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Εν ον. 
ae Ὁ : - « πο 
"| \ MEAAELY τα 5 Αττ ἘΒΕ 

a ratris 
a) pia i ead 

ἐγ JAS SGN At Se aeubt 


444759 ὦ THT 

SI TCLAM MIE: 404 τι 
a (= 
ΓΗ (+ ᾿ a ἐν} 4) Γι ααὸ ἼΣ Ι 
οὐ λάστλ τα ΝΥΝ 











Tue Characters of Theophrastus are a good wine 
that needs no bush, but it has been bottled anew, 
and new bottles may need a word of recommendation, 
The mere existence of an early English translation 
such as Healey’s would hardly justify an archaistic 
rendering, but the Character, in the hands of Hall, 
Overbury, and Earle, has become a native genre, 
and that, I think, is enough to make such a rendering 
the most palatable. And this style of translation, 
taunts of “ Wardour Street’ notwithstanding, has a 
great advantage. Greek, being itself simple, goes 
best into a simple style of English; and in the 
seventeenth century it was still easy to put things 
simply without making them bald. A simple trans- 
lation into our modern dialect, if it is to rise above 
Translator’s English, is always difficult and often 

In preparing the text I have discarded miuch of 
my earlier work, in the belief, shared no doubt by 
many scholars, that the discovery of papyrus frag- 
ments of ancient Greek books has shifted the editor’s 



bearings from Constantinople to Alexandria. With 
the ‘doctrine of the normal line,’ exploded by 
A. Ὁ. Clark, went much critical lumber, and the dust 
is only just beginning to clear. The peculiar char- 
acter of this text, with its recurring καί and its 
natural toleration of displacement, makes it an 
excellent corpus vile to experiment on. It would be 
too much to hope that my readers will come away 
from my Introduction as confident as I am that our 
mss. go back to an 11-letter line archetype, but I 
cannot help feeling that there is a plausibility in 
the emendations I have based upon my hypothesis 
which is not to be found in the others. 

My thanks are due to F. C. Burkitt, A. C. Clark, 
A. B. Cook, A. E. Housman, A. S. Hunt, and R. D. 
Hicks, for generous help of various kinds; I grate- 
fully acknowledge my indebtedness to the labours of 
D. Bassi, W. Crénert, O. Immisch, O. Navarre, and 
G. Pasquali; I would thank Isaac Casaubon if I 
could and if I dared. 

J. M. Epmonps. 

15th July 1927. 



_ PREFACE Z ; ; 2 : 5 . 

i. The Book and its Author . : 
ii. The Text 


ACTERS . : i 3 

ANCIENT INDEX : ; : : : ; 


Inpex oF Greek Worbs, CONTAINING THE PRIN- 






I. Tue Book anp 113 AUTHOR 

Lixe other unique products of the human spirit, this 
great little book has aroused much speculation among 
those who not knowing how a thing is done must 
needs find out why. Some measure of re-editing it 
certainly underwent in after life—mending rather 
than emending, or the thin disguise of the name 
Alexander would not have been maintained after the 
necessity for it—political apparently—had ceased.? 
The first editor was in all probability the author. 
That Theophrastus collected and edited these pieces 
himself substantially in the order in which we have 
them, is suggested by certain signs of artistic de- 
velopment which we may observe in comparing the 
earlier as a whole with the later. First, the earlier 
characters are generally the sketchier, not more 
carelessly drawn but less completely coloured. No. I 
is any (Athenian) dissembler, and his dissemblings 
manifold and anywhere (Athenian). Dissembling is 
a sepia-wash. With the exception of VIII, the 
Newsmaker, of whom presently, the same is true, 

* xxiii.3; for editing in the Peripatetic School ef. Lycon’s 
will (died 225), Diog. Laert. v. 73, and Arcesilaus’ unpopular 
revision of Crantor’s works, ibid. iv. 32, cf. vii. 34; and see 

Barthélemy-St. Hilaire’s Dissertation prefixed to his transla- 
tion of the Aristotelian Problems, Paris, 1891. 




more or less, of all the Characters till we come to 
XXIII. They, too, are sepia-washes or, at the most, 
tinted drawings. Pretentiousness, however, has 
fewer and larger parts ; and Cowardice, its next-door 
neighbour but one, though it is one of the longest, 
contains only two scenes. These are water-colours ; 
and of the last eight Characters no less than five are 
of this kind. Secondly, there is development in the 
smaller matters of style. If we divide the book into 
three equal parts, (a), (6), and (c), we find that though 
δεινός appears equally in all, οἷος is preceded by 
τοιόσδε instead of τοιοῦτος not at all in (a), once in 
(6), three times in (c); that the qualifying phrase 
ὡς ὅρῳ λαβεῖν, or the like, occurs four times in (a), 
twice in (6), not at all in (c); that the word ἀμέλει 
occurs four times in (a), four times in (6), and eight 
in (c); and that the construction o7e-and-infinitive 
occurs four times in (a), once in (6), not at all in (e) ; 
whereas ‘va or dzws final occurs twice in (a), five 
times in (6), eleven times in (c). And it may well 
mean something that the average number of lines to 
the section in modern texts is two in the first half of 
the book and two and a half in the second. The 
general effect of which these minutiae are the outward 
signs is that the reader somehow feels as he proceeds 
that what was Anyman in the earlier parts of the 
book comes to be Somebody in the later. None, 
probably, of the Characters is really an individual 
masquerading as a type, yet when we read of the 
Pretentious Man, the Coward, the Oligarch, or the 
Friend of Rascals, we feel what we do not feel of the 
earlier Characters, that Theophrastus’ contemporaries 
must have said ‘ That is meant for so-and-so.’ And 
another thing shows the artist. A mere philosopher 


would have arranged his types scientifically. The 
Garrulous man, the Loquacious, the Newsmaker, 
the Backbiter, and still more Penuriousness, Par- 
simoniousness, and Meanness, should properly be 
presented in groups. The artist is more likely to 
arrange his sketches either in the order in which he 
drew them or as he thinks will be most pleasing to 
his public. Which brings us back to the Newsmaker. 
This Character, though it is numbered VIII, belongs 
in form to the later part of the book; and it is 
exceptional in another way. For here Theophrastus 
breaks his ‘ rule of the infinitive’ * by no fewer than 
five indicatives ; the only other instances are halfway 
through the book, the two potential optatives at the 
end of XV. Now it is agreed that VIII must have 
been written after XXIII, because in the former 
Antipater is dead and in the latter still alive. It is 
only a matter of a few months, but there it is. We 
have seen that, apart from Newsmaking, there are 
clear traces of a trend. Then why this exception? 
The reason, like that of the disguising of Alexander’s 
name in XXIII, is very likely political. It may 
perhaps be connected with the dedication? of the 
book to the adviser of Eurydice, wife of the imbecile 
king Arrhidaeus, whose rival the four-year-old son 
of Alexander is made by the Newsmaker—so absurdly 
as it would seem to the contemporary Athenian 
reader, and also, let us hope, to Polycles “—to defeat 
Casander who was then in favour at Athens. How- 
ever the exception may be explained, exception it is. 

« With οἷος. 

Ὁ If that is genuine, see pp. 37-9, and add that Diogenes’ 
lists of the works of both Aristotle and Theophrastus contain 
letters ; there was one from T. to Casander. © See p. 36. 



The pieces are arranged as none but the author 
would arrange them, and therefore the publication 
of the book, as a whole, is the author’s. 

From the order he has adopted we may gather 
that the object of his book was not primarily scientific. 
For according to Diogenes Laertius* one of Theo- 
phrastus’ famous sayings was ‘As soon trust an 
unbridled horse as an ill-arranged disquisition,’ and 
his extant botanical books are the work of a great 
classifier. For whom then, apart from Polycles, were 
these Characters written ? Like other works of their 
author they served perhaps, as a part of ‘ poetic,’ to 
fill a gap in the Aristotelian corpus of human know- 
ledge.’ They seem to have originated a Peripatetic 
genre.© But what capital after-dinner recitations ὦ 
they would make! First the definition with its 
suggestion of the game of εἰκασίαι or ‘ likenesses ’"— 
“I say,’ says the tipsy Alcibiades, ‘ that Socrates is 
very like those Silenuses that you see set out in the 
statuaries’ shops —and then its so convincing justi- 
fication in a string of humorously and gently sarcastic 
examples, extending often to little scenes—the 
Unconscionable man at the butcher’s, the Coward at 
sea; and the touch which makes the whole world 
kin—‘ and this done he will away home and tell his 
wife what a great success he has had.’ They may 
indeed have been, as the use of the word ἀμέλει 
implies,’ answers to ‘dinner-table questions, συμπο- 
σιακαὶ ἐρωτήσεις, like the dialectic questions addressed 

« Lives of the Philosophers, v. 2, ed. Hicks, L.C.L. 

> Cf. Rostagni, Riv. di Filol. xlviii. 417 f. 

¢ Heracleides Ponticus (?), Lycon, Ariston, Satyrus; cf. 
now Pasquali, Rass. di Ling. 6 Lett. class., 1918, pp. 7 f. 

4 Of. Plat. Sym. 215 c, Rep. 487 ©, Meno 80 c, and Rhet. 
Gr. viii. 789 W. ‘Cf xii ΕΣ 1. 


by Stilpo to Eucleides at the table of Ptolemy I., 
and the ‘inquiries over the wine-cup,’ ἐπικυλικεῖοι 
ἐξηγήσεις So much resented by Arcesilaus.* Perhaps 
they were composed for the monthly dinners of the 
Peripatetic thiasos for which Aristotle wrote his 
Mess-rules,® and which were the original scene of his 
Dinner - Table Problems,¢ a collection which was 
doubtless the prototype of the Convivial Questions 
of Plutarch and the Doctors at Dinner of Athenaeus, 
not to mention the Symposiacs of Didymus. For a 
Peripatetic book written in light vein we may 
compare Theophrastus’ contemporary Heracleides of 
Pontus. At the end of Diogenes’ list of his works ὦ 
we read ‘ Some of these are composed in comic style 
(κωμικῶς πέπλακεν), for instance the tracts On Pleasure 
and On Temperance, others in the style of tragedy 
(τραγικῶς), for instance Those in Hades, On Piety, and 
On Authority. And he has a sort of intermediate con- 
versational type for dialogue between philosophers, 
generals, and statesmen.’ Unfortunately we do not 
know to which group Heracleides’ Characters be- 
longed, nor whether their title betokens a similar 
book to this.¢ 

Whether the companion volume of ‘ good’ char- 
acters apparently referred to in Theophrastus’ preface 
was ever written, is not certain. But Diogenes’ list 
of his works contains two mentions of Characters, 
one of which may refer to the ‘ good’ volume and one 

@ Diog. L. ii. 111-2. 118, iv. 42 

> νόμοι συσσιτικοί Diog. L. v. 26, συμποτικοί Ath. ν. 2, 186 b, 
Chile On. 

© συσσιτικὰ προβλήματα Hesych., ef. Plut- Ὁ; ca 6 prol., 
Macr. Sat. vii. 3. 23. 

4 It may have been a rhetorical =a lice eee 
Περὶ λέξεως ἢ περὶ χαρακτήρων Diog. L. vi. 15. 



to the ‘bad’; a clearer indication is the passage 
where Eustathius speaks of Theophrastus’ Brave man 
in contrast with his Coward.* The‘ good ’ characters 
the dinner-table would not perhaps find so amusing ; 
yet not all amusement is laughable nor were all 
ῥήσεις comic.2 To write a book to serve, as it would 
seem,’ two such diverse purposes, would need an 
uncommon but happily not unexampled nature, that 
which combines philosopher, teacher, artist, and wit. 
Readers of his delightful Letters will think perhaps 
of the late Walter Raleigh. Readers of Athenaeus ὦ 
will remember the account he takes from Hermippus, 
who wrote about fifty years after our author’s death : 
“ At a regular hour Theophrastus used to appear in 
the Garden spruce and gay, and taking his seat 
proceed to his discourse, indulging as he went along 
in every pose and gesture imaginable; he once 
mimicked an epicure by putting out his tongue and 
licking his lips.’. Add to this his saying,’ “’The most 
expensive thing is time,’ his pedagogic contrast of a 
lecture-audience (πανήγυρις) with a class (συνέδριον), 
and his calling somebody σχολαστικός, ‘a pedant,’ 
and you have a portrait to prefix to Diogenes’ great 
list of his works 

The Characters were a new thing, but even new 

@ 71. 931.21. > Of. Ar. Nub. 1371, Ephipp. 16 K. 

¢ Jebb is very sound here: ‘ The difficulty [in supposing 
the object of the book philosophic] is, not that the descrip- 
tions are amusing, but that they are written as if their 
principal aim was to amuse,’ p. 13 (29). 

qj, 21 a, quoting doubtless from H.’s On Theophrastus, 
Diog. L. ii. 55. 

© For these passages see Diog. v. 36 f. and add vi. 90. 

7 490 ‘volumes’ as against Aristotle’s 535 ( =‘ nearly 400 
works,’ Diog. L. v. 34); but of course many were in size 
mere pamphlets, as is shown by the totals of the lines. 



things have origins, and, though this book's re- 
semblance to its forbears is slight, it is unmistakable. 
Passages like Herodotus’ description of the Despot ¢ 
are doubtless in the direct line; and though the 
Oligarchical man of Plato’s Republic” is almost as far 
removed from that of Theophrastus as Theophrastus’ 
Flatterer from Menander’s, certain parts of the 
Nicomachean Ethics show a near affinity. I translate 
a well-known passage:° ‘Such then is the peyado- 
πρεπής or Magnificent man. The excessive nature 
corresponding to the mean in him, that of the 
βάναυσος or Vulgar, shows its excess in extravagant 
expenditure. For the Vulgar man spends much on 
small things and seeks distinction in wrong ways, 
entertaining his club, for instance, as if it were a 
wedding-party, and, when he stages a comedy, in- 
troducing purple in the Megarian style where the 
Chorus enters. His object in all such actions will be, 
not to win honour but to display his wealth and 
cause a sensation, spending little where he should 
spend much, and much where little. The μικρο- 
πρεπής or Shabby-minded man will always show the 
corresponding defect and, after he has spent a fortune 
on a thing, lose honour in a mere detail of it, always 
stopping to consider what is the cheapest way and 
bewailing even that, and exaggerating the import- 
ance of everything he does.’ There is humour here, 
but it is incidental. The humour of the Characters 
is essential. In Aristotle the examples are a means 
of expression, in Theophrastus they are the thing 
said. In Aristotle the teacher predominates, in 
Theophrastus the man of letters. Plato, here as 
always, is as much one as the other. 

απ (iO) δ 59) A. ¢ iv. 1193 a 6. 


I add an outline of our author’s life. Theophrastus, 
whose true name was Tyrtamus, was born, like 
Sappho, at Eresus in Lesbos, probably about the 
year 370 s.c. His father was a fuller. He was 
twice instrumental in expelling tyrants from his 
native town, and the democracy of Eresus, over- 
thrown about 357, was restored before 334. It was 
perhaps therefore partly for political reasons that he 
first went to Athens. Anyhow he sat at the feet. of 
Plato and, before his death, left him for Aristotle. 
It is probable that when, on Plato’s death in 347, 
Aristotle withdrew, first to Atarneus, then to 
Mytilene, and thence to Stageira to educate the 
young Alexander, Theophrastus spent some time in 
Lesbos and then joined his master in Chalecidice, to 
return with him to Athens when, in 335, Alexander 
became king. When Aristotle retired in the year of 
Alexander’s death, 323, to Chalcis, Theophrastus 
succeeded him as head of the Peripatetic School. 
As many as two thousand pupils, it is said, attended 
his lectures. One of these was the comic poet 
Menander, who brought out his first play a year 
after the final triumph of Macedon at Crannon, 321. 
The Characters were written in 319. In 307 Theo- 
phrastus shared the banishment of all philosophers 
under the decree proposed by one Sophocles, re- 
turning on its repeal the following year. When he 
died, in or about 287, all Athens followed him to his 
grave in the Garden where he had taught. His will, 
which is given by Diogenes, is an historical document 
of the greatest interest. We gain from it among 
other things a clear notion of the Garden which was 
the undoubted ancestor of the modern college. 



11, Tar Text 

The manuscripts of the Characters arrange them- 
selves into groups containing respectively : 

(1) I-XV: A and B and the class αὶ 
(2) XVI-XXX: V 

(3) I-XXI: M 

(4) I-XXIIT: the class D 

(5) I-XXVIII: the class C 

A is Parisinus (Fontebl. Reg.) 2977 membr. saec. xi, 

B is Parisinus (Med. Reg.) 1983 membr. saec. xi 

V is Vaticanus gr. 110 chart. saec. xiii vel xiv, 

M is Epitome Monacensis gr. 505 chart. saec. xv.* 

The mss of classes C, D, and FE, none of which is 
older than the xiiith century, are described, with the 
above, by Immisch, who has done more for the text 
of the Characters than any scholar since Casaubon. 

The text is peculiarly liable to loss and dislocation 
owing to two circumstances, the unusual number of 
sentences beginning with καί, and the unusually dis- 
connected nature of the subject matter. The first 
invites parablepsia (7X), the second toleration of dis- 
placement. (Hence the length of the critical notes in this 

Next to the contents of the mss, the most valuable 
datum for constructing a stemma has, as I think 
rightly, been thought to be the position of certain 

2 Besides these there are papyrus-fragments: (1) Oxyrh. 
Pap. 699 cent. iii, Epitome of xxv. 6 and xxvi. 1-2; (2) 
Philodemus περὶ Κακιῶν Here. Vol. Coll. Tert. col. vi-vii, 
text of Char. y. 2-end. 



neighbouring passages of Char. XXX. V has these 
in what is clearly their true position, all other mss 
at the end of XI. Of this there can be three ex- 
planations: (1) V represents half of a different re- 
cension in two books; or (2) the ancient recension 
from which all our mss have come had the passage 
in both places ;% or else (3) the half-book (/), from 
which V’s ancestor (v) was copied, had, or rather 
came to have, at or near the end certain loose por- 
tions which alone, or rather some of which alone, 
eventually survived and were inserted in the other 
half (a) before the ancestors of the other mss (m, a, 
ὁ, etc.) were made.? Of these alternatives the first 
is rendered unlikely by the title of V, ἀπὸ τῶν τοῦ 
Θεοφράστου χαρακτήρων us’ χαρακτὴρ δεισιδαιμονίας, 
and its having no index, which show that the scribe 
of V knew that he was copying a fragment ; and the 
second is not likely in so short a work (but see below, 
p. 30). All the other large displacements probably 
took place in the earlier antiquity. Compare the 
history of the library of Theophrastus in Strabo, 
xiii. 54. One displacement, at any rate, is shared by 
the Philodemus citation (Pap. Herc. 1457). 

A third datum has not hitherto been taken suffici- 
ently into consideration, that furnished by the 
omissions, the repetitions, the transpositions, and 
the minor displacements. The great majority of 

@ Cf. the Urbinas of Theophr. Hist. Plant. ix. 8. 1f; and 
the Aristotelian Problems, of which 14 out of 896 are identical 
repetitions (Prantl ap. St.-Hilaire, op. cit.). 

> More accurately, the Archetype was divided into p and 
q, p with full index, g with none; from p came a with half 
the index; the other half-index was freshly compiled and 

added either to g after v was made, or to an intermediate 
ms §, ancestor of all exemplars containing any of XV—XXX. 



these can, I think, be most easily accounted for on 
the following theory : 

(a) That all existing mss except the papyrus frag- 
ments come from a papyrus-roll mithout compendia + 
which had 11-12 letters to the line and a column of the 
unusually short average length of 124 lines ὃ, 

(b) That this exemplar was purposely divided into two 
halves, either so that it could be copied by two scribes at 
once, or because of the awkwardness of this format ; 

(c) That this exemplar was copied not only in contents 
but to some extent in form by the ancestors of all our 
mss (except the papy?t). 

(d) That the edition to which this archetype (Arch.) 
and its more immediate descendants belonged was made 
from an earlier exemplar (Pre-Arch.) which had about 
18 letters to the line.“ 

I take first the chief evidence for these conclusions 
in order, and then the indications that the supposed 
Jormat of Arch., though apparently unusual, is pos- 
sible : 

(a) i. Evidence for the 11-12 letter line in Arch. and 
its immediate descendants (1 star the instances where 
7X seems to be involved, underlining the letters con- 
cerned, and adding within brackets the number of 
letters in each line) : 

2 Except such ancient devices as the stroke over the 
penultimate letter indicating N. 

> Or, allowing 4 a line per col. for paragraphing, say 13. 

¢ I can hardly expect my critics to write out the whole 
book, as I have done, in (plausible) 12-14 line columns of 
(plausible) 11-12 letter (rarely 9 or 13) lines with an eye to 
the possible causes of gaps, etc., but if they would—! 



V: _ repetition, in XXII 5-6, of -τοῦ ἀποτιθέναι (13) 
καὶ τὰ παιδία (11) 

after δεινὸς δὲ μὴ (10) 
πέμψαι εἰς διδα- (13) 
σκάλου ὅταν 7 (12) 

repetition,* in XXVI 8, of ἀμέλει δὲ δει- (11) 
νὸς τοῖς τοιού- (19) 
τοις τῶν ὀλί- (10) 
γων χρήσασθαι (19) 

after ἐπίστασθαι (10) 
C D*: omission,* in XVI 4, of ἱερῷον εὐθὺς (12) 
after ἱερὸν ἐνταῦθα (12) 
transposition,* in XVI 9, of ἐλθεῖν between 
οὔτ᾽ ἐπὶ νεκρὸν (12) 
and οὔτ᾽ ἐπὶ λεχὼ (10) 
omission, in XXI 8, of ἐν τοῖς μύωψι (11) 

transposition, in XXVIII 2, of φασὶν 
after ἐν τῇ πατρίδι (12) 
εὐγενεῖς εἶναι (15) 

Α: transposition,* in III 6, of μήτε σχολὴν (10) 

and μήτε σπουδὴν (11) 

anticipation,* in XII 9, of καὶ ἀναλίσκον- (12) 

after μεμαθηκότας (11) 
instead of after καὶ θύοντας (10) 
10 lines,® see below. 
A Be®: omission, in Proem ὃ 4, of τὸν λόγον ἀπὸ (11) 

Dis repetition, in IX 7, of κριθὰς ποτὲ δὲ (12) 
omission, in XV 10, of καὶ οὔτε aoa (12) 

@ After XXIII C alone. 

> Of respectively 10, 9, 9, 10, 12, 11, 11, 12, 10, 10 letters. 

¢ c, d, e indicate one or more mss, but not all, of the 
classes C, D, E. 



M: _loss,* in XI. 1, of ἐπιφανὴς καὶ (11) 
before ἐπονείδιστος (12) 

These give an average length to the line of 11} letters. 

ii. Evidence for the column of an average length of 
12-13 ll. in Arch. (this depends, of course, on the 
acceptance of the 11-12 letter line): The latter 
part of XXX %—the eventually saved loose part (f3) 
of the second half (6) of Arch.—gives the best 
example. It may be divided into nine columns thus, 
if we assign to the margin of Arch. words which 
there is good reason to suppose (see critical notes) 
were there and not in the text : 

(1) καὶ οἰνοπωλῶν---θεατρῶναι (marg. ἐπὶ θέατρον) 11 ll. 

(2) kai ἀποδημῶν ---φορτίον (marg. ἐπιθεῖναι) 11 Il. 

(3) ἢ δύναται--- βαλανείῳ καὶ (marg. ἄλλων and παρέχειν) 11 1]. 

(4) εἰπὼν σαπρὸν---ρμῆς (marg. ἐπρίω and ὑπὸ τῶν 

οἰκετῶν) 12 ]]. 

(5) καὶ ἱμάτιον--- μετρεῖν αὐ- (marg. τὸν) 181]. 

(6) -ros τοῖς ἔνδον- -ἀποδοῦναι καὶ (marg. σφόδρα δὲ 

ἀποψῶν) 13 Il. 

(7) τῶν υἱῶν δὲ--- -μάτα διὰ τὸ 14 11. 

(8) θεὰς εἶναι---- -ρίζοντος καὶ 14.]]. 

(9) φράτορα---- -des μὴ λάβωσι 14 Il. 

Of these nine columns M, or rather m, lost col. 1, prob- 
ably by 78 between the top lines; all mss but V lost, 
probably owing to mutilation entire or partial, the first 
8 ll. of col. 5 and the whole of cols. 7 and 8. The average 
length, then, of the column in this part of the roll was just 
under 123 lines. Now, as the tendency of papyrus is to 
tear vertically, and C stops at XXVIII, Char. XXIX prob- 
ably began a new column. If so, between XXIX init. and 
XXX 8 5, Arch. had (with two titles) 3 columns of 12, and 6 

* Allowance for possible paragraphing would slightly 
raise the average length of the columns, and perhaps tend 
to equalize them; contrast cols. (1) and (7) below. 

> Disregarding the last part of all, §§ 17-20 ((,). 




of 13 ll. Again, as the roll was cut in two between XV and 
XVI, it is reasonable to suppose that XVI began a new 
column (this would doubtless be originally due to the 
planning-out of the format of the edition). It is interesting, 
then, to note that if we take 12 ll. as the content of XVI 
col. 1, the column ends with an unelided ἀπό (before ἱεροῦ) δ; 
that if we take 13, 13, 13, 12 as the length of cols. 2-5, 
cols. 3-5 may have been lost from m by 78) between καὶ 
ἐὰν ἴδη and κἂν (καὶ ἐὰν) γλαῦκες. Again, if 8, ended with 
the end of a column and the ultimately legible parts of it 
were copied and the copy inserted after Char. XI, Char. XII 
would seem to have begun with the top of a column; and 
if we give this column 14 lines, we can account for m’s 
displacement of 

ἀσχολουμένῳ (12) 

προσελθὼν ava- (12) 


Lastly, if cols. 2, 3, and 4 of XII contained 14, 12, and 12 
lines respectively, M’s omission of 
1) καὶ ἐκ μακρᾶς (11) 
down to (but not including) 
(§12) καὶ μαστιγου- (11) 

is due to the omission of two whole columns through πβὰ 
(of the scribe of m) between the top lines of cols. 3 and 5. 

(b) That the halving of Arch. was designed is clear 
from the equality of the division I-XV, XVI-XXX. 

(c) Arch. was copied to some extent in form as well 
as in contents by the ancestors of all our mss (except, 
of course, the papyri). In some this identity seems 
to have included columns as well as lines, in others 
it was a matter of lines only. Both lines and columns 
apparently remained unchanged in both v and m 
throughout. The rest show evidence of the 11-12 
letter line, but not of the 12-13 line column except 
in 23, where they naturally coincide with m. (This 



perhaps indicates that v and m retained the roll-form 
while the ancestors of the rest were codices even in 
the first generation from Arch.) 

i. Columns: Apart from instances already given under 
(a) ii, M omits passages of about 12 or 24 lines, apparently 
by 7) of its ancestor m, in 

Il 4 ΕΣ : between καί and καί (12 Il.) 
IX 5 f*: between καί and καί (14 Il.) 
X 2f*: between οἷος and οἷος (12 and 13 ll.) 

XXI8f*: between καὶ πομπεύσας (12 ll.) 

and καὶ kuvapiov (11 ll.) 
de (11 Il.). 

; The evidence for V is given above under (a) ii. 

ii. Lines: The 11-letter line is indicated above under (a) i 
for the common ancestor of A, B, and some of the # class 
(abe); for the C class and the D class; for the common 
ancestor of C and D (cd); for the common ancestor of A B 
(ab) ; as well as for v and m. 

(d) Evidence for a line of 17-18 letters in the Pre- 
Archetype : This, naturally, is rather less definite. 

Proem §4*: τὸν λόγον ᾿ σοῦ δὲ παρα- (17) 
κολουθῆσαί τε ὀρθῶς (17) 
καὶ εἰδῆσαι εἰ ὀρθῶς (17) 
λέγω. A 

The first ὀρθῶς clearly comes from the second. Comparing 
Aesch. i. 116 ὑμᾶς βουλοίμην ἂν οἷς ἐγὼ μέλλω λέγειν προσ- 
éxew τὸν νοῦν καὶ παρακολουθεῖν εὐμαθῶς, we see that it has 
in all probability ousted εὐμαθῶς. 

Ill 5*: displacement of 
καὶ ἐὰν ὑπομένῃ τις (17) 
αὐτὸν μὴ ἀφίστασθαι (17) 
Ὁ 17 


before καὶ ὡς Βοηδρομιῶνος (17) 
μέν ἐστι τὰ μυστήρια (17) 
Πυανοψιῶνος δὲ τὰ ᾽᾿Απα- (18) 
τούρια ἸΠοσιδεῶνος δὲ (18) 
τὰ Kat’ ἀγροὺς Διονύσια (19). 
IV 13%: displacement of 
καὶ ἐν βαλανείῳ δὲ (16) 
σαι" καὶ εἰς τὰ ὑποδή- (18) 
ματα δὲ ἥλους ἐγκροῦσαι (90) 
before καὶ τῆς αὐτῆς ὁδοῦ παρι- (19) 
ὧν κομίσασθαι παρ᾽ ᾿Αρ- (17) 
χίου τοὺς ταρίχους" (16). 

The average, taken from these three cases, is 17} letters to 

the line. 
XIII 5: All mss except M (and some of the C class 
which give καταλιπεῖν 4 ll. of Arch. too late) omit 

τὴν ὁδὸν καταλιπὼν (16). 

This probably stood in the margin of Arch., having been 
omitted by the first hand. As D omits it, it was apparently 
adscript in cd also (see below). 

IV 9*: ABe’s omission of 18 letters, καὶ κόψαντος τὴν 
θύραν, is most easily explained by its having stood in the 
margin of Arch., whose first hand had omitted it by πβὰλ 
either between τὴν ὀλύραν (M. Schmidt) and τὴν θύραν, or 
between τὴν θύραν (already corrupted from τὴν ὀλύραν) and 
τὴν θύραν. Pre-Arch. then had 

ἐμβαλεῖν τὴν ddipay’ (17) or τὴν θύραν: (16) 
kal κόψαντος τὴν θύραν (19). 
ΧΙ ὅ: It now looks as if we might explain ABe’s omis- 

sion of 
περιμεῖναι κελεῦσαι (18) 

in the same way, though without πβλ. 

I now give reasons for supposing (e) that this 
format was possible, (f) that the format of an ancient 
or medieval book was sometimes perpetuated. 



(e) That this format was possible : 

i. Letters to the line: In Oxyrh. Papp. 1093 and 1182, 
mid-2nd cent. B.c., by the same hand, containing parts of 
Dem. contra Boeot. and Fals. Leg., the average length of 
the line in cols. iv and xiii of the one is 11-35 and 9-83 
letters respectively, and in col. x of the other 10-31. That 
this length was not exceptional appears from A. C. Clark, 
Descent of MSS, p. 44. (The columns of these fragments 
vary between 33 and 36, and 28 and 31 lines, respectively.) 

ii. Lines to the column: Hibeh Pap. 13, Hippias(?) On 
Music, 3rd cent. B.c., has 17 ll., the palimpsest of Cic. de 
Repub., and Harl. 5041 (Theological Tracts) of cent. vii (cf. 
Clark) have respectively 15 and 14. 

iii. Short line and short column combined: Ryl. Pap. 28, 
Περὶ Παλμῶν Μαντική, cent. iv papyrus codex, has 13-18 
letters to the line and 13-17 ll. to the page; Oxyrh. Pap. 
1779, Psalm i in Greek, cent. iv papyrus codex, has as 
few as 7-12 letters to the line and 8-9 lines to the page; 
Oxyrh. Pap. 1782 Didache, cent. iv vellum codex, has, in 
fol. 1, 8-11 letters to the line and 7-8 ll. to the page, and in 
fol. 2, 8-14 letters to the line and 8 ll. to the page; and 
Oxyrh. Pap. 1010, Ezra in Greek, cent. iv vellum codex, has 
10-11 letters to the line, and 12 ll. to the page. 

It is clear then that, apart from the [epi Hadpov 
Μαντική, parallels to the short line and to the short 
column existed in Pagan literature, and that Christian 
books afford early examples of the combination of 
the two zz short works. It should be noted, however, 
that the closest parallels are codices. 

(f) Perpetuation of a particular format : 

Here I may refer the reader to A. C. Clark, Descent of 
MSS, pp. 41 and 405 f. In the latter passage he shows 
good reason for supposing that the close similarity of linea- 
tion observed in Plato, Parm. between B, cent. ix, and D, 
cent. xii, passed through an intermediate exemplar. ‘The 
Aarau Fragments of Juyenal, cent. x-xi, tally page for page 
with the Pithoeanus, cent. ix.* A fixed format for the 

« Hermes, xv. pp. 437 f.; Iam indebted to Professor A. E. 
Housman for this reference. 


editions of the Academic and Peripatetic books in the 
Alexandrian Library is probably * indicated by the line- 
totals ascribed by Diogenes Laertius to Speusippus, Xeno- 
crates, Aristotle, and Theophrastus himself. We may com- 
pare the end of Josephus, Ant. ἐπὶ τούτοις δὲ καταπαύσω τὴν 
ἀρχαιολογίαν, βίβλοις μὲν εἴκοσι περιειλημμένην, EE δὲ μυριάσι 
στίχων. There would be no point in this if the copies 
of the archetype were not to be uniform, at least in lineation.” 
It is significant, too, that Diogenes Laertius (vii. 33) refers 
to ‘about 1. 200,’ κατὰ τοὺς διακοσίους, of Zeno’s Republic, 
to ‘ about 1. 600,’ κατὰ τοὺς ἑξακοσίους στίχους, of Chrysippus, 
On the Ancient Natural Philosophers (187), and to ‘about 
1. 1000 of the 3rd book of his Justice,’ ἐν τῴ τρίτῳ Περὶ 
Atkaiov κατὰ τοὺς χιλίους στίχους (188). These references, 
vague as they are,° could only be of value if the format 
were fixed. And the survival of marginal ‘ hundred-marks,’ 
e.g. in the Bankes Homer (cent. ii) and the Ambrosian 
Pentateuch (cent. v) would seem to imply an original fixed 
format as a standard of reference. 

The importance, to emendation, of the establish- 
ment—if such it be—of these two line-units, 11-12 
and 17-18, is clear. That of the column-unit is of 
less importance, but still, I think, of considerable 
value. And I think I may claim, at the risk of 
being told I am arguing in a circle, that the com- 
parative ease with which most of the following 
solutions have come is corroborative evidence of the 
existence of the letter-units which led to them. I 
begin with¢— 

® Now that A. C. Clark has exploded the ‘ doctrine of the 
normal line,’ Descent, p. 43. 

> Cf. also the scribe’s notes at the end of Philodemus 
περὶ Ῥητορικῆς and Epicurus περὶ Φύσεως, where the average 
line-lengths are respectively 20 and 14 letters. 

¢ The texts probably indicated only ll. 100, 200, 300, ete. 

4 Not all emendations involving these units are mentioned 
below ; see critical notes. 



(a) Emendations involving the 17-18 letter line : 

19 Ὁ; Pre-Arch. may have omitted 

«καὶ πρὸς ods ἀντιδικεῖ (19) 

over καὶ τούτοις συλλυπεῖσθαι (22). 

IV 11*: Arch. had lost ἀναστὰς ἐξιέναι from its margin 
when m was copied, and 

ἀναστὰς ἐξιέναι ζητῶν (19) 

(which came under ἀναμιμνῃσκόμενος (17) 

in Pre-Arch.) when the rest were copied, 

VII3*: Pre-Arch. had 

ἐπιβάλλειν εἴπας" Σὺ μὴ (19) 

over ἐπιλάθῃ ὁ μέλλεις (16) 

and the first ἐπὶ was corrected by a marginal adscript ὑπο, 
which was copied as an adscript also by Arch. ; hence our 
mss vary between tof. and ἐπιβ. 

X4*: Here emendation is very uncertain; Pre-Arch. may 

have had 

καὶ ὅσα μικροῦ τις 
πριάμενος λογίζεται (18) 
«αὐτῷ ἀποδοκιμάσαι (17) 
τοῖς ἀλλότρια δαπανῶσι» (20) 
πάντα φάσκων «ὥὦνιαΣ εἶναι (20). 

XIV 5%*: Here emendation is very uncertain; but one 
thing is clear, the sentence must exemplify stupidity. I 
suggest that two ll. of Pre-Arch. were omitted from Arch. 
by 78; Pre-Arch. then had 

ἐπὶ θάκου ἀνίστασθαι (18) 

«καὶ ἐπανιὼν νύσταξαι (18) 

καὶ τὴν θύραν ἀλλογνοήσας» (22, AAA 
-_-written close as often) 

ὑπὸ κυνὸς τῆς τοῦ yel- (17) 

τονος δηχθῆναι. 



XVI 10: Perhaps Pre-Arch. had 

πίνακα καὶ εἰσελθὼν εἴσω (21) 
«διατελέσαι ἐπιθύων καὶ (20) 

XVIII 6*: τοῦ κναφέως is suspect. It ought to be dative, 
and the κναφεύς, if expressed, should have come in the pre- 
vious clause. Pre-Arch. had 

οὗ ἂν 7 ἄξιος ἐγγυητής, καὶ (22) 
ὅταν ἥκῃ τις αἰτησόμενος (22) 

and Arch. changed οὗ ἂν to ὅταν by πβλ. With ὃς for ὡς 
above (Salm.) this is now good Greek (see note). 

XX 9*: The remarks only have point if they are made 
when he is another’s guest. Pre-Arch. may have had 
τδιον ἄνθρωπον λαβεῖν. (18) 
«ἑστιώμενος δὲ εἰπεῖν» (18) 

ΧΧΙῚ 95 ; Pre-Arch. probably had 
αὐτῷ μνῆμα ποιῆσαι (17) 
καὶ στηλίδιον ἀναστήσας (21) 

whence Arch. wrote στηλίδιον ποιήσας by πβλ. 

XXI11: Pre-Arch. probably had 

διοικήσασθαι mapa τῶν (19) 

with σὺν in margin, whence it was wrongly attached by 
Arch. to διοικήσασθαι. 

XXIII 6*: It is as if we should say ‘I gave A, B, C 
and D £50 apiece, E and F £25 apiece, and G, H, I, J and 
K £10 apiece,—in all £300 ᾿ (see note). Pre-Arch. probably 

ἕνα αὐτῶν, καὶ ποσῶν (16) 
αὐτὰς καθ᾽ ἑξακοσίας (17) 
«καὶ κατὰ τριακοσίας» (17) 

καὶ κατὰ μνᾶν καὶ προ- (17) 



XXIV 2*: Pre-Arch. seems to have had 
σπεύδοντι ἀπὸ δείπνου (19) 
(«ἐντυγχάνειν αὐτῷ» (16) 
ἐντεύξεσθαι φάσκειν (18) 
ἐν τῷ περιπατεῖν" καὶ (18). 
XXVII 15*: Arch. seems to have telescoped Meister’s 
woweyyuvoyuvackes (17) 
into ὠὡσινεγγυναικεσ, which was corrected in such a way 
that v could not read it and wrote ὦσι... γυναῖκ... 

XXX 13 *: Pre-Arch. seems to have had 

πρὸς τρόπου πωλεῖν: (16) 
ἐπιβαλὼν ἀποδόσθαι (17) 
and Arch. changed πωλεῖν to πωλεῖσθαι by πβλ. 

(b) Emendations involving the 11-12 letter line : 

II 8: If the words in question occupied a line of Arch. 
the last letters may have been written small, and this would 
account for the variants mpoonyye\xa, προσήγγελκας, and 
προσήγγελκά σε. 

XX δὰ; If, as seems likely, the mss other than V lost 
a part (cd) or the whole (m) of this § by 7B) of καί, it prob- 
ably filled a certain number of lines in Arch.; and yet 27 
letters is rather too much for 2 lines and too little for 3; 
emendations of πανουργιῶν should therefore lengthen it. I 
suggest that Arch. had 

[| al ὑποκορίζε- (12) 
σθαι ποππύζων (12) 
om. m kal mavoupyy- (11) 
om. σὰ - μάτιον (or -ματίδιον) τοῦ (9 or 11) 
πάππου καλῶν. (11 

καὶ ἐσθίων δὲ (11). 
XX 7*: Here CD read με ἔτικτες and V ἔτικτές με, and 
CD omit ei7.—xai and read ws ποίᾳ ἡμέρᾳ for V’s τίς ἡμέρα 


(see note). Moreover, CD omit the § καὶ ὑπέρ κτὰ before 
the ὃ καὶ ὅτι κτλ. I suggest that Arch. had 
- εἰπέ “ol, @> μάμ- 
DEG ate δ᾽ ek (10) τ 
καί με ἔτικτες (12) 
ποία τις ἡμέρα (2) 
καὶ ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς (12). 
XX 8*: Arch. probably had 
ὡς ἡδύ ἐστι καὶ (12) 
«ἀλγεινόν, καὶ; (11) 
ἀμφότερα δὲ (10). 

(c) Emendations involving both units : 

V1I3*: Arch. seems to have had 
ὀρχεῖσθαι νή- (11) 
φων τὸν κόρ- (9) 
δακα καὶ προσω- (12) 
πεῖον ἔχων ἐν (11) 
κωμικῷ χορῷ (19) 
with περιάγειν ἐν τῷ θεάτρῳ in the margin, this having been 
dropped by the first hand by 78 from Pre-Arch., which had 
ἔχων ἐν κωμικῷ xopg (18). 
περιάγειν ἐν τῷ θεάτρῳ (21). 
The marginal adscript was apparently illegible when Arch. 
was copied by all but m. ἀνασεσυρμένος (above) and ὀρχεῖσθαι 

were dropped by m and added in marg., whence a later 
ancestor of M put them in in the wrong place. 

VIII 2*: I suggest that Pre-Arch. had 

καὶ πῶς ἔχεις ; καὶ ἔχεις τι (21) 

περὶ τοῦδε εἰπεῖν καινόν; (21) 

and that Arch. telescoped the first line into καὶ ἔχεις τι, 
adding καὶ πῶς ἔχεις in marg.; the marginal ἔχεις was after- 
wards corrected by an overwritten \éyers which was wrongly 
taken as a correction of the ἔχεις which remained in the text; 


in re-inserting καὶ πῶς ἔχεις the ancestor of CDH dropped 
πῶς (by 8X with the line above ?). Thus Arch. would have 


καὶ ἔχεις τι 
περὶ τοῦδε εἰ- 
πεῖν καινόν; 

καὶ πῶς ἔχεις 

which ab made into καὶ λέγεις τί καὶ πῶς ἔχεις κτλ, and 
the others into λέγεις τί καὶ ἔχεις κτλ. 

XXI 14 (V 8)*: I suggest, in this extremely difficult 
passage, that Pre-Arch. had 

ξένοις δὲ 

συνεργεῖν ἐπιστάλματα 

καὶ ἅλας εἰς Βυζάντιον 


καὶ Λακωνικὰς κύνας 

εἰς Κύζικον πέμπειν καὶ 
μέλι Ὑμήττιον εἰς Ῥόδον, 

which Arch. copied thus 

ξένοις δὲ 

καὶ ἅλας συνεργεῖν ἐπι- (12 
εἰς Βυζάντιον στάλματα καὶ (11) 
Λακωνικὰς κύ- (11) 

πέμπειν vas εἰς Κύζικον (13) 

καὶ μέλι Ὑμήτ- (11) 

τιον εἰς Ῥόδον. (19). 

m, copying first (see below), could read συνεργεῖν but not the 
whole of καὶ ἅλας εἰς Βυζάντιον, which he therefore omitted ; 
the others could no longer read συνεργεῖν, but accepted the 
legible part of the adscript, viz. εἰς Βυζάντιον, as a correction 
of it. Hence M reads ἕένοις δὲ συνεργεῖν Λακωνικὰς κύνας 
KT, ἐπιστάλματα being dropped as unnecessary by the 
epitomator; and the others read févas δὲ εἰς Βυζάντιον 
ἐπιστάλματα καὶ Λακωνικὰς κύνας κτλ. The Papyrus (see 
Ῥ. 11 7.) copied a text which had lost ἐπιστάλματα as well 
as καὶ ἅλας εἰς Βυζάντιον but included πέμπειν, which 
standing doubtless in the margin of Arch. (having been 
omitted by the first hand because it comes in the 
middle of a list of accusatives) appears in M before, in C 
after, εἰς Κύζικον, and was (1) copied into the margin of 
cd, where D neglected it, (2) neglected by abe, etc. 



XXI16(V 10) *: I suggest that Pre-Arch. had 
αὐτὸς ἐν τοῖς ἀποδεί- (17) 
ἕξεσιν ὕστερον ἐπεισι- (18) 
έναι ἤδη συγκαθημένων (19) 
ἵν᾽ εἴπῃ τῶν θεωμένων (18) 

πρὸς τὸν ἕτερον ὅτι τού- (19) 
του ἐστὶν ἡ παλαίστρα. (18). 
Arch. lost -έναι ἤδη συγκαθημένων by πβλὰ and read 

τὸς ἐν Tots ἀπο- (12) 

δείξεσιν ὕστε- ἐπι (12) 

ρον ἔπεισιν εἴ- (12) 

πῃ τῶν θεωμέ- (11) 

νων πρὸς τὸν (10) 

ἕτερον ὅτι τού- (19) 

του ἐστὶν ἡ (9) 

P? and the ancestor of Pre-Arch. had already lost ὁ ἕτερος 
before πρὸς τὸν ἕτερον : P’s insertion of τις and omission 
of πρὸς τὸν ἕτερον are apparently an emendation of Philo- 
demus or his authority. The ἐπὶ which apparently stood in 
the margin of Arch. as a correction of ἀποί(δείξεσιν) was 
taken by the ancestor of ABe as a correction of the now 
unintelligible εἴπῃ: CDe kept εἴπῃ and changed it to εἰπεῖν, 
taking ἐπι rightly as a correction of ἀπο(δείξεσιν). 

I now recur to the Stemma. The question arises, 
if all mss but the Papyri come from the divided 11-12 
letter exemplar (Arch.), why have M and CD lost so 
much in the latter half of the book (8)? Much of 
M’s loss is of course due to the epitomator, but some, 
in all probability, to M’s unepitomized ancestor m. 

After v was made, 8” became divided at many points. 
Some pieces were lost for good. The large piece containing 
XVI-XXVIII (8,) was apparently missing when abe (see 
below) was made. One of the smaller pieces, however, that 

« The Papyrus, > Or q (see p. 12 note δ). 


containing XXX 5-16 (83) was inserted in a? (after Char. 
X1) before any of the ancestors of ABCDEM were copied. 
The ancestor of M (m) and that of CD (cd, see below) come 
from a plus the recovered, but not everywhere legible or 
unmutilated, £,. 

That m was made before any of the others (except 
of course v) is indicated by some if not all of the 
following readings of M : 

III 1 οὐ καιρίων ἤ, 5 τὰ (bef. ᾿Απατούρια), LV 11 (rer, 
VI 6 κέραμον, 3 περιάγειν ἐν θεάτρῳ, IX 3 που κεκλημένος, ἢ 
τοὺς (bef. χρήσαντας), X 13 ὀλάς, XIIL 5 τὴν ὁδὸν καταλιπών, 
ΧΧΙ 1ὅ (Ὁ 7) Sch. Ταραντινικόν, In β, m’s unique readings— 
XVI 10 ἡμερῶν, XVII 1 τις, XVIII 2 ἐπιπέμπειν, 4 omit 
τὴν θύραν, XX 2 συλλαλῇ, 4 Bnuaricy—are not shared by 
V, and it is possible that most of them originated with the 
epitomator ; but βηματίσῃ, at any rate, must have stood as 
an old variant in β᾽5 text or margin and been rejected by 
υ.Ὁ Itshould also be noted that in XVI M has two passages, 
8 κἂν γλαῦκες---ταράττεσθαι, and 10 τετράσι---ἡμερῶν which 
are lost in wider gaps by CD. 

All this seems to indicate (1) that 8, was recovered 
torn and worm-eaten, (2) that it had suffered rather 
less mutilation when mwas made. It is thus prob- 
able that m was made from «(+ 3) +, before any 
ancestor of ABCDE copied it. 

I now pass on to CD. ‘That these two families had 
a common ancestor derived from a(+,)+ 2, seems 
to be proved by the gaps. Inf they always coincide 
in these as compared with V or M, and there is 
nothing to belie it in their readings. In a, neither 
has any considerable gap as compared with the other 

@ Or p (see p. 12 noted). 

ὃ For old (?) variants in the mss of the other works of T. 
ef. a note in Parisiensis (P) of the Hist. Plant. Wimmer 
(1842) p. xviii. 



mss, but their shared errors, e.g. διεγείρειν XIII 5, 
βουλεύεσθαι 9, and the order Proem-Index instead of 
Index-Proem, are sufficient to indicate a common 
ancestry despite a few differences which may be 
ascribed to old variants in a : 

I 1 C τὸ (so M), II 5 © μικρόν, LV 11 C λαμβάνων (M 
δεχόμενος), XXI 14 (V 8) ¢ πέμπειν (so P, Ambr. P, and M). 

The losses of this ancestor (which I call cd) in β, 
as compared with v, seem to be due to the following 

causes :— 

(a) parablepsia (3). e.g. XVI 4 iepwov εὐθύς, XX 9 καὶ τοὺς 
φίλους--ἐμπλῆσαι, XXI 6 καὶ κολοιῴ---πηδήσεται, XXIV 4 τὰς 
διαίτας---σχολάζειν, XXVI 5 καὶ ws θαυμάζω---διδόντος : (ὁ) 
some of these, since it is hard to see how πβλ should 
create gaps of 6-8 ll. in a column of 12-13 ll., may well be 
due to designed shortening, not necessarily from a desire to 
abridge, but because the partial mutilation of a § or §§ had 
put the passage beyond the scribe’s powers of emendation ; 
(c) mutilation of 8, e.g. XXI 9 Μελιταίου, XX 9 ὥστε eivar— 
σκευάζων, XXVII 4 καὶ ἐπ᾽ οὐράν--- δικάζεσθαι (3 cols. of 11, 
11, 12 ll.); (d) the designed omission of incomprehensible 
passages, 6.5. XVI 2 ἐπιχρωνῆν, XXV 3 πεζῆ ἐκβοηθοῦντός 
τε, XXVII 11 καὶ ἕνδεκα λιταῖς---συναύξοντας. Gaps of a 
column and over would perhaps generally indicate absolute 
separation, but the preservation, for the most part, of the 
right sequence of §§ makes it necessary to suppose, despite 
the help doubtless got from the indices, that some of these 
large gaps were not actually missing from the recovered §,, 
but wholly or partly illegible; a medieval scribe would 
probably merely omit such passages. I may add here that 
somewhere in the C-tradition there was an exemplar of about 
21 letters to the line; see gaps or transpositions of some C 
mssiat DV 7,.Ve5; Vile 3S; aos Se 

I now take A and Band the class E. The relations 
of the E-class have yet to be worked out. Mean- 

@ For the Ambrosian mss see Bassi, Riv, di Filol, xxvi. 493 


while it may be said that it is highly probable that 
A and B had a common ancestor (ab), and that they 
share an ancestor (abe) with some of the E-class 
appears from Ambr. P’s τούτοις τοῖς in VI 4, ἐκ- 
βαλλούσης (AB ἐκβαλούσης) and τοσαύτας in X 6 
and 7. 

Indications of an A— se tradition appear in ἐμπεσὼν λόγος 
II 2, ἔσχες and the position of ἔχεις 3, διαψιθυρίζειν 11, 
τὸ δεῖπνον III 2. For a B-se tradition ¢f. veorria (accent) 
II 6 (so Ambr. C), ἀνασυρόμενος XI 2. Suggestions of a 
cd—>e tradition occur in II 4 ἄκοντος, XIII 4 διεγείρειν. 
XXI 16 (V 10) εἰπεῖν : and of a c— se tradition in IV 9 
ἐκπακούσαι, VII 9 κακωλύσαι. Some of the above identities 
may of course be due to contamination. 

It is at any rate evident that E is not really a 
family, but a class composed of all I-XV mss 4 other 
than A and B. An entirely independent £-tradition 
seems indicated by :— 

Proem title mpofewpia (Ambr. E), I] 6 ἀπίδια, 8 προσήγγελκά 
ce, VIL 3 ἀφορμάς, X 8 ἐᾶσαι, XIV 6 τι (Ambr. E and I, 
with M). Ambr. P’s ὁπόσας in X 3 points to abe’s having 
had in the margin an o which its ancestor, in common with 
A and B, wrongly prefixed to συσσιτῶν, but, unlike them, 
also copied into the margin, whence an intermediate exemplar 
prefixed it to πόσας. 

To sum up, in the present state of our knowledge 
it may be said that the value of AB has been ex- 
aggerated at the expense of CD and M. The 
Epitome, particularly, has generally been under- 
estimated—probably because it is an epitome, though 
surely where an epitome gives a longer or clearly 
better reading than the unabridged mss it is the 

7 A few have less; strictly, of course, A and B belong to 
this class. 



more deserving of credit. Some of the mss of the 
E-class appear to deserve closer attention than they 
have hitherto received. V_ has long, and rightly, 
been accorded first place ; but even here a warning 
is needed—YV is not v. Whether, as Navarre thinks, 
our mss and papyri have a common ancestor in a 
recension of Andronicus, is at present an open ques- 
tion. If traces of the 18-letter line are found in the 
textual tradition of the other Peripatetic books it 
will make it probable.* Meanwhile it may be said 
that the displacements are in his favour, though if he 
were right we should expect the Characters to share 
codices not with various works of the rhetoricians 
but with the rest of the writings precious to the 
Peripatetics. However, this may be an accident of 
their later history. 

The following Stemma seems to me to account best 
for the facts. If the reader prefers the doctrine of a 
double position for XXX §§ 5-16° to that of its trans- 
ference, it nill not greatly affect my main contentions. 
For even if the 12-13 line column be rejected—and 
that does not necessarily folloW—the two line-units 
will stand, and it is on them that the emendations 
made on pp. 21-26 are founded. 

@ For the early history of T.’s books see, besides Strab. 
609, the note at the end of the Frag. of his (?) Metaphysics, 

ap. Fabric. iii. 444. 
» See above, p. 12, and note a. 



facing p. 30 
Receusion of Andronicus ? 
cent. i. B.O, 
a ἜΣ: es 
4 Various Papyri cent. i B.C.-iii A.D, 
17-letter Pre-Archetype EEG Gaines 
11-letter Archetype 12-13 lines to col. 
papyrus-roll cent. v, ef. xv. 11 ἢ (ἢ); 
purposely divided into 
Pp qd 
Complete Index rani XV—XXX 
and Proeom—XV without Index 
SS = 
a B SS 

Ist half-Index and 2nd half-Index and a 

Proem—XV ; XV—XXX —— 

a copy of Bs* eventually split into many ἜΞΞ. 
eventually added parts which may be SS 

after ΧῚ classified thus pe 
a By Bo βε" βι 2 ——— 
2nd half-Index XXIX—XXX§4 §§5—16 §17—end =~ 
2: and XVI—X XVIII lost parts lost ὀ ἰοβί = 
parts lost ΣΕ τ 
ve Sa XVI—X XX (no Index) 
Le ate —— Ii-letter and 12-13 live 
7 SSS 
abe 1st half- m 
Index and Proom—XV full Index and Proom—X XVIII 
11-Jetter (XXII?) 

11-letter and 12-13 line 

ab 11-letter. 
va cd 
7 Ee Proem and full Index—X XVIII 

B cent. xi 11-letter 

A cent. xi Ses wae 

τι D Vv 
~ ; Proem and Index—X XIII XVI—XXX (no Index) 
΄“ cent, xili-xvi cent, xiii-xiv 
ed δ -Ξ 2: i a 
ayaa inlelé came M (Epit.) eh 
(Index and) Proem and Index—X XVIII full Index and Proem—XX1 
Proem—XV cent. Xv-xvi cent. XV 

cent. xiii-xvi 

1 There has probably been some contamination in Ε. 


Γ. tebe εἰ 

alcitten Me 
sae ": 
. ® ἐφ 


Editiones Principes: The Characters were not all re- 
covered till the year 1786. Characters I-XV were first 
published by W. Pirckheymer at Nuremberg in 1527, 
XVI-XXIII by G. B. Camozzi at Venice in 1552, XXIII- 
XXVIII by Casaubon, in his 2nd edition, at Leyden 
in 1559, XXIX-XXX by J. C. Amaduzzi at Parma in 

Books useful to the student :— 

Theophrasts Charaktere herausgegeben erklirt und iiber- 
setzt von der PurtoLociscneN GESELLSCHAFT ZU 
Leipzig 1897 (with an introduction by Ὁ. Immiscu 
marking an epoch in the history of the text). 

Theophrasti Characteres recensuit H. Diets, Oxonii 1909 
(text and textual introduction only). 

The Characters of Theophrastus, an English Translation 
from a Revised Text, with Introduction and Notes, 
by R. C. Jess, re-edited by J. E. Sanpys, London, 

Teofrasto I Caratteri a cura di G. Pasquari (Biblioteca 
di Classici Greci), Firenze, 1919 (text and transla- 

Théophraste Caractéres Texte et Traduction par O. 
Navarre (Budé), Paris, 1920. 

Théophraste Caractéres Commentaire, by the same (in 
the same series), Paris, 1924. 

Theophrasti Characteres edidit Ὁ. Inmiscu, Lipsiae 
(Teubner), 1923 (text with brief textual introduction 
and apparatus criticus). 



For the text by far the best guide is Immisch. For 
the commentary I should recommend the Leipzig Society 
plus Navarre. For introductory matter other than textual, 
e.g. comparison with Aristotle, and Theophrastus’ English 
imitators, see Jebb-Sandys. In dealing with the text it 
should be remembered that the discovery of the Papyri 
has altered the situation in favour of Immisch and against 
Diels. A full bibliography could be compiled by com- 
bining Jebb-Sandys and Immisch. At the time of writing 
Dr. Pasquali’s expected editio maior has not come out. 




᾿Αγροικία 48 | Δεισιδαιμονία 78 
*AdoNecxla . 46 | Δυσχέρεια 86 
᾿Αηδία. 88 | Hipwrela 40 
Αἰσχροκέρδεια 120 | KakoNoyia . 114 
᾿Ακαιρία 70 | Κολακεία 42 
᾿Αλαζονεία 98 | Λαλιά. δ6 
᾿Αναισθησία 14. | Λογοποιΐα 60 
᾿Αναισχυντία 62 | Μεμψιμοιρία 82 
᾿Ανελευθερία 96 | Μικρολογία. 64 
᾿Απιστία 84.» | Μικροφιλοτιμία 92 
᾿Απόνοια 52 | ᾽Ολιγαρχία. 108 
᾿Αρέσκεια 50 | ᾿Οψιμαθία 110 
Αὐδάδεια 76 | ΠΤΙεριεργία 12 
Βδελυρία 68 | Ὑπερηφανία 102 
Δειλία 104 | Φιλοπονηρία 116 



Arrogance . 102 . 
Back biting pong ers 
Boorishness Ξ Ξ . 48. 
Buffoonery. - : ΘΒ 
Cowardice. Ξ pe LOLs 
Dissembling : τ so 9 - 
Distrustfulness Ξ ΕΣ ὦ" 
Flattery . > cig FAD 
Friendship with Haveals LLG’ 2 
Garrulity . Ξ - ee re 
Tll-breeding 5 : AY = 
Loquacity . - - τὶ δοὺς 
Meanness . : - £20: 
Nastiness . - - stg BC? 
Newsmaking . . - 60. 
Officiousness  . - ΕΣ 
Oligarchy . 108 . 
Opsimathy or Late-learning 110 . 
Penuriousness . Β st ς 
Petty Pride - Ε e822 

Pretentiousness 5 pi DSK 

Querulousness or Grumbling 82 

Self-seeking Affability . 50. 
Stupidity . - = pe Ne 
Superstitiousness . = Sas 
Surliness . 2 Se = 
Griconscinnablencas! By MODs 
Tactlessness . 70. 

Wilful BineputeBieneast 52°: 



(1870) (1909) 

Arrogance . St 48 
Evil-speaking 138 110 
Boorishness 116 84 
Grossness . 126 96 
Cowardice . 125 184 
Irony. : 90 50 
Distrustfulness. 144 116 
Flattery 80 38 
Patronising of eeeaies The 170 154 
Garrulity . 128 100 
Unpleasantness 110 79 
Loquacity . 180 108 
Avarice 184 128 
Offensiveness 112 80 
Newsmaking 134 106 
Officiousness 108 76 
Oligarchical Temper, The 166 148 
Late-learning 102 70 
Penuriousness 146 118 
Petty Ambition . 98 60 
Boastfulness 94 54 
. Grumbling. 142 114 
Complaisance 84 42 
Stupidity 114 82 
Superstition 162 138 
Surliness 86 44 
Shamelessnes 120 88 
Unseasonableness 106 74 
Recklessness 122 92 


3 / 

3 / 


Hepuepyias . 



a’ | Δεισιδαιμονίας 

β΄ Μεμψιμοιρίας 

γ΄ ᾿Απιστίας 

δ΄ Δυσχερείας 

ε΄ ᾿Αηδίας : 
σ΄ Μικροφιλοτιμίας. 
ζ΄ ᾿Ανελευθερίας 

η΄ ᾿Αλαζονείας 

θ΄ Ὑπερηφανίας 

ι΄ Δειλίας 
ια΄ ᾿Ολιγαρχίας 
ιβ΄ ᾿Οψιμαθίας. 
vy’ Κακολογίας 
ιδ΄ Φιλοπονηρίας 

ιε΄ Αἰσχροκερδείας 




Ἤδη μὲν Kal πρότερον ἐπιστήσας τὴν διάνοιαν 
> / ww A > \ / 4 
ἐθαύμασα, ἴσως δὲ οὐδὲ παύσομαι θαυμάζων, 
,ὔ Μ 9 ὃ 7] ~ “EAA [ὃ ε A y > A 
τί apa? δήποτε τῆς ἄδος ὑπὸ τὸν αὐτὸν 
ἀέρα κειμένης καὶ πάντων τῶν Ἑλλήνων ὁμοίως 
παιδευομένων, συμβέβηκεν ἡμῖν οἷς τὴν αὐτὴν 
ἔχειν τάξιν τῶν τρόπων. ἐγὼ οὖν, ὦ ΙΠολύκλεις, 
συνθεωρήσας ἐκ πολλοῦ χρόνου τὴν ἀνθρωπίνην 
φύσιν, καὶ βεβιωκὼς ἔτη ἐνενήκοντα ἐννέα, ἔτι 
δὲ ὡμιληκὼς πολλαῖς τε καὶ παντοδαπαῖς φύσεσι 
καὶ παρατεθεάμενος ἐξ ἀκριβείας πολλῆς, τούς 
τε ἀγαθοὺς τῶν ἀνθρώπων καὶ τοὺς φαύλους 
ε / ~ 74 a a 5 > ~ 
ὑπέλαβον δεῖν συγγράψαι ἃ ἕκαστοι αὐτῶν 

TITLE OF BOOK: Π155 Θεοφράστου χαρακτῆρες (ἰδιωμάτων), 
Diog. Laert. v. 47-8 ἠθικοὶ χαρ. a, xap. ἦθ.: for χαρ. ef. 
Men. 72 K(ock) 1 only in 6: if anything it would 
probably be called in Hellenistic times Προοίμιον, ef. 
Aristotle’s Dialogues ap. Cic. Att. iv. 16. 2 2 Madv: 
mss yap 3 mss γάρ (from below 3) 4 καὶ βεβ. to 
ἐννέα (we should expect ἅτε for καί), or to πολλῆς (ἐξ is 

strange and φύσεσι after φύσιν clumsy), is probably inter- 
polated 5 only M: others ἑκάτεροι 



I wave often marvelled, when I have given the matter 
my attention, and it may be I shall never cease to 
marvel, why it has come about that, albeit the whole 
of Greece lies in the same clime and all Greeks have 
a like upbringing,* we have not the same constitution 
of character. I therefore, Polycles, having observed 
human nature a long time (for I have lived ninety 
years and nine? and moreover had converse with 
all sorts of dispositions and compared them with 
great diligence), have thought it incumbent upon 
me to write in a book the manners of each several 

2 Speaking generally, as we might of Europeans compared 
with Africans; ¢f. Zeno’s book On Greek Education. 

> If the preface is the work of Theophrastus, this reference 
to his age must be corrupt or interpolated (cf. Zeno, Diog. L. 
vii. 28) ; perhaps all within the brackets is spurious; there 
was a Polycles, adviser of Eurydice, wife of Arrhidaeus, 
Introd. p. 5. 



3 ἐπιτηδεύουσιν ἐν τῷ βίῳ. ἐκθήσω δέ σοι κατὰ 
γένος ὅσα τε τυγχάνει γένη τρόπων τούτοις 
προσκείμενα καὶ ὃν τρόπον τῇ οἰκονομίᾳ χρῶνται" 
ὑπολαμβάνω γάρ, ὦ Ἰ]Πολύκλεις, τοὺς υἱεῖς ἡμῶν 
βελτίους ἔσεσθαι καταλειφθέντων αὐτοῖς ὑπο- 
μνημάτων τοιούτων, οἷς παραδείγμασι χρώμενοι 
αἱρήσονται τοῖς εὐσχημονεστέροις" συνεῖναί τε 

\ « ~ a \ 7ὔ > >] ~ 
καὶ ὁμιλεῖν, ὅπως μὴ καταδεέστεροι Wow αὐτῶν. 


τρέψομαι δὲ ἤδη ἐπὶ τὸν λόγον: σὸν δὲ παρ- 
ακολουθῆσαί τε εὐμαθῶς" καὶ εἰδῆσαι" εἰ ὀρθῶς 

Πρῶτον μὲν οὖν ποιήσομαι τὸν λόγον ἀπὸ 
~ \ / 3 7 4 > / > ΑΝ \ 
τῶν τὴν χείρον᾽ atpeow* ἐζηλωκότων, ἀφεὶς TO 

προοιμιάζεσθαι καὶ πολλὰ ἔξω τοῦ πράγματος 


λέγειν: καὶ ἄρξομαι πρῶτον ἀπὸ τῆς εἰρωνείας 
\ « ~ > / sf? Ὁ \ wy” 

Kal ὁδριοῦμαι αὐτήν, εἶθ᾽ οὕτως τὸν εἴρωνα 
, AL , ᾽ \ ᾽ , , 
διέξειμι, ποῖός Tis ἐστι Kal εἰς τίνα τρόπον 
/ \ \ ” \ ~ jf} 
κατήνεκται: Kal τὰ ἄλλα δὴ τῶν παθημάτων, 
σ΄ «ε / / \ / A 
ὥσπερ ὑπεθέμην, πειράσομαι κατὰ γένος φανερὰ 

4 6 
1 only M: others -τάτοις ΞΡ cf. Sesch. 1: UlG-mss 
ὀρθῶς (introd. p. 17) 8. Arist. Hth. WN. viii. 3. 8 al. 
4 Biich.- H, cf. i. 7 and Nicol. 1. 20 (cf. 13) K: mss τὴν 

εἰρωνείαν 5 E's mss περὶ 6 mss also ἐπεθέμην and 



kind of men both good and bad.* And you shall 
have set down sort by sort the behaviour proper 
to them and the fashion of their life; for I am 
persuaded, Polycles, that our sons will prove the 
better men if there be left them such memorials 
as will, if they imitate them. make them choose the 
friendship and converse of the better sort, in the 
hope they may be as good as they. But now to my 
tale ; and be it yours to follow with understanding 
and see if I speak true. 

First, then, I shall dispense with all preface and 
with the saying of much that is beside the mark, 
and treat of those that have pursued the worser 
way of life,» beginning with Dissembling and the 
definition of it, and without more ado recount the 
nature of the Dissembler and the ways to which 
he is come; and thereafter I shall endeavour, as 
I purposed to do, to make clear the other affections 
each in its own place. 

@ Or ‘of either kind of men.’ 

> This, particularly, implies the project of a second volume 
containing good Characters, which may have existed in 
antiquity (Introd. p- 7), and is no certain argument against 
the genuineness of the Proem as a whole; the use of μὲν 
οὖν at the beginning of Char. i. shows that, if lost, a genuine 
preface or prefatory sentence was once here, cf. Xen. Mem., 
Arist. Mag. Mor., Oec., Rhet., Cic. Att. iv. 16. 2; for such 
a preface, spurious (?) but not necessarily very ἜΣ cf. that 
to [Arist.] Rhet. Alex., known to Ath. (xi. 508 a), and Mund. ; 
Aristippus (died 350) dedicated his history of Libya to 
Dionysius (Diog. L. ii. 83), ef. Arcesilaus and Eumenes, 
ibid. iv. 38; cf. also iv. 14, vii. 185, and the list of Chrysippus’s 
works; it may be noted that τὲ occurs five times here and 
only four or five times elsewhere ; but the style of the preface 
might well be rather different ; in any case it is not typically 







« A “ἣν > , δό nn“ Φφ « > 
Η μὲν οὖν εἰρωνεία δόξειεν av εἶναι, ὡς ἐν 
τύπῳ περιλαβεῖν, προσποίησις ἐπὶ τὸ χεῖρον" 
πράξεων καὶ λόγων, ὁ δὲ εἴρων τοιοῦτός τις, 
a A ~ > ~ > aN ~ » 
οἷος προσελθὼν τοῖς ἐχθροῖς ἐθέλειν λαλεῖν οὐ 
μισεῖν," καὶ ἐπαινεῖν παρόντας οἷς ἐπέθετο λάθρα, 
«καὶ πρὸς οὗς ἀντιδικεῖ)" καὶ τούτοις συλ- 
λυπεῖσθαι ἡττωμένοις ὡς δὴ πάσχουσι κακῶς." 

΄- A ~ 
Kal συγγνώμην δὲ ἔχειν τοῖς αὐτὸν κακῶς λέγουσι, 
~ ~ > ~ 

καὶ emicyeAadv>*® τοῖς καθ᾽ ἑαυτοῦ λεγομένοις" 
καὶ πρὸς τοὺς ἀδικουμένους καὶ ἀγανακτοῦντας 
πράως διαλέγεσθαι: καὶ τοῖς ἐντυγχάνειν κατὰ 
: A / / > ~ \ 
σπουδὴν βουλομένοις προστάξαι ἐπανελθεῖν: καὶ 
A = / e δὴ ~ LAAG ~ Μ 6 

μηδὲν ὧν πράττει ὁμολογῆσαι ἀλλὰ φῆσαι ἔτι 

βουλεύεσθαι: Kat προσποιήσασθαι ἄρτι παραγε- 
/ ety \ ͵ὔ θ > ~ oF A aA An 
yovevat, kat ope γενέσθαι adTav,’ καὶ μαλακισθῆναι: 
Kat πρὸς τοὺς δανειζομένους καὶ ἐρανίζοντας 
«εἰπεῖν ὡς οὐ πλουτεῖ, καὶ πωλῶν» ὡς οὐ πωλεῖ, 
καὶ μὴ πωλῶν φῆσαι πωλεῖν: καὶ ἀκούσας τι μὴ 
- > ~ 

προσποιεῖσθαι, Kat ἰδὼν φῆσαι μὴ ἑωρακέναι, 
καὶ ὁμολογήσας μὴ μεμνῆσθαι: καὶ τὰ μὲν σκέ- 

10 , See δ Χ δὲ ΄ 
ψεσθαι φάσκειν, τὰ δὲ οὐκ εἰδέναι, τὰ δὲ θαυμά- 

A > ” \ ‘ > A “ / 

lew, τὰ δ᾽ ἤδη ποτὲ Kai αὐτὸς οὕτω διαλογίσασθαι. 
καὶ τὸ ὅλον δεινὸς τῷ τοιούτῳ τρόπῳ τοῦ λόγου 
1 «καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ ἔλαττον» ἢ 2 for μισεῖν cf. Ar. Eccl. 502, 

Dem. 54. 26, and for οὐ rather than καὶ οὐ Men. Pk. 867; 
but Nav. λαθεῖν ὅτι μισεῖ is perhaps right, cf. M ἐνδείκνυσθαι 

οὐ μισεῖν 3 Κα, introd. p. 21 4 EF, from Μ καὶ 
συνάχθεσθαι πάσχουσι κακῶς ἢ ἡττημένοις ; other mss omit 
ὡς - -- κακῶς SET δ only M 7 Es: mss αὐτόν 
8 Ribb.-F ® of. Lys. 13. 75, Men. 179 K τ Cash 

cf. Men. 460 K: mss σκέψασθαι, ἐσκέφθαι 



Now Dissembling would seem, to define it generally, 
to be an affectation of the worse α in word and deed ; 
and the Dissembler will be disposed rather to go up 
to an enemy and talk with him than to show his 
hatred ; he will praise to his face one he has girded 
at behind his back; he will commiserate even his 
adversary’s ill-fortune in losing his case to him. 
More, he will forgive his vilifiers, and will laugh in 
approval of what is said against him ; ἢ to such as 
are put upon and resent it he will speak blandly ; ¢ 
any that are in haste to see him are bidden go back 
home. He never admits he is doing a thing, but 
avows he’s still thinking of doing it; and makes 
pretences, as that he’s but now come upon the scene, 
or joined the company late, or was ill abed. If you 
are borrowing of your friends and put him under 
contribution, he will tell you he is but a poor man ; 
when he would sell you anything, no, it is not for 
sale; when he would not, why then it is. He 
pretends he has not heard when he hears, and says 
he has not seen when he sees; and when he has 
admitted you right he avers he has no remembrance 
of it. He'll look into this, doesn’t know that, is 
surprised at the other; this again is just the con- 
clusion he once came to himself. He is for ever 

« And the less ? » Reading uncertain. 
ο Cf. Xen. An. i. 5. 14 (Nav.). 



χρῆσθαι: Οὐ πιστεύω: Ody ὑπολαμβάνω: ᾿Ἐκ- 
πλήττομαι: Λέγεις αὐτὸν ἑαυτοῦ ἕτερον γεγονέναι" 
> \ > ~ \ > A ὃ / 2 ΄, / 
Od μὴν οὐ ταῦτα πρὸς ἐμὲ ιεξήει-" ἸΠαράδοξόν 
» e / 3 A 
μοι τὸ πρᾶγμα. Ἄλλῳ τινὶ λέγε: ᾿Ὁπότερον δὲ 
σοὶ ἀπιστήσω ἢ ἐκείνου καταγνῶ ἀποροῦμαι: 
᾿Αλλ’ ὅρα μὴ σὺ θᾶττον πιστεύῃς." 


\ / wy ,ὔ 
Τὴν δὲ κολακείαν ὑπολάβοι ἄν τις ὁμιλίαν 
’ὔ ~ 
αἰσχρὰν εἶναι συμφέρουσαν δὲ τῷ κολακεύοντι, 
~ ’ 
τὸν δὲ κόλακα τοιοῦτόν τινα, ὥστε ἅμα πορευό- 
> ~ > ~ e > / A A 
μενον εἰπεῖν" Ἐνθυμῇ ὡς ἀποβλέπουσι πρὸς σὲ 
οἱ ἄνθρωποι; τοῦτο δὲ οὐθενὶ τῶν ἐν τῇ πόλει 
γίγνεται πλὴν σοί: ἢ Ηὐδοκίμεις χθὲς ἐν τῇ 
στοᾷ: πλειόνων γὰρ ἢ τριάκοντα ἀνθρώπων 
/ / γ᾿ 
καθημένων καὶ ἐμπεσόντος λόγου τίς εἴη βέλτιστος, 
~ \ » ~ 
ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἀρξαμένους πάντας ἐπὶ TO ὄνομα αὐτοῦ 
~ \ ~ / > ~ 
κατενεχθῆναι. καὶ ἅμα" τοιαῦτα λέγων ἀπὸ τοῦ 
\ > A 
ἱματίου ἀφελεῖν κροκύδα, καὶ ἐάν τι πρὸς τὸ 
\ ~ 
τρίχωμα ὑπὸ πνεύματος προσενεχθῇ ἄχυρον, 
~ «ς ~ 
καρφολογῆσαι, Kat ἐπιγελάσας δὲ εἰπεῖν: “Opdas; 
~ ε ~ ~ 
ὅτι δυοῖν σοι ἡμερῶν οὐκ ἐντετύχηκα, πολιῶν 
δ ” Α 
ἔσχηκας τὸν πώγωνα μεστόν, καίπερ εἴ τις καὶ 
A \ 7 yf / ,ὔ 
ἄλλος πρὸς τὰ ἔτη ἔχεις" μέλαιναν τὴν τρίχα. 
1 δ): mss καὶ λέγει αὐτὸν Er. yey. 2. Ambr. E: other 
mss καὶ μὴν οὐ κτλ. 3 Cob: mss. ὅπως * LATE ADDI- 
TION: (7) Τοιαύτας φωνὰς καὶ πλοκὰς καὶ παλιλλογίας εὑρεῖν 
ἔστι τοῦ εἴρωνος (mss ἐστιν οὐ χεῖρον ὄν and corr.)* ταῦτα δὴ 
τῶν ἠθῶν μὴ ἁπλᾶ ἀλλ᾽ ἐπίβουλα φυλάττεσθαι μᾶλλον δεῖ ἢ 
τοὺς ἔχεις. 5 Ef: mss πλὴν σοὶ, πλὴν ἢ σοὶ, ἤ σοι (ὶ.6. ἢ 
marg. arch.) 8 Needh: mss ἄλλα 7 mss add τῆς κεφαλῆς 
8 mss also ἔχεις πρὸς Ta ἔτη (i.e. ἔχεις marg. arch.) 



saying such things as ‘I don’t believe it’; ‘I don’t 
understand’; ‘ You amaze me’; ‘If so, he must 
have changed ’ ; ‘ Well, that’s not what I was told’ ; 
*“ [never expected this ’ ; ‘ Don’t tell me’ ; ‘ Whether 
to disbelieve you or make a liar of Aim is more than 
I can tell’ ; ‘ Don’t you be too credulous.’ 


Flattery might be understood to be a sort of 
converse that is dishonourable, but at the same time 
profitable, to him that flatters; and the Flatterer 
will say as he walks beside you “ Are you aware how 
people are looking at you?® No man in Athens 
gets such attention’; or this, ‘ You were the man 
of the hour yesterday in the Porch ; why, although 
there was more than thirty present,’ when the talk 
turned to who was the finest man there, the name 
that came to every lip both first and last was yours.’ 
And while he says such things as these, he picks a 
speck from your coat; or if so be a morsel of chaff 
be blown into your beard, plucks it out and then 
says with a smile “γε see? because you and I 
be not met a whole day, your beard’s full of grey 
hairs—though I own your hair is singularly dark of 

“ LATE ADDITION: Such be the speeches, tricks, and 
retractions to which dissemblers resort. These disingenuous 
and designing characters are to be shunned Jike serpents. 

» Cf. Men. 402 K ὁ. Or <ineAthens:, 



\ , \ ’ ~ \ ΝΜ ~ 
4 καὶ λέγοντος δὲ αὐτοῦ τι τοὺς ἄλλους σιωπᾶν 
κελεῦσαι: καὶ ἐπαινέσαι δὲ ἀκούοντας" καὶ ἐπι- 
, SZ SN ΄ 2? θῶ \ 
σημήνασθαι δέ, ἐπὰν παύσηται, ᾿Ορθῶς: Kat 
- ς > 
σκώψαντι ψυχρῶς ἐπιγελάσαι TO TE ἱμάτιον ὦσαι 
~ \ 
εἰς TO στόμα ὡς δὴ οὐ δυνάμενος κατασχεῖν TOV 
5 γέλωτα. καὶ τοὺς ἀπαντῶντας μικρὸν ἐπιστῆναι 
ὁ κελεῦσαἩ ἕως ἂν αὐτὸς παρέλθῃ. καὶ τοῖς 
παιδίοις μῆλα καὶ ἀπίδια' πριάμενος εἰσενέγκας 
δοῦναι ὁρῶντος αὐτοῦ, καὶ φιλήσας δὲ εἰπεῖν" 
~ \ 
7 Χρηστοῦ πατρὸς νεόττια. Kal συνωνούμενος ἐπὶ 
«πισυγγίου» κρηπῖδας" τὸν πόδα φῆσαι εὐρυ- 
8 θμότερον εἶναι τοῦ ὑποδήματος. καὶ πορευο- 
μένου πρός τινα τῶν φίλων προδραμὼν εἰπεῖν 
og \ \ ΝΜ, \ > if - 
ὅτι IIpos σὲ ἔρχεται, καὶ ἀναστρέψας ὅτι Τ[ροσ- 
΄- / 
ἡγγελκά σε. ἀμέλει δὲ καὶ τὰ ἐκ τῆς γυναικείας 
~ ~ A > ‘\ ~ 
10 ἀγορᾶς διακονῆσαι δυνατὸς ἀπνευστί ὃ καὶ τῶν 
ἑστιωμένων πρῶτος ἐπαινέσαι τὸν οἶνον καὶ 
~ ~ > / 
παρακειμένῳ" εἰπεῖν: “Os μαλακῶς ἐσθίεις, Kat 
ἄρας τι τῶν ἀπὸ. τῆς τραπέζης φῆσαι: Τουτὶ 
ἄρα ὡς χρηστόν ἐστι: καὶ ἐρωτῆσαι μὴ ῥιγοῖ, 
καὶ εἰ ἐπιβάλλεσθαι βούλεται, καὶ εἴ τι μὴ περι- 
στείλῃ αὐτόν: καὶ ταῦτα λέγων πρὸς τὸ οὖς 
ἔλα 1 , 1 yio> ea 3 λέ 
προσκύπτων" ψιθυρίζειν: καὶ εἰς ἐκεῖνον ἀποβλέπων 

1 mss ἀκούοντος, ἄκοντος, ἀκούοντα 2 Foss: mss. εἰ 
παύσεται, εἰ παύσηται With ἡ Corr. to ε, εἰ παύεται 3 some 
mss omit μικρόν ὁ most mss ἀπίους, but cf. Geop. 
x. 74. 1 ὀπώρα. . οἷον δωράκινα μῆλα, ἀπίδια, δαμασκηνά 
5 HE: mss ἐπικρηπῖδας, ἐπὶ κρηπῖδας (-idas) δ. mss also φῆσαι 
εἶναι (εἶναι φῆσαι) εὐρυθμ. (i.e. εἶναι marg. arch.) Stor 
omit σὲ, cf. Plat. Prot, 314 p fin: mss. also προσήγγελκας, 
-κα (intzod. p. 23) 8 some mss omit τῆς 9. Gronov.- 
Es: mss παρακειμένων, παραμένων 10 Μὴ: mss τι περιστ., 
and καὶ μὴν, καὶ μὴ (μή from marg. arch., whence it was 
intended to be added after τι) 1 Valek: mss -πίπτων 



your age.’ He will desire silence when his friend 
speaks, or praise the company for listening to him ; 
when he comes to a stop, he will cry in approbation 
“Quite right’; and if he make a stale jest will 
laugh, and stuff the corner of his cloak in his mouth 
as if he could not hold his merriment. Moreover, 
any man that comes their way is bidden stand 
awhile till the great one be gone past. He will buy 
apples and pears and bring them in for the children, 
and giving them before their father will kiss them 
and cry ‘ Chicks of a good strain.’* When he buys 
shoes with him at the cordwainer’s, he will tell him 
that the foot is shapelier than the shoe. And if he 
go visiting a friend of his he will run ahead and tell 
him he is coming, and then face round and say “1 
have announced you.’ He is the man, you may be 
sure,? to go errands to the women’s market ὁ there 
and back without stopping for breath; and of all 
the guests will be first to praise the wine ; and will 
say in his patron’s ear ‘ You are eating nothing’ ; 
or picking up some of the food upon the table 
exclaim “How good this is, isn’t it?’ and will ask 
him whether he is not cold? and will he not have 
his coat on? and shall he not draw his skirts a little 
closer about him? and saying this, bend forward to 
whisper in his ear; and will speak to another with 

@ Cf. Ar. Av. 767; probably a metaphor from fighting- 
cocks. NG Exaile 

¢ Here were sold household requirements of all sorts (not 
specially feminine—a mistaken interpretation of Poll. x. 18). 







~ ΝΜ ~ A ~ A τὶ ra / 
τοῖς ἄλλοις λαλεῖν. καὶ τοῦ παιδὸς ἐν τῷ θεάτρῳ 
ἀφελόμενος τὰ προσκεφάλαια αὐτὸς ὑποστρῶσαι. 

2 καὶ τὴν οἰκίαν φῆσαι εὖ ἠρχιτεκτονῆσθαι, καὶ 

τὸν ἀγρὸν εὖ πεφυτεῦσθαι, καὶ τὴν εἰκόνα ὁμοίαν 
ae sal 

Ἢ δὲ ἀδολεσχία ἐστὶ μὲν διήγησις λόγων οὐ 

καιρίων ἢ μακρῶν καὶ ἀπροβουλεύτων,' ὁ δὲ 
ἀδολέσχης τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος ὧν" μὴ γιγνώσκει 
τῳ" παρακαθεζόμενος πλησίον, πρῶτον μὲν τῆς 
αὑτοῦ γυναικὸς εἰπεῖν ἐγκώμιον, εἶτα ὃ τῆς 
νυκτὸς εἶδεν ἐνύπνιον τοῦτο διηγήσασθαι, εἶθ᾽ 
ὧν εἶχεν ἐπὶ τῷ δείπνῳ τὰ καθ᾽ ἕκαστα διεξελθεῖν" 
εἶτα δὴ προχωροῦντος τοῦ πράγματος" λέγειν ὡς 
πολλῷ" πονηρότεροί εἰσιν οἱ νῦν ἄνθρωποι. τῶν 
ἀρχαίων, καὶ ὡς ἄξιοι γεγόνασιν ot πυροὶ ἐν τῇ 
ἀγορᾷ, καὶ ὡς πολλοὶ ἐπιδημοῦσι ξένοι, καὶ “τὴν 
θάλατταν ἐκ Διονυσίων πλόϊμον εἶναι, καὶ εἰ 
ποιήσειεν ὁ Ζεὺς ὕδωρ πλεῖον ,ἷ τὰ ἐν TH γῇ 
βελτίω ἔσεσθαι, καὶ ὃ ἀγρὸν" εἰς νέωτα γεωργήσει, 
καὶ ὡς χαλεπόν ἐστι τὸ ζῆν, καὶ ὡς Δάμιππος 
μυστηρίοις μεγίστην «τὴν.»" δᾷδα ἔστησεν, καὶ 
πόσοι εἰσὶ κίονες τοῦ ᾿Ωιδείου, καὶ Χθὲς ἤμεσα, 
καὶ Τίς ἐστιν ἡμέρα τήμερον; καὶ ὡς Βοηδρο- 
μιῶνος μέν ἐστι τὰ μυστήρια, [Πυανοψιῶνος" δὲ 

1 LATE ADDITION: (13) Kai τὸ κεφάλαιον τὸν κόλακά ἐστι 
θεάσασθαι πᾶν λέ γοντα καὶ πράττοντα ᾧ χαριεῖσθαι ὑπολαμβάνει 
(mss πάντα and ᾧ, ἃ, οἷς) 2 οὐ καιρίων ἢ only in Μ 
3. mss also ὃν 4 Ἔ: mss τούτῳ ΟΊ ΡΣ Mer: 
323 5 mss also πολὺ 7 some mss omit 8 H(é is 
the crop): mss ὅτι ἀγρόν, ὃ (ὁ) ἀγρός, ὁ ἀγρὸς εἰ ὦ 
10 mss Πυανεψ. 



his eye on his friend. He will take the cushions 
from the lackey at the theatre and place them for 
him himself. He will remark how tasteful is the 
style of his patron’s house; how excellent the 
planting of his farm ; how like him the portrait he 
has had made.¢ 


Garrulity is the delivering of talk that is irrelevant, 
or long and unconsidered ; and the Garrulous man 
is one that will sit down close beside somebody he 
does not know,’ and begin talk with a eulogy of 
his own wife, and then relate a dream he had the 
night before, and after that tell dish by dish what 
he had for supper. As he warms to his work he 
will remark that we are by no means the men we 
were, and the price of wheat has gone down, and 
there’s a great many strangers in town, and that 
the ships will be able to put to sea after the Dionysia.° 
Next he will surmise that the crops would be all 
the better for some more rain, and tell him what he 
is going to grow on his farm next year, adding that 
it is difficult to make both ends meet, and Damippus’ 
torch was the largest set up at the Mysteries,’ and 
how many pillars there are in the Hall of Music, and 

‘I vomited yesterday,’ and ἡ What day is it to-day δ᾽ 
and that the My steries are in September, and the 

@ LATE ADDITION: In fine the flatterer may be observed 
to say and do any thing that he supposes will give pleasure. 

» Perhaps in the ‘ Painted Porch,’ ¢f. ii. 2, and Alciphr. 
iil. 17. 2 (ili. 52). 

© Celebrated in March-April. 

4 Stale news; this is clearly winter, and the Eleusinian 
Mysteries were in Sept.-Oct. 




oo ο 


\ > / 1 ὃ ~ δὲ ‘ 3 3 \ 
τὰ ᾿Απατούρια,, Iloowedvos δὲ τὰ κατ᾽ ἀγροὺς 
, 2 ΠΕΣ ΤΟΣ , aA ΝΞ ἢ 3 
Διονύσια". Kav ὑπομένῃ Tis αὐτὸν μὴ ἀφίστασθαι. 


Ἢ δὲ ἀγροικία δόξειεν ἂν εἶναι ἀμαθία ἀσχήμων, 
ὁ δὲ ἀγροικος τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος κυκεῶνα πιὼν 
εἰς ἐκκλησίαν πορεύεσθαι, καὶ τὸ μύρον φάσκειν 
οὐδὲν τοῦ θύμου ἥδιον ὄζειν, καὶ μείζω τοῦ ποδὸς 
τὰ ὑποδήματα φορεῖν, καὶ μεγάλῃ τῇ φωνῇ λαλεῖν. 
καὶ τοῖς μὲν φίλ οις καὶ οἰκείοις ἀπιστεῖν, πρὸς 
δὲ τοὺς αὑτοῦ οἰκέτας ἀνακοινοῦσθαι περὶ τῶν 
μεγίστων" καὶ τοῖς παρ᾽ αὐτῷ ἐργαζομένοις 
μισθωτοῖς ἐν ἀγρῷ πάντα τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς ἐκκλησίας 
διηγεῖσθαι: καὶ ἀναβεβλημένος ἄνω τοῦ γόνατος 
καθιζάνειν, ὥστε τὰ γυμνὰ αὐτοῦ ὑποφαίνεσθαι". 
καὶ ἐπ᾽ ἄλλῳ μὲν μηδενὶ «μήτε»" ἐν μήτε 
ἐκπλήττεσθαι ἐν tats ὁδοῖς, ὅταν δὲ ἴ [ὸ ῃ βοῦν 7 ἢ 
ὄνον 7) τράγον ἑστηκὼς θεωρεῖν. καὶ προαιρῶν 
δέ τι ἐκ τοῦ ταμιείου δεινὸς φαγεῖν, καὶ ζωρότερον 
πιεῖν: καὶ Ty σιτοποιὸν πειρῶν λαθεῖν," KET 
ἀλέσαι pet αὐτῆς τοῖς ἔνδον πᾶσι καὶ αὑτῷ τὰ 
ἐπιτήδεια. καὶ ἀριστῶν δὲ ἅμα Kal’ τοῖς ὑπο- 
ζυγίοις ἐμβαλεῖν τὴν ὀλύραν: καὶ κόψαντος τὴν 

1 only M has τὰ 2M κατ᾽ ayp. τὰ A., perhaps rightly ; 
others omit ra 3 all mss have this sentence after σήμερον 
—sic—(introd. p. 17) LATE ADDITION: (6) παρασείσαντα 

δὴ δεῖ τοὺς τοιούτους τῶν ἀνθρώπων καὶ διαράμενον ἀπαλλάτ- 
τεσθαι, ὅστις ἀπύρευτος βούλεται εἷναι " ἔργον γὰρ συναρκεῖσθαι 
τοῖς μήτε σχολὴν μήτε σπουδὴν διαγινώσκουσιν, after which M 

has 6 γὰρ χρόνος οὐδὲ τοῖς καιριωτέροις ἐξαρκεῖ 4. mss 
also φαίνεσθαι: from ὥστε on may be a gloss ΑΘ. 
δος: Av. Paw 1138, Lys: 1. 12 7 some mss omit 



Apaturia in October, and the country-Dionysia in 
December. And if you let him go on he will never 


Boorishness would seem to be an unbecoming 
ignorance, and the Boor to be such as will take a 
purge before he goes to the Assembly,’ declare that 
thyme smells every bit as sweet as perfume, wear 
shoes too large for his feet, and talk at the top of 
his voice. He distrusts his friends and_ kinsfolk, 
but confides matters of great import to his servants, 
and tells all that went on at the Assembly to the 
hired labourers who work on his farm. He will sit 
down with his cloak above his knee, and thus expose 
too much of himself. Most things this man sees 
in the streets strike him not at all, but let him espy 
an ox or an ass or a billy-goat, and he will stand and 
contemplate him. He is apt also to take from the 
larder as he eats, and to drink his wine over-strong ; 
to make secret love to the bake-wench, and then help 
her grind the day’s corn for the whole household 
and himself with it; to fodder the beasts ὁ while 
he munches his breakfast; to answer a knock at 

4 LATE ADDITION: Such men as this anyone that would 
stay unburnt by the fire should flee by all and every means 
he can; for it is hard to bear with one who cannot distin- 
guish leisure from occupation. There is not time enough 
even for that which is relevant. 

» This, in those days, would make him an unpleasant 
neighbour ; the next words refer to a different occasion. 

¢ Lit. ‘give the beasts their rice-wheat’ (Lat. far). 

E 49 





/ 1 ¢ ~ 2 > , \ « A 3 \ 7 

θύραν' ὑπακοῦσαι αὐτός. καὶ ἑστιῶν" τὸν κύνα 
προσκαλεσάμενος καὶ ἐπιλαβόμενος τοῦ ῥύγχους 
εἰπεῖν" Οὗτος φυλάττει τὸ ,χωρίον καὶ τὴν οἰκίαν. 
καὶ τὸ ἀργύριον δὲ παρά του λαμβάνων" ἀπο- 
ὃ / VE / λ \ 5 Φ \ 
οκιμάζειν, λίαν λέγων μο υβρὸν εἶναι, καὶ 
ἕτερον ἀνταλλάττεσθαι. ὃ Kel TO" ἄροτρον. ἔχρησεν 
ἢ κόφινον 7) δρέπανον ἢ θύλακον, τοῦτο" τῆς 
νυκτὸς κατὰ ἃ ἀγρυπνίαν ἀναμιμνησκόμενος «ἀναστὰς 

2 ἐξιέναι» ζητῶν ὃ καὶ εἰς ἄστυ καταβαίνων ἐρωτῆσαι 

\ > ~ / ay ¢€ / \ \ 
Tov ἀπαντῶντα πόσου ἦσαν at διφθέραι καὶ τὸ 
τάριχος, καὶ εἰ τήμερον νουμηνίαν ἄγει, καὶ 
«ἂν φῇ»," εἰπεῖν εὐθὺς ὅτι βούλεται καταβὰς 
ἀποκείρασθαι"" καὶ τῆς αὐτῆς 6600 παριὼν" κομί- 
~ \ 

σασθαι map ᾿Αρχίου τοῦ ταρίχους." καὶ ἐν 

, \ ip \ > \ « / A 
βαλανείῳ δὲ doa. Kal εἰς τὰ ὑποδήματα δὲ 
ἥλους ἐγκροῦσαι."" 


«ς \ > , / > / ε “ aA 
Η δὲ ἀρέσκειά ἐστι μέν, ws ὅρῳ περιλαβεῖν, 
ἔντευξις οὐκ ἐπὶ τῷ βελτίστῳ ἡδονῆς παρα- 
/ ~ 
σκευαστική, ὁ δὲ ἄρεσκος ἀμέλει τοιοῦτός τις, 

1M. Schmidt: mss τὴν θύραν καὶ κόψαντος τὴν θύραν, 
or omit κύψ: τὸ 6. (introd. p. 18) * Cas: mss 
ἐπ. 3 EH, from Μ ἐσθίοντα : other mss omit 4 mss 
also λαβών, but M δεχόμενος 5 Diels: mss λίαν μὲν 
λυπρόν (λυπηρόν) ὁ Cob: mss ἅμα ἀλλάττ. 7 E, cf. 
Aleiphr:; 2; 16. 1 (3: 19): “mss καὶ πὸν Καὶ el” τὸ Kau ὃ 
8 mss ταῦτα ® EH, see introd. p. 21 10 mss σήμ. ὁ 
ἀγὼν (incorp. gloss; for nom. cf. Sch. M κόρδαξ 6. 3); for 

ἄγει cf. Archil. 113 Bgk, where read Φησῖν᾽, ἕως pa’ νῦν ἄγει 

Θαργηλία (subject once the king, cf. tec and ὕει Ζεύς) rey 
12 mss also ὑποκ. 13 ef, Ar, Pax 1155 14 Sylb. partit. 
gen.: mss τοὺς 15 all mss have these two sentences after 

ἀποκείρ. (introd. p. 18) 


the door himself. When he gives a feast he calls 
the dog, takes him by the snout, and says seuhis 
is the guardian of my house and farm. When he 
receives money ® he tests it and finds it wanting ; 
it looks, says he, too much like lead ; and changes 
it for other. And if he has lent his plough, or a 
basket, or a sickle, or a sack, he will remember it 
as he lies awake one night and rise and go out to 
seek it. On his way to the town he will ask any 
that meets him the price of hides or red-herring, 
and if ’tis new moon” to-day ; and should answer 
come ‘ Yes,’ declares he will go and be shorn out 
of hand and get some herrings at Archias’ shop on 
the way to the barber’s.° Ηδ is given also to singing 
at the baths; and loves to drive hobnails into the 
soles of his shoes. 


Self-seeking Affability, to give it a definition, is 
a sort of behaviour which provides pleasure, but 
not with the best intentions ; ὁ and it goes without 
saying ὁ that the Smoothboot or Self-seeking Affable 

@ Not necessarily ἡ his (due) money’; the article is often 
used with this word when we should not expect it, e.g. 
Diog. L. ii. 81: so τὸ χρυσίον xxiii. 7. 

» Observed as a holiday and a great day for marketing. 

© Regardless of the noses of the barber’s other customers. 

4 We have no single word for this unless it be Impression- 
ism (and Impressionist) as it is sometimes transferred, in a 
bon mot, from the realm of art; this man’s behaviour comes 
from a desire to produce a good impression at all costs ; 
neither Complaisance nor Affability has this connotation ; 
Healey’s Smoothboot is unfortunately obsolete. 

© (hm ἘΠῚ: Ὡς ae 



<> / 
οἷος πόρρωθεν προσαγορεύσας Kal ἄνδρα κράτιστον 
>? \ \ ~ A 
εἰπὼν καὶ θαυμάσας ἱκανῶς ἀμφοτέραις ταῖς 
χερσὶ λαβόμενος" μὴ ἀφιέναι, ἀλλὰ" μικρὸν ἐπι- 
/ \ > 
προπέμψας" Kal ἐρωτήσας πότε αὐτὸν ὄψεται, 
~ > 
8 ἐπαινῶν ἀπαλλάττεσθαι. Kat παρακληθεὶς δὲ 
\ / \ / e 4 4 
πρὸς δίαιταν μὴ μόνον ᾧ πάρεστι βούλεσθαι 
3 /, > \ \ ~ > / - / 
ἀρέσκειν ἀλλὰ καὶ τῷ ἀντιδίκῳ, Wa κοινός τις 
> ὃ “δ \ a , 6 Se θα" ς ΄, 
εἶναι δοκῇ. καὶ τοῖς ξένοις" δὲ εἰπεῖν ὡς δικαιό- 
τερα λέγουσι τῶν πολιτῶν. καὶ κεκλημένος δ᾽ 
3 \ “~ ~ tf A / A 
ἐπὶ δεῖπνον κελεῦσαι καλέσαι τὰ παιδία τὸν 


¢ a \ Εν 7 a , Sue , 
ἑστιῶντα, καὶ εἰσιόντα σαι GUKOV® ὁμοιότερα 
2 7 μ 
“5 ~ ’ A , ~ A 
εἶναι τῷ πατρί, Kal προσαγαγόμενος" φιλῆσαι Kat 
Α ~ 
map αὑτὸν Kabictacbat,” Kat Tots μὲν συμπαίζειν 
» μ 
> A / 3 , aN A δὲ ΕῚ ἈΝ ~ 
αὐτὸς λέγων: ᾿Ασκός, πέλεκυς, Ta δὲ ἐπὶ τῆς 
γαστρὸς ἐᾶν καθεύδειν ἅμα" θλιβόμενος." 


« \ 5 7 / > ες \ > ~ ” 
Η δὲ ἀπόνοιά ἐστιν ὑπομονὴ αἰσχρῶν ἔργων τε 
~ / 
καὶ λόγων," ὁ δὲ ἀπονενοημένος τοιοῦτός τις, 

1 only in P(ap. Here. 1457) 2 BE: mss καὶ 3 [ἐ]πι 
in P only 4 mss also ἔτι ἐπαινῶν ἀπ. iS 
P: mss εἷς or omit 6 Cor: mss and P accus. ole 
εἰσελθόντα, but cf. Men. Pk. 193 (taken as_ singular ?) 
8 Nav. suggests σύκου <cixw>, cf. Herodas vi. 60 9. mss 
also and P προσαγόμ. 10 so P or καθίσασθαι, cf. Lys. 
18. 10: mss also καθίσαι, -ίσασθαι 1 ἀναθλιβόμενος ἢ cf. 
A.P. xii. 208: P omits aya 22 all mss and P place 
here the passage καὶ πλειστάκις κτὰ. which most modern 
editors transfer to xxi 13 Gale: mss δικαιολόγων 



is one that will hail you a great way off and call you 
excellent fellow, and when he is done with admiring 
you, seize you with both hands and not let go till 
he have accompanied you some little way and asked 
you when he can see you, and then go his way with 
a compliment. When he is called to help settle a 
dispute, his desire is to please the opposite party as 
well as the friend he stands for, so that he may be 
thought impartial. He will tell strangers, too, that 
they are right and his fellow-countrymen wrong. 
Bidden to a feast, he has his host call the children, 
and they are no sooner come in than he declares 
them to be as like as figs to their father, and drawing 
them to him sets them beside him with a kiss, and 
plays with some of them, himself crying ‘ Wineskin, 
hatchet,’ * and suffers others to sleep on his lap in 
spite of the discomfort. 


Wilful Disreputableness is a tolerance of the dis- 
honourable in word and deed; and your Scallywag 

α These words were proverbial of lightness and heaviness, 
originally in water, as in medern Greek a child learning to 
swim floats like an ἀσκὶ or sinks like a τσηκούρι: this man, 
then, lifts a child saying ἀσκός and drops it saying πέλεκυς 
—or the like ; ‘ to try to sink an inflated skin ’ was a proverb 
for attempting the impossible, Par. Gr. ii. p. 311; inflated 
skins were used for crossing rivers, etc., Xen. An. iii. 5, 
Plut. Thes. xxiv. ; according to Hesychius there was a weight 
called wé\exus=6 (or 12) minae (S. Koujeas, Herm. xli. 
480, where see fig. Matz-Duhn. Ant. Denk. in Rom, ii. 2331) ; 
ef. Aristotle and Diogenes’ proffered figs, μετεωρίσας ws τὰ 
παιδία, Diog. Laert. v. 18. 



2 οἷος ὀμόσαι ταχύ, «ἑκὼν» κακῶς ἀκοῦσαι, Aot- 
δορηθῆναι δυναμένοις, τῷ ἤθει ἀγοραῖός τις καὶ 
8 ἀνασεσυρμένος καὶ παντοποιός: ἀμέλει δυνατὸς 
καὶ ὀρχεῖσθαι νήφων τὸν κόρδακα,, καὶ προσω- 
πεῖον ἔχων ἐν κωμικῷ χορῷ περιάγειν ἐν τῷ 
«θεάτρῳ. καὶ ἐν θαύμασι δὲ τοὺς χαλκοῦς ἐκ- 
λέγειν καθ᾽ ἕκαστον περιὼν" καὶ μάχεσθαι τούτοις 
τοῖς τὸ σύμβολον φέρουσι καὶ προῖκα θεωρεῖν 
5 ἀξιοῦσι. δεινὸς δὲ καὶ πανδοκεῦσαι καὶ πορνο- 
βοσκῆσαι καὶ τελωνῆσαι, καὶ μηδεμίαν αἰσχρὰν 
ἐργᾳσίαν ἀποδοκιμάσαι, ἀλλὰ κηρύττειν, μα- 
6 γειρεύειν, κυβεύειν: τὴν μητέρα μὴ τρέφειν, 
ἀπάγεσθαι κλοπῆς, τὸν κέραμον" πλείω χρόνον 
Ἰ οἰκεῖν ἢ τὴν αὑτοῦ οἰκίαν. καὶ τούτων" ἂν εἶναι 
δόξειε τῶν περιϊσταμένων τοὺς ὄχλους καὶ προσ- 
καλούντων, μεγάλῃ τῇ φωνῇ καὶ παρερρωγυίᾳ 
λοιδορουμένων καὶ διαλεγομένων πρὸς αὐτούς" καὶ 
οἱ μὲν μεταξὺ προσίασιν, οἱ δὲ ἀπίασιν πρὶν 
ἀκοῦσαι αὐτοῦ, ἀλλὰ τοῖς μὲν τὴν ἀρχήν, τοῖς 
δὲ συλλαβήν, τοῖς δὲ μέρος τοῦ πράγματος λέγει, 
οὐκ ἄλλως θεωρεῖσθαι ἀξιῶν τὴν ἀπόνοιαν αὐτοῦ 
8ἢ ὅταν ἢ πανήγυρις. ἱκανὸς δὲ καὶ δίκας τὰς 
μὲν φεύγειν, τὰς δὲ διώκειν, τὰς δὲ ἐξόμνυσθαι, 
ταῖς δὲ παρεῖναι ἔχων ἐχῖνον" ἐν τῷ προκολπίῳ 

1 Herw., cf. Men. 614. Καὶ 2 Foss, 1.6. τοῖς δυν. : a 
partc. in the nom. (mss) cannot be right: or omit λοιδ. δυν. 
as gloss? 3 Sch. κόρδαξ εἶδος ὀρχήσεως αἰσχρᾶς καὶ 
ἀπρεποῦς 4 περιάγειν ἐν θεατρω (sic) only in Μ. ἰἱπέτοα. 
Ρ. 24 5 Needh. 1.6. περιιών : MSs παριὼν 5 some mss 
omit τούτοις 7 only M: others have the gloss δεσμωτήριον 
8 Needh: mss τοῦτο δ᾽, τοῦτ᾽ ἂν 9 Es mss μεταξὺ οἱ μὲν 

10 Sch. ἐχῖνός ἐστι σκεῦος χαλκοῦν τῆς δικαστικῆς τραπέζης, ἐν ᾧ 
τὰ γράμματα ἤγουν τὰς ψήφους ἀπετίθεσαν 



or Wilfully Disreputable man ® is quick to pledge 
his name, tolerant of slander, abusive of the great,? 
of a ne’er-do-weel, decency-be-damned, devil-may- 
care disposition. He is the man, I warrant you,°¢ to 
dance the cordax sober, and when he wears a mask 
in a comic chorus to twist it hind-part before in the 
face of the house.4 At a show he will go round 
collecting the pence from every man severally, and 
wrangle with such as bring the ticket and claim 
to look on for nothing. He will keep inns and 
brothels, he will farm the taxes ; crier, cook, dicing- 
house man,” there’s no trade so low but he’ll follow 
it. He will turn his mother out of doors,’ be 
apprehended for larceny,’ spend longer time in 
the lock-up than in his own house. He would 
seem to be of those who gather crowds and abuse 
them and argue with them in a loud cracked voice, 
while some will come after he is begun and others 
go before he ends, this getting but the prologue, 
that the summing-up, the other a morsel of the 
theme itself, and no occasion reckoned so pat to his 
purpose as a fair.” In the courts of law he is alike 
fitted to play plaintiff or defendant ; he may refuse 
his testimony on oath, or come to give it with a 

@ Perverse? cf. E. A. Poe, The Black Cat. Abandoned ? 

>’ Or, without emendation, ‘able to be abused’ (gloss ; 
δύναμαι with pass. inf. is very rare in classical Greek). 

2 (Oy Saini, 1G α- 

4 Cf. περιάγ. τὴν κεφαλήν, τὸν τράχηλον, κτὰ : or ‘do the 
secene-shifting in his mask’? ο΄. περίακτοι. 

¢ The context belies the usual meaning ‘ dice-player.* 

* Such people were classed by law as evil-livers and lost 
the right to speak in the Assembly, cf. Aesch. 1. 28, Diog. L. 
1 GY 9 Of. Andoc. Myst. 1. 74. 

h ‘This sentence is perhaps an interpolation. 



9 καὶ ὁρμαθοὺς γραμματειδίων ev Tats χερσίν. οὐκ 
ἀποδοκιμάζειν δὲ ἀλλ᾽ οὐδὲ πολλῶν ἀγοραίων 
στρατηγεῖν' καὶ εὐθὺς τούτοις δανείζειν καὶ τῆς 
δραχμῆς τόκον τρία ἡμιωβόλια τῆς ἡμέρας πράτ- 
τεσθαι, καὶ ἐφοδεύειν τὰ μαγειρεῖα, τὰ ἰχθυο- 
πώλια, τὰ ταριχοπώλια, καὶ τοὺς τόκους «τοὺς» 
ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐμπολήματος εἰς τὴν γνάθον ἐκλέγειν 


Ἢ δὲ λαλιά, εἴ τις αὐτὴν ὁρίζεσθαι βούλοιτο, 
> ” , > , x , ε \ \ 
εἶναι av δόξειεν ἀκρασία τοῦ λόγου, ὁ δὲ λαλὸς 
τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος τῷ ἐντυγχάνοντι εἰπεῖν, ἂν 
« ~ \ > \ / Ὁ“ > \ tA 
ὁτιοῦν πρὸς αὐτὸν φθέγξηται, ὅτι οὐθὲν λέγει, 
καὶ ὅτι αὐτὸς πάντα οἶδεν, καὶ ὅτι ἂν ἀκούῃ 
8 αὐτοῦ μαθήσεται: καὶ μεταξὺ δὲ ἀποκρινομένῳ 
ὑποβαλεῖν εἴπας" Σὺ ΠῚ ἐπιλάθῃ ὃ μέλλεις 
λέγειν, καὶ Εὖ γε ὅτι με ὑπέμνησας, καὶ Τὸ 
λαλεῖν ὡς χρήσιμόν που, Kat “O παρέλιπον, καὶ 
Ταχύ ,.)7ε συνῆκας τὸ πρᾶγμα, καὶ Πάλαι σε 
παρετήρουν εἰ ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ ἐμοὶ κατενεχθήσῃ: 
καὶ ἑτέρας ἀρχὰς" τοιαύτας πορίσασθαι, ὥστε 
μηδ᾽ ἀναπνεῦσαι τὸν ἐντυγχάνοντα: καὶ ὅταν γε 
τοὺς καθ᾽ ἕνα ἀποκναίσῃ,, δεινὸς καὶ ἐπὶ τοὺς 



1 ἀποδοκιμάζειν Meier: mss τῶν: ἀλλ᾽ οὐδὲ BE, 7, Of. XXvill. 5 
and Ar. Nub. 1395, Dem. 19. 37: mss οὐδ᾽ dua: Diels’ 
ἀλλαντοπωλεῖν does not suit the sequel 2 Nav. 

3 LATE ADDITION: (10) ἐργώδεις δέ εἰσιν of τὸ στόμα εὔλυτον 
ἔχοντες πρὸς λοιδορίαν καὶ φθεγγόμενοι μεγάλῃ τῇ φωνῇ, ὡς 

συνηχεῖν αὐτοῖς τὴν ἀγορὰν καὶ τὰ ἐργαστήρια * mss 
ὑποβάλλει(ν), ἐπιβ. (introd. p. 21): or ῳ ὑπολαβεῖν (old 
corr. ?) 5 mss also Εἶπας σύ; μὴ 8 mss also ἀφορμὰς 

7 old variant ἀπογυμνώσῃ (early corruption of the spelling 
ἀπογναίσῃ 3): Nav. ἀπογυμνάσῃ 



sealed box in his coat and bundles of documents α 
in his hands. Nor loath is he, neither, to play captain 
to much riff-raff of the market, lending them money 
the moment they ask it, and exacting three ha’pence 
a day usury on every shilling. And he makes his 
rounds of the cookshops, the fishmongers’, the 
salters’, and collects his share of their takings in 

his cheek.® 


Loquacity, should you wish to define it, would 
seem to be an incontinence of speech; and the 
Loquacious man will say to any that meets him, if 
he but open his lips, ‘ You are wrong; I know all 
about it, and if you will listen to me you shall learn 
the truth.’ And in the midst of the other’s answer 
he whispers him ° such words as these: ‘ Pray 
bethink you what you are about to say’; or ‘I 
thank you for reminding me’; or ἡ There’s nothing 
like a talk, is there ?’ or ‘ I forgot to say’; or © You 
have not taken long to understand it’; or “I had 
long expected you would come round to my way 
of thinking’; and provides himself other such 
openings, so that his friend can hardly get his breath. 
And when he has worn out? such as go singly, he 

α j,e. papyrus-rolls strung together. 
> The usual place for carrying small change, cf. Ar. 
Eccl. 818. 

LATE appririon: ‘Troublesome indeed are those who 
always have their tongue ready to let slip for abuse, and 
talk with loud voices ; who make the market and the work- 
shops to ring with their words. 

¢ Or ‘interrupts him with.’ 4 Or perhaps ‘ disarmed.’ 





> A ~ ~ 
afpoovs' συνεστηκότας πορευθῆναι καὶ φυγεῖν 
ποιῆσαι μεταξὺ χρηματίζοντας. καὶ εἰς τὰ διδα- 
σκαλεῖα δὲ καὶ εἰς τὰς παλαίστρας εἰσιὼν κωλύειν 
τοὺς παῖδας προμανθάνειν, τοσαῦτα καὶ προσ- 
λαλεῖν τοῖς παιδοτρίβαις καὶ διδασκάλοις. καὶ 
τοὺς ἀπιέναι φάσκοντας δεινὸς προπέμψαι καὶ 
ἀποκαταστῆσαι εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν." καὶ πυθόμενος 
A > / > / "4 \ 
τὰς ἐκκλησίας ἀπαγγέλλειν, προσδιηγήσασθαι δὲ 
καὶ τήν ποτε γενομένην τοῖν ῥητόροιν μάχην," 
καὶ οὕς ποτε λόγους αὐτὸς εἴπας εὐδοκίμησεν" ἐν 
τῷ δήμῳ" καὶ κατὰ τῶν πληθῶν γε ἅμα διηγού- 
μενος κατηγορίαν παρεμβαλεῖν, ὥστε τοὺς ἀκούον- 
” > ’ὕ nn PZ a“ \ 
τας ἤτοι ἐπιλαθέσθαι ἢ νυστάξαι ἢ μεταξὺ KaTa- 
λ / 6 > , \ , A 
umovtas® ἀπαλλάττεσθαι. καὶ συνδικάζων δὲ Kw- 
λῦσαι κρῖναι, καὶ συνθεωρῶν θεάσασθαι, καὶ συν- 
~ ~ , a ‘\ ~ ~ 
δειπνῶν φαγεῖν, λέγων ὅτι χαλεπὸν τῷ λαλῷ 
ἐστι σιωπᾶν, καὶ ὡς ἐν ὑγρῷ ἐστιν ἡ γλῶττα, 
\ a > 5" / 9.9 > ~ / 
καὶ OTL οὐκ ἂν σιωπήσειεν οὐδ᾽ εἰ TOV χελιδόνων 
δόξειεν εἶναι λαλίστερος. καὶ σκωπτόμενος ὑπο- 
μεῖναι καὶ ὑπὸ τῶν αὑτοῦ παιδίων, ὅταν αὐτὸς 
ἤδη καθεύδειν βουλόμενος κελεύῃ, λεγόντων Tara,’ 
λ λ ~ « - a μὴ [2 ~ A 8 / 
αλεῖν τι ἡμῖν, ὅπως av ἡμᾶς ὕπνος τις" λάβῃ. 

1 some mss insert καί, but Nav. compares Plat. Lys. init., 

Xen. An. vii. 4. 47 2 mss also ἐκ τῆς οἰκίας (but cf. 
ἐκκεκρουμένῳ Xxx. 11) 3 some mss τὴν ἐπ᾽ ᾿Αριστοφῶντος 
τότε (ποτε), incorporating gloss 4 Diels-Hottinger: mss 

τοῦ ῥήτορος μ. and add, after incorporation of gloss, καὶ τὴν 
Λακεδαιμονίοις (-wyv) ὑπὸ (ἐπὶ) Λυσάνδρου, confusing the archon 
of 330 with the member of the Four Hundred: a real battle 
has no point here 5. arch. recorded variant εἶπεν εὐδοκιμήσας 



is prone to march upon those who stand together 
in troops, and put them to flight in the midst of 
their business. It is a habit of his to go into the 
schools and wrestling-places and keep the children 
from learning their tasks, he talks so much to their 
teachers and trainers.* And if you say you must 
go your ways, he loves to bear you company and 
see you to your doorstep. And when he has news 
of the meetings of Assembly he retails it, with the 
addition of an account of the famous battle of the 
orators,” and the speeches he too was used to make 
there so greatly to his credit, all this interlarded 
with tirades against democracy, till his listeners 
forget what it is all about, or fall half-asleep, or get 
up and leave him to his talk. On a jury this man 
hinders your verdict, at the play your entertainment, 
at the table your eating, with the plea that it is 
hard for the talkative to hold his peace, or that the 
tongue grows in a wet soil, or he could not cease 
though he should outbabble the very swallows. And 
he is content to be the butt of his own children, who 
when it is late and he would fain be sleeping and 
bids them do likewise, ery ‘Talk to us, daddy, and 
then we shall go to sleep.’ 

α For construction cf. Alciphr. ii. 32. 3 (iii. 34). 
δ Demosthenes and Aeschines in 330 B.c. 

ὁ Herw. <Aadotvra> Karan. 7 EB (Ribb. tara, but ef. 
Herod. i. 60 τἄταλίζειν) : mss αὐτὸν 7. κ. βουλόμενον (βουλόμενον 
corr. to -να) κελ. λέγοντα ταῦτα : for omission of the second 
καθεύδειν cf. Dem. 54. 23 fin. 8 most mss omit τις, but 
(like ὅπως dv? and λαλεῖν) it may be baby-language. 





/ A ~ 
Ἢ δὲ λογοποιία ἐστὶ σύνθεσις ψευδῶν λόγων 
\ / e 7 ¢ ~ [2 \ 
καὶ πράξεων ὧν βούλεται ὁ λογοποιῶν, ὁ δὲ 
λογοποιὸς τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος ἀπαντήσας τῷ 
φίλῳ εὐθὺς καταβαλὼν τὸ ἦθος" καὶ μειδιάσας 
ἐρωτῆσαι" Π|όθεν σὺ καὶ πῶς ἔχεις καὶ ἔχεις τι 
περὶ τοῦδε εἰπεῖν καινόν;" καὶ ὡς ἐπιβάλλων" 
~ / 
ἐρωτᾶν: Μὴ λέγεταί τι καινότερον; καὶ μὴν 
ἀγαθά γέ ἐστι τὰ λεγόμενα: καὶ οὐκ ἐάσας 
> / > A / / > A > 7 
ἀποκρίνασθαι εἰπεῖν: Ti λέγεις; οὐδὲν ἀκήκοας; 
aA / ~ 
δοκῶ μοί σε εὐωχήσειν καινῶν λόγων: καὶ ἔστιν 
αὐτῷ ἢ στρατιώτης <tis>* 7 παῖς ᾿Αστείου τοῦ 
αὐλητοῦ ἢ Λύκων ὁ ἐργολάβος παραγεγονὼς ἐξ 

5 αὐτῆς τῆς μάχης οὗ φησιν ἀκηκοέναι" αἱ μὲν οὖν 

ἀναφοραὶ τῶν λόγων τοιαῦταί εἰσιν αὐτῷ" ὧν 
οὐδεὶς ἂν ἔχοι ἐπιλαβέσθαι". διηγεῖται δὲ τούτους 

/ J, « ’ὔ A ¢ A 
φάσκων λέγειν ὡς Πολυπέρχων καὶ ὁ βασιλεὺς 
μάχην νενίκηκε καὶ Κάσανδρος ἐζώγρηται" καὶ 
ἂν εἴπῃ τις αὐτῷ: Σὺ δὲ ταῦτα πιστεύεις; γεγονέναι 
φησὶ τὸ πρᾶγμα’ βοᾶσθαι γὰρ ἐν τῇ πόλει, καὶ 
τὸν λόγον ἐπεντείνειν, καὶ πάντας συμφωνεῖν, 
ταὐτὰ γὰρ λέγειν περὶ τῆς μάχης καὶ πολὺν τὸν 
ζωμὸν γεγονέναι: εἶναι δ᾽ ἑαυτῷ" καὶ σημεῖον τὰ 
πρόσωπα τῶν. ἐν τοῖς πράγμασιν, ὁρᾶν γὰρ 
αὐτῶν" πάντων μεταβεβληκότα: λέγει δ᾽ ὡς καὶ 

1 sc. τὸ ἐπὶ τοῦ προσώπου ; ef. [Arist.] Physiog. i. 805 b 2, 
and Eur. Cycl. 167 καταβάλλειν τὰς ὀφρῦς, Ar. Vesp. 655 χαλᾶν 
τὸ μέτωπον, Ach. 1069 ἀνασπᾶν τὰς ὀφρῦς, Amphis 3. 305 M. 

ἐπαίρειν τὰς ὀφρῦς 2 introd. p. 24 3 mss -βαλὼν Es Fi; 
5 most mss -τοῦ ® Cas: mss -λαθέσθαι * mss also 
μάχῃ 8 cf. Men. Lp. 79: most mss omit γεγονέναι, all 
have φήσει ® Diels: mss δὲ αὐτῷ 10 αὐτὸς τῶν ἢ 

mss also αὐτὸν 




Newsmaking is the putting together of fictitious 
sayings and doings at a man’s own caprice; and 
the Newsmaker is one that no sooner meets a friend 
than his face softens and he asks him with a smile 
“Where do you come from? How do you? and Have 
you any news of this ἢ ᾿ and throwing himself, so to 
speak, upon him “Can there be any greater news ? ¢ 
nay, and it is good news’; and without suffering 
him to answer, ‘ What?’ cries he, ‘ have you heard 
nothing ? methinks I can give you a rare feast.’ 
And it seems he has some soldier, or a servant of 
Asteius the flute-player’s,?> or maybe Lycon the 
contractor, come straight from the battle-field, who 
has told him all about it. Thus his authorities are 
such as no man could lay hands on. Yet he recounts, 
with them for sponsors, how that Polyperchon and 
the King have won a battle, and Casander is taken.° 
And if it be asked him ‘ Do you believe this?’ he 
will reply that it is so indeed, ’tis common talk, and 
the report gains ground, and everyone says the 
same ; all agree about the battle, and the butchers’ 
bill is very long“; he can tell it from the faces of 
the Government, they are all so changed. Moreover, 
he has been told in secret that they are keeping in 

@ Cf. Dem. Phil. i. 43. 10. 

» Flute-playing was usual at sacrifices on the field of 
battle as elsewhere (Nav.). 

¢ Introd. p. 5, and Index. 

7 Lit. ‘the broth has been plentiful.’ 





παρακήκοε παρὰ τούτοις κρυπτόμενόν τινα ἐν οἰκίᾳ 
ἤδη πέμπτην ἡμέραν ἥκοντα ἐκ Μακεδονίας ὃς 
πάντα ταῦτα εἶδε". καὶ ταῦθ᾽ ἅπαντα" διεξιὼν 
πῶς οἴεσθε πιθανῶς σχετλιάζων λέγειϑ" Δυστυχὴς 
Κάσανδρος" ὦ ταλαίπωρος" ἐνθυμῇ τὸ τῆς τύχης; 
ἀλλ᾽ οὖν ἰσχυρός {γε} γενόμενος" - kat Act & 
αὐτὸν σὲ μόνον εἰδέναι: πᾶσι δὲ τοῖς ἐν TH πόλει 

προσδεδράμηκε λέγων." 


Ἢ δὲ ἀναισχυντία ἐστὶ μέν, ὡς ὅρῳ λαβεῖν, 

’ ΄, > me SE: / ¢€ \ 
καταφρόνησις δόξης αἰσχροῦ ἕνεκα κέρδους, ὁ δὲ 
ἀναίσχυντος τοιοῦτος, οἷος πρῶτον μὲν ὃν ἀπο- 
στερεῖ πρὸς τοῦτον ἀπελθὼν δανείζεσθαι: εἶτα 
θύσας τοῖς θεοῖς αὐτὸς μὲν δειπνεῖν παρ᾽ ἑτέρῳ, 
τὰ δὲ κρέα ἀποτιθέναι ἁλσὶ πάσας. καί ποι 
κεκλημένος," προσκαλεσάμενος τὸν ἀκόλουθον 
δοῦναι ἀπὸ τῆς τραπέζης ἄρας κρέας καὶ ἄρτον, 
καὶ εἰπεῖν ἀκουόντων πάντων: Edwyod, Τίβειε.ἷ 

1 mss also olde 2 mss πάντα, ταῦτα π., ταῦθ᾽ ἅμα 
3 BH: M σχετλιάζων ἐπάγειν, others σχετλιάζει(ν) λέγων 
τ 70) 8 LATE ADDITION: (11) τῶν τοιούτων ἀνθρώπων 

τεθαύμακα τί ποτε βούλονται λογοποιοῦντες" οὐ γὰρ μόνον 
ψεύδονται ἀλλὰ καὶ ἀλυσιτελῆ πλάττουσι (MSS -λῶς ἀπ- 
αλλάττ.). (19) πολλάκις γὰρ αὐτῶν οἱ μὲν ἐν τοῖς βαλανείοις 
περιστάσεις ποιούμενοι τὰ ἱμάτια ἀποβεβλήκασιν, οἱ δ᾽ ἐν 
τῇ στοᾷ πεζομαχίᾳ καὶ ναυμαχίᾳ νικῶντες ἐρήμους δίκας ὠφλή- 
κασιν. (15) εἰσὶ δ᾽ οἱ καὶ πόλεις τῷ (MSS πλεῖστοι) λόγῳ 
κατὰ κράτος αἱροῦντες παρεδειπνήθησαν. (14) πάνυ δὴ ταλαί- 
πωρον αὐτῶν ἐστι τὸ ἐπιτήδευμα᾽ ποία yap (mss insert οὐ) 
στοά, ποῖον δὲ ἐργαστήριον, ποῖον δὲ μέρος τῆς ἀγορᾶς οὗ οὐ 
(mss οὐ or omit) διημερεύουσιν ἀπαυδᾶν ποιοῦντες τοὺς ἀκούοντας ; 
(15) οὕτως καὶ καταπονοῦσι ταῖς Ψευδολογίαις. ® only in 
M (που κεκλ.) 7 mss also τίμιε, τιμιώτατε, Sch. only in M 
Τίβιε δουλικὸν ὄνομα ws καὶ Δρόμων καὶ Γέτας καὶ τὰ τοιαῦτα 



close hiding one that came four days ago out of 
Macedonia who has seen it all.* While this long tale 
is telling, you cannot think how true to life are his 
cries of woe: ᾿ Poor Casander! unhappy man! do 
you see how luck turns? Well, he was a strong man 
once, and now !’ and he ends with saying, ‘ But 
mind you, this must go no further,’ albeit he has 
been running up to all the town to tell them of it.? 


Unconscionableness, to define it, is a neglect of 
reputation for the sake of filthy lucre ; and he is 
unconscionable who, in the first place, goes off and 
borrows of a creditor he has already refused to pay.° 
Next, when he sacrifices, he dines abroad, and lays 
by the meat of the victim in salt.4 When he is a 
man’s guest, he calls his lackey and takes and gives 
him bread and meat from the table, and says in the 
hearing of the whole company ἡ Fall you to and 

@ Or, ‘knows everything.’ 

> pate ADDITION: It is a marvel to me what object such 
men can have in making their news. ‘They not merely tell 
lies, but forge tales that bring them no profit. For often- 
times have they lost their cloaks gathering crowds at the 
baths, or been cast in their suits-at-law by default a-winning 
battles by land or sea in the Porch, or it may be have missed 
their dinner taking cities by assault of word. ‘Their manner 
of life is hard indeed ; for what porch is there, or workshop, 
or part of the market-place which they do not haunt day in 
day out, to the utter undoing of their hearers, so do they 
weary them with their lying tales ? 

¢ Of. ἀδικεῖξεῃε has wronged; Nay. compares Xen. 
An. vii. 6. 9, Isoer. 18. 53; for ἀπελθών cf. Diog. L. 
vi. 46. 
4 Instead of feasting his friends on it; cf. Men. 518. 3 K. 



\ > ~ \ «ς / \ / W 
4“ καὶ ὀψωνῶν δὲ ὑπομιμνήσκειν τὸν κρεωπώλην εἴ 
τι χρήσιμος αὐτῷ γέγονε, καὶ ἑστηκὼς πρὸς τῷ 
σταθμῷ μαλίστα μὲν κρέας, εἰ δὲ μή, ὀστοῦν εἰς 
τὸν ζυγὸν" “ἐμβαλεῖν, καὶ ἐὰν μὲν λάθῃ," εἰ δὲ μή, 
ἁρπάσας ἀπὸ τῆς τραπέζης χολίκιον ἅμα γελῶν 
5 ἀπαλλάττεσθαι. καὶ ξένοις δὲ αὑτοῦ θέαν ἀγοράσας 
μὴ δοὺς τὸ μέρος θεωρεῖν, ἄγειν δὲ καὶ τοὺς 
6 υἱεῖς εἰς τὴν ὑστεραίαν καὶ τὸν παιδαγωγόν. καὶ 
ὅσα ἐωνημένος ἀξιά τις φέρει, μεταδοῦναι κελεῦσαι 
\ ε ~ A > \ \ > ’ὔ > / > A 
τ καὶ αὑτῷ. Kal ἐπὶ τὴν ἀλλοτρίαν οἰκίαν ἐλθὼν 
δανείζεσθαι κριθάς, ποτὲ δὲ ἄχυρον, καὶ ταῦτα 
τοὺς χρήσαντας" ἀναγκάσα: ἀποφέρειν πρὸς αὑτούς .ὃ 
8 δεινὸς δὲ καὶ πρὸς τὰ χαλκεῖα τὰ ἐν τῷ βαλανείῳ 
λθ A A of > 4 , 6 ~ 
προσελθὼν καὶ βάψας ἀρύταιναν «βίᾳ»" βοῶντος 
τοῦ βαλανέως αὐτὸς αὑτοῦ καταχέασθαι, καὶ 
> ~ <4 fe > 7 > we 7 +) , 
εἰπεῖν ὅτι Λέλουμαι, ἀπιών, κἀκείνου οὐδεμία 
σοι χάρις. 

Ἔστι δὲ ἡ μικρολογία φειδωλία τοῦ διαφόρου 

ὑπὲρ τὸν καιρόν, ὁ δὲ μικρολόγος τοιοῦτός τις, 
οἷος ἐν τῷ μηνὶ ἡμιωβόλιον ἀπαιτεῖν ἐλθὼν" ἐπὶ 
τὴν οἰκίαν. καὶ συσσιτῶν" ἀριθμεῖν τε πόσας" 


1 masc. in this sense: mss also ζωμὸν, but with ἐμβαλεῖν 

this could only be taken as into not for his broth 2 old 
var. ?: most mss λάβῃ. but cf. the reverse ἐπιλαθέσθαι vill. 4: 
mss add εὖ ἔχει 3 mss also ἄχυρα: ἕν omission of the 
uev-clause cf. Plat. Theaet. 101 Ὁ, Andoe. 1. 105 4M 
τοὺς xpavras: others χρησ. > EH: mss αὐτὸν SE 
7 Λέλουμαι Herw., κἀκείνου EX: mss λέλουται ἀπ. κακεῖ; ef. 
Ar. Pax 1103 8 most mss omit 9 introd. p. 29 

10 varied order in mss, Te (ras or oa κύλικας πόσας (ὁπόσας 
Ambr. P, introd. p. 29), πόσας κύλ., shows that κύλικας was 
in marg. arch. (gloss, cf. xiii. 4) 



welcome, Tibeius.’ Buying meat he will remind 
the butcher of any good turn he has done him, 
and as he stands by the balance, throw into the 
scale a piece of meat or, failing that, a bone ; 4 
which doing if he be not seen, well and good ; else, 
he will snatch a bit of tripe from the counter and 
away laughing. He takes places for foreign friends 
of his to see the play, and then sees it himself with- 
out paying his scot, and even takes his children the 
next day and their tutor to boot.? One that carries 
home something he has bought a bargain is bidden 
share it with him; and he will go to a neighbour’s 
to borrow to-day barley, to-morrow bran, and make 
the lender fetch it when he pays it back. He loves 
also to go up to the cauldrons at the baths, and 
dipping the ladle despite the cries of the bathing- 
man, do his own drenching, and exclaim as he runs 
off, ‘I’ve had my bath, and no thanks to you for 
that ! 7 


Penuriousness is an excessive economy of expendi- 
ture ; and the Penurious man is he that will come 
to a man’s house ere the month run out for a farthings- 
worth of usury ; and at the club mess will reckon 

α j.e, after the weighing, and before the meat is lifted 
from the scale-pan. 

» Apparently he takes a ‘ block,’ say, of twelve seats, 
and makes it do for thirteen the first day, and for even more 
the second. 

F 65 






ἕκαστος πέπωκε, Kal ἀπάρχεσθαι ἐλάχιστον TH 
᾿Αρτέμιδι τῶν συνδειπνούντων. καὶ ὅσα μικροῦ 
τις πριάμενος λογίζεται «αὐτῷ, ἀποδοκιμάσαι 
τοῖς ἀλλότρια δαπανῶσι" πάντα φάσκων «ὥὦνια» 
εἶναι. καὶ οἰκετοῦ χύτραν ἕνην" ἢ λοπάδα κατ- 
ἄξαντος εἰσπρᾶξαι ἀπὸ τῶν ἐπιτηδείων. καὶ τῆς 
A > / 4 / AK e va 
γυναικὸς ἐκβαλούσης" τρίχαλκον οἷος μεταφέρειν 
τὰ σκεύη καὶ τὰς κλίνας καὶ τὰς κιβωτοὺς καὶ 
διφᾶν τὰ καλύμματα. καὶ ἐάν τι πωλῇ, τοσούτου 
ἀποδόσθαι ὥστε μὴ λυσιτελεῖν τῷ πριαμένῳ. καὶ 
c c 

Ἃ oA Μ ~ > ~ ~ 
οὐκ ἂν ἐᾶσαι οὔτε συκοτραγῆσαι ἐκ τοῦ αὑτοῦ 
κήπου, οὔτε διὰ τοῦ αὑτοῦ ἀγροῦ πορευθῆναι, 
οὔτε" ἐλαίαν ἢ φοίνικα τῶν χάμαι πεπτωκότων 

> A 
ἀνελέσθαι. καὶ τοὺς ὅρους δ᾽ ἐπισκοπεῖσθαι ὁση- 
μέραι εἰ διαμένουσιν ot αὐτοί. δεινὸς δὲ καὶ 
ὑπερημερίαν πρᾶξαι καὶ τόκον τόκου: καὶ ἑστιῶν 
A ~ 

δημότας μικρὰ τὰ κρέα κόψας παραθεῖναι: καὶ 

~ A - 
ὀψωνῶν μηδὲν πριάμενος εἰσελθεῖν: καὶ ἀπ- 
αγορεῦσαι τῇ γυναικὶ μήτε ἅλας χρηννύεινδ μήτε 

ἐλλύχνιον μήτε κύμινον μήτε ὀρίγανον μήτε odAds® 
΄ / / / 5 A / a 

μήτε στέμματα μήτε θυηλήματα, ἀλλὰ λέγειν ὅτι 
τὰ μικρὰ ταῦτα πολλά ἐστι τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ. καὶ 
τὸ ὅλον δὲ τῶν μικρολόγων καὶ τὰς ἀργυροθήκας 

1 Τ᾿, e.g. (introd. p. 21) 2 Unger 3 ΓΚ, cf. περυ- 
σινόν Ar. Ran. 986: mss (AB and Ambr. P) εἶναι or omi 
4 old var. ἀποβ. but cf. Ar. Thesm. 481 δ᾽ mss also σκοποῦ 
6 perhaps «εἰ μὴ ἐφ᾽ ᾧ» μηδέ EL cf. M μηδ᾽ ἐᾶν διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ 
ἀγροῦ πορεύεσθαι ἐφ᾽ ᾧ μὴ συκοτραγήσῃ τις 7 mss also 
κειμένων, Whence Cob. χαμαιπετῶν (x. unaccented in some 
mss) 8 Foss: mss χρωνν. ® only M, others οὐλὰς 



how many cups each has drunk, and of all the com- 
pany offer the leanest firstlings to Artemis. When 
one that has struck him a bargain comes to the 
reckoning with him, he rejects what he has bought 
him, saying that you can afford anything with other 
people’s money.? And if a servant of his break a 
year-old pot or dish he will subtract the price of it 
from his food. Should his wife drop a half-farthing, 
he is one that will shift pots, pans, cupboards, and 
beds, and rummage the curtains ©; and should he 
have aught for sale, sell it for so great a price that 
the buyer will make nothing by it. No man may 
take a fig from his garden, nor pass through his land, 
nor pick up a wind-fallen olive or date“; and his 
landmarks are visited every day in the year to 
make sure they remain as they were. This man 
is given to distraining for a debt and exacting usury 
upon usury ; to setting small slices of meat before 
his fellow-parishioners ; to returning empty-handed 
when he goes a-marketing ; and will forbid his wife 
to lend a neighbour salt, or a lampwick, or aniseed, 
or marjoram, or barley-groats, or garlands, or incense, 
‘for these little things,’ says he ‘come to so much 
in the year.’ In fine® you may see the money- 

@ The club must have been an association under the 
patronage of Artemis, ᾿Αρτεμιασταί, probably for hunting 
purposes, cf. C.I.A. iv. 2. 1334 5 (Holland). 

> 2,6. as principal he rejects a bargain struck in his behalf 
by a subordinate; but the reading is uncertain. 

© Or, ‘search between the floor-boards’ (of the women’s 
apartment, often upstairs), Studniczka. 

4 Or perhaps ‘ pass through his land except on condition 
that he will not pick up’; dates are the more in point 
because dates do not ripen well in Greece; cf. Xen. An. 
ii. 3. 15, Paus. ix. 19. 8. 

¢ The remainder is perhaps an addition by another hand. 



ἔστιν ἰδεῖν εὐρωτίωσας Kal τὰς κλεῖς ἰωμένας, 
καὶ αὐτοὺς δὲ φοροῦντας ἐλάττω τῶν μηρῶν" τὰ 
ἱμάτια, καὶ ἐκ ληκυθίων μικρῶν πάνυ ἀλειφο- 
μένους, καὶ ἐν χρῷ κειρομένους, καὶ τὸ μέσον τῆς 
ἡμέρας ὑπολυομένους," καὶ πρὸς τοὺς γναφεῖς δια- 
τεινομένους ὅπως τὸ ἱμάτιον αὐτοῖς ἕξει πολλὴν 
«τὴν» γῆν, ἵνα μὴ βυπαίνηται ταχύ. 


Οὐ χαλεπὸν δέ ἐστι τὴν βδελυρίαν διορίσασθαι" 
ἔστι γὰρ παιδιὰ ἐπιφανὴς καὶ ἐπονείδιστος, ὁ δὲ 
βδελυρὸς τοιοῦτος, οἷος ἀπαντήσας" γυναιξὶν 
ἐλευθέραις ἀνασυράμενος δεῖξαι τὸ αἰδοῖον" καὶ 
ἐν θεάτρῳ κροτεῖν ὅταν of ἄλλοι παύωνται, καὶ 
συρίττειν οὗς ἡδέως θεωροῦσιν ot λοιποί: καὶ 
ὅταν σιωπήσῃ τὸ θέατρον ἀνακύψας ἐρυγεῖν, ἵνα 
τοὺς καθημένους ποιήσῃ μεταστραφῆναι. καὶ πλη- 
θούσης τῆς ἀγορᾶς προσελθὼν πρὸς τὰ κάρυα ἢ 
τὰ μῆλα' ἢ τὰ «ἄλλα ἀκρόδρυα ἑστηκὼς 
τραγηματίζεσθαι ἅμα τῷ πωλοῦντι προσλαλῶν. 
καὶ καλέσαι δὲ τῶν παρόντων" ὀνομαστί τινα ᾧ 
μὴ συνήθης ἐστί. καὶ σπεύδοντας δέ ποι ὁρῶν 
6 περιμεῖναι κελεῦσαι." καὶ ἡττωμένῳ δὲ μεγάλην 

δίκην ἀπιόντι ἀπὸ τοῦ δικαστήριου προσελθεῖν 
τ καὶ συνησθῆναι. καὶ ὀψωνεῖν ἑαυτῷ" Kat αὐλη- 




1 mss also μικρῶν and μετρῶν (μετρίων 2) 2 mss also 
ὑποδουμένους (Ambr. P ὑποδύμενος) 3 some mss ὑπ. (from 
marg. arch., whence M ὑποδεικνύειν below) 4 mss also 
μύρτα 5 as axp. either includes all fruit or means nuts as 



chests of the penurious covered in mould and their 
keys in rust, themselves wearing coats short of their 
thighs. You may see them anoint themselves from 
tiny oil-flasks, go close-shorn, put off their shoes at 
midday, and charge the fuller to give their coat 
plenty of earth so that it may stay the longer clean. 


It is not hard to define Buffoonery ; it is a naked 
and objectionable sportiveness; and the Buffoon 
is one that will lift his shirt in the presence of free- 
born women ; and at the theatre will applaud when 
others cease, hiss actors whom the rest of the audience 
approves, and raise his head and hiccup when the 
house is silent, so that he may make the spectators 
look round. You will find him standing at the time 
of full-market where they sell nuts or apples or other 
fruits, and eating of them while he talks to the 
seller. He will call by name one of the company 
with whom he is not well acquainted ; and should 
he see any man in a hurry, is sure to bid him wait. 
One that has lost a great suit he will accost on his 
way from court and give him his congratulations. 
He will do his own marketing and hire flute- 

opposed to soft fruit, ὀπώρα, we must either read τὰ ἄλλα 

ἀκρ. or suppose τὰ κάρυα to be a gloss ὁ mss also 
παριόντων 7 Cas: mss που 8 some mss omit 7. k. 
(introd. p. 18) 9 Cas: mss ἑαυτὸν or αὐτὸν 






τρίδας μισθοῦσθαι, καὶ δεικνύειν δὲ τοῖς ἀπαντῶσι 
τὰ ὠψωνημένα καὶ παρακαλεῖν "Emi ταῦτα, καὶ 
διηγεῖσθαι προσστὰς" πρὸς κουρεῖον ἢ μυροπώλιον 
ὅτι μεθύσκεσθαι μέλλει. καὶ ἐξ ὀρνιθοσκόπου τῆς 
μητρὸς εἰσελθούσης" βλασφημῆσαι: καὶ εὐχομένων 
καὶ σπενδόντων ἐκβαλεῖν" τὸ ποτήριον καὶ γελάσαι 
ὥσπερ ἀστεῖόν τι πεποιηκώς" καὶ αὐλούμενος δὲ 
κροτεῖν ταῖς χερσὶ μόνος τῶν ἄλλων, καὶ συν- 
τερετίζειν καὶ ἐπιτιμᾶν τῇ αὐλητρίδι ὅτι οὕτω 
ταχὺ παύσαιτο. καὶ ἀποπτύσαι δὲ βουλόμενος, 
ὑπὲρ τῆς τραπέζης προσπτύσαι τῷ οἰνοχόῳ. 


Ἡ μὲν οὖν ἀκαιρία ἐστὶν ἀπότευξις <Katpoo>* 
λυποῦσα τοὺς ἐντυγχάνοντας, 6 δὲ ἄκαιρος τοιοῦ- 
πον Τίς, οἷος ἀσχολουμένῳ προσελθὼν ἀνα- 
κοινοῦσθαι: καὶ πρὸς τὴν αὑτοῦ ἐρωμένην κω- 
μάζειν πυρέττουσαν-: καὶ δίκην ὠφληκότα ἐγγύης 
προσελθὼν κελεῦσαι αὑτὸν ἀναδέξασθαι: καὶ μαρ- 
τυρήσων παρεῖναι τοῦ , πράγματος ἤδη κεκριμένου" 
καὶ κεκλημένος. εἰς γάμους τοῦ γυναικείου γένους 
κατηγορεῖν" καὶ ἐκ ,“μακρᾶς ὁδοῦ ἥκοντας" ἄρτι 
παρακαλεῖν εἰς περίπατον. δεινὸς δὲ καὶ προσ- 

1 the use of ταῦτα rather than αὐτά suggests his actual words, 
cf. ταύτην xxiii. jin.: Nav. δαῖτα, cf. Xen. Cyr. iv. 2. 37, Plat. 
Phaed. 247 8 2 Fraenkel-Groeneboom: mss προστὰς 
3 here follows, in all mss but V, xxx. § 5 καὶ olvoTwX\av—§ 16 
AdBwor; most editors transfer hither from xix. the following 
passage ; for early misplacements see introd. pp. 17 ff. * mss 
εἰς (V εἰς ἐξ) ὀρν. and ἐξελθ. 5 Cas: mss ἘΜῈ: 6. Bernard, 
of. Lys. 24. 18: mss ὡς τεράστιόν τι 1 Eberhard: V τί 
οὐ ταχὺ παύσαιτο, others μὴ ταχὺ παυσαμένῃ (emendation of 
mutilated text) 3 Schn: mss ἐπίτευξις (M ἐντ.) 9. mss 
also -ra 



players himself; he will show his friends the good 
things he has bought, and invite them then and 
there to ‘come and eat this with me’; and will 
stand beside the shop of the barber or the perfumer, 
and tell the world that he is about to get drunk. 
He will use words of illomen when his mother 
returns from ¢ the diviner’s ; and while the company 
is at their prayers and libations, will drop the cup 
and laugh as if he had done something clever. When 
he is listening to the fluteplayer he will be the only 
man present to beat time, and will whistle the air, 
and chide the girl for stopping so soon. And when 
he would spit something out, he spits it across the 
table at the butler. 


Now Tactlessness is a pain-giving failure to hit 
upon the right moment; and your Tactless man 
he that will accost a busy friend and ask his advice, 
or serenade his sweetheart when she is sick of a 
fever. He will go up to one that has gone bail 
and lost it, and pray him be his surety; and will 
come to bear witness? after the verdict is given. 
Should you bid him to a wedding, he will inveigh 
against womankind. Should you be but now 
returned from a long journey, he will invite you 
to a walk. He is given to bringing you one that 

2 Or is gone out to. 

> Really to guarantee the correctness of his evidence 
when read by the clerk; it would have been taken at the 
preliminary proceedings (Nay.). 









dyew ὠνητὴν πλείω διδόντα ἤδη πεπρακότι: καὶ 
ἀκηκοότας καὶ μεμαθηκότας ἀνίστασθαι ἐξ 

) ἀρχῆς διδαάξων." καὶ προθύμως" δὲ ἐπιμεληθῆναι 

a μὴ βούλεταί τις γενέσθαι αἰσχύνεται δὲ ἀπ- 
είπασθαι. καὶ θύοντας καὶ ἀναλίσκοντας" ἥκειν 

> ΄ \ , 
2 τόκον απαιτῆσων. και μαστιγουμενοῦυ οἰκέτου 

παρεστὼς διηγεῖσθαι ὅτι καὶ αὑτοῦ ποτε παῖς 
οὕτως πληγὰς λαβὼν ἀπήγξατο. καὶ παρὼν 
διαίτῃ συγκρούειν ἀμφοτέρων βουλομένων δια- 
λύεσθαι. καὶ ὀρχησόμενος" ἅψασθαι ἑτέρου μη- 
δέπω μεθύοντος. 


᾿Αμέλει ἡ “περιεργία δόξει εἶναι προσποίησίς 
τις λόγων καὶ πράξεων μετ᾽ εὐνοίας, ὁ δὲ περί- 
ἐργος τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος ἐπαγγέλλεσθαι ἀναστὰς 
ἃ μὴ δυνήσεται: καὶ ὁμολογουμένου τοῦ πράγ- 


ματος δικαίου εἶναι évi τινι ἐνστὰς" ἐλεγχθῆναι. 
καὶ πλείω" δὲ ἐπαναγκάσαι τὸν παῖδα κεράσαι 
ἢ ὅσα δύνανται οἱ παρόντες. ἐκπιεῖν. καὶ διείρ- 
γειν τοὺς μαχομένους καὶ οὗς οὐ γινῴσκει. καὶ 
ἀτραποῦ ἡγήσασθαι τὴν ὁδὸν καταλιπών," εἶτα 
μὴ δύνασθαι εὑρεῖν ἧ πορεύηται καὶ τὸν 

1 Cor: mss -σκων 2 Blaydes: mss -μος 3 introd. 
Ρ. 14 4 Cas: mss -άμενος 5 Εἰ : mss ἐνστὰς, ἔν τινι 
στὰς 6 se. ποτήρια. cf. x. 5 * all mss but M omit Thy 
ὁ. x. (καταλιπεῖν ὁ after πορεύεται). introd. p. 18 8 -ηται 

only M: other mss -erac: mss οὗ (corr. to 7 in marg. arch., 
whence the variant ἧς for ofs above) 

2 A comparison of the uses of ἀμέλει by Plato, Xen- 
ophon, and the Comic poets shows that it introduces or 



will pay more when your bargain is struck; and 
to rising from his seat to tell a tale all afresh to such 
as have heard it before and know it well. He is 
forward to undertake for you what you would not have 
done but cannot well decline. If you are sacrificing 
and put to great expense, that is the day he chooses 
to come and demand his usury. At the flogging of 
your servant he will stand by and tell how a boy of 
his hanged himself after just such a flogging as this ; 
at an arbitration he will set the parties by the ears 
when both wish to be reconciled; and when he would 
dance, lay hold of another who is not yet drunk. 


Officiousness, of course,® will seem to be a well- 
meaning over-assumption of responsibility in word 
or deed ; and the Officious man one that is like to 
stand up” and promise to contribute what is beyond 
his means ; and to object to some one particular of 
a matter on all hands admitted just, and be refuted. 
He will make his butler mingle more wine than the 
company can drink up; will part any that fight 
together even though he know them not; will 
leave the high-road to show you a footpath and then 

reinforces a reply or virtual reply, with some such meaning 
as ‘ Never fear,’ ‘ Oh that’s all right,’ cf. Modern Greek 
ἔννοια cov; in Lue. and [Arist.] it varies between ‘ for 
instance’ and ‘at any rate’ (cf. γοῦν): in T. the 
suppressed question is * What is Officiousness, ete.?’ At 
the beginning of a Char. it suggests ‘I can easily answer 
that,’ cf. xi. init. * It is not hard to define Buffoonery’; and 
later in a piece it repeats the same idea; the notion that it 
means ‘and moreover,’ except perhaps in late writers, is a 
mistake. » Probably in the Assembly, cf. xxii. 5. 



στρατηγὸν προσελθὼν ἐρωτῆσαι πότε μέλλει 
παρατάττεσθαι, καὶ τί μετὰ τὴν αὔριον παραγ- 
8 yehet.’ καὶ προσελθὼν τῷ πατρὶ εἰπεῖν ὅτι ἡ 
μήτηρ ἤδη καθεύδει ἐν τῷ δωματίῳ. καὶ 

9 ἀπαγορεύοντος τοῦ ἰατροῦ ὅπως μὴ δώσει οἶνον 
τῷ μαλακιζομένῳ,᾽ φήσας βούλεσθαι διαπειρᾶν 
δοῦναι «καὶ» ἀνατροπίσαι᾽ τὸν κακῶς ἔχοντα." 

10 καὶ γυναικὸς. δὲ τελευτησάσης ἐπιγράψαι ἐπὶ 
τὸ μνῆμα τοῦ τε ἀνδρὸς αὐτῆς καὶ τοῦ πατρὸς 
καὶ τῆς μητρὸς καὶ αὐτῆς τῆς γυναικὸς τοὔνομα καὶ 
ποδαπή ἐστι, καὶ προσεπιγράψαι ὅ ὅτι Οὗτοι πάντες 

11 χρηστοὶ ἦσαν. καὶ ὀμνύναι μέλλων εἰπεῖν πρὸς 
τοὺς περιεστηκότας ὅτι Kat πρότερον πολλάκις 


” \ \ e > / e a > ~ 
ἔστι δὲ καὶ ἡ ἀναισθησία, ὡς ὅρῳ εἰπεῖν, 
βραδύτης ψυχῆς ἐν λόγοις καὶ πράξεσιν, ὁ δὲ 
ἀναίσθητος τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος λογισάμενος ταῖς 
ψήφοις καὶ κεφάλαιον ποιήσας ἐρωτᾶν τὸν παρα- 
A \ 

8 καθήμενον Τί γίνεται; Kat δίκην φεύγων καὶ 
4 > / / > / > 3 \ 
ταύτην εἰσιέναι μέλλων ἐπιλαθόμενος εἰς ἀγρὸν 
«πορεύεσθαι, καὶ θεωρῶν ἐν τῷ θεάτρῳ μόνος 
καταλείπεσθαι καθεύδων. καὶ πολλὰ φαγὼν τῆς 
νυκτὸς ἐπὶ θάκου ἀνίστασθαι «καὶ ἐπανιὼν 
, \ \ , > , ule ee 1 
νυστάξαι Kat τὴν θύραν ἀλλογνοήσας»7 ὑπὸ 



1 most mss παραγγέλλει 2 mss also καλλωπιΐζομένῳ 
BEL ante τροπίζω: mss βουλί(εύ)εσθαι διάπειραν λαμβάνειν (ef. 
Diog. L. vii. 86) εὐτρεπίσαι 4 these three words are 
perh. a gloss 5 mss add καὶ § introd. p. 21: 
mss also ἐπὶ (ἀπὸ) θώκου: all mss ἀνιστάμενος (hence the 
interpolated καί): for dvr. ἐπί cf. Dem. lix. 34 (πρός) : of. 
also Ar. Lys. 1215 ? EF e.g. (introd. p. 21) 



lose his way. He is the man that goes up to the 
general and asks when he means to give battle, or 
what his orders @ will be for the day after to-morrow ; 
and to his father and says that his mother is by this 
time asleep in their chamber. When a sick person 
is forbid wine by the physician, he says that he'll 
make an experiment, and giving it him puts the 
poor fellow on his beam-ends. He will inscribe on 
a woman’s tombstone the names of her husband and 
both her parents as well as her own name and birth- 
place, adding * All these were worthy people.’ And 
when he goes to take his oath he remarks to the 
bystanders ‘This is by no means the first oath I 
have taken.’ ὃ 


Stupidity, to define it, is a slowness of mind in 
word and deed ; and the Stupid man he, that after 
he has east up an account, will ask one that sits by 
what it comes to; when a summons has been taken 
against him, forgets about it and goes out to his 
farm on the very day he is to appear ; when he goes 
to the play is left at the end fast asleep in an empty 
house. When after a hearty supper he has to get 
up in the night, he returns only half awake, and 
missing the right door is bitten by his neighbour’s 

@ Or the watchword, cf. Xen. i. 8. 15 f. (Nav.). 
> Cf. Men. Pk. 569 K. 








κυνὸς τῆς τοῦ “γείτονος δηχθῆναι. καὶ "λαβών τιν 
καὶ ἀποθεὶς αὐτὸς τοῦτο ζητεῖν καὶ μὴ δύνασθαι 

7 εὑρεῖν. καὶ ἀπαγγέλλοντός τινος αὐτῷ ὅτι τετε- 

λεύτηκέ τις αὐτοῦ τῶν φίλων, ἵνα παραγένηται, 
σκυθρωπάσας καὶ δακρύσας εἰπεῖν ᾿Αγαθῇ τύχῃ. 
δεινὸς δὲ καὶ ἀπολαμβάνων ἀργύριον ὀφειλόμενον 
μάρτυρας παραλαβεῖν" καὶ χειμῶνος ὄντος μάχε- 
σθαι τῷ παιδὶ ὅτι σικύους οὐκ ἠγόρασεν: καὶ τὰ 
παιδία" παλαίειν ἀναγκάζων καὶ τροχάζειν εἰς κό- 
πους ἐμβάλλειν." καὶ ἐν ἀγρῷ αὐτοῖς φακῆν ἕψων 
δὶς ἅλας εἰς τὴν χύτραν ἐμβαλὼν ἄβρωτον ποιῆσαι: 

A “ ~ \ > ~ « “fg ~ Μ 
) καὶ ὕοντος τοῦ Διὸς εἰπεῖν «Ηδύ ye τῶν ἄστρων 

ὄζει, ὅτε δὴ οἱ ἄλλοι λέγουσι τῆς γῆς" καὶ λέγοντός 
τινος [[όσους οἴει κατὰ τὰς ἱερὰς πύλας ἐξενηνέχ- 
θαι νεκρούς; πρὸς τοῦτον εἰπεῖν ὍὍΟσοι ἐμοὶ καὶ σοὶ 


Ἢ δὲ αὐθάδειά ἐ ἐστιν ἀπήνεια ὁμιλίας ἐ ἐν λόγοις »" 
ὁ δὲ αὐθάδης τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος ἐρωτηθεὶς Ὁ 
δεῖνα ποῦ ἐστιν; εἰπεῖν Πράγματά μοι μὴ 
πάρεχε" καὶ προσαγορευθεὶς. μὴ ἀντιπροσειπεῖν" 
καὶ πωλῶν τι μὴ λέγειν τοῖς ὠνουμένοις πόσου 
vn“ 5 - 5 > > ~ , ,ὔ μὴ - 
ἂν ἀποδοῖτο, ἀλλ᾽ ἐρωτᾶν τί εὑρίσκει: καὶ τοῖς 
~ > A ec A > ~ a 
τιμῶσι καὶ πέμπουσιν εἰς τὰς ἑορτὰς εἰπεῖν OTL 
A Yj 
οὐκ ἂν γένοιτο διδόμενα. καὶ οὐκ ἔχειν" συγ- 
1 only in M and Ambr. E and I 2 mss add ἑαυτοῦ 
(gloss; Ὁ: ΞΙΧ: δ. χα δὴ 3 mss also κόπον ἐμβαλεῖν 
4 ὄζει Cor., ὅτε Jebb, τῆς γῆς Schw: mss νομίζει (corr. of 
νόζει 3) ὅτι and πίσσης (πήσσης) : Mss δὴ καὶ ol, δὴ καὶ, δὴ 
οἱ 5 mss also ἐξενεχθῆναι 8 «καὶ πράξεσιν Herw. 
7 «προῖκα Ta> 616. Nav. 8 mss ἔχων 



dog.* If he receive a gift and put it away with his 
own hands, he cannot find it when he seeks it. If he 
be told of a friend’s death so that he may come to 
the house,’ his face falls, tears come to his eyes, 
and he says ‘ Good luck to him!’ He is given to 
calling witnesses to the repayment of money he 
has lent ; to quarrelling with his man for not buying 
cucumbers in the winter; to making his children 
wrestle and run till they are tired out. When he 
boils his men’s lentil-broth at the farm, he puts 
salt in the pot twice over and makes it uneatable. 
When it rains he remarks ‘ What a sweet smell from 
the sky!’ whereas others say ‘from the ground.’ 
And when you ask him ‘How many funerals do 
you think have passed the Sacred Gate ?’ he replies 
“I only wish you and I had so many.’ 


Surliness is a harshness of behaviour in words ; 
and the Surly man, when you ask him ‘ Where is so- 
and-so ? ’ is like to reply ‘ Don’t bother me’ ; and is 
often mum when you wish him good-day. If he be 
selling to you, he will ask what you will give,° instead 
of naming his price. Any that give him? compli- 
mentary gifts at feast-tide are told that they don’t 
do that for nothing; and there is no pardon for 

2 Kmendation doubtful. 
> For the ceremonial πρόθεσις or laying-out. 
© Lit. what it is worth (to you). ¢ Not necessarily send. 




/ » ~ 5 >) Α > , , ~ 
γνώμην οὔτε τῷ ἀπώσαντι αὐτὸν ἀκουσίως οὔτε τῷ 

Lay 1 ” Pa ἐν \ , \ oo» 
ἄρσαντι' οὔτε τῷ ἔμβαντι. καὶ φίλῳ δὲ ἔρανον 

, > ~ ’ A a >) x“ , 
κελεύσαντι εἰσενεγκεῖν εἰπὼν ὅτι οὐκ ἂν δοίη, 
oe a / A /, Ὁ “J / 
ὕστερον ἥκειν φέρων καὶ λέγειν ὅτι ἀπόλλυσι 

A ~ A 5» \ 7) ~ 
καὶ τοῦτο TO ἀργύριον. καὶ προσπταίσας ἐν TH 
e ~ A / ~ ,ὔ, \ τῷ 
ὁδῷ δεινὸς καταράσασθαι τῷ λίθῳ. καὶ ἀνα- 

A > act ive , 2 + ‘ , 30 1 depen 
10 μέεινᾶὰν οὐκ AL υπομειναι πολὺυν χρονον ουσενα 



\ "᾿ > ” ca > a ” > ie 
και οὔτε GOAL οὔτε ρησιν ELTTELY Οὔτε ὀρχήσασθαι 

ἂν ἐθελήσαι. δεινὸς δὲ καὶ τοῖς θεοῖς μὴ 



᾿Αμέλει ἡ δεισιδαιμονία δόξειεν ἂν εἶναι δειλία 

8 \ \ ὃ , ς ὯΔ § ὃ , as 

a eg 5 , Ἶ 5 , A 
τις, οἷος ἐπ᾽ ᾿Εννεακρούνου ἀπονιψάμενος τὰς 
~ > A ες ~ 
χεῖρας Kal περιρρανάμενος, ἀπὸ ἱεροῦ δάφνης" εἰς 
A e ~ 
τὸ στόμα λαβών, οὕτω τὴν ἡμέραν περιπατεῖν. 

Kal τὴν ὁδὸν ἐὰν ὑπερδράμῃ" γαλῆ, μὴ πρότερον 

1 Groeneboom, cf. Sen. Ben. vi. 9. 1 (ἰπώσαντι sugg. 7}: mss 
ὥσαντι 2 Μ᾽ : mss ὑπομεῖναι 3. 27: τη88 ἠθέλησεί(ν), 
θελῆσαι 4 some mss add τέλος τῶν τοῦ Θεοφράστου 
Xapaxrjpwv' ἀλλ᾽ ἔστιν, ὦ Θεόφραστε, χαλεπὸν καθαροὺς 
τῶν τοιούτων ἰδεῖν ἐν τῷ βίῳ καὶ τῆς ἐν τούτοις κακίας ὅλως 
ἀφεστηκότας. εἰ μὴ γὰρ τὰ πάντα δοκοίη τις εἶναι κακός, τοῖς γοῦν 
πλείοσι τοῦ χόρου τῶν ἀρίστων ἐξέωσται. ἢ τοίνυν σοὶ πειθομένους 
ἡμᾶς τὰς ἁπάντων ὄψεις φυλάττεσθαι δεῖ, ἢ κοινωνοῦντας καὶ λόγων 
καὶ πράξεων, τὴν ἑκάστου γνώμην (mss also μνήμην) μιμεῖσθαι. 
ἀλλ᾽ οὕτω μὲν κακίας ἑσμὸς καὶ ἀρετῆς ἀλλοτρίωσις ἕπεται, ἐκείνως 
(mss -vous) δὲ ἡ μισανθρωπία καὶ τὸ τοῦ Τίμωνος ἔγκλημα. ταύτῃ 



such as unwittingly thrust him aside, bespatter him,* 
or tread on his toe. When a friend asks him the 
help of a subscription, it is certain he will first say 
he won’t give it, and thereafter bring it saying 
“Here’s more good money gone!’ He is prone, 
also, to curse the stone he stumbles over in the road. 
He will not abide to be kept long waiting ; he always 
refuses to sing, recite, or dance.’ He is apt, also, 
not to pray to the Gods.° 


Superstitiousness, I need hardly say, would seem 
to be a sort of cowardice with respect to the divine @ ; 
and your Superstitious man such as will not sally 
forth for the day till he have washed his hands and 
sprinkled himself at the Nine Springs,? and put a 
bit of bay-leaf from a temple in his mouth. And if 
a cat cross his path he will not proceed on his way 

* Or perhaps squeeze him (in a crowd). ὃ After supper. 

¢ i.e. refuse to pray: or, regarding μή as a Christian 
interpolation, he is apt to curse even the Gods (ef. § 1). 

4 Or spiritual. ὁ Or at three springs. 

τοι καὶ χαλεπὸν ἑλέσθαι τὸ κρεῖττον Kal δεινὸς ἑκατέρωθεν ὄλισθος 
5 Title in V: ἀπὸ τῶν τοῦ Θεοφράστου χαρακτήρων ιδ΄. χαρακτὴρ 
δεισιδαιμονίας ® only M ΤῈ, of. lsocr. Antid. 287 ; or 
ἐπὶ Ὑ κρουνῶν, cf. xxviii. 4and Men. Phasm. 55; for ἐπί rather 
than ἀπό see § 12: V ἐπιχρωνῆν (others omit), corruption of 
ἐπ᾽ θ΄ κρηνῶν, from ἐπ᾽ θ΄ κρούνου, or of ἐπὶ γ΄ κρουνῶν : for con- 
fusion of ἡ and ὦ cf. ἀλφίτην below 8 comma 15 (so Nav.); 
δάφνης partit. gen. : V -νὴν ® Pauw: mss περιδ.. παραδ. 







πορευθῆναι ἕως διεξέλθῃ τις ἢ λίθους τρεῖς ὑπὲρ 
~ ες α , 1 Δ ΞΡ 9. » ? a δε, 
Ths ὁδοῦ διαβάλῃ." καὶ ἐὰν ἴδῃ ὄφιν ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ, 
DN \ , ΄, 2 a 2\ Nie ΄, 
ἐὰν «μὲν» παρείαν, Σιαβάζιον" καλεῖν, ἐὰν δὲ ἱερόν, 
ἐνταῦθα ἡρῷον εὐθὺς" ἱδρύσασθαι. καὶ τῶν λιπα- 
ρῶν λίθων τῶν ἐν ταῖς τριόδοις παριὼν ἐκ τῆς 
ληκύθου ἔλαιον καταχεῖν καὶ ἐπὶ γόνατα πεσὼν 
καὶ προσκυνήσας ἀπαλλάττεσθαι. καὶ ἐὰν μῦς 
θύλακον ἀλφίτων' διαφάγῃ, πρὸς τὸν ἐξηγητὴν ἐλθὼν 
ἐρωτᾶν τί χρὴ ποιεῖν, καὶ ἐὰν ἀποκρίνηται αὐτῷ 
ἐκδοῦναι τῷ τ: 3} ἐπιρράψαι, μὴ προσέχειν 
τούτοις ἀλλ᾽ ἀποτροπαίοις" ἐκλύσασθαι. καὶ 
πυκνὰ δὲ τὴν οἰκίαν καθᾶραι" δεινὸς ᾿Βκάτης 
φάσκων ἐπαγωγὴν γεγονέναι" κἀν γλαῦκες βαδί- 
ζοντος αὐτοῦ «ἀνακράγωσι ," ταράττεσθαι καὶ 
εἴπας ᾿Αθηνᾶ κρείττων παρελθεῖν οὕτω. καὶ οὔτε 
ἐπιβῆναι μνήματι οὔτ᾽ ἐπὶ νεκρὸν οὔτ᾽ ἐπὶ λεχὼ 
> “ > ~ > \ \ ΝΥ / / 
ἐλθεῖν ἐθελῆσαι, ἀλλὰ τὸ μὴ μιαίνεσθαι συμφέρον 
αὑτῷ φῆσαι εἶναι. καὶ ταῖς τετράσι δὲ καὶ ταῖς 
ἑβδομάσιδ τῶν ἡμερῶν" προστάξας οἶνον ἕψειν τοῖς 
” > \ > / 4 , 
ἔνδον, ἐξελθὼν ἀγοράσαι μυρσίνας, λιβανωτόν, 
’ὔ 10 \ > \ ” ὃ λέ > Ov. 
πίνακα, καὶ εἰσελθὼν εἴσω «διατελέσαι ἐπιθύων 
1 Sylb: mss -λάβῃ 2 V Σαβάδιον, but ef. xxvii. 8; 
others omit ἐὰν παρ.--- ἐὰν δὲ 3 Diib: V lepwor (from 
above) εὖθ. ; others omit (introd. p. 28) _ 4 °V ἀλφίτην, 
cf. p. 79 n. 7 5 Wytt: mss -πεὶς 8 V καθάραι, others 
καθαριεῖν 7 Foss, cf. Men. 534. 1 Καὶ; or «κα(κ)- 
KaBifwor> Bad. adr. (Cob. κακκ. παριόντος), Ar. Lys. 760 
8 Im. -μαις: M &’ 9 A: Μ ἡμερῶν (without τῶν), others 
omit us λιβανωτὸν Foss: V -wrév, others omit ἐθελῆσαι--- 
ἡμέραν : for πίνακες or πινάκια (which might be read here) 
with myrtle and taenia cf. Boetticher, Bawmcultus fig. 2; 
it is a serious objection to Foss’s πόπανα (ef. Men. 129 K, 

Sch. Ar. Plut. 1126) that these would be made at home, 
cf. Ar. Ran, 507 



till someone else be gone by, or he have cast three 
stones across the street. Should he espy a snake in 
his house, if it be one of the red sort he will call 
upon Sabazius, if of the sacred, build a shrine then 
and there. When he passes one of the smooth 
stones set up at crossroads he anoints it with oil 
from his flask, and will not go his ways till he have 
knelt down and worshipped it.t If a mouse gnaw a 
bag of his meal, he will off to the wizard’s® and ask 
what he must do, and if the answer be ‘ send it to 
the cobbler’s to be patched,’ he neglects the advice 
and frees himself of the ill by rites of aversion. He 
is for ever purifying his house on the plea that 
Hecate has been drawn thither.¢ Should owls hoot 
when he is abroad, he is much put about, and will 
not on his way till he have cried “ Athena forfend ! ’ 
Set foot on a tomb he will not, nor come nigh a 
dead body nor a woman in childbed ; he must keep 
himself unpolluted. On the fourth” and seventh ὁ 
days of every month he has wine mulled for his 
household, and goes out to buy myrtle-boughs, 
frankincense, and a holy picture,’ and then return- 
ing spends the livelong day doing sacrifice to the 

© (Cir, Wyre We ν]: Bile » Or the (official) diviner’s. 

¢ Cf. Hesych. ὠπωτῆρε, Diog. L. vi. 74. 

4 Cf. Ath. xiv. 659 d=Men. 292 Καὶ 320 K. 

& Or twenty-fourth (sc. φθίνοντος, which Im. inserts, need- 
lessly, cf. Dem. xlii. 1); the 4th was Hermes’ day, the 7th 
Apollo’s, cf. Sch. Ar. Plut. 1126, but Apollo does not seem 
in point (see below), so Im. compares Hes. Op. 797. 

7 Or holy pictures (of the Hermaphrodites ? hung on the 

G 81 






καὶ)" στεφανῶν τοὺς “Ἑρμαφροδίτους ὅλην τὴν 
ἡμέραν. καὶ ὅταν ἐνύπνιον ἴδῃ, “πορεύεσθαι πρὸς 
τοὺς ὀνειροκρίτας, πρὸς τοὺς μάντεις, πρὸς τοὺς 
ὀρνιθοσκόπους, ἐρωτήσων τίνι θεῶν ἢ θέᾳ προσ- 

2 εὔχεσθαι δεῖ." καὶ τελεσθησόμενος πρὸς τοὺς 

᾿Ορφεοτελεστὰς κατὰ μῆνα πορεύεσθαι μετὰ τῆς 
γυναικός, ἐὰν δὲ μὴ σχολάζῃ ἡ γυνή, μετὰ, τῆς 
τίτθης καὶ τῶν παιδίων. καὶ τῶν περιρραινομένων 
ἐπὶ θαλάττης ἐπιμελῶς" δόξειεν ἃ ἂν εἶναι. κἄν ποτε 
ἐπίδῃ ᾿σκορόδῳ ἐστεμμένην «τινὰ τῶν ᾿Ἑκατῶν» 
τῶν ἐπὶ ταῖς τριόδοις, ἀπελθὼν κατὰ κεφαλῆς 
λούσασθαι καὶ ἱερείας καλέσας σκίλλῃ ἢ σκύλακι 
κελεῦσαι αὑτὸν περικαθᾶραι. μαινόμενόν τε ἰδὼν 
ἢ ἐπίληπτον φρίξας εἰς κόλπον πτύσαι. 


ΠΕ δὲ ε / > / / τι \ 
ott δὲ ἡ μεμψιμοιρία ἐπιτίμησίς τις παρὰ 
τὸ προσῆκον τῶν δεδομένων, ὁ δὲ μεμψίμοιρος 
τοιόσδε τις, οἷος ἀποστείλαντος μερίδα τοῦ φίλου 
εἰπεῖν πρὸς τὸν φέροντα ᾿Εφθόνησάς μοι τοῦ ζωμοῦ 
καὶ τοῦ οἰναρίου οὐκ ἐπὶ δεῖπνον καλέσας. καὶ 
ὑπὸ τῆς ἑταίρας καταφιλούμενος εἰπεῖν Θαυμάζω 
εἰ σὺ καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς ψυχῆς οὕτω με φιλεῖς. καὶ τῷ 

1 Diels-# (introd. p. 22) 2 θεᾶν ὃ Diels sugg. θεῶν 
ἢ θύειν «ἢ» 3 'V εὔχ. δεῖ τὸ Men ΤΙ ἘΣ. 1995: 
10 K, Heracl. Pont. ap. Diog. L. ii. 135 5) Eis Np 
ἐστεμμένων (for ὦ for ἡ cf. ἐπιχρωνῆν above, § 2 n. 7, and 
ἐπισκῆψαι Xxix. 3) 8 V ἀπελθόντων corrected from ἐπελθόν- 
των : others, omitting κἂν--τῶν, καὶ ἐπὶ τοῖς Tp. ἀπελθὼν 

7 only in M 


Hermaphrodites and putting garlands about them.? 
He never has a dream but he flies to a diviner, or 
a soothsayer, or an interpreter of visions, to ask 
what God or Goddess he should appease ; and when 
he is about to be initiated into the holy orders 
of Orpheus, he visits the priests every month and 
his wife with him, or if she have not the time, 
the nurse and children. He would seem to be one 
of those who are for ever going? to the seaside to 
besprinkle themselves ; and if ever he see one of 
the figures of Hecate at the crossroads wreathed 
with garlic,’ he is off home to wash his head and 
summon priestesses whom he bids purify him with 
the carrying around him of a squill or a puppy-dog. 
If he catch sight of a madman or an epilept, he 
shudders and spits in his bosom.? 


Grumbling or Querulousness is an undue com- 
plaining of one’s lot ; and the Grumbler will say to 
him that brings him a portion from his friend’s 
table ® ‘You begrudged me your soup and your 
swipes, or you would have asked me to dine with 
you. 7 When his mistress is kissing him, ‘ I wonder,’ 
says he, ‘whether you kiss me thus warmly from 

@ Text uncertain, but cf. Men. Georg. 8 and 326 K. 

ὃ Instead of on occasions like the Great Mysteries ? but 
the trait is perhaps interpolated, cf. vi. 7. 

¢ Reading uncertain. 4 To avert the ill. 

ὁ When you sacrificed an animal you either bid your 
friends to eat of it with you or sent them portions of the 
meat only, cf. Men. Sam. 191. 

7 He confuses the servant with the master. 






Δ, > ~ 
Aw ἀγανακτεῖν οὐ διότι οὐχ ὕει, ἀλλὰ διότι 
“ \ ε in 2 > “- ςς α / 
ὕστερον. καὶ εὑρών τι ἐν TH ὁδῷ βαλλάντιον 
εἰπεῖν ᾿Αλλ᾽ οὐ θησαυρὸν εὕ ὐδέ ἱ 
( \" οὐ θησαυρὸν εὕρηκα οὐδέποτε. καὶ 
πριάμενος ἀνδράποδον ἄξιον καὶ πολλὰ δεηθεὶς τοῦ 
πωλοῦντος Θαυμάζω, εἰπεῖν, ὅτι ὑγιὲς οὕτω ἄξιον 
Siar. \ A \ 
ἐώνημαι: Kal πρὸς τὸν εὐαγγελιζόμενον ὅτι “Ὑιός 
σοι γέγονεν εἰπεῖν ὅτι “Av προσθῇς καὶ τῆς οὐσίας 
TO , ἥμισυ ἀπέστης," ἀληθῆ ἐρεῖς. καὶ δίκην 
νικήσας" λαβὼν πάσας τὰς ψήφους ἐγκαλεῖν τῷ 
/ \ / «ε \ / ~ 
γράψαντι tov λόγον ὡς πολλὰ παραλελοιπότι τῶν 
/ > ~ 
δικαίων. καὶ ἐράνου εἰσενεχθέντος παρὰ τῶν 
ir \ / / sali \ wv 0 K A ~ 
φίλων καὶ φήσαντός τινος “IXapos ἴσθι, Kai πῶς; 
> “-“ - ~ 
εἰπεῖν, ὅτε" δεῖ τἀργύριον ἀποδοῦναι ἑκάστῳ Kal 
χωρὶς τούτων χάριν ὀφείλειν ὡς εὐεργετημένον ; 


” > / « 5 / / > / 
Eorw ἀμέλει 7 απιστια ὑπόληψις τις ἀδικίας 

\ / € \ ld ~ / e 
κατα πάντων, O δὲ ἄπιστος TOLOUTOS τις, OLOS 

> / \ A > Dr - “ 
ἀποστείλας τὸν παῖδα ὀψωνήσοντα ἕτερον παῖδα 
> / \ / J > / \ 
ἐπιπέμπειν" τον πευσομέενον ποσοῦ επριατο. και 

/, ‘ A > 4 \ \ / 

φέρειν᾽ αὐτὸς τὸ ἀργύριον Kal κατὰ στάδιον 

,ὔ 3 ~ / > ‘ \ \ a 
καθίζων ἀριθμεῖν ποσον εστι. και Τὴν γυναικα 
\ «ς ~ > ~ / > / \ 
THY QUTOVU EpWTav κατακείμενος“ ει κέκλεικε THY 
/ \ > / A Th \ > 
κιβωτόν, και ει σεσήημανται TO KvAuKovxXLoV,” και ει 
ec \ > \ > tp 10 > / \ nv 
ὁ μοχλὸς εἰς τὴν αὐλείαν"" ἐμβέβληται: καὶ ἂν 
1M ay. ὅτι οὐχ ὕει, omitting ἀλλὰ 6. ὕ. : others οὐ διότι 
ὕει κτλ. 2 V omits: others τι καὶ, καὶ, τι (or βαλλαντιοτι 
below), i.e. τι in marg. arch. 3 Im: V ἀπέστη. others 
ἄπεστιν 4 Cas: mss νίκην v.: mss add καί, but ef. xxii. 9 
5 Cas: mss ὅτε» cf. Ar. Nub. 716 6 only M: 
others πέμπ. 7 Cor: mss. -ων 8 Μ νυκτὸς 

συγκαθεύδων 9. mss κυλιούχιον, κοιλιούχιον 10 Μ τῇ 
αὐλαία, cf. Men. 564 K: others εἰς τὴν θύραν τὴν αὐλ. 



your heart.’ He is displeased with Zeus not because 
he sends no rain, but because he has been so long 
about sending it. When he finds a purse in the 
street, it is ‘Ah! but I never found a treasure.’ 
When he has bought a servant cheap with much 
importuning the seller, ‘I wonder,’ cries he, * if 
my bargain’s too cheap to be good.’ When they 
bring him the good news that he has a son born to 
him,* then it is ‘ If you add that I have lost half my 
fortune, you'll speak the truth.’ Should this man 
win a suit-at-law by a unanimous verdict, he is sure 
to find fault with his speech-writer® for omitting so 
many of the pleas. And if a subscription have been 
made him among his friends, and one of them say 
to him ‘ You may cheer up now, ‘What?’ he 
will say, ‘when I must repay each man his share 
and be beholden to him to boot ? ’ 


It goes without saying that Distrustfulness is a 
presumption of dishonesty against all mankind ; and 
the Distrustful man is he that will send one servant 
off to market and then another to learn what price 
he paid; and will carry his own money ® and sit 
down every furlong to count it over. When he is 
abed he will ask his wife if the coffer be locked and 
the cupboard sealed and the house-door bolted, and 

α΄ Cf. Men. Ep. 316. 
» Litigants read speeches written for them by their counsel. 
¢ Instead of intrusting it to his lackey. 






ἐκείνη Pi μηδὲν ἧττον αὐτὸς ἀναστὰς ἐκ τῶν 

στρωμάτων γυμνὸς καὶ ἀνυπόδητος" τὸν λύχνον 

ἅψας ταῦτα πάντα περιδραμὼν ἐπισκέψασθαι, καὶ 

οὕτω μόλις ὕπνου τυγχάνειν. καὶ τοὺς ὀφείλοντας 

αὐτῷ ἀργύριον μετὰ μαρτύρων ἀπαιτεῖν τοὺς 

ΣῊ σ΄ , 2 , \ 
" τόκους, ὅπως μὴ δύναιντο" ἔξαρνοι γενέσθαι. καὶ 

τὸ ἱμάτιον δὲ ἐκδοῦναι δεινός, οὐχ ὃς βέλτιστα 
ἐργάσεται," ἀλλ᾽ οὗ av" ἧ ἄξιος ἐγγυητής. καὶ 
ὅταν ἥκῃ τις αἰτησόμενος ἐκπώματα, μάλιστα μὲν 
μὴ δοῦναι, ἂν δ᾽ ἄρα τις οἰκεῖος a Kal ἀναγκαῖος, 
μόνον οὐ πυρώσας" καὶ στήσας καὶ σχεδὸν ἐγγυητὴν 
λαβὼν χρῆσαι. καὶ τὸν παῖδα δὲ ἀκολουθοῦντα 
κελεύειν αὑτοῦ ὄπισθεν μὴ βαδίζειν ἀλλ᾽ ἔμπροσθεν, 
ἵνα φυλάττηται αὐτῷ μὴ ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ ἀποδρᾷ. καὶ 
τοῖς εἰληφόσι τι παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ καὶ λέγουσι Πόσου, 
κατάθου," οὐ γὰρ σχολάζω πω πέμπειν, «εἰπεῖν» 7 
Μηδὲν πραγματεύου: ἐγὼ γὰρ «ἕως»" ἂν σὺ 
σχολάσῃς, συνακολουθήσω. 


ΕΙΣ \ ¢€ , > , vA 
Eon δὲ ἡ δυσχέρεια. ἀθεραπευσία σώματος 
λύπης παρασκευαστική, ὁ δὲ δυσχερὴς τοιοῦτός 
τις, οἷος λέπραν ἔ ἔχων καὶ ἀλφὸν καὶ τοὺς ὄνυχας 
μεγάλους περιπατεῖν, καὶ φῆσαι ταῦτα εἶναι αὑτῷ 
\9 > ΄, $9 \ > \10 Aas 
συγγενικὰ ἀρρωστήματα" ἔχειν yap αὐτὰ" καὶ Tov 
1 so M: others γ ἐκ τ. στρ. καὶ avuT. (ἐ.6. ἐκ τῶν στρ. in 
marg. arch.) 2 Jebb δύνωνται *Salm: cf. 1x76; 

Ar. Pax 371, Lys. 614, Lysias 23. 2, Men. Ep. 218: mss 
ὡς B. ἐργάσεται (V épydonra); for ἐργ. cf. Plat. Meno 91D 

4 E: mss ὅταν (introd. p. 22) 5 Foss ὄνομ᾽ ἐντυπώσας 
6 or Πόσου κατάθου ZC as: 8 Madv. (see opp.) 
9. mss also -γενῆ 10 Meier: mss -τὸν 



for all she may say Yes, he will himself α rise naked 
and bare-foot from the blankets and light the candle 
and run round the house to see, and even so will 
hardly go to sleep. Those that owe him money find 
him demand the usury before witnesses, so that they 
shall never by any means deny that he has asked 
it. His cloak is put out to wash not where it will 
be fulled best, but where the fuller gives him good 
security. And when a neighbour comes a-borrowing 
drinking-cups he will refuse him if he can; should 
he perchance be a great friend or a kinsman, he will 
lend them, yet almost weigh them and assay them,? 
if not take security for them, before he does so. 
When his servant attends him he is bidden go before 
and not behind, so that he may make sure he do 
not take himself off by the way.° And to any man 
that has bought of him and says ‘ Reckon it up and 
set it down’; I cannot send for the money just 
yet, he replies, ‘ Never mind; 1 will go with you 
till you can.’ ¢ 


Nastiness is a neglect of the person which is 
painful to others; and your Nasty fellow such as 
will walk the town with the scall and the scab upon 
him and with bad nails,’ and boast that these ail- 

2 i.e. instead of sending a slave. 

> Or perhaps scratch his name on them; contrast Arcesi- 
laus, Diog. L. iv. 38. σ φυλάττηται passive. 

4 Se. εἰς βιβλίον, cf. Dem. 1401. 19 ; or perhaps put down 
how much (I owe you). 

© Or, keeping text, if it is convenient to you, I will accom- 
pany you home. 7. Lit. great nails, 1.6. from gout. 





πατέρα Kal τὸν πάππον, Kal οὐκ εἶναι ῥᾷδιον 
393. AY > \ , ε / Seay Ned \ 
αὐτῶν' εἰς τὸ γένος ὑποβάλλεσθαι. ἀμέλει δὲ 
δεινὸς καὶ ἕλκη ἔχειν ἐν τοῖς ἀντικνημίοις καὶ 
προσπταίσματα ἐν τοῖς δακτύλοις, καὶ ταῦτα" μὴ 
θεραπεῦσαι ἀλλ᾽ ἐᾶσαι θηριωθῆναι: καὶ τὰς μα- 
2 4 ΓΑ \ / ” Μ eS | 
σχάλας δὲ θηριώδεις καὶ δασείας ἔχειν ἄχρι ἐπὶ 
~ ~ > Α 
πολὺ τῶν πλευρῶν, καὶ τοὺς ὀδόντας μέλανας καὶ 
ἐσθιομένους." καὶ τὰ τοιαῦτα: ἐσθίων ἀπομύτ- 
/ 9 > ~ 4 ~ > / 
τεσθαι- θύων ἅμ᾽ ἀδαξᾶσθαι". προσλαλῶν ἀπορρί- 
πτειν ἀπὸ τοῦ στόματος" ἅμα πιὼν προσερυγγάνειν" 
A ~ A 
ἀναπόνιπτος ev Tots ἐμβάσι μετὰ τῆς γυναικὸς" 
~ ~ / 
κοιμᾶσθαι: ἐλαίῳ σαπρῷ ev βαλανείῳ χριόμενος 

Ἢ 7 7 \ , \ Nig See, 
φθύζεσθαιϊ. Kal χιτωνίσκον παχὺν καὶ ἱμάτιον 

σφόδρα λέπτονἣ καὶ κηλίδων μεστὸν ἀναβαλόμενος" 
εἰς ἀγορὰν ἐξελθεῖν." 


Ἔστι δὲ ἡ ἀηδία, ὡς ὅρῳ περιλαβεῖν," ἔντευξις 

/ = Ὧν > A ~ , 
λύπης “ποιητικὴ ἄνευ βλάβης, ὁ δὲ ἀηδὴς τοιοῦτος 
τις, οἷος ἐγείρειν ἄρτι καθεύδοντα εἰσελθών, ἵνα 
αὐτῷ συλλαλῇ""- καὶ ἀνάγεσθαι ἤδη" μέλλοντας 
κωλύειν: καὶ προσελθόντων δεῖσθαι ἐπισχεῖν ἕως ἂν 

1 Meist: V -τὸν 2 V omits 3 mss incorp. gloss ὥστε 
δυσέντευκτος εἶναι Kal ἀηδής 4 Diels: V θύων ἅμα δ᾽ 
ἄρξασθαι, others θύειν ἀρξάμενος and then προσλαλεῖν καὶ ἀπ. 

δ ἀναπόν. Badh: ἐν τ. ἐμβ. EL, cf. xxi. 8 n. and ἐμβασικοίτας 
Ath. 469 a and Petron. 24: V ἀναπίπτοντος ἐν τ. στρώμασι, 

others omit ἀναπ. . . κοιμᾶσθαι 8. mss insert αὐτοῦ, 1.6. 
αὑτοῦ, a gloss, cf. xiv. 10 7 BE, cf. ἐπιφθύζω: V χρώμενος 
σφύζεσθαι. others χρίεσθαι, χρᾶσθαι, χρῆσθαι only 8 «ἅμα 
φορεῖν» ? ® Jebb: mss ἀναβαλλ. 10 the remainder is 
rightly transferred by most editors to Char. xi. ΤΕ. 
λαβεῖν 12. so M: others λαλῇ 13 Schn: mss δὴ 



ments are hereditary ; his father and his grandfather 
had them before him and ’tis no easy matter to be 
foisted into Ais family. He is like also, I warrant 
you, to have gatherings on his shins and sores on 
his toes, and seek no remedy, but rather let them 
grow rank. He will keep himself as shaggy as a 
beast, with hair well-nigh all over his body, and his 
teeth all black and rotten.¢ These also are marks 
of the man :—to blow his nose at table ;® to bite 
his nails° when he is sacrificing with you; to spit 
from his mouth when he is talking with you ; when 
he has drunken with you, to hiccup in your face. 
He will go to bed with his wife with hands un- 
washed@ and his shoes on; spit on himself at the 
baths when his oil is rancid’; and go forth to the 
market-place clad in a thick shirt and a very thin 

coat, and this covered with stains./ 


Ill- breeding, if we may define it, is a sort of 
behaviour which gives pain without harm; and the 
Ill-bred man is one that will awake you to talk with 
him when you are but now fallen asleep; hinder 
you when you are this moment about to set forth on 
a journey ; and when you come to speak to him, beg 

« Cf. Alciphr. ii. 25 (iii. 28). 

» They used no handkerchiefs. © Or scratch himself. 

4 It was usual to wash the hands after supper, cf. Ar. 
Eccl. 419; they used no spoons or forks. 

“ And therefore thickened, so as to require supplementing. 

7 Or perhaps wear a thick shirt with a very thin coat, and 
go forth into the market-place in a coat covered with stains. 



ee Pi \ \ , - , > , 
5 βηματίσῃ"" καὶ τὸ παιδίον τῆς τίτθης ἀφελόμενος, 
/ / \ 
μασώμενος σιτίζειν αὐτός, καὶ ὑποκορίζεσθαι 
ποππύζων καὶ πανουργημάτιον τοῦ πάππου 
= ~ A > A. 3 δὲ “ ὃ ~ 6 ε Ξλλέ 
ὁ καλῶν. καὶ ἐσθίων" δὲ ἅμα διηγεῖσθαι ὡς ἐλλέ- 
βορον πιὼν ἄνω καὶ κάτω καθαρθείη, καὶ ζωμοῦ 
τοῦ παρακειμένου ἐν τοῖς ὑποχωρήμασιν αὐτῷ 
7 μελαντέρα «εἴη» ἡ χολή. καὶ ἐρωτῆσαι. δὲ δεινὸς 
ἐναντίον τῶν οἰκετῶν" Εἰπέ «μοι, ὦ» μάμμη," ὅτ᾽ 
8 ὦδινες Kal με ETLKTES, ποία τις «ἡ» ἡμέρα; " καὶ 
ς \ Ε] ~ \ / ¢€ ¢€ / > \ > / 
ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς δὲ λέγειν ws ἡδύ ἐστι καὶ «ἀλγεινόν, 
\ τὴ pa / ὃ \ 3 ” Ε] e (ὃ Μ θ 
καὶ» ἀμφότερα δὲ οὐκ ἔχοντα οὐ ῥᾷάδιον ἄνθρωπον 
A e 3 A / 
9 λαβεῖν: καὶ «ἑστιώμενος δὲ εἰπεῖν» ὅτι ψυχρόν 
~ A \ ~ 
ἐστι παρ᾽ αὑτῷ «τὸ» λακκαῖον, καὶ ὡς κῆπος 
A ΄, > 
λάχανα πολλὰ ἔχων καὶ ἁπαλὰ" καὶ μάγειρος εὖ 
τὸ ὄψον σκευάζων' καὶ ὅτι ἡ οἰκία αὐτοῦ παν- 
δοκεῖόν ἐστι, μεστὴ γὰρ ἀεί". καὶ τοὺς φίλους 
~ \ / s / A 
αὐτὸῦ εἶναι τὸν τετρημένον ΕΣ εὖ ποτίζων yap 
> \ > ὃ ΄ θ > An ‘ ἕ / ὃ A 
10 αὐτοὺς οὐ δύνασθαι ἐμπλῆσαι. Kai Eevilwv δὲ 
- ~ A > ~ 
δεῖξαι τὸν παράσιτον αὐτοῦ ποῖός Tis ἐστι τῷ 
~ ~ \ ~ / 
συνδειπνοῦντι" Kal παρακαλῶν δὲ ἐπὶ τοῦ ποτηρίου 
“- \ \ ’, te 
εἰπεῖν ὅτι TO τέρψον τοὺς παρόντας παρεσκεύασται, 
καὶ ὅτι αὐτήν, ἐὰν κελεύσωσιν, ὁ παῖς μέτεισι 

12,6. dum cacet: so M: others περιπατήσῃ correction of 
gloss ἀποπατήσῃ, cf. δεσμωτήριον for κέραμον Vi. 6 2 Cob.-#: 

ν πανουργιῶν, others omit καὶ may... . καλῶν (introd. Ρ- 25) 
3 ἑστιῶν ? cf. xxiv. 9 * Courier, cf. xxx. 9: mss οἰκείων 
5 F (introd. p. 23): V εἴπου (corr. to elrep) μάμμη, others 
omit eiz.... Καὶ 8 Foss-H: V ὅτ᾽ ὥδ. κ. érixrés pe ὩΣ 

ἡμέρα, which would mean ‘ what day of the month,’ ¢f. iii. 
and Alciphr. 3. 4 init. (3.7); other mss ws ποίᾳ ἡμέρᾳ με ae 
(introd. p. 24) 7 Im.-# 8 EH (introd. p. 22) 
9. ff: mss incorp. gloss ὕδωρ after ψυχρόν 1. V adds 
incorp. gloss on λακκαῖον, ὥστε εἷναι ψυχρόν, others omit 
ὥστε. . . . σκευάζων 11 Foss: mss ἐστι 12 Pas: mss 
ποιῶν yap: cf. xiv. 12 for the corruption 



you to wait till he have been round the corner. He 
will take the child from the nurse and feed it from 
his own mouth, and make sounds of kissing while he 
ealls it by such pretty names as ‘ Daddy’s bit of 
wickedness.’* When he is eating with you he will 
relate how he once took hellebore and was purged 
at both ends, and the bile from his bowels ‘ was as 
black as this soup.’ He is prone to ask before the 
servants such questions as this: ‘ Tell me, Mammy, 
how went the day with you when you were brought 
to bed of me?’ and will reply for her that there's 
both pleasure and pain to it, and that no man living 
can easily have the one without the other.? When 
he is out to dinner he will remark that he has cold 
water in his cistern at home, and there’s a garden 
with plenty of excellent vegetables and a cook that 
knows his business ; his house is a perfect inn, it is 
always so full of guests; and his friends are like the 
leaky cask ‘—drench them as he will he cannot fill 
them. When he entertains strangers, he displays the 
qualities of his parasite or goodfellow ; and when he 
would make his guests merrier over the wine, tells 
them that the company’s diversion is provided for ; 
they have but to say the word and his man shall go 

« The rest of the Character shows that this is intended 
more literally than some editors would think. 

ὃ ἔχοντα neuter plural ; lit. can get things which have, etc. 

¢ Of the Danaids. 



A ~ 4, ” σ 4 e ᾽ 
παρὰ τοῦ πορνοβόσκου ἤδη, Ὅπως πάντες ὑπ 
αὐτῆς αὐλώμεθα καὶ εὐφραινώμεθα. 


7, > A 

Ἢ δὲ μικροφιλοτιμία δόξει εἶναι ὄρεξις τιμῆς 
> ΄ 1 ε \ / eh 
ἀνελεύθερος, ὁ δὲ μικροφιλότιμος τοιοῦτός τις, 
2 οἷος σπουδάσαι ἐπὶ δεῖπνον κληθεὶς παρ᾽ αὐτὸν τὸν 
8 καλέσαντα κατακείμενος δειπνῆσαι: καὶ τὸν υἱὸν 
« ἀποκεῖραι ἀπαγαγὼν" εἰς Δελφούς. καὶ ἐπιμελη- 
~ \ “ e ~ e > / 527 yA 

θῆναι δὲ ὅπως αὑτῷ 6 ἀκόλουθος Αἰθίοψ eora: 
δ καὶ ἀποδιδοὺς μνᾶν ἀργυρίου καινὸν ποιῆσαι 

3 A \ “- νιν 7, ῃ 
6 ἀποδοῦναι. καὶ κολοιῷ δὲ ἔνδον τρεφομένῳ δεινὸς 
κλιμάκιον πρίασθαι, καὶ ἀσπίδιον χαλκοῦν ποιῆσαι 
ὃ ἔχων ἐπὶ τοῦ κλιμακίου ὁ κολοιὸς πηδήσεται:" 
καὶ βοῦν θύσας τὸ προμετωπίδιον ἀπαντικρὺ τῆς 
εἰσόδου προσπατταλεῦσαι" στέμμασι μεγάλοις περι- 
δήσας, ὅπως οἱ εἰσιόντες ἴδωσιν' ὅτι βοῦν ἔθυσε. 
8 καὶ πομπεύσας δὲ μετὰ τῶν ἱππέων τὰ μὲν ἄλλα 
πάντα ἀποδοῦναι τῷ παιδὶ ἀπενεγκεῖν οἴκαδε, 
> / 6 δὲ > ΄, > A ΄ 7 \ 
ἀναβαλόμενος" δὲ θοἰμάτιον ἐν τοῖς μύωψι κατὰ 
9 τὴν ἀγορὰν περιπατεῖν. καὶ κυναρίου δὲ Μελιταίου 
τελευτήσαντος αὐτῷ, μνῆμα ποιῆσαι καὶ στηλίδιον 
10 ἀναστήσας" ἐπιγράψαι Κλάδος Μελιταῖος: καὶ 


1 mss also -pov Ἀν ἀγαγών, but cf. ix. 2 ἀπελθών : 
Foss ἀπάγειν : Schneid. ἀναγαγών jperh. rightly, cf. Diog. L. 
111. 25 εἰς ᾿Ολύμπια ἀνιόντος 7 ee 4 εἰδῶσιν ? 
5 V δοῦναι § mss ἀναβαλλ. 7 of. Ar. Lys. 1140, 
Eecl. 47, 303, Men. Sam. 166 8 introd. p. 22: mss 
ποιήσας : Im. στηλίδιον, ποιήσας ἐπιγράψαι 



forthwith to fetch the girl from the brothel, ‘so 
that we may all have the pleasure of listening to her 
music.’ ὦ 


Petty Pride will seem to be a vulgar appetite for 
distinction ; and the Pettily-proud man of a kind 
that when he is invited out to dine must needs find 
place to dine next the host ; and that will take his 
son off to Delphi to cut his first hair. Nothing will 
please him but his lackey shall be a blackamoor. 
When he pays a pound of silver he has them pay it 
in new coin. He is apt, this man, if he keep a pet 
jackdaw, to buy a little ladder and make a little 
bronze shield for that jackdaw to wear while he hops 
up and down upon the ladder.’ Should he sacrifice 
an ox, the scalp or frontlet is nailed up, heavily 
garlanded, over against the entrance of his house,° 
so that all that come in may see ὦ it is an ox he has 
sacrificed. When he goes in procession with the 
other knights, his man may take all the rest of his 
gear away home for him, but he puts on the cloak 
and makes his round of the market-place in his spurs. 
Should his Melitean lap-dog die, he will make him 
a tomb and set up on it a stone to say ‘ Branch, of 
Melité.7’ Should he have cause to dedicate a bronze 

* The ill-breeding prob. does not lie in speaking of the 
brothel, but the host should either have provided a flute- 
player or said nothing about it. 

δ Like a soldier on a scaling-ladder at the taking of a city. 

* On the opposite side of the peristyle ἢ 

4 Or perhaps more likely know. 

¢ That he was sacrificing some animal would be clear from 
the smell. 7 See Index, Melite. 






ἀναθεὶς δάκτυλον' χαλκοῦν ἐν τῷ ᾿Ασκληπιείῳ, 
τοῦτον ἐκτρίβειν, στεφανοῦν," ἀλείφειν, ὁσημέραι. 
ἀμέλει δὲ καὶ διοικήσασθαι. παρὰ τῶν «συμπρυ- 
τανέων" ὅπως ἀπαγγείλῃ τῷ δήμῳ τὰ ἱερά, καὶ 
παρεσκευασμένος λαμπρὸν ἱμάτιον καὶ ἐστεφα- 
/ A > A sy " 3 “- 
νωμένος παρελθὼν εἰπεῖν Ὦ dvdpes ᾿Αθηναῖοι, 
ἐθύομεν οἱ πρυτάνεις" τῇ Μητρὶ τῶν θεῶν τὰ 
/ 4 \ \ A ς / 5 \ ¢ A ᾽ὔ 6 
Γαλάξια, καὶ καλὰ τὰ ἱερά, καὶ ὑμεῖς δέχεσθε 
τὰ ἀγαθά: καὶ ταῦτα ἀπαγγείλας ἀπιὼν διηγή- 
ΕΣ ~ ¢ ~ \ e ITE \ 
σασθαι οἴκαδε τῇ αὑτοῦ γυναικὶ ὡς καθ᾽ ὑπερβολὴν 
Καὶ πλειστάκις δὲ ἀποκείρασθαι, καὶ τοὺς 
300 A \ ” 8 \ \ e / δὲ A 
ὀδόντας λευκοὺς ἔχειν. Kal τὰ ἱμάτια δὲ χρηστὰ 
μεταβάλλεσθαι, καὶ χρίσματι ἀλείφεσθαι. καὶ τῆς 
μὲν ἀγορᾶς πρὸς τὰς τραπέζας προσφοιτᾶν," τῶν 
δὲ γυμνασίων ἐν τούτοις διατρίβειν οὗ ἂν οἷ᾽ ἔφη- 
βοι γυμνάζωνται, τοῦ δὲ θεάτρου καθῆσθαι, ὅταν 
ἢ θέα," πλησίον τῶν στρατηγῶν. καὶ ἀγοράζειν 
αὐτὸς μὲν" μηδέν, ξένοις δὲ συνεργεῖν ἐπι- 
/ ΔΘ > / \ \ 
στάλματα, «καὶ ἅλας» εἰς Βυζάντιον καὶ Λακωνικὰς 
κύνας εἰς Κύζικον πέμπειν"" καὶ μέλι ᾿Ὑμήττιον εἰς 
“Ρόδον: καὶ ταῦτα ποιῶν τοῖς ἐν τῇ πόλει δι- 
ἡγεῖσθαι. ἀμέλει δὲ καὶ πίθηκον θρέψαι δεινός, καὶ 

1 Naber: Πη55τἰ|ὸὺρ 2.Πη85 τοῦτα 3. Herw: mss συνδιοικ. 
and πρυτ. (introd. p. 22), after which they incorporate gloss 
τὰ ἱερὰ 4 Wil: V τὰ γὰρ ἄξια, others ἄξια δε τὰ 
ἱερὰ καλά, others omit τὰ ἱερά (͵.6. τὰ ἱερὰ in marg. 
arch. ) 6 V δέχ.: others ἐδέχ. 7 for tense cf. νικᾷ 
and for meaning Ath. 584d: most mss -εῖν 8 all mss 
and P(ap. Hercul. 1457) have this and the following §§ after 
θλιβόμενος Char. V, see opp. 9 P προσέρχεσθαι 10 οἱ 
in P only 11 mss also ἡ θέα 12 mss and P αὐτόν μὲν, 
mss also μὲν αὐτὸν 13 introd. p. 25 



finger or toe in the temple of Asclepius,? he is sure 
to polish it, wreathe it, and anoint it, every day. 
This man, it is plain, will contrive it with his fellow- 
magistrates that it be he that shall proclaim the 
sacrifice to the people ; and providing himself a clean 
coat and setting a wreath on his head, will stand 
forth and say πὸ Magistrates have performed the 
rites of the Milk-Feast, Athenians, in honour of the 
Mother of the Gods ; the sacrifice is propitious, and 
do you accept the blessing.’® This done he will 
away home and tell his wife what a great success he 
has had. 

He is shorn, this man,’ many times in the month ; 
keeps his teeth white ; gets a new cloak when the 
old one is still good; uses unguent for oil. In the 
market-place he haunts the banks ; of the wrestling- 
schools he chooses those to dally in where the youths 
practise ; ὦ and when there is a show at the theatre 
he will sit next to the generals. He does no buying 
for himself, but aids foreigners in exporting goods 
abroad, and sends salt to Byzantium, Spartan hounds 
to Cyzicus, Hymettian honey to Rhodes ; and when 
he does so, lets the world know it. It goes without 
saying that he is apt to keep a pet monkey; and 

@ Asa votive offering in return for the cure of that member : 
or, keeping the text, ring. 

> Text uncertain; the point would seem to lie either in 
the (unusual ?) specification of the feast or in the unimport- 
ance of this particular feast ; ¢f. [Dem.] Proem 54. 

¢ The following passage, which the mss, including P, give 
at the end of Char. V., is generally thought to belong here ; 
but it may have belonged once to a separate Char., cf. the 
previous § with § 16. 

@ j.e. the public ones, not the private ones for boys (Nav.). 






, 1 ΄, \ \ , 
Titupov’ κτήσασθαι, καὶ Σικελικὰς περιστεράς, 

καὶ δορκαδείους ἀστραγάλους, καὶ Θουριακὰς" 
τῶν στρογγύλων ληκύθους, καὶ βακτηρίας τῶν 

~ > ,ὔ \ b) / / > 
σκολιῶν ἐκ Λακεδαίμονος, καὶ αὐλαίαν Ilépoas ἐν- 
υφασμένην, καὶ παλαιστρίδιον᾽ κόνιν ἔχον καὶ 

s σφαιριστήριον: καὶ τοῦτο περιὼν χρηννύναι" τοῖς 

φιλοσόφοις,; τοῖς σοφισταῖς, τοῖς ὁπλομάχοις, 
τοῖς ἁρμονικοῖς ἐνεπιδείκνυσθαι. καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν 
τοῖς ἐπιδείξεσιν ὕστερον ἐπεισιέναι ἤδη συγ- 
καθημένων, ἵν᾽ εἴπη τῶν θεωμένων «ὃ ἕτερος» πρὸς 
τὸν ἕτερον ὅτι Τούτου ἐστὶν ἡ παλαίστρα. 


5 / > \ / / 

Ἢ δὲ ἀνελευθερία ἐστὶ πάρεσίς τις" φιλοτιμίας 
΄ ε 5 ~ / 
δαπάνην ἐχούσης," ὁ δὲ ἀνελεύθερος τοιοῦτός τις, 
το Uy \ J, > ~ ~ 
οἷος νικῆσας τραγῳδοὺς ταινίαν ἀναθεῖναι τῷ 
A » , 12 > / / 13 ¢e ~ A 
ιονύσῳ ξυλίνην," ἐπιγράψας μόνον" αὑτοῦ τὸ 
> lol 

ὄνομα: καὶ ἐπιδόσεων γινομένων ἐκ τοῦ δήμου," 

΄ A > ~ > ~ \ > 
ἀναστὰς σιωπᾶν ἢ ἐκ τοῦ μέσου ἀπελθεῖν: καὶ ἐκ- 

\ ~ / ~ ¢€ / A ~ 
διδοὺς αὑτοῦ θυγατέρα τοῦ μὲν ἱερείου πλὴν τῶν 
1 Sch. Δωριεῖς τὸν σάτυρον" καὶ ἔστι δὲ ὁ μικρὰν ἔχων οὐρὰν 
πίθηκος and in one ms 3 obscure words, for the first 2 of 
which Knox suggests Ῥίνθωνος ἡ χρῆσις 2 of. Callim. 
239 (85 Mair) 3 Sch. (cf. Ambr. O) of Θούριοι ἔθνος 
Ταραντινικὸν ἐν ᾧ λήκυθοι εἰργάζοντο διαφέρουσαι τῶν ἄλλων 
4. Cob. and P: mss ἔχουσαν ἹΠέρσας ἐνυφασμένους (cf. Diog. L. 
vi. 102) 5 so P: mss αὐλίδιον παλαιστριαῖον (παλαιστρικόν), 
incorp. gloss 6 P χρωννύναι * P omits, perh. in- 
tentionally; Philodemus wasa philosopher himself 8 Cob. 
and P: mss ἐπιδ. 9 introd, p. 26 τ fDi 
Mss περιουσία τις ἀπὸ (ἀπὸ incorp. correction to ἀπουσία) 
1 Diels: mss -ca 12 V ξυλίνην ἀναθ. τῷ A. (i.e. & in 
marg. of arch.) 13 Hanow: V μὲν, others omit; Madv. 

μέλανι 14 Meier ἐν τῷ δήμῳ. cf. Dem. 21. 161 



the ape he keeps is of the satyr kind ; his doves are 
Sicilian ; his knuckle-bones ὦ antelope ; his oil-flasks 
the round flasks from Thurii ; his walking-sticks the 
crooked sticks from Sparta ; he has a tapestry curtain 
with Persians upon it; and a little wrestling-place 
of his own with a sanded floor and a ball-court. 
The last he goes around lending to philosophers, 
sophists, masters-at-arms, teachers of music, for their 
displays ;® which he himself attends, coming in late 
so that the company may say one to another, © That 
is the owner of the wrestling-place.’ 


Parsimony is a neglect of honour when it involves 
expense ; and your Parsimonious man one that if 
he win the prize for staging a tragedy will con- 
secrate to Dionysus a diadem of wood® with his 
own name and no other inscribed upon it ;? and 
when a public contribution is asked in the Assembly, 
rise without speaking or depart from the house. 
At his daughter’s wedding he will put away all the 
meat of the sacrificial victim except the priest’s 

@ For the game of that name cf. Ath. v. 194 a, Pap. Soc. 
Téal. 331 (257 z.c.). 

> Cf. Diog. L. vi. 104. 

¢ je. a plaque in imitation of a headband (Nav.). 

“ He does not even give the poet’s, let alone the tribe’s. 

H 97 






ἱερέων᾽ τὰ κρέα ἀποδόσθαι, τοὺς δὲ διακονοῦντας 
ἐν τοῖς γάμοις οἰκοσίτους μισθώσασθαι: καὶ τρι- 
ηραρχῶν τὰ τοῦ κυβερνήτου στρώματα αὑτῷ ἐπὶ 
τοῦ καταστρώματος ὑποστορέννυσθαι, τὰ δὲ αὑτοῦ 

᾽ ἀποτιθέναι. καὶ τὰ παιδία δὲ δεινὸς μὴ πέμψαι 

εἰς διδασκάλου ὅταν 7 Μουσεῖα, ἀλλὰ φῆσαι κακῶς 
” Ὁ \ / A > 5 ~ A 
ἔχειν, ἵνα μὴ συμβάλωνται. καὶ ἐξ ἀγορᾶς δὲ 
> , nN , hae 7 \o \ , > 
ὀψωνήσας τὰ κρέα αὐτὸς φέρειν Kav’ τὰ λάχανα ἐν 
τῷ προκολπίῳ: καὶ ἔνδον μένειν ὅταν ἐκδῷ θοἰμά- 
τ τ ~ Ξ \ / ” / 2 \ 
τιον ἐκπλῦναι- καὶ φίλου ἔρανον συλλέγοντος Kat 
διηγγελμένου" αὐτῷ, προσιόντα προϊδόμενος ἀπο- 
κάμψας ἐκ τῆς ὁδοῦ τὴν κύκλῳ οἰκάδε πορευθῆναι. 
καὶ τῇ γυναικὶ δὲ τῇ ἑαυτοῦ «πλέον ταλάντου" 
προῖκα εἰσενεγκαμένῃ μὴ πρίασθαι θεράπαιναν, 
> ¥ ~ 5 A > / > ~ Ψ 
ἀλλὰ μισθοῦσθαι εἰς τὰς ἐξόδους ἐκ τῆς γυναικείας 
παιδίον τὸ συνακολουθῆσον: καὶ τὰ ὑποδήματα 
παλιμπήξει κεκαττυμένα φορεῖν, καὶ λέγειν ὅτι 

/ > \ Λ \ > \ A re ee 
2 κέρατος οὐδὲν διαφέρει" καὶ ἀναστὰς τὴν οἰκίαν 

καλλῦναι καὶ τὰς κλίνας ἐκκορῆσαι. καὶ καθεζό- 
μενος παραστρέψαι τὸν τρίβωνα ὃν αὐτὸν φορεῖ." 


3 ,ὔ A « 5 ig / 
Αμέλει δὲ ἡ ἀλαζονεία δόξει εἶναι προσδοκία 
7 3 ~ > Μ « A > / Peal, 
tis’ ἀγαθῶν οὐκ ὄντων, ὁ δὲ ἀλάζων τοιοῦτός τις, 
- > A , ε \ A ΠΕ. 
οἷος ἐν τῷ διαζεύγματι ἑστηκὼς διηγεῖσθαιδ ξένοις 

1 Holl. γερῶν 2 V omits 3 Holl: V διειλεγ., others 

omit καὶ 6... . προσιόντα *#H 5 mss also ἐκκορύσαι 
§ Miinsterberg: mss αὐτὸς ¢. 7 mss also τινῶν 5 mss 



portion, and covenant with the serving-men he hires 
for the feast that they shall eat at home.* As 
trierarch or furnisher of a galley to the state, he 
makes his bed on the deck with the helmsman’s 
blankets,’ and puts his own by. This man will never 
send his children to school when it is the Feast of 
the Muses, but pretend that they are sick, so that 
they shall not contribute. He will come home from 
market carrying his own buyings of meat and pot- 
herbs in the fold of his gown;°¢ he will stay at 
home when his coat is gone to the fuller’s ; when a 
friend of his is laying another’s acquaintance under 
contribution and he has wind of it, he no sooner sees 
him coming his way than he turns into an alley and 
fetches a compass home. The wife that brought him 
more than three hundred pound is not suffered to 
have a serving-maid of her own,? but he hires a 
little girl from the women’s market to attend her 
upon her outings. The shoes he wears are all clouts, 
and he avows they are as strong as any horn. He 
rises betimes and cleans the house and brushes out 
the dining-couches.¢ When he sits down he will turn 
aside his frieze-coat when he has nothing under it.f 


Pretentiousness, of course, will seem to be a laying 
claim to advantages a man does not possess ; and 
the Pretentious or Snobbish man will stand at the 

« Cf. Men. 286 K, 450 K. 

> The steersman on duty at night would not want them till 
morning. ° Cf. Diog. L. vi. 36,104. 4 Cf. Men. Sam. 170. 

¢ These naturally would be covered with crumbs. 

7 Or perhaps the frieze-coat which is all he wears; cf. 
Diog. L. vi. 13, vii. 22. 



e AAG / > Al > > ~ θ δ 7 Fi 
ws πολλὰ χρήματα αὐτῷ" ἐστιν ev τῇ θαλάττῃ 
A ~ ~ ~ 
2KQL περὶ τῆς ἐργασίας τῆς δανειστικῆς διεξιέναι 
ε / \ > A iA ” A > / \ 
ἡλίκη, καὶ αὐτὸς ὅσα εἴληφε καὶ ἀπολώλεκε- καὶ 
“ ~ / / \ / > \ 
ἅμα ταῦτα πλεθρίζων πέμπειν τὸ παιδάριον εἰς τὴν 
τράπεζαν δραχμῆς αὐτῷ κειμένης. καὶ συνοδοι- 
/ A > ~ > > ε ~ A ΄ e 
πόρου δὲ ἀπολαῦσαι ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ δεινὸς λέγων ὡς 
\ 27 > ΄, Ava. ce 4“. νι a? 2 
μετὰ Εὐάνδρου ἐστρατεύσατο, καὶ ὡς αὐτῷ εἶχε, 
\ a / / 3 / \ \ 
καὶ ὅσα λιθοκόλλητα ποτήρια ἐκόμισε: Kal περὶ 
~ ~ ~ x “ἃ > / 4 / 9t40 
τῶν τεχνιτῶν τῶν ἐν τῇ ᾿Ασίᾳ, ὅτι βελτίους εἰσὶ 
τῶν ἐν τῇ Εὐρώπῃ, ἀμφισβητῆσαι: καὶ ταῦτα 
~ 3 5 ~ > ~ / > ὃ ὃ 4 
ψοφῆσαι" οὐδαμοῦ ἐκ THs πόλεως ἀποδεδημηκώς. 
καὶ γράμματα δὲ εἰπεῖν ὡς πάρεστι παρ᾽ ᾿Αντι- 
πάτρου τριττὰ" δὴ λέγοντα παραγίνεσθαι αὐτὸν εἰς 
Μακεδονίαν: καὶ διδομένης αὐτῷ ἐξαγωγῆς ξύλων 
5 λ A 5 “ > / σ 8 [4 > Ci 
ἀτελοῦς" ὅτι ἀπείρηται, ὅπως μηδ᾽ ὑφ᾽ ἑνὸς 
συκοφαντηθῇ: Ilepaitépw φιλοσοφεῖν προσῆκε 
Μακεδόσι. καὶ ἐν τῇ σιτοδείᾳ" δὲ ὡς πλείω ἢ 
πέντε τάλαντα αὐτῷ γένοιτο τὰ ἀναλώματα 
διδόντι τοῖς ἀπόροις τῶν πολιτῶν, ἀνανεύειν γὰρ 
8.5 ΄ ἐν 55 ΄ 9 δὲ θ , 
οὐ δύνασθαι. καὶ ἀγνώτων" δὲ παρακαθημένων 
~ ~ A / “ Ε ~ \ ~ 
κελεῦσαι θεῖναι τὰς ψήφους ἕνα αὐτῶν, καὶ ποσῶν 
5) τὰ 3. Ἔ , \ \ , 10 \ 
αὐτὰς καθ᾽ ἑξακοσίας «καὶ κατὰ τριακοσίας" καὶ 
κατὰ μνᾶν, καὶ προστιθεὶς πιθανὰ" ἑκάστοις 

1 Lycius: mss-rots 2. ef. Men. Perinth.7 3 Hottin- 

ger: mss ψηφῆσαι 4 mss also τρίτον > some mss 
add εἰπεῖν : cf. Andoc. 2. 11 ὁ Cas: mss σποδιᾷ. σποδία 
7 V πλείους 8 of. xiv. 2 τί γίνεται ; mss also γένοιτο αὐτῷ 

® mss also ἀγνώστων 10 #, introd. p. 22 11 V -vds 


Mole and tell strangers of the great sums he has 
ventured at sea, and descant upon the greatness of 
the usury-trade and his own profits and losses in it ; 
and while he thus outruns the truth, will send off 
his page to the bank, though he have there but a 
shilling to his name. He loves to make sport of a 
fellow-traveller by the way by telling him that he 
served under Evander,? and how he stood with him, 
and how many jewelled cups he brought home ; and 
will have it that the artificers of Asia are better 
craftsmen than these of Europe ;—all this talk though 
he have never been out of the country. Moreover, 
he may well say that he has no less than three letters 
from Antipater? requesting his attendance upon him 
in Macedonia,’ and albeit he is offered free exporta- 
tion of timber he has refused to go; he will not lay 
himself open to calumny ; the Macedonians ought 
to have known better than expect it. He is like to 
say, also, that in the time of the famine? he spent 
more than twelve hundred pound in relieving the 
distress,—he cannot say no ; and when strangers are 
sitting next him he will ask one of them to cast the 
account, and reckoning it in sums of ten, twenty- 
five, and fifty, assign plausible names to each sum 

« Apparently an intentionally thin disguise of the name 
of Alexander, against whom T. had written the pamphlet 
Callisthenes in 327. 

» Regent of Macedonia after the death of Alexander, 
323-319 ; ef. Xenocrates’ refusal of Ant.’s offered gift, Diog. 
L. iv. 8; ef. ibid. vi. 66. 

¢ Or that a letter has come from Antipater bidding him 
lead a commission of three to attend him in Macedonia. 

@ Prob. that of 329 s.c., cf. Dem. 34. 37 f. 






΄ 5: a \ , / 1 \ 
τούτων ὀνόματα, ποιῆσαι Kal δέκα τάλαντα καὶ 
τοῦτο φήσας εἰσενηνοχέναι" εἰς ἐράνους αὐτῶν, 
καὶ τὰς τριηραρχίας εἰπεῖν ὅτι οὐ τίθησιν οὐδὲ τὰς 
ειτουργίας ὅσας λελειτούργηκε. καὶ προσελθὼν 
δ᾽ εἰς τοὺς ἵππους, τοὺς ἀγαθοὺς τοῖς πωλοῦσι 
προσποιήσασθαι ὠνητιᾶν: καὶ ἐπὶ τὰς κλισίας" 
5 A ε A ~ »" , / A ~ 
ἐλθὼν ἱματισμὸν ζητῆσαι εἰς δύο τάλαντα, καὶ τῷ 
παιδὶ μάχεσθαι ὅτι τὸ χρυσίον οὐκ ἔχων αὐτῷ 
ἀκολουθεῖ: καὶ ἐν μισθῷ τὴν οἰκίαν! οἰκῶν φῆσαι 
ταύτην εἶναι τὴν πατρῴαν πρὸς τὸν μὴ εἰδότα, 

\ ΄ , ΤῊΝ ἢ \ 1, 97 5 
καὶ διότι μέλλει πωλεῖν αὐτὴν διὰ τὸ ἐλάττω εἶναι 
αὑτῷ πρὸς τὰς ξενοδοχίας. 


Ἔστι δὲ ἡ ὑπερηφανία καταφρόνησίς τις πλὴν 
αὑτοῦ τῶν ἄλλων, ὃ δὲ ὑπερήφανος τοιόσδε τις, 
οἷος τῷ σπεύδοντι ἀπὸ δείπνου «ἐντυγχάνειν 
αὐτῷ»" ἐντεύξεσθαι φάσκειν ἐν τῷ περιπατεῖν" καὶ 
εὖ ποιήσας μεμνῆσθαι φάσκειν: καὶ βαδίζων ἐν 
ταῖς ὁδοῖς" τὰς διαίτας κρίνειν ἐν τοῖς ἐπιτρέψασινϊ" 
καὶ χειροτονούμενος ἐξόμνυσθαι τὰς ἀρχάς, οὐ 
φάσκων σχολάζειν: καὶ προσελθεῖν πρότερος οὐδενὶ 
θελῆσαι. καὶ τοὺς πωλοῦντάς τι ἢ μισθουμένους" 

1 ποιῆσαι καὶ Ν ; i.e. the five talents of 8 ὁ have now grown 

to ten; mss also δέκα καὶ ποιῆσαι (1.6. καί in marg. arch.); 
ποιῆσαι Corresponds to γίγνεσθαι xiv. 2 2 V cicevnvéx da, 
which Foss keeps, reading αὑτῷ 3 H: mss κλίνας td lene 
(<f. ἔμμισθος and Xen. Sym. 4. 4): mss also μισθωτῇ οἰκίᾳ 
ἢ Ast-E (introd. p. 23) § Schw: mss βιάζειν for βαδίζων, 
some ἐν τ. ὁ. καὶ β. (i.e. ἐν τ. ὁ. Marg.) 1 ἐν is strange: 
τοῖς €v<i> (sc. λόγῳ) ἐπιτρέψασιν, t.e, a form of arbitration where 
the referee’s decision was given ina single word (Yes or No?)? 
cf. Men. Hp. 198 καταμενῶ | αὔριον ὅτῳ βούλεσθ᾽ ἐπιτρέπειν ἑνὶ 
λόγῳ | ἕτοιμος 8 mss -σας 9. Stroth: mss μεμισθωμ. 



given, and make it as much as three thousand pound. 
This he declares is what he contributed to these poor 
men’s subscription-lists, adding that he takes no 
account whatever of the trierarchies and other state- 
services he has performed. This man will go to the 
horse-market and pretend to the dealers that he wishes 
to buy thoroughbreds ; and at the stalls® he asks 
after clothing worth five hundred pound, and scolds 
his lackey for coming out without gold.¢ And though 
he live in a hired house, he tells any that knows no 
better that he had this of his father, and is about to 
put it up for sale because it is too small for the 
entertaining of his friends. 


Arrogance is the despising of all the world but 
yourself; and the Arrogant man of the kind that 
will tell any that hastes to speak to him after supper, 
that he will see him while he takes the air;2 and 
any that he has benefited, that he is bearing it in 
mind. If he be made sole arbiter he will give judge- 
ment as he walks in the streets. When he is to be 
elected to office he excuses himself on oath, because, 
please you, he has not the time. He will go speak 
to no man before the other speak to him. It is his 
way also to bid one who would sell to him or hire 

@ Tit. reckoning by 600 drachmas (=6 minas=a tenth of 
a talent), and 10 minas (a twentieth), and 1 mina (a siwtieth), 
make it ten talents: the ref. is not to the method of adding 
up the total (why should he have an abacus with him ?), but 
to the (imaginary) list of his contributions; he does not 
trouble to invent any but round numbers (see p. 22). 

δ Another part of the market-place. 

¢ Lit. the gold; but the article is idiomatic, see p. 51 n. a. 

4 i.e. he won’t put off his evening walk for him. 

ὁ See critical note 7. 



\ ~ Ld \ > \ L- At } ¢ ’ὔ ‘ 
8 δεινὸς κελεῦσαι ἥκειν πρὸς αὐτὸν ἅμ᾽ ἡμέρᾳ" καὶ 
ἐν ταῖς ὁδοῖς πορευόμενος μὴ λαλεῖν τοῖς ἐντυγ- 

΄ 1 , / ¢ \ Sn , ” 
χάνουσι, κάτω κεκυφώς, ὅταν δὲ αὐτῷ δόξῃ, ἄνω 
9 πάλιν: καὶ ἑστιῶν τοὺς φίλους αὐτὸς μὴ συνδειπνεῖν, 

3 \ ~ e > € / / > ~ > 
ἀλλὰ τῶν ὑφ᾽ αὑτόν τινι συντάξαι αὐτῶν ἐπι- 

\ ’, / ? \ / 

10 μελεῖσθαι. καὶ προαποστέλλειν δέ, ἐπὰν πορεύηται, 
: τὸν ἐροῦντα ὅτι προσέρχεται: καὶ οὔτε ἐπ᾽ ἀλειφό- 
μενον αὑτὸν οὔτε λουόμενον οὔτε ἐσθίοντα ἐᾶσαι 
12 ἂν εἰσελθεῖν. ἀμέλει δὲ καὶ λογιζόμενος πρός 
~ \ / \ / ~ \ 
τινα τῷ παιδὶ ,συντάξαι τὰς ψήφους διωθεῖν καὶ 
13 κεφάλαιον ποιήσαντι γράψαι αὐτῷ εἰς Adyov: καὶ 
ἐπιστέλλων μὴ γράφειν ὅτι “Χαρίζοιο ἄν μοι, ἀλλ᾽ 
ὅτι Βούλομαι γενέσθαι, καὶ ᾿Απέσταλκα πρὸς σὲ 
/ Loney, EA \ A \ \ 
ληψόμενος, καὶ Ὅπως ἄλλως μὴ ἔσται, καὶ Τὴν 



᾿Αμέλει δὲ ἡ ἡ δειλία δόξειεν ἂν εἶναι ὕπειξίς τις 
ψυχῆς ἐν bBo? ὁ δὲ δειλὸς τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος 
πλέων τὰς ἄκρας φάσκειν. ἡμιολίας εἶναι" καὶ 
κλυδωνίου" γενομένου ἐρωτᾶν εἴ τις μὴ μεμύηται 
τῶν πλεόντων" καὶ τοῦ κυβερνήτου ἀνακύπτοντος 
«εἰσομένου» εἰ μεσοπορεῖ, πυνθάνεσθαι' τί αὐτῷ 
δοκεῖ τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ: καὶ πρὸς τὸν παρακαθήμενον 
λέγειν ὅτι φοβεῖται ἀπὸ ἐνυπνίου τινός" καὶ ἐκδὺς 
διδόναι τῷ παιδὶ τὸν χιτῶν toKov" καὶ δεῖσθαι πρὸς 
8 τὴν γῆν προσάγειν αὐτόν. καὶ στρατευόμενος δὲ 


1 «ἀλλὰ παριέναι» ὃ 5. H: mss ἔμφοβος 3 V_ κλύδωνος 
4 FE; for εἰσ. cf. Men. Hp. 245: mss ἀνακόπτοντος (ἀνακύπτων 
μὲν) πυνθαν. (αἰσθάν.) εἰ μεσ. καὶ 



him his labour to come to him at break of day. 
When he is walking in the street, he never talks to 
those that meet him, but goes by with his eyes on 
the ground till it please him to raise them. When 
he invites his friends, he does not dine with them 
himself, but commands one of his underlings to see 
to their entertainment. When he travels, he sends 
a footboy before him to say that he is coming. No 
man is admitted to his presence when he is anointing 
himself, or at his bath, or taking food. No need to 
say that when this man comes to a reckoning with 
you he commands his page to do the counting and 
adding and set the sum down to your account.¢ In 
his letters you do not find * You would oblige me,’ 
but ‘ My desire is this,’ or ‘I have sent to you for 
that,’ or ‘Be sure that you do the other,’ and 
‘ Without the least delay.’ 


Cowardice, of course, would seem to be a giving- 
way of the soul in fear; and your Coward he that 
if he be at sea will have it that the jutting rocks are 
pirate sloops, and when the sea rises asks if there 
be any aboard that is not initiated. If the helms- 
man look up to know if he is keeping mid-channel,? 
he asks him what he thinks of the weather ;¢ or 
tells one that sits next to him that a dream he has 
had makes him uneasy: or takes off his shirt and 
gives it to his man ;@ or begs them put him ashore. 

@ j.e. without asking if you agree with his arithmetic. 

» Or is halfway of his course (in either case he would go 
by the relative position of mountain-tops, ete.). 

¢ Of. Kur. Cycl. 212 (Nav.). 

4 For ease in swimming; the cloak, having no arm-holes, 
could be thrown off with less delay. 





mel ἐκβοηθοῦντός τεῦ «τοὺς συσσίτους»" προσ- 
καλεῖν πάντας πρὸς αὑτὸν κελεύων στάντας" 
πρῶτον περιϊδεῖν, καὶ λέγειν ὡς ἔργον διαγνῶναί 
ἐστι πότεροί" εἰσιν οἵ πολέμιοι" καὶ ἀκούων 
κραυγῆς καὶ ὁρῶν πίπτοντας, εἴπας" πρὸς τοὺς 
παρεστηκότας ὅτι τὴν σπάθην λαβεῖν ὑπὸ τῆς 
σπουδῆς ἐπελάθετο, τρέχειν ἐπὶ τὴν σκήνην, 
«καὶ τὸν παῖδα ἐκπέμψας κελεύων, προσκο- 
πεῖσθαι ποῦ εἰσιν οἱ πολέμιοι, ἀποκρύψαι αὐτὴν 
ὑπὸ τὸ “προσκεφάλαιον, εἶτα διατρίβειν πολὺν 
χρόνον ὡς ζητῶν" καὶ ἐκ τῆς σκηνῆς" ὁρῶν 
τραυματίαν. τινὰ προσφερόμενον τῶν φίλων προσ- 
δραμὼν καὶ θαρρεῖν κελεύσας ὑπολαβὼν φέρειν, 
καὶ τοῦτον θεραπεύειν. καὶ περισπογγίζειν, καὶ 
παρακαθήμενος ἀπὸ τοῦ ἕλκους τὰς μυίας σοβεῖν, 
καὶ πᾶν μᾶλλον ἢ μάχεσθαι τοῖς πολεμίοις. καὶ 
τοῦ σαλπιστοῦ δὲ τὸ πολεμικὸν σημήναντος καθ- 
ἥμενος ἐν τῇ σκηνῇ «εἰπεῖν» ᾿Απαγ᾽ ἐς κόρακας: 
οὐκ ἐάσει τὸν ἄνθρωπον ὕπνου λαβεῖν πυκνὰ 
σημαίνων. καὶ αἵματος δὲ ἀνάπλεως ἀπὸ τοῦ 
ἀλλοτρίου τραύματος ἐντυγχάνειν τοῖς ἐκ τῆς 
μάχης ἐπανιοῦσι καὶ διηγεῖσθαι ὡς ἹΚινδυνεύσας 
ἕνα σέσωκα τῶν φίλων"- καὶ εἰσάγειν πρὸς τὸν 
κατακείμενον σκεψομένους τοὺς δημότας, τοὺς 

1 V πεζοῦ corr. to πεζῆ, others omit πεΐζ.... τε Sass 
τοῦ στρατοῦ ΟΥ̓ τοῦ στρατηγοῦ (or ἐκβοηθούντων ? cf. Xen. Cyr. 
iii. 3. 54 ἰόντων εἰς μάχην, and συναγόντων below, xxx. 18) 
aE, of. Dem. 54. 4 4°V κελ. mp. αὖτ. στ... others πάντας 
Tp. αὖτ. καὶ στ. (1.6. κελεύων, afterwards mutilated, in marg. 
arch.) 5 mss also -pov 6 Ilberg: mss εἰπεῖν, eizrov (?) 
ΤΟΝ καὶ κελεύσας, others κελεύειν 8 HH: mss ἐν τῇ σκηνῇ 
9. cf. Long. 4. 36 fin. ὕπνον εἵλοντο 10 or, with V, ὡς 
κινδυνεύσας Eva κτλ. 



When he is serving on land and the troops are going 
into action, he will call his messmates and bid them 
all first stop and look about them ; it is so difficult 
to tell which is the enemy ; and then when he hears 
cries and sees men falling, he remarks to the men 
next to him that in his haste he forgot to take up 
his sword, and runs to the tent, and sending his man 
out with orders to reconnoitre, hides it under his 
pillow and then spends a long time pretending to 
seek for it. And seeing from the tent that they are 
bringing that way a wounded man that is a friend 
of his, he runs out, and bidding him be of good cheer, 
takes him on his back and carries him in*; and so 
will tend the man, and sponge about his wound,? 
and sit beside him and keep the flies from it, do 
anything, in short, sooner than fight the enemy. 
And indeed when the trumpet sounds the charge he 
never stirs from the tent, but cries ‘Ill take ye! 
he’ll not suffer the man to get a wink of sleep with 
his continual bugling!’ And then, covered with 
blood from another’s wound, he will meet returning 
troops and tell them how he has saved one friend’s 
life at the risk of his own’; and bring in his fellow- 
parishioners, his fellow-tribesmen, to see the wounded 

« Or perh. on his arm; Nay. compares Plat. Sym. 212 ἢ 
where, however, it is ἄγειν not φέρειν. 

> Not the wound itself. 

° Or tell each of them, as if he had risked his life, how he 
has saved one of his friends. 





, 1 \ , ia Neg 7 A ¢ 
φυλέτας, καὶ τούτων ἅμ᾽ ἑκάστῳ διηγεῖσθαι, ὡς 
A A ¢€ ~ 
αὐτὸς αὐτὸν ταῖς ἑαυτοῦ χερσὶν ἐπὶ σκηνὴν 


Δόξειεν δ᾽ ἂν εἶναι ἡ ὀλιγαρχία φιλαρχία τις 
ἰσχύος καὶ κέρδους" γλιχομένη, ὁ δὲ ὀλιγαρχικὸς" 
τοιοῦτος, οἷος τοῦ δήμου βουλευομένου τίνας τῷ 
ἄρχοντι προσαιρήσονται τοὺς συνεπιμελησομένους 
τῆς πομπῆς," παρελθὼν ἀποφήνασθαι ὡς δεῖ 
αὐτοκράτορας τούτους εἶναι, Kav dAdo’ προ- 
βάλλωνται δέκα, λέγειν ες εἷς ἐστι, τοῦτον 
δὲ ὅτι δεῖ ἄνδρα εἶναι: καὶ τῶν Ὃμήρου ἐπῶν 
τοῦτο ἕν μόνον κατέχειν ὅτι 

> > \ / e / ες 
Οὐκ ἀγαθὸν πολυκοιρανίη, εἷς κοίρανος ἔστω, 

τῶν δὲ ἄλλων ,μηδὲν ἐπίστασθαι. ἀμέλει δὲ 
δεινὸς τοῖς τοιούτοις τῶν λόγων χρήσασθαι, ὅτι 
Δεῖ αὐτοὺς ἡμᾶς συνελθόντας περὶ τούτου" 
βουλεύσασθαι, καὶ Ἔκ τοῦ ὄχλου καὶ τῆς ἀγορᾶς 
ἀπαλλαγῆναι, καὶ Ἰ]αύσασθαι a ἀρχαῖς πλησιάζοντας 
καὶ ὑπὸ τούτων ὑβριζομένους ἣ τιμωμένους ὅτε" 
ἢ τούτους δεῖ ἢ ἡμᾶς οἰκεῖν τὴν πόλιν. καὶ τὸ 
μέσον δὲ τῆς ἡμέρας ἐξιὼν" τὸ ἱμάτιον “«“μεμελη- 
μένως»" " ἀναβεβλημένος καὶ μέσην κουρὰν κεκαρ- 
μένος καὶ ἀκριβῶς ἀπωνυχισμένος σοβεῖν τοὺς 

1 mss also τοὺς φ. τὸν δῆμον * mss and P (Oxyrh. 
iv. 699) ἰσχυροῦ (-pas) Képd. 3 Cas: mss (and P ?) -apyos 
4 so V: other mss omit 2 ll. of arch. προσαιρ. τ. συν- and 
(from marg.) τῆς 5 mss ἄλλοι 8 so prob. V (Im.): 
others -των 7 V adds αὐτοὺς : Nav. οὕτως 8 H: mss 
ort, cf. xvii. 9 ® V adds καὶ, others omit καὶ τὸ iw. dvaBeBr. 
10 F (one line of arch. lost by 7A), ef. Plat. Prot. 344 3 



man, telling each and all that he carried him to the 
tent with his own hands. 


It would seem that the Oligarchical or Anti- 
Democratic Spirit is a love of rule, covetous of power 
and gain; and the Anti-Democrat or Tory of the 
Old School ¢ is he that steps forth when the Assembly 
is considering whom to join with the Archon for the 
directing of the pageant,’ and gives his opinion that 
these should have full powers; and if the other 
speakers propose ten, he will say ‘One is enough,’ 
adding ‘ But he must be a man indeed.’° The one 
and only line of Homer’s he knows is this : 

Tis ill that many rule; give one man sway. 
gs y 

It is only to be expected that he should be given 
to using such phrases as these :—‘ We should meet 
and consider this by ourselves’; ‘We should rid 
ourselves of the mob and the market-place’; ‘ We 
should give up dallying with office and suffering our- 
selves to be insulted or exalted by such persons,4 
when either we or these fellows must govern the 
city.’ And he will not go abroad till midday, and 
then it is with his cloak thrown on with studied 
elegance, and his hair and beard neither too short 
nor too long, and his finger-nails carefully pared, to 

« Cf. Andoc. 4. 16. 

» The procession at the Greater Dionysia. 

¢ Cf. Men. Sam. 137, Pk. 260. 

The reference is to the initial and final serutinies of 
magistrates before the Assembly. 







τοιούτους λόγους «λέγων» τὴν τοῦ ᾿Ωιδείου" : 
Διὰ τοὺς συκοφάντας οὐκ οἰκητόν ἐστιν ἐν τῇ 
πόλει, καὶ ὡς Ἔν τοῖς δικαστηρίοις δεινὰ πά- 
σχομεν ὑπὸ τῶν δικαζόντων, καὶ ὡς Θαυμάζω 
τῶν πρὸς τὰ κοινὰ προσιόντων τί βούλονται, καὶ 
ὡς ἀχάριστόν ἐστι «τὸ» τοῦ νέμοντος καὶ διδόντος, 
καὶ ὡς αἰσχύνεται ἐν τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ ὅταν παρα- 

/ ~ A \ ~ ~ 
; κάθηταί τις αὐτῷ λεπτὸς καὶ αὐχμῶν: καὶ εἰπεῖν 

Πότε παυσόμεθα ὑπὸ τῶν λειτουργιῶν καὶ τῶν τρι- 
ηραρχιῶν ἀπολλύμενοι; καὶ ὡς μισητὸν τὸ τῶν 
δημαγωγῶν γένος, τὸν Θησέα πρῶτον φήσας τῶν 
κακῶν τῇ πόλει γεγονέναι αἴτιον, καὶ δίκαια 
παθεῖν, πρῶτον γὰρ αὐτὸν ἀπολέσθαι ὑπ᾽ αὐτῶν. 
καὶ τοιαῦτα ἕτερα πρὸς τοὺς ἕένους καὶ τῶν 
πολιτῶν τοὺς ὁμοτρόπους καὶ ταὐτὰ προαιρουμένους. 


Ἣ δὲ ὀψιμαθία φιλοπονία δόξειεν, ἂν εἶναι 
ὑπὲρ τὴν ἡλικίαν, ὁ δὲ ὀψιμαθὴς τοιοῦτός τις, οἷος 
ῥήσεις μανθάνειν ἑξήκοντα ἔτη γεγονώς, καὶ 
ταύτας λέγων. παρὰ πότον ἐπιλανθάνεσθαι" καὶ 
παρὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ μανθάνειν τὸ ᾿Επὶ δόρυ καὶ “En 
5 J 4c" > > 4 \ > e ~ / 
ἀσπίδα καὶ En’ ovpav: καὶ εἰς ἡρῷα συμβάλλε- 
σθαι τοῖς μειρακίοις λαμπάδα τρέχειν. ἀμέλει δὲ 

1 of. βαδίζων ὁδόν Xen. Mem. ii. 1. 22, and Alciphr. 4. 

(1. 34) τὴν εἰς (sic lege) “Axadjuecay σοβεῖς (an imitation 2) 
2 Schn: mss δικαζομένων : Meier δεκαζομένων 3 Bersanetti, 
ef. τὸ τῆς τύχης Vill. 10 and Kiihn.-Bl. ii. 1. 269 Ἐν 
adds incorp. gloss τοῦτον yap ἐκ δώδεκα πόλεων εἰς μίαν 
καταγαγόντα λυθείσας βασιλείας : of. im αὐτῶν below, 86. TOV 

δημαγωγῶν : other mss omit αἴτιον... ὑπ᾽ αὐτῶν 5 mss 
αὐτὸν παθεῖν 



strut it in the Street of the Music-House, saying, 
‘There’s no dwelling in Athens for the informers’ ; 
or ‘ The juries are the curse of the law-courts’ ; or 
“I marvel why men take up public affairs’; or 
“ How thankless the task of him that has to pay!’ 
or how ashamed he is when some lean and ill-kempt 
fellow sits next to him in the Assembly. And he 
will say ‘ When shall we cease to be victims of these 
state-services and trierarchies ἢ ἡ or ‘O this detest- 
able tribe of demagogues !’ and add ‘ Theseus was 
the beginning of the misfortunes of our country ; 
and he got his deserts; he was their first victim 
himself.’ And other such remarks does he make 
to strangers or to such of his fellow-citizens as are 
of his disposition and politics.? 


Opsimathy would seem to be an activity too great 
for your years ; and the Opsimath or Late-Learner 
one that being past threescore years of age will 
learn verses to recite,“ and will forget what comes 
next when he delivers them over the wine. He will 
make his son teach him ‘ Right turn,’ ‘ Left turn,’ 
and ‘ Right-about-face.’ On the feasts of the 
Heroes ὦ he will compete in the torch-race for boys. 

Cf. Plut. Thes. 35. 

Perhaps an addition by another hand. 

At dinner-parties. 

Or to the shrines of the Heroes (Hephaestus and Prome- 
theus ?); but if so it must be emphatic, and in this context 
one would expect the emphasis to lie on μειρακίοις ; εἰς 
rather than ἐν is due to the idea of entering for the race, to 
be on a certain day ; cf. the Orators passim. 






Kav που κληθῇ εἰς Ἡράκλεια, > ῥίψας τὸ ἱμάτιον 
τὸν βοῦν αἴρεσθαι" ἵνα τραχηλίσῃ"- καὶ προσανα- 

7 τρίβεσθαι εἰσιὼν εἰς τὰς παλαίστρας" καὶ ἐν τοῖς 

θαύμασι τρία ἢ τέτταρα πληρώματα ὑπομένειν τὰ 
ἄσματα ἐκμανθάνων: καὶ τελούμενος τῷ Σαβαζίῳ 
σπεῦσαι ὅπως καλλιστεύσῃ παρὰ τῷ ἱερεῖ: καὶ 
ἐρῶν ἑταίρας" καὶ κριοὺς προσβάλλων ταῖς θύραις 

" πληγὰς εἰληφὼς ὑπ᾽ ἀντεραστοῦ δικάζεσθαι: καὶ 

5 > A > > σ > ,ὔ 4 a 
els ἀγρὸν ἐφ᾽ ἵππου ἀλλοτρίου κατοχούμενος ἅμα 
μελετᾶν ἱππάζεσθαι καὶ πεσὼν τὴν κεφαλὴν 
καταγῆναιδ: καὶ ἐν δεκαδισταῖς, συνάγειν τοὺς 
«μὴ μετ᾽ αὐτοῦ συναύξοντας: καὶ μακρὸν ἀν- 
« ~ 
δριάντα παίζειν πρὸς τὸν ἑαυτοῦ ἀκόλουθον: καὶ 
\ ~ ~ 
διατοξεύεσθαι καὶ διακοντίζεσθαι τῷ τῶν παιδίων 
παιδαγωγῷ, καὶ ἅμα μανθάνειν παρ᾽ αὑτοῦ 
«παραινεῖν» ,) ὡς av καὶ ἐκείνου μὴ ἐπισταμένου. 
\ ,ὔ > > ~ “2 A ¢ 
καὶ παλαίων δ᾽ ἐν τῷ βαλανείῳ πυκνὰ ἑδρο- 

5 στροφεῖν,. ὅπως πεπαιδεῦσθαι δοκῇ: καὶ ὅταν ὦσιν 

> \ A 11 κ > A >A eer 

ἐγγὺς γυναῖκες" μελετᾶν ὀρχεῖσθαι αὐτὸς αὑτῷ 


1 ποι 3 E: mss -κλειον (eis=at or on, cf. Lys. 
Hie 3) 3 Meier: V αἱρεῖσθαι, others omit καὶ én’ 
οὐράν... δικάζεσθαι 4 wa rp. perh. a gloss; Theophr.’s 
readers would surely not need this explanation 5 Schn: 
V ἱερᾶς corr. fr. -pas 6 BE, cf. Plat. Gorg. 469 ἢ: 
MSS κατεαγέναι 7 Wilhelm: V ἕνδεκα λιταῖς, others omit 
Kai... συναύξοντας 8 "ὶ 9 Hanow OSES Cf: 
ἑδροστρόφος : mSs (τὴν) ἕδραν στρέφειν 11 Meister, cf. Ar. 
Eccl. 880: V Gov... γυναικ. . . . (introd. p. 23) UATE 
AppitT1on (only in V, where it follows Char. XXVIII): 
(16) οὕτως ὁ τῆς διδασκαλίας ἐρεθισμὸς μανικοὺς Kal ἐξεστηκότας 
ἀνθρώπους τοῖς ἤθεσι ποιεῖ 



If he be bidden to any man’s on a feast of Heracles, 
he is of course the man to throw off his coat and 
raise the ox to bend back its neck* ; when he goes 
to the wrestling-schools® he'll take a throw with 
the youngsters. At the jugglers’ shows he will stay 
out three or four performances learning the songs 
by heart. When they are initiating him with the 
holy orders of Sabazius he takes pains to acquit 
himself best in the eyes of the priest.° If, when he 
is wenching and tries to break in the door, he be 
beaten by a rival, he takes it into court. He borrows 
a mount to ride into the country, and practising 
horsemanship by the way is thrown and breaks his 
head, At a tenth-day club’s meetings he assembles 
men who have not the like objects with himself.¢ 
He will play long-statue ὁ with his lackey ; he will 
shoot or throw the javelin with his children’s tutor, 
and invite him the while to learn of him, as if he did 
not know his own business. When he is wrestling 
at the baths, he keeps wriggling his buttocks so that 
he may be thought to have had a good education. 
And when women are near, he will practise a dance, 
whistling his own tune’ 

« For the knife. » A common diversion. 

¢ Meaning uncertain. 

4 συνάγειν and συναύξειν are technical club-words, the latter 
meaning to further club-interests, cf. Lycon’s will ap. Diog. 
L. v. 70. 

¢ Prob. a children’s gymnastic feat involving standing on 
another player’s shoulders. 

4 LATE appITION: Thus can the prick of education make 
a man’s manners those of one beside his wits. 

I 113 



Ἔστι δὲ ἡ j κακολογία ἀγωγὴ" τῆς ψυχῆς εἰς τὸ 
“χοροῦ ἐν πον ὁ δὲ κακολόγος τοίοσδε τις, 
2 οἷος ἐρωτηθεὶς Ὁ δεῖνα τίς ἐστιν; <eimeiv> 
"Axove δή, καθάπερ ot ee Πρῶτον 
ἀπὸ τοῦ γένους αὐτοῦ ἄρξομαι: τούτου ὁ μὲν πατὴρ 
ἐξ ἀρχῆς Σωσίας ἐκαλεῖτο, ἐγένετο δὲ ἐν τοῖς 
στρατιώταις Σωσίστρατος, ἐπειδὴ δὲ εἰς τοὺς 
δημότας ἐνεγράφη, «Σωσίδημος»"" ἡ μέντοι μήτηρ 
εὐγενὴς Θρᾷττά ἐστι, καλεῖται γοῦν ἡσυχῆ, 
Κρινοκοράκα" τὰς δὲ τοιαύτας φασὶν ἐν τῇ πατρίδι 
εὐγενεῖς εἶναι- αὐτὸς δὲ οὗτος ὡς ἐκ τοιούτων 

5 γεγονὼς κακὸς καὶ μαστιγίας. καὶ «περὶ γυναι- 
κῶν a>Kak@v’ δὲ πρός τινα εἰπεῖν ᾿Εγὼ δήπου 
τὰ τοιαῦτα οἶδα ὑπὲρ ὧν σὺ πλανᾷ πρὸς ἐμὲ καὶ 
τούτους" διεξιών: αὗται αἱ γυναῖκες ἐκ τῆς ὁδοῦ 
τοὺς παριόντας. συναρπάζουσι: καὶ Olkia τις αὑτὴ 
τὰ σκέλη ἠρκυῖα, «καὶ» Οὐ yep οἷον" λῆρός ἐστι 
τὸ λεγόμενον, ἀλλ᾽ ὥσπερ αἱ κύνες ἐν ταῖς ὁδοῖς 

1 Cas: mss ἀγὼν * FE, usual before a list, story, 
formal announcement, or emphatic statement, cf. Plat. 
Phaedr. 230", Sym. 2148, Tim. Sch. 20 p, Plat. Com. 
Paw 173. 5 Κα (ef. 174. 11) ἄκουε δή: ἄρξομαι κτλ, 
Eupol. Kod. 151 K, Men. Sam. 93 and frag. p. 468 1. 25 
Allinson, Callim. Jamb. 201, Cleanthes 3 Powell, Luc. Gall. 
12; οὐκοῦν δή quoted by Nav. from Plat. Soph. 256 Ὁ, 257 a 
is clearly unsuitable: V οὐκοῦνδε with mark of corruption ; 
others omit, changing ἄρξομαι to ἄρξασθαι and omitting τούτου 
2 Meier 1", ο΄. Diog. Laert. vi. 58, Theocr. 13. 27, 
Men. Her. 20: mss ἡ ψυχή, but the ‘ ornate alias’ is hardly 
Greek (could it δὲ an incorp. gloss translating xp. 9) 
5. introd. p. 14 5 Im.-# 7 Foss: V πλανᾶς, others 
omit καὶ... ἐμέ 8. Ussing: mss -rous 9. Nav. com- 
pares Polyb. i. 20. 12 



Backbiting is a bent of the mind towards the 
worse in all a man says; and your Backbiter one 
that, when you ask him ἡ Who is so-and-so ? ’ is like 
to reply in the manner of a genealogist, ‘ Listen ; I 
will begin with his parentage; this man’s father 
was first called Sosias,? then among the troops ? he 
became Sosistratus, and lastly when he was enrolled 
as a demesman or man of a parish,® Sosidemus ; but 
as for his mother, she’s a high-born Thracian ὦ; at 
least she’s called when nobody’s listening ὁ Krino- 
koraka,’ and they say that women of that sort 9 are 
high-born in her country ; the man himself, as you 
might expect, coming of such a stock, is a knave and 
a villain.’ And he will say to you about quite 
respectable women, ‘I know only too well what 
trollops they are whose cause you are so mistaken 
as to champion to these gentlemen and me ; these 
women seize passers-by out of the street’;” or 
‘This house is simply a brothel’; or ‘ The saying 
is all too true, They couple lke dogs in the streets’ ; 

* Common as aslave-name, though also borne by freemen. 

Ὁ Prob. mercenaries (Nav.). 

¢ It was possible at this time, by questionable means, for 
a foreigner or even a slave to become an Athenian citizen 
(Nav.). 4 Cf. Men. 469 K, Diog. L. ii. 31, vi. 1. 

¢ Meaning doubtful; perhaps Kr. is ‘Thracian for 
“ courtesan.’ 

t ‘The point perhaps lies in the outlandishness of the name ; 
attempts to derive it, e.g. from κρίνον and κόραξ, Lily-Crow, 
Black-and-White (ref. to the practice of tattooing ? Knox) 
should be given up; the κρίνον, at any rate, was not pro- 
verbial for whiteness, as the lily is with us. 

9 2,6. prostitutes. Cf. Lys. 3. 46. 



συνέχονται. καὶ To ὅλον ἀνδρόλαλοί" ties: Kat 
=) \ \ / \ » ε if > / 
Αὐταὶ τὴν θύραν τὴν αὔλειον braKovovor. ἀμέλει 
δὲ καὶ κακῶς λεγόντων ἑτέρων συνεπιλαμβάνεσθαι 
\ ces ΄ 3? \ \ A \ ” 
καὶ αὐτὸς λέγων" ᾿Εγὼ δὲ τοῦτον τὸν ἄνθρωπον 
πλέον πάντων μεμίσηκα: καὶ γὰρ εἰδεχθής τις ἀπὸ 
τοῦ προσώπου ἐστίν ἡ δὲ πονηρία, οὐδὲν ὅμοιον"" 
σημεῖον δέ: τῇ γὰρ αὑτοῦ γυναικὶ <y’>® τάλαντα 
εἰσενεγκαμένῃ προῖκα, ἐξ οὗ" παιδίον αὐτῷ γέ- 
γονε, γ΄ χαλκοῦς εἰς ὄψον δίδωσι καὶ τῷ ψυχρῷ 
, > 7, A ~ A C4 7 8 
λούεσθαι ἀναγκάζει τῇ τοῦ Ποσειδῶνος ἡμέρᾳ. 
καὶ συγκαθήμενος δεινὸς περὶ τοῦ ἀναστάντος 
εἰπεῖν «κακά», καὶ ἀρχήν γε εἰληφὼς" μὴ ἀπο- 
σχέσθαι μηδὲ τοὺς οἰκείους αὐτοῦ “λοιδορῆσαι, 
ἀλλὰ" πλεῖστα περὶ τῶν φίλων καὶ οἰκείων κακὰ 
εἰπεῖν καὶ περὶ τῶν τετελευτηκότων, «τὴν» κακο- 
Aoylav™ ἀποκαλῶν παρρησίαν καὶ δημοκρατίαν καὶ 
/ \ ~ ~ / Ὁ ~ ~ 
ἐλευθερίαν, καὶ τῶν ἐν τῷ βίῳ ἥδιστα τοῦτο ToL." 


Ἔστι δὲ ἡ φιλοπονηρία ὁμοπαθεία" κακίας, ὃ 
2 δὲ φιλοπόνηρός ἐστι τοιόσδε τις, οἷος ἐντυγχάνειν 
τοῖς ἡττημένοις καὶ δημοσίους ἀγῶνας ὠφληκόσι," 

1 κύνες ὡς ἐν ὁδοῖς συνέχονται ὃ 2 Foss -λάβοι SV 
omits καὶ αὐτὸς and reads εἴπου (i.e. εἴπας), others καὶ 
αὐτὸν λέγοντα 4 Ν' ὁμοία corr. from ὁμοῖα δ᾽ ὋΓΥ 
«ύ). of. Men, 402. 11 K? Antiph. 224 K is not parallel 
ὁ of Im: V ἧς ? γέγονε V marg., ef. Mach. ap. Ath. xiii. 
581 d: text γεννᾶ, others omit τάλαντα... γεννᾷ ali 
C.I.A. τ. 77. 16: or τοῦ Wocededvos ὁσημέραι (ἘΠ) ὃ 
9. Cas.-H 10 Schn: V -φότος, others omit kai... 
λοιδοοῆσαι:; cf. Men. Pk. 45 11 καὶ V, others καὶ ἄλλα 



or ‘ Truth to tell, they are talkers with men’ ; or 
‘They answer the house-door themselves.’* I need 
not add that this fellow is apt, when others are 
maligning any man, to put Ais oar in and say, ‘ But 
I, I hate him above all men; what’s more, he’s ugly 
to look at, and his evil character—there’s nothing to 
match it; and I'll tell you why: the wife that 
brought him two thousand pound, ever since she 
bore him a child has had but two farthings a day for 
her meat-money, and has been made to wash in cold 
water on Poseidon’s day.’® He is prone to malign 
one of the company who is gone out ; and, give him 
but the opportunity, he will not forbear to revile his 
own kin, nay he will often speak ill of his friends and 
kinsfolk, and of the dead, calling slander ‘ plain- 
speaking’ or ‘the democratic spirit’® or ‘ in- 
dependence,’ and preferring this among all the 
pleasures of life. 


Friendship with Rascals is a sympathy with vice ; 
and the Friend of Rascals he that will seek the com- 
pany of unsuccessful litigants or persons found guilty 

@ Cf. Ar. Pax 980, Thesm. 790, 797, Men. 546 Καὶ. 

> 8th Dec.-Jan. (the washing would be ritual): or every 
day of December ? 

¢ Cf. Andoc. 4. 17. 

12 Hf: mss κακῶς λέγειν 13 for the LATE ADDITION in V 
see Char. XXVII 14 V (the only ms for this Char.) 
φιλοπονίας here, and similar forms below Το ΡΠ Cas IMT 
1495 b 14: mss ἐπιθυμία 16 V ὠφεληκ. 



\ ε 4 3. 7 ~ > ’, 
καὶ ὑπολαμβάνειν ἐὰν τούτοις χρῆται ἐμπειρό- 
\ A 
Tepos γενήσεσθαι καὶ φοβερώτερος. Kal ἐπὶ τοῖς 
- 5» ~ « ,ὔ A 7) 1 \ 
χρηστοῖς εἰπεῖν ‘Qs γίνεται καὶ “Os dacw' «καὶ» 
ὡς οὐδείς ἐστι χρηστός, καὶ ὁμοίους πάντας εἶναι. 
Aces A 2 Ab ae ΄ > \ \ 
καὶ ἐπισκῶψαι" δὲ “Os χρηστός ἐστι. καὶ τὸν 
A \ > ~ > 4 3\ ae / > 
πονηρὸν δὲ εἰπεῖν ἐλεύθερον ἐὰν βούληταί τις εἰς 
πεῖραν ἐλθεῖν". καὶ τὰ μὲν ἄλλα ὁμολογεῖν ἀληθῆ 
e A > ~ / e \ ~ > 4 ΨΜ A 
ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ λέγεσθαι ὑπὸ τῶν ἀνθρώπων, ἔνια δὲ 
> A Paty ta ΥΡῸι Saat > A \ , 
ἀγνοεῖσθαι: εἶναι" γὰρ αὐτὸν εὐφυῆ καὶ φιλέταιρον 
\ > / \ / A e \ > ~ 
καὶ ἐπιδέξιον: καὶ διατείνεσθαι δὲ ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ 
> ε 
ὡς οὐκ ἐντετύχηκεν ἀνθρώπῳ ἱκανωτέρῳ. καὶ 
” Al te 5. PAGS > , ΄ , 8 
εὔνους δὲ εἶναι αὐτῷ" ἐν ἐκκλησίᾳ λόγον διδόντι 
ἢ ἐπὶ δικαστηρίου κρινομένῳ. καὶ πρὸς «τοὺς 
- A - 
παρακαθημένους" δὲ εἰπεῖν δεινὸς ὡς οὐ δεῖ τὸν 
»” > \ \ ~ ’, 9 \ ~ 
ἄνδρα ἀλλὰ τὸ πρᾶγμα κρίνεσθαιδ- καὶ φῆσαι 
> \ 7 > ~ ὃ / Ad 10 AY ΕῚ ‘ 
αὐτὸν κύνα εἶναι τοῦ δήμου, φυλάττειν" yap αὐτὸν 
~ > ~ 
τοὺς ἀδικοῦντας: Kal εἰπεῖν ws Ody ἕξομεν τοὺς 
ὑπὲρ τῶν κοινῶν συνεπαχθισθησομένους,"" ἂν τοὺς 
τοιούτους προώμεθα. δεινὸς δὲ καὶ προστατῆσαι 
φαύλων: καὶ συνεδρεῦσαι ἐν δικαστηρίοις ἐπὶ 
A / > 
πονηροῖς πράγμασι: καὶ κρίσιν κρίνων ἐκδέχεσθαι 
τὰ ὑπὸ τῶν ἀντιδίκων λεγόμενα ἐπὶ τὸ χεῖρον." 

1H: V ὡς γίνεται || (sic) καὶ φησὶν 2 Nast: V 
-σκῆψαι, but cf. ἐπιχρωνῆν xvi. 2 3 Naber: V eis 
wT. .....: Im. πλέον σκοπεῖν 4 Schn: V ἀγνοεῖν φῆσαι 
5 Meier: Ν τῷ 6 Diels: V λέγοντι (without λόγον) 
* Meier: V -ἰῳ 8 Foss: V προσκαθήμενος 9. cf. Diog. 
L. v. 17 (ἄνθρωπον) 10 cf. Alciphr. 2. 16 fin. (3. 19) 
1 BH: V συναχθεσθησ. 12 LATE ADDITION: καὶ τὸ ὅλον 77 

pirorov<npyia ἀδελφή ἐστι τῆς πονηρίας. Kai ἀληθές ἐστι τὸ τῆς 
παροιμίας, τὸ ὅμοιον πρὸς τὸ ὅμοιον πορεύεσθαι 



of crime, and suppose that their acquaintance will 
make him a man of the world and somebody to be 
afraid of. Over the grave ὃ of an honest man he 
will remark, “As honesty goes,’ or ‘So they say,’ 
and add ‘No man is honest,’ or ᾿ We’re all alike’ ; 
and when he says ‘ What an honest fellow,’ it is a 
gibe. He declares of a scoundrel that he is a man 
of independent character if one shall only try him ; 
and albeit he admits that all they say of him is 
mostly true, ‘ there are some things,’ says he, ‘ they 
do not know ; he is a man of parts, a good companion, 
and able too’; nay, will have it he has never met 
a more competent being. He is sure, moreover, to 
‘take his part when he has to pass scrutiny before 
the Assembly ὁ or stand his trial at law; indeed at 
such a time he is like to remark to his neighbours, 
‘We should judge the act and not the person,’ and 
to say that the man is the people’s watchdog ; for 
he keeps off evil-doers ; and declare ἡ We shall have 
nobody to share our burdens for the public good if 
we throw over such men as this.’ He is prone also 
to stand patron to worthless foreigners ;% to form 
juntas on a jury in the support of bad causes ; and 
when he is hearing a case,’ to take the words of the 
parties in their worst sense 

* For the disgrace attaching to ‘ evil communications’ cf. 
Diog. L. vi. 6. 

> For this use of ἐπί cf. Thue. ii. 34. 8, Dem. 18. 285. 

¢ As a magistrate, envoy, or the like. 

4 Resident foreigners were required to have a citizen as 
guarantor or legal representative. 

ὁ Certain kinds of cases went before a single judge as 
with us. 

f Or accept the evil insinuations of the parties to the suit. 
LATE ADDITION :—In fine, Friendship with Rascals is sister 
to rascality, and true is the saying ἡ like to like.’ 




Ἢ δὲ αἰσχροκέρδειά ἐστιν ἐπιθυμία' κέρδους 
> a2 » δὰ a Cee δή e 
αἰσχροῦ," ἔστι δὲ τοιοῦτος ὁ αἰσχροκερδής, οἷος 
~ A \ ,ὔ 
ἑστιῶν" ἄρτους ἱκανοὺς μὴ παραθεῖναι: καὶ δανεί- 
~ \ 
ἰσασθαι mapa ξένου παρ᾽ αὑτῷ καταλύοντος" Kat 
, , Ξι , > , ~ 
διανέμων μερίδας φῆσαι δίκαιον εἶναι διμοίρῳ τῷ 
/ / \ ΕΣ \ ς ~ ~ \ 
5 διανέμοντι δίδοσθαι, καὶ εὐθὺς αὑτῷ νεῖμαι: Kat 
2 ~ / 4 κε ~ / > 
οἰνοπωλῶν κεκραμένον τὸν οἶνον τῷ φίλῳ ἀπο- 
΄, 5 Ν , an , » 
6 δόσθαι: καὶ ἐπὶ θέαν τηνικαῦτα" πορεύεσθαι ἄγων 
A ε ΄ Gare. ~ > ~ 3 ἘΜῈ ᾽ὔ « 
τοὺς υἱούς, ἡνίκα προῖκα ἀφιᾶσιν ἐπὶ θέατρον οἱ 
7 θεατρῶναι" καὶ ἀποδημῶν δημοσίᾳ τὸ μὲν ἐκ 
~ / > / ” - \ A 
τῆς πόλεως ἐφόδιον οἴκοι καταλιπεῖν, παρὰ δὲ 
a A 5 / 6 \ xe 
τῶν συμπρεσβευτῶν δανείζεσθαι. καὶ τῷ ἀκο- 
“- / > ~ Ἃ / 
λούθῳ μεῖζον φορτίον ἐπιθεῖναι ἢ δύναται φέρειν 
4 2r / > ὃ ~ a” ig 8 A 
Kal ἐλάχιστα ἐπιτήδεια τῶν ἄλλων παρέχεινδ: καὶ 
5. εἰν, Φ Dawe ΄ ΚΒΟΣ , \ Citas 5 ΄, 
ἀπὸ τῶν" ξενίων δὲ τὸ μέρος τὸ αὑτοῦ ἀπαιτήσας 
8 ἀποδόσθαι: καὶ ἀλειφόμενος ἐν τῷ βαλανείῳ" 

eee Σ ,ὕ \ =f > , > , 11 
εἰπὼν Lampov ye τὸ ἔλαιον ἐπρίω ὦ παιδάριον, 

1 Cob: V (the only ms for 88 1-4, 14-15, 17-end, introd. p. 12) 

περιουσία 2 Nav. sugg. «καὶ τούτου μικροῦ». cf. Arist. Eth. 
NV. iv. 3. 1122 a 2 (τούτου written τοῦ and then whole line 
of arch. lost by 7?) 3 Cor: V ἐσθίων Jai 

τηνικαῦτα from tert of arch., others ἡνίκ᾽ ἂν δέῃ from marg. 
(cld var.), τηνικαῦτα being lost before they were copied 
5V ἐπὶ θεάτρων, others oi θεατρῶναι (i.e. ἐπὶ θέατρον in 
marg. arch., whence V’s ancestor corrected, incompletely, 
οἱ θεατρῶναι): Holl. ἐπιθέατρον, ef. Bull. Corr. Hell. xviii. 



Meanness is the desire of base gain;% and the 
Mean man’s way is, when he entertains his friends 
to a feast, not to set enough bread before them ; to 
borrow of a stranger that is staying in his house ; to 
say as he carves the meat ὃ that the carver deserves 
a double portion, and help himself without more 
ado; and when he is selling his wine, to sell it 
watered to his friend. He chooses those days to 
take his sons to the play when the lessees of the 
theatre throw it open for nothing. When he goes 
into foreign parts on the public service, he leaves at 
home the travel-money given him by the State, and 
borrows, as occasion demands, of his fellow-ambas- 
sadors ; loads his lackey with a greater burden than 
he can well carry, and of all his fellows feeds his 
man the worst ; and even demands his share of the 
presents they receive, in order to sell them. When 
he is anointing himself at the baths he cries “ The 
oil you brought, boy, is rancid,’ and uses another’s. 

@ Perhaps ‘ in small things’ has fallen out; ᾿ Meanness’ 
is not quite low enough, but it is not avarice. 

» Ata club dinner or the like, where expenses are shared. 

¢ Or perhaps throw open the upper rows for nothing. 

164, cent. iil. B.c. 6 V -βευόντων δανείσασθαι 7™soV: 
others ἐπιθ. μ. φ. (i.e. ἐπιθ. marg. arch.) § some mss 
prefer the old variant τῶν ἱκανῶν and some omit παρέχειν 
(i.e. ἄλλων παρέχειν marg. arch.) 9. some mss omit καὶ 
ἀπὸ τῶν (lost by 78 from under τῶν ἱκανῶν) 10 mss 
add καὶ ll Reiske: V only παιδ'ρ, others ἐπρίω (from 
marg.?) τῷ παιδαρίῳ (from τῴ ἀλλοτρίῳ below) 









an > / > / \ ~ ¢ 7 
τῷ ἀλλοτρίῳ ἀλείφεσθαι. καὶ τῶν εὑρισκομένων 
χαλκῶν ὑπὸ τῶν οἰκετῶν ἐν ταῖς ὁδοῖς" δεινὸς 
ἀπαιτῆσαι τὸ μέρος, κοινὸν εἶναι φήσας τὸν 
Ἑρμῆν: καὶ θοἰμάτιον" ἐκδοῦναι πλῦναι καὶ 
χρησάμενος παρὰ γνωρίμου ἐφελκύσαιν" πλείους 
ἡμέρας ἕως ἂν ἀπαιτηθῇ. καὶ τὰ τοιαῦτα" 
Φειδωνίῳ, μέτρῳ τὸν πύνδακα εἰσκεκρουμένῳ" 

- . > A ἸΞ »“ ὃ ,ὔ \ > ~ ᾿ A 
μετρεῖν αὐτὸς τοῖς ἔνδον σφόδρα δὲ ἀποψῶν τὰ 

᾿] 48 ves « / Q ir 8. ὃ “ A 
ἐπιτήδεια. ὑποπριάσθαι φίλον οκοῦντος πρὸς 

δὴ “- 3 λ \ > ὃ / θ 3 / 9 
τρόπου πωλεῖν: ἐπιβαλὼν ἀποδόσθαι. ἀμέλει 
δὲ καὶ χρέος" ἀποδιδοὺς τριάκοντα μνῶν ἔλαττον 
τετραδράχμῳ"" ἀποδοῦναι. καὶ τῶν υἱῶν δὲ μὴ 
πορευομένων εἰς τὸ διδασκαλεῖον τὸν μῆνα ὅλον 
διὰ τὴν ἀρρωστίαν," ἀφαιρεῖν τοῦ μισθοῦ κατὰ 
λόγον, καὶ τὸν ᾿Ανθεστηριῶνα μῆνα μὴ πέμπειν 

> \ > A / \ \ /, > / 
αὐτοὺς εἰς τὰ μαθήματα διὰ τὸ θέας εἶναι πολλάς, 

> / Α 
ἵνα μὴ τὸν μισθὸν ἐκτίνῃ: καὶ παρὰ παιδὸς κομιζό- 
μενος ἀποφοράν, τοῦ χαλκοῦ τὴν ἐπικαταλλαγὴν 

- A \ \ 

προσαπαιτεῖν, Kat λογισμὸν δὲ λαμβάνων παρὰ 

~ ~ > / 
τοῦ χειρίζοντος «τοῦ apyupiov>. καὶ φράτορας 
ἑστιῶν αἰτεῖν" τοῖς ἑαυτοῦ παισὶν εκ τοῦ κοινοῦ 
ὄψον, τὰ δὲ καταλειπόμενα ἀπὸ τῇς τραπέζης 
ἡμίσεα τῶν ῥαφανίδων"" ἀπογράφεσθαι, ἵνα οἱ δια- 
κονοῦντες παῖδες μὴ λάβωσι. συναποδημῶν δὲ 

1 ὑπὸ τ. οἰκείων ἐν τ. ὁ., others ἐν τ. ὁ. ὑπὸ τ. οἰκετῶν 
(ἰ. e. two 11-13 letter lines inverted) 2 Mein: V ip. 

3 cf. Herodas 2.9, Long. 3.5, Plut. Lue. 33 * old vari- 
ant (ἢ) τὰ δὲ δὴ τ. 5 cf. Arist. Const. Ath. 10 (Φειδωνείων) : 
mss also φειδομένῳ 6 E(k for 1c): most mss ἐκκ. : Ambr. 
O ἐγκ. 7 WV σφ. δὲ ὑποσπῶν τὰ é., others τὰ €. σφ. Paes: 
(i.e. of. δὲ ἀπ. in marg.. arch.) 8 BH: mss φίλου, but 
compds. of ὑπό in this sense take accus. ® V omits 
ἐπιλ. . . ἀμέλει, Others omit doc... . πωλ. : V πωλεῖσθαι (see 


He is apt also, when his servants find ha’pence in the 
streets, to cry ‘Shares in thy luck!’¢ and claim 
his part: and to put out his coat to wash and 
borrowing a friend’s, keep it for days till it be asked 
back.2. These things likewise will he do: measure 
out his household’s corn with his own hand, using a 
Pheidonian measure © with a knocked-in bottom and 
striking it off very even; buy a thing too cheap 
from a friend ; offer to sell a guessed quantity ; sell 
above the market. This fellow, I warrant you, will 
pay a debt of fifty pound half-a-crown short ; if his 
sons go not to school the full month because of the 
sickness, will reduce their school-money accordingly ; 
will keep them from their lessons all the month of 
February because there are so many festivals, so 
that he may save the fee. Receiving hire-money 
from a servant, he demands the discount on the 
copper ; and coming to a reckoning with his steward, 
requires the premium on the silver.¢ When his 
fellow-clansmen dine under his roof he will beg meat 
from the common table for his servants, and yet 
note down the half-radishes left over from the dinner 
to prevent the hired serving-men carrying them off. 

2 Lit. Hermes (God of gain) is common (to both). 

> Cf. Diog. L. vi. 62. 

ο 7.e. obsolete (and smaller). 

4 The servant works at a trade and pays his owner for the 
right to do so; the steward or manager is entrusted with 
money from his owner’s chest. 

introd. p. 23): ἐπιβαλὼν Ussing: mss ἐπιλαβὼν 10 V καὶ 
χρέη δὲ 1 sugg. Holl: mss τέτταρσι (τέτρασι) δραχμαῖς 
(δραγμαῖς corr. to δραγμῶν B), τετραδράχμῳ in marg. arch. ἢ 
cf. Diog. L. ii. 34 12. some epidemic; or read rw’ ? 
15. Τὴ, sc. τὴν ἐπικαταλλαγήν 11.Ψ' omits καὶ and €or. air. 
15 V pad. ἡμίσεα : ἡμιρραφανίδια ? 



17 μετὰ γνωρίμων χρήσασθαι τοῖς ἐκείνων παισί, TOV 
\ ε ~ ” ~ A \ > / > A 
δὲ ἑαυτοῦ ἔξω μισθῶσαι καὶ μὴ ἀναφέρειν eis τὸ 
κοινὸν τὸν μισθόν. ἀμέλει δὲ καὶ συναγόντων παρ᾽ 
~ ~ ~ « ~ 
isé€aut@ ὑποθεῖναι τῶν παρ᾽ ἑαυτοῦ δεδομένων 
͵7 A ~ ‘ ΝΜ A < ~ A > , 
ξύλων καὶ φακῶν Kat ὄξους καὶ ἁλῶν καὶ ἐλαίου 
τοῦ εἰς τὸν λύχνον: καὶ γαμοῦντός τινος τῶν 
,ὔ A > , ig A , ‘ 
19 φίλων Kal ἐκδιδομένου θυγατέρα πρὸ χρόνου τινὸς 
> A “ ᾿- | , ΄ 
ἀποδημῆσαι, ἵνα «μὴ προπέμψῃ προσφοράν" 
καὶ παρὰ τῶν γνωρίμων τοιαῦτα κίχρασθαι ἃ 
(el ) n > 4 (tee) n > / , 
20 μήτ᾽ ἂν ἀπαιτήσαι μήτ᾽ av ἀποδιδόντων ταχέως 
ἄν τις κομίσαιτο. 

1 Siebenkees 

* Cf. Men. Ep. 195; Pk. 55. 



If he travels abroad with men he knows, he will 
make use of their servants and let out his own 
without placing the hire-money to the common 
account. Should his club meet at his house,* need- 
less to say he will put down to the common account 
the fuel, lentils, vinegar, salt, and lamp-oil which he 
provides.» When a friend or a friend’s daughter is 
to be married, he is like to go into foreign parts 
some time before the wedding to avoid the giving 
of a present. And all his borrowings from his 
acquaintance are such as you would never ask back 
nor readily accept the return of were it offered you. 

» Such things would usually be left out of the reckoning ; 
for the genitive cf. Plat. Gorg. ταύτης τῆς εὐεργεσίας δύο 
δραχμὰς ἐπράξατο, Xen. Cyr. ili, 1. 37 ἀπάγου τοὺς παῖδας 
μηδὲν αὐτῶν καταθείς. 

ΞΟ ἣν "Ἢ 7? ae 

Le iy Gy na nk? ἐς rp ad “teas ‘a #5, 
ἣ i] ek Shy δ eilin ys * Ps 7 δ" 
oe δ. αὐδρννν esters ahd i ike 

Yi gtr tn £94 dniaveby biggie 
TOSSA ucuncwre or! of. wily 1 a fe: 
ἔτ er Yhepagrhel” μι δι ine Sal αν 
ἐπ bute baie ta Senet ih etre ¥ 
ay, sD Gnd yoo iaaiha th drial 
: Ki ᾿ doe it a «iis ‘ ᾿ 

Ph i: fim Fi ee an 
fail Pag ore hive wie fe ole τα ine Wt Ns 
Ξω ἢ ΠΥ“ Inte τὼ τα ἀ Ὁ = ay - 

ay hin fink ef » Hae Ale ν αὐ ; Ss a " 
- ‘ he tal at" cviihiey : a | at 
i ! iow! iA laut x 

? ΑΘ ΘΟ 


A.P.: see Palatine Anthology 

Academy, 20; a public garden at 
Athens where Plato taught, and 
which gave its name to his school 
of philosophy 

Aeschines, 38, 55, 59; orator, 350 


A ffability, Self-seeking, 50 

Alcibiades, 6; Athenian general and 
statesman, pupil of Socrates 

Alciphron, 47, 50, 59, 89-90, 110, 118; 
writer of fictitions letters, A.D. 

Alexander the Great, 3, 5, 10, 101; 
king of Macedon, 336-323 Β.0. 

Alexandria, 20 ; 

Amaduzzi, 31 

Ambrosian mss, 28 

Amphis, 60; writer of comedy, 330 

Andécides, 55, 64, 100, 109 ; orator, 
400 B.c. 

Andronicus, 30; Peripatetic philo- 
sopher, 50 B.c. 

Antipater, 5, 100; regent of Mace- 
donia after Alexander’s death in 
323 ; he died aged 78 in the spring 
of 319 B.c. 

Antiphanes, 116; writer of comedy, 
365 B.C. 

Antisthénes, 7; Cynic philosopher, 
330 B.C. 

Apaturia, 48; the festival of the 
‘phratries,’ at which Athenian 
fathers enrolled the children born 
within the year 

Apollo, &1 

Arcesilaiis, 3, 7, 39, 87; philosopher, 
founder of the ‘ Middle’ Academy 
about 270 B.c. 

Archias, 50 

Aristippus, 39; founder of the 
Cyrenaic school of philosophy, 
380 B.C. 

Ariston, 6; Peripatetic philosopher, 
230 B.C. 

Aristophanes (Ar.), 8, 40, 45, 48, 50, 
56-7, 60, 64, 66, 74, 80-1, 84, 86, 
89, 92, 112,117; writer of comedy, 
410 B.c. 

Aristophon, 58; (1) Athenian archon 
in 330 B.c. (2) a member of the 
Four Hundred at the oligarchic 
revolution of 411 B.c. 

Aristotle (Arist.), 3, 5-10, 12, 20, 32, 
38-9, 53, 60, 73, 116, 120; philo- 
sopher, 345 B.c. 

Arrhidaeus (Philip III. of Mace- 
don), 5, 37; the imbecile half- 
brother of Alexander 

Arrogance, 102 

Artémis, 66 

Asclépius (Aesculapius), 94; a great 
physician ; after Homer, the god 
of healing 

Asia, 100 

Assembly, The, 48, 55, 58, 73, 10 , 
110, 118 

Atarneus, 10; a city of Caria in 
Asia Minor, ruled about 350 B.c, 
by Aristotle’s friend Hermeias 

Athéna, 80 

Athenaeus, 7, 8, 81, 88, 97, 116; 
writer of miscellanies, A.p. 220 

Athenian, 3, 94, 115 

Athens, 3, 5, 10, 43 

Backbiter, The, 5, 114 
Bassi, 28 

1 The dates are those of the jloruit, i.e. about the fortieth year. 



Boorishness, 48 

Branch, 92 

Brave Man, The, 8 

Buffoonery, 69, 73 

Byzantium, 94; the Greek city on 
the Bosporus later known as 

Callimachus, 96, 114; poet, 270 B.c. 

Callisthénes, 101; philosopher and 
historian; nephew and pupil 
of Aristotle; he accompanied 
Alexander to Asia, fell out of 
favour because of his outspoken- 
ness, and charged with com- 
plicity in a plot against his life, 
was put to death by him in 
327 B.C. 

Camozzt, 31 

Casander, 5, 63; son of Antipater, 
and after his death associated 
with Antigonus against Euménes 
and Polyperchon; he was sup- 
ported at Athens by the Peri- 

Casaubon, 11, 31 

Chalcidicé, 10; the three-pronged 
peninsula in the N.E. Aegean 

Chalcis, 10; a city of Euboea 

Christian interpolation (?), 79 

Chrysippus, 20, 39; Stoie philo- 
sopher, 240 B.c. 

Cicero, 19, 39; the Roman orator 
and philosopher, 60 B.c. 

Clark, A. C., 19, 20 

Cleanthes, 114; Stoic philosopher, 
290 B.C. 

Complaisance, 51 

Cowardice, 4, 6, 8, 104 

Crannon, 10 

Crantor, 3; philosopher of the Old 
Academy, 289 B.c. 

Cyzicus, 94; a Greek city on the 

Damippus, 46 

Danaids, The, 91; the fifty 
daughters of Danaiis, who for 
slaying their husbands at the 
command of their father were 
doomed in Hades to pour water 
into a vessel full of holes 

Date of the Characters, 10 

Delphi, 92; a city of Phocis, one 


of the chief seats of the worship 
of Apollo, to whom, or to certain 
other gods and heroes, a youth 
dedicated the childish locks 
which were cut off when he 
became seventeen 

Demosthénes, 19, 40, 56, 59, 61, 74, 
81, 87, 95-6, 101, 106, 119; the 
great Athenian orator and states- 
man, 340 B.c. 

Despot, The, in Herodotus, 9 

Didaché, 19 

Didymus, 7; grammarian, 30 B.c. 

Diels, 31, 32 

Diogénes, 53; the Cynic philo- 
sopher, 370 B.c. 

Diogenes Laertius, 8, 5-8, 10, 20, 
37, 39, 51, 55, 63, 74, 80, 82, 87, 92, 
96-7, 99, 101, 118, 114-15, 118-19, 
122-23 ; biographer, A.D. 220 

Dionysia, 46, 48, 109 

Dionysius (11.}, tyrant of Syracuse, 
367-343 B.C. 

Disreputable Man, The Wilfully, 52 

Dissembling, 38, 40 

Distrustfulness, 84 

Enneacriinus. See Nine Springs 

Ephippus, 8; writer of comedy, 
350 B.C. 

Epicirus, 23 ; philosopher, 300 B.c. 

Erésus, 10 

Ethiopian, 92 

Enandros. See Evander 

Eucleides of Mégira, 6 (?); philo- 
sopher, founder of the Megarian 
School, 410 B.c. 

Eucleides (Luclid), 6 (2) ; mathe- 
matician, 300 B.c. 

Euménes, 39; one of Alexander's 
generals and chief secretary. See 

Eupolis, 114; writer of comedy 
410 B.c. 

Euripides, 60, 105; 
tragedy, 440 B.c. 

Europe, 100 

Eurydicé, 5, 37; a princess of the 
royal house of Macedon, wife of 
Philip (I11.) Arrhidaeus 

Eustathius, 8; grammarian and 
historian, A.D. 1160 

Evauder, 100 

Ezra, 19 

writer of 


Fabricius, 30 

Flattery, 9, 42 

Four Hundred, The, 58 
Friendship with Rascals, 4, 116 

Garden, The, 8, 10; the Lyceum, 
home of the Peripatetic School 
at Athens 

Garrulity, 5, 46 

Greece, 67 

Grumbling, 82 

Healey, J., 51; author of the first 
English translation of the Char- 
acters, published in 1616 

Hecate, 82 

Hephaestus, 111 

Heracleides of Pontus, 6, 7, 82; 
Peripatetic philosopher and 
grammarian, 340 B.c. 

Heracles, Feast of, 112 

Herculanensium Voluminum  Col- 
lectio Tertia, 113 ancient books 
found at Herculaneum, published 
1914. See Papyri 

Hermaphrodites, 81-2; images of 
the bi-sexual combination (or, 
according to some accounts, 
child) of Hermes and Aphrodite ; 
this is the earliest actual mention 
of the cult, though Aristophanes 
spoke of Aphroditus, cf Macr. 
Sat. 111. 8. 2 

Hermes, 81, 122 

Hermippus, 8; biographer, 240 B.c, 

Herodas, 52, 58, 122; writer of 
mimes in iambic verse, 250 B.c. 

Herédotus, 9 ; historian, 445 B.c. 

Heroes, Feasts of the, 110 

Hesiod, 81; poet, 720 B.c.? 

Hesychius, 7, 81; lexicographer 
A.D. 450 

Hibeh Papyri. 19; fragments of 
ancient books and other docu- 
ments found by B. P. Grenfell 
and A. 5. Hunt at Hibeh in 
Egypt, published in 1906 

Hippias of Elis (?), 19; sophist, 
mathematician and writer on 
music, 440 B.c. 

Homer, 20 

Housman, A. E., 19 

Hymettus, 94; a mountain near 

Tliad, 8 

Immisch, 11, 31, 32 

Index (prefixed to mss of the 
Characters), 28 

Inscriptions, 66, 116, 120 

Interpolations, see Late Additions 

Isocrates, 63, 78 ; orator, 390 B.c. 

Jebb, 8, 31, 32 

Josephus, 20; 
A.D. 75 

Juvenal, 19; Roman satirist, a.p. 

Jewish historian, 

K=Kock, editor of the Greek Comic 
Krinokoraka, 115 

Lacedaemon, 58, 94, 97 

Late Additions to the text of the 
Characters, 42, 46, 48, 56, 62, 78, 
83, 110-12, 116, 118. See also pp. 
375.55; 58, (67 

Late-Learning, 110 

Leipzig, Philologische Gesellschaft zu, 
31, 32 

Lesbos, 10; a large island of the 
E. Aegean 

Libya, 39 

Longus, 106, 122; romance-writer, 
A.D. 150 

Loquacity, 5, 56 

Lucian, 46, 73, 114; rhetorician 
and satirist, a.D. 165 

Lycon, 3, 6, 113; head of the Peri- 
patetic School, 245-225 B.c. 

Lysander, 58; the Spartan general 
who took Athens in 404 B.c. 

Lysias, 48, 52, 70, 86, 112, 
Attic orator, 405 B.c. 


Macedonia, 10, 63, 100 

Machon, 116; writer of comedy, 
280 B.C. 

Macrobius, 7; Roman grammarian 
and writer of miscellanies, A.D 

Magnificent Man, The, 9 

Meanness, 5, 120 

Mégara, 9 

Melité, 92; (1) not Malta, but a 
small island off the coast of 
Ilyricum (Albania), home of a 
breed of lap-dogs; (2) a part of 
Athens; (an Athenian, reading 



of ‘Branch, of Melité”—Meacratos 
—would recall ‘‘So-and-so of 
Melite "—MeActrevs—a description 
of many of his fellow-citizens) 

Menander, 9, 10, 40, 48, 52, 54, 
60, 63, 75, 78, 80-86, 92, 99-100, 
102, 104, 109, 114-15, 116-17, 125; 
writer of comedy, 300 B.c. 

Milk-Feast, The, 94; Athenian fes- 
tival of the 

Mole. The, 99; apparently a part of 
the Piraeus 

Mother of the Gods, 94 

Muses, Feast of the, 98; a festival 
held in the schools, to which the 
boys would contribute the cost 
of the sacrifice 

Music House. See Odeum 

Mysteries, The, 46, 83; the Greater 
M., held by the Athenians at 
Eleusis in the autumn, celebrated 
the descent of Persephoné to 
Hades and the search of Demeter 
for her daughter with torches 

Mytilené, 10; a city of Lesbos 

Nastiness, 86 

Navarre, 30, 31, 32 

Newsmaking, 3, 5, 60 

Nicolaiis, 38; writer of tragedy 
and comedy, 300 B.c. 

Nine Springs, The, 78; 
fountain at Athens 

a famous 

Odéum, 46; a circular music-hall 
built by Pericles at the S.E. 
corner of the Acropolis at Athens 

Officiousness, 72 

Oligarch, The, 4, 9, 108 

Opsimathy, 110 

Orators, The Attic, 111 

Orpheus, 82; around this name a 
famous cult arose in sixth-cen- 
tury Athens; even before the 
time of Theophrastus it had 
fallen into some _ disrepute 
through the charlatanism of 
the ‘‘initiators” or priests, but 
it survived to the 4th cent. a.v. 

Oxyrhynchus Papyri, 11, 19, 108; 
fragments of ancient books and 
other documents found by B. P. 
Grenfell and A. 5. Hunt in 
Egypt in 1897, still in course 
of publication 


Palatine Anthology (A.P.), 52; a 
large collection of Greek “epi- 
grams” embodying earlier com- 
pilations, made by Constantine 
Céphalas about a.p. 920 

Papyri, 11, 12, 19, 20, 32, 52, 94, 

Paroemiographi Graeci, 53; a col- 
lection of collections of Greek 
proverbs published by Leutsch 
and Schneidewin in 1839 

Parsimoniousness, 5, 96 

Pasquali, 31, 32 

Pausanias, 67; 

Pentateuch, Ambrosian, 20 

Penuriousness, 5, 64 

Peripatetic School, 3, 7, 10, 20, 30; 
the school of philosophy founded 
by Aristotle in the Lyceum at 

Persians, 96 

Petronius, 88; Roman writer of 
‘‘satire”’ or miscellany, a.p. 60 

Petty Pride, 92 

Pheidon, 122; king of Argos 6. 
650 B.c. and supposed originator 
of a system of weights and 
measures which in the time 
of Theophrastus was out of 

Philodémus, 11, 12, 20, 96; philo- 
sopher and poet, 60 B.c. 

Pirckheymer, 31 

Plato, 114; writer of comedy, 
420 B.C. 

Plato, 6, 9, 10, 19, 58, 64, 73, 86, 
107, 108, 112, 114, 125; the philo- 
sopher, 380 B.c. 

Plutarch, 7, 53, 111, 122; biographer 
and essayist, A.D. 85 

Poe, Ε. A., 55 

Pollux (Polydeuces), 45; 
grapher, A.D. 70 

Pol¥bius, 114; historian, 175 B.c. 

Polycles, 5, 6, 37, 38; perhaps to 
be identified with the adviser of 
Eurydicé, wife of Philip III. 

Porch, The Painted, 42, 47, 63; a 
colonnade at Athens which was 
a favourite public lounge and 
gave its name (Stoa) to the Stoic 
philosophy because its founder 
Zeno taught there 

Poseidon, 116 

geographer, A.D. 



Pretentiousness, 4, 5, 98 

Proem, 28 

Prometheus, 111 

Psalm i., 19 

Ptolemy I.,6; general of Alexander ; 
afterwards satrap (322); king 
of Egypt, 305-285 B.c. 

Querulousness, 82 

Raleigh, Walter, 8 

Rhinthon, 96; writer of burlesque 
tragedy, 290 B.c. 

Rhodes, 94; a large island of the 
S. Aegean 

Rylands Papyri, 19; fragments of 
ancient books and other docu- 
ments found in Egypt and pre- 
served in the Rylands Library 
at Manchester, published by 
A. 8. Hunt 1911-15 

Sabazius, 80, 112; a Phrygian god 
whose orgiastic cult was new at 
Athens in the time of Aristo- 
phanes, and whose _ votaries 
marched through the streets 
carrying snakes 

Sacred Gate, The, 76; a gate of 
Athens mentioned elsewhere only 
in Plutarch, Sulla 14, perhaps to 
be identified with the Dipylon, 
which stood between the Inner 
and Outer Cerameicus, the latter 
used as a place of burial 

Sandys, 31, 32 

Sappho, 10; the poetess, 600 B.c. 

Satyrus, 6; Peripatetic philo- 
sopher, 220 B.c. 

Scallywag, The, 52 

Scholiast, 54, 62, 96; =-ancient com- 
mentator whose notes are pre- 
served in some of our mss of 
Greek authors 

Self-seeking A ffability, 50 

Seneca, 78; philosopher, A.p. 35 

Shabby-minded Man, The, 9 

Sicily, 96 

Silenus, 6; the chief attendant of 

Smoothboot, The, 51 

Socrates, 6; the great Athenian 
philosopher, 440 B.c. 

Sophocles, 10 

Sosias, Sosistratus, Sosideémus ; 115 

Sparta. See Lacedaemon 

Speusippus, 20; nephew and pupil 
of Plato, whom he succeeded as 
ἘΝ of the Academy (347-339 

Stageira, 10; a city of Chalcidicé, 
birthplace of Aristotle 

Stemma Manuscriptorum, 11, 26, 
30 ff. 

Stilpo, 6; Megarian philosopher, 
290 B.C. 

Strabo, 12, 30; geographer, a.p. 1 

Street of the Music House, 110 

Stupidity, 74 

Superstitiousness, 78 

Surliness, 76 

Tactlessness, 70 

Theocritus, 114; poet, 275 B.c. 

Theophrastus, 3-10, 12, 20, 31, 37, 

Theseus, 110; legendary king and 
chief hero of Athens 

Thracian, 114 . 

Thucydides, 118; historian, 430 B.c. 

Thurii, 96% a Greek city of Italy 

Tibeius, 64 

Timon, 78 

Title of the Book, 36, 78 

Tyrtamus, 10 

Unconscionable Man, The, 6, 63 
Vulgar Man, The, 9 
Wilfully Disreputable Man, The, 52 

Xenocrates, 20, 101; philosopher, 
pupil of Plato, and head of the 
Academy from 339 to 314 B.c. 

Xenophon, 39, 41, 53, 58, 63, 67, 
70, 73, 75, 102, 106, 110, 125; 
historian, 400 B.c. 

Zeno of Citium, 20, 36; the founder 

of the Stoic philosophy, 310 B.c. 
Zeus, 76, 85} 



αἴρεσθαι, Tov βοῦν, 112 
ἀκρόδρυα, 68 

ἀμέλει, 4, 6, 7 
ἀνακύπτοντος, 104 

ἀπίδια, 44 

᾿Αριστοφῶντος, τὴν ἐπ᾽, 58 
Article, The, 51, 103 
ἀσκὸς πέλεκυς, 59 

Baby-langnage, 58 
βηματίσῃ, 90 

Ταλάξια, 94 
Genitive, The, 125 

δεινός, 4 

διάπειραν λαμβάνειν, 74 
δικαζομένων, 110 
δοκοῦντος mpos τρόπον, 122 
εἰκασίαι, 6 

εἰς, 111 

ἕνδεκα λιταῖς, 112 

ἐπί, 119 

ἐπιθέατρον. 120 
ἐπικαταλλαγήν, 122 
ἐπικρηπιδας, 44 
ἐπιστάλματα, 94 
ἐπιχρωνῆν, 18 

ἐφελκύσαι, 122 

ἦθος, καταβαλὼν τὸ, 60 
ἡ ψυχή, 114 
θάκου, ἀνίστασθαι ἐπὶ, T4 

Geav, 82 
θεατρῶναι, 120 

ἵνα, 4 
Indicatives, 5 

καὶ κακῶν δέ, 114 
καλύμματα, 67 
καταβαλὼν τὸ ἦθος, 60 
κέραμον, 54 

κλίνας, 102 

κόψαντος τὴν θύραν, 50 

λυπρόν, 50 

μακρὸν ἀνδριάντα. 112 

1 containing the principal cruces. 


᾿ ΠΥ, = 
νομίζει, τῶν ἄστρων, 76 

νόμοι συσσιτικοί, συμποτικοῖ, 7 
νουμηνίαν ἄγει, 50 

ὁδόν, καταλιπὼν τὴν, 12 
οἷος and infinitive, 4 
ὅπως, 4 

οὐκοῦνδε, 114 

TlaApav Μαντική, 19 
πανήγυρις, ὃ 

πάντα φάσκων εἶναι, 66 

πεζῆ ἐκβοηθοῦντος, 106 
πέμπειν, εἰς Κύζικον, 94 
πίνακα, 80 

πίσσης. 76 

Ποσειδῶνος ἡμέρᾳ. 116 
ποσῶν αὐτὰς καθ᾽ ἑξακοσίας, 100 
Potential Optatives, 5 
προσωπεῖον ἔχων, 54 
πωλεῖσθαι, 122 

ῥήσεις, 8 

σημερὸν ὃ ἀγὼν νουμηνίαν ἄγει, 50 
σοβεῖν τοὺς τοιούτους λόγους, 110 
σποδιᾶα, 100 

συμποσιακαὶ ἐρωτήσεις, 6 
συνάγειν and συναύξειν, 118 
συνδιοικήσασθα:, 94 

συνέδριον, 8 

συσσιτικὰ προβλήματα, 7 
συσσιτῶν, 64 

σφύζεσθαι. 88 

σχολαστικός, 8 

τάλαντα εἰσενεγκαμένῃ, 110 
τηνικαῦτα, 120 

τίτυρον, 96 

τοιόσδε and τοιοῦτος, 4 

φειδομένῳ and Φειδωνίῳ, 122 

ψηφῆσαι, 100 
ψυχή, 114 

ὡς ὅρῳ λαβεῖν, 4 

ὥσαντι, 78 
ὥστε and infinitive, 4 










mg 4 oe Pape eae 

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My aim has been to group together various writers 
whose works, from a similarity of metre, are con- 
nected with the study of Herodes. With the general 
literature on Herodes I have recently kept fairly well 
abreast ; and if for other writers there are errors of 
acknowledgement and oversights I can only plead 
the schoolboy’s argument of tu quoque: that every 
continental writer on Herodes (with the exception of 
R. Herzog) produces conclusions, readings and illus- 
trations which may be found in the Cambridge edition 
to which presumably he has not access. 

My list of acknowledgements is very large. As 
to institutions, I owe very much to King’s College, 
which enabled me to work many years unencumbered 
with duties of teaching: to the Cambridge Press, 
which has been exceedingly generous in other ways 
and in the matter of copyright: to the Bodleian 
Library and British Museum: and to the Classical 
Review, Philologus and Phil. Wochenschrift, which have 

enabled me to compress introductions and contro- 

1 On the other hand I have not neglected to view all the 
papyri which I publish.. There is one anecdotum below: 
but I do not publish a photograph, since after having three 
separate exposures taken I have failed completely to secure 
a picture which distinguishes between ink and brown 



versial matter. To individuals my debt is great : far 
greatest to Mr. Milne of the British Museum, whose 
extraordinary skill in palaeography has recreated 
one writer and provided many valuable new readings 
in others. A similar debt I owe to Mr. Bell, on 
points of papyrology to Mr. Lamacraft of the British 
Museum, and on one matter to Prof. W. Schubart. 
I have had the benefit of discussion on several vital 
points with Mr. E. Lobel; and I have to thank for 
courteous or useful communications Prof. P. Groone- 
boom, Dr. Hunt, Mr. J. U. Powell, Prof. Crénert of 
Baden, Prof. Collomp of Strassburg, Sir Frederic 
Kenyon, and Prof. R. Herzog, and of Cambridge 
scholars, Mr. E. Harrison. Prof. Pearson, Mr. Rack- 
ham, Dr. Nairn, and Prof. Adcock. My main debts 
to Kenyon and Mr. J. T. Sheppard are of the past : 
but in this way I owe an even larger debt to the 
dead, first to Dr. Walter Headlam (Cambridge edition 
of Herodas, 1922), and secondly to the researches of 
Dr. Gerhard of Heidelberg. At the last moment I 
have been fortunate enough to secure the expert 
assistance of Professor Bilabel of Heidelberg, whose 
careful work has far outweighed in value the little 
I could do in a brief stay. 

Throughout the authors dealt with present prob- 
lems of a controversial character, where it is im- 
possible to sit on a fence; and I have tried to 
express my views in full elsewhere, and in this book 
to take a bold and consistent line. For this reason 
much that has been written helps but little. As 
most of the writers included are poets or verse- 
writers (too many, I fear, of the second category) 
and as, after all, the most important raw material 
of poetry or verse is metre, I have occupied some of 



the available space in the discussion of the iambic 
metre, the various types of which are not yet re- 
cognized. For general information on matters of 
life or philosophical ideas the reader should consult 
(according to the author) Headlam’s notes on Herodes 
or Gerhard’s edition of Phoenix of Colophon. On 
various archaeological details a small edition of 
Hero(n)d(a)s by R. Herzog may be consulted : always 
with the proviso that the author has not yetsufficiently 
reconsidered many of the errors of Crusius. For 
all this the text is good and up-to-date. There is 
an attractive edition of Herodes (Mimes 1-6) by P. 

Other recent work, Italian, French and English, 
is wholly different. Just as on the great arterial 
roads of England the traveller by night receives 
warning of pitfalls by an intricate system of red 
lamps, so these may serve for warning to the student 
or editor. But it is unhappily only too possible to 
see the warning signal and yet to end in the ditch. 
I have used the translation to give frankly my own 
idea of the character of the author. Where little 
metrical skill or individuality is shown I have used 
prose: where the metre is striking or impressive 1 
have used metre ; and in order to restrain metrical 
discussion within a reasonable limit have given, in 
general, the metre of the original. The attempt to 
reproduce the metrical mastery of Hipponax is, of 
course, a failure; and it is impossible to represent 
the tripping quality of Phoenix’ work in a metre 
so unfamiliar to English ears as the lame iambus 
(ending with three long syllables). The advantage 
rests with Cercidas, whose very accurate metre is 
at the same time of a kind which is or could be used 



nowadays, and deserves a metrist of the class of 
W.S. Gilbert for translator.t 
A. Ὁ. Knox. 


1 Perhaps I may be permitted the luxury of meeting 
some critics in advance. My translation of Herodes is 
unlike Spenser from whom I have borrowed many words. 
But for each mistake I will produce one from Herodes and 
another from his copyist. ‘The structure of the sentence is 
often modern: but so is that of Herodes. Again, it is 
almost unintelligible. But it was two or three years before 
the Greek scholars of Europe made any headway in the 
interpretation of Herodes. ‘The spelling adopted is a matter 
of necessity if we are to suggest the existence of pure Attic 
words (like δήπουθεν) in an Tonic dress (δήκουθεν): and 
inconsistency of spelling is necessary in translating an author, 
who, alone of all Greeks who dealt with every-day speakers, 
allowed the use of any or every form or scansion of words 
(e.g. κεῖνος, ἐκεῖνος, tryin, ὑγιείη, κτλ.) even from the lips of 
the vulgar. 

Again, I may be accused of giving too many or too few 
conjectural ‘‘ supplements” in my text. My principle has 
been to complete standard phrases and insert necessary 
particles and formations of words. Further, the text of 
Herodes, at least, has not so much been read by palaeo- 
graphers as guessed by scholars; and where subsequent 
investigation by palaeographers has found many confirma- 
tory traces, I give the whole guess. ΤῸ give less would be 
sheer pedantry. 



irsr or ABBREVIATIONS =: 5 2 = $+ -- x 

ΘΟ cans cae ae meee rt, eee Fe ΠῚ 

ΕΟ 2 oo 5 arte aie Os τ OO 

Wneertain-Books 5 4. 2. 4 o s «= » ©9120 

1Byavoe IES: OSes οἐοὁἐὁἐ ke or CLE wees 
Late CITaTIONs : 

WMcertaIny BOOKS: τ ρ΄ ὦ « Seen 
DoustruL FRAGMENTS . . Se a ns 0) 
RETRAMEDERS, +. 6 ἢ κα τ 3 3° 4 «AMINED A 
LinxXAMETERS, <p 2aEN A Tease “ ν»)8ὲὰᾳλες, ἰοῦ 
IPAPYRUSEERAGMENTS4c¢ a of τ 29 62 ite Ὁ 

PO NAIR Siw coe er. oa ce ee OR ere ee OO 
ΠΝ ΤΗΘΠΌΘΕΙΟΝ «ss cae ee ee ee ee 4 

I. THE Bawp orn MaTcHMAKER. . .. : 80 
ΠῚ πὶ BRorHer-KEEPER ee) Cen Ὁ9 
iim | ScHoOOmMASTER I 900.) oe) eee eLO? 
JV. OFFERINGS AND SacrRiFicks ... . . 114 

WerACIrArous LADY τ coe “| « caudaentte4 



VI. A Private Cuat 
VII. Tue Cospeter. 
VIII. Tue Dream 
IX. Breaxine Fast 
XIV. Fragment (in Latin) FRoM 
Marrivs ei} Ps sites 
Appenpix I. . 
Appenpix II. . 
Appenpix IIT. . 
Appenpix IV... . 





SNS ee 

2. The Chough-beggars: 

3. The Profiteers . 

Doubtful Fragments . 
‘THEOCRITUS ...<._ Gast ee ea 








HeErRopDIAN : 
Ανον. 1. 

Anon. II. Babi 
Diogenes LArRTIUS . . 

Introduction . 

Oracle . 


Introduction . . 
I’ragments 11-21 
Proverbs : 

(a) Sayings 
(εν τος 



I. Proper Names 
II. DousrruL, Unusuat or Scanceor Woups 
AND Uses 


Bgk. = Bergk 

Schnw. = Schneidewin 
Cr. = Crusius 

Wilam. = Wilamowitz 
Kal. = Kalinka 
P.=The Papyrus 

R. = Rutherford 

Mn. = Milne 

K. = Kenyon 

Hdl. = Headlam 
Buech. = Buecheler 
Bl. = Blass 

M. = Meister 

F.D.=quis (?) 

C.E. = Cambridge Edition 
of Herodes 

Herw. = Herwerden 

J.=H. Jackson 

Hg.=R. Herzog 

H.= Hunt 
A.=von Arnim 
G. = Gerhard 
Bi. = Bilabel 

K.-Bi.: see page 229 

Byz.= Byzantine version 

Arm. = Armenian  ver- 

Mill. = Miiller (Carolus) 


Or the authors whose remains are collected below, 
and apart from the writers of one or two isolated 
fragments, Herodes possesses for us still the greatest 
interest. Yet this interest is in the main due partly 
to a misconception and partly to a mere chance. It 
is chance that has presented to us a papyrus which 
in length and preservation is unmatched except 
by those of Hyperides, Aristotle (Resp. Ath.) and 
Bacchylides. It was chance that gave the papyrus 
to the modern world before the lesser and incomplete 
papyri of Menander. And it is a malign chance 
that has given us Herodes when we might have 
had so much more of Hipponax or Callimachus’ 
Iambi, or the whole of Cercidas’ meliambi. This 
introduction is forced to view and measure other 
writers from the standpoint of Herodes: but this 
is merely because we live “not as we wish but 
as chance drags us,’ not because there should now 
be any misapprehension as to the merits of Herodes’ 

By common consent one of the greatest of Greek 
poets was Hipponax,! who was the founder of chol- 

1 His remains were collected by Welcker in a volume 
easily accessible. Others were added from a British Museum 
ms. of Tzetzes by Musgrave, by Herwerden and from an 
Etymologicum by Reitzenstein. The best collection is in 



iambi!: for though this title was often given to 
Ananius of whom we know nothing, yet 
HiPPONAX the absurdity of Ananius’ metre and the 
Anantus poverty of his fragments prevent us from 
considering his claim in any serious sense. 
Hipponax wrote in a simple adaptation of the Ionic 
plain iambus of his date, merely substituting a 
final spondee for the final iambus of Archilochus. 
The metre has always been misunderstood and 
confounded with the iambus of Attic tragedy with 
which it has nothing in common. 

The metre was invented to suit the exceptional 
bitterness of the man. Of his life we are fairly well 
informed. He was (Suid. s.v.) πατρὸς 
Πύθεω (whence Metriche’s parentage in 
Hrd. Mime 1.). His mother was Protis. 
A native of Ephesus 5 he was expelled by its tyrants 
and went to Clazomenae.? His enmity with the 
Bergk’s Poetae Lyrici Graeci: and the best abbreviated 
edition in Hoffmann’s Griechische Dialecte, iii. Ὁ. 135 (in- 
cluding Reitzenstein’s addenda). A long but not very able 
discussion of the fragments is given by ten Brink in early 
numbers of Philologus. 

1 Greek verse is measured by length of syllables, not by 
stress (like English). The mark ὦ is for a short, — for a 
long syllable. Breaks (i.e., end of sense groups) are 

Life of 

marked oi We The iambic mete of Hipponax’ date was 
One or both of the ἘΝ ical are sufficient. Hipponax’ 
metre is ~¥-U—“ | —U | —U—-—-, the two breaks being 
again alternative. “There is some evidence for Y—-U—¥ 
--Ξ|--- -- The first two syllables are ~—, but there 

is slight evidence that he may also have permitted himself 
vuyv or πο. Such substitutions are alleged in other 
places, but the evidence proves worthless. See Journal of 
Cambridge Philological Society, 1927, for a full discussion. 

2 Callim. Jamb. passim, Strabo, p. 642, Clem. Al. i. 308. 

3 So Sulpicia, v. 6. 


sculptors Bupalus and Athenis is derived from the 
insulting statues of him which they made. He must 
have lived about 550 B.c. (Pliny, N.H. xxxvi. 5). 
He is said by the author of the Jbzs and a com- 
mentator on Horace (Epod. 6. 14) to have committed 
suicide : but their accounts do not tally. In person 
he was small, thin and ugly (Ael. V.H. x. 6), but 
strong (Ath. 552 c). 

Such details are in themselves unimportant Even 
the scanty fragments show that the quarrel with 
Bupalus was due not to the studied distortions of the 
latter’s art, but to the natural attractions of his 
mistress, for whom Hipponax conceived an infatua- 
tion. But they are evidence if not of the popularity, 
at least of the great fame alike of his works and of 
his very unpleasant character. This fame is further 
attested by four epitaphs. That of Philippus (4.P. 
vii. 405) scarcely deserves quotation: Alcaeus (of 
Mitylene), 2b. vii. 536, gives us little: Theocritus’ (in 
choliambics) is given below. Leonidas (ib. vii. 408) 
adds one detail :— 

᾿Ατρέμα τὸν τύμβον παραμείβετε, μὴ τὸν ἐν ὕπνῳ 
πικρὸν ἐγείρητε σφῆκ᾽ ἀναπαυόμενον" 
ἄρτι γὰρ Ἱππώνακτος ὁ καὶ τοκέωνε! βαὔξας 
ἄρτι κεκοίμηται θυμὸς ἐν ἡσυχίῃ. 
ἀλλὰ προμηθήσασθε" τὰ γὰρ πεπυρωμένα κείνου 
ῥήματα πημαίνειν οἷδε καὶ εἰν ᾿Αἰδῃ. 
“ Quietly pass by the tomb lest ye rouse the bitter 
wasp that rests there. For but lately has rest been 
found and quiet for the soul of Hipponax that barked 
even at his parents. But beware: even in Hades 
can his fiery words injure.” 5 
1 So W. Headlam for τοκεωνεια. 

2 The allusion (?) in [Archil.] 80 (D.) is too doubtful and 

L xii 


The subject of so much curiosity and admiration, 
who inspired two of the world’s greatest poets, 
Callimachus and Catullus, has left us a 
eee et mere hundred verses or so. We owe 
works them to the collection of a son of one 
who copied his style (Lysanias, son of 
Aeschrion). This book we have not: we only 
have some few verses quoted by Athenaeus, some- 
times misquoted, often misattributed, and usually 
corrupt. Even some grammarians, like those on 
whose work Hesychius’ dictionary rests, had very 
poor texts; though the Etymology has preserved us 
one or two fine and vigorous lines. Later Tzetzes, 
out of mere passion for the obscure, has preserved 
in his commentaries several quotations, haphazard, 
inaccurate and corrupt: we can still thank him for 
his habit of quoting complete lines and sense which 
has preserved for us of the poet far more than we 
otherwise might have had. 
Beyond the shadowy name of Ananius we know 
nothing—perhaps there is nothing to be known of 
Hipponax’ immediate successors. It may 
Disuse be held for certain that for the period 
of the 
metre When Athens ruled supreme over Greek 
literary taste the metre and manner was 
disused. The development of Greek literature was 
entirely in a different direction. There is indeed 
one remark in Aristophanes which shows that even 
at Athens these two writers had some readers : but 
it is perhaps even more remarkable that the poet 
makes an error in attribution. 
Simultaneously with the fall of Athens as a power, 
the old styles, subjects, metres and dialects were 
revived ; but with the curious and wholly typical 



Greek rule that these four ingredients must never 
be used in the exact and original manner. 
It is true that until the third century a.p. 
a certain weak reminiscence of the 
Ephesian sixth-century dialect still flavours the 
writings of those who employ this metre; and the 
gradual relapse from this dialect is perhaps the 
surest test of date. The metre of Hipponax was 
wholly misunderstood and some writers substituted 
the rhythms of Attic tragedy, preserving only the 
final spondaic foot. Even Callimachus, who is the 
nearest to Hipponax, does not fully represent him : 
and Catullus, the Latin poet who copies Archilochus 
faithfully, wholly deserts the Ephesian model. As 
far as subjects go, it is impossible to draw any lines. 
The metre was used for short poems on all subjects 
by Phoenix, for dramatic idylls by Herodes, for 
mythology or the like by Apollonius Rhodius and 
Pseudo-Callisthenes, for fables by Babrius,! for 
literary controversy by Callimachus,! for the in- 
troduction to a moralist anthology by [pseudo-] 
Cerkidas, and in isolated epigrams by Theocritus 
and Aeschrion. Of some of these a few words may 
be said. 

Aeschrion is said on doubtful authority to have 
been a younger contemporary of Alexander. His 
The writers 505 Lysanias may be the same as the 

ofthe author of a book on the writers of chol- 

revival, jambics, and this Lysanias a pupil of 
AESCHRION Eyratosthenes : the son then can hardly 
have been born before 260 3.c. In this case it 


1 Not included here. I hope to help to revise Callimachus’ 
lambi from the papyrus, a task which has not been attempted 
since Hunt. 



is a little difficult to accept the statement which 
Suidas gives on the authority of ‘‘ Nicander” 
but is generally supposed to rest only on that of 
Ptolemaeus Chennus. But there appears to be no 
good grounds for refusing to place his floruit in the 
first years of the third century B.c. Some of his 
writings called Ephemerides concerned Alexander 
and may have been written in hexameters (Tz. 
Chil. viii. 404): others, whether on this or other 
subjects, were in choliambics and marked by extreme 

Perhaps a somewhat younger contemporary was 
Phoenix of Colophon. We are told by Pausanias 
i. 9. 7, that when Lysimachus destroyed 
Colophon its dirge was sung by Phoenix. 
It may be hoped that his dirge did not resemble the 
plea for Thebes which Pseudo-Callisthenes puts in 
the mouth of Ismenias the flute-player. He may 
have written as early as 280 B.c. He made no effort 
to copy the metre of Hipponax ; his metre depends 
normally on the Athenian stage writers. But his short 
poems possess a certain tinkling elegance and follow 
closely the Alexandrine method of clothing in new 
garb hackneyed themes. The short moralistic ex- 
cerpt quoted in the Anthology of [Cercidas] is con- 
sidered by Gerhard ! to display cynicizing tendencies : 
but it contains nothing which might not have been 
prompted by a normal indignation against war pro- 
fiteers. We cannot conjecture what may have 
prompted Aeschrion (of Samos or Mitylene) to use 
this metre: but if Phoenix followed his compatriots 


1 In his magnificent collection Phoinix von Kolophon 
(Teubner, 1909), which must be consulted for references to 
the literature on these writers. 



to the enlarged city of Ephesus his model was near 
at hand; and this accident may well have been the 
reason which brought the metre into wide promin- 
ence. More probable is his intimate connexion with 
Attica, which is now suggested by a coincidence in 
his fourth poem. It is, like his other poems, a brief 
piece of about thirty verses, apparently an elegy on 
Lynceus. With Professor Crénert we could identify 
Lynceus with Lynceus of Samos, a contemporary of 
Menander, mentor of the young Poseidippus (Mein- 
eke, Com. Gr. i. p. 458) and writer of Attic comedy, 
and further, identify Poseidippus of frag. 3 with the 
comic writer and make Phoenix somewhat junior to 
Menander. We may, | think, go further and identify 
with certainty the Strassburg papyrus from which 
this poem is taken as containing some later sheets of 
the “ Cercidean ”’ anthology. 

Callimachus (who lived at Alexandria, 260-240), 
Theocritus (more or less his contemporary) 
and Apollonius Rhodius, who long out- 
lived his instructor Callimachus, need no 
introduction. ‘Theocritus and Apollonius 
perhaps wrote hardly anything in this metre. The 
same may be true of Asclepiades of Samos who 
ranks in time with the two first-named. Of Diphilus,1 
Parmeno and Hermeias of Curion we know nothing 
whatever. Others, like Alcaeus of Messene,? have 
left nothing in this metre. We may pass on to two 
writers for us far more important and more dis- 

The age of Cercidas? of Megalopolis, once a matter 


1 Gerhard, op. cit. pp. 211 sqq. 
2 10. p. 226. 
3 Ib. p. 206. 



of dispute, is now fairly well known. The attack on 
a disciple of Sphaerus, and the apparent 
censure of Stoicism as having degenerated 
since Zeno, would encourage us to place Cercidas in 
the second half of the third century B.c., when we 
know a famous Sphaerus to have been one of the 
diadochi of Zeno. In antiquity Cercidas, who had 
great weight in the councils of his country, was 
famed even above other learned poets for his literary 
enthusiasms. He hoped after his death to meet 
Pythagoras, Hecataeus, Olympus and Homer: the 
first two books of Homer were to be buried with 
him. Above all he appears passionately devoted to 
the Catalogue (Book II.): and the children of his 
city were compelled to learn it by heart. He boasts 
of his early devotion to the Muses: and it is no 
very wild guess that the anthology of which we have 
an introduction in choliambics comes from his selec- 
tion. This theme I have developed in a separate 
book.t. Whether he is actually the author of the 
sorry verses which formed the introduction thereto 
is another question. There is little doubt that 
Gregory of Nazianzus attributes them to him: but 
equally there is little doubt that the clumsy and 
almost random inanities are wholly unworthy of the 
skilled and competent metrist of the meliambs. If 
they are by him they are merely some juvenile epis- 
tolary doggerel preserved by Parnos to whom they 
are addressed: if not, they are an anonymous intro- 
duction to his collection. Wholly different from these 
are the meliambi. For the most part these are 

1 First Greek Anthologist, Cambridge, 1923. It may 
now be dated, on palaeographical grounds, as little later 

than 250 z.c. See below on the Strassburg fragment of 
Phoenix: also for the metres of Phoenix and [Cercidas]. 




metrically a clever and vigorous combination of the 
iambic and hexameter metres, each managed in the 
strictest and most graceful fashion. Whatever view 
be taken of their contents, in the narrower sense 
of the word style they are masterpieces. To our 
taste they suffer merely from their Alexandrinism : 
that is from the adaptation to one purpose of a form ! 
designed for another use: the bombastic verbiage 
proper in a comedian or the writer of a mock cookery- 
book appears ill to become the gravity of a quite 
serious philosophy of life: and the excellent tech- 
nique seems to detract from the seriousness of the 

Last—except for the verses in pseudo-Callisthenes 3 
and some isolated epigrams—Herodes or Herodas. 
The position of Herodes is an enigma to 
moderns. His immediate audience was 
the literary world of Alexandria and 
Attica in the middle of the third century B.c. 
Even this may be said with hesitation. There are 
several words and ideas which appear to belong to 
a later literature and life. The mention of an artistic 
idea—the Boy and the Goose ?—associated with 
Boethus, an artist of the second century 4.p., with 
these may be urged in support of a theory which, 
while allowing that his mimes were written about the 
third century B.c., would hold that they were written 

his date 

1 So too the use of Dorie dialect (of a conventional kind) 
for [onic metres. 

2 See below. 

3 In this matter Dr. Grooneboom says that the Boy and 
Goose cannot be derived from Boethus’ famous statue 
because Herodes is earlier. But it would be fairer to 
say that this is pro tanto an argument for a later date 
for Herodes. 



about a time long since past, and suffer, like Shake- 
speare’s plays, from anachronisms. If, as appears to 
be the case, Professor Herzog has rightly identified 
the temple of Aesculapius at Cos with one which was 
replaced about 200 B.c., even so it would be just 
possible to suppose that the [Vth mime rested on 
literary guide-books. The one solid argument against 
such a theory is that at no other time would such a 
method of writing have been tolerated or considered : 
that there are certain considerations which connect 
the VIIIth mime (Herodes’ Introduction) with a 
similar poem by Callimachus in the same metre ; 
and that such a connexion is incredible in a 
considerably later writer. Again, on the artistic 
side in Mime IV. there appear to be allusions to 
artistic feuds that at a later period may have been 
buried, and v. 25 suggests a date before 270 B.c. 

It is useless to discuss further a theory which is 
rarely if ever heard now; except as a protest against 
too ready assumption that Herodes’ date is, within 
limits, certain 

Of his art many misconceptions are current. The 
recovery of parts of Mime VIII. should surely dispel 
these. Herodes puts on realism or doffs it with 

1 The only certain date is the superior date. It must 
have been possible to use the phrase ‘demesne of the θεοὶ 
ἀδελφοί. Prof. Herzog has adduced reasons for believing 
that the phrase may have been used of the first Ptolemy 
(Soter) and his consort. In the other direction we get no 
result. Queen Anne’s Mansions tower to-day over St. 
James’ Park; and Queen Anne (like St. James) is dead. 
If we could be certain that Stobaeus took over the citations 
of Herodes in his anthology from the old Cercidean 
anthology, we could be quite certain of a date before 
240 B.c. 



his subject. Mime I. is no more, or less, realistic 
than the Middle or New Comedy: Mime 11. 
is sheer parody—which is very different. 
Mimes III., IV., V. and VI. have a sort of realism 
due to their being borrowed from the mime of 
Sophron.t Mime VII. is a scene out of Middle 
Comedy. Mime VIII. is a purely personal—even 
sentimental fantasy. The treatment is, as literary 
drama, magnificent: and may even be compared 
favourably with that of Lucian. whose methods in 
his dialogues are exactly parallel. Where Herodes 
suffers is in his Alexandrine mannerisms. 
He must at all costs be bookish and re- 
moved wholly from common life and common idiom. 
Apart from his subjects (dubious, perhaps, but artist- 
ically well-chosen) and his skilful miniature-work, 
his whole idea is obscurantist. Lucian, it is true, 
makes his hussies speak in pure Attic : but that was 
intelligible and familiar to his literary audience. 
Herodes’ whole process is one of distortion. The 
vocabulary is taken from the Attic drama. The 
structure of the sentence is Attic. Over this is laid 
a thick coating of Ionic forms taken perhaps largely 
from corrupt mss of Hipponax. His metre is the 
more or less loose metre of Attic tragedy, not of 
old Ionic: with variations and licences introduced 
arbitrarily. Even so Herodes’ metrical talent is 
too small for his task. He is compelled to mix 
Attic and Ionic forms to suit his metre. A passion 
for alliteration has the same distressing result. Even 
with all these loosenesses his metrical ability is 

His art 

His style 

1 At the same time it must be noticed that in IV. we have 
serious art criticism, not the sillinesses of the poor woman who 
is supposed to be speaking. 



at fault: and he is compelled constantly to distort 
sentences in such a manner that all illusion of real 
conversation is lost—still more all illusion of the plain 
simple tongue of vulgar folk. Where we might ex- 
pect plain speech, we find a mass of literary allusions 
with difficulty woven into an unmetrical metre by 
the medium of an unreal, unstable and imaginary 
dialect. When Sappho wrote she turned the speech 
of those about her into poetry of beauty: when 
Herodes wrote he took the stuff of literature and 
converted it into a thing of ugliness.1 

1 The question of criticism of Herodes may be put very 
briefly. (a) The huge notes of Walter Headlam clearly re- 
veal the numerous literary sources which Herodes employs. 
(5) But the negative argument which Headlam never ex- 
pressed is far stronger. All Greek writers who took their 
language from the spoken language of one city used an 
exact and unyarying dialect. When Herodes, as in IV. 
72 sqq., uses the variant forms κεῖνος and ἐκείνου in one 
sentence spoken by one uneducated person he is using an 
imaginary and unreal language. And this instance is only 
one of athousand. Inreal language, for example, ‘ doubtful 
quantities’ do not occur. Where then a word-architect is 
so utterly careless in the choice of his main materials— 
where he romances about his words—it is idle to pay any 
attention to his facts. Archaeology has its uses in dis- 
covering the latest date at which he can have written: it 
has still failed to discover ἡ τύραννος of Ephesus and solve 
many other problems. But it will never convince anyone 
who has studied the regularities of the Attic comedians or 
many early poets that we have anything but a centoist 
littérateur writing for effect and with no eye on accuracy of 
speech, facts or details. Just as we know that Herodes’ 
Ephesian boots came out of an Athenian bootmaker’s, so at 
any moment his coins, statues, feasts, chronology or topo- 
graphy may be Attic or Ionic rather than Coan, or again 
Attic or Coan rather than Ionic. If anyone seriously be- 
lieves Herodes to be a painter from life they must first make 
his speech realistic : expel ali doubtful syllables, standardize 



When Menander writes we can see an Athenian 
speaking plain and natural Attic. When Herodes 
writes we see an alleged Coan speaking in 
an Ionic dialect with many Attic phrases, 
and his sayings twisted into a clumsy 
metre. When Herodes tries to hint at a vulgarism 
he fails grotesquely. His proverbs are often mis- 
applied : and from misunderstanding of the proverb- 
dictionary (such as had been collected by Aristotle, 
Theophrast and doubtless others) he either inserts 
words belonging to the dictionary, as ὁμοίως * τὸν 
σίδηρον τρώγουσιν,᾽ and (μὴ) πρός ams (? καὶ πρός γε) 
“κυσός᾿ φησὶ “χὠ τάπης, or omits words quite 
essential to the phrase as belonging to the explana- 
tion—e.g. in κατὰ μυὸς ὄλεθρον he appears to divide 
κατὰ uude: ὄλεθρον. Quite impossible, in vulgar 
mouths, are such contortions as ἀλλὰ μὴ βροντέων 
αὐτὸς ov τρέψῃς μέζον ἐς φυγὴν ἡμέας, φέρειν ὅσας av 
. . . σθένῃ and the like. 

Such points are important when we consider the 
question of Herodes’ home, and the period of his 


his use of elisions, of_v ἐφελκυστικόν, insist that he should 
always write fav (or éav)—not just as suits his metre, rule 
out (as Meister did) all Attic forms, cut out all construc- 
tions that savour too much of Attic, and rewrite the Coan 
mimes in a Dorian dialect. When this task is completed 
they can prove that Herodes’ borrowings from previous 
authors (unread by Coan schoolboys and bawds) are really 
pure coincidences. Then we shall consider their claims 
seriously. There is no evidence whatever of influence of 
the Κοινή, and the one Alexandrinism πάλι is probably a 

1 This, I think, is the solution of these strange difficulties : 
in my text and translation I have made the minimum 
corrections which give any sort of sense. 



writing. As to the first we may have his own word for 
it that he was Athenian; for the only clue 
in Mime VIII. is where he says ‘ as we do 
at the Dionysia’; and the rite described is one which 
in all literature is associated with the Athenian villages 
alone.t_ He may have visited Cos (Mimes I.-IV.): 
perhaps he was familiar with Ephesus (V.-VII.). In 
either case there were literary reasons for placing 
his scenes at the homes of Philetas or Hipponax. It 
is not impossible that he may have lived at Ephesus, 
since in the Coan mime IV. he is careful to call the 
nomad Apelles an Ephesian. But his actual home 
is a matter of no moment whatever; though one 
would like to think that Mime II. was taken from a 
dull day’s duty in the Attic courts, literary evidence 
is conclusive that it is mere parody of orators wholly 
or partially accessible to us. What is important to 
notice is that among the writers of the third century 
who used this metre, hardly any are pure Alex- 
andrines. There is a far closer connexion with 
Attica. Phoenix is the friend of writers of Attic 
comedy.” Aeschrion defends a lady of Athenian 
ill-fame against an Athenian attack. Moschine, an 
Athenian lady (Philologus, \xxxi. p. 247), used this 
metre. Even the use of the metre for the short poem 
may be due less to Alexandrine canons than to the 
practice of Hipponax. Only the use of an old form 
for new ideas remains typically Alexandrine. Cerci- 
das is a Megapolitan and follower (presumably) of 
Ananius. So we are left only with Callimachus, 
whose protests seem to be directed against the 
Atticism of Hipponax’ followers. 

1 The Ptolemies introduced Attic rites into Alexandria: 
but climatic data preclude an Alexandrian scene. 

2 If the view given on p. xvii is right. 



The popularity of this metre in the first three 
centuries a.p.!—extending even to the discovery of 
Herodes whom his contemporaries failed 
to notice—is perhaps partly due to its 
use by Roman poets. We have (besides 
Babrius) a few epigrams in quite vulgar style. Again, 
the choliambic metre, still more the second half of 
the verse, was commonly used in proverbs: and 
collectors tended to twist well-known quotations into 
this form. On the other hand these were again 
likely to degenerate into pure iambics; and it is 
quite unsafe to take any of these as belonging even 
probably to early writers. 

Hipponax perished save as a quarry for the 
lexicographer and the pedant-poet. Herodes and 
Phoenix were barely known and _ little 
read. The paltry verses of pseudo- 

ercidas were known only from their 
position at the head of a school-thumbed Anthology. 
Callimachus’ Jambi are the least quoted, and now 
probably the least read of his works. Babrius’ fables 
alone attained a wide public. But those who think of 
Greek writers as exclusively ‘ classics,’ and ἡ classics ’ 
as necessarily ‘ high-brow,’ and vaguely picture a 
cultured antiquity which read the private speeches 
of Demosthenes without fear of impositions, or the 
Electra of Sophocles except at the risk of the birch, 
should study carefully the doggerel which is the 
basis of at least one-third of the pseudo-Callisthenic 
life of Alexander. For these are surely the worst 
verses, in every respect except that of metre, that 


The Life of 

1 From 230 z.c. to about a.p. 100 there is a total eclipse 
of the metre. The revival is due to the popularity of the 
metre in Latin. 



were ever written: bereft of humour, pathos, sense, 
truth, style and elegance. Despite considerable 
efforts I have been unable in my translation to 
avoid flattering them. Yet the work which was 
based on them, the lire of Alexander, was edited 
and re-edited again and again by the Greeks : there 
was even a rendering into Byzantine politic verse. 
There was a popular Latin version. The Armenian 
read a literal translation of the doggerel. Persian 
and Syrian, Arabian and Ethiopian knew the book 
in their own tongue. Early manuscripts of the more 
popular recensions, unread and uncollated, litter the 
libraries of Europe. Possessing no other quality 
except that they were easy to read, they had a 
circulation comparable with that of a modern novel. 
It is not inconceivable that these rhetorical inepti- 
tudes and childish fables between the third and 
twelfth centuries a.p. reached a public as large as 
that which was attained by any other book except 
those of the New Testament. 

1 For references see Kroll, Introd. p. x. 




One difficulty in the study of Hipponax is the 
question of authenticity. Early editions usually 
contained a number of ᾿ Hipponactean’ verses of 
various length and rhythms having little but this in 
common that the final foot was a spondee (—-) or 
atrochee. But the various metrists who quote these 
do not profess that they come from the works of 
Hipponax, and Bergk (P.L.G.*) though giving the 
majority of them with asterisks rejected one as 
‘obviously a mere invention!’ (p. 491) χαῖρ ὦ σὺ 
Λεσβικὰ Σαπφώ, and EK. Diehl in his Anthologia 
Lyrica rightly follows Biicheler in omitting many 
more. For the sake of completeness I give the 
fragments in the order and with the numeration of 
Bgk.*, but without reference : 

(1 inc.) *89 “Ἑρμῆ μάκαρ, κάτυπνον οἶδας ἐγρήσσειν 
(so ten Brink): “‘Blest Hermes to awake sleepers 

90 εἴ μοι γένοιτο παρθένος καλή τε καὶ τέρεινα. 
This verse is actually called τοῦ Ἱππώνακτος 
(Hephaest. 30 al.): but there can be little doubt 
that this is a slip for “ἱππωνάκτείον. 

*91 ὁ Κιθαιρὼν Λυδίοισιν ev χοροῖσι Βακχῶν (so 

1 But ten Brink may be right in attributing it to Diphilus’ 
play in which Hipponax was a character. 




¥92 καὶ κνίσῃ Tuva θυμιήσας. 

*93 ο ecol Ta λοινὰ TANTGACIO ὅοντες (Plotius 280) : 
it is not worth attempting to find an acceptable 
reading for this or for 

04. micHnnacantec (Plotius 293). Neither give as 
they stand the metre which Plotius professes to 
illustrate. Bk. rightly rejects them. 

To these may be added without hesitation the 
example of the ordinary choliambus given by Plotius 
and Juba (ap. Rufin de Metr. Com. p. 386) : 

18 ἀκούσατ' “Ixrdvaxtos οὐ yap ἀλλ᾽ ἥκω. For we 
know that this is the first verse of Callimachus’ iambi. 
Callimachus perhaps imitates Phoenix fr. 1. 15: 
but οὐ yap ἀλλά though an Atticism is common in the 
later choliambists. Clearly it could not have been 
used by Hipponax. See Callim. fr. 92 Schneider. 
It is never attributed to Hipponax. 

With this Bergk gives (2 Inc.) ὦ KAaopevor, 
Βούπαλος KATEINE OY KGeHINE, 6.9. Te κἄθηνις (Bek.) : 
“Ye Clazomenians, Bupalus (and Athenis’). It 
is quite possible that this verse is by Hipponax : 
but the reading is wholly uncertain and it may well 
be that Putsch the editor of Plotius was right in 
supposing it to be a mere variant of Hippon. 7). 
11. (Bgk.*) ὡς οἱ μὲν ayet Βουπάλῳ κατηρῶντο. It is 
quite possible that the two verses quoted by Rufinus 
both come (as Bergk thought) from the same poet, 
but that this poet is Callimachus. 

Callimachus in his iambi professedly follows 
Hipponax, saying that all those who wish to write 
‘lame’ iambi must beg light from Ephesus. And 
this would justify us if there were no evidence to the 
contrary in supposing that in simple details the model 
is the same as the copy. Now Callimachus rigorously 

M 3 


avoids the spondee (— -) in the fifth foot, and besides 
this we have the direct testimony of Tzetzes and 
others. If, therefore, it is true that Hipponax too 
did so, Hephaestion the metrist when he was seeking 
for an example of the spondee in the fifth foot would 
have gone elsewhere; and we need not allow our 
judgement to be influenced by the anonymous cita- 
tion (Bgk. 48* : Hephaest. 31. Inc. 3) εἰς ἀκρὸν ἕλκων 
ὥσπερ ἀλλᾶντα ψύχων (1. ψήχων: ‘as one that strokes 
a sausage, drew tipward’)—the more so as ὥσπερ is 
doubtful in early Ionic. The writer may be Herodes 
since it is easy to take the words zm malam partem. 
No such disability attaches to the other example 
quoted of the long fifth foot in Plotius (273) (Bgk. 44: 
Inc. 4) avaf.os (1. ἀνὰ dptos: Simmias fr. 20, 15 
(so Powell), Lyr. Adesp. 7, p. 185 in Powell’s Col- 
lectanea Alexandrina) πλάνητι προσπταίων κώλῳ, 
“stumbling about thé dell with leg errant’; and 
the example might be a mere mistake since the 
syllable πταῖ- might be short. Quite possibly it is 
from another writer: indeed it would be very 
attractive to place it after v. 67 of Herodes’ Mime 
VIII. In fact it will be found on examination that 
no satisfactory instance of a certain spondee in the 
fifth foot occurs except in proper names: for a fuller 
discussion see elsewhere. There is yet another 
violation of Porson’s law, this time as applied to 
the beginning of a trochaic tetrameter in fr. 78* 
(Hephaest. 34: Inc. 5), Mytpotipw) δηὖτέ pe χρὴ τῷ 
σκότῳ δικάζεσθαι, ‘with Metrotimus runagate must 

1 The flaw could be removed by reading Myrpétiwe : and 
it would be strange were the runaway to possess such an 
honourable name. 



I to law once more,’ and it may be noticéd that 
this is again from the metrist Hephaestion (p. 34) : 
though ὁ σκότος (tenebrio Meineke) is, it is true, 
found in an authentic fragment of Hipponax (51 
Bek.‘). It is probably actually from Hipponax, but 
may need alteration. With some misgivings I have 
included certain anonymous citations (e.g. 61 Bgk.), 
since this is attributed to ‘ one of the old iambists ’ 
by grammarians: and it is certain that many gram- 
marians had easy access to copies of Hipponax’ 
works and cared little for other writers in this metre. 
But for them we should have little or no accurate 
knowledge of what the poet did write. 

It might be supposed that three citations in the 
anthologist Stobaeus might help us. For what he has 
preserved for us is, as far as text goes, fairly good. 
But by some singular and unfortunate accident all 
the passages which he attributes to Hipponax are 
from other authors. As to two of these no serious 
doubt exists. One is in a plain iambic metre of a 
type at this time certainly non-existent. It runs 
(Stobaeus Ixxii. 5 : 72 Bgk., who agrees with Meineke 
in attributing it to Hippothoon) : 

Γάμος κράτιστός ἐστιν ἀνδρὶ σώφρονι 
τρόπον γυναικὸς χρηστὸν ἔνδον λαμβάνειν" 
αὕτη γὰρ ἡ προὶξ οἰκίαν σώζει μόνη. 

ὅστις δὲ trpupast τὴν γυναῖκ᾽ ἄγει λαβών 
συνεργὸν οὗτος ἀντὶ δεσποίνης ἔχει, 
εὔνουν, βεβαίαν εἰς ἅπαντα τὸν βίον. 

Inv. 2 Haupt suggested ἔδνον. Inv. 4if τρυφῶσαν 
be read we must, of course, assume with Meineke a 

1 Better ἀτρύφερον perhaps. The first four verses all 
contain rhythms impossible in any early Ionic writer. 



hiatus, perhaps even allot the last two verses to 
another author, and the sense is: 

Best marriage is it for a prudent man 

To take as dower a noble character : 

This bridal gift alone can save the house. 
But whoso takes to wife a spendthrift girl 

He finds a helpmeet, not a mistress stern: 
A kind and true companion to the end.” 

Nor has another of Stobaeus’ attributions found 
any defenders: Flor. xxix. 42 (Bgk. 28 : Inc. 6) runs: 
χρόνος δὲ φευγέτω σε μηδὲ cis! ἀργός. Apostolius 
the collector of proverbs gives it as Δημώνακτος. 
Style and subject are most akin to [Cercidas]: see 
below. The sense is ‘ Let not one moment pass thee 
by idle.’ A third again seems equally unsound, and 
has, like the foregoing, been generally rejected : 

Δύ᾽ ἡμέραι γυναικός εἰσιν ἥδισταιβ 
ὁτὰν γαμῇ τις κἀκφέρῃ τεθνηκυῖαν (Bgk. 29: Inc. 7), 

‘Two days in life of woman are sweetest, when she 
is wed, and when she is buried.’ These verses in a 
Berlin anthology (P. 9773) recently discovered 
(Berliner Klassiker Texte v. 2. 130) are attributed (the 
lemma is very fragmentary) to... Av...s. Un- 
happily this does not quite remove all doubt. Pro- 
fessor Schubart has very kindly sent me a sketch of 
the traces, pointing out that a is as likely as A. o as 
against v does not seem wholly certain. In the 
jumbling of citations common to all Anthologies it is 
possible that these verses were out of order and 

1 μηδὲ εἷς is Sicilian Doric, borrowed in Attic Comedy. 

Hipponax would have divided μὴ δείς. 
2 Compare Com. Fr. Adesp. p. 1224. 



attributed to τῆς αὐτῆς or τοῦ αὐτοῦ ‘ by the same.’ 
At all events we are justified in leaving it out of 
account in any g generalization we may hope to make. 
But there is one fragment which, though possessing 
far higher claims hoe much eter Bergk included, 
may Be relegated (Inc. 9, Meineke, Anon. 3) perhaps 
to avery late date. It is the history of Hipponax’ 
discovery of the choliamb which I give from schol. 
Heph. p. 214 (C.: for other references see Leutsch 
and Schneidewin on Apostolius, viii. 59): . . . ἢ ἀπὸ 
γραός τινος ee ᾿καλουμέν nS ἡ πλοῦτον συντυχὼν 
ὁ Ἱππῶναξ καὶ ἁψάμενος τῆς σκάφης ἐφ᾽ ἧς ἔπλυνεν 
ἡ γραῦς τὰ ἔρια ἤκουσε λεγούσης 

Ανθρωπ’ ἄπελθε: τὴν σκάφην ἀνατρέπεις 

(read -τρέψεις, Tricha p.9 Herm.). ‘ Another deriva- 
tion of the word iambus is from an old woman named 
Iambé who was washing clothes when Hipponax came 
along. He touched the wash-tub in which she was 
washing her woollen clothes, and was met with: 

Hence sir! you'll overbalance my wash-tub.’ 

To conclude the list of false fragments Suidas attri- 
butes to Hipponax the verse rightly assigned by 
Meineke to Aristocles (Choerobose. in E.M. 376. 21 
says Aristotle). 

Une. 10) εὐνοῦχος ὧν καὶ δοῦλος ἦρχεν “Hpptas. 
The iota is short (Choerob.) and the fragment need 
not delay us. 

But perhaps even greater difficulties attach to those 
citations, whose genuineness are undoubted, but 
which are given by the Byzantine grammarian 
Tzetzes. We cannot do better than to examine his 
citations from other authors and select, at hap- 



hazard, a few citations on Lycophron’s Cassandra. 
In his citation (v. 87) of Il. Z 356 εἵνεκ᾽ ἐμεῖο κυνὸς 
κακομηχάνου the last word really belongs to v. 344 
(κυν. kax.), two quotations having been boiled down 
into one. 

On v. 39 he quotes ἀνήκεστον λάβεν ἄλγος as av. 
ἄλγος ἔλαχεν which sheds a curious light on some of 
the metrical irregularities in his citations of Hipp. 

Often his citations are mere rephrasings. On v. 
1τῦ. Pindar’ 5 verse (Pyth. iv. 436), ὦ ὃς πάχει μάκει τε 
7 πεντηκόντορον ναῦ ν κρατεῖ appears as ὅσον π. ναῦς 
μάκει τε πάχει τε. Just above the same poem v. 175 
is quoted with two words transposed. 

On v. 209 Euripides’ verse (Bacch. 920) is given as 
καὶ πρόσθε μὲν ἡγεῖσθαι δοκεῖ : Eur. wrote καὶ ταῦρος 
ἡμῖν πρόσθεν ἡγεῖσθαι δοκεῖς, 

On 219-222 Aratus’ verses, vv. 257-8 and 261-4, 
are run together and 261 is filled out from .. . ἑπτὰ 
δὲ κεῖναι to ἑπτᾶ δή τοι ταίγε (from 257). 

In the very next citation from the first verses of 
the Lithica, ὀΐζυος ἀτρεκὲς ἄλκαρ is cited as ὁ. ἄλκαρ 

These verses are selected out of the few citations 
on Lycophron, 1-225. They are probably due to 
errors of memory or bad writing clumsily corrected. 
Another source of error was a habit of glossing, on 
the part of Tzetzes, as probably as of his copyists. 
Thus in citing (J.c.) Pind. P. iv. 149 over ἀταρβάκτοιο 
he wrote ἀφόβου, which duly appears in two codd. as 
ἀτὰρ ἀφόβου βάκτοιο. On v.176 he cites a fragment 
of Hesiod, in which the reading we know from other 
sources to be τέκεν Αἰακὸν. Unfortunately he wrote 
(how inanely) υἱὸν over Αἰακὸν. So one ms has 
τέτοκεν υἱὸν, another τέκεν Αἰακὸν Αἰακὸν, and two 



leave out Αἰακὸν altogether. But the most striking 
verse in the narrow limits to which I have confined 
myself is Ap. Rhod. i. 755 τὸν δὲ μεταδρομάδην ἐπὶ 
Μυρτίλος ἤλασεν ἵππους, which appears (on v. 157) as 
τῷ δ᾽ ext Μυρτίλος (-w) ἐκ στήθους γράφων ἤλασεν 
ἵππους. As we havea true text we can see that three 
words are parenthetical. But it is pertinent to ask, 
when we have no other text, how much of our 
Hipponax, as editors present it, is really a compound 
of glosses and parentheses. At any rate when a 
reading is on two or three accounts unsatisfactory, it 
is in the highest degree absurd to be satisfied with 
tinkering at two or three points. We can never be 
remotely certain of the cause of error. It is clear 
that in few, if any, of the cases above cited could 
the original have been restored with the smallest 
degree of certainty. 

There is one hope, although I fear a slight one. It 
might be that in all these cases Tz., who had pre- 
sumably no text of Hipp., always copied direct from 
the source: that is, from older scholia on Lycophron. 
Up to a point that is true. But these scholia were 
no doubt cramped and corrupt. Tzetzes had read 
them, but by no means always did he copy them 
where they belonged.t_ He was far too cunning and 
spread his citations over a wide area. Only too often 
it may be feared he quoted ἐκ στήθους, from memory. 
Only too often the junctures are invented and words 
are repeated to fill the gaps in his mnemonic exer- 
cises. As he had little metrical ear of his own he 
often transfers the order of words and gives merely 

1 All quotations including the word πάλμυς are pre- 
sumably from one source: yet examine and see how 
they are scattered. 



a rough notion of what the author conveyed. With 
these facts in view we clearly cannot, if we are 
honest, profess where there is a small difficulty to 
recover the true text. Such corrections as seem to 
me absolutely necessary for the sense I give in the 
text, but for the most part we must never suppose 
that we possess more than an outside chance of 
recovering the truth. 

For our other resources are slight. Aristophanes, 
we are told, and certainly Callimachus and Herodes, 
imitated him. But with writers of such genius we 
cannot hope to disentangle whole phrases. There 
is a profusion of words in Hesychius’ dictionary : 
but unfortunately the ms of Hipp. from which some 
previous Alexandrine scholars took the words was 
hopelessly corrupt: and the errors have grown in 
transit. Test this where we have a sound text: 
what can be made of διοπληητα : ἰσχυροπλήκτην ? 

Our finest sources, the Etymologica, taking from 
far older scholars, are liable to the corruption of 
centuries. Erotian does not quote by verse or pre- 
serve the order of the original but subordinates 
everything to medical interest. Despite the poor 
character, in parts at least, of our mss of Athenaeus, 
we might hope much from him. Yet here we are 
faced by astrange but significant fact. Two citations 
are admittedly *second- hand, one from a critic of 
Timaeus and one from a work on the (chol)iambo- 
graphers: a third which gives two (really three) 
passages is clearly from the same source since it 
compares a use (of πέλλα) in Hipp. and Phoenix : 
another is quoted with a parallel from Ananius (fr. 
18: see however p. 85): a fifth is more probably 
from Attic comedy: and we may take leave to 



doubt the directness of a sixth! which is usually 
connected with the second. That so voluminous a 
reader should derive at second hand seems to show 
that mss of Hipponax at his time were non-existent 
or unprocurable. Plutarch appears to have had no 
general knowledge of his works. Of other sources 
Stobaeus the anthologist gives, as stated, extracts 
none of which can conceivably be by Hipp.: and we 
are left perhaps with a dozen verses. 

To decide questions of dialect and metre on such 
evidence is clearly difficult, but fortunately we have 
better authority. Callimachus openly professes that 
in his iambic he copies the metre of Hipponax : 
Hephaestion, far our best metrical authority, allows 
him great regularity : and even Tzetzes, who disputes 
Hephaestion’s rulings, can find no evidence against 
them worth the name. ‘The solitary dissentient voice 
is that of a certain Heliodorus whose total incapacity 
may be judged by such of his criticisms on other 
authors as Priscian quotes. 

It is impossible here to enter into an elaborate 
inquiry. Elsewhere I shall show (a) that the early 
iambus is the most strict of all metres, (ὁ) that of 
choliambie writers Hipponax alone observes all its 
laws in a majority of his verses, (c) that of the minority 
of verses a large minority are wholly unmetrical on 
any standard, and, therefore (d) that having cast out 
these verses we should not hesitate to remove also 
the small minority of cases in which Hipponax appears 
to use licences or metrical contrivances not found in 

1 There are three single citations, not included in this 
collection. One comes to Athenaeus via Pamphilus (Bgk. 
135), another via Hermippus (Bgk. 136), and the third (97) 
from Theophrast (p. 87). 



other Ionic poets. It is far easier to hold the hypo- 
thesis that Hipponax was wholly indifferent to metre 
than to hold that he foresaw and forestalled con- 
trivances and metres used by Attic poets: especially 
as during a third of the long time between Hipponax 
and Tzetzes these licences and contrivances were pre- 
cisely those which were most likely to creepin. Only 
after about a.D. 300 is there a probability of corrup- 
tions which offend any metrical canon of the iambus. 
As we find on close examination! that Hipponax 

obeys subtle rhythmic tests ; that,except on the direct 
statement of metrists whose conclusions in eight cases 
out of ten are mistaken, his rhythm is regularity itself; 
that he is wholly consistent in his usage of dialectal 
forms ; and above all that Callimachus in his carefully 
restricted iambi openly claims to copy the example 
of Ephesus, we may at least be pardoned if we prefer 
the testimony of the poet-scholar of the third century 
B.c. to the ignorant σχολαστικοί of the twelfth or 
twentieth century a.p. For,as we have said, in read- 
ing a text of Hipponax over the second class of cita- 
tions we are in a curious position: there is no evidence 
that Tzetzes was successful in disentangling the text 
of Hipponax from the comments of the scholiast. In 
Jr. 68. 6 one might even suppose a predecessor took 
the comment for text: in fr. 61 Tzetzes is prob- 
ably the culprit: while to complete the chain we 
may quote the text of Hipponax as elicited from 
Tzetzes by John Potter (fr. 59). 

δὸς χλαῖναν σφύκτουριν Ἱππώνακτι 

καὶ κυπασσίσκον καὶ σαμβάλικα κἀσκέρικα 

καὶ χρυσοῦ μοι στατῆρας ἑξήκοντα 

τοῦ νερτέρου τοίχου. 

1 See my notes Journal Camb. Ph. S. 1927 p. xii. 


This was precisely the way in which some ancient 
scholars like the unreliable ‘Heliodorus metricus’ 
picked out the text for their metrical criticisms of 
Hipponax’ versification. The sane critic will place 
as little trust in the discrimination of the pedants of 
Constantinople as in that of the future Archbishop 
who was probably a finer Greek scholar. For 
Tzetzes’ metrical criticism, when we may suspect him 
of writing at first hand, is exceedingly poor. On 
Lycophron 167 he says that ‘ony is right whether 
short or long: in the later case it has merely πάθος 
τὸ λεγόμενον χωλίαμβον  Υοὐ it is, in the main, on 
the evidence of Tzetzes and on his ability to form an 
edition of fragments out of obscure and cramped 
scholia that Hipponax’ work is commonly judged. 

In closing a long and dull preface some apology for 
its length a dullness i is necessary. But it is mani- 
fest that it is wholly impossible to judge of the aims or 
methods of the later writers who revived this metre 
unless we have a vague notion of its original character. 

[P.S.—Much of what has been written above has 
been rendered superfluous by the discovery of a 
papyrus fragment printed on pp. 62-63. The thesis 
of the previous pages that Hipponax was neither an 
anticipator of metrical licenses used first in the Attic 
Tragic or Comic Drama, nor an incompetent versifier, 
is now established beyond the necessity of argument. 
As all readers of early Greek poetry, for instance 
of Sappho and Alcaeus, know, “ the only correct pro- 
cedure is to approach the quotations by way of the book 
texts.” Unfortunately this course has not been open 
tome. Above all we see that there is no similarity 
between the metres of Hipponax and Herodes. | 





22 Ψ. > / A ΄- 
133 τίς ὀμφαλητόμος σε τὸν διοπλῆγα 
ἔψησε κἀπέλουσεν ἀσκαρίζοντα. 
(Et. Vat. ed. Reitz., Ind. Lect. Rost. 1890-91, p.7. E.M. 

154. 27 ἀσκαρίζειν᾽ σημαίνει τὸ κινεῖσθαι ᾿Ἱππῶναξ (v. 2). 
Hesych. ὀμφαλητόμος᾽ μαῖα. διοπλήητα᾽ ἰσχυροπλήκτην cft. 

2,, δοκέων texrtivov τῇ βα[κ]τηρίῃ κόψαι. . . 
3,4 ἡμίεκτον αἰτεῖ τοῦ φάλεω κολαψίαιεῖ 

(Choerobose. Exeg. in Hephaest. xlviii. 6 (τὰ ἄφωνα) 
εὑρέθη ποιοῦντα σπανίως κοινὴν ἐν αὐτοῖς τὸ TT καὶ τὸ KT, οἷον 

. παρὰ Ἱππώνακτι ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ ἰάμβων (2) καὶ πάλιν παρὰ 
τῷ αὐτῷ (3).) 

1 The upper number 33 is that of the last edition of 
Bergk’s Poetae Lyrici Graeci; the lower, of Diehl’s Anth. 
Lyrica. v. 1. -λιτομος cod. 

2 1. r (δ᾽) éxe. I doubt whether either illustration is really 
sound. If Hippon. wrote βακτηρίῃ (-ᾳ ms), so must Herodes 
have done (viii. 60): and our choice lies between the two 
traditions asto Hipponax’ text. 3 ἡμίεκτον may scan ἥμψεκτον. 
If φάλης (-ew) Ξε φαλῆς (-fjros) as Θαλῆς (-ῆτος, -ew), we might 
correct to κολάψασα, ‘exsucta mentula,’ or place a note of 
interrogation after aire? and read κολάψαι we. One cod. of 
Choerob. has ἐν τῷ τρόπῳ ἴαμβον : corr. Hoffmann. 




1 What navel snipstress! wiped you, dolt blasted, 
And, as you hoofed around yourself, washed you. 

(‘ Hoofing around’ means ‘struggling.’ Hipp. Etymol. 
Nayel-snipstress’: midwife, Hesych. * Blasted,’ strength- 

2 Thinking *twas him I smote with my cudgel. 

3 She asks eight obols for her tongue’s service.” 

(Mute consonants seldom allow the preceding syllable to 
be of doubtful quantity in the case of pt and kt; eg... 

Hipponaz has bakteriai in his first book of Iambi (2)... So 

too the same writer has Hemiekton(3). Choeroboscus.) 

1 Midwife. Such allusions were the height of bad 
manners. So presumably Theophrast’s ἀηδής asks (xx. 7) 
εἶπ᾽ ὦ μάμμη ὅτ᾽ w@dwes καὶ ἔτικτές με τίς ἡ μαῖα (for ἡμέραν) ; 
Hesych’s second explanation is corrupt. The real meaning 
is ἐμβρόντητος, * dunderhead.’ 

2 Videor mihi fata Aretes videre quae ‘nunc in quadriviis 
et angiportis glubit magnanimi Remi nepotes.’ 



38 3 / , Ξ Ε] A io ΕῚ “ 
418 ἐκ πελλίδος πίνοντες οὐ γὰρ ἦν αὐτῇ 
κύλιξ' ὁ παῖς γὰρ ἐμπεσὼν κατήραξεν. 

535 ἐκ δὲ τῆς πέλλης 
ἔπινον ἄλλοτ᾽ αὐτός, ἀλλοτ᾽ ᾿Αρήτη 

(Ath. xi. 495 ας πέλλα᾽ ἀγγεῖον σκυφοειδές, πυθμένα ἔχον 
πλατύτερον εἰς ὃ ἤμελγον τὸ γάλα... τοῦτο δὲ ‘Imm. λέγει 
πελλίδα (4), δῆλον, οἶμαι, ποιῶν ὅτι ποτήριον μὲν οὐκ ἢν, δι᾿ 
ἀπορίαν δὲ κύλικος ἐχρῶντο τῇ πελλίδι. καὶ πάλιν (ὅ). Φοῖνιξ 
δὲ. Κλείταρχος πελλητῆρα μὲν καλεῖν Θεσσάλους καὶ Αἰολεῖς 
τὸν ἀμολγέα πέλλαν δὲ τὸ ποτήριον. Φιλητᾶς δὲ ἐν ᾿Ατακτοῖς 
τὴν κύλικα Βοιωτούς.) 

40 ὃ - \ λ , 3 , , 
Gris σπονοῇ TE και σπλαγχνοίισιν ayplis χοιρου 

(Ath. ix. 375 ¢ χοῖρον δὲ οἱ “Iwves καλοῦσι τὴν θήλειαν ὡς 
‘Imm. ἐν <a’> (6).) 

41 / A \ ta 
lai βακκάρει δὲ Tas ῥῖνας 


(Ath. xv. 690 a παρὰ πολλοῖς δὲ τῶν κωμῳδοποιῶν ὀνομάζεταί 
τι μύρον βάκκαρις᾽ οὗ μνημονεύει καὶ Ἱππῶναξ διὰ τούτων (7). 
ἐσθ᾽ οἵη περ κρόκος.) 


(Herodian ii. 301 (Choerobose. i. 280. 31) ὅτι δὲ καὶ τοῦ 
τάλας τάλαντος ἣν ἡ γενική, δηλοῖ ὁ Ἵππ. εἰπὼν (8).) 


/ ~ / / / 
τί τῷ τάλαντι Βουπάλῳ συνοίκησας; 

1 v.l. αὐτοῖς. So Eust. 1561. 37. 
2 Perhaps ᾿Αρήτῃ προὔπινον should be read, or ἔπινεν 
. ᾿Αρήτῃ (Schnw.). I have adopted the former for 

purposes of translation. 

6 ἀγρίας codd. (em. by Bgk.: <a’> ins. id.). 

7 ἐσθ᾽ οἵη περ κρόκος] cod. E ἐστὶ 6. Both are corrupt. 
The words probably belong to Ath., not Hipp. 

8 συνῴκησας plerique codd. 




4 Drank from a paillet : she had no tumbler: 
Her slave had fallen on it and smashed it. 
5 Now myself 
I drank out of the paii, now Aréte 
Had from me what I left. 

(‘ Pail’ means a vessel shaped like a drinking-cup with 
a rather broad bottom into which they used to milk. . . 
Hipponaz calls this paillet (4); and what he says shows 
clearly that they had no cup, but in the absence of a tumbler 
used the pail. And again (5). But Phoenix. . Cleit- 
archus says that the Thessalians and Aeolians spoke of the 
milking utensil as a ‘ paillier’ but of the cup as * pail.’ 
Philetas in his Stray Notes says that the Boeotians gave the 
name ‘ pail’ to the tumbler. Athenaeus.) 

6 With drink offerings and a she-boar’s entrails 

(‘ Boar’ was used of the female by the Ionians. Hipponax 
Book I. (6). Athenaeus.) 

re With bakkaris nostrils 

(Many of the comedians use the word ‘ bakkaris’ of a 
kind of ointment: Hipponax too mentions it in these words 
(7). It is rather like saffron. Athenaeus.) 

8 Why with rogue Bupalus didst cohabit ? 

( τάλας ᾿ too (like μέλας) has the genitive τάλαντος as is 
clear from Hipponax (8). Herodian.) 



he ἐγὼ δὲ δεξιῷ παρ᾽ ᾿Αρήτην 
κνεφαῖος ἐλθὼν ῥωδιῷ κατηυλίσθην. 

(Herodian ii. 924. 14 λέγεται δὲ (ἐρωδιός) ἔσθ᾽ ὅτε καὶ 
τρισυλλαβῶς ὥσπερ καὶ τὸ παρ᾽ [Ἱππώνακτι (9): id. i. 116. 25, 
ii, 171. 7, 511. 28, #.M. 380. 40) 

1075 κύψασα γάρ μοι πρὸς τὸ λύχνον ᾿Αρήτη 
(Εἰ. Vat. Reitzenstein, Ind. Lect. Rostoch. 1891-2, p. 14 

λύχνος : λέγεται ἀρσενικῶς καὶ οὐδετέρως ὁ λύχνος καὶ τὸ λύχνον" 

Tea '(10).)' 

10B},, λίθινον ἀνδρίαντα 

(Antiatt. Bekk. An. i. 82. 13 ἀνδριάντα τὸν λίθινον ἔφη 

ππ. Βούπαλον τὸν ἀγαλματοποιόν.) 
1122* μακαρς otis - . . Onpever tapyoast. 
So > 
1933" καίτεολιγ᾽ εὔωνον αὐτὸν εἰ θέλεις δώσω. 

15... ἰέκέλευεϊ βάλλειν καὶ λεύειν ᾿ἱππώνακτα. 

(Choerobose. ες. in Hephaest. ὁμοίως καὶ τὴν εὖ εὑρί- 
σκομεν ποιοῦσαν κοινήν, οἷον ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ ᾿Ἰάμβῳ (-ὧν Kal.) 
Ἱππώνακτος, ἔνθα φησί (11), τὴν pev ἐν τετάρτῳ (?) ποδὶ 
συνέστειλε" καὶ πάλιν ὁ αὐτὸς ἐν δευτέρῳ ποδὶ τὴν εὖ (12) εἶτα 
πάλιν ὁ αὐτὸς (13) τὴν Nev ἐν τετάρτῳ ποδί: λεύειν δέ φησιν 
ἀντὶ τοῦ λιθοβολεῖν.) 

9. 1 παρὰ ῥητήρ cod.: em. Schneidewin. 

10 Probably the beginning of a tetrameter. 

11 The Attic μακάριος ὅστις of two mss is clearly false. 
Choeroboscus or his source may be deceived : or e.g. θύρετρα 
of amatory quarries. μακηρ᾽ 6 τις one cod. 

12 ‘him’: since Hipponax appears to use uw of things. 

13 Scan exe Neve, Evwvov, eve, Onpévet. 



9 So I with heron favouring? at nightfall 
Came to Aréte’s dwelling and lodged there. 

(Ἢ ἐρῳδιός ᾿ is sometimes trisyllabic (ῥῳδιός) as Hipponax’ 
saying shows (9). Herodian.) 
10 Facing the lamp stooped to me Aréte 

(λύχνος and λύχνον are both used (masculine and neuter) : 
Hipponaz (10). Etymologicum Vaticanum.) 
10 B Statue of stone 

(Statue of stone was the title given by Hipponax to Bupalus 

the sculptor. An antiatticist in Bekker’s Anecdota.) 

11 Happy is he who hunteth (such quarries). 
12 Yet, if you will, I'll give you him dirt-cheap. 

13 He bade them pelt and stonecast Hipponax. 

(In the same way we find @&, as in the first book of the 
Iambi of Hipponax, where he says (11), he shortens pew 
in the fourth foot ; again he has ev év in the second foot (12) ; 
again (13) Nev in the fourth foot. ‘Stonecast’ is for 
‘stone.’ Choeroboscus.) 

1* On my right*: a favourable omen. 

N 19 


142% μευρδῶντα δὴ Kal σαπρόν 

(Erotian p. 115 σαπρόν : σεσηπότα ὡς ‘Inm. ἐν ἃ ᾿Ιάμβων 

φησί (14).) 
152% ἀκήρατον δὲ τὴν ἀπαρτΐην <io>ryxet 

(Pollux x. 18 τοὔνομα δὲ ἡ ἀπαρτία ἐστὶ μὲν ᾿Τωνικὸν 
ὠνομασμένων οὕτω παρ᾽ αὐτοῖς τῶν κούφων σκευῶν ἅ ἐστι παρ- 
αρτήσασθαι". .. εἰ μέντοι καὶ ἐν βιβλίῳ τινὶ τὴν ἀπ. εὑρεῖν 
ἐθέλοις. .. εὑρήσεις ἔν τε τῷ δευτέρῳ τῶν ᾿Ἱππώνακτος ἰάμβων 
(15) καὶ παρὰ Θεοφράστῳ .. .) 


1624 συκτέλην μέλαιναν ἀμπέλου κασιγνήτην 
(Ath. iii. 78 Ὁ Φερένικος δὲ. . ἀπὸ Συκῆς τῆς ᾿Οξύλου 

θυγατρὸς προσαγορευθῆναι: "Οξυλον γὰρ. .. γεννῆσαι. - - 

ΓΑμπελον, Συκῆν . .. ὅθεν καὶ τὸν Ἵππ. φάναι (16).) 

6 ? > ~ \ Ἃ \ 7 
9 οὔκ aTTayas τε Kat Aayous καταβρύκων, 
ov τηγανίτας σησάμοισι φαρμάσσων, 
οὐδ᾽ ἀττανίτας κηρίοισιν ἐμβάπτων 

(Ath. xiv. 645 ¢ Πάμφιλος δὲ τὸν ἀττανίτην καλούμενον 
ἐπίχυτόν φησι καλεῖσθαι. τοῦ δὲ ἀττανίτου Ἱππῶναξ ἐν τούτοις 
μνημονεύει (17). ix. 588 Ὁ μνημονεύει αὐτῶν (ἀτταγῶν) ‘Inn. 
οὕτως (17. 1). Hesych. ὀμπν[ε]ΐῃ δαιτί ἀντὶ τοῦ πολλῇ.) 

14 μαδῶντα corr. by Stephanus. 

15 ἀπαρτίαν codd.: -inv Bgk. ἔχει codd. 

16 συκῆν codd.: corr. Schnw. Perhaps Aeschriontic. 

17. 1 Ath. 645 ¢ ovxarraste:? ἀτταγέας. In both places 
λαγώς is given: corr. by Meineke. καταβρύκων 645, 
διατρώγων 388b. 2). rnyavias mss: corr. by Casaubon. 
3 οὐκ Meineke, prob. rightly. 



14 Clammy and rotten 
(‘ Rotten’: rotted. Hipp. Book I (14). Erotian.) 

15 Untarnished his appendages keeping 

(The word ‘appendages’ is Ionic, the name applying 
to light articles which may be hung on the belt;.. . if 
you wish for documentary evidence you may go to the 
second book of Hipponax’ Iambi (15) and to Theophrast... 


16 (Ὁ) The fig-tree black, which is the vine’s sister 

(Pherenicus . . says that the word συκῆ came from Suké, 
the daughter of Oxylus; he... . begat . .. . Ampelos 
and Suké ..; hence Hipponax, he says, said (16). 

17 Not partridges and hares galore scrunching, 
Nor flavouring with sesamé pancakes, 
Nor yet with honey drenching fried fritters? 
(Pamphilus speaks of the ‘ fritter’ as a sort of cake. It 
is mentioned by Hipponaz in the following verses (17). 

Of partridges Hipp. speaks as follows (17. 1). Athenaeus. 
Here may belong ‘rich feasting’: for ‘much.’ Hesych.) 

τ See on /r. 75. 


1831 ὁ δ᾽ ἐξολισθὼν ἱκέτευε τὴν κράμβην 
τὴν ἑπτάφυλλον 7 θύεσκε Lavdapy 
αργηλίοισιν ἔγχυτον πρὸ φαρμάκου. 

(Ath. ix. 370a μήποτε δὲ ὁ Νίκανδρος μάντιν κέκληκε τὴν 
κράμβην ἱερὰν οὖσαν, ἐπεὶ καὶ παρ Ἱππώνακτι ἐν τοῖς ἰάμβοις 
ἐστί τι λεγόμενον τοιοῦτον (18). καὶ ᾿Ανάνιος δέ φησιν... .) 

10: καὶ τοὺς σολοίκους, ἢν λάβωσι, περνᾶσι 
re ΄ \ 2 1 3 , 
Φρύγας μὲν ἐς Μίλητον ἀλφιτεύσοντας, 

(Herodian, de Barbarismo et Soloecismo, Valck. Ammon. 
Pp- 193 Σολοίκους δὲ ἔλεγον οἱ παλαιοὶ τοὺς βαρβάρους. ὁ yap 
᾿Ανακρέων φησί... καὶ ᾿Ιππῶναξ (19). στ.]. in Eust. 368. 1.) 

2047 οἴκει δ᾽ ὄπισθεν τῆς πόλζηος ἐν Σμύρνῃ 
μεταξὺ Τρηχέϊι]ης τε καὶ Λέπρης ἀκτῆς. 

(Strabo p. 633 καὶ τόπος δέ τις τῆς ᾿Εφέσου Σμύρνα ἐκαλεῖτο, 
ὡς δηλοῖ Ἵππ. (90). ἐκαλεῖτο yap Λέπρη μὲν ἀκτὴ ὁ πρηὼν ὁ 
ὑπερκείμενος τῆς νῦν πόλεως, ἔχων μέρος τοῦ τείχους αὐτῆς" τὰ 
γοῦν ὄπισθεν τοῦ πρηῶνος κτήματα ἔτι νυνὶ λέγεται ἐν τῇ 
᾿Οπισθολεπρίᾳ᾽ Tpaxeta δ᾽ ἐκαλεῖτο ἡ περὶ τὸν Κορησσὸν 

215° ἔπειτα μάλθῃ τὴν τρόπιν παραχρίσας 

(Harpocrat. p. 123 μάλθη" ὁ μεμαλαγμένος κηρός" “Imm. (21).) 

18. 1 ? ἐξόπισθεν Callim. Jamb. 413 5.υ.1. ? ἱκέτευσε since 
Hrd. seems to shorten ἱκετεύω. But ef. καπηλεύει fr. 70. 
The forms θύεσκε and perhaps ἱκέτευε are not from the 
vernacular, the dialect being made appropriate to the myth. 
3 vv.ll. Oapy-, Vapy-: Tapy- Schnw. 

19. 1 ἵν᾽ ἐθέλουσι Eust. 2 vv.ll. ἀλφιτεύοντας, -σαντας. 

20. 1 ᾧκει codd.: corr. Schnw. and ten Brink. πόλιος 
cod.: corr. Bgk. πρηών also Anton. Lib. xi. 

21 v.l. τρόπην. 



18 So slipping off,’ adjuréd the cabbage, 
The cabbage seven-leaved, which Pandora 
At the Thargelia gave as cake-off ring 
Ere she was victim. 

(We may suggest that Nicander (fr. 85) speaks of the 
“cabbage ’ as ‘ prophetic’ because it is holy since we find 
in the Iambi of Hipponax something of this sort (18). 
And Ananius too says .. . Athenaeus.) 

19 And the soloeci sell, if they take them, 
The Phrygians to Miletus for mill-work, 

(The ancients gave the name soloeci to barbarians. 
Anacreon says. . And Hipponar (19). Herodian (explain- 
ing the origin of the term solecism. ‘The work isnot con- 
sidered authentic).) 

20 Behind the city lived he in Smyrna 
Halfway between Cape Rough and the Crumbles. 

(A part of Ephesus used to be called ‘ Smyrna’ as is clear 
from Hipponazx (20); for the Crumbles was the name given 
to the cape situate above the present city containing a 
part of its wall; the property behind the cape is still 
spoken of as ‘in the Back Crumbles’: ὁ Rough’ was the 
name given to the mountain side round Koressos. Strabo 
(who further tells how Smyrna was founded thence).) 

21 Anon the keel along with grease smearing 

(‘ Grease’: melted wax, Hipponax (21). Harpocration.) 

1%. 1 Presumably off a height. Bergk connects with 
the accident to the slave (fr. 4 above). On the story see 
Schweighiuser. Conceivably the verses are Callimachean. 



2252 καί μιν καλύπτειςς»; μῶν χαραδριὸ : : 
2 ; μῶν χαραδριὸν πέρνης; 
(Schol. Plat. 352 Bekker on Gorg. 494.8 (χαραδριοῦ βίον 
λέγεις of the incontinent man) χαραδριὸς ὄρνις τις ὃς ἅμα τῷ 
ἐσθίειν ἐκκρίνει. εἰς ὃν ἀποβλέψαντες, ὡς λόγος, οἱ ἰκτεριῶντες 
ῥᾷον ἀπαλλάττονται" ὅθεν καὶ ἐγκρύπτουσιν αὐτὸν οἱ πιπράσκοντες 
ἵνα μὴ προῖκα ὠφεληθῶσιν οἱ κάμνοντες, (22) ὥς φησιν ἽἽππ.) 

23°53 ἀλλ᾽ αὐτίκ᾽ ἀλλήλοισιν ἐμβιβάξαντες 
(E.M. 334. 1 Ἀἐμβιβάξαντες : παρ᾽ “Imm. (23) ἀντὶ τοῦ 


2454 κριγὴ δὲ νεκρῶν ἀγγελός τε καὶ κῆρυξ 

(#.M. 539.1 (en κρίκε) καὶ ῥηματικὸν ὄνομα κριγή᾽ ὡς παρὰ 
Ἱππώνακτι (24).) 

253%" ὥμιξεν αἷμα καὶ χολὴν ἐτίλησεν. 
(Ε. Μ. 624. 4. ὀμιχεῖν᾽. ." ἐστὶ δὲ wal . . . ὀμίχω" ὁ μέλλων 

ὀμίξω ὡς παρ᾽ ἽἽππ., οἷον (25).) 

2628 σίφωνι λεπτῷ τοὐπίθζηΣμα τετρήνας 

(Pollux vi. 19 καὶ σίφωνα μέν, ὅτῳ ἐγεύοντο, Ἵππ. 
εἴρηκεν (26).) 

2737 στάζουσιν ἰὥσπερ ἐς τροπήϊονὶ σάκκρος. 

(Pollux x. 75 καὶ ὁ τρύγοιπος καὶ ὁ σάκκος ἐπὶ τοῦ τρυγοίπου 
> 1 ἡ wie ΄ « ΄ 
εἰρημένος, καὶ ὁ ὑλιστήρ. ῖἽππ. δέ φησιν (27).) 

92 Corr. Bgk. μήν for μιν is read in Suid.s.v. and Ar. Av. 
266 schol. πέρας schol. Ar. (Ven.), -νᾶς cett., ws schol. Ar. 

23 Also Zonaras, p. 706 Tittmann. 

94 Also Zonaras, p. 1258 T., An. Ox. i. 968. 19; 
Et. Gud. 347. 27, Choerobose. ii. 590, 657. 

25 Also Zonaras, p. 1451 T., An. Ow. iv. 191. 6 (ὠμηξεν), 
416. 7 (these have ἐτίλλησεν), schol. Hom. E 531. 

26 ἐπίθημα for ἐπίθεμα Welcker. 

27 ὥσπερ ἐκ τροπηΐου Bgk., since (Meineke) the wine goes 
from the vat into the sieve. Better ὥσπερ ῥεῖ τραπηΐου since 
ὥσπερ requires a main verb. σάκος corrected to σάκκος by 
Salmasius. τραπη- should probably be read (Hemsterhuys). 



22 And veilest! it? Sellest thou a bustard ? 

(The ‘ bustard’ is a bird which evacuates while it eats. 
People suffering from jaundice are eased by the sight of it: 
so those who sell it wrap it up to prevent patients from being 
relieved free of cost (22), as Hipp. says. Commentator on 
Plato, Gorgias, 494 8, ‘ life of a bustard.’) 

23 Anon they shrieked aloud to each other, 
(‘ Shriek to’: in Hipponax (23)=‘ yell to.” Htymologi- 

cum Magnum.) 

24 And screech, the ghost-announcer, ghost-herald 

(There is also a noun ἡ screech,’ e.g. in Hipponaz (24). id.) 

25 Bile in his urin, blood in ’s stool brought up. 

(Urine ...; also... urin; Hipponaw (25). (ὀμίχεῖν or 
-ixew: fut. duléw.) id.) 

26 With a thin tube he bored through the stopper. 

(‘ Tube’ used for tasting mentioned in Hipp. (26). Pollux.) 

27 They dribble like a winepress-sieve flowing. 

(And ‘strainer’: and ‘sieve’ in the same sense: and 
‘filter.’ Hipponaw says (27). id.) 

1 Perhaps καλύπτει could be kept as a middle (καλύπτῃ ;) 

if uy is a part of the body. 


285° κἀλειφα “Podivjov ἡδὺ Kat λέκος πυροῦ 

(Pollux, x. 87 ἐν δὲ τοῖς Δημιοπράτοις λέκος εὑρίσκομεν, 
εἰπόντος Ἵππ. (28).) 

2082 πρὸς τὴν μαρίλην τὰς φ.ολῖδας Ἰθερμαίνωνὶ 
οὐ παύεται. 

(Erotian p. 134 hades: ἐστὶ μὲν ἡ λέξις Δωρική, καλοῦσι δὲ 
φῴδας τὰ ἐκ τοῦ πυρὸς γινόμενα μάλιστα δὲ ὅταν ἐκ ψύχους ἐν 
τῷ πυρὶ καθίσωσι στρογγύλα ἐπιφλογίσματα . . .᾿ ὁτὲ δὲ καὶ 
ἐξανθήματα φοινικᾶ οἷον φῷδες περὶ τὸν θώρακά που γινόμενα. 
καὶ ‘Imm. δὲ φησι (29). Tzetzes on Ar. Plut. 535 7a éx 
ψύχους ἐκκαύματα ws καὶ ‘Imm. φησί (v. 1). 

s0e6 κύμινδις ἐν Aavpy 
(Ht. Flor. p. 231 Miller Wélanges Οὐδὸν ἐς λαύρην (Hom. 

x 128). τὴν δημοσίαν ὁδὸν. . .* τινὲς μὲν ὁδὸν ἀπέδοσαν, τινὲς 
δὲ τὸν κοπρῶνα, ws ‘Imm. (30). στολὴ (στόμα Mill.) δὲ λαύρης 
τὴν ἔξοδον τὴν εἰς αὐτήν (x 137). Cf. Hesych. ἑρκανηέντα 
πυλῶνα (Dindorf for ἐρχ-)" τὸν πεπυκνωμένον καὶ συνεχόμενον.) 

3157 ἐν ταμ[ε]ΐῳ τε καὶ χαμευνίῳ γυμνόν 

(Mélanges p. 402 Mill. χαμεύνιον᾽ κραββάτιον καθάπερ καὶ 
παρ᾽ ἽἽππώνακτι (31). p. 307 ‘Imm. ἐν μιῳ τε κτλ. Hesych. 
τάμ{ε]ιον᾽ θάλαμος.) 

28 Ρόδιον 1 conjecture as Ar. Av. 944, where Blaydes’ crit. 
n. is most misleading. See Pape-Benseler 5.0. Ῥόδος. The 
converse error in Poll. vi. 104. ἡδὺ with ῥόδινον appears 
otiose. Scan as Podyor. 

29 See note on opposite page. 

31 The initial trochee may be supported from Herodes 
and is more likely than an initial dactyl, for which there is 
no good pre-Attic evidence. Corr. Hoffm. Ht. Vat. has 
lost several sheets at the end, so that the entry χαμεύνιον is 



28 And Rhodian unguent sweet and a wheat-crock 

(In the Demioprata (Goods Sold by Public Auction) we 
find ‘ crock,’ used by Hipp. (28). id.) 

29 Cease warming at the embers your ehilblains.t 

( Chilblains ’: the word is Doric and applied to the round 
inflammations that result from the fire, especially when 
people sit right in the fire after being out in the cold. . . 
Sometimes it is applied to crimson eruptions in the region 
of the chest. Hipponax says (29). FErotian. Inflammations 
from cold as Hipp. says. Tzetzes’ note on Aristophanes’ 

30 A raven was croaking 
In rear. 

(‘ Passage to the “ rear’? Homer’: the public way . . 

Some explain the word as back-street, others as the privy : 

cf. Hipp. (30).2. Mouth of the ‘rear’ means the exit to it. 

Etymologicum Florentinum. Cf.* Fenced gateway’: narrow- 

set or straitened. Hesychius.) 

31 Lay in a room on pallet-bed naked. 

(‘ Pallet-bed’: a small bed as in Hipp. (31). Didymus 
Areius on Difficult Words in Plato. So Et. Flor.) 

1 A most puzzling quotation. Erotian has τοὺς παῖδας 
for τὰς φωΐδας (Tzetzes); but Hoffmann, who rightly changes 
to φοῖδας, is also right in regarding this as a mere error. 

The verse . . . as | θερμαίνων appears unmetrical. Perhaps 
it is an injunction, ‘up and be doing’: θερμαίνων | π. τ. μ. τ. ps 
οὐ παύσεαι; Sol translate. μαρίλην is also cited as -ίλλαν or 
πίλλην, here and in 39. 
2 Et. Flor. has ἔκρωζεν x. és \. Ht. Vat. Reitz. Lect. Rost., 
1891-2, p. 14, gives the true reading, ἐν λαύρῃ. 


3965 tA > a , , a 
ὁπ. Kal νὺυν GpEela GUKWOV με ποιῆσαι. 

(Et. Flor. p. 41 Mill. ἀρειῶ: τὸ ἀπειλῶ ὡς παρ᾽ ‘Inn. 
(39): τουτεστὶν ἀπειλεῖ. Ε΄. Μ. 139. 36 one cod. ἀρειᾷάς. 
ἀπειλεῖς, Sed ἀρειᾷ Ht. Vat.) 

4 A 4 “a 
3362 καὶ Μύσων ὃν ὡπόλλων 
5 - 5 ~ 7 / 
ἀνεῖπεν ἀνδρῶν σωφρονέστατον πάντων. 

(Diog. L. i. 107.) 

34884 © Σινδικὸν διάσφαγμα 

(Schol. Ap. Rhod. iv. 321 καὶ Ἱππῶναξ δὲ μνημονεύει (τῶν 
Σίνδων) πρὸς τὸ (34). Hesych. Σινδικὸν διάσφαγμα᾽ τὸ τῆς 

Soe ee σηπίης ὑπόσφαγμα 

(Ath. vii. 324a ‘Imm. δ᾽ ἐν τοῖς ἰάμβοις εἰπόντος (35) οἱ 
ἐξηγησάμενοι ἀπέδωκαν τὸ τῆς σηπίας μέλαν. ἐστὶ δὲ τὸ ὑπόσφαγμα 
ὡς ᾿Ερασίστρατός φησιν ἐν ᾿Οψαρτυτίκῳ ὑπότριμμα. Eust. 7]. 
1286. 6.) 

86 Ὁ πασπαληφάγον γρόμφιν 

(Phot. Lex. τι. 67. 12 Naber πασπάλη: τὸ τυχόν, οἱ δὲ κέγχρον" 
οἱ δὲ τὰ κέγχρινα ἄλευρα. ‘Im. (36). Cf. Eust. 1752. 121.) 

8719. βολβίτου κασιγνήτην 

(Ε. Μ. 204. 28 βόλιτον᾽ βόλβιτον δὲ Ἴωνες οἵ τε ἄλλοι καὶ 
‘Int. οἷον (Ξ1). Bekk. An. 186. 10 βόλβιτον : 1ππ.) 

33 Probably Callimachean (ten Brink). 

34 In the schol. Meineke reads πρώτῳ for πρὸς τὸ rightly: 
for a weak caesura would be incredible. ΑἹ] the same Cr. 
is very likely right in connecting with fr. 43, since Tz. 
appears to have quoted or meant to quote both verses. 

36 πασπάλιν φαγών codd.: corr. Porson. 



32 And menaces to render me senseless. 
(To *‘ menace’: threaten, as in Hipp. (32): i.e. threatens. 

33 Whom Apollo 
Declared the wisest man of all, Myson. 

(Diogenes Laertius. (Probably from Callimachus.)) 

34 Sindian fissure! 

(Hipponaa mentions the Sindi in his first book (?) (34). 
Commentator on Apollonius Rhodius.) 

35 Squid-pudding 
(Hipp. in his iambi says (35). The interpreters explain it 

of the ink of the fish. It is really a pudding made of its 
blood as Hrasistratus says in his Cookery. Athenaeus.) 

36 Middlings-fed porker 
(‘ Middlings’: scraps. Others say millet, others millet- 

flour. Hipp. (36). Photius. Hipp. uses porker either of 
any sow or of an old one. Hustathius on Homer’s Odyssey.) 

37 Cow-dung’s sister 

(Bolitos was called bolbitos in general by the Ionians: 
and so Hipp. (37). Etymologicum Magnum.) 

1 2,6. γυναικεῖον αἰδοῖον Hesych. 


Gone wa<te .. .> "Edeoin δέλφαξ 
(Ath. ix. 375 a καὶ ‘Imm. δὲ ἔφη (38).) 

397! πολλὴν μαρίλην ἀνθράκων 

(Erotian p. 96 μᾶλλον δὲ ἡ θερμοσποδιὰ μαρίλη λέγεται ὡς 
. καὶ Ἵππ. φησι (39).) 

405 «τὸν δὲ» ληὸν ἀθρήσας 

(Anon. An. Ox. i. 265. 6 τὸ λαὸς TH μεταγενεστέρᾳ ᾿Ιάδι 
Tpamév’ (40) In.) 

411 Kpe<t>as ἐκ μολοβρίτ«εω» 


(Eust. Od. 1817. 20 ᾿Αριστοφάνης γοῦν ὁ γραμματικὸς ... 
ἐπάγει ὡς καὶ Lam. τὸν ἴδιον υἱὸν μολοβρίτην που λέγει ἐν τῷ (41). 
Ael. Δ... vii. 47 ἀκούσαις δ᾽ ἂν καὶ τοῦ ‘Imm. καὶ αὐτὸν τὸν ὗν 
μολοβρίτην που λέγοντος.) 

42'*7 μεσσηγυδορποχέστα 

(Eust. Od. 1887. 42 κατὰ δὲ Imm. καὶ ὁ μεσσηγυδορποχέστης 
ἠγοῦν ὃς μεσοῦντος δείπνου πολλάκις ἀποπατεῖ ὡς πάλιν ἐμ- 
πίμπλασθαι. Sueton. περὶ βλασῴ. is no doubt the source : 
Miller’s text, p. 425 Meél., gives the same explanation but 
does not name Hipp.) 

4241°° ἄδηκε βουλή. 

(Eust. Od. 1721. 61 χρήσεως ᾿Ιππώνακτος ἣν ᾿Ηρακλείδης 
προφέρει, εἰπόντος (424) ἠγοῦν ἤρεσκε τὸ βουλευμα. Compare 
and perhaps add Hesych. Πανθρζόλδῳ δήμῳ * παρρησίαν ἄγοντι 
κτλ... ᾿Δελλῇσι θυμοῖς: ἀνυποστόλοις μετὰ παρρησίας. Τίεσκε 
μύθους" ἐτίμα λόγους.) 

38 e.g. {δή τις». Unless the word was pronounced ᾿Εφεγσίη. 
᾿Εφεσηΐη ten Brink. Others suggest ἐπιστίη. 

40 «δὲ» Bgk. invito metro. 

41 μολοβριτέω for -ov Schneidewin. 



38 Like Ephésian piglet 
(Hipponax says (38). Athenaeus.) 

39 Embers of charcoal many 

(Better to say that ‘embers’ mean hot ashes as Hipp. 
. says. LHrotian.) 

40 Seeing the foulk 

(Folk: the vowel is changed in later Ionic. (40) Hipp. 
Grammarian in Cramer’s Anecdota Oxoniensia.) 

41 Flesh from a beggar 
(Hipponaz calls his own son }‘ beggar pig,’ in the following 
(41). Aristophanes the grammarian in Fustathius on 

Homer Odyssey (p 219). You will find Hipp. calling even 
the pig ‘ beggar.’ Aelian.) 

42 In-mid-feast-voiding 

(According to Hipp. we have also (42), that is one who 
in the midst of dinner retires often in order to make room 
for more. Hustathius on Homer using Suetonius’ work on 
Opprobrious Names.) 

42a (This) counsel pleased. 

(A use of Hipponax adduced by Heracleides. Hipp. says 
(42a), 1.6. The proposal met with favour. Hustathius on 
Homer’s Odyssey. Cf. ‘ Licentious-tongued people’: speak- 
ing with license, ete. Hesych. ‘ Flighty of spirit’: fearless 
in license of speech, id. ‘ His rede did honour’: honoured 
his words, id.) 

1 There seems to have been some confusion in the text 
of a previous grammarian between ὗς pig and υἱἷός son. 
Aelian’s version is clearly right. It was fashionable to 
explain μολοβρός, a Homeric word of doubtful meaning, as 
food-seeker. The Greeks turned their pigs loose early to 
find food. Hrd. Mime viii. init. 



428'°° BeBpevO<ovev>pevov «δέ; 
(Hesych. (498): παρ᾽ ᾿Ιππώνακτι ὀργιζόμενον.) 



483 ἹΚοραξικὸν μὲν ἠμφιεσμένη λῶπος 

(Tzetz. Chil. x. 377 περὶ τῶν Μιλησίων μὲν ἔφαν πολλοὶ ἐρίων, 
περὶ ἐρίων Κοραξῶν ἐν πρώτῳ δὲ ἰάμβῳ [Ἱππῶναξ οὕτως εἴρηκε 
μέτρῳ χωλῶν ἰάμβων (48). τοὺς Κοραξοὺς δὲ καὶ Σινδοὺς ἔθνη 
τυγχάνειν νόει. Hesych. Κ οραξοί᾽ Σκυθῶν γένος καὶ τὸ γυναικεῖον 

441 ἔβωσε Mains παῖδα Κυλλήνης πάλμυν. 

(Schol. Lyc. 219 Μαίας καὶ Διὸς Ἑρμῆς, ὡς . . . ὁ Imm. ἐν 
τῷ κατὰ Βουπάλου πρώτῳ ἰάμβῳ (44). Tzetz. ad loc.) 

With this is generally connected :— 
451 “Ἑρμῆ κυνάγχα Mnouort Kavéaira 
φωρῶν ἑταῖρε δεῦρό [τί] μοι σκαπαρδεῦσαι. 
(Tzetz. An. Ox. iii. 351. 7 τὸ δὲ Κανδαύλης Λυδικῶς τὸν 

σκυλλοπνίκτην λέγει, ὥσπερ ᾿ἱππώναξ δείκνυσι γράφων ἱάμβυ 

πρώτῳ (45). So Tzetz. on Iliad p. 848 5.) 

428. βεβρενθυόμενον Hesych. This is the only form which 
I can find which admits of easy scansion and appears to be 
sufticiently attested by such corrupt glosses as Ὑρονθονεύεται 
and πραθενεύεσθαι. We might perhaps attribute to Hippo- 
nax forms in Hesychius like ἀναγαγγανεύουσι, (κατὴ)ιμον εύει, 

44, vv.ll. Kuxd\jovov, Κυκλίης, κυκλίης : βασιλέα πάλμυν almost 
all codd. ἐβόησε codd.: corr. Schneidewin. 

45.2 [τι] bracketed by Bgk. σκαπαρδεῦσαι is explained by 
συμμαχῆσαι Superscribed. σκαπερδεῦσαι᾽ λοιδορῆσαι Hesych., 
who also explains κυνάγχα by κλέπτα. These and other 
glosses σκαρπαδεῦσαι" κρῖναι and καπαρϑεῦσαι᾽ μαντεύσασθαι 

are cited by Bgk. 



428. With choler puffed 
((428): angry in Hipponax. Hesychius.) 



43 Attired in a Koraxian mantle 

(Many writers have mentioned Milesian wool, but Hipp. 
mentions Koraxian wool in his first book of iambi as follows 
in choliambic metre (43). You must know that the Koraxi 
and Sindi! are tribes. TJzetzes. Koraxians: A race of 
Seythians, ete. Hesychius.) 

44. On Maia’s son, Cyllene’s tsar, called he. 

(Hermes was son of Maia and Zeus, as . . . Hipp. says in 
the book of [ambi written against Bupalus (44). Tzetzes 
and Commentator on Lycophron.) 

45 Dog-throttling Hermes, thief-mate, whom Maeons 
Kandaules call, come give me a shove up.” 

(Kandaules in the Lydian tongue means puppy-throttler, 
as Hipponax shows in his first book of iambi (45). 7zetz. 
in Cramer’s Anecdota Oxoniensia and on Homer’s Iliad.) 
Hesychius translates dog-throttling as ‘thief,’ and gives 
several erroneous translations of ‘ to my aid come.’ 

1 Hence Cr. is probably right in connecting this with 
fr. 34. 
2 Cf. χακκοσκάπερδος Hesych. 


462 Κίκων δ᾽ ὁ ἱπανδαληκτοςΐ, ἄμμορος καύης, 

τοιόνδε <po>L κατίεῖπε, κρῆτ᾽) ἔχων 

dadv<n>a<w>, οὐδὲν δ᾽ αἴσιον προθεσπίζων 

(Tzetz. on Iliad p. 76. 811 (δάφνη) ἣν οἱ ἱερεῖς τοῦ ἡλίου ἤτοι 
μάντεις καὶ μάγοι, οἷος ἦν καὶ ὁ Χρύσης, στεφανούμενοι ἐπορεύοντο" 
καθὼς δηλοῖ καὶ 'Ἵππ. ἐν τῷ κατὰ Βούπαλον ἰάμβῳ (46. 1) τοιόνδε 
τι δάφνας κατέχων. id. on Lycophron Alex. 494.. ὅ καύηξ δὲ ὁ 
λάρος κατὰ Αἰνιᾶνας, ὥς φησι καὶ Imm. (46.1). Hesych. (added 
by ten Brink) Κίκων᾽ 6 Κίκων ᾿Αμυθάονος ἣν οὐδὲν αἴσιον προ- 

474 πόλιν καθαίρειν καὶ κράδῃσι βάλλεσθαι! 

4838 βάλλοντες ἐν λειμῶνι καὶ ῥαπίζοντες 
κράδῃσι καὶ σκίλλησιν ὥστε) φάρμακον. 

405 δεῖ δ᾽ αὐτὸν ἐς φάρμακον Ἰέκποιήσασθαιϊ, 
50; Ἰκἀφῆ παρέξειν! ἰσχάδας τε καὶ μᾶζαν 
καὶ τυρὸν οἷον ἐσθίουσι φάρμακοι:" 
παλαὶ γὰρ αὐτοὺς Ἔφη 2 χάσκοντες 
κράδας ἔχοντες 

ἔχοντας ὡς προς ἘΣ πὲ ] 

46 The Hesychian gloss, whose language shows that it is 
not a gloss but a quotation, was rightly incorporated by 
ten Brink. 1 πανδάλητος, πανδαύληκτος, al. Κίκων is glossed 
ὄνομα μάντεως and καύης λάρος. 2 Supplevi 4.7. : τοιόνδε 
τι δάφνης κατέχων Tzetzes. Hereabouts come the words 
παῖς ὡμυθέωνος. 

4 κρ. 15 glossed by συκαῖς. ? φαρμάσσειν for βάλλεσθαι, as Tz. 

48.2 ὥσπερ codd. 

49-514 are probably misquoted in details. It cannot be 
certain that they were not consecutive, In 49 ἐκπ. must 
mean ‘select’: if corrupt it has replaced a passive. In 50.1 
I suspect the truth is πιέζειν (or -etv Hrd. viii. 47). On this 
verse there is a note (ἀφὴ καὶ dpua καὶ Ta λοιπὰ οἱ Ἴωνες Ψιλοῦ- 
ow) whence κἀφῇ must be read. προσδοκεῦσι is probable for 
προσδεχ. -ἃ Slip of memory. The ms. used by Herodes had 



46 Kikon the hideous, cormorant! luckless, 
Amythaon’s son, his head with bay-leaves crowned, 
With naught auspicious in his forecast 

((Laurel) which the priests of the sun (i.e. prophets and 
wise-men, like Chryses) wore as a crown when they walked 
abroad, as is shown by Hipponax in his book of iambi 
against Bupalus (46. 1, 2). Tzetzes on Homer’s Iliad. 

‘ Kikon’ was the son of Amythaon (46. 3). Hesychius.) 

47 Must cleanse the city, and with twigs tpeltedt 

48 Pelting him in the meadow and beating 
With twigs and squills like unto a scapegoat. 

49 He must be chosen? from you as scapegoat 

50 And in his grip take barley-cakes, dried figs 
And cheese, such cheese as scapegoats may feed 

51 For long have they awaited them gaping 
Withiwigsimhands) oy... ta. 
.... . as trembling as scapegoats.” 

1 Priests are always represented as greedy. I translate 
πανδήλητος : ο΄. πανλώβητος. 

5. If this fragment be not read consecutively it is possible 
to explain φάρμακον as in fr. 18 and Tzetzes’ comment as 
equalling καθαρμόν (not -ua): and (with scansion ἐκπομήσ.) to 
translate ‘put him forth for a purification.’ Again, if 51 be 
not consecutive on 50, we could read: 

πάλαι yap αὐτοῦ προσδέχονται χάσκοντες 
κράδας, ἔχοντες ὡς ἔχουσι φάρμακοι. 

‘They await there the twigs agape in such (pitiable) state 
as scapegoats are in.’ 

χασκεῦντες: cf. Hrd. iv. 42. In 51. 2 the people who hold 
the twigs are those who wait: hence -res for -ras (Meineke). 
But as ὡς ἔχουσι could only mean ‘at once’ in reference to 
the subject of the sentence we need another ἔχοντας (e.g. 
δέους) to refer to the state of mind of the victims. 

(0) 35 


52,°, λιμῷ γένηται ξηρός, ἐν δὲ TH θυμῷ 
[ὁ] φάρμακος ἀχθεὶς ἑπτάκις ῥαπισθείη. 

(Tzetz. Chil. v. 726 6 φαρμακὸς τὸ κάθαρμα τοιοῦτον ἦν τὸ 
πάλαι. ἂν συμφορὰ κατέλαβε πόλιν θεομηνίᾳ, εἴτ᾽ οὖν λιμός, εἴτε 
λοιμός, εἴτε καὶ βλάβος ἄλλο, τῶν (? τὸν) πάντων ἀμορφότερον 
ἦγον ὡς πρὸς θυσίαν, εἰς καθαρμὸν καὶ φαρμακὸν πολέως τῆς 
νοσούσης" εἰς τόπον δὲ τὸν πρόσφορον στήσαντες τὴν θυσίαν τυρόν 
τε δόντες τῇ χερὶ καὶ μᾶζαν καὶ ἰσχάδας, ἑπτάκις γὰρ ῥαπίσαντες 
ἐκεῖνον εἰς τὸ πέος σκίλλαις συκαῖς ἀγρίαις τε καὶ ἄλλοις τῶν 
ἀγρίων τέλος πυρὶ κατέκαιον ἐν ξύλοις τοῖς ἀγρίοις. .. ὁ δὲ 
ἹἹππῶναξ ἄριστα σύμπαν τὸ ἔθος λέγει (47), καὶ ἀλλαχοῦ 
δέ πού φησιν πρώτῳ ἰάμβῳ γράφων (48), καὶ πάλιν ἄλλοις 
τόποις δὲ ταῦτά φησὶ κατ᾽ ἔπος (49-51), καὶ ἀλλαχοῦ δέ 
πού φησιν ἐν τῷ αὐτῷ ἰάμβῳ (52).) 

5314 τούτοισι θηπέλων τοὺς ᾿Ερυθραίων παῖδας 
ἰοὺς φησὶ μητροκοίτας Βούπαλος σὺν 


[κνίζων καὶ] ἰφέλιζων: τὸν δυσώνυμον 

(Tzetz. on Posthomerica, 687 θήπον᾽ ἐθαύμαζον" τὸ θέμα 
θήπω καὶ ‘Imm. (58). ἑλλίζων᾽ τίλλων. Cf. id. ψελιστήν᾽ 
Ni<x>vov (for Avy- Mus.) and χναύων" περικνίζων, περιτίλλων ; 
χναύει᾽ λαμβάνει, κνίζει.) 

52. 1 θυμός" τὸ ἀρρὲν αἰδοῖον Sch. A rightly. Hesych. 
confuses with dios, thyme. 2 [ὁ] del. Blomfield. 

53. 1 θήπων codd.: corr. Bgk. (Hesych. θηπητής" ἀπατεῶν). 
21. τοὺς (ten Brink). 3 ἄρτον codd. xvifwy (in best 
cod.) might be an explanation of a participle meaning eat, 
gnaw: possibly δρυψελίξζων (Bgk.). A simpler correction 
would be καὶ κυψελίζων or ἐκυψέλιζε. in which case Hesych. 
would be using a corrupt text. We should then further 
read κυψελιστήν in gloss above. But there are many other 
possibilities, e.g. ketrac (ten Brink) with Wedifwy an otherwise 
unknown verb. 



52 That he be parched with famine and, led out 
A scapegoat, seven times on ’s piece beaten. 

(The scapegoat (expiatory offering) in old times was as 
follows. Did misfortune, by the wrath of heaven, overtake 
a city, whether famine or plague or other mischief, they led 
out as to sacrifice the ugliest of all the citizens to be an 
expiation and scapegoat of the diseased city. And having 
set the sacrifice at such a spot as seemed fit they placed in his 
hand cheese and barley-cake and dried figs. For after 
beating him seven times on the penis with squills and (rods 
of) wild fig and other wild trees they finally burnt him on a 
fire of timber of such trees. . «(1 Hipponax describes the 
custom best (47). Elsewhere he writes in the first book of 
iambi (48), and again elsewhere in these words (49-51) and 
elsewhere in the same book (52). Tzetzes.) 

53 Th’ incestuous Erythrean folk fooling 
With these things Bupalus with Aréte 
From day to day scuflled? his damned fodder. 

θήπον ‘they marvelled*’: pres. θήπω: so Hipp. (53). 
Tzetzes. ‘scuffle’: tear. Hesych. Cf. id. ‘scraping’: 
‘scratching round, tearing round’; ‘scrapes, gets, scratches,’ 

1 Tzetzes first cites Lycophron ‘as well as he can recall 
him’ and then these passages, which is merely a hypo- 
critical cloak for the fact that he has borrowed them from 
commentators on Lycophron. 

2 Like a hen, I take it. 

3 @nr<é>w must, however, be taken transitively. 



54455 ive apedevevet τὴν ἐπὶ Σμύρνης 
ἰθι διὰ Λυδῶν παρ[ὰ] τὸν Τ᾿ Αττάλεωϊ 

καὶ σῆμα [ ὕγεω καὶ Ἱμεγαστρυὶ στήλην 
καὶ μνῆμα ἵτωτος μυττάλυτα παλμυδοςὶ, 
πρὸς ἥλιον δύνοντα γαστέρα «σ»τρέψας. 5 

(Tzetz. in An. Ox. iii. 310. 17 στίχοι ‘Imm. τρισυλλάβους 
ἔχοντες τοὺς παραλήγοντας πόδας. . καὶ tracavt (54). Schol. 
Nicander Ther. 633 Γύγου δὲ σῆμα τοῦ ἐκεῖ βασιλεύσαντος, ὥς 
φησιν ‘Inn. ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ τῶν [Avélas] ἰάμβων. μνττάλντα" 
μεγάλου Hesych.) 

5589 [καὶ] τὴν ῥῖνα καὶ τὴν μύξαν ἐξαράξασα 

(Tzetz. in An. Ox. iii. 308. 20 τὸ μέτρον τὸ Δωρικὸν παρέλειψα 
λήθῃ" δέχεται δὲ πλεῖον THY ἄλλων ἰάμβ. μ. κατὰ τὴν B’ χώραν 7 
καὶ 6’ ἢ “΄ σπονδεῖον, σπανιάκις δὲ καὶ δάκτυλον ὡς ἰσόχρονον τῷ 
σπονδείῳ" Δωρικὸν 'ππ. (55).) 

54 In the text of Tzetzes read πάλιν (Meineke) for 
πᾶσαν. In schol. Nicand. Λυδίας (idem) is a gloss on ἐκεῖ. 
2 scans ἴθι δυὰ A.: but read ἰθὺ. 4 μυταλιδι Tz. : Hesych.’s 
gloss was connected by Bgk. and M. Schmidt. For 
suggestions on text see notes. No weight of textual evidence 
will induce me to believe that the list contained foreign 
dynasts, paramours and bastards. I fancy there is an 
allusion to the conquest of Lydia. Perhaps begin ὁδὸν 
Tewpeverke... ἰθὺ. Tewpeds’.. . κακοῦργος, λῃστής (Hesych.). 

55 ὃ μύσπαν : and give μυσπίη (Hesych.) to Hippon. 

1 Unfortunately we are helpless here. There seems no 
reason to suppose the corruptions are slight. Attales (Nicol. 
Dam. fr. 63) is mentioned as a bastard, Σεσώστριος Bgk.’s 
suggestion in v. 3 intrudes a foreigner, and any unknown 
name or person is improbable. Perhaps μεγαστρυ is partly 



54 Along the road to Smyrna he ravag’d 
Through Lydia straight by Alyattes’ burrow, 
By Gyges’ grave, and Ardys’ tomb mighty 
And Sadyattes’ monument, great tzar, 

His belly turning, as he went, westward.! 

(Verses of Hipp. with trisyllabic penultimate feet... 
Again (54). Tzetzes [He mis-scans ᾿Αττἄλεω as ᾿Αττἄλέῶ !]. 
The tomb of Gyges who was king there, as Hipp. says in 
the first book of his [Lydian] iambi. Commentator on 
Nicander’s Theriaca. μυττάλντα : ‘great.’ Hesychius.) 

55 [And] her nose, and the discharge therefrom 

(By a slip of memory I passed over the Dorian metre, 
which more than other iambs contains spondees in the second, 
fourth or sixth place, or rarely a dactyl as its metrical 
equivalent. A Dorian verse of Hipponax (55). Tzetzes.) 
[Tz.’s next citation suggests that he scanned μυξαν: but 
I fancy he read τὴν μύξαν Kara τῆς pwds when we need only 
read ἐκ for κατὰ to get good sense and metre.] 3 

composed of an old gloss μεγίστου on fuutradurat (infra) 
like Hesych.’s μεγάλου. The remainder may be kal {παρ 
*Apdvos στήλην. In v. 2 ᾿Αλυάττεω Schnw. is the nearest. 

In v. 4 τωτοσμυττάλυτα might stand for τωλυαττεω. πάλμυδος 
is known (Choerob. i. 232) to be an error, and anyhow it 
must have v. I suggest e.g. καὶ τὸ Σαδυάττεω μνῆμα Λυδίων 
πάλμυος Or πάλμυ. “Atvos (Cr.) is nearer, but A. was never 
a ruler (Hdt. i. 34): so radu. would have to go into another 
verse. On the main point, that we have a list of Lydian 
kings, I fancy the version is not misleading. 

* Before this may have come ἀποσκαμυνθίζειν : ἀπομυκτηρί- 
few Hesych.: cf. σκινθαρίζειν ‘to strike the nose with the 
middle finger,’ id. 



5617, δὸς χλαῖναν ἹἹππώνακτι: κάρτα yap ῥιγῶ 
καὶ βαμβα«λ»ύζω. 

(Plutarch Mor. 1058 © ὁ δὲ ἐκ τῆς Στοᾶς βοῶν μέγα καὶ 
κεκραγώς " ἐγὼ μόνος εἰμὶ βασιλεύς, ἐγὼ μόνος εἰμὶ πλούσιος,᾽ ὁρᾶται 
πολλάκις ἐπ᾽ ἀλλοτρίαις θύραις λέγων (56). The first verse is 
quoted with variations of the moral 1068 B and 523 Ἑ. See 
below. It is possible that the order is fr. 57 and fr. 56. 
1 + ἐπεύχομαι----ῥ ιγῶ -- καὶ 8. Sol translate. Then follows 59 
perhaps with only two words missing. 

571% 214 éo<é>w, φίλ᾽ Ἑρμῆ, Μαιαδεῦ Κυλλήν <e> Le 
ΤΣ a τοι" κάρτα yap κακῶς ply@|. 
(Tzetz. Lycophron 855 ἢ χρεία σοὶ καὶ ἑτέρας μαρτυρίας ; 
ἄκουσον (57) καὶ μετά τινά φησιν (9). Priscian de metr. Com. 
p- 251 L. ‘ Hipponactem etiam ostendit Heliodorus iambos 
et choliambos confuse protulisse (57) ἐπεύχομαί τοι" κάρτα 
yap κακῶς pry. p. 247 L. (218 Bgk.) Heliodorus metricus 
ait: ‘Imm. πολλὰ παρέβη τῶν νενομισμένων ἐν Tots iduBos. . . 
Hipp. in primo ἐρέω [yap οὕτω Κυλλήνιε Μαιάδος Ἑρμῆ]. Iste 
enim versus cum sit choliambus, in quarto loco et quinto 
habuit dactylos, cum in utroque debuerit a brevi incipiens 
pes poni. In eodem (58). Iste iambus habet in secundo 
loco spondeum et in quarto (an error for tertio) dactylum.) 

58 BRP ἡ δ᾽ ὀσφυῆγα Kat ὀδυνοσπάδ᾽ αἱρεῖται 
γέροντα <vwoov...... κἁτερόφθαλμον» 
(Plut. Mor. 1057 ἘἙ καὶ κατ᾽ Αἰσχύλον (an error of memory) 
ἐξ “ὀσφυαλγοῦς κὠδυνοσπάδος λυγροῦ γέροντος, ... Lex. de 
Spir. p. 234 Valck. ὀσφυήξ' ... ws τὸ ὀσφυῆγος γέροντος. 
Priscian (l.c.) gives[Tovs ἄνδρας τούτους] ὀδύνη παλλιρειτί(ογ π)αε.) 

56. 2 βαμβακύζω : corr. Schnw. 

57. 1 ὦ φίλ᾽ Tz. epun ΟΥ̓ εραις Prise.! ἐρέω Prise.2 Μαιάδος 
Tz. ex gloss. quod integrum in Prise. *habemus. In Prisc.? 
ἐπεύχομαι is perhaps an explanation of ἐρέω. The words 
from yap to Ἑρμῆ are clearly a parallel citation, 4.5. 
᾿Αντίμαχος γὰρ οὕτω φησί κτλ. ‘ Iste enim versus,’ εἴς.---ποῖ 
unnaturally in a citation from Epic. κυλλήνειε Welcker. 

58. 2 4.0. ὧδε. νωδὸν ete. Plut. Mor. 1058 a. The 
Lexicon is no doubt quoting from a better ms. of Plutarch 
than we possess. 



56 [Τ] say dear son of Maia, Cyllene’s 
and Lord, give Hipponax a great coat: chilly 
57 I am—lI beg you I am right chilly 

And my teeth chatter. 

(But the Stoic philosopher, shouting aloud and crying 
‘I alone am king, I alone am rich,’ is often seen at other 
men’s doors saying (56). Plutarch on the Ultrapoetical 
Absurdities of the Stoics: also On Common Conceptions 
and On the Love of Riches. Inaccurately quoted by Helio- 
dorus the metrist as ‘ Verily I beseech thee: for full chilly 
Am I,’ and perhaps by Tzetzes, ‘ Give to Hipponax a great 
coat, shirtlet,’ etc. : see below, 59.) 

57 See above and fr. 56.4 

(If you need further evidence listen to this (57). Later he 
says (59). Tzetzes. Heliodorus shows that Hipponax wrote 
a mixture of choliambics and iambics (57). Priscian. Helio- 
dorus the metrist says ‘ Hipponax broke many of the iambic 
traditions. He says in the first book ‘‘ For I will say thus : 
son of Maia, Cyllenian Hermes.” This verse, although 
a choliambus, has dactyls in the fourth and fifth place, 
although there should be in either place a foot beginning 
with a short. In the same book (58). This iambus has 
in the second place a spondee, and in the fourth (he means 
“third ᾽ a dactyl.’ Priscian.) 

58 <She> a hip-shot old man, pain-racked, chooses,? 
<Toothless, one-eyed> 

(And to be changed from what Aeschylus (? Hipponax) 
calls a ‘ hip-pained sorry old man’ to a beautiful god-like 

fair shaped youth. Plutarch on The Stoics say, etc. ‘ Hip- 
shot’: e.g. hip-shot old man. Breathing Dictionary.) 

1 It is clear that Heliodorus drew the verses from a copy 
of Hipponax’ works interlarded with glosses and marginal 
comments. Perhaps these were the first verses. 

2 Priscian gives 

Indeed all these men ina pain racked chooses. 
Plutarch in the next sentence to that quoted, speaking of 

Odysseus in Homer, introduces some details, I suggest from 
Hipponax. ‘The reference would be to Arete and Bupalus. 



ΟΣ. δὸς χλαῖναν ἹἹππώνακτι καὶ κυπασσίσκον 
καὶ σαμβαλίσκα κἀσκερίσκα καὶ χρυσοῦ 
στατῆρας ἑξήκοντα τοὐτέρου τοίχου. 

(Tzetz. Lycophron 855 οὗτος ἀσκέρας τὰ ὑποδήματα οὐ καλῶς 
λέγει (9). ἀσκέραι! δὲ κυρίως τὰ ἐν τοῖς ποσὶ πιλία ἤτοι ὀρτάριαϊ 
λέγονται καὶ χλαῖναν; τὸ σῴφικτουρίον! καὶ κυπασσίσκον" τὸ 
ἐπιλωρικόν. οὗτος δὲ ὁ Λυκόφρων, καίπερ ἀπ’ Αἰσχύλου κλέπτων 
λέξεις τινάς, ἐξ Ἵππ. δὲ πλέον, ἣ ἐπιλήσμων ὧν, ἢ μὴ νοῶν 
ταύτας, ἄλλην ἄλλως ἐκτίθει. . . ἀλλ᾽ ἄκουε πῶς φησὶν ἽἽππ. 
(60). ἔγνως ὅτι διὰ τὸ εἰπεῖν δασείας τὰς ἀσκέρας τὰ ὀρτάριά 

- Ε ; ; 
φησιν; ἢ .. (57). καὶ μετά τινά φησιν (59).) 

601 ἐμοὶ γὰρ ἰοὐκ ἔδωκας οὔτε χλαῖνανὶ 
δασεῖαν, ἐν χειμῶνι φάρμακον ῥίγευς, 
οὔτ᾽ ἀσκέρῃσι τοὺς πόδας δασείῃσιν 
ἔκρυψας ὥς «μοι μὴ) χίμετλα γίγ]νηται. 

(Tzetz. vide sup.) 

6122 ἐμοὶ δὲ “Πλοῦτος, ἔστι γὰρ λίην τυφλός, 
ἐς τὠκί ἐλθὼν οὐδάμ᾽ εἶπεν" Ἱππῶναξ, 
δίδωμί <o>ou μν«έλας apyup|tlou τριήκοντα. 

(Tzetz. on Ar. Plut. 90 τυφλὸν δὲ τὸν Πλοῦτόν φησιν ἐξ 
ἹἽππώνακτος τοῦτο σφετερισάμενος" φησὶ γὰρ οὕτως ‘Imm. (61) 
καὶ πόλλ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἄλλα᾽ δείλαιος γὰρ τὰς φρένας. 

59 In almost all codd. the text is covered with glosses. 
Besides the three explanations above, over roirépouv is 
ἰωνικῶς (se. for Attic θάτ.) and μέρους over τοίχους, One 
codd. has τοῦ νερτέρου τοίχου (? an error for ἐν δοτέρου). μοι after 
χρυσοῦ codd. plur. 

60. 1 One cod. has τὰν χλαῖναν. 6.5. οὔτε κω Scaliger. 
3 δασείῃσι : one cod. φησί. 4 ῥίγνυται one cod.: yiyv. corr. 
Hoffmann. μή μοι codd. 

61. 3 rox codd.: σοι Bgk. ἀργυρίου codd.: corr. id. 
πὸ ORR EN as falsely been given to Hipponax: ¢f. 
καὶ πολλαχοῦ δυστηνὰ τοιαυτὶ λέγει Aeschrion (fr. 1 q.v.). 
Those who insist on giving them to Hipponax should read 
δείλᾶψος γὰρ and find a substitute for ras φρένας. 



59 Give to Hipponax a great-coat, shirtlet, 
Sandals and carpet-slippers ; and sixty 
Staters of gold by th’ inner wall hidden. 

(Lycophron wrongly uses the word ‘ slippers’ for boots 
(59). ‘Slippers’ properly mean the felt-shoes, that is 
ortaria, worn on the feet, great-coat the sphictorium, and 
shirtlet the epiloricum. This Lycophron, though stealing 
some words from Aeschylus, while preferring Hippon., either 
from forgetfulness or ignorance of their sense uses them 
anyhow... . Listen to what Hipp. says (60). You realize 
that by calling them ‘ shaggy’ he means ortaria. But cf. 
(57). Later he says (59). Tzetzes on Lycophron.) 

60 To me thou gavest never (yet) great-coat 
Shaggy, a cure for ague in winter, 
Nor hid’st in carpet-slippers right shaggy 
My feet, to hinder my chillblains growing. 

(See above 59 Tzetzes.) 

61 But never came there Plutus, the blind one, 
Unto my house, nor spake thus: ‘ Hipponax 
Minas of silver give I thee thirty.’ 

[Etcetera : for his intelligence is paltry ].? 

(He calls Plutus blind, borrowing the epithet from 
Hipponax, who says as follows(61). Tzetzes on Aristophanes’ 

1 χτρὐτέρου τοίχου is of course the inner wall by which the 
host sits (Hom. I 219), and the gold is to be there since 
the task of the thief who digs under the walls (τοιχωρύχος) 
would thereby be rendered more difficult. Refer perhaps to 
this passage the word τοιχοδιφήτωρ-- τοιχωρύχος cited by 
Hesych. ὀρτάρια and σφικτ. are both late mediaeval words. 
I note πόδορτα and σῴικτ. in Achmes the oneiromancer. 

2 Tzetzes, who presumably borrowed this citation from 
an earlier commentator, perhaps on Lycophron (1102 ?), 
included the last words (which are really the grammarian’s 
criticism of L.) in his note. Or they may be Tz.’s own 
criticism on Aristophanes’ peculations from Hipponax. 




From Uncertain Books 

6939» ὦ Ζεῦ πάτερ «Ζεῦ» θεῶν ᾿Ολυμπίων πάλμυ 

(Tzetz. on Lye. 690 ἡ δὲ λέξις ὁ πάλμυς ἐστὶν ᾿Ιώνων καὶ 
χρῆται ταύτῃ ‘Imm. λέγων (62, 63).) 

632°" τί μ᾽ οὐκ ἔδωκας χρυσόν, ἀργύρου [πάλμυ]; 
(Vid. supra.) 

64231 Ἰάπό σ᾽ ὀλέσειεν "Apres, σὲ δὲ κ᾽ ὠπόλ- 

(Tzetz. An. Oz. iii. 310. 17 στίχοι Ἵππ. τρισυλλάβους ἔχοντες 
τοὺς παραλήγοντας πόδας (64). Contrast (Bgk.) Hephaestion 
p- 30 (33 Gaisf.) τὸ δὲ χωλὸν οὐ δέχεται τοὺς παραλ. τρισ. πόδ. 
id. ἔχοσ. in Il. 797 B.) 

32 3 4 \ , Ἂ [2 ’, , 
6532 παρ᾽ ᾧ σὺ λευκόπεπλον ἡμέρην μείνας 

πρὸς μὲν κυνήσειςς,» τὸν Φλυησίων᾽ 

(Tzetz. Il. p. 83. 25 H. ἐπὶ μῦθον ἔτελλεν᾽ ὑπερβατόν" ἐστὶ δὲ 
καὶ τοῦτο ᾿Ιωνικὸν ὥς φησι καὶ ‘Imm. (64). καὶ ἀλλαχοῦ (65). 
Hesych. Φλυήσιος᾽ “Ἑρμῆς καὶ μήν τις. 

62 «Ζεῦ» rectissime Meineke ex Archil. 88 (Bgk.). υ]. 
"OX. θεῶν. 

63 πάλμυ] v.l. πάλμυν : see opposite. 

64 δὲ κὼπ. : corrected by Meineke. 

65. 2 κυνήσειν cod.: corr. Welcker. Φλυησίων᾽ Bgk. olim - 
rectissime. Hesych. ¢duncifots is (?) corrupt, for months may 
end in των or -ewy (so perhaps -εῶν᾽ here). Nor do they 
say ὁ “Δηλίων ᾿Απόλλων but ὁ Δήλιος. 




From Uncertain Books 

62 Zeus, tsar of Gods Olympian, father 

(The word ‘ tsar’ is Ionic and used by Hipponax when he 
says (62, 63). Tzetzes on Lycophron.) 

63 Why, tsar of silver, me no gold gav’st thou ἢ 1 
(See above.) 

*64 May Artemis destroy thee, [and] Apollo, 

(Verses of Hipp. (64) with the penultimate foot trisyllabic. 
Tzetzes in Cramer’s Anecdota Oxoniensia. Contrast He- 
phaestion: the choliambic does not allow trisyllables in the 
penultimate foot.} 

65 Whereat awaiting day of white raiment 
Phlyesiary Hermes thou ‘lt worship. 

(‘ Gave a harsh order’: transposition (for made good 
his word); this is Ionic as Hipponax too says(64). And 
elsewhere (65). Tzetzes. ‘ Phlyesian’: Hermes: also a 
month. Hesych.*) 

1 62 and 63 I have given separately. But more probably 
they came together and πάλμυ is mere dittography, ‘ Why 
gavest not gold nor mountains of silver,’ e.g. xp. <i> (so 
Lobeck) ἄργυρον πολλόν ; 

* Hesychius’ note ‘ Phlyesian’: Hermes, also a month— 
shows that Phlyesiary is the right reading. 



6643 ἐπ᾽ ἁρμάτων τε καὶ Op<edikiwv πώλων 
λευκῶν d<prova<as> ἐγγὺς ᾿Ιλίου πύργων 
> / e ~ Ψ / te 
ἀπηναρίσθη Ῥῆσος Αἰν[εἸίων πάλμυς. 

(Tzetz. on Posthomer. 186 ὁ δὲ Ῥῆσος Αἰνειῶν Θράκης ἦν 
βασιλεύς, υἱὸς Στρύμονος ἢ Hiovéos καὶ Τερψιχόρης ... καὶ Ἵππ. 

(66). On Jl. 78. 1H. καὶ ἀντὶ τῶν δασέων ψιλὰ ἐξεφώνουν ws 

ἔχει ἡ ἀρχαία ᾿Ιωνική, ἐπιβρύκων ἀντὶ τοῦ ἐπιβρύχων, καὶ τὸ 

(66. 1), καὶ μεταρμόσας. Hesych. Νεαίρῃσιν ἵπποις" τοὺς ἀπὸ 


6742 κακοῖσι δώσω τὴν πολύστονον ψυχήν, 
ἣν μὴ ἀποπέμψῃς ὡς τάχιστά μοι κριθέων 
μέδιμνον ὡς ἂν ἄλφιτον ποιήσωμαι, 
κυκεῶνα πίνων, φάρμακον πονηρί [Ἰοῖσ «ι). 

(Tzetz. An. Ox. iii. 308 δέχονται καὶ τρισυλλάβους πόδας εἰς (3) 
ς΄, πλὴν τοὺς ἀπὸ βραχείας ἀρχομένους, τὸν χορεῖον φημί καὶ τὸν 
ἀνάπαιστον ὡς ὁ ‘Imm. (69) καὶ πάλιν (so Meineke) (68). 

6842 Μιμνῆ, Ἰκατωμηχανεῖ’ μηκέτι γράψῃς 

ὄφιν τριήρευς ἐν πολυζύγῳ τοίχῳ 

ἀπ᾽ ἐμβόλου φεύγοντα πρὸς κυβερνήτην" 

αὕτη γὰρ EoT<a>t συμφορή τε καὶ κλῃδὼν 

ἱνικύρτα καὶ σαβωνιὶ τῷ κυβερνήτῃ 5 

ἣν αὐτὸν «ὁ» ὄφις ἱτὠντικνήμιον δάκῃϊ. 
(Tzetz. on Lycophron 425 "Αποθεν᾽ τὸ πὸ μικρὸν γράφε. 

66. 1 Θρηϊκίων : correxit Fick. 2 ὀείους κάτεγγυς codd. 3 
παλάμας one cod.: βασιλεύς cett. Text Schneidewin. Perhaps 
there was an incorrect variant i@/s, and καὶ ἐγγύς was written 
in the margin. If so ὁ is all that is left of the participle 
except that one cod. has an explanation ἰὼν in the margin. 

67. 3 Scan ποψήσωμαι or Ll. πονήσ. 4 πονηρίοις cod.: corr. 
Fick. 9 πᾶσι for πίνων with ἀλφίτων in 3. 

68. 1 κακῶν μοχλητά ten Brink. If a vocative, κατωμόδαρτε 
is near the traces, but perhaps it is a verb; ¢.g. κακοῦ μὴ 
ixaive Or κατ᾽ ὧν μὴ χαῖνε (Hes. καταχηνῃ) which might have 
degenerated into ἔχανε. γράφης one cod. v.l. 4 ἐστι: vl. 
αὕτη. 5 vv.ll. σινωνι, δαβωνι, σαμαυνι. 6 vv.ll. τ᾽ ἀνακείμενον, 
των τικνήμων, τῶν τι κνημένον. See Addenda. 



66 On cariot and Thracian horses 
All white he sallied and near! Troy’s castles 
There was he slain tsar Aeneian Rhesus. 

(Rhesus was king of the Aeneians in Thrace, son of 
Strymon or Eioneus and Terpsichore (66). Tzetzes on Post- 
homerica.? They used smooth consonants instead of aspirated 
like old Ionic souting instead of shouting, and (66. 1), and 
resaping. id. ‘ Neaerean Horses’: from Neaera. Hesych.) 

67 To woe my weeping soul I ‘Il surrender 
Unless at once you send me a bushel 
Of barley, wherewithal I may find me, 
By drinking groats, of all my ills respite. 
(Trisyllables are allowed in the sixth foot except those 
beginning with a short vowel, i.e. συ and UY -- : 6.9. 

Hipp. (67), and again (68). Tzetz. in Cramer’s Anecdota 
Oxoniensia.) ὃ 

68 Yearn not for mischief, Mimnes.* Cease painting 
A snake upon the trireme’s benched bulwarks 
Which runs from prow abaft to the helmsman. 
For this brings evil fame and fate evil, 

Thou slave of slaves and yid, to the helmsman, 
If right upon his shin [the] snake bite him. 
(ἄποθεν : write sic with omicron Scribes ignorant of 

1 Read either ‘straight for’ or ‘ sallied: hard by.’ 

* Tzetzes purloined this note from a long note by an 
earlier editor of Lycophron on the use of πάλμυς ‘ tsar.’ 

3 The criticism (that κριθέων is trisyllabic) is erroneous, 
as erroneous as the criticism of the next citation ἄποθεν. 
Nor can anyone have written ὄφις in 68. 6, as the snake 
has already been mentioned. In view of this, -τὠντικνήμιον 
and 6axy, the verse may be an early gloss. If the steerer 
exposes to the snake the back of his leg or calf the sense of 
ἀντικν. in Hipp.’s time— shin’ or the forepart—is somewhat 
unsuitable. δάκῃ has been altered to ddxvy. Σάμορνα, 
**God help us,” is said to have been another name for 
Ephesus from its Semitic inhabitants: Schmidt on Hesych. 
8.0. Σαμονία. 4 Ὁ Mimnes thou well-bespankéd. 



οὗτοι (the ms.?) δὲ ἀγνοήσαντες τὸ μέτρον μέγα τοῦτο γράφουσι. 
σὺ δὲ τοῦτο γίγνωσκε ὅτι τὸ δασὺ ἐκτείνειν δύναται ὅτε βούλεται 
ὁ στιχιστὴς ἴσως τοῖς διπλοῖς ws... Tpdes δ᾽ ἐρρίγησαν ὅπως ἴδον 
αἰόλον ὄφιν (Hom. M 208). εἰ δὲ μείουρον τοῦτον νομίζεις 
ἄκουσον καὶ τῶν κατὰ Μιμνῆ τοῦ ζωγράφου χωλῶν ἰάμβων 
ἹἹππωνακτείων στίχων (68). ἰδοὺ τοῦ ὄφις τὸ 6 μακρόν ἐστιν 
ἐκταθὲν ὑπὸ τοῦ ᾧ δασέος ὄντος. νικύρτας᾽ δουλέκδουλος. Ath. 
vi. 267 c (cit. ten Brink) σίνδρωνα δὲ τὸν δουλέκδουλον.) 

691: οὔ μοι δικαίως μοιχὸς taA@var δοκεῖϊ 
ἸΚριτίης ὁ Χῖος ἐν τῷ κατωτικῳ δούλῳϊ 
(Tzetz. vid. supra 68. Hesych. δοῦλος" ἡ οἰκία ἢ τὴν ἐπὶ 

τὸ αὐτὸ συνέλευσιν τῶν γυναικῶν.) 

7031 ὁ δ᾽ αὐτίκ᾽ ἐλθὼν σὺν τριοῖσι paptv<p>ow 

ὅκου τὸν ἕρπιν ὁ σκότος καπηλεύει 

ΝΜ τοὶ \ 7 > / 

ἄνθρωπον εὗρε τὴν στέγην ὀφέλλοντα--- 

οὐ γὰρ παρῆν ὄφελμα--πυθμένι στοιβῆς. 

(Tzetz. on Lycophron 579 épmw: χάλις καὶ ἕρπις ὁ οἶνος. 

χάλις μὲν παρὰ τὸ χαλᾶν τὴν ἵνα ἤγουν τὴν δύναμιν ἕρπις δὲ 
κτὰ. ὅθεν καὶ οἱ Αἰγύπτιοι τὸν οἶνον ἕρπιν καλοῦσι. Ἵπ- 
πωνάκτειοι δέ εἰσιν αἱ λέξεις. φησὶ γάρ (72). ἀλλαχοῦ δὲ 
πάλιν (70. 1-3). Οπ 1165 ὀφελτρεύσωσι : σαρώσωσι" σάρον γὰρ 
καὶ ὄφελτρον καὶ ὄφελμα καὶ ὄφελμος ἡ σκοῦπα λέγεται. καὶ 
τοῦτο Imm. φησίν (70). On Ar. Plut. 485 (υ. 2). The second 
verse is quoted in an older scholium on Lye. ll.ce. Hesych. 
ἸΠέρδικος καπηλεῖον' χωλὸς καπηλὸς ὁ 11. ἦν. ἔνθεν ἔνιοι τὴν 
παροιμίαν φασὶ διαδοθῆναι.) 

69. 2. mss give either κατωξ or κτωξ (1.6. κτωικῳ). See Bast’s 
Commentatio Palaeographica, Tab. νἱϊ. 7,8. Bgk.’s remark, 
‘Sunt enim iambi (se. recti)’ is inane, since Tz. quotes for 
trisyllables (exc. UUW wv and ~W-) in the final place of 
choliambi. On 2 see nn. 

70. 1? αὖτις. μάρτυρσιν Buttmann. 2 ὅπου only schol. Ar. 
Plut. v.l. σκοπὸς. 3 εὑρών and ὁρῶν vv.ll. 

1 See crit. n. Bgk.’s suggestion κασωρ- is excellent. 
Hesychius’ inane note rightly referred here by Ahrens should 
have provided food for thought for scholars who believe in 



metrical rules write omega. But you, gentle reader, must 
realize that an aspirate may at the will of the author count 
two letters and lengthen the previous vowel, 6.9. ὄφις in 
Homer, Il. (Μ 208). If you think this verse ‘ docked ’ 
cf. further Hipp.’s choliambi attacking Mimnes the painter 
(68). Here you have ὄφις before ¢ aspirate. Tzetzes on 
Lycophron. vikipras: slave of slave birth. Hesychius.) 

69 +Unjust the Chian court that condemned you 
Tamquam adulter in lupanari 17 

(Tzetzes: see on 68. Slave: House or a collection of 
women in the same place. Hesychius.) 

70 With three to witness he returned straightway 
To where the runaway his swipes peddles 
And found a man who, having no besom, 
Was besoming the house with a broom-stick. 

(‘ Swipes’: booze and swipes are names for wine. The 
former is derived from brawn and loose, i.e. loosening the 
strength: the latter (etc.). Hence the Egyptians call wine 
swipes. The words are used by Hipp., who says (70). 
Again elsewhere (70. 1-3). Tzetzes on Lycophron, 579). 
On 1165 commenting on the unfamiliar verb ‘* besom”’ Tz. 
gives various forms for ἡ sweep,’ ‘ sweeping,’ and quotes all 
four verses. He quotes v. 2 again on Aristophanes’ Plutus. 
They were also given by a previous critic of Lycophron. 
‘ The hostel of Perdix’: Perdix was a lame innkeeper after 
whom some say this proverb became traditional. Hesych.) 

the word μαλις and the like. As δοκεῖ is not a trisyllable 
with a long vowel it follows that we must end the second 
verse ἐν κασωριτξω : one may therefore write (¢.g.) with 
Ahrens οὔ μοι δικαίως ὥστε μοιχὸς ἁλῶναι δοκέει Κριτίης ὁ 
Χίος ἐν x., but it is perhaps permissible to suspect that the 
whole is a satirical attack on Bupalus: οὔ μοι δικαίως ἐν 
κρίτῃσι Χίοισι δοκέεις ἁλῶναι μοιχὸς ἐν Kkaowpitew. This I 
translate. ‘There is a further doubt that really we may have 
κατωτάτῳ, a favourite word of Tz. in explanation, 6.5. on 
Lyc. 121 ἐν τῷ Tov κρυπτοῦ Kal κατωτάτου τόπου σήραγγι. 

2 I suggest that there was an older Perdix who gave rise 
to this tag if it is choliambic. The famous innkeeper (Av. 
1292) of this name was, however, an Athenian. See Addenda. 



ἼΘΙ <Abnva<in>> 
<DA<a>oKo<pal ode Kal pe δεσπότεζω: 


λαχόντα λίσσομαί ce μὴ ῥαπίζεσθαι. 

(Tzetz. An. Ox. iii. 510. 17 στίχοι ἱἹππώνακτος τρισυλλάβους 
ἔχοντες τοὺς παραλήγοντας πόδας. .. πᾶσα (ἰ. πάλιν Meineke) 
(71). Hesych. βεβρός: ψυχρός, τετυφωμένος. βέβροξ' ἀγαθός, 
χρηστός, καλός" and see below.) 


727% téduya dpov<é>dovow of χάλιν πεπωκότες .ἷ 

(Tzetz. on Hes. Op. 336 ὁ γὰρ olvos τὰς φρένας ἐξιστᾷ" ἐνίοτε 
καὶ θυμὸν ἐπάγει ws καὶ ‘Imm. (72). Sch. Ar. Plut. 437, on 
Lycophron 579 (see fr. 70), Miller, Jél. 307). Verses 
possibly to be ascribed to Ananius.) 

73*55" “Ἑρμῆς δὲ Σιμώνακτος ἀκολουθήσας 

(Miller, Mél. 19 ἀκολουθήσας (73). ἐκτάσει τοῦ ἃ" οὕτως 

71. 1 ᾿Αθηναίη ita Bgk.? The word ᾿Αθηνᾶ is a gloss on 

the corrupt μάλις : but it is quite probable that ’A@. preceded. 

Monae canes ms. A: κονισκελαιρε cett. χαῖρε Bgk. rightly 
explained as a gloss. padts: ’A@nva Hesych. For my 
reading cf. ἵληθι" χαῖρε Hesych. 2 δεσποτεα βεβροῦ : corr. 
Schneidewin. The last word is glossed μα... .]οῦ : ? μαλακοῦ 

72 Very doubtful. Perhaps of... πεπώκασιν. υ.ἷ. πεπτ-. 



71 O Athéne, 
I cry thee hail and beg that I gentle 
Master may win, and feel not his cudgel. 

(Verses of Hipponax with trisyllables in the penultimate 
feet... Again (71). Tzetzes in Cramer’s Anecdota Oxo- 


72 T¥Full little wit have men who sup on booze. t 

(For wine removes wits: occasionally too it induces 
passion as Hipp. says (72). Tzetzes on Aristophanes’ Plutus, 
Lycophron. Also the Htymologicum, but without naming 
the author.) 

73 tHermes who followed, son of Simonax 17 

(ἀκολουθήσας. So Herodian explains the scansion.) 

1 I am inclined to think the citation spurious and post- 
Attic. See on Herodas ii. 47. 1 read ἁ or ox. 

73 If Herodian is to be trusted, and his authority is great, 
it is perhaps more likely that ak is some peculiarity of 
Ephesian dialect, than that it is an innovation of a later 
writer. Lehrs reads “Ἑρμῆς δ᾽ és Ἱππώνακτος. But even 
Herodian may have been deceived by a false text, and ἀκολ. 
is far more fitted to a gloss than to any early Ionic writer. 
Even Hrd. eschews it. The real word may have taken the 

P 51 


ΠΟΣῚ ἀνὴρ ὅδ᾽ ἑσπέρης καθεύδοντα 
ἀπ᾽ <@>v €d<vu>da¢€ ἰχλούνην 

(Schol. Hom. I 539 χλούνην : οἱ μὲν ἀφριστήν" χλουδεῖν γὰρ 
τὸ ἀφρίζειν τινες Δωριέων ἔλεγον" ἄλλοι δὲ κακοῦργον" καὶ γὰρ 
τῶν ἀρχαίων ἰαμβοποιῶν τινα φάναι (74). Ξενοφῶντα δὲ γένος τι 
᾿Ινδῶν φάναι τὸν χλούνην εἶναι.) 

(See also Introduction and after fr. 86.) 

7525. See Phoenix fr. 8 

3 0A 

76* ἐκ πελλίδος «δὲ» τάργανον κα[ἡτηγυίης 
χωλοῖσι δακτύλοισι τἡτέρῃ σπένδει 
τρέμων οἷόν περ ἐν βορηΐῳ νωδός. 

(Ath. 495 c Πέλλα’. . . εἰς ὃ ἤμελγον τὸ γάλα. . . ‘Imm. 
λέγει πελλίδα (4, 5), Φοῖνιξ δὲ ὁ Κολοφώνιος ἐν τοῖς ᾿Ιάμβοις 
ἐπὶ φιάλης τίθησι λέγων οὕτως (Phoenix fr. 4). καὶ ἐν ἄλλῳ δὲ 
μέρει φησίν (76). Hesych. tapyavov* ὄξος, Λυδοί.) 

4. Dindorf may be right in placing χλούνην at the end of 
v. 2, or Meineke in placing it at the beginning. More 
probably Bgk. is right in placing χλούνης at the beginning 
of v. 1. 2 οὖν codd.: corr. Schnw. ἔδησε codd.: corr. 

76. 1 «δὲ Schnw. καὶ τηγ. Ath.: corr. Porson. 

1 | translate Bergk’s conjecture: see crit. n. 
2 Xenoph(anes) and (S)indi: so Hermann and Bergk. 
3 76 appears to me certainly Hipponactean. (a) There 



74 +This rogue! here as I was at eve sleeping 
Stripped me.t 

(‘ Rogue’ (of a boar): some explain as ‘foaming’: for 
certain Dorians spoke of foaming as ‘ roguing.’ Others as 
‘villain’: for, they say, one of the old (chol)iambic writers 
said (74). Xenophanes says that rogue was the name of a 
clan of Sindi.) 3 

75 (See Phoenix fr. 8.) 

76 And tarragon out of a smashed paillet 
With limping fingers of one hand dribbles, 
A-tremble like the toothless in north wind.® 

(‘ Pail’: . . . into which they used to milk... Hipp. 
speaks of it as ‘ paillet’ (4, 5). Phoenix of Colophon in his 
Iambi uses it of a cup, as follows (Phoenix, fr. 4). And 
in another portion of his works he says (76). Athenaeus. 
‘Tarragon’: vinegar, a Lydian use. Hesych.) 

are no difficulties of metre in the ascription. Every other 
verse in our 777. of Phoenix is metrically impossible for 
Hipp. So in fr. 1 v. 1, 3?, 6, 8 (bis), 9, 12, 14 (rotor), 15, 
17 (see J. Camb. Phil. 1927). (6) The tone is that of a virulent 
lampoonist, not of a plaintive cynic. (c) The misery of the 
sketch is accentuated if we transfer this paragraph to the 
‘pail’ illustrations. (d) Hipp. certainly used not only 
πελλίς but also the word τάργανον as the gloss shows. Phoen. 
is not very fond of direct imitations, despite \éxos πυρῶν frr. 
1,2. If I am right in supposing Plut. had Hipp. in mind 
when writing on the ultra-poetical absurdities of the Stoics 
νωδός may also be Hipponactean. As against these argu- 
ments we may set χωλοῖσι (deb. κυλλ.) and οἵονπερ (deb. 
ὅσονπ.). (7) They are far too good and concentrated for 
Phoenix. Contrast his fr. 3. (g) What ‘other portion’? 



77° ® Ἰλαιμώσσει δέ a<e>vt τὸ χεῖλος wo<T>’ 
(Schol. Nicand. Ther. 470 μαιμώσσων : ἀντὶ τοῦ ζητῶν καὶ 

ὁρμῶν. γράφεται δὲ καὶ λαιμώσσων ἀντὶ τοῦ πεινῶν ws Ἵππ. (77). 
Hesych. λαιμᾷ" εἰς βρῶσιν ὥρμηται.) 


7882 λάβετέ w<edv tTaipdti<a>, κόψω Βουπάλου 
τὸν ὀφθαλμόν: 
ἀμφιδέξιος γάρ εἰμι, κοὐκ ἁμαρτάνω κόπτων. 

(Suid. Βούπαλος" ὄνομα. ᾿Αριστοφάνης" εἰ νὴ Δί[α] «ἤδη; [Tus] 
τὰς γνάθους τούτων {τις ἢ» δὶς ἢ τρὶς ἔκοψεν ὥσπερ Βουπάλου, 
φωνὴν ἂν οὐκ ἂν εἶχον. παρὰ τῷ Imm. (78.1). id. κόπτω᾽ εἰ νὴ 
Δία.. - αὐτῶν... καὶ αὖθις (8.1). Erotian p. 48 ἀμφιδέξιος . .. 
ὁ δὲ Ἱπποκράτης... ἐπὶ τοῦ εὐχρήστου κατὰ ἀμφότερα τὰ μέρη ... - 
ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ ὁ Ἱππῶνάξ φησίν" (v.2). Galen, Gloss. Hippoer. 
430, Aphorism. xviii. 1. 148 also quote v. 2 but without 

: 1 

7972 καὶ δικάζεσθαι Βίαντος τοῦ Ipiunvé<o>s 

(Strabo xiv. 636, Diog. L. i. 84, Suid. s.vv. Βίαντος 
IIptynvéws (one cod. -éos) δίκη and δικάζεσθαι.) 

77 The words can easily be arranged, with slight altera- 
tions, for a tetrameter. But see n. συ]. λαιμῷ. σου codd. 
Some om. δέ σου. 

78. 1 ?rirefor \aBere. pwovcorr. by Schnw. θαϊἰμάτια Bek. 
for θοἰμάτιον : ταὶ. (trisyll.) Hi.-Cr. v.l. Βουπάλῳ. 2 The 
fragments were connected by Bgk. καὶ οὐχ, κοὐχ mss.: Corr. 
ten Brink. Suidas was copying a lost schol. on Arist. 
Lys. 360. 

79 ἃ καὶ κτλ, Diog. L.: Meineke cj. πρώτῳ. ἃ καὶ om. 
Suid. δικάσασθαι Strabo. Πριηνέως codd. omn. κρέσσον 
Strabo: κρείσσων Suid.: κρεῖσσον Diog. L. 



77 But thy lip raveneth as a heron’s.! 

(‘ Raving’: seeking and hastening. Some write ‘ raven- 
ing,’ meaning hungry: cf. Hipp. (77). Commentator on 
Nicander’s Theriaca.) 


78 Here take my clothes, so in the eye I 11] Bupalus 
pummel ; 
For I am ambidexterous and pummelling miss 

(( Bupalus’: a name. Aristophanes ‘ In faith if some 
one twice or thrice the jaws of these had pummelled, as it 
was done to Bupalus, no voice would they have left them.’ 
In Hipp. (78.1). Suidas. ‘Pummel.’ ‘In faith,’ ete. And 
again (78. 1). id. ‘Ambidexterous’: . .. Hippocrates . . 
uses of those whose limbs are equally efficient on both sides 
of the body... So in Hipp. (78. 2). Hrotian. Also 
twice cited by Galen.) 

79 Than Bias of Priene far a better judge (finding) 

(Strabo, Diogenes Laertius, Suidas on ‘ Bias of Priene’ 
and ‘ judge.’) 

1 With the .Greeks almost all diving birds and sea birds 
are types of gluttony. With us only the cormorant enjoys 
that position. Probably read τὸ σεῦ δὲ χεῖλος ὥστε ῥωδιοῦ 

* It is by no means certain that these verses are con- 



802° μηδὲ μοιμύλ[α]λειν Λεβεδίην ἰσχάδ᾽ ἐκ 
(Sext. Emp. adv. Math. i. 275 Λεβεδίων γοῦν διαφερομένων 

πρὸς τοὺς ἀστυγείτονας περὶ ΚΚαμανδωλοῦ ὁ γραμματικὸς τὸ ἱἹππωνά- 
κτειον παραθέμενος ἐνίκα (80). Hesych. μοιμύλλειν" θηλάζειν, 

8 2 , /, ~ 5 ,ὔ 
Β5Σ Κυπρίων «λλέκος φαγοῦσι καμαθουσίων 
(Strabo viii. 340 συγκαταλέγειν τὸ μέρος τῷ ὅλῳ φασὶ τὸν 

Ὅμηρον. . . χρῶνται δὲ καὶ οἱ νεώτεροι" ‘Imm. μὲν (81). Κύπριοι 
γὰρ καὶ οἱ ᾿Αμαθούσιοι. Eust. Jl. 305. 23.) 

° ε / > / 
ΒΟῸΣ οἱ δέ μευ ὀδόντες 
. > > - A > 
«οἵ KoT > ἐν τοῖσι γναθοῖσι πάντες <EK>- 

(Cram. An. Ox. i. 287. 28 μεμετρέαται". . . ᾿Ιωνικόν" . .- 
καὶ παρ᾽ Ἱππώνακτι (82). Ht. Mag. 499. 41. Miller, Mel. 
181. 8 (omitting γναθοῖσι.) 

8384 téét....  τίλλοι τις αὐτοῦ τὴν τράμιν τ᾽ 

(Erotian p. 194 τράμιν: τὸν ὄρρον ὅνπερ καὶ ὑποταύριον 

καλοῦμεν ὡς καὶ Ἵππ. φησίν (83). μέμνηται καὶ ᾿Αρχίλοχος. 
Λυσίμαχος δὲ τὸν σφιγκτῆρα.) 

80. 1 μοι μύ λαλεῖν codd.: corr. Meineke. Καμανδωδοῦ 
most codd. λεβεδίην trisyll. ? 

81 Béxos codd. φαγοῦσι om. Eust. πυρῶν Eust.: πυρόν 
Strabo: ὃ rupéwy Hrd.; cf. ii. 80. 

82 Metre restored by Ahrens. 2 <éx> ten Brink. οἵ ko7’ I 
have inserted metri gratia. 

83 τράμιν ὑποργάσαι cod.: «τ Meineke. Clearly the 
difference of tense is indefensible. For the alteration comp. 
crit. nn. on 79. I have placed the fragment here following 
Bgk. who suggested ἐκ <rpixas>, but translate ἐξ ——| κτλ. 
Certainly the more probable cause of corruption is the loss 
of a word after ἐξ. Meineke’s ἑξάκις is wholly pointless. 
Erotian does not quote by verses, so that a trimeter is more 



80 Nor mumble figs Lebedian, from far Kaman- 

(When the Lebedians disputed with their neighbours over 
Kamandolus, the scholar won the case by citing Hipponaz’ 
verse (80). Sextus Hmpiricus. ‘To mumble’: chew, eat. 

81 Of Amathusian loaves a crock and Cyprian eating? 

(They say that Homer mentions together both the whole 
and the part... So do later writers: Hipp. (81). For the 
Amathusians are Cyprians. Hustathius on Homer’s Iliad.) 

82 But my grinders 
[That once] were in my jaws have now been all of 
them knock’d out.? 

(‘Number’d’:... Ionic... In Hipponax (82). Hty- 
mologicum Magnum.) 

83 His anus 
Let some one pluck withal and knead gently. 

(‘Anus’: the rump or hypotaurium: e.g. Hipp. (83). 
Archilochus too mentions it. Lysimachus says it is the 
sphincter muscle. Hrotian.) 

11 do not believe in the form βέκος in Hdt. ii. 2, in view 
of the ms. discrepancies and Aristophanes’ βεκκεσέληνος. 
Why βέκος Κυπρίων, not Kvmpiov, and ᾿Αμαθουσίων not -ιον ὃ 
And why should a Greek in Lydian territory use a Phrygian 
word of a Cyprian produce ? )éxos removes these difficulties. 

2 Or simply ‘have fallen out.’ Teeth are thus said 
κινεῖσθαι in the medical writers: Aretaeus, p. 17 Kuehn. 



8424" [a] a<éA>Aa yap Tpuyos γλυκείης ἣν ἔτικτεν 

(Et. Gud. 57. 33 ἀνθηδών᾽ ἡ μέλισσα παρὰ τὸ τὰ ἄνθη 
ἔ[ν]δειν (so Et. Gen.) ἐν αὐτῇ (Irn. ἐν πρώτῃ Wilam.) (84).) 

[8531 στέφανον εἶχον κοκκυμήλων. .. καὶ 


(Ath. ii. 49 ε ἐπεὶ δὲ πλεῖστον ἐν τῇ τῶν Δαμασκηνῶν ἐστι χώρᾳ 
τὸ κοκκύμηλον καλούμενον . . .- ἰδίως καλεῖται τὸ ἀκρόδρυον 
Δαμασκηνόν. .« - κοκκύμηλα μὲν οὖν ἐστι ταῦτα ὧν ἄλλος 
τε μέμνηται καὶ Ἵππ. (85).) 

86129 καὶ Διὸς Kovp<a>s KuB7 <B> <v> καὶ 
Op<erixinv Βενδῖν 

(Hesych. Κυβήβη" ἡ μήτηρ τῶν θεῶν . .. παρ᾽ ὃ καὶ Ἵππ. 
φησι (86)° ἄλλοι δὲ Αρτεμιν.) 

(Inc.8) διὰ ἰδέρην!ὶ ἔκοψε μέσσην Kad δὲ λῶπος 

86 Cod. κοῦρος, -ηκης τικὴ : corr. Schmidt. 

Inc. 8 J include here for convenience. It is attributed to 
Anacreon by writers on Homer, P 542. It is difficult to 
believe that Anacreon wrote scazons, but it is far more 
probable that we should read ἔσχισεν than attribute to 
Hipponax or Aeschrion. δέρην is impossible for Hipp. or 
Anacreon, hence read δὲ ῥῖν(α). 



84 A pail there was of honey sweet born of the 

(‘ Flower-eater’: the bee because it sucks from the 
flowers. (Hipp.) Book I. (84). Htymologicum Gudianum.) 

85 A garland wore of damson flower, and mint [full 
sweet smelling] 3 

(Since the ‘damson’. . . grows in profusion in the 
Damascene district . . . the fruit is specially named 
‘damascene.’ Hipp. among others mentions it (85). 

86 Daughters of Zeus Cybebe hight and Thracian 

(‘Cybebe’: the mother of the Gods. . . Whence Hipp. 
has (86). Others identify her with Artemis. Hesychius.) 

(Ine. 8) Clave through the middle of his (nose) and 

rent was his mantle.® 

1 The fragment has been allotted to Aeschrion on the 
ground of the pedantic word. But I find the diction no 
more tasteless than that (e.g.) of fr. 15. πέλλα : so Bgk. 

2 In English damson is of course derived from damascene. 
The Greek words differ. I have given the verse in the only 
form in which it approaches metre: it is still irregular and 
probably the attribution is mistaken. In Ionic tetrameters 
separate words cannot form the first two feet,, and εἶχον 
is improbable. See however Journal Camb. Phil. Soc., 1927, 
p- 46. Perhaps read στέφεα uev..... -a καὶ μίνθην. 

ἃ Inc. 8 is really a plain tetrameter ‘ and rent his mantle 



87* (Anan. 4) καί σε πολλὸν ἀνθρώπων 
> \ / / \ \ \ ὙΠ 
ἐγὼ φιλέω μάλιστα ναὶ μὰ τὴν κράμβην. 
(Ath. 370 Ὁ μήποτε δὲ ὁ Νίκανδρος . . - (see on 18): καὶ 
᾿Ανάνιος δέ φησι (87*).) 
(Inc.9) καὶ σαῦλα βαίνεις ἵππος ὡς κορωνίτης 
(Ε. Μ. 210. 45 διασαυλούμενος᾽ παρὰ τὸν σαῦλον, τὸν 
τρυφερὸν καὶ ἁβρόν. Σιμωνίδης ἐν ᾿Ιάμβοις (Inc. 9).) 
(Inc. 10) ὥσπερ ἔγχελυς κατὰ γλοιοῦ 
(Ath. vii. 299 ¢ Σιμωνίδης δ᾽ ἐν ᾿Ιάμβοις (Inc. 10).) 

Μοῦσά μοι Edpupedovtidde<w> τὴν 7<a>vT0- 
\ > / 9: > / > A 
THY εγγαστριμαχαιραν, οσ ἐσθίει ου κατα 
ἔννεφ᾽ ὅπως ψηφῖδι κακ«ὴ > κακὸν οἶτον ὄληται 
βουλῇ δημοσίῃ παρὰ Ov ἁλὸς ἀτρυγέτοιο. 
(Ath. xv. 698 b Πολέμων δ᾽ ἐν τῷ δωδεκάτῳ τῶν πρὸς Τίμαιον 
περὶ τῶν τὰς παρῳδίας γεγραφότων ἱστορῶν τάδε γράφει . . ." 
εὑρετὴν μὲν οὖν τοῦ γένους Ἱππώνακτα φατέον τὸν ἰαμβοποιόν. 
λέγει γὰρ οὗτος ἐν τοῖς ἑξαμέτροις (89). Hesych. ἐγγαστριμάχαι- 
pav’ τὴν ἐν τῇ γαστρὶ κατατέμνουσαν.) 


τὸ Ὁ 

87* Metre forbids us to accept the attribution to Ananius. 
I suspect a dislocation in Ath.’s text or a misunderstanding 
of Lysanias. As the rhythm of the first verse is unparalleled 
in early Ionic writers, it may belong to Herodes. 

Inc. 10 ὥσπερ yap A. 

89. 1 εὐρυμεδοντιαδεα : corr. Wilam. ποντοχ. : corr. Bgk. ἢ 
2 és: corr. Kal. 3 κακῇ (om. tres codd.): corr. quis? ἔννεπ᾽ 
inepte recentiores. 

1 If by Hipp. this must be satirical—t I swear on nothing.’ 
But the metre is late and the author more probably Phoenix 
or Herodes. Ananius avoided all choliambi but those which 
ended with four long syllables. 



8 Beyond all men 
I love thee most I swear by this cabbage.1 

(Perhaps Nicander (. . . see on 18): and Ananius says 
(87). Athenaeus.) 

(Inc. 9) And treadest proudly like a horse arch- 

(‘“‘ Proudifying”’: from proud = luxuriant, dainty. Simon- 
ides in his ambi (Inc. 9).. Htymologicum Magnum.) 

(Inc. 10) Like eel on oil-scrapings 2 
(Simonides in his Iambi (/nc. 10). Athenaeus.) 


89 Eurymedontiades his wife with knife in her belly,? 
Gulf of all food, sing Muse, and of all her dis- 
orderly eating : 
Sing that by public vote at the side of th’ un- 
harvested ocean 
Pebbled with stones she may die, an evil death to 
the evil. 

(Polemon in his twelfth book of Criticisms of Timaeus 
dealing with parodists writes as follows: Boeotus and 
Euboeus . . surpassed their predecessors. But the actual 
inventor of this class of poetry we must admit to have been 
Hipp. the writer of (chol)iambics. In his hexameters he 
says (89). Athenaeus.) 

2 Ine. 8, 9 and 10 are included here for convenience. 
Their true authorship is uncertain and their resemblance to 
Choliambi perhaps fortuitous. ὥσπερ (10) is probably un- 
sound for the old Ionic. Aeschrion and Simonides are 
confused (6). 

3 y, 1 That is she bolts her food without slicing it: 
Hesychius’ explanation appears to be very much abbreviated 
and is as hard as the original. 



Ω / 
0086 τί με σκιράφοισ᾽ ἀτιτάλλεις; 

(Eust. Od. 1397.26... ᾿Αθηναίοις οἱ καὶ ἐν ἱεροῖς ἀθροιζό- 
μενοι ἐκύβευον καὶ μάλιστα ἐν τῷ τῆς Σκιράδος ᾿Αθηνᾶς τῷ ἐπὶ 
Σκίρῳ. ἀφ᾽ οὗ καὶ τὰ ἄλλα κυβευτήρια σκιράφεια ὠνομάζετο. ἐξ 
ὧν καὶ πάντα τὰ πανουργήματα διὰ τὴν ἐν σκιραφείοις ῥᾳδιουργίαν 
σκίραφοι ἐκαλοῦντο" ‘Imm. (90).) 

9151 πῶς παρὰ ΚΚυψοῦν ἦλθε 
(Gramm. Hort. Adonid. p. 268° oi δὲ “Iwves . . « Σαπφοῦν 

καὶ Λητοῦν . - - ὁμοίως καὶ mapa Ἱππώνακτι (91).) 

91 Κυψοῦν is unlikely in an Homeric imitation: read with 
Bergk (ἢ) κῶς map Καλυψοῦν ἦλθε. 

92 ηὔδα δὲ λυδίζουσα βίασγ )[uxopAale: 

πυγιστὶ τὸν πυγεῶνα map|, 
καί μοι TOV ὄρχιν, TH σῴφαλίε 
κἸράδῃ συνηλοίησεν ὥστε» φαρμάκῳ, 
€\(v tots διοζίοισιν ἐμπε(δὴ) where. 5 
καὶ δὴ δυοῖσιν ἐν πόνοισ[ιν : 
ἢ τε κράδη με τοὐτέρωθϊεν 
ἄνωθεν ἐμπίπτουσα" κ[ ὦ 
πί(αραψιδάζων βολβίτῳ | 
dlev δὲ λαύρη- κάνθαροϊι δὲ 10 
ἦλθον κατ᾽ ὀσμὴν πλεῦν[ες : 
τῶν οἱ μὲν ἐμπίπτοντες 
κατέβαλον" οἱ δὲ τοὺς ὀδόϊντας wEvvoV" 
οἱ δ᾽ ἐμπέσοντες τἀθυ(ρ)ά ᾿Ἰγίματ᾽ ἔγραινον 
τοῦ ΠΙυγέλησι [ ‘ 15 
(For all notes see p. 65.) 


90 Why cozenest me with thy dicings ? 1 

(... the Athenians who even used to assemble in temples 
to play dice and most of all in that of Athene Sciras in the 
quarter Sciron. Hence all other dicing-places were called 
σκιραφεῖα. Hence too rogueries in general were called 
σκίραφοι *dicings’ on account of the cheating that went on 
in the dicing-places. Hipp. (90). Hustathius on Homer’s 

91 How unto Kypso came he 

(The Ionians . . . formed the accusative of Sappho and 
Leto in -oun.... So in Hipponax <you get Kypsoun> 
(91). A Grammarian in the Horn of Amalthea and Gardens 
of Adonis, Aldine ed. p. 268 verso.) 

1 “In the quarter Sciron.’ So clearly Eust. took it: 
the derivation of Sciras is disputed. 


92 Then spoke she foreign wise: [Venez plus vite ; 
Hereafter I will pluck your foul anus ; 
Then with a bough [where tripped I lay kicking], 
Battered my ....s as though I were scapegoat, 
Emprisoned fast in place where twain planks split. 
Yes, truly was I [caught] in two evils ; 6 
On one side fell the rod above on me, 
(‘To my sore pain: below upon th’ other] 
Befouled my .... dripped with fresh cow-dung. 
Then stank the midden; [numberless] beetles 10 
Came at the stench [like flies in midsummer]. 
Whereof some shoved away as they fell on 
[Perforce their neighbour]; some their teeth 

whetted ; 

Some, that had fallen, first devoured th’ ordure. 
More than Pygelean woes did I suffer. 15 





Bgk. Knox 
1 44 and 45 
9 46 
3 43 
4. 47 
5 48 
6 49 
if 50 
8 51 
9 52 
10 10 
11 2 Ince. (Introd.) 
12 8 
13 2 Ine 
14 53 
15 54 
16 57 
17 56 
18 59 
19 60 
20 61 
91 See 57 
ὭΣ. 11 
995 12 
93 14. 
94, (1π6.) 84 
5 om 
26 15 
Q7 om 
28 Inc. 6 
29 Inc. 7 
304 62 
30B 63 
31 64 

Norr.—So profuse is Hesychius in glosses from Hipponax 




2 1 

3 16 

Bek. Knox - 
θ4 71 56 
65 32 (0 
66 30 ye 
67 31 5 9 
684 34 
688 35 
69 36 
704 37 
70s 38 
71 39 ap 
72 Seep.5 (δὶ 
73 72 bs 
74 69 61 
75 Herodas v. 74 
76 77 ξ9 
78 Inc. 5 Introd. 
79 79 75 
80 80 74 
81 a5. ἜΣ 
82 81 Ἷ 
83 78 10 
84 88: 1 

> 89 I? 

(s6— 90 “3 
87 91 
88 40 
89 and 91-99 om 
90) See ps2” ἢ 

100 424 
109 495 
190 86 

197 42 


. © 

that I venture to suggest that some of the following anony- 
mous citations may belong to him. Some I have included 
as illustrations in what might be their approximate contexts. 
In addition most of the Hesychian glosses referred in German 
texts to Herodes are more probably due to his original. 
Words in (8v-, various Lydian glosses, ἄρναν and other 



Clazomenian glosses, Schmidt s.v. αὐριβάτας (Lyd. adv.), 
λουταρίζημα, μασίγδουπον | βασιλέα, Nealpyow | ἵπποις, ὀδώ- 
δυσται, ὀμπνίῃ δαιτί, Τὀπωφᾶταιϊ, ἹΠέρδικος καπηλεῖον, τοιχο- 
διφήτωρ, τίεσκε μύθους, Ἰοξίου βουνός and 6.4. τομεύουσι, χατεύ- 
ουσα, φραδεύουσι. 

To complete list of addenda to Bergk’s edition, I give the 
following fragment (Diehl addenda): Inser. Ostrak. Berolin. 
12605 ὧρος" ἐνιαυτός . . . . [Ἱππώνακτος" 

πονηρὸς [| Jou πάντας 

᾿Ασωποδώρου παῖδα κ[ ] 

apparently with the sense ‘ wicked for all his years beyond 
the son of Asopodorus.’ 

Of certain fragments given by Bergk we may guess at 
metre in fr. 133 κύων λιμῷ | σαρκῶν, a dog gnawing In hunger, 
and frr. 110, 111 ἡ βορβορῶπις κἀνασυρτόλις πόρνη, which I 
do not translate. 

Fragment 92 was found at Oxyrrhyneus. Ed. pr. Rivista 
di Fil. Class. 1928, pp. 500 sqq. by G. Co[ppola]. 

1 (corr. from ἕξι P. 6 καιδὴη ex kawn. 8 mint ex πειπτ P. 
Iotas subscr. om P exe. βολβίτῳ (9). Accents, ete., at 2 πυ- 
γεῶνα, 3 καί, 4 doin, 7 ἥ and τοὐτέρ, 8 εμπϊπτουσα κ, 9 άζων, 
10 λαύρη. 11 κατ᾽ and πλεῦν, 13 ov: ode, 14 015’, 15 πυγέλησι, 
and perhaps 10 &{ev. Supplements v. 1 Vogliano and Lobel, 
v. 4 Coppola (corr. E. Lobel from ὥσπ[ερ), v. 5 (init.) Co., 
v. 10 Lobel, 11, 12, and 13 (ὀδόντας) Co., v. 4 .. |ras Co., 
wv. 3, 5, 8, 13, 14 (ἔγρ. vel éxvavor) supplevi. 

I translate v. 2 -is ἐλάκτιζον, v. 6 ἠγρεύμην, Vv. Ἴ ἤλγυνεν, 
v. 9 κατῃσχύνθη, v. 10 τὠριθμῷ, v. 11 ἢ θέρεος μυῖαι (following 
Co.), v. 12 ἐκ βίης ἄλλους. Only a few letters of the three 
next verses remain. In vv. 2 and 9 the sense is highly con- 
troversial. I translate παρτιλῶ σ᾽ αὖθις and gadis καινῴ 
(vereor ne σπέρμα legendum sit). τὰ διόζια sunt sedes 
(planks) τῆς λαύρης in quibus Hipponactem aut fraude 
(Decameron, ii. 5) aut casu captum et pronum jacentem 
Arete spe frustrata tamquam cinaedum (Petron. ch. 138) et 
impotentem (Burton, Arabian Nights, x. 250) contumelia 
punit. Nescio an cantharorum dapes et titillationes pro- 
viderit mulier. βολβ. de stercore bovino tantum dici 
potest. In λαύρῃ (‘midden’) excrementa omnius generis 
coacervantur. Pro ἀθυράγματα vid. Hesych. θυραγμ- (extra 
ordinem): ἀφοδεύματα. 



11 ἤλπολλον ὅς <K>0v Δῆλον ἢ Πουθῶν᾽ ἔχεις, 
ἢ Νάξον ἢ Μίλητον ἢ θείζηδν Κλάρον, 
ik<e>v Ka<T> ἱϊεἸ]ρά: int Σκύθας ἀςπλιξέαι. 

(Ar. Ran. 659 Dionys. (1. 1). Xanth. ἤλγησεν" οὐκ ἤκουσας ; 
Di. οὐκ ἔγωγ᾽ ἐπεὶ ἴαμβον ᾿Ιππώνακτος ἀνεμιμνήσκομεν. Schol. 
ἴαμβον Ἵππ." ὡς ἀλγήσας καὶ συγκεχυμένος οὐκ οἷδε τί λέγει" 
ἐπεὶ οὐκ ‘Imm. ἀλλ᾽’ ᾿Ανανίου. ἐπιφέρει δὲ ὁ ᾿Ανανίας αὐτῷ 

(1. 2, 3).) 

Q2 χρυσὸν λέγει ]Πύθερμος ὡς οὐδὲν τἄλλα. 

(Heraclid. Pont. (Ath. xiv. 625 c) οὗτός ἐστι ἸΠύθερμος οὗ 
μνημονεύει ᾿Ανάνιος ἢ Ἱππῶναξ ἐν τοῖς ἰάμβοις fév ἄλλῳϊ 

οὕτως (2).) 

1 που, θείαν, ἵκου, καθ᾽, ἱερά, ἀφιξ- : corr. Meineke. 3 for 
ἢ read καὶ, the usual error, ‘and then you may return 
home,’ or better τί . . .; 

ἢ χρυσοῦ. On the score of metre Ananius must be the 
author. Note that Athenaeus quotes at second hand. 

1 The subject seems to be clear. It is an appeal to Apollo 
who had a tendency to wander to the north. Himerius 
(Or. xiv. 10) tells us (from Alcaeus) how on his birth A. was 
sent on his swan-car to Delphi by Zeus to give law to the 
Greeks. He immediately turned his team to the Hyper- 




Apollo, now at Delos, Pytho town, 
Naxos, Miletus, or Claros divine, 
First to our rites: why Scythiaward must hie?? 

(Dionysus (1. 1). Xanthias. It hurt. Didn’t you hear? 
Dionysus. Not it indeed: a verse of Hipponax I hunted 
for. Aristophanes, Frogs, 659. ‘ Hipponax’: this is said 
in his pain and confusion inaccurately, since the verse is 
not by Hipp. but by Ananius. The next verses are (2, 3). 
Commentator on this passage.) 

2 Aught else but gold is naught, saith Pythermus. 

(This is the Pythermus whom Ananius or Hipponax 
mentions in his iambi t. . .t? as follows (9). Heraclides 
Ponticus quoted by Athenaeus.) 

boreans. He spent a year there before bidding his swans 
return (ἐξ Ὑπερβορέων ἐφίπτασθαι). See Wernsdorf ad loc., 
J. U. Powell on Simias fr. 1 (Collectanea Alexandrina, 
p- 111). Clearly the address is not that made on this 
occasion but merely alludes to Apollo’s migratory habits. 
2 (t+... +) perhaps ἐν ἀδήλῳ βιβλίῳ, ‘I cannot say in which 
Q 67 


3° εἴ tis καθείρξαι χρυσὸν ἐν δόμοις trroAdvi 
“- 3. ον A 
καὶ σῦκα Bava καὶ δύ᾽ ἢ τρεῖς ἀνθρώπους 
γνοίη <K>daov τὰ σῦκα τοῦ χρυσοῦ κρέσσω. 

(Ath. iii. 78 ἃ ὅτι δὲ πάντων τῶν καλουμένων ξυλίνων καρπῶν 
ὠφελιμώτερά ἐστι τοῖς ἀνθρώποις τὰ σῦκα. . . (f) καὶ ᾿Ανάνιος 

δ᾽ ὁ ἰαμβοποιὸς ἔφη (3). Stob. iv. 58 ᾿Ιππώνακτος (3).) 
44 = Hippon. 87. 

55 ἔαρι μὲν χρόμιος ἄριστος, avli<n>s δ᾽ e<v> 

~ ~ > ” A \ » / 
τῶν καλῶν δ᾽ ὄψων ἄριστον Kapis ἐκ συκέης 
ἡδὺ δ᾽ ἐσθίειν χιμαίρης φθινοπωρισμῷ 
δέλφακος δ᾽ ὅταν τραπ«έρλωσι Kal πατέωσιν 
\ ~ “ » > “ A) ~ 
Kal κυνῶν αὕτη TO<T>’ ὥρη καὶ λαγῶν 
κἀλωπέκων. 5 
Wee a De Cl J > aN > / ΄ 
dios αὖτ᾽ ὅδΐε᾽ταν θέρος 7 7 κἠχέται βαβρά- 
εἶτα δ᾽ ἐστὶν ἐκ θαλάσσης θύννος οὐ tKaKovt 
3 \ ~ > / 3 \ > ~ 
ἀλλὰ πᾶσιν ἰχθύεσσιν ἐμπρεπὴς ἐν μυ«σσΣωτῷ. 
3.1 -ξει codd. πολλὸν edd. But it is doubtful if 
Ananius ever used the verse-ending ὦ — — — and the right 

reading might be e.g. ἅλις. δόμοις is not Ionic: δόμοισ᾽ is. 
3 yun σχάσοντας Stob.: γνοίη x’ ὅσῳ Ath. Both writers 
(see on Hipp. 75) draw ultimately, I fancy, from Lysanias 
on the Choliambists. This book probably contained a parallel 
quotation from Hipp. 

5. 1 -ias: corr. Schn. 2 (Cas.) & ... φύλλοις: BYwr 
absent in some codd. 3 .χιμέρης : corr. Heringa. 5 αὖ τῆμος 



3 Should any in a room enclose much gold 
And a few figs and two or three mortals, 
He’d learn that figs than gold are far better. 
(That figs are more useful than all so-called orchard fruits 
Ananius the iambist says (3). Athenaeus. Also 

quoted by Stobaeus the anthologist in his Comparison of 
Wealth and Poverty.) 

4 See Hippon. 87. 

5 For best inspring the salmon! is, in winter the 


And best of dainties is the prawn that peeps from 
green fig-leaves, 

And sweet in autumn ’tis to eat the flesh of a 
young kid, 

And sweet to eat the flesh of pigs the autumn 
grapes treading. 

Tite | is the time to eat of whelps, of hares and 
of foxes. 5 

But mutton eat when summer comes and grass- 
hoppers chatter. 

And then the tunny from the sea no paltry food 

But set in cheese-cake shineth out among other 

1 *Salmon,’ really umber: see Isaac Walton, Compleat 
Angler ch. vi. I avoid the familiar English ‘ grayling,”’ 
since the date does not fit. Our mackerel is most pleasur- 
ably caught in August (in a light wind, sails reefed) off the 
Devon coast and eaten within an hour or two, but it keeps 
ill in summer. ’ See Casaubon. 

Meineke is prob. right: τόθ᾽ codd. 6 οἷος : expl. Casaubon. 
avroerav: corr. Heringa. 17 ? for xaxdv—e.g. δειλὸν. 8 ἐμ- 
πρεπεῖς v.l, μυττ.: corr. Bek. ? 



~ A / / / \ ,ὔ 
βοῦς δὲ πιανθείς, δοκέω μέν, καὶ μεσέων 
νυκτῶν ἡδὺς 
ε / 
κημερης. 10 
(Ath. vii. p. 282 b ἀνθίας" κάλλιχϑυς. τούτου μέμνηται 
᾿Επίχαρμος ἐν “HBas Tauw (fr. 58 Kb.) καὶ σκιφίας χρόμις θ᾽ 

ὃς ἐν τῷ ἦρι καττὸν ᾿Ανάνιον ἰχθύων πάντων ἄριστος ἀνθίας δὲ 
χείματι. λέγει δὲ ᾿Αν. οὕτως (5).) 



A fattened ox, I ween, is sweet οὐ day and at 

(‘ Anthias’: beauty-fish. Mentioned by Hpicharmus in 

his Marriage of Hebe: ‘The sword-fish and the chromis 

which in spring Ananius says Is best of fish, as winter brings 
the beauty-fish the best.’ Ananius’ words are (5). Athenaeus.) 

1 One would have expected the sense ‘ when day and 
night are equal.’ 



Tue papyrus of Herodes is in the British Museum 
(135).1. The editio princeps by Kenyon dates from 
1891. Rutherford’s edition, based on Kenyon’s proofs, 
was published soon after. Rutherford contributed 
something : but his very loose handling of the text 
drew violent criticisms from Nicholson (Librarian of 
the Bodleian, Oxford) in the Academy, September 26- 
October 31. Since then few English scholars have 
ventured to publish without an examination of 
the papyrus. Many other English critics, notably 
Walter Headlam and E. L. Hicks (subsequently 
Bishop of Lincoln), published in the same journal. 
In 1922 Biicheler published an edition based on a 
wide knowledge of classical literature, especially 
the more obscene Roman writers: Crusius’ Unter- 
suchungen appeared the same year. Crusius had spent 
great care on certain writers of whom Babrius was 
one: but his editions display a grave lack of judge- 
ment in preferring the text to the corrections, in 
sustaining the most obviously false readings, and in 
regarding Herodes as tending rather to the vulgar 
style than, as is the fact, to excessive artifice. His 
treatment of the text was honest and exceptionally 
careful, but he was quite devoid of palaeographical 

1 Milne, Catalogue 96, p. 66. 


skill. Blass was the only sound reader, always with 
the exception of Kenyon, who had to sustain the facts 
of palaeography like Athanasius against a world of 
heretical misreadings : and performed the task with 
extreme courtesy and an admirable firmness which 
in only one case 1 relaxed. The only flaw in Kenyon’s 
work was that neither he nor anyone else had then 
any distinct idea of the proper treatment of papyri : 
in consequence the mounting was in places very 
faulty, and only lately several errors have been re- 
moved. In 1892 an edition by Herwerden appeared 
in Mnemosyne; and in 1893 R. Meister published 
an edition, the interest of which lay in the view that 
Herodes wrote in perfectly good Ionic ; a view which 
can only be disproved by the number of cases (e.g. 
aik-) Where the true Ionic (decx-) does not suit the 
metre. For the following years only Crusius and 
Headlam continued the intensive study of Herodes : 
Headlam with an obstinate refusal to publish a full 
edition when problems remained of which an accurate 
solution might be found ; and Crusius with a stream 
of editions (last 1914) which displayed a satisfaction 
in a quite illiterate text and conjectural supplements. 
Meanwhile, however, R. Herzog made some ex- 
cavations in Cos, which appear to complicate the 
problems of Mime IV., and some valuable notes on 
archaeological points. In 1904 (Dr.) J. A. Nairn, 
headmaster of Merchant Taylér’s School, published 
an edition embodying most previous research: the 
main flaw being that the editor continually accepted 
theories based on quite inconsistent premises. In 
1922 appeared an edition of Mimes I.-VI. by Professor 

1 Nairn’s reading i. 82 is wholly impossible. 



P. Grooneboom!: which displays the sound taste of 
a widely read scholar and clear, lucid and consistent 
judgement. The editor wisely follows Blass and 
Kenyon for text, but was unable himself to contribute 
anything. At about the same time Headlam’s com- 
plete notes were published by the Cambridge Uni- 
versity Press with an illustrative text and what was 
practically an editio princeps of Mime VIII., with 
the loose fragments pieced together. The main 
value of this edition (and, in a lesser degree, of 
Grooneboom’s) should be to destroy the idea that 
Herodes was a writer who shows any relation to the 
ordinary speech, or that his connexions, aims, and 
methods are other than literary. 

The following is a list of some recent work on 
Herodes :-— 

*Herodas: The Mimes and Fragments. With notes by 
Walter Headlam, Litt.D., Cambridge, 1922. 

Les Mimiambes d’Hérodas I-VI par P. Grooneboom, 
Groningue, 1922. 

* Eroda I Mimiambi. Testo Critico e Commento per 
cura di Nicola Terzaghi. Torino, 1925. 

* Otto Crusius: Die Mimiamben des Herondas. 
Zweite Auflage . . . von Rudolf Herzog. Leipzig, 

3. Articles (excluding reviews) : 

R. Herzog, Philologus, \xxix. pp. 370 sqq., Ixxxii. pp. 
28 sqq. 

1 This edition should be consulted for work between 1906 
and 1922. 

2 With translations. 

3 Mr. H. I. Bell’s Bibliography of work on Papyri has 
been very helpful. Dr. P. Grooneboom has also sent me 
kind notes on recent literature. 



A. D. Knox, C.R. xxxix. pp. 18 sqq., Philologus, \xxxi. 
241 sqq-, Phil. Woch., 1926, 77 sq., C.R. xlii. 168. 

A. E. Housman, C.R. xxxvi. 109 sqq. (a certain ex- 
planation of ii. 65-7). 

Kalinka (Akad. der Wiss. in Wien Sitzb., 197 Bd. 6 Abh.). 

Meerwaldt (Mnemosyne, liii. 393 sqq.). 

Radermacher (Der Lehrer des Herondas: Sonderabsdr. aus 
Wien. Zeitschr. fiir V olkskunde, 30, 1925). 

Vogliano (Riv. di Fil., 1925, 395 sqq.). 

W. M. Calder, C.R., xxxviii. 113 sqq. (a useful note on 

H. J. Rose, C.Q., 1923, 32 sqq. 

J. M. Edmonds, C.Q., 1925, 129 sqq. 

W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne, 1927, p. 104. 

W. R. Halliday, C.R. xxxvii. 115. 

Of these writings it is only necessary for immediate 
purposes to observe that Terzaghi (1925) makes no 
effort to give a correct text, and that Edmonds’ 
notes are wholly deficient in objectivity and appear 
to be wanting in appreciation of the author’s mean- 
ing and style. Rudolf Herzog’s! articles are of 
course in a different category. Bound, in some sort, 
to the cartwheels of earlier Teubner editions, he 
has yet adopted and contributed a large number of 
improvements. Unfortunately on many points he 
retains theories of Crusius’ which are obviously 
inadmissible: and his valuable discoveries in Cos 
have led him to take Herodes as a critic of actual 
life in a way which would surprise no one more than 

To return to the papyrus. It is of curious form, 
with few verses to the column. It dates from per- 
haps about a.p. 100. It is written by an untrained 

1 Besides acknowledged points I owe to him the allocation 
of parts in VII. 


hand, and various errors suggest a more cursive 
hand for its immediate archetype. It was checked 
with indifferent care, the reviser writing the mark / 
against the left of the dubious verse and calling 
attention to false scansions by the usual method of 
placing quantitative marks on the top. The actual 
corrector missed many false verses even where his 
attention was so called. Even so there are very 
numerous corrections ; and apart from cases where, 
as so often happens, the corrections (written above 
or in the margin with occasional cancellation of the 
false letters) are themselves inaccurately placed, all 
corrections of every sort by whatever hand are for 
the better The theory that corrections to normal 
grammar were ever made is absurd, since it is patent 
that no scholar ever touched this text or any an- 
cestor ; otherwise we might have valuable marginal 
notes. Long τ is indifferently written 1 or εἰ, and εἰ 
is indifferently written εἰ or « or i or &. To save 
space I have not noticed cases in my critical ap- 
paratus. For xo, etc. (P) I write ἐκ ὦ without note in 
crit. app. And so in other crases and elisions except 
after prepositions: but see iv. 83, viii. 52. Similarly 
I have standardized the contraction κη- for καὶ ἐ-, 
giving «<7>- where P has xa-. I have omitted to 
note places where P gives punctuation (by gaps), 
and numerous omissions of iota subscript. I give 
the speakers’ names, which are not given by P, and 
note by the symbols [{ | in text, and < > in trans- 
lation where P fails to note change of speakers (by 
paragraphus —). Further I have omitted to note 

1 Except at iii. 91, and vii. 104 where, in any case, the 
erroneous correction is by the first hand. Occasionally, as 
at iii. 53, the correction has miscarried. 



where P writes in full or contracts, except in cases 
of possible interest. It need only be pointed out 
that at vii. 96 either πρῆξις or πρήξεις is admissible. 

The papyrus has suffered little from worms except 
at vii. itt. Some damage due to incompetent hand- 
ling before reaching the British Museum has been 
set right. 

Of the Bude edition (1928 Laloy et Nairn) I have 
taken all the notice necessary for a student of 
Herodes: see the crit. nn. on ii. 15 and viii. 8. The 
reader should be warned that the Bude text (e.g. 
at i. 81, 82; viii. 47; ix. 8) is very inaccurate. I 
should have included among the list of signs omitted 
in my crit. app. cases (e.g. v. 6) where a hard verse 
is measured for metre by insertion of dots between 
feet. In iv. 70 I ought to have noted πημηΐνη.- 


Ο[ρέϊσ](σ᾽), ἀράσσει τὴν θύρην τις" οὐκ ὄψει 
uly] τίις] παρ᾽ ἡμέων ἐξ ἀγροικίης ἥκει; 
τίίς τ) ὴν] θύρην; 



/ / / 
τίς ov; δειμαίνεις 


ἄσσον προσελθεῖν; 
aN > 7 / > a 
ἣν ἰδού, πάρειμ᾽ ἄσσον. 
[2 3 s 4 
τίς δ᾽ εἶ σύ; 

ἢ ὙΡ 
1. θυραν P, suppl. R. 2. μή τις Bl. atokins P. 
3. suppl. BI. 




(Metriche, a respectable well-to-do lady, still young and 
attractive, is sitting at home mith her slave Threissa 
an the room. A knock is heard. The season is 
winter. Time and (for us) place are not clearly 
marked. For the latter Cos is perhaps suggested. 
v. 56 has the clue.) 


Threissa, list, a rap at the door: go see an any of 
ours be here from the estate. 

Who knocketh ? 
mas! I; 

Who art thou? Art afrayd to come nearer ? 

See there: I have come nearer. 
Who art thou ? 

1 The speakers are allotted (mainly by punctuation) accur- 
ately except that in v. 8 δούλη * wench,’ is given to Gyllis. 



Γυλλίς, ἡ Φιλαινίδος μήτηρ. 5 
ἄγγειλον ἔνδον Mytpiyn παρ(ε)ῦσάν pe. 

Ψ / > 
κάλει. τίς ἐστιν; 

Γυλλίς, ἀμμίςη» Τυλλίς. 

στρέψον τι, δούλη. τίς σε μοῖρ᾽ ἔπεισ᾽ ἐλθεῖν, 
Ευλλίς, πρὸς ἡμέας; τί σὺ θεϊὸς πρὸ)ς ἀνθρώπους; 
ἤδη γάρ εἰσι πέντε κου, δοκέω, (μῆνες) 10 
ἐξ οὗ σε, Γυλλίς, οὐδ᾽ ὄναρ, μὰ τὰς Μοίρας, 
πρὸς τὴν θύρην ἐλθοῦσαν εἶδέ τις ταύτην. 

μάκρην ἀποικέω, τέκνον, ἐν δὲ ταῖς λαύραις 
ὁ πηλὸς ἄχρις ἰγνύων προσέστηκεν" 
ἐγὼ δὲ δραίνω pur’ ὅσον" τὸ (yap γῆρας 1ὅ 
ἡμέας καθέλκει κὴ σκιὴ παρέστηκεν. 

|.€ καὶ μὴ τοῦ χρόνου καταψεύδεο:" 
“ ; Ξ wv > τῇ / XP Ie ε » » 
οἵη T ἔτ᾽ εἶ] γάρ, Τυλλί, «κλἡτέρους ἀγχειν. 

5. γυλλίς and φιλαινιοῦν P, with correction in margin. 

6. μητρίχηι P. 7. ἀμμια P: corr. R. 9. ΠΡ 
(i.e. παρ᾽ corr. to προς) Κ. suppl. R. 10. suppl. 
Ke 12. ταυτὴν by correction from ταυτης P (K.). 

15. uu, οσον P with μυσοσον in faint small letters in margin 

MIME I. 5-18 


Gyllis, mother of Philaenis. Take news to Metriché 
within that I am here. 

METRICHE (hearing a woman's voice) 
Admit her. Who is it ? 

Gyllis, nurse Gyllis. 


To your wheel, wench. What fate, Gyllis, be- 

guyled you to come to us? Why camest angel- 

wise? “Tis now, I ween, five months since any 

beheld you, even in fancy, come to this door, the 
Fates be witness. 


I live afar off, childe, and in the alleys the mud is 

knee-deep ; and I can no more than a fly; for eld 

weigheth upon me, and the Shadow standeth by me. 


Frolick and belie not Father Time: for thous not 
past it yet, Gyllis. 

1 yy. 17-19 Changes of speakers may have been indicated 
in left margin. 

(J. H. Wright). 16. nuelas P supplied by K. from Stob. 
Fl. exvi. 18 where some codd. have v. 15 μυιοσων, μυοσων, 
κηὴν for καὶ, and παραστήκει or παρεστηκη. 17. ...] (δγεκαιμη P. 
(so Mn.): ? ἔρειδε, unless νέα ζε be possible. καταψευδου P. 
18. suppl. by Tucker. 
R 83 



7 ~ ~ / [4 ~ 
σίλίλαιν)ε: ταῦτα THs νεωτέρῃς ὑμῖν 


ἀλλ᾽ οὐ τοῦτο μή σε θερμήνῃ. 20 


ἀλλ᾽, ὦ τέκνον, κόσον TW ἤδη χηραίνεις 

χρόνον μόνη “τρύχουσα τὴν μίαν κοίτην; 

ἐξ οὗ γὰρ εἰς Αἴγυπτον ἐστάλη Μάνδρις 

δέκ᾽ εἰσὶ μῆνες, κοὐδὲ γράμμα σοι πέμπει, 

ἀλλ᾽ ἐκλέλησται καὶ πέπωκεν ἐκ καινῆς. 25 
κεῖ δ᾽ ἐστὶν οἶκος τῆς θεοῦ" τὰ “γὰρ πάντα, 

ὅσσ᾽ ἔστι κου καὶ γίνετ᾽, ἔστ᾽ ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ: 
πλοῦτος, παλαίστρη, δύναμις, εὐδί(η), (δ)όξα, 
θέαι, φιλόσοφοι, χρυσίον, νεηνίσκοι, 

pee ἀδελφῶν τέμενος, ὁ βασιλεὺς χρηστός, 80 
Μουσῇον, οἶνος, ἀγαθὰ πάν «τ’᾽ ὅσ᾽ ἂν χρήζῃϊς, 
γυναῖκες, ὁκόσους οὐ μὰ τὴν “(A)wWew Κούρην 
(ἀστέ)ρας ἐνεγκεῖν ovpay|o]s κεκαύχηται, 

τὸ δ᾽ εἶδος οἵαι πρὸς ΠΙάριϊν)] Ko<7>’ ὥρμησαν 
θ(ε)αὶ κριϊ(θγῆναι καλλονήν---(λ)άθοιμ᾽ αὐτάς 88 
γρύξασα.] κο(ῦην οὖν τάλαινί(α) σὺ ψυχήν 
ἔχουσα] θάλπεις τὸν δίφρον; κατ᾽ οὖν λήσεις 
γηρᾶσα] καί σευ τὸ ὥριον τέφρη κάψει. 
πάπτη]νον ἄλλῃ κἡμέρας μετάλλαξον 

t(ov)] νοῦν (δ)ύ᾽ ἢ τρεῖς, «κ)ἱλαρὴ κατάστηθι 40 
ἘΝ (πρ))ὸς ἄλλον: νηῦς μιῆς ἐπ᾽ ἀγκύρης 

οὐκ ἀσφ)αλὴς ὁρμ(ε)δ(σ)α- κεῖνος ἣν ἔλθῃ.--- 

19. σιλ[(λ)γα](ιν)ε Ῥ : suppl. by K. νεωτερηισυμῖν P. 
23. μάνδρις P. 25. εκλελησται P, and καιν "ἢ" ς Ps: xuvys in 


MIME I. 19-42 

Jest on: ’tis the way with you merrie wives. 

Let not this irk thee. 


Well, childe, how long art thou a widow, in lone- 
lihed w eary ing thy sole bedde ἢ Since Mandris fared 
to Egypt tis ten months ne a jot sent thee. He 
hath forgotten thee and quaffed anew. There is the 
goddes house. No being nor creacioun but what is 
in Egypt: wealth, grounds of disport, power, climate 
fayr, fame, exhibiciouns, sages, gold, children, the 
demesne of the Brethren Gods, right noble the king, 
the Museum, wine, all boons man mote crave, women, 
‘a Hell-Maids name, more than sky vaunteth of stars, 
and in countenance as what [goddesses] of yore came 
unto Paris for deeming of their beautie, pray they 
hear not my prating. [With] what intendiment then 
warmest thy seat? [Eld] will steal on thee and ash ὦ 
devour thy bloom. Spy elsewhither, and for two or 
three days make change of your mind, and be chear- 
full [once more] toward another. Ships ride [ποὺ] 
safely on one anchor. An He come, <thence> shall 

1 As the ash on a torch creeps over the ember. 

margin. 98: κΚῦ ἘΞ 28. πα᾽λαιστρὴ P. 29. ϑέαι P. 
31. marked as corrupt. aya πανθ P. 32. suppl. K. 
33. so Hicks. 34. (τηνδ)οψιν P with..... dos superscr 
explained by Hdl., BI. 88. so Buech. 36. suppl. Hdl. 
(σὲ) 37. suppl. R. NOEL Gia ἘΣ 38. suppl. R. 
ὡριβον P. 39. suppl. Weil. xn P: 40. suppl. Bl. 
χιλαριηκαταστηθ.ι P. 41. 6.5. αὖτις. 42. so Hicks. 



Se a oe ]..[. Jul] μηδὲ εἷς ἀναστήσῃ 
ἡἼμεας φίλ(η) τὸ δεῖν(α) δ᾽ ἄγριος χείμων 
ΝΥΝ ΡΥ |(Aa), κοὐδὲ εἷς οἶδεν 45 

τὸ μέλλο]ν ἡμέων: ἄστατος yap ἀνθρώποις 
A ete Ἰ(θλη}}.]1ς. ἀλλὰ μήτις ἕστηκε 
σύνεγγυς) ἡμῖν; 


οὐδὲ eféls. 


ἄκουσον δή 
σοι χρ[ εἴ Ἰζουσ᾽ ὧδ᾽ ἔβην ἀπαγγεῖλαι: 
Ματαλί[ίνης τῆς [Παταικίου UpvAdos, 50 
πέντε νικέϊω]ν ἄθλα, παῖς μὲν ev [[Τυθοῖ, 
δὶς δ᾽ ἐν Κορίνθῳ τοὺς ἴουλον ἀνθεῦντας, 
ἄνδρας δὲ [Π{(σῃ) (d)is καθεῖλε πυκτεύσας, 
πλουτέων τὸ (καλόν), οὐδὲ κάρφος ἐκ τῆς γῆς 
κινέων, ἀθικτίο]ς [ἐς] (Κυ)θηρίην σφρη(γ)ίς, δῦ 
ἰδών σε κ(α)θό(δ)γῳ (τῆς) Μίσης ἐκύμηνε 
τὰ σπλάγχν᾽, ἔρωϊτι] καρδίην ἀνοιστρηθείς, 
καί μευ οὔτε νυκτὸς οὔτ᾽ ἐφ᾽ ἡμέρην λείπει 
τὸ δῶμα, [ré]xvov, ἀλλά μευ κατακλαίει 
καὶ ταταλὶ ζει καὶ ποθέων ἀποθνήσκει. 60 
ἀλλ᾽, ὦ τέκνον μοι Μητρίχη, μίαν ταύτην 
ἁμαρτίην δὸς (τῇ) θεῷ: κατάρτησον 
σαυτήν, τὸ [γ]ῆρας μὴ λάθῃ σε πρόσβλεψαν. 

2 On On ὃς 

43. 6.0. τέθνηκεν" (R.) οὔκουν. 44. φίλη: τὸ δεῖνα Bell, 
Nairn. I conjecture and translate “φιλεῖ τόδ᾽ εἶν᾽" ὁ δὲ. 
45. €.g. [(σε)ίει χαμαὶ τὰ φύλ]λα. 46. Ἰνημεων Ῥ: τὸ μέλλον 

Buech., W.H., and others. γαρημιων P (avO@pwrwy first 
written in superscr.). 47. e.g. ζοὴ (Cr.) γενέθλῃσ᾽ with 


MIME I. 43-63 

none raise us again, deere. {So runs the world.; 
The wild winter [shakes down the leavjes, and none 
of us conneth [what will be]: for [life] is unstable 
to the [generaciouns] of man. But say an any be 
hard by. 

Hear then the newes whereof I wolde come here 
messenger. Gryllos, son of Mataline, woman of 
Pataikios, victor of five prizes, as boy at Pytho, twice 
at Corinth over downy youth, while twice at Pisa in 
boxing he overwent his rival men, of fair wealth, 
moving no mote from ground, seal untouched to 
Cytherea—he at the Descent of Misé set eyne on 
thee, and his harte was stung with passion, and his 
entrayles swollen: night and day long he quitteth 
not my house, childe, but weepeth over me, calling 
me fond names, and of yearning perdy dyeth. But 
childe Metriche, prithee, this one errour grant to 
the goddes: devote thyself to her,’ lest eld espy 

1 ‘None’ is said by M., but the changes of speaker are 
marked only by spaces. 

2 Understand ἐξ αὐτῆς : soGrooneboom. One might com- 
pare Michael Psellus (p. 244. 34 Sathas) ἐπειδὴ προσηλωμένην 
εἶδον TH θεῷ Kal οἷον ἐξηρτημένην (which normally takes genitive 
OL.) = 

ἀνθρώπων. ἐστηκεν Ῥ a mark of error prefixed: ν 
is cancelled before completion. 48. read and supplied by 

ι λ 
Nicholson: ἡμῶν P. 49. supp. Hardie. 50. Ματᾶκ P. 

γυλλος P, corrected in margin. 54. καλόν Hicks; καρπος 
Ps 55. suppl. Nicholson. ὅθ. καθόδω and pions P. 
57. suppl. Hicks, Hdl. 59. suppl. K. 60. τὰἀτὰλιζει P. 
61. μητριχηὶ P. 63. suppl. K. 



καὶ δοιὰ πρήξεις" ἡδέωϊν) (τεύ) ξ]ει (κα) ὦ σοι 
δοθήσεταί τι μέζον ἢ δοκεῖς" σκέψαι, 65 
πείσθητί μευ: φιλέω σε, vat μὰ tas Μοίρας. 

Γυλλί, τὰ λευκὰ τῶν τριχῶν ἀπαμβλύνει 
τὸν νοῦν: μὰ τὴν γὰρ Μάνδριος κα[τ]άπλωσιν 
καὶ τὴν φίλην Δήμητρα ταῦτ᾽ ἐγὼ ᾿ξ ἄλλης 
γυναικὸς οὐκ ἂν ἡδέως ἐπήκου(σ)α, 70 
χωλὴν. δ᾽ ἀείδειν χώλ᾽ ἂν ἐξεπαίδευσα 
καὶ τῆς ᾿θύρης τὸν οὐδὸν ἐχθρὸν ἡγεῖσθαι. 
σὺ δ᾽ αὖτις ἔς μευ») μηδὲ ἕνα» φίλη τοῖον 
φέρουσα χώρει μῦθον: (ὃν) (δ)ὲ γρήαι(σ) «ι) 
πρέπει γυναιξὶ ταῖς νέαις ἀπάγγελλε: 75 
τὴν Πυθέω δὲ Μητρίχην ἔα θάλπειν 
τὸν δίφρον: οὐ yap é<y>yeAd τις εἰς Μαάνδριν. 
ἀλλ᾽ οὐχὶ τούτων, φασί, τῶν λόγων TvAXis 
δεῖται: Θρέϊσσα τὴν μελαινίδ᾽ ἔκτί ρ᾽ μον 
(κἡ)κτημόρους τρεῖς ἐγχέ(α) σα τ](οῦ ἀ)κρήτου 80 
καὶ ὕδωρ ἐπιστάξασα δὸς πιεῖϊν]. 

τῆ, Τυλλί, πῖθι. 

64. δοια P: expl. Hdl.: suppl. Hdl., F.D. (καί σοι). 
65. σκεψαι" P (? such marks after τ are often accidental; cf. 

viii.¢c in Nairn’s facs.). 65-66. a change of speakers 

wrongly marked but cancelled. 67. 8 of απαμβλυνει ex 

correctura. yuvaifor Γυλλί Stob. FI. exvi. 24. 71. xwdov 


MIME I. 64-82 

thee ere thou wot. Twain ends shalt thou win: 
thou shalt have joyaunce and gifts beyond thy fancy. 
Think on’t, be of my persuasioun. ᾿Α Fates name 
thy friend am I. 


Gyllis, white hair blunteth wit: for, by Mandris 
return and Demeter deare, had other woman spoken 
so, I had not heard her out, but made her as lame as 
her lays, and hate the threshold of my door. But 
thou, deare, come thou never again to my house with 
sike tale: tell girls what semeth old women; but 
let Metriché, childe of Pytheas, warm her seat ; for 
none scoffeth at Mandris. But, ‘tis said, ‘tis not 
words whereof Gyllis hath need: so Threissa, scour 
out the chalice and pour in three noggins of neat 

That is well. 

There, Gyllis, drink. 

1 *When!’ see Appendix. 

Re 73. corr. Buecheler (ue P), and Cr. (ev P). 76. 7 
τον διφρον 

ex 6c P. 77. μητρ! Ἂν IP ΩΣ cancelled. μάνδριν Ῥ. 

envenat Ee 78. ae ῬΣ Aime Re 79. in margin 

KUA ¥ Ὥ (πὐλίκον γένος εὐτελές Edmonds). 80. suppl. Hdl., 

Cr: 81. καλῶς Alexis fr. 230. After v there must 

have been a large space. The change of speaker is marked 
here only. 



έν 0 (al. wc (πον) [. . 
πείσουσά σ᾽ ἦλθον, ἀλλ᾽ e€(k)[nTe] (τ)ῶν ἱ(ρ)ῶν, 
ὧν οὕνεκέν μοι--- 


οσσοῦ γένουτο 7 

ἃ: (r)éxvov (m)[.J.......- 85 
ἡδύς γε, ναὶ Δήμῃτίρ᾽α, Μη[τρί (Χ) ἡ]: ἘΠ ΕΣ 
ἡδίον᾽ οἶνον Γυλλὶς οὐ πέϊπ᾽ (κέν) [κ](ω). 
σὺ δ᾽ εὐτύχει μοι, τέκνον, ἀσ[φα](λ)ίζ[ο]υ [δέ 
σαυτήν' ἐμοὶ δὲ Μυρτάλη τε κ[αὶ] (Xun 

νέαι μένοιεν, ἔστ᾽ ἂν ἐμπνέίῃ] [Γυλλίς. 90 
82. δείξον Ῥ corr. by Meister. e.g. οὐ [o]retoat 
σπονδήν (1.6. to give me a drink). 83. suppl. Cr. 

84. distinxi. No Greek ever said vad μοι ‘you got from 
me.’ For the break compare vi. 15, iii. 58, 88, v. 73: 
see pp. 177 sqq.: also Addenda, p, 354, Perhaps ὡναγὴς 


MIME I. 82-90 

Give it me: I came not here to persuade thee 
[to spill liquor] but for holy rites’! sake, wherefore 
Gyllis, let yon mucky man [drub] his own. 


La! childe, {I am past that]. Good ’a Demeter’s 
name, Metriché : better wine than this Gyllis ne’er 
drank. But fare thee well, childe, and hold thyself 
in gard; but may my Myrtale and Simé remain 
young while Gyllis hath breath in nostrils. 

1 The rites in v. 56. 

ἴσχοι doo’ οὗ γένοιτο (ii. 83). At 85 e.g. παρήβηκα. 
ud P. 86. suppl. Milne. 87. so Bl., al.: ηδέιον P. 
88. suppl. Hdl. after Buech. 89. σαυτὴν by correction 

from ταυτὴν P: suppl. Nicholson, Buech. 



ἄνδρες δικασταί, τῆς γενῆς plev] οὐκ ἐστέ 
ἡμέων κριταὶ δήκουθεν οὐδὲ ἱτ᾽ ἧς δόξης, 
οὐδ᾽ εἰ Θαλῆς μὲν οὗτος ἀξίην τἰὴν" νηῦν 
ἔχει ταλάντων πέντ᾽, ἐγὼ δὲ μί[η δ᾽ ἄρτους, 

aa (ὑ)περέξει Barrapov ἴτι π᾿ημ[ήν ας" 5 
πολλοὶ (6 ye) καὶ (Set): 7 ὡλυκὸν yap [av) κλαύσαι 

K] |(ap)in (y’) ὅμαστος ἢ ἀσϊ τέων χώρη. 

. Jos μέτοι(κός) ἐστι τῆς [πόλιος κἠγώ, 
καὶ ai ζ[ῶμεν) οὐχ ὡς βουλ(όγ με <a> θ᾽, ἀλλ᾽ ὡς ἡμέας 
ὁ και "ρὸς ἕλκει. προστάτην [ex let Mowe 10 
ἐγὼ] δ᾽ ᾿Αρισ[τοφ)ῶντα: πὺξ 'νεἸνίκηκεν 
Me’ νης, Ο Αρισ) τοφῶν δὲ κίητι)] νῦν ἄγχει: 
kel μ͵]ή ἐστ᾽ ἀληθέα ταῦτα, Told ἡ (λ)ίου δύντος 

1. ἐστε P: suppl. by K. 2. suppl. by K. 3. 7ovd 

P, whence τίην] νηὺυν : explained by Bl. 4. exe. P who 
started to write ex. μ[η]δαρτους P: suppl. by Cr. Ὁ ΩΣ 
νομοῦ. [τι π͵]ημ[ην]ας suppl. by Nicholson, Bl. 6 sqq- 
first spaces missing with the two halves correctly mounted of 
five letters narrowing to three. 6. πολλο]ῦ suppl. Mn. 
γε και δι legi. [τ]ωλυκον and [ἂν] C.E. errata. 75. 50 
Μη. : γ᾽ ego: ἤν Bl. fin. supplevi dubitanter: vid. n. 
8. e.g. (κ)οὗῦτος Cr. μέτοικος F.D. (rightly Mn.). Rest K.: 


--Aew P. 9. suppl. Hdl., Cr. (init.). ἤμεας P. Before 


(A court of law, nominally in Cos. Battaros, a villainous 
old rogue shoddily clad, addresses the jury. One of 
his protégées, whom he alleges to have been assaulted 
by the defendant Thales, is present.) 


Gentlemen of the jury ye wot ye are no judges of 
our lineage nor renown: nor an Thales here hath a 
ship worth five talents, and I lack loaves, shall he 
[therefore] do Battaros a hurt and hold mastery of 
law. Nay, far from it. Salt tears should he weep, 
if Carian isle be a land of cities that are united 
into one city.1_ For I am in this city as he— 
an alien. We live not as we wolde but as needs 
drive us. His patron is Aristophon, Mennes mine. 
Mennes has won boxing bouts : Aristophon can still 
hug. An this be not true, sirs, let him come out at 

1 Kapia or Kapis=K@s, St. Byz. s.vv. For the end compare 
Nairn’s introduction, p. xix., Diod. Sic. xv. 76, C.R. xlii. 163. 

αλλ a κὶ deleted. 10. suppl. Stadtmueller.  [e(x) Jee P 
(so Mn.) with νέμειν in margin, the ν being presumably a 
slip. 11. suppl. Cr. and K. (ve). 12. suppl. Cr. 
and Buech. (771). 13. suppl. Bl. (init.), K. fin. 



e€e(A) |Oe(rw) [’ χίων, ἄνδρες, [ἣν] (ἔ)χίει) χλαῖναν" 
: . - |yvdoect> οἵῳ προστάτῃ τ᾿ εθώρ(ηγ)μαι. 15 
ne T\(a)x’ (ὑμῖν ‘ “ἐξ “Akys ἐλήϊλου θα 
Tup jovs ἄγ(ωὴν κἤστησα (τ)ὴν κακὴν λιμόν, 
ἐγὼ δ(ὲ) (πόρνας ἐκ Τύρου" τί τῷ δήμῳ 
ΞΕ ΛΈ τέρα - ὃ] ἰωρεὴν γὰρ οὔθ᾽ οὗτος πυρούς 
δίδωσ᾽ ἀλή]θειν οὔτ᾽ ἐγὼ πάλιν κείνην. 20 
εἰ δ᾽ οὕνεκεν πλεῖ τὴν θάλασσαν ἢ χλαῖναν 
ἔχει τριῶν μνέων ᾿Αττικῶν, ἐγὼ δ᾽ οἰκέω 
ἐν γῇ τρίβωνα καὶ “ἀσκέρας σαπρὰς ἕλκων, 
βίῃ τιν᾽ ἄξει τῶν ἐμῶν ἔμ᾽ οὐ πείσας, 
καὶ ταῦτα νυκτός, οἴχεςτ»᾽ ἧμιν ἡ ἀλεωρή 
τῆς πόλιος, ἄνδρες, κ«ἠλφ᾽ ὅτῳ σεμνύνεσθε, 
τὴν αὐτονομίην ὑμέων Θαλῆς λύσει. 
ὃν χρῆν «ἑλαυτὸν ὅστις ἐστὶ κ«ἠἡλκ ποίου 
πηλοῦ πεφύρητ᾽ εἰδότ᾽ ὡς ἐγὼ ζώειν 
τῶν δημοτέων φρίσσοντα καὶ τὸν ἥκιστον. 30 
νῦν δ᾽ οἵ μὲν ἐόντες τῆς πόλιος καλυπτῆρες 
καὶ τῇ γενῇ ,»φυσῶντες οὐκ ἴσον τούτῳ 
πρὸς τοὺς νόμους βλέπουσι κὴμὲ τὸν ᾿ξεῖνον 
οὐδεὶς πολίτης ἠλόησεν οὐδ᾽ ἦλθεν 
πρὸς τὰς θύρας μευ νυκτὸς οὐδ᾽ ἔχων δᾷδας 38 
τὴν (ο)ἰκίην ὑφῆϊ ψ εν οὐδὲ τῶν πορνέων 
βιίῃ λαβὼν οἴχωκεν" ἀλλ᾽ ὁ Φρὺξ οὗτος 
ὁ νῦν Θαλῆς ἐών, πρόσθε δ᾽ , ἄνδρες, ᾿Αρτίμμης, 
(ἅγπαντα ταῦτ᾽ ee κοὐκ ἐπῃδέσθη 
οὔτε νόμον οὔτε προστάτην οὔτ᾽ ἄρχοντα. 40 
καίτοι λαβών μοι γραμματεῦ τῆς αἰκείης 
τὸν νόμον ἄνειπε, καὶ σὺ τὴν ὀπὴν βῦσον 
τῆς κλεψύδρης, βέλτιστε, μέχρις οὗ εἴπῃ, 

14. init. suppl. Cr. [Χ]ὼν supplevi (or [éx] Mn.). 
fin. nescioquis. 15. Legi et εὖ supplevi (contra Hdl.) 



MIME II. 14-43 

sun wane in that cloke he weareth, and he shall know 
what kind of patron is my habergeon. Perchance he 
will tell you ‘ From Acre came I with cargo of wheat 
and allayed the curst famine.’ Aye but I have 
brought giglots from Tyre. What is that to the folk ? 
Neither giveth he wheat free to grind, nor give I 
her so. But an he claim, for that he sayle the sea 
or be dight in a cloke worth three Attic minae, 
while I live ashore trayling my ragged shoon—an 
he claim therefore to take amaine of mine sans 
mendes made, aye and by night, then gone is the 
saufgard of the city, and your pride of self-rule by 
Thales fordone. Nay he should know who he is and 
of what clay mingled, and live as do I, in awe of the 
least of his townsfolk: but in fact those who be 
top-tiles of the city, and puffed of lineage far more 
than he, these look to the laws, and no citizen ere 
wronged me the straunger nor came of night to my 
doors, nor with torches flamed my habitaunce, nor 
took of my giglots amaine: but this Phrygian, now 
Thales hight, but once Artimmes did this all sans 
hede of law or governour or ruler. Now sir clerke, 
take and read me the law of batterie, and thou, sir, 
stop the hole of the water-clocke till he end his 

p- 75 and crit. app., unde κεῦ Edmonds; ut suum profert 
Nairn! Melius e.g. καὶ 16. init.. Cr. Fin. 
Blass. 17. init. Οὐ. κήστηστα P with τ deleted. (τ) vel 
[7 ]nv me iudice P. 18. suppl. Hdl. 19. suppl. Hicks. 
Init. e.g. τοῦτ᾽ ἐστί Hdl. 20. suppl. Hdl., Bl. κ(ινγῆν P. 
Can the accent be misplaced and point to ovr eyw(ye) αλεῖν 
κινην in the original? 24. éu’ P. 28. expnv P, corr. Blass. 
29. ζωιην P: ex compendio fw ortum (ef. Philol. 1925 Bd. 

3-4). 36. (o)ixcay P. 38. After ewy an acancelled P. 
43. 1 translate (ἀ)νείπῃ Herwerden. 



aaa , \ A + ε / Chm 
Led TT pos TE κυσος φῆσι <K>W TAINS nw, 

τὸ τοῦ λόγου δὴ τοῦτο, Anins κύρσῃ. 45 

ἐπὴν δ᾽ ἐλεύθερός Tis αἰκίσῃ δούλην 
ἢ ἑκὼν ἐπίσπῃ, τῆς δίκης τὸ τίμημα 
διπλοῦν τελείτω. 
ταῦτ᾽ ἔγραψε Χαιρώνδης, 

ἄνδρες δικασταί, καὶ οὐχὶ Βάτταρος χρήζων 
Θαλῆν μετελθεῖν. ἣν θύρην δέ τις κόψῃ, 50 

μ(νγῆν τινέτω, φ«ἠσ᾽»- ἣν δὲ πὺξ ἀλοιήσῃ 
Zag πάλι μνῆν- ἢν δὲ τὰ οἰκί ἐμπρήσῃ 
ἢ ὅρους ὑπερβῇ, χιλίας τὸ τίμημα 
E(vjeyue, κὴν βλάψῃ τι, διπλόον τίνειν. 
ὥϊκ]ει πόλιν γάρ, ὦ Θαλῆς, σὺ δ᾽ οὐκ οἶσθας 55 
οὔϊτ]ε πόλιν οὔτε πῶς πόλις διοικεῖται, 
οἰ ἐἸ(κ) εἰς δὲ σήμερον μὲν ἐν Βρικινδήροις 
ἐ(χ)θὲς δ᾽ ἐν ᾿Αβδήροισιν, αὔριον δ᾽ ἣν σοι 
να Ἰ(ῦ)λον διδοῖ τις, ἐς Φασηλίδα πλώσῃ. 
ἐ(γ)ὼ δ᾽ ὅκως ἂν μὴ μακρηγορέων ὑμέας, 60 
ὦνδρες δικασταί, τῇ παροιμίῃ τρύχω, 
πέπονθα πρὸς Θάλητος ὅσσα κὴμ πίσσῃ 
μῦς" πὺξ ἐπλήγην, ἡ θύρη κατήρακται 
τῆς οἰκίης μευ, τῆς τελέω τρίτην μισθόν, 
τὰ ὑπέρθυρ᾽ ὀπτά. δεῦρο, Μυρτάλη, καὶ σύ: 65 
δεῖξον σεωυτὴν πᾶσι: μηδέν᾽ αἰσχύνευ. 
νόμιζε τούτους οὗϊς] ὁρῇς δικάζοντας 
πατέρας ἀδελφοὺς ἐμβλέπειν. ὁρῆτ᾽, ἄνδρες, 

44. Corrupt: see Hdl.: I suggest " πρόετε᾽ κυσὸς φῆῇσι. 
ὁ λόγος huiusmodi fuerit. Venator post immodicam ficorum 


MIME II. 44-68 

reading, lest, as the saw goeth, arse ery ‘ shoot’ and 
sheets bag the spoyle. 


An a freeman assault a slave, or follow her of 
malintent, let him pay double the assessment. 


So wrote Chaerondes, gentlemen of the jury, not 
Battaros with intent to prosecute Thales. ‘“ An one 
batter the dore, let him pay a mina; an he pommel 
with his fist, another mina; an he burn the habit- 
aunce, or trespass, a thousand minae is the price 
set, and an he injure aught, restore double. For 
Chaerondes was aedifying a city, Thales, but thou 
knowest not city, nor how a city be aedified, but 
livest to-day in Bricindéra, yesterday in Abdera, and 
on the morn, an any give thee his fare, thou wilt 
saylto Phaselis. But I, leaste in long speche, gentle- 
men of the jury, I frett you with my saws, I have 
been so entreated by Thales as mouse in pitch: I 
was smot with fists, the dore of my house, wherefore 
I pay a third as rent, is broken down, the lintell brent. 
Come hither Myrtale: shew thyself to all: be 
shamefast toward none: think, in this jury thou 
seest, that thou beholdest fathers and brethren. See, 

immaturorum cenam visus est audire consocios clamantes. 

τ Philogelos 243 45 ληΐης P. 49. βατταως P. 
51 sqq. suppl. K. φησιν P. δῖ. βρικινδήροις P. 
59. πλωση Ρ. 61. I translate τῇς" παροιμίῃςς» Blass. 

ne ἢ 
62. καπισσηι P. θά. μισθον Pecorr.from μοῖραν. 67. οραις Ρ. 



τὰ τίλματ᾽ αὐτῆς Kal κάτωθε KavwHev 

ὡς λεῖα ταῦτ᾽ ἔτιλλεν ὡναγὴς οὗτος, 70 
6<T> εἷλκεν αὐτὴν κ«ὴ βιάζετ᾽.-ὦ Γῆρας, 

σοὶ θυέτω ἐπὶ εὶ] τὸ αἷμ᾽ ἂν ἐξεφύσησεν 

ὥσπερ Φίιλι[π]π(οὴς ἐν Σάμῳ Kot’ 6 Βρετῦσκος. 
γελᾷς; κὠνγαι]δ(ό)ς εἰμι καὶ οὐκ ἀπαρνεῦμαι 

καὶ Βάτταρός μοι τοὔνομ᾽ ἐστὶ (KW πάππος 75 
ἣν μοι Σισυ(μ)βρᾶς <K>w πατὴρ Σισυμβρίσκος, 
κἠπορνοβόσ᾽ κΊευν πάντες, ἀλλ᾽ ἕκητ᾽ ἀλκῆς 
θαρσέων λέξον θ᾽ [tAA oun’ ἄν, εἰ Θαλῆς εἴηΤιΐ. 

ἐρᾷς σὺ μὲν ἴσως Μυρτάλης- οὐδὲν δεινόν" 

ἐγὼ δὲ πυρέων" ταῦτα δοὺς ἐκεῖν᾽ ἕξεις. 80 
7 vy Ae, εἴ σευ θ(άγλπεταί τι τῶν ἔνδον 
ἔμβυσον εἰς τὴν χεῖρα Βαττάρῳ τιμήν, 

καὐτὸς τὰ σαυτοῦ θλῆ λαβὼν ὅ ὅκως χρἥζεις. 

ἕν δ᾽ ἐστίν, ἄνδρες---ταῦτα μὲν γὰρ εἴρηται 

πρὸς τοῦτον.--ὑμεῖς δ᾽ ὡς ἀμαρτύρων εὔντων 88 
γνώμῃ δικαίῃ τὴν κρίσιν διαυτᾶτε. 

ἣν δ᾽ οἷον ἐς τὰ δοῦλα σώματα σπεύδῃ 

κὴς βάσανον αἰτῇ, προσδίδωμι κ«ἠλμαυτόν" 
λαβών, Θαλῆ, στρέβλου με: μοῦνον ἡ τιμή 

ἐν τῷ μέσῳ ἔστω: ταῦτα τρυτάνῃ Μίνως 90 
οὐκ ἂν δικάζων βέλτιον διήτησε. 

τὸ λοιπόν, ἄνδρες, μὴ δοκεῖτε τὴν ψῆφον 

τῷ πορνοβοσκῷ Βαττάρῳ φέρειν, ἀλλά 

ἅπασι τοῖς οἰκεῦσι τὴν πόλιν ξείνοις. 

69. κατωθεν P (ν deleted) 70: Kab: wvayns P, 
73. Φίλιππος can hardly be right but the correction above 
mm is unfortunately illegible. ποτ (x superscr.) and βρεγκος 


Ρ : σοῖτ. Hal: 76. βρίσκος Ῥ. 78. λείων}. .«7οιμαν 
P (teste Milne). Perhaps in λέοντ᾽ ἴλλοιμ᾽ ἂν (cf. Hom. d 573) 
the second word was read as <e>lu’ οἶμ᾽ ἂν and hence λέων 


MIME II. 69-94 

sirs, round about her smoothness, how smooth was 
this pluckt by this mucky man when he raunched 
and shent her.—E]d, let him render thankoffering to 
thee: els had he spat forth his blood, as did once 
Philip the Locust in Samos. Dost laugh? I ama 
Boye, I denay not—and my grandsire was Patchouli 
hight, and my sire Patchouletto, and panders were 
they all: but for prowes wolde I chivy a lion, were 
I as Thales. You lust after Myrtale perchance ; 
small matter that; and I, after loaven: give one 
and thou shalt get the other. Or els ’a god’s name, 
an thou be inly warmed, stuff the price into Boye 
Battaros his hand, and take thine own and drub 
thine own to thy desire. One thing, sirs—for this 
has been said unto him—do ye sirs, since witnes is 
there none, rule your sentence by aequitie. And, 
an he will merely assay the bodys of slaves and call 
unto torture, lo! I offer mine own self freely : take 
me Thales and torture me: only let the price be in 
the midst: no better ruling could Minos himself 
have made were he judge here with his balaunce. 
For the rest, sirs, deme not that ye give vote 
for Battaros the pandar but for all the straungers 

arose. ‘The false breathing (eiA-, ἵλλ-} is fairly common. 
Ap. Rhod. ii. 27; Ruhnk. on Timaeus Lex. Plat. 800, Fin.: 
int P, εἴην Kaibei; see Grooneboom’s crit. n. which is very 

sound. 79. ov superscribed. P here and 83 (fin.) 
most falsely gives a change of speaker ! 80. πυρεων 
auctor non scriba. 82. ιωϊτιμηνὶ P. 83. θλῆ Ῥ. 

tas, αὐτου P (, deleted). Mark of corruption cancelled. 
CoC v 
84. evderto P, the last o being deleted. ἔστ᾽ é7’ Herw., 

which I translate. ανδρας Ῥ. 87. οἷον (not οἷον) 

s 99 


νῦν detEe<t> ἡ Kas κὼ Μέροψ κόσον dpaiver, 95 
<K>wW Θεσσαλὸς τίν᾽ εἶχε «κλήρακλῆς δόξαν, 
«κλ ὡσκληπιὸς κῶς ἦλθεν ἐνθάδ᾽ ἐκ Τρίκκης, 
κήτικτε Λητοῦν ὧδε τεῦ χάριν Φοίβη. 

ταῦτα σκοπεῦντες πάντα τὴν δίκην ὀρθῇ 

γνώμῃ κυβερνᾶτ᾽ 2 ws ὁ Φρὺξ τὰ νῦν ὑμῖν 100 
πληγεὶς ἀμείνων ἔσσετ᾽ Ε εἴ τι μὴ ψεῦδος 

ἐκ τῶν παλαιῶν ἡ παροιμίη βράζει. 

95. δίξεθηκῶς P. 96. exe P. 97. κῶς ἘΣ 
98. κήτικτε, λητοῦν and Ted. Post φοιβηὴ punctum P. 

102. βαζει P: 31. κράζει. 


MIME II. 95-102 

within your gates. Now shall ye prove Cos and 
Merops their puissaunce, and Thessalus and Hercules 
their glorie, and with what intencioun Aesculapius 
came hither from Tricca, and wherefore ‘twas here 
that Phoebe bare Leto. Think on all these thynges 
and steer justice by aequity, sin now this Phrygian 
ye will find better for his beating, an out of ages 
past yon saw spit} sooth. 

1 Like the sea. Herodes is thinking of such phrases as 

ἐξήρυγες Callim. p. 32 Pfeiffer, ἐξερύγῃ (ita legendum) fr. 67 




Οὕτω τί σοι δοίησαν ai φίλαι Μοῦσαι, 
Λαμπρίσκε, τερπνὸν τῆς ζοῆς τ᾽ ἐπαυρέσθα---- 
τοῦτον κατ᾽ wou δεῖρον, ἄχρις ἡ ψυχή 
αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ χειλέων μοῦνον ἡ κακὴ λειφθῇ. 
ἔκ μευ ταλαίνης τὴν στέγην πεπόρθηκεν 5 
χαλκίνδα παίζων: καὶ γὰρ οὐδ᾽ ἀπαρκεῦσιν 
at ἀστραγάλαι, Λαμπρίσκε, συμφορῆς δ᾽ ἤδη 
ὁρμᾷ ἐπὶ μέζον. κοῦ μὲν ἡ θύρη κεῖται 
τοῦ γραμματιστέω καὶ τριηκὰς ἡ πικρή 
τὸν μισθὸν αἰτεῖ κὴν τὰ Ναννάκου κλαύσωρο 10 
οὐκ ἂν ταχέως λ«έλξειε: τήν γε μὴν παίστρην, 
ὅκουπερ οἰκίζουσιν οἵ τε προύνεικοι 

ε ,ὔ / > > ες ,ὔ “ 
κοΐ δρηπέται, σάφ᾽ οἷδε κἡτέρῳ δεῖξαι. 
κὴ μὲν τάλαινα δέλτος, ἣν ἐγὼ κάμνω 
κηροῦσ᾽ ἑκάστου μηνός, ὀρφανὴ κεῖται 1ὅ 
πρὸ τῆς χαμεύνης τοῦ ἐπὶ τοῖχον Eppivos, 

nn / > > \ e > I> / 
κὴἣν μήκοτ᾽ αὐτὴν οἷον ᾿Αίδην βλέψας 

/ A b) \ / > 3 -“ ΄ 
γράψῃ μὲν οὐδὲν καλόν, ἐκ δ᾽ ὅλην Evon: 

6. χαλκίνδα Ῥ. 7. αστραγάλαι P: αἱ δορκάδες R., Μ. 
See Hippon. 31. 10. acre κην P. 11. ληξιε P: corr. by 


(Scene : A school, the master and boys present. There 
are statues of Muses round the walls. Enter 
Metrotime mith her boy Kottalos. She addresses 
Lampriskos the master.) 


An thou hope, Lampriskos, that the deare Muses 
mote give thee some pleasaunce and joyaunce of 
lyfe, so do thou beat this boye lefte ashoulder, till 
his last curst breath hang ons lips. Playing hazardry 
he hath spoiled the roof from his poor mother : for, 
Lampriskos, the knucklebones suffice not, but our 
affayres ever wax warre. Where lieth the dore of 
the writing-master, and the curst last day οὐ month 
ask his sold, weep I as much as Nannacus, this note 
he say forthright: but the gaming-place, where 
dwell the churles and runagates, he wotteth enow to 
direct his fellow. And the poor tablet which each 
month I werke to cere, lieth beraft before the wall- 
ward post of our pallet, an it so be he scowl not on 
it as ‘twere Death, and write naught fair thereon, but 

Bl., Hicks. 17. I take ᾿Αίδην as ace. after βλέψας : Callim. 

Tamb.297. 18. ξυληι P. 


at δορκαλῖδες δὲ λιπαρώτεραι πολλόν 

τῆς ληκύθου ἡμέων τῇ ἐπὶ παντὶ χρώμεσθα 21 

ἐν τῆσι φύσῃς τοῖς τε δικτύοις κεῖνται. 20 

ἐπίσταται δ᾽ οὐδ᾽ adda συλλαβὴν γνῶναι, 

ἣν μή τις αὐτῷ ταὐτὰ πεντάκις βώσςῃ». 

τρι τ) ἡμέρ«ῃ» Μάρωνα γραμματίζοντος 

τοῦ pazpos αὐτῷ, τὸν Μάρωνα ἐποίησεν 25 

οὗτος Σίμωνα o χρηστός" ὥστ᾽ ἔγωγ᾽ εἶπα 

ἄνουν ἐμαυτήν, ἥτις οὐκ ὄνους βόσκειν 

αὐτὸν διδάσκω, γραμμάτων δὲ παιδείην, 

δοκεῦσ᾽ ἀρωγὸν τῆς ἀωρίης ἕξειν. 

ἐπεὰν δὲ δὴ καὶ ῥῆσιν οἷα παιδίσκον 90 

ἢ ᾽γώ μιν εἰπεῖν ἢ ὁ πατὴρ ἀνώγωμεν, 
/ > \ > / ” 4 

γέρων ἀνὴρ ὠσίν TE κὠμμασιν κάμνων, 

ἐνταῦθ᾽, ὅκως νιν ἐκ τετρημένης ἠθεῖ 

“"AzroMov—' Ayped "—, “τοῦτο, φημί, ‘<K>7 
,, μάμμη, 

τάλης, ἐρεῖ σοι, κὴστὶ γραμμάτων χήρη, 35 

KG) προστυχὼν Ὄρος - ἣν δὲ δή τι καὶ p< é>dCov 

γρύξαι θέλωμεν, ἢ τριταῖος οὐκ οἶδεν 

τῆς οἰκίης τὸν οὐδόν, ἀλλὰ τὴν μάμμην, 

γρηῦν γυναῖκα κὠρφανὴν βίου, κείρει, 

ἢ τοῦ τέγευς ὕπερθε τὰ σκέλεα τείνας 40 

κάθης«τ»᾽ ὅκως τις καλλίης κάτω κύπτων. 

τί μευ δοκεῖς τὰ σπλάγχνα τῆς κακῆς πάσχειν, 

ἐπεὰν ope; KOU τόσος λόγος τοῦδε" 

ἀλλ᾽ ὁ κέραμος πᾶς ὥσπερ ἴτρια θλῆται, 

κὐἠπὴν ὁ χειμὼν ἐγγὺς “iS τρί ἤμαιθα 45 

κλαίουσ᾽ ἑκάστου τοῦ πλατύσματος τίνω" 

ἕν γὰρ στόμ᾽ ἐστὶ τῆς συνοικίης πάσης, 

τοῦ Μητροτίμης ἔργα Κοττάλου ταῦτα, 


MIME III. 19-48 

scrape it clene. But his dibs, glossier far than our 
oil-flask, the which we use algates, lye in theyre bags 
and nets. And he note conne the letter A, save one 
schriech it to him five times. Two daies agone when 
his father dictated ‘ Maron’ to him this fine fellow 
made Simon o’t: wherefore I dubbed myself fool 
that taught him not to pasture asses but gave him 
an educacioun in lettres, deming I sholde be holpen 
when smit in yeres. And when or I or his father, 
an old man ylfavoured of eyen and ears, bid him say 
a speche, as one doth a child, then while he leaketh 
the words— Apollo ’— Hunter ’— why that,’ quoth 
I, ‘even grandam could tell you albe she hath lost 
her lettres, or any Phrygian serf in the stretes’ ; 
and should we rate him more raucously, then for 
three daies he knoweth not the threshold of our 
habitaunce, but despoyleth his granddam, an old 
dame beraft of sustenaunce, or else stretcheth his 
legs astride the roof and sitteth pering alow like 
some monkey. What thinkest my poor harte suffereth 
when I see him? Nay, and this is a small matter : 
but all the tyling are disshivered like wafers, and 
whensoever winter be nigh, sobbing I pay three 
grotes for each tyle ; for all the tenement hath but 
one voice, ‘Tis the werke of Kottalos, childe of 

ελι ι 
19. δαιπαρωτεροι P. ΟἹ. την P. 20, 21. transposed 
by Pearson; but see Addenda. 23. Bwoa P: corr. R. 

QA. τριθημεραι P: corr. Meister. 33. θὲ P (first « deleted). 

34. auvpev P. Verse first punctuated by Tucker. 36. μιζον 

P: corr. by M. 43. ιδωμι κουτύσος P. 44. ὡσπερι 

το (coer, lone Ἐς 45. .xknunv P, with a dot, not ἃ 

mark of corruption. ἡμεθα P. 46. . κλαιουσα εκαστου 

P, perhaps the a is deleted. 


> Ae) σ΄ > > ,ὔ ~ 
κἀληθίν᾽, ὥστε μηδ᾽ ὀδόντα κινῆσαι. 
-“ 3 ce / \ 6. Δ / 
ὅρη δ᾽ ὁκοίως τὴν paxw λελέπρηκε 50 
~ 5 “ ζω 7, vA 
πᾶσαν καθ᾽ ὕλην, οἷα Δήλιος κυρτεύς 
> ~ / > \ ~ ~ , 
ἐν τῇ θαλάσσῃ τὠμβλὺ τῆς ζοῆς τρίβων. 
/ > = / 3 Ε > δ > Ss 
τάς τ᾽ ἑβδόμας δ᾽ ἄμεινον εἰκάδας τ᾽ οἶδε 
~ > Sf > > a c -“ 
τῶν ἀστροδιφέων, κοὐδ᾽ ὕπνος νιν αἱρεῖται 
~ > « ~ / > ~ 
VOEVVX<T> οφπδήημος TALYVLNV ἀγινίει»τε. 55 
> > uM / ,ὔ A , ~ 
ἀλλ᾽ εἴ τί cor, Λαμπρίσκε, καὶ βίου πρῆξιν 
> \ ~ a > ~ / 
ἐσθλὴν τελοῖεν aide κἀγαθῶν κύρσαις 
” » ~ 
μήλασσον αὐτῷ--- 


͵ , \ 2 , 
Μητροτίμη, «μὴ; emevyeo: 
oe A » \ ~ > , ~ 
ἕξει yap οὐδὲν μεῖον. Evins κοῦ μοι, 59 
~ ,ὔ ~ ,ὔ > / ~ 
κοῦ Koxkados, κοῦ Φίλλος; οὐ ταχέως τοῦτον 
ἀρεῖτ᾽ ἐπ᾿ ὦμου τῇ ᾿Ακέσεω σεληναίῃ 
, ey er , ον ΄ 
delEovtes; αἰνέω τάργα, Κότταλ᾽, ἃ πρήσσεις" 
οὔ σοι ἔτ᾽ ἀπαρκεῖ τῆσι δορκάσιν παίζειν 
τ ,ὔ > Ὁ 9 A \ δὴ / 
ἀστράβδ᾽, ὅκωσπερ olde, πρὸς δὲ τὴν παίστρην 
ἐν τοῖσι προτυΣνείκοισι χαλκίζεις φοιτέων; 65 
ἐγώ σε θήσω κοσμιώτερον κούρης 
κινεῦντα μηδὲ κάρφος, εἰ τό γ᾽ ἥδιστον. 
~ ~ A / 
κοῦ μοι TO δριμὺ σκῦτος, ἡ Boos κέρκος, 

49. καληθιν᾽ wore P. Verse marked as corrupt. 50. opn- 
ο δα 
δεκοιως P. 53. εβδομασταμ P (correction miscarried). 
‘Terzaghi reads δ᾽ on other grounds. 55. ornuos P: corr. 
Hdl. ayuwyre corr. R. 58. μὴ inserted by Jackson. 
kK A 

μητροιτ P. 59. που P. 61. ακέσεω P. 62. Κοτταλα- 
πρήσσις P. 63. ταισι P: corrected by R. πεμπειν P, 
corrected to παιζειν. 64. ἀστράβδ P. | 65. προνικοισι P: 
corrected by K. 68. σκυλος P: corrected by Jackson. 


MIME Iil. 49-68 

Metrotime,’ and sooth is it, so they may keep their 
teeth whole.!| And see how he hath peled all his 
chine in the woodland, like some Delian lobster- 
fisher,? dragging out his blunted life afloat. But the 
seventh daies and twentieth he wotteth of better 
than the stargazers, and not e’en sleep o’ertaketh 
him as he reckoneth when ye kepe playday. But 
Lampriskos, as thou hopest these dames 3 may render 
thee fair avauntage in life, and mayest encounter 
fortune, give him not less— 


Metrotime, cease imprecaciouns: he shall lose 
naught. Hither Euthies, hither Kokkalos, hither 
Phillos ; lift him forthright ashoulder and shew him 
to Aceses’ full moon.* (They do so.) Kottalos, I 
admire your haveour. Sufficeth it not to play dibs 
quick-eyed ὃ like these, but must hie to the gaming- 
place and play with the churles at toss-penny? I 
will make thee moe modest than a maid ne’er moving 
mote, an that be thy pleasaunce. Bring hither the 
smarting lash, the bull’s pizzle wherewith I flay the 

1 *Otherwise I would have knocked them out.’ See 
Philologus, Ixxxi. 246 n.7. A similar interpretation was 
simultaneously proposed by Radermacher. 

* The absurdity of statement (chine for back), and of 
metaphor (for the Delians were not idle lobster-fishers but 
divers) is possibly designed. 

3 The Muses. 

4 7,6. my patience is exhausted, though I have waited as 
long as A.—a proverbial dawdler. 

δ᾽ ἀστράβδα I take of the quick graceful glances (Dictt. s.v. 
ἀστράπτω) of the youths engaged at the game. 



ᾧ τοὺς πεδήτας κἀποτάκτους λωβεῦμαι; 
δότω τις ἐς τὴν χεῖρα πρὶν χολῇ βῆξαι. 70 

μή <p>? ἱκετεύω, Λαμπρίσκε, πρός σετῶν Μουσέων 
καὶ τοῦ γενείου τῆς τε Κόττιδος ψυχῆς 
μὴ τῷ με δριμεῖ, τῷ ᾽τέρῳ δὲ λώβησαι. 

ἀλλ᾽ εἰς πονηρός, Korrad’, ὥζςστλε καὶ περνάς 
> / > > / 2Q> “ / 
οὐδείς σ᾽ ἐπαινέσειεν, οὐδ᾽ ὅκου ἱχωρηςΐ 75 
οἱ μῦς ὁμοίως τὸν σίδηρον τρώγουσιν. 

κόσας, Kooas, Λαμπρίσκε, λίσσομαι, μέλλεις 
ἔς μ᾽ ἐςμ»φορῆσαι; 
\ > / / > > / 
μὴ ᾿᾽μέ, τήνδε δ᾽ εἰρώτα. 


- / / > 
Tatat, κόσας μοι δώσετ᾽; 

” / 7 
εἴ τί σοι ζῴην, 
/ a Ἃ « \ / , 
φέρειν ὅσας ἂν ἡ κακὴ σθένῃ βύρσα. 80 
70. xo\n P: corrected by Hicks, Tucker. 71. μημηι- 

κετέύω προσπρισκε Ῥ: over mpos λαμ is written, προσ being 
cancelled. The marks over ev may be an error (washed 
out) for ov which in 72 is written over τῶν and γενείων. 

T 5 
-evw is short (Buech.). 72. κουτιδος Ρ. 74. ts P. WTEKAL 

MIME III. 69-80 

gyved and unruly: put it in mine hand ere 1 
choke with choler. 


I adjure thee, Lampriskos, by the Muses, and thy 
beard and the life of thy deare Kottalos, damnify 
me not with the smarter but with the other. 


But thou art bad, Kottalos. E’en selling none 
would prayse thee, e’en where mice eat iron summer- 
tyde! and winter-tyde alike. (He beats him.) 


How many, how many blows, Lampriskos, wilt lay 
on me? 

Ask not me, but her. 


Ow ! how many will ye give ἢ 


As thou wishest me life, as many as your wicked 
hyde can bear. 

1 See crit. note. 

πὲρνας Ῥ. 75. oxws P. ὃ, χώρης ΟΥ̓ Κὥρης should be read : 
So I translate {- καὶ θέρους καὶ χειμῶνοΞ). 78. esuwev Ρ. 
ἔς μ᾽ ἐνῴ. Rth. 79. rara P. ἰτίσοιζωην P. 80. dep 
P with mark of corruption. βυρσαι (ι deleted) P. 




a ε , , 
παυσαι ικαναι, Λαμπρίσκε. 

\ \ \ ~ 
καὶ ov δὴ παῦσαι 
κάκ᾽ ἔργα πρήσσων. 
οὐκέτ᾽ οὐχί <TL> πρήξω, 
» , , αἰ / / 
ὄμνυμί σοι, Λαμπρίσκε, τὰς φίλας Μούσας. 

ὅσσην δὲ καὶ τὴν γλάσσαν οὗτος ἔσχηκας" 84 
/ / \ ~ ΕΝ δ / / 
πρός σοι βάλεω τὸν μῦν τάχ᾽, ἣν πλέω ypvEns. 


ἰδού, σιωπῶ" μή με, λίσσομαι, κτείνῃς. 


μέθεσθε, Κόκκαλ᾽, αὐτόν. 


᾽ ” ~ 
od<K €>de<u> λῆξαι 
Λαμπρίσκε, δεῖρον δ᾽-- fete 

ΝΜ a Ψ, 
ἄχρις ἥλιος δύσῃ; 

MIME III. 81-88 

Stop! Enow, Lampriskos. 

Stop thou too thy villainy. 


Ne’er again will I do aught, I swear to thee, 
Lampriskos, by the deare Muses. 


And what a tongue hast thou gotten, boye! I 
will set the gag on thee an thou prate moe. 

See, I am silent : prithee slay me not. 


Kokkalos, lose ye him. (They do so.) 


Thou shouldest not have ceast, Lampriskos, but 
beat him— 
Till sun welke ἢ 

Us Pp” 
82. πρησων P. οὐκετουχιπαιξω Ῥ : οὐχί τι or τοι Ellis. 

σ ας 
83. ομνυμιλοι P. 84. exxnke(v) P. 87. ovdexAnEac P. 
Here as L. has stopped ἔδει (Buecheler?) is necessary (C.E.) 
with λῆξαι or ἐκλῆξαι (Pearson). 88. δὺς ἢ Meister. 
δειρονδαχρι P. 




ἀλλ᾽ ἐστὶν ὕδρης ποικιλώτερος πολλῷ, 
καὶ δεῖ λαβεῖν νιν-- 

κεἠσπὶ βυβλίῳ-- 

‘ , 
TO μηδέν--- 
ἄλλας εἴκοσίν ye, κὴν μέλλῃ 
αὐτῆς ἄμεινον τῆς Κλεοῦς ἀναγνῶναι. 


λάθοις τὴν γλάσσαν 



ἐς μέλι πλύνας. 

> / > / ~ / / 
ἐρέω ἐπιμηθέως τῷ γέροντι, Λαμπρίσκε, 
> ee > > ~ \ / -“ 
ἐλθοῦσ᾽ ἐς οἶκον ταῦτα, καὶ πέδας ἥξω 
φέρουσ᾽, ὅκως νιν σύμποδ᾽ ὧδε πηδεῦντα 
(at) πί(ότνι)αι βλέπ(ωσιὴ)ν ἃς ἐμίσησεν. 

91. μηδεν P. 92. κλεοῦς P. 93. woa P. 
P: corr. K. 97. ai 7. legit Hdl. 




MIME III. 89-97 

Aye, far more knavish than hydra is he, and he 
must get— 

An he studie his book ? 

Naught whatsoever. 


Aye, twenty moe blowes, e’en though he shall 
read better than Clio herself. 


Mayst wake to find tongue cu—t 

—ltured in honied eloquence. 


I will hie home, Lampriskos, and tell the old man 
of this so een he can grasp 2 it, and return with gyves 
that the Ladies ? whom he hated may see him daunce 
here foot-tight. 

1 M. would have gone on to say ‘ cut out,’ but this word 
(which also meant ἡ castrated’) would have shocked the 
prim pedagogue. He substitutes a phrase which implies 
* skilled in poetry and oratory,’ σοφός, educated. Many may 
prefer van Leeuwen’s conjecture μάθοις . . . - - - πλῦναι. 

2 ἐπιμηθέως is objective, not subjective. Herodes recalls 
Thue. i. 140 ἐνδέχεται yap τὰς ξυμφορὰς τῶν πραγμάτων οὐχ 
ἧσσον ἀμαθῶς χωρῆσαι ἢ τὰς διανοίας τοῦ ἀνθρώπου. 

3 The Muses. 




Χαίροις, ἄναξ Ilaijov, ὃς μεδεῖς Τρίκκης 
καὶ Κῶν γλυκῆαν κἠπίδαυρον ᾧκηκας, 
\ A \ σ > my ε / 
σὺν Kal Κορωνὶς ἥ σ᾽ ἔτικτε κὠπόλλων 
χαίροιεν, ἧς τε χειρὶ δεξιῇ ψαύεις 
“Υγίεια κὧνπερ οἵδε τίμιοι βωμοί, 
Πανάκη τε κἠπιώ τε “κίησὼ χαίροι, 
<K>ob Λεωμέδοντος οἰκίην τε καὶ τείχεα» 
πέρσαντές, ἰητῆρες ἀγρίων νούσων, 
Ποδαλείριός τε καὶ Μαχάων χαιρόντων 
«κλῶσοι θεοὶ σὴν ἑστίην κατοικεῦσιν 
\ /, / ,ὔ ΄σ .-. 
καὶ θεαί, πάτερ Llainov-: ἵλεῳ δεῦτε 
τὠλέκτορος τοῦδ᾽, ὅντιν᾽ οἰκίης τοίχων 
I; / > / / 
κήρυκα θύω, τἀπίδορπα δέξαισθε. 
3 ε ~ ~ 
ov γάρ τι πολλὴν οὐδ᾽ ἑτοῖμον ἀντλεῦμεν, 
ἐπεὶ τάχ᾽ ἂν βοῦν ἢ νενημένην χοῖρον 
- ,ὔ ἂν > 4 > wv 
πολλῆς φορίνης, κοὐκ ἀλέκτορ » ἴητρα 
νούσων , ἐποιεύμεσθα τὰς ἀπέψησας 
ἐπ᾽ ἠπίας σὺ χεῖρας, ὦ ἀναξ, τείνας. 



1. α(ν)αξ, παι(η)ον, and (μ)εδις Ρ. 8. χωπολλων P, 
corr. to κωπ. 5. vystarex’ marked as corrupt P: 




(The Temple of Aesculapius at Cos. There are two poor 
momen, Kynno and Kokkale, with their slave and a 
cock which they bring as an offering. They are 
early for the moment of entering the inner chamber 
and they look round at the statues and sculptures.) 


Hail, King Paieon, that art sovran of Tricca and 
hast gotten braw Cos and Epidaurus as thine habit- 
aunce, and Koronis withal that bare thee and Apollo 
I ery hail, and Hygieia whom thou touchest with thy 
right hand, and those whose honoured shrines are 
here, Panace and Epio and Ieso and Podalirius and 
Machaon that sack’d house and walls of Leomedon, 
physickers of fell sickneses, and all gods or goddeses, 
father Paieon, that inhabit thine hearth : hither come 
graciously to accept as side-dish this cock, herald 
of the walls of my habitaunce whom I sacrifice. For 
small and scanty are our sources : els might no cock 
but some ox or sow crammed with mochell fat be 
our guerdon for physicking of those sickneses which 
thou, O King, hast brushed away by laying on of 

corr. Bl. 11. c(d)ew P. 12. rova\. P with ὦ superscr. 
16. ἀλεκτορ᾽ inrpia P. 

ab 116 


ex δεξιῆς τὸν πίνακα, Ko<KK>dAn, στῆσον 
τῆς “Yyteins. 

pa καλῶν, φίλη Κυννοῖ, 20 
5 7 ,ὔ > 
ἀγαλμάτων: τίς ἦρα τὴν λίθον ταύτην 
τέκτων ἐποτίλει καὶ τίς ἐστιν ὁ στήσας; 


« / A 3 ε ~ ~ 

ot IIpyéiréAew παῖδες: ody ὁρῇς κεῖνα 

> ~ / \ / > > , > >) / 
ev TH βάσει τὰ γράμματ᾽; Evbins δ᾽ αὐτήν» 
ἔστησεν ὁ ἰ]ρήξωνος. 


ἵλεως εἴη 25 
καὶ τοῖσδ᾽ 6 Ilawyv καὶ Εὐθίῃ καλῶν ἔργων. ; 
ὅρη, φίλη, τὴν παῖδα τὴν ἄνω κείνην 
λέπουσαν ἐς τὸ μῆλον. οὐκ ἐρεῖς αὐτήν, 
ἣν. μὴ λάβῃ τὸ μῆλον ἐκ τάχα ψύξειςν»; --- 
κεῖνον δέ, Kuvvoi, τὸν γέροντ -ἃ πρὸς | Μοιρέων 80 
τὴν χηναλώπεκ᾽ ὡς τὸ παιδίον πνίγει. 
πρὸ τῶν ποδῶν γοῦν εἴ τι μὴ λίθος, τοὔργον, 
ἐρεῖς, λαλήσει. wa, χρόνῳ Kot ὥνθρωποι 
κῆς τοὺς λίθους ἕξουσι τὴν Conv θεῖναι--- 
τὸν Βατάλης γὰρ τοῦτον, οὐχ ὁρῇς, Kuvvot, 35 
ὅκως βέβ(η) κΊ)(εὴ)ν, ἀνδρ[ι]άντα τῆς Μύττεω; 
εἰ μ(ή) ἱτιὶς (αὐ)τὴν εἶδε ᾿Βατάλην, βλέψας 

ἐς τοῦτο τὸ εἰκόνισμα μὴ (ἑτέρ)ης δείσθω. 

19. κοτταλη P: corr. R., Buech. 90. μὰ P. 21. τον 
iP: 24, aura P: corr. Richards. 26. evdins P: 


MIME IV. 19-38 

gentle hands. Kokkale, set the picture by the right 
hand of Hygieia. 


Lo! Kynno deare, what fayre statues: what 
artificer, prithee, made this stone, and who was it 
that did set it here ? 


The children of Praxiteles : seest not yon letters 
on the base? And Euthies son of Prexon set it up. 


Gracious be Paion unto these and Euthies for their 
fayre werkes. See deare, yon child looking up to- 
ward the apple: woldest not say that, an she get 
not the apple, she will expire forthwith? Aye and 
yon old man, Kynno! Lo, ’a Fates’ name how the 
babe doth throttle the goose. Were it not at close 
quarters of stone, the werke, motest say, wolde 
speke. La! time will be when man shall wot to 
put life e’en into stones! This image of Batale, 
daughter of Myttes, seest not, Kynno, its gait? 
None that had seen not Batale but only glaunced 
at this likenes wolde need the other. 

corrected by Bl., R. QT. κειμένην P. 29. ψυξι 
P: corrected by Buech. 30. ιτονγεροντάπρος P. 
32. Marked as corrupt. 33. Nadjoew R. μακρονωι P. 
34-5. There is a paragraphus in P. 36. omws P. suppl. 
Bl. ανδρίιΠαντα suppl. K. 97. supplied by 
€ σ 
Hicks, R. 38. εἰκονισμα P. ἡδισθω P. 




ἕπευ, φίλη, μοι καὶ καλόν τί σοι δείξω 

πρῆγμ᾽ οἷον οὐχ ὥρηκας ἐξ ὅτεερυ ζώεις. 40 
von’, ἰοῦσα τὸν νεωκόρον βῶσον. 

οὐ σοὶ λέγω, αὕτη, τῇ ὧ(δε) «κ) ὧδε χασκεύσῃ; 

μᾶ, μή τιν᾽ pny ὧν λέγω πεποίηται 

ἕστηκε δ᾽ εἴς μ᾽ ὁρεῦσα κα(ρ)κ[νου μέζον. 

ἰοῦσα, φημί, τὸν νεωκόρον βῶσον. 45 

λαίμαστρον, οὔτ᾽ topynt ale] κ(ργηγύην οὔτε 

βέβηλος αἰνεῖ, πανταχῆ δ᾽ (tow) κεῖσαι. 

μαρτύρομαι, ἰΚύδιλλα, τὸν θ᾽ εὸν] τοῦτον 

ὡς ἔκ με κάεις οὐ θέλουσαν οἰδῆσαι- 

μαρτύρομαι, dys ἔσσετ᾽ ἡμ(έρη) κείνη 50 

ev ἡ τὸ βρέγμα τοῦτο τὸ ἀσυρὲς κνήσῃ. 

μὴ πάνθ᾽ ἑτοίμως καρδιη «βολεῦ;, ἸΚυννοῖ: 
δούλη ᾿στί, δούλης δ᾽ ὦτα νωθρίη θλίβει. 


ἀλλ᾽ ἡμέρη ΠΕ κἠπὶ μέζον ὠθεῖται" 
αὕτη σύ, μεῖνον" ἡ θύρη γὰρ ὥὦϊκται 55 
Kavel<T>” ὁ παστός" 


> e ~ / ~ 
οὐχ ὁρῇς, φίλη Kuvvot; 
a Μ ! A A ~ > > ~ > ,ὔ 
ot ἔργα! «ν»αὶ «μδὴν ταῦτ᾽ ἐρεῖς ᾿Αθηναίην 

40. οτου Ῥ: corrected ΡΥ M. 41. κυδιλλ᾽ ΡᾺ 5646. suppl. 
Ke 42, άυτη P. χασκούσῃ Bl. 43. over « of τιν 
P has an accent deleted. 44, suppl. by K. 46. 
λάιμαστρον P. 46. ? apy. fin. suppl. K. 47. αινῖ- 


MIME IV. 39-57 

Follow, deare, and I will shew you a fayre thynge 
such as hast not seen in thy life. Kydilla, go and 
ery lowd to the sacristan. Speke I not to thee that 
starest hither and thither? La! no reke hath she 
of what I say, but standeth goggling at me more 
agape than a crab. Go, I repeat, and cry lowd to 
the sacristan. Thou gluttonry, ne close ne common 
clepes thee werthy, but algates art thou held naught. 
Kydilla, I call this god to witnes that thou flamest 
me albeit I wolde not rage : god be witnes, I repeat : 
day shall tide when thou shalt scratch this fowl noddle 
of thine. 
Lay not all things to heart readily, Kynno: she is 
a slave, and slaves ears are choked with slombrihed. 

But ‘tis day, and the pres increaseth. So bide 
thou: for the door is oped, and the sanctuary is 
free of ingate. 
See’st not, Kynno deare? What werkes! In 
sooth motest say ‘twas Athena did chisell the fayre 

πανταχη P. The first missing letter was ε or 1, the 
last w: -(eow) suits the traces better than any other 
conjecture, but it is not quite satisfactory: «εδικῆ (Cr.) 
is impossible: I translate δ᾽ ἴσως. 48. suppl. K. 

? d0v ἘΣ 50. φιμι εσσετημ(ερηι)κέινηι P: corr. Palmer 
(φημι R.). A mark between 7 and 7 unintentional? 
Marked corrupt. 51. ne with crossed out P. Twuoup(e)s 

ee com. bl: 52. καρδιηβαλλί ει) P (apparently): cor- 
rected by Paton. 56. κανεῖθο P. 57. ovepya κόινην 
P: for this reading see Philol. 1925, Bd. 3-4. 



γλύψαι τὰ καλά-- χαιρέτω δὲ δέσποινα. 

τὸν παῖδα δὴ «τὸν» γυμνὸν ἢν κνίσω τοῦτον 
οὐχ ἕλκος ἕξει, Kivva; πρὸς γάρ οἱ κεῖνται 60 
αἱ σάρκες οἷα θερμὰ θερμὰ πηδεῦσαι 

ἐν τῇ σανίσκῃ" τὠργυρεῦν δὲ πύραυστρον 

οὐκ ἣν ἴδῃ Μύελλος ἢ Παταικίσκος 

ὁ Λαμπρίωνος, ἐκβαλεῦσι τὰς κούρας 

δοκεῦντες ὄντως ἀργυρεῦν πεποιῆσθαι; 65 
ὁ βοῦς δὲ <Kw> ἄγων αὐτὸν ἢ <T>’ ὁμαρτεῦσα 
< KO) γρυπὸς οὗτος Ka ἀνάσιλλος ἄνθρωπος 
οὐχὶ “ζόην βλέπουσι «κ)ήμέρην πάντες; 

εἰ μὴ ἐδόκ <e> UV τι “μέζον ἢ γυνὴ πρήσσειν, 
ἀνηλάλαξ᾽ ἄν, μή ΠΩ ὁ βοῦς me πημήνῃ" 10 
οὕτωϊςϊ Ea sean. Kouvvi, τῇ ἑτέρῃ κούρῃ. 

ἀληθιναί, φίλη, yap αἱ ᾿Εφεσίου χεῖρες 
>? / Δ. 9, / / 3 9.9 > A “ce “- 
ἐς πάντ᾽ ᾿Απελλέω γράμματ᾽, οὐδ᾽ ἐρεῖς “᾿ κεῖνος 
LA a“ \ “ “A > > / 2) 
ὥνθρωπος ἕν μὲν εἶδεν, ἕν δ᾽ ἀπηρνήθη, 
ἀλλ᾽ 6 οἱ ἐπὶ νοῦν γένοιτο καὶ θεῶν ψαύειν 75 
ἠπείγετ᾽. ὃς δ᾽ ἐκεῖνον ἢ ἔργα τὰ ἐκείνου 
μὴ παμφαλήσας ἐκ δίκης ὁρώρηκεν, 
ποδὸς κρέμαιτ᾽ ἐκεῖνος ἐν γναφέως οἴκῳ. 

4\>? 8 > a > 4 Eh pees 
κάλ υμιν, ω VUVGLKES, ἐντελέως τα tpa 
\ > κ > /, , ΕΝ 
και ες λῷον ἐμβλέποντα" μεζόνως OUTLS 80 
59. τονπαιδαδὴ γυμνον P: corrected by K. 60. κύννα P. 
θερμα ᾿ ρ 
61. θερμαπηδωσαι P. 62. δὲ rupa(c)rov P: corr. W. Voll- 
graff. 63. ἰδημυλος P with mark of corruption. ἴδησι 


MIME IV. 58-80 

thynges—Lady I cry mercie. This bare boye, an I 
scratch him, wolde he not be wounded, Kynno? 
For his flesh lieth on him in the picture as with right 
warm pulsaciouns; and the silvern fire-box—an 
Myellos or Pataikiskos see it, wolde not their eyne 
fall out for belief ’twere in sooth silvern ywrought ἢ 
And the ox and his leader and her that followeth, 
and this man of hooked nose, and this of heyre erect. 
are not day and livelihed in their eyne? An I 
demed not I sholde defame my sex, I sholde have 
cryed out for feare the ox mote do me an hurt: so 
askaunce looketh he with one eye. 


Yea, deare, for true are the hands of Apelles of 
Ephesus in all paintings ne motes say ‘ Yon man 
looked on one thynge, and gave no thought to 
another,’ but all that was his of wit or inspiracioun, 
he was fain to assay: and whoso examine not him 
ors werkes with judicious ocillades, may he hang by 
the foot in fullers house. 


Full fayre, dames, are your meat-offerings, and 
fayrer their significaunce : none hath ere found moe 

Μύλλος Hdl. 66. xo P. 67. χω P. OUTOTOUKK® 

[αν]ασιίμ)ος Ῥ. οὐκ is cancelled by line and dots superscribed. 
uw itself is formed out of a \. Verse marked corrupt. 

68. ζόην P. σινημερην Ῥ : corr. Hicks. 69. -κουν P. 

75. wc P: explained by Hdl. Read κἀκ: i.e. 6 τι καὶ 

οἱ θεοὶ ἐπὶ νοῦν a’rw ποιήσειαν Hdt. i. 27. 76. Verse 

marked corrupt. ηέργαεκεινου P. 79. evrehewo- 

σταΐρα P but the second σ is cancelled by a vertical stroke. 
80. μεζονωσουτις P. 


2 / \ / > ” > e A 

WIESEL EL ne: Παιήον᾽, a icp NOU per 


in ἰὴ Παίηον, εὐμενὴς εἴης 

καλοῖς ἐπ᾽ ἱροῖς ταῖσδε Kel τινες τῶνδε 

ἔασ᾽ ὀπυιηταί τε καὶ γενῆς ἄσσον. 

INCIN 7, a κα 9 ” 

(ἢ τὴ Ilatyov- ὧδε ταῦτ εἰὴ. 85 

εἴη yap, ὦ μέγιστε, <K> byt πολλῇ 
ἔλθοιμεν αὖτις μέζον᾽ ip ἀγινεῦσαι 
σὺν ἀνδράσιν καὶ παισί.--Κοκκάλη καλῶς 
τεμεῦσα μέμνεο τὸ σκελύδριον δοῦναι 
τῷ νεωκόρῳ τοὔρνιθος, ἔς τε τὴν τρώγλην 90 
τὸν πελανὸν ἔνθες τοῦ δράκοντος εὐφήμως 
καὶ (ψ)αιστὰ δεῦσον᾽ τἄλλα δ᾽ οἰκίης ἕδρῃ 
δαισόμεθα.-καὶ ἐπὶ μὴ λάθῃ φέρειν, αὕτη, 
τῆς ὑγιίης δ᾽, ὅ οἵ προσδός" 7 γὰρ ἱροῖσιν 
μέ(ζγων ἐστ 3 ς: ἡ ὑγίη ᾽στὶ τῆς μοίρης. 95 

83. καλοισεμπροις P, but uw is cancelled and so is a mark 
of corruption at the beginning of the verse. 86. xvyun P: 
corrected by R. 88. Change of speaker falsely marked. 


MIME IV. 81-95 

favour in Paieons eyne than ye. Hail, hail Paieon; 
mayst be propitious for fayre offerings to these and 
any that be their spouses or near sybbe. Hail, hail, 
Paieon. Amen. 

Amen, most mighty, and may we return anon in 
goodly health, bearing withal larger offerings, with 
husbands and children.—Kokkale, take hede fayrly 
to cutte the leg of the fowl and give it to the sacristan, 
and silently set the cake in the snakes den, and dip 
the wafer!: of the rest shall we make feast in the 
seats of our habitaunce, and don’t forget to give 
him some too of the health-offering: for soothly in 
sacrifices a health-offering is sorer loss than the 

τ The ‘cake’ is probably (Hg.) a piece of money and the 

‘den’ a collecting-box. ‘Him’ two lines below is the 
husband, implied from οἰκίης ἕδρῃ. 

89. τεμοῦσα most edd. 90. tw P. 91. πέλανον P. 
Χ λ A 

94. δωι P, 1.6. δ᾽, 6 οἱ (we for wr). 95. auaprins P: corr. 




Λέγε μοι σύ, Γάστρων, «εἶ; δ᾽ ὑπερκορὴς οὕτω, 
ὥστ᾽ οὐκέτ᾽ ἀρκεῖ τἀμά σοι σκέλεα κινεῖν 
ἀλλ᾽ ᾿Αμφυταΐῃ τῇ Μένωνος ἔγκεισαι; 

> \ > / \ / ε / 
ἐγὼ “Apdutain; τὴν λέγεις ὁρώρηκα 


7 a ¢ / ΄ 
προφάσεις πᾶσαν ἡμέρφηδν ἕλκεις. 5 

Βίτιννα, δοῦλός εἰμι: χρῶ ὅτι «μοι» βούλει 
καὶ μὴ τό prev αἷμα νύκτα κἡμέρην (πῖ)νε. 
“ \ \ \ / e ” 
ὅσην δὲ καὶ τὴν γλάσσαν, οὗτος, ἔσχηκας" 
Κύδιλλα, κοῦ ᾽στι Πυρρίης; κάλει μ᾽ αὐτόν. 

1. 7 P: corr. Buech. 4. αμφυταιὴην P: corr. J. μενων 
crossed out and λεγεις superscr. P. 5. προφασῖς P. 
nuepay P. 6. βίτιννα P. μοι inserted by ἢ. 
after βούλει: but ef. Hippon. fr. 45. 7. suppl. K. 

9. πουμοι P (uo crossed out and στ superscr.) 


(Scene: A lady’s chamber in a house in Ephesus. 
Bitinna the lady harangues Gastron, her slave, also 
her unfaithful paramour. Kydilla, her confidential 

slave-girl, is also present.) 


Tell me Gastron, art so surfeited, that it sufficeth 
thee not to stir my legs, but must woo Amphytaea, 
Meno’s woman!? 


Amphytaea? I. Have I e’en seen her of whom 

thou speakest ? 

Excuse on excuse all day long ! 

Bitinna, thy slave am I: use me as thou wilt, ne 

sup my blood day and night. 


And what a tongue hast gotten, slave! Kydilla, 
where is Pyrrhies ? Call him to me. 

1 Probably wife. 


τί ἐστί; 


τοῦτον δῆσον--ἀλλ᾽ ἔθ᾽ ἕστηκας;--- 

τὴν ἱμανήθρην τοῦ κάδου ταχέως λύσας. 
ἣν μὴ καταικίσασα τῇ σ᾽ ὅλῃ χώρῃ 
παραδεῖγμα θῶ, μᾶ, μή με OAs γυναῖκ᾽ εἶνα:. 
ἦρ᾽ οὐχὶ aves Φρύξ; ἐγὼ αἰτίη τούτων 
ἐγῴῷμι, Γάστρων, ἢ σε Geto’ ἐν ἀνθρώποις. 
ἀλλ᾽ εἰ τότ᾽ ἐξήμαρτον, οὐ τὰ νῦν εὖσαν 

pu@p<o>v Βίτινναν, ὡς δοκεῖς, ἔςτ»᾽ εὑρήσεις. 

"5 a , A \ ε "Ὁ 3. » , 
φέρ 9 εἰς: OU, δῆσον, ΡΠ} ἁπληγίδ ἐκδύσας. 


μὴ μή, Βίτιννα, τῶν σε γουνάτων, δεῦμαι. 

ἔκδυθι, φημί. δεῖ σ᾽ ὁὀτεύνεκ᾽ εἶ δοῦλος 
καὶ τρεῖς ὑπέρ σευ μν «ἔλας ἔθηκα γινώσκειν. 
ὡς μὴ καλῶς γένοιτο τἡμέρῃ κείνῃ, 
ἥτις σ᾽ ἐσήγαγ᾽ ὧδε. Πυρρίη, κλαύσῃ: 
ὁρῶ σε δήκου πάντα μᾶλλον ἢ δεῦντα. 
σύςσλφιγγε τοὺς ἀγκῶνας, ἔκπρισον δήσας. 


Βίτιννα, ἄφες μοι τὴν ἁμαρτίην ταύτην. 
ἀνθρωπός εἰμι, ἥμαρτον' ἀλλ᾽ ἐπὴν αὖτις 
ἕλῃς τι δρῶντα τῶν σὺ μὴ θέλῃς, στίξον. 





11. τουτου P with second τοὺ crossed out. 14. exp P 
changed to np. 15. εγῶιμι P. 17. μῶραν P: corr. Hdl. 

18. φερῖς P: expl. by Ellis. dugov P, 19. δουμαι was 


MIME V. 10-28 


What is it ? 


Bind this fellow—what ? Standest still ?—loosing 
anon the rope of the bucket. An I mar thee not 
and set thee as an example to the countriesyde, la ! 
call me no woman. Am 1 not rather an Eunuch ἢ 
Tis I, Gastron, I that fault herein, that I set thee 
among men.” But, an I erred then, thou shalt find 
Bitinna a fool now no moe, for all thou thinkest. 
Come, thou, bind him unayded when thou hast 
stripped him of his smock. 

Nay, nay, Bitinna—by thy knees, prithee. 


Strip him, I repeat. Must wot that art a slave 
and that I payd for thee three minae. Ah! ill 
betyde that day that brought thee hither. Shalt rue 
it, Pyrrhies—I see that dost aught els save bind him. 
Truss his arms ; bind till they be perdy severed. 


Bitinna, forgive me this errour. Mortal am 1. I 
have erred; but an thou find me moe doing aught 
thou woldest not, then tattoo me. 

1 The second change of speaker is adequately indicated 

by a large space. 
2 Treated you as fellow man. 

first written by P. 20. ὁτευνεκ P. 21. μνας P with 

dot below pu. γινωισκειν P, 25. συγσῴ P: corr. 

Buech. 26. αμαρτιαν P. 




πρὸς ᾿Αμφυταίην ταῦτα, μὴ we πληκτίζευ, 
μεθ᾽ ἧς ἀλινδῇ καὶ ἐμὲ χρὴ πίο)δόψηστρον 80 

δέδεται καλῶς σοι. 
μὴ λάθῃ λυθεὶς σκέψαι. 

vies » A " A / A [2 

ay αὐτὸν ἐς τὸ ζήτρειον πρὸς “Ἕρμωνα 

καὶ χιλίας μὲν ἐς T<O> νῶτον ἐγκόψαι 
» ~ ᾽ὔ ’ὔ A “ ,’ὔ 

αὐτῷ κέλευσον χιλίας δὲ τῇ γαστρί. 

ἀποκτενεῖς, Bitwva, μ᾽ οὐδ᾽ ἐλέγξασα 35 
43... ” > 5 ,ὔ ~ wy A / 
εἴτ᾽ ἔστ᾽ ἀληθέα πρῶτον εἴτε καὶ ψευδέα; 

“A > > \ > A ~ 207 4 
ἃ δ᾽ αὐτὸς εἶπας ἄρτι TH ἰδίῃ» γλάσσῃ 
“Βίτινν᾽, ἄφες μοι τὴν ἁμαρτίην ταύτην᾽; 

τήν σευ χολὴν γὰρ ἤθελον KatacB<éo>oa. 


7 > / / > ΝΜ > / 
ἕστηκας ἐμβλέπων σύ, κοὐκ ἄγεις αὐτόν 40 

ὅκου λέγω σοι; «θλρῆ, Κύδιλλα, τὸ ῥύγχος 

30. δὲ καιεμ(ε)χρηπ(ο)δοψ P (read by Milne). There is no 
doubt as to this reading. I translate a v. 30% ὑμέων γενέσθαι 


MIME V. 990-41 


Playne not to me, but to Amphytaea with whom 
thou lyest, and needs must I <your> foot towell <be 

Thou hast him well bound. 


See he escape not loose. Take him to the abode 
of torment to Hermon, and bid him hammer thousand 
stripes into his back and thousand into’s belly. 


Wilt kill me, Bitinna, ne try first an it be sooth or 
false ? 

What of thine own tongues utteraunce ‘ Bitinna 
forgive me this errour ’ ἢ 

Aye, for I wolde quench your choler. 


Standest agape, and leadest him not where I bid 
thee? Kydilla, dint this losells beak, and thou, 

Sik μέθλαθη 12% 33. τοννωτον P. 36. Wevdea 

P (doubtful mark over ε). 3. tovar Pi: corr. by ἢ. 
39. κατασβωσαι P: corr. by BI. 41. 067 P: corr. by Hdl. 



τοῦ παντοέρκτεω τοῦδε, καὶ σύ μοι, ᾿Δρήχων, 
ἤδη ᾿φαμάρτει «τῇ σ᾽ ἂν» οὗτος ἡγῆται. 
δώσεις τι, δούλη, τῷ κατηρήτῳ τούτῳ 
ῥάκος καλύψαι τὴν ἀνώνυμον κέρκον, 45 
ὡς μὴ δι’ ἀγορῆς γυμνὸς ὧν θεωρῆται; 
τὸ δεύτερόν σοι, Iluppin, πάλιν φωνέω, 
ὅκως ἐρεῖς Ἕρμωνι χιλίας ὧδε, 
καὶ ἄν, ὧδ᾽ ἐμβαλεῖν. ἀκήκουκας; 
> ἣν τι τούτων ὧν λέγω παραστείξῃς, 50 

αὐτὸς σὺ καὶ τἀρχαῖα καὶ τόκους τίσεις. 

/ \ \ \ \ / > / 
βάδιζε καὶ μὴ παρὰ τὰ Μικκάλης αὐτόν 
αν τα 3 \ A > ~ 7 > ς / 
ay, ἀλλὰ τὴν ἰθεῖαν. οὗ δ᾽ «ὑ»πεμνήσθην.--- 

/ / ~ \ / / 
κάλει, κάλει δραμεῦσα, πρὶν μακρήν, δούλη, 
avTo<U>s γενέσθαι. 


Πυρρίης, τάλτηΣς, κωφέ, 55 
καλεῖ σε. μᾶ, δόξει τις οὐχὶ σύνδουλον 
αὐτὸν ᾿σπαράςσσλειν ἀλλὰ σημάτων φῶρα- 
Opis ὅκως νῦν τοῦτον ἐκ βίης ἕλκεις 
ἐς τὰς ἀνάγκας, Πυρρίη; «σέ, μᾶ, τούτοις 
τοφῦςς δύο Κύδιλλ᾽ ἐπόψε <7 >” ἡμερέων πέντε 60 
παρ᾽ ᾿Αντιδώρῳ τὰς ᾿Αχαϊκὰς κείνας, 
ἃς πρῶν ἔθηκας, τοῖς σφυροῖσι τρίβοντα. 


ΘΝ / ~ > #9 ” aN 
οὗτος σύ, τοῦτον αὖτις ὧδ᾽ ἔχων ἧκε 
δεδεμένον οὕτως ὥσπερ ἐξάγεις αὐτόν, 

ro? , , > a \ , ν 
Κόσιν τέ μοι κέλευσον ἐλθεῖν τὸν στίκτην θὅ 
yy ε / \ / ~ “- 
ἔχοντα ῥαφίδας καὶ μέλαν. μιῇ δεῖ σε 

42, τουτο και P: το iscrossed outand desuperscr. 43. αμ- 
αρτισοιεαν P: corrected by Danielss. 49. -κᾶἂς P. 53. επεμν. 


MIME V. 42-66 

Drechon, follow now by the way thy fellow leadeth. 
Slave, wilt give a rag to this curst fellow to hyde his 
bestiall nakedness, that he be not seen bare through 
the market? Once moe a second time I cry thee 
Pyrrhies to tell Hermon that he lay on thousand 
here and thousand there: hast heard? Soothly an 
thou traverse aught of my orders thou shalt thine 
own self pay debt and interest. Walk on and lead 
him not by Mrs. Smallwaies! but on the Mall. But 
I mind—run, slave-girl, and call them, call them ere 
they be afar. 


Pyrrhies, deaf wretche, she calleth thee. La, 
one mote deme ’twas no fellow-slave he mauleth, 
but a grave-robber : look how dost drag him perforce 
to the torments, Pyrrhies. La! ‘tis thee that 
Kydilla will live to see with this pair of eyne in 
five daies time rubbing with thine ankles at Antidorus 
abode those Achaean gyves that but yestereen didst 


Ho there, come back bringing him bound even as 
dost lead him out, and enjoyne Kosis the tattooer 
to come with needles and ink. ‘Thou must be spotted 

1 7,6. through the back slums. 

P: corr. Hdl. 54, δραμοῦσα is usually read. 55. Mark 

of change of speakers misplaced below 56: i.e. at μᾶ. 

avros P: corr. J., Bl. ταλας P. 56. ovxidovdov P. 

59. verse marked as corrupt. πυρριηεμα Ῥ : corr. by Bl. 

60. τοὺς P: corr. Bl. 61. axatxas P. 63. avis P. 

66. @ of ραφιδας first written as 6. δὴ P 

U 131 


e ~ / / / 
ὁδῷ γενέσθαι ποικίλον. κατηρτήσθω 
οὕτω ἱκαταμυοςὶ ὥσπερ ἡ Δάου τιμή. 

/ ᾽ὔ > A ~ \ Ψ 7 ΄“ 

μή, τατί, ἀλλὰ νῦν μὲν αὐτόν, --οὕτω σοι 
ζῴη Βατυλλὶς κἠπίδοις μιν ἐλθοῦσαν 10 
ἐς ἀνδρὸς οἶκον καὶ τέκν᾽ ἀγκάλαις ἄραις--- 
ἄφες, παραιτεῦμαί σε: τὴν μίαν ταύτην 


Κύδιλλα, μή pe λυπεῖτε, 

“Ἃ /, > > ~ cde A > / ~ 
ἢ φεύξομ᾽ ἐκ τῆς οἰκίης. ἀφέω τοῦτον 

\ e / \ / > > ~ 
τὸν ἕπτάδουλον; Kat Tis οὐκ ἀπαντῶσα 75 
ἔς μευ δικαίως TO πρόσωπον ἐμπτύοι; 

> \ "4 3 > > / > s 
ο(ὐ), (τγὴὴν Τύραννον, ἀλλ᾽ ἐπείπερ οὐκ οἶδεν, 
ἄνθρωπος ὦν, ἑωυτόν, αὐτίκ᾽ εἰδήσει 

~ > ~ 

e(v) τῷ μετώπῳ τὸ ἐπίγραμμ᾽ ἔχων τοῦτο. 

ἀλλ᾽ ἔστιν εἰκὰς καὶ Τερήνι᾽ ἐς πέμπτην-- 80 
68. see nn. 69, rari P. cw Ῥ. 70. μεν P: 
corr. R. 71. Non αγκαΐλ. 73 μηλυπιτεμε P: corr. 
by R. 77. ἐπεί(π)ειπερ P, who wrote ere: first but oddly 

turned the: into 7. 80. «or.w—the is a correction as if 
the writer had started to write e. 

1 Herodes may have misread an old proverb collection : 
see introd. The proverb, which refers to a quiet death, is, 
however, inapposite. The correct sense is given by Horace, 

_ Sat. ii. 5. 91 Davus sis comicus atque stes capite obstipo, 
multum similis metuenti. ‘There is fair evidence for καταμυ- 
in the sense ‘ capite obstipo,’ perhaps by early confusion with 


MIME V. 67-80 

attone. Let him be taught to cringe as low as his 
honour Davus.! 


Nay, mamma, but now—e’en as thou hopest 
Batyllis may live and maiest one day see her come 
to a mans house, and maiest lift her children in thine 
arms—now let him be: this one errour— 


Kydilla, vex me not, all of you: or will flee the 
habitaunce. Am I to let be this slave of slaves ? 
Who then that encountred me wolde not rightly spit 
in my face? Nay by the Queen,” but since, though 
mortal he be, he knoweth not himself, soon shall he 
know it with this inscripcioun 3 on his forehead. 


But ’tis the twentieth, and but four days to the 

the Dorie κατᾶμύω. Either Herodes coined κατάμυος incor- 
rectly or καταμύων should be read. 

2 οὐ τὴν Τύραννον. The title is unknown for any Greek 
divinity: yet it is fairly clear that v. 80 suggests an Ionic 
colony and that the immediately following mimes are likely 
to be Ephesian. There the oath is * by Artemis,’ and it 
may be presumed that we have Artemis here. The com- 
monest error in Greek texts, as in proofs and books to-day, 
is the writing of a somewhat similar word for another by 
false association: cf. vi. 34-38. I faney Herodes wrote 
Κυναγόν, ‘ Huntress.’ 

3 Inscripcioun: ANOC EIMI? 




νῦν μέν σ᾽ ἀφήσω, Kal ἔχε τὴν χάριν ταύτῃ, 

Δ ᾽ \ ΑΝ δ / / 

ἣν οὐδὲν ἧσσον ἢ Βατυλλίδα στέργω, 

ἐν τῆσι χερσὶ τῇσ᾽ ἐμῇσι θρέψασα. 

ἐπεὰν δὲ τοῖς καμοῦσιν ἐγχυτλώσωμεν 

δ (em) > A e \ > e ~ 

ἄξεις TOT apeAu<titirv ὁρτὴν ἐξ ὁρτῆς. 8ὅ 
82. nrrov P: corr. by Meister. 88. eunoe P. 

85. au(e)Acr(n)v εορτην ef εορτης P: corr. by Hdl. 

MIME V. 81-85 


Now shall I let thee be, and be thankfull to this 
girl whom I love as Batyllis and in mine own hands 
did noursle. But whenas we have done libacioun to 
those that sleep, then shalt have unhonied 1 festival] 
on festivall. 

1 j.e. πικράν ‘bitter.’ Honey was not offered to the dead. 



Κάθησο, Μητροῖ: τῇ γυναικὶ θὲς didpov 
ἀναστα(θ)ε(ἴσα): πάντα δεῖ με προστάςσσλειν 
αὐτήν, σὺ δ᾽ οὐδὲν ἄν, τάλαινα, ποιήσαις 

> \ > \ ~ ~ / 3 ΄ 
αὐτὴ ἀπὸ σαυτῆς" pa, λίθος τις, οὐ δούλη 

> ~ νον. a_> > \ + 3 a ~ 
ἐν TH οἰκίῃ <K>Eta’* ἀλλὰ τἄλφιτ᾽ ἣν peTpH ὅ 
τὰ κρίμν᾽ ἀμιθρεῖς, κἢ «ν) τοσοῦτ᾽ ἀποστάξῃ 
τὴν ἡμέϊρ]ην ὅλην σε τονθορύζουσαν 
καὶ πρημονῶσαν οὐ φέρουσιν ot τοῖχοι. 
νῦν αὐτὸν ἐκμάσσεις τε καὶ ποεῖς λαμπρόν, 
ὅτ᾽ ἐστὶ xeletl(), λῃστρί; Ob μοι ταύτῃ 10 
ἐπεί σ᾽ ἔγ(ευ)σ᾽ ἂν τῶν ἐμῶν ἐγὼ χειρέων. 

φίλη Κοριττοῖ, ταῦτ᾽ (€)u(o)t ζυγὸν τρίβεις. 
κὐἠγὼ ἐπιβρύχουσ᾽ ἡμέρην τε καὶ νύκτα 
κύων ὑλακτέω Tails] ἀνωνύμοις ταύταις. 
ἀλλ᾽ οὕνεκεν πρός σ᾽ (ἠλ) θ]ον--- 

1. κιδθεσ Ῥ (6 cancelled by vertical stroke and θ. formed 

out of o (Buech.)). 2. legit K. ταττειν Ῥ : corr. 

by R. 3. some marks over δὲ of οὐδεν. 5. εἰς P: corr. 

Richards. μετρεω P. 6. xn P: corr. by Bl. 



(Scene: Ephesus? The house of Koritto, a lady. Her 
friend Metro bursts in unannounced. A slave-girl is 


Sit down, Metro—Arise and set a chayre for the 
lady! Must I bid thee myself do all thy devoyrs, 
and thou woldest do naught of thine own self? La! 
thou’rt a stone in the house, not a slave-girl: but 
an thou takest thy measure of wheat, each crumb 
thou tellest, and an ne’er so litell driblet escape, 
the walls burst with thy day-long playnts and 
lamentaciouns. So thou dost wipe it and render it 
clean now, thou thief, when need is? I counsell 
thee render oblacioun to this lady: els had I given 
thee taste of my handes. 

Deare Koritto thou’rt galled by the same yoke as 

1. I too day and night long yap like a dog gnashing 
at these bestiall wenches. But for my errand— 

7. suppl. by K. 10. suppl. by BL 11. χέιρεων 
is a customary hyper-lonicism due doubtless to Herodes: 
χειρῶν editors. 13. ε of επιβ. is due to a correction by P. 

14. suppl. by K. non ὑλακτέω P. 15. suppl. by K. 


ἐκποδὼν ἡμῖν 15 

φθείρεσθε, νώβυστρ᾽, ὦ(τ)[α] μοῦνον καὶ γλάσσαι 
ὰ δ᾽ ἄλλ᾽ ἑορτή-- 


λίσσομα[ί σ](ε), μὴ ψεύσῃ, 
φίλη Κοριττοῖ, τίς <K>oT ἦν ὅ σοι ῥάψας 
τὸν κόκκινον βαυβῶνα; 

κοῦ δ᾽ ὁρώρηκας, 
Μητροῖ, σὺ κεῖνον; 
τον Ε Νοσσὶς εἰἶϊχεν ἡρίννης 20 
τριτἡμέρῃ νιν: μᾶ, καλόν τι δώρημα. 

Νοσσίς; κόθεν λαβοῦσα; 

διαβαλεῖς ἦν σοι 
μὰ τούτους τοὺς γλυκέας, φίλη Μητροῖ, 
ἐκ τοῦ Κοριττοῦς στόματος οὐδεὶς μὴ ἀκούσῃ 
ὅσ᾽ ἂν σὺ λέξης. 
ἡ Bita<d>0s Ἐὐβούλη 25 
»” τὰ ~ \ > PLD, > / 
ἔδωκεν αὐτῇ Kal εἶπε μηδέν᾽ αἰσθέσθαι. 
138 Ἁ 

MIME VI. 15-26 


Get ye gone, ye slightfull ones ; naught but ears 
and tongues, and the rest of ye idlenes— 


Prithee, lie not, Koritto deare ? Who did stitch 
thee the scarlet baubon ? 

Where hast seen it, Metro ἢ 


Nossis, Erinna’s childe, had it two daies agone. 
La! a fayre gift. 
Nossis ! Whence gat she it ? 

Wilt bewray an I tell thee ? 


By these sweet eyne, Metro deare, none shall hear 
from Koritto’s mouth aught thou saiest. 


Eubule, wife of Bitas, gave it her and bade her 
that none discover it. 

16. suppl. by Hicks. 17. eoprye P: corr. by Bl. 

Suppl. by K. 19. κονκινον P. 25. ἡβιτᾶτος P: 
corr. W. Schulze. 



γυναῖκες, αὕτη μ᾽ ἡ γυνή <K>oT ἐκτρίψει. 
ἐγὼ μὲν αὐτὴν λιπαρεῦσαν ἠδέσθην 
κἤδωκα, Μητροῖ, πρόσθεν ἢ αὐτὴ χρήσασθαι. 
ἡ δ᾽ ὥ «σ»περ εὕρημ᾽ ἁρπάσασα» δωρεῖται 30 
καὶ τῇσι μὴ δεῖ. χαιρέτω, φίλη, πολλά, 
ἐοῦσα τοίη, «κλἡτέρην TW ἀνθ᾽ ἡμέων 
φίλην ἀθρείτω τἄλλα. Νοσσίδι χρῆσθαι 
τῇ Μηδοκέω--μέζον μὲν ἢ δίκη γρύζω, 
λάθοιμι δ᾽ ᾿Αδρήστεια--χιλίων εὔντων 35 
ἕν᾽ οὐκ ἂν ὅστις σαπρός ἐστι προσδοίην. 

μὴ δή, ἹΚοριττοῖ, τὴν χολὴν ἐπὶ ῥινός 
ἔχ᾽ εὐθύς, ἦν τι ῥῆμα μὴ καλὸν ,πεύθῃ. 
γυναικός ἐστι κρηγύης φέρειν πάντα. 
ἐγὼ δὲ τούτων αἰτίη λαλεῦσ᾽ εἰμὲ 40 
Ἰπολλὰΐ τήν μευ yA<d>ooav ἐκτεμεῖν δεῖται. 
ἐκεῖνο δ᾽ οὗ σοι καὶ μάλιστ᾽ ἐπεμνήσθην, 
τίς ἔσ «τ»᾽ ὁ ῥάψας αὐτόν; εἰ φιλεῖς μ᾽ εἶπον. 
τί μ᾽ ἐςμ᾿»βλέπεις γελῶσα; νῦν ὁρώρηκας 
Μητροῦν τὸ πρῶτον; ἢ τί τάβρά σοι ταῦτα; 45 
ἐνεύχομαι, Κοριττί, μή μ᾽ ἐπιψεύσῃ, 

ἀλλ᾽ εἰπὲ τὸν ῥάψαντα. 


~ / 5 
μᾶ, τί μοι ἐνεύχῃ; 

Κέρδων ἔραψε. 

ΟἿΣ aor, Ps corr. K- 30. omissions suppl. by K. 
ΞΘ’ ταῖσε ἘΠ (COrra rus 33. χρησθ P. 84. ηγυ- 
νηγρυξω P with ηδικηγρυζίω) superscr. 36. λεπρὸς and 


MIME VI. 27-48 


Oh womankind, this woman shall one day fordo 
me. I granted her prayers, and gave it her, Metro, 
ere I used it myself: and she seized it like trove, 
and gives it to whom she ought not. ‘To such an one, 
dere, bid I long farewell, and let her quest hence- 
forward other friend in my room. To Nossis, wife of 
Medokes—I speke beyond due limit and may 
Adrasteia hearken not—though I had a thousand 
yet wolde I not lend one that were rotten. 


Prithee, Koritto, let not ire sit anon on thy nostrils 
an thou hear word of no fayre import. Gentle 
woman sholde suffer all things. "Tis I that fault 
herein for speking o’ermuch: I sholde cut out my 
tongue. But—to my main intendiment—who did 
stitch it? Say,an thou love me. Why these mowes 
at me? Hast neer seen Metro before? What 
mene these bashings? I adjure thee, Koritto, false 
me not, but say who stitched it. 

La! why adjure? *Twas Kerdon. 


προσδωσω (wow erased) P. 37. κόρη τυ Stob. FI. Ixxiv. 

14. 38. σοῴφον P: σοφὸν Stob. 41. <> πολλά K. 

But the writer is here half asleep and quite probably has 
substituted πολλά (as λεπρός) for a word of the same sense : 
6.9. περισσά or ἄκαιρα (Greg. Naz. ii. 726, v. 984 ἰδοὺ προτείνω 
τὴν ἄκαιρον καὶ λάλον yA@ooav’ ὁ θέλων νηλέως ἐκτεμνέτω). 
yAwooay P: corr. by M. 48. trov P. 44, evB. P. 
46. μαημοι P: corr. Bl., Hdl. 




Kotos, εἰπέ μοι, Κέρδων; 
δύ᾽ εἰσὶ γὰρ Κέρδωνες, εἷς μὲν ὁ γλαυκός 
ὁ Μυρταλίνης τῆς Κυλαίθιδος γείτων" 50 
ἀλλ᾽ οὗτος οὐδ᾽ ἂν πλῆκτρον ἐς λύρην ῥάψαι:" 
ὁ δ᾽ ἕτερος ἐγγὺς τῆς συνοικίης οἰκέων 
τῆς ‘Eppodaipou τὴν πλατεῖαν ἐκβάντι, 
ἦν μέν KOT , ἦν τις, ἀλλὰ νῦν γεγήρακε' 
τούτῳ ᾿ΚἸλλαιθὶς ἡ μακαρῖτις ἐχρῆτο-- 55 
μνησϑεῖεν αὐτῆς οἵτινες προσήκουσιν. 


οὐδέτερος αὐτῶν ἐστιν ow λέγεις, Μητροῖ, 
ἀλλ᾽ οὗτος οὐκ οἷδ᾽ ἢ ᾿«ΚΣ Χίου τις ἢ ᾽ρυθρεών 
τ φαλακί(ρ)ός, μικκός --οοὀὐτὸ ἐρεῖς εἶναι 

Πρηξῖνον" οὐδ᾽ ἂν σῦκον εἰκάσαι σύκῳ 60 
ἔχοις ἂν (οὕ) τ]ω: “πλὴν ἐπὴν λαλῇ, γνώσῃ 
Κέρδων ὁτεύνεκ᾽ ἐστὶ καὶ οὐχὶ ΙΠρηξῖνος. 
κατ᾽ οἰκίην δ᾽ ἐργάζετ᾽ ἐ«ςμ» πολέων λάθρη, 
τοὺς γὰρ τελώνας πᾶσα νῦν θύρη φρίσσει-- 
ἀλλ᾽ ἔρ(γ) oK(ot) (ἔ)στ᾽ ἐργάτης; ᾿Αθηναίης 65 
αὐτῆς ὁρ«ῆ»ν (ds) χείζ |pas οὐχὶ “Κέρδωνος 
δόξεις" ἐγὼ) μὲν--δύο γὰρ HAP ἔχων, Μητροῖ-- 
ἰδοῦσ᾽ ἅμ᾽ ἰ(δμ)ῇ τὠμματ᾽ ἐξεκύμηνα' 
τὰ βαλλί᾽ οὕτως ἄνδρες οὐχὶ ποιεῦσι-- 
αὐταὶ γάρ ἐ(σ)μεν--ὀρθά: κοὐ μόνον τοῦτο, 70 
ἀλλ᾽ ἡ μαλακό(τγης ὕπνος, ot δ᾽ ἱμαντίσκοι 
ἔρι᾽, οὐχ ἱμ(άλϊντες)- εὐνοέστερον σκυτέα 
γυναικὶ] διφῶσ᾽ ἄλλον οὐκ ἀνευρ[ή]σίεις. 

A > SUA \ “ 
κως OUV ἀφῆκας τον ετέρον; 

MIME VI. 48-74 


Which Kerdon? Tellme. There are two Kerdons, 
one of grey eyne, neighbour of Myrtaline daughter 
of Kylaithis: but yon note stitch plectre for 
lyre. The other has habitaunce forby the tenement 
of Hermodorus as one quitteth the Broad Way: 
of mark once but now eld hath him. Him had 
Kylaithis, who is now at peace. May her kin 
memorize her. 


Tis neither of these, Metro. This one haileth 
from Chios or Erythrae, I wot not which: bald and 
short : a very Prexinos motest say : fig to fig notest 
so compare : but whenas he prateth thou lt ken him 
to be Kerdon not Prexinos. At home he werketh 
bartering by stealth, for every door now shuddereth at 
the tax-gatherers. ‘ But what werkes is he werker ?’ 
Athenes own handes woldest deme to see, not 
Kerdons. I—for he came with twain of them, Metro 
—at first glaunce were mine eyne extent: e’en 
straighter than the livelihed—none listeth—: nay 
moe—as soft as sleep, and the thonglets no thongs 
but wool: kinder cobbler to feminitee notest find, 
quest how thou wilt. 

How gattest not the other ? 

52. oxewy P. 57. ws P: corr. Bl. 58. ἡχιου P: 
corr. W. Schulze. 60. αιόσυκωι P. 61. suppl. by K. 
63, κατοικειν P with mark of error at beginning: corr. R. 
65. I give the letters as Milne reads them exe. (e)o7 for (a)or. 
Construction as τὰ μετεωρὰ φροντιστής (Plat.), μυρία πεμπαστάν 

(Aesch.). 66. op(a)v P. 67. suppl. Bl., Buech. 
68. ἁμι(δμ)η P. 72. suppl. R. 73. suppl. Hdl. 
(ησ.[.] superser.). 74 etc. suppl. K. 



τί] δ᾽ οὐ, Μητροῖ, 
” , > > , πὶ Ξ 
ἔπρηξα; κοίην δ᾽ οὐ προσήγαγον πειθοῦν 15 
> ~ ~ A \ ~ 

αὐτῷ; φιλεῦσα, τὸ φαλακρὸν κ[α]ταψῶσα, 
γλυκὺν πιεῖν ἐγχεῦσα, ταταλίζ[ο)υσα, 

τὸ σῶμα μοῦνον οὐχὶ δοῦσα χίρ]ήσασθαι. 


ἀλλ᾽ εἴ σε καὶ τοῦτ᾽ ἠξίωσ᾽ ἔδει δοῦϊν]αι. 

ἔδει yap: ἀλλ᾽ ἄκαιρον οὐ πρέπον (γ᾽) εἶναι: 80 
ἤληθεν ἡ Βιτᾶ «δ»ος ἐν μέσῳ «Εὐβ» ody: 
αὕτη γὰρ ἡμέων ἡμέρην, τε καὶ νύκτα 
τρίβουσα τὸν ὄνον σκωρίην πεποίηκεν, 
ὅκως τὸν ωὑτῆς μὴ τετρωβόλο[υἹ] κόψῃ. 

~ 3 μῃν ΔΆ / \ ¢ \ ce 
κῶς δ᾽ οὗτος εὗρε πρός σε τὴν ὁδὸν ταύτην, 85 

φίλη Kopitrot; μηδὲ τοῦτό με ψεύσ(ῃ). 

ἔπεμψεν αὐτὸν ᾿Αρτεμῖς ἡ ΚΚανδᾶ «δ) (ο)ς 
τοῦ βυρσοδέψεω τὴν στέγην σημήνασα. 


ἌΝ \ > ~ A ¢ / 
αἰεὶ μὲν ᾿Αρτεμῖς τι καινὸν εὑρήσει, 
πρόσω ᾿πιεῦσα τὴν προκυκλίη .......«-«ο- 90 
> > low > a7 9: , \ A 79 4 > ~ 
ἀλλ᾽ οὖν γ᾽ ὅτ᾽ οὐχὶ τοὺς δύ᾽ εἶχες ἐ«ςκλλῦσαι 

A / \ “ ,ὔ ¢ > ~ 
ἔδει πυθέσθαι τὸν ἕτερον Tis ἡ ἐ«κ δοῦσα. 


MIME VI. 74-92 


All things tryed I: all persuasiouns trayned : 
kissing, stroking his bald pate, flagons of mead, fond 
names, albut surrendring mine own bodie. 

But an he asked, e’en this sholdest have given. 


Aye—but all things in tyde. Eubule wife of Bitas 
was grinding before us. For day and night long 
doth she weare our stone into scrapings, enaunter 
she pay a grote to set her own. 


And how found he his way hither to thee, deare 
Koritto? Eke herein false me not. 


Artemis, wife of Kandas the tanner, sent him 
hither, shewing the house. 


Artemis will aye find some new device drinking 
deep down in bawdy bottles. But sin notest salve the 
twain, algates sholdest have found who bid the other. 

81. ηληθενγαρ P. τατος corr. W. Schulze. ἐνμεσ(ω)ι- 
devin Ῥ : corr. Jevons. 86. Wevo(n)[c] P. 87. Kav- 
datos P(so Bl.): corr. W. Schulze. 90. P has ιηνθα(λπην), 
but there is a quite different correction (unfortunately illeg- 
me) above: I imagine τῆς προκυκλίης στάμνης. 91, 92. ey 

orexk ©. 



5 / ¢ 3 Ε 5 > a“ » - 
ἐλιπάρεον ὁ δ᾽ ὦμνυ᾽ οὐκ ἂν εἰπεῖν μοι" 
ταύτῃ γὰρ «ἥλω; κὴηγάπησέ v<w>, Μητροῖ.Ἷ 

λέγεις ὁδόν μοι: νῦν πρὸς ᾿Αρτεμῖν εἶμι»: 96 
ὅκως ὁ Κ(έρδω)ὴν ὅστις ἐστὶν εἰδ[ ἠ](σ)ω. 
ὑγίαινέ μίογι, Κοριτ᾽] τί: λαιμᾷ this] «κ) ὥρη 
ἡμῖ[ν] ἀφ[έρπειν] ἐστί. 

τὴν θύρην κλεῖσον, 
αὕτ[η σ]ύ, (ν) εοἰσσοπῶλι, κἀξαμίθρησαι 
αἱ ἀλ(ε)κτί ορῖ δες ε(ἢ ἰσ)όαι εἰσί, τῶν T αἰρέων 100 
αὐτῇσίι .... οἹν" οὐ γὰρ ἀλλὰ πορθεῦ(σι) 
ΠΣ  Ξ Ὁ κὴν τρέφῃ τις ἐν κόλπῳ. 

94. This verse at top of the column with ἅ right mg. 
of 93. The article was only granted to a lady in return 


MIME VI. 93-102 


I besought but he swore he nould say : Του he was 
charmed with her and she with him, Metro. 


Thy tale speedeth me: now hie I to Artemis to 
know what man Kerdon be. Fare thee well, Koritto : 
one hungereth and I must move off. 


Shut the door—ho you there, chick-girl—and tell 
an the hens be safe, and toss darnel to them. For 
indeed the bird-thieves spoyle e’en an one rear 

for services. wat P: corr. by R. 96. suppl. Buech. 
97. init. suppl. Buech. fin. corr. (λαιμαι) and suppl. by 
Grooneboom. 98. init. suppl. Cr. 99. init. suppl. R., 
med. Diels. 100. suppl. by Cr. 101. e.g. ῥῖψον Bl. 

102. suppl. Hdl. 

3 147 


Κέρδων, ἄγω (σ)οι τάσδε τὰς (γ)υνάς, εἴ] τι 
τῶν σῶν ἔχεις αὐτῆσιν ἄξιον δεῖ(ξ)αι 
χειρέων νοῆρες ἔργον. 


ov μάτην, Μητρίοῖϊ), 
ἐγὼ φ[ἡλέω σε. ταῖς γυναιξὶν οὐ θήσεις 
τὴν μέζον᾽ ἔξω σανίδα; Δριμύλῳ φωνέω- 5 
πάλιν καθεύδεις; κόπτε, [Ιίστ(ε), τὸ ῥύγχος 
αὐτοῦ, μέχρις τὸν ὕπνον ἐκχέῃ πάντα" 
μᾶλλον δὲ τὴν ἄκανθαϊν), ὡς ἔχίω)]ν K<Ad>y, 
ἐκ τοῦ τραχήλου δῆσοίν. ella δή, ἱκέρκω)ψ, 
κίνει ταχέως τὰ γοῦνα: μέζον [ixyy|(vas) 10 
τρίβειν ψοφεῦντα νου(θ) ετημάτων] τῶνδε; 

1. γυνάς Diels, εἴ τι Ellis. 3 fin. an erasure. 4. φ[λω 

8. καληι P: correxi et supplevi. 9. εἶα δὴ suppl. 
Diels, κέρκωψ Hdl. 10. supplevi dubitanter. 11. sup- 
plied by Hdl. τουτωνδε P (του being cancelled by 

dots). The gap here when the mounting is corrected is of 
about one letter more than would appear from the facsimile ; 



(Scene: A street in Ephesus (Ὁ) by a cobbler’s shop. 
Metro arrives and introduces two customers to 
Kerdon. Slaves are at work inside. Metro appears 
to have made Kerdon’s acquaintance since Mime V I— 
and to some effect.) 


Kerdon, I bring thee these dames an hast slie 
handycraft to shew them. 


My loves labour for thee, Metro, is not lost. Set 
the larger plank outside for the dames. “Tis Drimylos 
I speke to. Asleep again? Smite his snout, Pistos, 
till he shed all his sleep. Nay rather, that his 
penaunce may endure, hang the teasell from his 
neck. Ply thy knees apace, sir Kerkops; yearnst 
to chafe louder! chastisements than these? Now 

1 © Jouder,’ 1.6. chains. 

here of seven or eight letters. See Kenyon in the Cam- 
bridge Edition. 



νῦν ex μιν αὐτὴν, r|el...... , λαμπ)ρύνεις 
K(a)[t] ψ[ῆς; (ἐ)γώ] σευ τὴ(ν) [- - - - «--... Ἰψήσω. 
e(Cea)| Oe, M](n)7pot. Wire Tv 32. o|tEas 
πυργῖδα, μ μὴ “τὴν ὧδιε, Resets ἐν Ὅν τὸν 710), 15 
Ta χρήσιμ᾽ ἔργα, τοῦ ee τ τος 
ταχέως ἔνεγκ᾽ ἀνωί θλεν EON: My |zpot, 

of ἔργ᾽ ἐπόψεσθ᾽. see Ree ora: Jov 

τὴν <o>apBadovynv ol(y)[e. So means | πρῶτον, 

Μητροῖ, τελέων ἀρηϊρεν ἐκ pep|(e)wy ἴχνος: 20 
θηεῖσθε κὑμείἴὴς, ὦ γυϊναῖκες: ἡ πτ]έρνη 

ὁρῆθ᾽ ὅκως πέπηγε, <K>[wWs σαϊ]φ᾽ ἡν[ίσκΊ]οις 
ἐξηρτίωται πᾶσα, κἰοὐ τὰ] μὲν Kaa @|\s 

τὰ δ᾽ οὐχὶ καλῶς, ἀλλὰ πάϊν]τ > ἴσαι χίεῖρε]ς. 

τὸ χρῶμα δ᾽, οὕτως ὕμ[ι]ν ἡ Ilal. .] δοίη 25 

ΠΡ se RRA π]ερ ἰχανᾶσθ᾽ ἐπαυρέσθαι, 

(ar) Sonora ntee an: ἄλ]λο τῷδ᾽ ἴσον χρῶμα 

κοῦ. τ τ ἡ: οὕτ]ω, κοῦ δὲ κηρὸς ἀνθήσει; 
χρυσοῦ στατῆρα [(ς) τρεῖς ἔδωκε Κανδᾶ «δ» (.) 
Κηέρδών τ. | τοῦτο κἥτερον χρῶμα" 80 

Blpaxet λόγῳ 8° 6 pov |p πάν«τ»᾽ ὅσ᾽ téort ipla 
κὠϊσσ᾽ ἐστιν ὅσια) τὴν ἀλη[θείη]ν. Bat. . lew 
sy ur tees οὐδ᾽ ὅσον ῥοπὴν ψεῦδος 
gira ΥΡΕ 3 1 Κέρδωνι μὴ βίου ὄνησις 
ΜΠΕΗΣ ἀπε ae Ἰων γίνοιτο---κα[ὶ]) χάριν πρός με 35 
an. seat: οὐ γ](ὰ)ρ ἀλλὰ μεζόνων ἤδη 
Hh ΕΘ ει eke | κερδέων ὀριγνῶνται. 

12. If λαμπ]ρύνεις (Blass?) is right at most six letters 

are missing. λειόπυγε may be better than λευκόπυγε Cr. 
13. init. supplevi(judice H. Rackham certissime): ψ superser. 

ἐγώ Cr. fin. cf. Diels. κοχώνην ἐκψήσω fills the space well. 
14. init. suppl. by Hdl. τὴν Cr., 6.5. διπλῆν Hg. 1ὅ. τὴν 
δ᾽ ἐκεῖσ᾽. ἄρον. 16. supplevi e.g. with δ᾽ οἷος. They are 

so precious as to be kept at the top of the house and none 

MIME VII. 12-37 

<smooth-rump >, dost clene and wipe it: I'll wipe thy 
<posteriours> for thee. Sit ye down, Metro. Pistos, 
ope the <double> chest—not this <here but yon, and 
have out> my noble werkes, bringing them <thyself> 
speedily the third floor adown. Happy Metro, what 
werkes shalt behold! Quietly, <sir greedy-belly>, 
ope the shoecase. <This> sole Metro is fixed of per- 
fect <parts>: descern ye, too, ladies: see how fast 
it is, and how truly finished with straps all about, 
nor is it part-fair part-fowl, but equall handicraft 
algate. And for tint,—so may Paphos queen grant ye 
joyaunce of all things <soever> ye yearn for—, no tint 
like this hath <any yet chaunced on>. Where shall 
<dye or> wax bear sike flowers? Three gold staters 
did K<erdon> pay to Kandas who sold him this and 
another colour,—nay I swear by all things holy <and 
hallowed> that I speke sooth and that no lye <shall 
escape the barrier of my teeth> one moment: or 
may Kerdon have no profit of life <or trafficking >— 
and bade me thank him: for, and true is it, <the 
skinners> clutch after greater gains now. <As with 

but Pistos may touch them. 17. suppl. ΒΙ]., K. e.g. ὀλβίη 
(Hdl.). 18. 9 or 10 letters missing, 6.4. σύ, λαίμαστρον. 
19. corr. by Bl. Seven letters missing after ofye: e.g. 
τοῦτο (Bl.) δὴ or σοι. 20. supplevi. 21. suppl. 
by R. 22. orws P (who started to write op). supplevi 
6.5. 23. suppl. Β]., Hdl. 24, supplied by Cr., Bl. 
25. ὃ Πάφου, 26. e.g. μεδέουσ᾽, with ὅσωνπ]ερ Hdl. 
27. e.g. <e>idnxev obd<e>Is 28. suppl. Cr. Hg.: e.g. φῦκος. 
29. supplevi: a7(c) P: corr. W. Schulze. 30. suppl. Cr. 
Then 6.9. ὁ δ᾽ ἐδίδου. 51. εστινι[. J a Ῥ : ὄμνυμι 
πάνθ᾽ ὅσ᾽ ἔστ᾽ ἱρά Bl. 32. init. suppl. Hdl. βαδίζειν 
P: suppl. and corrected by Bl. A mark of doubt is 
prefixed. 33. 6.5. ἕρκος δ᾽ ὀδόντων. 34. 6.. ἀμείψεται ἢ. 
35. supplevi 6.5. ἐμπολέων. 36. suppl. Cr. init. e.g. 
ἤτησεν. 37. e.g. οἱ ῥινοδέψαι. 



Site SOU ee ee ] τἄργα τῆς τέχνης Nu<e> wv 

. ὁ πίσ]υγγος δὲ δειλαίην οἰζύν 
me res ΠΣ vay| . -]έων νύκτα «κλήἡμέρην θάλπω: 40 
ΣΝ Ἰς ἡμέων ἄχρις ἑσπέρης κάπτει 

. Ἰ(αλε πρ[ὸς] ὄρθ[ρ]ον; οὐ δοκέω TOG <O> ov 
Ta Much aus (K)npv’ eda... - | 

κοὔπω λέγω, τρεισκαίδεϊ κ᾽ ahaa tee . β](ὄγσκω, 
ὁτεύνεκ᾽ ὦ γυναῖκες apy! tad. eter ls, 45 
ol, κἣν ὕῃ Ζ(ε)ύ(ς), τοῦτο μοῦϊνον ..... |v 
‘ φέρ᾽ εἰ φέρεις τι, τἄλλα δ᾽ ἀψί..... ἐ](ά)ται 

ὅκως νεοσσοϊὶ] τὰς K<o>xwvas θαϊλΊἸπίο]ντες. 
΄ / ε 3 A ~ 

ἀλλ᾽ οὐ λόγων yap, φασίν, ἡ ἀγο(ργὴ δεῖται 
χαλκῶν δέ--τ(ο)ῦτ᾽ ἢν μ(ὴ) ὗμιν αἰνδ]άνῃ, Μητρίοῖ, 
τὸ ζεῦγος, ἕτερον «κήἥτείρ]ον μάλ᾽ ἐξοίσει, 51 
ἔστ᾽ ἂν (ν)ό(ῳ) πεισθῆτε [μὴ λ]έγειϊν] ψευδέα 
Κέρδωνα. τάς μίοι σ)α[μβαλουχίδας πάσας 
” / Cae eS a | / 3 a> / 
ἔνεγκε, Iliore: (δεῖ ᾿[γ]κ)αλίστ᾽ (εὖ) νηθείσας 
ὑμέας ἀπελθεῖν, ὦ γυναῖκες, εἰς [ο]ΐκον. 55 
θήσεσθε δ᾽ ὑμ[εῖς]- (yé)vea ταῦτα παϊν]τοῖα" 
Σικυώνι᾽, ᾿Αμβρακίδια, Νοσσίδες, «Χρῖαι, 

΄ὔ / Or / 
ψιττάκια, κανναβίσκα, Bavxidles|], βλαυττία, 
᾿Ιωνίκ᾽ ἀμφίσφαιρα, νυκτιπήδηκες, 
5 ΄ , ΄, De A 
ἀκροσφύρια, Kapkivia, σάμβαλ᾽ ᾿Αργεῖα, 60 
κοκκίδες, ἔφηβοι, διάβαθρ᾽- ὧν ἐρᾷ Oluluds 
ὑμέων ἑκάστης εἴπατ᾽- ὡς ἂν αἴσθοισθε 
σκύτεα γυναῖκες καὶ κύνες τί βρώζουσιν. 

38. τα epyaand μων. Ὅ.5. ὅκως μελίσσης. 59. suppl. Bl. 
e.g. φορεῖτ᾽. De mensura huius loci mire agit Edmondsius 
C.Q. 1925, qui ea quae falsis rationibus adductus conjecerat, 
tamquam spatiis congruentia iterat. 40. 6.5. πάσχων, and 
ἀνώγεων Postgate. 41. 6.5. ἐπφεδὶ τίς. 42. €.g. ἢ πίεται: cett. 


MIME VII. 38-63 

bees, so ye enjoy> my handicraft, dames, but I, the 
cobbler, <suffering> piteous woe, <this> <chamber> 
warm night and day long. <Which of us> eateth 
till even? <Or shall drink> at dawn? Not 
Mikion’s <combs> I ween are so <bounteous to all 
els». And—which is more—tho’ thirteen slaves I 
browse—they are all idleness itself, and e’en an rain 
come know naught but ‘ Bring an bringest’: but for 
aught els sitt croakles, like chicks warming their 
posteriours. But say they,‘ Market needs not words 
but brass.’ So, an this pair beseme thee not Metro, 
he will bring out another and yet another till ye 
be persuaded οὐ mind that Kerdon telleth no lies. 
Bring me, Pistos, the shoecases all : soothly, dames, 
must ye have arms well laden ere ye go home. Ye 
shall descern: here are all these kinds: Sicyonian, 
little Ambracians, Nossians, Chians, parrots, hemps, 
Baucises, slippers, Ionian buttoned, hop-o-nights, 
ankle-tops, crabs, Argive sandals, scarlets, lads, 
stairs; say each what heart wish, that ye may 
know why women and dogs devour leather. 

suppl. K. tocov P: corr. K. 43. μικρωνος P: corr. Cr. 
κηρία recte Cr.', Hg. fin. 6.9. εὖ ποιεῖν ἄλλους. ‘Ste vos 
non vobis mellificatis apes.’ Milion misellus apibus suis ne 
decimam quidem partem mellis (Geopon. xv. 5. 4) reliquerit. 
44. “κου P: suppl. Buech., Cr. fin. 4.5. εἰ Κᾶρας. 
45. οτουνεκ withesuperscr.P. 6.9. ἀργίηπάντες Hdl. 446. οἱ 
ἘΣ 6.5. μοῦνον ἄδουσι Hdl. 47. suppl. by (Υ.: e.g. ἀψόφως 
Hdl. 48. ὅπως P with « superser.: corr. and suppl. by 
Jackson. κηχωνας P. 51. xare[plov P. 52. (v)o(w) P: 
read and corrected by Bl. fin. supplied by Buech. (?). 
53. σαμβαλουχίδας Buech. μοι Bl. 56. θήσεσθε P? rest 

as R. δῇ: ἘΣ P and λειαι: corr. Hdl. 58. ψιντακαια 
P: ψιττακια in H.M., Hsch. βλαυττια P. See Proc. 
Camb. Phil. Soc. 1927. 



/, oh a> a / ” 
κόσου χρεΐζεις κεῖν᾽ ὃ πρόσθεν ἤειρας 
5 ~ ‘ ~ > \ ἣ / 
ameumoAn<v τὸ» ζεῦγος; ἀλλὰ μὴ βροντέων 
οὗτος σὺ τρέψον μέζον εἰς φυγὴν ἡμέας. 

αὕτη σὺ καὶ “τίμησον. εἰ θέλεις αὐτό 
καὶ στῆσον ἧς KOT ἐστὶν ἄξιον τιμῆς. 
(εἶ)τ᾽, (ἐκ) τό(σ)ων γὰρ οὔ σε ῥῃδίως κρ(ῦναι 
Ἐρυ ον γύναι, τὠληθὲς--- 

< MHTPQ > 
ἣν θέλῃς, ἔργον 

ἐρεῖς τι--- 


val μὰ τήνδε τὴν τεφρὴν κόρσην, 

ἐφ᾽ ἧς ἀλώπηξ νο[σ]σίην (π)ε(πολί(η)τ(αι)- 
τάχ᾽ ἀλφιτηρὸν eply)a(A€)ta κινεῦσι. 
“Ἑρμῆ τε Κερδέων καὶ σὺ Κερδείη Πειθοῖ, 

ὡς, ἦν τι “μὴ νῦν ἧμιν ἐς βόλον κύρσῃ, 
οὐκ old’ ὅκως ἄμεινον ἡ «κλύςθ;ρη πρήξει. 


τί τονθορύζρεις κοὐκ ἐλευθέρῃ γλάσσῃ 
τὸν τῖμον ὅστις ἐστὶν ἐςξ »εδίφησας; 

γ(ὐύ)να(), μυῆς μίνῆ]ς) ἐστιν ἄξιον τοῦτο 




τὸ ζεῦγος" ἢ ἄνω ἴσετ»᾽ ἢ κάτω βλέπειν: χαλκοῦ 80 

65. (marked as corrupt): <» τὸ inserted by K. 
69. (κ)ρ(εωναι and (ex) το(σ)ων legi: (‘possible’ Milne). 
70. fevyewv legit Milne: sed vide addenda. 72. αλώπηξ 


MIME VII. 64-80 


That pair thou tookest up just now—at what price 
woldest barter ? Ho, thou, roar not overlowd ne put 
us to flight. 


Ho thou, prithee, price it thine self and weigh the 
price thereof: next, for ‘twas no random chance, 
lady, that led thee, out of all these pairs, to the true 

Prithee talk some busines. 


Aye, busines indeed will I talk—I swear by this 
grey pate whereon fox nests \—to bring quick bread 
to toolpliers. Ah gainster Hermes and gainstress 
Suasioun in troth, an naught now rencounter our 
casting, I know not how pot shall prosper. 


Why mumblest ne freetonged descryest the pryce ? 

Lady this pair is worth a mina, scan sky, scan 

1 2.6. bald. 

P. suppl. Hdl. 73. marked as corrupt: suppl. Diels. 
74. Kepdéwy Danielss. and others. 76. χυτρη P by 
correction of some letters: κύθρη Buech., Meister. 

77. τονθορυξει Ῥ : corr. by Buech. 78. efedu (imitating the 
form of £ used in the text copied) P: cf. on 77. 79. sup- 
plied by K. 80. nvwon P: corr. by Hdl. 



pone ὃ δήκοτ᾽ ἐστὶ τῆς ᾿Αθηναίης 

ὠνευμένης αὐτῆς ἂν οὐκ ἀποστάξαι. 


μάλ᾽ εἰκότως σευ τὸ στεγύλλιον, Κέρδων, 
/ / \ ~ ” 
πέπληθε δαψιλέων. τε καὶ καλῶν ἔργων. 
φύλασσε Kal, [py]ac” αὐτά: τῇ γὰρ εἰκοστῇ 85 
τοῦ Ταυρεῶνος ἡ ᾿κατῆ γάμον ποιεῖ 
τῆς ᾿Αρτακηνῆς, κὑποδημάτων χρείη: 
τάχ᾽ οὖν, τάλης, (ᾷξουσι) σὺν τύχῃ πρός σε, 
μᾶλλον δὲ πάντως: ἀλλὰ θύλακον ῥάψαι 

A / σ \ ς - / 
Tas μνέας ὅκως σοι μὴ at γαλαῖ διοίσουσι. 90 
ἣν τ᾿ ἡ KaT<N> ἔλθ > μνῆς ἔλασσον ov<K> οἴσει, 
ἤ (Ἐν ἡ) ἔλθῃ, μνῆ 
vt ἡ Aprak πρὸς τάδ᾽, εἰ θέλεις, σκέπτευ. 
7) ρ ηνή" ρ 


οὔ σοι δίδωσιν ἡ ἀγαθὴ τύχη, Κ[έϊρδων, 

ψαῦσαι ποδίσκων ὧν πόθοι τε κἤρωτες 
ψαύουσιν, ἀλλ᾽ εἴς κνῦσα καὶ κακὴ λώβη: 9ὅ 
σ > > \ ¢ / : / a / 

ὥστ᾽ ἐκ μὲν ἡμέων tAvoAgost ew πρήξεις, 
τ(α)ύτῃ δὲ δώσεις κεῖνο τὸ ἕτερον ζεῦγος 
κόσου; πάλιν πρήμηνον ἀξίην φωνήν 


85. φυλασσεκαῖ .]ασ P: two short letters missing. 
87. [7] ησα(ρ)τα](κγηνῆσ P: supplied by K. 88. marked 
as corrupt. Reading (Cr.) is doubtful. 91. ηκατελθη 


MIME VII. 81-99 

earth!: no fyling of copper whatsoever might ooze 
therefrom were Athena customer. 


Full metely, Kerdon, is thy hovel packed with 
plenty of fayre werkes : keep them and make them. 
On the twentieth of Taureon Hecate holds marriage 
οἵ. the Artacene, and need is of shoon. Mayhap, 
wretche, nay assuredly will they hye to thee. Stitch 
thee a purse enaunter the cats dispred thy minas. 


Come Hecate, come th’ Artakene, a mina, no less, 
ere they take them: prithee recorde that. 


Fayre Fortune, Kerdon, granteth thee not to touch 
dainty feet that loves and desires touch: thous a 
scald knave and an infamy. So from us thou'lt get 
no more than Aeoleus’ dawn”: but at what price 
wilt give yon other pair to this lady? blatter thilk 
time some utteraunce beseming thee. 

1 The ὑπερήφανος of Theophrast carefully cuts people in 
the street, looking above or beneath them: so here the 
sense is ‘ affect to despise ’ (περιορᾶν, ὑπερορᾶν). 

* Conceivably <A>.oeds dreamt of great riches and woke 
to find himself robbed. The whole would mean ‘less than 

and οὐυχοισι P. 92. ἡντηι P. 96. marked as corrupt. 
: sag a Be 
97. Kexx. 99. cewrovin left margin with σεωυτου στατη. 

at top of column. 


στατῆρας πέντε, vat μὰ θεούς, φο[ τᾷ 
ἡ ψάλτρι᾽ «Εὐλετηρὶς ἡμέρην πᾶσαν 100 
> > 

λαβεῖν ἀνώγουσ᾽, ἀλλ᾽ ἐγώ μιν [€](xA[alipw, 
κἣν τέσσαράς μοι Aap<i>Kovs ὑπόσχηται, 
ὁτεύνεκέν μευ τὴν γυναῖκα (τὴ)ὴωθαζει 
κακοῖσι δέννοις" εἰ δὲ [.... ἔχ]ει χρείη 
φέρ᾽, -εὐλαβοῦ.μαι» τῶν τριῶν .... δοῦναι--- 
καὶ ταῦτα καὶ ταῦτ᾽ ἢ ὗμιν ἑπτὰ Δαρεικῶν 106 
ἕκητι Μητροῦς τῆσδε: μηδὲν ἀντεί(πῃς)" 
δύ]ναιτό μ᾽ ἐλάσαι σὴ» ἂν [in| τὸν πίσίυγγον 
SF, / > \ > ~ 
cova λεώθινον ἐς θεοὺς ἀν(απ)πῆ(ν)αι-" 
ἔχεις γὰρ οὐχὶ γλάσσαν ἡδορνῆς δ᾽ ἠθ(μό)ν: 110 
ἀ, θεῶν ἐκεῖνος οὐ μακρὴν ἀπ(ε) στ’ ὧν [(ἡρ) 
ὁτέῳ σὺ χείλεα νύκτα κἡμέρην οἴγίεις. 
hoe 4D \ / 9 ” ~ 
φέρ ὧδε τὸν ποδίσκον᾽ εἰς ἔζχδνος θῶ (μων). 
mag: μήτε προσθῇς μήτ᾽ am οὖν ἕλῃς] μηδέν: 
τὰ καλὰ πάντα τῆς καλῇσιν ἁρμόζει: 115 
αὐτὴν ἐρεῖς τὸ πέλμα τὴν ᾿Αθηναίην 
τεμεῖν. δὸς αὕτη καὶ σὺ τὸν πόδ᾽. ὦ, ψωρῇ 
ἄρηρεν ὁπλῇ βοῦς ὁ λακτίσας ὑμετέρας. 
εἴ τις πρὸς ἴχνος ἠκόνησε τὴν σμιλήν, 
> ΝΜ \ \ / / “ 
οὐκ ἄν, μὰ τὴν Κέρδωνος ἑστίην, οὕτω 120 
τοὔργον σαφέως ἔκειτ᾽ ἂν ὡς σαφέως κεῖται. 
αὕτη σύ, δώσεις ἑπτὰ Δαρικοὺς τοῦδε, 
« / a \ / / 
ἡ μέζον ἵππου πρὸς θύρην κιχλίζουσα; 
a eee ἣν ἔχητε κἡτέρων. χρείην 
ἢ σαμβαλίσκων ἢ ἃ κατ᾽ οἰκίην ἕλκειν 125 
100. corr. by Bl. R (ev om. P). 101. suppl. by K 
102. dapecxous P. 103. οτουνεκεν P: corr. by Meister. 

104. devvois P. 6.5. τῶνδ᾽. 105. correxi et supplevi ¢.g. 
The placing of a fragment is uncertain (Lamacraft) : perhaps 

MIME VII. 99-125 


Five staters, ’a gods name, doth the harpist Kueteris 
bid me take, and haunteneth me daylong, but I hate 
her, tho’ she promise me four Darics, in that she 
wyteth my wyfe with ill reprieves. But an ye nede 
such, come—<I am ware of giving les than the three> 
—let these and these be! yours for Darics seven, for 
Metros sake: gainsay thou me naught. Thy voice 
might drive me the stony cobbler to fly heavenward : 
for no tongue hast thou but a sieve of joyaunce : in 
sooth not far from heaven is he unto whom thou 
opest thy lips day and night long. Here with thy 
dainty foot : let me set shoe thereon. Ah! no more, 
no les : all things fayre fit the fayre : Athena herself, 
motest say, cut the sole. Give me thy foot, eke thou : 
the lout that trod on you had a clumsy hoof.2 Had 
one but whetted his knife on the sole, ’a Kerdons 
hearth, the werke were not so true as true ’tis. Ho 
thou, woldest give seven Darics for this, thou that 
gigglest against the door moe lowd than horse ὃ 
Dames, an ye have need of other sandals dainty or 

1 4: the subjunctive (as Soph. Phil. 300) is softened by 
the sense (δῶ) as in Soph. (διδάξω). 

2 Appears to be a mere touch of picturesque flattery. 

&v[ap], perhaps [ue]iov. I translate the latter. He does not 

want to ‘ split the set.’ 106. καιταυταυτακαιταυτ P: 
corrected by K. ἡ uu Ῥ. 107. ita Hg. 
108. δύναιτο Buech., marked as doubtful. ελᾶσαι P. 
supplevi et correxi: 7 om. P (cf. v. 91): post αν unius 
literae spat. 109. εονταληθινον P, corrected 
by Hdl. 110. ηδηνησδηθ(μηὴν (or (cv) P. The verse 
is marked as doubtful. 111. supplied by Buecheler. 
112. supplied by Bl. 113. legit id. 114. παξ. unre P. 

115. τῆς Ἐ: 118. οπλη P: corr. Hdl. υμας P: corr. 
Meister. 121. cagws P: corr. Meister. 



εἴθισθε, τήν μοι δουλί(δ᾽} ὧδε «δεῖ» πέμπειν. 

σὺ δ᾽ ἧκε, Μητροῖ, πρός με τῇ ἐνάτῃ πάντως 
ὅκως λάβῃς καρκίνια: τὴν γὰρ οὖν βαίτην 
θάλπους ἄνευ δεῖ «καὶ» φρονοῦντ᾽ <é>vbov ῥάπτειν. 

126. marked as doubtful. πεμπετει the last « being 
crossed out P: corr. Bl. 129. correxi: avevdewwdov- 
φρονουντακαιραπτιν Ῥ. 


et νων 

MIME VII. 126-129 

housewear ye mote send me the handmaid.!' But be 
ware Metro that thou come to me on the ninth to 
get thy ‘crabs,’ for jerkins inner seam must be 
stitcht sans haste and warily withal. 

1 The suggestion seems to be that Metro’s commission 
needs inordinate care. The subject matter of Mime VI. is 
perhaps suggested. ἔνδον objective ‘on its inside.’ 




“Aorn ht, δούλη VvAAa: μέχρι τέο κείσῃ 
ῥέγχουσα; τὴν δὲ χοῖρον αὐόνη δρύπτει" 

ἢ προσμένεις σὺ μέχρι σευ ἥλιος θάλψει 

τὸν" κυσὸν ἐσδύς; κῶς , ἄτρυτε, κοὐ κάμνεις 
τὰ πλ]ευρὰ κνώσσουσ᾽; αἵ δὲ νύκτες ἐννέωροι. 
ἄστη θι, φημί, καὶ ἅψον, εἰ θέλεις, λύχνον, 6 
καὶ τ]ὴν ἄναυλον χοῖρον ἐς νομὴν πέμψον. 

τ᾿ (ὀν)θρυζε καὶ κνῶ, μέχρις «οδὗ παραστάΐς σοι 
τὸ] βρέγμα τῷ σκίπωνι “μαλθακὸν θῶμαιι. 

δει) λὴ Μεγαλλί, k(a)[t] σὺ Λάτμιον κνώσσεις; 10 
ov] τἄρ(γ)α σὲ τρύχ[ ου]σιν: ἀλλὰ μὴν στέμμα 
ἐπ᾿ ἱρὰ διζόμε(σ θα; βα(ιὸ)ς οὐχ ἡμῖν 

ἐν τῇ οἰκίῃ < "a>Tu μαϊλ]λὸς εἰρίων. δειλή, 
ἄστηθι: σύ τέ μοι tTlov|(vap), εἰ θέλεις, ᾿Αννᾶ, 
ἄκουσον, οὐ γὰρ ν(ηϊπίας] φρένας βόσκεις. 1ὅ 
τράγον τιν᾽ ἕλκειν [διὰ] φάραγγος φὠήθίην 
μακρῆς, ὁ δ᾽ εὐπώϊγω)ν τε κεὐκέρως [ev 

3. θαλψηι P (ηι deleted and « superscr.). 4, τον] (κ)υσον. 
The supplements in this and following vv. are due to Diels, 

Palmer, Hdl. 6. αστη](θ). φημι P. αστησον P but 
with ono cancelled and τ changed to y.. 8. tov ]Opute Καὶ 
ρισευ Ῥ : correxi Camb. Ed. 1922. 9. το]βρεγμα P. θωμαίι 
ἘΣ 10. διἸλημεγαλλί Ρ, κ(α) συ P. 11. ου]ταερ(γ)α 

P. ‘The width of the damaged surface is so small that if 


(A monologue (probably) on a minter’s day at dawn in a 
country farm. Herodes, as master of the house, 
rises and wakes the servants. A sow grunts outside.) 

Rise up, Psyllawench! How long wilt lye snoring 
and the sow forswat? ‘Tarriest till the sun steal into 
thy parts and warm them? Art not thy ribs tired, 
tireless one, of sleping these agelong nights? Rise 
up, again I say, and light the lamp, prithee, and 
escort her unmelodious pigship to pasture. Oh, 
mutter and scratch thyself till I stand o’er thee and 
make me thy noddle soft with my stave. Megallis, 
wretche, snorest thou too like ympe of Latmos!? Not 
with werkes art weary: for seeke we a wool fillet 
for rytes, not a wisp of wool is in our habitaunce. 
Wretche rise up: and thou Annas, prithee, list to 
my dreme, for thou nourslest not sorry wits. Mesemed 
I dragged through a long gorge? a gote, fayre of 

1 Like Endymion. 

2 *led a goat’; the phrase implies ‘ to sacrifice.’ 

it (the letter after p) is a 7 the horizontal stroke must have 

been exceptionally short’ K. 13. evrnt P. ert P: corr. 

Hdl. μαίλ]λοσ P. 14. P,suppl. by Bl. avva P. Verse 

marked as doubtful. 15. suppl. by K. 16. η0[ superscr.e 
above tcp[ P. suppl. Cr. 17. med. suppl. by Cr. 

Y 1638 


ἐπεὶ δὲ δή el) Perry: J@ τῆς βήσσης, 

ἕω φαϊούσης ... οὐ] yap ἑσσῶμαι, 

CUPL Ebene. 2 ser ν͵]τες αἰπόλοι πλέϊγδην 20 
THES os be ete τ- χλ)]ωριῶντ᾽ ἐποιεῦϊντο. 

κἠγὼ οὐκ ἐσύλευν. .. .] (alé)[..... ἄλλης 

καὶ ἄλλης δρυὸς [..-] Me. 

οἱ δ᾽ ἀμφὶ κάρτα (6)f Γρῶν]τες [ 

τὸν aly’ émoi<ev>v [....] πί 25 
τ (Peete? fle 1) 

Fel Be: Ἰίαν)μα, Glew (τῶν 

σχίιστ. .] κροκωτὶ. . . «Ἰφι 

ωΪ. . ..] λεπτῆς ἄντυγος. αθ(ιξ) 

σϊ(τ)ικτῆ)ς δὲ νεβροῦ χλαν[ δίῳ κατέζωϊστ]ο 30 

κἰ αθειμέν᾽ην κύπαϊσσι)ν ἀμ[φ]ὶ τοῖΪς] ὦμοις, 

κόϊ ἱρυμβα δ᾽ ἀμφὶ κ(ρ)] ητὶ (κ)]) σσι[(ν}} ἔστεπτο- 

κνήμη κοθορνου -" .\y καϊτ]αζώστρῃ 

«ελἵλικτο: κ]ὦ μὲν roi ode a(t)|@piov] φρίκηϊς 
ἀλ(ε)]ώρην ety[...] Ov.[..... ] 35 


18. 6.7. εἰς τὸ τέρμα Ηρ. 19. η[- .] opal P: supplevi. 
e.g. <eipvc’, οὐ (i.e. I was late for the beginning). 
20. supplevi ¢.g. coll. Milton, Sams. Ag. 1596, *‘ Occasions 
drew me early to this city And as the gates I entered with 
sunrise The morning trumpets . . .’. Here the dreamer was 
always going to the festival or he would not have been 
dragging the goat. After cupry. 6.5. τέρπν᾽ αὐλοῦντες : then 
πλέγδην : cf. Eratosthenes fr. 27 Powell περιπλέγδην κρεμόνεσσι 
(from the Hrigone, which I conjecture to be related to these 
verses). 21. marked as corrupt. init. suppl. Herzog, 
fin. Cr. cett. e.g. χερσὶ δεσμά, like the oscilla: cf. Eratosth. 
fr. 26 μόσχους καὶ xAwpas κλήματος ἐκφυάδας. For the 
whole scene, Greg. Naz. ii. 11B γηπόνων χορὸν στησάμενος 
καὶ ἀμησάμενος στάχυν ὡραῖον πλεκέτω στέφανον ἡμερίδας τε περὶ 
κεφαλῆς ἐγειρέτω κισσῷ κτλ. 22. supplevi e.g. ip’ ὁ δ᾽ (Hg.) 
φυγών. 28. 6.5. διῆγεν ἀμπέλους τρώγων: ο΄. Hesychius 
δρύες οἰνοχίτωνες. 24., 6.0. ἔκδικ᾽ ἔρδοντα. 25. 6.5. θῦμα" 

MIME VIII. 18-35 

beard and horn. And whenas at long last I <dragged 
him> from the dell—with dawn for I failed not my 
task, <mid pleasaunt ditties on> flutes goteherds were 
twining grene <bonds>. No hurt did 1 but <the gote 
scaped> and nibbled <of the vine shoots now from 
this> tree now from that. 

But those around, seeing how he <did> right 
<wantonly>, made the gote <an oblatioun>. Now 
against the altar and hard by me saw I <a young 
man clad» in a very fayre cloke of gold to his feet.t 
He was dight with a slit frock round <his thighs» so 
as it mote reach down to their thin curve: and he 
had about his shoulders a long gowne bound by a 
stole of dappled fawn, and a crown of ivy tendrils 
around his hed. His nether shin was <swathed> with 
the binding of a high boot. Such a garb had he as fayre 
protectioun from savage chill,? e’en as real.23 Mean- 

* For the number of clothes see the excerpts from Athe- 
naeus in the Cambridge edition. 

2 The supplement is certain enough from MHesych. 
*AXeEalOpiov’ θερμὸν σκέπασμα Σοφοκλῆς ᾿Αμφιαράῳ. aidpos* 
ψύχος τὸ ὀρθρινόν id. 

3 Init. 6.5. : καλὴν : fin. 6.65. εἶχ᾽ ἀληθίνῃσ᾽ ἴσα (υ. 38). 

πρὸς δὲτῷ βώμῳ. 0260. 9.9. wev δή τιν᾽ εἶδον ἕλκοντα. 97. e.g. 
καλὸν μάλ᾽ (e)iua, and ποδῶν, χρυσοῦν (the punctuation is 
certain from the space in P). μᾶ (feminina ejulatio) is im- 
possible. χρυσοῦν and εἷμα are necessary : see Callixen. Ath. 
197 e and Cambridge Ed. p. 384. 98. 6.0. σχιστὸν κροκωτὸν 

(Vogl.) ἡμφίεστο τοὺς μηροὺς. 29. ὧν δόξε and καθίξεσθαι. 
30. supplevi. fin. suppl. Hg. Traces of last letter (in ad- 
joining column) noted by Cr’. στικτῆς ex v.l. in τ. 32 

certum: improbat Edmondsius. 31. init. supplevi (vel Kopa- 

ξικὴν) : καὶ is impossible. 32. supplevi. εστεπτο P(from v. 
30). 33. supplevi: 6.5. νζεδιάτη. 34. supplevi: longiora 
ἔσφικτο (Η 6.) ete. 35. supplevi. 



ot δὲ αὖ τ]ὸ λῶποϊς ἡλίϊκον [πε]π(ο)ιῆσθαι 

ist. oe ᾿Οδ)]υσσέος ofixos| Αἰόλ[ου] δῶρον 

5 Ca: Cas ΣΕΥ ΤΩΝ | τὸ (δ)γέρμ]α λακτίζειν 
τ εἰν τ A! βεβη(κ)ένϊ αι] λῷστον 

ὥσπερ τελεῦμεν ἐν χοροῖς At<w>vicov. 40 

« \ / > / ~ 

«κλοΐ μὲν μετώποις ἐΐς] κόνιν κολυμβῶντες 
ἔκοπτον ἀρνευτῆρ[ εἴ(ς) ἐκ βίης οὖδας 

ες 3 “ > > ~ / 3 Ss > ~ 

οἱ δ᾽ ὕπτι᾽ ἐρριπτεῦντο: πάντα δ᾽ ἦν ᾿Ανν[ᾶ 
εἰς ἕν γέλως τε κἀνίη Ϊ... .. Πέντα. 

κ«ἠ» γὼ δόκεον δὶς μ(οῦ)ϊνο)ς ἐκ τόσης λείης 45 
ΩΣ} + ε / >’ / ao 
ἐπ᾽ οὖν ἁλέσθαι, κἠλά(λα)ξαν ὥνθρωϊΐποι 
ὥς μ᾽ εἶδίον .. .Ἰως τὴν δο[ρὴ)ν πιεζεῦσαν 

γρυπί . : Ξ : : ; 7 950 

et a ms X rr 

τὰ δεῖνα πνεῦσαι λὰξ πατέϊων 

᾿, > 3 ων / / A / 
ἔρρ᾽ ἐκ προσώπου μή σε Kaizlep ὧν πρέσβυς 

οὔλῃ κατι(θὺ) τῇ βατηρίῃ κόϊψω.᾽ 60 

36. init. supplevit e.g. Lobel. aurw() primum scrip- 

serit. λῶπος = δέρμα (Hg.). med. supplevi. wdwros 

je πεποιῆσθαι Mn. recte 37. Ἰυσσεως o P. suppl. 
Cr. : correxi et med. supplevi. init. 6.7. eis πλοῦν Hg. 
38. supplevi 4.9. προὔθεντ᾽" ἔ]φη [δὲ δεῖν. 39. 6.5. κἤχειν 
τὸν αὖτ]ε π|ροσβ. 40. Διον. P: corr. K. 42, ap- 
νευτῆρες ceu urinatores explicavi (C.E. trad.). 44. €.9. 


MIME VIII. 36-60 

time they <set forth» the hide in size such as mote 
have been the gift of Aeolus for Ulysses <voyaging, 
while he bade that they> sholde lepe on the skin? 
<while he sholde win that> was best at landing again 
thereon, e’en as we observe in the dances of Dionysus. 
And some plunging with their foreheds on to the 
dust smit as dyvers the erthe amain: others were cast 
aback ; and all thynges, Annas, both laughter and 
payne were mingled in one. And mesemed I too 
had share and alone of that sore havocke leped on 
twice, and they acclaymed me as they saw me 
burdened and <o’erprest with the> skin ¢around my 
shoulders after the order of victors>. But others 
<did cast me out with mocking words . . .>. But an 
<old> man hooked of nose and fowl of .........- 

‘to be prowd for thy tramplings. Out of sight, leaste 
aged though I be I smit thee athwart with my rod.’ 

11 give a suggestion in accordance with δίς in 45. After 
the first impact the leaper would bound up. 

᾽ναμιχθέντα. 45. kayw P with mark of doubt. μοῦνος 
rectissime Hg. δις may have been explained as δ᾽ εἷς (so 
Hg. ?) in right hand margin. 47. supplevi. 6.5. αἰνῶς : 
in fine δορήν suppl. Cr. 48. e.g. kal φλῶσαν ἀμφὶ ὥμοισιν 
οἷα νικῶντα (Ar. Ran. init.). 49, 6.5. οἱ δ᾽ ἐξέβαλλον ἔπεσι 
μιξιάμβοισι. 50 sqq. a description of the old man (ed.). 
57. fin. e.g. κῶς δ᾽ ἤρθης. 58. fin. e.g. δορὴν μοῦνος. 

ὅθ. sq. supplied by K. from Schol. Nicander, Ther. 397 
Ἡρώδης . . - ἐν τῷ ἐπιγραφομένῳ Ὕπνῳ (1. ἐνυπνίῳ) φεύγωμεν 
é. π. μή σ᾽ ἐκπερῶν π. ο. kK. β. καλύψῃ. 



κἠγὼ μεταῦτις “ ὦ παρεόνϊ τες ᾿ ἠμείφθην 

“ θανεῦμ᾽ ὑ(π)ὲρ γῆς εἰ ὁ γέρων pl 
μαρτύρ᾽ οἶμαι δὲ τὸν νεην᾽ inv 
ὁ δ᾽ εἶπεν [ἀμῴφω τὸν δορέα (ξ) ύλῳ δῆσαι. 
καὶ τοῦτ᾽ ἰἰδΙὼν ἔληξα. τοὔνδυϊτον θὅ 
᾿Αν]νᾷ δὸς] ὧδε. T<od>vap ὧδ᾽ (dav 

ΠΥ: Ἵν αἶγα τῆς φάραγγος ἐξε]ϊλκον 
ἕξω τι K\(a)Aod δῶρον ἐ(κ) (Δ). ων](ὑὐ)σου- 
ὡς δ᾽ οἵ αἰπόλοι μιν ἐκ βίης [ἐδα]()τρεῦντο 
[τ]ὰ ἔνθεα τελεῦντες καὶ κρεῶϊν ἐδαί)νυντο 70 
τὰ μέλεα πολλοὶ κάρτα τοὺς (ἐμοὺς (μ))όχθους 
τιλεῦσιν ἐν Movonow: ὧδ᾽ ἔγωγ] (οἶμαι. 
τὸ μὴν ἄεθλον ὡς doK<eo>v ἔχειν μοῦνος, 
πολλῶν τὸν ἄπνουν κώρυκον πατησάντων, 
κὴ τῷ γέροντι ξύν᾽ ἔπρηξ᾽ ὀρινθέντι, 75 
ἐπὶ] κλέος ναὶ Μοῦσαν ἤ μ᾽ ἔπεα κἰλήσει 
μέγ᾽ ἐξ ἰάμβων, ἤ με δευτέρη γνώμη 
ἐ]ίμοῖὴς μεθ᾽ ᾿Ιππώνακτα τὸν πάλαι [κεῖνον 
(τ)ὰ κύλλ᾽ ἀείδειν Ξουθίδαις ἐπις«θλύσει. 

61. κηγω (η ex w) P. suppleyvi. 62. 6.5. με κικλήσκει. 
63. end 9 αὐτόν. 64. suppl. Hg. (me judice proba- 
biliter). 65. suppl.Cr. Thene.g.xot μοι; 66. supplevi. 
τωναρ P: correxi. infine ¢.g. κρίνω. _ 67. suppl. Cr. init. 
6.5. ws καλόν. 68. init. supplevi, fin. Cr. 69. init. 
supplevi: fin. (Mn.): non fuit ἐμετρεῦντο. 70. suppl. 
Cr. 71. suppl. Cr. 72. supplevi dubitanter. 
73. δοκουν P. 76. supplevi e.g. 77. init. suppl. 
nescioquis: fin. γνώμῃ Cr. 78. init. suppl. Hg. vel 

tU(un)s Mne. ἐμοί =oi ᾿Αθηναῖοι. fin. Cr. 79. κυλλ᾽ P. 
ertovot P: correxi. 

168 : 


MIME VIII. 61-79 

And I answered back ‘O folk, I will die for the 
country an the old man <summon> me: thereunto 
call I the young man to witnes.’ And he bad the 
flogman to <bind> both in the stocks. Thereat ended 
my swevening. <Where is my> coat1? Hither with 
it, Annas. Thus saw I: thus expound I. <E’en as 
fayre> was the gote I dragged out of the gorge, 
e’en so shall I have some gift from Dionysus fayre : 
and as amain the goteheards cleved him and rendered 
their rites and ate the flesh thereof, e’en so shall a 
many poetards? clever rend my writings. So reckon 
I. But as mesemed alone to have the guerdon, 
while many trod in vain the breathles® skin, for all 
I shared? with the old man enraged, e’en so by Muses 
troth, either shall iambickes call me to great fame, 
or my second intendiment gode me after the order 
of Hipponax of yore to sing halting measures to my 
Xuthos-born kin.® 

1 He shivers with fear: cf. Callim. fr. anon. 80, and my 
note in C.E. So Ovid Heroides xv. 173 ego frigida surgo 
after a dream: Amor. ili. 5 dixerat interpres: gelido mihi 
sanguis ab ore fugit. 

2 The dream is interpreted by a series of puns to retain 
which I have taken liberties with the Greek, which runs: 
‘Many in a literary line (high-brows) shall tear up (criticize) 
my poems. 

3 *breathles ’: 7.e. air-tight ; see Camb. Ed. 

4 «fared alike’ Hg. 

δ᾽ my Ionian brethren ; 1.6. to Athens. 




ἝἭ]ζεσθε πᾶσαι. κοῦ τὸ παιδίον; δέξίον 
κ]αὶ π[ρ]ὸς Βύὐέτειραν [κ]αὶ if Aven: (Dini. ease 
χ)]ιτ[ὥνα Alardp7}- τὴν ἕτοιμον κοῦ Εν 
ies SB Ree Jews; py oe [κυ]ισμαπῶν [....... 
parle ele Jwa zlatr’ ajynvirals.......- 5 
tut tinder jv ηΐδη κἀλλ]αχῆ πεποίίκιλσαι. 
τ gift Shi name ] φέρ᾽ [és] Ko[pov...... 
ΡΟ tock epeta.: ja δειλαίοις βλέψαι. 
φέρ᾽ ὧ(δ.}ε] (κ) αἱ τὴν κύλι](κ)α-" καὶ τὰ νῦϊν .. . . .. 
αὐτῇ οὐ τ - |Geras νόου» 22 2a 10 
GUT GOGU. LL. swe ae is. eee. eee 
τίθεσθ᾽ ἅμζιλλαν .... ἀ]εθλον efoilc.... 
χων τοῖς τοϊκεῦσί σ᾽ ἤειρα 

1. suppl. K. fin. supplevi. 2. suppl. K. Evér. 
Cr. rightly. fin. ¢.g. βρέχεις τόν μευ. 3. sup- 
plevi. fin. 6.5. σμήχεις. 4. 6.5. ἀεὶ καθεύδεις ; 
quamvis probante Edmondsio. fin. 6.5. μνήσω. 5. €.9. 
ἤνπερ τὰ δεινὰ. ἤη. 6.5. κνώσσῃς. 6. 9.0. ὅσσοισιν. med. 
ἤδη κ Ego ἀλλαχῇ Cr. fin.supplevi. 7. e.g. τὴν Εὐέτειραν 
πρόσφερ᾽. med. suppl. by Cr. fin. 6.5. és κόρον δ᾽ ὄσσοις. 
8. so Mne. 4.5. χρὴ πολλὰ καὶ δυστηνὰ . .. 9. supplevi 


(Scene and plot unknown.) 

Sit ye all down. Where is the baby? Bring him 
hither—and Eueteira too and Glyke. Clumsy thing, 
thous <soaking my dress>. <Soap> the one that’s 
ready. <Ever> asleep? I fear lest I mind thee of 
all those prickings wherewith hast oft been tattooed 
e’er now, an thou continue these fearsome <yawns>. 
Hither with <Eueteira>—<sholdest> have had enow 
of all these <sorry> hangdog grimaces. Hither too 
with the <cup>. Still <asleep>? Ho there—has 
<Nossis> lost all those wits that once <were hers> ? 
—and our visitaunt, are ye in pitched combat ὃ Seekst 
to carry off yon salad for prize? Yet sooth I raised 
thee to be thy parents <staff and..... 

(φέρ᾽ ὧδε Cr. rightly). fin. e.g. εὕδεις. 10. 6... wa μὴ 

πλάζεται. in fine nomen: ¢p P (i.e. dplevav]). 

11. 6.5. ἁμαρτοῦσ᾽" ἥ τε νῆνις ἡ ξείνη. 12. init. supplevi, 

fin. Cr.? in med. 6.5. wav... -οίσεις. 13. init. suppl. 

Cr. med. ég.; kairo.  fin.supplevi. 14. e.g. σκίπωνα 



Ἢ χαλκέην μοι μυῖαν ἢ κύθρην παίζει 
7) τῇσι μηλάνθ <n> ow ἅμματ᾽ ἐξάπτων 
τοῦ κεσκ.ίλου μοι τὸν γέροντα λωβῆται. 

Stob. Fl. Ixxviii. 6 (51 Hense) (περὶ νηπίων) ᾿Ηρώδου 

1. wv.ll. χαλκαίην, μυίην. 2, νυ.1]. ταῖσι, τμῆσι: corr. 
by Meineke. μηλάνθασιν, μηλολόνθῃς : corr. Gaisford. 
3. κεσκέου codd.: corr. by Salmasius. 


0) “τ ἢ > ” > / ς A 
s οἰκίην οὐκ ἔστιν εὐμαρέως εὑρεῖν 
ἄνευ κακῶν ζώουσαν: ὃς δ᾽ ἔχει μεῖον, 
“ ~ / / 
ToOTO<V> τι μέζον τοῦ ἑτέρου δόκει πρήσσειν. 

Stob. Fl. xeviii. 28 (27 Hense) Ἥρωδα Μιμιάμβων (sine 
accentu duo codd.) 

3. τούτου corr. by Schneidewin. δοκεῖ corr. id. μεῖζον 
corr. Meister. 


Or ‘brassfly’! or ‘pot’! playeth he, or tying 
threads to cockchafers robbeth my distaff of flax. 

Mimes of Herodes... Stobaeus in his Anthology: book 
On Infants. 

1 Forms of blind-man’s-buff. 


Sin ‘tis no light task to find a habitaunce that 
liveth sans ills: but whoso hath least thereof him 
reckon to fare better than another. 

Mimes of Herodas... id. 

* X and XI. Either or both of these might belong to 
Mime IX. 



᾿Επὴν τὸν ἑξηκοστὸν ἥλιον κάμψῃς 

ὦ Τρύλλε, Γρύλλε, θνῆσκε καὶ τέφρη γίνευ" 
ὡς τυφλὸς οὑπέ!ρ᾽κειν <a> τοῦ βίου καμπτήρ᾽ 
ἤδη γὰρ ad<y>n τῆς ζοῆς ἀπήμβλυνται. 

Stob. Fl. exvi. 21 (56 Hense) Ἡρώδου ἐκ Μολπεινοῦ (corr. 
by Meineke). 

3. ὁ ὑπὲρ κεῖνο or ὑπερκεῖνο codd.: corrected by Porson. 
4, (Stob. ibid. 22 Ἡρώδου μιμιάμβων) : the conjunction is due 

to Salmasius. αὕτη codd.: αὐγή Salm. ζωῆς codd.: 
corrected by Porson. ἀπήμβλυτο codd.: corrected by 

\ “ / > / 
προσφὺς ὅκως τις χοιράδων ἀν ηδρίτης 
Ath. 86 b Ἡρώνδας δ᾽ ἐν Συνεργαζομέναις. 

προσφῦσ᾽ Buecheler. ἀναρίτης codd. 



Gryllus, Gryllus, when hast entered lifes sixtieth 
lap,! die and become ashes : for blind is the lap that 
follows, seeing that lifes ray is dimmed. 

From Herodes’ Molpinos ... id. 

1 The mss of Stobaeus give a most unusual phrase for 
‘passed your sixtieth birthday ’—‘rounded your sixtieth 
sun’ as a runner entering the straight rounds the corner. 
ἥλιον * sun,’ can hardly be correct. I have omitted it and 
slightly changed the metaphor. 

Clinging like limpet to rocks 

But Herondas in the Factory Girls says . .. . Athenaeus 
(discussing the word limpet).) 


From Cn. Mattius (see Cambridge Herodas, p. 419). 


1 Nuper die quarto, ut recordor ; et certe 
aquarium urceum unicum domi fregit. 

2 iam iam albicascit Phoebus, et recentatur 
commune lumen hominibus voluptatis. 

3 quapropter edulcare convenit vitam 
curasque acerbas sensibus gubernare. 

4 sinuque amicam refice frigidam caldo 
columbulatim labra conserens labris. 

5 iam tonsiles tapetes ebrii fuco 
quos concha purpura imbuens venenavit. 

6 ficorum 
in milibus tot non videbitis grossum. 

7 sumas ab alio lacte diffluos grossos. 

8 pressusque labris unus acinus arebat. 


dein coquenti vasa cuncta deiectat 
nequamve scitamenta pipulo poscit.T 

AppENpDIx | 
(i. 80-85) 

The readings of P proposed and generally ac- 
cepted here (in col. 6) are quite impossible: this is 
due in the main to mismounting. There are several 
strips but these may be considered as two strips 
since some joinup. A the left hand strip is mounted 
touching B the right hand: really there is a gap 
throughout of one letter (τ in the top line (τοῦ 
ἀκρήτου) and 7 in the bottom line (where the ὃ of 
(6) ἄρτους would have filled the slight gap shown). 
The following placita are all wrong. 

Line 2. C. E. presents Cr.’s reading as πίει[ν αδρ](ω). 
The gap is of 5 letters, not 34. Nor can the traces 
be fitted. Moreover, if the μελαινίς is a ποτήριον, 
ἁδρῷ (Sc. ποτηρίῳ) is nonsense. 

Line 3. δεῖξον * οὐ (ταραλλάττειν) Nairn. This does 
not fit the traces. Further (a) there is a letter (ε) of 
which some traces are visible before (7). (ὁ) Before 
this another letter must have gone. Blass’ οὐ[κ] 
(ἐγὼ) (πάμ)π(α)ν fits the spaces. I doubt, however, if 
it or (οὐδὲ yap) be right. 

Line 4. If ἐ(κ) ητι] (τ)ῶν is right, the gap here =7u 
in space. 

Line 5. Thetraces after wva[ | are far too dubious 
for discussion. 



But there is another error of mounting. At the 
bottom line the strip (or combined strips) B are 4 of 
a letter too low. But the papyrus has stretched un- 
equally and at the top verses the letters on B are a 
whole letter toolow. At line 6 rexvov (7) they would 
be about 3 of aletter too low. The distinct traces after 
(7) (1.6. after (z)[.]) give therefore the tops of letters. 

Only at line 2 can guessing at the exact word be 
profitable. Here Mne. read πιεῖν] (x). .(ws) and 
between (doubtfully) (v6) or (vép). But here 1 think 
it is safe to leave the shadowy traces, merely noting 
that they are all diagonal, that there must have been 
a wide gap after [ν], and that there is a paragraphus, 
which can only refer to a change of speaker in or 
at the end of this verse. 

Alexis (fr. 230) reads μὴ παντελῶς αὐτῷ διδοὺς 
ὑδαρῆ" κατανοεῖς ; ἴσον ἴσῳ μικροῦ" καλῶς ἡδύ γε τὸ 
πῶμα. We may I think safely read πιεῖν (space) καλῶς 
and give this word to Metriché in the sense of 
‘Thanks’ or ‘When!’ See also Alexis 111, Men. 
292. Milne considers this reading a legitimate 
interpretation of the traces. There would, with 
change of speaker, probably be a gap of the space 
of about one letter before x. 

It is not my purpose to argue in favour of any 
‘supplements.’ It is rather to draw attention to a 
point which should have been noted before. As 
Crusius and Headlam certainly read a vast amount 
of Greek literature, it is quite safe to assume that 
there is in Greek literature no parallel whatever for 
ὦναο μού τινος, § you got something at my hands.’ As 
well might you say ἔλαβεν ἑαυτῷ μοι ἵππον, “he got 
a horse from me.’ The dative of advantage inherent 
in the middle form wholly precludes another dative 



of advantage (or disadvantage); and the common 
use is, of course, παρ᾽ ἐμοῦ, The question is simply 
where to divide the speakers (for P gives no para- 
graphi and no clues). Anyone familiar with the style 
of Herodes will easily recognize, I hope, that ὧν 
οὕνεκέν μοι can hardly be other than an introduction 
to a request and that it is suitably followed by an 
interruption—precisely because the speaker falters : 
compare exactly vi. 15 (at the beginning of a con- 
versation) :— 

vi. 15 A, GAN οὕνεκεν πρός σ᾽ ἦλθον--- 
Β. ἐκποδὼν ἡμῖν 
φθείρεσθε, νὠώβυστρ᾽.... 
λίσσομαί σε. 
Even if the speakers be not changed, the interruption 
But we have a similar phenomenon (without the 
speaker faltering, but at the end of a plea) in iii. 56 :— 

A. GAN εἴ τί σοι, Λαμπρίσκε.. . ἀγαθῶν κύρσαϊς 
μήλασσον αὐτῴ--- 

Μητροτίμη, μὴ ἐπεύχεο. 

The final appeal is interrupted. Probably too 
iii. 88 A. δεῖρον &— B. ἄχρις... So in v. 73 τὴν 
μίαν ταύτην apaptinv— Β. Κύδιλλα, μή με λυπεῖτε. 

In fact in almost all cases where there is an appeal 
we have the request broken off in mid verse. In all 
the wholly visible words you have here exactly the 
same thing almost as if it were traditional to the 

mime :— I came for no petty ends, but for those 
sacred rites for whose sake... ‘Gyllis...’ 
ΤΊ πος 

Ζ 179 


Appenpix II 

vi. 94. It is amazing to see the egregious 
blunder of Buecheler in reading καὶ as tof (!!) still 
repeated by editors. Yet there is no palaeographer 
in Europe who has or could support such an attempt. 
In editing a text it is fatal to proceed without expert 
advice. ° 

Appenpix III 
(on vii. 8. 9) 

vii. 8. The spacing of the papyrus here which I 
gave in 1922 and for which I had secured Dr. 
Kenyon’s assent in 1913 (C.E. p. 230 inf.) is sound ; 
like Dr. Headlam’s conclusions. The exact reading 
is μᾶλλον δὲ τὴν ἄκανθα[ν] ὡς ex[ |v Kadqe ἐκ τοῦ 
τραχήλου δῆσον, the space left being of one large or 
two small letters. Now no satisfactory explanation 
of καληι has been given: it could only mean ‘ with 
a fair bond,’ which is absurd. Wrongly I have sug- 
gested the reading δεῖρον and supposed a blow to 
be indicated. But this is inconsistent with τρίβειν 
which must be of something galling which is worn 
(v. 62). ‘Do you wish to wear louder reminders 
than these’ indicates a heavier form of the same 
unpleasant gyves. Dr. Headlam might have noted 



that though ἄκανθα itself is not used elsewhere of 
any instrument of this sort, yet similar words are so 
used. On κήρυκες or sharp shell-shaped prongs 
Christian martyrs were made to lie (Eccl. Smyrn. Ep. 
Jacobsen, p. 590). The Latin is murzces, a phrase 
also used to translate the Greek τρίβολοι, so called 
from the plant or ἡ burr.’ As an instrument in the 
shop we have no evidence for ἄκανθα : but a spiked 
instrument hung down the back underneath the 
dress would certainly prevent the slave from going 
to sleep.t 

What of ws ex v KdAn? ὡς exer ev is not only 
meaningless but impossible. As I have shown (C.E. 
l.c.) ὡς ἔχεις isnecessary. ὡς ἐχρῆν which I suggested 
(F.G.A. 1923) lacks support. They did not say ‘ Do 
so as you ought to have done.’ Moreover καλὴι is at 
fault. Far the easiest correction is to «Ady, and this 
with ἔχων gives excellent sense: Eccl. Sm. Ep. lc. 
κήρυκας ὑποστρωννύμενοι ... WA... διὰ τῆς ἐπιμόνου 
κολάσεως... That at least they did say: Ar. Nub. 
58 δεῦρ᾽ ἐλθ᾽ ἵνα κλάῃς, and the order is good, for 
ἔχων is stressed as tbid. 131 τί ταῦτ᾽ ἔχων otpay- 

Appenpix IV 
(vii. 31 and 40 sqq.) 
will: Of this versewe haveonly Gu0.0s vs)... 2s 
μι πάνθ᾽ ὅσ᾽ ἐστὶν if.ja, and yet it is very probable 
that the whole can be reconstructed. Building 

1 See also Wesseling on Hat. i. 92. 


on Blass’ sure foundation we get ὄμνυμι πάνθ᾽ ὅσ᾽ 
ἔστ᾽ ἱρά. Now very often the Greeks avoided 
anything so bold as the use of πᾶς, οὐδείς, ete., with- 
out an apologetic phrase. In an Attic tragedian, if 
we had πάντας ὡς εἰ , we might with fair safety 
conjecture ὡς εἰπεῖν (ἔπος) : and it is attractive to 
suppose that this line is whole and that we have 
another and common phrase here :— 

Aesch. P.V. 521 βραχεῖ δὲ μύθῳ πάντα συλλήβ- 
δην μάθε. 

715 πάντα γὰρ Δαρεῖ" ἀκούσῃ μῦθον ἐν βραχεῖ λόγῳ 
(so recc.). 

Eur. Or. 446 πάντων πρὸς ἀστῶν ὡς θάνω: βραχὺς 

Lucian iii. 362 ἀνδρὸς ὡς βραχεῖ λόγῳ περιλαβεῖν 

56 / ao 
s = « QUOCT.WTOTE a. . OTOVTGA, cas o 

The same phrase is used with πολλά: βραχεῖ de 
μύθῳ πολλὰ συλλαβὼν ἐρῶ Eur. fr. 362. 5; ef. 
704. 8. Contrast Mime iv. init. 

vii. 40 sqgq. ‘The conditions have been changed by 
recent work on the papyrus. Herzog (‘rightly ’ 
Bell) has recalled the reading κηρί(α) in 43, giving 
it the signification of ‘wax-lights.’ At first sight 
neither ‘honey’ nor ‘honey-combs’ gives sense, 
and the apparent verbal resemblance in Theocr. v. 
126 τὸ πότορθρον ἁ παῖς ἀνθ᾽ ὕδατος τᾷ κάλπιδι κηρία 
βάψαι (with 112 τὰ Mixwvos) cannot possibly assist. 
Perhaps Kerdon likens himself to the ‘little busy 
bee’ Coll. Alex. Lyr. Ad. 7, which works for others, 
Lucian, A.P.x.41. There is a chance that ὙΜικρων 
is plagued with κηρία (an unpleasant type of sore) and 
that Kerdon complains that his sedentary habits have 


given him an even more distressing disease ; and this 
can easily be reconciled with Greek diction and the 
traces in P leaving a wide choice of alternatives, 

e.g. -- 

ἐντεῦθεν ὑμεῖ](ς) τἄργα τῆς τέχνης ἡμέων 38 
φορεῖθ᾽, 6 πίσ]υγγος δὲ δειλαίην oi Civ" 
yeyypalwav . νέων νύκτα κἡμέρην. θάλπω 40 

ἣ σάρκα]ς ἡμέων ἄχρις ἑσπέρης κάπτει" 
. . tjae πρὸς ὄρθρον ! οὐ δοκέω τόσσον 
τὰ Μικίωνος κηρί᾽ εὐπ[ορεῖν Alege 

See Aesch. fr. 253, Eur. fr. 792 (φαγέδαινα quod 
fort. leg.). There is then a wide choice of un- 
pleasant details to fill up the gaps still left. Without 
leisure to read Greek medical works again for this 
one purpose, [ suggest at random v. 40 ἀλγέων, v. 43 
ἀυπνίαι (Herzog), and v. 43 ψώρης. But I hope that 
this restoration is not the true one. 

viii. (THE Dream) 

Herodes, who is at no point in contact with life 
except where it touches letters, gives us plenty of 
clues for the identification of the scene. It is a feast 
to Dionysus at midwinter where a game of leaping 
on a bladder is played. At all points this tallies 
with the country festivals of Dionysus in Attica ; 
and no other festival of this sort is known in Greek 



letters. Herodes appears to be defending himself 
against a criticism of Callimachus in his iambi that 
the modern writers of lame iambi did not use the 
metres of Hipponax. Herodes replies with a poem 
in which he uses the ‘ Ephesian’ metre at least as 
accurately as Callimachus. Resolved feet are rare 
(only one except in the first foot): and there are no 
verses ending in four long syllables. Herodes pro- 
fesses to have attended the festival, won the prize 
and contested afterwards with an old man. The old 
man is Hipponax: and other punning prophecies 
are made. Callimachus appears to have known of 
Herodes’ work ; presumably because the first seven 
mimes were current earlier. 

It may be remarked that Phoenix’ verses also 
show changes of thistype. His moralist poem follows 
the licence of Ananius: his other two poems avoid 
the four long syllables at the end of the verse: 
and to the (oriental) Ninos he gives frequent use 
of the resolved syllable, following Aeschylus in the 

The idea that the speaker is a woman (Terzaghi, 
Vogliami) has been mercilessly refuted in reviews by 
Herzog and by the present writer. In vv. 27 and 47 
I have chosen illustrative supplements to show on 
how shadowy a foundation the idea rests. Many 
will prefer my earlier version of 47, especially as the 
skin at the county Dionysiaca was not fully blown 
up. In 45 δ᾽ εἷς seems possible. 

There is no reason to suppose that I was right (in 
C.E.) in making a story out of vv. 20 sqq. The 
whole thing is quite normal and τὸ λῶπος covers all 
need for details. Herodes merely dreamed he was 
going to a country Dionysia and chooses to paint the 



dress and the leaping scene, rather than recount 
familiar details like a scholiast. How far the 
quarrel with the old man is a new incident, or part 
of the normal ritual, is uncertain. At least, there is 
nothing in it to conflict with theories of vegetation 
festivals so familiar to us from the Golden Bough. 

If this be so, we must explain on normal principles 
for such dreams. ‘The priest of Dionysus (wv. 26 sqq.) 
both is (v. 68), and must be referred to, the god whose 
priest he is. Artemidorus is quite definite on the 
point at issue (ii. 30 οἵου δ᾽ ἂν ὑπολάβῃ τις θεοῦ 
ἱερεὺς εἶναι, τοιοῦτον αὐτῷ καὶ τὸ ἀγαθὸν ἀποβήσεται 
ἢ ἀπὸ τοιούτων ἀνδρῶν ἢ γυναικῶν. Conversely Τα. 
iii. 13). 

Whatever men may say, Dionysus, the god of all 
dramatic art, will place Herodes next to Hipponax 
among all those who have used his metre. There 
is no evidence that Muses were present: indeed 
Herodes especially uses an odd and forced expression 
ἔνθεος (v. 70) to introduce the Muses (v. 71). 




7 oe 




(UA ΤΥ ΒΙ Δ 2a 


Tue papyrus of Cercidas is in the British Museum. 
For a description see the editio princeps (A. S. Hunt, 
P. Oxy. viii. 1082). Latest edition in Coll. Alex.(J. U. 
Powell), p. 203. See also Diehl, Anthologia Lyrica, 
iii. 305. For recent work on the papyrus see articles 
by the present writer in C.R. xxxviii-xxxix. There 
are still a large number of small isolated fragments : 
but there is no reason to believe that they were all 
once contiguous (Hunt). The general character of 
the metre was pointed out by P. Maas and von 
Arnim. For references to periodicals see Milne 
Catalogue 59, Ὁ. 45 (where read 1138 for 1158). 



col. i Je yap of.J&ev.s εἰδέμεν 1 
|verou. . : ad” ἐπ᾽ εἰλαπι- 
Ἰαιρω(). . - βἸλεννο(τολι(σ)υ- 
πηρί (δ)ας αλί....-. Ἰυσω καὶ δο- 
ΠΟ ΣΝ |e πνεῖν σε ται 5 
|p τον AapBaly | 
|e τοῦτο: (ν} 


Ἰσυντελῖς a ] 
|peper καὶ Wa 7] 
Ἰως μὴ λεγο 1 10 
1ελθε- (dw). ] 
]@)eoup|[. . .(1ηνα: καυτί 1 12 
Ἰ(ο)μιζί. . . .Jurevon[, 1 
el ace jap μοι Tol 1 
Jara .[...]. adatos [ ] 15 
jwol Ἰτεων" al 

των α(ὐτῶ)ν a λαβοῦϊσα 1 
Ζεὺς κοιρανΐ 
(σ). «ορειν παρεστιν εἶ Ἶ 

Col. i. 1. The placing of ξεν is doubtful: nor can we be 
certain how many letters are missing ε ie beginning of the 
lines. eldéuev Ῥ. 3. λὲννο(τ)οϊ(ο)υ P (marked as (part 
of) one word). τίο)ι not re OBE Bell): (c) me 


Col. i 

. . . but little in feasting 2 
This man delighteth 
Child of oily-ragged clothes .. . 

... how 
If Zeus be master 18 
Never fair result we see? 

iudice, (possible) Bell: βλεννοτ-: βλεννο-νοτ-οισυπ-ῖ. . . 
7. TovTo P. 8. as above P. 11. ελθε" P. 12. nva 
Pe 16. so P. 



Coll γα ehh ayo eee eee γ]ὰρ ὁ 
G(s, sevens ike, Aen eee ἀλ]λὰ 

ROH) 2st eek oe eae eee Jev 
TOUS a ete aie wr eee cee eee Ἰίψ)ας 
κα σίος οτος ΣΝ ] 5 
[CDE eae a oe ake je eye eae eens |v 

FEUO|. ws. 4, alae, οι caw lae ae ώρο 1 7 
παρόν he Ge Sede See cy eee eee Ja 

5.9 7η πολιοῖ Ὁ 

|waxodal ?8 
Ἰλεων moro ?9 
Ἰχουσι γήρᾳ ὃ᾽ ?10 
οἠὐκέτι πάνθ᾽ al Pll 
Ἰσᾶπ. P12 
marg. σπ]ανιοψιάδᾳ 12 

ros 13 

Ἰκαὶ σπυροὶ οἱ πυρί 14 

Col. ii. 1. ca Ῥ (e.g. καλὸν). 3, Ae 115 ἘΣ 3. superscr. ὃ 
τι(ν). 10. (2?) ΙἸχου σιγηροὶ H. 12. schol. suppl. 
Wilamowitz. Perhaps we have (fr. 26) the ends of some 

Col. ii (Ὁ 

Hracment7(¢— 25) ja. [1 >, See crit. m.). 

So it appears to me that our ‘pot friend’ Ulpian, as my 
Cercidas of Megalopolis says, watches his fellow guests to 
see if they have overlooked a fish-bone or lumpy piece of 
gristle in their food before them (Athenaeus). 

* Child of but frugal repasts ἡ 


verses (about 12-14) (duvc)raNeoran.[/(c)\ov ἔν θα [(κιὴς καθιζεῖ : 
also below this and just above κιλ. fr. 25 αλ]ίλγους ακα[{ὦὼ made. 
[/Jecooor..]/... (κελευ). This fragment suggests a loose 
citation in Ath. vili. 347 e οὕτω μοι δοκεῖ καὶ ὁ λεβητοχάρων 
Οὐλπιανός, κατὰ τὸν ἐμὸν Μεγαλοπολίτην Kepkiday, (. - - «- - 
τηρεῖν (. .) τοὺς ἐσθίοντας εἰ παρεῖδον ἢ ΑΚ ΆΑνθαν ἢ τῶν τραγανῶν 
«τι [ἢ] χονδρῶδες τῶν παρατεθέντων, which agrees well enough 
with the margination just above it. In this case fr. 96 
probably belongs elsewhere, since it is hard to bring this in 
line with the notes. (A)ous axa [...) would be 14 fin, (κελευ) 
[...] 17 fin., μέχρι 18 fin., γερπεί 20 fin., καὐτῶν 22 fin., and 
λάρον 23 fin. It is not possible to read σπ͵]()ριδια in fr. 32 
nor to place it by the lowest note. 


Bilin! δ ἘΔ BA Ee eee |e AL 
Gi) Be deel? torr’ SpePsaedeene | μέχρι 
ΡΝ ΠΡ ge | DEORE Ἰ(β)ριδιατριβαΐ 
Se tard Ai Ὁ ad ia 52 7. γερπεῖ 
ΟΕ τ ΕἸ ΤΥ τ εἰς [.- .1κ᾿ αὐτῶν 
fin. .... ὀ]λβοθύλακον 
col. iii. λαρόν | τε καὶ axpaciwva 
θῆκε πενητ(υλίδ)αν 
Ξένωνα, ποτάγαγε δ᾽ ἁμίν! 5 

ἄργυρον «τὸν > 

«εἰς avovata> ῥέοντα; | 
κα[ὶ] τί τὸ κώλυον ἧς 
αἴ τις) σφ᾽ ἔροιτο, 
(ῥεῖα γάρ ἐστι θεῷ 
πᾶν ἐκτελέσ σλαι 

~ 5» a > > \ ~ » 
χρῆμ᾽ | ἰδκκ᾽ ἐπὶ νοῦν int), 
ἢ τίὸ]ν ῥυποκιβδοτόκωνα | 10 
καὶ τεθνακοχαλκίδαν, 
ἢ τὸν παλινεκχυμενίταν 

~ 4 yy 
τῶν κτεάνων «ὄλδλεθρον!, 
τοῦτον κενῶσαι 
τᾶς συοπλουτοσύνας, | 

ante 1. ? ἁἸβρίδια, γ᾽ ἑρπε., (εριδια H.). 1. εἰσόκ᾽ : 
cf. μέχρι supra. 2. rayov (e.g.). Up to this point 
I have not attempted to place the words in metrical 
setting. Between yepre and eoox’ might be two—three 




Chose out that greedy 
Cormorant, of wealthy purse, 
And child of licentiousness, Xeno, 
Turn him to poverty’s child, 
And gave unto us <who deserve it>! 5 
Rivers of silver that now 
Are wasted on profitless uses ? 
What should there be to prevent 
—Ask God the question, 
Since it is easy for him, 
Whate’er he fancy, 
Sure execution to find—, 10 
10 If one be the ruin of money, 
Pouring out whate’er he has, 
Or usurer dross-stain-begrimed, 
Ready to perish for gold, 
That God should drain him, 
Void of his swine-befouled wealth, 

1 The lacuna may have been ἄργυρον τὸν αὐτόθεν viv. 

verses (or half-verses). (The numeration at the side is 
that of J. U. Powell, Coll. Alex.; the vertical lines mark the 
lines of the ed. pr.) On Ξένωνα is a note ἀκρατὴς [ὁ Ξένων 
καὶ ἀπο] γνωστός τις καὶ (π)ι(κ)ρός (Supplevi post Hunt), and 

on ii fin. ἀ(πό)λαυο(ν) (3). 3. ἀκρασίωνα P. 5. ξένωνα" 
ποταγαγε δ᾽ Ῥ. 7. ἐροῖποῦ ἘΣ c om. P: correxit H. 
av ex εὐ P. sqq. tdav, trav P. 8. tedecat P: Corr. 
A(rnim). 9. w ox. P. e.g. ἐπὶ νοῦν ὅκ᾽ ἴῃ A. 13. for 
τῶν perhaps read τὸν with M(aas). πλεθρον but oO cor 
in margin. 14. -σύνασδομενδ᾽ P. 

Da 195 



δόμεν δ᾽ ἐπιταδεοτρώκτᾳ 15 
KoWwoKpaTtnpockidy | 
τὰν ὀλλυμέναν δαπάνυλλαν; | 
μήπος«κ»λ᾽ οὖν ὁ τᾶς Δίκας 
> \ > / 
ὀφθαλμὸς ἀπεσπαλάκωται, | 
᾽ / / 
χὠ Φαέθων μονάδι 20 
γλήνᾳ παραυγεῖ, | 
\ / ε A 
(κ)αὶ Θέμις a λιπαρὰ 
πῶς ἔτι δαίμονες οὖν 
τοὶ μήτ᾽ ἀκουὰν 
μήτ᾽ ὄπαςς;» πεπαμένοι;] 
καὶ μὰν τὸ τάλαντον ὁ σεμνὸς | 
ἀστεροπαγερέτας 25 
col.iv. μέσσον τ᾽ <a>v’ “Odvymov[..... 1] 
(0)pBor[t...... | 
[κἸ(α)ὶ νένευκεν odd(a)u7: | 
\ AQ? Ὁ 
καὶ τοῦθ᾽ “Ὅμηρος 
εἶπεν ἐν ᾿Ιλιάδι: 
δέπην, ὅταν αἴσιμον apap, 80 
> / / 
ἀνδράσι κυδαλίμοις tt | 
πῶς οὖν ἐμὶν ov ποτέρεψεν 
ὀρθὸς ὧν ζυγοστάτας,| 
τὰ δ᾽ ἔσχατα Βρύγια Μυδῶν---!| 
“ / / 
ἄζομαι δέ θην λέγτη»ν-- 35 

15. -τρωκται" (and so often) P. 16. dwt 17. δα- 
πανύλλαν P. 18. μηποτ P. 19. schol. (Gov ὃ 
τύπους μ(ὲν) ὀφθαλμί(ῶν) ἔχει, ὀφθαλμοί(ὺ)ὴς δ᾽ ο(ὐ), (οὐ)δ(ἐ) βλ[έ]πει 
{ita Μη.). 90. «χω, φαεθων, μονάδι, P. schol. 
cyl ὀφθαλμῷ (apa) βλέπει. 91. a ws ἘΣ schol. 

ἐπεσκότισ[τ]αι. 22. δυτοιμὴ P, but ουνοιμὴ π᾿ margin. 
23. οπαν P. 25. Delirant Powell, Wilamowitz, alii 


MELIAMB II. 15-35 

15 And give to one frugally feeding, 15 
Dipping cup at common bowl, 
The cash that is wasted on trifles ? 
Is the eye of Justice then 
Beshrunk that a mole might outsee her ? 
Phaethon, too, doth he squint 20 
With single pupil ? 
Themis the bright—doth a mist 
Bedim her vision ? 
How can man hold them for gods 
That neither hearken, 
Nor have any eyes to see ἢ 
Yet say they the gath’rer of lightning 
Mighty monarch holds the scales 
Aloft in the midst of Olympus, 
Nodding not a moment’s space. 
E’en so doth Homer ! 
Set in his Iliad down :— 
‘ By fate to the mighty of valour 
Sinks the balance of the day.’ 
Why then doth the balancer even 


Never unto me incline ? 30 
But Brygians,” farthest of mortals,— 
Clearer words I dare not say— 35 
(8) 7: 2 Apparently the Macedonians. 
Homerici crepornyepéra immemores. 26. τον P: 

correxi. Between “Odvurov and ὄρθον 5-11 letters missing : 
I suggest metri gratia ἀνορθοῖ glossed ἀνὰ τὸ ὄρθον ἔχει. 
27. suppl. H. 30-31. ρεπειδ P: -ew A. Τὴν del. A.: 
fuit verborum ρεπείδ correctio (cf. H. praef. 24-5): ῥέπειν 
G. Murray: terminationes huiusmodi tacite (<»>v) mutavi. 

32. euev is corrected into ἐμὶν in P. 34. φρυγια 
P, while εἐσχάτᾶ has an accent on ecancelled: the truth is 
given in the margin. 35. ἅζομαι P. 



ὅσον [Kkata]yer TO παρ᾽ αὑτοῖς 
τῶ Διὸς πλα[στ]ΐγγιον. | 
ποίους ἐπ᾽ ἀνάκτορας οὖν τις 
ἢ τίνας οὐρανίδας 
κιὼν ἀνεύροι | 
πῶς λάβῃ τὰν ἀξίαν, 40 
ὅθ᾽ ὁ Kpovidas, ὁ φυτεύσας | 
πάντας ἁμὲ καὶ TeKwY, | 
τῶν μὲν πατρωός, 
τῶν δὲ πέφανε πατήρ; 
λῷον μεθέμεν περὶ τούτων 
τοῖς μετεωροκόποις"] 45 
τούτους yap €(p)yov 
οὐςδὲ» ἕν ἔλπομ᾽ Exnv: | 
ἁμὶν δὲ Iara 
καὶ ἰάγαθὰ Μετάΐδως pedérwi, | 
--θεὸς γὰρ avta— 
καὶ Νέμεσις κατὰ (γ)ᾶν; 
μέσφ᾽ οὖν ὁ δαίμων | 
οὔρια φυσιάει 
τιμ«ῆ»τε ταύταν δ0 
col. v. φῶ(τ)ες]" e(Aa)[ 
86. supplevi. 37. suppl. H. stop after mAa[. .]γγιον. 

39. ευρη- P. 40. πῶσλ P. 41. 06 P. 42. aue P. 
43. πατρὼος P: cited from Cercidas by Poll. iii. 27 as less 


MELIAMB II. 36-52 

How far they pull down in their favour 
Zeus’ scales of equity ! 
What lords them that lord it above us, 
Whom then of Uranos’ sons 
May any seeking 
Merit’s retribution find, 40 
When the offspring of Kronos, our parent 
Who begat us one and all, 
Some men as father, 
Others as stepfather know ? 
Fit talk for astrologers truly ; 
Let us refer it to them : 45 
For them to settle 
It will be slightest of tasks ; 
To us is Paean 
Good, and fair-dealing is good— 
A very goddess— 
Nemesis too, upon earth : 
What time the godhead 
Blows in our favour astern, 
Hold her in honour. 50 
Mortals : though bravely they fare, 
A sudden tempest 
Swooping down from other airt 
Sinks to perdition 

correct than ἐπιπάτωρ. 44. “λωιον P. 45. μετεωροκοποις" 

is glossed in margin by αστρολογοις. 46. ουὐθεν P? 

corr. Wilam. exe’ ἁμιν P. 47. ἀγαθὰ secl. Wilam. 

μεταιδως P: corr. Wilam.; schol. has ἐπεὶ dws ἀγαθή, whence 
it appears that καὶ Μετάδως ἀγαθὰ must have been the read- 
ing. 48. (y)av- P. 50. suppl. H. 51. Jratt supplevi 
et correxi: pessime H., cett. με]ταξαντες. δῷ. avt(. 7) 
vel (. y): non fuit (ec). Cf. e.g. Theod. Presb. de incarn. 

Dom. p. 245 ἔνθα καὶ ἑτέρας καταιγίδος ἀντιπνευσάσης. 
ρ Y n 



Ἰσητον oA{ Bov 
ταῦτ᾽ εἶτ: -- μεν 55 
νείοθεν ἐξεμέσαι; 

53. suppl. Η. 50-55. I translate ἐλαυνομένως ἄλλος karate 
ἀντέπνευσε ποντιῶν φυσητὸν (-ατὸν) ὄλβον χὐπεραφανεῖς τύχας" 
ταῦτ᾽ ἔσθ᾽ ὃς ὑμῖν... The exact size of the various gaps 


Δοιά τις ἅμιν ἔφα 1 
γνάθοισι φυσῆν | 

τὸν κυανοπτέρυγον 

παῖδ᾽ ᾿Αφροδίτας, | 

Δαμόνομ᾽- οὔτι (γ) ὰ]ρ εἶ 

λίαν ἀπευθής" 

καὶ βροτῶν [ὅτῳ] γὰρ ἂν 

πραεῖα καί «πως» 5 
evpeve δεξιτέρα 

πνεύσῃ ovayur, | 

οὗτοί(ς) (ἐν) ἀτρεμίᾳ 
τὰν ναῦν ἔρωτος 

The new poem is marked by ἃ coronis. It bears no title. 

1. schol. δο[α 17: δοιάτισᾶμιν P. 3. Δαμονομ᾽" and 

4 apse 
amevdys* P. 4, βροτων [3] μενανπραειακαιευμενὲ["]δεξιτεραν 



Puffed-up wealth or fortunes proud : 
And who can youward 55 
Vomit them back from the deep ? 

is uncertain. The meaning of the end is hard to fit: the 
nautical metaphor is clear from the schol., and the use of 
ἐξεμέω in Hom. μ 237, 437. On 56 there is a marginal 
note ἐκ βαθ(έω)ν. 54, τύχας Ῥ, ο. χαὺτ is 


Thou, O Damonomus, art 
Not ill instructed : 
‘ Twain are the blasts’ we are told 
‘That Aphrodité’s 
Offspring doth breathe from his cheeks, 
The azure-wingéd. 
Unto whomsoe’er of men 
With gentle mildness 
His jaw hath breathéd, 
Tranquil the sea of love, 
Whereon that mortal 

with v cancelled: supplevi et correxi. There is no need 
(apart from metre) to assume gaps at either point: possibly 
«ὅτῳ». [ὅτῳ] Hunt. 



σώφρονι πηδαλίῳ 
πειθοῦς κυβερνῇ᾽ | 
τοῖς δὲ τὰν ἀριστερὰν 
λύσας ἐπόρσῃ | 
λαίλαπας ἢ λαμυρὰς 
/ Sui; 
πόθων aéAdas, | 
/ / 

κυματίας διόλου 
τούτοις ὁ πορθμός" | 

> / > , 
εὖ λέγων Edpumidas: 
tod κάρρον οὖν ἐστὶν 
δύ᾽ ὄντων ἵ ἐκλέγ «ηον 
τὸν οὔριον ἅμιν ἀήταν | 
καὶ μετὰ σωφροσύνας 
οἴακι πειθοῦς | 
χρώμενον εὐθυπλο «ἣ»ν 

ὅκ᾽ ἢ κατὰ Κύπριν 6 πορθμός" 

5b bls 4 εν τε 

ν μὲν ἀλλ᾽ 

Pe ἀρ eck Ed [ 
τ bene ioe 
πᾶν γ[ὰρ] τὸ τ Σ 
(κ)αὶ προκοθ[ηλυμαν ἐς] 






Ruddered by discipline calm 
His ship directeth. 
But ’gainst whomsoe’er the boy, 
His left jaw loosing, 
Rouseth the storms or the fierce 
Typhoons of passion, 
These have their voyages fraught 
With waves unceasing.’ 
Nobly said, Euripides ! 
Since twain the choice is, 
Better far it is for us 
To choose out the wind in our favour, 
So that with calmness of soul, 
Where leads the goddess, 
Voyage we straight on our course 
And steer us by discipline’s tiller. 

Iearus .... 

Lightning besetting his course : 23 
For all that is violent, wicked, 
Mad in pursuit of its mate, 

7. ατρεμια Py and 8. mydadiwwe and kvBepyn’ P. 9, ορσὴ 
quae exempla sufficiant. 10. αελλᾶς P. 12. ευρι- 
mas? P. οὐκοῦν δύ᾽ ὄντων Kdppov ἐστὶν éxd. recte Maas. 
14. ἁμιναηταν" και P. 16. ευὐθυπλοειν ὅκῆ P. 17. πορθμος. 
P. schol. ἀφροδίσιος. col. vi. fr. 13 hue certe referen- 

_ dum: dubites de columnae lineis. conieceram vou... cw/dar .. 
ν καὶ τόκ᾽ ἁνίκα : sed refragantur vestigia mi/m). ᾿Ικάρω 
bene Powell. 21, 6.4. τόκα πρὸς ταῦτα ῥηξεῖν. niet Ρ. 
22. στρᾷᾶπ. Ῥ. ? -όβλητος. 23. supplevi. 24. προ- 
κοθηλ. A. 


φέρει ταναβλαψιτέλειαν 25 
(κ)αὶ μεταμελλοδύναν" 
a δ᾽ ἐξ ἀγορᾶς ᾿Αφροδίτα, 
καὶ τὸ μηϊδε]νὸς μέλζηΣν 
ὁπία]νίκα λῇς, oK(a) χρήζῃης, 
οὐ φόβος οὐ Tapaya: 80 
τ(α) ύ]ταν ὀβόλω κατακλίνας 
Τ[υν]δαρέοιο δόκει 
'τημεν᾽ KO 
(Stob. Fl. lviii. 10 περὶ ἡσυχίας: Kepxida μελιάμβων : (ἡμιάμβων 

codd.: corr. Meineke) «τὸ τᾶς ῥικνᾶς χελώνας tatuvapoved 
(em. Meineke): οἶκος γὰρ ἄριστος κτλ. : vid. inf.) 

25. λειαν᾽ and δυναν" a P. 28. suppl. H. 29, vi- 
καλῆσὸ P. 30. rapaxa* P. 31. κατακλίνας" P. 
(There are faint traces of scholia against vv. 22, 23, 30, 31.) 

32. γαμβρέστατ᾽ ἣμεν potius quam γαμβρὸς τοςκ ? 33. Tet 


μεν" νυ P. si huc pertineret fr. 7 (H.) legi non posset quod 



Engendereth woe of repentance 4 25 
And ruin 1 far-spread in the end : 
But Venus that paces the market— 
In repletion of desire 
Demanding no thought or attention :— 
Here is no fear and no care : 30 
One obol will win you a mistress, 
Son-in-law fancy yourself 
To Tyndarus (favoured ’mong suitors) : 
(Yet remains one more advice) :— 
<Remember always 
What the wrinkled tortoise said : 
“ Both dearest and best, my good masters, 
Truly, of all things, is home.’ > 

1 These Greek words ταναβλ. and μεταμελλ. appear easiest 
as two words despite the strange nature of the compounds. 
The latter would have to be connected with μεταμέλειν, which 
may be compared with, but not excused by, e.g. Nicand. 
Alex. 81 ξηρὰ δ᾽ ἐπιλλύζων ὀλοῇ χελλύσσεται ἄτῃ. μέλος 
Ebeling, Lex. Hom. s.v. 

proposui γαμβρες (nam p vix aut ne vix quidem possibile): 

metri et spatiorum gratia potest e.g. yauBp(o)[s eae Τ᾽ 
que’... [τὸ] τᾶς plixvas | γὰ[ρ δὴ χελώνας μναμόν]ευ(ε)" οἶκος yap 
[apcrros OE καὶ φίλδς, [Z]pe[v—]. Certe hie poema finem 
habet: sub καιῴφιλος spatium: e.g. ὦνδρες ἔφα. 


col. vii. αἸκις 
ὃμαθεὶς βροτὸς οὔτι ἑκὼν] 
” 7 
ἔκλᾳξε κανθώς. 

\ > 3 ΄ ” 
τὶν δ᾽ ἀμάλακτον ἔσω] 
στέρνων καὶ ἀνί- 
κατον κέαρ ἔσκεν! 

πιμελοσαρκοφάγων δ 
πάσας μελεδώνας. 

trout τὶν διέφευγεϊν! καλῶν 

> / ΄ὔ > ς \ 
οὐδέν moka: πάντα ἴδ᾽ ὑπὸ 
σπίλ]άγχνοις Teotstit ἔσκ᾽ 
(ἀ)βρ(ὰ) Movo<a>v κνώδαλα: | 
Πιερίδων θ᾽ aAlcjev- 

\ A / \ 2; 
τὰς ἔπλεο, θυμέ, καὶ ἰχν- 10 
(ευτ)ὰς ἀρισ(τ)  ο]ς. | 

: νῦν δ᾽ ἰὅκκα μὲν! ἐκφανέες 
λευκαὶ Kopud| ἃ] (περι)αι-] 
~ > > 

ωρεῦντ᾽ ἐ(θ). .. (ν). 

(ἀκαλέῳ) <> λάχνᾳ, 
Kval «ov δὲ (γένη)- 
ον, καί τι ματεύει; 

1, 2. metre uncertain. Above at top of column a schol. 
juevov. The writer appears to address himself. In this poem 
the metrical divisions do not appear to correspond, as they 

do elsewhere, to sense divisions. 1. 9.5. πτι μυριάκις. 

2. ἐκλᾶιξε κανθους P. By ΤΟ ἘΣ αμάραντον Ῥ : superscr. 

(a)'re‘(pavrov): margin ᾿αμαλακτον᾽ 4. ecx’ev (ἦν εἰς) 

Powell: dubito. ‘ripeNooapkopayav macas... vas’ P, 



Many a time 
Man loses the fight e’er his orbs 
Full loath he closes. 

Thou hadst a heart in thy breast 
Unsoftened and un- 
Tamed ever in fighting 

’Gainst all the desires of fat flesh 
Which gluttons may cherish. 

Nothing on earth that was fair 
Escaped you : but ever you kept 
Within your bosom 

All the Muses’ cublets young. 

Thou wert a fisher my soul 
Of all the Pierian maids 
And keenest tracker. 

But now that there gleam on my head 
White hairs but a few at the edge 
Around encircling 

Still with incipient down, 
Still yellow my beard, 
And still doth my summer 

6. 6.9 τὶν διέφευγε(ν) (ex τοιδιεφ). : τιν Wilam. τοι delen- 
dum. P καλον. 7. ουδένποκα᾽ παντα τεοισιν (ν cancelled) 
δυποσπ Ῥ. 8. Μουσῶν P. 9, ‘me(cancelled)eprdwy P. 
le ico Af Go ὅκα arc “νῦν P. 12. -ωρευνται P. €.]- 
duu. ἀκαλέφ(ᾳ) is false (Ὁ) Doricism for ἠκαλέῳ(ῃ). A 
short syllable is missing: 6.0. ᾽πὶ. λαχναι P. kva[x lov 
suppl. H. γέν(ε)ιον H. 



/ ¢€ | deer : 
Kpayvov [αἸλικίαϊσϊ 
«χοῖον» κολακεύειν» 15 

~ 3 
«τῶ; χρόνω τ᾽ ἐπάξιον 

δερκομένα βιοτᾶς 
> \ \ > 
εὐρὺν (ποτὶ) (τέρματος ovd- 
ὄν: ] τᾶμος ἐσλᾶς 
14. kde P (mon xd). superscr. (above (κρ)αγυον) .(7)[.]. 
ἁλικία Murray, which 1 translate. 15 is devoid of metre 
and sense. It runs xp. τ. ἐ. κολακεύει. It seems necessary 

to make the half iambus correspond to ἁβρὰ M. k. 
16. Boras P. 

(a) col. viii. (6) fr. 59 +11+39 (c) col. ix 
μὲν [δόμον jov- μὴ νόμιζ ε 
τω pevoe|t 
γί π]όκα: μία πέλ[λα 
vo. 71. μηνί. .].μι: τουτῶ 7οτί 
σὶκ 5 Jous: .[. .]we(c) 7. εὐτω 
ἄχαρι(ν) | πολ]λο(ὶ) [δεῖ κ(αὶ} | Ἰουμ 
vav, (o)| ood |ias: | 7oAAa| v] δ | 
μεθα .| ἘΠ 0 Εν a δὲ (π)υ[ 

17. τᾶμος εσλᾶς P with gloss τᾶμος ἔ[πεϊτα : suppl. H. 

(a) 1. @.g. μὲν δόμον --͵αὦὖ ἐκ κρηπῖδος... In margin 
opposite v. 9 (κνώδαλα): ἀγρεύματα κ(αὶ) ἐνεργήματα (" objects 
of chase,’ 1.6. activities), opp. 14: ἡ[(λικίαν) φ. ματεύ[ ει]ν ἀν(τὶ 
τοῦ) (τ [ovros] ἥδ[ ε](σ)θ[αι ἢ] μέλ(εν} } ‘Age,’ he says, 
‘seeks’: that is, delights in these things or has a care 
for them. Opp. 16: (πρ)ο(ορ)ῶν(τι) [δη](λαδὴ) [eds] πί(ο) Adv 
τ] ὸὴν and a much rubbed line: e.g. τοῦ γήρως χρόνον: 
‘looking forward to a long span of old age.’ I give the be- 


MELIAMB IV. 14—IV (ὃ). 8 

Seek for the thing that is fair 
And able to flatter 

Worthy of my riper years 
Looking ahead to my life’s 

Broad threshold of eld at its close, 
Then from foundation 

Fair < 
ΠΥ (9) 
Think not 
One cup 

Mind doth see 
And mind doth hearken 

<Poets have said> : can they then 
Though standing ¢. . .> at their doors 
Behold true wisdom 

ginnings of col. viii. and ix. (é.g.) which it appears hopeless 
to combine as viii. init.and fin. Between I give e.g. the frr. 
59 + 11+39 and the literary fr. 4 connecting παλῶ with Pro- 
metheus: for a correction of a previous error of mine my 
thanks are due to Hunt. There is of course no certainty 
that ix. follows on viii., nor that (6) and (6) should be 

connected. (6) 7. πολλᾶ P et cett.; vid. Hunt. 8. metri 
gratia σοφοῖς. ἃ δὲ πυνθανόμεσθα, κοὐκ ἀπάτυλλα φάτις. 
9. suppl. H. (c) Ul. 4, 5, 6 (οὕτως μέν), 14, 18. are scholl. 

The juncture of fr. 41 (and 9*) is certain; of 40 probable. 


tis ἀλαΐ cla ene 
περί 10 Ἰκαλονΐ 

τανΐ 71. «δρυ[ 

ηκὸρυΐ ]--[-Ju[ φῦναι... 
πα]λῶ: ἐπ adr’ ὁλ. 

κτο 1 | |p Προμαθεὺς 

παιλ Ἰώωσαρ)ο 
a ieee o- 

στακ.ἷ (}.]} 

με. 20 

: (Stob. Fl. iv. 42,43 M. (περὶ ἀφροσύνης | : νοῦς ὁρῇ | καὶ νοῦς 
ἀκούει. <—-Uv> πῶς κεν ἴδοιεν τὰν σοφίαν πέλας ἑστὶ ακυῖαν 
<-— | —Yvu-vvu—|— ἀνέρες ὧν τὸ κέαρ παλζῶΣ σέσακται | 
καὶ δυσεκνίπτω τρυγός (παλος and -τῷ cod.): corr. Bentley.) 

17. τάχαρῆ Ῥ. 
col x. ops ee Ἱνης zrv[ Oe || i 
feeds .| ἀκάρδιονΐ 2 
=] ioe τ᾽ [᾿ΑἸπό(λ) λων || συγ-] 8 
[μὴ ὈπΘΝΟΝΟΡΊ | 4 

The conjunction of the col. which I call (¢.g.) ix. and x. 
is certain. I conjecture that no verse is missing and that fr. 
37 (with coronis) may begin. The spot above, if ink, might be 
part of a gloss. Metre as poems 2, 3 but without equal corre- 
spondence of sense and cola. 1-2. ¢.g. οὐ μάταν ἧς Πύθιος 


MELIAMB IV (?). 9—V. 4 

{5 ὃ : 5 ᾿ : 

Those <. . .> mortals whose heart 
With mud is filléd, 

Stained with lees that wash not out. 


(Cercidas quoted in Stobaeus’ Anthology: On Madness.) 


Not in vain the Pythian? 
Is so entitled : 

Unto each man cowardly blight 
Apollo sendeth 

Or cold fear teeth-chattering, 

1 The Cynic regarded Apollo and the Muses (music) with 
as great suspicion as any other patrons of pleasure. 

Boards οὕτως" ἀλλ᾽... βλάβαν. 3-4. youd P. supplevi. 
e.g. νέμει: gaps [| | from two to eight letters. Tw P, 

2B Pelt 


Ka|Ta καιρὸν ἑκάστῳ, 5 
(π)άντα!] θεῖ κηἠ(λ)αύνεται 
ΣΟΥ lee 
εὐξιπόνων ἀνὰ γᾶν 

φῦλα σκιόθρεπτ᾽ 

Ἰάδον! οἰπ᾿ λάκτων βροτῶν 10 
dx! 7p tos ἐγχεσίμωροςϊ" 9 
καὶ μ[α)]λ᾽ ἐπισταμένως 11 
[τ elie fess 13 
(θεὰ) χί(λ) εἰδᾶγας ὦπασί(ας) 12 
πί eup|aivt μὲν ὠλεσίκαρπο {ς) 14 
[δὲ Φρ)ύγα φυσαλέϊαϊν 1ὅ 
(λγῦδαν | ea as \7- 

_vetpa δὲ Kai Kpalda . 
du] dr’ éd€Aypal........ ls 
εὐπαί(λ)᾽ αμ 

About four lines lost in col. x. and ten in col. χα. The 
next ten lines begin ταυτα[γαρουαθεσ ναται. Ιτοσαεικω φιλος 
τασιησκαι(ν)οωκ. [πενίᾳ ποτιφ]τιμοτάτω dem m[..] (a ἡμυροί. There 
the poem ends and the remainder of the column is lost. 

5. suppl.H. — 6. θεϊκὴλαύ P. é.g.atovra. 7. supplevi. 
10. suppl. Wilam. 9. supplevi e.g. et transtuli. φῦλαι 

col. xi. αιοἸλόπωλον! | | 
Bovaow | μύω; [π | 2 
νππον χρέων; | | 3 
1. supp]. H. 2. cow P: suppl. Wilam. fin. 
et 3 supplevi. 3. fin. supplevi. 



Alike unto each in their season. 

See how smoothly all things glide, 
For those that hearken, 

Races that live in the shade 
Avoiding turmoil, 
Men by stroke of pleasure numbed— 
The spear-spurning spiritless godhead : 
Aye, and with cunning intent 
The lofty-tragic, 

Fertile dam of sterile stock, 
Muse gendereth luxury-shattered 

Phrygian of puffing cheeks 
And Lydian wanton : 

Strings and reverberant twang 
Of dexterous fingers resounding 

P (« cancelled). 13, 12. wrac(acbea) xr. [uly P. 
suppl. et transtuli. 14. ν seclusi. -καρπον 
P: correxi. Accents on σκιόθ., -ίμωρος, -άκτων, χλιδᾶγας, πὶ. 
15. φυσὰλέαν P: read φυσαλέον. 16. xvdav mightjust be read: 

not αὐδάν. 17. jtvetpaP. e.g. kpadada... ἐλέλιγμα ...... ς 
εὐπάλαμός τε λύρα. schol. 1]... σκρα [ (αιαὴ)ς. 18. w7’ 
ελέλ Ρ. 19. suppl. Maas. 


What driver of team of four horses 
Brightly sparkling in the sun 
Should use to spur them 
Goad that galleth oxen’s flanks ? 


| τοῦ]το γάρ ἐστ᾽ ἀγάθω 

τοῦτ᾽ εὐθυδίκω ἰ[δελ]εαστᾶ, 5 
Στωικὲ KadAyredwr- 

ciQeeee | .\(a)[.Jo7e πονηρὰ 

ROLE πο ee |peva: 

Xdaipw yap [αἴ τι 

ee Ἰίπ)ροβάλῃς 10 
Wy Κα Ποὺ 

οὐ]χὶ τὸν εἰς ἀρετὰν 

eco Rees een ve δὲς ἰχνεύεις 

GAAG πον εἰς eis 2 ee ] 

φέροντ᾽ ὀπώραν 15 

Ko(v) (το)ῦτ[ οἱν (a)d[ τὸν 
«, ἀλλ» 

[ ] 

5. τᾶ and dwr: P. 1-4. 6.0. ποτ᾽ αἰολόπωλον ὦ -- -οὠὦὠμο- 
πληξιβουσόῳ μύωπι χρῆσθαι ἀνδρὶ τέθριππον χρέων ; πολλοῦ δεήσει. 

VI (?) 

col. xii. Ἰηθρα 1 
(e.g. 20) oxwTiAA(to)[. .] ad, | 

(Qynlis coe eta Ἰιδίίκ]ως, 

βλαβὰν (ἀκλ)η | 
(6.5. 25)... .]ετρῖ. . -[μοφλυακῆνϊ 5 

co]. xii. (¢.g.) probably from same poem and _ possibly 

the next column. See appendix. ληρολογ. K. F. W. 
Schmidt: φόβος, ἀποστομοῖ H. 1. ηθρασκὼπτίλλ.ο P. 


MELIAMB VI. 4--ΥἸ (Ὁ). 5 

<Far be it from him.> 
This is the action of one, 
O Stoic Callimedon, seeking 
To entice the good and just : 
Nay, this is the pathway of villains 
Trodden by the base and ill : 
Whoso to Sphaerus 
Giveth up aught that is dear, 
Or aught confideth, 
It is no guide unto calm 
Or virtuous life he pursueth : 
Nay, it is one who will lead 
To madness’ harvest 

7. π Superscr. €.g. τᾷδ᾽ ἀτρακτός ἐστι. 8. 6.5. κακοῖς 
τετριμμένα : μενᾶ Ῥ. 9. supplevi. 10. e.g. τῶν ἰδίων. 
11. e.g. πεισθῆς. 12. supplevi. 13. supplevi e.g. 
τἀταραχῶδες (ita fere Mayer). 14. supplevi: e.g μανίας. 
16. ¢.g. κἀσεβῆ διδάσκαλον. 17. supplevi. 

VI (2) 

Of idle jestings 

Pettifogging lawyers they, 
Disaster <bringing 

With their sharp and prickly thorns» 
To babbling of pitiful nonsense 

<Whetting well their pointed tongue> : 

2. av' P: but corrected to circumflex. 7 is more probably a 
gloss. There is a stop after ws. 5-6. ακεῖν Toros (0 is certain) 
Ρ εἴ κοπος. auto P. There is not room for Φοῖβος. 

see Appendix. 



τόπος ἢ φίό)]βος αὐτὸ 
συ(μ) πα] ρὼν ἰαἸποστ(ο)μίοἵ]; 
τᾶς δὴ το[ι]αύτας 
σκεπτοσύνας κεν[ὰ] | μὴ 
(e.g. 80) σπουδὰν ποιεῖσθ]αι 
τῶ] στρέφζηΣν ἄνω κάτω, 10 
Ἰ(ἀ)λλ᾽, αἴ] (τ) ἥν εὕρῃς διὰ (π)ασᾶν 
(μ) ου] σικῶς ἁρμοσμένον, | 
t. Ἰοτανίσοντον πόθον ἕλκ[ ε], 
(e.g. 35) (κ)αὶ | [(μ)άθ᾽ εὖ τὸν ἵμερον, 
τίς [τ᾽ ἐστὶ ποτ᾽ ἄρσενας ἀρσ(ηὴν | 1ὅ 
τίς] τ᾽ ἔξρ]ως Ζα(ν)ωνικός. 




MELIAMB VI (2). 6-16 

Nor habit of discipline blunteth 
Nor fatigue its bitter edge. 
Aspire not therefore 
Into the follies to probe 
Of suchlike tenets, 
Turning on from page to page, 
But an thou discover a fellow 
Formed in perfect harmony, 
To companionship equal of passion 
Take him, finding what desire 
Can be for a man of another, 
And what Zeno’s love doth mean, 
9-10. κενὰ is object of στρέφειν. 11. suppl. Wilam. 
for εὕρῃς e.g. ἀθρῇς. ἴδῃς. διὰ (π)ασαν lucide P: . (@ea)y H. 
hic quidem dormibundus. 12. suppl. H. 14-16. sup- 

plevi post H. 13. locus desperatus. After ἕλκε εἰς πόθον 
would be usual. I suggest ποτὰν ἴσον εἰς πόθον ἕλκε κτλ. (C.R.). 


(All fragments of papyrus of over thirty letters have re- 
ceived some adjuncts and been placed in their columns : 
except those to which I give the name of column xi. (6...) 
and col. viii. 9. The remainder, with one possible exception, 
appear, as long as they remain separate, of little interest. 
The following meliambic fragments must be added to those 
read, or cited, above.) 

i (QBeks nes) 

9 NI « / / 
ov μὰν ὁ πάρος {γα Σινωπεύς, 
τῆνος 0 βακτροφόρτοΣς, 
διπλιοϊείματος, αἰθεριβόσκας, 
ἀλλ᾽ av “.0-ο ἔβα 
~ > 22 ἡ 5 / 
x <> Aos TOT OOOVTAS ἐρεισας 
Kal TO πνεῦμα συνδακών" 
<Zavos γόνος» ἧς yap ἀλαθέως tAcoyernst 5 
tZavos yovost οὐράνιός τε κύων. 

(Diog. L. vi. 76 οἱ δὲ τὸ πνεῦμα συγκρατήσαντα, ὧν ἐστὶ καὶ 
Κερκίδας ὁ Μεγαλοπολίτης ἢ Κρὴς ( 1 avtixpus) λέγων ἐν τοῖς 
᾿Ιάμβοις οὕτως (1).) So perhaps fr. 19 αταν[(ο)υίμα) above 
which is a note which might be expanded into ἐκ τούτων 
ἀκριβ]ῶς yv(@)[vac........-. ὁποί]ϊαν δ) ὴ τοῦ βίου τελευτὴν 
εἶχεν ὁ Διογέν ης. 

2. (5 Bgk., 15 Ρ.) θΘέσσαλος δὲ ἅμα τοῖς ἑαυτοῦ σοφισταῖς ἐφ᾽ 
ὑψηλοῦ θρόνου καθήμενος ἐν κριομύξζαλις ἀνδράσιν, ws ὁ ἹΚερκίδας 
φησίν, εὐδοκιμήσει. Galen (x. 406). C. may have written 

ἐν κριομύξςαις 

3 "ἢ > A 

ἀνδράσιν εὐδοκιμῶν. 


1. Others say that he committed suicide by holding his 
breath : among these is Cercidas of Megalopolis [or Crete ?], 
who says <plainly ?> as follews in his Jambi :— 

Not so did the old Sinopean 
Famed for the cudgel he bore, 
The double-cloaked liver in ether ; 
Nay but he rose to the sky 
By clipping his lips with his grinders, 
Thereby biting off his breath : 
Zeus’ son was he rightly entitled, 
Rightly ‘ the heavenly dog.’ 1 

(Diogenes Laertius’s Lives.) 

2. But Thessalus sitting among his sophists on a lofty 
seat will, as Cercidas says, 
find favour 
‘mong sheepishly-drivelling 5 folk. 
τ From the Dog (κύων) the Cynics took their name. 

2 -μυξης is the common form, ¢.g. Anon. c. Synes. 32 fin. 
The writer like Synes. may have read Cercidas. 

1. 1. yea codd.: corr. Bgk. 2. φορας codd. 3. 0 
seclusit A. 4, 6.0. <'Odupror>. χεῖλος codd. 
5-6. Διογένης seclusit et Z. y. transtulit A. 

2. 1. κριομύξοις codd. 



3. (1 Bgk., 15 P.) 
nv καλλιπύγων ζεῦγος ἐν Συρακούσαις. 

(Ath. xii. 554 d αὗτα: ὑπὸ τῶν πολιτῶν καλλίπυγοι ἐκαλοῦντο 
ὡς καὶ ὁ Μεγαλοπολίτης Κ. ἐν τοῖς ἰάμβοις ἱστορεῖ λέγων (3).) 

4, (7 Bgk., 16 P.) Greg. Naz. ii. 213 is a mere paraphrase 
of portions of [Cercid.] προοιμίον. 

5*. (10 P.: Cronert, Rh. Mus. |xii. 311.) 

τῷ TEpl<aaay> - 
θηροπέπλου μανίας 
ὕβρεός τε περιστάσιμον 
στοὰν ἔχοντι 
/ / 
Πυθαγόρου πελάτᾳ 5 

(Ath. iv. 163 e πρὸς ὃν ἐπιστέλλων ὁ Στρατόνικος ἐκέλευσε 
τὸν ἀπαίροντα τὸ ῥηθὲν ἀπαγγεῖλαι (5).) 

6. (28 Η.) 
ῥέθος βλεῖπ 

7. See above (on col. ii.). 

4. See my First Greek Anthclogist, Cambridge, 1922. 

5. 1-2. σσαν inserui (cf. Eur. [.A. 73). 5. πελαιτᾳ cod. 
The metrical agreement of this fr. with that of poem iv. is 
extraordinary: but it should be remembered that the metre 
is also that of Philoxenus and no doubt others. Chrono- 
logical considerations preclude the authorship of Cercidas, 
unless we suppose that the characters Strat. and Demetrius 
Aspendius (πρὸς ὅν) are wrongly given by Athenaeus. 



3. These girls were called ‘ fair-rumped ’ by their fellow- 
citizens as <pseudo-?>Cercidas of Megalopolis narrates in 
his Jambi. Here are his words :— 

There was a fair-rumped pair in Syracuse. 

4. (ΚῪ. 17 Bgk., 16 Powell from Gregory of Nazianzus : 
see over and n.) 

5. Stratonicus sent a message to Demetrius of Aspendus 
and told the messenger dispatched to deliver his words to the 

Pythagorean expert 
Whose portico ever is thronged 
With pride and over- 
Gorgeously-raimented crowds. 

(These verses—older than C.—are interesting as showing 
that his style and one at least of his metres had previously 
been applied to kindred topics.) 

6. (See n.) It is not probable that he will brace himself 
up and 

with austere eyes 

look gold in the face: nay rather would he be struck with 
awe thereof and yield and finally embrace it. (Synesius.) 

ἢ. (See col. ii.). 

6. 3. Supp. H. ?6 βλοσυρομματίας. I subjoin this fragment 
which might belong to our second column in order to call 
attention to a possible adaptation of it in Synesius, de 
Regno, p. 54 Krabinger οὐκ εἰκός ye αὐτὸν διαράμενον βλοσυροῖς 
ὀφθαλμοῖς ἀντιβλέψαι xpvolw* τοὐναντίον μὲν <otv> αἰδεσθῆναί 
τε καὶ ἐνδοῦναι καὶ τελευτῶντα περιπτύξασθαι. 



Tue last column of the papyrus of Cercidas’ Meliambi 
provides several problems of difficulty : of some of 
these I have attempted to provide a solution. But 
the gravest difficulties lie in the first few lines. 
Seanty as the remains are, they should be sufficient 
to guide us as to the general sequence of thought 
and metre ; and this they fail to do. 
Here are the traces as I see them: 

[ nOpaol | κὠπτίλλ, «αὐ-(λη}} 

ΣΙ nats kG. . Jos - βλαβαν(ακλ)ὴη 

[eae Jew [. . Ἱμοφλ(υ)ακεῖζν) 

toros ἩΦΙ.] (β)οσαυτοσυ(μ). .. .] 

ρων[.-Ἰποστ(ο)μ;[.] τας δητοί.] κτλ. 5 

1. αὖ by correction from av’.\n or ση.ηθρας may or may not 
join Ko. 2. parts of two letters below 74pa (v.) visible. 

3. no room for οἱ after ¢. υ(μ) or τ(δ) only. 

4. τόπος certain. 

Hunt read v. 4. τόπ(οὴς ἢ φόβος. As to the second 
o of τόπος his doubts are to me unintelligible. The 
fragment fits close up not as in the facsimile and o 
is as certain as any letter in the papyrus (and that 
is a high order of certainty). Further Hunt, dis- 
regarding ὑπὸ στόμᾶ which we know now to be 
metrically false, rightly read ἀποστομοῖ. 

It may safely be predicted of the metre of this 


poem (especially if frr. 5 and 6 belong to it) that it 
follows the common metre of Cercidas, that is 

Whether this is the whole law we do not know. 

Now these verses flagrantly transgress this rule. 
At (o)up... ἀποστομοῖ we are in Δ" and at τᾶς δὴ 
τοιαύτας in Β2. Hence at τόπος ἢ φόβος αὐτό(ς) we 
are at the end of B!. But immediately before’ this 

τ... μοφλ. ort... . μοφλυακῆν is also an end of B?. 
In view of the punctuation—for Cercidas always unites 

metre and sense in cola—id .. ws + βλαβαν is clearly 
the end of A! or A? and beginning of B! or B? 
Line 1 is hopeless. 

Of this phenomenon (the complete disappearance 
of two As running) there can be three solutions :— 

(a) One A is really B. This is secured in current 
texts by three errors (or wholly improbable correc- 
tions) :— 

(a) Reading τὸ π(ῶ)ς : this is impossible. 

(8) Followed by ἢ Φοῦβος : this is impossible. 

(y) By the metre --ὐφλυακεῖν τὸ TOs: this is un- 

heard of. 

(ὁ) Extensive lacunae. But why should these 

lacunae be so regular ἢ 
(c) The only theory which seems conceivable is 
that the Meliambi of Cercidas in the papyrus from 
which this is copied ended the roll: that a square 
piece was torn out: and that the writer simply 
missed the letters which he did not see. It is a 
simple calculation that a gap averaging ten syllables 


would account for all difficulties after line 1. If the 
letters (Aj) there are an adscript, there is a certain 
improbability, since, ex hypothesi, the parent papyrus 
had no adscripts here. They would have either to 
be text or an adscript (Ac)[ize.....] due to the 
actual scribe. 

Clearly we musi consider on independent grounds 
of language whether the view (a) with its corrections 
of text is more or less probable than (c). We have 
to choose—since τὸ and even τὸ z[7 can well follow 
—~pXrvaxeiv—between (c) τ]όπος ἢ φόβος αὐτὸ (for 
H.’s αὐτὸς is meaningless) συμ Ἴων ἀποστομοῖ, and 
(a) ἢ Φοῖβος αὐτὸς by [ὁ]ρῶν ἀπ΄... always remembering 
that the papyrus in no way favours this reading. 

Now to (a) there are three further several objec- 

(i) It appears that here as in frr.5 and 6 only one 
person is addressed (J. 9 εὕρῃς). Probably H. was 
right in reading ποιεῖσθαι in 7. 

(ii) Phoebus is never spoken of, as far as I know, 
as blunting anything or anybody. 

(iii) ὁρῶν is wholly pointless. 

To (c) I can only see one reason why it should fail 
here of general acceptance. That is that it falls in 
line with a commonplace figure in Greek poetry 
which has no exact counterpart in modern languages. 
I will take the words singly. 

(i) -os ἢ φόβος. Fear has several companions, 
e.g. Menand. fr. 418 λύπη (so often) φόβος φροντίς, 
Callim. fr. Anon. 176 αἰδὼς καὶ δέος ἀλλήλων, φόβοι 
καὶ πόνοι, Plat. Legg. 635 c, Plut. M. 128 c (so that 
you can go as far back as κ]ύπος), Plat. Symp. 197 p, 
v πόνῳ, ἐν φόβῳ, ἐν πόθῳ, ev λόγῳ. 


ro My 


(ii) φόβος συμπαρὼν. In certain writers, especially 
Xenophon and Plutarch, συμπ. means little more 
than συνεῖναι (Thes. ΠΣ Compare Rep. Lac. 2. 2 
ὥστε πολλὴν μὲν αἰδῶ, πολλὴν δὲ πειθὼ ἐκεῖ συμπαρ- 
εἴναι, Cyrop. vill. 7. 7 φόβος μοι συμπαρομαρτῶν. 
But this is of an ever-haunting fear and probably 
the sense is nearer ‘reverence. For the Greek 
συνών we use some wholly different metaphor such 
as ‘ingrained.’ If κ]όπος be right we should think 
of some rather strained sense such as ‘ pain’: Soph. 
Phil. 880 ἡνίκ᾽ ἂν κόπος μ ἀπαλλάξῃ ποτε, Ayr. 
Plut. 321 has TW κόπῳ ξυνεῖναι. 

(iii) Fear blunts. Pind. Nem. iii. 80. οὐδέ νιν 
φόβος ἀνδροδάμας ἔπαυσεν ἀκμὰν ppevov—just as in 
old age at φρένες ἀπαμβλύνονται Hdt. iii. 134. Con- 
versely courage sharpens: so expressly Christodor. 
Ecphr. 905 θάρσεϊ τολμήεντι τεθηγμένος. 

(iv) What is blunted? Clearly anything that has 
an edge on which fear operates unfavourably. Edged 
tools are :-— 

(a) The person sharpened: Ar. Nub. 1107 εὖ μοι 
στομώσεις αὐτόν (Blaydes), Poll. ii. 100° Apiwrtopavns 
de στ. εἴρηκε τὸ λάλον ἀπεργάσασθαι. 

(ὁ) γνάθος : abid. 

(c) ὀδόντες: Ar. Ran. 815 ἡνίκ᾽ ἂν ὀξυλάλου περὶ 
(dy θήγοντος ὀδόντας. 

(α) γλῶσσα: Soph. 47. 584, Pindar, Ol. vi. 82 δόξαν 
ἔχω Ti ἐπὶ γλώσσᾷ ἀκονᾶς λιγυρᾶς, Trag. Fr. 
Anon. Adesp. 423 γλῶσσαν ἡ ἠκονημένος. 

(e) Aoyou: Lucian, ii. 517, Aesch. P.V. 327 

(f) φρένες : Eur. Hipp. 689. 

(g) ψυχήν : Xen. ; see Index s.vv. ἀκονᾶν, θήγειν. 

Thus we see that speakers, instruments of speech, 


or words spoken are most commonly sharpened 
whether by courage or anger. But we are seeking 
a neuter noun (αὐτό) and the choice lies between 
λῆμα Eur. Or. 1625, or, what seems more suitable, 
στόμα :-- 

Soph. 0.C. 79475 civ... στόμα πολλὴν ἔχων στόμωσιν. 
Trach. 1176 μὴ πιμεῖναι τοὐμὸν ὀξῦναι στόμα. 

(v) Can fear blunt the mouth or tongue? Though 
this exact metaphor does not occur we have— 

Soph. Ant. 180 Goris... ἐκ φόβου του γλῶσσαν 
ἐγκλήσας ἔχει, 505, Ajax 171 σιγῇ πτήξειαν ἄφωνοι : 
whence it may be questioned whether Sappho’s 
texts (p. 16 Lobel) had not once ἀλλὰ Kap μὲν 
γλῶσσα tréefayet by error for τέθαπε: if such be 
possible in Aeolic.t So interlinked are the ideas of 
fear, silence, confidence and loquacity.” 

A case has, I hope, been made out for a lacuna 
-μοφλυακῆν τὸ [oro κόπος ἢ $0Bos—the in- 
tervening words being e.g. εὖ τεθαγμένο--- : Tis ἢ 

For the rest we can hope for little. But βλάβαν 
(ἀκλ)ὴη strikes no obvious note and it might be con- 
sidered whether λὴ is not part of the same verse 

-φλυακῆν (eg. λήρημα δὲ tpispopAvax7yv—with 
κι](ναγιδ[ ικ]ῶς above), and whether ἀκ does not belong 
to βλάβαν. Certainly ὦ ἀκ- sharp gives us a wide field 
of choice, with ἀκμά, ἀκονά (Pind. Il.ce.), akt-, or 
even ἄκμων : P.i. 86 ἀψευδεῖ δὲ πρὸς ἄκμονι χάλκευε 
γλῶσσαν. But I prefer ἀκονα- in view of those two 
difficult sayings of Aeschylus :— 

1 Hesychius’s gloss θάπαν shows that the root is not only 
found in Jonie. 

5.8. Μ΄. 5.0. Bon... 7 μὲν yap δειλία θραύουσα τὸ πνεῦμα 
βραχίστην ἀπεργάζεται τὴν φωνήν. Ach. Tat. ii. 25. 


Ag. 1537 Δίκᾳ δ᾽ ἐπ’ ἄλλο πρᾶγμα θήγεται βλάβης 
πρὸς ἄλλαις θηγάναισι Μοῖρα, 
Eum. 861 αἱματηρὰὲς θηγάνας, σπλάγχνων βλάβας 
where, however you read or explain, it seems to me 
that some subtle and lost connexion between βλάβη 
and θηγάνη lies—as if, for instance, βλάβη could bear 
the sense of a good or true sharpening surface. As 
to the first lines of the column in Cercidas palaeo- 
graphical difficulties are so grave that it seems idle to 
make suggestions : on metrical grounds it would be 

desirable to separate (σ)κωπτίλλ..... ἃπᾶ αὖ... But 
κ(αὶ 0)rtiAA vv also gives sense and, if the theory of 
a considerable gap is right, it is useless to attempt 

2G 227 


Tue following verses appear to be continuous and to 
have been attributed to Cercidas at least as early as 
the end of the fourth century a.p. The evidence is 
produced and considered in a work by the present 
writer (The First Greek Anthologist, Cambridge, 1922). 
They clearly formed the beginning of an Anthology. 
But it is difficult to believe they actually were by 
Cercidas, though the anthology may have been due 
to his efforts. The chief discrepancy lies not so 
much in style, as Mr. W. E. Barber thinks, but in 
metre. For style may easily be assumed but, once 
a metrist as skilful as the writer of the Meliamli, 
always a metrist. Not that the metre is irregular 
(see on Phoenix fr. 4). It is the norm of the moralist, 
admitting the spondee freely in the fifth foot, and 
rigidly limiting resolution. But the adaptation of 
sense to metre is careless and clumsy. As I find it 
impossible to represent such metrical shortcomings, 
I translate into prose. 

Such an unfavourable verdict could not fairly be 
given on evidence of the text of the two English 
papyri! which is very unsound: but what remains 
of the Heidelberg 5 papyrus is excellent. On this 

1 Lond. 155 verso, Bodl. ms gr. class. f, 1 (p). 
* No. 310. 



magnificent ! work was done by Dr. G. A. Gerhard of 
Heidelberg (Phoinix von Kolophon, Teubner, 1909) : 
full illustrations being given of the moral ideas under- 
lying these lines of doggerel verse. Dr. Gerhard’s 
work is also of great bibliographical value for other 
choliambic writers : but it loses to some extent by a 
failure to recognize essential metrical differences, and 
by a theory that the metre was used especially by 
moralist writers (see on Phoenix). Recently I have 
visited Heidelberg and with the subsequent aid of 
Prof. F. Bilabel solved one or two doubtful points. 
Professor Bilabel has also very kindly examined 
many doubtful passages. Where he has confirmed 
my reading I use the symbol (K.-Bi.); where he has 
detected flaws and helped with sketches to the 
establishment of a new reading, I use the symbol 
(Bi.-K.). Where the suggestion is due entirely to 
him, it is so accredited. 

Later leaves of our anthologist may be found at 
Strassbourg (Wiss.Ges. Pap. 304-7: see Phoenix, fr. 4). 

1 Dr. Gerhard, however, was not a skilled palaeographer. 
Among several errors one may especially mention his failure 
to allow for the form of 7 used by the scribe. ‘The text of the 
London papyrus is almost entirely due to Milne, assisted, or 
hindered, by the present writer. 



Pr SMe \(odd)ets odf.......- ἀνθ)(ρ)ώποις 
ΣΕΥ mE 1@ κ(ατὴ)εῖδ(ε) v....a|(v)Opazwv 
ἜΣ Ἰσαί(ς) ods κα(τὴ εἴδεν ] ἀνθρώπο(υ)ς 
ΣΝ 1(δ)ὲ (πὴρός (ale χ᾽ ρήσο μαι πάσῃ 

ae BA Ἰ(π)ο[υἠ](μ)α(τ) od μάτί. .1] ἀκούοντα: 5 

me ce ac, ie (παρνεσωσπα) .| ἀνθρώπων 
5 tess κα pzetd τ Mead). jev καλὴ κεῖ(ται) 
ἘΣ κυλλ!όχειρες ὥ; ἰσπὶερ ᾿Αρπυῖαι, 
ΠΟ ἡ avay|vov κέρδος ἐκ λίθου παντός 
eter ee ὧν ἕϊκαστος ἔνθεν ἁρπάξῃ 10 
ΠΡ κἸυβιστᾷ κἠπινήχεται πᾶς τις 
oe ἑταῖρον καὶ (κασί)γνίητ]ον κί αἱ] dpa 
seis Elavtod τὴν τρισο[ιζύρηϊν ψυχήν 
Be Mee ov |(dev) [...%] θάλασσα pelv πεζή 
ἥξει τσ te ἀν)θρώποιϊσιν ἡ δὲ] (γ)ῆ πλωτή: 1ὅ 
Serene ΤΣ περ]ιφέρουσι τήνδ᾽ ε τ]ὴν ῥῆσιν 
κέρδαιν᾽ ἑταῖρε καὶ θέρευς κ(αὶ) χειμῶνος 

. πάντοθε]ν κέρδ(αι)νε- μηδέν᾽ αἰσχύνου 

πε ραν εἴκει See αἸἰδοῦ: τοῦτ᾽ ὀνειδ(ι)εῖταί(ί σοι). 
1. 6.5. τοῖς νῦν μὲν and καταρᾶται. 2. 6.5. ὃς κἂν ὅσον and 

ἦθος. 8. 4.5. ἀποστυγήσας : fin. supplevi. 4. 6.75. προθυμίῃ 
(Πάρνε vix legi potest). suppl. G(erhard). 5. supplevi. 

6.9. χρηστῶν and μάτην. 6. 4.9. ἐὰν διδάξω, ἸΠάρνε σ᾽ ws παρ᾽. 
7.6.9. οἴχωκεν Αἰδὼς κοὐδ᾽ ἐφ᾽ ἕν. 8. suppl. Hdl. €.9. αὐτοὶ 
δὲ. ὥσπερ Kenyon. 9. suppl. Cr. 6.5. ζητοῦσ᾽ id. 


oe en 


There is no one who has glanced <for a moment> 
on the <character> of mankind at present, without 
<cursing> mankind, and <hating> mankind on whom 
he has glanced : but to you I shall display all <zeal>, 
since you are no idle listener to poems of <worthy> 
writers, <if, maybe, I might teach> you, Parnos, that 
from mankind <Shame has departed> and in no re- 
spect is considered fair: while <men themselves> 
with <crooked> fingers like Harpies seek from every 
stone an unholy gain: and each <hunting»> for a 
stretch to pillage, dives thither and swims to his 
prey, <destroying> comrade, brother or wife, but 
<preserving > his own thrice wretched life. <To them» 
nothing is <sacred> : <by such> of mankind the sea 
is trodden under foot and the land sailed over : all 
alike they carry on their lips this saying: ‘ win 
gain, my friend, summer and winter alike: from 
everywhere win gain: have no reverence or shame 
of any man: he will merely mock you for it.’ © Un- 

10. 6.9. διζήμενος δ᾽. 11. suppl. Cr. 6.5. ἐκεῖ id. or εὐθύς. 
12. 6.5. ὀλλύς. 18. 6.5. ow ζων δ᾽ cett. ex P Bodl. 
14. 6.0. οὐδὲν ἱρὸν (Mn.), and τοῖς δ᾽. ηθαλλα(σ)α P Bodl.: 
corr. id. 15. 6.5. τοίοισιν Mn. (σηδετυ) P Bodl.: corr. 
id. 16. 6.9. πάντες δὲ. τουτοτο pn P Bodl. 17. κην 
kepous P Bodl.: see Sext. Emp. adv. Dogm. v. 122. 
18. ἁπαντόθεν Sext. Emp. rightly. ? P habuerit ἁπανταχόθεν. 
19. ¢.g. καὶ μηδένα. See Addenda. 



τ... J) τὴν xSP ὅκου λαβεῖν δεῖ τι 20 
ὅκου [δ]ὲ δοῦναι μηδ᾽ ὅ λως φόρει χεῖρα 
ἐροῦσι menor πολλὰ σαυτὸν ἀσπάζου 

ἐπὴν ἔχῃς τι: πάντα σοι φίλων πλήρη" 23 
πένητα δ᾽ ὄντα χὴ τεκοῦσα μισήσει: 25 
πλουτοῦντα γάρ σε χοἰ θεοὶ φιλήσουσι, 24 
3A \ \ ” / 5 \ / 

ἐὰν «δὲ» μὴ €X7NS μηδέν, οὐδὲ κηδεσταί. 20 
ἐγὼ μὲν οὖν, dita, καὶ καταρῶμαι 27 

τοῖς νῦν βίοις Kat πάντας ἀνθρώπους μισῶ 
τοὺς ζῶντας οὕτω, καὶ ἔτι μᾶλλον μισήσω, 
ἀνεστρόφαν γὰρ τὴν C<o>nv ἡμῶν οὗτοι: 80 
Τῇ γὰρ πάροιθεν ἦν δ᾽ [alyple [ν]ῦν (ἐστὶν σεμνή)" 
δ]υκαιότης ᾧ(χωκεν) ἐἔ(νθ)εϊν oldy ἥξει: 
amor (Cae πίστη (ἡ ne. ee 
ἴσχυκεν ἡ (avaide)ia (τ)οῦ [Altos μεῖζον" 
ὅρκοι τεθ[νήκα]σίιν!" οἱ θ(εο)ὶ δ᾽ (εἰά)γκασίιν) 35 
ἡ δυσγένεια κριθ()ᾷ κατ᾽ ἀνθρώπους 
τῆς δ᾽ evyevetlas ἁλμυρὸν κ(ατ)έπτυσί(ται). 
ἰγῆμαι δ᾽ ἂν odfdet|(s) ο[ὑ]δὲ τὴν (Hp)<n>v θέλοιϊ 
πτωχὴν (ἐοῦσα)ν τί. Re 1(ε). . «(ο)ντο(ς), 
μᾶλλον δ᾽ ἕλοι(τ)}}ο τὴν Ἰ(ἐ) ππ]() [σἸιτώγους Λυδήν Al 
ἔχων omview (ἔνδ)οϊν ἢ]ν φέρῃ χαλκοῦς. 
οἱ Tal 
Soul Ἰτὴν 

f 45 
ὅταϊν 50 


CERCIDEA, 20-50 

fold your hand when you are to receive anything ; 
but when you are to give have no hand at all,’ is 
what many will say: ‘embrace yourself heartily 
when you have anything: then the world is full of 
friends for you: but if you are poor even your 
mother will hate you. For if you are rich even the 
gods will love you: if you have nothing, not even 
your relatives will love you.’ I then, my comrade, 
curse the lives men lead now, and hate all mankind 
who live thus, and shall hate them even more. For 
these have overturned our life; for justice, holy 
until now, has departed beyond recall. Faithlessness 
flourishes, faith <has left the earth> : shamelessness 
has won greater strength than Zeus. The sanctity 
of oaths has perished, while the gods suffer it. Low 
birth runs riot among mankind and men spit salt on 
noble birth. And none now would wed even Hera 
herself, were she poor, and bereft of all that might 
profit him; rather would he choose to keep in his 
house as wife a Lydian harlot, if he1 get brass 
with her. 

1 Not ‘ she bring,’ which would be φέρηται. 

20. 4.7. διπλῆν φορεῖ: better perhaps ἀναπέτ(α)σο]ν. 
fin. ὅκου (τι) dee A(aBer)y P Lond. ὅκου λαβει P Bod]. 
which has the middle portions of 22, 23, 26 in this 
order. I follow J. U. Powell. 21. suppl. Kenyon. 
26. corr. id. de om. P Lond. P Bodl. χεις μηδεν ο((η) ab- 
surdly. 27. area P: corr. J. Ὁ. Powell. 29. 1. καὶ ἐπὶ. 
30. (anv P: corr. C. 31. supplevi. fin. (lectio vix dubia) 
Mn.: e.g. del. nv 6 Mn. 32. suppl. Mn. 33. 6.0. ἐκ τῆς 
γῆς ἔρρει. 34. suppl. Mn. ]. μέζον. 35. suppl. Mn. 
(there are vague traces of (v7Ka)). 37. suppl. Mn. k(arT) 
emtua(. .) P: text Sitzler, dubitante Mn. 38. suppl. Mn. 
-av Ρ. e.g. y. 0.8 ἂν. οὐδὲ τ. Ἥ.. οὐδείς. 39. εουὑσαν 
K.-Mn. 6.5. τοῦ νιν ὠφελήσοντος. 40. suppl. Mn. 
(ἀπὸ). 41. supplevi: ἢν Cr. οπυειν P, 


P Heid ἐ 


κὶ ; οὐ](δ)ὲ μαίονται 
(π) λὴν Ἰων 
[ γα (σ)τρος 
δ h (vu) |oev 
xel 55 
a.[ |v 



| 60 


| 65 
ἔοικ᾽ ἐνεῖναι" π[αντό](θ)εν γὰρ ἕλκουσιν 
κοὐκ ἔστιν οὐϊτ]ε [σ]υγγενὴς οὔτε ξεῖνος 
ls o]dy[t λα]ιμᾷ τί οὔδ᾽ 1 (ὅγκως ἕξει μέζον" 
χ[ω]ρὶς δέατος ὁ (θ)εσίμὸς οὐδὲ μέμνηται 
θεοῦ Δικαίης ἀλλ(ὰλ) [.. .[χλ)ευάζουσιν: 71 
ὅκως δὲ χ(ρ)ὴ ζῆν [.].[...] (ἔγ)ωγε θαυ- 
ἐν θηρίοισιν; ἀλλὰ ὃ.[.].. (Ὡωαΐ 
ἀπιστίη ye παῦτὰβ ἢ J ere ey 
τὸ τῆς (ax)....[. .«Π᾿πενιαὶ 7 t ἴσως mavral 1ὅ 
τὸ μειλιχῶδες κ(αλὶ προσηνὲς δὴ τοῦτο. 
ἐκεῖνο μ[ὲἐ]ν yap ο[ἶδ]α, σὺν θεοῖς εἰπεῖν, 
ὅπερ κ(ρά) τιστ](όν) [elorw, οὐ νενίκημ(α) υ 
Pe eee 7 καὶ yaor[po|(s) ἀλλ᾽ ἀπ- 
in GO 
. ἢ (ἔχελις yap πρῆ(ον, ἢ) T(t) κερδαί(ν) εἰς 

CERCIDEA, 51-80 

<51. How well could I have spared, for thee, young swain, 
Enow of such as for their bellies’ sake 
Creep and intrude and climb into the fold ; 
Of other care they little reckoning make 

Mitton, Lycidas, 112 sqq.> 
Such goad <of avarice> is in their souls: they drag 
gain from every source : and there is neither kin nor 
friend but ventures all in quest of gain. Divine Law 
has no terrors, nor are they mindful of the goddess 
of justice but mock at her. I wonder only how 
one should live among these beasts: nay here life is 
unlivable. All around faithlessness overcomes the 
cause of spotless faith and all things, perchance, 
riot on this comfortable and attractive doctrine. 
Nay, but, by heaven’s grace, I know that old rule 
which is best: I am no slave of pleasures or of my 
belly, but am content with little. What?! civil- 

' One is tempted to conjecture πρῆξιν or πλεῖον * profit,’ but 
neither can be read. 

55. A mark of corruption. If the equation with P Heid. 
is sound five vv. have dropped out. The endings of vv. from 
P Heid. are v. 38 and v. 40 ην ete. 55. ὃ χρόνος δὲ 
φευγέτω σε μηδὲ εἷς ἀργός (p. 6). 57-61. ?om. P Lond., 
which marks corruption. 59, 61. So Bi. 66. 4.9. 
κέντρον : or κε(ί)νοις ? (Mn.) 67. ... xe(v)[ (optime 
quadrat eoxe ev vel ex ew) P Lond.: εοικεν P Heid. 
suppl. G. 68. καὶ οὐκ P Heid.: vestigia P Lond. cum 
κουκ ἐστιν quadrant. suppl. G. 69. non fuit το[λμ]ᾷ 
m[av0’ Bi.-K.: supplevi. 70. θεσμὸς supplevi probante 
Bi.: cett. Gerhard. 71. suppl. Hense: praecessit e.g. 
νιν. 72. supplevimus ego et Powell: e.g. τοῖσδε. 
73. (K.-Bi.) e.g. δ(ύσβιοι). 74. €.g. πανταχοῦ πίστεως 
νικᾷ. 75. e.g. ἀχράντου Sitzler: nullum spatium ante πενία 
G.-Bi.: στρηνιᾷ reposui, coll. v. 36. fin. legi rectissime 
(iudice Bi.). Ute ‘ihe, 1 Sujal Ge 79. init. e.g. 
λαιμαργίης. 80. πρηον Bi.: ad v. 78 refero: init. e.g. τί 
δῆτ᾽. cett. leg. K.-Bi. 



ἰδών y)é πως Kavd(vA)ov (ὡ)ς οὕτως εἰ- 

εἰς] (y)ap στόμ᾽ ws ἔοικ[εν] (ὥ)στ(α) τ]αι 

χρόνον τοσ[οὔ]τον [ὅσσον av] τις ἔσθῃ [τι], 
(ὅταὴν δ᾽ ἀμείψητα[ι αὐτ](ὸ) καὶ τ(ὸ)}ν ἥκι- 


ets Cnv x(d)puPd(w) [..... ]. οἴχεται πάϊν- 

τ](α)" 85 
καὶ ταῦτα tel....|..[.]..¢ καὶ €rep(o) 
ὑπὲρ δὲ τούτων [μ]ὴ water Awwv [........- 
ἐγὼ μὲν οὖν, ὦ ΠΙάρ᾽νε, (ταγῦτ᾽ οὐχὶ ζ[ηλῶ 
ἀλλ᾽ ἐ ἐν χαλ[ινοῖς .]..] oo oo(silat eee 
γαστρὸς Kat(i)o(x)[w..].[... |Bud[f jopar τί οῦ- 

TOV 90 

πρὸς εὐτέλε(ια)ν τὶν [ Bi] (ov) κα(θ)ίστασ(θ) αι] 

καὶ μὴν ὅτ[α]ν ye (θὴδ). [. .] σ(π)έν(δ)ειν . [ 

κάμνω" με[γ]ίσί(τη 8’) [..].[. .]. -[.]. (μοι) χό()- 


τέρπει δέ μ᾽ οὕτως (ο) ὑ](δ)͵ὲ]ν ὡς τὸ κερ- 

ἐκ] τοῦ δικαίου tol..... |. [τ]οῖς ἀν[θ]ρώ- 
(πἾ οις 95 

- «λαμβάνειν [.J.[. -]-[. .-] ἐκ τρόπων] α[ἐ- 


ἀπε οτος |[.]@evoyy . [....]. ovder ..[.] [ 

Retna air xplovw m[Alo(u)robvras ἐξ al... .. 2. 

eee ΤΩΡ 1. (7). . (). . . @)om(ep) ovd(o). .[ 

ἔστιν yap, ἔστιν, δίς τ)ά(δε σ)κοπεῖ (δ)αίμων 

δίς ἐὴν χρόνῳ τὸ θεῖον οὐ καταισχύνει, 101 

νέ]μει δ᾽ ἑκάστῳ τὴν καταίσιον μοῖραν. 

CERCIDEA, 81-102 

ization is it, what boots it, to glimpse, so to say, a 
bonne bouche? For what is set in the mouth remains 
only for the moment of eating: after it has passed 
through but a moment, all goes into a live! abyss. 
Eat then cheerfully just so much as I do and no 
more: beyond this walk not as a bird into the 
net. These maxims, Parnos, I not only admire, but 
keep myself obedient as <a horse> in belly-bands, 
and force myself to order my life to simplicity. Aye 
and when 1 must sacrifice to some pleasure 1 am 
weary of it, since a pinch of salt is enough pleasure 
for me, and nothing delights me so much as to win 
from just dealing that <which never> comes to men 
from base courses, (85 I now see many> for a short 
while enriching themselves by shamelessness,<though 
their wealth vanishes> as if <it had never come>. For 
there is indeed a divinity who looks on these things 
and in time’s course brings not to shame the god- 
head, but gives to each his due portion. So I, 

1 γαστήρ is derived (#.M.) to mean ἡ πάντα τὸν βίον λαμ- 
βάνουσα μὴ πληρουμένη. 

81. init. leg. Bi.-K. suppleyi. fin. leg. εἴπω. 82. sup- 
plevi: ἵσταται K.-Bi. 83. init. supplevi ex Greg. Naz. 
(ii. 444). ἐσθῃ .. vel ἐσθιῃ Bi. supplevi. 84. sup- 
plevi. 85. suppl. G. init. K.-Bi. med. 4.5. δή τιν᾽. 
86. e.g. τένδειν χρή σε καὶ ἑτέρῳ δοῦναι. 87. mar. K.-Bi. 
[ὄρνις. 88. suppl. G. 89. suppl. G. 4.5. νῦν] 
ἐμαυτὸν ws (leg. K.-Bi.) [πῶλον. 90. e.g. καὶ ἐκβ. Hense. 
τοῦτο G.: τοῦτον Hense. 91. suppl. G. 92. suppl. G. 
θήδονῇ Κι. σπένδειν K.-Bi. 93. supplevi e.g. ἐσθ᾽ ἁλός γ᾽ 
ἐμοὶ : praecesserit (92) χρήζω. 94. suppl. Kroll, Powell, ed. 

95. suppl. G. 6.4. τοῦθ᾽ ὅπερ. 96. init. suppl. G. 
6.5. ov, ἔξεστιν. fin. supplevi. Cf. e.g. Plut. Mor. 570 
πλουτοῦσιν ἀπὸ πραγμάτων αἰσχρῶν. 97 sqq. I translate 
as F.G.A. p. x. 102, 103. suppl. G. 102. καταισιαν 

P. After this νυ. follows “IauBos Φοίνικος, another citation 
(from Phoenix ?), then a comic fr. 



ey|@ μὲν οὖν, ὦ Ild(p)ve, βουλοίμην εἶναι 
τἀρκεῦντ᾽ ἐμαυτῷ καὶ νομίζεσθαι χρηστός 
ἢ πολλὰ πρήσσειν, καί ποτ᾽ εἰπεῖν τοὺς 

ἐχθρούς 10ὅ 
“ἁλῶν δὲ φόρτος ἔνθεν ἦλθεν ἔνθ᾽ ἦλθεν." 

106. αλων ex αλλων. 


CERCIDEA, 103-105 

Parnos, would wish to have just what sufficeth me, 
and to be considered worthy, rather than to busy 
myself and give my enemies scope for saying ‘ The 
salt cargo returns whence it came.’ 1 

1 A proverb of wasted labour—with a gibe at the Cynic’s 
diet (v. 93). 




3 / / “ \ A A /, 
Ανόσια πάσχω ταῦτα vai μὰ Tas νύμφας. 

~ > / 
πολλοῦ μὲν οὖν δίκαια vai μὰ Tas κράμβας. 

(Priscian de metr. Com. 415 K. Eupolis Barras... hos 
. . posuit in fine habentes spondeos (1, 2). 

fr. 1 (1 Powell) 

᾿Ανὴρ Νίνος tis ἐγένετ᾽ ὡς ἐγὼ κλύω 
᾿Ασσύριος ὅστις εἶχε χρυσίου πόντον, 
τὰ δ᾽ ἄλλα πολλῷ πλεζῦδνα Καασπίης ψάμμου" 
ὃς οὐκ ἴδ᾽ ἀστέρ᾽ οὐ [δίζ]ων ἐδίζητο, 
1. ἐγὼ ᾽᾿κούω Bgk. 3. τάλαντα πολλῴ E: καί τἄλλα πολλὸν 
cod. A. The above reading seems to explain the variants, 

but it may be Ph. wrote τὰ δ᾽ ἀγαθά: cf. the proverb πόντος 
ἀγαθῶν. 4. 4.0. οὐχ ἅλων. 



Unholy wrongs I bear by Nymphs swear I! 
Nay rightfully by cabbages swear Ι. 

(Eupolis in the Baptae wrote the following verses with 
spondees at the end (1, 2). Priscian on Comic Metres.) 



There was a man called Ninos, I am told, 
Assyrian, who possessed a sea of gold 

And all things else more than the Caspian sand : 
Who ne’er the stars nor orb of heaven scanned 

1 The song is one of many variants of an alleged inscription 
on the tomb of Sardanapallus in the Chaldaean tongue, of 
which two translations, one in verse and one in prose, were 
current in Greek. The poise of the fingers of the statue 
was interpreted as dismissing everything else as worth no 
more than a flick. I do not think that Phoenix wrote books 
of lambi. This was the first poem in his book. 

2D 243 


οὐ παρὰ μάγοισι πῦρ ἱερὸν ἀνέστησεν, 5 
σ / Cae ~ ~ vf 
ὥσπερ νόμος, ῥάβδοισι τοῦ θεοῦ ψαύων. 
οὐ μυθιήτης οὐ δικασπόλος κεῖνος" 
> ~ > / > > > ~ 
οὐ λεωλογεῖν ἐμάνθαν᾽ οὐκ ἀμιθρῆσαι. 
> > > ” > / \ / 
ἀλλ᾽ ἦν ἄριστος ἐσθίειν τε καὶ πίνειν 9 
> ~ A > Μ / \ ~ 4 
κὴἠρᾶν, τὰ δ᾽ ἄλλα πάντα κατὰ πετρῶν Wher. 
«ς > 3 / 3 «ε Ψ. ~ / ca 
ws δ᾽ ἀπέθαν᾽ ὡνήρ, πᾶσι κατέλιπε ῥῆσιν, 
o / ~ > / \ \ ~ > 3... / 
ὅκου Νίνος viv ἐστί tkat τὸ σῆμ᾽ aidé<s>t- 
my Lhe 9 4 A A ~ 
Ακουσον εἴτ᾽ ᾿Ασσύριος εἴτε καὶ Μῆδος 
- nn / <p ee) \ ~ ” ~ 
εἷς ἢ Κοραξός, ἢ ᾿πὸ τῶν ἄνω λιμνῶν 
s > woos κομήτης" οὐ “γὰρ ἀλλὰ κηρύσσω" 15 
ἐγὼ Νίνος πάλαι ποτ᾽ ἐγενόμην πνεῦμα, 
νῦν δ᾽ οὐκέτ᾽ οὐδέν, ἀλλὰ γῆ πεποίημαι: 
»Μ > ε , ” > pas} ” 
exw δ᾽ ὁκόσον ἔδαισα ἰχὠκόσ᾽ ἤλεισαϊ, 
χὠκόσ᾽ σ᾽ ἠράσθην, 
τὰ δ᾽ ὄλβι᾽ ἡμέων δήιοι συνελθόντες 
φέρ ουσιν ὥσπερ ὠμὸν ἔριφον at Βάκχαι: 20 
ἐγὼ δ᾽ ἐς “Avdnv οὔτε χρυσὸν οὔθ᾽ ἵππον 
vw > > ~ -“ » / a 
οὔτ᾽ ἀργυρῆν ἅμαξαν φχόμην ἕλκων 
‘ \ A > ϑ “ 
σποδὸς δὲ πολλὴ χὠ μιτρηφόρος κεῖμαι. 
(Ath. 530 € Φοῖνιξ δὲ ὁ Κολοφώνιος ποιητὴς περὶ Νίνου λέγων 
ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ τῶν ᾿Ιάμβων γράφει οὕτως (1).) 

7. μυθηήτης codd.: corr. Schweighauser. 12. is often 
regarded as an insertion. σῆμα (ὥδει cod. A. 15. corr. 
by Schweig. 18. χώκοσσ᾽ ἐράσθην cod.: corr. Bgk. 
Perhaps we should write two verses: so translation. Hdl. 

read ὁκόσσ᾽ ἔπαισα (Kaibel), ax. ἤεισα, χώκόσσ᾽ ἔδέωκα γαστρί, 
κτλ. (v.l. ὁκόσσον ἔδ.). For this I would compare exactly 
Greg. Naz. Carm. (ii. 780 Colon) ἔπαιξεν, noe, γαστρὸς ἔπλησεν 


Nor duly at his magi’s side with rod 

Stirred up the holy fire and touched his god. 

No spokesman was, nor counsellor this man, 

No marshal, no reviewer of his clan ; 

Wine, food, and lust of all men he adored 

The most : aught else but these went by the board : 
And when he died he left, to all to say 

(Where town and tomb alike are hid to-day) ! :— 
‘ Assyrian and Median, give ear 

Unto my preaching! hear Koraxian ! hear 

Thou long-haired Sindian from the Upper Mere: 
I Ninos once of yore was living breath : 

And now am nought but common earth in death. 
All that I ate <or drank> fand all my song{ 
And all my lechery to me belong. 

But all my goods my foes have ravishéd 

And sundered as a Maenad doth a kid. 

And I to Hades neither gold did bring 

Nor horse, nor car of silver panelling : 

I that did wear the diadem on my brow 

A far-flung scattering of ash? am now.’ 

(Phoenix the poet of Colophon speaking of Ninos in his 
first lambus says (1). Athenaeus.) 

1 See Addenda. 

2 πολλή whether ** wide-spread’ as I take it, or “ἃ heap” 
as Mr. J. U. Powell suggests to me, is probably right. To 
my ear it suggests ὥσπερ οἱ πολλοί, which is the point of the 
poem. I have introduced this in v. 16 (transl.). Ninos did 
not have the grand burial of the old Assyrian princes, as to 
which we are learning new details. For the earliest burials 
with jewelled cars and asses see C. L. Woolley in the Times, 
Ῥ. 11, Jan. 12, 1928. 



Sr. 2 (2 Powell) 

᾽Ἔσθλοί, κορώνῃ χεῖρα πρόσδοτε κριθέων, 

τῇ παιδὶ τὠπόλλωνος, ἢ λέκος πυρῶν 

ἢ ἄρτον, ἢ ἥμαιθον, ἢ ὅτι τις χρήζει. 

δότω, ᾽γαθοί, τις, τῶν ἕκαστος ἐν χερσίν 

ἔχει, κορώνῃ. χἄλα λήψεται xovdpov: 5 
φιλεῖ γὰρ αὕτη πάγχυ ταῦτα δαίνυσθαι" 

ὁ νυν ἅλας δοὺς αὖθι κηρίον δώσει. 

ὦ παῖ, θύρην ἄγκλινε, Πλοῦτος inKovoet, 

Kal τῇ κορώνῃ παρθένος φέρτολι σῦκα. 

θεοί, γένοιτο πάντ᾽ ἄμεμπτος ἡ κούρη 10 
κἀφνειὸν ἄνδρα κὠτυΣνομαστὸν ἐξεύροι 

καὶ τῷ γέροντι πατρὶ κοῦρον εἰς χεῖρας 

καὶ μητρὶ κούρην εἰς τὰ γοῦνα κατθείη, 13 
ΚΒ Ε - - = - > 13a 
θάλος, tp<o>dlelw, γυναῖκα, τοῖς κασιγνήτοις. 
ἐγὼ δ᾽ ὅκοςι» πόδες φέρεω»σιν, ὀφθαλμούς 
Ἰἀμείβιομαι Μούσῃσι, πρὸς θύρῃσ᾽ ἄδων, 16 
Kal δοντὶ Kal μὴ δοντί, πλεῦνα «τετΣτίγων. 17 

ἀλλ᾽, ὦγαθοί, ΠῚ ὧν Here πλόύτ δι 18 
δός, ὦ «ἀρλναξ, δὸς καὶ σὺ πότνα μοι νύμφη; 

1 (and 20). <’s> χεῖρα 4, τις after ἕκαστος codd. 
Ath. 7. αὖθις codd. 8. 4.5. ἰ. ἥκει σοι. 
9, φέρει codd.: corr. Bgk. 14. τρέφειν codd. 
15. ὅκου, φέρουσι codd.: corr. Dind., Bgk. 16. -αισι, 
ταις codd.: corr. Cr. 16. See on Herodas (C.E.), p. 395, 
where add Opp. Cyn. iv . 199, li. 2292. 4.0. ἐρείδομαι : 
Greg. Naz. Or. i. 477 B οἱ μὲν πόδες ἐφέρον[ το] ἡ δὲ ὄψις εἶχε 
τὴν θάλατταν fixes the sense and punctuation. 17. τωνγεω 
codd. 19. so Cr. 




Good sirs, give to Apollo’s child the chough 

A fist of barley, crock of loaves, enough 

Of bread, a farthing. Each give what he will 

Of what he has in hand, kind sirs, to me 

The chough. Coarse salt will not distasteful be. ὅ 
On all these things she loves full well to thrive. 
Who now gives salt a honeycomb shall give. 

Sir slave ! open the door. Let wealth come in 
What time the girl brings figs from store within. 

Pray God the maiden lead a virtuous life 10 
And to a famous man and rich be wife. 
And set a son upon her father’s knee, 12 

A daughter on her mother’s ; and may she 

As child or girl or woman <bring delight, 

When forth she ventures> 1 to her brothers’ sight. 
I, as I wander over dale and hill, 

Keep my eyes fixed upon the Muses still ; 15 
And, be ye churl or lavish, at your wicket 
More blithely will I sing than any cricket. 17 

Kind sirs, set forth what cupboard has in store, 18 
Kind master give, kind mistress give me more. 

1 Clearly a verse is missing. The sense is secured by 
Hom. ¢ 154 sqq.tpiowdkapes μὲν σοί ye πατὴρ καὶ πότνια μήτηρ, 
τρισμάκαρες δὲ κασίγνητοι" μάλα πού σφισι θυμός αἰὲν εὐφροσύνῃσιν 
ἰαίνεται εἵνεκα σεῖο λευσσόντων τοιόνδε θάλος χορὸν εἰσοιχνεῦσαν. 
The line lost was something like κῆρ εὐφρανέουσαν ἡνίκ᾽ ἐς 
χορὸν porn. ‘The Greeks (in literary tradition) were very fond 
of their sisters. We are not. 



~ ~ > > / 
νόμος Kopwrn χεῖρα δοῦν᾽ ἐπαιτούσῃ. 20 
: ma > > 5 , \ / 
Ἰτοιαῦτ᾽ εἰδὼς! δός τι Kal καταχρήσει. 
(Ath. viii. 359 ε οἷδα δὲ Φοίνικα τὸν Κολοφώνιον ἰαμβοποιὸν 
μνημονεύοντά τινων ἀνδρῶν ὡς ἀγειρόντων τῇ κορώνῃ καὶ λέγοντα 

(? -ων) ταῦτα (vv. 1-17). καὶ ἐπὶ τέλει δὲ τοῦ ᾿Ιάμβου φησίν 
(vv. 18-21).) 

It is remarkable that these verses differ (metrically) toto 
caelo from those of I and III: perhaps they are written 
after Callimachus’ criticisms in his Jambi. More probably 
Phoenix varies metre with subject. 

21. 6.5. τοσαῦτ᾽ ἀείδω Bek. 

Jr. 3 (6 Powell) 

m(oA)Aots γε θνητῶν ταἀγ[α]θ᾽, ὦ Ποσείδιππε, 
οὐ [av]udop’ ἐστίν, ἀλλὰ δεῖ τοιαῦτ᾽ αὐτούς 
τ](έμν)ειν, ὁκοῖα καὶ φρονεῖτ)]ν ἐπίστανται: 
(νῦν) δ᾽ off] (μ)ὲν [ἡμῶν κ(ρή) γυ]οι καθεστῶτες 
(π)ολλὴν ᾿ἀ(φ)ειδέως ν(}} σ] Ἰ(τίην) ἐρεύγονταϊι 5 
(ot) δ᾽ οὔτε σῦκα, φασίν, οὔτ᾽ ἐρίν᾽ εὖντες 
(π)λουτοῦσι. τῷ πλούτῳ δὲ πρ(ὸς) τί δεῖ χρῆϊσθ]αι 
τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ πάντων πρῶτον οὐκ ἐπίστανται, 
ἀλ(λ) (o)e ἰ(κ) α ᾽ς μὲν ἐκ λίθου σμαραγδίτου, 
εἴ πωΐΪς] ἀνυστόν ἐστι τοῦτ᾽ αὐτοῖς πρήσσει() 10 
πά]το(ν) ἵτ᾽] ἐχούσας καὶ στοὰς τετραστύλους 
TOAAG |v τ(α)λάντων ἀξίας κατακτῶᾳυ)ται. 
ὩΣ bee |) ἑαυτῶν τὴν ἀναγκαίην (ψυχ)ὴν 
a I eee |) σκί[ωρίη τοϊύτων πάντων" 
ποῦν BG 1.ρα ἱπλοῦ](τ) οἷν ἐκπορίζουσιν 1ὅ 
.A\(6)yous χρηστοῖί(σ)ι σωφρονισθεῖσα 
ie 2. so Gerhard. 3. suppl. Bi.-K.; ef. Poseidippus 

Ὡς απ 359, 4. νῦν ete. Cr. κρήγυοι G. 5. νηστίην 
Biicherer-Cr. 6. epwa Papyrus. 7,9, 10. so G. 


ὡσὰν. ὅδ... α΄ Ot — “ἀν. 


So give the chough a fistful as is fit. 20 
So sing I. Give. You'll ne’er repent of it. 

_ (I recall that Phoenix the (chol)iambist of Colophon men- 
tions certain men as collecting for the chough, and says 
(saying ?) as follows (1-17). At the end of the Iambus he 
says (18-20). Athenaeus.) 


Unto full many mortals goods are not 

Good, Poseidippos : such should be men’s lot 

As is their power to stomach. Now, God wot, 

Our nobles belch not save on sorry fare, 

Those who nor garden figs nor wild figs are, 5 
Are rich. But how their riches they should spend 
They know not. An they gain their dearest end, 
Houses they buy for millions houses bright 

With colonnades and floor of malachite. 

But for the food whereon their souls should feed, 10 
They mix it with the scourings of their greed. 

For base are gains when men seek wealth alone 
And listen not to words of righteous tone, 

To learn precisely what is right and fit. 

O Poseidippus let us say of it : 15 
Their houses costly are and fair of note 

11. ..](c7ov)[.] Heidelb. legere visus sum: sed ** besser ]rov[ ”’ 
monet Bi. 12. soG. 13. see G. and read with him 
ψυχῇ. Beginning 6.5. τροφήν. 14. το]ύτων G. be- 
ginning (for sense) ἔφυρεν apy7. 15. 6.5. κέρδη yap αἰσχρά. 
πλοῦτον dubium (Bi.). 16. 6.9. οὐ μὴ. λόγοις G. 


beiatias teks |@a χρηστὰ καὶ τὰ συμφέροντ᾽ εἰδῇ. 
suai onthe | τοιούτοις ἀνδράσιν, ΠΠοσείδυππε, 

- σἸυ(μ)βέβηκεν (οἰκ)ίας μὲν κεκτησ(θ)α(ὴ 
Ao as καταξίας τε χρημάτων πολλῶν, 20 
αἸὐτοὺς δ᾽ ὑπάρχειν ἀξίους τἱριϊῶν χ(α) λκῶ]ν; 
κ]αὶ μάλα δικαίως, ἦν τις ἐνθυμῆτ᾽ [ὀρθῶς 
ΑΝ το ΣῈ jv γὰρ καὶ λίθων φροντίζουσιν. 

(In Cercidas’ Anthology with lemma Ἴαμβος Φοίνικος (η). 
Follows at once (? τοῦ αὐτοῦ)) 

τ Oe τὸ loti. [..] (ἀ)νιστᾶσιν 

17. 6.9. ΤΩ 18. 6.5. τοῖς οὖν G. 19. οὐ συμβ.α. 
ΟΣ ΟΣ τ ΞΟ (Cr 

1 The anthology does not add materially to the reputation 
of the poet. Athenaeus would appear to have selected his 
two best pieces. But it gives us their seope—say twenty to 
fifty lines—and shows us that 1 and 2 may be nearly com- 
plete. Moreover, Poseidippus gives us a clue as to date: 
that is that this poem may be later than 275, if this (Gerhard) 


But they themselves are worth not half a groat.! 
And rightly, too, such verdict may we give, 
<For stones they are and> unto stones they live.” 

(The first citation in Cercidas’ anthology,‘ One of Phoenia’ 
lambi.’ The citation which follows in the same metre—the 
title has been lost—runs :) 

swseb up hous, .. 

is the Poseidippus who was then studying in Athens under 
Zeno and Cleanthes. Another identification (see below) is 
with the comic poet who lived later. But again, if my 
reading in v. 2 is rightly approved by Bilabel, the epi- 
grammatist (of the same date as the comic poet) must also 
be considered. Indeed the piece might be a commentary on 
the epigram ποίην τις βιότοιο τάμοι τρίβον ; 

5. Such seems to be the most apposite ending but it is 
somewhat hard to fit in. See Gerhard pp. 134, 140. Perhaps 
λίθοι τ᾽ ἔφυν (Pind. P. i. 42), written ἔφυσαν. 

‘Pe ask 
ve κᾷ : 
ΕΝ a 
a9 pos 



A Papyrus at Strassburg (W.G. 304-307) 1 contains 
on the recto an anthology of lyrics from tragedy. 
On the verso is what appears undoubtedly to be 
part of the Cercidas anthology. In general the 
metres are iambic and the subjects chosen for their 
ethical value. There are no names of authors given. 
The date of the hand, according to Bell, Lobel, 
and Bilabel, is the middle of the third century B.c. 
It can hardly be doubted that the author of the 
choliambi given below is Phoenix. The metre is 
identical with that used by Phoenix in the Heidel- 
berg fragment; and the loose flowing repetitive 
style is typical of all we have of him. Another 
reason, observed by W. Crénert, is that the name 
Lynceus occurs in this, and Poseidippus in the 
Heidelberg fragment. Lynceus is known to have 
written letters to Poseidippus, possibly those of an 
elder to a pupil. If, as may be, it is Lynceus who 
is dead, the verses may have been written about 
280 B.c.: for Lynceus is called a contemporary of 
Menander, Poseidippus being younger, or at least 
younger as a writer: see Suid. s.vv., Ath. viii. 337 d. 
The anthology, then, is almost contemporary with the 
verses, if these names are those of the well known 
writers of Attic comedy. 

1 Gott. Gel. Nachr., 1922, i. 31. 


This may be a convenient place to note two 
points: firstly, the metre of the fragment. There 
are two licenses employed by Greek writers as 

a variant of the rigid form Y— J —~ i-c—.——-—. Oneis 
to allow many resolutions. Phoenix adopts this in 
two pieces. The other is to allow the ending ———-. 

This is adopted by Phoenix in two pieces; also by 
the author of the anthology whom Gregory calls 
Cercidas. Callimachus eschews both licences, though 
occasionally admitting an undivided trochee: Herodes 
uses both. Secondly, we may now place the anthology 
collector, who contributed the preface, as writing 
about 250 B.c., and roundly assert that this metre 
was as far as we know and in all probability not used 
between 200 B.c. and the Christian era. Earlier 
columns of the Strassburg portion of the Anthology 
are not well re-assembled yet. Below this poem we 
have the verses (already edited by Crénert) : 

ἀγαπᾶτε τοῦτον πάντες ὃς ἔχει τἀγαθάϊ 
ἅπαντ᾽ ἐν αὑτῷ, χρηστός, εὐγενής, ἁπλοῦς, 
“4 > > a > 2 7 , 
φιλοβασιλεύς, ἀνδρεῖος, ev πίστει μέγας, 
σώφρων, φιλέλλην, πραΐς, εὐπροσήγορος, 

τὰ πανοῦργα μισῶν, τὴν ἀλήθειαν σέβων. 

Next column contains three pseudo-Epicharmic 
verses, ἐπιστα... τιμαν θεοι... αὑτὸν κυβερ( 
—clearly of ruling the tongue. At the bottom is a 
fragment of Attic comedy of which I give the be- 
ginnings of the last nine verses:”AzoAAov A(yp εὖ ? ἢ) | 
οὕτως δ᾽ ἂν ew | ἡμῖν ὑβριζ... καὶ τρίποδες ar. . [καὶ 
μὴν ἀδικεῖται ψ eee ane | νῦν μοι διακόνουν... παιδίον 
ἀστεῖον οὐχ ὁμ..... ἐκ κει. ἃ δ᾽ ἂν λάβω τοι δεῖ 

1 a horrid pun, αἀγαπα and αγα(θα) πα(ντὴ). 
2 for eu. 


διπλό ἀποδοῦναι | τὰ πάτρια γὰρ δὴ τῆς τέχνης Ie In 
between are the interesting verses : 

οὕτ(ω) τὰ πρόσθεν] 
an / > f/f > ” ΕΣ 

κοινῆς τραπ|έζης ἀξίωμ᾽ ἔχων ἴσον, 
ἀκόλαστον ἔσχε γλῶσσαν αἰσχίστην νόσον. 

ἴω € / ἊΝ ᾽7ὔ / 4 
κορυφῆς ὑπε[ρτέλλοντα δειμαίνων πέτρον 
ἢ που τί 

These I quote, (a) since they give clearly the subject 
of this section of the anthology—praise or blame of 
the tongue: (b) since, as will be seen, the three 
verses taken from the first ten lines of Euripides’ 
Orestes may be choliambic (σον, νοῦσον, πέτρον). 

We must consider briefly the subject matter. A 
poet is dead. The speaker (Phoenix or, as in the 
Ninos poem, another) wishes consolation for the 
loss. He longs to see Lynceus, and will render him 
famous by iambi at feast of bowls (and in the 
country ἢ ἢ). For us there is an unfortunate am- 
biguity. Does Apollo or some representative of 
poetry mourn a dead writer, e.g. Menander, and 
beseech Lynceus to replace him, with promises to 
inspire him at the Dionysia in city (see ap. Dem. 
531) and country? Or is the request for the robe 
merely an aside to a slave, and is “" that which was 
my robe” Lynceus, and the iambi those of Phoenix 
who speaks? On the whole, I believe this is so, 
but have no confidence in either interpretation. 

1 yv. 2, 3, 4 suppl. Εἰ. Lobel. 


es, πος Ses |. - o.[o .] (eAm)[... -] δεινοῖς 

Ta ΠΟΥ τς ape ἡ]. τς εν ἦν λέσχῃ 
ἀΛΌΡΙξεΙΝ, ἐ6 725. com [.](v) (A) auby pry 

Jac {ποϊσὺς (Gael Ἶ ae ἢ m(ov)p(a)s 

| Pere Be pea es (φ). [ἐν]αύεσθαι λύχνον" 5 

ΣΕ ΤΥ ΕΣ (ε).(αλ)ος, καὶ πα(νοι)κίη θάλλων 
ἑτοῖμον +. «τον κ(τῆσὴν wv) ἐ(κ)εῖί τήρει, 
Kal Kade χρείην καὶ πίέν](η)τος ἐμβλέψας. 
ἐν {ος ἢ. ε(ς) τ. (θοιλπα) τῆς τύχης κρίνων 

ἘΣ ΤΟΣ ἘΠῚ τὸ μηδὲν καὶ κενῷ προσεμβί(α)..... 10 
Bol ΣΤ ΣΑΣ ΔΕ Ἰ(ω)δεστ.ν[ εἸ(ξ)αγ.. πάρ σευ 
ΜῈ Sadionepetlicage tebe eto i Be Serer rs 12 

(duo versus desunt) 

ΔΑ Se ΧΟ ἀἸ(φν)εα .[.. oo ἄς 1ὅ 
τς eg δ]εξιῆς ἡψίω) 7 ἡμῶϊν 
SECS eee |re 7(@) θεῶν ξείνῳ 
. 7(α}[. .7.οιἰ(το) (σοὶ) μὲν (Χ)εῖος: (ἢ) (ἀ)πὸ τῆς 
3. 6.5. σεαυτὸν ἴσθι τὴν τύχην . - 4, 6.0. δαίμον᾽ 

(init. ἐνταῦθα μίμνε). 5. 6.9. ἔνθενδέ σ᾽ ἐχρῆν oy’. 6. 6.5. 
πρόφαινε καλός: 1]. eee 7. ...Toy ΡΞ 51. αὐτοῦ, Dein 

suspicor ὡς ἔχει. 8. εβλ. P with # superscr, : l. χρείῃ. 
9. 6.5. τὰ κοινά, τὰ δεινά cett.: init. 6.5. σὺ δ᾽ ἤλιτες. 


ee bo a: 


Full often would I say in idle] talk, 

“‘ Beware of] dangers {if abroad you walk. 

Know you are mortal] and swift Fate is not: 

Abide at home where] safety is your lot. 4 
There are the fires] from which your lamp to light, 
Flourish both you and yours, and shining bright 
Keep it a ready vessel there! with heed 

And burn it, apt to serve the poorest’s need. 

Alas! you] scoffed at Fate’s alarms, and found 
Faring abroad] your [feet] on hollow ground. 10 
No profit is there more of you for me 

ς leche ; ; : 15 
‘my right hand clasped ’ Aaa 16 
‘the host of gods’. 17 

Be raise you in Smyrna, tCrete?, or @hios 2 bred) 18 

1 Jn ». 7 I translate αὐτοῦ. . . ws ἔχει. P seems to have 
ὠνεκει. ‘There may be an allusion here to Lynceus as a 
poet: Callim. Jamb. 334 [Ἔφεσον ὅθεν πῦρ οἱ τὰ μέτρα μέλ- 
λοντες τὰ χωλὰ τίκτειν μὴ ἀμαθῶς ἐναύονται. υ. 8 ‘Give a light 
even to the poorest ’ encourages this interpretation. 

2 Clearly Homer who was born at Smyrna, Chios, Colo- 
phon, Salamis, Rhodes, Argos or Athens. The reading 
‘Crete’ is an error, perhaps for ἢ ’Axrjs—‘from Smyrna 
or Attica.’ 

10. 6.9. εἶναι and mpoceuBaivwr. 16. ἢ ἡμέων. 18 e.g. 



(i) (Κρὴς) 87° εἴη καὶ κεν(ὸν κεν)ῷ (B)4(2ald)- 

ἐγὼ δ᾽ ὑπ᾽ "Αιδου (δή σε πε) θομαι γλῶσσαν 20 

τος ΕΣ (ta πὴ ερὶ] πασ(ῶὴν χελιδόνων" 
68 (εὐκο)!. τ Ἰ(π). . . [(φ)η(μ) «](μυσταλισιί.] 
(σὺὴν εὐλαβείῃ τ(ρι). .. .]. Ι a ae eee 

τί πόλλ᾽ ἀείδω; μί(ω)ρίη yap ἡ λέσχη: 

στεῖλόν pe y)A(al)vn: κῶς δ᾽ ἔχω ποθέωᾳ(ν) βλέψαι 
Λυγκεῦ σε; .... σύ: νῦ(ν y)ap ᾧ κατέσταλμαι 26 
κατερρύηκε καὶ εἰς Tov ᾿Αζδη βαίνει. 

ἐγὼ δ᾽ ἰάμβ(ους κὴἠπὶ Κρητήρων Θοί(ν)ῃ 

OW σε TLLYEVTA και EV χωρῇ παντι. 

19. Beginning very uncertain. (ἄκρως) would fit traces 
better. 21. read περὶ x. 7. 25. στειλομ P. 26. 
lectio incertissima: μή olim dedi: fort. ἄγρει. vuy ex 
νῦν ὃ 29. cy P. = 

Jr. 5 (3 Powell) 
Νίνου κάδοι μάχαιρα καὶ κύλιξ αἰχμή, 
κ«ύΣμεβλη δὲ τόξα δήιοι δὲ κρητῆρες, 
ἵπποι δ᾽ ἄκρητος κἀλαλὴ ᾿ μύρον <x>«iT<E>.’ 

(Ath. x. 491 ἃ καὶ ὁ Κολοφώνιος δὲ Φοῖνίξ φησιν (5).) 

5. 2. κόμη corrected by Haupt. 3. κεῖται by Lachmann. 



Some empty singer to an empty head?: 

But you have ta’en below, I wot, a tongue 20 
That has all twittering swallows far outsung.? 21 

cae : : 5 22 
‘with caution’ 23 
Why sing I long; for idle talk is folly. 24 
Robe me! How suffer I, who long to see 25 

You, Lynceus, once again! Come! robe thou me. 
For that which was my robe has vanished quite ® 
And treads the path to Hades out of sight. 

But I at country-side and Feast of Bowls 4 

Will win your verses honour from all souls. 30 

1 See Paroem. κενοὶ κενὰ βουλεύονται and πρὸς κενὴν (or -dv) 

2 γυ. 20 and 21 echo Phoenix fr. 1 v. 21 and fr. ὃ v.17. 

8 See Headlam’s note on Herodes ii. 15. 

4 * Feast of Bowls’: conceivably two mixing-bowls, one for 
the living and one for the dead. Ionic has no dual. As 
Phoenix lived at Ephesus, the probable scene for Mime V. 
of Herodes, this appears as a possible name of the feast 
which Herodes paraphrased with the words ἐπεὰν δὲ τοῖς ka- 
μοῦσιν ἐγχυτλώσωμεν (84). But see above. 


For casks were Ninus’ sword and jugs his spear, 
Cups were his arrows, bowls his enemy, 
Ho ointment ! his alarm, liqueurs his cavalry. 

(And Phoenix of Colophon says (5). Athenaeus.) 

QE 259 


Jr. 6 (4 Powell) 

Θαλῆς γὰρ toorest aoTé| p|wy ὀνήιστος 

Kal τῶν τότ᾽, ὡς λέγουσι, TOAACO>V ἀνθρώπων 
ἐὼν ἄριστος, ἔλαβε πελλίδα χρυσῆν. 

(Ath. xi. 495 d Φοῖνιξ δ᾽ ὁ Κολοφώνιος ἐν τοῖς ᾿Ιάμβοις ἐπὶ 

φιάλης τίθησι τὴν λέξιν λέγων οὕτως (6). καὶ ἐν ἄλλῳ δὲ μέρει 
φησίν (7).) 

fr. τ (5 Powell) 
Hippon. fr. 76*. 

jr. 8 
6 μὲν yap αὐτῶν ἡσυχῆ τε καὶ ῥύδην 
θύννϊονὶ τε καὶ μυττωτὸν ἡμέρας πάσας 
δαινύμενος ὥσπερ Λαμψακηνὸς εὐνοῦχος 
κατέφαγε δὴ τὸν [σ]κλῆρον, ἰὥστε χρὴϊ 


6. 1. doris: read 4.7. ἀστοῖς. ἀστέων (from false mss. of 
Hat.) : Casaubon’s certain correction (quam nemo umquam 
dubitavit literarum Graecarum vel minime peritus). Here are 
the disjecta ee in Hdt. alone :—réy τότε + superlative 
i. 23, viii. 8, ix. 72, cf. iil. 125: ἀνθρώπων + sup. i. 24, 45, iv. 
91, viii. 68 : τῶν ἀστῶν -ἰ 58}. or δόκιμος 1. 158, 111. 20, iv. 14, 
161, v. 63, 97, 126, vi. 61, 101, vii. 118, viii. 46, ix. 93. It is 
true that the expression is intolerably diffuse, but so is all 
that we have of Phoenix. Compare Theogn. y. 23. On 
ἀστεύς see my First Greek Anthologist, p. 24. 2. -ῶν 
A: corr. by Toup. 3. v.l. πελλιάδα. 




For Thales, to his townsmen usefullest 
Of townsmen, and, say they, by far the best 
Of men then living took the paillet gold. 

(Phoenix of Colophon in his Jambi uses the word (paillet) 
of a cup as follows (6). Elsewhere! he says(7). <Athenaeus.) 

Hippon. fr. 76. 

One day by day luxuriously dined 

In ease on cheese-cake spiced and tunny brined, 
Like eunuch Lampsacene : his portion done 
He fain would dig ‘mid mountain rocks and stone ; 

1 ΤῈ is clearly impossible to suppose these words are right. 
In what other part? For these are iambi like the others. 
But we know of various books of Hipponax, and if we transfer 
the text of Athenaeus (or of Lysanias behind it) we get a 
natural sequence καὶ πάλιν (495d)... καὶ ἐν ἄλλῳ δὲ μέρει 
(495 6). ‘The gravest stylistic argument is that Phoenix was 
wholly incapable of such compression as the three verses 

8. 2. θύνναν A, θύννον C, θυννίδα Meineke. 4. σκληρὸν 
cod. Ath.: corr. Dalecamp. ὥστε χρὴ cod. Ath.: leg. 
xpn: Soph. Ant. 887 (Jebb). So ten Brink. 



πέτρας [τ᾽] ὀρείας σῦκα μέτρια τρώγων 5 
καὶ κρίθινον κόλλικα δούλιον χόρτον. 

(Ath. vii. 808 c duvvis... 304 Ὁ Ἱππῶναξ δὲ ὡς Λυσανίας ἐν 
τοῖς περὶ «τῶν» ἰαμβοποιῶν παρατίθεται, φησίν (8).) 

The evidence for attributing this fragment to Hipponax 
appears faulty. On the one hand Athenaeus’ attribu- 
tion is plain, the divisions and the breaks are good, 
and the connexion with fr. 17 (so most edd.) attractive. 
Against this we have (a) ῥύδην so typical of later choli- 
ambists (ἐμπτύοι Hrd., καταπτῦ (?) Cercid., κλύω Phoenix). 
(6) The moral tone. (c) Three cases of resolution in the first 
foot—for Athenaeus seems to have read θυννίδα inv. 2. Of 
course his text may have been corrected from better codd., 


Jr.1. μήνη τὸ καλὸν οὐρανοῦ νέον σίγμα 
2*. στενὸν καθ᾽ “Ἑλλήσποντον ἐμπόρων χώρην 
ἐπ θαλάσσης ἐστρέφοντο μύρμηκες. 
3*. ὁ δ᾽ ἐξελὼν ἱμάντα φορτίου ζώνην 
4*, ἶρις δ᾽ ἔλαμψε καλὸν οὐρανοῦ τόξον. 
5*. καὶ πίσσαν ἑφθὴν ἣν θύραι μυρίζονται 

(Tzetz. Rhet. Gr. iii. 650 Walz ὡς τὴν σελήνην οὐρανοῦ 
πάλιν Αἰσχρίων σίγμα" οὕτω γὰρ λέξεσιν αὐταῖς αὐτὸ Αἰσχρίων 
λέγει (1) τὸν λόγον ἐκτραχύνουσι, σκληρύνουσι δὲ πλέον ἢ μᾶλλον 
εἰς ψυχρότητα σύρουσι γελαστέαν, ὡς καὶ ὁ γράψας τὰ ψυχρὰ 
ταυτὶ τῶν ἰαμβείων (9) καὶ πολλαχοῦ δυστηνὰ τοιαυτὶ λέγει 




And peck at fodder whereon slaves are fed, 
A modicum of figs and barley bread. 

(Tunny ...; Hipponax, as Lysanias says in his work 
on the (chol)iambic poets, remarks (8). Athenaeus.) 

if these were extant. Again, v. 4 is wholly unsatisfactory 
though the resolution is not objectionable. (d) The fact 
that the citation is second-hand. If genuine we should have 
to read e.g. v. 1 ῥύβδην (Bgk.), v. 2 μυσσωτὸν id., v. 3 ὥστε, 
v. 4. κατ᾽ ὧν φαγὼν and ὥστε Ons σκάπτει and in v. 2 keep 
θυννόν C (θύνναν A). Even so μέτριᾶ τρώγων is wrong for 
Hipponax, but right for Phoenix (2. 1, 6. 3). 


1. O Moon the heaven’s pretty new sigma 1 
2*, Sea-ants the sailors swarmed, where their 
The merchants have in Hellespont’s narrows. 
3*. So he unloosed a strap, a bale’s girdle 
4*, A rainbow shone, the heaven’s fair iris.” 
δ. And boiling pitch, a portal’s anointment 

(Or again as Aeschrion calls the moon the heaven’s 
pretty sigma. Here are his exact words (1). Thus style is 
rendered ‘ rougher,’ I should rather say ‘ harsher,’ or better 
still ‘ diverted to a ridiculous bathos,’ as is the case with 
the author of these iambi which are typical of bathos (2). 
With him these unfortunate effects are common (3-5). 
Tzetzes in Rhetores Graeci.) 

τ: note. 2 Transposing the original. 


Sr. 6 

ἐγὼ Φιλαινὶς ἡπίβωτος ἀνθρώποις 

ἐνταῦθα “γήρᾳ τῷ μακρῷ κεκοίμημαι. 

μή μ᾽, ὦ μάταιε ναῦτα, τὴν ἄκρην κάμπτων 
τε τ τε ποιεῦ καὶ γέλωτα καὶ λάσθην᾽" 

οὐ γὰρ μὰ τὸν Ζῆν᾽, οὐ μὰ τοὺς κάτω Kovpovs, 5 
οὐκ ἦν ἐς ἄνδρας μάχλος οὐδὲ δημώδης" 
Πολυκράτης δὲ τὴν γενὴν ᾿Αθηναῖος ~ 

λόγων T<e> παιπάλημα καὶ κακὴ γλῶσσα 
ἔγραψεν «ὅ;»σσ᾽ ἔγραψ᾽ - ἐγὼ γὰρ οὐκ οἶδα. 

(Ath. νι. 335 Ὁ Φιλαινίδος εἰς ἣν ἀναφέρεται τὸ περὶ 
᾿Αφροδισίων ἀκόλαστον σύγγραμμα ὅπερ φησὶ ποιῆσαι Αἰσχρίων 
ὁ Σάμιος ἰαμβοποιὸς Πολυκράτη τὸν σοφιστὴν ἐπὶ διαβολῇ τῆς 
ἀνθρώπου σωφρονεστάτης γενομένης. ἔχει δὲ οὕτως τὰ ἰαμβεῖα (6). 
A.P. vii. 845 ἀδέσποτον᾽ οἱ δὲ Σιμωνίδου.) 


καὶ θεῶν «βρῶσιν» 
ἄγρωστιν εὗρες ἣν Κρόνος κατέσπειρεν. 

(Ath. vii. 296 e Αἰσχρίων δ᾽ ὁ Σάμιος ἔν τινι τῶν ἰάμβων 
“Tovns φησὶ τῆς Σκύλλου (cf. A.P. ix. 296)(Hdt. viii. 8) τοῦ 
Σκιωναίου κατακολυμβητοῦ θυγατρὸς τὸν θαλάσσιον Vdaixov 
ἐρασθῆναι. ἰδίως δὲ καὶ περὶ τῆς βοτάνης λέγει ἣν φαγὼν 
ἀθάνατος ἐγένετο (7).) 

6. vv. ll. 4. λάσθνην, 5 Ζεῦν, οὐδὲ, 6 nu, Ἴ γυνὴν, 8 οἷα 
and ἅσσα. 8. τὸ Ath., A.P. 
7. 1. so Haupt. 




Philaenis I, the whole wide world’s byword, 
Lie resting here after a long old age. 

O idle sailor, rounding the headland, 

Spare me your jeers, derisions and mockings, 
For so I swear by Zeus, and by Hell’s Youths t 
Ne’er was I common woman, nor lustful. 
Polycrates, Athenian native, 

Evil of tongue and crafty word-monger, 

Wrote of me what he wrote : for I know not. 

(Philaenis, to whom is ascribed the obscene work on erotics, 
said by Aeschrion of Samos, the writer of iambi, to have 
been written by Polycrates the sophist to libel the woman, 
who was, in fact, a model of chastity. Athenaeus. Also in 
the Palatine Anthology with lemma ‘‘On Philaenis the 
courtesan from Elephantiné who painted on a tablet the 
famous γυναικείας μίξεις on account of which she is lampooned 
by the Athenian wits.” A scholiast (4.P.) repeats the 
charge quoting Lucian (Amor. 28). 


And agrostis 
Did’st find, the Gods’ repast, sown by Kronos. 

(Aeschrion of Samos in one of his iambi says that the 
sea deity Glaucus was enamoured of Hydna, daughter of 
Seyllus? the Scionean diver. And he has an original state- 
ment about the food which he ate and became immortal 
(7). Athenaeus.) 

1 The Dioscuri. For the ellipse of (Dios) compare 
Herodes, i. 32. 

2 Seyllus or Scyllies was (Hat. viii. 8) the famous diver 
who deserted to the Greeks before the naval fighting round 
Artemisium in connexion with the battle of ‘Thermopylae. 
He swam ten miles under sea! Agrostis is a kind of grass. 
Glaucus was originally a fisher of Anthedon. 




e \ , 799 ς ~ ~ 

ὁ μουσοποιὸς ἐνθάδ ἱππῶναξ κεῖται" 

εἰ μὲν πονηρός, μὴ προσέρχευ τῷ τύμβῳ" 
εἰ δ᾽ ἐσσὶ κρήγυός τε καὶ παρὰ χρηστῶν, 

θαρσέων καθίζευ, κὴν θέλῃς ἀπόβριξον. 
(A.P. xiii. 3 and one cod. Theocr.) 

2. A.P. ποτέρχευ : cod. Med. προσέρχου. 3. χρηστῷ 
ABP: 4. καθίζου cod. Med. 

στρωφᾷς δὲ πώλους ws ὁ Μαντινεὺς Σῆμος 
a ~ σ > ΕΣ >) > ~ 
ὃς πρῶτος appar ἤλασεν παρ᾽ ᾿Αλφειῷ. 

(Scholl. Pind. Ol. x. 83 (a) παρατίθεται δὲ (Δίδυμος) καὶ τὸν 
γράφοντα τὸν Θησηίδα μαρτυροῦντα τῷ Ἥρωι τὴν τοῦ ἅρματος 
ἡνιοχευτικὴν ἀρετήν᾽ τρέψας δὲ πώλους ὡς ὁ Μαντινεὺς “Hpws. 
(δ) ᾿Αριστόδημος δέ φησι μὴ δύνασθαι συγχρονεῖν ᾿ Αλιρρόθιον τὸν 
κατὰ Κέκροπα ρακλεϊ ἀλλὰ μηδὲ ᾿Αρκάδα εἶναι ἀλλ᾽ ᾿Αθηναῖον. 
Σῆμον δέ τινα νῦν νενικηκέναι ἅρματι ὥς φησι Δίφιλος ὁ τὴν 
Θησήϊδα ποιήσας ἔν τινι ἰάμβῳ οὕτω τρέψας δὲ κτλ. (vv. 1-2). 

1. v.l. τρέψας, Ἥρως schol. (a). 




Stranger, here lies the poet Hipponax : 

If thou art wicked, to his tomb come not ; 
If thou art goodly and thy sires gentle, 

Be bold: sit here: and if thou wilt, slumbei 

(In the Anthologia Palatina and one ms. of Theocr.) 


And swervest colts like Mantinese Semus 
Who won the car race first by Alpheus. 

((a) Didymus cites the author of the Theseis as witness 
to the driving skill of the Hero (v. 1). (δ) Aristodemus says 
that Halirrhothius being contemporary of Cecrops cannot 
have been alive with Heracles, nor was he an Arcadian but 
an Athenian. In fact the victor in the car race was a certain 
Semus, as is stated by Diphilus the author of the Theseis 
in a (chol)iambic verse as follows (vv. 1, 2). Two Com- 
mentators on an Olympian Ode of Pindar.) 

1 Of Diphilus nothing is known beyond the statements 
above. In the second verse it is not clear whether πρῶτος 
means ‘was first to’ or ‘to victory.’ The second schol. 
suggests that this was part of a fugitive epigram. Quite 
possibly a quotation from the Theseis is lost and these 
iambi are by another hand. The Diphilus of schol. Ar. 
Nub. 96 might be the same, but this is improbable. 


(fr. 10 Kaibel) 

A. ὁ σὲ Διόνυσος αὐτὸς ἐξώλη θείη. 
Β. ἹἹππωνάϊκΊτεειον;» τὸ μέτρον. 

A. οὐδέν μοι μέλει. 

(Hephaest. p. 9 Ῥίνθων μὲν yap καὶ ἐν ἰάμβῳ ἐπισημασίας 
ἠξίωσε τὸ τοιοῦτον. ἐν γὰρ ᾿Ορέστῃ δράματί φησιν (υ. 1), εἶθ᾽ 
(v. 2). So Choerob. in Theodos. ii. 796 Hillgard πολλάκις 
εὑρίσκονται καὶ ἐν τοῖς μέτροις ἀποτελοῦντα κοινὴν TO KT καὶ 
WT,... ὡς παρὰ τῷ "Ρ. (υ. 2).) 

1. θείης ἴθ᾽ cod. 

2. “Ιππώνἄκτος codd.: correxi. 

The apparent choliambic fragment in Clement of Alex- 
andria, p. 14 Potter, attributed to Rhinthon, is really a 
trimeter: see Potter’s citations. For another fragment of 
Rhinthon see my First Greek Anthologist, p. 22. 


ὃ καὶ κυνὸς καλοῦσι δυσμόρου σῆμα 

(Schol. Eur. Hec. 1273 περὶ δὲ τοῦ κυνὸς σήματος καὶ 
᾿Ασκληπιάδης φησὶν ὅτι κυνὸς καλοῦσι δυσμόρου σῆμα. Schol. 
Lyc. 315 σκύλαξ᾽ . .. σκύλακα τὴν ᾿Βκάβην λέγει, ὅτι κύων 
ἐγένετο ὥς φησι μυθικῶς Εὐριπίδης (L.c.).... καὶ ᾿Ασκληπιάδης 
περὶ τοῦ τόπου οὗ ἀνῃρέθη (1).) 

1. ὃ καὶ om. schol. Hee. 



A. May Dionysus be thy perdition. 
B. A Hipponactean ! verse ! 
A. I do not mind. 

(Rhinthon in an iambus calls attention to this practice. 
In his play Orestes he says (v. 1) and proceeds (v. 2). 
Hephaestion. Kt and pt often have the syllable before 
them either short or long: 6.5. Rhinthon (v. 2). Choero- 

1 Rhinthon is satirizing the scansion dein (Hephaestion) 

and ἄκτ- (Choeroboscus). The latter depends on the false 
reading βᾶκτηρίῃ in Hipponax (p. 14). 


The luckless ‘ bitch’s tomb ’ they now call it. 

(About the ‘ bitch’s tomb’ Asclepiades says that (1). 
Commentator on LHuripides’ Hecuba. ‘* Whelp’: 
Lycophron gives this name to Hecuba since she was ‘turned 
into a bitch according to Euripides’ legend. Asclepiades 
says about the place where she was killed (1).) 



κούφῃ Kepal<yn> κεὐσταλεῖ παρήνεγκεν 

(Plut. Mor. 476 a κἄν τις ἔξωθεν ἀρχὴ πάθους ὥσπερ διαδρομὴ 
γένηται σπιλάδος (ε. καὶ kK. kK. π.) ὥς φησιν ᾿Ασκλ.) 



Κορινθιουργές ἐστι κιόνων σχῆμα- 

(Steph. Byz. Κόρινθος" . . . "καὶ σύνθετον Κορινθιουργής ὡς 
᾿Αττικουργής. ᾿Απ. ὁ ᾿Ρόδιος Κανώϊπτῳ [δευτέρῳ] (1).) 

177. 2 

ἱτρέψει δὲ νηὸνὶ ὁ γλυκύς σε χωρίτῃς 
πλόος κομίζων δῶρα πλουσίου Νείλου. 

(Steph. Byz. χώρα" . . . ᾿ΑἈπολλώνιος ἐν τῷ K. (2).) 

1. δευτέρῳ del. Meineke. In text ?? σῆμα. 

2. 1. τέρψει δὲ νηῶν Pinedo, which I translate. Xw- 
ρίτης : em. Meineke. 2. Νείλου πλουσίου codd.: em. 



Rides out the storm with light and bare yard-arm 

(And if from outside comes the beginning of any evil 
like the passage of a storm! he as Asclepiades says (2). 
Plutarch on Tranquillity.) 

1 σπιλάς ‘storm’: see J.Th.S. xiv. 56, xvi. 78. Add Plut. 
Dio 10 τοῦ χειμῶνος παραφερομένου. 


A pillared group Corinthian-fashion 

(Ἢ Corinth’: . . . there is a compound ‘Corinthian- 
fashion’ like ‘Attic-fashion.’ Apollonius of Rhodes in his 
[second] Canobus.1 Stephanus of Byzantium.) 


Thou shalt delight in the ships’ sweet passage 
That brings the countryfolk rich Nile’s presents. 

(‘ Country’ . . .: compound ‘ countryfolk.’ Apollonius 
in his Canobus. Id.) 

1 Canobus was the steersman of Menelaus who was turned 
into a star. The Corinthian pillars marked his alleged grave. 
Out of Helen’s tears for him grew, as Apollonius no doubt 
did not fail to mention, the plant ἑλένειον. H.M. 5.0υ. 
Neither Apollonius nor Asclepiades seem to have written 
more than one choliambic poem. 



jr. 1 (1 Powell) 

3. ἢ \ “ 3 ε “ “ 
ἀνὴρ γὰρ ἕλκων οἶνον, ὡς ὕδωρ ἵππος, 
Σκυθιστὶ φωνεῖ 

οὐδὲ κόππα γιγνώσκων 

- » » > ’ὔ ta 

κεῖται δ᾽ ἄναυδος ἐν πίθῳ κολυμβήσας 
κάθυπνος ὡς μήκωνα φάρμακτοΣν πίνων. 
(Ath. ν. 221 a (1) φησὶν ὁ Βυζάντιος Παρμένων.) 

ao fF Wh = 

Jr. 2 (2 Powell) 

“4 \ / > ” A 

ἦλθον μακρὴν θάλασσαν, οὐκ ἄγων σῦκα 

Kafely<at>a φόρτον. 

(Ath. iii. 75 f Παρμένων ὁ Βυζάντιος ἐν τοῖς ἰάμβοις τὰ ἀπὸ 
Κανῶν τῆς Αἰολικῆς πόλεως ὡς διάφορα ἐπαινῶν φησίν (2).) 

Jr. 3 (3 Powell) 

Αἰγύπτιε Ζεῦ Νείλε 
(Ath. v. 203 c. Schol. Pind. P. iv. 97.) 

Jr. & (8 Powell) 
παῖδ᾽ οὔτε γένυσι» πυρρὸν οὔθ᾽ ὑπηνήτην 
(Schol. Theocr. vi. 8 πυρρός" ὁ ἀρτίχνους . . . Παρμενίσκος 
(-w» Haupt) (4).) 

1. 3. κόππα A: κάππα οεἰϊ. 5. φαρμάκων AC: corr. Cas. 

Meineke saw that the order was unsatisfactory. For 
sense lost ¢.g. πρῶτον" εἶτά που πλεῖον πιὼν σεσίγηκ᾽ 

2. 2. Ἰζαινεα A: corr. Palmerius. φόρτου A: corr. 
Cas. Sense ἀλλὰ —— πόρνας ὃ 

4. γένειον sch.: corr. Biicheler. 



For one that drinketh wine, as horse water, 

First speaks like Seythians: <then when drunk 

Silent he lies, and cannot say ‘ Koppa,’ ὦ 

Since he has fallen to a tub’s bottom, 

As with some opiate, with sleep druggéd. 

(Parmeno of Byzantium says (1). Athenaeus.) 


<Crossing > 
Far seas I came hither, no figs bringing, 
Produce of Canae, <but some fair ladies). 

(Parmeno of Byzantium in his iambi praises figs from 
Canae the Aeolian city as of superlative quality. Athenaeus.) 

O Nile, Egyptian Zeus, 

(Athenaeus. A Commentator ona Pythian ode of Pindar.) 

A boy nor yellow-chinned nor yet downy 

(‘ Yellow’: used of one whose beard is just beginning to 
grow. ... Parmeniscus (4). Commentator on Theocritus.) 

1 To the Greeks the northern tongues appeared to have 
an undue preponderance of ugly guttural sounds (Hdl. on 
Hrd. vi. 84). ko is both the ‘first’ letter of the Scythian 
or as the hiccup of the drunkard’s alphabet. ‘The Greeks 
said οὐδ᾽ ἄλφα. 



(p. 237 Powell) 

᾿Ακούσατ᾽, ὦ Στοίακες, ἔμποροι λήρου, 
λόγων. ὑποκρει»τῆρες, οἵ μόνοι πάντα 

τάν τοῖς πίναξι, πρίν {τι} τῷ σοφῷ δοῦναι 
αὐτοὶ καταρροφεῖτε, καθ᾽ ἁλίσκεσθε 

ἐναντία πράσσοντες οἷς τραγῳδεῖτε. ὄ 

(Ath. xiii. 563 d τούτων τῶν ᾿Αλέξιδος ἀπομνημονεύσας ὁ 
Μυρτίλος κᾷτα ἀποβλέψας εἰς τοὺς τὰ τῆς Στοᾶς αἱρουμένους 
τὰ Ἑρμείου τοῦ Κουριέως ἐκ τῶν ἰάμβων προειπών (vv. 1-5), 
παιδοπῖπαι ὄντες καὶ τοῦτο μόνον ἐζηλωκότες τὸν ἀρχηγὸν ὑμῶν 
τῆς σοφίας Ζήνωνα τὸν Φοίνικα, ὃς οὐδέποτε γυναικὶ ἐχρήσατο 
παιδικοῖς δ᾽ αἰεί, ὡς ᾿Αντίγονος ὁ Καρύστιος ἱστορεῖ ἐν τῷ περὶ 
τοῦ βίου αὐτοῦ.) 

1. στόακες A: στοίακες (E). 2. ὑποκρητῆρες corr. Mus. 
3. mpwh: corr. Porson. Read προεῖπεν in Ath. Perhaps 
continue (for otherwise there is no construction), ¢.g. 

ws παιδοπῖπαί τ᾽ ἐστὲ καὶ μόνον τοῦτο 
Ζήνωνα τὸν Φοίνικα ἐοίκατε ζηλοῦν 

ὃς οὐδ᾽ ὄναρ γυναικί, παιδικοῖς δ᾽ αἰεί 


"Eppots πλανῆτι καὶ κακὴ πέτρη Λευκάς" 
αρῖνον, αἰαῖ, τὴν ἰαμβικὴν Μοῦσαν 

κατῃθάλωσας ἐλπίδος κενοῖς μύθοις. 

τοιαῦτ᾽ Ἔρωτος Εὐπάτωρ ἐρασθείη. 

(Ptolemaeus Chennus (Phot. Bibl. p. 153. 5) Xapivos δὲ 
ἰαμβογράφος “ἠράσθη Ἔρωτος εὐνούχου τοῦ τι οἰνοχόου, καὶ 
πιστεύσας τῷ περὶ τῆς πέτρας λόγῳ κατέβαλεν ἑαυτόν. ἐπεὶ δὲ 
καταβαλὼν τὸ σκέλος κατεάγη καὶ ὑπὸ ὀδύνης ἐτελεύτα ἀπέρριψε 
τάδε τὰ ἰαμβεῖα (vv. 1-4).) 



Hear me, ye Stoics, merchants of twaddle, 
Verbiage-fakers : you yourselves gulp down 

All that is in the dishes, ere wise men 

Can get a sup or bite : and your actions 

Belie your fair pretences :1 tyou’re caught out 5 
In lust unnatural, herein Zeno 

Your founder, and herein alone, aping : 

For this Phoenician never knew woman.t 

(After quoting these verses of Alexis, Myrtilus stared round 
at those of the Stoic persuasion present and quoted the words 
of Hermeias of Curium (vv. 1-8), as Antigonus the Carystian 
states in his Life. Athenaeus.) 

1 Verses 5-8 are merely paraphrased in Athenaeus: see 
crit. n. Of Hermeias of Curium (in Cyprus) nothing more 
is known. 


Damn thee, Leucadian rock,! thou vile truant : 
Alas the Muse iambic Charinus 

Thou didst burn up with flattering tales empty. 
Eupator’s love for Love I pray end thus. 

(Charinus a (chol)iambic poet fell in love with Love, a 
eunuch who was cup-bearer to Eupator, and trusting in the tale 
about the rock threw himself over the edge. In falling 
he broke his leg and just as he was dying in agony threw 
off these iambic verses (vv. 1-4). Ptolemaeus Chennus in 
Photius’s Catalogue.) 

1 Diving over the Leucadian precipice into the sea was 
supposed to have the effect of winning the love of a 
reluctant loved one. The whole of the narrative of Ptole- 
maeus is suspect: but these verses can hardly be later than 
A.D. 100 or 200. πλανῆτις seems to mean ‘ deceitful.’ See 
[Ovid], Heroid. xv. 163 sqq. 

QF Q75 


DAjvw παρῃονῖτις ἀμπέχω χερμάς 

πικρῇ κατασπασθέντα κύματος. ίνῃ, 

ὅτ᾽ ἰχθυάζετ᾽ ἐξ ἀκρῆς ἀπορρῶγος" 

χῶσαν δέ μ᾽ ὅσσος λαὸς ἦν συνεργήτης, 
ΠΠοσεῖδον, ots σὺ σῷζε καὶ γαληναίην δ 

αἰὲν διδοίης ὁρμιηβόλοις θῖνα. 
(A.P. vii. 693 ᾿Απολλωνίδου ἰαμβικόν.) 

4. ὅσσος qv συνεργάτης λαός Conj. Jacobs. 


“Hpwosavos Νιίκί]ου παίτ)]ρὸς [σ]τῆσεν 
χαλκεῖον ἀνδρίαντα πατρίδος ψήφῳ 

γνώμης T ἔκ ηξτι, μείλιχος γὰρ ἦν [7 |a[ow] 
τερπνῶν τε μ[ίμων ods ἔγραψεν aolrle[tlws. 

(Cougny, A.P. iii. p. 589, from ἃ grave-stone at Ergissa 

3. Te ἕκατι lapis. 

Ὃ Σαρδιηνὸς Παρδαλᾶς Sis ἤκουσα" 
μεμνήσομαί σου κἀν ἐμῇσι βύβλοισι. 

(Cougny, A.P. iii. p. 80. One of a number of inscriptions 
on the left leg of the famous statue of Memnon in Egypt.) 

2. Num σευ 9 



Here, sea-side cairn, do I embrace Glenis, 

In woeful whirl of wave to death sucked down, 
What time he sat on rugged cliff fishing. 

His mates did pile me here, O Poseidon : 
Them save thou : evermore give calm weather 
To all who from this sea-board their lines cast. 

(In the Anthologia Palatina.) 


Herodianus set this bronze statue PS 
To Nicias his sire by his town’s vote 
Memorial to his character gentle 

And to his pleasant mimes with wit written. 

(On a grave-stone: see Cougny’s Appendix to A.P.) 


I, Pardalas of Sardis, twice heard thee 
And in my books I promise thee mention.! 

(Appendiz to the Palatine Anthology.) 

1 Ancient tourists who listened for the sound of Memnon’s 
statue at dawn scrawled their semimetrical testimonies all 
over the statue and base. Cougny i. 175, 184, 185 are 
mainly in pure iambi and I omit them despite an occasional 
choliambus, due to the incompetent author or authoress. 
Pardalas seems to have had some knowledge of the metre 
and appropriate dialect. 



Ὁ κλεινὸς ts βασιλέως ᾿Αμάζασπος, 
ὁ Μιθριδάτου βασιλέως κασίγνητος, 
ᾧ γαῖα πατρὶς Κασπίτοι»ς παρὰ κλήθρτοιςς, 
Ἴβηρ᾽ Ἴβηρος ἐνθαδὶ τετάρχυται 
πόλιν παρ᾽ ἱρὴν ἣν ἔδειμε Νικάτωρ 5 
ἐλαιόθηλον ἀμφὶ Μυγδόνος νᾶμα. 
θάνεν δ᾽ ὀπαδὸς Αὐσόνων ἰάγήτοριϊ 
μολὼν ἄνακτι [Ταρθικὴν ἐφ᾽ ὑσμίνην, 
πρίν περ παλάξαι χεῖρα δηΐῳ λύθρῳ, 
ἰφθιμον, αἰαῖ, χεῖρα δουρὶ Ἰκανοζωρὶ 10 
καὶ φασγάνου κνώδοντι, πεζὸς ἱππεύς τε». 
ὁ δ᾽ αὐτὸς ἶσος ἘΠ: αἰδοίαις . . 
(Cougny, A.P. iii. p. 132. In Rome? Non inveni.) 
3. -cas -pas corr. by Meineke. 7. ἢ ταγήτορσι and 

ἄναξι (8). 10. καὶ τόξῳ M. Haupt. 11. supplied 
by Scaliger. 


SPE LOPS ee τρις Juwy ἴχνος, εἰ θέλεις γνῶναι 
ee Pe τ τ Jus τῇδε λαίνῃ στήλῃ. 
en Leek cn Oe Caer 1 ἐν φθιτοῖς ἀνὴρ χρηστός, 
specs ΣΉ ἐν ΝᾺ | λέλοιπεν ἡλίου φέγγος, 
ΟΕ Ἰων μηδέπω τελειώσας. 5 
4 5 / ~ > 7ὔ 

παρ τ τὺ. Je δέδοκτο, μοῦνος ἀνθρώπων, 
καὶ πάντας) ἀρετῇ τοὺς ὁμήλικας προῦχεν 
> A / » / 
εἰς πᾶν δίκαιος, θεοσεβής, φιλάνθρωπος. 
τίς οὐχ ἑταίρων τὸν τεὸν μόρον κλαίει; 

1-5. I translate the general sense given by Cagnat (so 

7, 9, 10, 12, 13 (δεινὸν) and 14). 3. xp. ἐν φθ. av. lapis. 
6. Bacarra lapis: corr. Cagnat. 



The famous son of a king, Amazaspus, 

And of king Mithridates own brother, 

Who by the Caspian gates was born, here lies, 
Iberian of Iberian, balméd, 

By holy city 1 built by Nicator 5 
On the Mygdonian stream ‘neath grey olives. 
Unto the Roman emperor ? fighting 

Against the Parthian he went ally, 

(And fell his hand not yet in foes’ blood steeped, 
That hand alas ! both with the bow mighty 10 
And with the sword-hilt) horse and foot leading. 
Withal he was of modesty maiden .. . 

1 Nisibis. 

* The emperor seems to have been Trajan. 


<Halt passing if thou wouldest learn, stranger, 
<Who buried lies> beneath this stone pillar. 

Once was he {80 and so>, a man righteous, 

<But now hath gone and> left the fair sunlight 
And left unfinished <his life’s due course. 5 
Alone of men was he <in all blameless> 

<And all> his fellows he in worth outdid. 

<In all things> just, humane, and god-fearing 
<Which of> thy comrades at thy fate weeps not ? 



ἅπας] μὲν ὄχλος οἰκετῶν σε δακρύει, 10 
ἐν παν τὶ δ᾽ ἦσθα σεμνὸς ὡς δοκεῖν εἶναι 
ἔτ᾽ ὄν]τα παῖδα τοῖς νοήμασιν πρέσβυν. 
....Jov, ποθητὴ μῆτερ, εὔνασον θρῆνον, 
πέ]νθους τιθηνόν, ὃς μάτην σε πημαίνει" 
> \ \ > / \ iy “ἢ 
οὐδεὶς γὰρ ἐξήλυξε τὸν μίτον Μοιρῶν, 1ὅ 
> / ᾽ 3 / 29> « / 
οὐ θνητός, οὐκ ἀθάνατος" οὐδ᾽ ὁ δεσμώτης 
οὐδ᾽ αὖ τύραννος βασιλικὴν λαχὼν τιμήν 
θεσμοὺς ἀτρέπτους διαφυγεῖν ποτ᾽ φήθη. 
Φαέθοντα Τιτὰν οὐκ ἔκλαυσ᾽ ὅτ᾽ ἐκ δίφρων 
ἀπ᾽ οὐρανοῦ κατέπεσεν εἰς πέδον γαίης; 20 
Ἑρμῆς δ᾽ ὁ Μαίας οὐκ ἔκλαυσεν ὃν παῖδα 
[Μυρτίλον Ἰάπὸ δίφρων κύμασιν φορούμενον)]; 
οὐδ᾽ αὖ Θέτις τὸν σ«θλεναρὸν ἔστενεν παῖδα 
ὅτ᾽ ἐκ “βελέμνων θνῆσκε τῶν ᾿Απόλλωνος; 
οὐδ᾽ αὖ βροτῶν τε καὶ θεῶν ἄναξ πάντων 25 
Σαρπηδόν᾽ οὐκ ἔκλαυσεν, οὐκ ἐκώκυσεν; 
οὐδ᾽ αὖ Μακηδὼν ὁ βασιλεὺς ᾿Αλέξανδρος 
« / ” , > Μ / 
ov τίκτεν Αμμων θέμενος εἰς ὄφιν μορφήν... 

(Cougny, A.P. iii. Ρ.. 1985, In Alexandria.) 

16. read οὐδὲ. 22. is corrupt. 23. στεναρόν lapis. 
25. πάντων ἄναξ lapis. 28. incomplete. 



<Aye all> thy household servants are mourners ; 10 
And always wast thou dignified, seeming, 

Though yet a boy, in intellect man-like. 

O yearning ! mother, thy lament cease thou : 

It doth but nurse the grief that hurts idly. 

For none have yet escaped from the Fates’ thread, 
Nor mortal nor immortal : nor pris’ner 3 16 
Nor tyrant borne to consequence kingly 

Has ever thought to flee their laws fixéd. 

Titan did mourn for Phaethon fallen 

Out of his car from heaven to earth’s plain. 20 
And Hermes Maea’s son his own son wept, 
Myrtilus, thrown to waves <that his name bear>.? 
Thetis lamented tor her son valiant 

When by Apollo’s darts he lay stricken. 

Aye and the king of all gods and all men 25 
Bewailéd and lamented Sarpedon. 

Aye Alexander, Macedon’s ruler, 

Whom Ammon did beget disguised snakewise . . . 

1 ποθητή must mean weeping. Read ποθῆτι. 

2 Cf. Ps.-Call. pp. 290 sqq. for these and following verses. 
They might actually be by the same writer. 

3 1 suppose the author to have written something like 
Μυρτίλον ἰαφθέντ᾽ εἰς φερώνυμον κῦμα. φορηθέντα would suffice. 


1 (1 Meineke) 

Ti δὴ γέρων ὧν καὶ φάλανθος, ὦ ᾽ρίστων, 
τὸ βρέγμα δῶκας ἡλίῳ κατοπτῆσαι; 

Τξοι γὰρ τὸ θερμὸν πλεῖον 7 ἢ δέον ζητῶν 

τὸν ψυχρὸν ὄντως εὗρες οὐ θέλων “Αιδην. 

(Diog. L. vii. 164 τοῦτον λόγος φαλακρὸν ὄντα ἐγκαυθῆναι 
ὑπὸ τοῦ ἡλίου καὶ ὧδε τελευτῆσαι... « (1).) 

2 (2 Meineke) 

Οὐκ dpa μῦθος ἢν ἐκεῖνος εἰκαῖος 

ὡς ἀτυχής τις ἐών 
τὸν πόδα κολυμβῶν περιέπειρέ «πως» ἥλῳ:" 

\ A ε A 3 / 

καὶ yap ὁ σεμνὸς ἀνήρ, 
πρὶν ᾿Αλῴφεόν ποτ᾽ ἐκπερᾶν, ᾿Αλεξῖνος 5 

θνῆσκε vu<y>els καλάμῳ. 

(Diog. L. ii. 109 ἔπειτα μέντοι νηχόμενον ἐν τῷ ᾿Αλφειῷ 
νυχθῆναι καλάμῳ καὶ οὕτω τελευτῆσαι... .. (2).) 

8 (3 Meineke) 
Ei καὶ σέ, Ἐενοφῶν, Kpavaod Kéxpomds τε πολῖται 
φεύγειν κατέγνων τοῦ φίλου χάριν Κύρου, 
ἀλλὰ Κόρινθος ἔδεκτο φιλόξενος, ἦ σὺ φιληδῶν 

οὕτως ἀρέσκῃ; κεῖθι καὶ μένειν ἔγνως. 

(Diog. L. ii. 58 ὡς ἐτελεύτα (3). 4.6}. vii. 98 (3) ἐκ τῆς 
βίβλου τῆς ἐπιγραφομένης Βίων Φιλοσόφων. vv. 8, 4 Suid. 
8.0. φιληδῶν from A.P.) 

1. 8. τὺ yap corr. Meineke. 
2. 3. 7r6cod.: em. Stephanus. 6. νυχθεὶς corr. Hermann. 
3. 2. φευγέμεναι AP. 4. ὃ ὅκως. 




Why, O Ariston old and bald-headed, 

Did’st to the sun to bake give thy noddle ? 
Withal didst thou, excess of heat seeking, 
Discover that cool death which thou shunnédst. 

(It is said that Ariston, who was bald, was scorched by 
the sun and so died. Here is an epigram of mine (1). 
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers.) 


That witty jest was no mere jest random 
How an unfortunate wight, 

In swimming, on a nail his foot piercéd : 
So did that reverend man 

Named Alexinus crossing Alphéus 
Pierced by a bulrush expire. 

(Later while swimming in the Alpheus Alexinus was 
pierced by a reed and so died. Here is my epitaph (2). 
id. See Addenda.) 


Xenophon, though by the townsmen of Cecrops 
and Cranaus dooméd 
To exile since thou followedst Cyrus, 
Yet did Corinth receive thee hospitable: where 
both in comfort 
Thy life thou passed’st and wast there buried. 

(On Xenophon’s death id. Also in the Palatine Anthology 
whence Suidas quotes the last two verses.) 



4 (om. Meineke) 
Kai σὲ Πρωταγόρη σοφίης ἴδμεν βέλος ὀξύ 
ἀλλ᾽ οὐ τιτρώσκον«.τ»᾽, «ὄντα» δὲ γλυκὺ 
<x >p<t>pa. 
(A.P. vii. 152. Not in our codd. of Diog. L.) 

5 (om. Meineke) 

> / / Ε] \ / 
Ἰλιγγίασε Βάκχον ἐκπιὼν χανδόν 
Χρύσιππος, οὐδ᾽ ἐφείσατο 
οὐ τῆς Στοᾶς, οὐχ ἧς πάτρης, οὐ τῆς ψυχῆς, 
ἀλλ᾽ ἦλθε δῶμ᾽ ἐς ᾿Αἴδεω. 
(Diog. L. vii. 184 τοῦτον ἐν τῷ ᾿Ὠιδείῳ σχολάζοντά φησιν 
Ἕρμιππος ἐπὶ θυσίαν ὑπὸ τῶν μαθητῶν κληθῆναι" ἔνθα προσ- 

ενεγκάμενον γλυκὺν ἄκρατον καὶ ἰλιγγιάσαντα πεμπταῖον ἀπελθεῖν 

ἐξ ἀνθρώπων... . (5). A.P. vii. 706.) 

4. 4. -ον, -ων corrected by Jacobs. κρῆμα corrected 

by Boissonade. 
5. 3. οὐχ ἧς A.P.: οὐδ᾽ ἧς some codd. D.L. (vitiosissime) : 

Jacobs οὐ τῆς perhaps rightly. πάτρας A.P 



Thee too Protagoras do we know, sharp spear- 

point of wisdom, 
Not wounding us but sweet as an ointment. 

(In the Palatine Anthology only.) 


Chrysippus had a fit upon gulping 
A drink, and spared not anyone, 

Nor Stoa, nor his land, noi his own self, 
But into Hades passed away. 

(Hermippus says that Chrysippus was resting in the 
Odeum when he was summoned by his pupils to a sacrifice : 
there he took a liqueur and had a fit and five days later 
departed this life...(5). Diog. L. Also in the Palatine 



᾿ σι aera 
ἀν ὲ 

sea [ὸ ἐππής peor. hiding ot 


droprtitiaw ἐλ teswe δ ay  seithahael ‘ . 

= ΙΝ ! | - 7 i 
(zine ὁ yuolAnals ern 5:11 af, 

{ ᾿ 1 ᾿ , ᾿ ἘΝ ee 
Eerie ἐδεχαν ἢ ὦ bask 2 
nodeon ton Be ce 
τ Arp piogid ΜΌΝ fate 
== ' hae ret : 

δ nt πϑξθθανν. sv angieyuns te ere 
. οὐ το ὁ (ὦ BITTE. γα ata aot ἃ 
Vai et wen ata [ypu rt) ae Bez a8 
chery Bt keds Cert τὶ 


Poems I and II and those later ones which concern 
the death of Darius were edited by Kuhlmann, a 
pupil of W. Kroll (Munster, 1912). Since then Kroll 
has produced a text of the one best codex, or re- 
cension of the life of Alexander (Berlin, 1926). ‘This 
is codex A (Paris Graec. 1711). Some other codices 
present quite different versions, B and C (codd. dett.): 
and I have constantly referred to the Bodleian cod. 
Baroce. 20, a ms. in the main of type C. Further 
we have the excellent Armenian version (Arm.) 
translated into Greek by Richard Raabe 1 (Leipzig, 
1896), the Latin translation of Valerius (Val. : printed 
by Miiller-Didot: Arrian etc. 1865), and the 
Byzantine version (Byz.) into politic verse (W. 
Wagner,” Berlin, 1881), all of which preserve some- 
thing of value. Of the recensions A (only preserved 
in one bad codex) is by a stylist more or less faithful 
to his original : B and C represent a version into the 
vulgar language. In a way they are more helpful, 
since wherever a literary metrical phrase peeps out 
that is necessarily original. 

Besides the verses in i. 42 preserved onlyin the Latin 
of Julius Valerius, Kuhlmann recognized only three 

1 To whom most of the improvements in the text of i. 46 
are due. 
2 Trois Poémes grecs du moyen age. 


choliambic portions : and to these Kroll in his critical 
notes adds an oracle (which is quite separate) and 
an account of Darius’ appearance when Alexander 
goes to the Persian camp as his own herald. But, 
as the verses in i. 46 show, there is far more. For 
we have no mere song of Ismenias the flute-player : 
the narrative between his verses and those of Alex- 
ander—and indeed, though obscuredly, the narrative 
before—is all choliambic. Further, in the fable of 
the mice and wasps, which I give below in verse for 
the first time,! the conclusion is 

ws ὃ εἶπεν ὁ] βασιλεὺς πάντες αὐτὸν ηὐφήμουν 

and the verses continue. It is clear that for large 
portions this life of Alexander rests on a choliambic 
basis: and we may hazard a guess that the whole 
is based on an anthology of Alexander’s deeds in 
which the choliambic verses (as far as they extended) 
occupied pride of place. The only known poet who 
wrote of the fall of Thebes was Soterichus, who lived 
under Diocletian; but he seems to have been an 
epic poet.2 There are difficulties in placing our 
choliambist later (when the art of the iambus was 
beginning to be lost), or earlier (when Soterichus 
must have merely copied the theme of the fall of 
Thebes). But the first appears the less unlikely 
hypothesis. The coincidence of parts of the story 
with far earlier sources is by no means fatal to this. 
It is best merely to give what can be found of these 
verses and leave entirely the question as to when 
this curious narrative—compound of Egyptian and 

1 So with many other portions. 
* For another epic poem on this subject introduced into a 
history see P. Oxy. 1798. 



Aethiopian fable, anecdote, forged letters and chol- 
iambic verse, with some traces of sound historians 
as sources—finally took shape. The only certain test 
of a very late date does not apply to our author, 
who uses words like the nominative ᾿Α λέξανδρος in 
which the accent does not fall on the penultimate.! 

1 As the verses have to be picked from various sources I 
use the following signs :-— 

i. The reading of Codex A is given without mark. 
ii. Insertions from codd. dett. are given in round brackets 

iii. Insertions or corrections whether conjectural or from 
the versions are marked < >. When they are from the 
versions the source is given in the crit. app. 

iv. Where I indicate omissions (...), I give the general 
sense in italics on the English side. Often one or two 
isolated traces of metre are omitted. Where no traces of 
metre occur I give a résumé in English in italics and round 



i. 42. 9 καὶ παραγίνεται cis Φρυγίαν καὶ εἰσελθὼν 
εἰς αὐτὴν Ἴλιον τὴν πόλιν ἔθυσεν Ἕκτορι καὶ ᾿Αχιλλεῖ 
καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις ἥρωσιν. praecipue tamen Achillem 
veneratur ac rogat uti 5101 et ipse faveat et dona 
quae ferret dignanter admittat; haec enim a sese 
non ut ab externo ac superstitioso verum ut con- 
sanguineo ac religioso dedicari ; 

hine primus exstat Aeacus Iovis proles, 
atque inde Peleus Phthiae regna possedit, 
quo tu subortus inclyta cluis proles. 
Pyrrhusque post id nobile adserit sanguem, 
quem subsecuta est Pie<l>i fama non dispar; 5 
Pie<]>ique proles Eubius dehinc regnat. 
post Nessus ardens excipit domus nomen, 
Argusque post id, qui potens fuit Xanthi ; 
ex hoc Arete nobilis genus ducit. 
Areta natus Priami nomen accepit, 16 
Tryinus unde et Eurymachus post illum, 
ex quo Lycus fit dives et dehine Castor. 
Castore natus est Dromon qui dat Phocum ; 
atque hinc suborta est Metrias, quae suscepit 
Neoptolemei nominis vicem dignam, 15 
cui substitutus Charopus. hic Molossorum 
5. Pieri codd.: corr. Mai. 


i. 42.91 Alexander arrived in Phrygia and entered 
the city of Ilium itself and sacrificed to Hector and 
Achilles and the other heroes. Most of al] he 
honoured Achilles and asked him to favour him and 
deign to accept the gifts he bore. These he dedicated 
not as a superstitious stranger, but as a relative and 
a religious man. 

Aeacus son of Jove your race founded, 

Next Peleus held the Phthian dominion, 
Whose world-famed progeny you are called 
Next Pyrrhus vindicates thy blood nobly, 

And Pielus of equal fame follows. 

Thereafter Eubius, Pielus’ son, reigns. 

Next glorious Nessus name of thy house bore : 
Thereafter Argus, master of Xanthus, 

From whom Arete noble her race drew. 
Priamus was the son of Arete, 10 
Tryinus and Eurymachus next came ; 

Whence wealthy Lycus and anon Castor. 
Dromon was Castor’s son and bore Phocus ; 
Hence Metrias was born, and her son bore 

The name Neoptolemeian with full worth; 1ὅ 
Charopus, his successor, the kingdom 


1 All our Greek mss. omit this poem. 
26 291 


regni potitus auctor extitit stirpis 
nostrae ¢ 
> eritque viscus inclytum matris. 
e qua subortus vestro sanguini adnector, 20 
quaesoque nomen adseras tuum nobis, 
bellisque praestes gloriasque subtexus 
velut feracis seminis < > fructum, 
quod cuncta late spatia terrae pervadat ; 
unaque metis nostra fac Phaethonteis 25 
regna explicari mundus adserat cunctus. 

(i. 46. 11) 
χεὶρ δὲ Μακεδονικὴ οὐκ ἔκαμε τὸν 
πολυσφαγῆ σίδηρον αἱματώσασα. i 
(46a. 3) 
᾿Ισμηνίας Θηβαῖος, τῆς αὐλομελῳδίας ἔμπειρος 
ἀνθρῶπος, τὴν χεῖρα προτείνας 
ἄρχεται λέγειν οὕτως" 9 

(Βασιλεῦ μέγιστε, φεῖσαι ἡμῶν εὐτελῶν: μὴ τοιού- 



Molossian gat, and of our race founder 
Became .. .ἷ 

will be his mother’s famed offspring. 
Whose son I, with your race thus connected, 20 
Beg that your name by us be asserted, 
Given to wars and crownéd with glories : 
For fruit are we of a seed right fertile, 
A seed to range over the whole wide earth. 
Grant the whole world declare that ourrealm be 25 
By Phaethontean goals alone bounded.” 

(Alexander wins over the cities on the Black Sea, and 
enters Greece. The first resistance comes from Thebes.) 

1 Here should follow the names of Alcetas and Neoptole- 
mus (Kuhlmann). 
2 As we should say, ‘ the sun should never set on it.’ 

(The Thebans close their gates but Alexander forces 
an entrance.) 
The hand of Macedon tired not 

Dipping in gore its sword all blood-spattered. 1 

(A certain Ismenias of Thebes, ἃ flute-player, 
stretched forth his hand and with many tears) 

did thus begin speaking :-— 2 

Spare, Alexander of all kings greatest,! our sorry 


wv. 1 was 6.9. φεῖσαι μέγιστε βασιλέων ᾿Αλέξανδρε. Where 
we can see a basic verse I drop into verses in the translation. 



/ \ / ¢€ ~ > / > / 
τῳ κινδύνῳ τὴν πόλιν ἡμῶν εἰς τέλος ἀφανίσῃς): 
> / ~ / / \ A > re i. 
AreEavdpe, νῦν πείρᾳ μαθόντες τὸ σὸν (ἰσόθεον) 
κράτος σεβόμεθα“. ἐπίσχες τὰς ἀνικήτους χεῖρας 
ἀπὸ Θηβαίων «ἀγνοίᾳ μήπως ἀσεβεῖν δόξεις 
τὰ συγγενῆ σου. ῳὩἩράκλεος, Διόνυσος, οὗτοι 
θεοὶ Θηβαῖοι», ὃ ἐπιδοξότατοι θεοὶ καὶ προγονικῆς 
μίξεως a ἀρχέγονον βλάστημα. Διός τε καὶ Σεμέλης 
λ Διό > Θ / > / θ ὃ. 
πυρι οχευτὸς Διόνυσος ἐν Θήβαις «ἐτέχθη» 
Ἡρακλῆς «παρὰ» Διός τε καὶ ᾿Αλκμήνης 
> i Cc. e ad “ 3 θ 7 Q \ \ 
«ἐσπάρη »"- οὗτοι πᾶσιν ἀνθρώποις «βοηθοὶ καὶ 
εἰρηνικοὶ» σωτηρίας φύλακες ἐφάνησαν 

σοῦ δὲ τυγχάνουσιν] ᾿Αλέξανδρε 8 
προπάτορες ὄντες. 4 

ToUt<ous>! σε χρὴ μιμήσασθαι καὶ εὐεργετεῖν, 
ὥσπερ ἐκ θεῶν γενόμενος. μὴ ὑπερίδῃς τὰς 
Διονύσου καὶ Ἡρακλέους τροφοὺς Θήβας ἀπολ- 
λυμένας μηδὲ τὸ βοόκτιστον ἄστυ κατασκάψῃς" 
ὄνειδος γὰρ ὕστερον Μακεδόσι γενήσεται. 

ἀγνοεῖς ᾿Αλέξανδρε 5 
< > Θηβαῖον [καὶ] οὐχὶ IeAAatov: 6 

<dAn >! σε Θηβαίων χώρα λιτανεύει 
~ \ \ / / 
«θρηνοῦσα», τοὺς σοὺς προπάτορας κομίζουσα 7 
θεούς, Λυαῖον 8 
εὐφροσύνης καὶ χορείης θιασώττην»," “Ηρακλέα 
δίκαιον ἔργοις καὶ βοηθὸν ἀνθρώποις. 9 
α from σεβόμεθα we have only the versions as a check on 

the readings of cod. A. be Byz. © Byz.: κατέσπειραν A. 
4 οὕτω A. ἐ Arm. (Byz.) 7 Byz.: τούτῳ A. 6. 6.9. 



persons. Do not in such a disaster destroy our city 

Taught by experience your divine puissance ὦ 
We worship thee : keep off from us Thebans 
Your hands unconquered, 

lest you appear in ignorance to wrong your kin. 
Heracles and Dionysus are the gods of Thebes, 
most glorious gods and ancestral offspring of earliest 
union between Zeus and Semele. Dionysus,? with 
fire for his midwife, was gotten in Thebes. In Thebes 
was born Heracles, offspring of Zeus and Alemene. 
These appeared to all the world preservers, as helpers 
and peaceful guardians of safety. (3, 4) And they 
are your ancestors, Alexander. As you are born of 
gods, you should imitate these and do good. Do not 
allow the continuance of the destruction of Thebes 
which nursed Dionysus and Heracles, nor raze the 
ox-founded city. For hereafter it will be a reproach 
to the Macedonians. (5, 6) Do you not know, 
Alexander, that you are a Theban and not a citizen 
of Pella? The whole land of Thebes calls on you 
wailing and entreats you through my mouth, (7, 8) 
Thebes that displays your ancestral gods, Lyaeus, 
god of delight and revel-leader of the dance, and 

Righteous of deed and all mankind’s helper. 9 
1 ¢.q. ἰσόθεον τὸ σὸν κάρτος. 

* Dionysius Zagreus, distinguished thus by later writers 
from D. the late-born. 

ἔχων γένος 9 πόλις A: ὅλη Byz.: e.g. ὅλη δὲ λιτανεύει σε 
ΘΙ x. 7. Byz.: διὰ τῆς ἐμῆς φωνῆς A. Num νομίζουσα ὃ 
8. Byz.: λῦσαι ois A. mh -as A 



ἤδη καὶ μιμητὴς τῶν προγόνων «φαινόμενος», 
καλῶν καὶ ἀγαθῶν ὄντων τὸ πλεῖον, εἰς εὐεργεσίαν 
μετατρ«απεὶς ἐκ» τῆς ὀργῆς, 10 
[πρὸς]" τὸ προχειρότατον «πρὸ» τοῦ κολάζειν 
τὸ ἐλεεῖν ἔχε. 
μὴ θῇς ἐρήμους 11 
τούς σε σπείραντας θεούς, 
τῶν σῶν γενΐ ᾿εἰαρχῶν «ἄστυ» μὴ καθαιρήσης, 
ἰδίαν πατρίδα σου μὴ ἀγνοῶν κατασκάψῃς. 
ὁρᾷς τὰ τείχη ταῦτα; «ταῦτα δέδμηνται» 
Ζ2Ζηῆθός «θ᾽» ὁ ποιμὴν καὶ ὁ λυρῳδὸς ᾿Αμφίων, 15 
οἱ Δηνί ων])ὸς viol, «τ)οὺς λάθρᾳ ἔτεςκ»εν νύμφη 
ἡ Νύκτεως «παῖς» ἐν χοροῖς πλανηθεῖσα. 
[ta] θεμέλια ταῦτα καὶ τὸ πλούσιον δῶμα 
πύργωσε Κάδμος. ὧδε λαμβάνει vdudy<v> 19 
«τὴν» ‘Appoviay ἣν ἔτεκεν ἀφρογενὴς Κύπρις 
τῷ κλεψικοίτῃ Θρῃκίῳ συνελθοῦσα. 
τὴν σὴν ἄρουραν μὴ ἀκρίτως ἐρημώσῃς, 
μη «δὲ» καταφλέξῃς πάντα Θηβαίων τείχη. 
«τῆ Λαβδακοῦ» ᾿ἰἐϊστι [αἰδώμας«θ᾽ >: ὧδε δυσ- 
<o> Aato<s> «γυναῖκα λαμβάνει»: τίκτει 88 
«τὸν » πατροΐς <p »όϊγοϊντην «Οἰδίπουν» λυγρὰ 
τοῦ«θ»᾽ Ηρακλτῆρος τέμενος ἦν, τὸ μὲν πρῶτον 
᾿Αμφιτρύωνος οἶκος: «ὦ »δ᾽ ἐκοιμήθη 
τρεῖς νύκτας ὁ Ζεὺς εἰς pi<n>v ἀριθμήσας. 
α ἂν φαίνῃ Byz. 10. Byz.: -τρέπε τὰ A. > del. Kroll. 

© Miiller, Arm. 12. καθ. πόλιν A. 13. σου z. A. 
14. dedounuéva A. A verse is lost ‘with poems, lyre and 
lute’: Byz., Arm. 15. Kroll. λοίδορος A; cf. Arm. 



Do you too imitate your ancestors, persons of 
general excellence ; 

Turn your anger to benevolence, 10 
prefer pity to over-hasty punishment. 

Desolate not 11 
the gods that begat you, 

The city of your ancestors raze not : 12 
Nor thine own land in ignorance ruin. 

Seest thou yon walls ? they are the walls builded 

By shepherd Zethus, poet Amphion, 15 
The sons of Zeus, whom at a feast erring 

The child of Nycteus secretly brought forth. 

And these foundations here, and the rich house 
Were built by Cadmus, who to wife took once 
Harmonia nymph, child of foam-born Cypris, 20 
By union with ravishér Thracian. 

Lay not thine own demesne thus unjudged waste 
Nor burn down all the walls of us Thebans. 

This is the house of Labdacus : here took 

A wife the ill-starred Laius ; here bore 2 
Oedipus patricide his poor mother. 

Here shrine of Heracles : it was erstwhile 
Amphitryon’s house : here on a time Zeus slept 
Three nights which he did turn to one only. 


16. Miill., Arm. ἔτεμεν A, 17. Arm. χοροῖς Byz., 
Arm.: χρόνοις A. 18. Byz., Arm.: δόγμα A. 19. Kroll 

ex Byz. προσεπύργωσε: πύργος καὶ A. ὧδε Arm. THY ν. 
‘A. A: corr. Kroll. 91. κλεψοκύτει θρησκείῳ A: corr. Miill. 
29. ἀκρίτως μὴ A. 24. πλαγιου te A. ὅδε A. 
25. πλαγίου τε A. τίκτει : τί δὲ A, which gives one verse: 
suppl. et corr. ex Byz., Arm. 26. -y- A. One Kroll 
-κλέος A. 28. Arm.: ᾿Αμφικτύονος A, Byz. ὅδε A. 

29, εἰς μίαν ἀθροίσας A: ἀριθμήσας Arm., Byz. 


ὁρᾷς ἐκείνους τοὺς πεφλεγμένους οἴκους 80 
ἀκμὴν ἔτ᾽ ex<oTal>ovras οὐρανοῦ μῆνιν; 

ἐκ «εἶ κεραυνῷ τὴν ποθουμένην βάλλει 
Σεμέλην ποθ᾽ 6 Ζεύς: «ὦ )δε τοῦ πυρὸς μέσ«σ»ον 
τὸν Εἰραφιώτην ἀπεκύησε «Ληναῖον». 

«ὦ »δ᾽ Ἡρακλῆς μέμηνεν" ἔνθεν οἰστρηθείς 35 
Μεγάραν ἀνεῖλεν τὴν γυναῖκα τοξεύσας. 

ὁ βωμὸς οὗτός ἐστιν ὃν βλέπεις * Ἥρας, 

ἧ τις) ACO Pl βῶλον ἀρχαία: 

ἔνθ᾽ Hoare κιθῶνι σάρκα δου δ σα 40 
κατῃθαλώθη, χερσὶ τῆς Φιλοκτήτου 
«δοὺς τόξα βαφθένθ᾽ αἵματι δρακοντείῳ». 

a > > \ / / / ~ 
ταῦτ᾽ ἐστὶ Φοίβου λόγια, Tetpeciov δῶμα" 
ὁ τρισγέρων «ἐν τοῖσδε» γίνεται μάντις 
Δ > ~ / / 
OV εἰς YUVALKA [LETETUTIWO <E > Tpitwr<is>. 45 
᾿Αθάμαςς» μανεὶς ἐνταῦθα παῖδα Ae<i>apyov 
τόξοις ἀνεῖλεν εἰς ve<B>pov τυπωθέντα-" 
ἐνθένδε «δ᾽» ᾿Ινὼ ᾿«φ»ήλατ᾽ εἰς βυθοῦ κῦμα 
σὺν τῷ Μελικέρτῃ τῷ νεογνῷ λυσσώδης. 
ἐνθένδε πηρὸς Οἰδίπους ἀπηλάσθη 50 
tay<at>s Κρέοντος: οὗ τὸ βάκτρον ᾿Ισμήνην 
«ἔπεφνε Τυδεύς: ἧς ἐπώνυμος κρήνη» 

Sie Byz.: -raé- A. τὴν A: μῆνιν Arm., Byz. 32. ἐκεῖ 
Arm.: ἐκ ἃ. κεραυνῷ Kroll: -νοῦ A. 33. ὅδε A. foci πὸ 
ἊΣ 34. ἠρα- A, Byz. Ληναῖον Byz., Arm.: λινεόχην A. 
35. ὅδε A. 38. 7 τις inserui: conf. HPHC et HITIC. 

\. τ. 8. Byz. fere: ὑψηλὰ κέκμηκεν βῶμον ἀρχαῖον A. A verse 
is missing, 6.5. βάθροισιν ὑψηλοῖσι χωρὶς ἱδρύσας: cf. Arm. 

40. κιθῶνα Α. δαρδάπτειν A: corr. Maas. 41. καθηλώθη 
A: corr. Maas. 42. supplevi e.g. ex Arm. 43. ταύ- 
ταις τῇ A: corr. Miiller. 44. ἐν ois Byz. 45. -a -a 
A: corr. Miiller. 47. Arm.: νεῦρον A. 48. ἐκεῖνο 
A: δὲ Mill. (Arm.). 49. λυσσότην A: corr. Miill. 



Beholdest over there those burnt houses, 30 

That even now do heaven’s wrath ooze out ? 

1 There Semele belovéd did Zeus once 

With levin smite ; and in the fire’s own midst 

Th’ Kiraphiot Lenaean from thigh brought forth. 

Here was to madness Heracles goaded 35 

And Megara his wife slew with arrow. 

This altar that thou see’st is of Hera, 

Where the hill’s ancient sod is by man cut 

With lofty steps apart : Heracles here, 

In anguish of the shirt his flesh burning, 40 

Was burnt on pyre : unto Philoctetes 

His arrows steeped in dragon’s blood leaving. 

See here is Phoebus’ pulpit ; three ages 

Teiresias living in this house outlived ; 

Tritonis changed to woman his manhood. 45 

Here Athamas went mad and Leiarchus 

His child did shoot with bow a deer deeming. 

Hence Ino leapt into the sea’s depths down 

With Melicertes her young child frenzied. 

Hence Oedipus was driven, at Creon’s 50 

Behest, all lame : his staff, his Ismene,? 

<Did Tydeus slay: from whom this spring gat 


1 vv. 14 5). may be older. Not once is ‘O Alexander’ 
—useful padding in this metre—introduced. The sack is 
only mentioned in 22 and 23. ‘The diction is not so late, 
the style high-faluting instead of prosaic, the catalogue 
straightforward, and the metre excellent. But it is very 
poor stuff. 4 Midsummer-Night’s Dream provides an easy 
model for translation. 

2 Schol. Eur. Phoen. 53 ᾿Ισμήνη ἣν ἀναιρεῖ Τυδεὺς ἐπὶ κρήνης 
καὶ ἡ κρήνη ἀπ᾽ αὐτῆς ᾿Ισμήνη ἐκλήθη. 

Uy ar De ars IN 50. ἀπελάσθην A: corr. Miller. 51. ταγες, 
οὕτω A. 52. supplevi ex schol. Eur. Phoen. 


οὗτός «θ᾽» ὁ ποταμὸς ἐκ μέσου Kibatpdv<o>s 
Ἴσμηνός ἐστι Βάκχιον φέρων ὕδωρ. 
> / ς “ / «ς Φ 59, 3 cal 
ἐλάτην opas κλάδοισιν ὑψόσ᾽ ἀρθεῖσαν; 55 
ev τῇ »δε [{ενθεὺς εν] τοὺς χοροὺς κατοπτεύων 
πρὸς τῆς τεκούσης SvaTtvx<@>s διεσπάσθη. 
πηγὴν ὁρᾷς βρύουσαν αἱμόχρουν ὕδωρ, 
ἐξ is Boos μύκημα δεινὸν ἠχεῖται; 
τοῦτ᾽ ἐστὶν αἷμα τεῆς» σεσυρμένης Δίρκης. 60 
ὁρᾷς ἐκείνην «ὑστάτην ἀκρώρειαν 
τὴν ἐξέχουσαν τῆς ἀταρπιτοῦ «τλαύτης; 
ἡ Σφὶγξ ἐπ᾽ αὐτῆς ἕζεθ᾽ ἡ Tepaor <e la 
πρόσταγμα προστάττουσα δημ «ό»ταις πᾶσιν 
ἣν Οἰδίπους ἀνεῖλε πολλὰ μερμήρας. 65 
αὕτη θεῶν πηγή ᾽στι καὶ ἱερὰ κρήνη, 
> e > / > A ὩΣ 
ἐξ ἧς ἀναβλύζουστ«ιν» ἀργυραῖ νύμφαι. 
εἰς «ταῦτα λιβάδι᾽ Ἄρτεμις κατελθοῦσα 
ΓΘ ΤΕΣ xp@tas: ὁ δὲ δύσαγνος ᾿Ακταίων 

μὴ θέμις κατεῖδε λουτρὰ <Ant>das. 70 
ἜΡΟΝ ΠΡ «δ᾽ ἐς» ἔλαφον ἀκλεῶς σῶμα 

\ > / \ \ \ > / 
κυσὶν «ὠ Σμοδ[ι]αίτοις διὰ TO λουτρὸν ἠγρεύθη. 
δ ~ σ. ΘΝ > / \ / 

<op>ds ἵν᾽ "Apys ἐπολέμησε tas Θήβας, 
eva ΠΠολυνείκης ἦρξεν ᾿Αργείου λεηοῦ», 74 
στράπτων λοχαγὸς «ἑπτὰ» O<o »υρίων λόγχη <S>; 
> ~ ΧΩ \ \ \ - 3 J 
ἐνταῦθα Kalp|maveds παρὰ τὸ χεῖλος ἐφλέχθη. 
τὰς μὲν πύλας καλοῦσι «ταύ»τας ᾿Ηλέκτρας. 

53. οὕτω ἀπότομος A: ποταμ. Kroll. εἰς μέσον and -νως 
A: corr. Miill. 54. -εον φέρον corr. id. 55. els twos 
ap. KN. A. 56. Tide A. 57. τῇ -σῃ and -xas A: Corr. 

Mill. 58. τὴν ᾿Αγήνορος A: πηγὴν ὁρᾷς Mill. (Arm., Byz.) 
ἔμοχθον A: aiuatdev Arm.: αἷμα χρυσοῦ κτλ. Byz.: ita Kroll. 

60. 7 A. 61. Miill.: ὑ om. A. 62. caraprn’ τοῦ 
A: corr. Miiller, Arm. αὐτῆς A: ταύτης Sitzler. 
63. εἰσφὴξ A: corr. Miill., Arm. 64. -wrats A. 



And eke Ismenus from mid Cithaeron 

In his stream bearing Bacchian water. 

Dost see that fir w ith branches aloft borne ? 55 
Thence Pentheus Dionysus’ rites witnessed 

Whom did his mother tear apart sadly. 

Dost see the fount whose waters are bloody 

And echo up a dreadful bull’s bellow ? 

This is the blood of Dirce, by bull dragg’d. 60 
Dost see that ridge upon the horizon 

That juts from out the path of man trodden ? 
Upon it sat the Sphinx, that great marvel, 

And bade the townsfolk all do her bidding, 

Till she was slain by Oedipus crafty. 65 
This is the Gods’ Well and the spring sacred 
From which do silver nymphs gush Gat water. 
Unto these pools did Artemis ela down 

To wash her body ; impious Actaeon 

Saw the Letoan’s bath that none may see. 70 
His form uncouthly to a stag’s changéd, 

Slain by his ravening hennde he paid dearly.1 
See’st thou, when Ares fought ’ gainst Thebes’ city, 
Where Polynices led the host ἊΣ give, 

Gleaming of seven spear hosts ΣΝ πα ΤΣ ? 75 
There Capaneus was burnt at wall’s coping, 
Where are the gates men call the Electrae. 

1 διὰ τὸ λουτρὸν can hardly be correct. A phrase like δι᾿ 
ἀσέβειαν, ἡ for his impiety,’ is needed. I translate λυτρόν. 

65. μερμήνας A: corr. Miill., Arm. 66. π. 8. ἐστί A: 
corr. Miill. 67. -σα A. 69. Byz.:-a A. 1105 Αἀτα: 
διστ- Α. 71. ins. Kroll: -αγῆς A. 72. kupw Α : corr. 
Mill. ὁμοδι- A: corr. Sitzler ex Arm. 73. ἐν πᾶσιν 
A: παῖδες Arm. 74. Neds A (Byz.). 75. Byz.: 
ἔνθα A. -nv A. 77. Kroll. de vAoxopas A: corr. Miill., 



πύλαις δὲ ταύταις Προίτισιν «τὸν» ἄρρηκτον» 
᾿Αμφιάραον xyal<v »ουσα δέχενυται» γαῖα. 
᾿Ωγωγίαις πύλεαι»σιν ἐν τρίταις KAnOp <w > 80 
«Ἱπ»πομέδοντα «παῖς) Meyalvev|abév<ovus> 
ἔπεσε «δὲ» Νηίσταισι παρὰ πύλαις «ταύταις» 
ΠΠαρθενοπαῖος" 6 ὃ; “Ὁμολωίσιν γαίζων» 
πύλαισ«ι» «Τυδεὺς» μυρίτοι»σιν ἐ«βολήθη. 84 
«φεύγει δ᾽ ΓΑ ραβτίοι ἑβδόμαι πύλαι δ᾽ αὗται». 

δ ὦ ἢ" «αι» ἜΣ τ λα aye Agee 
[e] Ky py 
[ἡ] διώρι»σἾ α] ἁγνὰ «παῖς ἔτ᾽ evdoalt] Kad- 

αὗται Av<ai>ov τοῦ φιλευίου Θῆβαι 90 
αὐ«λ»αὶ πέφυκαν ἃς ἐπεέκτ»ισ᾽ Αἰσώπῳ, 
< > Βακχίους < > gla 

ds «νῦν» κελεύεις ἐκ βάθρων ἀναιρεῖσθαι. 
ὁρᾷς σὺ σηκὸν Ἡρακλέους πυρὸςς μεστόν); 
τοῦ σοῦ γεν εἸάρχου καὶ πατρὸς φιλεανθρώ »που 
τεμένη σεαυτὸςν» ἀγνοῶν θέλεις φλέξαι. 95 
τί τοὺς γον.ῆλας τοὺς τεκόντας ὑβρίζεις, 
«ς / / A ~ Ψ' 
Ηρακλέους γένος <te> καὶ κλυτοῦ Βάκχου; 

᾿Ισμηνίας μὲν ἱκέτευσε Too<o>atTa 

\ \ \ / > uA 

πεσὼν παρὰ moot βασιλέως ᾿Αλεξάνδρου. 

78. προστεθείσαις ἡμῖν : corr. Miiller, Kroll. -res Az 
corr. Miill. 79. Arm.: χαιρ- A. Kroll: δεχοίοιτε 
A. 80. -ecw A. -pe A. 81. mats Arm.: τὸν A. 
er Α : ἀναιρεῖ Arm. 82. ἔπεσε Arm.: εἶπεν τὲ A. δὲ 
suppl. Sitzler. γΝηίσταισι Arm.: κεδίστεσιν A. 83. Arm.: 
ὅτε ἣν μόλην A. γαίης A: cf. θαρρῶν Arm. 84. Arm. 
-eow A, ἐκλ. A, Arm. 85. supplevie Byz., Arm. 86. 
e.g. ἐνταῦθα πόλεως ᾿Αντιγονὴ παρὰ γνώμην. 87. -ψε Α. 



At these the Proetid gates the unshatter’d 78 
Amphiaraus was by earth swallow’d. 
At third Ogygian gates with the gate-bar ! 80 

Hippomedon Megasthenes’ son felled. 

Fourth at the Neistean gates perish’d 
Parthenopaeus ; at th’ Homoldid 

Slain Tydeus was, struck down by darts countless. 
Adrastus fled : these are the gates seventh. 85 
<Here notwithstanding the townsfolk’s bidding,> 
Antigone, unwedded maid Theban, 

The leader of the Argive host buried, 

<And with her love in living tomb perished). 

These Thebes upon Asopus are founded 90 
Courts of Lyaeus that doth love ‘ Evoe,’ 
<That> Bacchic <revelry once supported> 9la 

Which now to be uprooted thou biddest. 
Dost see the shrine of Heracles song-famed ? 
Homes of thine ancestor and sire, lover 
Of all mankind, would’st burn? Thyself know’st 
not ἢ 95 
Why dost insult thy parents, thy fathers, 
Scion of Heracles and famed Bacchus ἢ 
Ismenias did supplicate thuswise 
Falling at feet of King Alexander. 
1] translate κλήθρῳ and what the Armenian version 

suggests, παῖς Μεγασθένους for slayer of Hippomedon. But 
I find no warrant for either guess. 

-έντα and λαυ- A: corr. Mill. 88. λισετευσαι A. From 
this verse to end of speech we have only A. 89. see 
translation. 90. Aveou τοῦ φιλέα vids ws οὐ A: corr. Kroll. 
91. αὗται A. éswrw A: corr. Miill. 92. σὺ A: 
corr. Kroll. 93. πυρούμενον A. 94. o evyeveapxou A. 
Φιλίππου absurde A. 95. σεαυτοῦ Tew. A. 96. -eas A. 
97. ‘Hp. γεν. A: corr. Miill. 98. -ros αὐτὸς μὲν ἱκετεύσας 

Tou. ἔπεσεν π- mw. A. β- 



ὁ δὲ Μακεδὼν πρὸς αὐτὸν ὄμμα «τρηχύνας 100 
καὶ τοὺς ὀδόντας τοῖς ὀδοῦσι συντρίζων 

ὀργὴν ἀναπνέων τοῖον εἶπε τὸν μῦθον" 

ὦ παγκάκιστον» ἐκλόχευμα Καδμείων, 

D παγκάκιστον ζῷον, «ὦ» θεοῖς μῖσος, 
δήμιςο»ν βλάστημα βαρβάρου ῥίζης, 105 

~ > > > / \ / / 
τῆς ἐπ᾽ ᾿Ισμήνῃ o<d> λείψανον λύπης, 

A § & ξ 

σοφιστικούς μοι καὶ πεπλασμένους μύθους 
εἰπὼν ὑπέλαβες ὅτι πλανᾷς ᾿Αλέξανδρον; 

«ἣν γὰρ προ σϊπᾶσαν τὴν πόλιν καθαιρήσω, 110 
καὶ πυρὶ τεφρώσω ᾿ς >», 

Kal πάντας ὑμᾶς μετὰ πάτρας κατασκάψω, 
«πῶς» τῶν «γενεαρχῶν ἐξέκοψα τὴν ρίζαν»; 
εἰ γὰρ σὺ πᾶσαν τὴν σπορὰν «ἐ»γίνωσκε[ιὶς 
[καὶ] πόθεν <m>€pu<k>a, καὶ τίνες λοχεύσαντες, 
οὐκ ἦν σε Θηβαίοισςι» ταῦτα κηρύσσλειν; 116 
ὅτι ἐστὶν ἡμῖν συγγενὴς ᾿Αλέξανδρος, 

μὴ πρὸς πολίτην [αἸποφλέμιοι» καταστῶμεν" 
«θ»ῶμεν στρατηγ ὁδν: σύμμαχοι γενηθῶμεν" 
ἡμεῖς πολῖται, συγγενεῖς ᾿Αλεξάνδρου. 120 
δόξ᾽ ἐστὶν ἡμῖν τῆς yepailo|rarns ῥίζης, 

«ἢ»ν οἱ Μακεδόνες ἐπιπλακῶσι Θηβαίοις. 
ὅτε» δ᾽ εἰς ἄμυναν οὐδὲν Ἰάτονησατεὶ 

καὶ τὸ θράσος ὑμῶν τῆς μάχης κατῃσχύνθη, 
τότε «δὴ» μεταβολὴ καὶ δέησις ἀγνώμων, 128 

100. Kroll?: 6. π. αὐ. A. μηκύνας Α. 102. Byz.: 
-πτεων A. 103. Arm., Byz.: -re A. 104. καὶ A: 
(or ἄνθρωπε καὶ 6. Arm.: τῶν κακίστων Byz.). 105. - 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, 11. 100-125 

The latter gave at him a glance savage, 100 
And gnashing upper teeth upon lower 

Spake out as follows his irate answer : 

Most evilly begotten of Thebans ! 

Most evil beast! Of heaven’s hate object ! 

Of root barbarian a growth common ! 105 
Last relic of the woe of Isméne! 

«Ὁ dotard of blind mind and of blind eyes>! 107 
With barrister-like cunning of false tales 

Didst thou expect to cheat Alexander ? 110 
Suppose that I destroy the whole city 

And burn to ashes <all the walls Theban> 

And raze you all to earth with your township, 
How do I then root out my forefathers ? 

If thou hadst known of my descent truly 

Whence I was born and who they were gat me, 115 
Should’st not have told the Thebans as follows ?— 
‘Since Alexander is our own kinsman, 

Let us not go to war ‘gainst our fellow : 

Let ’s make him general, be his allies: 

Kin are we, fellow-citizens are we. 120 
To us the honour of the branch eldest 

If Macedonians join with us Thebans.’ 

Now when you ᾽να shown no spirit in combat, 

And all your boast of battle disgraced lies, 

Now you revert to prayers and pleas idle, 125 
A. 106. -νησι A. 107. Arm.: see transl. 
110. ὃν A: recte Arm. (Byz.). 111. om. A, Arm., Byz.: 
e.g. πάντα Θηβαίων τείχη. 118, τὴν A, Byz. cett. Byz.: 
γονέων A. 114. ot wou y.7. 0.7. A. 115. -ca A. 
ἢ κἀκ τίνων -ων. 116. -ττ- Α. 118. παραταχθῶμεν Byz.: 

πο for ἀπο. 119. δῶμεν -ίαν A. 122. ἐὰν A. 123. 
Arm.: ὅτι A. ηὐτονήσατε Raabe ex Arm.: lL. -άντων τὸ 
θάρσ. 125. Miiller. 



7 \ / ~ ” « aA 
τοι, μὴ δυνάμενοι νο >bv ἔχοντες αἱρεῖσθαι 126 
δόξῃ) ᾽δύνασθε πρὸς μάχην ᾿Αλεξάνδρου »Σ. 126a 
ἀλλ᾽ οὐδὲ Θηβαίοιζει]σιν οὐδέ σῴζοι» πρτῆξις», 
/ ad lit} «ς “ ~ / 3 / 
κάκιστα «ἐφ᾽ ὑμᾶς» τοῦ τέλους «ἐπ᾿»ελθόντος 
Θήβας «μὲν» αὐτεὰ»ς «αὐτόθεν» καταφλέξω. 
\ > / A \ / > / 
[καὶ] ᾿Ισμηνίαν <d>€ τὸν κράτιστον αὐλητήν 130 
~ ¢€ /, / > ~ 
T<K@>V ἡμιφλέκτεω»ν δωμάτων ἐφεστῶτα 
οὕτω [σε] κελεύω δίδυμ«ο»ν ὀργάνων ἦχος 
Bowria<Ceurv «τήν & > ἅλωσιν αὐλῆσαι. 
«οὕτω δἷς εἰπὼν ἐ]᾽ κέλευσε τοῖς στράτοις κατα- 
ἑπτάπυλα τείχη καὶ πόλισμα Θηβαίων. 135 
/ \ > / / 
πάλιν «Κιθ»αιρὼν ἐπεχόρευε Θηβαίοις- 
Ἴσμην[ι]ος αὐτὸς αἱμόφυρτος «ἔρ)ρευστε: 
βέβλητο τείχη καὶ πόλισμα Θηβαίων. 
καὶ πᾶσα γαῖα ταῖς σφαγαῖς κοπωθεῖσα, 139 
KaTa<p >pupevTwv δωμάτων πολυκ«λλαύστων, 
αρὺ o<T>€vova<a τ᾽, > ἀπ᾽ ἐ«δαφ»ῶν ἐμυκᾶτο. 
᾿Ισμηνίας δὲ δίδυμον. ὀργάνων ἦχος 
Ἣν. ἁρμοσάμενος, T<@ >V «ἐδρειπίζω»ν ἑστώς 
«ἧπερ ἐκέλευσεν ὁ Μακεδὼν ᾿Αλέξανδρος. 

ἐπεὶ δὲ τείχη πάντ᾽ ἔπιπτε» Καδμείων 145 
καὶ μέλαθρα «τὰ» Λύκου καὶ τὸ <Aa>BddKou 

εἰς εὐσέβειαν τῆς πάροιθε παιδείας 
τὴν Πινδάρου «᾽τήρησεν οἱ κ«ί»αν «μούνην», 
126, 196 ἃ. iniuria desperat Kroll: ita Arm., nisi quod 

σωφρονοῦντες et ἠβούλεσθε τὴν δόξαν vertit Raabe: μὴ δυνα- 
μένη συνεχόντων ἀναιρῆσαι ὅτι οὐ δύνασθε πρ. μ. ᾿Αλεξάνδρῳ 

Α. 127. Arm.: σὺ A. mpwro Α : συμφέρει 
Arm. 128. Byz.: sive ὑμῖν κάκ. avdévros A: ἐλθ. 
Byz.: ἐπιφανέντος Arm. 129. δὲ A: μὲν Byz., Arm.: ὃς 
A Kroll e Byz. (ἐκ ῥιζῶν) : Arm. ἐν ταύτῃ τῇ ὥρᾳ. 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, 11. 126-148 

Who, since before you could not choose rightly, 126 

Imagined you could fight Alexander. 126a 

But neither do the Thebans, nor dost thou 

Avail : and now the evil end cometh, 

When I will burn the town of Thebes wholesale. 

And bid Ismenias, ἡ best flute-player,’ 130 

Standing upon the half-consumed houses, 

The double harmony of pipes <pouring > 

Boeotian-wise ! to play the town’s sacking. 

Thus did he bid his hosts to earth raze down 

The seven-gated walls and fort Theban. 135 

Once more Cithaeron raved and Ismenus 

With stream of blood did rush on Thebes’ city. 

Fallen the walls and fort of the Thebans. 

And all the earth was by the spade harassed, 

As were cast down the houses much wept for, 140 

And bellowed from its very foundations. 

Ismenias stood there on the ruins, 

The harmony of his twin pipes fitting, 

Where he was bidden by Alexander. 

But as fell all the walls of the Thebans, 145 

And Lycus’ halls and Labdacus’ mansion, 

In pious mem’ry of his young training 

The house of Pindar did he spare only, 

1 The Boeotian νόμος here alluded to was symbolical of 
an unhappy ending. 

130. ce A. Arm., Byz.: κάκιστον A. 131. Arm. : 
τὴν -w A. 132. Byz.: ὧν A, Arm. 133. δύο τι ἀναλ. 
A: recte Arm., Byz.: sive Βοιώτιον χεῖν. 134. Byz. : 
αὐτὸν A. 136. Arm., Byz.: ἐκεῖ χαίρων A. 157: byZe: 
᾿Ισμηνίας Arm., -vios A. pevoas A. 140. cf. Arm. 
141. Arm.: γένους A. ἀπελθών A. 142. τῆς μηνίας 
A: corr. Miill. 143. τὸν ἠρίπιον corr. Miill. 144. ὅπερ A: 
ws Arm. 145. -ov corr. Miill. 146. AaB. Arm. 
148. codd. dett. i. 27 (Arm. ἐπῆρεν). codd. dett. ibid. 

μόνην : A κατανα τύμβον, Arm. πύργον : fort. οἰκίας πύργον 
Qu 307 


ἐν «θ᾽» ἦλθε παῖς ὧν καὶ μετέσχε Tats Μούσαις 
πρὸς τὸν Aup<w>dov τὸν γέροντα φοιτήσας. 150 
πολλοὺς μὲν ἄνδρας περὶ πάτραν κατασφάξας 
ὀλίγους κατέλιπε παντελῶς ἔτι ζῶντας, 

καὶ τοὔνο«μ»᾽ αὐτῶν τοῦ γένους ἀπήλειψεν. 
Θήβας γὰρ εἶπε μή «τιν᾽» ἔτι «κ»αλεῖν Θήβας 
ἀλλ᾽ ἄπολιν αὐτῶν τὴν πόλιν γενν]ηθῆναι, 155 
ὡς «οὐλνομ«ῆσναι τὸν τοιοῦτον ἄνθρωπον. 

(ii. 14. 5.) 

ἔξωθεν» ἐπὶ λόφου (yap) ἦν ὁ Δαρεῖος 
(τάφρους) ὀρύσσων καὶ φάλαγγαϊς) συντάσσων 
[ὡς] δέςει») [τῶν] Μακεδόνων «οὐ μενοῦσαν» 

ὁ δὲ «τότ᾽ ) ἀθρήσας τὸ πολὺ θαῦμα Δαρείου 160 
παρ᾽ ὀλίγον αὐτὸν προσεκύνησεν ὡς Μίθραν 
θεὸν νομίζων οὐρανοῦ κατελθόντα 
τοῖς βαρβάροις πέπλοισιν ἐγκοσμηθέντα. 
ἦν γὰρ «καθάριον» τῶν τύπων τὸ προσχῆμα- 
«ἀνὴρ μεσῆλιξ»-: «καὶ» λίθοι πολύϊτιμοιτ 165 

149. ae ἐν ᾧ A. παῖς ὧν Arm.: πεσὼν A. 150. -οδὸν 
AS 53. Arm.: τοῦ νοῦ A. 154. μηκέτι λαλεῖν A? 
recte pe eae 156. ws ἔννομον εἶναι A: ἄνομον Arm. 
Fuit ὃς ἂν ὀνομήνῃ vel εἴ ris . . . τήναι. 157. Byz.: order 
varies in A, B, C: yap C. 158. Byz.: τάφους cod. 
Baroce. 20: στράτους cett. ὑποτάσσων A. 159. 
ὡς δὲ ὁ Α. συνεισμηνιοδῳ (i.e. φόβῳ) A: recto propius 
Byz.: καὶ φύβῳ συστελλόμενος πολλῷ τῶν M. 160. Arm. 
161. θέον ΜΙ ίθραν A: Μιθρ. om. cett. Hic demum usque ad 
σῶμα Δαρείου choliambos agnovit Kroll. 163. στολαῖς 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, τι. 149-165 

Where as a boy he went to learn music— 

His master the old lyrical poet.t 150 
Many he slew around their own city, 

And very few indeed he left living, 

The very name of all their race rubbed out. 

He bade that Thebes should be on no man’s lips, 
And that their city should be no city, 155 
When anyone should speak of such fellows. 

(Here the traces of choliambi cease for the time till ii. 13, 
when Alexander is in Persia. But, as the last verse shows, 
the story of the refounding of Thebes, and much else, was 
in this metre once.) 

(ii. 13-14. 5 Alexander sees a vision of Ammon in 
guise of Hermes with wand and cloak (and staff) and 
Macedonian felt hat and is told to proceed in this disguise 
as his own herald. He crosses the frozen Strangas and 
tells the outposts of his errand. They take him to 

Apart upon a hill sat Darius 157 
Deep ditches digging, and his hosts training 

That feared the Macedonian combat. 

When he saw Darius, that wonder, 160 
He very nearly worshipped him ; Mithras 

He thought to see from heaven descended, 
Adornéd with barbarian raiment ; 

For holy was the monarch’s appearance. 

He was of middle age. With stones precious 165 

1 Comment is perhaps superfluous. 

cett. 164. Arm.: κατ᾽ αὐτόν A. 165. Byz.: A 
and Arm. paraphrase: ad fin. ἐκ λίθων πολυτίμων dett. 



διαδήματος [TO] κάρηνον ἔσκεπ <o >v aduyxGer| τος)" 
πέπλῳ δ᾽ ἐχρῆτο «ὁπλοῖον ἄλλον οὐκ εἶδεε»ν" 
Βαβυλωνίων (ὕφασμα) χρυσί <w>Vv νῆμα 
σειραὶ δὲ ypvolejat καὶ πέδιλα [χρυσέων] 
φοινικ«ᾶ», 169 
<oKeéTovTa> δετιρδὴν Kal δυοῖν ποδοῖν κνήμα[ι]. 

(χρύσεα δὲ λυχνίδια ἐπάνωθεν αὐτοῦ ἥπτοντο" 
ἕτερα δὲ περὶ τοῖς πόσιν αὐτοῦ καὶ κύκλῳ περι- 
ἔστραπτον λυχνία.) 
λοχαγέται «δὲ» μυρίοιςσι» κηρύκων 171 
(σκήπτροισιν) ἑκατέρωθεϊν) μυρίων φωτῶν 
eee” adic ον Δαρείου. 

σοὶ μηνύω ᾿᾽γών, (és) παρὼν ᾿Αλέξανδρέν! 174 
βασιλεὺς βραδύνων εἰς μάχην «κατέρχεσθαι» 11 
ἤδη πρόδηλός ἐστὶν ἀσθενῆ ψυχήν 

«κεκτημένος καὶ δειλός». ὥστε μὴ μέλλε, 
«πότε δὲ συνάπτεις τὸν πόλεμον», (ἀνάγ- 

snes 178 
οὐ μ aie eee <. . .>* ἀλλ᾽ ἐπεὶ δεῖπνον 
[τ δ] Tou eee [rots] ἀγγέλοισ«ι) δεῖ τελειοῦ- 
σθαι, 180 

καὶ γὰρ αὐτὸς ᾿Αλεξάνδρος (δεῖπνον ἐποίησε τοῖς 
ἐμοῖς γραμματοφόροις, συνδείπνησόν μοι. καὶ) 
χειρὸς (κρατήσας) δεξιᾶς (᾿Αλέξανδρον) 181 

166. A ὃ. σ. τὸ κ-. ἔσκεπεν : φορῶν cett. 167. A (o)iov οὖν οὐκ 

εἶδον a. 168. A -ἰον (bis) et εὔφασιν. 169. -«ων A: 
codd. dett. give the colours vice versa. 170. σκῆπτρον A. 
171. ἀλλ᾽ oir. A. 172. ἔθνεα ταῖς A: σκῆπτρα (and ry 
cett. 174. ἐγώ σοι μηνύω omnes: ws om. A. 75. 


A diadem his head around girded. 

A robe he wore,—the other had ne’er seen 

Its like, of Babylonian gold lace : 

Necklets of gold he wore and shoes crimson 
Cov’ring his neck and calves of his two legs. 170 

Golden lamps were alight above him, and larger 
lamps shone at his feet and around him. 

While generals with countless heraldic 171 
Sceptres arrayed on this and on that side 
Circled around the form of Dareius. 

(Alexander is brought to Darius and delivers his 
message :—) 

I tell thee, as I were! Alexander, 174 
A king who is sloth to enter the combat, 175 
At once is shown to have a weak spirit 

And cowardliness of heart. Without halting 
Announce to me when combat may open, 178 

(Darius, after commenting on A.’s boldness, says :—) 

Thou shalt not trouble me. But, since dinner 179 
Must be prepared as usual for heralds, 180 

for so did Alexander himself give dinner to my envoys, 
dine with me. So 

He took the right hand of Alexander 181 

1 ὥσπερ ὦν. 

ὀφείλεις εἰδέναι βασιλεῦ Δαρεῖε ὅτι Bp. €. μ. β. πρ. ἐ. τῷ ἀντιδίκῳ : 
τῷ ἀντιδ. om. Byz. recte. 176. ἀσθενῆ ἔχων τὴν A. 
177. κεκτημένος Byz.: καὶ ἄνανδρον Arm.: δειλ- and μαλθακ- 
Byz. 178. init. Byz. (exe. δέ): codd. dett. ἀλλὰ ἀνάγ- 
γειλόν μοι πότε βούλῃ σύναψαι... 180. τὸ σ. δ. τοῖς ay. A: 
sim. Byz. 191: τῇΞ 60x. 0A. 



[εἰστἤνεγκεν αὐτὸν «τῶν ἀνακτόρων εἴσω» 
ὁ Ole ᾿Αλέξανδρος" (ἀγαθὸν) ἔσχ᾽ ἐν καρδίᾳ τὸ 
ἤδη κρατήσειν» τῶν τυραννικῶν «ἑδρῶν.». 
ὁ δὲ «οὖν» I Γισελθὼν εἰς τὰ μέλαθρα Δαρείου 
καὶ tent τὸ ἵν] δεῖπνον εὐθέως ἐκηρύχθη. 186 
πρῶτος δ᾽ ἄνω κλιντῆρος ἦν ὁ Δαρεῖος», 

δεύτερος δὲ ἀδελφὸς ἦν ᾿Οξυάθρης «ὅ) Δαρείου, 
τρίτος δὲ <Aloyos > σατράπης ᾿Οξυδράκων», 188 

εἶτα πάλιν «᾿Α»δουςλ»ίτης“ ὁ ἐπὶ Σούσης," καὶ 
Φραόρτης" «.. > 

μετ᾽ αὐτὸν «ἐκλίθη δὲ» Μιθριδάτης ἕκτος 189 
καὶ Τιριδάτης τοξοτῶν «ὃς ἦν») πρῶτος, 190 

ἔτι τε Κανδαύλης ὁ νυκτίχρωος *Mévwrost,? εἶτ᾽ 
ἀνέκειτο Αἰθιόπων ἄναξ, 

καὶ Πολυάρης ἔγγιστεος ) ἡγέμων 191 
μέγας," ᾿᾽Ορνιράτης, Διόσιος, Καρδερωκέτης, Σουλ- 
βάτης, ᾿Αλκίδης, 

τοῖσι» δ᾽ ἀντίκρυς 192 
ἀνέκειτο μοῦνος αὐτὸς ἐπὶ μιᾶς κλίνης 
ὁ πάντ᾽ ἄριστος ὁ Μακεδὼν «᾿Αλέξανδρος». 194 

ch. 15 A 2 ᾿ 

182. Byz. (except for ἔσω) : ἔνδον τῶν βασιλείων A. 188. 
better «ἐνῆν δὲν (καλὸν). 184. -ἡσης A. τόπων Byz.: δε- 
σποτῶν absurde Arm.: τὸν τύραννον νικῶν A. 188. οὖν inserui. 
186. 4.5. πρὸς (πρῶτος codd. dett.). 187. Arm., Byz.: -ου 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, τι. 182-194 

And led him by it into his palace ; 
The other treasured up the fair omen, 
That he would take the tyrant’s throne right soon. 

So to Darius’ halls did he enter 185 
And even unto dinner was summoned. 
Now first on couch aloft lay Darius, 187 

second came Oxyathres brother of Darius, 
Third Diochus the Oxydrak’s satrap, 188 

then next Adoulites warder of Susa, and Phraortes 

And Mithridates next to him lay sixth 189 
And Tiridates chief of the archers, 190 

and Menops’ son the dusky Candaules, then the king 
of the Ethiopians <¢. . .>, 

And Polyares nearest great general, 191 
Ornirates, Diosius, Carderocetes, Sulbates, Alcides. 

over 192 
Against them lay alone on one divan 
Hero of Macedon Alexander. 194 

(The Persians marvelled at his small size, not knowing 
that a drop of heavenly soul resides in a small vessel. 
Now the cupbearers plied the cup freely.) 

A. 188. Byz.: δὲ ὦχος A. Kroll: -ησαν A. 
4 δουρίτης A: -λίτης Bee ᾿Ανδ- Arm. > Arm.: ἐκ πισσ- A. 
¢ Here and elsewhere the forms differ in our three authorities 
between whom I choose: all miss the description of Ph. 

189. συνανεκὰλ. post ἕκτος A. 190. τόξων τῶν A. eo Veter 
haps ὁ vuxrixpwos παῖς Μέροπος ὁ Κανδαύλης. 191. ἔγ 
γιστα Α. © e.g. δεινός. 193. av’. μ. av. A. 194. 
"An. Byz. 



μεσάσαντος δὲ τοῦ πότου ἐπινοεῖ τι ὁ ᾿Αλέξανδρος" 

(ὅσους σκύφους «γὰρ» ἔλαβ᾽) ἔσωθεν ἔκρυ «π- 
T DEV" 195 

οἱ δὲ ἱπινεγχύται; βλέποντες ἐνεφάνιζον Δαρείῳ. 
ὁ δὲ Δαρεῖος ἐκ τοῦ κλιντῆρος ἀναστὰς εἶπεν: ὦ 

πρὸς τί ταῦτ᾽ ἐγκολπίζί[ῃ]; 197 
/ A συν / ο 5 \ ~ / ~ 
(νοήσας δὲ ὁ ᾿Αλέξανδρος ἀπὸ τοῦ σχήματος τῆς 
ψυχῆς «τὴν μωρίαν» εἶπε: μέγιστε βασιλεῦ, 
οὕτω <yap> (6 ἐμὸς δεσπότης ᾿Αλέξανδρος 198 
ὁτὰν δεῖπνον ποιῇ τοῖς ταξιάρχαις καὶ ὕπερ- 

τὰ κύπελλ᾽ «ἐν οἷσιν ἂν πίωσι» δωρεῖται 199 
«αὐτοῖσιν». (ὑπενόουν δὲ καί σε τοιοῦτον, 200 
\ e \ ~ > ~ ey / 
Kal) Ws παρὰ τῷ ἐμῷ βασιλεῖ ἐνεκολπισάμην 
πρὸς ταῦτα Ϊ.. ὁρῶντες «τῶν λόγων ᾿Αλεξ- 
dvopov > 201 
(τὴν πιθανότητα) «πάντες ἦσαν ἔκθαμβοι»" 
πλαστὸς (γὰρ) ἀεὶ μῦθος <n >V. (ἔχῃ πίστιν 
(εἰς ἔκστασιν) πεποίηκε τοὺς ἀκούοντας. 
[55 σιγῆς γενομένης «οὖν τις» ἀνεπόλησϊ εν] 

αὐτόν 205 
ὄνομαϊτι] (Ilacdpyys), |...) ἡγεμὼν γῆς Περ- 

195. ἔκρυβε A. « Arm. 199. ἐενσιπῆνοις A (ἰ.6. ἐν <oi>at 
πίνουσι»). 900. Arm., Byz. 201. [oi Πέρσαι ἀφ] delen- 
dum. fin. Byz., Arm. 202. πιθανότητι (misplaced) 
codd. dett.: 777.Arm., Byz. Byz.(d7-). 203. ἐὰν codd. 
oxnA. 204. Better ἐξιστάναι πέφυκε. 205.[ 1]: πολλῆς 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, 11. 195-206 

And when the drinking was well started Alexander 
devised a ruse. 

As the cups came to him, in his bosom 195 
He hid them : which was shown to Darius. 196 

Darius leaping up from his couch said, ‘ Good sir, 
Why put these in your bosom? 197 

Alexander, diagnosing from his appearance the folly 
of his soul, said, ‘O most mighty King, 

My master even so, Alexander,! 198 

if he gives a feast to his own spearmen and 

Gives them the cups whereof they have drunken ? ; 
And I supposed you had the same custom, 200 

and put them in my bosom as I would at my king’s 
table. (But if you have not this custom, take them 

Wherefore they when they saw the persuasion 201 
Of Alexander’s words were astonished. 

For ever lying tale if it wins faith 

Drives to bewilderment all its hearers. 

Silence ensuing, one, the embassy’s 20 
Chief leader, called Pasarges, remarked him. 


1 Om. ’Adéé. et lege 67. ὃ. 7. 1. Καὶ U. ποιῇ: 

* Professor Kroll adds to our difficulties by reading 
ἐκείνοις for ἐνσιπήνοις. What A copied badly was ἐν οἷσι πίνουσι 
and the original perhaps κύπελλ᾽ ἐν οἷσιν ἂν πίωσι. See also 

οὖν codd.: ἧς A. 206. A: ὀνόματι ἀσάργης : mapayns C. 
[ |: ὃς ἣν γενόμενος. Notandum Περσίδος. ? τῆς πρεσβείας. 



» A »] A 3 ’ > / 

ἤδει yap αὐτὸν κατὰ πρόσωπον, εἰς [LéAAnv 

« Ψ. ‘ ~ ay ¢€ A / /, 

ἡνίκα TO πρῶτον ἤλθεϊν ὑπὸ] Aapei<w> πεμφθείς 

Μακεδονίας «γ»ῆς (τοὺς) φόρους ἀπαιτῆσαι. 

(ἔστη δ᾽ ἐπιστὰς ἀντίκρῦς ᾿Αλεξάνδρου): 510 
καὶ πρὸς ἑαυτὸν ἔλεγεν, 

οὐκ ἐστὶν οὗτος ὃν λέγουσιν] ᾿Αλέξανδρον; 211 

ἔστιν <ye>* δεῖ με τοὺς τύπους ἐπιγνῶναι. 212 

καὶ κατανοήσας ἐκ δευτέρου εἶπεν: αὐτός ἐστιν 
ἡ φωνὴ γὰρ αὐτὸν ἤλεγξε 218 
«εἰ καὶ πλανᾷ τύπος με)" 214 
(πολλοὶ γὰρ ἄνθρωποι τῇ φωνῇ γινώσκονται κἂν 
ἐν σκότει διάγωσιν). . . . παρανακλιθεὶς δὲ τῷ 
Δαρείῳ εἶπε: [μέγιστε] 
(βασιλεῦ <te> καὶ δυνάστα «[Ι]ερσικῆς Σ χώρας) 
οὗτός «γ᾽ ὁ πρεσβεὺς αὐτὸς ἔστ᾽ ιν] ᾿Αλέξανδρος 

(ὁ παλαὶ Φιλίππου «γενόμενος > ἀριστεύων) 217 

ὁ δὲ ᾿Αλέξανδρος ὑπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ βοηθούμενος 
ὥξυνε ([τὸν] πῶλον τὴν ὁδὸν διευθύνων): 218 
νὺξ γὰρ βαθεῖα (καὶ σκότος κατ᾽ Ο «ὔξλυμποι): 
«πλεῖστοι δ᾽ ἐφ᾽ ἵππων βάρβαροι διώκοντες» 220 
«ἴσχυσαν οὐδὲν καταλαβεῖν» «᾿Αλέξανδρον >: 
(6 μὲν γὰρ εἶχε τὴν δδευτικὴν) πεύκην 

207-8. order ἡνίκα ... ἦλθεν eis Πέλλην τῆς Μ. ὑπὸ 
Δαρείου π. 209. Better ἀπαιτήσων. 210. so codd. 
Baroce. 20 (ἐπιστὰς ἔστη). 212. ἀσφαλῶς ἐστι A. 213. ἔστιν 
yap? 214. ita fere Byz.: sim. codd. dett. 215. πάσης 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, 11. 207-222 

For by his face he knew him, since erstwhile 

He came to Pella town, for Darius 

Demanding Macedonian tribute. 

He took his stand facing Alexander 210 

and said to himself 

Is not this he they call Alexander ? 211 

"Tis he. I ought to recognize full well. 212 
And observing again he said: Certainly it is he ; 

His voice so betrays him, 213 

Even if his shape trick me. 214 

For many people even in the dark are recognized 
by their voice. (Pasarges then concluding certainly 
that he was Alexander himself’) lay down beside Darius 
and said, 

The envoy, King and Lord of all Persia, 215 
Is none but Philip’s son Alexander 
Who among Philip’s sons (?) showed most manhood 

(Alexander seeing he ts recognized escapes with the 
cups and a torch which he snatches from a sentry.) 

And with God’s aid 217 
He spurred his colt and held on a straight course. 
The night was deep, and dark was Olympus. 
And many following him on horseback 220 
Entirely failed to catch Alexander. 
For he held out, unto himself shining, 

B: Περσ. Byz. Q17. γεγονὼς B (num τῶν γόνων ! 2) 
Mox τοῦ θεοῦ βοηθοῦντος. 218. δι. τὴν ὁ. αὐτῷ B; cf. Byz. 
219. ἦν γὰρ ν. β. A. "Od. C, Byz. 920. Byz.: πλ. 
δὲ τοῦτον B. 6. μεθ᾽ im. κατ. οὐκ ἴσχ. sim. B. 222. C, Arm. 

γῆν C: πεύκην A, Arm. 


λάμπων» ἑαυτῷ, (φῶ <s> ἄπειρον. ἔμπροσθεν)" 
(ἦν δ᾽ ὥσπερ ἀστὴρ «τῶν ἐν» οὐρανῷ φαιδρός 
μόνος τ ἰὼν εἰς οὐδὲν ἤγεϊιτοὶ τοὺς Πέρσας), 225 
ot 8° εἰς φάραγγας «ἡ. ἔτυχον «διώλοντο». 226 


ὁ δὲ Δαρεῖος συνεφοράζετο ἐπὶ τοῦ κλιντῆρος 
καθεζόμενος: ἐθεάσατο δὲ [τι]. ἐξαίφνης 

κρήγυόν τι σημεῖον" 227 
rae a \ > \ ~ > / / 
«Ξέρξου» yap εἰκὼν τοῦ ὀρόφου διαστάντος 
κατέπεσεν» ἥνπερ ἠγάπησε» Δαρεῖος. 229 

ἘΝ ste : a 13 eae 3 
penoev δυνάμενοι των τόπων ἀπεστῆσαν, 290 
ποταμὸς γὰρ οὗτος πᾶσίν ἐστιν ἄπλευστος. 231 
\ 4 \ / » 

και οἱ μεν Δαρείῳ ἔλεγον 

37). / 
τὸ εὐτύχημ᾽ ᾿Αλεξάνδρου. 232 
ch. 16 ; 

¢ / 

ἕωθεν τὸν στράτον συναθροίσας 233 
> > / / 3 > / ¢ / 
(ἐξ ὀνόματος καθώπλισ᾽, ἐν μέστοις» ἑστώς 

ὁποῖος «ὁ) Ζεὺς [... ἡ δαίμονας διακρίνων. 235 
καὶ πάντας ἱτοὺς ἑ)αὑύτοῦ «τοὺς στράτους» 
ἀριθμήσας : 236 

(εὗρεν τὸν ἀριθμὸν χιλιάδας ἑκατὸν εἴκοσι, Kal 
στὰς ἐφ᾽ ὑψηλοῦ τόπου τινὸς παραινεῖ αὐτοὺς 
λέγων: ἄνδρες συστρατιῶται, 
εἰ καὶ «παρ᾽ ἡμῖν») ὁ ἀριθμὸς βραχὺς λίαν, 237 
923. κατέλαμπεν A. 87’ Β, which places this after next 

verse. Fe ἐξ codd. dett. 295. ἀνύων τὴν ὁδὸν μόνος C: 
ἀνιών Be = 226. 7: or ev [τῴ] σκότει Byz.: A καὶ οἱ μὲν διώκοντες 
εἰς ὃ μέρος ΤΟΣ ἐδίωκον" ὁ μὲν yap... fal δὲ εἰς τὰς φάραγγας 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, 11. 223-237 

The guiding torch of infinite splendour, 

And was as one of heaven’s stars radiant, 

Lone traveller outwitting the Persians, 225 
Who perished in the dells, as chance led them, 226 

Now Darius bemoaned his fate, seated on his divan ; 
where he 

Saw suddenly a trustworthy omen. 227 
The roof cracked and a picture of Xerxes, 
By King Darius treasured much, fell down. 229 

(Alexander escapes over the river just before it thaws 
the Persians arrive too late and) 

Retreating from the riverside baffled, 230 
(For this is an impassable river) 

Of Alexander’s luck told Darius. 232 

(Alexander next day) 

Full early did assemble his hosts all, 233 
Armed them and called by name, in midst standing, 
Like Zeus the heavenly deities counting. 235 
And having counted up all his soldiers 236 

found there were 120,000. He stood on a high hill, 
and harangued them : 

Fellow soldiers and friends ! 
Full small, as well I know, are our numbers, 297 

κατεκρημνίζοντο. @ del. Kroll. 228. Arm.: εἰκὼν 
γὰρ ἐξω A. kar. δι. A. 299. -πα A. Ὁ There 
are only isolated traces of verses in Alex cander’s escape 
across the river, 6.0. τὸν δ᾽ ΝΕ συθ ρον, ἔρριψεν᾽ ἐρρύσθη «δὲ» 
γῆς ἐπὶ στερρᾶς. 230. am. τῶν τον 0 yap 7. ov. d. δ᾽ 7. 
OER, Gils τὰ Ge Q34. ἐκέλευσεν ἐ. 0. καθοπλισθῆναι C, Arm. 
μέσῳ A. 935. τοὺς οὐρανίους A, ἐν οὐράνῳ Arm. σι, 4, 
δὶς ἑξήκοντα χιλιάδας εὗρεν. 237. A in false place : 
el καὶ B. ὁ ad. ἀλλὰ Pp. μεγάλη παρ᾽ ἡμῖν κτλ. 



ἀλλὰ φρόνησις μεγάλη [zap ἡμῖν] καὶ θράσος Kat 

ὑπέρ <ye> Ἰ]έρσας τοὺς ἐναντίους ἡμῶν: 238 
ἡμῶν δὲ μηδεὶς ἀσθενέστερόν. .. 239 
τι λογίσηται 
ics ταν eee ae > θεωρῶν τὸ <péya> βαρβάρων 
πλῆθος" 240 
εἷς γάρ τις ἐξ ἡμῶν <ye> χεῖρα γυμνώσας) 
ἱτῶ νῶ θεωρῶν! (χιλίους ἀναιρήσει. 242 

μηδεὶς οὖν ὑμῶν δειλιάσῃ: 

πολλαὶ γὰρ εἰσὶ μυριάδες «..... > μυιῶν 243 
λειμῶνας, «- ee eee > θλίβουσαι: 
€ \ \ 4 > ’, ¢€ ~ 
ὁποτὰν δὲ ταύταις εμπεσωσιν «αι σφῆκες 245 
σοβοῦσιν αὐτὰς ταῖς πτέρυξι) κλά «ζ»οντες" 
“ \ “-“ > / > \ ~ 
οὕτω τὸ πλῆθος οὐδέν ἐστι πλὴν πλῆθος- 
σφηκῶν γὰρ ὄντων οὐδέν εἰσιν (ai pia). 
€. > > fe ¢ / / > \ 5 Id 
ws δ᾽ εἶπεϊν ὁ) βασιλεύς, πάντες αὐτὸν ηὐφήμουν. 
πολλὰς «δὲ» χέρσους καὶ ἱστόμουςϊ διευθύνας 250 
«ἦγεν» τὸν ὄχλον ἐπὶ τὰ νῶτα τοῦ Στράαγγου. 
Δαρεῖος «οὖν» ὡς (εἶδε) τόν «τ᾽» ᾿Αλέξανδρον» 
ὀλιγοστὸν ὄντα, (καὶ παγέντα) <...... > 
[ 1 τὸν ποταμὸν εὑρὼν διεπέρασεν], ἐπιστῆναι 
/ a / > / 

pee Snes = tae Tots στράτοις ᾿Αλεξάνδρου" 255 
eG Bet eee τ τος κήρυκας εἰς (μέσον) πέμπει 
καλεῖν ene (εἰς μάχην [τοὺς] ἀριστ τῆ λας) 

(ὁ δὲ στράτος Δαρείου 

238. τοὺς B. 239. μηδ. οὖν ἡμ. B. ἀσθενέστερον : -os 
φανείη Byz.: 6.6. -pav ψυχὴν ἔχοι. 240. Byz.: τὸ πλ. τῶν 
B. B. 242. τῶν ἀντιμάχων codd. dett.; verss.: τῶν 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, un. 238-258 

but we have great resource and courage and personal 

Beyond our adversaries the Persians. 238 
Let none of us display the least weakness 
Seeing the vast barbarian numbers. 240 

For one of us even with hand empty 

Of idle fools like these will slay thousands. 

For there are flies <. . .> in thousands 

Thronging in days of summer the meadows ; 

But when the wasps attack them in battle 245 
They rout them merely by their wings’ whistle. 
So numbers count as nothing but numbers. 

When there are wasps mere flies count for nothing. 
The king spoke and his soldiers all cheered him. 
And after many lands and paths traversed 250 
He led them to the borders of Strangas. 

Darius when he saw the commander 

Had few with him, and saw the stream frozen, 
Crossed it in haste, desiring to surprise 

By stealth the armies of Alexander, 

Yet heralds sent to summon to combat 

The chosen men of all the brave foemen. 


Now Darius’ host 

ἀντιδίκων οὕτω τῷ νῷ θεωρῶν (οὕτω τι νωθρῶν Kroll). Vestigiis 
propius τῶν ὧδε μωρῶν, which I translate. 948. 6.0. ἀεὶ. 
944.. ἡμέρᾳ θερινῇ Arm., 6.5. -να θερινῇσ᾽ ἡμέρῃσι: θλίβουσαι λει- 
μῶνας B: αἱ σκοποῦσαι τὸν ἀέρα misere cod. A. 246. κλαγόντες 
A. 247, πλὴν πλῆθος : πρὸς ἡμᾶς or σύνεσιν codd. dett. 
248. codd. omnes?: παρόντων inepte Kroll. 250. οὖν 
omnes. ὁδοὺς καὶ ἄκρα Arm., στίβους Kroll. 251. εὗρεν A. 
252. ὁ δὲ A. omnes. ἰδών : ἐθεάσατο A. στράτον -ρου Α. 
254. A ἐχλεύασεν ὡς μηδὲν (om. cett.) καὶ εὑ. ἐπιπήκτον τ. π. 
255. e.g. ἄφνω : πρῶτος dett. 956. καὶ A: 6.5. ὅμως 
(Byz.) γε μήν. ἐκπέμπει A. Φδῆ. καλεῖν τὴν μάχην A: 
καλοῦντας κτλ. cett. -eas codd. dett. 



«πᾶς ὅπλοις ἐθωρήχθη». 
ὁ δὲ ἅρματος Δαρεῖος ἦν ἐφ᾽ ὑψηλοῦ 
καὶ οἱ σατράπαι αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ δρεπανηφόρων ἁ ἁρμάτων 
ἐκαθέζοντο). τῶν δὲ Μακεδόνων προῆγεν ὁ 
᾿Αλέξανδρος ἐγκαθίσας τὸν Βουκέφαλον immov: 
προσεγγίσαι δὲ τούτῳ οὐδεὶς ἠδύνατο... .. 

ὡς δ᾽ ἑκατέρους ἔκλῃζε πολέμιος σάλπιγξΥαἔχ 360 
πολὺς δέ τις θροῦς συνεκλονεῖτο καὶ κλαγγ«ή» 
στράτων, προθυμίᾳ «γὰρ» ἦλθον εἰς δῆριν, 
(ot μὲν λίθους ἔβαλλον, οἱ δὲ τόξ...... 263 
ἔπεμπον ws ὄμβρον am’ οὐρανοῦ φερόμενον, 
ἕτεροι δ᾽ «ἔκρυπτον» βέλεσιν (ἡμέρας φέγγος) ye 
ἄλλοι δ᾽ «ἄρ᾽» ἐξοιστροῦντο «ταῖς» μαχαίραισιν" 
[Kal] wAovto πολλοί, πολὺς ὀδυρμὸς ὠρώρει: 
«ὡς» ot μὲν ἐσφάζοντο (βέλεσι τρωθέντες), 
ἡμισφαγεῖς δ᾽ ExewTo .......... (ἄλλοι: 268 
γνοφερὸς δὲ ἦν ὁ ἀὴρ καὶ αἱματώδης). 
πολλῶν δὲ Περσῶν ὀλεθρίως τελευτώντων, 269 
ὁ Δαρεῖος ἔστρεψε τὰς ἡνίας τοῦ ἰδίου ἅρματος," 
καὶ πᾶν τὸ Ilepa@v πλῆθος εἰς φυγὴν ὥρμα. 270 
δρεπανηφόρων «οὖν» ἁρμάτων τροχαζόντων 
(€bépil<o>v abto<i> τοὺς πλείστους τῶν Ilepoav 
ὄχλους ὡς [ἐπὶ] 

258. ἐθωρακίσαντο πανοπλίαν 6066. dett.: π. ὅ. ἐθωρακίσθη Byz. 

259. ὁ δὲ Δ. ἢν ἐφ᾽ ἅρματος ὑψηλοῦ A. 260. ἔκλαγξε codd. 
dett.: οὖν -ous ἔκλιζξε A (Kr.). 261. κλαγγείων A+ 1: 6- 
κλαγγὴ τῶν Kroll. 262. δὲ Α. 263. 4.0. οἱ δ᾽ ἐτόξευον 
πέμποντες -- -- ὡς ἀπ᾿ οὐρανῶν ὄμβρον. 264. βολίδας ἐσῴφεν- 
δόνιζον ὥστε ἐπικαλύπτειν codd. dett.: ἐσκέπασαν A. τὸν 
ἀέρα A: ἡμέρας φέγγος codd. dett., Byz. (Arm.). 265. & 
dé w. ἐξ. A. 266. πολλοὶ μ. &., πολὺς δὲ A. 267. καὶ 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, τι. 258-271 

was all in arms ready. 258 
Darius sat on chariot lofty 

and his satraps were seated on scythed chariots. 
The Macedonians were led by Alexander on his 
horse Bucephalus that none could approach. 

Now when the martial trumpet called both sides 260 
And mighty din and shouting of armies 

Clattered together, eagerly fighting, 262 
Some hurled great stones, and others shot arrows, 

like rain falling from heaven, 

Others with missiles the daylight clouded, 264 
Others with swords to frenzy were goaded. 265 
Many did fall, and many cries rose up. 

As some were slain of wounds from thrown missiles 
Or lay half slain... 

The air was thick and blood-tainted. 
When many Persians were by doom taken, 
Darius turned the reins of his ear, 

And the whole Persian host to flight urgéd. 270 

Then on their chariots seythed, in haste wheel- 

ing,t 271 

the satraps mowed down the common herd of the 
Persians like 

1 ov. 271-2 may be continuous, ¢.g. πεζοὶ ᾿θερίζονθ᾽ ὥσπερ 
ὑπ᾽ ἀγροτῶν σῖτος, which is nearer the A version, 

codd. 268. ἕτεροι δὲ ἡ. ἔ. A, Byz.: ἄλλοι δὲ ἡ. ἔ. codd. 
dett. 2 e.g. A. ἔφυγεν ἡνιοστροφῶν ἅρμα. 270. τὸ πλ. 
τῶν II. A. Q71. δὲ πολλῶν A. δ So in general 

codd. dett.: -ev -os codd. dett.: e.g. ἐθέριζον ὄχλους ὥσπερ 
ἐν θέρους ὥρῃ. 
ΦῚ 928 


στάχυας ἀρούρης ἀγρόται ἐπικείροντες). 272 
κάτωθεϊν] δ᾽ [ει] ἐλύθη κῦμα Kal ἥρπασεν» πάντας 
οἱ δὲ μὴ φθάσαντες διαπερᾶσαι τὸν ποταμόν 
ὑπὸ τῶν Μακεδόνων (νηλεῶς) ἀνῃροῦντο. 274 
ὁ δὲ Δαρεῖος φυγὰς γενηθεὶς καὶ εἰσελθὼν εἰς τὰ 
(ῥίψας ἑαυτὸν εἰς [τὸ] ἔδαφος, ἀνοιμώξας, 275 
σὺν δάκρυσι ἐθρήνει ἑαυτὸν ἀπολέσας πολὺ πλῆθος 
καὶ τὴν Περσίδα ὅλην ἐρημώσας). 276 

ch. 20 ᾿ : 3 , , : é 

(ot δὲ σατράπαι Δαρείου ἔγνωσαν τὸν ᾿Αλέξανδρον 
> / a ~ \ pee / A 
ἐγγίζοντα 6 τε Βῆσσος καὶ ὁ ᾿Αριοβαρζάνης" καὶ 
/ - \ A és 
παρατραπέντες [οὗτοι] τὰς φρενοβλαβεῖς γνώμας 

> 7 A > ~ “ 
ἐβουλεύσαντο Δαρεῖον ἀναιρῆσαι ........ ) οὕτως 
ἐπήνεγκαν Δαρείῳ 

ἐξιφωμένας [Tas] χεῖρας. 278 

ς \ \ \ > \ Φ 
ὁ δὲ τοὺς πονηροὺς ἰδὼν εἶπεν" 
ὦ ἐμοῦ δεσπόται [ot] τὸ πρὶν [pov] δοῦλοι, 

τί τοσοῦτον ἠδίκησα (βαρβάρῳ τόλμῃϊ ματι]) 280 

272. ἀρούρης στάχυας ἀγρότητι κείροντες cod. Baroce.: first 
ἐπὶ rightly omitted by Byz.: ὥσπερ σῖτος ὑπ᾽ ἀρότρῳ, ne mur- 
murante quidem Krollio, A: nostrates aratris haud ita utun- 
tur: στ. ἀρούρας etiam Byz. 2 €.g. φ. γ. δ᾽ els δόμους ὁ A. 
276. 6.4. ἑαυτὸν ἐθρήνησεν ἀπολέσας πλῆθος μέγιστον ἀνδρῶν γῆν 
θ᾽ ὅλην ἐρημώσας. 280. 8. rod. after ἀνέλητε codd. dett. 

ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, nu. 272--280 

The husbandmen the plough-land corn reaping. 

(The Persian host attempt to flee across the Strangas 

The ice gave way and the wave engulf’d them. 273 
Those who failed to cross in time 

Were by the men of Macedon butcher’d. 
Darius fled to his palace and 

Casting him on the floor, with a loud groan, 275 

and floods of tears wept for his loss of so numerous 
a host, 

And desolation of his own country. 276 

(Darius after vain appeals? flees to Ecbatana and the 
Caspian gates. Alexander pursues.) Now the satraps 
of Darius Bessus and Ariobarzanes learnt that Alex- 
ander was approaching, and, 

By evil stroke from God their hearts smitten, 277 

they plotted to kill Darius. . . They attacked Darius, 
swords in their hands holding. 278 
When he saw the villains he said : 

My masters, my slaves once! 279 
How have I wronged you that with cruel spirit 280 

1 Darius cites some pure iambic verses: and one letter in 
his correspondence with Alexander which ensues, unlike the 
rest of the letters of which this history is full, shows traces of 
pure iambi. These, like others (i. 33, iii. 24. 3), have no 
place in this collection. 



“ > / 
iva με ἀνέλητε; 

(μὴ me <t>ov ὑμεῖς Μακεδόνων τι δράσητε!") 281 
ἐάσατε pe] οὕτως ἐπὶ τὰ μέλαθρα pip<O >€vra 
ἀναστενάζειν τὴν (ἀνώμαλον «μοῖραν )). 
ἐὰν γὰρ ἐλθὼν ὁ βασιλεὺς ᾿Αλέξανδρος 
εὕρῃ σφαγέντα Ἰβασιλέαϊ λῃστρικῇ γνώμῃ, 285 
ἐ«π»λεκδικήσει «μ᾽»: οὐ θέμις γὰρ ὀφθῆναι 286 

βασιλέας δολοφονηθέντα οἰκτίστως«ς». 

ἘΣ τς: μαθόντες τὴν εἴσοδον ὠλλεξάνδρου) 
. προλείψαντες τὸν Δαρεῖον ἡμίπνουν ἀπο- 
π. .. καὶ (εἰσελθὼν πρὸς αὐτὸν ᾿Αλέξ- 
<...> εὗρεν αὐτὸν «αἱμόφυρτον» ἡμίπνουν), 287 

Kal (ἀνοιμώξας 
«ἐλέου γέμοντα» θρῆνον ἄξιον λύπης 288 
δάκρυα ἐξέχεεν [καὶ] 

τῇ χλάμυδι «δ᾽» ἐσκέπαςζ»ε [τὸ] σῶμα 
Δαρείου), 289 

ἐπιθεὶς δ᾽ ἑαυτοῦ χεῖρας ἐπὶ τὸ Δαρείου 290 

στῆθος τοίους ἔλεξε συμπαθεῖς μύθους" 

ἀνάστα, φησί: τῆς τύχης, ὦ Δαρεῖε, 

καὶ τῶν σεαυτοῦ δεσπότης πάλιν γίνου. 

δέξαι σ[ο]ὺ τὸ διάδημα Περσικοῦ πλήθους, 

ἔχε σοῦ τὸ μέγεθος τῆς τυραννικῆς δόξης. 295 

ὄμνυμί (σοὺ Δαρεῖε τοὺς θεοὺς πάντας 

«ὡς ταῦτ᾽» ἀληθῶς καὶ οὐ πεπλασμένως (φράζω). 

281. δράσηται cod. Baroce.: -σετε codd. dett. 2? 283. 
ἀνώμαλόν μου (ἀνομαλῆ cod. Barocc.) τύχην : δυσέκβατον A. 

ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, 11. 281-297 

you come to kill me ὃ 

Excel not Macedon in your actions. 281 
Suffer me thus upon the earth rolling 

To weep aloud at my fate’s injustice. 

For if there come the king Alexander, 

And find a king by pirates slain lying, 285 
He will avenge me: Right doth not suffer 286 

that a king should be seen slain by guile most 
(After a struggle they decamp leaving Darius half 
dead. Alexander arrives and) 
found him half alive with blood spatter’d. 287 

With a loud groan he uttered 

A lamentable dirge and right piteous, 288 
shed tears 

And with his cloak Darius’ form veiling, 289 

Upon Darius’ breast his hands laid he, 290 

And words of sympathy spoke as follows :— 
Arise, quoth he ; Darius, of fortune 

And of your own be once again master. 

Receive the Persian diadem once more, 

The might of all your kingly fame keeping. 295 
I swear to you, Darius, by heaven, 

I speak this truly with no feigned utt’rance, 

985. ἄνακτα Kroll. 286. ἐπ-: εὖ A: cett. ἐκδικ. τὸ αἷμά μου. 
4 «βασιλεῖ» 8. Ausfeld; but sterner measures are needed. 
των A. 287. Byz.: ἐκκεχυμένον . .. τὸ... αἷμα C. 

288. θρ. ἄ. λ. C: ἐλ. γέμ. B later. 289. -ασε C. 290. τὰς 
χεῖρας δὲ αὐτοῦ ἐπ. A. 296. σε A. 297. Kroll (ὡς Byz., 
ταῦτα Arm.) : ὅτι ἐγώ A. 



μόνος Trapé<E>w τὸ διάδημα τῶν σκήπτρων. 
μετὰ σοῦ γὰρ αὐτὸς καὶ τροφῆς ἐκοινώνουν» 
ἐπὶ «σλαῖς τραπέζαις «σδὴν av ἑστίαν, χρείαν 
ἡνίκα παρήμην ayyed<av > ᾿Αλεξάνδρου. 301 
ἀλλ᾽ ἐξανάστα καὶ κράτυνε τῆς χώρας. 

οὐ δεῖ βασιλέα δυστυχοῦντα λυπεῖσθαι" 

ἰσότης γὰρ ἀνθρώποιστι περὶ τέλους μοίρης». 

τίνες ὃέ σ᾽ οἱ τρώσαντες, εἶπε, Δαρεῖε; 305 

μήνυσον αὐτοὺς (iva σε viv, ava<€, Ti>ow.) 

ταῦτα «οὖν» λέγοντος | | ἐστέναξεν] ὁ Δαρεῖος 
καὶ ἐπισπασάμενος (τάς «τε χεῖρας ἐκτείνας) 
στῆθος φιλήσας «τ᾽» εἶπε: τέκνον ᾿Αλέξανδρε 
μη «δέ ποτ᾽ ἐπαρθῇς (τῇ τυραννικῇ δόξῃ)" 310 
(ὁποτὰν) γὰρ ἔργον ἰσόθεον κατορθώςσῃς», 311 
καὶ χερσὶ ταῖς σαῖς οὐραν(οῦ θέλ) )ns ψαύειν, 
σκόπει τὸ μέλλον: ἡ τυχὴ γὰρ οὐκ οἶδεν 

< > (βασιλέ᾽ οὔτε μὴν πλῆθος), 
ἀκρίτῳ δὲ ῥοίζῳ πάντα» (πανταχ)ῶς (ῥέμβε- 

[τα]. 315 

opals) τίς ἤμην καὶ τίς ἐγενόμην. τλήμων" 

ὃ τῆς τοσαύτης ἄρτι «κύριος γαίης» 

νῦν οὐδ᾽ ἐμαυτοῦ δεσπότης ἀποθνήσκω. 

θάψον με ταῖς σαῖς εὐσεβεστάτα»ις χερσίν" 
κηδευσατώσαν Makédoves (με) καὶ Πέρσαι" 320 

μίςη» πιστῶν συγγένεια epee 321 
τὴν δ᾽ ἐμὲ τεκοῦσαν παρατίθημί σοι τλήμων, 

298. -éxw A. 299-300. Kroll: -νουν, rats, τὴν A. 300. 

xetpav (χειρὶ Arm.). 301. ἄγγελος A. 304. ἡ π. τ. μύρις 
A: corr. Kroll ex Arm. 306. ἀναπαύσω B: ἵνα με ἔκδικον 
ἔχῃς A. 307. ᾿Αλεξάνδρου. 808. καὶ codd. dett., Byz. 



That you may have again the sole sceptre. 

For I myself at meat with you sat once 

At table by your hearth, when I came here 300 
To bring you message from Alexander. 

But now arise and be your land’s master : 

A king should suffer not nor be wept for. 

For all are equal at their last hour’s end. 

Who are they who did wound you, Darius ? 305 
Tell me their names, O King: I ’ll avenge you. 

As Alexander spake thus, Darius 307 

Groaned, drew him nigh to him, his hands stretch’d 

And kissed his breast and quoth: Alexander, 

Be not elated by your proud kingship : 310 

When you have wrought a deed of god worthy 
And faney with your hands to touch heaven 
Think of what is to be: for fate knows not 

Or king or commoner : all things cruelly 

In undistinguished eddy she whirls round. 315 
See what I was, and what my fate now is ; 

I, who was once of all this land owner, 

Am master now not even of myself. 

Me with your hands most pious here bury, 

Let Macedonians tend me, and Persians : 1 320 

Let ‘all as εἰπαγεὰ de my es funeHone: 
Alack for me, I give you my mother ! 

1 Probably the account in C, according to which the king 
summons his harem is, for the choliambie writer, original. 
But, as usual in this version, traces of metre are few. 

310. Kroll. 311. -ces A. 312. οὐρανοὺς A, οὐρανὸν 
codd. dett. (φθάσαι). 314. 6.5. ὅλως Tw’ οὔτε: A βασιλέα 
ἢ λῃστὴν οὔτε πλῆθος. 915. παντὶ κακῶς A: πανταχόθεν 
cett. 317. Arm. (om. cett.) : κύρον yins A. 319. -οις 
A. 321. μία codd. 



καὶ τὴν γυναῖκα «δ᾽ ὡς ovv<at>jLoVv OLKTELpoV" 
\ \ ΄, / «ς / 

καὶ τὴν θυγατέρα σοι δίδωμι ‘PwEavny, 

ἵν᾽ εἴ τι κἂν φθιτοῖσι λείπεται γνώμη«ς.-) 325 
«οἱ δύο yovijes> ἐπὶ τέκνοισ «ι) κα(υ)χῶνται. 
a<ol> μὲν Φίλιππος», ἱῬωξάνῃς] δὲ Aapet<os>. 
τοσαῦτα λέξας ὁ βασιλεὺς «ὁ» Δαρεῖος 

τὸ πνεῦμ᾽ ἔλειψε.ν» ἐν yep<ot>v ᾿Αλεξάνδρου. 

323. Kroll. σῦνεμὸν A: corr. Raabe ex Arm. 324, Ῥ. 

ὃ. σοι A. 325. γνώμῃ A. 326. Kroll: σὺ δυὸ 
γενεαῖς A. κάχονται A: καύχ. cett. 327. σὺ, -πῳ, 
της, -ἰῳ codd.: corr. Kroll. 329. ἔ, τὸ 7. and χερσὶν A. 


ANON. AP. PS.-CALLISTHENEM, 11. 323-329 

Pity my wife here as a kinswoman ! 

My daughter give I also Roxanes, 

That if sense liveth yet among dead men 325 
Two parents in their offspring may glory, 

Philip in you, and I in Roxanes. 

After this utterance King Darius 

In Alexander’s hands the ghost gave up." 

1 Further traces of metre are few: and it is very doubtful 
whether Book III. containing Alexander’s expedition into 
Judea, his journey to Candace, and his death, owes anything 
to the versifier. See p. 357. 


ap. Ps.-Call. i. 3. 4 

Ἔν δὲ τῷ Αἰγύπτῳ ἀφανοῦς γενομένου 
τοῦ Νεκτανεβῶ ἠξίωσαν ot Αἰγύπτιοι τὸν προ- 
πάτορα τῶν θεῶν Ἥφαιστον τί ἄρα 6 τῆς Αἰ- 

΄ \ > / ε \ > > ~ 
γύπτου βασιλεὺς ἐγένετο. ὁ δὲ ἐπεμψεν αὐτοῖς 
χρησμὸν πρὸς τὸν ἀόρατον τοῦ Σεραπείου“" στῆναι 
ὃς χρησμοδοτεῖ αὐτοῖς οὕτως" 

Αἴγυπτον ὁ φυγὼν κρατερὸς ἄλκιμος πρέσβυς 
βασιλεὺς δυνάστης infect μετὰ χρόνον νέος, 
τὸ γηράλαιον ἀποβαλὼν τύπων εἶδος, 
κόσμον κυκλεύσας ἐπὶ τὸ πεδίον Αἰγύπτου, 
ἐχθρῶν «ἁπάντων» ὑποταγὴν διδοὺς ἡμῖν. ὅ 

οὕτω δοθέντος 

@ Σεραπείου : v.l. Σινωπείου. ὃ στῆσαι A. iambos no- 
tavit W. Kroll. 1. ἐκφυγὼν v [cod. ] Lfeid]. κραταιὸς A: 
-epos L. Ὁ. €.g. be Χ- 95 O ἥξεις 8. γεράλαιον A, L. 
τύπον εἶδον κόσμου Α. 4, Aiy. π. A, L (Αἴγυπτον L). 
5. ἐλθὼν διδοὺς L. 



Ps.-Call. i. 3. 4 

Now in Egypt after Nectanebos’ disappearance 
the Egyptians saw fit to ask Hephaestus the 
grandsire of the gods what had happened to the 
king of Egypt. And he sent to them an oracle to 
go to the recess of the Serapium. And Serapis 
delivered an oracle to them as follows :— 

The strong, brave sire that has fled Egypt 
Monarch and king will come again youthful, 
Having put off his features old semblance, 
Circling the world to Egypt’s plain once more, 
Giving of all our enemies conquest. 5 

After this oracle had been thus delivered, [failing 
to discover its meaning they wrote the verses on the 
base of Nectanebos’ statue, as a memorial against 
such time as the oracle should come to pass. | 


The search for anonymous choliambics has met with 
but little success. It is very easy for prose passages 
to appear to belong to such a metre. An excellent 
instance of this kind appears in Polyb. i. 32: 

τοὺς ἀπολογισμοὺς παρὰ τί νῦν σφαλείησαν 
καὶ πῶς δύναιντο τοὺς ἐναντίους νικᾶν; 

as quoted by Suidas. Under the heading ‘ Spuria’ 
I give a few instances of verses which, it appears to 
me, are either fortuitous, or belong to another metre. 
But there is another class, not yet noted by editors, 
as to which, it seems, some room for doubt exists. 
The collectors of Greek proverbs normally threw 
these into the rhythm of the end of a verse, or indeed 
a whole verse; and where the choliambic rhythm 
predominates it seems possible to claim a few of 
these, not indeed from writers in choliambi, but as 
conscious choliambi produced by the editor of pro- 
verbs. This is why I have ventured to give the late 
fifteenth-century choliambi of Arsenius, who after 
the fall of Constantinople augmented Apostolius’ (his 
father’s) collection of proverbs ; and drawn attention 
to a place where a far earlier writer, Synesius, bishop 
of Cyrene, deliberately casts a proverb into this 
metre, or uses a metrical authority. Thus Hesiod’s 
δῶρα θεοὺς πείθει degenerates into a verse-end δῶρα 


καὶ θεοὺς πείθει and ἡ ἀπὸ Σκυθῶν ῥῆσις assumes an 
illogical accusative. Since distinction is not always 
possible I include a certain number of cases where 
there may actually be a quotation from a choliambic 
writer (other than a proverb-collector) ; but I do 
not suppose that there are more than four or five of 
these. The division into (a) Dicta and (6) 1 is unsatis- 
factory. It is further possible that of the four or five 
some like ἀεί με κτλ. and μύωπι κτλ. are from lost 
fables of Babrius. Where all is so hypothetical 
detailed discussion is unnecessary ; and this warning 
must suffice. 

1 Proverbs proper. 


(1-10, ved. pp. 2-7) 
Inc. 11 (Bgk. 25) 

ὁ Tov κυσὸν τρωθείς 
ἤδεει)ς «ὅ»που μάλιστα τοῦ κράνους χρείη». 
(Photius, ii. 33 Naber.) 

Inc. 12 (Bgk. 26 A) 
A. Bav, Bav. 
B. καὶ κυνὸς φωνὴν tes; 
(Joan. Alex. de ton. p. 32. 23 βαὺ.... ὀξύνεται (12).) 
Inc. 13 
στροβεῖς σεαυτὸν κοχλίου βίον ζώων. 

(Plut. Mor. p. 525 Ἑ σὺ δὲ τοσαῦτα πράγματα συγχεῖς καὶ 
ταράττεις καὶ (13).) 

Inc. 14 (Bgk. 27) 
ἐγὼ μὲν ὦ Λεύκιππεε;» δεξίῃ σίττῃ 

(Schol. Ar. Av. 704 Δίδυμος δέ, ἐπεὶ ἡ σίττη καὶ εἴ τι 
τοιοῦτον ὄρνεον δεξιὰ πρὸς ἔρωτας φαίνεται (14). Suid. ἀεὶ τοῖς 

11. 2. ἤδη Αἰσώπου : corr. Dobree. χρεία corr. Bgk. 
12. interpunxi. 13. ζῶν : corr. Crusius. 14. ὦ 
Suid.: ὡς schol. Ar. Λευκίππη corr. Bentley. τὴ τῇ 

corr. Meineke. 

(For 1-10 see above) 

In the rump wounded 
Thou knewest where a helmet was needed. 
(Photius’s Lexicon.) 

A. Bow! Wow! 
B. Do’st bark dog-like ἢ 

(John of Alexandria on Accents.) 

You lead a shell-fish life of inquietude. 

(You confound all these matters + and in your worry (13). 
Plutarch on Avarice.) 

Leucippus, I with favouring parrot 

(Didymus’ explanation rests on the ground that parrots 
and suchlike birds are favourable to lovers (14). Com- 
mentator on Aristophanes’ Birds: also in Suidas’ Lexicon.) 

1 The reading is uncertain and unsatisfactory. 


Tng 15 
tém’ avdtpos ἄνδρα Kepxidas ἀπέκτεινεν. 

(Arist. 673 a 13 τὸ περὶ τὴν κεφαλὴν ὡς ἀποκοπεῖσα φθέγγεται. 

. τοῦ γὰρ ἱερέως τοῦ ᾿Οπλοσμίου Διὸς ἀποθανόντος . . ἔφασάν 
τινες ἀκοῦσαι τῆς κεφάλης ἀποκεκομμένης λεγούσης ον τα (15). 
διὸ Kal ζητήσαντες ᾧ ὄνομα ἦν ἐν τῷ τόπῳ Kepxidas ἔκριναν.) 

Inc. 16 
> \ / « » -“ lA 
ἐγὼ μέντοι ἡ τοσαύτη τρεῖς ἤδη 
καθεῖλον ἱστοὺς ἐν βραχεῖ χρόνῳ τούτῳ. 

(Strabo, p. 378 μνημονεύεταί τις ἑταίρα πρὸς τὴν ὀνειδίζουσαν 
ὅτι οὐ φιλεργὸς εἴη οὐδ᾽ ἐρίων ἅπτοιτο εἰπεῖν (16).) 

Inc. 17 
\ / / ‘ > De 
μὴ πάντοθεν κέρδαινε σαυτὸν αἰσχύνων. 

(Greg. Naz. περὶ ἀρετῆς ii. 482. υ. 387 καὶ ταῦτ᾽ ἐπαίνει 
τῶν σοφῶς εἰρημένων (17) . . 

Inc. 18 
/ ᾽ὔ ~ ~ / 
τέττιγα «μέντοι» τοῦ πτεροῦ συνείληφας. 

(Lucian, iii. 162 τὸ δὲ τοῦ ᾿Αρχιλόχου ἐκεῖνο ἤδη σοι λέγω 
ὄτι (18). Apostol. xvi. 32.) 

15. I doubt whether there be a verse at all, and whether 
the head said more than Κερκίδας ἀπέκτεινεν. The first 
two words are anyhow corrupt. The obvious correction 
of ETTANAPOC is (E)HMIAPOC, which I translate. 
17. The verse is expressly attributed by Gregory to an 
older writer. However, it may well have been an ordinary 
iambus (αἰσχυνῶν). The next citation is from Eur. (fr. 20). 
See my F.G.A. p. 4. 



Foul Cereidas his fellow-man murder’d.! 

(The story of the head speaking when severed from the 
body... When the priest of Hoplosmian Zeus was 
mysteriously slain, some alleged that the head though cut 
off kept on repeating (15). So they hunted out one of this 
name there and accused them. Aristotle.) 


I at my age three times 
In this brief space have undone three pieces.” 

(A certain courtesan is said to have remarked to a lady 
who rebuked her for idleness nor putting her fingers to the 
loom (16). Strabo.) 

Gain not from every source thyself shaming. 

(You must approve the following wise utterances ἡ (17) 
> Gregory, Bishop of Nazianzus.) 

You've taken by the wing a grasshopper. 

(It is time for me to tell you of Archilochus’* dictum (18). 
Lucian’s Liar. Also in Greek Proverbs.) 

1 Some have actually sought to connect this with Cercidas 
(the law-giver of Megalopolis or the cynic) or a relative ! 

2 Should probably be classed among paroemiac dicta : it 
may not occur in any literary writer. 

3 Pfeiffer has recently shown that Archilochus wrote 
τέττιγος ἐδράξω πτεροῦ : so this fragment belongs to p. 347. 

2k 339 

Inc. 19 

μᾶζαν φυρῶ σοι; 
(Diogen. vi. 12 ἐπὶ τῶν μεγάλως ὑπισχνουμένων. Other 

references Paroem. Gr. i. 271.) 

Inc. 20 
~ > an 
ζῷον ἐν πυρὶ σκαῖρον 

(Cram. An. Oz. ii. 371. 19.) 

Ine. 21 
«τέρψιν» ἣν χαρίζονται νύκτες 

(Ibid. 483. 3.) 

19. vv. ll. φύρωσιν, μεγάλους, μεγάλα. 20, 21. indica- 
vit Headlam. 



May I 
A white cake mix you? 

((19) refers to those who make lofty promises. Greek 

An animal in fire leaping 

(Grammarian in Cramer’s Anecdota Oxoniensia.) 

That pleasure which nights give 



(a) Dicta 

1 φ x a 3 , s > \ A A 
. tAELV ακαιρὼως σον. εστι TW μίσειν. 

(Paroem. ΟὟ. ii. 778.) 

2. εἰ τυρὸν εἶχον οὐκ ἂν ἐδεόμην ὄψου. 

(Apostol. vi. 76 ἐπὶ τῶν ὀλίγοις ἀρκουμένων καὶ ἐγκρατῶν 
from Plut. Mor. 2348 εἰς πανδοκεῖον (Λάκων rts) καταλύσας͵ 
καὶ δοὺς ὄψον τῷ πανδοκεῖ σκευάσαι, ὡς ἅτερος τυρὸν ἤτει καὶ 
ἔλαιον, “ εἶτ᾽,᾽ ἔφη (2).) 

3. ζημίαν αἱροῦ μᾶλλον 
ἢ “κέρδος αἰσχρόν: τὸ μὲν [γὰρ] ἅπαξ σε λυπήσει 
τὸ δὲ διὰ παντός. 

({Apostol.] viii. 84. b from Stob. Fl. v. 31 (i. 20 H.). 

4. ἡ βραχυλογία ἐγγύς ἐστι τοῦ σιγᾶν. 
({Apostol.] viii. 41 α from Stob. Flor. xxxv. 9 Λυκοῦργος 

X \ ᾿ een. a a 4 > “ ’ > 
πρὸς Tov εἰπόντα ἡ διὰ τί Λακεδαιμόνιοι THY Bp. ἀσκοῦσιν :᾿ εἶπεν 
ὅτι ἐγγὺς κτλ.) 

1-5. It is possible that at some period before Plutarch (or 
Stobaeus) certain dicta may have been given in a metrical 
choliambic form. 4. 6.5. τὸ yap βραχυλόγον if the story 
is adopted from a metrical writer. 


a ee 

(a) Sayings (cf. Inc. 16) 

1. Untimely love ’s than hatred no better. 

(Greek Proverbs.) 

2. If I had cheese what use to me were meat? 

(Greek Proverbs from the story in Plutarch: A certain 
Spartan put up at an inn and gave meat to the innkeeper 
to cook : when the latter asked for cheese and oil, he rejoined 


3. For loss is far better 
Than gain with shame: the one for one moment, 
The other aye will irk. 

(Greek Proverbs from Stobaeus’ Anthology, where it is 
attributed to Chilon.) 

4. For brevity to silence is next door. 

(Greek Proverbs from Stobaeus’ Anthology: Lyeurgus 
when asked why the Spartans practised brevity replied (4).) 



5. ἐξ ἴσου δίδου πᾶσιν. 

(Plut. Mor. 208 5 (Agesilaus is the speaker) is thus given 
by Apostol. vii. 51, with the lemma ἐπὶ τῶν ὀρθῶς διανεμόντων 
καὶ δικαίως κρινόντων.) 

> a See a ᾽ , , 
6. ακραις €7TL βρηγμισιν Εὐξείνου ποντοῦυ 

(Plut. Mor. 602 a διὸ καὶ Διογένης ὁ Κύων πρὸς τὸν εἰπόντα 
“Σινωπεῖς cov φυγὴν ἐκ Πόντου κατέγνωσαν,᾽ “ ἑγὼ δέ,᾽ εἶπεν, 
“ ἐκείνων ἐν ἸΤόντῳ μονήν᾽᾽ (6).) 

6. Diogenes was well-read but is not likely to have cited 
Hipponax or Ananius or a contemporary. It is usual to 
read πόρου. 


᾽Α εἰ με τοϊϊουτ]οι πολέμιοι διώκοιεν, ᾿Ακάνθιος 
7ἷ a \ > » > τὰ ~ > / 
τέττιξ, “AXun «γὰρ» οὐκ ἔνεστ᾽ αὐτῷ, ᾿Ακαρπό- 
τερος εἶ «τῶν» ᾿Αδωνίδος κήπων, ᾿Ακόλῳ [τὰ] 
xeA<é> οὐ σύκῳ βῦσαι, ᾿Απὸ ξύλου καλοῦν 
“ > / = > fe / ,ὔ 
<ye> κἂν ἀπάγξασθαι, ᾿Αρουραία μάντις, Bia 
πενήτων πλουσίων παράκλησις, [Γύης «μὲν» 
>) ” > » “ἃ A Xr λ ~ Ad 
οὐκ ἔνεστ᾽ αὐτῷ, Δηλίου κολυμβητοῦ, Δίκτυον 
΄ α ~ \ \ / > / δὴ / 
φυσᾶς,, Δῶρα καὶ θεοὺς πείθει, "Eyévero καὶ Mav- 
dpwve συκίνη νκἢ»ῦς, EiAndev ἡ παγὶς τὸν μῦν, 
᾿Εμπεδοκλέους ἔχθρα, Ἔν θέρει [τὴν] xAatvav? 
κατατρίβεις, "KE ἑνὸς πηλοῦ, "ἔχεται δ᾽ ὥστε» 
ποτυλύπους πέτρζη»ς, Ἢ τρὶς ἕξ ἢ τρεῖς οἴνας, 
Θρᾷκες ὅρκι᾽ οὐκ ἐπίστανται, ἸΚάκιον ἢ Βαβῦς (9) 
* References will readily be found in the Indexes of 
Leutsch and Schneidewin, Paroemiographi Graeci, Gottingae 

-ῤ-.“͵ἰὐ δ 


5: Equal shares all round. 

(Greek Proverbs : * applies to fair and just apportionment.’ 
Plutarch is the source where it is part of a saying of Agesilaus.) 

6. Upon the furthest shores of the Euxine 

(Hence Diogenes the Cynic when told that the Sinopeans 
had condemned him to exile beyond the Euxine sea rejoined 
* But I condemn them to remain in Pontus (6).’) 


Such? enemies be e’er my pursuers, A_hedge- 
cricket, Therein is no saltness, Less fruitful than 
Adonis (his) gardens, No mere fig but a good mouth- 
ful, If hang I must, hang me from strong gallows, 
A seer rustic, The poor perforce the rich by per- 
suasion, This plough has no tree to ’t, Delian diver’s, 
A net you ’re inflating, Even the gods take bribes, 
For Mandron too a ship had—of figwood, The mouse 
in trap ’s taken, Empedocles’ hatred, In summer why 
thy overcoat wearest ?, Of one clay founded, Octopus 
to rock clinging, Thrice six or three aces, Oaths 

‘or τ ) 
in Thrace run not, Than Babys worse player, Than 

1 For Πέρδικος καπηλεῖον see on Hippon. 70. 
? Greek text corrected by Sauppe. 

1839, or in Suid. s.v. » ef. Suid. ἀπο καλοῦ. ¢ Suid. 
4 Suid. s.v. δίκτυον. δ᾽ yA. ἐν @. 


αὐλεῖ, ΙΚαλλικυρίων πλείους, Καρικὴ Μοῦσα, 
Καρικὸν θῦμα, Κατὰ λίθων σπείρειν, Kara πε- 
τρῶν σπείρειν, Kicoapus Kaos, ἱΚρωβύλου ζεῦγος, 
Κωδάλου χοῖνιξ, Λίνον λίνῳ κλώθεις, Λυδὸς ἐν 
/ / / ἣ i ~ 4 

μεσημβρίᾳ παίζει, Λύκου πτερὸν ζητεῖς, Μάρτυς 
ἐκ Διὸς δέλτων, Μὴ νεκρῶν θήκας κίνει, Μύωπι 
τὸν <T>p<éx>ovTa «πῶλον» ἤγειρας, “Odod παρ- 
ovons τὴν at<ap>mTov ζητεῖς; Οὐ σχολὴ 
δούλοις, Ιαρθένος τὰ πατρῷα, Ilpos σῆμα μη- 

~ ,ὔ \ te ΄. / A > \ 
τρυιᾶς κλαίει, Ta Σαμίων ὑποπτεύεις, Τὴν ἀπὸ 
Σκυθῶν ῥῆσι, Φάων ὑπάρχεις τῷ κάλλει καὶ 
τὸν τρόπον." 

@ Paroem. ἀτραπὸν μὴ ζήτει: Suid. best cod. ἀτραπιτὸν. 
ON ρεσ,, τὸν τρ- Καὶ Te Ke 



Callicurians are more num’rous, Carian music, Carian 
victim, Seed upon stones sowing, Seed upon rocks 
sowing, Cissamis Coan, Crobylus’ couple, Codalus’ 
pint-pot, Thread with thread spinning, A Lydian at 
noon playing, As one who seeks a wolf's feather, 
Witness Zeus’ tablets, Let dead men lie quiet, The 
willing horse whip not, Seek not the by-way when 
thou hast the highway, Slaves have no leisure, 
Spends like a virgin, Weeps at the tombstone of 
his stepmother, The Samians’ fate fearing, The 
Scythian saying, As fair of fame and favour as 

1 In cod. Urbin Gr. 125 a fifteenth-century hand gives on 
the fly-leaf δρυὸς πεσούσης ἀκαμάτως ξυλίζεσθαι, ‘small search 
for fuel when the oak ’s fallen.’ ‘The alternative version is a 
pure iambic, 



1. αἰσχύνομαι μὰ τὴν φιλότητα γηράσκων 
iimmos ὑπὸ ζυγὸν θήλειάν τε τροφήνϊ 
ἔχων ὁρᾶσθαι. 

(Diog. ii. 53, [Apostol.] i. 67 d, Prov. Bodl. 171.) 

2. Χῖος παραστὰς Kdov οὐκ ἐᾷ Ἰσῴϊζειν!. 

(App. Prov. y. 28 gives the right form: this is from 
Schol. lat. p- 320 Bekk., Eust. 1397. 39.) 

3. ἄρκτου παρούσης ἴχνη μὴ ζήτει. 

(Zenobius, ii. 86 ἐπὶ τῶν δειλῶν κυνήγων. Paroem. ΟὟ. i. 42.) 

ε \ ΄ὕ εἰς τς - , 
4. ὁ TOV TTATEPA EUPWVY.. . χαλκοῦ χρειᾳ 

(Phot. ii. 33 Naber.) 


5. ὑπερδεδίσκευκας πονηρίᾳ πάντας. 

(Bekk. An. 67.27. No choliambic writer entirely neglects 
the caesura. It is clearly from an orator.) 

6. ἀνθρωποειδὲς θηρίον ὕδατι συζῶν 

(See Nauck, Tr. Gr. Fragm. p.11: attributed to Aeschylus 
by Phrynichus, 5. 21. Read ὕδ. συζ. θηρ. and attribute to 
an Attic comedian.) 



PIE ee 

αν πε ὁ 4... 


1. In friendship’s name, it shames me to grow old 
Like horse in harness and to be seen 
Nurtured like woman. 

(In the Proverb-Collections.) 

2. A Chian speaking may a Coan drown. 

3. | When bear is near seek not his traces. 

4. Who with no farthing left found his father. 
(Photius’ Lexicon.) 

5. You have o’ershot in villainy all men. 
(Harpocration’s Lexicon.) 

6. A human form living in water 

(Concerning Glaucus appearing from the sea. Aeschylus 
quoted by Phrynichus (Bekk. An. v. 21).) 

1. Meineke indicated this: if genuine read τὴν rp. τε θήλ. 
v. 2. But probably in all these seven cases the vague 
resemblance to metre is wholly fortuitous. 2, 3and 5 
Sauppe. 2 is really λέγειν. 



- πολλάϊκι) τοι μῦθος 
εἰς καιρὸν «ἐλθὼν» ῥᾳδίως κατορθοῖ τι 
ὅπερ βιαίως «οὐκ ἔπραξεν» ἡ ῥώμη. 

(Choricius, p. 15, Graux, Textes inédites.) 
(Diehl, fr. 7) 

8. ἀλλ᾽ ἐμοῦ [τοι] τὸ ἐντὸς [ἔφη] σκοπῶν, 
ὦ δικαστά, ποικιλωτέραν με τῆσδ᾽ ὄψει. 

(Plut. Mor. 500 c ἡ μὲν οὖν Αἰσώπειος ἀλώπηξ περὶ ποικιλίας 
δικαζομένη πρὸς τὴν πάρδαλιν... (8).) 

7. So Weil. 8. is iambic, 6.9. δικάστ᾽, Ew ὄψει κτλ. 
Otherwise omit ὦ and τῆσδ᾽. 


ε / \ , 2 , 
οι πάτταλοι yap παττάλοις εκκρουονται. 

(Ep. 45 ᾿Ολυμπίῳ' λυποῦσι τὴν ἐκκλησίαν ἀλλότριοι πονηροί. 
διάβηθι Kar αὐτῶν (. . .)-) 



Ve For persuasion ! 
Well timed doth often guide aright business 
Where strength, employing force, achieves nothing. 

(Choricius in Graua’ Textes inédites.) 

8. But look at my inside, 
Good sir juryman : you Il find me more spotted.? 

(The fox of Aesop in his case against the pard. Plutarch 
on Mental or Bodily Affliction (8).) 

1 Conceivably, however, this might be from a lost fable of 
Babrius, or from part of the life of Alexander, or even written 
in the metre by Choricius. See on Synesius below. ἐλθὼν 
is Graux’ suggestion for εἰρημένος. 

* The word * spotted’ implied to the Greek both variety 
of colour and cunningness of disposition. 


For wedges must with wedges be knocked out. 

(To Olympius. The church is suffering from evil strangers. 
Attack them (.. .).) 

1 Synesius bishop of Cyrene either took this proverb from 

a collection in which it was adapted to the choliambic metre 
(see below) or so adapted it. 



οὕτω σε τανῦν ἑστιῶ τὸν κράτιστον 
νηκτοῖς πετεινοῖς, κτήνεσιν ἑρπυστοῖς τε. 
> ᾽ὔ / > / / 
αὖθις δέ σοι τράπεζαν, εἰ Soins, θήσω, 
εἰς ἐκτύπωσιν, πορισμὸν τὸν ἀρκοῦντα, 
λαμπροῖς στρατηγήμασι τοῦ ΙΠολυαίνου, 
οἷς κεῖνος εἱστίασε τῶ βασιλῆε 
πάλαι τὸν Οὐῆρόν τε καὶ ᾿Αντωνῖνον. 

Κύων ἐγὼ σὸς καὶ γλυκὺς σὺ δεσπότης" 
οὐκοῦν ὑλακτῶ καὶ φαγεῖν ζητῶ βρῶμα. 

"Αναξ λεοντόθυμε τὸν κύνα τρέφε: 

θρέμματα γὰρ θηρᾶν σε βλέπω βαρβάρου. 

(Phile, p. 1 Didot. These verses end the dedication.) 




So now most noble one herein find food. 
Herein are birds and fishes, beasts, serpents. 
If you will pay enough, I Ἴ1] get printed 
Later a second course, and Your Highness 
Regale with Polyaenus his tactics, 

Whereon he once feasted the two rulers 
Verus and Antoninus of old Rome. 

I am thy dog and thou my master art. 
So do I bark and wish for my dog-food. 
O lion-hearted king feed thou thy dog. 
I see thou huntest the barbarian beasts. 

' Arsenius had lived in Constantinople before its capture 

and edited his father’s collection of proverbs. His choice of 
metre may be significant. 



P. 46, fr. 68. Add the variants: v. 1 κατωμόχαιε, καταμόχανε 
and κακομήχανε: v. 6 τὸν τεκνούμενον and τῶν τικείμενον, The 
verses are also quoted by Tzetzes on his Antehomerica, v. 168. 
For τὠντικείμενον a good case could be made out, but it has 
little ms. support. 

P. 49, fr. 70. In order not to confuse the reader I have 
given what I believe may have been the Lycophron-Tzetzes 
view of these verses. It has been suggested to me that 
πυθμένι στοιβῆς may have been taken as a ‘bunch of straw.’ 
But I believe the whole to be nonsense and it is superfluous 
to trouble much over a patent error. στοιβή means a paving, 
perhaps as Photius, p. 539. 15 (from Eupolis) explains it, an 
inlaid paving. ὀφέλλω and ὄφελμα are simply used of raising 
the ground-level or of adorning. πυθμήν has its natural 
sense of foundation. 

And found a man adorning the mansion, 
Yet unadorned, with an inlaid pavement. 

On the word see also Herwerden, Lex. Suppl. 

P. 91, i. 84 sgq. These verses present several unsolved 
problems: (a) why in v. 83 is ἕκητι τῶν ἱρῶν unexplained ? 
(6) why is there no obvious antecedent to és (v. 85), or noun 
on which σοῦ depends? (6) Why is there no note of change 
of speaker between Γυλλί and τέκνον or ἦλθον and T'vAN? 
As to (a), traces in 82 are sufficient to show we have no 
explanatory contrast to ἱρῶν : and as to (6), ua τέκνον cannot 
belong to the same sentence as γένοιτο, so there can be no 
construction for cod. ΑἸ] these difficulties could be removed 
by reading, as I should have done, μοι Γρυλλίων(α) in 84, 
‘my dear little Gryllos.. The parent ms. probably had 
Τύλλος at τ. 50. At v. 83 Gyllis says ‘J didn’t come or want 
to come,’ 6.4. δεῖξον οὖν ἐπεὶ οὐ σπουδῇ): it was the rites in 



respect of which my dear little Gryllos needed you to initiate 
him (6... Τρυλλίωνα ἔχοις μύστην) Then Metriche (not, 
as P pardonably mistook, Gyllis) says, ‘Let him be your 
μύστης. It is much in favour of this view that many other, 
and, no doubt, better arrangements of parts and supplements 
can be found than these, whereas on the other view nothing 
can be done: and that there is far less departure from the 
tradition of P that the verses could be read consecutively. 

P. 104, iii. 20. 21. The transposition of these verses is 
unnecessary. The least unsatisfactory interpretation seems 
to me to be that given. Not only are they rubbed brighter 
than the flask, but their gaudy trappings are contrasted 
with the mother’s lack of ‘ vanity bags.’ Headlam thought 
that the old man was a fisherman. Another suggestion 
made to me is that the dibs are left lying at the smithies or 
on the foreshore—the low haunts which the boy frequents. 
Perhaps φῦσαι and δίκτυα are used ironically, ‘puffs and 

P. 155, vii. 69, 70. Inexcusably I have failed here to recog- 
nize the sequence of thought. We should read in v. 69 ὁ τοῦτ᾽ 
ἐῶν yap οὔ σε ῥῃδίως xnva (deleting p: cf. Hesych. χηνῆσαι, to 
deride): ‘‘ he who allows this (so Blass) is not lightly mocking 
you.” Proceed then, reading ri ; in 71: ‘‘ For of shoes, lady, 
the true function you will admit, please, to be—what? 
Why, ‘pon my head . . . to bring quick profit to tool-pliers: 
since if this throw prosper not, Ὁ Hermes . . ., I know not 
how pot shall thrive better.’’ ‘Those who find this lapse into 
the style of Plato difficult should read χρῆναι (χραίνω) ἔοικα" 
τούτων οὐκ ἄμεινον εὑρήσειν ...: but I prefer to translate what 
is in the Papyrus. Other accentuations of τι, and divisions 
of speakers, are credible. 

P. 231. The readings of the Bodleian papyrus not noted 
are as follows: 

Above υρην in v. 13 at distance of one verse is visible (uo): 
certainly not any words in v. 11 (Lond). Where εκλιθου 
should come (v. 9) we have... (ra. av) πολε. ... Inv. 13 
the τοῦ of ἑαυτοῦ is fairly clear. In v. 15 fin. πλωιτὴρ is clear. 
In v. 22 ολλοι is as easy aS ado, and in 26 yes easier than 
vets. In 14 my reading ηθ on which is based Mr. Milne’s 
clever correction is, I think, certain. 

Vy 355 


Pp. 244-5. Therearethree main points of difficulty associated 
with this poem. 

In the first place the whole story is associated by all other 
Greek and Latin writers with Sardanapallus, not with Ninos. 
As to this I suspect that Phoenix is influenced solely by metrical 
considerations. I do not think it credible that -os is through- 
out corrupt—‘ son of Ninos,’ ‘at Nineveh,’ ivis Νίνου, κτλ. 

Secondly, there are two legends as to the inscription, both 
given in Athenaeus. According to one, the famous saying, 
‘Eat, drink, and be merry: the rest is not worth that,’ is part 
of an inscription on Sardanapallus’ memorial (not tomb) at 
Anchialé, which, with Tarsus, Sardanapallus built in one day. 
The other contains the words, ‘I drank, I ate, I satisfied my 
lust.’ This was given to Greece by Choerilus. It was once in- 
scribed on a stone pillar on a mound at Nineveh; but the 
mound was pulled down by Cyrus. In one account Sardana- 
pallus had no regular tomb but burnt himself with his wives 
and concubines, not at Nineveh (Nivos). In another, he was 
murdered in his palace. He was the last of his dynasty. 
See Mayor’s Juvenal, ii. 178. 

The decisive point as to which legend Phoenix followed is 
in v. 12; but unfortunately this ends with a vor nihili, aide. 
Editors have generally read ἄδει which is precisely the one 
thing that we cannot read. ἀϊδές which I give is, in a sense, 
certain from Hes. Sc. 477 τοῦ δὲ τάφον καὶ ofp ἀϊδὲς ποίησεν 
“Avaupos. We may then either (a) regard cai... didés asan 
illustrative adscript and read what we will (e.g. καὶ τὸ σῆμ 
ἵζει), ‘for all men writ Where Ninos on his monument doth 
sit.’ The σῆμα might be the Anchialé monument and the 
quotation given to show that σῆμα is not the same as τάφος. 
This seems to me all very unlikely. (δ) We may suppose 
that Phoenix actually scanned the word déés and that the 
diaeresis was put in, as so often in papyrus texts, by editors 
to call attention to irregularity. (c) We may suppose that 
Phoenix wrote (¢.g.) ὅκου Νίνος viv καὶ τὸ σῆμ ἀϊστωθέν, and 
that the adscript gave the same sense as the original. Either 
(6) or (6) seems to me certainly right; but it is quite doubtful 
whether Nivos is Ninos or Nineveh. I prefer the latter, the 
destruction of Nineveh (c. 600 B.c.) being famous and pro- 
verbial. As in the Greek I leave it doubtful in my translation 
whether ὅκου is locative or not. 

P. 249, 3.9. Malachite—darkish green, rare, beautiful, 


and brittle—would be a suitable extravagance to allege rather 
than a sober fact. In the grand hundred-marbled church of 
St. Paul outside the Roman walls it appears only in the altars 
presented by the Emperor of Russia, Nicholas the First. 
It is given as a material for a palace floor (rdros: Sophocles 
Lex. Byz.) in the Septuagint version of Esther. 

P. 283. 2. To the Greek humourists appropriate misfortune 
was an enthralling joke. The Greek book of jests called 
Philogelos says: “Δ drunkard who had bought a vineyard 
died before vintage.’”? We are not amused. Or rather we 
use different forms, ‘as unlucky as the man who . . .,’ ‘ Why 
he couldn’t even . . . without . . .,’ ‘Have you heard about 
poor old X ?’ 

P. 331, v. 329. I am inclined to think the choliambic 
versifier wrote three poems about Alexander, an “Iliad,” a 
‘**Thebaid,” and a ‘Dareiad.’’ In editing these verses I 
have made no attempt to estimate how far the Ionic dialect 
was employed. The writer of cod. A, otherwise our only 
good guide, atticizes ruthlessly throughout the history. 
Slight indications would seem to show that the original was 
in an lonie dialect at least as strict as that of the Mimes 
of Herodes. 

P. 350, Adde 9. Choliambos Scythini ap. Stob. Eel. i. 
8. 43 non recte agnoyvit Meineke. 

(Αι ΜΆΘΗΙ Novar LeEcriones 

The following verses of Callimachus have lately been 
recovered by G. Vitelli (Bull. Soc. Arch. αὐ Alex. No. 24) 
from scholia. They are verses 99 sqq. (see the late Professor 
Mair’s Callimachus, p. 272, lines 96 ff.). 

They afford an admirable illustration of Callimachus’ art 
in his use of this metre. Essentially lyric in cadence and 
metre, and strict in their Ionic versification, his verses yet 
give, as those of no other Greek poet do, the essential illusion 
of natural speech. A wide and versatile imagination, an use 
of deft touches to depict the crowd surging round the dead 
poet Hipponax, who is supposed to be speaking, a breathless 
but clear and distinct narration—all these mark out the 
genius of Callimachus as something infinitely higher than 
that of his rivals. 

2L2 357 


ὦ ‘Exdrn πλήθευς ! 99 
ὁ ψιλοκόρσης τὴν πνοὴν ἀναλώσει 100 
φυσέων ὅκως μὴ τὸν τρίβωνα γυμνώσῃ. 
σωπὴ γενέσθω καὶ γράφεσθε τὴν ῥῆσιν. 
ἀνὴρ Βαθυκλῆς ᾿Αρκάς---οΟὐ μακρὴν d&w— 
ὦ λῷστε, μὴ σίλλαινε, καὶ γὰρ οὐδ αὐτός 
μέγα σχολάζων eliul . . puec(ov) δινεῖν, 105 
(ὦ) Ζεῦ ᾿Αχέροντος !---τῶν πάλαι Tis εὐδαίμων 
ἐγένετο, πάντα δ᾽ εἶχ᾽ ἐν οἷσιν ἄνθρωποι 
θεοί τε λευκὰς ἡμέρας ἐπίστανται. 

I translate: 

He'll lose his breath, will my bald-head comrade, 
In panting to keep cloak on his shoulder. 

Let there be silence! write ye my words down! 
In Aready Bathycles—cease mocking, 

Sirrah! I fly not far: a brief moment 

Have I to spend with you: how stern, great Zeus, 
Is Acheron !—the patriarch thrice blest 

Did live, nor lacked in aught of such riches 
Wherewith endowed men live white days ever. 
(He was about to finish his last lap, etc.) 

In v. 108 ‘ white days’ are ‘days of white-raiment,’ ‘ feast 
days’; see Hippon. fr. 65. 


103 af» P: correxi. v. 105 non fuit παρμεσον. v. 106 

num xydfev... / 



(References to pages: spelling latinized throughout. 

In the prose trans- 

lation I use the Greek forms (excepting y for v) to denote stage characters. In 
the verse translations I am guided solely by ewphony.) 

Abdera, 97 

Aceses, 107 

Achaean, 131 

Achilles, 281, 291 

Acre, 95 

Actaeon, 301 

Adonis (Gardens of), 345 

Adulites, 313 

Adrasteia, 141 

Adrastus, 303 

Aeacus, 291 

Aeoleus, 151 

Aeolus, 167 

Aenians, 47 

Aesculapius, 101, 115-123, 199 

Alcetas, 292 

Alcides, 313 

Alemene, 295 

Alexander, 281, 291-333 

Alexinus, 283 

Alpheus, 267, 283 

Alyattes, 39 

Amalthusian, 57 

Amazaspus, 279 

Ammon, 281 

Amphiaraus, 303 

Amphion, 297 

Amphitryon, 297 

Amphytaea, 125-135 

Amythaon, 35 

Annas, 163 

Antidorus, 131 

Antigone, 303 

Antoninus, 353 

Apelles, 121 

Aphrodite, 87, 151?, 201, 203, 205, 

Apollo, 29, 45, 67, 105, 115, 211, 
247, 281, 299 

Archilochus, 339 

Ardys, 39 

Ares, 301 

Arete, 15?, 17, 19, 37, 89, 41, 55, 58 

Arete (queen), 291 

Argive, 291, 303 

Ariobarzanes, 325 

Aristocles, 7 

Ariston, 283 

Aristophon, 93 

Artacene, 157 

Artemis, 45, 301 

Artemis, 145, 147 

Artimmes, 95 

Asopodorus, 65 

Assyrian, 243-245 

Athamas, 299 

Athena, 51, 119, 143, 157, 159, 299 

Athenis, 3 

Athens, 183, 265, 283 

Attales, 38 

Babylonian, 311 
Babys, 345 
Bacchae, 2, 245 
Bacchian, 301, 303 
Bacchus, 303 
Batale, 117 
Battarus, 93-101 
Batyllis, 133, 135 
Bendis, 59 
Bessus, 325 
Bias, 55 

Bitas, 139, 145 



Bitimna, 125-185 
Boeotian, 307 
Bricindera, 97 
Brygians, 197 
Bucephalus, 323 
Bupalus, 3, 17, 37, 55 

Cadmus, 297 
Callimachus, 3, 12, 29, (33) 
Callimedon, 215 
Calypso, 63 

Camandolus, 57 

Canae, 273 

Candas, 145, 151 
Candaules, 313 
Capaneus, 301 
Carderocetes, 313 

Caria (=Cos), 93; -n, 345 
Caspian Gates, 279, 325 
Caspian Sea, 243 

Castor, 291 

Cecrops, 283 

Cercidas (not the poet), 339 
Cercops, 149 

Cerdon, 141-161 
Cha(e)rondas, 97 
Charinus, 275 

Charopus, 291 

Chios, 257; -an, 349 
Chrysippus, 285 

Cicon, 35 

Cissamis, 347 

Cithaeron, 2, 301, 307 
Clio, 113 

Coccalus, 107 

Codalus, 347 

Coraxian, 33, 245 
Corinth, 87, 283; -ian, 27 
Coritto, 137-147 

Coronis, 115 

Cos, 81, 93, 101, 115; -an, 347, 349 
Cottalus, 103-113 
Cranaus, 283 

Crete, 257 

Crobylus, 347 

Cronus, 199, 265 

Cybele, 59 

Cydilla, 119 

Cydilla (another), 125 
Cylaethis, 143 

Cyllene, 33, 41 

Cynno, 115, 123 
Cynossema, 269 


Cyprian, 57, 297 
Cypso, 63 
Cyrus, 283 
Cytherean, 87 

Damonomus, 201 

Darius, 309-331 

Davus, 123 

Delos, 67 ; -ian, 107, 345 

Delphi, 87 

Demeter, 89, 91 

Diochus, 33 

Diogenes, 219 

Dionysus, 167-169, 183, 269, 295, 
299, 301, 303 

Dioscuri, 265 

Diosius, 313 

Dirce, 301 

Drechon, 131 

Drimylus, 149 

Dromon, 291 

Ecbatana, 325 

Egypt, 85, 273, 333 

Eiraphiotes, 299 

Electrae (gates of Thebes), 301 

Empedocles, 345 

Endymion, 163 

Ephesus, 23, 121, 125, 137, 149; 
-ian, 38 

Epidaurus, 115 

Epio, 115 

Erinna, 139 

Eros, 201-205 

Eros (an eunuch), 275 

Erotian, 101 

Erythraea, 37 

Ethiopians, 313 

Eubius, 291 

Eubule, 139, 145 

Eueteira, 171 

Eueteris, 159 

Eupator, 275 

Euripides, 203 

Eurymachus, 291 

Eurymedontiades, 61 

Euthies, 107, 117 

Euxine, 345 

“ Hvoe,” 303 

Fates, the, 88, 117, 257, 281 

Gastron, 125-135 
Gerenia (festival), 123 


Glaucus, 349 
Glenis, 277 

Glyce, 171 

Gryllus, 87-91, 175 
Gyges, 39 

Gyllis, 81-91 

Hades, 85, 103, 245, 259, 265, 285 

Haemon, 303 

Harmonia, 297 

Harpies, 231 

Hecate, 157 

Hector, 291 

Helen, 205, 269 

Hellespont, 263 

Hephaestion, 11 

Hephaestus, 333 

Hera, 233, 299, 

Hercules, 101, 295, 297, 299, 303 

Hermes, 2, $3, 45, 153, 281 

Hermias, 7 

Hermodorus, 143 

Hermon, 129, 131 

Herodes, 163-169 

Herodianus, 277 

Hippomedon, 303 

Hipponax, 3, 17, 19, 33, 41, 43, 51, 
71, 73, 169, 184, 267, 269 

Homer, 197, 257-259 

Homoloid (gates of Thebes), 303 

Hygiea, 115, 117 

Iambe, 7 

Iberian, 279 
Icarus, 203 

1650, 115 

Tliad, 197 

Ino, 299 

Ismene, 299, 305 
Ismenias, 293-309 
Ismenus, 301, 307 

Justice, 197, 235 

Labdacus, 297, 307 
Laius, 297 
Lampriscus, 103-113 
Lampsacene, 261 
Laomedon, 115 
Latmus, 163 
Lebedian, 57 
Le(i)archus, 291 
Lenean, 299 

Lepre Acte, 23 

Leto, 101; -an, 301 

Leucadian Rock, 275 

Leucippus, 337 

tLioleusf, 156 

Lyaeus, 295, 303 

Lycus, 291, 307 

Lydia, -n, 2, (33), 39, 218, 233, 347 
Lynceus, 255-259 

Macaon, 115 
Macedon, -ians, 199, 281, 291-331 
Maea, 33, 41, 281 
Maenad, 245 
Maeonians, 33 
Mandris, 85, 89 
Mandron, 345 
Mantinean, 267 
Maron, 105 
Mataline, 87 
Mede, 245 
Medoces, 141 
Megallis, 163 
Megara, 299 
Megasthenes, 303 
tMegastrut, 38 
Melicerte, 299 
Memnon, 277 
Meno, 125 
Menops, 313 
Mennes, 93 
Merops, 101 
Metrias, 291 
Metriche, 81-91 
Metro, 137-161 
Metrotime, 103-113 
Metrotimus, 4 (ef. 49) 
Miccale, 130 
Micion, 153 
Miletus, 23, 67 
Mimnes, 47 (¢f. 23) 
Minos, 99 
Mithras, 309 
Mithridates, 313 
Moerae, 32, 116 (see Fates) 
Molossi, 291 
Muse, 5, 61, 108, 118, 169, 207, 211- 
213, 247 
Museum, the, 85 
Myellus, 121 
Mygdon, 279 
Myrtale, 91, 97, 99 
Myrtaline, 143 
Myrtilus, 281 



Myson, 29 
tMytalyttat, 38 
Myttes, 117 

Nannacus, 103 
Naxus, 67 
Nectanebos, 333 
Neistean Gates, 303 
Nemesis, 199 
Neoptolemus, 291 
Nessus, 291 

Nicias, 277 

Nile, 271, 273 
Ninus, 248, 245, 259 
Nisibis, 279 
Nossis, 139, 141 
Nycteus, 297 
Nymphs, 243 

Oedipus, 297, 299, 301 
Ogygian Gates, 303 
Olympus, -ian, 45, 197, 317 
Ornirates, 313 

Oxyathres, 313 

Oxydrakes, 313 

Paeaeon, 115-123 
Paean, 199 

Panace, 115 
Pandora, 23 
Paphus, 151 
Pardalas, 277 
Paris, 85 

Parnus, 231-239 
Parthenopaeus, 303 
Parthian, 279 5 
Pasarges, 315-317 
Pataecius, 87 
Pataeciscus, 121 
Peleus, 291 

Pella, 295, 317 
Pentheus, 301 
Perdix, 49, 65 
Persephone, 65 
Persians, 309, 331 
Phaethon, 197, 281 
Phaon, 347 
Phaselis, 97 
Philaenis, 265 
Philaenis, 83 
Philip,! 317, 331 (cf. 307) 

Philippus, 99 
Phillus, 107 
Philoctetes, 299 
Phlyesian, 45 
Phocus, 291 
Phoebe, 101 
Phoebus, 176, 299 
Phoenician, 275 
Phoenix, 184 
Phraortes, 313 

Phrygia, -n, 23, 95, 101, 105, 126, 

197, 213 
Phthia, 291 
Pielus, 291 
Pierian, 207 
Pindar, 3071 
Pisa, 87 
Pistus, 149-153 
Plutarch, 11 
Plutus, 43 
Podaleirius, 115 
Polyaenus, 353 
Polycrates, 265 
Polynices, 301 
Poseidippus, 249-251 
Poseidon, 277 
Praxiteles, 117 
Prexinus, 143 
Prexon, 117 
Priamus, 291 
Priene, 55 
Proetid (gates of Thebes), 303 
Prometheus, 210 
Protagoras, 285 
Psylla, 163 
Ptolemy Philadelphus,2 85 
Pyrgele, 62 
Pyrrhus, 125, 131 
Pythagorean, 221 
Pytheas, 89 
Pythermus, 67 
Pythian, 211 
Pytho, 87 

Rhesus, 47 
Rhodian, 27 
Roman, 279 
Roxanes, 331 

Sadyattes, 39 
Samus, -ian, 99, 347 

1 Philip was educated at Thebes, but not by Pindar! 

2 Inepte Gerhard legit Cercidea, p. 51; ineptius apud Herodis Mimum 

VIII. inveniunt scholastici. 


ee λὰι, 


Sardanapallus, 243 
Sardis, 277 
Sarpedon, 281 
Scythia, -n, 67, 247, 273 
Semele, 295, 299 
Semus, 267 
Serapis, 333 

Sime, 91 

Simon, 105 
Simonax (?), 51 
Sindian, 29, 245 
Sinopean, 219 
Sisymbras, 98 
Sisymbriscus, 98 
Smyrna, 39, 257 
Smyrna (suburb of Ephesus), 23 
Soloeci, 23 
Sphaerus, 215 
Sphinx, 301 

Stoa, 285 

Stobaeus, 5, 6 
Stoics, 213, 217, 275 
Strangas, 309-825 
Sulbates, 313 

Susa, 313 

Syracuse, 221 

Tantalus, 3 
Taureon, 157 
Thales, 93-101 
Thales, 261 
Thargelia, 23 
Thebes, 293-309 

Thessalus, 101 
Thetis, 281 
Thrace, 345; -cian, 47, 59, 297 
Threissa, 81, 82, 89 
Tiresian, 299 
Tiridates, 313 
Titan, 281 

Tost, 38 

Trecheia (Cape), 23 
Tricca, 101, 115 
Tritonis, 299 

Troy, 47, 114, 291 
Tryinus, 291 
Tydeus, 299, 303 
Tyndarus, 205 
Tyre, 95 

Tzetzes, 7-13 

Ulysses, 167 
Uranus, 199 

Varus, 353 

Xanthus, 291 
Xeno, 195, 197 
Xenophon, 283 
Xerxes, 319 
Xuthus, 169 

Zeno, 217 
Zethus, 297 
Zeus, 45, 59, 191-201, 219, 233, 265, 

273, 281, 291, 295, 297, 319, 347 





ἀγαπάω (derived !), 254 

ἀγήτορι, 218 

ἀγκαλιστός, 152 

ἀθυράγματα, 62 

aidys, 244 

αἱμόχρους, 800 

αἴρω, educate? 170 

axadéos (Dor. for ἡκαλέος 7), 206 

ἄκανθα (instrument of punishment), 

ἀκολουθέω, 50 

-axt-, 14, 269 

ἁλυκὸν κλαίειν, 92 

ἀλυστονῶ, p. 236 (erroneous read- 
ing for ἐμαυτὸν ws: vid. L. and 8.) 

ueeNiaias: 134 

ἀντικνήμιον, 46 

ἀπαρτίη, 20 

ἀπό and πολέμιος conf., 304 

ἀποστομόω, 210, 224 sqq. 

ἀστάθευτος, f. l., 216 

ἀστράβδα, quid? 106 

ἀστρᾶγάλαι, 102 

βασγικορλάζε, 62 

βέκος, 57 

βιαιοπόνηρος, 202 

BAalireAcca? 204 

βλεννοτοισυπηρίδης, ee 

βλοσυρομματ -ςς 

βοόκτιστον, 294 Gu ee chol. 
habuerit βοόκτιτον τόδ᾽ ἄστυ μὴ 

βράζει ὃ ?=loquitur, 100 

βρενθονεύω, 82 

δαιτρεύεσθαι, 108 
δελεαστής, 214 
διὰ πασᾶν, 216 


δίκτυον, ‘reticule,’ 104 
διόξιος, 62 
διοπλήξ, 14 

ἐμβιβάζω, 24 

ἐν χώρῃ, quid? 258 

ἐπιθύω, trans., 168 

ἐπικτίζω, 302 

ἐπιμηθέως, obj. ἀμαθῶς, 112 
ἐργάτης τι, 142 

ἔργον, ‘function,’ 154 
εὐμενιδεξίτερος, 200 
εὐπάλαμος, 212 

ἔφυν, 3 pl., 250 

Cas Cae 256 
ἡνίσκος, 150 
θάλπους ἄνευ ()-- μὴ προπετῶς), 160 

.consonantal? 14, 26, 80, 85, 86 
(Ἐρυθραίων, 38, 46, 56, 152 

ἴλλειν λέοντα, 98 

ἰχαίνω, 148 

καίειν λύχνον, 256 

καλῶς ! ‘when,’ 88 

κανοζωρ, 278 

καταζώστρη, 164 

Καρίη-- Kas, 92 

καταϊξ, 198 

καταμυΐοςΐ, ‘capite obstipo,’ 132 

καταρέω, ‘ perish,’ 258 

καταστέλλω (of a garment metaph.), 

κατωμήχανε, 46 

κατωτικός, +8 

κλαίειν, ‘suffer,’ 92, 148, 180 

κλεψικοίτης, 296 


κρητήρων θοίνῃ (quid ), 256 
κριγή, 24 

κριομύξης, 218 
-κροτησιγόμφιος, 210 

λαύρη, 62 

λείη (Ξε λέως vel ‘strages’), 166 

nuper repertum), 357 

Anos Vel λαός (semper apud auctt. 
chol.: ineptiunturedd. Bud., Hrd. 

iv. 94), 30, 276, 300 
λύχνον, τό, 18 (καίειν A., 256) 
λῶπος -ε-δέρμα, 166 

μαλις (vox nihili), 50 
μελλοδύνα (?), 204 
μεταμελλοδύνα (2), 204 
μηκύνειν ὄμμα, 304 
μυτταλυττα (vox nihili), 38 

νίκυρτα, 46 

ὀδυνοσπάς, 40 
dios vel οἷος, 
ὁκοίως, 106 
ὅμαστος (synoecized), 92 
ὁπά an oW?, eye, 196 
ὄρχις, 62 

‘of a sheep,’ 68 

ὄφελμα-εκόρημα or ‘basement,’ 4S, 
and Addenda 

πάλμυδος (vox nihili), 38 
πανδάληκτος, 84 
πανοικίη (sic), 256 
παραψιδάζων, 62." 
πάτος, ‘pavement,’ 248 
πέλανος, quid ? 122 
περισσανθηρόπεπλος, 220 
πλῆθος --δημότης, 328 
ποθῆτις, 281 
προθεσπίζων, 84 
προίημι, 90 

ἡμέρα (ef. Callim. 

προκοθηλυμανής, 202 
πυγεών, 62 

Πυγέλη, 62 

πυγιστί, 62 
πύραυστρον, 120 

σαβαυνι, 46 

σιγηροί, 192 

Senta hei: 32 

σπανιοψιάδης, 192 

σπυρός, 192 

σταθευτός, ἢ. 1., 210, v. 14 
στεναρός, f. l., 280 

στοιβή, quid? 48 and Addenda 
συγκροτησιγόμφιος, 210 

ταναβλαψιτέλεια, 209 
τέττιξ, 246 

τεωρεύω, 38 

τιμήεις, 258 
τριώροφον, 150 
τρόφις, 246 

ὑψιτράγῳδος, 212 

φάλης, 14 

φάρμακος, expiatio, 22, 34 (fr. 49) 
φελίζω, 36 

φρική, ‘frost,’ 164 

φῦσα, ‘ vanity-bag,’ 104 

χελιδών (ἄμουσος), 258 
χλιδήξ, 212 

χρῇ» 260 

ψήχων et ψύχων, 4 
ψιλοκόρσης, 357 

ὧιΞεῦ οἱ, 120, 122 
ὠλεσίκα πος, 212 
Op, ‘ wife,’ 230 
pos, ‘year,’ 65 

Printed in Great Britain by R. & R. CLark, Limirep, Edinburgh. 

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SES). Trans. by W. Adlington (1566). Revised by 
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CAESAR: GALLIC WAR. Trans. by H. J. Edwards. 
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. E. King. 

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