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Full text of "Check-list of birds of the world"

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THE two orders treated in this volume have been the objects 
of special study on the part of many ornithologists during the 
past 150 years and the resulting literature is enormous. 
Among those who have contributed extensively are Kuhl 
(Parrots), Wagler (Parrots), Temminck (Pigeons), Bona- 
parte (Parrots and Pigeons), Reichenbach (Pigeons), Schlegel 
(Parrots and Pigeons), Finsch (Parrots) and Salvadori (Par- 
rots and Pigeons). The two volumes of the Catalogue of 
Birds of the British Museum by Salvadori dealing with these 
orders have long been the standard, and after frequent re- 
newed association with these volumes, I can say that in the 
care and thoroughness with which they were prepared and in 
the soundness of their writer’s views they constitute a record 
of which anyone might be proud, and stamp their author as a 
truly great ornithologist. 

In the introduction to the first volume of this series I 
briefly explained my position as regards recognition of sub- 
species. It may be well to amplify the earlier statement. A 
large number of new subspecies have been proposed in recent 
years; some of these are actual discoveries, the result of orni- 
thological exploration of regions hitherto imperfectly known; 
others, the result of the growing tendency for finer subdivision 
of already well known forms where the value of further nam- 
ing is at least questionable. In many cases it is necessary to 
accept a new form at its face value in default of material; in 
other cases if the material at my disposal does not show satis- 
factorily the characters claimed the name is placed in synon- 
ymy without prejudice. In fact in debatable cases it is far 
better to place a name as a synonym; if its validity is subse- 
quently confirmed the name is available and may be resur- 


rected; on the other hand the tacit recognition of a form of 
questionable validity gives it a false status and helps to per- 
petuate it unnecessarily. It is manifestly impossible to ex- 
amine material of every proposed subspecies; to do so would 
result in endless time spent on the least important feature of 
a Check-list such as this. 

No new names published since January 1, 1936 are in- 
cluded in this Volume, the manuscript having been com- 
pleted at the end of 1935 and. turned over for publication 
shortly thereafter. 

For the loan of material I am under obligations to the 
United States National Museum, American Museum of 
National History, Academy of Natural Sciences, Carnegie 
Museum, Field Museum of Natural History, and to Mr. H.B. 
Conover. Portions of the manuscript have been read by Dr. 
Erwin Stresemann, Prof. Oscar Neumann, Dr. Ernst Mayr, 
Mr. J. T. Zimmer and Dr. J. P. Chapin. Proofs have been 
read in whole or in part by Dr. Ernst Mayr, Mr. J. T. Zim- 
mer, Dr. Alexander Wetmore, Dr. Herbert Friedmann, Mr. 
J. H. Riley, Dr. Stresemann, Prof. Neumann, Dr. Friederich 
Steinbacher, Mr. N. B. Kinnear, Mr. Hugh Whistler, Dr. 
C. B. Ticehurst, Mr. D. A. Bannerman, Dr. W. L. Sclater 
and Mr. E. C. Stuart Baker. Specific inquiries on particular 
specimens have been answered by Mr. W. H. Behle, Mr. 
C. D. Bunker, Mr. J. H. Fleming, Dr. Joseph Grinnell and 
Dr. C. E. Hellmayr; while Dr. Jean Linsdale, Mr. H. G. K. 
Molineux, Dr. W. H. Osgood, Mr. Kinnear, Dr. Leonhard 
Stejneger and Mr. Zimmer have kindly verified certain refer- 
ences; Mr. Arthur Loveridge has been of much assistance on 
the orthography of East African place names. Mrs. Peters 
has again assisted in the proof reading and Mrs. Bowen who 
typed the manuscript of the first and second volumes also 
typed the manuscript for this one. Several pleasant evenings 
were spent at the home of my late friend Thomas E. Penard, 
checking references in rare works contained in his library. 

Once more acknowledgments are due to Dr. Thomas 


Barbour whose continued codperation and encouragement 
has resulted in the publication of this volume. 

The balance of a grant made by Harvard University from 
the Milton Fund was used in defraying the expenses inci- 
dental to the preparation of the manuscript and of the index. 

Jeli: ice 

Cambridge, Massachusetts 
26 November, 1936. 


Oper COLUMBIFORMES.. . . 1.5 2% =. af Se ae eee 3 
SUBORDER, PTEROCLEENS, £6... 20.5. 4.8 4) ove PRs Sb) See 3 
Family Pteroclididae,Sand-grouse. ........4.2... 3 
Genus Syrroaptes@lisger . ois we Mea. Bean 3 

Rcerocles femmitckts0 >) Ave semotban ig! ss a eos 3 

SUBORDER, COLUMBATIPL Fs co REA k Elier ata & Ak Wwe ie be 10 
Family Raphidae, Dodos, Solitaires.......2.2.2.. , 710 
Genus Raphusesrisson. a oes) eae Se 10 
Rezophaps Sizckland.. =. eens oe es 10 

Hamuily Columbidae, 2 20°. fos. 4s ie ae ne 11 
Subfamily Treroninae, Fruit-pigeons. .......2... al; 
Genus Sphenurus Swaimson. ....:....... It 
BUpreron Bonaparte 4. = pas ew rate es Se 13 
Mreronmivelot 5 sy SeeMe Wane ehek cates eo he 14 
Phapitreron-Bonaparte. . 9.4.5"). . 2% . ; 23 
heucotreronbonaparie. 2.1.6 a8. =. 2. 4° 2d 
PtebnopusiSwaimson.. 0 see tele oe 28 

Chrysocena Bonaparte. sas ace ieee 6 ae 39 

Subgenus Chrysophaps Wetmore. . ....... 39 
Chrysoena Bonaparte. ........ 440 

Genus AlectroenasiG. i. Gray! “S.8 a8. 8 2 5s sks 40 
Drepanoptila Bonaparte, . 25. > . . . 2. “Al 
Megaloprepia Reichenbach .... . ol fishin Se Aol 
DuculaHodgson. \ aya eavaeee 6: ee ogee 542 
Cryptophaps Salvadori sate, a fe eee 55 
Hemiphaga bonaparte @ eee. a). 222 suse: 55 
Lopholaimus-Gould.% S Ses a0. 5 Se oe Oe 

Subfamily Columbinae, Pigeons, Doves ......... #456 
Genus Gymnophaps Salvadori. . . 2... 2... 56 
Colunmiba dine)... 2 es ee thie eet Be .. 96 

Nesoenas Salvadort: <2 Ys ski Ss ee Ga Nahe | O04: 

LUPACOCDA DOnMpArle ik) see bees ns . 74 
Macropy Pin SWamison 2. bk suits ot) sean to 
Reinwardtoena Bonaparte .......... «82i 
Coryphoenas Wardlaw Ramsay ........ &£482 

Ectopistes; Swaimsoie 2. 2° ese, eee ete ek 82 

ACVAGUTA, BONRAPATICR™ 6 4 = Ses ees 83 

enaida Bonaporiee io wee Gs 6 eee s,s 86 
NesopeliauScndcvall 6 = ome lak & be O88 
wtreptopelia Bonaparte. ..........4 + 88 
GeopeliatSwamson. =). i752 ae? >... % 100 
Metriopelia Bonaparte. ........... 102 

Scardafella Bonaparte ..:.......... 108 


Uropelia Bonapatic soe) en ee ee 104 
Columbina Specie. 0 eee eee 104 
ColumbigallinarBore 2) ae eee ee 105 

Oxypelia, Salvadori...) ae en eee 109 
Claravas;Obenholserig., cy cr) same ieee 109 

ena Swaison, Agee ee eee ee plalil 
Tympanistria Remhenbach). . 2. eee 111 

‘TPuntur Boddaer 2) 26. ok et, See 112 
ChalcophapsiGould a. S05) ose eee 114 
Henicophaps: Gus Gnay, a eee ate 116 
Petrophassa Gould. 5" 22 e-74 ees. ae eee 1G 

‘Phaps Selby. 5a, ceers.. See ee een one 17 
OcyphapsiGaea Gray ge =) awe oe 118 
Lophophaps Reichenbach. ......<.:5... 118 

Geophaps GG: haGray. st ts) oe Ae 119 
Histriophaps Salvadori.) cen ss) ate ee 120 
AplopeliahBonaparicn. 4) 2 ue eee eee 120 
heptotila;Swan Soren. ues) oa een eee ee 122 
Osculatiabonaponicess a Sen) ene ee 128 
Oreopeliaviteichenbuch "4 =. .ae a ee 128 

Geotry con: Gosscmaenn fe) a een eee 132 
Gallicoluumbaicciwee en 0-9) a no ass, 132 

Pubgenus Gallicolumba Heck ......2.... 132 

Dio pens hileyies eee ee eee 134 

Terricolumba Hachisuka. ....... 134 

Alopecoenas| Sharpe-p-) aa es 137 

Genus) Leucosarcia, Gould = ee a eee 137 
Dragon Gee Grass ee ie ee 137 
Microgoura, Hothsclild . ..2 25 4) 2 ee 138 
Stalnoenas Bonaparte 4 es 2 iis). oe. 138 
Otidiphaps;Gouldt 49 sL\ es) 138 

Caloenas Gee Groves ae es eee 139 

Subfamily Goiirinae, Crowned Pigeons. ......... 140 
Genus Goiira Stephens! 2-7 © 0. 2 ee ee 140 
Subfamily Didunculinae, Tooth-billed Pigeons ..... . 141 
Genus Didunculus,Pealess .09 1 2 ey ee 141 
ORDER ESITTACIFORMES. <4. > 24 4, Gack eer eee 141 
Hamuly Psittacidae..~.) «0c. 2 4accenaeee Gs cue ee 141 
Subfamily Strigopinae, Owl Parrots .......2.... 141 
Genus  Strizops Galva GhOy ) lee nn eee 141 
Subfamily Nestormae yeas: 2) sccm anaes ae eee 142 
Genus Nestor i¢sson. |... eens ee 142 
Subfarmily-lortnaes Mores) sles c Meine meee eon ceee ee 143 
Genus: Chalcopsitta:Bonaparie “2. ee] = = ae 143 

Hos! Wales! 2. 52th Sc yg (eaten tel 145 
Trichoglossus Vigors and Horsfield. . . ... . 147 

Psithembelesssonapante ve amea cess ain fees cane 151 


Psendens elers Mme te BN eine) Manes ol) oe 8 153 
Domicellay Wager: sel orice ek) 8 eae taliog 
Phpys Ga liseGray aioe ee la PRRs 5's Gong 156 

Vim SOSSOI VG.te. Te Tee petra ce moar Oe piu b 156 
Glossepsitta bonaparids 4 he). Je ie es 157 
CharmosymacWagier ae) a. ued tes Games eA 158 
Oreopsittacus Salvadori. 4 ee nc. ee 161 
Neopsittacus Salvader) 2 2 S21.) nls = 162 
Psittaculirostris Grayand Gray . ....... 163 
Oposittarsclatere. fo.) s) mame oye oe 164 
Igathamius Wesson. ae gen. ent a tes sae oe 166 
Subfamily Micropsittinae, Pigmy Parrots. ........ 167 
Genus Micropsitta Lesson 2 : es es 3 ne. 167 
Subfamily Kakatoeinae, Cockatoos ........2... 170 
CentiseeroboscleerKwil. os wlke aetaes © sels fs 170 
Calyptorhynchus Desmarest. . ........ 171 
Subgenus Zanda Mathews ........... Waal 
Calyptorhynchus Desmarest ...... 172 

Genus Callocephalon Lesson . 2... .....2... 172 
Kakatoe Cuvier . 2 iis aces eae ce 173 
Subgenus Kakatoe Cumer. 2. 9.7... 1 ts 173 
Lophochroa Bonaparte ........ 176 

Ducorpsius Bonaparte. ........ 176 

Licmetis Wagler . .... oe ee ANAL 

Holophus: Bonaparte soos Gees = - 178 

Genus Nymphicus Wagler : 5-20 s 2 oe we 178 
Subfamily Psittacinae, Macaws, Parrots ......... 179 
Genus Anodorhynchus Spix .........2... 179 
Avacibactnede:.. .*:. S05 eeeeaiae =, Pas betas ae 180 
ATONE AS DUG: = ean eee tet Poop eee ces 185 
Nandsyus Bonaparte. . 4 ime 2. 2 sie). oe 191 
Leptosittaca Berlepsch and Stolamann .... . 192 
Conuropsis Salvadorumerseem ee ss ct ee 192 
Rhynchopsitta Bonaparte 44). 2. 5. 192 
Cyanoliseus Bonaparte ~ Si areiis se 6 8 sn 193 
Ognorhynchus Bonapariey :0 2545 2. ss es : 193 
iByrrhuras Ona Donic a eee eee AS eee 194 
Microsittace Bonaparte: = .0f 2 1 3 we 199 
Hmicognathus Gs Jon Gide eee ons oo ed). 199 
Miydopsitta Bonapartets are a ee ew 5 kG 200 
Amoropsittaca Richmond. . ...:..... 200 
Psilopsiacon Aidgway sew ak Wk 201 
Bolborhynchus Bonaparie .......... 201 

ROE DUNSSOICT Oe voce Kee ene a Bde aah 202 
Brotogerts Vigonsec: £8 $85 oe ol beh ad 205 
Nannopsittaca Ridgway ...... +... 208 

PO WGRGs Me GUY fae aera lar aul eee 2 hss A 208 



Pionites Herne: sar sGs Un, maaetia econ tie ie ee 
Pionopsittabanapante 25. 5 eee 
Hapalopsittaca iiidgway.. 2. es ane eee 
Gypopsitia Bonaparte, 2.2 2) see 
Graydidascalus; Bonaparte -a° =) = eee 
PiomusW aglet= os. Se sien ees cae ee 
Amazone 168s Gu 22. 2) (aga or ee ee See 
Deroptyus Wagler 4.) 2 0n -be ee eee 
Triclaria Wagler. ... . te Sea es) 
Poicephalus;Swamsonw). ace ee eee 
Peittacus, 1716: cee os cee ce 
Coracopsis: Wagler <3. %.% 2) ee ee eee 
Peittrichassessone. 209s =) an i sitite oe 
Loris Boddacrt- te. 3.5 2. . Sale ae eee 
Geoliroyus Bonaparte: tn. 02 saree eee 
Prionitumissagleree cn.) no eee ees ee 
Tanyenathus Waglern, .. 29. So. 0. 
Mascarmuss¢sson ee uta). mee @ ees ee 
Psittacul a: Ciovermeee re. ee 
Poly telissWaglermeme .o: - ok cen Sec See 
Subgenus Polytelis Wagler . .......... 
Spathopterus North... . 84 6 eae 
Genus Aprosmictus Gould =. 5 2 3 .°2 2% 2 ees 
Allisterus: Mathews. we. 5 eesti e 
ProsopelacBonapaniceens | artes) le eee 
PsittacellayScnlegeh= mame oem eee eee 
Bolbopsittacus Salvador <> . 9). 5 5 = 3 sue 

Agapormis) SelUyem entrar ek) sas) eye ae 
onculuss/stytheemeus is enn ae) oer 
Platycercus: Wagons. 5 5 ics 1.) ee 
Purpureicephalus Bonaparte. ......... 
Northiella Mathews: 2.9) 2...) 2 eee 
Psephotus Gould 0%) Gis 2 kee 12 od ee 
Neophema Salvadori pn 3.) ao. 3) ee 
Hunymphicus Noms 100. 05 1.) sae ee 
Cyanoramphus Bonaparte .......... 
Melopsittacus Gould = aus) se scone eee 
Pezoporuspiiiigen:.: "70 ety eee he 
Geopsittacus/Gould = 70s) eae eee 

6) eh) Vevitse ieee! velue el me 



Columba inornata wetmorei nom. nov. . 
Reinwardtoena reinwardtsi brevis nom. nov. 
Metriopelia ceciliae zimmeri nom. nov. . 
Turtur chalcospilos patetus nom. nov. 
Turtur brehmeri infelix nom. nov. . 
Leptotila verreauxi zapluta nom. nov. 
Forpus sclateri eidos nom. nov. 
Eunymphicus nom. nov. 



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Syrrhaptes Illiger, Prodromus, 1811, p. 243. Type, by monotypy, 
Tetrao paradocus ‘‘ Lin Gmel.” = Pallas. 
cf. Hartert, Vég. pal. Fauna, 2, 1920, p. 1514-1516. 
Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 275-278; 7, 
1930, p. 445-446. 

Syrrhaptes tibetanus Gould 

Syrrhaptes tibetanus Gould, Bds. Asia, pt. 2, 1850, pl. and text [= 6, 
pl. 61 of bound vol.]. (Tsomoriri Lake, Ladak, Tibet.) 

Breeds in inner Asia at elevations ranging between 12000 and 16000 feet 
from the Pamirs to Kokonor, south to Lahul and Sikkim; in winter de- 
scending to somewhat lower altitudes. 

~—Syrrhaptes paradoxus (Pallas) 

Tetrao paradoxa Pallas, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 2, 1773, p. 712. 
(Southern part of the Tartarian Desert.) 

Breeds in the steppe region of extreme southeastern Russia and central 
Asia from the Gouvernment of Ufa and the lower Volga east to Mongolia, 
north to about lat. 51° N. on the Kirghiz Steppes, the Altai, northwestern 
Mongolia and southern Transbaikalia, south to the Tian Shan, Zungaria 
and northeastern Kansu. Winters somewhat irregularly to the plains of 
northeastern China; sporadic irruptions occur from time to time, during 
which large numbers sometimes reach western Europe. 

GENus PTEROCLES Temmincx ! 

Pterocles Temminck, Pig. et Gall., 3, 1815, p. 238, 712. Type, by subse- 
quent designation, T'etrao alchata Linné (Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, 
p. 63). 

Ganga Lesson (ex Vieillot, vernac.), Man d’Orn., 2, 1828, p. 445. Substi- 
tute name for Pterocles Temminck. 

Eremialector W. L. Sclater, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 42, 25 Feb., 1922, p. 74. 
New name for Pterocles Ogilvie-Grant, not of Temminck. Type, by 
original designation, Tetrao orientalis Linné. 

1 Replaces Pteroclidurus Bonaparte and includes Pteroclis (sic) Temminck 
of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Calopterocles Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 8, 30 Oct., 1922, p. 195. 
Type, by original designation, Tetrao variegatus Burchell, not of 
Gmelin, = Pterocles burchelli Sclater. 

Nyctiperdix Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 8, 30 Oct., 1922, p. 196. 
Type, by original designation, Pterocles bicinctus Temminck. 

Dilophilus Bowen, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 273, 1927, p. 11. Type, by 
original designation, Pterocles lichtensteinit Temminck. 

cf. Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 286-303. 

Bowen, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 278, 1927, p. 1-12. 

Friedmann, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 153, 1930, p. 197-205. 

Hartert, Vég. pal. Fauna, 2, 1920, p. 1501-1513. 

Meinertzhagen, in Nicoll’s Bds. Egypt, 2, 1930, p. 518-523. 

Reichenow, Vég. Afr., 1, 1900, p. 304-319. 

Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 260-275; 
7, 1930, p. 443-445. 

Pterocles alchata alchata (Linné) 

Tetrao Alchata Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 276. (‘“Monspelii, 
in Pyrenaeis, Syria, Arabia’? = southwestern Europe, from the first 
revisor, Bogdanow, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 27, 1881, col. 

Locally resident in Portugal, Spain and southern France. 

Pterocles alchata caudacutus (S. G. Gmelin) 
Tetrao caudacutus 8. G. Gmelin, Reise Russl., 3, 1774, p. 93, pl. 18. 
(Northern Persia.) 

Resident in northern Africa from central Morocco to Cyrenaica and 
south to the Sahara; resident also from Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Trans- 
caspia, Afghanistan and northwestern India, south to Palestine, Mesopo- 
tamia and Baluchistan. 

Pterocles namaqua ngami de Schauensee 
Pterocles namaqua ngami de Schauensee, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
83, 1931, p. 441. (25 miles northwest of Lake Ngami, Bechuanaland 

Region about Lake Ngami and probably the north-central part of the 
Kalahari Desert. 

Pterocles namaqua namaqua (Gmelin) 
Tetrao Namaqua Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 754. (Nama- 
Western parts of southern Africa from southern Angola, central Kala- 
hari and southwestern Transvaal, south to Capetown and East London. 

Pterocles exustus exustus Temminck 

Pterocles exustus Temminck, PI. col., livr. 60, 1825, pl. 854 #, 360 9. 
(West coast of Africa, Egypt and Nubia, = Senegal.)} 

1 Temminck’s name replaces Pterocles senegalensis Lichtenstein 1823, pre- 


Dry parts of northern Africa south of the Sahara from Senegal to western 

Pterocles exustus floweri Nicoll a 
Pterocles senegalensis floweri Nicoll, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 41, 1921, p. 128. 
(Faiyum, Egypt.) 
Confined to the Egyptian deserts from Faiyum to Luxor. 

~~ Pterocles exustus somalicus Hartert 
Pterocles exustus somalicus Hartert, Nov. Zool., 7, 1900, p. 28. (Milmil, 

Northeastern Africa from Turkana and the northern end of Lake 
Rudolf east to Somaliland and south to Mt. Kenya and northern Jubaland. 

Pterocles exustus olivascens (Hartert) 
Pteroclurus 1. [sic] [= exustus] olivascens ‘‘ Hart.”” Neumann, Orn. 
Monatsb., 17, 1909, p. 154. Nomen nudum. 
Pteroclurus exustus olivascens Hartert, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 1909, p. 183. 
(Campi ya Simba, Kenya Colony.) 
Ukamba district in Kenya Colony to Mount Kilimanjaro. 

Pterocles exustus emini (Reichenow) 
Pteroclurus exustus emini Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 67, 1919, p. 226. 
(Northwest of Victoria Nyanza.) 
Known only from the type; doubtfully distinct from P. e. exustus. 

——Pterocles exustus erlangeri (Neumann)! 

Pteroclurus exustus erlangert Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 1909, p. 154. 
(El Hota, Lahej, southern Arabia.) 

Southwestern Arabia. 

Pterocies exustus hindustan R. Meinertzhagen 

Pterocles exustus orientalis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 7, 1900, p. 28. (India.) 
Not Tetrao orientalis Linné, which = Pterocles orientalis (Linné). 

Pterocles senegalensis hindustan R. Meinertzhagen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
43, 1923, p. 158. (Sambhar, Rajputana, India.) 

Baluchistan and India; the birds inhabiting southern Palestine, the 
Syrian desert and Iraq may be referable to erlangert. 

1 C. H. B. Grant (in litt.) considers Pterocles ellioti Bogdanow (Bull. Acad. 
Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 27, 1881, col. 167. — Ethiopia) the name for the race of 
P. exustus inhabiting Eritrea, northern and central Ethiopia, British Somali- 
land, Arabia and India; if this view is correct, both erlangeri and hindustan 
must fall as synonyms. Hartert (Vég. pal. Fauna, p. 1510) considers ellzoti a 
synonym of P. e. exustus. E. C. Stuart Baker (in litt.) believes erlangeri and 
hindustan cannot be separated. 


Pterocles senegallus senegallus (Linné) 

Tetrao senegallus Linné, Mantissa, 1771, p. 526. (Senegal, error, Algeria 
accepted as type locality by Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 7.) 

Resident in northern Africa from Algeria to Egypt, south to El-Golea, 
Air, Fezzan, Khartoum and Somaliland; in southwestern Asia from Pales- 
tine, Iraq and Afghanistan to Arabia. 

Pterocles senegallus remotus Neumann 

Pterocles senegallus remotus Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 20, 1934, 
p. 471. (Kunaria, Cutch, northwestern India.) 

Baluchistan, Sind and the Indian Desert south to Cutch. Doubtfully 
distinct from P. s. senegallus. 

Pterocles orientalis orientalis (Linné) 

Tetrao orientalis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 161. (‘‘ In Ori- 
ente,’”’ = Anatolia, ex Hasselquist.) 

Resident in the eastern Canary Islands; Iberian Peninsula; northwestern 
Africa; Cyprus; Asia Minor; Palestine. 

Pterocles orientalis koslovae Meinertzhagen 
Pterocles orientalis koslove Meinertzhagen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 55, 1934, 
p. 59. (Emba River, Orenburg, Russia.) 

Resident in southeastern Russia in the Volga lowlands and the country 
about the Ural River in the Orenburg district; it is probably this race that 
extends west to Issyk Kul, the Alexandrovski Mountains and Tarbagatai, 
and south to the Turko-Persian frontier and Afghanistan. 

Pterocles orientalis enigmaticus Neumann 

Pterocles orientalis enigmaticus Neumann, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 55, 1934, 
p. 73. (Rann of Cutch, northwestern India.) 

Based on winter specimens, breeding range not known. Doubtfully 

Pterocles coronatus coronatus Lichtenstein 

Pterocles coronatus Lichtenstein, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Berlin, 1828, 
p. 65. (Nubia.) 

The eastern Sahara from southern Algeria, Tunis, Tripoli and western 
Egypt south to Air and the northern Sudan. 

Pterocles coronatus vastitas R. Meinertzhagen 

Pterocles coronatus vastitus [sic] R. Meinertzhagen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
49, 1928, p. 42.1 (Wadi Martaba, southern Palestine.) 

Southern Palestine (west of the Jordan-Dead Sea depression) and north- 
eastern Sinai. 

1 Spelling corrected to vastitas, p. 52. 


Pterocles coronatus atratus Hartert 
Pterocles coronatus atratus Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 1902, p. 48. 
(Eastern Persia.) 
Deserts of Iraq, Persia, Afghanistan, Baluchistan and northern India to 
the Indus and Sind. 
Pterocles coronatus saturatus Kinnear 

Pterocles coronatus saturatus Kinnear, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, 1927, 
p. 12. (Ajib, 20 miles inland between Shinas and Murair, Oman 

Oman Peninsula, eastern Arabia. 

~~ Pterocles gutturalis saturatior Hartert 

Pterocles gutturalis saturatior Hartert, Nov. Zool., 7, 1900, p. 29. (Campi 
ya Simba, Kenya Colony.) 
Eritrea and northern Ethiopia south to Kenya Colony and northern 
Tanganyika Territory, intergrading with the typical form in the region 
east of Lake Victoria. 

 Pterocles gutturalis gutturalis A. Smith 

Pterocles gutturalis A. Smith, Rep. Exped. Centr. Afr., 1836, p. 56. 
(Near Kurrichane, western Transvaal.) 
Eastern and central Tanganyika Territory south to Bechuanaland and 
western Transvaal. 
Pterocles gutturalis tanganjicae Reichenow 
Pterocles gutturalis tanganjicae Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 67, 1919, 
p. 226. (Country east of Tanganyika: Ufipa, Utinta and Makamba 

Region east of Lake Tanganyika. 

~~ Pterocles burchelli burchelli W. L. Sclater 

Tetrao (Pterocles) variegatus Burchell, Travels, 2, 1824, p. 345. (Bechu- 
analand, z.e. near Griquatown.) Not Tetrao variegatus Gmelin. 

Pterocles (Eremialector) burchelli W. L. Sclater, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 42, 
1922, p. 74. New name for the above. 

Southwestern Africa from Etosha Pan to the Orange Be east to 
western Transvaal. 
Pterocles burchelli makarikari (Roberts) 

Calopterocles burchelli makarikart Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 15, 1932, 
p. 24. (Nkate, northern Bechuanaland.) 

Northern Bechuanaland. 

~~~ Pterocles personatus Gould 

Pierocles personatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1848, p. 15. (No 
locality = Majambo Bay, Madagascar.) 

Western Madagascar. 


Pterocles decoratus ellenbecki Erlanger 
Pterocles decoratus ellenbecki Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 53, 1905, p. 92, 
pl. 3,f.1a ¢%,f.1b¢. (Sidimun, southern Somaliland.) 
Southern British Somaliland and northern Kenya Colony south to the 
North Guaso Nyiro River. 

Pterocles decoratus decoratus Cabanis 
Pterocles decoratus Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 16, 1868, p. 413. (Lake Jipe, 
near Mt. Kilimanjaro.) Based chiefly on pl. 13 of von der Decken’s 
Trav. in E. Africa. 

Southern Kenya Colony south to Lake Jipe. 

Pterocles decoratus katharinae (Bowen) 
Nyctiperdix decoratus katharine Bowen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 82, 
1930, p. 5. (Kibrori, Ikoma region, Tanganyika Territory.) 
Ikoma region in northern Tanganyika Territory. 

~~Pterocles decoratus loveridgei (Friedmann) 

Eremialector decoratus loveridget Friedmann, Proc. New Engl. Zoél. CL., 
10, 1928, p. 79. (Dodoma, Tanganyika Territory.) 

Dodoma region in central Tanganyika Territory. 

Pterocles lichtensteinii targius Geyr von Schweppenburg 
Pterocles lichtensteini targius Geyr von Schweppenburg, Orn. Monatsb., 
24, 1916, p. 56. (Sources of the Tahart River «, and Oued Raris ¢, 
northern Tuareg country.) 
Central Sahara in the Tuareg and Air highlands. 

Pterocles lichtensteinii lichtensteinii Temminck 
Pterocles lichtensteinti Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 60, 1825, pl. 355 2, 
pl. 361 2. (Nubia.) 
Upper Egypt and the Egyptian Sudan south to Kordofan and Sennar, 
merging with P. 1. abessinicus in Eritrea. 

Pterocles lichtensteinii abessinicus Geyr von Schweppenburg 
Pterocles lichtensteini abessinicus Geyr von Schweppenburg, Orn. 
Monatsb., 24, 1916, p. 57. (Dire Daoua <’, and Harar ?, Ethiopia.) 
Ethiopia from the Harar region to British Somaliland, probably the 
Danakil coast and French Somaliland. 

Pterocles lichtensteinii nigricans Neumann 
Pterocles lichtensteinii nigricans Neumann, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 55, 1934, 
p. 72. (Suksuk River, southern Ethiopia.) 
Northern part of the southern Ethiopian lake region: Lakes Zwai, Af- 
chafdo, Langana and Garairobi. 


~ Pterocles lichtensteinii sukensis Neumann 

Pierocles lichtensteini sukensis Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 1909, 
p. 153. (Turkwell, Suk region, Kenya Colony.) 

Turkana, Lake Rudolph and Karoli, south through western and central 
Kenya Colony to Mount Elgon, Mount Kenya and the North Guaso 
Nyiro River. 

Pterocies lichtensteinii hyperythrus Erlanger 

Pterocles lichtensteini hyperythrus Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 58, 1905, 
p. 94, pl. 4, f. 2a, 7, f. 2b, 9. (Daua River, southern Somaliland.) 

Southern Somaliland, Jubaland and extreme northeastern Kenya 

~ Pterocles lichtensteinii arabicus Neumann 
Pterocles lichtensteint arabicus Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 1909, 
p. 152. (Lahej, Arabia.) ! 
Southern Arabia to southern Afghanistan, Baluchistan and Sind west of 
the Indus. 
~ Pterocles bicinctus bicinctus Temminck 

Pterocles bicinctus Temminck, Pig. et Gall., 3, 1815, p. 247, 713. (Great 
Fish River, Great Namaqualand.) 

Pterocles bicinctus pallidior Forbes and Robinson, Bull. Liverpool Mus., 
3, 1900, p. 149. (Otjimbinque, Damaraland.) 

Drier parts of southwestern Africa from Benguella to Little Namaqua- 
Pterocles bicinctus chobiensis (Roberts) 

Nyctiperdix bicinctus chobiensis Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 15, 1932, 
p. 24. (Kabulabula, Chobe [or Linyante] River, Bechuanaland.) 

Northern Bechuanaland. 

Pterocles bicinctus multicolor Hartert 

Pterocles bicinctus multicolor Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 21, 1908, p. 53. 
(Rustenburg, Transvaal.) 

Central Northern Rhodesia and the middle Zambezi south to Transvaal. 

~  Pterocles indicus (Gmelin) 
Tringa fasciata Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, p. 92. 
(“In Indiis” = Coromandel Coast, ex Sonnerat.) Not Tringa fasciata 
8. G. Gmelin, 1774. 
Tetrao indicus J. F. Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 755. (Coro- 
mandel, India.) 
Greater part of India from the Punjab and the Ganges River south to 
Mysore and Madras. 

1 Considered by C. B. Ticehurst and C. H. B. Grant to be indistinguishable 
from P. l. lichtensteiniz. 


Pterocles quadricinctus quadricinctus Temminck 
Pterocles quadricinctus Temminck, Pig. et Gall., 3, 1815, p. 252. (Coro- 
mandel, error = Senegal, cf. C. H. B. Grant, Ibis, 1915, p. 35.) 
Western Africa in the Sudanese arid belt and adjacent portions of the 
savanna belt from Senegal, through the Gold Coast and Nigeria eastward 
to the Lake Chad region. 

~Pterocles quadricinctus lowei C. H. B. Grant 
Pterocles quadricinctus lowei C. H. B. Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 35, 
1914, p. 19. (Renk, White Nile.) 
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (west to central Darfur and east to western 
Ethiopia) south to northern Uganda and northwestern Kenya Colony east 
to the Turkwell River. 

GEnus RAPHUS Brisson ! 
Raphus Brisson, Orn., 1760, 1, p. 46; 5, p. 14. Type, by monotypy, 

Raphus raphus Brisson = Struthio cucullatus Linné. 
cf. Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 172-176, pl. 24 & 25. 

{Raphus cucullatus (Linné) 
Struthio cucullatus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 155. (India = 
Formerly inhabited the Island of Mauritius. Now extinct. 

{Raphus solitarius (Sélys-Longchamps) 
Apterornis solitarius Sélys-Longchamps, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 293. 
(Bourbon, t.e. Réunion.) 
Formerly inhabited the Island of Réunion. Now extinct. 


Pezophaps Strickland, The Dodo and its Kindred, 1848, p. 46, 54. Type, 
by original designation, Didus solitarius Gmelin. 
cf. Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 177-179, pl. 23. 
{Pezophaps solitaria (Gmelin) 
Didus solitarius Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 728. (Rodriguez.) 
Formerly inhabited the Island of Rodriguez. Now extinct. 

1 Replaces Didus Linné of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


GENus SPHENURUS Swarnson ! 

Sphenurus Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 348. Type, by monotypy, 
S. semitorquatus (Pl. enl. 240) = Colwmba oxyura Temminck. 
cf. Delacour and Jabouille, Ois. Indochine Frang., 2, 1931, p. 18-24. 
Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, 2, 1920, p. 1499-1500. 
La Touche, Handb. Bds. E. China, 2, 1932, p. 203-206. 
McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 26. 
Orn. Soc. Japan, Handl. Jap. Bds., 1932, p. 180. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 18938, p. 4-14. 
Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 198-202; 
7, 1930, p. 481. 

——Sphenurus apicauda apicauda (Blyth) 

Treron apicauda “Hodgson” Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 14, pt. 2, 
1845 (after May 1846), p. 854. (Southeastern Himalayas and hill 
ranges of Assam — common at Darjeeling.) 

Treron apicauda G. R. Gray, in Gray and Gray, Cat. Mamm. Bds. 
Nepal and Thibet pres. Hodgson, Dec., 1846, p. 121.? 

Himalayan foothills up to 6000 feet from Kuman to eastern Assam and 

southward to Tenasserim. 

~ Sphenurus apicauda laotinus Delacour 

Sphenurus apicauda laotinus Delacour, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47, 1926, 
p. 10 (Xieng-Khouang, Laos.) Col. pl., Ois. Indochine Frang., pl. 15, 
lower fig. 

Mountains of Laos, Tonkin and northern Annam. 

Sphenurus apicauda lowei (Delacour and Jabouille) 

Sphenocercus apicaudus lowei Delacour and Jabouille, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 45, 1924, p. 31. (Laobao, Quangtri, Annam.) Col. pl., Ois. Indo- 
chine Frang., pl. 15, upper fig. 

Mountains of central Annam and the adjacent Laotian border, descend- 

ing to the plain of Annam from May to September. 

Sphenurus seimundi seimundi (Robinson) 

Sphenocercus seimundt Robinson, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 25, 1910, p. 98. 
(Semangko Pass, 2700 feet, Selangor-Pahang border, Malay Penin- 
sula.) Col. pl., Ibis, 1910, pl. 10. 

Mountains of the main range of the Malay Peninsula; recorded also from 
Bangkok, Siam, and from the southwestern coast of the Malay Peninsula. 

1 Replaces Sphenocercus G. R. Gray 1840. 
2 This name is a nomen nudum in G. R. Gray List. Spec. Bds. Brit. Mus., 
1844, Gallinae, p. 4. 


Sphenurus seimundi modestus Delacour 

Sphenurus siemundi [sic] modestus Delacour, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47, 
1926, p. 10. (Hué, Annam.) Col. pl., Ois. Indochine Frang., pl. 16, 
upper fig. 

Mountains of Annam, descending to the plains in summer and autumn. 

Sphenurus oxyura (Temminck) 

Columba oxyura ‘“Reinw.” Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 41, 1823, pl. 240. 

Sumatra and western Java. 

Sphenurus sphenurus sphenurus (Vigors) 
Vinago sphenura Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 1831 (1832), 
p. 173. (Himalayas.) 
Mountains, between 2000 and 8000 feet, from Kashmir to Assam and 
the Shan States, south to Tenasserim. 

Sphenurus sphenurus yunnanensis (La Touche) 

Sphenocercus sphenurus yunnanensis La Touche, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 42, 
1921, p. 18. (Lutukow, 6000 feet, southeastern Yunnan.) 

Yunnan and northern Tonkin. 

Sphenurus sphenurus annamensis Delacour 

Sphenurus sphenurus annamensis Delacour, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl, 47, 
1926, p. 9. (Kontoum and Hué, Annam.) 


Sphenurus sphenurus oblitus (Hartert) 

Sphenocercus sphenurus oblitus Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, 1928, 
p. 83. (Mount Wuchi, Hainan.) 

Island of Hainan. 

Sphenurus sphenurus robinsoni (Ogilvie-Grant) 

Sphenocercus robinsoni Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 1906, 
p. 12. (Mount Gunong Tahan and Gunong Ulu Kali, Malay Penin- 

Mountains of the main range of the Malay Peninsula. 

Sphenurus korthalsi (Bonaparte) 

Sphenocercus korthalsi “Mull.” Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 9. 
(Malaya, Sumatra.) 

High mountains of Sumatra, Java and Lombok. 

Sphenurus sieboldii sieboldii (Temminck) 
Columba sieboldit Temminck, PI. col., livr. 93, 1835, pl. 549. (Japan.) 

Japan; migratory in the northern part; has occurred in winter in 
Fokien, China. 


~~~ Sphenurus sieboldii sororius (Swinhoe) 
Sphenocercus sororius Swinhoe, Ibis, 1866, p. 311. (Formosa.) 
Resident in the mountains of Formosa. 

Sphenurus sieboldii murielae Delacour 

Sphenurus sieboldi muriele Delacour, Bull. Orn. Cl., 47, 1927, p. 152. 
(Hanoi #, and Tan Dao 9, central Tonkin.) 

From the Chinese border and Tonkin south to central Annam. 

~~~ Sphenurus formosae permagnus (Stejneger) 

Treron permagna Stejneger, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 9, 1886 (1887), 
p. 637. (Napa, Okinawa Island, Riu Kiu Islands.) 

Northern Riu Kiu Islands: Yakushima, Ammani-Oshima and Okinawa. 

~~ Sphenurus formosae medioximus (Bangs) 

Sphenocercus medioximus Bangs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoél., 36, 1901, 
p. 261. (Ishigaki Island, Riu Kiu Islands.) 

Southern Riu Kiu Islands: Ishigaki, Iriomote, and Yunakuni. 

Sphenurus formosae formosae (Swinhoe) 

Treron formose Swinhoe, Ibis, 1863, p. 396. (Near Taiwanfoo, Formosa.) 
Col. pl., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, pl. 1. 

Mountains on islands of Formosa and Botel Tobago. 

Sphenurus formosae australis (McGregor) 
Sphenocercus australis McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2, sect. A, 1907, 
p. 844. (Camiguin Island, Philippine Islands.) 
Known only from the islands of Batan, Calayan and Camiguin, Philip- 
pine Islands. 

GENus BUTRERON Bonaparte 

Butreron Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 873. 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, Col. capellii Temm. = 
Columba capellet Temminck. 

cf. Kloss, Treubia, 18, 1931, p. 8306-307; 398. 
Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 197-198; 
7, 1930, p. 430-431. 

Butreron capellei (Temminck) 
Columba capellei Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 24, 1823, pl. 143. (Java.) 
Butreron capellei passorhina Oberholser, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 54, 1917, 
p. 192. (Pulo Mata Siri, Java Sea.) 
Butreron capellet messopora Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14, 
1924, p. 299. (Klumpang Bay, southeastern Borneo.) 


Butreron capellei panochra Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14, 1924, 
p. 300. (Besitan River, eastern Sumatra.) 

Malay Peninsula,! Sumatra, Java and Borneo. 

GENus TRERON Vtertuor ? 

Treron Vieillot, Analyse, 1816, p. 49. Type, by monotypy, Colwmba 

curvirostra Gmelin. 

cf. Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 376-386. 
Chasen and Kloss, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 4, 1930, p. 9-12. 
Delacour and Jabouille, Ois. Indochine Frang., 2, 1931, p. 9-18. 
Grote, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 2, 1931, p. 140-141. 
Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 2, 1932, p. 171-177. 
Hartert, Nov. Zool., 34, 1927, p. 1-3. 
Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, p. 348-356. 
Kloss, Treubia, 13, 1931, p. 307-308; 398. 
Rensch, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 483-484. 
Riley, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 75, 1929, art. 4, p. 3-5. 
Siebers, Treubia, 7, suppl., 1930, p. 177-179. 
Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 180-197; 

7, 1930, p. 428-430. 

Treron curvirostra nipalensis (Hodgson) 
Toria Nipalensis Hodgson, As. Res., 19, pt. 1, 1836, p. 164. (Nepal.) 

Western Nepal east through Assam and the Shan States to French Indo- 
china, south to Bengal, Tenasserim, Siam and Cambodia. 

Treron curvirostra curvirostra (Gmelin) 

Columba curvirostra Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 777. (Tanna 
Island, New Hebrides, error, restricted to the Malay Peninsula by 
Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 1912, no. 7, p. 3, note; further re- 
stricted by him to Malacca, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14, 1924, p. 297, 
note; according to Chasen and Kloss, Journ. Siam Soc., Nat. Hist. 
suppl., 7, 1928, p. 155, the type locality is Rawang, Selangor.) 

Malay Peninsula, Sumatra (except northeastern), Rhio Archipelago, 
Banka, Billiton. 

Treron curvirostra harterti Parrot 

Treron nipalensis hartertt Parrot, Abh. K. Bay. Akad. Wiss., Math- 
Phys. K1., 24, 1907, p. 261. (Deli, northeastern Sumatra.) 

Northeastern Sumatra. 

1 Chasen, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 11, 1935, p. 11, recognizes Treron magni- 
rostris Swainson (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 14, 1844, p. 116, note) as a race inhab- 
iting the Malay Peninsula, Borneo and parts of Sumatra. 

2 Includes, Treron, Osmotreron Bonaparte (now Dendrophassa Gloger), 
Vinago Cuvier and Crocopus Bonaparte of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Treron curvirostra hainana Hartert and Goodson 

Treron curvirostra hainana Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, 
p. 356. (Mount Wuchi, Hainan.) 


Treron curvirostra erimacra Oberholser 

Treron curvirostra erimacra Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14, 
1924, p. 297. (Balabac, Philippine Islands.) 

Philippine Islands: islands of Balabac, Mindoro and Palawan; birds 
from the islands of Banguey and Balambangan, off the northern tip of 
Borneo may be of this race, or intermediates between it and the next. 

~ Treron curvirostra nasica Schlegel 

Treron nasica Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1, 1863, p. 67. (Band- 
jermasin, Borneo and southwest coast of Sumatra; the type locality is 

Borneo, and Bunguran Island in the Natuna Group. 

Treron curvirostra haliploa Oberholser 

Treron curvirostra haliploa Oberholser, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 1912, 
no. 7, p. 4. (Sibabo Bay, Simalur Island.) 

Simalur Island. 

Treron curvirostra pega Oberholser 

Treron curvirostra pega Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 1912, no. 7, 
p. 4. (Siaba Bay, Nias Island.) 

Nias Island. 

Treron curvirostra smicra Oberholser 

Treron curvirostra smicra Oberholser, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 1912, no. 7, 
p. 3. (Tana Bala Island, Batu Islands.) 

Sipora, Siberut and Batu Islands; Klapper Island, west of Java. 

Treron curvirostra | hypothapsina Oberholser 
Treron curvirostra hypothapsina Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 
1912, no. 7, p. 8. (Engano Island.) 
Engano Island. 

Treron pompadora affinis (Jerdon) 

Vinago affinis Jerdon, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 12, 1840, p. 13. (West 
coast of the Indian Peninsula.) 

Western India from Bombay to southern Travancore. 

1 T have followed Hartert’s arrangement of the formenkreise of 7’. curvirosira 
and 7’. pompadora though according to Siebers (1930) and Rensch (1931) the 
following should be transferred from the pompadora to the curvirostra formen- 
kreis: pulverulenta, sangirensis, griseicauda, pallidior, goodsoni, vordermani, 
teysmannit, floris and psittacea. 


Treron pompadora pompadora (Gmelin) 
Columba Pompadora Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 775. (Ceylon.) 
Treron pompadora phayrei (Blyth) 
Osmotreron Phayret Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 31, 1862, p. 344. 
(Tounghoo, Burma.) 

Bengal eastward through Assam to Laos, south to Calcutta, Tenasserim, 
continental Siam and Cochinchina. 

Treron pompadora chloroptera Blyth 

Treron chloroptera Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 14, 1840, p. 852. 

Osmotreron chloroptera andamanica Richmond, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
25, 1902, p. 308. (McPherson Strait, South Andaman Island.) 

Nicobar and Andaman Islands. 

Treron pompadora axillaris (Bonaparte) 

Osmotreron axillaris Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 13. (Locality 
unknown = Philippine Islands.)! 

Principal islands in the Philippines except Palawan and those occupied 
by everett. 
Treron pompadora everetti (Rothschild) 

Osmotreron everetti Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 1, 1894, p. 41. (Bongao and 
Sibutu, Sulu Islands, type from Bongao.) 

Sulu Archipelago. 

Treron pompadora sangirensis Briiggemann 

Treron sangirensis Briiggemann, Abh. naturw. Ver. Bremen, 5, 1876, 
p. 79. (Sanghir Islands.) 

Sanghir Islands. 

Treron pompadora griseicauda Wallace 

Treron griseicauda Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862 (1863), p. 344. 
(Sula Islands and Celebes; the types in the British Museum are from 

Osmotreron wallacei typica Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1896, p. 178, in text. 

Celebes; islands of Peling and Banggai. 

Treron pompadora goodsoni Hartert 

Treron pompadora goodsoni Hartert, Nov. Zool., 34, 1927, p. 2. (Tomia, 
Tukang Besi Islands.) 

Tukang Besi Islands. 

1 Treron axillaris Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p- 875 is a nomen nudum. 


~~ ~Treron pompadora pulverulenta Wallace 

Treron pulverulenta Wallace, Ibis, 1863, p. 319. (Java, the type is from 
the eastern part of the island.) 

Southern Sumatra, Java and Bali. 

Treron pompadora vordermani Finsch 
Treron Vordermani Finsch, Notes Leyden Mus., 22, 1900, p. 162. 
(Kangean Islands.) 

Kangean Islands. 

Treron pompadora pallidior (Hartert) 

Osmotreron wallacei pallidior Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, p. 178. 
(Djampea and Kalao, the type is from Djampea.) 

Islands of Djampea and Kalao. 

Treron pompadora ada Meise 
Treron pompadora ada Meise, Journ. f. Orn., 78, 1930, p. 186. (Madu.) 
Islands of Madu and Kalao tua. 

Treron pompadora floris Wallace 

Treron floris Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863 (1864), p. 496. 
(Flores and Solor; the type is from Flores.) 

Islands of Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Solor, Lomblen, Pantar and Alor. 

Treron pompadora teysmannii Schlegel 

Treron Teysmannii Schlegel, Notes Leyden Mus., 1, 1879, p. 103. 
(Sumba Island.) 

Sumba Island. 

~-Treron pompadora psittacea (Temminck) 
Columba Psittacea Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1808, les columbars, 
p. 28, pl. 4 (Timor.) 

Islands of Timor and Samau. 

Treron pompadora aromatica (Gmelin) 

Columba aromatica Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 778. (Am- 
boina = Buru.) 


Treron fulvicollis fulvicollis (Wagler) 
Columba fulvicollis Wagler, Syst. Av., 1827, Columba, sp. 8. (Java = 
Tenasserim south through the Malay States and Malay Archipelago to 
Sumatra; Rhio Archipelago; southern Borneo; islands of Billiton and 
Banka; Cochinchina (?). 


Treron fulvicollis oberholseri Chasen 

Treron fulvicollis oberholsert Chasen, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 9, 1934, 
p. 92. (Bunguran Island, Natuna Islands.) 

Natuna Islands: Sirhassen and Bunguran. 

?Treron fulvicollis melopogenys (Oberholser) 

Dendrophassa fulvicollis melopogenys Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 
60, 1912, no. 7, p. 3. (Nias Island.) 

Nias Island; the validity of this race remains to be confirmed. 

Treron fulvicollis baramensis A. B. Meyer 

Treron fulvicollis baramensis A. B. Meyer, Journ. f. Orn., 39, 1891, p. 73. 
(Baram, Borneo.) 

British North Borneo and northern Sarawak; north Bornean islands. 

Treron olax (Temminck) 
Columba olax Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 41, 1823, pl. 241. (Sumatra.) 

Osmotreron olax hageni Parrot, Abh. K. Bay. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. 
K1., 24, 1907, p. 266. (Deli, Sumatra.) 

Dendrophassa olax arismicra Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14, 
1924, p. 298. (Segah River, northeastern Borneo.) 

Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Banka, Rhio Archipelago, Java, Borneo and 
Bunguran Island. 
Treron vernans griseicapilla Schlegel 

Treron griseicapilla Schlegel, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1, 1863, p. 70. 
(Sumatra and Banka.) 

Dendrophassa vernans abbottt Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14, 
1924, p. 298. (Tyching, Trang, Lower Siam.) 

Southern Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Cambodia, Cochinchina, Su- 
matra (except northeastern), Rhio Archipelago, Banka, Billiton, western 
Java and northern Borneo. 

Treron vernans parva Kloss 

Treron vernans parva Kloss, Treubia, 18, 1931, p. 308. (Deli, north- 
eastern Sumatra.) 

Northeastern Sumatra. 

Treron vernans miza (Oberholser) 

Dendrophassa vernans miza Oberholser, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 1912, 
no. 7, p. 3. (Simalur Island.) 

Simalur Island. 

Treron vernans mesochloa (Oberholser) 

Dendrophassa vernans mesochloa Oberholser, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 
1912, no. 7, p. 2. (Nias Island.) 


———Dendrophassa vernans polioptila Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 
1912, no. 7, p. 3. (North Pagi Island.) 
Islands of Nias, Siberut, Sipora and Engano, Batu Islands and Pagi 

Treron vernans adina (Oberholser) 
Dendrophassa vernans adina Oberholser, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 98, 
1917, p. 20. (Pulo Mata, Anamba back. 
Dendrophassa vernans pellochlora Oberholser, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
no. 159, 1932, p. 30. (Sirhassen Island, Natuna Islands.) 

Natuna and Anamba Islands. 

~~~ Treron vernans purpurea (Gmelin) 
Columba purpurea Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 784. (Java.) 
Southern and southeastern Borneo, Java, Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa; 
Kangean Islands (?). 

——Treron vernans vernans (Linné) 
Columba vernans Linné, Mantissa, 1771, p. 526. (Philippines.) 
Dendrophassa vernans nesophasma Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 
14, 1924, p. 297. (Cottabata, Mindanao.) 
Philippine Islands, including Palawan. 

Treron vernans zalepta (Oberholser) 
Dendrophassa vernans zalepta Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14, 
1924, p. 298. (Kwala Besar, Celebes.) 


~—~Treron bicincta bicincta (Jerdon) 
Vinago bicincta Jerdon, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 12, 1840, p.13. (Sea- 
coast south of Tellicherry.) 
Treron bisincta [sic] praetermissa Robinson and Kloss, Journ. Fed. 
Malay States Mus., 10, 1921, p. 203. (Koh Lak, southwestern Siam.) 
India east through Assam to Indochina, south on the Malabar coast to 
Travancore, United Provinces, Bengal, Malay Peninsula, Siam and 

~—~-Treron bicincta leggei Hartert 

Treron bicincta leggei Hartert, Nov. Zool., 17, 1910, p. 193. (Ceylon.): 
Ceylon; birds from the south of Travancore may be referable here. 

Treron bicincta domvilii (Swinhoe) 
Osmotreron domvilii Swinhoe, Ibis, 1870, p. 354. (Interior of Hainan.) 
Island of Hainan. ; 


Treron bicincta javana Robinson and Kloss 

Treron bisincta [sic] javana Robinson and Kloss, Journ. Fed. Malay 
States Mus., 11, 1923, p. 53. (Badjulmati, eastern Java.) 

Java; birds from southern and southwestern Siam may be referable here. 

Treron s. thomae (Gmelin) 

Columba S. Thomae Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 778. (Sao 

Island of Sao Thomé and Rollas islet in the Gulf of Guinea. 

Treron australis australis (Linné) 

Columba australis Linné, Mantissa, 1771, p. 526. (Madagascar, re- 
stricted to the southeastern part by Salomonsen, postea.) 

Madagascar, east of the high plateau. 

Treron australis xenia Salomonsen 

Treron australis xenia Salomonsen, Ibis, 1934, p. 886. (Tsiandro, west- 
ern Madagascar.) 

Central parts of western Madagascar. 

Treron calva nudirostris (Swainson) 

Vinago nudirostris Swainson, Bds. W. Afr., 2, 1837, p. 203, in text, 
p. 205. (Senegal.) 

Treron calva sejuncta Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, 
p. 353. (Porto Mansoa, Portuguese Guinea.) 

Senegal, Gambia and Portuguese Guinea. 

Treron calva sharpei (Reichenow) 

Vinago calva sharpei Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 10, 1902, p. 45. (Upper 

West African coastal forest belt from Sierra Leone to southern Nigeria, 
extending eastward into Adamawa and northern Cameroon. 

Treron calva calva (Temminck) 

Columba Calva Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1808, les columbars, 
p. 35, pl. 7. (Loango and Angola, restricted to Loango by Hartert 
and Goodson, antea, p. 349.) 

Forest region of Lower Guinea from the Cross River south to central 

Angola and east to the Ituri district of the Belgian Congo; Principe Island, 
Gulf of Guinea. 

Treron calva poensis Hartert and Goodson 

Treron calva poensis Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, p. 350. 
(Bantabari, Fernando Po.) 

Confined to the Island of Fernando Po in the Gulf of Guinea. 


Treron calva uellensis (Reichenow) 
Vinago calva uellensis Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 60, 1912, p. 320. 
(Jakoma and Koloka, Uelle River, Belgian Congo.) 
Uelle district of the Belgian Congo east to the Bahr el Ghazal and 

Treron calva brevicera Hartert and Goodson 
Treron calva brevicera Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, p. 353. 
(Moschi, foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, East Africa.) 
Kenya Colony east of the Rift valley (but not the coastal region) from 
southwestern Ethiopia and the North Guaso Nyiro south to the Kiliman- 
jaro region. 

Treron calva salvadorii (Dubois) 

Vinago salvadorii Dubois, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, p. 784. (East- 
ern and central tropical Africa; restricted to the western shores of Lake 
Tanganyika by Hartert and Goodson, antea, p. 351.) 

Vinago gibberifrons Madardsz, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungar., 13, 1915, 
p. 393. (Mujenje, Uganda.) 

Uganda, southward to the region west of Lake Tanganyika. 

Treron calva granviki Grote 
Treron calva granviki Grote, Journ. f. Orn., 72, 1924, p. 102. (Ukerewe 
Island, Lake Victoria.) 
Kenya Colony west of the Rift Valley, extending to the region lying east 
and south of Lake Victoria. 

Treron calva wakefieldii (Sharpe) 
Vinago wakefieldii Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873 (1874), p. 715, 
pl. 58, f. 2. (Mombasa, Kenya Colony.) 
Coastal region of Kenya Colony south to northeastern Tanganyika 
Territory (Usambara Mountains and Pangani River).! 

Treron calva orientalis (Gunning and Roberts) 
Vinago orientalis Gunning and Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 3, 1911, 
p. 109. (Villa Pereira, Boror, Portuguese East Africa.) 
Lower Zambezi Valley and Mozambique, probably extending northward 
into southern Tanganyika Territory. 

Treron calva schalowi Reichenow 

Treron schalowi Reichenow, Orn. Centralbl., 1880, p. 108. (Diamond 
Fields, 7.e. Kimberly, South Africa; locality believed to be erroneous.) 

Region about Victoria Falls, extending northward into Katanga. 

1 The races of Treron calva in Nyasaland and the southern parts of Tan- 
ganyika Territory require further study. 


Treron calva chobiensis (Roberts) 
Vinago schalowt chobiensis Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 15, 1932, p. 25. 
(Kasane, Chobe River.) 
Machile River in southwestern Northern Rhodesia extending south to 
the region about Lake Ngami. 
Treron calva ansorgei Hartert and Goodson 
Treron calva ansorgei Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, p. 352. 
(Huilla, Mossamedes.) 
Southern Angola. 

Treron calva damarensis (Reichenow) 
Vinago schalowi var. damarensis Reichenow, Vog. Afr., 1, 1901, p. 399. 
(Nukana, Okavango River.) 
Ovamboland and Damaraland. 

Treron calva vylderi Gyldenstolpe 
Treron calva vylderi Gyldenstolpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 44, 1924, p. 36. 
(Quevep, Great Namaqualand.) 
Great Namaqualand. 

Treron delalandii granti (Van Someren) 
Vinago delalandei [sic] grantt Van Someren, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 40, 
1919, p. 20. (Kilwa, Tanganyika Territory.) 
Coastal region of Kenya Colony north to Mombasa, south through the 
eastern parts of Tanganyika Territory to Nyasaland, southern Rhodesia ! 
and Mozambique. 

Treron delalandii delalandii (Bonaparte) 
Phalacrotreron delalandii Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 
1854, p. 873. (South Africa = Durban, Natal ex Verreaux, Rev. et 
Mag. Zool. (2), 3, 1851, p. 423.) 

Natal and the eastern half of Cape Province. 

Treron waalia (F. A. A. Meyer) 

Columba waalia F. A. A. Meyer, Syst.-Sum. Uebers. Zool. Entdeck., 
1793, p. 128. (Abyssinia = Tcherkin, near Lake Tsana, Ethiopia 
apud Grant, Ibis, 1915, p. 36.) 

Vinago waalia cinereiceps Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 52, 1904, p. 341. 
(Middle Gelo River, near Lake Tata, Ethiopia.) 

From Senegal eastward through the Sudan to Eritrea, Aden Protector- 
ate and the Hadhramaut, south to northern Gold Coast, Adamawa, the 
Ubangi-Shari, drier northern parts of Uganda, Kenya Colony and southern 
Somaliland; Socotra Island. 

1 After examination of the material of T’reron delalandii available to me, I 
recognize this race on the basis of greener crown, more yellowish underparts 
and average smaller size. 


~~~ Treron phoenicoptera phoenicoptera (Latham) 
Columba phenicoptera Latham, Ind. Orn., 2, 1790, p. 597. (India.) 
Northern India from the southern base of the Himalayas east to Assam, 
south to central India, Bengal and southern Assam. 
Treron phoenicoptera chlorigaster (Blyth) 

Vinago chlorigaster Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 12, pt. 1, 1843, p. 167, 
note. (No locality = Indian Peninsula.) 

All of the Indian Peninsula south of the range of p. phoenicoptera; 
~ Treron phoenicoptera viridifrons Blyth 

Treron viridifrons Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 14, pt. 2, 1845 (1846), 
p. 849. (Tenasserim provinces.) 

Sphenocercus pseudo-crocopus Gyldenstolpe, Orn. Monatsb., 24, 1916, 
p. 29. (Bang Hue Pong, northern Siam.)! 

Burma, northern Tenasserim and northwestern Siam. 

~Treron phoenicoptera annamensis (Ogilvie-Grant) 
Crocopus annamensis Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 23, 1909, p. 67. 
(Nhatrang, Annam.) 
Eastern Siam, lower Laos, southern Annam and Cochinchina. 

Genus PHAPITRERON Bonaparte 

Phapitreron Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 871 
(where nomen nudum), p. 879. Type, by original designation and 
monotypy, Columba leucotis Temminck. 

cf. Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 2, 1932, p. 177-184. 
McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 29-36. 

_ Phapitreron leucotis leucotis (Temminck) 

Columba leucotis Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 32, 1823, pl. 189. (Manila, 
Luzon, Philippine Islands.) 

Phapitreron leucotis mindorensis Hachisuka, Suppl. publ. no. 14, Orn. 
Soc. Japan, 1930, p. 146. (Balete, Rio Baco, Mindoro, Philippine 

Philippine Islands: Catanduanes, Luzon and Mindoro. 

Phapitreron leucotis nigrorum (Sharpe) 

Phabotreron nigrorum Sharpe, Trans. Linn. Soc. London (2), 1, Zool., 
1877, p. 846. (San Bernardino, Negros, Philippine Islands.) 

1 While I have not seen either of the two known specimens of this so-called 
species, I cannot help but feel that the entire (instead of scooped) inner margin 
of the third primary and the lack of attenuation on the tips of the quills is due 
to the fact that the juvenal primaries lack the modifications mentioned, these 
not being acquired until the first post-nuptial molt. 


Phapitreron leucotis limucon Hachisuka, Suppl. publ., no. 14, Orn. Soe. 
Japan, 1930, p. 146. (Badajig, Tablas, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands: Tablas, Sibuyan, Masbate, Ticao, Panay, Guimaras, 
Negros and Cebu. 

Phapitreron leucotis albifrons McGregor 
Phapitreron albifrons McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 2, Sect. A, 1907, 
p. 317. (Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippine Islands.) 
Phapitreron samarensis Mearns, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 36, 1909, p. 436. 
(Samar, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands: Samar, Bohol, Siquijor. 

Phapitreron leucotis brevirostris (Tweeddale) 
Phabotreron brevirostris Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, 
p. 549, 832. (Pasananca, Mindanao, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands: Leyte, Dinagat, Mindanao. 

Phapitreron leucotis occipitalis (Salvadori) 
Phabotreron occipitalis Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 66 
(in key), p. 68. (Basilan, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands: Basilan, Sulu. 

Phapitreron amethystina amethystina Bonaparte 
Phapitreron amethystina Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 28. (Philip- 
Phapitreron amethystina polillensis Hachisuka, Suppl. publ. no. 14, Orn. 
Soc. Japan, 1930, p. 145. (Polillo Island, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands: Luzon, Polillo, Samar, Leyte, Panaon, Dinagat, 
Bohol and Mindanao. 

Phapitreron amethystina maculipectus (Bourns and Worcester) 
Phabotreron maculipectus Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minnesota 
Acad. Nat. Sci., 1, no. 1, 1894, p. 10. (Interior of Negros, Philippine 

Philippine Islands: Negros. 

Phapitreron amethystina frontalis (Bourns and Worcester) 
Phabotreron frontalis Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minnesota 
Acad. Nat. Sci., 1, no. 1, 1894, p. 10. (Cebu, Philippine Islands.) 

Philippine Islands: Cebu. 

Phapitreron amethystina brunneiceps (Bourns and Worcester) 
Phabotreron brunneiceps Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minnesota 
Acad. Nat. Sci., 1, no. 1, 1894, p. 9. (Basilan, Philippine Islands.) 

Philippine Islands: Basilan. 


Phapitreron amethystina cinereiceps (Bourns and Worcester) 
Phabotreron cinereiceps Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minnesota 
Acad. Nat. Sci., 1, no. 1, 1894, p. 8. (Tawi Tawi, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands: Tawi Tawi. 

Genus LEUCOTRERON Bonaparte 
Leucotreron Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 876. 
Type, by original designation, Columba cincta Temminck. 
Mezotreron Sharpe, Hand-list, 1, 1899, p. 56. Type, by monotypy, 
Ptilopus dohertyi Rothschild. 
Neoleucotreron McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 18, sect. D, 1918, p. 2. Type, 
by original designation, Leucotreron merrilli McGregor. 
cf. Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 2, 1932, p. 184-190. 
Hartert, Nov. Zool., 11, 1904, p. 177-179 (races of cinctus). 
McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 37-40. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 2, 1898, p. 602-606 (Ptilopus, 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 71-80. 

Leucotreron occipitalis occipitalis (G. R. Gray) 
Ptilonopus occipitalis G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 2, 1844, p. [467], col. 
pl. [118]. (No locality = Luzon, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands: Luzon, Mindoro, Negros, Cebu, Leyte and Samar. 

? Leucotreron occipitalis incognitus (Tweeddale) 
Ptilopus ? incognita Tweeddale, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 20, 1877, 
p. 538. (Butuan, Mindanao; type a juv. 9.) 
Leucotreron occipitalis brevipes Hachisuka, Suppl. publ. no. 14, Orn. Soe. 
Japan, 1930, p. 147. (Mount Apo, Mindanao; type an adult.) 
Philippine Islands: Mindanao, Basilan. 

Leucotreron fischeri fischeri (Briiggemann) 
Ptilinopus Fischert Briiggemann, Abh. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 5, 1876, 
p. 82, pl. 4. (Near Manado, Celebes.) 
Northern Celebes. 

~— Leucotreron fischeri centralis (A. B. Meyer) 
Ptilopus centralis A. B. Meyer, Notes Leyden Mus., 23, 1903, p. 188. 
(Poanda Mountains, Celebes.) 
Ptilinopus fischeri proximus Meise, Orn. Monatsb., 39, 1931, p. 47. 
(Rano Rano, central Celebes.) 
Mountains of central and southeastern Celebes. 
1 Hachisuka, antea, p. 185, refers the birds from Basilan to the typical form; 

if the Mindanao birds form a valid race, it is more than probable that the 
Basilan specimens should be referable to it also. 


Leucctreron fischeri meridionalis A. B. Meyer and Wiglesworth 
Leucotreron fischeri meridionalis A. B. Meyer and Wiglesworth, Orn. 
Monatsb., 1, 1898, p. 12. (Near Macassar, Celebes.) 

Mountains of the southern peninsula of Celebes. 

Leucotreron merrilli McGregor 

Leucotreron merrilli McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., 11, sect. D, 1916, 
p. 269, f. 1. (Sarai Barrio, Paete, Laguna Province, Luzon.) 

Philippine Islands: known only from the provinces of Laguna and Albay 
on Luzon, and from Polillo Island. 

Leucotreron marchei (Oustalet) 
Ptilopus (Rhamphiculus) Marchet Oustalet, Le Naturaliste, 1, 1880, 
p. 325. (Luzon, type from a mountain northeast of Bayabas.) 
Philippine Islands: known only from the islands of Luzon and Polillo. 

Leucotreron subgularis epia Oberholser 
Columba gularis Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. ‘Astrolabe,’ Zool., 1, 1830, 
p. 247; Atlas, Ois., pl. 29. (Manado, Celebes.) Not Columba gularis 
Leucotreron epia Oberholser, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 31, 1918, p. 48. 
New name for Columba gularis Quoy and Gaimard, preoccupied. 


Leucotreron subgularis subgularis (A. B. Meyer and Wiglesworth) 

Ptilopus subgularis A. B. Meyer and Wiglesworth, Abh. Ber. Mus. 
Dresden, 1896/97, 1896, no. 2, p. 4, 6, 19. (Peling and Banggai.) 

Islands of Peling and Banggai. 

Leucotreron subgularis mangoliensis (Rothschild) 
Ptilinopus mangoliensis Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, 1898, p. 34. 
(Sula Mangoli.) 
Island of Sula Mangoli. 

Leucotreron leclancheri leclancheri (Bonaparte) 
Trerolaema leclancheri Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 41, 
1855, p. 247. (New Guinea, error = Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands generally, except Palawan. 

Leucotreron leclancheri gironieri J. Verreaux and Des Murs 
Leucotreron gironieri J. Verreaux and Des Murs, Ibis, 1862, p. 342, pl. 12. 
(Tallawan, 2.e. Palawan.) 
Leucotreron leclancheri palawana Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 2, 1932, 
p. 187. (Iwahig, Palawan.) 
Philippine Islands: Palawan. 


Leucotreron cincta baliensis (Hartert) 
Ptilinopus albocinctus baliensis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, p. 553. 

~~~ Leucotreron cincta albocincta (Wallace) 
Ptilonopus albocinctus Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863 (1864), 
p. 496, pl. 39. (Interior of Flores.) 
Lombok, Sumbawa and Flores. 

Leucotreron cincta everetti (Rothschild) 
Ptilinopus everetti Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, 1898, p. 34. (Alor.) 
Pantar and Alor. 

Leucotreron cincta cincta (Temminck) 
Columba Cincta Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 
p. 58, pl. 23. (‘Asie australe’ = Timor.) 
Timor, Wetar and Roma. 

 Leucotreron cincta lettiensis (Schlegel) 
Ptilopus cinctus Lettiensis Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1871, 
p. 20. (Letti.) 
Letti, Moa, Luang, Sermatta and Teun. 

~ Leucotreron cincta ottonis (Hartert) 
Ptilinopus cincta ottonis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 11, 1904, p. 178. (Wulur, 
Damar Island.) 
Damar and Babar. 

Leucotreron cincta alligator (Collett) 

Ptilopus (Leucotreron) alligator Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 
p. 354, pl. 29. (Near the sources of the South Alligator River, Arnhem 
Land, Australia.) 

Northern Territory. 

Leucotreron dohertyi (Rothschild) 
Ptilopus dohertyz Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 5, 1896, p. 46. (Sumba 
Island.) Col. pl., Nov. Zool., 1896, pl. 12. 


~~ Leucotreron porphyrea (Temminck) 
Columba porphyrea ‘“Reinw.” Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 18, 1823, pl. 106. 
(Sunda Islands and the Moluccas = Java.)! 
Sumatra, Java and Bali. 

1 Not preoccupied by Columba porphyracea Temminck; replaces Leucotreron 
roseicollis (Wagler) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


GENus PTILINOPUS Swainson ! 

Ptilinopus Swainson, Zool. Journ., 1, 1825, p. 473. Type, by monotypy, 
Ptilinopus purpuratus var. regina Swainson. 

Haemataena Bonaparte, Iconogr. Pigeons, livr. 4, 1857, text to pl. 27; 
(the plate was never published). Type, by original designation and 
monotypy, Columba melanocephala J. R. Forster. 

Reginopus Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1913, p. 73. Type, by original 
designation, Ptilinopus ewingii Gould. 

Thyliphaps Murphy, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 115, 1924, p. 7. Type, by 
original designation and monotypy, Ptilinopus huttoni Finsch. 

cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 34, 1927, p. 4-5 (types in Tring). 
Hartert, Nov. Zool., 36, 1930, p. 1138-114. 
Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, p. 347 (races of rivolit). 
Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 504, 1931, p. 6-9. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 2, 1898, p. 607-615. 
Murphy, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 115, 1924, p. 3-7. 
Murphy, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 124, 1924, p. 1-3. 
Rensch, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 486-489. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 80-154. 
Stresemann and Paludan, Nov. Zool., 38, 1932, p. 181-182; 204-206; 
Wetmore, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zo6l., 68, 1919, p. 186-190. 

Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii viridior (Murphy) 
Ptilopus dupetithouarsi viridior Murphy, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 115, 
1924, p. 4. (Nukuhiva Island, Marquesas Group.) 

Northern islands in the Marquesas Group: Nukuhiva, Huapu, Huahuna. 

Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii dupetithouarsii (Neboux) 
Columba Du Petithouarsii Neboux, Rev. Zool., 1840, p. 289. (Christine, 
7.e. Tahuata Island, Marquesas Group.) 

Southern islands in the Marquesas Group: Hivahoa, Tahuata, Motane 
and Fatuhiva. 

Ptilinopus regina roseipileum Hartert 

Ptilinopus xanthogaster roseipileum Hartert, Nov. Zool., 11, 1904, p. 179. 

Islands of Wetar, Roma, Kisar, Moa and Letti. 

1 Replaces Ptilopus ‘‘Swainson”’ of Sharpe’s Hand-list and includes Lampro- 
treron Bonaparte, Eutreron Salvadori, Ptilopodiscus Salvadori, Cyanotreron 
Bonaparte, Chlorotreron Salvadori, Oedirhinus Cabanis and Reichenow, Syl- 
phitreron Bonaparte, Thoracotreron Salvadori, Spilotreron Salvadori, ‘‘Tono- 
treron”’ Bonaparte. 


—.. Ptilinopus regina xanthogaster (Wagler) 

Columba Xanthogaster Wagler, Syst. Av., 1827, Columba, sp. 29. (Cele- 
bes, error = Banda Island.) 

Banda Islands, Kei Islands and islands of Damar, Sermatta, Babar, 
Teun, Nila and Timorlaut. 
_Ptilinopus regina flavicollis Bonaparte 
Ptilinopus flavicollis “‘Gr.” Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 20. 
Islands of Flores, Savu, Samao and Timor. 

Ptilinopus regina ewingii Gould 

Ptilinopus ewingii Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 7, 1 June, 1842, pl. [8], [= 5 
pl. 56 of bound volume]. (Coburg Peninsula = Port Essington.) 

Ptilinopus regina melvillensis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 27. 
(Melville Island.) 

Melville Island and Northern Territory. 
Ptilinopus regina regina Swainson 
Ptilinopus purpuratus var. Regina Swainson, Zool. Journ., 1, 1825, 

p. 474. (“Supposed to come from Australia,” 7.6. = New South 

Ptilinopus regina yorki Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 5, 1922, p. 1. (Cape 
York, Queensland, based on Bds. Austr., 1, p. 105, pl. 22.) 

Eastern Australia from Cape York to New South Wales. 

Ptilinopus mercierii mercierii (Des Murs and Prévost) 

Kurukuru Mercierti Des Murs and Prévost, Voy. ‘Venus,’ Zool., 1849, 
p. 266. (Valley of Mohana, Nukuhiva Island, Marquesas Group.) 

Marquesas Group: Nukuhiva Island. 

—_.. Ptilinopus mercierii tristrami (Salvadori) 

Ptilopus tristrami Salvadori, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. 
Torino, 7, 1892, no. 135, p. 1. (Hivaoa Island, Marquesas Group.) 

Marquesas Group: Hivaoa Island. 

Ptilinopus purpuratus (Gmelin) 
Columba purpurata Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 784. (Tahiti, 
based on Latham, Syn., 2, p. 626, no. 15.) 

Eastern islands in the Society Group: Moorea and Tahiti. 

-Ptilinopus coralensis chrysogaster (G. R. Gray) 

Ptilonopus chrysogaster G. R. Gray, Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1853 
(1854), p. 48, pl. 54. (‘Probably from Tahiti’? = Raiatea, Society 
Islands, designated by Murphy, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 115, p. 6.) 

Western islands in the Society Group: Bolabola, Tahaa, Raiatea and 



Ptilinopus coralensis chalcurus (G. R. Gray) 

Ptilonopus chalcurus G. R. Gray, Cat. Bds. Trop. Ids. Pac. Ocean, 1859, 
p. 37. (‘Cook or Hervey Islands,” error = Makatea Island, Paumotu 

Confined to Makatea Island in the Paumotu Group. 

Ptilinopus coralensis coralensis Peale 
Ptilinopus coralensis Peale, U. 8. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 190. (Carls- 
hoff, z7.e. Aratika Island, Paumotu Group.) 
Ptilopus smithsonianus Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 84 
(in key), p. 105. (‘Some island of the Paumotu Group.’’) 
Paumotu Group: recorded from most of the islands between Rangiroa 
and Marutea. 

Ptilinopus insularis (North) 
Ptilopus insularis North, Rec. Austral. Mus., 7, 1908, p. 30. (Henderson 

Henderson Island. 

Ptilinopus rarotongensis Hartlaub and Finsch 
Ptilinopus rarotongensis Hartlaub and Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1871, p. 30. (Rarotonga.) 
Confined to Rarotonga Island in the Hervey Group. 

Ptilinopus huttoni (Finsch) 
Ptilonopus huttoni Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 92. (Rapa 
Island; type now in the Milan Museum.) 
Confined to Rapa Island in the Austral Group. 

Ptilinopus porphyraceus fasciatus Peale 
Ptilinopus fasciatus Peale, U. 8. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 193. (Samoan 
Samoan Islands: Savaii, Upolu, Tutuila, Ofu, Olosenga, Tau. 

Ptilinopus porphyraceus graeffei Neumann 
Ptilinopus porphyraceus graeffei Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 15, 
1922, p. 234. (Uvea or Wallis Island.) 
Confined to Uvea Island, north of the Tonga Islands. 

Ptilinopus porphyraceus porphyraceus (Temminck) 

Columba porphyracea Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 18, 1821, 
p. 130. (Name for the bird figured and described in Knip’s, Les 
Pigeons, les colombes, pl. 35 as “‘Colombe kurukuru variété.”” Tonga- 
tabu and Ulieta and also Timor; the two latter localities erroneous.) 

Fiji Islands: Taviuni, Wakaia, Ovalau, Mango and Kambara; Tonga 

Islands: Vavau, Nitie, Nomuka, Tongatabu and Eua. 


Ptilinopus greyii Bonaparte 
Ptilinopus greyii Bonaparte, Iconogr. Pigeons, 1857, pl. 20. (Isle of 
Pines and Loyalty Islands.) 
Gower Island southward through the Santa Cruz Islands, Banks Group, 
New Hebrides, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia and Isle of Pines. 

—_—..Ptilinopus richardsii richardsii (Ramsay) 
Ptilopus richardsti Ramsay, Nature, 25, 19 Jan., 1882, p. 282. (Solomon 
Islands = Ugi Island, ex Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 6, Mar., 
1882, p. 722.) 
Ptilopus rhodostictus Tristram, Ibis, 25 Jan., 1882, p. 139, pl. 5. (Ugi 
Island, Solomon Islands.) 
Eastern Solomon Islands: Ugi and Santa Anna. 

Ptilinopus richardsii cyanopterus Mayr 
Ptilinopus rhodostictus cyanopterus Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 486, 
1931, p. 10. (Rennell Island.) 
Rennell Island. 

—___.Ptilinopus ponapensis ponapensis (Finsch) 
Ptilonopus ponapensis Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877 (1878), 
p. 779. (Ponapé, Caroline Islands.) 
Caroline Islands: known from Uala (or Moen) in the Ruk Group, and 
from Ponapé. 

- Ptilinopus ponapensis hernsheimi (Finsch) 
Ptilopus Hernsheimi Finsch, Journ. f. Orn., 28, 1880, p. 303. (Kusaie, 
Caroline Islands.) 
Eastern Caroline Islands: known only from Kusaie. 

~~~. Ptilinopus ponapensis marshallianus Peters and Griscom 
Ptilinopus marshallianus Peters and Griscom, Proc. New Engl. Zoél. Cl., 
10, 1928, p. 104. (Ebon Island, Marshall Islands.) 

Known only from the unique type. 

Ptilinopus pelewensis Hartlaub and Finsch 
Ptilinopus pelewensis Hartlaub and Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 7. (Pelew Islands.) 
Pelew (or Palau) Islands: Babeltop, Korror. 

——-~ Ptilinopus roseicapilla (Lesson) 
Columba roseicapilla Lesson, Traité d’Orn., livr. 6, 1831, p. 472. (Mari- 
anne Islands.) 
Marianne Islands: Saipan, Tinian, Rota, Guam. 


Ptilinopus perousii perousii Peale 
Ptilinopus perousit Peale, U. 8. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 195. (Upolu, 
Samoan Islands.) 
Samoan Islands: Savaii, Upolu, Tutuila, Ofu, Tau. 

Ptilinopus perousii mariae (Jacquinot and Pucheran) 

Ptinilopus [sic] mari# Jacquinot and Pucheran, Voy. Pole Sud, 3, 1853, 
p. 115. (“Balaou” [= Ovalau], Fiji Islands.) 

Fiji Islands: Viti Levu, Ovalau, Wakaia, Ngau, Mango. 

Ptilinopus perousii cupidineus Wetmore 
Ptilinopus perousii cupidineus Wetmore, Ibis, 1925, p. 829. (Tongatabu, 
Tonga Islands.) 
Tonga Islands: Niiie (or Savage Island), Tongatabu. 

Ptilinopus superbus temminckii (Des Murs and Prévost) 
Kurukuru Temminckii Des Murs and Prévost, Voy. ‘Venus,’ Zool., 
1849, p. 234, 268. (Celebes.) 
Celebes and the Sulu Archipelago. 

Ptilinopus superbus superbus (Temminck) 

Columba Superba Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 

p. 75, pl. 38. (‘‘O-Taiti,” error = Halmahera.’) 

Ptilopus minutus Campbell, Emu, 5, 1906, p. 155. (Cairns, Queensland.) 

The Moluccas, western Papuan islands, islands of Numfor and Jobi in 
Geelvink Bay, Aru Islands, New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Lihir 
Islands, D’Entrecasteaux Islands, Louisiade Archipelago, Admiralty 
Islands, Solomon Islands, and Australia from Cape York to New South 

Ptilinopus pulchellus pulchellus (Temminck) 
Columba pulchella Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 95, 1835, pl. 564. (Lobo 
Bay, New Guinea.) 
Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu, Batanta, Salawati, Misol; New 
Guinea (except portion occupied by decorus). 

Ptilinopus pulchellus decorus (Madarasz) 

Ptilopus decorus Madardsz, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungar., 8, 1910, p. 173, 
pl. 2, left hand fig. (Czinyagi, Astrolabe Bay, New Guinea.) 

Northern New Guinea from the east shore of Geelvink Bay eastward 
to Astrolabe Bay. 
Ptilinopus coronulatus trigeminus (Salvadori) 

Ptilonopus trigeminus Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, 
p. 787 (in key). Sorong and Salawati. 

Island of Salawati and western coast of the Vogelkop. 
1 Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 198. 


Ptilinopus coronulatus geminus (Salvadori) 

Ptilonopus geminus Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 786. 
(Ansus, Jobi.) 

Island of Jobi (or Japen) and northern New Guinea from the head of 
Geelvink Bay east to Takar. 
Ptilinopus coronulatus quadrigeminus (A. B. Meyer) 

Ptilopus quadrigeminus A. B. Meyer, Ibis, 1890, p. 421. (Constantine 

Harbor or its neighborhood.) 

Northern New Guinea between Humboldt Bay and Astrolabe Bay; 
Vulcan Island. 
Ptilinopus coronulatus huonensis (A. B. Meyer) 

Ptilopus coronulatus huonensis A. B. Meyer, Journ. f. Orn., 40, 1892, 
p. 263. (Huon Gulf.) 

Northern coast of southeastern New Guinea from Huon Gulf to Goode- 
nough Bay. 
Ptilinopus coronulatus coronulatus (G. R. Gray) 
Ptilonopus coronulatus G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, 
p. 185, pl. 138. (Aru Islands.) 
South coast of New Guinea from the Mimika River to Milne Bay; Aru 

~ Ptilinopus monacha (‘T'emminck) 

Columba monacha ‘‘Reinw.”’ Temminck, PI. col., livr. 48, 1824, pl. 253. 
(Celebes, error = Halmahera.) 

The northern Moluccas: Halmahera, Ternate, Batjan. 

~Ptilinopus iozonus humeralis (Wallace) 

Ptilonopus humeralis Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 166, 
pl. 21. (Salawati.) 
Western Papuan Islands: Salawati, Waigeu; northwestern New Guinea 
from the Vogelkop westward along the southern coast to the Fly River. 

- Ptilinopus iozonus iobiensis (Schlegel) 

Ptilopus humeralis iobiensis Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 4, 1873, Colum- 
bae, p. 16. (Jobi.) 
Ptilopus bir6éi Madardsz, Termes. Fiizetek, 20, 1897, p. 47, pl. 1. 
(Friedrich Wilhelm Hafen, New Guinea.) 
Jobi (or Japen) Island and northern New Guinea from the Mamberano 
River to Astrolabe Bay; Vulcan Island. 

' Ptilinopus iozonus finschi Mayr 

Ptilinopus tozonus finschi Mayr, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, 
p. 705. (Finschhafen.) 
Southeastern New Guinea from the Huon Peninsula on the north and 
from the Fly River on the south, eastward. 


Ptilinopus iozonus iozonus (G. R. Gray) 

Ptilonopus tozonus G. R. Gray, Proce. Zool. oe. London, 1858, p. 186. 
(Aru Islands.) 

Aru Islands. 

Ptilinopus insolitus insolitus (Schlegel) 
Ptilopus insolitus Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1, 1863, p. 61, 
Vogels, pl. 3, f. 8. (New Caledonia, error = New Ireland.) 
New Ireland, New Britain and Duke of York Island; Lihir Islands. 

Ptilinopus insolitus inferior Hartert 
Ptilinopus insolitus inferior Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 265. (St. 
Matthias Island.) . 

St. Matthias Island. 

Ptilinopus rivoli buruanus Hartert and Goodson 
Ptilinopus rivolii buruanus Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, 
p. 347. (Gunong Fogha, Buru.) 


Ptilinopus rivoli prasinorrhous (G. R. Gray) 

Ptilonopus prasinorrhous G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, 
p. 185. (Kei Islands.) 
The Moluccas (except Buru), Sudest Islands, Kéi Islands, western > 
Papuan Islands, and islands in Geelvink Bay: Numfor, Traitor’s Island, 
Mios Korwar. 

Ptilinopus rivoli rivoli (Prévost) 
Columba Rivoli Prévost, in Knip, Les Pigeons, ed. 2, 2, [1838-1843] 1843, 
p. 107, pl. 57. (No locality, = Duke of York Island; cf. Hartert, Nov. 
Zool., 21, 1914, p. 209.) 

Bismarck Archipelago. 

Ptilinopus rivoli strophium Gould 

Ptilinopus strophium Gould, in Jardine’s Contr. Orn., 1850, DP. 105, note. 
(Duchateau Islands.)! 

Louisiade Archipelago; Egum atoll in the Trobriand Group. 

Ptilinopus miquelii (Schlegel) 
Ptilopus Miquelii ‘von Rosenberg” Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
4, 1871, p. 22. (Miosnom and Jobi.) 
Confined to the islands of Miosnom and Jobi (or Japen) in Geelvink 

1 Name altered to Ptilonopus cinctus in the 1860 reissue of Jardine’s Contr. 
Orn., p. 105, note. 


——~ Ptilinopus bellus (Sclater) 

Ptilonopus bellus Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1873 (1874), p. 696, 
pl. 57. (Atam, New Guinea.) 

Ptilopus bellus Sclat. var. orientalis De Vis, in Ann. Rept. on Brit. 
New Guinea from Ist July 1893-30th June 1894, Brisbane, 1894, 
App. p. 104. (Mount Maneao, [Hornby Mountains], 3450 feet, New 

Mountains of New Guinea; Goodenough Island. 

Ptilinopus solomonensis johannis (Sclater) 
Ptilopus johannis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 556. (Wild 
and D’Entrecasteaux Islands, Admiralty Islands.) 
Manus, St. Matthias Island, Squally Island, New Hanover and Nusa 

~—~Ptilinopus solomonensis meyeri Hartert 
. Ptilinopus solomonensis meyeri Hartert, Nov. Zool., 33, 1926, p. 173. 
(Witu Island, north of New Britain.) 
New Britain, Uatom Island, Witu (or French) Islands, Rook Island. 

Ptilinopus solomonensis neumanni Hartert 
Ptilinopus solomonensis neumanni Hartert, Nov. Zool., 33, 1926, p. 42. 
(Nissan Island.) 

Nissan Island. 

Ptilinopus solomonensis bistictus Mayr 
Ptilinopus solomonensis bistictus Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 504, 1931, 
p. 8. (Bougainville Island, British Solomon Islands. ) 
Bougainville Island. 

Ptilinopus solomonensis vulcanorum Mayr 
Ptilinopus solomonensis vulcanorum Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 504, 
1931, p. 8. (Kulambangra Island, British Solomon Islands.) 

Central Solomon Islands: Vella Lavella, Vangunu, Gatukai, Ganonga, 
Kulambangra and Rendova. 

Ptilinopus solomonensis ocularis Mayr 
Ptilinopus solomonensis ocularis Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 504, 1931, 
p. 6. (Guadalcanar Island, British Solomon Islands.) 
Guadalcanar Island. 

Ptilinopus solomonensis ambiguus Mayr 

Ptilinopus solomonensis ambiguus Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 504, 
1931, p. 7. (Malaita Island, British Solomon Islands.) 

Malaita Island. 


Ptilinopus sclomonensis solomonensis (G. R. Gray) 
Ptilonopus solomonensis G. R. Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 5, 1870, 
p. 328. (Wanga, San Cristobal, Solomon Islands.) 
Islands of San Cristobal and Ugi. 

Ptilinopus solomonensis speciosus (Schlegel) 

Ptilopus speciosus ‘“‘von Rosenberg” Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
4, 1871, p. 23. (Islands of Numfor [Mafor] and Biak [Soék], Geel- 
vink Bay.) 

Islands of Numfor, Biak and Traitor’s in Geelvink Bay. 

Ptilinopus viridis (Linné) 
Columba viridis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 283. (Amboina.) 
Southern Moluceas: Buru, Ceram, Amboina, Saparua and Nusa laut. 
Ptilinopus eugeniae vicinus (Hartert) 

Ptilopus lewisii vicinus Hartert, Nov. Zool., 2, 1895, p. 62. (Fergusson 
Island, D’Entrecasteaux Group.) 

Islands of the Trobriand and D’Entrecasteaux Groups. 

Ptilinopus eugeniae lewisii (Ramsay) 

Ptilopus lewisti Ramsay, Nature, 25, 19 Jan., 1882, p. 282. (Solomon 
Islands = Lango, Guadalcanar, ex Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 
6, Mar., 1882, p. 724.) 

Solomon Islands east to Guadaleanar and Malaita; Lihir Islands. 

Ptilinopus eugeniae eugeniae (Gould) 
Iotreron Eugenie Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 1387. (Solo- 
mon Islands.) 
Solomon Islands: San Cristobal and Ugi. 

Ptilinopus geelvinkiana (Schlegel) 
Ptilopus viridis stirps Geelvinkiana Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 
4, 1871, p. 23. (Numfor [Mafor], Miosnom and Biak [Soék or Suk].) 
Ptilopus Musschenbroekii “von Rosenberg” Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 4, 1871, p. 23. Alternate name for geelvinkiana. 
Islands in Geelvink Bay: Numfor, Biak, Miosnom and Jobi (or Japen). 
Ptilinopus pectoralis pectoralis (Wagler) 
Columba pectoralis Wagler, Isis von Oken, 22, 1829, p. 740. (No local- 
ity = New Guinea.) 
Western Papuan Islands: Gebe, Waigeu, Gagi, Kofiao and Misol; north- 
western New Guinea east to Manokwari and Lobo Bay. 
Ptilinopus pectoralis salvadorii (Rothschild) 

Ptilopus salvadorii Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1, 1892, p. 10. (Jobi 
Islands in Geelvink Bay: Numfor, Biak and Jobi (or Japen); northern 
Guinea from Mamberano (?) to the Cyclops Mountains. 


Ptilinopus naina minimus Stresemann and Paludan 
Ptilinopus nanus minimus Stresemann and Paludan, Nov. Zool., 38, 
1932, p. 182. (Waigeu.) 
Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu, Misol(?), Salawati. 

Ptilinopus naina naina (Temminck) 

Columba naina Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 95, 1835, pl. 565. (Lobo Bay, 
New Guinea.) 

Southern New Guinea from Lobo Bay to Port Moresby. 

-Ptilinopus hyogastra (Temminck) 

Columba hyogastra ‘““Reinw.” Temminck, PI. col., livr. 48, 1824, pl. 252. 
(Celebes, error = Halmahera.) 

Islands of Halmahera and Batjan, northern Moluccas. 

~ Ptilinopus granulifrons Hartert 
Ptilinopus granulifrons Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, 1898, p. 35. (Obi 
Island of Obi Major, central Moluccas. 
Ptilinopus melanospila bangueyensis (A. B. Meyer) 
Ptilopus bangueyensis A. B. Meyer, Journ. f. Orn., 39, 1891, p. 70. 
(Banguey Islands, North Borneo.) 
Haemataena melanocephala enantia Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 
14, 1924, p. 296. (Cagayan Sulu, Philippine Islands.) 

Philippine Islands: Palawan, Cagayan Sulu, Mindanao, Basilan, Bon- 
gao, Sulu, Tawi Tawi, Sibutu; North Bornean Islands: Banguey and 
~ Ptilinopus melanospila talautensis Hartert 

Ptilinopus melanocephala talautensis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 10, 1903, p. 34. 
(Lirung Island, Talaut Islands.) 

Talaut Islands. 

~ Ptilinopus melanospila xanthorrhoa (Salvadori) 

Jotreron xanthorrhoa Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 671, 
in key. (Sangir Islands.) 
Sangir Islands. 

~ Ptilinopus melanospila melanospila (Salvadori) 

Jotreron melanospila Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 670. 
(Menado, Celebes.) 

Celebes and Togian Islands. 
Ptilinopus melanospila aurescentior Hartert 

Ptilinopus melanocephala aurescentior Hartert, Nov. Zool., 10, 1903, 
p. 33. (Kalidupa Island, Tukang Besi Islands.) 

Tukang Besi Islands. 


~ Ptilinopus melanospila pelingensis Hartert 

Ptilinopus chrysorrhous pelingensis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 5, 1898, p. 135. 
(Islands of Peling and Banggai. Type from Peling Island.) 

Islands of Peling and Banggai. 

Ptilinopus melanospila chrysorrhoa (Salvadori) 

Jotreron chrysorrhoa Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 671, 
in key. (Sula Islands and Ceram.) 

Sula Islands and Ceram. 

Ptilinopus melanospila margaretha Meise 

Ptilinopus melanocephalus margaretha Meise, Journ. f. Orn., 78, 1930, 
p. 186. (Island of Kalao tua.) 

Islands of Kalao tua and Madu, in the Flores Sea. 

Ptilinopus melanospila massoptera (Oberholser) 

Haemataena melanocephala massoptera Oberholser, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 54, 1917, p. 191. (Pulo Mata Siri.) 

Confined to Pulo Mata Siri, in the Java Sea. 

Ptilinopus melanospila melanauchen (Salvadori) 

Columba melanocephala Pennant, Indian Zool., 1769, p. 6, pl. 7. (Java.) 
Not Columba melanocephala Briinnich, 1764. 

Jotreron melanauchen Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 671, 
in key. (Flores.) 

Hematena richmondena Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, 1926, p. 60. 
(New name for Columba melanocephala Pennant, preoccupied.) 

Java; the Lesser Sunda Islands from Bali to Alor (including Sumba); 
islands of Kalao and Saleyer; Kangean Islands. 
Ptilinopus jambu (Gmelin) 

Columba Jambu Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 784. (Java = 


Malay Peninsula, Rhio Archipelago, Sumatra, Banka, Billiton and 
Ptilinopus wallacii (G. R. Gray) 

Ptilonopus Wallacii G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 185, 
pl. 186. (Aru Islands.) 

Babar Island, Timorlaut, Kei and Aru Islands. 

Ptilinopus aurantiifrons (G. R. Gray) 

Ptilonopus aurantiifrons G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool..Soc. London, 1858, 
p. 185, pl. 187. (Aru Islands.)! 

1 Ptilinopus novaeguineae A. B. Meyer, is a synonym. 


Western Papuan Islands: Misol, Batanta, Salawati; Jobi (or Japen) 
Island; Aru Islands; coastal districts of New Guinea except the northeast 
coast between Humboldt Bay and Collingwood Bay. 

Ptilinopus ornatus ornatus (Schlegel) 
Ptilopus ornatus “von Rosenberg”’ Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 
1871, p. 52. (Interior of the northern peninsula of New Guinea.) 
Northwestern New Guinea: Arfak Mountains and coast of the Vogelkop 
between Amberbaki and Warbusi. 
an Ptilinopus ornatus gestroi (D’Albertis and Salvadori) 
Ptilonopus gestroi D’ Albertis and Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 
1875, p. 834. (Yule Island, New Guinea.) 
Ptilinopus gestro. kaporensis Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 
1901, p. 105. (Kapaur, western New Guinea.) 
New Guinea from the Cyclops Mountains on the north and the Onin 
Peninsula on the south, eastward. 
Ptilinopus perlatus perlatus (Temminck) 
Columba perlata Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 94, 1835, pl. 559. (Lobo Bay, 
New Guinea.) 

Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu and Salawati; Jobi (or Japen) Island; 
northwestern New Guinea east to the Mamberano River on the north and 
to Triton Bay on the south. 

Ptilinopus perlatus plumbeicollis (A. B. Meyer) 
Ptilopus plumbeicollis A. B. Meyer, Ibis, 1890, p. 422. (Constantine 
Harbor, New Guinea.) 

Northeastern New Guinea from Astrolabe Bay to Huon Gulf. 
Ptilinopus perlatus zonurus (Salvadori) 

Ptilopus zonurus Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 9, 1876-1877 

(1876), p. 197. (Aru Islands.) 
Aru Islands; southeastern New Guinea along the coast from the base of 
the Snow Mountains; Fergusson and Goodenough Islands. 
Ptilinopus tannensis (Latham) 
Columba tannensis Latham, Ind. Orn., 2, 1790, p. 600. (Tanna Island, 
New Hebrides.) 
New Hebrides and Banks Islands. 

Genus CHRYSOENA Bonaparte 
cf. Wetmore, Ibis, 1925, p. 831-833 


Chrysophaps Wetmore, Ibis, 1925, p. 833. Type, by original designa- 
tion, Chrysoena victor Gould. 


Chrysoena victor Gould 

Chrysona victor Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871 (1872), p. 642. 
(Bua, Fiji Islands, 7.e. = M’Bua in southwestern part of Vanua Levu.) 

Fiji Islands: Vanua Levu, Taviuni, Lauthala, Viti Levu. 

Chrysoena viridis Layard 
Chrysena viridis Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875, p. 151. (Kan- 
davu, Fiji Islands.) 
Fiji Islands: Kandavu. 


Chrysena Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 879. 
Type, by monotypy, Columba luteovirens Hombron and Jacquinot. 
Chrysoena luteovirens (Hombron and Jacquinot) 
Columba luteovirens Hombron and Jacquinot, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (2), 
16, 1841, p. 315. (“Balaou” [= Ovalau], Fiji Islands.) 
Fiji Islands: Viti Levu and Ovalau. 


Alectrenas G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 58. Type, by original 
designation, A. Franciae (Lath.) = Columba franciae Gmelin = Co- 
lumba nitidissima Seopoli. 

cf. Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 163-164, pl. 22. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 160-165. 
Alectroenas pulcherrima (Scopoli) 

Columba pulcherrima Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, 
p. 94. (Antigoa, Island of Panay, Philippines ex Sonnerat, error = 

Seychelles: Praslin, Silhouette, Mahé, Marianne and Félicité. 

Alectroenas sganzini minor Berlepsch 

Alectroenas sganzini minor Berlepsch, Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges., 21, 
1898, p. 493. (Aldabra Island.) 

Aldabra Island. 

Alectroenas sganzini sganzini (Bonaparte) 

Funingus sganzini ‘“O. Des Murs d’aprés Verreaux”’ Bonaparte, Compt. 
Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 880. (Madagascar, error = 
Comoro Islands.) 

Comoro Islands: Great Comoro, Anjuan and Mayotte. 
Alectroenas madagascariensis (Linné) 
Columba madagascariensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 283. 


jAlectroenas nitidissima (Scopoli) 

Columba nitidissima Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, 
p. 93. (Ile de France, 7.e. Mauritius.) 

Mauritius. Now extinct. 

Drepanoptila Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 41, 1855, 
p- 658. Type, by monotypy, Columba holosericea Temminck. 
cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1898, p. 158-160. 

~ Drepanoptila holosericea (Temminck) 
Columba Holosericea Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les co- 
lombes, p. 73, pl. 32. (Sandwich Island,! error = New Caledonia.) 
New Caledonia and the Isle of Pines. 

Megaloprepia Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., 1852, (1853), p. xxvi. Type, 
by original designation, Columba magnifica Temminck. 

cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 36, 1930, p. 114-115. 
Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 112-116. 

Megaloprepia magnifica alaris Stresemann and Paludan 

Megaloprepia magnifica alaris Stresemann and Paludan, Nov. Zool., 38, 
1932, p. 134, 183, orig. descr. (Waigeu.) 

Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu, Batanta, Salawati, Misol, Gemien. 

Megaloprepia magnifica puella (Lesson) 
Columba puella Lesson, Bull. Sci. Nat. Geol., 10, 1827, p. 400. (Port 
Praslin [error] and Dorey [now Manokwari], New Guinea.) 
The Vogelkop, northwestern New Guinea. 

Megaloprepia magnifica interposita Hartert 

Megaloprepia magnifica interposita Hartert, Nov. Zool., 36, 1930, p. 114. 
(Wasior, Wandammen Peninsula, Dutch New Guinea.) 

Region about the southern part of Geelvink Bay, the Onin Peninsula, 
lower Snow Mountains and eastward along the south coast of New Guinea 
to the Eilanden River. 

Megaloprepia magnifica septentrionalis A. B. Meyer 

Megaloprepia poliura septentrionalis A. B. Meyer, Abh. Ber. Mus. 
Dresden, 4, 1892-93 (1893), no. 3, p. 25. (Northern and eastern New 
Guinea and the Island of Jobi.) 

1 This locality doubtless refers to Sandwich Island, now usually known as 
Vaté, the southernmost of the New Hebrides and about 300 miles from New 


Megaloprepia salomonis Madardsz, Termés. Fiizetek, 25, 1902, p. 351. 
(East coast of Bougainville, Solomon Islands, error = Astrolabe Bay, 
New Guinea.) 

Northern New Guinea from the Mamberano River eastward to Astro- 
labe Bay; islands of Jobi, Vulcan and Dampier. 

Megaloprepia magnifica poliura Salvadori 
Megaloprepia poliura Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 12, 1878, 
p. 426, 427. (Mount Epa in southeastern New Guinea and Jobi 
Southeastern New Guinea from Huon Gulf on the northeast and the 
Edrich River on the south, eastward. 

Megaloprepia magnifica assimilis (Gould) 
Carpophaga assimilis Gould, in Jardine’s Contr. Orn., 1850, p. ‘160,” 
7.e. 106. (Cape York, Queensland.) 
Cape York district of northeastern Australia. 

Megaloprepia magnifica keri Mathews 
Megaloprepia magnifica keri Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 184. 
(Bellenden Ker, North Queensland.) 
Bellenden Ker Range, Queensland. 

Megaloprepia magnifica magnifica (Temminck) 
Columba magnifica Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 18, pt. 1, 1821, 
p. 125. (East coast of Australia opposite the five islands near Red 
Point = Red Point, south of Wollongong, New South Wales.) 

Southern Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. 

——Megaloprepia formosa (G. R. Gray) 
Carpophaga (Megaloprepia) formosa G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 1860 (1861), p. 360. (Halmahera.) 
Northern Moluccas: Halmahera, Ternate, Batjan, Obi. 

GreNus DUCULA! Hopacson 

Ducula Hodgson, As. Res., 19, 1836, p. 160. Type, by monotypy, 
Ducula insignis Hodgson. 

Compsoenas Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 34, 1921, p. 51. Type, by 
original designation, Columba radiata Quoy and Gaimard. 

Lamprura Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 34, 1921, p. 51. Type, by 
original designation, Columba rufigaster Quoy and Gaimard. 

1 Includes Serresius Bonaparte, Globicera Bonaparte, Carpophaga Selby 
[not of Billberg = Muscadivores G. R. Gray], Ptilocolpa Bonaparte, Zono- 
phaps Salvadori, Ducula Hodgson, Zonoenas Reichenbach, Myristicivora 
Reichenbach, Phaenorhina Gray. 


Carpophagella Strand, Arch. Naturg., 92, Abth. A, 1928, Heft 8, p. 57. 
New name to replace Carpophaga Selby, preoccupied. 
cf. Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 202-212; 
7, 1930, p. 432-433. 
Delacour and Jabouille, Ois. Indochine Frang., 2, 1931, p. 24-28. 
Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 2, 1932, p. 193-205. 
Hartert, Nov. Zool., 38, 1926, p. 34-85 (races of D. pistrinaria) 
McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 42-50. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 2, 1898, p. 615-625. 
Murphy, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 115, 1924, p. 7-8. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 171-219; 220-226; 227- 
Siebers, Treubia, 7, 1930, suppl., p. 179-187. 
Stresemann and Paludan, Nov. Zool., 38, 1932, p. 183-185; 242-243. 
Wetmore, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoél., 68, 1919, p. 190-192. 

Ducula galeata (Bonaparte) 

Serresius galeatus Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 41, 1855, 
p.1110. (Western part of the Island of Nukuhiva, Marquesas Islands.) 

Apparently confined to the Island of Nukuhiva, Marquesas Islands. 

Ducula aurorae (Peale) 

Carpophaga aurore Peale, U. 8. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 201. (Aurora 
[now Makatea] Island, Tuamotu Group.) 

Carpophaga wilkesti Peale, U. 8. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 203. (Tahiti.) 
Islands of Makatea and Tahiti, Society Islands. 

Ducula oceanica ! monacha (Momiyama) 
Globicera oceanica monacha Momiyama, Bds. Micron., Mar., 1922, p. 4. 
(Yap, Caroline Islands.) 
Globicera oceanica momiyamai Kuroda, in Momiyama’s Bds. Micron., 
Mar., 1922, p. 25. (Angaur, Pelew Islands.) 
Muscadivora oceanica winkleri Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 15, 
Sept., 1922, p. 234. (Pelew Islands.) 
Island of Yap in the western Carolines; Pelew Islands: Babelthuap, 
Koror, Angaur, and Current Islands. 

~ Ducula oceanica teraokai (Momiyama) 

Globicera oceanica teraokati Momiyama, Bds. Micron., 1922, p. 2. (Ruk, 
Caroline Islands.) 
Ruk (or Truk) Group of the Caroline Islands. 

1 The distribution and synonymy of this species follows the arrangement 
given in Hand-List of Japanese Bds., rev. ed., 1932, p. 189-190. 


Ducula oceanica townsendi (Wetmore) 

Globicera oceanica townsendi Wetmore, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 63, 1919, 
p. 191. (Ponapé, Caroline Islands.) 

Island of Ponapé, Caroline Islands. 

Ducula oceanica oceanica (Lesson and Garnot) 

Columba oceanica Lesson and Garnot, Dict. Sci. Nat., éd. Levrault, 40, 
1826, p. 316. (Kusaie, Caroline Islands.) 

Island of Kusaie in the eastern Carolines; Marshall Islands: Jaluit and 
Elmore Islands. 
Ducula oceanica ratakensis (Takatsukasa and Yamashina) 
Globicera oceanica ratakensis Takatsukasa and Yamashina, Dobuts. 
Zasshi, 44, 1932, p. 221. (Arhno, Ratak Group, Marshall Islands.) 
Marshall Islands: Islands of Wotje (in the Romanzov Atoll), and Arno 
(or Arhno). 
Ducula pacifica tarrali (Bonaparte) 
Globicera tarrali Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1073. (Vanikoro Island, Santa Cruz Group.) 
Globicera farquhari Sharpe, Ibis, 1900, p. 349. (Polenia Bay, Erromanga 
Island, New Hebrides.) ! 

Small islands off the northern coast of New Guinea; Louisiade Archi- 
pelago; Gower Island; Rennell Island; Stewart [Sikaiana] Island; Santa 
Cruz Group; New Hebrides. 

~~ ~Ducula pacifica pacifica (Gmelin) 

Columba pacifica Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 777. (“‘Insulis 

amicis” = Tonga Islands.) 

Globicera pacifica queenslandica Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1914, p. 84. 
(Mackay, Queensland, error = Tonga Islands.) 

Islands of the Ellice, Phoenix and Tonga Groups. 

?Ducula pacifica intensitincta Stresemann 

Ducula pacifica intensitincta ““Neumann” Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 
89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 76. (Fiji Islands.) 

Fiji Islands. Doubtfully distinct from D. p. microcera. 

Ducula pacifica microcera (Bonaparte) 

Globicera microcera Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, 
p. 215. (Vavau and Samoa.) 

Samoan Islands. 

1 Perhaps D. farquhari is a valid race, but in view of the great amount of 
variation shown by different individuals from the same locality I unite all the 
birds from the western part of the range of D. pacifica under the oldest name. 
The names Globicera sundevalli Bonaparte (Loyalty Islands) and Globicera 
frauenfeldii Pelzeln (Stewart [7.e. Sikaiana] Island must also be considered.) 


~ Ducula rubricera rubricera (Bonaparte) 

Globicera rubricera Bonaparte, ex G. R. Gray ms., Compt. Rend. Acad. 
Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 1073. (New Ireland.) 

Bismarck Archipelago; Lihir Islands. 

Ducula rubricera rufigula (Salvadori) 
Carpophaga rufigula Salvadori, Atti R. Acad. Sci. Torino, 13, 1878, 
p. 536. (Wanga, San Cristobal Island, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands. 

Ducula myristicivora myristicivora (Scopoli) 
Columba myristicivora Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, 
p. 94. (New Guinea, ex Sonnerat, pl. 103.) 
Western Papuan Islands: Gebe, Gagie, Waigeu, Gemien, Batanta, 
Salawati, Sorong and Misol; small islands off the eastern coast of Hal- 

Ducula myristicivora geelvinkiana (Schlegel) 
Carpophaga geelvinkiana Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 4, Columbae, 1873, 
p. 86. (Islands in Geelvink Bay.) 
Islands in Geelvink Bay: Miosnom, Numfor and Biak. 

Ducula concinna intermedia (Meyer and Wiglesworth) 
Carpophaga intermedia Meyer and Wiglesworth, Journ. f. Orn., 42, 1894, 
p. 249. (Kabruang, Talaut Islands.) 
Talaut Islands. 

Ducula concinna concinna (Wallace) 
Carpophaga concinna Wallace, Ibis, 1865, p. 383. (Matabello, Sangir 
Islands, error = Watubela Island.) 

Talaut Islands; smaller islands north and south of Celebes: Sangir, Siao, 
Tejore, Djampea and Kalao tua; islands of Teun and Nila near Babar; 
small islands between Ceram and the Kei Islands: Goram, Manawoka, 
Watubela; Banda Island. 

?Ducula concinna aru Salomonsen 
Ducula concinna aru Salomonsen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 54, 1934, p. 87. 
(Aru Islands in the Moluccas.) 
Apparently confined to the Aru group of islands in the Moluccas. Re- 
quires confirmation. 

Ducula concinna separata (Hartert) 
Carpophaga concinna separata Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, p. 180. 
(Kei Islands, type from Kei Weri.) 
Sermata, Tenimber, Aru and Kei Islands. 


Ducula aenea pusilla (Blyth) 
Carpophaga pusilla Blyth, Journ. As. Soc., Bengal, 18, 1849, p. 816. 
Indian Peninsula from about lat. 20° N., southward; Ceylon. 

Ducula aenea sylvatica (Tickell) 
Columba Sylvatica Tickell, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 2, 1838, p. 581. 
(Jungles of Borabhum and Dholbhum.) 
Nepal, Sikkim Terai and Assam, south to about lat. 20° N. on the Indian 
Peninsula, central Tenasserim, northern Siam and all of Indochina; 
Andaman Islands; ! Pulo Condor, Hainan (?). 

Ducula aenea nicobarica (Pelzeln) 
Carpophaga insularis Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 27, 1858, p. 270. 
(Nicobar Islands.) Nomen nudum. 
Carpophaga aenea var. nicobarica Pelzeln, Reise ‘Novara,’ Zool. Th., 1, 
1865, Vég. p. 105. (Nicobars.) 
Nicobar Islands. 

Ducula aenea aenea (Linné) 

Columba xnea Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 283. (“ain Moluccis”’; 
error = Flores, designated by Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 
1918, p. 346.) 

Muscadivores aeneus polius Oberholser, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 98, 
1917, p. 18. (Pulo Siantan, Anamba Islands.) 

Muscadivores aeneus arhadius Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 14, 
1924, p. 296. (Kateman River, eastern Sumatra.) 

Ducula problematica Rensch, Treubia, 13, 1931, p. 8372. (Laora, Sumba 

Muscadivores aeneus diatropurus Oberholser, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
no. 159, 1932, p. 25. (Pulo Midei, Natuna Islands.) 

Southern Tenasserim and southern Siam, southward over the Malay 
Peninsula; Rhio Archipelago, Sumatra, Java, Banka, Borneo; Anamba, 
Natuna and Tambelan Islands; Lombok, Sumbawa, Sumba, Flores, Pantar 
and Alor; Sulu Archipelago. 

Ducula aenea mista (Oberholser) 
Muscadivores aeneus mistus Oberholser, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 1912, 
no. 7, p. 2. (Simalur Island.) 
Simalur Island, off the western coast of Sumatra.? 

1 The Andaman birds possibly represent a distinct race. 
I have followed the arrangement proposed by Riley, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
75, 1929, art. 4, p. 5-6, of the races of Ducula aenea from the islands off the 
western coast of Sumatra. 


Ducula aenea babiensis (Richmond) 

Muscadivores consobrina babiensis Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 
15 June, 1912, p. 103. (Pulo Babi, northwest coast of Sumatra.) 

Pulo Babi and Pulo Lasia, off the southeast coast of Simalur Island. 

Ducula aenea consobrina (Salvadori) 

Carpophaga consobrina Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 24, 1887, 
p. 558. (Nias Island.) 

Carpophaga Vandepolli Biittikofer, Notes Leyden Mus., 18, 1896, p. 190. 
(Nias Island.) Discolored specimen. 

Nias Island, off the western coast of Sumatra. 

Ducula aenea vicina (Riley) 
Muscadivores aeneus vicinus Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 40, 1927, 
p. 95. (Sipora Island.) 
Mentawi Islands: Batu Islands, Siberut, Sipora, North Pagi and South 
Ducula aenea palawanensis (Blasius) 
Carpophaga aenea (Linn.) nov. var. palawanensis Blasius, Ornis, 4, 1888, 
p. 316. (Palawan.) 
Philippine Islands: Calamianes, Palawan, Dumeran, and Balabae; 
Banguey Island off the north coast of Borneo. 
- Dvcula aenea chalybura (Bonaparte) 

Carpophaga chalybura Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 
1854, p. 1074. (Philippine Islands.) 

Carpophaga nuchalis Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 30, 1882, p. 126. (Island 
of Luzon.) 

Philippine Islands (except the Palawan group). 

PDucula aenea fugaensis (Hachisuka) 

Muscadivores xnea fugaensis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, Suppl. publ. 
no. 14, 1930, p. 150. (Fuga Island, Philippines.) 

Island of Fuga, just north of Luzon, Philippine Islands. This race re- 
quires confirmation, based on an adequate series of specimens. 

~ Ducula aenea paulina Bonaparte 

Ducula paulina Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1076. (Celebes.) 

Celebes and the Talaut Islands. 

?Ducula aenea pulchella (Walden) 

Carpophaga pulchella Walden, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 14, 1874, 
p. 157. (Togian Islands.) 

Togian Islands, in the Gulf of Gorontalo, Celebes. (Doubtfully distinct 
from D. a. paulina). 


Ducula aenea sulana Siebers 
Ducula aenea sulana Siebers, Treubia, 11, 1929, p. 152. (Sula Besi, 
Sula Islands.) 
Sula Islands: islands of Sula Besi and Sula Mangoli. 

Ducula oenothorax (Salvadori) 
Carpophaga oenothorax Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 32, 1892, 
p. 139. (Engano Island.) 

Engano Island, off the western coast of Sumatra. 

Ducula pistrinaria rhodinolaema (Sclater) 
Carpophaga rhodinolema Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 555. 
(Admiralty Islands.) 

Admiralty Islands, New Hanover, Rook Island, and small islands off the 
northern coast of New Guinea (Dampier, Vulcan), islands in Astrolabe 

Ducula pistrinaria vanwyckii (Cassin) 
Carpophaga Van Wyckii Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862, 
p. 320. (New Ireland.) 

Bismarck Archipelago: New Britain, New Ireland, Duke of York Group, 
Credner Islands, Nusa Island. 

Ducula pistrinaria postrema Hartert 

Ducula pistrinaria postrema Hartert, Nov. Zool., 33, 1926, p. 35. (Egum, 

east of the D’Entrecasteaux Group.) 

Small islands off the southeastern tip of New Guinea: islands of Wood- 
lark and St. Aignan; Egum Group, Amphlett and Alcester Islands. 
Ducula pistrinaria pistrinaria Bonaparte 

Ducula pistrinaria Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 34. (St. George, 

Solomon Islands.) 
Solomon Islands; islands of Feni and Nissan; Lihir Islands. 

Ducula whartoni (Sharpe) ! 
Carpophaga whartoni Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, p. 515, 
pl. 43. (Christmas Island.) 
Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. 

Ducula rosacea rosacea (Temminck) 
Columba rosacea Temmincek, PI. col., livr. 98, 1835, pl. 578. (Timor.) 
Duizend Islands (north of western Java); Satonda Island (north of 
Sumbawa), Tukang Besi Islands, islands in Flores Sea, the entire chain of 
the Lesser Sunda Islands from Flores to Babar; Tenimber Islands, Kei 
Islands; Sudest Islands; occurs on Celebes as a straggler only. 

1 Chasen, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 8, 1933, p. 58-61, believes whartoni to be a 
race of rosacea; while admitting close relationship I prefer to regard whartont 
as specifically distinct. 


Ducula rosacea zamydra (Oberholser) 

Muscadivores rosaceus zamydrus Oberholser, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 54, 
1917, 179. (Solombo Besar Island, Java Sea.) 

Islands of Arends and Solombo Besar, Java Sea. 

Ducula perspicillata perspicillata (Temminck) 
Columba perspicillata Temmincek, PI. col., livr. 42, 1824, pl. 246. (Philip- 
pines and some islands in the Moluccas, restricted type locality, 

Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera, Weda, Batjan, Obi and Buru. 

Ducula perspicillata neglecta (Schlegel) 
Carpophaga neglecta Schlegel, Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk., 3, 1865, p. 195, 344. 
(Ceram, Amboina and Buano.) 
Islands of Ceram, Amboina, Saparua and Buano. 

Ducula pickeringii pickeringii (Cassin) 

Carpophaga Pickeringii Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 7, 1854, 
p. 228. (‘‘Mangsi, Sooloo Islands” = Mangsi Islet, off the northern 
tip of Borneo.) 

Small islands off the north and northeast coast of Borneo; islands in the 

Sulu Sea, Sulu Archipelago and the Talaut Islands.! 

Ducula pickeringii langhornei (Mearns) 
Muscadivora langhornei Mearns, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18, 1905, p. 84. 
(West Bolod Island, Philippine Islands.) 

East and West Bolod islands and Loran Island, near Basilan, Philippine 

Ducula pickeringii palmasensis (Mearns) 
Muscadivores palmasensis Mearns, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 36, 1909, 
p. 436. (Palmas Island, Celebes Sea.) 
Palmas Island, southeast of Mindanao, Philippine Islands. 

Ducula latrans (Peale) 
Carpophaga latrans Peale, U. 8S. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 200. (Fiji 
Fiji Islands: Vanua Levu, Viti Levu, Ovalau, Kandavu and Matuku. 

Ducula bakeri (Kinnear) 

Muscadivora bakeri Kinnear, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, 1928, p. 56. (Betap, 
3500 feet, western Santo, New Hebrides.) 

New Hebrides. 
1 The description of the bird from the Talaut Islands given by Meyer and 

Wiglesworth, antea, p. 621, indicates that the bird from these islands may be- 
long to an undescribed race. 


Ducula brenchleyi (G. R. Gray) 

Carpophaga Brenchleyi G. R. Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 5, 
1870, p. 828. (Wanga, Island of San Cristobal, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands. 

Ducula goliath (G. R. Gray) 

Carpophaga (Phenorhina) goliath G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1859, p. 165, pl. 155. (Isle of Pines.) 

Isle of Pines and New Caledonia. 

Ducula bicolor (Scopoli) 

Columba bicoior Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, p. 94. 
(“Nova Guiana” 7. e. New Guinea.) 

Myristicivora bicolor condorensis Kloss, Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 4, 
1921, p. 191. (Pulo Condore, Cochinchina.) 

Recorded from many localities between the Bay of Bengal and the 
Philippines, eastward to the Aru Islands and islands west of New Guinea. 
Occurs chiefly on smaller islands and islets, wandering in large flocks from 
island to island in search of food. 

Ducula luctuosa (Temminck) 
Columba luctuosa ‘“Reinw.’’ Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 42, 1825, pl. 247. 
(Several islands in the Moluccan Archipelago, error = Celebes.) 
Celebes; islands of Peling and Banggai; Sula Islands. 

Ducula melanura (G. R. Gray) 

Carpophaga (Myristicivora) melanura G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, 1860, p. 361. (Batjan and Halmahera; the specimen claimed 
as the type in Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. is from Batjan.) 

The Moluccas: Batjan, Halmahera, Obi, Ceram, Buru, Amboina, 


Ducula spilorrhoa subflavescens (Finsch) 

Carpophaga subflavescens Finsch, Ibis, 1886, p. 2. (“Extreme north 
corner of New Ireland.’’) 

Bismarck Archipelago and the Admiralty Islands. 

Ducula spilorrhoa spilorrhoa (G. R. Gray) 

Carpophaga spilorrhoa G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 186, 
196. (Aru Islands.) 
Myristicivora bicolor melvillensis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, 
p. 27. (Melville Island, Northern Territory.) 
Eastern New Guinea and islands in Geelvink Bay, Aru Islands, islands in 
Torres Straits, northern and eastern Australia south to Northern Territory 
and northern New South Wales. 


Ducula cineracea (Temminck) 
Columba cineracea Temminck, PI. col., livr. 95, 1835, pl. 563. (Timor.) 
Mountains on the islands of Timor and Wetar. 

Ducula lacernulata lacernulata (Temminck) 
Columba lacernulata Temminck, PI. col., livr. 28, 1823, pl. 164. (Java.) 
Western and middle Java. 

Ducula lacernulata williami (Hartert) 
Carpophaga williami Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, p. 552. (Bali, between 
2000 and 3000 feet.) 
Eastern Java and the Islandeof Bali. 

Ducula lacernulata sasakensis (Hartert) 
Carpophaga sasakensis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, p. 564. (Lombok, 
at 3000 feet.) 
Mountainous interior of the islands of Lombok and Flores. 

Ducula badia insignis Hodgson 
Ducula Insignis Hodgson, As. Res., 19, pt. 1, 1836, p. 162, pl. 9. (Nepal.) 
Western Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan, east to the Khasia Hills and the 
Brahmapootra River. 

Ducula badia cuprea (Jerdon) 
Carpophaga cuprea Jerdon, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 12, 1840, p. 12 
Southwestern India from Kanara, southward. 

Ducula badia griseicapilla Walden 
Ducula griseicapilla Walden, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 16, 1875, 
p. 228. (Karen Hills, between 4000 and 4200 feet.) 
Burma and southwestern Yunnan to northern Tenasserim, Siam and all 
of Indochina. 

Ducula badia obscurata Conover 
Ducula badia obscurata Conover, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 43, 1930, p. 1. 
(Krat, southeastern Siam.) 
Southeastern Siam: Known only from Krat and Chantaboon. 

Ducula badia badia (Raffles) 
Columba badia Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, pt. 2, 1822, p. 317. 
(Sumatra = Benkulen, western Sumatra.) 
Southern Tenasserim southward over the Malay Peninsula; islands off 
the Mergui coast; Sumatra; Borneo. 


Ducula badia capistrata (Temminck) 

Columba capistrata Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 28, 1823, pl. 165. (“Re- 
ceived with several others from Batavia, but not known whether it 
occurs in Java,”’.the plate agrees with west Javan examples.)! 

Western Java.’ 

Ducula mullerii aurantia (A. B. Meyer) 

Carpophaga miillert aurantia A. B. Meyer, Abh. Ber. K. Zool. Mus. 
Dresden, 1892-93 (1893), no. 3, p. 25. (Geelvink Bay and Astrolabe 
Bay, New Guinea.) 

Northern New Guinea from the eastern shore of Geelvink Bay east to 

Astrolabe Bay. 

Ducula mullerii mullerii (Temminck) 
Columba mullerit Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 96, 1835, p. 566. (Dourga 
River [at Princess Marianne Strait], New Guinea.) 
Southern New Guinea from the Mimika River eastward to the Brown 
River; Aru Islands. 

Ducula pinon pinon (Quoy and Gaimard) 
Columba Pinon Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. de la ‘Uranie,’ Zool., 1824, 
p. 118, Atlas, pl. 28. (Rawak, z.e. Luwak, off Waigeu.) 
Western Papuan Islands: Misol, Salawati, Batanta, Waigeu; Aru 

Islands; the Vogelkop; southern New Guinea from the Mimika River to 
Hall Sound. 

Ducula pinon rubiensis (A. B. Meyer) 
Carpophaga pinon (Q. G.) var. rubiensis A. B. Meyer, Sitzungsb. und 
Abh. Naturwiss. Ges. Isis, 1884, Anh. 1, p. 51. (Rubi, New Guinea.) 
Southern shores of Geelvink Bay, coasts of the Onin Peninsula and along 
the south coast of New Guinea to Etna Bay; southeastern New Guinea 
from Holnicote Bay on the north and the Aroa River on the south, east- 
ward. (Intermediate between C. p. pinon and C. p. jobiensis.) 

Ducula pinon jobiensis (Schlegel) 
Carpophaga pinon jobiensis Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1871, 
p. 26. (Jobi Island.) 
Jobi Island; northern coast of New Guinea from the Mamberano River 
east to Huon Gulf; Dampier and Vulcan Islands. 

Ducula pinon salvadorii (Tristram) 
Carpophaga salvadoriit Tristram, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881 (1882), 
p. 996. (St. Aignan, Louisiade Archipelago.) 
D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago: Fergusson and Goodenough Islands; 
Louisiade Archipelago: St. Aignan, Rossel and Sudest Islands. 

1 Siebers, Treubia, 11, 1929, p. 149-150. 

2 Chasen, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 11, 1935, p. 19, synonymyzes capistrata 
with typical badia; he also considers the lacernulata and badia groups con- 


Ducula melanochroa (Sclater) 

Carpophaga melanochroa Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, p. 672, 
pl. 42. (Duke of York Group.) 

Bismarck Archipelago: New Britain, New Ireland, Duke of York Group. 

~ Ducula poliocephala (G. R. Gray) 

Carpophaga poliocephala G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 2, 1844, p. 469, pl. 119. 
(No locality = Philippine Islands, ex G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. 
Mus., Gallinae, p. 6; type from near Manila, Luzon fide Hachisuka, 
Ois. et Rev. Frang. d’Orn., n.s., 1, 1931, p. 397-398.) 

Zonophaps poliocephala nobilis Hachisuka, Ois. et Rev. Franc. d’Orn., 
n.s., 1, 1931, p. 398. (Mt. Canloan, Negros, Philippine Islands.) 

Philippine Islands: Luzon, Mindoro, Sibuyan, Masbate, Samar, Leyte, 
Cebu, Negros, Panay, Dinagat, Mindanao, Basilan and Tawi Tawi. 
‘Ducula forsteni (Bonaparte) 

Columba Forsterii Prévost, in Knip, Les Pigeons, ed. 2, 2, 1838-43, p.87, 
pl. 47. (Northern part of Celebes.) Not Columba forstert Demarest 

Hemiphaga forsteni “Temminck’’ Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 39, 1854, p. 1077. New name for Columba forsteri: Prévost, 


Ducula mindorensis (Whitehead) 

Carpophaga mindorensis Whitehead, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), 18, 
1896, p. 189. (Highlands of Mindoro.) 

Confined to the Island of Mindoro, Philippine Islands. 

Ducula radiata (Quoy and Gaimard) 

Columba radiata Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. ‘Astrolabe,’ Zool., 1, 1830, 
p. 244. (Menado, Celebes.) 

Celebes; erroneously recorded from the Sangir Islands. 

Ducula rufigaster basilica Bonaparte 
Ducula basilica Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1076. (Halmahera.) 

The northern Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera, Ternate and Batjan. 

Ducula rufigaster obiensis (Hartert) 
Carpophaga obiensis Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, 1898, p. 35. (Obi.) 
Confined to the Island of Obi, central Moluccas. 

~ Ducula rufigaster rufigaster (Quoy and Gaimard) 

Columba rufigaster Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. ‘Astrolabe,’ Zool., 1, 1830, 
p. 245. (Dorey [now Manokwari] New Guinea.) 

Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu, Misol, Batanta and Salawati; the 
Vogelkop, and southern coast of New Guinea east at least to Port Moresby. 


Ducula rufigaster uropygialis Stresemann and Paludan 
Ducula rufigaster uropygialis Stresemann and Paludan, Nov. Zool., 38, 
1932, p. 248. (Ramu, New Guinea.) 
Island of Jobi (or Japen) and northern New Guinea from the Mam- 
berano River to Astrolabe Bay. 

Ducula finschii (Ramsay) 
Carpophaga Finschii Ramsay, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 16, 1882, 
p. 129. (No locality, apparently New Britain is intended.) 

Bismarck Archipelago. 

Ducula chalconota chalconota (Salvadori) 
Carpophaga chalconota Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 6, 1874, p. 87. 
(Atam, Arfak Mountains.) 
Arfak Mountains, New Guinea. 

Ducula chalconota smaragdina Mayr 
Ducula chalconota smaragdina Mayr, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, 
p. 706. (Ogeramnang, New Guinea.) 
Mountains of New Guinea (except the Arfak Mountains). 

Ducula zoeae (Lesson) 

Columba Zoex Lesson, Dict. Sci. Nat., éd. Levrault, 40, 1826, p. 314. 
(‘‘Dorery”’ [sic] [now Manokwari], New Guinea.) 

Carpophaga zoeae orientalis A. B. Meyer, Abh. Ber. K. Zool. Mus. 
Dresden, 1890-91 (1891), no. 4, p. 13. (Bassahei and Jakema, Kaiser 

Salawati, Jobi (or Japen), New Guinea, Aru Islands, islands of Fergus- 

son and St. Aignan. 

Ducula carola carola (Bonaparte) 
Ptilocolpa carola Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1075. (Philippine Islands.) 
Ptilocolpa griseipectus Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 
1854, p. 1075. (Philippine Islands.) 
Islands of Luzon and Mindoro, Philippine Islands. 

Ducula carola nigrorum (Whitehead) 
Ptilocolpa nigrorum Whitehead, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 6, 1897, p. 34. 
(Negros, Philippine Islands; the type is from Canloan Volcano.) 

Confined to the Island of Negros, Philippine Islands. 

Ducula carola mindanensis (Ogilvie-Grant) 
Ptilocolpa mindanensis Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 1905, 
p. 16. (Mt. Apo, 8000 feet, Mindanao, Philippine Islands.) 
Confined to the Island of Mindanao, Philippine Islands. 


Genus CRYPTOPHAPS Satvapori 

Cryptophaps Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 182 (in key), 
p. 219. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Carpophaga 
poecilorrhoa Briggemann. 

cf. Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 2, 1898, p. 625-626. 
———Cryptophaps poecilorrhoa (Briiggemann) 

Carpophaga poecilorrhoa Briiggemann, Abh. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 5, 
1876, p. 84. (Minahassa, Celebes.) 

Mountains of northern and southeastern Celebes. 

GreNUs HEMIPHAGA Bonaparte 

Hemiphaga Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1076. Type, by original designation, Columba novaeseelandiae 

Hemicarpophaga Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 23, 1893, p. 236, note, 
in remark on derivation of name. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Norfolk and Lord Howe Id., 1928, p. 1, pl. 1. 
Oliver, New Zealand Bds., 1930, p. 380-384. 
{Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae spadicea (Latham) 

Columba spadicea Latham, Ind. Orn., suppl., 1801, p. Ix. (Norfolk 

Formerly confined to Norfolk Island. Now extinct. 

Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae (Gmelin) 

Columba nove Seelandiz Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 773. (New 
Zealand = Dusky Sound, South Island, ex Latham.) 

New Zealand: North Island, Little and Great Barrier Islands, Hen and 
Chickens, Mayor Island, Kapiti Island, South Island, Stewart Island. 
~~ ‘Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae chathamensis (Rothschild) 

Carpophaga chathamensis Rothschild, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, 
p. 812, pl. 28. (Chatham Islands, type from Main Island.) 

Chatham Islands. 


Lopholaimus Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 5, 1841, pl. [7] (= 5, pl. 61 of bound 
vol.). Type, by monotypy, Columba antarctica Shaw. (New name for 
Lophorhynchus Swainson, 1837, not of Vieillot, 1816.) 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 120-122. 
?Lopholaimus antarcticus minor Mathews 

Lopholaimus antarcticus minor Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 122. 
(Northern Queensland.) 

Northern Queensland. 


Lopholaimus antarcticus antarcticus (Shaw) 

Columba Antarctica Shaw, Zool. New Holland, 1, 1794, p. 15, pl. 5. 
(No locality = New South Wales.) 

Eastern Australia from southern Queensland to Victoria. 

Genus GYMNOPHAPS Satvapori 

Gymnophaps Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 6, 1874, p. 86. Type, 
by original designation, Gymnophaps albertisii Salvadori. 

cf. Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 504, 1931, p. 10-12. 

Gymnophaps albertisii exsul (Hartert) 

Columba albertisii exsul Hartert, Nov. Zool., 10, 1903, p. 60. (Batjan, 
3000 feet.) 

Island of Batjan, Moluccas. 

Gymnophaps albertisii albertisii Salvadori 

Gymnophaps albertisii Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 6, 1874, p. 86. 
(Andai, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of New Guinea, Goodenough Island, Jobi (or Japen), Bis- 
marck Archipelago: New Britain, New Ireland. 
Gymnophaps solomonensis Mayr 

Gymnophaps solomonensis Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 504, 19381, p. 11. 
(Malaita Island, Solomon Islands.) 

Mountainous islands of the Solomon Islands. 

Gymnophaps mada mada (Hartert) 

Columba mada Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 8, 1899, p. 33. (Mt. Mada, 
3000 feet, Buru.) 

Island of Buru. 

Gymnophaps mada stalkeri (Ogilvie-Grant) 
Columba stalkeri Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 27, 1911, p. 104. 
(Kanobi Mountains, 2500 feet, Ceram.) 
Island of Ceram. 

GENus COLUMBA Linneé! 

Columba Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 162. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Columba oenas Linné. (Vigors, 1825.) 

Notienas Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, p. 106. Type, by 
original designation, Columba maculosa Temminck. 

1 Includes Turturaena Bonaparte, of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Raperia Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1915, p. 21, 23. Type, by original 
designation, Raperia godmanae Mathews = Janthaenas halmaheira 

cf. Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 219-235; 7, 
1930, p. 485-437. 

Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 316-333. 

Friedmann, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 158, 1930, p. 205-213 (albi- 
torques, guinea and arquatriz). 

Hand-list Jap. Bds., 1932, p. 127-128. 

Hartert, Vég. pal. Fauna, 2, 1920, p. 1464-1483. 

Meinertzhagen, in Nicoll’s Bds. Egypt, 2, 1930, p. 502-503 (Egyptian 
races of C. livia). 

Reichenow, Vég. Afr., 1, 1901, p. 399-405. 

Ridgway, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 283-333. 

Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 241-327; 328-332 (Tur- 

Sclater, Syst. Av. Atthiop., pt. 1, 1924, p. 160-162. 

Columba leuconota leuconota Vigors 
Columba leuconota Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 1, 1831, 
p. 23. (Himalayas, type probably from Nepal.) 
The Himalayas from western Afghanistan to Sikkim, where it inter- 
grades with the next form; occurs in summer in the Alai Mountains and 
the Pamirs in southwestern Turkestan. 

Columba leuconota gradaria Hartert 
Columba leuconota gradaria Hartert, Nov. Zool., 23, 1916, p. 85. (Sung- 
pan, Szechuan.) 
Mountains of eastern Tibet and western China from the eastern Nan- 
Shans south through Kansu and Szechuan to Yunnan and extreme north- 
western Burma. 

Columba rupestris turkestanica Buturlin 

Columba rupestris pallida Rothschild and Hartert, Orn. Monatsb., 1, 
1893, p. 41. (Altai, type from Katon Karagai.) Not Columba pallida 

Columba rupestris turkestanica Buturlin, Orn. Monatsb., 16, 1908, p. 45. 
New name for Columba rupestris pallida Rothschild and Hartert, pre- 

Semiretchensk, Zaissan and the Russian Altai, south through Turkestan 

and western Tibet to Gilgit and the northern slopes of the Himalayas.1 

Columba rupestris rupestris Pallas 

Columba Oenas 6 rupestris Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso- Mate 1, 1811, p. 560. 

1 Birds from northern Kansu are referable to this race, fide F. Steinbacher, 
tn litt. 


Columba taczanowskii Stejneger, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 16, 1893, p. 624, 
note. (Southern Korea.) 

?Columba lenensis Buturlin, Journ. f. Orn., 56, 1908, p. 292. (Upper 
Lena.) Nomen nudum. 

Columba rupestris intercedens Buturlin, Journ. Sect. Zool. Soc. Imp. 
Anat. Sci. Nat. etc., Moscow, 1, 1913, p. 10. (Upper Lena, western 
Mongolia, Dzungaria and near Koko-nor = Kosso-gol.)} 

Columba rupestris austrina Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 43, 1930, p. 138. 
(Chengtze, 14500-15900 feet, Szechuan, China.) 

Western Mongolia, Transbaikalia and the Amur River, south through 

Mongolia and eastern Tibet to the mountains of western Szechuan, Ala 
Shan, northern China and Korea. 

Columba livia livia Gmelin 
Columba domestica 6 livia Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 769. 
(No type locality = southern Europe.) 
2Columba livia infuscata Krulinovsky, Bull.\Soc. Ural. Nat., 35, 1916, 
p. 8. (Perm, Russia.) 

Columba livia caveae Marelli, Hornero, 5, 1933, p. 195. (Sierra de la 
Ventana in the cliffs of fhe Sauce Ghico: Saldungaray, Buenos Aires 
Province, Argentina.) Nomen nudum. 

British Isles; countries bordering the western Mediterranean, east to 
Dalmatia on the north and Tripoli on the south. Birds probably of this 
race reported as occurring in the Urals, Caucasus and western Siberia. 

Columba livia atlantis Bannerman 

Columba livia atlantis Bannerman, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 51, 1931, p. 116. 
(Above Rosario, Corvo, Azores.) 

Madeira, the Azores and Cape Verde Islands. 

Columba livia canariensis Bannerman 

Columba livia canariensis Bannerman, Ibis, 1914, p. 270. (Cueva de las 
Nifias, Pinar Pajonal, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands.) 

Canary Islands. 

Columba livia gaddi Zarudny and Loudon 
Columba livia gaddi Zarudny and Loudon, Orn. Monatsb., 14, 1906, 
p. 133. (Hill region of Jebel-Tyne and in the mountains east of 
Ahwaz and Nasiri, lower Karun River, southwestern Persia.) 
Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine (except the Dead Sea Depression); 
Island of Crete; Cyrenaica and extreme northwestern Egypt; Iraq and 
southwestern Persia. 

1 Cf. Koslova, Ibis, 1932, p. 587-588. 


Columba livia schimperi Bonaparte 
Columba schimperi Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p- 1107. (Abyssinia, error, the types are from Egypt.) 
The Egyptian Delta and up the Nile to Aswan and Wadi Halfa. 

Columba livia palaestinae Zedlitz 
Columba livia palaestinae Zedlitz, Journ. f. Orn., 60, 1912, p. 339. (Wadi 
Fara [Jordan Valley, near Jericho], Palestine.) 
The Dead Sea Depression in Palestine; Sinai, and Arabia south to Aden 
and Masqat.! 

Columba livia neglecta Hume 
Columba neglecta Hume, in Henderson and Hume’s Lahore to Yarkand, 
1878, p. 272. (Ladak.) 
Columba livia korejewi Zarudny and Loudon, Orn. Monatsb., 14, 1906, 
p. 1384. (Semiretchensk region, Turkestan.) 
Transcaspia and Turkestan south to southern Persia, Baluchistan, Sind 
and northwestern Punjab. 

Columba livia intermedia Strickland 
Columba intermedia Strickland, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 1844, 
p. 89. (India = Calcutta.) 
All of India (except the part occupied by neglecta) east to western Assam 
and south to the dry parts of Burma; Ceylon; occurrence in Siam may be 
due to introduction. 

Columba livia ? nigricans Buturlin 

Columba nigricans Buturlin, Annuaire Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. Sci. 
St. Pétersb., 18, 1908, p. 324. (Tunzay-inzsa in the Sogolov Valley, 
north of Cheng-te and east of Dolon-nor, Vei-chan, Inner Mongolia.) 

Mongolia, and northern China in provinces of Shansi, Chihli and Kansu. 

Columba livia gymnocyclus G. R. Gray 

Columba gymnocyclus G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Columbae, 1856, 
p. 28. (West Africa = Senegal, based on Hartlaub, Journ. f. Orn., 2, 
1854, p. 205.) 

Known only from Senegal. 

1 Bird, Ibis 1935, p. 352, provisionally identifies an adult from the Island of 
Mykonos, Cyclades, as C. l. palaestinae. 

2 Columba livia is undoubtedly the parent stock from which the common 
domestic pigeon has been derived; as such it has been carried by man all over 
the world and in many places has reverted to a wild or semi-wild state. Some 
form of this species occurs in northern China; Chinese wild killed examples 
vary from practically complete melanos to specimens difficult to distinguish 
from C. l. livia, but no Chinese bird that I have examined possesses a white 
rump. My belief is that the name Columba nigricans Buturlin should be ap- 
plied to the Rock Pigeons of northern China, though this country is outside the 
normal range of the species. 


Columba livia lividior Bates 

Columba livia lividior Bates, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 58, 1932, p. 12. (Fiko, 
30 miles east of Mopti, French Sudan.) 

Known definitely only from the type locality in the southwestern part of 
French West Africa; birds from Gambaga, northern Gold Coast, may prove 
referable to this form. 

Columba livia targia Geyr von Schweppenburg 

Columba livia targia Geyr von Schweppenburg, Orn. Monatsb., 24, 
1916, p. 58. (Ain Tahart, Tuareg Mountains.) 

Mountains of the central and eastern Sahara from the Hoggar Moun- 
tains and Air to Darfur. 

Columba livia dakhlae R. Meinertzhagen 

Columba livia dakhle R. Meinertzhagen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, 1928, 
p. 116. (Dakhla Oasis, Libyan Desert.) 
Confined to the vicinity of Dakhla and Kharga Oases in the Libyan 
Columba livia butleri R. Meinertzhagen 
Columba livia butlert R. Meinertzhagen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 42, 1921, 
p. 6. (Gebeit, Red Sea Province, Egyptian Sudan.) 
Known only from the Red Sea Province. 

Columba oenas oenas Linné 

Columba Oenas Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 162. (Europe, re- 
stricted type locality, Sweden, ex Fn. Svec.) 

British Isles, southern Scandinavia, Finland, the Ural Mountains and 
western Siberia north to Tara, south to Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, 
Tunisia, Albania, Turkey, Asia Minor and the ‘forest islands” of the west 
Siberian steppe. 

Columba oenas hyrcana Zarudny and Bilkevitch 
Columba oenas hyrcana Zarudny and Bilkevitch, Orn. Mitt., 4, 1913, 
p. 120. (Siaret, Astarabad, Persia.) 

Northern Persia in provinces of Gilan, Masanderan and Astarabad. 

?Columba oenas tianshanica Buturlin 

Columba oenas tianshanicus Buturlin, Nascha Okhota, 9, 1916, p. 9. 
(Tian Shan.) In Russian. 

Chimkent through Semiretchensk to the northern slopes of the middle 
Tian Shan.! 
Columba oenas yarkandensis Buturlin 
Columba oenas yarkandensis Buturlin, Annuaire Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. 
Sci. St. Pétersb., 13, 1908, p. 325. (Yarkand.) 

1 Description not seen; doubtfully distinct from yarkandensis. 


Columba oenas ferghanensis Buturlin, Nascha Okhota, 9, 1916, p. 9. 
(Ferghana.) In Russian. 

Eastern Turkestan and Ferghana to the southern slopes of the Tian 

Columba eversmanni Bonaparte 
Columba eversmanni Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 43, 
1856, p. 838. (Western and central Asia.) 

Turkestan from the Aral Sea to northern Afghanistan and east to 
Zaissan-nor; in winter to Sind, the southern Punjab, the United Provinces 
and Bihar. 

Columba oliviae Stephenson Clarke 
Columba olivie Stephenson Clarke, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1918, p. 61. 
(Dubbar, 700 feet, 8 miles south of Berbera, British Somaliland.) 

Known only from the coastal hills south and east of Berbera, British 

‘Columba albitorques Riippell 
Columba albitorques Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., Vég., 1837, p. 63, pl. 22, 
f.1. (Taranta Mts. and in the Province of Simen, Ethiopia.) 

Highlands of central and eastern Ethiopia south to Arussi-Gallaland 
and the Omo River region. 

Columba palumbus palumbus Linné 

Columba Palumbus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 168. (Europe 

and Asia; restricted type locality, Sweden, ex Fn. Svec.) 

Forested parts of Europe north in Scandinavia and Russia to about 
lat. 66° N. In winter migrates from the northern part of its range to 
islands in the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Transcaspia, Pales- 
tine and Iraq. 

Columba palumbus excelsa (Bonaparte) 

Palumbus excelsus Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Read. Sci. Paris, 48, 1856, 
p. 836. (Northwestern Africa, the types probably from western 

Mountain forests of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. 

Columba palumbus maderensis T'schusi 

Columba palumbus maderensis Tschusi, Orn. Jahrb., 15, 1904, p. 227. 
(Boaventura, Madeira.) 

Mountain forests on Madeira. 

Columba palumbus azorica Hartert 

Columba palumbus azorica Hartert, Nov. Zool., 12, 1905, p. 93. (Re- 
guinho, 1200 feet, Terceira, Azqres.) 

Eastern and central islands of the Azores. 


Columba palumbus iranica (Zarudny) 

Palumbus palumbus iranicus Zarudny, Nascha Okhota, 1910, p. 116. 
(Kopet-Dagh in Transcaspia and Zagross in southwestern Persia.) 

Southern Transcaspia, northern and western Persia. 

Columba palumbus casiotis (Bonaparte) 
Palumbus casiotis Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1103. (Chinese Tartary.) 

Turkestan and Zaissan, south to eastern Persia, Baluchistan, the Salt 
Range and the Himalayas east to Sikkim. Migrates in winter south to 
Sind, the Punjab and Oudh. 

Columba trocaz trocaz Heineken 

Columba Trocaz Heineken, Edinburgh Journ. Sci. (n.s.), 1, 1829, p. 230. 

Columba laurivora Webb, Berthelot and Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Nat. 
Isles Canariens, 2, pt. 2, 1841, Zool., p. 26, pl. 3. Substitute name for 
C. trocaz. 


Columba trocaz bollii Godman 
Columba bollii Godman, Ibis, 1872, p. 217. (Tenerife.) 

Western Canary Islands on islands of Palma, Gomera and Tenerife; 
formerly on Gran Canaria. 

Columba junoniae Hartert 
Columba laurivora Webb, Berthelot and Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Nat. 
Isles Canariens, 2, pt. 2, 1841, Zool., p. 26, pl. 3. (Canary Islands), 
part, 9. 
Columba junoniae Hartert, Nov. Zool., 23, 1916, p. 86. (La Galga, 
Palma, Canary Islands.) 
Western Canary Islands on islands of Palma and Gomera. 

Columba leucocephala Linné 

Columba leucocephala Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 164. (North 
America = Bahama Islands, ex Catesby.) 

Extreme southern Florida; Bahamas; Greater Antilles; Lesser Antilles 
east and south to Antigua; islands off the Caribbean coast of Central 
America from Yucatan to northwestern Panama. 

Columba picazuro picazuro Temminck 

Columba Picazuro Temminck, Pig. et Gall., 1, 1813, p. 111, 449. (Para- 
guay, ex Azara, no. 317.) 

Crossophthalmus reichenbachi Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1857, p. 55. 
(Patagonia. ) 


Columba picazuro venturiana Hartert, Nov. Zool., 16, 1909, p. 260. 
(Mocovi, Chaco, Argentina.) 

South America from Matto Grosso and eastern Bolivia south to Tucu- 
man and Buenos Aires. 

Columba picazuro marginalis Naumburg 

Columba picazuro marginalis Naumburg, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 554, 
1932, p. 38. (Corriente, 1500 feet, Piauhy, Brazil.) 

Northeastern Brazil in states of Piauhy and Bahia; birds from Goyaz 
may be referable to this race. 

Columba gymnophtalmos Temminck 
Columba Gymnophtalmos [sic] Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1809, 
les colombes, p. 48, pl. 18. (No type locality.) 
Arid Caribbean coast region of Colombia and Venezuela; islands of 
Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, Margarita and Blanquilla. 

Columba squamosa Bonnaterre 
Columba Squamosa Bonnaterre, Tabl. Encyc. Méth., Orn., pt. 1, 1792, 
p. 234. (Guadeloupe, West Indies.) 
Greater Antilles (except Jamaica); Virgin Islands; Lesser Antilles; 
islands of Curacao and Bonaire; Los Testigos Island. 

~ Columba maculosa albipennis Sclater and Salvin 

Columba albipennis Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, 
p. 18. (Peru and Bolivia, the type is from Pitumarca, Peru.) 

Upper Urubamba valley in southeastern Peru; central Bolivia in depart- 
ments of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. 

Columba maculosa maculosa Temminck 
Columba Maculosa Temminck, Pig. et Gall., 1, 1813, p. 113, 450. 
Chloroenas fallax Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 4, Columbae, 1873, p. 80. 
(Rio Negro, Patagonia.)! 
Northern Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, south to Chubut. 

~ Columba unicincta Cassin 

Columba unicincta Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1859 (1860), 
p. 148. (Ogobai [7.e. Ogowe] River, Gaboon.) 
African equatorial forest region from Liberia to Gaboon, east through 
the Belgian Congo to Uganda. 

1 Wetmore, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 133, 1926, p. 185, sets up this name for 
the birds of central and western Argentina, but the differences claimed should 
be confirmed by examination of larger series. 


Columba guinea dilloni (Bonaparte) 

Stictenas dilloni? Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1105. (‘‘Abyssinie.’’) 

Eritrea and perhaps northern Ethiopia. 

Columba guinea guinea Linné 
Columba guinea Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 163. (Africa = in- 
land parts of Guinea, ex Edwards, pl. 75.) 

Columba guinea longipennis Reichenow, Vég. Afr., 1, 1901, p. 402. 
(East Africa from Victoria Nyanza to Ugogo.) 

Senegal eastward through the Sudan to Ethiopia and Somaliland, south 
to the Northern Territories of Gold Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, 
and Tanganyika Territory south to Ugogo. 

? Columba guinea uhehensis Reichenow 
Columba guinea uhehensis Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 6, 1898, p. 82. 
(Iringa, Tanganyika Territory.) 
Known only from the type locality in the Uhehe district of Tanganyika 
Territory. Very doubtfully distinct. 

Columba guinea phaeonotus G. R. Gray 

Columba phaeonotus G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Columbae, 1856, 
p. 32. (Cape of Good Hope, based on Columba trigonera Bonaparte, 
not Wagler.) 

Greater part of South Africa south of the Zambesi; not recorded from 
Rhodesia or Mozambique. 

Columba guinea bradfieldi (Roberts) 

Dialiptila phaeonota bradfieldi Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 14, 1931, 
p. 239. (Waterberg, South West African Mandate.) 

Drier portions of South West Africa. 

Columba hodgsonii Vigors 
Columba Hodgsonii Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 2, 1832, 
p. 16. (Nepal.) 
Resident between 8000 and 13000 feet in the Himalayas from Kashmir 
to Assam and south to Burma and the Shan States; western China in 
southern Kansu, western Szechuan and western Yunnan. 

Columba arquatrix sjostedti Reichenow 

Columba sjéstedti Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 46, 1898, p. 188. (Cam- 
eroon.) Nomem nudum. 

Columba sjéstedti Reichenow, Vég. Afr., 1, 1901, p. 404. (Cameroon 
Mountain.) First description. 

Highlands of Cameroon, occurring only above 6000 feet. 


Columba arquatrix arquatrix Temminck 

Colomba [sic] Arquatrix Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1809, les 
colombes, p. 11, pl. 5. (South Africa = Antenoquoi Country, 7.e. 
Knysna, Cape Province, ea Levaillant.) 

Columba sodalica Madarasz, Orn. Monatsb., 20, 1912, p. 46. (Kolubi, 
Forested parts of eastern Africa from Ethiopia, Uganda and eastern 
Belgian Congo to South Africa; Angola. 
Columba thomensis Bocage 

Columba arquatrix var. thomensis Bocage, Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. e Nat., 
Acad. Real Sci. Lisboa, 12, 1888, p. 230, 232. (Sao Thomé.)! 
Now confined to the Island of Sao Thomé in the Gulf of Guinea; formerly 
occurred also on Rollas Islet. 

Columba albinucha Sassi 

Columba arquatrix albinucha Sassi, Orn. Monatsb., 19, 1911, p. 68. 
(Moera, near Fort Beni, Lake Albert Edward.) 

Forests of the Ituri and Semliki districts of the Belgian Congo. 

~~ Columba flavirostris flavirostris Wagler 

Columba flavirostris Wagler, Isis von Oken, 1831, col. 519. (Mexico, re- 
stricted to the State of Vera Cruz by van Rossem, Trans. San Diego 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 6, 1930, p. 198.) 

Southeastern Sonora, Sierra Madre of Chihuahua, San Luis Potosf, and 
the lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas, south over Mexico and Central 
America to Nicaragua and eastern Costa Rica. 

~~~ Columba flavirostris restricta van Rossem 

Columba flavirostris restricta van Rossem, Trans. San Diego Nat. Hist. 
Soc., 6, 1930, p. 197. (Tecoripa, Sonora, Mexico.) 

Western Mexico from west-central Sonora to Sinaloa. 

Columba flavirostris madrensis Nelson 

Columba flavirostris madrensis Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 12, 1898, 
p. 6. (Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands.) 

Islands of Maria Madre and Cleofa of the Tres Marias Islands off the 
west coast of Mexico. 
——~ Columba flavirostris minima Carriker 

Columba flavirostris minima Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6, 1910, 
p. 391 (in key), p. 392. (Ciruelas, Costa Rica.) 

Confined to the lowlands about the Gulf of Nicoya, western Costa Rica.” 

1 See Bannerman, Ibis, 1931, p. 652-654, pl. 20. 

* Birds from the range outlined above are uniformly small, but it is a mistake 
to include as members of this subspecies birds from Nicaragua or the highlands 
of eastern Costa Rica; such examples are referable to C. f. flavirostris. 


Columba oenops Salvin 

Columba oenops Salvin, Nov. Zool., 2, 1895, p. 20. (Vifia, Huamachuco, 
5500 feet, Malca and Cajabamba, 8000 feet, Peru.) 

Columba vina Godman, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 10, 1899, p. 27. (Vina 
[= Vifia], Huamachuco, Peru.) 


Columba inornata inornata Vigors 

Columba inornata Vigors, Zool. Journ., 3, 1827, p. 446. (Near Havana, 

Columba inornata proxima Todd, Proce. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, p. 170. 
(Los Indios, Isle of Pines.) 

Cuba and the Isle of Pines; Hispaniola. 
Columba inornata exigua (Ridgway) 
Chlorenas inornata exigua Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 177. (Cumberland Valley, Jamaica.) 
Columba inornata wetmorei nom. nov. 

Chlorenas inornata exsul Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 106. (Puerto Rico.) Not Columba albertisii exsul Hartert, 1903. 

Puerto Rico. 
Columba caribaea Jacquin 

Columba caribea Jacquin, Beytr. Gesch. Vég., 1784, p. 30. (Caribbean 
Islands, i.e. = Jamaica, ex Brisson.) 

Jamaica; formerly in Puerto Rico (?). 
Columba rufina pallidicrissa Chubb 
Columba pallidicrissa Chubb, Ibis, 1910, p. 60. (Costa Rica.) 
Southern Mexico from Chiapas and Vera Cruz south over Central 
America to northern Colombia. 
? Columba rufina occidentalis Stolazmann 

Columba rufina occidentalis Stolamann, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polon. Hist. 
Nat., 5, 1926, p. 201. (Yaguachi, Rio Yaguachi, Ecuador.) 

Western Ecuador. 
Columba rufina rufina Temminck 

Columba Rufina Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 
p. 59, pl. 24. (French Guiana.) 

British, Dutch and French Guiana. 
Columba rufina tobagensis Cory 

Columba rufina tobagensis Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Orn. Ser., 
1, 1915, p. 295. (Island of Tobago.) 

Islands of Tobago and Trinidad. 


Columba rufina andersoni Cory 
Columba rufina andersoni Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Orn. Ser., 
1, 1915, p. 294. (Serra da Lua, near Boa Vista, northern Brazil.) 
Southeastern Colombia (probably) and eastern Ecuador, eastward 
across southern Venezuela and Brazil north of the Amazon to Pard and 
the islands of Marajos and Mexiana. 

~ Columba rufina sylvestris Vieillot 

Columba sylvestris Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 26, 1818, p. 366. 
(Paraguay, ex Azara.) 
Eastern Peru and Brazil south of the Amazon, to Argentina (provinces 
of La Rioja, Tucumdn, Chaco and Misiones), Paraguay and Rio Grande 
do Sul. 

Columba fasciata fasciata Say ! 

Columba fasciata Say, in Long’s Exped. Rocky Mts., Phila. ed., 2, 1823, 
p. 10, note. (Small tributary of the Platte, = Plum Creek, near 
Castle Rock, Douglas County, Colorado.) 

Mountainous parts of western North America, Mexico and northern 
Central America from Vancouver Island, southwestern British Columbia, 
Montana and western North Dakota, south to northern Lower California 
and Honduras. 

Columba fasciata vioscae Brewster 

Columba fasciata viosce Brewster, Auk, 5, 1888, p. 86. (Sierra de la 
Laguna, Lower California.) 
Mountains of extreme southern Lower California south of lat. 23° 45! N. 

Columba fasciata letonai Dickey and van Rossem 
Columba fasciata letonat Dickey and van Rossem, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 
39, 1926, p. 109. (Cacaguatique, 3500 feet, Dept. San Miguel, El 
Apparently confined to the cordilleran spurs along the Honduras-Salva- 
dér border and to the Volcan San Miguel. 

Columba fasciata parva Griscom 
Columba fasciata parva Griscom, Ibis, 1935, p. 553. (Matagalpa, Nica- 
ragua.) : 
Northern Nicaragua. 

—Columba albilinea crissalis Salvadori 

Columba crissalis Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 245 (in 
key), p. 294. (Boquete de Chitra, Veraguas, Panama.) 

Highlands of Costa Rica and of western Panama. 

1 Perhaps C. fasciata, C. albilinea and C. araucana should be regarded as 


Columba albilinea albilinea Bonaparte 
Columba albilinea “Gr.”’ Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 
1854, p. 1108. (South America = Colombia.) 

Subtropical and temperate zones of the Western and Central Andes and 
Santa Marta Mountains of Colombia, Andes of Ecuador and Peru and 
highlands of Bolivia; Andes of Mérida and Cumbre de Valencia, Venezuela. 
Columba albilinea roraimae Chapman 

Columba albilinea roraime Chapman, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 341, 1929, 

p. 1. (Philipp Camp, 6000 feet, Mt. Roraima, Venezuela.) 
Known only from Mt. Duida, Venezuela, and Mt. Roraima on the 
Venezuela-British Guiana border. 
Columba albilinea tucumana Salvadori 
Columba tucumana Salvadori, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 10, 
1895, no. 208, p. 22. (San Pablo, Tucuman, Argentina.) ! 

Mountains of Tucumdn; the birds recorded from the mountains of 
Catamarca are probably of this race. 

Columba araucana Lesson 

Columba araucana Lesson, Voy. ‘Coquille,’ Zool., 1, livr. 4, 1827, Atlas, 

pl. 40; livr. 6, 18380, p. 706. (Talcahuano, Concepcién Bay, Chile.) 

Central and southern provinces of Chile from Coquimbo to the peninsula 
of Tres Montes; forested slopes of the Andes in Argentina from Neuquen 
to western Chubut. 

Columba elphinstonii (Sykes) 
Ptilinopus Elphinstonii Sykes, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 2, 1832 
(1833), p. 149. (The Ghauts of Deccan.) 
Hill tracts of southwestern India from Mahabaleshwar to Cape Cormorin. 

Columba torringtoni Bonaparte 

Palumbus Torringtonii Kelaart, Prodr. Faunae Zeylanicae, 1852, p. 107. 
(Ceylon.) Nomen nudum. 

Columba torringtoni “Layard” Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 39, 1854, p. 1103. (Ceylon.) 

Confined to Ceylon. 

Columba pulchricollis Blyth 

Columba pulchricollis “Hodgson” Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 14, 
pt. 2, 1845 (1846), p. 866. (Wooded region of eastern Himalaya, 7.e. 

1 As near as can be determined without actually examining the type, tucu- 
mana is based on an aberrant specimen of albilinea. A single specimen of 
albilinea in the Museum of Comparative Zosdlogy from Tucumian is very close 
to the typical subspecies, but slightly larger. 

2 This is a nomen nudum in Gray’s Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 85, and in G. R. Gray, 
List Bds. Brit. Mus., 1844, Gallinae, p. 9. 


Tibet, Nepal and Sikkim between elevations of 7000 and 10000 feet; 
hills of Assam above 5000 feet (recorded in winter from the submontane 
tracts of Bihar and Bengal); Shan States; Island of Formosa. 

Columba punicea Blyth 
Columba (Alsocomus) puniceus ‘“Tickell’”’ Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 
11, pt. 1, 1842, p. 461 (Chyebassa.) 
Eastern Bengal, Assam and Laos, south to the northern part of the 
Malay Peninsula, Siam and southern Annam. 

Columba palumboides (Hume) 
Carpophaga palumboides Anonymous = Hume, Str. Feath., 1, 1873, 
p. 302. (Port Mouat, Andaman Islands.) 
Andamans and Nicobars. 

Columba janthina janthina Temminck 
Columba janthina Temminck, PI. col., livr. 86, 18380, pl. 503. (Japan.) 
Japan: Hondo, Oki, Seven Islands of Izu, Shikoku, Kiusiu, Tsushima, 
Tanegashima, Yakushima, Amami-Oshima; northern Riu Kiu Islands: 
Okinawa and Zamami. 

Columba janthina stejnegeri (Kuroda) 
Janthenas janthina stejnegert Kuroda, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, 1923, 
p. 107. (Yonakuni Island, Riu Kiu Islands.) 
Southern Riu Kiu Islands: Ishigaki, Iriomote, Yonakuni. 

- Columba janthina nitens (Stejneger) 
Janthoenas nitens Stejneger, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 10, 1887, p. 421. 
(Bonin Islands.) 

Bonin and Volcano Islands. 

{Columba versicolor Kittlitz 
Columba versicolor Kittlitz, Kupfertaf. Naturg. Vég., 1, p. 5, pl. 5, fig. 2. 
(Bonin Islands.) 
Apparently confined to the Parry group of the Bonin Islands. Now 

Columba jouyi (Stejneger) 
Janthenas jouyi Stejneger, Am. Nat., 21, 1887, p. 583. (Riu Kiu 
Riu Kau Islands: Ihya, Ijina, Okinawa, Yagachi, Zamami; Borodino 

Columba vitiensis griseogularis (Walden and Layard) 
Ianthenas griseogularis Walden and Layard, Ibis, 1872, p. 104, pl. 6. 
(Guimaras, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands, Sulu Archipelago, and north Bornean islands. 


Columba vitiensis metallica Temminck 
Columba metallica Temminck, PI. col., livr. 95, 1835, pl. 562. (Timor.) 
Lesser Sunda Islands: Lombok, Sumbawa, Timor, Wetar, Moa, Babar, 

Columba vitiensis halmaheira (Bonaparte) 
Janthoenas albigularis Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 
1854, p. 1105. Nomen nudum. 
Janthaenas halmaheira Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 44. (Hal- 
mahera and Ceram.) 
Raperia godmanae Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 8, 1915, p. 24. (Lord 
Howe Island! probably in error.) 
Banggai, Sula Islands, Moluccas, Kei Islands, western Papuan Islands, 
New Guinea, Louisiade Archipelago, D’Entrecasteaux Islands, Bismarck 
Archipelago, Solomon Islands. 

Columba vitiensis leopoldi (Tristram) 
Lanthenas leopoldi Tristram, Ibis, 1879, p. 193. (Island of Vaté, New 
New Hebrides. 

Columba vitiensis hypoenochroa (Gould) 

Ianthenas hypenochroa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 186. 
(Isle of Pines.) 

Columba hypoenochroa typica (Gould) F. Sarasin, Nova Caledonia, 1, 
1913, p. 52. (New Caledonia and Isle of Pines.) 

Columba hypoenochroa uveaensis F. Sarasin, Nova Caledonia, 1, 1913, 
p. 538. (Uvea, Loyalty Islands.) 

New Caledonia, Isle of Pines, Loyalty Islands. 

Columba vitiensis vitiensis Quoy and Gaimard 
Columba vitiensis Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. ‘Astrolabe,’ Zool., 1, 1880, 
p. 246; Atlas, Ois., pl. 28. (Fiji Islands.) 
Fiji Islands. 

Columba vitiensis castaneiceps Peale 
Columba castaneiceps Peale, U.S. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 187. (Upolu, 
Samoa Islands. 

Columba pallidiceps (Ramsay) 

Ianthenas pallidiceps Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 2, 
1877, p. 248. (Duke of York Islands.) 

Ianthenas philippane Ramsay, Nature, 25, 19 Jan., 1882, p. 282. 
(Solomon Islands.) Proce. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 6, 1881 
(March, 1882), p. 721. (Ugi, San Cristoval, Solomon Ids.) 

Bismarck Archipelago: New Britain, Duke of York Islands; Solomon 



~~ Columba norfolciensis Latham 

Columba Norfolciensis Latham, Index Orn., Suppl., 1801, p. Ix. (Nor- 
folk Island, error = New South Wales, apud Mathews.) 

Leucomelena norfolciensis queenslandica Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 
1916, p. 54. (Queensland.) 

Eastern Australia from Queensland to New South Wales. 

Columba argentina Bonaparte 
Myristicivora grisea Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p.36. (Malaya and 
Borneo.) Ex Carpophaga grisea G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., 
1844, Gallinae, Grallae and Anseres, p. 5, where a nomen nudum. Not 
Columba grisea Bonnaterre. 
Columba argentina? ‘‘Temm.” Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 36. 
In synonymy of Myristicivora grisea Bonaparte. 
Columba phasma Richmond, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 26, 1903, p. 490. 
New name for Myristicivora grisea Bonaparte, not available. 
Anamba Islands, Borneo, Bintang Island in the Rhio Archipelago, 
Sumatra, Mentawi Islands. 

Columba pollenii Schlegel 

Columba pollenit Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 3, 1866, p. 87. 
(Mayotte, Comoro Islands.) 

Comoro Islands. 

~~ Columba speciosa Gmelin 
Columba speciosa Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 783. (Cayenne, 
ex Daubenton, Pl. enlum., pl. 213.) 
Greater part of tropical America from Oaxaca and Vera Cruz, south over 
Central and South America to Peru, eastern Bolivia, Matto Grosso and 
Santa Catharina; Island of Trinidad. 

Columba nigrirostris Sclater 

Columba nigrirostris Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859 (1860), 
p. 390. (Oaxaca, Mexico.) 

Columba nigrirostris brunneicauda Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6, 
1910, p. 391 (in key), p. 395. (Gudpiles, Costa Rica.) 

Southern Mexico from Oaxaca and Vera Cruz, south over the lowlands 
of Central America to the Canal Zone. 

Columba goodsoni Hartert 

Columba goodsoni Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 1902, p. 42. (San 
Javier, Pambilar and Carondelet, northwestern Ecuador; the type is 
from Pambilar.) 

Lowlands of western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. 


Columba subvinacea subvinacea (Lawrence) 
Chloroenas subvinacea Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 9, 1868, 
p. 135. (Dota, Costa Rica.) 
Subtropical zone of Costa Rica and western Panama. 

Columba subvinacea berlepschi Hartert 
Columba subvinacea berlepschi Hartert, Nov. Zool., 5, 1898, p. 504. 
(Paramba, 3500 feet, Ecuador.) 
Pacific coast region from eastern Panama to southern Ecuador. 

Columba subvinacea bogotensis (Berlepsch and Leverkiihn) 
Chloroenas plumbea Vieil. subsp. n. bogotensis Berlepsch and Leverkiihn, 
Ornis, 6, 1890, p. 32. (Bogota, Colombia.) 
Columba ogilvie-grantti Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, p. 5. 
(Guayabamba, 4500 feet, Peru.) 
Columba anolaime Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, p. 17. (Ano- 
laima, 5000 feet, western slope of the Eastern Andes, Colombia.) 

Northern end of the Western Andes of Colombia, through the subtropi- 
cal zone of the Central and Eastern Andes to the tropical zone at the base 
of the Eastern Andes; thence southward to Bolivia. 

Columba subvinacea zuliae Cory 
Columba subvinacea zuliex Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Orn. Ser., 
1, 1915, p. 295. (Orope, Zulia, Venezuela.) 
Western Venezuela. 

Columba subvinacea peninsularis Chapman 
Columba subvinacea peninsularis Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
34, 1915, p. 366. (Mountains above Cristobal Colon, 1500 feet, Paria 
Peninsula, Venezuela.) 

Paria Peninsula, Venezuela. 

Columba plumbea delicata Berlepsch and Stolzmann 

Columba plumbea delicata Berlepsch and Stolzmann, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 1902, vol. 2, p. 44, in text. (La Gloria, Chanchamayo, Peru.) 

Columba plumbea propinqua Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Orn. 
Ser., 1, 1915, p. 295. (Moyobamhba, Peru.) 

Columba plumbea andicola Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, p. 32. 
(Mapiri, Bolivia.) 

Eastern Colombia south through eastern Ecuador and Peru to Bolivia. 

Columba plumbea chapmani (Ridgway) 

(nenas plumbea chapmani Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, 
pt. 7, 1916, p. 325. (Gualea, Province of Pichincha, Ecuador.) 

Subtropical zone of western Ecuador. 


Columba plumbea pallescens Snethlage 
Columba plumbea pallescens Snethlage, Journ. f. Orn., 56, 1908, p. 22. 
(Bom Lugar, Rio Purts, Brazil.) 
Columba plumbea wallace: Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, p. 32. 
(Rio Capim, Para, Brazil.) 

Southern tributaries of the Amazon from the Rio Purts east to Para. 

?Columba plumbea locutrix Wied 

Columba locutriz Wied, Reise Bras., 2, 1821, p. 118, note. (Banks of the 
Rio Ilheos, Bahia, Brazil.) 

Eastern Brazil in states of Pernambuco and Bahia (boundary between 
this race and C. p. plumbea not determined). 
Columba plumbea baeri Hellmayr 

Columba plumbea baeri Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 91. (Goyaz, 

Central Brazil in states of Goyaz and northwestern Minas Geraés. 


‘Columba plumbea plumbea Vieillot 

Columba plumbea Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 26, 1818, p. 358. 

Southeastern Brazil from Bahia(?) to Santa Catharina; Paraguay(?). 

Columba chiriquensis (Ridgway) 
(Enenas chiriquensis Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, p. 139. 
(Chiriqui, Panama.) 
Known only from the unique type. 

-——~ Columba purpureotincta Ridgway 

Columba purpureotincta Ridgway, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 10, 1888, 
p. 594, note. (Demerara, British Guiana.) 

Venezuela and the Guianas; Island of Curacao. 

——~ Columba delegorguei sharpei (Salvadori) 

Turturoena sharpei Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 328 
(in key), p. 329, pl. 9, f. 3. (Mt. Elgon, Kenya Colony.) 

Turturoena hartertt Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 46, 1898, p. 287, pl. 2. 
(Mt. Kilimanjaro.) 

East Africa from Mount Elgon south to the Uluguru and Usambara 
Mountains in Tanganyika Territory. 

Columba delegorguei delegorguei Delegorgue 

Columba Delegorguet Delegorgue, Voy. Afr. Austr., 2, 1847, p. 615. 
(Durban, Natal.) 

Zululand and lower Natal. 


Columba iriditorques iriditorques Cassin 
Columra [sic] iriditorques Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 8, 1856, 
p. 254. (St. Paul’s River, Liberia.) 
Turturena iriditorques rothschildi Neumann, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 21, 
1908, p. 42. (Ituri Forest, Belgian Congo.) 

Western Africa from Sierra Leone to northern Angola, west to the Ituri 
district and the upper Congo. 

?Columba iriditorques incerta (Salvadori) 
Turturena incerta Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 328 (in 
key), p. 830. (No type locality.) 

Range and status not known.! 

Columba malherbii Verreaux and Verreaux 
Columba Malherbii J. and E. Verreaux, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 3, 1851, 
p. 514. (Gaboon, error = SAo Thomé.) 
Islands of Principe, Sio Thomé and Annobon, in the Gulf of Guinea. 

GrENus NESOENAS Satvapor1 

Nesenas Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 240 (in key), 
p. 827. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Columba mayeri 

cf. Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 165-166, pl. 3, f. 3. 

jNesoenas mayeri (Prévost) 

Columba Mayeri ‘March.’ Prévost, in Knip, Les Pigeons, ed. 2, 2, 
[1838-1843], 1843, p. 113, pl. 60. (Mauritius.) 

Mauritius.2 Now extinct. 

Genus TURACOENA BonapartTE 

Turacoena Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 112. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Columba manadensis Quoy and 
Gaimard. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 150.) 

cf. Rensch, Orn. Monatsb., 34, 1926, p. 174-175. (races of T. mana- 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 333-335. 

1 The type in the British Museum, the skin of a bird that formerly lived in 
the Zoological Society’s Gardens, remains unique; whether it represents a dis- 
tinct race whose range is unknown, or whether it is merely an aberration, re- 
mains to be learned; Prof. Neumann (in litt.) definitely states it to be the latter. 

2 Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 166, has named Nesoenas duboisi from 
Réunion. This is an entirely apocryphal species, based solely on the description 
of Dubois in ‘‘ Voyages aux Iles Dauphine ou Madagascar’’; no specimens or 
remains of any kind are known. 


~ Turacoena manadensis manadensis (Quoy and Gaimard) 
Columba manadensis Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. ‘Astrolabe,’ Zool, 1, 
1830, p. 248; Atlas, Ois., pl. 30. (Menado, Celebes.) 
Turacoena menadensis [sic] elberti Rensch, Orn. Monatsb., 34, 1926, 
p. 175. (Baubau, Buton Island.) 
Celebes; Togian Islands; Buton. 

__—_— Turacoena manadensis sulaénsis Forbes and Robinson 

Turacoena menadensis [sic] subsp. sulaénsts Forbes and Robinson, Bull. 
Liverpool Mus., 2, 1900, p. 185. (Sula Islands.) 

Turacoena manadensis sulaénsis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 10, 1903, p. 35. 
(Sula Islands.) 

Island of Peling and the Sula Islands. 

~~~ Turacoena modesta (Temminck) 
Columba modesta Temminck, PI. col., livr. 98, 1835, pl. 552. (Timor.) 
Confined to the islands of Timor and Wetar. 

GreNnus MACROPYGIA Swainson 

Macropygia Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 348. Type, by subse- 
quent designation, Columba phasianella Temminck, 1824, pl. col. 100. 
(not Columba phasianella Temminck 1821) = Macropygia tenwiros- 
tris Bonaparte (Salvadori, Orn. Pap. e Mol., 3, 1882, p. 1382).2 

Tusalia ‘““Hodgson” Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 12, pt. 2, 1843, 
p. 937. Type, by tautonymy, Columba tusalia Hodgson 1.e. Blyth. 

ef. Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 253-257; 7, 

1930, p. 442. 

Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 2, 1898, p. 637-642. 

Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 37, 1929, p. 149-150 (characters and 
ranges of rufocastanea and nigrirostris). 

Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 335-364. 

Siebers, Treubia, 7, Suppl., 1930, p. 189-191. 

Stresemann and Paludan, Nov. Zool., 38, 1932, p. 185. 

~~ Macropygia unchall tusalia (Blyth) 

Columba tusalia “Hodgson” Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 12, pt. 2, 
18438, p. 936. (Darjeeling.) 

The Himalayas from Kashmir and Garhwal east to Assam and perhaps 
to western Szechuan, south in the hills to Burma and the Shan States. 

1 Gray mentions two species in 1840 and again in 1841 without designating 
a type; in 1855 he designates amboinensis which was not one of the originally 
included species. Strangely enough neither Bena nor Reichenbach actu- 
ally designated a type. 


Macropygia unchall minor Swinhoe 

Macropygia tusalia (Hodgs.) var. minor Swinhoe, Ibis, 1870, p. 355. 
(Hainan. ) 

Mountains of southeastern China in provinces of Fohkien and Kwang- 
tung, and south in the mountains of Laos and Annam to northern Siam; 
Island of Hainan. 

Macropygia unchall unchall (Wagler) ” 

Columba Unchall Wagler, Syst. Av., 1827, Columba, sp. 38. (No lo- 
cality, based on Columba phasianella juv. of Temminck, Pl. col., 
livr. 17.) 

Mountains of the Malay Peninsula; islands of Sumatra, Java and Lombok. 

Macropygia amboinensis sanghirensis Salvadori 

Macropygia sanghirensis Salvadori, Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 13, 1878, 
p. 1185, 1186. (Petta, Sangir Island.) 

Sangir and Talaut Islands. 

Macropygia amboinensis albicapilla Bonaparte 

Macropygia albicapilla ““Temm.” Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 39, 1854, p. 1111. (Celebes.) 

Celebes, Peling, Banggai, Sula Islands, Kalidupa and Buton. 

Macropygia amboinensis batchianensis Wallace 
Macropygia amboinensis var. batchianensis Wallace, Ibis, 1865, p. 389. 
Northern Moluccas, Morotai, Halmahera, Batjan, Ternate. 
Macropygia amboinensis amboinensis (Linné) 
Columba amboinensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 286. (Am- 
Southern Moluccas: Buru, Ceram, Amboina. 

Macropygia amboinensis keyensis Salvadori 
Macropygia keyensis Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 9, 1876, p. 204. 
(Kei Islands.) 
Kei Islands. 

Macropygia amboinensis doreya Bonaparte 

Macropygia doreya Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1111. (New Guinea.) 

Northwestern New Guinea east to the head of Geelvink Bay; western 
Papuan islands: Waigeu, Misol, Kofiao, Salawati and Batanta. 

1 Hartert, Nov. Zool., 17, 1910, 194, does not believe M. u. minor to be sepa- 
rable from M. u. tusalia; a small series from Fohkien (La Touche collection) 
agrees in general darker coloration with a specimen from Hainan. I therefore 
recognize minor with the range as given. 

2 Replaces Macropygia leptogrammica (Temm.) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Macropygia amboinensis maforensis Salvadori 

Macropygia maforensis Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 12, 1878, 
p. 429, 432. (Mafor [now Numfor] Island, Geelvink Bay.) 

Confined to Numfor Island. 

Macropygia amboinensis griseinucha Salvadori 

Macropygia griseinucha Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 9, 1876, 
p. 204, pt. (Miosnom.) 

Confined to the Island Mios Num, in Geelvink Bay. 

~Macropygia amboinensis kerstingi Reichenow 
Macropygia kerstingi Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 5, 1897, p. 25. (Nuru 
River and Ramu River, northeastern New Guinea.) 
Island of Jobi; northern coast of New Guinea from Mamberano to 
Astrolabe Bay. (The birds occurring from Astrolabe Bay eastward are 
more or less intermediate between this form and M. a. goldiev.)' 

~ Macropygia amboinensis goldiei Salvadori 

Macropygia goldiei Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 338 (in 
key), p. 358. (Southeastern New Guinea.) 

South coast of southeastern New Guinea from the Merauke region to 
Milne Bay. 
Macropygia amboinensis meeki Rothschild and Hartert 

Macropygia amboinensis meeki Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 22, 
1915, p. 39. (Vulcan Island.) 

Confined to Vulcan Island (or Manam), off northeastern New Guinea. 
Macropygia amboinensis cinereiceps Tristram 

Macropygia cinereiceps Tristram, Ibis, 1889, p. 558. (Fergusson Island.) 

D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago. 

Macropygia amboinensis cunctata Hartert 

Macropygia doreya cunctata Hartert, Nov. Zool., 6, 1899, p. 214. (Rossel 
Island, Louisiade Group.) 

Louisiade Archipelago. 
Macropygia amboinensis carteretia Bonaparte 

Macropygia carteretia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 
1854, p. 1112. (New Ireland.) 

Bismarck Archipelago (except New Hanover); Lihir Islands. 
Macropygia amboinensis huskeri Neumann 

Macropygia amboinensis hiiskeri Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 15, 
1922, p. 234. (New Hanover.) 

New Hanover. 

1 For a review of the central and eastern New Guinea forms of M. amboinen- 
sis, ef. Mayr, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 707. 


Macropygia ruficeps assimilis Hume 

Macropygia assimilis Hume, Str. Feath., 2, 1874, p. 441. (Tenasserim 
hills northeast of Moulmein.) 

Burma from Karennee and Shandoung south to Muleyit; southern Shan 
States and northwestern Siam. 
Macropygia ruficeps malayana Chasen and Kloss 

Macropygia ruficeps malayana Chasen and Kloss, Bull. Raffles Mus., 
no. 5, 1931, p. 82. (Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang Boundary, 
2500-4500 feet, Federated Malay States.) 

Malay States. 

~Macropygia ruficeps engelbachi Delacour 

Macropygia ruficeps engelbacht Delacour, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 49, 1928, 
p. 50. (Xaeng Khouang, 4000 feet, Laos.) 

Tonkin and northern Laos. 

Macropygia ruficeps nana Stresemann 

Macropygia ruficeps nana Stresemann, Nov. Zool., 20, 1913, p. 311. 
(Kina Balu, 3000 feet, Borneo.) 


Macropygia ruficeps sumatrana Robinson and Kloss 

Macropygia ruficeps sumatranus Robinson and Kloss, Journ. Str. Branch 
Roy. As. Soc., no. 80, 1919, p. 77. (Gunong Talaman, 4250 feet, 
Ophir district, western Sumatra.) 


Macropygia ruficeps simalurensis Richmond 

Macropygia simalurensis Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 15, 1902, 
p. 187. (Simalur Island, off the west coast of Sumatra.) 

Confined to Simalur Island. 

Macropygia ruficeps ruficeps (Temminck) 
Columba ruficeps Temminck, PI. col., livr. 95, 1834, pl. 561. (Java and 
Sumatra, restricted type locality, Java.) 

Java and Bali. 

Macropygia ruficeps orientalis Hartert 

Macropygia ruficeps orientalis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, p. 573. 
(Tambora, 3000 feet, Sumbawa.) 

Islands of Sumbawa, Flores, Pantar and Timor. 

Macropygia magna macassariensis Wallace 

Macropygia amboinensis var. macassariensis Wallace, Ibis, 1865, p. 389. 
(Macassar, Celebes.) 

Southern Celebes and Island of Salayer. 


Macropygia magna longa Meise 

Macropygia magna longa Meise, Journ. f. Orn., 78, 1930, p. 188. (Kalao 
Islands of Djampea and Kalao tua. 

Macropygia magna magna Wallace 

Macropygia magna Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863 (1864), 
p. 497. (Timor.) 
Islands of Timor, Alor, Wetar, Roma, Kisar, Letti and Moa. 

Macropygia magna timorlaoénsis A. B. Meyer 

Macropygia timorlaoénsis A. B. Meyer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn., 1, 1884, 
* p. 214. (Timorlaut.) 

Tenimber Islands. 

Macropygia phasianella septentrionalis Hachisuka 

Macropygia tenuirostris septentrionalis Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, 
Suppl. publ. no. 14, 1930, p. 151. (Botel Tobago.) 

Island of Botel Tobago and the Batan Islands. 

Macropygia phasianella phaea McGregor 
Macropygia phea McGregor, Bull. Phil. Mus., no. 4, 1904, p. 9. (Ca- 
layan Island.) 
Confined to Calayan Island. 

~~ Macropygia phasianella tenuirostris Bonaparte 

Macropygia tenuirostris ‘Gr.’ Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 39, 1854, p. 1111. (Philippines = vicinity of Manila, ex 
Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 17, pl. 100.) 

Philippines generally, including Palawan and the Sulu Archipelago. 

~~~ Macropygia phasianella borneensis Robinson and Kloss 

Macropygia emiliana borneensis Robinson and Kloss, Journ. Fed. Malay 
States Mus., 10, 1921, p. 203. (Lingit, Saribas, Sarawak, Borneo.) 

Northern Borneo. 

Macropygia phasianella hypopercna Oberholser 

Macropygia emiliana hypopercna Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 
1912, no. 7, p. 2. (Sibabo Bay, Simalur Island.) 

Confined to Simalur Island. 

Macropygia phasianella modiglianii Salvadori 

Macropygia modiglianii Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 24, 1887, 
p. 559, pl. 8, f. 2. (Lelemboli, Nias Island.) 

Confined to Nias Island. 


Macropygia phasianella elassa Oberholser 
Macropygia emiliana elassa Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 1912, 
no. 7, p. 2. (Sikakap Strait, North Pagi Island.) 
Mentawi Islands: Siberut, Sipora, North Pagi and South Pagi. 

Macropygia phasianella cinnamomea Salvadori ! 
Macropygia cinnamomea Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 32, 1892, 
p. 140. (Engano.) 
Confined to Engano Island. 

Macropygia phasianella emiliana Bonaparte 

Macropygia emiliana Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 
1854, p. 1111. (Java, restricted to the plains of central Java by Robin- 
son and Kloss, Journ. Fed. Malay States Mus., 10, 1921, p. 203.) 

Macropygia phasianella barussa Siebers, Treubia, 11, 1929, p. 152. 
(Residency of Palembang, Sumatra.) ? 

Sumatra, Java, Klapper Island, Lombok, Sumbawa and Flores. 

Macropygia phasianella megala Siebers 
Macropygia phasianella megala Siebers, Treubia, 11, 1929, p. 151. (Ard- 
jasa, Kangean Island.) 
Confined to Kangean Island. 

Macropygia phasianella robinsoni Mathews 
Macropygia phasianella robinsoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 185. 
(Northern Territory.) 
Northern Australia. 

Macropygia phasianella phasianella (Temminck) 
Columba phasianella Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 183, pt. 1, 
1821, p. 129. (Near Port Jackson, New South Wales.) 
Eastern Australia: southern Queensland and New South Wales. 

Macropygia rufipennis Blyth 
Macropygia rufipennis Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 15, 1846, p. 371. 
(Southern Nicobars.) 
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 

Macropygia nigrirostris Salvadori 
Macropygia nigrirostris Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, 
p. 972. (Arfak and Warbusi.) 

1 Not seen. Perhaps not a subspecies of M. phasianella. 
2 Sometimes spelled barussana. Not distinguishable from M. p. emiliana, 
cf. Kloss, Treubia, 13, 1931, p. 309. 


Macropygia nigrirostris major van Oort, Notes Leyden Mus., 29, 1908, 
p. 174. (Duke of York Island and New Britain.) 

New Guinea, Jobi, larger islands of the Bismarck Archipelago, Lihir 
Islands and D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago. 

~Macropygia mackinlayi mackinlayi Ramsay 

Macropygia mackinlayi Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 2, 
1878, p. 286. (Tanna Island) = 9. 

Macropygia rufa Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 2, 1878, 
p. 287. (Havannah Harbor, Sandwich Island.) 

Santa Cruz Islands, Banks Islands, New Hebrides. 

Macropygia mackinlayi arossi Tristram 

Macropygia arossi Tristram, Ibis, Oct., 1879, p. 448. (Makira Harbor, 
San Cristobal Island.) 

Macropygia rufocastanea Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 4, 
Dec., 1879, p. 314. (Solomon Islands, type from Lango, Guadal- 

Solomon Islands. 

Macropygia mackinlayi krakari Rothschild and Hartert 

Macropygia rufa krakari Rothschild and Hartert, Noy. Zool., 22, 1915, 
p. 28. (Dampier Island or Krakar [= Karkar], north of Astrolabe 

Karkar [or Dampier] Island. 
Macropygia mackinlayi goodsoni Hartert 

Macropygia rufa goodsoni Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 266. (St. 
Matthias Island.) 

Islands of St. Matthias, Squally, Uatom, Witu; Talasea district of New 
Genus REINWARDTOENA Bonaparte 

Reinwardtoena Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, 
p. 1112. Type, by monotypy, Columba reinwardti [i.e. reinwardtst] 

' cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 34, 1927, p. 8-9.! 

Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 365-368. 
Siebers, Treubia, 7, Suppl., 1930, p. 191-193. 
Stresemann, Nov. Zool., 21, 1914, p. 50-51.1 

Reinwardtoena reinwardtsi reinwardtsi (Temminck) 
Columba reinwardtsi Temminck, PI. col., livr. 42, 1824, pl. 248. (Celebes, 
error = Amboina.) 

1 When two such authorities as Hartert and Stresemann disagree, it is im- 
possible to tell just what are the status and ranges of the Moluccan forms. 


Reinwardtenas reinwardti obiensis Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, 1898, 
p. 85. (Obi, Moluccas.) 

Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera, Batjan, Kaioa, Obi, Ceram, Amboina, 

?Reinwardtoena reinwardtsi albida Hartert 

Reinwardtoena reinwardtsi albida Hartert, Nov. Zool., 7, 1900, p. 240. 
(Mt. Mada, 3000 feet, Buru.) 

Confined to Buru. Doubtfully distinct. 

Reinwardtoena reinwardtsi griseotincta (Hartert) 

Reinwardtoenas reinwardti griseotincta Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, 
p. 18. (New Guinea, type from Mailu district, British New Guinea.) 

Western Papuan Islands: Misol, Waigeu, Salawati; islands in Geelvink 
Bay: Jobi, Mios Num; New Guinea; Vulcan Island; D’Entrecasteaux 

Reinwardtoena reinwardtsi brevis nom. nov. 

Macropygia reinwardtii minor Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 4, 1873, Colum- 
bae, p. 106. (Soék [or Biak] Island.) Not Macropygia unchall minor 
Swinhoe 1870. 

Confined to the Island of Biak, north of Geelvink Bay. 

Reinwardtoena browni (Sclater) 

Macropygia browni Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 110. (Duke 
of York Island.) 

New Britain and Duke of York Island. 


Coryphenas Wardlaw Ramsay, Ibis, 1890, p. 246. Type, by original 
designation, 7’uracoena crassirostris Gould. 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 368-369. 

Coryphoenas crassirostris (Gould) 
Turacena crassirostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 136. 
(Guadalcanar, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands. 


Ectopistes Swainson, Zool. Journ., 8, 1827, p. 362. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Columba migratoria Linné (Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 
1837, p. 348.) 

cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 333-339. 


jEctopistes migratoria (Linné) 
Columba migratoria Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 285.1. (North 
America = South Carolina, ex Catesby, 1, p. 23, pl. 23.) 

Bred formerly in the forested area of North America from Great Bear 
Lake, northern Manitoba, James Bay, central Quebec and Nova Scotia, 
south to Kansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and 
southern New England. Wintered from Arkansas and North Carolina 
south to Louisiana and Florida; casually to Cuba, the Valley of Mexico 
and Bermuda. Now extinct. | 

Genus ZENAIDURA Bonaparte 2 

Zenaidura Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 871. 
Nomen nudum. 

Zenaidura Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, Jan., 1855, 
p. 96. Type, by original designation, Columba carolinensis Linné. 

cf. Naumburg, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 648, 1933, p. 1-15. 
Peters, Condor, 36, 1934, p. 213-215. 
Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 339-354. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1898, p. 373-379; p. 384-390 

(Zenaida auriculata, Z. ruficauda, Z. vinaceo-rufa, Z. jessieae). 

Zenaidura macroura marginella (Woodhouse) 

Ectopistes marginella Woodhouse, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 6, 1852, 
104. (Cross Timbers, north fork of Canadian River, Oklahoma.) 

Zenaidura macroura caurina Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, 
pt. 7, 1916, p. 348, note. (Humid coast district of Oregon and Wash- 
ington, type from “‘Oregon.’’) 

Breeds in western North America from British Columbia, Saskatchewan 
and Manitoba, south to south-central Lower California, most of temperate 
Mexico, Oklahoma and western Arkansas. Migratory only in the northern 
part of the breeding range, but occurs in winter south to western Panama. 

Zenaidura macroura carolinensis (Linné) 

Columba carolinensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 286. (America 
= Carolina, ex Catesby.) 

Zenaidura macroura peninsulart H. H. Bailey, Wilson Bull., 35, 1923, 
p. 100. (Miami Beach, Florida.) 

1 There can be no real doubt that Bangs (Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 19, 1906, 
p. 48-44) was entirely correct in disposing of the Linnean names, Columba 
macroura, Columba migratoria and Columba marginata, as he did. On the other 
hand his proposed changes have never been accepted, and since there is also 
room for argument contrary to Bangs’ reasoning, I feel that to depart from 
current usage would only cause needless confusion. 

2 Includes Zenaidura of Sharpe’s Hand-list and also Zenaida species 5-9. 


Breeds in eastern North America (east of the Great Plains) from Wis- 
consin, Michigan, southern Ontario, central New York, southern Maine, 
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, south to the Gulf coast and Florida; 
Bahama Islands. Winters chiefly south of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers, 
casually to eastern Mexico and Central America. 

Zenaidura macroura macroura (Linné) 

Columba macroura Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 164. (“Habitat 
in Canada; hybernat in Carolina.’’ Error = West Indies, ex Edwards, 
Nat. Hist.Bds:.,p- 15, pl. 153) 

Zenaidura macroura bella Palmer and Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 15, 
1902, p. 33. (Mariel, Cuba.) 

Greater Antilles: Cuba, Isle of Pines and Hispaniola; accidental in 

Puerto Rico and Jamaica. 

Zenaidura macroura tresmariae Ridgway 
Zenaidura macroura tresmari#x Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 
1915, p. 107. (Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Islands.) 
Confined to the Tres Marias Islands, off the west coast of Mexico. 

Zenaidura macroura clarionensis C. H. Townsend 
Zenaidura clarionensis C. H. Townsend, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 13, 1890, 
p. 1383. (Clarion Island, Revillagigedo Islands.) 
Confined to Clarion Island, off the west coast of Mexico. 

Zenaidura graysoni Lawrence 
Zenaidura graysoni “Baird MS.” Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 
10, 1871, p. 17. (Socorro Island.) 
Confined to Socorro Island of the Revillagigedo Islands off the west 
coast of Mexico. 

Note. — Zenaidura yucatanensis Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 
9, 1869, p. 207. (Mérida, Yucatan.) Is probably a hybrid between 
Zenaidura macroura marginella * x Zenaida yucatanensis ° . 

Zenaidura auriculata caucae (Chapman) 
Zenaida auriculata cauce Chapman, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 31, 1922, p. 1. 
(Cali, Colombia.) 
Cauca Valley in western Colombia. 

Zenaidura auriculata hypoleuca (Bonaparte) 

Zenaida hypoleuca “Gr.”’ Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 
1855, p. 97. (Central America, 7.e. Pearl Islands; error = Guayaquil, 

Zenaida auriculata pallens Bangs and Noble, Auk, 35, 1918, p. 446. 
(Huancabamba, Peru.) 

Western Ecuador and Peru. 

1 See note under Ectopistes migratorius, p. 83. 


~~ Zenaidura auriculata auriculata (Des Murs) 
Peristera auriculata Des Murs, in Gay’s Hist. Fis. Pol. Chile, Zool., 1, 
1847, p. 381; Atlas, 2, Orn. pl. [7]. (Central Provinces of Chile; Santi- 
ago, suggested as type locality by Naumburg, antea, p. 2.) 
Chile from Atacama to Llanquihue; occurring also in western Argen- 
tina near Mendoza and Lake Nahuel Huapi. 

~~ Zenaidura auriculata virgata (Bertoni) 
Columba Maculata Vieillot, Tabl. Eneye. Méth., Orn., pt. 1, 1823, p. 376. 
(Paraguay and Buenos Aires.) Not Columba maculata Gmelin. 
Zenaida virgata Bertoni, An. Cient. Paraguayos (1), no. 1, 1901, p. 24. 
(Puerto Bertoni, Alto Parand, Paraguay.) 
Bolivia, Matto Grosso, Minas Geraés and Sao Paulo, south to southern 
Argentina (Chubut) and Uruguay. Replaced in parts of extreme western 
Argentina by the preceding race. 

~~~ Zenaidura auriculata noronha (Sharpe) 

Zenaida noronha G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Columbae, 1856, 
p. 47. Nomen nudum. 

Zenaida noronha ‘‘Gray” Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soe. London, 20, 1890, 
p. 479. (Fernando Noronha.) In synonymy of Zenaida maculata 
(Vieillot), not Columba maculata Gmelin. First description. 

Zenaida auriculata noronha Chubb, Ibis, 1919, p. 36. (Fernando 
Noronha.) Described as new subspecies under the belief that Gray’s 
nomen nudum had never been validated. 

Northeastern Brazil in states of Piauhy, Maranh4o (interior) and Bahia; 

Island of Fernando Noronha. 

Zenaidura auriculata marajoensis (Berlepsch) 
Zenaida jessieae marajoensis Berlepsch, Orn. Monatsb., 21, 1913, p. 149. 
(Hacienda Sao André, Island of Marajé, Brazil.) 
The Amazon Estuary from the islands of Maraj6é and Mexiana to the 
coast of Maranhfo. 

~~~ Zenaidura auriculata jessieae (Ridgway) 
Zenaida jessiex ‘Riker MS.” Ridgway, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 10, 1888, 
p. 527. (Diamantina, near Santarem, Brazil.) 
Known only from a few localities on the banks of the lower Amazon; 
exact extent of range not known. 

Zenaidura auriculata rubripes (Lawrence) 
Zenaida rubripes Lawrence, Auk, 2, 1885, p. 357. (Grenada, Lesser 
Zenaida ruficauda robinsoni Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 107. (Honda, Colombia.) 


Glover’s Island, Carriacou and Grenada, Lesser Antilles; Trinidad; 
Margarita Island; tropical zone of the Magdalena Valley in Colombia; 
Venezuela (except Andes of Mérida) south to the Orinoco, and extending 
to the Rio Branco region of northern Brazil; British Guiana. 

Zenaidura auriculata ruficauda (Bonaparte) 
Zenaida ruficauda “Gr.” Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 
1855, p. 97. (Colombia.) 
Temperate zone of the Eastern Andes of Colombia (Bogotdé Savanna) 
and the Andes of Mérida, Venezuela. 

Zenaidura auriculata antioquiae (Chapman) 
Zenaida ruficauda antioquiex Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 
1917, p. 207. (Barro Blanco, 7200 feet, Antioquia, Colombia.) 
Temperate zone of the northern end of the Central Andes of Colombia 
in State of Antioquia. 

Zenaidura auriculata vinaceo-rufa (Ridgway) 
Zenaida vinaceo-rufa Ridgway, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 7, 1884, p. 176. 
(Curagao, Dutch West Indies.) 
Islands of Curagao, Aruba and Bonaire. 

Note. — Zenaida stenura Bonaparte has never been satisfactorily identi- 
fied; Salvadori considered that it probably represents a specimen of Z. 
ruficauda with damaged rectrices. 

Genus ZENAIDA Bonaparte ! 

Zenaida Bonaparte, Geogr. and Comp. List, 1838, p. 41. Type, by 
tautonymy, Zenaida amabilis Bonaparte = Columba zenaida Bona- 
parte. : 

cf. Peters, Condor, 36, 1934, p. 213-215. 

Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 354-366; 376— 
385. (Melopelia.) 

Zenaida aurita yucatanensis Salvadori 

Zenaida yucatanensis Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 379 
(in key), p. 384. (Rio Lagartos, Yucatan.) 

Zenaida zenaida salvadorit Ridgway, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 
1916, p. 855. New name for Zenaida yucatanensis Salvadori, should 
the genera Zenaidura and Zenaida be merged. 

Coasts of the Yucatan Peninsula and islands of Holbox, Mujeres and 


1 Includes Zenaida species 1-4 incl. of Sharpe’s Hand-list and also Melo- 
pelia Bonaparte; excludes Zenaida, species 5-9 incl., transferred to Zenaidura. 


Zenaida aurita zenaida (Bonaparte) 
Columba zenaida Bonaparte, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 5, 1825, p. 30. 
(Southern Florida.) 4 
Zenaida spadicea Cory, Auk, 3, 1886, p. 498, 502. (Grand Cayman.) 
Zenaida zenaida lucida Noble, Proc. New England Zool. Cl., 5, 1915, 
p. 101. (Saint Croix, Virgin Islands.) 
Florida Keys (formerly); Bahama Islands; Greater Antilles: Cuba, Isle 
of Pines, Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, Cayman Brac, Jamaica, His- 
paniola, Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands. 

Zenaida aurita aurita (Temminck) 
Columba Aurita Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 
p. 60, pl. 25 @; pl. 25 [bis] imm? (Martinique.) 
Entire chain of the Lesser Antilles from Anguilla 2 to Grenada. 

Nore. — Zenaida ? plumbea Gosse, Illustr. Bds. Jamaica, 1849, pl. 85, 
based on an unpublished colored drawing, represents a pigeon probably 
peculiar to Jamaica, which however became extinct before any specimens 
were preserved. While generally referred to the genus Zenaida there is no 
assurance that the species is correctly placed. 

Zenaida asiatica mearnsi (Ridgway) 
Melopelia asiatica mearnsi Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 107. (Five miles north of Nogales, Arizona.) 
Southern Lower California, southern Arizona and southwestern New 
Mexico, south over western and central Mexico to Guerrero and Puebla; 
Tres Marias Islands. 

~~~ Zenaida asiatica asiatica (Linné) 3 

Columba asiatica Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 163. (‘In Indiis” 

= Jamaica.) 

Southern Bahama Islands, Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Old Providence 
Island; lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas south over eastern Mexico to the 
Isthmus of Tehuantepec, thence southward over both slopes of Central 
America to Nicaragua. 

———Zenaida asiatica australis (Peters) 
Melopelia asiatica australis Peters, Auk, 30, 1913, p. 372. (Cerro Santa 
Maria, Costa Rica.) 
Western Costa Rica. 

1 Replaces Zenaida meridionalis (Latham) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

2 Birds from the northern part of the range, Anguilla to Antigua, represent 
various stages of transition between Z. a. zenaida and Z. a. aurita. 

3 Replaces Melopelia leucoptera (Linn.) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Zenaida asiatica meloda (Tschudi) 
Columba meloda Tschudi, Arch. f. Naturg., 9, Bd. 1, 1848, p. 385. 
(Western slope of the Andes in Peru.) 
Pacific coast of South America from southwestern Ecuador to extreme 
northern Chile. 


Nesopelia Sundevall, Met. Nat. Av. Disp. Tent., 1873, p. 99. Type, by 
monotypy, Zenaida gallapagensis Gould, Bp. = Zenaida galapagoensis 

cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 372-376. 

Nesopelia galapagoensis galapagoensis (Gould) 
Zenaida Galapagoensis Gould, in Darwin’s Zool. Voy. ‘Beagle,’ Bds., 
pt. 9, 1839, p. 115; pt. 15, 1841, pl. 46. (Galapagos Archipelago.) 

Principal islands in the Galapagos Archipelago. 

Nesopelia galapagoensis exsul Rothschild and Hartert 
Nesopelia galapagoensis exsul Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 6, 
1899, p. 184. (Culpepper and Wenman Islands, Galapagos Archi- 
pelago; type from Culpepper.) 
Culpepper and Wenman Islands, Galdpagos Archipelago. 

Genus STREPTOPELIA Bonaparte! 

Streptopelia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, Jan., 1855, 
p. 17; Id., Consp. Av., 2, June, 1855, p. 63. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Columba risoria Linné. (Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 
1855, p. 150.) 

(Enopopelia Blanford, Fauna Brit. Ind., Bds., 4, 1898, p. 28 (in key), 
p. 47. Type, by monotypy, Columba tranquebarica Hermann. 

Amoropelia Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 4, 1921, p. 164. Type, by original 
designation, Columba turtur Linné. 

Afropelia Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 8, 1922, p. 197. Type, by original 
designation, Columba capicola Sundevall. 

cf. Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W., Afr., 2, 1931, p. 833-354. 
Friedmann, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 158, 1980, p. 213-234. 
Hartert, Nov. Zool., 23, 1916, p. 78-83. 
Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, 2, 1920, p. 1483-1499. 
R. Meinertzhagen, in Nicoll’s Bds. Egypt, 2, 19380, p. 505-513. 
Reichenow, Vog. Afr., 1, 1901, p. 405-417; Nachtr., 1905, p. 807-809. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 396-454. 
Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 236-252. 

1 Includes Turtur Selby, Homopelia Salvadori, Onopopelia (recte Oeno- 
popelia) Blanford, Spilopelia Sundevall, and Stigmatwpelia Sundevall, of 
Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Streptopelia turtur turtur (Linné) 

Columba Turtur Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 164. (India, 

error = England.) 

Breeds throughout Europe, with the exception of Scandinavia, from 
Scotland and northern Russia to the north coasts of the Mediterranean, 
Asia Minor and Syria; Cyprus; Madeira; Canary Islands. Migrates south 
in winter through the Mediterranean countries and Egypt; winters in 
Gambia, the Sahara west to Senegal, and in the Sudan. 

?Streptopelia turtur loéi von Jordans 

Streptopelia turtur loéi von Jordans, Falco, 1923, Sonderh. p. 5. (Albu- 
fera, Mallorca, Balearic ite pate) 

Balearic Islands. Doubtfully distinct from S. t. arenicola. 

Streptopelia turtur arenicola (Hartert) 

Turtur turtur arenicola Hartert, Nov. Zool., 1, 1894, p. 42. (Fao on the 
Persian Gulf.) 

Turtur communis Selby var. gregorjewi Zarudny and Loudon, Orn. 
Monatsb., 10, 1902, p. 149. (Hilmend [7.e. Helmund] River, Persian 

Breeds in northern Africa from Morocco to Tripoli; in southwestern 
Asia from the Kirghiz Steppes and Turkestan south to Iraq, Persia, Af- 
ghanistan and Yarkand. Recorded as a migrant in Egypt, Yemen, and the 
Danakil country, and as wintering in northwestern India. 

Streptopelia turtur hoggara (Geyr von Schweppenburg) 
Turtur turtur hoggara Geyr von Schweppenburg, Orn. Monatsb., 24, 
1916, p. 59. (Ideles, Hoggar Plateau, Sahara.) 

Confined to the Hoggar and Air Massifs of the southern Sahara. 

Streptopelia turtur isabellina (Bonaparte) 
Turtur isabellinus Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 43, 1856, 
p. 942. (“Insulis Aegypti superioris.’’) 

Breeds or summers in Egypt in the Dakhla and Kharga Oases, the 
Fayiim and parts of the Delta. Winter range unknown. 

Streptopelia orientalis orientalis (Latham) 

Columba orientalis Latham, Ind. Orn., 2, 1790, p. 606. (China, ex Son- 
nerat.) ; 

Turtur lhase Walton, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 15, 1905, p. 92. (Lhasa, 

Streptopelia orientalis baicalensis Buturlin, Polnyi opredelitel’ ptits 
8.8.8.R., 1, 1934, p. 224.1 New name for S. o. orientalis (Pallas). 

Breeds from central Siberia, Transbaikalia, Amurland and Island of 
Sakhalin south to the Himalayas, northern Assam, Yunnan, Kwangtung, 

1 Original not seen; so quoted in Zool. Ree. for 1934. 


and Island of Kiusiu. Winters over the greater part of eastern India, Indo- 
chinese countries, southern China, the Japanese Islands, Formosa and 

Streptopelia orientalis meena (Sykes) 
Columba Meena Sykes, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 1832, p. 149. 
Columba ferrago Eversmann, Addenda Pallas Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., 
fasc. 3, 1842, p. 17. (Songaria and mountains of Tarbagatai.) 
Turtur ferrago siluarum Johansen, Orn. Mitt., 7, 1916, p. 181. (No 
Breeds in the southern part of western Siberia east to the western Altai; 
Turkestan, Persia, Afghanistan, Kashmir and the Himalayas east to west- 
ern Nepal. Winters over the whole of western and southern India. 

Streptopelia orientalis agricola (Tickell) 
Columba agricola Tickell, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 2, 1833, p. 581. 
(Jungles of Borabhtim and Dholbhum.) 

Resident in northeastern India in Bihar, Orissa and Bengal; southern 
Assam, and Burma south to Tenasserim. 

Streptopelia orientalis stimpsoni (Stejneger) 
Turtur stimpsoni Stejneger, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 10, 1887, p. 399. 
(Riu Kiu Islands.) 
Resident on the Riu Kiu Islands. 

?Streptopelia orientalis orii Yamashina 

Streptopelia orientalis orii Yamashina, Tori, 7, 1982, p. 414. (Rilan, 
Tai-to-siu, Formosa.) 

Confined to Formosa. 

Streptopelia lugens lugens (Rippell) 
Columba lugens Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., Vég., 1837, p. 64, pl. 22, f. 2. 
(Taranta Mountains and Province of Simien, Ethiopia.) 
Highlands of northern Ethiopia; Somaliland; Yemen, Arabia. 

Streptopelia lugens funebrea (van Someren) 

Stigmatopelia lugens funebrea van Someren, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 40, 1919, 
p. 21. (Elgon south to Kilimanjaro, type from Nairobi, Kenya 

Highlands of Uganda and southern Ethiopia south through eastern 

Belgian Congo and Kenya Colony to Tanganyika Territory and Nyasa- 

1 For reasons for or against recognizing this race see Lynes, Journ. f. Orn., 82, 
1934, Sonderh. p. 52; Hartert Nov. Zool., 34, 1927, p. 10, and Friedmann, Bull. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 153, 1930, p. 214-215. 


Streptopelia lugens hypopyrrha (Reichenow) 
Turtur hypopyrrhus Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 18, 1910, p. 174. (Benue 
River, Adamawa.) 
Known only from the Bauchi Plateau in Nigeria and the Ngaundere 
Plateau in Cameroon. 

ee Streptopelia picturata picturata (Temminck) 

Columba Picturata Temminck, Pig. et Gall., 1, 1813, p. 315, 480. (Ile 
de France, 7.e. Mauritius.) 

Turtur abbotti Ridgway, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 18, 1896, p. 518, in text. 
(Mahé, Seychelles.) 

Madagascar; introduced into Mauritius and Réunion, and into the 
Seychelles from Mauritius. 

Streptopelia picturata coppingeri (Sharpe) 
Turtur coppingeri Sharpe, Rep. Voy. ‘Alert,’ 1884, p. 484. (Glorioso 

Glorioso Island, north of Madagascar. 

Streptopelia picturata comorensis (E. Newton) 

Turtur comorensis E. Newton, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 300. 
(Anjouan Island.) 

Anjouan Island of the Comoro Group. 

= Streptopelia picturata aldabrana (Sclater) 

Turtur aldabranus Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871 (1872), p. 623, 
692, pl. 73. (Aldabra Island.) 

Aldabra Island. 

Streptopelia picturata assumptionis (Nicoll) 
Turtur assumptionis Nicoll, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 1906, p. 105. 
(Assumption Island.) 
Assumption Island, east of Aldabra Island. 

Streptopelia picturata saturata (Ridgway) 
Turtur saturatus Ridgway, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 16, 1893, p. 600. 
(Ile Poivre, Amirante Group.) 
Confined to the Amirante Group. 

—~~~$treptopelia picturata rostrata (Bonaparte) 

Turtur rostratus Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, 
p. 16. (Seychelles.) 

Seychelles: Praslin, Aride, Mahé. 

1 Tn the original description Temminck states that this bird visits Mauritius 
at certain times of the year. 


Streptopelia picturata chuni (Reichenow) 
Homopelia chuni Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 8, 1900, p. 140. (Diego 
Garcia. ) 
Island of Diego Garcia in the Chagos Archipelago. 

Streptopelia decaocto decaocto ! (Frivaldszky) 
?Columba risoria Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 165. (India.) 
Columba risoria L. var. decaocto Frivaldszky, K. magyar tudos Tarsa- 
sig Evkényvi, 3, 1834-36 (1838), pt. 3, p. 183, pl. 8. (Turkey.) 
Streptopelia decaocto zarudnyi Serebrovski, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
URSS., 1927, p. 8326. (Husseinabad, Seistan, eastern Persia.) 
Streptopelia decaocto koreensis Buturlin, Polnyi opredelitel ptits $.8.8.R., 
1, 1934, p. 226.2 New name for S. d. torquata Bogdanov, part. 
Streptopelia risoria alba H. H. Bailey, Bailey Mus. and Libr. Nat. Hist., 
Bull. no. 9, 1935, p. [2]. (Vicinity of Miami, Florida.) Aviary variety. 
Resident from Hungary over southeastern Europe, Asia Minor, Turke- 
stan, northern China and Japan, south to Palestine, Iraq, Persia, India, 
Ceylon and western China. A pale variety is found under domestication. 

Streptopelia decaocto stoliczkae (Hume) 

Turtur stoliczkae Hume, Str. Feath., 2, 1874, p. 519. (Kashgar.) 
Chinese Turkestan. 

Streptopelia decaocto xanthocyclus (Newman) 
Turtur decaocta xanthocyclus Newman, Avic. Mag. (n.s.), 4, 1906, p. 324 
and fig. 1 of pl. (Minbu and Mangue districts of Upper Burma.) 
Burma, Shan States, Yunnan and eastern China (lower Yangtse Valley 
and Fohkien). 

Streptopelia roseogrisea bornuensis Bannerman 
Streptopelia roseogrisea bornuensis Bannerman, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 51, 
19381, p. 115. (Maidugari, Bornu, northern Nigeria.) 
West African thorn scrub from Timbuktu east to Lake Chad, north to 
Taberéshat and the Air Massif, south to Kano and Adamawa. 

Streptopelia roseogrisea roseogrisea (Sundevall) 
Columbam roseogriseam [accusative case] Sundevall, Kongl. Sv. Vet.- 
Akad. Handl. (n.s.), 2, no. 1, 1857, art. 3, p. 54. (Nubia.) 
African thorn scrub from east of Lake Chad through Darfur and the 
Sudan east to western Ethiopia. 

Streptopelia roseogrisea arabica (Neumann) 
Turtur roseogriseus arabicus Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 12, 1904, p. 31, 
83. (Lahej, southwestern Arabia.) 
Coast of Eritrea and northern Somaliland; Arabia from Jidda to the 
Aden Protectorate. 

1 Replaces Turtur douraca Hodgson of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
2 Original not seen; so quoted in Zool. Rec. for 1934. 


~?Streptopelia semitorquata erythrophrys (Swainson) 

Turtur erythrophrys Swainson, Bds. W. Afr., 2, 1837, p. 207, pl. 22. (No 

locality = Senegal.) 

West Africa from Senegal to Angola. Doubtfully distinct from S. s. 

Streptopelia semitorquata semitorquata (Riippell) 
Columba semitorquata Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., Vég., 1837, p. 66, pl. 23, 
f.2. (Taranta Mountains, Ethiopia.) 
Turtur semitorquatus intermedius Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 58, 1905, 
p. 124, pl. 6, f. 1b. (Roba-Shalo, southern Shoa.) 
\ Streptopelia semitorquata elgonensis Granvik, Journ. f. Orn., 71, 1928, 
Sonderh., p. 51. (Eastern slopes of Mount Elgon, 7000 feet.) 
. Streptopelia semitorquata australis Roberts, Ann. Transy. Mus., 15, 1932, 
p. 25. (Sekororo, Leysdorp district, South Africa.) 

East Africa from the Sudan and northern Ethiopia (also Yemen province 
of Arabia), south through the interior of Kenya Colony, Uganda, eastern 
Belgian Congo and Tanganyika Territory to the eastern Transvaal and 

Streptopelia semitorquata minor (Erlanger) 
Turtur semitorquatus minor Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 53, 1905, p. 125, 
pl. 6, f. le. (Fanole on the Umfudu-Gobwen route, ~, and Kismayu, 
2, southern Somaliland.) 
Southern Somaliland and coastal districts of Kenya Colony. 

Streptopelia semitorquata maxima Roberts 
Streptopelia semitorquata maxima Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 15, 1932, 
p. 24. (Toten-Maun Road, Ngamiland.) 
Known only from the type locality. 

Streptopelia decipiens decipiens (Hartlaub and Finsch) 

Turtur decipiens Hartlaub and Finsch, in Finsch and Hartlaub, Vég. 
Ostafr., 1870, p. 544. (East Africa = Dongola, fixed by Zedlitz, 
Journ. f. Orn., 62, 1914, p. 647.) 

Northern half of the Sudan from Lake Chad eastward to the Red Sea 

coast at Port Sudan, south to Lake No. 
Streptopelia decipiens shelleyi (Salvadori) 

Turtur shelleyi Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 414 (in key), 
p. 419. (Upper White Nile and Niger, type from the Niger River.) 

Thorn scrub savanna belt from Senegal to Lake Chad, south to Togo- 

' Streptopelia decipiens logonensis (Reichenow) 

Turtur logonensis Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 69, 1921, p. 263. (Bekaba, 
Logone River, eastern Cameroon.) 

Eastern Cameroon to Lake Albert.! 

1 Dr. J. P. Chapin has convincingly demonstrated to me the validity of this 


Streptopelia decipiens ambigua (Bocage) 
Turtur ambiguus Bocage, Orn. Angola, pt. 1, 1877, p. 386. (Angola.) 
Turtur kafuensis Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 69, 1921, p. 264. (Nam- 
wala, south of the middle Kafue.) 
Angola, Katanga and western part of Northern Rhodesia. 

Streptopelia decipiens permista (Reichenow) 

Turtur ambiguus permistus Reichenow, Vég. Afr., 3, 1905, Nachtr., 
p. 808. (East Africa from Victoria Nyanza to the Zambesi; restricted 
type locality, Maliwungu, Tanganyika Territory.) 

East Africa, east of the Congo watershed and west of the Rift Valley, 

northern Uganda and southwestern Ethiopia, south through western 
Tanganyika Territory to Nyasaland. 

Streptopelia decipiens perspicillata (Fischer and Reichenow) 
Turtur perspicillata Fischer and Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 32, 1884, 
p. 179. (Nguruman, Masailand.) 

Kenya Colony and Tanganyika Territory (west of the coastal plain and 
excepting the parts occupied by S. d. permista) from Lake Rudolf south to 
central Tanganyika Territory. 

Streptopelia decipiens elegans (Zedlitz) 
Turtur decipiens elegans Zedlitz, Orn. Monatsb., 21, 1913, p. 59. (Afgoi, 
Southern Somaliland, Jubaland and extreme northern Kenya Colony. 

Streptopelia decipiens griseiventris (Erlanger) 

Turtur decipiens griseiventris Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 58, 1905, p. 126, 
pl. 6, fig. 2b. (Dadadshamalka, Hawash region, 9; Artu, northern 
Somaliland, <7.) 

Southern Eritrea, Ethiopia from the Hawash region to the Arussi coun- 

try, and northern Somaliland. 

Streptopelia capicola hilgerti (Zedlitz) 
Turtur capicola hilgerti Zedlitz, Orn. Monatsb., 21, 1913, p. 60. (Auro- 
win, northern Somaliland.) 
Northern Somaliland. 

Streptopelia capicola electa ! (Madardsz) 
Turtur electus Madardsz, Orn. Monatsb., 21, 1913, p. 7. (Maraquéd, 
Southern Ethiopia from the Hawash region to the Ethiopian lake chain 
and probably the Omo region. 

1 Misspelled eclecta or electra by some authors. 


Streptopelia capicola somalica (Erlanger) 
Turtur damarensis somalicus Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 58, 1905, p. 127. 
(Sarigo, o”, and Karo-Lola, ?, southern Somaliland.) 
Extreme southern Ethiopia, Jubaland and southern Somaliland, south- 
ward through the coastal districts of Kenya Colony and Tanganyika Terri- 
tory to the Pangani River. 

Streptopelia capicola anceps Friedmann 
Streptopelia capicola anceps Friedmann, Proc. New Engl. Zo6l. Cl., 10, 
1928, p. 67. (Kilosa, Tanganyika Territory.) 

Southern Kenya Colony and central Tanganyika Territory, east of the 
Rift Valley and west of the coastal districts, south to Kilosa and Dodoma. 

Streptopelia capicola tropica (Reichenow) 

Turtur capicola tropica Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 10, 1902, p. 139. 
(East Africa, type from Songea, Tanganyika Territory.) 

Turtur capicola suahelicus Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 69, 1921, p. 264. 
(East Africa; the type is from Magagoni on the Ruvu River fide E. 
Stresemann in litt. to H. Friedmann.) 

Uganda and Kenya Colony east to Mount Elgon, south through western 

Tanganyika Territory to northern Transvaal and Mozambique; Comoro 
Islands and Madagascar (where introduced). 

Streptopelia capicola dryas Grote 
Streptopelia vinacea dryas Grote, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 17, 1927, p. 205. 
(Kissenji, Lake Kivu, Belgian Congo.) 
Eastern Belgian Congo. 

Streptopelia capicola bailunduensis Neumann 
Streptopelia vinacea bailunduensts Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 
20, 1933, p. 226. (Chipepe, Bailunduland, Benguelia.) 
Highlands of Benguella. 

Streptopelia capicola damarensis (Hartlaub and Finsch) 
Turtur damarensis Hartlaub and Finsch, in Finsch and Hartlaub, Vég. 
Ostafr., 1870, p. 550. (Damaraland.) 
South-West Africa to Little Namaqua Land. 

Streptopelia capicola capicola (Sundevall) 

Columbam vinaceam var. capicolam [accusative case] Sundevall, Kongl. 
Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. (n.s.), 2, no. 1, 1857, art. 8, p. 54. (Cape 
Colony, type from Rondebosch.) 

Transvaal and Zululand to Natal and Cape Province.! 

1 The status of the probable races of S. capicola in northern Angola, Mossa- 
medes and Ovamboland is not known. 


Streptopelia vinacea vinacea (Gmelin) 
Columba vinacea Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 782. (Senegal.) 

West Africa from Gambia east to northern Nigeria, south to northern 
Sierra Leone, Gold Coast hinterland (locally to the coast) and Nigeria. 

Streptopelia vinacea grotei Reichenow 
Streptopelia vinacea grotei Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 34, 1926, p. 54. 
(Garua, upper Benue River, Nigeria.) 
Confined to the region between the upper Benue River in Nigeria and 
Lake Chad; adjacent parts of northern Cameroon. 
Streptopelia vinacea savannae Bates 

Streptopelia vinacea savanne Bates, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, 1926, p. 124. 
(Babungo, upper Nun River, Cameroon.) 

Confined to the high savanna country in northern Cameroon, perhaps 
extending to the Ngaundere Plateau. 
Streptopelia vinacea barbaru Antinori 

Streptopelia barbaru Antinori, Cat. di Uccelli, 1864, p. 89. (Sennar, 
Kordofan and White Nile.) 

Region of the upper White Nile from the Bahr el Ghazal to the middle 
Blue Nile and the sources of the Sobat, south to northern Uganda. 
Streptopelia vinacea erythreae (Neumann) 

Turtur vinaceus erythreae Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 12, 1904, p. 82. 
(Salamona, near Massaua, Eritrea.) 

Eritrea and northwestern Ethiopia. 

Streptopelia vinacea schoana (Neumann) 

Turtur vinaceus schoanus Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 12, 1904, p. 81. 
(Bussigo, Province of Gindeberat, Shoa.) 

Blue Nile region of Shoa. 

Streptopelia reichenowi (Erlanger) 

Turtur reichenowi Erlanger, Orn. Monatsb., 9, 1901, p. 182. (Salakle, 
Juba River and Garre, Daua River.) 

Known only from the river valleys of southern Somaliland. 

?Streptopelia fulvopectoralis Granvik 

Streptopelia fulvopectoralis Granvik, Journ. f. Orn., 71, 1923, Sonderh. 
p. 54, pl. 2. (Kendu, Kavirondo, Kenya Colony.) 

Known only from the unique type; of uncertain status, based on a single 
juvenile specimen. 

Streptopelia bitorquata dusumieri (Temminck) 

Columba dusumiert Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 32, 1823, pl. 188. (Vicinity 
of Manila, Luzon, Philippine Islands.) 


Streptopelia dussumiert gutierrezi Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 
publ. no. 2, 19380, p. 152. (No locality = Cotobato, Mindanao, Phil- 
ippine Islands, ex Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 2, 1932, p. 211.) 

Philippine Islands (including Palawan), Sulu Archipelago and northern 

Borneo; Marianne Islands, where probably introduced. 

Streptopelia bitorquata bitorquata (Temminck) 
Columba Bitorquata Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 
p. 86, pl. 40. (Indies = Timor, fide Hellmayr, Avif. Timor, 1914, 
p. 91.) 
Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Solor, Timor. 

Streptopelia tranquebarica humilis (Temminck) 

Columba humilis Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 44, 1824, pl. 259 [but not 

pl. 258]. (Bengal and Luzon.) 

Greater part of southeastern Asia from northeastern Tibet and northern 
China, south to Assam, Burma, Andaman Islands, Siam, Indochina and 
the northern Philippines. Migratory in the northern part of its range, 
locally resident in the southern part. 

Streptopelia tranquebarica murmensis (Hartert) 
Oenopopelia tranquebarica murmensis Hartert, Vég. pal. Fauna, 2, 1920, 
p. 1499. (Nepal and Sikkim.) 
Eastern Nepal, Sikkim, and Assam north of the Brahmapootra. 

Streptopelia tranquebarica tranquebarica (Hermann) 
Columba tranquebarica Hermann, Obs. Zool., 1804, p. 200. (Tranque- 
baria, India.) 
India from Sind and the Punjab east to western Nepal, Bihar and 

Streptopelia chinensis ceylonensis (Reichenbach) 
Turtur ceylonensis Reichenbach, Vollst. Natursyst., Tauben, 1851, 
pl. 253b, ff. 3373-74. (Ceylon.) 

Streptopelia chinensis suratensis (Gmelin) 
Columba suratensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 778. (Surat, 
Gulf of Cambay, India.) 

All of India (but absent from a large area of Sind and Punjab) and in the 
Himalayas up to 7000 feet; birds from Cachar and Manipur form the tran- 
sition to S. c. tigrina and those from Travancore tend towards S. c. cey- 
lonensis. Introduced into Mauritius. 

?Streptopelia chinensis forresti Rothschild 
Streptopelia chinensis forrestt Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 32, 1925, p. 293. 
(Hills near Tengyueh, Yunnan.) 

Hills of northwestern Yunnan and adjacent parts of northeastern 
Burma. Doubtfully distinct from S. c. tigrina. 


Streptopelia chinensis chinensis (Scopol1) 

Columba chinensis Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, 
p. 94. (China, restricted to Canton, by Stresemann, 2nfra, p. 67.) 

Streptopelia chinensis frigoris Stresemann, Abh. Ber. Mus. Dresden, 16, 
no. 2, 1924, p. 67. (Tsingchowfu, Shantung, China.) 

Eastern China from Hopeh Province southward, occurring also in south- 
ern Shensi and in western Szechuan. Introduced into the Hawauan 

?Streptopelia chinensis formosa (Kuroda) 

Spilopelia chinensis formosa Kuroda, Ibis, 1927, p. 723. (Gyochi, Nauto 

district, central Formosa.) 

Confined to the Island of Formosa. Doubtfully distinct from S. ec. 

Streptopelia chinensis hainana (Hartert) 

Turtur chinensis hainanus Hartert, Nov. Zool., 17, 1910, p. 195. (Hoi- 

how, Hainan.) 

Confined to the Island of Hainan. 

Streptopelia chinensis vacillans Hartert 

Streptopelia chinensis vacillans Hartert, Nov. Zool., 23, 1916, p. 88. 
(Mengtze, Yunnan.) 

Southeastern Yunnan. 

Streptopelia chinensis tigrina (Temminck) 

Columba Tigrina Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 
p. 94, pl. 43. (Timor and Batavia, the type in the Paris Museum is 
from Java.) 

Turtur tigrinus minor Parrot, Abh. K. Bay. Akad. Wiss., Math-Phys. 
Kl., 24, 1907, p. 275. (Sumatra.) Not Turtur semitorquatus minor 

Streptopelia chinensis palawana Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 2, 1932, 
p. 212. (Iwahig, Palawan, Philippine Islands.)1 

Eastern Bengal, Burma, Malay Peninsula, Indo-chinese countries, 
Palawan, Borneo, Sunda Islands from Sumatra to Babar. Introduced into 
Celebes, small islands in the Flores Sea, and the Moluccas. 

Streptopelia senegalensis phoenicophila Hartert 

Streptopelia senegalensis phoenicophila Hartert, Nov. Zool., 28, 1916, 
p. 82. (Africa Minor, type from Oumash, near Biskra, southern 

Oases of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, south of the Atlas Mountains. 

1 In the original description no characters are given except smaller size. A 
series of five specimens from Palawan in the M. C. Z. measures 130-140, while 
four topotypical tigrina measure 133-142; certainly too small an average dif- 
ference to recognize by name. 


Streptopelia senegalensis dakhlae R. Meinertzhagen 
Streptopelia senegalensis dakhle R. Meinertzhagen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
48, 1928, p. 116. (Dakhla Oasis, Libyan Desert.) 
Confined to the Dakhla Oasis. 

Streptopelia senegalensis aegyptiaca (Latham) 
Columba xgyptiaca Latham, Ind. Orn., 2, 1790, p. 607. (Egypt, ex 
The Nile Valley in Egypt from the Delta and Suez Canal, south to 
Wadi Halfa. 

Streptopelia senegalensis senegalensis (Linné) 
Columba senegalensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 283. (Senegal.) 

Senegal through French West Africa to Air, south to Portuguese Guinea, 
Gold Coast, northern Nigeria and the Ngaundere plateau in northern 

Streptopelia senegalensis thomé (Bannerman) 

Stigmatopelia senegalensis thomé Bannerman, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 51, 
1931, p. 115. (Zalma, Sao Thomé.) 

Confined to the Island of SAo Thomé in the Gulf of Guinea. 

?Streptopelia senegalensis aequatorialis (Erlanger) 

Turtur senegalensis aequatorialis Erlanger, Orn. Monatsb., 12, 1904, 
p. 98. (Menaballa, @ and Harar, ?, Ethiopia.) 

Stigmatopelia senegalensis sudanensis Sclater and Praed, Ibis, 1920, 
p. 832. (Kaka, Upper Nile Province, Sudan.) 

Southern Nigeria eastward through Darfur and Kordofan to Eritrea, 
south to Cape Province; absent from the forested areas and not found 
above 6000 feet; occurs also in Arabia, Palestine, Syria and in extreme 
southeastern Asia Minor. Doubtfully distinct from S. s. senegalensis. 

Streptopelia senegalensis sokotrae C. H. B. Grant 

Streptopelia senegalensis sokotre C.H.B. Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 35, 
1914, p. 19. (Hadibu Plain, Socotra Island.) 

Confined to Socotra Island, east of Cape Guardafui. 

Streptopelia senegalensis cambayensis (Gmelin) 

Columba cambayensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 779. (“Cam- 
baya,”’ t.e. Gulf of Cambay, northwestern India.) 

Eastern Persia, Baluchistan and the greater part of India. 

Streptopelia senegalensis ermanni (Bonaparte) 

Turtur ermanni Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 43, 1856, 
p. 942. (Bokhara.) 


Peristera cambayensis centralasiae Zarudny, Journ. Turkestan Geogr. 
Soc., 13, 1917, p. 100. (Russian Turkestan.)! 

Afghanistan and Turkestan. 

Genus GEOPELIA Swainson 

Geopelia Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 348. Type, by monotypy, 
Geopelia lineata Mus. Carl. pl. 67 = Coins striata Linné. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 129-138. 
Rensch, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 479-480. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 454-463. 

Geopelia humeralis gregalis Bangs and Peters 
Geopelia humeralis gregalis Bangs and Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 
67, 1926, p. 423. (Wendoe Mer River, New Guinea.) 

Lowlands of southern New Guinea between Princess Marianne Straits 
and the Kemp Welch River. 

Geopelia humeralis humeralis (Temminck) 

Columba humeralis Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 18, pt. 1, 1821, 
p- 128. (Broad Sound, Queensland.) 

Geopelia humeralis inexpectata Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 186. 
(Parry’s Creek, North-West Australia.) 

Geopelia humeralis apsleyi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 27. 
(Melville Island, Northern Territory.) 

Geopelia humeralis headlandi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1918, p. 187. 
(Port Headland, North-West Australia.) 

Northern Australia; eastern Australia south to New South Wales; 
islands in Torres Strait. 

Geopelia striata striata (Linné) 

Columba striata Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 282. (East Indies, 
restricted type locality Java.) 

Southern Tenasserim southward over the Malay Peninsula; Luzon and 
occasionally other islands in the Philippines; Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and 
Lesser Sunda Islands to Lombok. Introduced into Madagascar and other 
islands in the western Indian Ocean; St. Helena; Hawaiian Islands; its 
presence in southern Celebes and Amboina is believed to be due to intro- 
duction also. 

1 Original not seen; so quoted in Zoological Record for 1928. 

® It has been claimed that Columba sinica Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, 
p. 164, based entirely on the Chinese Dove of Albin, p. 43, pl. 46, is an earlier 
name for this bird; in my opinion there are too many discrepancies in Albin’s 
description to permit it to be used with any degree of certainty as the basis for 
this or any other dove. 


~~~ Geopelia striata maugeus (Temminck) 

Columba Maugeus Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1811, les colombes, 
p. 115, pl. 52. (‘‘Tles de l’Australe-Asie,”’ the type is from Timor.) 

Lesser Sunda Islands from Sumbawa to Sermatta (including Sumba, 
Savu and Timor). 

Geopelia striata audacis Hartert and Goodson 

Geopelia maugeus audacis Hartert and Goodson, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, 
p. 358. (Larat, Tenimber Islands.) 

Tenimber and Kei Islands. 

Geopelia striata placida Gould 
Geopelia placida Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1844, p. 55. (Port 
Essington, Northern Territory.) 
Geopelia placida clelandi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 186. (Coon- 
gan River, West Australia.) 
Geopelia placida melvillensis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 28. 
(Melville Island.) 
Geopelia placida hedleyi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 84. (Cape 
Northern Australia south to the Coongan River and northern Queens- 
land; southern New Guinea from the Oriomo River to Port Moresby. 

— ~ Geopelia striata tranquilla Gould 
Geopelia tranquilla Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1844, p. 56. (Liver- 
pool Plains and banks of the Namoi, New South Wales.) 

Australia south of the range of placida. 

?Geopelia cuneata mungi Mathews 
Geopelia cuneata mungt Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 187. (Mungi, 
northwestern Australia.) 

Northern Australia. Very doubtfully distinct from G. c. cuneata. 

~~~ Geopelia cuneata cuneata (Latham) 

Columba cuneata Latham, Index Orn., Suppl., 1801, p. lxi. (New Hol- 
land = Sydney, New South Wales apud Mathews.) 

Turtur spilonota Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 44, 1924, p. 70, as syn- 
onym of cuneata, ex Gould. 

Southern Australia. 
Nore. — Geopelia shortridget Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 28, 1909, 

p. 73, Carnarvon, West Australia, is regarded as a hybrid between G. s. 
placida and G. cuneata. 


Genus METRIOPELIA Bonaparte! 

Metriopelia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, p. 23. 
Type, by original designation, Columba melanoptera Gmelin = Co- 
lumba melanoptera Molina. 

Leptophaps Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 61, 1913, p. 401. Type, by origi- 
nal designation, Columba aymara Prévost. 

cf. Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 19, 1932, p. 345- 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 468-469 (Gymnopelia) ; 
497-500 (Metriopelia.). 
Zimmer, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 17, 1930, p. 257-258. 

Metriopelia ceciliae ceciliae (Lesson) 

Columba (Chamepelia) Cecilie Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, 12, 1° 
semestre, 1845, col. 8. (Peru.) ? 

Columba (Chamoepelia) anais Lesson, Descr. Mamm. et Ois. recémm. 
decouv., 1847, p. 210. (Peru.) [Also cited as Compl. Oeuvres Buffon, 
20, 1847, p. 210.] 

Chamepelia gymnops “Gray’”’ Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Paris, 40, 
1855, p. 23. As synonym of Chamaepelia anais. 

Puna and arid temperate zones of the western coast range of Peru. 

Metriopelia ceciliae obsoleta (Zimmer) 
Gymnopelia ceciliae obsoleta Zimmer, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. 
Ser., 12, 1924, p. 51. (Cullcui, 10400 feet, Marafion River, Peru.) 

Puna and arid temperate zones of the eastern Peruvian Andes south to 
La Raya. 

Metriopelia ceciliae zimmeri nom. nov. 

Gymnopelia ceciliz gymnops ‘Gray MS,” Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 
1917, p. 18. (Challapata, 3750 metres, Bolivia.) Preoccupied by 
Chamaepelia gymnops Bonaparte as synonym of Columba anais 

Puna and arid temperate zones of southern Peru, Bolivia and northern 

Metriopelia morenoi (Sharpe) 

Gymnopelia morenoi Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 1902, p. 54. (Inca- 
hausi, 3000 feet, Salta, Argentina.) 

Highlands of northwestern Argentina in provinces of Salta and ncaa int 

1 Includes Gymnopelia Sclater and Salvin of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
2 Replaces Columba erythrothorax Meyen, 1834 not Columba erythrotorax 
[sic] Temminck, 1811. 


Metriopelia melanoptera saturatior Chubb 
Metriopelia melanoptera saturatior Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, 
p. 32. (Cafiar, 3000 metres, Ecuador.) 

Paramo zone of the Andes of Ecuador. 

Metriopelia melanoptera melanoptera (Molina) 
Columba Melanoptera Molina, Sagg. Stor. Nat. Chili, 1782, p. 236, 345. 
Puna zone of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and western Argentina, south to 
Colchagua on the west and western Chubut on the east. 

Metriopelia aymara (Prévost) 
Columba Aymara “D’Orb.”’ Prévost, in Knip, Les Pigeons, ed. 2, 2, 
1838-1843, p. 62, pl. 32. (Tacora, ‘Bolivia’ = Chile.) 
Puna zone of southern Peru, Bolivia, Chile (south to Atacama) and 
Argentina (south to the Andes of Mendoza); occurs also in the Andes of 
Tucuman at altitudes over 4500 metres. 


Scardafella Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, p. 24. 
Type, by original designation, Colwmba squamosa Temminck, not of 
Bonnaterre = Columba squammata Lesson. 

cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 388-393. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 463-468. 

Scardafella inca (Lesson) 

Chamaepelia inca Lesson, Descr. Mamm. et Ois. recémm. decouv., 1847, 
p. 211. (Mexico.) [also cited as Compl. Oeuvres Buffon, 20, 1847, 
p. 211). 

Scardafella inca dialeucos Bangs, Proce. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18, 1905, p. 152. 
(Boundary line between Honduras and Nicaragua, 180 miles from the 
Pacific Coast.) 

Arizona, southern New Mexico and central Texas, south over the greater 

part of Mexico and Central America to extreme northern Costa Rica. 

Scardafella squammata ridgwayi Richmond 
Scardafella ridgwayi Richmond, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 18, 1896, p. 660. 
(Margarita Island, Venezuela.) 

Coast of Colombia (from the Santa Marta region eastward) and Vene- 
zuela; Margarita Island and Trinidad. 

Scardafella squammata squammata (Lesson) 

Columba squammata “Temm.” Lesson, Traité d’Orn., livr. 6, 1831, 
p. 474. (Bahia, Brazil; based entirely on Columba squamosa Temminck 
in Knip’s Les Pigeons, pl. 59.) 


Scardafella ridgwayt brasiliensis Beebe, Zoologica, 1, 1907, p. 21, ff. 5 
and 6. (Coast of Brazil south to Bahia.) The single specimen avail- 
able to Beebe came from Bahia. 

Scardafella syuammata cearae Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. 
Ser., 12, 1917, p. 6. (Quixada, Ceara, Brazil.) 

Brazilian table-land from Maranhao, Piauhy and Ceara, south to Matto 

Grosso, Paraguay and northern Sao Paulo. 

Genus UROPELIA Bonaparte 
Uropelia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, p. 220. 
Type, by monotypy, Columbina campestris Spix. 
cf. Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, 1929, p. 469- 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 489-490. 

Uropelia campestris campestris (Spix) 
Columbina campestris Spix, Av. Bras., 2, 1825, p. 57, pl. 75, f. 2. (Bahia.) 

Island of Marajé and the Brazilian table-land from Maranhaéo and 
Piauhy, south through Goyaz and Bahia to western Minas Geraés. 

Uropelia campestris figginsi Oberholser 
Uropelia campestris figginsi Oberholser, Proc. Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist., 
10, 1931, p. 24. (Descalvados, Matto Grosso, Brazil.) 
State of Matto Grosso, Brazil; probably also the adjacent parts of 
eastern Bolivia. 
Columbina Spix, Av. Bras., 2, 1825, p. 57, 58. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Columbina strepitans Spix. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 
ed. 2, 1841, p. 75). 
cf. Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, 1929, p. 466- 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 470-472. 

Columbina picui strepitans Spix 
Columbina strepitans Spix, Av. Bras., 2, 1825, p. 57, pl. 75, f.1. (Piauhy.) 
Northeastern Brazil in states of Piauhy, Ceard and Bahia. 

Columbina picui picui (Temminck) 
Columba Picui Temmincek, Pig. et Gall., 1, 1813, p. 485, 498. (Paraguay, 
ex Azara no. 324.) 
Bolivia and southern Brazil south to Argentina (provinces of Mendoza 
and Buenos Aires) and Uruguay; central Chile from Aconcagua to Malleco. 

1 Replaces Columbula Bonaparte 1855 of Sharpe’s Hand-list; see opinion 
no. 31, Int. Comm. Zool. Nomencel. 



Columbigallina Boie, Isis von Oken, 1826, col. 977. Type, by monotypy, 
Columba passerina Linné. 

Eupelia Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, 1913, p. 512. Type, by original 
designation, Columba cruziana Prévost and Knip [t.e. = Prévost). 

cf. Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, 1913, p. 507-603. 

Columbigallina passerina passerina (Linné) 

Columba passerina Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 165. (‘‘America 
inter tropicos”’; restricted to the Catesbian reference by Bonaparte, 
Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, p. 21, hence South Carolina.) 

Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States from South Carolina to 
southeastern Texas. 

Columbigallina passerina bahamensis (Maynard) 
Chamaepelia Bahamensis Anonymous = Maynard, Am. Exch.and Mart, 
3, 1887, p. 33. (“Occurs throughout the Bahamas.’’) 
| Columbigallina bermudiana Bangs and Bradlee, Auk, 18, 1901, p. 250. 
(Hamilton, Bermuda.) ? 

Bermuda; the Bahama Islands (except Great Inagua). 

Columbigallina passerina insularis Ridgway 
Columbigallina passerina insularis ‘“Towns. MS” Ridgway, Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 10, 1888, p. 574. (Grand Cayman.) 
Columbigallina passerina aflavida Palmer and Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Wash., 15, 1902, p. 33. (San Diego de los Bafios, Cuba.) 
Chamezpelia axantha Lowe, Ibis, 1908, p. 114. New name for aflavida 
on grounds of purism. 
Cuba, Isle of Pines, Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, Little Cayman, 
Hispaniola and the adjacent islands of Ile 4 Vache, Tortue, Gonave, Saona 
and Beata. 

~ Columbigallina passerina jamaicensis Maynard 

Columbigallina jamaicensis Maynard, App. to Cat. West Ind. Bds., 1899, 
p. 34.3 (No locality, but the types are from Spanishtown, Jamaica.) 

1 Replaces Chamaepelia Swainson 1827, of Sharpe’s Hand-list. For many 
years it was believed that Columbigallina Boie was preoccupied by Columbi- 
gallina Oken 1817; the latter however is a nomen nudum and hence does not 
affect Boie’s name. Swainson’s name was originally spelled Chaemepelia and 
had been unofficially altered to Chamaepelia by most authors prior to the 
appearance of Opinion 61 of the Int. Comm. Zool. Nomencl., sanctioning such 

2 Though currently regarded as identical with bahamensis, additional mate- 
rial may yet prove the Bermuda bird to be distinct. 

3 The Appendix to Maynard’s Catalogue of West Indian Birds appeared as a 


Columbigallina passerina navassae (Wetmore) 

Chaemepelia passerina navassae Wetmore, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 43, 
1930, p. 149. (Navassa Island.) 

Navassa Island. 

Columbigallina passerina exigua Riley 
Columbigallina passerina exigua Riley, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 29, 1905, 
p. 171. (Mona Island.) 

Island of Great Inagua in the southern Bahamas; Mona Island between 
Hispaniola and Puerto Rico. 

Columbigallina passerina portoricensis (Lowe) 
Chamaepelia portoricensis Lowe, Ibis, 1908, p. 108. (Gudnica, Puerto 
Puerto Rico, Culebra, Vieques, Virgin Islands (except St. Croix). 

—~ Columbigallina passerina nigrirostris Danforth 
Columbigallina passerina nigrirostris Danforth, Journ. Agric. Univ. 
Puerto Rico, 19, 1935, p. 474 (nomen nudum), p. 4838 (orig. descr.) 
(Canada Hill, St. Kitts, British West Indies.) 
St. Croix of the Virgin Islands, and the northern Lesser Antilles from 
St. Martin to Barbuda and Antigua and probably to Dominica. 

Columbigallina passerina trochila (Bonaparte) 
Chamepelia trochila Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, 
p. 21. (Martinique.) 

Columbigallina passerina antillarum (Lowe) 

Chamezxpelia antillarum Lowe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 21, 1908, p. 109. 
(Barbados, Grenada and St. Vincent.) 

Southern Lesser Antilles from St. Lucia and Barbados south to Grenada. 

Columbigallina passerina pallescens (Baird) 

Chamepelia passerina ? var. pallescens Baird, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., 1859 (1860), p. 305. (Cape San Lucas, Lower California.) 

Colorado Delta, southern Arizona and southern Texas, south over Lower 
California and Mexico (except the table-land) to British Honduras and 

single sheet paged as 33 on both sides; it contained descriptions of four new 
birds and after the fourth one a line which reads ‘‘ Actual date of issue Novem- 
ber twenty-ninth, 1899.” A second printing from the same type was made on 
some subsequent date, the second page 33 was corrected to 34 and the descrip- 
tion of Columbigallina jamaicensis was added on the blank portion of p. 34, 
below the line giving date of publication. 

1 See Peters, Auk, 61, 1934, p. 517-518. 


Columbigallina passerina socorroensis Ridgway 

Columbigallina passerina socorroensis Ridgway, Man. No. Am. Bds., 
1887, p. 586. (Socorro Island.) 

Socorro Island, off the west coast of Mexico. 

Columbigallina passerina neglecta (Carriker) 

Chemepelia passerina neglecta Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 6, 1910, 
p. 390 (in key), p. 898. (Esparta, Costa Rica.) 

Central America from Honduras to Costa Rica; absent from the rain 
forest areas. 

Columbigallina passerina albivitta (Bonaparte) 

Chamepelia albivitta Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 
1855, p. 21. (Carthagena, Colombia.) 

Columbigallina passerina perpallida Hartert, Ibis, 1893, p. 304. (Aruba, 
Curagao and Bonaire, Dutch West Indies; type from Bonaire.) 

Coast region of northern Colombia; Venezuela south to the Orinoco 
Valley; islands off the coast of Venezuela from Aruba to Los Testigos. 

Columbigallina passerina parvula (Todd) 

Chemepelia passerina parvula Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, 1913, p. 517 
(in key), p. 544. (Hondo, Colombia.) 

Tropical zone of the upper Magdalena Valley in Colombia. 

Columbigallina passerina nana (Todd) 

Chemepelia passerina nana Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, 1913, p. 517 
(in key), p. 546. (Jimenez, Rio Dagua, western Colombia.) 

Western Colombia in the Cauca Valley and the arid upper Dagua Valley. 

Columbigallina passerina quitensis (Todd) 

Chemepelia passerina quitensis Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, 1913, 
p. 517 (in key), p. 547. (Zambiza, six miles northeast of Quito, 

Temperate zone of central Ecuador from Guaillabamba Cafion to Rio- 

Columbigallina passerina griseola (Spix) 
Columbina griseola Spix, Av. Bras., 2, 1825, p. 58, pl. 75a, f. 2. (‘In 
sylvis fl. Amazonum.’’) 
Extreme southern Venezuela, the Guianas, Amazonia from the Rio Negro 
and Rio Madeira eastward, and coast of Brazil south to Bahia. 
~ Columbigallina talpacoti eluta Bangs 
Columbigallina rufipennis eluta Bangs, Auk, 18, 1901, p. 258. (Escui- 
napa, Sinaloa, Mexico.) 
Pacific coast region of western Mexico from Sinaloa to Chiapas. 


Columbigallina talpacoti rufipennis (Bonaparte) 

Chamepelia rufipennis “Gray” Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 40, 1855, p. 22. (Carthagena, Colombia.) 

Chemepelia rufipennis nesophila Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, 1918, 
p. 590, note. (Pearl Islands, Bay of Panama; the type is from San 
Miguel Island.) 

Southeastern Mexico from central Vera Cruz southward; all of Central 
America; northern South America south up the Magdalena Valley in 
Colombia and east to northern Venezuela; Margarita Island and islands of 
Trinidad and Tobago. 

Columbigallina talpacoti caucae (Chapman) 

Chemepelia rufipennis cauce Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, 
1915, p. 367. (La Manuelita, near Palmira, Cauca Valley, Colombia.) 

Confined to the Cauca (and perhaps also Dagua) Valley in Colombia. 

Columbigallina talpacoti talpacoti (Temminck) 
Columba Talpacoti Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1811, les colombi- 
gallines, p. 22, pl. 12. (South America.) 
Chaemepelia arthuri Bangs and Penard, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoél., 62, 
1918, p. 45. (Vicinity of Paramaribo, Surinam.) 

Central and eastern South America from the Guianas south through 
eastern Peru, eastern Bolivia and Brazil to Argentina (provinces of Salta, 
Tucumdn and Chaco), Paraguay, and Rio Grande do Sul. 

Columbigallina minuta interrupta (Griscom) 
Chemepelia minuta interrupta Griscom, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 379, 1929, 
p. 4. (Secanquim, Guatemala.) 

Southeastern Mexico in states of Vera Cruz, Tabasco and Campeche; 
Guatemala; British Honduras. 

Columbigallina minuta elaeodes (Todd) 
Chemepelia minuta eleodes Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, 1918, p. 517 
(in key), p. 578. (Buenos Aires, Costa Rica.) 
Southwestern Costa Rica eastward to the Canal Zone, reappearing in 
west-central Colombia. 

Columbigallina minuta minuta (Linné) 
Columba minuta Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 285. (America = 
Santo Domingo ex Brisson; error, Cayenne substituted as type locality 
by Berlepsch and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 9, 1902, p. 119.) 

Locally distributed in South America as follows; Venezuela: savannas 
around Ciudad Bolivar and about Mt. Duida; British and French Guiana; 
Peru: Urubamba Valley; Brazil: campo region from Maranhao, Ceara and 
Pernambuco south to Sao Paulo and Matto Grosso; Paraguay. 


~~ ?Columbigallina minuta amazilia (Bonaparte) 
Chamepelia amazilia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 
1855, p. 21. (Peru, the type is from Lima.) 
Arid littoral of Peru from Lima to Libertad. Perhaps not different from 
C. m. minuta.} 

Columbigallina buckleyi (Sclater and Salvin) 
Chamepelia buckleyi Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, 
p. 21. (Santa Rita, Ecuador.) 

Arid tropical zone from northwestern Ecuador to northwestern Peru. 

~——~ Columbigallina cruziana (Prévost) ? 

Columba Cruziana “D’Orbigny” Prévost, in Knip, Les Pigeons, ed. 2, 
2, 1838-18438, p. 89, pl. 48. (Vicinity of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, error, 
coast of Tacna, Chile, suggested by Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 
Publ., Zool. Ser., 19, 1932, p. 349.) 

Arid and semi-arid tropical zone of the Pacific coast from northern 

Ecuador to northern Chile. 

Genus OXYPELIA Satvaporr 

Oxypelia Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 470 (in key), 
p. 490. Type, by monotypy, Peristera cyanopis Pelzeln. 

cf. Naumburg, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 60, 1930, p. 69 (Records). 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 18938, p. 490-491. 

Oxypelia cyanopis (Pelzeln) 
Peristera cyanopis “‘Natterer”’ Pelzeln, Orn. Bras., Abth. 3, 1870, p. 277, 
336 (orig. descr.). (Cuyaba, Matto Grosso.) 

Known only from Cuyaba, Matto Grosso and from Itapura, Sao Paulo. 


Claravis Oberholser, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1899, p. 203. New 
name to replace Peristera Swainson, 1827, not of Rafinesque, 1815. 
Type, by original designation, Columba cinerea Temminck. 

cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 480-487. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 491-496. 

1 See Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, 1929, p. 468; 
Zimmer, op. cit., 17, 1930, p. 259. 

2 In view of the many points of similarity between this and other members 
of the genus I cannot see my way clear to recognizing Eupelia Todd; those who 
wish to maintain that genus on its slight structural divergences must recognize 
Talpacotia Bonaparte and create a new genus for buckleyi if they wish to be 


Claravis pretiosa (Ferrari-Perez) 

Peristera pretiosa Ferrari-Perez, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 9, 1886, p. 175. 
New name to replace Columba cinerea Temminck, 1811 (Brazil), not 
of Scopoli 1786.1 

Chamepelia plumbea Bertoni, An. Cient. Paraguayos (1), no. 1, 1901, 
p. 27. (Alto Paran4, Paraguay.) 

Claravis pretiosa livida Bangs, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18, 1905, p. 153. 
(Rio Cauca, Colombia.) 

Southeastern Mexico from southern Tamaulipas southward over the 
Caribbean rain forest area of Central America to Nicaragua, thence south 
over both eastern and western slopes to Peru, Bolivia, northern Argentina 
(Tucumdn), Paraguay, and southern Brazil. 

Claravis mondetoura ochoterena van Rossem 

Claravis mondetoura ochoterena van Rossem, Trans. San. Diego Nat. 
Hist. Soc., 8, 1934, p. 7. (Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico.) 

’ Mountains of the State of Vera Cruz, Mexico. 

Claravis mondetoura salvini Griscom 

Claravis mondetoura salvini Griscom, Occ. Papers Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
5, 1930, p. 289. (Volcan San Lucas, Guatemala.) 

Subtropical zone of the mountains of Guatemala.? 

Claravis mondetoura umbrina Griscom 
Claravis mondetoura umbrina Griscom, Occ. Papers Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 5, 1930, p. 288. (La Estrella de Cartago, Costa Rica.) 

Subtropical zone of the mountains of Costa Rica. 

Claravis mondetoura pulchra Griscom 

Claravis mondetoura pulchra Griscom, Occ. Papers Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 5, 1930, p. 288. (Boquete, 3000 feet, Panama.) 

Subtropical zone of the mountains of western Panama. 

Claravis mondetoura mondetoura (Bonaparte) 

Peristera mondetoura Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 42, 
1856, p. 765. (Caracas, Venezuela.) 

Subtropical zone of the mountains of Colombia, eastern Ecuador, and 
northern Venezuela. 

1 Peristera pretiosa Ferrari-Perez is a substitute name for the preoccupied 
Columba cinerea of Temminck. Perez gives no description or diagnosis of the 
single specimen he had at hand from Jalapa, Mexico, and the validity of his 
name rests entirely on the reference to pl. 260 of Temminck’s PI. col. 

2 IT cannot help but feel that an adequate series of C. mondetoura from Cen- 
tral America would tend to show that the differences on which the Central 
American forms rest are due to individual rather than to geographic variation. 


Claravis mondetoura inca van Rossem 

Claravis mondetoura inca van Rossem, Trans. San. Diego Nat. Hist. 
Soc., 8, 1934, p. 6. (Huasampilla, Peru.) 

Mountains of southeastern Peru. 

~ Claravis godefrida (Temminck) 

Columba Godefrida Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1811, les colombes, 
p. 125, pl. 57. (Brazil.) } 

Chamepelia miantoptera Bertoni, An. Cient. Paraguayos (1), no. 1, 1901, 
p. 26. (Lat. 25° 43’ S. and lat. 26° 53’8., Alto Parand, Paraguay.) 
Southeastern Brazil and adjacent parts of Paraguay; range imperfectly 

GENus OENA SwaInson 

Gna “Selby MSS” Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 349. Type, by 
monotypy, Columba capensis Linné. 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 18938, p. 501-504. 
Sclater, Syst. Av. Athiop., pt. 1, 1924, p. 171. 

Oena capensis capensis (Linné) 

Columba capensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 286. (Cape of 
Good Hope.) 

(na capensis anonyma Oberholser, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 28, 1905, 
p. 843. (Plains east of Mt. Kilimanjaro, East Africa.) 

All of tropical Africa (except equatorial rain forest) from Senegal, the 
southern Sahara, the Egyptian Sudan and the Red Sea coast south to 
Cape Province; Arabia; Socotra Island. 

Oena capensis aliena Bangs 

Oena capensis aliena Bangs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoél., 61, 1918, p. 491. 
(Tulear, Madagascar.) 


Tympanistria Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., 1852 (1853), p. xxv. Type, 
by original designation and tautonymy, Columba tympanistria 

cf. Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 357-360. 
Reichenow, Vog. Afr., 1, 1901, p. 424-426. 

- Tympanistria tympanistria fraseri Bonaparte 
Tympanistria frasert Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855 [after 15 April], 
p. 67.2, (Fernando Po.) 

1 Replaces Peristera geoffroyi of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
* This name is a nomen nudum in Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855 
[February], p. 19. 


Tropical Africa from Sierra Leone, Lake Chad, northern Uganda and 
southern Ethiopia south to northern Angola on the west and the Zambesi 
River on the east; Island of Fernando Po. Erroneously attributed to 

Tympanistria tympanistria tympanistria (Temminck) 
Columba Tympanistria Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les 
colombes, p. 80, pl. 86. (South Africa.) 
South Africa, south of the Cunene and Zambesi Rivers. 

GrENusS TURTUR BoppaErt 

Turtur Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 10. Type, by monotypy, 
Columba afra Linné.! 

Calopelia Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 500 (in key), 
p. 522. Type, by original designation, Columba (Peristera) puella 

cf. Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 360-370. 

Bates, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 49, 1928, p. 34-85. 

Friedmann, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 153, 1930, p. 239-242. 
Sclater, Syst. Av. Aithiop., pt. 1, 1924, p. 171-172. 

Sclater and Mackworth-Praed, Ibis, 1920, p. 834-836. 

Turtur afer afer (Linné) 

Columba afra Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 284. (Senegal.) 

Chalcopelia afra kilimensis Mearns, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 48, 1915, 
p. 383. (Mt. Kilimanjaro, 5000 feet.) 

Turtur afer sclater’ Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, p. 26. 
(Entebbe, Uganda.) 

Senegal eastward across Nigeria (actual northern limit not known) to 
Uganda and Kenya Colony, south to the mouth of the Congo, Southern 
Rhodesia and the Zambesi Valley. 

Turtur afer mearnsi Sclater and Mackworth-Praed 

Turtur afra mearnst Sclater and Mackworth-Praed, Ibis, 1920, p. 836. 
(Roguecha, south of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.) 

Highlands of central and southern Ethiopia, east to Harar. 

?Turtur abyssinicus delicatulus (Sharpe) 
Chalcopelia delicatula Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 1902, p. 84. 
(Goz-Abu-Gumar, White Nile.) 

Drier parts of tropical Africa from Senegal eastward through Darfur to 
the Blue Nile, south to northern Sierra Leone, Gold Coast and Northern 
Nigeria. Doubtfully distinct from 7. a. abyssinicus. 

' Replaces Chaleopelia Bonaparte 1855, of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Turtur abyssinicus abyssinicus (Sharpe) 
Chalcopelia abyssinica Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 1902, p. 83. 
(Kokai, Bogosland.) 
Eritrea and northern Ethiopia. 

— Turtur chalcospilos patetus nom. nov. 

Chalcopelia chalcospilos somalica Erlanger, Journ. f. Orn., 53, 1905, 
p. 134, pl. 7, f. 2b. (Salakle, Somaliland.) Not Turtur damarensis 
somalicus Erlanger, t.c., p. 127. 

Southern Somaliland. 

~~~ Turtur chalcospilos chalcospilos (Wagler) 
Columba Chalcospilos Wagler, Syst. Av., 1827, Columba, sp. 83. (South 
Africa = eastern Cape Province.) 
Chalcopelia chalcospilos erlangert Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 50, 1902, 
p. 134. (Northern Angola.) 
Chalcopelia chalcospilos caffra Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 50, 1902, 
p. 134. (Southeast Africa.) 
Chalcopelia chalcospila acanthina Oberholser, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 28, 
1905, p. 845. (Mt. Kilimanjaro, East Africa.) 
Chalcopelia chalcospila intensa Mearns, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 48, 1915, 
p. 384. (Hawash River, Ethiopia.) 
Chalcopelia chalcospila media Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 48, 1915, 
p. 885. (Southern end of South Lake Abaya, near Gardulla.) 
Turtur chalcospilos zambesiensis Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 8, 1922, 
p. 197. (Zimbiti, Beira district, Mozambique.) 
Eastern Africa from Ethiopia and northern Somaliland south to Cape 
Province; occurring also in Angola and in the Katanga district of the Bel- 
gian Congo. 

Turtur chalcospilos volkmanni (Reichenow) 
Chalcopelia chalcospilos volkmanni Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 50, 1902, 
p. 1384. (Damaraland.) 
South-west African Protectorate east to Lake Ngami. 

Turtur brehmeri! infelix nom. nov. 

Columba (Peristera) puella Schlegel, Bijdr. tot de Dierk., 1, 1848, p. 17, 
col. pl. (Dabocrom, Gold Coast.) Not Columba puella Lesson 1827. 

Coastal forest belt from Sierra Leone to Cameroon Mountain. 

1 T can find no structural characters that would warrant the retention of the 
genus Calopelia for this species: its somewhat different coloration appears to 
have prompted its segregation originally. While the other three species of 
Turtur are inhabitants of arid and semi-arid country, this appears to be a 
forest inhabiting species. 


Turtur brehmeri brehmeri (Hartlaub) 
Chalcopelia Brehmert Hartlaub, Journ. f. Orn., 18, Mar., 1865, p. 97; 
Ibis, Apr., 1865, p. 236. (Gaboon.) 
Extreme southern Cameroon, Rio Benito, French Congo and northern 
Belgian Congo. 


Chalcophaps Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 13, 1848, pl. [8] (= 5, pl. 62 of 
bound vol.) Type, by monotypy, Columba chrysochlora Wagler. 

cf. Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 5, 1928, p. 215-217. 
Chasen, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 8, 1933, p. 61-63. 
Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 189-143. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 2, 1898, p. 648-654. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 510-522. 
Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, no. 8, p. 80-81. 

Chalcophaps indica ! indica (Linné) 
Columba indica Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 164. (East Indies.) 
Kashmir, Bengal, Assam, Tonkin,? Hainan and the Riu Kiu Islands 
south over India, Burma, Malay Peninsula, Indochina, the Philippines, 
Borneo and Celebes to the Greater Sunda Islands, and the Lesser Sunda 
chain to Alor and Sumba; Moluccas and extreme western Papuan Islands 
(Gebe and Koffiao). 

Chalcophaps indica robinsoni Stuart Baker 
Chalcophaps indica robinsoni Stuart Baker, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, 1928, 
p. 58. (Cocawatte Estate, Ceylon.) 


Chalcophaps indica maxima Hartert 
Chalcophaps indica maxima Hartert, Orn. Monatsb., 39, 1931, p. 145. 
(Golapabung, South Andamans.) 
Andaman Islands. 

Chalcophaps indica natalis Lister 
Chalcophaps natalis Lister, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888 (1889), p. 522. 
(Christmas Island, Indian Ocean.) 

Confined to Christmas Island. 

1 Due to the great range of individual variation in this species and the lack 
of sufficiently long series from all parts of the wide area it inhabits, I am not 
sure whether I have recognized too many or not enough races! 

2 Recorded from Yunnan and western Szechuan by David; it has not been 
taken in these provinces by collectors in the present century. 


?Chalcophaps indica sanghirensis Blasius 

Chalcophaps indica var. sanghirensis Blasius, Braunschw. Anz., 11 Jan., 
1888, no. 9, p. 86; Ornis, 4, Oct., 1888, p. 623; Russ’ Isis, 1888, p. 78.1 
(Great Sangir Island.) 

Confined to Great Sangir Island. Doubtfully distinct from C. 7. indica. 

Chalcophaps indica minima Hartert 

Chalcophaps indica minima Hartert, Orn. Monatsb., 39, 1931, p. 44. 
- (Island of Numfor, Geelvink Bay.) 

Known only from the islands of Numfor, Biak and Mios Nom. 

Chalcophaps indica timorensis Bonaparte 

Chalcophaps indica timorensis Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
» 43, 1856, p. 948. (Timor.) 

Lesser Sunda Islands from Wetar and Timor eastward to the Banda, 
Kei and Tenimber Islands. 

?Chalcophaps indica longirostris Gould 
Chalcophaps longirostris Gould, Introd. Bds. Austr., 1848, p. 78. (Port 
Essington, Northern Territory.) 
Chalcophaps occidentalis North, Victorian Nat., 24, 1907, p. 135. (Port 
Keats, Northern Territory.) 

Chalcophaps chrysochlora melvillensis Zietz, South Austr. Orn., 1, 1914, 
p. 12. (Melville Island.) 
Northern Territory. Perhaps not different from C. 7. chrysochlora. 

~ Chalcophaps indica chrysochlora (Wagler) 

Columba chrysochlora Wagler, Syst. Av., 1827, Columba, sp.79. (Ceylon, 
Java, ete., error = Gosford, New South Wales designated by Mathews, 

Chalcophaps chrysochlora rogerst Mathews, Noy. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 187. 
(Cairns, Queensland.) 

Chalcophaps chrysochlora kempi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 187. 
(Cape York, Queensland.) 

New Guinea, from Astrolabe Bay on the north and Hall Sound on the 

south, eastward; Vulcan Island; D’Entrecasteaux and Louisiade Archi- 
pelagoes; eastern Australia south to Victoria; Lord Howe Island. 

Chalcophaps indica sandwichensis Ramsay 
Chalcophaps chrysochlora, Sandwichensis Var. Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soe. 
New South Wales, 2, 1878, p. 288. (Vela Harbor, Sandwich Island, 
New Hebrides.) 

1 Salvadori apparently dates the name from the Braunsch. Anz.; Meyer and 
Wiglesworth date it from its appearance in Ornis. 


Chalcophaps chrysochlora disjuncta Brazil, Rev. Frang. d’Orn., 4, 1916, 
p. 195. (Canala, New Caledonia.) 
Santa Cruz Islands, Banks Group, New Hebrides, New Caledonia. 

Chalcophaps stephani wallacei Briiggemann 
Chalcophaps Wallace: Briiggemann, Abh. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 5, 
1877, p. 464. (Celebes, based on Chalcophaps stephani Wallace, not of 

Chalcophaps stephani stephani Pucheran 
Chalcophaps stephani Pucheran, Voy. Pole Sud, Zool., 3, 1858, p. 119; 
Atlas, pl. 28, f. 2. (Triton Bay, New Guinea.) 
Admiralty Islands; Bismarck Archipelago; Lihir Islands; Jobi; Dampier 
Island; Vulcan Island; New Guinea; Kei and Aru Islands; Louisiade and 
D’Entrecasteaux Archipelagoes. 

Chalcophaps stephani mortoni Ramsay 
Chalcophaps Mortoni Ramsay, Nature, 25, 19 Jan., 1882, p. 282. (Solo- 
mon Islands); Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 6, 1881 (Mar., 
1882), p. 725. (Ugi, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands. 

Grenus HENICOPHAPS G. R. Gray 

Henicophaps G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861 (1862), p. 4382. 
Type, by monotypy, Henicophaps albifrons G. R. Gray. 
cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 168, pl. 1; 36, 1930, p. 116-117. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 524-525. 

Henicophaps albifrons albifrons G. R. Gray 
Henicophaps albifrons G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861 (1862), 
p. 482, pl. 44. (Waigeu.) 
Islands of Waigeu, Gemien, Salawati, Misol and Jobi; New Guinea. 

Henicophaps albifrons schlegeli (Rosenberg) 
Rynchaenas Schlegeli Rosenberg, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederl. Indié, 29, 
1866, p. 143. (Aru Islands.) 
Aru Islands. 

Henicophaps foersteri Rothschild and Hartert 
Henicophaps foersteri Rothschild and Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 
1906, p. 28. (Massawa, New Britain.) 
Reinwardtoenas bleyi W. Meyer, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 1909, p. 36. (Toriu 
and Kambair, New Britain.) 
New Britain. 


Petrophassa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1840 (1841), p. 173. Type, 
by monotypy, Petrophassa albipennis Gould. 
cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 155-160. 
Mathews, Man. Bds. Austr., 1921, p. 255-256. 
Petrophassa albipennis alisteri Mathews 

Petrophassa albipennis alisteri Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 28. 
(Napier Broome Bay, northwestern Australia.) 

Region about Napier Broome Bay in northwestern Australia. 

Petrophassa albipennis albipennis Gould 

Petrophassa albipennis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1840 (1841), 
p. 173. (Western Australia; Wyndham, northwestern Australia, 
designated by Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 28.) 

Kimberly division of Western Australia and adjacent parts of Northern 
Petrophassa rufipennis Collett 

Petrophassa rufipennis Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, p. 354, 
pl. 28. (South Alligator River, Northern Territory.) 

Region of the South and East Alligator Rivers, Northern Territory. 

Genus PHAPS SELpy 
Phaps Selby, Nat. Hist. Pigeons, 1835, p. 194. Type, by original desig- 
nation, Columba chalcoptera Latham. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 144-150. 
Mathews, Man. Bds. Austr., 1921, p. 251-258. 

~~ Phaps chalcoptera murchisoni Mathews 

Phaps chalcoptera murchisoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 188. 
(East Murchison, West Australia.) 

Mid-western and southwestern Australia. 

Phaps chalcoptera consobrina Mathews 
Phaps chalcoptera consobrina Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 188. 
(Parry’s Creek, northwestern Australia.) 
Phaps chalcoptera riordani Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 28. 
(Melville Island, Australia.) 

Northern Australia. 

Phaps chalcoptera chalcoptera (Latham) 

Columba chalcoptera Latham, Ind. Orn., 2, 1790, p. 604. (Norfolk Island, 
error, restricted to Sydney, New South Wales by Mathews, Man. Bds. 
Austr., 1921, p. 251.) 

Southern Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia; 



Phaps elegans neglecta Mathews 
Phaps elegans neglecta Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 188. (Long 
Bay, Sydney, New South Wales.) 
Phaps elegans affinis Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 188. (Emu 
Well, South Australia.) 
The southern third of Australia. 

Phaps elegans elegans (Temminck) 

Columba Elegans Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 
p. 56, pl. 22. (D’Entrecasteaux Channel, Tasmania.) 


Grnus OCYPHAPS G. R. Gray 

Ocyphaps “Gould” G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., ed. 2, App., 1842, p. 12. 
Type, by original designation, O. lophotes (Temm.) = Columba 
lophotes Temminck. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 177-179. 
Mathews, Man. Bds. Austr., 1921, p. 261-262. 

Ocyphaps lophotes (Temminck) 

Columba lophotes Temminck, PI. col., livr. 24, 1822, pl. 142. (New Hol- 
land, 7.e. New South Wales.) ! 

Columba palustris Bennett, Cat. Spec. Nat. Hist. Austr. Mus., 1837, 
p. 42. New name for Columba lophotes Temminck. 

Ocyphaps lophotes whitlockt Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 191. (East 
Murchison, southwestern Australia.) 

Ocyphaps lophotes stalkert Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 191. 
(Alexandra, Northern Territory.) 



Lophophaps Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., 1852 (1853), p. xxv. Type, 
by original designation, Lophophaps plumifera R. = Geophaps plumi- 
fera Gould. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 168-176. 
Mathews, Man. Bds. Austr., 1921, p. 259-260. 

Lophophaps plumifera plumifera (Gould) 
Geophaps plumifera Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 7, 1842, p. [6] = 5, pl. 69 
of bound volume. (150 miles up the Victoria River, between Cape 
Hotham and Depuch Island.) 

1 Mathews, 1911, p. 178 and subsequent publications, gives the Blue Moun- 
tains as type locality, but Temminck does not say that the types came from 
there; he merely says that the discovery of this species is due to the English 
travelers who have succeeded in preparing a route through the Blue Moun- 
tains in the interior of the country of New Holland. 


Lophophaps plumifera pallida Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 190. 
(Parry’s Creek, northwestern Australia.) 

Interior of northern tropical Australia. 

?Lophophaps plumifera leucogaster Gould 

Lophophaps leucogaster Gould, Bds. Austr., Suppl., pt. 4, 1867, pl. [9] = 
pl. 69, of bound suppl. (Machrihanish Station, South Australia.) 

Central Australia; doubtfully distinct from L. p. plumifera. 
Lophophaps ferruginea mungi Mathews 
Lophophaps ferruginea mungt Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 190. 
(Mungi, northwestern Australia.) 
Northern Territory and parts of West Australia at least to the Fitzroy 
Lophophaps ferruginea ferruginea Gould 

Lophophaps ferruginea Gould, Handb. Bds. Austr., 2, 1865, p. 137. 
(Gascoygne River, West ustralia, ) 

Western Australia from the western border to the range of mungi to 
Shark Bay. 


Geophaps “Gould” G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., ed. 2, App., 1 Mar., 1842, 
p. 12.1 Type, by original designation, G. scripta (Temm.) = Columba 
scripta Temminck. 

Terraphaps Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1913, p. 195. Type, by original 
designation, @eaphaps smithit (J ardine and “disp = Columba smithir 
Jardine a Selby. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 161-167. 
Mathews, Man. Bds. Austr., 1921, p. 256-258. 

‘Geophaps scripta peninsulae White 

Geophaps scripta peninsule White, Emu, 21, 1922, p. 163. (Coen, ise 
York, Queensland.) 

Northern Queensland. 

Geophaps scripta scripta (Temminck) 

Columba scripta Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 18, 1821, p. 127. 
(Shoalwater Bay, lat. 22° 8., Queensland.) 

Geophaps scripta bourket Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, p. 124. 
(Bourke, New South Wales.) 

Central Queensland southward through the interior of New South 

1 The name was first published by Gould in Bds. Austr., pt. 7, 1 June, 1842. 

* The Brit. Mus. Catalogue lists two skins from ‘‘N. W. Australia’’; in his 
later works Mathews definitely states that this species is restricted to eastern 


?Geophaps smithii blaauwi Mathews 

Geophaps smithi blaauwi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 28. 
(Napier Broome Bay, northwestern Australia.) 

Recorded only from the region about Napier Broome Bay. Very doubt- 

fully distinct from G. s. smithii. 
Geophaps smithii smithii (Jardine and Selby) 

Columba Smithii Jardine and Selby, Illustr. Orn., 2, 1830, pl. 104. (New 
Holland = North-West Australia apud Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 
1912, p. 190 = Northern Territory by designation of Mathews, infra.) 

Gymnophaps smithi cecile Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 29. 
(Melville Island, Northern Territory.) 

Northern Territory and adjacent parts of West Australia; Melville 

Genus HISTRIOPHAPS Satvapor1 

Histriophaps Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 500 (in key), 
p. 529. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Peristera his- 
trionica Gould. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 151-154. 
Mathews, Man. Bds. Austr., 1921, p. 2538-255. 
Histriophaps histrionica alisteri (Mathews) 

Phaps histrionica alisteri Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 189. (Par- 
ry’s Creek, northwestern Australia.) 

Interior of northern West Australia and Northern Territory. 

Histriophaps histrionica histrionica (Gould) 

Peristera histrionica Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 2, Mar. 1841, pl. [13] = 
5, pl. 66 of bound volume. (Plains in the interior of New South 
Wales, 7.e. Liverpool Plains.) 

Columba marmorata Mathews, Bds. Austr., suppl. no. 1, 1920, p. 11, in 
synonymy of histrionica ex Mitchell, Three Exped. Int. Eastern Austr., 
1, 1838, p. xviii, where nomen nudum. 

Interior of New South Wales and Queensland. 

Genus APLOPELIA Bonaparte 

Aplopelia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, p. 18. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Columba larvata Temminck. (G. R. 
Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 150.) 

cf. Bannerman, Ibis, 1916, p. 1-16. 
Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 370-375. 
Aplopelia larvata bronzina (Riippell) 

Columba bronzina Riippell, Neue Wirbelth., Vég., 1837, p. 65, pl. 23, f. 1. 
(Simen Province, Ethiopia.) 

Highlands of Ethiopia. 


Aplopelia larvata larvata (Temminck) 
Columba Larvata Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 
p. 71, pl. 31. (Antinoquoi Country, 7.e. Knysna, Cape Province.) 
Haplopelia johnstoni Shelley, Ibis, 1893, p. 28, pl. 3. (Melangi Plateau, 
6000 feet, Nyasaland.) 
Haplopelia larvata kilimensis Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 46, 1898, p. 240 
(Nomen nudum in text), p. 289. (Kibosho, Mt. Kilimanjaro.) 
Mountain forests of eastern Africa from the interior of Kenya Colony 
(north to Mt. Elgon and Mt. Kenya), southward through Tanganyika 
Territory and Nyasaland to Transvaal, Natal and Cape Province. 

Aplopelia simplex jacksoni (Sharpe) 
Haplopelia jacksoni Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, 1904, p.93. (Ruwen- 
Uganda, where recorded from the Ruwenzori district and the Bugoma 
and Mabira forests. 

~— Aplopelia simplex plumbescens (Sharpe) 
Haplopelia plumbescens Sharpe, Ibis, 1904, p. 95. (Efulen, Cameroon.) 
? Haplopelia forbesi Salvadori, Ibis, 1904, p. 368. (Origin unknown, 
probably western Africa.) 
Aplopelia tessmanni Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 1909, p. 87. (Bebai, 
Forests of southern Cameroon; the specimen recorded from Liberia by 
Allen (African Republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo, 2, 1930, p. 672) 
should probably be referred here. 

Aplopelia simplex inornata (Reichenow) 
Haplopelia inornata Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 40, 1892, p. 221. (Buea, 
950-2200 meters, Cameroon.) 
Cameroon Mountain above 6000 feet and the Cameroon-Nigerian high- 

Aplopelia simplex poensis (Alexander) 
Haplopelia poensis Alexander, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, 1903, p. 33. 
(Bakaki, Fernando Po) = @. 
Haplopelia seimundi Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, 1904, p. 98. (Ban- 
terbari, Fernando Po) = &. 
Confined to the Island of Fernando Po. 

Aplopelia simplex principalis (Hartlaub) 
Peristera principalis Hartlaub, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, p. 330. 
(Principe Island, Gulf of Guinea.) 

Confined to Principe (or Prince’s) Island. 


Aplopelia simplex simplex (Hartlaub) 
Turtur simplex Hartlaub, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 1, 1849, p. 497. 
(Island of Sao Thomé.) 
Island of Sio Thomé and Rollas Islet. 

Aplopelia simplex hypoleuca (Salvadori) 
Haplopelia hypoleuca Salvadori, Mem. Accad. Torino (2), 53, 1903, 
p. 96. (Island of Annobon.) 
Confined to the Island of Annobon. 

GreNus LEPTOTILA SwarInson 

Leptotila Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 349. Type, by monotypy, 
P. rufaxilla Nat. Libr., 5, pl. 24 = Peristera rufazilla Selby (not of 
Richard and Bernard) = Columba jamaicensis Linné. 

cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 1917, p. 210-213 (distr. in 
Colombia); id., 65, 1926, p. 168-171 (distr. in Ecuador). 
Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, 1929, p. 470- 
Ridgway, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 488-464. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 543-562. 

Leptotila verreauxi capitalis Nelson 

Leptotila capitalis Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 12, 1898, p. 6. (Maria 
Madre Island.) 

Tres Marias Islands, off the west coast of Mexico. 
Leptotila verreauxi angelica ! Bangs and Penard 

Leptotila fulviventris angelica Bangs and Penard, Proc. New Engl. Zodl. 
Cl., 8, 1922, p. 29. (Brownsville, Texas.) 
Southern Sonora, southern Chihuahua and the lower Rio Grande Valley 
in Texas southward on both coasts of Mexico at least to Guerrero on the 
west and northern Vera Cruz on the east. 

Leptotila verreauxi fulviventris (Lawrence) 
Leptoptila fulviventris Lawrence, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 2, 1882, p. 287. 
Leptotila verreauxt fulvifrons Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, 
pt. 7, 1916, p. 451, in text. Lapsus! 
Southern Mexico, including the Yucatan Peninsula, south to eastern 

Guatemala and British Honduras. "5 

Leptotila verreauxi bangsi Dickey and van Rossem 
Leptotila fulviventris bangsi Dickey and van Rossem, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Wash., 39, 1926, p. 110. (Volean San Miguel, 2500 feet, El Salvador.) 
Pacific slope of Guatemala, Salvadér and Nicaragua, extending into 
western Honduras. 

1 Replaces Leptotila brachyptera Salvadori of Sharpe’s Hand-list, not appli- 


Leptotila verreauxi nuttingi Ridgway 
Leptotila verreauxi nuttingi Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 107. (Ometepe, Nicaragua.) 
Western shore of Lake Nicaragua and the island of Ometepe in the lake. 

?PLeptotila verreauxi riottei (Lawrence) 

Leptoptila riottei Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 9, 1868, p. 137. 
(Navarro, Costa Rica.) 

Confined to the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica. Doubtfully distinct 
from L. v. verreauxt. 

Leptotila verreauxi verreauxi (Bonaparte) 

Leptoptila verreauxi Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40,1855, 
p. 99. (Colombia.) . 
Leptotila insularis Richmond, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 18, 1896, p. 659. 
(Margarita Island, Venezuela.) 
Extreme southwestern Nicaragua southward over western Costa Rica, 
Panama, northern Colombia in the Magdalena Valley, and eastward to 
Venezuela; islands of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire, Margarita Island. 

Leptotila verreauxi zapluta nom. nov. 

Peristera brevipennis G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Columbae, 1856, 
p. 54. Nomen nudum. 

Leptoptila verreauxi brevipennis Chubb, Ibis, 1919, p. 45. (Trinidad, ex 
Gray, supra.) Gray’s name preoccupied as a synonym of Leptoptila 
verreauzi Bp. in Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 549. 

Confined to the Island of Trinidad. 

Leptotila verreauxi tobagensis Hellmayr and Seilern 
Leptotila verreauxi tobagensis Hellmayr and Seilern, Verh. Orn. Ges. 
Bayern, 12, 1915, p. 204. (Man O’War Bay, Tobago.) 
Confined to the Island of Tobago. 

Leptotila verreauxi decolor (Salvin) 

Leptoptila decolor Salvin, Nov. Zool., 2, 1895, p. 21. (Cajabamba, 
9000 feet, Vina, Huamachuco, 5500 feet, Chusgon, Huamachuco, 
8500 feet, Peru. Type from Cajabamba.) 

Leptotila verreauxi occidentalis Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 31, 
1912, p. 142. (San Antonio, 6600 feet, Western Andes, Cauca, Co- 

Western subtropical zone in Colombia south through western and central 

Ecuador to Trujillo and the Marafién Valley in northern Peru. 

“Leptotila verreauxi brasiliensis (Bonaparte) 

Peristera brasiliensis Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 43, 
1856, p. 945. (No locality, ‘‘the type agrees with specimens from 


French and Dutch Guiana from which those of British Guiana and 
the Rio Branco are inseparable,” fide Hellmayr, antea, p. 471, note.) 

Leptoptila verreauxt macconnelli Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, 
p. 32. (British Guiana.) 

Leptotila verreauxi tenella Penard, Proc. New Engl. Zodél. Cl., 8, 1923, 
p. 35. (Lelydorp, Surinam.) 

The Guianas and northern Brazil south to the north bank of the lower 


Leptotila verreauxi approximans (Cory) 
Leptoptila ochroptera approximans Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., 
Zool. Ser., 12, 1917, p. 7. (Serra Baturite, Ceard, Brazil.) 
Eastern Brazil from Piauhy and Ceara to northern Bahia. 

Leptotila verreauxi decipiens ! (Salvadori) 
Homoptila decipiens Salvadori, Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 6, 1871, p. 181. 
?Leptotila verreauxi bolivianus Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, 
pt. 7, 1916, p. 447. (Bolivia.) 
Leptoptila intermedia Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, p. 17. (“Cen- 
tral South Peru’’; the type is from Huiro, Urubamba Valley.) 
Leptotila ochroptera kalinowskii Stolamann, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polon. 
Hist. Nat., 5, 1926, p. 201. (Santa Ana, Peru.) 
Eastern Peru across Brazil south of the Amazon (except area occupied 
by approximans) south through eastern Bolivia, Matto Grosso and Sao 

Leptotila verreauxi chalcauchenia (Sclater and Salvin) 

Leptoptila chalcauchenia Salvad. MS., Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. . 
Soc. London, 1869 (March, 1870) p. 633. (Conchitas, Buenos Aires, 

Leptoptila chlorauchenia Giglioli and Salvadori, Atti Accad. Sci. 
Torino, 5, 2 Jan., 1870 (= after April), p. 274. (Estancia Trinidad, 
near Montevideo, Uruguay.) Ibis, April, 1870, p. 186. Translation of 
description appearing in ‘‘Atti.”’ 

Leptoptila callauchen Salvadori, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 
12, 1897, no. 292, p. 38. (San Lorenzo, Jujuy, Argentina.) ? 

Extreme southern Bolivia, Paraguay and Parana, south to the Argen- 

tine provinces of Tucumdn, Cérdoba and Buenos Aires; Uruguay. 

1 Replaces Leptoptila ochroptera Pelzeln of Sharpe’s Hand-list, rejected as 
undeterminable, see Hellmayr, antea, p. 472, note. 

2 Possibly comparison of sufficient material of northwestern with eastern 
Argentine series of this dove would show differences that would warrant the 
recognition of the birds from the former region as callauchen; as it is am unable 
to distinguish a specimen from Tucumdn from topotypical chalcauchenia. 


——~~Leptotila megalura megalura (Sclater and Salvin) 
Leptoptila megalura Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, 
p. 640. (Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia.) 
Northern and central Bolivia. 

~~~ Leptotila megalura saturata (Salvadori) 
Leptoptila saturata Salvadori, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, 12, 
1897, no. 292, p. 33. (San Lorenzo, Jujuy, and Cara-huassi, Salta, 
Argentina; Caiza, Bolivia.) 
Southern Bolivia south into northwestern Argentina in provinces of 
Jujuy, Salta and Tucumdan. 

Leptotila jamaicensis gaumeri (Lawrence) 
Engyptila Gaumeri Lawrence, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 3, 1885, p. 157. 
(Silam, Yucatan.) 

Northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula; islands of Holbox, Mujeres 
and Cozumel. 

Leptotila jamaicensis collaris (Cory) 
Engyptila collaris Cory, Auk, 3, 1886, p. 498. (Grand Cayman.) 
Island of Grand Cayman. 

~~ Leptotila jamaicensis jamaicensis (Linné) 
Columba jamaicensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p.283. (Jamaica.) 
Island of Jamaica. 

Leptotila jamaicensis neoxena (Cory) 

Engyptila neoxena Cory, Descr. six supposed new species birds from 
islands of Old Providence and St. Andrew’s, Caribbean Sea, 28 May, 
1887, p. 3.1. (St. Andrew’s Island.) 

St. Andrew’s Island, Caribbean Sea. 

Leptotila plumbeiceps * plumbeiceps (Sclater and Salvin) 

Leptoptila plumbeiceps Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 59. ({Choctum] Vera Paz, Guatemala.) 

Southeastern Mexico from southern Tamaulipas, south over British 
Honduras, eastern Guatemala, Caribbean slopes of Honduras and Nica- 
ragua and the west coast of Costa Rica. 

1 This paper was published under the above title in Auk, 4, July, 1887, 
p. 177-180; an advance edition of authors’ separates was issued more than a 
month ahead of the date of publication of the Auk. 

2 While L. plumbeiceps is probably the Central American representative of 
L. rufazilla, its occurrence in the Cauca Valley of Colombia in relation to 
forms on the west coast and in Amazonian Colombia, scarcely permits its 
treatment as a subspecies. 


Leptotila plumbeiceps notius Peters 

Leptotila plumbeiceps notius Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 71, 1931, 
p. 298. (Almirante, Panama.) 

Apparently confined to the Caribbean slope of western Panama. 

Leptotila plumbeiceps malae Griscom 

Leptotila plumbeiceps male Griscom, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 280, 1927, 
p. 4. (Cerro Montosa, 2500 feet, Cape Mala, Panama.) 

Confined to the Mala Peninsula, Pacific side of western Panama. 

Leptotila plumbeiceps battyi (Rothschild) 
Leptoptila battyi Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 1901, p. 33. (Coiba 

Confined to Coiba Island, off the Pacific side of western Panama. 

Leptotila plumbeiceps subsp? 
Leptotila plumbeiceps Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 1917, 
p. 212. 

Tropical zone in the Cauca Valley, and at Caldas, western slope of the 
Western Andes, Colombia.! 

Leptotila rufaxilla pallida (Berlepsch and Taczanowski) 
Leptoptila pallida Berlepsch and Taczanowski, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1883 (1884), p. 575. (Chimbo, Ecuador.) 
Western Colombia from about lat. 5° N., south to southwestern Ecua- 

Leptotila rufaxilla pallidipectus Chapman 

Leptotila rufaxilla pallidipectus Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
34, 1915, p. 369. (Buena Vista, 4500 feet, Eastern Andes above Villa- 
vicencio, Colombia.) 

Tropical zone at the eastern base of the Eastern Andes of Colombia, 
doubtless south to the Guaviare River and probably eastward into western 

Leptotila rufaxilla dubusi (Bonaparte) 

Leptoptila dubusi Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, 
p. 99. (Banks of the Rio Napo.) 

Southeastern Colombia and eastern Ecuador, eastward to the base of 
Mt. Duida; limits of range in Brazil not known.? 

1 Chapman believes it inadvisable to name the Colombian bird, since he 
found it impossible to draw up a diagnosis by which it could be separated from 
the majority of specimens from Mexico and Central America. 

2 This is probably the race occurring in eastern Peru. 


——  Leptotila rufaxilla rufaxilla (Richard and Bernard) 

Columba Rufaxilla Richard and Bernard, Actes Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1, 
1792, p. 118. (Cayenne.) 

Lower Orinoco Valley in eastern Venezuela, and the Guianas, south to 
the Rio Madeira and extending eastward to northern Maranhao. 

~——- Leptotila rufaxiila hellmayri Chapman 

Leptotila rufaxilla hellmayri Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, 
1915, p. 368. (Near Princestown, Trinidad.) 

Island of Trinidad and the Paria Peninsula, Venezuela. 

Leptotila rufaxilla bahiae (Berlepsch) 

Leptoptila reichenbachi bahiae Berlepsch, Zeitschr. ges. Orn., 2, 1885, 
p. 177. (Bahia.) 

Known only from the State of Bahia in eastern Brazil. 

~~~ Leptotila rufaxilla reichenbachii (Pelzeln) 

Leptoptila Reichenbachit Pelzeln, Orn. Bras., Abth. 3, 1870, p. 279, 337 
(orig. descr.), Abth. 4, p. 451, liv. (Ypanema, Sao Paulo, Brazil.) 

Brazil from Matto Grosso (Chapada) and Espirito Santo (Victoria), 
south to Paraguay, Misiones and Uruguay. 

Leptotila wellsi (Lawrence) 

Engyptila wellsi Lawrence, Auk, 1, 1884, p. 180. (Fontenoy, St. Georges, 

Confined to the Island of Grenada, Lesser Antilles. 

Leptotila cassini cerviniventris (Sclater and Salvin) 

Leptoptila cerviniventris Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1868, p. 59. ([Choctum], Vera Paz, Guatemala.) 

Engyptila vinaceiventris Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 10, 1888, 
p. 583. (Truxillo, Honduras.) 

Caribbean lowlands of Guatemala south through British Honduras, 
Honduras and Nicaragua to northwestern Costa Rica on the west and to 
the Chiriqui Lagoon, Panama, on the east. 

~~ Leptotila cassini rufinucha (Sclater and Salvin) 
Leptoptila rufinucha Sclater and Salvin, Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., 1873, 
p. 162. (Veraguas = Volcan de Chiriqui and Bugaba, Chiriquf.)! 
Southwestern Costa Rica and the Panamanian province of Chiriquf. 

———~ Leptotila cassini cassini (Lawrence) 

Leptoptila cassini Lawrence, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1867, p. 94. 
(Line of the Panama Railroad.) 

1 Although hitherto accorded specific rank, rufinucha is only a representa- 
tive of the cassinz group. 


Panama from the Canal Zone southeastward to the lower Cauca-Mag- 
dalena region in northern Colombia. 
Leptotila ochraceiventris Chapman 
Leptotila ochraceiventris Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, 1914, 
p. 817. (Zaruma, 6000 feet, Prov. del Oro, Ecuador.) ! 
Southwestern Ecuador from Chone to the Peruvian border. 


Osculatia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, p. 102. 
Type, by monotypy, Geotrygon saphirina Bonaparte. 

cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 55, 1926, p. 171. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 563-564, pl. 14. 

Osculatia saphirina purpurata Salvin 
Osculatia purpurata Salvin, Ibis, 1878, p. 448. (Ecuador; no exact 
Osculatia purpurea “Salv.”’ Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, 
p. 563. Emendation or lapsus. 

Colombia (west of the Western Andes) from the headwaters of the 
Atrato, south to western Ecuador. 

Osculatia saphirina saphirina (Bonaparte) 
Geotrygon saphirina Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, 
p. 101. (Rio Napo, Ecuador.) 

Tropical zone at the eastern base of the Andes in Ecuador. 

Osculatia saphirina rothschildi Stolzmann 

Osculatia rothschildt Stolamann, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polon. Hist. Nat., 5, 
1926, p. 202, pl. 4, fs. 1,2. (Cadena, Marcapata Valley, southeastern 

Known only from the type locality. 


Oreopeleia Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., 1852 (1853), p. xxv. Type, by 
original designation, Columba martinicana Brisson = Columba marti- 
nica Linné. 

cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 1917, p. 213-215; 55, 1926, 
p. 171-173. 
Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 467-495. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1898, p. 564-588. Sub nom. 

1 This species will probably prove to be conspecific with cassinz. 
2 Used for all the species placed by Sharpe in Geotrygon Gosse, except vers?- 
color, to which Geotrygon is restricted. 


Oreopeleia veraguensis (Lawrence) 

Geotrygon Veraguensis Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 8, 1867, 
p. 349. (Veraguas, Panama.) 

Geotrygon veraguensis cachaviensis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 5, 1898, p. 504. 
(Cachavé, Ecuador) 

Eastern Costa Rica, Panama, Pacific slope and lower Cauca Valley in 
Colombia, and northwestern Ecuador. 

Oreopeleia lawrencii lentipes Peters 

Oreopelia [sic] lawrencii lentipes Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 71, 
1931, p. 300. (Tenorio, Costa Rica.) 

Northwestern Costa Rica. 

Oreopeleia lawrencii lawrencii (Salvin) 
Geotrygon lawrencit Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 329. (Calobre, Veraguas, 
Eastern Costa Rica and western Panama (Caribbean slope) in provinces 
of Bocas del Toro and Veraguas. 

Oreopeleia goldmani (Nelson) 
Geotrygon goldmani Nelson, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 1912, no. 3, p. 2. 
(Mt. Pirri, 5000 feet, Panama.) 

Subtropical zone in mountains of eastern Panama. 

Oreopeleia costaricensis (Lawrence) 
Geotrygon costaricensis Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 9, 1868, 
p. 1386. (Costa Rica.) 

Highlands of Costa Rica and the Pacific slope of the mountains of 
Chiriquf, and Veraguas, western Panama. 

Oreopeleia chrysia (Bonaparte) 
Geotrygon chrysia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, 
p. 100. (Florida.) 

Bahama Islands, Cuba, Isle of Pines and Hispaniola; several records for 
Key West, Florida. Reports of its occurrence in Puerto Rico require con- 

Oreopeleia mystacea mystacea (Temminck) 

Columba mystacea Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1811, les colombes, 
p. 124, pl. 56. (America; the type in the Leyden Museum is said to be 
from Santo Domingo,! probably an error.) 

Recorded from nearly all of the Lesser Antilles from Barbuda to St. 

Lucia; probably accidental on islands of Culebra and St. Croix (one record 

1 cf. Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas., 4, 1873, Columbae, p. 164. 


Oreopeleia mystacea sabae (Riley) 
Geotrygon sabe Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 16, 1903, p. 18. (Island of 
Saba, West Indies.) 
Confined to the Island of Saba, Lesser Antilles. 
Oreopeleia martinica (Linné) . 
Columba martinica Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 283. (Marti- 
Geotrygon martinica digressa Bangs, Proc. Biol. Soe. Wash., 18, 1905, 
p. 153. (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles.) 
Lesser Antilles: Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, and 
St. Vincent. 
Oreopeleia violacea albiventer (Lawrence) 
Geotrygon albiventer Lawrence, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1865, p. 108. 
(Line of Panama Railroad, near Lion Hill Station.) 
Of rare or local occurrence in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and the 
Santa Marta region of Colombia. 

Oreopeleia violacea violacea (Temminck) 

Columba Violacea Temminck, in Knip, Les Pigeons, 1810, les colombes, 

p. 67, pl. 29. (Probably from the New World.)! 

Eastern tropical South America from Surinam to Paraguay. 
Oreopeleia montana (Linné) 

Columba montana Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 163. (Jamaica.) 

The greater part of tropical America from Sinaloa on the west and Vera 
Cruz on the east, south over Mexico, Central America and South America 
to Peru, northeastern Bolivia, western Matto Grosso, Paraguay and Rio 
Grande do Sul; Greater Antilles: Cuba, Isle of Pines, Jamaica, Hispaniola, 
Puerto Rico, St. Thomas (?); Lesser Antilles: Grenada; Island of Trinidad. 

Oreopeleia caniceps caniceps (Gundlach) 
Columba caniceps Gundlach, Journ. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, 1852, 
p. 315. (Cuba.) 
Tropical lowland forests of Cuba. 

Oreopeleia caniceps leucometopius Chapman 

Oreopeleia leucometopius Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 37, 1917, 
p. 327. (Mt. Tina, Province of Azua, Dominican Republic.) 
Rain forests of the mountains of the Dominican Republic.” 

1 Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 4, 1873, Columbae, p. 165, claims the type as 
being in the Leyden Museum, taken in Surinam on the voyage of Dieperink; 
in Temminck’s description accompanying Mme. Knip’s plate he says: “Le seul 
individu de l’espéce que nous ayons trouvé occasion d’examiner, et qui a servi 
de modéle, est déposé dans les galeries du Muséum de Paris.” 

2 Oreopeleia larva Wetmore, a representative of Oreopeleia caniceps, formerly 
occurred in Puerto Rico; it is known only from bones found in caves and 


~———-Oreopeleia albifacies albifacies (Sclater) 
Geotrygon albifacies Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 98. (Ja- 
lapa, Vera Cruz.) 
Southeastern Mexico in states of Vera Cruz and Oaxaca; northeastern 

Oreopeleia albifacies rubida (Nelson) 
Geotrygon albifacies rubida Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 16, 1903, 
p. 151. (Omilteme, Guerrero, Mexico.) 
Mountains of the State of Guerrero, Mexico. 

~~~ Oreopeleia albifacies anthonyi Griscom 
Oreopeleia albifacies anthonyi Griscom, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 379, 1924, 
p. 4. (San Lucas, Guatemala.) 
Mountains of southeastern Chiapas and the Pacific cordillera of Guate- 

Oreopeleia albifacies silvestris Dickey and van Rossem 

Oreopeleia albifacies silvestris Dickey and van Rossem, Proce. Biol. Soe. 
Wash., 41, 1928, p. 130. (Cerro Los Naranjos, 5000 feet, Volcdn 
Santa Ana, Dept. Sonsonate, El Salvadér.) 

Mountains of El] Salvadér, Honduras and northern Nicaragua. 

Oreopeleia chiriquensis (Sclater) 
Geotrygon chiriquensis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 143. 
(David, Chiriqui, Panama.) 
Subtropical zone of Costa Rica and of western Panama. 

Oreopeleia linearis infusca (Bangs) 
Geotrygon linearis infusca Bangs, Proc. New Engl. Zodél. Cl., 1, 1900, 
p. 108. (Chirua, 7000 feet, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.) 
Subtropical zone of the Santa Marta region, Colombia. 

~Oreopeleia linearis linearis (Prévost) 
Columbi-Gallina linearis Prévost, in Knip, Les Pigeons, ed. 2, 2, 1838-43, 
p. 104, pl. 55.1 (Bogota.) 
Geotrygon venezuelensis Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 565 
(in key), p. 581. (Mérida, Venezuela.) 

Subtropical zone of the Eastern Andes of Colombia and mountains of 
Venezuela (Andes of Mérida, Cerro del Avila, Cumbre de Valencia). Re- 
corded also from the tropical zone of the Cauca Valley, Colombia and from 
Santa Elena, Central Andes. 

1 The plate is lettered Columba linearis. 


?Oreopeleia linearis pariae (Chapman) 
Geotrygon parte Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, 1914, p. 194. 
(Cristobal Colon, 1500 feet, Paria Peninsula, Venezuela.) 
Confined to the Paria Peninsula.! 

Oreopeleia linearis trinitatis (Hellmayr and Seilern) 

Geotrygon linearis trinitatis Hellmayr and Seilern, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 31, 
1912, p. 13. (Aripo Mts., 2000 feet, Trinidad.) 

Islands of Trinidad and Tobago.? 

Oreopeleia bourcieri bourcieri (Bonaparte) 
Geotrygon bourcierit Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, 
p. 101. (Valley of Lloa, Ecuador.) 
Geotrygon bourciert baeza Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 1917, p. 33. 
(Baeza, Ecuador.) 
Subtropical zone of Colombia, and Ecuador south to Zaruma. 

Oreopeleia bourcieri subgrisea Chapman 
Oreopelia [sic] bourciert subgrisea Chapman, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 31, 
1922, p. 2. (Alamor, 4350 feet, Prov. of Loja, Ecuador.) 

Subtropical zone of southwestern Ecuador. 

Oreopeleia bourcieri frenata (Tschudi) 
Columba frenata Tschudi, Arch. f. Naturg., 9, Bd. 1, 1848, p. 386. 
(Eastern slopes of the Andes of Peru.) 
Subtropical zone of Peru and Bolivia. 

Oreopeleia erythropareia (Salvadori) 
Geotrygon erythropareia Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1898, p. 565 
(in key), p. 578. (Ecuador.) 

Subtropical zone of eastern Ecuador. 


Geotrygon Gosse, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 316. Type, by subsequent desig- 
nation, Columba cristata Lath., 7.e. Gmelin, not of Temminck = Geo- 
trygon sylvatica Gosse 1847 = Columbigallina versicolor Lafresnaye 
1846. (Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., 1852 (1853), p. xxv.) 

cf. Ridgway, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 464-467. 

1 [ have not been able to make comparison between pariae and trinitatis, 
but the descriptions of the two read much alike. Chapman evidently over- 
looked the description of the Trinidad bird, published two years before and 
made comparison only with birds from the mountains of Venezuela further 

2 Oreopeleia albifacies, O. chiriquensis and O. linearis would all appear to be 
representative forms and, in spite of the marked differences, could perhaps all 
be considered as subspecies of O. linearis Prév.; apparently such a course 
should not be extended to include O. bourciert. 


~~~~Geotrygon versicolor (Lafresnaye) 
Columbigallina versicolor Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool., 1846, p.321. (Jamaica.) 
Confined to the Island of Jamaica, Greater Antilles. 


Gallicolumba Heck, Bilder-Atlas zum Conversations—Lexikon, 1, 
1849, p. 434. Type, by monotypy, Gallicolumba cruenta [(Gmelin)] = 
Columba luzonica Scopoli. 

Pampusanna [sic] Pucheran, Voy. Pole Sud, Zool., 3, 1853, Mamm. et 
Ois., p. 118. Type, by subsequent designation, Peristera criniger 
Reichenb. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 101.) 

cf. Hachisuka, Ois. et Rev. Frang. d’Orn. (n.s.), 1, 1931, p. 23-29. 
McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 60-64. 
Murphy, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 115, 1924, p. 8-11. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 583-607. 


——— Gallicolumba luzonica (Scopoli) 
Columba Luzonica Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, 
p. 94. (Luzon, ex Sonnerat.) 
Philippine Islands: Luzon and Polillo. 

—— Gallicolumba platenae (Salvadori) 
Phlegoenas platenae ‘“‘Blasius’” Hartert, Journ. f. Orn., 39, 1891, p. 302. 
(Mindoro.) Nomen nudum. 
Phlogenas platene Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 583 (in 
key), 588. (Mindoro.) First description. 
Philippine Islands: Mindoro. 

Gallicolumba keayi (Clarke) 
Phlogenas keayi Eagle Clarke, Ibis, 1900, p. 359, pl. 8. (Negros.) 
Philippine Islands: Negros. 

Gallicolumba criniger leytensis (Hartert) 
Phlegoenas crinigera leytensis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, p. 434. 
(Mountains in the north of Leyte.) 
Philippine Islands: Leyte; the birds recorded from Samar are probably 
this form. 

Gallicolumba criniger criniger (Pucheran) 

Pampusanna criniger Pucheran, Voy. Péle Sud, Zool., 3, 1853, Mamm. 
et Ois., p. 118. (Sulu Islands, error; Mindanao is accepted as the type 

(?) Peristera criniger Reichenbach, Nov. Syn. Av., no. viii, 1851. 

Philippine Islands: Mindanao. 

1 Replaces Phlogoenas Reichenbach 1851, of Sharpe’s Hand-list. See Rich- 
mond, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 53, 1917, p. 591, note 2. 


Gallicolumba criniger basilanica (Hartert) 
Phlegoenas crinigera basilanica Hartert, Nov. Zool., 25, 1918, p. 434. 
Philippine Islands: Basilan. 

Gallicolumba menagei (Bourns and Worcester) 
Phlogoenas menaget Bourns and Worcester, Occ. Papers Minnesota 
Acad. Nat. Sci., 1, no. 1, 1894, p. 10. (Tawi Tawi.) 
Philippine Islands: Tawi Tawi. 

Gallicolumba rufigula rufigula (Pucheran) 

Peristera rufigula Pucheran, Voy. Pole Sud, Zool., 3, 1853, Mamm. et 
Ois., p. 118. (No locality, based entirely on pl. 27, f. 2 of the “Atlas,” 
Zoologie = Triton Bay, New Guinea.) 

Western Papuan Islands: Misol, Salawati, Waigeu; Jobi; New Guinea 

(except part occupied by next form). 

?Gallicolumba rufigula helviventris (Rosenberg) 
Ptilopus helviventris Rosenberg, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederl. Indié, 29, 
1867 (1866), p. 144. (Aru Islands.) 
Southern New Guinea from the Waitakwa River east to the Fly River; 
Aru Islands. Doubtfully distinct from G. r. rufigula. 

SuscEenus DIOPEZUS Ritry 

Diopezus Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 34, 1921, p. 52. Type, by origi- 
nal designation, Phlegaenas tristigmata (Bonaparte). 

Gallicolumba tristigmata tristigmata (Bonaparte) 
Columba tristigmata Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 
1855, p. 207. (Tondano, Celebes.) 
Northern Celebes. 

Gallicolumba tristigmata bimaculata (Salvadori) 
Phlegenas bimaculata Salvadori, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1, 1892, p. 10. 
(Macassar, Celebes.) 
Central and southern Celebes. 


Pampusana Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 40, 1855, p. 207. 
Type, by original designation and tautonymy, Columba pampusana 
Quoy and Gaimard = Columba xanthonura Temminck. Not Pam- 
pusanna Pucheran 1853. 

Terricolumba Hachisuka, L’Ois. et Rev. Frang. d’Orn. (n.s.), 1, 1931, 
p. 24. Type, by original designation, Terricolumba erythroptera 
(Gmelin) = Columba erythroptera Gmelin. 


Gallicolumba beccarii eichhorni Hartert 
Gallicolumba beccarii eichhorni Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 266. 
(St. Matthias Island.) 

St. Matthias and Squally Islands. 

Gallicolumba beccarii admiralitatis (Rothschild and Hartert) 
Phlegoenas beccarii admiralitatis Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 21, 
1914, p. 287. (Manus, Admiralty Islands.) 
Admiralty Islands. 

'Gallicolumba beccarii johannae (Sclater) 
Phlogenas johanne Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 112, pl. 16. 
(Duke of York Island.) 

Gallicolumba beccarii nodifica Hartert, Nov. Zool., 32, 1925, p. 118. 
(Southwestern New Ireland.) 

Bismarck Archipelago; Dampier Island. 

Gallicolumba beccarii beccarii (Salvadori) 
Chalcophaps beccarii Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875 (1876), 
p. 974. (Arfak Mts., near Hatam, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of New Guinea. 

Gallicolumba beccarii intermedia (Rothschild and Hartert) 
Phlegoenas beccarii intermedia Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 12, 
1905, p. 246. (Bougainville Island.) 
Western Solomon Islands. 

Gallicolumba beccarii solomonensis (Ogilvie-Grant) 
Phlogenas solomonensis Ogilvie-Grant, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, 
p. 200. (Aola Guadalcanar, Solomon Islands.) 

Phlogoenas granti Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 584 (in 
key), p. 594, pl. 11, f. 2. New name for Ph. solomonensis Grant on 
grounds of preoccupation by Ph. salamonis Ramsay. 

Eastern Solomon Islands, Rennell Island. 

Gallicolumba salamonis (Ramsay) 
Phlogenas salamonis Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 7, 
1882, p. 299. (San Cristébal, Solomon Islands.) 

Confined to San Cristébal. 

Gallicolumba sanctaecrucis Mayr 
Gallicolumba sanctaecrucis Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 820, 1935, p. 1. 
(Tinakula, Santa Cruz Islands.) 
Santa Cruz Archipelago: Tinakula and Utupua. 


Gallicolumba stairi stairi (G. R. Gray) 
Calenas (Phlegenas) Stairi G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, 
p. 7, pl. 115. (Samoa, probably = Tonga Islands.) 
Fiji and Tonga Islands. 

Gallicolumba stairi samcénsis (Finsch) 
Phlegoenas samoénsis Finsch, Journ. f. Orn., 20, 1872, p. 50. (Samoa.) 
Samoa Islands.” 

Gallicolumba canifrons (Hartlaub and Finsch) 
Phlegenas canifrons Hartlaub and Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
1872, p. 101. (Palau Islands.) 
Palau Islands. 

Gallicolumba xanthonura (Temminck) 
Columba xanthonura ‘‘Cuy.” Temmincek, PI. col., livr. 32, 1823, pl. 190. 
(Marianne Islands.) 
Phlegenas yapensis Hartlaub and Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, 
p. 102) .(Yap.) 
Phlegoenas virgo Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 33, 1885, p. 110. (Palau 
Islands, error = Guam.) 

Marianne Islands; Caroline Islands: Yap. 

Gallicolumba kubaryi (Finsch) 
Phlegoenas Kubaryi Finsch, Journ. f. Orn., 28, 1880, p. 292. (Ruk and 
Ponapé, Caroline Islands.) 
Eastern Caroline Islands: Ruk Group, Ponapé. 

Gallicolumba jobiensis jobiensis (A. B. Meyer) 
Phlegoenas jobiensis A. B. Meyer, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, Heft. 1, 
1875, p. 10. (Ansus, Island of Jobi.) 
New Guinea (except the Vogelkop), Island of Jobi, Dampier and Vulcan 
Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, Goodenough Island. 

Gallicolumba jobiensis chalconota Mayr 
Gallicolumba jobiensis chalconota Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 820, 1935, 
p. 2. (Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands: Vella Lavella and Guadaleanar. 

1 The type specimen is a bird which lived in the gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London; its island of origin is not known. Salvadori believed it to be 
more like Fijian or Tongan examples. The Fiji bird was named Phlegoenas 
vitiensis by Finsch in 1872. 

2 Dr. Mayr writes me that Columba ferruginea Forster 1844 (not of Wagler 
1829), believed to have come from Tanna Island, probably never came from 
there, certainly no Gallicolumba is known from Tanna today; he considers 
it far more likely that the bird came from the Tonga Islands. The description 
fits that of Gallicolumba stairi with a few minor discrepancies. 

3 See Hartert, Nov. Zool., 5, 1898, p. 60. 



Gallicolumba erythroptera (Gmelin) 
Columba erythroptera Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 775. (Eimeo 
= Moorea, Society Islands.) 4 
Peristera pectoralis Peale, U. 8. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 205. (Aratika, 
Tuamotu Group.) 

Phlogenas albicollis Salvadori, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1, 1892, p. 10. (Bow 
Island, Tuamotu Group.) 

Society and Tuamotu Islands. 
Gallicolumba rubescens (Vieillot) 

Columba rubescens Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 26, 1818, p. 346. 
(Mankakiwa = Nukuhiva (?) Marquesas Islands. Based exclusively 
on pl. 17 of Krusenstern’s Atlas.) 

Marquesas Islands: Fatuhuku and Hatutu. 

Suscenus ALOPECOENAS SuHarpr 
Alopecenas “‘Finsch” Sharpe, Hand-list, 1, 1899, p. 90. Type, by mono- 
typy, Alopecoenas hoedti (Schl.) = Leptoptila hoedtii Schlegel.? 
Gallicolumba hoedtii (Schlegel) 

Leptoptila Hoedtii Schlegel, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1871, p. 30. 
(Wetar Island.) 

Confined to Wetar Island. 


Leucosarcia Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 18, 1843, pl. [9] = 5, pl. 63 of bound 
volume. Type, by monotypy, Columba picata Latham = Columba 
melanoleuca Latham. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 1, 1911, p. 180-182. 
Leucosarcia melanoleuca (Latham) 

Columba melanoleuca Latham, Ind. Orn., suppl., 1801, p. lix. (Port 
Jackson, New South Wales.) 

Leucosareia [sic] melanoleuca minor Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1916, 
p. 54. (North Queensland.) 

Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. 

Genus TRUGON G. R. Gray 3 

Trugon G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 3, 1849, app., p.24. Type, by monotypy, 
Trugon terrestris Hombron and Jacquinot = G. R. Gray. 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 609-610. 

1 Columba eimeensis Gmelin is doubtless identical. 
2 Finsch published the generic name in Notes Leyden Mus., 22, 1901, p. 228. 
3 Replaces Eutrygon Sclater 1858, of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Trugon terrestris terrestris G. R. Gray 
Trugon terrestris G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 3, 1849, app., p. 24. (Triton 
Bay, New Guinea.) Based on Trugon terrestre [vernac.] Hombron 
and Jacquinot, Voy. Péle Sud, Atlas, Ois., pl. 28, f. 1. 
Salawati; northwestern New Guinea east to Geelvink Bay on the north 
and to Etna Bay on the south. 

Trugon terrestris mayri Rothschild 
Trugon terrestris mayrt Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 51, 1931, p. 69. 
(Hollandia, New Guinea.) 
Northern New Guinea from the Mamberano River to Humboldt Bay. 

Trugon terrestris leucopareia (A. B. Meyer) 
Eutrygon leucopareia A. B. Meyer, Zeitschr. f. ges. Orn., 3, 1886, p. 29. 
(Astrolabe Mountains, New Guinea.) 
Southern New Guinea from the Setekwa River to Milne Bay. 


Microgoura Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, 1904, p. 77. Type, by 
original designation, Microgoura meekt Rothschild. 

cf. Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 12, 1905, p. 247. 

Microgoura meeki Rothschild 
Microgoura meeki Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, 1904, p. 78. 
(Choiseul, Solomon Islands.) Colored pl., Nov. Zool., 11, 1904, pl. 21. 

Confined to Choiseul, Solomon Islands. 

Genus STARNOENAS Bonaparte 

Starnenas Bonaparte, Geog. and Comp. List, 1838, p. 41. Type, by 
monotypy, Columba cyanocephala Linné. 
cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 496-499. 

Starnoenas cyanocephala (Linné) 
Columba cyanocephala Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 163. (‘‘Amer- 
ica’’ = Jamaica?) 
Cuba and the Isle of Pines; has often been introduced in Jamaica but 
apparently has never obtained a foothold there. 

Grenus OTIDIPHAPS Govu.p 

Otidiphaps Gould, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 5, 1870, p. 62. Type, 
by monotypy, Otidiphaps nobilis Gould. 
cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 610-612, pl. 15. 


~——~ Otidiphaps nobilis nobilis Gould 

Otidiphaps nobilis Gould, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 5, 1870, p. 62. 
(“Probably procured on some one of the islands of the Eastern Archi- 
pelago or in New Guinea.’’) 

Island of Batanta?; mountains of western New Guinea: Arfak, Wandam- 
men, Weyland, Snow, and mountains on the upper Mamberano. 

~ _.Otidiphaps nobilis cervicalis Ramsay 
Otidiphaps nobilis var. cervicalis Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South 
Wales, 4, 1880, p. 470. (Goldie River, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of eastern New Guinea: Saruwaged and Sepik Mountains 
and Kuper Range; mountains of southeastern New Guinea. 

Otidiphaps nobilis insularis Salvin and Godman 
Otidiphaps insularis Salvin and Godman, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, 
p. 38. (Fergusson Island.) 
Fergusson Island. 

—..__ Otidiphaps nobilis aruensis Rothschild 

Otidiphaps nobilis aruensis Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, 1928, 
p. 88. (Aru Islands.) 

Aru Islands. 

Genus CALOENAS G. R. Gray 

Calenas G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 59. Type, by original 
designation, Caloenas nicobarica (Gmelin) = Columba nicobarica 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 614-618. 

Caloenas nicobarica nicobarica (Linné) 
Columba nicobarica Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 164. (Nicobar 

The greater part of the Indo-Australasian region from the Nicobars and 
the Mergui Archipelago eastward over the Sunda Islands, Philippines, 
Celebes, Moluccas, Papuan Islands, New Guinea, Admiralty Islands, 
D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago, Trobriand Islands, and Louisiades, to the 
Solomon Islands. Wherever found occurs only on the small islands and on 
the islets off the larger land masses. Migrates between various groups of 

—— Caloenas nicobarica pelewensis Finsch 
Caloenas nicobaricavar. pelewensis Finsch, Journ. Mus. Godeftr., 4, 1875, 
p. 159. (Palau Islands.) 
Palau Islands. 

Nore. — Columba maculata Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, 1789, p. 780, based on 
the “Spotted green Pigeon’ of Latham has never been satisfactorily identi- 


fied with any known species. Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, 
p. 133, believe that the bird is correctly placed in Caloenas, and suggest 
that the name may be based on abnormal specimens, since it is certainly 
not the young of nicobarica. 

Supramity GOURINAE 


Goiira Stephens, in Shaw’s Gen. Zool., 11, pt. 1, 1819, p. 119. Type, by 
subsequent designation, G. coronata (Lath.) = Columba coronata 
Linné = Columba cristata Pallas (G. R. Gray, List. Gen. Bds., 1840, 
p. 59). 

cf. Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 1384-135. 

Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 619-625. 

Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 82-83. 

Mayr and Berlioz, L’Ois. et Rev. Frang. d’Orn. (n.s.), 3, 1933, p. 751- 

Goiira cristata cristata (Pallas) 

Columba cristata Pallas, in Vroeg’s Cat., 1764, Adumbr. p. 2. (Banda, 
error; Fak-fak on the Onin Peninsula fixed as type locality by Strese- 
mann and Paludan, Nov. Zool., 38, 1932, p. 186.) ! 

Northwestern New Guinea from the Vogelkop eastward to the head of 
Geelvink Bay on the north and to Etna Bay on the south. 
Goiira cristata minor Schlegel 
Goura coronata minor Schlegel, De Dierentuin, 1864, p. 208. (Papua 
Islands = Waigeu.) 
Misol, Salawati, Batanta and Waigeu. 

___Goiira scheepmakeri sclaterii Salvadori 

Goura sclaterii Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 9, 1876, p. 45. (Fly 
River, New Guinea.) 
Southern New Guinea from the Mimika River to the Fly River. 

Goiira scheepmakeri scheepmakeri Finsch ” 

Goura scheepmakeri Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1875 (1 Apr. 1876), 
p. 631, pl. 68. (Probably from the south end of New Guinea opposite 
Yule Island.) 

Goura scheepmakeri ‘“‘Finsch” Salvadori and D’Albertis, Ann. Mus. Civ. 
Genova, 7, 1875 (1876), p. 837. (Mt. Epa, New Guinea.) 

Goura scheepmakeri ‘‘Finsch” Salvadori, Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 11, 
1876, p. 624. (Southeastern New Guinea.) 

Southern coast of southeastern New Guinea from Hall Sound and Mt. 

Epa eastward to Orangerie Bay. 

1 Goura cinerea Hartert is a synonym. 
2 Goura albertisit Salvadori is a synonym. 


Goiira victoria victoria (Fraser) 

Lophyrus Victoria Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1844, p. 136. (New 
Guinea = Islands in Geelvink Bay.) 

Islands of Jobi and Biak in Geelvink Bay. 

Goiira victoria beccarii Salvadori 

Goura beccarvi Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 8, 1876, p. 406. (Hum- 
boldt Bay.) 

Goura Victoriz var. comata Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (6), 19, 1885, 
art. 3, p. 3. (Kafu.) 

Goura beccarii huonensis A. B. Meyer, Orn. Monatsb., 1, 1893, p. 65. 
(Huon Gulf, error = Astrolabe Bay.) 

Northern New Guinea from the head of Geelvink Bay to Astrolabe Bay; 
Collingwood Bay. 


Didunculus Peale, U. 8. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 208. Type, by mono- 
typy, Didunculus strigirostris Peale = Gnathodon strigirostris Jardine. 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 21, 1893, p. 626-627. 

. Didunculus strigirostris (Jardine) 

Gnathodon! strigirostris Jardine, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 1845, 
p. 175, pl. 9. (Australia ? error = Samoa.) 

Samoan Islands: Upolu and Savaii. 

Genus STRIGOPS G. R. Gray ? 

Strigops G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 2, 1845, p. [426], pl. CV. Type, by 
monotypy, Strigops habroptilus G. R. Gray. 

cf. Mathews and Iredale, Ibis, 1913, p. 426-427. 
Oliver, New Zealand Bds., 1930, p. 417-419. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 599-601. 

1 Not Gnathodon of Sowerby 1832, nor of Streubel, 1842. 

2 “Wmended” to Stringops by Finsch, Papageien, 1, 1867, p. 241, and this 
spelling used by Salvadori in Cat. Bds., 20, 1891, and by Sharpe in his Hand- 


Strigops habroptilus G. R. Gray 

Strigops habroptilus G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 2, 1845, p. [427], pl. CV. 
(“One of the islands in the South Pacific’? = New Zealand, restricted 
to Dusky Sound, South Island by Mathews and Iredale, antea.) 

Strigops greyti G. R. Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 230. (Locality unknown, 
Mathews and Iredale designate South Island.) 

Strigops habroptilus innominatus Mathews and Iredale, Ibis, 1913, 
p. 427. (North Island.) 

Strigops habroptilus parsonsi Mathews and Iredale, Ibis, 1913, p. 427. 
(Alpine heights of the northwestern part of South Island.) ! 

New Zealand: North Island (now confined to the central mountain 
ranges); South Island (chiefly in the northern and western portions); 
Stewart Island (now extirpated). 

Genus NESTOR Lesson 

Nestor Lesson, Traité d’Orn., livr. 3, 1830, p. 190. Type, by monotypy 
and tautonymy, Nestor novaezelandiae Lesson = Psittacus nestor 
Latham = Psittacus meridionalis Gmelin. 

Doreenia Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 50, 1930, p. 41. Type, by origi- 
nal designation, Nestor notabilis Gould. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Norfolk and Lord Howe Ids., 1928, p. 23-24, pl. 15. 
Mathews and Iredale, Ibis, 1918, p. 422-424. 
Oliver, New Zealand Bds., 1930, p. 401-410. 

Nestor meridionalis septentrionalis Lorenz 
Nestor septentrionalis Lorenz, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 46, 1896, 
p. 198. (North Island, New Zealand.) 
New Zealand: North Island, Little and Great Barrier Islands, Hen and 
Chickens, Mayor Island, Kapiti Island. 

Nestor meridionalis meridionalis (Gmelin) 
Psittacus meridionalis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 333. (New 
Zealand = Dusky Sound, South Island, ex Latham.) ? 
New Zealand: South Island, Stewart Island. 

Nestor notabilis Gould 
Nestor notabilis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 941. (Muri- 
hiku District, South Island, New Zealand.) 
New Zealand: mountains of South Island. 

1 Mathews, Syst. Av. Australas., pt. 1, 1927, p. 354, himself repudiates in- 

nominatus and parsonsi. 
2 Nestor esslingii Souancé and Nestor occidentalis Buller are both synonyms 

of the southern race. 


{Nestor productus (Gould) 
Plyctolophus productus Gould, Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1836, p. 19. 
(No locality = Phillip Island, off Norfolk Island.) 1 
Norfolk Island, Phillip Island. Now extinct. 

Genus CHALCOPSITTA Bonaparte ? 

Chalcopsitia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, Feb., 1850, 
p. 1384; Consp. Av., 1, after 15 Apr., 1850, p. 3. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Psittacus ater Scopoli. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. 
Bds., 1855, p. 86.) 

cf. Mivart, Monogr. Loriidae, 1896, p. 3-15; 27-28, pl. 1-4; 8. 
Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 64-65. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 12-18; 22-23 (Kos cardi- 
Salvadori, in Wytsman’s Genera Avium, no. 11, 1910, p. 3-4, pl. 1, 
figs. 5-7. 

Chalcopsitta atra bernsteini Rosenberg 
Chalcopsitta Bernsteini Rosenberg, Journ. f. Orn., 9, 1861, p. 46. (Misol.) 

_.Chalcopsitta atra atra (Scopoli) 

Psittacus ater Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, p. 87. 
(New Guinea, ex Sonnerat.) 

Batanta, Salawati and opposite coast of New Guinea. 

Chalcopsitta insignis insignis Oustalet 
Chalcopsitia insignis Oustalet, Bull. Assoc. Sci. France (1), 21, 1878, 
p. 247. (Amberpon Island, Geelvink Bay.) * 

Region about MacCluer Gulf and Amberpon (or Rumberpon) Island in 
Geelvink Bay. 

Chalcopsitta insignis spectabilis van Oort 

Chalcopsitta spectabilis van Oort, Notes Leyden Mus., 30, 1908, p. 127. 
(Mambrioe [= Mamberiok Peninsula ?] northwestern New Guinea.) 

Known only from the unique type.* 

1 Nestor norfolcensis Pelzeln is a synonym. 

2 Emended to Chalcopsittacus by Salvadori and thus employed by him and 
by Sharpe. 

3 While Psittacus stavorini Lesson, may be an earlier name for this species, 
so Many uncertainties surround it that it is best dropped as indeterminable. 

4 Dr. Mayr, zn litt., suggests that it may be either a hybrid, insignis x sin- 
tillata or an intermediate race nearer the former. 


Chalcopsitta sintillata sintillata (Temminck) 

Psittacus sintillatus [sic] Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 96, 1835, pl. 569. 
(Lobo Bay, New Guinea.) 

Head of Geelvink Bay and the southern coast of New Guinea from Lobo 
Bay east to the Fly River; birds from the region between the Noord and 
Fly Rivers are more or less intermediate. 

Chalcopsitta sintillata chloroptera (Salvadori) 

Chalcopsittacus chloropterus Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 9, 1876, 
p. 15. (Coast of New Guinea near Yule Island.) 

Southern coast of eastern New Guinea from the Fly to the Kemp Welch 

Chalcopsitta sintillata rubrifrons G. R. Gray 

Chalcopsitta rubrifrons G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, 
p. 182, pl. 185. (Aru Islands.) 

Aru Islands. 

Chalcopsitta duivenbodei duivenbodei (Dubois) 

Chalcopsittacus Duivenbodei Dubois, Bull. Mus. Roy. d’Hist. Nat. Bel- 
gique, 3, 1884, p. 113, pl. 5. (New Guinea; Tana Mera substituted by 
Hartert, Nov. Zool., 36, 1930, p. 103.) 

Northern coast of western New Guinea from the Mamberano to the 

Tami River. 

Chalcopsitta duivenbodei intermedia (Auber) 
Chalcopsittacus duivenbodei intermedius Auber, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 
2, 1934, p. 314. (Augusta [= Sepik] River, New Guinea.) 
Western part of Mandated Territory, New Guinea: known from the 
upper Sepik River, Berlin Bay and the Maeanderberg. Doubtfully distinct 
from C. d. syringanuchalis. 

Chalcopsitta duivenbodei syringanuchalis (Neumann) 
Chalcopsittacus duyvenbodet syringanuchalis Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 
23, 1915, p. 179. (Stephansort, New Guinea.) 
Northern coast of eastern New Guinea about Astrolabe Bay. 

Chalcopsitta cardinalis (G. R. Gray)! 

Lorius cardinalis G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 3, 1849, app., p. 20. (Solomon 
Islands, based on Voy. Péle Sud, Atlas, Ois., pl. 24 bis, f. 2.) 

1 This species seems to be closer to Chaleopsitta than it does to Eos, where 
it is currently placed; it differs from the latter and agrees with the former in 
proportionately longer tail and in having the base of the lower mandible en- 
tirely naked. 


Eos grayi Mathews and Iredale, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1915, p. 46. New 
name for the bird figured in Voy. Péle Sud, Atlas, pl. 24 bis, f. 2.1 
Feni and Nissan Islands; Lihir Group; Solomon Islands. 


Eos Wagler, Abh. k. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 1832, 
p. 494. Type, by subsequent designation, EH. indica (Gm.) = Psitta- 
cus histrio P. L. 8. Miiller (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 52). 

cf. Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 1, 1898, p. 115-120. (Kos 
histrio and subspecies.) 
Mivart, Monogr. Loriidae, 1896, p. 17-88, pl. 5-13 (excel. Hos cardi- 
Peters, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 48, 1935, p. 67-70. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891; p. 18-29 (excl. Hos cardi- 
' — nalis). 
Salvadori, Ibis, 1905, p. 407-410. 
Salvadori, in Wytsman’s Genera Avium, pt. 11, 1910, p. 4-6, pl. 1, 
fs. 1-4, pl. 2, fs. 1-4 (excel. cardinalis, rubiginosa and fuscata). 
Stresemann, Nov. Zool., 19, 1912, p. 339. (Hos bornea and subspecies.) 
van Schauburg, Treubia, 15, 1935, p. 9-26 (excl. fuscata and 

~—-~Eos cyanogenia Bonaparte 

Eos cyanogenia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, Feb., 
1850, p. 135; Consp. Av., 1, after 15 Apr., 1850, p. 4. (No locality, 
restricted to Numfor [or Mafor] by Hartert, Nova Guinea, 15, 1932, 
p. 451.) 

Islands in Geelvink Bay: Biak, Numfor (or Mafor), Manim and Mios 


-- Eos reticulata (S. Miiller) 

Psittacus reticulatus 8. Miiller, Verh. nat. gesch. Ned., Land-en Volkenk., 
pt. 4, 1841, p. 107, orig. deser., p. 108. (Moluccas.) 
Tenimber Islands. Introduced in the Kei Islands and on Damar. 

~~ Eos squamata squamata (Boddaert) 

Psittacus Squamatus Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 42. (Gebe, ex 
Daubenton, Pl. enl. no. 684.) ® 

Western Papuan Islands: Gebe, Waigeu, Batanta and small island near 

1 Mathews and Iredale renamed Lorius cardinalis G. R. Gray on account of 
a previous combination (G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 2, 1845, p. [416]) of Psittacus 
cardinalis Boddaert with Lorius; however, a previous combination does not 
constitute a homonym. 

* Corresponds to Eos of Sharpe’s Hand-list, but with the following species 
removed: cardinalis to Chalcopsitta, rubiginosa to Trichoglossus; and fuscata 
made the type of Pseudeos. 

3 Replaces Hos wallacet (Finsch) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Eos squamata guenbyensis (Scopoli) 

Psittacus Guenbyensis Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, 
p- 87. (Gebe, error = Halmahera, by substitution of Oberholser, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 31, 1918, p. 48 and note.)! 

Northern Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera, Ternate, Tidore and Batjan. 

Eos squamata obiensis Rothschild 
Eos variegata obiensis Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 10, 1899, p. 16. 
Island of Obi, Moluccas. 

Eos squamata insularis Guillemard 

Kos insularis Guillemard, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 565, pl. 34. 
(Weeda Islands.) 

Weeda (or Weda) Islands in the Sea of Halmahera. 

——— Eos histrio histrio (P. L. S. Miiller) 

Psittacus histrio P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 76. (East 
Indies = Sangir Islands.) 

Sangir Islands. 

Eos histrio talautensis Meyer and Wiglesworth 

Eos histrio talautensis Meyer and Wiglesworth, Journ. f. Orn., 42, 1894, 
p- 240. (Talaut Islands.) 

Talaut Islands. 

Eos histrio challengeri Salvadori 
Kos challengeri Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 18 (in key), 
p. 22. (Meangis Island.) 

Nenusa Islands. 

Eos bornea cyanonothus (Vieillot) 
Psittacus cyanonothus Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818), 
p. 334. (Moluccas, ex Le Vaillant, Perroquets, pl. $3, error = Buru.) 

Eos bornea bornea (Linné) ” 
Psittacus borneus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 97. (Borneo: 
India, error = Amboina by substitution of Stresemann, Nov. Zool.,19, 
1912, p. 340.) 

Amboina and Saparua. 

1 Replaces Hos variegata (Gmelin) of Sharpe’s Hand-list and Kos riciniata 
Bechstein of Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. 
* Replaces Hos rubra (Gmelin) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


~-Eos bornea rothschildi Stresemann 

Eos bornea rothschildi Stresemann, Nov. Zool., 19, 1912, p. 340. (Man- 
suela, 3000 feet, central Ceram.) 
Ceram; birds from Goram, Ceramlaut and the Watubela Islands are 
intermediate between this form and the next. 

Eos bornea bernsteini (Rosenberg) 
Psittacus (Eos) Bernsteini Rosenberg, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederl. Indié, 
25, 1863, p. 145. (Kei Islands.) 

Kei Islands. 

Eos semilarvata Bonaparte 
Eos semilarvata Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, Feb., 
1850, p. 185; Consp. Av., 1, after 15 Apr., 1850, p. 4. (No locality = 
Mountains of Ceram.) 
Central mountains of middle Ceram, at elevations above 5000 feet. 

PEos goodfellowi Ogilvie-Grant 
Eos goodfellowi Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 1907, p. 102. 
Island of Obi.! 


Trichoglossus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soe. London, 15, pt. 1, 
1827 (1826), p. 287. Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus 
haematodus Linné = Psittacus haematod Linné (G. R. Gray, List 
Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 51). 

Eutelipsitta Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1911, p. 10. New name for Psitt- 
euteles of authors, not of Bonaparte. 

Oenopsittacus Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 61, 1913, p. 401. Type, by 
original designation and monotypy, Chalcopsitta rubiginosa Bona- 

cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 32, 1925, p. 123-124. 
Hellmayr, Avif. Timor, 1914, p. 77-80. 
Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 9-30. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 1, 1898, p. 120-127. 
Mivart, Monogr. Loriidae, 1896, p. 89-132, pl. 27-43. 
Rensch, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 526-528. 
Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 68-70. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 49-66. 

1 Described from two specimens living in an aviary. Mr. Kinnear (in litt.) 
informs me that the types are not in the British Museum. The short: diagnosis 
of this species indicates that the bird may be related to semilarvata. 

2 Includes Psitteuteles Bp. of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Trichoglossus ornatus (Linné) 

Psittacus ornatus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 98. (America, 
error = East Indies, ex Edwards, pl. 174, z.e. Celebes.) 

Celebes and the adjacent Islands (Togian Islands, Peling, Banggai and 

Trichoglossus haematod mitchellii G. R. Gray 

Trichoglossus Mitchellii G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psittacidae, 
1859, p. 62. (Type locality unknown = Lombok.) 

Bali and Lombok. 

Trichoglossus haematod forsteni Bonaparte 

Trichoglossus Forstent Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, 
Feb., 1850, p. 1384. (Sumbawa.) 

Psittacus forstent ‘““Temm.”’ Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1, after 15 Apr., 
1850, p. 3. (Sumbawa.) 


Trichoglossus haematod djampeanus Hartert 
Trichoglossus forstent djampeanus Hartert, Nov. Zool., 4, 1897, p. 172. 

Trichoglossus haematod stresemanni Meise 

Trichoglossus haematodus stresemanni Meise, Journ. f. Orn., 77, 1929, 
p. 472. (Kalao tua.) 

Kalao tua. 

Trichoglossus haematod fortis Hartert 
Trichoglossus haematodus fortis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 5, 1898, p. 120. 
(Waingapo, Sumba.) 

Trichoglossus haematod weberi (Biittikofer) 
Psitteuteles weberi Biittikofer, in Weber’s Zool. Ergebn. Reise Niederl. 
Ost-Ind., 3, 1894, p. 290, pl. 17, f. 1. (Flores.) 


Trichoglossus haematod capistratus (Bechstein) 

Psittacus capistratus Bechstein, in Latham’s Allgem. Uebers., Vég., 4, 
Th. 1, 1811, p. 68. (East Indies, restricted to Timor by Hellmayr, 
antea, p. 78.)} 


1 Replaces T'richoglossus haematodes (Linné) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Trichoglossus haematod flavotectus Hellmayr 

Trichoglossus haematod(us) flavotectus Hellmayr, Avif. Timor, 1914, p.79. 

Wetar and Roma. 

-Trichoglossus haematod haematod (Linné) 

Psittacus hematod. Linné, Mantissa Plant., 1771, p. 524. (Amboina ex 

Buru, Ceram, Amboina, Ceram-laut, Goram, Manawoka, Watubela; 
western Kei Islands (‘Tayandu Group); Waigeu, Batanta, Salawati, Misol; 
Numfor, Jobi; western New Guinea east to Geelvink Bay on the north and 
to the Eilanden River on the south. 

Trichoglossus haematod rosenbergii Schlegel 
Trichoglossus Rosenbergii Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1871, 
p. 9. (Biak.) 
Island of Biak. 

Trichoglossus haematod nigrogularis G. R. Gray 

Trichoglossus nigrogularis G. R. Gray, Proe. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, 
p. 183. (Aru Islands.) 2 
Eastern Kei Islands; Aru Islands; southern coast of New Guinea from 
Princess Marianne Strait to the Fly River. 

Trichoglossus haematod brooki Ogilvie-Grant 

Trichoglossus brooki Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 1907, p. 102. 
(Type a bird then living in an aviary, said to have come from Pulo 
Swangi or Spirit Island.) 

Confined to Spirit Island off the south coast of Trangan Island, Aru 

Trichoglossus haematod intermedius Rothschild and Hartert 

Trichoglossus haematodus intermedius Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. 
Zool., 8, 1901, p. 70. (Stephansort, New Guinea.) 

Trichoglossus haematodus chlorogenys Stresemann, Orn. Monatsb., 30, 
1922, p. 835. (Maeanderberg, upper Sepik River, New Guinea.) 

Northern New Guinea from the Mamberano River to Astrolabe Bay; 
Vulcan Island. 

1 Replaces Trichoglossus cyanogrammus (Wagler) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

Originally spelled haematod. apparently in an effort to save putting the last 
syllable on another line; written by later authors as haematodus or haematodes. 
I see no reason for altering the original spelling. 

2 Trichoglossus caeruleiceps D’Albertis and Salvadori, appears to be a syn- 


Trichoglossus haematod micropteryx Stresemann 

Trichoglossus haematodus micropteryx Stresemann, Journ. f. Orn., 70, 
1922, p. 407. (Sattelberg, New Guinea.) 

Southeastern New Guinea from the Huon Peninsula on the north and 
Hall Sound on the south, eastward. 

Trichoglossus haematod aberrans Reichenow 

Trichoglossus aberrans Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 66, 1918, p. 439. 
(‘Kaiser Wilhelm’s Land” = north of Hercules Bay, New Guinea, 
fide Stresemann in Hartert, antea, 1925, p. 123, error = Ralum, New 
Britain, fide Mayr, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 699.) 

Louisiade Archipelago; New Britain, New Ireland; Lihir Group; Solo- 
mon Islands. 
Trichoglossus haematod flavicans Cabanis and Reichenow 

Trichoglossus flavicans Cabanis and Reichenow, Sitzungsb. Ges. Naturf. 
Freunde Berlin, 1876, p. 73. (New Hanover.) 

Trichoglossus cyanogrammus schoedet Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 18, 
1910, p. 176. (Manus, Admiralty Islands.) 

Hermit Island, Manus, St. Matthias, Squally Island and New Hanover 
(or Lavongai). 
Trichoglossus haematod nesophilus Neumann 

Trichoglossus haematodes nesophilus Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 77, 1929, 
p. 197. (Longan, Ninigo, Schachbrett Islands.) 

Schachbrett, and probably all the small groups of islands west of Manus 
(except Hermit Island). 

Trichoglossus haematod massena Bonaparte 

Trichoglossus massena Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 157. 
(Polynesian Islands; the type agrees with specimens from New 
Hebrides, fide Hartert, antea, 1925, p. 123). 

New Hebrides. 

Trichoglossus haematod deplanchii J. Verreaux and Des Murs 

Trichoglossus Deplanchii J. Verreaux and Des Murs, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 
(2), 12, 1860, p. 888. (New Caledonia.) 

New Caledonia and Loyalty Islands. 

Trichoglossus haematod rubritorquis Vigors and Horsfield 
Trichoglossus rubritorquis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lon- 
don, 15, pt. 1, 1827 (1826), p. 291. (Australia = Derby, North-West 
Australia, apud Mathews.) 
Trichoglossus rubritorquis melvillensis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, 
p. 35. (Melville Island.) 
Northern Australia from the Fitzroy to the McArthur Rivers; Melville 


—-Trichoglossus haematod septentrionalis Robinson 

Trichoglossus novaehollandiae subsp. septentrionalis Robinson, Bull. 
Liverpool Mus., 2, 1900, p. 115. (Cooktown, Queensland.) 

Trichoglossus colesi LeSouéf, Emu, 10, 1910, p. 204. (Gladstone, Queens- 

Northern Queensland. 

Trichoglossus haematod moluccanus (Gmelin) 

Psittacus moluccanus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 316. (Moluc- 
cas, error, Botany Bay, New South Wales, selected as type locality 
by Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 14.)} 

Trichoglossus novaehollandiae eyrei Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, 
p. 258. (Eyre’s Peninsula, South Australia.) 

Eastern Australia from central Queensland to Victoria and westward to 

Eyre’s Peninsula. 
Trichoglossus rubiginosus (Bonaparte) 

Chalcopsitta rubiginosa Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, 
Feb., 1850, p. 134; Consp. Av., 1, after 15 Apr., 1850, p. 3. (Islands of 
Barabay and Gebe, error = Ponapé, Caroline Islands.) 

Ponapé, eastern Caroline Islands. 

Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus neglectus (Reichenow) 

Psitteuteles neglectus Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 6, 1898, p. 4. (Cape 
York, Queensland.) 

Eutelipsitta chlorolepidota minor Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1916, 
p. 57. (North Queensland; type said to be from Cairns.) 

Northern Queensland. 

Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus chlorolepidotus (Kuhl) 

Psittacus chlorolepidotus Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 48 [“‘Consp. Psittacorum”’]. (New South Wales.) 

Southern Queensland and New South Wales. 

Trichoglossus euteles (Temminck) 

Psittacus euteles Temmincek, PI. col., livr. 96, 1835, pl. 568. (Timor.) 

Trichoglossus alorensis Finsch, Notes Leyden Mus., 20, 1899, p. 226. 

Lesser Sunda Islands: Timor, Lomblen, Pantar, Alor, Wetar, Roma, 

Kisar, Leti, Moa, Damar, Babar, Teun, Nila. 

Genus PSITTEUTELES Bonaparte ? 

Psitteuteles Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 157. Type, 
by subsequent designation, Psittacus versicolor Vigors, 1.e. Trichoglos- 
sus versicolor Lear. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 88.) 

1 Replaces Trichoglossus novaehollandiae (Gmelin) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

2 Replaces Ptilosclera Bonaparte, 7.e. of authors, of Sharpe’s Hand-list and 
includes Psitteuteles (less euteles), Glossopsitta goldiei (Sharpe) and Neopsittacus 
tris (Temminck). 


Glossoptilus Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, p. 552. Type, 
by monotypy, Trichoglossus goldiei Sharpe. 
cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 37-42 (versicolor). 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 1, 1898, p. 124-127 (races of 
Mivart, Monogr. Loridae, 1896, p. 121-127; 133-139, pl. 40-45. 
Hellmayr, Avif. Timor, 1914, p. 75-76 (races of iris). 

Psitteuteles flavoviridis meyeri (Walden) 

Trichoglossus Meyert Walden, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 8, 1871, 
p. 281. (Menado, Celebes.) 

Trichoglossus Meyert Wald. var. bonthainensis A. B. Meyer, Abh. natur- 
wiss. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 1884, p. 16. Mount Bonthain, 1500 feet, 
Celebes, error, the unique type is a cage bird brought to Macassar; it 
is not different from meyeri, fide Stresemann, Orn. Monatsb., 39, 1931, 
p. 47, note.) 

Trichoglossus flavoviridis edithae Stresemann, Orn. Monatsb., 39, 1931, 
p. 46. (Uru, 800 meters, western base of the Latimodjong Mountains, 


~—~ Psitteuteles flavoviridis flavoviridis (Wallace) 

Trichoglossus flavoviridis Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862 (1863), 
p. 337, pl. 39. (Sula Islands.) 

Sula Islands. 

Psitteuteles johnstoniae (Hartert) 
Trichoglossus johnstoniz Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, 1903, p. 10. 
(Mount Apo, 8000 feet, Mindanao.) 
Confined to Mount Apo, Mindanao, Philippine Islands. 

Psitteuteles goldiei (Sharpe) 
Trichoglossus Goldiei Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 16, 1882, 
p. 317, 426. (Astrolabe Mountains, New Guinea.) 
Mountains of New Guinea between 3000 and 8000 feet: Gebroeders, 
Mount Goliath, Owen Stanley Range, Mount Misim and other mountains 
in southeastern New Guinea. 

Psitteuteles versicolor (Lear) 

Trichoglossus versicolor Lear, Illustr. Psittac., pt. 7, 1831 [= pl. 36 of 
bound volume]. (No locality = Cape York, Queensland, apud 
Mathews infra.) 

Trichoglossus versicolor mellori Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 259. 
(South Alligator River, Northern Territory.) 

1 There is no evidence to show that Glossoptilus is anything more than a 
lapsus for Glossopsitta, but it is of course a different name. 


Trichoglossus versicolor whitei Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 260. 
(Derby, North-West Australia.) 
Tropical northern Australia. 

~~ Psitteuteles iris iris (Temminck) 
Psittacus iris Temminck, PI. col., livr. 96, 1835, pl. 567. (Timor.) 
Western part of Timor. 
Psitteuteles iris rubripileum (Salvadori) 
Neopsittacus rubripileum Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, 
p. 86 (in key), p. 88. (Eastern Timor.) 
Eastern (Portuguese) Timor. 
Psitteuteles iris wetterensis (Hellmayr) 
Neopsittacus iris wetterensis Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., 19, 1912, p. 211. 
(Wetar Island.) 
Confined to Wetar Island. 

Genus PSEUDEOS PrErers 

Pseudeos Peters, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 48, 1935, p. 68. Type, by origi- 
nal designation and monotypy, Kos fuscata Blyth. 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 80-31. 
Stresemann and Paludan, Nov. Zool., 38, 1932, p. 238-239. 

~~ Pseudeos fuscata fuscata (Blyth) 
Eos fuscata Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 27, 1858, p. 279. (No local- 
ity = Manokwari [formerly Dorey], New @uines, estestarae as type 
locality by Stresemann and Paludan, antea, p. 238.) 
Confined to the Island of Salawati and the Berau Peninsula, New 
~.. Pseudeos fuscata incondita (A. B. Meyer) 
Eos incondita A. B. Meyer, Zeitschr. f. ges. Orn., 3, 1886, p. 6, pl. 1, f. 2. 
(Southeastern New Guinea and Island of Jobi.) 
All of New Guinea (except Berau Peninsula); islands in Geelvink Bay. 


Domicella Wagler, Abh. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1, 1832, p. 495. Type, by 
tautonymy, Domicella atricapilla Wagler = Psittacus domicella 

cf. Mivart, Monogr. Loriidae, 1896, p. 45-72. 
Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 66-67. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 31-41. 
Salvadori, Ibis, 1905, p. 410-413. 
Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 47-48. 
(Forms of lory) 

1 Replaces Lorius Vigors 1825 of Sharpe’s Hand-list, not Larius [recte Lorius] 
Boddaert 1783. 


Domicella hypoinochroa devittata (Hartert) 

Lorius hypoenochrous devittatus Hartert, Nov. Zool., 5, 1898, p. 530. 
(Fergusson Island.) 

Southeastern New Guinea east of the Angabunga and Kumusi Rivers; 
Trobriand Islands; D’Entrecasteaux Islands; Woodlark Island; Rook 
Island; New Britain; New Ireland; New Hanover; Witu Islands. 
Domicella hypoinochroa hypoinochroa (G. R. Gray) 

Lorius hypoinochrous G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psittacidae, 
1859, p. 49. (Louisiade Archipelago = Sudest Island.) 

Islands of Sudest and St. Aignan in the Louisiade Archipelago. 

Domicella hypoinochroa rosseliana (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Lorius hypoenochrous rosselianus Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 
25, 1918, p. 312. (Mount Rossel, Rossel Island.) 

Rossel Island, Louisiade Archipelago. 

Domicella amabilis (Stresemann) 
Lorius amabilis Stresemann, Orn. Monatsb., 39, 1931, p. 182. (Nakanai, 
New Britain.) 
New Britain. 

Domicella lory major (Rothschild and Hartert) 
Lorius lory major Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 66. 
Domicella lory lory (Linné) 
Psittacus Lory Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 100. (East Indies = 
northwestern New Guinea.) 
Batanta, Salawati, Misol and the Arfak Peninsula, New Guinea. 

~ Domicella lory rubiensis (A. B. Meyer) 

Lorius erythrothorax rubiensis A. B. Meyer, Abh. Ber. k. zool. Mus. 
Dresden, 1892-93 (1893), no. 3, p. 10. (Rubi district, New Guinea.) 

Shores of Geelvink Bay (Wandammen, Rubi, Wanggar, and Musairo); 
southern coasts of New Guinea east to the Gulf of Papua (Port Romily). 
Domicella lory erythrothorax (Salvadori) 

Lorius erythrothorax Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 10, 1877, p. 32. 
(Southeastern New Guinea = Mount Epa, ez ibid., 7, 1875, p. 812.) 

Coast of southeastern New Guinea from the Purari River eastward; 
north coast east of the Huon Peninsula. 
Domicella lory jobiensis A. B. Meyer 

Domicella lori jobiensis A. B. Meyer, Sitzungsb. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
Math.-naturwiss. Cl., 70, Abth. 1, 1874, p. 229, 231. (Jobi.) 

Islands of Jobi (or Japen) and Mios Nom. 


~~ Domicella lory cyanauchen (S. Miiller) 

Psittacus cyanauchen 8. Miiller, Verh. nat. gesch. Ned., Land-en Volk- 
enk., pt. 4, 1841, p. 107. (Moluccas.) 

Island of Biak (formerly called Misori or Mysore). 

Domicella Icry viridicrissalis (de Beaufort) 

Lorius cyanauchen viridicrissalis de Beaufort, Nova Guinea, 5, livr. 3, 
1909, p. 403. (Humboldt Bay, New Guinea.) 
Northern New Guinea from the Mamberano to the Tami River. 

~-——- Domicella lory salvadorii (A. B. Meyer) 

Lorius salvadorii A. B. Meyer, Abh. Ber. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, 1890- 
1891 (1891), no. 4, p. 6. (Astrolabe Bay, New Guinea.) 

Northern New Guinea from the Torricelli Mountains to Astrolabe Bay. 

Domicella domicella (Linné) 

Psittacus Domicella Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 100. (Asia = 
East Indies, ex Edwards, pl. 171 = Amboina.) 

Ceram and Amboina. 

Domicella tibialis (Sclater) 
Lorius tibialis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, p. 499, pl. 40. 
(No type locality; type an aviary specimen.) 
Range unknown. 

Domicella chlorocercus (Gould) 

Lorius chlorocercus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, p. 1387. (San 
Cristébal, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands (including Rennell Island). 

Domicella albidinucha Rothschild and Hartert 

Domicella albidinucha Rothschild and Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 45, 
1924, p. 7. (Hills on southwest coast of New Ireland.) Col. pl., Nov. 
Zool., 32, pl. 1. 

New Ireland. 

~——-Domicella garrula garrula (Linné) 

Psittacus garrulus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 100. (Asia = 
East Indies, ex Edwards, pl. 172 = Halmahera.) 

Halmahera, and the Weda Islands. 

~ Domicella garrula flavopalliata (Salvadori) 

Lorius flavopalliatus Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 10, 1877, p. 33. 
(Obi and Batjan, Moluccas.) 

Moluccas: Morotai, Raou, Batjan, Obi. 


GrENus PHIGYS G. R. Gray! 

Phigys G. R. Gray, Hand-list Gen. Spec. Bds., 2, 1870, p. 154. Type, by 
monotypy, Psittacus solitarius Latham = Psittacus solitarius Suckow. 

Calliptilodes Strand, Arch. Naturg., 92, Abth. A, 1928, Heft 8, p. 57. 
New name to replace Calliptilus Sundevall, 1872, not of Agassiz 1846. 

cf. Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1917, p. 93-94; 160 (nomenclature). 
Mivart, Monogr. Loriidae, 1896, p. 75-76, pl. 25. 

Phigys solitarius (Suckow) 
Psittacus solitarius Suckow, Anf. Theor. ang. Naturg. Thier., 2, pt. 1, 
1800, p. 334. (Fiji Islands.) 
Fiji Islands. 
Genus VINI Lesson ? 

Vini Lesson, Illustr. de Zool., 1831, pl. 28. Type, by monotypy, Vini 
coccinea Lesson = Psittacula kuhlii Vigors. 
cf. Mivart, Monogr. Loriidae, 1896, p. 77-88, pl. 26-27. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 43-48. 
Wetmore, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 53, 1919, p. 193-194. 

Vini australis (Gmelin) 
Psittacus australis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 329. (Sandwich 
Islands, error = Samoa Islands.) 
Samoa and Tonga Islands, Fotuna Island of the Horne group, and the 
Lau Archipelago. 

Vini kuhlii (Vigors) 
Psittacula Kuhlii Vigors, Zool. Journ., 1, 1824, p. 412, pl. 16. (Toohoo- 
teterooha Island. A day’s sail from Otaheite.) 
Rimatara, Austral Islands; introduced on Washington and Fanning 
Islands, Pacific Ocean. 

Vini stepheni (North) 
Calliptilus ? stepheni North, Rec. Austr. Mus., 7, 1908, p. 29. (Hender- 
son Island.) 
Vini hendersoni Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 31, 1918, p. 60. 
(Henderson Island.) 
Henderson Island. 

Vini peruviana (P. L. 8. Miiller) 
Psittacus peruvianus P. L. 8. Miiller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 80. 
(Peru, error = Tahiti, substituted by Wetmore, antea, p. 193.) 

1 Replaces Calliptilus Sundevall, 1872. 
2 Replaces Vinia Lesson of Sharpe’s Hand-list and includes Coriphilus 

Wagler, 1832. 


Coriphilus cyaneus 8. B. Wilson, Ibis, 1907, p. 379, pl. 8. (Borabora.) 
Not Psittacus cyaneus Sparrman which = Psittacus peruvianus 

Coriphilus cyanescens S. B. Wilson, Ibis, 1907, p. 653. New name to 
replace C. cyaneus preoccupied. 

Society, Tuamotu and Cook Islands. 
~ Vini ultramarina (Kuhl) 

Psittacus ultramarinus Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 49 [‘‘Consp. Psittacorum]. (New Holland?, error = Mar- 
quesas Islands.) 

Marquesas Islands. 

Genus GLOSSOPSITTA Bonaparte ! 

Glossopsitta Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 157. Type, 
by subsequent designation, Psittacus australis Latham, not of 

‘ Gmelin = Psittacus concinnus Shaw. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. 
Bds., 1855, p. 88). 

Parvipsitta Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 43. Type, by original 
designation, Psittacus pusillus White. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 43-60. 
~-« Glossopsitta concinna (Shaw) 

Psittacus concinnus Shaw, Nat. Misc., 8, 1791, p. [57] and pl. [sig. H]. 
(“New Holland” i.e. New South Wales.) 

Glossopsitta concinna didimus Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, p. 127. 

Southeastern Australia; Tasmania. 

~......Glossopsitta porphyrocephala (Dietrichsen) 

Trichoglossus porphyrocephalus Dietrichsen, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 
17, 1837, p. 553. (New Holland = South Australia apud Mathews.) 
New name for Psittacus purpureus Dietrichsen, not of Miller, 
Gmelin, or Lesson. 

Glossopsitta porphyrocephala whitlocki Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, 
p. 260. (Wilsons Inlet, West Australia.) 

Southern Australia south of the Swan River, Flinders Range and north- 
western Victoria. 
.Glossopsitta pusilla (Shaw) 

Psittacus Pusillus Anonymous = Shaw, in White’s Journ. Voy. New 
South Wales, 1790, p. 262, pl. 48. (New South Wales.) 

Glossopsitta pusilla ashbyi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, p. 127. 
(Cairns, northern Queensland.) 

Eastern Australia from Queensland to South Australia; Tasmania. 

1 Replaces Glossopsittacus ‘‘Bp.”’ (i.e. Sundevall) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Genus CHARMOSYNA Wacter ! 

Charmosyna Wagler, Abh. k. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 493. Type, by monotypy, Ch. papuensis = Psittacus papuen- 
sis Gmelin = Psittacus papou Scopoli. 

cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 118-119. 
Mivart, Monogr. Loriidae, 1896, p. 149-182, pl. 47-59. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 72-84. 
Stresemann, Arch. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 49-51. 

Charmosyna palmarum (Gmelin) 

Psittacus palmarum Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 329. (Tanna 

Duff Group, Santa Cruz Islands, Banks Islands and New Hebrides. 

Charmosyna meeki (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Hypocharmosyna meeki Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, 
p. 187. (Kulambangra Island, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands: Kulambangra, Bougainville, Guadalcanar, Malaita. 

Charmosyna rubrigularis rubrigularis (Sclater) 

Trichoglossus rubrigularis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, p. 451. 
(New Britain.) 

New Britain and New Ireland. 

Charmosyna rubrigularis krakari (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Hypocharmosyna rubrigularis krakart Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. 
Zool., 22, 1915, p. 31. (Dampier [or Krakar] Island.) 

Confined to Dampier Island off the north coast of the Huon Peninsula, 
New Guinea. 

Charmosyna aureicincta (Layard) 

Trichoglossus aureicinctus Layard, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 16, 
1875, p. 344. (Ovalau ?, Fiji Islands.) 

Fiji Islands: Viti Levu, Ovalau, Taviuni. 

Charmosyna diadema (J. Verreaux and Des Murs) 
Psitteuteles diadema J. Verreaux and Des Murs, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 
12, 1860, p. 390. (New Caledonia.) 

New Caledonia. 

1 Includes Charmosynopsis Salvadori 1877, and Hypocharmosyna Salva- 
dori 1891. 

2 Psittacus pygmaeus Gmelin, t.c., p. 330 is the 9 ; fide Sassi, Orn. Monatsb., 
36, 1928, p. 53. 


Charmosyna toxopei (Siebers) 
Hypocharmosyna toxopei Siebers, Treubia, 7, suppl., 1930, p. 252, pl. 4. 


~————~Charmosyna placentis intensior (Kinnear) 
Hypocharmosyna placentis intensior Kinnear, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, 
1928, p. 84. (Batjan.) 
Moluccas: Halmahera, Ternate, Batjan, Ceram, Amboina, Ceram-laut, 
Goram?, Kei Islands? (Apparently not recorded from Morotai, Obi or 

Charmosyna placentis placentis (Temminck) 
Psittacus placentis Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 98, 1834, pl. 553. (Utanata 
River, New Guinea.) 
Western Papuan Islands: Gebe, Waigeu, Salawati, Misol; New Guinea 
east to the foot of Geelvink Bay on the north and to the Fly River on the 
south; Aru Islands. 

Charmosyna placentis subplacens (Sclater) 

Trichoglossus subplacens Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 519. 
(Mountains of Naiabui, New Guinea.) 

Eastern New Guinea from the Ramu region on the north and Hall 
Sound on the south, eastward; Woodlark Island. 

~——~ Charmosyna placentis pallidior (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Charmosynopsis placentis pallidior Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 
12, 1905, p. 253. (Bougainville Island, Solomon Islands.) 

New Hanover, New Ireland, New Britain, Witu Island, Duke of York 
Island, Nissan, Feni, Lihir Islands, Fead Island, Bougainville Island. 

Charmosyna rubronotata rubronotata (Wallace) 

Coriphilus rubronotatus Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 165. 
(Salawati and the northwestern extremity of New Guinea.) 

Salawati; Berau Peninsula and the north coast of New Guinea east to 
the Sepik River. 

Charmosyna rubronotata kordoana (A. B. Meyer) 

Trichoglossus (Charmosyna) kordoanus A. B. Meyer, Verh. zool.-bot. 
Ges. Wien, 24, 1874, p. 38. (Kordo, Misori.) 

Island of Biak in Geelvink Bay. 

Charmosyna multistriata (Rothschild) 
Charmosynopsis multistriata Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 27, 1911, 
p. 45. (Upper Setekwa River, New Guinea.) Col. pl., Ibis Jubilee 
Suppl. no. 2, 1915, pl. 5, f. 2. 

Southern slopes of the Snow Mountains, New Guinea. 


Charmosyna wilhelminae (A. B. Meyer) 

Trichoglossus Wilhelminae A. B. Meyer, Journ. f. Orn., 22, 1874, p. 55, 
56. (West coast of Geelvink Bay.) 

New Guinea: Arfak Mountains, Snow Mountains, Saruwaged Moun- 
tains; Morobé district; Angabunga and Aroa Rivers. 

Charmosyna pulchella pulchella G. R. Gray 

Charmosyna pulchella G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psittacidae, 
1859, p. 102. (Dorey [now Manokwari], New Guinea.) 

Mountains of western New Guinea: Arfak Mountains. 

~ Charmosyna pulchella bella (DeVis) 
Charmosinopsis [sic]! bella DeVis, Ann. Queensl. Mus., no. 5, 1900, 
p. 12, pl. 8. (Wharton Range?, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of central and eastern New Guinea: Gebroeders, southern 
Snow Mountains, Mount Goliath, Sattelberg, Huon Peninsula, Morobé 
district, Wharton Range, Aicora River, Aroa River. 

Charmosyna pulchella rothschildi (Hartert) 

Charmosynopsis pulchella rothschildi Hartert, Nov. Zool., 36, 19380, 
p. 105. (Cyclops Mountains, New Guinea.) 
Confined to the Cyclops Mountains in northern New Guinea. 

Charmosyna margarethae Tristram 
Charmosyna margarethe Tristram, Ibis, 1879, p. 442, pl. 12. (Makira 
Harbor, San Cristébal Island, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands: Bougainville, Ugi, San Cristébal, Kulambangra, 

Charmosyna josefinae josefinae (Finsch) 
Trichoglossus J osefinae Finsch, Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Milano, 15, 1873, 
p. 427, pl. 7,2. (No locality = Arfak Mountains.) 

Mountains of western New Guinea: Berau Peninsula; Snow Mountains; 
Oranje Range (Noord River); upper Idenburg River. 

Charmosyna josefinae cyclopum Hartert 
Charmosyna josephinae cyclopum Hartert, Nov. Zool., 36, 1930, p. 104. 
(Cyclops Mountains, New Guinea.) 

Confined to the Cyclops Mountains in northern New Guinea. 

Charmosyna josefinae sepikiana Neumann 
Charmosyne [sic] josephinae sepikiana Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. 
Bayern, 15, 1922, p. 235. (Hunsteinspitze, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of the Sepik region, New Guinea. 

1 The plate is lettered Charmosynopsis bella. 


~Charmosyna papou papou (Scopoli) 

Psittacus Papou Scopoli,! Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, p. 86. 
(No locality, ex Sonnerat = Arfak, fixed as type locality by Hartert, 
Nov. Zool., 36, 1930, p. 104.) 

Arfak Mountains. 

Charmosyna papou goliathina Rothschild and Hartert 
Charmosyna stellae goliathina Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 18, 
1911, p. 160. (Mount Goliath, New Guinea.) 
Mountains of central New Guinea: Weyland Mountains, Snow Moun- 
tains, Mount Goliath, Schraderberg. 

Charmosyna papou wahnesi Rothschild 
Charmosyna stelle wahnest Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 1906, 
p. 27. (Sattelberg, New Guinea.) 
Mountains of the Huon Peninsula, northeastern New Guinea. 

Charmosyna papou stellae A. B. Meyer 
Charmosyna Stellae A. B. Meyer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn., 3, 1886, p. 9, pl. 2. 
(Southern foothills of the Owen Stanley Range, 7000-8000 feet.) 
Charmosyna atrata Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 7, 1898, p. 54. 
(Mount Scratchley, New Guinea.) Melanism. 
Mountains of southeastern New Guinea from the Morobé district and 
the Aroa River, eastward. 


Oreopsittacus Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 10, 1877, p. 37. Type, 
by monotypy, Trichoglossus arfaki A. B. Meyer. 

cf. Mivart, Monogr. Loriidae, 1896, p. 183-187, pl. 60, 61. 
Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 28, 1921, p. 290-291. 
Stresemann, Arch. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 51-52. 

Oreopsittacus arfaki arfaki (A. B. Meyer) 

Trichoglossus (Charmosyna) Arfaki A. B. Meyer, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. 
Wien, 24, 1874, p. 87. (Arfak Mountains, 3500 feet, New Guinea.) 

Northwestern New Guinea: Arfak Mountains. 

Oreopsittacus arfaki major Ogilvie-Grant 
Oreopsittacus arfaki major Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 35, 1914, 
p. 11. (Utakwa River, 8000 feet, New Guinea.) 

West-central New Guinea: Weyland Mountains, Snow Mountains. 

1 Replaces Psittacus papuensis Gmelin, 1788. 


Oreopsittacus arfaki intermedius Reichenow 

Oreopsittacus arfaki intermedius Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 63, 1915, 
p. 124. (Schraderberg, New Guinea.) 

Central New Guinea: Schraderberg. 

~——Oreopsittacus arfaki grandis Ogilvie-Grant 

Oreopsittacus grandis Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 5, 1895, p. 15. 
(Owen Stanley Mountains, New Guinea.) 
Oreopsittacus frontalis Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 8, 1900, p. 186. (Aroa 
River, 6000 feet, New Guinea.) 
Southeastern New Guinea: Saruwaged and Herzog Mountains, Morobé 
district, Mt. Knutsford, Astrolabe Mountains, Owen Stanley Range, 
upper Aroa River. 

Genus NEOPSITTACUS Satvapor1 

Neopsittacus Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 761. Type, 
by monotypy, Nanodes musschenbroekii Schlegel. 
cf. Mayr, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 700-701. 
Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1928, Heft 8, p. 52. 

Neopsittacus musschenbroekii musschenbroekii (Schlegel) 

Nanodes Musschenbroeki “von Rosenberg” Schlegel, Neder]. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 4, 1871, p. 34. (Interior of the northern peninsula of New 
Guinea = Hatam, Arfak, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of western New Guinea: Arfak, Weyland, Snow; Mount 

Neopsittacus musschenbroekii major Neumann 
Neopsittacus musschenbroekit major Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 32, 1924, 
p. 38. (Schraderberg, New Guinea.) 
Mountains of eastern New Guinea: Schraderberg, Saruwaged, Herzog, 
Owen Stanley. 

Neopsittacus pullicauda alpinus Ogilvie-Grant 
Neopsittacus muschenbrocki [sic] alpinus Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 35, 1914, p. 12. (Utakwa River, 8000 feet, New Guinea.) Col. pl., 
Ibis, Jubilee suppl. no. 2, 1915, pl. 6, f. 1. 
Mountains of western New Guinea: Weyland Mountains, Snow Moun- 

Neopsittacus pullicauda socialis Mayr 
Neopsittacus pullicauda socialis Mayr, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, 
p. 700. (Saruwaged Mountains, New Guinea.) 
Mountains of the Huon Peninsula and the Morobé district in eastern 
New Guinea. 


~~ Neopsittacus pullicauda pullicauda Hartert 

Neopsittacus pullicauda Hartert, Nov. Zool., 3, 1896, p. 17. (Victoria 
district, Owen Stanley Range, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of eastern New Guinea: Schraderberg, Mount Scratchley, 
Owen Stanley Range, Wharton Range. 


Psittaculirostris J. E. and G. R. Gray, Cat. Mamm. Bds. New Guinea, 
Brit. Mus., 1859, p. 42. Type, by monotypy, Psittacula desmarestii 
Lesson 1830 = Psittacus desmarestii Desmarest 1826. 

Cruopsitta Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 64. Type, by original desig- 
nation, Cyclopsittacus edwardsii Oustalet. 

cf. Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 72-73. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 89-93. 
Psittaculirostris desmarestii occidentalis (Salvadori) 

Cyclopsittacus occidentalis Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, 
p. 910. (Salawati, Batanta and western part of the Vogelkop.) 

Islands of Salawati and Batanta and opposite coast of the Vogelkop. 

Psittaculirostris desmarestii blythi (Wallace) 
Cyclopsitta blythi Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 284. 
Island of Misol. 

~~~ Psittaculirostris desmarestii desmarestii (Desmarest) 

Psittacus Desmarestit Desmarest, Dict. Sci. Nat., éd. Levrault, 39, 1826, 
p. 89. (Dorey [now Manokwari], New Guinea.) 

Cyclopsitta desmarestii intermedia van Oort, Notes Leyden Mus., 30, 
1909, p. 229. (Skru, Onin Peninsula, New Guinea.) 

Northwestern New Guinea: Vogelkop and Onin Peninsula. 

Psittaculirostris desmarestii godmani (Ogilvie-Grant) 

Cyclopsittacus godmani Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 27, March, 
1911, p. 67. (Upper Mimika River, New Guinea.) Col. pl., Ibis, 
Jubilee suppl. no. 2, 1915, pl. 6, f. 2. 

Cyclopsitta blytht meeki Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 18, Sept., 1911, p. 160. 
(Eilanden River, New Guinea.) 

Southern slopes of the mountains of southern New Guinea from the 
Mimika River to the Fly River, where it intergrades with the next race. 
Psittaculirostris desmarestii cervicalis (Salvadori and D’Albertis) 

Cyclopsittacus cervicalis Salvadori and D’Albertis, Ann. Mus. Civ, 
Genova, 7, 1875, p. 811. (Mount Epa, New Guinea.) 

Southeastern New Guinea from the Kumusi River on the north and the 
Fly River on the south, eastward. 


Psittaculirostris salvadorii salvadorii (Oustalet) 
Cyclopsittacus Salvadorii Oustalet, Bull. Assoc. Sci. France (2), 1, 1880, 
p- 172. (North coast of New Guinea between lat. 136° 30’ and 137° EH.) 
Northern coast of New Guinea from Geelvink Bay east to the Mam- 
berano River, perhaps farther. 

Psittaculirostris salvadorii edwardsii (Oustalet) 

Cyclopsittacus Edwardsii Oustalet, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (6), 19, 1885, 
art. 3, p. 1. (Kafu, New Guinea.) 

Cyclopsittacus purpuratus Madardsz, Termes. Fiizetek, 25, 1902, p. 351, 
pl. 17. (Eastern coast of Bougainville, Solomon Islands, error = 
German New Guinea.) 

Northern coast of New Guinea from Humboldt Bay to the Huon Penin- 

Genus OPOPSITTA Scuater ! 

Opopsitta Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 227. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation, Psittacula diophthalma Hombron and Jacquinot. 
(Salvadori, Orn. Pap. Mol., 1, 1880, p. 149.) 

Manopsitta Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1913, p. 62. Type, by original 
designation, C'yclopsitta coxeni Gould. 

Nannopsittacus Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 65. Type, by original 
designation, Cyclopsitta suavissima Sclater. 

Suavipsitta Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. xix. New name for Nan- 
nopsittacus Mathews on grounds of preoccupation by Nannopsittaca 
Ridgway 1912. 

cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 120. (Types in Rothschild coll.). 
Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 61-76. 
Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 72-77 (part). 
Salvadori, in Wytsman’s Genera Avium, pt. 12, 1910, p. 2-6 (part). 
Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 52-54 
Opopsitta gulielmi III gulielmi III (Schlegel) 

Psittacula gulielmi III Schlegel, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., 3, 1866, p. 252. 
(Salawati and New Guinea.) 

Salawati, and opposite coasts of the Vogelkop. 

Opopsitta gulielmi III nigrifrons (Reichenow) 

Cyclopsittacus nigrifrons Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 39, 1891, p. 217 
(advance separates issued, 20 Mar., 1891.) (Augusta River, New 

Northern New Guinea from the Mamberano River east to the lower 

Sepik River. 
1 Replaces Cyclopsittacus ‘‘Reichenbach,” z.e. Sundevall, of Sharpe’s Hand- 
list; name rejected by Mathews as indeterminable (Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 261). 


Opopsitta gulielmi ITI ramuensis Neumann 

Opopsitta nigrifrons ramuensis Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 23, 1915, 
p. 180. (Foot of the Bismarck Range, New Guinea.) 

Northern New Guinea in the Ramu River region and foot of the Bis- 
marck Range. 

Opopsitta gulielmi III amabilis (Reichenow) 
Cyclopsittacus amabilis Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 39, 1891, p. 432. 
(Saparako, Huon Gulf.) 

Cyclopsittacus macilwraithi Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, 1897, 
p. 21. (Northern coast of British New Guinea.) 

Southeastern New Guinea from the Huon Peninsula eastward to Milne 
————Opopsitta gulielmi III melanogenia (Schlegel) 
Psittacula melanogenia ‘‘von Rosenberg” Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. 
Dierk., 3, 1866, p. 330. (Aru Islands.) 
Aru Islands. 

Opopsitta gulielmi ITI fuscifrons (Salvadori) 
Cyclopsittacus fuscifrons Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 9, 1876, 
p. 14. (Fly River, New Guinea.) 
Southern foothills of the Snow Mountains and the Oranje Range from 
the Mimika to the Fly River. 

~——Opopsitta gulielmi IIT suavissima (Sclater) 
Cyclopsitta suavissima Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 520, 
pl. 54. (Naiabui, New Guinea.) 

Southern coast of southeastern New Guinea from the Purari River east 
to the Kemp Welch River. 

~ Opopsitta diophthalma diophthalma (Hombron and Jacquinot) 
Psittacula diophthalma Hombron and Jacquinot, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. 
(2), 16, 1841, p. 318. (Southern coast of New Guinea = Triton Bay.) 
Cyclopsittacus festetichi Madardsz, Termés. Fiizetek, 25, 1902, p. 350. 
(East coast of Bougainville, Solomon Islands, error = German New 
Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu, Salawati, Misol, Koffiao; New 
Guinea east to the Huon Peninsula on the north and to Etna Bay on the 

?POpopsitta diophthalma coccineifrons (Sharpe) 
Cyclopsittacus coccineifrons Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 16, 
1882, p. 318. (Astrolabe Mountains, New Guinea.) 
If a valid form, is probably restricted to southeastern New Guinea east 
of Huon Gulf and the Aroa River. 


Opopsitta diophthalma aruensis (Schlegel) 
Psittacula diophthalma aruensis Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 3, 1874, 
Psittaci revue, p. 33. (Aru Islands.) 
Aru Islands; New Guinea in the southern foothills of the Snow Moun- 
tains and the Oranje Range from the Mimika to the Fly River. 

Opopsitta diophthalma virago (Hartert) 
Cyclopsittacus virago Hartert, Nov. Zool., 2, 1895, p. 61. (Fergusson 
Island, D’Entrecasteaux Islands.) 
Fergusson and Goodenough Islands. 

Opopsitta diophthalma inseparabilis (Hartert) 
Cyclopsittacus inseparabilis Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 8, 1898, p. 9. 
(Sudest Island.) 
Sudest (or Tagula) Island, Louisiade Archipelago. 

Opopsitta diophthalma macleayana (Ramsay) 

Cyclopsitta Macleayana Ramsay, Sydney Morning Herald, 5 Nov., 1874. 
(Scrubs on the coast range, near Cardwell, Rockingham Bay, Queens- 

Cyclopsitta Leadbeateri MacCoy, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 16, 
1 July, 1875, p. 54. (Cardwell, Queensland.) 

Cyclopsitta maccoyi Gould, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1 Aug., 1875, p. 314. 
(Rockingham Bay, Queensland.) 

Opopsitta diophthalma bowert Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, p. 127. 
(Barron River, North Queensland.) 

Northern Queensland. 

Opopsitta diophthalma coxeni (Gould) 
Cyclopsitta coxeni Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 182. (“... 
scrub on the east coast,” 7.e. near Brisbane, Queensland.) 
Opopsitta coxeni tweedi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1917, p. 128. 
(Tweed River, New South Wales.) 
Southern Queensland and northern New South Wales. 

GrENus LATHAMUS Lesson ? 

Lathamus Lesson, Traité d’Orn., livr. 3, 1830, p. 205. Substitute name 
for Nanodes Vigors and Horsfield, preoccupied. (Type of Nanodes 
Vigors and Horsfield, by subsequent designation, is Psittacus discolor 
Shaw 7.e. White.) 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 465-473. 

1 See Chisholm, Emu, 29, 1929, pp. 81-85, pl. 15 for an account of the 
history of this name and photographic reproduction of the original description. 

2 Replaces Nanodes Vigors and Horsfield 1827, not of Schoenherr 1825, 
Insecta. For details see Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1911, p. 14. 


~~ Lathamus discolor (White) 

Psittacus Discolor White, Journ. Voy. New South Wales, 1790, pl. 49. 

’ (New South Wales.) 

Lathamus discolor tregellasi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 279. (Vic- 
toria, type said to be from Mulgrave.) 

Lathamus gmelini Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 44, 1923, p. 15. New 
name for Psittacus australis Kuhl 1820, not of Gmelin 1788. (Tas- 

Southern Queensland, New South Wales, southeastern South Australia 

and Victoria; Tasmania. 


Micropsitta Lesson, Traité d’Orn., livr. 8, 1831, p. 646. Type, by mono- 
typy, ‘“Cet oiseau curieux, découvert par MM. Quoy et Gaimard... 
décrit et figuré dans la partie zoologique du Voyage de 1’Astrolabe, en 
ce moment en publication, est de la grosseur d’un troglodyte ordi- 
naire’? = Psittacus (Psittacula) pygmeus Quoy and Gaimard, not 
Psittacus pygmaeus Gmelin = Micropsitta chloroxantha Oberholser. 

cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 202-203 (races of finschii). 

Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 79-81, pl. 3 (map). 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 138-145. 
Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 56-57 
(races of pusio). 

~ Micropsitta bruijnii bruijnii (Salvadori) 

Nasiterna bruijnii Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 715, 
note, p. 753 &, p. 907 2, pl. 21. (Mount Arfak.) 

Nasiterna orientalis DeVis, Ann. Rept. Brit. New Guinea, 1898, app., 
p. 81. (Vanapa Valley, Wharton Range.) 

Mountains of Buru and Ceram; mountains of New Guinea: Arfak, 
Wandammen, Onin Peninsula, Weyland Mountains, Snow Mountains, 
Mount Goliath, Schraderberg, Saruwaged and Herzog Ranges, Mount 
Owen Stanley, Wharton Range. 

Micropsitta bruijnii necopinata Hartert 
Micropsitta bruijnii necopinata Hartert, Nov. Zool., 32, 1925, p. 124. 
(Southwestern New Ireland.) 
New Ireland. 
~~ Micropsitta keiensis chloroxantha Oberholser 
Micropsitta chloroxantha Oberholser, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 30, 1917, 
p. 126. New name for Psittacus (Psittacula) pygmeus Quoy and 

1 Replaces Nasiterna Wagler, 1832; cf. Poche, Orn. Monatsb., 12, 1904, 
p. 24. 


Gaimard, not Psittacus pygmaeus Gmelin. (Dorey [now Manokwari], 
New Guinea.) 
Western Papuan Islands: Gebe, Waigeu, Salawati, Koffiao and Misol; 
northwestern New Guinea: Vogelkop, Onin Peninsula. 

Micropsitta keiensis keiensis (Salvadori) 
Nasiterna keiensis Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 984. 
(Kei Islands.) 
Kei Islands and Aru Islands. 

Micropsitta keiensis viridipectus (Rothschild) 
Nasiterna pygmea viridipectus Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 27, 1911, 
p. 45. (Upper Setekwa River, New Guinea.) 
Southern New Guinea from the Mimika to the Fly River. 

~~ Micropsitta geelvinkiana geelvinkiana (Schlegel) 

Nasiterna pygmaea Geelvinkiana Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 
1871, p. 7. (Mafor and Misori, restricted to the former by Hartert 
and Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 80.) 

Island of Numfor (formerly called Mafor) in Geelvink Bay. 

Micropsitta geelvinkiana misoriensis (Salvadori) 
Nasiterna misoriensis Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 909. 
Island of Biak (Schouten Islands) in Geelvink Bay. 

Micropsitta pusio beccarii (Salvadori) 

Nasiterna beccarii Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 8, 1876, p. 396. 
(Wairoro [or Wairor], east coast of the Vogelkop.) 

Northern New Guinea on the western and southern shores of Geelvink 
Micropsitta pusio salvadorii (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Nasiterna salvadorii Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 81. 
(Ambernoh [= Mamberano River], New Guinea.) 

Northern coast of New Guinea from the Mamberano River to Astro- 
labe Bay; Vulcan Island; Dampier Island. 

?Micropsitta pusio pusilla (Ramsay) 
Nasiterna pusilla Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 2, 1877, 
p. 104. (Port Moresby, New Guinea.) 
Micropsitta pusio rothschildi Stresemann, Journ. f. Orn., 70, 1922, p. 407. 
(Finsch Hafen, New Guinea.) 
Southeastern New Guinea from Huon Gulf on the north and the Aroa 
River on the south, eastward; D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago. Doubtfully 
distinct from N. p. pusio. 

1 Nasiterna maforensis Salvadori is a synonym. 


Micropsitta pusio stresemanni Hartert 

Micropsitta pusio stresemanni Hartert, Nov. Zool., 33, 1926, p. 180. 
(Mount Riu, Sudest Island.) 

Louisiade Archipelago: St. Aignan (or Misima) and Sudest (or Tagula) 

~——Micropsitta pusio pusio (Sclater) 

Nasiterna pusio Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1865 (1866), p. 620, 
pl. 35. (Solomon Islands, error = Duke of York Island.) 

Bismarck Archipelago: New Ireland, New Britain, Duke of York Island, 
Witu Islands. 

Micropsitta meeki proxima Rothschild and Hartert 
Micropsitta meeki proxima Rothschild and Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
44, 1924, p. 50. (St. Matthias Island.) 
St. Matthias and Squally Islands. 

Micropsitta meeki meeki Rothschild and Hartert 
Micropsitta meeki Rothschild and Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 33, 1914, 
p. 107. (Manus, Admiralty Islands.) 
Admiralty Islands. 

Micropsitta finschii viridifrons (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Nasiterna viridifrons Rothschild and Hartert, Orn. Monatsb., 7, 1899, 
p. 188. (Expedition Bay, New Hanover.) 
Bismarck Archipelago: New Hanover and New Ireland; Lihir Islands. 

—— Micropsitta finschii nanina (Tristram) 
Nasiterna nanina Tristram, Ibis, 1891, p. 608. (Bugotu, Solomon 
Solomon Islands: Bougainville, Choiseul, Ysabel and Bugotu. 

Micropsitta finschii tristrami (Rothschild and Hartert) 
Nasiterna tristrami Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 9, 1902, p. 589. 
(Kulambangra, Solomon Islands.) 
Solomon Islands: Vella Lavella, Gizo, Kulambangra, Rubiana and 

Micropsitta finschii aolae (Ogilvie-Grant) 
Nasiterna aole Ogilvie-Grant, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, p. 189, 
pl. 10, f. 1 and 2. (Aola, Guadalcanar, Solomon Islands.) 
Solomon Islands: Guadalcanar and Malaita. 

Micropsitta finschii finschii (Ramsay) 
Nasiterna Finschii Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 6, 1881, 
p. 180. (San Cristébal, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands: Ugi, San Cristébal and Rennell. 



Probosciger Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 1820, p. 12. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus aterrimus Gmelin (Sal- 
vadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 102.) 

Chaeneirhynchus Jarocki, Zoologiia, 2, 1821, p. 17. Type, by monotypy, 
Psittacus aterrimus Gmelin. See Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1918, 
p. 142-144. 

cf. Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 54-55. 
van Schauburg, Org. Cl. Nederl. Vogelk., 1, 1929, extranum. 1, p. 17— 

Probosciger aterrimus alecto (Temminck) 

Ara alecto Temminck, in Siebold’s Fauna Jap., disc. prélim., 1835, 
p. xvii.2. (Waigeu, Banda and Ceram, restricted to the small race of 
the western Papuan Islands and the Aru Islands by Hartert and 
Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 77, and further restricted to 
Waigeu by Berlepsch, Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges., 34, 1911, p. 79.) 

Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu, Salawati, Misol and Gemien. 

Probosciger aterrimus goliath (Kuhl) 
Psittacus Goliath Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 1820, 
p. 92. (East Indies, restricted to the small race of the Onin Peninsula 
by Stresemann, antea, p. 54.) 
Microglossus salvadorii A. B. Meyer, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4, 1894, p. 6. 
(Arfak Mountains.) 

Probosciger aterrimus oorti Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916, p. 94. (Dutch 
New Guinea = foothills of the Snow Mountains, ex Ogilvie-Grant, 
Ibis, Jubilee suppl. no. 2, 1915, p. 240-241.) 

Western and southern New Guinea: Vogelkop, Onin Peninsula, Weyland 

Mountains and Snow Mountains to Milne Bay. 

Probosciger aterrimus stenolophus (van Oort) 

Microglossus aterrimus stenolophus van Oort, Notes Leyden Mus., 33, 
1911, p. 240. (Humboldt Bay and Sentani Lake, New Guinea.) 

Northern New Guinea from the Mamberano River to Collingwood Bay; 
Island of Jobi (or Japen). 

1 Replaces Microglossus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1823 of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

2 Mathews, Syst. Av. Australas., pt. 1, 1927, p. 308 cites Hurhynchus alecto 
Temminck, Bijdr. Natuurk. Wetensch. Amsterdam, 3, 1828, p. 74. I have been 
unable to run down this reference. 

3 This name is little better than a nomen nudum; the bibliographic indica- 
tions are very vague and the reasons given for coining the name are much in- 


Probosciger aterrimus intermedius (Schlegel) 

Cacatua intermedia Schlegel, Journ. f. Orn., 9, 1861, p. 380. (Aru 

Aru Islands. 

Probosciger aterrimus aterrimus (Gmelin) 

Psittacus aterrimus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 330. (New 
Holland, restricted to northern Australia by van Oort, Notes Leyden 
Mus., 3, 1911, p. 239.) 

Solenoglossus aterrimus macgillivrayi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, 
p. 261. (Cape York, Australia.) 

Cape York Peninsula and opposite coast of southern New Guinea 
(Oriomo River). 


Calyptorhynchus ‘‘Horsfield’’ Desmarest, Dict. Sci. Nat., éd. Levrault, 
39, 1826, p. 20, 117. Type, by subsequent designation, C. banksiv 
(Lath.) = Psittacus magnificus Shaw (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 
1840, p. 53.) 

Harrisornis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1914, p. 110. Type, by origi- 
nal designation, Calyptorhynchus halmaturinus Mathews. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1916-1917, p. 95-149. 

Suscenus ZANDA MatTHEews 

Zanda Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1913, p. 196. Type, by original 
designation, Calyptorhynchus baudini tenuirostris Mathews = Calyp- 
torhynchus baudinii Lear. 

——~Calyptorhynchus baudinii Lear 

Calyptorhynchus Baudinii Lear, Illustr. Psittac., pt. 12, 18382 [= pl. 6 of 
bound volume]. (No locality = Albany, southwestern Australia, by 
designation of Mathews, infra.) 

Calyptorhynchus baudinii tenuirostris Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1918, 
p. 190. (Wandering, West Australia.) 

Southwestern Australia, north to the upper Murchison River. 

——~Calyptorhynchus funereus (Shaw) 

Psittacus funereus Shaw, Nat. Misc., 6, 1794, pl. 186 and text. (New 
Holland = New South Wales.)! 

Calyptorhynchus funereus whitee Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, 
p. 35. (Kangaroo Island, South Australia.) 

Southern Queensland(?), New South Wales, Victoria and South Aus- 
tralia; Kangaroo Island; King Island; Tasmania. 

1 Calyptorhynchus xanthonotus Gould is a synonym. 



Calyptorhynchus magnificus macrorhynchus Gould 

Calyptorhynchus macrorhynchus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1842 
(1848), p. 188. (Port Essington, Northern Territory.) 

Calyptorhynchus banksiwi fitzroyy Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, 
p. 85. (Fitzroy River, northwestern Australia.) 

Northwestern Australia and Northern Territory. 

Calyptorhynchus magnificus naso Gould ! 

Calyptorhynchus naso Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1836 (1887), 
p. 106. (Swan River, southwestern Australia.) 

Southwestern Australia. 

Calyptorhynchus magnificus samueli Mathews 

Calyptorhynchus banksti samueli Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 120. 
(Hugh River, Central Australia.) 

Central Australia. 

Calyptorhynchus magnificus magnificus (Shaw)? 
Psittacus magnificus Shaw, Nat. Misc., 2, 1790, pl. 50 and text. (New 
Holland = New South Wales.) 
Calyptorhynchus banksti northi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 262. 
(Queensland, type locality = Dawson River, ex Bds. Austr., 6, p. 123.) 
Eastern Queensland from Cairns southward; New South Wales and ad- 
jacent parts of South Australia; Victoria. 

Calyptorhynchus lathami (Temminck)* 
Psittacus Lathami Temminck, Cat. Syst. Cab. d’Orn. et Quadrum., 1807, 
p. 21. (Botany Bay, New South Wales, ex Latham.) 
Calyptorhynchus viridis halmaturinus Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, 
p. 263. (Kangaroo Island, off South Australia.) 

Eastern Australia from Cape York to Victoria; eastern parts of South 
Australia; Kangaroo Island (where very scarce). 


Callocephalon Lesson, in Bougainville’s Journ. Voy. Autour Globe 
‘Thetis,’ 2, 1837, p. 311, Atlas, pl. 39, 40. Type, by monotypy, Callo- 
cephalon australe Lesson = Psittacus fimbriatus Grant. 

1 Replaces Calyptorhynchus stellatus Wagler, which is a synonym of the 
typical form. 

2 Replaces Calyptorhynchus banksit (Latham) by priority. 

3 Replaces Calyptorhynchus viridis (Vieillot) 1817. 


Callocorydon Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 150. New name for 
Callocephalon Lesson on grounds of preoccupation by Calocephalus 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 150-159. 

?Callocephalon fimbriatum superior (Mathews) 
Callocorydon fimbriatus superior Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 158. 
(Blue Mountains, New South Wales.)! 

New South Wales. 

——Callocephalon fimbriatum fimbriatum (Grant) 
Psittacus fimbriatus J. Grant, Narr. Voy. Disc. New South Wales, 1803, 
pl. opp. p. 185. (New South Wales, i.e. Bass River, Victoria.) 
Callocephalon galeatum tasmanicum Mathews, Austr. Av. Rece., 2, 1915, 
p. 127. (Tasmania.) 
Victoria; King Island; Tasmania. 

GENus KAKATOE Cuvier 2 

Kakatoe Cuvier, Legons d’Anat. Comp., 1, 1800, table 2. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation, Psitiacus philippinarum Gmelin = Psittacus 
haematuropygius P. L. 8. Miller. (Gray, List Gen. Subgen. Bds., 
1855, p. 89.) 

Eucacatua Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 169. Type, by original 
designation, Psittacus galeritus Latham. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 160-234. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 1, 1898, p. 128-133. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 115-135. 
Salvadori, in Wytsman’s Genera Avium, pt. 5, 1905, p. 4-6. 

SuspGenus KAKATOE Cuvier 

Kakatoe galerita macrolophus (Rosenberg) 
Plyctolophus macrolophus Rosenberg, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederl. Indié, 
23, 1861, p. 45. (Misol and Salawati, restricted to Misol by Berlepsch, 
Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges., 34, 1911, p. 79.) 

Gebe, Waigeu, Salawati and Misol. 

Kakatoe galerita aruensis Mathews 
Kakatoé galerita aruensis Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 187. (Aru 
Islands, ex van Oort, Nova Guinea, 9, p. 71.) 
Aru Islands. 

1 Replaces Psitiacus galeatus Latham 1790, not of Forster 1781. 
2 Replaces Cacatua Vieillot of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Kakatoe galerita triton (Temminck) 

Cacatua triton Temminck, Coup d’Oeil Gén. Poss. Neerl. 1’Inde Archip., 
3, 1849, p. 405 note. (New Guinea = Aiduma Island, near Triton 

New Guinea, with the exception of the part inhabited by the next race; 

islands in Geelvink Bay; ! Ceramlaut and Goramlaut (introduced). 

Kakatce galerita kwalamkwalam (Stresemann). 

Cacatoes galerita kwalamkwalam Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. 
A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 55. (Kai Peninsula, New Guinea.) 

Huon Peninsula and region inland from Huon Gulf. 

Kakatoe galerita trobriandi (Finsch) 

Cacatua Trobriandi Finsch, Samoafahrten, 1888, p. 208. (Trobriand 

Islands southeast of New Guinea: Trobriand, Fergusson, Woodlark (or 
Murua), St. Aignan (or Misima), Sudest (or Tagula) and Rossel. 

Kakatoe galerita ophthalmica (Sclater) 

Cacatua ophthalmica Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 188. 
(Type an aviary specimen thought to have come from the Solomon 
Islands = New Britain.) 

New Britain and New Ireland. 

Kakatoe galerita fitzroyi (Mathews) 

Cacatoes galerita fitzroyt Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 31 Jan., 1912, p. 264, 
no. 428. (Fitzroy River, northwestern Australia.) 

Cacatoes galerita queenslandica Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 264, 
no. 429. (Cooktown, northern Queensland.) 

Cacatoes galerita melvillensis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 2 April, 1912, 
p. 36. (Melville Island, Australia.) 

Northern part of Australia. 

Kakatoe galerita galerita (Latham) 
Psittacus galeritus Latham, Ind. Orn., 1, 1790, p. 109. (New South 
Kakatoé galerita interjecta Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 184. 
(Southern[?] Victoria.) 

Southern Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria; Tasmania. 

?Kakatoe galerita rosinae (Mathews) 

Cacatoes galerita rosine Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 36. 
(Kangaroo Island, Australia.) 

South Australia and Kangaroo Island. 

1 See Stresemann, infra, for measurements of birds from different parts of 
New Guinea. 


-Kakatoe sulphurea sulphurea (Gmelin) 

Psittacus sulphureus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 330. (Molue- 
cas, 2.e. Celebes.) 

Celebes and Buton. 

Kakatoe sulphurea djampeana (Hartert) 
Cacatua sulphurea djampeana Hartert, Nov. Zool., 4, 1897, p. 164. 
Tukangbesi Islands, Djampea, Kalao, Kalao tua, Madu, Kaju adi, 
Pantar and Alor. 

Kakatoe sulphurea abbotti Oberholser 

Kakatoe parvulus abbotti Oberholser, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 54, 1917, 
p. 181. (Solombo Besar Island.) 

Solombo Besar Island in the Java Sea. 

Kakatoe sulphurea occidentalis (Hartert) 

Cacatua parvula occidentalis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 5, 1898, p. 120. (Lom- 

Lombok, Sumbawa and Flores. 

Kakatoe sulphurea citrino-cristata (Fraser) 

Plyctolophus citrino-cristatus Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1844, 
p. 38. (Aviary specimen without locality = Sumba.) 

Plictolophus aurantio-cristatus Finsch, Papageien, 1, 1867, p. 303, note. 
Substitute name. 


Kakatoe sulphurea parvula (Bonaparte) 

Plyctolophus parvulus Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, 
1850, p. 189. (No locality = Samao.) 

Timor and Samao. 

Kakatoe alba (P. L. 8. Miiller) 

Psittacus albus P. L. 8. Miiller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 76. (Moluc- 
can Islands.) 

Northern and central Moluccas: Halmahera, Ternate, Tidore, Batjan, 

- Kakatoe moluccensis (Gmelin) 

Psittacus moluccensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 331. 

Southern Moluccas: Ceram, Saparua and Haruku. 

‘Kakatoe haematuropygia (P. L. 8. Miiller) 

Psittacus haematuropygius P. L. S. Miiller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, 
p. 77. (Philippine Islands.) 


Kakatoe hematuropygia megregort Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, Suppl. 
Publ. no. 14, 1930, p. 157. (Island of Polillo, Philippine Islands.) 
Philippine Islands, including Palawan. 

SusGcenus LOPHOCHROA Bonaparte 

Lophochroa Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 44, 1857, p. 537. 
Type, by monotypy, Plyctolophus leadbeateri Vigors. 

Kakatoe leadbeateri mungi (Mathews) 

Cacatoes leadbeatert mungi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 31 Jan., 1912, 
p. 264. (Mungi, northwestern Australia.) 

Cacatua leadbeatert aberrans Séderberg, Orn. Monatsb., 20, 12 Mar., 
1912, p. 41. (Mowla Downs, 70-80 miles southward of the junction 
of Gilgally Creek and the Fitzroy River, northwestern Australia.) 

Northwestern Australia and Northern Territory. 

Kakatoe leadbeateri mollis (Mathews) 

Cacatoes leadbeateri mollis Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 265. (West 
Australia, type said to be from Carnamah, southwestern Australia.) 
Southwestern Australia. 

Kakatoe leadbeateri leadbeateri (Vigors) 
Plyctolophus Leadbeateri Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 1831, 
p. 61. (New South Wales.) 
New South Wales and Victoria. 

Kakatoe leadbeateri superflua (Mathews) 
Lophochroa leadbeatert superflua Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 196. 
(Gawler Ranges, Australia.) 
South Australia. 


Ducorpsius Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 44, 1857, p. 534. 
Type, by original designation and tautonymy, Ducorpsius typus 

Bonaparte = Cacatua ducorpsii Pucheran = Plyctolophus ducrops 

Kakatoe ducrops (Bonaparte) 

Plyctolophus DuCrops ‘“Hombr. et Jacq.’ Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. 

Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, 1850, p. 138, ex Voy. Pole Sud, Atlas, Ois., pl. 26, 
f. 1. (Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands: Bougainville, Ysabel, Malaita, Guadalcanar, Kulam- 


~~ Kakatoe sanguinea goffini (Finsch) 
Lophochroa Goffini Finsch, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1, 1863, Berigten, 
p. xxiii. (Aviary specimen without locality = Tenimber Islands.) 

Tenimber Islands. 

~~~ _Kakatoe sanguinea sanguinea (Gould) 

Cacatua sanguinea Gould, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1842 (1843), p. 188. 
(North coast of Australia = Port Essington, Northern Territory.)! 

Cacatua sanguinea distincta Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 265. 
(Alligator River, 60 miles inland, Northern Territory.) 

Cacatoes sanguinea apsleyi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 36. 
(Melville Island, Australia.) 

Ducorpsius sanguineus normantont Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, 
p. 211. (Normanton, Queensland.) 

Northern Territory and northern Queensland. 

Kakatoe sanguinea subdistincta (Mathews) 

Cacatoes sanguinea subdistincta Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 265. 
(Parry’s Creek, northwestern Australia.) 

Ducorpsius sanguineus westralensis Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, 
p. 211. (Murchison, mid-west Australia.) 

Central and northwestern Australia. 

Kakatoe sanguinea ashbyi (Mathews) 
Cacatoes sanguinea ashbyi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 36. 
(New South Wales, type said to be from Yanco.) 
Southern Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and south- 
western Australia. 

Suscenus LICMETIS WacGuer 

Licmetis Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 1832, 
p. 505. Type, by monotypy, L. tenwirostris = Psittacus tenuirostris 

Kakatoe tenuirostris pastinator (Gould) 
Licmetis pastinator Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1840 (1841), p. 175. 
(Western Australia.) 
Licmetis tenuirostris derbyi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1916, p. 57. 
(Derby, northwestern Australia.) 

Western Australia. 

1 Cacatua gymnopis Sclater 1871 is a synonym. 


Kakatoe tenuirostris tenuirostris (Kuhl) 
Psittacus tenuirostris Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 88. (New Holland = vicinity of Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.) 
New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. 


Eolophus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 155. Type, 
by monotypy, Cacatua rosea Vieillot = Cacatua roseicapilla Vieillot. 

Kakatoe roseicapilla kuhli (Mathews) 

Cacatoes roseicapilla kuhli Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 366, no. 438. 
(Northern Territory, type said to be from South Alligator River.) 

Cacatoes roseicapilla assimilis Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 366, 
no. 439. (Laverton, West Australia.) 

Cacatoes roseicapilla derbyana Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 366, 
no. 440. (Derby, northwestern Australia.) 

West Australia and Northern Territory. 

Kakatoe roseicapilla howei (Mathews) 
Eolophus roseicapillus howei Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 234. 
(Between Claraville and Ruby Gay, Central Australia.) 

Central and South Australia and the mallee of Victoria. 

Kakatoe roseicapilla roseicapilla (Vieillot) 
Cacatua roseicapilla Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 17, 1817, p. 12. 
(In the Indies = New South Wales.) 

Queensland, New South Wales and eastern Victoria. 

GrENus NYMPHICUS Wacter ? 

Nymphicus Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 490. Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus novaehol- 
landiae Gmelin, p. 328, not p. 310 = Psittacus hollandicus Kerr. 
(G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 51.) 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 235-245. 

1 See Dickison, Emu, 28, 1928, p. 82. 

2 Replaces Calopsittacus Lesson (recte Callopsitta) 1835 of Sharpe’s Hand- 
list, which more recently has been displaced by Leptolophus Swainson, 1833, 
for the following reasons. As constituted by Wagler the genus Nymphicus 
contained two species, Psittacus bisetis Latham and Pszttacus novaehollandiae 
Gmelin. No type was designated and neither species is so named that the 
principles of tautonymy may be invoked to determine the type. Gray, List 
Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 51 designates Psittacus novaehollandiae as type, and his 
valid designation is not subject to change (see Opinion 32 of Int. Comm. on 
Zool. Nomencl.). Since Nymphicus Wagler is of earlier date than Leptolophus 
Swainson and both genera have the same type it follows that the latter be- 



~Nymphicus hollandicus (Kerr) 

Psittacus hollandicus Kerr, Anim. Kingd., 1, pt. 2, 1792, p. 580. (New 

Leptolophus auricomis pallescens Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 267, 
no. 444. (East Murchison, West Australia.) 

Leptolophus auricomis intermedius Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, 
p. 267, no. 445. (Point Torment, northwestern Australia.) 

Leptolophus auricomis obscurus Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 267, 
no. 446. (Alexandra, Northern Territory.) 

Interior of Australia. 


Anodorhynchus Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 47 ? [i.e. 24 bis], pl. 11. Type, 
by monotypy, Anodorhynchus maximilianit Spix = Psittacus hya- 
cinthinus Latham. 

cf. Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 15-16. 
Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 117-118. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 147-149. 

~~ Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus (Latham) 

Psittacus hyacinthinus Latham, Ind. Orn., 1, 1790, p. 84. (No locality 
= Brazil.) 

Interior of Brazil south of the Amazon, in states of Parad, Piauhy, Goyaz, 
Minas Geraés, SAo Paulo and Matto Grosso. 

Anodorhynchus glaucus (Vieillot) 

Macrocercus glaucus Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 2, 1816, p. 259. 
(South America between lat. 27° and 30°S....on the banks of the 
Parana and Uruguay Rivers, ex Azara, 1, p. 402.) 

comes an objective synonym of the former. In Noy. Zool., 18, 1911, p. 13 
Mathews endeavors to set aside Gray’s designation on the grounds that the 
second species in Nymphicus was autoptically unknown to Wagler. There is 
nothing in the International Code that requires specimens of an originally in- 
cluded species to be examined by the author of the genus before those species 
can be accepted for consideration for designation as the type; only such species 
are excluded from consideration as were (1) ‘‘species inquirendae from the 
standpoint of the author,” (2) ‘‘species which the author doubtfully referred 
to the genus,” and Wagler was quite definite as regards both the contained 

One of Wagler’s characters for his Nymphicus was “‘latera oris anguli lobo 
membranaceo aucta (an omnibus?).’”’ The parenthetical query is directed at 
the constancy of the character, not at the allocation of either species. 

1 Replaces Psittacus novachollandiae Gmelin 1788, preoccupied. 

2 See Hellmayr, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Kl. 2, 22, 1906, p. 576. 


Southeastern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and northeastern Argentina 
in Territory of Misiones and Province of Corrientes. 

Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte 
Anodorhynchus leari Bonaparte, Naumannia, 6, 1856, Consp. Psitt., in 
Beilage no. 1. New name for Macrocercus hyacinthinus Lear, not 
Psittacus hyacinthinus Latham. (No locality, presumed to have come 
from Brazil.) 

Brazil (exact place unknown).! 

Norte. — Anadorhynchus [sic] purpurascens Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 16, 1905, p. 18 (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles), is based entirely on 
Don de Navaret, Rel. Voy. Christ. Colombe, 2, p. 425. While there is no 
actual basis to doubt the truth of Navaret’s statement concerning a Macaw, 
or something closely allied to it, on Guadeloupe, there is no particular rea- 
son for taking the description too seriously nor for supposing the bird to 
have been congeneric with Anodorhynchus. Moreover under the definition 
of fossil and recent birds adopted for convenience, as explained in the intro- 
duction to the first volume of this work, p. vi & vii, the species described 
by early travelers and since entirely unsupported by specimens are beyond 
the scope of this Check-List. 

Genus ARA LacepEDE 2 

Ara Lacépéde, Tableaux Ois., 1799, p. 1.2. Type, by subsequent desig- 
nation, Psittacus macao Linné. (Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 119.) 

Diopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 1912, p. 99. Type, by 
original designation, Psittacus nobilis Linné. 

Orthopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 1912, p. 99. Type, 
by original designation and monotypy, Psittacus manilatus Boddaert. 

Hemipsittacus Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 7, 16. 
Type, by original designation, Psittacus severus Linné. 

Propyrrhura Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 7, 18.4 
Type, by original designation, Prop. maracana = Macrocercus mara- 
cana Vieillot. 

1 This species is known only from the type in the Paris Museum and from a 
Zoological garden specimen in the British Museum. Prof. Neumann, zn litt., 
writes that this species has been imported into Germany in recent years, and 
Mr. Lee Crandall, in litt., states that an occasional learz was received in New 
York with shipments of hyacinthinus made from Parad about 1925. 

2 Includes Cyanopsittacus (recte Cyanopsitta) Bonaparte of Sharpe’s Hand- 

3 Original not seen; so quoted in Sherborn, Ind. Anim., 1902, p. 64. See also 
Sherborn, Nat. Sci., 15, 1899, p. 406-409. 

4 Spelled Prophyrrhura on p. 18. 


Proconurus Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 8, 21. Type, 
by monotypy, Ara nobilis (Linné) = Psittacus nobilis Linné. 
cf. Hellmayr, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Kl. 2, 22, 1906, Abth. 3, 
p. 576-578. 
Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 11-22. 
Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 119-140. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 150-168. 

——~ Ara ararauna (Linné) 

Psittacus Ararauna Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 96. (South 
America = Pernambuco, ex Marcgrave, Hellmayr, Abh. K. Bayer. 
Akad. Wiss., K1. 2, 22, 1906, Abth. 3, p. 577.) 

Tropical South America from eastern Panama (whence not represented 

in recent collections) to Ecuador, eastern Peru, Bolivia, northern Paraguay 
and Brazil (south to the states of SAo Paulo and Rio de Janeiro). 

Ara caninde (Wagler) 
Sittace canindé Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 
1, 1832, p. 674. (Paraguay, ex Azara, no. 272.) 

Sittace Azarae Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 29, 1881, p. 267. New name 
for Sittace caninde Wagler. 

Ara glaucogularis Dabbene, Hornero, 2, 1921, p. 225. (Name for Ara 
caninde of authors, not Sittace caninde Wagler: Paraguay.)! 

Paraguay and the northern part of the Argentine Chaco. 

——~ Ara militaris mexicana Ridgway 
Ara militaris mexicana Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 106. (Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico.) 

Mexico, in states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Sinaloa, Zacatecas, 
Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Guanajuato, Mexico, Michoacan, Guerrero and 
Oaxaca. Erroneously attributed to Guatemala. (See Griscom, Bull. Am. 
Mus. Nat. Hist., 64, 1932, p. 174.) 

~~~ Ara militaris militaris (Linné) 
Psittacus militaris Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 139. (No local- 

ity, Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. So. Am., 1912, p. 80, suggest Co- 

Tropical northwestern South America: western Colombia; the Santa 
Marta region; east of the Andes in Colombia, Ecuador and northern Peru. 
Ara militaris boliviana Reichenow 

Ara militaris boliviana Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 16, 1908, p. 13. 
(Machareti, southeastern Bolivia.) 

Tropical parts of Bolivia to the Argentine border in Province of Salta. 

1 Dabbene renamed Sittace caninde Wagler, believing it to be a synonym of 
Ara ararauna and that Ara caninde of authors required a new name. 


Ara ambigua ambigua (Bechstein) 

Psittacus ambiguus Bechstein, in Latham’s Allgem. Uebers. Voég., 4, 
Th. 1, 1811, p. 65. (South America, ex Levaillant, Hist. Nat. Perro- 
quets, 1, p. 15, pl. 6 = northwestern Colombia by designation of 
Chapman, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 205, 1925, p. 4.) 

Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and western Colombia. 

Ara ambigua guayaquilensis Chapman 
Ara ambigua guayaquilensis Chapman, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 205, 1925, 
p. 2. (Cerro Bajo Verde, Chongon Hills, 20 miles northwest of Guaya- 
quil, Ecuador.) 
Western Ecuador; southwestern Colombia(?). 

Ara macao (Linné) 
Psittacus Macao Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 96. (South 

Tropical Mexico from Oaxaca on the west and southern Tamaulipas on 
the east, south over Central and South America to eastern Ecuador, east- 
ern Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil south of the Amazon in states of Amazonas 
and Pard.? 

Ara chloroptera G. R. Gray 
Ara chloropterus G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psittacidae, 1859, 
p. 26. (New name for Macrocercus macao Vieillot and authors, not 
Ara chloroptera major Bertoni, An. Cient. Paraguayos (1), no. 1, 1901, 
p. 52. (Alto Parand, lat. 26° 53’ S., Paraguay.) 
Eastern Panama and the greater part of tropical South America south to 
Bolivia, the Argentine Chaco, Paraguay, Misiones and Parand; not re- 
corded from western Ecuador and apparently absent from Peru. 

+Ara tricolor Bechstein 
Ara tricolor Bechstein, in Latham’s Allgem. Uebers. Vég., 4, Th. 1, 
1811, p. 64, pl. 1. (South America, ex Levaillant, Hist. Nat. Perro- 
quets, 1, p. 13, pl. 5 = Cuba.) 
Formerly occurred on Cuba and the Isle of Pines. Now extinct. 

1 Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. So. Am., 1912, p. 80, take Ecuador as the 
type locality, but Chapman considers it most unlikely that Levaillant’s bird, 
upon which the species is founded, could have come from Ecuador in Levail- 
lant’s time and proposes to substitute northwestern Colombia. 

I concur in this thoroughly; when it becomes necessary definitely to fix a 
type locality, due consideration must be given to the probable origin of the 
specimens on which the name is based, and the arbitrary selection of an im- 
possible locality is to be avoided. 

2 Hellmayr, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Kl. 2, 22, 1906, Abth. 3, p. 577, 
designates Pernambuco, Brazil as the type locality, er Marcgrave, but I cannot 
find that the species has ever been taken further east than the Rio Guamd, in 
the eastern part of the State of Para. 


Ara rubro-genys Lafresnaye 
Ara rubro-genys Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool., 1847, p. 65. (Bolivia.) 
Bolivia, exact distribution not known. 

Ara auricollis Cassin 
Ara auricollis Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 6, 1858, p. 372. 
Eastern Bolivia, Matto Grosso, Paraguay, and northern Argentina in 
provinces of Jujuy and Misiones. 

Ara severa castaneifrons Lafresnaye 
Ara castaneifrons Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool., 1847, p. 66. (Bolivia.)! 
Tropical zone, eastern Panama (where not secured by recent collectors), 
to Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia; birds from the upper Amazon and 
Matto Grosso are probably referable to this form. 

Ara severa severa (Linné) 
Psittacus severus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 97. (Indies, error, 
Amazon River substituted by Hellmayr, antea, p. 578.) 
Tropical South America from the Orinoco east over the Guianas and 
south to the Amazon and Mexiana Island; birds from the Rio Madeira 
are probably referable to this race. 

- Ara spixii (Wagler) 

Sittace Spixti Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 675. (Based on Arara hyacinthinus Spix, not of Latham, type 
from Joazeiro, Rio Sao Francisco, Brazil.) 

Known only from eastern Brazil in states of Piauhy (Parnagud) and 

Bahia (Joazeiro). 

~ Ara manilata (Boddaert) 2 

Psittacus manilatus Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 52. (Cayenne, 
ex Daubenton, pl. 864.) 
Extreme southern Venezuela and the Guianas southward (including 
eastern Ecuador) to Peru, Matto Grosso and Bahia. 

Ara maracana (Vieillot) 
Macrocercus maracana Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 2, 1816, p. 260. 
(Paraguay ex Azara, no. 274.) 
Ara maracana serrana Stolamann, Ann. Zool. Mus. Polon. Hist. Nat., 5, 
1926, p. 127. (Rio Claro, Serra da Esperanga, Paranda.) 
Eastern Brazil from the Ilha de Marajé south to Paraguay, Misiones 
and Rio Grande do Sul. 

1 See Bangs and Penard, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 62, 1918, p. 46-47. 
2 Replaces Ara macavuanna (Gmelin) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Ara couloni Sclater 

Ara couloni Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, p. 255 and text fig. 
(Eastern Peru.) 
Eastern Peru. (Perhaps only subspecifically distinct from maracana, 
but requires further study.) 

Ara nobilis nobilis (Linné)! 
Psittacus nobilis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 97. (South 
America = Surinam ex Mus. Ad. Frid., Prodr., p. 13.) 
Northern South America from the Caura Valley, Venezuela, east to 
Surinam (and Cayenne?), south to the Rio Branco and the Amazon, but 
apparently not recorded from the north bank of the lower Amazon. 

Ara nobilis cumanensis (Lichtenstein) 2 
Psitiacus cumanensis Lichtenstein, Verz. Doubl. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 
1823, p. 6. (Brazil = Bay of Cuman, Maranhao.) 

Eastern Brazil south of the Amazon in states of Parad, Maranh4o, Piauhy 
and Bahia. 

Ara nobilis longipennis (Neumann) 
Diopsitta [sic] nobilis longipennis Neumann, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 
1931, p. 441. (Rio Sao Miguel, northwest of Forte, Goyaz.) 
Brazil in states of Goyaz and Matto Grosso; birds from Espirito Santo 
and Sao Paulo are probably referable to this form. 

Note. — Macaws, in addition to A. tricolor, formerly occurred in some of 
the West Indies, but of those here listed neither skins nor osteological re- 
mains are known. The following species have been named (see also note 
under Anodorhynchus, p. 180). For descriptions and colored plates cf. 
Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 52-54, pl. 11-15. 

Ara gossei Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 1905, p. 14. (Mountains 
of Hanover Parish, about ten miles east of Lucea, Jamaica.) Based on 
the yellow-headed macaw, Gosse, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 260. Gosse 
took his description from Robinson who bases his account on a 
‘stuffed’? specimen, supposed to have been shot about 1765. 

Ara erythrocephala Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 1905, p. 14. 
(Mountains of Trelawny and St. Anne’s, Jamaica.) Based on Gosse, 
id. p. 261-262. Apparently this species persisted in the mountains of 
Jamaica until about 1845. Gosse himself never saw one. 

Ara guadeloupensis Clark, Auk, 22, 1905, p. 272. (Guadeloupe, Lesser 
Antilles.) This species is based on the accounts of Du Tertre, Hist. 
gen. des Antilles, 2, 1667, p. 248. Strangely enough pl. 12 of Dau- 
benton’s Pl. enlum. shows a Macaw closely agreeing with Du Tertre’s 

1 Replaces Ara hahni (Souancé) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
2 Replaces Ara nobilis (Linné) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Ara atwoodi Clark, Auk, 25, 1908, p. 310. (Dominica.) Based on At- 
wood, Hist. Id. Dominica, ete., 1791, p. 29. 

Anadorhynchus [sic] martinicus Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 1905, 
p. 14. (Martinique, Lesser Antilles.) Based on Pére Bouton, Rel. de 
V’établiss. Francais etc. Martinique, 1640, p. 71-72. 

Ara erythrura Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 54, pl. 15. (‘‘One of the 
West Indian Islands.) Based on De Rochefort, Hist. Nat. et Mor. 
des Antilles, 1658, p. 154. 

Genus ARATINGA Sprx ! 

Aratinga Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 29. Type, by subsequent desig- 
nation, Psittacus luteus Boddaert = Psittacus solstitialis Linné. 
(G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 87.) 

Thectocercus Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 1912, p. 99. Type, by 
original designation and monotypy, Psittacus acuticaudatus Vieillot. 

Gymnopsittacus Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 9, 26. 
Type, by original designation,? G. weddelli = Conurus weddellit 

cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 55, 1926, p. 257-258. 
Hellmayr, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Kl. 2, 22, 1906, Abth. 3, 
p. 578-586 (part). 
Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 18, 1929, p. 489-444. 
Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 150-175. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 170-208. 

PAratinga acuticaudata neoxena (Cory) 
Conurus neoxenus Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Orn. Ser., 1, 1909, 
p. 243. (Boca del Rio, Margarita Island, Venezuela.) 
Northern and eastern Venezuela; British Guiana(?). 

- Aratinga acuticaudata haemorrhous Spix 

Aratinga haemorrhous Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 29, pl. 18. (Campo 
Alegre, Bahia.) 

Eastern Brazil in states of Piauhy and Bahia. 

~ Aratinga acuticaudata acuticaudata (Vieillot) 
Psittacus acuticaudatus Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818),° 
p. 369. (Paraguay in lat. 24° S., ex Azara no. 278.) 

1 Replaces Conurus Kuhl 1820 of Sharpe’s Hand-list, not applicable. 

2 Ribeiro’s exact wording is ‘“‘Especie typica: G. weddellt, co-typo C. cac- 
torum.”’ In order that no controversy may arise as to the type I herewith desig- 
nate Conurus weddellii Deville as type of the genus Gymnopsittacus. 

3 The title page of this volume is erroneously dated 1817. 


Eastern Bolivia in provinces of Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca; western 
Matto Grosso; Paraguay; Uruguay; northern Argentina south to the 
provinces of La Rioja, San Luis and Pampa. 

Aratinga guarouba (Gmelin) 

Psittacus Guarouba Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1788, p. 320. (No local- 
ity = northeastern Brazil, ex Marcgrave.) 

Northeastern Brazil south of the Amazon, from the Rio Xingt to 
Maranhao and possibly to Ceara. 

Aratinga holochlora brevipes (Lawrence) 
Conurus holochlorus var. brevipes ‘Baird MS.” Lawrence, Ann. Lye. 
Nat. Hist. N. Y., 10, 1871, p. 14. (Socorro Island.) 

Socorro Island, Revillagigedo group, off the west coast of Mexico. 

Aratinga holochlora brewsteri Nelson 
Aratinga holochlora brewsteri Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 41, 1928, 
p. 154. (Hacienda de San Rafael, Chihuahua, Mexico.) 

Known only from the type locality which is now included in eastern 

Aratinga holochlora holochlora (Sclater) 

Conurus holochlorus Sclater, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), 4, 1859, 
p. 224. (Jalapa, Vera Cruz.) 

Mexico in states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Vera Cruz, Puebla, San 
Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, Mexico and Oaxaca. 

Aratinga holochlora rubritorquis (Sclater) 

Conurus rubritorquis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886 (1887), 
p. 5389, pl. 56. (South America or West Indies, error = Central 
America; type an aviary specimen.) 

Eastern Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras and northern Nicaragua. 

Aratinga strenua (Ridgway) 
Conurus holochlorus strenuus Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 106. (Omotepe, Nicaragua.) 
Pacific slope of Mexico and Central America from Oaxaca to Nicaragua. 

Aratinga finschi (Salvin) 
Conurus finschi Salvin, Ibis, 1871, p. 91, pl. 4. (Bugaba, Chiriquf, 

Tropical Central America from southern Nicaragua to western Panama; 
absent from western Costa Rica from Guanacaste southward. 

Aratinga wagleri wagleri (G. R. Gray) 

Conurus Wagleri G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 2, 1845, pl. CII. (No locality, 
the type in the British Museum is from Bogota.) 


Tropical zone of Colombia from the Pacific coast to the Cauca and 
Magdalena Valleys and the Santa Marta region; northern coast region of 
western Venezuela. 

Aratinga wagleri transilis Peters 

Aratinga wagleri transilis Peters, Proc. New Engl. Zoél. Cl., 9, 1927, 
p. 111. (Cuchivano, Venezuela.) 

Paria Peninsula, northeastern Venezuela. 

~ Aratinga wagleri frontata (Cabanis) 

Conurus frontatus Cabanis, in Tschudi’s Fauna Peruana, 1846, Orn., 
p. 272, note. (Western slopes of the Cordilleras of Peru.) 

Western Ecuador and western Peru south to Lima. 

Aratinga wagleri minor Carriker 

Aratinga frontata minor Carriker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 85, 1933, 
p. 3. (Soquidn, 8000 feet, Marafion Valley, Dept. Libertad, Peru.) 
Upper Marafion Valley in north central Peru. 

Aratinga mitrata mitrata (Tschudi) 

Conurus mitratus Tschudi, Arch. f. Naturg., 10, Bd. 1, 1844, p. 304. 
(Peru; Chanchamayo Valley suggested by Zimmer, Field Mus. Nat. 
Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 17, 1930, p. 263.) 

Subtropical zone of central Peru (east of the Andes) south through cen- 
tral Bolivia to western Argentina (provinces of La Rioja and Tucuman). 
Aratinga mitrata alticola Chapman 

Aratinga mitrata alticola Chapman, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 117, 1921, 
p. 62. (Cuzco, 11000 feet, Peru.) 

Temperate zone of central Peru in the region about Cuzco. 

- Aratinga erythrogenys (Lesson) 
Psittacara (psittacus) Erythrogenys Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, 11, 
no. 34, 1844, col. 486. (Guayaquil.)? 

Arid tropical zone of southwestern Ecuador and northwestern Peru. 

~Aratinga leucophthalmus callogenys (Salvadori) 

Conurus callogenys Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 171 (Gn 
key), p. 188. (Jima and Sarayacu, Ecuador.) 

Tropical zone of eastern Ecuador and northeastern Peru. 

1 As long as Conurus was employed as the generic name for the paroquets 
now placed in Aratinga, Psittacara erythrogenys Lesson was unavailable as the 
name of this species by reason of Conurus erythrogenys Lesson 1831 given to a 
‘Malayan bird; Conurus rubrolarvatus Massena and Souancé 1854, was used as 
the first available name. The use of Aratinga in place of Conurus now permits 
the use of erythrogenys Lesson 1844. 


Aratinga leucophthalmus leucophthalmus (P. L. 8. Miller) 

Psittacus leucophthalmus P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, 
p. 75. (Guiana.) 

Tropical South America from the Guianas south over the greater part of 
Brazil (west to the Solimoés and east to Bahia) and eastern Bolivia, to the 
Argentine Chaco, Paraguay, Entre Rios and Uruguay. 

Aratinga chloroptera chloroptera (Souancé) 

Psittacara chloroptera Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 59. 
(Santo Domingo.) 

Island of Hispaniola. 

Aratinga chloroptera maugei (Souancé) 

Psittacara Maugei Souancé, Rev. et Mag. ook (2), 8, 1856, p. 59. (No 
locality = Puerto Rico?) 

Now known only from Mona Island; said to have occurred farmer on 
Puerto Rico. 
Aratinga euops (Wagler) 
Sittace euops Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 638, pl. 24, fig. 2. (America = Cuba.) 
Cuba, formerly also the Isle of Pines. 
Aratinga auricapillus auricapillus (Kuhl)! 
Psittacus auricapillus Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 20. (Brazil = Bahia.) 
Eastern Brazil in State of Bahia. 
Aratinga auricapillus aurifrons Spix 
Aratinga aurifrons Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 32 (pt., %), pl. 16, f. 1. 
(Minas Geraés.) 
Southeastern Brazil in states of Minas Geraés, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo 
and Paranda. 
Aratinga jandaya (Gmelin)! 
Psittacus Jandaya Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 319. (Brazil.) 
Hastern Brazil in states of Maranhaéo, Piauhy and Ceara. 
Aratinga solstitialis (Linné)! 
Psittacus solstitialis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 97. (Guinea, 
error = Cayenne substituted by Hellmayr, antea, 1906, p. 580.) 
The Guianas and the Rio Branco region of northwestern Brazil. 

Aratinga weddellii (Deville) 

Conurus Weddellii Deville, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 3, 1851, p. 209. 
(Pebas, upper Amazon.) 

1 Auricapillus, jandaya and solstitialis are probably conspecific. 


Conurus canibuccalis Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 1907, p. 48, 64. 
(Humaythdé, Rio Madeira, Brazil.) 

Amazonian drainage in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and western Brazil (but 
not north of the Amazon) in states of Amazonas and western Matto 

Aratinga astec vicinalis (Bangs and Penard) 

Eupsittula astec vicinalis Bangs and Penard, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 
63, 1919, p. 24. (Altamira, Tamaulipas.) 

Eastern Mexico in southern part of Tamaulipas. 

Aratinga astec astec (Souancé) 
Conurus astec Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 9, 1857, p. 97. (Mexico.) 

Eupsittula astec extima Griscom, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 293, 1928, p. 2. 
(Almirante, Bocas del Toro, Panama.) 

Humid tropical zone of the Caribbean slope of Mexico and Central 
America from Vera Cruz to the Almirante Bay region of western Panama. 

Aratinga nana (Vigors) 
Psittacara nana Vigors, Zool. Journ., 5, 1830, p. 273. (Jamaica.) 
Island of Jamaica. 

Aratinga canicularis eburnirostrum (Lesson) 

Psittacus (Aratinga) eburnirostrum Lesson, Rev. Zool., 1842, p. 135. 
(Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico.)! 

Western Mexico in states of Sinaloa, Durango, Nayarit, Colima and 

Aratinga canicularis canicularis (Linné) 

Psittacus canicularis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 98, no. 11. 
(America = ‘‘West Indies,”’ ec Edwards; northwestern Costa Rica 
designated as type locality by Bangs and Peters, 1928.) 

Pacific slope of Central America from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec south- 
ward to western Costa Rica. 

~~ Aratinga pertinax ocularis (Sclater and Salvin) 

Conurus ocularis Sclater and Salvin, Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, 
p. 367. (Panama, 7.e. the line of the Panama Railroad.) 

Pacific side of Panama from Chiriqui to the Canal Zone. 

~ Aratinga pertinax aeruginosa (Linné) 
Psittacus xruginosus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 98, no. 12. 
(America = ‘“‘West Indies,” ex Edwards; Calamar, lower Magdalena 

1 For use of this name see Bangs and Peters, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 68, 
1928, p. 388-389; Sittace petzii Wagler is a synonym of Psittacus canicularis 


River, Colombia, suggested as type locality by Chapman, Bull. Am. 
Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 1917, p. 257.)! 

Aratinga xruginosa occidentalis Todd, Proce. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 81. (Rio Hacha, Colombia.) 

Arid Caribbean portion of the tropical zone of Colombia, extending 

eastward into western Venezuela; upper Rio Branco in northwestern 

Aratinga pertinax tortugensis (Cory) 
Conurus xruginosus tortugensis Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Orn. 
Ser., 1, 1909, p. 220. (Tortuga Island.) 

Confined to Tortuga Island, off the northern coast of Venezuela. 

Aratinga pertinax margaritensis (Cory) 

Kupsittula pertinax margaritensis Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., 
Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 2, 1918, p. 63. (Margarita Island.) 

Margarita Island and the Paria Peninsula on the Venezuelan mainland.? 

Aratinga pertinax chrysophrys (Swainson) 
Conurus chrysophrys Swainson, Anim. in Menag., 1838 (1837), p. 320. 
(Guiana. ) 

British Guiana, Surinam and Cayenne. 

Aratinga pertinax arubensis (Hartert) 

Conurus arubensis Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1, 1892, p. 16. (Aruba, 
Dutch West Indies.) 

Island of Aruba. 

Aratinga pertinax pertinax (Linné) 
Psittacus pertinax Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 98, no. 10. (‘in 
Indiis”’ 7.e. Curagao.) 

Island of Curagao; Island of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, where undoubt- 
edly introduced. 

1 Berlepsch and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 9, 1902, p. 107, substitute Cuman4, 
Venezuela as the type locality and Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. So. Am., 1912, 
p. 82, designate Cayenne. None of these authors could have compared their 
birds with pl. 177 of Edwards, the exclusive basis of Linné’s name, which does 
not agree with birds from northeastern Venezuela or Cayenne. 

2 A. p. margaritensis is very close to A. p. chrysophrys and if the former is 
recognized its range must be extended to include at least the Paria Peninsula. 
The birds recorded under the name of aeruginosus by Berlepsch and Hartert, 
Nov. Zool., 9, 1902, p. 107-108 from Ciudad Bolivar and Suapuré in eastern 
Venezuela may perhaps be referable here, while those from Altagracia, Caicara 
and Maipures on the middle and upper Orinoco appear to be intermediates 
approaching aeruginosus. 


Aratinga pertinax xanthogenia (Bonaparte) 

Conurus xanthogenius Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, 
Feb., 1850, p. 182; Consp. Av., 1, April, 1850, p. 1. (Interior of Brazil, 
error = Bonaire, Dutch West Indies.) 

Island of Bonaire. 

Aratinga cactorum caixana Spix 
Aratinga caizana Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 34, pl. 19,f.1. (No locality, 
Caxias, Piauhy, suggested by Hellmayr, antea, 1929, p. 441.) 
Aratinga cactorum perpallida Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. 
Ser., 18, pt. 2, 1918, p. 59. (Jud, near Iguatu, Ceard.) 
Eastern Brazil from Maranhao and Piauhy east to Pernambuco and 
south to northwestern Bahia. 

~ Aratinga cactorum cactorum (Kuhl) 

Psittacus cactorum Kuhl, Nova. Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 1820, 
p. 82. (Brazil: Cory suggests Bahia for the type locality; Hellmayr 
states that the specimens in Wied’s collection upon which Kuhl’s 
name is based came from Vareda, Rio Pardo and near Os Poss6es in 
southeastern Bahia.) 

Brazil in State of Bahia south of the Rio Sao Francisco, and adjacent 
parts of the State of Minas Geraés. 

~~ Aratinga aurea aurea (Gmelin) 

Psittacus aureus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 329. (Brazil, re- 
stricted to Bahia by Cherrie and Reichenberger.) 
Brazil south of the Amazon and east of the Rio Madeira to eastern 
Bolivia, Matto Grosso and Sao Paulo. 

Aratinga aurea major (Cherrie and Reichenberger) 

Eupsittula aurea major Cherrie and Reichenberger, Am. Mus. Novit., 

no. 58, 1923, p. 3. (Puerto Pinasco, Paraguay.) 

Known only from two localities, about 70 miles apart on opposite banks 
of the Paraguay River, Paraguay: a specimen from Rivadavia on the upper 
Bermejo River in eastern Salta recorded by Hartert (Nov. Zool., 16, 1909, 
p. 233) as Conurus aureus is doubtless referable here. 

Nore. — Conurus labati Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 1905, p. 13 
(Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles), based on the writings of Labat, is an ex- 
tinct species of which no specimens were ever preserved. 

Genus NANDAYUS Bonaparte 

Nandayus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 150. Type, by 
monotypy, Psittacus melanocephalus Vieillot (not of Linné) = Psitta- 
cus nenday Vieillot. 

cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 111. (Generic 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 179-180. 


Nandayus nenday (Vieillot) 
Psittacus nenday Vieillot, Tabl. Encye. Méth., Orn., pt. 3, 1823, p. 1400. 
Southeastern Bolivia and southern Matto Grosso to the upper Pilco- 
mayo, Argentine Chaco (Rio de Oro) and Paraguay. 

Leptosittaca Berlepsch and Stolzmann, Ibis, 1894, p. 402, pl. 11. Type, 
by monotypy, Leptosittaca branickii Berlepsch and Stolzmann. 
cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 55, 1926, p. 259. 

Leptosittaca branickii Berlepsch and Stolamann 

Leptosittaca branickii Berlepsch and Stolzmann, Ibis, 1894, p. 402, pl. 11. 
(Central Peruvian Highlands 10000-13000 feet; the type is from 

Humid temperate zone of the Andes from southern Ecuador to central 


Genus CONUROPSIS Satvapor1 
Conuropsis Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 146 (in key), 
p. 203. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Psittacus caro- 
linensis Linné. 
ef. Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 148-150. 

{Conuropsis carolinensis carolinensis (Linné) 
Psittacus carolinensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 97. (Carolina 
and Virginia.) 
Formerly inhabited the southeastern United States from southern Vir- 
ginia to Florida; casually north to Pennsylvania and New York(?). Now 

{Conuropsis carolinensis ludovicianus (Gmelin) 

Psittacus ludovicianus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 347. (Louisi- 


Conuropsis carolinensis interior Bangs, Proc. New England Zodl. Cl., 4, 

1913, p. 94. (Bald Island, Nebraska.) 

Formerly inhabited the interior of the United States (Mississippi drain- 
age); north to southern Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and western New York; 
west to Nebraska, Colorado and Oklahoma; east to West Virginia, Ken- 
tucky, Tennessee and Alabama(?); south to the Gulf of Mexico from the 
Brazos River to Mississippi. Now extinct. 

Grnus RHYNCHOPSITTA Bonaparte 

Rhynchopsitta Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 149. Type, 
by monotypy, Macrocercus pachyrhynchus Swainson. 

cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 140-143. 


Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha (Swainson) 
Macrocercus pachyrhynchus Swainson, Philos. Mag. (n.s.), 1, 1827, 
p. 439. (Tableland of Mexico.) 
Pine belt on the mountains of the Mexican Plateau in states of Chihua- 
hua, Durango, Mexico and Vera Cruz. Wanders northward sporadically 
to the mountains of southern Arizona. 


Cyanoliseus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 150. Type, 
by monotypy, Psittacus patagonus Vieillot. 

cf. Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 19, 1932, p. 255-257, 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 205-208. 

Cyanoliseus patagonus byroni (J. E. Gray) 
Psittacus (Aratinga) Byroni “Children MS.” J. E. Gray, Zool. Misc., 1, 
1831, p. 12. (Chile.) 
Formerly inhabited central Chile from Aconcagua to Valdivia; now con- 
fined to a few localities in the mountains of the central provinces. 

Cyanoliseus patagonus andinus Dabbene and Lillo 
Cyanolyseus andinus Dabbene and Lillo, An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. 
Buenos Aires, 24, 1913, p. 188, pl. 10. (Colalao del Valle, Tucumdan.) 
Mountains of northwestern Argentina in provinces of Salta, Catamarca, 
Tucumdén, San Luis and La Rioja. 

Cyanoliseus patagonus patagonus (Vieillot) 
Psittacus patagonus Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818), 
p. 367. (Buenos Aires.) 

Breeds in south-central Argentina from southern Neuquén Territory and 
southern Buenos Aires Province to Chubut; migrating in winter north to 
Mendoza and Buenos Aires, occasionally to Uruguay; apparently resident 
in the mountains of Cérdoba. 

Cyanoliseus whitleyi (Kinnear) 
Aratinga whitleyi Kinnear, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, 1926, p. 82. (Based 
on a living aviary specimen “probably from South America.”) Col. 
pl., Avice. Mag., 1926, frontisp. to no. 10. 
Range unknown; probably 4 hybrid, fide J. Delacour. 

Genus OGNORHYNCHUS Bonaparte ! 

Ognorhynchus Bonaparte, Remarques Obs. Blanchard Caractéres Psit- 
tacides, etc., 1857, p. 6.2 Type, by monotypy, Conurus icterotis 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 208. 

1 Replaces Gnathosittaca Cabanis 1864 of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
2 For a statement about this paper see Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 
28, 1915, p. 183, note. 


Ognorhynchus icterotis (Massena and Souancé) 
Conurus icterotis Massena and Souancé, Rey. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, 
p. 71. (Ocafia, Colombia.) 

Subtropical zone of the Central Andes of Colombia and the Andes of 
northern Ecuador. 

GENus PYRRHURA Bonaparte ! 

Pyrrhura Bonaparte, Naumannia, 6, 1856, Consp. Psitt. in Beilage no. 1, 
genus 14. Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus vittatus Shaw 
(not of Boddaert) = Psittacus frontalis Vieillot. 

cf. Hellmayr, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Kl]. 2, 22, 1906, p. 583-585 
Id., Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, 1929, p. 444-446. 
Laubmann, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 2, 1932, p. 212-219. 
Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 17, 1929, p. 428-481. 
Id., Nov. Zool., 35, 1929, p. 217-219. 
Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 30-40; 79-80, pl. 8. 
Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 175-179. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 211-231. 
Id., Ibis, 1900, p. 667-674. 

Pyrrhura cruentata (Wied) 
Psittacus cruentatus Wied, Reise Bras., 1, 1820, p. 53, 72. (Rio de 
Coastal states of Brazil from Alagoas to Sao Paulo. 

Pyrrhura devillei (Massena and Souancé) 

Conurus Devillet Massena and Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, 
p. 73. (Bolivia.) 

Eastern Bolivia and southern Matto Grosso. 

Pyrrhura frontalis frontalis (Vieillot) 

Psittacus frontalis Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818), 
p. 361. (Cayenne, ex Levaillant, Hist. Nat. Perroquets, pl. 17, error, 
restricted to the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil by Laubmann, antea, 
1932.) ? 

Southeastern Brazil from eastern Minas Geraés and Espirito Santo to 
Rio de Janeiro. 

1 The affinities within the genus of many of the species of Pyrrhura are not 
clear; much more field work will be necessary to bring together series from local- 
ities not yet represented in collections before these relationships can be properly 

2 Replaces Psittacus vittatus Shaw 1811, not of Boddaert 1783. 


Pyrrhura frontalis kriegi Laubmann 

Pyrrhura frontalis kriegi Laubmann, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 2, 1932, 
p. 217. (Agua Suja, near Bagagem, Minas Geraés.) 

Western Minas Geraés, Sao Paulo, Parand and Rio Grande do Sul; the 
birds from Misiones and Uruguay are probably referable to this race. 

Pyrrhura frontalis chiripepe (Vieillot) 
Psittacus chiripepe Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818), 
p. 361. (Paraguay not beyond lat. 27°S., ex Azara, no. 281.) 
Pyrrhura borellii Salvadori, Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, 9, 1894, no. 190, 
p. 38. (Colonia Risso, Rio Apa, Paraguay.) 
Eastern Salta and Paraguay. 

Pyrrhura perlata perlata (Spix) 
Aratinga perlatus Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 35, pl. 20. (Banks of the 

Range unknown. 

Pyrrhura perlata subsp. 

Sittace lepida Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 648. Not Psittacus lepidus Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. 
Leop. Carol., 10, 1820, p. 22, in synonymy of Psittacus versicolor 
Latham 1790 [= P. versicolor Gmelin 1788] = Psittacus pictus P. L.S. 

Eastern Brazil from Para (city) to Cuman Bay, Maranhao. 

Pyrrhura perlata coerulescens Neumann 
Pyrrhura perlata coerulescens Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 35, 1927, p. 89. 
(Miritiba, Maranh4o.) 
Known only from type locality near the coast of northern Maranhao. 

Pyrrhura perlata anerythra Neumann 

Pyrrhura perlata anerythra Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 35, 1927, p.89. 
(Arumattra, Rio Tocantins, Brazil.) 

Known only from the type locality on the left bank of the Rio Tocantins. 

——— Pyrrhura rhodogaster (Sclater) 

Conurus rhodogaster ““Natt. MS.” Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, 
p. 298, pl. 24. (Near Borba, Rio Madeira, Brazil.) 

1 Wagler’s name being preoccupied cannot be used; I have called this 
matter to Prof. Neumann’s attention asking him either to determine whether 
Sittace chlorogenys Wagler or Aratinga pseudoperlata Brehm can be used for 
the bird that he calls lepida, or whether a new name must be given. Up to 
the time of going to press Prof. Neumann has taken no action so I leave the 
case open. 


Central Brazil south of the Amazon from the Madeira east to the Ta- 
pajéz, south to the Jaurt and the Jamauchim.! 

Pyrrhura molinae phoenicura (Schlegel) 

Conurus phoenicurus ‘‘Natterer’’ Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 3, 1864, 
Psittaci, p. 26. (Matto Grosso and Brazil = Nas Areias, near Registo 
do Jaurtii Matto Grosso.) 

West-central Matto Grosso. 

~—————~—Pyrrhura molinae molinae (Massena and Souancé) 

Conurus moline Massena and Souanceé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, 
p. 73. (Chile and Bolivia, i.e. Bolivia.) 

Bolivia in departments of Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca. 

————-Pyrrhura molinae australis Todd 

Pyrrhura molinae australis Todd, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18, 1915, p. 82. 
(Rio Bermejo [Province of Salta], Argentina.) 

Southern Bolivia in Department of Tarija and northwestern Argentina 
in provinces of Salta and Jujuy. 

?Pyrrhura hypoxantha Salvadori 

Pyrrhura hypoxantha Salvadori, Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, 14, 1899, 
no. 363, p. 1. (Uructim, Matto Grosso.) 

- Known only from four specimens from Uructim and Corumba, in western 
Matto Grosso. Status uncertain; perhaps only an aberration of phoeni- 

Pyrrhura hoematotis Souancé 

Pyrrhura hoematotis Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 9, 1857, p. 97. 

Mountains near Caracas (Federal District and Department of Aragua), 

Pyrrhura leucotis emma Salvadori 

Pyrrhura emma Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 212 (in 
key), p. 217, pl. 1. (Caracas and Garipé, Venezuela.) 

Caribbean coast of Venezuela from Caracas east to Sucre. 

Pyrrhura leucotis pfrimeri Ribeiro 
Pyrrhura pfrimeri Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 36. 
(Santa Maria de Taguatinga, Goyaz.) 

Known only from the type locality in the east-central part of Goyaz, 

1 This species is regarded as a race of perlata by Neumann; while no doubt 
closely related to that species of which it may be a western representative, I 
prefer to treat it as specifically distinct. 


Pyrrhura leucotis griseipectus Salvadori 
Pyrrhura griseipectus Salvadori, Ibis, 1900, p. 672. (Locality unknown 
= Ceara, Brazil.) 
Eastern Brazil in State of Ceara. 

~ Pyrrhura leucotis leucotis (Kuhl) 

Psittacus leucotis ‘“Lichtenst.”” Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. 
Carol., 10, 1820, p. 21. (Brazil.) 

Brazilian coastal states from Bahia to Sao Paulo. 

Pyrrhura picta subandina Todd 

Pyrrhura subandina Todd, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 80, 1917, p. 6. (Ja- 
raquiel, Bolivar, Colombia.) 

Northern Colombia in states of Bolivar and Santander. 

- Pyrrhura picta picta (P. L. §. Miiller) 

Psittacus pictus P. L. S. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 75. (Cay- 
Caura Valley in Venezuela eastward through British Guiana and Suri- 
nam to Cayenne. 

~ Pyrrhura picta amazonum Hellmayr 

Pyrrhura picta amazonum Hellmayr, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 1906, p. 8. 
(Obidos, Brazil.) 
Valley of the lower Amazon from the Rio Madeira east to the Tocantins 
and extending up the valley of the latter river to northern Goyaz. 

Pyrrhura picta lucianii (Deville) 
Conurus Lucianii Deville, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 3, 1851, p. 210. 
(Amazon River.) 
Upper Amazonia from eastern Peru to the Rio Jurud in western Brazil. 

Pyrrhura viridicata Todd 
Pyrrhura viridicata Todd, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 26, 1913, p. 174. 
(San Lorenzo, Santa Marta, Colombia.) Col. pl., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 
14, 1922, pl. 3. 
Known only from three specimens from the type locality in the sub- 
tropical zone of the Santa Marta Mountains, Colombia. 

Pyrrhura egregia (Sclater) 
Conurus egregius Sclater, Ibis, 1881, p. 1380, pl. 4. (“Supposed to be 
from Demerara.’’) 
British Guiana: Mount Roraima, Merumé Mountains, Kamarang and 
Carimong Rivers, Annai; Surinam(?). 

1 Ribeiro, antea, p. 79-80, believes that specimens from the Jurud should be 
recognized under the name of Conurus roseifrons G. R. Gray; he includes the 
valley of the Paraguay in Matto Grosso in the range of lucianii, apparently 
through error. 


Pyrrhura melanura pacifica Chapman 

Pyrrhura melanura pacifica Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, 
1915, p. 8382. (Buenavista, 1200 feet, Narifio, Colombia.) 

Confined to the type-locality in southwestern Colombia. 

Pyrrhura melanura melanura (Spix) 
Aratinga melanurus Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 36, pl. 22. (Tabatinga, 
Rio Solimoés, Brazil.) 
Northwestern Amazonia, north to the upper Orinoco (Rio Cunucun- 
uma), east to the Rio Negro and south to northeastern Peru (Pebas) and 
the Rio Solimoés. 

Pyrrhura melanura souancei (J. Verreaux) 

Microsittace Sowancei J. Verreaux, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 10, 1858, 
p. 437, pl. 12. (No locality given = Rio Napé, Ecuador.) 

Amazonian Ecuador. 

Pyrrhura berlepschi Salvadori 

Pyrrhura berlepschi Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 212 (Gin 
key), p. 224, pl. 2, f. 1. (Chyavetas, Peru.) 

Known from eastern Peru; birds from the head of the Magdalena Valley, 
Colombia are referred to this species by Chapman (Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 55, 1926, p. 260). 

Pyrrhura rupicola (Tschudi) 

Conurus rupicola Tschudi, Arch. f. Naturg., 10, Bd. 1, 1844, p. 304. 

Tropical zone of southeastern Peru (Chanchamayo Valley) and ‘‘Yungas 
country” of Bolivia. 

Pyrrhura albipectus Chapman 

Pyrrhura albipectus Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, 1914, 
p. 319. (Zamora, 3000 feet, Loja, Ecuador.) 

Known only from the type locality in the humid tropical zone of south- 
ern Ecuador. 

Pyrrhura calliptera (Massena and Souancé) 

Conurus callipterus Massena and Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 
1854, p. 72. (Colombia.) 

Subtropical zone of the western slope of the Eastern Andes of Colombia. 

Pyrrhura rhodocephala (Sclater and Salvin) 
Conurus rhodocephalus Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870 
(1871), p. 787. (Vicinity of Mérida, Venezuela.) 
Apparently confined to the mountains of western Venezuela: Andes of 
Merida and Sierra Nevada. 


Pyrrhura hoffmanni hoffmanni (Cabanis) 
Conurus hoffmanni Cabanis, Sitzungsb. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 
13 Nov., 1861. (Costa Rica.) 
Mountains of Costa Rica. 

Pyrrhura hoffmanni gaudens Bangs 
Pyrrhura hoffmanni gaudens Bangs, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 19, 1906, 
p. 103. (Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama.) 
Mountains of western Panama east to Veraguas on the Pacific slope and 
to the Chiriqui Lagoon on the Caribbean. 

GreNus MICROSITTACE Bonaparte 

Microsittace Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 150. Type, 
by subsequent designation, Psittacus smaragdinus Gmelin = Psitta- 
cus ferrugineus P. L.S. Miiller. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 
1855, p. 87.) 

cf. Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 19, 1932, p. 258- 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 210-211. 

Microsittace ferruginea minor Chapman 
Microsittace ferrugineus minor Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
41, 1919, p. 323. (Corral, Chile.) 
Chile from Colchagua to the Guaitecas Islands, and east slopes of the 
Andes in Rio Negro Territory, Argentina. 

- Microsittace ferruginea ferruginea (P. L. S. Miiller) 

Psittacus ferrugineus P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 75. 
(Straits of Magellan.) 

Eastern slopes of the Andes in western Argentina from western Chubut 
south to Tierra del Fuego. 


Enicognathus G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 51. Type, by monotypy, 
E. leptorhynchus (King) = Psittacara leptorhyncha King. 
cf. Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 19, 1932, p. 257- 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 209-210. 

Enicognathus leptorhynchus (King) 
Psittacara leptorhyncha King, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 1, 1830 
(1831), p. 14. (Chiloé Island.) 
Chile from Aconcagua to Llanquihue, breeding locally throughout its 
range; probably only summer resident south of lat. 40° S. 



Myjiopsitta Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 150. Type, by 
subsequent designation, Psittacus monachus Boddaert * (G. R. Gray, 
Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 87). 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 231-233. 

Wetmore, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 133, 1926, p. 194-196. 

Myiopsitta monachus luchsi (Finsch) 
Bolborrhynchus Luchsi Finsch, Papageien, 2, 1868, p. 121. (Bolivia.) 
Exact range unknown; specimens from northern Bolivia (Perereta and 
Luribay) in the Berlin Museum (fide E. Stresemann in Iitt.). 

Myiopsitta monachus cotorra (Vieillot) 

Psittacus cotorra Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818), 
p. 362. (Buenos Aires and Paraguay, restricted to Paraguay by Wet- 
more, antea, p. 195.) 

Southeastern Bolivia (in Department of Tarija) and southwestern 

Matto Grosso, south to the Argentine Chaco and Paraguay. 

Myiopsitta monachus calita (Jardine and Selby) 
Psittaca calita Jardine and Selby, Ill. Orn., 2, 1830, pl. 82 and text. 
(Province of Mendoza, Argentina.) 
Western Argentina in provinces of La Rioja, Mendoza and San Luis; 
the birds from Tucumén, Santiago del Estero and northern Pampa are 
probably referable here. 

Myiopsitta monachus monachus (Boddaert) 
Psittacus monachus Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 48. (#2 Dau- 
benton, pl. 768, no locality = Montevideo, Uruguay.) 
Eastern and central Argentina in provinces of Cérdoba, Santa Fé, Entre 
Rios and Buenos Aires; Uruguay. 


Amoropsittaca Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, p. 183. 
Type, by original designation, Arara aymara d’Orbigny. 

cf. Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 19, 1932, p. 261. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 234-235. (Bolborhyn- 

chus aymara). 
Amoropsittaca aymara (d’Orbigny) 

Arara aymara d’Orbigny, Voy. Am. Mérid., 2, ca. 1839, p. 376 and 
note 1. (Quebrada de Palea, Taena, Chile, error = Sicasica, south of 
La Paz, Bolivia.) 

1 Replaces Myiopsittacus of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
2 Boddaert’s name is the older; Psittacus murinus Gmelin, the first species in 
Bonaparte’s genus, is a synonym. 


Highlands of Bolivia south through the mountains of Argentina in prov- 
inces of Salta, Catamarca, Tucumin, La Rioja, Mendoza and Cérdoba; 
casual(?) in northern Chile.! 


Psilopsiagon Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 1912, p. 100. Type, 
by original designation and monotypy, Trichoglossus aurifrons Wagler 
= Psittacus aurifrons Lesson. 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 235-237. (Bolborhynchus 
rubrirostris, B. orbignyi and B. aurifrons). 

Psilopsiagon aurifrons robertsi Carriker 

Psilopsiagon aurifrons robertsi Carriker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 85, 

1933, p. 4. (Soquidn, 8000 feet, Marafion Valley, Dept. Libertad, 

Known only from the type locality in north-central Peru. 

Psilopsiagon aurifrons aurifrons (Lesson) 

Psittacus (Lathamus) aurifrons Lesson, Cent. Zool., 1830 (before Mar., 
1831), p. 63, pl. 18. (New Zealand, error = Peru.) 

Temperate zone of the Cordillera of central Peru. 

Psilopsiagon aurifrons orbygnesius (Souancé) 

Myiopsitta Orbygnesia “Bp.” Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, 
p. 63-64. (Bolivia z.e. Yungas, ex Icon. Perr., text to pl. 24.) ? ; 

Temperate zone of the Cordillera of western South America from south- 
western Peru (Tinta) and Lake Titicaca to northern Chile (Antofogasta). 

Psilopsiagon aurifrons rubrirostris (Burmeister) 

Conurus rubrirostris Burmeister, Journ. f. Orn., 8, 1860, p. 243. (Sierra: 
de Mendoza and Sierra de Cérdoba, Argentina; the type is from the 
Sierra de Uspallata, Mendoza, fide Hellmayr.) 

Mountains of western Argentina in provinces of Catamarca, Jujuy, 
Tucumdn, Mendoza and Cérdoba. 


Bolborhynchus Bonaparte, Remarques Obs. Blanchard Caractéres 
Psittacides, etc., 1857, p. 6. Type, by subsequent designation, Myiop- 
sitta catharina Bonaparte = Psittacula lineola Cassin (Richmond, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, p. 183.) 

1 Hellmayr, loc. cit., believes all the Chilean records to be erroneous, but 
there is a specimen in the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy bearing one of 
Carlos Reed’s labels purporting to have been taken at Tarapacd in January,’ 
1902; it bears no evidence of having been a cage bird. 

2 This name is a nomen nudum in Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, 
p- 151. 


Grammopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 1912, p. 100. 
Type, by original designation, Psittacula lineola Cassin. 
cf. Ridgway, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 178-181. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 239-240 (Bolborhynchus 
lineolatus); p. 238, pl. 5 (Bolborhynchus andicola). 

Bolborhynchus lineola ! lineola (Cassin) 
Psittacula lineola Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 6, 1853, p. 372. 
(National Bridge, Mexico = Puente Nacional, Vera Cruz.) 
Subtropical zone in the mountains of Central America from southern 
Mexico to western Panama. 

Bolborhynchus lineola tigrinus (Souancé) 
Myiopsitta tigrina Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 144. 
Range imperfectly known but apparently Andes of Colombia (Bogota 
Trade Skins) and Andes of Mérida (specimen in Museum of Comparative 

?Bolborhynchus lineola maculatus (Ridgway) 
Grammopsittaca lineola maculata Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 
1915, p. 106. (Eastern Peru?)? 
Kastern Peru; actual range not known. 

Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons (Lawrence) 
Brotogerys ferrugineifrons Lawrence, Ibis, 1880, p. 238. (Bogota, 
Known only from the unique type.® 

Bolborhynchus andicolus (Finsch) 
Psittacula andicola Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 90. (Pau- 
cartambo, 9400 feet, Peru.) 
Subtropical and temperate zones of the Andes of Peru. 

Genus FORPUS Bots 4 

Forpus Boie, Journ. f. Orn., 6, 1858, p. 363. Type, by subsequent desig- 
nation, Psittacus passerinus Linné. (Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 
Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, 1929, p. 446, note 2.) 

1 The word lineola is a feminine substantive. 

2 Two specimens from the Rio Marcapata are very close to B. l. tigrinus. 

3 For remarks on systematic position of this species and account of type, see 
Miller, Auk, 36, 1919, p. 110. 

4 Replaces Psittacula Illiger 1811 not of Cuvier 1800; for details see Math- 
ews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 167. 


cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 1917, p. 260-261. 
Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, 1929, p. 446- 
Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 187-195. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 240-252. 

Forpus cyanopygius pallidus (Brewster) 
Psittacula cyanopyga pallida Brewster, Auk, 6, April, 1889 (author’s 
separates January), p. 85. (Alamos, Sonora.) 
Northwestern Mexico in State of Sonora. 

~ Forpus cyanopygius cyanopgygius (Souancé) 

Psittacula cyanopygia Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 157. 
(No locality, Cory, Cat. Bds. Am., pt. 2, no. 1, 1918, accepts ‘“‘north- 
western Mexico.’’) 

Western Mexico in states of Sinaloa, Durango, Zacatecas, Nayarit, 

Jalisco and Colima. 

Forpus cyanopygius insularis (Ridgway) 
Psittacula insularis Ridgway, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 10, 1888, p. 541. 

(Tres Marias Islands.) 
Tres Marias Islands, off the west coast of Mexico. 

Forpus passerinus spengeli (Hartlaub) 

Psittacula spengeli Hartlaub, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, p. 614, 

pl. 38, f. 1.1 (Barranquilla, Colombia.) 

Arid tropical zone of the Santa Marta region of Colombia west and 
southwest of the mountains. The specimen in the British Museum from 
Panama (?) collected by McLeannan, probably was not taken there as a 
wild bird. 

Forpus passerinus cyanophanes (Todd) 
Psittacula passerina cyanophanes Todd, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 81. (Rio Hacha, Colombia.) 

Arid tropical zone of the northeastern part of the Santa Marta region of 

Colombia, extending to the plains south of the mountains. 

~ Forpus passerinus viridissimus (Lafresnaye) 

Psittacula viridissima Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 172. (Caracas, 
Venezuela from Caracas east to Cumand and south to the Orinoco 

Forpus passerinus cyanochlorus (Schlegel) 

Psittacula cyanochlora “‘Natterer’’ Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 3, 1864, 
Psittaci, p. 31 (Forte do Rio Branco, Brazil), in synonymy of Psittacu- 
lus sancti-thomae (‘‘Kuhl’’), not Psittacus St. thoma P. L. 8. Miiller. 

Upper Rio Branco region of northwestern Brazil. 

1 The plate is lettered Psittacula spengleri [sic]. 


Forpus passerinus passerinus (Linné)! 
Psittacus passerinus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 103. (America 
= Surinam by designation of Berlepsch, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 285.) 
British Guiana, Surinam and Cayenne. 

Forpus passerinus flavissimus Hellmayr ” 

Forpus passerinus flavissimus Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., 
Zool. Ser., 12, 1929, p. 446. (Tury-assi, Maranhdo, Brazil.) 

Northeastern Brazil in states of Maranhio, Piauhy and Ceara. 

Forpus passerinus deliciosus (Ridgway) 
Psittacula deliciosa Ridgway, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 10, 1888, p. 533 (in 
key), p. 545. (Diamantina Creek, near Santarem, Brazil.) 
Banks of the lower Amazon (Obidos, Santarem) and on the lower Ta- 
pajéz (Tauary). 
Forpus passerinus crassirostris (Taczanowski) 

Psittacula crassirostris Taczanowski, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, 
p. 72. (Yurimaguas, Peru.) 

Amazonian drainage in northern Peru, east to the Solimoés River in 
western Brazil. 

Forpus passerinus flavescens (Salvadori) 

Psittacula flavescens Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 241 (in 
key), p. 248. (Bolivia.) 

Bolivia; exact distribution not known. 

Forpus passerinus vividus (Ridgway) 
Psittacula passerina vivida Ridgway, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 10, 1888, 
p. 533 (in key), p. 539. (Bahia, Brazil.) 

Eastern Brazil south of Cape St. Roque to Paraguay and northeastern 

Forpus conspicillatus caucae (Chapman) 
Psittacula conspicillata cauce Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, 
1915, p. 383. (Cali, 3500 feet, Cauca Valley, Colombia.) 

Tropical zone of western Colombia in the valleys of the Cauca and the 
upper Dagua Rivers. 

Forpus conspicillatus conspicillatus (Lafresnaye) 

Psittacula conspicillata Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 172. (Colombia 
or Mexico, restricted to Honda, upper Magdalena River, by Chap- 
man, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, 1915, p. 384.) 

1 Replaces Psittacula guianensis (Swainson) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
2 Replaces Psittacula passerina (Linné) 7.e. of authors of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Eastern Darien, and Colombia in the tropical zone of the upper Magda- 
lena Valley and at the eastern base of the Eastern Andes. 

Forpus sclateri eidos nom. nov. ! 
Psittacula modesta Cabanis, in Schomburgk, Reisen Brit. Guiana, 3, 
1848, p. 727. (British Guiana.) Not Psittacula modesta (Fraser) 1845. 
Eastern Venezuela, the Guianas and western Brazil (upper Rio Negro 
and Pederneiras on the Madeira).? 

Forpus sclateri sclateri (G. R. Gray) 
Psittacula Sclateri G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psittac., 1859, 
p. 86. (Rio Javari, Peru.) 
Eastern Ecuador (Rio Napo, Sarayacu) and eastern Peru (Iquitos, Rio 
Javari, Rio Ucayali and Cosiipata). 

-Forpus coelestis coelestis (Lesson) 

Agapornis coelestis Lesson, Descr. Mamm. et Ois. réc. découv., 1847,3 
p. 251 [ also cited as Compl. Oeuvres de Buffon, 20, 1847], (Peru.) I 
have been unable to verify this reference. The name is sometimes 
quoted from Echo du Monde Savant, 1844, t. 2, but the name does 
not appear there. No record of the name is to be found in Sherborn’s 
Index Animalium. 

Arid tropical zone of western South America from Bahia de Cardques, 

Keuador, south to Trujillo, Peru. 

_ Forpus coelestis xanthops (Salvin) 

Psittacula xanthops Salvin, Nov. Zool., 2, 1895, p. 19, pl. 2, f. 2. (Vifia, 
Huamachuco, 5500 feet, Peru.) 

Marafion Valley in northern Peru. 


Brotogeris Vigors, Zool. Journ., 2, 1825, p. 400. Type, by original desig- 
nation, Psittacus pyrrhopterus Latham. 

Caica Lesson, Rev. Zool., 1842, p. 135. Type, by monotypy, Psittacus 
(Caica) chrysopogon Lesson = Psittacus jugularis P. L. S. Miiller. 

cf. Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 40—44. 
Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 182-187. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 253-266. 

1 For characters and distribution of the races of F. sclateri see Hellmayr, 
Nov. Zool., 17, 1910, p. 404-405. 

2 This species also recorded, without subspecific determination, from La 
Morelia in southern Colombia by Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 
1917, p. 261 and from the Rios Jurud, Purtis and Jamauchim in Brazil by 
Naumburg, id., 60, 1930, p. 129. 

3 Psittacula coelestis lucida Ridgway is a synonym, fide Chapman, Bull. 
Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 55, 1926, p. 261. 


Brotogeris tirica (Gmelin) 

Psittacus Tirica Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 351, excl. ref. to 
Buffon. (No locality, Brazil designated by Brabourne and Chubb, 
Bds. So. Am., 1912, p. 87.) 

: Eastern and southern Brazil from Goyaz and Bahia to Rio Grande do 

Brotogeris versicolurus versicolurus (P. L. 8. Miiller) ? 
Psittacus versicolurus P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 75. 
(Cayenne, ex Buffon.) 
Surinam, Cayenne and valley of the Amazon from eastern Ecuador and 
northeastern Peru to Mexiana Island and Parad (Belem). 

Brotogeris versicolurus chiriri (Vieillot) 
Psittacus chiriri Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818), p. 359. 
(Paraguay, ex Azara, no. 283.) 
Eastern Bolivia, central and eastern Brazil from Matto Grosso, Goyaz, 
northern Maranhdo, Piauhy and Ceardé south to the Argentine Chaco, 
Paraguay, Misiones and Sao Paulo. 

Brotogeris versicolurus behni Neumann 
Brotogerys versicolurus behni Neumann, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 
1931, p. 448. (Villa Montes, Rio Pilecomayo, Bolivia.) 
Known definitely only from southern Bolivia in departments of Chu- 
quisaca and Tarija; the birds from northwestern Argentina (Salta) doubt- 
less belong here. Northern and eastern limits not known. 

Brotogeris pyrrhopterus (Latham) 

Psittacus pyrrhopterus Latham, Ind. Orn., Suppl., 1801, p. xxii. (Brazil, 
error Guayaquil, Ecuador, substituted by Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., 55, 1926, p. 261.) 

Arid tropical zone of western South America from Bahia de Cardques, 

Kceuador, to northwestern Peru. 

Brotogeris jugularis jugularis (P. L. 8. Miller) 

Psittacus jugularis P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 80. 
(America, ex Daubenton, Pl. enlum., pl. 190, f.1, restricted to Bonda, 
Santa Marta, Colombia, by Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 
1917, p. 261.) 

Arid tropical zone of southwestern Mexico from Guerrero south over the 
Pacific slope of Central America to northern Colombia (where absent from 
the Pacific coast and Cauca Valley) to the lower Magdalena Valley and 
the Santa Marta region. 

1 Replaces Brotogerys virescens (Gmelin) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Brotogeris jugularis exsul Todd 

Brotogeris jugularis exsul Todd, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 30, 1917, p. 129. 
(Sierra de Carabobo, Venezuela.) 

Sierra de Carabobo in northern Venezuela. 

Brotogeris jugularis apurensis Delacour 
Brotogeris jugularis apurensis Delacour, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 42, 1922, 
p. 142. (Camaguan, Rio Portuguesa, Guarico, Venezuela.) 

Known only from the rivers in the Apuré region in west-central Vene- 

Brotogeris (jugularis?) cyanoptera (Salvadori) 
Sittace cyanoptera “Natt. Cat. MS.,” Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 
1891, p. 261. In synonymy of Brotogeris deville: (G. R. Gray). 
Conurus (Sittace) Devillei G. R. Gray, Hand-list, 2, 1870, p. 150. (Hz 
“Castelnau, Voy., t. 3. 2” 7.e. Des Murs in Castelnau, Voy. Am. Sud., 
Ois., pl. 3,f.2, Mission de Sarayacu and Amazon River.) Not Conwrus 
devillei Massena and Souancé. 
Rivers of the Amazonian drainage area in northwestern Brazil, south- 
eastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador and northeastern Peru; upper Orinoco 
in Venezuela; Surinam(?), Cayenne(?). 

Brotogeris gustavi Berlepsch 

Brotogerys gustavi Berlepsch, Ibis, 1889, p. 181, pl. 6. (Tuanfué, upper 
Huallaga River, Peru.) 

Upper Huallaga River in eastern Peru. 

~~ Brotogeris chrysopterus chrysopterus (Linné) 

Psittacus chrysopterus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 149. (India, 
error, Guiana designated as type locality by Brabourne and Chubb, 
Bds. So. Am., 1912, p. 88.) 

Eastern Venezuela and the Guianas, south to the north bank of the 
lower Amazon. 

~Brotogeris chrysopterus tuipara (Gmelin) 

Psittacus Tuipara Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 348. (Brazil.) 

South bank of the lower Amazon from the Tapajéz to Para, and through 
the coastal forest belt to northeastern Maranhio. 

Brotogeris chrysopterus chrysosema Sclater 
Brotogerys chrysosema Natt. MS. Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1864, p. 298. (Brazil, type from Cachoeira das Pederneiras, Rio 
Rio Madeira and its tributaries in the Brazilian states of Amazonas and 
Matto Grosso. 


Brotogeris st. thoma st. thoma (P. L. 8. Miller) 
Psittacus St. Thoma P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 81. 
(Island of St. Thomas, ex Buffon, 7.e. Daubenton, Pl. enlum. pl. 456, 
f. 1, “Brazilian Amazons” substituted by Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., 14, 
1907, p. 88.) 

Eastern Ecuador and northeastern Peru east to western Brazil (Rio So- 
limoés, Rio Madeira). 
Brotogeris st. thoma takatsukasae Neumann 
Brotogerys st. thomae takatsukasae Neumann, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 
1931, p. 442. (North bank of the lower Amazon opposite Santarem.) 

Both banks of the lower Amazon from Obidos east to Santarem and the 
lower Tapajéz. 


Nannopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 1912, p. 100. Type, 
by original designation and monotypy, Brotogerys panychlorus Salvin 
and Godman. 

cf. Chubb, Bds. Brit. Guiana, 1, 1916, p. 314. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 238. 

Nannopsittaca panychlora (Salvin and Godman) 

Brotogerys panychlorus Salvin and Godman, Ibis, 1883, p. 211, pl. 9, f. 1. 
(Mount Roraima, British Guiana.) 

Known only from British Guiana (Mount Roraima and Kamarang 
River) and from Mount Duida in southern Venezuela. 

Genus TOUIT G. R. Gray?! 
Touit G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 89. Type, by original 
designation, Psittacus huetit Temminck. 
cf. Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 70-73. 
Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 196-201. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 350-358. 

Touit batavica (Boddaert) 
Psittaca Batavica Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 49. (Batavia, ex 

Daubenton, Pl. enlum., no. 791, error, Venezuela substituted by Ber- 
lepsch, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 287.)? 
Venezuela, British Guiana and Surinam; islands of Trinidad and To- 
bago; Cayenne(?). 
Touit purpurata purpurata (Gmelin) 
Psittacus purpuratus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 350. (Cay- 

1 Replaces Urochroma Bonaparte 1856, of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
2 Replaces Psittacus cingulatus Scopoli, 1786. 


The Guianas and the Rio Negro region of northwestern Brazil from the 
Icana and the Vaupés to Manaos.! 

Touit purpurata viridiceps Chapman 
Touit purpurata viridiceps Chapman, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 380, 1929, 
p. 10. (Savanna Grande, 330 feet, southeastern base of Mount Duida, 

Known only from the type locality in extreme southern Venezuela.? 

Touit melanonotus (Wied) 

Psittacus melanonotus Lichtenstein, Verz. ausgest. Siug. und Vég., 1818, 
p. 5. Nomen nudum. 

Psittacus melanonotus Wied, Reise Bras., 1, 1820, p. 275. (Brazil.) 

Urochroma wiedi Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 2, 1889, p. 264. 
New name for Psittacus melanonotus Wied on grounds of preoccupa- 
tion by Psittacus melanotus Shaw 1804. 

Southeastern Brazil from Bahia to So Paulo. 

Touit huetii (Temminck) 

Psittacus huetii Temminck, PI. col., livr. 83, 1830, pl. 491. (‘‘Probably 
from Peru’’; upper Amazonia, substituted by Berlepsch, Nov. Zool., 
15, 1908, p. 287.) 

Northwestern South America: definitely recorded from Venezuela, 
British Guiana, eastern Ecuador, northeastern Peru and Island of Trini- 
dad; Surinam(?), Cayenne(?). 

Touit dilectissima costaricensis (Cory) 

Urochroma costaricensis Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Orn. Ser., 1, 
19138, p. 283. (Near Puerto Limén, Costa Rica.) 

Known only from the type locality in eastern Costa Rica. 

Touit dilectissima dilectissima (Sclater and Salvin) 
Urochroma dilectissima Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1870 (1871), p. 788, pl. 47. (South of Mérida, Venezuela.) 
Locally distributed from Mount Pirri in eastern Panama to the Andes 
of Mérida in western Venezuela. 

Touit surda (Kuhl) 
Psittacus surdus “Tlhiger’”’ Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 
10, 1820, p. 59. (Brazil.) 
Eastern Brazil in states of Goyaz, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. 

1 Birds from the upper Rio Negro may prove referable to T'. p. viridiceps. 

2 The birds from the Merumé Mountains in British Guiana are intermediate 
between this and the typical form and may represent an undescribed race, fide 
Chapman, loc. cit. 


Touit stictoptera (Sclater) 

Urochroma stictoptera Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862, p. 112, 
pl. 11. (Bogotdé, Colombia.) 

Colombia and Ecuador from Bogota to Baeza. 

Touit emmae (Salvadori) 

Urochroma emmez Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 350 (in 
key), p. 357. (Bogota, ex Berlepsch, Journ. f. Orn., 37, 1889, p. 202, 
nomen nudum.) 

Known only from the vicinity of Bogota, Colombia (trade skins?). 


Pionites Heine, in Heine and Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. Orn., 
1890, p. 231.1 Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus melano- 
cephalus Linné. (Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 358.) 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 358-362. 

Pionites melanocephala melanocephala (Linné) 
Psittacus melanocephalus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 102. 
(Mexico = Caracas, z.e. Venezuela, ex Edwards, pl. 169.) 
Eastern Venezuela and the Guianas, southward to the Rio Negro and 
the Rio Branco, Brazil. 

Pionites melanocephala pallida (Berlepsch) 
Caica melanocephala pallida Berlepsch, Journ. f. Orn., 37, 1889, p. 317. 
(Eastern Peru and eastern Ecuador.) 
Eastern Colombia to eastern Peru. 

Pionites leucogaster leucogaster (Kuhl) 

Psittacus leucogaster “Tlliger’’ Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 
10, 1820, p. 70. (Brazil.) 

Valley of the lower Amazon. 

Pionites leucogaster xanthomeria (Sclater) 

Caica xanthomeria ‘“G. R. Gray” Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857 
(1858), p. 266. (Upper Amazonia = Rio Javarri [1.e. Javary], Peru.) 

Eastern Ecuador and eastern Peru to the Rio Machados, western Brazil. 

1 Pionites Heine is a substitute name for ‘‘Caica Lesson 1831,” which how- 
ever was then employed only in the vernacular sense, ‘‘Les Caicas,” for a 
group of four species viz— Psittacus pileatus Gmelin, Psittacus vulturinus Kuhl, 
Psittacus melanocephalus Linné and Psittacus leucogaster Kuhl. Lesson did not 
use Caica in a nomenclatural sense until 1842, and when he did so it was for a 
species quite different from any of the foregoing. Bonaparte used Caica in 
1850 as the generic name of Psittacus melanocephalus Linné, but this action was 
of course invalid by reason of Caica Lesson 1842. 


GEeNus PIONOPSITTA Bonaparte ! 

Pionopsitta Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p.152. Type, by 
monotypy, Psittacus pileatus Scopoli. 

Chapmania Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 10, 65. 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, Chapmania barrabandi 
(Kuhl) = Psittacus barrabandi Kuhl. 

Chapmaniana Strand, Arch. f. Naturg., 92, Abth. A, 1928, Heft 8, p. 58. 
New name for Chapmania Ribeiro, not Chapmannia Monticelli, 1893 

cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 201-206 (sub 
nom. Pyrilia Bonaparte). 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 338-348 (less species 1, 
3, and 4.) 

Pionopsitta pileata (Scopoli) 
Psittacus pileatus Scopoli, Annus I, Hist.-Nat., 1769, p. 32. (No locality; 
southeastern Brazil designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. So. 
Am., 1912, p. 92.) 

Southeastern Brazil from southern Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul; Para- 
guay; Misiones. 
Pionopsitta haematotis haematotis (Sclater and Salvin) 

Pionus hematotis Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1860, 
p. 300. (Vera Paz, Guatemala.) 

Southern Mexico (from State of Vera Cruz), south in the humid tropical 
zone of Central America to western Panama. 

Pionopsitta haematotis coccinicollaris (Lawrence) 

Pionius coccinicollaris Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 7, 1862, 
p. 475. (Atlantic side of the Isthmus of Panama along the line of the 
Panama Railroad, 7.e. Lion Hill, Canal Zone.) 

Panama from the Canal Zone eastward. 

Pionopsitta haematotis pulchra Berlepsch 

Pionopsitta pulchra Berlepsch, Orn. Monatsb., 5, 1897, p. 175. (San 
José, Rio Dagua, Colombia.) 

Tropical zone of the Pacific coast of Colombia and Ecuador from the 
Rio Atrato nearly to the Peruvian border. 

Pionopsitta caica (Latham) 
Psittacus Caica Latham, Ind. Orn., 1, 1790, p. 128, no. 137. (Cayenne.) 
Recorded positively only from the Guianas. Records from the Rio 
Branco, Rio Javary and Rio Jamary doubtless pertain to barrabandi. 

1 Replaces Pionopsittacus of Sharpe’s Hand-list; less melanotis, pyrrhops 
and amazoninus, transferred to Hapalopsittaca. 


Pionopsitta barrabandi (Kuhl) 
Psittacus Barrabandi “Vaill.”” Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. 
Carol., 10, 1820, p. 61. (Brazil.) 

Eastern Ecuador, extreme southern Venezuela (sources of the Orinoco) 
and the upper Rio Negro of northwestern Brazil, southward and eastward 
to eastern Peru and the Rio Machados (affluent of the Madeira) in Matto 

Pionopsitta pyrilia (Bonaparte)! 
Psittacula pyrilia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 37, 1853, 
p. 807, note. (Rio Hacha, Santa Marta, Colombia.) 

Humid tropical zone of eastern Panama and northern Colombia in the 
valleys of the Tuyra, Atrato, Cauca and Magdalena Rivers, in Colombia 
ranging upward to 9000 feet. A specimen listed in Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. 
from San Christoval, Venezuela. 


Hapalopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 1912, p. 100. Type, 
by original designation and monotypy, Psittacus amazoninus Des 

cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 1917, p. 264, pl. 37; 55, 
1926, p. 266. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds., Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 338-342 (sub nom. 
Pionopsittacus, part, species, 1, 3 and 4). 

Hapalopsittaca melanotis peruviana (Carriker) 

Pionopsitta melanotis peruvianus Carriker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 
83, 1932, p. 455. (Auquimarca, 10000 feet, Paucartambo River, Dept. 
Junin, Peru.) 

Known only from the type locality in the temperate zone of central Peru. 

Hapalopsittaca melanotis melanotis (Lafresnaye) 
Pionus melanotis Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool., 1847, p. 67. (Bolivia.) 
Highlands of Bolivia, where probably confined to the temperate zone. 

Hapalopsittaca fuertesi (Chapman) 

Pionopsitta fuertesi Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 31, 1912, 
p. 143. (Laguneta, 10340 feet, Cauca, Colombia.) ? 

Temperate zone of the Central Andes of Colombia. 

1 Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, 1917, p. 265, considers that this 
species should be kept distinct from Pionopsitta and Eucinetus and placed in 
the monotypic genus Pyrilia Bonaparte. 

2 Should probably be treated as conspecific with H. amazonina, of which it 
appears to be a representative. 


Hapalopsittaca amazonina amazonina (Des Murs) 
Psittacus amazoninus Des Murs, Rev. Zool., 1845, p. 207. (Bogotd.) 
Subtropical (and temperate?) zone of the Eastern Andes of Colombia. 

Hapalopsittaca amazonina theresae (Hellmayr) 
Pionopsitta amazonina theresae Hellmayr, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 12, 
1915, p. 214. (El Escorial, 2500 metres, Andes of Mérida, Venezuela.) 
Known only from the Andes of Mérida in western Venezuela where it in- 
habits the subtropical or temperate zones. 

Hapalopsittaca pyrrhops (Salvin) ! 
Pionopsitta pyrrhops Salvin, Ibis, 1876, p. 495. (Santa Rita and San 
Lucas, Ecuador.) 
Andes of Ecuador where it supposedly inhabits the humid temperate 


Gypopsitta Bonaparte, Naumannia, 6, 1856, Beilage no. 1, Consp. Psitt., 
genus 25. Type, by monotypy, Psittacus vulturinus Wagler = Psitta- 
cus vulturinus Kuhl. 

cf. Berlepsch and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 9, 1902, p. 110-111. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 349-350. 

~ Gypopsitta vulturina (Kuhl) 

Psittacus vulturinus “Tlliger’” Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. 
Carol., 10, 1820, p. 62. (Brazil.) 
Southern Venezuela (Caura River); British Guiana; Surinam(?); Ama- 
zon valley in Brazil from the right bank of the lower Rio Madeira to the 
Rio Capim. 

Genus GRAYDIDASCALUS Bonaparte 2 

Graydidascalus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 147. Type, 
by original designation and monotypy, Psittacus viridissimus “Spix”’ 
7.e. Swainson = Psittacus brachyurus Kuhl. 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 320-321. 

~ Graydidascalus brachyurus (Kuhl) 

Psittacus brachyurus Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 72. (Cayenne, error = upper Amazonia.) 

Eastern Ecuador and eastern Peru extending down the Amazon Valley 
to the Rio Jamunda and the Rio Tapajéz. 

1 Should probably be treated as conspecific with H. amazonina, of which it 
appears to be a representative. 

2 Replaces Gypopsittacus of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

3 Replaces Pachynus Reichenow 1881 of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 



Pionus Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 1832, 
p. 497. Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus menstrwus Linné 
(G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 52). 

cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 55, 1926, p. 264-266. 

Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 60-62. (Brazilian 

Ridgway, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 206-217. 

Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 321-335. 

Wetmore, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 133, 1926, p. 192-198. (Forms of 

Pionus menstruus (Linné) 

Psittacus menstruus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 148. (Suri- 


Pionias Reichenowi Heine, Journ. f. Orn., 32, 1884, p. 264. (Northern 

Brazil or Peru, error.)? 

Southeastern Costa Rica, east and south throughout Panama and over 
the greater part of tropical South America to Peru, Bolivia, Matto Grosso 
and the southern affluents of the Amazon east at least to the Rio Capim; 
Trinidad. Erroneously attributed to Tucuman. 

Pionus sordidus saturatus Todd 
Pionus sordidus saturatus Todd, Proce. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, p. 81. 
(Cincinnati, Colombia.) 
Subtropical zone of the Santa Marta Mountains, Colombia. 

Pionus sordidus sordidus (Linné) 

Psittacus sordidus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 99. (Mexico, ex 
Edwards, pl. 167, error = Venezuela, designated by Brabourne and 
Chubb, Bds. So. Am., 1912, p. 91.) 

Subtropical zone of the mountains of Venezuela. 

Pionus sordidus corallinus Bonaparte 

Pionus corallinus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 148. 
(South America, restricted to eastern Colombia by Chapman, antea, 
p. 264.) 

1 Psittacus cobaltinus Massena and Souancé 1854 is a synonym. 

2 Dr. E. Stresemann writes me as follows. — “‘The two types of Pionias 
reichenowi Heine are in the Museum Heineanum at Halberstadt, but according 
to the original description one of them equals a specimen in the Berlin Museum 
(no. 9805) collected by Sieber in ‘Brazil,’ very probably near Pard (not Peru, 
this being a typographical error in the original description). This specimen 
answers the description of reichenowi very well and differs from all other skins 
in the collection by the characters mentioned; nevertheless I feel convinced 
that it is nothing but an individual variant of P. menstruus.” 


Subtropical zone of the Andes of Colombia, eastern Ecuador, northern 
Peru and Bolivia(?). 

Pionus sordidus mindoensis Chapman 
Pionus corallinus mindoensis Chapman, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 187, 1925, 
p. 1. (Mindo, Ecuador.) 
Subtropical zone of western Ecuador. 

Pionus maximiliani maximiliani (Kuhl) 

Psittacus Mazximiliani Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 72. (Brazil, restricted to Vicosa on the Rio Peruhype, south 
of Caravellas, Bahia, by Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. 
Ser., 12, 1929, p. 450, note.) New name for Psittacus cyanurus Wied, 
not of Shaw 1812. 

Pionus maximiliani melanoblepharus Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 
1920, pt. 2, p. 61. (Therezopolis [Rio de Janeiro].) 

Eastern and southeastern Brazil in states of Piauhy, Bahia and Rio de 

Pionus maximiliani siy Souancé 

Pionus siy Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 155. (Paraguay 
and Bolivia.)? 

Eastern Bolivia; western and southern Brazil in states of Matto Grosso, 
Sao Paulo, Parand, Santa Catharina and Rio Grande do Sul; Paraguay; 
northern Argentina in provinces of Formosa and Chaco. 

Pionus maximiliani lacerus (Heine) 
Pionias lacerus Heine, Journ. f. Orn., 82, 1884, p. 265. (Tucuman.) 
Northwestern Argentina in provinces of Salta and Tucumén. 

Pionus tumultuosus (Tschudi) 
Psittacus tumultuosus Tschudi, Arch. f. Naturg., 10, Bd. 1, 1844, p. 304. 
Peru and Bolivia. 

-Pionus seniloides (Massena and Souancé) 

Psittacus selinoides [sic, lapsus] Massena and Souancé, Rev. et Mag. 
Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 73. (Colombia.) 

Subtropical and humid temperate zones of the Central and Eastern 
Andes of Colombia and the Andes of Ecuador.? 

1 Wied’s name does not appear ever to have been published; it was probably 
written on the label of a specimen in his collection examined by Kuhl. 

2 Pionus bridgesit Boucard 1891 is a synonym. 

3 Pionias gerontodes Finsch is a synonym, fide Chapman, antea, p. 265. 


Pionus senilis senilis (Spix) 
Psittacus senilis Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 42, pl. 31, f. 1. (No locality, 
Vera Cruz, Mexico, designated ie Griscom, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 379, 
1929, p. 6.) 

Southern Mexico in states of Oaxaca and Vera Cruz; Guatemala. 

Pionus senilis decoloratus Griscom 
Pionus senilis decoloratus Griscom, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 379, 1929, 
p. 6. (Pozo Azul de Pirris, southwestern Costa Rica.) 

Central America from British Honduras (and adjacent parts of Yucatan) 
south to western Panama. 

Pionus chalcopterus (Fraser) 
Psittacus chalcopterus Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1840 (1841), 
p. 59. (Bogota, Colombia.) 
Subtropical zone of the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador and northwestern 

Pionus fuscus (P. L. 8. Miiller) 
Psittacus fuscus P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 78. (Cay- 
enne, ex Daubenton, pl. 408.) 
From the Caura River in Venezuela east over the Guianas and south to 
the Amazon Valley from the Rio Madeira to Pard and extending into 
northern Maranhao. 

Genus AMAZONA Lesson ! 

Amazona Lesson, Traité d’Orn., livr. 3, 1830, p. 189. Type, by subse- 
quent designation, C. farinosa = Psittacus farinosus Boddaert (Sal- 
vadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 268). 

Salvatoria Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 68. Type, 
by monotypy, Salvatoria xanthops (Spix) = Psittacus xanthops Spix. 

cf. Hellmayr, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Kl. 2, 22, 1906, p. 588-594 


Peters, Auk, 45, 1928, p. 342-344 (races of lewcocephala). 

Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 48-60; 69 (Brazilian 

Ridgway, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 7, 1916, p. 217-274. 

Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 268-320 (sub nom. 

Amazona collaria (Linné) 

Psittacus collarius Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 102. (America = 
Jamaica, ex Sloane.) 

Island of Jamaica. 

1 Replaces Chrysotis Swainson 1837 of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Amazona leucocephala bahamensis (Bryant) 

Psittacus collarius (var. bahamensis) Bryant, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 11, 1867, p. 65. (Fortune, Auckland [v.e. Acklin] and Inagua 
Islands, Bahamas.) 

Bahama Islands: Inagua, Acklin, Fortune, Abaco and Long Islands. 

Amazona leucocephala leucocephala (Linné) 

Psittacus leucocephalus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 100. (Amer- 
ica = Cuba, restricted to eastern Cuba by Barbour, Mem. Nuttall 
Orn. Cl., no. 6, 1923, p. 82.) 

Amazona leucocephala palmarum Todd, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 10, 1916, 
p. 228. (Los Indios, Isle of Pines.) 

Cuba and the Isle of Pines. 

Amazona leucocephala caymanensis (Cory) 
Chrysotis caymanensis Cory, Auk, 3, 1886, p. 497. (Grand Cayman.) 
Island of Grand Cayman, West Indies. 

Amazona leucocephala hesterna Bangs 
Amazona leucocephala hesterna Bangs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 60, 1916, 
p. 308. (Cayman Brac.) 
Islands of Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, West Indies. 

Amazona ventralis (P. L. 8. Miiller) 
Psittacus ventralis P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 79. 
(Martinique, error = Hispaniola.) 
Island of Hispaniola and Gonave Island. 

Amazona xantholora (G. R. Gray) 

Chrysotis xantholora G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psittac., 1859, 
p. 83. (Honduras.)! New name for Psittacus albifrons “Lath.” of 
Kuhl’s Consp. Psitt., p. 80. 

Yucatan Peninsula, Cozumel Island and British Honduras. 

~ Amazona albifrons saltuensis Nelson 

Amazona albifrons saltuensis Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 13, 1899, 
p. 26. (Camoa, Sonora.) 

Northwestern Mexico in State of Sonora. 

1 There is no positive record for this species from the Republic of Honduras. 
The type in the Leyden Museum (ex Temminck coll.) is without locality; the 
specimen in the British Museum was taken by Dyson, supposedly in Hon- 
duras, but it is more probable that it came from British Honduras; the birds 
collected at Chaloma, Honduras by Goss, listed by Lantz in Trans. Kansas 
Acad. Sci. for 1897-98 (1900), p. 220 as ‘‘Chrysotis albifrons var.’’ and placed 
in the synonymy of zantholora by Ridgway, are actually referable to Amazona 
albifrons nana Miller, fide C. D. Bunker, in litt. 


Amazona albifrons albifrons (Sparrman) 

Psittacus albifrons Sparrman, Mus. Carls., fase. 3, 1788, no. 52, pl. 52. 
(No locality: restricted to southwestern Mexico by Miller infra.) 

Arid tropical zone of the Pacific coast from Sinaloa to northwestern 

Amazona albifrons nana W. DeW. Miller 

Amazona albifrons nana W. DeW. Miller, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 
1905, p. 849. (Calotmul, Yucatan.) 

Southeastern Mexico (states of Chiapas and Yucatan), southeastern 
Guatemala and British Honduras to Honduras, western Nicaragua and 
western Costa Rica. 

Amazona agilis (Linné) 
Psittacus agilis Linn¢, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 99. (America = 
West Indies, ex Edwards, 7.e. Jamaica.) 
Island of Jamaica. 

Amazona vittata vittata (Boddaert) 

Psittacus vittatus Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 49. (Santo Do- 
mingo, ex Daubenton, pl. 792, = Puerto Rico.) 

Island of Puerto Rico (now rare and local). 

jAmazona vittata gracilipes Ridgway 
Amazona vittata gracilipes Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, 
p. 106. (Culebra Island.) 

Formerly inhabited Culebra Island, east of Puerto Rico. Mere appar- 
ently extinct. 

Amazona pretrei pretrei (Temminck) 

Psittacus pretrei Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 83, 1830, pl. 492. (Mexico?, 
error = southern Brazil, suggested by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. 
So. Am., 1912, p. 90.) 

Southern Brazil in states of Sdo Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul; Uruguay. 

Amazona pretrei tucumana (Cabanis) 

Chrysotis tucumana Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 33, 1885, p. 221. (Tucuman, 

Northwestern Argentina in provinces of Jujuy, Salta and Tucuman. 

Amazona viridigenalis (Cassin) 

Chrysotis viridigenalis Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 6, 1853, 
p. 371. (South America, error = northeastern Mexico.) 

Northeastern Mexico in states of Nuevo Leén, Tamaulipas, San Luis 
Potosi and Vera Cruz. 


Amazona finschi (Sclater) 
Chrysotis finschi Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1864, p. 298. (Mexico.) 
Western Mexico in states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Durango, 
Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacén and Oaxaca. 
Amazona autumnalis autumnalis (Linné) 

Psittacus autumnalis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 102. (West 
Indies, ex Edwards, pl. 164, error = southern Mexico.) 

Southeastern Mexico and northern Central America from extreme south- 
ern Tamaulipas, Puebla and Oaxaca south through eastern Guatemala, 
British Honduras and Honduras to the Segovia River; Ruatan Island. 
Amazona autumnalis salvini (Salvadori) 

Chrysotis salvini Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 271 (in 
key), p. 300, pl. 7, f. 8. (Lion Hill Station, Canal Zone.) 

Eastern Nicaragua and eastern and southwestern Costa Rica to northern 
Colombia; Pear] Islands. 
Amazona autumnalis lilacina Lesson 

Amazona (psittacus) Lilacina Lesson, Echo du Monde Sav., 11, 1844, 
2me semestre, col. 394. (Vicinity of Guayaquil, Ecuador.) 

Androglossa hecki Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 39, 1891, p. 217. (Co- 
lombia(?)! based on an aviary bird.) 

Tropical zone of western Ecuador. 

Amazona autumnalis diadema (Spix). 

Psittacus diadema Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 48, pl. 32. (Rio Solimoés, 

Northwestern Brazil from the Solimoés eastward to the Barra do Rio 
Amazona dufresniana dufresniana (Shaw) 

Psittacus dufresnianus Shaw, Gen. Zool., 8, pt. 2, 1812, p.513. (Cayenne, 
ex Levaillant, pl. 91.) 

British Guiana, Surinam and Cayenne. 

Amazona dufresniana rhodocorytha (Salvadori) 

Chrysotis rhodocorytha Salvadori, Ibis, 1890, p. 369. (Brazil.) New 
name for Psittacus dufresnianus Kuhl 1820, not of Shaw 1812. 

Southeastern Brazil from southern Bahia to Rio de Janeiro. 

Amazona brasiliensis (Linné) 

Psittacus brasiliensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 102. (Brazil, 
ex Edwards, pl. 161.) 

Southern Brazil from Sao Paulo to Rio Grande do Sul. 

1 See Salvadori, Ibis, 1892, p. 467. 


Amazona arausiaca (P. L. 8. Miiller) 

Psittacus arausiacus P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1766, p. 79. 
(Dominica, ex Edwards, pl. 230.) 

Island of Dominica, Lesser Antilles. 

Amazona festiva bodini (Finsch) 

Chrysotis bodini Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, p. 569, pl. 49. 
(America = middle Orinoco, fixed as the type locality by Berlepsch 
and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 9, 1902, p. 109.) 

Middle Orinoco River in Venezuela eastward to the Barima River, 
northwestern British Guiana. 

Amazona festiva festiva (Linné) 

Psittacus festivus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 101. (Indies, error, 
Brazilian Amazon River fixed as the type locality by Hellmayr, antea, 
ps 092.) 2 

Eastern Ecuador and eastern Peru to the Rio Negro, upper Rio Branco 
and the lower Madeira. Doubtfully attributed to Venezuela and the 

Amazona xanthops (Spix) 
Psittacus xanthops Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 39, pl. 26. (Interior of 
Minas Geraés.) 

Eastern and central Brazil in states of Matto Grosso, Goyaz, southern 
Piauhy, Bahia, Minas Geraés and northern Sao Paulo. 

Amazona barbadensis barbadensis (Gmelin)® 
Psittacus barbadensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 339. (Bar- 
bados, error = Venezuela.) 

Island of Aruba, off the coast of Venezuela; iiboeal of Venezuela. Er- 
roneously attributed to Trinidad. 

Amazona barbadensis rothschildi (Hartert) 

Chrysotis rothschildi Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1, 1892, p. 13. (Bon- 
aire, Dutch West Indies.) 

Islands of Bonaire, Blanquilla and Margarita off the coast of Venezuela. 

Amazona aestiva aestiva (Linné) 
Psittacus aestivus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 101. (America, 
Hellmayr, antea, p. 593, substitutes southern Brazil.) 
Brazil from Piauhy and Pernambuco to Rio Grande do Sul. 

1 Replaces Chrysotis bouqueti (Bechstein) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

2 Chrysotis chloronota Souancé is a synonym 

3 Replaces Chrysotis ochroptera (Gmelin) of Sharpe’s Hand-list on grounds 
of anteriority. 


Amazona aestiva xanthopteryx (Berlepsch) 
Chrysotis aestiva canthopteryx Berlepsch, Orn. Monatsb., 4, 1896, p. 173. 
(Bueyes, eastern Bolivia.) 

Bolivia, southern Matto Grosso, Paraguay and northern Argentina 
south to Tucumdén, Cérdoba, and northwestern part of Buenos Aires 

Amazona ochrocephala tresmariae Nelson 
Amazona oratrix tresmariz Nelson, Auk, 17,1900, p. 256. (Maria Madre 
Tres Marias Islands, off the west coast of Mexico. 

Amazona ochrocephala oratrix Ridgway 

Amazona oratrix Ridgway, Man. No. Am. Bds., 1887, p. 587. New 
name for Chrysotis levaillantii G.R. Gray 1859, not Amazona levail- 
lantiit Lesson 1831. The type of oratriz is from Petapa, Oaxaca, fide 
Nelson, antea. 

Mexico in states of Tamaulipas, Vera Cruz, Puebla, Mexico, Guana- 
juato, Colima, Guerrero and Yucatan; British Honduras. Errone- 
ously attributed to Honduras and Ruatan Island. 

Amazona ochrocephala auro-palliata (Lesson) 
Psittacus (amazona) auro-palliatus Lesson, Rev. Zool., 1842, p. 135. 
(Realejo, Nicaragua.) 
Chrysotis Schmidti Ihering, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 3, 1898, p. 321. (Be- 
tween the Rio Morto and Itapura, Brazil, error.) 

Extreme eastern Oaxaca; Chiapas; Pacific slope of Central America to 
northwestern Costa Rica, extending into the Caribbean lowlands of north- 
ern Honduras east to the Ulua Valley; Ruatan Island. 

Amazona ochrocephala panamensis (Cabanis) 
Chrysotis panamensis Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 22, 1874, p. 349. (Panama.) 

Panama and the tropical lowlands of northern Colombia east to the 
Santa Marta region. 

Amazona ochrocephala ochrocephala (Gmelin) 

Psittacus ochrocephalus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 339. (South 
America, restricted to Venezuela by Berlepsch and Hartert, Nov. 
Zool., 9, 1902, p. 109.) 

Colombia (east of the base of the Eastern Andes), Venezuela and the 
Guianas, south to the Rio Branco and the middle Amazon. 
Amazona ochrocephala xantholaema Berlepsch 

Amazona ochrocephala xantholaema Berlepsch, Orn. Monatsb., 21, 1913, 
p. 147. (Hacienda St. André, Island of Marajdé, Brazil.) 

Island of Marajé, at the mouth of the Amazon. 


Amazona ochrocephala nattereri (Finsch) 
Psittacus (Chrysotis) Nattereri Finsch, Journ. f. Orn., 12, 1864 (1865), 
p. 411. (Mamoré, Cacheira de Bananeiro, Matto Grosso.) 
Eastern Ecuador and eastern Peru to northwestern Matto Grosso. 

Amazona amazonica tobagensis Cory 
Amazona amazonica tobagensis Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. 
Ser., 13, pt. 2, no. 1, 1918, p. 83, note. (Tobago, British West Indies.) 
Islands of Trinidad and Tobago. 

Amazona amazonica amazonica (Linné) 
Psittacus amazonicus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p.147. (Surinam, 
error = ‘‘le pays des Amazones,”’ Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., 17, p. 1910, 
p. 406.) 
Northern Colombia from the lower Magdalena Valley eastward through 
Venezuela and the Guianas to eastern Brazil, and south through eastern 
Ecuador and Amazonian Peru to Matto Grosso and Paranda. 

Amazona mercenaria canipalliata (Cabanis) 
Chrysotis canipalliata Cabanis, Journ. f. Orn., 22, 1874, p. 105. (Cauca 
River, Colombia.) 
Subtropical and temperate zones of the Andes of Colombia (including 
the Santa Marta Mountains) and Ecuador(?).? 

Amazona mercenaria mercenaria (Tschudi) 
Psittacus mercenarius Tschudi, Arch. f. Naturg., 10, Bd. 1, 1844, p. 308. 

Subtropical and temperate zones of the Andes of Peru and northern 

Amazona farinosa guatemalae (Sclater) 

Chrysotis guatemale ‘‘Hartlaub”’ Sclater, Ibis, 1860, p. 44. (Guatemala 
and Honduras; the Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. lists a specimen from Hon- 
duras as the type.) ? 

Southern Mexico from states of Oaxaca, Mexico and Vera Cruz south 

through Guatemala to the Ulua Valley in Honduras. 

Amazona farinosa virenticeps (Salvadori) 
Chrysotis virenticeps Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 269 
(in key), p. 280. (Bugaba, Chiriquf #, and Angostura, Costa Rica 9 .) 
Nicaragua, Costa Rica and western Panama (east to Chiriqui and Bocas 
del Toro). 

1 See Carriker, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 85, 1933, p. 4, who revives 
canipalliata, but does not indicate the subspecific identity of the Ecuadorean 


Amazona farinosa inornata (Salvadori) 

Chrysotis inornata Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 269 (in 
key), p. 281. (Veraguas, Panama.) 

Panama (from Veraguas eastward) and northwestern South America 
south to Ecuador and east to Lake Maracaibo and the Caura River in 

Amazona farinosa farinosa (Boddaert) 

Psittacus farinosus Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 52. (Cayenne, 
ex Daubenton, pl. 861.) 

Eastern Venezuela (Caura-Orinoco region) east to Surinam, southward 
to Peru, northern Matto Grosso and the lower Amazon. 

Amazona vinacea (Kuhl) 

Psittacus vinaceus ‘Princ. Maximil.”’ Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. 
Leop. Carol., 10, 1820, p. 77. (Brazil.) 

Amazona vinacea paranensis Bertoni, Rev. Soc. Cient. Paraguay, 2, 
no. 3, 1927, p. 149. (Puerto Bertoni, Paraguay.)! 

Southeastern Brazil from Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul; Paraguay; 

Amazona guildingii (Vigors) 
Psittacus Guildingii Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1836 (1837), p. 80. 
(St. Vincent.) 
Island of St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles. 

Amazona versicolor (P. L. §. Miiller) 
Psittacus versicolor P. L. 8S. Miiller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 78. 
(Havana, error = St. Lucia.) 
Island of St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles. 

~~ Amazona imperialis Richmond 
Amazona imperialis Richmond, Auk, 16, 1899, p. 186. New name for 
Psittacus augustus Vigors 1837, not of Shaw 1792. (Dominica.) 
Island of Dominica, Lesser Antilles. 
Nore. — Two other parrots probably of the genus Amazona are supposed 
to have occurred formerly in the Lesser Antilles, but no specimens have 
survived. The species are: — 
Psittacus violaceus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 337. (‘Insula 
aquarum Lupiarum,”’ 7.e., Guadeloupe), based on the writings of 
Du Tertre, Labat and Brisson. 

Amazona martinica Clark, Auk, 22, 1905, p. 343. (Martinique), based 
chiefly on the account of Labat. 

1 This so-called subspecies appears to represent a color phase. 



Deroptyus Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 492. Type, by monotypy, D. accipitrinus = Psittacus accipi- 
trinus Linné. 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 335-337. 

Deroptyus accipitrinus accipitrinus (Linné) 
Psittacus accipitrinus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 102. (India, 
error = Cayenne, substituted by Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., 12, 1905, 
p. 303.) 
Tropical northern South America from eastern Venezuela and the Gui- 
anas south to eastern Ecuador(?) and the north bank of the lower Amazon. 

Deroptyus accipitrinus fuscifrons Hellmayr 
Deroptyus accipitrinus fuscifrons Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., 12, 1905, p. 303. 
(Igarapé-Assu, Pard.) 
South bank of the lower Amazon from the Tapajéz to Para (city) and 
probably to Maranhao.! 


Triclaria Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 1832, 
p. 499. Type, by monotypy, 7’. cyanogastra = Psittacus cyanogaster 
Vieillot = Psittacus malachitaceus Spix. 

cf. Ribeiro, Rev. Mus. Paulista, 12, 1920, pt. 2, p. 75. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 337-338. 

Triclaria malachitacea (Spix)? 
Psittacus malachitaceus Spix, Av. Bras., 1, 1824, p. 40, pl. 38. (Rio de 
- Janeiro.) 
Southeastern Brazil from Espirito Santo to Santa Catharina. 


Poicephalus Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 301. Type, by subse- 
quent designation, P. senegalensis (L.) Swainson = Psittacus sene- 
galus Linné (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 52). 

_ Micropsittacus Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 8, 1922, p. 212. Type, by 
original designation, Pionus fuscicapillus Verreaux = Poicephalus 
cryptoxanthus Peters (not of Jacquinot and Pucheran). 

1 Bangs and Penard, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., 62, 1918, p. 49, suggest that 
fuscifrons may be the immature of accipitrinus. 

2 Psittacus cyanogaster Vieillot 1818, the earliest name for this species, is a 
homonym of Psittacus cyanogaster Shaw 1812. 


Eupsittacus Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 8, 1922, p. 212. Type, by 
original designation, Pionus gulielmi Jardine. 
Notopsittacus Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 8, 1922, p. 212. Type, by 
original designation, Psittacus robustus Gmelin. 
cf. Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 394-407. 
Bowen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 82, 1930, p. 267-268. (Races of 
Friedmann, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 153, 1930, p. 285-293. 
Grote, Journ. f. Orn., 74, 1926, p. 743-749. (The senegalus Formen- 
Neumann, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 380-386. 
Id., Journ. f. Orn. 79, 1931, p. 547-549 (races of gulielmi). 
Reichenow, Vog. Afr., 2, 1903, p. 6-18. 

Poicephalus robustus fuscicollis (Kuhl) 

Psittacus fuscicollis Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 1820, 
p. 93. (No locality = Gambia.) 

Poeocephalus rubricapillus Forbes and Robinson, Bull. Liverpool Mu- 
seum, 1, 1898, p. 15. (West Africa.) 

Peocephalus kintampoensis Alexander, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 1901, 
p. 10. (Kintampo, Gold Coast.) 

Gambia, Portuguese Guinea, Northern Territories of Gold Coast, Togo- 
land, northern Nigeria (Bauchi Plateau). 

?Poicephalus robustus angolensis Reichenow 

Poicephalus angolensis Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 46, 1898, p. 314. 
(Angola and Damaraland; type from Quindumbo, Angola.) 

Angola and Damaraland; doubtfully distinct from P. r. suahelicus. 

Poicephalus robustus suahelicus Reichenow 
Poicephalus suahelicus Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 46, 1898, p. 314. 
(East Africa; type from Msua, near Bagamoyo, Tanganyika Terri- 
Central Tanganyika Territory and the Kivu Volcanoes, south to the 
Zambezi River. 

~ Poicephalus robustus robustus (Gmelin) 

Psittacus robustus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 344. (No locality 
= South Africa.) i 

Eastern part of South Africa from southeastern Transvaal to Knysna. 

Poicephalus gulielmi fantiensis Neumann 

Poicephalus gulielmi fantiensis Neumann, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 381. 
(Fanti, Gold Coast.) 

Confined to Gold Coast Colony. 


?Poicephalus gulielmi aubryanus (Souancé) 

Poeocephalus aubryanus Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 216. 

Southern Cameroon, Rio Muni and Gaboon. Doubtfully distinct from 
P.g. gulielmi. 
Poicephalus gulielmi gulielmi (Jardine) 

Pionus gulielmi Jardine, Contr. Orn., 1849, p. 64, pl. 28. (Congo.) 

Lower Congo, Ubangi River and northern Belgian Congo, east to the 
upper Ituri River and south to northern Angola (Cuanza River). 
Poicephalus gulielmi permistus Neumann 

Poicephalus gulielmi permistus Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 79, 1931, p. 547. 
(Eldoma Ravine, Mau, Kenya Colony.) 

Highlands of Kenya Colony: Mount Elgon, Mau and probably Mount 
Kenya; birds from Kikuyu are intermediate between this and the next race. 
Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus (Fischer and Reichenow) 

Poeocephalus massaicus Fischer and Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 32, 1884, 
p. 179. (Meru Mountain, Tanganyika Territory.) 

Mountain forests on Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro. 

Poicephalus flavifrons flavifrons (Riippell) 

Pionus flavifrons Riippell, Syst. Uebers. Vég. N.-O. Afr., 1845, p. 81, 
pl. 31. (Shoa.) 

Forests of the Ethiopian highlands (except portions occupied by the 
next race). 
Poicephalus flavifrons aurantiiceps Neumann 

Poicephalus flavifrons aurantiiceps Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 52, 1904, 
p. 376. (Maschango, upper Gelo River.) 

Highlands of southwestern Ethiopia (upper Sobat Valley). 

Poicephalus cryptoxanthus crassus (Sharpe) 

Pionias crassus Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., 17, 1884, p. 429. 
(Ndoruma, upper Uelle River.) 

Eastern Cameroon eastward across the Ubangi-Shari and the Uelle to 
the Bahr el Ghazal and the Niam Niam country. 
Poicephalus cryptoxanthus tanganyikae Bowen 

Poicephalus fuscicapillus tanganyikae Bowen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Phila., 82, 1930, p. 267. (Kilosa district, Tanganyika Territory.) 

East African coastal region from Mombasa to northern Mozambique. 

Poicephalus cryptoxanthus zanzibaricus Bowen 

Pionus fuscicapillus J. Verreaux and Des Murs, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 
1, 1849, p. 58. (Zanzibar.) Not Pionus fuscicapillus Wagler 1882. 


Poicephalus cryptoxanthus zanzibaricus Bowen, Auk, 49, 1932, p. 86. 
New name for the foregoing. 

Zanzibar Island. 

Poicephalus cryptoxanthus cryptoxanthus (Peters) 

Psittacus (Poiocephalus) cryptoxanthus Peters, Ber. K. Preuss. Akad. 
Wiss. Berlin, 1854, p. 371. (Inhambane, Mozambique.) 

Southern Nyasaland south to the Transvaal and Natal. 

Poicephalus senegalus senegalus (Linné) 
Psittacus Senegalus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 149. (Senegal.) 
West Africa from Senegal to Portuguese Guinea; Los Islands. 

Poicephalus senegalus mesotypus Reichenow 

Poicephalus senegalus mesotypus Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 18, 1910, 
p. 174. (Adamawa, Cameroon.) 

Eastern and northeastern Nigeria, Adamawa and northern Cameroon. 

Poicephalus senegalus versteri Finsch 

Poicephalus Versteri “Goffin” Finsch, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., 1, 1868, 
p. xvi. (Coast of Guinea, 7.e. Gold Coast.) 

Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, Togo, Upper Volta and Nigeria (except fhe 
portions occupied by the preceeding form). 

Poicephalus meyeri ! adolfi-friderici Grote 

Poicephalus senegalus adolfi-friderici Grote, Journ. f. Orn., 74, 1926, 
p. 746. (Badingoua, near Fort Crampel, French Equatorial Africa.) 

Eastern Lake Chad region and northeastern Cameroon east to the Shari 
River region of French Equatorial Africa. 

Poicephalus meyeri meyeri (Cretzschmar) 
Psittacus Meyert Cretzschmar, Atlas to Riippell’s Reise nérdl. Afr., 
1827, Vog., p. 18, pl. 11. (Kordofan.) 
Poicephalus meyert erythreae Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 7, 1899, p. 25. 
(Kokai, Anseba River, Bogosland.) 
Poicephalus meyeri abessinicus Zedlitz, Orn. Monatsb., 16, 1908, p. 175. 
(Middle Tacazze River, Ethiopia.) 
Darfur eastward through Kordofan to Eritrea and south to the Bahr 
el Ghazal and the Niam Niam country. 

 Poicephalus meyeri saturatus (Sharpe) 

Peocephalus saturatus Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 11, 1901, p. 67. 
(Northern Ankole, 3000 feet.) 

1 The forms here referred to the species meyeri and rufiventris are all regarded 
by Grote as members of the senegalus ‘‘Formenkreis.”’ 


Poicephalus meyeri virescens Reichenow, Vog. Afr., 2, pt. 1, 1902, p. 12. 
Poicephalus meyeri nyansae Neumann, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 383. 
(Unyoro, Uganda.) 
Uganda and western Kenya Colony to Ruanda and the southern end of 
Lake Victoria. 

Poicephalus meyeri matschiei Neumann 
Poicephalus matschiei Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 46, 1898, p. 501. 
(Ugogo, Tanganyika Territory.) 
Kast Africa from Mombasa to northern Nyasaland. 

Poicephalus meyeri neavei C. H. B. Grant 

Poicephalus meyeri neavei C. H. B. Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 35, 1914, 
p. 19. (Kaluli Valley, Belgian Congo.) 

Southeastern Belgian Congo and Northern Rhodesia. 

Poicephalus meyeri transvaalensis Neumann 

Poicephalus meyeri transvaalensis Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 7, 1899, 
p. 25. (Transvaal.) 

Southern Rhodesia and northern Mozambique (Tete Province) south 
through eastern Bechuanaland to Transvaal. 

Poicephalus meyeri damarensis Neumann 

Poicephalus damarensis Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 46, 1898, p. 501. 
(Ochimbora, Damaraland.) 

Southern Angola, Damaraland and Ngamiland. 

Poicephalus meyeri reichenowi Neumann 

Poicephalus reichenowi Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 46, 1898, p. 501. 
(Malange and Quango, Angola.) 

Northern and central Angola and adjacent parts of the Belgian Congo. 

Poicephalus rufiventris rufiventris (Riippell) 
Pionus rufiventris Riippell, Syst. Uebers. Vég. N.-O. Afr., 1845, p. 88, 
pl. 82. (Shoa.) 
Poicephalus rufiventris pallidus van Someren, Nov. Zool., 29, 1922, p. 47, 
(Northern Somaliland.) 
Ethiopia (Hawash and southern lake region) and British Somaliland. 

Poicephalus rufiventris simplex (Reichenow) 
Poeocephalus simplex Reichenow Journ. f. Orn., 35, 1887, p. 55. (Serian, 
Lake Victoria.) 
Eastern parts of Kenya Colony and northern Tanganyika Territory. 
Doubtfully distinct from P. r. rufiventris. 


~ Poicephalus riippellii (G. R. Gray) 

Psittacus Rippellii G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1848 (1849), 
p. 125, Aves, pl. 5. (Nunez River, French Guinea, error = Damara- 

Southern Angola to central Damaraland. 

Genus PSITTACUS Linnie 

Psittacus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 96. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Psittacus erithacus Linné (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 
1840, p. 52). 

cf. Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 389-393. 

Psittacus erithacus timneh Fraser 
Psittacus Timneh Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1844, p. 38. (Timneh 
country, Sierra Leone.) 

French Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia; birds from the western part of 
the Ivory Coast have been referred here. 

Psittacus erithacus erithacus Linné 

Psittacus erithacus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 99. (Guinea, 

error, I designate Gold Coast Colony.) 

Psittacus erithacus megarhynchus Hartert, Kat. Vogelsamml. Sencken- 

berg. Mus., 1891, p. 157. (Congo.) 

African forest region from the eastern part of the Ivory Coast to the 
Niam Niam country and northeastern shore of Lake Victoria, south to 
Angola and central Belgian Congo. A sight record for near the southeast- 
ern end of Lake Tanganyika (Bangs and Loveridge, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zo6l., 75, 1933, p. 169). 

?Psittacus erithacus princeps Boyd Alexander 
Psittacus princeps Boyd Alexander, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 23, 1909, p. 74. 
(Principe Island.) 
Islands of Principe and Fernando Po in the Gulf of Guinea. Doubtfully 
distinct from P. e. erithacus. 


Coracopsis Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 501. Type, by subsequent designation, C. nigra (L.) Wagl. 
Edwards, t. 5 = Psittacus niger Linné. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 
1840, p. 50.) 

cf. Delacour, Ois. et Rev. Franc. d’Orn. (n.s.), 2, 1932, p. 42-43. 
Grote, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 2, 1930, p. 47-48. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 880-385. 


Coracopsis vasa comorensis (Peters) 

Psittacus (Coracopsis) comorensis Peters, Ber. K. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. 
Berlin, 1854, p. 371. (Anjouan, Comoro Islands.) 

Comoro Islands: Grand Comoro and Anjouan. 

Coracopsis vasa drouhardi Lavauden 

Coracopsis vasa drouhardi Lavauden, Alauda (1), 1, 10 Sept., 1929, 
p. 231. (Tongobory, Onilahy River, Madagascar.) 

Coracopsis vasa wulsint Bangs, Proc. New Engl. Zoél. Cl., 11, 31 Oct., 
1929, p. 50. (Miandrivazo, Madagascar.) 

Western Madagascar. 

Coracopsis vasa vasa (Shaw) 

Psittacus Vasa Shaw, Gen. Zool., 8, pt. 2, 1812, p. 528. (South Africa, 
error = Madagascar, restricted to the eastern part by Bangs, antea.) 

Eastern Madagascar. 

Coracopsis nigra barklyi E. Newton 

Coracopsis barklyi E. Newton, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 346, 
pl. 22. (Praslin Island, Seychelles.) 

Confined to Praslin Island in the Seychelles. 

Coracopsis nigra sibilans Milne-Edwards and Oustalet 

Coracopsis sibilans Milne-Edwards and Oustalet, Compt. Rend. Acad. | 
Sci. Paris, 101, 1885, p. 220. (Grand Comoro Island.) 

Comoro Islands: Grand Comoro and Anjouan. 

Coracopsis nigra libs Bangs 

Coracopsis nigra libs Bangs, Proc. New Engl. Zodl. Cl., 9, 1927, p. 83. 
(Miandrivazo, Madagascar.) 

Western Madagascar. 

Coracopsis nigra nigra (Linné) 
Psittacus niger Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 99. (Madagascar, 
restricted to the eastern part by Bangs, antea.) 
Eastern Madagascar. 


Psittrichas Lesson, Bull. Sci. Nat. Geol., 25, 1831, p. 241 (= 341). Type, 
by monotypy, Psittacus pecquetii Lesson = Banksianus fulgidus 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 385-386. (sub nom. 

Dasyptilus pesquett) 

1 Replaces Dasyptilus Wagler 1832 of Sharpe’s Hand-list on grounds of 



~~ Psittrichas fulgidus (Lesson) 
Banksianus fulgidus Lesson, Traité d’Orn., livr. 1, 1830, p. 181. (No 
locality = New Guinea.)! 
Mountain forests of New Guinea down to 800 meters. 

Genus LORIUS Boppaerrt? 

Larius [sic] Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 42. Type, by mono- 
typy, Psittacus (Larius) ceclanensis Boddaert = Psittacus roratus 
P. L. S. Miller. 

cf. Rothschild, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (9), 9, 1922, p. 411-412. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 388-399 (sub nom. 

~—~~Lorius roratus cornelia (Bonaparte) 

Eclectus Cornelia Bonaparte, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1849 (1850), 
p. 148, pl. 11.5 (“Moluccas most probably from Ceram’? = Sumba, 
Lesser Sunda Islands.) 

Confined to Sumba Island. 

Lorius roratus riedeli (A. B. Meyer) 

Eclectus riedeli A. B. Meyer, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881 (1882), 
p. 917. (Sera Island, Tenimber Islands.) 

Tenimber Islands. 

?Lorius roratus westermani (Bonaparte) 
Psittacodis westermani Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1, 1850, p. 4. (No lo- 
Known only from four aviary specimens. Whether this is a valid form 
whose range is unknown, or an arrested plumage development of riedeli 
due to captivity, is unsettled. 

1 This name has priority over Psittacus pecquetit Lesson 1831 (pesquetit, 
pequeti, pescquieti etc. of authors). 

2 Replaces Eclectus Wagler 1832. For reasons for displacing Eclectus by 
Lorius see Mathews and Iredale, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1915, p. 45-46. Bod- 
daert’s name, originally spelled Larius, has been almost universally emended to 
Lorius on the grounds that the original spelling is a typographical error; while 
this is quite probable I am by no means convinced that ‘‘an error of transcrip- 
tion, a lapsus calami or a typographical error is evident” but that such an 
emendation should be sanctioned by an opinion of the International Commit- 
tee on Zodlogical Nomenclature. On the other hand if the original spelling 
— Larius — is retained, then Lorius Vigors 1825 remains valid and resumes its 
place as the generic name for the parrots now placed in Domicella. On the 
whole it seems best to consider Larius a typographical error for Lorius as has 
been the almost universal custom and thus avoid Larius and Lorius in the same 
family, which would cause endless confusion since the names have been shifted 
about so much. 

3 The description may have first appeared in Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 30, Feb., 1850, p. 135. 


Lorius roratus roratus (P. L. S. Miiller)! 

Psittacus roratus P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 77. (Am- 

Southern Moluccas: Buru, Ceram, Amboina, Saparua and Haruku. 

Lorius roratus vosmaeri Rothschild 

Larius roratus vosmaeri Rothschild, Ann. and Mag. Hist. (9), 9, 1922, 
p. 412. (Northern Moluccas.) New name for Psitiacus roratus of 
authors, not of Miller. 

Northern Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera, Ternate, Mare, Kaisa, Bat- 
jan, Damar and Obi. 

Lorius roratus pectoralis (P. L. S. Miiller) 

Psittacus pectoralis P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 78. 
(China, error = Onin Peninsula, New Guinea, designated by Strese- 
mann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, Heft 8, p. 58.) 

All of New Guinea, Jobi, Mios Nom, Waigeu, Salawati, Misol, Kei 
Islands, Southeast Islands, Trobriand Islands, D’Entrecasteaux Islands 
and Louisiade Archipelago. 

Lorius roratus maforensis (Rothschild) 

Eclectus roratus maforensis Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 38, Dec., 1932, p. 203. 
(Numfor Island.) 

Confined to Numfor Island in Geelvink Bay. 

Lorius roratus biaki Hartert 

Larius roratus biaki Hartert, Nova Guinea, 15, livr. 5, Feb., 1932, p.448. 
(Biak Island.) 

Confined to Biak Island in Geelvink Bay.’ 

Lorius roratus aruensis (G. R. Gray) 

Eclectus polychlorus var. aruensis G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1858, p. 182. (Aru Islands.) 

Aru Islands. 

Lorius roratus macgillivrayi (Mathews) 

Eclectus pectoralis macgillivrayi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1918, p. 75. 
(Pascoe River, North Queensland.) 

Northern Queensland. 

1 Replaces Eclectus cardinalis (Boddaert 1783) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

2 The descriptions of L. r. maforensis and L. r. biaki read as though the two 
birds might belong to the same form, but direct comparison of the two is de- 
sirable before sinking one of the names as a synonym. If the latter course 
should prove necessary, biaki has priority. 


~ Lorius roratus goodsoni Hartert 

Lorius roratus goodsoni Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 123. (Manus, 
Admiralty Islands.) 

Admiralty Islands, New Britain, Witu Islands. 

Lorius roratus solomonensis (Rothschild and Hartert) 
Eclectus pectoralis solomonensis Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 
1901, p. 81. (Fauro Island, Solomon Islands.) 

Solomon Islands; Lihir Group; the birds from the Nissan Islands, New 
Ireland and Lavongai are more or less intermediate between goodsoni and 

Genus GEOFFROYUS Bonaparte 
Geoffroyus Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1, 1850, p. 6. Type, by tautonymy, 
Psittacus geoffroyi Bechstein. 
Pseudopsittacus Macgillivray, Emu, 13, 1913, p. 105. Type, by mono- 
typy, Pseudopsittacus maclennani Macgillivray. 
cf. Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 82-86 (review of 
sae Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 399-414. 
Stresemann, Arch. f. Naturg., 89, Abth. A, 1923, Heft 8, p. 58-59 
(review of Papuan forms). 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi floresianus ! Salvadori 
Geoffroyus floresianus Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 400 
(in key), p. 406. (Flores.) 
Lesser Sunda Islands: Lombok, Sumbawa and Flores. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi tjindanae A. B. Meyer 
Geoffroyus tzindanae A. B. Meyer, Notes Leyden Mus., 14, 1892, p. 267. 

Lesser Sunda Islands: Sumba. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi geoffroyi (Bechstein) 
Psittacus Geoffroyt Bechstein, in Latham’s Allgem. Uebers. Vég., 4, 
Th. 1, 1811, p. 108, pl. 21. (New Holland, ex Levaillant, Hist. Nat. 
Perroquets, 2, p. 68, pl. 112%, pl. 113 9, error = Timor.)? 

Lesser Sunda Islands: Semao, Timor and Wetar. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi cyanicollis (S. Miiller) 
Psittacus cyanicollis 8. Miiller, Verh. nat. gesch. Ned., Land-en Volk- 
enk., pt. 4, 1841, p. 108. (Menado, error = Moluccas.) 
Northern Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera and Batjan. 

1 Geoffroyus sumbavensis Salvadori is a synonym fide Rensch, Mitt. Zool. 
Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 523. 
2 Replaces Psittacus personatus Shaw 1812. 


Geoffroyus geoffroyi obiensis (Finsch) 
Pionias obiensis Finsch, Papageien, 2, 1868, p. 389. (Obi.) 
Central Moluccas: Obi Group. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi stresemanni Salomonsen 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi stresemanni Salomonsen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 54, 
1934, p. 87. (Buru.) 

Buru and Ceram. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi rhodops (Schlegel) 

Eclectus rhodops Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, 3, 1864, Psittaci, p. 48. 
(Amboina, Ceram, Buru.) t 

Southern Moluccas: Amboina, Saparua, Haruku and Ceramlaut. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi explorator Hartert 

Geoffroyus personatus explorator Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 4. 
(Monokwara, Goram Islands.) 

Goram Islands (between Ceram and the Kei Islands). 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi timorlaoensis A. B. Meyer 

Geoffroyus timorlaoénsis A. B. Meyer, Sitzungsb. und Abh. Naturwiss. 
Ges. Isis, 1884, Abh., p. 15. (Tenimber Islands.) 

Tenimber Islands. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi keyensis Finsch 
Psittacus capistratus G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 188, 
p. 195. (Kei Islands.) Not Psittacus capistratus Bechstein 1811. 
Geoffroyus keyensis ‘‘Schleg.”’ Finsch, Papageien, 2, 1868, p. 956. (Kei 
Kei Islands. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi aruensis (G. R. Gray) 
Psittacus aruensis G. R. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1858, p. 183. 
(Aru Islands.) 
Aru Islands; southeastern New Guinea, from the Kumusi River on the 
north and the Mimika River on the south, eastward; Fergusson Island. 

Geoffroyus geoffroyi orientalis A. B. Meyer 
Geoffroyus orientalis A. B. Meyer, Abh. Ber. k. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 
1890-91 (1891), no. 4, p. 4. (Huon Gulf, Bussum, Yakana, New 
Confined to the Huon Peninsula, northeastern New Guinea. 

1 Salomonsen restricts the type locality of G. g. rhodops to Amboina. He 
apparently lacked specimens from Saparua, Haruku and Ceramlaut, hence 
subspecific identity of birds from these last three islands now remains to be 


Geoffroyus geoffroyi maclennani (Macgillivray) 
Pseudopsittacus maclennani Macgillivray, Emu, 18, 1913, p. 105. 
(Pascoe River, Queensland.) 
Geoffroyus geoffroyt macgillivrayi Mathews, Bds. Austr., 4, 1917, p. 253. 
New name for maclennant. 
Pascoe River district, northern Queensland. 
Geoffroyus geoffroyi sudestiensis De Vis 

Geoffroyus sudestiensis De Vis, Ann. Rept. Brit. New Guinea, 1890, p. 58. 
(Sudest Island.) 
Known only from Misima (or St. Aignan) and Tagula (or Sudest) 
Islands in the Louisiade Archipelago. 
Geoffroyus geoffroyi cyanicarpus Hartert 

Geoffroyus aruensis cyanicarpus Hartert, Nov. Zool., 6, 1899, p. 81. 
(Rossel Island.) 

Known only from Roua (or Rossel) Island in the Louisiade Archipelago. 
—— Geoffroyus geoffroyi pucherani Souancé 

Geoffroyus Pucherani Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 218. 
(New Guinea, Moluccas.) 
?Geoffroyus dorsalis Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 1875, p. 758. 
(Near Andai, New Guinea.)! 
Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu, Batanta, Salawati, Misol; north- 
western New Guinea east to about the latitude of Etna Bay. 
Geoffroyus geoffroyi mysoriensis (A. B. Meyer) 

Pionias Pucherani var. mysoriensis A. B. Meyer, Sitzungsb. K. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, math.-naturwiss. K1., 70, Abth. 1, 1874, p. 225. (Mysori.) 

Pionias Pucherani var. maforensis A. B. Meyer, Sitzungsb. K. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, math.-naturwiss. K1., 70, Abth. 1, 1874, p. 225. (Mafor 
[now Numfor].) 

Islands of Biak and Korrido (Misori) in Geelvink Bay; Numfor(?). 
Geoffroyus geoffroyi jobiensis (A. B. Meyer) 
Pionias Pucherani var. jobiensis A. B. Meyer, Sitzungsb. K. Akad. 
Wiss. Wien, math.-naturwiss. K1., 70, Abth. 1, 1874, p. 225. (Jobi.) 
Islands of Jobi (or Japen) and Mios Nom. 
—— Geoffroyus geoffroyi minor Neumann 

Geoffroyus personatus minor Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 15, 1922, 
p. 235. (Jagei River, tributary of the Ramu, New Guinea.)? 

Northern New Guinea from the Mamberano River to Astrolabe Bay. 

1 Known only from the unique type in the Museum of Genova; considered 
probably to be an aberration of pucherant, but its status has never been defi- 
nitely settled. 

2 Hartert, Nov. Zool., 36, 1930, p. 108, considers this race inseparable from 


Geoffroyus simplex simplex (A. B. Meyer) 
Pionias simplex A. B. Meyer, Verh. k. k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 34, 1874, 
p. 389. (Arfak Mountains, 3500 feet, New Guinea.) 

Vogelkop, New Guinea. 

Geoffroyus simplex biirgersi Neumann 
Geoffroyus simplex biirgersi Neumann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 15, 1922, 
p. 235. (Maeanderberg, upper Sepik River, New Guinea.) 

Known definitely only from the Upper Sepik River and Hunstein Peak; 
the subspecific allocation of the birds recorded from the Snow Mountains 
and the Moroka district is uncertain. Mayr (Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 
1931, p. 720) refers birds seen, but not secured, at Dawong, Herzog Mts., 
to G. s. biirgerst. 

Geoffroyus heteroclitus heteroclitus (Hombron and Jacquinot) 

Psittacus Geoffroyi heteroclitus Hombron and Jacquinot, Ann. Sci. Nat., 
Zool. (2), 16, 1841, p. 319. (San Jorge and Ysabel Islands, Solomon 

Lavongai, New Ireland, New Britain, Lihir Group and Solomon Islands: 

Vella Lavella, Ysabel, Kulambangra, San Jorge, Florida, Malaita, Guadal- 
canar and San Cristébal. 

Geoffroyus heteroclitus hyacinthinus Mayr 

Geoffroyus heteroclitus hyacinthinus Mayr, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 486, 
1931, p. 18. (Rennell Island.) 

Confined to Rennell Island, Solomon Islands. 


Prioniturus Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 490. Type, by monotypy, Psittacus platurus Vieillot. 

cf. Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 8, 1934, p. 78-85. 
Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 265-266 (remarks on some types). 
McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 275-281. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 1, 1898, p. 1383-139. 

Prioniturus luconensis Steere 

Prioniturus Luconensis Steere, List Bds. Mamm. Steere Exped., 1890, 
p. 6. (Marinduque and Luzon.) 

Philippine Islands: Luzon, Marinduque. 

Prioniturus discurus discurus (Vieillot) 

Psittacus discurus Vieillot, Gal. Ois., 1, 1822, Order 2me, p. 7, pl. 26. 
Philippine Islands: Luzon, Catanduanes, Tablas, Sibuyan, Masbate, 
Samar, Leyte, Bohol, Cebu, Negros, Guimaras, Mindanao (lowlands), 
Olutanga, Basilan. 


?Prioniturus discurus suluénsis W. Blasius 

Prioniturus discurus (Vieill.) var. nov. suluénsis W. Blasius, Journ. f. 
Orn., 38, 1890, p. 140. (Jolo, Sulu Archipelago.) 

Sulu Archipelago: Jolo. Doubtfully distinct from P. d. discurus. 

Prioniturus discurus mindorensis Steere 

Prioniturus Mindorensis Steere, List. Bds. Mamm. Steere Exped., 1890, 
p. 6. (Mindoro.) 

Philippine Islands: Mindoro. 

Prioniturus discurus waterstradti Rothschild 
Prioniturus waterstradti Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, 1904, p. 72. 
(Mount Apo, 3000 feet, Mindanao.) 
Philippine Islands: Mindanao, where confined to Mount Apo.! 

Prioniturus discurus malindangensis Mearns 

Prioniturus malindangensis Mearns, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 36, 1909, 
p. 437. (Mount Lebo, 5000 feet, spur of Mount Malindang, Misamis 
Province, Mindanao.) 

Philippine Islands: Mindanao, where confined to Mount Malindang. 

Prioniturus discurus platenae W. Blasius 

Prioniturus platenae W. Blasius, Braunschweig Anz., no. 37, 12 Feb., 
1888, p. 335. (Palawan.) 

Prioniturus cyaneiceps Sharpe, Ibis, Apr., 1888, p. 194. (Near Puerto 
Princesa, Palawan.) 

Philippine Islands: Busuanga, Palawan, Dumaran and Balabac. 

Prioniturus flavicans montanus Ogilvie-Grant 

Prioniturus montanus Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4, 1895, p. 41. 
(Mountains of Lepanto, Luzon.) 

Philippine Islands: mountains of Luzon. 

~~ Prioniturus flavicans verticalis Sharpe 

Prioniturus verticalis Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3, 1893, p. 10. (Tawi 
Tawi, Sibutu and Bongao.) 

Sulu Archipelago: Jolo, Bongao, Tawi Tawi, and Sibutu. 

_—— Prioniturus flavicans flavicans Cassin 
Prioniturus flavicans Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 6, 1853, p. 373. 
Northern Celebes and Togian Islands: Great Sangir Island (?). 

1 According to Hachisuka this bird is found above 6000 ft. on Mt. Apo; the 
type is said to have been taken at an elevation of about 3000 ft. and this latter 
comparatively low altitude induced Hartert (Nov. Zool., 13, 1906, p. 756) to 
regard waterstradti as a distinct species. 


Prioniturus platurus talautensis Hartert 
Prioniturus platurus talautensis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 5, 1898, p. 89. 
(Lirong, Talaut Islands.) 
Talaut Islands. 
Prioniturus platurus platurus (Vieillot) 
Psittacus platurus “Temm.” Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 
(1818), p. 314. (New Caledonia, error = Celebes.) 
Celebes, Togian Islands, Lembeh Islands, Siao, Peling, Banggai and 
Prioniturus mada Hartert 
Prioniturus mada Hartert, Nov. Zool., 7, 1900, p. 230. (Mount Mada, 
3000 feet, Buru.) 
Mountains of Buru between 2700 and 5000 feet. 


Tanygnathus Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Acad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 
1832, p. 501. Type, by subsequent designation, 7’. macrorhynchus 
(L.) Wagl., Pl. enlum., no. 713 = Psittacus megalorynchos Boddaert. 
(Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 52.) 

cf. Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 3, 1934, p. 85-90. 
McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 281-284. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 1, 1898, p. 140-149. 
Rensch, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 524-525. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 422-433. 
Siebers, Treubia, 7, suppl., livr. 5, 1930, p. 261-263. (Rediscovery of 

gramineus; habits.) 

Tanygnathus lucionensis lucionensi¢ (Linné) 
Psittacus lucionensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 146. (Philip- 
pine Islands, 7.e. Luzon, ex Brisson, Orn., 4, p. 295-296.) 
Philippine Islands generally, except those islands occupied by the next 
three forms. 
?Tanygnathus lucionensis koikei Hachisuka 
Tanygnathus lucionensis koiket Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Janan, suppl. 
publ. no. 14, 1930, p. 160. (Davao Province, Mindanao, Philippine 
Philippine Islands: Bohol, Mindanao. Doubtfully distinct from T. U. 
?Tanygnathus lucionensis paraguenus Hachisuka 
Tanygnathus lucionensis paraguenus Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, suppl. 
publ. no. 14, 1930, p. 160. (Princesa, Palawan, Philippine Islands.) 
Palawan; Lawas River,! Borneo. Doubtfully distinct from 7’. 1. lucio- 

1 Recorded by Hachisuka; believed by Chasen to be a captive bird. 


~~ Tanygnathus lucionensis moro Hachisuka 

Tanygnathus lucionensis moro Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 3, 1934, 
p. 87. (Sulu [7.e. Jolo], Philippine Islands.) 

Sulu Archipelago: Jolo, Tawi Tawi and Sibutu. 

?Tanygnathus lucionensis salvadorii Ogilvie-Grant 

Tanygnathus salvadorii Ogilvie-Grant, Ibis, 1896, p. 562. (Mantanani 

Mantanani Islands, off British North Borneo. Doubtfully distinct from 
T. 1. lucionensis.1 

Tanygnathus lucionensis horrisonus Bangs and Peters 

Tanygnathus lucionensis horrisonus Bangs and Peters, Occ. Papers Bos- 
ton Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, 1927, p. 263. (Maratua Island.) ” 

Maratua Island, off the east coast of Borneo. 

Tanygnathus lucionensis talautensis Meyer and Wiglesworth 

Tanygnathus talautensis Meyer and Wiglesworth, Abh. Ber. K. Zool. 
Mus. Dresden, 1894-95 (1895), no. 9, p. 2. (Karkellang and Esang 
Islands, Talaut Islands.) 

Talaut Islands. 

Tanygnathus mulleri freeri McGregor 

Tanygnathus freeri McGregor, Phil. Journ. Sci., §, Sec. D, 1910, p. 108. 
(Polillo, Philippine Islands.) 

Confined to Polillo Island, Philippines. 

Tanygnathus mulleri everetti Tweeddale 

Tanygnathus Everetti Tweeddale, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 20, 1877, 
p. 533. (Butuan, Mindanao.) 

Philippine Islands: Luzon, Panay, Negros and Mindanao. 

Tanygnathus mulleri burbidgii Sharpe 

Tanygnathus burbidgit Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 3138. 
(Sulu Islands.) 

Sulu Archipelago: Jolo, Bongao and Tawi Tawi. 

~~ Tanygnathus mulleri sangirensis Meyer and Wiglesworth 

Tanygnathus muelleri sangirensis Meyer and Wiglesworth, Journ. f.Orn., 
42, 1894, p. 113. (Great Sangir Island.) 
Sangir Islands; specimens from the Talaut Islands are intermediate be- 
tween this form and 7. m. mullerv. 

1 cf. Kloss, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 4, 1930, p. 122. 
2 Both T. 1. salvadorii and T. l. horrisonus are considered synonymous with 
T. 1. lucionensis by Chasen, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 11, 1935, p. 92. 


Tanygnathus mulleri mulleri (S. Miller) 
Psittacus Mulleri S. Miller, Verh. nat. gesch. Ned., Land-en Volkenk., 
pt. 4, 1841, p. 108. (Buton.) 

Celebes and small islands off the northeast tip of the northern peninsula; 
Togian Islands; Banggai Archipelago; Sula Islands; Buton. 

Tanygnathus gramineus (Gmelin) 
Psittacus gramineus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 338. (Amboina, 
error = Buru.) 
Mountains of Buru. 

Tanygnathus heterurus Salvadori 
Tanygnathus heterurus Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 45, 1912, 
p. 328. (Celebes or Papuasia.) 
Known only from the unique type; its true habitat is unknown. 

Tanygnathus megalorynchos megalorynchos (Boddaert) 
Psittacus megalorynchos Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 17838, p. 45. (New 
Guinea, ex Daubenton, pl. 713.) 

Talaut Islands; Sangir Islands; small islands off the northern peninsula 
of Celebes; northern Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera, Muor, Ternate, 
Tidore, Moti, Batjan, Makian, Obi, Weeda; Western Papuan Islands: 
Gebe, Waigeu, Batanta, Salawati, Misol; small islands off northwestern 
New Guinea. 

Tanygnathus megalorynchos affinis Wallace 
Tanygnathus affinis Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 20. 
(Buru, Amboina and Ceram.) 
Southern Moluceas: Buru, Ceram, Amboina and Haruku. 

Tanygnathus megalorynchos viridipennis Hartert 
Tanygnathus megalorhynchos viridipennis Hartert, Nov. Zool., 10, 1903, 
p. 22. (Tomia Island, Tukang Besi Islands.) 
Tukang Besi Islands; islands of Kalao tua and Madu. 

Tanygnathus megalorynchos djampeae Hartert 
Tanygnathus megalorhynchos djampeae Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, 
p. 126. (Djampea Island.) 
Islands of Djampea and Kalao. 

Tanygnathus megalorynchos floris Hartert 
Tanygnathus megalorhynchos floris Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 126. 
(Mangarai, southern Flores.) 
Island of Flores. 


Tanygnathus megalorynchos sumbensis A. B. Meyer 
Tanygnathus megalorhynchus (Bodd.) var. sumbensis A. B. Meyer, Verh. 
k. k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 31, 1881, p. 762. (Sumba.) 
Island of Sumba. 

~~~ Tanygnathus megalorynchos subaffinis Sclater 
Tanygnathus subaffinis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1883, p. 53. 
(Larat Island.) 

Babar Island; Tenimber Islands. 

Nore — Tanygnathus megalorynchos has been recorded from Balut 
Island, off the southern tip of Mindanao, and from the island of Semao, off 
the southwestern end of Timor. Whether these records represent unde- 
scribed races or are referable to some already named form is not known. 
In a recent review of Tanygnathus megalorynchos, Hachisuka has named 
the following three races: — 
Tanygnathus megalorhynchos obiensis Hachisuka, L’Ois. et Rev. Frang. 
d’Orn. (n.s.), 5, 1935, p. 216. (Obi Major.) 
Tanygnathus megalorhynchos batchianensis Hachisuka, L’Ois. et Rev. 
Frang. d’Orn. (n.s.), 5, 1935, p. 216. (Batjan.) 
Tanygnathus megalorhynchos fuliginosus Hachisuka, L’Ois. et Rev. 
Frang. d’Orn. (n.s.), 5, 1935, p. 217. (‘‘Sanghir,” Sangir Island.) 

The material on which his conclusions are based is not listed and the 
brief diagnoses suggest that the characters may be individual rather than 
geographical. I list the names here without comment as to their possible 
validity; lack of material prevents my reaching definite conclusions. 


Mascarinus Lesson, Traité d’Orn., livr. 8, 1830, p. 188. Type, by tau- 
tonymy, Mascarinus madagascariensis Lesson = Psittacus mascarin 

cf. Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 63-64, pl. 9. 
7Mascarinus mascarin (Linné) 
Psittacus mascarin. Linné, Mantissa, 1771, p. 524. (‘‘Mascarina.’’) 

Formerly inhabited the Island of Réunion. Now extinct, two specimens 


Psittacula Cuvier, Lecons d’Anat. Comp., 1, 1800, table at end. Type, 
by subsequent designation, Psittacus alexandri Linné. (Mathews, 
Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 169.) 

1 Replaces Palaeornis Vigors 1825. 


cf. Delacour and Jabouille, Ois. Indochine Frang., 2, 1931, p. 151-158. 
LaTouche, Handb. Bds. East. China, 2, 1931, p. 60-64. 
Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 4, 1927, p. 197-214; 7, 
1930, p. 339-342. 
van Schauburg, Alauda, 5, 1933, p. 307-330. 

Psittacula eupatria nipalensis (Hodgson) 
Palaeornis Nipalensis Hodgson, As. Res., 19, pt. 1, 1836, p. 177. 
P{alaeornis] indoburmanicus Hume, Str. Feath., 7, 1878, p. 459. (No 
locality, restricted to Sikkim by Kloss infra.) 
Northern and central India from the lower Himalayas east to Bhutan, 
south to Karachi, Kanara, the Central Provinces and Assam. 
Psittacula eupatria eupatria (Linné) 
Psittacus Eupatria Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 140. (No lo- 
cality = Gingi, India ex Brisson.) 
Southern India: Hyderabad, Travancore and probably Malabar and 
Mysore; Ceylon. 
Psittacula eupatria avensis (Kloss) 

Palzornis eupatria avensis Kloss, Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 2, 1917, 
p. 219. (Bhamo, Upper Burma.) 

Cachar and all of Burma south to Amherst. 

Psittacula eupatria siamensis (Kloss) 

Palzornis eupatria siamensis Kloss, Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 2, 1917, 
p. 219. (Lat Bua Kao, eastern Siam.) 

Siam, Bas-Laos, Cambodia and Cochinchina. 

Psittacula eupatria magnirostris (Ball) 

Palzxornis magnirostris Ball, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 41, 1872, pt. 2, 
p. 278. (Andaman Islands.) 

Andaman Islands. 

Psittacula eupatria wardi (EX. Newton) 

Palzornis wardi FE. Newton, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, p. 346. 

Formerly abundant in the Seychelles; now confined to the Island of 
Silhouette.! Possibly extinct. : 
Psittacula krameri krameri (Scopoli) 

Psittacus krameri Scopoli, Annus I, Hist.-Nat., 1769, p. 31. (No locality 
= Senegal, fide Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 28, 1915, p. 73, note.) ? 

1 This bird is without doubt a member of the ewpatria ‘‘ Formenkreis.” 
2 Replaces Palaeornis docilis (Vieillot) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


West Africa from Senegal to Portuguese Guinea and the upper Niger; 
the birds from Togo and Gold Coast hinterland are intermediate between 
this race and the next. Recorded from the Cape Verde Islands. 

Psittacula krameri centralis (Neumann) 
Palaeornis krameri centralis Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 23, 1915, p. 73. 
(Gondokoro, White Nile.) 

Lake Chad eastward to the White Nile and south to northern Cameroon, 
French Equatorial Africa, Ubangi-Shari and Bahr el Ghazal. 

Psittacula krameri parvirostris (Souancé) 
Palzornis parvirostris “Bp.” Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, 
p. 157. (Abyssinia.) 
Eritrea, northern Ethiopia and the Sennar district of the Sudan. 

~ Psittacula krameri echo (Newton and Newton) 

Palzornis echo A. and E. Newton, Ibis, 1876, p. 284, pl. 6. (Mauritius.) 

Confined to the island of Mauritius; believed to be verging on extinction 
but no recent information as to its status. 

‘Psittacula krameri borealis (Neumann) 

Palaeornis krameri borealis Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 23, 1915, p. 178. 
(Assam. ) 

Northwestern provinces, Punjab and the base of the Himalayas to 
Sikkim and southern Assam, south to Baluchistan, Sind, lat. 20° N. on the 
Indian Peninsula, Burma and the Shan States; southeastern China 
(Maccao, Hong Kong); recorded from Indochina, but no specimens known 
from there. 

Psittacula krameri manillensis (Bechstein) 
Psittacus Manillensis Bechstein, Stubenvégel, 1800, 2nd Gotha ed., 
p. 612. (Philippines, error = Ceylon.)! 
Indian Peninsula south of lat. 20° N.; Ceylon. 

Nore. — Psittacus eques Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 13, based on 
the ‘‘Perruche 4 collier, d’ Isle de Bourbon,” Daubenton, Pl]. enlum.., pl. 
215, is believed to have inhabited the island of Réunion, but is now extinct 
and no specimens have been preserved. If Daubenton’s plate really repre- 
sents the Réunion bird it is clearly conspecific with Ps. krameri; in fact it 
is not possible to tell just how it differed from Ps. krameri echo. 

~—~ Psittacula alexandri fasciata (P. L. S. Miiller) 

Psittacus fasciatus P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 74. 
(Pondicherry, error, restricted to Arakan by Ticehurst, Journ. Bombay 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 36, 1933, p. 934.) 

1 Replaces Palaeornis torquata of authors, not of Boddaert. 


Lower Himalayas from Kuman to Assam; southwestern Yunnan and 
Tonkin, south over Burma to Tenasserim and the Mergui Archipelago, 
Siam and all of French Indochina; Island of Hainan; recorded from south- 

ern China. 

Psittacula alexandri abbotti (Oberholser) 
Conurus fasciatus abbotti Oberholser, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 32, 1919, 
p. 29. (South Andaman Island.) 

Andaman Islands. 

Psittacula alexandri cala (Oberholser) 
Conurus fasciatus calus Oberholser, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 1912, no. 7, 
p. 4. (Sibabo Bay, Simalur Island.) 

Simalur Island. 

Psittacula alexandri major (Richmond) 
Palxornis major Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 15, 1902, p. 188. 
(Pulo Babi, west coast of Sumatra.) 
Known only from Pulo Babi and Pulo Lasia in the Tapa Islands (off the 
western coast of Sumatra between Simalur and Nias Islands). 

Psittacula alexandri perionca (Oberholser) 
Conurus fasciatus perioncus Oberholser, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 1912, 
no. 7, p. 4. (Samasama, Nias Island.) 

Nias Island. 

Psittacula alexandri alexandri (Linné) 
Psittacus alexandri Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 97. (“China, 
Benghala, Aethiopia’”’ = Java.) 
Java, Bali, Kangean Islands, southern Borneo. 

Psittacula alexandri dammermani Chasen and Kloss 
Psittacula alecandri dammermani Chasen and Kloss, Bull. Raffles Mus., 
no. 7, 1932, p. 8. (Karimon Java Island, Java Sea.) 

Confined to Karimon Java Island. 

Psittacula caniceps (Blyth) 
Palzornis caniceps Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 15, 1846, p. 28. 
Confined to the Nicobar Islands. 

Psittacula exsul (A. Newton) 
Palzornis exsul A. Newton, Ibis, 1872, p. 38. (Rodriguez.) 
Confined to the Island of Rodriguez. Now believed to be extinct.. 

Psittacula derbyana (Fraser) 
Palzornis Derbyanus Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1850 (1852), 
p. 245, Aves, pl. 25. (No locality, cage bird.) 


Palxornis Salvadorii Oustalet, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 18, 1893, p. 19. 
(Szechuan and Chinese Tibet.) 
Southeastern Tibet; southwestern China in provinces of Szechuan and 

~ Psittacula longicauda longicauda (Boddaert) 

Psittacus longicauda Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 53. (Malacca, 
ex Daubenton, Pl. enlum., pl. 887.) 
Malay Peninsula from Perak southward, Sumatra, Nias Island, Banka 
Island, Billiton Island, Anamba Islands and Borneo. 

Psittacula longicauda tytleri (Hume) 

Palaeornis Tytleri Hume, Str. Feath., 2, 1874, p. 454. (Andaman 
Islands; new name for Palaeornis affinis Beavan 1867, not of Gould 

All the islands of the Andaman Group from the Preparis to the Ten 

Degree Channel. 

~ Psittacula longicauda nicobarica (Gould) 

Palzornis Nicobaricus Gould, Bds. Asia, pt. 9, 1857, pl. 13 [= 6, pl. 6 
of bound vol.]. (Nicobars; new name for Palaeornis erythrogenys 
Blyth 1846, not of Lesson 1831.) 

Nicobar Islands. 
Psittacula longicauda defontainei Chasen 

Psittacula longicauda defontainei Chasen, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 9, 1934, 
p- 98. (Bunguran Island, Natuna Islands.) 

Natuna Islands, Rhio Archipelago, Bintang Island, Karimata Island. 

Psittacula longicauda modesta (Fraser) 

Palzornis modestus Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1845, p. 16. (No 
locality, cage bird.) 
Engano Island. 

Psittacula cyanocephala cyanocephala (Linné) 
Psittacus cyanocephalus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766 p. 141. (East 
Indies = Gingi.) 
Forested parts of southern India; Ceylon. 
Psittacula cyanocephala bengalensis (Forster) 
Psittacus bengalensis Forster in Pennant’s Indian Zool., 1781, p. 40. 
Northern India and Bengal. 

~ Psittacula cyanocephala rosa (Boddaert) 

Psittacus rosa Boddaert, Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 53. (Mahé, error, re- 
stricted to Chittagong by Whistler and Kinnear, Journ. Bombay Nat. 
Hist. Soc., 37, 1935, p. 753.) 


Assam, Shan States and southern China (in provinces of Kwangsi and 
Kwangtung),! south to Tenasserim, Siam, Cambodia and Cochinchina. 

Psittacula intermedia (Rothschild) 
Palaeornis intermedia Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 2, 1895, p. 492. (India.) 
Distribution unknown; status uncertain.? 

Psittacula himalayana himalayana (Lesson) 
Psittacus (Conurus) Himalayanus Lesson, in Bélanger’s Voy. Ind. 
Orient., Zool., 1832, p. 239. (Valleys of the Himalayas.) 
Northern India from Kashmir to western Assam, breeding up to 8000 
feet, descending in winter to between 2000 and 4000 feet. 

Psittacula himalayana finschii (Hume) 
Palzornis Finschit Hume, Str. Feath., 2, 1874, p. 509. (Kollidoo, 3500- 
5000 feet, upper Salween River, Burma.) 
Eastern Assam and western Yunnan, south to Tenasserim, northern 
Siam, southern Laos and central Annam. 

Psittacula calthorpae (Blyth) 
Palxornis Calthrapae [sic] “Layard” Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 18, 
1849, pt. 2, p. 800. (Ceylon.)4 
Forests of Ceylon. 

Psittacula columboides (Vigors) 

Palzornis columboides Vigors, Zool. Journ., 5, 1830, p. 274. (No locality; 
Aneichardi, Travancore, designated by Stuart Baker, Journ. Bombay 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 28, 1922, p. 332.)5 

Palzornis melanorhynchus Sykes, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 2, 
1832, p. 96. (The Ghauts, India.) 

Southwestern India from the Bombay Presidency (Khandala) to Tra- 



Polytelis Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. K1., 1, 1832, 
p. 489. Type, by monotypy, P. barrabandi = Psittacus barrabandi 
Swainson, not of Kuhl = Psittacus swainsonit Desmarest. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 258-276. 

1 The Yunnan record requires confirmation, see Rothschild, Nov. Zool., 33, 
1926, p. 245. 

2 For history, see Hartert, Nov. Zool., 31, 1924, p. 126. 

3 Replaces Palaeornis schisticeps Hodgson 1836. 

4 An obvious lapsus calami; named in honor of a Miss Calthorp; the cor- 
rection is admissible; see Sharpe, Hand-list, 2, 1900, p. 32, note. 

5 Replaces Palaeornis peristerodes Finsch 1868. 



‘Polytelis swainsonii (Desmarest)! 
Psittacus Swainsoniit Desmarest, Dict. Sci. Nat., éd. Levrault, 39, 1826, 
p. 39. (New Holland = New South Wales, apud Mathews.) New 
name for Psittacus barrabandi Swainson preoccupied. 
Polytelis swainsoni whitet Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1916, p. 57. 
(Tubbo, Riverina, New South Wales.) 
Inland parts of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. 

~~ Polytelis anthopeplus (Lear)? 

Palzornis anthopeplus Lear, Illustr. Psittac., pt. 8, 1831, [= pl. 29 of 
bound volume]. (No locality = New South Wales.) 
Polytelis anthopeplus westralis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, 
p. 127. (West Australia.) 
Southern Australia from the southern part of West Australia to the in- 
terior of New South Wales and Victoria. 


Spathopterus North, Ibis, 1895, p. 339. Type, by original designation, 
S. alexandrae (Gould) = Polytelis alexandrae Gould. 

Northipsitta Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, p. 127. New name to 
replace Spathopterus North on grounds of preoccupation by Spathop- 
tera Audinet-Serville, 1835; Entomology. 

Polytelis alexandrae Gould 
Polyteles alexandre Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863, p. 232. 
(Howell’s Ponds, Central Australia.) 
Spathopterus alexandrex rogersi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1916, p. 57. 
(Northwest Australia.) 
Interior of Australia from the southern part of North Australia to the 
northern part of South Australia and in the eastern part of West Australia. 


Aprosmictus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1842 (1843), p. 111. Type, 
by subsequent designation, Psittacus erythropterus Gmelin (G. R. 
Gray, Gen. Bds., 2, 1846, p. 408). 

cf. Hellmayr, Avif. Timor, 1914, p. 82. 
Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 277-286. 

1 Replaces Polytelis barrabandi (Swainson) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

? Replaces Polytelis melanura (Vigors) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 

3 Replaces Ptistes Gould of Sharpe’s Hand-list, not applicable. For details 
see Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1911, p. 18. 


Aprosmictus jonquillaceus jonquillaceus (Vieillot) 
Psittacus jonquillaceus Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818), 
p. 352. (New Holland, error = Timor.) 


Aprosmictus jonquillaceus wetterensis (Salvadori) 

Ptistes wetterensis Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 481 (in 
key), p. 484. (Wetar.) 

Wetar Island. 

Aprosmictus erythropterus coccineopterus (Gould) 

Ptistes coccineopterus Gould, Handb. Bds. Austr., 2, 1865, p. 39. (Port 

Aprosmictus erythropterus parryensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, Jan., 
1912, p. 268. (Parry’s Creek, northwestern Australia.) 

Aprosmictus erythropterus yorki Mathews, Austr!Av. Rec., 1, Dec., 1912, 
p. 118. (Cape York, Queensland.) 

Aprosmictus erythropterus melvillensis Zietz, South Austr. Orn., 1, 1914, 
p. 14. (Melville Island.) 

Southern New Guinea from Princess Marianne Straits to Merauke; 
northern Australia from King Sound to the Cape York Peninsula; Melville 

Aprosmictus erythropterus erythropterus (Gmelin) 

Psittacus erythropterus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 348. (No 
locality = New South Wales, apud Mathews.) 

Eastern Australia from southern Queensland to New South Wales. 

Grenus ALISTERUS Maturews 

Alisterus Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1911, p. 13. New name to replace 
Aprosmictus Gould 1865 not of Gould 1843. Type, by original desig- 
nation, Psittacus cyanopygius Vieillot = Psittacus scapularis Lichten- 

cf. Neumann, Verh. VI Int. Orn. Kongr., 1929, p. 486-454. 

Alisterus amboinensis sulaensis (Reichenow) 

Aprosmictus sulaensis Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 29, 1881, p. 128. (Sula 

Peling Island and the Sula Islands. 

Alisterus amboinensis hypophonius (8. Miller) 

Psittacus (Platycercus) hypophonius 8. Miller, Verh. nat. gesch. Ned., 
Land-en Volkenk., pt. 6, 1843, p. 181, note. (Halmahera.) 



——— Alisterus amboinensis buruensis (Salvadori) 
Aprosmictus buruensis Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 8, 1876, 
p. 3871. (Kajeli, Buru.) 
———-Alisterus amboinensis amboinensis (Linné) 
Psittacus amboinensis Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 141. (Am- 
Amboina and Ceram. 

Alisterus amboinensis dorsalis (Quoy and Gaimard) 

Psittacus (Platycercus) dorsalis Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. ‘Astrolabe,’ 
Zool., 1, 1830, p. 234, pl. 21, f. 3. (Dorey [now Manokwari], New 

Western Papuan Islands: Waigeu, Gemien, Batanta and Salawati; 

northwestern New Guinea east to the Weyland Mts. 

Alisterus chloropterus moszkowskii (Reichenow) 
Aprosmictus moszkowskii Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 19, 1911, p. 82. 
(Taua [mouth of the Mamberano River], New Guinea.) 
Alisterus mosskowensis ‘‘Reichenow” Mathews, Syst. Av. Australas., 
pt. 1, 1927, p. 333. Lapsus! 
Alisterus amboinensis wiedenfeldi Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 35, 1927, 
p. 18. (Berlin Bay, New Guinea.) 
Northern New Guinea from the northeastern coast of Geelvink Bay 
east to the Finsch coast. 

Alisterus chloropterus wilhelminae (Ogilvie-Grant) 
Aprosmictus wilhelmine Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 27, 1911, 
p. 83. (Kaparé River, 1700 feet, New Guinea.) 
Alisterus amboinensis stresemanni Neumann, Orn. Monatsb., 35, 1927, 
p. 17. (Lordberg, middle Sepik River, New Guinea.) 
Weyland Mountains, Snow Mountains, Resi Mountains and Sepik 
Mountains, New Guinea. 

Alisterus chloropterus callopterus (D’Albertis and Salvadori) 
Aprosmictus callopterus D’Albertis and Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. 
Genova, 14, 1879,! p. 29. (Fly River, 300-420 miles from the mouth, 
New Guinea.) 
Upper Fly River, New Guinea. 
~ Alisterus chloropterus chloropterus (Ramsay) 
Aprosmictus chloropterus Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 3, 

1879,! p. 251. (Goldie River, New Guinea [40 miles inland from Port 

1 While it is impossible to state with certainty whether callopterus or chlo- 
ropterus has priority, the evidence that I have been able to gather leans slightly 
in favor of the latter name as being the earlier. 


Southeastern New Guinea west to the Sattelberg on the north and to the 
Aroa River on the south. 

Alisterus scapularis minor Mathews 
Alisterus cyanopygius minor Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1911, p. 23. 
(Cairns, Queensland.) 
Northern Queensland. 

Alisterus scapularis scapularis (Lichtenstein) 
Psittacus scapularis Lichtenstein, Zool. Mus. Univ. Berlin, ed. 2, 1818, 
p. 26. (No locality = New South Wales, apud Mathews.) 
Aprosmictus cyanopygius neglectus Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, 
p. 269. (Victoria, type from Olinda.) 
Southern Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. 

Nore. — Aprosmictus insignissimus Gould is now believed to be a hybrid 
between Alisterus scapularis scapularis and Aprosmictus erythropterus 

Genus PROSOPEIA Bonaparte ! 

Prosopeia Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 153. Type, by 
monotypy, Coracopsis personata G. R. Gray. 

Layardiella Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 289. Type, by original 
designation, Psittacus tabuensis Gmelin. 

cf. Finsch, Notes Leyden Mus., 22, 1901, p. 134-141. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 493-498. 
Wood and Wetmore, Ibis, 1925, p. 836-837; 1926, p. 121-126. 

Prosopeia tabuensis tabuensis (Gmelin) 
Psittacus tabuensis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 317. (Friendly 
Islands, 7.e. Tonga Tabu, Tonga Islands, ex Latham, Syn., 1, p. 214, 
no. 16.) 

Fiji Islands: Vanua Levu; introduced * into the Tonga Islands. 

Prosopeia tabuensis taviunensis (Layard) 

Platycercus taviunensis Layard, Ibis, April, 1876, p. 141 (or Proce. Zool. 
Soc. London [after 21 Mar.], 1876, p. 307). (Taviuni, Fiji Islands.) 

Fiji Islands: Taviuni. 

1 Replaces Pyrrhulopsis of authors, not Reichenbach, of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
For details see Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 289. 

* Finsch, antea, p. 140, believes it to have been native to the Tonga 
Islands. Perhaps tabuensis should be restricted to the mixed population of 
Tonga and Platycercus atrogularis Peale revived for the birds from Vanua 


Prosopeia tabuensis koroensis (Layard) 

Platycercus koroensis Layard, Ibis, 1876, p. 391, description on p. 394. 
(Koro, Fiji Islands.) 

Fiji Islands: Koro and Ngau. 

~ Prosopeia tabuensis splendens (Peale) 

Platycercus splendens Peale, U.S. Expl. Exped., 8, 1848, p. 127. (Peale’s 
River, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands.) 

Fiji Islands: Viti Levu, Mbau and Kandavu. 

~ Prosopeia personata (G. R. Gray) 

Coracopsis ? personata G. R. Gray, Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1848, p. 21, 
Aves, pl. 3. (New Guinea?) 

Fiji Islands: Viti Levu, Mbau and Ovalau. Perhaps now confined to 
Viti Levu. 

Psittacella Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1873 (1871), p. 35 
Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus brehmii Rosenberg MS. = 

Psittacella brehmii Schlegel. (Salvadori, Orn. Pap. delle Mol., 1, 1880, 
p. 145.) 

cf. Hartert, Ibis, 1897, p. 58-60, pl. 3. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 498-500. 
Psittacella brehmii brehmii Schlegel 

Psittacella Brehmii Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1873 (1871), 
p. 35. (Mountainous interior, 4000-5000 feet, west coast of Geelvink 
Bay, t.e. Arfak Mountains.) 

Psittacella brehmi typica Hartert, Ibis, 1897, p. 59 (in key), p. 60. (Arfak 

Mountains of the Vogelkop, northwestern New Guinea. 

—~ Psittacella brehmii intermixta Hartert 

Psittacella brehmii intermixta Hartert, Nov. Zool., 36, 1930, p. 107. 
(Mount Goliath, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of southwest-central New Guinea: Gebroeders, Weyland 
Mountains, Utakwa River, upper Eilanden River and Mount Goliath. 
Psittacella brehmii biirgersi Reichenow 

Psittacella biirgersi Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 66, 1918, p. 244. (Schra- 
derberg, New Guinea.) 

Confined to the Schraderberg in northeast central New Guinea. 

Psittacella brehmii harterti Mayr 

Psittacella brehmii harterti Mayr, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, 
p. 702. (Mongi-Busu, Saruwaged Mountains, New Guinea.) 

Confined to the Saruwaged Mountains in eastern New Guinea. 


Psittacella brehmii ornata Mayr 
Psittacella brehmi [sic] ornata Mayr, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, 
p. 720. (Dawong, Herzog Mountains, New Guinea.) 

Known only from the Herzog Mountains and from the coastal range be- 
tween the Markham and the Waria Rivers, eastern New Guinea. 
Psittacella brehmii pallida A. B. Meyer 

Psittacella pallida A. B. Meyer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn., 3, 1886, p.3. (South- 

eastern spurs of the Owen Stanley Range, New Guinea.) 

Mountains of southeastern New Guinea: Eafa district, Owen Stanley 
Range, upper Aroa River, Angabunga River, Mambaré River. 
Psittacella picta lorentzi van Oort 

Psittacella lorentzi van Oort, Notes Leyden Mus., 32, 1910, p. 212. 
(Wichmann Mountains, 3000 meters, New Guinea.) 

Wichmann and Oranje Mountains in south-central New Guinea. 
Psittacella picta picta Rothschild 
Psittacella picta Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 6, 1896, p. 5. (Mount 
Victoria, 5000-7000 feet, Owen Stanley Range, New Guinea.) 
Wharton and Owen Stanley Ranges, southeastern New Guinea. 
Psittacella modesta modesta Schlegel 

Psitacella [sie] modesta Schlegel, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1873 (1871), 
p. 36. (Mountainous interior, 4000-5000 feet, west coast of Geelvink 
Bay, i.e. Arfak Mountains.) 

Mountains of the Vogelkop, northwestern New Guinea. 

Psittacella modesta collaris Ogilvie-Grant 
Psittacella modesta collaris Ogilvie-Grant, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 35, 1914, 
p. 18. (Utakwa River, 5500 feet, New Guinea.) 
Mountains of southwest-central New Guinea: Snow Mountains and 
Mount Goliath. 
Psittacella modesta huonensis Mayr and Rand 
Psittacella modesta huonensis Mayr and Rand, Am. Mus. Novit., no. 814, 
1935, p. 3. (Sevia, Huon Peninsula, New Guinea.) 
Mountains of the Huon Peninsula, northeastern New Guinea. 

Psittacella modesta madardszi A. B. Meyer 

Psittacella madardszi A. B. Meyer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn., 3, 1886, p. 4, 
pl. 1, f. 1. (Southeastern spurs of the Owen Stanley Range, New 

Psittacella madarani Rothschild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 8, 1901, p. 87. 

Mountains of southeastern New Guinea: Aroa River, Angabunga River, 

Owen Stanley Range, coastal ranges between the Markham and the Waria 



Bolbopsittacus Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. xvi, 388 (in 
key), 503. Type, by original designation, Psittacus lunulatus Scopoli. 
cf. McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 284-286. 

‘Bolbopsittacus lunulatus lunulatus (Scopoli) 

Psittacus lunulatus Seopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 1786, 
p. 86. (Luzon ex Sonnerat.) 

Confined to the Island of Luzon, Philippine Islands. 

Bolbopsittacus lunulatus intermedius Salvadori 
Bolbopsittacus intermedius Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, 
p. 504 (in key), p. 505, pl. 13. (Philippine Islands = Samar, fide 
Hachisuka. ) 
Known only from the islands of Samar and Leyte, Philippine Islands. 
Bolbopsittacus lunulatus mindanensis (Steere) 

Cyclopsitta Mindanensis Steere, List Bds. Mamm. Steere Exped., 1890, 
p. 6. (Mindanao.) 

Known only from islands of Mindanao and Panaon, Philippine Islands. 

Genus PSITTINUS Buytu 

Psittinus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 11, 1842, pt. 2, p. 789. Type, 
by monotypy, Psittacus malaccensis Latham, not of Gmelin = 
Psittacus cyanurus J. R. Forster. 

ef. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 500-503. 
~Psittinus cyanurus cyanurus (Forster) 

Psittacus cyanurus Forster, Faunula Indica, ed. 2, 1795, p. 6. (Malacca, 
ex Latham, Gen. Syn., Suppl., 1, p. 66.)! 

Tenasserim and southwestern Siam southward over the Malay Penin- 
sula; Sumatra, Rhio Archipelago, Bintan Island, Banka and Borneo.” 

‘Psittinus cyanurus pontius Oberholser 

Psittinus cyanurus pontius Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 1912, 
no. 7, p. 5. (South Pagi Island.) 

Mentawi Islands: North and South Pagi, Siberut, Sipora. 

1 Replaces Psittacus incertus Shaw 1807; the earliest name, Psittacus malac- 
censis Latham 1790, is preoccupied. 

2 Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Birds, 4, 1927, p. 215, believes the 
bird of the Malay Peninsula to be subspecifically distinct from the form in- 
habiting Sumatra and Borneo, applying to the former the name Psittacus 
macropterus Kuhl. This race is not currently recognized by workers on the 
ornithology of southeastern Asia. Furthermore it appears that macropterus is 
a direct synonym of cyanurus and if two races are involved it is the insular bird 
that requires a name. 


Psittinus cyanurus abbotti Richmond 
Psittinus abbotti Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 15, 1902, p. 188. 
(Simalur Island.) 

Confined to Simalur and Siumat Islands off the western coast of Su- 

Genus AGAPORNIS Srtpy 

Agapornis Selby, Nat. Libr., Parrots, 1836, p. 117. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Psittacus swindernianus Kuhl. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. 
Bds., 1840, p. 53.) 

cf. Bannerman, Bds. Trop. W. Afr., 2, 1931, p. 410-414. (West African 
Neumann, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 387-389. 
Neunzig, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 17, 1926, p. 112-115. (Review of 
African forms.) 
Reichenow, Vog. Afr., 2, pt. 1, 1908, p. 18-24. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 506-514. 

Agapornis cana cana (Gmelin) 
Psittacus canus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 350. (Madagascar 
and Mauritius.) 

Madagascar (except southwestern and central plateau). Introduced 
into Mauritius, Comoro Islands, and Zanzibar and Mafia off the east coast 
of Africa. 

Agapornis cana ablectanea Bangs 

Agapornis madagascariensis ablectanea Bangs, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoél., 
61, 1918, p. 503. (Morondava Delta, southwestern Madagascar.) 

Confined to the arid southwestern portion of Madagascar. 

Agapornis pullaria pullaria (Linné) 
Psittacus pullarius Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 102. (Asia, 
AKthiopia, error, Gold Coast substituted as type locality by Neumann, 
antea, p. 387.) 

Africa from Futa Jalon and Sierra Leone eastward across the Ubangi- 
Shari to the Bahr el Ghazal and Lake Albert, south through Cameroon to 
northern Angola; Island of SAo Thomé and formerly Principé. 

Agapornis pullaria ugandae Neumann 
Agapornis pullaria ugandae Neumann, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 388. 
(Entebbe, Uganda.) 
Uganda and the Omo River region south to Mount Elgon, Lake Edward 
and Ruanda. 


Agapornis roseicollis ! (Vieillot) 
Psittacus roseicollis Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 25, 1817 (1818), 
p. 377. (Interior of the Cape of Good Hope.) 

Southern Angola south to the right bank of the lower Orange River. 

Agapornis taranta taranta (Stanley) 
Psittacus taranta Stanley, in Salt’s Voy. in Abyssinia, 1814, app. IV, 
p. lii. (Pass of Taranta [inland from Massawa], Ethiopia.) 
Southern Eritrea southward over central and eastern Ethiopia, east to 
Harar and south to Lake Abaya. 
Agapornis taranta nana Neumann 

Agapornis taranta nana Neumann, Journ. f. Orn., 79, 1931, p. 550. 
(Northward of Targa, Gofa, Ethiopia.) 

Southwestern Ethiopia in region of the middle and lower Omo and the 
upper Sobat. 
Agapornis swinderniana swinderniana (Kuhl) 
Psittacus Swindernianus Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 62, pl. 2.2. (Africa, z.e. Liberia.) 
Known only from Liberia. 

Agapornis swinderniana zenkeri Reichenow 

Agapornis zenkeri Reichenow, Orn. Monatsb., 3, 1895, p. 112. (Jaunde, 

Cameroon east to the central part of the Belgian Congo. 

Agapornis swinderniana emini Neumann 

Agapornis swinderianus emint Neumann, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 21, 1908, 
p. 42. (Ituri Forest.) 

Ituri and Semliki districts of the Belgian Congo. 

Agapornis fischeri * Reichenow 
Agapornis Fischeri Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 35, 1887, p. 54. (Ussure, 
Tanganyika Territory.) 
Northwestern Tanganyika Territory south and southeast of Lake 

Agapornis personata Reichenow 
Agapornis personata Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn., 35, 1887, p. 40, 55. 
(Serian, Tanganyika Territory.) 
Northeastern Tanganyika Territory in the Irangi region north to Lake 
Manyara and south to northern Uhehe. 

1 Neunzig antea, p. 113, regards roseicollis as a member of the pullaria 
Formenkreis; I am not prepared to accept this disposition. 

* The plate is lettered Swinderianus. 

3 I am unable to agree with Neunzig’s view that A. fischeri, A. personata, 
A. lilianae and A. nigrigenis are all representatives of a single species. 


Agapornis lilianae Shelley 
Agapornis liliane Shelley, Ibis, 1894, p. 466, pl. 12. (Liwondis, Upper 
Shiré, Nyasaland.) 
Northern Rhodesia east of the Loangwa Valley to Nyasaland and south 
to the Zambezi River. 

Agapornis nigrigenis W. L. Sclater 
Agapornis nigrigenis W. L. Sclater, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 1906, p. 61. 
(Muguzzi River, Northern Rhodesia.) 
Northern Rhodesia on the northern tributaries of the Zambezi between 
Sesheke and Victoria Falls. 


Loriculus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 19, 1850, p. 236. Type, by 
monotypy, Psittacus galgulus Linné. 

cf. Hachisuka, Bds. Phil. Ids., pt. 3, 1934, p. 92-104. 
McGregor, Man. Phil. Bds., pt. 1, 1909, p. 286-295. 
Meyer and Wiglesworth, Bds. Celebes, 1, 1898, p. 149-169. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 515-538. 
Stuart Baker, Fauna Brit. Ind., ed. 2, Bds., 4, 1927, p. 216-219; 7, 

1930, p. 843 (sub nom. Corillis). 

Loriculus vernalis vernalis (Sparrman) 
Psittacus vernalis Sparrman, Mus. Carls., fase. 2, 1787, no. xxix and pl. 
(No locality, = Cachar.) 

Eastern Himalayas from Sikkim to Assam, south to eastern Bengal, 
lat. 10° N. on the Malay Peninsula, Siam and French Indochina; Andaman 

Loriculus vernalis rubropygialis (Stuart Baker) 
Coryllis vernalis rubropygialis Stuart Baker, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47, 
1926, p. 44. (Belgaum district, India.) 

Southwestern India from Bombay to Cape Comorin, eastward to the 
Vizagapatam Hills. 

Loriculus beryllinus (J. R. Forster) 
Psittacus beryllinus J. R. Forster, Indische Zool., 1781, p. 40. (Ceylon.)? 

Loriculus pusillus G. R. Gray 
Loriculus pusillus G. R. Gray, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psittacidae, 1859, 
p. 54. (New name for Psittacus vernalis Kuhl, 1820; not of Sparrman, 
Java and Bali. 

1 Not preoccupied by Loricula Curtis 1833, Entomology. 
2 Replaces Loriculus indicus (Gmelin, 1788), of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Loriculus philippensis philippensis (P. L. 8. Miiller) 
Psittacus philippensis P. L. 8. Miller, Natursyst., Suppl., 1776, p. 80. 
(Philippines, 7.e. Luzon, ex Buffon.) 
Philippine Islands: Luzon, Polillo, Marinduque, Catanduanes, Banton. 

Loriculus philippensis mindorensis Steere 
Loriculus Mindorensis Steere, List. Bds. Mamms. Steere Exped., 1890, 
p. 6. (Mindoro, Philippines.) 
Philippine Islands: Mindoro. 

Loriculus philippensis bournsi McGregor 
Loriculus bournsi McGregor, Bur. Govt. Lab., Manila, 25, 1905, p. 16. 
(Sibuyan, Philippines.) 
Philippine Islands: Tablas, Romblon, Sibuyan. 

Loriculus philippensis panayensis Tweeddale 

Loriculus panayensis Tweeddale, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 538. 
(Ilo Ilo, Panay, Philippines.) 

Philippine Islands: Ticao, Masbate, Panay. 

Loriculus philippensis regulus Souancé 
Loriculus regulus Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 222. (No 
locality = Negros, Philippines.) 
Philippine Islands: Guimaras, Negros. 

Loriculus philippensis chrysonotus Sclater 
Loriculus chrysonotus Sclater, Ibis, 1872, p. 324, pl. 11. (Cebu, Philip- 
Philippine Islands: Cebu. 

Loriculus philippensis worcesteri Steere 

Loriculus Worcesteri Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Exped., 1890, 
p. 6. (Samar and Leyte, Philippines.) 

Philippine Islands: Samar, Leyte, Bohol. 

Loriculus philippensis siquijorensis Steere 
Loriculus Siquijorensis Steere, List Bds. Mamms. Steere Exped., 1890, 
p. 6. (Siquijor, Philippines.) 
Philippine Islands: Siquijor. 

Loriculus philippensis apicalis Souancé 

Loriculus apicalis Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 220. 
(Mindanao, Philippines.) 

Philippine Islands: Dinagat, Mindanao, Bazol. 


Loriculus philippensis dohertyi Hartert 
Loriculus philippensis dohertyi Hartert, Nov. Zool., 18, 1906, p. 757. 
(Basilan, Philippines.) 
Philippine Islands: Basilan. 

Loriculus philippensis bonapartei Souancé 
Loriculus Bonapartei Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 8, 1856, p. 222. 
(Sulu Archipelago.) 
Philippine Islands: Jolo, Bongao, Tawi Tawi. 

Loriculus amabilis catamene Schlegel 
Loriculus catamene Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1873 (1871), 
p. 7. (Great Sangir Island.) 
Great Sangir Island. 

Loriculus amabilis ruber Meyer and Wiglesworth 
Loriculus sclatert ruber Meyer and Wiglesworth, Abh. Ber. Mus. 
Dresden, 1896-97 (1896), no. 2, p. 9. (Peling and Banggai.) 

Islands of Peling and Banggai. 

Loriculus amabilis sclateri Wallace 
Loriculus sclateri Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862 (1863), p. 336, 
pl. 38. (Sula Islands.) 
Sula Islands. 

Loriculus amabilis amabilis Wallace 
Loriculus amabilis Wallace, Ibis, 1862, p. 349. (Halmahera.) 

Halmahera and Batjan. 

Loriculus stigmatus stigmatus (S. Miller) 
Psittacus (Psittacula) stigmatus S. Miller, Verh. nat. gesch. Nederl., 
Land-en Volkenk., pt. 6, 1843, p. 182. (Celebes.) 


Loriculus stigmatus quadricolor Walden 
Loriculus quadricolor Walden, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 9, 1872, 
p. 398. (Togian Islands.) 
Togian Islands. 

Loriculus galgulus galgulus (Linné) 
Psittacus Galgulus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 103. (India, 7.e. 
Loriculus galgulus lamprochlorus Oberholser, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 60, 
1912, no. 7, p. 5. (Mojeia River, Nias Island.)! 

1 For remarks on validity of the two races proposed by Oberholser see Riley, 
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 75, 1929, p. 13. 


Malay Peninsula from Wellesley Province and Peninsular Siam south- 
ward; Anamba Islands; Sumatra, Siberut, Sipora, Nias; Rhio Archipelago; 
Bangka, Billiton, Borneo, Labuan Island, Maratua Islands. 

Loriculus galgulus dolichopterus Oberholser 
Loriculus galgulus dolichopterus Oberholser, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 
1912, no. 7, p. 5. (Engano Island.) 
Engano Island. 

Loriculus exilis Schlegel 

Loriculus exilis Schlegel, Neder]. Tijdschr. Dierk., 3, 1866, p. 185. (No 
locality = Tulabulo, Celebes ex Mus. Pays-Bas, 3, Psittaci, Revue, 
p. 60.) 

Northern and southeastern Celebes. 

Loriculus flosculus Wallace 
Loriculus flosculus Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1863 (1864), 
p. 488. (Flores.) 

Loriculus aurantiifrons aurantiifrons Schlegel 
Loriculus aurantiifrons Schlegel, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 1873 (1871), 
p. 9. (Misol.) 

Loriculus aurantiifrons batavorum Stresemann 
Loriculus aurantiifrons batavorum Stresemann, Journ. f. Orn., 61, 1913, 
p. 602. (Snow Mountains, above 3000 feet, New Guinea.) 
Waigeu; northwestern New Guinea eastward on the north coast to the 
Sepik region and on the south to the foothills of the Snow Mountains. 

Loriculus aurantiifrons meeki Hartert 
Loriculus aurantiifrons meeki Hartert, Nov. Zool., 2, 1895, p. 62. (Fer- 
gusson Island.) 
Southeastern New Guinea (recorded chiefly from the northern coast) 
from the Huon Peninsula and the Angabunga River eastward; Fergusson 
and Goodenough Islands. 

Loriculus aurantiifrons tener Sclater 
Loriculus tener Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 107. (Duke of 
York Island.) 
Bismarck Archipelago: Lavongai, New Ireland, Duke of York, New 
Nore. — Loriculus salvadorii Hachisuka, Orn. Soc. Japan, Suppl. Publ. 
no. 14, 1930, p. 163, (believed to be the same as Loriculus sp.? Salvadori, 

1 According to Rensch, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, 1931, p. 525, exilis and 
flosculus are conspecific; while they are no doubt closely related, Rensch’s view 
has not been generally accepted. 


Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 530, note) is known from two specimens 
from Mindanao, Philippines. More information is needed before it can be 
definitely stated to be either a distinct species or an aberration of the com- 
mon L. philippensis apicalis. 


Platycercus Vigors, Zool. Journ., 1, 1825, p. 527. Type, by original desig- 
nation, Psittacus pennantit Latham = Psittacus elegans Gmelin. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 298-383. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 540-556; 558-561. 

Platycercus elegans nigrescens Ramsay 

Platycercus pennantii var. nigrescens Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. Bds., 
1888, p. 34. (Bellenden Ker Range, Queensland.) 

Bellenden Ker Range and adjacent coastal districts of northern Queens- 

Platycercus elegans elegans (Gmelin) 

Psittacus elegans Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 318. (No locality 
= New South Wales, apud Mathews, infra.) 

Platycercus elegans victoriae Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 270. 
(Victoria, type said to be from Woori Yallock.) 

Southern Queensland, eastern New South Wales, Victoria and extreme 
southeastern South Australia. 

?Platycercus elegans melanoptera North 
Platycercus melanoptera North, Emu, 6, 1906, p. 78. (Kangaroo Island.) 

Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Doubtfully distinct from P. e. 

Platycercus elegans adelaidae Gould 

Platycercus Adelaide Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1840 (1841), 
p. 161. (South Australia.) 

Platycercus elegans fleurieuensis Ashby, Emu, 17, 1917, p. 44. (Fleurieu 
Peninsula, South Australia.) 

South Australia in the region near Adelaide. 

Platycercus caledonicus flaveolus Gould 

Platycercus flaveolus Gould, Syn. Bds. Austr., pt. 2, 1837, pl. [23]. (New 
South Wales.) 

Platycercus elegans subadelaidae Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 270. 
(Port Augusta, South Australia.) 

1 Includes Barnardius Bonaparte of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Platycercus flaveolus innominatus Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 270. 
(South Australia, type said to be from Mannam.) 

Western New South Wales and adjacent parts of Victoria and South 

Platycercus caledonicus caledonicus (Gmelin)! 

Psittacus caledonicus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 328. (New 
Caledonia, error = Tasmania and fixed as Adventure Bay by Math- 
ews, Bds. Austr., 6, p. 324.) 

Platycercus caledonicus henriette Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, 
p. 127. (King Island.) 

Platycercus caledonicus flindersi Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 328. 
(Flinders Island.) 

Tasmania and islands in Bass Strait.? 

Platycercus eximius cecilae Mathews 

Platycercus eximius cecilae Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1911, p. 14. New 
name to replace Platycercus splendidus Gould 1846, not Psitiacus 
splendidus Shaw 1792, which = Platycercus elegans (Gmelin). (Dar- 
ling Downs, Queensland.) 

Southern Queensland and the interior of New South Wales. 

Platycercus eximius eximius (Shaw) 
Psittacus eximius Shaw, Nat. Misc., 3, 1792, pl. 98. (New Holland = 
New South Wales apud Mathews.) 
Platycercus eximius colei Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 360. (Bal- 
larat, Victoria.) 
HKastern New South Wales and Victoria. 

Platycercus eximius diemenensis North 
Platycercus diemenensis North, Austr. Mus. Special Cat. no. 1, 3, pt. 2, 
1911, p. 128. (Tasmania.) 


Platycercus icterotis icterotis (Kuhl) 

Psittacus icterotis ‘“Temm. et Kuhl’ Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. 
Carol., 10, 1820, p. 54. (New Holland = southwestern Australia, 
erroneously restricted to Sharks Bay, West Australia by Mathews, 
Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 273, and corrected, to Albany, southwestern 
Australia by Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 335.) 

Platycercus icterotis saluadori Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 273. 
(Wilsons Inlet, southwestern Australia.) 

1 Replaces Platycercus flaviventris (Temminck) of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
2 All mainland records for this form are now considered to be erroneous. 


Platycercus icterotis whitlocki Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 273. 
(Lake Dundas, West Australia.) 

Southwestern Australia. 

?Platycercus icterotis xanthogenys Salvadori 
Platycercus xanthogenys Salvadori, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, 
p. 129. (No locality.)! 
Range not determined. 

Platycercus adscitus adscitus (Latham) 
Psittacus adscitus Latham, Ind. Orn., 1, 1790, p. 126. (No locality = 
Cooktown, Queensland, by designation of Mathews, 1912.)? 
Northern Queensland. 

?Platycercus adscitus elseyi Mathews 
Platycercus adscitus elseyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 271. (Gulf 
of Carpenteria, Queensland.) 
Interior of Queensland. Doubtfully distinct from P. a. adscitus. 

Platycercus adscitus palliceps Lear 
Platycercus palliceps Lear, Illustr. Psittac., pt. 12, 1882 [= pl. 19 of 
bound volume]. (No locality = New South Wales, fide Mathews, 
Southern Queensland and New South Wales. 

Platycercus venustus hilli Mathews 

Platycercus venustus hilli Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 27, 1910, p. 28. 
(Napier Broome Bay, northwestern Australia.) 

Northwestern Australia. 

Platycercus venustus venustus (Kuhl) 

Psittacus venustus ‘“Brown”’ Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 
10, 1820, p. 52. (New Holland, the type was taken at Arnhem Bay, 
Northern Territory, fide Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 350.) 

Platycercus venustus melvillensis Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 1, 1912, 
p. 386. (Melville Island, Northern Territory.) 

Melville Island and Northern Territory. 

1 In Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 273, Mathews gives Point Cloates, West Aus- 
tralia as the type locality. How this was arrived at is not stated. The same 
author in Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 335, reasons that the type of xanthogenys must 
have been taken “inland from York, West Australia.” In all probability 
xanthogenys is an aberration of zcterotis in which all the feathers of the back are 
broadly bordered with red. No specimens are on record which exactly match 
the type though several are described that approach that style of coloration. 

2 Replaces Platycercus amathusia (recte amathusiae) Bonaparte 1850 of 
Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Platycercus zonarius macgillivrayi North 

Platycercus macgillivrayi North, Vict. Nat., 17,1900, p. 91. (Leila Vale 
Station on the Fullarton River, 30 miles east of Cloncurry township, 
Burke district, Queensland.) 

Interior of central Queensland. 

Platycercus zonarius barnardi Vigors and Horsfield 4 
Platycercus Barnard: Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 
15, 1827, p. 283. (Australia = New South Wales.) 
Southwestern Queensland, interior of New South Wales, mallee of South 
Australia and adjacent portions of Victoria. 
Platycercus zonarius whitei Mathews 
Platycercus barnardi whitei Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 273. 
(Ulooloo, Flinders Range, South Australia.) 
Platycercus barnardi augustus Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 273. 
(Port Augusta, South Australia.) 
Barnardius barnardius lindot White, South Austr. Orn., 2, 1916, p. 115. 
(Moolooloo, Flinders Range, South Australia.) 
Flinders Range, South Australia. 

Nore. — Barnardius crommeline Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, 1925, 
p. 21, based on an aviary specimen of unknown origin, would seem to be a 
specimen of P. z. barnardi in which the yellow color of the feathers was 
largely lacking, resulting in the reduction of the clear yellow areas in the 
plumage, the green markings turned to blue-green and the blue portions of 
the plumage intensified. (Col. pl., Avic. Mag. (4), 5, 1927, frontispiece 
to no. 6.) 

Platycercus zonarius myrtae (White) 
Barnardius zonarius myrtae White, Trans. Roy. Soc. South Austr., 39, 
1915, p. 745. (Horseshoe Bend, Finke River, Central Australia.) 
Central parts of Australia from the MacDonnell Range to the Musgrave 
Range and Oodnadata. 

Platycercus zonarius zonarius (Shaw) 
Psittacus zonarius Shaw, Nat. Misc., 16, 1805, pl. 657. (Australia = 
Port Lincoln, South Australia, apud Mathews.) 
Southern Australia from Port Augusta and Eyres Peninsula westward to 
about long. 122° E. 
Platycercus zonarius dundasi Mathews 

Platycercus zonarius dundasi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 274. 
(Lake Dundas, West Australia.) 

1 There are no structural characters of importance that justify the existence 
of the genus Barnardius; those who admit it do so only on the basis of color. 
In my opinion all the forms hitherto placed in Barnardius should be regarded 
as members of a single species. 


Barnardius zonarius woolundra Mathews, Bull. Orn. Cl., 40, 1919, p. 44. 
(Woolundra, West Australia.) 
Region about Lake Dundas in southwestern Australia. 

Platycercus zonarius semitorquatus (Quoy and Gaimard) 
Psittacus semitorquatus Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. ‘Astrolabe,’ Zool., 1, 
1830, p. 237; Atlas, Ois., pl. 23. (King George Sound, West Aus- 

Coastal districts of southwestern Australia. 

Platycercus zonarius occidentalis North 
Platycercus gccidentalis North, Rec. Austr. Mus., 2, 1893, p. 83. (Roe- 
burne, West Australia.) 
Platycercus zonarius connectens Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 274. 
(East Murchison, West Australia.) 

West Australia from about lat. 20°S. south to Geraldton and east to 
Lake Way. 

The following ‘‘species” of Platycercus listed in Sharpe’s Hand-list have 
no status: 

Platycercus paradiseus Russ is a nomen nudum. 

Platycercus mastersianus Ramsay is a hybrid P. elegans x P. palliceps. 

Platycercus erythropeplus Salvadori is a hybrid P. elegans x P. eximius. 

Platycercus ignitus Leadbeater is an aberration of P. eximius. 

Purpureicephalus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 153. 
Type, by monotypy, Platycercus pileatus Vigors = Psittacus spurius 
cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 384-390. 

Purpureicephalus spurius (Kuhl) 

Psittacus spurius Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 1820, 
p. 52. (New Holland = Albany, southwestern Australia, by designa- 
tion of Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 275.) 

Purpureicephalus spurius carteri Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, 
p. 128. (Broome Hill, West Australia.) 

Extreme southwestern Australia from the Margaret River to Bremer 

Genus NORTHIELLA Maturews 

Northiella Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 276. Type, by original 
designation, Platycercus haematogaster Gould. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 409-418. 
1 Replaces Porphyrocephalus Reichenow 1883 of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Northiella haematogaster haematorrhous (Gould) 

Psephotus hematorrhous Gould, Handb. Bds. Austr., 2, 1865, p. 62. 
(Hx Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 29, 1847, pl. [9] [= 5, pl. 33 of bound 
volume], interior of New South Wales.)! 

Northiella hematogaster zanda Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1913, p. 75. 
(Moree, New South Wales.) 

Southern Queensland and eastern New South Wales. 

Northiella haematogaster haematogaster (Gould) 

Platycercus hematogaster Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1837 (1838), 
p. 89. (New South Wales.) 

Psephotus haematogaster alter Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 275. 
(Northern Victoria, type from Mutloa.) 

Interior of New South Wales and adjacent portions of South Australia 
and Victoria. 
Northiella haematogaster pallescens (Salvadori) 

Psephotus xanthorrhous var. pallescens Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 
20, 1891, p. 563. (Coopers Creek, South Australia.) 

Interior of South Australia. 

Northiella haematogaster narethae (H. L. White) 

Psephotus narethae H. L. White, Emu, 21, 1921, p. 81, pl. 12. (Naretha, 
West Australia.) 

Known only from the type locality which is 205 miles east of Kalgoorlie 
on the trans-Australian railroad. 


Psephotus Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 19, 1845, pl. [7]; [= 5, pl. 86 of bound 
volume]. Typg, by monotypy, Platycercus haematonotus Gould. 

Psephotellus Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1913, p. 57. Type, by original 
designation, Platycercus pulcherrimus Gould. 

Clarkona Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 391. Type, by original 
designation, Psephotus varius Clark. 

cf. Cayley, Austr. Zoologist, 7, 1933, p. 364. (Present status of species). 
Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 391-408; 419-430; 7, 1919, p. 431- 

Psephotus haematonotus (Gould) 

Platycercus hematonotus Gould, Proc. 2908 Soc. London, 1837 (1838), 
p. 88. (New South Wales.) 

Psephotus hematonotus virescens Mathers, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, 
p. 128. (South Australia.) 

1 Psephotus xanthorrhoa Bonaparte is an absolute synonym. 


Southeastern Australia in extreme southwestern Queensland, interior 
of New South Wales, southeastern part of South Australia and mallee of 

Psephotus varius exsul Mathews 
Psephotus varius exsul Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 277. (Mt. 
Magnet, West Australia.) 
West-central portion of West Australia. 

Psephotus varius ethelae Mathews 
Psephotus varius ethele Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 408. (Macdon- 
nell Ranges, Central Australia.) 
Middle Australia from the Macdonnell Ranges to Oodnadatta. 

Psephotus varius varius Clark 
Psephotus varius Clark, Auk, 27, 1910, p. 80. New name to replace 
Psittacus multicolor Kuhl 1820, not of Gmelin 1788. (According to 
Mathews the type locality of Ps. multicolor Kuhl is at the head of 
Spencer Gulf, Australia.) 
Psephotus varius rosinae Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 277. (Yorke 
Peninsula, South Australia.) 
Psephotus varius orientalis Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 408. (Un- 
derbool, Victoria.) 
Extreme southwestern Queensland, interior of New South Wales, south- 
eastern South Australia and the mallee of Victoria. 

Psephotus pulcherrimus (Gould) 
Platycercus pulcherrimus Gould, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 1845, 
p. 115. (Darling Downs, Queensland.) 
Psephotellus pulcherrimus dubius Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, 
p. 128. (New South Wales.) 

Formerly inhabited southeastern Queensland from the Burnett and 
Wide Bay districts (casually? to Rockhampton) south to Darling Downs 
and Brisbane; northern New South Wales(?). Now very local and much 
reduced in numbers.! 

Psephotus chrysopterygius dissimilis Collett 

Psephotus dissimilis Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, p. 356. 
(Mary River, Northern Territory.) 

Psephotus cucullatus North, Vict. Nat., 25, 1909, p. 176. (Pine Creek, 
Northern Territory.) 

Psephotus chrysopterygius blaauwi van Oort, Notes Leyden Mus., 32, 
1910, p. 72. (Type a cage bird imported from Port Darwin, Northern 

1 For account of rediscovery see Chisholm, Emu, 22, 1922, p. 4-17. 


Psephotellus chrysopterygius dorothee Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, 
p. 128. (McArthur River, Northern Territory.) 

Northern Territory from Darwin and Pine Creek southeastward to the 
McArthur River. 

Psephotus chrysopterygius chrysopterygius Gould 

Psephotus chrysopterygius Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857 (1858), 
p. 220. (Australia in lat. 18°S., long. 141° 30’ E.) 

Psephotellus chrysopterygius nova Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1918, 
p. 159. (Watson River, Gulf of Carpenteria, Queensland.) 

Western shores of the Cape York Peninsula and coasts of the south- 
eastern part of the Gulf of Carpenteria.! 

Genus NEOPHEMA Satvapori 

Neophema Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. xvi, 539, 569. 
Type, by original designation, Psittacus pulchellus Shaw. 

Neopsephotus Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 279. Type, by original 
designation, Hwphema bourkit Gould. 

Neonanodes Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 279. Type, by original 
designation, Psittacus chrysogaster Latham. 

cf. Cayley, Austr. Zoologist, 7, 1933, p. 364-365. (Present status of 

Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 431-467. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 569-577. 

Neophema elegans carteri (Mathews) 

Psephotus elegans carteri Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 278. (Broome 
Hill, West Australia.) 

Southwestern Australia. 

Neophema elegans elegans (Gould) 

Nanodes elegans Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1837, p. 25. (Tas- 
mania? error = Victoria, fide Mathews 1912.) 

South Australia and adjacent parts of New South Wales and Victoria. 

?Neophema chrysostomus cyanopterus (Mathews) 
Neonanodes chrysostomus cyanopterus Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, 
p. 446. (Melton, Victoria. Hx North, Austr. Mus. Special Cat. no. 1, 
3, pt. 2, 1911, p. 156, and Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, pl. 316, lower f.) 
Victoria and adjacent parts of South Australia. Doubtfully distinct 
from N. c. chrysostomus. 

1 For account of rediscovery of this bird see MacGillivray, Emu, 17, 1918, 
p. 189; for breeding habits, H. L. White, Emu, 22, 1922, p. 98-99. 


Neophema chrysostomus chrysostomus (Kuhl) 
Psittacus chrysostomus Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 50, pl. 1. (New Holland, error = Tasmania.)! 
Neonanodes chrysostomus tasmanica Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, 
p. 128. (Tasmania.) 

Tasmania; the birds recorded from the islands in Bass Strait perhaps are 
referable to this form. 

?PNeophema chrysogaster mab (Mathews) 
Psephotus chrysogaster mab Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 278. 
(South Australia.) 

Neonanodes chrysogaster wallicus Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 44, 
1924, p. 70. (New South Wales.) New name for the bird figured and 
described in Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 438, pl. 316, upper f. 

Southeastern South Australia, New South Wales (north to Sydney) and 
Victoria. Now much reduced in numbers and extirpated over parts of its 
former range. Very doubtfully distinct from JN. c. chrysogaster. 

Neophema chrysogaster chrysogaster (Latham) 

Psittacus chrysogaster Latham, Ind. Orn., 1, 1790, p. 97. (No locality = 

Nanodes gouldii Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 438, in synonymy of 
Psittacus chrysogaster, ec Ewing, Tasm. Journ. Nat. Sci., 1, 1841, 
p. 54, where a nomen nudum. 


Neophema petrophila petrophila (Gould) 
Euphema petrophila Gould, Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 1840 (1841), p. 148. 
(Western Australia.) 
Coasts and islands of southwestern Australia from Freycinet Bay to 
Neophema petrophila zietzi (Mathews) 
Psephotus petrophilus zietzi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 278. (Sir 
Joseph Banks Islands, Spencer Gulf, South Australia.) 
Coasts and islands of South Australia from Eyres Peninsula to Adelaide. 

Neophema pulchella (Shaw) 
Psittacus pulchellus Shaw, Nat. Misc., 3, 1792, pl. 96. (New Holland = 
New South Wales.) 
Neophema pulchella dombraini Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, p. 128. 
(Southern Victoria.) 

Formerly inhabited extreme southeastern Australia from the vicinity of 
Sydney south to eastern Victoria. Was thought to be extinct but has re- 
cently appeared in several districts where it was hitherto unrecorded. 

1 Replaces Neophema venusta (Temm.) 1821 of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Neophema splendida (Gould) 

Euphema splendida Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1840 (1841), p. 147. 
(Western Australia.) 

Neophema splendida halli Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1916, p. 57. 
(South Australia.) 

Formerly sparingly distributed in the southwestern part of West Aus- 
tralia and the inland districts of South Australia and western New South 
Wales. Now known to exist only in South Australia in a region south of 
the Gawler Ranges and 180 miles west of Port Augusta.? 

Neophema bourkii (Gould) 

Euphema Bourkii Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 5, 1841, pl. [12], (= 5, pl. 43 
of bound volume). (Bogan River, New South Wales, ex Mitchell, 
Three Exped. Int. East Austr., 1, 1838, p. xviii, where a nomen 

Neopsephotus bourkii pallida Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1916, p. 57. 
(Central Australia.)? 

Recorded from the Murchison district of West Australia, the Musgrave 

Range and various localities in the interior of South Australia and of New 
South Wales. 

Genus EUNYMPHICUS Nomen nov 3 

cf. Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 590-592. (sub nom. 
Eunymphicus cornutus cornutus (Gmelin) 
Psittacus cornutus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 327. (New Cale- 
New Caledonia. 

Eunymphicus cornutus uvaeensis (Layard and Layard) 

Nymphicus uveensis E. L. and E. L. C. Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1882, p. 408, pl. 26, f. 2. (Uvea, Loyalty Islands.) 

Loyalty Islands: Uvea and perhaps Lifu. 

Genus CYANORAMPHUS Bonaparte 

Cyanoramphus Bonaparte, Rey. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 153. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Psitiacus pacificus “Forster” = 
Conurus phaeton Des Murs 1845 = Psittacus erythronotus Kuhl 1820. 
(G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 86). 

1 See Scholz, Avic. Mag. (4), 11, 1933, p. 119-121. 

2 Perhaps a valid form but requires confirmation. 

8 Replaces Nymphicus of authors, not of Wagler, of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 
Related to Cyanoramphus Bonaparte but loreal region less densely feathered, 
upper mandible distinctly notched; a coronal crest of two or more elongated 
feathers. Type, Psittacus cornutus Gmelin. See note under Nymphicus, p. 178. 


Bulleria Iredale and Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, 1926, p. 76. 
Type, by original designation, Platycercus unicolor Lear. 

cf. Mathews and Iredale, Ibis, 1913, p. 424-426. 
Oliver, New Zealand Bds., 1930, p. 411-417. 
Rothschild, Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 69-70. 
Salvadori, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 20, 1891, p. 577-590, pl. 17, 18. 
Cyanoramphus unicolor (Lear) 

Platycercus unicolor Lear, Illustr. Psittac., pt. 4, 1831 [= pl. 25 of 
bound volume]. (No locality = Antipodes Island.) 

Pezoporus fairchildii Hector, Trans. New Zealand Inst., 27, 1895, p. 285. 
(Antipodes Island.) 
Antipodes Island. 
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae saisseti J. Verreaux and Des Murs 
Cyanoramphus Saissett J. Verreaux and Des Murs, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 
(2), 12, 1860, p. 387. (New Caledonia.) 
New Caledonia. 
{Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae subflavescens Salvadori 

Cyanorhamphus subflavescens Salvadori, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), 
7, 1891, p. 68. (Lord Howe Island.) 

Lord Howe Island. Now extinct. 

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii (G. R. Gray) 
Platycercus Cookii G. R. Gray, List. Bds. Brit. Mus., 1859, Psittacidae, 
p. 13. (New Zealand, error = Norfolk Island.)! 
Norfolk Island. 
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cyanurus Salvadori 

Cyanorhamphus cyanurus Salvadori, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), 7, 
1891, p. 68. (Raoul Island, Kermadec Group.) 

Raoul Island and perhaps other islands in the Kermadec Group. 

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae novaezelandiae (Sparrman) 
Psittacus Novae Zelandiae Sparrman, Mus. Carls., fase. 2, 1787, no. 
xxviii and pl. (New Zealand, z.e. Dusky Sound, South Island.) 

New Zealand: Three Kings, Poor Knights, Hen and Chickens, Great 
and Little Barrier Islands, Alderman Islands, Kapiti, South Island and 
Stewart Island. 

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae chathamensis Oliver 
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae chathamensis Oliver, New Zealand Bds., 
1930, p. 412, in text. (Chatham Island.) 
Chatham Islands. 
1 Mathews (Syst. Av. Australas, pt. 1, 1927, p. 349) resurrects Psittacus 

verticalis Latham for this form, but in my opinion inadvisedly so; the descrip- 
tion is too generalized, locality indefinite and discrepancy in size too great. 


Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae hochstetteri (Reischek) 
Platycercus hochstetteri Reischek, Trans. New Zealand Inst., 21, 1889; 
p. 887. (Antipodes Island.) 
Antipodes Island. 

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae aucklandicus Reichenow 
Cyanorhamphus novaezeelandiae subsp. aucklandicus Reichenow, Journ. 
f. Orn., 29, 1881, p. 42. (Auckland Island, ex Bonaparte, Nauman- 
nia, 1856, Beilage no. 1, where a nomen nudum.) 

Auckland Island. 

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae erythrotis (Wagler) 
Psittacus erythrotis Wagler, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. 
K1., 1, 1832, p. 426. (Macquarie Islands, ex Vigors, Zool. Journ., 1, 
1825, p. 529, suppl. pl. 1.) 

Macquarie Islands, where believed to be extinct. 

{Cyanoramphus zealandicus (Latham) 

Psittacus zealandicus Latham, Index Orn., 1, 1790, p. 102. (New Zea- 
land, error = Society Islands.) 

Psittacus erythronotus Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 
1820, p. 45. (New Holland, error = Society Islands.) 

Cyanoramphus magnirostris Forbes and Robinson, Bull. Liverpool Mus., 
1, 1897, p. 21. (Tahiti, Society Islands.) 

Formerly confined to Tahiti, Society Islands. Now extinct. 

~Cyanoramphus auriceps auriceps (Kuhl) 

Psittacus auriceps Kuhl, Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol., 10, 1820, 
p. 46. (New Holland = South Island, New Zealand, apud Mathews 
and Iredale 1913.)! 

Cyanoramphus auriceps macleani Mathews and Iredale, Ibis, 1913, 
p. 246. (North Island, New Zealand.) 

Cyanoramphus auriceps novana Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 50, 1930, 
p. 42. (Birch Ridge, 3000 feet, Maunghaumia, North Island, New 

New Zealand: North Island, Great and Little Barrier Islands, South 

Island and Stewart Island. 

~  Cyanoramphus auriceps forbesi Rothschild 

Cyanorhamphus forbest Rothschild, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 
p. 529. (Chatham Islands.) 

Chatham Islands. 

' Cyanoramphus intermedius Reichenow 1881 is also a synonym. 


Cyanoramphus malherbi Souancé 

Cyanoramphus Malherbi Souancé, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 9, 1857, p. 98. 
(Locality unknown = South Island, New Zealand.) 

New Zealand: North Island, Hen Island, Little Barrier Island, South 

{Cyanoramphus ulietanus (Gmelin) 

Psittacus ulietanus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, 1788, p. 328. (Ulietea, 
Society Islands.) 

Believed formerly to have inhabited the island of Ulietea (now usually 
written Raiatea), Society Islands. Known only from two specimens. 
Now extinct. 


Melopsittacus Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 1, 1840, pl. [10] [= 5, pl. 44 of 
bound volume]. Type, by monotypy, Psittacus undulatus Shaw. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 474-483. 
Seth-Smith, Avic. Mag. (4), 5, 1927, p. 205-207 and col. pl. (Aviary 
color varieties). 

Melopsittacus undulatus (Shaw) 

Psittacus undulatus Shaw, Nat. Misc., 16, 1805, pl. 673. (New Holland 
= New South Wales.) 

Melopsittacus undulatus intermedius Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, 
p. 280. (Alexandra, Northern Territory.) 

Melopsittacus undulatus pallidiceps Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, 
p. 280. (Point Torment, West Australia.) 

Inhabits the greater part of Australia. 


Pezoporus Illiger, Prodromus, 1811, p. 201. Type, by monotypy, Psit- 
tacus formosus Latham 1790, not of Scopoli 1769 = Psittacus wallicus 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 484-493. 

Pezoporus wallicus flaviventris North 
Pezoporus flaviventris North, Austr. Mus. Special Cat. no. 1, 3, pt. 2, 
1911, p. 175. (King George Sound, Australia.) 

Coastal districts of southwestern Australia. 

Pezoporus wallicus wallicus (Kerr) 
Psittacus wallicus Kerr, Anim. Kingd., 1, pt. 2, 1792, p. 581, (New 
South Wales.) New name for Psittacus formosus Latham, 1790, not 
of Scopoli, 1769. 


Pezoporus terrestris dombraini Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1914, p. 91. 
(Glengelly River, southeastern South Australia.) 
Coastal districts of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. 
The birds recorded from islands in Bass Strait may be referable either to 
this or to the next form. 

Pezoporus wallicus leachi Mathews 
Pezoporus terrestris leachi Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 280. (Tas- 
mania.) = 


Geopsittacus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 100. Type, by 
monotypy, Geopsittacus occidentalis Gould. 

cf. Mathews, Bds. Austr., 6, 1917, p. 494-497. 

{Geopsittacus occidentalis Gould 
Geopsittacus occidentalis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 100. 
(West Australia.) 
Geopsittacus occidentalis whitee Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec., 2, 1915, 
p. 129. (Near Lake Gairdiner, South Australia.) 
Formerly inhabited West and South Australia and possibly northwest- 
ern Victoria. Now extinct. 


abbotti, Conurus, 244 
abbotti, Dendrophassa, 18 
abbotti, Kakatoe, 175 
abbotti, Psittacula, 244 
abbotti, Psittinus, 254 
abbotti, Turtur, 91 

aberrans, Cacatua, 176 
aberrans, Trichoglossus, 150 
abessinicus, Poicephalus, 227 
abessinicus, Pterocles, 8 
ablectanea, Agapornis, 254 
abyssinica, Chalcopelia, 113 
abyssinicus, Turtur, 113 
acanthina, Chalcopelia, 113 
accipitrinus, Deroptyus, 224 
accipitrinus, Psittacus, 224 
acuticaudata, Aratinga, 185 
acuticaudatus, Psittacus, 185 
ada, Treron, 17 

adelaidae, Platycercus, 260 
adina, Dendrophassa, 19 
adina, Treron, 19 
admiralitatis, Gallicolumba, 135 
admiralitatis, Phlegoenas, 135 
adolfi-friderici, Poicephalus, 227 
adscitus, Platycercus, 262 
adscitus, Psittacus, 262 
aegyptiaca, Columba, 99 
aegyptiaca, Streptopelia, 99 
aenea, Columba, 46 

aenea, Ducula, 46 
aequatorialis, Streptopelia, 99 
aequatorialis, Turtur, 99 
aeruginosa, Aratinga, 189 
aeruginosus, Psittacus, 189 
aestiva, Amazona, 220 
aestivus, Psittacus, 220 

afra, Columba, 112 

afer, Turtur, 112 

affinis, Palaeornis, 245 
affinis, Phaps, 118 

affinis, Tanygnathus, 240 
affinis, Treron, 15 

affinis, Vinago, 15 

aflavida, Columbigallina, 105 
Afropelia, 88 

Agapornis, 254 


agilis, Amazona, 218 

agilis, Psittacus, 218 
agricola,.Columba, 90 
agricola, Streptopelia, 90 
alaris, Megaloprepia, 41 
alba, Kakatoe, 175 

albus, Psittacus, 175 

alba, Streptopelia, 92 
albertisii, Goura, 140 
albertisii, Gymnophaps, 56 
albicapilla, Macropygia, 76 
albicollis, Phlogoenas, 137 
albida, Reinwardtoena, 82 
albidinucha, Domicella, 155 
albifacies, Geotrygon, 131 
albifacies, Oreopeleia, 131 
albifrons, Amazona, 218 
albifrons, Henicophaps, 116 
albifrons, Phapitreron, 24 
albifrons, Psittacus, 218 
albigularis, Janthoenas, 70 
albilinea, Columba, 68 
albinucha, Columba, 65 
albipectus, Pyrrhura, 198 
albipennis, Columba, 63 
albipennis, Petrophassa, 117 
albitorques, Columba, 61 
albiventer, Geotrygon, 130 
albiventer, Oreopeleia, 130 
albivitta, Chamaepelia, 107 
albivitta, Columbigallina, 107 
albocincta, Leucotreron, 27 
albocinectus, Ptilonopus, 27 
alchata, Pterocles, 4 
alchata, Tetrao, 4 
aldabrana, Streptopelia, 91 
aldabranus, Turtur, 91 
alecto, Ara, 170 

alecto, Eurhynchus, 170 
alecto, Probosciger, 170 
Alectroenas, 40 

alexandrae, Polytelis, 247 
alexandri, Psittacula, 244 
alexandri, Psittacus, 244 
alexandrae, Spathopterus, 247 
aliena, Oena, 111 

alisteri, Histriophaps, 120 


alisteri, Petrophassa, 117 
alisteri, Phaps, 120 
Alisterus, 248 

alligator, Leucotreron, 27 
alligator, Ptilopus, 27 
Alopecoenas, 137 

alorensis, Trichoglossus, 151 
alpinus, Neopsittacus, 162 
alter, Psephotus, 265 
alticola, Aratinga, 187 
amabilis, Cyclopsittacus, 165 
amabilis, Domicella, 154 
amabilis, Loriculus, 258 
amabilis, Lorius, 154 
amabilis, Opopsitta, 165 
amabilis, Zenaida, 86 
amathusia, Platycercus, 262 
amazilia, Chamaepelia, 109 
amazilia, Columbigallina, 109 
Amazona, 216 

amazonica, Amazona, 222 
amazonicus, Psittacus, 222 

amazonina, Hapalopsittaca, 213 

amazoninus, Psittacus, 213 
amazonum, Pyrrhura, 197 
ambigua, Ara, 182 
ambiguus, Psittacus, 182 
ambiguus, Ptilinopus, 35 
ambigua, Streptopelia, 94 
ambiguus, Turtur, 94 
amboinensis, Alisterus, 249 
amboinensis, Columba, 76 
amboinensis, Macropygia, 76 
amboinensis, Psittacus, 249 
amethystina, Phapitreron, 24 
Amoropelia, 88 
Amoropsittaca, 200 

anais, Chamaepelia, 102 
anais, Columba, 102 

anceps, Streptopelia, 95 
andamanica, Osmotreron, 16 
andersoni, Columba, 67 
andicola, Bolborhynchus, 202 
andicola, Columba, 72 
andicola, Psittacula, 202 
andinus, Cyanoliseus, 193 
anerythra, Pyrrhura, 195 
angelica, Leptotila, 122 
angolensis, Poicephalus, 225 
annamensis, Crocopus, 23 
annamensis, Sphenurus, 12 
annamensis, Treron, 23 


Anodorhynchus, 179 
anolaimae, Columba, 72 
anonyma, Oena, 111 
ansorgei, Treron, 22 
antarctica, Columba, 56 
antarcticus, Lopholaimus, 56 
anthonyi, Oreopeleia, 131 
anthopeplus, Palaeornis, 247 
anthopeplus, Polytelis, 247 
antillarum, Chamaepelia, 106 
antillarum, Columbigallina, 106 
antioquiae, Zenaida, 86 
antioquiae, Zenaidura, 86 
aolae, Micropsitta, 169 
aolae, Nasiterna, 169 
apicalis, Loriculus, 257 
apicauda, Sphenurus, 11 
apicauda, Treron, 11 
Aplopelia, 120 
approximans, Leptoptila, 124 
approximans, Leptotila, 124 
Aprosmictus, 247 

apsleyi, Cacatoes, 177 
apsleyi, Geopelia, 100 
apurensis, Brotogeris, 207 
Ara, 180 

arabicus, Pterocles, 9 
arabica, Streptopelia, 92 
arabicus, Turtur, 92 
ararauna, Ara, 181 
ararauna, Psittacus, 181 
Aratinga, 185 

araucana, Columba, 68 
arausiaca, Amazona, 220 
arausiacus, Psittacus, 220 
arenicola, Streptopelia, 89 
arenicola, Turtur, 89 

arfaki, Oreopsittacus, 161 
arfaki, Trichoglossus, 161 
argentina, Columba, 71 
arhadius, Muscadivores, 46 
arismicra, Dendrophassa, 18 
aromatica, Columba, 17 
aromatica, Treron, 17 
arossi, Macropygia, 81 
arquatrix, Columba, 65 
arthuri, Chaemepelia, 108 
aru, Ducula, 45 

arubensis, Aratinga, 190 
arubensis, Conurus, 190 
aruensis, Eclectus, 232 
aruensis, Geoffroyus, 234 


aruensis, Kakatoe, 173 
aruensis, Lorius, 232 
aruensis, Opopsitta, 166 
aruensis, Otidiphaps, 139 
aruensis, Psittacula, 166 
aruensis, Psittacus, 234 
ashbyi, Cacatoes, 177 

ashbyi, Glossopsitta, 157 
ashbyi, Kakatoe, 177 
asiatica, Columba, 87 
asiatica, Zenaida, 87 ° 
assimilis, Cacatoes, 178 
assimilis, Carpophaga, 42 
assimilis, Macropygia, 78 
assimilis, Megaloprepia, 42 
assumptionis, Streptopelia, 91 
assumptionis, Turtur, 91 
astec, Aratinga, 189 

astec, Conurus, 189 

atra, Chaleopsitta, 143 

ater, Psittacus, 143 
aterrimus, Probosciger, 171 
aterrimus, Psittacus, 171 
atlantis, Columba, 58 

atrata, Charmosyna, 161 
atratus, Pterocles, 7 
atricapilla, Domicella, 153 
atrogularis, Platycercus, 250 
atwoodi, Ara, 185 

aubryanus, Poeocephalus, 226 
aubryanus, Poicephalus, 226 
aucklandicus, Cyanoramphus, 271 
audacis, Geopelia, 101 
augustus Platycercus, 263 
augustus, Psittacus, 223 
aurantia, Carpophaga, 52 
aurantia, Ducula, 52 
aurantiiceps, Poicephalus, 226 
aurantiifrons, Loriculus, 259 
aurantiifrons, Ptilinopus, 38 
aurantiifrons, Ptilonopus, 38 
aurantio-cristatus, Plictolophus, 175 
aurea, Aratinga, 191 

aureus, Psittacus, 191 
aureicincta, Charmosyna, 158 
aureicinctus, Trichoglossus, 158 
aurescentior, Ptilinopus, 37 
auricapillus, Aratinga, 188 
auricapillus, Psittacus, 188 
auriceps, Psittacus, 271 
auriceps, Cyanoramphus, 271 
auricollis, Ara, 183 


auriculata, Peristera, 85 
auriculata, Zenaida, 83 
auriculata, Zenaidura, 85 
aurifrons, Aratinga, 188 
aurifrons, Bolborhynchus, 201 
aurifrons, Psilopsiagon, 201 
aurifrons, Psittacus, 201 
aurifrons, Trichoglossus, 201 
aurita, Columba, 87 

aurita, Zenaida, 87 
auro-palliata, Amazona, 221 
auro-palliatus, Psittacus, 221 
aurorae, Carpophaga, 43 
aurorae, Ducula, 43 
australe, Callocephalon, 172 
australis, Columba, 20 
australis, Melopelia, 87 
australis, Psittacus, 156, 157, 167 
australis, Pyrrhura, 196 
australis, Sphenocercus, 13 
australis, Sphenurus, 13 
australis, Streptopelia, 93 
australis, Treron, 20 
australis, Vini, 156 

australis, Zenaida, 87 
austrina, Columba, 58 
autumnalis, Amazona, 219 
autumnalis, Psittacus, 219 
avensis, Palaeornis, 242 
avensis, Psittacula, 242 
axantha, Chamaepelia, 105 
axillaris, Osmotreron, 16 
axillaris, Treron, 16 

aymara, Amoropsittaca, 200 
aymara, Arara, 200 

aymara, Bolborhynchus, 200 
aymara, Columba, 103 
aymara, Metriopelia, 103 
azarae, Sittace, 181 

azorica, Columba, 61 

babiensis, Ducula, 47 

babiensis, Muscadivores, 47 
badia, Columba, 51 

badia, Ducula, 51 

baeri, Columba, 73 

baeza, Geotrygon, 132 
bahamensis, Amazona, 217 
bahamensis, Chamaepelia, 105 
bahamensis, Columbigallina, 105 
bahamensis, Psittacus, 217 


bahiae, Leptoptila, 127 
bahiae, Leptotila, 127 
baicalensis, Streptopelia, 89 
bailunduensis, Streptopelia, 95 
bakeri, Ducula, 49 

bakeri, Muscadivora, 49 
baliensis, Leucotreron, 27 
baliensis, Ptilinopus, 27 
bangsi, Leptotila, 122 
bangueyensis, Ptilinopus, 37 
bangueyensis, Ptilopus, 37 
banksii, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
baramensis, Treron, 18 
barbadensis, Amazona, 220 
barbadensis, Psittacus, 220 
barbaru, Streptopelia, 96 
barklyi, Coracopsis, 230 
barnardi, Platycercus, 263 
Barnardius, 260 

barrabandi, Pionopsitta, 212 
barrabandi, Polytelis, 247 
barrabandi, Psittacus, 211, 247 
barussa, Macropygia, 80 
basilanica, Gallicolumba, 1384 
basilanica, Phlegoenas, 134 
basilica, Ducula, 53 

batavica, Psittaca, 208 
batavica, Touit, 208 
batavorum, Loriculus, 259 
batchianensis, Macropygia, 76 
batchianensis, Tanygnathus, 241 
battyi, Leptoptila, 126 

battyi, Leptotila, 126 
baudinii, Calyptorhynchus, 171 
becearii, Chalcophaps, 135 
beccarii, Gallicolumba, 135 
beccarii, Goiira, 141 

beccarii, Micropsitta, 168 
beccarii, Nasiterna, 168 
behni, Brotogeris, 206 

bella, Charmosyna, 160 

bella, Charmosynopsis, 160 
bellus, Ptilinopus, 35 

bellus, Ptilonopus, 35 

bella, Zenaidura, 84 
bengalensis, Psittacula, 245 
bengalensis, Psittacus, 245 
berlepschi, Columba, 72 
berlepschi, Pyrrhura, 198 
bermudiana, Columbigallina, 105 
bernsteini, Chalcopsitta, 143 
bernsteini, Hos, 147 


bernsteini, Psittacus, 147 
beryllinus, Loriculus, 256 
beryllinus, Psittacus, 256 
biaki, Larius, 232 

biaki, Lorius, 232 
bicinctus, Pterocles, 9 
bicincta, Treron, 19 
bicincta, Vinago, 19 
bicolor, Columba, 50 
bicolor, Ducula, 50 
bimaculata, Gallicolumba, 134 
bimaculata, Phlegoenas, 134 
biréi, Ptilopus, 33 

bisetis, Psittacus, 178 
bistictus, Ptilinopus, 35 
bitorquata, Columba, 97 
bitorquata, Streptopelia, 97 
blaauwi, Geophaps, 120 
blaauwi, Psephotus, 266 
bleyi, Reinwardtoenas, 116 
blythi, Cyclopsitta, 163 
blythi, Psittaculirostris, 163 
bodini, Amazona, 220 
bodini, Chrysotis, 220 
bogotensis, Chloroenas, 72 
bogotensis, Columba, 72 
Bolbopsittacus, 253 
Bolborhynchus, 201 
boliviana, Ara, 181 
bolivianus, Leptotila, 124 
bollii, Columba, 62 
bonapartei, Loriculus, 258 
bonthainensis, Trichoglossus, 152 
borealis, Palaeornis, 243 
borealis, Psittacula, 243 
borellii, Pyrrhura, 195 
bornea, Eos, 146 
borneensis, Macropygia, 79 
borneus, Psittacus, 146 
bornuensis, Streptopelia, 92 
bouqueti, Chrysotis, 220 
bourcieri, Ceotrygon, 132 
bourcieri, Oreopeleia, 132 
bourkei, Geophaps, 119 
bourkii, Euphema, 269 
bourkii, Neophema, 269 
bournsi, Loriculus, 257 
boweri, Opopsitta, 166 
brachyptera, Leptotila, 122 
brachyurus, Graydidascalus, 213 
brachyurus, Psittacus, 213 
bradfieldi, Columba, 64 

bradfieldi, Dialiptila, 64 
branickii, Leptosittaca, 192 
brasiliensis, Amazona, 219 
brasiliensis, Leptotila, 123 
brasiliensis, Peristera, 123 
brasiliensis, Psittacus, 219 
brasiliensis, Scardafella, 104 
brehmeri, Chaleopelia, 114 
brehmeri, Turtur, 114 
brehmii, Psittacella, 251 
brehmii, Psittacus, 251 
brenchleyi, Carpophaga, 50 
brenchleyi, Ducula, 50 
brevicera, Treron, 21 
brevipennis, Leptoptila, 123 
brevipennis, Peristera, 123 
brevipes, Aratinga, 186 
brevipes, Conurus, 186 
brevipes, Leucotreron, 25 
brevirostris, Phabotreron, 24 
brevirostris, Phapitreron, 24 
brevis, Reinwardtoena, 82 
brewsteri, Aratinga, 186 
bridgesi, Pionus, 215 
bronzina, Aplopelia, 120 
bronzina, Columba, 120 
brooki, Trichoglossus, 149 
Brotogeris, 205 

browni, Macropygia, 82 
browni, Reinwardtoena, 82 
bruijnii, Micropsitta, 167 
bruijnii, Nasiterna, 167 
brunneicauda, Columba, 71 
brunneiceps, Phabotreron, 24 
brunneiceps, Phapitreron, 24 
buckleyi, Chamaepelia, 109 
buckleyi, Columbigallina, 109 
biirgersi, Geoffroyus, 236 
biirgersi, Psittacella, 251 
Bulleria, 270 

burbidgii, Tanygnathus, 239 
burchelli, Pterocles, 7 
buruanus, Ptilinopus, 34 
buruensis, Alisterus, 249 
buruensis, Aprosmictus, 249 
butleri, Columba, 60 
Butreron, 13 

byroni, Cyanoliseus, 193 
byroni, Psittacus, 193 

Cacatua, 173 
cachaviensis, Geotrygon, 129 

INDEX 281 

cactorum, Aratinga, 191 
cactorum, Psittacus, 191 
caeruleiceps, Trichoglossus, 149 
caffra, Chaleopelia, 113 
Caica, 205, 210 

caica, Pionopsitta, 211 
caica, Psittacus, 211 
caixana, Aratinga, 191 
calus, Conurus, 244 

cala, Psittacula, 244 
caledonicus, Platycercus, 261 
caledonicus, Psittacus, 261 
calita, Myiopsitta, 200 
calita, Psittaca, 200 
callauchen, Leptoptila, 124 
callipterus, Conurus, 198 
calliptera, Pyrrhura, 198 
Calliptilodes, 156 
Calliptilus, 156 
Callocephalon, 172 
Callocorydon, 1738 
callogenys, Aratinga, 187 
callogenys, Conurus, 187 
Callopsitta, 178 
callopterus, Alisterus, 249 
callopterus, Aprosmictus, 249 
Calocephalus, 173 
Caloenas, 139 

Calopelia, 112 
Calopsittacus, 178 
Calopterocles, 4 

calthorpae, Psittacula, 246 
calthrapae, Palaeornis, 246 
calva, Columba, 20 

calva, Treron, 20 
Calyptorhynchus, 171, 172 
cambayensis, Columba, 99 
cambayensis, Streptopelia, 99 
campestris, Columbina, 104 
campestris, Uropelia, 104 
cana, Agapornis, 254 
canus, Psittacus, 254 
canariensis, Columba, 58 
canibuccalis, Conurus, 189 
caniceps, Columba, 130 
caniceps, Oreopeleia, 130 
caniceps, Palaeornis, 244 
caniceps, Psittacula, 244 
canicularis, Aratinga, 189 
canicularis, Psittacus, 189 
canifrons, Gallicolumba, 136 
canifrons, Phlegoenas, 136 


caninde, Ara, 181 

canindé, Sittace, 181 
canipalliata, Amazona, 222 
canipalliata, Chrysotis, 222 
capellei, Butreron, 13 
capellei, Columba, 13 
capensis, Columba, 111 
capensis, Oena, 111 
capicola, Columba, 95 
capicola, Streptopelia, 95 
capistrata, Columba, 52 
capistrata, Ducula, 52 
capistratus, Psittacus, 148, 234 
capistratus, Trichoglossus, 148 
capitalis, Leptotila, 122 
cardinalis, Chalcopsitta, 144 
cardinalis, Eclectus, 232 
cardinalis, Lorius, 144 
cardinalis, Psittacus, 145 
caribaea, Columba, 66 
earola, Ducula, 54 

carola, Ptilocolpa, 54 
carolinensis, Columba, 83 
carolinensis, Conuropsis, 192 
carolinensis, Psittacus, 192 
carolinensis, Zenaidura, 83 
Carpophaga, 42 
Carpophagella, 43 
carteretia, Macropygia, 77 
carteri, Neophema, 267 
carteri, Psephotus, 267 
carteri, Purpureicephalus, 264 
casiotis, Columba, 62 
casiotis, Palumbus, 62 
cassini, Leptoptila, 127 
cassini, Leptotila, 127 
castaneiceps, Columba, 70 
castaneifrons, Ara, 183 
catamene, Loriculus, 258 
catharina, Myiopsitta, 201 
caucae, Chaemepelia, 108 
caucae, Columbigallina, 108 
caucae, Forpus, 204 

caucae, Psittacula, 204 
caucae, Zenaida, 84 

caucae, Zenaidura, 84 
caudacutus, Pterocles, 4 
caudacutus, Tetrao, 4 
caurina, Zenaidura, 83 
caveae, Columba, 58 
caymanensis, Amazona, 217 
caymanensis, Chrysotis, 217 


cearae, Seardafella, 104 
cecilae, Gymnophaps, 120 
cecilae, Platycercus, 261 
ceciliae, Columba, 102 
ceciliae, Metriopelia, 102 
ceclanensis, Psittacus, 231 
centralasiae, Peristera, 100 
centralis, Leucotreron, 25 
centralis, Palaeornis, 243 
centralis, Psittacula, 243 
centralis, Ptilopus, 25 
cervicalis, Cyclopsittacus, 163 
cervicalis, Otidiphaps, 139 
cervicalis, Psittaculirostris, 163 
cerviniventris, Leptoptila, 127 
cerviniventris, Leptotila, 127 
ceylonensis, Streptopelia, 97 
ceylonensis, Turtur, 97 
Chaemepelia, 105 
Chaeneirhynchus, 170 
chaleauchenia, Leptoptila, 124 
chalcauchenia, Leptotila, 124 
chaleonota, Carpophaga, 54 
chaleonota, Ducula, 54 
chaleconota, Gallicolumba, 136 
Chalcopelia, 112 
Chaleophaps, 114 
Chaleopsitta, 143 
Chalcopsittacus, 143 
chaleoptera, Columba, 117 
chalcoptera, Phaps, 117 
chalcopterus, Pionus, 216 
chaleopterus, Psittacus, 216 
chalcospilos, Columba, 113 
chaleospilos, Turtur, 113 
chaleurus, Ptilinopus, 30 
chaleurus, Ptilonopus, 30 
challengeri, Eos, 146 
chalybura, Carpophaga, 47 
chalybura, Ducula, 47 
Chamaepelia, 105 

chapmani, Columba, 72 
chapmani, Oenoenas, 72 
Chapmania, 211 
Chapmaniana, 211 
Charmosyna, 158 
Charmosynopsis, 158 
chathamensis, Carpophaga, 55 

chathamensis, Cyanoramphus, 270 

chathamensis, ‘Hemiphaga, 55 
chinensis, Columba, 98 
chinensis, Streptopelia, 98 

chiripepe, Psittacus, 195 
chiripepe, Pyrrhura, 195 
chiriquensis, Columba, 73 
chiriquensis, Geotrygon, 131 
chiriquensis, Oenoenas, 73 
chiriquensis, Oreopeleia, 131 
chiriri, Brotogeris, 206 

chiriri, Psittacus, 206 
chlorauchenia, Leptoptila, 124 
chlorigaster, Treron, 23 
chlorigaster, Vinago, 23 
chlorocercus, Domicella, 155 
chlorocercus, Lorius, 155 
chlorogenys, Sittace, 195 
chlorogenys, Trichoglossus, 149 
chlorolepidotus, Psittacus, 151 
chlorolepidotus, Trichoglossus, 151 
chloronota, Chrysotis, 220 
chloropterus, Alisterus, 249 
chloropterus, Aprosmictus, 249 
chloroptera, Ara, 182 
chloroptera, Aratinga, 188 
chloroptera, Chalcopsitta, 144 
chloropterus, Chalcopsittacus, 144 
chloroptera, Psittacara, 188 
chloroptera, Treron, 16 
Chlorotreron, 28 

chloroxantha, Micropsitta, 167 
chobiensis, Nyctiperdix, 9 
chobiensis, Pterocles, 9 
chobiensis, Treron, 22 
chobiensis, Vinago, 22 

ehrysia, Geotrygon, 129 
chrysia, Oreopeleia, 129 
chrysochlora, Chalcophaps, 115 
chrysochlora, Columba, 115 
Chrysoena, 39, 40 
chrysogaster, Neophema, 268 
chrysogaster, Psittacus, 268 
chrysogaster, Ptilinopus, 29 
chrysogaster, Ptilonopus, 29 
chrysonotus, Loriculus, 257 
Chrysophaps, 39 

chrysophrys, Aratinga, 190 
chrysophrys, Conurus, 190 
chrysopogon, Psittacus, 205 
chrysopterus, Brotogeris, 207 
chrysopterus, Psittacus, 207 
chrysopterygius, Psephotus, 267 
chrysorrhoa, Jotreron, 38 
chrysorrhoa, Ptilinopus, 38 
chrysosema, Brotogeris, 207 

INDEX 283 

chrysostomus, Psittacus, 268 
chrysostomus, Neophema, 268 
Chrysotis, 216 

chuni, Homopelia, 92 

chuni, Streptopelia, 92 
cincta, Columba, 27 

cincta, Leucotreron, 27 
cinctus, Ptilonopus, 34 
cineracea, Columba, 51 
cineracea, Ducula, 51 
cinerea, Columba, 110 
cinerea, Goura, 140 
cinereiceps, Macropygia, 77 
cinereiceps, Phabotreron, 25 
cinereiceps, Phapitreron, 25 
cinereiceps, Vinago, 22 
cingulatus, Psittacus, 208 
cinnamomea, Macropygia, 80 
citrino-cristata, Kakatoe, 175 
citrino-cristatus, Plyetolophus, 175 
Claravis, 109 

clarionensis, Zenaidura, 84 
Clarkona, 265 

clelandi, Geopelia, 101 
cobaltinus, Psittacus, 214 
coccinea, Vini, 156 
coccineifrons, Cyclopsittacus, 165 
coccineifrons, Opopsitta, 165 
coccineopterus, Aprosmictus, 248 
coccineopterus, Ptistes, 248 
coccinicollaris, Pionius, 211 
coccinicollaris, Pionopsitta, 211 
coelestis, Agapornis, 205 
coelestis, Forpus, 205 
coerulescens, Pyrrhura, 195 
colei, Platycercus, 261 

colesi, Trichoglossus, 151 
collaria, Amazona, 216 
collarius, Psittacus, 216 
collaris, Engyptila, 125 
collaris, Leptotila, 125 
collaris, Psittacella, 252 
Columba, 56 

Columbae, 10 

Columbidae, 11 
Columbiformes, 3 
Columbigallina, 105 
Columbina, 104 

Columbinae, 56 

columboides, Palaeornis, 246 
columboides, Psittacula, 246 
Columbula, 104 


comata, Goura, 141 
comorensis, Coracopsis, 230 
comorensis, Psittacus, 230 
comorensis, Streptopelia, 91 
comorensis, Turtur, 91 
Compsoenas, 42 

concinna, Carpophaga, 45 
concinna, Ducula, 45 
concinna, Glossopsitta, 157 
concinnus, Psittacus, 157 
condorensis, Myristicivora, 50 
connectens, Platycercus, 264 
consobrina, Carpophaga, 47 
consobrina, Ducula, 47 
consobrina, Phaps, 117 
conspicillatus, Forpus, 204 
conspicillata, Psittacula, 204 
Conuropsis, 192 

Conurus, 185 

cookii, Cyanoramphus, 270 
cookii, Platycercus, 270 
coppingeri, Streptopelia, 91 
coppingeri, Turtur, 91 
Coracopsis, 229 

coralensis, Ptilinopus, 30 
corallinus, Pionus, 214 
Corillis, 256 

Coriphilus, 156 

cornelia, Eclectus, 231 
cornelia, Lorius, 231 
cornutus, Eunymphicus, 269 
cornutus, Psittacus, 269 
coronata, Columba, 140 
coronata, Goura, 140 
coronatus, Pterocles, 6 
coronulatus, Ptilinopus, 33 
coronulatus, Ptilonopus, 33 
Coryphoenas, 82 
costaricensis, Geotrygon, 129 
costaricensis, Oreopeleia, 129 
costaricensis, Touit, 209 
costaricensis, Urochroma, 209 
cotorra, Myiopsitta, 200 
cotorra, Psittacus, 200 
couloni, Ara, 184 

coxeni, Cyclopsitta, 166 
coxeni, Opopsitta, 166 
crassirostris, Coryphoenas, 82 
crassirostris, Forpus, 204 
crassirostris, Psittacula, 204 
crassirostris, Turacoena, 82 
crassus, Pionias, 226 


crassus, Poicephalus, 226 
criniger, Gallicolumba, 133 
criniger, Pampusanna, 133 
criniger, Peristera, 133 
crissalis, Columba, 67 
cristata, Columba, 132, 140 
cristata, Gotira, 140 
Crocopus, 14 

crommelinae, Barnardius, 263 
cruenta, Gallicolumba, 133 
cruentatus, Psittacus, 194 
cruentata, Pyrrhura, 194 
Cruopsitta, 163 

cruziana, Columba, 109 
cruziana, Columbigallina, 109 
Cryptophaps, 55 
cryptoxanthus, Poicephalus, 227 
cryptoxanthus, Psittacus, 227 
cucullatus, Psephotus, 266 
cucullatus, Raphus, 10 
cucullatus, Struthio, 10 
cumanensis, Ara, 184 
cumanensis, Psittacus, 184 
cunctata, Macropygia, 77 
cuneata, Columba, 101 
cuneata, Geopelia, 101 
cupidineus, Ptilinopus, 32 
cuprea, Carpophaga, 51 
cuprea, Ducula, 51 
curvirostra, Columba, 14 
curvirostra, Treron, 14 
cyanauchen, Domicella, 155 
cyanauchen, Psittacus, 155 
cyaneiceps, Prioniturus, 237 
cyanescens, Coriphilus, 157 
cyaneus, Coriphilus, 157 
cyaneus, Psittacus, 157 
cyanicarpus, Geoffroyus, 235 
cyanicollis, Geoffroyus, 233 
cyanicollis, Psittacus, 233 
cyanocephala, Columba, 138 
cyanocephala, Psittacula, 245 
cyanocephalus, Psittacus, 245 
cyanocephala, Starnoenas, 138 
cyanochlorus, Forpus, 203 
cyanochlora, Psittacula, 203 
cyanogaster, Psittacus, 224 
cyanogenia, Kos, 145 
cyanogrammus, Trichoglossus, 149 
Cyanoliseus, 193 
cyanonothus, Eos, 146 
cyanonothus, Psittacus, 146 

cyanopgygius, Forpus, 203 
cyanophanes, Forpus, 203 
cyanophanes, Psittacula, 203 
eyanopis, Oxypelia, 109 
eyanopis, Peristera, 109 
Cyanopsitta, 180 
Cyanopsittacus, 180 
cyanoptera, Brotogeris, 207 
cyanopterus, Neonanodes, 267 
eyanopterus, Neophema, 267 
cyanopterus, Ptilinopus, 31 
cyanoptera, Sittace, 207 
cyanopygia, Psittacula, 203 
cyanopygius, Psittacus, 248 
Cyanoramphus, 269 
Cyanotreron, 28 

cyanurus, Cyanoramphus, 270 
cyanurus, Psittacus, 215, 253 
eyanurus, Psittinus, 253 
Cyclopsittacus, 164 
cyclopum, Charmosyna, 160 

dakhlae, Columba, 60 
dakhlae, Streptopelia, 99 
damarensis, Poicephalus, 228 
damarensis, Streptopelia, 95 
damarensis, Treron, 22 
damarensis, Turtur, 95 
damarensis, Vinago, 22 
dammermani, Psittacula, 244 
Dasyptilus, 230 

decaocto, Columba, 92 
decaocto, Streptopelia, 92 
decipiens, Homoptila, 124 
decipiens, Leptotila, 124 
decipiens, Streptopelia, 93 
decipiens, Turtur, 93 
decolor, Leptoptila, 123 
decolor, Leptotila, 123 
decoloratus, Pionus, 216 
decoratus, Pterocles, 8 
decorus, Ptilinopus, 32 
decorus, Ptilopus, 32 
defontainei, Psittacula, 245 
delalandii, Phalacrotreron, 22 
delalandii, Treron, 22 
delegorguei, Columba, 73 
delicata, Columba, 72 
delicatula, Chalcopelia, 112 
delicatulus, Turtur, 112 
deliciosus, Forpus, 204 
deliciosa, Psittacula, 204 

INDEX 285 

Dendrophassa, 14 
deplanchii, Trichoglossus, 150 
derbyana, Cacatoes, 178 
derbyanus, Palaeornis, 244 
derbyana, Psittacula, 244 
derbyi, Licmetis, 177 
Deroptyus, 224 

desmarestii, Psittacula, 163 
desmarestii, Psittaculirostris, 163 
desmarestii, Psittacus, 163 
devillei, Brotogeris, 207 
devillei, Conurus, 194, 207 
devillei, Pyrrhura, 194 
devittata, Domicella, 154 
devittatus, Lorius, 154 
diadema, Amazona, 219 
diadema, Charmosyna, 158 
diadema, Psittacus, 219 
diadema, Psitteuteles, 158 
dialeucos, Scardafella, 103 
diatropurus, Muscadivores, 46 
didimus, Glossopsitta, 157 
Didunculinae, 141 
Didunculus, 141 

Didus, 10 

diemenensis, Platycercus, 261 
digressa, Geotrygon, 130 
dilectissima, Touit, 209 
dilectissima, Urochroma, 209 
dilloni, Columba, 64 

dilloni, Stictoenas, 64 
Dilophilus, 4 

Diopezus, 134 

diophthalma, Opopsitta, 165 
diophthalma, Psittacula, 165 
Diopsittaca, 180 

discolor, Lathamus, 167 
discolor, Psittacus, 167 
discurus, Prioniturus, 236 
discurus, Psittacus, 236 
disyuncta, Chalcophaps, 116 
dissimilis, Psephotus, 266 
distincta, Cacatua, 177 
djampeae, Tanygnathus, 240 
djampeana, Cacatua, 175 
djampeana, Kakatoe, 175 
djampeanus, Trichoglossus, 148 
docilis, Palaeornis, 242 
dohertyi, Leucotreron, 27 
dohertyi, Loriculus, 258 
dohertyi, Ptilopus, 27 
dolichopterus, Loriculus, 259 


dombraini, Neophema, 268 
dombraini, Pezoporus, 273 
Domicella, 153 

domicella, Psittacus, 155 
domvilii, Osmotreron, 19 
domvilii, Treron, 19 
Doreenia, 142 

doreya, Macropygia, 76 
dorotheae, Psephotellus, 267 
dorsalis, Alisterus, 249 
dorsalis, Geoffroyus, 235 
dorsalis, Psittacus, 249 
douraca, Turtur, 92 
Drepanoptila, 41 

drouhardi, Coracopsis, 230 
dryas, Streptopelia, 95 
dubius, Psephotellus, 266 
duboisi, Nesoenas, 74 

dubusi, Leptoptila, 126 
dubusi, Leptotila, 126 
ducorpsii, Cacatua, 176 
Ducorpsius, 176 

ducrops, Kakatoe, 176 
ducrops, Plyctolophus, 176 
Ducula, 42 

dufresniana, Amazona, 219 
dufresnianus, Psittacus, 219 
duivenbodei, Chalcopsitta, 144 
duivenbodei, Chalcopsittacus, 144 
dundasi, Platycercus, 263 

du petithouarsii, Columba, 28 
dupetithouarsii, Ptilimopus, 28 
dusumieri, Columba, 96 
dusumieri, Streptopelia, 96 

eburnirostrum, Aratinga, 189 
eburnirostrum, Psittacus, 189 
echo, Palaeornis, 243 

echo, Psittacula, 243 
Eclectus, 231 

Ectopistes, 82 

edithae, Trichoglossus, 152 
edwardsii, Cyclopsittacus, 164 
edwardsii, Psittaculirostris, 164 
eichhorni, Gallicolumba, 135 
eidos, Forpus, 205 

eimeensis, Columba, 137 
egregius, Conurus, 197 
egregia, Pyrrhura, 197 
elaeodes, Chaemepelia, 108 
elaeodes, Columbigallina, 108 
elassa, Macropygia, 80 


elberti, Turacoena, 75 

electa, Streptopelia, 94 
electus, Turtur, 94 

elegans, Columba, 118 
elegans, Nanodes, 267 
elegans, Neophema, 267 
elegans, Phaps, 118 

elegans, Platycercus, 260 
elegans, Psittacus, 260 
elegans, Streptopelia, 94 
elegans, Turtur, 94 
elgonensis, Streptopelia, 93 
ellenbecki, Pterocles, 8 
ellioti, Pterocles, 5 
elphinstonii, Columba, 68 
elphinstonii, Ptilinopus, 68 
elseyi, Platycercus, 262 
eluta, Columbigallina, 107 
emiliana, Macropygia, 80 
emini, Agapornis, 255 

emini, Pterocles, 5 

emma, Pyrrhura, 196 
emmae, Touit, 210 

emmae, Urochroma, 210 
enantia, Haemataena, 37 
engelbachi, Macropygia, 78 
Enicognathus, 199 
enigmaticus, Pterocles, 6 
Eolophus, 178 

Eos, 145 

epia, Leucotreron, 26 

eques, Psittacus, 243 
Eremialector, 3 

erimacra, Treron, 15 
erithacus, Psittacus, 229 
erlangeri, Chalcopelia, 113 
erlangeri, Pterocles, 5 
ermanni, Streptopelia, 99 
ermanni, Turtur, 99 
erythreae, Poicephalus, 227 
erythreae, Streptopelia, 96 
erythreae, Turtur, 96 
erythrocephala, Ara, 184 
erythrogenys, Aratinga, 187 
erythrogenys, Conurus, 187 
erythrogenys, Palaeornis, 245 
erythrogenys, Psittacara, 187 
erythronotus, Psittacus, 271 
erythropareia, Geotrygon, 132 
erythropareia, Oreopeleia, 132 
erythropeplus, Platycercus, 264 
erythrophrys, Streptopelia, 93 

INDEX 287 

exsul, Psephotus, 266 
exsul, Psittacula, 244 
extima, Eupsittula, 189 
exustus, Pterocles, 4 
eyrei, Trichoglossus, 151 

erythrophrys, Turtur, 93 
erythropterus, Aprosmictus, 248 
erythroptera, Columba, 137 
erythroptera, Gallicolumba, 137 
erythropterus, Psittacus, 248 
erythroptera, Terricolumba, 134 
erythrothorax, Columba, 102 
erythrothorax, Domicella, 154 
erythrothorax, Lorius, 154 
erythrotis, Cyanoramphus, 271 

fairchildii, Pezoporus, 270 
fallax, Chloroenas, 63 
fantiensis, Poicephalus, 225 
farinosa, Amazona, 223 

erythrotis, Psittacus, 271 
erythrura, Ara, 185 
esslingii, Nestor, 142 
ethelae, Psephotus, 266 
Eucacatua, 173 
Eucinetus, 212 

eugeniae, Iotreron, 36 
eugeniae, Ptilinopus, 36 
Eunymphicus, 269 
euops, Aratinga, 188 
euops, Sittace, 188 
eupatria, Psittacula, 242 
eupatria, Psittacus, 242 
Eupelia, 105 
Eupsittacus, 225 

euteles, Psittacus, 151 
euteles, Trichoglossus, 151 
Eutelipsitta, 147 
Eutreron, 28 

Eutrygon, 137 

everetti, Leucotreron, 27 
everetti, Osmotreron, 16 
everetti, Ptilinopus, 27 
everetti, Tanygnathus, 239 
everetti, Treron, 16 
eversmanni, Columba, 61 
ewingii, Ptilinopus, 29 
excelsa, Columba, 61 
excelsus, Palumbus, 61 
exigua, Chloroenas, 66 
exigua, Columba, 66 
exigua, Columbigallina, 106 
exilis, Loriculus, 259 
eximius, Platycercus, 261 
eximius, Psittacus, 261 
explorator, Geoffroyus, 234 
exsul, Brotogeris, 207 
exsul, Chloroenas, 66 
exsul, Columba, 56, 66 
exsul, Gymnophaps, 56 
exsul, Nesopelia, 88 
exsul, Palaeornis, 244 

farinosus, Psittacus, 223 
farquhari, Globicera, 44 
fasciata, Columba, 67 
fasciata, Psittacula, 243 
fasciatus, Psittacus, 243 
fasciatus, Ptilinopus, 30 
fasciata, Tringa, 9 
ferghanensis, Columba, 61 
ferrago, Columba, 90 
ferruginea, Columba, 136 
ferruginea, Lophophaps, 119 
ferruginea, Microsittace, 199 
ferrugineus, Psittacus, 199 
ferrugineifrons, Bolborhynchus, 202 
ferrugineifrons, Brotogerys, 202 
festetichi, Cyclopsittacus, 165 
festiva, Amazona, 220 
festivus, Psittacus, 220 
figginsi, Uropelia, 104 
fimbriatum, Callocephalon, 173 
fimbriatus, Psittacus, 173 
finschi, Amazona, 219 

finschi, Aratinga, 186 

finschii, Carpophaga, 54 
finschi, Chrysotis, 219 

finschi, Conurus, 186 

finschii, Ducula, 54 

finschii, Micropsitta, 169 
finschii, Nasiterna, 169 
finschii, Palaeornis, 246 
finschii, Psittacula, 246 
finschi, Ptilinopus, 33 

fischeri, Agapornis, 255 
fischeri, Leucotreron, 25 
fischeri, Ptilinopus, 25 
fitzroyi, Cacatoes, 174 
fitzroyi, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
fitzroyi, Kakatoe, 174 
flaveolus, Platycercus, 260 
flavescens, Forpus, 204 
flavescens, Psittacula, 204 
flavicans, Prioniturus, 237 


flavicans, Trichoglossus, 150 
flavicollis, Ptilinopus, 29 
flavifrons, Pionus, 226 
flavifrons, Poicephalus, 226 
flavirostris, Columba, 65 
flavissimus, Forpus, 204 
flaviventris, Pezoporus, 272 
flaviventris, Platycercus, 261 
flavopalliata, Domicella, 155 
flavopalliatus, Lorius, 155 
flavotectus, Trichoglossus, 149 
flavoviridis, Psitteuteles, 152 
flavoviridis, Trichoglossus, 152 
fleurieuensis, Platycercus, 260 
flindersi, Platycercus, 261 
floresianus, Geoffroyus, 233 
floris, Tanygnathus, 240 
floris, Treron, 17 

flosculus, Loriculus, 259 
floweri, Pterocles, 5 
foersteri, Henicophaps, 116 
forbesi, Cyanoramphus, 271 
forbesi, Haplopelia, 121 
formosa, Carpophaga, 42 
formosa, Megaloprepia, 42 
formosus, Psittacus, 272 
formosa, Spilopelia, 98 
formosa, Streptopelia, 98 
formosae, Sphenurus, 13 
formosae, Treron, 13 
Forpus, 202 

forresti, Streptopelia, 97 
forsteni, Ducula, 53 
forsteni, Hemiphaga, 53 
forsteni, Psittacus, 148 
forsteni, Trichoglossus, 148 
forsterii, Columba, 53 
fortis, Trichoglossus, 148 
franciae, Columba, 40 
fraseri, Tympanistria, 111 
frauenfeldii, Globicera, 44 
freeri, Tanygnathus, 239 
frenata, Columba, 132 
frenata, Oreopeleia, 132 
frigoris, Streptopelia, 98 
frontalis, Oreopsittacus, 162 
frontalis, Phabotreron, 24 
frontalis, Phapitreron, 24 
frontalis, Psittacus, 194 
frontalis, Pyrrhura, 194 
frontata, Aratinga, 187 
frontatus, Conurus, 187 


fuertesi, Hapalopsittaca, 212 
fuertesi, Pionopsitta, 212 
fugaensis, Ducula, 47 
fugaensis, Muscadivores, 47 
fulgidus, Banksianus, 231 
fulgidus, Psittrichas, 231 
fuliginosus, Tanygnathus, 241 
fulvicollis, Columba, 17 
fulvicollis, Treron, 17 
fulvifrons, Leptotila, 122 
fulviventris, Leptoptila, 122 
fulviventris, Leptotila, 122 
fulvopectoralis, Streptopelia, 96 
funebrea, Stigmatopelia, 90 
funebrea, Streptopelia, 90 
funereus, Calyptorhynchus, 171 
funereus, Psittacus, 171 
fuscata, Eos, 153 

fuscata, Pseudeos, 153 
fuscicapillus, Pionus, 226 
fuscicollis, Poicephalus, 225 
fuscicollis, Psittacus, 225 
fuscifrons, Cyclopsittacus, 165 
fuscifrons, Deroptyus, 224 
fuscifrons, Opopsitta, 165 
fuscus, Pionus, 216 

fuscus, Psittacus, 216 

gaddi, Columba, 58 
galapagoensis, Nesopelia, 88 
galapagoensis, Zenaida, 88 
galeata, Ducula, 438 

galeatus, Psittacus, 173 
galeatus, Serresius, 43 
galerita, Kakatoe, 174 
galeritus, Psittacus, 174 
galgulus, Loriculus, 258 
galgulus, Psittacus, 258 
Gallicolumba, 133 

Ganga, 3 

garrula, Domicella, 155 
garrulus, Psittacus, 155 
gaudens, Pyrrhura, 199 
gaumeri, Engyptila, 125 
gaumeri, Leptotila, 125 
geelvinkiana, Ducula, 45 
geelvinkiana, Carpophaga, 45 
geelvinkiana, Micropsitta, 168 
geelvinkiana, Nasiterna, 168 ~ 
geelvinkiana, Ptilinopus, 36 
geelvinkiana, Ptilopus, 36 
geminus, Ptilinopus, 33 

geminus, Ptilonopus, 33 
geoffroyi, Geoffroyus, 233 
geoffroyi, Peristera, 111 
geoffroyi, Psittacus, 233 
Geoffroyus, 233 

Geopelia, 100 

Geophaps, 119 
Geopsittacus, 273 
Geotrygon, 132 
gerontodes, Pionias, 215 
gestroi, Ptilinopus, 39 
gestroi, Ptilonopus, 39 
gibberifrons, Vinago, 21 
gironieri, Leucotreron, 26 
glaucogularis, Ara, 181 
glaucus, Anodorhynchus, 179 
glaucus, Macrocercus, 179 
Globicera, 42 
Glossopsitta, 157 
Glossopsittacus, 157 
Glossoptilus, 152 

gmelini, Lathamus, 167 
Gnathodon, 141 
Gnathosittaca, 193 
godefrida, Columba, 111 
godefrida, Claravis, 111 
godmani, Cyclopsittacus, 163 
godmani, Psittaculirostris, 163 
godmanae, Raperia, 70 
goffini, Kakatoe, 177 
goffini, Lophochroa, 177 
goldiei, Macropygia, 77 
goldiei, Glossopsitta, 151 
goldiei, Psitteuteles, 152 
goldiei, Trichoglossus, 152 
goldmani, Geotrygon, 129 
goldmani, Oreopeleia, 129 
goliath, Carpophaga, 50 
goliath, Ducula, 50 
goliath, Probosciger, 170 
goliath, Psittacus, 170 
goliathina, Charmosyna, 161 
goodfellowi, Eos, 147 
goodsoni, Columba, 71 
goodsoni, Lorius, 233 
goodsoni, Macropygia, 81 
goodsoni, Treron, 16 
gossei, Ara, 184 

gouldii, Nanodes, 268 
Goiira, 140 

Goiirinae, 140 

gracilipes, Amazona, 218 

INDEX 289 

gradaria, Columba, 57 
graeffei, Ptilinopus, 30 
gramineus, Psittacus, 240 
gramineus, Tanygnathus, 240 
Grammopsittaca, 202 
grandis, Oreopsittacus, 162 
granti, Phlogoenas, 135 
granti, Treron, 22 

granti, Vinago, 22 
granulifrons, Ptilinopus, 37 
granviki, Treron, 21 
Graydidasealus, 213 

grayi, Kos, 145 

graysoni, Zenaidura, 84 
gregalis, Geopelia, 100 
gregorjewi, Turtur, 89 
greyii, Ptilinopus, 31 

greyli, Strigops, 142 

grisea, Carpophaga, 71 
grisea, Columba, 71 

grisea, Myristicivora, 71 
griseicapilla, Ducula, 51 
griseicapilla, Treron, 18 
griseicauda, Treron, 16 
griseinucha, Macropygia, 77 
griseipectus, Ptilocolpa, 54 
griseipectus, Pyrrhura, 197 
griseiventris, Streptopelia, 94 
griseiventris, Turtur, 94 
griseogularis, Columba, 69 
griseogularis, Ianthoenas, 69 
griseola, Columbigallina, 107 
griseola, Columbina, 107 
griseotincta, Reinwardtoena, 82 
grotei, Streptopelia, 96 
guadeloupensis, Ara, 184 
guarouba, Aratinga, 186 
guarouba, Psittacus, 186 
guatemalae, Amazona, 222 
guatemalae, Chrysotis, 222 
guayaquilensis, Ara, 182 
guenbyensis, Eos, 146 
guenbyensis, Psittacus, 146 
guianensis, Psittacula, 204 
guildingii, Amazona, 223 
guildingii, Psittacus, 223 
guinea, Columba, 64 
gularis, Columba, 26 
gulielmi, Pionus, 226 
gulielmi, Poicephalus, 226 
gulielmi III, Opopsitta, 164 


gulielmi III, Psittacula, 164 
gustavi, Brotogeris, 207 
gutierrezi, Streptopelia, 97 
gutturalis, Pterocles, 7 
gymnocyclus, Columba, 59 
Gymnopelia, 102 
Gymnophaps, 56 
gymnophtalmos, Columba, 63 
gymnopis, Cacatua, 177 
gymnops, Chamaepelia, 102 
gymnops, Gymnopelia, 102 
Gymnopsittacus, 185 
Gypopsitta, 213 
Gypopsittacus, 213 

habroptilus, Strigops, 142 
Haemataena, 28 

haematod, Psittacus, 149 
haematod, Trichoglossus, 149 
haematodes, Trichoglossus, 148 
haematodus, Psittacus, 147 
haematogaster, Platycercus, 265 
haematogaster, Northiella, 265 
haematonotus, Platycercus, 265 
haematonotus, Psephotus, 265 
haematorrhous, Northiella, 265 
haematorrhous, Psephotus, 265 
haematotis, Pionopsitta, 211 
haematotis, Pionus, 211 
haematuropygia, Kakatoe, 175 
haematuropygius, Psittacus, 175 
haemorrhous, Aratinga, 185 
hageni, Osmotreron, 18 

hahni, Ara, 184 

hainana, Streptopelia, 98 
hainana, Treron, 15 

hainanus, Turtur, 98 

haliploa, Treron, 15 

halli, Neophema, 269 
halmaheira, Columba, 70 
halmaheira, Janthaenas, 70 
halmaturinus, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
Hapalopsittaca, 212 
Harrisornis, 171 

harterti, Psittacella, 251 
harterti, Treron, 14 

harterti, Turturoena, 73 
headlandi, Geopelia, 100 

hecki, Androglossa, 219 
hedleyi, Geopelia, 101 
hellmayri, Leptotila, 127 
helviventris, Gallicolumba, 134 


helviventris, Ptilopus, 134 
Hemicarpophaga, 55 
Hemiphaga, 55 
Hemipsittacus, 180 
hendersoni, Vini, 156 
Henicophaps, 116 
henriettae, Platycercus, 261 
hernsheimi, Ptilinopus, 31 
hernsheimi, Ptilopus, 31 
hesterna, Amazona, 217 
heteroclitus, Geoffroyus, 236 
heteroclitus, Psittacus, 236 
heterurus, Tanygnathus, 240 
hilgerti, Streptopelia, 94 
hilgerti, Turtur, 94 

hilli, Platycercus, 262 
himalayana, Psittacula, 246 
himalayanus, Psittacus, 246 
hindustan, Pterocles, 5 
histrio, Eos, 146 

histrio, Psittacus, 146 
histronica, Histriophaps, 120 
histrionica, Peristera, 120 
Histriophaps, 120 
hochstetteri, Cyanoramphus, 271 
hochstetteri, Platycercus, 271 
hodgsonii, Columba, 64 
hoedti, Alopecoenas, 137 
hoedtii, Gallicolumba, 137 
hoedtii, Leptoptila, 137 
hoematotis, Pyrrhura, 196 
hoffmanni, Conurus, 199 
hoffmanni, Pyrrhura, 199 
hoggara, Streptopelia, 89 
hoggara, Turtur, 89 
hollandicus, Nymphicus, 179 
hollandicus, Psittacus, 179 
holochlora, Aratinga, 186 
holochlorus, Conurus, 186 
holosericea, Columba, 41 
holosericea, Drepanoptila, 41 
Homopelia, 88 

horrisonus, Tanygnathus, 239 
howei, Eolophus, 178 

howei, Kakatoe, 178 
hiiskeri, Macropygia, 77 
huetii, Psittacus, 209 

huetii, Touit, 209 

humeralis, Columba, 100 
humeralis, Geopelia, 100 
humeralis, Ptilinopus, 33 
humeralis, Ptilonopus, 33 

See ee 

humilis, Columba, 97 
humilis, Streptopelia, 97 
huonensis, Goura, 141 
huonensis, Psittacella, 252 
huonensis, Ptilinopus, 33 
huonensis, Ptilopus, 33 
huttoni, Ptilinopus, 30 
hyacinthinus, Anodorhynchus, 179 
hyacinthinus, Arara, 183 
hyacinthinus, Geoffroyus, 236 
hyacinthinus, Macrocercus, 180 
hyacinthinus, Psittacus, 179 
hyogastra, Columba, 37 
hyogastra, Ptilinopus, 37 
hyperythrus, Pterocles, 9 
Hypocharmosyna, 158 
hypoenochroa, Columba, 70 
hypoenochroa, Ianthaenas, 70 
hypoinochroa, Domicella, 154 
hypoinochrous, Lorius, 154 
hypoleuca, Aplopelia, 122 
hypoleuca, Haplopelia, 122 
hypoleuca, Zenaida, 84 
hypoleuca, Zenaidura, 84 
hypoperena, Macropygia, 79 
hypophonius, Alisterus, 248 
hypophonius, Psittacus, 248 
hypopyrrha, Streptopelia, 91 
hypopyrrhus, Turtur, 91 
hypothapsina, Treron, 15 
hypoxantha, Pyrrhura, 196 
hyreana, Columba, 60 

icterotis, Conurus, 194 
icterotis, Ognorhynchus, 194 
icterotis, Platycercus, 261 
icterotis, Psittacus, 261 
ignitus, Platycercus, 264 
imperialis, Amazona, 223 
inca, Chamaepelia, 103 
inca, Claravis, 111 

inca, Scardafella, 103 
incerta, Columba, 74 
incertus, Psittacus, 253 
incerta, Turturoena, 74 
incognitus, Leucotreron, 25 
incognita, Ptilopus, 25 
incondita, Eos, 153 
incondita, Pseudeos, 153 
indica, Chalecophaps, 114 
indica, Columba, 114 
indica, Eos, 145 

INDEX 291 

indicus, Loriculus, 256 

indicus, Pterocles, 9 

indicus, Tetrao, 9 
indoburmanicus, Palaeornis, 242 
inexpectata, Geopelia, 100 
infelix, Turtur, 113 

inferior, Ptilinopus, 34 

infusea, Geotrygon, 131 

infusea. Oreopeleia, 131 
infuscata, Columba, 58 
innominatus, Platycercus, 261 
innominatus, Strigops, 142 
inornata, Amazona, 223 
inornata, Aplopelia, 121 
inornata, Chrysotis, 223 
inornata, Columba, 66 

inornata, Haplopelia, 121 
inseparabilis, Cyclopsittacus, 166 
inseparabilis, Opopsitta, 166 
insignis, Chaleopsitta, 143 
insignis, Ducula, 51 
insignissimus, Aprosmictus, 250 
insolitus, Ptilinopus, 34 
insolitus, Ptilopus, 34 

insularis, Carpophaga, 46 
insularis, Columbigallina, 105 
insularis, Eos, 146 

insularis, Forpus, 203 

insularis, Leptotila, 123 
insularis, Otidiphaps, 139 
insularis, Psittacula, 203 
insularis, Ptilinopus, 30 
insularis, Ptilopus, 30 

intensa, Chalcopelia, 113 
intensior, Charmosyna, 159 
intensior, Hypocharmosyna, 159 
intensitincta, Ducula, 44 
intercedens, Columba, 58 
interior, Conuropsis, 192 
interjecta, Kakatoé, 174 
intermedius, Bolbopsittacus, 253 
intermedia, Cacatua, 171 
intermedia, Carpophaga, 45 
intermedia, Chalcopsitta, 144 
intermedius, Chalcopsittacus, 144 
intermedia, Columba, 59 
intermedius, Cyanoramphus, 271 
intermedia, Cyclopsitta, 163 
intermedia, Ducula, 45 
intermedia, Gallicolumba, 135 
intermedius, Leptolophus, 179 
intermedia, Leptoptila, 124 


intermedius, Melopsittacus, 272 
intermedia, Palaeornis, 246 
intermedia, Phlegoenas, 135 
intermedius, Probosciger, 171 
intermedia, Psittacula, 246 
intermedius, Oreopsittacus, 162 
intermedius, Trichoglossus, 149 
intermedius, Turtur, 93 
intermixta, Psittacella, 251 
interposita, Megaloprepia, 41 
interrupta, Chaemepelia, 108 
interrupta, Columbigallina, 108 
iobiensis, Ptilinopus, 33 
iobiensis, Ptilopus, 33 
Ionotreron, 28 

iozonus, Ptilinopus, 34 

iozonus, Ptilonopus, 34 

iranica, Columba, 62 

iranicus, Palumbus, 62 
iriditorques, Columba, 74 

iris, Neopsittacus, 151 

iris, Psittacus, 153 

iris, Psitteuteles, 153 
isabellina, Streptopelia, 89 
isabellinus, Turtur, 89 

jacksoni, Aplopelia, 121 
jacksoni, Haplopelia, 121 
jamaicensis, Columba, 125 
jamaicensis, Columbigallina, 105 
jamaicensis, Leptotila, 125 
jambu, Columba, 38 

jambu, Ptilinopus, 38 
jandaya, Aratinga, 188 
jandaya, Psittacus, 188 
janthina, Columba, 69 
javana, Treron, 20 

jessieae, Zenaida, 85 
jessieae, Zenaidura, 85 
jobiensis, Carpophaga, 52 
jobiensis, Domicella, 154 
jobiensis, Ducula, 52 
jobiensis, Gallicolumba, 136 
jobiensis, Geoffroyus, 235 
jobiensis, Phlegoenas, 136 
jobiensis, Pionias, 235 
johannae, Gallicolumba, 135 
johannae, Phlogoenas, 135 
johannis, Ptilinopus, 35 
johannis, Ptilopus, 35 
johnstoni, Haplopelia, 121 
johnstoniae, Psitteuteles, 152 


johnstoniae, Trichoglossus, 152 
jonquillaceus, Aprosmictus, 248 
jonquillaceus, Psittacus, 248 
josefinae, Charmosyna, 160 
josefinae, Trichoglossus, 160 
jouyi, Columba, 69 

jouyi, Janthoenas, 69 

jugularis, Brotogeris, 206 
jugularis, Psittacus, 206 
junoniae, Columba, 62 

kafuensis, Turtur, 94 
kalinowskii, Leptotila, 124 
Kakatoe, 173 

Kakatoeinae, 170 
kaporensis, Ptilinopus, 39 
katharinae, Nyctiperdix, 8 
katharinae, Pterocles, 8 
keayi, Gallicolumba, 133 
keayi, Phlogoenas, 133 
keiensis, Micropsitta, 168 
keiensis, Nasiterna, 168 
kempi, Chalcophaps, 115 
keri, Megaloprepia, 42 
kerstingi, Macropygia, 77 
keyensis, Macropygia, 76 
keyensis, Geoffroyus, 234 
kilimensis, Chalcopelia, 112 
kilimensis, Haplopelia, 121 
kintampoensis, Poeocephalus, 225 
koikei, Tanygnathus, 238 
kordoana, Charmosyna, 159 
kordoanus, Trichoglossus, 159 
koreensis, Streptopelia, 92 
korejewi, Columba, 59 
koroensis, Platycercus, 251 
koroensis, Prosopeia, 251 
korthalsi, Sphenocercus, 12 
korthalsi, Sphenurus, 12 
koslovae, Pterocles, 6 
krakari, Charmosyna, 158 
krakari, Hypocharmosyna, 158 
krakari, Macropygia, 81 
krameri, Psittacula, 242 
krameri, Psittacus, 242 
kriegi, Pyrrhura, 195 
kubaryi, Gallicolumba, 136 
kubaryi, Phlegoenas, 136 
kuhli, Cacatoes, 178 

kuhli, Kakatoe, 178 

kuhlii, Psittacula, 156 
kuhlii, Vini, 156 

kwalamkwalam, Cacatoes, 174 
kwalamkwalam, Kakatoe, 174 

labati, Conurus, 191 
lacernulata, Columba, 51 
lacernulata, Ducula, 51 
lacerus, Pionias, 215 

lacerus, Pionus, 215 
lamprochlorus, Loriculus, 258 
Lamprotreron, 28 

Lamprura, 42 

langhornei, Ducula, 49 
langhornei, Muscadivora, 49 
laotinus, Sphenurus, 11 
Larius, 153, 231 

larva, Oreopeleia, 130 
larvata, Aplopelia, 121 
larvata, Columba, 121 
lathami, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
lathami, Psittacus, 172 
Lathamus, 166 

latrans, Carpophaga, 49 
latrans, Ducula, 49 
laurivora, Columba, 62 
lawrencii, Geotrygon, 129 
lawrencii, Oreopeleia, 129 
Layardiella, 250 
leachi, Pezoporus, 273 
leadbeateri, Cyclopsitta, 166 
leadbeateri, Kakatoe, 176 
leadbeateri, Plyctolophus, 176 
leari, Anodorhynchus, 180 
leclancheri, Leucotreron, 26 
leclancheri, Trerolaema, 26 
leggei, Treron, 19 

lenensis, Columba, 58 
lentipes, Oreopeleia, 129 
leopoldi, Columba, 70 
leopoldi, Ianthaenas, 70 
lepidus, Psittacus, 195 
lepida, Sittace, 195 
leptogrammica, Macropygia, 76 
Leptolophus, 178 
Leptophaps, 102 
leptorhynchus, Enicognathus, 199 
leptorhyncha, Psittacara, 199 
Leptosittaca, 192 

Leptotila, 122 

letonai, Columba, 67 
lettiensis, Leucotreron, 27 
lettiensis, Ptilopus, 27 
leucocephala, Amazona, 217 

INDEX 293 

leucocephala, Columba, 62 
leucocephalus, Psittacus, 217 
leucogaster, Lophophaps, 119 
leucogaster, Pionites, 210 
leucogaster, Psittacus, 210 
leucometopius, Oreopeleia, 130 
leuconota, Columba, 57 
leucopareia, Eutrygon, 138 
leucopareia, Trugon, 138 
leucophthalmus, Aratinga, 188 
leucophthalmus, Psittacus, 188 
leucoptera, Melopelia, 87 
Leucosarcia, 137 

leucotis, Columba, 23 
leucotis, Phapitreron, 23 
leucotis, Psittacus, 197 
leucotis, Pyrrhura, 197 
Leucotreron, 25 

levaillantii, Amazona, 221 
levaillantii, Chrysotis, 221 
lewisii, Ptilinopus, 36 

lewisii, Ptilopus, 36 
leytensis, Gallicolumba, 133 
leytensis, Phlegoenas, 133 
lhasae, Turtur, 89 

libs, Coracopsis, 230 
lichtensteinii, Pterocles, 8 
Licmetis, 177 

lilacina, Amazona, 219 
lilianae, Agapornis, 256 
limucon, Phapitreron, 24 
lindoi, Barnardius, 263 
linearis, Columba, 131 
linearis, Columbi-Gallina, 131 
linearis, Oreopeleia, 131 
lineata, Geopelia, 100 
lineola, Bolborhynchus, 202 
lineola, Psittacula, 202 
lineolatus, Bolborhynchus, 202 
livia, Columba, 58 

livida, Claravis, 110 

lividior, Columba, 60 
locutrix, Columba, 73 

loéi, Streptopelia, 89 
logonensis, Streptopelia, 93 
logonensis, Turtur, 93 

longa, Macropygia, 79 
longicauda, Psittacula, 245 
longicauda, Psittacus, 245 
longipennis, Ara, 184 
longipennis, Columba, 64 
longipennis, Diopsitta, 184 


longirostris, Chaleophaps, 115 
Lophochroa, 176 
Lopholaimus, 55 
Lophophaps, 118 

lophotes, Columba, 118 
lophotes, Ocyphaps, 118 
lorentzi, Psittacella, 252 
Loriculus, 256 

Loriunae, 143 

Lorius, 153, 231 

lory, Domicella, 154 

lory, Psittacus, 154 
loveridgei, Eremialector, 8 
loveridgei, Pterocles, 8 

lowei, Pterocles, 10 

lowei, Sphenocercus, 11 
lowei, Sphenurus, 11 

luchsi, Bolborrhynchus, 200 
luchsi, Myiopsitta, 200 
lucianii, Conurus, 197 
lucianii, Pyrrhura, 197 
lucida, Psittacula, 205 

lucida, Zenaida, 87 
lucionensis, Psittacus, 238 
lucionensis, Tanygnathus, 238 
luconensis, Prioniturus, 236 
luctuosa, Columba, 50 
luctuosa, Ducula, 50 
ludovicianus, Conuropsis, 192 
ludovicianus, Psittacus, 192 
lugens, Columba, 90 

lugens, Streptopelia, 90 
lunulatus, Bolbopsittacus, 253 
lunulatus, Psittacus, 253 
luteovirens, Chrysoena, 40 
luteovirens, Columba, 40 
luteus, Psittacus, 185 
luzonica, Columba, 133 
luzonica, Gallicolumba, 133 

mab, Neophema, 268 

mab, Psephotus, 268 

macao, Ara, 182 

macao, Macrocercus, 182 
macao, Psittacus, 182 
macassariensis, Macropygia, 78 
macavuanna, Ara, 183 
macconelli, Leptoptila, 124 
maccoyi, Cyclopsitta, 166 
macgillivrayi, Eclectus, 232 
macgillivrayi, Geoffroyus, 235 
macgillivrayi, Lorius, 232 


macgillivrayi, Platycercus, 263 
macgillivrayi, Solenoglossus, 171 
macilwraithi, Cyclopsittacus, 165 
mackinlayi, Macropygia, 81 
macleani, Cyanoramphus, 271 
macleayana, Cyclopsitta, 166 
macleayana, Opopsitta, 166 
maclennani, Geoffroyus, 235 
maclennani, Pseudopsittacus, 235 
macrolophus, Kakatoe, 173 
macrolophus, Plyctolophus, 173 
macropterus, Psittacus, 253 
Macropygia, 75 
macrorhynchus, Calyptorhynchus, 
macrorhynchus, Tanygnathus, 238 
macroura, Columba, 84 
macroura, Zenaidura, 84 
maculatus, Bolborhynchus, 202 
maculata, Columba, 85, 139 
maculata, Grammopsittaca, 202 
maculata, Zenaida, 85 
maculipectus, Phabotreron, 24 
maculipectus, Phapitreron, 24 
maculosa, Columba, 63 
mada, Columba, 56 
mada, Gymnophaps, 56 
mada, Prioniturus, 238 
madagascariensis, Alectroenas, 40 
madagascariensis, Columba, 40 
madagascariensis, Mascarinus, 241 
madarani, Psittacella, 252 
madaraszi, Psittacella, 252 
maderensis, Columba, 61 
madrensis, Columba, 65 
maforensis, Eclectus, 232 
maforensis, Lorius, 232 
maforensis, Macropygia, 77 
maforensis, Nasiterna, 168 
maforensis, Pionias, 235 
magna, Macropygia, 79 
magnificus, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
magnifica, Columba, 42 
magnifica, Megaloprepia, 42 
magnificus, Psittacus, 172 
magnirostris, Cyanoramphus, 271 
magnirostris, Palaeornis, 242 
magnirostris, Psittacula, 242 
magnirostris, Treron, 14 
major, Ara, 182 
major, Aratinga, 191 
major, Domicella, 154 

major, Eupsittula, 191 
major, Lorius, 154 

major, Macropygia, 81 
major, Neopsittacus, 162 
major, Oreopsittacus, 161 
major, Palaeornis, 244 

major, Psittacula, 244 
makarikari, Calopterocles, 7 
makarikari, Pterocles, 7 
malaccensis, Psittacus, 253 
malachitaceus, Psittacus, 224 
malachitacea, Triclaria, 224 
malae, Leptotila, 126 
malayana, Macropygia, 78 
malherbii, Columba, 74 
malherbi, Cyanoramphus, 272 
malindangensis, Prioniturus, 237 
manadensis, Columba, 75 
manadensis, Turacoena, 75 
mangoliensis, Leucotreron, 26 
mangoliensis, Ptilinopus, 26 
manilata, Ara, 183 
manilatus, Psittacus, 183 
manillensis, Psittacula, 243 
manillensis, Psittacus, 243 
Manopsitta, 164 

maracana, Ara, 183 
maracana, Macrocercus, 183 
marajoensis, Zenaida, 85 
marajoensis, Zenaidura, 85 
marchei, Leucotreron, 26 
marchei, Ptilopus, 26 
margarethae, Charmosyna, 160 
margaretha, Ptilinopus, 38 
margaritensis, Aratinga, 190 
margaritensis, Eupsittula, 190 
marginalis, Columba, 63 
marginata, Columba, 83 
marginella, Ectopistes, 83 
marginella, Zenaidura, 83 
mariae, Ptilinopus, 32 
marmorata, Columba, 120 
marshallianus, Ptilinopus, 31 
martinica, Amazona, 223 
martinicus, Anadorhynchus, 185 
martinica, Columba, 130 
martinica, Oreopeleia, 130 
mascarin, Mascarinus, 241 
mascarin, Psittacus, 241 
Mascarinus, 241 

massaicus, Poeocephalus, 226 
massaicus, Poicephalus, 226 

INDEX 995 

massena, Trichoglossus, 150 
massoptera, Haemataena, 38 
massoptera, Ptilinopus, 38 
mastersianus, Platycercus, 264 
matschiei, Poicephalus, 228 
maugei, Aratinga, 188 
maugei, Psittacara, 188 
maugeus, Columba, 101 
maugeus, Geopelia, 101 
maxima, Chaleophaps, 114 
maxima, Streptopelia, 93 
maximiliani, Anodorhynchus, 179 
maximiliani, Pionus, 215 
maximiliani, Psittacus, 215 
mayeri, Columba, 74 

mayeri, Nesoenas, 74 

mayri, Trugon, 138 
megregori, Kakatoe, 176 
mearnsi, Melopelia, 87 
mearnsi, Turtur, 112 

mearnsi, Zenaida, 87 

media, Chalcopelia, 113 
medioximus, Sphenocercus, 13 
medioximus, Sphenurus, 13 
meeki, Charmosyna, 158 
meeki, Cyclopsitta, 163 
meeki, Hypocharmosyna, 158 
meeki, Loriculus, 259 

meeki, Macropygia, 77 
meeki, Microgoura, 138 
meeki, Micropsitta, 169 
meena, Columba, 90 

meena, Streptopelia, 90 
megala, Macropygia, 80 
Megaloprepia, 41 
megalorynchos, Psittacus, 240 
megalorynchos, Tanygnathus, 240 
megalura, Leptoptila, 125 
megalura, Leptotila, 125 
megarhynchus, Psittacus, 229 
melanauchen, Jotreron, 38 
melanauchen, Ptilinopus, 38 
melanoblepharus, Pionus, 215 
melanocephala, Columba, 38 
melanocephalus, Pionites, 210 
melanocephalus, Psittacus, 191, 210 
melanochroa, Carpophaga, 53 
melanochroa, Ducula, 53 
melanogenia, Opopsitta, 165 
melanogenia, Psittacula, 165 
melanoleuca, Columba, 137 
melanoleuca, Leucosarcia, 137 


melanonotus, Psittacus, 209 
melanonotus, Touit, 209 
melanoptera, Columba, 103 
melanoptera, Metriopelia, 103 
melanoptera, Platycercus, 260 
melanorhynchus, Palaeornis, 246 
melanospila, Jotreron, 37 
melanospila, Ptilinopus, 37 
melanotis, Hapalopsittaca, 212 
melanotis, Pionus, 212 
melanotus, Psittacus, 209 
melanurus, Aratinga, 198 
melanura, Carpophaga, 50 
melanura, Ducula, 50 
melanura, Polytelis, 247 
melanura, Pyrrhura, 198 
mellori, Trichoglossus, 152 
meloda, Columba, 88 

meloda, Zenaida, 88 
Melopelia, 86 

melopogenys, Dendrophassa, 18 
melopogenys, Treron, 18 
Melopsittacus, 272 
melvillensis, Aprosmictus, 248 
melvillensis, Cacatoes, 174 
melvillensis, Chalcophaps, 115 
melvillensis, Geopelia, 101 
melvillensis, Myristicvora, 50 
melvillensis, Platycercus, 262 
melvillensis, Ptilinopus, 29 
melvillensis, Trichoglossus, 150 
menagei, Gallicolumba, 134 
menagei, Phlogoenas, 134 
menstruus, Pionus, 214 
menstruus, Psittacus, 214 
mercenaria, Amazona, 222 
mercenarius, Psittacus, 222 
mercierii, Kurukuru, 29 
mercierii, Ptilinopus, 29 
meridionalis, Leucotreron, 26 
meridionalis, Nestor, 142 
meridionalis, Psittacus, 142 
meridionalis, Zenaida, 87 
merrilli, Leucotreron, 26 
mesochloa, Dendrophassa, 18 
mesochloa, Treron, 18 
mesotypus, Poicephalus, 227 
messopora, Butreron, 13 
metallica, Columba, 70 
Metriopelia, 102 

mexicana, Ara, 181 

meyeri, Poicephalus, 227 


meyeri, Psittacus, 227 
meyeri, Psitteuteles, 152 
meyeri, Ptilinopus, 35 
meyeri, Trichoglossus, 152 
Mezotreron, 25 

miantoptera, Chamaepelia, 111 
microcera, Ducula, 44 
microcera, Globicera, 44 
Microglossus, 170 
Microgoura, 138 
Micropsitta, 167 
Micropsittacus, 224 
Micropsittinae, 167 
micropteryx, Trichoglossus, 150 
Microsittace, 199 
migratoria, Columba, 83 
migratoria, Ectopistes, 83 
militaris, Ara, 181 

militaris, Psittacus, 181 
mindanensis, Bolbopsittacus, 253 
mindanensis, Cyclopsitta, 253 
mindanensis, Ducula, 54 
mindanensis, Ptilocolpa, 54 
mindoensis, Pionus, 215 
mindorensis, Carpophaga, 53 
mindorensis, Ducula, 53 
mindorensis, Loriculus, 257 
mindorensis, Phapitreron, 23 
mindorensis, Prioniturus, 237 
minima, Chalcophaps, 115 
minima, Columba, 65 
minimus, Ptilinopus, 37 
minor, Alectroenas, 40 
minor, Alisterus, 250 

minor, Aratinga, 187 

minor, Eutelipsitta, 151 
minor, Geoffroyus, 235 
minor, Goiira, 140 

minor, Leucosarcia, 137 
minor, Lopholaimus, 55 
minor, Macropygia, 76, 82 
minor, Microsittace, 199 
minor, Streptopelia, 93 
minor, Turtur, 93, 98 
minuta, Columba, 108 
minuta, Columbigallina, 108 
minutus, Ptilopus, 32 
miquelii, Ptilinopus, 34 
miquelii, Ptilopus, 34 
misoriensis, Micropsitta, 168 
misoriensis, Nasiterna, 168 
mista, Ducula, 46 

INDEX 297 

mistus, Muscadivores, 46 murchisoni, Phaps, 117 
mitchellii, Trichoglossus, 148 murielae, Sphenurus, 13 
mitrata, Aratinga, 187 murinus, Psittacus, 200 
mitratus, Conurus, 187 murmensis, Oenopopelia, 97 
miza, Dendrophassa, 18 murmensis, Streptopelia, 97 
miza, Treron, 18 Muscadivores, 42 

modesta, Columba, 75 musschenbroekii, Nanodes, 162 
modestus, Palaeornis, 245 musschenbroekii, Neopsittacus, 162 
modesta, Psittacella, 252 musschenbroekii, Ptilopus, 36 
modesta, Psittacula, 205, 245 Myiopsitta, 200 

modestus, Sphenurus, 12 Myiopsittacus, 200 
modesta, Turacoena, 75 Myristicivora, 42 
modiglianii, Macropygia, 79 myristicivora, Columba, 45 
molinae, Conurus, 196 myristicivora, Ducula, 45 
molinae, Pyrrhura, 196 myrtae, Barnardius, 263 
mollis, Cacatoes, 176 myrtae, Platycercus, 263 
mollis, Kakatoe, 176 mysoriensis, Geoffroyus, 235 
moluccanus, Psittacus, 151 mysoriensis, Pionias, 235 
moluceanus, Trichoglossus, 151 mystacea, Columba, 129 
moluccensis, Kakatoe, 175 mystacea, Oreopeleia, 129 
moluccensis, Psittacus, 175 

momiyamai, Globicera, 43 naina, Columba, 37 
monacha, Columba, 33 naina, Ptilinopus, 37 
monacha, Ducula, 43 namaqua, Pterocles, 4 
monacha, Globicera, 43 namaqua, Tetrao, 4 
monachus, Myiopsitta, 200 nana, Agapornis, 255 
monachus, Psittacus, 200 nana, Amazona, 218 
monacha, Ptilinopus, 33 nana, Aratinga, 189 
mondetoura, Claravis, 110 nana, Chaemepelia, 107 
mondetoura, Peristera, 110 nana, Columbigallina, 107 
montana, Columba, 130 nana, Macropygia, 78 
montana, Oreopeleia, 130 nana, Psittacara, 189 
montanus, Prioniturus, 237 Nandayus, 191 

morenoi, Gymnopelia, 102 nanina, Micropsitta, 169 
morenoi, Metriopelia, 102 nanina, Nasiterna, 169 
moro, Tanygnathus, 239 Nannopsittaca, 208 
mortoni, Chalcophaps, 116 Nannopsittacus, 164 
mosskowensis, Alisterus, 249 Nanodes, 166 

moszkowskii, Alisterus, 249 narethae, Northiella, 265 
moszkowskii, Aprosmictus, 249 narethae, Psephotus, 265 
multicolor, Pterocles, 9 nasica, Treron, 15 
multicolor, Psittacus, 266 Nasiterna, 167 , 
multistriata, Charmosyna, 159 naso, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
multistriata, Charmosynopsis, 159 natalis, Chaleophaps, 114 
moullerii, Columba, 52 nattereri, Amazona, 222 
mullerii, Ducula, 52 nattereri, Psittacus, 222 
mulleri, Psittacus, 240 navassae, Chaemepelia, 106 
mulleri, Tanygnathus, 240 navassae, Columbigallina, 106 
mungi, Cacatoes, 176 neavei, Poicephalus, 228 
mungi, Geopelia, 101 necopinata, Micropsitta, 167 
mungi, Kakatoe, 176 neglectus, Aprosmictus, 250 

mungi, Lophophaps, 119 neglecta, Carpophaga, 49 


neglecta, Chaemepelia, 107 
neglecta, Columba, 59 
neglecta, Columbigallina, 107 
neglecta, Ducula, 49 
neglecta, Phaps, 118 
neglectus, Psitteuteles, 151 
neglectus, Trichoglossus, 151 
nenday, Nandayus, 192 
nenday, Psittacus, 192 
Neoleucotreron, 25 
Neonanodes, 267 

Neophema, 267 
Neopsephotus, 267 
Neopsittacus, 162 

neoxena, Aratinga, 185 
neoxenus, Conurus, 185 
neoxena, Engyptila, 125 
neoxena, Leptotila, 125 
Nesoenas, 74 

Nesopelia, 88 

nesophasma, Dendrophassa, 19 
nesophila, Chaemepelia, 108 
nesophilus, Trichoglossus, 150 
Nestor, 142 

nestor, Psittacus, 142 
Nestorinae, 142 

neumanni, Ptilinopus, 35 
ngami, Pterocles, 4 
nicobarica, Caloenas, 139 
nicobarica, Carpophaga, 46 
nicobarica, Columba, 139 
nicobarica, Ducula, 46 
nicobaricus, Palaeornis, 245 
nicobarica, Psittacula, 245 
nigra, Coracopsis, 230 

niger, Psittacus, 240 
nigrescens, Platycercus, 260 
nigricans, Pterocles, 8 
nigricans, Columba, 59 
nigrifrons, Cyclopsittacus, 164 
nigrifrons, Opopsitta, 164 
nigrigenis, Agapornis, 256 
nigrirostris, Columba, 71 
nigrirostris, Columbigallina, 106 
nigrirostris, Macropygia, 80 
nigrogularis, Trichoglossus, 149 
nigrorum, Ducula, 54 
nigrorum, Phabotreron, 23 
nigrorum, Phapitreron, 23 
nigrorum, Ptilocolpa, 54 
nipalensis, Toria, 14 
nipalensis, Treron, 14 


nipalensis, Palaeornis, 242 
nipalensis, Psittacula, 242 
nitens, Columba, 69 

nitens, Janthoenas, 69 
nitidissima, Alectroenas, 41 
nitidissima, Columba, 41 
nobilis, Ara, 184 

nobilis, Otidiphaps, 139 
nobilis, Psittacus, 184 

nobilis, Zonophaps, 53 
nodifica, Gallicolumba, 135 
norfolcensis, Nestor, 143 
norfolciensis, Columba, 71 
normantoni, Ducorpsius, 177 
noronha, Zenaida, 85 

noronha, Zenaidura, 85 

northi, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
Northiella, 264 

Northipsitta, 247 

notabilis, Nestor, 142 
Notioenas, 56 

notius, Leptotila, 126 
Notopsittacus, 225 

nova, Psephotellus, 267 
novaeguineae, Ptilinopus, 38 
novaehollandiae, Psittacus, 179 
novaehollandiae, Trichoglossus, 151 
novaeseelandiae, Columba, 55 
novaeseelandiae, Hemiphaga, 55 
novaezelandiae, Cyanoramphus, 270 
novaezelandiae, Nestor, 142 
novaezelandiae, Psittacus, 270 
novana, Cyanoramphus, 271 
nuchalis, Carpophaga, 47 
nudirostris, Treron, 20 
nudirostris, Vinago, 20 
nuttingi, Leptotila, 123 
nyansae, Poicephalus, 228 
Nyctiperdix, 4 

Nymphicus, 178, 269 

oberholseri, Treron, 18 
obiensis, Carpophaga, 53 
obiensis, Ducula, 53 
obiensis, Eos, 146 

obiensis, Geoffroyus, 234 
obiensis, Pionias, 234 
obiensis, Reinwardtoenas, 82 
obiensis, Tanygnathus, 241 
oblitus, Sphenocercus, 12 
oblitus, Sphenurus, 12 
obseurata, Ducula, 51 

obscurus, Leptolophus, 179 
obsoleta, Gymnopelia, 102 
obsoleta, Metriopelia, 102 
occidentalis, Aratinga, 190 
occidentalis, Cacatua, 175 
occidentalis, Chalcophaps, 115 
occidentalis, Columba, 66 
occidentalis, Cyclopsittacus, 163 
occidentalis, Geopsittacus, 273 
occidentalis, Kakatoe, 175 
occidentalis, Leptotila, 123 
occidentalis, Nestor, 142 
occidentalis, Platycercus, 264 
occidentalis, Psittaculirostris, 163 
occipitalis, Leucotreron, 25 
occipitalis, Phabotreron, 24 
occipitalis, Phapitreron, 24 
occipitalis, Ptilonopus, 25 
oceanica, Columba, 44 
oceanica, Ducula, 44 
ochoterena, Claravis, 110 
ochraceiventris, Leptotila, 128 
ochrocephala, Amazona, 221 
ochrocephalus, Psittacus, 221 
ochroptera, Leptoptila, 124 
ochroptera, Chrysotis, 220 
ocularis, Aratinga, 189 
ocularis, Conurus, 189 
ocularis, Ptilinopus, 35 
Ocyphaps, 118 

Oedirhinus, 28 

Oena, 111 

oenas, Columba, 60 
Oenopopelia, 88 

oenops, Columba, 66 
Oenopsittacus, 147 
oenothorax, Carpophaga, 48 
oenothorax, Ducula, 48 
ogilvie-granti, Columba, 72 
Ognorhynchus, 193 

olax, Columba, 18 

olax, Treron, 18 

olivascens, Pterocles, 5 
olivascens, Pteroclurus, 5 
oliviae, Columba, 61 
Onopopelia, 88 

oorti, Probosciger, 170 
ophthalmica, Cacatua, 174 
ophthalmica, Kakatoe, 174 
Opopsitta, 164 

oratrix, Amazona, 221 
orbignyi, Bolborhynchus, 201 

INDEX 299 

orbygnesia, Myiopsitta, 201 
orbygnesius, Psilopsiagon, 201 
Oreopeleia, 128 
Oreopsittacus, 161 
orientalis, Carpophaga, 54 
orientalis, Columba, 89 
orientalis, Geoffroyus, 234 
orientalis, Macropygia, 78 
orientalis, Nasiterna, 167 
orientalis, Psephotus, 266 
orientalis, Pterocles, 5, 6 
orientalis, Ptilopus, 35 
orientalis, Streptopelia, 89 
orientalis, Tetrao, 5, 6 
orientalis, Treron, 21 
orientalis, Vinago, 21 

orii, Streptopelia, 90 
ornata, Psittacella, 252 
ornatus, Psittacus, 148 
ornatus, Ptilinopus, 39 
ornatus, Ptilopus, 39 
ornatus, Trichoglossus, 148 
Orthopsittaca, 180 
Osculatia, 128 
Osmotreron, 14 
Otidiphaps, 138 

ottonis, Leucotreron, 27 
ottonis, Ptilinopus, 27 
Oxypelia, 109 ‘ 
oxyura, Columba, 12 
oxyura, Sphenurus, 12 

Pachynus, 213 

pachyrhynchus, Macrocercus, 193 
pachyrhyncha, Rhynchopsitta, 193 
pacifica, Columba, 44 

pacifica, Ducula, 44 

pacificus, Psittacus, 269 

pacifica, Pyrrhura, 198 
Palaeornis, 241 

palaestinae, Columba, 59 
palawana, Leucotreron, 26 
palawana, Streptopelia, 98 
palawanensis, Carpophaga, 47 
palawanensis, Ducula, 47 

pallens, Zenaida, 84 

pallescens, Chamaepelia, 106 
pallescens, Columba, 73 
pallescens, Columbigallina, 106 
pallescens, Leptolophus, 179 
pallescens, Northiella, 265 
pallescens, Psephotus, 265 


palliceps, Platycercus, 262 
pallida, Caica, 210 

pallida, Columba, 57 
pallidus, Forpus, 203 

pallida, Leptoptila, 126 
pallida, Leptotila, 126 
pallida, Lophophaps, 119 
pallida, Neopsephotus, 269 
pallida, Pionites, 210 
pallidus, Poicephalus, 228 
pallida, Psittacella, 252 
pallida, Psittacula, 203 
pallidiceps, Columba, 70 
pallidiceps, Ianthaenas, 70 
pallidiceps, Melopsittacus, 272 
pallidicrissa, Columba, 66 
pallidior, Charmosyna, 159 
pallidior, Charmosynopsis, 159 
pallidior, Osmotreron, 17 
pallidior, Pterocles, 9 
pallidior, Treron, 17 
pallidipectus, Leptotila, 126 
palmarum, Amazona, 217 
palmarum, Charmosyna, 158 
palmarum, Psittacus, 158 
palmasensis, Ducula, 49 
palmasensis, Muscadivores, 49 
palumboides, Carpophaga, 69 
palumboides, Columba, 69 
palumbus, Columba, 61 
palustris, Columba, 118 
Pampusana, 134 

pampusana, Columba, 134 
Pampusanna, 133 
panamensis, Amazona, 221 
panamensis, Chrysotis, 221 
panayensis, Loriculus, 257 
panochra, Butreron, 14 
panychlorus, Brotogerys, 208 
panychlora, Nannopsittaca, 208 
papou, Charmosyna, 161 
papou, Psittacus, 161 
papuensis, Charmosyna, 158 
papuensis, Psittacus, 161 
paradiseus, Platycercus, 264 
paradoxus, Syrrhaptes, 3 
paradoxus, Tetrao, 3 
paraguenus, Tanygnathus, 238 
paranesis, Amazona, 223 
pariae, Geotrygon, 132 
pariae, Oreopeleia, 132 
parryensis, Aprosmictus, 248 


parsonsi, Strigops, 142 
parva, Columba, 67 

parva, Treron, 18 
Parvipsitta, 157 
parvirostris, Palaeornis, 243 
parvirostris, Psittacula, 243 
parvula, Chaemepelia, 107 
parvula, Columbigallina, 107 
parvula, Kakatoe, 175 
parvulus, Plyctolophus, 175 
passerina, Columba, 105 
passerina, Columbigallina, 105 
passerinus, Forpus, 204 
passerina, Psittacula, 204 
passerinus, Psittacus, 204 
passorhina, Butreron, 13 
pastinator, Kakatoe, 177 
pastinator, Licmetis, 177 
patagonus, Cyanoliseus, 193 
patagonus, Psittacus, 193 
patetus, Turtur, 113 
paulina, Ducula, 47 
pecquetii, Psittacus, 230 
pectoralis, Columba, 36 
pectoralis, Lorius, 232 
pectoralis, Peristera, 137 
pectoralis, Psittacus, 232 
pectoralis, Ptilinopus, 36 
pega, Treron, 15 
pelewensis, Caloenas, 139 
pelewensis, Ptilinopus, 31 
pelingensis, Ptilinopus, 38 
pellochlora, Dendrophassa, 19 
peninsulae, Geophaps, 119 
peninsularis, Columba, 72 
peninsulari, Zenaidura, 83 
pennantii, Psittacus, 260 
perioncus, Conurus, 244 
perionca, Psittacula, 244 
Peristera, 109 

peristerodes, Palaeornis, 246 
perlatus, Aratinga, 195 
perlata, Columba, 39 
perlatus, Ptilinopus, 39 
perlata, Pyrrhura, 195 
permagnus, Sphenurus, 13 
permagna, Treron, 13 
permistus, Poicephalus, 226 
permista, Streptopelia, 94 
permistus, Turtur, 94 
perousii, Ptilinopus, 32 
perpallida, Aratinga, 191 

perpallida, Columbigallina, 107 
personata, Agapornis, 255 
personata, Coracopsis, 251 
personata, Prosopeia, 251 
personatus, Psittacus, 233 
personatus, Pterocles, 7 
perspicillata, Columba, 49 
perspicillata, Ducula, 49 
perspicillata, Streptopelia, 94 
perspicillata, Turtur, 94 
pertinax, Aratinga, 190 
pertinax, Psittacus, 190 
peruviana, Hapalopsittaca, 212 
peruvianus, Pionopsitta, 212 
peruvianus, Psittacus, 156 
peruviana, Vini, 156 
pesqueti, Dasyptilus, 230 
Petrophassa, 117 

petrophila, Euphema, 268 
petrophila, Neophema, 268 
petzii, Sittace, 189 
Pezophaps, 10 

Pezoporus, 272 

pfrimeri, Pyrrhura, 196 
phaea, Macropygia, 79 
Phaenorhina, 42 
phaeonotus, Columba, 64 
phaeton, Conurus, 269 
Phapitreron, 23 

Phaps, 117 

phasianella, Columba, 75, 80 
phasianella, Macropygia, 80 
phasma, Columba, 71 
phayrei, Osmotreron, 16 
phayrei, Treron, 16 

Phigys, 156 

philippanae, Ianthoenas, 70 
philippensis, Loriculus, 257 
philippensis, Psittacus, 257 
philippinarum, Psittacus, 173 
Phlogoenas, 133 
phoenicophila, Streptopelia, 98 
phoenicoptera, Columba, 23 
phoenicoptera, Treron, 23 
phoenicurus, Conurus, 196 
phoenicura, Pyrrhura, 196 
picata, Columba, 137 
picazuro, Columba, 62 
pickeringii, Carpophaga, 49 
pickeringii, Ducula, 49 
picta, Psittacella, 252 
pictus, Psittacus, 197 

INDEX 301 

picta, Pyrrhura, 197 
picturata, Columba, 91 
picturata, Streptopelia, 91 
picui, Columba, 104 

picui, Columbina, 104 
pileata, Pionopsitta, 211 
pileatus, Platycercus, 264 
pileatus, Psittacus, 210, 211 
pinon, Columba, 52 

pinon, Ducula, 52 

Pionites, 210 

Pionopsitta, 211 
Pionopsittacus, 211 

Pionus, 214 

pistrinaria, Ducula, 48 
placentis, Charmosyna, 159 
placentis, Psittacus, 159 
placida, Geopelia, 101 
platenae, Gallicolumba, 133 
platenae, Phlegoenas, 133 
platenae, Prioniturus, 237 
platurus, Prioniturus, 238 
platurus, Psittacus, 238 
Platycercus, 260 

plumbea, Chamaepelia, 110 
plumbea, Columba, 73 
plumbea, Zenaida, 87 
plumbeiceps, Leptoptila, 125 
plumbeiceps, Leptotila, 125 
plumbeicollis, Ptilinopus, 39 
plumbeicollis, Ptilopus, 39 
plumbescens, Aplopelia, 121 
plumbescens, Haplopelia, 121 
plumifera, Geophaps, 118 
plumifera, Lophophaps, 118 
poecilorrhoa, Carpophaga, 55 
poecilorrhoa, Cryptophaps, 55 
poensis, Aplopelia, 121 
poensis, Haplopelia, 121 
poensis, Treron, 20 
Poicephalus, 224 

polillensis, Phapitreron, 24 
poliocephala, Carpophaga, 53 
poliocephala, Ducula, 53 
polioptila, Dendrophassa, 19 
poliura, Megaloprepia, 42 
polius, Muscadivores, 46 
pollenii, Columba, 71 
Polytelis, 246, 247 
pompadora, Columba, 16 
pompadora, Treron, 16 
ponapensis, Ptilinopus, 31 


ponapensis, Ptilonopus, 31 
pontius, Psittinus, 253 
porphyracea, Columba, 27, 30 
porphyraceus, Ptilinopus, 30 
porphyrea, Columba, 27 
porphyrea, Leucotreron, 27 
Porphyrocephalus, 264 
porphyrocephala, Glossopsitta, 157 
porphyrocephalus, Trichoglossus, 157 
portoricensis, Chamaepelia, 106 
portoricensis, Columbigallina, 106 
postrema, Ducula, 48 
praetermissa, Treron, 19 
prasinorrhous, Ptilinopus, 34 
prasinorrhous, Ptilonopus, 34 
pretiosa, Claravis, 110 
pretiosa, Peristera, 110 
pretrei, Amazona, 218 
pretrei, Psittacus, 218 
princeps, Psittacus, 229 
principalis, Aplopelia, 121 
principalis, Peristera, 121 
Prioniturus, 236 
problematica, Ducula, 46 
Probosciger, 170 

Proconurus, 181 

productus, Nestor, 143 
productus, Plyctolophus, 143 
propinqua, Columba, 72 
Propyrrhura, 180 

Prosopeia, 250 

proxima, Columba, 66 
proxima, Micropsitta, 169 
proximus, Ptilinopus, 25 
Psephotellus, 265 

Psephotus, 265 

Pseudeos, 153 
pseudo-crocopus, Sphenocercus, 23 
pseudoperlata, Aratinga, 195 
Pseudopsittacus, 233 
Psilopsiagon, 201 

psittacea, Columba, 17 
psittacea, Treron, 17 
Psittacella, 251 

Psittacidae, 141 
Psittaciformes, 141 
Psittacinae, 179 

Psittacula, 202, 241 
Psittaculirostris, 163 
Psittacus, 229 

Psitteuteles, 147, 151 
Psittinus, 253 


Psittrichas, 230 

Pterocles, 3 

Pterocletes, 3 

Pteroclididae, 3 
Pteroclidurus, 3 

Ptilinopus, 28 

Ptilocolpa, 42 

Ptilopodiscus, 28 

Ptilopus, 28 

Ptilosclera, 151 

Ptistes, 247 

pucherani, Geoffroyus, 235 
puella, Columba, 41, 113 
puella, Megaloprepia, 41 
pulchella, Carpophaga, 47 
pulchella, Charmosyna, 160 
pulchella, Columba, 32 
pulchella, Ducula, 47 
pulchella, Neophema, 268 
pulchellus, Psittacus, 268 
pulchellus, Ptilinopus, 32 
pulcherrima, Alectroenas, 40 
pulcherrima, Columba, 40 
pulcherrimus, Platycercus, 266 
pulcherrimus, Psephotus, 266 
pulchra, Claravis, 110 
pulchra, Pionopsitta, 211 
pulchricollis, Columba, 68 
pullaria, Agapornis, 254 
pullarius, Psittacus, 254 
pullicauda, Neopsittacus, 163 
pulverulenta, Treron, 17 
punicea, Columba, 69 

purpurascens, Anadorhynchus, 180 

purpurata, Columba, 29 
purpuratus, Cyclopsittacus, 164 
purpurata, Osculatia, 128 
purpurata, Psittacus, 208 
purpuratus, Ptilinopus, 29 
purpurata, Touit, 208 
purpurea, Columba, 19 
purpurea, Osculatia, 128 
purpureus, Psittacus, 157 
purpurea, Treron, 19 
Purpureicephalus, 264 
purpureotincta, Columba, 73 
pusilla, Carpophaga, 46 
pusilla, Ducula, 46 

pusilla, Glossopsitta, 157 
pusillus, Loriculus, 256 
pusilla, Micropsitta, 168 
pusilla, Nasiterna, 168 

INDEX 303 

pusillus, Psittacus, 157 rhodinolaema, Ducula, 48 
pusio, Micropsitta, 169 rhodocephala, Pyrrhura, 198 
pusio, Nasiterna, 169 rhodocephalus, Conurus, 198 
pygmaeus, Psittacus, 158 rhodocorytha, Amazona, 219 
pygmeus, Psittacus, 167 rhodocorytha, Chrysotis, 219 
Pyrilia, 212 rhodogaster, Conurus, 195 
pyrilia, Pionopsitta, 212 rhodogaster, Pyrrhura, 195 
pyrilia, Psittacula, 212 rhodops, Eclectus, 234 
pyrrhops, Hapalopsittaca, 213 rhodops, Geoffroyus, 234 
pyrrhops, Pionopsitta, 213 rhodostictus, Ptilopus, 31 
pyrrhopterus, Brotogeris, 206 Rhynchopsitta, 192 
pyrrhopterus, Psittacus, 206 richardsii, Ptilinopus, 31 
Pyrrhura, 194 richardsii, Ptilopus, 31 
Pyrrulopsis, 250 richmondena, Haemataena, 38 
riciniata, Eos, 146 
quadricinctus, Pterocles, 10 ridgwayi, Scardafella, 103 
quadricolor, Loriculus, 258 riedeli, Eclectus, 231 
quadrigeminus, Ptilinopus, 33 riedeli, Lorius, 231 
quadrigeminus, Ptilopus, 33 riordani, Phaps, 117 
queenslandica, Cacatoes, 174 riottei, Leptoptila, 123 
queenslandica, Globicera, 44 riottei, Leptotila, 123 
queenslandica, Leucomelaena, 71 risoria, Columba, 92 
quitensis, Chaemepelia, 107 rivoli, Columba, 34 
quitensis, Columbigallina, 107 rivoli, Ptilinopus, 34 
robertsi, Psilopsiagon, 201 
radiata, Columba, 53 robinsoni, Chaleophaps, 114 
radiata, Ducula, 53 robinsoni, Macropygia, 80 
ramuensis, Opopsitta, 165 robinsoni, Sphenocercus, 12 
Raperia, 57 robinsoni, Sphenurus, 12 
Raphidae, 10 robinsoni, Zenaida, 85 
Raphus, 10 robustus, Poicephalus, 225 
rarotongensis, Ptilinopus, 30 robustus, Psittacus, 225 
ratakensis, Ducula, 44 rogersi, Chalecophaps, 115 
ratakensis, Globicera, 44 rogersi, Spathopterus, 247 
regina, Ptilinopus, 29 roraimae, Columba, 68 
Reginopus, 28 roratus, Lorius, 232 
regulus, Loriculus, 257 roratus, Psittacus, 232 
reichenbachi, Crossophthalmus, 62 rosa, Psittacula, 245 
reichenbachii, Leptoptila, 127 rosa, Psittacus, 245 
reichenbachii, Leptotila, 127 rosacea, Columba, 48 
reichenowi, Pionias, 214 rosacea, Ducula, 48 
reichenowi, Poicephalus, 228 rosea, Cacatua, 178 
reichenowi, Streptopelia, 96 roseicapilla, Cacatua, 178 
reichenowi, Turtur, 96 roseicapilla, Columba, 31 
reinwardtsi, Columba, 81 roseicapilla, Kakatoe, 178 
reinwardtsi, Reinwardtoena, 81 roseicapilla, Ptilinopus, 31 
Reinwardtoena, 81 roseicollis, Agapornis, 255 
remotus, Pterocles, 6 roseicollis, Leucotreron, 27 
restricta, Columba, 65 roseicollis, Psittacus, 255 
reticulata, Hos, 145 roseifrons, Conurus, 197 
reticulatus, Psittacus, 145 roseipileum, Ptilinopus, 28 

rhodinolaema, Carpophaga, 48 rosenbergii, Trichoglossus, 149 


roseogrisea, Columba, 92 
roseogrisea, Streptopelia, 92 
rosinae, Cacatoes, 174 

rosinae, Kakatoe, 174 

rosinae, Psephotus, 266 
rosseliana, Domicella, 154 
rosselianus, Lorius, 154 
rostrata, Streptopelia, 91 
rostratus, Turtur, 91 
rothschildi, Amazona, 220 
rothschildi, Charmosyna, 160 
rothschildi, Charmosynopsis, 160 
rothschildi, Chrysotis, 220 
rothschildi, Eos, 147 
rothschildi, Micropsitta, 168 
rothschildi, Osculatia, 128 
rothschildi, Turturoena, 74 
rubra, Eos, 146 

ruber, Loriculus, 258 
rubescens, Columba, 137 
rubescens, Gallicolumba, 137 
rubida, Geotrygon, 131 
rubida, Oreopeleia, 131 
rubiensis, Carpophaga, 52 
rubiensis, Domicella, 154 
rubiensis, Ducula, 52 
rubiensis, Lorius, 154 
rubiginosa, Chalcopsitta, 151 
rubiginosus, Trichoglossus, 151 
rubricapillus, Poeocephalus, 225 
rubricera, Ducula, 45 
rubricera, Globicera, 45 
rubrifrons, Chalcopsitta, 144 
rubrigularis, Charmosyna, 158 
rubrigularis, Trichoglossus, 158 
rubripes, Zenaida, 85 

rubripes, Zenaidura, 85 
rubripileum, Neopsittacus, 153 
rubripileum, Psitteuteles, 153 
rubrirostris, Bolborhynchus, 201 
rubrirostris, Conurus, 201 
rubrirostris, Psilopsiagon, 201 
rubritorquis, Aratinga, 186 
rubritorquis, Conurus, 186 
rubritorquis, Trichoglossus, 150 
rubro-genys, Ara, 183 
rubrolarvatus, Conurus, 187 
rubronotata, Charmosyna, 159 
rubronotatus, Coriphilus, 159 
rubropygialis, Coryllis, 256 
rubropygialis, Loriculus, 256 
riippellii, Poicephalus, 229 


riippellii, Psittacus, 229 
rufa, Macropygia, 81 
rufaxilla, Columba, 127 
rufaxilla, Leptotila, 127 
rufaxilla, Peristera, 122 
ruficauda, Zenaida, 86 
ruficauda, Zenaidura, 86 
ruficeps, Columba, 78 
ruficeps, Macropygia, 78 
rufigaster, Columba, 53 
rufigaster, Ducula, 53 
rufigula, Carpophaga, 45 
rufigula, Ducula, 45 
rufigula, Gallicolumba, 134 
rufigula, Peristera, 134 
rufina, Columba, 66 
rufinucha, Leptoptila, 127 
rufinucha, Leptotila, 127 
rufipennis, Chamaepelia, 108 
rufipennis, Columbigallina, 108 
rufipennis, Macropygia, 80 
rufipennis, Petrophassa, 117 
rufiventris, Pionus, 228 
rufiventris, Poicephalus, 228 
rufocastanea, Macropygia, 81 
rupestris, Columba, 57 
rupicola, Conurus, 198 
rupicola, Pyrrhura, 198 

sabae, Geotrygon, 130 
sabae, Oreopeleia, 130 
saisseti, Cyanoramphus, 270 
salamonis, Gallicolumba, 135 
salamonis, Phlogaenas, 135 
salomonis, Megaloprepia, 42 
saltuensis, Amazona, 217 
salvadorii, Carpophaga, 52 
salvadorii, Cyclopsittacus, 164 
salvadorii, Domicella, 155 
salvadorii, Ducula, 52 
salvadorii, Loriculus, 259 
salvadorii, Lorius, 155 
salvadorii, Microglossus, 170 
salvadorii, Micropsitta, 168 
salvadorii, Nasiterna, 168 
salvadorii, Palaeornis, 245 
salvadori, Platycercus, 261 
salvadorii, Psittaculirostris, 164 
salvadorii, Ptilinopus, 36 
salvadorii, Ptilopus, 36 
salvadorii, Tanygnathus, 239 
salvadorii, Treron, 21 

salvadorii, Vinago, 21 
salvadorii, Zenaida, 86 
Salvatoria, 216 

salvini, Amazona, 219 

salvini, Chrysotis, 219 
salvini, Claravis, 110 
samarensis, Phapitreron, 24 
samoénsis, Gallicolumba, 136 
samoénsis, Phlegoenas, 136 
samueli, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
sanctaecrucis, Gallicolumba, 135 
st. thoma, Brotogeris, 208 

s. thomae, Columba, 20 
sancti-thomae, Psittaculus, 203 
st. thoma, Psittacus, 208 

s. thomae, Treron, 20 
sandwichensis, Chalecophaps, 115 
sanghirensis, Chalecophaps, 115 
sanghirensis, Macropygia, 76 
sangirensis, Tanygnathus, 239 
sangirensis, Treron,16 
sanguinea, Cacatua, 177 
sanguinea, Kakatoe, 177 
saphirina, Geotrygon, 128 
saphirina, Osculatia, 128 
sasakensis, Carpophaga, 51 
sasakensis, Ducula, 51 
saturata, Leptoptila, 125 
saturata, Leptotila, 125 
saturatus, Pionus, 214 
saturatus, Poeocephalus, 227 
saturatus, Poicephalus, 227 
saturatus, Pterocles, 7 
saturata, Streptopelia, 91 
saturatus, Turtur, 91 
saturatior, Metriopelia, 103 
saturatior, Pterocles, 7 
savannae, Streptopelia, 96 
scapularis, Alisterus, 250 
scapularis, Psittacus, 250 
Scardafella, 103 

schalowi, Treron, 21 
scheepmakeri, Goiira, 140 
schimperi, Columba, 59 
schisticeps, Palaeornis, 246 
schlegeli, Henicophaps, 116 
schlegeli, Rynchaenas, 116 
schmidti, Chrysotis, 221 
schoana, Streptopelia, 96 
schoanus, Turtur, 96 
schoedei, Trichoglossus, 150 
sclateri, Forpus, 205 


sclaterii, Goiira, 140 

sclateri, Loriculus, 258 
sclateri, Psittacula, 205 
selateri, Turtur, 112 

scripta, Columba, 119 
scripta, Geophaps, 119 
seimundi, Haplopelia, 121 
seimundi, Sphenocercus, 11 
seimundi, Sphenurus, 11 
sejuncta, Treron, 20 
selinoides, Psittacus, 215 
semilarvata, Eos, 147 
semitorquata, Columba, 93 
semitorquatus, Platycercus, 264 
semitorquatus, Psittacus, 264 
semitorquatus, Sphenurus, 11 
semitorquata, Streptopelia, 93 
senegalensis, Columba, 99 
senegalensis, Poicephalus, 224 
senegalensis, Pterocles, 4 
senegalensis, Streptopelia, 99 
senegallus, Pterocles, 6 
senegallus, Tetrao, 6 
senegalus, Poicephalus, 227 
senegalus, Psittacus, 227 
senilis, Pionus, 216 

senilis, Psittacus, 216 
seniloides, Pionus, 215 
separata, Carpophaga, 45 
separata, Ducula, 45 
sepikiana, Charmosyna, 160 
septentrionalis, Macropygia, 79 
septentrionalis, Megaloprepia, 41 
septentrionalis, Nestor, 142 
septentrionalis, Trichoglossus, 151 
serrana, Ara, 183 

Serresius, 42 

severa, Ara, 183 

severus, Psittacus, 183 
sganzini, Alectroenas, 40 
sganzini, Funingus, 40 
sharpei, Columba, 73 
sharpei, Treron, 20 

sharpei, Turturoena, 73 
sharpei, Vinago, 20 

shelleyi, Streptopelia, 93 
shelleyi, Turtur, 93 
shortridgei, Geopelia, 101 
siamensis, Palaeornis, 242 
siamensis, Psittacula, 242 
sibilans, Coracopsis, 230 
sieboldii, Columba, 12 



sieboldii, Sphenurus, 12 
silvarum, Turtur, 90 
silvestris, Oreopeleia, 131 
simalurensis, Macropygia, 78 
simplex, Aplopelia, 122 
simplex, Geofiroyus, 236 
simplex, Pionias, 236 
simplex, Poeocephalus, 228 
simplex, Poicephalus, 228 
simplex, Turtur, 122 

sinica, Columba, 100 
sintillata, Chalcopsitta, 144 
sintillatus, Psittacus, 144 
siquijorensis, Loriculus, 257 
siy, Pionus, 215 

sjostedti, Columba, 64 
smaragdina, Ducula, 54 
smaragdinus, Psittacus, 199 
smicra, Treron, 15 

smithii, Columba, 120 
smithii, Geophaps, 120 
smithsonianus, Ptilopus, 30 
socialis, Neopsittacus, 162 
socorroensis, Columbigallina, 107 
sodalica, Columba, 65 
sokotrae, Streptopelia, 99 
solitarius, Apterornis, 10 
solitarius, Didus, 10 
solitaria, Pezophaps, 10 
solitarius, Phigys, 156 
solitarius, Psittacus, 156 
solitarius, Raphus, 10 
solomonensis, Eclectus, 233 
solomonensis, Gallicolumba, 135 
solomonensis, Gymnophaps, 56 
solomonensis, Lorius, 233 
solomonensis, Phlogoenas, 135 
solomonensis, Ptilinopus, 36 
solomonensis, Ptilonopus, 36 
solstitialis, Aratinga, 188 
solstitialis, Psittacus, 188 
somalica, Chalcopelia, 113 
somalicus, Pterocles, 5 
somalica, Streptopelia, 95 
somalicus, Turtur, 95, 113 
sordidus, Pionus, 214 
sordidus, Psittacus, 214 
sororius, Sphenocercus, 13 

~ sororius, Sphenurus, 13 
souancei, Microsittace, 198 
souancei, Pyrrhura, 198 
spadicea, Columba, 55 


spadicea, Hemiphaga, 55 
spadicea, Zenaida, 87 
Spathopterus, 247 

speciosa, Columba, 71 
speciosus, Ptilinopus, 36 
speciosus, Ptilopus, 36 
spectabilis, Chalcopsitta, 143 
spengeli, Forpus, 203 
spengeli, Psittacula, 203 
spengleri, Psittacula, 203 
Sphenocercus, 11 
Sphenurus, 11 

sphenurus, Sphenurus, 12 
sphenura, Vinago, 12 
spilonota, Turtur, 101 
Spilopelia, 88 

spilorrhoa, Carpophaga, 50 
spilorrhoa, Ducula, 50 
Spilotreron, 28 

spixii, Ara, 183 

spixii, Sittace, 183 
splendens, Platycercus, 251 
splendens, Prosopeia, 251 
splendida, Euphema, 269 
splendida, Neophema, 269 
splendidus, Platycercus, 261 
splendidus, Psittacus, 261 
spurius, Psittacus, 264 
spurius, Purpureicephalus, 264 
squamata, Hos, 145 
squamatus, Psittacus, 145 
squammata, Columba, 103 
squammata, Scardafella, 103 
squamosa, Columba, 63, 103 
stairi, Caloenas, 136 

stairi, Gallicolumba, 136 
stalkeri, Columba, 56 
stalkeri, Gymnophaps, 56 
stalkeri, Ocyphaps, 118 
Starnoenas, 138 

stavorini, Psittacus, 143 
stejnegeri, Columba, 69 
stejnegeri, Janthoenas, 69 
stellae, Charmosyna, 161 
stellatus, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
stenolophus, Microglossus, 170 
stenolophus, Probosciger, 170 
stenura, Zenaida, 86 
stephani, Chalcophaps, 116 
stepheni, Calliptilus, 156 
stepheni, Vini, 156 
stictoptera, Touit, 210 

stictoptera, Urochroma, 210 
Stigmatopelia, 88 

stigmatus, Loriculus, 258 
stigmatus, Psittacus, 258 
stimpsoni, Streptopelia, 90 
stimpsoni, Turtur, 90 
stoliczkae, Streptopelia, 92 
stoliczkae, Turtur, 92 
strenua, Aratinga, 186 
strenuus, Conurus, 186 
strepitans, Columbina, 104 
Streptopelia, 88 

stresemanni, Alisterus, 249 
stresemanni, Geoffroyus, 234 
stresemanni, Micropsitta, 169 
stresemanni, Trichoglossus, 148 
striata, Columba, 100 

striata, Geopelia, 100 
strigirostris, Didunculus, 141 
strigirostris, Gnathodon, 141 
Strigopinae, 141 

Strigops, 141 

Stringops, 141 

strophium, Ptilinopus, 34 
suahelicus, Poicephalus, 225 
suahelicus, Turtur, 95 
Suavipsitta, 164 

suavissima, Cyclopsitta, 165 
suavissima, Opopsitta, 165 
subadelaidae, Platycercus, 260 
subaffinis, Tanygnathus, 241 
subandina, Pyrrhura, 197 
subdistincta, Cacatoes, 177 
subdistincta, Kakatoe, 177 
subflavescens, Carpophaga, 50 

subflavescens, Cyanoramphus, 270 

subflavescens, Ducula, 50 
subgrisea, Oreopeleia, 132 
subgularis, Leucotreron, 26 
subgularis, Ptilopus, 26 
subplacens, Charmosyna, 159 
subplacens, Trichoglossus, 159 
subvinacea, Chloroenas, 72 
subvinacea, Columba, 72 
sudanensis, Stigmatopelia, 99 
sudestiensis, Geoffroyus, 235 
sukensis, Pterocles, 9 
sulaensis, Alisterus, 248 
sulaensis, Aprosmictus, 248 
sulaénsis, Turacoena, 75 
sulana, Ducula, 48 
sulphurea, Kakatoe, 175 

INDEX 307 

sulphureus, Psittacus, 175 
suluénsis, Prioniturus, 237 
sumatrana, Macropygia, 78 
sumbavensis, Geoffroyus, 233 
sumbensis, Tanygnathus, 241 
sundevalli, Globicera, 44 
superba, Columba, 32 
superbus, Ptilinopus, 32 
superflua, Kakatoe, 176 
superflua, Lophochroa, 176 
superior, Callocephalon, 173 
superior, Callocorydon, 173 
suratensis, Columba, 97 
suratensis, Streptopelia, 97 
surdus, Psittacus, 209 

surda, Touit, 209 

swainsonii, Polytelis, 247 
swainsonii, Psittacus, 247 
swinderniana, Agapornis, 255 
swindernianus, Psittacus, 255 
Sylphitreron, 28 

sylvatica, Columba, 46 
sylvatica, Ducula, 46 
sylvatica, Geotrygon, 132 
sylvestris, Columba, 67 
syringanuchalis, Chalcopsitta, 144 
syringanuchalis, Chalcopsittacus, 144 
Syrrhaptes, 3 

tabuensis, Prosopeia, 250 
tabuensis, Psittacus, 250 
taczanowskii, Columba, 58 
takatsukasae, Brotogeris, 208 
talautensis, Eos, 146 
talautensis, Prioniturus, 238 
talautensis, Ptilinopus, 37 
talautensis, Tanygnathus, 239 
talpacoti, Columba, 108 
talpacoti, Columbigallina, 108 
Talpacotia, 109 

tanganjicae, Pterocles, 7 
tanganyikae, Poicephalus, 226 
tannensis, Columba, 39 
tannensis, Ptilinopus, 39 
Tanygnathus, 238 

taranta, Agapornis, 255 
taranta, Psittacus, 255 

targia, Columba, 60 

targius, Pterocles, 8 

tarrali, Ducula, 44 

tarrali, Globicera, 44 
tasmanicum, Callocephalon, 173 


tasmanica, Neonanodes, 268 
taviunensis, Platycercus, 250 
taviunensis, Prosopeia, 250 
temminckii, Kurukuru, 32 
temminckii, Ptilinopus, 32 
tenella, Leptotila, 124 

tener, Loriculus, 259 
tenuirostris, Calyptorhynchus, 171 
tenuirostris, Kakatoe, 178 
tenuirostris, Macropygia, 79 
tenuirostris, Psittacus, 178 
teraokai, Ducula, 43 
teraokai, Globicera, 43 
Terraphaps, 119 

terrestris, Trugon, 138 
Terricolumba, 134 
tessmanni, Aplopelia, 121 
teysmannii, Treron, 17 
Thectocercus, 185 

theresae, Hapalopsittaca, 213 
theresae, Pionopsitta, 213 
thomé, Stigmatopelia, 99 
thomé, Streptopelia, 99 
thomensis, Columba, 65 
Thoracotreron, 28 
Thyliphaps, 28 

tianshanica, Columba, 60 
tibetanus, Syrrhaptes, 3 
tibialis, Domicella, 155 
tibialis, Lorius, 155 

tigrinus, Bolborhynchus, 202 
tigrina, Columba, 98 

tigrina, Myiopsitta, 202 
tigrina, Streptopelia, 98 
timneh, Psittacus, 229 
timorensis, Chalcophaps, 115 
timorlaoénsis, Geoffroyus, 234 
timorlaoénsis, Macropygia, 79 
tirica, Brotogeris, 206 

tirica, Psittacus, 206 
tjindanae, Geoffroyus, 233 
tobagensis, Amazona, 222 
tobagensis, Columba, 66 
tobagensis, Leptotila, 123 
torquata, Palaeornis, 243 
torquata, Streptopelia, 92 
torringtoni, Columba, 68 
torringtonii, Palumbus, 68 
tortugensis, Aratinga, 190 
tortugensis, Conurus, 190 
Touit, 208 

townsendi, Ducula, 44 


townsendi, Globicera, 44 
toxopei, Charmosyna, 159 
toxopei, Hypocharmosyna, 159 
tranquebarica, Columba, 97 
tranquebarica, Streptopelia, 97 
tranquilla, Geopelia, 101 
transilis, Aratinga, 187 
transvaalensis, Poicephalus, 228 
tregellasi, Lathamus, 167 
Treron, 14 

Treroninae, 11 

tresmariae, Amazona, 221 
tresmariae, Zenaidura, 84 
Trichoglossus, 147 
Triclaria, 224 

tricolor, Ara, 182 
trigeminus, Ptilinopus, 32 
trigeminus, Ptilonopus, 32 
trigonera, Columba, 64 
trinitatis, Geotrygon, 132 
trinitatis, Oreopeleia, 132 
tristigmata, Columba, 134 
tristigmata, Gallicolumba, 134 
tristigmata, Phlegaenas, 134 
tristrami, Micropsitta, 169 
tristrami, Nasiterna, 169 
tristrami, Ptilinopus, 29 
tristrami, Ptilopus, 29 
triton, Cacatua, 174 

triton, Kakatoe, 174 
trobriandi, Cacatua, 174 
trobriandi, Kakatoe, 174 
trocaz, Columba, 62 
trochila, Chamaepelia, 106 
trochila, Columbigallina, 106 
tropica, Streptopelia, 95 
tropica, Turtur, 95 

Trugon, 137 

tucumana, Amazona, 218 
tucumana, Chrysotis, 218 
tucumana, Columba, 68 
tuipara, Brotogeris, 207 
tuipara, Psittacus, 207 
tumultuosus, Pionus, 215 
tumultuosus, Psittacus, 215 
Turacoena, 74 

turkestanica, Columba, 57 
Turtur, 88, 112 

turtur, Columba, 89 

turtur, Streptopelia, 89 
Turturaena, 56 

Tusalia, 75 

tusalia, Columba, 75 
tusalia, Macropygia, 75 
tweedi, Opopsitta, 166 
Tympanistria, 111 
tympanistria, Columba, 112 

tympanistria, Tympanistria, 112 

typica, Columba, 70 

typica, Osmotreron, 16 
typica, Psittacella, 251 
typus, Ducorpsius, 176 
tytleri, Palaeornis, 245 
tytleri, Psittacula, 245 

uellensis, Treron, 21 
uellensis, Vinago, 21 
ugandae, Agapornis, 254 
uhehensis, Columba, 64 
ulietanus, Cyanoramphus, 272 
ulietanus, Psittacus, 272 
ultramarinus, Psittacus, 157 
ultramarina, Vini, 157 
umbrina, Claravis, 110 
unchall, Columba, 76 
unchall, Macropygia, 76 
undulatus, Melopsittacus, 272 
undulatus, Psittacus, 272 
unicincta, Columba, 63 
unicolor, Cyanoramphus, 270 
unicolor, Platycercus, 270 
Urochroma, 208 

Uropelia, 104 

uropygialis, Ducula, 54 
uvaeensis, Eunymphicus, 269 
uvaeensis, Nymphicus, 269 
uveaensis, Columba, 70 

vacillans, Streptopelia, 98 
vandepolli, Carpophaga, 47 
van wyckii, Carpophaga, 48 
vanwyckii, Ducula, 48 
variegata, Eos, 146 
variegatus, Tetrao, 7 
varius, Psephotus, 266 
vasa, Coracopsis, 230 

vasa, Psittacus, 230 
vastitas, Pterocles, 6 
venezuelensis, Geotrygon, 131 
ventralis, Amazona, 217 
ventralis, Psittacus, 217 
venturiana, Columba, 63 
venusta, Neophema, 268 
venustus, Platycercus, 262 


venustus, Psittacus, 262 
veraguensis, Geotrygon, 129 
veraguensis, Oreopeleia, 129 
vernalis, Loriculus, 256 
vernalis, Psittacus, 256 
vernans, Columba, 19 
vernans, Treron, 19 
verreauxi, Leptoptila, 123 
verreauxi, Leptotila, 123 
versicolor, Amazona, 223 
versicolor, Columba, 69 
versicolor, Columbigallina, 133 
versicolor, Geotrygon, 133 
versicolor, Psittacus, 151, 223 
versicolor, Psitteuteles, 152 
versicolor, Trichoglossus, 152 
versicolurus, Brotogeris, 206 
versicolurus, Psittacus, 206 
versteri, Poicephalus, 227 
verticalis, Prioniturus, 237 
verticalis, Psittacus, 270 
vicina, Ducula, 47 

vicinus, Muscadivores, 47 
vicinus, Ptilinopus, 36 
vicinus, Ptilopus, 36 
vicinalis, Aratinga, 189 
vicinalis, Eupsittula, 189 
victor, Chrysoena, 40 
victoria, Gotira, 141 
victoria, Lophyrus, 141 
victoriae, Platycercus, 260 
vina, Columba, 66 

vinacea, Amazona, 223 
vinacea, Columba, 96 
vinaceus, Psittacus, 223 
vinacea, Streptopelia, 96 
vinaceiventris, Engyptila, 127 
vinaceo-rufa, Zenaida, 86 
vinaceo-rufa, Zenaidura, 86 
Vinago, 14 

Vini, 156 

Vinia, 156 

violacea, Columba, 130 
violacea, Oreopeleia, 130 
violaceus, Psittacus, 223 
vioscae, Columba, 67 
virago, Cyclopsittacus, 166 
virago, Opopsitta, 166 
virenticeps, Amazona, 222 
virenticeps, Chrysotis, 222 
virescens, Brotogerys, 206 
virescens, Poicephalus, 228 


virescens, Psephotus, 265 
virgata, Zenaida, 85 

virgata, Zenaidura, 85 

virgo, Phlegoenas, 136 
viridicata, Pyrrhura, 197 
viridiceps, Touit, 209 
viridicrissalis, Domicella, 155 
viridicrissalis, Lorius, 155 
viridifrons, Micropsitta, 169 
viridifrons, Nasiterna, 169 
viridifrons, Treron, 23 
viridigenalis, Amazona, 218 
viridigenalis, Chrysotis, 218 
viridior, Ptilinopus, 28 
viridior, Ptilopus, 28 
viridipectus, Micropsitta, 168 
viridipectus, Nasiterna, 168 
viridipennis, Tanygnathus, 240 
viridis, Calyptorhynchus, 172 
viridis, Chrysoena, 40 
viridis, Columba, 36 

viridis, Ptilinopus, 36 
viridissimus, Forpus, 203 
viridissima, Psittacula, 203 
viridissimus, Psittacus, 213 
vitiensis, Columba, 70 
vitiensis, Phlegoenas, 136 
vittata, Amazona, 218 
vittatus, Psittacus, 194, 218 
vividus, Forpus, 204 

vivida, Psittacula, 204 
volkmanni, Chalcopelia, 113 
volkmanni, Turtur, 113 
vordermani, Treron, 17 
vosmaeri, Larius, 232 
vosmaeri, Lorius, 232 
vulecanorum, Ptilinopus, 35 
vulturina, Gypopsitta, 213 
vulturinus, Psittacus, 213 
vylderi, Treron, 22 

waalia, Columba, 22 
waalia, Treron, 22 
wagleri, Aratinga, 186 
wagleri, Conurus, 186 
wahnesi, Charmosyna, 161 
wakefieldii, Treron, 21 
wakefieldii, Vinago, 21 
wallacei, Chaleophaps, 116 
wallacei, Columba, 73 
wallacei, Eos, 145 
wallacii, Ptilinopus, 38 


wallacii, Ptilonopus, 38 
wallicus, Neonanodes, 268 
wallicus, Pezoporus, 272 
wallicus, Psittacus, 272 

wardi, Palaeornis, 242 

wardi, Psittacula, 242 
waterstradti, Prioniturus, 237 
weberi, Psitteuteles, 148 
weberi, Trichoglossus, 148 
weddellii, Aratinga, 188 
weddellii, Conurus, 188 
weddelli, Gymnopsittacus, 185 
wellsi, Engyptila, 127 

wellsi, Leptotila, 127 
westermani, Lorius, 231 
westermani, Psittacodis, 231 
westralensis, Ducorpsius, 177 
westralis, Polytelis, 247 
wetmorei, Columba, 66 
wetterensis, Aprosmictus, 248 
wetterensis, Neopsittacus, 153 
wetterensis, Psitteuteles, 153 
wetterensis, Ptistes, 248 
whartoni, Carpophaga, 48 
whartoni, Ducula, 48 

whiteae, Calyptorhynchus, 171 
whiteae, Geopsittacus, 273 
whitei, Platycercus, 263 
whitei, Polytelis, 247 

whitei, Trichoglossus, 153 
whitleyi, Aratinga, 193 
whitleyi, Cyanoliseus, 193 
whitlocki, Glossopsitta, 157 
whitlocki, Ocyphaps, 118 
whitlocki, Platycercus, 262 
wiedenfeldi, Alisterus, 249 
wiedi, Urochroma, 209 
wilhelminae, Alisterus, 249 
wilhelminae, Aprosmictus, 249 
wilhelminae, Charmosyna, 160 
wilhelminae, Trichoglossus, 160 
wilkesii, Carpophaga, 43 
williami, Carpophaga, 51 
williami, Ducula, 51 

winkleri, Muscadivora, 43 
woolundra, Barnardius, 264 
worcesteri, Loriculus, 257 
wulsini, Coracopsis, 230 

xanthocyclus, Streptopelia, 92 | 
xanthocyclus, Turtur, 92 
xanthogaster, Columba, 29 


zalepta, Dendrophassa, 19 
zalepta, Treron, 19 
zambesiensis, Turtur, 113 

xanthogaster, Ptilinopus, 29 
xanthogenia, Aratinga, 191 
xanthogenius, Conurus, 191 
xanthogenys, Platycercus, 262 zamydra, Ducula, 49 
xantholaema, Amazona, 221 zamydrus, Muscadivores, 49 
xantholora, Amazona, 217 Zanda, 171 

xantholora, Chrysotis, 217 zanda, Northiella, 265 
xanthomeria, Caica, 210 zanzibaricus, Poicephalus, 226, 227 
xanthomeria, Pionites, 210 zapluta, Leptotila, 123 
xanthonotus, Calyptorhynchus, 171 zarudnyi, Streptopelia, 92 
xanthonura, Columba, 136 zealandicus, Cyanoramphus, 271 
xanthonura, Gallicolumba, 136 zealandicus, Psittacus, 271 

xanthops, Amazona, 220 
xanthops, Forpus, 205 
xanthops, Psittacula, 205 
xanthops, Psittacus, 220 
xanthopteryx, Amazona, 221 
xanthopteryx, Chrysotis, 221 
xanthorrhoa, Jotreron, 37 
xanthorrhoa, Psephotus, 265 
xanthorrhoa, Ptilinopus, 37 
xenia, Treron, 20 

yapensis, Phlegoenas, 136 
yarkandensis, Columba, 60 
yorki, Aprosmictus, 248 
yorki, Ptilinopus, 29 
yucatanensis, Zenaida, 86 
yucatanensis, Zenaidura, 84 

yunnanensis, Sphenocercus, 12 

yunnanensis, Sphenurus, 12 

Zenaida, 86 

zenaida, Columba, 87 
zenaida, Zenaida, 87 
Zenaidura, 83 

zenkeri, Agapornis, 255 
zietzi, Neophema, 268 
zietzi, Psephotus, 268 
zimmeri, Metriopelia, 102 

*zoeae, Columba, 54 

zoeae, Ducula, 54 
zonarius, Platycercus, 263 
zonarius, Psittacus, 263 
Zonoenas, 42 

Zonophaps, 42 

zonurus, Ptilinopus, 39 
zonurus, Ptilopus, 39 
zuliae, Columba, 72 

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