granting all bejides to his •Jpldiers 
as plunder* ifpon the con^ernatt-^ 
on occafioned by this manner of 
proceedingy a great many peofle 
fubmitted themfehes to the Ko» 
mans^ gave hojiages^ and fupplicd 
the army with coruy and cther ne^ 
ceffaries{ in great plenty, Garri- 
fons were likewife placed' where 
occafion required, tVhich things 
Jiruck a "much grtater terrour into' 
the. King^ than the late unfortu- 
nate battle had done^ For he^ 
whofe hopes lay entireh/ in avoiding 




cadunt, multi capiuntur; 
nemo omnium intadlus 
profugit* Et Numidae, 
prius quam ex caftris fub- 
veniretur, ficuti juflf c- 
rant, in proxumos coUis 

quod optuttium videba- bis enemy^ was now ebliged t& pur-»' 
tur, ,Confilium capit ; ex- fue himi andhe that could not dt^ 
erdtum iplerumque in iif- fendthofe farts of his dominionSy 
dem lotis opperiri jubet; where tnfght be would bave con- 
ipfe cum deledtis equitibus ftderahle • advantagesy was forced 
MeteUum fequitur ; noc- to carry on the war in tbok^ where 
tumis & aviis itineribus he would labour under difadvanta^ 
•ignoratus, Romanos pa- ges. Tet in thisflraight he takes 
lantis rqiente aggreditur. fuch a courfe as feemed mofl ad- 
Eorum plerique inermes; vifeahle. Heorders the army io 

keep generally in the fame pariSy 

and attends the motions of AdeteU 

lus himfelf with a choice hody of 

horfe ; and hy marching in the 

nighty and through by^-roadSf conus 

unexpe^edly upon tbe Romans tbai 

bad firolled from the campy who 

heing mofl of ihem unarmedy were all either killed or taken 

prifonersy exceptfome few that got off^ yet not without heing 

mucb wounded, And the Numidiansy hefore any relief could 

come from ibe campy according to ordersy draw off to tbe 

next biSs. 

LtX. In the mean time there 
was buge joy at Rome^ upon ihe 
news of metellus^s fuccefs \ how 
be conduSied'. himfelf and his armyy 
in a manner corfhrmable to that 
ofthe brave old Komans j had hy 
bis gallant bebaviour gained a 
viSiory^ tho^ with tbe difadvan- 
tage of the groundj and had tnade 
himfeif mafier of the enemf s coun- 
try^ havingobligedyugurtbajwho 
was vojftly elated witb bis fuccefi 
againft AuluSy to put all bis bopes 
infying about withfmall parties» 
fupplicia decernere, Ci- TVherefore the Senate orders puh' 
vitas, trepida antea, & fo- lick thankfgivingsto the Gods up- 

on account of the fame. Tbe city 
that was hefore in no fmall fear^ 
and much concermdfor tbe iffiie of 
tbe war^ ' was nowfull ofpy^ and 
cried up Metellus rrtoft mightily ; 
whicb infpired him withfreft} zeal 


LIX, Interim Romae 
gaudfum ingens ortum, 
f ogiiitis Mctelli rebus ; 
ut Jfeque & exercitum 
morc majorum gereret; 
in ^dvorfo loco vi<Slor ta- 
men virtute fuiflet ; ho- 
ftium agro potiretur ; 
Jugurtham, magnificum 
e)c Auli focordia, fpem 
falutis in folitudine aut 
fuga coegifiet habere. Ita- 
que fen:^tus, oh ea felici* 
ter a£faj diis immortaUbus 

jicita de belli eventu, la^ta 
agere; de Metello fama 
pr^eclara efle. Igitur eo 
intentior ad vidoriam ni- 
t i ; omnibus modis ftfli- 
nare; cavere tacnen ne* 


cubi h6fti opportunus fie- U bring ihe war io a hapfi con" 

ret 5 meminiflc poft glo- clufion^ for which purpofi t£ ufed 

riam invidiam fequi. Ita, ali poffiBle application ; buf fet^ 

quo clarior, ^o magis mttvithftanding his hafley took care 

anxius erat ; neque poft to be upon his guard againft the 

infidias Jugurthae effufo Jiratagems of the erun^^ remem^ 

exercitu praEdari. Ubi beringff thefame iimey that ermy 

frumcnto aut pabulo opus ufuaUy attends upon ghry ; dnd 

erat, cohortes cuih omni tberefore the morefamous he wasy 

equitatu praefidium agita- the more anxious he %aas too. And 

bant ; exercitus partem after that ambvftade, ef Jugur^ 

ipfe, reliquos Maritis du- tha^s^ never fuffef^ed his amty t9 

cebat. Sed igni magis, difperfefsr the plunder of the coun- 

quiam praeda, ager. vafta- try. "^ Butnohen he hadoxcafionfor 

batur. Duobus locis haud corn or fordge. ftme hattaUons of 

longe inter le caflt^ facie- fooiy with all the horfey went 

bant. Ubi vi opus erat, aijsi guartyto ^thofe tmployed in 

cuniti aderant : caete- that fervtcL lle conduSfed one 

rum, quo fuga' atque part -of^the ^mv, and Marius 

formido latius crefceret, the other. ' Btit the country was 

divorfi agebant. Eotem- njdajied md^t'hy fhe firing of 

pore Jugurtha j)er tcdlis iowns^ artd 'oiher huHdtngSy ihan 

fequi; tempus aut locum pliindering ^^hmy . Th^' ufed to 

pugnafe quaerere ; *; ' qua; pitiitheirtanipsata^fiHalfdiJfance 
vemurum hoftem aucUe-* from^ihe Sndth^rj ana iijhitn there 

rat, pabulum & aqiiartim waVoccaJiifiifor any conftdeYahka^'' 

fontis, quorum penuria tion^ they joined in it, But to 

erat, corrumpere. Mo- fpread terrour and defolation more 

do fe MereBo, interdufti effeSfuallyy they generally a^edfe- 

Mario oftender^ ; poftre- parately. At that time JugUrtha 

mos in agmitie tentare, kepf withln view ofthem upon the 

ac ftatim in colKs regredi ; hiHsy wafching att advantages ofi 

rurfus aliis, poft aliis mi- tim^zcndphcefof the attatking tf 

nitari ; neque proelium them, ' nhd wherefoever he coutd 

facere, neque otium pali, learntheeHemydefignedtomarchyhe 

tantummodo hoftem ab defiirofthe foragey andthe fpringsy 

incoepto retinere. ofwhith there wat greatfcarcity 
inthat.counfry, One while he Jheived himfef to Metellusy 
another to Mariusy would faU upon their rear^ then pYefently 

Tnake offagain to the hillsy and by and hy alarm them again^ 
firfi in one quartery and then in anothery neither engaging them, 
in good earnefiy norfuffering fhem to be quiety buf oniy hinder^ 
ing themfrom fhe e^ecution oftheir defigns^ 



LX. Romanus impe- 
rator> ubi fe dolis fatigari 
videt, neque ab hofte co- 
l^iam pugnandi fieri, ur- 
bem magnam, & in ea 
parte, qua fita crat, ar- 
ccm regtv, nomine Za- 
,mam, ftatuit oppugnare; 
ratus id, quod negotium 
pofcebat, Jugurtham la- 
.borantibus fuis auxilio 
vcnturum, ibiquc prceli- 
um fore. !A.t il!e, quae 
parabantur, a pferfugis 
edo£lus, magnis itineri- 
bus Metellum anteveniti 
oppidanos hortatur, moe- 
nia defendant, additis au- 
xi)io perfugis^ quodgenus 
ex copiis regis, quia fal- 
kre nequibat, ^iifru- 
mum erat. Praeterca pol- 
licetur, in tempore femet 

• cum exercitu adfure. Ita, 
compofitis rebus, in loca 
quam maxume occulta 
difcedit ; ac paulo poft 
cognofcit,. Marium. ex 
itinere frumentatum cum 
paucis cohortibus Siccam 
mlfliim, quod oppidum 
primum omnium poft 
malam pugnam ab rege 
defecerati Eo cum delec- 
tis equitibus noftu pergit, 
&jam egredientibus Ro- 
manis in porta pugnam 
facit; fimiil magna voce 
Siccenfes ^ortatur, uti 

' cohortes ab tergo circum-' 
veniant \ fortunam illis 
prceclari facinoris cafum 
dars. Si idfecerint^ po- . 

Jtea fefe in regno^ ilhs in 

LX# JVhm ihe Romangeneral 
found himfelf fo harraffed by the 
wily condtUf of the enemy^ tvith" 
out any pojjibility^ of coming to an 
engagement with him^ he refohued 
to attack Zama^ the mo/i confider- 
ahU town in thatpart ofthe king^ 
*dom^ wherein it lies ; fuppojing^ as 
the cafe indeed requiredy that yu- 
zurtha would come to the relief of 
his fuhje£ls in that diftrefsy . and 
that a battle woul^ eryue thereup-^ 
on. But he being apprized qfthis 
intention hyfome.deferterSy by great 
. mdrches got ihitber hefore Metel- 
luSy and encouraged the townfmen to 
Jlandout^ puttingfome deferters into 
the place for their ajjijlance^ which 
rfall the King*s troopsy w^re the 
mtfi to he relied ttpm^ as who cauld 
not deceiVe him. , Moreover^ he 
affures themy he would be there a- 
^ain in due time witb ah army. 
And afterhe haiihus trdered his 
affairsy he withdrew^ ahd got off 
into fome very private parts of 
the cQuntryy where foon after he 
was informedy thdt Marius had 
been dffpatched from the army then 
upon a march^ to Sicca^ with a 
few battalionsyto.fetcbin com ; 
which was the Jirfi town that re- 
voUedfrom the King^ after the late 
unfortunate hattle. Thitber he goes 
wtih afew-^choice horfe in the night ; 
and as the Romans were conung 
oiit oftownyfalls upon them at the 
very gate. At the fame tirncy with 
a loud voicfj he begged ofthe^ Szc- 
cenfians to* attacK tKe battalions in 
rear ; that fortuhc had put into 
their hands an opportunity of per- 
forming a noble feat, which, if 
they did but lay hoid of, that he 



Rbertate ftne metu ata^ 
iem aSiuros. Ac ni Ma- 
rius figna inferre, atque 
evadere oppido propera- 
viflet ; grofccfto cundti, 
aut magna pars Siccenfi- 
urn, fideni mutaviffent; 
tanta mobilitate fefe Nu-, 
xnidae agunt. Sed militcs 
Jugurtyni, pauliiper ab 
tege fuftentati, poftquam 
majore vi lif^^^s urgent, 
pauciiiamifils, profiigi dif- 

LXL Marius ad Za- 
mam peryenit. Id oppi- 
clum in caimpo fitum, 
magis operc, quam n^itu- 
ra, munitum eratj nid- 
Uus idoneae rei egens, ar- 
mis yirifque opulentum. 
Igitur Metellus, pro 
tempqreatque loco para- 
tis rebus, cun<Sa moenia 
exercitu circUjpvenit ; le- 
gatis imperat, ubi quifque 
cliraret 9 deinde, . fignp 
daCo, uudique fiixiul da- 
moringensoritur. Neque 
ea res Numidas terret ; 
infenjj intentique fine tu- 
muku manent ; proelium 
incipitur. Romani, prp 
ingenio quifque, pars e- 
minus glande aut lapidi- 
bu]5 ppgnare j cyadere 
alii ; alii fucce^e^e % a^ 
mu^im mo4o fuiFodere, 
modp (calis aggredi j cu- 
pore pr<?elium in manib^us 
racere. CQptra ea oppidani 
inprox,umos faxa volve- 
re; fud^s, [nla, (MT^tere^ 
pice U JMcibvure tsedam 

(hould fpr the future ^joy his 
kingdopQi, and they their liberty, 
in great fecurity. And had mt 
MariuSy by .pujhing fQrward^ got 
hajiily out of the town^ all^ or ths 
greatejl part of the Siccenfsans^ 
ivquld certainly have changedfides i 
fofickle are the. Nuntidians^ But 
thefoldiers of y^gurtha being for 
fome time hpt in 'coumge hy the 
J^ing^ upoT^ thp \tmnifs making a 
^igorous, rejijtancey fcour off at 
Ljiy with the, kfs offomefew rf 
their men* ' 

LXI. .^rtMs ^ame to Zama^ 
That town wasjituated in aplain^ 
heiter fortified by art^ than nature \ 
abounding in ati the.^convenienciet 
of /ifef and weH provided with 
arms.and men, . Metelius having 
procured all things thfit tbe time. 
and Qccafton re^uixedy draws his 
army quite round the town ; and 
affigns his lieut^ant^generals tbe 
feveralguartefs4bey w^re to taie 
cgre of\ and tken inmediate^ 
upon a fignal give% a gfeat Jhovt 
isfet up m allfides. Which did?i^ 
Urrify the Numidians at alL^ who 
Jiood Jioutj reqdy for the receptim 
of, the eiiemy i and. atcordingly a 
battle enfues, Tht JRomans^ ac^ 
cording as eacb man was difptfed^ 
fome fought with bullets orftones ) 
pme withdr^^i 'oth.ers came in 
tbeirroom ', 0nd onewhile.under^ 
mined^ another fcaled^ the walii^ 
eager to come t^ ciofe.figbt witb tbe 
enemy, On the other fide^ tbe 
towrfmen tmrthled great Jimes up^ 
onthpfe ihat werx uttder the waM^ 
■ and difihargeAJh^rp Jiakes and 
Janees^^ ^ith pitch and fulpbur ori 
firey upm tkm* Nor were thqfei 
U miftam 



mlnam ardentia mittere. 
Sed ne illos quidem, qui 
procul nianierant, timor 
animi fatis muniverat. 
Nam plerofque jacula^ 
tormentis, aut manu emif- 
fa, vulnerabant i parique 
periculo, fed fama impari^ 
boni atque ignavi erant. 

LXIl. Dum apud Za« 
mam fic certatur, Ju- 
gurtha cx improvifo ca- 
ftra hoftium cum ma^a 
mamu invadit ; remims, 
qui in praeiidio erant, & 
omnia magis, quam prce- 
lium, exfpedantibus, por- 
tam irrumpit. At noftri, 
repentino metu perculfi, 
^bi quifque pro moribus 
confulunt i alii fugere, alii 
sirma capere'; magna pars 
vulnerati aut occifi. Ciaete- 
rum ex omni multitudme 
non ampUus quadraginta, 
memores nominis Roma- 
ni, grege fa£lo' locum 
cepere paulo quam alii, 
editorem ; neque inde 
maxuma vi depelii qui- 
verunt i fed tela eminus 
miila remittere, pauci in- 
pluribus minus fhiftrati; 
iin Numidae propius ac- 
cefliflent, ibi vero virtu- 
tem oftendere, ic eos 
thaxuma vi casdere, fun- 
dfere atque fiigare. In- 
terim Meteltus, cum a- 
'^rrume rem gereret, cla- 
morem& tumukum hb- 
ftilem a tergo accepit ; 
deinde, converib equo^ 
a^imadvertit fugam ad 

wbofefiars kept thetfi further ojf^ 
fecure ; mjiof them being WBund-^ 
ed tuitb weapcns difcharged from 
engines^ or the hand\ and Jo the 
hrave^ and the. cowardly^ were in 
equal danger^ iho* not in equal 

LXIL During this fight at 

Zama^ Jugurtha falls unexpeii- 

edlyupon the enemfs camp^ with 

a conjiderahle force ; and ihofe left 

for the defence ofit being ojJftheiT 

guardy ds expeSfing not in the 

leaji to be attackedy he breuks in 

at one ofthegates. ■ Btit our men 

being corfounded with the fur- 

pri%ey providefor ihemfelveSj each 

according to hts natural difpojition, 

Some ran away^ others iook up 

arms\ agreatpart ofthem were 

WQunded or flain. And of all the 

numher not above forfy^ being 

mindfulofthe Roman name^ form-- 

ed thenfehes into a body^ and 

feized upon a rifing ^round\ nor 

couldthey be diflodged from thence 

by all thefury of the enemy 5 but 

threw back upon them their own 

weaponsy and with the more fuc^ 

cefsy becaufe there were fo many 

ofthem ; and if the Ivumidians 

came near them^ they ihen laid 

about them with the utmojl bra" 

very ; flaugbteringy routingy and 

putting them to fiight. In the 

mean time^ whil/t Metellus. was 

furioufly engaged in the affault up^ 

on the towny he heard from his 

rear the Jhouting and noife of an 

eneny \ upon which turning his 

hor/ij he perceived a rout of per^ 

fons fying iowards him j a plain 



(e vorfum fieri ; quae res 
indicabat popuiaris efle. 
Igitur equitatum omnem 
ad caAra propere mifit, 
ac ftatim' C. Marium, 
cum cohortibus focio- 
rum } eumque lacrumans 
f^r amcitiamy perque rem^ 
publicam^ ohfecrat^ ne quam 
contumeliam remanere in 
exercitu viSforej neve jte* 
/les inultos abire Jinat* 
Jlle brevi mandata emcit* 
At Jugurtha, munimen ^ 
to caltrorum impeditus, 
cum alii fuper vallum 

' prscipitarentui;, alii in 
anguftis ipft fibi prope* 
rantes Qfiicerent, muhis 
amiifts, in loca munita fefe 
recipit. Metellus in^o 
negotio, poftquam nox 
aderat, in caftra cum ex- 
ercitu revortitur. 

LXIII. Igitur poftero 
die, priu3 quam ad op- 
pugnandum egrederetur, 
equitatum omnetKi in ea 
parte, qu^ regis adventus 
erat, pro caftris agitare 
jubet ; portas ic pro^cu- 
ma loqa tribunis di4>crtit ; 
deinde ipfe pergit ad op- 

, pidum, atque, uti fupe- 
riore die, murum aggre- 
ditur, Interim Jugurtha 
ex occulto repente no- 
ilros* invadit. Qui in 
proxumo locati ftierant,* 
paullifper territi pertur- 
bantur ; reliqui cito fub- 
veniunt. Neque diutius 
Numidae refiftere quivif- 
iient, pi pedit^s cum equi- 

Jign oftheir beingfriends. Where^ 
fore befent away all the horfe^ im-' 
mediately to the campy and pre- 
fently after tbem C MariuSy with 
fome auxiliary battalions ; andwitb 
tears begs of him hy tbeir friend- 
ftiip,and the commonwealth, that 
he wouid not fufter any ftain to 
fix upon the honour of their vic- 
torious army, or the enemy<o get 
offunrevenged. He prefently exe^ 
eutes his orders. But Jugurtha^ 
hindered by the rampart of the 
campj V^hilfi fome threw them-^ 
filves h^adlong down ihe fame^ 
and others by crouding and fqueeTi^ 
ing through thejlraight paffage of 
the gates^^ Jiopped one anothgr^ af* 
ter the lojs of a great many men^ 
gets away again into hisjajineffes* 
MeteUus^ upon the approach of 
nighty driws offhis arm into tbe 
campj without being abie tQ com- 
pafs his defgn^ 

LXIIL Wherefore the next 
day^ before he drew out to renew 
the attacky he orders all the cavaU 
ry to pqtrale before ^th'e campy on 
thejide the J(ing v^as to come\ the 
gateSy and theparts adjoiningy he 
afftgm to fofne Triiunes j and }hen 
he himfelf' advances "up to th^ to%vny 
and ma'ies an affault upon the wall 
as he haddone tbe day before. In 
the nfean timey Jugurtha from his 
cover come$ fuddenly vpon aur men. 
Thofe vpon whom the brunt feU^ 
were put for awhile intofome dif" 
order \ but werefoon relieved by 
the reji* Nor would the Numidi^ 
ans have been able to havejlood it 
' any long time^ had not thetr foot^ 
mixingwith the horfe^ done great 
execuiion in the battle* Upon 

V^ tibus 


tibiis perittifti magnam ' tuhom ihe horfe dependingy ihey 

dadem in congrcflu face* did notj' accormng to ihetr ordtha- 

rent. Quibus ilii freti hon ~tycu/iofks^ purfue one iirhih^ and 

uti equcftri prctlio folet, j^j another\ hui chatied 'Ibreaji to 

fcqiii, ddn cedere, fed breaji^ confdtindtng our tHoofiSy and 

advorfis dquiscohcurrere, putting them ihto fuch diforder^ 

implicare, ac perturbare that they did in a .marmer deti^oer 

aciem ; ita, expediti^ pe- ihem up^ nigh conqnered^ to their 

ditibus fuis, hoftis pcehe dwn lightfoot iomfpatch, 

Vitto^ daire. , * ^ 

LXIV. ^odem tetn- tXIV. Inthemeanti?hey ihere 

pore apud Zamam ttiag- was^very warm work^at Zama'y 

na vi certabatiir ; Ubi each Lieutenant-geker^al and 7ri- 
quifque legatus, aut tri-^ hune^ in their feverahpojis^ exert- 

btmus curabat, eo iacer- ing 'all ihe might they were ma- 

rume niti , neque alius in Jfers of\ placing iheirhopes of fuc^ 

;dio magis, quam in fefe, cefs hot^n oihersj hut thenifeive^. 

fpem habere ; pariterque Nprwere the iownfinen lefs mgo- 

oppidani agere, pppugna- rous in their rejiftame. Both 

re, aut parare oninibus ;^-^, in^fhort^ were rhore eager 

locis ; avidus alteri alte- to wouhd the enemy^ , ihan fecure 

ros fauciare, quam femet .iherhfel^Ues. Shouts were mixed 

tc^lM*e, Clamor pcrmi- ivith encouragements^ exuhationsy 

ftus, hortatipne, Isetitia, and groans, The din of arms 

gemitu ; item ftrfepitus reached the very heavefis^ and 

?irmorum ad coelum fer- weapons fiew thick en ioth Jides^ 

ri ; tela utrimque yolare. 'Thebefie^edupon the ^waily as ojt 

Sed illi, qui moeriia de- as ihe Jitryof ihei^e^ers ahated^ 

fenfabant, ubi hoftes didwithgreat'aitentioni)iewthe 

paullatim rt^odo pugnam engagenieni ef the hotfe. Andyou 

remiferant, intenti proe- mght havefeen^^hem^ ^ccording 

iitJm cqueftre ipxoi}^^^- < as 'ihati&swent wHW^icgurtba^ 

i>ant. Eos, uti' quaeqtie one while ^tttd^ ^and anoiher wbile 

Jugurthae res erant, lae- ' Jrighted. jfnd whete fhey could 

tos modo, modo ' pavi- heheardor feen*'hy their Jrtends^ 

dos, ahim^dverteres ; ^ac, 'f)ke,admoniJhed'themofwhatthey 

ficuti audiri *a fuis, aut ihaughtproperforthmtQdoydihers 

cerni poffent, 'moriereafii, \encouraged tient, or made figns to 

alii hortari, aut mariu fig- -jhemwtih their handsj putiingy 

nificare, aut niti corpori-- iheir bodies npan the JiretthyOnd 

bus ; huc &illatf^ qttafi inoving them thisway orthat, as 

yitabundi, aut jacientes if they ihetrfelyes %vere aboiding 

tela, agitare. ^X^od ubi or difchargiyig of weapons amongfi 

Mario cogriltum eft, riam ihm. Whith 'heing''vhfirved hy 


is ih eft ^nt curabat, 
cpnfulto l^us agere, ac 
diSdentiftiii riei fimulare ) 
pati Numidas fine tumuU 
tti, tegis proelium viferc. 
Ita^ iitis ftudio fiid^Utn 
ad&i^tis, repente magna 

Jkfariusj far he omfMndedin that. 
^quafter 'i he difignediy flmkenei 
hisjpe^d^^mdirfrttence tf hmng, 
dijhbart^ned \ fuffering the 2^umif 
ekanstohok cn andjee tbe engage^ 
ment ofth&King* But then^whil/i 
they w^e '>visfy intent upon tht 
"vi-murumaggrcditur 5 & fighiy hefuddenly renews the aft 
jam fcalis aggreflt milit^s fauituponthe toall tf^ith- theut*- 
prope fumma ceperant, mo/i- violence. And ntm 

the foldiers were advanced upon 
iddders^igh the tpp of ity whm 
toe townfmenfloiking io tht flactj 
pour upm them^^fl^nesyfirey and 
dU manner ofvieapns kejide, Ouf 
menat firft fioodfiifiy to itihut 
^ui faperftderant afflidi fomeofthem tumhiing headlong to 
funt ; caeteri, quo quifque the groundy upon the breaking (f 

a ladder ■ or two they were upon^ 
the reft Jhifted for themfehiSy a$ 
well as they comd^ a great many 
of them heingfaiUy mauled^ and 
frtv without wounds. - jit Ja/i mighi 
putan end to thefray. , . . 

LXV, Metellusfnding hisat'^ 
tempt upon the town 4o no furpofey 
andthatit was impojjible to takse 
it^ and^hat yugurtha would not 
fham, nifi exinfidiis, aut fight him^ but in the way offur^ 
fao loco pugnam fecere ; prize^ or upon great advantage of- 
& jam asftatem exaftum ground ; and that thefummer was 
^ife; ab Zama difcedit, now ahnoji over^ marches away 
^ in iis urbibus, quae ab from Zdma^ and flaces garrrifons 
fe defecerant, fatifque in thofe cities^ which had revolted 
tnunitae loco, aOt moeni- from himy and w^re Jujficiently' 
\s\x% erant, praefidia impo- Jironghy nature or art^ But his ar-^ 
nit. Caeterum exercitum my beputs into tjuinter^quarters^ in 
in pfovinciam, quse pfox- theprovince^ where it horders up^ 
uma eft Numidiae, hie- on rfuniidia. Tet he did not^ 'ac^. 
trrandi gratia collocat. cording, to the cu/iom -of others^ 
"Ncque id tempus ex alio- ff^nd the time in idenefs and lux~. 
tiim morc quietij aut ury\hutfince he had but Jmall 
hixuriae concedit ; fed, fuccefs in the ufe of a^-ms^ be re^ 
1(|^uoniam armis ; bdlum fohes to lay a trap for Jugurthay 


cuin oppidani concur- 
ruht, Iaptdes> ignem, al&a 
prdeterea tek ingerunt. 
Noftri primo refiftere ; 
deinde, ubi unae atque 
aherae fcal^ commirmtae. 

modo potuere, pauci in- 
tegri, magna pars con- 
fc&i vulneribus, abeunt. 
Deinde utrimque procli- 
um nox diremit. 



LXV. Metellus poft- 
quam videt frulfra in- 
coeptum ; neque . oppi- 
•dum* cJipi, neque Jugur- 




parum procedebat infi- 
ilias regi per amicos teo- 
dere, & eorum perfidia 
pro armis uti parat. Igitur 
J^omilcarem) qui Romse 
cum Jugurtha fu^rat, & 
•inde, vadibusdatis clam 
^affivae de nece, judici- 
um fugerat ; quod ei per 
.ma^cumam amicitiam 
jnajcuma copia fallendi 
crat, multis pollicitati^- 
nibus aggreditur ; ac pri- 
mo efficit» uti ad fe col- 
)pquendi gralia occultus 
veniat ; dein, fide data,'y? 
Jugurtham vivum.j aut 
necatumy fihi tradidiffet^ 
fore^ ut illi Senatus im* 
punitatemj £^ foa omnia 
concederet ^ fecile Nymi- 
dx pprfuadet, cum inge- 
Qip iafidoy tum metuenti 
ne, fi pax cum Romanis 
fieret, ipfe per conditip- 
nes ad fupplicium tr^d^- 

LXVI. 1$, ubi pri- 
mum opportunum fqit, 
Ju^rtham anxium, ac 
miferantem fortunas fuas 
accedit ; monet, atque 
lacrumans obtedatur, uti^ 
aliquando Jibi liberlfquey 
i^ genti Numidarum op-' 
tume merentiy provideat ; 
jQmnibui proeliis fefe vi^os 
a^um vqftatum^ mtdtos 
mortales captosy occifos ; 
regni opes comminutas ef 
fe ; fatis fape jam i^ vir^ 
tutem militumj fcf fortu^ 
.nam tentatam ; caveat^ 
ne ilh cunSlantey Numi" 

by meansofhis friendsy ani make 
ufe of their tteachery^ inftead of 
arms, Accordingly he attacks witb 
mighty promifes Bomilcar^ who had 
been at Rome wi^ Jugurthay and 
by deferting . bis baily and fiying 
from thence^ had evadedhis tryal 
for the murder of Maffwa ; he-- 
caufe he hadj by reafon ofhis great 
intimacy with hinty the beft oppor- 
tunity ofdeceiying bim* He firft 
prevaiis upon him to come private^ 
fyj and, cgnfer witb him ; and 
tben giving him his word and ho- 
nour upon it^ that if he delivered 
Jugurtha alive, or dead, the Senate 
ihould grant hirn a pardon, and 
all hjs eftate ; he eajily perfzuades 
the Numidiariy who was naturally 
perfidiousy and withal afraidy 
leji^ upon the conclujion of apeace 
with the RomanSy he fl)oufdy by 
the articles of it^ be delivere^ ^p 

LXVI. Jfe^ asfomas opportu^ 
nity prefentedy accoftf yugHrthay 
full of perplexityy and lamenting 
his cafe ; advijing and hefeeching 
him with tearSy Xo take at laft 
proper meafuresfor his owp fafety, 
with that of his children, and the 
whdle nation of the Numidians, 
Mvhich had deferved very well at 
his Itands. That they had, be 
faid^hc^n defeated in every battle ; 
the gouptry laid wafte, ano aworld 
of people made prifoners^and flain; 
whereby the ftrength of his king- 
dom had been reduced to nothing. 
That he had fufficiently tripd boA 
th? vajpur of hH tropps, and his 



ia fAi cmfulanu His, 
atque ulibus alii& ad de- 
ditionem r^s animum 
impellit. Mittuntur ad 
imperatorem legati, qui 
Jugurtham imperatafac^ 
turum dicerent, ac fine 
liUa pa£iiQne fefe, reg- 
numque fuum, in iUius 
fidem tradere. Metellus 
propere cundos Soiato- 
rii ordinis ex hibernis ac- 
ceriiri jiibet y eorum, at- 
quer aliorum, quos idone* 
os ducebat, . confilium 
habet. Ita more majo- 
rum^ ex confilii decreto, 
per I^tos Jugurtha im^ 
pifati argenti pondo du* 
cmta tmUiaj. ekphantos 
emnisy equorum &f armo- 
¥Um': aliipiantum^ Qua^ 
poflquam £ne moxa fada 
Amt, jubet omnis perfu- 
gas vin<dos^ adduci. £o-> 
tum magna pars, uti juf- 
, fvMn erat, addui^i $ paa« 
ci, cum^ primum deditio 
ccepit, ad regem Bocchum 
in Mauritaniam abierant. 
Igitur Jugurtha, ubi ar- 
tnis, virifque, & .pecunia 
fpoliatus dl, cum ipfe aid 
imperandum TifidiiAn 
vocaretur, rurfus coepit 
fledere animum fuum, 
& ex mala confcientia 
digna timere. Denique, 
mukis diebus perdubitati- 
onem confumptis, cum 
modo tsdio rerum ad- 
vorfarum onmia beljo 
potiora duc^eret ; inter- 
dum fecuni ipfe repiita- 

fortune too ; and thereforeought 
to have a care, lefl, if he demurred 
any longer upon the matter, the 
own fecurity,withouthim. Witk 
thefi^ and the like argumentSy be 
at loft prevails with the King^ tat 
think of making afurrender» Ac^ 
cordingly deputies are difpatched to - 
ihe Ronum General^ to let him 
know thatyugurtha would fubmit 
to hispleafurey and^ without infifi^ 
ing upon kny terms^ would caft 
hirnfelf arid bis kingdom^ upon bii 
honour^ MeteUus immeiUately oT'- 
ders all thegentlemen ofthe Senato-^ 
rian rank to he fummonedfrom 
their winter-quarters, to bold a 
council with them^ and oihers^fuch 
ashejudged proper to advife witb 
upon theoccajion* Andfo^ accord- 
ing to ancient Roman, ufage^ upan 
adeterndnation of tbe coumit t$ 
that effeSf^^ he<y by the deputieSy or^ 
ders Juguriha to deliver up two 
hunclredthoufand pound of filver^ 
all his elephants, and fome -faorfes 
and arms; Which being immdi'» 
ately done accordingly^ he conmands 
all the deferters from him io Be 
brought to him in chains ; and a 
great pari ofthem were broughty • 
as ordered, Somefew ofthemy as 
foon as the affair ofthe furrender 
begun^ fied off^to King Bocchus in 
Mauritania. Wherefore Jugur^ 
that being ihusjiript of armsy men^ 
andmoney^upon his beingfummonad 
to Tifidium^ to receive further coin-» 
mands^ begun again to change his 
mindj andy from a fenfe of bis 
guiltj to fear meeting wzth his de^ 
ferts. Finally^ afterbe had fpent 
many days in ioubt with himfelf 



let, qa»ixgzavs cafiia iny vihat to d^jis Metubik^ frwi an 
flrvitiiiai ex regao foret ^ m^ajinefs under his misfortiores^ 
multis^ magnifque prsfir thinking ani^t&ms wbntesiier pre^ 
diisL iiec^cqiuin perditis» ferahle t» war y and then mgjaim 
de integro beliutn fumit. ^onjideringy Som heavy a fall he^ 
El Romae Senatus, d^ Jbould have from the beigbt ef 
provincdis confnlivia^ Nu- Koyal maje/iy ijUo a.Jiate of fia^oej-t 
mkiiamL Metelh) decreve^ - ry \ after he bad nm thrown a-: 
>iat. way a confid^able part mf Hsi 

jSrengtb to no pirptfe^ refiilves arfrejh upon war. -, Now thd 
Senate^ at Rome^ being coitfulted about the difpofalof the pro-^ 
vinces^hadvotedNumdiafQrMeiellus^ ... 

tXV 11. Per idyem LXVIL ^Jbaut thefam tinu as 
Hmpvts Uticae forte C. Caiu% Marius was af Uticay.pfiyj* 
Mario^ per lioAis$k .diis . ing his devoiion io th£ gods by fa-^ 
fupplicaEti, magnSf atque crtjice^ ihe Harajpex told bim^ 
mirabilia prtendi Ha- , tfaat there appearexl thoreiii progrr 
rufpesc .dixerat ;. praindty nofticlcs of gr^t and wonderA^ 
fua^ anima agitabaty frc" favours defigned him by he^VieQ i 
tus diis ager^ \ Jortunam and theFe£cxrehemig];itaependup-r 
' quam Japijfume Sxpinire^ on the protoc^ion and . UfiQng of 
tar ; €un6ia pnfpere e-- thc gods^ in the eiGiecuiiQn of .fais 
ventura. At illum jam defigns f and mightpi^ih bis fo>r* 
antea confulatus; ingens tune, as-niuch as iie pleafccl^ ,witb 
copido ; txagitabat ; \ad afiurance of fuacei& Hiinu Jh iad 
qoto capiundum^ praeter. fime time l^ef^e.tbis^iheen fekxj^ 
vetuiiktem familkBry tdia viith apuffi^n$te defire ofihe Csn-z 
omnia abunde erant; ia-. fu}fliip\ nndindeed mss f^bundantiy 
duilria, probitas, mili- furnijhed witbaUtbe ^ualififations 
tiae magna fcicnti% ani-p reqkyitefor obtaining iti^ befiies that 
mus belii ingens, domi rfa nohie defcent\ fueh as induT 
modicus, lubidinis, & di- Jlry^^ integrity^ JtiU in the military 
vitiarum vidtor, taAtum^ art^ a Jpirit great in ^^r, beeiMsoT 
tnodo gloriae avidus. Sed darate tnpiace; far ^bov^ ctmMoufT 
k natus, & omnem pue- nefs ani ri^esy and atjdntious of 
ritiam Arpini altus,. ubi ghry aUne. He was bom ani 
ptimum setas militiae pa- brought up at Arpinumy and- as 
tiens fuit, itipendiis faci- foonashecame ofageto beararms^ 
undis, non Graeca fecun- he applied bimfdfio tbe fervics of 
dia,neque urbanis mundi- his comttry in she fvars ; not^to thf 
X\\Sy fefe escercuit ; ita in- Jiudy of the Gracian ekqnsncey or 
tcr artis bonas integrum the fopperies of the tcwn ; and 
ingenium brevi adokviL tbus nvas his noble genius adsaonce^ 
Ergo ubi primuna tiutai* to the higbeft pitch of improvj&r 


BELLUM jUGtJRtttimJM. t6i 

*hatunriiiaitarem-a popti- ment^ inthe pf^ice oflaudahle 
\o pletit, ^ricJifque faciem aualitieu AHd Hh^r^forey when 
ejus ignorantibus, facile he made his.firftfuit to ihe peop/e 
notusperomnistribusde- for a tribkne^s tontmiffion^ .thb* 
claratdr» Deincte ab eO mfl^ofthemwereflrangers^^tohis 
magiftratu, alium poft face^ yet heing fion kriown by hif 
alium iibi. peperit ; fem- char^iSier^ he^^ds chofenby all the 
perque in poteftatibus ea < tribis^ iVithout e:i€ep'tioHi Appr 
modo afgitabat, ut aitipli- ihati^ h^r^efrom oWedegree Sf hd-^ 
jorty quain^gerebat, dignus' nour to 'andthe^.\ itndbehaved him- 
haberetur. Tameti is ad felf in thent allfi^ ihat he^was 
id locorumtilisvir, (nam diwdys thoUght wofthy ofa greaier 
poftea ambitiohe .praBceps poflythan thtt he wdsin. fet as 
datus eft ) Gomfiilatum* valuiabU^ mm ds hewas Hill-thai 
appetere non audebati . . time (for dfterwlards he was hur-» 
Etiain <um . aKos * magi-^ riedawdy into firange Uxcejfes by 
ilratus plebes, Corxfuh-' his ambition) he durfl mt vehture 
tumnbbilitas inter.fe :per to t^er hkrfelf a candidate for the 
inanus tradeb&t. ^Nov^us* Gdnfuljhif^ '^^ dt that time the 
Tiemo tam darus, neque commons tUere admitted to other 
tam egregiis • faftis crat, ^ces\ hlit tl^ Ofnfuljhip^ the no^ 
quin is indigmis illohO' ' biiity engroffidto theThfehes^iranf 
iiore, '& quaii pdllmus • mitting itfrom one to anoiher, Ni 
haberetur. ^ perfon of low birtS^ howfOTnous or 

%faluahle forfPer he wvs^ apon thefcore 6f his own merit^ was 

LXVIII, Igitut, ubi LXVIIL merefore Mdritik 
Marius harufpicis di^ta fihding the prediStiofis of the fioth-^ 
eodem intendere videt, fayer concur with his own ambiii-' 
quo cupido animi horta- ous incUnations^ he reqitefis of Me»» 
baturr^b Metello peten^^ tellus a difchdrge^ in order tofue 
di gratia tniflionem ro- for the Gmful/hip* Jnd tho* Me» 
gat j cui. quamquain vir- ieilus had virtue^ glory^ and other 
tus, gioria, atque alia . defirable qualificdtions in dbun-» 
optanda -bonis fupera«> dance^yet hadhe a heughtyfpirity 
bant, tame^i inerat.eon- and pridewhhal^ the common bane 
temptor animUs, & fii- cfthe nobility.ff^herefore heing at 
perlna, commune nobi- firfi much ftartkdwith the novel^ 
litatts malum^ Itax^e ty ofihe^thing^he wondired.whdf 
jprimmn <»mmotus info- hemeant^ andpretendedinfriend* 
litare, mJrari.qus cprifi- Jhiptoaduife himi ncTt to engage 
lium, & quifi per amici- iin io wild a prqjeft, oY» fuffer his: 
iysm mtJncf e, ne tam thooghts to to wer abfdve hfs for- 
pravainciperet^ neu fupir tune. All things werc riot to be 

X fortu^ 



fortunam aniTmm gere^ 
ret'f non omnia oinnibus , 
cupienda ej^^ debere illi 
res fuas fntis placere\. po^ 
Jiremo caveret idpetere a 
populo Rom, quod illi jure 
negaretur, Poflquain haec, 
atque alia taUa dixit, neque 
animus Marii fledtitur y 
.re^ondit, ubi, primum 
potuij/et per negotia publi-- 
ca^ fahurum fefe^ qua 
peteret, Ac poftca, fae- 
pius eadem poftulanti^ 
fertur dixifle ne feftina- 
ret abire ; fatis mutare^ 
illum cum Jilio fuo CoH" 
fulatum petiturum, Is «eo 
tempore contubernb pa- 
txi^ ibidem militabat, an- 
nos natus circite^ xx. 
Qu3e res Marium cum pro 
hdnore, quem affedabat, 
tum contra Metellum 
vehementer accendarat. 
Ita cupidine, atque ira, 
peiTumis confultoribtkSy 
graf&ri ; neque fadto 
ullo, neque Aidxy abfti- 
nere, quod modo am- 
bitiofum foret ; milites, 
quibusin hibernis prae- 
erat^ kxiore imperio^ 
quam antea, habere ; a- 
pud negotiatores, quo^ 
rum magna multitudo 
Uticae erat, criminofe 
. finiul & ms^nifice de bel- 
lo loqui 'i dimidia pars 
tjc^rcitusy ft ftbi permitte^ 
retur^ paucis diebus jfu^ 
gurtham in » catenis habi^ 
turum ; ab , imperatore 
eonfulto trahiy quody ho^. 

t^veted by all' men ; ^e oi^lt t» 

be abundantly fatisfied with his 

prefent coiidition. Finally, hebid 

him have a care of afking that of 

the Rosnan peopk, which they 

might veiy reafonably deny him. 

After he bad faid thisy and other 

thingi to the like purpofe^ hutzvith- 

out being able to divert Adariut 

from his deftgn^ he told him^ that 

as (bon as the public occafions 

would permit, he (hould conlply 

with hisrequeft. And upon Mari- 

iis*s repeated inftances ta him for 

his difchargey he at laft^ they fojy 

told himy He need not be in fo 

much hafie tobegone ; hemight 

fue time enough for the Conral- 

Ihip with his fon. He at that time 

ferved under his father^ being a 

youth of. abofut twenty years of age, 

This ffnly made Marius more eager 

of carrying his pointy and verj 

much incenfed him again/iAf^teilus, 

Wheref^ he now proceeded ac^ 

cording to tbe infiigation oftwo of 

the worfi of counfetiors^ ambition 

and anger ; by aU his words-andac- 

tions he endeavoured to render him^ 

felfpopular \ keeping the foldiers hc 

commanded in their winter-^quar- 

tersy under a. very lotfe difcipUne ; 

and reficEting amongii the mer^ 

chants^ whereof there was a great 

number at Uticay upon thecondu^ 

ofMetellus in the war, and boei/t^ 

tngmightify what be would do ; 

That with half theanny, he would 

in a few days have Jugurtha in 

chains ; the war was defignedly 

prolongedby the genenri, whobe- 

ing avain man, and having all 

the hau^tinefs of a king inhim, 

was too iond of his < conpanand. 




jme tnanUy &f regiafuper-^ 
hia^ imperi^ nimis gau^ 
deret. C^ae omnia illis 
co finnioria vidcbantur, 
quod diuturnitate beili<res 
famiiiaris corruperant ; & 
animo cupienti nihil iatis 
feftinatur. - 

LXIX. Erat jMraBtcrca 
in exercitu aoftro Numi- 
da quidam, nomine Gau- 
da, Maftanabilis filius, 
Maftnifiie nepos, «quem 
Micipfa teftamento fe- 
cundum h^redem fcrip- 
ferat, morbis confe^lus, 
& ob eam caui&m mente 
paullum imminuta. Cui 
Metellus petenti, more 
regum, uti fellam juxta 
poneret, item poftea 
cuftodiae cauila tunnam 
equitum Rcmianorum, 
utrumque . n^verat ; 
honorem, quod eorum 
mcklo foFet, quos popu- 
lus Romanus reges appel> 
lavii&t ; prarfidium, cp;iod 
contumdiofum in eos 
foret, iiequites Romani, 
fatellites' Numid^ trade- 
rentur. Hunc Marius 
anxium a^editur, atque 
hortatur, ut contumeli- 
arum ki imperatorem, 
cum iuo auxitio poenas 
petat \ hominem ob mpr- 
bosanimo parum valido 
fecunda oratiode extoUit; 
illum regemy ingentem vi^ 
ruTTij A^/ini£a nepotem 
effe \ Ji jugurtha captus^ 
emt pcdjus foretj intperi^ 
^m Numidia fme mora 

All ivhich things appeared to them 
the more plaujStUy hecaufe the long 
continuance of the war affiSfed 
their trade \ and no expedition 
feems fufficient to themanthat is 
in hojfle to he rJch^ 

LXIX, There was hejides in 
our armyi a certain Numidian^ hy 
name Gauda^ the fon of Mafta^ 
nahaly and grand fon of Maftnif- 
foy whom Micipfa in his wiU had 
' made his fecond heir ; a man di^ 
Jiempered tofuch a degree^ that it 
affeSedhis nund. He bad requeft- 
ed of Metdlus the honour nf a 
chatrnext hintj as Kings had^ and 
afterwards a troop of Rorrian 
horfefor his ^uard^ hut he refu- 
fed him hoth y^the firjiy hecaufe it 
was an honour onlypaid to fuch ae 
the Roman people complimented 
with the title of Kings\ and the 
latter^ hecaufi tt would he an af^ 
front upon Roman knights to he 
made to attend upona Numidian 
ashisguard, In bis concern for 
this refufal^ Marius addrejfes hirn^ 
andencourages ^im^ hy the prO'» 
mife ofhis ^/tftancey to apply for 
fatisfaifion for the affronts put up^ 
m him by the generaL He mag^ 
nifies the poor mortal^ who from 
the infiueHce of his diftempers up^ 
onhismindwas little hetter than 
crazedy telling him^ He was a 
prince, agreat man, thegrandibn 
of Mafmiffa. If Jugurtha was 
but taken prifoner, or flain, he 
would, withou^ more ado, forth- 
with get the kingdom ofNumidia ; 
whichmight quickly be brougbt 
about, if he was made Coaful for 
X % habim 



h^biturum ; id ^deo nrn^ thc inanagenieqt pf tbe .W^* 
ture pojfe evenire^, Ji iffo Wherefore he^ the.KormHkmghpy 
Conful qd id hellum miffus fgldiers^ and. merchanti^ were , ail 
foret, Itaque & \\\\XTtiy emouraged^ part by, Jkbrifify hut 

moji of them: by i»pie$ of peuc/ej 
to wtiie to. tbeirfniends at fymfi^ 
in a very refieSiing manner^ upon 
the conduSi ef Metellus, m the 
war ; at tbe, fame time tpi^Jng 
Marius might he made.. general 
therm» Tbus was h.fuf^rted 
ift his.pretenfions. to tbe. Omfu.(^ils 
by, a very honoMrahie inter^ fjfode 
neftiffum^ fufTragaUoni^ forhim. At tbe fameAime toQ^ the 
Confulatus petel^a^. Si- commns having baffied the mldUty 

by the Maznilian law^ Viere for 
raifing ysur upjiart gmtkmen. 
And thus aU ihings went on Ma- 
rius^s fide* 

&, equites Romanp^ mi- 
lites, &c negotiatores, aiios. 
ipf^ plero^ue fpes pacis 
Impellit; uti Romam ad 
fubs neceff^rios, afp^e iQ 
Mctelluin de \)el]b icri-. 
bant, Mariuip imper^Or 
rem ppfcant. Sh^ iili a 
piultis mortaJil^jMS bo-. 

inul ea tempeftate plebe^ 
nqbilitate fufa per l^gew 
Mamiliam, noyos extol- 
lebat. Ita Mario.cun3^ 

LXX. Ip terim ^gu- 
tha, poftquam, omiffa 
deditione, bellum incipit, 
,cunri magpa quta parare 
omnia, feftina.ce, cogece 
exercitum -, ciyitates, quae 
ab fe defecer^pt formijdi- 
ne, aut oftejntando prae- 
mia adfe<£laxe ; com- 
munire fuos I0C03 -, arpa, 
tela, aliaque, quap fpe 
pacis amjferat, reficere, 

LXX. Inthe memtime y^guifr 
tha^ having dropped his, intentipn 
offurrendering^ and renetu^d. the 
war^ was makinEpr^paratiomfor 
it with ail .pojffihte ctpptica^ion and 
expeditton^ He 
endeavoured tooy partly by threatSy 
and partty by premifes^ to engage 
the citiesy which. had reveJudfrom 
him to retfirn to their aUegiance ; 
y}as bufy in fortifying phces ; in 
making «r huying tf arms of aU 
aut comn^ercari ; fervitia forts^ and ofher thingSy wbich he 
Romanoruin allicere, & hadpartedwith^inhopesofpfafe, 

lie likewifi attewpted to whaedle 
over t.o him the Raman Jfaves^ and 
tampered, by tbe influen.ce ofhis 
f^oneyy to engage fuch as were in 
garrifms to beiTjay the tawn to 
hinu Jnjhort^i he Ufi no me»ns 
untriedff^ his defence^ but pujbed- 
at aU. Wherefore fome of the 
pirincipa ^inhabitants of Vacca^ 
wberein Metellus had puia garri- 

' luntate 

eos ipfos, qui in praefidiis 
eraat, pecunia teiitare; 
proriujS nihil inta(^um, 
neqpe quietiim ^ pati ; 
cwfla agitare. Igitur 
Vacceofes, quo, Metellus 
initio, . Jugurtha pacifi- 
c^n,te> pjaeftdium impo- 
ftieral:^ fetiggti regis fup- 
^Xym^ iJ^Qiie-^ntqi vo- 



la^e 7iiipp9fiy pi^ipes 

f:m^U^ mer^ fe <;onj.u- 

. r^ ; mm vulgy Sj uti 

P^teeuyppqjiie^fol^ f^ xpax- 

nift mptuBj feditipfojpa, 
^qiie dA&:or(}jiQfuin er^t^ 
cupidiMi» wyanim re- 
rmp, q)^^ti & oJio. ^d- 
voriiTO i d^n, ciOTpofi- 
tis ii^|,er fe xebu^, i.n diem 
t^ttium CQnftitwunt, qupd 
h feftus celeferatijfque p^ 
oxTuveui Africam, lud»m, 
k hjS^fvMxi p3y3gis, quam 
fonuidinem» oilentabat. 
S^, ubi tempus fuit, 
ccutudwes, tribunQfque 
militati^s, U ipfum pras- 
fj^um oppidj T. Turpi- 
liun^ SilaAUm, alius afi- 
lun domo^ fuas iovitant ; 
ep§ omniis, jr^eter Tur- 
pilium, ipter epu^s ob- 
truncaut; pofitea milites 
paJaQtes, ipermis, q^ippe 
in tali die, ac fin^ imperio 
aggr?Jiuntor. Idenx pk- 
l^facii: pars edoiti abr 
nobilitate, alii ftudip ta^ 
lium rerum incitati, qyis 
a^ta, cqnfiJiumque ighb- 
irantibus tumuktis ipfe, & 
|:es nov^ iatis |4acebant. 

LXXI. Roaiam mjit- 
te$, improvifo metU) in- 
certi ignariqpe, quod 
pQtifiumun:) fiicecent, tre- 
p^dare ad areem pppidt, 
Ubi fima, & fcut^ eraat ; 
jprsfimum hoili^% porr 

Jin^ whenJugurthtLmade im.ofir 
(f fubmittirigy heing wearied^mt^ 
ky th£ fcUcitations of the Kingy 
ah4: inae^d. not difaffeSfed to bim 
befon, ; ike headt ^of ttlem enter 
into a. confpirac^ fon betraying the 
t<nvn* £^r ths cjommon p^opiey ac^* 
cording to tbeir ufual teniper,^ efpe-^ 
cially among. the Nunudians^ w'ere 
ficklej feditijBUS^ a^d' cinU/iUoitSy ^ 
fond. ofchangej amf. enenms, tapeace 
and quietriefs^ l^b^fe. gentlenujt ha^ 
vingformeiit^eir plotl pitched up-' 
onthe third day dfterfor tbeexe- 
cution. ofit^ becaufe that being a 
fefiivcd much obferved throughout 
all J^rica^ naturally gave occafim 
to exp^p nirtb andjoUity^ aiuLn^' 
ihing ofterr^ur^ at fuch a time.: 
Whm the day wascome^ theyJnvite 
tbe centurions and tribunes; ^jbith 
tbegovermur tf the town^ T. Slur'- 
pilius SiianuSy to their boufes^ one 
one-f and another angther of them^ 
and murder^ed them ail during tbe 
fejafi^ excepting TurpiSus ; after 
whicb they fcdl upon thefildierSy ^ 
jdifperfed aboui town^ and unarmed^ 
being holiday^ and confequently uti-; 
der no command» The commonalty 
toodo the liAcj part ofthem at the 
infiigation of the nobility^ and o^ 
thers out of a^ fondnefi for tbe 
work ; wboy ihd^ they knew not 
mellwhat wa§ doing^ or the de-* 
fign^i yet liied the commotiony and 
. th^ novelty of the thing, 

LXXI'. Tbe Roman foUierSy 
upon this, unexptHed alarm^ being 
in great dotfbt and uncertainty 
what courfe ta take^ ran in great 
burry to the citadel of the town^ 
wbere their flandards and Jhields^ 
were', butfound the gates Jhuty 




te ante dau&e fu^m 
prohibebant ; ad hoc 
mulieres puerique pro 
tedts srdificiorum faxa, 
& alia, quae locus prse-* 
bebat, certatim mittere. 
Ita neque caveri anceps 
malum, neque a fortiilu- 
mis infirmiirumo generi 
refifii poiTe ; juxta honi, 
malique, ftrenui, & im- 
beiles inulti obtruncati. 
Ineatanta aijperitate, fae- 
viilumis Numidis^ & op- 
pido uhdique clauib, 
Turpilius praefe£his unus 
ex omnibus Italicis pro- 
fugit inta£his ; id mife*- 
ricordia ne hofpitis, an 
padione, ancafu ita eve- 
nerit, parum comfibri- . 
mus ; nifi^ quia iUi in 
tanto malo, turpis vita 
integra fama potior fuit, 
improbus inteftabilifque 
videtur. Metellus, poft- 
quam de rebus Vaccae 
a£tis comperit, pauUifper 
mceftus e confpedu abit ; 
deinde, ubi ira,& aegritudo 
permiftafunt, cum max- 
\una cura uhum ire inju- 
rias fefhnat. Legionem, 
cum qua hiemabat, & 
quam plurimos poteft 
Numidas equites pariter 
€um occafu folis expedi- 
tQS educit ; & poftera die, 
•circiter horam tertiam, 
pervenit in quamdam pla- 
nitiem, locis paullo fu- 
perioribus circumventam. 
Ibi milites feiTos itineris 
ixipgnitudine, & jamab* 

and a guard fo/hd t^ pTivent fheir 

getting in, Befides^ the women 

4xnd children upon the tops qf the 

hok/esy pliedthem off with ftenes^ 

andoughteUe that came to hand. 

In this douhle diftrefs^ it was im^ 

pcffiblefor them to take any pro^er 

meafures for their own fecurtty % 

nor could the hravtjl refifi the 

weake/i. The courageous and ihe 

cowardly^ the vigorous and unac^ 

tive perifhed all a like iinrevenged, 

In this difmal cafe^ the Numidians 

breathing nothing but defiru&ion^ 

andthegates being ali clofe^ Tur- 

pilius the governour was the only 

man of aU the Italians^ tbat got 

fafe offy whether through the €om- 

* Paffion ofthe perfon that ^rUertain- 

elhm,by <mpaa, or cbame, 

does not appear, But however^ as 

in the common calamity, he pre^ 

ferred a fcandahus life hefore his 

honouTy he mufi^ Ithink^ P^fifi^ 

a detefiaUe fcoundreL When Me" 

tellus heard of the tranfa^ions at 

Vacca^ he was fo much affeStedy 

thatfor fome time he declined all 

companyi but at taff refentment 

mixing with his forrow^ his mind 

was whoUy taken up with the 

thoughts of reveHge. Accordingly 

he draws out the legion he winter^ 

ed with^^ and as many light Nu^ 

midian horfcj as he^could get toge^ 

ther about fun-fet ; and the next 

dayy by three ofthe chck^ he came 

into q plaiiiy enclofed on all fides 

with rifing ground. There the 

foldiers being much fatigued with 

their marchy and now refufing 

to obey orderSy he teUs themj 

that the town of Vacca was not 

abome a mile fffl (tnd that tbey 






nuentis omnia, docetqp- 
pidum Vaccam.non am- 
plius miUe pafTuum ahef* 
fe \ decere illos reliquum 
laborem aequo animo pa- 
ti, dum pro civibus'. fuis 
viris foriiiTumiS) atque 
miferrumis, poenas cape- 
rent. Praeterea praedam 
benigne oftentat» Sic ani- 
rois eorum arreSis, equi- 
tes in primo latere, pedi- 
tes quam ardiffiime ire, 
& figna occultare }ubet. 

LXXII. Vaccenfesubi 
animadvertere ad fe vor- 
fum exercitum pergcre; 
primo^ uti res erat, Me- 
tdium efle rati, port?s 
daufere;'deinde, ubi ne- 
que agros yaftari, & eos, 
qul primi aderant, Nu- 
midas equit6svident;rur- 
fum Jugurtham ^bitrati, 
cum ma^io gaudio obvii 
procedunt. Equites pedi- 
tefque, repente figno da- 
to, alii vulgum efFufiim 
oppido cxdere; alii ad 
portas feftioare ; pars tur- 
res capere; ira, atque 
fpespriedae amplius,quam 
lailitudo, pofle. Ita Vac- 
cenfes biduum modo ex 
perfidia Ixtati \ civitas 
magna, & opulens, pce- 
nae cunftaautprsedae fiiit. 
Turpilius, quem prasfec- 
tum (^pidi unum ex om- 
nibus profugifle, fupra 
oftendimus, juiTus a Me- 
tello caufam dicere ; 
poftquam fefeparum ex- 
purgaty condemnatus, 

ought to har with patience the 
little remaining fatiguej to - take 
vengeancefor thi murder of their 
brave but unhappyy .countrytfun* 
At thefame timey he civilly made 
theman offer of the plundfr, of the 
place. The hearif^ of this put^ 
ting new life inio thenty he orders 
the horfe io advance firjiy and, the 
foottofolkfiv after in clofe array^ 
CQncealing theirjiandards* > 

LXXII. 7he Vaccenftdnsy upr^. 
on tbe firfl difcovery of an army 
coming agait^ themy fuppofmg it 
10 be MeteHuSy as it waSj Jhut 
their gates 5 but perceiving , no 
ravage madcy and that th^^in 
in the van vDere Numidian horfe ; 
concluding that fugurtha was 
ihercy tbeyfaUy out to meet him 
withgreat joy, Whereupon both 
horfe andfooty upon a fudden Jig^ 
nal given^ fime made havock of 
themob thatcamefrom the town^ 
whilfi others haffenedto the gatesy 
and others got into the towers up- 
on the wall ; and now their pajfi^ 
onj andihe hopes efplundery made 
them forget atl theirfatigue. Thus 
the VaccenfianSy agreat and weaL 
thy peoplcj after a joy of two days 
coniinuancefor the fuccefs of their 
late treacheryy were all either put 
tothefwordor plundered. Tur^ 
pilius the governour ofthe towny 
whoy we have already faidy was 
the only one that made his efcapey 
was called before a court martial 
by Metellus ; where making but a 
poor defenccy he was fentenced to 
dicy and being firji lajhedy was 




vdrbenittifiiue, capite pt£^ 
nas folvit ^ nuin is civfs^ 

LXXHI. Per idem 
tempus Bomilcar, cujas, 
iAipmfu JugUitha dediti- 
ohekn, ^uam nietu ddb- 
ruit, inceperat, fafce£hre 
regi, ic ipfe eum fuipid- 
ens, novas res CBtptrt ; ad 

lifiirwards htbiiided. 'Fbr ie tuas 
a R^man only <mth 'tb$ prwiUgt 
tf Latiuin. 

LXXliL MBuvihe ^fitnu tim 
B67hilcar;;iaryohffiiMftigatien yu~ 
^gurtia kadheigdn io 'make afur- 
render offiis kingdcitty wiich de- 
ftgn he- ^temrards rftittgmjhid 
thrdngh fiar^ being fafpeSfed hy 

ihe King^ ^artdhiafelf fi^chus of 
pemiciem qus <lolum himj^out \f a 'defire to get ridof 

hiniy was toraekhlg his bru^nttGn 
day and:night, tn the contri^&ance 
ofa plot for hisdeftrfi&im ; /ind 
afier a vtirietyif.proje&s for the 
pUrpofe^ at iaft bsgages Nahdidfa 
in the defign^ a noifknian rf gnm 
efiate and lntefej}< in- his toventry -j 
who.ufed generaUytoximmcmd an 
army aparf .frovi the.iKing^ aid 
iakecharge iffucb affisan rela^ 
iingto the wdrj' as^the 'JCfng was 
at any time too 'mKch\fatiguBd ta 
dttend upon \in perfon^.orprevent" 
edftomfo doing by hufmefs of high^ 
er concerh 4 by which means he bad 
acqkired io 'himfelf great gioryj 
dnda vafi ejiate, . Wherefore hj 
pOfceret, ex tertiporepa- joint coi^eni^ a dpy was fi^sedfor 
rari plactiit, 'NabdaHa' tbeexecution of ^ their plot ; tbi 

ted according to the exigencyiif the 
Hme, Upon this^ Nabdalja went 
to the grmy ; which^ hy ordar of 
the Kingy he had ' withiH tht kne^ 
tnf s winter^quarters^ in' order to 
oppoje or revenge any ravage of 
thetrs in thecountry. But hefiag^ 
geritig at the greatnefs of fhe un^ 
dertakingy dnd fearftti :of ihe if 
patrandi, & timore focii fue^ came niit at ihe time appoiht^ 
an^ius, ric^ x>miSo vetere ed y whichprevented ihe execution 
^hfilio, liovum quasre- ofibe dejign.. Whereikpon Botml^ 
ret ; httcras iid eum per car^ as •weUfrorn aneager ekfire 

I ho- 

quaerere ; diu no(^uquefa- 
tigare animum ; denique, 
omnia tentando, focium 
fibi adjungit Kab^alfa^, 
hominem nobiiem, m%- 
nisopibtis clarum, '^ccep- 
tumque popularibus feis ; 
qui plerumque leorfotn 
alf rege exercitum -fluc- 
tare, & omnis res exloqui 
folitus erat, quae Ji^ir- 
ihst fefib, aut majbnbus 
adllrido, fuperavarant ; 
cxquo illi glorra", opefqute 
inventae. Igitur utriufque 
confilio dies infidiisrfta- 
tuitur ; cafetera, tit t^s 

ad excrcitum profedus ; 
quem inter hibefna Ro- 
manorum jufius habebat, 
ne ager inuitis hc^fhbys 
vaftar^tur. Is poilquam, 
inagnitudine facinofis 
perculfus, ad tempus non 
venit ; metufquc S*em. 
impediebat : Bomilcar fi- 
nral cupidinibus incdepta 


hothmes fidelis mittit j in of accompHJhing hU purpofe^ as 

queis molitiem, focordi- alfofrom a concern at the timorouf 

amque viri • accufare ; nefs of hh friend^ lefi he^ drop^ 

teftari deos, perv quos ping iheir former defign^ Jhould 

juraviflet ; monere, ne engage in a new one to his de/iruc-' 

pramia MetelU in peflem tion^ difpatches a letter to him by 

converteret j Jugurtha fome confidents \ in which he up^ 

exitium adejji ; caterumy braided him with cowardice^ and 

Jua ne^ virtute Metelli want of fpirit j called the gods^ 

periret^ id modo agitari j hy whom they hadfworn^ to witnfs 

froinde reputaret cum ani" again/i him ; and advifed him to 

mo fub^ pramia an cruci" have a careof turningthetewards 

atum maUet. they had ^o expect from iVi eleilus, 
to their common deftru£lion ; that Jugurtha was on the brink 
of ruin ; but whether that was to bc effefted by their refolu- 

tionorthat of Metellus, was the onlything they were to 
confider. Whereforehe would do well to think with himfelf, 
which he would make choice of, rewards, qr cruel death. 

LXXIV. Sedcumhae LXXIV. PFhenthisIettercame 

litterae adlatae, forte Nab- to the hands of Nahdalfa^ he hap'^ 

dalfa,. exer^jito corpore pened to be refiing hipfelf upon 

feffus, in ledlo quiefcebat. thehedafter the faiigue cfexercife» 

Ubi, cognitis Jiomilcaris Up})n reading of ity he was fuli of 

verbis, primo cura, dein- perplexity ; andafier hehadwea;» 

de, uti aegrum animum ried himfelf with mufing upon the 

Jfolet, fomnus cepit. Erat matter^ as it often happens in fuch 
ei Numida quidam nego- . r^j, hefella fieep. He had a 

tiorunl curator fidus, ac- faithful fervanty a Numidian^ 

ceptufque, & orjinium much entrufied hy him in the ma- 

confilioruni) nifi noviflii- nagement of his affairs^ highly in 

mi, particeps. Quipoft- his favour^ and acquainted with 

quam allatas litteras au- a/i his defigns^ excepting the lafi, 

clivit, ex confuetudlne Who^ upon hearing a letter was 

ratus opera, aut ingenio broiight for his mafier^ fuppofing ; 

fuo opus efle, in taberna- he might^ as ufuaL, have occafion 

culum introit ; dormi- for his fervice or advice upon ity 

ente illo, epiftolam, fu- entered his tent ; and finding him 

per caput in pulvino te- afieep^ takes the letter^ that was 

mere pofitam, fumit, ac careiefiy laid*abov,e his head upon 

perlegit ; dein prppere, hispiilowy andreads it, Havingj 

cognitis infidiis, ad regem by this means difcovered tfje ploty 

pergit. Nabdalfa, poft he gocs in ali hafie to the King. 

pauUo experreftus, ubi Nabdalfa awahing foon after^ mtf 

neque epirtolam reperit, fed his leiter, and being informed 



& rem otnnem, uti afta 
crat, ex perfugis cogno- 
vit ; primo indicem per- 
fequi conatus ; poflquam 
id frurtra fuit, Jugurtham 
placandi gratia, accedit ; 
dicit quse ipfe paraviffet 
facere, perfidia clientis 
fui praeventum -, lacru- 
mans obtejfatur per ami- 
citiamy perque Jua antea 
fideliter aSfa^ ne fuper 
tali fcelere fufpe^um fefe 

LXXV. Ad ea rex 
arliter, atque animo gcre- 
bat, placide refpondit. 
Bomilc^re, aliifque mul- 
tis, quos focio$ infidiarum 
cognoverat, interfectis, 
iram opprefferat, ne qua 
ex eo necotio feditio ori- 
retur. Neque poft id lo- 
corum Jugurthae dies, aut 
nox ulla quieta fuit j ne- 
que loco, neque mortali 
cuiquam aut tempori fa- 
tis credere; civis, hofti« 
juxta metuere j circum- 
ipedare omnia, & omni 
ftrepitu pavefcere ; alio, 
atque alio loco faepe con- 
Ira decus r^gium, nodlu 
requiefcere j interdum 
fomno excitus, arreptis 
armis tumultum facere ; 
ira 'formidine, quafi ve- 
cordia exagitari. « 

LXXVl. IgiturMe- 
tcllus, ubi de cafu Bomii- 
caris, &indicio patefadto 
ex perfugis cpgnovit \ 
rurfus tanquam ad inte- 
grum bcUum cunda pa- 

hy fome deferters^ of what had paf- 

fed^ he firjl of all endeavoured io 

overtake the informer ; hut finding 

he could not do that^ he goes him- 

Jelfto the Kingy in order to moUi' 

fy him ; telling him^ that he had 

been prevented in what he defigned 

to do himfelf, by the perfidiouihefs 

of his fervant ; and with tears be- 

feeches him by his favour for liim, 

and the merit of his former fcrvl- 

ces, not to fufpedl him* 

LXXV. The King dijfembling 
the real Jenti?henti cf bis mind^ 
gave hirn a kind anfwer, And thcn 
putting Bcmilcar^ and ?nany others 
be Joiind concerned with hifn in the 
ploty to deathy fupprefjed his re^ 
fentment agaivji ISIabdalfa^ for 
fear ofan infurre£fion in his fa^ 
vour, From this day forward ju- 
gurtha had m quiet day or nighty 
as not knoiving how to trujt himfclf 
in any place or company^ andfear^ 
ing his fubjeSis and enemies fill a- 
like, He was ever looking round 
him afirighted with the leaj) riBife^ 
and rejied a-nights^ fometimes in 
one place foinetimes in another^ un- 
hecoming a prince. Sometimes ke 
wouldjlart fuddenly^ in great dif- 
order^ out of his fleep^ atid take to 
his arms ; and was haunted with 
hisfcars to dijirc^ioiu 

LXXVI. inen MeteUus' heard 
ly fome dejerttrs^ of the fate of 
Boiniicar^ and the dfcovery of the 
*pIot^ he makes^ in all hajie^ f^^fh 
preparations for the renewal cf 
ihczvar. And as Marius was per- 



ratj feftinatque, Marium, 
fatigantem de profedti- 
one, fimul & invitum, ' 
& ofFenfum fibi parum 
idonfcum ratus, domum 
dimittit. Et Romae ple- 
bes, litteris^ quae de Me- 
tello ac Mario miflae 
erant, cognitis, volenti 
anrmo de ambobus acce- 
perant. Imperatori no- 
bilitas, quae antea decori 
fuerat, invidiae efle ; at 
illi alterigeneris humilitas. 
favorem addiderat ; cae- 
terum in utroque ma^s 
ftudia partium, quam bo- 
na aut mala fua, mode- 
rata. Praeterea feditiofi 
magiftratus vulgum exa- 
gitare, Metellum omni- 
bus conciohibus capitis 
arceflTere, Marii virtutem 
in maju» celebrare. De- 
nique plebes fic accenfa, 
uti opificeSj agreftifque 
omnis, quorum res, fidef- 
guein manibiis fitae erant, 
relidlis operibus frequen- 
tarent Marium, & fua 
neceflaria poft illius hono- 
rem ducer<||pt. Ita per- 
culfa nobilitate, poft 
niultas tenipeftates, novo 
homini Confulatus man- 
datur ; & poftea populus 
a tribuno plebis Manlio 
Mantino rogatus, quem 
vellet cum Jugurtha bel- 
lum gerere, frequens Ma- 
rlum juflit. Sed fenatus 
paullo ante Metello Nu- 
|Tiidiam decreverat, ea res 

petually foUciting him^ for his dif- 
charge^ and he thought he would 
he of fmall farvice to him^ if ae- 
tained again/i his will^ and out 'of 
humour^ he fends him home, At 
Rome too^ whenthe commons came 
io know the contents oj the Istters 
relating tv Metellus and Marius^ 
they were well pleafed with the 
treatmerJ of both. The generaVi 
noble defcent^ which hefore had 
heen an ornament to him^ riqw ex-^ 
pofed him to the hatred of the peo^ 
ple ; whil/i the Igw hirth of the 
other procured him their favour» 
But party-rage prevmled more in 
the cafe pf hoth^ than their own 
good or bad qualities, Befides^ 
fomefaSiious magifirates infiamed 
the popular heaty by charging Me- 
tellus.y in .all their harangues^ ivith 
capiial crimeSy and magnifying pro^ 
digioufly the great cmtduci ofMa^ 
rius. Injhortj thepeoplewere fo 
firedy that the mechanicks in town^ 
with the boors from the country^ 
whofe fuhfiance and credit lay all 
in their daily. labour^ quitting their. 
feveral employments^ gave con/iant,^ 
attendanpe upon Marjus^ andpofi-,- 
poned their mvn neceffary concerns 
to his honour, The nobility being 
by this means quite difpirited^ af- 
ter much bufiU^ the Confulfiip is 
put into the hands of thts upfiart 
gentleman Marius, And by a billy. 
which the tribune of the comnwnSy, 
Manlius Mantinus^ preferred to 
thn people^ in a full affembly^ he 
was ordered to manage the war. 
with Jugurtha, 'ihe Senate indeed 
had a liitle before voted the pro- 
%)ince of Numidia for MetelluSy 
but all in vain, 

Yt. lxxvii. 


do inftruSus ad Thalam ed^ there fellfuch a vaft quantitj 

proficifcitur/ Deiildcubi of rain^ they tell you^ that thai 

ad id loci ventum, quod alone wouldhave beenfuffcientfor 

"Numidis praeceperat r & the army^ dnd more thanfiifficient, 

caftra pofita, munitaque Jnd provifiom tdo were hrought in 

funt ; tanta repente coelo greater plenty than was expe^ed ; 

mifla vis aquae dicitur, ut ' hecaiife the Numidians^ like mcfi 

ca modo exercitui fatis pther people after afuhmiffon^ had 

fuperque foret. Praeterea executed the orders given them^ 

coromeatus fpe amplior; with extraordinary care. But the 

quia Numidas, ficuti ple- foldiers^ from fi fuperfiitious vuhim 

rique in nova deditione, chofe rather io ufe the rain^ than 

officia intenderant. C«- river^water ; and the tlnng ani- 

tctum milites, refigione, mated them exceedingly ; becaufe 

pluvia magis ufi ; eaque they fuppofedhy that^ the immortal 

res multum animis eorum Gods took care of them. The day 

addidit ; nam rati fefe following^ contrary to fugurtha^s 

Diis immortafibus curae ex^peSlation they arrived' at Tha^ 

cffe. Deihde poftero die la, The towns-people^ who ima- 

contra opiriiondm Jugur- gined themjilv^r ftifficientlyfeeured 

thae, ad Thalam perve- hy the adjoining' ^ildernefi^ being 

niunt.. Oppidan;, qui fe. furprixed at fo griat amt uncom^ 

locorum •afperitate nmni- monan eventy iidy notwithftand' 

tos ^crediderant, magna ing preparefor a vigorous defence ; 

atque infolita re perculfi, as our men did^ on the otber hand^ 

hihilo fegnius bellum p^- for theattack. 
rare ; i<^em noftri facere. 

LXXIX. Sed rex nihil; LXXIX. ButtheKihgthink^ 

jam Metello infe^him ing nownothing impojftble for Me- 

crcdens, quippe qui om- . tellus^ as who had by his indujlry 

nia arma, tela, locos, ^conqueredarmSy placeSy times^ and 

tempora, denique Natu- finally nature itfelf that rules 

ram ipfam, cseteris impe- over all things elfe^'fied out of 

ritantem, induftria vice- thetown in the night-tifnej with 

rat, cumliberis, & magna his children^ and a great part of 

parte pecuniae ex oppido his money ; and never afterjlayed 

noSu profiigit ; neque ahove one day^ or one night^ in the 

poftea in ullo loco ampK- fame place\ pretending himfelfto 

us un:i die, aut una nofte he upon bufmefs thdt required hajle^ 

moratus, fimulabat, fefe 'But indeed he was afraid ofbeing 

negotii gratia properare ; heirayed^ whick he hoped to pre- 

caeterum prbditionem ti- vent by his expedition ; becaufe fuch 

mebat, quam vitare pofle deftgns are tyually hatched by vir^ 

celerifate putabat, Nam tue of thoji advantages^ which a 




talia confilia per otium & 
ex opportunitate capi. 
At Metellus ubi oppida- 
nos prcelio intentos, fi- 
mul oppidum & operi- 
bus, & loco munitum 
videt, vallo, foflaque moe- 
nia circumvenit. Deinde 
jubet locis ex copia max- 
ume idoneis vineas agere ; 
fuperque eas aggerem ja- 
cere, & fiiper aggerem 
impofitis turribus opus & 
adminiftrostutari. Contra 
haec oppidani feftinare, 
parare ; prorfus ab utrif- 
que nihil reliquum fieri. 
Denique Romani, multo 
ante labore, proeliifque 
fatigati, poft dies quadra- 
ginta, quam eo ventum 
erat, oppido modo potiti j 
praeda omnis a perfugis 
corrupta. li poftquam 
murum arietibus feriri, 
refque fuas afHiclas vi- 
dent, aurum, atque argen- 
tum, & alia, quae prima 
ducuntur, domumregiam 
comportant ; ibi vino, & 
cpulis onerati, illaque, & 
domum, & lemet igni ccm*- 
rumpunt ; & quas vi6li 
ab hoftibus poenas metu- 
erant, eas ipfi volentes 
pependere. Sed pariter 
cum capta Thala legati 
cx oppido Lepti ad Me- 
tellum venerant, orantes 
uti prafidium ^rafe^ium- 
que eo mitteret 5 Uamii- 
cxirem quendam^ hominem 
nohilemy faSfiofum^ novis 
rebus Jfudere ; advorfum 

' time of eafe and reji affords^ Me^ 
tellus finding the tqwm-people re- 
fohed upon thedefence ofthe placey 
and that it was well fecured both 
by natvre and art^ draws a line of 
circumvallation quite round \ and 
then erders his men topujh up their 
vinea infuchplaces,^ as would moft 
conveniently admit ofthem^ to cajl 
up a mounty andfrom towers eretJ-* 
ed thereupon^ to defend the worksy 
and thofe concerned therein, Or^ 
the other hand^ the toivnfmeri were 
not idle^ but provided all ihings 
for their defence. Injhorty nothing 
zvas left unattempted on either fide. 
At length the Romans withinfor- 
ty days after they came before the 
place^ with a world offatigue and 
hardfightingy made toemfehes ma-* 
Jlers of it, But the plunder was 
all deflroyed by the Roman defer^ 
ters in town* For they^ asfoon as 
they found the rams begun to play 
upon the wally and what a defpe" 
rate cafe they were in^ carry the » 
gold and fiher^ and every thing 
elfe that was valuable^ to the royal 
palace \ and thercy after they had 
glutted themfehes with wrne and 
good cheer^ they defiroyed all the 
the treafure and themfehes tooy 
by fetiingfire io ihe houfe y and 
voluntarily infii£led upon them- 
fehes the punifbment^ they appre^ 
hended from the enemy^ if they 
fellinto their hands, Juji at the 
jun^ure when Thala was takcKy 
fome deputies carne from the town 
'Of Leptis to Metellus^ hegging of 
him to fend a garrifon and a gover- 
nour thither 5 that one Hamilcar 
there, a perfon of great birth and 
intereft, was in a plot againft the 

' quem 



^um neque imperia magi^ 
Jiratuum^ neque leges vq- 
Jerent j ni id fejlinaret 
in fummo pericuh fuam 
falutem^ ilhrum Jhcios fo" 
re. Nam Lcptftani jam 
inde a principio bclii Ju- 
gurthini ad Beftiam Con- 
Ailem, & poftea Romam 
miferant, amicitiam, 

focietatemque rogatum . 
Deinde, ubi ea impetrata, 
femper boni, iidelefque 
manfere, & cunda a Be- 
ftia, Albino, Metelloque 
imperata nave fecerant. 
Itaque ab imperatore fa- 
cUe, quae petebant, adep- 
ti. Emiffae eo cohortes 
Ligurum quatuor, & 
Caius Annius praefecStus. 
LXXX." Id oppidum 
. ab Sidoniis conditum eft, 
quos accipimus profugos 
ob difcordias civilis navi- 
bus in eos Idcos venifle ; 
caeterum fitum interduas 
Syrtis, quibus nomen ex 
re inditum. Nam duo funt 
finus prope in extrema 
Africa, impares magnitu- 
dine, pari natura ; quorum 
proxuma terrae praealta 
funt ; caetera, uti fors 
tulit alta ; alia in tempe- 
ftate vadofa* Nam ubi 
mare magnum efie, & 
iaevire coepit ventis, li- 
mum arenamque, & faxa 
ingentia fludus trahunt ; 
ita fiicies locorum cum 
ventis fimul mutatur. 
Syrtes ab tra£lu nomina^ 
ta. Ejus civitatis lingua 

govcrnment, 3^n4 \?as likc to bc' 
too ftrong for thc magiftratcs and 
laws: unlefshedifpcitcnedawiy the 
afliftance forthwitb, they, the al- 
lies of tbe Romans, would be in 
the utmoft dang^r. For the Lep- 
titanij at the very beginning ofthe 
war with fugurtha^ had fent firjl 
to the (jonfid Befti^i^ and after- 
wards to Rome^ tq dejira our 
friendjhlp and alliance ; and their 
requejl being granted^ they remain^ 
edtrue and trujly ever gfter ; ani 
punSfuatly executed all orders re^ 
ceived from Befiia^ AlbinuSj and 
Metellus, Wherefore they Jhund 
from the general a ready compit- 
ancewith their dejires, Four iat" 
talions ofLigurians werefent thi- 
ther^ under the command of C. 

LXXX. That town %uas built 
by the Sidonians^ whoy as tradition 
fays^ being obliged by civil broils at 
home to leave their native country^ 
came by Jhipping into thofe parts, 
It is fttuatedbetwixt the two Syr- 
teSy which arefo called from the 
nature ofthem, For they are two 
bays almo/i in the extremity of A- 
frica^ unequalin ifignefs^ bui of 
like nature ; whereof the parts 
nigh the Jhore are very deep ; the 
rejfi are fome deep^fome JhalloWy 
ejpecially much fo in aJior?n. For 
when the fea begins to fwell^ and 
grow the winds^ the 
waves drag the mudy fand^ and 
hugejiones about^ wherehy the ap- 
pearance of the place is perpetual- 
ly changing with the wind ,y and 
from this dragging they are caJIed 
Syrtes. The Janguage ofthai tozun 
bas undergone an qlteration from 




inodo cottv^rTa connubio 
IQ^umidarum ,; legum, 
cultufque pleraque^bido- 
nica; quae eo facilius 
fetinebant^ quod procul 
ab imperio regis setatem 
agebant. Inter illos, & 
frequentem Numidiam 
multi vaftique loci erant. 

LXXXL Sed) quoni- 
am in has regiones per 
Lreptitanorum negotia 
venimus, non indignum 
videtur, ^egium, atque 
mirabile facinus duorum 
Carthagenienfium me- 
morare ; eam rem nos 
locus ^dmonuit. Qua 
tempeftate Carthagenien- 
fes plersque Africae im- 
peritabant, Cyrenenfes 
quoque inagni, atque 
opulenti fuere. Ager in 
medio arenofus, una fpe-- 
cie ; neque flumen, neque 
mons erat, qui finis eo- 
rum difcerneret ; quae res 
eos in magno diviturnoque 
bello inter fe habuit. Pofl- 
^uam utrimque legiones, 
item clafies iiaepe fuiae, 
fugataeque, & alteri alt6- 
ros aliquantum attrive- 
rant ; veriti, ne mox 
vi£los vidorefque defef- 
fos alius aggrederetur, per 
inducias fponfionem faci- 
unt, uti certo die legati 
domo proficifcerentttr ; 
quo in kco inter fe obvii 
fuijfenty is communis utri» 
ufque populr finis habere^ 
tur. Ifftur Carthagine 

tbeir intermarriages with the Nii^ 
midians ; but mojft things in their 
lawsy and way of living\ are de^» 
rivedfrom the Sidonians ; which 
they retained the more eaftly^ be-^ 
caufe oftheir being atfogreat a di^ 
/iancefrom the power and infiuence 
of the King of Perfia. Betwixt 
them^ and the welf^inhabited parts 
ofNumidia^ lies a wide difdrt. 

LXXXL Butfince we are got 
into thefe partSy upon occafion of 
mentioning the Leptitani^ , / thini 
it may not be dmifs to give an ac-^ 
count of an extraordinary wonder- 
ful a£fion performed by two Car-* 
thaginians ; which the mention of 
Leptis puts me in nfindof At the 
timethe Carthaginians ruledover 
the greatefi part of Africa^ ihe 
Gyreniqns were agreat and weal- 
thypeopUi Xhe country lying A/- 
twixt them and the Carthaginians 
wasall fandy^ without variety or 
difiin^ign ; of one uniform appea^ 
rance ; having neither rivh noir 
mountainy tofix the limits of eacb 
dominion ; which thing proved the 
occafion of a terrible and tedious 
war, After great loffes had been 
fuflainedon eachfide by land^ and 
byfea^ to the weakening ofboth j 
fearing lefifome third people fiisuld 
faU upon the conquered and conque-' 
rors together^ when weary, they 
came to ^ ceffation of armsy and 
thereupon an agreementy that de- 
puties (hould, upon a day appoint- 
ed, depart frpm each place ; and 
where tbey met, (hould be the 
coQimon boundary of their domi- 
nions. Accordingly two brothers, 
caUed Pbilanisy were fent from 
Carthage^ wbo made tbeir journey 
2t duo 



duo fratres miffi; quibus 
nomen Fhilaenis erat, ma- 
turavere iter pergere ; 
Cyrenenfes tardius ierc.. 
Id focordiane, an cafu 
acciderit, parum cognovr. 

wtth aU due difpatth. But the cy-' 
renians were not fo quick ; ivhether 
through lazinefsj orfome ilUchance^ 
Ido notfind, For in thefe piirts^ 
ajiorm will detain travellers ai 
effe^uallyy as hyfea. A U^indari' 
Caeterum Iblet in illis locis Jtng ufon that levti and nakei 
tempeftas haiid fecus, at- foil^ heaves up thefandy and zvith 
que in mari retinere. great violence drives it in their 
Nam, ubi per loca aequa- Jaces and eyes ; and fo pre^venting 
lia, & nuda gignentium their feeing the way hefore the^n^ 
ventus coortus arenam Jlops.them, When the Cyreniam 
humo exci tayit, ea magna Jound themfehes hehind the othevy 
vi agitata, oraj oculofquc fearing to be punijhed at home Jcr 
impTei^e folet ; itaprofpec- iheir mifcondu6iy^they charged the 
tu impedko, morari. iter. Garthaginians with fetting out he- 
Poftquam Cyrenenfes ali- fore thetime appointedfor if y ma- 
quanto pofteriores fc efle king a mightybujile upon ky. as he- 
* ' ' ' ^ V y^^ wilHng to do any thingy rather 

thango offhaffled. The Cartha^ 

Vident, & ob rem corrup- 
tam domi poends mctu* 
unt ; criminari Carthagi- 
nienfes ante tempus do- 
mp digreflbs^i eonturbare 
rem ; denique omnia 
malle, quam Vi&i abire. 
Sed cum Poeni aliam 
conditionem, tantum- 
modo sequam, peterent, 
Gra:ci optionem Cartha- 
ginienfium faciunt, ut 
vel il/iy quoi finls populo 
fuo pet£renty ibi vivi oh^ 
ruerentur ; vel eadem 
conditione fefcy quam in 
locum vciienty proceffu- 
ros ; Philseni, conditione 
probata, f^que, vitamqiic 
fuam reipublicae condo- 
itavere; ita vivi obruti. 

ginians defiring any other uuay oj 
deciding ihe matter^ that ivas fair 
and equaly the Greeks made them* 
this propofaly either to be buried 
alive there, where they were for 
fixing the boundary of their domi- 
nion, or that they would advance 
as far as they thought proper, up- 
on the like condition. Vhe Phi- 
lani accepting the offery made a 
facrifice ' of themfelveSy and their 
'liveSy to' their country ; and ivere 
huried alive.. The Carthaginians 
dedicated altars in that place to- 
the memory of the tw$ hrothersy 
the Philani ; and injHtuted feve- 
ral other honoujrs to be paid to them 
at kcme.. But now to my purpofe- 


Carthagenienfes in eoJoco Plrilsenis fratribus aras confecravere > 
aiiique illis domi honores inftituti. Nunc ad rem redeo. 

LXXXli. Ju^rurtha LXXXII. Jugurthay after the 
gioftquam amii&' Thala, hfs ofThalhy thinking noihingfuf^ 
iiihil fatis ^xxrkXiXCL.QfX)Xxz.-jxientlyftcureaminJlMeteUusyfitd 




MetcUum putat ; per 

cnagnas folitudines cum 

paucis profedus, pervenit 

ad Gaetulos, genus bo- 

•xnirium ferum, incultum- 

que, &eo tempore igna- 

rum nominis Romani. 

Eorum multitudinem in 

unum cogit j ac ,paulla- 

tim confuefacJt ordines 

liabere, fjgna fequi, im- 

perium .bbfi^vare, item 

^l i a militare facere. Prae- 

•terea regis Bocchi proxu- 

mos magnis muneribus, 

& majoribus promiffis ad 

ftudium (ui perducit ; 

queis adjutoribus regem 

>adgreflus, impelUt, uti 

advorfum Romanos.. bel- 

,lum fufcipiat. Id' ea 

^ratia facilius, proniufque 

fuit, quod Bocchus initio 

hujufce belll legatos Ro- 

mam miferat, foedus, 

.& amidtiam petitum. 

Qjiam rem opportuniflu- 

mam incoepto belli, pauci 

jmpediverant, caeci ava- 

ritia, gueis orania honefta 

^atque inhonefta vendere 

mos erat. Etiam antea 

Jugurthse .fijia Bocchi 

nupferat. .Verum ea 

neceflitudo ^pud .Nurai-. 

das, Maurofque levis du- 

citur ; quia finguli pro 

opibus, quifqqe quam 

plurimas uxores, denas 

alii, alii plures habent,; 

fed reges eo amplius. Ita 

animus multitiidine ^ di- 

ftrahitur ; nuUam pro fo- 

pia obtinet; pariter ora- 

;j\es vijes funt. 

wlth afmall fetinue^ thraugh vajl 
defarts^ into the land of the Ge- 
tulians^ a wild unpolijhed people^^ 
unacquainted wiih the -Roman 
name, He ynvfters up.a gretit num- 
her &fthe?n^ and ieaihcs them to 
form companies^ follow theirjlan^ * 
dards^ obferve cotnmand^ and to 
h^have in all refpeSis like foldiers, 
Helikewife hy great prefentSy and 
greaier. promifes^ engages in his . 
intereji fome of the grcatejl fa^ 
vouvitei. of King Bocchus^ by zvhofe 
qffijlan(^ he at Iqfl prevails witb 
the King to undertake a war a-r 
gainji the Rotnans. .JVhich was 
the more eaftly hrought nbout^ '^^- 
caufe Bocchus^ in the beginning of 
this war had feni ambaffadors to 
Rome^ to treat upon ^n alliance 
with the Roman people* IVhich 
thingy iho* likely to prove offin^ 
gular fervice in ihe war^ yetfome 
gantlemen^ blinded with avariccy 
who were ready for any kind of 
worp!y honourcible^ :er ptherwijey 
ifth^y wer£,but well pofd fcr itj 
had obfiruSfed^ Bocchus^-s daugh^ 
>ter ^had liliewife before .this been 
married to JuguKtha. But the 
tie.of affinity is little rrgqrded a- 
T^on^ft theNumidians^i andMoorsCj 
^becaufe with them svery man may 
have as many wives as he can main^ 
iain .; and accordingly fonie hav£ 
. ten^ jothers more ; but th'e Kings 
more than any body. Thus the 
mind' beitig divided hy the number^ 
they look upon none as a friend or 
co?npa?iion j but treat themaU witb 
contcmpt alikc- • - - 





LXXXni. Igitur in 
locum ambQbus placitum 
exercitus convcniuixt ; 
ibi, fide «lata, & accepta, 
Jugurtha Bocchi animum 
oratione accendit ; Rd" 
manos inju/loSy profunda 
dvaritiaj communes om- 
nium ho/iis ejjfe ; eandem 
illos caujfam helli cum 
Boccho haherej quam fe» 
€um, £sf cum aliis genti-^ 
huSj lubidinem imperi- 
tandi^ queis omnia regna 
advorfa Jint ; tum fefe^ 
paullo ante Corthagini^ 
enfesy item . Regem Per^ 
fen^ poli^ uti quifque opu-^ 
leritijjtmus videatur^ ita 
Romanis hoftemfore, His, 
atque aliis talibus didis, 
adCirtam oppidum iter 
conftituunt ; qu<)d ibi Q. 
Metellus praedam, capti- 
vofque, & impedimenta 
locaverat. Ita Jugurtha 
ratus, aut capta urbe, 
operae pretium fore ; aut, 
f\ Romanus auxilio fuis 
veniflet, prcelio feie cer- 
taturos. Nam callidus id 
modo feftinabat,^ Bocchi 
pacem imminuere ; ne, 
moras agitando, aliud, 
quam bellum, mallet. 

LXXXIV. Imperator 
poQquam de regum foci- 
ctate cqgnovit, non tc- 
mere, neque utifsepejam 
vi<5lo Jugurthaconfueve- 
rat). omnibus locis pug- 
nandi coplam facit ; cae- 

LXXXIII. Wherefore theiw9 

armies met in a place e^ointed 

bythe Kings -, where^ ctper tbey 

hadpledged theirfaith to one ano- 

ther, yugurtha Jired the foul of 

BocchuSj ' by talktng to the foHow- 

ing effe^ ;. That thc Romans wcre 

an unjuft pcople, of unfatiable ava- 

rice, and the common chemies of 

mankind. Theyhadjuftas much 

caufe of war v^ith Bocchu$> as 

with himfelf, and other nations, 

thcluft ofdominion, forthcfeke 

of which they looked upon all 

Kings as encmics, At that time he 

was ; notlongbeforethe Cartha- 

ginians, andlSng Perfes, had bcen 

their enemies ; and fo would eve- 

ry prince hereafter be, efpecially of 

confiderable power and flrcngth. 

AJter be had faid this^ and other 

things to the like purpofe^ they re- 

folve to march togethet to the town 

ofCirta ; becaufe ^. Metellus had 

there lodged the bobty and prifomrs 

hehadtaken in the tvary together 

with the haggage of tbe army, 

yugurtha fuppofed the enterprize 

would eiiher be wellworth tbeir 

whiley if they took the city ; ^r, if 

the Romans came to the ajiftance of 

their friendsy a battle mujl enfke, 

For he Jlily endeavouredy witb aU 

the hajfie he could^ to break tbe 

peace betwixt Bocchus andtbe Ro- 

mans', leji upon demurring^ he 

Jhould change hit mind. 

LXXXIV. JVben tbe Roman 
general heardof this alliance he- 
twixt the two Kings^ he Joes not 
upon all occajionsy and in all pla^ 
ceSy as hefore^ afier yuguriba had 
been feveral ttmes defeatedj offer 
the enemy battle ; but pitcbing his 



^rum, haud procul ab camp notfaffrom Cirta^ he waits 

Cirta caftris munitis, re- for the Kingz \ thinking it not fro^ 

ges opperitur 5 melius eflc per to engage with the Moorsy an 

ratus, cognitis Mauris, enemy he was not yet acjuainied 

^uoniam is novus hoftis with^ hut upon fome advantage, 

accefTerat, ex commodo In the mean time^ hehad notice 

pugnam facere. Interim by Jetters from Rome^ tbat the 

Roma pcr litteras certior province of Numidia was, ajjigned 

fit, provinciam Numidi- to Marius, Forhehad heardbe" 

am Mario datam. Nam fore^ that he was made ConfuU 

Confulem fa<9\im ante With which things he was prodi" 

acceperat^ Quibus rebus gioufly affeSiedy to a degree incon^ 

fiipra bonum, aut hone- fijlentKvith all equity and decency ; 

ftum percMlfus, neque infomuch that he could neither re- 

lacrumas tenere, neque frain from tears^ ar govem his 

moderari linguam 5 vir Jongiie ; and tho* he was an extra^ 

egregius in aliis artibusy qrdinary perfon in other refpeSls^ 

nimis molliter aegritudi- yet under trouble ofmind he was 

nem pati. Quam rem too impatient ; whichfome impu^ 

alii in fuperbiam vorte- tedtohispride \otherstoajuftre^ 

bant; alii bonum ixigeni- fentment efthe contumelious ufage 

Mxd contumelia accenfum he had ; many to a concerny ihat 

efle j muiti, quod jam the vi^ory he had gdt. Jbould be 

parta vidoria ex manibus fnatchedout ofhis ,hands, But ii 

eriperetur j nobis fatis app^ars pretu plain to me^ that b^ 
cognitumeft, iilummagS' was more difturbed at the advance^ 

honore Marii, quam in- ment of MariuSy than the tnjurj 

juria fi;a bxcruciatum, done to' bimfelfi and would not 

nequetam anxie laturum have bome it Ji beavifyj if the 

fui&, fi adempta provin^ province that was tdken fromhim^ 

cia alii, qiiam Mariq^ hadbeengiven te anybody elfe but 

traderetur. * Marius. 

LXXXV. Igitiir ep LXXXV.merefore/aswen 

dolore impeditus, & quia upon account oftbis refentmenty as 

ftultitiae videbatur, alie- becaufe itfeemed afolfy td- take care 

nam rem periciilo fuo of another maifs huftneCs^ dt . his 

curare, legatos ad Boc- own hazard^ he difpdtches meffeh" 

chum mittit, poftula- gers to Bocchus^ to defire he would 

tum, nefine caujfa hojiis not bccome an enemy to the Ro- 

populo Romano fieret ; manpeople, withoiit any occafion 

habere eum magnam co^ givertfor it. Thathehad nowa 

piam Jocietatisy amicitia^ fineopportunity of entering into 

que conjungendiSy qua po^ the Roman alliance, which would 

tiqr bello ejet , quam^ bemuchbetterforhimthanawar. 




quam dpibus fuis confide^ 

rety tamen non aebere 

'incertapro certis miftare ; 

4}mne bellum fumi Jaciley 

xaterum isgerrume d^- 

nere ; non in ,^ufdem po- 

tejiate initium ejHh ^ 

finem ejfe \ incipere cuivis 

^tiam igndvo iicer^ ; de- 

poniy cum viSfores velint ; 

proinde Jibiy regnoque fuo 

confideret ; neu fiorentis 

res fuas cum Jugurtha 

perditis mifceret. Ad ea 

rex placide verba facit.; 

Jefe pacem' cupercj^ fed 

Jugurfha fortunarum 

jnijereri \ fi eadem illi 

£opia fierety omnia con- 

ventur<i. Rurfus imperaV 

ior, contra poftulata 

JBoCchi nuncios ixiittit," 

Ille frobare partini, alia 

abnuere. Eo modo^^f^pe 

^b utroque miflis rejpif- 

iifque^ . riunciis, tempus 

procedere, & ex ^ Metelli 

yoluntate' belluiji, intac- 

tumtrahK ' '^ 

'" LXXXVI. AtMari- 

What confidence foeverhe migte 
repofe in his own ftrengthy yet he 
ought notto change certainties for 
uncertainties. That it was an eafy 
matter to begin a war, but not io 
'eaiy to end it ; fince the beginning 
and ending thereof were not in the 
fame hands. Any coward might 
'hegin ; bu^ the end muft: depend 
upoiKhe pleafure of the conque- 
ror. Wherefore he advifed him to 
have a carc of doing any thin^ 
that might afFecft the lecurity of hi^ 
perfon andkingdom ; andnot en- 
^age his happy circumftances in the 
de^Jerate caufe of Jugurtha. ' To 
ihis the King made a very fnioGth 
reply\ That he was defirous of 
peace, but pltied the cafe oF Jii- 
gurtha ; if he might biit "have thc 
farrie terms, tbey (houldfoon agree* 
Again the, Roman general fends 
meffengers with an anfwer to Boc^ 
chus^s aemand\ whereinfomething 
was grantedy other things denied» 
Aiid by fending meffengers hack^ 
ward and forward in this mann^r^ 
the time wasfpun outy andthe wary 
as Metellus wijhedy k^pt at ajtand. 

LXXXVI. But Mariusy a^ 
Us, ut fupra "diximus,.. was faid abovcy having been made 
cupicntiflumaplebe^Con-" Conjul by ihe people with a verj 
iiil fa6his, ^ poftmiam ei/ exSraordinary %ealy andgot by thelr 
provinciam NAjmidiam gmnt too theprovince ofNumidia^ 
pppulus jufllt, anteajam ivas now more,violmt andjurious 
infeftus ndbilitati, ' tum dgainft the nohility than ever^ th^ 
vero^multus, atquei ferox he was keen enou^h in that way 
inftaVe ; ' fingulqs mbdo, hefore. Sometimcs he would rejieh 
tnodo univerfo5 laedqre ; upon them fin^lyy Jometimes upon 
^idafe, fefe Confuld'tum.'fhe whole body ; and would often 
ex ve5iis illis fpolta cepif- fayy that he had yanquiflied them, 
Je y alia praeterea maghir* andhadtakenfromthemtheCon- 
iica pro fe ;' & illis dolen- ' fulftiip, as fpoil from a conquered 
^Ja ; in1|crim, quae bello .enemy, And other things too he 

■ ^ opu^ 



dp\]s erant, primit hs^bere ; 
poftulare legionibus fup- 
plemeHtum ; auxilia a 
populis, & regibus, foci- 
ifque arceffere ; praetfc- 
rea cx Latio fortiffumum- 
quemque, plerofquc mili- 
tia, paucosfama cognitos 
accire, & ambiendb cogere 
homines emeritis ftipen- 
diis proficifci. Neque ilH 
Senatus, quamquam ad- 
verfus erat, de uUo nego- 
tio abnuere audebat ; 
caeterum fupplementum 
ctiam laetus decreverat ; 
quia, neque plebi militi- 
am volenti, putal^atur, & 
Marius aut belli ufum^ 
aut ftudium vulgi amiffo- 
rus. Sed ea res fruftra 
fperata. Tanta lubido' 
cum Mario eundi plerof- 
que invaferat 5 fefe quif- 
que praeda locupletem. 
fore, vidorem domum 
rediturum, alia hujufce- 
modi animis trahebant; 
& eos non pauUum ora- 
tione fua Marius arrexe- 
rat. Nam poftquam, om- 
nibus, quae poftulaverat, 
decretis, milites fcribere 
vult, hortandi cauffa, 
fimul & nobilitatem, uti 
confueverat,. .exagitandi, 
eonfcionem populi advo- 
eavit. Deinde hoc modo 

LXXXVII. Scio ego, 
^iriteSy flerijfiue non 

faid boajiingly of himfeh^^ and that 
heartily vexed them.- But the ma-- 
king of due- preparationt. for. the 
war^ was hisprincipal care* Ht 
demanded recruiis for the army -y. 

fentfor auxiliaryforcesfromKings 
and flates in alliance with us ; par^ 
ticularfyfrom Latium he fummon-^ 
ed the choicejl men^ mofl of thent 

, known weli enough in the armyy. 
butfew elfewhere.. He did Uke- 
wije by his perfwaftons prevail 
with old foldiersy that had ferved 
ttp their time in the warsy to en^ 
gage inthefervice again.. Andtho* . 
the Senate dated htm^ yet they durji 
refufe him nothing \ nay^they were 

foYward enough to votehim re-^ 
6ruits j becaufe it was fuppofed the 
commonalty woul/i not muth cai*e 

for the fervice ; and fo Marius^ 
wouid either not be able to make 
his leviesy or incur their difpleafure 
byfo doing, But herein wey were 
baulked ; fofond were mojl of them 
ofgoing along with Marius ; each 
man flattering himfelf with the 
hopes ofreturning home vi^oriouSy, 
and enriched with the fpoils of 
wary or of other fuch likeadvan-r ' 
tages, And Marius^ had by afpeech 
ofhis to them^ contributed not a 
little to the raifing offuch cxpeSfa^ 
tions in them» For refolvihg^ af-* 
ter what he defired had been voted 
for bimj io raife recruits^ hefum^ 
moned the people to an ajfemblv^ as- 
well to encourage them to favour 
his defign, as totake occafion^ ac^ 
cording t<i his cufiom^ cf inveigh- 
ing againji the nobility, Both which 
he did in the following manner, 

LXXXVIL I am fenfible, 
gentlemen, thatthe generalityof 





iifdm artUfUS imperium a 
vohis peteriy ^^poftquam 
adepti funty gerere % pri" 
mo indiiftrioSj fuppUceSy 
modicos effe ; dehinc ter 
ignaviamj i^ fuperbtam 
atatem- agere \ fed mihi 
contra videtur, Nam^ quo 
univerfi refpublica pluris 
ifij quam ConfulatuSy aut 
Praturay eo majore cura 
iUam adminiftrariy quam 
hac peti debere. Neque 
me fallity quantum cum 
maxumo beneficio veftro 
negotii . fuftineam. Bellum 
pararcy Jimul W arario 
parcere\ cogere ctd miUti" 
um eos quos nolis offende-* 
re \ domi forifque omnia 
curare ^ (^ ea agere inter 
invidosj occurfantis^ fac- 
tiofos ; opinione^ ^uiri- 
tesj afperius eft, Ad hoc^ 
aliifi deliquercj vetus no- 
bilitasy majorumfaciafor-' 
tiaj cognatoru?n ^ affini- 
um opeSy multa: cUentela^ 
omnia hcsc prafidlo ad- 
funt ; mihi fpes omnes in 
memet Jita ; quas neceffe 
eji 6f virtutcy l^ inno- 
centia tutari ; nam atia 
infinna funt, Et illud 
inieUigOy ^driteJ^ om- 
nium ora in me converfa 
effe ; , eequos bonofque fa- 
vere ; quippe benefa^a 
mea reipubiica procedunt ; 
nobilitatem locum inva- 
dendi quarere» ^o fnihi 
acrius adniteiidendum e/i ; 
nti neque vos. capiaminij 
i^ iUa fruftra Jint. Ita 

fuch as apply to you fpr prefer^ 
pient in the ftate, behave not in 
the fame manner, after they have 
compaflM their defigns^ as before. 
At firft they are induihious, fub- 
miffive, and modeft ; after theif 
advahcement, lazy and proud. 
But I have quite different fenti- 
ments in the cafe. For as the good 
^of the community is of much 
higheV importance than the Con- 
fulate or Fraetorihip, witb jtift fo 
much the more carc oi^t that to 
be purfued than thefe. Nor ara 
I infenfible what a weight of bufi- 
nefs your late kindnefs has laid up- 
on me. To make preparations for 
the war, and at thefame time to 
befpiaring ofthepublick money ; 
to oblige thofe to the fervice a- 
broad,that one is loth to offend 3 to 
take ciire for the due management 
of all affairs, both at home anda- 
broad ; and this amidft numbers of 
enviousjthwartingjfaftious peojrfe: 
All this, I fay, gentlemen, is dif- 
ficult beyond imagination. Be- 
fides, others, if they fail in the 
performance of their duty, are 
protedied by their quality, the gal- 
lant behaviour of their anceftors, 
the power of their relations and 
friends, and their owr numerous 
dependents. But all mjy hopes are 
ia myfeif. My go6d behaviour 
andintegritymdft be myonlypro- 
tection ; ^r I have nothing elfe to 
truft to. I am well aware too, 
gentlemen, that the eyes c£ all 
people are upon me : that thejiift 
and the good are my friends, as 
being feofible of the fervices I have 
done my country ; but that thc 
nobiiityare watchingall advanta^ 



ges to be upon me. And therefore 
I am the more obliged to ufe my 
utmoftendeavours, that you may 
not be baulked, but they may. f 
have from my youth up been inu^ 
red to h^rdfhip and danger of all 
kinds. Whichbefore your favours 
conferred upon me, I did folely 
out of a principle of generofity, I 
fhall not, to be fure, gentlemen^ 
negleft to do, now that I have re- 
ceived my reward. It is a hard 
matter to thofe to keep within any 
bounds^ when poflefled of power, 
who, to obtain it, orily put on a 
counterfeit fhew of goodnefs. But 
with me, who have fffent all my 
days in the praftice of the moft 
laudablequalities, ufe is becotne a 
fecond nature. You have com- 
manded me td make waf with Ju- 
gurtha, to the great vexation of 
thc nobility. I befeech you, con-i 
fidef with yourfelves, whetherit 
would ndt be better, to fend upon 
this, or any other the like occafi- 
oti, one pf thetribeofthe nobili- 
ty, a man of an ancient and noble 
family, andthat has never beenint 
the fcrvice of his country abroad : 
Ay, wh/not ? He would, tho* 
frighted and confounded ih tHe 
midftof bufinefs, for want of ex- 

ad hoc atatis a pueritia 
fuiy ut orritiis labores^ pe- 
ricula confueta habeam. 
^ua antea veflra beneficia 
gratuito faciebam^ ea utiy 
accepta mercede^ deferam^ 
non eji confilium^ ^uiri^ 
tes^ lllis difficile ejl in 
poteftatibus temperare^ 

qui per amhitionem fefe 
probos fimulavere ; mihiy 
qui omnem atatem in 
aptumis artibus egiy bene 
facere jam ex confuetu- 
dine in naturam vertit* 
Bellum me gerere cum 
Jugurtha jujji/iis ; quam 
rem nobilitas agerrume 
tulit. ^afoy reputate 
cum animis vefirisj num 'td 
mutari rhelius fit^ fi quem 
ex iUi glabo nobiiitatis ad 
hocy aut aiiud tale nego^ 
tium mitiatis^ hominem 
veteris profapia^ ac muU 
tarum imaginum^ fef nul- 
Uus Jiipendii'\ fcilicet ut 
in ianta re ignarus ofnni" 
um trepidety fejiinet^ fu- ' 
mat aliqutm ex populo 
monitorem officii fui. Ita 
plerumque evenit ; ut^ 
quem vos imperare juffif-^ 
tiSy is fibi imperatorem 
alium quarat. 


pef ience, get fome of the com- ' 
mons to direft him in his duty. 
And fo it commonly happens, that the perfon you have ap- 
pointed to command, is obliged to get fome body lo com- 
mand him. 

LXXXVIII I have, indeed, 
gentlemen, known foine, who, 
after they were made Confuls, tead 
the noble a6lions df our anceftors, 
with the military inftruftions laid 
do wn by theG recks . Pfaepdfterous 
A a pns'' 

LXXXyilL At 
fcioy ^drites^ qui^ poji' 
quam Confules faSii funi^ 
a£ia majorum^ ^ Graco- 
rum militaria pracepta 
legere ceperint ; homines 



prdpolieri. Nam gerere^ 
qmm fieriy tempore po- 
Jierius^ re^ atque uju prius 
e/i, ComparaU nunc^ 
^iriteSy cum illorum 
fuperbia me hominem no^ 
vum, ^ua Uli audir^^^ 
(^ legere folenty eorum 
partem vidiy alia egomet 
gefji ; qua illi litteris^ ea 
igo miiitando didici, Nunc 
vos exijiumaiey faStay an 
' diSla piuris ftnt* Con^ 
thnnunt novitatem me- 
dm >' ego iiiorum ignavi- 
am^ Jkfii?i , fortuna-y 
iiiis probra obje£iantur, 
^amquam ego^ naturam 
unaniy'^ fisr communem om" 
nium exiftutno^ fed fortif- 
fumum quemqMt genero^ 
fifjumum. . Jc. ,fi jam ex 
pairihus Albini^ aut Be^ 
Jiia. quari pqffety me ne^ 
an iiips ex fe gtgni maiue^ 
rint ; quid refponfuros 
creditisy nifty feje liberos 
quam . optumos voii^ijfe f 
^uod fi jure me dejpici-^ 
M it \ faciunt idem majo^ 
ribus fuis \ quibus^ uti 
mihiy ex virtute nobiiitas 
eaepitf Invident honori 
meo i ergo invideant ia^ 
boriy innoceniiay pericu* 
iis etiam meis ; quoniam 
per hac iiium cepi, Verum 
homines corrupti fuperbiay 
ita atatem agunt^ quaji 
vejiros honores contem^ 
nant \ ita ho» petunti 
quaft honejie fuixerint, Na 
iiU faifi funty qui diver- 
Ji^unMs res patiief ex- 

creatures ! For thc management of 
an office is indeed poftcriour, in 
point of time, to the choice of the 
perfon to officiate ; but with re- 
fpe£t to the qualifications neceffa- 
ry for thc fame, it is prior to it. 
Oompare me, gentlemen, the firft 
of my family that has aitained to 
any confiderable ftation in the go- 
vernment, with your haughty no- 
bfcs/ What they are accuftomed 
only to hear and read, I have in 
part feen, and in part managed 
myfelf in perfon. What they have 
learnt from books, the famel have 
learnt by ferving in the wars. Now 
do you yourfelves judge, whether 
a<3ions or words zrt of more ac- 
ebunt. They defpife the meanefs» 
of noy dcfcent ; I defpiie their inca- 
pacity forbufinefs. I am upbraid- 
,ed with my fortune, they vrith 
theii* fcajidalous vkes. Tho' I 
think the nature of man to beone 
and common to all, but that the 
braveft is the moft noble. And 
if now tbe fkthers of Albinus, 
or Beftia, could b€ cpnfulted, 
whether they would ratherhave 
choien me foi: their defcencknt, or' 
them,what anfwer da you think 
they would make, but that they 
ftipuld have defired the moft defer- 
ving men might have been their 
fons ? But if they have reafon to 
defpife me, let them do the fame 
by their anceftors, whofe i>Dbility 
like mine, took it*s rife from their 
noble behavio^r* They envy my 
ad vancement ; let them then envy 
iny adivity, my integrity, and 
dangers too ; becaufe it wasby 
thefe i attained to ihe former. 
But m^nf eorrupted with pride, 

. fpe^antf 



fpeHant^ ignavia volup" 

taUm^ 6f pramia virtu^ 

tis. Atque etiam cum 

apud voSjf aut in Senatu 

verha faciunt^ pleraque 

oratione majores fuos <?;ir- 

tol/unt ; eorum fortia faC" 

ta memorando c/aHores 

fefe putant ; quod contra 

£/?. Nam^ quanto vita 

i//orum prac/ariory tanto 

horum focordia^ f/agitio- 

Jior. Et profeSio iia fe 

res ha/Jet \ majorum g/o- 

ria pof/eris quaji lumen 

e/iy neque > horia eorumy 

neque ma/a in pccu/to pa- 

titur, Hujufce rei ego 

inopiam patiory ^irites. 

Fenum tdf^ quod mu/to 

prac/arius efl<^ meamet 

fa9a ffiihi dicere Jicet. 

Nunc videte^ quam inlqui 

fint, '3uod ex aliena vir-^ 

tute fihi arrogant^ id mihi 

£X mui non concedunt ; 

fcilicet guia imagines non 

Aabeoy & quia mihi nova 

nobi/itas e/ty quam certe 

peperiffe^ quam acceptam 

corrupifje me/ius e/f. 


15 ve as if they defpifed the honours 
you have to beflow, and yet fue 
ror them, asif they had lived ho- 
nourably. Truly^ they are much 
miftaken, who expeft at once two 
things of very difFerent nature, the 
pleafure of idknefs, and the re- 
wards of virtue* And when they 
liarrangue too hefore you, ,or in .the 
Senate, they a;reever rmmiqg out 
into the praifes of thqir aocpllprs, 
and think they reoeive a lAiftrefconi 
the relation of their aobje adlipns ^ 
wliereasU is quite the reverfe. Fqr 
themore.illuftrious jtheirlives were, 
the more fcandalous is the bafe be- 
haviour qf thefe their defcendants. 
Atid indeed the cafe is thus. Th^ 
glory of the ancients is a light 
held out before their pofterity, that 
fuffersneitheriheirgood orill qua^ 
lities to be concealed, This is what 
I want, gentlemen. Butl can teU 
you of fomething elfe, which is 
much greater, my own adtionS;, 
Now mind how unreafonable they 
are. What they arrogate tathem- 
felves froti the nobjie bchaviour 

of othcrs, th^t tfc^ wijl not allow 
me to reap from /gaypwn ; for no 
other reafon truly, but that I hav e 
no pidtiires of my anceftors tp fliew, and becaufe my nobili- 
ty is of vcry latc datc ; wliicb Js certainly better for a maa 
;to be the founder of in his jown family, tjaanto be adilgrac^ 
to that received from his anceilors. 

LXXXIX. Equidem LXXXIX.. I know indeed, if 
ego non ignoroy fi jam tney have a mind to reply upon 

me^ they will find plenty of ele- 
gant polite language for the pur* 
pofe. But however, fmce upori 
your late advancrmerjt of me to 
t he high dignity I poflefs^ jtj^ey cve ^ 
ry where let lopfe their jongues 
ggainft bpth you and me in tha 

mihi refpondere ve/inty 
affunde i//is faeundum^ £sf 
compofitam orationem fo^ 
re, Sedin maxumo veflro 
beneficioy cum omnibus 
focis mty vofque ma/edi£fis 
facerent^ non p/actiit rtti-- 



cere \ ne quis modejliam 
in confcientiam duceret, 
Nam me quidemj ex qni- 
mi mei Jententiay lade- 
re nulla oratio potefl, 
^uippe vera^ necejje eji 
hene pradicet ; Jalfamy 
vita morefque mei Jupe- 
rant. Sed quoniam ve* 

Jira conjilia ' accufantur^ 
qui mihi fummum hono- 
remj & maxumum nego* , 
fium impofuiflis^ etiam 
atque etiam reputate^ num 
eorum pdsnitendum Jit. 
Non pojfum^ fidei caujfay 
imagines^ neque trium- 
phosy aut Confulatus ma^ 
jorum meorum ojientare \ 
aty Ji res pojlulet^ haflas^ 
vexillum^ phalerasy alia 
militaria dona^ praterea 
ficatrices adverfo corpore, 

' Ha funt mea imagines^ 

hac nobilitaSy non heredi^- 

tate reliSfay . ut illa illisy 

fed qua ego meis plurimis 

laboribuSy &* periculis 

quafivi, Non funt com-^ 

pofita verba mea ; parvi 

id facio j ipfa fe virtus 

fatis ' ofiendit \ illis arti^ 

ficio opus ejiy ut turpia 

faSIa oratione tegant, 

Neque Htteras Gracas 

didici, Parum placebat 

eas difcercy quippe qua ad 

virtutem doSforibus nihil 

pirofuerunt. * JTt illa multo 

optuma reipublica doSius 

fum 'y hoftem ferire^ pra" 

Jidi^ agitarcy nihil me^ 

tuercy nifi''^ turpem fa» 

mqrri ; kiememy ^ . ^a- 

vileft reproaches, I ^as refplved 

not to be filent ; left any one fhould 

take my modefty for an argument 

of guilt. Fot indeed, their lan- 

guage, in jny opinion, cannot af- 

fe<S nae ; fince, Jf what they fay 

be true, it muft be to my honour ; 

butiffalfe, ipy life ^d behaviour 

confute it. But becaufe your con- 

d\ici is blamed, vvho have laid up- 

on me the greateft honpur, and 

b^fii^efs of the higheft importance, 

copfider again and again, whether 

you have any occafion to repcnt 

wbat you have done. I cannot in- 

4eed, to raife your confidence in 

me, boaft of the ftatufes, triumphs, 

and Confulftiips of my anceftors ; 

but, if occauon requires, I can 

fli^w you fpears, a banner, horfe- 

trappings, and other military prer 

fents made me, with fcars all over 

my body bcfore. Thele are my 

ftatutes, this my nobility, not, like 

theirs, left me by inheritance i but 

procured by inimite hardfhipsand 

dangers. My language is unpo- 

Ijftied ; that 1 little regard* My 

virtue, without words, fhews it- 

feif fufficicntJy. Theyffand in 

need of all the art of eloquoice, to 

vamifhover theirinfamous pranks. 

I nevjsr applied myfelf to the Grae- 

cian literature ; nor did I care to 

learn that, which rendered not the 

teachers a whit the more virtuous 

or able men. But I have been in- 

ftru(5ted in other things, highly 

conducive to the publick good ; 

^fuch as bravery and vigilance in 

war ; to dread nothing but an in- 

famous charader; to bear cold 

and heat ; to lodge upon the 

ground ; an^I endure, at the fame 



e in 


tem juo^a patiy humi re- 
^uiefcere \ eodem tempore 
inopiam^ & laborem ioler 
rare. His ego pracepiis 
miliies hortabor \ neque 
illos ar£te colam^ me opU" 
lenter \ neque gloriam 
meam laborem illorumfa^ 
ciam^ Hoc efl uiiUy hoc 
civiie. imperium, . Namque^ 
cum tute per m^Uiiiem 
agasy exerciium fupplicio 
cogere^ id ejiy dominum 

\ . non imperatorem, . 
aCy aiqut alia majores 

ejiri faciundo^ f^que^ ^ 
. rempublicam cefe hravere. 
^is nobilitas freia^ ipfa 
dijjimilis moribvsy nos il^ 
lorum amulos contemnit ; 
^ omnis honores non ex 
meritOy fed quafi debitos^ 
a vobis repeiit. Caierum 
homines fuperbijfumi pro- 
cul errantp Majores eo- 
rum omnia^ qua licebaty 
illis reliquere<^ . diviiiasy 
imagineSj memoriam fui 
praciarim \ viriutem non 
reiiquen \ neque pote^ 
rant 5, eafoic^ neque daiur 
donoy neque a^cipiiur. 

XC. .Sordidum mej &f 
incuiiis moribus ajunt\ 
quia parumfcite convivium 
exorno j neque hijirionem 
uiiuniy neque piuris pretii 
coquumj quam viilicumy 

habeo, ^Jf^ ^^^ '^^^ 
confiteriy ^uiriies. Nam 
£5* ex parente meoj l^ ex 
aiiiis fan£iis viris ita ac- 
cepij . mundiiias muiieri-' 
busy viris iqborem' conye' 

time, hunger and fatigue, With 

thefe leflbns fhall I animate my 

foldiers. Nor fliall I treat them 

hardly, but myfelf with iridul- 

gence, or make their toil the mat- 

ter of roy glory. This manncr of 

command isufeful apd modeft. 

For to keep the foldiery, by feve- 

rity, to fh^iiSt difcipline, whilfl you 

take your eafe yourfelf, is tp a£t 

the part of .a tyrant, not a gene- 

ral. By this, and the like condud, 

did youranceftors render them- 

felves, and the Roman flate, fa^ 

mous in the world ; whichour no- . 


like them in their behaviour, de- 

fpife us that foUqw their glorious 

example; and demandfrom you all 

places of power and trufl,not upon 

thefoot ofmerit,ashavingdeferved 

them, but as other ways their duc. 

But .thofe haughty gentry are 

very widely miflaken, Their an-. 

ceflors left them all they could ;. 

riches, flatutes, and their own glo- 

rious memory. But did not leave 

them their noble qualities.; nor 

could they. Thofe are neither gi- 

ven, i>ot received. 

XCf They upbraid me as a 
rough unpolifhed mortal 5 becaufe 
I am not nice in my cntertain- 
ments, or have a player, or cook, 
of higher pncc tlwn my fteward : 
all which I vcryfrankly own, gen- 
tlcmen. For I have learnt firom my 
father, and other excellent per- 
fons, that nicenefs belongs to wo- 
men, rugged indufhy to nien ; 
and that the brave ought to excols 
^mpre Jn glor)', than ri? facs j that 





nire^ omnibttfque • hanis 
eportere plus gioria^ quam 
divitiarum ejji \ arma^ non 
fupelleSiilemy decari ejfe. 
^in ergOy quod juvat^ 
quod carum it/iumant^ id 
Jemper Jaciant ; ameni^ 
potent ; ubi adolefcentiarri 
habuere^ ibi feneSfutem 
agantj in convi*oiis^ dediti 
ventriy iff turpijffuntie 
parti corporis ; fudorem^ 
pulverem^ W alia talia 

• reSnquant' mbu^ qui^ 
*bus iUa epulis jucundiora 
funt, Verum non eji ita. 
Nam^ ubi fe omnibus fla^ 
gitiis dedecoravere turpif 
fumi viriy bonorum pra- 
ma ereptum eunt. Ita 
inju/iijfiime luxuriay "(^ 
ignavtay pejfuni<e aries^ 
tllisy qui coluere easy nihtl 
vfficiunty reipuhlica . in- 
noxia cladi funt, Nunc^ 
quoniam illisy quantum 
mei moreSy non illorum 
fidgitia pofcebanty refpon- 
di y pauca de repubHca 

, loquar, Primum omnium 
de Numidia bonum hahe^ 
tote animumy ^irites ; 
namy qua ad hoc tempus 
Jugurtham tutata funt^ 
omnia removijiisy avari^ 
tiamy imperitiamyfuperbi" 
am. Deinde exercitus ibi 
ejilocorum fciens^ fed me^ 
hercule magis Jirenuus^ 
quatn felix 5 nam magna 
pars, ejus avaritiay aut 
temeritate ducum attrita 
e/k ^amobrem vosy 
ifuibus militariseft ^tas^ 

arms, and not fine fumiture, wa$ 
an honourtofuch. Let them thcn 
ever mind what pleafes them, what 
theyhold fo dear. Let them whorc 
ahd drink j and kt them ^end their 
olddays, as they did their yoimg, 
iri revelling, and pamperihg their 

. bellies, and the vileft part about 
them. Let them leave fweat and 
dufl, with othcr things of like kind 
to us, who prefer them beforc aH 
thcir fine entertainments. But this 
they will not do. For after. thofe 
vileft of men havecovered them- 
fel ves with infamy, by the pra<aife 
of the moft fcandalous vices, they 
will needs deprive the brave of thc 
rewards tbat are their due. Thus, 
contrary to all juftice, luxury and 
idlenefs the worft of qualities, 
are no ways detrimcntal to thofe 
who praSife them ; at the fame 
timcthat they provc of pcrnicious 
cojtifequencc to the innoccnt com- 
mon-weaithi And now having an 
fwered thcm fo far as my charac- 
tcr, not their infamousbehaviour, 
required ; I (hail add a word or 
two inrelation to the prefent ftate 
ofaftairs. In thefirft place^ as to 
Numidia, have a good heart, gen- 

"^ tlemen ; for you have reinoved all 
that hitherto fecured Jugurtha ; 
avarice,ignorance,and pride.There 
is an army there indeed acqu^inted 
with the country ; but, upon my 
word, aSive, rather than fortu- 
nate. For the greateftpart rfit 
has been deftroyed by the avarice, 
or rafhnefs of their cQmmanders. 
Whcrcfore you that are of an age 
fit for war, join your endeavours 
with mine, and ftand by the pub- 
lick ; nqx let any one concdve any 



MdmUmini niecum^ ^ ca^ 
fejjite rempublicam^ neque 
^uemquam ex calamiuite 
aliorum^ aut imperat4rum 
fuperbia metus ceperit, 
Mg^met in agmincy in 
pra?iio confultor Ademj 5sf 
ficius perjcuii vobifcum 
adero ; • meque vofque in 
omntbus rehus juxta ge^ 
ranu Et prrfe^ diis 
juvantibusy omnia matura 
funty vi^oriaj prada^ 
laus ; qud fi dubia^ aut 
procul effentj tamen omnis 
bonos reipublica fubvenire 
decet. Etenim ignavia 
nemo, immortalis faStus \ 
neque quifquam parens //- 
berisj uti esterni forent^ 
^ptavit i magisy uti.boni^'. 
honejiique vitam exige^ 
rent. Plura di^eremj 
^uiritesy fi timidis vir- 
tutem verba adderent j 
nam firenuis abunde dic-- 

XCL Hujurc^modi 
oratione habita, Marius 
poftquam plebis animos 
arredtos videt, propere 
commeatu, ftipendio, 
armis, aliifque utilibus 
navis dnerat ; ciim his A. 
Manlium legatum proii- 
cifci jubeta Ipfe interea 
militcs fcribere, non mo- 
re majorum, neque ex 
claffibusy fed uti cujufque 
libido erat, capite cenfos 
plerdque. Id fadum 
sdii inopia bon^rum, alii 
per ambitionem Confulis 
^lncaiorabaAt ; quod ab 

•t< •"•^ 

apprehenfions fcom themifcahisige 
of otherS) or , the haughtinefs of 
the commanders. I in march^ 
in battlcy will be youp advifer $ 
ftiare evjery danger with you, and 
treat, you upon all occafions, no 
otherwife than I do myfelf. And 
indeed,.Wftthtbe hdp of the God% 
ali things :are now ready for you, 
vi(Story, fpoily and gloiy ; and 
tho* they were uncertain^ and at 
a diftanc^ yet would it becomei 
neverth^efs, .all gallaoM; men to 
fupportthe cairfe of their eountry. 
For no man was ever retidered 
immprtal by a lazy ina^tivity ; 
nor did ever any father wiih his 
fons might never die» but rather i 
that they might livelike brave and 
worthy men. I ftiould fay mortf 
g^tlemen^ if wofds would put 
courage into cowards ; for to tb« 
valiant, I thinky I have faid e- 

XCI. Marius perceiving tht 
fpitits ofthe peopk to be much ele-^ 
vated by this fpeech of his^ JhipSy 
Viith all bajley provifionsj moneyj 
and other things requifite for ths 
flirr; and orders his lieuienaut-^ 
generaly A* Manliusy to go along 
with them^ In the mean time hi /^- 
vies troopSy not according to for^ 
mer ufagi^ nar outof the f^eral 
claffes of the peopUj but volunteers 
oniy^ and.mojl of them ofthevery. 
loweji rank. Whiihy fome fay^ he 
didfor want of better ; but othersj 
that he did it to render himfelfjiill 
more popular ; becaufe he kad been 
mueh criedupan^advamedby that 

igi ' C. OvRlSPI SALLUSTll 

lep genere celebratus, auc- firt bfpeopie ; and to a ' man am- 

tufque erat'; & homini bitious bfpower^ the moft needy are 

potentiam quaerenti e- the yfioftfor hispurpofe ; as nuhd rc" 

gentiffinms quifque op- gard nothing of their owiy having 

portuniflimus ; cui ne- nothing to regard^ and thinking 

que fua curae, quippe every thing honourable^ that is hut 

quas nuUa funt, & omnia gainfuL Wherefore Marius fetting 

cum pretio honefta vi^ failfor Afrifa^ with d numher of 

dentur. Igitur Marius trobps^ fomeivhai Idrger than ivhat 

cum aliquanto majore had been vdted for him^ in afhv 

numero, quam decretum days arrives at Utica, fFherB the 

crat, in Africam profec- aamy was delivered up to him by 

tus, paucis diebus Uticam the lieutenant-general P. Rutilius. 

advehitur. Exercitus ' ei For MeteUus decHned coming near 

traditur a P. Rutijio lega- ' Marius^ for fear of feeing thofe 

to. Nam Metellus con- fhin^s, which he could mtfo much 

fpe£him Marii fugerat; as hear with patience, 
ne vid^et ea, quae audita 

animus toicrare nequive* \ ; * 

rat. •,••.-•' 

^ XCII. Sed Confiilv ' XCIL But tht Gnful having 

ocpletis legionibus, co- compieated his icgidns, and the aux^ 

hortibufque auxiliariis, in iliary batialions^ out ofhis new le^ 

agrum fertilem, & pneda - vies^ direSfs his march into affuit- 

onuftum proficifcitur. ful couhtryfull bfplunder ; where 

Omnia ibi capta militibus he made a prefent of aH he took to 

donat ; dein caftella, & thefoldiers, Then hefell uponfucJj 

oppida natura, & viris pa- forts and towns as were neither 

rum munita adgreditur-; veryfirong nor well garrifoned. 

prcelia . multa, caeterum Hefought likewife feveral baitles 

alia levia aliis locis facei^. in different places^ but not conft- 

Interim novi miHtes fine derabie^ In the mean time^ the 

metu pugnae adeflfe ; vi- new-raifed men^ from the eafinefs 

dere fugientis capi, aut ofihe Jervice^ were underno ap^ 

occidi ; fortiflTimum prehenftons. Theyfawfuch asfied 

quemque tutiffimum ; taken prifoners^ or Jlain y whilfl 

armis libertatem, patri- the braveH were Jiili the fafejfi^ 

am, parentefque, & alia Thyit Hberty^ their country^ pa- 

omnia tegi ; gloriam, rents^ and every thing e^e were 

atque divitias quaeri. Sic fecured^ and giory and riches goty 

brevi fpatio novi, veteref- by arms. Thus^ in a Jhort time^ 

que coaluere, & virtus the new and the old foldiers embo^ 

omnium aequalis fa6ta. died^ and were upon apdr in point 

At reges ubi de.adventu of-courage* But the txvo Kings^ as 


Marii cc^noverunt, di- 
verfi in ' locos difficilis 
abeunt. Ita Jugurthae 
placuerat, fperanti, mox 
cfFufos hoftis invadi pof- 
fe ; Romanos, ficuti ple- 
rofqucj remoto metu la- 
xius, licentiufque futu- 


foon as they heard of Martus^ s lar^ 
rival^ retired different ways into 
'placei of dijfficult accefs. This was 
Jugurtha^s contrivancey in hopes 
that the enemy in a little timey by 
not keeping clofe together^ might 
affhrd an opportunity of faUingon 
them togood advantage y asfuppO'^ 
ftng the_ Romansy like mofi other 
men^ when their apprehenjions of 
an enemy were removed^ wouUhf 
more loofe and licentious. ^ 

XClII. in the mean time Mi^ 
tellusy upon his arrival in Rome^ 
waSy conirary to bis expe^ationsj 
very joyfully receiytd', being e- 
qually acceptahle to the commns^ 
and the Senate^ now fhat tbefpi^ 
rii of envy had left them, But 
MariuSy with aU pojffible applica^ 
tion and prudence^ weighing weU 
the circumftances rf the enemy^ and 
his ownj difcovered thereby what 
was advantageous for eachy or 
otherwife. He watcbed aU tbe 
movements of the two Kings^ pre*- 
vented aU theirplots and deftgns j 
fuffered no remiffnefs in his owti 
meny or fecurity with the enemy^ 
Accordingly he had oftentimes^ 
when upon a march^ attacked and 
routed^ botb the Gatuliansj and 
Jugurthay as theywere makingojf 
with thejpoils they had g$t from 
our aUies j andjtifarmed thf King 
himfelf not far frm the town y 
Cirta. But fnding aU this^ how 
fpecious^ an appearance foever {t 
made^ availed nothing . towards 
bringing the war to a conclufim^ 
he refolved to invejl aUfhe citieSy 
that by, their number ofpeople and 
fttuationy gave the enemy afiy ad^ 
vantage again/i ue y Jince Jugur^ 

Bli twa 

XCIIL Metellus inte- 
rea Romam profedus, 
contra fpem fuam Istif- 
fumis animis accipitur ; 
plebi, patribyfque, poft- 
quam invidia deqeiterat, 
j uxta carus. Sed Marius 
impigr^ prudenterque 
fuorum, & hoftium res 
pariter attendere ; cognof- 
cere quid boni utrifque^ 
aut contra efiet ; explo-. 
rare itinera regum ; con- 
filia, & infidias*' eorum 
antevenire ; nihil apud fe 
remififum, iieque ^pud 
illos tutum pati. Itaque 
& Gaetulos, & Jugur- 
tham, ex fociis noftris 
praedas agentis, i^pe ad 
greflus itinei^e fuderat, ip- 
Aimque regem haud pro- 
cul ab opp\do Cirta armis 
exuerat. Quae poftquam 
gloriofa inodo^ neque 
belli patrandi cOgnovit, 
ftatuit urbis, quse viris, 
aut locp pro hoftibus, & 
advorfum fe opportunif- 
fums erant, fingulas cir- 
cumvenire ; ita Jugur- 
iham aut prsQdiis nuda* 


tum, pateretur, aut iha by that tneans^ would either ie 
proelio certaturum. Nam Jhkpt of thofe Jlrong holds^, if he 
Bocchus nuncios ad eum fufferedit^ or efe engage in battle. 
faspe miferat, velle popu- For Bocchus had frequently fent 
li Romani arnicitianty ne meffengers^ to him^ to let him know^ 
quid ab fe hojiile timeret. that he was defirousof thefriend*- 
Id fimujaverit ne, quo fhip^oftheP.x>manpeopfe,and that 
improvifus gravior acce- Mariusneednotfearanyhoftilities 
deret, an mobHitate in- from him. Whether he o?iIy frr- 
genii pacem, atque bel- tcndedfoj that he might faU the 
liim mutare folitus, pa- heavier upon hitn by furpri^^ or 
rum exploratum, eft. through the ficklemfs ofhis temper^ 

he was accuftomed never to P^rfi/l 

long ineither peace or war^I have 

not been able to difcover* 

■ * XCIV. Sed Conful, XCiy . But the Conful^ accord^ 

,11 ti ftatuerat, " oppida, ingtohis refilutiony now went to 

-eafiellaque munita adire j Work with the towns and cajiles of 

partim vi, alia metu, aut any firength \ fome of which he 

praemia oftentando, avor- tookby affault ; others he hrought 

tcre ab . hoftibiis.' Ac over tohimby threats or prafmfes. 

'primo mediocria gerebat, At firfl indeed he only attempted 

exiftumans * Jugurtham fmallplaces^fuppcfingjugurthayto 

"obfuos tutandos in ma* proteSf his fubje^s^ wvuld comi to 

nus venturum. Sed ubi a battle with him\ But when he 

-illum procul* abefle, & found thathe was at a corifidera^ 

laliis negotiis ' iritentum lle dijlarice frdm him^ taken up 

-aceepit majora, & nia- withother ajfairs^he thought it 

•gls afpera aggrcdi tempus time t'o attack ' the larger townsy 

vifum cft. Erat inter' and fuch as were more difficuh to 

ingentis folitudines bppi- . take. There was in th^ mid/I of 

/<lum magnum, atqiie a , Yajl' wildernefsy a great and 

.valens, nomine Capfa ; Jlrong fown^ by name Capfa j the 

cujus conditor Hcrcules huiIder'whereofwasfaidtoheHer^ 

jLibys memorabatur. E- cuIesthi-Libyan. The people there- 

jus ciyes apud Jugurtham ofwert excufed from^ the' payment 

immunes, kvi imperid, oftdxet^ ixrid being under a very 

''& ob ea. fidelifllumi habe- gentle goverrirnent ih other refpeSls 

bantur; muniti advor- too^ were therefore thoiight very 

tjum hbftis non moenibus faithful to Jugurtha \ and they 

'.modo, & armis, -atque were fecnred againfi anenerrty^ mt 

Wiris, verumetiam multo omhf hy their walls^ armsy and 

«ria^ locorum afperitatc. meny. but much more hy the fttuati^ 

• Nam,. pKeter ^oppido on cftht plaee. For^ excepting the 

y.i^ . '^ ^ pro« 


parts nigh the town^ all the rejf of 
the country about it was wajie and 
incultivatedy without wuater^ and 
infejied with ferpents^ iuho^ like 
all other wild bea/ls^ are made 
keener by want of food ; bejidesy 
the nature offerpentSy mifchievous 
enough in itfelf is tnfiamed i/ 
thirfi^ qbove allthings, Marius was 
very deftrjaus ofmaflering this place^ 
as weUfor the better convenience of 
carrying on the war^ as becaufe it 
feemed a. matter of va/i diffjculty ; 
and becaufe Metetlus had acquired 
much reputation, by the taking oj 
Thala^ a town for Jituation and 
Jirength much iike Capfa y but that 
at Thala^ there were fome fprings 
notfar from the town» The Cap" 
fenftans had but one fpring^ and 
that within the town^ whichjiow^ 
ed the yeqr round ; ali the water 
they hadheftdesy was from the hea-^ 
vens^ This fcarcity ofwater botb 
therey andin other parts of Africa^ 
whicb iying at a dijiancefrom the 
feay were hut indifferently c^uitiva* 
tedy was the more eajiiy borne^ be^ 
caufe theNumidians iive mojiiy up^ 
on miiky andthejiejbofwitdbeajts^ 
without the ufe offaity or anyother 
feafoning or tauce^ to wet the ap^ 
petite. Thetr food was dejigned a^ 
gainft hunger and thirfi^ and not 
madt fubfervient to whimfy sdtid 

XCV. merefore theConfuJ 
having firi^Iy examined into ail 
circum/iances^ proceeds in his de^ 
ftgn ; dependingy I fuppofe^ upon 
the Gods ; for bn couid bardiy^ by 
aniy contrivance of his own^ pro-- 
vide effeSiualiy again/i fo mqny dif- 
ficuittes ; ^for^ he was but poorly 

B b 2 bulo 

proplnqua, alia omnia 
vafta, inciilta, egentia 
aquae, infefla ferpenti- 
bus ; quarum Vis, ficuti 
omnium ferarum, inopia 
cibi acrior ; ad hoc, na- 
tura ferpentum ipfa per- 
niciofa, fiti m^s, quam 
alia re accenditur. £jus 
potiundi Marium maxu- 
ma cupido inv^erat, cum 
propter ufum belli, tum 
quia res afpera videbatur ; 
& Metellus oppidum 
Thalammagna gloriace- 
perat haud difllmiliter 
fitim, munltumque ; nifi 
quodapud Thalam non 
longe a mcenibus aliquot 
fontes erant ; Capfenfes 
una modoj atque ea intra 
pppidum ju^ ^qua, cae- 
tera pluv\a utebantur. Id 
ibique, & omni Africa, 
quae prpcul a mare incul- 
tius ag^bat, eo facilius 
tolerabatur, ^uia Numi- 
ds plerumque Ia£lei & 
ferina carne vefcebantur, 
neque falem, neque alia 
irritamenta gulae quxre- 
»* bant. CibusUiisadvorfum 
famem, atque fitip, noo 
libidini, neque luxuriae 

XCV. Igltur Conful, 
omnibus exploratis, credo 
diis fretus, nam contra 
tantas difficultates coo* 
filio fatis providere non 
poterat ; quippe etiam 
fruipenti inopia tentaba- 
lur, quod Numidse pa-.. 





bulo pecbris magis, quam fuppUedwitb corn^ hecaufi ibt Nti^ 
irvo, ihident,' &, quod- midians apply ihemfelves more ta 
comque natum fuerat, grazing thiin iillagc; and what 
juiki rcgis in loca munita corn thert tvasy hady hy fhe- Kin^s 
eoatqlerant ; agcr autem order^ been cairried off inio fhrti^ 
ariduS) & frUgum vacuus fied tawns. The land ioa was 
^ tem(>eilate ; nam aeih- parchedy and afforded ^nothtpg ai 
tis extremum erat; ta- thatiimey being the end &f fum" 
fdca pro rei copia fatis mer. Tety conjtdering all drcum- 
providenter exornat ; |Jfc- Jiancesy he provided preHy weUfor 
cus omne, quod fupcno- the fuppfy rfhis army. He gave 

ihe cattlethey had picked tip Jinne 
days heforey to fhe auxiUary horfe 
io drivt\ orders Aulus ManliuSy 
his lieutenant-generaly to march 
with a lighi defachment offoai io 
a town called Larisy where ha had 

^us diebus praedx ruerat, 
equitibus auxiliaris agen- 
dum attribuit \ A. Man- 
lium legatun) cum cohor- 
^bus expeditis ad oppi- 
dum Lans, ubi itipendi- 
asxxy ic commeatum h^ 
caverat, ire iubet ; dkrit- 
que fepraedabundum poil 
paucos dies eodem ven- 
turum. Sic incoepto fuo 
occultato, pergit ad flu-» 
meti Tanam, 

XCVh Caeterum in 
irinere quotidie pecus ex- 
crdtui per centurias, item 
turma$ acquaiiter diilri- 

laid up ihe money for ibe >paj of 
ihe army and provifions ; and teUs 
hinh that he would in a few days 
come to thefame place a plunder* 
ing^ Thus concealin^ his defign^ 
he goes to the river Tana. 

XCVI, But in his march be 
daily diftributed cattie io the feve-^ 
ral foot-companieSy and troops of 
horfiy inthe army ; andtook care 
buerat ; ^ ex coriis utre^ for the making ofleathern boitles 
uti fierent, curabat ; fi- out oftheir hides ; at once io make 
triul &, inopiam frumenti amends to them for iheir want ef 
lenirej&jign^risomnibus, comy and to providcy whilfi aU 
parare, qvae mox ufui people were ignorant ofhis inten- 
torent; deniquefexto die, iionsy fuch things aswouldbyand 

bybeofufe to him ; Jo that upon 
his arrivaljix days afierat the ri-^ 
very a great quaniity tf leaihem 
bottles were made. Then pitcbing 
a camp with a Jlighi forttficationy 
he orders the foldiers to refrejh 

cum a(} fl^men vei^tum 
etty maxu^ia vis utrium 
cffed^. Ibi caftris levi 
munimento |)oiitis, mili- 
tes cibum capere, atque, 
ptifimulcum occafu folis 
cgredereptur, paratos eife 
jubet; omnibus iarcinis 

themfelveSy and to be readyfor a 

march atfun^-fet ; as alfo to lay a^ 
abje£ii$, aqua modo feque^ fide aU diher haggatCy and load 
& jum^ta oneraret Doin, tb^nfelvesy andth^ir beajfs ofbur-* 




poftquam teaipus vifum, 
ca^s; egreditur » nodilein- 
que totam itinere h&Oy 
confeditj idem proxuiiaa 
fack* Dein tertia muko 
ante lucis adventum per* 
venit in locum tumiilo^ 
fum^ ab Capfa non am- 
plius duummillium inter- 
vaiio; ibique cpiam oc- 
cuItiiTUme potefi^ cum 
omnibus copiis .opperitun 
Sed, ubi dies coepit j & 
Numidae nihil hoftile 
metuentes, multi oppido 
cgreffi; repente omnem 
equilatum, & cum his 
velociffimos pedites curfu 
tendere ad Capfam, & 
portas obfidere jubet ; 
deinde ipfe intentus pro- 
perd fequi, neque mUites 
prasdari iinere* Quse 
poftquam , oppidani cog- 
novore ; res trepidae^ me- 
tus ingeiiS) malum im- 
provifum, ad boc pars 
civium extra moenia m 
hoftium poteftate, coege- 
tty uti deditionem £ice- 
rent. Cseterum oppidum 
tncoiftim ; Numidae pu- 
beres ihterfe£^i ; alii om- 
nes venumdati ; praeda 
militibus divifa. Id facinus 
contrajus bdli non ava- 
ritia, neque fcel^e Con- 
fulis admifium; fed quia 
locus Jugurth^e opportu- 
nus, nobis adim difficilis ; 
genus hominum mobile) 
infidum) ante neque be- 
fieficio, tieque metu co* 

dgnywifh water Bnly. Then^ atthi 
time appoirttedj be draws out ef 
thecan^y andmarching all nighf^ 
encamped again* The fome he did 
the next' night t$o ; and in the 
third hi arrived a little before day 
at a hilly not above two mtks frorh 
Capfa ; and there bejlays^ aspri^ 
vatefy as poJpbUy with all bis ar^ 
tny. But asfoon as day apptared^ 
and tbe NumidianSy as being em^ 
der no apprihenjions at aU of an 
enemjy many of tbem came out ef 
the town \ on a fuddtn be orders - 
all his horfcy and with tbem tht 
nimbiejl of tbe fooity U mah di^ 
re&fyfor Capfd witb aUfpeed^ and 
fecure tbe gates. At tbe fame tiw 
hefollows tbem with all dHigeme 
and expedition^ andfuffirs not the 
foldiers to plunder. Wbenthi 
towns^people fbund this^ they weri 
in the utmojl cbrfujion andfrigbt^ 
witbjo unexpe^ed a calamity ; and 
as part ef their peopU were witb^ 
out tbe wall^ in tbe bands d^ thi 
enemy^ they found if neceffary to 
furrender* JTet notwithjtandingy 
the town was burnty the Numidi'^ 
ans of age put to the fwordy aU 
the rejtfoldj and the plunder tl 
theplace given to thefildiers, Tbh 
pieci of executionj contrary to thi 
right of war^ was not occajumed 
by the avarice or cruelty ofthe Conm 
ful ; butfroma conjidcraiion^ tbat 
the place was very advantageoui 
forfuguriha^ and difficult for ut 
to ame at ; the people too being^ 
Jickle and faithlefs^ and by no 
means^ fair orfoul^ to be wrougbf 




XCVII Poftquam 
xmtzm rem Marivis fine 
xkUo fuorum incommodo 
patravit s magnus, . ^ 
clarus antea, inajor, at- 
que clarior haberi CGepit ; 
omnianon bene conmlta, 
in virtutem trahebantur. 
Milites modefto . imperio 
habiti, fimul & locuple- 
tesy a^. ccelum ferre ; . 
Kumidse ma^s, quam 
Knortalemy timere ; po^ 
^emo omnes focii, at- 
que hoftes credere, i)Ii aut . 
ixientem divinam efte, aut 
Deorum nutu cuhda 
]>ortendi. Sed Conful, 
ubl ea res bene eyenit, ad 
;dia oppida pergit ; pauc^ 
repugnantibus Numidis, 
capit ; pluiia deferta 
propter Cfapfenfium mi- 
^riias, igni corrumpit ; 
lu6tu, atque csede omnia 
complentur. Penique 
multis Jocis potitus, ac 
plerifque e^^ercitu incru- 
ento, aliam rem aggredi- 
tur, non eadem afperitate, 
qua Capfenfium, caete- 
rum haud fecus diiHcilem. 
Namque haud longe a 
flumine Muluchaejt quod 
Jugurthae, Boccbique 
regnum disjungebat, erat 
intcr caeterum pkniciem 
inons faxeus, . mediocri 
caftello, f;^tis patens, in 
immenfum editus, uno 
perangufto aditu reIi£lo ; 
nam omnis natura, velut 
opere, atque confuko, 
praeceps. Quem locum 

XCVn. JJ^a^ Marius hadtxe^ 
euUd this Jo important a projeB 
witbout any detriment to hts own 
troopsy iho* he was great andfa^ 
mous befsrey he now begun to he 
boked upon asgreater and morefa^ 
mous\ and all his perfortnances^ 
tho* but illaiuifedy were placed io 
the account of hJs good candu^. 
Thefoldiers too being undcr a very 
genth command^ and at the fame 
time enriched with plunder^ cried 
him up . to the heavens ; and the 
Nuniidians dreaded him as fome^ 
thing more tban man,^ Jn fhorty 
ally both edlies and enemiesy did 
really believe he had eitber a di^ 
vine mind in himj or ihat attthings 
were fgnified to him by the inti- 
mation oftheGods. But the Con-* 
ful^ after this fuccefs^ marcbes a* 
gainft fome ower towns. Somej 
wbere be met witb oppofition from 
the Numidians^ he takes byforce ; 
but moft of tbenty being deferted 
becaufe oftbe terrible ufage ofthe 
Capfenfians^ behurkt to the ground. 
And fo all parts are fiUed with 
mourning and flaughter. FinaUyy 
having made himjelfmafter ofma- 
nypl(tcesy and fnofi cf tbemwith^ 
outkfs ofbloody be goes upon ano- 
tber defigny of full as much diffi- 
culty^ but mt of the fame nature 
as tbat againft tbe Capfenfians^ 
For^ notfar from the river Mu-, 
lucba^ wbich divided tbe kingdoms 
of Jugurtha and BoccbuSj tbere 
wasj in the midji of a plainy a 
rocky mountairiy witb afmall caftle 
upon it. The mountain was largej 
and vaftly higbj with one onfy ve- 
ry firait way up fo the top, For it 
was bynaturejieep on all ftdes^ as^ 


Marlus, quod ibi regis 
thefauri erant, fummavi 
capere intcndit; fed ea 
res forte, quam confiUo 
meliiis gefta. Nam ca- 
ftello virorum, atque ar- 
morum fatis riiagna vis; 
& frumenti, & fons a- 
quae ; aggeribus, turri- 
bufque, & aliis machiria- 
tionibus locus impbrtu- 
nus ; ita caftellanorum 
anguftum admodum, u- 
trimque praecifum ; vi- 
i\tx cum ingenti pcriculo 
fruftra agebantur. Nam 
citm ese pauUo proceffe- 
rant, igni, aut lapidibus 
^ corrumpebantur ; milites 
jieque pro opere confifte- 
rc, properct iniquitatem 
locl; ncque iiiter vineas 
iine periculo adminiftra- 
re ; optumos quifque ca- 
dere, aut fauciari ; caete- 
ris mctus augeri. 

. XCVm. At Marius, 
multis diebus, & labori- 
bus confumptis, anxius 
trahere cum animo fuo, 
omitteret ne incoeptum, 
quoniam fruftra erat ; an 
fortunam opperiretur ; 
qua faepe profpere ufus 
^erat. Quac cum multos 
dies, nottefque aeftuans 
agitaret, fortCi quidam 
Ligus, ex cohortibus 
auxihariis miles gregarius, 
caftris aquatum egreftus, 
haud procul ab latere ca- 
ftellj, quod advorfum 

i/ii had been dejignedly mddi^p 
by the hands of metf, Whichflace 
Marius attempU with all ' hh 
might and main to take^ b^imfi 
the King^s treafure was kdgM 
there ; and fuceeeded in his tii'- 
tempty more by chance^ than gbod 
manag^ment, For ihere was inthe 
cajile Jiore of Then^ armsy at^ com 
with afiring of water* And the 
place was renderedjiill mare iroU" 
blefome to take^ by rampartSy cajiles^ 
and otherworks. Theway up te tbe 
cajile was very narrdw^ with a pre^ 
apice on bothjides ; ihe pujhing ^ 
vinea along which was attended 
with vaft hazardy andfignifiednfh- 
thing. Forafterthey hadadvanced 
a littleythey -were dedroyed by fire^ 
or greatjiohes. Thejoldiersw^re 
neither abk tojiand before iheir 
worksy becatfe of the great Sf&dr 
vantage or inconvenience of-tht 
grouTid'% nor could they manage 
their bufinefs within the vine^^ 
'' without dan^er. The braveji 4f 
them wefe eitherfiain -or wounded^ 
andthetejifadfy difcouragfd. 

XCVIIL But Mariusy afterhe 
hadfpent many days andmuchpains 
to no purpofcy was ingreat doubt 
with himfelf whether he JhouU 
drop his undertakingy which had 
hitherto proved in vain^ or wait 
fome lucky turn of fortuncy whicb 
he had ofien found favourable ta 
him, Whilji he was taken up witb 
thefe thoughts forfeveraldays and 
nights togethery by chance a certain 
Liguriany a common foldier of the 
auxiliary battalionsy going out pf 
the camp to get water^ obferved 
fome fnails creeping among the 
fionesy not farfrom thatftde of 



nudvcrtit intcr taz le- 

^ quaruin 
cttin ^ffMni^ gitiattg ^iic^ 
«fain, dein pbires petcrct, 

fiudio kglttldL pOTl lafiqn 

pfopead fummum moQ- 
ti$ egidlijs cft. \J\n pc^- 
quam fofitodincm intd- 
kxtt ; moie humanae cu- 
pidiois igpaia vifundi ani- 
mum voftiL £t fonc in 
-eo loco grandis ikx coa- 
luerat into: laxa, pauUu^ 
hmi modo prona, ddnde 
inflexa, atqpeandainal. 
titudinem, quo cunda 
.gigientinm natura £nt; 
ci])us nunismodo, modo 
•icminentibus fiixis nifus 
Ligtis, caftelli planiciem 
■perfcr3>it; quod cun^ 
Numidse intenti prcelian- 
tibus aderant. Explora- 
tis omnibus, quae mox 
ufuifore du^at, eadem 
r^;reditur, .non temere, 
uti afcenderat, fed tentans 
omn]a,& circumfpiQens. 
Itaque Marium pn^re 
adit 2£tz edocet ; horta- 
tur, ab ea partej qua ipfe 
afcenderat caflellum ien^ 
tet ; polHcetur fefe itineris 
periculique ducem* Ma- 
rius cum Ligure,. pro- 
mii& gus cognitum ex 
praefentibus mifit ; quo- 
rum, uti cujufque ingeni- 
um erat, ita rem d^ci- 
lem, aut facilem nuncia- 
vere. Confulis animus 
tamen paullum arre^s. 
Itaque ex copia tubici- 

Ae cmftkjwbicbwas ^ppmfiu U the 
htfiegeri. ^ttr bebai pScked up e 
few eftbem^froma d^re efba^ 
vimgr mmre^ be was by Uttle amd £/- 
tleget abaaft upt9 tbe tup ef tht 
mnmtainj aad pndiMg ali ftaet is 
tbat fuarterj frema curi^fityyna" 
tural to meuj efprpng intm things 
ipihmwn^ be bois abeut bim^ Bj 
ebance^ imtbe place wbere be wasy 
tbere was a great eak-tree msd 4 
tbefide rf tbe reckj witb thm bdt 
tending, dmsmwards a UttJe ^ hd 
prefenthftaking q tumj and mosest" 
ing up^ to a vafi beigbty as. aS 
tbings tbat grow out oftbe eartk 
naturaUytend upwards, Tbe Li- 
gurian cUnAing up one wbile bj tbe 
beugbs of tbis tree^ anotber tubUe 
pieces of tbe rock ^andinj eut 
fram tbe reftj takes a pretty gsod 
furvey oftbepUiin eftbe cafile y he- 
caufeauthe Nunddians were bufili 
engaged infigbtwitb tbe befiegers, 
Jgter be badmadefucb tbfervati» 
ens as be tbought migbt be mf fer^ 
vice^ be retums ibefamevHsy as he 
came ; not careUfly^ as be went up, 
hut tryinz and viewing aU- tbings 
weUy as he went along. Upen this 
be appUes himfilf to Addrius in aU 
bafie ; telU him whtit be baddoncj 
andadvifes him to malLC an at- 
tempt upon the caiUe, on that 
iidei wh^e he went up ; and pro- 
mifes him> that he would lead the 
way, and be the foremoft in tbe 
danger. Marius fendsfome oftbofe 
that attended him along witb tbe 
Liguriauy to fee whether wbat he 
pronufed was feafibU^. or na^ wbo 
brought word- according to their 
different tempers ; fomej tbat the 
matter was di^cuitj otbcrsj that « 



20 1 

num & cQmicium, 
numero (]uinque quam 
velociiTufnos del^it, & 
cum his, praefidio qui fo- 
rent, qaatuor . centurio- 
nes ', ommique Liguri 
parare jubet j & ei nego- 
tio proxumum diem con- 

XCIX.. Sed ubi cx 

prascepto tempus vifum ; 
paratis, compofitifque 
omnibus, ad locum per- 
git. Caetmim illi, qui 
centuriis praeerant, prae- 
doSii ab duce, arma, or- 
natumque , mutaverant, 
capite, atque pedibus nu- 
dis, uti profpe6lu$, ni- 
fufque per faxa facilius 
foret.; fuper^terga gladii, 
& fcuta ; -Verum ea Nu- 
xnidica ex coriiii pdnderis 
gratia ; iimul & ofFenfa, 
quo levius ftrqjerent. 
Igitur praegrediens Ligus, 
faxa, & fi quse vetuilate 
radices eminebant, laqueis 
vinCiebat, quibus allevati 
milites ^ciKus afcende- 
rent, interdum timidos 
infolentia itineris levare 
manu; ubi paullo afpe^ 
rior adfcenfus . erat, fin- 
gulos prae ' fe inermos 
mittere ; deinde ipfe cum 
illorum armis feqin ; quae 
dubia nifui ' videbantur, 
potifiumum tentare ; ac 
laepius eadem afcendens, 
defcendenfque dein fta- 
tim digrediens, caeteri$ 

1/ was enfy. However^ the mind 
rf the Ginful wds roufed upm the 
occafion, Whetefore he chufes out 
of all ihe trumpetersy helonging to 
both horfe and footj five .of thi 
fwipefi^ andfour centurions to go 
abng ,with them as a guard ; dr* 
dering them tofolkw ihe direSfioti 
ofthe Ligurian j and appoints the 
next day for the execution of tht 

XCIX Whenihe time fixt 
was comej the Liguridn . havin^- 
provided and got all things ready 
for the hufinefsy goesio the place* 
But the centurions^ as they had 
heen inftrudted hy hiih^ hadchan^ 
ged^ their 'arms and dxefs^ heing 
bare^headed andhare-fooi tQOj that 
they might look ahout' thein^ and 
climb^ the rock with 'more « eafe. 
Their fwords and Jhieldsivere uf" 
ontbeir hacks, The latter wereof 
the Numidian kindy made bfhides 
fbr lightnefsj aAd thqt they might 
not tnake a noife^ if ihey chanced 
io dajh againfi the rock. The Li^ 
gurian rnountedfirfi^ and tiedcords 
ahoutthe fiones^ or oldtree^roots 
whichfluck outhere andthere^for 
ihefoldiers to climh up hy. Some^ 
timeSy when they were difcouraged 
by the extraordinary ruggednefs of 
their paffage^ he would lendtbem a 
harid to give them a lift, Wherethe 
-afcent was a little more difficult than 
ordinary^ he fent them up unarm- 
ed before him^ and then foUowed 
himfelfwith their arms, And pla^ 
ces^ where itfeemed doubtful whe- 
ther theycoutdpafs or no^ he tried } 
and hygoing up anddown thefame 
feveral times, arid then advancing 
againy encouraged the refi tofol-^ 

C c auda- 

» / 


c/ mim: shi^hmrn 

fjLudaciam addere^ ^&f>}^ 
4iu, multumguc £atig*ti, 
tandetn in caAeUura j\er- 
veniui^t, ^efeiitujaa ab e^ 
parte^ ^<j^od ppines, fi»- 
cuti aliis diebus, ^V4^. 

/atn;. Mer A f$4tous Aeal rffifT 
J^k^ /^ C9me Uthe^q/^ley which 
^f ^akei on tk/9$ fide,yifij(i0rfe thi 
^^^ofe gjarrifm ^ '^ ift^^ d^s^ 
^pj^re atUndif^g fte tMtms of the 
ii^^rs, f03en JBi/fe^im jvai in- 
fum hpftes ^dey ?nt« ])Ji^r ^for^d byfnejjetj^ersy.vfbat th^ Li- 
rius, ybi exfi^i^cHs, q^$ §m^^ ha44omi M .ke hjsd iept 
1/jigus egexat;, ^ognpyit 5 \ tj^^e ^umidians under a con/iant ar 
quanf\^Haijl totji 4.^? W- - l^/'^ P^^ day long^ yet then encou- 
tentos" proelio Numidas f^ging his men^ he fallied out nf 
hahuerat xxm vero co- fi^^vineg^ a»d. forwing Ja tefiud^^i 
hortatw^ .jpilite^, H ipi? atif^afice^ towi^rds tkf w^U-^thc 
extra yinea^ ^rcflus, ^e- ca/ile^ mi ett the fame time ierri- 
ftudine aSa fucceder^, Jled the. fmmy with his engines^ 
4^ finuij hpjlem torn^- arch^rs ^nd JlingerSMt,a di/ianct, 

Put 4he ^umidiamd^mjii^often 
hef^-i ruinjsd thetii^ %^^^ ^' 
m^^h arfd hHYPt thm^i didmt i^e 
fo dj^endr ih^ehef vfiih their 
^Mffki huf pojied tk^nfejw. befare 
ikm day gnd nighf V rai!*f^ .st thc 
%q^$. ftn4 D^i9i<b^ Marius 
yyitj^ maan^t They rfve^a«d our 
(ojdiers t^ tbat tbjey A»xdd be 
pjl >fl^ve§ to Jugurtli^i wd were 
g|i^|ly elevat©4 with tioeiradvan- 
^g^» In the rman iimi^ wbik the 
^f^/is mdthe eiumies sv^re in^ 
t^i Hpon tbe figbt^ wbicb was 
warmfy earrkd mAr{^b(ftb/ides \ 
(^ne farty cmtrnidijsg TOgerfy fir 
ghry anddQmimon\andtheQtber 
p^rjp his, iljispro falute fir their Hv^s .im d fuddsn the 
certaptibq^, . repente ^. trHmpets fiunded in the rear ^f tbe 

eriemff A/ firji tb& mmen and 
ehim'^ny who ren tsffe^ uuhat the 
mafter utasj fed i elfterthiem tbofi 
neareji tbe w^&i and. after tbem 
gltike r^Ji^.b$tk armkd and un- 
armed* Vpofi ^fidihb the Aomans 
pfifiedfonmrdmiih.mdre vielena 
in purfuit (f tbm* Tbe mitfi of 
tkm they mfy i^aimdedy making 


ti>, faggiu^ariifque, &fer^r 
ditoribus.^inus ferrere. 
At Numidas, fspe antea 
vineis Rppi^lpprugi fub- 
ver4?, Jtdn inc;efi%, pon 
caftelji m^efiil^^fi feff ^^- 
t^afltsr y . M pro flftjarp 
diifc§, pio^i^aue ^itare ^ 
nialedicere: Rfff^ani^^ ae 
^ario veeor^i^Pi fihje^ff- 
rff mififihus n^/iris jHr 
gfirth^ fermtium mi^dri i 
feeun^M reb^^ feToces ejfe^ 
Interiin, Rpjn^anis om- 
nibus, hoftibufque ^roelip 
intentis, magna utriipq^.e 
vi, pro glori^ atque im- 

tergo figpa canere 5 a^c 
primo mujier^s, 3f puieri» • 
qui vifuini . pEPceflerant, 
fugere; deinde, i^ti qUif-, 
qjue miirp prpxumus ergt 
ppftremQ * G!Uin<SI ^rmati^ 
inermej&me. Quod ubi 
accidit, ep ^crius Romar 
l^ infts^i^e, fundere^ ac 


BfiLLUM JUGtrll-fMll^UM* ±03 

pterol^ue * tantummodo 

faviciaF^, ^cvrt fviper occi- 

forum coi^rz vadere^ 

avidi gloriae certantes 

murum petefe ; neque 

quemquam omniam 

przeda morari. Sic forte 

corre<£fci Marii tertieritas, 

gloriani ek ctilpa jnvenit* 

C. Giaeterum, dum ca 

res geritur, L. SuUa quae- 

flor cuni magno equitatu 

in caftra venit 5 qui, uti 

ex Latio, & a fociis exer- 

citum cbg^retj^ Romse 

relidtus erat. Se<) quoni- 

am nos tanti viri res ad- 

monuit ^ idbneum vifum 

eft, de naturaj cultu^ue 

ejus paucis dicere. Nequc 

ehim alio' loco de Sirilce* 

rebuS dftSHirf fuHius ; & 

L. . Sifenna bptume, & 

diligeritiffiihie oniliiuiii, 

qui eas re^^ dixetsg, perfef- 

cutus, pat\irfi' mihi-libero 

ore locutus vidcltur. I^i*- 

tur SuUa gentis patridae 

hobilis ftfit, familia prope 

jam extirifta majorum 

ignavia, Htterts Graecis, 

atque Latiriis jujftaj- atque 

db6tiffuihe' eruHiti^ ani- 

mo ihgchtrj cupidus vo- 

luptatum, fed gloriae cu- 

pidior ; otib luxiiriofo 

dfe ; tamen ab negotiis • 

numquatri' vohiptas re- 

morata, nifiqiiod de wx- 

ore potuit honeftius con- 

M ; fkcutidas, callidus, ' 

& amicitla fecilis ; ad fi- 

mulanda negbtia altitudo' 

ingejnii incriedrbilis ; mul- 

their w^ in till hafle ov^r the ho^ 
dies of fhiflain td the ivaU ; &lt 
greedy oj gki^y^ and ndt to he di^ 
^diy a regard tff ptunder. 
the rajh conda^ cf Marius 
hMg hafprly corre^edy HHade evi n 
afatih in him' turh to hfs glory^ 

C» During this tranfaSfionj hts 
^asjior L, Siilltr^ came Hjoith a 
great hody of horfe to the camp^ 
who hadbeen left at Rome to draw 
tegether the troops furriifbed hy the 
Latins-y andour allies* But ay ike 
ihf^eadbfthef^ry has ledustofke 
mention of this ntan^ I judge tt 
may not he amifs to-giv^e hisdharac" 
ter in d few tuords ; forj Jhall 
have nafurther ocdafion td take no-^ 
tice of hini ; and L.SifinnOy whnf 
has givtri us his hijlory ivith the 
gf%atejl accutacy and cxaStntfSy of 
dM ^at- have pretended iowrrte it^ 
doef not, .h&voev^^ dfpear to' nA 
t& Idy doWTtr bis chara^hr ivith dH 
tht freeddnij thaf was, re^uift/k 
Sulla wais of et Pairtcian fathilf^ 
hut alrmfi exiinSl hy the want of 

fpirii.and a^vify in.his ance/fors» 
He was well- edticatefd' in afl thi 
karningMh tf Greece and' RofHi i 
ofa greaYfotil y dlover ofpkafure^ 
hi^yttfonder ofglory. lie wouid^ 
in a ttme of leifnre^' bi^ guiUy^ (f a 
luxuriotrs induigence ; Butwas ne*' 
ver hindered by his pitajures ftoth 
the proficutioH of buJiH^fs^ except* 
ing onfy the ctfe of his ikaMag^j 
in which he mighthaiie al^ed mori 

fir his honour*, Hewtir ehqiien^ 

artfulj ando^en to diny-t'hatJough\ 

Bii fritndjhtp \ had a prodigiotts 

tdlerttfor SjgimtHaiitm^ dndwould 

. C c 2 tarum 



tarum rerum, ac maxu- 
m6 pecujtiiae largitor ; at- 
que lUi, feliciflumo oHnlii- 
um ante civilem vidorL 
am, nunquam fuper indi^ 
ftiiam fortuna fuit ; mul- 
tique dubitavere, fortior, 
an felicior effet. Nam, 
polleaquae fecerit, incer- 
tum habeo, pudeat an 
pigeat differere. 

CI. Igitur SuUa, uti 
fupra didhim eft, poft- 
quam in Africam, atque 
in caftra Marii cum equi- 
tatu venit, rudis antea, & 
ignarus belli, folertiflu- 
mus 'omnium in paucis 
tempeftatibus fadus eft. 
Ad hoc xnilitcs benigne 
appellarer; multis rogan- 
tibus, aliis pcr fe ipfe darc 
beneftcia, invitus accipe- 
re ; fed ea properantius, 
<quam ses mutuum, red- 
dere ; ipfe ab nuUo repe- 
tere; magis id laborare, 
ut illi quam plurimi debe- 
rent ; joca, atque feria 
cumhumillumisagere ; in 
bperibus, in agmine, at- 
<]^ue ad vigilias multus ad- 
effe ; nequeinterim, quod 
prava' ambitip folet,, Con- 
fuli^ aut cujufquam boni 
famam laedere ; tantum- 
modo neque confilio, ne- 
que manu priorem' alium 
pati plerofque antevenire. 
Quibus rebus, & artibus 
Jbrevi M^"o, jiuUtibuf- 
que.carifllimus fadhis. 

readily part witb any thlng to Jhew 
his generofJy^ efpecialfy money* Ana 
tho^ hewasy before the^civil war^ 
tbgpiojifortunate of afl men \ yet 
■Ms fortune was never fuperior U 
m indufiry ; infomuch that nia- 
ny have tnade a quejiion of iiy 
whether be was mre brmje^ er 
morefortunate. For as to his he- 
haviour in the civil war^ I am 
uncertairty whether the relatim 
ofit would give me more offhami 

CI. When Sulla, as bas hen 
beforefaid^ was come into Africa^ 
andarrived at Marius*s camp wiih 
the borfe-i tho^ he had heen befon 
unfkiltedand ignorant in the ari 
of war^ yet in a Jhort time hi 
became the ahled man tbat way in 
thearmy, Befidis^ hew^s%;erycom' 
pkifant in his addrefs to the fol&- 
ers. He granted favours to man) 
upon their requefl ; to others with- 
out it^ of his own ajccord^ wbiljl 
he cared not to receive any himfelfy 
but when he did^ WQuld be in moTt 
hafle to repay them^ than a debt ; 
tho* he never demanded any return 
from othersy but ratber made it his 
bufsnefs to bave otbers as much in- 
debtedto him aspoMle, He would 
engage either injerious or merry 
converfation with perfons of the 
lowefi rank, He was fure to be 
every where with tbe /ildiers in 
thcir encampnunu, marchts, ani 
upon the watch^ Nor didhe in the 
mean timey wi/at vpicked ambition 
is apt to prompt Tnento, go ahout 
to leffen the charadler of the Con" 
fuly of anyother worthy fnan what- 
ever. He only would notfuffer awj 
one to outjirip him in counfely or ac- 

tion ; 



iton ; and excelUd: mofl. By aJl mhkh behavipurjin ,'txs'fiort 
time he rendered hinijelfhigbly Mccffipiable U Maritis^.>ani\the 
whoU army. ^ . «. - . : . 

,.CII^ But Jugurtha^ aper be 
hadJoJi>^CapJay witb cther Jirongx 
holds of'.great ufe ta himi and a 
V(ffi\treafure beftdeS'\fends away 
mejjingers to nocahus^ ,to Jiajleu 
bis tnarxh into Nuniidia ; becaufe it 
wds. now timcy be faidj to give the 
enemy baftle* But finding him di*- 
mur. upOK the matter^ and doubtful 
T^ith himfelf wbat courfe to take^ 
whether tbatofwar or p^alce ; b^ 
againj as h/e haddme befare^irihes 
thofe about him to hisintereft-^ and 
promifes the Moot bimfelfa ibird 
donis corrumpit 5 ipfique part of Numidiay if the Romans 
Mauro pollicetur Numi- jbouldbe driven out <f Africa^ or 
diae partem tertjam, .fi be left inthe pojfijjion ,of his domi-^ 
aut Romani Af^ca ex- niorts entire^ upon tbe conclujion of 
pulfi, aut, ' integris fuis tbewar* 'Boccbusy tempted by this 
finibus, bellum cpmpofiV bait^ comes to Jugurtha witb a 
tum foret^ Eo praemio vqfiarmy* After theyijoefejoinedy 

they Yall up(m Mariusy as be was 
marching into his. winter" 

GIL At . Jugurtha 
poftqi^m pppidum Cap- 
fam, aliofque V locos znu- 
nito^, & fibi utili^, fimul & 
magnam pecmii^m ^mi- 
ferat; ad^Bocchum nui^- 
cios mittit, quam primum 
in Numidiam cppias ad- 
diiceret ; proelii faciundi 
tempus adeffe. Quem 
ubi cun£biri accepit, du- 
bium belli, atque pacis 
rationes trahere; turfus, 
uti antea, proxumos ejus 

ille^lus Bocchus, cum 
magna multittidihe Jii- 
gurtham accedit, Ita, 
amborum exercitu con- 
juntSlo, Marium jam in 
hlberna prpficifcentem, 
vix decima parte die re- 
]iqua invadunt, rati noc- 
tem, qux jam adek^at, 
viftis iibi munimento fo- 
re; & fi viciflent, nullo 
impedimento, quia loco- 
rum fcientes erant ; con- 
tra Romanis utrumque 


quartersy fofar^ on ihe day^ tbat 
Jcarce a tentb part of it 

there was ^ ^ 

Uft\ fiippojing the nighty whieh 
was near at handy would prnte^f 
themy if worfied ; and ifthey pre- 
vailedy woutd be no .impediment t9 
the profecution $f the, viSforyy by 
reafin theywerefo well acquainted 
with thecountry ; whereas tbe Ro^ 
mansy whicb way foever the mat- 
ter went^ iJOeuld have but a bad 
cjnanceforitinthedarh Where- 
cafum in tenebris difficili- fdre the Confulnofooner had noticcj 
orem fore. Igitur fimul as he hadfromfeveraly rfthe ene^ 

mf s flpproachy than theywere up- 
m him. And.before the army could 
ieputin order ofbattUy or draw 
their baggage togetber.i injhorty 


Conful ex multis .de ho- 
fl,ivm adventu Qognovit ; 
'& ip£i hofies ader^nt ; & 
prius quam exer<;Ltus aut 



iilftrui, •at&Txrinas coBi^ 
gere^ demqoe, antequatn 
fignum, aut imperium 
uiluofi acc^iere quivit» 
' eqnite» Mauri, at^e 
Gaetuli, non acie, neqqe 
ulio more prcelii, fed ca^ 
tervatim, uti qu^fque 
fors cpnglobavcrat, in 
noftros incurrunt. QjH 
dmne^ trspidi improvMb 
nietu ac tamen virtutis 
metnores, aut arma ca-- 
piebant, autcapientis alios 
ab hofiibus defenfabant ; 
pars equOs afcendere, db- 
viam ire hoftibus ; pugna 
ktrocihia magis, qudm 
prcelio fimilis fieri y fine 
fignis, fine ordinibus, 
equites peditt^ permixti ; 
cxdere alios^ alios ob- 
truncare ; multos, con- 
tra adveffos accerrume 
pugnaintes ab tergo cir-^ 
cumvenire j neque virtus, 
neque arma fatis tegete ; 
quia hoftes numero p]u~ 
res^ & undique circumfulfi 
crant. Denique Rotnani 
veteres, novique, & ob^ 
<ea. fcientes belli, fi^ quos 
iocus, aut cafus conjunx- 
erat, orbes ftcere ; atque 
ita ab omnibus partibus 
fimul tedi, & inftrufti, 
hoftium vim fuftmtabant. 
CIII. Nequeineo tam 
aipero negotio Marius 
territus aut magis^ quam 
antea, demifib animo fu- 
it; fed cum turma^,- 
quam ex fortifiuirii* ma- 
gis, quam familiari^tnis 

^forethey cdikldreceive aityji^al^' 
ct word of coTiimand^ the Atoortjh 
and Gatulian hqrfe^ not itt/hte or^ 
der^ or ehty reguldr mtthod of fight* 
tngy but tnfcaHef^ed cdntfmHeSj as 
chance had hrought ihftn together^ 
cd^e peU-^meU ttpon the Itomam^ 
who v/e^e al^inbd indeed iniith fo 
uneicpeShd an;offet ; yet ffiindful of 
fheir fotmer' brS^ery^ fhey^ eithef 
mk to theirar^thSf or dtfendedfnch 
ai ivere doitiffo'^ ftom fhe efiemj, 
Part ofthetH mounting theiT hor- 
fiSf advlsficed again^ the?fti The 
fight ivas more iike an etigagement 
with a gang of handiiiiy thdnfol- 
diers, The Romans were tvith^ 
out their fiandards^ in cdrrfufiofiy 
horje aTfdfiU jUmbled iogeiher ; 
whii/i tne ehemfs hetefed and 
hewed ambng ihem^ and aftacked 
here and tiiere fikch fff them as 
tUere engaged Pn the rear^ nvhom 
^mither their xoUragey fior arms^ 
could fuj^ciently fecurle ; hecdufe 
the enefny wett fnbre numerous^ 
andon all ftdes of them. Final" 
hyj the RortianSy hoth old andnnv 
foldiers^ as chanee happefted to 
join them^ formed thernfeFOes tnt9 
round bodies ; dnd Jh heing fecu^ 
, red on atlfides^- and, pofied^ iri pro^ 
per order^ they bravely witafiood 
the enemy. 

Clir. Fn this defperate cafe^ 
Marius was not daunted. or a zvhit 
nior^ difruiyed^than at other tirhes ; 
but with his owri troopy whtch hc 
badformed not h much of friendsy 
as the braveft fellows in the*4tr?nyy 
flew^ abittt' e^ery whir*e ; one whiie 



jracqtt5r<?i?^ ei^dp hofUs, 
ut>i wJfertySis^i oji>ftite- 
i:a;i^t, ioya^ere maau ; 
i;9^J&^:^ mUitibus, quo^ 
niam imperare conturba- 
ti$ omnibus non poterat, 
J^que di^ cpafumptu^ 
crat, cu© timen barbari 
ulhil renuttece \ . atque, 
i^ti reges . prsecepcran^ 
ao^empro& lati, acrius 
inftarc. Tum Marius ex 
eopia rerum confilium 
trahit 5 atqu^ uti fuis re- 
ceptw locus eil^t^ coUis 
duos proplaquQS inter iie 
occupat. Quonjim ia 
ijno/ caftris pamm ainpb), 
ibns aquse magnuS' mt \ 
aker ufui opportunus, 
quii magni^ parte editus, 
%i p9rsecep$ \ pau^a mu* 
nimeuto ^ebat. CaetCr. 
T^m apud aquam SuUam 
cum equitibus no(9:em 
;>gitarc jubct. Ipfe paul«- 
}^tim difperfos milites, 
' neque minus hpftibus 
conturbatis, in unum 
.Qontrahit; dein cunctos 
pleno gradu in coUem 
ftibdHcit. Ita reges, loci 
difticuhat^ coa^Si, proelio 
deterrentur, ; ncque ta- 
Dfien fuos longjius abire ^- 
nunt, fed", oatroque cplle 
jnultudine circumdato 
rfpufi cohfedere. Dein, 
crebris ig^iibus fa(5tis, pl^^ 
rumque ruxSU^ barbari 
S3ore fuo laetari, exful- 
tarei fti:€pere vocib^sj 

ritifsjiag> his ewn inan iu Ji/hc^s % 
^miher- whUe falling i» fim<mgfl 
thd thithji ofthe enemy i ^tndiy 
fighting hirnfelf in ferf^ 4ndea^ 
"uaureata.ferve his foldiers ^iitht 
could ; fjmce^inthi^ wmferfal ifm'^ 
fufion^ it was ipipoJfMefor him n 
/ih the prpper part ofa generah 
Jnd tho^ the day loai ncw ^uitB 
fpent^ yet did not tie.fury tftht 
.£nemy aiats atail',.but asthikinjp 
bad.. infttuSledf thetfi hefbr^handy 
fuppi^tng night would ^ive thm 
thiMdvWfUage^tbey charged jmrt 
defperaiely than hefore^ Mafim^ 
iipon this^ takes tkerno^froper 
meafures his prefint ciriuni^neei 
ivimd admit of y and^to- pfovide 
firihe r^teat ffhis iroop^fA%e$ 
t^pon two hHls that Were near toge-m 
ther ; in me cf which^ not iarge 
enough eneamp on^ there wos a 
plentiful fpring of watgr i the 
otherwas convenient for the pur^ 
po/ij hecaufe ihe main of ii wai 
htgb: andjieepy andwouM requiri 
but littlefortifying, However^ he 
orders Sulk with ki-s horfe tofpend 
the night by the water» He draws 
hy degrees his feattered troops toge-^ 
thery the enemy being now in a$ 
much confufton as ihey 5 and then 
carries them all^ upon afullmarch^ 
tif the hilU Thus the Kings were 
ohliged^ hy the diffkuky of attaek^ 
ing ihem in thdt fituation^ to giv^ 
over thifight ; but yet fuffer^d noi 
theif men to withdraw toany du ' 
Jlance^ but enclofmg h&ththihilb 
wkhin their two armieSy lay fcat-^ 
tered here and there, And ihen the 
harharians^ making many fires^ 
fpent the greateji part ofthe night 
in mirth and joUity^ and yelling 



& ipfi duccsfficooes ; quia. ^ftet tbeir fafljion\ ' And their lea- 
noa fugere ut pro vidto- uers^ proud to think ihey had noX 
ribus ^gere, Sed ea cundta run away, hehd^ed as c^Hquerors, 
Jloinar\isi\ ex tcnebris, &cjfil thtfe things-werevery^i^hle 
cditioiibu$..\ locis facilia . /ff /ji^ ^<7»2^?«f,' wA^ tvere in the 
vifu, . . mognoque horta^ dark upon the hHls \ ^nd ga*u^e tbem 
Ki^tQ-^ant. m little encourctgement, ' ^ 

CIV^ ..Plurimum vero QtV . Marius beingmuch ani- 
Marius imperitia toftium. mated hy^^the Mly> ef the enewy^ 
confirmatus, quam max^. gr.ders a prefiundJiUnie to hekept, 
i»mum fiientium. haberi.. and ihat notrumpetsi/hould found^ 
jub^t ; nCv figna quidemy as..iifual^ ^at- jber/rend < of every 
liti' per YigUUs ..folebant, . ttMtchy < Tmardr hneai af day^ 
cme^t 'i d^inde,.ubi lux when the, enemf .'Wfere^navu weary 
^dy^lttabat, ; defeffis jam ani afletp^ he orders 4be trumpe- 
l^oftibus,, . ^c p^uUo ante • . ters throughout^ the artny ■ to found 
lomw captiS). de impro- . at^ome^ andjth^foldiers^o rhakea 
yifq .veftig^s,. item co-.. falfy:upon th^-jnjem/witp a great 
tiprtHx^J,^ ..iwrm^mra, . le- Jbouh The Moors and Goetulians 
gi^opurn tubii^ines^ fithid hung. fuMenly- .awakened withfo 
on^nis. figi^a. 'CViere, rai- . une^e^edjonddifnml anoife^ a>uid 
Jites ., claUnwDr^em toUere, neither fty^ mrtake arms \ nei- 
^fcque; vpQrtis N erumpere;. . ^Af/:. ^^, nor-think ,of.any thing 
M^ri,:,\ -glque Gaetuli, .fortheirownifjecurity ; ^eing atl 
ignpt^, &; hOrribili fonitu perfe£tlyjlupifiedviith the clamour 
l[epent^:^xcivi>.«eque /fu-'.- ^«S e//«tf^/?/^* their ears-y tvbil/t 
gere, nequp^ arma capere> our men poured in upon them in this 
neque, opoini^^o . . facere, . helplefs ■eonditimywitb eonfuftony 
aut prpvidere . . quidquam jerrour^.and diJiraSiion attending 
poter :^t * i . " , ita . CunxS: o$ . theni^ In Jhorty \they were ail rout- 
ftrepitu,.»-; clartiore < nullo .; ed and dtfperfed^ mofi oftheir arms 
fubyeniei>te, ...ncrftris in-f ■. andmiiitaryjlmdardt were takeny 
ftantibus tumuku,. terio- and more men kiiied in that battiej 
H^e, formidine,. quafi v.e- ihanaiitheformer. Fortheirflight 
cordia^. ceper^t. D.enique , wds in agreat nteafire prevented 
omnes /fufi, fugatique ; byjieep andfurprixe together^ 
arma,v2^ figna miiitaria pleraquc captJi : plurejfque eo proelio, 
qu^m,omnibus fuperiorlbuS) jnterempti. : Nam fomno, & 
metu.iafplito impedita fug^. 

CV. ^P^^^^.MariuSj.uti CV. -Nqw Mariusfurfuedbis 
coeperat in h.iberna pro-, former deftgn of mar-chingy in or-: 
ficifcitur, quse propter ". •der io quarter his .foldiers^ fir tbe 
comine^tum. in. oppidis winter^^ in the townsuppn.ihefea^ 
maritimis aggere decreve- , ^oaji^ heCaufe qf the pienty of pror^ 

rat ; 



rat ; neque taimen vifio- 
ria fecors, aut inialens fac- 
tus ; fed pariter, atque in 
confpe£^u hoftium, quad- 
rato agmine incedere. Sul- 
la cum equitatu apud dex- 
timos, in finiftra parte A. 
Manlius cum funditori- 
bus, & fagittariis, praeterea 
cohortes Lieurum cura- 
bat 5 primor& exo^mos 
cum expeditis manipuli^ 
tribunos locaverat. Per- 
fugae, minime* cari, & 
regionum fcientiffimi, ho- 
ftium iter explorabant. 
Simul C(»ifu], quafi nuHo 
impofito, omnia provide- 
re ; apud omni$ adefle, 
iaudare, increpare meren- 
tis. Ipfearmatus, inten- 
tufque item milites coge- 
bat ; neque fecus, atque 
iterfacere, caftra munire^ 
excubilum in porta co- 
hortis ex legionibus, pro 
eaftris equites auxiliarios 
mittere ; praeterea aliqs 
iuper vaHu^i in muni- 
mentis locare^ vigitias ipfe 
circuke) non diffidehtia 
futuri, qu2e imperaviftet, 
quam yti mifitibus ex£- 
quatus cum imperatore 
labos volentibus eiTet. £t 
fane Marius Ulo & aliis 
temporibus Jugurthihi 
belli, pudore magis, quam 
malb, exercitum coerce- 
bat ; quod multi per am-, 
bitionem fieri agebant ; 
pars, quod a pueritia 
confuetam duritiam, & 
alia, quas caeteri miferias 

vijions in thof^ parts, However^ 

he tvas not rendered either carelefs^ 

or infolent^ hy his fuccefs ; but 

marchedwith his army in afquart 

figurey as ifhe had been in viett> 

$fan enemy, SuUa was with the 

iorfe upon the right ; j/. Manlius 

with the Jlingers and archerSj as 

alfofomei battalions ofthe Liguri^ 

ansy on.the left» In thevanand 

rear he hadpajied the Tribunes of 

thi armyy with feveral cdmpanies 

of footy clear of haggage, De- 

fertersj who were but littlefet by^ 

and befides bejt acquaintea with 

the country, were fent out to, r^- 

connoitre the enemy, At thefame 

time^ the Conful overhoked every 

thing^ as if no one had heen en^ 

irufted in any fhare ofthe command 

with him, He was every where^ 

commending or reprimanding fucn 

as deferveait, Herwas afmed^ and 

upon his guardhimfelfy anddbUged 

the Jildiers to befo too, Nir didhf 

ufe this great caution only in his 

marchy bitt in enc^impingy p^fting^ 

the ufual^uard of kgionaryfoldi-- 

ers at the gates wlthin the campy 

^nd auxiliary horfe withouty as aljb 

upon ih^ ramparts ; and going ih^ 

rounds to vtjit the watch himfetfy 

notfomuchfrom a diftriiji of thofe ' 

employedio exectite his orders^ as* 

tD tnake the foldiers mre eAfy under 

,their fatigue^ by takin^ hn equal 

•Jheirewitb ihem in it, And indeed 

Marius both then: and altthe tinie 

he was employedin the war againji' 

yugurtha^ kept up good 

the armyy more by the dint ofjhaMy 

thah punifhm^nt\ whjehy 'many] 

faidy was donepurely ts couft the^ 

foldiery j but othen wiretfopinV^' 

D d vocant,. 



vocaqt, voluptati habu- 
iffet. Nifi tamen Refpub. 
pariter, ac faeviffumo im* 
perio, bene) atquedecore 

CVI. Igitur quarto de* 

nique die, haud longe ab 

oppido Cirta undique fi- 

mul fpeculatores citi fefe 

ofiendunt ; qua re hoKlis 

adefie intelligitur. Sed 

quia diverfi redeuntes, 

alius ab aliaparte, atque 

omnes idem fignifica- 

bant ; Conful incertus, 

quonam modoaciem in- 

ftrueret, nullo ordine 

cpmmutato, advorfum 

opmia paratus, ibidem 

opperitur. Ita Jugur-- 

tham fpes fruflrata, qui 

rcopias in quatuor partis 

diftribuerat, ratus ex om- 

nibus aeque aliquos ab ter- 

gO hoftibus venturo$. la- 

terim Sulla, quem pri-* 

mum hoftes attigerant, 

-cobortatus fuos, turma- 

tiiu, & quam maxume 

confertis equis, ipfe alii- 

que Mauros invadunt^ 

caeteri in loco manentes, 

ab jaculis eminus emiffis 

corpora tegere, & fi qui 

in manus veh^rant, ob- 


CVII. Dum eo modo 
eqiiites proeliantur, Bbc- 
chus cum peditibus, quos 
Volux filius ejusadduxe- 
rat, neque in priore pug- 

oriy he tsok a real pleafure in thai 
way ofbebavioury as haruingfrom 
bis youth heen inured to i^arel/hip^ 
andfiicb tiings as others countvery 
difmaL Hovoever^affhirs were g% 
welly and as glorioujly managed^ gi 
they could have heen under the mojl 
fevere command, 

CVI. Jlt lajl^four days after 

the hattle^ feveral fcouts Juddenlj 

appeared on alljidesy notfarfrom 

the town of Cirta ; a ceriain 

ftgn that the enetny was not far 

off. But becaUfe the parties ihat 

brought intelligence from all quar- 

ters roundy were in the fame Jiory^ 

the Conful not knowing how to 

draw up his artny^ without alter^ 

ing the difpojition ,of his troops at 

aily waitSy in the place ivhere ht 

then was^ the comingofthe enenrj\ 

prepared to receive thetriy let tbem 

attack him in what quat^er they 

would i which was a baulk upon 

Jugurtha. For be haddividedhis 

trwps into four parts^ foppofing 

fome of them would certainfyfur- 

.prize the en^tny in the rear, In 

the trle,an time Sullay whom the 

erutny carnejirjl up ^ith^ encoura- 

ging his mettj with feveral troops 

of horfcy in chfe order^ fall upon 

the Moors. The reji keeping their 

groundy only endeavoured toguard 

agaitift the weaponsy which the 

enemy pouredin upon them at a di- 

flance \ and if any of them came 

tip t$ thernj cut them^ dffutJn. 

CVII. During this engagement 

of the horfe^ Bocchtis witb the 

footy which his Jon Volux had 

brought him^ but who loiiering 

upon their march^ had not been at 



na, in itinere mbrati, ad- tbe former hattle ; falls uhon tht 

fuerant, podremam Ro- hinder part of the Roman^army* 

manonim aciem inva- Marius was then in the van^ ^^- 

dunt. Tum. Marius apiid caufe Jugurtha was there with ^ 

primos erat, quod ibi numerous body of troops ; who re^ 

Jugurtha cum plur^mis ceiving intelligence of Bocchus*s 

in(rabat. Dein Numida, comingy wheels off privaiely with 

cognito Boccbi adventu, a few attendants to the Roman 

clam cum paucis ad pedi- foot^ and there cHes out in Latin^ 

tes convertit ; ibi Latine, which he had learnt to fpeak at 

nam apud Numantiam Numantia^ that our ihen fought 

loqui didicerat, exclamat to no purpofe, fince he had flaia 

nofiros frujira pugnare ; Marius but a little before^with his 

paulh ante Marium fua owh hand ; and at the fame time 

manu interfe&um ; fimul Jhewed them hisjword aU bloody^ 

gladium fanguine oblitum which he had madefo hy kiUing a 

oftendere, quem in pug- foot-man y^ongirig to our army. 

ria, fatis impigre ocdfo Which when the Jhldiers heard 

pedite noftro, cruentav^- theywere jhoekedwtth the horrid^ 

rat, Quod ubi milites tiefi of thething^ more than any 

accepere, magis atrocitate credit they gave to /f ; and at the 

rei, quam iide nuncii, fame ■ time the bdrharians took 

terrentur ; fimulque bar- fr^Jh couragej and madt a very 

bari animos toUere, & in fmart attack upon the dijheartened 

perculfos Romanos acrius Romansy who were now readj 

incedere, Jamque 'paul- to^fly ; when Sulla hdving routei 

lum a fuga aberant, cum thofe he was engaged with^ in his 

Sulla, profligatis iis, quos ntnrn from the purfuit of them^ 

advorfum ierat, rediens falls uponthe Moorstn theirflank ; 

ab latere Mauris incurrit. whereupon Bocchus immediately 

Bocchus ftatim avertitur. flies. Butjugurtha^ defirous tofup-' 

At Jugurtha, dum fiif- port hisfriends^ and make fure of 

tentare fuos, & prope jam the vkfory^ which he had now aU 

adeptam vi£h>riam reti- mo/i got^ was hemmed in upon the 

nerecupit, circumventus right and lefi hy our horfe ; and 

ab equitibus dextra, fi- aU his attendants heing flain^ made 

niftra, omnibus occifis, good his retreaty as he was by him^ 

folus inter tela hoftium felfj hy eautioi^y keeping upon his 

vitabundus erumpit. At- defence againfl the weapons poured 

que interim Mariu6, fii- in upon him. 4nd in the mean time^ 

gatis equitibus, accurrit Marius routing thehorfe^ comes to 

auxilio fuis, quos pelli the relief of his men^ who^ he was- 

jam acceperat. Denique advertijedj gave ground hefore the 

hoftes jam undique fufi. enemf. FinaUyy they were now 

routed in aU qudrters. 

Dd2 cvm. 


CVin. Tumfpca^. &yill. JninmnkUtk^rea 

culum horribile in campis dna^ulj^ht t9 be fe§H ail wir 

|[»atentibus \ fequi, Aige* thefieldsj i9 a vafi exUnt % fom 

Xc ; occidi) cagii equi pur/uingf tihenfijfing i fi^ were 

atque viri, adfliifli ; ac HUedy fittie t^ken ; h^rfis ateel men 

multi, vulneribus aco^- tuttibhdtegeth^r upgtitbe igrnmeii 

^Sj neque fugere poue, aadtnanyibaiwere^cundeJie^uld 

liequ^ quietiim pati ; luti miiher fiy^ twr he quiet ^ but en- 

modoy aciiatim. concidev deaV9uring in ri/ei imttteeiiatelyfell 

tt ', poftremo omniay qua downagain* Finally^ aUp^t^h ^^ 

vifuserat, conftrata telis, farasfighi entid.reacby utere cq^ 

armisi cad^veribus ; & ver^el wih artns tfMfQrts^ and 

inter ea humus infefia diadhodiei ; and ihe groundfiain- 

fanguine. Poftea loci Con- ^ ed wiih blood. Xbe Coeful bavin^ 

ful^hauddubiejamvidor) new gai an unquefti^ttMf vUierj^ 

pervenit in oppidum Cir* cminued his hutrcbJa Gtrta^ .thi 

tam» quQ initio profefftus place he before deftg;nfdfor. Thi-^ 

intenderat. 'i.o poft diein tbtr^^five days ^r iie batbari" 

quintum; quam itenuxi ani had been beaietty cattie 4etuii<s 

l>arbari . male pugnave* fromBocchus \ wbo^ in tb^ Kin^s 

nnt, )^ti a Boccho tt^y requefied rf Marius to^S&A 

veniunti\ qui re^gis verbis . tobim two.perfonatobfi cmfided 

ab Mario petivere, duos io, thatlM^migi^imt¥^khthem 

quam fiiijp^Tnos^ ad eum ^oactrmog the jtiatt .intmft of 

mitiere ; velle de fuo^ isf, biiiifel^ ^ tbe Romto peopk. 

dt populi Jiomani cotnn^ He ittitnediaitly d^patcbes auftty L* 

do cum iis difierere. Ill^ ^ulia^ attdJ. AmttHftsi wbottei-' 

itatim L. Sullam, & A. wiil^anding ibey.vtent ufan ibe 

Manlium he jubet. Q^i King^s requefi^ yet ihey r^fihiedio 

quamquam acciti ibant> fpi^l^fitfi% in arder io ivarjc upon 

tamen placvut verb^ api^d Utn^ if be wasfiill o^ittate ; or 

regemfacere j,utiing€ni- ^ i^* wai d^rttus vf peace^ 

um aut averfum flede^ $o ertcourage ibai dimfiiws in 

rent \ aut cupid^jp paciis bim^ Wberefoxe Sulmi ta wifotn 

vehementiiis accender^nt* ,Manlius gave piace^ in, cmfidera- 

Itaque Sulla, ci^ . fa^^ tion ef bis eiiqttatcey. aiul mt his 

cundise, nOn aetati, ^ . ag^y jpoke briefiy. to- Jihe folhwitig 

Manlio conceffun^, pauca; ^ffi£i^ 

verba hujufcemQdi locu- ^ • . 


CIX. Rex Boc^be^ CIX« KingBocdios^ itisno 
magna nobis laiitia efi^. fmall joy tous^ tofipiLdieGods 

cum te talem virum dii have putitintothebcartoffeiiDe 

monuercy uti aliquando Aprinceasyouafe^tackiiifeatM 




pmtnrti qusm bdlum^ iml^ ' 
Us i km ie optttmum cum 
peyumo omnium Jugur^ 
ihd mifcrfHlo mnmacular 
rt$ ; Jimul mbis. demeres 
merbam neteffttu£nemj 
pariier te errantem^ i^ 
itlum fiish^ratiffkmum^ pei^- 
fequi* Aibacy pepuk.ILo^ 
manos jam a prJneipio 
impi^ nulius ^vifom^ ami^ 
tosy qudm fervoSj quare^^ 
re i ■ tutiti/que ratiy vo-» 
ieMtibuSj quam coa£iisy 
imperitmre^ , Tibi^' vero 
nuUa opportunior amicitia 
moftra \ pnimum quod 
frocul aiffumus \ . in qua 
cffenfa nunimty gratia . 
pary ac Ji prope adeffe^ 
nms^dein^ quoa .pffrstUes 
esbunde habeThus ; anueo" 
ruThy neque noidsy nequs^ 
suiqii^m omnium fdtis.fU'» 
it» Atque hoc utinam a 
principio tibi plaeuiffit / 
profe&o ex P. A. aa hoc 
ten^us multo. plura hma 
accepiffesy quam mah 
perpeffui effes* Sed^quo^ 
niam humanarum rerum 
fortuna pleraque regit ; 
£ui fcilicet placmffe &! vitft^ 
Ist gratiam ^nojfttam ^xpe" 
riri \ nanci quando per il- 
lum licetj fjyffiha.', atque^ . 
uti ccep^&f perge* Jkhl" 
tfty. atque epportuna ha^ 
hesy quo facilius erraia 
^ciis fuper^^' Poffn^m 
boc m pe£ius tutcm dimitf^ 
ffy numquam P. R. be^ 
n^ciis viSum effe. Nam^ 
heiky pd4 vale^ty tfftf 

ladierto be at peace,teti ifvar wltK 
iis^and iio iongei' difparjigeyour- 
fel^ a mbft exceUeat p^rfen, by n- 
jiiting with the ivcAft man alive, 
Jugurtha; and at theiame limb 
(kKver ds from tbeodioiHiieceffliy 
of purfuing you, guiltjr' ohly df a 
miflHke^ and that moft Vtie wreteh^ 
with the like vengeanc». It has ever 
beed a maxim with Ihe Romah 
peofjle, iince their firfl rife in the 
vyorld, which was bm low, to pto- 
cure themfelves friedds/atherthan 
ilaves ; and they haVe atways 
thought it fafer to rule o v^r WSiin^ 
fiibjedS) than by comptiljSon» No 
alliance cm be more aotnmodioiis 
for you) than o«rs« Ih fhe firft 
plaoe^ be^ufeweai^agredtway 
off ^in-wfaieh eafe, therie can be 
very^ fmall occafiprt of£fter^ce^ 
and :yet thef« tazy be th^ &mc 
good ufideiibmding, asif wewere 
near neighbours ^md in tl$e next 
place, b^aufe we have fubja^s e^ 
nough;-but neithei^w^ hdr ahy 
one.eIfe9^ have ever friends enough. 
And I c6uid have wifh^, y6u h»i 
tafcen thia courfe at firft f You 
would certainly by tfiis timehave 
received mdre good at f be hahds 6l 
the Romanhpeople^ Iban yoii have 
now fuffered evil# Buifasthe c6n-' 
cems of mankind v^ in the maiti^ 
fwbjeaed tp the power^f fortune, 
who had a mind, ii feems, that 
you ftiould a« well feel the i^efts^ 
of our foi^e, as of our iavcjur ; ntyvf 
tat ihe puts tbe latfcer ili your 
power, be qiiiek and go oh, asyou 
lUive b^iai* Nbw you have grcat 
a^vantages forcorre^tingyourfoi'- 
mer miftafeesy by future fc^ices. 
Fifidty, ki ibi^U^o^ fiidcdeep 



into your mind^ that the Roman peopk were never yet mu 
done in a£b of ^ndnefs by any one. For as to tJbeir ability in 
war, you know that well enough yoqrfelf. 

C A. Ad ea Bocchu$ CX. . 7o aU this Bocchui mit 

plicide, & benigne ; fi- a veryjo/t and civil reply \ at tk 

ihul pauca pro delido fuo fame time making n brief aps* 

veifba facit ; /e non hojiili logy/orhis mi/condiUf y alie^in^^ 

etnlmoy /ed ob regnum tu^ tlut hehad not taken up armsout 

tandum arma cepiffe ; of any Iioftile intention againft the 

nam Numdia partm^ Romans, but for the defence of lus 

unde vi Jugurtham ex- kingdom ; forthat part of Numi- 

pulerity jure beili /uam dia, out of which he had driven 

/a^amy eam vajiari a Jugurtha, was, by the right of 

Marioy pati nequivijfe y war, b^ome hisown; wfichhe 

pratereay mijfis antea could not fuffer to be laid wafte by 

Romam legatisj repulfum Marius. Befides, upon his apply- 

abamicitiai caterum ve- ing formerly, by his ambafladors 

tera omitterey ac tum^ Ji at Kome, for an aUismce with us» 

fer Marium liceretj k^ he had becn rej^ated ; but howe- 
gatps ad Senatum mijii'. ver, he (hould decline alliUrther | 

rum. Dein, copia fafla, . mcntion of what was paft ; and 

ianimus barbari ab amicis now, if Marius pleafed to givehioi 

flexus, quos Jugurtha lcave, he fliould fend ambaffiidors 

eognita legjitione Sulte, again to the Senate. JTet tho' thn 

jk Manlii, metuens id Hberty tvas a/terwards grai&d 

quodparabatur,donis cor- hiniyjhe mind o/ ihe barbanm 

fuperat. Marius interea, receiveda different iurny /rmtU 

e^ercitu in' hibernaculis injiuence of./uch /riendsy aij^; 

' compofito, cum expedi- gurthay.upon heari?^ o/thtdif 

tis . cohortibus, & parto patch o/SuIlaj and Mamttts io hm 

' cquitatus prdficifcitur in. hadbribed. Inthe meantime^Mf' 

Joc^ fola, obfeflum tur- riushavingputhis army intowin- 

rim regiam, quo Jugur- ter-quartersy^marcbes.into the ii- 

Aa perfugas omnis pr^fi» /arty, with a detacbment o/ M 

dium impofuerat. Tum andhor/e, to bejiege a tewerofi"^ 

rurfus Bocchus /eiiciter King% wherein Jugurtha bad 

feu reputando, qu« fibi put et garri/on (f Homandeferiir^' 
duobus praeliis venerant, . Thenagain Bacehusy either/r^ni^ 

feu admonitus ab aliis a- conjideration o/ wbat he hadj4' 

micls, quos incprruptos /ered in the two battleSy or uP- 

Jugurtha reliquerat, c?c on tbe advice o/ etber ffitndsj 

omni copia neceflariorum whom /ugurtha . had left uncor* 

quinque dele^t, quorum ruptedy chofe out o/ the numhcr^j 

& fides cognita, & ipg^ bis ./riends five^ thi tnoji ^' 


nia validiiTuma erant. £os 
ad Marium, ac dein, fi 
placeat, Romam legatos 
ire jubet 5 agendarum re- 
rum, & quocumque mo-. 
do bdli componendi li- 
centiam ipfis permittit. 

CXL Illi mature ad 
hibema Romanorumpro- 
ficifcuntur ; deinde d 
Gsetylis latronibus in iti- 
nere circumventi, fpolia- 
tique, pavidi, fine decore 
ad Suliam pei^nt ; 
quem Confiil, in expedi-* 
tionem proficifcens, pro 
praetore reJiquerat. Eos 
ille non pro vanis hofti- 
bys, uti meriti erant, fed 
accurate & liberaliter ha- 
buit. Qua re barbari & 
famam Romanorum ava- 
jfltise fidfam, & SuUam 
ob munificentiam in fefe 
amiatoi rati. Nam etiam 
tum hi^tio multis ignota 
crsit \ munificus nemo 
putabatur, nifi pariter 
volens ; dona omnia in 
beni^tate habebantur. 
Igitur Quaeftori mandata 
BoGcbi patefaciunt ; fi- 
mul ab eo petunt, uti 
£iutor, confultorque fibi 
adfit ; c^ias^ jidim^ mag" 
nitudinem ngis fui fef 
alia^ qua aut utilia^ aut 
benevaUntia ejfe crede- 
banty oratione extollunt ; 
dein, SuUa onmia pollicj- 
to, do£ti quo modo apud 
Marium, item apud Se« 
natum vetba facerent, 
circiter dies xu ibidetn 

nent for their good affeSiion and 
parts. . Thefe he orders to gd t4^ 
'Alariusy and^ if he gave con-^ 
fent^ to Romc ; andfurnijhes them 
with full powers for the conclu^ 
ding of a peace at difcretion, 

CXI. They quickly depa7't for 
the winter^qvarter s oftheKomans ; 
hut heing trepanned in the way^ 
dnd ftript of all they had^ hyfome 
Gatulian robhers^ in great fright^ 
ani a forry equipage^ they purfue 
their way to Sulla ; whom the Con- 
fuk fvhen he went upon his expedi- 
tiorfy had left Proprator. He did 
not treat them likefickle enemiesy 
as they had deferved ; but^ with 
gireat kindnefs and generofity^ 
Whereupon the hairharians believed 
the report of the Roman avarice 
to befalfsf and concluded SuUa^ 
from his generous reception ofthem^ 
to he theirfriend. For thepraSfife 
ofgivingy in order to corruption^ 
was even at thdt time unknown to 
many ; and nobbdy was thought 
generouSj but out ofgood will ; and 
all prefents were reckoned argu-^ 
ments of kindnefs. fVherefore they 
acquaintthe ^aflor with the in-^ 
JiruSiions they had received froni 
Bocchus ; andat thefame time re- 
queli of him to favour and afjiji 
them in their buftnefs ; magnifying 
cxtremely thc forces, honefty and 
greatnefs of their prince, with o- 
ther things they thought might be 
fubfervient to their defign, or a 
meansto procurc favour. Sulla 
proTmfed aUthey defired\ andbeing 
by him inftruifed how they Jhould. 
addrefs MariuSy andUkewtfe the 
Senate^ they 'waited therc ahout- 
forty days. 

ar$ C. CftlSPI SA;.USTrj 

^^L Marius poft- CXU, Merhts not fucceedini 

^qu^ infc£io n^otiO) in his attempt upon tbe t&wer, 

quo intendera^, Cirtam returns to Grta ; wbere being 

redit j de adventu I^lp- informed of the arrivql of the 

rum certior fa<Aus, illof- amhaffc^rs^ be orders them and 

que, & Sullam venire Sulla,to£ometo bim\ and Hkewifi 

jubet, itemque L. Bellie* fummons £. BelUenus tbe Fr^or 

num praetorem, Utica, ^m Utica \ and hefides bim^ all 

pra^terea omnis undique others 4f Senatorian retnky in or* 

Sen;^orii ordinis ; qui« 4er to ^dvife ivith them ahout 

bufcum mandata Bocchi the propofals ofBocchns ; tbe fum 

cognofcit ; in quibus, wbereofwas^ Ubertyfor his ambaf- 

iegatis pote(ta^ eundi Ro- fadors to proceed to Romey and a 

tpan^ iit ; & ab Confule ceffation ofarms in the mean time, 

interea induciae poftula- Jf^hich Sulla^ with a majarity ofthe 

bantur. ,£a Suliae&ple- council^ appro^ved of \ hut others 

rifque placu^re ; payci fe- Jiifly oppofed, being.not fufficientij 

iDcius decemunt, fcilicet fenfihU of th^ uncertainty and in- 

ignari hum^narum re«> eonjiancy, of kmtmjitffaixs^ fuhjeR 

rum, quae fluxas, H ?no- to very unlncky rewHuti^s. The 

biles femper in advorfa Moors f?api)^ obtained all tbey 

mutantur. Caeterum defiredy ibree ofjhem went far 

Mauri impetratis omni- Rome^ wiib JO. O^heviusi Ibfoy 

bus, tres ^omam prpfec- who Jjai. come as ^eefhr ixi9 J- 

ti cum C. Oftavio Rufc^ fricoy with payfor tbearmjy^iLttva 

ne, qui Qjiaeftor ftipen-? return to the ^itsg^^ ^m/| beffides 

diuiKi ^dpprtayerat ; du9 other ihings^^ aequaint^.hm tmre 

^^ T^gPm redevat,. Ej^ particulafl^mth ^Sulla^s Mndnrfr 

lii$; Bpojhus CMmcwtem,. .<7»rf cnnctxn^for him\ whicb was 

tum maxuna^ , bjsnignita- very agrmhh. At Jlome^ tbe am^ 
teqo, & ftudium S.ullje.. hfiffaiorsicmfeffing theSr King had 

luboxs acccpit. Rpmse-i> b^enin anep-of^whlchhewsskd 

que legatis gus pdftquan^ into by the wickedniefs of Jugur* 

erraffe regem^ l^ Jugur- tba ; anddcfwingthefevoui; jtobe 

th^e fcelere lapfum^ de- admittedintotheRomanaUi^uace, 

pjecati funt, amicitiam they receivedan anfwer iu tbafel" 

&c foedu6 petentibus hoc kwing wardsm 
modo reipondetur. 

, 5* ^ P, R. ,beneficii^ Tbe S^te.and pec^Ie of Rpme 

& ihjurioi memor ejfefo*- areevermindfulofaoykindncfeor 
let. Caterm Bocchoy . injury dome them ; hov?evfir, they 

^oniam, panitety deli£ii pardoned Boochus's ofieoce^ in 

gratiam facit ; faeiius & conilder^titon o£ hii repentance ; 

amiciiia^ dabuntury cum and Xho|iW:adinit bim intotiieir 

meruerit. .alliauce, >ivhen he defaved ,h. 



CXIIL (^bus rebus 
cognids, Bocchus per liu 
teras a Ad^o petivit, ut 
SuUam ad fe mitteret ; 
cujus arbitratu de com- 

CXIII. B^ccbus^ upon mhice 
cf tbisj requejlid pf MariuSy hy 
a letUry tofend Sma to him^ that 
he migbt advife with bim about 
their common concerns i wbo was 
munibus negotiis confule* fent accordingly^ with a guard of 
retur. Is mifrus cum horfe andfooty Balearian flingers^ 

bowmen^ and a battalion of Pi^ 
iigniansy witharmsufedbytheVe» 
Utetyfor the.better- expedition- in. 
their m^rchj andbecaufi they would 
be as well fecured by that fort of 
armsy as any otherj againfl tbe 
enemieSy wbo ufid the like them^ 
atque aliis armis> advor- felves, Vpon ihe fiftb day of their 
fuxn tda hoffium» quod marchy Voluxy thefin ofBoccbus^ 

all on a fudden appeared upon a . 
wide plawy with no more than a 
thoufand horfi ; but whoy by the 
loofi order of tbeir marchy gave 
occafion to SuUay dnd aU that were 
with hiniy to imagine them to be 
more numerousy and enemies' too. 
TVhereupony every man 'now 
SuIldB, aliifque omnibus Jiands to his armsy ready to receive 
Sc numerum ampliorem tbem* Tbeir hopesy hcmever^ 

were above their fearSy as being 
to engage with an enemyy which 
tbey bad often conquered. In the 
mean ttnuy fome horfi being fent 
to reconoitre thenty bring word 
agairiy how tbe matter was ; and 
that there fjas no danger. 
quQs faepe vicerant. Interim equttes,. pcploratum {»«nii&, 
rem, utieraU quietam nunciant. » 

CXIV. Volux adve* CXIV.; Vohx coming upy ad^ 
nlens Quaeftorem appel- dreffes himfilf to the ^uaflory and 

/^/& i&i;?^ t|iat be had been fent by 
his him, and to vmt 
upon him withthat guard to hifi 
court. Accordingly they continue 
their nufrch togethery for that end. 
the nextdayy very fuietly.' But ifi 
the eveningy whenthey had now 
£c tt 

praefidio equitum, at- 
que peditum, funditorum 
Baleariorum ; praeterea 
iere, ikgittarii, & cohors 
Feli^a cum velitaribus 
armis, itineris properandi 
cauila ; neque his fecus, 

ea levia funt, muniti. 
Sed in itinere, quin£):o 
denique die, Volux, fili- 
us Bocchi, repente in 
campis patentibus cum 
mille non amplius equiti- 
bus fefe oilendit ; qui te- 
mere &; effufe euntes, 

vero,& hoftilem metum 
eMcidpant. Igitur fe quif- 
que expedire ; arma at- 
que tela tentare, intende- 
re ; timor aliquantus, fed 
ipes amplior, quippe vic- 
toribus, & advoifumeos. 

IsCt i fe a parte Boccho ob» 
viam iUis Jimuly isf prae^ 
Jidio miffiim. Deinde eum, 
& proxumum dicm fine 
metu cofnjundi eunt. 
Poil, ubi cailra locata, 
& dici vefper trat \ repen« 



te Mauru^ incerto vult» 
pavons, ad^ SuHam ad^ 
currit ; dirit^e, Jibi tx 
Aeeuktorihus C9gnitum^ 
jugurthmn^ haud frocul 
4h4jffi ; Jimuly uti noBu 
ilam fuum fr^ugeret^ 
itgatj atque hirtatm'. 
Bte animo fbFoci, negat 
ie teties fufim Numidam 
fertimefcere y virtuti fu9'* 
rum Jatis credtre i eiiam 
Ji certa p^is adeffet^ 
manfurum potiusy juam 
proaitis quos duabat^ tur- 
pi fuga incertai ac forfi" 
tan paulk po/i morbo inte-' 
ritura vita parceret. 
Cseterum ab eoaemmo- 
nitus, titi no£lu proficifce^ 
tentur^ coAfilmm adpro* 
bat ; ac (latim m^tea 
ccfinatos efle in caftris; 
i||ciefque crebeirimos; ik- 
ri) dein prima yigilia fi-^ 
kntio egredf jubet. Jam- 
4}ue.noSurno itinerefeffis 
omnibud, SuHa pariter 
cum ortu folid caftra me- 
tabatur i cum equkes 
Mauri nuncianty Jugur^ 
ibamy circiter duum mi* 
Jium intervalloj ante rft;?* 
fidiffe. Qued pofiquiun 
auditum eft, tum vero 
ingeQS metus noftros in- 
vadit ; credeise fe prodifos 
A Voluce, Sc infidiis ^r^ 
cumventos* Ac fuere^i 
dicerent, manu vindicqn^ 
(dumy neque abud iUum 
iantum fcilus\ tnukum re-^ 
Snquendum. ^ . 

pifched tbeir can^i aUonaJudden 
the Moor comes in a gren^frighi 
to iiuBay and tells him^ that he wa^ 
informed by his fcoiU^ thftt Ju- 
gurtba was not far ofF; and a^fhe 
Kune time begs and entreats him 
to fly away privately with him in 
thenight. To whica he vert hoUi'' 
Ij repiiedy that he feared not ^ 
Numidian, who had bcen fo oftcn 
I beat by him; nor did hc «lifiruft 
the courage of his men: but how- 
cver^ tho' he was fure to^ periih| 
yet would he ftand his giFOvmd^ i^- 
ther than favehisMe,which mi^ 
otherwife^ p^haps in aihorttim^ 
haveanendputtaitby adiftenH 
per, by afcandalous flint, andbe- 
traying thbfe he con£i£):ed. Bvt 
howeverj being aivifed hy thefame 
Folu^ tor continue ^s march m tht 
nighfj he approved tffhat advice^ 
andimmediatefygives ordertfor ihe 
foldiers ta go tofupper ht tbt cdmp ; 
and tuhen they had donoj ta make 
agood manyfires up and dmm ihe 
fnrhe^ and marcbfientfy offin the 
firft watch. jiU being heerrtify ti^ 
redwith that nighfs mareh^ Sul- 
ki pftched his camp again abont 
Jun-rife^ when the Moorijb horje 
bring word^ that Jugurtfia had 
bx dowh about two nuks on the 
road before them. Vpon hearing 
ef whichy our then weri in- a 
mighty con/lernatiofty as- beliewng 
themfelves betrayedy and ted into 
afnare hy Volux. Andfome cried 
out for vengeance upon him^ and 
that fuch a piece ofviUainy migbt 

- GXV. 


CXV. At SuIIa, qumn^ 
quatne^dem exifmmabat| 
tamen ab injuria Mau. 
rum prohibet ; fuos hor- 
tztXiXy uti fortem animum 
^j^ererent \J^e anUafauT' 
/cis flrenui^ advorfus mut" 
titluiiHmicne pigmumi 
^quanU jibi Anfr^H» mi- 
. nus pepe/a£enty tanto 
dtutiores fore % nec fuem" 
.quamdecercy quam fnanus 
armaverit^ ab inermis 
pedibus auuilium petere 
in maxuma metUy nudum. 
& ceecum cirpus ad ho/lis 
wrtere. 0ieinde Volu- 
cem, quoniam hoftilia 
.&ceret» jfovem maxU" 
mmn ,obtefl,atuSj utfceleris^ 
atque perfidia Bocchi.tcffis 
Maejffit^ caftris abire jubet. 
Jlle lacrumans orare, ne 
ea crederet \ . nihil dolo 
fa^njj ac . magis caUidi" 
iate^ yugurthee ; cui vi* 
'delicet fp^culanti iter Qt" 
Mm >cognitum rtffk.-^CeB-^ 
terumy quoniam nequerin» 
Sentem multitudinem . ha^ 
beret i fcf fpes^ ,. opefqne 
eius ex \patre (uq pende^ 
rtnty crtdireitiu^mhil 
mfuxum pak^.^um ipfe 
filius teftts ad^t;^quare 
eptumum fa£tum vtderi^ 
-permdia e)us ^ca&ra pa^ 
lam tranfire •^fefe^ vel 
pr^endffisy vel tbtdem rer^ 
liSlis Mmris^ fhlum cum 
Sulla iturum* £a res, uti 
in tall.i^gotio, probata; 
acftatim,profe(^, quiade 
improvifaacceilerint, du- 

GXV. MiUSuHay4bo'^hew4{s 
of ihejame , opinion^ yiCt ivould not 
fuffer theMoor to be burt ; but en?^ 
courages bis men to have a good 
heart; that afew bravefellows had 
oftentimesprevailedagamft mul- 
titudes i tiie lefs they .^vured thiemr 
felves in l)attle, the^nore; Ito^ 
they would be ; nor ought any 
one^ that had armedliis hands» tp 
feek afliftance fromhis unarme^ 
feet; themidft dfdanger tum 
his. naked back, that bad no eyes m 
it, .uponhisenemy* Thenimditi^ 
ing jupiteras a witnelsoif the viU 
lainy and ^reacheiy of .Bocchu% 
he orders V^olux, as a(^ing Uke a 
bafe eqemy, to be goneoutof the 
camp. He^ with tearsin his eyes^ 
begs.oftbif^ npt toha^bourany 
fudi iufpicion of him ; Ab^t tio^ 
thiqg o^all this was owin^ to ahy 
bafeneis oQiis,)>utto thefubtlety<^ 
Jugyrti^only^^ho hadbyhisf^OK 
di&vQredtheir maurch. Howeveij 
iince he bad >no great numbeiip 
with hiifi, and all his hppes and 
ftrengtli^^P^ded upon hisfathei^ 
he dfd Qot believe, he would dare 
to make any open attemgt upoo 
them, whilft thefon wasby, to 
be a witoefs of his behaviqittr. For 
which rjBafon, he thought theirb^ 
way«w(Hild be4o take %h^x rouC 
fiurly throv^ii 4be >middle Qfhis 
can>p ; that he would either fend 
his Moors before, or leavetl^ein 
there, and go iingle along ^th 
Sulla. This prppofal was^ as the 
cafe Jiood^ approvedof*^ and im*. 
medtately they went ; andjugur'^ 
tha being furprized with tbeir 
comi^gy and im^efolved what to 
doy theypajfed fafe^ ani arrhedj 

£ e 2 bio . 



bio, atque hefitanteju- 
gurtha, incolumes tran- 
&unt. Deinde pauci^ die- 
bu% quo ire intenderant> 

GXVr. Ibi cumBoc- 
cbo Numida.quidam Af- 
par nomine, multum ; 
ic familiariter agebat, 
praemiflus ab JugurtHa, 
poftquam SuUam acci- 
tum audierat, orator, ic 
fubdole fpeculatum Boc- 
duconfilia ; praeterea Da- 
bar, Mailu|radae filius, 
ex gente Mafiniilar, cae- 
tcrum matemo genere 
impar; nam pater ejus 
ex concubina ortus etat; 
Mauro ob ingenii multa 
bona carus, acceptufque, 

3uem Bocchus fidumefie 
Lomanis, multis ante 
tempeftatibus expertus, 
illico ad SuUam nuncia- 
tum mittit, paratum fefe 
facere^ qua fopulus Rom* 
^ellet^ colhquio diem, &- 
£umj iempus ipfe delige' 
ret; conjulta Jefe omnia 
cum illo integra habere\ 
neu yugurthiff legatum 
fertimefceret ; accitum 
cfie, quo res communis 
licentius gereretur ; nam 
ab ingdiis qus aliter cave- 
ri hequlvi&. Sed ego 
comperior, Bocchum 
magis Punicafide, quam 
ob ea, qiiae praedicabat, 
iiinul Romanos, & Nu- 
midamfpe pacis attinuif- 
fe ; multumque pum ani- 
mo fuo volvere folitum, 

inafHo iays^ at the place tbey de-* 

CXVL Therewas at that time tn 
Boccbu5*s courtj a Numidian named 
Jfpary who pretended to great 

freedQm and familiaritynvith bim ; 
having been dtfpatched thitber ly 
yugurtha^ asfoon as he heard that 
Sulla had heenfent for^ as bis en- 
voyy andflily to Sjcover Boccbus*s 
intentions; and befides himy em 
Dabary the fon of Maffagrada^ 
ofthe family of Maffnijfa ; hut of 

, mean defcent by ihe mother'^ for ber 

father was thefon af a concubine ; 
hut in greatfavour with the JHoor 

for his excettentpartSy whom Boc- 
chus having pundy upon Jeverol 
occafions b^orcy td be enttrely in 
theRoman interefl^ he immediatc' 
fy difpatches him ta SuUa^ to tell 
him, that he was ready to com- 
ply withthepleafure ofthe Roman 
people in every thing ; that hc 
mi^t fix time and piace for tfae 
interview betwixt them ; Aat hc 
was atfull liberty to condude mat- 
ters, as they two, upon confidera- 
tion, fhould -find reafonable, with- 
out being under any obligations to 
the contrary from Jugurtha^whofe 
agent he need not rear. He had 
beenfentfory onfy that their com^ 
mon affair mght be tranfaRti 
with more frefdotn ; for otherwife 
it would hdve heen w^offihie to 
have guarded effeituaHy ftgaiTtft 
theffy arts of ptgurtha. But I 

findy ihat Bocchus herein a6fed 
doubky rather thdn wtth the defign 
he pretendedi in order tokeep hotb 



Jugurtham Romanis, an 
illi SuUam traderet ; libi* 
dinem advorfum nos, 
jmetumpro nobis fiiafiflb. 

CXVIL Igitur Sulla 
refeondit» pauca fe cornm 
Ajpare' lotuturum^ catera 
ecculte aut nulbj aut 
quam paucijpimis prafen" 
tibus ; fimul edocet, quae 
refpondcrentur, Poft- 
quam, ficuti voluerant, 
congreffii dicitj^ mjfum 
a confUle vemjfe^ quaji» 
tum ab eoy p^cem^ an 
Bellum agitaiurus foret. 
Tunc rcx, uti praecep- 
tum fiierat, poft^ diem 
decimum riedlre jubet ; 
ac nihil etiamnunc decr^- 
vifle, fcd illo die refpm- 
furum. Deinde ambo in 
fua caftra digreffi. Sed 
ubiplenimquenofiis pro-< 
eeSaX. \ SuUa a Boccho 
occulte accdffit\ir ; ab 
utroque^ tantummodo fidi 
interpretes adhibentur. 
Pratcrca Dabar inter- 
imncius, fan£tus vir, ex 
&ntentia jurat ambobus ; 
ac ftatim fic rex incipit. 
' CXVIIL Numquam 
ego ratus fum forej uti 
rex maxumus in hac ter^ 
ra^M bmniumy quos ;f«- 
viy opukntijpimusy priva^ 
to oomini grqtiam debe^ 
rem. * Et hercuk Suilay 
ante te cognitum^ mubis 
nrantihus aliis ultta ggQ* 

the Romans atni yugurtha atahay 
with the hopes^ peace ; and thdt 
he was a long time in debate with 
him^lfi whether he Jhould deliver 
vp jugurtha to the Romans^ or SuU 
la to him ; his inclination pkading 
againfiy and hisfearfor^ us. 

CXVII. SuUa therefore repU^. 
edy that he fhould fay but little in 
thc prefence of A^ar ; thereftin 
iprivatc, with no one, or but vcry 
lew by. Atthejam time^ he in-» 
JlruSfs him^ wvat anfiver hefhouU 
return him,- J^er thej met accprd* 
ing to appointmenty Sulla tells him^ 
that he had been fent by the Con-^ 
ful to know of him, whethcr he 
was fbr peace or war. Then the 
Kingy according to his infiruBtions^ 
bids him to come tohim againy after 
ten days time ifeeing he wasas yet 
undetermnei in that matter ; bttt 
would then give him an anjwer^ 
Whereupoh they both departedinto 
their feveral camps* But when tht 
night was now farfpent^ Sulla is 
privately fent for hy BocchuSy and 
trujly interpreters alone alhwedto 
be prefent^ except the mejffenger 
Dabar^ a man ofhmour^ who was 
fwom to fecrecy. IVhereupon the ^ 
King opened the conference asfoU 

CXVIII. I nevcr ima^ned, 
thatl, the greateft Prince in this 
part of the world, Mid tbe m.oft 
optilent that I know, ftiouldever 
be indebted for a favour to a pri- 
vateperfon, or any one under die 
rankof a King. And indeed, Sul« 
la, before I was acquainted with 
yott, I haye granted fiivours ti> 


43« '■:■ ^.'eMSfhSALLU^Tn - 

met pj^m tuJiy ^yiullUis in" ^vsffj 4)pon th^< api^cadbci ibr 
iiigm. Id ithminutumi tliein) and toat^^s witbout ; but 
^uod rateri doUre filenty never ftood in^ng^ ofany myfelf. 
ego litior. Fuerit ndhi I ain glad^theca&isaltere^ witb 
^retiuntj jgutffi aUqaan^ meJn that relpe^; a tlhihgwhich 
do tua . amicitiai qua a* Others are apt to be forry ror. It 
fud aj$imum mum nihil was worth my while to ftand in 
eariifs habeo. Id adeo ndedofyourf^fieadfliip, towtech 
,4x^riri £cei:r, >^rma^ W- l prefer nothing ; in tbs vtiodd hi- 
rosy feeuatantf f^/ireipto fiocf ; which you.may l3ty • Takci 
.guidqutd ,anim lilfety Jfi^^ ^xkjtny ^rn>$) ..xnen^ money, ih 
mey.^^tere y 6f quoad ^/- . rOioit whatfoever you^^ea.mind 
^ijeiy numqmm tibi reddi^ , -toj^and after.a^, whilftyou live, 
tam ^^ratiam putayeris ; nevet* thtnkl afiif- 
femper ,apud me integra ikknt rjequitalfor yoiir favours. 
erit^, idemque . «fibV W fMy^ohligation^to^you will everbe 
f^^^te f frufiru voles. ^,ibe jfame. Finally, you ihall never 
^Haniy ^ti ^go exifiumo^^^^d^ve any thiiig >in niy power to 
regem armisy quam- muni;^ do for you, if I zta but fenfible of 
^ceniiay tiincij fiagitipjMm 'itf^ but you Ihall • haveit. For I 
jmnus* .{iaterum de ^Re-^^ thlnk it le& diihonourable fora 
^fAbL . vejlray c^jus ct^ra» " Prii^ce tobe outdonein arms, than 
tor huc miffus eSy ,paueis jgenerofity. ^utas-to yourr^pub- 
Mccipe^ BeHum ego .po~ \ U^, whofe aftairs you bave been 
fuU Rom. neque feciy ne-^ fent thith^r to tsyke-xare of, I fhali 
Mue fitSium umqnam vo- *lct- you kwow pay x^ir^ in^ few 
^lui 'y fnis mtoi advorfum .yiQ^6s, Irncverx^fle.war upon 
jormatos armis tutus jum. tbe Rpnian pegplc, cm: evar ib 
Jd omitto,; '^quando vdis /inUcii as.defired-st. J^ 
^ita, placet; ^geritej 2//r fendedmy .don^nions .vritharms 
\yultisy cum yugurtha ^ogainft anarmed.force^ ^Butl iay 
hellum. Ego fiumen Mu-^ w iTtore of that. Since youareio 
biehamy quod inter me SsT minded, ^carry pn a w^r with Ju- 
Micipfam fuity mn egre^ gurtha, asyoupleafe. I ifhalline- 
diary neque yugurtham ver ftir Deyond the.nveriviulucha, 
id. intr4frefi»am7 Prai ' <vf hich was thevboundinjy^bctwixt 
ierea^ifi quid yneque vo-- fnfie '^nd Micip&^ ; ,.nor wiUI ever 
^hifque digrutm .^^^mriVj .. fi^er Jugurtha to^cqme wjthin i 
iaud. r^pulfus abibis. . ^.j^n^ u.youhave anytiui^fiLirther 

; '.tptd^mand, wortty of me and 

^ Ym|rfelYes,yoM>^allnOtbedenied» 

CXIX, : rAd id .Sulla ; rfiXIX. To this^uila repUed 

vpro fe brcvk^,. & fao^i^.-jhxiffiy -and modeflfyyfijar as jt 

,ce j de paccji &,decGi»-- rfhtedjto himfe.^i hjtttJ^rMrge" 

" muni* 


iMiifaiasrebus mukis dif- 
fcruit. Denique rep pa- 
tefecit ; qu$d poUiceatury 
Senatum ^ populum Ro^ 
manwn^ quoniam on^lius 
armk valuijfent^ mn in 
gratia habiturof ; faci^ 
nndum aliquidj quod iUo^ 
rum^ magis^ quamfua^ re^ 
tuUJfe videretur-, id adeo 
in prm^tu ejfe ; qtmniam 
yug^rtba copiam baie'' 
reff qj0m ft Rmanu 
tradi^Jet^ fore^ ijf/ iUi 
plurimum deberetur ; e^ 
ndcitiar^ fosdus* Mani*^ 
eUa partem^ quam nunc 
peterety tunc ubroadven^ 
turanu Rex pnxna negi^- 
tare; affinitatem^ eogna-^ 
tionem^ praterea faedus 
interveniffii ad koc m£* 
tuere^ . ne fiuxa fide ufut 
fopulnrum amnm awr- 
ieret ; queis dt Jugtmba 
carus^ bf Romani invifi 
epnt. Dentque &pius 
&igatus, fenttur ; ex 
ffciuntate SuUa omnia fe 
f iUiurum promiitit. Cae^ 
terom ad fimuiandum 
pacem, ci^as Numida, 
defeiTus jpi^o, andlfib- 
mus, quae utilia vi£iy, 
conftituuiit. |ta, coni« 
pc^to dolo^ digrediuntttr* 

CXX* Al lex^ poiftara 
die Afparem, Jugurthse 
Icgatum, appelht ; (ticit- 
que fibi per Dabaremex 
SuUa cognitumi pqffi eonf 

ly astodjepubUci concePns* FinaU 
fyy he gave tbe King t0 under^ 
fiand^ThsLt as the Senate and peo-- 
ple of Romehad been fuccefsful in 
the war, they >vould never thank 
him for what he promifed^ Hi^ 
mi^ dafemething,^that might ap« 
pear to bt m(H:e for tteir interefly 
than hisr^wn: whkh was an eriy 
. matterfixf him to (to^fincehe hao 
Ju^rtba in his power, whom, if 
he woukt ddiver up to the Ro^ 
mans, they would Aen be imdier a. 
vei^ greatobligation to him; that 
then thdRomanfri^dfliipandal* 
liance, with the thkd part of Nu^ 
midia, which he demanded, would 
ccnne into him, without more z^ 
dow The King^ at firfty rrfufed 
ever and over to compiywitb this 
p^^ifpefahy alledging their rdattoti 
be^by blood andmmiage^ with 
the treaty oCalliance that had-been 
beewixt them» Hewas moreover. 
afr^ hi fdidy left by^ a^tmg fo 
treacherous a pact) he fiiould fofe 
theafFe£)ions^hisftibje£l!9', who 
aU loved Juguftha, and bated the 
Romans. out repeated inftancei 
to thefame purpofi foftened him at 
Idfi ; . and b.e aecordinglf promifei 
to do aN that Sulla defired of hmi; 
Rut to carry on the pretences ofeon^ 
cluding a peace that Jhould inchde 
yugurthof which he^ being weary 
ofthe war^ was very defirous ofi 
theyfettte matters^ as they judged 
properfor that purpojcn Jmd ha* 
ving thus laid thiirpioty fheypart^ 
CXX. Thefeibwing day^ thk 
King fpeaks tc ^^par^ and- teUi 
him^ that he was informedfrom 
SuUa by DAbar^ that the war 
might be mded upoo lerms ;- ke 




ditiinitus ielbm compmi ; mght learn his majier^sfentimenis 
quamolmm n^ fui (en- about it. He went^ fuU of jofj to 
tentiam exquireret. lUe yugurthaascampyandtakinghisin' 
laetus in caftra Jugurthae JiruSiionSj returns with allexpgdi'- 
venit» Deinde ab illo tioneightdaysafterto Bocchus^-and 

tells hinty that Jugurtha was ready 
to comply with any thing; but 
durft not truft Marius ; that the 
peacehehadcohcluded with reveral 
Roman commanders before hini) 
theyhadneverftood to. Bocchus, 
if he would provid&effeSually for 
them both, and make a peace to 
laft, ftiould procure a joint oon- 
ference imder that pretence, and 
deliver up Sulla to him. Ifhehad 
but fuchaman ashimin his handsy 
a treaty of peace would then be 
concluded by order of the Senate 
and people of Rome. For a man 
of his quality would never be^ left 
in the enemy'$ hands^ into which 
he came, not by his own wantof 
, courage^butintervinghiscouutry. 
uti juJ/iiS. P. Q. K. fadus fieret\ neque hominem nahilem 
nonjua ignavia^fed ob rempubl. inhojiium potejiate reliSlum irim 
CXXL HascMaurus CXXl. The Moor mufmg up^ 
fecum ipfe diu volvens, on this propofal a good whSe^ at 

la/l promifed he wouJd i butwie^ 

ther with a Jraudulent defign^ or 

Jincerely^ I do not find* . Bui 

mus. Sed plerumque princes humoursy as they^are mofify 

regiae voluntates, ut ve* very violentjfiare theyficiley and 

often inconfytent. j^er thisy time 
and place ieing appointed Jhr the 
conferencey Bocchus pne wbife talked 
wtth Sulky another tt/hile witb 
JugurthaU agent ; treated them 
iindfyy and promifed boih the fame 
thing. They were both aUiewell' 
appellare ; benigneliabe- pleafedj and fuli of hopei. But 
fe;idem ambobus poUi- inthenightbrforethe dayappiinted 
ccri. IUe pariter laeti^ ac for the conferenccy the Moor 
fpei bon» ptenieSet Sc4 gath^ring his friends about bimj 


cunSa edoflus, propera- 

to itinere, poft diem 

o^avum redit ad Boc- 

chum ; & ei nunciat, 

yugurtbam cupere ^om" 

niay qua imperarentUry 

facere ; fed Mario parum 

fidere ; fape antea cum 

imperatoribus Romanis 

pacem conventanty fru^ra 

fuiffe. Caterum JBocchusy 

Ji ambobus confultamy & 

ratam pacem vellety daret 

aperaniy ut una ab omni^ 

buSy quaji de paccy in 

tottoquium veniretur ; ibi" 

quifibi SuUam traderet\ 

ium talem virum in pote^ 

fiate haberety tumforey 

tandem promifit. Cae- 
tenmi dolo, an vere cunc- 
tatus, parum comperi- 

hementes, fic mobiles, 
£epe ipfae fibi advor&e. 
Poftea tempore & loco 
conftituto, in coUoquium 
uti de pace venireturv 
Bocdius SuIIam modo, 
tnodo Jugurthae li^tUQi 



hocle eaj quae proxuma 
fuit ante diem colloquio 
decretum, Maurus adhi- 
bitis amicis, ac ftatim im- 
mutata voluntate, remo- 
tis cflBteris dicitur fecum 
ipfe muit^ agitavifle, vu J - 
tu corporis pariter atque 
aniQia varius 5 quae fcift- 
cet, tacente ipfo, occulta 
oris patefeciiTe. Tamen 
poftremo SuUam arcefli 
jubet ; & ex ejus fen^teHtia 
Numidae infidias tendit. 
Deinde, ubi dies advenit j 
& ei nunciatum eft, Ju- 
gurtham haud procul ab- 
efl[e 'y cum paucis amicis, 
& Quaeftore noftro, quafi 
obvius honoris caufla, 
procedit in tumulum fa» 
ciilumum vifu infidianti- 
bus. Eodem Numida cum 
plerifque neceflariis fuis 
inermis, ut didium erat, 
accedit; ac ftatim figno 
dato, unAque fimul ex 
infidiis invaditur. Caeteri 
obtruncati ; Jugurtha 
SuUae vindhis traditur, & 
ab eo ad Marium deduc-* 
tus eft. 

CXXIL Per ident 
tempus advorfum Gallos 
ab ducibus noftris Q. Cae- 
pione, & M. Manlio 
male pugnatiim» Quo 
metu Italia omnis contre- 
xnuerat. Illique, & inde 
ufque ad noftram memo- 
riam Romani fic habuere ; 
alia omnia virtuti fuae 
prona efle ; cum Gallis 
pro falute, non pro glo- 

. andimmediately changing his mind^ 
after he had ordered all but his 
frJends to withdraw^ he didy they 
tell yoUy ruminate upon the matter 
a long time^ with Jirange alteTa" 
tiotts in his countenance^ and a 
*aariety of fentiments ; which^ tho^ 
he was filent^ was difcoverahle in 
.his loois* However-i at lajl he 
orders Sulla to he fentfor^ and^ hy 
his advice^ lays a plot fortheNu*- 
midian, Theny as fook as it was 
day^ and he was informed thflt 
Jugurtha %uas not ffir ojf^ he^ 
ivith a few friends^ andour ^a^ 
Jior^ goes^ under pretence of doing 
him honour^ to meet him^ as far 
as a hill that was in view ofthofe 
who were ordered to trepan him* 
Thither^i as had heen appointed^ 
the Numidian came unarmed 
with many friends, And imme-^ 
diately upon a fignal given^ he 
was furrounded on all hands^ and 
feized. The reji w&re killed ^ 
but Jugurtha was* delivered in 
chainsto Sulla^ and by him con* 
dui^ed to Marius» 

CXXII. jibout the fame timt^ 
our generals^ ^. Capio and M^ 
Manlius^ were very unfdrtunate 
againft the Gauls ; which occafion^ 
ed a general conflernation through^ 
out Italy. And the Romans then 
werej and from that time to this 
have been alwaySy of opinion^ 
thaP other wars had no difficuhy 
in them ; but that they fought 
with the Gauls for tbeir nkry be^ 
ingy not glory, But , cfter the 

Ff ria 



ria certari. Sed poft- •war in Numidta wat at am tni, 

quam bellum in Numidia and newi wai cerritd t« Romi, 

amfeStum ; & Jugur- tiiat Jugurtba wai etming in 

tham vin£lum adducj chaim, Mariui^ tht' aifiiKt, luas 

Romam nimciamm ell ; madt Gaiful ag«in ; and the prt-. 

Marius Conful abfeng vi«ce if Gaul affigmed him ; and 

i^&a^ eft ; & ei decreta ht triumphed^ wktn Gattful, ttptn 

provincia Gallia ; ifque tbe firfi ef January^ with great 

KalendiB Januarii magna ihry. frem that timi forward 

gloria Conful triumpha- thi. hspn and fecuriiy ^ ihe Ro- 

vit. Ex ea tempriiate man Jldlt rijled upwt httK^ 
fpes atque opeg civitatis 

in iilo 0t«e. , 

^ taken from Ifae Buildiag 

IP. I 1»" 

•w -,-.■. 


