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Ernst Mayr Library 
of the Museum of 

Comparative Zoology 



a a 


A Continuation of the Work of James L. Peters 


Edited by 


Orders from North and South America should be 

addressed to the publisher, orders from Europe, 

Asia and Australia to Ornithological Department, 
Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. 



The idea of a Check-list of Birds of the World was initiated 
in the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy to satisfy an acute 
need created by the obsolescence of Sharpe’s Handlist (1900- 
1910). The enthusiastic reception of the work by ornithologists 
throughout the world is testimony to the soundness of this 
plan. Yet, when James L. Peters suddenly died on April 19, 
1952, only seven volumes of the planned fifteen volume series 
had appeared. It then became desirable and necessary that 
steps be taken to assure completion of this indispensible hand- 
book of the working ornithologist. The Museum of Comparative 
Zoology, therefore, appointed the undersigned as editors with 
the request to arrange for completion of the work. 

It had become evident, even when Peters was still alive, 
that the task of completing the work exceeded the life ex- 
pectancy of a single person. For this reason Peters had enlisted 
the help of his friend John Todd Zimmer to prepare volume 8, 
containing the remainder of the South American Suboscines. 
Dr. Zimmer was able to bring the task to near-completion 
before he also died. As far as the remaining volumes are con- 
cerned a group of widely scattered but enthusiastic specialists 
agreed to prepare manuscripts for one or several families. This 
arrangement has the great advantage of lifting the coming vo- 
lumes far above the level of compilations. Indeed, several of the 
collaborating experts first prepared monographic revisions of 
the families assigned to them, assuring an authoritative treat- 
ment. In view of this thorough treatment and owing to previous 
commitments of some of the collaborators, it was necessary 
to set up a schedule of publication for volumes 8-15, which 
does not coincide with the numerical sequence. Since each 
volume is complete in itself, and the treatment of any given 
family is in no way dependent upon that of families in other 
volumes, the sequence in which the volumes are to be published 
is quite irrelevant. Manuscripts for volumes 8 and 15 are now 


nearly complete, and these volumes will presumably be the 
next to be published, followed, as scheduled at present, by 
volumes 10, 12, 13, 14, and 11. 

Volume 9 contains the accounts of sixteen families and sub- 
families. At the time of his death Peters had completed the 
manuscript for the Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, and about half 
of the Campephagidae. The remainder of the volume has been 
prepared by ten collaborating ornithologists. An effort has been 
made to bring Peters’ manuscript up to date without changing 
his taxonomic concepts too drastically. It has, however, not 
been possible to avoid a certain amount of unevenness in the 
first three families. 

Preparation of such a work by a number of authors has its 
evident advantages, but also disadvantages. The recognition 
of subspecies and the delimitation of species and genera involves 
subjective judgment, and it is inevitable that the yardsticks 
of no two persons will be the same. Yet, after comparing the 
manuscripts for volume 9, the editors find closer agreement in 
the treatment of genera and species by the eleven different 
authors than there is between volumes 1 and 7 prepared by 
J. L. Peters alone. 

Sequence of species, genera and families. As in preceding 
volumes, the authors have attempted to list within each genus 
and family first what appear to be the simpler and more primi- 
tive forms, followed by the more advanced and more specialized 
forms. Often the choice had to be rather arbitrary. There is no 
properly objective criterion by which one can determine 
whether certain genera should be ranked as subfamilies or full 
families. Wherever possible we have avoided monotypic families. 
For this reason the Ptilogonatinae have been combined with 
the Bombycillinae in the family Bombycillidae, since the two 
subfamilies are believed, at least by some authors (Arvey, 1951, 
Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 3, no. 3, p. 473-530), to 
be related. The aggregation, hitherto called Prionopidae is 
treated as a subfamily of the Laniidae, particularly since cer- 
tain African genera appear to be connecting links. 

There is no universally recognized sequence of Passerine 


families. The editors pledged themselves at the XI International 
Ornithological Congress at Basel to follow a sequence recom- 
mended by a special committee appointed by the President of 
the Congress. The sequence, adopted in volumes 9-15 follows 
the unanimous recommendations of this Committee (Mayr and 
Greenway, 1956, Breviora, no. 58). This is an arbitrary se- 
quence, but not more so than other sequences proposed. It is 
essentially the sequence that had been used in the 19th cen- 
tury in most of the standard literature. In view of the acceler- 
ating pace of the study of comparative avian anatomy, serology 
and ethology, it is to be hoped that definite improvements in 
this sequence will be found in due time. 

Editorial principles. The style developed by J. L. Peters and 
adopted in the earlier volumes has been maintained in the 
present volume, with minor exceptions. The most important 
of these is that a binominal designation has been included for 
every species. Where a species occurs in English speaking 
countries and has a well known vernacular name, this has been 
also included. It has proven impossible to be completely con- 
sistent with respect to these names, but the majority of the 
collaborators and the editors felt that the inclusion of the 
English name added sufficiently to the usefulness of the volume 
to compensate for the inevitable criticism. 

Bibliographic references to important works which were 
repeated in previous volumes under many generic headings, 
are in this volume listed only once in each family, following 
directly the family citation. The style of the citations is as 
in previous volumes, except for a slightly expanded citation 
in cases where this would make the language of the source 
more evident. 

The synonymy of Old World taxa includes all names pro- 
posed since Sharpe’s Hand-list, or, where appropriate, Hartert’s 
Vog. pal. Fauna, while synonyms of New World taxa correctly 
cited in Hellmayr’s Catalogue are not repeated. The description 
of the range has been somewhat expanded in comparison with 
previous volumes and more attention has been paid to the 
winter ranges of the migratory forms. 


Preparation and printing of this volume were supported by 
grant number G 3124 of the National Science Foundation, to 
which body we give heartfelt thanks. 

No new material has been added after July 1, 1958. 

The editors likewise express their deep gratitude to the col- 
laborators who have so unselfishly agreed to assist in com- 
pleting this work even though this meant in many cases a 
complete setting aside of the author’s own current research. 
We likewise want to thank the numerous experts who have 
read the manuscript for their many suggestions. 

Our special gratitude goes to Dr. Finn Salomonsen who saw 
this volume through the press. 

The index has been prepared by Mrs. Harriet I. Jorgensen, 

Ernst MAyr 

Jan. 19, 1959. James C. GREENWAY, Jr. 


Family Alaudidae, Barks 5 3 
Genus Mirafra Horsfield. 3 
eteromiratra Grant P68] =. a st 2 28 

Certhilauda Swainson ........... 24 

Bremopterma Kawp. sito. a se 29 

Ammomanes Cabanis. . . . eae eee ee OY 

Alaemon Keyserling and Blastus Soe ip sh sk Oe Ee 
Ramphocoris Bonaparte, 2... =... . . 40 
Melanocorypha Bovess i a... ww es ys 40 
CilangrellanKkaip ees Sess ws a 5 OS 

Chersophilus Sharpe . . . eo ee OS tae 2 OE 
Pseudalaemon Lort Phillips. Mer ye? 2) see 2 Hobe 
Galenidaworew 0.) Ae a hint. 2) Berd oe Y MOO 

LE TUCLE 9 20070) Jie Cee oe es oe ee 09 

PISMO EZUECUR”. etait me) & oe 6) oo OD 

Hremophila, Borge ko aes a sce ee ss EL 

Family Hirundinidae, Swallows ............. 80 
Sublamily Pseudochelidemimac.,. - «2: - «..-.. . Si 
Genus Pseudochelidon Hartlaub. ......... 8i1 
Subtanuly Eirundininae. jose. keep els ts 22 bs ey 88L 
Genus Tachycineta Cabanis: 2... 2... « « s a = SE 
Calltchelidon@baird. i Ss es ss | BE 
Kalochelidon bryant: . 59 cs 2 ss tw s 184 

Progne Bowe. . . . Seas) ae ee qs ESO 
Notiochelidon Bad . Hs 5) ae 5a) 6 oe oe SS 

AC TICOnAVOUG. quae ils Seek ewe sos wore oo a 590 
Neochehdon-Sclater® <5. 5s <= « « « ss “9 
Alopocheiidon Ridgway.= 5.2 2 2 «= =. 9) 
Stelgidopteryx (Bard. 6 6. Se 82 

Cheramosca ;Cabanis ~ Is. 5 5 2 ss 5 et OE 
Pseudhirunde: Hoberts 92 2 2 se se we «69 

Vip aria tEOnSter meee.) ay car 1 s-ee aed 2 EBS 
iPhedimagshonaparte. 2:7 (62) <4 ees = 100 
Ptyonoprogne Reichenbach ....... .. 101 

Einindowlannacusiows so. coe 6 os o = 3 LOE 


Cecropis Bove . : 
Petrochelidon Cabanis . 
Delichon Horsfield and Mice: 
Psalidoprocne Cabanis . 
Family Motacillidae, Wagtails and Pipits. 

Genus Dendronanthus Blyth. 
Motacilla Linnaeus. 
Tmetothylacus Cabanis. 
Macronyx Swainson . 
Anthus Bechstein 

Family Campephagidae, Guskootstrikes, 

Genus Pteropodocys Gould 
Coracina Vievllot . 
Campochaera “Salvadori” 
Chlamydochaera Sharpe 
Lalage Bove . : 
Campephaga Vvevllot . 
Pericrocotus Bove 
Hemipus Hodgson . 
Tephrodornis Swainson . 

Family Pyenonotidae, Bulbuls. 

Genus Spizixos Blyth . 
Pyenonotus Bove. 
Calyptocichla Oberholser 
Baeopogon Heine .. 
Ixonotus Verreauz . 
Chlorocichla Sharpe 
Thescelocichla Oberholser . 
Phyllastrephus Swainson . 
Bleda Bonaparte . 

Nicator Hartlaub and Finsch , 

Criniger Temminck . 
Setornis Lesson 
Hypsipetes Vigors . 
Neolestes Cabanis . 
Tylas Hartlaub 
Family Irenidae, Leaf Birds 
Genus Aegithina V7evllot 

Chloropsis Jardine and Selby ; 

Irena Horsfield 
Family Laniidae, Shrikes and Allies . 
Subfamily Prionopinae . 
Genus Eurocephalus Smith 
Prionops Vveillot. 


. Ls 
. 123 
. Ae 
, ¥29 
. 129 
. 130 
. 142 
. 142 
. 144 
. 167 
« 167 
. 168 
« 195 
, 196 
. 196 
. 204 
5 207 
. 219 
» 221 
. 222 
. 223 
. 259 
. 259 
. 260 
. 260 
. 263 
. 263 
. 273 
. 274 
. 275 
. 282 
. 282 
: 299 
. 299 
. 300 
. 300 
. 303 
. 307 
. 309 
. 309 
. 309 
. 310 


Subfamily Malaconotinae . , 
Genus Lanioturdus Waserlicuse 
Nilaus Swainson . 
Dryoscopus Bote. 
Tchagra Lesson . 
Laniarius V¢evllot 
Telophorus Swainson . 
Malaconotus Swainson . 
Subfamily Laniinae : 
Genus Corvinella Lesson 
Lanius Linnaeus . 
Subfamily Pityriasinae . 
Genus Pityriasis Lesson. 
Family Vangidae, Vangas. : 
Genus Calicalicus Bonaparte . 
Schetba Lesson 
Vanga Vieillot. 
Xenopirostris Bonaparte 

Falculea Geoffroy St.-Hilaire 

Leptopterus Bonaparte . 
Oriolia Geoffroy St.-Hilaire 
Euryceros Lesson 
Family Bombycillidae, Waxwings 
Subfamily Bombycillinae . 
Genus Bombycilla Vieillot 
Subfamily Ptilogonatinae . : 
Genus Ptilogonys Swainson . 
Phainopepla Baird 
Phainoptila Salvin . 
Subfamily Hypocoliinae. : 
Genus Hypocolius Bonaparte 
Family Dulidae, Palm Chat. 
Genus Dulus Vievllot . 
Family Cinclidae, Dippers 
Genus Cinclus Borkhausen 
Family Troglodytidae, Wrens . 
Genus Campylorhynchus Same. 
Odontorchilus Richmond 
Salpinctes Cabanis . 
Hylorchilus Nelson. 
Cinnycerthia Lesson 
Cistothorus Cabanis . 
Thryomanes Sclater 
Ferminia Barbour . 


. 314 
1 ole 
. 314 
- oLG 
. 320 
. 326 
. 333 
. 338 
. 341 
. d41 
. 342 
. 364 
. 364 
. 365 
. 365 
. 365 
. 366 
. 366 
. 367 
. 368 
. 369 
. 369 
. 369 
. 369 
x gail 
. 372 
- ole 
. 373 
. 373 
. 373 
. 373 
. 374 
. 374 
5 Sf 
. 386 
. 387 
. 389 
. 389 
- ook 
. 395 
. 399 



Thryothorus Vievllot . 
Troglodytes Vzedllot 
Uropsila Sclater and Salvin . 

Henicorhina Sclater and Salvin . 

Microcerculus Sclater . 
Cyphorhinus Cabanis. 
Family Mimidae, Mockingbirds and Allies 
Genus Dumetella S.D.W. . 
Melanoptila Sclater. 
Melanotis Bonaparte . 
Mimus Bote . : 
Nesomimus Ridgway . 
Mimodes Ridgway . 
Oreoscoptes Baird . 
Toxostoma Wadler . 
Cinclocerthia Gray . 
Ramphocinclus Lafresnaye 
Donacobius Swainson 
Allenia Cory 
Margarops Sclater . 

. 309 
. 415 
. 430 
. 431 
. 435 
. 437 
. 440 
. 440 
Pr eh 
. 441 
. 442 
. 447 
. 448 
. 449 
. 449 
. 454 
. 455 
. 456 
. 457 
. 457 



pm 23 




cf. Hartert, 1904, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, Heft 2, p. 208-226, 1921, 

3, Heft 17, p. 2080-2084. 

Hartert and Steinbacher, 1933, op. cit., Erginzungsb., Heft 2, 
p- 102-113. 

Stuart Baker, 1926, Fauna Brit. India, ed. 2, Birds, 3, p. 349- 

Bannerman, 1936, Birds Trop. West Africa, 4, p. 37-52. 

Jackson and Sclater, 1938, Birds Kenya Col. and Uganda 
Prot., 2, p. 775-795. 

Friedmann, 1937, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 153, p. 15-38. 

Meinertzhagen, 1951, Review of Alaudidae, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 121, pt. 1, p. 81-132. 

Meinertzhagen, 1954, Birds of Arabia, p. 134-138. 

Roberts, 1940, Birds South Africa, p. 189-202. 

Vaurie, 1951, A Study of Asiatic Larks, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 97, art. 5, p. 438-526. 

Dementiev, 1954, Ptitsy Sovietskogo Sojuza, 5, p. 512-594. 

Genus MIRAFRA HorsFieLp 

Mirafra Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, pt. 1, 
p-. 159. Type, by monotypy, Mirafra javanica Horsfield. 

Etoimus Gistel, 1848, Naturg. Thierr. Schul, p. x. New name for 
Mirafra Horsfield. 

Calendulauda Blyth, 1855, Journ. Asiat.Soc. Bengal, 24, p. 258, note. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Alauda albescens Lafresnaye. 

Heterocorys Sharpe, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1874), p. 625. 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, Alauda breviun- 
guis Sundevall = Alauda chuana A. Smith. 

Pinarocorys Shelley, 1902, Birds Africa, 3, p. 15 (in text), p. 71. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Alauda nigricans Sundevall 
(Bianchi, 1907 (1906)), Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg 
(o)>25, p12). 

Amirafra Bianchi, 1906, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg 
(5), 25, p. 12. Type, by original designation and monotypy, 
Mirafra collaris Sharpe. 

1 Ms. read by: Charles Vaurie (Palearctic), Charles M. N.White (Africa). 
2 Ranges of birds in this work have not been consulted. 


Neomirafra Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 260. Type, 
by original designation, M. fringillaris Sundevall = Mirafra 
fringillaris of authors, not Alauda fringillaris Sundevall = 
Mirafra passerina Gyldenstolpe. 

Croteoptera Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 260. New 
name for Corypha Gray, 1840, on the grounds of preoccupation 
by Coryphe M’Leay, 1838, Coleoptera. Type, by original designa- 
tion, Alauda apiata Vieillot. 

Africorys Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 260. Type, 
by original designation, Mirafra africana A. Smith. 

Anacorys Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 260. Type, 
by original designation, Mirafra africanoides A. Smith. 

Sabota Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 260. Type, by 
original designation, Mirafra sabota A. Smith. 

cf. Mackworth-Praed and Grant, 1939, Ibis, p. 554-559. (Races 

of M. rufo-cinnamomea). 

Hoesch and Niethammer, 1940, Journ. f. Orn., 88, Sonderh., 
p- 210-219. 

White, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 64, 1948, p. 20-21; 65, 1945, p. 
48-49 (races of M.africana in South Africa); 66, 1945, 
p. 13-15 (races of M.rufo-cinnamomea in South Africa); 
Ibis, 1947, p. 418-420 (South African races of MM. africa- 
noides); p. 421-422 (races of M. sabota); Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
76, 1956, p. 2-6 (races of M. javanica and M. sabota); t.c. 
p. 538-60 (races of M. africanoides and M. rufo-cinnamomea) ; 
t.c. p. 120-124. 

Macdonald, 1952, Ibis, p. 629-635 (South African species). 

Singing Bush Lark 
Mirafra javanica marginata Hawker! 

Mirafra marginata Hawker, 1898, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, - 
Ugiagi = Ujawagi, Somaliland. 

Mirafra meruensis Sjéstedt, 1911, Wiss. Ergebn. Kilimanjaro- 
Meru Exped., 1, pt. 3, p. 137 — Ngara na nyuki Meru, Tanga- 
nyika Territory. 

Mirafra schillingsi Reichenow, 1916, Journ. f. Orn., 64, p. 163 — 
Ndjiri and in the Gonja Plain, west of Mt. Kilimanjaro. 

Eastern and southern Eritrea and western Somalia, south through 

the Teso district of Uganda, the Teita district and regions about 
Lake Magadi of Kenya Colony, extending into the low arid country 
of north-eastern Tanganyika Territory and regions about Mt. Kili- 
manjaro and Mt. Meru. 

1 See also Mirafra candida and Mira ra pulpa below (p. 8, 9). 


Mirafra javanica chadensis Alexander 

Mirafra chadensis Boyd Alexander, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
21, p. 89 — Kowa Baga, Lake Chad. 

North-central Africa from French Niger Colony eastward through 
Lake Chad, Darfur, and Kordofan to Kassala Province of the 
Egyptian Sudan, and western Eritrea, north to Air and Khartoum. 

Mirafra javanica simplex (Heuglin) 

Geocoraphus simplex Heuglin, 1868, Journ. f. Orn., 16, p. 226 — 
no locality = Al Qunfidha, Arabia. 

Western Arabia from Al Qunfidha on the Red Sea to Yemen 
and the Aden Protectorate. 

Mirafra javanica cantillans Blyth 

Mirafra cantillans Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, 
p- 960 — India. 

India from the North-West Province and Sind eastward to west- 
ern Bengal and south to southern Bombay Presidency (Hubli) and 

Mirafra javanica williamsoni Stuart Baker 
Mirafra cantillans williamsoni Stuart Baker, 1915, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 36, p. 9 — Bangkok, Siam. 
Central Burma (Shwebo), eastern Tenasserim, central and south- 

ern Siam, Laos (Tranninh), central Annam, and Cambodia (Siém- 

Mirafra javanica beaulieui Delacour 

Mirafra javanica beaulieui Delacour, 1932, Oiseau, Rev. Franc. 
Orn., 2, p. 616 — Honquan, Cochinchina. 

Mirafra javanica philippinensis Wardlaw Ramsay 
Mirafra philippinensis Wardlaw Ramsay, 1886, Ibis, p. 160 — 
vicinity of Manila, Luzon, Philippines. 
Philippine Islands: Luzon; Mindoro. 

Mirafra javanica mindanensis Hachisuka 

Mirafra javanica mindanensis Hachisuka, 1931, Oiseau Rev. 
Frang. Orn., 1, p. 471 — Mindanao, Philippines. 
Philippine Islands: Mindanao. 

Mirafra javanica javanica Horsfield 

Mirafra Javanica Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, 
pt. 1, p. 159 — Java. 

Southern Borneo; Java; Bali. 



Mirafra javanica parva Swinhoe 
Mirafra parva Swinhoe, 1871, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 7, p 257. 
— Flores. 
Lesser Sunda Islands: Lombok; Sumbawa; Sumba; Flores. 

Mirafra javanica timorensis Mayr 
Mirafra javanica timorensis Mayr, 1944, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 83, art. 2, p. 154 — Dilly, Timor. 
Lesser Sunda Islands: Sawu; Timor. 

Mirafra javanica sepikiana Mayr 
Mirafra javanica sepikiana Mayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 
Publ., Zool. Ser., 20, p. 466 — Marienberg, Sepik River, New 
Known only from the type locality in northern New Guinea. 

Mirafra javanica aliena Greenway 
Mirafra javanica aliena Greenway, 1935, Proc. New England 
Zool. Cl., 14, p. 50 — Biolowat Camp, 2,250 feet, Morobe district, 
New Guinea. 
Known only from the Morobe district in northeastern New Guinea}. 

Mirafra javanica woodwardi Milligan 
Mirafra woodwardi Milligan, 1901, Victorian Nat., 18, p. 25, 26 
—near Onslow, Mid-West Australia. 
Midwestern Australia, from the Minilya River, south of Port 
Cloates, eastward to the vicinity of Roebourne. 

Mirafra javanica halli Bianchi 
Mirafra horsfieldi pallidus Hall, 1904, Emu, 3, p. 232 — Roebuck 
Bay Plains, North-West Australia. Not Mirafra pallida Gray, 

Mirafra horsfieldi halli Bianchi, 1906, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. 
Pétersbourg (5), 25, p. 81. New name for M.h. pallidus Hall, 

Mirafra milligani “‘Sharpe’’ Mathews, 1908, Emu, 7, suppl., p. 
101. New name for M.h. pallidus Hall, preoccupied. 
Restricted to the Roebuck Bay area, northwestern Australia. 

Mirafra javanica subrufescens Mathews 
Mirafra javanica subrufescens Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, 
p. 426 — Tabba Tabba, North-West Australia. 

Northwest Australia, from Port Hedland and the De Grey River 
inland to the Fitzroy River and Derby; east Kimberley district 

1 Some race of Mirafra javanica occurs in the Merauke district of southern 
New Guinea. 


Mirafra javanica sOderbergi Mathews 
Mirafra javanica nigrescens Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, 
p. 426 — Eureka, Northern Territory. Not Mirafra nigrescens 
Reichenow, 1900. 

Mirafra javanica séderbergi Mathews, 1921, Austral Av. Rec., 4, 
p. 137 — New name for M. 7. nigrescens Mathews, preoccupied. 

Western part of Northern Territory, from Daly River to South 
Alligator River. 

Mirafra javanica melvillensis Mathews 

Mirafra javanica melvillensis Mathews, 1912, Austral Av. Rec., 
1, p. 102 — Melville Island, Northern Territory. 

Melville Island. 

Mirafra javanica rufescens Ingram 
Mirafra rufescens Ingram, 1906, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, p. 116 
— Alexandra, Northern Territory. 

Inland of Gulf of Carpenteria from Alexandra, Northern Territory, 
to Cloncurry district, northern Queensland. 

Mirafra javanica horsfieldii Gould 

Mirafra horsfieldia Gould, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 15, 
p. 1 — interior of New South Wales. 

Mirafra javanica grisescens Hartert, 1905, Novit. Zool., 12, p. 
237 — Swan Hill, Victoria. 

Mirafra javanica queenslandica Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, 
p. 425 — Inkerman, Queensland. 

Central and southern Queensland, New South Wales and Vic- 

Mirafra javanica secunda Sharpe 

Mirafra secunda Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 13, p. 595 
(in key), p. 603 — South Australia. 

South Australia. 


Mirafra hova Hartlaub 

Mirafra hova Hartlaub, 1860, Journ. f. Orn., 8, p. 106 — St. 
Augustine Bay, Madagascar. 



Mirafra cordofanica Strickland 

Mirafra cordofanica Strickland, 1850, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 18, (1852), p. 218, Aves, pl. 23 — Kordofan. 


French West Africa, Darfur east of the Divide Range and Kor- 


Mirafra williamsi Macdonald 

Mirafra williamsi Macdonald, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 76, p. 
71 — Marsabit, Kenya; lat. 2°20’ N., long. 37°55’ E.; alt. 
3,000 ft. 

Known from the type locality only. 


Mirafra cheniana A. Smith 

Mirafra cheniana A. Smith, 18438, Illustr. Zool. South Africa, 
Aves, pl. 89, fig. 2 — no locality = Latakoo, Bechuanaland. 

South Africa from Southern Rhodesia, southern Bechuanaland 
and Gazaland southward through the high veld of Orange Free 
State. Transvaal, and East Griqualand to eastern Cape Province 
(Queenstown district). 


Mirafra albicauda albicauda Reichenow 

Mirafra albicauda Reichenow, 1891, Journ. f. Orn., 39, p. 223 — 
Gonda, Tabora district, Tanganyika Territory. 

Central and eastern Africa from Lake Chad and the Shari east- 
ward to the Kassala Province of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, thence 
southward through western Ethiopia, Uganda, and the highlands 
of Kenya Colony to Tanganyika Territory (Tabora; Ardai; ridge 
south of Engaruka). 

Mirafra albicauda rukwensis White 

Mirafra albicauda rukwensis White, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
76, p. 4 — Rukwa Depression, southern Tanganyika Territory. 

Known from the type locality only. 


Mirafra passerina Gyldenstolpe 
Mirafra fringillaris of authors, not Alauda fringillaris Sundevall. 
Mirafra passerina Gyldenstolpe, 1926, Ark. Zool., 19 A, no. 1, 
p- 24 — Mohapoani, Bechuanaland = Damaraland fide Grant. 

Bushveld savannas of Damaraland, Ngamiland, Bechuanaland 
and western Transvaal, and Southern Rhodesia (Bulawayo and 
Kariba Dam site). 


?>Mirafra candida Friedmann 

Mirafra candida Friedmann, 1930, Auk, 47, p. 418 — North Guaso 
Nyiro River, Kenya Colony. 


Known only from the type locality; possibly the rufous phase of 
M. javanica marginata. 

?Mirafra pulpa Friedmann 

Mirafra pulpa Friedmann, 1930, Occ. Papers, Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 5, p. 257 — Sagon River, Ethiopia. 

Known only from the unique type; status in doubt.1 


Mirafra hypermetra kathangorensis Cave 

Mirafra hypermetra kathangorensis Cave, 1940, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 60, p. 96 — Kathangore, 1,200 feet, lat. 5° 45’ N., long. 
33° 50’ E., Equatoria, Sudan. 

Known only from the unique type. 

Mirafra hypermetra kidepoensis Macdonald 

Mirafra hypermetra kidepoensis Macdonald, 1940, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 60, p. 59 — Ero, 4,000 feet, south edge of the Didinga Mts., 
lat. 4° 6’ N., long. 33° 44’ E., Sudan. 

Extreme southern Sudan on the Kidepo plains, and northeastern 
Uganda on the plains at the base of Mt. Moroto. 

Mirafra hypermetra gallarum Hartert 

Mirafra hypermetra gallarum Hartert, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
19, p. 84 — Bouta, Hawash Valley, Ethiopia. 

Southern Ethiopia north to Shoa and the Hawash Valley. 

Mirafra hypermetra hypermetra (Reichenow) 
Spilocorydon hypermetrus Reichenow, 1879, Orn. Centralb., 1 
p. 155 — Kibaradja [Tana River, Kenya Colony]. 
Kenya Colony (north to North Uaso Nyiro) and southern Somalia 
south to northern Tanganyika Territory (Pangani River, Loliondo). 


Mirafra somalica (Witherby) 
Certhilauda somalica Witherby, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, 
p. 29— Dibbit, Somaliland [Col. Pl., Ibis, 1905, pl. 10, p. 512]. 

Red soil desert of the plateau of British Somaliland east and 
south of Burao, extending into northern Somalia. 

1 Believed by its describer to be allied to Mirafra passerina, but this is 
disputed by Grant and Mackworth-Praed (Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 59, 1939, p. 157) 
who assert that it is the same as M. javanica marginata. 


Rufous-naped Bush Lark 

Mirafra africana henrici Bates 

Mirafra africana henrici Bates, 1930, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 51, 
p. 47 — near foot of Mt. Nimba, 2,000 feet, French Guinea. 

Known only from the vicinity of the type locality. 

Mirafra africana stresemanni Bannerman 
Mirafra stresemanni Bannerman, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, 
p. 164 — 15 miles north of Ngaundere, 3,700 feet, Cameroons. 

Northern Cameroons on the plateau south of the sources of the 
Benue River. 

Mirafra africana tropicalis Hartert 
Mirafra africana tropicalis Hartert, 1900, Novit. Zool., 7, p. 45 
— tropical East Africa to lake districts and Uganda; type 
from Bukoba, Lake Victoria. 
Mirafra africana ruwenzoria Kinnear, 1921, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
41, p. 139 — Mokia, 3,400 feet, southeastern Ruwenzori. 

Extreme eastern Belgian Congo, Uganda, southwestern Kenya 
Colony and northern Tanganyika Territory in the region about 
Lake Victoria. 

Mirafra africana kurrae Lynes 

Mirafra africana kurrae Lynes, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 43, 
p. 95 — Kurra, 5,000 feet, Darfur. 

Mirafra batesi Bannerman, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, p. 163 
—near Jos (south) [Bauchi Plateau], 4,000 feet, Northern 

Northern Nigeria on the Bauchi Plateau, and western Darfur 

on the Jebel Marra. 

Mirafra africana athi Hartert 
Mirafra africana athi Hartert, 1900, Novit. Zool., 7, p. 46 — Athi 
Plains, Kenya Colony. 

Mirafra africana dohertyi Hartert, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 
p. 93 — Escarpment, 6,500 feet, Kenya Colony. 

Kenya Colony from Lumbwa to Nairobi and the Magadi and 
Athi Plains. 

Mirafra africana harterti Neumann 

Mirafra africana harterti Neumann, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
23, p. 45 — Kiboko River, southern Ukamba, Kenya Colony. 

Kenya Colony in the southern part of Ukamba. 


Mirafra africana nigrescens Reichenow 

Mirafra nigrescens Reichenow, 1900, Orn. Monatsb., 8, p. 39 — 
Elton Pass, Ukinga, Tanganyika Territory. 

Southwestern Tanganyika Territory. 

Mirafra africana nyikae Benson 
Mirafra africana nyikae Benson, 1939, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 59, 
p. 85 — Nyika Plateau, 8,000 feet, Nyasaland. 
Confined to the Nyika Plateau in northern Nyasaland. 

Mirafra africana malbranti Chapin 
Mirafra malbranti Chapin, 1946, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 67, p. 7 — 
30 kilometers south of Djambala, French Congo. 

Known from the type locality, and the western part of the 
Kasai (Kilembe; Petianga). 

Mirafra africana occidentalis (Hartlaub) 
Megalophonus occidentalis Hartlaub, 1857, Syst. Orn. Westafr., 
p. 153 — Gaboon. 

Western and southwestern Angola north to Loanda and perhaps 

Mirafra africana kabalii White 

Mirafra africana kabalii White, 1943, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 64, 
p. 20 — Minyanya Plain, northwestern corner of the Balovale 
district of Northern Rhodesia, a few miles from the Angola 

Known from northeastern Angola and from the type locality. 

Mirafra africana chapini Grant and Mackworth-Praed 

Mirafra africana chapini Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1939, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 59, p. 140 — Nasondoye and Kanzenze, 
southeastern Belgian Congo. 

Southeastern Belgian Congo (Nasondoye; Kanzenze) and adja- 
cent parts of Northern Rhodesia (Mwinilunga, Luwingu, Mpika). 

Mirafra africana gomesi White 

Mirafra africana gomesi White, 1944, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 65, 
p. 5 — Plain in the Macondo district of Angola, east of the 
Lunyuwe River. 

Extreme eastern Angola in the Macondo district, and western 
Northern Rhodesia (eastern Balovale). 

Mirafra africana grisescens Sharpe 

Mirafra grisescens Sharpe, 1902, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, p. 62 
— Tibakais Vley, Matabeleland. 


Africorys africana ngamiensis Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
15, p. 27 — Mababe Flats, Ngamiland. 

Known only from vicinity of Wankie in Southern Rhodesia. 

Mirafra africana pallida Sharpe 

Mirafra pallida Sharpe, 1902 (April), Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 
p. 62 — Damaraland. 

Mirafra africana okahandjae White, 1945, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
65, p. 48 — Okahandja, South West Africa. 

Mirafra pallidior Sharpe ms. Shelley, 1902 (after May), Birds 
Africa, 3, p. 54 (in key) — Elephant Vley. 

Northern Damaraland, Ovamboland in the region about Etosha 
Pan, and central Bechuanaland (Kuruman). 

Mirafra africana ghansiensis (Roberts) 
Africorys africana ghansiensis Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
15, p. 27 — Gemsbok Pan, Ghanzi District. 
Bechuanaland from Ghanzi to Fort Rietfontein. 

Mirafra africana transvaalensis Hartert 

Mirafra africana transvaalensis Hartert, 1900, Novit. Zool., 7, 
p. 45 — Rustenburg, Transvaal. 

Mirafra africanus zuluensis Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
18, p. 215 — Maputa, northeastern Zululand. 

Mirafra africana isolata Clancey, 1956, Durban Mus. Novit., 4, 
p. 283 — Fort Johnston Dist., south end Lake Nyasa, Nyasa- 

Transvaal, Swaziland and Zululand to Southern Rhodesia (except 
the neighborhood of Wankie). Taxonomically indistinguishable popu- 
lations occur in Northern Rhodesia (Livingstone to Mazabuka and 
Lusaka), in Nyasaland, northern Portuguese East Africa (Inham- 
bane, Laurenco Marques) and southern Tanganyika. 

Mirafra africana africana A. Smith 

Mirafra africana A. Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Africa, 
p. 47 — eastern Cape Province and the country as far as 

Orange Free State and the Richmond District, southern Natal, 
south to eastern Cape Province (Bedford). 

Mirafra africana sharpii Elliot 
Mirafra sharpii Elliot, 1897, Field-Columbian Mus. Publ., Orn. 
Ser., 1, no. 2, p. 37 —Silo Plain, Somaliland. 
Plains of British Somaliland. 

1 Not affected by Mirafra (Ammomanes) pallida Ehr., Gray, 1870, Hand- 
list Gen. Sp. Birds. Brit. Mus., pt. 2, p. 121, no. 7807. 



Mirafra chuana (Smith) 

Alauda chuana A. Smith!, 1836, Rep. Exped. Expl. Centr. Africa, 
p. 46 — ‘“‘country beyond Latakoo”’. 

Alauda breviunguis Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 7, 
p. 99 —“‘Caffraria superiore”; type from western side of Inha- 
lube, Transvaal. 

High Veld of western Transvaal and adjacent parts of Bechuana- 


Mirafra angolensis Bocage 

Mirafra angolensis Barboza du Bocage, 1880, Jorn. Sci. Lisboa, 8, 
p- 60, 68 — Caconda, Benguela. 

Angola, southern Belgian Congo, and Northern Rhodesia (Mwini- 

Cinnamon Bush Lark 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea buckleyi (Shelley) 
Calandrella buckleyi Shelley, 1873, Ibis, p. 142 — Accra, Gold 
Coast Colony. 

Drier parts of West Africa from Gambia, French Sudan, Upper 
Volta, Niger and the Shari River, south to the Ivory Coast, Gold 
Coast (Ghana), Togoland, Nigeria and northern Cameroons (Garua). 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea schoutedeni White 

Mirafra rufocinnamomea schoutedeni White, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 76, p. 58 — Luluabourg, Kasai. 

French Equatorial Africa southward in dry regions south of the 
Congo to the Kasai. 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea tigrina Oustalet 

Mirafra tigrina Oustalet, 1892, Le Naturaliste, 14, p. 231 — Poste 
de la Mission, Haut Kemo, Ubangi. 

Mirafra cranbrooki Alexander, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, p. 88 
— Ubangi River and the Uele River; type from Bwado. 

Northeastern Cameroons (Bosum) and on the Ubangi and Uele 
rivers, central Africa. 

1 For use of this name see Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 18, p. 320. 
White, 1956, has been followed in placing the species here. 


Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea furensis Lynes 

Mirafra fischeri furensis Lynes, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl, 43, 
p- 95 — Kulme, 3,500 feet, Darfur. 

Darfur, where known only from the “western basin’’. 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea sobatensis Lynes 

Mirafra sobatensis Lynes, 1914, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 33, p. 129 — 
Plains near the mouth of the Sobat River, Anglo-Egyptian 

Eastern Sudan. 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea rufo-cinnamomea (Salvadori) 

Megalophonus rufo-cinnamomeus Salvadori, 1865, Atti Soc. Ital. 
Sci. Nat. Milano, 8, p. 378 — Ethiopia; restricted to northern 
Ethiopia by Mackworth-Praed and Grant, 1939. 

Mirafra degeni Ogilvie-Grant, 1902, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, p. 28 
— Hiressa, 8000 feet, between Addis Ababa and Lake Tsana, 

Ethiopia (except southwestern in the range of omoensis). 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea omoensis Neumann 

Mirafra fischeri omoensis Neumann, 1928, Journ. f. Orn., 76, p.787 
— Lange-Tombaro, Djimma, southwestern Ethiopia. 

Southwestern Ethiopia. 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea kawirondensis van Someren 

Mirafra fischeri kawirondensis van Someren, 1921, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 41, p. 125 — Kisumu, Lake Victoria. 

Upper White Nile and Uganda eastward to the Rift Valley in 
Kenya Colony and southward to the Mwanza district in Tanganyika 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea fischeri (Reichenow) 

Megalophonus Fischeri Reichenow, 1878, Journ. f. Orn., 26, p.266 
— Rabai, near Mombasa, Kenya Colony. 

Mirafra zombae Ogilvie-Grant, 1902, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, p. 27 
— Zomba Plains, Nyasaland. 

Drier parts of southern and eastern Congo, and coasts of East 
Africa, from the neighborhood of Mombasa southward in Tanganyika, 
Northern Rhodesia (except western part), Nyasaland, and Mozam- 
bique to the Zambesi River. 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea torrida Shelley 
Mirafra torrida Shelley, 1882, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 308, pl.17 
— Ugogo, Tanganyika Territory. 
Central Tanganyika Territory. 


Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea pintoi White 

Mirafra rufocinnamomea pintoi White, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
76, p. 57 — Catuane, southern Portuguese East Africa. 

Southern Portuguese East Africa to Swaziland and northeastern 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea smithersi White 

Mirafra rufocinnamomea smithersi White, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 76, p. 58 — Deka Farm, Matetsi, Southern Rhodesia. 

Southern Rhodesia and northern Transvaal. 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea Iwenarum White 

Mirafra rufocinnamomea lwenarum White, 1945, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 66, p. 15 — between the Kasisi and Litapi rivers, Balovale 
district, Northern Rhodesia. 

Western Northern Rhodesia, west of the Zambesi. 

Mirafra rufo-cinnamomea mababiensis (Roberts) 

Corypha fischeri mababiensis Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
15, p. 27 — Tsotsoroga Pan, Ngamiland. 

Ngamiland! and southwestern Barotseland. 

Clapper Lark 

Mirafra apiata damarensis Sharpe 

Mirafra damarensis Sharpe, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1874), 
p. 650, pl. 75, fig. 2— Ondonga, Damaraland. 

Northern Damaraland in the arid region north of Etosha Pan 
(two specimens known). 

Mirafra apiata nata Smithers 

Mirafra damarensis nata Smithers, 1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 75, 
p- 29 — 10 miles west of Nata, northeastern Bechuanaland. 

Northeastern Bechuanaland. 

Mirafra apiata deserti (Roberts) 

Megalophonus hewitti deserti Roberts, 1926, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
11, p. 223 — Omutaku Flats, north of Okakandja, Damara- 

Damaraland Plateau (Omutaku Flats; Spatzenfeld near Gobabis). 

1 Perhaps sympatric with Mirafra apiata kalaharica. 


Mirafra apiata kalaharica (Roberts) 

Corytpha [sic] hewitti kalaharica Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 27 — Gemsbok Pan. 

Ngamiland (Dautsa) and Kalahari. 

Mirafra apiata rufipilea (Vieillot) 

Alauda rufipilea Vieillot, 1816, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 1, p. 345 
— Houswaana country (7. e. Great Namaqualand ex Levaillant, 
Ois. Afr., pl. 198, fide Sclater, 1930). 

Alauda rufocapilla Voigt, 1831, Das Thierreich, p. 552 — ex Le- 

Alauda fasciolata Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 7, 
p- 99 — “‘Caffraria superiore’”’; type from north of the Vaal 
River, Transvaal. 

Megalophonus hewitti Roberts, 1926, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 11, 
p. 223 — new name for Megalophonus rufipilea of authors, not 
of Vieillot. 

Southern Bechuanaland, Griqualand, central Transvaal, Orange 
Free State. 

Mirafra apiata apiata (Vieillot) 

Alauda apiata Vieillot, 1816, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 1, p. 342 — 
no locality; Swartland, arid plains of the Piquetberg and the 
Karroo, ex Levaillant, Ois. Afr., pl. 194 — Malmesbury district, 
Cape Province. 

Southwestern Cape Province. 

Mirafra apiata algoensis (Roberts) 

Megalophonus apiatus algoensis Roberts, 1926, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 11, p. 222 — Port Elizabeth. 

Eastern Cape Province. 

Mirafra apiata adendorffi Roberts 

Mirafra apiata adendorffi Roberts, 1919, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 6, 
p. 117 — Klaver, Oliphant’s River, Cape Province. 

Little Namaqualand and the van Rhynsdorp district of Cape 

Fawn-colored Bush Lark 
Mirafra africanoides intercedens Reichenow 
Mirafra intercedens Reichenow, 1895, Orn. Monatb., 3, p. 96 — 
Loeru, Kondoa, Irangi district, Tanganyika Territory. 

1 Macdonald, 1952, doubts this. 


Central Ethiopia and highlands of western British Somaliland 
southward through the interior of Kenya Colony (except western) 
to the Tabora and Dodoma districts of northeastern Tanganyika 

Mirafra africanoides alopex Sharpe 

Mirafra alopex Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 13, p. 596 (in 
key), p. 617 — Somaliland. 

Southern border of British Somaliland near Bohotleh and neigh- 
boring region of Ethiopia. 

Mirafra africanoides macdonaldi White 

Mirafra africanoides macdonaldi White, 1953, Bull. Orn. CL, 73, 
p. 88 — Yavello, Southern Ethiopia. 

Known from the type locality only. 

Mirafra africanoides longonotensis van Someren 
Mirafra longonotensis van Someren, 1919, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 40, 
p. 57 — Naivasha, Kenya Colony. 

Eastern Uganda and the western portions of Kenya Colony. 

Mirafra africanoides trapnelli White 

Mirafra africanoides trapnelli White, 1943, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 64, 
p- 21 — between the Kasisi and Kitapi [sic] rivers, 40 miles 
west of the Zambesi, Balovale District, Northern Rhodesia. 

Southwestern Barotseland and west Balovale district on the plains 
between the Kasisi and Litapi rivers. 

Mirafra africanoides harei Roberts 
Mirafra africanoides harei Roberts, 1917, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
5, p. 258 —Windhoek, Damaraland. 
Anacorys africanoides omaruru Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 18, p. 263 — Omaruru, Damaraland. 
Mirafra africanoides isseli Hoesch and Niethammer, 1940, Journ. 
f. Orn., 88, Sonderh., p. 215 — south of Okahandja, Damara- 
South West Africa, between the Namib desert and the mountains, 
from Omaruru and the Damaraland Plateau southward to the 
Orange River. 

Mirafra africanoides gobabisensis (Roberts) 

Anacorys africanoides gobabisensis Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 18, p. 263 — Gobabis district, South-West Africa. 

Kast-central Damaraland (Gobabis to Osire and the Waterberg).? 

1 Hoesch and Niethammer synonymize omaruru with this race which they 
record also from Karibib and Erongo plateau. 


Mirafra africanoides rubidior White 
Mirafra africanoides rubidior White, 1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
75, p. 29 — Ozandjache, west of Waterberg and near Otij- 
warongo, South West Africa. 
Known only from the type locality and Okaputa. 

Mirafra africanoides makarikari (Roberts) 
Anacorys africanoides makarikart Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 28 — Nkate, Bechuanaland. 
Southwestern Ngamiland and northeastern Bechuanaland in the 
region about Makarikari Salt Lake. 

Mirafra africanoides vincenti (Roberts) 

Anacorys africanoides vincenti Roberts, 1938, Ostrich, 9, p. 117 
— Fairfield, Southern Rhodesia. 

Mirafra africanoides mossambiquensis Pinto, 1952, Bol. Soe. Est. 
Mocambique, 22, p. 5 — Maquese, southern Portuguese East 

Southern Rhodesia in Umwuma district, Que Que, Fort Victoria, 

Chatsworth, and southern Portuguese East Africa. 

Mirafra africanoides sarwensis (Roberts) 

Anacorys africanoides sarwensis Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 27 — Kaotwe Pan, central Kalahari. 

Anacorys africanoides ovambensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 97 
— 50 miles northwest of Namutoni on the road to Ondonga, 

Anacorys africanoides tsumebensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 
98 — Tsumeb, South West Africa. 

Central Kalahari. 

Mirafra africanoides austin-robertsi White 

Mirafra africanoides austin-robertsi White, 1947, Ibis, p. 420. 
New name for Anacorys africanoides transvaalensis Roberts, 

Anacorys africanoides transvaalensis Roberts, 1936, Ann. Trans- 
vaal Mus., 18, p. 262 — Nylstroom, Transvaal. Not Mirafra 
africana transvaalensis Hartert, 1900. 

Ovamboland and Acacia thornveld of western Transvaal; Bula- 

wayo district and southern and western Southern Rhodesia. 

Mirafra africanoides africanoides A. Smith 
Mirafra africanoides A. Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Africa, 
p. 47 — eastern province of the [Cape] Colony and the country 
towards Latakoo. 


Mirafra smithi Sharpe, 1909, Hand-list Birds, 5, p. 175. New 
name for Mirafra africanoides Smith. 

South Africa from southeastern Bechuanaland (Vryburg) and 
Griqualand West, south to Colesberg.* 

Collared Lark 

Mirafra collaris Sharpe 

Mirafra collaris Sharpe, 1896, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 5, p. xxiv 
—no locality; the type in the British Museum is from Aimola, 
ca. lat. 4° N., long. 40° E. 

British and Ethiopian Somaliland, Somalia, and the adjacent 
parts of northeastern Kenya Colony. 

Bush Lark 

Mirafra assamica assamica Horsfield 

Mirafra Assamica Horsfield in McClelland, 1840, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, (1839), pt. 7, p. 162 — Assam. 

Northern India from Kumaon, the United Provinces and Nepal 
eastward through Sikkim and Bhutan Doars to eastern Assam and 
south to Orissa, Bengal, Sylhet and Manipur south to Akyab. 

Mirafra assamica affinis Blyth 

Mirafra affinis Blyth, ex Jerdon ms., 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. 
Bengal (1844), 13, p. 959 — southern India. 

Mirafra affinis Jerdon, 1845, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci. (1844), 13, 
pt. 2, p. 136 — Goomsoor. 

Alauda coromandeliana Pucheran, 1854, Rev. Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 
p. 63 — Pondichery, ex Cuvier ms. 

Mirafra affinis ceylonensis Whistler, 1936, Journ. Bombay Nat. 
Hist. Soc., 38, p. 769 — Colombo, Ceylon. 

Southern India from Mysore and southern Orissa southward; 

Mirafra assamica microptera Hume 

Mirafra microptera Anonymous = Hume, 1873, Stray Feathers, 
1, p. 483 — Thayetmyo, Burma. 

Central Burma south to Prome and eastward to the western 
portion of the Northern Shan States. 

Mirafra assamica subsessor Deignan 

Mirafra assamica subsessor Deignan, 1941, Zoologica, 26, p. 241 
— Chiengmai, 1000 feet, Thailand. 

1 Distributions of subspecies of South Africa require further study. 


Northern Thailand in the Chiengmai Plain and possibly Lampang 

Mirafra assamica marionae Stuart Baker 

Mirafra assamica marionae Stuart Baker, 1915, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 36, p. 34 — Ayuthia, central Thailand. 

Tenasserim (Kyauk Phyon), Thailand (except northern), southern 
Annam, Cambodia and Cochinchina. 


Mirafra rufa nigriticola Bates 

Mirafra rufa nigriticola Bates, 1932, Bull. Brit. Orn, Cl., 53, 
p. 8— Tahona, French Niger Colony. 

Western French Niger Colony (Tillabery; Tahona). 

Mirafra rufa rufa Lynes 

Mirafra rufa Lynes, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 41, p. 15 — Juga 
Juga, 3000 feet, 15 miles ENE of El Fasher, Darfur. 

North and central Darfur from Zalingei to Juga Juga. 

Mirafra rufa lynesi Grant and Mackworth-Praed 

Mirafra rufa lynesi Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1933, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 53, p. 246 — Delami, Kordofan. 

Kordofan, from 20 miles west of El Nahud eastward to Delami 
and Um Dona in the Koalib area of Dar Nuba. 


Mirafra gilletti Sharpe 

Mirafra gilletti Sharpe, 1895, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 4, p. xxix 
—no locality = Sibbe, Ogaden country, Somaliland. 

Ethiopia from the Hawash Valley eastward to French and British 
Somaliland and Somalia. 


Mirafra poecilosterna australoabyssinica Benson 

Mirafra poecilosterna australoabyssinicus Benson, 1942, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 63, p. 13 — twenty miles south of Mega, 3,000 feet, 

Northern Sudan; northern Italian Somaliland, and Ethiopia. 

Mirafra poecilosterna poecilosterna (Reichenow) 

Alauda poecilosterna Reichenow, 1879, Orn. Centralb., 1, p. 155 
— Kibaradja [Tana River, Kenya Colony]. 

Northern and eastern Kenya Colony south to the Tana River. 


Mirafra poecilosterna massaica (Fischer and Reichenow) 

Megalophonus massaicus Fischer and Reichenow, 1884, Journ. f. 
Orn., 32, p. 55 — Little Arusha, Tanganyika Territory. 
Mirafra poecilosterna jacksoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1913, Ibis, p. 586 
— Kikuyu, 5,500 feet, Kenya Colony. 
Northeastern Uganda to the central districts of Kenya Colony 
and southward to northern Tanganyika Territory in the region 
about Mt. Kilimanjaro and the arid lowlands at Mkomasi. 

Sabota Lark 

Mirafra sabota herero (Roberts) 

Sabota sabota herero Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 18, 
p- 262 — Windhoek, South West Africa. 

Damaraland Plateau and mountains of Great Namaqualand from 
Otjiwarango south to Kubub and Kalkfontein. 

Mirafra sabota sabotoides (Roberts) 

Sabota sabota sabotoides Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 15, 
p- 28 — Gemsbok Pan. 

Bechuanaland in the region about Gemsbok Pan in the western 
Kalahari Desert. 

Mirafra sabota vesey-fitzgeraldi White 

Mirafra sabota vesey-fitzgeraldi White, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
76, p. 6 — Dautsa, Ngamiland. 

Ngamiland, Bechuanaland Protectorate. 

Mirafra sabota bradfieldi (Roberts) 
Sabota sabota bradfieldi Roberts, 1928, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 12, 
p. 316 — de Aar, Cape Province. 

Southeastern South West Africa (Great Karras Mts., Keetman- 
shoop) and South Africa from Upington and Griqualand West south 
to van Wyks Vlei, de Aar, and Petrusville. 

Mirafra sabota plebeja (Cabanis) 

Alauda (Megalophonus) plebeja Cabanis, 1875, Journ. f. Orn., 23, 
p- 237 — no locality = Chinchoxo, Portuguese Congo. 

Portuguese Congo. 

Mirafra sabota ansorgei Sclater 
Mirafra sabota ansorgei Sclater, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47, 
p- 29 — Catumbela, Benguela. 


Mirafra sabota naevia (Strickland) 

Alauda naevia Strickland, 1852-1853, in Jardine’s Contr. Orn., 
p. 152 — Damaraland; type locality restricted to Ondonga, 
Ovamboland, by Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 18, p. 
262, but type agrees with Otjimique population, fide White. 

Southern Damaraland. 

Mirafra sabota waibeli Grote 

Mirafra sabota waibeli Grote, 1922, Journ. f. Orn., 70, p. 46 — 
Okaukuejo, Ovamboland. 

Known only from the southwestern side of Etosha Pan. 

Mirafra sabota uis Hoesch and Niethammer 

Mirafra sabota uis Hoesch and Niethammer, 1940, Journ. f. Orn., 
88, Sonderh., p. 218, pl. 2, fig. 5 — Uis, South West Africa. 

Mirafra sabota erongo Hoesch and Niethammer, 1940, Journ. f. 
Orn., 88, Sonderh., p. 218 — Erongo Plateau, Damaraland. 

Northwestern Damaraland in the “Pre-Namib” from Kamanjab 
south to the Swakop, and on the Erongo Plateau. 

Mirafra sabota elfriedae Hoesch and Niethammer 

Mirafra sabota elfriedae Hoesch and Niethammer, 1940, Journ. 
f. Orn., 88, Sonderh., p. 217 — Onguma, South West Africa. 

Known only from the type locality at the eastern end of Etosha 
Pan. Intermediate between waibeli and hoeschi. 

Mirafra sabota hoeschi Stresemann 

Mirafra sabota hoeschi Stresemann, 1939, Orn. Monatb., 47, p. 
62 — Waltersdorf, near Grootfontein, South West Africa. 

Northern Damaraland on the dark soils along the Omuramba- 
Omatako River, southeast of Grootfontein. 

Mirafra sabota sabota A. Smith 

Mirafra Sabota A. Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Africa, p. 47 
— between Latakoo and the Tropic. 

Southern Portuguese East Africa, Matabeleland, Transvaal, Zulu- 
land, Swaziland to the Umbelluzi River, Natal, and northern Cape 

Red-winged Bush Lark 

Mirafra erythroptera sindiana Ticehurst 

Mirafra erythroptera sindianus Ticehurst, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 41, p. 56 — Karachi, Sind. 


Sind, Kumaon, Punjab, Rajputana, northern Baroda, central 
and Gorakhpur districts of the eastern United Provinces. 

Mirafra erythroptera furva Koelz 
Mirafra erythroptera furva Koelz, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 
1510, p. 2—Sihor, Kathiawar, India. 

Known only from the type locality. 

Mirafra erythroptera erythroptera Blyth 
Mirafra erythroptera Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 
(1844), 13, p. 958, ex Jerdon ms. — northern portion of the 
Indian Peninsula. 
Mirafra Erythroptera Jerdon, 1845, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci. (1844), 
13, pt. 2, p. 1386 — Jalna, Deccan. 
India from Gwalior and the Central Provinces east to Bihar and 
western Bengal, south to the Bombay Presidency, Mysore (Mari- 
kanive) and Bastar. 

Dusky Bush Lark 

Mirafra nigricans erythropygia (Strickland) 
Alauda erythropygia Strickland, 1852, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
(1850), pt. 18, p. 219, Aves, pl. 24 — Kordofan. 

Arid belt of northern Africa from Air, Darfur and Kordofan 
southward to Sierra Leone (Bintumane), the northern Territories 
of Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, Togoland and Nigeria, Bahr el Ghazal 
and northwestern Uganda (Murchison Falls). 

Mirafra nigricans nigricans (Sundevall) 
Alauda nigricans Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Férh., 7, 
p. 99 — “Caffraria superiore” ; type from Ape River, Transvaal. 
Belgian Congo (near Leopoldville; Katanga); Kigoma on Lake 
Tanganyika; Benguela, and Northern Rhodesia south to Damara- 
land (Windhoek), Ngamiland, Southern Rhodesia, Transvaal, and 


Heteronyx Grant, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl, 21, p. 111. Type, 
by original designation, Heteronyx ruddi Grant. Not Heteronyx 
Guerin, 1838, Coleoptera. 

Heteromirafra Grant, 1913, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 31, p. 114. New 
name for Heteronyx Grant, preoccupied. 



Long-clawed Lark 

Heteromirafra ruddi ruddi (Grant) 
Heteronyx ruddi Grant, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 21, p. 111 — 
Wakkerstroom, Transvaal. 
South Africa in the Drakensberg Plateau and adjacent grass- 
be from northeastern Transvaal (Belfast) south to Griqualand 

Heteromirafra ruddi archeri Stevenson Clarke 
Heteromirafra archeri Stevenson Clarke, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 40, p. 64 — Jifa, 5,000 feet, western border of British Somali- 
Western British Somaliland. 


Certhilauda Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 344. Type, by 
original designation, lAlouette Sirli of Levaillant = Alauda 
curvirostris Vieillot. 

Chersomanes Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, 1850-1851, p. 
126. Type, by subsequent designation, C. garrula A. Smith. 

cf. Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 18, p. 257-261. 
Hoesch and Niethammer, 1940, Journ. f. Orn., 88, Sonderh., 

. 219-221. 
Macdonald, Ibis, 94, 1952, p. 122-127; Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. 
Hist.), 1, no. 11, 1953, p. 321-350 (C. albescens); Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 122, pt. 4, 1951, p. 985-1006 (C. albofasciata). 

Long-billed Lark 

Certhilauda curvirostris damarensis (Sharpe) 
Alaemon damarensis Sharpe, 1904, Ibis, p. 361 — Damaraland; 
type from Tjobis. 
?Alaemon benguelensis Sharpe, 1904, Ibis, p. 361 — Benguella. 
Certhilauda subcoronata kaokoensis Bradfield, 1944, New South 
African Ornithological Records and new forms, Johannesburg, 
p- [8] — Messum River [Damaraland]. 
From Benguella southward along the border of the Namib on 
the western edge of the Damaraland Plateau to about the Naukluft 
Mts., intergrading with C. c. bradshawi in the region about Magaums. 

Certhilauda curvirostis bradshawi (Sharpe) 

Alaemon bradshawi Sharpe, 1904, Ibis, p. 361 — Orange River; 
type from near Upington. 


Southern Great Namaqualand (Aus; Kubub; Kleetmanshoop; 
Kalkfontein; Karas Mts., etc.), eastward to Upington and Barkly 

Certhilauda curvirostris subcoronata A. Smith 

Certhilauda subcoronata A. Smith, 1843, Illustr. Zool. S. Africa, 
Aves, pl. 90, fig. 2 and text+— arid districts on both coasts 
of the Cape Colony. 

Certhilauda falcirostris Reichenow, 1916, Journ. f. Orn., 64, p. 
161 — Port Nolloth, Cape Province. 

Certhilauda falciformis Reichenow, Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. 
Ethiop., pt. 1, p. 318, note 2. Lapsus. 

Certhilauda curvirostris brevirostris Roberts, 1941, Ostrich, 11, 
p. 129 — Zoetendals Vallei, Bredasdorp district, near Cape 
Agulhas, Cape Province. 

Coast of southwestern Cape Province from region south of the 

Orange River near Port Nolloth southward to the Cape of Good 
Hope and eastward to the vicinity of George. 

Certhilauda curvirostris curvirostris (Hermann) 

Alauda curvirostris Hermann, 1783, Tabl. Affin. Anim., p. 216 — 
Cape of Good Hope, ex Buffon, 5, p. 65. 

Certhilauda subcoronata gilli Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
18, p. 260 — Nieuveldt Mts. above Beaufort West. 

Western Cape Province, from the eastern edge of coastal regions 
(range of subcoronata) eastward, south of the Orange River, to the 
neighborhood of the Caledon River and southward. 

Certhilauda curvirostris semitorquata Smith 

Certhilauda semitorquata A.Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. 
Africa, app., p. 47 — “inhabits the eastern province of the 
Colony and the country immediately about the Orange River’’. 

Certhilauda rufopalliata Lafresnaye, 1836, Mag. Zool., cl. 2, pl. 
59 — Cape of Good Hope. 

Certhilauda daviesi Gunning and Roberts, 1911, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 3, p. 114 — Matatiele, Griqualand East. 

Certhilauda semitorquata transvaalensis Roberts, 1936, Ann. Trans- 
vaal Mus., 18, p. 261 — Olifantshoek, Rustenburg district, 

Eastern Bechuanaland (Vryburg) and Transvaal from the Dra- 
kensberg southward through Griqualand and Orange Free State to 
the Albany district of Cape Province, Basutoland and the Natal 

1 The text is headed Brachonyx pyrrhonotha (Vieillot). 


Karroo and Red-backed Larks 

Certhilauda albescens erythrochlamys (Strickland) 
Alauda erythrochlamys Strickland, 1853, in Jardine’s Contr. Orn. 
for 1852, p. 151 — Damaraland, coastal belt near Walvis Bay. 
Desert from Walvis Bay soutward to the Koichab River near Aus. 

Certhilauda albescens barlowi (Roberts) 
Pseudammomanes barlowi Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 95 — eight 
miles west of Aus, South West Africa. 

Known only from the vicinity of the type locality. 

Certhilauda albescens cavei Macdonald 
Certhilauda albescens caver Macdonald, 1953, Bull. Brit. Mus. 
(Nat. Hist.), 1, no. 11, p. 344 — 5 miles southwest of Witputs, 
Great Namaqualand; 27° 35’ south, 16° 42’ east, 4,000 ft. 

Known only from the vicinity of the type locality. 

Certhilauda albescens patae Macdonald 
Certhilauda albescens patae Macdonald, 1953, Bull. Brit. Mus. 
(Nat. Hist.), 1, no. 11, p.344—  Grootderm, Orange River, 
Little Namaqualand [Gray phase]. 
Known only from the region of mouth of the Orange River on 
the south bank, extending southward about ten miles. 

Certhilauda albescens saldanhae (Roberts) 
Calendulauda albascens saldanhae Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 18, p. 258 — Saldanha Bay, Cape Province. 
Coast of western Cape Province from the vicinity of MacDougall 
Bay and Port Nolloth southward to the vicinity of the Berg River 
(St. Helena Bay). 

Certhilauda albescens albescens (Lafresnaye) 

Alauda albescens Lafresnaye, 1839, Rev. Zool., p. 259 — Blauw 
Berg, South Africa. [Gray phase]. 

Alauda codea A. Smith, 1843, Illustr. Zool. S. Africa, Aves, pl. 
87, fig. 1 and text — Karroo plains between the Oliphant and 
Orange rivers. 

Southwestern Cape Province along the coast from Berg River 

and Saldanha Bay southward to the vicinity of Capetown. 

Certhilauda albescens guttata (Lafresnaye) 

Alauda albescens guttata Lafresnaye, 1839, Rev. Zool., p. 259 — 
Oliphant River, South Africa. [Red phase]. 


Alauda lagepa A. Smith, 1843, Ilustr. Zool. 8. Africa, Aves, pl. 
87, fig. 2 and text — between the Berg and Orange rivers. 

Calendulauda albescens karruensis Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 18, p. 258 —de Aar, Cape Province. 

Calendulauda guttata calviniensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 97 
—15 miles east of Calvinia, Cape Province. 

Western Cape Province (excluding coastal regions) from eastern 
Namaqualand (Springbok) eastward to central Cape Province (de 
Aar) and southward to the neighborhood of the coastal ranges 

Spike-heeled Lark? 

Certhilauda albofasciata obscurata Hartert 

Certhilauda albofasciata obscurata Hartert, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 19, p. 83 — Bulu-bulu, Bihé district, Northern Angola. 

Known only from the vicinity of the type locality and the vicinity 
of Vila Luso, about 200 miles to the eastward. 

Certhilauda albofasciata erikssoni Hartert 

Certhilauda albofasciata erikssoni Hartert, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 19, p. 82 — Okahokahana, Etosha Pan, Ovamboland. 

Northern South West Africa in Outjo and Ovampo district of 

Certhilauda albofasciata kalahariae Ogilvie-Grant 

Certhilauda kalahariae Ogilvie-Grant, 1912, Ibis, p. 375 — Lehu- 
tutu, 3,000 feet, Kalahari. 

Central and western Kalahari desert. 

Certhilauda albofasciata boweni de Schauensee 
Certhilauda albofasciata boweni de Schauensee, 1931, (Jan.), Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 83, p. 5 — Spitz Koppji, 15 miles 
west of Usakos, South West Africa. 
Chersomanes albofasciata namibensis Roberts, 1931, (July), Ann. 
Transvaal Mus., 14, p. 243 — Ebody siding, South West Africa. 
East central South West Africa, near Walvis Bay, in the vicinity 
of Swakopmund, Karibib and Omaruru. 

Certhilauda albofasciata arenaria Reichenow 
Certhilauda albofasciata arenaria Reichenow, 1904, Vog. Afr., 3, 
pt. 1, p. 349 (in key), p. 354 — Great Namaqualand; Rehoboth; 
Kalahari; Kransnes; type from Rehoboth, South West Africa. 

1 This species involves many small populations differing slightly from 
their neighbors. Names for these would have little significance. 


Chersomanes albofasciata barbiensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 
99 — Barbi Farm, Helmeringshausen, Great Namaqualand. 
Great Namaqualand from Windhoek and Gobabis southward to 
Upington, Kenhardt and Prieska. 

?Certhilauda albofasciata meinertzhageni Macdonald 
Certhilauda albofasciata meinertzhageni Macdonald, 1953, Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 122, pt. 4, p. 1000 — Pofadder, Cape Pro- 
Known only from the type locality. Intermediate between arenaria 
and garrula. 

Certhilauda albofasciata bradfieldi (Roberts) 
Chersomanes albofasciata bradfieldi Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 28 — Langklip, Great Namaqualand. 
Certhilauda albofasciata baddeleyi Clancey, 1957, Durban Mus. 
Novit., 5, pt. 4, p. 43 — Rietfontein, Niekerkshoop-Griquatown 
road, Asbestos Mountains, northern Cape Province, South 
Northern Cape Province (vicinity of the type locality, sixty miles 
west of Upington and Asbestos Mountains, Griqualand West). 

Certhilauda albofasciata garrula A. Smith 

Certhilauda garrula A. Smith, 1846, Illustr. Zool. 8. Africa, Aves, 
pl. 106, fig. 1 — northern Cape Province = Van Rhynsdorp (fide 

Chersomanes albofasciata bushmanensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, 
p. 99 — border of Bushman Flats and Little Namaqualand on 
the road from Goodhouse to Steinkopf. 

Certhilauda albofasciata calviniensis Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 
100 — 35 miles east of Calvinia on the Brandvlei road, Cape 

Northern Namaqualand (Steinkopf, Springbok) eastward to the 
headwaters of the Hartebeest River, Victoria West and Middleburg, 
southward to the vicinity of Van Rhynsdorp, Calvinia, Laingsburg 
and Aberdeen. 

Certhilauda albofasciata alticola (Roberts) 
Chersomanes albofasciata alticola Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 28 — van Wyk Mine, Boksburg, Transvaal. 
¢Chersomanes albofasciata subpallida Roberts, 1932, Ann. Trans- 
vaal Mus., 15, p. 29 — Marabastad, Pieterburg district, Trans- 
Southern Transvaal (near Johannesburg) and northern Orange 
Free State. 


Certhilauda albofasciata albofasciata Lafresnaye 
Certhilauda albofasciata Lafresnaye, 1836, Mag. Zool., p. 3, pl. 58 
— Cape of Good Hope = Deelfontein (fide Macdonald, 1953). 

Central and eastern Cape Province from the headwaters of the 
Hartebeest River and Prieska (where intergrades occur) eastward 
in the southern Orange Free State and southward to the coast 
between Port Elizabeth and East London. 

Certhilauda albofasciata robertsi Macdonald 

Certhilauda albofasciata robertsi Macdonald, 1953, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 122, pt. 4, p. 1003 — Fountains, near Pretoria. 

Known only from south-central Transvaal (Rustenberg, Middle- 
burg and Caroline). 


Eremopterix Kaup, 1836, Das Thierreich, 2, Th. 1, p. 139, in text. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Fringilla otoleuca Temminck 
= Alauda melanocephala Lichtenstein (Bianchi, 1907, Bull. 
Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (5), (1906), 25, p. 29). 

cf. Lynes, 1924, Ibis, p. 703-705. 


Eremopterix australis (A. Smith) 
Megalotis australis A. Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Africa, 
p. 49 — country along the Orange River. 
Damaraland and western Transvaal, south to Little Namaqua- 
land and and central Cape Province (Beaufort west; Deelfontein). 


Eremopterix leucotis melanocephala (Lichtenstein) 
Alauda melanocephala Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. Zool. Mus. 
Berlin, p. 28 — Nubia and Senegambia = Nubia. 
Pyrrhulauda lacteidorsalis Shelley, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, 
p. 73 — Khartoum. 

African semi-arid belt from Senegal, French Sudan (north to 
about lat. 18° N.), Niger (north to about Ain), Darfur, Kordofan, 
and the Nile Valley (north to Berber), south to Gambia, the hinter- 
land of Gold Coast (Ghana), Togo, and Nigeria, northern Cameroons 
and Khartoum. 

Eremopterix leucotis leucotis (Stanley) 
Loxia leucotis Stanley, 1814, in Salt’s Voyage Abyssinia, app., 
p. 60 — Ethiopia. 
Upper White Nile from Fashoda, and southern Eritrea south 
through western and central Ethiopia. 


Eremopterix leucotis madaraszi (Reichenow) 
Pyrrhulauda leucotis madaraszi Reichenow, 1902, Orn. Monatsb., 
10, p. 78 — East Africa. 

Southern Gallaland and southern Somalia (Obbia) southward 
through the coastal districts of Kenya Colony (including Manda 
Island) and the drier parts of Tanganyika to the region north of 
Lake Nyasa and northern Mozambique (Lurio Sul); this is perhaps 
the form ranging to the Loita Plains and northeastern Uganda. 

Eremopterix leucotis smithi (Bonaparte) 
Pyrrhulauda smithi Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, p. 512 — 
South Africa = country along the Orange River, ex Smith, 
Ill. Orn. South Africa, pl. 26. 
South Africa from Ovamboland, the upper Zambezi Valley, 
southern Nyasaland, and central Mozambique (Tete), south to 
central Cape Province (Colesberg) and Zululand. 


Eremopterix signata harrisoni (Ogilvie-Grant) 

Pyrrhulauda harrisoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1901, Ibis, p. 286, pl. 7 — 
south end of Lake Rudolf, 1,800 feet. 

Eremopterix leucopareia caver Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1941, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 61, p. 62 — Nataparapoth, Atoporos Hills, 
Eastern District, Equatorial Sudan.t 

Southeastern Sudan from the Atoporos Hills to Lake Rudolf and 

the Turkana District of Kenya Colony. 

Eremopterix signata signata (Oustalet) 
Pyrrhulauda signata Oustalet, 1886, Bibl. Ecole Haut. Etud., 31, 
art. 10, p. 9 — Somaliland. 
Kastern Ethiopia and British Somaliland south through Gallaland 
and Somalia to Kenya Colony (Lorian Swamp; northern foot-hills 
of Mt. Kenya). 


Eremopterix verticalis verticalis (A. Smith) 
Megalotis verticalis A. Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Africa, 
p. 48 — Country both sides of the Orange River. 
Western Transvaal and Orange Free State south to central Cape 
Province, and north to Damaraland; coastal Angola and Loango 
just beyond the Congo River. 

Eremopterix verticalis damarensis Roberts 

1 For note on systematic position and range see Cave, 1949, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 69, p. 108. 


Eremopteryx verticalis damarensis Roberts, 1931, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 14, p. 243 — Gobabis, South West Africa. 

South West Africa from Etosha Pan south to Kubub; north- 
western Bechuanaland (northeast of Ghanzi). 

?Eremopterix verticalis khama Irwin 
Eremopteryx verticalis khama Irwin, 1957, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 77, 
p. 87 — Makirikiri Pan, northern Bechuanaland. 
Known only from the type locality. 

Eremopterix nigriceps nigriceps (Gould) 

Pyrrhalauda [sic] nigriceps Gould, 1841, in Darwin, Zool. Voy. 
‘Beagle’, pt. 3, p. 87 — Sao Tiago, Cape Verde Islands. 

Coraphites albifrons Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 7, 
p. 127 — Nubia or Sennar. 

Pyrrhulauda modesta Finsch, 1864, Journ. f. Orn., 12, p. 412 — 
Canary Islands; error — Cape Verde Islands. 

Pyrrhulauda frontalis Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, [pt. 2], 
p. 512 — Nubia, ex Lichtenstein ms. 

Pyrrhulauda butleri Shelley, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, p. 73 
— twenty miles west of Omdurman. 

Cape Verde Islands (Santo Antao, Boa Vista, Sao Tiago, Maio) 
and a narrow belt across northern Africa from French Sudan (in 
Alahy; Tabonéshat; Bouran; Gao), Niger (Agadeés; Tillia; Tawa; 
Zinder) eastward through Darfur and Kordofan to the Nile Valley, 
north to about Shendi. 

Eremopterix nigriceps melanauchen (Cabanis) 

Coraphites melanauchen Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, p. 

124 — Africa = Dahalach Island, Red Sea. 

Pyrrhulauda sincipitalis Blyth, 1867, Ibis, p. 185 — Aden. 

Northern Egypt (Wadi Natron), Kassala Province of the Sudan, 
Eritrea, Ethiopia, British Somaliland, Somalia south to the Juba 
River; Dahalach Island, Socotra Island, Arabia, southern Iraq, 
Persian Baluchistan to northwestern India. 

Eremopterix nigriceps affinis (Blyth) 
Pyrrhulauda affinis Blyth, 1867, Ibis, p. 185 — Madras Presi- 
dency; error = Sind. 
Mekran coast and northwestern India in Sind Bahawalpur (Ha- 
runabad), Punjab (Hissar), and Rajputana to the extreme western 
part of the United Provinces (Muttra on the Jumna River). 


Eremopterix grisea (Scopoli) 

Alauda grisea Scopoli, 1786, Del Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fase. 2, 
p. 95 —no locality = Ginge, South Arcot District, India. 

Pyrrhulauda grisea siccata 'Ticehurst, 1925, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
45, p. 87 — Deesa, Rajputana. 

Eremopterix grisea ceylonensis Whistler, 1934, Journ. Bombay 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 38, p. 105 — eight miles south of Paletupani, 
east coast of Ceylon. 

The greater part of India from the Northwest Frontier Provinces 
to Assam and eastern Bengal, southward; Ceylon. 


Eremopterix leucopareia (Fischer and Reichenow) 
Coraphites leucopareia Fischer and Reichenow, 1884, Journ. f. Orn., 
32, p. 55 — Little Arusha. | 
Northeastern Uganda, the western shores of Lake Victoria and 
northern Kenya Colony south to the Tabora and Kilosa districts 
of Kenya Colony, the Rukwa depression and northern Nyasaland. 

Genus AMMOMANES Capsanis 

Ammomanes Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., Th. 1 (1850), p. 125. 
Type, by original designation, Ammomanes pallida Cabanis (ex 
Alauda pallida Licht. ms.) = Alauda arenicolor Sundevall. 

Pseudammomanes Bianchi, 1904, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Péters- 
bourg (4), 21, p. 231, 241. Type, by original designation, Alauda 
ferruginea Smith not Alauda ferruginea Voigt = Ammomanes 
burra Bangs. 

Ammomanopsis Bianchi, 1904, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Péters- 
bourg (4), 21, p. 232, 241. Type, by original designation and 
monotypy, Alauda grayt Wahlberg. 

Ammomanoides Bianchi, 1904, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Péters- 
bourg (4), 21, p. 232, 241. Type, by original designation, Mira- 
fra phoenicuroides Blyth. 

Eremalauda Sclater, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47, p. 28. Type, 
by original designation, Calendula dunni Shelley. 

Black-tailed Sand Lark 

Ammomanes cincturus cincturus (Gould) 

Melanocorypha cinctura Gould, 1841, in Darwin, Zool. Voy. 
‘Beagle’, pt. 3, p. 87 = Sao Tiago, Cape Verde Islands. 
Cape Verde Islands: Sao Tiago, Sal, Boa Vista, Maio. 


Ammomanes cincturus arenicolor (Sundevall) 

Alauda arenicolor Sundevall, 1851, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Férh., 7 
(1850), p. 128 — “‘in arenosis Aegypti inferioris vel Arabiae 
petraeae”; type from Lower Egypt, fide Gyldenstolpe. 

Ammomanes phoenicura pallens Le Roi, 1912, Orn. Monatsb., 20, 
p. 6 — Bayuda plains, Dongola. 

Ammomanes cinctura kinneari Bates, 1935, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
55, p. 140 — 50 miles south of Omdurman. Not Hremalauda 
kinneart Bates, tom. cit., p. 19. 

Deserts of northern Africa from Morocco to Egypt and south to 
the Tuareg country, French Niger Province (Agadés), the Sudan 
and the Red Sea Province; Sinai Peninsula; Arabia north to about 
lat. 30° N. and south to the Yemen-Hadhramaut boundary. 

Ammomanes cincturus zarudnyi Hartert 

Ammomanes cinctura zarudnyi Hartert, 1902, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
12, p. 43 — Mujnabad, eastern Iran. 

Ammomanes heterura Madarasz, 1903, Orn. Monatsb., 11, p. 91 
— Mudschun-Abad [= Mujnabad], Iran. 

Deserts of eastern Iran, and Baluchistan; Sind (Sehwan); Afghani- 
stan (Lab-i-Baring). 


Ammomanes phoenicurus phoenicurus (Franklin) 

Mirafra phoenicura Franklin, 1831, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, pt. 1 (1830), p. 119 — on the Ganges between Calcutta 
and Benares or the Vindhya Hills between Benares and Gurrah 
Mundela on the Narbudda; Hartert (1904) accepts the latter 
place as type locality. 

Northern India from the Rann of Cutch to eastern Bengal, north 
to the Ganges and south to about lat. 16° N. 

Ammomanes phoenicurus testaceus Koelz 

Ammomanes phoenicurus testaceus Koelz, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1510, p. 3 — Salem, Madras Presidency. 

Drier portions of the Indian Peninsula from about lat. 16° N., 
south to Mysore and Travancore. 

Sand Lark 

Ammomanes deserti payni Hartert 

Ammomanes deserti payni Hartert, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 45, 
p. 36 — Figuig, Morocco. 


Morocco south of the Atlas nearly to the Sous Valley, and east- 
ward into southern Algeria. 

Ammomanes deserti algeriensis Sharpe 

Ammomanes algeriensis Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds. Brit. Mus., 13, 
p. 645 —“‘Algerian Sahara ranging into Nubia’’; probably 
Dait-el-Hossi, fide Meinertzhagen. 

Algeria (except southwestern) and Tunisia, south of the Atlas 
and extending into western Tripolitania. 

Ammomanes deserti whitakeri Hartert 

Ammomanes deserti whitakeri Hartert, 1911, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
27, p. 46 — Koshby, Djebel Soda, Tripolitania. 

Confined to the Gebel es Soda in central Tripolitania. 

Ammomanes deserti mya Hartert 
Ammomanes desertt mya Hartert, 1912, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
(8), 10, p. 230 — Oued Mya [between Fort Miribel and In Salah 
about 50 km. southeast of the former locality], Algerian Sahara. 
Ammomanes deserti intermedia Heim de Balsac, 1925, Bull. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Paris, 31, p. 139, 141 — Hammada du Tadmait, near 
El Golea, Algerian Sahara. 
Mid-Algerian Sahara from El Golea south to the northern slopes 
of the Ahaggar Mts. 

Ammomanes deserti janeti Meinertzhagen 
Ammomanes deserti janeti Meinertzhagen, 1933, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 53, p. 151 — Oued Tamanrasset, 5,200 ft., Ahaggar Plateau. 

Southern Algeria at elevations between 4,500 and 5,200 feet in 
the Ahaggar Mts. 

Ammomanes deserti geyri Hartert 

Ammomanes deserti geyri Hartert, 1924, Novit. Zool., 31, p. 41 — 
Farak, Damergou, southern Sahara. 

Ammomanes deserti bensoni Meinertzhagen, 1933, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 53, p. 151 — Tamsnigat, 6,800 ft., Ahaggar Plateau, 170 km. 
north of Zinder. 

Ammomanes deserti monodi Dekeyser and Villiers, 1950, Bull. Inst. 
Frang. Afrique Noire, 12, p. 672 — Iriji, Mauretania. 
Ahaggar Mountains (6,800-7,400 ft.) of southern Algeria, Mau- 
retania, French West Africa and Northern Nigeria from the Damer- 
gou country southward to Kano and westward to Tillia Wells, 100 
miles NNW of Wawa. 


Ammomanes deserti kollmanspergeri Niethammer 
Ammomanes deserti kollmanspergeri Niethammer, 1955, Bonn. 
Zool. Beitr., 6, p. 59 — 20 km. east of Fada, French Equato- 
rial Africa. 
Ennedi mountians in red sandstone country. 

Ammomanes deserti deserti (Lichtenstein) 

Alauda deserti Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 
p- 28 — upper Egypt; Aswan designated as type locality by 
Meinertzhagen, 1951. 

Ammomanes deserti Mirei Berlioz, 1950, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
Paris, Ser. 2, 22, p. 211 — southeast slope Mt. Koussi, 3,000 
metres, Tibesti. 

Libya (Tibesti), Egypt in the Nile Valley from about Qena south- 

ward through Luxor, Aswan and Wadi Halfa to the extreme northern 
Sudan; Quseir on the Red Sea. 

Ammomanes deserti erythrochrous Reichenow 
Ammomanes lusitana erythrochroa Reichenow, 1904, Journ. f. 
Orn., 52, p. 307 — Ambukol, Dongola. 
The Sudan from the Dongola bend of the Nile southward to 
Khartoum, Shendi and Darfur. 

Ammomanes deserti isabellinus (Temminck) 

Alauda isabellina Temminck, 1823, Pl. Col., livr. 41, pl. 244, 
fig. 2 — deserts of Aqaba, Arabia. 

Ammomanes deserti fraterculus Tristram, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, p. 434 — highlands near the Dead Sea, Palestine. 
Restricted to Masada by Meinertzhagen. 

Ammomanes deserti katherinae Zedlitz, 1912, Journ. f. Orn., 60, 
p. 543 — Nakb-el-Haui, 1,600 meters, Sinai. 

Ammomanes deserti coxi Meinertzhagen, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
44, p. 15 — Karyatein, 40 mi. east Damascus. 

Egypt in the Dakhla Oasis, and between Cairo and Suez, occurring 
also in the Sudan at Wadi Halfa, Kerma, and Shereik; Arabia from 
the head of the Gulf of Aqaba eastward for about 500 miles, Syrian 
desert, Palestine, Sinai Peninsula, also recorded from northeastern 
Arabia in lat. 24° N., long. 47° E. 

Ammomanes deserti samharensis Shelley 
Ammomanes samharensis Shelley, 1902, Birds Africa, 3, p. 99, 
pl. 21, fig. 1 — Amba [near Massaua], Eritrea. 

Ammomanes deserti hijazensis Bates, 1935, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
56, p. 8 — Hadda, Arabia. 


Red Sea Province of the Sudan to the Eritrean foothills; Arabia 
from Hail and Tebruk in the northwest; south to the Hijaz and the 
Yemen border. 

Ammomanes deserti taimuri de Schauensee and Ripley 

Ammomanes deserti taimuri de Schauensee and Ripley, 1953, 
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 105, p. 83 — near Muscat, 
Oman, S. E. Arabia. 

Known only from the vicinity of the type locality. 

Ammomanes deserti assabensis Salvadori. 

Ammomanes assabensis Salvadori, 1902, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. 
Comp. Torino, 17, no. 425, p. 2— Assab, Danakil Coast. 

Southeastern Eritrea and the coast of French Somaliland to 
extreme western British Somaliland. 

Ammomanes deserti akeleyi Elliot 

Ammomanes akeleyi Elliot, 1897, Field Columbian Mus. Publ. Orn., 
Ser. 1, no. 2, p. 39 — Deragodlet and Hullier, [Berbera Plains], 
British Somaliland. 

Somalia at higher elevations. 

Ammomanes deserti azizi Ticehurst and Cheesman 

Ammomanes deserti azizi Ticehurst and Cheesman, 1924, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 45, p. 20 — Jabal Ghanima, Hasa Province, east 
central Arabia. 

Known only from the type locality, where it inhabits chalky sand- 
stone hills. 

Ammomanes deserti saturatus Ogilvie-Grant 

Ammomanes saturatus Ogilvie-Grant, 1900, Novit. Zool., 7, p.249 
— Jebel Manif, north of Lahej, Aden Protectorate. 

Black lava desert from the northern Hijaz in the vicinity of Birq, 
to the Aden Protectorate. 

Ammomanes deserti annae Meinertzhagen 

Ammomanes deserti annae Meinertzhagen, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 43, p. 147 — 30 miles east of Azraq, Transjordan. 

Transjordan in black lava deserts. 

Ammomanes deserti insularis Ripley 

Ammomanes deserti insularis Ripley, 1951 (May 10), Postilla, Yale 
Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., no. 9, p. 6— Bahrein Island, Per- 
sian Gulf. 


Ammomanes deserti faenorum Meinertzhagen, 1951 (May 22), Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, 121, p. 131 — Bahrein Island. 

Known only from Bahrein Island. 

Ammomanes deserti cheesmani Meinertzhagen 

Ammomanes deserti cheesmani Meinertzhagen, 1923, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 43, p. 157 — Shatt-al-Adhaim, Iraq. 

Eastern Iraq (Shatt-al-Adhain; Noft Khaneh), and western Iran 
on the southwestern side of the Zagros south to the Persian Gulf 
near Bushire. 

Ammomanes deserti parvirostris Hartert 

Ammomanes lusitanica parvirostris Hartert, 1890, Journ. f. Orn., 
38, p. 156 —“‘Aschabat”’; error, the types are from Kubadagh 
near Krasnovodsk, fide Hartert, 1904. 

Transcaspia from the Gulf of Kara Bogaz to the Kopet Dagh 
and the Atrek Basin. 

Ammomanes deserti orientalis Zarudny and Loudon 

Ammomanes deserti orientalis Zarudny and Loudon, 1904, Orn. 
Jahrb., 15, p. 224 — low hills in southwestern Buchara and 
also the low hills on the Kuschk River; sporadic in the north- 
eastern corner of Iran. 

Transcaspia (Kuchka), northern Khorasan, southern Bokhara, 
northern Afghanistan, and Afghan Turkestan. 

Ammomanes deserti iranicus Zarudny 

Ammomanes deserti iranica Zarudny, 1911, Mess. Orn. [Moscow], 
2, p. 10 — eastern Iran, based on Ammomanes deserti subsp. 
nov.? of Hartert, 1904, p. 224; type locality fixed as Hurmuk, 
Persian Baluchistan by Vaurie. 

Ammomanes deserti darica Koelz, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 
1510, p. 2— Shiraz, Fars, southern Iran. 

Northern, southwestern and southeastern Iran from near Teheran 
and south of the Atrek, southeastward to about lat. 28° N. and the 
Baluchistan coast, west to the region west of Tabas and Saidobad, 
and east to southern Afghanistan and central Baluchistan. 

Ammomanes deserti phoenicuroides (Blyth) 

Mirafra phoenicuroides Blyth, 1853, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
22, p. 583 — Kashmir. 

Borders of western India from southern Kashmir, northwestern 
Punjab and Bahawalpur to Sind, west to Fort Sandeman and Las 
Bela, intergrading with iranicus in the Kandahar-Quetta region. 




Ammomanes dunni dunni (Shelley) 
Calendula dunni Shelley, 1904, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, p. 82 — 
Ogageh Wells, Kordofan. 

Calendula dunni pallidior Hartert, 1921, Novit. Zool., 28, p. 130 
— Takukut, French Sahara. 

Southern Sahara from the French Sudan (north of Timbuktu; 
Toberréshat) eastward through southern Air and the Damergou 
country north of Kano to Darfur and the deserts west of Kosti 
on the White Nile. 

Ammomanes dunni eremodites (Meinertzhagen) 

Pyrrhulauda eremodites Meinertzhagen, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
43, p. 156 — Sheikh Othman, Aden Protectorate. 

Eremalauda kinneari Bates, 1934, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 55, p. 19 — 
Rakba Plain, near Mecca, Arabia. 

Deserts of southwestern Arabia from slightly north of Mecca 
to Aden. 

Gray’s Lark 

Ammomanes grayi grayi (Wahlberg) 

Alauda grayi Wahlberg, 1855 (1856), Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh. 
12, p. 213 — between the Kuiseb River and the Swakop River, 

South West Africa in the Namib Desert from Cape Cross south 
to about Liideritz and Aus. 

Ammomanes grayi hoeschi Niethammer 

Ammomanes grayi hoeschi Niethammer, 1955, Bonn. Zool. Beitr., 
6, p. 185 —west of Orupembe, N.W. Kaoko-Veldt, South 
West Africa. 

Known only from the type locality, north of Cape Cross. 

Ferrugineous Lark 

Ammomanes burrus Bangs 

Alauda ferruginea Lafresnaye, 1839, Rev. Zool., p. 258 — South 
Africa. Not Alauda ferruginea Voigt, 1831. 

Alauda ferruginea A. Smith, 1839, Illust. Zool. South Africa, 
Aves, pl. 29 and text — Bushman Flats, south of the Orange 

Ammomanes burra Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 70, p.368. 
New name for Alauda ferruginea Lafresnaye, preoccupied. 


Pseudammomanes burra aridula Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 95 
— 25 miles southeast of Van Wyksvlei, Cape Province. 
Pseudammomanes harei Roberts, 1937, Ostrich, 8, p. 96 — Bran- 
dvlei, Cape Province. 
South Africa in Bushmanland, south of the Orange River from 
Pofadder and Brandvlei to Van Wyksvlei and Klein Karas in south- 
west Africa. 


Alaemon Keyserling and Blasius, 1840, Wirbelth. Europas, 1 
p. xxvi. Type, by monotypy, Alauda desertorum Stanley. 



Alaemon alaudipes boavistae Hartert 
Alaemon alaudipes boavistae Hartert, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
37, p. 56 — Boavista, Cape Verde Islands. 

Islands of Boavista and Maio in the Cape Verde group. 

Alaemon alaudipes alaudipes (Desfontaine) 
Upupa alaudipes Desfontaine, 1789, Mém. Acad. Sci. Paris for 
1787, p. 504, pl. 16 — between Gafsa and Tozzer, Tunisia. 
Certhilauda meridionalis A. E. Brehm, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 2, 
p. 77 — Dongola. 
Alaemon alaudipes omdurmanensis Hachisuka, 1924, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 44, p. 86 — Omdurman, Sudan. 
The Sahara from Morocco and Rio de Oro eastward to the Nile 
Valley, Sinai and northern Arabia south to about the latitude of 
Mecca, and extending northward into the Syrian desert. 

Alaemon alaudipes doriae (Salvadori) 

Saxicola(?) pallida Blyth, 1847, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 16, 
p. 180 — Ullah Bund, Sind. Not Sazicola pallida Cretzschmar, 

Certhilauda doriae Salvadori, 1868, Atti. R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 3, 
p. 292 — Persia = Bandar Abbas, Iran. 

Certhilauda desertorum var. cinerea Zarudny, 1903-04, Ois. Perse 
Orient., p. 188 — eastern Persia. 

Iraq and eastern Arabia (intergrading with A.a.alaudipes in 

these countries), Iran north to Khorasan, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, 
western Punjab (Bahawalpur), Sind and Cutch. 

Alaemon alaudipes desertorum (Stanley) 
Alauda desertorum Stanley, 1814, in Salt’s Voyage Abyssinia, 
app., p. lx —no locality = Hamphilah Island, Red Sea. ez. 
op. cit., app., p. xlix. 


Both coasts of the Red Sea from about the latitude of Port 
Sudan on the west, and from Jidda on the east to the Aden Protecto- 
rate, extending along the coast of British Somaliland to Berbera. 


Alaemon hamertoni tertia Stephenson Clarke 

Alaemon hamertoni tertia Stephenson Clarke, 1919, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 40, p. 49 — Arori Plain, 3,000 feet, British Somaliland. 

Plains of east-central British Somaliland near Burao. 

Alaemon hamertoni altera Witherby 

Alaemon hamertoni altera Witherby, 1905, Ibis, p. 513 — El Af- 
weena, Warsangli country, British Somaliland. 

The Warsangli country in northeastern British Somaliland. 

Alaemon hamertoni hamertoni Witherby 
Alaemon hamertoni Witherby, 1905, Ibis, p. 513 — Obbia, east 
coast of Somaliland. 
Southeastern coast of Somalia. 


Ramphocoris! Bonaparte, 1850, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
31, p. 423. Type, by monotypy, Melanocorypha clot-bey Bona- 

cf. Meinertzhagen, 1930, in Nicoll’s Birds Egypt, 1, p. 132 and 
col. pl. 


Ramphocoris clot-bey (Bonaparte) 

Melanocorypha clot-bey Bonaparte (ex Alauda clot-bey Tem- 
minck ms.), 1850 (prior to 24 June), Consp. Av., 1, p. 242 — 
Egyptian Desert. 

Locally distributed along the northern edge of the Sahara in 
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia (north to Feriana and the Sfax-Gofsa 
railway), Tripolitania, southern Cyrenaica and northern Egypt 
(rarely); the Syrian desert (El Jauf), and northern Arabia south to 
about lat. 25° N. 


Melanocorypha Boie, 1828, Isis von Oken, 21, col. 322. Type, by 
subsequent designation, M. tatarica (L.) Boie, Mus. Carls., fase. 
j., pl. 19 — Alauda tatarica Pallas = Alauda yeltoniensis Forster 
(G. R. Gray, List Gen. Birds, 1840, p. 48). 

1 Usually emended to Rhamphocorys. 


Saxilauda Lesson, 1837, Compl. Oeuvres Buffon, 8, Ois., p. 124, 
note. Type, by monotypy, “Le Tracal”’ of Levaillant, Ois. Afr., 
pl. 191 = Alauda yeltoniensis Forster. 

Pallasia Homeyer, 1873, Journ. f. Orn., 21, p. 190. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation, P. mongolica — Alauda mongolica Pallas 
(Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 635). Not Pallasia 
Desvoidy, 1830, Diptera. 

Pterocorys Stejneger, 1884, Auk, 1, p. 228. New name for Pallasia 
Homeyer, preoccupied. 

Melanocoryphoides Bianchi, 1905, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Péters- 
bourg (5), 23, p. 222. Type, by original designation, Melano- 
corypha maxima Gould, 7.e. Blyth. 

Calandra Lark 

Melanocorypha calandra calandra (Linnaeus) 

Alauda calandra Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, p. 288 — 

Melanocorypha calandra hebraica Meinertzhagen, 1920, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 41, p. 21 — Jenin, Palestine. 

Melanocorypha calandra schummeri Shcharleman (or Charle- 
magne), 1927, Trav. Mus. Zool. Kiev, Acad. Sci. Ukraine, 3, 
p. 173 — Danilovka, Kiev, Russia. 

Melanocorypha calandra olgae Gavrilenko, 1928, Zbirnik Pol- 
tavs’kii [Poltava] Mus., 1, p. 277 — Zolotnocha, Poltava, South 

Breeds in the countries bordering, and islands in the Mediter- 
ranean Sea, north to the Pyrenees, southern France, central Italy, 
Balkan Peninsula and southern Russia, east to the Caspian Sea, 
northern Caucasus, western and northwestern Iran, Syria and Pale- 
stine, south to Morocco, northern Algeria and Tunisia; partly 
migratory in the northern parts of its range. 

Melanocorypha calandra psammochroa Hartert 
Melanocorypha calandra psammochroa Hartert, 1904 (June), Vog. 
pal. Fauna, 1, Heft 2, p. 210 — Dur-Badom, Khorasan, Iran. 
Melanocorypha calandra raddei Zarudny and Loudon, 1904 (Nov.), 

Orn. Jahrb., 15, p. 221 — southwestern Persia. 
Breeds from Transcaspia and Russian Turkestan (north to the 
lower Syr Darya and the Ala Tau), south to southwestern and eastern 
Iran, and Afghanistan; winter visitor to northern Egypt and Sinai. 

Melanocorypha calandra gaza Meinertzhagen 

Melanocorypha bimaculata gaza Meinertzhagen, 1919, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 39, p. 84 — Shellal, near Beersheba, Palestine. 


Breeding range unknown; known only from the original type 
series from Shellal, and Amman in Jordan. 


Melanocorypha bimaculata bimaculata (Ménétriés) 
Alauda bimaculata Ménétriés, 1832, Catalogue Raisonné, p. 37 — 
mountains near Talysh, Transcaucasia. 
’Melanocorypha intercedens Brehm, 1845, Isis von Oken, col. 
343 — “‘Morgenland”’. 

Breeds in southwestern Asia north to the Kirghiz Steppes and 
Zaissan Nor and Tarbagatai (about 48° N x 88°W), south to Trans- 
caucasia, northern and western Iran (south to Kirman). South to 
northeastern Africa and northern Arabia in winter. 

Melanocorypha bimaculata torquata Blyth 
Melanocorypha torquata Blyth, 1847, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
16, p. 476 — Afghanistan. 

Eastern Iran from Khorasan southward, Afghanistan; winters 
south to Sind, Rajputana and the United Provinces. 

Melanocorypha bimaculata rufescens Brehm 
Melanocorypha rufescens C. L. Brehm, 1855, Vogelfang, p. 120 — 
“in winter in the Sudan, on migration occasionally in south- 
eastern Europe” = Sudan. 
Melanocorypha bimaculata meinertzhageni Wolters, 1953, Bonn. 
Zool. Beitr., 3, p. 281 — new name for rufescens Brehm. 
Breeds in Asia Minor and probably in Syria on the Jebel Druze; 

migrates through Jordan and Sinai. Winters in Ethiopia and the 


Melanocorypha maxima maxima Blyth 

Melanocorypha maxima Blyth, 1867 (Jan.), Ibis, p. 46, note — 

Melanocorypha maxima Gould, 1867 (May), Birds Asia, pt. 19, 
pl. [8] and text = 4, pl. 72 of bound volume — Afghanistan ; 
error, borders of Sikkim designated as type locality by Hartert, 
1904, p. 211. 

High plains of southern Tibet and adjacent parts of northern 

Sikkim; western China in Province of Sikang (Kham Steppes). 

Melanocorypha maxima holdereri Reichenow 

Melanocorypha holdereri Reichenow, 1911, Orn. Monatsb., 19, p. 
34 — “Kloster Schinse’ = Shinsi Lamasery, Kansu. 


Melanocorypha maxima subgrisea Stegmann, 1937, Orn. Monatsb., 
45, p. 55 — Oring Nor, source of the Hwang Ho. 
Melanocorypha maxima flavescens Stegmann, 1937, Orn. Monatsb., 
45, p. 55 — Sharagol-dshin, Humboldt Chain, western Nan 
Melanocorypha maxima kashmirica Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 52, p. 122 — Hanle, Rupshu, Kashmir. 
High plains of central Asia from western Tibet (Gartok) north- 
eastward to the region about Lake Koko Nor, and southward to 
the Tsaidam marshes and near Jyekundo. 


Melanocorypha mongolica (Pallas) 

Alauda mongolica Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs., 
3, p. 697 — “salt plains between the Onon and Argun rivers’, 
northern Mongolia. 

Melanocorypha mongolica emancipata Meise, 1933, Mitt. Zool. 
Mus. Berlin, 19, p. 44 — upper Sining-ho, northern Kansu. 

Breeds from southeastern Transbaicalia and western Manchuria 

southward across Mongolia to northeastern Tsinghai; believed to 
have bred once near Peiping. Irregularly southward in winter to 
northeastern China. 


Melanocorypha leucoptera (Pallas) 
Alauda sibirica Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p.799 — 
Irtysh, Siberia.t 

Alauda leucoptera Pallas, 1811, Zoogr. Russo-Asiat., 1, p. 518, 

pl. 33, fig. 2— Baraba Steppes, Siberia. 

Breeds from southeastern Russia (Gouv. of Saratov) eastward in 
southwestern Siberia to Omsk, Semipalatinsk, and Zaissan Nor; 
south to the northern Caucasus, Lake Balkhash, and Tarbagatai 
(formerly sporadically westward to Voronezh and the Crimea). 
Winters south to Asia Minor, Transcaspia and northern Iran. 


Melanocorypha yeltoniensis (Forster) 

Alauda yeltoniensis Forster, 1767, Philos. Trans., 57, p. 350 — 
Lake Yelton [now Elton], southeastern Russia. 

Tanagra siberica Sparrman, 1786, Mus. Carlsonianum, fasc. 1, 
no. XIX and pl. — Siberia. 

1 Under the International Code this name is not invalidated by Tanagra 
siberica Sparrman, 1786, a synonym of Melanocorypha yeltoniensis (Forster). 


Breeds on the steppes of southeastern Russia and southwestern 
Siberia from the Kirghiz Steppes eastward to the Altai. Winters 
about the Black Sea, the Caucasus, and in Turkestan. 


Calandrella Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Nat. Syst. Euro- 
piaischen Thierw., p. 39. Type, by monotypy, Al. brachydactyla 
= Alauda brachydactyla Leisler. 

Alaudala Horsfield and Moore, 1856, Cat. Birds Mus. East-India 
Co., 2, p.471. Type, by monotypy, Alauda raytal Blyth. 
Spizocorys Sundevall, 1872, Meth. Nat. Av. Disp. Tentamen, p. 

54. Type, by original designation, Alauda conirostris Sundevall. 

Tephrocorys Sharpe, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1874), p. 633. 
Type, by monotypy, Alauda cinerea Gmelin. 

Botha Shelley, 1902, Birds Africa, 3, p. 104. Type, by monotypy, 
Botha difficilis Shelley = Alauda fringillaris Sundevall. 

Aéthocorys Sharpe, 1902, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, p. 62. Type, 
by original designation, Spizocorys personata Sharpe. 

Dewetia Buturlin, 1904, Auk, 21, p. 80. New name for Botha Shel- 
ley, supposedly preoccupied by Bothus Rafinesque, 1810, Pisces. 

Razocorys Bianchi, 1905, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, 
(5), 23, Cl. Phys.-Math., p. 230. Type, by monotypy, Spizocorys 
razae Alexander. 

Pseudalaudula Bianchi, 1905, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Peters- 
bourg, (5), 23, Cl. Phys.-Math., p. 222. Type, by original 
designation, Pseudalaudula pispoletta (Pallas) = Alauda pispo- 
letta Pallas, ie. of authors, not of Pallas = Calandrites heinei 

cf. Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1939, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 59, 

p. 136-137 (African races of cinerea). 
Meise, 1933, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 19, p. 3442. 
Macdonald, 1952, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 22, pt.1, p. 29-32 
(T'ephrocorys cinerea subsp.). 

Short-toed Lark 

Calandrella cinerea dukhunensis (Sykes) 
Alauda Dukhunensis Sykes, 1832, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 2, p. 98 — Dukhun, India. 
Breeds in central Outer Mongolia from the Khangai, and the Tola 
River, south through western Kansu and Sikang (Jyekundo; Tat- 
sienlu) to Tibet; on migration! or in winter to Ladak, Nepal, Sikkim, 

1 Two specimens in the U.S. National Museum from Chou Chi and Liu 
yieh ho, Shensi, collected 13 and 25 April, 1904, respectively, are probably 


northern Bihar, northern Burma, western Yunnan, India south to 
the Central Provinces and Madras and the coast of China (Chin- 
wangtao; Shaweishan Island). 

Calandrella cinerea longipennis (Eversmann) 
Alauda longipennis Eversmann, 1848, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mos- 
cow, 21, lier pt., p. 219 — Dzungaria. 
Eastern Russian Turkestan, Dzungaria, southwestern Altai. South 
in winter to Afghanistan and northern India. 

Calandrella cinerea orientalis Sushkin 
Calandrella brachydactyla orientalis Sushkin, 1925, List Distr. 
Birds Russian Altai etc., p. 67 — right source of the Chinda- 
gaty, tributary of the Bukhtarma, frontier of central and south- 
eastern Altai. 
Calandrella cinerea puii Yamashina, 1939, Tori, 10, p. 472 — 
Lamagulusu, northwestern Manchuria. 
Southeastern Russian Altai; northern Mongolia to Transbaikalia, 
northeastern Mongolia and northwestern Manchuria; straggles to 

Calandrella cinerea artemisiana Banjkowski 
Calandrella brachydactyla artemisiana Banjkowski, 1913, Izvestia 
Kavkazskii Muz., 7, p. 231, pl. 2, fig. 3 — Tiflis. 

Breeds from the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, western Siberia (Ku- 
lunda), and the Aralo-Caspian steppes south to Asia Minor (Eregli), 
southeastern Iran, Seistan and Persian Baluchistan; recorded on 
migration or in winter from Smyrna and Palestine. 

Calandrella cinerea brachydactyla (Leisler) 
Alauda brachydactila [sic] Leisler, 1814, Ann. Wetterauischen Ges., 
3, p. 357, pl. 19 — France and Italy = Montpellier, France. 

Phileremos moreatica von der Miihle, 1844, Beitr. Orn. Griechen- 

lands, p. 38 — Greece. 

Iberian Peninsula, southern France, Italy, Balkan Peninsula, 
Greece, southern Russia north to Kiev, Poltava and Kharkov, and 
east to the region of the lower Don and the lower Volga; Balearic 
Islands; Corsica; Sardinia; Crete; North Africa. Winters in the 
southern part of its range and south to the Sahara, Sudan and south- 
ern Egypt. 

?Calandrella cinerea hungarica Horvath 

Calandrella brachydactyla hungarica Horvath, 1956, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 76, p. 132 — five km. south of Nagyivan, Hungary. 

Known from the type locality only. 


Calandrella cinerea rubiginosa Fromholz 

Calandrella brachydactyla rubiginosa Fromholz, 1913, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 21, p. 140 — southern Algeria, 300-400 km. south of 

Southern Morocco high plateaus, southern Algeria and southern 


Calandrella cinerea hermonensis Tristram 

Calandrella hermonensis Tristram, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
p. 434 — Hermon and Lebanon. 

Lebanon and Palestine; recorded in winter from Darfur, the Red 
Sea Province of the Sudan, and British Somaliland. 

Calandrella cinerea eremica (Reichenow and Peters) 

Spizocorys eremica Reichenow and Peters, 1935, Mitt. Zool. Mus. 
Hamburg, 45, p. 23 — Bet en Naam, Yemen. 

Calandrella blanfordi philbyi Bates, 1936, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
56, p. 130 — Ashaira [near Mecca], Arabia. 

Southwestern Arabia, at elevations above 3,000 feet, from Mecca 
to Yemen (Sana’a). 

?Calandrella cinerea asmaraensis K. D. Smith 

Calandrella cinerea asmaraensis K.D. Smith, 1951, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 71, p.55 — near Asmara, Eritrea. 

Plateau of central and southern Eritrea, 5,000 to 8,000 feet. 

Calandrella cinerea erlangeri (Neumann) 

Alauda ruficeps Riippell, 1840, Neue Wirbelth., Vog., 1835-40, 
p. 102, pl. 38, fig. 1 — Entschetqab, Simen Province, Ethiopia. 
Not Alauda ruficeps Bechstein, 1795. 

Tephrocorys cinerea erlangeri Neumann, 1906, Journ. f. Orn., 54, 
p. 239 — Sheikh Mehamed, Webi River, Ethiopia. 

Tephrocorys cinerea fuertesi Friedmann, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. 

Washington, 45, p. 163 — new name for Alauda ruficeps Riip- 
pell, preoccupied. 

Western Eritrea and Ethiopia. 

Calandrella cinerea saturatior Reichenow 

Calandrella cinerea saturatior Reichenow, 1904, Vog. Afr., 3, pt. 
1, p. 374 (in key), p. 378 — Kondeland, north of Lake Nyasa. 

Southern Uganda southward in the eastern Belgian Congo, Ka- 
tanga and Tanganyika, Northern and Southern Rhodesia. 

Calandrella cinerea williamsi Clancey 

Calandrella cinerea williamsi Clancey, 1952, Durban Mus. Novit., 
4, pt. 3, p.48—Semini’s Farm, Kinangop, western Kenya. 


Western Kenya (Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, South Kinangop, 
Nairobi, Athi Plains and near Mt. Kenya). 

Calandrella cinerea anderssoni (Tristram) 
Megalophonus anderssoni Tristram, 1869, Ibis, p. 434 — Otjim- 
bingue, Damaraland. 
Tephrocorys cinerea niveni Macdonald, 1952, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
22, pt. 1, p. 32 — Gezabuzo, near Pietermaritzburg, Natal. 
Southern Angola and northern South West Africa, eastward in 
northern and central Bechuanaland and the Transvaal and Natal, 
southward in Cape Colony to the vicinity of Port Elizabeth. 

Calandrella cinerea spleniata (Strickland) 

Alauda spleniata Strickland, 1853, in Jardine’s Contr. Orn. for 
1850-1852, p. 152 — South Africa = Damaraland. 

Calandrella cinerea ongumaensis Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 
1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 75, p. 23 — Onguma, east end of 
Etosha Pan, northern South West Africa. 

South West Africa near Etosha Pan, Swakopmund and Walvis 

Calandrella cinerea cinerea (Gmelin) 

Alauda cinerea Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 798 — no 
locality = Cape of Good Hope, ex Lath., 2, (2), p. 388, no. 25 
(Cinereous Lark). Buffon, 5, p. 64 (Cendrille). 

Tephrocorys cinerea witputzi Macdonald, 1952, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 22, pt. 1, p. 31 — Witputz, Great Namaqualand. 

South Africa from Great Namaqualand eastward through south- 
ern Bechuanaland and western Orange Free State, and southward 
through the Cape Province to the Oliphants River, the Cape of 
Good Hope, and the coast near George and Cape Seal. 


Calandrella blanfordi (Shelley) 
Tephrocorys blanfordi Shelley, 1902, Birds Africa, 3, p. 128, pl. 
21, fig. 2— Senafé, Tigré district, Ethiopia. 
Eastern Eritrea, adjacent parts of northern Ethiopia, and the 
Somaliland Plateau. 


Calandrella acutirostris acutirostris Hume 
Calandrella acutirostris Hume, 1873, in Henderson and Hume, 
Lahore to Yarkand, p. 265 — Balakchi and the Karakash, 
[Sughet River, Hill Yarkand]. 


Breeds in north-central Afghanistan, northern Baluchistan, rarely 
to eastern Iran (Guliandar, southeast of Birjand), Gilgit, the Pamirs 
and the Tien Shan; birds from Baltistan, Zaskar, Rupshu and Lahul 
appear to be intermediate between this race and C. a. tibetana. 
Winters in northern and central India. 

Calandrella acutirostris tibetana Brooks 

Calandrella tibetana Brooks, 1880, Stray Feathers, 8, (1879), p. 
488 — Tibet beyond Sikkim. 

Breeds from southern Dzungaria (Bogdo Ola Mountains) and 
east shore of Lake Koko Nor, southward across Sinkiang to south- 
ern Tibet and northern Sikang (Jyekundo; upper Yalung). Winters 
in northern India. 

Indian Sand Lark 

Calandrella raytal raytal (Blyth) 

Alauda raytal Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 962 
— Lucknow. 

Resident in northern India from Rajputana and the United Pro- 
vinces to Bengal, and Burma south to Thayetmyo. 

Calandrella raytal krishnakumarsinhji Vaurie and Dharma- 

Calandrella raytal krishnakumarsinhji Vaurie and Dharmakumar- 
sinhji, 1954, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 52, p.8— 
Bhavnagar, Saurashtra [Kathiawar]. 

Known from the type locality only. 

Calandrella raytal vauriei Koelz 
Calandrella raytal vaurier Koelz, 1954, Contrib. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
no. 1, p. 20 — Palasbari, Assam. 
Known from the type locality only. 

Calandrella raytal adamsi (Hume) 

Alauda adamsi Hume, 1871, Ibis, p. 405 — Agrore Valley [Hazara 
district, North-West Frontier Province], India. 

Resident along the Makran coast (west to Bundar Abbas) and 
in the Punjab, Sind, and Cutch. 


Calandrella rufescens rufescens (Vieillot) 

A[lauda] rufescens Vieillot, 1820, Tabl. Encye. Méth., Orn., p. 
322 — Tenerife, Canary Islands. 


Calandrella pispoletta canariensis Hartert, 1901, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 11, p. 64 — Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands. 

Canary Islands: Tenerife. 

Calandrella rufescens polatzeki Hartert 

Calandrella minor polatzeki Hartert, 1904, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, 
Heft 2, p. 217 — Lanzarote, Canary Islands. 

Calandrella minor distincta Sassi, 1908, Orn. Jahrb., 19, p. 30 — 
Gran Canaria. 

Canary Islands: Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote. 

Calandrella rufescens apetzii (Brehm) 

Melanocorypha Apetzi A. EK. Brehm, 1857, Allg. Deutsche Natur- 
hist. Zeitung, p. 455 — Murcia and Madrid; type from Murcia, 

Calandrella betica Dresser, 1873, Birds Europe, pt. 21, p. 3, and 
fig. 2 of pl. [= 4, p. 351, pl. 236, fig. 2 of volume] — Sevilla, 

Southern Spain. 

Calandrella rufescens minor (Cabanis) 

Calandritis minor Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, p. 123 — 
‘Northeast Africa’’= Bir Hamam, southwest of Alexandria. 

Northern Sahara from Morocco to Egypt; Sinai and the Syrian 

Calandrella rufescens nicolli Hartert 

Calandrella minor nicolli Hartert, 1909, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 25, 
p. 9 — Damietta, Nile Delta, Egypt. 

Egypt, known only from the northern part of the Nile Delta. 

Calandrella rufescens aharonii Hartert 

Calandrella minor aharonii Hartert, 1910, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
27, p. 13 — Karyatein [south of Palmyra], Syrian Desert. 

Breeds on the high plateau of Asia Minor (Konya); winters in 
the Syrian Desert (Karyatein) and Jordan (Azraq). 

Calandrella rufescens pseudobaetica Stegmann 
Calandrella minor pseudobaetica Stegmann, 1932, Orn. Monatsb., 
40, p. 54 — Kapa-siva, Kurdistan. 
Highlands of Armenia and the southwestern shores of the Caspian 
Sea; birds from Transcaucasia are perhaps intermediate between 
this race and C.r. heinet. 


Calandrella rufescens persica (Sharpe) 
[Alaudula pispoletta] Subsp. 6, Alaudula persica Sharpe, 1890, Cat. 
Birds Brit. Mus., 13, p. 590 — “Persia to Afghanistan and 
N. W. India’’; the types are from near Niriz east of Shiraz; 
Afghanistan; Sirza district, Punjab. 
Calandrella minor seistanica Zarudny and Loudon, 1904, Orn. 
Jabrb., 15, p. 222 — Seistan. 
Southern Iraq, Iran, southeastern Afghanistan; possibly Baha- 

Calandrella rufescens heinei (Homeyer) 

Calandrella pispoletia of authors. 

Calandritis Heinet Homeyer, 1873, Journ. f. Orn., 21, p. 197 — 
Volga region. 

Calandrella minor minuta Zarudny and Loudon, 1904, Orn. Jahrb., 
15, p. 224 — Ansiedelung Chamur (Ispahan); Sak-Si (Kreis 
Kopa); vicinity of Enarek. 

Southeastern Russia north to the Volga region and Samara Gou- 
vernment, and southwestern Siberia north to about lat. 57° N., east 
to Semipalatinsk, and south to the Aral Sea and the valley of the 
Syr Darya; recorded in winter from Asia Minor, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, 
and northern Egypt. 

Calandrella rufescens leucophaea Severzov 

Calandrella leucophaea Severzov, 1872, Izvestiia Imperatorskago 
Obschchestva Liubitelei Estestvoznaniia, Antropologii i Etno- 
grafii, Moskva, 8, 1873, pt. 2, p. 1421 — Turkestan; restricted 
to the lower Emba River by Meinertzhagen (Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, 121, 1951, p. 98). 

Russian Turkestan south of the desert of Kyzyl Kum, Semirech- 

ensk, Bocharr; on migration or in winter to Asia Minor (accidental?) 
and eastern Iran. 

Calandrella rufescens seebohmi (Sharpe) 

[Alaudula pispoletta] Subsp. ¢, Alaudula seebohmi Sharpe, 1890, 
Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 13, p. 590 — ‘Central Asia from Yar- 
kand and Kashgar to Mongolia’”’. 

Northwestern Mongolia, and Sinkiang east at least to the Khotan 

Calandrella rufescens kukunoorensis (Przewalski) 

Alaudula kukunoorensis Przewalski, 1876, Mongol i Strana Tan- 
gut, 2, p. 105 — Koko Nor. 

1 See under note Alauda g. inconspicua on p. 69. 


Calandrella rufescens tangutica Tugarinov, 1933, (ms. Hartert and 
Steinbacher), V6g. pal. Fauna, Erginzungsb., Heft 2, p. 108 
— northeast Tibet. 

Distribution not well known, believed to range from the desert 
regions of southwestern Mongolia south to Tsaidam. 

Calandrella rufescens beicki Meise 
Calandrella rufescens beicki Meise, 1933, Orn. Monatsb., 41, p. 81 
— Sintien-pu, north of Sining, northern Tsinghai. 
Calandrella rufescens stegmanni Meise, 1937, Journ. f. Orn., 85, 
p. 491 — easterly from Sian-wain = [Ningsia, China]. 
Breeds in the southern Gobi from about lat. 45° N., south to 
western Kansu on the upper Sining (Hei-tsui-tse), and western 
Ningsia along the course of the Edsin Gol; Koko Nor. 

Calandrella rufescens cheleénsis (Swinhoe) 

Alaudula cheleénsis Swinhoe, 1871, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, p. 
390 — Talien Bay, near Port Arthur. 

Pseudalaudula pispoletta obscura Tugarinoyv, 1932, Ptitsy Wostof- 
chnoi Mongolii, p. 29 — Solovievsk, Mongolian-Russian border. 

Eastern Transbaikalia and northern Mongolia from Ulan Bator 
eastward to Manchuria, and northeastern China in provinces of 
Hopeh, Shantung, and Kiangsu; the specimens recorded (all in 

winter or early spring) as of this race from Korea should be re- 

Calandrella rufescens somalica (Sharpe) 

Alaudula somalica Sharpe, 1895, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 472 
— Haud, Somaliland. 

British Somaliland and extreme eastern Ethiopia. 

Calandrella rufescens vulpecula White 

Calandrella rufescens vulpecula White, 1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 

75, p.3—Ten miles west of Bohotleh (2,300 feet), British 

Known from the vicinity of Bohotleh and 40 miles south of Burao, 
southern British Somaliland. 

Calandrella rufescens megaensis Benson 

Calandrella somalica megaensis Benson, 1946, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
67, p. 26 —ten miles north of Mega, Ethiopia. 

Plains at 3,000-4,500 feet elevation in southern Ethiopia (Yavel- 
lo; Mega; Neghelli). 
Calandrella rufescens athensis (Sharpe) 

Spizocorys athensis Sharpe, 1900, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 10, p. ci 
— Athi River, Kenya Colony. 


Southern Kenya Colony (Athi Plains) southwestward across the 
Kenya-Tanganyika border between Lake Natron and Mt. Kiliman- 
jaro, to northeastern Tanganyika Territory (Engare Nairobi). 


Calandrella razae (Alexander) 

Spizocorys razae Boyd Alexander, 1898, Ibis, p. 107, pl. 3 — Raza, 
Cape Verde Islands. 

Confined to Raza Island in the Desertas group, Cape Verde 


Calandrella conirostris damarensis (Roberts)! 

Spizocorys conirostris damarensis Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 8, p. 261 — Ondonga, South West Africa. 

Ovamboland(Ondonga) and Great Namaqualand(Hountop River). 

Calandrella conirostris barlowi (Roberts) 
Spizocorys conirostris barlowi Roberts, 1942, Ostrich, 13, p. 52 
—twenty miles northwest of Upington, northwestern Cape 

Known only from two specimens from the type locality. 

Calandrella conirostris conirostris (Sundevall)? 

Alauda conirostris Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 7, 
p. 99 — Caffraria superiore; type from north of the Drakens- 
berg, Transvaal. 

Orange Free State and southern Transvaal southward to the 
Cradock district of Cape Province. 


Calandrella starki Shelley 

Calandrella starki Shelley, 1902, Birds Africa, 3, p. 135, pl. 22, 
fig. 2 — Wilson’s Fountain, Great Namaqualand. 

Southwestern Africa from southern Angola southward through 
Damaraland and Great Namaqualand, extending eastward through 
the Kalahari Desert and Ngamiland to western Transvaal; not 
recorded south of the Orange River. 

1 Specimens recently collected at Nata near Makarikari probably represent 
a new subspecies resembling this. 

2 Material from Maokang, between Kania and Kanye, southern Bechuana- 
land, yet unstudied, may represent barlow?. 



Calandrella sclateri sclateri Shelley 

Calandrella sclateri Shelley, 1902, Birds Africa, 3, p. 136, pl. 22, 
fig. 3 — Hountop River, Great Namaqualand. 

Calandrella sclateri capensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1913, Ann. South Afri- 
can Mus., 13, p. 41 — Philipstown, Cape Province. 

Great Namaqualand (Hountop River) southeastward to the Phi- 
lipstown district, central Cape Province. 

Calandrella sclateri theresae Meinertzhagen 

Calandrella sclateri theresae Meinertzhagen, 1949, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 69, p. 106 — twenty-five miles east of Pofadder, South 
West Africa. 

Known only from the type locality in Little Namaqualand. 


Calandrella fringillaris (Sundevall) 

Alauda fringillaris Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 
7, p. 99 — Caffraria superiore; type from north of Drakensberg, 

Botha difficilis Shelley, 1902, Birds Africa, 3, p. 105, pl. 22, fig. 1 
— Orange River Colony. 

Upper Vaal River drainage area in Orange Free State. 


Calandrella obbiensis (Witherby) 

Spizocorys obbiensis Witherby, 1905, Ibis, p. 514 — Obbia, east 
coast of Somaliland. 

Known only from the type locality and Mogadishu.! 


Calandrella personata personata (Sharpe) 

Spizocorys personata Sharpe, 1895, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 
471 — Sassabana, near Milmil, Ethiopian Somaliland. 

Known only from the type locality in the Ogaden country of 
eastern Ethiopia. 

Calandrella personata yavelloensis (Benson) 

Aethocorys personata yavelloensis Benson, 1947, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 68, p.9—ten miles west of Yavello, Ethiopia. 

Southern Ethiopia, from the vicinity of Yavello south to the 
border of Kenya. 

1 Specimens in Milan (C. M. N. W.). 


Calandrella personata mcchesneyi (Williams) 

Aethocorys personata mcChesneyi Williams, 1957, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 77, p. 157 — Marsabit Plateau, northern Kenya (4,000 ft.). 

Known only from the Marsabit Plateau, northern frontier pro- 
vince, Kenya Colony. 

Calandrella personata intensa (Rothschild) 

Aethocorys personata intensa Rothschild, 1931, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 51, p. 100 —Chanler Falls, Guaso Nyiro River, Kenya 

Known only from the northern Uaso Nyiro in central Kenya 


Chersophilus Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 13, p. 512 (in 
key), p. 525. Type, by subsequent designation, Ch. dwponti = 
Alauda Duponti Vieillot (Hartert and Steinbacher, 1933, Vog. 
pal. Fauna, Ergainzungsb., Heft 2, p. 129). 


Chersophilus duponti duponti (Vieillot) 

Alauda Dwponti Vieillot, 1820, Faune Frangaise, p. 173, pl. 76, 
fig. 2 — Provence. 

Algeria (except southern) and northern Tunisia; formerly in 
Portugal(?); occasional in Spain and southern France. 

Chersophilus duponti margaritae (Koenig) 
Alaemon Margaritae Koenig, 1888, Journ. f. Orn., 36, p. 228 — 
Gabés, Tunisia. 
Southernmost Algeria, the southern spurs of the Atlas in Tunisia, 
northern Cyrenaica, and the coastal belt of northwestern Egypt 
east to Matruh. 


Pseudalaemon Lort Phillips, 1898, Ibis, p. 400. Type, by monotypy, 
Calendula fremantlii Lort Phillips. 


Pseudalaemon fremantlii fremantlii (Lort Phillips) 

Calendula fremantlii Lort Phillips, 1897, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 6, 
p. xlvi — Goolis Mts., British Somaliland; type from Gedais. 
Col. pl., Ibis, 1898, pl. 9, fig. 2. 

Plateau of British Somaliland from about Sheikh and Burao east- 

ward to the Somalia border. 


Pseudalaemon fremantlii megaensis Benson 
Pseudalaemon fremantlit megaensis Benson, 1946, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 67, p. 25 — fifteen miles north of Mega, Ethiopia. 

Plains of southern Ethiopia between Yavello and Mega at eleva- 
tions between 4,000 and 4,500 feet, south to Marsabit. 

Pseudalaemon fremantlii delamerei Sharpe 

Pseudalaemon delamerei Sharpe, 1900, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 10, 
p. cii— Athi River, East Africa. 

Southeastern Kenya Colony on the Kapiti and Athi plains, ex- 

tending into Ardai Plains in northeastern Tanganyika Territory. 


Galerida Boie, 1828, Isis von Oken, col. 321. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Alauda cristata Linnaeus (Gray, 1840, List. Gen. 
Birds, p. 47). 

Calendula Swainson, 1837, Classif. Birds, 2, p. 292. Type, by 
monotypy, Alauda magnirostris Stephens. 

Heterops Hodgson, 1844, Gray’s Zool. Misc., p. 84, nomen nudum; 
Hodgson, 1855, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 24, p. 579. Type, 
by monotypy, Heterops cristatus, not Heterops Blanchard, 1842, 

Spizalauda Blyth, 1855, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 24, p. 258, 
note. Type, by monotypy, Mirafra hayi Jerdon = Alauda deva 

Heliocorys Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 13, p. 513 (in key), 
p. 623. Type, by monotypy, Galerita modesta Heuglin 

Ptilocorys Madarasz, 1899, Magyarorszag Madarai [Birds of Hun- 
gary], 2, p. 48. New name for Galerita [emendation of Galerida 
Boie], not Galerita Fabricius, 1801, Coleoptera. 

Corydus Dresser, 1902, Man. Pal. Birds, pt. 1, p. 390. New name 
for Galerita [emendation of Galerida Boie] ‘“‘preoccupied in 

cf. Bannerman, 1927, Ibis, Suppl. No., p. 77-99. 

Bird, 1936, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 56, p. 55-58. 
Meinertzhagen, 1921, Ibis, p. 634-642. 

Crested Lark 

Galerida cristata pallida (Brehm) 

Galerita cristata pallida C. L. Brehm, 1858, Naumannia, p. 207 — 
“Spain” = Masnou near Barcelona. 

Iberian Peninsula. 




Galerida cristata cristata (Linnaeus) 


Alauda cristata Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 166 — 
“in Europae viis’ = Vienna. 

Galerita tenwirostris C. L. Brehm, 1850, Naumannia, p. 208 — 
Sarepta [south Russia]. 

Galerita cristata kleinschmidti Erlanger, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, 
p. 345, pl. 8a, fig. 2— northern Morocco (Tangier). 

Galerida cristata moltschanowt Gawrilenko, 1926, Journ. f. Orn., 
74, p. 699 — vicinity of Sebastopol, Crimea. 

In Europe from southern Sweden (north to Uppland) eastward 

southern Russia (north to Leningrad), and southward to central 

Italy; Crimea and shores of the Caspian Sea; northern Morocco 

from the region about Tangier east to the Muluya-Seby divide, 

southward to the upper Oued Beth and Bu-Regreg. 

Galerida cristata meridionalis Brehm 

Galerida meridionalis C. L. Brehm, 1841, Isis von Oken, col. 124, 
128 — Dalmatia. 

Galerida cristata balcanica Arrigoni, 1902, Atalante Ornithologico, 
p. 241 — Dalmatia. 

Galerida cristata madaraszi Herman, 1903, Aquila, 10, p. 274, in 
text — Hungarian littoral = Dalmatia. 

Galerida cristata neumanni Hilgert, 1907, Orn. Monatsb., 15, 
p. 63 — Rome, Italy. 

Galerida cristata miihlei Stresemann, 1920, Avif. Macedonica, 
p. 62 — Greece. 

Galerida cristata apuliae von Jordans, 1935, Orn. Monatsb., 43, 
p. 119 — San Severo, Apulia, southern Italy. 

Southeastern Europe in Dalmatia eastward to Macedonia and 

Thrace; Italy from the vicinity of Rome southward through Sicily. 

Galerida cristata subtaurica (Kollibay) 

Ptilocorys cristata subtaurica Kollibay, 1912, Orn. Monatsb., 20, 
p. 26 — Eregli, Asia Minor. 

Ptilocorys cristata weigoldi Kollibay, 1912, Orn. Monatsb., 20, 
p. 27 — Urfa, Asia Minor. 

Jalerida cristata ankarae Kummerléwe and Niethammer, 1934, 
Journ. f. Orn., 82, p. 540 — Ankara. 

Central and southern Asia Minor. 

Galerida cristata caucasica Taczanowski 

Galerida cristata caucasica Taczanowski, 1888, Bull. Soc. Zool. 
France, 12, 1887, p. 621 — Lagodechi, Caucasus. 
?Galerida cristata magdae Loudon and Zarudny, 1903, Orn. Jahrb., 

14, p. 172 — southeast shore of the Caspian Sea and Derbont, 
Baku and Lenkoran. 


Galerida cristata cypriaca Bianchi, 1907 (Nov.), Bull. Acad. Imp. 
Sci. St. Pétersbourg (5), 25, 1906, p. 65; ex Galerida cristata 
subsp.? Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, p. 229 — Cyprus. 

Ptilocorys cristata ioniae Kollibay, 1912, Orn. Monatsb., 20, p. 26 
— Priene, Asia Minor. 

Caucasus Mts., Transcaucasia, western Asia Minor (Smyrna) and 
islands of Rhodes, Cyprus, Crete. 

Galerida cristata riggenbachi Hartert 

Galerida cristata riggenbachi Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 333 
—near Mazagan, Morocco. 

Western Morocco (not in the neighborhood of Tangier), east to 
the Muluya River. 

Galerida cristata macrorhyncha Tristram 

Galerida macrorhyncha Tristram, 1859, Ibis, p. 57, 426 — northern 
border of the Sahara; type from Laghouat, Algeria. 

Galerida cristata helenae Lavauden, 1926, Rev. Frang. Orn., 10 
p. 6, fig. 1 — Fort Polignac. 

’Galerida cristata jordansi Niethammer, 1955, Bonn. Zool. Beitr., 
6, p.57— Abbangarit, French Equatorial Africa. Requires 

Algerian Sahara from El Kantara, north of Biskra, southward to 
Touggourt and Fort Polignac. 


Galerida cristata randoni Loche 
Galerida Randoni Loche, 1860, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris) (2), 12, p. 
150, pl. 11, fig. 2— Air Oussera, Algeria. 

High Algerian plateau from Air Oussera westward to the Muluya 
River in Morocco. 

Galerida cristata carthaginis Kleinschmidt and Hilgert 

Galerida cristata carthaginis Kleinschmidt and Hilgert, 1905, Orn. 
Monatsb., 13, p. 188 — near Tunis. 

Northern and central Tunisia, north of about 35° north lat., and 
coastal Algeria to about Oudja in northeastern Morocco. 

Galerida cristata arenicola Tristram 

Galerida arenicola Tristram, 1859, Ibis, p. 58, 426 — sandy Alge- 
rian Sahara; type from Rhamdouas. 

Galerida cristata reichenowi Erlanger, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, 
p- 351, pl. 9, fig. 5 — Tozeur, Algeria. 

Galerida cristata gafsae Kleinschmidt and Hilgert, 1905, Orn. 
Monatsb., 13, p. 189 — ‘““Tunis”; type from Segui, Tunisia. 

Galerida cristata whitakeri Bannerman, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
42, p. 124 — Tatahouine, southeastern Tunisia. 


Galerida cristata déprimozi Lavauden, 1925, Voy. M. Guy Barbault 
en Tunisie, Rés. Sci., Ois., 1924, p. 71 — Kerkennah Islands, 
off Sfax, Tunisia. 

Algeria from Biskra south to Ouargla, eastward to southern 
Tunisia south of El Djem to the region south of Touggourt; Kerken- 
nah Islands. 

Galerida cristata balsaci De Keyser and Villiers 

Galerida cristata balsaci De Keyser and Villiers, 1950, Bull. Inst. 
Frang. Afr. Noire, 12, p. 675 — Nouakchott, Mauritania. 

Coast of Mauritania. 

Galerida cristata festae Hartert 

Galerida cristata festae Hartert, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, 
p. 12 — near Bengasi, Cyrenaica. 

Cyrenaica, where occurring on red soil areas. 

Galerida cristata senegallensis (P. L. 8. Miller) 
Alauda senegallensis P. L.S. Miller, 1776, Natursyst., Suppl., 
p. 137 — Senegal. 
Certhilauda nivosa Swainson!, 1837, Birds W. Afr., 1, p. 213 — 
West Africa. 
Senegal, Gambia, Portuguese Guinea and Sierra Leone, eastward 
to the French Sudan (Taberréshat; Bourem), and western Niger 
Province (Tahoua). 

Galerida cristata alexanderi Neumann 

Galerida cristata alexanderi Neumann, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
23, p. 45 — Bauchi, Haussaland. 

Galerida cristata courtoti Lavauden, 1926, Rev. Frang. Orn., 10, 
p. 7 and col. pl., fig. 2 — N’Guimi, north shore of Lake Chad. 

French West Africa from Air (Aouderas) southward to the northern 
provinces of Nigeria and northern Cameroons (Leinde; Garoua), and 
eastward beyond Lake Chad. 

Galerida cristata zalingei Grant and Mackworth-Praed 

Galerida cristata zalingei Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1939, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 59, p. 141 — Zalingei, western Sudan. 

Western Darfur and the Jebel Marra. 

Galerida cristata isabellina Bonaparte 
?Galerida abyssinica Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 245 — 

1 For note on identity of this name see Roberts, 1936, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 18, p. 257. 


Galerida isabellina Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 245 — 
Nubia; restricted type locality Khartoum, Meinertzhagen, 1951. 
Nile Valley in the Sudan from Atbara south to Khartoum and 
extending up the valleys of the Blue and the White Nile and 
westward toward Kordofan. 

Galerida cristata somaliensis Reichenow 

Galerida cristata somaliensis Reichenow, 1907 (Jan.), Journ. f. Orn., 
55, p. 49 — Zeila, Somaliland. 

Galerida cristata somaliensis Bianchi, 1907 (Nov.), Bull. Acad. 
Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (5), 25, 1906, p. 69, based on Galerida 
cristata subsp.? Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, p. 235 — Soma- 

Northeastern Africa from the region west of Lake Rudolf (Kobua 

River) northeastward to the coastal plain of British Somaliland. 

Galerida cristata altirostris (Brehm) 

Galerita altirostris C. L. Brehm, 1855, Vogelfang, p. 124 — upper 
Egypt; type from near Akasheh on the Nile in Nubia. 

Galerida brachyura Tristram, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p.435 
—Ghor, south end of Dead Sea. 

Alauda cristata var. deserticolor Festa, 1894, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. 
Comp. Torino, 9, no. 174, p. 4 — Palestine. 

¢[Galerida cristata] var. aegyptiaca Reichenow, 1904, Vog. Afr., 3, 
(2), p. 361 — Egypt. 

Galerida cristata caroli Hartert, 1904, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, Heft 2, 
p. 234 — Natron Valley, Lower Egypt. 

Galerida cristata tardinata Hartert, 1904, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, 
Heft 2, p. 235 — Dthubiyat, western Hadhramaut, Arabia. 
Galerida cristata nubica Bianchi, 1907 (Nov.), Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. 

St. Pétersbourg (5), 25, 1906, p. 69; based on Galerida cristata 
subsp.? Hartert, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, p. 234 — Ethiopian coast. 

Galerida cristata eritreae Zedlitz, 1910, Orn. Monatsb., 18, p. 59 

— southwest coast of the Red Sea in Eritrea and Dan Kalia; 
type from Ghédem. 

Locally distributed in Egypt (except those parts occupied by 
G.c. nigricans and G.c. maculata), eastward to the Red Sea coasts 
and the hills of Eritrea; Arabia, but not in the highlands of the 
Yemen and Muscat (maculata); this also appears to be the race 
occurring in the Jordan Valley and the region of the Dead Sea. 

Galerida cristata maculata Brehm 

Galerida maculata C. L. Brehm, 1858, Neumannia, p. 208 — Aswan 
in Egypt; and Masnou in Spain = Aswan. 


Galerida cristata meritica Nicoll and Bonhote, 1909, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 23, p. 101 — southern shore of Lake Birket-el-Kerun, 
Faiyum, Egypt. 

Galerida cristata halfae Nicoll, 1921, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 42, p. 7 
—Wadi Halfa, Egypt. 

Galerida cristata imami Meinertzhagen, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
44, p. 16 — Sok-el-Khamis, 8,000 feet, Yemen, Arabia. 

Galerida cristata thomsi Ripley, 1951, Postilla, Yale Univ., no. 10, 
p. 1 —Seik Jebel Akhdar, Muscat. 

The valley of the Nile in Egypt from the edge of the delta south 
to about Wadi Halfa and Arabia in the highlands of the Yemen 
and Muscat. 

Galerida cristata nigricans (Brehm) 
Galerita nigricans C. L. Brehm, 1855, Vogelfang, p. 123 — Egypt 
and Thuringia = Nile Delta. 
Galerida cristata deltae Hartert, 1897, Novit. Zool., 4, p. 144 — Nile 
Delta; type from Damietta. 

Locally distributed in the northern and central parts of the Nile 
Delta where black alluvial soil occurs. 

Galerida cristata cinnamomina Hartert 
Galerida cristata cinnamomina Hartert, 1904, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, 
Heft 2, p. 235 — Mt. Carmel, Palestine. 

Red soil areas from Bey south to the Lebanon highlands, south- 
ward along the coast to Mt. Carmel. 

Galerida cristata zion Meinertzhagen 
Galerida cristata zion Meinertzhagen, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
41, p. 21 — Jerusalem. 

South coast of Asia Minor through Syria (Baalbek; Damascus) 
to the Jebel Druz and the Judean highlands. 

Galerida cristata magna Hume 

Galerida magna Hume, 1871, Ibis, p. 407 —Yarkand. 

Galerida cristata iwanowi Loudon and Zarudny, 1903, Orn.Jahrb., 
14, p. 171 — region of Syr Darya-Fergana-Zerafshan and part 
of eastern Buchara. 

Galerida cristata vamberyi Harms, 1907, Orn. Monatsb., 15, p. 49 
— Utsch-Adschi, desert of Karakum, Transcaspia. 

Galerida cristata submagna Zarudny and Billewitch, 1918, Izv. 
Zakaspiiskago Muz., 1, p. 16 — Atek, Akhal-Teéeké, Transcaspia. 

Galerida cristata retrusa Bangs and Peters, 1928, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., 68, p. 370 — Kanchow plain, foot of the northern Kan- 
chow Nanshan, western Kansu. 


Galerida cristata alashanica Meise, 1933, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 
19, p. 45 — Alashan. 

Turkestan from Transcaspia north to the shore of the Aral Sea, 
Sinkiang, Ningsia (Ala-Shan; Sogo-nor depression), Mongolia (Ualan 
Bator), western Kansu (north of the Richthofen Range), northern 
and eastern Iran, Baluchistan and Afghanistan. Chiefly resident, 
but recorded in winter from northern Iran, Sind and northwestern 

Galerida cristata leautungensis Swinhoe 

Galerida leautungensis Swinhoe, 1861, Ibis, p. 256 — “‘Province of 
Leautung”’; types from Talienwan, Liautung Peninsula, Man- 

Resident in Manchuria, eastern Kansu (Sining region), Shansi, 
Hopeh, and Shantung.. 

Galerida cristata coreensis (Taczanowski) 

Galerita cristata coreensis Taczanowski, 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, (1887), p. 603 — Seoul, Korea. 

Resident in Korea. 

Galerida cristata lynesi Whistler 
Galerida cristata lynesi Whistler, 1928, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 49, 
p. 52 — Gilgit. 
Northwestern India, confined to the Gilgit Valley. 

Galerida cristata chendoola (Franklin) 

Alauda Chendoola Franklin, 1831, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, pt. 1, (1830—31), p. 119— Ganges and Verbudda. 

Northern and northwestern India from Sind to western Bihar, 
extending northward to the Punjab and the Kashmir foothills and 
southward to about lat. 23° N. 

Galerida theklae theklae (Brehm) 

Galerita Theklae C. L. Brehm, 1858, Naumannia, p. 210 — Jativa, 
near Valencia, and in the Sierra Nevada, Spain. 

Galerida theklae polatzeki Hartert, 1912, Orn. Monatsb., 20, p. 30 
— Ibiza, Balearic Islands. 

Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands. 

Galerida theklae erlangeri Hartert 

Galerida theklae erlangeri Hartert, 1904, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, Heft 2, 
p. 237 —Tangier, Morocco. 


Galerida theklae berengueri Cabrera, 1922, Bol. R. Soc. Espafiola 
Hist. Nat., 22, p. 111 — Uad Martin, near Dar-es-Skiek, Spa- 
nish Morocco. 

Galerida theklae aguirrei Cabrera, 1922, Bol. R. Soc. Espafiola 
Hist. Nat., 22, p. 111 note — Plain of Garet, eastern Morocco. 

Northern Morocco eastward to the Algerian border and south- 

ward to the Middle Atlas. 

Galerida theklae ruficolor Whitaker 

Galerida theklae ruficolor Whitaker, 1898, Ibis, p. 603 — central 
and southern Morocco. 

Galerida theklae harterti Erlanger, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, p. 332, 
pl. [8a], Galerida theclae [sic], fig. 3— northern Algeria and 
Tunisia to the northern edge of the Atlas. 

Galerida schliiteri Kleinschmidt, 1904, Orn. Monatsb., 12, p. 196 
— Bone and Kerrata, northern Algeria. 

Galerida theklae theresae Meinertzhagen, 1939, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
59, p. 65 — Anti Atlas Mts., 30 km. south of Tiznit, southern 

Central Morocco south to Rio de Oro, coastal Algeria and northern 


Galerida theklae superflua Hartert 

Galerida cristata swperflua Hartert, 1897 (Apr.), Novit. Zool., 4, 
p- 144 — new name for Alauda cristata pallida Whitaker, 1895, 
(south of Tunis), not Galerita pallida Brehm, 1858. 

Galerida cristata carolinae Erlanger, 1897 (Nov.), Orn. Monatsb., 
5, p. 186 — Oued-oum el Graf, Tunisia. 

Galerida theklae cyrenaicae Whitaker, 1902, Ibis, p. 654 — Bir- 
Tabilleh, Bisher, and Sidi-Sewya, Cirenaica. 

Galerida theklae hilgerti Rothschild and Hartert, 1912, Novit. Zool., 
18, p. 492, 494 — southern slopes of the Atlas from Batna and 
Lambése to El-Kantara and Biskra; type from El-Kantara. 

Deserts of extreme eastern Morocco, high plateau of Algeria, 

southern foothills of Algerian Atlas, central and southern Tunisia, 
Tripolitanian Sahara, and Cyrenaicea to Salum on the Egyptian 

Galerida theklae deichleri (Erlanger) 
Galerita thecklae [sic] deichleri Erlanger, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, 
p-339, pl. 9, Galerida techlae [sic], fig. 5 — Doug, Tunisia. 
South of the range of swperflua. From the region south of Biskra 
to Ouargla westward to El Aoléa, and eastward from Touggourt to 
the Chott Djend in southern Tunisia. 


Galeridae theklae praetermissa (Blanford) 
Alauda praetermissa Blanford, 1869, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 
4, p. 330 —Tigré, Ethiopia. 
Mountains of Ethiopia. 

Galerida theklae ellioti Hartert 

Galerida ellioti Hartert, 1897, Novit. Zool., 4, p. 144, note — new 
name for Galerida pallida Elliot, 1897 (Daghabur and Hersi 
Barri, Somaliland), not Galerita pallida Brehm, 1858, nor Alauda 
cristata pallida Whitaker, 1895. 

Somaliland plateau. 

Galerida theklae huriensis Benson 

Galerida theklae huriensis Benson, 1947, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 68, 
p. 9 — five miles south of the Ethiopia-Kenya border in the 
Huri Hills, between Mega and Marsabit, 3,000 feet. 

Huri Hills, Kenya Colony south to Marsabit. 


Galerida malabarica (Scopoli) 
Alauda malabarica Scopoli, 1786, Del Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fasc. 
2, p. 94 — China = Malabar Coast, ex Sonnerat. 

Galerida malabarica propinqua Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 52, p. 76 — Londa, Bombay Presidency. 

Western half of the Indian Peninsula from Almedabad and 
Gujarat to Travancore. 


Galerida deva (Sykes) 
Alauda Deva Sykes, 1832, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 2, 
p- 92 — Dukhun = Deccan. 
Mirafra cantillans bangsi Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
52, p. 76 — Hospet, Madras Presidency. 

India from eastern Punjab and the United Provinces south to 
Mysore and Madras. 


?Galerida modesta giffordi (Hartert) 
Heliocorys modesta giffordi Hartert, 1899, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 10, 
p- v. — Gambaga, Gold Coast Hinterland. 
Semi-arid belt from Upper Volta (Fadan Gurma) and Gold Coast 
(Ghana) eastward across northern Nigeria to Darfur; doubtfully 
distinct from G. m. modesta. 


Galerida modesta modesta Heuglin 

Galerida modesta Heuglin, 1864, Journ. f. Orn., 12, p. 274 — 
Bongo, Bahr el Ghazal. 

Upper White Nile and Bahr el Ghazal to extreme northwestern 

Galerida modesta nigrita (Grote) 

Heliocorys modesta nigrita Grote, 1920, Orn. Monatsb., 28, p. 98 
— Mamou, Province of Futa Jallon, French Guinea. 

French Guinea and Sierra Leone. 

Galerida modesta striimpelli (Reichenow) 

Mirafra striimpelli Reichenow, 1901, Orn. Monatsb., 18, p. 191 — 
Ngaundere, Cameroons. 

Heliocorys modesta saturatior Bannerman, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 42, p. 141 — Tibati, 2,800 feet, Cameroons. 

Highlands of western Cameroons. 

Galerida modesta bucolica (Hartlaub) 

Miraffra [sic] bucolica Hartlaub, 1887, Zool. Jahrb., 2, p. 327 — 
Tomaja, S. Bahr-el-Ghazal. 

French Equatorial Africa and northern Belgian Congo. 


Galerida magnirostris magnirostris (Stephens) 

Alauda magnirostris Stephens, 1826, in Shaw’s Gen. Zool., 14, p. 26. 
—South Africa = Cape Town, ex Levaillant. 

Little Namaqualand to western Cape Province (vicinity of Cape- 

Galerida magnirostris harei (Roberts) 

Calendula magnirostris harei Roberts, 1924, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 
10, p. 86 — Philipstown, Cape Province. 

Transvaal, Orange Free State, and central Cape Province. 

Galerida magnirostris montivaga (Vincent) 

Calendula magnirostris montivaga Vincent, 1948, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 68, p. 146 —Sanqubetu Valley, at the junction of the 
rivers Lekhalabaletsi and Sanqubetu, Basutoland; lat. 29°16’S., 
long. 29°21’ E., 8,000 feet. 

Eastern border of Basutoland at high elevations in the Quath- 

lamba Drakensberg. 


Genus LULLULA Kaur 

Lullula Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Natiir. Syst. Europai- 
schen Thierw., p. 92. Type, by subsequent designation, Alauda 
arborea Linnaeus (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, 
p. 80). 

Wood Lark 

Lullula arborea arborea (Linnaeus) 
Alauda arborea Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 166 — 
Europe; restricted type locality, Sweden. 
Alauda cristatella Latham, 1790, Index Orn., 2, p. 499 — Europe. 
Lullula arborea wagneri Floericke, 1926, Mitt. Vogelw., p. 37 — 

British Isles, Scandinavia and Finland north to about lat. 61° N., 
and northern Russia north to about lat. 60° N. and to the Urals; 
south to Portugal, northern Spain, France and northern Italy. 
Winters from southern England and central Europe southward to 
the Mediterranean and Egypt. 

Lullula arborea pallida Zarudny 

Lullula arborea pallida Zarudny, 1902, Orn. Monatsb., 10, p. 54 — 
Hills of Transcaspia. 

Lullula flavescens Ehmcke, 1903, Journ. f. Orn., 51, p. 152 — 

Lullula arborea harterti Hilgert, 1908, Kat. Coll. Erlanger, p. 113 
— Ain bou Driés, Tunisia. 

Lullula arborea familiaris Parrot, 1910, Orn. Monatsb., 18, p.153 
— Ajaccio, Corsica. 

Lullula arborea wettsteini Niethammer, 1943, Anz. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien. math.-naturwiss. K1]., no. 3, p. 7 — high plain of Nida, 

Southern Spain; north Africa from Morocco to Tunisia; Mediter- 
ranean islands; southern Italy; southern Balkans; Greece; Asia 
Minor and the Near East; Crimea to the Caucasus; northern Iran 
to Khorasan and Transcaspia, and southwestern Iran in the Zagros. 
Recorded in winter from Egypt. 


Alauda Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 165. Type, by 
subsequent designation, Alauda arvensis Linnaeus (Selby, 1825, 
He Brite Om. 1; (and Birds), p. xxix): 

cf. Bianchi, 1906, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (5), 25, 

p- 53-60. 


Dementiev, 1937, in Buturlin and Dementiev, Polnii’ Oprede- 
litel Ptits, 3, p. 131-134. 

Ivanov, 1929, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S., 29, p. 

Sky Lark 

Alauda arvensis arvensis Linnaeus 
Alauda arvensis Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 165 — 
Europe = Sweden ex Fn. Svec., and restricted to Uppsala by 
Meinertzhagen, 1951, p. 128. 
Alauda arvensis scotica Tschusi, 1903, Orn. Jahrb., 14, p. 162 — 
Scotland; type from Barncleugh, Kirkcudbrightshire. 

Alauda arvensis tertialis Clancey, 1946, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 66, 
p. 42 — Artillery Ranges, Larkhill; near Amesbury, Wiltshire, 

Alauda arvensis divergens Clancey, 1947, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 68, 
p. 12 — Daliburgh, South Uist, Outer Hebrides. 

Alauda arvensis theresae Meinertzhagen, 1947, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
67, p. 93 — Corofin, County Clare, Ireland. 

Breeds on the Faroe Islands, British Isles, Ireland, northern 
Europe, north to about lat. 70° in Scandinavia and to lat. 60°- 
62° in Russia, east to the Urals, south to central France, Switzer- 
land, Austria, and Russia south to about the latitude of Kharkov. 
Migratory in the northern parts of its range, wintering in the south- 
ern parts and to the Mediterranean coasts and North Africa. Breed- 
ing boundaries between this race and A. a. cantarella not well known 
or poorly defined. 

Alauda arvensis sierrae Weigold 
Alauda arvensis sierrae Weigold, 1913, Orn. Monatsb., 21, p. 124 
— Capilleira, Sierra Nevada, Spain. 
Alauda arvensis taiti Weigold, 1913, Orn. Monatsb., 21, p. 124 
—near Lisbon, Portugal. 
Alauda arvensis guillelmi Witherby, 1921, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
41, p.69 — Bom Jesus, Braga, Portugal. 
Alauda arvensis ticehursti Whistler, 1928, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
48, p. 65 — San Miguel de Oya, near Vigo, Galicia, Spain. 
Iberian Peninsula in northern Portugal (Braga; near Lisbon; 
Serra Estrella; Serra Monchique) and in Spain (Vigo, Galicia; 
Sierra Moncayo; Sierra Nevada). 

Alauda arvensis harterti Whitaker 

Alauda arvensis harterti Whitaker, 1904, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 15, 
p. 20 — El Oubira, central Tunisia. 


Alauda arvensis henrit Vaucher, 1923, Rev. Frang. Orn., 8, p. 
155 — near Tangier, Spanish Morocco. 
Mountains of North Africa from near Tangier to Tunisia; this 
is perhaps the race breeding in the middle Atlas Plateau. 

Alauda arvensis cantarella Bonaparte 
Alauda cantarella Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 245 — cen- 
tral Italy; restricted to Gubbio in the Roman Appenines by 
Meinertzhagen, 1951, p. 128. 

Alauda arvensis subsp. armenicus Bogdanov, 1879, Trudy Obch- 
testwa Estestwoipytatelei Imp. Kazan Univ., 8, pt. 4, p. 75 
— Akhaltsikha. 

Alauda subtilis Ehmcke, 1904, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 2, p. 
301 — Podgorica, Montenegro [now Titograd, Yugoslavia]. 

Alauda arvensis var. hesperica Navas, 1907, An. Fac. Cienc. Zara- 

goza, p. 264, fig. 18 — Aragon, Saragossa, Carinena. 

Breeds in southern Europe in eastern Spain, southern France, 
Italy, the Balkan Peninsula (south to Macedonia), Rumania, Bul- 
garia, the Ukraine (limits in southern Russia not worked out), and 
the Crimea; Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily; Transcaucasus and north- 
ern Iran. Migrating in the northern part of its range, wintering 
in eastern Iran and North Africa, Crete, Cyprus, the eastern Medi- 
terranean and northern Egypt. 

Alauda arvensis dulcivox Hume 
Alauda dulcivox Horsfield and Moore, 1856, Cat. Birds East India 
Co., 2, p. 466. Nomen nudum cited in synonymy of Alauda 

Alauda dulcivox Hume, 1873, Stray Feathers, 1, p. 40 — Hima- 

layas and northwestern Punjab. First Description. 

Alauda cinerea Ehmcke, 1903, Journ. f. Orn., 51, p. 149 — Bar- 

naul, Siberia. Not Alauda cinerea Gmelin, 1789. 
Alauda cinerascens Ehmcke, 1904 (April), Journ. f. Orn., 52, p. 
313. New name for Alauda cinerea Ehmcke, preoccupied. 

Alauda arvensis almasyi Keve, 1943, Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien., 

no. 3, p. 17 — Naryn Kol, Russian Turkestan. 

Breeds in southeastern Russia from Orenburg [now Chkalov], and 
western Siberia north to lat. 60°-61° N. (occasionally to 66°), east 
to the Yenisei and extreme eastern Semipalatinsk (Bakhty), south 
to the southern borders of Russian Turkestan, northeastern Afgha- 
nistan, the Pamirs, western Tien Shan, Tarbagatai, and the western 
Altai. On migration or in winter to Mesopotamia, Palestine, northern 
Egypt, Seistan, Baluchistan, northwestern India and the western 
United Provinces. 

Alauda arvensis kiborti Zolesski 
Alauda arvensis intermedia of authors, not of Swinhoe. 


Alauda arvensis kiborti Zolesski, 1917, Mess. Orn., 8, p. 125 — 
Old Ilanskaya, Kansk district, Siberia. 

Alauda arvensis alticola Sushkin, 1925, List Distr. Birds Russian 
Altai etc., p. 68 — Tschuja Steppe, southeastern Altai. 

Alauda arvensis sushkini Domaniewski, 1933, Acta Orn. Mus. 
Zool. Polonici, 1, p. 168 — Tschikoi River, Transbaikalia. 

Breeds in the southern part of central Siberia, east of the Yenisei, 
and north to the Vitim Plateau and the upper Lena (Gakutak), 
extending eastward to the upper Amur, south to the eastern Altai, 
northern Mongolia to south of the Kentei, Khangai, and Great 
Khingan mountains (Dolon Nor), central Manchuria and Korea. 
Winters in eastern China south to Foochow [= Minhow]. 

Alauda arvensis intermedia Swinhoe 

Alauda intermedia Swinhoe, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 89 
— Shanghai, China. 

Alauda arvensis quelpartae Momiyama, 1927, Annot. Orn. Orient., 
1, no. 1, p. 14 (Japanese text), 83 (English text) — U-mén, 
Quelpart Island. 

Alauda arvensis nigrescens Kistjakowsky and Kotschubei, 1929, 
Mém. Acad. Sci. Ukraine, 13, math-phys. cl., p. 249 — regions 
of the Ussuri River. 

Alauda arvensis pusilla Ivanov, 1929, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. 
U.R.S.S., 1928, p. 284 — Altynowka, Khanka Lake, south 

Breeds on the lower Amur, probably up-stream to the Zeya River, 

Ussuriland, and probably northeastern Manchuria. Winters in east- 
ern China south to Foochow.? 

Alauda arvensis pekinensis Swinhoe 

Alauda pekinensis Swinhoe, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 
89 — Pekin [now Peiping], China. 

Alauda blakistoni Stejneger, 1884, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
2, p. 98 — Kamchatka and Bering Island. 

Alauda buxtoni J. A. Allen, 1905, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
21, p. 247 — Gichiga, northeastern Siberia, 7.e. Gizhiga, head 
of the Gulf of Gizhiginskaya, Sea of Okhotsk. 

Breeds in northeastern Siberia from the middle Lena, middle 
and upper Yana, the upper Indigirka, the lower Kolyma, and the 
Chukotski Peninsula, south to the upper Zeya, shores of the Sea 
of Okhotsk, Kamchatka, the Kommandorski Islands and the Kurile 
Islands. In migration or in winter to Manchuria, Ussuriland, Sakha- 
lin, Japan, Korea and northeastern China. 

1 3 specimens from Foochow (now Minhow) in La Touche Coll. in Mus. 
Comp. Zool. 


Alauda arvensis loénnbergi Hachisuka 
Alauda arvensis lénnbergi Hachisuka, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
47, p. 23 — Chepisani, Sakhalin. 

Breeds on the Shantar Islands and on Sakhalin; this is possibly 
the race breeding on the lower Amur (Mariinsk). On migration or 
in winter to Korea, northeastern China (Chinkiang'), Quelpart 
Island and Japan. 

Alauda arvensis japonica Temminck and Schlegel 
Alauda japonica Temminck and Schlegel, 1848, in Siebold, Fauna 
Japonica, Aves, p. 87, pl. 47 — Japan; restricted to northern 
Hondo by Yamashina, 1939, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 59, p. 135. 

Alauda arvensis kagoshimae Yamashina, 1939, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
59, p. 1384 — Sakurajima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kiusiu. 
Largely resident in Japan where breeding on Hokkaido, Hondo, 
Sado and Kiusiu; Quelpart Island. Recorded from Seven Islands 
of Izu (Niijima; Hachijo), Shikoku, Tsu Shima, Tanega Shima, 
Yaku Shima, Makeno Shima, and the Riu Kiu Islands (Amami 
O Shima; Okinawa; Miyako). 


Alauda gulgula inconspicua Severzov 
Alauda inconspicua Severzov, 1873 (December, 1872)?, Izvestiia 
Imperatorskago Obschchestva Liubitelei Estestvoznaniia, An- 
tropologii i Etnografii?, Moskva, 8, pt. 2, p. 142 — Turkestan. 

Alauda gulgula punjaubi Whistler, 1936, Journ. Bombay Nat. 
Hist. Soc., 38, p. 767 — Ferozepor, River Sutlej, Punjab. 

Resident in southwestern Asia in Transcaspia, Russian Turkestan 
north to the desert of Kyzyl-Kum and Tarbagatai, eastern Iran, 
Afghanistan, Baluchistan, southern Punjab, Sind, and western 
United Provinces. 

Alauda gulgula Ihamarum Meinertzhagen and Meinertzhagen 

Alauda guttata Brooks, 1873, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 41, pt. 2, 
p. 73 — Srinagar, Kashmir. Not Alauda guttata Lafresnaye, 

Alauda arvensis lhamarum R. and A. Meinertzhagen, 1926, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, p. 100 — Ladak. 

Resident in the Pamirs (Dzhaushangoz Valley) and in the Hima- 
layas from Gilgit and Kashmir south to northern Punjab. 

1 Specimen in La Touche coll. Mus. Comp. Zool., taken 20 Jan., 1901. 

2 For date of publication see Démentiev, 1932, Alauda, 2, p. 9. 

3 Bull. Imp. Soc. Friends Nat. Hist., Anthrop. and Ethnogr., Moscow. 
Severzoy’s well known paper “Vertikal’noe i gorizontal’noe raspredielnie 
Turkestanskikh zhivotn’ikh”’ appeared in this journal, but is usually cited 
under the name of the article. Translation, Journ. f. Orn., 21, 1873, p. 321-389; 
22, 1874, p. 403-447; 23, 1875, p. 58-104, 168-200. 



Alauda gulgula inopinata Bianchi 

Alauda japonica inopinata Bianchi, 1904, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. 
Sci. St. Pétersbourg, 9, p. xxiv, xxx, xxxi — eastern Tibet 
from the Nan Shan and Koko Nor to the Mekong. 

Breeds in western China from the Nan Shan and northern Kansu 
southward to southeastern Tibet. On migration or in winter to 
Nepal, northern Burma, and the plains of northern India. 

Alauda gulgula sala Swinhoe 
Alauda sala Swinhoe, 1870, Ibis, p. 354 — Hoitow, Hainan 
Alauda arvensis hainana Hartert, 1922, Abhandl. Ber. Zool. Mus. 
Dresden, 15, no. 3, p. 21 — Kuing-Chow, Hainan. 

Island of Hainan, and the opposite mainland on the Linchow 
Peninsula (Kwangchowan). 

Alauda gulgula herberti Hartert 
Alauda arvensis herberti Hartert, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, 
p. 149 — Bangkok, Siam. 
Central and southern Thailand, Cambodia, and Cochin-China. 

Alauda gulgula wattersi Swinhoe 
Alauda wattersi Swinhoe, 1871, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 389 — 
‘South Formosa and the Pescadores’’. 
Island of Formosa. 

?Alauda gulgula wolfei Hachisuka 
Alauda arvensis wolfet Hachisuka, 1930, Orn. Soc. Japan, Suppl. 
Pub. no. XIV, p. 215 — Los Banos, Luzon. 
Philippine Islands; Luzon, Sibuyan, Ticao, Bohol; doubtfully 
distinct from A. g. watiersi 

Alauda gulgula vernayi Mayr 
Alauda arvensis vernayi Mayr, 1941, Ibis, p. 375 — Changy-inhku, 
Burma-Yunnan border. 
Extreme southeastern Tibet (Phari) and Bhutan, eastward in the 
mountains of northern Burma to western Yunnan (Weiksi; Tengyueh 
[now Tengchung)). 

Alauda gulgula weigoldi Hartert 
Alauda arvensis weigoldi Hartert, 1922, Abhandl. Ber. Zool. Mus. 
Dresden, 15, no. 3, p. 20 — Hankow, China. 
Middle China from Szechwan eastward, in the Yangtse Valley; 
birds from the Lichiang Range in western Yunnan should probably 
be referred here, but approach inopinata. 


Alauda gulgula coelivox Swinhoe 
Alauda coelivox Swinhoe, 1859, Zoologist, 17, p. 6724 — Amoy, 
Fukien, China. 
Alauda gulgula pescadoresi La Touche, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
43, p. 20 — Fisher Island, Pescadores Islands. 
[Alauda gulgula] pescadoresiana La Touche, 1930, Handb. Birds 
Eastern China, 1, pt. 5, p. 451, note. Emendation. 
Resident in southeastern China in provinces of Fukien, Kwang- 
tung (except Luichow Peninsula) and Kwangsi; southern Yun- 
nan(?); coast of Tonkin, central Annam. 

Alauda gulgula gulgula Franklin 
Alauda Gulgula Franklin, 1831, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 1, 1830-31, p.119— Ganges between Calcutta and Be- 
nares, or Vindhya Hills; restricted to between Calcutta and 
Benares by Whistler, 1936, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 38, p.767. 
Eastern India south to Mysore (Bangalore) and Madras (city), 
Bengal, Assam, Manipur, and Burma (except those portions occupied 
by vernayi); Ceylon. 

Alauda gulgula australis Brooks 
Alauda Australis Brooks, 1873, Stray Feathers, 1, p. 486 — 
Southern India in the Nilgiri and Palni hills, and in Cochin and 


Eremophila Boie, 1828, Isis von Oken, 21, col. 322. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation, O. alpestris = Alauda alpestris Linnaeus 
(Sharpe, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1874), p. 651).4 

Otocoris Bonaparte, 1838, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 2, p.407. 
Type, by monotypy, Phileremos cornutus Bonaparte = Alauda 
cornuta Wilson = Alauda alpestris Linnaeus. 

Otocorydopsis Bianchi, 1906, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg 
(5), 25, p. 29. Type, by original designation and monotypy, 
Otocoris berlepschi Hartert. 

cf. Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 24, p. 801-883. 
Ridgway, 1907, Bull. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 4, p. 295-327. 
Meinertzhagen, 1928, Ibis, p. 520-526. 

Hellmayr, 1929, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 17, 
no 3, p. 71-80 (Himalayan and south Sinkiang races). 

Whistler, 1932, Ibis, p. 470-478. 

Stresemann et al., 1937, Journ. f. Orn., 85, p. 495-499. 

Behle, 1942, Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool., 46, p. 205-316. 

1 Not affected by Hremophilus Humboldt, 1811, Pisces. 


American Ornithologists’ Union, Check-list, 1957, ed. 5, 
p. 352-357. 
Cooper Ornith. Cl., Pacific Coast Avif. no. 33, 1957, p. 103-106. 

Horned Lark 

Eremophila alpestris flava (Gmelin) 

Alauda flava Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 800 — Siberia; 
restricted to the mouth of the Yenisei by Meinertzhagen, 1928, 
Ibis, p. 523. 

Otocorys alpestris euroa Thayer and Bangs, 1914, Proc. New Eng- 
land Zool. Cl., 5, p. 48 — Nizhne Kolymsk, Siberia.t 

Breeds in northern Palearctic region from Finmark, Lapland, 
Kola Peninsula, Kolguev Island, Novaya Zemlya, Vaigach, Franz 
Josef Land, the Siberian tundra east to the mouth of the Yenisei 
(absent from the Taimyr Peninsula) and at the mouth of the Lena, 
south to northern Sweden (J&émtland) and southward in the alpine 
zones of the mountains of Siberia to the north end of Lake Baikal, 
the Stanovoi and Tukuringra Mts. On migration or in winter to the 
British Isles, central and southeastern Europe, the Kirghiz Steppes, 
Turkestan (rarely), and northeastern China; occasionally to Sakha- 
lin, the Kurile Islands and the northern Japanese Islands. 

Eremophila alpestris balcanica (Reichenow) 

Otocorys penicillata balcanica Reichenow, 1895, Orn. Monatsb., 3, 
p- 42 — Balkan; types from Bosnia. 

Mountains of southeastern Europe in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and 
northern Greece. 

Eremophila alpestris penicillata (Gould) 

Alauda Penicillata Gould, 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 5, 
(1837), p. 126 — Erzerum, Asia Minor. 

Mountains of Asia Minor (except area occupied by bicornis), the 
Caucasus, and western Iran in Azerbaijan, Kermamshah, the 
Bakhtiari country, Luristan, Fars, and western Hamadan. 

1 Hremophila alpestris ewroa is perhaps a recognizable race; compared 
with May birds from northern Scandinavia, May specimens of ewroa from 
the lower Kolyma show no appreciable color differences except that the 
yellow of the throat and forehead is very slightly paler, but the wings average 

5 § flava northern Scandinavia, have wings 106.8—109.4 (107.9 mm.). 

8 ¢g euroa, Nizhne Kolymsk, have wings 109-115.1 (111.45 mm.). 
Although taken in mid-May the type series of ewroa was not composed of 
breeding birds, thus the nesting range of this population is not known. Horned 
Larks with yellow throats and foreheads taken on the China coast in winter 
also average longer wings than winter specimens from Europe. 


Eremophila alpestris albigula (Bonaparte) 

Otocoris albigula Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 246 — “ex 
Alp. Ross.-Asiat.’’; restricted to the Hissar Mts., Turkestan 
by Meinertzhagen, 1928, Ibis, p. 523. 

Otocorys pallida Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds. Brit. Mus., 13, p. 529 
(in key), p. 533 — central Asia = Kashgar. Not Otocoris alpe- 
stris pallida Dwight, 1890 (April). 

Otocorys diluta Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 13, p. 670 — 
new name for O. pallida Sharpe, preoccupied. 

Otocorys penicillata transcaspica Floricke, 1898, Gefiederte Welt, 
p. 46 — Gudan, Kopet Dag. 

Otocoris oreodrama Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 24, 
p. 806 (in key), p. 876'—Tagdumbash Pamir, Central Asia. 
Otocorys penicillata iranica Zarudny and Harms, 1902, Orn. 
Monatsb., 10, p. 53 — northern Iran eastward from the Elburz 
Chain and south to the desert of Lut and the hills of the Sarhad 

region in Baluchistan. 

Mountains of northern and eastern Iran, Transcaspia, Afghani- 

stan, Turkestan, the Pamirs, western Tien Shan and western Sinkiang 
(Kashgar; Yarkand). 

Eremophila alpestris brandti (Dresser) 

Otocorys brandti Dresser, 1874, Birds Europe, pt. 32, p. 3; pt. 33, 
p. 4 [= 4, p. 397, 402 of volume] = Kirghiz Steppes. 

Otocorys Parvexi Taczanowski, 1876, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1, 
p. 161 — Daurian Steppes and near Kiachta. 

Otocorys brandti montana Bianchi, 1904, Ibis, p. 371 — mountains 
of the northern part of central Asia; type from Yulduz, central 
Tien Shan. 

Eremophila alpestris bachlowi Meise, 1932, Orn. Monatsb., 40, p.44 
— Tarbagatai. 

Eremophila alpestris altaica Meise, 1932, Orn. Monatsb., 40, p.44 
— Tscholesman, Altai. 

Steppes from east of the Volga southward to the Sea of Azov 
and eastward in the Altai and Transbaikalia; mountains of western 
Mongolia (Sayan, Tannu Ola, Khangai); Tarbagatai; Tien Shan; 
northern Manchuria, Gobi and Ala Shan, to northern Kansu (Richt- 
hofen Range; upper Sining-ho); in winter to Shansi and Hopeh 
(specimens in Mus. Comp. Zool.). 

Eremophila alpestris longirostris (Moore) 

Otocoris longirostris Moore, 1856, (Gould ms.), Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, pt. 23, (1855), p. 215 — neighborhood of Agra; error, 
the types are from Kulu, probably on the Rhotang Pass. 

1 Otocoris penicillata oreodrama, p. 876. 


Otocoris perissa Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 24, p.806 
(in key), p. 869 — Tsokr Chumo Lake, Ladak. 

Otocorys wellsi Babault, 1920, Mission Guy Babault dans les provs. 
centr. de l’Inde etc., Rés. Scient., Oiseaux, p. 203, pl. 4 — 
Serchu and Nima Mud. 

Eremophila alpestris deosai R. and A. Meinertzhagen, 1926, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, p. 84 — Deosai Plateau 13,200 feet, Kashmir. 

Northwestern Himalayas in Baltistan, Zaskar, Lahul and Spiti 

eastward to Kumaon(?), and north to the Karakorum Range. 

Eremophila alpestris teleschowi (Przewalski) 

Otocoris Teleschowi Przewalski, 1887 (Jan.?), Zapiski Imp. Akad. 
Nauk, St. Pétersbourg, 55, p.93— mountainous border of 
northern Tibet between the Cherchensky and Khotansky rivers 
and on the west uf the Chamen-tag in the Tibetan highlands. 

Otocoris Teleschowi Przewalski, 1887 (July), Journ. f. Orn., 35, 
p. 284 — northern Tibet and in the bordering Russian region. 
(German translation by Deditius). 

Otocorys teleschowi Przewalski, 1887 (Oct.), Ibis, p. 417 — moun- 
tainous border of northern Tibet in the Russian Range, and 
in the Chiman Tagh Range. (English translation by E. Delmar 

Southern Sinkiang on the northern slopes of the western Kun Lun, 

the Altyn Tagh south of Lob Nor, and the Chiman Tagh. 

Eremophila alpestris przewalskii (Bianchi) 
Otocorys brandti przewalskii Bianchi, 1904, Ibis, p. 371 — Zaidam. 

Northwestern Tsing Hai in the southern and western parts of the 
Tsaidam region. 

Eremophila alpestris argalea (Oberholser) 
Otocoris argalea Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 24, 
p. 806 (in key), p. 871 — Sughet Pass, Kuen Lun Mts., Sinkiang. 

Northern and eastern borders of Kashmir in the Aktagh, Sughet, 
and Chang Chemmo ranges, extending into Ladak towards Lake 
Tso Morari. 

Eremophila alpestris elwesi (Blanford) 

Otocoris Elwesi Blanford, 1872, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 41, 
pt. 2, p. 62 — Kangra Lama Pass between 15,000 and 16,000 
feet, Sikkim. 

Southern Tibet (northward limits not known) and northern Sikkim. 

Eremophila alpestris nigrifrons (Przewalski) 

Otocorys nigrifrons Przewalski, 1876, Mongol. i Strana Tangut., 
2, (Aves), p. 103 — Kansu, Koko Nor, Zaidam and northern 


Tibet; restricted to Koko Nor by Bangs and Peters, 1928, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool., 68, p. 370. 
Eastern Tsing Hai in the country about Koko Nor, and the Baa 
plains, western Kansu in the region north of Choni. 

Eremophila alpestris khamensis (Bianchi) 
Otocorys elwesi khamensis Bianchi, 1904, Ibis, p. 372 — Kham, 
’ southeastern Tibet; type from Dy-chu, or the upper Yangtse, 
ex Bianchi, 1906, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg (5), 
25, p. 26. 
Central Sikang in the Kham country. 

Eremophila alpestris atlas (Whitaker) 

Otocorys atlas Whitaker, 1898, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, p. xlvii — 
Glani [= Glaoui, 5,000 feet], Grand Atlas, Morocco. Col. pl., 
Ibis, 1898, p. 13. 

Higher parts of the Grand Atlas and Middle Atlas in Morocco. 

Eremophila alpestris bicornis (Brehm) 
Phileremos bicornis Brehm, 1842, Isis von Oken, col. 504 — Le- 
banon, in winter in the Syrian lowlands. 
Eremophila alpestris aharonii Neumann, 1934, Anz. Orn. Ges. 
Bayern, 2, p. 333 — Ras Baalbek, Lebanon. 
Southern Asia Minor in the Taurus Mts. near Eregli; Lebanon 
and Palestine. 

Eremophila alpestris arcticola (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris arcticola Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
24, p. 806 (in key), p. 816— Fort Reliance, Yukon River, 
Yukon Territory. 

Breeds from northern Alaska and the upper Yukon Valley south 
to the Mt. McKinley district and on the high mountains of British 
Columbia to the mountain summits of northern Washington. Win- 
ters in the interior of British Columbia and south through eastern 
Washington and western Montana to extreme northeastern Cali- 
fornia, northern Utah and Wyoming. 

Eremophila alpestris alpina (Jewett) 
Otocoris alpestris alpina Jewett, 1943, Auk, 60, p. 262 — Mt. St. 
Helens, Skamania County, Washington. 
Breeds on the arctic-alpine summits of Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. 
Helens, western Washington. Winters in the surrounding lowlands. 

Eremophila alpestris hoyti (Bishop) 
Otocoris alpestris hoyti Bishop, 1896, Auk, 13, p. 130 — Cando, 
Towner County, North Dakota. 


Breeds along the Arctic Coast of North America from the mouth 
of the Mackenzie eastward to the west shore of Hudson Bay and 
Southampton Island, north to the Boothia Peninsula, and south to 
northern Alberta and northern Manitoba. Winters south to Nevada, 
Utah, eastern Kansas, and Michigan, casually eastward to southern 
New England and south to Maryland. 

Eremophila alpestris alpestris (Linnaeus) 

Alauda alpestris Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 166 — 
North America = coast of South Carolina. 

Breeds from southeastern Baffin Island, Resolution Island in 
Hudson Strait, and northern Labrador south to the southern end 
of James Bay, the Gaspé Peninsula, southern Labrador and New- 
foundland. Winters west to Manitoba and south to the Ohio Valley, 
West Virginia and northwestern Georgia, and on the Atlantic coast 
to South Carolina. 

Eremophila alpestris leucolaema Coues 

Eremophila alpestris var. leucolaema Coues, 1874, Birds Northwest, 
p. 38, 39 — Fort Randall [South Dakota]. 

Breeds from southern Alberta southward through western and 
central Montana, Wyoming, northern Nevada and northern Utah 
southeast to central Colorado, eastern New Mexico and northwestern 
Texas. Winters in the breeding range from Montana southward, 
and in southeastern California, northern Sonora, Chihuahua and 
southern Texas. 

Eremophila alpestris enthymia (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris enthymia Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
23, p. 807 (in key), p. 817 — St. Louis, Saskatchewan. 

Breeds from in the Great Plains of central Saskatchewan south- 
ward through eastern Montana, western North Dakota, eastern 
Wyoming, western South Dakota, western Nebraska, eastern Colo- 
rado and western Kansas south to southern Texas, southern Coa- 
huila and western Oklahoma. Winters south to southern Texas, south- 
eastern California and Coahuila. Doubtfully distinct from £. a. leu- 

Eremophila alpestris praticola (Henshaw) 

Otocorys alpestris praticola Henshaw, 1884, Auk, 1, p. 258, 264 — 
Mt. Carmel and Richland County, Lllinois, and Gainesville, 
Texas = Richland County, Illinois. 

Otocoris alpestris atlantica H. O. Green, 1940, Odlogist, 57, p. 9 
— Revere, Massachusetts. 

Breeds from southwestern Manitoba, southeastern Ontario, south- 

western Quebec and Maine south to eastern Kansas, central Mis- 


souri, southern Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia and North Carolina. 
Winters south to Texas, Tennessee, northeastern Georgia. 

Eremophila alpestris strigata (Henshaw) 

Otocorys alpestris strigata Henshaw, 1884, Auk, 1, p. 261, 267 — 
Fort Steilacoom, Puget Sound, Yuba County, California and 
Albany, Oregon = Fort Steilacoom, Washington. 

Breeds in the humid coastal belt west of the crest of the Cascade 
Range in extreme southwestern British Columbia, Washington and 
Oregon. Winters chiefly in breeding range, but also into eastern 
Washington, eastern Oregon and possibly also northern California. 

Eremophila alpestris merrilli (Dwight) 

Otocoris alpestris merrilli Dwight, 1890, Auk, 7, p. 153 — Fort 
Klamath, Oregon. 

Breeds on the east slope of the Cascade Range and in lowland 
plains east of the mountains from the Chilcotin Plateau in central 
British Columbia south through Washington and Oregon to central- 
northern California, and northeastern California west of the Warner 
Mts. Winters in southern part of breeding range, and in the Sacra- 
mento Valley, California. 

Eremophila alpestris lamprochroma (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris lamprochroma Oberholser, 1932, Sci. Publ. Cleve- 
land Mus. Nat. Hist., 4, no. 1, p. 4 — Spanish Lake, eastern base 
of Hart Mt., northern end of Warner Valley, 20 miles northeast 
of Adel, Lake County, Oregon. 

Breeds in southeastern Oregon, extreme southwestern Idaho, 
northeastern California (Lassen County; east of the Warner Mts.; 
Lake Momo region), and western Nevada where it intergrades with 
E.a.utahensis east of long. 118°W. Winters within the breeding 
range and in California in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys 
and in southeastern California. 

Eremophila alpestris utahensis (Behle) 
Otocoris alpestris utahensis Behle, 1938, Condor, 40, p. 89 — ten 
miles west of Salt Lake City airport, Salt Lake County, Utah. 
Breeds in south-central Idaho south to east-central Nevada and 
west-central Utah west of the Wasatch Mts. Winters in its breeding 
range and in southern Nevada and southern California. 

Eremophila alpestris sierrae (Oberholser) 
Otocoris alpestris sierrae Oberholser, 1920, Condor, 22, p. 34 — 
head of Pine Creek, Lassen County, California. 
Breeds in northeastern California in the southern part of the 
Cascade Range and northern part of the Sierra Nevada. Winters 
in the Howey Valley, Lassen County, and in the Sacramento Valley. 


Eremophila alpestris rubea (Henshaw) . 
Otocorys alpestris rubeus Henshaw, 1884, Auk, 1, p. 260, 267 — 
Stockton, California; error = Marysville, Yuba County, Cali- 
’Otocoris berlepschi Hartert, 1890, Journ. f. Orn., 38, p. 103 — 
“‘Caffraria’’; error = 2?! 
Resident in the Sacramento Valley, California. 

Eremophila alpestris actia (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris actia Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
24, p. 806 (in key), p. 845 —Jacumba, San Diego County, 

Resident throughout the Coast Range area of California from 
Humboldt County southward to about lat. 30° N. in Baja Cali- 
fornia; also the San Joaquin Valley in California, intergrading with 
rubea to the north and with ammophila in the extreme south. 

Eremophila alpestris insularis (Dwight) 

Otocoris alpestris insularis Dwight, 1890 (April), (Townsend ms.), 
Auk, 7, p. 152, in text — Santa Cruz Islands, California = San 
Clemente Island. 

Breeds on the Channel Islands off the coast of southern Califor- 

nia. Winters in the breeding range and on the adjacent mainland. 

Eremophila alpestris ammophila (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris ammophila Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 24, p. 806 (in key), p. 849 — Coso Valley, southeastern 
California; type from near Maturango Spring. 

Breeds in the Amargosa and Mojave deserts in southwestern 

Nevada and southeastern California. Winters in breeding range and 
south to northeastern Baja California and northwestern Sonora. 

Eremophila alpestris leucansiptila (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris pallida Dwight, 1890 (April), (Townsend ms.), 
Auk, 7, p. 154— Lower California and Sonora; type from 
Direction Hill between Adair Bay and the mouth of the Rio 
Colorado, Sonora. Not Phileremos pallidus Brehm, 1842, which 
is Hremophila alpestris subsp. ? 

Otocoris alpestris leucansiptila Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 24, p. 806 (in key), p. 864 —Yuma, Arizona. 

Chinophilus alpestris dwighti Stresemann, 1922, Orn. Monatsb., 
30, p. 88. New name for O. a. pallida Dwight, preoccupied. 

1 For notes on status and possible identity of this bird see Stresemann, 
1924, Journ. f. Orn., 72, p. 260; Neumann, 1927, Journ. f. Orn., 75, p. 374 


Resident in the Colorado Desert from extreme southwestern 
Nevada, southeastern California, western Arizona to northeastern 
Baja California, and extreme northwestern Sonora. 

Eremophila alpestris occidentalis (McCall) 
Otocoris ?occidentalis McCall, 1851, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 5, p. 218 — near Santa Fe, New Mexico. 
Breeds in northern and central Arizona east to north-central New 
Mexico. Winters in the breeding range and southward into northern 
Sonora, Chihuahua and western Texas. 

Eremophila alpestris adusta (Dwight) 

Otocoris alpestris adustus Dwight, 1890, Auk, 7, p. 148 — Camp 
Huachuca and Sulphur Spring, Arizona, Chihuahua, Mexico = 
Fort Huachuca, Arizona. 

Resident in southern Arizona (north to Tucson and west to the 
eastern base of the Baboquivari Mts.) and extreme southwestern 
New Mexico, extending along the Mexican border in northern Sonora 
from long. 112°W. eastward. 

Eremophila alpestris giraudi (Henshaw) 
Otocorys alpestris giraudi Henshaw, 1884, Auk, 1, p. 260, 266 — 
Corpus Christi and Brownsville, Texas. 
Resident in the coastal prairie region from Galveston Bay, Texas 
to extreme northeastern Tamaulipas. 

Eremophila alpestris enertera (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris enertera Oberholser, 1907, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 20, p. 41 — Llano de Yrais, near Magdalena Bay, Baja 

Otocoris alpestris baileyi van Rossem, 1943, Condor, 45, p. 235 — 
West San Benito Island, Baja California. 

Resident in west-central Baja California, including coastal islands 

from Santa Rosalia Bay and San Benito Islands south to Magdalena 
Bay and Santa Margarita Island. 

Eremophila alpestris aphrasta (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris aphrasta Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
24, p.806 (in key), p.860— Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, 

North-central Mexico in states of Chihuahua and Durango. 

Eremophila alpestris diaphora (Oberholser) 

Otocoris alpestris diaphora Oberholser, 1902, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
24, p. 806 (in key), p. 829 — Miquihuana, Tamaulipas, Mexico. 


Eastern Mexico in extreme southeastern Coahuila, Nuevo Leén, 
southern Tamaulipas, Hidalgo, Querétaro and northeastern Puebla 

Eremophila alpestris chrysolaema (Wagler) 

Alauda chrysolaema Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, col. 530 — 
Mexico = southern tablelands of Mexico ex Nelson, 1897, Auk, 
14, p. 55. 

Southern portion of the Mexican Plateau in states of Jalisco, | 
Michoacan, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Mexico, Morelos, 
Tlaxcala, Puebla, Veracruz and Distrito Federal. 

Eremophila alpestris oaxacae (Nelson) 

Otocoris alpestris oaxacae Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p.54— San 
Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Southern Mexico in eastern portion of the State of Oaxaca. 

Eremophila alpestris peregrina (Sclater) 
Otocorys peregrina Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 23, 
p- 110, pl. CIT — Bogota, Colombia. 

Confined to the savanna of Bogota, Colombia. 


Eremophila bilopha (Temminck) 

Alauda bilopha Temminck, 1823, Pl. col., livr. 41, pl. 244, fig. 1— 
deserts of Aqaba, Arabia. 

Eremophila bilopha elegans Stresemann, 1926, Orn. Monatsb., 34, 
p. 136 — Rio de Oro. 

Stony portions of the Sahara from Rio de Oro and southern 
Morocco to Egypt, Sinai, and northern Arabia, extending north- 
ward and eastward to the Syrian Desert and western Iraq. 



cf. Ridgway, 1904, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 3, p. 23-103. 
Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, Heft 6, p. 799-817; ¢. c., 1922, 
Heft 19, p. 2173-2177. 
— and Steinbacher, 1935, op. cit., Heft 4, p. 345-352. 
Stuart-Baker, 1926, Fauna Brit. India, ed. 2, Birds, 3, p. 225- 
Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 574-589. 

1 Ms. read by: James P. Chapin (Africa), Eugene Eisenmann (America). 


Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, 
pt. 8; p. 11-81. 

Jackson and Sclater, 1938, Birds Kenya Col. and Uganda Prot., 
3, p. 1142-1143, 1138-1144, 1159-1162. 

Bannerman, 1939, Birds Trop. W. Africa, 5, p. 236-303. 

Hornero, 7, 1940, p. 447-450. 

Mayr and Bond, 1943, Ibis, p. 334-341. 

Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves do Brasil, pt. 2, p. 223-225. 

Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Lista Aves Venezuela etc., pt. 2, 
p- 215-221. 

Chapin, 1953, Birds Belg. Congo, 3, p. 728-786. 

Bond, 1956, Check-list Birds West Indies, ed. 4, p. 114-118. 

Amer. Orn. Un. Checkl., 1957, ed. 5, p. 357-366. 

Pseudo-chelidon Hartlaub, 1861, Journ. f. Orn., 9, p. 11. Type, 
by monotypy, Pseudochelidon eurystomina Hartlaub. 

cf. Lowe, 1938, Ibis, p. 429-437. 
Chapin, 1954, Ann. Mus. Congo Belge, Zool., 1, p. 9-15. 


Pseudochelidon eurystomina Hartlaub 
Pseudochelidon eurystomina Hartlaub, 1861, Journ. f. Orn., 9, 
p. 12 — Gaboon. 
Western Africa, breeding on the sand bars and islands of the 
Kasai and middle Congo Rivers between Lukolela and Basoko 
and lower Ubangi River; perhaps migrates to southwestern Gaboon. 

Genus TACHYCINETA Capants 
Tachycineta Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, 1850-51, p. 48. 
Type, by original designation, Hirundo thalassina Swainson. 

Iridoprocne [subgenus] Coues, 1878, Birds Colorado Valley, p. 412. 
Type, by original designation, Hirundo bicolor Vieillot. 

Tree Swallow 

Tachycineta bicolor (Vieillot) 
Hirundo bicolor Vieillot, 1808, Ois. Amer. Sept., 1, (1807), p. 61, 
pl. 31 — center of the United States = New York. 
Breeds from north-central Alaska, southwestern Yukon, west- 
central Mackenzie, central Saskatchewan, central Manitoba, On- 


tario, southern Quebec and central Newfoundland, south to southern 
California, central Nevada, central Utah, western Colorado, Kansas, 
central Missouri, southern Illinois, southern Indiana, central Ohio, 
central Maryland New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island; 
casually farther south. Winters from southern California, south- 
western Arizona, northern Mexico, the Gulf Coast and southeastern 
Virginia, south to southern Baja California, Honduras, Nicaragua, 
Costa Rica, Panama and Cuba. 

Mangrove Swallow 

Tachycineta albilinea rhizophorae (van Rossem) 
Iridoprocne albilinea rhizophorae van Rossem, 1939, Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 52, p. 155 — Tobari Bay, Sonora, Mexico. 
Breeds along the coast of northwestern Mexico from Southern 
Sonora (Guasimas) to Colima (Lajuela). 

Tachycineta albilinea albilinea (Lawrence) 
Petrochelidon albilinea Lawrence, 1863, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. 
New York, 8, no. 1, p. 2 — New Grenada = line of Panama R.R. 
Breeds in the coastal regions of Mexico and Central America from 
Oaxaca on the Pacific side and from southern Tamaulipas (Tam- 
pico) on the Gulf of Mexico, south through Panama. 

Tachycineta albilinea stolzmanni (Philippi) 

Hirundo leucopygia 'Taczanowski, 1880, (ea Stolzmann ms.), Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, p. 192 — Chepen, [Department of Libertad], 
Peru. Not Hirundo leucopyga Meyen, 1834.1 

Hirundo Stolzmanni Philippi, 1902, An. Mus. Nac. Chile, Zool., 
15, p. 23, entr. 15, in text — new name to replace Hirundo 
leucopygia 'Taczanowski. 

Known only from the type locality on the coast of Peru. 


Tachycineta albiventer (Boddaert) 

Hirundo albiventer Boddaert, 1783, Table Pl. Enlum., p. 32 — 
Cayenne, ex Daubenton, pl. 546, fig. 2. 

South America (but not the Pacific slope) from the Magdalena 
Valley in northern Colombia eastward through Venezuela, the 
Island of Trinidad and the Guianas, southward through eastern 
Kcuador, eastern Peru and the greater part of Brazil to south- 
eastern Bolivia (Moxos), Paraguay, northern Argentina (gober- 
naciones of Chaco and Misiones, casually to northern Santa Fé 
Province and Parana). 

1 The spelling of lewcopyga was altered to leucopygia by Gould in Darwin, 
1838, Zool. Voy. Beagle, pt. 3, p. 40. 



Tachycineta leucorrhoa (Vieillot) 
Hirundo leucorrhoa Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, 
p- 519 — Paraguay. 

Breeds in south-central South America from northern Bolivia 
(Chatarona), Paraguay, southern Brazil and Uruguay south to 
northern Argentina (provinces of Tucuman and Buenos Aires; Go- 
bernacion de la Pampa(?)). Exact breeding limits not known; 
recorded, probably as migrant or winter visitor, north to south- 
eastern Peru (Cosnhipata), Mato Grosso (Vila Bela) and Minas Gerais 
(Lagoa Santa). 


Tachycineta leucopyga (Meyen) 

Hirundo leucopyga ““Lichtenstein’”’ Meyen, 1834, Nova Acta Acad. 
Caes. Leop. Carol., 16, suppl. 1, p. 73, pl. 10, fig. 2 — Santiago 
de Chile. 

Petrochelidon Meyeni Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, 1850-51, 
p. 48 — new name for Hirundo leucopyga Meyen. 

Breeds in southern South America from Province of Atacamo, 
Chile on the west and from the Rio Negro (perhaps farther north) 
on the east, south to Tierra del Fuego. Winters in Chile from the 
south-central provinces northward, and in Argentina north to Men- 
doza, Tucuman, Santa Fé and Buenos Aires provinces; exact breed- 
ing and wintering limits in Argentina not fully determined.! 

Violet-green Swallow 

Tachycineta thalassina lepida Mearns 

Tachycineta lepida Mearns, 1902, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 15, 
5 March, p. 31 — Campbell’s ranch in the Laguna Mts., twenty 
miles north of Campo, San Diego County, California. 

Breeds from the Yukon Valley in Alaska, southwestern Yukon, 
southwestern Alberta, central Montana and southwestern South 
Dakota, south to central Baja California, southern Arizona and 
southern New Mexico. Winters from southern California, southern 
Arizona, Chihuahua and Coahuila south to Guatemala, El Salvador 
and Honduras; casually to Costa Rica. 

1 As previous authors have suggested, lewcorrhoa and leucopyga may be 
only subspecifically distinct, but until the possibility of overlap in their 
breeding ranges can be definitely disproved they are best maintained at the 
specific level. Among swallows specific characters are generally more finely 
drawn than in most other families of birds, and this must be borne in mind 
when dealing with apparently representative forms. 


Tachycineta thalassina brachyptera Brewster 

Tachycineta thalassina brachyptera Brewster, 1902, Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zodél., 41, September, p. 167 — Sierra de la Laguna, 
Baja California. 

Breeds in the mountains of central (north to the Sierra Juarez) 
and southern Baja California and in the coastal plain of southern 
Sonora. Winters in the lowlands of southern Baja California and 
possibly in southern Sonora. 

Tachycineta thalassina thalassina (Swainson) 

Hirundo thalassinus Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., n.s., 1, p. 366 
— Real del Monte, Hidalgo, Mexico. 

Mexican plateau region from southern Chihuahua south to Oaxaca, 
Mexico, and Veracruz; possibly descending to the lowlands in winter. 


Callichelidon [Bryant ms.] Baird, 1865, Rev. Amer. Birds, sig. 17, 
p- 271; sig. 19, p. 803. Type, by original designation, Hirundo 
cyaneoviridis Bryant. 

Bahama Swallow 

Callichelidon cyaneoviridis (Bryant) 

Hirundo cyaneoviridis Bryant, 1859, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
7, sig. 8, p. 111 — Nassau, New Providence, Bahama Islands. 

Breeds in the Bahama Islands, probably only on those with pine 
forests, spreading to the other islands after the breeding season. 
A portion of the population appears to winter in eastern Cuba. 


Kalochelidon (subgenus) Bryant, 1866, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 11, sig. 6, p. 95. Type, by monotypy, Hirundo euchrysea 
var. dominicensis Bryant = Hirundo sclateri Cory. 

Lamprochelidon Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16, 
p. 106. Type, by original designation, Hirundo euchrysea Gosse. 

Golden Swallow 
Kalochelidon euchrysea euchrysea (Gosse) 

Hirundo euchrysea Gosse, 1847, Birds Jamaica, p. 68 — higher 
mountains in the center of Jamaica. 

Locally distributed in Jamaica. 
1 Callichelodon, p. 271. 


Kalochelidon euchrysea sclateri (Cory) 
Hirundo euchrysea var. dominicensis Bryant, 1866, Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 11, sig. 6, p. 95 — Port au Prince, Haiti. Not 
Hirundo dominicensis Gmelin. 

Hirundo sclateri Cory, 1884, Auk, 1, p. 2— Santo Domingo. 
Locally distributed in the mountains of Hispaniola. 

Genus PROGNE Bote 

Progne Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 971. Type, by monotypy, 
Hirundo purpurea ‘Gm. Wils. pl. 39, fig. 2”? = Hirundo subis 

Phaeoprogne Baird, 1865, Rev. Amer. Birds, sig. 17, p. 272; 
sig. 18, p. 283. Type, by subsequent designation, Hirundo tapera 
Linnaeus (Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 172). 

cf. Chapman, 1917, Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H., 36, p. 503. 
Todd, 1929, Auk, 46, p. 186-189. 
Zimmer, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1723, p. 1-8. 


Progne tapera tapera (Linnaeus) 

Hirundo Tapera Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 345 — 
America; restricted to eastern Brazil by Berlepsch and Hartert, 
1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 14, and Pernambuco by Pinto, 1940, 
Rev. Mus. Paulista, 1, p. 270. 

Colombia along the Caribbean Coast, the Magdalena Valley, and 
region east of the Eastern Andes, Venezuela, British Guiana, French 
Guiana, Dutch Guiana, southwestern Ecuador and northwestern 
Peru, Brazil on the Rio Jurua, Rio Purts, the Madeira (Alianga, 
and extending up the Rio Beni into Bolivia at Cachuela Esperanza), 
the lower Tapajozs, Xingu, Tocantins and Capim Rivers and south- 
ward to Pernambuco, Bahia and Goiaz. 

Progne tapera fusca (Vieillot) 

Hirundo fusca Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, p. 510 — 

Breeds from eastern Bolivia (Department of Santa Cruz), Mato 
Grosso (north to Descalvados and Guiaba), southern Goiaz (Jaragua, 
Porto do Araguaia), Minas Gerais, and Espirito Santo, south to 
Paraguay, northern Argentina (provinces of La Rioja, Tucuman, 
Cérdoba, Corrientes and Buenos Aires), and Uruguay. Winters in 
northern and eastern Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, eastern 
Peru and northwestern Brazil (Maranhao) and Panama. 

1 The structural modifications upon which this genus is based are out- 
weighed by the otherwise close resemblance to Progne, and the characters 
are best regarded as of specific value. 



Purple Martin 

Progne subis subis (Linnaeus) 

Hirundo subis Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 192 — 
Hudson Bay. 

Hirundo purpurea Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 344 — 
North America = Carolina. 

Progne subis floridana Mearns, 1902, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 24, 
p- 918 — Lake Kissimmee, Florida. 

Breeds from southwestern British Columbia, central Alberta, 
central Saskatchewan, southern Manitoba, southwestern and south- 
eastern Ontario, southern Quebec, Prince Edward Island and central 
Nova Scotia, south through western Washington and western Ore- 
gon to the Mexican border in southern California, also to extreme 
western Nevada, central Arizona, the highlands of Mexico south to 
Jalisco, Guanajuato and Veracruz, south-central Texas, the Gulf 
Coast, and southern Florida. Migrates chiefly through coastal 
Yucatan and Central America and also Florida Keys, Cuba, and 
probably other West Indian Islands; winters from southern Vene- 
zuela, British Guiana and Surinam to southern and eastern Brazil. 

Progne subis hesperia Brewster 
Progne subis hesperia Brewster, 1889 (April), Auk, 6, p. 92 — 
Sierra de la Laguna, Baja California. 

Progne subis oberholsert Brandt, 1951, Arizona and its Bird Life, 
p- 669 — Sahuaro National Monument, 2,500 feet, 15 miles 
east of Tucson, Arizona. 

Breeds in Baja California, the lowlands of southern Arizona and 
coastal region of western Sonora; Tiburén Island. Recorded on 
migration from Nicaragua and western Panama; winter range not 

Progne dominicensis cryptoleuca Baird 

Progne cryptoleuca Baird, 1865, Rev. Amer. Birds, sig. 18, p. 277 
— Cuba and Florida Keys?; type from Remedios, Cuba. 

Breeds in Cuba and the Isle of Pines. Recorded as a migrant from 
Jamaica, Guatemala, and British Honduras; winter range unknown. 

Progne dominicensis dominicensis (Gmelin) 

Hirundo dominicensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 1025 
— Hispaniola. 

1 Progne subis, dominicensis, chalybea, and modesta probably represent 
a superspecies; there is uncertainty as to breeding overlap. 


Breeds in the West Indies in Jamaica, Hispaniola, Ile 4 Vache, 
Mona, Puerto Rico, Vieques, the Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles 
(absent from some of the smaller islands in the Leeward Group), 
and the Island of Tobago. A few remain throughout the year; the 
majority winters in some region unknown. 

Progne dominicensis sinaloae Nelson 
Progne sinaloae Nelson, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12, 
p. 59 — Plomosas, Sinaloa. 

Breeds on the western slopes of the Sierra Madre Occidental 
between 2,500 and 7,500 feet in southwestern Chihuahua, Sinaloa 
and northern Nayarit. A specimen described as intermediate between 
sinaloae and dominicensis recorded from Laguna Perdida, Petén, 
Guatemala.! Winter range unknown. 

Gray-breasted Martin 

Progne chalybea chalybea (Gmelin) 
Hirundo chalybea Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., ed. 2, 1, p. 1026 — 

Casual in southern Texas (Rio Grande City, Hidalgo) and breeds 
in Mexico up to about 5,000 feet elevation from Nayarit on the west 
and Tamaulipas on the east, southward over Central America and 
northern South America to western Ecuador on the Pacific coast, 
and to Peru (Jeberas, Chayavitas, Chamicuros, Yyrimaguas, Moyo- 
bamba, Laguna), northern Brazil south of the Rio Negro and the 
Amazon; eastern Para and northern Maranhao. Perhaps partly 
migratory in the north. 

Progne chalybea domestica (Vieillot) 
Hirundo domestica Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, 
p. 520 — Paraguay. 

Breeds from eastern Bolivia (Department of Santa Cruz) and 
central and eastern Brazil from states of Mato Grosso, Goiaz, Piaui 
and Pernambuco southward to Paraguay, the Argentine provinces 
of Mendoza, Cordoba and Uruguay. Winters north at least to the 
Rio Negro, Brazil. 


Progne modesta modesta Gould. 

Hirundo concolor Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 5, 
p. 22 — Galapagos Archipelago; type from James Island. Not 
Hirundo concolor Sykes, 1832. 

1 Holt, 1926, Auk, 43, p. 550-551. 


Progne Modesta Gould, 1838, in Darwin, Zool. Voy. Beagle, pt. 3, 
pl. 5. New name for concolor 

Central and southern islands of the Galapagos Archipelago. 

Progne modesta elegans Baird 
Progne elegans Baird, 1865, Rev. Amer. Birds, sig. 18, p. 275, 
note. — Rio Bermejo, Argentina = yg. 3 and Q. 
Progne furcata Baird, 1865, Rev. Amer. Birds, sig. 18, p. 278, 
note — Chile = ad. J. 

Breeds from the highlands of Bolivia (north to Cochabamba), 
western Argentina, and eastern Argentina from southern Buenos 
Aires Province south to Chubut. Winters north to the Rio Negro 
and Rio Uaupés in Brazil. 

Progne modesta murphyi Chapman 

Progne murphyi Chapman, 1925, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 187, p. 6 
— cliffs near Talara, coast of northwestern Peru. 

Coast of Peru from Department of Piura south to Department of 
Ica (Hacienda Ocucaje); casual in northern Chile (Chacalluta). 


Notiochelidon Baird, 1865, Rev. Amer. Birds, sig. 17, p. 270 (in 
key), sig. 20, p. 306. Type, by original designation, Atticora 
pileata Gould. 

Pygochelidon Baird, 1865, Rev. Amer. Birds, sig. 17, p. 270 (in 
key), sig. 20, p. 308. Type, by original designation, Hirundo 
cyanoleuca Vieillot. 

Orochelidon Ridgway!, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16, 
p- 106. Type, by original designation, Petrochelidon murina 

cf. Chapman, 1922, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 30, p. 1-15. 

1 Although the original diagnosis of Orochelidon contained mention of 
but the type species, it is evident from Ridgway’s subsequent remarks in 
Birds North and Middle Amer. (pt. 3, p.27, note b) that he considered 
Hirundo andecola to be congeneric with P. murina, indeed a portion of the 
diagnosis ‘‘tail much less than two-thirds as long as wing and forked far 
less than one quarter of its length, nearly even in one species’ indicates 
that this portion at least was based on andecola or an immature murina. 
I can find no significant proportional differences in adults between the tail, 
tail-fork, and the wing-tail ratios that warrant the recognition of Orochelidon; 
the degree of adhesion between the toes of the various species do not strike 
me as of generic importance. The dark undertail-coverts of murina, cyano- 
leuca and pileata argue for close relationship between the three species here 
included in Notiochelidon. 



Notiochelidon murina murina (Cassin)! 

Petrochelidon murina Cassin, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- 

delphia, 6, sig. 53, p. 370 — Ecuador. 

Upper subtropical and temperate zones of Colombia in the Santa 
Marta Mts. and all three Andean ranges chiefly at elevations between 
2,100 and 3,750 meters; temperate zone of the Andes of Ecuador 
and of Peru south to Arequipa. 

Notiochelidon murina meridensis (Zimmer and Phelps) 

Orochelidon murina meridensis Zimmer and Phelps, 1947, Amer. 
Mus. Novit., no. 1338, p. 6 — Llano Rucio, 2,500 meters, Mé- 
rida, Venezuela. 

Temperate zone of the Andes of western Venezuela in states of 
Mérida (Llano Rucio; El Valle; El Escorial) and Trujillo (Teta de 

Notiochelidon murina cyanodorsalis (Carriker) 
Orochelidon murina cyanodorsalis Carriker, 1935, Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 87, p. 338 — Hichuloma, 10,700 feet, 
Yungas R. R., La Paz, Bolivia. 

Known only from the type locality. 


Notiochelidon cyanoleuca cyanoleuca (Vieillot) 

Hirundo cyanoleuca Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, 
p- 509 — Paraguay. 

Costa Rica and western Panama in provinces of Chiriqui and 
Veraguas; Colombia in upper tropical and lower temperate zones; 
subtropical zone of Venezuela; Island of Trinidad; British Guiana, 
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, southern and eastern Brazil from Mato 
Grosso (Chapada), eastern Para (Benevides), Piaui, and Pernambuco 
south to northwestern Argentina (Province of Tucuman), Paraguay, 
and Uruguay. 

Notiochelidon cyanoleuca peruviana (Chapman) 

Pygochelidon patagonica peruviana Chapman, 1922, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 30, p. 7 — Huaral, Lima, Peru. 

Resident on the coast of Peru from Department of Libertad 
(Pacasmayo) to Department of Arequipa. 

Notiochelidon cyanoleuca patagonica (d’Orbigny and Lafres- 
Hirundo patagonica d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Syn. Av. 
in Rev. Zool., p. 69 — Patagonia. 

1 Replaces Atticora cinerea Gmelin of Sharpe’s Hand-list. 


Breeds from the central provinces of Chile, and central Argentina 
(exact northward limits not known but probably north to La Rioja, 
Cordoba (?), southern Entre Rios and Buenos Aires) south to Tierra 
del Fuego. On migration or in winter to northern Chile, northern 
Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, eastern Peru, Colombia, Venezuela 
and Panama; casually to Nicaragua and Chiapas, Mexico. 


Notiochelidon flavipes (Chapman) 
Pygochelidon flavipes Chapman, 1922, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 30, 
p. 8— Maraynioc, 10,850 feet, Junin, Peru. 
Known only from the type from Peru and two additional specimens 
from the Central Andes of Colombia (Laguneta 3,000 meters, 
Caldas; Toche, 2,200 meters, Tolima).! 


Notiochelidon pileata (Gould) 
Atticora pileata Gould, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 26, 
p. 355 — Guatemala. 
Highlands of Guatemala and adjoining part of Chiapas (Triunfo; 
Volean Tacana). 

Genus ATTICORA Bote 

Atticora Boie, 1844, Isis von Oken, col. 172. Type, by subsequent 
designation, Hirundo fasciata Gmelin (Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. 
Subgen. Birds, p. 13). 

Diplochelidon, Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16, 
p-. 106. Type, by original designation, Hirundo melanoleuca 


Atticora fasciata (Gmelin) 
Hirundo fasciata Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 1022 — 

Southeastern Colombia, southern Venezuela, the Guianas, east- 
ern Ecuador, eastern Peru, northern Brazil, south to the Rio Jurua 
(Rio Eiri); Rio Purtis (Bom Lugar); Rio Gi-Parana (Maruins); 
Rio Guapore (Tres Barros); the Para region, and northeastern 
Bolivia in departments of Beni and La Paz. 


Atticora melanoleuca (Wied) 

Hirundo melanoleuca Wied, 1820, Reise Brasilien, 1, p. 345 — 
Rio Grande do Belmonte, Baia. 

1 cf. de Schauensee, 1951, Caldasia, 5, no. 25, p. 878. 


Southeastern Colombia, southern Venezuela, the Guianas, and 
northern and eastern Brazil east of the Rio Negro and the Rio 
Madeira, south to the Rio Guapore (Forte do Principe), the Rio 
Roosevelt (Rio Branco), the Rio Xingu, Rio Tocantins (Arumateua) 
and Bahia (Rio Belmonte). 


Microchelidon Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 39. Type 
by monotypy, Petrochelidon tibialis Cassin. Not Microchelidon 
Reichenbach, 1853. 

Neochelidon Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. [xvi]. New 
name for Microchelidon Sclater preoccupied. 

cf. Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 138, p. 9-12. 


Neochelidon tibialis minimus Chapman 
Neochelidon tibialis minimus Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 138, p. 9, Juntas de Tanana, Rio San Juan [Chocd], Co- 
Panama (Canal Zone; Darien), Colombia in the tropical zone of 
the Pacific coast and the middle Magdalena valley, and western 
Ecuador south to Chimbo. 

Neochelidon tibialis griseiventris Chapman 
Neochelidon griseiventris Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 
138, p. 9 — Candamo [Puno], Peru. 

Southern Colombia (Morelia), southeastern Venezuela (Cerro Auy- 
antepui; Cerro Paurai-tepui; Alto Paragua), eastern Ecuador, east- 
ern Peru in departments of Junin, Cusco, Puno, and Madre de Dios, 
and western Brazil on the upper Jurua (Igarapé Grande). 

Neochelidon tibialis tibialis (Cassin) 

Petrochelidon(?) tibialis Cassin, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi- 
ladelphia, 6, sig. 53, p.370— “probably South America’’; 
Hellmayr, 1935, suggests vicinity of Rio de Janeiro as type 

Southeastern Brazil in states of Espirito Santo (Santa Leopoldina) 

and Rio de Janeiro (Cantagallo). Recorded from Rio Tapajos by 
Zimmer, 1955. 


Alopochelidon Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16, 
p- 106. Type, by original designation, Hirundo fucata Tem- 

cf. Zimmer, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit, no. 1723, p. 16-20. 



Alopochelidon fucata (Temminck) 

Hirundo fucata Temminck, 1822, Pl. col., livr. 27, pl. 161, fig. 1 
— Brazil; vicinity of the City of Sao Paulo suggested as type 
locality by Pinto, 1944, Aves do Brasil, pt. 2, p. 316. 

Venezuela in the mountains of the north coast from El Valle 

to Cumana, and the mountains of eastern Bolivar ;! extreme north- 
ern Brazil in Territory of Rio Branco (opposite Santa Elena, Vene- 
zuela), and southern Brazil in states of Mato Grosso (Trés Lagoas), 
Minas Gerais, SAo Paulo, and Rio Grande do Sul; eastern Peru 
(Urubamba Cafion); Bolivia in departments of Cochabamba (Ele 
Ele) and Tarija (Caiza); Paraguay; Uruguay, northern Argentina 
south to provinces of Mendoza, Cordoba, Santa Fé, Entre Rios and 
Buenos Aires. 


Stelgidopteryx [subgenus] Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Law- 
rence, Rep. Expl. and Surv. R. R. Pacific, 9, p. xxxiv, 312. 
Type, by monotypy, Hirundo serripennis Audubon. 

cf. Griscom, 1929, Proc. New England Zool. Cl., 11, p. 67-72. 
Brodkorb, 1942, Condor, 44, p. 214-217. 

Zimmer, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 1723, p. 16. 

Rough-winged Swallow 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis serripennis (Audubon) 

Hirundo serripennis Audubon, 1838, Orn. Biogr., 4, p. 593 — 
Charleston, South Carolina. 

Breeds from southern British Columbia, southern Alberta, south- 
western Saskatchewan, southeastern Manitoba, southern Ontario, 
central New York, central Vermont, central New Hampshire and 
extreme southern Maine, south to California (except area occupied 
by the next race), western and northern Nevada, northern Utah, 
northern New Mexico, eastern Texas, the Gulf states, and central 
Florida. Winters from the southwestern United States through 
Mexico and Central America to Panama. 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis psammochroa Griscom 
Stelgidopteryx ruficollis psammochrous Griscom, 1929, Proc. New 
England Zool. Cl., 11, p.72—near Oposura, Sonora. 
Breeds from southern California (south of the Tehachi Mts. and 
San Bernardino County), southern Arizona and southern Texas, 

1 Hellmayr suggests the possibility that this swallow occurs in Venezuela 
only as a migrant from the south, but see also Zimmer, 1955. 


southward through the northern coastal plains and the arid interior 
of Mexico to Baja California, Oaxaca, and Tamaulipas. Winters in 
the southern part of its breeding range and south to Chiapas. 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis fulvipennis (Sclater) 
Cotyle fulvipennis Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 27, 
p. 364 — Jalapa, Veracruz. 

Resident in the lowlands and middle altitudes of Mexico (except 
northern Yucatan) and Central America from Michoacan, Guerrero 
and Veracruz south to El Salvador and Honduras and in the high- 
lands to Costa Rica. 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis ridgwayi Nelson 
Stelgidopteryx ridgwayi Nelson, 1901, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 14, p. 174 — Chichén Itza, Yucatan. 

Yucatan Peninsula. 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis stuarti Brodkorb 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis stwarti Brodkorb, 1942, Condor, 44, p. 217 
— Finca Panzamala, Alta Verapaz, Guatamala. 

Mountains of southern Veracruz southward to the highlands of 
Chiapas; Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, and western British Honduras. 
Winters on Yucatan Peninsula, Tabasco and Veracruz. 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis decolor Griscom 
Stelgidopteryx ruficollis decolor Griscom, 1929, Proc. New England 
Zool. Cl., 11, p. 69 — Divala, Chiriqui, Pacific slope of Panama. 
Pacific coast of Central America from the eastern shore of the 
Gulf of Nicoya (Las Agujas)! to western Veraguas. 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis uropygialis (Lawrence) 

Cotyle uropygialis Lawrence, 1863, Ibis, p. 181 — Isthmus of 
Panama = near Lion Hill fide Zimmer, 1955. 

Caribbean lowlands of Central America from southeastern Nicara- 
gua to Darien, southward also in the Pacific lowlands of eastern 
Panama; Colombia in the tropical and subtropical zones of the 
Pacific coast, the Western Andes and the upper Cauca Valley, and 
the subtropical zone of the Central Andes; western Ecuador; north- 
western Peru (Tumbes, Pancal, Lechugal). 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis aequalis Bangs 
Stelgidopteryx ruficollis aequalis Bangs, 1901, Proc. New England 
Zool. Cl., 2, p.58 — Santa Marta, Colombia. 

1 Two specimens from this locality in Mus. Comp. Zoél. tentatively re- 
ferred here. 


Colombia on the Caribbean coast, the lower Cauca and Magdalena 
valleys, the Santa Marta region, and the eastern base of the Eastern 
Andes south to the Intendancia de Meta; Venezuela eastward to 
the Orinoco Delta and south to Territorio de Amazonas and north- 
ern Bolivar; Island of Trinidad. 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis cacabata Bangs and Penard 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis cacabatus Bangs and Penard, 1918, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zodl., 62, no. 2, p. 83 — vicinity of Paramaribo, 

Venezuela in the Gran Sabana region of southeastern Bolivar, 

British Guiana, Surinam and French Guiana; southern limits not 

Stelgidopteryx ruficollis ruficollis (Vieillot) 

Hirundo ruficollis Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, p. 
523 — Brazil. 

Southeastern Colombia in Cemisaria de Caqueta (Morelia); east- 
ern Ecuador; eastern Peru, the greater part of Brazil south of the 
Amazon;! eastern and southern Bolivia in departments of Beni, 
Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and Tarija; Paraguay; northern Argen- 
tina in provinces of Salta, Jujuy, Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre 
Rios and Buenos Aires, and gobernaciones of Formosa and Misiones. 

Cheramoeca Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, 1850-51, p. 49. 
Type, by monotypy, Hirundo leucosternus Gould. 
cf. Hindwood, 1941, Emu, 40, p. 304-307. 

North, 1909, Nests and Eggs of Birds Breeding in Australia 
and Tasmania, 2, pt. 3, p. 238-241. 

Black and White Swallow 

Cheramoeca leucosternum (Gould) 

Hirundo leucosternus [sic] Gould, 1841, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 8, (1840), p. 172 — Naomi River, New South Wales. 

Cheramoeca leucosternum marngli Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 
18, (Jan.), p. 301 — Fitzroy River, North-West Australia. 

Cheramoeca leucosternum stonei Mathews, 1912, Austral Av. Rec., 
1, (Dec.), p. 118 — New South Wales; type from Warialda. 

1 Some race of S. ruficollis occurs on the north bank of the Amazon; 
Pinto tentatively refers specimens from Manacapurti and Itacoatiara to 
r. ruficollis; Hellmayr considers that birds recorded from the Rio Maicurt 
may be referable to r. cacabata. 


Chiefly western, southern and interior of Australia, north to the 
Fitzroy on the west, and in recent years extending to the coast of 
southeastern Queensland (Brisbane River) and New South Wales 
(south to the Nepean River). Apparently unrecorded from Northern 
Territory, northern Queensland and Victoria. 


Pseudhirundo Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 223. 
Type, by original designation, Hirundo griseopyga Sundevall. 


Pseudhirundo ¢griseopyga liberiae Bannerman 
Pseudhirundo griseopyga liberiae Bannerman, 1938, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 58, p.8 — Nanna Kru, Liberia. 

Liberia (Firestone Plantation; Nanna Kru). 

Pseudhirundo griseopyga gertrudis (Grote) 
Hirundo griseopyga gertrudis Grote, 1924, Orn. Monatsb. 32, p. 
72 — Benue near Garua, Adamawa, Cameroons. 
Northeastern Nigeria in Bauchi Plateau and Benue provinces, 
and highlands of northern Cameroons. 

Pseudhirundo griseopyga melbina (Verreaux and Verreaux) 
Atticora melbina J. and E. Verreaux, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool., 
(Paris), (2), 3, p. 310 — Gabon. 
Hirundo Poucheti Petit, 1884, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 8, no. 5-6, 
p. xliii — no locality = Mayoumba, 500-600 meters, lat. 3°S., 
Loango Coast, ex Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 9, 1884, p. 72. 

Gabon, Loango Coast and Cabinda. 

Pseudhirundo griseopyga griseopyga (Sundevall) 

Hirundo griseopyga Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 
7, p. 107 — Durban, Natal. 

Atticora cypseloides Heuglin, 1862, Journ. f. Orn., 10, p. 297 — 

central Ethiopia, 6,000 to 8,000 feet. 

Southern Sudan and Ethiopia southward through Uganda, Kenya, 
Tanganyika, eastern Northern Rhodesia, eastern Southern Rhodesia, 
Nyasaland and Mozambique to Natal, extending westward to 
southeastern Katanga (Mutumbu — Mukulu; upper Lufira), western 
Northern Rhodesia and Ngamiland. 


Riparia T. Forster, 1817, Synop. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 17. Type, 
by monotypy and tautonymy, Riparia europaea Forster = 
Hirundo riparia Linnaeus. 


Clivicola T. Forster, tom. cit., p. 55. New name for Riparia For- 

Cotile Boie, 1822, Isis von Oken, 10 (1), col. 550. Type, by mono- 
typy, Hirundo riparia Linnaeus. 

Martula Wood, 1836, Orn. Guide, p. 183. Type, by monotypy,! 
Hirundo riparia Linnaeus. 

Neophedina Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 224. Type, 
by original designation, Hirundo cincta Boddaert. 

Cheimonornis Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 224. Type, 
by original designation, Hirundo paludicola Vieillot. 

cf. Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1529, p. 4-11, map. 

African Sand Martin 

Riparia paludicola mauritanica (Meade-Waldo) 
Cotile mauritanica Meade-Waldo, 1901, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 
p- 27 — Wad Moorbei [= Oued Oum R’bia], Rehamra, Morocco. 
Western Morocco (Oued Oum R’bia; Oued Tensift; Oued Sous). 

Riparia paludicola minor (Cabanis) 
Cotyle minor Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein. Th. 1, 1850-51, p. 49 — 
North-East Africa = Dongola. 
Cotile sudanensis Alexander, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 21, p. 88 
— Bulturi, Lake Chad. 
Riparia minor schoensis Reichenow, 1920, Journ. f. Orn., 68, p. 
88 — Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

Northern Africa from the French Sudan (Ségou, on the Niger 
about lat. 6° W.) eastward through central Nigeria (Lokoja), Lake 
Chad, Darfur, Kordofan, Bahr el Ghazal and the upper Blue Nile 
to Ethiopia. 

Riparia paludicola newtoni Bannerman 
Riparia paludicola newtoni Bannerman, 1937, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
58, p. 31 — Bambulue, 4,800 feet, near Bamenda, British Ca- 
Southeastern Nigeria where confined to the mountainous country 
near Bamenda. 

Riparia paludicola ducis Reichenow 
Riparia ducis Reichenow, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 16, p. 81 — west- 
ern Ruanda. 

Riparia paludicola dohertyi Hartert, 1910, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
25, p. 95 — “Mau Escarpment, 8,000 feet’ = Kikuyu, Kenya 

1 See 15th Rept., B.O. U. Comm., Ibis, 1939, p. 521. 


Riparia nigricans Madarasz, 1911, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 
9, p. 339 — Mto-ya-Kifaru, Tanganyika Territory. 

Riparia minor centralis Reichenow, 1920, Journ. f. Orn., 68, p. 
88 — Bukoba, Lake Victoria. 

Uganda; Kivu Dist., Belgian Congo; Kenya Colony and Tanga- 
nyika Territory. 

Riparia paludicola paludicola (Vieillot) 
Hirundo paludicola Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, 
p. 511 — South Africa, ex Levaillant, Ois, d’Afr. pl. 246, fig. 2. 

Cotile pembertoni Hartert, 1902, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, p. 76 — 
Dondo, Cuanza River, Angola. 

Southern Africa from Benguela, Lake Bangweulu, Northern Rho- 
desia and the Zambesi southward. 

Riparia paludicola cowani (Sharpe) 
Cotile Cowani Sharpe, 1882, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 
16, no. 92, p. 322 — Ankafana Forest, Betsileo, Madagascar. 
Madagascar, in the humid east (500-1,800 meters). 

Riparia paludicola chinensis (Gray) 
Hirundo chinensis J. E. Gray, 1830, in Gray and Hardwicke’s 
Illustr. Indian Zool., 1, pt. 2, pl. 35, fig. 3 — no locality. 
Clivicola bilkewitschi Zarudny, 1910, Orn. Monatsb. 18, p. 147 — 
Termez on the banks of the Amu Darja. 

Riparia chinensis tantilla Riley, 1935, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 48, p. 147 — Laoag River, below Padsan, [locos Norte, 
Luzon, Philippine Islands. 

Eastern Buchara, northern India eastward to Assam, Burma, 
southern Yunnan (Szemao), and northwestern Tonkin, south to the 
Bombay Presidency, Cuttack, Tenasserim, Thailand, and Laos; 
Ceylon(?); Formosa,; Luzon, Philippines. 

Riparia congica (Reichenow) 
Cotile congica Reichenow, 1887, Journ. f. Orn., 35, p. 300 — 
Manyanga, between Vivi and Stanley Pool, lower Congo. 
Known only from the lower and middle Congo River. 

Sand Martin or Bank Swallow 
Riparia riparia riparia (Linnaeus) 

Hirundo riparia Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 192 — 
Europe = Sweden. 


Hirundo cinerea Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, p. 526 
— Europe, Siberia, North America. 

Hirundo litoralis ““Hemprich”’ Gloger, 1833, Das Abéndern der V6- 
gel, p. 154 — southern Europe; types from Montpellier, France. 

Hirundo riparia americana Wied, 1858, Journ. f. Orn., 6, p. 101 
— upper Missouri, ex Audubon, 1840, Birds. Amer., 1, p. 187, 
pl. 50. 

Clivicola riparia maximiliant Stejneger, 1885, Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., no. 29, p. 378, note. New name to replace Hirundo cinerea 
Vieillot, 1817, not of Latham, 1790. 

Riparia riparia fuscocollaris Tschusi, 1912, Orn. Jahrb., 23, p. 
216 — Castelnuovo, Dalmatia. 

Riparia riparia kolymensis Buturlin, 1917, Orn. Mitt., 8, p. 82 
— delta of the Kolyma, lat. 69° 4’ N. 

Breeds in America from north-central Alaska, southern Yukon, 
northwestern and south-central Mackenzie, east-central Manitoba, 
northern Ontario, southern Quebec, southern Labrador, southwest- 
ern Newfoundland, to southern California, western Nevada, northern 
Utah, Colorado, northern Oklahoma, southern Illinois, southern Indi- 
ana, eastern Kentucky, central West Virginia, and in the Old World 
from the Hebrides, the Orkneys, northern Norway, Finland, Arkhan- 
gelsk, the mouths of the Pechora, lat. 64° N. on the Yenisei, the 
Delta of the Kolyma, and Anadyr, the Mediterranean (locally in 
Algeria and Tunisia), Palestine, Iran, Transcaspia, the Altai, and 
the steppe region of Minusinsk (boundaries between this race and 
ijimae in eastern Siberia imperfectly known). Winters in northern 
and central South America south to Peru, Bolivia (casually to 
northwestern Argentina), Paraguay and central Brazil, and in Africa 
in small numbers south to Sierra Leone and in larger numbers from 
the Anglo Egyptian Sudan south to Tanganyika Territory and 
Kenya Colony, casually to the Transvaal. 

Riparia riparia ijimae (Lonnberg) 

Clivicola riparia wjimae Lonnberg, 1908, Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. 

Univ. Tokyo, 23, art. 14, p. 38 — Tretiya Padj, Sakhalin. 

Breeds in northeastern Asia from the Sayan Mts., sources of the 
Nizhnyaya Tunguska, the upper Lena, the Aldan, Kamchatka, and 
the Kurile Islands, south to southeastern Transbaicalia, the Kentei 
Mts., the Amur, Sakhalin, and Hokkaido, Alaska, where presumably 
accidental. Winter range imperfectly known but recorded from 
Burma, Thailand, Indochina, the Philippines and Borneo. 

?Riparia riparia taczanowskii Stegmann 
Riparia riparia taczanowskii Stegmann, 1925, Compt. Rend. Acad. 
Sci. Russie, p. 39 — Sidemi, Ussuri. 
Riparia riparia stétzneriana Meise, 1934, Abh. Ber. Mus. Tierk. 
Dresden, 18, no. 2, p. 48 — Harbin, Manchuria. 


Breeds in Manchuria and Ussuri; winter range not known. Doubt- 
fully distinct from R. r. ijimae. 

Riparia riparia tibetana Stegmann 
Riparia riparia tibetana Stegmann, 1925, Compt. Rend. Acad. 
Sci. Russie, p. 39 — Dza-chu, Tsaidan, Koko Nor, Oring Nor 
and upper Chuan-che; restricted to the Dza-chu, Kham region, 

Breeds in central Asia from Tsaidam east to Koko Nor and south 
to Oring Nor and the Kham country of western Sikang; the birds 
recorded by Stuart Baker under name of R. r. ijimae as breeding 
in eastern Assam may be referable here. Winter range not known. 

Riparia riparia diluta (Sharpe and Wyatt) 

Cotile diluta Sharpe and Wyatt, 1893, Monogr. Hirund., 1, p. 
[41] (in key), p. [63] — Badan River near the Fortress of Chim- 

Riparia riparia plumipes Zarudny, 1916, Orn. Mitt., 7, p. 34 — 
eastern Syr Darya, Ferghana and Samarkand. 

Riparia riparia innominata Zarudny, 1916, Orn. Mitt., 7, p. 36, 
in text — Tashkent. 

Breeds from the Kirghiz Steppes, the middle Syr Darya, central 
and southeastern Altai, and western Mongolia, south to eastern 
Tran, possibly Baluchistan, Buchara, Ferghana, the Tien Shan and 
Dzungaria. Winters in northwestern India south to Sind and the 

Riparia riparia fokienensis (La Touche) 
Cotile fokienensis La Touche, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 23, p. 
17 — Fukien; cotypes from Shaowufu (3), and Foochow (@).1 

Central and southern China in provinces of Szechwan, south 
Shensi(?), Hupeh, Kiangsu, Chekiang, and Fukien. Recorded as 
present March to November; winter range not known but has been 
taken in Tonkin (Backan). 

Riparia riparia indica Ticehurst 

Riparia riparia indica Ticehurst, in Whistler, 1916, Ibis, p. 70 
—Jhelum, Punjab. 

Afghanistan and northern India from Garhwal and Nepal to 
Buxa Doars, south to Sind, Punjab, United Provinces and Bihar. 

Riparia riparia shelleyi (Sharpe) 
Cotyle littoralis ““Hempr. and Ehr. ms.”’ Heuglin, 1869, Orn. Nord- 

ost-Afr., 1, p. 166 — Dongola. Not Hirundo litoralis Gloger, 
1833, which = Hirundo riparia Linnaeus. 

1 See Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoél., 70, no. 4, p. 290. 


Cotile shelleyi Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 96 (in 
key), p. 100 — Egypt. 

Breeds in lower Egypt in the Wadi Natrun, the Delta, Faiyum 
and Suez Canal region; chiefly migratory, the majority winters 
along the Red Sea coast, in the Sudan and Nile Valley south to 
about lat. 12° N. 


Riparia cincta erlangeri Reichenow 
Riparia cincta erlangerit Reichenow, 1905, Journ. f Orn., 53, p. 
673 — Ethiopia. 
Ethiopia; a specimen in the Mus. Comp. Zool. from Mongalla, 
Upper White Nile, appears referable to this race. 

Riparia cincta suahelica van Someren 

Riparia cincta suahelica van Someren, 1922, Novit. Zool., 29, p. 
90 — Escarpment, Kenya Colony. 

Uganda and Kenya Colony from Toro to the Aberdare Range 
and Nairobi, extending southward into northern Tanganyika Terri- 

Riparia cincta parvula Amadon 

Riparia cincta parvula Amadon, 1954, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 
1656, p. 2 — Luluabourg, Kasai, Belgian Congo. 

Savannahs of the southern Belgian Congo and southern French 
Equatorial Africa. 

Riparia cincta cincta (Boddaert) 

Hirundo Cincta Boddaert, 1783, Table Pl. enlum., p. 45 — Cape 
of Good Hope, ex Daubenton, pl. 723, fig. 1. 

South Africa from Angola, southern Congo, Rhodesia and Natal, 
south to Cape Province; recorded from Gold Coast (Ghana), North- 
ern Nigeria, Principé Island, northern Cameroons, Shari River and 

Genus PHEDINA BonaPparTE 

Phedina Bonaparte, 1857, Riv. Contemp., Torino, 9, p. 210. Type, 
by subsequent designation, Hirundo borbonica Gmelin (Sharpe, 
1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 122). 


Phedina borbonica borbonica (Gmelin) 

Hirundo borbonica Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 1017 — 
Bourbon = Mauritius. 

Mascarene Islands: Mauritius; La Réunion. 


Phedina borbonica madagascariensis Hartlaub 
Phedina madagascariensis Hartlaub, 1860, Journ. f. Orn., 8, p. 83 
— Madagascar. 
Madagascar; occasional in East Africa (Pemba Island; Lake 
Chilwa, near Zomba, Nyasaland). 


Phedina brazzae Oustalet 
Phedina Brazzae Oustalet, 1886, Le Naturaliste, 8, p. 300 — 
Ganciu; 7. e. Nganchu, middle Congo River. 
Southern Belgian Congo where known from type locality near 
Kwamouth; Luluabourg, Kasai and Lunda, Angola. 


Ptyonoprogne Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 87, fig. [6]. 
Generic details only; species added, Parzudaki, 1857, Cat. Ois. 
Europe (1856), p. 8. Type, Hirundo rupestris Scopoli.* 

Krimnochelidon Tickell, 1876, in Walden, Ibis, p. 356. Type, by 
subsequent designation, C’. concolor = Hirundo concolor (Sharpe, 
1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 95). 

cf. Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 62, 
p- 49-51. 
Lynes, 1926, Ibis, p. 402-405. 
Meinertzhagen, 1930, in Nicoll’s Birds Egypt, 1, p. 310-312. 
Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1529, p. 11-18. 

Crag Martin 

Ptyonoprogne rupestris rupestris (Scopoli) 

Hirundo rupestris Scopoli, 1769, Annus 1, Hist.-Nat., p. 167 — 

Cotile obsoleta sarda Arrigoni, 1902, Avicula, 6, p. 103 — Capo 
Caccia and Capo 8. Elia, Sardinia. 

1 Like many previous authors, I have been tempted to reduce all the 
forms of Piyonoprogne to races of a single species, and Meinertzhagen has 
actually done so. There are however certain objections to this course, 
that have been pointed out by Grant and Mackworth-Praed. In the first 
place rwpestris and obsoleta have been recorded as breeding in the same 
spot in Palestine; in the second place both obsoleta and rufigula breed in 
Eritrea (though perhaps not together). As has been pointed out by many 
authors and emphasized by Mayr and Bond, the affinities of this genus 
are not with Riparia but with Hirundo from which however it is generi- 
cally separable. 

2 Biblis Lesson, 1837, in Suite 4 Buffon, p. 44 fide Sherborn (not sighted) ; 
not Biblis Fabricius, 1807, Insecta. 



Riparia rupestris centralasica Stachanov, 1933, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 53, p. 184 — Yawata, Ala Shan. 

Breeds in the mountains of southern Europe; southwestern and 
central Asia, from the Pyrenees, southern France and the entire 
Alpine region, the Crimea, Caucasus, northern Iran, Buchara, Fer- 
ghana, central and southeastern Altai, Tannu Tuva, and southwest- 
ern Manchuria south to (including most of the islands in the Mediter- 
ranean), Morocco (El Kantara), northern Algeria (Gorge de Chiffa), 
Greece, Asia Minor, Palestine, northern Baluchistan, the Himalayas 
and western Szechwan. Winters within the breeding range (except 
northern portions) south to the northern border of the Sahara, 
the Sudan, Ethiopia, Arabia, and southern India. 

Ptyonoprogne rupestris theresae (Meinertzhagen) 

Riparia rupestris therese Meinertzhagen, 1939, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 59, p. 66 — Tzi n’ Test, 6,300 feet, High Atlas, Morocco. 

Southern Morocco where known only from the southern slopes 
of the Grand Atlas (Onarzazate District; Tzi n’ Test). 


Ptyonoprogne obsoleta spatzi (Geyr) 
Cotyle ruspestris [sic] spatzi Geyr, 1916, Orn. Monatsb., 24, p. 59 
— Gara Djenoun [= Garet el Djenoun], Tuareg Mts. 
South-central Algeria (Ahaggar Massif). 

Ptyonoprogne obsoleta presaharica (Vaurie) 
Hirundo obsoleta presaharica Vaurie, 1953, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1640, p. 1 — Biskra, Southern Algeria. 
Presaharian Atlas (Biskra and Beni Ounif) of Algeria. 

Ptyonoprogne obsoleta buchanani (Hartert) 
Riparia obsoleta buchanani Hartert, 1921, Novit. Zool., 28, p. 112 
— Mt. Baguezan, Asben, French Sahara. 
French West Africa on the Air Massif. 

Ptyonoprogne obsoleta obsoleta (Cabanis) 

Cotyle obsoleta Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, (1850-51), p. 50 
—northeast Africa; restricted to “lower Egypt on the right 
bank of the Nile in the region of Cairo and the neighboring 
Mogattam Hills’, by Vaurie, 1951, p. 16. 

Riparia rupestris reichenowi Zedlitz, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 16, 
p- 177 — Suez, “northern Arabia’. 

Egypt, the Sudan in the Nile Valley, Sinai, the Dead Sea depres- 

sion and southwestern Iran (Zagros Mts.). 


Ptyonoprogne obsoleta arabica (Reichenow) 
Riparia arabica Reichenow, 1905, Vog. Afr., 3, pt. 2, p. 828 — 
Lahej, Arabia. 

Kassala Province of the Sudan, Eritrea, Somaliland, Yemen, the 
Aden Protectorate, and Socotra Island. 

Ptyonoprogne obsoleta perpallida (Vaurie) 
Hirundo obsoleta perpallida Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 
1529, p. 15 — Hofuf, Hasa district, eastern Saudi Arabia. 

Probably ranges along the coastal districts of eastern Saudi Arabia 
from the head of the Persian Gulf southward to Hofuf. 

Ptyonoprogne obsoleta pallida Hume 

Ptionoprogne [sic] Pallida Hume, 1872, Stray Feathers, 1, p. 1, 
— “the Gaj, the Nurrinai and other small streams that issue 
from the bare stony hills that divide Suidh from Kelat...the 
rocky headland of Minora...Kurrachee Harbour. ..and along 
the Mekran Coast’’. 

Eastern Iran, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, the Northwest Frontier 
Provinces and Sind. 


Ptyonoprogne fuligula pusilla (Zedlitz) 
Riparia rupestris pusilla Zedlitz, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 16, p. 177 
— Asmara, 3,000 meters, Highland of Eritrea. 
Darfur eastward to Eritrea and Ethiopia. 

Ptyonoprogne fuligula rufigula (Fischer and Reichenow) 

Cotyle rufigula Fischer and Reichenow, 1884, Journ. f. Orn., 32, 

p. 53 — Lake Naivasha. 

Northern Nigeria eastward across southern Chad to the upper 
White Nile (Lado) and southwestern Ethiopia (Kullo), south to 
northeastern Belgian Congo (Gaima Mt.), Uganda, Lake Kivu and 
northern Tanganyika Territory; some race of this species occurs 
in northeastern Angola (Pungo N’dongo). 

Ptyonoprogne fuligula birwae Bates 

Ptyonoprogne obsoleta birwae Bates, 1930, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
51, p. 48 — Kulikoro, French Sudan. 

Sierra Leone (Birwa Peak) and French Sudan (Koulikoro). 

Ptyonoprogne fuligula bansoensis (Bannerman) 

Riparia rufigula bansoensis Bannerman, 1923, Bull Brit. Orn. Cl., 
44, p.5 — Bamenda, 4,750 feet, Cameroon highlands. 


Highlands of the “British Cameroons” region of southeastern 

Ptyonoprogne fuligula fusciventris Vincent 
Ptyonoprogne rufigula fusciventris Vincent, 1933, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
CL, 53, p. 148 — Namuli Mt. 6,200 feet, Quelimane Province, 
Mozambique (lat. 15° 21’ S.; long. 37° 04’ W.). 
Southern Tanganyika Territory in the Iringa Highlands, Nyasa- 
land, Mashonaland, and north Mozambique. 

Ptyonoprogne fuligula anderssoni (Sharpe and Wyatt) 
Cotile anderssoni Sharpe and Wyatt, 1887, Monogr. Hirundinidae, 
1, p. [119] — Damaraland; type from Daviep. 
ee Angola south to Little Namaqualand and Griqualand 

Ptyonoprogne fuligula fuligula (Lichtenstein) 
Hirundo fuligula Lichtenstein, 1842, Verz. Siugth. Vog. Kaffern- 
land, p. 18 — Kaffirland, = Grahamstown, Cape Province, by 
designation of Roberts, 1922. 

Western Transvaal to Cape Province and Natal. 

?Ptyonoprogne fuligula pretoriae Roberts 
Ptyonoprogne fuligula pretoriae Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 8, p. 224 — Pretoria, Transvaal. 
Northern and central Transvaal (Drakensberg; Pretoria): doubt- 
fully distinct from P. f. fuligula. 


Ptyonoprogne concolor concolor (Sykes) 
Hirundo concolor Sykes, 1832, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 2, p. 83 — the Dukhun. 
India from the Himalayas south to the Nilgiri Hills and east 
to Bihar and western Bengal. 

Ptyonoprogne concolor sintaungensis (Stuart Baker) 
Krimnochelidon concolor sintaungensis Stuart Baker, 1933, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 54, p. 24 — Sintaung, 6,000 feet, Southern Shan 
Southern Shan States, mountains of northern Thailand, north- 
western Tonkin, northeastern Laos, and northern Annam. 


Hirundo Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 191. Type, by 
subsequent designation, Hirwndo rustica Linnaeus (G. R. Gray, 
1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 8). 


Hypurolepis Gould, 1868, Birds Asia, pt. 20, text to pl. [13], 
[= 1, text to pl. 32 of volume]. Type, by subsequent designa- 
tion, Hirundo domicola Jerdon (Salvadori, 1881, Orn. Pap. 
Mol; pt.2; p:1): 

Hemicecrops Bonaparte, 1857, Riv. Contemp., Torino, 9, p. 210. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Hirundo dimidiata Sundevall 
(Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 123). 

Uromitus! Bonaparte, 1857, Riv. Contemp., Torino, 9, p. 210. 
Type, by monotypy, Hirundo filifera Stephens. 

Natalornis Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 222. Type, 
by monotypy, Hirundo atrocaerulea Sundevall. 

Charitochelidon (subgenus) Wolters, 1943, Zool. Anz., 143, p. 190. 
Type, by original designation, Hirundo albigularis Strickland. 

cf. Benson, 1949, Ostrich, 20, p. 137-145 (races of dimidiata). 
Friedmann, 1937, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., no. 153, p. 40-44. 
Mayr, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 709, p. 11-13 (H. tahitica). 
Roberts, 1940, Birds South Africa, p. 204-207 (nos. 493-498 incl.). 
White, 1936, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 57, p. 26-28 (Australian races 

of H. tahitica). 
Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1529, p. 19-27. 

The Swallow, Barn Swallow 

Hirundo rustica rustica Linnaeus 
Hirundo rustica Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 191 — 
Europe, restricted type locality Sweden. 
Hirundo rustica sawitzkii Loudon, 1904, Orn. Jahrb., 15, p. 54 
— Turkestan and Transcaspia. 
Hirundo rustica loudoni Zarudny, 1923, Izvest. Turkest. Md. 
Russk. Geogr. Obcht., 16, p. 82 — Djarkent, Turkestan. 

Hirundo rustica afghanica Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 

ton, 52, p. 75 — Baghlan, Afghanistan. 

Hirundo rustica ambigua Stresemann, 1940, Orn. Monatsb., 48, 

p. 89 — Gangtok, 1,870 meters, Sikkim. 

Breeds in Europe, western Asia and northwestern Africa from 
the British Isles, Lapland, and the lower Pechora eastward to the 
valley of the Yenisei (north to about lat. 64° N), south to Morocco, 
Algeria, Tunisia, Crete, Cyprus, Asia Minor, Iran, Baluchistan, and 
the Himalayas to Sikkim. Winters in Africa from about lat. 12° N 
to Cape Province; India; Ceylon. 

Hirundo rustica transitiva (Hartert) 

Chelidon rustica transitiva Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, 
Heft 6, p. 802 — Plains of Esdraclon, Palestine. 

1 Spelling has been altered to Uromitrus or Uromitris by various authors. 


Breeds in Asia Minor from Lebanon southward. Partially resident, 
but specimens ascribed to this race have been taken in winter in 
Sinai, Egypt, Kenya and Uganda. 

Hirundo rustica savignii Stephens 

Hirundo Savignii Stephens, 1817, in Shaw’s Gen. Zool., 10, pt. 1, 
p- 90 — Egypt. 
Resident in Egypt from the Delta south to Luxor. 

Hirundo rustica gutturalis Scopoli 

Hirundo gutturalis Scopoli, 1786, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., 
fase. 2, p. 96 — “in nova Guiana’ = Antigua, Panay, Philip- 
pine Island, ex Sonnerat, Voy. a la Nouvelle Guinée, p. 118, 
pl. 76. 

Breeds from the northeastern Altai, Krasnoyarsk, the Alashan, 
northern China (boundaries uncertain), Korea, Sakhalin(?), Kurile 
Islands(?), and Hokkaido south to Assam(?), northeastern Burma, 
southern and southeastern China, and Formosa. Winters from India, 
Burma, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, Indochina and the Philip- 
pines through the Sunda Islands eastward through Celebes, the 
Moluccas, western New Guinea and the Aru Islands to northern 

Hirundo rustica tytleri Jerdon 
Hirundo Tytleri Jerdon, 1864, Birds India, 3, p. 870 — Dacca. 
Hirundo baicalensis Dybowski and Taczanowski, 1884, Bull. Soc. 
Zool. France, 9, p. 151 — vicinity of Irkutsk, Lake Baikal, 
and Dauria. 

Breeds in central Siberia from the Podkamanaya Tunguska east- 
ward to Yakutsk and south to Nizhneudinsk and northern Mongolia 
(Khangai Mts., Ualan Bator; Kentei Mts.). Migrates through west- 
ern China and winters in eastern Bengal, Assam, southern Yunnan 
and Burma; one record for Annam. 

Hirundo rustica mandschurica Meise 
Hirundo rustica mandschurica Meise, 1934, Abhandl. Ber. Mus. 
Dresden, 18, no. 2, p. 46 — Harbin, Manchuria. 

Breeds in Manchuria, the region of the upper and middle Amur 
and Ussuriland. Migrates through eastern China; probably winters 
in southeastern Asia. A winter specimen from Long Navang, Borneo 
appears to be referable to this form. 

?Hirundo rustica saturata Ridgway 

Hirundo saturata (Stejneger ms.) Ridgway, 1883 (June), Proc. 
U.S. Nat. Mus., 6, p. 95 — Petropavlovsk. Kamchatka. 


Hirundo rustica kamtschatica Dybowski, 1883 (Nov.?), Bull. Soc. 
Zool. France, 8, pt. 4, p. 356 — Kamchatka; type from Petro- 

Hirundo borealis Dybowski and Taczanowski, 1884, Bull. Soc. 
Zool. France, 9, p. 151 — Kamchatka; same type specimen as 

Breeds in eastern Siberia along the shores of the Sea of Okhotsk 

and in Kamchatka; status uncertain. 

Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert 

Hirundo erythrogaster Boddaert, 1783, Table Pl. enlum., p. 45 
— Cayenne, ex Daubenton Pl. enlum., pl. 724, fig. 1. 

Hirundo erythrogaster palmeri Grinnell, 1902, Condor, 4, p. 71 — 
Amaknak Island, Unalaska Harbor, Alaska. 

Hirundo rustica insularis Burleigh, 1942, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. 
Louisiana State Univ., no. 11, p. 179 —Ship Island, sixteen 
miles off shore from Gulfport, Mississippi. 

Breeds in North America from north-central Alaska, western 
Mackenzie, southern Saskatchewan, southern Manitoba, southern 
Ontario, southeastern Quebec and southwestern Newfoundland, 
south to northwestern Baja California, south-central Mexico, west- 
ern Texas, Oklahoma, northern Arkansas, Tennessee, northern 
Alabama, northwestern North Carolina, central Virginia, and along 
the Atlantic coast to southern North Carolina; breeds also along the 
Gulf Coast from southern Mississippi to western Florida. Migrates 
through Mexico, Central America and the West Indies and winters 
in Panama and South America south to central Chile, northern 
Argentina and Brazil. 


Hirundo lucida lucida Hartlaub 

Hirundo lucida “J. Verreaux”’ Hartlaub, 1858, Journ. f. Orn., 6, 
p. 42 — Casamance River, Senegal. 
West Africa from Senegal through Portuguese Guinea and French 

Guinea to northern Sierra Leone and the northern territories of 
Gold Coast (Ghana). 

Hirundo lucida clara Bates 

Hirundo lucida clara Bates, 1932, Bull. Brit Orn. Cl., 53, p.9 
—70 miles east of Wagadugu, Upper Volta. 

1 In 1935 Dementiev regarded the populations of Hirundo rustica in- 
habiting eastern Siberia, Kamchatka, the Amur region and Manchuria as 
dimorphic and united them all under the name of kamschatika. In 1936 
he went a step farther; finding that he was unable to distinguish them from 
North American birds he referred the aggregate to erythrogaster (as also he 
did in 1954 ed.). Much additional material from these regions is necessary 
before the status of this northeast Asiatic population can be finally determined. 


Southern edge of the Sahara in French West Africa from Tim- 
buktu to Zinder and south to the Wagadugu district of Upper 

Hirundo lucida subalaris Reichenow 

Hirundo lucida subalaris Reichenow, 1905, Vog. Afr. 3, pt. 2, 
p- 829 — Congo = Stanley Falls fide Bannerman, 1939. 

Upper Congo in the region about Stanleyville and on the lower 
Lindi River and Stanley Pool. 

Hirundo lucida rothschildi Neumann 

Hirundo rothschildi Neumann, 1904, Orn. Monatsb., 12, p. 143 
—Schubba, Kaffa, Ethiopia. 

Central and southwestern Ethiopia. 


Hirundo angolensis arcticincta Sharpe 

Hirundo arcticincta Sharpe, 1891, Ibis, p. 119 — Mt. Elgon, 7,000 
feet, eastern Africa. 

Uganda, western Kenya and northwestern Tanganyika (Kome 

Hirundo angolensis angolensis Bocage 

Hirundo angolensis Barboza du Bocage, 1868, Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat., Acad. Sci. Lisboa, 2, no. 5, p. 47 — Huilla, Angola. 

Belgian Congo eastward to the Ruanda-Urundi District and the 
Kondoa, Kasauli and Rungwe districts of Tanganyika south through 
Angola to Ovamboland, the Okavanggo River, the Katanga (Moba; 
Baudouinville) and northern Nyasaland (Nyika Plateau). 

House Swallow, Coast Swallow, Pacific Swallow 

Hirundo tahitica domicola Jerdon 
Hirundo domicola Jerdon, 1844, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 13, pt. 1, 
p. 173 — Nilgiris. 
Hills of southern India; Ceylon. 

Hirundo tahitica abbotti (Oberholser) 

Hypurolepis javanica abbotti Oberholser, 1917, Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., no. 98, p. 32 — Pulo Manguan, Anamba Islands. 

Hypurolepis javanica mallopega Oberholser, 1926, Journ. Washing- 
ton Acad. Sci., 16, p.515— Mt. Santo Tomas, 5,250 feet, 
Benguet, Luzon, Philippine Islands. 


Hypurolepis javanica mesata Oberholser, 1932, Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., no. 159, p. 51 — Pulo Seraia, Natuna Islands. 

Malay Peninsula, Rhio Archipelago, Sumatra (except Lampongs 
District), Billiton, Mendanau, Tambelan Islands, Anamba Islands, 
Natuna Islands, Borneo, Karimata Islands, North Bornean Islands, 
Philippine Islands, Botel Tobago, and Kasho To. 

Hirundo tahitica namiyei (Stejneger) 
Chelidon namiyei Stejneger, 1887, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 9 (1886), 
p. 646 — Urassoimagiri, Okinawa, Ryu Kyu Islands. 
Riu Kiu Islands. 

Hirundo tahitica javanica Sparrman 
Hirundo javanica Sparrman, 1789 (late), Mus. Carlsonianum, fasc. 
4, no. 3, pl. 100 — Java. 
Hypurolepis javanica hypolampra Oberholser, 1926, Journ. Wash- 
ington Acad. Sci., 16, p. 515 — Lafau, Nias Island. 

Sumatra (Lampongs District), Nias Island, Java, Kangean Islands. 

Hirundo tahitica frontalis Quoy and Gaimard 
Hirundo frontalis Quoy and Gaimard, 1830, Voy. ‘Astrolabe’, 
Zool., 1, p. 204, Atlas, Ois., pl. 12, fig. 1 — Dorey [1.e. Manok- 
wari], New Guinea. 
Hirundo tahitica viridissima Meise, 1929, Journ. f. Orn., 77, p. 
462 — Madu and Kalaotoa, Flores Sea. 

Talaud Islands, Sangihe Islands, Celebes and adjacent islands, 
Sula Islands, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Kalaotoa, Madu, Sumba, 
Sawu, Timor, Wetar, Roma, Kisar, Babar, Timorlaut, Kei Islands, 
Moluccas, western Papuan Islands, Aru Islands, islands in Geel- 
vink Bay, New Guinea, D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago, Rook Island. 

Hirundo tahitica ambiens Mayr 
Hirundo tahitica ambiens Mayr, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 709, 
p. 12 — Wide Bay, New Britain. 

New Britain. 

Hirundo tahitica subfusca Gould 

Hirundo subfusca Gould, 1856, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 24, 
p- 187 — Moala, Fiji Islands. 

Bismarck Archipelago (except New Britain), Solomon Islands, 
Santa Cruz Islands, Banks Islands, New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, 
New Hebrides, Fiji Islands, Tonga Islands (Nomuka; Kelefesia 


Hirundo tahitica tahitica Gmelin 

Hirundo tahitica Gmelin, 1789 (April), Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 
1016 — Tahiti. 

Society Islands. 

Hirundo tahitica carteri (Mathews) 

Chelidon javanica cartert Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p. 300, 
— Broome Hill, Western Australia. 

Western Australia north to the King River; Bernier Island; 
Point Cloates. 

Hirundo tahitica parsonsi White 

Hirundo tahitica parsoni [sic]! C. M. N. White, 1936, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 57, p. 27 — Bartle Frere, Queensland. 

Queensland from Thursday Island to Rockhampton. 

Hirundo tahitica neoxena Gould 

Hirundo neoxena Gould, 1843, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 10 
(1842), p. 131 — “‘the whole of the southern coast of Australia 
and Van Diemen’s Land” = Tasmania. 

New South Wales, Victoria and adjacent parts of South Australia; 
Tasmania. Tasmanian birds winter in eastern Australia north into 


Hirundo albigularis Strickland 
Hirundo albigularis Strickland, 1849, in Jardine’s Contr. Orn., 
p. 17-4, pl. 15 — South Africa = Cape Peninsula. 
?Hirundo ambigua Bocage, 1877, Orn. Angola, pt. 1, p. 186 — 
Hirundo albigularis microptera Hartert, 1904, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
14, p. 73, 74— Ambaca, northern Angola. 

Breeds in South Africa from Angola, Southern Rhodesia, and the 
Zambesi River southward. Winter range not definitely known but 

recorded from Angola and Northern Rhodesia; one record from 
Malindi ‘“‘East Africa’’. 


Hirundo aethiopica fulvipectus Amadon 

Hirundo aethiopica fulvipectus Amadon, 1954, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1656, p. 3 — Farniso, near Kano, Nigeria. 

Savannahs of Nigeria and the Cameroons eastward to the vicinity 
of the White Nile in the Sudan. 

1 Named after F. E. Parsons. 


Hirundo aethiopica aethiopica Blanford 
Hirundo aethiopica Blanford, 1869, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 
4, p. 329 — northern Ethiopia; type from Barakit, Tigré. 
Abyssinia and Somalia, southward through eastern Kenya to the 
Pangani River in Tanganyika. 


Hirundo smithii smithii Leach 

Hirundo Smithii Anonymous = Leach, 1818, in Tuckey’s Narr. 
Exped. River Zaire etc., app., p. 407 — Chisalla Island, Congo. 
Africa, outside of the rainforest areas, from Gold Coast (Ghana) 
to Benguela on the west, and from the Sudan and Ethiopia south- 
ward through Uganda, Kenya, and Tanganyika to the Katanga, 
Northern Rhodesia, and Natal. 

Hirundo smithii filifera Stephens 
Hirundo filifera Stephens, 1825, in Shaw’s Gen. Zool., 13, pt. 2, 
p- 78 — India. 
Hirundo smithii bobrinskoii Stachanov, 1930, Orn. Monatsb., 38, 
p. 76 — Tschubek, Buchara, lat. 37° 50’N., long. 69° 4’ E. 
Southern Buchara, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, the greater part of 
eee plains of Burma, northern Thailand, Laos, and southern 


Hirundo atrocaerulea Sundevall 

Hirundo atrocaerulea Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 
7, p. 107 — lower Caffraria; type from Umvoti, Natal. 

Hirundo christyi Sharpe, 1906, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, p. 86 — 
Kungu Hill, Mabira Forest, Uganda. 

Hirundo atrocaerulea lynesi Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1942, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 62, p. 45 — Njombe, southern Tanganyika 

Breeds in southwestern Tanganyika in the Uhehe and Ubena 
highlands, Nyasaland on the Vipya Plateau and the Mlanji Plateau 
(probably also adjacent parts of Mozambique), and locally in south- 
eastern Africa on the eastern side of the Drakensberg from Zoot- 
pansberg to Natal. Birds from the southern part of the range winter 

in Uganda; migrants recorded from Southern Rhodesia and northern 
Nyasaland (Nyika Plateau). 


Hirundo nigrita Gray 
Hirundo nigrita G. R. Gray, 1845, Gen. Birds, 1, pl. [20] — no 
locality = Niger River. 


Streams and rivers of the forests of West and Central Africa from 
Sierra Leone and Liberia eastward to the Uele, and Aruwimi and 
Semliki Rivers south to Cabinda and the Kasai. 

Hirundo leucosoma Swainson 

Hirundo leucosoma Swainson, 1837, Birds West Africa, 2, p. 74 — 
West Africa. 

West Africa, where recorded from Senegal (Thies), Casamance, 
Sierra Leone, Gold Coast (Ghana), Togo, and Nigeria. 


Hirundo megaensis Benson 
Hirundo megaensis Benson, 1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 63, p. 10 — 
ten miles west of Mega, 4,000 feet, Ethiopia. 
Southern Ethiopia at elevations between 4,000 and 4,500 feet 
between Yavello and Mega, extending thirty miles north of Yavello, 

and about thirty miles southeast of Mega toward the Kenya- 
Ethiopia border. 

Hirundo nigrorufa Bocage 

Hirundo nigrorufa Barboza du Bocage, 1877, Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat., Acad. Sci. Lisboa, 6, no. 22, p. 158 — Caconda, 

Angola (Chipepe); Saurimo eastward to the Mwinilunga District 

of Northern Rhodesia, Ndola, and region south of Lake Mweru; 


Hirundo dimidiata marwitzi Reichenow 
Hirundo dimidiata var. marwitzi Reichenow, 1903, Vog. Afr., 2, 
pt. 2, p. 404 — Malangali, Usafua, north of Lake Nyasa. 
Hirundo usafuae Reichenow, 1920, Journ. f. Orn. 68, p. 88 — 
Usafua, north of Lake Nyasa. 
Angola from Ambaga south to Mossamedes eastward through the 

Katanga and Northern Rhodesia to southwestern Tanganyika 
(Usafua) and Nyasaland. 

Hirundo dimidiata dimidiata Sundevall 
Hirundo dimidiata Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 7, 
p- 107 — upper Caffraria; type from Leroma, Transvaal. 

Damaraland, Southern Rhodesia, Transvaal, Orange Free State; 
Swaziland and Cape Province (except Transkei). 



Cecropis Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, Heft 10, col. 971. Type, by 
subsequent designation, Hirundo capensis Gmelin = Hirundo 
cucullata Boddaert (Salvadori, 1881, Orn. Pap. Mol., pt. 2, p.1). 

Lillia Boie, 1844, Isis von Oken, col. 174 (note). Type, by sub- 
sequent designation (Boie, 1858, Journ. f. Orn., 6, p. 364), 
Hirundo alpestris Pallas = Hirundo daurica Linnaeus. 

Herophilus Gistel, 1848, Naturg. Thierr. Hohere Schulen, p. viii. 
New name for Cecropis Boie. 

Phoenichelidon Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 223. 
Type, by original designation, Hirundo semirufa Sundevall. 
Baruwaia von Boetticher, 1947, ‘Orion’, Naturwiss-techn. Zeit- 
schr., 2, no. 7, p. 348. Type, by original designation, Hirundo 

abyssinica Guerin. 
cf. Friedmann, 1937, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 153, p. 45-51. 
Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 62, 
p. 48-49 (races of senegalensis). 

Mayr, 1941, Ibis, p. 367-371. 

Roberts, 1940, Birds South Africa, p. 207-208. 

Ticehurst, 1927, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 32, p. 349-350 
(Indian races of daurica). 

Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1529, p. 28-41 

Cecropis cucullata (Boddaert) 

Hirundo cucullata Boddaert, 1783, Table Pl. enlum., p. 45 — 
Cape of Good Hope ex Daubenton, Pl. enlum., pl. 723, fig. 2. 

Breeds in Cape Province, Natal and Transvaal; winters in Angola, 
Tanganyika, Southern Congo and Northern Rhodesia (Barotse 
Plain; Choma). 


Cecropis abyssinica puella (Temminck and Schlegel) 

Hirondo [sic] puella Temminck and Schlegel, 1847, in Siebold’s 
Fauna Japonica, Aves, p. 34, in text — Guinea Coast. 
West Africa semi-arid belt from Sierra Leone, Upper Volta, and 
Nigeria (Zaria and Bornu provinces) south to Gold Coast (Ghana) 
and Southern Nigeria (Ondo and Benin provinces). 

Cecropis abyssinica maxima (Bannerman) 
Hirundo puella maxima Bannerman, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, 
p. 75 — Kumbo, 5,500 feet, Nigerian highlands. 
Southern Nigeria in Itabba Province (Idah), British Cameroons 
and adjacent part of French Cameroons. 


Cecropis abyssinica bannermani (Grant and Mackworth-Praed) 

Hirundo abyssinica bannermant Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 
1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 62, p. 54 — Aribo Valley, Darfur, 
western Sudan. 

Western Darfur on the Jebel Marra and in the western basin. 

Cecropis abyssinica abyssinica (Guérin-Méneville) 
Hirundo abyssinica Guérin-Méneville, 1843, Rev. Zool., p. 322 — 
Eritrea, Ethiopia, eastern Uganda, Kenya, and Tanganyika where 
it intergrades with wnitatis over a wide area. 

Cecropis abyssinica unitatis (Sclater and Mackworth-Praed) 

Hirundo puella wnitatis Sclater and Mackworth-Praed, 1918, Ibis, 

p. 718, 719 — Pinetown, Natal. 

Western Uganda, Ruanda-Urundi, western Tanganyika, the Ka- 
tanga, Lower Congo and Kasai, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, 
Ngamiland, Nyasaland, eastern Transvaal, Mozambique, Natal, and 
eastern Cape Province. 


Cecropis semirufa gordoni (Jardine) 
Hirundo gordoni Jardine, 1851, Contr. Orn. for 1851, p. 141 — 
west coast of Africa, i.e. Gold Coast. 
Hirundo neumanni Reichenow, 1901, Journ. f. Orn., 49, p. 282 — 
Massailand ; type from Ssero, northwest of Lake Natron, Kenya. 
Africa from Senegal(?), Casamance, western French Sudan (Ba- 
mako) and Sierra Leone, eastward across Upper Volta, Gold Coast 
(Ghana), Togoland, Dahomey, Nigeria, Cameroons, Darfur and the 
upper White Nile, south to the Gulf of Guinea, northern Angola, 

the Aruwimi River, Uganda, and southwestern Kenya Colony west 
of the Rift Valley. 

Cecropis semirufa semirufa (Sundevall) 

Hirundo semirufa Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Férh., 7, 
p. 107 — ‘‘Caffraria superiore’’; type from Magliesberg, Trans- 

Southern Africa from the Katanga and Nyasaland (Dzunje or 
Dzonze Mt.), south to the plateau veld of Damaraland, the northern 
Karroo, and Natal. 


Cecropis senegalensis senegalensis (Linnaeus) 

Hirundo senegalensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 345 
— Senegal. 


Northern Africa from Senegal eastward across French West Africa 
and Chad to Kordofan, south to about lat. 8° N. 

Cecropis senegalensis saturatior (Bannerman) 
Hirundo senegalensis saturatior Bannerman, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 43, p. 85 — Accra, Gold Coast. 
Hirundo senegalensis aschani Granvik, 1934, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 
25, p. 113 — Mt. Elgon. 
Coastal districts of Gold Coast (Ghana) eastward across Came- 
roons, Congo, and Ubangi Shari to Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya 
(except southern). 

Cecropis senegalensis monteiri (Hartlaub) 
Hirundo monteiri Hartlaub, 1862, Ibis, p. 340, pl. 11 — Angola. 
Hirundo senegalensis hybrida van Someren, 1921, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 41, p. 104 —Tsavo, Kenya. 

Southern Africa from Cabinda, the Maniema District of the Bel- 
gian Congo, Tanganyika and southern Kenya, south to Ovamboland, 
oe Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and Mozambique south to Inham- 



Cecropis daurica daurica (Linneaus) 
Hirundo daurica Linneaus, 1771, Mantissa, p. 528 — Siberia. 
Lillia substriolata Hume, 1877, Stray Feathers, 5, p. 264 — 
Cachar. (Based on a specimen of daurica, fide Hall, 1953). 
Breeds in southern Siberia from the Irtysh eastward across Bai- 
calia to the Amur and the mouth of the Ussuri, south to the western 
Altai, the Khangai and Kentei Mts.; limits between this race and 
japonica imperfectly known. Winter range uncertain; recorded at 
this season from Assam. 

Cecropis daurica japonica (Temminck and Schlegel) 

Hirundo alpestris japonica Temminck and Schlegel, 1847, in Sie- 

bold’s Fauna Japonica, Aves, p. 33, pl. 11 — Japan. 

Breeds in Manchuria, Korea, Japan (Hondo, Seven Islands of 
Izu, Shikohu, Kiusiu), China in the middle and lower Yangtse 
Valley, and in the eastern part south to Swatow. Winters in the 
southern part of the breeding range and to India, northern Thailand 
and probably northern Indochina. 

Cecropis daurica gephyra (Meise) 
Hirundo daurica gephyra Meise, 1934, Abhandl. Ber. Mus. Dresden, 
18, no. 2, p. 48 — Sungpan, Szechwan. 
Hirundo daurica tibetana Schafer, 1937, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philadelphia, 89, p. 385— 100 miles northeast of Jyekundo 
(Dre-chu-gomba), Chinese Tibet. 


Breeds in western China in provinces of Kansu (Richthofen 
Range?), Tsinghai (Sining, Jyekundo [now Yushu]), Sikiang (Ta- 
tsienlu [now Kangting]); south of Litang; upper Yalung) and 
Szechwan (Sungpan). Winter range not known. 

Cecropis daurica nipalensis (Hodgson) 

Hirundo Nipalensis Hodgson, 1837, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 5, 
(1836), p. 780 — central region of Nepal. 
Breeds in the Himalayas from the Punjab eastward through Nepal 
to the Red River Basin in southeastern Sikang. Winters south- 
ward to India and northern Burma. 

Cecropis daurica erythropygia (Sykes) 

Hirundo erythropygia Sykes, 1832, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, pt. 2, p. 83 — Poona, India. 
Breeds in India along the base of the Himalayas from Punjab 
to western Bengal and south to the Nilgiris; wanders to Travancore 
and Ceylon in winter. 

Cecropis daurica hyperythra (Blyth) 
Hirundo hyperythra “Layard” Blyth, 1849, Journ. Asiat. Soc. 
Bengal, 18, pt. 2, p. 814 — Ceylon. 
Resident in Ceylon. 

Cecropis daurica rufula (Temminck) 

Hirundo rufula ‘“‘Levll.” Temminck, 1835, Man. d’Orn., ed. 2, 3, 
p. 298 — Egypt, Sicily, Japan. 

Hirundo scullii or H. rufula B scullii Seebohm, 1883, Ibis, p. 167, 
169 — Gilgit and Nepal; type probably from Gilgit, fide Tice- 
hurst, 1933, Ibis, p. 547. 

Cecropis rufula ferghanensis Buturlin, 1912, Orn. Mitt., 3, p. 242 
— Ferghana. 

Breeds in southern Spain and in Morocco; also in Greece, Asia 
Minor, Cyprus, Syria and Israel, eastward through southern Iran 
to Baluchistan, eastern Afghanistan, Kashmir and Tien Shan; 
winter range not known but a regular migrant in the Nile Valley 
in Egypt. 

Cecropis daurica domicella (Hartlaub and Finsch) 
Hirundo domicella Hartlaub and Finsch, 1870, Vég. Ost. Africa, 
p. 143 — Casamance. 
Northern Africa from Senegal and Gambia eastward through the 
northern territories of Gold Coast (Ghana) and Nigeria, Darfur, 
and Bahr el Ghazal in the southern Sudan. 


Cecropis daurica disjuncta (Bates) 

Hirundo daurica disjuncta Bates, 1930, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 51, 
p- 49 — Birwa Peak, 4,700 feet, Kono District, Sierra Leone. 

Known only from the type locality. 

Cecropis daurica kumboensis (Bannerman) 

Hirundo rufula kumboensis Bannerman, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
43, p. 142 — Kumbo, 5,500 feet, Northern Nigeria. 

British Cameroons in the highlands of Kumbo and Oku between 
5,500 and 7,000 feet. 

Cecropis daurica emini (Reichenow) 

Hirundo emini Reichenow, 1892, Journ. f. Orn., 40, p. 215 — 
Bussisi, and Bukoba, Tanganyika. 

Eastern Africa from the lake region of southern Ethiopia south- 
ward through the highlands of the eastern Belgian Congo, Uganda, 
Kenya, and Tanganyika to southern Nyasaland (Mlanje Plateau). 

Cecropis daurica melanocrissa Riippell 

Cecropis melanocrissus Riippell, 1845, Syst. Uebers. Vog. Nord-Ost- 
Afrikas, p.17, pl.5— Province of Barakit, and Gondar, 

Northern and central Ethiopia. 


Cecropis striolata striolata (Temminck and Schlegel) 
Hirundo striolata Temminck and Schlegel, 1847, in Siebold’s Fauna 
Japonica, Aves, p. 33 — Java. 
Hirundo daurica rothschildiana Rensch, 1931, Mitt. Zool. Mus. 
Berlin, 17, p. 550 — Mborong, Flores. 
Hirundo striolata formosae Mayr, 1941, Ibis, p. 370 — Naihokosho, 
central Formosa. 

Formosa, the Philippines, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and the Lesser 
Sunda Islands; Lombok, Flores, Alor, Wetar, Sumba, Timor. 

Cecropis striolata mayri (Hall) 
Hirundo striolata mayri Hall, 1953, Ibis, p. 547 — Singhaling 
Hkamti, Upper Chindwin. 

Inlha substriolata of authors, not Hume, 1877. 

Hirundo daurica khasica Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., 

no. 1, p. 20 — Boko, Khasia Hills, Assam. 

Breeds in the Khasia Hills, Assam and northwestern Upper 
Burma; recorded in winter from the southern Shan States, northern 
Thailand and northern Indochina. 



Cecropis striolata stanfordi (Mayr) 
Hirundo striolata stanfordi Mayr, 1941, Ibis, p. 367 —Tamu, 
1,000 feet, Myitkyina District, upper Burma. 
Breeds in northeastern Upper Burma and northern Thailand; 
this is probably the race breeding in northern Laos. Birds referable 
to this form are recorded in winter from Laos, Tonkin, and Annam. 

Cecropis striolata vernayi (Kinnear) 
Hirundo daurica vernayi Kinnear, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 45, 
p- 27 — Longlung, Siam. 
Known only from the type locality on the Thailand-Tenasserim 
border, ca. lat. 16° 6’ N., long. 98° 45’ E., and from Nikhe, western 
Thailand, ca. lat. 15° 5’ N., long. 98° 50’ E. 

Cecropis striolata badia Cassin 
Cecropis badia Cassin, 1853, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
6, p. 371 — Malacca. 
Malay Peninsula from about Ban Don, Thailand, southward to 
Selangor State. 


Petrochelidon Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, 1850-51, p. 47. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Hirundo melanogaster Swain- 
son (Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 13). 

Hylochelidon Gould, 1865, Handb. Birds Austral., 1, p. 110. Type, 
by monotypy, Hirundo nigricans Vieillot. 

Lagenoplastes Gould, 1865, Handb. Birds Austral., 1, p. 112. 
Type, by monotypy, Collocalia ariel Gould. 

Antrochelidon Baldamus, 1869, Journ. f. Orn., 7, p. 406. Type, 
by monotypy, Hirundo nigricans Vieillot. 

Lecythoplastes Reichenow, 1898, Orn. Monatsb., 6, p. 115. Type, 
by monotypy, Lecythoplastes preussi Reichenow. 

Haplochelidon Todd, 1929, Auk, 46, p. 245. Type, by original 
designation, Hirundo andecola d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye. 

cf. Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1529, p. 27-28 (Hirundo 


White, 1936, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 56, p. 90-92 (races of nigri- 

Zimmer, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1723, p. 12-14. 


Petrochelidon rufigula (Bocage) 

Hirundo rufigula Barboza du Bocage, 1878, Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat., Lisboa, 6, no. 24, p. 256 — Caconda, Benguela. 


_ From Caconda, Benguela District, Angola, eastward to the 
Manyinga River in Northern Rhodesia, northward to the Sankuru 
River, and the Congo River below Matadi, and Loango. 


Petrochelidon preussi (Reichenow) 

Lecythoplastes preussi Reichenow, 1898, Orn. Monatsb., 6, p.115 
—near Edea, Cameroons. 

French Sudan (Timbuktu; near Karu), Gold Coast or Ghana 
(Gambaga), Nigeria (Bornu, Benue, Kabba, Benin and Niger pro- 
vinces), southwestern Cameroons (Edea), and northern Belgian 
Congo eastward to the Uele District. 


Petrochelidon andecola oroyae Chapman 

Petrochelidon andecola oroyae Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 138, p. 12 — Oroya, 12,500 feet, Junin, Peru. 

Puna zone of central Peru in Department of Junin. 

Petrochelidon andecola andecola (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye) 

Hirundo andecola d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Syn. Av. in 
Mag. Zool., cl. 2, p. 69 — La Paz, Bolivia. 

Puna zone of southern Peru in departments of Arequipa, Cuzco 
and Puno, northern Chile in the mountains of the provinces of Tara- 
paca, and Arica, and northern and western Bolivia in departments 
of La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Potosi, and Tarija. 

Tree Martin 

Petrochelidon nigricans timoriensis Sharpe 

Petrochelidon timoriensis Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, 
p- 190 (in key), p. 192 — Timor. 
Lesser Sunda Islands; Timor; Flores (one record). 

Petrochelidon nigricans neglecta Mathews 

Petrochelidon nigricans neglecta Mathews, 1912 (Jan.), Novit. 
Zool., 18, p. 301 — North-West Australia; type from Fitzroy 

Petrochelidon nigricans distinguenda Mathews, 1912 (Jan.), Novit. 
Zool., 18, p. 301 — East Murchison, West Australia. 

Petrochelidon nigricans rogersi Mathews, 1912 (Apr.), Austral Av. 
Rec., 1, p. 38 — Port Darwin, Northern Territory. 

West and North Australia. 



Petrochelidon nigricans nigricans (Vieillot) 

Hirundo nigricans Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, 
p. 523 — New Holland, error = Hobart, Tasmania; see Ma- 
thews, 1913, Austral Av. Rec., 2, p. 65. 

Petrochelidon nigricans cayleyi Mathews, 1913, Austral Av. Rec., 
2, p. 65 — Albury, New South Wales. 

Petrochelidon nigricans socialis Stresemann, 1923, Arch. f. 
Naturg., 89, Abth. A, Heft 18, p. 26— Roma, Lesser Sunda 

Hylochelidon nigricans papua Mathews, 1928, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
48, p. 83 — Kei Islands. 

Breeds in Queensland (except northern), New South Wales, Vic- 
toria, eastern South Australia, and Tasmania. On migration or in 
winter to northern Queensland, Aru Islands, Kei Islands, New 
Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, and the Solomon Islands; casual? 
on Roma and Damar. 


Petrochelidon spilodera (Sundevall) 

Hirundo spilodera Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 7, 
p- 108 — South Africa; type from the Mooi River, Transvaal. 
Breeds in South Africa from Griqualand West, the Transvaal, 
and the uplands of Natal, south to eastern Cape Province. Winter 
range not well known but recorded from Damaraland (Okahandja) 
and middle Congo near Bolobo at that season. 

Cliff Swallow 

Petrochelidon pyrrhonota pyrrhonota (Vieillot) 
Hirundo pyrrhonota Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 14, 
p. 519 — Paraguay. 
Hirundo albifrons Rafinesque, 1822, Kentucky Gazette, n.s., 1, 
no. 14, p. 3 — Newport, Kentucky. 
Hirundo lunifrons Say, 1823, in Long’s Exped. Rocky Mts., 2, 
p. 47, note — Rocky Mountains. 
Petrochelidon albifrons hypopolia Oberholser, 1920, Canadian 
Field-Nat., 33, no. 5, p. 95 — Fort Norman, Mackenzie. 
Petrochelidon albifrons aprophata Oberholser, 1932, Sci. Publ. 
Cleveland Mus. Nat. Hist., 4, no. 1, p. 6 — mouth of Twenty 
Mile Creek, Warner Valley, 9 miles south of Adel, Oregon. 
Breeds from central Alaska, central Yukon, central Mackenzie, 
Saskatchewan, Ontario, southern Quebec, Anticosti Island, and 
Cape Breton Island south to northern Baja California, northern 
Arizona, northern New Mexico, northern and east-central Texas, 
central Oklahoma, northern Missouri, western Kentucky, central 


Tennessee, northern Alabama, western North Carolina, northern 
Maryland and southern New Jersey. Migrates through Mexico, 
Central America, Colombia and western Brazil (Rio Jurua); winters 
from southern Brazil (Mato Grosso, Sao Paulo) to Paraguay and 
northeastern Argentina. 

Petrochelidon pyrrhonota tachina Oberholser 

Petrochelidon lunifrons tachina Oberholser, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 16, p. 15 — Langtry, Texas. 
Breeds from Arizona (except southeastern), New Mexico (except 
southwestern), and southern Texas, along the Rio Grande Valley. 
Migrates through Central America; winter range not known. 

?Petrochelidon pyrrhonota minima van Rossem and Hachisuka 

Petrochelidon albifrons minima van Rossem and Hachisuka, 1938, 
Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 5 — Pichicuate [= Cu- 
chujaqui| River, seven miles east of Alamos, Sonora. 

Breeds from southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico 
through eastern Sonora, western Chihuahua and southern Coahuila, 
south to northern Michoacan and northern Puebla. Migration route 
unknown; recorded, on migration, from Obaldia, Panama, and in 
winter in northwestern Argentina (Province of Tucuman). Doubt- 
fully distinct from P. p. melanogaster. 

Petrochelidon pyrrhonota melanogaster (Swainson) 

Hirundo melanogaster Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., n.s., 1, 
p- 366 — table land of Mexico = Real del Monte, Hidalgo. 

Petrochelidon swainsoni Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

pt. 26, p. 296 — Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Breeds in southern portion of the Mexican plateau in states of 
Guanajuato, Morelos, Hidalgo, Oaxaca and the Distrito Federal. 
Migrates probably through Guatemala and El Salvador; winters in 
southern Brazil (State of Sio Paulo) and northwestern Argentina 
(Province of Tucuman). 

Cave Swallow 

Petrochelidon fulva pallida Nelson 

Petrochelidon fulva pallida Nelson, 1902, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 15, p. 211 — Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. 

Breeds in south-central Texas (Kerr County), and northeastern 
Mexico in states of Coahuila, San Luis Potosi and Tamaulipas. 
Winter range not known; recorded on migration in Chiapas and 
southwestern Costa Rica. 


Petrochelidon fulva citata Van Tyne 

Petrochelidon fulva citata Van Tyne, 1938, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. 
Univ. Michigan, no. 385, p. 2 — Chichén Itza, Yucatan. 

Resident in the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula. 

Petrochelidon fulva fulva (Vieillot) 

Hirundo fulva Vieillot, 1807, Ois. Amer. Sept., 1, p. 62, pl. 32 — 
Santo Domingo. 

Hirundo coronata Lembeye, 1850, Aves Isla de Cuba, p. 45 — 
Cafetal Fundador, Rio Canimar, Cuba. Not Hirundo coronata 
Tickell, 1833. 

Hirundo peciloma Gosse, 1847, Birds Jamaica, p. 64 — Jamaica. 

Petrochelidon fulva cavicola Barbour and Brooks, 1917, Proc. New 
England Zool. Cl., 6, p. 52 — San Antonio de los Bajios, Pro- 
vincia de Havana, Cuba. 

Greater Antilles: Puerto Rico, Cuba, Isle of Pines, Hispaniola 
(including Gonave, Tortue, Ile 4 Vache); Jamaica, probably resident 
on most of the islands, (including Cuba, but only present locally 
during winter months), and apparently only a summer resident on 
the Isle of Pines.t 

Petrochelidon fulva aequatorialis Chapman 

Petrochelidon rufocollaris aequatorialis Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 138, p. 12 — Alamor, Province of Loja, Ecuador. 

Southwestern Ecuador in Province of Loja. 

Petrochelidon fulva rufocollaris (Peale) 

Hirundo rufocollaris Peale, 1848, Rept. U. 8S. Expl. Exped., 8, 
p- 175 — near Callao, Peru. 

Western Peru, in Department of Lima. 


Petrochelidon fluvicola (Blyth) 
Hirundo fluvicola Blyth, 1855, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 24, 
p. 471 — Sonar and Kane rivers, Bundelkund. 

Northeastern Afghanistan (Kabul), and the greater part of India 
from Kashmir eastward along the Himalayas to Sikkim, and south 
to Coimbatore; birds from the higher elevations in the northern 
parts of the range apparently withdraw to the plains in the winter. 

1 cf. Bond, 1956, p. 118. 


Fairy Martin 

Petrochelidon ariel (Gould) 
Collocalia Ariel Gould, 1843, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 10, 
(1842), p. 132 — New South Wales. 
Petrochelidon ariel conigravi Mathews, 1912, Austral Av. Rec., 1, 
p. 75 — Wyndham, North-West Australia. 
Eastern Australia from Port Denison (near Bowen) south to 
Victoria, South Australia; West Australia, Tasmania. 


Petrochelidon fuliginosa (Chapin) 
Lecythoplastes fuliginosus Chapin, 1925, Ibis, p. 149, fig. 6 A — 
Lolodorf, Cameroons. 
Forested areas of southern Cameroons (Lolodorf; Elat; Efulen). 

GENUS DELICHON HorsFietp anp Moore 

Delichon ““Hodgs.”’ Horsfield and Moore, 1854 (8 Nov.), Cat. Birds 
Mus. Hon. E.I.Co., 1, (1856), p. 384. Type, by monotypy, 
Delichon nipalensis Horsfield and Moore. 

Delichon Moore, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1854), p. 104. 
Type, by monotypy, Delichon nipalensis Moore. 

Chelidonaria Reichenow, 1889, Journ. f. Orn., 37, p. 187. Type, 
by original designation, Hirundo urbica Linnaeus. 

cf. Clancey, 1950, Bonn. Zool. Beitr., 1, p. 39-42. 

Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1529, p. 41-47. 
Dementiev, 1954, Ptitsy Sovietskogo Soiuza, 6, p. 714-728. 

House Martin 

Delichon urbica urbica (Linnaeus) 
Hirundo urbica Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 192 — 
Europe = Sweden. 
Chelidon albigena Heuglin, 1861, Journ. f. Orn., 9, p. 419 — 
mountains of Bogos Land. 
Hirundo urbica orientalis Ssomow, 1896, Orn. Jahrb., 7, p. 81 — 
Hirundo urbica vogti Kleinschmidt, 1935, Kat. Orn. Samml., 
p. 53 — Odenwald and Kornsand, Rhein. 
Breeds in Europe and western Asia from Lapland, Arkhangelsk, 
and lat. 62°-63° N. on the Pechora southeastward to Minusinsk, 
and south to France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, 


southern Russia, the Altai, Tarbagatai, and northwestern Mongolia; 
the populations of Italy (at least southern) and the Balkan Penin- 
sula appear to be intermediate between this race and D. wu. meridio- 
nalis. Reported as breeding in South-West Africa (Otjiwarongo) 
and eastern Cape Province (Keiskamo Hoek). Winters (not numer- 
ously) in West Africa from Senegal to the Ivory Coast and (com- 
monly) in southeastern Africa. 

Delichon urbica meridionalis (Hartert) 

Hirundo urbica meridionalis Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, 
Heft 6, p. 809 — Hamman R’Hira, Algeria. 

Chelidon urbica alexandrovi Zarudny, 1916, Orn. Mitt., 7, p. 29 — 
Pamir- Alai. 

Breeds in southern Spain, the Balearic Islands, Crete and probably 
other islands in the Mediterranean; North Africa from Morocco to 
Cyrenaica; the Crimea, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Iraq, Iran, Turkestan 
and northwestern India. 

Delichon urbica lagopoda (Pallas) 

Hirundo Lagopoda Pallas, 1811, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., 1, p. 532 — 

Chelidon whiteleyi Swinhoe, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1862), 
p- 320 — Pekin. 

Eastern Asia from the upper Yenisei (Krasnoyarsk) northeast- 
ward through the middle Lena and Yana valleys to the Kolyma 
Delta on lat. 69°15’ N., south to northern Mongolia (Khangai and 
Kentei Mts.), central Manchuria and the middle Amur. Winters in 
southern China, Burma, Thailand and Indochina. 


Delichon dasypus cashmiriensis (Gould) 

Chelidon Cashmiriensis Gould, 1858, Proce. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 26, p. 356 — Cashmir. 

The Himalayas from southeastern Afghanistan to Sikkim, north 
to southern Gilgit and Ladak. Mountains of western China in pro- 
vinces of Tsinghai (north to the South Tetung Range), Sikang, and 
Szechwan; the birds recorded in summer from the mountains of 
Hopeh may be referable to this race. In India at least chiefly resident 
but recorded in winter from the Central Provinces, and at the same 
season from northern Thailand. 

Delichon dasypus nigrimentalis (Hartert) 

Hirundo urbica nigrimentalis Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, 
Heft 6, p. 810 — Kuatun, Fokien. 

1 Godfrev, 1947, Odl. Rec., 21, p. 12-15. 


Breeds in southeastern China in provinces of Fokien and Kwangsi; 
Island of Formosa. Winter range and migratory movements not 

Delichon dasypus dasypus (Bonaparte) 
Chelidon dasypus ““Temm.”’ Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, p.343 
— Borneo. 

Breeds in Sakalin, the Kurile Islands (Uruppu; Etorofu), Hok- 
kaido, Hondo, Kiusiu, and the eastern coast of Korea. Migrates 
through northeastern China and winters in the Malay States, the 
Philippines (Calayan), Borneo and Java. 


Delichon nipalensis nipalensis Horsfield and Moore 

Delichon nipalensis Horsfield and Moore, 1854 (Nov.), Cat. Birds 
Mus. Hon. E. I. Co., 1, (1856), p. 384 — Nepal. 

Delichon Nipalensis Moore, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1854), 
p- 104 — Nepal. 

Hirundo cutting: ernstmayri Wolters, 1952, Bonn. Zool. Beitr., 3, 
p- 280. New name for Delichon n. nipalensis Moore. 

Delichon nipalensis bartletti Koelz, 1952, Journ. Zool. Soc. India, 
4, p. 43 — Hmunthu, Lushai Hills. 

Resident in the Himalayas from Naini Tal to eastern Assam and 
south to Cachar and Manipur; Tonkin (Laokay). 

Delichon nipalensis cuttingi Mayr 
Delichon nipalensis cuttingi Mayr, 1941, Ibis, p. 365 — Gangfang, 
5,500 feet, near the Burma-Yunnan border. 

Known definitely only from the type locality, but probably 
occurs also in the Myitkyina district. 


Psalidoprocne Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, 1850-51, p. 48. 
Type, by monotypy, Ps. cypselina Cabanis = Hirundo holomelas 

Pristoptera Bonaparte, 1857, Riv. Contemp., Torino, 9, p. 210. 
Type, by tautonymy, Pristoptera typica Bp. = Hirundo pristop- 
tera Rippell. 

cf. Boetticher, 1943, Zool. Anz., 143, p. 205-209. 

Chapin, 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 56, p. 4-7. 

Subgenus WOLTERSIA BoerticHEerR 

Woltersia Boetticher, 1943, Zool. Anz., 143, p. 209. Type, by 
original designation, Atticora nitens Cassin. 



Psalidoprocne nitens nitens (Cassin) 
Atticora nitens Cassin, 1857, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
sig. 2, p. 38 — Muni River, Gabon. 
Psalidoprocne nigra Reichenow, 1921, Journ. f. Orn., 69, p. 47 — 
Jaunde, Cameroons. 

West Africa from Sierra Leone to southern Nigeria and south- 
wards through Cameroons and Gabon to the north of the Congo 

Psalidoprocne nitens centralis Neumann 
Psalidoprocne nitens centralis Neumann, 1904, Orn. Monatsb., 12, 
p. 144 — Kitima Station on the Ituri. 

Northeastern Belgian Congo. 


Psalidoprocne fuliginosa Shelley 
Psalidoprocne fuliginosa Shelley, 1887, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 123 — Cameroon Mountain. 
Psalidoprocne poensis Alexander, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, 
p. 34 — Bakaki, Fernando Po. 
On the African mainland confined to Cameroon Mountain at 
elevations between 7,000 and 9,000 feet; upper elevations on the 
mountains of Fernando Po. 


Psalidoprocne albiceps Sclater 
Psalidoprocne albiceps Sclater, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 108, pl. 14 — Uzinza, Tabora district, Tanganyika Territory. 
Psalidoprocne pallidigula Salvadori, 1907, Bull. Mus. Zool. Anat. 
Comp. Torino, 22, no. 570, p. 4 — Lake Mweru, central Africa. 
Upper White Nile (Lado) southward through the lake region of 
eastern Belgian Congo, Uganda, western Kenya, western Tanga- 
nyika to Northern Rhodesia (Lake Bangweulu) and northern Nyasa- 
land (River Mzimba). 


Psalidoprocne pristoptera pristoptera (Riippell) 
Hirundo (Chelidon) pristoptera Riippell, 1836, Neue Wirbelth., 
Vog., p. 105, pl. 39, fig. 2 —Simen Province, Ethiopia. 
Highlands of Eritrea (Anseba Valley), southward through the 

upper Blue Nile Valley and the highlands of Ethiopia to the upper 
Gelo River. 


?Psalidoprocne pristoptera blanfordi Blundell and Lovat 
Psalidoprocne blanfordi Blundell and Lovat, 1899, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 10, p. xx— Bilo, Ethiopia. 
Southern Ethiopia in the basin of the Omu River; doubtfully 
distinct from P. p. pristoptera. 


Psalidoprocne oleaginea Neumann 
Psalidoprocne orientalis oleaginea Neumann, 1904, Orn. Monatsb.., 
12, p. 144—Schubba in west Kafa, Ethiopia. 

Southwestern slopes of the Ethiopian Plateau. 


Psalidoprocne antinorii Salvadori 

Psalidoprocne antinori Salvadori, 1884, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 
21, p. 123 — Denz, Shoa. 

Mountains of Ethiopia from Addis Ababa and Harar southwest- 
ward through Kaffa and the Shoan lakes region to the northern end 
of Lake Rudolf. 


Psalidoprocne petiti Sharpe and Bouvier 

Psalidoprocne Petiti Sharpe and Bouvier, 1876, Bull. Soc. Zool. 
France, 1, p. 38, pl. 2— Landana and Chinchoxo. 

Psalidoprocne tessmanni Reichenow, 1907, Orn. Monatsb., 15, 
p- 146 — Rio Benito. 

Psalidoprocne sammetina Reichenow, 1910, Orn. Monatsb., 18, 
p- 191 — Bamenda, Cameroons. 

British Cameroons highlands southward through French Came- 
roons and Gabon to Cabinda and the lower Congo River. 


Psalidoprocne holomelaena ruwenzori Chapin 

Psalidoprocne holomelaena ruwenzort Chapin, 1932, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 570, p. 13 — Kalongi, 6,900 feet, Butahu Valley, 
West Ruwenzori. 

Eastern Belgian Congo and western Uganda on the slopes of 
Ruwenzori, south to Kigezi and Lake Kivu. 

Psalidoprocne holomelaena massaica Neumann 
Psalidoprocne holomelaena massaica Neumann, 1904, Orn. Monatsb., 
12, p. 144 — Kikuyu. 
Forested portions of Kenya, chiefly above 5,000 feet, south to 
the Uluguru and Usambara Mts. in Tanganyika. 


Psalidoprocne holomelaena holomelaena (Sundevall) 

Hirundo holomelas Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 7, 
p- 108 — Port Natal = Durban, Natal. 

Wetter portions of South Africa in Transvaal (north to Zoutpans- 
berg), Natal, and southern and eastern Cape Province. 


Psalidoprocne orientalis reichenowi Neumann 

Psalidoprocne orientalis reichenowi Neumann, 1904, Orn. Monatsb., 
12, p. 144 — Chinchoxo. 

Psalidoprocne késteri Neumann, 1933, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 
20, p. 227 —Chipepe, Bailundu, Benguela. 

Loango Coast and Cabinda south to Benguela and eastward to 
southeastern Belgian Congo (Idiofa), the Katanga (Dilolo; Elisa- 
bethville), and Northern Rhodesia (Mwinilunga Dist.; Kasempa). 

Psalidoprocne orientalis orientalis Reichenow 

Psalidoprocne petiti orientalis Reichenow, 1889, Journ. f. Orn., 37, 
p. 277 — Lewa, Dodoma District, Tanganyika. 

Psalidoprocne percivali Ogilvie-Grant, 1899, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
8, p. lv — Ruo, Nyasaland. 

Tanganyika north to the Usambara Mts. and southward through 
northeastern Northern Rhodesia (Mpika District), Nyasaland and 
northern Mozambique south to Milanje and Ribare. 


Psalidoprocne mangbettorum Chapin 
Psalidoprocne mangbettorum Chapin, 1923, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 56, p. 7 — Medje, Ituri district, Belgian Congo. 
Northeastern Belgian Congo from the region of the Nepoko River 
northward and northeastward to the Congo-Nile divide. 


Psalidoprocne chalybea Reichenow 

Psalidoprocne chalybea Reichenow, 1892, Journ. f. Orn., 40, 
p. 442 — Victoria, Cameroons. 

Psalidoprocne bamingui Alexander, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 21, 
p. 88 — Bamingui River, upper Shari River. 

Extreme southeastern Nigeria (Victoria), eastward across Came- 
roons, Ubangi-Shari and, northern Belgian Congo to the Ituri River. 

1 Probably a subspecies of chalybea. 



Psalidoprocne obscura (Hartlaub) 

Hirundo obscura Hartlaub, 1855, Journ. f. Orn., 3, p. 355 — Dabo- 
crom, Gold Coast. 

Upper Guinea from Sierra Leone eastward to Nigeria (Plateau 
Province; Victoria). 


CHARLES H. Vaurie (Palaearctic) 
CHARLES M. N. Warts (Africa) 
Ernst Mayr (southeastern Asia) 
JAMES C. GREENWAY, Jr. (America)! 

cf. Hartert, 1905, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, Heft 5, p. 285-310. 

— , 1921, op. cit., 3, Heft 3, p. 2090-2100. 

Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Australas., 2, p. 817-821. 

Hartert and Steinbacher, 1933, op. cit., Ergainzungsb., Heft 3, 
p. 184-151. 

Chasen, 1935, Handl. Malays. Birds, p. 284-287. 

Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., 8, p. 82-83. 

Bannerman, 1936, Birds Trop. W. Africa, 4, p. 59-64, 72-79. 

Mayr, 1941, List New Guinea Birds, p. 104-105. 

Johansen, 1952, Journ. f. Orn., 92, (1944), p. 145-169. 

Chapin, 1953, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 75A (Birds Belg. 
Congo), p. 58-94. 

Dementiev, 1954, Ptitsy Sovietskogo Soiuza, 5, p. 594-691. 

Mackworth-Praed and Grant, 1955, Birds E. and N.E. Africa, 
2, p. 49-51, 61-75. 


Dendronanthus Blyth, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, p.116. 
Type, by monotypy and original designation, Motacilla indica 


Dendronanthus indicus (Gmelin) 
Motacilla indica Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, p. 184, 962 — India. 
Extreme eastern Siberia in southern Ussuriland southward from 
the Bikin River through Manchuria, Korea and the hills of northern 
China in Hopeh and perhaps northern Anhwei (perhaps also Cachar 
and Assam, fide Stuart-Baker). Migrates to southeastern China and 

1 Ms. of Motacilla read by: Finn Salomonsen (Palaearctic), Austin L. Rand 
(Africa), and of Anthus by Alexander Wetmore (America). 


Hainan, Indo China, northern Thailand, India, Ceylon, Malaya, 
Borneo, Java and Sumatra; strays to Japan, the Bonin and Riu 
Kiu Islands. 


Motacilla Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 184. Type, by 
tautonomy, “‘Motacilla’”’ = M.alba Linnaeus. 

Budytes Cuvier, 1817, Régne Anim., 1, p. 371. Type, by subse- 
quent designation, Motacilla flava Linnaeus (Gray, 1840). 
Aguimpa Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 255. Type, 

by original designation, Motacilla aguimp Dumont. 
Psomophilus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 255. Type, 
by original designation, Motacilla capensis Linnaeus. 

Atolmodytes Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 255. Type, 
by original designation, Motacilla clara Sharpe. 
cf. Sushkin, 1925, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 38, p. 30-40 (M. 
citreola and Asiatic races of M. flava). 
Stresemann, 1926, Orn. Monatsb., 34, p. 59-61 (M. flava). 
Paludan, 1932, Journ. f. Orn., 80, p. 392-416 (M. alba). 
Grote, 1937, Orn. Monatsb., 45, p. 162-166 (M. flava). 
Johansen, 1946, Dansk Orn. For. Tidskr., 40, p. 121-142 (M. 
Smith, 1950, “The Yellow Wagtail’’, London, Collins. 
Williamson, 1955, British Birds, 48, p. 382-403 (1. flava). 
Mayr, 1956, British Birds, 49, p. 115-119 (M. flava). 
Vaurie, 1957, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1832, p. 1-16 (M. cinerea 
and M. flava). 

Yellow Wagtail 

Motacilla flava flavissima (Blyth)! 
Budytes flavissima Blyth, 1834, Mag. Nat. Hist. Journ. Zool., 7, 
p. 342, and op. cit., 9, 1836, p. 631 — England. 
Budytes Rayi Bonaparte, 1838, Geog. and Comp. List, p. 18 — 
British Islands. 

England and southwestern Scotland south of the Clyde, and form- 
erly Ireland; southern coast of Norway near Stavanger; Heligoland; 
Holland and occasionally Belgium; France on Channel coasts, and 
the Channel Islands to Ouessant Island. Migrates through France, 
and sometimes Germany and Switzerland; Spain and Africa to the 
Belgian Congo, upper Nile Valley and Southern Rhodesia. 

1 The name flavissima appears in the Checklist of Birds of Great Britain 
and Ireland as well as later editions of the Handlist of British Birds and 
other publications and is therefore used by the author. It is, however, a 
nomen nudum. 


Motacilla flava flava Linnaeus 

Motacilla flava Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 185 — 
“Kuropa”’ = Southern Sweden. 

Southernmost Norway, southern Sweden north to about 60° N, 
southern Finland, and Russia from about 60° N in the west southeast 
to the foothills of the Urals in the gouvernement of Ufa, south to 
central France, northern Italy, northern Dalmatia, Hungary, western 
Rumania, and the Ukraine; occasionally southeastern England in 
Sussex, Kent, and elsewhere. Migrates to the southern Sahara, the 
Nile Valley southward throughout the greater part of Africa to 
the Cape of Good Hope. 

The limits of the breeding range cannot be defined with certainty. 
As arule, wherever nominate flava meets contiguous races it grades 
into or hybridizes with them and individual variation is great in 
zones of secondary integration. Nominate flava grades, through 
primary or secondary integration, with thunbergi in southern Fin- 
land and in Russia south to Voronezh, with feldegg from southern 
Ukraine to southern Rumania and the Dobruja, with beema in 
southeastern Russia and southern Urals, and with cinereocapilla in 
southern Austria, northernmost Italy, and northern Yugoslavia 
south to northern Dalmatia; in the last region as well as in northern 
Serbia with feldegg also. In southern France it may grade into 
populations that are more or less intermediate between iberiae and 
cinereocapilla. Hybridization with flavissima appears to be infre- 

: Among the names which have been given to intermediate forms 
are: superciliaris Brehm, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 2, p. 74, near Khar- 
toum (a hybrid between flava subsp. and feldegg); dombrowskii 
Tschusi, 1903, Orn. Jahrb., 14, p. 161, Rumania (flava, feldegg, and 
thunbergi); and perconfusus Grant, 1949, Bull. Brit. Orn., Cl. 69, 
p. 180, Khartoum (flava and flavissima). 

Motacilla flava iberiae Hartert 

Motacilla flava iberiae Hartert, 1921, Vog. pal. Fauna, 3, Heft 3, 
p. 2097, new name for Bludytes] fasciatus Zander, 1851, not 
Motacilla fasciata Bechstein, 1795 = Acrocephalus palustris 
Bechstein — Southern France.! 

Southern France from the Atlantic eastward in the Pyrenees 
along the Mediterranean coast, and occasionally Corsica, southward 
through Spain and the Balearic Islands, Morocco, northern and 
central Tunisia and probably Algeria. Migration and winter range 
not known. 

Motacilla flava cinereocapilla Savi 
Motacilla cinereocapilla Savi, 1831, Nuovo Giorn. Letterat., no. 
57, p. 190 — Italy.’ 

1 Hartert, 1928, improperly designated a neotype from Spain. 
2 Not seen; fide Sherborn. 


Italy, Sicily and Sardinia. Intergrades with iberiae in southeast- 
ern France, with flava in southern Austria, and northern Yugoslavia, 
with feldegg in northern Dalmatia and Hercegovina; identity of 
Swiss population in doubt. Migrates through northwestern Arabia, 
Mediterranean islands and Spain to Africa in Sudan and southern 

Motacilla flava pygmaea (Brehm) 

Bludytes| pygmaeus A. E. Brehm, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 2, p. 74, 
footnote — “northeast Africa’ = Egypt. 


Motacilla flava beema (Sykes) 

Budytes beema Sykes, 1832, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 90 — 
Deccan, India. 

Steppes, from southeastern Russia east of the Volga and southern 
Urals eastward, south of about 57° N and north of about 49° N, 
to the region of Krasnoyarsk and the upper Yenisei. Migrates to 
India, east to Assam, and Ceylon, and, in small numbers, to Africa 
south to Uganda. 

Motacilla flava leucocephala (Przevalski) 

Budytes leucocephala Przevalski, 1887, Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk, 
55, p. 85 — Urungu River, northern Dzungaria. 

Northwestern Mongolia in the region of the Achitu Nor and per- 
haps northwestern Dzungaria in the region of the Ulyungur Nor 
and the basin of the Urungu. Birds indistinguishable from the race 
breed occasionally on the Kirghiz steppes. Migrates through Mongo- 
lia and Russian Turkestan to India in northwestern Punjab. ~* 

Motacilla flava lutea (Gmelin) 

Parus luteus 8. G. Gmelin, 1774, Reise Russl., 3, p. 101, pl. 20, 

fig. | — Astrakhan. 

Replaces campestris Pallas, not Linnaeus, 1758, of Sharpe’s Hand- 

List and authors. 

Southeastern Russia in the gouvernements of Kazan and Oren- 
burg, Penza, and steppe country of the lower Volga eastward, south 
of about lat. 54° N. to about long. 78° E. and southward to the 
Caspian and Aral Sea region. Migrates through near eastern countries 
to Africa southward to the Transvaal and to India and Ceylon. 

Motacilla flava zaissanensis (Poliakov) 

Budytes flava zaissanensis Poliakov,! 1911, Messager Orn., p. 313, 
327 — Zaisan Nor. 

1 Rather poorly differentiated intermediate between beema and angar- 


Vicinity of Zaisan Nor and the Kara Irtysh and probably the 
Russian Altai and Western Sayan. Migrates to India (Java, fide 

Motacilla flava thunbergi Billberg 
Motacilla Thunbergi Billberg, 1828, Syn. Faun. Scand., 1, pt. 2, 
Aves, p. 50 — Lapland. 
Budytes thunbergi alakulensis Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1950, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 69, p. 131 — Lake Ala Kul, east of Balk- 
hash, Russian Turkestan. 

Northern Scandinavia and Russia (intergrading with flava in 
southern Finland and western Russia), eastward in northwestern 
Siberia to the region of the Gulf of Ob and Taz River, beyond 
which intergrades with plexa. Migrates through Europe, including 
the British Isles, and the Near East to Africa from the Belgian 
Congo eastward to Kenya and southward to South Africa in the 

Motacilla flava plexa (Thayer and Bangs) 

Budytes flavus plexus Thayer and Bangs, 1914, Proc. New England 
Zool. Cl., 5, p.41 — Nizhne Kolymsk, lower Kolyma, north- 
eastern Siberia. 

Northern Siberia from the neighborhood of the Yenisei, east of 
the range of thunbergi, eastward to the Kolyma Basin. Winter 
quarters uncertain but probably India; recorded from Manchuria 
on migration. 

Motacilla flava angarensis (Sushkin) 

[Budytes flava] angarensis Sushkin, 1925, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 
Hist., 38, p. 33 — Sharagolskaia village on the Chikoi River, 
southwestern Transbaicalia. 

Eastern Siberia, south of plexa and north of macronyx, on the 
coast of the Sea of Okhotsk south to the gulf of Uda, westward, 
north to the middle Yana and Verkhoyansk, to Lake Yesei at the 
headwaters of the Khatanga, south through the basins of the Lower 
and Middle Tunguskas and the Angara, and western Transbaicalia 
south to the Tola River Valley in northern Mongolia; farther east 
in Transbaicalia it is replaced by and probably grades into macronyz. 
Migrates through eastern Mongolia, probably Manchuria and eastern 
China to Burma, Thailand south to the peninsula, Annam and 
southern Laos. 

Motacilla flava macronyx (Stresemann) 

Budytes flavus macronyx Stresemann, 1920, Avif. Macedon., p. 76 
— Vladivostok. 



Ussuriland and Amurland, westward to southeastern Transbai- 
calia, south to northeastern Mongolia and central Manchuria. Mi- 
erates through northern Korea and eastern China, Indo China, 
Burma, Thailand, Malaya and Sumatra. 

Motacilla flava simillima Hartert 
Motacilla flava simillima Hartert, 1905, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, p. 
289 — ‘“‘Kamchatka”’ (type from the Sulu Archipelago). 
Coast of the Shelekhova Gulf in Siberia, Kamchatka, Commander 
Islands and northern Kuriles. Migrates through Manchuria, Sakhalin, 
rarely Japan and Riu Kius, eastern China to the Philippines, Pala- 
wan, Burma, Malaya and islands of the East Indies. 

Motacilla flava tschutschensis Gmelin 

Motacilla tschutschensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, p. 962 — 
coast of Chukotski Peninsula. 

Budytes flavus alascensis Ridgway, 1903, Proc Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 16, p. 105 —St. Michael, western Alaska. 

Eastern Anadyrland from the Anadyr River, the Chukotski Pen- 
insula south perhaps to lat. 60° N., where intergrades with simillima: 
Nunivak Island; western Alaska east to Point Barrow and south 
to the Nushagak River. Migrates through eastern China to Java 

(fide Voous). 

Motacilla flava taivana (Swinhoe) 

Budytes taivanus Swinhoe, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 274, 

334 — Formosa. F 

Eastern Siberia from the headwaters of the Yana, Indigirka, and 
Kolyma westward to about the junction of the Vilyui and Lena, 
south to the Vitim River and northern Amurland, eastward to the 
shores of the Sea of Okhotsk, Shantar Islands, lower Amur, and 
Sakhalin. Migrates through Manchuria, Korea, central and eastern 
China and the Riu Kius to southeastern China, Formosa, Indo 
China, Philippines (probably), Palawan, Malaya and the East Indies. 

Motacilla flava feldegg Michahelles 

Motacilla Feldegg Michahelles, 1830, Isis von Oken, 23, col. 812 
—near Spalato, southern Dalmatia. 

Budytes aralensis Homeyer, 1878, Journ. f. Orn., 26, p. 128 — 
Aral Sea. 
Motacilla raddei Harms, 1909, Orn. Monatsb., 17, p. 20 — Trans- 
Southern Dalmatia, southern Serbia, central Bulgaria southward 
through the Balkan Peninsula; Asia Minor and the Near East 
southward to Syria and Lake Huleh; from steppes of southern 


Ukraine and Crimea eastward to the gouvernement of Astrakhan 
and the Caspian Sea, and southward to the Caucasus; Transcauca- 
sia, southern Iraq, and eastward to Iran and northern Afghanistan. 
Migrates to East Africa and, in small numbers, to northwestern 


Motacilla flava melanogrisea (Homeyer) 

Budytes melanogriseus Homeyer, 1878, Journ. f. Orn., 26, p. 128 
— India. 

Russian Turkestan from Tarbagatai in Semirechia southward 
to the Ili River Valley and the Tian Shan. Migrates to northwestern 
India, occasionally southern Bombay and east to Benares. 


Motacilla citreola citreola Pallas 

Motacilla citreola Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs, 
3, p. 696 — “In Siberia orientaliore’’. 

Northeastern Russia and northeastern and central Siberia from 
the base of the Kanin Peninsula eastward to the mouth of the 
Khatanga River, south to about 65° N on the Ob, 58° N on the 
Yenisei, also upper Vilyui River, Transbaicalia to the upper Amur, 
south to northwestern Manchuria, Outer Mongolia north of the 
Gobi, Altai, Sayans, Tarbagatai, [li River Valley eastward in the 
foothills of the Tian Shan and plains of Kashgar. The range is more 
or less discontinuous. Migrates to southern Baluchistan; India, 
south to Travancore, northern Thailand, Indo China and southeast- 
ern China. 

Motacilla citreola werae (Buturlin) 

Budytes citreola werae Buturlin, 1907, Orn. Monatsb., 15, p. 197 
— Promzino, Sura Valley, Gouvernement of Simbirsk [Ulya- 
novsk], southeastern Russia. 

Steppes in Russia and Siberia from the neighborhood of Tula 
and Ryazan, eastward between lat. 57° N. and about lat. 50° N. 
to the steppes of the Kuznetsk region, Tomsk and the Russian Altai 
at about long. 87° E. Migrates through eastern Iran, Russian Turke- 
stan, Tadzhikistan and Afghanistan to India. 

Motacilla citreola calcarata Hodgson 
[Motacilla] Calcarata Hodgson, 1836, Asiat. Res., 19, p. 190 — 
no locality = Nepal. 

Motacilla citreola weigoldi Rensch, 1924, Abh. Ber. K. Zool. Mus. 
Dresden, 16, no. 2, p. 55 — Sungpan, northern Szechwan. 
Eastern Iran from Kirman and Khorasan eastward through 
northern Afghanistan northward and eastward to Tadzhikistan, 
Pamirs, Ferghana, Naryn and the Tian Shan south and west of 



Issyk Kul, southward and eastward to northern Baluchistan through 
the Himalayas to Ladak and the Tibetan Plateau to southern 
Tsinghai, Kansu and Inner Mongolia southward to northern Sikang 
and northern Szechwan. In winter to southern Afghanistan, foot- 
hills of the Himalayas and neighboring plains, Assam south of the 
Brahmaputra and Burma. 

Grey Wagtail 
Motacilla cinerea patriciae Vaurie 
Motacilla cinerea patriciae Vaurie, 1957, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 
1832, p. 12 — Furnas, Sao Miguel, Azores. 

Motacilla cinerea schmitzi Tschusi 

Motacilla boarula schmitz Tschusi, 1900, Orn. Jahrb., 11, p. 223 
— Madeira. 


Motacilla cinerea canariensis Hartert 

Motacilla boarula canariensis Hartert, 1901, Novit. Zool., 8, p. 
322 — Esperanza, Tenerife, Canaries. 

Canary Islands: Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Palma, Gomera and 
(7) Hiero. 

Motacilla cinerea cinerea Tunstall 

Motacilla Cinerea Tunstall, 1771, Orn. Brit., p. 2. Based on the 
“Gray Water Wagtail” of [Pennant] Brit. Zool. and ““Berger- 
onette Jaune”’ of Brisson, 1760, Orn., 3, p. 471 —no locality 
= Wycliffe, Yorkshire, England, fide Clancey, 1946. 

Parus Caspicus 8. G. Gmelin, 1774, Reise Russl., 3, p. 104, pl. 20, 
fig. 2 — Enzeli [= Pahlevi], Gilan, northern Iran. 

Motacilla melanope Pallas, 1776, Reise versch. Prov. Russ. Reichs., 
3, p. 696 — “Dauria”’ = Transbaicalia. 

Replaces M. boarula Linnaeus of Sharpe and authors. 

Southern Norway and southern Sweden south of about 58° to 
60° N. southward through Europe including British Isles (but lacking 
in northern Jutland and western Holland) to the Iberian Peninsula, 
Morocco, and western Algeria, Corsica, Italy and Sicily, Asia Minor, 
Caucasus, Iran, southern Transcaspia and northern Afghanistan to 
northern Baluchistan and the Himalayas, Russia (except in the 
plains and steppes and also the steppes of Siberia or any regions 
in which there are no clear running streams) but in the mountains 
of Turkestan, the Altai, and northern Mongolia, grading in the 
Far East into robusta. 


Winter range (together with that of robusta, which cannot always 
be distinguished in winter) includes Africa, southern Afghanistan, 
Baluchistan, India, Ceylon, Thailand, Malaya, the East Indies, 
Indo China, the Philippines, western New Guinea and southern 
China, south of the Yangtze. 

Motacilla cinerea robusta (Brehm) 
Pallenura robusta Brehm, 1857, Journ. f. Orn., 5, p. 32 — Japan. 
Kamchatka and eastern Siberia along the shores of the Sea of 
Okhotsk, to eastern Amurland, Ussuriland, Manchuria south to 
northern Hopeh, Sakhalin, northern Korea, and Hokkaido and 
Hondo in Japan. Migrates through eastern China to Formosa, 
Philippines and Indonesia. 

Pied Wagtail 

Motacilla alba yarrellii Gould 

Mf{otacilla] Yarrellii Gould, 1837, Mag. Nat. Hist., new ser., 1, 
p. 460 — Great Britain. 

Replaces lugubris of Sharpe’s Hand-List. 

British Isles and occasionally Jersey, Channel Islands. Said to 
have bred occasionally in southwestern Norway, Denmark, Schles- 
wig-Holstein, Holland and Belgium. In winter to western France 
southward to the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco. 

Motacilla alba alba Linnaeus 

Motacilla alba Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 185 — 
“Kuropa’”’ = Sweden. 

Southeastern Greenland, Iceland, Faroes (irregularly), Kolguev 
Island and southern Novaya Zemlya, and continental Europe from 
shores of the Barents and Kara Seas southward to the Mediterran- 
ean, the Black Sea and Asia Minor through Syria, and eastward 
in Russia to the Pechora Basin and the southern Urals (where 
intergrades with dukhunensis). In winter, southern Europe and 
Africa south to Liberia, northern Belgian Congo and southern Kenya; 
Canary Islands; Madeira; Arabia; Iraq and southern Iran. 

Motacilla alba subpersonata Meade-Waldo 

Motacilla subpersonata Meade-Waldo, 1901, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
12, p. 27 — Wadi Moorbei, Rehamza, Morocco. 


1 This species, together with aguimp of Africa, madaraspatensis of India, 
and grandis of Japan may be considered to form a superspecies. 


?Motacilla alba forwoodi Oglivie-Grant and Forbes 

Motacilla forwoodi Ogilvie-Grant and Forbes, 1899, Bull. Liver- 
pool Mus., 2, p.3 — Abd el Kuri Island. 

Supposedly breeding on Abd el Kuri Island near Socotra, but 
status requires further investigation there. 

Motacilla alba dukhunensis Sykes 

Motacilla Dukhunensis Sykes, 1832, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 
91 — Deccan, India. 

Southeastern Russia and the Urals eastward through Siberia to 
the middle course of the Lower Tunguska and Angara, north to the 
southern Yamal Peninsula, Gydansk Peninsula and lower Yenisei, 
south through the Kirghiz Steppes, Aral Caspian region, Lake 
Balkhash, Kuznetsk Ala Tau, and western Russian Altai, and in 
the west from the Caucasus and Transcaucasia eastward through 
northwestern [ran and the Caspian districts to the region of Gurgan. 
Intergrades with nominate alba in the west, with ocularis, baicalensis, 
and personata in Siberia, and with the latter and persica in Iran. 
In winter to southern Transcaspia, southern Iran, southern Iraq, 
eastern Arabia, and eastward to southern Afghanistan, Baluchistan 
to Bengal and Assam in India and southward to Ceylon. 

Motacilla alba personata Gould 

Motacilla personata Gould, 1861, Birds Asia, pt. 13, pl. 63 — 
Bengal and northern parts of Hindostan. 

Central Siberia, east of the range of dukhunensis, from about 
lat. 58° N. in the region of the middle Yenisei at Yeniseisk, east- 
ward to about long. 100° E., and southward, east of the Kuznetsk 
Ala Tau (Mts.), Lake Zaissan and Lake Balkhash to the Ili River 
Basin, and westward to the middle Syr Daria and eastern Iran to 
the vicinity of Gurgan (where intergrades with dukhunensis), and 
south to Seistan; thence northeastward in northern Afghanistan, 
the Pamirs, Tian Shan, Dzungaria and northwestern Mongolia 
(intergrades with baicalensis in the eastern part of the range). 
In winter to Chinese Turkestan and from southern Iraq eastward 
through southern Iran, southern Afghanistan and Baluchistan and 
northern India to Assam. 

Motacilla alba persica Blanford! 
M{otacilla| personata Gould var. Persica Blanford, 1876, Eastern 
Persia, 2, Zool. Geol., p. 232 — Persian Highlands = near Niriz, 
east of Shiraz [Fars], fide Sharpe, 1885. 
Iran, apparently on southern slopes of the Elburz Mts. and in 
the Zagros eastward to Kirman. Moves to lower altitudes as a rule 
but occurs in southern Iran in Winter. 

1 Individual variation great; intermediate between dukhunensis and 
personata; a poorly differentiated form. 


Motacilla alba baicalensis Swinhoe 

Motacilla baicalensis Swinhoe, 1871, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 
363 — “Eastern Asia’’. 

South central and southeastern Siberia (east of personata and of 
dukhunensis and south to ocularis) from about long. 95° E. to 125° 
E., north to the Vitim Plateau and Stanovoi Range, southward 
to the region west of Lake Baikal and Khangai in Mongolia, and 
through Transbaicalia south to Kentei and northern Gobi, and 
eastward through Amurland to about Blagoveshchensk, south to 
probably northwestern Manchuria. In winter to northern and south- 
eastern Iran; northern Afghanistan; northern India; Burma, south 
to Tenasserim; northern Thailand; probably Indo China; China 
from Hopeh south to Yunnan. 

Motacilla alba ocularis Swinhoe 
Motacilla ocularis Swinhoe, 1860, Ibis, p. 55 — Amoy, China. 

Northeastern and eastern Siberia, usually from about long. 95° 
E. but occasionally farther west to the region of Turukhansk on 
the lower Yenisei, eastward to the tip of the Chukotski Peninsula, 
southward to about lat. 60° N. on the Lower Tunguska, Vitim on 
the Lena (where it intergrades with baicalensis), Stanovoi Range, 
northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, and Kamchatka south to 
about 57° N. In winter to the Yangtze Valley southward in China, 
Formosa, Hainan, Philippines, Indo China, northern and central 
Thailand, and India in Assam and eastern Bengal. 

Motacilla alba lugens Gloger 

M[otacilla] lugens Gloger, 1829, Isis von Oken, 22, col. 771 — 

Southern Kamchatka, south of the range of ocularis: Commander 
Islands, where possibly breeds irregularly; Kuriles, Japan in Hok- 
kaido and northern Hondo; coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk from 
Ayan southward to Udskoe Gulf and the Shantar Islands; lower 
Amur to about lat. 50° N., Sakhalin; coastal Ussuriland and Askold 
Islands. Migrates through Manchuria, Korea and northeastern China 
to Japan southward through the Riu Kius and Formosa, and south- 
eastern China from the lower Yangtze, also Quelpart, Tsushima, 
Oki, Sado, Seven Islands of Izu and Bonins. 

Motacilla alba leucopsis Gould 

Motacilla leucopsis Gould, 1838, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1837), 
p- 78 — India. 

Eastern Asia from about lat. 50° N. on the Amur in the vicinity 
of Blagoveshchensk, southward through Manchuria, east of the 
Great Kinghan Range, Korea, eastward to the southern Gobi and 
eastern Mongolian Altai and southward through northern China in 
Kansu, Tsinghai, northern Sikang, Tsinling Range in southern 


Shensi and the lower Yangtze valley to Kwangsi, Kwangtung and 
mountains of Formosa. In winter from the Red Basin of Szechwan 
and the Yangtze Valley southward; Formosa; Hainan; Indo China 
and Thailand eastward to southeastern Tibet and the foothills of 
the Himalayas to Nepal. 

Motacilla alba alboides Hodgson 

[Motacilla] Alboides Hodgson, 1836, Asiat. Res., 19, p. 191 — 

no locality = Nepal. 

Motacilla alba albula Koelz, 1954, Contrib. Inst. Reg. Expl., no. 

1, p. 20 — Bara Pani, Khasia Hills. 

China in Szechwan, Sikang, perhaps Kweichow and Yunnan, 
southward to extreme northern Tonkin and probably northern 
Burma, westward through southern Tibet and the Himalayas to La- 
dak, Kashmir and Gilgit. As a rule in winter moving to the foothills 
of the Himalayas and neighboring plains; hills of Assam south of 
the Brahmaputra; central and southern Burma to Tenasserim, nor- 
thern Thailand and Indo China. 


Motacilla grandis Sharpe 
Motacilla grandis Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 492 
— Japan. 
Japanese Islands. Moves in small numbers to Riu Kius and 
coasts of China occasionally but usually resident in winter. 


Motacilla madaraspatensis Gmelin 
M ae madaraspatensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, p. 961 — 
Motacilla madaraspatensis kangrae Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 52, p. 75 — Bhadwar, Kangra Dist., Punjab. 
India from North West Frontier Province eastward to western 
Bengal, and southward from about 5,000 feet in the Himalayas to 
Cape Comorin. 


Motacilla aguimp vidua Sundevall 

Motacilla vidua Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. Vet.-Akad. Foérh., 7, p. 128 
— Aswan, Egypt. 

Liberia to the Nile valley (north to Aswan), and Kenya; south to 
the Cape Province (except where the following subspecies occurs) ; 
Sao Thome. 


Motacilla aguimp aguimp Dumont 

Motacilla aguimp Dumont, 1821, Dict. Sci. Nat., éd. Levrault, 
21, p. 266 — Lower Orange River (ev Levaillant). 

South Africa on the Orange River system from its mouth to the 
Vaal and Olifants rivers. 


Motacilla clara chapini Amadon 

Motacilla clara chapini Amadon, 1954, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 
1656, p. 4 — Nkongasamba district, Cameroons. 

Sierra Leone to Gaboon and the upper Congo to west Uganda. 

Motacilla clara clara Sharpe 

Motacilla clara Sharpe, 1908, Ibis, p. 341; nom. nov. for M. longi- 
cauda Riippell, 1840, nec Gmel. — Simen, Ethiopia. 


Motacilla clara torrentium Ticehurst 

Motacilla clara torrentium Ticehurst, 1940, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
60, p. 81 — Ngone Forest, Eshowe, Zululand. 

Kenya and Uganda south to eastern Cape Province, and west 
to Katanga, Northern Rhodesia and Angola. 


Motacilla capensis simplicissima Neumann 
Motacilla capensis simplicissima Neumann, 1929, Orn. Monatsb., 
37, p. 176 — Chipepe, near Bailundu, Angola. 

Angola and the Katanga to Chobe River in south, and east over 
Northern Rhodesia to Luangwa valley and Mweru marsh. 

Motacilla capensis capensis Linnaeus 
Motacilla capensis Linnaeus 1766, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., 1, p. 333 
— Cape of Good Hope. 
Psomophilus capensis bradfieldi Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 29— Swakopmund, South West Africa. 
Psomophilus capensis beirensis Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 29 — Zimbiti, near Beira, Portuguese East Africa. 

Cape Province north to South West Africa, Ngamiland and the 
lower Zambezi River. 

Motacilla capensis wellsi Ogilvie-Grant 
Motacilla wellsi Ogilvie-Grant, 1911, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 29, p. 
30 — Kigezi, Uganda. 
Eastern highlands of the Belgian Congo to Uganda and highlands 
of Kenya. 



Motacilla flaviventris Hartlaub 

Motacilla flaviventris Hartlaub, 1860, Journ. f. Orn., 8, p. 94 — 
Bombetoke Bay, Madagascar. 

Motacilla flaviventris icterica Stresemann, 1926, Orn. Monatsb., 
34, p. 147 — south-central Madagascar. 



Tmetothylacus Cabanis, 1879, Orn. Centralb., p. 138. Type, by 
monotypy, Macronix tenellus Cabanis. 


Tmetothylacus tenellus (Cabanis) 
Macronix tenellus Cabanis, 1878, Journ. f. Orn., 26, p. 205 — 
Taita, Kenya. 

British Somaliland and the Ogaden through dry parts of Kenya 
to northeast Tanganyika south to Kondoa Irangi. 

Genus MACRONYX Swatnson 

Macronyx Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 344. Type, by 
original designation, ‘“‘L’Alouette sentinelle’ of Levaillant = 
Alauda capensis Linnaeus. 


Macronyx capensis capensis (Linnaeus) 

Alauda capensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., 1, p. 288 
—Cape of Good Hope. 

Western Cape Province from Capetown to Kingwilliamstown. 

Macronyx capensis colletti Schou 

Macronyx capensis collettt Schou, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 16, p. 119 
— Zululand. 

Interior of Cape Province at Kuruman to Transvaal, Pondoland, 
Natal and Zululand. 

Macronyx capensis stabilior Clancey 

Macronyx capensis stabilior Clancey, 1952, Durban Mus. Novit., 
4, pt. 3, p.51 — Thornpark, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. 

Southern Rhodesia. 



Macronyx croceus (Vieillot) 

Alauda crocea Vieillot, 1816, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 1, p. 365 
— Java (error) = Senegal (apud Swainson). 

Macronyx croceus vulturnus Friedmann, 1930, Occ. Pap. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., p. 263 — Natal. 

Senegal to the Sudan, Uganda and Kenya; south to north Angola, 
in the west; in the east through East Africa and Ruanda to Nyasa- 
land, Northern Rhodesia east of the Luangwa River, eastern South- 
ern Rhodesia, East Transvaal, Natal and Pondoland. 


Macronyx fillebornii fiillebornii Reichenow 

Macronyz fiillebornii Reichenow, 1900, Orn. Monatsb., 8, p. 39 
— Unika highlands, south Tanganyika. 

The interior of Tanganyika from Mbulu to Njombe and the country 
north of Lake Nyasa. 

Macronyx fiillebornii ascensi Salvadori 

Macronyx ascensi Salvadori, 1907, Bull. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. 
Torino, 22, no. 570, p. 6 — Lake Moero. 

Central and south Angola, Belgian Congo from the Kasai south- 
wards, Northern Rhodesia east to the Luangwa valley, and south- 
western Tanganyika at Ufipa. 


Macronyx sharpei Jackson 

Macronyx sharpei Jackson, 1904, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, p. 74 
— Mau plateau. 

The highlands of either side of the Kenya Rift Valley. 


Macronyx flavicollis Riippell 

Macronyx flavicollis Riippell, 1840, Neue Wirbelth., Vog., p. 102 
— Simen, near Entschetquab. 

The highlands of Ethiopia. 


Macronyx aurantiigula Reichenow 
Macronyx aurantiigula Reichenow, 1891, Journ. f. Orn., 39, p. 
222 — Pangani River. 
Macronyx aurantugula subocularis Friedmann, 1930, Occ. Pap. 
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, p. 266 — Tharaka dist., Kenya. 


South and southeastern Kenya to the Athi plains and dry country 
east of Kilimanjaro, and north to southern Italian Somaliland. 


Macronyx ameliae de Tarragon 
Macronyx ameliae de Tarragon, 1845, Rev. Zool., p. 452 — Dur- 
Macronyx wintont Sharpe, 1891, Ibis, p. 444 — Kavirondo. 
Natal and Zululand; Ngamiland and Southern Rhodesia to east- 
ern Angola, the Katanga, Nyasaland, Tanganyika and west Kenya. 


Macronyx grimwoodi Benson 
Macronyx grimwoodi Benson, 1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 75, p. 102 
— Chitunta plain, Mwinilunga, Northern Rhodesia. 

Only known from the type locality. 


Anthus Bechstein, 1805, Gemein. Nat. Deutschl., 2, p. 247, 302, 
465. Type, by subsequent designation, Alauda pratensis Lin- 
naeus (Selby, 1825, Illust. Brit. Orn., p. xxix). 

Oreocorys Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 622. Type, 
by monotypy, Heterura sylvana Blyth. 

Austranthus Mathews, 1915, Austral Av. Rec., 2, no. 7, p. 123. 
Type, by original designation, Anthus australis Vieillot. 

Caffranthus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 256. Type, 
by original designation, Anthus caffer Sundevall. 

Afranthus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 256. Type, 
by original designation, Anthus brachyurus Sundevall. 

Anomalanthus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 256. 
Type, by original designation, Anthus nicholsoni Sharpe. 

Meganthus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 257. Type, 
by original designation, Anthus vaalensis Shelley. 

Petranthus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 258. Type, 
by original designation, Anthus crenatus Finsch and Hartlaub. 

Hemimacronyx Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 258. 
Type, by original designation, Anthus chloris Lichtenstein. 

cf. Stresemann, 1912, Novit. Zool., 19, p. 315-316 (Malayan forms 

of novaeseelandiae). 

Bond and de Schauensee, 1942, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 94, p. 366-367 (Bolivian forms). 

Ripley, 1948, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 47, pp. 622-626 
(Anthus hodgsoni). 


Zimmer, 1953, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1649, p. 17-27 (South 
American forms). 

Vaurie, 1954, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1672, p. 9-13 (Palaearctic 

Clancey, 1956, Durban Mus. Novit., 4, pt. xvii, p. 284-288. 

White, 1957, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 77, p. 30-34 (African species). 

Richard’s and New Zealand Pipits 

Anthus novaeseelandiae camaroonensis Shelley 
Anthus rufulus camaroonensis Shelley, 1900, Birds Africa, 2, p. 
321 — Cameroon Mt. 
Anthus camerunensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1909, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
25, p. 12 — Cameroon Mt. 
Cameroon Mountain. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae lynesi Bannerman and Bates 
Anthus rufulus lynesi Bannerman and Bates, 1926, Ibis, p. 802 
= east of Bamenda, 5,000 feet, Cameroons. 
The Banso highlands of British Cameroons; also recorded from 
Fort Lamy in French Equatorial Africa and Darfur in the Sudan, 
where it has been thought to be a migrant. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae cinnamomeus Riippell 

Anthus cinnamomeus Riippell, 1840, Neue Wirbelth. Vég., p. 103 

= Simen [Ethiopia]. 

Anthus latistriatus Jackson, 1899, Ibis, p. 628 — Kavirondo (a 

melanic aberration). 
Anthus richardi lacuum Meinertzhagen, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
41, p. 22 — Lake Naivasha, Kenya. 

Anthus richardi annae Meinertzhagen, 1921, Ibis, p. 656 — Lake 
Magago, British Somaliland. 

Anthus richardi lichenya Vincent, 1933, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 53, 
p. 181 — Mlanje Mt., Nyasaland. 

Anthus richardi katangae Chapin, 1937, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 29, 
p. 339 — Lake Musole, Belgian Congo. 

Anthus richardi spurium Clancey, 1951, Ann. Natal Mus., p. 144 
— Zimbiti, near Beira, Portuguese East Africa. 

Ethiopia and Somalia over East Africa to the Zambezi valley; 
westward locally, over Belgian Congo to the lower Congo and 
Katanga, Nyasaland and most of Northern Rhodesia. Intergrades 
with adjacent subspecies over wide areas in Barotseland and South- 

1 Includes richardi Vieillot and of authors. 


ern Rhodesia and with A. n. lwenarum at Kasaji in the south west 
Belgian Congo. Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia islands. Southwestern 

Anthus novaeseelandiae lwenarum White 

Anthus richardi lwenarum White, 1946, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 67, 
p- 9 — Balovale, Northern Rhodesia. 

Northwestern Northern Rhodesia from Mwinilunga to Balovale. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae bocagei Nicholson 
Anthus bocagit [sic] Nicholson, 1884, Ibis, p. 469, nom. nov. for 
Anthus pallescens Bocage, 1876, Jorn. Lisbéa, p. 52 — Humbe, 
Anthus hoeschi Stresemann, 1938, Orn. Monatsb., 46, p. 151 — 
Erongo Mt., South West Africa. 
Anthus richardi grotei Niethammer, 1957, Journ. f. Orn., 98, p. 
449 — Onguma. 
Western littoral of Angola, South West Africa and north Bechu- 
analand; intergrades with A. n.cinnamomeus in Barotseland. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae rufuloides Roberts 

Anthus richardi rufuloides Roberts, 1936, Ostrich, p. 111 — 
Grahamstown, Cape Province. To replace Anthus raaltenii auct. 
not Layard, 1867, which is indeterminate. 

Anthus richardi transkeiensis Vincent, 1948, Bull. Brit. Orn. Ct., 
69, p. 17 — Qumbu, Cape Province. 

Union of South Africa to Southern Bechuanaland and northwards 
to the Zambezi valley from the Victoria Falls down stream. Birds 
from the northern Transvaal northwards are so unstable that they 
may be referred either to this form or to A. n. cinnamomeus. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae editus Vincent 

Anthus richardi editus Vincent, 1951, Ann. Natal Mus., 12, p. 135 
—Sanqubetu River, Basutoland. 

High altitudes in Basutoland. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae richardi Vieillot 

Anthus Richardi Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 
26, p. 491 — France. 

Western Siberia from the Irtysh eastward to the Yenisei and 
from about lat. 57° N. in the western part, and lat. 59° in the east- 
ern, southward to the Altai and Tarbagatai. A taxonomically in- 
distinguishable population occurs in the neighborhood of Koko Nor 
in northwestern China. Migrates to India, Thailand and northern 
Indochina. Strays to western Europe, northern Africa and western 


Anthus novaeseelandiae dauricus Johansen 
Anthus richardi dauricus Johansen, 1952, Journ. f. Orn., 92, 
(1944) p. 145 — Ukubun, Selenginsk district, western Transbai- 
Yakutia, from about lat. 63° 30’ N. southward to western Trans- 
baicalia and northern Mongolia. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae centralasiae (Kistiakovsky) 
Agrodoma richardi centralasiae Kistiakovsky, 1928, Mém. Acad. 
Sci. Ukraine, cl. sci. phys., 6, no. 3, p. 553 — Blagodatny, 
western Nan Shan. 
Central Asia from the Tian Shan to western Nan Shan. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae sinensis (Bonaparte) 

Corydalla sinensis Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 247 — south- 

ern China. Restricted to Foochow by Vaurie. 

Anthus richardi striolatus Gyldenstolpe, 1913, K. Svensk. Vet.- 

Akad. Handl., p. 42 — Den Chai, N. Siam. 
Anthus richardi ussuriensis Johansen, 1952, Journ. f. Orn., 92, 
(1944) p. 146 — Possiet Bay, southern Ussuriland. 

Extreme eastern Siberia, in Ussuriland and the lower Amur, south- 
ward to eastern China in Hopei, Shantung, Kiangsu, Chekiang, 
Fukien, Kiangsi and Kwangsi, and central China (Szechwan). Migra- 
tes to Malaya, Sumatra, Thailand (except extreme south and south- 
west), Hainan, northern and central Indochina. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae rufulus Vieillot 
Anthus rufulus Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., 
26, p. 494 — Bengal. 

India, from 6,000 foot level in the Himalayas southward through 
Ceylon, and eastward through Burma, south to Tenasserim; Thai- 
land, to the Isthmus of Kra; northern Laos; Tonkin and northern 

Anthus novaeseelandiae waitei Whistler 
Anthus rufulus waitei Whistler, 1936, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. 
Soc., 38, p. 766 — Jhelum, Punjab. 
Northwestern Frontier Province, Punjab and United Provinces 

(Uttar Pradesh) southward in Sind and Rajputana to the Nerbudda 

Anthus novaeseelandiae malayensis Eyton 

Anthus malayensis Eyton, 1839, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 104 
— Malacca. 


From southern Tenasserim (Mergui Dist.) southward through 
Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Rhio Archipelago, and in southern Laos, 
Cambodia and Cochin China; Borneo.! 

Anthus novaeseelandiae albidus Stresemann 

Anthus richardi albidus Stresemann, 1912, Novit. Zool., 19, p. 
316 — South Flores. 

Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae medius Wallace 

Anthus medius Wallace, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 488 
— Timor (restricted type locality) and Lombok. 

Savu, Timor, Kisar, Letti, Moa and Sermatta. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae exiguus Greenway 

Anthus australis exiguus Greenway, 1935, Proc. New England Zool. 
CL., 14, p.53 — Wau, Morobe district, northeastern New Guinea. 

Grasslands of central New Guinea from the Mt. Hagen area to 
the upper Watut River. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae rogersi Mathews 

Anthus australis rogersi Mathews, 1913, Austral Av. Rec., 1, p. 
193 — Melville Island. 

Northern Australia from Northern Territory to Normanton, Gulf 
of Carpenteria. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae subaustralis Mathews 
Anthus australis subaustralis Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, 
p. 425 — Lake Way, West Australia. 
Anthus australis subrufus Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p. 425 
— Onslow, West Australia. 
Anthus australis tribulationis Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, 
p. 425 — Point Torment, King Sound, North-West Australia. 
Anthus australis montebelli Montague, 1913, Austral Av. Rec., 1, 
p. 181— Hermite Island, Monte Bello Archipelago, West 
Anthus australis hartogi Mathews, 1917, Ibis, p. 610 — Dirk Har- 
tog Island, Sharks Bay, West Australia. 
From the interior of Queensland and South Australia to western 
Australia, from Geraldton to the Victoria River (Northern Territory). 
Intergrading with rogersi in the interior of Northern Territory. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae bilbali Mathews 

Anthus australis bilbali Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p. 424 
— Wilson’s Inlet, South-West Australia. 

South-West Australia. 
1 A.n. lugubris (Walden) should be added here; see addendum, p. 458. 


Anthus novaeseelandiae australis Vieillot 

Anthus australis Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. ed., 
26, p. 501 — Sydney, New South Wales. 

Anthus australis adelaidensis Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p. 
424 — Adelaide, South Australia. 

Anthus australis queenslandica Mathews, 1912, Austral Av. Rec., 
p- 120 — Gracemere, Queensland. 

Eastern Australia from South Australia and Victoria to central 

Anthus novaeseelandiae bistriatus (Swainson) 

Agrodroma bistriata Swainson, 1837, Anim. in Menag., p. 316 — 

Austranthus australis flinderst Mathews, 1923, Austral Av. Rec., 
5, p. 40 — Flinders Island, Bass Strait. 

Tasmania and islands in Bass Strait. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae reischeki Lorenz-Liburnau 

Anthus novaezealandiae reischeki Lorenz-Liburnau, 1902, Ann. 
K.-K. Naturhist. Hofmus. Wien, 17, p. 308 — Manturu and 
Waikato, North Island, New Zealand. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae tawpoensis Mathews, 1930, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 50, p. 42 — Lake Taupo, North Island. 

New Zealand (North Island). Casual on Kermadecs. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae (Gmelin) 

Alauda novae Seelandiae Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 799 
— Queen Charlotte’s Sound, South Island, New Zealand. 

New Zealand (South Island). 

Anthus novaeseelandiae chathamensis Lorenz-Liburnau 

Anthus novaezealandiae chathamensis Lorenz-Liburnau, 1902, Ann. 
K.-K. Naturhist. Hofmus. Wien, 17, p. 309 — Chatham Islands. 

Chatham Islands. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae aucklandicus Gray 

Anthus aucklandicus G. R. Gray, 1862, Ibis, 4, p. 224 — Auck- 
land Islands. 

Auckland Islands. 

Anthus novaeseelandiae steindachneri Reischek 
Anthus steindachneri Reischek, 1889, Trans. New Zeal. Inst., 
21, p. 388 — Antipodes Islands. 
Antipodes Islands. 



Anthus leucophrys ansorgei White 
Anthus leucophrys ansorgei White, 1948, Ibis, p. 549 — Bissao, 
Portuguese Guinea. 

Senegal and Portuguese Guinea through dry interior to northern 
Gold Coast (Ghana) and northwest Northern Nigeria. 

Anthus leucophrys gouldii Fraser! 
Anthus gouldit Fraser, 1843, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 27 — 
Cape Palmas, Liberia. 
Sierra Leone to Ivory Coast. 

Anthus leucophrys zenkeri Neumann 
Anthus leucophrys zenkeri Neumann, 1906, Journ. f. Orn., p. 235 
— Jaunde, Cameroons. 
Anthus gouldi turneri Meinertzhagen, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
41, p. 24 — Kituni, N. W. Kenya. 

Nigeria and the Cameroons to the Nile valley, northern and north- 
eastern savannas of Belgian Congo, north Uganda and northwestern 
Kenya; to Kericho and Nakuru where it overlaps A. vaalensis 
goodsoni: intergrades in the last two areas with races to the north 
and southwest. 

Anthus leucophrys omoensis Neumann 
Anthus leucophrys omoensis Neumann, 1906, Journ. f. Orn., p. 
235 — Ergino valley, between Gofa and Doko, Ethiopia. 
Ethiopia (except the east) to Uganda and west Kenya where 
there is much instability of populations where this race meets 
A. 1. zenkeri. 

Anthus leucophrys bohndorffi Neumann 
Anthus leucophrys bohndorffi Neumann, 1906, Journ. f. Orn., p. 
236 — Kasongo, Belgian Congo. 
Anthus gouldi prunus Meinertzhagen, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
41, p. 24— Catatu River, Benguella. 
Interior of Angola to the Kasai, Katanga (Belgian Congo), North- 
ern Rhodesia (except apparently the south), and Nyasaland. 

Anthus leucophrys leucophrys Vieillot 
Anthus leucophrys Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
ed., 26, p. 502 — Cape of Good Hope. 

Anthus leucophrys enunciator Clancey, 1952, Ann. Natal Mus., p. 
261 — Lebombo, Zululand. 

1 A population on the lower Congo close to the mouth of the river appears 
very close to A. /. gouldii but better material is required to settle its status. 


Cape Province to Transvaal, Zululand, Bechuanaland, and south- 
ern Angola. 


Anthus vaalensis saphiroi Neumann 

Anthus leucophrys saphiroi Neumann, 1906, Journ. f. Orn., 54, 
p- 235 — Balassira, near Harar. 

Eastern Ethiopia and Somalia. 

Anthus vaalensis goodsoni Meinertzhagen 
Anthus leucophrys goodsoni Meinertzhagen, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 41, p. 23 — Nakuru, Kenya. 
Highlands of Kenya east of the Rift Valley to the Mara river 
and Nakuru where it overlaps A. leucophrys zenkeri. 

Anthus vaalensis vaalensis Shelley 
Anthus vaalensis Shelley, 1900, Birds Afr., 2, p. 311 — Newcastle, 
Anthus daviesi Roberts, 1914, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 55, p. 172 
— Matatiele. 

Cape Province and South West Africa; Southern Rhodesia. 

Anthus vaalensis neumanni Meinertzhagen. 

Anthus leucophrys neumanni Meinertzhagen, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 41, p. 23, nom. nov. for A. leucophrys angolensis Neumann, 
1906, Journ. f. Orn., p. 236 — Ambaca, Angola (preoccupied). 

™Meganthus vaalensis chobiensis Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 29 — Kabulabula. 

Anthus leucophrys marungensis Chapin, 1937, Rev. Zool. Bot. 
Afr., 29, p. 342 — Kasiki, Marungu, Belgian Congo. 
Anthus vaalensis muhingae White, 1944, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 65, 
p- 6 — Muhinga plain, Nasondoye, Katanga. 
Angola and southern Belgian Congo, northern parts of Northern 
Rhodesia, Barotseland and the headwaters of the Zambesi. 


Anthus pallidiventris pallidiventris Sharpe 

Anthus pallidiventris Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 560 
— Gaboon. 
Northwest Angola to Gaboon and the lower Congo. 

Anthus pallidiventris esobe Chapin 

Anthus pallidiventris esobe Chapin, 1937, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 29, 
p. 343 — Eala near Coquilhatville and Lukolela = Lukolela. 

The middle Congo from Bolobo to Coquilhatville. 



Anthus melindae Shelley 
Anthus melindae Shelley, 1900, Birds Afr., 2, p. 305 — Melinda, 
The coastal region of Kenya, to Jubaland and Southern Italian 

Tawny Pipit 
Anthus campestris campestris (Linnaeus) 
Alauda campestris Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 166 
— Europa = Sweden. 
Anthus campestris (campestris) kastschenkoi Johansen, 1952, Journ. 
f. Orn., 92, 1944, p. 147 — Novosibirsk, western Siberia. 
Europe from about 58° N. south to northwest Africa (Morocco 
to Tunisia) and most Mediterranean islands; in Asia south to the 
Caucasus, Asia Minor, Palestine, northwestern and northern Iran, 
Kirghiz Steppes, Tarbagatai, Altai, and sporadically at Krasnoyarsk 
on the Yenisei. Breeds occasionally in the British Isles. Migrates to 
Africa, north of the equator, to Arabia and southern Afghanistan. 

Anthus campestris griseus Nicoll 
Anthus campestris griseus Nicoll, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 41, 
p. 25 — Tishkan, Russian Turkestan. 

East central Asia from the eastern shores of the Caspian Sea in 
Transcaspia (Ust Urt Plateau) and, perhaps, the southwestern Kara 
Tau region (Syr Daria), east of the Aral Sea eastward in Ferghana, 
Tadzikistan; western Tien Shan and Alma Ata, and southward to 
the Khorasan region of eastern Iran and northern Afghanistan. 
Migrates to Seistan, southern Afghanistan, western India to Ban- 


Anthus godlewskii (Taczanowski) 
Agrodoma godlewskit Taczanowski, 1876, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 
1, p. 158 — steppes of the Argun River valley, southern Dauria 
[= Transbaicalia]. 
Anthus striolatus of authors, not Blyth. 
Anthus thermophilus of authors, not Jerdon. 

Southern Transbaicalia southward in Mongolia from Khangai 
eastward to the Great Khingan in eastern Manchuria, southward in 
Chahar and Ala Shan to Tibet and possibly Sikkim. Migrates to 
India and Ceylon. 

1 Some authors consider that godlewskii is conspecific with campestris. 



Anthus berthelotii berthelotii Bolle 
Anthus Berthelotii Bolle, 1862, Journ. f. Orn., 10, p. 357 — Cana- 
Canary Islands. 

Anthus berthelotii madeirensis Hartert 
Anthus berthelotti madeirensis Hartert, 1905, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, 
Heft 3, p. 271 — Poizo, 4,000 ft., Madeira and Porto Santo. 



Anthus similis nicholsoni Sharpe 
Anthus nicholsoni Sharpe, 1884, in Layard’s Birds S. Africa, 
p. 536 — Sigonell, Vaal River. 
Anthus similis petricolus Clancey, 1956, Durban Mus. Novit., 4, 
pt. 7, p. 280 — Mamathes, Basutoland. 
Union of South Africa and Southern Rhodesia. 

Anthus similis leucocraspedon Reichenow 

Anthus leucocraspedon Reichenow, 1915, Orn. Monatsb., 23, 
p. 155 — Windhuk. 

Anthus similis palliditinctus Clancey, 1956, Durban Mus. Novit., 
4, pt. 7, p. 287 — Zesfontein, Kaokoveld, South West Africa. 

Little Namaqualand and South West Africa. 

Anthus similis bannermani Bates 

Anthus bannermani Bates, 1930, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 51, p. 48 — 
Birwa Peak, Sierra Leone. 

Anthus similis chapini Grote, 1937, Orn. Monatsb., 45, p. 205 — 
Fangu, Bamenda, Cameroons. 

Mountains of Sierra Leone, French Guinea and central British 

Anthus similis josensis Grant and Mackworth-Praed 

Anthus similis josensis Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1958, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 78, p. 18 — Jos, central Nigeria. 

Know only from the type locality in central Nigeria. 

Anthus similis asbenaicus Rothschild 
Anthus sordidus asbenaicus Rothschild, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
41, p. 33 — Mt. Baguézane, Asben (Air). 
Only known from the type locality in the southern Sahara. 

1 Replaces Anthus sordidus Riippell, 1840, and authors, not A. sordidus 
Lesson, 1830 = Centrites niger (Boddaert). 


Anthus similis jebelmarrae Lynes 

Anthus sordidus jebelmarrae Lynes, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 41, 
p. 16 — Jebel Marra, Darfur. 

Mountains of Darfur, Sudan. 

Anthus similis hararensis Neumann 

Anthus nicholsoni hararensis Neumann, 1906, Journ. f. Orn., 
p. 233 — Abu Bekr near Harar. 

Anthus sordidus Riippell, 1840, Neue Wirbelth. Vog., p. 103 — 
Simen (preoccupied). 

Anthus nicholsoni longirostris Neumann, 1905, Orn. Monatsb., 8, 
p. 77 — Gardulla, Lake Abaya (preoccupied). 

Anthus similis chyuluensis van Someren, 1939, Journ. E. Afr. and 
Ug. Nat. Hist. Soc., 14, p. 57 — Chyulu Hills, Kenya. 

Anthus similis neumannianus Hartert and Collin, 1927, Novit. 
Zool., 34, p. 50. Nom. nov. for A. s. longirostris Neumann. 

Eritrea and Ethiopia to highlands of Kenya and northern Tan- 

Anthus similis nivescens Reichenow 
Anthus nivescens Reichenow, 1905, Orn. Monatsb., 13, p. 179 — 
Hills of Red Sea coast southward from the Red Sea Province of 
the Sudan; British and Italian Somaliland. 

Anthus similis sokotrae Hartert 

Anthus sordidus sokotrae Hartert, 1917, Novit. Zool., 24, p. 457 
— Alilo Pass, Socotra. 


Anthus similis dewittei Chapin 

Anthus similis dewittei Chapin, 1937, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 24, 
p. 344 — Kasiki, 2,200 meters, Marungu district. 

Only known from the Marungu highlands, Belgian Congo. 

Anthus similis hallae White 

Anthus similis hallae White, 1957, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 77, p. 30 
— Lake Karange, Ankole, Uganda. 

Highlands of Belgian Congo from Lakes Edward and Albert to 
Kivu and adjacent area of Uganda to Entebbe. 

Anthus similis nyassae Neumann 

Anthus nicholsoni nyassae Neumann, 1906, Journ. f. Orn., p. 233 
— between Sangesi and Songea, southern Tanganyika. 


Anthus similis schoutedeni Chapin, 1937, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 24, 
p. 345 — Kwamouth, Belgian Congo. 

French Congo to Angola, the Kasai, Northern Rhodesia, Nyasa- 
land and Tanganyika north to Hanang in thorn scrub or savanna. 

Anthus similis captus Hartert 
Anthus leucophrys captus Hartert, 1905, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, Heft 
3, p. 269 —Wadi Zerka, Jordan Valley. 
Hills of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine southward to the vicinity of 
Jerusalem, and, in winter, the Jordan Valley. 

Anthus similis arabicus Hartert 
Anthus sordidus arabicus Hartert, 1917, Novit. Zool., 24, p. 457 
— Menakha, Yemen. 
Southern Arabia in the Yemen from Asir Tihama south to the 
ee of the Aden Protectorate. Recorded from the vicinity of 

Anthus similis decaptus Meinertzhagen 
Anthus sordidus decaptus Meinertzhagen, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 41, p. 23 — Rud-i-Taman, Persian Baluchistan. 
From Zagros, Persian Baluchistan and Baluchistan eastward to 
the Safed Koh in Afghanistan. Migrates to Sind and northwestern 
and central India. 

Anthus similis jerdoni Finsch 
Anthus jerdoni Finsch, 1870, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 7, p. 241 
— Kotgarh, northern Punjab. 

From eastern Afghanistan (Jalalabad) eastward in the Himalayas 
through Sikkim. Migrates to the northern plains of India and to 
central Burma. 

Anthus similis yamethini Hall 
Anthus similis yamethini Hall, 1957, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 77, p.102 
— Aingo, Yamethin District, Central Burma. 

Central Burma in hills and foothills of Yamethin, Meiktilo, Myin- 
gan, Pakokku and Mandalay districts. 

Anthus similis similis Jerdon 
Anthus similis Jerdon, 1840, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 11, p. 35 — 
Jalna, Nilgiri Hills. 
Southern India in Nilgiri and Palni Hills. 


Anthus similis travancoriensis Ripley 

Anthus similis travancoriensis Ripley, 1953, Postilla, Yale Univ., 
no. 17, p. 2— Muthukuzhi, 4,500 ft., Ashambu Hills, Travan- 
core-Cochin State, southern India. 

Known only from the type locality in extreme southern India. 


Anthus brachyurus brachyurus Sundevall 

Anthus brachyurus Sundevall, 1851, Ofv. Vet.-Akad. Férh., 7, 
(1850), p. 100 — near Durban. 

Natal and Zululand. 

Anthus brachyurus leggei Ogilvie-Grant 

Anthus leggei Ogilvie-Grant, 1906, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, p. 26 
— Mokia, Ruwenzori. 

Gaboon and middle Congo to Angola, east to Uganda, Njombe 
in Tanganyika and northeastern Northern Rhodesia. 


Anthus caffer australoabyssinicus Benson 

Anthus caffer australoabyssinicus Benson, 1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 63, p. 12 — Yavello, 4,500 feet, southern Abyssinia. 

The Yavello and Mega areas of southern Ethiopia. 

Anthus caffer blayneyi van Someren 
Anthus blayneyi van Someren, 1919, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 40, p. 56 
— Olgerei, Kenya. 
Dry areas of south Kenya to Tanganyika at Ikoma. 

Anthus caffer mzimbaensis Benson 

Anthus caffer mzimbaensis Benson, 1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 75, 
p. 102 — Mzimba, Nyasaland. 

Only known from the type locality. 

Anthus caffer caffer Sundevall 
Anthus caffer Sundevall, 1851, Ofv. Vet.-Akad. Férh., 7, (1850), 
p. 100 — Limpopo River; type from Mohapoani Berg. 
Bushveld of Bechuanaland to Transvaal, Southern Rhodesia, 
Natal, Swaziland and Portuguese East Africa; highlands of Angola; 
Northern Province of Northern Rhodesia where very sparse. 


Tree Pipit 
Anthus trivialis trivialis (Linnaeus) 
Alauda trivialis Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 166 — 
2Anthus trivialis sibirica Sushkin, 1925, List Distrib. Birds Rus- 
sian Altai, p. 69 — Taldura, southeastern Russian Altai. 
Anthus trivialis salomonseni Clancey, 1950, Dansk Orn. For. 
Tidsskr., 44, p. 43 — Carmunnock, Lanarkshire, Scotland. 
Europe and Asia from the island of Britain (not Ireland) and the 
Scandinavian Peninsula southward to the Cantabrian Mountains 
in Spain, mountains of Italy and Greece and from lat. 70° N. in 
Russia and 64° N. in Siberia southward to the Crimea, Asia Minor, 
the Caucasus, northern Iran and lat. 50° N. in Siberia, and east- 
ward to Lake Baikal, the region north of Yakutsk om the middle 
Lena and Tarbagatai. Migrates to Mediterranean region, Africa 
south to the Transvaal, southern Iran, Afghanistan and India south 
to Travancore. 

Anthus trivialis haringtoni Witherby 
Anthus trivialis haringtoni Witherby, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
37, p.44—Gittidas, Kaghan Valley, Hazara, North West 
Frontier Province. 
2Anthus microrhynchus Severtzow, 1883, not Anthus arboreus 
microrhynchos [sic] Brehm, 1856 = A. t. trivialis. 
Anthus arboreus schliiteri Kleinschmidt, 1920, Falco, 16, p. 16 — 
Anthus hodgsoni burzil Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
52, p. 75 — Burzil Pass, Kashmir. 
Russian Turkestan in eastern Alma Ata eastward in the western 
Tien Shan, the Pamirs and western Himalayas to Garhwal. Migrates 
to the northern plains of India. 


Anthus nilghiriensis Sharpe 

Anthus nilghiriensis Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, 
p. 550 — Nilghiri Hills, southern India. New name for Anthus 
rufescens Jerdon, 1840, Madras Journ., 11, p. 34, not A. rufescens 
Temm., 1820, Man. d’Orn., 1, p. 267. 

Mountains of southwestern Madras Presidency above 5,000 ft. 


Anthus hodgsoni yunnanensis Uchida and Kuroda 

Anthus maculatus yunnanensis Uchida and Kuroda, 1916, Annot. 
Zool. Japon., 9, p. 134 — Mengtz, southern Yunnan. 


Anthus hodgsoni inopinatus Hartert and Steinbacher, 1933, Vog. 
pal. Fauna, Ergiinz., p. 138 — Boatassin, Sakhalin Island. 

Eurasia from northeastern Russia (Pechora region) eastward, 
south of about 61° to 64° N., to Kamchatka and Kuriles, Trans- 
baicalia, Mongolia, Amurland, and Sakhalin; the population of 
Hokkaido is intermediate between this race and nominate hodgsoni. 
Migrates to India; northern Burma; Thailand; northwestern Ma- 
laya; Indo China; southeastern China, the Riu Kiu, Philippine 
Islands; Borneo. 

Anthus hodgsoni hodgsoni Richmond 

Anthus hodgsoni Richmond, 1907, in Blackwelder, Publ. Carnegie 
Inst. Washington, no. 54, 1, pt. 2, p. 493 — “Bengal” [heavily 
streaked birds in winter, fide Jerdon]. New name for: 

Anthus maculatus Jerdon, 1864 (part), not Anthus maculatus 
Vieillot, 1818, nor Motacilla maculata Gmelin, 1788 = Anthus 
campestris Linnaeus, 1766. 

From Garhwal eastward through the Himalayas and _ north- 
western China in western Kansu, southern Yunnan and Szechwan; 
Korea; Japan in central Honshu. Migrates to India, northern Burma, 
northern and eastern Thailand, Indochina, southern China, For- 
mosa, the Riu Kiu and Philippine Islands. 

?Anthus hodgsoni berezowskii Zarudny 

Anthus maculatus berezowskii Zarudny, 1909, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 
p- 41 — southwestern Kansu. 

Range not well known but probably southeastern Tibet, Sikang 
Province of China, southeastern Kansu, and perhaps eastward in 
Kansu and southward in Yunnan. Migrates to Tonkin, northern 
plains of India and perhaps elsewhere. 


Anthus gustavi gustavi Swinhoe 

Anthus gustavi Swinhoe, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 90 — 

Tundra and forest regions of northeastern Russia southward to 
about lat. 64° N. and from the Pechora region to the Kolyma, 
Anadyrland and Chukotski Peninsula. Migrates through China and 
Korea, Formosa, the Riu Kius, Philippines to Borneo, the Lesser 
Sundas, Celebes and Moluccas. 

1 Ripley’s 1948 revision is followed. His measurements of three forms 
show much overlap and the validity of this one should be questioned. 


?Anthus gustavi commandorensis Johansen 
Anthus gustavi commandorensis Johansen, 1952, Journ. f. Orn., 
92, (1944), p. 152 — Kommandorski Islands. 

Commander Islands. 

Anthus gustavi menzbieri Shulpin 
Anthus gustavi menzbiert Shulpin, 1928, Annuaire Mus. Zool. Acad. 
Sci. URSS, 28, (1927), p. 402 — mouth of the Lefu River, Lake 
Khanka, Ussuriland. 

Southern Ussuriland. 

Meadow Pipit 

Anthus pratensis theresae Meinertzhagen 

Anthus pratensis theresae Meinertzhagen, 1953, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
73, p. 43 — Achill Island, western Ireland. 

Western Ireland. 

Anthus pratensis pratensis (Linnaeus) 
Alauda pratensis Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 166 — 
in Europae pratis = Sweden. 
Anthus pratensis whistleri Clancey, 1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 63, 
p. 6 — Dornoch, Sutherland, Scotland. 

Western Palearctic in southeastern Greenland, Iceland, Faroes, 
British Isles, except western Ireland, and Europe from the Kola 
Peninsula and northern Scandinavia eastward to lower Pechora and 
Kolguev Island, and northern Ukraine; northwestern Siberia along 
the lower Ob; southward to southern France, Italy Yugoslavia and 
the Balkans. Migrates to north Africa, Crimea, Caucasus, Asia 
Minor and Near East, Iraq and Ivan, Transcaspia and rarely 

Red-throated Pipit 

Anthus cervinus (Pallas) 

Motacilla cervina Pallas, 1811, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., 1, p. 511 — 
Kolyma (fide Stresemann, 1948). 

¢*Anthus rufogularis Brehm, 1824, Lehrb. Naturg. Eur. Vog., 2, 
p. 963 — Nubia and Germany = Dongola. 

Northern Palearctic, south of lat. 68° N. in Scandinavia, 65° in 
Russia and 64° in Siberia, eastward to the Chukotski Peninsula in 
extreme northeastern Siberia. Migrates through Europe and the 
British Isles to Nigeria, Sudan, Belgian Congo, and Tanganyika; 
in the far east through Sakhalin, Korea, Quelpart Island, the Riu 


Kius, southeastern China and Formosa to the Philippines; Hainan; 
Indo China; northern, central and Peninsular Thailand; northern 
Borneo; Celebes; northern and northwestern India. 


Anthus roseatus Blyth 

Anthus roseatus Blyth, 1847, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 16, p. 437 
— Nepal.t 

Asia, from eastern Afghanistan, and along the southern rim of 
the Tarim Basin in Sinkiang southward throughout the Himalayas 
and eastward through Yunnan and the northern Shan States, 
southern and eastern Tibet (Sikang), Tsinghai, Kansu, northern 
Szechwan and Tsinling Range in Shensi to the Wu Tai Shan in 
northern Shansi. Migrates to the plains of northern India, northern 
Burma, northern Tonkin and southern China. 

Water Pipit, Rock Pipit, American Pipit 
Anthus spinoletta rubescens (Tunstall) 

Alauda Rubescens Tunstall, 1771, Orn. Brit., p. 2 — Pennsylvania. 
Ex Pennant’s Brit. Zool., p. 239, based on “The Lark from 
Pensilvania’”’ of Edwards, Gleanings Nat. Hist., 2, p. 185, pl. 297. 

Anthus japonicus hirmsi Zarudny, 1909, Orn. Monatsb., 17, p. 40 
— Tashkent, Russian Turkestan. 

Northeastern Siberia from the eastern Taimyr Peninsula and 
Khatanga River eastward to Kamchatka and Commander Islands, 
southern limits of the range unknown; northern North America 
from northern Alaska southward to the Yukon, northwestern 
British Columbia, northern Manitoba, and eastward to Baffin 
Island, western Greenland and northern Quebec; mountain tops 
of the Gaspé Peninsula; Newfoundland. Migrates to southern Utah 
and Arkansas eastward to Pennsylvania and southward to coasts 
of the Gulf of Mexico, Mexico and Guatemala. 

Anthus spinoletta pacificus Todd 

Anthus rubescens pacificus Todd, 1935, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 48, p. 63 — Red Pass, 6,000 ft., British Columbia. 

Aleutian Islands, eastern central and southern Alaska south 
through Oregon to the Cascade Mountains, eastward perhaps to 
western Alberta and Montana. Migrates to the western slopes of the 
Rocky Mountains south to Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico south 
to Oaxaca and Vera Cruz. 

1 The name pelopus Hodgson, 1844 (in Gray’s Zool. Misc., p. 83—Nepal), 
has been revived. It is, however, a nomen nudum. 

2 The subspecies kleinschmidti, petrosus, and littoralis are confined to 
rocky coasts. They are the Rock Pipits. 


Anthus spinoletta alticola Todd 
Anthus rubescens alticola Todd, 1935, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
48, p. 64 — Estes Park, Colorado. 

Higher elevations in mountains of Utah, Colorado southward to 
northern Arizona and northern New Mexico. Winter range not well 
known but probably southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, 
Texas and Mexico south to Oaxaca. 

Anthus spinoletta japonicus Temminck and Schlegel 

Anthus pratensis japonicus Temminck and Schlegel, 1847, in Sie- 

bold, Fauna Japonica, Aves, p. 59, pl. 24 — Japan. 

Southern Kamchatka (possibly), Kuriles, Sakhalin, and lower 
Amur, and perhaps (but range uncertain farther west) the middle 
Lena from the Verkhoyansk Mountains and Yakutsk westward to 
the headwaters of the Lower and Middle Tunguska and Angara 
Rivers, south to northern Transbaicalia. Migrates through Man- 
churia, Korea, the Japanese Islands and the Riu Kius to eastern 
China; northern Burma, Tonkin and northern India. 

Anthus spinoletta coutellii Audouin 
Anthus Coutellii Audouin, 1828, in Savigny, Descr. Egypte, 23, 
p. 360, pl. 5, fig. 5 — Egypt. 
Anthus blakistoni Swinhoe, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 90 
— 150 miles inland, banks of the Yangtze. 
Anthus spinoletta caucasicus Laubmann, 1915, Orn. Jahrb., p. 28 
— Tichinia, Kuban, northwestern Caucasus. 

Asia from the Caucasus eastward in northern Iran, northern 
Khorasan and perhaps northern Afghanistan; the Pamirs; western 
Tien Shan; Russian Turkestan to the Tarbagatai, Altai, and the 
Sayans, southwestern Transbaicalia and northern Mongolia, Nan 
Shan and perhaps Tibet. In winter or on migration: western, cen- 
tral, northern and eastern China in Kansu, Shensi, Szechwan, middle 
and lower Yangtze, Shanghai, Shaweishan Island and Hopei; India 
in Kashmir and northern plains and Assam; Afghanistan; Iran, 
eastern Arabia, Near East and Egypt. 

Anthus spinoletta spinoletta (Linnaeus) 
Alauda Spinoletta Linnaeus, 1758, Syst.Nat.,ed. 10,1, p. 166—Italy. 
Europe from Poland and Germany, central and southern France, 
Pyrenees and mountains of Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Cor- 
sica and perhaps, Sardinia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ruma- 
nia and perhaps Asia Minor. 

Anthus spinoletta kleinschmidti Hartert 

Anthus spinoletta Kleinschmidti Hartert, 1905, V6g. pal. Fauna, 
1, Heft 3, p. 284 — Nols6, Faroe Islands. 

Faroe Islands. 


Anthus spinoletta petrosus (Montagu) 

Alauda petrosa Montagu, 1798, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 4, p. 41 
— coast of Wales. 

Anthus spinoletta meinertzhageni Bird, 1936, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
56, p. 55 — Lochboisdale, South Uist, Outer Hebrides. 

Anthus spinoletta hesperianus Clancey, 1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
62, p. 58 — Blackwaterfoot, Arran Island. 

Anthus spinoletia ponens Clancey, 1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 63, 
p. 41 — Ushant, Finistére, France. 

British Isles, including Outer Hebrides, Channel Islands, coasts 
of France. 

Anthus spinoletta littoralis Brehm 
Anthus littoralis Brehm, 1823, Lehrb. Naturg. Eur. Vog., 1, p. 259 
— Oehe Island, Schleimiinde, Baltic Sea. 

Northwestern Europe from the Kola Peninsula and shores of the 
White Sea, Lapland, northern Finland, the Aland Islands, coast of 
Sweden and Danish Islands. In winter to the British Isles and 
northern France. Accidental elsewhere in Europe. 

Anthus sylvanus (Blyth) 

Heterura sylvana Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 556 
— Nepal. 

Oreocorys sylvanus of authors, see Vaurie, 1954. 

Oreocorys sylvanus oreinus! Koelz, 1954, Contrib. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
no. 1, p. 21 — Kotla, Kangra District, Punjab. 

Himalayas from eastern Afghanistan to Nepal, northwestern 
Yunnan, western Szechwan. Recorded from Etawah, plains of 
United Provinces (Uttar Pradesh), India. 

Sprague’s Pipit 
Anthus spragueii (Audubon) 
Alauda spragueit Audubon, 1844, Birds Amer., octavo ed., 7, 
p- 334, pl. 486 — near Fort Union, North Dakota. 
Northern-central North America from Alberta eastward to Saskat- 
chewan and southern Manitoba, southward to western Montana, 

North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota, Migrates to southern 
Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, south to southern Mexico. 

1 A cline runs from west to east and from the Punjab westward; the 
western population (‘‘oreinus’’) is slightly paler and somewhat less heavily 



Anthus furcatus brevirostris Taczanowski 

Anthus brevirostris Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 507 — Junin, Peru. 

Peru in Huadnuco, Junin, Cuzco, Puno; Bolivia in Ururu, Coacha- 
bamba, Santa Cruz, Potosi and Tarija. 

Anthus furcatus furcatus Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny 

Anthus furcatus Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Syn. Av., 1, in 
Mag. Zool., 7, cl. 2, p. 27 — Patagonia = Carmen, Rio Negro, 
fide Hellmayr. 

Paraguay; Brazil in western and southern Rio Grande do Sul; 

Uruguay, and Argentina in Santa Fé, Cordoba, Mendoza, Buenos 
Aires and the Rio Negro in northern Patagonia. 


Anthus hellmayri hellmayri Hartert 

Anthus hellmayri Hartert, 1909, Novit. Zool., 16, p. 165 —Tucu- 
man = Rio Sali, Tucuman. 

Anthus bogotensis pallidus Carriker, 1933, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philadelphia, 85, p.34—  Oconeque, Dept. Sandia, Puno, 
8,000 ft., Peru. 

Peru in Puno; Bolivia in Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, 
and Tarija; northwestern Argentina in Tucuman. 

Anthus hellmayri dabbenei Hellmayr 

Anthus hellmayri dabbenei Hellmayr, 1921, Hornero, 2, no. 3, p.191 
— Rio Traful, Neuquen, western Argentina. 

Western Argentina in western Neuquen and western Chubut; 
Chile near the Argentine border in Cautin. Migrates northward to 
Santa Fé, Rioja and Tucuman. 

Anthus hellmayri brasilianus Hellmayr 

Anthus hellmayri brasilianus Hellmayr, 1921, Hornero, 2, p. 190 
— Campos do Itatiaya, Rio de Janeiro. 

Southeastern Brazil from Sao Paula and Rio de Janeiro, south- 
ward to Uruguay and Argentina in Buenos Aires. 

Anthus chacoensis Zimmer 
Anthus chii chacoensis Zimmer, 1952, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 65, p. 31 — Avia Terai, Chaco, Argentina. 

Known only by non-breeding specimens from the type locality 
and Colonia Nueva Italia in Paraguay. 



Anthus lutescens parvus Lawrence 
Anthus (Notiocorys) parvus Lawrence, 1865, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philadelphia, 17, p. 106 — savannah near Panama. 
Savannas of the Pacific slopes of Panama from Chiriqui locally 
eastward to the mouth of the Rio Bayano. 

Anthus lutescens peruvianus Nicholson 
Anthus peruvianus Nicholson, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 390 — Catarindos Valley and Islay = Catarindos Valley near 

Islay, Arequipa, Peru, fide Hellmayr. 
Coastal Peru from Trujillo southward to Tacna in northern Chile. 

Anthus lutescens lutescens Pucheran 

Anthus lutescens Pucheran', 1855, Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 7, 

p. 343 — Brésil = vicinity of Rio de Janeiro, fide Hellmayr. 

Savannah country of South America east of the Andes from Colom- 
bia, probably in eastern Llanos; Venezuela’, in eastern Apure, 
eastern Monagas, Delta Amacuro, eastern Bolivar, Paragua and 
hills in the vicinity of Roraima; British, Dutch and French Guiana; 
southward through Brazil; extreme southeastern Bolivia; northern 
Argentina in Mendoza and Buenos Aires. 


Anthus correndera calcaratus Taczanowski 
Anthus calcaratus Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 
p. 507 — Junin, Peru. 
Mountains of Peru on arid plateaus of Junin, Cuzco and Puno. 

Anthus correndera catamarcae Hellmayr 

Anthus correndera catamarcae Hellmayr, 1921, Hornero, p. 186 — 
Lago Colorado, 3,400 meters, Catamarca, Argentina. 

High, arid plateaus of Potosi, Bolivia; northern Chile and extreme 
northwestern Argentina. 

Anthus correndera chilensis (Lesson) 
Corydalla chilensis Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool., 2, p. 101 — Chile. 

Chile, from the Copiapo Valley, Atacama southward, and southern 
Argentina from about lat. 48° S., at Lago San Martin and Rio 
Chico in Santa Cruz, to extreme southern Patagonia. 

1 Azara’s (1805, Apunt. Hist. Nat. Paxaros, p. 6) description of the tail 
of his chit indicates A. hellmayri brasilianus rather than this species, and 
the application of the name chii is not unquestionable as Hellmayr, 1921, 
Hornero, p. 183, points out; Zimmer, 1953, to the contrary. 

2 Birds of the Guianas and Venezuela are intermediate and perhaps closer 
to parvus than to lutescens. The name abariensis Chubb is available, if this 
population is considered to be distinct. 


Anthus correndera grayi Bonaparte 

Anthus grayi Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 249, based on 
Alauda novae zealandiae var. B Latham, 1790, Ind. Orn., 2, 
p. 497, based on Cinereous Lark of the Falkland Islands, Port- 
lock’s Voy. round the World, pl. facing p. 38 — near Port 
Egmont, Falkland Islands, fide Mathews and Iredale, 1921, 
Austral Av. Rec., 4, p. 150. 

Anthus phillipsi Brooks, 1916, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl., 6, p. 26 
— Port Stanley, Falkland Islands. 

Falkland Islands. 

Anthus correndera correndera Vieillot 
Anthus correndera Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 26, 
p. 491 — Paraguay. 

From southern Brazil from coastal Sao Paulo and Rio Grande 
do Sul, Uruguay and perhaps Paraguay; Argentina in Corrientes, 
Entre Rios, Cordoba, Mendoza, Neuquen and the Rio Chubut in 
northern Patagonia. 


Anthus nattereri Sclater 
Anthus nattereri Sclater, 1878, Ibis, p. 366, pl. x — Rio Verde, 
Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

Paraguay, and southeastern Brazil in Sao Paulo, Parana and Rio 
Grande do Sul. 


Anthus bogotensis bogotensis Sclater 
Anthus bogotensis Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23, 
p. 109 — Santa Fé de Bogota, Colombia. 

Colombia in the eastern Andes, mountains of Narifo and perhaps 
the central Andes; Ecuador in the eastern Andes. 

Anthus bogotensis immaculatus Cory 

Anthus bogotensis immaculatus Cory, 1916, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 
[Chicago], Orn. Ser., 1, p. 345 — mountains east of Balsas, 
10,000 feet, Amazonas, Peru. 

Bolivia in La Paz and Cochabamba and southward in Peru 
into Junin. 

Anthus bogotensis shiptoni (Chubb) 
Notiocorys bogotensis shiptoni Chubb, 1923, Hornero, 3, no. 1, p. 34, 
35, pl. 1 — Aconquija, 13,000 ft., Tucuman. 
High, arid plateaus of Bolivia in Cochabamba and northwestern 
Argentina in Tucuman. 


Anthus bogotensis meridae Zimmer 

Anthus bogotensis meridae Zimmer, 1953, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1649, p. 24 — Escorial, 2,500 meters, near Mérida, Vene- 

Northwestern Venezuela in the Andes of Mérida and probably 
Tachira and Trujillo. 


Anthus antarcticus Cabanis 

Anthus antarcticus Cabanis, 1884, Journ. f. Orn., 32, p. 254 — 
South Georgia. 

Island of South Georgia, South Atlantic. 


Anthus gutturalis gutturalis De Vis 

Anthus gutturalis De Vis, 1894, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, 
(1893-94), p. 103 — Mt. Maneao, southeastern New Guinea. 

Mountains of southeastern New Guinea. 

Anthus gutturalis rhododendri Mayr 

Anthus gutturalis rhododendri Mayr, 1931, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 
17, p. 692 — Mongi-Busu, Saruwaged Mountains (2,600 m.). 

Mountains of east-central New Guinea (Hagen and Bismarck Mts.) 
and of the Huon Peninsula (Saruwaged Mountains). 

Anthus gutturalis wollastoni Ogilvie-Grant 

Anthus wollastoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1913, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 31, 
p. 105 — Utakwa River (8,000 feet), Snow Mountains. 

Nassau and Oranje Mountains, west-central New Guinea. 


Anthus sokokensis van Someren 

Anthus sokokensis van Someren, 1921, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 41, 
p. 124 — Sokoke forest, Kenya. 

Known from Sokoke forest, southeast Kenya and from Moa near 
Usambara in northeast Tanganyika. 


Anthus crenatus Finsch and Hartlaub 

Anthus crenatus Finsch and Hartlaub, 1870, Végel Ost-Afrikas, 
p. 275 — near Cape Town. 

Mountains from Cape Province to east Transvaal and Basutoland. 



Anthus lineiventris Sundevall 
Anthus lineiventris Sundevall, 1851, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 7, 
(1850), p. 100 — Limpopo River. Type from Mohapoani Berg. 
Anthus lineiventris stygium Clancey, 1952, no. 1-2, Bonn. Zool. 
Beitr., p. 18 — Ungeni River, Natal. 

Locally from Pondoland to Transvaal and Natal, Southern Rho- 
desia, Nyasaland, Northern Rhodesia, the Katanga, Angola and 


Anthus chloris Lichtenstein 
Anthus chloris Lichtenstein, 1842, Verz. Kaffernl., p. 13 — Kaffir- 
land = Cape Province. 
Cape Province to Orange Free State, southeast Transvaal and 
interior of Natal. 


JAMES L. Peters (Coracina (part), Pteropodocys, 
Campochaera, Chlamydochaera) 
Ernst Mayr (Coracina (part), Lalage) 
HERBERT G. DEIGNAN (Pericrocotus, Hemipus, Tephrodornis)! 

cf. Stuart Baker, 1924, Fauna Brit. India, 2, p. 336-347. 
Bannerman, 1939, Birds Trop. W. Africa, 5, p. 311-318. 
Mayr, 1941, List New Guinea Birds, p. 99-104. 

—, 1945, Birds Southwest Pacific, p. 89-90; 166; 189-190; 
248-250; 293-294. 

—, 1946, in Delacour and Mayr, Birds Philippines, p. 162-166. 

Delacour, 1947, Birds Malaysia, p. 202—203. 

Pteropodocys Gould, 1846, Birds Austral., pt. 25 [= 2, p. 59 of 

volume]. Type, by monotypy, Pteropodocys phasianella Gould = 
Ceblepyris maxima Riippell. 


Pteropodocys maxima pallida Mathews 
Pteropodocys maxima pallida Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, 
p. 325 —Alexandra, Northern Territory. 
Northern portions of Australia. 
1 Ms. read by: Reginald Ernest Moreau, Erwin Stresemann, 8S. Dillon 
Ripley, Karel Hendrik Voous. 


Pteropodocys maxima maxima (Riippell) 
Ceblepyris maxima Riippell, 1839, Mus. Senckenb., Abhandl., 3, 
pt. 1, p. 28, pl. 3 — New Holland = New South Wales. 
Graucalus Phasianellus Gould, 1840, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
(1839), p. 142 — Liverpool Plains, New South Wales. 

Pteropodocys maxima neglecta Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, 
p. 325 — Broome Hill, South-West Australia. 

Southern portions of Australia from southern Queensland to 
Central Australia, South and South-West Australia. 


Coracina Vieillot, 1816 (April), Analyse, p. 37. Type, by subsequent 
designation, ““Choucari’”’ of Buffon = Corvus papuensis Gmelin 
(Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, [1850-51], p. 62). 

Graucalus Cuvier, 1816 (Dec.), Régne Anim., 1, 1817, p. 341. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Corvus papuensis Gmelin 
(Gray, 1840, List. Gen. Birds, p. 34). 

Ceblepyris Cuvier, 1816 (Dec.), Regne Anim., 1, 1817, p. 348. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Muscicapa cana Gmelin. 

Coronis Gloger, 1827, Froriep’s Notizen, 16, col. 277. Not of 
Latreille, 1823, Crustacea, nor of Huebner, 1825, Lepidoptera. 
New name for Coracina Vieillot. 

Oxynotus Swainson, 1832 (Feb.), in Swainson and Richardson, 
Fauna Bor. Amer., p. 483. Type, by original designation, Lanius 
rufiventer (nomen nudum, unidentifiable) ; Oxynotus typicus Hart- 
laub hereby designated as type. Preoccupied by Oxynotus Ra- 
finesque, 1810. 

Acanthinotus Swainson, 1832 (Feb.), op. cit., p. 483. New name 
for Acanthonotus Swainson, op. cit., p. 168, preoccupied. Type, 
by present designation, Oxynotus typicus Hartlaub. 

Volvocivora Hodgson, 1836, Indian Rev., 1, p. 328. Type, by ori- 
ginal designation, Volvocivora melaschistos Hodgson, l. c. 

Cyrtes Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. Ixviii, fig. [11]. 

Gazzola Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, [1850], p. 383. Type, by 
monotypy, Corvus caledonicus Gmelin. 

Ptiladela Jacquinot and Pucheran, 1853, Voyage Pole Sud, Zool., 
3, p. 67. Type, by original designation, Ptiladela boyeri Gray. 

Edolisoma? Jacquinot and Pucheran, 1853, Voyage Pole Sud, 
Zool., 3, p. 69. Type, by original designation, Hdolisoma mares- 
coti Gray. 

1 The synonymy of this genus is unusually complicated, not only has 
nearly every one of the species been made the type of a genus at one time 
or another, but many species have been transferred from one genus to 
another. For this reason a complete generic synonymy is given.—J. L. P. 

2 This is the original spelling; the name has been altered accidentally 
or intentionally to Hdoliosoma and Edoliisoma. 


Cyanograucalus Hartlaub, 1861, Journ. f. Orn., 9, p. 170. Type, 
by monotypy, Graucalus azureus Cassin. 

Artamides Hartlaub, 1865, Journ. f. Orn., 13, p. 170. Type, by 
monotypy, Ceblepyris bicolor Temm. 

Malindangia Mearns, 1907, Philippine Journ. Sci., 2, sect. A, 
p. 355. Type, by original designation, Malindangia mcgregori 
Mearns, I. c. 

Paragraucalus Mathews, 1913, Austral Av. Rec., 2, p. 58. Type, 
by original designation, Ceblepyris lineatus Swainson. 

Metagraucalus Mathews, 1913, Austral Av. Rec., 2, p. 59. Type, 
by original designation, Graucalus tenuirostris Jardine. 

Coquus W. L. Sclater, 1914, Ibis, p. 174. Type, by original de- 
signation, Oxynotus rufiventer Swainson (nomen nudum). Type, 
by virtual monotypy, Oxynotus newtoni Pollen (only valid 
species mentioned under Coquus). 

Celebesia Riley, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 31, p. 158. 
Type, by original designation, Celebesia abbott: Riley. Not Cele- 
besia Bolivar, 1917, Insecta. 

Graucosoma Mathews, 1925, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 45, p. 87. Type, 
by original designation, Hdolisoma obiense Salvadori. 

Celebesica Strand, 1928, Arch. f. Naturg., 92, Abth. A, Heft 8, 
p. 57. New name for Celebesia Riley, preoccupied. 

Iisomada Mathews, 1928, Novit. Zool., 34, p.372. Type, by 
original designation, Volvocivora inspirator [sic] (= insperata) 

Analisoma Mathews, 1928, Novit. Zool., 34, p. 372. Type, by 

original designation, Campephaga analis Verreaux and Des 

cf. Rensch, 1931, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, p. 563-566. (Lesser 

Sunda Islands). 

Stresemann, 1940, Journ. f. Orn., 88, p. 120-127. (Celebes). 

Ripley, 1941, Auk, 58, p. 381-395. (Coracina striata). 

Voous and Van Marle, 1949, Bijd. Dierk., 28, p. 513-529. 
(Coracina striata). 

Delacour, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1497, p. 1-15. (‘“‘Volvo- 

Mayr, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1707, p. 9-17. (North 


Coracina novaehollandiae macei (Lesson) 

Graucalus Macei Lesson, 1831, Traité d’Orn., livr. 5, p. 349 — 
Bengal; restricted to Calcutta by Whistler and Kinnear, 1933, 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 36, p. 346. 

India south of the Himalayas from Garwhal through Bengal and 

Orissa, south to Travancore. 


Coracina novaehollandiae nipalensis (Hodgson) 

Graucalus nipalensis Hodgson, 1836, Indian Rev., 1, (1837), p. 327 
— Nepal. 

India in the lower Himalayas up to 6,000 feet from Garwhal and 
western Nepal eastward through Sikkim, Bhutan and the hills of 
western Assam, south to northern Bihar. 

?Coracina novaehollandiae lushaiensis Koelz 

Coracina javensis lushaiensis Koelz, 1954, Contrib. Inst. Reg. 
Expl., no. 1, p. 15 —Sangau, Lushai Hills. 

Southern Assam. 

Coracina novaehollandiae rex-pineti (Swinhoe) 
Graucalus rex-pineti Swinhoe, 1863, Ibis, p. 265 — Formosa. 

Graucalus javensis mellianus Stresemann, 1923, Journ. f. Orn., 
71, p. 362 — Mahn-tsi-Shan, Kwangtung. 

Southeastern China in provinces of Fukien, Kwangtung, anda 
Yunnan (Szemao); Island of Formosa; Tonkin, northern Laos. 

Coracina novaehollandiae layardi (Blyth) 

Graucalus layardi Blyth, 1866, Ibis, p. 368 — southern India and 

Island of Ceylon. 

Coracina novaehollandiae andamana (Neumann) 

Graucalus macei andamanus Neumann, 1915, Orn. Monatsb., 23, 
p. 181 — Port Blair, Andaman Islands. 

Graucalus javensis andamanensis Whistler, 1940, Ibis, p. 731 — 
South Andaman Islands. 

Andaman Islands. 

Coracina novaehollandiae siamensis (Baker) 

Graucalus macet siamensis Stuart Baker, 1918, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
38, p.69— ““Mi-nan Kabun” or “‘Kabren” [Krabin River], 

Assam; Burma; western Yunnan; Thailand; Indochina, in south- 
ern Annam, southern Laos and Cambodia. 

Coracina novaehollandiae larutensis (Sharpe) 
Artamides larutensis Sharpe, 1887, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 435 
— Larut Hills, 3,000—4,400 feet, Perak. 
Malay States from northern Perak south to southern Selangor 
and Pahang. 


Coracina novaehollandiae larvivorus (Hartert) 

Graucalus macei larvivorus Hartert, 1910, Novit. Zool., 17, p. 227 
— Mt.Wuchi, Hainan. 

Island of Hainan. 

Coracina novaehollandiae javensis (Horsfield) 

Ceblephyris [sic] Javensis Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lon- 
don, 13, pt. 1, p. 145 —‘“‘Kepodang-sungu’’, Java. 

Java and Bali. 

Coracina novaehollandiae floris (Sharpe) 

Artamides floris Sharpe, 1879, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 4, p. 9 (in 
key), p. 14 — Flores. 

Lesser Sunda Islands: Sumbawa, Flores. 

Coracina novaehollandiae sumbensis (Meyer) 

Graucalus sumbensis A. B. Meyer, 1882, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. 
Wien, 31, [1881], p. 765 — Sumba. 

Lesser Sunda Islands: Sumba. 

Coracina novaehollandiae alfrediana (Hartert) 

Graucalus floris alfredianus Hartert, 1898, Novit. Zool., 5, p. 458 

Lesser Sunda Islands: Lomblen, Alor. 

Coracina novaehollandiae personata (Miiller) 

Ceblepyris personata S. Miller, 1843, Verh. nat. gesch. Nederl., 
Land-en Volkenk., pt. 6, p. 190 — Timor. 

Lesser Sunda Islands: Timor, Semau, Wetar, Romang. 

Coracina novaehollandiae lettiensis (Meyer) 

Graucalus lettiensis A. B. Meyer, 1885, Sitzungsb. Ges. Isis, Dres- 
den, [1884], p. 28 — “‘Letti’’. 

Lesser Sunda Islands: Leti, Moa, Sermata. 

Coracina novaehollandiae subpallida Mathews 
Coracina novaehollandiae subpallida Mathews, 1912 (Jan.), Novit. 
Zool., 18, p. 326, no. 761 — midwest Australia; type from Strel- 
ley River. 
Coracina gascoynensis Ashby, 1930, Emu, 29, p. 190 — Jacobs 
Creek, tributary of the Gascoyne River, West Australia. 
Midwestern Australia from the Gascoyne to the DeGrey River; 
wintering in Lesser Sunda Islands and Kei Island. 


Coracina novaehollandiae didimus Mathews 
Coracina novaehollandiae didimus Mathews, 1912 (Apr.), Austral 
Av. Rec., 1, p. 42 — Melville Island, Northern Territory. 
Coracina novaehollandiae kuehni Hartert, 1916, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 36, p. 65 — Tual, Little Kei Islands. 

Northern Australia, from northwestern Australia to northern 
Queensland; on migration or wintering, recorded from the Lesser 
Sunda Islands, Peling, Sula Islands, southern Moluccas, western 
New Guinea, and islands in Geelvink Bay. 

Coracina novaehollandiae melanops (Latham) 

Corvus melanops Latham, 1801, Ind. Orn., Suppl., p. xxiv — “in 
Nova Hollandia” = Sydney, New South Wales. 

Graucalus choucari Laugier, 1836, Cat. Coll. Birds, p. 8 — Sydney, 
New South Wales, fide Mathews. Original not seen; so cited 
by Sherborn. 

Graucalus melanotis Gould, 1838 (Apr.), Syn. Birds Australia, 
pt.4, p.1, pl. 54, fig.2— “New South Wales” = Sydney, 
New South Wales. 

Coracina novaehollandiae westralensis Mathews, 1912 (Jan.), 
Novit. Zool., 18, p. 326, no. 760 — Wilsons Inlet, Southwest 

Coracina novaehollandiae connectens Mathews, 1912 (Jan.), Novit. 
Zool., 18, p. 326, no. 762 — Inkerman, Queensland. 

Breeds in southwestern, southern and eastern Australia, north to 
central Queensland; on migration or in winter to eastern New 
Guinea, D’Entrecasteaux, Louisiade, and Bismarck Archipelagos 
and Solomon Islands (Nissan, Bougainville). 

Coracina novaehollandiae novaehollandiae (Gmelin) 

Turdus novae Hollandiae Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 814 
— “terra van Diemen’’ = Adventure Bay, Tasmania. 

Graucalus parvirostris Gould, 1838, Syn. Birds Australia, pt. 4, 
p. 1, pl. 54, fig. 1 — New South Wales, error = Tasmania. 
Coracina melanops tasmanica Mathews, 1911, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 

27, p. 100 —Tasmania. 

Breeds in Tasmania and Flinders Islands; partly resident but 
recorded as migrant or winter visitor in eastern Australia and New 
Guinea (Port Moresby region). 


Coracina fortis (Salvadori) 
Graucalus fortis Salvadori, 1878, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 12, p. 326 
— Buru. 
Southern Moluccas: Buru. 



Coracina atriceps magnirostris (Bonaparte) 
Graucalus magnirostris Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, p. 354 — 
Northern Moluccas: Ternate, Halmahera, Batjan. 

Coracina atriceps atriceps (Miiller) 

Ceblepyris atriceps S. Miller, 1843, Verh. nat. gesch. Nederl., 
Land-en Volkenk., pt. 6, p. 190 — Celebes, error = Seram; 
type from Kaibobo. 

Southern Moluccas: Seram. 


Coracina pollens pollens (Salvadori) 

Graucalus pollens Salvadori, 1874, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 6 
p. 75 — Kei Islands. 

Kei Islands. 


Coracina pollens unimoda (Sclater) 

Artamides unimodus Sclater, 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 55 
— Larat, Tanimbar Islands. 

Tanimbar Islands. 


Coracina schistacea petersi Neumann 

Coracina schistacea petersi Neumann, 1939, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
59, p. 93 — Peleng Island. 

Peleng Island. 

Coracina schistacea schistacea (Sharpe) 

Artamides schistaceus Sharpe, 1879, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 4, p. 9 
(in key), p. 11 — Sula Islands. 

Sula Islands: Taliabu, Mangole(?). 


Coracina caledonica bougainvillei (Mathews) 

Artamides welchmani bougainvillei Mathews, 1928, Novit. Zool., 
34, p. 373 — Bougainville, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Bougainville. 

Coracina caledonica kulambangrae Rothschild and Hartert 

Coracina welchmani kulambangrae Rothschild and Hartert, 1916, 
Novit. Zool., 23, p. 289 — Kulambangra, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Kulambangra, New Georgia, Vangunu. 


Coracina caledonica welchmani (Tristram) 
Graucalus (Artamides) welchmani Tristram, 1892, Ibis, p. 294 — 
Bugotu, 7.e. Isabel, Solomon Islands. 
Solomon Islands: Isabel. 

Coracina caledonica amadonis Cain and Galbraith 
Coracina caledonica amadonis Cain and Galbraith, 1955, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 75, p. 90 — mountains of Guadalcanal. 

Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal. 

Coracina caledonica thilenii (Neumann) 
Graucalus caledonicus thilenii Neumann, 1915, Orn. Monatsb., 23, 
p. 181 — Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides. 

New Hebrides: Espiritu Santo, Malo, Malekula. 

Coracina caledonica seiuncta Mayr and Ripley 

Coracina caledonica sevuncta Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Auk, 58, 
p. 250 — Erromango, New Hebrides. 

New Hebrides: Erromango. 

Coracina caledonica lifuensis (Tristram) 
Graucalus lifuensis Tristram, 1879, Ibis, p. 190 — Lifu, Loyalty 
Loyalty Islands: Lifu. 

Coracina caledonica caledonica (Gmelin) 
Corvus caledonicus Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, p. 367 — 
New Caledonia. 
New Caledonia. 


Coracina caeruleogrisea strenua (Schlegel) 

Campephaga strenua Schlegel, 1871, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 4 
(1873), p.44— Jobi, and Arfak Peninsula; restricted to the 
Arfak Peninsula by Hartert, 1930, Novit. Zool., 36, p. 89. 

Island of Japen; mountains of western and central New Guinea. 

Coracina caeruleogrisea caeruleogrisea (Gray) 

Campephaga caeruleogrisea G. R. Gray, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, pt. 26, p. 179 — Aru Islands. 

Aru Islands; southern New Guinea on the Fly and Digul Rivers. 

Coracina caeruleogrisea adamsoni Mayr and Rand 

Coracina caeruleogrisea adamsoni Mayr and Rand, 1936, Mitt. 
Zool. Mus. Berlin, 21, p. 245 — Mafulu, 1,250 meters, Central 
Division, Territory of Papua. 


Southeastern New Guinea from Astrolabe Bay on the north and 
the Hall Sound district on the south, eastward. 


Coracina temminckii temminckii (Miiller) 

Ceblepyris temminckii S. Miller, 1843, Verh. nat. gesch. Nederl., 
Land-en Volkenk., pt. 6, p. 191 — northern Celebes; type from 

Mountain forests on the northern peninsula of Celebes. 

Coracina temminckii rileyi Meise 

Coracina temminckii rileyi Meise, 1931, Orn. Monatsb., 39, p. 48 — 
‘“‘Rano Rano, west or northwest of Posso Lakes’’, Koro River, 
central Celebes. 

Celebes in the mountain forests of the central portion and the 
southeastern peninsula. 

Coracina temminckii tonkeana (Meyer) 

Graucalus temmincki tonkeanus A. B. Meyer, 1903, Notes Leyden 
Mus., 23, p. 187, 188, — Tonkean, Celebes. 

Mountain forests in the eastern peninsula of Celebes.1 


Coracina larvata melanocephala (Salvadori) 

Graucalus melanocephalus Salvadori, 1879, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 
14, p. 206 — “Monte Singalan’’, Padang Highlands, Sumatra. 

Highlands of Sumatra. 

Coracina larvata larvata (Miiller) 

Ceblepyris larvata 8. Miller, 1843, Verh. nat. gesch. Nederl., 
Land-en Volkenk., pt. 6, p. 190 — “Java”’. 

Highlands of Java. 

Coracina larvata normani (Sharpe) 

Graucalus normani Sharpe, 1887, Ibis, p. 438 — Kina Balu, Bor- 

Mountains of Borneo. 


Coracina striata dobsoni (Ball) 

Graucalus Dobsoni Ball, 1872, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 41, p. 
281 — Port Blair, Andaman Islands. 

Andaman Islands. 

1 No race of C.temminckii is known from the southern peninsula of 


Coracina striata sumatrensis (Miller) 

Ceblepyris sumatrensis 8. Miiller, 1843, Verh. nat. gesch. Nederl., 
Land-en Volkenk., pt.6, p. 191 — “Sumatra” = western 

Graucalus crissalis Salvadori, 1894, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, (2), 
14, p. 592 — “‘Si-oban’”’, Mentawei Islands. 

Artamides sumatrensis halistephis Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., 60, no. 7, p. 14 — South Pagi Island. 

Artamides sumatrensis messeris Oberholser, 1926, Journ. Washing- 
ton Acad. Sci., 16, p. 517 — Trang, Peninsular Siam. 

Artamides sumatrensis nesiarchus Oberholser, 1926, Journ. Wash- 
ington Acad. Sci., 16, p. 517 — Parit Island, near Karimon 
Island, Rhio Archipelago. 

Peninsular Thailand (Trang) and the Malay Peninsula; Pulo 
Tiomay, Sumatra; Siberut, Sipora, Pagi Islands; Rhio Archipelago; 
Borneo, North Bornean Islands. 

Coracina striata bungurensis (Hartert) 

Graucalus bungurensis Hartert, 1894, Novit. Zool., 1, p. 477 — 
Bunguran Island, North Natuna Islands. 

Artamides sumatrensis calopolius Oberholser, 1917, Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., no. 98, p. 34 — Mata Island, Anamba Islands. 

Anamba Islands and Natuna Islands. 

Coracina striata simalurensis (Richmond) 

Graucalus simalurensis Richmond, 1903, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
26, p. 513 — “Simalur Island’. 

Simeulue Island, off the west coast of Sumatra. 

Coracina striata babiensis (Richmond) 

Graucalus babiensis Richmond, 1903, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26, 
p- 513 — “Pulo Babi’. 

Babi Island, off the west coast of Sumatra. 

Coracina striata kannegieteri (Biittikofer) 

Artamides Kannegieteri Biittikofer, 1897, Notes Leyden Mus., 
18, p. 175 — Nias Island. 

Nias Island. 

Coracina striata enganensis (Salvadori) 

Graucalus enganensis Salvadori, 1892, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 
(2), 12, p. 129 — Enggano Island. 

Enggano Island. 


Coracina striata vordermani (Hartert) 

Graucalus vordermani Hartert, 1901, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, 
p. 32 — Kangean Island. 

Kangean Island in the Java Sea. 

Coracina striata difficilis (Hartert) 

Graucalus sumatrensis difficilis Hartert, 1895, Novit. Zool., 2, 
p- 470 — Balabac, Philippine Islands. 

Philippine Islands: Calamian Group, Palawan, Balabac. 

Coracina striata striata (Boddaert) 

Corvus striatus Boddaert, 1783, Table pl. enlum., p. 38 — New 
Guinea, error = Luzon, Philippines; ex Daubenton, Pl. enlum., 
pl. 629. 

Philippine Islands: Luzon, Polillo, Lubang. 

Coracina striata mindorensis (Steere) 

Artamides Mindorensis Steere, 1890, List Birds, Mammals Steere 
Exped., p. 14 — “Mindoro”. 

Philippine Islands: Mindoro, Tablas. 

Coracina striata panayensis (Steere) 

Artamides Panayensis Steere, 1890, List Birds, Mammals Steere 
Exped., p. 14 — “Guimaras, Panay, Masbate’’ = Panay. Pre- 
occupied by Edoliisoma panayensis Steere, 1890 (see p. 193). 

Philippine Islands: Ticao, Masbate, Panay, Guimaras, Negros. 

Coracina striata cebuensis (Ogilvie-Grant) 
Artamides cebuensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1896, Ibis, p. 535 — Cebu. 
Philippine Islands: Cebu. 

Coracina striata kochii (Kutter) 

Graucalus Kochii Kutter, 1882, Orn. Centralb., 7, p. 183 — Min- 

Philippine Islands: Samar, Leyte, Panaon, Bohol, Mindanao, 

Coracina striata guillemardi (Salvadori) 

Graucalus guillemardi Salvadori, 1886, Ibis, p. 154, in text — 
Lapac, Sulu Archipelago, ex Guillemard, 1885, Proc. Zool Soc. 
London, p. 258. 

Philippine Islands: Sulu Archipelago. 



Coracina bicolor (Temminck) 

Ceblepyris bicolor Temminck, 1824, Pl. col., livr. 47, pl. 278 — 
Sumatra, error = northern Celebes. 

Celebes; Island of Muna. 


Coracina lineata axillaris (Salvadori) 

Graucalus axillaris Salvadori, 1876, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 
(1875), p. 925 — Arfak Mts., New Guinea. 

Waigeo; mountains of New Guinea. 

Coracina lineata maforensis (Meyer) 

Campephaga maforensis Meyer, 1874, Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 69, Heft 4, p. 386 — Mafor [now Numfor]. 

Island of Numfor in Geelvink Bay. 

Coracina lineata sublineata (Sclater) 

Graucalus sublineatus Sclater, 1879, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 
448, pl. 36 — “Nova Hibernia” = New Ireland. 

Bismarck Archipelago: New Ireland, New Britain. 

Coracina lineata nigrifrons (Tristram) 

Graucalus nigrifrons Tristram, 1892, Ibis, p. 294 — Bugotu, Solo- 
mon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Bougainville, Choiseul, Isabel. 

Coracina lineata ombriosa (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Graucalus pusillus ombriosus Rothschild and Hartert, 1905, Novit. 
Zool., 12, p. 264 — Gizo, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Gizo, Kulambangra, New Georgia, Rendova. 

Coracina lineata pusilla (Ramsay) 

Graucalus pusillus Ramsay, 1879 (June), Proc. Linn. Soc. New 
South Wales, 4, p. 71 — Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. 

Graucalus solomonensis Ramsay, 1880, Proc Linn. Soc. New South 
Wales, 4, p. 314 — Guadalcanal. 

Solomon Islands: Guadalcanal. 

Coracina lineata malaitae Mayr 

Coracina lineata malaitae Mayr, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 504, 
p. 17 — Malaita, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Malaita. 


Coracina lineata makirae Mayr 

Coracina lineata makirae Mayr, 1935, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 820, 
p.4—San Cristdbal, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: San Cristdbal. 

Coracina lineata gracilis Mayr 

Coracina lineata gracilis Mayr, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 486, 
p. 18 — Rennell Island, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Rennell Island. 

Coracina lineata lineata (Swainson) 

Ceblepyris lineata Swainson, 1825, Zool. Journ., 1, p. 466 — Au- 
stralia = Moreton Bay, Queensland. 

Paragraucalus lineatus austini Mathews, 1916, Austral Av. Rec., 
3, p. 60 — northern New South Wales. 

Coastal Queensland from Cairns District southward, and New 
South Wales (south to Sydney). 


Coracina boyeri boyeri (Gray) 
Campephaga Boyeri G. R. Gray, 1846, Gen. Birds, 1, [p. 283] — 
Triton Bay, New Guinea; ex Hombron and Jacquinot, 1830- 
1835, Voy. Pole Sud, Atlas Zool., pl. 9, fig. 3. 

Islands of Misol and Japen; New Guinea, eastward along the north- 
ern coast to the Kumusi River, possibly as far as Collingwood Bay, 
and along the southern coast of Triton Bay. 

Coracina boyeri subalaris (Sharpe) 

Graucalus subalaris Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 1, 
Heft 3, p. 364 — “‘in Novae Guineae parte meridionale-orientali”’ 
= Fly River. 

Southern New Guinea from the Mimika River to Milne Bay. 


Coracina leucopygia (Bonaparte) 

Graucalus leucopygius Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, p. 354 
— Celebes; type from the northern part. 

Celebes; Muna Island. 


Coracina papuensis melanolora (Gray) 
Campephaga melanolora G. R. Gray, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, pt. 28, p. 353 — Batjan and Ternate; types from Batjan. 
Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera, Ternate, Batjan, Obi; Gebe; 
Kofiau; Misol. 


Coracina papuensis papuensis (Gmelin) 
Corvus papuensis Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt.1, p. 371 — 
New Guinea, restricted to Manokwari by Stresemann, 1913, 
Journ. f. Orn., 61, p. 604. 

Graucalus stephani A. B. Meyer, 1891, Abh. Ber. Zool. Mus. Dres- 
den, 3, [1890-1891], no. 4, p. 9 — Stephansort, Astrolabe Bay, 
New Guinea. 

Batanta, Salawati, Japen; New Guinea on the Arfak Peninsula 
and eastward along the northern coast to Huon Gulf, and on the 
southern coast to Etna Bay. 

Coracina papuensis intermedia Rothschild 

Coracina papuensis intermedia Rothschild, 1931, Novit. Zool., 
36, p. 267 — Upper Setekwa River, New Guinea. 

Southern New Guinea from the Mimika River to the Noord River. 

Coracina papuensis oriomo Mayr and Rand 

Coracina papuensis oriomo Mayr and Rand, 1936, Mitt. Zool. Mus. 
Berlin, 21, p. 244 — Wuroi, Oriomo River, Western Division, 
Territory of Papua. 

Lowlands of extreme southern New Guinea from the Fly River 
(upstream to Lake Daviumbo) westward to the Wassi Kussa River; 
Cape York, north Queensland. 

Coracina papuensis angustifrons (Sharpe) 

Graucalus angustifrons Sharpe, 1878, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, 
Zool., 13, p. 81 — “Southern New Guinea” = neighborhood of 
Port Moresby. 

Coracina papuensis meekiana Rothschild and Hartert, 1912, Novit. 
Zool., 19, p. 201 — Kumusi River, New Guinea. 

Southeastern New Guinea from Huon Gulf on the north and from 
Hall Sound on the south, eastward. 

Coracina papuensis louisiadensis (Hartert) 
Graucalus papuensis louisiadensis Hartert, 1898, Novit. Zool., 5, 
p. 524 — Sudest Island. 
Louisiade Archipelago: Tagula (formerly Sudest) Island. 

Coracina papuensis ingens (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Graucalus papuensis ingens Rothschild and Hartert, 1914, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 33, p. 107 — Manus, Admiralty Islands. 

Admiralty Islands: Manus, Los Negros. 

Coracina papuensis sclaterii (Salvadori) 

Graucalus sclaterii Salvadori, 1878, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 12, 
p. 325 — “Nova Hibernia”? = New Ireland. 


Bismarck Archipelago: New Hanover, New Ireland, Duke of York 
Island, New Britain, Umboi [Rook] Island. 

Coracina papuensis perpallida Rothschild and Hartert 

Coracina papuensis perpallida Rothschild and Hartert, 1916, 
Novit. Zool., 23, p. 290 — Bougainville, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Bougainville, Choiseul, Isabel, Florida. 

Coracina papuensis elegans (Ramsay) 

Graucalus elegans Ramsay, 1881, Proc Linn. Soc. New South 
Wales, 6, [1882], p. 176 — Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Vella Lavella, Gizo, Kulambangra, New Georgia, 
Rendova, Tetipari, Russell Islands, Guadalcanal. 

Coracina papuensis eyerdami Mayr 

Coracina papuensis eyerdami Mayr, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 504, p. 16 — Malaita, Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Malaita. 

Coracina papuensis timorlaoensis (Meyer) 

Graucalus timorlaoénsis A. B. Meyer, 1884, Zeitschr. ges. Orn., 1, 
p- 199, pl. 9, fig. 1 — Timorlaut. 

Tanimbar Islands. 

Coracina papuensis hypoleuca (Gould) 
Graucalus hypoleucus Gould, 1848, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 
16, p. 38 — Port Essington. 
Graucalus mertont Berlepsch, 1911, Abh. Senckberg. Naturf. Ges., 
34, Heft 1, p. 64 — “‘Barkai” Island, Aru Islands. 
Coracina hypoleuca apsleyi Mathews, 1912, Austral Av. Rec., 1 
p. 42 — Melville Island, Northern Territory. 
Coracina hypoleuca parryi Mathews, 1912, Austral Av. Rec., 1 
p. 43 — Parry’s Creek, Northwest Australia. 
Northern Australia from Fitzroy River (Kimberleys) to Gulf of 
Carpentaria; Melville Island; Aru Islands. 



Coracina papuensis stalkeri Mathews 

Coracina hypoleuca stalkeri Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p. 
327 — Cooktown, Queensland. 

Northern Queensland (except Cape York) and central Queensland 
from Cooktown to Inkerman. 


Coracina robusta (Latham) 

Lanius robustus Latham, 1801, Ind. Orn., Suppl., p. xviii — ‘‘in 
Nova Hollandia” = Sydney, New South Wales. 


Corvus melanogaster Latham, 1801, Ind. Orn., Suppl., p. xxv — 
“in Nova Hollandia’’. 

Graucalus mentalis Vigors and Horsfield, 1827, Trans. Linn. Soc. 
London, 15, pt. 1, p. 217 — South Coast [of Australia]. 

Colluricincla concinna Hutton, 1871, Cat. Birds New Zealand, 
p. 15 — New Zealand. 

Coracina robusta victoriae Mathews, 1916, Austral Av. Rec., 3, 
p. 60 — Victoria, Australia. 

Coracina papuensis wilkinst Kinnear, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
44, p. 68 — Mt. Driven, Queensland. 

North Queensland (Cairns District) to New South Wales, Victoria 
and South Australia (Adelaide). 


Coracina longicauda grisea Junge 
Coracina longicauda grisea Junge, 1939, Nova Guinea, n.s., 3, 
p. 5 — Hellwig Mts., 2,600 meters, New Guinea. 
Central New Guinea in the Oranje Mts. 

Coracina longicauda longicauda (De Vis) 

Graucalus longicauda De Vis, 1890, Ann. Rept. Brit. New Guinea, 
[1889], app., p. 59 — Musgrave Range, 7,000 to 9,000 feet, 
New Guinea. 

Graucalus cornix Reichenow, 1900, Orn. Monatsb., 8, p. 187 — 
Aroa River, New Guinea. 

Mountains of southeastern New Guinea westward to Wahgi and 
Kubor Mts., between 1,900 and 3,200 meters. 


Coracina parvula (Salvadori) 
Graucalus parvulus Salvadori, 1878, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 12, 
p. 324 — Halmahera. 

Northern Moluccas: Halmahera. 


Coracina abbotti (Riley) 
Celebesia abbotti Riley, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 31, 
p. 158 — Rano-Rano, Celebes. 
High mountains of Celebes (Latimodjong Mts., Rano Rano, 
Matinan Mts., Mengkoka Mts.). 



Coracina analis (Verreaux and Des Murs) 

Campephaga analis Verreaux and Des Murs, 1860, Rev. et Mag. 
Zool., (2), 12, p. 395 — New Caledonia. 

New Caledonia. 


Coracina caesia preussi (Reichenow) 

Graucalus preusst Reichenow, 1892, Journ. f. Orn., 40, p. 183 
— Buea, Cameroons. 

Coracina caesia okuensis Bannerman, 1938, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
58, p. 76 — Oku, 7,000 feet, west of Kumbo, Cameroons. 

Highlands of Eastern Nigeria (Banso Mts., Cameroon Mt., Rumpi 
Hills, Kupé Mt.); Island of Fernando Po. 

Coracina caesia pura (Sharpe) 
Graucalus purus Sharpe, 1891, Ibis, p. 121 — Mt. Elgon. 

Mountain forests from southern Nyasaland and Uluguru north 
to central Ethiopia; lmatong group of mountains in southern Sudan, 
and the highlands west of Lake Albert (Kabobo, Ruwenzori and 
Kivu Mts.). 

Coracina caesia caesia (Lichtenstein) 

Ceblepyris caesia Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. 
Berlin, p. 51 — “‘Terr. Caffror” = Kaffraria. 

Wooded portions of eastern Cape Province north to Southern 


Coracina pectoralis (Jardine and Selby) 
Graucalus pectoralis Jardine and Selby, 1828, Ill. Orn., 2, pl. 57 
— Sierra Leone. 

The greater part of tropical Africa (except the forested portions 
and deserts) from Senegambia to Ethiopia (absent Somaliland), 
and south to northern border of South West Africa, northern Trans- 
vaal, and the Limpopo River. 


Coracina graueri Neumann 
Coracina grauerti Neumann, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 23, p. 11 — 
90 kilometers west of Lake Edward, Belgian Congo. 
Forests above 5,000 feet along the western side of the Albertine 
Rift in highlands northwest of Lake Tanganyika. 



Coracina cinerea cucullata (Milne-Edwards and Oustalet) 

Graucalus cucullatus Milne-Edwards and Oustalet, 1885, Compt. 
Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 101, p. 221 — Grand Comoro Island. 

Graucalus sulphureus Milne-Edwards and Oustalet, 1885, Compt. 
Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 101, p. 221 — Grand Comoro Island. 

Grand Comoro Island. 

Coracina cinerea cinerea (Miller) 

Muscicapa cinerea P. L. 8. Miller, 1776, Natursyst., Suppl., p.171 
— Madagascar 

Ceblepyris major Sharpe, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 389 — 
near Nossi Vola, southeast of Lake Alaotra. 

Wet, forested portions of northern, north-central and east coasts 
of Madagascar. 

Coracina cinerea pallida Delacour 

Coracina cinerea pallida Delacour, 1931, Oiseau Rev. Frang. Orn., 
1, p. 484 — Lake Tsimanampetsotsa, Madagascar. 

Dry portions of central, western and southwestern Madagascar. 


Coracina azurea (Cassin) 

Graucalus azureus Cassin, 1852, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
5, p. 348 —“‘West Africa’”’. 

African forest belt from Sierra Leone to the Congo River east- 
ward to the Semliki Forest, and southward to Gaboon, Belgian 
Mayombe and the Kasai in vicinity of Luebo. 


Coracina typica (Hartlaub) 

Oxynotus typicus Hartlaub, 1865, Journ. f. Orn., 13, p. 160 — 



Coracina newtoni (Pollen) 
Oxynotus newtoni Pollen, 1866, Ibis, p. 278 — Réunion. 

1 Placed in Coquws Sclater, 1914, by authors. 



Coracina coerulescens coerulescens (Blyth) 
Ceblepyris coerulescens Blyth, 1842, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 11, 
p- 463 — Luzon. 
Luzon, Philippines. 

Coracina coerulescens altera (Ramsay) 
Edoliosoma alterum Ramsay, 1881, Ibis, p. 34 — Cebu. 
Cebu, Philippines. 


Coracina dohertyi (Hartert) 
Edoliosoma dohertyi Hartert, 1896, Novit. Zool., 3, p. 584 — 
Sumba Island. 

Sumba Island. 


Coracina tenuirostris timoriensis (Sharpe) 
Edoliisoma timoriensis Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. K. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 
1, p. 369 — Timor. 
Lomblen and Timor. 

Coracina tenuirostris kalaotuae (Meise) 
Edolisoma morio kalaotuae Meise, 1929, Journ. f. Orn., 77, p. 461 
— Kalao tua. 
Kalao tua Island, south of Celebes. 

Coracina tenuirostris emancipata (Hartert) 

Edoliosoma emancipata Hartert, 1896, Novit. Zool., 3, p. 170 — 
Djampea Island. 

Djampea Island, south of Celebes. 

Coracina tenuirostris pererrata (Hartert) 

Edolisoma morio pererratum Hartert, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
38, p. 28 — Tomia, Tukang-besi Islands. 

Tukang-besi Islands, southeast of Celebes. 

Coracina tenuirostris edithae (Stresemann) 
Edolisoma tenuirostre edithae Stresemann, 1932, Orn. Monatsb., 
40, p. 109 — Borong near Maros, south Celebes. 
Southern Celebes. 

1 The species from C. coerulescens through panayensis are by some authors 
separated in the genus Hdolisoma. 


Coracina tenuirostris amboinensis (Hartlaub) 

Campephaga amboinensis Hartlaub, 1865, Journ. f. Orn., 13, 
p. 156 — Amboina. 

Amboina, Seram, Seramlaut, and Maar, southern Moluccas. 

Coracina tenuirostris obiensis (Salvadori) 
Edoliosoma obiense Salvadori, 1878, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 12, 
p. 329 — Obi. 
Obi and Bisa, Moluccas. 

Coracina tenuirostris pelingi (Hartert) 

Edolisoma obiense pelingi Hartert, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 
p. 27 — Peling Island. 

Peling, Banggai, and Sula Islands. 

Coracina tenuirostris dispar (Salvadori) 

Edoliosoma dispar Salvadori, 1878, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 12, 
p. 328 — Kei Bandan, Kei Islands. 

Banda, Tiur, Manggur, Manawolka, Goram, Watubela, Pulo 
Pandjang, and Kei Islands. 

Coracina tenuirostris tenuirostris (Jardine) 

Gracaulus [sic] tenwirostris Jardine, 1831, Edinburgh Journ. Nat. 
Geog. Sci., n.s., 3, p. 211 — ‘““New Holland” = New South 

Coracina tenuirostris obscura Mathews, 1912 (Jan.), Novit. Zool., 
18, p. 328 — Cairns, Queensland. 

Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland, north to Cairns 
District. Migratory. 

Coracina tenuirostris melvillensis Mathews 

Coracina tenuirostris melvillensis Mathews, 1912 (April), Austral. 
Av. Rec., 1, p. 43 — Melville Island, Northern Territory. 

Queensland (Cape York), Northern Territory, and North-West 

Coracina tenuirostris aruensis (Sharpe) 
Edoliisoma aruense Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. K. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 1, 
p. 369 — Lutor, Aru Islands. 
Aru Islands and southern New Guinea from the Mimika River 
to the Fly River. 

Coracina tenuirostris miillerii (Salvadori) 
Edoliisoma miillerii Salvadori, 1875, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 7, 
p. 927. New name for Ceblepyris plumbea 8. Miller, 1843, Verh. 
Nat. Gesch., Land-en Volkenk., 1, p. 189 — New Guinea and 


Timor (restricted to Utanata River, south New Guinea). Pre- 
occupied by Ceblepyris plumbea Wagler, 1827, Syst. Av., Cor- 
vus, App., sp. 4 [new name for Corvus novae-guineae Gm. = Cora- 
cina striata (Bodd.)]. 

Kofiau, Misol and Salawati; the whole of New Guinea (except the 
south), D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago, and Woodlark Island. 

Coracina tenuirostris nehrkorni (Salvadori) 

Edoliisoma nehrkorni Salvadori, 1890, Agg. Orn. Pap. Mol., p. 91 
—Waigeu Island. 

Waigeo Island. 

Coracina tenuirostris grayi (Salvadori) 

Edoliosoma grayi Salvadori, 1879, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 15, 
p. 37. New name for Campephaga melanotis Gray, 1860, Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, p. 353 — Batjan and East Gilolo. Pre- 
occupied by Graucalus melanotis Gould, 1838. 

Batjan, Tidore Ternate, Halmahera, and Morotai, northern Mo- 

Coracina tenuirostris talautensis (Meyer and Wiglesworth) 

Edoliisoma talautense Meyer and Wiglesworth, 1895, Abh. Ber. K. 
Zool. Mus. Dresden, 5, no. 9, p. 5 — Talaut Islands. 

Talaut Islands (Karkelang, Esang, and Kabruang), north of 

Coracina tenuirostris salvadorii (Sharpe) 

Edoliisoma salvadorii Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. K. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 
3, p. 367 — Tambukan, Great Sangir Island. 

Sangihe Island, north of Celebes. 

Coracina tenuirostris numforana nom. nov. 

Edoliosoma neglectum Salvadori, 1879, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 
15, p. 36 — “Mafoor” Island. Not Volvociora neglecta, Hume, 

Numfor Island, Geelvink Bay. 

Coracina tenuirostris meyerii (Salvadori) 

Edoliosoma meyerii Salvadori, 1878, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 12, 
p. 327 — Misori (= Biak) Island. 

Biak Island, Geelvink Bay. 

Coracina tenuirostris tagulana (Hartert) 

Edoliosoma amboinense tagulanum Hartert, 1898, Novit. Zool., 5, 
p. 524 — Sudest or Tagula Island. 

Tagula and Misima Islands, Louisiade Archipelago. 


Coracina tenuirostris rostrata (Hartert) 

Edoliosoma rostratum Hartert, 1898, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 8, p. 20 
— Rossel Island. 

Rossel Island, Louisiade Archipelago. 

Coracina tenuirostris admiralitatis (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Edolisoma amboinense admiralitatis Rothschild and Hartert, 1914, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 33, p. 108 — Manus, Admiralty Islands. 

Admiralty Islands. 

Coracina tenuirostris matthiae (Sibley) 

Edolisoma morio matthiae Sibley, 1946, Condor, 48, p. 182 — 
Emirau Island, St. Matthias Group, Bismarck Archipelago. 

Emirau (Storm or Squally) and Mussau (St. Matthias) Islands. 

Coracina tenuirostris remota (Sharpe) 

Edoliisoma remotum Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. K. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 
1, p. 369 — New Hanover. 

New Ireland, New Hanover, and Duke of York Islands, Bismarck 

Coracina tenuirostris heinrothi (Stresemann) 

Edolisoma morio heinrothi Stresemann, 1922, Orn. Monatsb., 30, 
p- 7 = Blanche Bay, New Britain. 

New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago. 

Coracina tenuirostris rooki (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Edolisoma amboinense rooki Rothschild and Hartert, 1914, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 33, p. 107 — Rook Island 

Rook Island, Bismarck Archipelago. 

Coracina tenuirostris monacha (Hartlaub and Finsch) 

Campephaga monacha Hartlaub and Finsch, 1872, Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, p. 99 — Pelew Islands. 

Palau Islands, Micronesia. 

Coracina tenuirostris nesiotis (Hartlaub and Finsch) 

Campephaga nesiotis Hartlaub and Finsch, 1872, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, p. 98 — Yap Island, Mackenzie Group. 

Yap Island, Micronesia. 

Coracina tenuirostris saturatior (Rothschild and Hartert) 
Edoliisoma erythropygium saturatius Rothschild and Hartert, 
1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 582 —Ysabel Island. 

Northern Solomons (from Bougainville to Isabel), Mono Island 
and central Solomons (Vella Lavella to Vangunu and Rendova). 


Coracina tenuirostris nisoria (Mayr) 
Edolisoma tenuirostre nisorium Mayr, 1950, Auk, 67, p. 104 — 
Pavuvu, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands. 

Pavuvu, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands. 

Coracina tenuirostris erythropygia (Sharpe) 
Edoliisoma erythropygium Sharpe, 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 184 — Guadalcanar. 
Florida, Savo, Guadalcanal, and Malaita, Solomon Islands. 

Coracina tenuirostris salomonis (Tristram) 

Edoliisoma salomonis Tristram, 1879, Ibis, p. 440 — San Cristoval 

San Cristobal Island, Solomon Islands. 

Coracina tenuirostris insperata (Finsch) 
Volvocivora insperata Finsch, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 643 
— Ponape, Caroline Islands. 
Ponape, Caroline Islands. 


Coracina morio morio (Miiller) 

Ceblepyris morio S. Miiller, 1843, Verh. Nat. Gesch., Land-en Vol- 
kenk., 1, p. 189 — near Gorontalo and Tondano, north Celebes. 
Northern and central Celebes. 

Coracina morio wiglesworthi (van Oort) 
Edoliisoma morio wiglesworthi van Oort, 1907, Notes Leyden Mus., 
29, p. 77—near Makassar. 
South and southeast Celebes, Buton. 

Coracina morio sula (Hartert) 
Edolisoma mindanense sula Hartert, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 38, 
p. 28 — Sula-Besi. 
Sula Besi and Sula Mangoli, Sula Islands. 

Coracina morio marginata (Wallace) 

Campephaga marginata Wallace, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 31 — Buru. 

Southern Moluccas: Buru and Boano. 

Coracina morio ceramensis (Bonaparte) 

G[raucalus] ceramensis Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 355 — 

Southern Moluccas: Seram. 


Coracina morio hoogerwerfi (Jany) 

Edolisoma morio hoogerwerfi Jany, 1955, Journ. f. Orn., 96, p. 104 
— Obi, Moluccas. 

Moluccas: Obi. 

Coracina morio incerta (Meyer) 

Campephaga incerta Meyer, 1874, Sitzungsb. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 
69, p. 387 — Ansus, Jobi Island. 

Edoliisoma meyeri sharpet Rothschild and Hartert, 1903, Novit. 
Zool., 10, p. 209 — Northern coast of Dutch New Guinea. 

Waigeu, Japen (= Jobi) Island; Meos Num, and mountains of 
all New Guinea. 

Coracina morio everetti (Sharpe) 

Edoliisoma everetti Sharpe, 1893, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3, p. 10 — 
Bongao, Sulu Islands. 

Sulu, Tawitawi, Bongao, Sulu Islands. 

Coracina morio mindanensis (Tweeddale) 

Volvocivora mindanensis Tweeddale, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, p. 947 — Zamboanga, Mindanao. 

Mindanao and Basilan, Philippine Islands. 

Coracina morio elusa (McGregor) 

Edoliisoma elusum McGregor, 1905, Bureau Govt. Laboratories, 
Manila, 34, p. 19 — Balete, Mindoro. 

Luzon and Mindoro, Philippine Islands. 


Coracina schisticeps schisticeps (Gray) 

Campephaga schisticeps Gray, 1846, Gen. Birds, 1, p. 283 (ex Hom- 
bron and Jacquinot, Voy. Pole Sud) — Triton Bay, south- 
western New Guinea. 

Edoliisoma schisticeps bernsteinti Neumann, 1917, Orn. Monatsb., 
25, p. 154 — Sorong, western coast of Vogelkop. 

Northwestern New Guinea, eastward along the north coast to the 

head of Geelvink Bay, along the south coast to Etna Bay; Misol 

Coracina schisticeps reichenowi (Neumann) 
Edoliisoma schisticeps reichenowi Neumann, 1917, Orn. Monatsb., 
25, p. 153 — Etappenberg, Sepik River district. 
Edoliisoma schisticeps moszkowskii Neumann, 1917, Orn. Monatsb., 
25, p. 154 — Pamwi, lower Mamberano River. 
Northern New Guinea from Geelvink Bay to Sepik Valley. 


Coracina schisticeps poliopsa (Sharpe) 

Edoliisoma poliopsa Sharpe, 1882, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, 
Zool., 16, p. 318 — Moroka district, Astrolabe Mts., south- 
eastern New Guinea. 

Southern New Guinea, from the Kapare River eastward at least 
as far as the Astrolabe Mountains. 

Coracina schisticeps vittata (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Edolisoma schisticeps vittatum Rothschild and Hartert, 1914, 
Novit. Zool., 21, p. 5 — Goodenough Island. 

D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago (Fergusson and Goodenough Is- 


Coracina melaena waigeuensis (Stresemann and Paludan) 

Edolisoma melan waigeuense Stresemann and Paludan, 1932, Orn. 
Monatsb., 40, p. 17 — Waigeu Island. 

Waigeu Island. 

Coracina melaena tommasonis (Rothschild and Hartert) 

Edoliisoma melas tommasonis Rothschild and Hartert, 1903, Novit. 
Zool., 10, p. 206 — Jobi Island. 

Japen (= Jobi) Island, Geelvink Bay. 

Coracina melaena melaena (Lesson) 

Lanius melas Lesson, 1828, Man. d’Orn., 1, p. 128 — Dorey, north- 

western New Guinea. 

Batanta and Salawati Islands; western New Guinea, eastward 
along the north coast as far as Astrolabe Bay and upper Ramu, 
along the south coast to the fore-land of the Snow Mts., where it 
intergrades with meeki (between Eilanden River and Fly River). 

Coracina melaena meeki (Rothschild and Hartert) 
Edoliisoma melas meeki Rothschild and Hartert, 1903, Novit. Zool., 
10, p. 207 — Milne Bay, southeastern New Guinea. 

Eastern New Guinea, westward along the north coast as far as 
the Huon Gulf (Finschhafen), along the south coast as far as the 
Fly River. 

Coracina melaena goodsoni (Mathews) 

Edolisoma melan goodsoni Mathews, 1928, Novit. Zool., 34, p. 373 
—Trangan Island, Aru Islands. 

Aru Islands. 



Coracina montana (Meyer) 
Campephaga montona [sic] Meyer, 1874, Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. 
Wien, 69, p. 386 — Arfak Mts. 

Edoliisoma utakwensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1913, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
31, p. 105 — Utakwa River, Nassau Range. 

Edoliisoma montana minus Rothschild and Hartert, 1907, Novit. 
Zool., 14, p. 464 — Bihagi, Mambare River. 

All mountain ranges of New Guinea. 


Coracina holopolia holopolia (Sharpe) 
Graucalus holopolius Sharpe, 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p.184 
— Guadalcanal. 
Solomon Islands: Buka, Bougainville, Choiseul, Isabel, and 

Coracina holopolia pygmaea (Mayr) 

Edolisoma holopolium pygmaeum Mayr, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 504, p. 18 — Kulambangra Island, British Solomon Islands. 

Central Solomon Islands: Kulambangra and Vangunu. 

Coracina holopolia tricolor (Mayr) 

Edolisoma holopolium tricolor Mayr, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
No. 504, p. 18 — Malaita Island, British Solomon Islands. 

Solomon Islands: Malaita. 


Coracina mcgregori mcgregori (Mearns) 
Malindangia mcgregori Mearns, 1907, Philippine Journ. Sci., 2, 
p. 355 — Mount Malindang, Mindanao. 

Malindang Range, northern Mindanao. 

Coracina mcgregori peterseni (Salomonsen) 
Edolisoma mcgregori peterseni Salomonsen, 1953, Vidensk. Medd. 
Dansk naturh. Foren., 115, p. 276 — Upper slopes of Mt. Ka- 
tanglad, Bukidnon Prov., Central Mindanao. 

Bukidnon ranges, northern Mindanao. 



Coracina panayensis (Steere) 
Edoliisoma (Graucalus) panayensis Steere, 1890, List Birds Mamm. 
Steere Exped., p. 14 — Panay and Guimaras. 
Coracina ostenta Ripley, 1952, Condor, 54, p. 362, new name.! 
Philippine Islands: Guimaras, Negros and Panay. 


Coracina polioptera jabouillei Delacour 
Coracina polioptera jabouillei Delacour, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1497, p. 5 — Pleiku, Kontoum Province, Annam. 
Northern and central Annam from Kontoum Province to the 
region of Vinh; also occurring in the provinces of Thuatien and 

Coracina polioptera indochinensis (Kloss) 
Lalage fimbriata indochinensis Kloss, 1925, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
46, p. 7 — Dran, southern Annam. 
Burma from the Chin Hills and Southern Shan States, and central 
Laos, south to Tenasserim, central Thailand and central Laos; 
southern Annam (Langbian, Dran). 

Coracina polioptera polioptera (Sharpe) 
Campophaga polioptera Sharpe, 1879, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 4, 
p. 59 (in key), p. 69, pl. 2 — Cochinchina. 
Southern Burma, southern Thailand, Cambodia, and Cochinchina. 


Coracina melaschistos melaschistos (Hodgson) 

Volvocivora melaschistos Hodgson, 1836, Indian Rev., 1, (8), p. 328 

Ceblepyris lugubris Sundevall, 1837, Physiogr. Sallskapets Tidskr., 
1, p. 52 — Nepal. 

Graucalus maculosus Horsfield, 1840, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
1839, p. 159 — Assam. 

Volvocivora melanura Hartlaub, 1865, Journ. f. Orn., 13, p. 162 
— India ? 

1 This name is invalid because of the mandatory provision stated in 
Bull. Zoél. Nomencl., 4, 1950, p. 265, par. 38 and id., 14, 1957, p. 184, Art. 
24, Sect. 14, which states that “If homonyms are of identical date, one 
proposed for a species takes precedence over one proposed for a subspe- 
cies.”’ cf. p. 177. E. M. 

2 The four species, polioptera, melaschistos, fimbriata and melanoptera 
(sykesi), sometimes separated as Volvocivora, are here included in Coracina, 
following Delacour (1951). 


The Himalayas from Murree to Assam and western Yunnan 
(Likiang), south to Manipur and upper Chindwin. Breeds at the 
higher elevations, winters at lower elevations and slightly southward. 

Coracina melaschistos avensis (Blyth) 
Clampephaga| melanoptera Blyth, 1846, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
15, p. 307 — Arakan. Not Ceblepyris melanoptera Riippell, 1839. 

Campephaga avensis Blyth, 1852, Cat. Birds Mus. As. Soc., p. 327. 
New name for C. melanoptera Blyth, preoccupied. 

Breeds in eastern Szechwan (Wanhsien), eastern Yunnan, moun- 
tains of central and southern Burma, northern Thailand, northern 
Indochina (except eastern Tonkin). In winter occurring at lower 
elevations and south to southern Burma, southern Thailand, and 
southern Indochina. 

Coracina melaschistos intermedia (Hume) 

Volvocivora intermedia Hume, 1877, Stray Feathers, 5, p. 205 — 

Campophaga innominata Oates, 1883, Handb. Birds Brit. Burmah, 
1, p. 233 — Tavoy. 

Volvocivora koratensis Kloss, 1918, Ibis, p. 193 — Lat Bua Kao, 
eastern Siam. 

Campephaga lugubris asakurai Kuroda, 1920, Dobuts. Zasshi, 32, 
p. 244, 247 — Horisha, Nanto District, central Formosa. 

Breeds in central and eastern China north to the Chin Ling 
mountains and Hopeh; Formosa; on migration in Yunnan. In winter, 
south to southern Burma, Thailand and Indochina. 

Coracina melaschistos saturata (Swinhoe) 
Volvocivora saturata Swinhoe, 1870, Ibis, p. 242 — Hainan. 

Eastern Tonkin and northern and central Annam; Island of 
Hainan; some drift to the south and west where recorded in winter 
from Annam (Kontoum), Laos, Cambodia, and northwestern Thai- 


Coracina fimbriata neglecta (Hume) 

Volvocivora neglecta Hume, 1877, Stray Feathers, 5, p. 203 — 
“extreme south of Tennasserim Penin.”’ 

Southern Tenasserim, and Peninsular Thailand south to Pattani 

Coracina fimbriata culminata (Hay) 

Ceblepyris Culminatus Hay, 1845, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 13, 
pt. 2, p. 157 — Malacca. 


Campophaga minor Davison, 1892, Ibis, p. 99 — eastern coast of 
the Malay Peninsula = the “Pahang country”’; ex Sharpe, 1892, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1, p. vii 

Malay Peninsula south of Perlis and Pattani. 

Coracina fimbriata schierbrandii (Pelzeln) 
Volvocivora schierbrandii Pelzeln, 1865, Reise ‘Novara’ Vog. p. 80 
— Borneo. 
Volvocivora borneensis Salvadori, 1868, Atti. R. Accad. Sci. To- 
rino, 3, p. 532 — Borneo. 
Sumatra and Borneo. 

Coracina fimbriata compta (Richmond) 
Campephaga compta Richmond, 1903, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 26, 
p. 514 — Simeulue [Simalur] Island. 
Islands of Simeulue and Siberut off the west coast of Sumatra. 

Coracina fimbriata fimbriata (Temminck) 
Ceblepyris fimbriatus Temminck, 1824, Pl. col., livr. 42, pl. 249, 
250 — Java. 
Java and Bali. 


Coracina melanoptera melanoptera (Riippell) 

Ceblepyris melanoptera Riippell, 1839, Mus. Senckenb., 3, p. 25, 
pl. 2, fig. 1— New Holland?; error = Bhadwar, Kangra 
District, Punjab, as fixed by Delacour, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1497, p. 15. 

Lalage sykesi eximia Van Tyne and Koelz, 1936, Occ. Papers Mus. 
Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 334, p. 4 — Bhadwar, Kangra Dis- 
trict, Punjab. 

Northern India in the valleys of northern Punjab and the United 


Coracina melanoptera sykesi (Strickland) 

Lalage Sykesi Strickland, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, p. 36 
— “vicinity of Calcutta’? = Deccan fide Sykes, 1832, Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, p. 77, 87. 

India from a line from Mt. Abu, Sambhur, Bareilly, southern 

Nepal, Chota-Nagpur, and the Bengal-Assam border, southward; 
Island of Ceylon. 

Grenus CAMPOCHAERA “SatLvapDori”’ 

Campochaera “Salvadori” in Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. K. Zool. Mus. 
Dresden, 3, p. 363. Type, by monotypy, Campephaga sloeti 


Campochaera sloetii sloetii (Schlegel) 
Campephaga sloetii Schlegel, 1866, Ned. Tijdsch. Dierk, 3, p. 253 
—Seleh, southwestern Cape of the Vogelkop. 
New Guinea: western Vogelkop. 

Campochaera sloetii flaviceps Salvadori 
Campochaera flavicipitis [sic] Salvadori, 1880, Ann. Mus. Civ. 
Genova, 15, p. 38, note — Fly River and Hall Sound, restricted 
to Fly River by Mayr, 1941. Name emended by Salvadori, 1881. 

Southern New Guinea from the Mimika River eastward to the 
Astrolabe Mts. 


Chlamydochaera Sharpe, 1887, Ibis, p. 439. Type, by monotypy, 
Chlamydochaera jefferyi Sharpe. 

Chlamydochaera jefferyi Sharpe 
Chlamydochaera jefferyi Sharpe, 1887, Ibis, p. 439, pl. 13 — Mt. 
Kinabalu, North Borneo. 

Mountains of Borneo, from Mt. Kinabalu to Mt. Mulu and Mt. 
Dulit (Sarawak). 

Genus LALAGE Bote 

Lalage Boie, 1826, Isis, col. 973. Type, by monotypy, T'urdus orien- 
talis Gmelin = Turdus niger Forster. 

Erucivora Swainson, 1832, Faun. Bor.-Amer., Birds, p. 483. Type, 
by original designation, 7’wrdus orientalis Gmelin. 

Symmorphus Gould, 1838, Syn. Birds Austral., pt. 4, app., p. 3. 
Type, by monotypy, Symmorphus leucopygus Gould. 

Pseudolalage Blyth, 1861, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 30, p. 97. 
Type, by monotypy, Lalage melanoleuca Blyth. 

Diaphoropterus Oberholser, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, p. 214. Type, by original designation, Symmorphus 
leucopygus Gould, new name for Symmorphus Gould, 1838, not 
Wesmaél, 1833 (Odonata). 

Karua Mathews, 1913, Austral Av. Rec., 2, p. 59. Type, by original 
designation, Campephaga leucomela Vigors and Horsfield. 

Perissolalage Oberholser, 1917, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 54, p. 182. 
Type, by monotype, Perissolalage chalepa Oberholser = Lalage 
sueurtt sueurid Vieillot. 

Oscarornis Mathews, 1928, Novit. Zool., 34, p. 372. Type, by 
original designation, Lalage sharpei Rothschild. 


cf. Mayr, 1940, Emu, 40, p. 111-117 (Australia). 
— and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1116, p. 1-18. 
— and Delacour, 1946, Birds Philippines, p. 166-167. 
—, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1707, p. 7-9 (North Me- 


Lalage melanoleuca melanoleuca (Blyth) 
Pseudolalage melanoleuca Blyth, 1861, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
30, p. 97 — Luzon. 
Philippine Islands: Luzén, Mindoro. 

Lalage melanoleuca minor (Steere) 

Pseudolalage minor Steere, 1890, List Birds Mamm. Steere Exped., 
p. 15 — Mindanao. Type in British Museum from Ayala, Min- 
danao. cf. Hachisuka, 1935, Birds Philippine Islands, 2, p. 368. 

Philippine Islands: Samar, Leyte, Mindanao. 


Lalage nigra davisoni Kloss 
Lalage nigra davisoni Kloss, 1926, Journ. Malay Branch Roy. 
Asiat. Soc., 4, p. 159 — Nicobar Islands. 
Nicobar Islands. 

Lalage nigra nigra (Forster) 
Turdus niger Forster, 1781, Indian Zool., p. 41 — East Indies; 
restricted to Singapore by Bangs, 1922, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
65, p. 80.1 
Turdus Dominicus P. L. 8. Miller, 1776, Natursyst., suppl., p. 145 
— Santo Domingo, error = East Indies. Apparently based on 
Daubenton, Pl. enlum., pl. 273, fig. 2. Not T’urdus dominicus 
Linnaeus, 1766. 
Turdus Terat Boddaert, 1783, Table Pl. enlum., p. 17, ex Dau- 
benton, Pl. enlum., pl. 273, fig. 2. 
Lalage nigra empheris Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, 
no. 7, p. 15 — Telok Bluku, Nias Island. 
Lalage nigra brunnescens Stuart Baker, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
44, p. 13 — Klang, Malay Peninsula. 
Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java (except eastern), Nias, Kari- 
mundjawa Islands. 

1 According to Stresemann, 1952, Ibis, p. 520, the type probably came 
from Manila and Lalage nigra striga Horsfield, t.1. West Java, would be 
the available name for this form. 



Lalage nigra chilensis (Meyen) 

Ceblepyris chilensis Meyen, 1834, Verh. K. Leop. Carol Akad. 
Naturf., 16, p. 74 — Chile or Peru; error, the type in the Berlin 
Museum is from Manila, fide Stresemann, 1930, Orn. Monatsb., 
38, poe 

Lalage niger mitifica Bangs, 1922, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 65, 
p. 80 — Lubang Island, near Luzon. 

Borneo (and Islands), and throughout the Philippines. 

Lalage nigra leucopygialis Walden 
Lalage leucopygialis Walden, 1872, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 8, 
p. 69, pl. 8, fig. 2 — Menado, Celebes. 
Celebes, Peling, Banggai, Muna, Sula Islands (Taliabu). 

White-winged Triller 

Lalage sueurii sueurii (Vieillot) 

Turdus Suerw [sic]* Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 20, 
p- 270 — New Holland, error = Timor; see Mathews, 1914, 
Austral Av. Rec., 2, p. 104. 

Ceblepyris timorensis Miller, 1843, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Nederl., 
Land-en Volkenk., pt. 6, p. 90 — Timor. 

Lalage Riedelii Meyer, 1884, (Sitzungsb.) Abh. naturwiss. Ges. Isis, 
Dresden, p. 29 — Kisser Island. 

Lalage timoriensis var. celebensis Meyer, 1884, (Sitzungsb.) Abh. 
naturwiss. Ges. Isis, Dresden, p. 30 — Celebes. 

Perissolalage chalepa Oberholser, 1917, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 54, 
p- 182 — Solombo Besar Island, Java Sea. 

Eastern Java (?overlapping with L.n. nigra), Lesser Sunda Islands 
from Bali to Timor, Kisar, and Sermatta; southernmost Celebes 
(Makassar, Lompo Batang) and Islands of Celebes Sea (Tukangbesi, 
Buton, Djampea, Salayer). 

Lalage sueurii tricolor (Swainson) 

Ceblepyris tricolor Swainson, 1825, Zool. Journ., 1, p. 467 —“‘Aus- 
tralia’’; restricted to Sydney, New South Wales, by Mathews, 
1930, Syn. Av. Austral., p. 546. 

1 According to Stresemann, 1952, Ibis, p. 520, the type of nigra Forster, 
1781, probably came from Manila. 

2 The type of Lalage schisticeps Neumann, 1919, Journ. f. Orn., 67, p. 333 
Culion Island, Philippines, is an artifact with body of Lalage nigra and head 
of Pericrocotus divaricatus from Shantung, China, see Stresemann, 1922, Orn. 
Monatsb., 30, p. 88. 

3 Clearly a misprint for swewr; Vieillot gives the vernacular name as 
“le Merle Lesueur’’, and states that the bird was brought back by M. Lesueur. 


Lalage tricolor indistincta Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p. 328 
—Wyndham, North-west Australia. 

Karua leucomela mayi Ashby, 1914, South Austral. Orn., 1, pt. 4, 
p. 27 — Pine Creek, Northern Territory. 

Drier regions of Australia. Partial migrant to northern Australia 
and southeast New Guinea. 

Lalage aurea (Temminck) 

Ceblepyris aureus 'Temminck, 1827, Pl. Col., pl. 382 — Timor, 
error = Ternate; see Hartert, 1903, Novit. Zool., 10, p. 11. 
Northern Moluccas: Obi, Batjan, Halmahera, Ternate and Mo- 


Lalage atrovirens moesta Sclater 

Lalage moesta Sclater, 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 55 — 

Tanimbar Islands. 

Lalage atrovirens atrovirens (Gray) 

Campephaga (Lalage) atrovirens G. R. Gray, 1862, Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London (1861), p. 430 — Mysol. 

West Papuan Islands: Misol, Salawati, Waigeu; northern New 
Guinea from the west coast of the Vogelkop east to Astrolabe Bay 
and Ramu River. 

Lalage atrovirens leucoptera (Schlegel) 

Campephaga leucoptera Schlegel, 1871, Neder].Tijdschr. Dierk., 4, 
(1873), p. 45 — Misori Island (Soek). 

Biak Island, Geelvink Bay. 


Lalage leucomela keyensis Rothschild and Hartert 
Lalage karu keyensis Rothschild and Hartert, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 37, p. 17 — Tual, Little Key. 
Kei (Ewab) Islands: Great and Little Kei. 

Lalage leucomela rufiventer (Gray) 

Campephaga (rufiventris) Gray, 1846, Gen. Birds, 1, p. 283 (ex 
Hombron and Jacquinot, Voy. Pole Sud, Ois., pl. 11, fig. 1) — 
Raffles Bay, Northern Territory. 

Lalage leucomela gouldi Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p.329— 
Alligator River, Northern Territory. 

Melville Island and adjoining coast of Northern Territory. 



Lalage leucomela leucomela (Vigors and Horsfield) 

Campephaga Leucomela Vigors and Horsfield, 1827, Trans. Linn. 
Soe. London, 15, p. 215 — Broad Sound, south Queensland. 

Coastal eastern Australia from northern New South Wales (Bel- 
lengen River) to the Cooktown district in northern Queensland. 

Lalage leucomela yorki Mathews 

Lalage leucomela yorki Mathews, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p. 329 — 
Cape York, Queensland. 

Lalage leucomela insulicola Todd, 1924, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 37, p. 119 — Friday Island, Torres Straits. 

Cape York Peninsula, northern Queensland. 

Lalage leucomela polygrammica (Gray) 

Campephaga polygrammica G. R. Gray, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, p. 179 — Aru Islands. 

Lalage karu microrhyncha Ogilvie-Grant, 1915, Ibis, Jubilee Suppl., 
no. 2, p. 118 — Wakatimi, Mimika River. 

Aru Islands; eastern New Guinea, westward along the southern 
coast to the Mimika River, along the northern coast to the upper 
Watut River (Wau). 

Lalage leucomela obscurior Rothschild and Hartert 

Lalage karu obscurior Rothschild and Hartert, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
CL., 37, p. 16 — Fergusson Island. 

D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago: Fergusson, Goodenough, and Nor- 
manby Islands. 

Lalage leucomela trobriandi Mayr 

Lalage karu trobriandi Mayr, 1936, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 869, 
p. 1 — Kiriwina Island, Trobriand Islands. 

Trobriand Islands: Kiriwina and Kaileuna. 

Lalage leucomela pallescens Rothschild and Hartert 
Lalage karu pallescens Rothschild and Hartert, 1917, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 37, p. 17 — Sudest. 

Louisiade Archipelago: Misima (St. Aignan) and Tagula (Sudest). 

Lalage leucomela falsa Hartert 

Lalage karu falsa Hartert, 1925, Novit. Zool., 32, p. 131 — Duke 
of York Islands. 

Rook Island, New Britain, and Duke of York Islands. 


Lalage leucomela karu (Lesson and Garnot) 

Lanius karu Lesson and Garnot, 1827, Voy. ‘Coquille’, Zool. Atlas, 
pl. 12 — Port Praslin, New Ireland. 

New Ireland. 

Lalage leucomela albidior Hartert 
Lalage karu albidior Hartert, 1924, Novit. Zool., 31, p. 208 — 
New Hanover. 

New Hanover. 

Lalage leucomela ottomeyeri Stresemann 
Lalage karu ottomeyeri Stresemann, 1933, Orn. Monatsb., 41, p.114. 
— Lihir. 

Lihir Island, Lihir group. 

Lalage leucomela tabarensis Mayr 

Lalage leucomela tabarensis Mayr, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 
1707, p. 9 — Tabar Island, Tabar group. 

Tabar Island, Tabar group. 

Lalage leucomela conjuncta Rothschild and Hartert 

Lalage conjuncta Rothschild and Hartert, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 44, p. 51 — St. Matthias Island. 

St. Matthias Island (Mussau). 

Lalage maculosa ultima Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage maculosa ultima Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1116, p. 11 — Efate I., New Hebrides Is. 

Central New Hebrides: Efate Island. 

Lalage maculosa modesta Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage maculosa modesta Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 11 — Pauuma I., New Hebrides Is. 

Northern and Central New Hebrides: Espiritu Santo, Malo, 
Pauuma, and Epi. 

Lalage maculosa melanopygia Mayr and Ripley 
Lalage maculosa melanopygia Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 11 — Utupua I., Santa Cruz group. 
Santa Cruz group: Utupua Island and Ndeni (Santa Cruz) (?sub- 


Lalage maculosa vanikorensis Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage maculosa vanikorensis Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 10 — Vanikoro I., Santa Cruz group. 

Santa Cruz group: Vanikoro Island. 

Lalage maculosa soror Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage maculosa soror Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1116, p. 10 — Kandavu Island, Fiji Is. 

Fiji Islands: Kandavu Island. 

Lalage maculosa pumila Neumann 
Lalage nigra pumila Neumann, 1927, Orn. Monatsb., 35, p. 19 — 
Viti Levu, Fiji Is. 
Fiji Islands: Viti Levu Island. 
Lalage maculosa mixta Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage maculosa mixta Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1116, p. 9 — Ovalau I. 

Ovalau and (subsp.?) Mathuata, Yandua, Naviti, Mathathoni 
Levu, and Yasawa Islands, central and northwestern Fiji group. 

Lalage maculosa woodi Wetmore 
Lalage woodi Wetmore, 1925, Ibis, p. 845, pl. xxvi — Taveuni 
Island, Fiji. 
Kastern group of the main Fiji Islands: Ngamea, Taveuni, Kioa, 
and Vanua Levu. 

Lalage maculosa rotumae Neumann 
Lalage nigra rotumae Neumann, 1927, Orn. Monatsb., 35, p. 19 — 
Rotuma Island. 
Rotumah Island (north of the Fiji group). 

Lalage maculosa nesophila Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage maculosa nesophila Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 8 — Ongea Levu I., Fiji Is. 

Lau Archipelago (Ono Ilau, Turtle, Ongea Levu, Fulanga, Yan- 
gasa Cluster, Marambo, Kambara, Wangava, Tavunasithi, Namuka 
Tlau, Mothe, Olorua, Oneata, Aiwa, Lakemba, Matuku, Vatu Vara, 
and Yathata), Fiji Islands. 

Laiage maculosa tabuensis Mayr and Ripley! 

Lalage maculosa tabuensis Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 7 — Tongatabu I., Tonga Is. 

1 According to Stresemann, 1950, Auk, p. 73, 86, this form had been 
described by Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, p. 309, as L. natka, supposedly 
from ‘“‘Natka Sound’’, N. America. Final decision rests with the International 
Commission. T'urdus pacificus Gmelin, 1789 is unidentifiable. E. M. 


Tonga Islands, except Vavau group; Tongatabu, Eua and Haapai 
group (Kelefesia, Tonumeia, Telekitonga, Mango, Namuka, Tofua, 
Kao, Fotuhaa, Haafeva, Tongua, Uanukuhahaki, Oua, Uoleva, 
Lefuka and Foa). 

Lalage maculosa vauana Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage maculosa vauana Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 7 — Vavau I., Tonga Is. 

Ovaka, Vavau, Kapa, Euakapa, and Late (Vavau group), Tonga 

Lalage maculosa keppeli Mayr and Ripley 
Lalage maculosa keppeli Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1116, p. 6 — Keppel I. 
Keppel (Niuatobutabu) Island and Boscawen (Iafahi) Island. 

Lalage maculosa futunae Mayr and Ripley 
Lalage maculosa futunae Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 6 — Futuna [. 

Futuna Island, Horne Islands. 

Lalage maculosa whitmeei Sharpe 
Lalage whitmeet Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. K. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 1 
p. 371 — Savage I. 
Savage (Niue) Island. 

Lalage maculosa maculosa (Peale) 

Colluricincla maculosa Peale, 1848, U. S. Expl. Exped., Birds, 
p. 81 — Samoa and Fiji; restricted to Upolu, Samoa, by Wet- 
more, 1925, Ibis, p. 847. 

Samoa: Upolu and Savaii Islands. 


Lalage sharpei sharpei Rothschild 

Lalage sharpet Rothschild, 1900, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 10, p. 40 — 
Upolu Island, Samoa Group. 

Samoa: Upolu Island. 

Lalage sharpei tenebrosa Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage sharper tenebrosa Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 12 — Savaii I., Samoa Group. 

Samoa: Savaii Island. 



Lalage leucopyga affinis (Tristram) 
Symmorphus (Lalage) affinis Tristram, 1879, Ibis, p. 440 — Ma- 
kira Harbour, San Cristoval I. 
Solomon Islands: San Cristobal and Ugi. 

Lalage leucopyga deficiens Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage leucopyga deficiens Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 17 — Lo L., Torres Is. 

Torres and Banks Islands. 

Lalage leucopyga albiloris Mayr and Ripley 

Lalage leucopyga albiloris Mayr and Ripley, 1941, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1116, p. 16 — Efate I., New Hebrides. 

Central and northern New Hebrides: Efate, Lelepa, Mai, Tongoa, 
Epi, Lopevi, Pauuma, Ambrim, Malekula, Malo, and Espiritu Santo 

Lalage leucopyga simillima (Sarasin) 
Diaphoropterus naevius simillimus Sarasin, 1913, Vog. Neu Caled. 
Loyalty Ins., p. 28, pl. 2, fig. 10 — Loyalty Is. 
Loyalty Islands and (subsp.) southern New Hebrides (Erromango, 
Tanna, Aneiteum). 

Lalage leucopyga montrosieri Verreaux and des Murs 

Lalage Montrosieri Verreaux and des Murs, 1860, Rev. Mag. Zool. 
(Paris), ser. 2, 12, p. 431 — New Caledonia. 

Muscicapa naevia Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 944 — 
New Caledonia. Preoccupied by Muscicapa naevia Boddaert, 
1783, p. 34. 

New Caledonia. 

Lalage leucopyga leucopyga (Gould) 

Symmorphus leucopygus Gould, 1838, Syn. Birds Austral., pt. 4, 
App., p. 3 — ‘“New South Wales’’, error for Norfolk I. 

Norfolk Island. 


Campephaga Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 39, 69. Type, by mono- 
typy, ‘“‘Echenilleur noir” of Levaillant = Campephaga flava 

Lobotos Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 54, fig. 12, generic 
details only; species added by Hartlaub, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 
2, p. 31. Type, by monotypy, Lobotos temminckii Reichenbach 
= Ceblepyris lobatus Temminck. 

1 Sometimes emended to Campophaga. 


cf. Bannerman, 1939, Birds Trop. West Africa, 5, p. 304-311, 
319-321; 1951, 8, p. 450. 
Chapin, 1953, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 75A, p. 193-203. 
Jackson and Sclater, 1938, Birds Kenya Col. and Uganda Prot., 
3, p. 1164-1168. 
Neumann, 1916, Journ. f. Orn., 64, p. 146-154. 
Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Ethiop., pt. 2, p. 589-591. 


Campephaga phoenicea phoenicea (Latham) 
Ampelis phoenicea Latham, 1790, Ind. Orn., 1, p. 367 — Africa 
= Gambia. 
Lanicterus xanthornoides Lesson, 1838, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (2), 
9, p. 169 — Gambia (orange shouldered variation). 

Campephaga ignea Reichenow, 1902, Journ. f. Orn., 50, p. 258 — 
Njangabo, Equatorial Africa.? 

Campephaga rothschildi Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, p. 594 
— Gmezo, Boranaland = near Sagan River, Borama, southern 

Senegal, French Sudan (Kulikoro), northern Belgian Congo, 
French Equatorial Africa (Tengelin; Damraou), Eritrea and Abys- 
sinia, south to the northern shores of the Gulf of Guinea, eastern 
Cameroons, northern Uganda, and western Kenya. 

Campephaga phoenicea petiti (Oustalet) 

Campophaga Petiti Oustalet, 1884, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (6), 17, 
art. 8, p. | — Landana. 

Campephaga purpurascens Reichenow, 1903, Vog. Afr., 2, p. 520 
— Malange, Angola. 

Eastern Nigeria (British Cameroons); eastern Congo forests west 
of Lake Kivu and Lake Albert to Uganda and western Kenya 
(Kakamega), southward locally through Cameroons, Gaboon and 
the lower Congo basin to northern Angola. 

Campephaga phoenicea flava Vieillot® 

Campephaga flava Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 10, p. 49. 
Ex Levaillant, Ois. Afrique, pl. 164 = 9. 

1 This locality lies in northeastern Belgian Congo west of Lake Albert. 

2 Chapin, 1953, p. 201, found this form occupying highland forest in the 
eastern part of its range; phoenicea occupied lower grasslands. Ranges appear 
to overlap and perhaps petiti is a distinct species. 

3 The older name Cuculus sulphuratus Lichtenstein, 1793, Cat. Rev. Nat. 
rarissim., 15, was suppressed by action of the Intern. Comm. of Zool. 
Nomencl., and placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific 
Names in Zoology, under the Number 275 (Opinion 407, 1956). 


Campephaga nigra Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 10, p. 50. 
Ex Levaillant, Ois. Afrique, pl. 165 = g. 

Lanicterus hartlaubii Salvadori, 1873, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 4, 
p. 439 — no locality = yellow shouldered variation. 

Africa from Angola and Ngamiland on the west, and from 
Uganda, Kenya, southern Ethiopia (Lake Stefanie) and southern 
Somaliland on the east, southward through eastern and southern 
Belgian Congo and Tanganyika to Cape Province. 


Campephaga quiscalina quiscalina Finsch 

Campephaga quiscalina Finsch, 1869, in Sharpe, Ibis, p. 189 — 

vicinity of Cape-Coast Castle, 7. e. Fanti country, Gold Coast. 

Campephaga preussi Reichenow, 1899, Orn. Monatsb., 7, p. 40 — 

Victoria, Cameroons. 

West Africa from French Guinea to Cameroons, thence south and 
southeast to northern Angola, the Katanga, and Northern Rhodesia 
(Mwinilunga District). 

Campephaga quiscalina martini (Jackson) 
Campophaga martini Jackson, 1912, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 31, p. 18 
— Ravine and Nandi, Kenya. 
Campephaga théliei Schouteden, 1914, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 3, 
p. 266 — Kilo, Ituri District, Belgian Congo. 
Campephaga confusa Madarasz, 1915, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 
13, p. 394 — Ngare-Dowash [east of Lake Victoria, Kenya]. 

Eastern forests of the Belgian Congo from the Uelle south to the 
Katanga and east through Uganda to central Kenya (to Mt. Kenya, 
Nairobi, and the Amala River east of Lake Victoria). 

Campephaga quiscalina miinzneri Reichenow 
Campephaga quiscalina miinzneri Reichenow, 1915, Orn. Monatsb., 
23, p. 91 — Mahenge, Tanganyika. 
Highland forest in central Tanganyika in the Mbulu Morogoro 
and Mahenge districts. 


Campephaga lobata lobata (Temminck) 

Ceblepyris lobatus Temminck, 1824, Pl. col., livr. 47, pls. 279, 280 
— Sierra Leone; error = Gold Coast, by designation of Banner- 
man, 1939. 

Confined to the Gold Coast (Ghana). 

1 This locality lies in the extreme southeast of what is now Eastern 

2 This species does not seem to differ sufficiently from the other species 
of Campephaga to justify recognition of the monotypic genus Lobotos. 


Campephaga lobata oriolina (Bates) 

Lobotus oriolinus Bates, 1909, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 25, p. 14 — 
Assobam, River Bumba, Cameroons. 

Southern Cameroons and Gaboon, reappearing in forests of the 
eastern Congo in the Ituri district and regions west of Lake Albert, 
Lake Edward and northwest of Lake Tanganyika. 


Pericrocotus Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, 2, (10), col. 972. Type, by 
original designation and monotypy, Muscicapa miniata Tem- 

cf. Stresemann, 1930, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 15, p. 635-644. 

Snouckaert van Schauburg, 1930, Treubia, 11, p. 309-312 (races 
of cinnamomeus). 

Whistler and Kinnear, 1933, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 
36, p. 340-345. 

Mayr, 1940, Ibis, p. 712-722 (races of ethologus and brevirostris). 

Deignan, 1946, Auk, 63, p. 511-533 (races of flammeus). 

Deignan, 1947, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 37, p. 254-256 
(races of cinnamomeus, in part, sub nom. peregrinus). 

Hall, 1953, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 73, p. 63-65. 

Pericrocotus roseus cantonensis Swinhoe 
Pericrocotus cantonensis Swinhoe, 1861, Ibis, p. 42 — Canton, 
[ Pericrocotus| immodestus Hume, 1877, Stray Feathers, 5, p. 174, 
177 — Mergui District, Tenasserim Division, Burma. 

Breeds in the maritime provinces of China from Kiangsu to eastern 
Kwangtung and along the Yangtze from its mouth to the Red Basin 
of Szechwan. On migration or in winter in Yunnan, all Indochina, 
Thailand (south to Trang Province), and southern Tenasserim. 

?Pericrocotus roseus stanfordi Vaughan and Jones 

Pericrocotus stanfordi Vaughan and Jones, 1913, Ibis, p. 383 — 

Samshui, Kwangtung, China. 

An unstable population intermediate between cantonensis and 
roseus, breeding along the West River of central Kwangtung (Can- 
ton to Takhing). On migration or in winter in eastern Thailand and 
southern Laos. 

Pericrocotus roseus roseus (Vieillot) 

Muscicapa rosea Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 
21, p. 486 — Bengal. 


P{ericrocotus] intensior Hume, 1877, Stray Feathers, 5, p. 185 — 
Tenasserim; specimens from Mergui District, fide Hume, in 
Armstrong, 1876, ibid., 4, p. 317. 

Breeds in western Kwangtung, Kwangsi, northern Tonkin, 
Yunnan, southeastern Hsikang, the Shan States and northern 
Burma, Assam, and along the Himalayas to Afghanistan, with 
isolated populations reported in the hill tracts of southern India 
south to Kerala. On migration or in winter in Thailand (south to 
Phuket Island), southern Burma to the Isthmus of Kra, and over 
the plains of northern India. 

Ashy Minivet 

Pericrocotus divaricatus divaricatus (Raffles) 
Lanius divaricatus Raffles, 1822, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, 
p- 305 — Singapore. 
gies cinereus Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 8, p. 94 
— Luzon. 

Pericrocotus japonicus Stejneger, 1887, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 9, 
p. 649 — Amazgi San [lat. 34° 52’ N., long. 139° 00’ E.], Shizuoka, 
Hondo, Japan. 

Pericrocotus cinereus intermedius Clark, 1907, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 32, p. 474 — Seoul, Korea. 

Breeds in Amurland, Manchuria, Korea, central Japan (Hondo), 
and Formosa. On migration or in winter in the southern Japanese 
islands, Formosa, Yonakuni and the Pescadores, the maritime pro- 
vinces of China from Hopeh to Kwangtung, southeastern Yunnan, 
all Indochina, Thailand (mainly south), southern Tenasserim, coasts 
and islets of Malaya, Sumatra, and Borneo, Palawan, and the 
Philippine Archipelago. 

Pericrocotus divaricatus tegimae Stejneger 
Pericrocotus tegimae Stejneger, 1887, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 9, 
p. 648 — Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands. 
Resident on islands south of Kyushu and on the larger Ryukyu 


Pericrocotus cinnamomeus malabaricus (Gmelin) 

[Parus|] malabaricus Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, (2), p. 1012 — 
Malabar Coast, ex Sonnerat; type locality here restricted to 

1 Some consider P. divaricatus a subspecies of P. roseus, but I prefer to 
treat the two as together comprising a superspecies. 

2 Previous writers have treated P.cinnamomeus and P.igneus as two 
closely allied, but distinct, species. Where representatives of the two groups 


Windward slopes of the Western Ghats of India from Kerala 
northward to Belgaum. 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus cinnamomeus! (Linnaeus) 

[Motacilla] cinnamomea Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 
p. 335 — Ceylon. 

Pericrocotus peregrinus ceylonensis Whistler and Kinnear, 1933, 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 36, p. 344 — Cocawatte, 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus sidhoutensis Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 52, p. 69 — Sidhaut, Cuddapah District, Madras. 

Pericrocotus peregrinus dharmakumari Koelz, 1950, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1452, p.6— Jamwala, Junagarh, Kathiawar Pe- 

Ceylon; peninsular India (except the area occupied by malaba- 
ricus) northward to Saurashtra and southern Rajasthan, southern 
Madhya Pradesh, and southern Orissa. 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus pallidus Stuart Baker 

Pericrocotus peregrinus pallidus Stuart Baker, 1920, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 40, p. 115 — Larkana, Sind, West Pakistan. 

West Pakistan (valley of the Indus from Kutch to the Punjab). 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus peregrinus (Linnaeus) 

[Parus] peregrinus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 342 — 
no locality; Ambala, Punjab, India, designated by Stuart 
Baker, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 40, p. 114. 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus iredalei Stuart Baker, 1929, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 49, p. 64 — Ambala, Punjab. 

Pericrocotus peregrinus galbinus Van Tyne and Koelz, 1936, Occ. 
Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, No. 334, p. 4— Bhadwar, 
2,000 feet, Kangra District, Punjab. 

Northern India from the Punjab eastward along the Himalayas 
to Bihar, southward to northern Madhya Pradesh and northern 

meet, at the Isthmus of Kra, I find no evidence for true sympatry: separatus 
seems to be restricted to the mangrove association, while igneuws, when found 
in coastal districts, is a bird of the casuarinas that line the sandy beaches. 
Moreover, a unique specimen from the Siamese province of Prachuap Khiri 
Khan, collected at lat. 11° 50’ N. and below referred to sacerdos, appears to 
belong to a population intermediate between igneus and vividus. 

1 Stresemann, 1923, Orn. Monatsb., 31, p. 40-41, shows that cinnamomeus 
has page priority over peregrinus. While page precedence has no validity 
in modern nomenclature, I agree with the opinion expressed to me, in epistola, 
by the late J. L. Peters, that cinnamomeus, accompanied by a good des- 
cription of the male and a type locality, should be adopted as name of the 


Pericrocotus cinnamomeus vividus Stuart Baker 

Perecrocotus [sic] peregrinus vividus Stuart Baker, 1920, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 40, p. 114 — Ataran River, Amherst District, Tenas- 
serim; type locality restricted to Pabyouk, by Deignan, 1948, 
Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 37, p. 255. 

Eastern India and East Pakistan from Bengal (vicinity of Cal- 
cutta) and Assam (south of the Brahmaputra) southeastward across 
western and southern Burma to central Tenasserim (Tavoy District) ; 
southwestern and central Thailand; Andaman Islands. 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus thai Deignan 
Pericrocotus peregrinus thai Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 37, p. 254 — Amphoe Chom Thong = Ban Luang 
[lat. 18° 25’ N., long. 98° 40’ E.], Thailand. 

Shan States of Burma (excepting Kengtung), northern Thailand 
(excepting Chiang Rai Province), and Laos (Tranninh Plateau), 
southward on both sides of the Mekong to lat. 15° N. (Nakhon 
Ratchasima and Ubon Provinces, Plateau des Bolovens). 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus sacerdos Riley 

Pericrocotus peregrinus sacerdos Riley, 1940, Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 53, p. 131 — Phum Sambor [lat. 12° 53’ N., long. 
105° 04’ E.], Cambodia. 

Cambodia, southern Annam, and Cochin China; a bird from 

southwestern Thailand (Prachaup Khiri Khan Province) seems to 
be referable here. 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus separatus Deignan 

Pericrocotus peregrinus separatus Deignan, 1947, Journ. Wash- 
ington Acad. Sci., 37, p. 255 — Tanjong Badak, Mergui District, 

Burma (coasts and islands of the Mergui District of Tenasserim) 

and Thailand (coasts and islands of the western side of the Malay 
Peninsula from the Pak Chan Estuary to the Takua Pa Inlet). 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus saturatus Stuart Baker 

Pericrocotus peregrinus saturatus Stuart Baker, 1920, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 40, p. 115 — western Java. 

Java and Bali. 

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus igneus Blyth 
Plericrocotus| igneus Blyth, 1846, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 15, 
p. 309 — Malacca. 

Malay Peninsula from the Isthmus of Kra southward to Singa- 
pore; Sumatra; Billiton; Borneo; Palawan. 


Pericrocotus cinnamomeus trophis Oberholser 

Pericrocotus igneus trophis Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
60, No.7, p. 14 — Simalur Island. 

Simalur Island. 


Pericrocotus lansbergei Biittikofer 

Pericrocotus Lansbergei Biittikofer, 1886, Notes Leyden Mus., 8, 
no. 3 p. 155, pl. 6 — Bima, Sumbawa Island. 
Sumbawa and Flores Islands. 


Pericrocotus erythropygius erythropygius (Jerdon) 

M{[uscicapa] erythropygia Jerdon, 1840, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 
11, p.17— Ajanta Hills, Aurangabad District, Hyderabad, 

West Pakistan (Sind); the drier parts of peninsular India from 
Kutch and western Bihar southward to the Palni Hills. 

Pericrocotus erythropygius albifrons Jerdon 

Pericrocotus albifrons Jerdon, 1862, Ibis, p. 20 — Thayetmyo, 
Upper Burma. 

The dry zone of central Burma. 


Pericrocotus solaris solaris Blyth 
P{ericrocotus| solaris Blyth, 1846, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 15, 
p- 310 — Darjeeling, Bengal. 

Along the Himalayas from Nepal to eastern Assam and south- 
ward through the hill tracts of Assam, Manipur, and northern and 
western Burma to Pegu. 

Pericrocotus solaris rubro-limbatus Salvadori 

Pericrocotus rubro-limbatus Salvadori, 1887, Ann. Mus. Civ. 
Genova, (2), 5, p. 515, 582 — Mulayit Taung, Amherst District, 

The Southern Shan and Karenni States, the northern half of 

Tenasserim, and northern Thailand. 

1 Pericrocotus lansbergei with P.cinnamomeus together comprise a super- 


Pericrocotus solaris montpellieri La Touche 

Pericrocotus montpellieri La Touche, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
42, p. 125 — Yangtze Big Bend and “‘Chukung to Yangpi’, 

Northwestern and central Yunnan. 

Pericrocotus solaris griseogularis Gould 

Pericrocotus griseogularis Gould, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
(1862), p. 282 — Formosa. 

Pericrocotus solaris mandarinus Stresemann, 1923, Journ. f. Orn., 
71, p. 363 — Lung-tau-shan, Kwangtung, China. 

Formosa; the hill tracts of Fukien and Kwangtung; southeastern 
Yunnan, Tonkin, the eastern regions of northern Laos, and the 
northern half of Annam. 

Pericrocotus solaris deignani Riley 

Pericrocotus solaris deignani Riley, 1940, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 52, p. 47 — Peaks of Lang Bian, southern Annam. 

Southern Annam (Lang Bian Plateau). 

Pericrocotus solaris nassovicus Deignan 

Pericrocotus solaris nassovicus Deignan, 1938, Auk, 55, p. 509 — 
Khao Kuap [lat. 12° 25’ N., long. 102° 50’ E.], Thailand. 

Mountains of southeastern Thailand and western Cambodia 
(Chaine de |’Eléphant). 

Pericrocotus solaris montanus Salvadori 

Pericrocotus montanus Salvadori, 1879, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 
14, p. 205 — Mount Singgalang [lat. 0° 24’ S., long. 100° 20’ E.], 

Pericrocotus wrayi Sharpe, 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 269, 
pl. 15 — Batang Padang Mountains, Perak, Malaya. 

Pericrocotus croceus Sharpe, 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 269 
—Gunong Batu Puteh, Perak, Malaya. 

Mountains of Malaya and the highlands of western Sumatra. 

Pericrocotus solaris cinereigula Sharpe 

Pericrocotus cinereigula Sharpe, 1889, Ibis, p. 192 — Kina Balu, 
North Borneo. 

Highlands of northern Borneo. 



Pericrocotus ethologus favillaceus Bangs and Phillips 

Perierocotus [sic] brevirostris flavillaceus' [sic] Bangs and Phillips, 
1914, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 58, p.283— Kulu Valley, 
Kangra, East Punjab, India. 

Breeds in eastern Afghanistan, Kashmir, and the western Hima- 

layas to central Nepal. On migration or in winter southward over 
the Indian plains to Sind, Rajasthan, and Vindhya Pradesh. 

Pericrocotus ethologus laetus Mayr 
Pericrocotus ethologus laetus Mayr, 1940, Ibis, p. 717 — Jeyluk, 
Eastern Nepal, Sikkim, Bengal, and western Assam (Khasi Hills). 

Pericrocotus ethologus ethologus Bangs and Phillips 

Pericrocotus brevirostris ethologus Bangs and Phillips, 1914, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool., 58, p. 282 — Hsien Shan, Hupeh Province, 

Pericrocotus brevirostris styani Stuart Baker, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 40, p. 117 — Szechwan Province, China. 

Breeds in northeastern Assam, Hsikang, northern Yunnan, 
Szechwan, Kansu, Shensi, Hupeh, Hopeh, and Manchuria. On mi- 
gration or in winter southward to Pegu, northern Thailand, northern 
Laos, and Tonkin. 

Pericrocotus ethologus yvettae Bangs 

Pericrocotus yvettae Bangs, 1921, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
44, p. 583 — Ma-li-pa, Kokang State, Burmese Wa States. 

Northeastern Burma, the Northern Shan State, and central Yun- 
nan (west of the Salween). 

Pericrocotus ethologus mariae Ripley 
Pericrocotus ethologus mariae Ripley, 1952 (Apr.), Journ. Bombay 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 50, p. 486 — Phek, Naga Hills, Assam. 
Pericrocotus brevirostris aureus Koelz, 1952 (June), Journ. Zool. 
Soc. India, 4, p. 42 — Hmuntha, Lushai Hills, Assam. 

Eastern Assam (Naga Hills, Manipur, and Lushai Hills) and 
western Burma (Chin Hills). 

Pericrocotus ethologus ripponi Stuart Baker 

Pericrocotus solaris ripponi Stuart Baker, 1924, Fauna Brit. India, 
Birds, ed. 2, 2, p. 327 — East of Fort Stedman, Southern Shan 
States, Burma. 

1 Spelling corrected to favillaceus by Bangs, 1921, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. 
Hist., 44, p. 584. 



Pericrocotus ethologus cryptus Mayr, 1940, Ibis, p. 719 — Doi Pha 
Hom Pok [lat. 20° 05’ N., long. 99° 10’ E.], Thailand. 

Eastern Burma (Southern Shan and Karenni States) and north- 
western Thailand. 

Pericrocotus ethologus annamensis Robinson and Kloss 

Pericrocotus brevirostris annamensis Robinson and Kloss, 1923, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, p. 119 — Dalat, 5,000 feet, Lang Bian 

Plateau, Annam. 
Southern Annam (Lang Bian Plateau). 


Pericrocotus brevirostris brevirostris (Vigors) 

Muscipeta brevirostris Vigors, 1831, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, pt. 1, (1830-31), p. 43 — Himalayas; type locality restricted 
to Mussoorie, by Stuart Baker, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 40, 
p. 116, and corrected to “probably Sikkim foothills”, by Mayr, 
1940, Ibis, p. 720. 

Pericrocotus brevirostris sanguineus Koelz, 1952, Journ. Zool. Soc. 
India, 4, p. 42 — Shillong Peak, Khasi Hills, Assam. 

Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Bengal, and western Assam (Garo and 
Khasi Hills). 
Pericrocotus brevirostris affinis (McClelland) 

Phoenicornis affinis McClelland, 1840, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 7, (1839), p. 157 — Assam; type locality restricted to Sadiya, 
by Mayr, 1940, Ibis, p. 720. 

Assam (Mishmi and Naga Hills, Manipur, Lushai Hills), western 
and northern Burma, and western Yunnan. 

Pericrocotus brevirostris neglectus Hume 

Pericrocotus neglectus Hume, 1877, Stray Feathers, 5, p. 171, 189 
— Mulayit Taung and Mitan, Amherst District, Tenasserim. 

Pericrocotus pulcherrimus Salvadori, 1887, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 
(2), 5, p. 515, 580 — Mulayit Taung, Amherst District, Tenas- 

Northern Laos, northern Thailand, Karenni State, and the 
northern half of Tenasserim. 

Pericrocotus brevirostris anthoides Stresemann 

Pericrocotus brevirostris anthoides Stresemann, 1923, Journ. f. Orn., 
71, p. 363 — “Drachenkopf”, Kwangtung Province, China. 
Pericrocotus brevirostris tonkinensis Delacour, 1927, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 47, p. 156 — Bac Kan [lat. 22° 08’ N., long. 105° 50’E.], 


Tonkin, southeastern Yunnan, and Kwangtung. 



Pericrocotus miniatus (Temminck) 

Muscicapa miniata Temminck, 1822, Pl. col., livr. 26, pl. 156 — 

Pericrocotus miniatus dammermani Neumann, 1937, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 57, p.152—Gunong Dempu [lat. 4°01’S., long. 
103° 07’ E.], Sumatra. 

Highlands of western Sumatra and the mountains of Java. 


Pericrocotus flammeus flammeus (Forster) 

Muscicapa flammea Forster, 1781, Zool. Indica, p. 25, pl. 15 — 
no locality given = Ceylon; cf. Whistler and Kinnear, 1933, 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 36, p. 341, footnote. 

Ceylon; peninsular India from Cape Comorin northward along the 
Western Ghats to Khandala, along the Eastern Ghats to Chittur. 

Pericrocotus flammeus siebersi Rensch 

Pericrocotus speciosus siebersi Rensch, 1928, Orn. Monatsb., 36, 
p- 47 — Mount Gedeh, western Java. 

Java and Bali. 

Pericrocotus flammeus exul Wallace 

Pericrocotus exul Wallace, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1863), 
p. 492 — Lombok Island. 

Lombok Island. 

Pericrocotus flammeus andamanensis Beavan 

Pericrocotus andamanensis ‘““Tytler’”’ Beavan, 1867, Ibis, p. 322 — 
Andaman Islands. 

Andaman Islands. 

Pericrocotus flammeus minythomelas Oberholser 

Pericrocotus andamanensis minythomelas Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. 
Misc. Coll., 60, no. 7, p. 14 — Simalur Island. 

Simalur Island. 

Pericrocotus flammeus modiglianii Salvadori 
Pericrocotus modiglianii Salvadori, 1892, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 
(2), 12, p. 130 — Enggano Island. 
Enggano Island. 


Pericrocotus flammeus speciosus (Latham) 

[Turdus| speciosus Latham, 1790, Ind. Orn., 1, p. 363 — India; 
type locality restricted to “Himalayas”, by Hartert, 1902, 
Novit. Zool., 9, p.555, and further restricted to Darjeeling, 
by Stuart Baker, 1921, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 27, 
p. 694. 

Breeds along the Himalayas from eastern Kashmir eastward to 
eastern Assam. On migration or in winter southward over the plains 
of northern India. 

Pericrocotus flammeus elegans (McClelland) 

Phoenicornis elegans McClelland, 1840, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 7, (1839), p. 156 — Assam; type locality restricted to “the 
neighborhood of Sadiya’”’, by Deignan, 1946, Auk, 63, p. 524, 
and corrected to Shillong, by Salim Ali and Ripley, 1948, Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 48, p. 19. 

Pericrocotus speciosus bakeri La Touche, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
42, p. 54 — Loukouchai and Mengtsz, southeastern Yunnan. 

Breeds in Assam (south of the Brahmaputra), northern Burma, 
Yunnan, northeastern Laos, Tonkin, northern Annam, and Hainan. 
On migration or in winter southward to Karenni State and northern 

Pericrocotus flammeus fohkiensis Buturlin 

Pericrocotus speciosus fohkiensis Buturlin, 1910, Mess. Orn., 1, 
p. 263 — Ashong, Fukien. In Russian. 

Pericrocotus speciosus fohkiensis Stuart Baker, 1920, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 40, p. 116 —Yamakan, Fukien. 

Resident in Fukien. On migration or in winter reported also from 

Pericrocotus flammeus semiruber Whistler and Kinnear 

Pericrocotus speciosus semiruber Whistler and Kinnear, 1933, 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 36, p. 340 — Sankrametta, 
3,500 feet, South Visakhapatnam District, Andhra. 

Pericrocotus flammeus suchitrae Deignan, 1946, Auk, 63, p. 530 — 
Doi Khun Tan [lat. 18° 30‘ N., long. 99° 20’ E.], Thailand. 

The Eastern Ghats of India and their outliers from northeastern 
Madras to eastern Madhya Pradesh and Orissa; southern Burma, 
southward to central Tenasserim (where intergrading with flam- 
mifer); Thailand (except the southwestern and peninsular provinces) ; 
Indochina (except the area occupied by elegans). 

Pericrocotus flammeus flammifer Hume 

[Pericrocotus| flammifer Hume, 1875, Stray Feathers, 3, p. 321, 
footnote — region of the Pak Chan Estuary, Malay Peninsula 
at lat. 10° N. 


From central Tenasserim and southwestern Thailand (valley of 
the Mae Klong) southward over the Malay Peninsula to the high- 
lands of central and eastern Malaya. 

Pericrocotus flammeus xanthogaster (Raffles) 

Lanius xanthogaster Raffles, 1822, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, 
pt. 2, p. 309 — Sumatra. 

Malaya (except the area occupied by flammifer) ; Sumatra; Bangka; 

Pericrocotus flammeus insulanus Deignan 

Pericrocotus flammeus insulanus Deignan, 1946, Auk, 63, p. 528 
— Kina Balu, North Borneo. 


Pericrocotus flammeus novus McGregor 

Pericrocotus novus Wardlaw Ramsay, 1886, Ibis, p. 161 — Isa- 
bela Province, Luzén. Nomen nudum. 

Pericrocotus novus ‘“‘Wardlaw Ramsay’? McGregor, 1904, Bull. 
Philippine Mus., No. 3, p. 138 — Irisan, Luzon. 

Philippine Islands: Luzon, Negros. 

Pericrocotus flammeus leytensis Steere 
Pericrocotus Leytensis Steere, 1890, List Birds Mamm. Steere 
Exped., p. 15 — Leyte. 
Philippine Islands: Samar, Leyte. 

Pericrocotus flammeus johnstoniae Ogilvie-Grant 

Pericrocotus johnstoniae Ogilvie-Grant, 1905, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
16, p. 18 — Mount Apo, Mindanao. 

Philippine Islands: Mindanao. 

Pericrocotus flammeus marchesae Guillemard 

Pericrocotus marchesae Guillemard, 1885, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 259, pl. 18, fig. 1 — Maimbun, Sulu [Jol] Island, Sulu Archi- 

Philippine Islands: Jold. 

GENusS HEMIPUS Hop«eson 

Hemipus Hodgson, 1845, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 13, p. 32. 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, Hemipus picae- 
color Hodgson = Muscicapa picata Sykes. 

cf. Hall, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 76, p. 63-64. 



Hemipus picatus capitalis (McClelland) 

Muscicapa? capitalis McClelland, 1840, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

pt. 7 (1839), p. 157 — Assam. 

Along the Himalayas from Kumaun to Bhutan; the greater part 
of Assam; Burma from the Upper Chindwin southeastward to 
Karenni and Southern Shan States; southwestern Yunnan; north- 
western Tonkin and northern Laos (north of lat. 20° N.); north- 
western Thailand (Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, Lam- 
phun, southern Lampang, and southern Phrae Provinces). 

Hemipus picatus picatus (Sykes) 
Muscicapa picata Sykes, 1832, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 2, p. 85 
—The Deccan. 
Hemipus picatus pileatus Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
No. 1, p. 15 —Sangau, Lushai Hills, Assam. 

Peninsular India from the extreme south, along the Western 
Ghats north to Bombay, along the eastern Ghats into Bihar and 
Bengal; southern Assam; all Burma, Thailand, and Indochina south 
of areas inhabited by capitalis, as far as the Isthmus of Kra. 

Hemipus picatus intermedius Salvadori 
Hemipus intermedius Salvadori, 1879, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 14, 
p. 209 — Mount Singgalang [lat. 0° 24’S., long. 100° 20’ E.], 

Lowlands of peninsular Thailand southward from the Isthmus of 
Kra (except the area occupied by H. hirundinaceus) and of north- 
western Malaya; highlands of central Malaya, western Sumatra, 
and northeastern Borneo. 

Hemipus picatus leggei Whistler 
Hemipus picatus leggei Whistler, 1939 (15 May), Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 59, p. 102 — Ohiya, 5,800 feet, Ceylon. 
Hemipus picatus insulae Koelz, 1939 (5 June), Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 52, p. 69 —Wavenden, Ceylon. 


Hemipus hirundinaceus (Temminck) 

Muscicapa hirundinacea ‘‘Reinw.” Temminck, 1822, Pl. col., livr. 

20, pl. 119, figs. 1, 2 — Java. 

Hemipus obscurus (Horsf.) of Sharpe’s ‘‘Handlist” is a synonym. 

Lowlands of the Malay Peninsula from southern Thailand (Pat- 
tani, Yala, and Narathiwat Provinces) to Johore, thence southward 
through the Riouw and Lingga Archipelagos to Sumatra (and out- 
lying islands), Billiton, Borneo, Java, and Bali. 



Tephrodornis Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna 
Bor.-Amer., 2 (1831), p. 482. Type, by original designation and 
monotypy, Lanius virgatus Temminck = Lanius gularis Raffles. 


Tephrodornis gularis sylvicola Jerdon 
T{ephrodornis] Sylvicola Jerdon, 1839, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 10, 
p- 236 — Malabar Coast of western India. 
The Western Ghats country of India from Kerala north to the 
Narbada River. 

Tephrodornis gularis pelvicus (Hodgson) 
[T'’énthaca] Pelvica Hodgson, 1837, India Rev., 1, p. 447 — Nepal. 
Along the Himalayas from western Nepal to eastern Assam, south- 
ward through Bihar and Bengal to Orissa and Bastar, and across 
the northern half of Burma. 

Tephrodornis gularis jugans Deignan 
Tephrodornis gularis jugans Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 61, p. 13 — Doi Langka = Khao Pha Cho [lat. 19° 00’N., 
long. 99° 25’ E.], Thailand. 
The southern half of Burma, southward to the Amherst District 
of Tenasserim, and northern Thailand, southwestward to northern 
Tak Province. 

Tephrodornis gularis vernayi Kinnear 
Tephrodornis pelvicus verneyi [sic] Kinnear, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 44, p. 102; adem, 1924, ibid., 45, p. 28 — Ban Um Phang 
[lat. 15° 50’ N., long. 98° 50’ E.], Thailand. 
The Tavoy District of Tenasserim and southwestern Thailand 
from the headwaters of the river Mae Klong southward in the forest 
to ca. lat. 11°50’ N. 

Tephrodornis gularis annectens Robinson and Kloss 
Tephrodornis pelvica subsp. annectens nov. Robinson and Kloss, 
1918, Journ. Fed. Malay States Mus., 8, p. 222 — Ban Lam Ra 
[lat. 7° 40’ N., long. 99° 35’ E.], Thailand. 
Tenasserim (Mergui District); peninsular Thailand southward 
from the Isthmus of Kra (excepting the area occupied by fretensis) ; 
the Malay States of Perlis and Kedah. 

Tephrodornis gularis fretensis Robinson and Kloss 

Tephrodornis pelvica fretensis Robinson and Kloss, 1920, Journ. 
Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc., No. 81, p. 109 — Gunong 
Angsi, Negri Sembilan State, Malaya. 


Peninsular Thailand (Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat Provinces) 
and Malaya (excepting the area occupied by annectens); Sumatra 
(excepting the coastal areas of the Southwest and extreme South). 

Tephrodornis gularis gularis (Raffles) 

Lanius gularis Raffles, 1822, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, p. 304 
— Sumatra; type locality restricted to Benkulen, by Kinnear 
and Robinson, 1927, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47, p. 130. 

Lanius virgatus Temminck, 1824, Pl. col., livr. 43, pl. 256, fig. 1 
— Java. 

Coastal areas of southwestern and extreme southern Sumatra; 

Tephrodornis gularis frenatus Biittikofer 

T\ephrodornis]. frenatus Bittikofer, 1887, Notes Leyden Mus., 9, 
p. 53 — Borneo. 


Tephrodornis gularis mekongensis de Schauensee 

Tephrodornis gularis mekongensis de Schauensee, 1946, Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 98, p. 45 — Ban Chanuman [lat. 
16° 15’ N., long. 105° 00’ E.], Thailand. 

Eastern and southeastern Thailand; Cambodia; Cochin China; 
southern Annam; southern Laos. 

Tephrodornis gularis hainanus Ogilvie-Grant 

Tephrodornis hainanus Ogilvie-Grant, 1910, Abstract of Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, No. 81, p. 18 — Hainan. 

Eastern regions of northern Laos; northern Annam; Tonkin; 

Tephrodornis gularis latouchei Kinnear 

Tephrodornis gularis latouchei Kinnear, 1925, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
45, p. 105 — Ah Ch’ung, Fukien, China. 

Central Fukien. 


Tephrodornis pondicerianus affinis Blyth 

Tephrodornis affinis Blyth, 1847, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 16, 
p. 473 — Ceylon. 


Tephrodornis pondicerianus pondicerianus (Gmelin) 

[Muscicapa] pondiceriana Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, (2), p. 939 
— Coromandel Coast = Pondicherry. 


Tephrodornis pondicerianus thai Kloss and Chasen, 1926, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, p. 58 — Tha Chang Tai [lat. 16° 51’ N., long. 
99° 03’ E.], Thailand. 

Tephrodornis pondiceriana warei Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 52, p. 69 — Londa, North Kanara District, Bom- 
bay, India. 

Dry, deciduous forests of India south and east of an imaginary 
line carried from the Gulf of Cambay to Kumaun, eastward into 
Assam (south of the Brahmaputra); Burma (except the eastern 
portion of the Southern Shan State and the southern half of Tenas- 
serim); northern Thailand (except Chiang Rai Province), on the 
west south to lat. 14°40’ N., on the east along the river Mekong 
south to lat. 15° 40’ N.; southern Laos. 

Tephrodornis pondicerianus pallidus Ticehurst 
Tephrodornis pondicerianus pallidus Ticehurst, 1920, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 41, p. 56 — Larkana, Sind, West Pakistan. 
Tephrodornis pondiceriana freta Van Tyne and Koelz, 1936, Occ. 
Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, No. 334, p. 5 — Bhadwar, 
Kangra District, Punjab, West Pakistan. 
India northwest of areas occupied by pondicerianus ; West Pakistan 
(Sind and Punjab Provinces). 

Tephrodornis pondicerianus orientis Deignan 
Tephrodornis pondiceriana orientis Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 61, p. 14 — Krongpha [lat. 11°49’ N., long. 
108° 42’ E.], Annam. 

Cambodia; Cochin China; southern Annam. 


Austin L. Ranp (Africa) 

cf. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 369-395. 

Bannerman, 1936, Birds. Trop. W. Afr., 4, p. 134-140; 182- 
197 (West African forms). 

Delacour, 1943, Zoologica, 28, p. 17-25 (review). 

Vincent, 1952, Check List Birds S. Afr., p. 64-66 (S. African 

Chapin, 1953, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 75A, p. 101-187 
(Congo forms). 

Meinertzhagen, 1954, Birds Arabia, p. 177-179. 

1 Ms. read by: James P. Chapin, Herbert G. Deignan, Jean Delacour, 
Reginald Ernest Moreau, Erwin Stresemann, Charles M. N. White. 


Mackworth-Praed and Grant, 1955, Birds E. and N.E. Afr., 2, 
p. 111-133 (EK. African forms). 
Rand, 1958, Fieldiana: Zool. (Chicago), 35, p. 146-219. 

Spizixos Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 571. Type, 
by monotypy, Spizixos canifrons Blyth. 

Cophixus Oberholser, 1919, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 9, p. 5. 
Type, by original designation, Spizixos semitorques Swinhoe. 

Crested Finch-billed Bulbul 
Spizixos canifrons canifrons Blyth 
Sp[izixos]. canifrons Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, 
p- 571 — Cherrapunji, Khasi and Jaintia Hills, Assam. 

Spizixos canifrons nobilis Koelz, 1953, Journ. Zool. Soc. India, 4, 
p. 154 — Hmuntha, Lushai Hills, Assam. 

Assam (south of the Brahmaputra) and the hill tracts of western 

Spizixos canifrons ingrami Bangs and Phillips 

Spizixus canifrons ingrami Bangs and Phillips, 1914, Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool., 58, p.285— Mengtsz [lat. 23° 23’ N., long. 
103° 27’ E.], Yunnan. 

Spizixus canifrons laotianus Delacour, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
47, p. 14 — Nong Het [lat. 19° 30’ N., long. 104° 00’ E.], Laos. 

Hill tracts of eastern Burma and the Shan States, northern Thai- 
land, northern Laos, northwestern Tonkin, southern and western 
Yunnan, and southeastern Hsikang. 

Spizixos semitorques semitorques Swinhoe 

Spizixos semitorques Swinhoe, 1861, Ibis, p. 266 — ‘“‘Pehling pla- 
teau,” near Minhow [Foochow], Fukien. 

The valley of the Yangtze from Kiangsu to easternmost Hsikang 
(Tung Valley), and southward through the eastern and central parts 
of China to southeastern Yunnan and northwestern Tonkin. 

Spizixos semitorques cinereicapillus Swinhoe 

Spizixus cinereicapillus Swinhoe, 1871, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 370 — Formosa. 




Brachypus Swainson, 1824, Zool. Journ., 1, p. 305. Type here de- 
signated as “Le Curouge”’ Levaillant = T'urdus cafer Linnaeus. 
Not Brachypus B. Meyer, 1814. 

Pycnonotus ‘“Kuhl” Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, 19, p. 973. Type, 
by monotypy, T'urdus capensis Linnaeus. 

Brachypus Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 163. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation, T’urdus atriceps Temminck. (Idem, 1827, 
ibid., p. 625.) Not Brachypus Swainson, 1824, nor Brachypus 
B. Meyer, 1814. 

Brachypus Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna 
Bor.-Amer. Birds (1831), p. 485. Type, by original designation 
and monotypy, Turdus dispar Horsfield. Not Brachypus Swain- 
son, 1827, Brachypus Swainson, 1824, nor Brachypus B. Meyer, 

Andropadus Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna 
Bor.-Amer. Birds (1831), p. 485. Type, by original designation 
and monotypy, “L’importun” Levaillant = T'urdus importunus 

Haematornis Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna 
Bor.-Amer. Birds (1831), p.485. Type, by subsequent designation, 
Turdus aurigaster Vieillot. (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, 
p. 29.) Not Haematornis Vigors, 1831, in Gould. 

Micropus Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna 
Bor.-Amer. Birds (1831), p. 486. Type, by subsequent designa- 
tion, Turdus chalcocephalus Temminck. (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. 
Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 58.) Not Micropus B. Meyer and Wolf, 

Polyodon Lafresnaye, 1832, Mag. Zool. (Paris), 2, ‘Cl. II, pl. 4.” 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, T'urdus impor- 
tunus Vieillot. Not Polyodon Schneider, 1801, Pisces. 

Microtarsus Eyton, 1839, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 7, p. 102. 
Type, by monotypy, Microtarsus melanoleucos Kyton. 

Alcurus “Hodgson” Blyth, 1843, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 12, 
p- 930. Type, by monotypy, Tricophorus striatus Blyth. 

Brachypodius Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 576. 
Type, by original designation, Lanius melanocephalos Gmelin. 

Rubigula Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 576. Type, 
by subsequent designation, T'’urdus dispar Horsfield. (G. R. 
Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 47.) 

Izodia Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 577. Type, 
by original designation, Pycnonotus? cyaniventris Blyth. 

Izidia Blyth, 1846, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 15, p. 50. New 
name for Jxodia Blyth, considered preoccupied by Jxodia R. 
Brown, 1812, in Botany. 


Elathea Gistel, 1848, Naturg. Thierr. hdheren Schul., p. viii. Type, 
by original designation, Brachypus gularis Gould. 

Hemitarsus “‘Sw.”’ Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 263. 
In synonymy with Pycnonotus Kuhl, 7. e. Boie. 

Crocopsis Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 54. No species; 
generic details only. Type, by subsequent designation, T'urdus 
bimaculatus Lesson. (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, 
p. 47.) 

Euptilotus Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 54. No species; 
generic details only. Type, by subsequent designation, ‘‘Bra- 
chypus euptilotus Jard.” = Brachypus eutilotus Jardine and 
Selby. (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 47.) 

Loidorusa Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 54. No species; 
generic details only. Type, by subsequent designation, Musci- 
capa goiavier Scopoli. (Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., th. 1, p. 109.) 

Prosecusa Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 54. No species; 
generic details only. Type, by subsequent designation, Lanius 
melanocephalos Gmelin. (Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., th. 1, p.110). 

Otocompsa Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., th.1, p. 109. Type, by 
monotypy, Lanius jocosus Linnaeus. 

Trachycomus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., th. 1, p. 109. Type, by 
monotypy, Turdus ochrocephalus Gmelin. 

Sphagias Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., th. 1, p. 110. Type, by mono- 
typy, Turdus dispar Horsfield. 

Meropixus Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 38, 
p. 54, 58. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Aegi- 
thina atricapilla Vieillot. 

Ixocherus Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 38, 
p. 54, 58. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Micro- 
tarsus melanoleucos Kyton. 

Meropizus “Pr. B.” G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, 
p. 47. Lapsus. 

Kelaartia “Blyth” Jerdon, 1863, Birds India, 2, pt. 1, p. 86. Type, 
by monotypy, Pycnonotus penicillatus Blyth. 

Molpastes Hume, 1873, Stray Feathers, 1, p. 378, footnote. Type, 
by original designation, Haematornis chrysorrhoides Lafresnaye. 

Poliolophus Sharpe, 1877, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, ser. 2, 1, 
p. 334. Type, by original designation, Brachypus urostictus Sal- 

Pinarocichla Sharpe, 1882, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6 (1881), p. 2 
(in key), 61. New name for Huptilotus Reichenbach, on grounds 
of purism. 

Poliophilus Sharpe, 1882, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6 (1881), p. 416 
(in index). Lapsus for Poliolophus Sharpe. 


Oreoctistes Sharp, 1888, Ibis, p. 388. Type, by original designation 
and monotypy, Oreoctistes leucops Sharpe. 

Xanthixus Oates, 1889, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 1, p.274. Type, by 
original designation and monotypy, Pycnonotus flavescens Blyth. 

Xanthiscus Anonymous, 1890, Ibis, p. 254. Lapsus or nomen emen- 
datum for Xanthixus Oates. 

Phacelias Heine, 1890, in Heine and Reichenow, Nomenc. Mus. 
Hein. Orn., p. 67. New name for Kelaartia Blyth, on grounds 
of purism. 

Centrolophus Biittikofer, 1896, Notes Leyden Mus., 17, p. 230. 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, Brachypus leuco- 
genys J. E. Gray. Not Centrolophus Lacépéde, 1802, Pisces. 

Pachycephalixus Biittikofer, 1896, Notes Leyden Mus., 17, p. 241. 
Type, by original designation, Muscicapa sinensis Gmelin. 

Stictognathus Biittikofer, 1896, Notes Leyden Mus., 17, p. 242. 
Type, by original designation, Pycnonotus taivanus Styan. 

Gymnocrotaphus Biittikofer, 1896, Notes Leyden Mus., 17, p. 245. 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, Brachypus tigus 
Bonaparte. Not Gymnocrotaphus Guenther, 1859, Pisces. 

Mesolophus Biittikofer, 1896, Notes Leyden Mus., 17, p. 247. 
Type, by original designation, Vanga flaviventris Tickell. 

Bostrycholophus Biittikofer, 1896, Notes Leyden Mus., 18, p. 58. 
New name for Centrolophus Biittikofer, preoccupied. 

Bonapartia Bittikofer, 1896, Notes Leyden Mus., 18, p. 58. New 
name for Gymnocrotaphus Bittikofer, preoccupied. 

Eurillas Oberholser, 1899, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 22, p. 15. Type, 
by original designation, Andropadus virens Cassin. 

Stelgidillas Oberholser, 1899, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 22, p. 30. 
Type, by original designation, Andropadus gracilirostris Strick- 

Arizelocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., Quarterly Issue, 
48, no. 2, p. 163. Type, by original designation, Xenocichla 
nigriceps Shelley. 

Charitillas Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., Quarterly Issue, 
48, no. 2, p. 168. Type, by original designation and monotypy. 
Andropadus gracilis Cabanis. 

Stelgidocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., Quarterly 
Issue, 48, no. 2, p. 168. Type, by original designation and 
monotypy, Andropadus latirostris Strickland. 

Squamatornis Stuart Baker, 1928, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 49, p. 40. 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, Jaidia weberi 

Malayornis Hachisuka, 1940, Dobuts. Zasshi (Tokyo), 52, p. 286. 
Type, by original designation, Pycnonotus plumosus Blyth. 


cf. Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 38, p. 245-248 
(races of melanicterus, in part, sub nom. dispar). 
—, 1948, ibid., 38, p. 279-281 (races of jocosus). 
—, 1949, ibid., 39, p. 273-279 (races of aurigaster, in part, 
and of cafer, in part). 
White, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 76, p. 155-157 (P. barbatus). 

Straw-crowned Bulbul 

Pycnonotus zeylanicus (Gmelin) 

[Sturnus] zeylanicus Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 804 — 
Ceylon, error; type locality inferentially corrected to Java, by 
Robinson and Kloss, 1924, Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 5, 
no. 3, p. 272. 

[Turdus] ochrocephalus Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 821 — 
Ceylon, error, and Java; type locality corrected to Java, by 
Stuart Baker, 1921, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 27, no. 3, 
p. 470. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 

and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; Sumatra; the West 
Sumatran Islands (Nias); Java; Borneo. 

Striated Bulbul 

Pycnonotus striatus striatus (Blyth) 

Tricophorus striatus Blyth, 1842, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 11, 
p. 184 — The Himalaya; type specimens from Darjeeling, West 
Bengal, fide Finn, 1901, List Birds Indian Mus., pt. 1, p. 97. 

Along the Himalayas from Nepal eastward to Bhutan; the hill 
tracts of Assam (south of the Brahmaputra) and of western Burma. 

Pycnonotus striatus arctus Ripley 
Pycnonotus striatus arctus Ripley, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 61, p. 101 — Dreyi, Mishmi Hills, Assam. 
Northeastern Assam (Mishmi Hills). 

Pycnonotus striatus paulus (Bangs and Phillips) 
Alcurus striatus paulus Bangs and Phillips, 1914, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., 58, p. 284 — Loukouchai, southeastern Yunnan. 

From the Northern Shan State southward, through Karenni and 
the hills of northwestern Thailand, to the Amherst District of 
Tenasserim; northern Laos and northwestern Tonkin; western and 
southern Yunnan. 



Pycnonotus leucogrammicus (S. Miiller) 
Ixos leucogrammicus S. Miller, 1835, Tijdschr. Natuur. Gesch. 
Phys., 2, p. 352 — Sumatra. 

Highlands of western Sumatra. 


Pycnonotus tympanistrigus (S. Miiller) 

Ixos tympanistrigus 8. Miller, 1835, Tijdschr. Natuur. Gesch. 
Phys., 2, p. 353 — Sumatra. 

[Brachypus] tigus “Mill. Mus. Lugd.” Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. 
Gen. Av., 1, p. 264 — Sumatra. 

Highlands of western Sumatra. 


Pycnonotus melanoleucos (Eyton) 
Microtarsus melanoleucos Eyton, 1839, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 7, p. 102 — Malaya. 
Microtarsus melanoleucos proximus Riley, 1927, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 40, p. 96 — Siberut, West Sumatran Islands. 
The Malay Peninsula from southernmost Thailand (Narathiwat 
Province) to the extreme South; Sumatra; the West Sumatran 
Islands (Siberut); Borneo. 

Gray-headed Bulbul 

Pycnonotus priocephalus (Jerdon) 

Blrachypus]. priocephalus Jerdon, 1839, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 
10, p. 246 — near the foot of the Perya Pass, Malabar District, 

Brachypodius poiocephalus Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Ben- 
gal, 14, p. 576. Nomen emendatum. 

Blrachypus]. poliocephalus “‘Jerdon”’ Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. 
Av., 1, p. 264. Nomen emendatum. 

Micropus phaeocephalus Sharpe, 1882, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6 
(1881), p. 65 (in key), 68. Nomen emendatum. 

The hill tracts of southwestern India from southern Bombay to 

Pycnonotus atriceps fuscoflavescens (Hume) 

Brachypodius fuscoflavescens Hume, 1873, Stray Feathers, 1, 
p- 297 — Port Mouat and Mount Harriet, South Andaman, 
Andaman Islands. 

Andaman Islands. 


Pycnonotus atriceps atriceps (Temminck) 

[Lanius] melanocephalos Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, p. 309 
— Sandwich Islands, error; type locality corrected to Sumatra, 
by Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, no. 7, p. 10, foot- 
note 1. Not Lanius melanocephalos Gmelin, 1788, ibid., p. 301. 

Turdus atriceps Temminck, 1822, Pl. col., livr. 25, pl. 147 — Java 
and Sumatra; type locality restricted to Java, by Robinson 
and Kloss, 1923, Journ. Fed. Malay States Mus., 11, p. 55. 

Ixos chalcocephalus Temminck, 1828, Pl. col., livr. 76, pl. 453, 
fig. 1— Bantam district, Java. 

Brlachypodius|. cinereoventris Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Ben- 
gal, 14, p. 576 — Tippera District, East Bengal. 

Microtarsus melanocephalos chrysophorus Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. 
Mise. Coll., 60, no. 7, p.10—South Pagi, Mentawi Group, 
West Sumatran Islands. 

Brachypodius atriceps major Robinson and Kloss, 1923, Journ. Fed. 
Malay States Mus., 11, p. 55 — North Cachar District, Assam. 

East Bengal and Assam (south of the Brahmaputra); the southern 

half of Burma; Laos, southern Annam, Cochin China, and Cam- 
bodia; all Thailand and Malaya; Sumatra; the West Sumatran 
Islands (Nias and the Mentawi Group); Bangka and Billiton; Java 
and Bali; Borneo; Palawan. 

Pycnonotus atriceps hyperemnus (Oberholser) 

Microtarsus melanocephalos hyperemnus Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. 
Misc. Coll., 60, no. 7, p. 10 — Simalur, West Sumatran Islands. 

West Sumatran Islands (Simalur). 

Pycnonotus atriceps baweanus (Finsch) 

Brachypodius baweanus Finsch, 1901, Notes Leyden Mus., 22, 
p- 209 — Bawean Island, Java Sea. 

Microtarsus atriceps abbotti Oberholser, 1917, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
52, p. 193 — Bawean Island. 

Bawean Island. 

Pycnonotus atriceps hodiernus (Bangs and Peters) 

Microtarsus hodiernus Bangs and Peters, 1927, Occ. Pap. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, p. 238 — Maratua Island [lat. 2°15’ N., long. 
118° 35’ E.], Celebes Sea. 

Maratua Island. 

Black-crested Bulbul 

Pycnonotus melanicterus melanicterus (Gmelin) 

[Muscicapa| melanictera Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 941 
— Ceylon. 


Aegithina atricapilla Vieillot, 1816, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 1, p. 176 — Ceylon, ex Levaillant. 

[Parisoma] monacus ‘Gr.’ Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, 
p. 259 — Ceylon, ex Levaillant. 


Pycnonotus melanicterus gularis (Gould) 
Brachypus gularis Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 3, 
p- 186 — Travancore. 
The hill tracts of southwestern India from southern Bombay to 

Pycnonotus melanicterus flaviventris (Tickell) 
Vanga Flaviventris Tickell, 1833, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 2, 
p. 573 — Dampara, Singhbhum District, Bihar. 
Along the Himalayas from the East Punjab eastward to eastern 
Assam, and southward to Madhya Pradesh, northern Andhra, Ben- 
gal, and Arakan; northern Burma and western Yunnan. 

Pycnonotus melanicterus vantynei Deignan 
Pycnonotus dispar vantynei Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 38, p. 246 — Phongtho [lat. 22°32’ N., long. 103° 
20’ E.], Tonkin. 
The Southern Shan States (Kengtung), northernmost Thailand, 
northern Laos, Tonkin, and northern Annam. 

Pycnonotus melanicterus xanthops Deignan 
Pycnonotus dispar xanthops Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 38, p. 246— Ban Mae [lat. 18°40’ N., long. 98° 
50’ E.], Thailand. 
Southeastern Burma (southward to northern Tenasserim) and 
northern Thailand (on the West southward to Kamphaeng Phet 

Pycnonotus melanicterus auratus Deignan 
Pycnonotus dispar auratus Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 38, p. 246 — Muang Lom Sak [lat. 16° 45’ N., long. 
101° 10’ E.], Thailand. 
The northern portion of the eastern plateau of Thailand and 
adjacent areas of Laos. 

Pycnonotus melanicterus johnsoni (Gyldenstolpe) 

Rubigula johnsoni Gyldenstolpe, 1913, K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. 
Handl., 50, no. 8, p. 25, pl. 1, fig. 3 — Near Ban Chakkrarat 
[lat. 15° 00’ N., long. 102° 25’ E.], Thailand. 



The southern portion of the eastern plateau of Thailand and 
southeastern Thailand; southern Laos, Cambodia, southern Annam, 
and Cochin China. 

Pycnonotus melanicterus elbeli Deignan 

Pycnonotus melanicterus elbeli Deignan, 1954, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 44, p.123— Ko Kut [lat. 11°40’ N., long. 102° 
35’ E.], Thailand. 

Islets off the coast of southeastern Thailand (Ko Chang, Ko Kut). 

Pycnonotus melanicterus negatus Deignan 
Pycnonotus melanicterus negatus Deignan, 1954, Journ. Washing- 
ton Acad. Sci., 44, p. 123 — Ban Hin Laem [lat. 14° 40’ N.., 
long. 98° 40’ E.], Thailand. 
Central Tenasserim (Amherst and Tavoy Districts) and south- 
western Thailand (Kanchanaburi Province). 

Pycnonotus melanicterus caecilii Deignan 

Otocompsa flaviventris minor Kloss, 1918, Ibis, p. 200 — Ko Lak 
= Prachuap Khiri Khan [lat. 11° 50’ N., long. 99° 50’ E.], Thai- 
land. Not Pycnonotus nigricans minor von Heuglin, 1869. 

Pycnonotus dispar caecilii Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 38, p. 247 — Trang Province [ca. lats. 7°-8° N.], 

The Malay Peninsula from the Siamese province of Prachuap 
Khiri Khan and southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) southward 
to Selangor. 

Pycnonotus melanicterus dispar (Horsfield) 

Turdus dispar Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, 
pt. 1, p. 150 — Java. 

Sumatra and Java. 

Pycnonotus melanicterus montis (Sharpe) 

Rubigula montis Sharpe, 1879, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 247 — 
Kina Balu, North Borneo. 

Highlands of northern Borneo. 


Pycnonotus squamatus weberi (Hume) 
Ixidia webberi [sic] Hume, 1879, Stray Feathers, 8, p. 40 — 
interior of the Tonka territories = Phuket Province, Thailand. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; Sumatra. 


Pycnonotus squamatus squamatus (Temminck) 

Ixos squamatus Temminck, 1828, PI. col., livr. 76, pl. 453, fig. 2 
— Java; type specimen probably from Bantam, fide Finsch, 
1905, Notes Leyden Mus., 25, p. 98, footnote 1. 

Western and central Java. 

Pycnonotus squamatus borneensis Chasen 

Pycnonotus squamatus borneensis Chasen, 1941, in Chasen and 
Hoogerwerf, Treubia, 18, Suppl., p. 77 — Samarahan River, 



Pycnonotus cyaniventris cyaniventris Blyth 
Plycnonotus]. ¢cyaniventris Blyth, 1842, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Ben- 
gal, 11, p. 792 — Singapore. 
The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme south; Sumatra. 

Pycnonotus cyaniventris paroticalis (Sharpe) 
Ixidia paroticalis Sharpe, 1878, Ibis, p. 418 — Sarawak. 

Red-wiskered Bulbul 

Pycnonotus jocosus fuscicaudatus (Gould) 

Otocompsa fuscicaudata Gould, 1866, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 
(1865), p. 664 — southern portion of the peninsula of India .. . 
many parts of the Madras Presidency; type locality restricted 
to the Nilgiri Hills, Madras, by Whistler and Kinnear, 1932, 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 35, no. 4, p. 756. 

Western India from Kerala and northern Madras (Salem District) 

northward to the Tapti River. 

Pycnonotus jocosus abuensis (Whistler) 

Otocompsa jocosa abuensis Whistler, 1931, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
52, p.40 — Mount Abu, Banas Kantha District, Bombay. 

Northern Bombay and southwestern Rajasthan. 

Pycnonotus jocosus pyrrhotis (Bonaparte) 
I[xos]. pyrrhotis ““Hodgs.’’ Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av.,"1, 
p. 265 — India; type locality corrected to Nepal, ex Hodgson, 
by Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 38, p. 280. 
Otocompsa jocosa provincialis Whistler, 1931, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
52, p. 40 — Bhabar region of Kumaun, Uttar Pradesh. 


The Valley of Nepal and northern India from the East Punjab 
eastward to Bihar. 

Pycnonotus jocosus emeria (Linnaeus) 

[Motacilla] Emeria Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 187 — 

I{xos]. erythrotis “Bp. ex Sw. Mus. Lugd.” Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. 
Gen. Av., 1, p. 265 — Java, error; type locality corrected to 
Calcutta, Bengal, by Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington Acad. 
Sci., 38, p. 280. 

Otocompsa emeria peguensis Stuart Baker, 1922, Fauna British 
India, Birds, ed. 2, 1, pp. 394 (in key), 396 — Pegu Division, 
Lower Burma, fide Stuart Baker, 1930, op. cit., 7, p. 81; type 
locality restricted to Rangoon, by Deignan, 1948, Journ. Wash- 
ington Acad. Sci., 38, p. 280. 

The lowlands of eastern India from Madras northward to Bengal, 
thence southeastward through Lower Burma to central Tenasserim 
and southwestern Thailand (Kanchanaburi Province). Introduced 
into Mauritius. 

Pycnonotus jocosus whistleri Deignan 

Pycnonotus jocosus whistleri Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 38, p. 280 — Cinque Islands, southeast of Rutland 
Island, Andaman Islands. 

Andaman Islands. Introduced into the Nicobar Islands. 

Pycnonotus jocosus monticola (McClelland) 
Ixos monticola McClelland, 1840, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 7, 
p. 160 — Khasi Hills, Assam. 
Along the Himalayas from Sikkim eastward, through Bhutan, 
Assam, and northern Burma, to western Yunnan. 

Pycnonotus jocosus pattani Deignan 
Pycnonotus jocosus pattant Deignan, 1948, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 38, p. 280 — Pattani [lat. 6° 50’ N., long. 101° 15’E.], 
Throughout Thailand (excepting the area occupied by P. 7. emeria) 
southward to northern Malaya; southern Laos, Cambodia, Cochin 
China, and southern Annam. 

Pycnonotus jocosus hainanensis (Hachisuka) 

Otocompsa jocosa hainanensis Hachisuka, 1939, Orn. Soc. Japan 
Suppl. Publ., no. 15, p. 74 — Naochow Island, off the southern 
coast of Kwangtung. 

Northern Annam and eastern Tonkin; western Kwangtung; 

Naochow Island. 


Pycnonotus jocosus jocosus (Linnaeus) 

[Lanius] jocosus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 95 — 
China; type locality restricted to Canton, Kwangtung, by Deig- 
nan, 1948, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 38, p. 281. 

Eastern Kwangsi, eastern Kwangtung, and Hongkong. Introduced 

into New South Wales. 


Pycnonotus xanthorrhous xanthorrhous Anderson 
Pycnonotus xanthorrhous Anderson, 1869, Proc. Asiat. Soc. Ben- 
gal, p. 265 — Manyun, near Lienshan, western Yunnan. 
From the Kachin State of northeastern Burma southward to the 
Karenni and Southern Shan States, and southeastward, across Yun- 
nan, to northern Laos and northwestern Tonkin. 

Pycnonotus xanthorrhous andersoni (Swinhoe) 
Ixus Andersoni Swinhoe, 1870, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, 5, 
p- 175 — Ichang, Hupeh. 
Along the valley of the Yangtze from Szechwan eastward to 
Kiangsu, and southward through the hill tracts of southeastern 
China to northern Kwangtung and northwestern Fukien. 

Pycnonotus sinensis hoyi Riley 
Pycnonotus hoyi Riley, 1923, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 36, 
p- 193 — Yochow = Yoyang, Hunan. 
Valley of the Middle Yangtze in Szechwan, Hupeh, and Hunan. 

Pycnonotus sinensis sinensis (Gmelin) 
[Muscicapa] sinensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 942 — 
China; type locality here restricted to Canton, Kwangtung. 
Pycnonotus sinensis septentrionalis Stresemann, 1923, Journ. f. 
Orn., 71, p. 363 — Woosung, Kiangsu. 

Pycnonotus sinensis stresemanni La Touche, 1925, Handb. Birds 
Eastern China, 1, pt. 1, p. 94 — Northwestern Fukien. 

Pycnonotus sinensis meridionalis Delacour, 1927, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 47, p. 157 — Lang Son [lat. 21° 54’ N., long. 106° 50’ E.], 

Pycnonotus sinensis brevirostris Hachisuka, 1939, Orn. Soc. Japan, 
Suppl. Publ., no. 15, p. 76 — Hainan. 

Breeds in the valley of the Lower Yangtze and in the maritime 
provinces of China from Kiangsu to Kwangtung. Partially migrates 
in winter southward and westward to Hainan and northeastern 


Pycnonotus sinensis hainanus (Swinhoe) 

Ixus hainanus Swinhoe, 1870, Ibis, p. 253 — Hainan and Nao- 
chow Island. 

Pycnonotus hainanus indochinensis Delacour, 1927, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 47, p. 156 — Lang Son [lat. 21° 54’ N., long 106° 50’E.], 

Hainan; southwestern Kwangtung and southern Kwangsi; eastern 
Tonkin and northern Annam. 

Pycnonotus sinensis formosae Hartert 

Pycnonotus sinensis formosae Hartert, 1910, Novit. Zool., 17, 
p. 230 — Taipeh, Formosa. 


Pycnonotus sinensis orii Kuroda 

Pycnonotus sinensis orit Kuroda, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, 
p. 105 — Yonakunijima, Southern Ryukyu Islands. 

Pycnonotus sinensis kobayashit Kuroda, 1930, Tori, 6, p. 270 — 
Ishigakijima, Southern Ryukyu Islands. 

The Southern Ryukyu Islands (Yonakuni, Ishigaki). 


Pycnonotus taivanus Styan 
Pycnonotus taivanus Styan, 1893, Ibis, p. 470 — Formosa. 

White-cheeked Bulbul 

Pycnonotus leucogenys mesopotamiae Ticehurst 

Pycnonotus leucotis mesopotamia [sic] Ticehurst, 1918, Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 26, no. 1, p. 279; idem, 1922, ibid., 
28, no. 2, p. 382 — Basra, Iraq. 

Iraq (valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates). 

?Pycnonotus leucogenys dactylus Ripley 
Pycnonotus leucotis dactylus Ripley, 1951, Postilla, Yale Univ., 
no. 9, p. 8— Dammam, near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 

The Saudi Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf, south of Kuwait 
and north of Qatar; doubtfully distinct from P. 1. mesopotamiae. 

Pycnonotus leucogenys leucotis (Gould) 
Ixos leucotis Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 6 — East 
India; type locality restricted to Karachi, West Pakistan, by 
Ticehurst, 1922, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 28, p. 383. 


Molpastes leucotis farahensis Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 52, p. 64 — Farah [lat. 32° 24’ N., long. 62° 07’ E.], Af- 

Southern Iran; southern Afghanistan; southern West Pakistan, 
northward in the valley of the Indus to the southern Punjab; the 
arid regions of northwestern India (Saurashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya 
Bharat), and western Uttar Pradesh. 

Pycnonotus leucogenys humii (Oates) 

Molpastes humii Oates, 1889, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 1, p. 274 
— Jalalpur, Jhelum, West Punjab. 

Northern West Pakistan (Jhelum and Attock Districts of the 
former Punjab and Bannu and Kohat Districts of the former North- 
West Frontier Province). 

Pycnonotus leucogenys leucogenys (J. E. Gray) 

Brachypus leucogenys J. E. Gray, 1835, Ill. Ind. Zool., 2, pts. 19- 
20, pl. 35, fig. 3 — India; type locality inferentially restricted 
to Kashmir, by Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, 
p. 567. 

Ixos plumigerus Lafresnaye, 1840, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 3, p. 228 — 
New Holland or the Indies? 

Molpastes leucogenys picru Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
no. 1, p. 11 — Laghman, Afghanistan. 

Along the Himalayas from northeastern Afghanistan eastward to 
eastern Assam (north of the Brahmaputra). 


Red-vented Bulbul 
Pycnonotus cafer cafer (Linnaeus) 

[Turdus] cafer Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 295 — 
Cape of Good Hope, ex Brisson, error; type locality corrected 
to Ceylon, apud Stuart Baker, 1930, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 
ede 25) 75 aps 19: 


1 A hybrid population from P.c. intermedius and P.leucogenys hum 
has been named Molpastes magrathi (Whitehead, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
21, p. 48— Bannu, North-West Frontier Province, West Pakistan), and several 
more or less stabilized hybrid populations produced by P.c. subspp. and 
P. aurigaster subspp. have been called Pycnonotus nigropileus (Blyth, 1847, 
Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 16, p. 472—Tenasserim) and Pycnonotus burmani- 
cus (Sharpe, 1882, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6 [1881], p.121 [in key], 125 - 
Cachar into Pegu; type locality inferentially restricted to northeastern 
Burma and western Yunnan, by Deignan, 1949, Journ. Washington Acad. 
Sci., 39, p. 278). 


Pycnonotus cafer pusillus (Blyth) 
H{ematornis}. pusillus Blyth, 1841, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
10, p. 841 — Zillah District of Chingleput, Madras. 
Pycnonotus cafer vicinus Ripley, 1946, Spolia Zeylanica, 24, p. 228 
— Mysore. 

Southern India from Kerala northward to central Bombay, 
Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra (valley of the Godavari). 

Pycnonotus cafer humayuni Deignan 

Molpastes haemorrhous pallida Stuart Baker, 1917, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl, 38, p. 15 — Deesa, Banas Kantha, Bombay. Not 
Pycnonotus layardi pallidus Roberts, 1912. 

Pycnonotus cafer humayuni Deignan, 1951, Auk, p. 110. New 
name for Molpastes haemorrhous pallidus Stuart Baker, preoc- 

From northern Bombay northward, through Rajasthan, to the 

Salt Range of West Pakistan. 

Pycnonotus cafer wetmorei nom. nov. 

Molpastes cafer saturatus Whistler and Kinnear, 1932, Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 35, no. 4, p. 754 — Anantagiri, South 
Visakhapatnam, Andhra. Not Stelgidocichla latirostris saturata 
Mearns, 1914. 

The northeastern portion of the Indian Peninsula from Andhra 

(valley of the Godavari) northward into eastern Madhya Pradesh 
and southern Bihar. 

Pycnonotus cafer intermedius Blyth 
[Pycnonotus| intermedius “A. Hay” Blyth, 1846, Journ. Asiat. 
Soc. Bengal, 15, p. 50 — upper provinces of India; type locality 
restricted to Wazirabad, Gujranwala, West Punjab, by Whist- 
ler and Kinnear, 1932, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 35, 
p. 755, footnote 1, ex Jerdon. 
Along the Himalayas from West Pakistan (north of the Salt 
Range) southeastward to western Uttar Pradesh. 

Pycnonotus cafer bengalensis Blyth 
Plycnonotus]. bengalensis Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
14, p. 566 — Bengal. 

Along the Himalayas from eastern Uttar Pradesh eastward, 
through Nepal and Bhutan, to eastern Assam (north of the Brahma- 
putra), and southward into northern Bihar and Bengal. Introduced 
into the Fiji Islands (Viti Levu). 

Pycnonotus cafer primrosei Deignan 

Pycnonotus cafer primrosei Deignan, 1949, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 39, p. 278 — Surma Tea Estate, Sylhet, Assam. 


Molpastes cafer afer Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., no. 1, 
p. 11 — Maoflang, Khasi Hills, Assam. 

The hill tracts of Assam south of the Brahmaputra and West 

Pycnonotus cafer stanfordi Deignan 

Pycnonotus cafer stanfordi! Deignan, 1949, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 39, p. 277 — Taro [lat. 26° 20’ N., long. 96° 10’ E.], 
Upper Burma. 

Northern Burma (southward to the Lower Chindwin and the 
Northern Shan State) and western Yunnan (west of the Salween). 

Pycnonotus cafer melanchimus Deignan 

Pycnonotus cafer melanchimus Deignan, 1949, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 39, p. 278 — Rangoon, Lower Burma. 

South-central Burma (the area between the Irrawaddy and the 
Sittang from Mandalay southward to Rangoon). 


Pycnonotus aurigaster chrysorrhoides (Lafresnaye) 

Muscicapa atricapilla Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 21, p. 489 — China, ex Sonnerat. Not Muscicapa atricapilla 
Linnaeus, 1766. 

H{ematornis|. chrysorrhoides Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 
8, p. 367 — Macao. 

Fukien, eastern Kwangtung, and Hongkong. 

Pycnonotus aurigaster resurrectus Deignan 

Molpastes cafer insularis Hachisuka, 1939, Orn. Soc. Japan, Suppl. 
Publ., no. 15, p. 75 — Naochow Island, off the southern coast 
of Kwangtung. Not Pycnonotus plumosus insularis Chasen and 
Kloss, 1929. 

Pycnonotus aurigaster resurrectus Deignan, 1952, Auk, 69, p. 465. 
New name for Molpastes cafer insularis Hachisuka, preoccupied. 

Naochow Island and western Kwangtung; eastern Tonkin and 
northernmost Annam. 

Pycnonotus aurigaster dolichurus Deignan 

Pycnonotus aurigaster dolichurus Deignan, 1949, Journ. Washing- 
ton Acad. Sci., 39, p. 277 — Phu-oc [lat. 16° 33’ N., long. 107° 
27’ E.], Annam. 

Central Annam (Quangtri and Thuathien Provinces). 

1 Replaces burmanicus of authors. 


Pycnonotus aurigaster latouchei Deignan 

Pycnonotus aurigaster latouchei Deignan, 1949, Journ. Washing- 
ton Acad. Sci., 39, p. 275 — Lai Chau, northwestern Tonkin. 

Western Tonkin; northern Laos; southern and western Yun- 
nan; the Shan States; northern Thailand (Chiang Rai Province). 

Pycnonotus aurigaster klossi (Gyldenstolpe) 

Molpastes atricapillus klossi Robinson, 7. e. Gyldenstolpe, 1920, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 41, p. 12; idem, 1921, sbid., 42, p. 32 — 
Doi Khun Tan [lat. 18° 30’ N., long. 99° 20’ E.], Thailand. 

Southeastern Burma (Karenni State and northern Tenasserim) ; 

northern Thailand (excepting the area occupied by P. aw. latouchet) 
and the northwestern portion of the eastern plateau of Thailand. 

Pycnonotus aurigaster schauenseei Delacour 

Pycnonotus cafer schauenseeir Delacour, 1943, Zoologica (New 
York), 28, p.29— Ban Si Sawat [lat. 14°40’ N., long. 99° 
02’ E.], Thailand. 
Central Tenasserim (Amherst and Tavoy Districts) and south- 
western Thailand (southern Tak and Kanchanaburi Provinces). 

Pycnonotus aurigaster thais (Kloss) 

Molpastes aurigaster thais Kloss, 1924, Journ. Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Siam, 6, p. 291 — Bangkok [lat. 13° 45’ N., long. 100° 30’ E.], 
Thailand. Yellow-vented variety. 

Pycnonotus cafer deignani Delacour, 1943, Zoologica (New York), 
28, p. 29—Chanthaburi [lat. 12° 35’ N., long. 102° 05’ E.], Thai- 
land. Yellow-vented variety. 

Pycnonotus aurigaster innitens Deignan, 1949, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 39, p. 276 — Ban Pak Chong [lat. 14° 40’ N., long. 
101° 25’ E.], Thailand. Red-vented variety. 

Southern Thailand (the southern portion of the central plains, 
the southeastern provinces, and the southwestern portion of the 
eastern plateau). 

Pycnonotus aurigaster germani (Oustalet) 

Ixus Germani Oustalet, 1878, Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, sér. 7, 2, 
p. 54 — Saigon, Cochin China. 

The southeastern portion of the eastern plateau of Thailand, 
southern Laos, southern Annam, and Cochin China. 

Pycnonotus aurigaster aurigaster (Vieillot) 

Turdus aurigaster Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 20, p. 258 — Caffraria, ex Levaillant, error = Java. 

Pycnonotus aurigaster martini Parrot, 1910, Abh. Bay. Akad. 
Wiss., math.-phys. Kl., 24, p. 239 — Sumatra. 

Java. Introduced into Sumatra and Singapore. 



Pycnonotus xanthopygos (Ehrenberg) 

Ixus xanthopygos Ehrenberg, 1833, in Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 
Symb. Phys., Aves, fol. bb. — Arabia = Muwailah on coast 
near north end of Red Sea, Bates, 1935, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
5D; -p- 119. 

Pycnonotus reichenowi Lorenz and Hellmayr, 1901, Orn. Monatsb., 
9, p. 30 — Yeshbum, Southern Arabia. 

Pycnonotus xanthopygos palaestinae Reichenow, 1916, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 24, p. 181 — Jafa, southern Palestine. 

Asia Minor, from Taurus Mountains through Syria, Israel and 
parts of Sinai and Western Arabia to Aden Protectorate east to 

Red-eyed Bulbul 

Pycnonotus nigricans (Vieillot) 

Turdus nigricans Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 20, p. 253 
— Banks of the Orange River in Namaqualand (ex Levaillant). 

Eastern Cape Province, Basutoland, Western Transvaal, and 
Bechuanaland west to Little Namaqualand, South West Africa and 
north to Benguella in coastal Angola. 

Cape Bulbul 

Pycnonotus capensis (Linnaeus) 

Turdus capensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., 1, p. 295 
— Cape of Good Hope. 

Southern and south western Cape Province, South Africa. 


Pycnonotus barbatus barbatus (Desfontaine) 

Turdus barbatus Desfontaines, 1789, Hist. Acad. R. Sci. Paris 
(1787), p. 500, pl. 13 — ‘“‘Cotes de Barbarie” [= near Algiers]. 

North Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco). 

Pycnonotus barbatus inornatus (Fraser) 
Ixos inornatus Fraser, 1843, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 27 — 
Cape Coast. 

Upper Guinea from Senegal to Gold Coast (Ghana) and French 
Sudan (Mopti area). 


Pycnonotus barbatus goodi Rand 
Pycnonotus barbatus goodi Rand, 1955, Fieldiana: Zool. (Chicago), 
34, p. 333 — Garoua, Northern Cameroon. 
From Air (or Asben) to Northern Cameroon and northern Nigeria. 

Pycnonotus barbatus arsinoe (Lichtenstein) 
Tlurdus| Arsinoe H. Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl., Zool. Mus. 
Berlin, p. 39 — Fayum, Egypt. 
The Nile Valley south to Lake No and west to Kordofan and 
Darfur; also Red Sea Province of Sudan. 

Pycnonotus barbatus schoanus Neumann 

Pycnonotus barbatus schoanus Neumann, 1905, Orn. Monatsb., 13, 
p- 77 — Kilbe, Kollu Prov., Shoa. 

Eritrea and Bogosland and over the inland plateau of Abyssinia 
east to Dire Daoua and south to Gardula and southeastern Sudan. 

Pycnonotus barbatus somaliensis Reichenow 

Pycnonotus arsinoe somaliensis Reichenow, 1905, Vog. Afr., 3, 
p. 840 — Zeila, Somadu, northern Somaliland. Hartert (1906, 
Novit. Zool., 13, p. 391) restricted the type locality by de- 
signating a “type” from Dadab [southern Zeila]. 

French and western British Somaliland to parts of southeastern 
Abyssinia (southeastern Arusi and northeastern Bale). 

Pycnonotus barbatus nigeriae Hartert 
Pycnonotus barbatus nigeriae Hartert, 1921, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
41, p. 126 — Degama, Lower Niger. 
Central and southern Nigeria, to central and western Cameroon 
(except the southeast) and Gabon, except coastal area from Fernan 
Vaz southward. 

Pycnonotus barbatus gabonensis Sharpe 

Pycnonotus gabonensis Sharpe, 1871, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 132, pl. 7, fig. 1 — Gabon. 

An unsatisfactory subspecies, as known; the intermediate (or hy- 
brid) populations between the yellow-vented tricolor and the yellowish- 
white-vented nigeriae; recorded from coastal Gabon (Fernan Vaz), 
southern French Congo (Brazzaville area), and southeastern Came- 
roon (Sangmelima, Yokadouma). 

Pycnonotus barbatus tricolor (Hartlaub) 

Ixos tricolor Hartlaub, 1862, Ibis, p. 341 — Angola (restricted to 
northern Angola, Zedlitz, 1916, Journ. f. Orn., 64, p. 70). 


Pycnonotus tricolor tanganjicae Reichenow, 1911, Vogelfauna Mit- 
telafr. Seengeb., in Wiss. Ergeb. Deutsch. Zentr. Afr., 3, p. 346 
— Mohasi-See, Mpororo, Usumbura, Kissenji. 

Pycnonotus barbatus harterti Zedlitz, 1916, Journ. f. Orn., 64, p. 71 
— Huilla, Mossamedes. 

Pycnonotus tricolor vaughanjonesi White, 1944, Ibis, p. 146 — 
Mwinilunga, Northern Rhodesia. 

Pycnonotus tricolor limes Grant, 1956, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9 
(ser. 12), p. 366 — Mwinilunga, Northern Rhodesia. A junior 
homonym of limes Hornimann. See Official Ind. Reject. and 
Inval. Specif. Names, p. 52, no. 439. 

Northern Northern Rhodesia, northern South West Africa, and 

Angola, to French Middle Congo (except extreme southeast), southern 
Belgian Congo, western Tanganyika Territory, and southern Uganda. 

Pycnonotus barbatus minor Heuglin 

Pycnonotus nigricans var. minor Heuglin, 1869, Orn. Nordost.Afr., 
p- 398 — Bahr el Abiad and Gazellenfluss = Upper White Nile 
and Bahr el Ghazal. 

Pycnonotus layardi phaeocephalus Mearns, 1911, Smiths. Misc. Coll. 
Washington, 56, no. 20, p. 8 — Kikandwa, altitude 3,000 feet, 

Pycnonotus barbatus escherichi Grote, 1922, Journ. f. Orn., 70, 
p. 485 — Kumbe, eastern New Cameroon [= northern French 
Middle Congo]. 

From southern Darfur, the Bahr el Ghazal and Kodok on the 

White Nile south to central Uganda, Lake Edward, Stanleyville, 
northern Middle Congo, and extreme eastern Cameroon. 

Pycnonotus barbatus spurius Reichenow 

Pycnonotus spurius Reichenow, 1905, Vog. Afr., 3, p. 841 — Ennia 
Gallaland. Hartert (1906, Novit. Zool., 13, p. 391) in effect 
restricted the type locality by designating a type from Arba- 

Southern Abyssinia from Ennia Gallaland and Bale (Gedel Mts.) 
to northern Boran (Alghe and Sagan River). 

Pycnonotus barbatus fayi Mearns 

Pycnonotus layardi fayi Mearns, 1911, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 56, 
no. 20, p. 7— Fay’s Farm, N’jabini, altitude 8,000 feet, British 
East Africa. 

Kenya highlands and central Tanganyika (Tabora). 

Pycnonotus barbatus ngamii Ogilvie-Grant 

Pycnonotus tricolor ngami Ogilvie-Grant, 1912, Ibis, p. 391 — 
Lake Ngami. 


Pycnonotus (Loidorusa) tricolor annectans Roberts, 1932, Ann. 
Transvaal Mus., 15, p. 29 — Machile River, Northern Rhodesia 
= Chobe Estuary, Bechuanaland (White, 1945, Ibis, p. 574). 

Central Bechuanaland to central northern Northern Rhodesia. 

Pycnonotus barbatus layardi Gurney 

Pycnonotus layardi Gurney, 1879, Ibis, p. 390 — Rustenburg, 

Pycnonotus layardi pallidus Roberts, 1912, Journ. 8. Afr. Orn. 
Union, 8, p. 49 — Boror, Portuguese East Africa. 

Eastern Cape Province north to Mozambique, Nyasaland, south- 
eastern Northern Rhodesia to Transvaal (except the highland areas 
occupied by the next race). 

Pycnonotus barbatus tenebrior Clancey 

Pycnonotus barbatus tenebrior Clancey, 1955, Durban Mus. Novit., 
4, p. 204 — Mt. Currie, near Kokstad, eastern Cape Province, 
South Africa at 5,500 feet altitude. 

High altitudes in the Drakensberg Range in southern Basutoland 
and in adjacent highland areas of the eastern Cape Province and 

Pycnonotus barbatus micrus Oberholser 

Pycnonotus layardi micrus Oberholser, 1905, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
28, p. 891 — Taveta, British East Africa. 

Pycnonotus tricolor naumanni Meise, 1934, Orn. Monatsb., 42, 
p. 116 — Lipumba in Matengo Highlands. 

From southeastern Kenya at Traveta (but not the coastal area) 
and Mt. Kilimanjaro south through eastern Tanganyika Territory 
to Matengo Highlands. 

Pycnonotus barbatus peasei Mearns 

Pycnonotus layardi peasei Mearns, 1911, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 56, 
no. 20, p. 8 — Sir Alfred Pease’s Farm, Kitunga, British East 

Pycnonotus dodsoni littoralis van Someren, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 43, p. 153 — Changamwe, N. of Mombasa. 

Coastal Kenya from Vanga to Sokoke (but not the Taru area); 
the eastern and northern slopes of the Kenya Highlands; and in 
southern Abyssinia, in southern Boran (Yavello, Mega), and pro- 
bably southern Bale, south of the range of spurius. The range of 
this intergrading form thus occupies three separate areas. 

Pycnonotus barbatus dodsoni Sharpe 

Pycnonotus dodsoni Sharpe, 1895, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 488 
— Sillul, Lammo, and Dada, Western Somaliland. 


Pycnonotus dodsoni teitensis van Someren, 1922, Novit. Zool., 29, 
p- 190 — Tsavo, Kenya Colony. 

Pycnonotus tricolor chyulu van Someren, 1939, Journ. East Afr. 
Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc., 14, p.60—Chyulu Hills, Kenya 

Italian Somaliland (Haud) and Eastern Abyssinia, in parts of 
Upper Webi Shebeli tributaries, southward over the lowlands of 
Kenya; on the coast to the Kipini area and inland in the southeast 
to Tsavo and Chyulu Hills; westward to Lake Rudolf and extreme 
southern Abyssinia. 

Puff-backed Bulbul 

Pycnonotus eutilotus (Jardine and Selby) 
Brachypus eutilotus Jardine and Selby, 1837, Ill. Orn., new ser., 
no. 1, pl. 3 — Singapore. 
Ixos cristatellus ““Temm. M.S.” Finsch, 1905, Notes Leyden Mus., 
26, p. 95 — Pontianak [lat. 0° 02’S., long. 109° 22’ E.], Borneo. 
In synonymy with Brachypus eutilotus Jardine and Selby. 
The .Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui Dis- 
trict) and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme south; Sumatra; 
Bangka; Billiton; Borneo. 

Blue-wattled Bulbul 

Pycnonotus nieuwenhuisii inexspectatus (Chasen) 
Euptilosus niewwenhuisti inexspectatus Chasen, 1939, Treubia, 17, 
p. 184 — Lesten [lat. 4°12’ N., long. 97° 40’ E.], Sumatra. 

Known only from the type locality. 

Pycnonotus nieuwenhuisii nieuwenhuisii (Finsch) 

Poliolophus Nieuwenhuisti Finsch, 1901, Notes Leyden Mus., 23, 
p. 95 — Upper Kayan River, near the source of the Bulongan, 

Known only from the type locality. 

Yellow-wattled Bulbul 

Pycnonotus urostictus urostictus (Salvadori) 

Brachypus urostictus Salvadori, 1870, Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 
5, p. 509 — Philippine Islands; type locality inferentially re- 
stricted to Luzon, by Hachisuka, 1935, Birds Philippine Is., 
pt. 4, p. 388. 

Philippine Islands: Luzon, Polillo, Catanduanes, Samar, Leyte, 

Panaon, Bohol. 


Pycnonotus urostictus philippensis (Hachisuka) 
Poliolophus urostictus philippensis Hachisuka, 1934, Tori, 8, p. 220 
— Dinagat, Philippine Islands. 
Philippine Islands: Dinagat, Siargao, Mindanao. 

Pycnonotus urostictus basilanicus (Steere) 

Poliolophus Basilanicus Steere, 1890, List Birds Mamm. Steere 
Exped., p. 19 — Basilan, Philippine Islands. 

Philippine Islands: Basilan. 


Pycnonotus bimaculatus snouckaerti Siebers 
Pycnonotus snouckaerti Siebers, 1928, Treubia, 10, p. 396 —Taken- 
gon Lake, Acheh district, Sumatra. 
Highlands of northwestern Sumatra. 

Pycnonotus bimaculatus barat Robinson and Kloss 

Pycnonotus bimaculatus barat Robinson and Kloss, 1920, Journ. 
Straits Br. R. Asiat. Soc. (1919), no. 81, p. 103 — Siulakderas 
flat. 1°54’ S., long. 101° 18’ E.], Sumatra. 

Highlands of southwestern Sumatra and of western and central 


Pycnonotus bimaculatus bimaculatus (Horsfield) 

Turdus bimaculatus Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 
13, p. 147 — Java; type specimen “an East Javan bird,” fide 
Robinson and Kloss, 1920, Journ. Straits Br. R. Asiat. Soc. 
(1919), no. 81, p. 103. 

Crocopsis bimaculatus tenggerensis van Oort, 1911, Notes Leyden 
Mus., 34, p. 46 — Nongkojajar, Tenger Mountains, Java. 

Highlands of eastern Java and Bali. 

Streak-throated Bulbul 

Pycnonotus finlaysoni davisoni (Hume) 
Ixus Davisoni Hume, 1875, Stray Feathers, 3, p. 301 — twelve 
miles north of Rangoon, Burma. 
The plains of southern Burma (the delta of the Irrawaddy). 

Pycnonotus finlaysoni eous Riley 
Pycnonotus finlaysoni eous Riley, 1940, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 53, p.133—Col des Nuages [lat. 16°11’ N., long. 108° 
08’ E.], Annam. 


Indochina (excepting the greater part of Tonkin and northern 
Laos); Thailand (the eastern portion of the northern plateau, the 
eastern plateau, the southeastern provinces, and the southwestern 
provinces from Kamphaeng Phet to Prachuap Khiri Khan; Ko 
Phangan); southeastern Burma from the Karenni State southward 
to the Tavoy District of Tenasserim. 

Pycnonotus finlaysoni finlaysoni Strickland 

Pycnonotus Finlaysoni Strickland, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
13, p. 411 — ‘“‘Probably from some of the Malasian islands,” 
error; type locality corrected to Malacca, by Hartert, 1902, 
Novit. Zool., 9, p. 560. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra southward to Malacca. 

Yellow-throated Bulbul 

Pycnonotus xantholaemus (Jerdon) 

Brachypus xantholaemus Jerdon, 1845, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 13, 
p. 122 — Eastern Ghats, India. 

Kerala, Mysore, and the Eastern Ghats of India. 

Yellow-tufted Bulbul 

Pycnonotus penicillatus Blyth 
Pycnonotus penicillatus ‘“Kelaart’”? Blyth, 1851, Journ. Asiat. Soc. 
Bengal, 20, p. 178 — Ceylon. 
The highlands of Ceylon. 

Flavescent Bulbul 

Pycnonotus flavescens flavescens Blyth 
Plycnonotus]. flavescens Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
14, p. 568 — Arakan Division, Burma; type locality restricted 
to the hills between Sandoway and Prome, by Kloss, 1923, 
Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, new ser., 18, p. 569. 
Xanthixus flavescens pallens Kloss, 1923, Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soe. 
Bengal, new ser., 18, p. 569 — Hungrum, North Cachar, Assam. 
Xanthixus flavescens fugans Koelz, 1952, Journ. Zool. Soc. India, 
4, p. 40 — Karong, Manipur. 
The hill tracts of Assam (south of the Brahmaputra) and of 
western Burma. 


Pycnonotus flavescens vividus (Stuart Baker) 

Xanthiscus flavescens vivida Stuart Baker, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 38, p. 16 — Salween District, and Mulayit Taung, Amherst 
District, Tenasserim. 

Xanthixus flavescens berliozi Delacour, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
47, p. 14 — Xieng Khouang [lat. 19° 19’ N., long. 103° 22’ E.], 

From northeastern Burma and western Yunnan southward, 
through the Shan and Karenni States and the hills of northwestern 
Thailand, to central Tenasserim (Amherst District); northern Laos 
and northwestern Tonkin. 

Pycnonotus flavescens sordidus (Robinson and Kloss) 

Xanthiscus flavescens sordidus Robinson and Kloss, 1919, Ibis, 
p. 569 — Arbre Broyé, Haut-Donai Province, Annam. 

Southern Laos (Saravane Province) and southern Annam (Haut- 
Donai Province). 

Pycnonotus flavescens leucops (Sharpe) 

Oreoctistes leucops Sharpe, 1888, Ibis, p. 388, pl. 9, fig. 1 — Kina 
Balu, North Borneo. 

Highlands of northern Borneo. 


Pycnonotus goiavier jambu Deignan 
Pycnonotus goiavier jambu Deignan, 1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 75, 
p. 130 — Ban Maha Chai [lat. 13°30’ N., long. 100° 15’ E.], 
The lowlands of Cochin China and Cambodia and the coastal 
provinces of southeastern and central Thailand from Trat west- 
ward to Samut Songkhram. 

Pycnonotus goiavier personatus (Hume) 

Otocompsa personata ‘““Davison”” Hume, 1873, Stray Feathers, 1, 
p. 457 — Kutaraja [lat. 5°32’ N., long. 95° 20’ E.], Sumatra. 
The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui Dis- 
trict) and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme south; the Riouw 
Archipelago; Sumatra; Bangka and Billiton. 

Pycnonotus goiavier analis (Horsfield) 

Turdus analis Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, 
p. 147 — Java. 

Java and the Karimun Java Islands; Bali; Lombok. 


Pycnonotus goiavier gourdini G. R. Gray 

Plycnonotus]. Yourdini [sic] ““(Homb. & Jacq.) G. R. Gray, 1847, 
Gen. Birds 1, p. [237] — Banjermasin [lat. 3° 20’S., long. 114° 
35’ E.], Borneo, ex Jacquinot and Pucheran, 1853, Voyage au 
Poéle Sud, Zool., 3, p. 79. Based on the ““Turdoide de gourdin” 
of Hombron and Jacquinot, 1844, Voyage au Pole Sud, Atlas, 
pl. 14, fig. 1. 

Ixos gourdini Jacquinot and Pucheran, 1853, Voyage au Pole 
Sud, Zool., 3, p. 79 — Banjermasin, Borneo. 

Pycnonotus analis (Horsf.) var. alba A. B. Meyer, 1884, Zeitschr. 
Ges. Orn., 1, p. 213 — Banjermasin, Borneo. 

Borneo and the Maratua Islands. 

Pycnonotus goiavier goiavier (Scopoli) 
Muscicapa (Goiavier) Scopoli, 1786, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr., 
fasc. 2, p. 96 — Manila, Luzon, ex Sonnerat. 
The northern and central Philippine Islands. 

Pycnonotus goiavier suluensis Mearns 
Pycnonotus govavier suluensis Mearns, 1909, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
36, p. 470 — Jolo Island, Sulu Archipelago. 

The southern Philippine Islands (Mindanao, Basilan, and the Sulu 

White-browed Bulbul 

Pycnonotus luteolus luteolus (Lesson) 

Haematornis luteolus Lesson, 1841, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 3, p. 354 
— India; type locality restricted to Bombay, by Stuart Baker, 
1921, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 27, no. 3, p. 471. 

Pycnonotus flavirictus Strickland, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
13, p. 413 — Madras, India. 

[Pycnonotus] dumeticolus Jerdon, 1845, Madras Journ. Lit. 
Sci., 13, p. 126. In synonymy with Pycnonotus flavirictus Strick- 

The coastal states of peninsular India, from the Gulf of Cambay 

on the West, and from West Bengal on the East, southward to 
Cape Comorin. 

Pycnonotus luteolus insulae Whistler and Kinnear 

Pycnonotus luteolus insulae Whistler and Kinnear, 1932, 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 35, no. 4, p. 759 — Tellula, 

The lowlands of Ceylon. 




Pycnonotus plumosus plumosus Blyth 
Plycnonotus|. plumosus Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
14, p. 567 — Singapore. 
The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme south; the Riouw Archipe- 
lago; Bangka; eastern Sumatra; Java; Bawean Island. 

Pycnonotus plumosus porphyreus Oberholser 

P{icnonotus]. [sic] inornatus “Kuhl” Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. 
Gen. Av., 1, p. 263— Sumatra; type locality restricted to 
Padang [lat. 0° 58’ S., long. 100° 21’ E.], by Kloss, 1931, Treu- 
bia, 13, p. 343. Not Ixos inornatus Fraser, 1843. 

Pycnonotus plumosus porphyreus Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., 60, no. 7, p. 11 — North Pagi Island, West Sumatran 

Western Sumatra and its offshore islands (Banyak Group, Nias, 

Batu and Mentawi Groups). 

Pycnonotus plumosus billitonis Chasen 

Pycnonotus plumosus billitonis Chasen, 1935, Orn. Monatsb., 43, 
p. 148 — Billiton. 

Billiton; western and southern Borneo. 

Pycnonotus plumosus hutzi Stresemann 
Pycnonotus plumosus hutzi Stresemann, 1938, Temminckia, 3, 
p- 128— Long Peleben, on the Sungei Bulungan, eastern 
Northern and eastern Borneo. 

Pycnonotus plumosus chiroplethis Oberholser 
Pycnonotus plumosus chiroplethis Oberholser, 1917, Bull. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., no. 98, p. 41 — Pulau Siantan [lat. 3° 10’ N., long. 
106° 15’ E.], Anamba Islands. 

Pulau Tinggi (off Johore) and the Anamba Islands. 

Pycnonotus plumosus hachisukae Deignan 

Pycnonotus plumosus insularis Chasen and Kloss, 1929, Journ. f. 
Orn., Erginzungsb. 2, p. 115 — Banggai Island [lat. 7° 15’ N., 
long. 117° 10’ E.], North Borneo. Not Andropadus insularis 
Hartlaub, 1861. 

Pycnonotus plumosus hachisukae Deignan, 1952, Auk, 69, p. 465. 
New name for Pycnonotus plumosus insularis Chasen and Kloss, 

Islands off North Borneo (Balembangan, Banggai, Malawali, Ca- 

gayan Sulu). 


Pycnonotus plumosus cinereifrons (Tweeddale) 
Brachypus cinereifrons Tweeddale, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 

p- 617 — Puerto Princesa, Palawan. 


Pycnonotus blanfordi blanfordi Jerdon 
Pycnonotus blanfordi Jerdon, 1862, Ibis, p. 20, footnote — Thayet- 

myo [lat. 19° 19’ N., long 95° 11’ E.], Upper Burma. 
The lowlands of central and southern Burma (excepting Arakan 

and Tenasserim). 

Pycnonotus blanfordi conradi (Finsch) 
Criniger Conradi Finsch, 1873, in Finsch and Conrad, Verh. k. k. 

zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 23, p. 349 — Bangkok [lat. 13° 45’ N., 
long. 100° 30’ E.], Thailand. 
Pycnonotus robinsoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1905, “Author’s Advance 

Copy” from Fasciculi Malayenses, Zool., pt. 3, p. 85 — Tanjong, 
Pattani = Laem Pho [lat. 6° 55’ N., long. 101° 15’ E.], Thailand. 

Excepting the Mekong drainage of the northern plateau, all Thai- 
land and south into northern Malaya; central and southern Laos, 
Cambodia, Cochin China, and the southern half of Annam. 


Pycnonotus simplex simplex Lesson 
Picnonotus [sic] simplex Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 2, p. 167 

— Sumatra. 
Pycnonotus olivaceus chloeodis Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
60, no. 7, p. 11 — Tapanuli Bay [lat. 1° 39’ N., long. 98° 45’ E.], 

Peninsular Thailand (Krabi Province southward) and Malaya; 
the Riouw and Lingga Archipelagos; Sumatra; the West Sumatran 

Islands (Nias and the Batu Group). 

Pycnonotus simplex prillwitzi Hartert 
Pycnonotus prillwitzi Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 561 — 

Karang Bolong [lat. 7° 45’ S., long. 109° 28’ E.], Java. 


Pycnonotus simplex oblitus Deignan 
Pycnonotus simplex oblitus Deignan, 1954, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 44, p. 124 — Pulau Serasan [lat. 2°31’ N., long. 

109° 02’ E.], Natuna Islands. 
Bangka; Billiton; southern and western Borneo; southern Natuna 



Pycnonotus simplex halizonus Oberholser 
Pycnonotus simplex halizonus Oberholser, 1917, Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., no. 98, p. 43 — Pulau Jemaija [lat. 2° 55’ N., long. 105° 
45’ K.], Anamba Islands. 
Pycnonotus simplex axanthizus Oberholser, 1932, Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., no. 159, p. 78 — Pulau Bunguran [lat. 3°55’ N., long. 
108° 14’ E.], Natuna Islands. 

Anamba Islands; northern Natuna Islands. 

Pycnonotus simplex perplexus Chasen and Kloss 
Pycnonotus simplex perplexus Chasen and Kloss, 1929, Journ. f. 
Orn., Erganzungsb., 2, p. 116 — Balembangan Island [lat. 
7°17'N., long. 116° 57’ E.], North Borneo. 

Northern and eastern Borneo; Balembangan Island. 


Pycnonotus brunneus brunneus Blyth 

[Pycnonotus| brunneus Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
14, p. 568 — Malacca. 

Brachypus modestus “‘A. Hay” Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. 
Bengal, 14, p. 568. In synonymy with Pycnonotus brunneus 

Pycnonotus brunneus zaphaeus Oberholser, 1917, Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., no. 54, p. 194 — Pulau Mata Siri [lat. 4° 48’ S., long. 115° 
48’ K.], Laurot Islands. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; Sumatra; West Suma- 
tran Islands (Banyak Group, Nias, Batu Group); Karimata Islands; 
Laurot Islands; Borneo; Banggai Island. 

Pycnonotus brunneus zapolius Oberholser 
Pycnonotus brunneus zapolius Oberholser, 1917, Bull. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., no. 98, p. 45 — Pulau Siantan [lat. 3° 10’ N., long. 106° 
15’ E.], Anamba Islands. 
Pulau Tioman (off Pahang) and the Anamba Islands. 


Pycnonotus erythropthalmos erythropthalmos (Hume) 
I[xos]. erythropthalmos Hume, 1878, in Hume and Davison, Stray 
Feathers, 6, p. 314 — region of the Pak Chan Estuary and 
Bankasun, Mergui, Tenasserim. 
Pycnonotus erythropthalmos cyanochrus Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. 
Mise. Coll., 60, no. 7, p. 10 — Rupat Strait [lat. 1° 42’ N., long. 
101° 27’ K.], Sumatra. 


Pycnonotus erythropthalmos isus Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., 60, no. 7, p. 10 — Pulau Tuangku [lat. 2°10’ N., long. 
97° 16’ E.], West Sumatran Islands. 

Pycnonotus erythropthalmos pammicrus Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. 
Mise. Coll., 60, no. 7, p. 11 — Nias, West Sumatran Islands. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; Billiton; Sumatra; 
the West Sumatran Islands (Banyak Group, Nias, Batu Group). 

Pycnonotus erythropthalmos salvadorii Sharpe 

Pycnonotus pusillus Salvadori, 1874, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 5, 
p- 200 — Sarawak. Not Haematornis pusillus Blyth, 1841. 

P{ycnonotus]. salvadorii Sharpe, 1882, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6 
(1881), p. 401. New name for Pycnonotus pusillus Salvadori, 



Pycnonotus masukuensis kakamegae (Sharpe) 

Xenocichla kakamegae Sharpe, 1900, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 11, p. 29 
— Kakamega Forest, Nandi. 

Eastern Ituri Forest of Belgian Congo; also western Kenya (base 
of Mt. Elgon to Kakamega), and Mabali Mts., 8. Kigoma, western 
Tanganyika Territory at 6,000 ft. 

Pycnonotus masukuensis roehli (Reichenow) 

Andropadus roehli Reichenow, 1905, Orn. Monatsb., 13, p. 181 — 
Mlalo, near Wilhelmstal in Usambara. 

South Pare, Usambara, Uluguru, Nguru, Iringa, Mahenge and 
Songea highlands of Tanganyika Territory. 

Pycnonotus masukuensis masukuensis (Shelley) 

Andropadus masukuensis Shelley, 1897, Ibis, p. 534 — Masuku 
Range, 7,000 feet. 

Mountains of Rungwe District, southwestern Tanganyika Terri- 
tory and Masuku Mountains, Northern Nyasaland. 


Pycnonotus montanus (Reichenow) 
Andropadus montanus Reichenow, 1892, Journ. f. Orn., 40, p. 188 
— Buea, 950m., Cameroon Mt. 
Andropadus concolor Bates, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 46, p. 89 
— Lake Bambulue, near Bamenda, Cameroon, 6,000—7,000 feet 
Mount Cameroon and Manenguba, Bamenda and Rumpi high- 
lands of Cameroon. 




Pycnonotus virens erythropterus (Hartlaub) 

Andropadus erythropterus Hartlaub, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, p. 292 — Ashanti. 

Andropadus virens var. grisescens Reichenow, 1904, Vog. Afr., 3, 
p. 412 — Upper Guinea. 

Andropadus virens saturatior Bannerman, 1924, Rev. Zool. Afr., 
12, p. 24 — Gunnal, Portuguese Guinea. 

Upper Guinea from Gambia to southern Nigeria. 

Pycnonotus virens virens (Cassin) 
Andropadus virens Cassin, 1858, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- 
phia, (1857), p. 34 — Cape Lopez and River Muni, West Africa. 
Lower Guinea, from Fernando Po and Mt. Cameroon to Angola, 

east across the Congo to Mt. Ruwenzori area of Uganda, and 
southern Sudan. 

Pycnonotus virens holochlorus (van Someren) 
Eurillas virens holochlorus van Someren, 1922, Novit. Zool., 29, 
p. 189 — Sezibwa River, Uganda. 

Uganda forests (except Mt. Ruwenzori area). Possibly southern 
Sudan birds belong here. 

Pycnonotus virens zombensis (Shelley) 

Andropadus zombensis Shelley, 1894, Ibis, p. 10 — Zomba; Mi- 

lanji Hills, Nyasaland. 

Northern Northern Rhodesia (Mwinilunga) and southeastern Bel- 
gian Congo (Upper Katanga) to Nyasaland, adjacent Mozambique, 
and north into southern Tanganyika Territory (to foothills of Ulu- 
guru Mountains and Mafia Island). 

Pycnonotus virens marwitzi (Reichenow) 
Andropadus marwitzi Reichenow, 1895, Orn. Monatsb., 3, p. 188 
— Marangu (Kilimanjaro). 
Eurillas virens shimba van Someren, 1930, Journ. East Afr. 
poe Nat. Hist. Soc., no. 37, p. 197 — Ganda Forest, Kenya 

Usambara, Kilimanjaro, and the Vanga-Rabai area of coastal 

Pycnonotus virens zanzibaricus (Pakenham) 

Eurillas virens zanzibaricus Pakenham, 1935, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
55, p. 111 — Jozani Forest, Zanzibar. 



Pycnonotus gracilis extremus (Hartert) 

Andropadus gracilis extremus Hartert, 1922, Novit. Zool., 29, 
p- 369 — near Mattra near Sherbro, Jong River, Sierra Leone. 

Upper Guinea, from Sierra Leone to Gold Coast (Ghana). 

Pycnonotus gracilis gracilis (Cabanis)! 

Andropadus gracilis Cabanis, 1880, Orn. Centralb., 5, p. 174 — 

Southern Nigeria and Mt. Cameroon area over the Belgian Congo 
to Uele, and south to the Kasai and northern Angola. 

Pycnonotus gracilis ugandae (van Someren) 

Andropadus ugandae van Someren, 1915, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 35, 
p. 127 — Mabira Forest, Uganda. 

Uganda and probably parts of eastern Belgian Congo forests. 


Pycnonotus ansorgei ansorgei (Hartert) 

Andropadus ansorgei Hartert, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 21, p. 10 
— Degama, southern Nigeria. 

Andropadus ansorget muniensis Grote, 1924, Orn. Monatsb., 32, 
p. 70 — Akonangi, Spanish Guinea (Muni area). 

Sierra Leone, southern Nigeria to Gaboon, Kwango, the Kasai, 
and the eastern Belgian Congo (Kivu, Ituri, and Uele). 

Pycnonotus ansorgei kavirondensis (van Someren) 

Charitillas kavirondensis van Someren, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
40, p. 95 — Kakamega Forest, Kenya. 

North Kavirondo to Mt. Elgon area in Kenya Colony. 

Pycnonotus curvirostris leoninus (Bates) 
Andropadus curvirostris leoninus Bates, 1930, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
51, p. 52 — Buedu near Kailahun, extreme east Sierra Leone. 

Upper Guinea from Sierra Leone to interior Gold Coast (Ghana) 
(Goas and Mampong in Ashanti). 

Pycnonotus curvirostris curvirostris? (Cassin) 

Andropadus curvirostris Cassin, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi- 
ladelphia (1859), p. 46 — Camma River, Western Africa. 

1 Hurillas minor of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list’” is a synonym. 
2 Andropadus alexandri Oustalet, 1892, and Stelgidillas cameronensis 
(Reichenow), 1891, of Sharpe’s Handlist are synonyms. 


Andropadus curvirostris angolensis Meise, 1958, Abh. Verh. Natur- 
wiss. Vereins Hamburg, (n.s.) 2, (1957), p.70— Canzele, 
northern Angola. 

Southern Gold Coast (Ghana) (Fanti and Prahsu), Nigeria and 

Fernando Po to northern Angola and east through the Congo to 
Uganda, southern Sudan, and western Kenya (Kavirondo). 


Pycnonotus importunus fricki (Mearns) 
Andropadus fricki Mearns, 1914, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 61, no. 25, 
p. 4— north base of Endoto Mountain, British East Africa. 
Andropadus fricki kitungensis Mearns, 1914, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 
61, no. 25, p. 4 — Sir Alfred Pease’s farm at Kitunga, 7,000 feet, 
British East Africa. 
Central Kenya Colony; known from the type localities and the 
junction of the Thika and Tana Rivers. 

Pycnonotus importunus somaliensis (Reichenow) 
Andropadus insularis somaliensis Reichenow, 1904, Journ. f. Orn., 
52, p. 133 — Barawa, southern Somaliland. 
Southern Somaliland to the Middle and lower Juba River area. 

Pycnonotus importunus subalaris (Reichenow) 

Andropadus insularis subalaris Reichenow, 1903, Journ. f. Orn., 
51, p. 544 — Malindi, East Africa. 

Phyllastrephus kilimandjaricus Sjostedt, 1908, Wissensch. Ergeb. 
Schwed. Exp. Kilima.-Meru, 1, no. 3, p. 140 — Kibonoto, Kili- 
manjaro, 1,300 meters. 

Kenya lowlands from Manda Island south to the Tanganyika 

border and inland to the mid-Tana River and foothills of Mt. Kili- 

Pycnonotus importunus insularis (Hartlaub)! 
Andropadus insularis Hartlaub, 1861, Orn. Beitr. Faun. Mada- 
gascar, p. 44 — west coast of Madagascar [probably = Zanzibar. 
See Reichenow, Vog. Afr., 3, p. 409, footnote]. 
Zanzibar and the Tanganyika coast from Dar-es-Salaam north to 
Pangani River. 

Pycnonotus importunus hypoxanthus (Sharpe) 
Andropadus hypoxanthus Sharpe, 1876, in Layard, Birds S. Afr., 
p. 205 — Tette, Zambesi country. 
Southern Tanganyika Territory (Mafia Island and Mikindani), 
through Mozambique to the Zambesi and thence inland to Tete, Nya- 
saland (north to Nkata Bay), and adjacent Northern Rhodesia. 

1 Andropadus flavescens af Sharpe’s Handlist is a synonym. 


Pycnonotus importunus oleaginus (Peters) 
Andropadus oleaginus Peters, 1868, Journ. f. Orn., 16, p. 133 — 
Lourenzo Marques. 
Andropadus importunus mentor Clancey, 1952, Ann. Natal Mus., 
12, p. 251 — Shimula’s Pont, Pongola River, N. E. Zululand. 

Portuguese East Africa south of the Zambezi, and northeastern 

Pycnonotus importunus noomei (Roberts) 
Andropadus importunus noomei Roberts, 1917, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 5, p. 259 — Haenertsburg, northeastern Transvaal. 
Northern and eastern Transvaal and eastern Southern Rhodesia, 
western Swaziland, southern Zululand, Natal, Pondoland and East 
Griqualand (eastern Cape). 

Pycnonotus importunus importunus (Vieillot) 

Turdus wmportunus Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 20, p. 266 — Anteniquoi [= Outeniqua] Forest [Cape Pro- 

Southern and eastern Cape Province. 


Pycnonotus latirostris congener (Reichenow) 
Andropadus congener Reichenow, 1897, Journ. f. Orn., 45, p. 45 
— Agome Tongbe, Togoland. 
Upper Guinea from (Senegal?) and Portuguese Guinea to southern 
Nigeria (Lagos). 

Pycnonotus latirostris latirostris (Strickland) 

Andropadus latirostris Strickland, 1844, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 100 — Fernando Po. 

Eurillas efulenensis Sharpe, 1904, Ibis, p. 636 — Efulen, Came- 

Andropadus latirostris longus Meise, 1958, Abh. Verh. Naturwiss. 
Vereins Hamburg, (n.s.) 2 (1957), p. 71 — Canzele, northern 

Fernando Po and southern Nigeria (Owerri and Mt. Cameroon 
area), to Gaboon and northern Angola through the Belgian Congo 
to Uele, Kasai, and Manyema and perhaps at low altitudes in eastern 

Pycnonotus latirostris eugenius (Reichenow) 

Andropadus eugenius Reichenow, 1892, Journ. f. Orn., 40, p. 53 
— Bukoba, Victoria Nyanza. 


Mountains of the eastern Belgian Congo, northwestern Tanga- 
nyika Territory (Bukoba, also Kungwe-Mahare highland), forests 
of Uganda, southern Sudan and Kenya west of the Rift Valley. 

Pycnonotus latirostris saturatus (Mearns) 

Stelgidocichla latirostris pallida Mearns, 1914 (not Pycnonotus 
layardi pallidus Roberts, 1912), Smiths. Misc. Coll., 61, no. 25, 
p.-5—summit of Mount Gargues, 7,100 feet, British East 

Stelgidocichla latirostris saturata Mearns, 1914, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
61, no. 25, p. 6 — Honi River, southwest base of Mt. Kenya, 
British East Africa. 

Stelgidocichla latirostris australis Moreau, 1941, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 62, p. 29 — Moisi Forest (about, 8,000 feet) near Sumba- 
wanga, Ufipa Distr., Tanganyika Territory. 

Pycnonotus latirostris williamsi Deignan, 1952, Auk, 69, p. 465 — 
new name for Stelgidocichla latirostris pallida Mearns, 1914, not 
Pycnonotus layardi pallidus Roberts, 1912, when both are put 
in Pycnonotus. 

Highlands of Kenya Colony east of the Rift Valley (Mt. Gargues, 

Mt. Kenya and Nairobi areas); also Ufipa Highlands of western 
Tanganyika Territory. 


Pycnonotus gracilirostris gracilirostris! (Strickland) 

Andropadus gracilirostris Strickland, 1844, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, p. 101 — Fernando Po. 

Stelgidillas poensis Alexander, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, p. 35 
— Sipopo, Fernando Po. 

Upper Guinea from southern Senegal to southern Nigeria and 
Fernando Po. 

Pycnonotus gracilirostris congensis (Reichenow) 

Andropadus gracilirostris congensis Reichenow, 1916, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 24, p. 181 — Leopoldville, Congo. 

Southern Cameroon to northern Angola and east to the eastern 
Congo Forests. 

Pycnonotus gracilirostris chagwensis (van Someren) 
Chlorocichla gracilirostris chagwensis van Someren, 1915, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 35, p. 127 — Nazigo Hill, Chagwe Prov., Uganda. 
Forests of Uganda and western Kenya (Kericho; Kaimosi); 
southern Sudan and western Tanganyika Territory (Kungwe) birds 
probably belong here also. 

1 A. liberiensis Reichenow, 1895, of Sharpe’s ‘“‘Handlist” is also a synonym. 


Pycnonotus gracilirostris percivali (Neumann) 
Criniger gracilirostris percivali Neumann, 1903, Orn. Monatsb., 
11, p. 185 — Fort Smith, Kikuyu. 
Central Kenya (Mt. Kenya, Nairobi and Kikuyu areas). 


Pycnonotus tephrolaemus tephrolaemus (Gray) 

Trichophorus tephrolaemus Gray, 1862, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), 
10, p. 444 — Cameroon Mt., 7,000 feet. 

Fernando Po and Cameroon Mt. 

Pycnonotus tephrolaemus bamendae (Bannerman) 

Andropadus tephrolaemus bamendae Bannerman, 1923, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 44, p.44—near Bamenda (5,500 feet), Cameroon 

Bamenda-Banso, Manenguba, Kupe, and Rumpis Highlands of 

Cameroon, and Obudu Plateau of southeastern Nigeria. 

Pycnonotus tephrolaemus kikuyuensis (Sharpe) 
Xenocichla kikuyuensis Sharpe, 1891, Ibis, p. 118 — Kikuyu. 

Phyllastrephus schubotzi Reichenow, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 16, 
p. 47 — Lugege Forest [= Rugege Forest near Lake Kivu]. 

Mountains of eastern Belgian Congo and western Uganda; also 
Kenya Highlands, except the extreme southwest. 

Pycnonotus tephrolaemus kungwensis (Moreau) 

Arizelocichla tephrolaema kungwensis Moreau, 1941, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 61, p. 60 — Kungwe Mt. (6,900 feet), Kigoma District, 
Western Tanganyika Territory. 

Kungwe Mt., western Tanganyika Territory. 

Pycnonotus tephrolaemus nigriceps (Shelley) 

Xenocichla nigriceps Shelley, 1890, Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1889), 
p. 362 — Kilimanjaro, 6,000 feet. 

Mountains of central northern Tanganyika Territory (Mt. Kili- 
manjaro to Hanang) and southwestern Kenya (Loita). 

Pycnonotus tephrolaemus usambarae (Grote) 
Phyllastrephus tephrolaemus usambarae Grote, 1919, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 27, p. 62 — Mlalo, near Wilhelmstal in Usambara. 
Arizelocichla nigriceps percivali Hartert, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
42, p. 50 — Usambara Mts., Tanganyika Territory. 
Usambara and south Pare Mts., northeastern Tanganyika Ter- 


Pycnonotus tephrolaemus neumanni (Hartert) 

Arizelocichla neumanni Hartert, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 42, 
p. 50 — Uluguru Mts. in eastern (not “‘western’”’) Tanganyika 

Uluguru Mountains of eastern Tanganyika Territory. 

Pycnonotus tephrolaemus fusciceps (Shelley) 
Xenocichla fusciceps Shelley, 1893, Ibis, p. 13 — Milanji Plateau, 
4,000-5,000 feet, Nyasaland. 
Highlands of southwest Tanganyika Territory (Rungwe District), 
extreme southeastern Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and north- 
western Portuguese East Africa (Namuli). 

Pycnonotus tephrolaemus chlorigula (Reichenow) 

Xenocichla chlorigulat Reichenow, 1899, Orn. Monatsb., 7, p. 8 — 
Kalinga, southern German East Africa [Iringa District]. 

Phyllastrephus chlorigula schusteri Reichenow, 1913, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 21, p. 161 — Nguru Mts., 2,000 meters, German East 

Highlands of Iringa District and Nguru Mts., central Tanganyika 



Pycnonotus milanjensis striifacies (Reichenow and Neumann) 

Xenocichla striifacies Reichenow and Neumann, 1895, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 3, p. 74 — Marangu, Kilimanjaro. 

Arizelocichla milamjensis chyulu van Someren, 1939, Journ. East 
Afr. Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc., 14, p. 64 — Chyulu Hills, Camp 3, 
7,000 feet, Kenya. 

Highlands in southeastern Kenya (Teita and Chyulu); and in 

Tanganyika Territory (Kilimanjaro to Iringa Highlands). 

Pycnonotus milanjensis olivaceiceps (Shelley) 
Criniger olivaceiceps Shelley, 1896, Ibis, p. 179 — Mt. Chiradzulu, 
Highland forest from Rungwe Highlands of southwestern Tan- 
ganyika Territory to Cholo District of Nyasaland; also Unangu, 
Portuguese East Africa. 

Pycnonotus milanjensis milanjensis (Shelley) 
Xenocichla milanjensis Shelley, 1894, Ibis, p.9, pl. 1, fig. 1 — 
Milanji Hills, Nyasaland. 
Milanje Mountains, Nyasaland and eastern Mashonaland, South- 

ern Rhodesia; also Chiperoni and Namuli Mt., Portuguese East 

1 Chlorilaema of Sharpe’s ““Handlist’”’ is an invalid emendation. 



Calyptocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 165 
(for Trichites Heine, 1860; not Trichites Lycett, 1850). Type, 
by original designation, Criniger serinus. 


Calyptocichla serina (J. and E. Verreaux) 
Criniger serinus J. and KE. Verreaux, 1855, Journ. f. Orn., 3, p. 105 
— Gabon. 
Forested regions from Sierra Leone to Cameroon, Fernando Po, 
Gaboon, and lower Congo and east through the Belgian Congo to 
Semliki Valley. 


Baeopogon Heine, 1860, Journ. f. Orn., 8, p. 139. Type, by orig- 
inal designation, Criniger indicator Verreaux. 


Baeopogon indicator leucurus (Cassin) 
Tricophorus leucurus Cassin, 1856, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 7, (1855), p. 328 — St. Paul’s River [Liberia]. 
Sierra Leone and Liberia. 

Baeopogon indicator togoensis (Reichenow) 

Phyllastrephus indicator togoensis Reichenow, 1917, Journ. f. Orn., 
65, p. 115 — Togo. (Type specimen from Agome Tongbe ac- 
cording to Gyldenstolpe, 1924, K. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 
(3); 1, no: 3, p- 180:) 

Andropadus indicator ussheri Bannerman, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
CL, 41, p. 6 — Fanti, Gold Coast. 

Gold Coast (Ghana) and Togoland. 

Baeopogon indicator indicator (Verreaux) 
Criniger indicator J. and E. Verreaux, 1855, Journ. f. Orn., 3, 
p. 105 — Gabon. 
Bleda batesi Sharpe, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 14, p. 19 — Efulen, 
Chlorocichla indicator chlorosaturata van Someren, 1915, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 35, p. 127 — Kyetume Forest, Uganda. 

Phyllastrephus indicator lacuum Reichenow, 1917, Journ. f. Orn., 
65, p. 115 — Beni [Semliki Valley]. 


Phyllastrephus indicator congensis Reichenow, 1917, Journ. f. Orn., 
65, p. 115 — Congo (‘Type specimen from Leopoldville, Belgian 
Congo, according to Gyldenstolpe, 1924). 

Southern Nigeria, British Cameroon to northern Angola east- 
ward to southern Sudan, western Kenya (Nandi), and Ruwenzori. 


Baeopogon clamans (Sjéstedt) 

Xenocichla clamans Sjostedt, 1893, Orn. Monatsb., 1, p. 28 — 
Ekundu, Cameroon. 

British Cameroon to Gaboon eastward to northeastern Belgian 
Congo (southern Uele and perhaps Semliki Valley). 


Ixonotus Verreaux, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), p. 306. Type, by 
monotypy, Jxonotus guttatus Verreaux. 


Ixonotus guttatus guttatus! Verreaux 

Ixonotus guttatus J. and E.Verreaux, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 
p- 306 Gabon. 

Liberia to Gaboon, Portuguese Congo; probably Kasai and west- 
ern Belgian Congo birds belong here. 

Ixonotus guttatus bugoma Rand 

Ixonotus guttatus bugoma Rand, 1955, Fieldiana: Zool. (Chicago), 
34, p. 335 — Bugoma Forest, Uganda. 

Western Uganda forests and eastern Belgian Congo. 


Chlorocichla Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, p. 3, 112. 
Type, by subsequent designation, Reichenow, Vo6g. Afr., 3, 
p. 388, T'richophorus flaviventris Smith. 

Atimastillas Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 155. 
Type, by original designation, Haematornis flavicollis Swainson. 


Chlorocichla falkensteini (Reichenow) 

Criniger Falkensteini Reichenow, 1874, Journ. f. Orn., 22, p. 458 
— Chinchoxo, Loango Coast. 

1 Txonotus landanae Oust. of Sharpe’s “‘Handlist”’ is a synonym of Telo- 
phorus viridis Vieillot. 


Pycnonotus viridescentior Sharpe, 1904, Ibis, p. 638 — River Ja, 

West Africa from southern British Cameroon to northern Angola 
and Lower Congo River (Stanley Pool). 


Chlorocichla simplex (Hartlaub) 
Trichophorus simplex! Hartlaub, 1855, Journ. f. Orn., 3, p. 356 — 
Rio Boiitry, Gold Coast. 
Forested West Africa from Portuguese Guinea to Angola, and east 
oe Belgian Congo to upper Uele, Semliki Valley and southern 


Chlorocichla flavicollis flavicollis (Swainson) 
Haematornis flavicollis Swainson, 1837, Birds West Afr., 1, p. 259 
— West Africa. 
Phyllastrephus flavicollis adamauae Reichenow, 1910, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 18, p.94— Ngendero [Genderu] Mountains, North 

Senegal to eastern Nigeria and northern Cameroon (Galim). 

Chlorocichla flavicollis simplicicolor (Grote) 

Xenocichla flavicollis simplicicolor Grote, 1924, Orn. Monatsb., 32, 
p- 45 — Bosum, Uam Distr., Eastern Cameroon [= French 
Equatorial Africa]. 

Uam District of French Equatorial Africa (additional material 

needed to clarify the range and status of this form). 

Chlorocichla flavicollis soror (Neumann) 
Xenocichla flavicollis soror Neumann, 1914, Orn. Monatsb., 22, 
p- 9 — Kamadekke, Ng’Goumie River, Ogowe, Gabon. 
Southern British Cameroon, French Cameroon (north to Tibati), 
Gaboon and the lower Congo east to southern Bahr-el-Ghazal, Lake 
Albert, Semliki River and south to northern Kasai and Manyema. 

Chlorocichla flavicollis flavigula (Cabanis) 
Trichophorus flavigula Cabanis, 1880, Orn. Centralb., 5, p. 174 — 

Angola and the southwestern Belgian Congo east to Lake Tan- 
ganyika and northern Northern Rhodesia. 

1 Bleda harterti and Stelgidillas marchei of Sharpe’s ‘““Handlist” are syno- 



Chlorocichla flavicollis pallidigula (Sharpe) 
Xenocichla pallidigula Sharpe, 1897, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, p.7 
— Entebbe. 
Xenocichla flavicollis shelleyi Neumann, 1900, Journ. f. Orn., 48, 
p. 292 — Muansa [S. shore of Victoria Nyanza]. 

From Usumbura (northeast shore of Lake Tanganyika) and Kivu 
Highlands, through Uganda and western Kenya. 


Chlorocichla flaviventris centralis Reichenow 

Chlorocichla centralis Reichenow, 1887, Journ. f. Orn., 35, p. 74 
— Loeru, Tanganyika Territory. 

Chlorocichla mombasae Shelley, 1896, Birds Afr., 1, p. 64 — Mom- 

Chlorocichla flaviventris meruensis Mearns, 1914, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
61, no. 25, p. 3 — Meru Forest on the Equator near Mt. Kenya, 
British East Africa. 

Chlorocichla flaviventris chyuluensis van Someren, 1939, Journ. 
East Afr. Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc., 14, p. 68 — Chyulu Range, 
5,000 ft. 

From Kenya (Jubaland and the foothills of Mt. Kenya) to 
northern Portuguese East Africa. 

Chlorocichla flaviventris occidentalis Sharpe 

Chlorocichla occidentalis Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p. 113, pl. viii — Angola and Ovaquenyama, Damaraland, 
according to Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 390; “type” 
from Angola. 

Chlorocichla zambesiae Shelley, 1896, Birds Afr., 1, p. 64 — South 
Zambesia [probably near Victoria Falls, according to Sclater]. 

Chlorocichla flaviventris dilutior White, 1946, Ibis, 88, p. 80 — 
Balovale, Northern Rhodesia. 

From southern Portuguese East Africa to Bechuanaland, northern 
South West Africa, and southern Angola north to southeastern 
Belgian Congo (Katanga and Manyema), and Nyasaland. 

Chlorocichla flaviventris flaviventris (Smith) 

Trichophorus flaviventris Smith, 1834, So. Afr. Quart. Journ., 
2nd Ser., no. 2, p. 143 — near Port Natal [¢.e. Durban]. 

Natal and Zululand. 


Chlorocichla laetissima laetissima (Sharpe) 

Andropadus laetissimus Sharpe, 1899, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 10, 
p. 27 — Nandi, Equatorial Africa [Kenya Colony]. 


Forests above about 4,000 feet in eastern Belgian Congo, Uganda, 
southern Sudan, and western Kenya. 

Chlorocichla laetissima schoutedeni Prigogine 
Chlorocichla laetissima schoutedeni Prigogine, 1954, Rev. Zool. 
Bot. Afr., 49, p. 348 — Mt. Kabobo, 29° 2’ E.; 5° 8’S. at 1,440 
meters [eastern Belgian Congo]. 

Known only from the type locality. 

Genus THESCELOCICHLA Oberholser 

Thescelocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 154. 
Type, by original designation, Phyllastrephus leucopleurus 


Thescelocichla leucopleura (Cassin) 
Phyllostrophus leucopleurus Cassin, 1856, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philadelphia, 7, (1855), p. 238 — Moonda River [Gabon]. 
West Africa from Sierra Leone (perhaps southern Senegal) to 
the mouth of the Congo River, and east across the Belgian Congo 
to the Uele, southern Kasai and western Uganda (Bwamba Valley). 


Phyllastrephus Swainson, 1831, in Swainson and Richardson, 
Fauna Bor. Amer., 2, Birds, p. 486. Type, by original designa- 
tion, ““Le Jaboteur” Levaill. = Phyllastrephus terrestris Swain- 

Argaleocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 160. 
Type, by original designation, T'richophorus icterinus Bp. 

Prosphorocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 156. 
Type, by original designation, Phyllastrephus scandens Swainson 
(to replace Pyrrhurus Cassin, 1859, erroneously thought to be 
preoccupied by Pyrrhura Bonaparte, 1856). 

Sclaterillas Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 226. Type, 
by original designation, Andropadus debilis Sclater. 

Ayresillas Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 226. Type, 
by original designation, Phyllostrophus flavostriatus Sharpe. 

Xanthomiscus Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 367 (error for 

cf. Rand, 1936, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 72, p. 453-455 (Ma- 

dagascar forms). 

1 Also included are: Phyllostrophus (a synonym), Bernieria, Pyrrhurus, 
Crossleyia, Nesobates and Xanthomixus, of Sharpe’s “‘Handlist’’. Phyllostro- 
phus kretschmert Reichenow and Neumann of Sharpe’s “‘Handlist”’ is trans- 
ferred to Suaheliornis (Sylviidae). 




Phyllastrephus scandens scandens Swainson 
Phyllastrephus scandens Swainson, 1837, Birds West Afr., 1, p. 270, 
pl. 30 — West Africa. 

Upper Guinea from Senegal to eastern and northern Nigeria and 
central French Cameroon (Galim and Tibati). 

Phyllastrephus scandens acedis (Oberholser) 

Prosphorocichla scandens acedis Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., 48, p. 157 — Ogobai River, Gabon. 

Southern Cameroon, Gaboon, and the western Belgian Congo. 

Phyllastrephus scandens orientalis (Hartlaub) 
Xenocichla orientalis Hartlaub, 1883, Journ. f. Orn., 31, p. 425 — 
Tamaja [= Tomaja, upper Uele]. 
Northern Belgian Congo (Ubangi-Shari to Uele) to southern 
Sudan, western Uganda (Bwamba Valley) and western Tanganyika 
(east side of Lake Tanganyika at Ujiji). 

Phyllastrephus scandens upembae (Verheyen) 

Pyrrhurus scandens upembae Verheyen, 1953, Explor. Pare 
Nat. Upemba, Mission G. F. de Witte, fasc. 19, Oiseaux, 
p. 445 — Munoi, Lupiala, tributary of Lufira, Upemba National 
Park, Belgian Congo. 
Southern Belgian Congo; known from the Tanganyika (Kiambi) 
and the Southern Kasai (Tshisika) districts. 


Phyllastrephus terrestris bensoni van Someren 
Phyllastrephus terrestris bensont van Someren, 1945, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 66, p. 11 — Lower Meru Forest, 4,000 feet. 
Forests of Meru and Chuka, 4,000—-4,600 feet, southeast of Mt. 

Phyllastrephus terrestris suahelicus Reichenow 
Phyllastrephus capensis suahelicus Reichenow, 1904, Vog. Afr., 
3, p. 405 — East Africa from Pangani to Rufiji; Masinde, 
Useguha, Usaramo, Msua. Type from Msua according to Scla- 
ter (1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 382). 
From southern Coastal Kenya and Tanganyika Territory to the 
coastal area of northern Portuguese East Africa. 

Phyllastrephus terrestris intermedius Gunning and Roberts 
Phyllastrephus capensis intermedius Gunning and Roberts, 1911, 
Ann. Transvaal Mus., 3, p. 115 — Umbelluzi River, Portu- 
guese 8. E. Africa. 


Phyllastrephus terrestris rhodesiae Roberts, 1917, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 5, p. 258 — Machile River, Northwestern Rhodesia. 
From southeastern Belgian Congo (Musosa), Northern Rhodesia, 
Bechuanaland and southern Angola to Portuguese East Africa 
(Tete, Beira), and northern Zululand. 

Phyllastrephus terrestris terrestris Swainson 

Phyllastrephus terrestris Swainson, 1837, Birds West Africa, 1, 
p. 270 — Auteniquoi (ex Levaillant) (= Outeniqua, Cape Pro- 

Phyllastrephus terrestris montanus Roberts, 1924, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 10, 1923-24, p. 85 — Woodbush Forest Station, Trans- 

Parts of Transvaal, Zululand, and Natal to eastern and southern 

Cape Province. 


Phyllastrephus strepitans! (Reichenow) 
Criniger strepitans Reichenow, 1879, Orn. Centralb., 1, p. 1389 — 
Malindi, East Africa [Kenya Colony]. 

Calamocichla schillingsi Reichenow, 1904, Orn. Monatsb., 12, 
p. 95 — Paugani Distr. [= Pangani Distr., Tanganyika Terri- 

Phyllastrephus strepitans fricki Mearns, 1914, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
61, no. 25, p. 1 — Tana River below Camp No. 4, British East 

Southern Sudan, Southern Abyssinia and Somaliland south to 
northern Uganda, northern and eastern Kenya and coastal Tan- 
ganyika (Dar es Salaam, Kilosa). 


Phyllastrephus cerviniventris (Shelley) 

Phyllostrophus [sic] cerviniventris Shelley, 1894, Ibis, p. 10, pl. 2 
— Zomba and Tschiromo, Nyasaland. 

Phyllastrephus cerviniventris lénnbergi Mearns, 1914, Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., 61, no. 25, p. 2— Government Trail, Tharaka District, 
British East Africa. 

From Kenya (Mt. Kenya area and Taveta) and Kilimanjaro to 
Northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland and adjacent part of Mozambique 
and west to southeastern Belgian Congo (Katanga). 

1 P. sharpei Shelley, 1880; rufescens Hartlaub, 1882; and pawper Sharpe, 
1895; of Sharpe’s ““Handlist”’ are also synonyms; while Phyllostrophus parvus 
Fischer and Reichenow, 1884, = Calamocichla parva (Fischer and Reichenow) 



Phyllastrephus fulviventris (Cabanis) 

Phyllostrephus fulviventris Cabanis, 1876, Journ. f. Orn., 24, p. 92 
—Chinchoncho, Loango Coast. 

Portuguese Congo and lower Congo River area, south through 
western Angola to Mossamedes Province. 


Phyllastrephus poensis (Alexander) 

Phyllostrophus poensis Alexander, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, 
p- 35 — Bakaki, Fernando Po. 

Phyllastrephus albigularis adametzi Reichenow, 1916, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 24, p. 181 — Bamenda, Cameroon. 

Fernando Po, southern Nigeria (Obudu Plateau), and Mt. Came- 
roon, and the other mountains in the Cameroons. 


Phyllastrephus hypochloris (Jackson) 
Stelgidillas hypochloris Jackson, 1906, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, 
p. 20 — Kiliran, Toro. 
Ardropadus (sic) kagerensis Reichenow, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 16, 
p. 47 — Buddu Forest. 

Southern Sudan to northwestern Kenya (North Kavirondo), 
southern Uganda and the Semliki Forest of Belgian Congo. 


Phyllastrephus baumanni (Reichenow) 
Phyllostrephus baumanni Reichenow, 1895, Orn. Monatsb., 3, 
p. 96 — Misahohe [Togoland]. 
Phyllastrephus eburneus Bannerman, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
43, p. 162 — Beoumi, Ivory Coast. 

Upper Guinea from Sierra Leone to southern Nigeria (Lagos and 
Owerri Prov.). 


Phyllastrephus poliocephalus (Reichenow) 
Xenocichla poliocephala Reichenow, 1892, Journ. f. Orn., 40, 
p. 189, 220 — Buea, Mt. Cameroon, 1,200 meters. 
Southeastern Nigeria (Obudu Plateau) and British Cameroon 
(Mt. Cameroon, Rumpi Hills, and Mt. Kupe; perhaps conspecific 
with P. flavostriatus). 



Phyllastrephus flavostriatus graueri Neumann 
Phyllastrephus grauert Neumann, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 23, 
p. 13 — forest 90 miles west of Lake Albert Edward [= Lake 
Phyllastrephus flavostriatus babaulti Berlioz, 1936, Bull. Mus. 
Hist. Nat. Paris, ser. 2, 8, p. 330 —M’Bwahi, southwest of 
Lake Kivu, about 2,000 meters altitude. 

Eastern Belgian Congo, in the highlands west of lakes Kivu, 
Edward, and Albert. 

Phyllastrephus flavostriatus olivaceogriseus Reichenow 
Phyllastrephus olivaceogriseus Reichenow, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 
16, p.47— Lugege Forest [= Rugege Forest, southeast of 
Lake Kivu]. 
Highlands northwest of Lake Tanganyika and those east of Lake 
Kivu, in the eastern Belgian Congo and also southwestern Uganda 

Phyllastrephus flavostriatus kungwensis Moreau 
Phyllastrephus flavostriatus kungwensis Moreau, 1941, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 62, p. 29 — forest above Ujamba, Mt. Kungwe, 6,800 
feet, western Tanganyika Territory. 
The Kungwe-Mahara highlands east of Lake Tanganyika, western 
Tanganyika Territory. 

Phyllastrephus flavostriatus tenuirostris (Fischer and Rei- 
Xenocichla tenuirostris Fischer and Reichenow, 1884, Journ. f. 
Orn., 32, p. 262 — Lindi [southeastern Tanganyika Territory]. 
Phyllastrephus flavostriatus litoralis Vincent, 1933, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 53, p. 133 — near Netia, Mozambique Province, Por- 
tuguese East Africa, 14° 44’ S., 40° 04’ E., at 600 feet altitude. 
Coastal region of East Africa from northern Portuguese East 
Africa to northern Tanganyika Territory (Usambara) and southern 
Kenya (Fort Hall and near Voi). 

Phyllastrephus flavostriatus alfredi (Shelley) 

Bleda alfred: Shelley, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, p. 61 — 

Southwestern Tanganyika Territory (Ufipa), northern Nyasaland 
and adjacent Northern Rhodesia. 


Phyllastrephus flavostriatus vincenti Grant and Mackworth- 

Phyllastrephus flavostriatus vincenti Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 
1940, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 60, p. 62 — Namuli Mts., Quelimane 
Province, Portuguese East Africa. 

Southern Nyasaland and highlands of adjacent Portuguese East 
Phyllastrephus flavostriatus flavostriatus (Sharpe) 

Andropadus flavostriatus Sharpe, 1876, Ibis, p. 53 — Macamac, 

Eastern Cape Province to Natal, Zululand, Eastern Transvaal, 
and eastern Southern Rhodesia. 


Phyllastrephus debilis rabai Hartert and van Someren 

Phyllastrephus rabai Hartert and van Someren, 1921, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 41, p. 64 — Rabai Hills north of Mombasa, East Africa. 

Phyllastrephus albigula shimbanus van Someren, 1943, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 64, p. 12 —Shimba Hills, 1,100 feet. 

Coastal Kenya from Sokoke Forest southward to Shimba Hills, 
and Tanganyika Territory in parts of the eastern Usambara Moun- 
tains, Mafi Mt., and in the Uluguru Mts. 

Phyllastrephus debilis albigula (Grote) 

Macrosphenus albigula Grote, 1919, Orn. Monatsb., 27, p. 62 — 
Mlalo, near Wilhelmstal, Usambara. 

Neuru and Usambara Mountains, intergrading with P. d. rabai in 
the lower altitudes of the eastern Usambaras. 
Phyllastrephus debilis debilis (Sclater) 

Xenocichla debilis W.L. Sclater, 1899, Ibis, p. 284 — north of 
Inhambane, Portuguese East Africa. 

Southern Portuguese East Africa (Inhambane) and southern 
Tanganyika Territory (Rondo Plateau). 


Phyllastrephus lorenzi Sassi 

Phyllastrephus lorenzi Sassi, 1914, Anz. K. Akad. Wiss, Wien., 
Math.-Naturw. K1., 51, p. 309 — ‘‘Moera,” near Beni, eastern 

Eastern Belgian Congo forests of Uele, Ituri and Kivu districts. 


Phyllastrephus albigularis albigularis (Sharpe) 

Xenocichla albigularis Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p. 103, pl. 7 — Fantee. 


Xenocichla leucolaema Sharpe, 1902, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, 
p- 10 — Toro Forest. 

Phyllastrephus ugandae Reichenow, 1907, Orn. Monatsb. 15, p. 200 
— Entebbe on Victoria Nyanze. 

Phyllastrephus leucolaema camerunensis Reichenow, 1915, Journ. 
f. Orn., 63, p. 128 — Duma, Cameroon [= Duma, Ubangi, Bel- 
gian Congo]. 

Phyllastrephus zenkeri Reichenow, 1916, Orn. Monatsb., 24, 
p- 180 — Bipindi, Cameroon. 

Sierra Leone to Cameroon, Gaboon, and the Kasai, and east to 

southern Sudan and Uganda (Mt. Elgon). 

Phyllastrephus albigularis viridiceps Rand 
Phyllastrephus albigularis viridiceps Rand, 1955, Fieldiana: Zool. 
(Chicago), 34, p. 336 — Cantele, Qual Sul River, 30 km. west 
of Camabatela, Angola. 
Northern Angola. 


Phyllastrephus fischeri sucosus Reichenow 

Phyllastrephus cabanisi sucosus Reichenow, 1903, Journ. f. Orn., 
51, p. 544 — East Africa: Bukoba; Guasso Massai. 

Andropadus modestus Reichenow, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 16, p. 160 
— Kirkfalle, Semliki. 

Phyllastrephus dowashanus Madarasz, 1910, Archivum Zoologi- 
cum, Budapest, 1 (11), p.176— Ngare-Dowash [= Mara 

Southern Sudan, Uganda, western Kenya, east to Eldama Ravine 

and Mau, and nearby central northern Tanganyika Territory (Lo- 
liondo) and eastern Belgian Congo south to Baraka in the Kivu. 

Phyllastrephus fischeri cabanisi (Sharpe) 

Trichophorus flaveolus Cabanis, 1880, Orn. Centralbl., 5, p. 174 — 
— Angola. 

Criniger cabanisi Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, p. 83 — 
new name for 7’. flaveolus Cabanis, 1880; not T'richophorus fla- 
veolus Gould, 1836 = Criniger flaveolus. 

Criniger sylvicultor Neave, 1909, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8), 4, 
p. 130 — Katanga; restricted to Dikuwle River, Katanga 
(Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop. p. 384). 

Part of southwestern Tanganyika Territory (Ufipa) to Northern 

Rhodesia, southern Belgian Congo in Kasai, Katanga, and Lualaba 
areas, and the western highlands of Angola. 


Phyllastrephus fischeri placidus (Shelley) 

Xenocichla placida Shelley, 1889, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 363 
— Kilimanjaro, 6,000 feet. 

Phyllastrephus placidus keniensis Mearns, 1914, Smiths. Mise. 
Coll., 61, no. 25, p. 2— Mt. Kenya, 8,500 feet, British East 

Phyllastrephus fischeri cognatus Grote, 1919, Orn. Monatsb., 27, 
p. 63 — Mlalo, near Wilhelmstal, Usambara. 

Phyllastrephus fischeri marsabit van Someren, 1930, Journ. East 
Afr. Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc., no. 37, p. 197 — Marsabit. 

Phyllastrephus fischeri chyuluensis van Someren, 1939, Journ. East 
Afr. Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc., 14, p. 66 — Chyulu Mts., Camp 2, 
5,800 ft. 

The highlands of Kenya Colony east of the great Rift Valley 
from Marsabit, Mt. Kenya and Chyulu Hills south through Tan- 
ganyika Territory Highlands (Kilimanjaro, Usambara, Nguru, Ulu- 
guru, ete.) to Portuguese East Africa (Mt. Namuli) and southern 
Nyasaland (Mlanje). 

Phyllastrephus fischeri fischeri (Reichenow) 

Criniger Fischeri Reichenow, 1879, Orn. Centralbl., 1, p. 139 — 
Muniuni [= Muniumi], East Africa [near mouth of Tana River]. 

Phyllastrephus placidus grotei Reichenow, 1910, Orn. Monatsb., 
18, p. 8 — Mikindani, Tanganyika Territory. 

Phyllastrephus placidus miinzneri Reichenow, 1916, Orn. Monatsb., 
24, p. 181 — Sanyi, Mahenge. 

Phyllastrephus placidus sokokensis van Someren, 1923, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 44, p. 7 — Bokoke [= Sokoke] Forest. 

Phyllastrephus alfredi itoculo Vincent, 1933, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
53, p. 134 — near Netia, Mozambique Prov., Portuguese East 
Africa, 14° 44’ S., 40° 04’ E. at 600 ft. alt. 

The lowland forests of the coastal belt of East Africa from just 
north of the Tana River to Portuguese East Africa (Netia). 


Phyllastrephus orostruthus amani Sclater and Moreau 
Phyllastrephus orostruthus amani Sclater and Moreau, 1935, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 56, p. 16 — Amani Forest, 3,000 feet. 
Amani forest, eastern Usambara, of northern Tanganyika Terri- 
tory; type unique. 
Phyllastrephus orostruthus orostruthus Vincent 
Phyllastrephus orostruthus Vincent, 1933, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
53, p. 133 — Namuli Mt., Portuguese East Africa, 4,800 feet; 
Bl? DIGS. 197 O47: 
Namuli Mountain, Portuguese East Africa; type unique. 



Phyllastrephus icterinus icterinus (Bonaparte) 

Trichophorus icterinus ““Temm.”, Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. 
Av., 1, p. 262 — Guinea. 
Forests of Upper Guinea, from Sierra Leone to southern Nigeria. 

Phyllastrephus icterinus tricolor (Cassin) 
Tricophorus tricolor Cassin, 1858, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, (1857), p. 33 — Muni River, western Africa. 
Forests of Lower Guinea from Cameroons and Fernando Po, to 
the mouth of the Congo River, the Kasai, and east to the Semliki 
Valley and in western Uganda to Budongo. 


Phyllastrephus xavieri serlei Chapin 
Phyllastrephus xavieri serlei Chapin, 1949, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
69, p. 70 — Kumba, British Cameroons, alt. 1,000 feet. 

British Cameroon, from 600 to 3,000 feet. 

Phyllastrephus xavieri xavieri (Oustalet) 
Xenocichla Xavieri Oustalet, 1892, Naturaliste, ser. 2, 6, p. 218 — 
Bangui [on Ubangi River]. 
Phyllastrephus icterinus sethsmithi Hartert and Neumann, 1910, 
Orn. Monatsb., 18, p. 81 — Budongo Forest, Unyoro [Uganda]. 
French Cameroon and Rio Benito across the forests of the Congo 
south to Sankuru and west to western Uganda (Bugoma and Bu- 
dongo Forests). 


Phyllastrephus madagascariensis madagascariensis (Gmelin) 
Muscicapa madagascariensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 
p. 940 — Madagascar. 
Forests of eastern Madagascar, from Antalaha to Manombo. 

Phyllastrephus madagascariensis inceleber (Bangs and Peters) 
Berneria madagascariensis inceleber Bangs and Peters, 1926, Proc. 
New Engl. Zool. Cl., 9, p. 43 — Bemara Gorges, Upper Siribi- 
hina River, western Madagascar. 
Extreme northern (Vohemar, Mt. d’Ambre) and western Mada- 
gascar south to Tabiky and Lake Iotry. 


Phyllastrephus zosterops fulvescens (Delacour) 

Berniera zosterops fulvescens Delacour, 1931, Oiseau Rev. France. 
Orn., 1, p. 483 — Mt. d’Ambre, north Madagascar. 


Humid forest on summit of Mt. d’Ambre, extreme northern 

Phyllastrephus zosterops andapae (Salomonsen) 

Oxylabes zosterops andapae Salomonsen, 1934, Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., (10) 14, p. 69 — Andapa, north-east Madagascar. 

Northeastern Madagascar (Andapa). 

Phyllastrephus zosterops zosterops (Sharpe) 

Bernieria zosterops Sharpe, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 76 
— Madagascar. [Type from central Madagascar, Sharpe, 1883, 
Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 7, p. 571.] 

Oxylabes zosterops maroantsetrae Salomonsen, 1934, Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist., (10) 14, p. 69 — Maroantsetra, north-east Mada- 

Central and southern forests of eastern Madagascar, from Bay 
of Antongil area to Ivohibe and Manombe. 

Phyllastrephus zosterops ankafanae (Salomonsen) 

Oxylabes zosterops ankafanae Salomonsen, 1934, Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., (10) 14, p.70— Ankafana Forest at Fianarantsoa, 
eastern Madagascar. 

Apparently restricted to humid forests at higher altitudes near 
Fianarantsoa, in southeastern Madagascar. 


Phyllastrephus tenebrosus (Stresemann) 

Bernieria tenebrosa Stresemann, 1925, Orn. Monatsb., 33, p. 150 
—Sianaka Forest, eastern Madagascar. 

Sianaka Forest, central eastern Madagascar. 


Phyllastrephus xanthophrys (Sharpe) 

Oxylabes xanthophrys Sharpe, 1875, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 76 
— Madagascar. 

Central eastern Madagascar (Sianaka to near Fianarantsoa). 


Phyllastrephus cinereiceps (Sharpe) 
Oxylabes cinereiceps Sharpe, 1881, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 197 
— Fianarantsoa, Madagascar. 
Eastern Madagascar (Sianaka to Fanovana and Fianarantsoa). 


Genus BLEDA Bonaparte 

Bleda Bonaparte, 1857 (Feb.), Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris) (2), 9, p. 50. 
Type, by original designation, Dasycephala syndactyla Swainson. 

Xenocichla Hartlaub, 1857, Orn. Westafr., p. 86. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation of Cassin, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philadelphia, (1859), p. 44, X. syndactyla (Swainson) = Dasy- 
cephala syndactyla Swainson. 

Idiocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 153. Type, 
by original designation, Trichophorus notatus Cassin. 

Bleda syndactyla syndactyla (Swainson) 

Dasycephala syndactyla Swainson, 1837, Birds West Africa, 1, 
p- 261 — Sierra Leone. 

Upper Guinea from southern Senegal to Gold Coast (Ghana) and 
Nigeria (Ondo-Benin). 

Bleda syndactyla multicolor (Bocage) 

2Criniger (Xenocichla) multicolor Barboza du Bocage, 1880, Jorn. 
Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisbéda, 8, no. 29, p. 55 — Loango Coast. 

Bleda syndactyla ogowensis Neumann, 1914, Orn. Monatsb., 22, 
p. 9 — Umpokosa, Lake Ogemwe, Ogowe [Gabon]. 

Southern Nigeria (Owerri) to Gaboon, northwestern Angola and 
east to central Congo forests (Lukolela, Tshuapa, and Ubangi). 

Bleda syndactyla woosnami Ogilvie-Grant 

Bleda woosnami Ogilvie-Grant, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 19, p. 87 
— Mpanga Forest, 5,000 feet, Uganda. 

Eastern Congo Forests (Uele, Lualaba, Sankuru, Kasai) to south- 
ern Sudan, Uganda and western Kenya (Nandi), and Northern 
Rhodesia (Mwinilunga Distr.). 

Bleda eximia eximia (Hartlaub) 

Trichophorus eximius Hartlaub, 1855, Journ. f. Orn., 3, p. 356 — 
Dabocrom, Gold Coast. 

Upper Guinea: Sierra Leone to Gold Coast (Ghana). 

Bleda eximia notata (Cassin) 

Trichophorus notatus Cassin, 1857, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 8, (1856), p. 159— Moonda River, western Africa 

Bleda notata pallidior Reichenow, 1916, Orn. Monatsb., 24, p. 180 
— Tschintschonscho [= Chinchoxo], Loango. 


Lower Guinea from southern Nigeria, Fernando Po to Lower 
Congo River. 

Bleda eximia ugandae van Someren 
Bleda exima {sic| ugandae van Someren, 1915, Bull. Brit. Orn CL., 
35, p. 116 — Mabira Forest, Uganda. 
French Congo (Impfondo) and central and eastern Belgian Congo 
(Lukolela to the Manyema and Uele, but not the Kasai), Uganda 
and southern Sudan. 


Bleda canicapilla (Hartlaub) 
Trichophorus canicapillus Hartlaub, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 2, p. 25 
— Sierra Leone, Gambia. 
Upper Guinea, from Sierra Leone to southern Nigeria. 

Genus NICATOR Hartuavus and FInscH 

Nicator Hartlaub and Finsch, 1870, Vog. Ost-Afr., p. 359. Type, 
by original designation, Lanius chloris Valenciennes. 


Nicator chloris (Valenciennes) 

Lanius chloris Valenciennes, 1826, Dict. Sci. Nat., 40, p. 226 — 
Galam [Senegal]. 

Nicator chloris laemocyclus Reichenow, 1909, Journ. f. Orn., 57, 
p- 108 — Beni and Awakubi. 

Nicator chloris katangensis Verheyen, 1951, Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. 
Nat. Belgique, 27, no. 50, p. 1 — Munoi River, tributary of 
the Lufira, right bank, alt. 890 meters, Upemba National Park. 

Senegal to northern Belgian Congo, southern Sudan and Uganda 

(base of Mt. Elgon) south to the mouth of the Congo River, the 
southern Kasai, and the upper Lualaba River. 


Nicator gularis Hartlaub and Finsch 
Nicator gularis Hartlaub and Finsch, 1870, Vég. Ost.-Afr., p. 360 
Shupanga, Zambesi. 
Eastern Africa, from northern Kenya (Gargues Mt. and Juba 
River) south through Tanganyika Territory to eastern Northern 
Rhodesia and northern Natal. 


Nicator vireo Cabanis 
Nicator Vireo Cabanis, 1876, Journ. f. Orn., 24, p. 333, pl. 2, 
fig. 2 — Chinchoxo, Portuguese Congo. 


Nicator vireo tando Serle, 1952, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 72, p. 95 — 
N’Dalla Tando, northern Angola. 

Nicator vireo excelsior Meise, 1958, Abh. Verh. Naturwiss. Vereins 
Hamburg, (n.s.) 2, (1957), p. 79 — Canzele, northern Angola. 

Cameroon to northern Angola, and east across the Congo forests 
(to Ituri) and western Uganda (Bwamba). 

Genus CRINIGER TEemminck 

Criniger Temminck, 1820, Man. d’Orn., éd. 2, pt. 1, p. lx. Type, 
by subsequent designation, Criniger barbatus Temminck. (Idem, 
1821, Pl. col., livr. 15, cover, and 1822, ibid., livr. 15, pl. 88.) 

Alophoixus Oates, 1889, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 1, p. 259. Type, 
by original designation and monotypy, Ixos phaeocephalus 

Alophoiscus Anonymous, 1890, Ibis, p. 254. Lapsus or nomen 
emendatum for Alophoixus Oates. 

cf. Deignan, 1956, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 134, no. 2, p. 1-9. 
White, 1956, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 76, p. 158 (C. calurus and 
C. ndussumensis). 


Criniger barbatus barbatus (Temminck) 

Trichophorus barbatus Temminck, 1821, Pl. col., 3, livr. 15, pl. 88 
— Sierra Leone. 

Upper Guinea, from Sierra Leone to Togoland. 

Criniger barbatus ansorgeanus Hartert 

Criniger barbatus ansorgeanus Hartert, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
19, p. 97 — Degama, southern Nigeria. 

Southern Nigeria, about the Niger River Delta. 

Criniger barbatus chloronotus (Cassin) 
Trichophorus chloronotus Cassin, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, (1859), p. 43 — Camma River, Western Africa [Gabon]. 

Base of Mount Cameroon to the mouth of the Congo River and 
east to the lower Uele and Tshuapa Rivers. 

Criniger barbatus weileri Gyldenstolpe 
Criniger chloronotus weileri Gyldenstolpe, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 43, p. 34 — Campi ya Wambutti [= Kampi-na-Mambuti], 
Ituri Forest, west of Irumu. 
Eastern Belgian Congo Forest (Ituri, Semliki Valley and Kivu 
areas) and perhaps extends to the Manyema. 



Criniger calurus verreauxi Sharpe 

Trichophorus gularis Swainson, 1837, Birds W. Afr., p. 266 — 
West Africa. 

Criniger verreauxi Sharpe, 1871, Cat. Afr. Birds, p. 21 — new 
name for 7’. gularis Swainson, not T'urdus gularis Horsfield, 
1822 [= Criniger bres bres (Lesson) ]. 

Criniger swainsoni Neumann, 1914, Orn. Monatsb., 22, p. 8 — 
Sierra Leone. 

Upper Guinea, from Sierra Leone to Lagos. 

Criniger calurus calurus (Cassin) 

Tricophorus calurus Cassin, 1857, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 8 (1856), p.158— Moonda River, Western Africa 

Southern Nigeria (Benin) and Fernando Po south through Came- 

roon and Gaboon to the mouth of the Congo River (Mayombe). 

Criniger calurus emini Chapin 
Criniger calurus emini Chapin, 1948, Auk, 65, p. 444 — Lukolela, 
Middle Congo River. 
Middle Congo River and probably the lower Ubangi east to Uele 
River, Uganda (to Mt. Elgon) and south to Manyema and the 
Kasai (Luebo). 


Criniger ndussumensis Reichenow 

Criniger verreauxi ndussumensis Reichenow, 1904, Vog. Afr., 3, 
p. 383 — Ndussuma country: Kinjawanga and Bellima. The 
type locality is Kinyawanga near Beni, within 40 miles of 
Lesse (cf. Chapin, 1948, Auk, 65, p. 444). 

Trichophorus swainsoni bannermani Gyldenstolpe, 1923, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, p. 131 — Lesse, Semliki Valley, Kivu Dis- 

Southern Nigeria, Cameroon and Gaboon east through the Congo 

Forest to Semliki Valley (hybridizes extensively with C. calurus 
emint in Semliki Valley area). 


Criniger olivaceus (Swainson) 

Tricophorus olivaceus Swainson, 1837, Birds W. Afr., 1, p. 264 
— West Africa. 

Upper Guinea from Senegal to Gold Coast (Ghana). 


Dwarf Bearded Bulbul 

Criniger finschii Salvadori 

Criniger finschit Salvadori, 1871, Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 6, 
p- 128 — Sarawak. 

Malaya; Sumatra; Borneo. 

Ashy-fronted Bearded Bulbul 

Criniger flaveolus flaveolus (Gould) 

Trichophorus flaveolus Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 4, 
p- 6 — Himalayan Mountains, Nepal, etc.; type locality re- 
stricted to Nepal, by Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
no: Lp. 10. 

Criniger flaveolus viridulus Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
no. 1, p. 10 — Sangau, Lushai Hills, Assam. 

Criniger flaveolus aureolus Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
no. 1, p. 10 — Kohima, Naga Hills, Assam. 

Along the Himalayas from Garhwal eastward to eastern-most 

Assam, and southward and eastward through Assam to Arakan, 
the Chin Hills, central and northeastern Burma. 

Criniger flaveolus burmanicus Oates 

Criniger burmanicus Oates, 1889, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 1, 
p. 256 — “Toungngoo; the Karen hills; Karennee; Tenasserim, 
as far south as Meetan at the base of Muleyit mountain, and 
throughout the Thoungyeen valley”; type locality commonly 
restricted to Toungoo District, Pegu Division, Lower Burma. 

Southeastern Burma (the valley of the Salween from the Northern 
Shan State to its mouth in the Amherst District of Tenasserim) 
and western Thailand (valleys of the Mae Moei and the Mae Klong). 

Olivaceous Bearded Bulbul 
Criniger pallidus griseiceps Hume 

Criniger griseiceps Hume, 1873, Stray Feathers, 1, p. 478 — Pegu 
Division, Lower Burma. 

Southern Burma (Pegu Yoma). 

Criniger pallidus robinsoni Ticehurst 
Criniger tephrogenys robinsoni Ticehurst, 1932, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 53, p. 19 — Ye, Amherst District, Tenasserim. 
Central Tenasserim (Amherst District). 


Criniger pallidus henrici Oustalet 

Criniger Henrici Oustalet, 1896, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris), 
2, p. 185 — between Manhao and Szemao, Yunnan, and at 
Nam Xong, Ban Moi, and Hat Hoa, Tonkin. 

Criniger pallida [sic.| grandis Stuart Baker, 1917, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 38, p. 15 — Yunnan; type specimens from Yuankiang [lat. 
23° 37 N., long. 102° O17 H.]. 
Northern Thailand; Southern Shan State (Kengtung); north- 
western Laos; southern Yunnan (valleys of the Red and Black 
Rivers); Tonkin; northernmost Annam. 

Criniger pallidus pallidus Swinhoe 

Criniger pallidus Swinhoe, 1870, Ibis, p. 252 — Hainan. 
Pinarocichla schmackeri Styan, 1892, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1, p. vi 
— Hainan. 


Criniger pallidus isani Deignan 
Criniger pallidus isani Deignan, 1956, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 134, 
no. 2, p.4 — Ban Muang Khai [lat. 17° 30’ N., long. 101° 20’ E.], 

The northwestern portion of the eastern plateau of Thailand. 

Criniger pallidus annamensis Delacour and Jabouille 
Oriniger tephrogenys annamensis Delacour and Jabouille, 1924, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 45, p. 32 — Lao Bao, Quangtri Province, 

Central Annam, intergrading in northern Annam (Phu Qui) with 
Cr. p. henrici, and in south-central Annam (Dak To, Kontoum) 
with Cr. p. khmerensis; central Laos, from Xieng Khouang south- 
eastward to Lao Bao. 

Criniger pallidus khmerensis Deignan 
Criniger pallidus khmerensis Deignan, 1956, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
134, no.2, p.4— Banteai Srei [lat. 13°16’ N., long. 104° 
07’ E.], Cambodia. 
Southern Laos (Saravane Province), Cambodia, and southern 
Annam (Phanrang and Haut-Donai Provinces). 

Ochraceous Bearded Bulbul 

Criniger ochraceus hallae Deignan 
Criniger ochraceus hallae Deignan, 1956, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 134, 
no. 2, p. 5— Tay Ninh [lat. 11° 18’ N., long. 106° 07’ E.], Cochin 


Southern Annam (Haut-Donai Province) and Cochin China (Bien 
Hoa and Tay Ninh Provinces). 

Criniger ochraceus cambodianus Delacour and Jabouille 
Criniger gutturalis cambodianus Delacour and Jabouille, 1928, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 48, p. 130 — Le Boc Kor [lat. 10° 37’ N., 
long. 104° 03’ E.], Cambodia. 
Southwestern Cambodia (Chaine de l’Eléphant) and southeastern 

Criniger ochraceus ochraceus Moore 

Criniger ochraceus Moore, 1854, in Horsfield and Moore, Cat. 
Birds Mus. Hon. East-India Co., 1, p. 252 — Tenasserim; type 
locality restricted to Mergui Town [lat. 12° 26’ N., long. 98° 
36’ E.], by Deignan, 1956, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 134, no. 2, p. 5. 

Criniger ochraceus crinitus Deignan, 1954, Journ. Washington 
Acad. Sci., 44, p. 125 — Ban Hin Laem [lat. 14° 40’ N., long. 
98° 40’ E.], Thailand. 

Tenasserim from the Amherst District (Ye) southward to the 
Mergui District (Tenasserim Town); southwestern Thailand (valley 
of the Mae Klong and southward in the forest to Prachuap Khiri 
Khan Province). 

Criniger ochraceus sordidus Richmond 

¢Criniger Cabanisi A. Miller, 1882 (ante Oct. 4), Die Ornis der 
Insel Salanga, p. 32 — Phuket [lat. 7° 55’ N., long. 98° 25’ E.], 
Thailand. Not Criniger cabanisi Sharpe, 1882 (ante April). 

’Criniger Cabanisi A. Miller, 1882 (Nov.), Journ. f. Orn., 30, 
p. 384 — Phuket, Thailand. 

Cringer sordidus Richmond, 1900, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 22, 
p. 230 — Khao Soi Dao [lat. 7° 20’ N., long. 99° 50’ E.], Thai- 

*[Criniger| salangae Sharpe, 1901, Hand-list Gen. Species Birds, 
3, p. 316. New name for Criniger cabanisi A. Miiller, preoc- 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (the Mergui Ar- 

chipelago and the adjacent mainland) and the Isthmus of Kra south- 
ward to northwestern Malaya (Perlis and the Langkawi Islands). 

Criniger ochraceus sacculatus Robinson 
Criniger ochraceus sacculatus Robinson, 1915, in Robinson and 
Kloss, Ibis, p. 746 — Ginting Bidei [lat. 3°18’ N., long. 101° 
50’ E.], Selangor, Malaya. 
The highlands of Malaya from northern Perak southward to 
Negri Sembilan and Pahang. 


Criniger ochraceus sumatranus Wardlaw Ramsay 

Criniger sumatranus Wardlaw Ramsay, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., ser. 5, 10, p. 431 — Mount Sago [ca. 70 miles northeast 
of Padang, which lies at lat. 0°58’ S., long. 100° 21’ E.], Sumatra. 

Highlands of western Sumatra. 

Criniger ochraceus fowleri Amadon and Harrisson 
Criniger ochraceus fowleri Amadon and Harrisson, 1957, Sarawak 
Mus. Journ., 7 (1956), p. 516 — Bario, Kelabit Plateau, Sa- 

Highlands of Sarawak. 

Criniger ochraceus ruficrissus Sharpe 
Criniger ruficrissus Sharpe, 1879, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 248 
— Kina Balu [lat. 6° 05’ N., long. 116° 30’ E.], North Borneo. 

Highlands of northeastern Borneo. 

Gray-cheeked Bearded Bulbul 

Criniger bres tephrogenys (Jardine and Selby) 

Trichophorus tephrogenys Jardine and Selby, 1833, Ill. Orn., 3, 
pt. 9, pl. 127 — “... though we are uncertain of its locality, 
we suspect it to be Indian”’; type locality corrected to Malacca, 
by Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 558. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 

and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; the lowlands of 
eastern Sumatra. 

Criniger bres bres (Lesson) 

Turdus gularis Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, 
p. 150 — Java. Not Turdus gularis Latham, 1801. 

Lanius Bres Lesson, 1832, in Bélanger, Voy. Ind.-Orient, Zodl., 
pt. 4, p. 255 — Java; type locality restricted to Bogor [lat. 
6° 36’S., long. 106° 48’ E.], by Deignan, 1956, Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., 134, no. 2, p. 8. New name for Turdus gularis Horsfield, 

Trichophorus xanthizurus Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 
Quarterly Issue, 48, no. 2, p. 152. New name for T'urdus gularis 
Horsfield, preoccupied. 

Oriniger balicus bartelsi Collin and Hartert, 1927, Novit. Zool., 
34, p. 51. New name for Turdus gularis Horsfield, preoc- 

Western and central Java. 


Criniger bres balicus Stresemann 
Criniger gularis balicus Stresemann, 1913, Novit. Zool., 20, p. 358 
— Gitgit, Bali. 
Eastern Java and Bali. 

Criniger bres gutturalis (Bonaparte) 

T{richophorus]. gutturalis “Mill. Mus. Lugd.’’ Bonaparte, 1850, 
Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 262 — Borneo; type specimen from Ban- 
jermasin [lat. 3° 20’S., long. 114° 35’ E.], fide Finsch, 1905, 
Notes Leyden Mus., 26, p. 105. 


Criniger bres frater Sharpe 
Criniger frater Sharpe, 1877, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, ser. 2, 1, 
p- 334 — Puerto Princesa, Palawan. 


Gray-headed Bearded Bulbul 

Criniger phaeocephalus phaeocephalus (Hartlaub) 
Ixos (Trichixos, Less.) phaeocephalus Hartlaub, 1844, Rev. Zool. 
(Paris), 7, p. 401 — Malacca. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; the Riouw and 
Lingga Archipelagos; Sumatra; Bangka; Billiton; the northern 
Natuna Islands. 

Criniger phaeocephalus connectens (Chasen and Kloss) 
Alophoixus phaeocephalus connectens Chasen and Kloss, 1929, 
Journ. f. Orn., Erganzungsb. 2, p. 114 — Bettotan, near San- 
dakan, North Borneo. 

Northeastern Borneo. 

Criniger phaeocephalus sulphuratus (Bonaparte) 
[Trichophorus| sulphuratus “Mill.” Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. 
Av., 1, p. 262 — Borneo; type specimen from Banjermasin 
[lat. 3° 20’ S., long. 114° 35’ E.], fide Finsch, 1905, Notes Leyden 
Mus., 26, p. 107. 
Alophoixus phaeocephalus medius Kloss, 1930, Treubia, 12, p. 412 
— Long Petah [lat. 1° 34’ N., long. 116° 20’ E.], Borneo. 
A population variably intermediate between Cr. ph. connectens 
and Cr. ph. diardi and occupying an ill-defined zone extending from 
eastern Sarawak and western North Borneo to southeastern Borneo. 


Criniger phaeocephalus diardi Finsch 
Criniger Diardi ““Temm.”’ Finsch, 1867, Journ. f. Orn., 15, p. 18 — 
Pontianak [lat. 0° 02’S., long. 109° 22’ E.], Borneo. 
The western half of Borneo. 

Genus SETORNIS LeEsson 

Setornis Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 2, p. 167. Type, by 
monotypy, Setornis criniger Lesson. 

Long-billed Bulbul 

Setornis criniger Lesson 
Setornis criniger Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 2, p. 167 — 
Eastern Sumatra; Bangka; Borneo. 

Genus HYPSIPETES Vicors 

Hypsipetes Vigors, 1831, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 1 
(1830-1831), p. 43. Type, by monotypy, Hypsipetes psaroides 
Vigors. Not preoccupied by Ypsipetes Stephens, 1829. 

Galgulus Kittlitz, 1832, Kupfert. Nat. Vogel, Heft 1, p. 7. Type, 
by original designation, T'urdus amaurotis Temminck. Not Gal- 
gulus Wagler, 1827, Galgulus Schaeffer, 1789, nor Galgulus Bris- 
son, 1760. 

Microscelis G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 28. Type, by 
original designation and monotypy, T'urdus amaurotis Tem- 

Tole Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 386. Type, 
by monotypy, Lole olivacea Blyth. 

Hemixos “‘Hodgson”’ Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, 
p. 572. Type, by original designation, Hemixos flavala Blyth. 

Txocincla Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 575. Type, 
by original designation, Hypsipetes olivaceus Jardine and Selby. 

Orpheus Temminck and Schlegel, 1848, in Siebold, Fauna Japo- 
nica, Aves, pts. 4-8, p. 68. Type, by monotypy, T'urdus amau- 
rotis 'Temminck. 

Anepsia Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 54. No species; 
generic details only. Type, by subsequent designation, T'urdus 
borbonicus Gmelin. (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, 
p. 43.) 

1 Chasen, 1935, Bull. Raffles Mus., no. 11, p. 197, considers Sumatra an 
erroneous type locality and substitutes ‘““Borneo”. The collection of the 
U.S. National Museum includes five specimens from the coast of north- 
eastern Sumatra. 


Tricholestes Salvadori, 1874, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 5, p. 205. 
Type, by original designation and monotypy, T'richophorus mi- 
nutus Hartlaug. 

Myiosobus Reichenow, 1891, Journ. f. Orn., 39, p. 210. Type, by 
original designation and monotypy, Myiosobus fulvicauda Rei- 

Cerasophila Bingham, 1900, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7,5, p. 358. 
Type, by monotypy, Cerasophila thompsoni Bingham. 

Thapsinillas Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., Quarterly 
Issue, 48, no. 2, p. 161. Type, by original designation, Criniger 
affinis Hombron and Jacquinot. 

Acritillas Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Mise. Coll., Quarterly Issue, 
48, no. 2, p. 162. Type, by original designation, Criniger ? icte- 
ricus Strickland. 

Haringtonia Mathews and Iredale, 1917, Austral Av. Rec., 3, 
p. 124. New name for Hypsipetes Vigors, considered preoccu- 
pied by Ypsipetes Stephens, 1829, Lepidoptera. 

cf. Danis, 1940, Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Paris), sér.2, 12, p. 99- 

103 (forms of the superspecies madagascariensis, in part). 
Deignan, 1942, Auk, 59, p. 313-315. 
Mayr, 1942, Journ. f. Orn., 89, p. 377-392 (races of mada- 
gascariensis, in part, sub nom. leucocephalus). 
Delacour, 1943, Zoologica (New York), 28, p. 26—27. 
Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 61, p. 1-9 (races 
of viridescens, propinquus, charlottae, and palawanensis). 

Viridescent Bulbul 

Hypsipetes viridescens cacharensis (Deignan) 

Microscelis viridescens cacharensis Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 61, p. 3 — Chutla Bhil, Cachar, Assam. 

Assam south of the Brahmaputra. 

Hypsipetes viridescens myitkyinensis (Deignan) 

Microscelis viridescens myitkyinensis Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 61, p. 3 — Shingaw-Tanga road, Myitkyina 
District, Kachin State, Upper Burma. 

Northeastern Burma and the Shan States. 

Hypsipetes viridescens viridescens (Blyth) 
I[ole]. virescens Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 573 
— Arakan. Not Jzxos virescens Temminck, 1825. 
Tole viridescens Blyth, 1867, Ibis, p. 7. New name for Jole virescens 
Blyth, preoccupied. 

Lower Burma from Arakan southeastward to central Tenasserim ; 
southwestern Thailand. 


Gray-eyed Bulbul 
Hypsipetes propinquus aquilonis (Deignan) 
Microscelis charlottae aquilonis Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 61, p.4— Bac Kan [lat. 22°08’ N., long. 105° 
50’ E.], Tonkin. 
Eastern Tonkin and northern Annam. 

Hypsipetes propinquus propinquus (Oustalet) 
Criniger propinquus Oustalet, 1903, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
(Paris), sér. 4, 5, p. 76 — Pa Mou, Laichau Province, Tonkin. 
Criniger linnbergi Gyldenstolpe, 1913, K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. 
Handl., 50, no. 8, p. 24, pl. 1, fig. 2— Pang Huai Hom [lat. 
17°50’ N., long. 100° 03’ E.] and Khao Phlung [lat. 17° 50’ N., 
long. 100° 05’ E.], Thailand. 

Western Tonkin; northern Laos; eastern Burma (Kengtung, 
Karenni State, and northern Tenasserim); northern Thailand and 
the northwestern portion of the eastern plateau of Thailand. 

Hypsipetes propinquus simulator (Deignan) 

Microscellis charlottae simulator Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 61, p.5— Ban Hup Bon [lat. 13°05’ N., long. 
101°05’ E.], Thailand. 

Southeastern Thailand; southern Laos; Cambodia; southern 


Hypsipetes propinquus innectens (Deignan) 
Microscelis charlottae innectens Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 61, p. 6 — Trang Bom [lat. 10° 56’ N., long. 107° 
00’ E.], Cochin China. 

Cochin China. 

Hypsipetes propinquus lekhakuni (Deignan) 
Microscelis charlottae lekhakuni Deignan, 1954, Journ. Washing- 
ton Acad. Sci., 44, p. 125— Ban Hin Laem [lat. 14° 40'N., 
long. 98° 40’ E.], Thailand. 

Central Tenasserim (Amherst and Tavoy Districts) and the forest 
of southwestern Thailand from southern Tak Province southward 
to Prachuap Khiri Khan. 

Hypsipetes propinquus cinnamomeoventris (Stuart Baker) 

Tole virescens cinnamomeoventris Stuart Baker, 1917, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 38, p. 16 — Tenasserim Town and Bankasun, Mergui 
District, Tenasserim; type locality restricted to Tenasserim 
Town, by Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 61, p. 6. 


The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra southward to the Siamese province of Trang. 

Dull-brown Bulbul 

Hypsipetes charlottae cryptus (Oberholser) 

I{ole]. olivacea Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 386 — 
Singapore. Not Hypsipetes olivaceus Jardine and Selby, 1837. 

Tole olivacea crypta Oberholser, 1918, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 31, p. 197 — Pulau Jemaja [lat. 2°55’ N., long. 105° 45’ E.], 
Anamba Islands. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 
and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; the Riouw Archipe- 
lago; Sumatra and the West Sumatran Islands (Batu Group); 
Bangka; Billiton; Anamba Islands; the northern Natuna Islands. 

Hypsipetes charlottae charlottae (Finsch) 

Criniger Charlottae Finsch, 1867, Journ. f. Orn., 15, p. 19 — 
Borneo; type locality restricted to Banjermasin [lat. 3° 20’S., 
long. 114° 35’ E.], by Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 61, p. 8. 

Southern and western Borneo. 

Hypsipetes charlottae perplexus (Riley) 

Tole olivaceae perplexa Riley, 1939, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 
29, p. 40 — Labuan Kelambu [lat. 1° 15’ N., long. 118° 39’ E.], 

Northern and eastern Borneo; Banggai Island. 

Golden-eyed Bulbul 

Hypsipetes palawanensis (Tweeddale) 

Criniger palawanensis Tweeddale, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p- 618 — Puerto Princesa, Palawan. 

Tole striaticeps Sharpe, 1888, Ibis, p. 200 — Palawan; type speci- 
men from Taguso, fide Hartert, 1922, Novit. Zool., 29, p. 367. 
Hairy-backed Bulbul 
Hypsipetes criniger criniger (Blyth) 
Brlachypodius| ? criniger “A. Hay“ Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. 
Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 577 — Malacca. 

Trichophorus minutus Hartlaub, 1853, Journ. f. Orn., 1, p. 156 — 


Andropadus xanthogenys ““Temm. in Mus. Lugd.”’ Finsch, 1867, 
Journ. f. Orn., 15, p. 19. In synonymy with T'richophorus mi- 
nutus Hartlaub. 

Myiosobus fulvicauda Reichenow, 1891, Journ. f. Orn., 39, p. 210 
— Madagascar, error; cf. Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 560. 

The Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim (Mergui District) 

and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; Pulau Tioman (off 
Pahang); eastern Sumatra; the northern Natuna Islands. 

Hypsipetes criniger sericeus (Robinson and Kloss) 

C[riniger]. sericea “‘Miller” Blyth, 1865, Ibis, p. 48. In synonymy 
with “Setornis criniger apud nos, Catal.” [Not Setornis criniger 
Lesson, 1839.] 

Tricholestes criniger sericea “‘(S. Mill.) Robinson and Kloss, 
1924, Journ. Fed. Malay States Mus., 11, p. 288 — Western 
Sumatra; specimens from Gunong Ophir, Kurinchi, and Ben- 

Western Sumatra; Mansalar Island. 

Hypsipetes criniger viridis (Bonaparte) 
Trichophoropsis viridis Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 38, p. 59, footnote — Borneo. 

Rufous-breasted Bulbul 

Hypsipetes philippinus philippinus (J. R. Forster) 

[Turdus| philippensis Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 814 — 
Philippine Islands; type locality restricted to Luzon, by Hachi- 
suka, 1935, Birds Philippine Is., pt. 4, p. 384. Not T’urdus phi- 
lippensis Boddaert, 1783, nor Turdus philippensis P. L. 8. Miil- 
ler, 1776. 

[Turdus| philippinus J. R. Forster, 1795, Faunula Indica, ed. 2, 
p. 8 — Philippine Islands, ex Latham, ex Sonnerat; type local- 
ity here restricted to Luzén. Based on Latham, 1783, Gen. 
Synops. Birds, 2, pt. 1, Thrush, no. 37. 

Glalgulus]. philippinensis Kittlitz, 1832, Kupfert. Naturg. Vogel, 
Heft 1, p. 8, pl. 12, fig. 2 — Philippine Islands; type locality 
here restricted to Luzon. 

Hypsipetes philippensis Strickland, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
13, p. 413 — Manila, Luzon. 

Philedon gularis [‘‘Cuvier’’] Pucheran, 1855, Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. 
(Paris), 7, p. 344, pl. 18 — China, error; type locality corrected 
to Luzon, by Hartert, 1916, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 36, p. 59. 

Philippine Islands: Luzon, Samar, Leyte, Cebu, Bohol. 


Hypsipetes philippinus guimarasensis (Steere) 

Tole Guimarasensis Steere, 1890, List Birds. Mamms. Steere 
Exped., p. 19 — Panay, Guimaras, and Negros, Philippine 

Philippine Islands: Ticao, Masbate, Panay, Guimaras, Negros. 

Hypsipetes philippinus saturatior (Hartert) 
Tole philippensis saturatior Hartert, 1916, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 36, 
p- 58 — Davao, Mindanao. 
Philippine Islands: eastern Mindanao. 

Hypsipetes philippinus mindorensis (Steere) 
Iole Mindorensis Steere, 1890 (July 14), List Birds. Mamms. 
Steere Exped., p. 19 — Mindoro, Philippine Islands. 
Jole schmackert Hartert, 1890 (post Sept.), Journ. f. Orn., 38, 
p- 155 — Mount Halcon, Mindoro. 
Philippine Islands: Mindoro and the near-by Semirara Group. 

Hypsipetes philippinus rufigularis Sharpe 
Hypsipetes rufigularis Sharpe, 1877, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 
ser. 2, 1, p. 335 — Malamaui Islet and Isabela, Basilan, Philip- 
pine Islands. 
Philippine Islands: western Mindanao and Basilan. 

Slaty-crowned Bulbul 

Hypsipetes siquijorensis cinereiceps (Bourns and Worcester) 

Tole cinereiceps Bourns and Worcester, 1894, Occ. Papers Minne- 
sota Acad. Nat. Sci., 1, no. 1, p. 25 — Tablas and Romblon, 
Philippine Islands. 

Philippine Islands: Tablas and Romblon. 

Hypsipetes siquijorensis monticola (Bourns and Worcester) 

Lole monticola Bourns and Worcester, 1894, Occ. Papers Minne- 
sota Acad. Nat. Sci., 1, no. 1, p. 25 — Cebu, Philippine Islands. 

Philippine Islands: Cebu. 

Hypsipetes siquijorensis siquijorensis (Steere) 
Tole Siquijorensis Steere, 1890, List Birds Mamms. Steere Exped., 
p- 19 — Siquijor, Philippine Islands. 
Philippine Islands: Siquijor. 


Yellow-washed Bulbul 

Hypsipetes everetti samarensis Rand and Rabor 

Hypsipetes everetti samarensis Rand and Rabor, 1959, Auk, 76, 
p. 102 — San Isidro, Samar, Philippine Islands. 

Phillippine Islands: Samar; Leyte(?); Panaon(?). 

Hypsipetes everetti everetti (‘T'weeddale) 

Criniger Everetti Tweeddale, 1877, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 
4, 20, p. 535 — Surigao, Mindanao, Philippine Islands. 

Philippine Islands: Dindgat; eastern and central Mindanao. 

Hypsipetes everetti haynaldi (Blasius) 

Criniger Haynaldi Blasius, 1890, Journ. f. Orn., 38, p. 143 — Sulu 
Islands; type specimen from Jold, fide Hartert, 1922, Novit. 
Zool, 29, p. 367. 

Philippine Islands: Sulu Archipelago. 

Golden Bulbul 

Hypsipetes affinis platenae (Blasius) 

Criniger Platenae Blasius, 1888, Braunschweig. Anzeig., no. 9, 
p. 86 — near Manganitu, Great Sangi, Sangi Islands. 

Sangi Islands (Sangi). 

Hypsipetes affinis aureus (Walden) 

Criniger aureus Walden, 1872, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, 9, 
p. 400 — Togian Islands. 

Togian Islands (Togian). 

Hypsipetes affinis harterti (Stresemann) 

Criniger affinis harterti Stresemann, 1912, Novit. Zool., 19, p. 342 
— Peleng, Banggai Islands. 

Banggai Islands (Banggai and Peleng). 

Hypsipetes affinis longirostris (Wallace) 

Oriniger longirostris Wallace, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 3 
(1862), p. 339 — Sula Islands. 

Sula Islands. 

Hypsipetes affinis chloris (Finsch) 
Criniger simplex Wallace, 1862, Ibis, p. 8350 — Bachan, Halma- 
hera, and Morotai, North Moluccas. Not Trichophorus [= Cri- 
niger| simplex Hartlaub, 1855. 


Criniger Chloris Finsch, 1867, Journ. f. Orn., 15, p. 36 — Hal- 
mahera, North Moluccas. 

North Moluccas: Morotai, Halmahera, Batjan. 

Hypsipetes affinis lucasi (Hartert) 

Criniger lucasi Hartert, 1903, Novit. Zool., 10, p. 13 — Obi, 
North Moluccas. 

North Moluccas: Obi. 

Hypsipetes affinis mystacalis (Wallace) 

Criniger mystacalis Wallace, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 28 
— Buru, South Moluccas. 

South Moluccas: Buru. 

Hypsipetes affinis affinis (Hombron and Jacquinot) 

Criniger affinis Hombron and Jacquinot, 1841, Ann. Sci. Nat. 
(Paris), sér. 2 (Zool.), 16, p. 313 — Waru, Ceram, South Mo- 

South Moluccas: Ceram. 

Hypsipetes affinis flavicaudus (Bonaparte) 
[Trichophorus| flavicaudus Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, 
p- 262 — Amboina, South Moluccas. 

South Moluccas: Amboina. 

Golden-browed Bulbul 

Hypsipetes indicus ictericus (Strickland) 

Criniger? ictericus Strickland, 1844, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, 
p. 411 — East Indies, error; type locality corrected to Maha- 
baleshwar, Satara North, Bombay, apud Stuart Baker, 1921, 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 27, p. 470. 

Forests of Bombay State from the Poona District southward to 


Hypsipetes indicus indicus (Jerdon) 

T{richophorus]. Indicus Jerdon, 1839, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 10, 
p. 249 — West Coast of the Peninsula of India; type locality 
here restricted to the Nilgiri District, Madras State. 

Tole icterica intensior Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
52, p. 64 — Kunjapani, Nilgiri District, Madras State. 

Forests of southwestern India and of Ceylon (excepting the area 

occupied by H. 2. guglielmi). 


Hypsipetes indicus guglielmi (Ripley) 
Microscelis ictericus guglielmi Ripley, 1946, Spolia Zeylanica, 24, 
p. 230 — Depedene Estate, Rakwana, Sabaragamuwa Province, 

Southwestern Ceylon. 


Hypsipetes mcclellandii mcclellandii Horsfield 
Hypsipetes McClellandii Horsfield, 1840, in McClelland, Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, pt. 7 (1839), p. 159 — Assam. 
Ixos mcclellandii vargus Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
no. 1, p. 10 — Bhimpedi, Nepal. 
Along the Himalayas from western Uttar Pradesh eastward to 
eastern Assam, both north and south of the Brahmaputra. 

Hypsipetes meclellandii ventralis (Stresemann) 

Ixos mcclellandii ventralis Stresemann, 1940, in Stresemann and 
Heinrich, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 24, pp. 153 (in list, sub nom. 
Tole), 183 — Mount Victoria [lat. 21° 15’ N., long. 93° 55’ E.], 
Upper Burma. 

Hill tracts of southwestern Burma (Chin Hills and Arakan Yoma). 

Hypsipetes mcclellandii tickelli Blyth 
Hypsipetes Tickelli Blyth, 1855, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 24, 
p- 275 — mountainous interior of Tenasserim. Green-backed 
Tole holti binghami Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 558, footnote 
—Loi San Pa = Taung Palaung [lat. 21° 46’ N., long. 96° 
55’ E.], Southern Shan State. Brown-backed variety. 
Eastern Burma from the Northern Shan State southward, through 
the Southern Shan and Karenni States, to the Amherst District of 
Tenasserim; northwestern Thailand. 

Hypsipetes meclellandii similis (Rothschild) 

Tole maclellandi [sic] similis Rothschild, 1921, Novit. Zool., 28, 
p. 51 — Shweli-Salween Divide, western Yunnan. 

From northeastern Burma (Kachin State) southeastward, through 
Yunnan, to northern Laos and northwestern Tonkin. 

Hypsipetes meclellandii holtii Swinhoe 
Hypsipetes holtii Swinhoe, 1861, Ibis, p. 266 — Pehling Hills, near 
Foochow, Fukien. 
Hill tracts of Fukien and Kwangtung; birds of Szechwan may 
be provisionally referred to this race. 


Hypsipetes mcclellandii loquax (Deignan) 

Ixos mcclellandii loquax Deignan, 1940, Smiths. Mise. Coll., 99, 
no. 18, p. 2— Doi Phu Kha [lat. 19° 05’ N., long. 101° 05’ E.], 
Thailand. Brown-backed variety. 

The eastern portion of the northern plateau of Thailand, the 
northwestern portion of its eastern plateau, and southern Laos (Bo- 
loven Plateau). 

Hypsipetes mcclellandii griseiventer (Robinson and Kloss) 

Hemixus tickelli griseiventer Robinson and Kloss, 1919, Ibis, p. 568 
— Lang Bian Peaks, southern Annam. 

Southern Annam (Lang Bian Plateau). 

Hypsipetes mcclellandi canescens (Riley) 

Ixos canescens [sic] Riley, 1933, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 46, 
p. 155 — Khao Kuap [lat. 12° 25’ N., long. 102° 50’ E.], Thai- 

Known only from the type locality. 

Hypsipetes mcclellandii peracensis (Hartert and Butler) 

Tole tickelli peracensis Hartert and Butler, 1898, Novit. Zool., 5, 
p. 506 — Gunong Ijau, Perak. 

Hills of peninsular Thailand (Nakhon Si Thammarat Province) 
and of Malaya from Perak southward to Selangor and Pahang. 

Green-backed Bulbul 

Hypsipetes malaccensis Blyth 
H|ypsipetes|. malaccensis Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
14, p. 574 — Malacca. 
T(richophorus]. striolatus “Mill. Mus. Lugd.” Bonaparte, 1850, 
Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 262 — Sumatra. 
Trichophorus striolatus “Miller” Blyth, 1865, Ibis, p. 47 — Su- 

Cochin China; the Malay Peninsula from southern Tenasserim 
(Mergui District) and the Isthmus of Kra to the extreme South; 
Lingga; Sumatra; Bangka; Borneo. 


Hypsipetes virescens sumatranus (Wardlaw Ramsay) 
Hemixus sumatranus Wardlaw Ramsay, 1882, Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., ser.5, 10, p. 431 — Mount Singgalang [lat. 0° 24’S., 
long. 100° 20’ E.], Sumatra. 


Hemixus sumatranus Salvadori, 1887, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 
ser. 2, 5, p. 525 — Mount Singgalang, Sumatra. 

Highlands of western Sumatra. 

Hypsipetes virescens virescens (Temminck) 

Ixos virescens Temminck, 1825, Pl. col., livr. 64, pl. 382, fig. 1 — 

Highlands of Java. 

Brown-eared Bulbul 

Hypsipetes flavala flavala (Blyth) 

H{emixos]. flavala ‘“‘Hodgson”’ Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Ben- 
gal, 14, p. 572 — Nepal, ex Hodgson. 

Hemipus flavula [‘“Hodgs.”’| J. E. Gray, 1846, Cat. Mamm. Birds 
Nepal and Thibet, p. 90 (nomen nudum), 154 — Nepal. 

Along the Himalayas from Garhwal eastward, through Nepal, 
Bhutan, and Assam, to northeastern Burma, and southward through 
Assam to southwestern Burma. 

Hypsipetes flavala canipennis (Seebohm) 

Hemixus canipennis Seebohm, 1890, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 342, pl. 27 — near Foochow, Fukien. 

Hill tracts of Fukien, Kwangtung, Kwangsi, and northeastern 

Hypsipetes flavala castanonotus (Swinhoe) 

Hemixus castanonotus Swinhoe, 1870, Ibis, p. 251, pl. 9, fig. 1— 
Tai-ping-sze and near Lingmun, central Hainan. 


Hypsipetes flavala bourdellei (Delacour) 

Hemixus flavala bourdellei Delacour, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
47, p. 13 — Xieng Khouang [lat. 19° 19’ N., long. 103° 22’ E.], 

Northern Laos and the Dong Phaya Fai and Dong Phaya Yen 
Ranges of eastern Thailand. 

Hypsipetes flavala remotus (Deignan) 
Microscelis flavala remotum Deignan, 1957, Proc. Biol. Soc.Wash- 
ington, 70, p. 44 — Lang Bian Peaks, southern Annam. 
Southern Laos (Boloven Plateau) and southern Annam (Lang 
Bian Plateau). 


Hypsipetes flavala hildebrandi (Hume) 
Hemixus Hildebrandi Hume, 1874, Stray Feathers, 2, p. 508 
— On the banks of the Yunzalin, Salween District, Tenasserim. 
Hemixus brunneiceps ““Walden” Sharpe, 1883, Cat. Birds Brit. 
Mus., 6 (1882), p. 50 — Karen Hills, Upper Burma. 

The Southern Shan and Karenni States, northern Tenasserim 
(Salween District), and northwestern Thailand. 

Hypsipetes flavala davisoni (Hume) 
Hemixus Davisoni Hume, 1877, Stray Feathers, 5, p. 111 — On 
the Taungya road to Myawadi, Amherst District, Tenasserim. 
Central Tenasserim (Amherst District) and southwestern Thai- 
land (valley of the Mae Klong). 
Hypsipetes flavala cinereus (Blyth) 
I[ole]. cinerea “A. Hay” Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 
14, p. 573 — Malacca. 

The Malay Peninsula from the Siamese province of Nakhon Si 
Thammarat southward to Johore; Sumatra. 

Hypsipetes flavala connectens (Sharpe) 

Hemixus connectens Sharpe, 1887, Ibis, p. 446— Kina Balu, 
North Borneo. 

Highlands of northern Borneo. 

Hypsipetes amaurotis hensoni Stejneger 

Hypsipetes amaurotis hensoni Stejneger, 1892, Proc. U. S. Nat. 
Mus., 15, p. 347 — Hakodate, Hokkaido. 

¢Microscelis amaurotis septentrionalis Dementiev and Gizenko, 
1950, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 70, p. 1081 — Mouth of the 
river Suzuya, southern Sakhalin. 

Breeds in southwestern Hokkaido. On migration or in winter 
apparently northward to southern Sakhalin, southward to northern 
Honshu, and southwestward to southern Korea, Quelpart Island, 
and northeastern Chekiang. 

Hypsipetes amaurotis amaurotis (Temminck) 

Turdus amaurotis Temminck, 1830, Pl. col., livr. 84, pl. 497 — 
Microscelis amaurotis kanrasanti Momiyama, 1927, Annot. Orn. 
Orient., 1, p. 118, 126, 130, 140 — Sin-sa-men, Quelpart Island. 
Breeds in the Japanese islands (excepting those occupied by H. a. 
matchiae) from northern Honshu southward to Kyushu, on the islets 
of the Izu chain as far as Mikurajima, and on the islands south 
of Korea (Quelpart and Tsushima). On migration or in winter south- 
ward through the Ryukyus to Ishigaki. 


Hypsipetes amaurotis matchiae (Momiyama) 

Microscelis amaurotis matchie [sic] Momiyama, 1923, Dobuts. 
Zasshi (Tokyo), 35, p. 401 — Hachijo, Izu Islands [in Japanese]. 

Hachijo and islands south of Kyushu (Tanegashima and Yaku- 

Hypsipetes amaurotis squamiceps (Kittlitz) 

Oriolus squamiceps Kittlitz, 1830, Mém. Acad. Sci. St. Péters- 
bourg, 1, livr. 3 (1831), p. 241, pl. 16 — Bonin Islands. 

Bonin Islands: Mukojima, Chichijima, Hahajima. 

Hypsipetes amaurotis magnirostris Hartert 

Hypsipetes amaurotis magnirosiris Hartert, 1905, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 15, p. 46 — “San Dionisio” = Minami-iwo-jima, Volcano 

Volcano Islands (south of the Bonin Islands). 

Hypsipetes amaurotis borodinonis (Kuroda) 

Microscelis amaurotis borodinonis Kuroda, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 43, p. 122 — Minami-Daitojima, Borodino Islands. 

Borodino Islands: Minami-Daitojima. 

Hypsipetes amaurotis ogawae Hartert 

Hypsipetes amaurotis ogawae Hartert, 1907,%,V6g. pal. Faun., 
Heft 4, p. 465 — Amami-Oshima, Northern Ryukyu Islands. 

Northern Ryukyu Islands: Amami-Oshima and Tokunoshima. 

Hypsipetes amaurotis pryeri Stejneger 
Hypsipetes pryeri Stejneger, 1887, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 9, p. 642 
— Naha, Okinawa, Middle Ryukyu Islands. 

Middle Ryukyu Islands: Ihiya, Okinawa, Zamami, Kume. 

?Hypsipetes amaurotis insignis (Kuroda) 

Microscelis amaurotis insignis Kuroda, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 43, p. 105 — Nishisato, Miyakojima, Southern Ryukyu Is- 

Southern Ryukyu Islands: Miyakojima; doubtfully distinct from 

H. a. pryeri. 

Hypsipetes amaurotis stejnegeri Hartert 

Hypsipetes amaurotis stejnegeri Hartert, 1907, Vog. pal. Faun., 
Heft 4, p. 464 — Ishigaki, Southern Ryukyu Islands. 

Southern Ryukyu Islands: Ishigaki, Iriomote and ?Yonakuni. 


Hypsipetes amaurotis nagamichii nom. nov. 

Microscelis amaurotis harterti Kuroda, 1922, Annot. Zool. Japon., 
10, p. 116 — Botel Tobago. Not Criniger affinis harterti Strese- 
mann, 1912. 

Southern Formosa, and Botel Tobago. 

Hypsipetes amaurotis batanensis Mearns 

Hypsipetes batanensis “Mearns” = McGregor, 1907, Philippine 
Journ. Sci., 2, Sect. A, p. 342 — Batan Island, Luzon Strait. 

Hypsipetes batanensis Mearns, 1907, Philippine Journ. Sci., 2, 
Sect. A, p. 357 — Santo Domingo de Basco, Batan Island. 

Philippine Islands: Batan (between Formosa and Luzon). 

Hypsipetes amaurotis fugensis Ogilvie Grant 

Hypsipetes fugensis Ogilvie Grant, 1895, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 5, 
p- i — Fuga Island, Babuyan Islands. 

Philippine Islands: Calaydn and Fuga (north of Luzon). 

Hypsipetes amaurotis camiguinensis McGregor 

Hypsipetes camiguinensis McGregor, 1907, Philippine Journ. Sci., 
2, Sect. A, p. 347 — Camiguin Island, Babuyan Islands. 

Philippine Islands: Camiguin (north of Luzon). 

Thick-billed Bulbul 

Hypsipetes crassirostris Newton 

Hypsipetes crassirostris Newton, 1867, Ibis, p. 344, footnote — 
Mahé, Seychelle Islands. 

Seychelle Islands: Mahé, Praslin, Félicité. 

Olivaceous Bulbul 

Hypsipetes borbonicus borbonicus (J. R. Forster) 

[T'urdus| Borbonicus J. R. Forster, 1781, Zool. Indica, p. 41 — 
Isle of Bourbon = La Réunion, ez Brisson. Based on the Me- 
rula Borbonica of Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 2, p. 293, pl. 24, 
fig. 3. 

[T'urdus] borbonicus Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 821 — 
Isle of Bourbon. 

La Réunion. 

1 Hypsipetes crassirostris, H. borbonicus, H. madagascariensis, and H. nico- 
bariensis together constitute a superspecies. 



Hypsipetes borbonicus olivaceus Jardine and Selby 

Hypsipetes Ganeesa? “Sykes” Jardine and Selby, 1835, Ill. Orn., 
3, pt. 10, pl. 148 — Cape of Good Hope, New Holland, and 
Mauritius; type specimen from Mauritius, fide Blyth, 1845, 
Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 575. Not Hypsipetes ganeesa 
Sykes, 1832. 

H{ypsipetes|. olivacea Jardine and Selby, 1837, Ill. Orn., new ser., 

pt. 1, in text to pl. 2. New name for Hypsipetes ganeesa? ““Sykes” 
Jardine and Selby, 1835, misapplication. 

Black Bulbul 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis madagascariensis (P. L. 8S. 

Turdus Madagascariensis P. L. 8. Miller, 1776, Natursyst., Suppl., 
p. 189 — Madagascar. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis grotei (Friedmann) 

Ixocincla madagascariensis grote: Friedmann, 1929, Proc. Biol. 

Soc. Washington, 42, p. 216 — fle Glorieuse, Gloriosa Islands. 
Gloriosa Islands. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis parvirostris Milne-Edwards and 


Hypsipetes parvirostris Milne-Edwards and Oustalet, 1885, Compt. 
Rend. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 101, p. 222 — Grande-Comore, Co- 
moro Islands. 

Microscelis madagascariensis albiventris Neumann, 1926, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 34, p. 110 — Anjouan, Comoro Islands. 

Comore Archipelago. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis rostratus (Ridgway) 

Ixocincla madagascariensis rostrata Ridgway, 1893, Proc. U. S. 

Nat. Mus., 16, p. 597 — Aldabra Island [lat. 9° 25’S., long. 
46° 20’ E.]. 


Hypsipetes madagascariensis humii (Whistler and Kinnear) 

Microscelis psaroides humii Whistler and Kinnear, 1932, Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 35, no. 4, p. 754 — Ceylon. 


Hypsipetes madagascariensis ganeesa Sykes 
Hypsipetes Ganeesa Sykes, 1832, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 
pt. 2, p. 86 — dense woods of the Ghats = Mahabaleshwar, 
Satara North, Bombay, fide Whistler and Kinnear, 1932, Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 35, no. 4, p. 753. 
H{ypsepetes]. [sic] Neilgherriensis Jerdon, 1839, Madras Journ. 
Lit. Sci., 10, p. 245 — Nilgiri Hills, Madras. 
The hill tracts of southwestern India and northward along the 
Western Ghats to the vicinity of Bombay. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis psaroides Vigors 

Hypsipetes Psaroides Vigors, 1831, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, pt. 1 (1830-1831), p. 43 — Himalayas; type locality re- 
stricted to Simla, Himachal Pradesh, by Stuart Baker, 1921, 
Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 27, p. 467. 

Along the Himalayas from eastern Afghanistan eastward to 
eastern Assam (north and west of the Brahmaputra). 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis nigrescens Stuart Baker 

Hypsipetes psaroides nigrescens Stuart Baker, 1917, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 38, p. 15 — Kalaikhin, near Pondaung Taung [lat. 
23° 31’ N., long. 94° 36’ E.], and Letsegan Rest House [lat. 23° 
38’ N., long. 94° 36’ E.], Upper Burma. 

Eastern Assam (east and south of the Brahmaputra), Manipur, 

and western Burma from the Upper Chindwin southward to the 
Arakan Yoma. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis concolor Blyth 

Hypsipetes concolor Blyth, 1849, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 18, 
p. 816 — Tenasserim; type specimen from Moulmein, Amherst 
District, fide Sclater, 1892, Ibis, p.77, and Finn, 1901, List 
Birds Indian Mus., pt. 1, p. 94. 

Hypsipetes yunanensis Anderson, 1871, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p- 213 — Pang Si, western Yunnan. 

Hypsipetes subniger Hume, 1877, Stray Feathers, 5, p. 109 — 
Tenasserim; type specimens inferentially from the Thaungya 
Sakan and Mitan, Amherst District [vide Hume, 1878, in Hume 
and Davison, ibid., 6, p. 295, 296]. 

Microscelis psaroides impar Riley, 1940, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 53, p.133— Near Dalat [lat. 11° 55’ N., long. 108° 
26’ E.], Annam. 

Eastern Burma from the southern portion of the Kachin State 

southward to central Tenasserim; northern and eastern Thailand; 
southwestern Yunnan; Laos; the southern half of Annam. 


Hypsipetes madagascariensis ambiens (Mayr) 

Microscelis leucocephalus ambiens Mayr, 1942, Journ. f. Orn., (1941), 
89, p. 385 — Laukkaung-Chipwi track, Myitkyina District, Ka- 
chin State, Upper Burma. 

Northeastern Burma and northwestern Yunnan (western slopes 

of the Irrawaddy-Salween watershed). 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis sinensis (La Touche) 

Haringtonia perniger sinensis La Touche, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 42, p. 53 — Hokow, southeastern Yunnan. 
Northwesternmost Yunnan and adjacent Hsikang (Salween-Me- 
kong watershed), on migration or in winter moving southeastward 
as far as eastern Thailand and southern Laos. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis stresemanni (Mayr) 

Microscelis leucocephalus stresemanni Mayr, 1942, Journ. f. Orn., 
(1941), 89, p. 383 — western slopes of the Likiang Mountains, 
northwestern Yunnan. 

Northwestern Yunnan (eastern slopes of the Mekong-Yangtze 
watershed and the Likiang Mountains), on migration or in winter 
moving southward and eastward to northern and eastern Thailand 
and southern Laos. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis leucothorax (Mayr) 
Microscelis leucocephalus leucothorax Mayr, 1942, Journ. f. Orn., 
(1941), 89, p.381 — Chung-chiang-miao, Szechwan, 7. e. Hsikang. 
Eastern Hsikang, Szechwan, and Hupeh, on migration or in win- 
ter moving southward and eastward to northern and eastern Thai- 
land, southern Laos, and Tonkin. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis leucocephalus (Gmelin) 
[Turdus] leucocephalus Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 829 — 
China; type locality restricted to the Canton district, Kwang- 
tung, ex Sonnerat, apud Mayr, 1942, Journ. f. Orn., 89, p. 379. 
Haringtonia leucocephalus montivagus Bangs and Penard, 1923, 
Proc. New England Zodl. Cl., 8, p. 41 — Yenping = Nanping, 

Hill tracts of the maritime provinces of southeastern China from 
southern Anhwei and Chekiang southward and eastward to Kwang- 
tung and Kwangsi. 

Hypsipetes madagascariensis nigerrimus Gould 

Hypsipetes nigerrima Gould, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1862), 
p. 282 — Formosa. 



Hypsipetes madagascariensis perniger Swinhoe 
Hypsipetes perniger Swinhoe, 1870, Ibis, p. 251, pl. 9, fig. 2 — 

Nicobar Bulbul 

Hypsipetes nicobariensis Moore 
Ixocincla virescens Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, 
p. 575 — Nicobar Islands. Not Ixos virescens Temminck, 1825. 
Hypsipetes nicobariensis Moore, 1854, in Horsfield and Moore, 
Cat. Birds Mus. Hon. East-India Co., 1, p. 257. New name for 
Ixocincla virescens Blyth, preoccupied. 

Nicobar Islands. 

Brown-vented Bulbul 

Hypsipetes thompsoni (Bingham) 
Cerasophila Thompsoni Bingham, 1900, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
ser.7, 5, p.358— Loi San Pa = Taung Palaung [lat. 21° 
46’ N., long. 96° 55’ E.], Southern Shan States. 
From the southern portion of the Kachin State of Burma south- 
ward, through the Shan and Karenni States, to northern Tenas- 
serim (Salween District) and northwestern Thailand. 

Genus NEOLESTES CaBanis 

Neolestes Cabanis, 1875, Journ. f. Orn., 23, p. 237. Type, by mono- 
typy, Neolestes torquatus Cabanis. 


Neolestes torquatus Cabanis 
Neolestes torquatus Cabanis, 1875, Journ. f. Orn., 23, p. 237, pl. 1, 
fig. 1 — no locality given. Described from specimen from Chin- 
choxo, Loango Coast (Reichenow, 1903, Vog. Afr., 2, p. 556). 
Gaboon to northern Angola (south to Mombolo and Lake Dilolo 
region) and eastward, south of the Congo forest to Marungu and 
Manyema District of the southern Belgian Congo; then north to 
Lake Kivu. 

Genus TYLAS Harriavus 
Tylas Hartlaub, 1862, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 152. Type, by 
monotypy, 7'ylas eduardi Hartlaub. 

cf. Delacour, 1932, Oiseau Rev. Frang. Orn., 2, p. 69-70. 
Rand, 1936, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 72, p. 457-458. 



Tylas eduardi eduardi Hartlaub 

Tylas eduardi Hartlaub, 1862, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 152, 
pl. 18 —type from Alanamasaotra, eastern Madagascar (see 
Ibis, 1862, p. 273). 

Eastern Madagascar from Andapa to Vondrozo. 

Tylas eduardi albigularis Hartlaub 

Tylas albigularis! “Schleg.”’, Hartlaub, 1877, Vog. Madagascars, 
p. 1438 — Mouroundava [= Morandava, western Madagascar]. 

Central western Madagascar. 



Aegithina Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 44. Type, by monotypy, Fau- 
vette leucoptere = Sylvia leucoptera Vieillot = Motacilla tiphia 

Aethorhynchus Sundevall, 1872, Math. Nat. Av. Disp. Tentamen, 
p- 8. Type, by subsequent designation, Jora lafresnayer Hart- 
laub (Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, p. 13). 

cf. Marien, 1952, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1589, p. 1-17. 

Hall, 1957, Ibis, p. 148-146. 


Aegithina tiphia multicolor (Gmelin) 

Fringilla multicolor Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 11, p. 924 — 

Ceylon and Travancore. Intergrading with hwmei in southern 

Aegithina tiphia deignani Hall 
Aegithina tiphia deignani Hall, 1957, Ibis, p. 148 — Yawdin, 
Pakokku Dist., Central Burma. 
Peninsular India (except Travancore), northern and Central 

Burma, south of 20° N., excluding Arakan, north of Thayetmymo, 
Pakkoku and Myingan. 

1 J. alfredi Sharpe; 1’. fulviventris Sharpe; and 1’. strophiatus Stejn. of 
Sharpe’s ““Hand-List” are synonyms. 


Aegithina tiphia humei Stuart Baker 
Aegithina tiphia humei Stuart Baker, 1922, Fauna Brit. India, 

Birds, ed. 2, 1, p. 342 — Raipur, south central India. 
Central India, south of the Ganges. 

Aegithina tiphia tiphia (Linnaeus) 
Motacilla tiphia Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 186 — 

Northeastern India, from Kumaon east to Bengal, Assam; 

Aegithina tiphia septentrionalis Koelz 
Aegithina tiphia septentrionalis Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc., 
Washington, 52, p. 63 — Bhadwar, Kangra Dist., northern 

Northwestern Frontier Province and the Punjab. 

Aegithina tiphia philipi Oustalet 
Aegithina Philipi Oustalet, 1885, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., 
Paris (2), 8, p. 285 — Hué, Annam. 
Aegithina tiphia styani La Touche, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, 

p- 174 — southern Yunnan (Szemao). 
Southern Yunnan, Tonkin, Laos, northern and central Annam, 

Southern Shan States, northern and central Thailand. 

Aegithina tiphia cambodiana Hall 
Aegithina tiphia cambodiana Hall, 1957, Ibis, p. 150 — Siem-Reap, 

Cambodia, Cochin China, southern Annam, southeastern Thai- 


Aegithina tiphia horizoptera Oberholser 
Aegithina tiphia horizoptera Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 

60, p. 9 — Telok Bluku, Nias Island, western Sumatra. 
Aegithina tiphia singapurensis Chasen and Kloss, 1931, Bull. 

Raffles Mus., 5, p. 85 — Singapore Island. 
Aegithina tiphia micromelaena Oberholser, 1923, Smiths. Misc. 

Coll., 76, p. 7 — Tannong Tedong, Banka Island. 
Lower Burma, southwestern and Peninsular Thailand, Malaya, 
Sumatra and offshore islands, including Nias and Bangka. 

Aegithina tiphia scapularis (Horsfield) 
Jora scapularis Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc., 13, p. 152 — 

Java and Bali. 


Aegithina tiphia viridis (Bonaparte) 
Jora viridis Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 397 — Borneo. 

Aegithina tiphia damicra Oberholser, 1923, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
76, (6), p. 7—Smitau, Kapuas River, southwestern Borneo. 

Aegithina tiphia zaphonota Oberholser, 1923, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
76, (6), p. 8 — Taham, central eastern Borneo. 

Southern Borneo. 

Aegithina tiphia aequanimis Bangs 
Aegithina tiphia aequanimis Bangs, 1922, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
65, (4), p. 81 — Puerto Princessa, Palawan. 

Aegithina tiphia chaseni Stresemann, 1938, Temminckia, 3, p. 126 
— northern Borneo. 

Palawan; northern Borneo and neighboring islands. 


Aegithina nigrolutea (Marshall) 

Tora nigrolutea Marshall, 1876, Stray Feathers, p. 410 — Meerut 
and Saharunpoor. 

Aegithina nigrolutea sulfurea Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. Expl., 
1, p. 9 — Sihor, Saurashtra. 

North central India, from the Northwest Frontier Province and 
Saurashtra to eastern Bengal; accidentally south to Mysore and 

Aegithina viridissima viridissima (Bonaparte) 
Jora viridissima Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 397 — 

Aegithina viridissima nesiotica Oberholser, 1912, Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., 60, (7), p. 10 — Tana Batu Island, Batu Islands. 

Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo and Peninsular Thailand, neighboring 
islands, except Anamba Islands. 
Aegithina viridissima thapsina Oberholser 

Aegithina viridissima thapsina Oberholser, 1917, Smiths. Mise. 
Coll., 60, (7), p. 40 — Siantan Island, Anamba Islands. 

Anamba Islands. 

Aegithina lafresnayei lafresnayei (Hartlaub) 
Tora Lafresnayet Hartlaub, 1844, Rev. Zool., p. 401 — Malacca. 
Peninsular Siam, Malaya. 

1 May be conspecific with Aegithina tiphia. Status and distribution still 


Aegithina lafresnayei innotata (Blyth) 

Iora innotata Blyth, 1847, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 16, (1), 
p. 472 — Arrakan. 

Southern Burma, northern and central Indo-China, Thailand 
south to the Isthmus of Kra. 

Aegithina lafresnayei xanthotis (Sharpe) 

Aethorhynchus xanthotis Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p. 15 — Cambodia. 

Southern Indochina. 


Chloropsis Jardine and Selby, 1827, Ill. Orn., 1, pt. 1, text to 
pl. 5. Type, by original designation, T’urdus cochinchinensis 


Chloropsis flavipennis flavipennis (Tweeddale) 

Phyllornis flavipennis Tweeddale, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 
(1877), p. 761 — Cebu. 

Cebu, Philippine Islands. 

Chloropsis flavipennis mindanensis Salomonsen 

Chloropsis flavipennis mindanensis Salomonsen, 1953, Vidensk. 
Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren., 115, p. 270— Agay, Agusan 
Prov., northeastern Mindanao. 

Mindanao, Philippine Islands. 


Chloropsis palawanensis (Sharpe) 

Phyllornis palawanensis Sharpe, 1877, Trans. Linn. Soc., (2), 1, 
Zool., p. 333 — Puerto Princessa, Palawan. 



Chloropsis sonnerati sonnerati Jardine and Selby 
Chloropsis Sonnerati Jardine and Selby, 1827, Ill. Orn., 1, text 
to pl. 5 (Syn., no. 3) — Java. 

Chloropsis sonnerati zosterops Vigors 

Chloropsis zosterops Vigors and Horsfield, 1830, in S. Raffles Mem. 
Life Sir T. S. Raffles, p. 674 — Sumatra. 


Peninsular Thailand, Malaya, Sumatra, Rhio Archipelago, Billi- 
ton, Natuna Islands, Borneo. 

Chloropsis sonnerati parvirostris Hartert 

Chloropsis zosterops parvirostris Hartert, 1898, Orn. Monatsb., 6, 
p. 93 — Nias Island. 

Nias Island. 

Chloropsis cyanopogon cyanopogon (Temminck) 
Phyllornis cyanopogon Temminck, 1829, Pl. Col., livr. 81, pl. 512 
— Palembang, Sumatra. 

Southernmost Tenasserim, Thailand, Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, 
Banguey Island. 

Chloropsis cyanopogon septentrionalis Robinson and Kloss 

Chloropsis cyanopogan septentrionalis Robinson and Kloss, 1918, 
Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 3, (2), p. 107 — Non Kok, Ghirbe, 

Peninsular Siam. 

Peninsular Thailand, from the Isthmus of Kra to Trang and 


Chloropsis cochinchinensis cochinchinensis (Gmelin) 

Turdus cochinchinensis Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, p. 825 — Co- 

Southern Indo China, southeastern Thailand. 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis kinneari Hall and Deignan 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis kinneari Hall and Deignan, 1956, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 76, p. 96 — Bao-Ha, Tonkin. 

Northern Indo China and northern part of the eastern plateau 
of Thailand. 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis chlorocephala (Walden) 
Phyllornis chlorocephalus Walden, 1871, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
(4), 7, p. 241 — Tounghoo. 
Chloropsis cochinchinensis chloreus Koelz, 1954, Contr. Inst. Reg. 
Expl., p. 10 — Hahim Bazaar, Assam. 

Assam, Burma and western Thailand as far south as the Isthmus 
of Kra. 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis seri-thai Deignan 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis seri-thai Deignan, 1946, Smiths. Mise. 
Coll., 106, (12) p. 1 — Ban-Tha-Lo, southwest of Surat Thani, 
Peninsular Siam. 


Peninsular Thailand, except Pattani Province, north to Isthmus 
of Kra. 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis moluccensis (J. E. Gray) 
Phyllornis moluccensis J. E. Gray, 1832, Zool. Misc., p. 33 — Ma- 
Malaya; Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat Provinces, Peninsular Thai- 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis icterocephala (Lesson) 

Phyllornis icterocephala Lesson, 1840, Rev. Zool., p. 164 — Palem- 
bang, Sumatra. Based on malabaricus Temminck, 1830, Pl. 
Col., pl. 512. 


Chloropsis cochinchinensis natunensis Chasen 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis natunensis Chasen, 1938, Orn. Monatsb., 
46, p. 7 — Bunguran Island, north Natuna Islands. 

Natuna Islands. 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis billitonis Chasen 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis billitonis Chasen, 1937, Treubia, 16, 
(2), p. 225 — Billiton Island. 

Billiton Island. 

Chloropsis cochinchinensis viridinucha (Sharpe) 

Phyllornis viridinucha Sharpe, 1877, Ibis, p. 15 — Bintulu and 
Tagora, Sarawak. 


Chloropsis cochinchinensis nigricollis (Vieillot) 

Philemon nigricollis Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 27, p. 431 — India and Cochinchina = Java. 


Chloropsis cochinchinensis jerdoni (Blyth) 

Phyllornis jerdoni Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, 
p. 392 — central India. 

Peninsular India, south of Barodoi and Midnapore; Ceylon. 


Chloropsis aurifrons aurifrons (Temminck) 
Phyllornis aurifrons Temminck, 1829, Pl. Col., livr. 81, pl. 484 — 
“Sumatra.’’ Restricted to India: Cachar by Baker, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 41, 1920, p. 8. 


Himalayas and northeastern India, west to Garhwal, east to As- 
sam and Burma. 

Chloropsis aurifrons frontalis (Pelzeln) 

Phyllornis frontalis Pelzeln, 1856, Akad.Wiss. Wien, Math.-Nat. 
classe, 20, p. 157, pl. 2, fig. 1 — Goa, India. 

Chloropsis aurifrons davidsoni, Stuart Baker, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 41, p. 8 — New name for T'urdus malabaricus Gmelin. 

Peninsular India, south to the Ah Palghat Gap. 

Chloropsis aurifrons insularis Whistler and Kinnear 

Chloropsis aurifrons insularis Whistler and Kinnear, 1932, Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 35, p. 752 — Cotta, near Colombo, 

Travancore and Ceylon. 

Chloropsis aurifrons pridii Deignan 

Chloropsis aurifrons pridii Deignan, 1946, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
108, (12), p. 2— Doi Angka, north Siam. 

Southern Burma, south to Amherst; Karenni; northern Thailand, 
south to Tak in the West; northern and central Laos. 

Chloropsis aurifrons inornata Kloss 

Chloropsis aurifrons inornata Kloss, 1918, Ibis, p. 198 — Latbua- 
kao and Koh-Lak, Siam. 

Central and southeastern Thailand, Cambodia and Cochinchina. 

Chloropsis aurifrons incompta Deignan 

Chloropsis aurifrons incompta Deignan, 1948, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 61, p. 14— between Dalat and Ban Methuot, 
southern Annam. 

South and central Annam; southern Laos; southwestern Thailand. 

Chloropsis aufrifrons media (Bonaparte) 

Phyllornis media Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 396 — 



Chloropsis hardwickei hardwickei Jardine and Selby 
Chloropsis Hardwickii Jardine and Selby, 1830, Ll. Orn., 2, Add., 
p. 1 — Nepal. 
Himalaya from Simla, east to Burma, northern Thailand and 
northwestern Indo-China. 


Chloropsis hardwickei malayana Robinson and Kloss 

Chloropsis hardwicket malayana Robinson and Kloss, 1923, Journ. 
Fed. Malay St. Mus., 11, p. 55 — Mt. Ijau, Perak. 


Chloropsis hardwickei melliana Stresemann 
Chloropsis hardwickii melliana Stresemann, 1923, Journ. f. Orn., 
p. 363 — Siu-hang, Kwangtung. 
Southern China (Fukien to Yunnan) and northeastern Indo- 
china, south to central Annam. 

Chloropsis hardwickei lazulina (Swinhoe) 
Phyllornis lazulina Swinhoe, 1870, Ibis, p. 255 — Hainan. 


Chloropsis venusta (Bonaparte) 

Phyllornis venusta Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 396 — 


Genus IRENA HorsFieip 

Irena Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc., 13, pl. 1, p. 153. Type, 
by monotypy, Coracias puella Latham. 

Glauconympha Oberholser, 1917, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 
7, p. 539. Type, by original designation, Irena (1. e. Muscicapa) 
cyanea Begbie = Irena malayensis Moore. 

Irenella Riley, 1927, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 40, p. 23. Type, 
by original designation and monotypy, Jrena cyanogastra 


Irena puella puella (Latham) 

Coracias Puella Latham, 1790, Ind. Orn., 1, p. 171 — India = 

Irena puella sikkimensis! Whistler and Kinnear, 1933, Journ. 
Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 36, (3), p. 582 — Sukna, Darjeeling. 

Southwestern and northwestern India, Burma, Thailand, Indo 

1 Southwestern Indian populations (1) are slightly smaller than north- 
eastern Indian (2), while the birds from farther east (3) are intermediate 
(Adult males’ wings: (1) 123-132; (2) 133-141; (3) 124-140); such small 
differences do not warrant subspecific recognition. 


Irena puella malayensis Moore 

Irena malayensis Moore, in Horsfield and Moore, 1859, Cat. Birds 
Mus. East Ind. Co., 1, p. 274 — Malacca. 


Irena puella criniger Sharpe 

Irena criniger Sharpe, 1877, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 3, p. 267 — 

Glauconympha cyanea megacyanea Oberholser, 1917, Journ. Wash- 
ington Acad. Sci., 7, (17), p. 540 — Tuanku Island, Banjak 

Irena puella bondi de Schauensee, 1940, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi- 
ladelphia, 92, p. 34 — Tana Massa, Batu Islands. 

Sumatra, Borneo and neighboring islands. 

Irena puella turcosa Walden 

Irena turcosa Walden, 1870, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4), 5, p. 417 
— Java. 


Irena puella tweeddalei Sharpe 

Irena tweeddalii Sharpe, 1877, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 3, p. 268 — 

Philippine Islands: Palawan, Balabac, Calamianes Islands. 


Irena cyanogaster cyanogaster Vigors 
Irena cyanogastra Vigors, 1831, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 97 — 

Luzon, Polillo. 

Irena cyanogaster ellae Steere 
Irena Ellae Steere, 1890, List Birds and Mam. Steere Exp., p. 18 
— Catbalogan, Samar. 
Samar, Leyte. 

Irena cyanogaster melanochlamys Sharpe 

Irena melanochlamys Sharpe, 1877, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 3, p. 266 
— Basilan. 

Philippine Islands: Basilan. 

Irena cyanogaster hoogstraali Rand 
Trena cyanogaster hoogstraali Rand, 1948, Fieldiana: Zool. (Chi- 
caga), 31, (25), p. 203 — Burungkot, Upi Municipality, Cota- 
bato Prov., Mindanao. 
Philippine Islands: Mindanao. 


Austin L. Rann! 

cf. Hartert, 1910, Vég. pal. Faun., 1, p. 414455. 

—, 1921, op. cit., 3, Heft 17, p. 2130-2132. 

— and Steinbacher, 1934, op. cit., Ergainzungsband, p. 210-221. 

Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 597-639. 

Bannerman, 1939, Birds Trop. W. Afr., 5, p. 352-448 (West 
African forms). 

Chapin, 1954, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 75 B (Birds Belgian 
Congo, pt. 4), p. 12-96. 

Mackworth-Praed and Grant, 1955, Birds E. and N. E. Afr., 2, 
p- 568-641 (E. African forms). 

Vaurie, 1959, Birds Pal. Fauna, Passeriformes, p. 95-115. 



Eurocephalus Smith, 1836, Rep. Exp. Centr. Afr., App., p. 52. 
Type, by monotypy, HL. anguitimens Smith. 

cf. Zedlitz, 1915, Journ. f. Orn., 63, p. 46-50. 
Macdonald, 1940, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 60, p. 71-72. 


Eurocephalus riippelli Bonaparte 

Eurocephalus riippelli Bonaparte, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 
ser. 2, 5, p. 440 — White Nile, Shoa. 

Eurocephalus anguitimens erlangeri Zedlitz, 1913, Orn. Monatsb., 
21, p. 58 — Dire Daua, Abyssinia. 

Eurocephalus anguitimens deckeni Zedlitz, 1913, Orn. Monatsb., 
21, p. 58 — Afgoi, 8. Somaliland. 

Eurocephalus anguitimens fischeri Zedlitz, 1913, Orn. Monatsb., 
21, p. 58 — Udjiri Swamp [= Ndjiri, west of Kilimanjaro]. 

1 Ms. read by: James P. Chapin, Herbert G. Deignan, Herbert Friedmann, 
Erwin Stresemann. 

2 The following genera included in Prionopidae in Sharpe’s ‘‘Hand-List’’ 
have been transferred as follows: 

Grallina to Grallinidae 

Hemipus and Tephrodornis to Campephagidae 

Fraseria, Pitohwi (including Rhectes, Pseudorhectes and Melanorhectes), 
Colluricincla, Myjiolestes (including Pinarolestes, part), and Clytorhyn- 
chus to Muscicapidae 

Platylophus to Corvidae 

Hypocolius to Bombycillidae 

Horizorhinus to Timaliidae or Muscicapidae 

For discussion of included genera see Mayr, 1943, Ibis, p. 216-218. 


Eurocephalus anguitimens bohmi Zedlitz, 1913, Orn. Monatsb., 21, 
. 58 — Unijamanga, Langenburg, northeast of Lake Nyasa 
(Zedlitz, 1915, Journ. f. Orn., 63, p. 49). 

Southern Sudan, Abyssinia and Somaliland south through north- 
ern Uganda and northern and eastern Kenya and central and 
eastern Tanganyika Territory. 


Eurocephalus anguitimens Smith 

Eurocephalus anguitimens Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Afr., 
App., p. 52 — “between Latakoo and the Tropic.” 

Eastern and northern Transvaal and Southern Rhodesia, west 
through Bechuanaland to South West Africa. 

Prionops Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 41. Type, by monotypy, ‘““Le 
Geoffroy” of Levaillant = Lanius plumatus Shaw. 

Sigmodus Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, p. 365. Type, by mono- 
typy, Sigmodus caniceps Bp. 

Knestrometopon Neumann, 1920, Journ. f. Orn., 68, p. 77. Type, 
by original designation, Sigmodus scopifrons Peters. 

Phaidrometopon Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 248. 
Type, by original designation, Sigmodus scopifrons Peters. 

Eressornis Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 248. Type, 
by original designation, Sigmodus retzii (Wahlberg). 

cf. Friedmann, 1937, U. 8. Nat. Mus., Bull. 153, p. 315-322 (north- 
east African forms). 
Vincent, 1952, Check List Birds 8. Afr., p. 90 (South African 


Prionops plumata plumata (Shaw) 
Lanius plumatus Shaw, 1809, Gen. Zool., 7, p. 292 — Senegal. 

Prionops plumatus haussarum Hartert, 1921, Novit. Zool., 28, 
p. 126 — Farniso near Kano. 

Senegal to Nigeria. 

Prionops plumata adamauae Reichenow 

Prionops poliocephalus adamauae Reichenow, 1910, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 18, p. 95 — Faro and upper Benue in Adamaua; “‘type”’ 
labeled ‘“‘Kontscha,” according to Bannerman, swpra, p. 342. 

Plains of Adamawa, northern Cameroon. 


Prionops plumata concinnata Sundevall! 
Prionops concinnatus Sundevall, 1850, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 
7, p. 130 — Rozeres ad Nilum (lat. 12°). 

Prionops concinnata ochracea Lynes, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 41, 
p- 18 — Nahud, western Kordofan. 

Northeastern Cameroon and east through the northern Ubangi- 
Shari and Belgian Congo (Uele) and Kordofan, to the southern half 
of the Sudan, northwestern Abyssinia (west of Lake Tana) and 
northern Uganda, intergrading with the next in western Lake Tana 
area and in extreme southeastern Sudan. 

Prionops plumata cristata Riippell 

Prionops (Lanius) cristatus Riippell, 1836, Neue Wirbelth., Vog., 
p. 30, pl. 12, fig. 2 — coast at Massowa. 

Prionops cristata omoensis Neumann, 1905, Journ. f. Orn., 53, 
p. 216 — Omo River between Malo and Koscha. 

Eritrea and parts of Abyssinia (across central, southwest, and to 
central south in the juniper woods near Yavello) to extreme south- 
eastern Sudan, and the Mt. Elgon area. Intergrades with the next 
race in eastern Abyssinia. 

Prionops plumata melanoptera Sharpe 

Prionops melanoptera Sharpe, 1901, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 11, p. 46 
— Fer Libah [= Fer Liban], Somaliland. 

British Somaliland and eastern Abyssinia (Harar) and adjacent 
Italian Somaliland (Haud area), intergrading gradually southward 
with the next, smaller race. 

Prionops plumata vinaceigularis? Richmond 

Prionops vinaceigularis Richmond, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 162 — plains 
east of Mount Kilimanjaro. 

Extreme south central Abyssinia (thorn scrub in Mega-Yavello 
area), Juba River area, and arid plains of northern and eastern 

Prionops plumata angolica Grote 

Prionops poliocephala angolica Grote, 1939, Orn. Monatsb., 47, 
p. 182 — Malange (Malandje), north Angola. 

Central southern Kenya (Nairobi and Escarpment area to Tsavo), 
southern Uganda (Ankole), northwestern Tanganyika, and from 
Ruanda and Lake Tanganyika across the southern Belgian Congo 
and most of Northern Rhodesia to Angola and South West Africa 

1 P. martensi of Sharpe’s ‘“‘Hand-list’’ is a synonym. 
2 P. intermedia of Sharpe’s ‘“‘Hand-list” is a synonym. 



Prionops plumata poliocephala! (Stanley) 

Lanius poliocephalus Stanley, 1814, in Salt’s Voyage to Abys- 
sinia, London, App., p. 50 — no locality = Mozambique (see 
Neumann, 1905, Journ. f. Orn., 53, p. 217-218). 

Eastern and central Tanganyika Territory south to Portuguese 
East Africa, Zululand and Transvaal, intergrading westward with 
the preceding, larger race. 


Prionops poliolopha Fischer and Reichenow 

Prionops poliolophus Fischer and Reichenow, 1884, Journ. f. Orn., 
32, p. 180 — Lake Naivasha, Kenya. 

Central and southwestern Kenya to central western Tanganyika. 


Prionops caniceps caniceps (Bonaparte) 

Sigmodus caniceps Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, p. 365 —West 
Africa = Boutry [Butré] River, Gold Coast (see Hartlaub, 1857, 
Syst. Orn. Westafr., [Bremen], p. 105]. 

Sierre Leone to Togoland. 

Prionops caniceps harterti (Neumann) 

Sigmodus caniceps harterti Neumann, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
21, p. 70 — Degama, southern Nigeria. 

Southern Nigeria. 

Prionops caniceps rufiventris (Bonaparte) 

Sigmodus rufiventris Bonaparte, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 
p. 441 — Mozambique; error = Gabon (see Hartlaub, 1857, 
Syst. Orn. Westafr., [Bremen], p. 105. 

Cameroon to the lower and middle Congo and the Ubangi River. 

Prionops caniceps mentalis (Sharpe) 

Sigmodus mentalis Sharpe, 1884, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., 
17, p. 425 — Sassa (in Azande country; see Chapin, 1954, Bull. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 75 B, p. 89). 

Eastern and southern Belgian Congo (from the Uele to the central 
Kasai areas), and east to western Uganda (Bugoma). 


Prionops alberti Schouteden 

Prionops alberti Schouteden, 1933, Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr., 24, p. 211 
— summit of Mt. Mikeno, 4,400 m., Kivu District. 

1 P,talacoma of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list” is a synonym. 


Mountains above 4,500 feet in eastern Belgian Congo, from west 
of Lake Edward and the western Kivu Volcanoes southward to west 
of Lake Tanganyika. 


Prionops retzii neumanni (Zedlitz) 

Sigmodus retzii neumanni Zedlitz, 1915, Journ. f. Orn., 63, p. 51 
— Fanole. 

South Italian Somaliland. 

Prionops retzii graculina Cabanis 
Prionops graculinus Cabanis, 1868, Journ. f. Orn., 16, p. 412, pl. 3 
— Mombasa (see Finsch and Hartlaub, 1870, Vog. Ost. Afr., 
p- 368). 
Kenya Colony (inland to Nairobi and Kavirondo) and north- 
eastern Tanganyika Territory. 

Prionops retzii tricolor Gray 

Prionops tricolor G. R. Gray, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 45 — Tete. 

Tanganyika Territory from about the Pangani River south to 
southern Portuguese East Africa, Mashonaland, Nyasaland, and 
most of Northern Rhodesia. 

Prionops retzii intermedia (Neumann) 

Sigmodus retzii intermedius Neumann, 1899, Orn. Monatsb., 7, 
p. 90 — Mwanza, Lake Victoria. 

Area south of Lake Victoria in Tanganyika Territory. 

Prionops retzii nigricans (Neumann) 

Sigmodus retzii nigricans Neumann, 1899, Orn. Monatsb., 7, p. 90 
— Malange, north of Quanza, Angola. 

From the north end of Lake Tanganyika across the southern 
Belgian Congo to northern Northern Rhodesia and Angola, inter- 
grading with tricolor and retziv. 

Prionops retzii retzii Wahlberg 

Prionops retzii Wahlberg, 1856, Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 13, 
p. 174 — ad flumen Doughe, 7.e. Okavango River. 

Northeastern Transvaal, southwestern Southern Rhodesia, north- 
ern Bechuanaland and South West Africa. 


Prionops gabela Rand 

Prionops gabela Rand, 1957, Fieldiana: Zool. (Chicago), 39, p. 43 
— Gabela, 15 km. south, Angola. 

Known only from the type locality. 



Prionops scopifrons keniensis (van Someren) 

Sigmodus scopifrons keniensis van Someren, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 43, p. 80 — Meru, N. E. Mt. Kenia. 

Country north and east of Mt. Kenya to the Karoli Mts. and the 
upper Juba River. 

Prionops scopifrons kirki (Sclater) 

Sigmodus scopifrons kirki Sclater, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 44, 
p. 92 — Lamu. 

Coastal Kenya from Lamu south to northeastern Tanganyika 
Territory, intergrading southward with the next race. 

Prionops scopifrons scopifrons (Peters) 

Sigmodus scopifrons Peters, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 2, p. 422 — 

Southeastern Tanganyika Territory, Portuguese East Africa, and 
extreme eastern Southern Rhodesia (Melsetter). 


Lanioturdus Waterhouse, 1838, in Alexander, Exped. Int. Afr., 
2, App., p. 264. Type, by monotypy, Lanioturdus torquatus 

cf. Roberts, 1948, Birds S. Afr., p. 309. 


Lanioturdus torquatus Waterhouse 

Lanioturdus torquatus Waterhouse, 1838, in Alexander, Exped. 
Int. Afr., App., p. 264 — Bull’s Mouth Pass, Boschman Land 
[inland from Walvis Bay]. 

Damaraland, north to southern Angola. 

Genus NILAUS Swatnson 

Nilaiis Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, (1828), p. 162. Type, by 
original designation, Lanius capensis Shaw, 1811 [= Lanius 
brubru Latham, 1801). 


Nilaus afer afer (Latham) 
Lanius afer Latham, 1801, Ind. Orn., Suppl., p. 19 — Senegal. 

Nilaus afer erythreae Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, p. 361 
— Ailet, Erythrea. 


From Senegal south to Ghana (Accra) and Nigeria (only a winter 
visitor in the north) and east through the Lake Chad area to the 
Sudan (north to Berber) and central Eritrea south to Northern 
Abyssinia (south of Lake Tana), Uganda (north of Lake Victoria) 
and Sudan (Bahr-el-Ghazal at Yambio). 

Nilaus afer camerunensis Neumann 
Nilaus afer camerunensis Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, 
p. 364 — Yaunde, south Cameroon. 
From southern Cameroon (Tibati Plateau, Ngaundere and Yaunde 
through the Ubangi-Shari and the northern Belgian Congo (Upper 
Uele District) to the north end of Lake Albert. 

Nilaus afer hilgerti Neumann 
Nilaus afer hilgerti Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, p. 362 — 
Kassam River, eastern Abyssinia. 
Central Abyssinia from Upper Awash (Hawash) River of Shoa to 
Lake Zwai. 

Nilaus afer minor Sharpe 
Nilaus minor Sharpe, 1895, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 479 — 
Milmil, Sibbe, The Haud, Okoto; type locality restricted to 
Milmil by Neumann, 1907. 
Nilaus afer erlangeri Hilgert, 1907, Orn. Monatsb., 15, p. 63 — 
Mane River, southern Somaliland. 

From southern Eritrea (southern Danakil area) south through 
Somaliland, eastern Abyssinia (Harrar, Bale) and southern Abys- 
sinia (west to Lake Rudolf); extreme southeastern Sudan (Nato- 
poroputh Hills); northern and eastern Kenya (west to Turkwell and 
Lake Baringo, Chandler’s Falls, and east of the highlands south to 
Tsavo-Voi area). 

Nilaus afer massaicus Neumann 
Nilaus afer massaicus Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, p. 363 
— Donje Erok, Kenya. 
Nilaus minor ruwenzorii Bannerman, 1923, Ibis, p. 698 — Mokia, 
3,400 feet., S. E. Ruwenzori. 

Southwestern Kenya (Donje Erok, Ngong Hills to Mara River), 
central and western extreme northern Tanganyika (Kilimanjaro, 
Mawanza), and west to the eastern edge of Ruanda, Ruwenzori, 
Lake Edward, and southwestern Lake Albert. 

Nilaus afer nigritemporalis Reichenow 
Nilaus nigritemporalis Reichenow, 1892, Journ. f. Orn., 40, p. 36, 
218 — East Africa = Ngome in Unyamwezi, Tanganyika Terri- 
tory (Shelley, 1912, Birds Afr., 5, p. 462). 


Nilaus afer brevialatus Grote, 1938, Orn. Monatsb., 46, p. 11 — 
Magogoni on Ruvu [= Pangani River], Tanganyika Terr. 

Nilaus nigrotemporalis occidentalis White, 1946, Ibis, p. 206 — 
Balovale, Northern Rhodesia. 

From central northern Tanganyika Territory (Unyamwezi and 
Ugogo Districts) south through Mozambique except the extreme 
south, and westward to Southern Rhodesia (northern Mashonaland), 
extreme eastern northern Angola (Calunda) and southern Belgian 
Congo (Katanga, Marungu, and the Kasai). 

Nilaus afer brubru (Latham) 

Lanius brubru Latham, 1801, Ind. Orn. Suppl., p. xx — interior 
of Cape of Good Hope [= Orange River ex Levaillant]; restricted 
to Goodhouse, Orange River, by Macdonald, 1957, Contr. Orn. 
Western S. Afr., p. 116. 

Northwestern Cape Province and Orange River north to Trans- 
vaal, southern Mashonaland, northern Bechuanaland, and west to 
South West Africa and southern Angola (Mossamedes; coastal Ben- 
guela), where it intergrades with affinis. 

Nilaus afer solivagus Clancey 
Nilaus afer solivagus Clancey, 1958, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 78, p. 75 
— Lubuli Police Camp, near Nsoko, southeastern Swaziland. 
Locally in thornveld of high interior of Natal, in Zululand, Swazi- 
land and extreme southern Mozambique (no specimens seen). 

Nilaus afer affinis Bocage 
Nilaus affinis Barboza du Bocage, 1878, Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. 
Nat. Lisboa, 6, p. 204, 213 — Caconda, Angola. 
Central highlands of Angola, from Duque de Braganza and the 
Kwango River south to central Benguela. 


Dryoscopus Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 973. Type, by mono- 
typy, Lanius cubla Shaw. 

Chaunonotus Gray, 1837, Mag. Nat. Hist., n.s., 1, p. 487 (sub- 
gen.). Type, by monotypy, Thamnophilus sabini Gray. 

1 Dryoscopus thamnophilus Cab. af Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list’”’ is an artifact; 
see Stresemann, 1924, Orn. Monatsb., 32, p. 47. Dryoscopus atrialatus Cassin, 
is also an artifact; see de Schauensee, 1957, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
109, p. 220. 



Dryoscopus pringlii Jackson 
Dryoscopus pringlit Jackson, 1893, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3, p. 3 — 
Mauungu Wilderness and between Tsavo and Kufumika, East- 
ern Africa. 
Southern Italian Somaliland south through northern Kenya and 
Jubaland to N.Waso Nyiro and Teita Districts and to northeastern 
Tanganyika Territory. 


Dryoscopus gambensis gambensis (Lichtenstein) 

Lanius gambensis Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl., zool. Mus. Ber- 
lin, p. 48 — Senegambia. 

Dryoscopus gambensis sextus Grote, 1921, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 
1, (5), p.39— Bosum, Neukamerun [= French Equatorial 

Senegal to northern and eastern Cameroon, French Congo, and 


Dryoscopus gambensis congicus Sharpe 
Dryoscopus congicus Sharpe, 1901, Ibis, p. 89 — Condé, Portu- 
guese Congo. 
The Lower Congo River area from Boma and Portuguese Congo 
e, Stanley Pool and Kwamouth area; also reported from Kwango 

Dryoscopus gambensis malzacii (Heuglin) 
Malaconotus malzacii Heuglin, 1871, Orn. Nord-Ost Afr., 1, p. 457 
— “Lande der Schir-Neger” on Upper White Nile. 
Dryoscopus malzacii nyansae Neumann, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, 
p. 412 — Kavirondo and Uganda. 

Ubangi-Shari and the Northern Congo (Uele) to Sudan except 
the extreme east, Uganda south to Lake Albert area and north end 
of Lake Victoria, western Kenya (to Laikipia), and northern Kenya 
intergrading with the next race in Marsabit and Moyale. 

Dryoscopus gambensis erythreae Neumann 

Dryoscopus malzacii erythreae Neumann, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, 
p. 412 — Salamona, Eritrea. 

Extreme eastern Sudan (from Sennar to Boma Hills) eastward 
over Abyssinia to Eritrea. 

Dryoscopus gambensis erwini Sassi 

Dryoscopus gambensis erwini Sassi, 1923, Orn. Monatsb., 31, 
p. 109 — forest west of Lake Tanganyika, 2,000 meters. 


Eastern Belgian Congo from Lake Edward area to the highlands 
northwest of Lake Tanganyika, intergrading with malzacii in south- 
ern Uganda (Semliki area and Ankole) and northwestern Tanga- 
nyika Territory. 


Dryoscopus cubla affinis (Gray) 

Hapalophus affinis Gray, 1837, Mag. Nat. Hist. (Paris), n.s., 1, 
p. 489 — Zanzibar. 

Coastal region of East Africa from Juba River to Dar-es-Salaam ; 
also Zanzibar Island and Lamu Island. 

Dryoscopus cubla nairobiensis Rand 

Dryoscopus cubla nairobiensis Rand, 1958, Fieldiana: Zool. (Chi- 
cago), 39, p. 89 — Nairobi, Kenya, 5,400 ft. alt. 

Central Kenya (Mt. Kenya area, Nairobi area and Ukamba) to 
Kilimanjaro and southward in central Tanganyika Territory to 

Dryoscopus cubla hamatus Hartlaub? 

Dryoscopus hamatus Hartlaub, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 106 — Kaseh [= Tabora], Tanganyika Territory. 

The south and east shores of Lake Victoria south to the Zambezi 
in Portuguese East Africa, and west through the southern half of 
Belgian Congo and most of Northern Rhodesia to northern and 
central Angola. 

Dryoscopus cubla chapini Clancey 

Dryoscopus cubla chapini Clancey, 1954, Durban Mus. Novit., 4, 
. 86 — Newington, eastern Transvaal Lowveld (25° 45’ S., 31° 
35’ E.), South Africa. 

Beira south to southern Portuguese East Africa and east to 
Transvaal and eastern Southern Rhodesia. 

Dryoscopus cubla okavangensis Roberts 

Dryoscopus cubla okavangensis Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 31 — Maun, Ngamiland. 

Northern Bechuanaland (and probably adjacent Rhodesia), south- 
ernfAngola and South West Africa. 

Dryoscopus cubla cubla (Shaw) 

Lanius cubla Shaw, 1809, Gen. Zool., 7, pt. 2, p. 328 — Knysna, 
ex Levaillant. 

Natal to Cape Province. 

1 D. occidentalis Neum. of Sharpe’s ‘‘Hand-list” is a synonym. 



Dryoscopus senegalensis (Hartlaub)! 

Sigelus senegalensis Hartlaub, 1857, Syst. Orn. Westafr. [Bremen], 
p. 112 — “Senegal’’; probably = Gabon. 

Dryoscopus senegalensis var. camerunensis Reichenow, 1903, Vog. 
Afr., 2, p. 592 — Bipindi, Cameroon. 

Dryoscopus senegalensis var. grisescens Reichenow, 1903, Vog. 
Afr., 2, p. 592 —Victoria and Jaunde, Cameroon. 

Southern Nigeria (Oyo Province) to the lower Congo River and 
eastward across the Belgian Congo to the upper Uele, the Semliki 
Valley and the Elila River near the north end of Lake Tanganyika, 
and into Uganda in the Bwamba Valley. 


Dryoscopus angolensis boydi Bannerman 

Dryoscopus angolensis cameroonensis Bannerman, 1915, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 35, p. 105 — Cameroon Mountain. 

Dryoscopus angolensis boydi Bannerman, 1938, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 59, p.6 — new name for D. a. cameroonensis Bannerman, 
1915 (not D. senegalensis camerunensis Reichenow, 1903). 

British and French Cameroon and probably French Congo 

Dryoscopus angolensis angolensis Hartlaub 

Dryoscopus angolensis Hartlaub, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p- 111 — Bembe, Loanda Province. 

Lower Congo River and northern Angola south to the Amboim 

Dryoscopus angolensis nandensis Sharpe 
Dryoscopus nandensis Sharpe, 1900, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 11, p. 28 
— Nandi, 6,500 feet, western Kenya Colony. 
Dryoscopus adolfi-friederici Reichenow, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 
p. 160 — “Ronssoro” = Ruwenzori. 

Eastern Belgian Congo (from upper Uele south to Manyema Dis- 
trict); also in southern Sudan (Imatong Mts.), Uganga in the 
Mpanga Forest, and in Kenya in the north Kavirondo-Elgon area. 

Dryoscopus angolensis kungwensis Moreau 

Dryoscopus angolensis kungwensis Moreau, 1941, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 61, p. 45 — Nganja, Kungwe Mt. 
Kungwe-Mahare area on the east side of Lake Tanganyika. 

1 Dryoscopus tricolor Cab. and Reich., 1877, of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list”’ is 
also a synonym. 


Dryoscopus sabini sabini (Gray) 

Thamnophilus sabini Gray, 1831, Zool. Misc., 1, p. 7 — Sierra 
Leone (see Gray, 1837, Mag. Nat. Hist., 1, n.s., p. 487) 
Sierra Leone to southern Nigeria. 

Dryoscopus sabini melanoleucus (J. and E. Verreaux) 
Hapalophus melanoleucus J. and E.Verreaux, 1851, Rev. Mag. 
Zool. (Paris), (2), 3, p. 312 — Gaboon. 

Cameroon and Gaboon to Kwango River on the Angola-Congo 
border and the Kasai and east to the Ituri Forest. 

Genus TCHAGRA! LzEsson 

Tchagra Lesson, 1831, Traite d’Orn., p. 373. Type, by virtual 
tautonomy, “le Tchagra” Levaillant = Thamnophilus tchagra 
Vieillot (see Sclater, in Shelley’s Birds Afr., 5, p. 361, 380). 

Rhodophoneus Heuglin, 1871, Orn. Nord-Ost. Afr., 1, p. 462. Type, 
by monotypy, Lanius cruentus Ehrenberg. 

Antichromus Richmond, 1899, Auk, 16, p. 187, new name for 
Bocagia Shelley, 1894 (not Bocageia Girard, 1893, for a genus 
of mollusks). Type, by subsequent designation (Shelley, 1896, 
Birds Afr., 1, p. 55), Telephonus minutus Hartlaub. 

Tschagroides Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 248. Type, 
by original designation, T'elephonus australis Smith. 

Orthotchagra Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 15, p. 31. “A 
new name for T'elophonus or Telephonus, a printing error for 
Telophorus of earlier date, genotype Lanius senegalus Linn.” 

Tchagra minuta minuta (Hartlaub) 
Telephonus minutus Hartlaub, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p- 292 — Ashantee. 

Sierre Leone south to the Lower Congo and east through the 
northern Congo to southern Sudan (Lake No) and southwestern 
Abyssinia, and south in eastern Africa (except the coastal area) 
through Kenya and Uganda to Morogoro and Kigoma in central 
Tanganyika Territory and Ruanda and Manyema in eastern Belgian 

Tchagra minuta reichenowi (Neumann) 

Telephonus reichenowi Neumann, 1900, Journ. f. Orn., 48, p. 120 
— Pangani, Dar-es-Salam, Kissaki. 

1 Pomatorhynchus of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list’’. 


Coastlands of East Africa, from Lamu in Kenya to northeastern 
Tanganyika, intergrading with anchietae southward. 

Tchagra minuta anchietae (Bocage) 
Telephonus anchietae Barboza du Bocage, 1870, Jorn. Sci. Math. 
Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 2, p. 344 — Pungo Andongo. 
Southern Tanganyika Territory south to Gazaland and west 
through the southern Belgian Congo and northern Northern Rho- 
desia to Angola. 


Tchagra senegala cucullata (Temminck) 

Lanius cucullatus Temminck, 1840, Man. d’Orn., ed. 2, 4, p. 600 
— “Andalusia” [but perhaps Morocco]. 

Telephonus senegalus meinertzhagent Payn, 1945, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 66, p. 15 — Ain Mokra, 40 kilometers west of Bone, north- 
eastern Algeria. 

Coastal region of Morocco from the Sous River north to Tangier, 

then eastward through Algeria to Tunisia in the coastal region, south 
to probably the Tellian Atlas. 

Tchagra senegala remigialis (Hartlaub and Finsch) 
Telephonus remigialis Hartlaub and Finsch, 1870, Vog. Ost. Afr., 
p. 340 — “Abyssinia,” probably Upper Blue Nile, according to 
Sclater, in Shelley, 1912, Birds Afr., 5, p. 370. 
Central Sudan east to the Red Sea Province, and south to about 
latitude 10° N. west of the Nile. 

Tchagra senegala percivali (Ogilvie-Grant) 

Telephonus percivali Ogilvie-Grant, 1900, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 10, 
p. L = 50— Arabia; “‘type’” from Al Milah, north of Aden, 
according to Sclater, 1912, in Shelley, Birds Afr., 5, p. 373. 

Southern Arabia, from Asir Tihama through Yemen to the north 

of the Aden Protectorate, usually between 4,000 and 7,000 feet. 

Tchagra senegala notha (Reichenow) 

Pomatorhynchus nothus Reichenow, 1920, Journ. f. Orn., 68, p. 399 
— Lake Chad district = Lower Shari River, Grote, 1924, Journ. 
fOr. 72, p. 508. 

T'schagra senegala chadensis Bannerman, 1922, Rev. Zool. Afr., 9, 
p. 355 — Yo, Lake Chad. 

T' chagra senegala timbuktana Bates, 1932, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 53, 
p. 74 — Timbuktu, French Sudan. 

The Lake Chad area east to Damergu and in the Timbuktu area. 


Tchagra senegala senegala (Linnaeus) 
Lanius senegalus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 137 — 
Senegal to northern Sierra Leone, Fouta Jallon, and the French 

Sudan as far as the upper Niger River (Ké Massina, Bamoka, and 
Mopti area). 

Tchagra senegala pallida (Neumann) 

Telophonus senegalus pallidus Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, 
p. 375 — Accra, Gold Coast. 

From interior Ivory Coast (Béoumi) and the Upper Volta (Fadan- 
Gurma, Falmé, Yelwa) north to about 12° N. and east through 
the Gold Coast (Ghana) to Nigeria (except the extreme north), to 
northern Cameroon, and the Ubangi River area. 

Tchagra senegala camerunensis (Neumann) 

Telophonus senegalus camerunensis Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 
55, p. 375 —Yaunde, Cameroon. 
Cameroon (Yaunde, Ngaundere, Bafia), and east to the Bahr el 
Ghazal, Uele, extreme southern Sudan (Torit) and northern Uganda, 
intergrading south and east with armena. 

Tchagra senegala habessinica? (Ehrenberg) 

Lanii senegalii var. minor habessinica Ehrenberg, 1833, in Hem- 
prich and Ehrenberg, Symb. Phys., sig. e — Abyssinia coast- 

Telephonus senegalus erlangert Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, 
p. 373 — Abaya Lake. 

Telephonus senegalus miillert Zedlitz, 1910, Journ. f. Orn., 58, 
p. 798 — Middle Mareb River-Tacazze area, Eritrean-Abyssi- 
nian border. 

Tschagra senegala sudanensis Sclater and Mackworth-Praed, 1918, 
Ibis, p. 638 — Mongalla. 

Tschagra senegala warsangliensis Clarke, 1919, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 40, p. 50 — Mush Haled, Warsangli country, eastern So- 

Eastern Sudan (Upper Nile province except for Torit area), Abys- 

sinia, Eritrea and British Somaliland. 

Tchagra senegala armena (Oberholser) 

Pomatorhynchus senegalus armenus Oberholser, 1906, Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 30, p. 809 — Taveta, British East Africa. 

1 Lanius erythropterus Shaw, 1809, is a synonym. 
2 blanfordi Sharpe, 1882, of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list”’ is also a synonym. 


Southern Uganda (where it intergrades with camerunensis), 
western and central Kenya (intergrading with the coastal orientalis) 
southward through Tanganyika Territory to Northern Rhodesia, 
and through the eastern and southern Belgian Congo to the Kasai 

Tchagra senegala orientalis (Cabanis) 

Pomatorhynchus orientalis Cabanis, 1869, in von der Decken’s 
Reisen Ost Afr., 3, p. 27 — Mombasa. 

Telophonus senegalus catholeucus Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 
55, p. 377 — Karo Lola, 8. Somaliland. 

Harpolestes senegalus mozambicus van Someren, 1921, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 41, p. 103 — Lumbo, northern Mozambique. 

Coastal areas of eastern Africa from southern Somaliland and 
Juba River south to lower Zambesi Valley (intergrading inland with 

Tchagra senegala confusa (van Someren) 

Harpolestes senegalus confusus van Someren, 1922, Novit. Zool., 
29, p. 113 — Umfalosi, Zululand; new name for 7’. erythropterus 
Neumann and authors, not Lanius erythropterus Shaw. 

Gazaland and eastern Transvaal to Natal and Eastern Cape Pro- 

Tchagra senegala kalahari (Roberts) 

Orthotchagra senegala kalahari Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 31 — Mabeleapudi, Ngamiland. 

Ngamiland and southern Rhodesia to South West Africa and 
southern Angola, intergrading with rufofusca in central Angola. 

Tchagra senegala rufofusca (Neumann) 

Telophonus senegalus rufofuscus Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 
55, p. 376 — N’gungo in Nord-Bailundu, Angola. 
Central Angola, north to the middle Congo River: Gamboma in 
French Congo, Stanley Pool area, and Cabinda; intergrading with 
armena in the Kasai. 


Tchagra tchagra tchagra (Vieillot) 

Thamnophilus tchagra Vieillot, 1816, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 3, 
p- 317 — “Senegal... to Cafferland’” = Gamtoos River, ex 

Southern Cape Province. 

Tchagra tchagra natalensis (Reichenow) 

Pomatorhynchus tschagra var. natalensis Reichenow, 1903, Vog. 
Afr., 2, p. 544 — Natal = Durban, Umgeni. 


Eastern Cape Province through the littoral of Natal to Swaziland 
and eastern ‘Transvaal. 

Tchagra australis ussheri (Sharpe) 

Laniarius ussheri Sharpe, 1882, in Layard’s Birds So. Afr., p. 397 
—no locality given; “type” from Volta River, Gold Coast, 
Gadow, 1883, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 8, p. 124. 

Sierra Leone to southwestern Nigeria (near Lagos). 

Tchagra australis emini (Reichenow) 

Telephonus australis emini Reichenow, 1893, Orn. Monatsb., 1, 
p. 60 — Bukoba, west of Lake Victoria. 

Pomatorhynchus australis frater Reichenow, 1902, Journ. f. Orn., 
50, p. 258 — Lower Guinea from Cameroon to Loango; “‘type”’ 
from Bangwa, Cameroon according to Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. 
Aethiop., p. 626. 

Pomatorhynchus australis var. kiwuensis Reichenow, 1910, Wiss. 
Ergeb. Deutsche Centr. Afr. Exped., 1907-8, 3, Zool. 1, p. 310 
(in text) — Kissenji, Lake Kivu. 

Calabar Province of southern Nigeria to the lower Congo River 
(Ngombe) and east through the northern Belgian Congo, southern 
Bahr el Ghazal and Uele districts to extreme southern Sudan, 
Uganda (north and west shore of Lake Victoria), extreme north- 
western Tanganyika Territory (west shore Lake Victoria), Ruanda, 
the east side of Lake Kivu, and the Manyema. 

Tchagra australis minor (Reichenow) 
Telephonus minor Reichenow, 1887, Journ. f. Orn., 35, p. 64 — 
Kagehi, Mwanza District, Tanganyika Territory. 
Telophonus australis dohertyi Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, 
p. 370 — Escarpment, Kikuyu. 
From central Kenya (Elgeyo, Laikipia and Mt. Kenya area) and 
western Kilimanjaro area south and west to Tabora and Mwanza 
districts of northwestern Tanganyika Territory. 

Tchagra australis littoralis (van Someren) 
Harpalestes australis littoralis van Someren, 1921, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 41, p. 102 — Changamwe, Kenya. 
Tschagroides congener tongensis Roberts, 1931, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 14, p. 240 — Manaba, north Zululand. 
From coastal Kenya (Sokoke) south to Natal (northeastern Zulu- 
land) and inland to Amani and Kilosa in Tanganyika Terr., the 
lower Zambesi (Tete) and adjacent Southern Rhodesia (Sabi River). 


Tchagra australis congener (Reichenow) 

Pomatorhynchus australis congener Reichenow, 1902, Journ. f. 
Orn., 50, p. 258 — Niassa area; “type” from Neu-Helgoland, 
Songea District, Tanganyika Territory, according to Sclater, 
1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 626. 

Central southern Tanganyika Territory (Iringa, Songea area) to 
Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia (but not the Ndola area, nor 
the extreme south). 

Tchagra australis australis (Smith) 

Melaconotus australis A. Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Afr., 
p. 44 — north of Kurrichaine. 

T schagroides australis rhodesiensis Roberts, 1932, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 15, p. 31 — Kabulabula, Chobe River. 

Transvaal, Southern Rhodesia, and eastern Bechuanaland (Gabe- 
rones in the south to Chobe River in the north). 

Tchagra australis damarensis (Reichenow) 

Pomatorhynchus australis damarensis Reichenow, 1915, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 23, p. 120 —Windhuk, S.W. Africa. 

From central Bechuanaland (Lake Ngami area to Kuke) west to 
South West Africa. 

Tchagra australis ansorgei (Neumann) 
Harpolestes australis ansorgei Neumann, 1909, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
23, p. 53 — Pungo Andongo, northern Angola. 
Western Angola (from Luanda to Mossamedes). 

Tchagra australis souzae (Bocage) 

Telephonus souzae Barboza du Bocage, 1892, Jorn. Sci. Nat. Math. 
Phys. Lisboa (2): 2, p. 263 — Quindumbo [= Chindumbo], 

Central Angola (Bailundo) north, perhaps to the lower Congo, 

and east through the southern Belgian Congo to the upper Katanga, 
and extreme northern Northern Rhodesia (Ndola). 


Tchagra jamesi jamesi (Shelley) 

Telephonus jamesi Shelley, 1885, Ibis, p. 403, pl. 10, fig. 2 — 
Somaliland; ‘‘type” from Goolis Mts., Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. 
Aethiop., p. 630. 

Telophonus jamesi kismayensis Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 
55, p. 369 — Kismayu, Lower Juba River. 



British Somaliland and eastern Abyssinia south to Tsavo-Voi area 
of Kenya (but not the Kenya coastal area about Manda-Lamu 
Island), inland to northern Guaso Nyiro and across Turkwell in 
northern Kenya to northeastern Uganda (Karamoja); extreme 
southeastern Sudan (Natoporoputh Hills) and southern Abyssinia 
(Lake Rudolph-Lake Abaya area). 

Tchagra jamesi mandana (Neumann) 

Telephonus jamesi mandanus Neumann, 1903, Orn. Monatsb., 21, 
p. 183 — Manda Island. 

Manda and Lamu Islands and the immediately adjacent coast of 

Tchagra cruenta cruenta (Ehrenberg) 
Lanius cruentus Ehrenberg, 1828, in Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 
Symb. Phys. sig. ¢ (1833), pl. 3 (1828) — Arkiko near Massawa. 
Rhodophoneus cruentus kordofanicus Sclater and Mackworth- 
Praed, 1918, Ibis, p. 633 — Ogayeh Wells, western Kordofan. 

Extreme southeastern Egypt (Gebel Elba) south to southern 
Eritrea and north-central Abyssinia (Shoa) and west across the 
Sudan to Kordofan. 

Tchagra cruenta hilgerti (Neumann) 
Pelicinius cruentus hilgerti Neumann, 1903, Orn. Monatsb., 11, 
p. 182 — Sheikh Hussein, Somaliland. 

French and British Somaliland and southern Abyssinia (west to 
southern Shoa and Arussi—Gallaland) south through Jubaland and 
northern Kenya (west nearly to Lake Rudolf) intergrading (or 
hybridizing) with the next form in the N.Waso Nyiro and also the 
Tsavo area of eastern Kenya. 

Tchagra cruenta cathemagmena (Reichenow) 

Laniarius cathemagmenus Reichenow, 1887, Journ. f. Orn., 35, 
p. 63 — Loeru. 

Tsavo area of Kenya and the southeastern shores of Lake Vic- 
toria southward to Kilosa area in eastern Tanganyika Territory. 

Laniarius Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p.41. Type, by monotypy, 
‘‘Gonolek”’ Buffon = Lanius barbarus Linnaeus!. 

Diplophoneus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 245. 
Type, by monotypy, Lanius ferrugineus Gmelin. 

cf. Hall, 1954, Ibis, p. 343-355 (L. ferrugineus). 

1 Pelicinius Boie, 1826, type L. barbarus Gm., often misused in the past, 
is a synonym. 



Laniarius ruficeps ruficeps (Shelley) 

Dryoscopus ruficeps Shelley, 1885, Ibis, p. 402, pl. 10 — Somali- 
land; type from Burao, 70 miles south of Berbera (Shelley, 1912, 
Birds Afr., 5, p. 299). 

British Somaliland. 

Laniarius ruficeps rufinuchalis (Sharpe) 

Dryoscopus rufinuchalis Sharpe, 1895, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 479 — Dabulli and Tooloo Duroo [in about lat. 7°-8° N. and 
long. 41° E., Abyssinia]; “‘type’ from “Duru” (Shelley, 1912, 
Birds Afr., 5, p. 300). 

Laniarius ruficeps cooki van Someren, 1919, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
40, p. 23 — Tsavo. 

Southern Abyssinia (from the Haud to near Lake Stefanie) and 

south through Jubaland (except the coastal area) to southeastern 
Kenya (S. Ukambani and Tsavo area). 

Laniarius ruficeps kismayensis (Erlanger) 
Dryoscopus ruficeps kismayensis Erlanger, 1901, Orn. Monatsb., 
9, p. 182 — Kismayu, mouth of Juba River. 

Coastal Jubaland. 


Laniarius liihderi liihderi Reichenow! 
Lamiarius liihderi Reichenow, 1874, Journ. f. Orn., 22, p. 101 — 
Cameroon Delta. 

From Mt. Cameroon area south to the lower Congo and eastward 
across the northern Congo to the Uele district, extreme southern 
Sudan and then south to Mt. Ruwenzori area (where it intergrades 
with the next race) and the eastern and west sides of Lake Tanga- 

Laniarius liihderi castaneiceps Sharpe 

Laniarius castaneiceps Sharpe, 1891, Ibis, p. 445,598 — Mt. Elgon. 
Southern Uganda to Mt. Eigon and Nandi area of Kenya. 

Laniarius liihderi brauni Bannerman 
Laniarius liihderi brauni Bannerman, 1939, Ibis, p. 748, pl. 16 — 
Quicolungo, Angola [about 9° 50’S. lat.; 15° 20’ E. long.]. 
‘ts Camabatela — Quicolungo — Quibaxi area of northwestern An- 

1 L. dubiosus of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list” is a synonym. 



Laniarius liihderi amboimensis Moltoni 
Laniarius liihderi amboimensis Moltoni, 1932, Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. 
Nat. Milano, 71, p. 175 — Amboim. 

The Amboim area of western Angola. 

Laniarius ferrugineus turatii (Verreaux) 

Dryoscopus turatii Verreaux, 1858, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), (3) 1, 
p. 304, pl. 7 — “Senegal” in error = Portuguese Guinea (see 
Bannerman, 1939, Birds Trop. W. Afr., 5, p. 396). 

Portuguese Guinea to Sierra Leone (except the eastern provinces). 

Laniarius ferrugineus major (Hartlaub) 

Telephonus major Hartlaub, 1848, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 11, 
p- 108 — Elmina, Gold Coast. 

Eastern Provinces of Sierra Leone to Nigeria and Cameroon, to 
southern Sudan (except eastern border), northern Belgian Congo 
(Bahr-el-Ghazal, Uele), Uganda, and the Rift Valley, in Kenya 
Colony and south along the eastern border of the Belgian Congo 
and through interior Tanganyika to extreme northern Nyasaland 
(intergrading southward with mossambicus); Northern Rhodesia 
(except the extreme south and southeast) intergrading extensively 
across the southern Belgian Congo with the Angola race guttatus. 

Laniarius ferrugineus aethiopicus (Gmelin) 
Turdus aethiopicus Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, p. 824 — 
Extreme eastern Sudan, Eritrea, Abyssinia and British Somali- 
land, south to Lake Rudolf intergrading in northern Kenya with 

Laniarius ferrugineus ambiguus Madarasz 
Laniarius ambiguus Madarasz, 1904, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 
Budapest, 2, p. 205 — Kiboscho and Moschi [Kilimanjaro]. 
Laniarius ferrugineus chyulu van Someren, 1939, Journ. East Afr. 
Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc., 14, p. 107 — Chyulu Range, 5,000— 
7,200 feet, Kenya. 
Kenya colony from Marsabit, Kikuyu escarpment and east of the 
Rift Valley to Ukamba, Chyulu Hills and to Mt. Kilimanjaro area 
in extreme north central Tanganyika Territory. 

Laniarius ferrugineus erlangeri Reichenow 

Laniarius erlangeri Reichenow, 1905, Vog. Afr., 3, p. 834 — 
Umfudu [Juba River], South Somaliland. 


Laniarius aethiopicus somaliensis Reichenow, 1905, Vog. Afr., 3, 
p. 884 — Ganale [Lower Juba River], South Somaliland. 


Laniarius ferrugineus sublacteus (Cassin)! 

Dryoscopus sublacteus Cassin, 1851, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 5, p. 246 — East Africa? (Grant and M.-Praed re- 
stricted the type locality arbitrarily to Mombasa in 1944, and 
again to Lamu in 1948.) 

Coastal East Africa from Lamu to Dar-es-Salaam; also Zanzibar 

Island; inland to lowlands near Kilimanjaro, and Kilosa. 

Laniarius ferrugineus guttatus (Hartlaub) 

Dryoscopus guttatus Hartlaub, 1865, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p- 86 — Benguella Province, Angola. 
Lower Congo River (Boma to Bolobo) south through Angola, 
intergrading with sticturus in the south, and extensively with major 
in southern Belgian Congo. 

Laniarius ferrugineus bicolor (Verreaux)? 
Dryoscopus bicolor Verreaux, 1857, in Hartlaub, Syst. Orn. West- 
afr., [Bremen], p. 112 — Gaboon. 

Gaboon, intergrading with guttatus about the mouth of the Congo 

Laniarius ferrugineus sticturus Finsch and Hartlaub 
Laniarius sticturus Hartlaub and Finsch, 1879, Vog. Ost Afr., 
p. 342 — Lake Ngami. 
Southern Angola to northern Bechuanaland (Ngamiland, Chobe 
River), and western Northern Rhodesia (Barotseland). 

Laniarius ferrugineus mossambicus (Fischer and Reichenow)? 

Dryoscopus major mossambicus Fischer and Reichenow, 1880, 
Journ. f. Orn., 28, p. 141 — Mozambique. 

Extreme southern Northern Rhodesia (west to Sesheke, north to 
Lusaka), southern Nyasaland (intergrading with major northward), 
extreme northeastern Bechuanaland (Kabulabula), east to southern 
Tanganyika Territory (intergrading with swblacteus in Dar-es-Salaam 
area), Beira and Mashonaland. 

Laniarius ferrugineus limpopoensis Roberts 

Laniarius ferrugineus limpopoensis Roberts, 1922, Ann. Trans- 
vaal Mus., 8, p. 246 — Lilliput, Njellele River, Mapogone, Ma- 

L. nigerrimus Reichenow, 1879, of Sharpe’s ‘““Hand-list”’ is a synonym. 
L. picatus Hartlaub, 1867, of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list”’ is a synonym. 
L. hybridus Neumann, 1899, of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list”” is a synonym. 



lala Drift (Zoutpansberg District) and Manetsi River, S. E. Rho- 
desia, all... in the low country north of Zoutpansberg. Re- 
stricted type locality Lilliput, Sand River, Zoutspansberg Dis- 
trict, see Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 619. 

Northern Transvaal and southeastern Southern Rhodesia in the 
low country of the Limpopo River Valley. 

Laniarius ferrugineus transvaalensis Roberts 

Laniarius ferrugineus transvaalensis Roberts, 1922, Ann. Trans- 
vaal Mus., 8, p.246— Swaziland, Barberton, Lydenburg, 
Zoutpansberg highveld, Waterberg, and Rustenberg Districts. 
Restricted type locality Louwe Creek, near Barberton; see 
Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 619. 

Southern and eastern Transvaal. 

Laniarius ferrugineus tongensis Roberts 

Laniarius ferrugineus tongensis Roberts, 1931, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 14, p. 240 — Monaba, North Zululand. 

Zululand and the southern Portuguese East African littoral 
(north to Coguno). 

Laniarius ferrugineus natalensis Roberts 

Laniarius ferrugineus natalensis Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 8, p. 246 — Weenen and Dargle District in Natal uplands. 
Restricted type locality Weenen, Natal, see Sclater, 1930, Syst. 
Av. Aethiop., p. 619. 

Inland Natal. 

Laniarius ferrugineus pondoensis Roberts 

Laniarius ferrugineus pondoensis Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 8, p. 246 — Port St. John’s, Pondoland. 

Eastern Cape Province to coastal Natal. 

Laniarius ferrugineus ferrugineus (Gmelin)! 

Lanius ferrugineus Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, p. 306 — 
Cape of Good Hope. 

Southern Cape Province. 


Laniarius barbarus helenae Kelsall 

Laniarius helenae Kelsall, 1913, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 31, p. 85 — 
a small mangrove-covered island just off Bonthe, Sherbro 
Island, Sierra Leone. 

Coastal Sierra Leone (a mutant of the next race?). 

1 L. rufiventris Swainson of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list” is a synonym. 


Laniarius barbarus barbarus (Linnaeus) 
Lanius barbarus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., 1, p. 137 — 
Laniarius barbarus bornuensis Grote, 1921, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 
no. 5, p. 40 — Kukaua (= Kuka), Bornu (Chad area). 

Senegal to Nigeria (Lagos, Bornu) and extreme northern Came- 
roon (Marua and Mora). 

Laniarius barbarus erythrogaster (Cretzschmar) 
Lanius erythrogaster Cretzschmar, 1829, in Riippell, Atlas, (1826), 
p. 43, pl. 29 — Kordofan, Sennaar. 

Laniarius erythrogaster chrysostictus Reichenow, 1910, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 18, p.95— Dodo and Tschamba, Adamawa, N. Ca- 

Central northern Cameroon (Upper Benoue, Tibati) and Chari 
River eastward north of the Belgian Congo across the Sudan to 
Eritrea, eastern and southern Abyssinia; then south through western 
Kenya to Kavirondo; Uganda to northwestern Tanganyika Terri- 
tory (Mwanza); and extreme eastern Belgian Congo from west of 
Lake Albert to Urundi; also in the Lualaba River area of south- 
eastern Congo. 


Laniarius mufumbiri Ogilvie-Grant 

Laniarius mufumbiri Ogilvie-Grant, 1911, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 
29, p. 30 — “Mufumbiro Volcanoes”; “‘type”’ from near Vi- 
chumbi, Lake Edward (Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 616). 

Uganda from Elgon, Lake Kioga and northern Lake Victoria to 
Toro, Ankole and Kigezi, and the adjacent shores of Lake Edward 
and Ruanda-Urundi (Bweramura) in Belgian Congo. 


Laniarius atrococcineus (Burchell)! 

Lanius atrococcineus Burchell, 1822, Travels, 1, p. 387 (note) — 
Spuigslang Fontein [near junction of Vaal and Orange Rivers]. 

From Orange and Vaal Rivers of South Africa north to western 
Transvaal, southern Southern Rhodesia, Bechuanaland (Chobe 
River), Northern Rhodesia (Barotseland) and southern Angola 
(Huila area). 


Laniarius atroflavus Shelley 

Laniarius atroflavus Shelley, 1887, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p.124, 
pl. 18 — Cameroon Mountain (7,300 ft). 

1 L. atrocroceus of Sharpe’s ‘“Hand-list” is a synonym. 


Laniarius atroflavus craterum Bates, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
46, p. 88 — Oku, west of Kumbo, Cameroon. 

Eastern Nigeria (Obudu Plateau), Cameroon Mountain and the 
highlands of British Cameroon (Bamenda, Oku, Banso Mts. and 
Manenguba Mountain) and adjacent French Cameroon (Babadjou). 


Laniarius fiilleborni poensis (Alexander) 
Dryoscopus poensis Alexander, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, p. 37 
— Mount St. Ysabel, Fernando Po. 

Fernando Po, Eastern Nigeria (Obudu Plateau), and the moun- 
tains of British Cameroon (Mt. Cameroon, Ekona, Manenguba, Ndu, 
Rumpi Hills and Kupé Mountain). 

Laniarius fiilleborni holomelas (Jackson) 

Dryoscopus holomelas Jackson, 1906, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 16, 
p. 90 — Ruwenzori. 

Mountain forests of eastern Belgian Congo border from west of 
Lake Albert (Kilo) and Ruwenzori south to Urundi and to Mt. Ka- 
bobo north of Albertville; also in Uganda on the slopes of Ruwen- 

Laniarius fiilleborni usambaricus Rand 

Laniarius fulleborni usambaricus Rand, 1957, Fieldiana: Zool. 
(Chicago), 39, p. 49 — Magamba, Usambara, 5,200 ft., Tan- 
ganyika Terr. 

Usambara Mountains. 

Laniarius fiilleborni ulugurensis Rand 

Laniarius fulleborni ulugurensis Rand, 1957, Fieldiana: Zool. (Chi- 
cago), 39, p. 49 — Bunduki, 5,000 ft, Uluguru Mts., Tanga- 
nyika Terr. 

Uluguru Mts., and probably also Nguru. 

Laniarius fiilleborni fiilleborni (Reichenow) 
Dryoscopus fiilleborni Reichenow, 1900, Orn. Monatsb., 8, p. 39 — 
Usafua, north of Lake Nyasa. 
Laniarius murinus Reichenow, 1901, Orn. Monatsb., 9, p. 101 — 
Laniarius nyasae Boulton, 1931, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 21, no. 1, 
p. 55 — 20 miles east of Mzimba, 6,200 ft, Nyasaland. 
Southwestern Tanganyika Territory (mountains of Iringa area; 
the north end of Lake Nyasa); the northern third of Nyasaland 
and adjacent extreme eastern Northern Rhodesia (Lundazi area). 



Laniarius funebris funebris (Hartlaub) 

Dryoscopus funebris Hartlaub, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 105, Meninga [Unyamwesi area of Tanganyika Terr.]. 

Dryoscopus alboplagatus Jackson, 1906, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 
p. 90 — Doinyo Narok. 

Laniarius funebris rothschildi Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, 
p. 595 — Sagan River, southern Abyssinia. 

Laniarius bergeri Reichenow, 1911, Orn. Monatsb., 19, p. 34 — 
Lake Baringo [Kenya]. 

Laniarius funebris atrocoeruleus Hilgert, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, 
p. 606 — Abyssinia to northern Somaliland. 

British Somaliland, northeastern Abyssinia and southern Sudan 
(Torit) south through Uganda, Ruanda in Belgian Congo, interior 
Tanganyika to Lake Rukwa, and Kenya to N.Waso Nyiro area; 
intergrading extensively with the next race. 

Laniarius funebris degener Hilgert 

Laniarius funebris degener Hilgert, 1912, Novit. Zool., 18, p. 606 
— Darassum, Gurra Land. 

Southeastern Abyssinia and southern Somaliland, south along 
coastal Kenya and northeastern Tanganyika Territory inland at 
least to southern Ukamba in Kenya and the plains east of Kili- 
manjaro but intergrading extensively with the nominate race. 


Laniarius leucorhynchus (Hartlaub) 

Telephonus leucorhynchus Hartlaub, 1848, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 
11, p. 108 — Elmina, Gold Coast. 

Sierra Leone to Cameroon and the lower Congo and east to the 
Uele district, extreme southeastern Sudan, the forests of Uganda 
and western Kenya (north Kavirondo), and south to Kivu, San- 
kuru, upper Kasai and Kwango in the Belgian Congo. 

Genus TELOPHORUS Swartnson! 

Telophorus Swainson, 1831, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna 
Bor.-Amer., pt. 2, p. 481. Type, by monotypy, T'elophorus col- 
laris Swainson = T'urdus zeylonus Linnaeus. 

Chlorophoneus Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 70. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation (Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, 
p- 61), Lanius rubiginosus Sund. (= 7. olivaceus). 

1 Includes Pelicinius as used in Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list’’, but properly Pelt- 
cinius Boie, 1826. Type L. barbarus, is a synonym of Laniarius. 


Calophoneus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus.,8, p. 247. Type, 
by original designation, Lanius [= Laniarius| quadricolor 

Dryophoneus Bannerman, 1938, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 59, p. 6. 
Type, by original designation, Laniarius bocagei Reich. 

cf. Chapin, 1947, Auk, 64, p. 53-64 (color variation). 

Moreau and Southern, 1958, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 130, 
p. 301-328 (polymorphism). 


Telophorus bocagei bocagei (Reichenow) 
Laniarius bocagei Reichenow, 1894, Orn. Monatsb., 2, p. 125 — 
Jaunde, Cameroon. 
Dryoscopus bocagei ansorgei Sclater, 1911, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 29, 
p- 37 — N’Dalla Tando, Angola. 

Central Cameroon to northern Angola. 

Telophorus bocagei jacksoni (Sharpe)! 

Dryoscopus jacksoni Sharpe, 1901, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 11, p. 57 — 
Mt. Elgon = Nandi (Jackson and Sclater, 1938, Birds Kenya, 
etc., 3, p. 1223). 

Central Belgian Congo (Uele to Kasai) east to Uganda and Western 

Kenya (Nandi). 


Telophorus sulfureopectus sulfureopectus (Lesson)? 

Lanius (Tchagra) sulfureopectus Lesson, 1831, Traité d’Orn., p.373 
—no locality given; designated type locality Senegal, Neu- 
mann, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, p. 395. 

From Senegal to Gaboon and east through the northern Belgian 

Congo (Uele, and Lake Albert and Lake Edward area, intergrading 
eastward with the next form). 

Telophorus sulfureopectus similis? (Smith) 

Melaconotus [sic] similis A. Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Afr., 
p. 44 — north of Kurrichane, 7.e. Rustenburg District, Trans- 
vaal (Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 632). 

Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus fricki Friedmann, 1930, Occ. Papers 
Boston Soe. Nat. Hist., 5, p. 252 — Sadi Malka, Ethiopia. 

1 Chlorophoneus andaryae Jackson, 1919, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 39, p. 94— 
Kisubi, Entebbe, Uganda, 4,000 ft., is based either on an aberrant immature 
bocaget or a hybrid bocagei x sulfureopectus (see Chapin, 1947, Auk, p. 10). 

2 C. chrysogaster (Swainson) of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list” is a synonym. 

3 modestus Bocage of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list” is a synonym. 


Southern Sudan, southern Abyssinia (Shoa and Arussi-Gallaland) 
and southern Italian Somaliland south through Kenya, Uganda 
and parts of western Belgian Congo (Lake Kivu, eastern Ruanda 
and Ruzizi Valley areas) to eastern Cape Province west through 
southern Belgian Congo, Northern Rhodesia, and Bechuanaland 
to Angola. 


Telophorus olivaceus makawa (Benson) 

Chlorophoneus rubiginosus makawa Benson, 1945, Ostrich, 16, 
p-. 134 — Chirobwe Mt., Ncheu Distr., Nyasaland, 6,000 ft 
above sea level. 

Central and southern Nyasaland west of the Shire Valley and 

eastern Southern Rhodesia, south to Gazaland, and Mashonaland. 

Telophorus olivaceus bertrandi (Shelley) 
Laniarius bertrandi Shelley, 1894, Ibis, p. 15, pl. 2, fig. 2 — Mi- 
lanja Hills, Nyasaland. 
Southern Nyasaland, east of the Shire Valley. 

Telophorus olivaceus olivaceus (Shaw)! 

Lanius olivaceus Shaw, 1809, Gen. Zool., 7, pt. 2, p. 330 — Algoa 
Bay, South Africa; ex Levaillant, Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. 
Aethiop., p. 634. 

Chlorophoneus olivaceus taylori Roberts, 1914, Ann. Transvaal 
Mus., 4, p. 178 — Indhlovudwalile, Amsterdam district, eastern 

Eastern Transvaal, and southern Portuguese East Africa, south 

to eastern Cape Province. 


Telophorus nigrifrons nigrifrons (Reichenow) 

Laniarius nigrifrons Reichenow, 1896, Orn. Monatsb., 4, p. 95 — 
Marangu, Kilimanjaro. 

Chlorophoneus miinzneri Reichenow, 1915, Orn. Monatsb., 23, 
p- 91—Sanyi, Mahenge, Tanganyika Terr. (buff-breasted 

Chlorophoneus elgeyuensis van Someren, 1919, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
40, p. 23 — Marekwet, Elgeyu, 8,000-10,000 feet (red-breasted 

Chlorophoneus nigrescens Sclater, 1931, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 51, 
p. 110 — near Amani, Usambara District, Tanganyika Terri- 
tory (black-breasted phase). 

1 rubiginosus Sundevall, 1850 and maraisi Sclater, 1901, of Sharpe’s 
‘““Hand-list”’ are also synonyms. 


Central Kenya (Marakwet and Mt. Kenya), Tanganyika Territory 
and northern Nyasaland (Nyika Plateau). 

Telophorus nigrifrons manningi (Shelley) 

Malaconotus manningi Shelley, 1899, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 8, p. 35 
— Nyasaland; type from Nyasa-Tanganyika plateau, Shelley, 
1912, Birds Afr., 5, p. 425. 

Southeastern Belgian Congo (Katanga-Upemba), northern North- 

ern Rhodesia, and east to the Tanganyika border area. 

Telophorus nigrifrons sandgroundi (Bangs) 
Chlorophoneus abbotti sandgroundi Bangs, 1931, Proc. New Engl. 
Zool. Cl., 12, p. 70 — Mt. Silinda, Southern Rhodesia. 
Portuguese East Africa, southern Nyasaland (east of the Rift 
Valley), eastern Southern Rhodesia and northeastern Transvaal. 


Telophorus multicolor multicolor (Gray)! 
Laniarius multicolor Gray, 1845, Gen. Birds, 1, (1849), p. 229, 
pl. 72 — no locality; type locality restricted to Accra, Banner- 
mann, 1939, Birds Trop. W. Afr., 5, p. 428. 

Sierra Leone to Mt. Cameroon area (Victoria). 

Telophorus multicolor batesi (Sharpe) 

Chlorophoneus batesi Sharpe, 1908, Ibis, p. 330 — River Ja, Ca- 

Chlorophoneus melamprosopus ituriensis Schouteden, 1914, Rev. 
Zool. Bot. Afr., 3, p. 267 — Kilo, Ituri, Belgian Congo (golden- 
breasted phase). 

Chlorophoneus multicolor théliei Schouteden, 1914, Rev. Zool. Bot. 
Afr., 3, p. 268 — Kilo, Ituri, Belgian Congo (red-breasted 

Southern Cameroon and Gaboon; the northern Belgian Congo 

(Ituri) and western Uganda (Toro); also northern Angola (Ndala 
Tando area). 

Telophorus multicolor graueri (Hartert) 

Laniarius grauert Hartert, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 23, p. 9 — 
“Forest west of Lake Albert Edward.” 

1 The following old names are also synonyms: 

nigrithorax Sharpe, 1871 (Accra; black-breasted phase) 

melanothorax Sharpe, 1881 (emendation of above) 

melamprosopus Reichenow, 1878 (Liberia; orange-breasted phase) 
zosterops Biittikofer, 1889 (Liberia; immature orange-breasted phase) 
preussi Neumann, 1899 (Victoria, Cameroon; red-breasted) 

liberianus Neumann, 1899 (Liberia; red breasted phase)- 

reichenowi Neumann, 1899 (Victoria, Cameroon; orange-breasted phase). 


Laniarius rubiginosus rudolfi Hartert, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
23, p. 10 — “Forest 90 km. west of Lake Albert Edward.” 
(Buff-breasted phase). 

Chlorophoneus nigrifrons conceptus Hartert, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 43, p. 79 — ‘‘Forest; about 2,000 m. high; west of Lake 
Tanganyika.” (Golden-breasted phase.) 

Highlands along the west side of the Albertine Rift from west of 
Lake Edward south to the highlands northwest of Lake Tanganyika, 
mainly at elevations of 5,000 to 7,000 feet. 


Telophorus kupeensis (Serle) 

Chlorophoneus kupeensis Serle, 1951, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 71, p. 41 
— Kupé Mountain, lat. 4°45’ N., long. 9°40’ E., Kumba 
Division, British Cameroons. 

Kupe Mountain, British Cameroon. 


Telophorus zeylonus zeylonus (Linnaeus)! 
Turdus zeylonus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 297 — 
Ceylon and Cape of Good Hope [= Cape of Good Hope]. 
Cape Province to Transvaal and Gazaland. 

Telophorus zeylonus phanus (Hartert) 
Pelicinius zeylonus phanus Hartert, 1920, Novit. Zool., 27, p. 451 
— Farta Bay, 5 hours south of Benguella Town, Angola. 
Great Namaqualand, Damaraland, and Ovamboland north to 
southern Angola. 

Telophorus viridis (Vieillot)? 

Laniarius viridis Vieillot, 1817, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 13, p. 300 — Malimbe, Congo area (7. e. Loango Coast, Por- 
tuguese Congo). 

Telophorus viridis vieirae White, 1946, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 67, 
p- 23— Kamano River, Cavungu, Alto Zambesi Division, 
Eastern Angola. 

Portuguese Congo to central Angola and east across northwestern 

Northern Rhodesia and the southern Belgian Congo to Lualaba and 
Kivu Districts. 

1 Pelicinius gutturalis Miller of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list” is a synonym. 
2 Ixzonotus landanae Oustalet, 1884, of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list”’ is a synonym. 



Telophorus quadricolor nigricauda (Clarke) 

Laniarius quadricolor nigricauda Clarke, 1913, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
31, p. 32 — Takaungu, British East Africa. 

Chlorophoneus quadricolor intercedens Reichenow, 1915, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 23, p. 120 — Useguha, German East Africa. 

Coastal East Africa from Tana River and Mombasa area south 
to Rovuma River; and inland to Taita and Uluguru Mts. 

Telophorus quadricolor quadricolor (Cassin) 

Laniarius quadricolor Cassin, 1851, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 5 (1852), p. 245 — Port Natal (7. e. Durban) 

Southern Nyasaland and Portuguese East Africa south to eastern 
Transvaal and Natal. 


Telophorus dohertyi (Rothschild) 

Laniarius dohertyi Rothschild, 1901, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl.,11, p. 52 
— Nandi Escarpment (error) = Kikuyu, mountains above 
Escarpment station [7.e. Kikuyu Escarpment], Kenya (Har- 
tert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 623). 

Highlands above 5,000 feet in western Kenya (Nyeri, Aberdare 

Mts., Mau Plateau and Elgon); western Uganda and eastern Bel- 
gian Congo (from Butembo in the Kivu south to Mt. Kabobo). 

Genus MALACONOTUS Swatnson 
Malaconotus Swainson, 1824, Zool. Journ., 1 (1825), p. 40. Type, 
by original designation, 7.[... ?] olivaceus “‘Vieillot’”” Swainson 
= La Pie-Grieche blanchot, Le Vaill. (see Swainson, 1827, Zool. 
Journ., 3, (1828), p. 163) = Malaconotus blanchoti Stephens. 

cf. Grote, 1936, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 2, p. 373-374. 
Clancey, 1957, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 77, p. 99-102 (M. blanchott). 


Malaconotus cruentus cruentus (Lesson)! 
Vanga cruenta Lesson, 1830, Cent. Zool., p. 198, pl. 65 — Cape of 
Good Hope, or rather Cape Coast, West Africa = Cape Coast, 
on Gold Coast, Neumann, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, p. 389. 
Malaconotus melinoides Reichenow, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55 
p. 470 — Bangwa, N. Cameroon (= British Cameroon). 
Sierra Leone to Cameroon Mountain area where it intergrades 
with the next race. 

1 poliochlamys of Sharpe’s ‘‘Hand-list’” is a synonym. 


Malaconotus cruentus gabonensis Shelley 

Malaconotus gabonensis Shelley, 1894, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3, p. 43 
(new name for Laniarius hypopyrrhus Gadow, 1883, Cat. Birds 
Brit. Mus., 8, p.155 (not Hartlaub, 1844))— Gaboon and 

French Cameroon and Gaboon east to the great bend of the 
Ubangi River. 

Malaconotus cruentus adolfi-friederici Reichenow 

Malaconotus adolfi-friederict Reichenow, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 16, 
p- 191 — Beni. 

Eastern Belgian Congo (Kivu area, Semliki, Angumu and sup- 
posedly Buta in Uele District), and Bwamba region of Uganda. 


Malaconotus lagdeni lagdeni (Sharpe) 

Laniarius lagdeni Sharpe, 1884, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 54, 
pl. 5 — Ashantee, West Africa. 

Gold Coast. Known only from the type. 

Malaconotus lagdeni centralis Neumann 

Malaconotus lagdeni centralis Neumann, 1920, Journ. f. Orn., 68, 
p. 80 — forest country west of Lake Tanganyika. 

Highlands of eastern Belgian Congo, from Ruwenzori south 
through Kivu to the mountains northwest of Baraka. 


Malaconotus gladiator (Reichenow) 

Laniarius gladiator Reichenow, 1892, Journ. f. Orn., 40, p. 441 — 
Buea, Mt. Cameroon, 1,000—-1,500 meters. 

Known from four specimens from Mt. Cameroon and nearby 
Rumpi Hills. 


Malaconotus blanchoti blanchoti Stephens! 
Malaconotus blanchoti Stephens, 1826, Gen. Zool., 13, pt. 2, p. 161 
— Senegal [ex Levaillant]. 

Malaconotus olivaceus pallidirostris Reichenow, 1915, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 23, p. 91 — Portuguese Guinea. 

Senegal to northern Nigeria and northern Cameroon. 

1 M. poliocephalus (Lichtenstein) 1823 (preoccupied) of authors. 


Malaconotus blanchoti catharoxanthus Neumann 
Malaconotus catharoxanthus Neumann, 1899, Journ. f. Orn., 47, 
p. 391 — Bongo, Bahr el Ghazal. 

Northern Belgian Congo (Uele and Kibali-Ituri districts) to Eri- 
trea, northern Abyssinia, Uganda, and western Kenya (northern 
Kavirondo) intergrading with the next race. 

Malaconotus blanchoti approximans (Cabanis) 
Archolestes approximans Cabanis, 1869, in von der Decken, Reisen 
Ost Afr., 3, pt. 1, p. 27 (in text) — Dalaon River [in Usambara]. 
Malaconotus poliocephalus schoanus Neumann, 1903, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 11, p. 89 — Ambukarra, southern Shoa. 
Central and southern Abyssinia and southern Somaliland south 
through Kenya Colony to northern Tanganyika Territory inter- 
grading with the next race. 

Malaconotus blanchoti hypopyrrhus Hartlaub! 

Malaconotus hypopyrrhus Hartlaub, 1844, Verz. Brem. Samml., 
p- 61 — Africa (type locality restricted to Durban, Sclater, 
1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 636). 

Ruanda (Belgian Congo) and central Tanganyika south through 

Nyasaland and eastern Northern Rhodesia to northern and eastern 
Transvaal and Natal (Coastal and midland districts). 

Malaconotus blanchoti extremus Clancey 
Malaconotus blanchoti extremus Clancey, 1957, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
77, p. 101 — Committees Drift, on the Great Fish River, Albany 
district, eastern Cape Province. 
Eastern Cape Province from about Albany and King William’s 
Town district to Pondoland. 

Malaconotus blanchoti interpositus Hartert 

Malaconotus interpositus Hartert, 1911, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 29, 
p. 36 — northwest of Lake Tanganyika = 40 miles west of 
Baraka, Lake Tanganyika (Hartert, 1920, Novit. Zool., 27, 
p. 452). 

Southeastern Belgian Congo, from Ruzizi Plain and Manyema 

to Upper Katanga and western Northern Rhodesia. 

Malaconotus blanchoti monteiri (Sharpe) 

Laniarius monteiri Sharpe, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 148, 
pl. 13, fig. 1 — Angola; type from Donde River, Loando, An- 
gola (Gadow, 1883, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 8, p. 157). 

Angola and southeastern Belgian Congo (Kasai) intergrading 

eastward with the preceeding race. 

1 M. starki of Sharpe’s “Hand-list” is a synonym. 


Malaconotus blanchoti perspicillatus (Reichenow) 

Laniarius perspicillatus Reichenow, 1894, Journ. f. Orn., 42, 
p. 36; further description, 1896, Journ. f. Orn., 44, p. 27 — 
Buea, Mt. Cameroon. 

Known only from the type. Stresemann thinks this is a color 

phase of gladiator, and perspicillatus thus a synonym of gladiator. 


Malaconotus alius Friedmann 
Malaconotus alius Friedmann, 1927, Proc. New Engl. Zodl. CL, 
10, p. 5 — Bagilo, Uluguru Mts., Tanganyika Territory. 
Uluguru Mts. Tanganyika Territory. 

SuspFramity LANIINAE! 
Genus CORVINELLA Lesson 

Corvinella Lesson, 1831, Traité d’Orn., p. 372. Type, by mono- 
typy, Lanius corvinus Shaw. 

Urolestes Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 75. Type, by mono- 
typy, Lanius melanoleucus Shaw [= Jardine]. 


Corvinella corvina corvina (Shaw) 

Lanius corvinus Shaw, 1809, Gen. Zool., 7, p.337—no type 
locality (= Senegal, Lesson, 1831). 

Senegal east to the French Niger (Tillabéry). 

Corvinella corvina affinis Hartlaub 

Corvinella affinis Hartlaub, 1857, Syst. Orn. Westafr. [Bremen], 
p. 104 — Nubia: type locality restricted to White Nile south 
of latitude 7°, southern Sudan, by Grant and Mackworth-Praed 
(1942, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 63, p. 22). 

Corvinella corvina togoensis Neumann, 1900, Journ. f. Orn., 48, 
p- 263 — Kete Krachi, Togoland. 

Portuguese Guinea and northern Sierra Leone to Nigeria, eastern 
and northern Cameroon, the Ubangi-Shari and the southern half 
of the Sudan, except the range of C.c. caliginosa. 

1 The following genera placed in the Laniinae in Sharpe’s ‘“Hand-list’’ 
have been transferred to other families as follows: 
Gymnorhina, Cracticus, Strepera to Cracticidae 
Laniellus (= Crocias) to Timaliinae 
Nicator and Neolestes to Pycnonotidae 
The subfamily Pachycephalinae of Sharpe has been transferred to Musci- 



Corvinella corvina chapini Friedmann and Bowen 
Corvinella corvina chapini Friedmann and Bowen, 1933, Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, 46, p. 121 — Kibigori, Kavirondo. 

Northeastern Belgian Congo (upper Uele) to northern Uganda 
and Kavirondo district of Kenya. 

Corvinella corvina caliginosa Friedmann and Bowen 

Corvinella corvina caliginosa Friedmann and Bowen, 1933, Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, 46, p. 122 — Rangu in Yambio District, 
southern Bahr-el-Ghazal. 

Southern Bahr-el-Ghazal of southwestern Sudan. 


Corvinella melanoleuca aequatorialis (Reichenow) 
Urolestes aequatorialis Reichenow, 1887, Journ. f. Orn., 35, p. 65 
— Gasa Mts. [Irangi District, Tanganyika Territory]. 
Southern Kenya Colony (east of Lake Victoria to Mt. Kiliman- 
jaro area) and south through Tanganyika Territory to extreme 
northern Portuguese East Africa (Lujenda River). 

Corvinella melanoleuca melanoleuca (Jardine) 

Lanius melanoleucus Jardine, 1831, Edinburgh Journ. Nat. Geogr. 
Sci., 3, p. 209 — Orange River. 

Urolestes melanoleucus damarensis Neumann, 1900, Journ. f. Orn., 
48, p. 262 — South West Africa: Rehoboth in Damaraland and 
Udschi in Kalahari Desert. 

Urolestes melanoleucus angolensis Meise, 1958, Abh. Verh. Natur- 
wiss. Vereins Hamburg, (n.s.) 2 (1957), p. 77 — Chibia, near 
Rio Huila, southern Angola. 

Southern Africa from southern Nyasaland (occasional), to Zulu- 

land and Transvaal, and west to Damaraland and southern Angola. 

Genus LANIUS Liynagvs! 

Lanius Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1, p. 93. Type, by 
subsequent designation, Lanius excubitor Linnaeus (Swainson, 
1824, Zool. Journ., 1 (1825), p. 294). 

Caudolanius Bianchi, 1907, Aves Exped. Kozlowi per Mongol et 
Tibetium Or., p. 204. Type, by original designation, Lanius 

Lanioides Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 243. Type, 
by original designation, Laniws minor Gm. 

1 The following genera of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list’’ are included in Lanius: 
Phoneus, Fiscus, Enneoctonus, Cephalophoneus, and Otomela. 


Neolanius Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 243. Type, by 
original designation, Lanius excubitorius Prévost and Des Murs. 
Neofiscus Roberts, 1922, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, p. 244. Type, 
by original designation, Lanius caudatus Cabanis. 
cf. Miller, A. H., 1931, Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 38, p. 11-242 
(American forms). 
Hellmayr, 1935, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 8, 
p- 211-217 (American forms). 
Olivier, 1944, Monographie des pies-griéches du genre Lanius, 
p. 1-326, Lecerf, Rouen. 
Vaurie, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1752, p. 1-19 (palaearctic 


Lanius tigrinus Drapiez 
Lanius tigrinus Drapiez, 1828, Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. (Paris), 13, 
p. 523 — Java. 

Eastern Asia in Ussuriland and Manchuria southward to northern 
China (to the middle and lower Yangtze Valley) and also north- 
eastern Hondo in Japan. Migrates through Korea, Manchuria, 
eastern Japanese Islands (Kyushu, Tanegashima, Yakushima), 
China, Thailand, and Indo-China to winter in the southern Malay 
Peninsula (occasionally north to southern Tenasserim), Greater 
Sunda Islands and Bali; straggles to Philippines and Celebes. 


Lanius souzae souzae Bocage 
Lanius souzae Barboza du Bocage, 1878, Jorn. Sci. math. phys. 
Nat. Lisboa, 6, p. 213 — Caconda, Angola. 

French Congo (Djambala) and Lower Congo (Leopoldville, 
Kwango) south to central Angola (Benguella highlands) and east 
through Northern Rhodesia and southern Belgian Congo (Kasai) 
to intergrade with burigi. 

Lanius souzae burigi Chapin 
Lanius souzae burigi Chapin, 1950, Auk, 67, p. 241 — between 
Usuvi, northwestern Tanganyika Territory and the Kisaka 

district of eastern Ruanda. 

Southeastern Belgian Congo (Katanga, Tanganyika, Ruanda) and 
adjacent Northern Rhodesia east to western Tanganyika Territory 
(Lake Burigi, upper Kagera Valley, Uvinza, Matengo highlands), 
Nyasaland, and adjacent Portuguese East Africa (Furancungo). 


Lanius bucephalus bucephalus Temminck and Schlegel 

Lanius bucephalus Temminck and Schlegel, 1847, in Siebold’s 
Fauna Jap., Aves (1850), p. 39, pl. 14 — Japan. 


Eastern Asia and adjacent islands: southern Ussuriland (just 
above Lake Khanka) southward through central Manchuria and 
Korea and east to the Chinese provinces of Hopeh and Shantung; 
also Sakhalin Island, Kunashiri in the southern Kuriles and the 
main group of islands and Seven Islands of Izu of Japan. Winters 
from central Korea southward and westward to the Yangtze Valley 
in China (rarely farther south to Fukien and Kwangtung), Japan, 
except in the north, south to the Ryu Kyu Islands, and has straggled 
to Formosa. 

Lanius bucephalus sicarius Bangs and Peters 

Lanius bucephalus sicarius Bangs and Peters, 1928, Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool., 68, p. 358 — mountains in Tao Valley near Choni, 
9,000 feet, southwestern Kansu. 

Known only from a single specimen. 


Lanius cristatus cristatus Linnaeus 

Lanius cristatus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 93 — 

Siberia from middle Irtysh and Tomsk, and Russian Altai, north 
to Turukhansk, and east in the north to Olenek River, the lower 
Lena, the delta of the Kolyma, Anadyrland and Kamchatka; and 
in the south to central Altai, ?Gobian Altai, northern Mongolia; 
to southwestern Transbaicalia and the southern foothills of Stanovoi 
Range; migrates through Mongolia, Manchuria and China to winter 
in southeastern China, northern Thailand, and India (west to the 
Punjab and south to Ceylon). Records for Indochina, Malay Penin- 
sula, Sumatra and Borneo may refer to confusus. 

Lanius cristatus confusus Stegmann 

Lanius cristatus confusus Stegmann, 1929, Journ. f. Orn., 77, 
p. 248 — Kumara, upper course of the Amur. 

Amur basin (north to Zeya River), Ussuri basin, and northern 
and central Manchuria; migrates southwestward to winter in central 
and southern Thailand and the lower Malay Peninsula. Perhaps 
records of cristatus from more southern and eastern areas may 
belong here. 

Lanius cristatus superciliosus Latham 
Lanius superciliosus Latham, 1801, Ind. Orn., Suppl., p. 20 —Java. 

Sakhalin and Hokkaido Islands south to south central Hondo, 
Japan; migrates through Japan and eastern China to winter from 
southwestern China (southern Kwangtung (probably), southern 
Kwangsi, southern Yunnan and Hainan), Indochina, the southern 
third of the Malay Peninsula and the Greater and Lesser Sunda 
Islands to Flores and Sumba. 


Lanius cristatus lucionensis Linnaeus 

Lanius lucionensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 135 
— Luzon, Philippines. 

Korea and China south in the east to the Yangtze Valley (Shang- 
hai and Hankow) and northern Kwangtung and west to southern 
Shensi (Tsinling Range), the Red Basin (Chengtu area) of Szechwan, 
and southeastern Sikang; migrates through southeastern Man- 
churia, China (occasionally wintering in the southeast), and For- 
mosa to winter chiefly in the Philippines and northern Borneo; 
occasionally to Andamans and Nicobars, Sumatra, Celebes, and the 

Red-backed Shrike 

Lanius collurio juxtus Clancey 

Lanius collurio juxtus Clancey, 1951, Bonner Zool. Beitr., 2, p. 83 
— Martlesham, Woodbridge, East Suffolk, England. 

Central and southern England and Wales; irregular in Scotland 
and Ireland. Winter quarters probably as with L. c. collurio. 

Lanius collurio collurio Linnaeus! 

Lanius collurio Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 94 — Eu- 
rope, restricted to Sweden, Hartert, 1910, V6g. pal. Fauna, 1, 
p- 439. 

Lanius collurio jourdaini Parrot, 1910, Orn. Monatsb., 18, p. 154 
— Ajaccio, Corsica. 

Lanius collurio fasciatus v. Burg, 1915, Verz. Schweiz. Vog., 
p. 89 — Switzerland?. 

Europe from about latitude 60° N. in Norway, 63° N. in Sweden 
and Finland, 64° in western Russia and 58° N. in the Urals, south- 
ward (but not in England (jwatus), nor the Crimea (kobylini), and 
apparently lacking in western Brittany), to the Pyrenees, north- 
western Spain, northern Portugal, Corsica and Sardinia, Italy and 

1 Hybridizes freely with phoenicuroides where they meet. Such hybrids 
have been named as L. raddei, L. darwini, L. salina, and L. bogdanowi of 
Sharpe’s ““Hand-list”’; and also the following: 

Lanius (E.) loudoni Buturlin, 1908, Mitt. Kaukas Mus., 3, p. 78—north Tur- 
kestan (Tishkan, Semirechia). 

Lanius collurio velizhanini Buturlin, 1909, Nasha Ochota, p. 64 —‘“‘Semi- 

Lanius Zarudnyi Buturlin, 1908, Nasha Ochota, October, p. 9-new name 
for Otomela varia Zarudny, 1896, not Lanius varius Gmelin, 1788. (Ori- 
ginal not seen, quoted from Hartert, supra, 1921—22, p. 2132; but Zool. 
Record for 1908 gives 90, p. 32). 

Lanius phoenicuroides pseudocollurio Sushkin, 1906, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
16, p. 60—western Altai and western Tarbagatai. 

2 Original not seen; quoted from Hartert, supra, 1921-22, p. 2131. 


Sicily, southeastern Europe and Balkan Peninsula, and Asia Minor; 
also eastward across the Urals to extreme western Siberia, south 
to the Northern Kirghiz Steppes; migrates through the eastern 
Mediterranean eastward to Iraq and Arabia; winters in tropical 
and southern Africa south to the Orange River and eastern Cape 
Province; rare in West Africa north of Angola. 

Lanius collurio pallidifrons Johansen. 

Lanius collurio pallidifrons Johansen, 1952, Journ. f. Orn. (1944), 
92, p. 199 — Tomsk, Western Siberia. 

Western Siberia, east of the range of L.c. collurio, from about 
64° N. latitude and the mouth of the Yelogui River south to central 
Russian Altai, hybridizing with phoenicuroides in the Zaisan Nor 
region to the south and in the Tarbagatai; migrants reported from 
Bukhara in Transcaspia. 

Lanius collurio kobylini (Buturlin) 

Enneoctonus collurio L. var. fuscatus Zarudny, 1903 (not Lesson, 
1831), Vogel Ost Persiens, Kais. Russ. Geogr. Gesellsch., 36, 
no. 2, p. 368 — Tschach-i-Siru, Chadschi-dutschagi, Birdschau 

area, east Persial!. 

Enneoctonus collurio kobylini Buturlin, 1906, Ibis, p. 416 — Kutais 
and Ssuram, Transcaucasia. 

Lanius collurio taurica (Moléanov), 1917, Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. 
Sci., Petrograd, 21 (1916), p. 54 — Crimea. 

Crimea and Caucasus eastward through Transcaucasia to [ran 
(Gurgan, Luristan and Bakhtiari); migrants reported from Greece, 
Arabia and Somaliland; winters in eastern Africa (Kenya to central 


Lanius collurio phoenicuroides (Schalow) 

Otomela phoenicuroides Schalow, 1875, Journ. f. Orn., 23, p. 148 
— Tschimkent (Chimkent), Russian Turkestan. 

Southern Kirghiz Steppes”, Zaisan Nor region?, and Tarbagatai?, 
and Aral Sea area south through Russian Turkestan east to the 
Bogdo Ola Range in southern Dzungaria and Tian Shan in Chinese 
Turkestan, and through Transcaspia, Ferghana, Tadzhikistan and 
Pamirs to northern Afghanistan, hills of Baluchistan proper and 
eastern and southern Iran; in migration from Iraq and Arabia to 
northwestern India and Sind; winters in southwestern Arabia 
(a few) and in northeastern Africa (Somaliland and Sudan west to 
Lake Chad region, and south to northeastern Belgian Congo, Kivu, 
Uganda and Kenya). 

1 Original n.v., quoted from Orn. Monatsb., 13 (1905), p. 135. 
2 Hybridizing in these regions with collurio and pallidifrons; see under 


Lanius collurio speculigerus Taczanowski 

Lanius speculigerus Taczanowski, 1874, Journ. f. Orn., 22, p. 322 
— Alt-Tsuruchaitui = Zurukhaitujevsk on the Argun, Eastern 
Transbaicalia (Vaurie). 

Northern Dzungaria north to the Chuya Steppe in southeastern 
Russian Altai, through Outer Mongolia north to southern Trans- 
baicalia (Argun River) and northwestern Manchuria; winter quarters 
unknow; probably as with L. ¢. isabellinus. 

Lanius collurio isabellinus Ehrenberg 

Lanius isabellinus Ehrenberg, 1833, in Hemprich and Ehren- 
berg’s Symb. Phys. Aves, (1828), fol.e — Gumfuda (Kun- 
funda), Arabia. 

Chinese Turkestan (in the Tarim Basin along the southern foot- 
hills of the Tian Shan and from Kashgaria eastward along the Kun 
Lun and Astin Tagh to Lop Nor and the oases of the Kum Tag 
Desert); migrates through Russian Turkestan and Transcaspia; 
winters in the southern part of the Iranian region from the plains 
of southern Iraq in the west to those of northwestern India and 
Sind in the east; also Arabia and Abyssinia and the eastern Sudan 
in Africa (Uganda and Kenya and Lake Chad records may be of 
L. c. phoenicuroides). 

Lanius collurio tsaidamensis Stegmann 

Lanius collurio tsaidamensis Stegmann, 1930, Orn. Monatsb., 38, 
p- 115, new name for Otomela isabellina var. major Bogdanov, 
1881, Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk, 39, suppl. 1, p. 28 — Tarim 
Basin, Chinese Turkestan; preoccupied by Lanius major Gme- 
lin, 1788. 

Western China in northern Tsinghai in the regions of the Zaidam 
and Koko Nor. Migrates westward through the Tarim Basin and 
probably Russian Turkestan; wintering grounds unknown but 
probably as in L. c. isabellinus. 


Lanius collurioides collurioides Lesson! 
Lanius collurioides Lesson, 1834, in Bélanger, Voy. Ind.-Orient., 
Zool., p. 250 — Pegou (Pegu). 
Lanius hypoleucus siamensis Gyldenstolpe, 1916, Orn. Monatsb., 
24, p. 28 — Koh-Lak, Siamese Malacca [= Prachuap Khiri 
Khan, Peninsular Thailand]. 

Lanius collurioides griseicapillus Delacour, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 47, p. 13 — Xieng-Khouang, Laos. 

1 L. hypoleucus of Sharpe’s ‘‘Hand-list’? is a synonym. 


Extreme eastern India (hills of Assam south of the Brahmaputra) 
through Burma to central Tenasserim, Thailand and Indochina 
from Tonkin to Cambodia but replaced by the next race in southern 
Annam and Cochinchina. 

Lanius collurioides nigricapillus Delacour 

Lanius colluroides nigricapillus Delacour, 1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 47, p.70, new name for L.c. melanocephalus Delacour, 
1926, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 47, p. 13— Dalat and Phantiet, 
south Annam (not L. melanocephalus Gmelin 1788). 

Lanius collurioides delacouri Collin and Hartert, 1927, Novit. 
Zool., 34, p. 52, new name for L.c. melanocephalus Delacour, 

Indochina, in southern Annam and Cochin China. 


Lanius gubernator Hartlaub 

Lanius gubernator Hartlaub, 1882, Orn. Centralb., 7, p. 91 — 
Central Africa = Langomeri, Nile Province of Uganda (Shelley, 
1912, Birds Afr., 5, p. 286). 

Lanius gubernator striimpelli Reichenow, 1910, Orn. Monatsb., 
18, p. 8 — Adamawa. 

Lanius tessmanni Reichenow, 1921, Journ. f. Orn., 69, p. 47 — 
Ngaundere Highlands, Cameroon. 

Lanius schariensis Reichenow, 1921, Journ. f. Orn., 69, p. 264 — 
Upper Shari River. 

Northern Tropical Africa from the Northern Territories of the 
Gold Coast (Ghana) to Lake Chad and extreme southern Sudan 
(Yei to Kajo Kaji), and south to Nigeria (Benin Province), nor- 
thern Cameroon (Tibati Plateau), Ubangi Shari, northeastern Belgian 
Congo (Upper Uele to Lake Edward) and northern Uganda (south 
to Gulu and West Nile districts). 


Lanius vittatus nargianus Vaurie 
Lanius vittatus nargianus Vaurie, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit. no. 
1752, p. 10 — Champ, southern Persian Baluchistan. 
Persian Baluchistan (probably also Baluchistan proper) and Af- 
ghanistan where intergradation occurs with the next form. Trans- 
caspia records probably belong here. 

Lanius vittatus vittatus Valenciennes 
Lanius vittatus Valenciennes, 1826, Dict. Sci. Nat., 40, p. 227 — 


India in the foothills of the Himalayas (up to about 6,000 feet) 
east to Nepal, south to Travancore and southeast to southwestern 


Lanius schach stresemanni Mertens 
Lanius schach stresemanni Mertens, 1923, Senckenbergiana, 5, 
p. 228 — Kulungtufu, 1,000 meters altitude, Saruwaged Mts., 
New Guinea. 
Eastern part of New Guinea: hinterland of Huon Gulf and Huon 
Peninsula from the Snake River (Dawong) to the Koruba River 
(Macclay coast); southern slopes of the mountains of southeastern 


New Guinea (Upper Auga and Vanapa Rivers). 

Lanius schach bentet Horsfield 
Lanius bentet Horsfield, 1822, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, 
p. 144 — Java. 
Lanius schach tosariensis Kuroda, 1930, Tori, 6, p. 76 — Tosari, 
6,000 ft, East Java. 
Lanius schach sumatrae Neumann, 1937, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 57, 
p. 153 — Gunong Dempu, 1,800 meters altitude, S.W. Sumatra. 
Sunda Islands from Timor to Bali, Java and Sumatra (but not 
Borneo), and the Malay peninsula. 

Lanius schach suluensis (Mearns) 
Cephalophoneus suluensis Mearns, 1905, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 18, p. 86 — Bual, Sulu Island. 
Sulu Archipelago (Sulu or Jolo Isl.). 

Lanius schach nasutus Scopoli! 
Lanius nasutus Scopoli, 1786, Del Flor. et Faun. Insubr., fasc. 2, 
p. 85 — “in Nova Guinea” = Panay, Philippine Islands. 
Philippine Islands from Mindanao to Luzon, Mindoro, and Cala- 
mianes; also North Borneo. 

Lanius schach schach Linnaeus? 
Lanius schach Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 94 — 
China, Canton area (ex Ostbeck). 
Lanius schach hainanus Birckhead, 1937, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 966, p. 12 — Hainan Isl. 

1 Lanius schalowi ‘“‘Sharpe” “‘teste H. Gadow” Schalow, 1882, is also a 

2 Lanius fuscatus of Sharpe’s ‘“‘Hand-list’’ based on blackish mutants, and 
L. s. formosae Swinhoe are considered synonyms. It seems impractical to 
group the several slightly differing populations of L. s. schach into subspecies. 


Lanius schach lingulacus Hachisuka, 1939, Supp. Pub. Orn. Soc. 
Japan, no. 15, p. 119 — Shanghai. 
China, from southern Shensi, the valley of the Yangtze and 
Shanghai to southern China, Formosa, Hainan, and Indochina 
(Tonkin and Annam where intermediates with tricolor are recorded). 

Lanius schach longicaudatus Ogilvie-Grant 

Lanius nigriceps subsp. longicaudatus Ogilvie-Grant, 1902, Novit. 
Zool., 9, p. 480 — Siam; restricted to Bankok by Stuart Baker, 
1924, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 2, p. 394. 

Lanius nigriceps schomburgki Kinnear, 1940, Ibis, p. 729; new 
name for longicaudatus Og.-Grant, 1902, not Lanius longicau- 
datus Gadow, 1883, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 8, p. 262 (a nomen 
nudum cited in synonymy). 

Great plain of central Thailand (north to Sawankhalok area) 
south to Tenasserim. 

Lanius schach tricolor Hodgson 

Lanius tricolor Hodgson, 1837, India Review, 1, p. 446 — Nepal. 
Restricted to Kathmandu by Biswas, 1950, Journ. Bombay 
Nat. Hist. Soc., 49, p. 451. 

Lanius nigriceps yunnanensis Yamashina, 1944, Bull. Biogeogr. 
Soc. Japan, 14, no. 2, p. 4 —Yunnan. 

Northwestern Indo China (Haut Laos and plateau of Tranninh) 
in winter; northern Thailand (more common in winter), Yunnan, 
Burma, Assam, and the lower Himalayas westward to Nepal (where 
hybridization with erythronotus starts) and extreme southwestern 
Kumaon and Gharwal; in winter moves as far southward as Cal- 

Lanius schach nigriceps (Franklin) 

Collurio nigriceps Franklin, 1831, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1830- 
1831, p. 117 — no locality. Type locality designated as Vind- 
hyian Hills, whence birds match the original description, by 
Whistler and Kinnear, 1932-33, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 
36, p. 334. 

Eastern India between the Ganges (Etawah—Mirzapore area) and 

the Godavari River (Nagpur—Visakhaputnam area). 

Lanius schach caniceps Blyth 

Lanius caniceps Blyth, 1846, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 15, p. 302 
— India = Madras (Kinnear and Whistler, 1930, Journ. Bom- 
bay Nat. Hist. Soc., 34, p. 396). 

Lanius schach kathiawarensis Koelz, 1950, Amer. Mus. Novit., 

no. 1452, p.7—Jamwala, Junagadh, Kathiawar Peninsula, 


Western and southern India (from Punjab, Bellary and Cuddapah 
southward) and Ceylon; intergrading in the northwest with the 
following (erythronotus). 

Lanius schach erythronotus (Vigors) 

Collurio erythronotus Vigors, 1831, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1830- 
1831, p. 42 — Himalayas, restricted to Lucknow, United Pro- 
vinces, by Baker, 1921, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 27, 
p. 692. 

Lanius (Caudolanius) erythronotus jaxartensis Buturlin, 1911, Mess. 
Ornith., p. 144 — Syr Darya. 

Russian Turkestan (Kzyl-Orda, Ferghana) and Pamirs south to 
northeastern Iran (Khorasan), northern Baluchistan, northwest 
Frontier Province, Gilgit, Kashmir (and possibly Ladak and parts 
of northern Punjab). Winters south in India to Bombay and Hy- 

Lanius schach lahulensis Koelz 
Lanius tephronotus lahulensis Koelz, 1950, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 1452, p. 7 — Kolung, Lahul, Punjab, India. 
Northern Kashmir east to Ladak (and probably western Tibet) 
and south to northern Punjab (Lahul, Spiti, and Kulu). Winters 
at lower altitudes. 

Lanius schach tephronotus (Vigors) 

Collurio tephronotus Vigors, 1831, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1830- 
1831, p.43 — Himalayas, restricted to near Darjeeling by 
Mayr, 1947, Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 47, p. 126. 

Lanius lama Dresser, 1905, Abstract Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
no. 13 (Jan. 24), p. 2— [Tibet] = Valley of Tsangpo, Tibet, 
(see Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1905 (June 1), p. 55.) 

Himalayas above, 7,000 or 8,000 feet from Garhwal and Kumaon 
to Assam and adjacent Tibet (Lhasa), and east to northern Yunnan 
(Likiang Mts., 8,500-15,000 feet) and Szechwan (mountains in west 
and northwest); north to Koko Nor region, Kansu, and Shensi 
(Tsinling Range). Winters in the foothills of Himalayas, to the 
plains of northern India (United Provinces to Assam) to Burma, 
northern Thailand, Indo China, Yunnan and Szechwan. 


Lanius validirostris validirostris Ogilvie-Grant 

Lanius validirostris Ogilvie-Grant, 1894, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3, 
p. 49 — mountains of northern Luzon. 

Mountains of Luzon. 


Lanius validirostris tertius Salomonsen 

Lanius validirostris tertius Salomonsen, 1953, Vidensk. Medd. 
Dansk naturhist. Foren., 115, p. 278 — Mt. Dulungan, 5,000 
feet altitude, Mindoro. 

Mountains of Mindoro. 

Lanius validirostris hachisuka Ripley 
Lanius validirostris hachisuka Ripley, 1949, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
69, p. 121 — Apo Lake [Mt. Apo], Mindanao. 
Mount Apo, southeastern Mindanao. 

Lanius validirostris quartus Rand and Rabor 
Lanius validirostris quartus Rand and Rabor, 1958, Fieldiana: 
Zool. (Chicago), 39, p. 85 — Duminagat, 5,300-5,500 ft., Mt. 
Malindang, Zamboanga, Mindanao. 
Mt. Malindang, western Mindanao. Known only from the type. 


Lanius mackinnoni Sharpe 

Lanius mackinnoni Sharpe, 1891, Ibis, p. 444, 596, pl. 13 — Ki- 

kuyu (= Bugemaia, Kavirondo, Kenya). 

Lanius mackinnoni zenkerianus Grote, 1924, Orn. Monatsb. 32, 

p. 69 —Yaunde, south Cameroon. 

Northern Angola north to the vicinity of Mt. Cameroon, thence 
eastward along the northern edge of the Congo forest to the Uele 
district of the Congo, Uganda and western Kenya (Mt. Elgon and 
north Kavirondo) and south through the extreme eastern Congo to 
the highlands northwest of Lake Tanganyika, Ruanda and north- 
western Tanganyika Territory (Bukoba). Schouteden (p. 63) maps 
records apparently from Lualaba and Sankuru in southern Congo 
but without details. 

Lesser Grey Shrike 

Lanius minor minor Gmelin! 
Lanius minor Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, p. 308 — Italy, Spain, 
Russia; restricted to Italy (Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, 
p- 416). 
Lanius yemenensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1914, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 33, 
p. 19 — Sanaa, Yemen. 
Central and southern Europe from Germany (except the north), 
Belgium and France (east of a line from Lille to west of Paris to 
the mouth of the Loire then south to the Gironde and the Mediter- 

1 Lanius luebberti of Sharpe’s ‘‘Hand-list” is also a synonym. 


ranean) and eastward through central Russia (north to Pskov, Smo- 
lensk, Kaluga, Tambov and Penza), Italy (except the south), the 
Adriatic and Balkan areas to the Southern Urals, Crimea, the Cau- 
casus, and Asia Minor. Migrates chiefly through eastern Mediter- 
ranean area, Nile Valley, Iraq and Arabia, to winter from tropical 
to South Africa; rare in West Africa; occasional in Great Britain, 
accidental in Sweden and Finland. 

Lanius minor turanicus Fediuschin 

Lanius minor turanicus Fediuschin, 1927, Journ. f. Orn., 75, 
p- 493 — Ishak-Sai, Ferghana. 

From the southern Urals (at about latitude 53° N.) eastward to 
the region of Barnaul and the Russian Altai and south to Russian 
Turkestan, northern Afghanistan, southern Transcaspia and Iran 
(in the north from Khorasan west to Azerbaijan; in the south to 
the Zagros east at least to Fars). 

Migrates through Russian Turkestan, Transcaspia, and Iranian 
region (from eastern Baluchistan west to Iraq) then probably 
through Arabia and eastern Africa to winter in Africa with L. m. 
minor from which adults are indistinguishable. 

Loggerhead Shrike 

Lanius ludovicianus gambeli Ridgway 

Lanius ludovicianus gambeli Ridgway, 1887, Man. No. Amer. 
Birds, p. 467 — California, especially coast district = Murphy’s, 
elevation 2,400 feet, Calaveras County (Miller, 1931, Univ. 
Calif. Publ. Zool., 38, p. 77). 

Lanius ludovicianus nevadensis A. H. Miller, 1930, Condor, 32, 
p. 156 — Lone Pine Creek, elevation 4,500 feet, Inyo County, 

Western North America; from interior southern British Colum- 
bia, and eastern Washington south through the Great Basin to 
California (San Diego County and Mohave Desert); east to south- 
western Montana and northwestern New Mexico. 

Winters southward through western Mexico south to Lower Cali- 
fornia, Michoacan and Morelos. 

Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides Swainson 
Lanius excubitorides Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richard- 
son, Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2 (1831), p.115, pl. 34— Carlton 
The great plains region of North America from central Alberta, 
Saskatchewan and casual in western Manitoba south through the 
Great Plains and eastern Rocky Mountains to eastern New Mexico, 


central southern Texas and northeastern Mexico (intergrading with 
mexicanus in northern Coahuila and Tamaulipas). 

Winters from northern Texas south to central and eastern Mexico 
and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; also east to Louisiana. 

Lanius ludovicianus migrans Palmer 
Lanius ludovicianus migrans W. Palmer, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 248 — 
Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 

Eastern North America, from southeastern Manitoba, southern 
Ontario, southern Quebec, Maine and New Brunswick southward 
between the eastern borders of the Great Plains and the Atlantic 
to northeastern Texas, central Louisiana, northwestern Mississippi, 
Tennessee, western North Carolina and northern Virginia. 

Winters southward to South Carolina but chiefly in the Missis- 
sippi Valley and Texas, and northeastern Mexico (Coahuila, Ta- 

Lanius ludovicianus ludovicianus Linnaeus 
Lanius ludovicianus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 134 
— Louisiana. 
Southeastern United States from southern Louisiana to northern 
Georgia, central North Carolina, and central Virginia and south to 
central Florida. 

Lanius ludovicianus miamensis Bishop 
Lanius ludovicianus miamensis Bishop, 1933, Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 46, p. 203 — Cutler, Dade Co., Florida. 
Southern Florida, north to Palm Beach County and Fort Myers. 

Lanius ludovicianus mexicanus Brehm 
Lanius mexicanus Brehm, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 2, p. 145, 148 — 
Mexico. Type probably from the highlands of Veracruz (Hell- 
mayr, 1935, swpra). 
Central Mexico from southern Tamaulipas, southern Coahuila and 
Nayarit south to Oaxaca. 

Lanius ludovicianus sonoriensis A. H. Miller 
Lanius ludovicianus sonoriensis Miller, 1930, Condor, 32, p. 155 — 
Whitetail Canyon, elevation 5,000 feet, Chiracahua Mountains, 
Cochise County, Arizona. 

Southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, from 
southwestern New Mexico, and western Texas, central Arizona, 
extreme southern Nevada, southeastern California, and north- 
eastern Baja California south to northern Durango and southern 


Lanius ludovicianus grinnelli Oberholser 

Lanius ludovicianus grinnell1 Oberholser, 1919, Wilson Bull., 31, 
p. 87 —San Fernando, Lower California. 

Northern Baja California (except the northeast) south to about 
29° north latitude. 

Lanius ludovicianus nelsoni Oberholser 

Lanius ludovicianus nelsoni Oberholser, 1918, Condor, 20, p. 209 
— Todos Santos, southern Lower California. 

The southern half of Baja California. 

Lanius ludovicianus anthonyi Mearns 
Lanius ludovicianus anthonyt Mearns, 1898, Auk, 15, p. 261 — 
Santa Cruz Island, Santa Barbara Group, California. 
Santa Barbara Island group (Islands of Santa Cruz, Anacapa, 
Santa Rosa, and Santa Catalina), California. 

Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi Ridgway 
Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 16, p. 108 — San Clemente Island, California. 

San Clemente Island, California. 

Northern Shrike 

Lanius excubitor borealis Vieillot. 

Lanius borealis Vieillot, 1808, Ois. Amer. Sept., 1 (1807), p. 80, 
pl. 50 — North America: restricted to New York by A.0.U., 
1931, ‘“‘Check-list.”’ 

Breeds in central and northern Quebec and northern Ontario; 
winters southward to eastern Kansas, southern Indiana and north- 
western Virginia. 

Lanius excubitor invictus Grinnell 

Lanius borealis invictus Grinnell, 1900, Pacific Coast Avifauna, 
no. 1, p. 54 — Kowak River, Alaska. 

Breeds from northern Alaska, Mackenzie and northern Manitoba, 
south to extreme northern British Columbia, and Alberta, inter- 
grading eastward with borealis; winters southward to north central 
California, central Arizona, southern New Mexico, northern Texas, 
and central Missouri. 

Lanius excubitor sibiricus Bogdanov 
Lanius excubitor var. sibiricus Bogdanov, 1881, Zapiski Imp. 
Akad. Nauk, 39, suppl.1, p. 101 — Chukotski Peninsula, 
Okhotsk, Khanka, etc. ... restricted to Chukotski Peninsula 
by Dementiev, 1935, Oiseau Rev. Frang. Orn., 5, p. 92. 


Eastern Siberia (Kolyma Basin, Anadyrland and the Chukotski 
Peninsula) south to Lake Baikal area, northern Mongolia (inter- 
grading with mollis), northern Amurland, Kamtchatka, and per- 
haps Paramushiro Island in the northern Kuriles. Winters in Mon- 
golia, northern Manchuria, Ussuriland and perhaps northern Hopeh. 

Lanius excubitor excubitor Linnaeus! 

Lanius excubitor Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 94 — 
Kurope, restricted to Sweden (Hartert, 1907, Vog. pal. Fauna, 
1, (1910), p. 418). 

Lanius melanopterus Brehm, 1860, Journ. f. Orn., 8, p. 238 — 

Lanius excubitor galliae Kleinschmidt, 1917, Falco, 13, p. 24 — 
France (= northeastern France, see Bacmeister and Klein- 
schmidt 1918, Journ. f. Orn., 66, p. 280). 

Western Siberia (Lower Ob River south to about latitude 57°- 
58° N.). Eastward in Europe to northern Russia (Archangel, Kola 
Peninsula), northern Finland, southern Norway, Denmark, Ger- 
many, France (except the northwest and the southeast) south to 
the Pyrenees, Switzerland, northern Italy, northern Yugoslavia, to 
western Romania (Transylvania) and south in Russia to about the 
latitude of Tula and Kazan. 

Winters from southern Scandinavia and western Russia south, 
including England, to the Mediterranean eastward to Asia Minor, 
the Caucasus and Transcaspia. 

Lanius excubitor bianchii Hartert 

Lanius excubitor bianchii Hartert, 1907, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, (1910), 
p. 424 — Sakhalin Island. 

Russian Island of Sakhalin and southern Kuriles, wintering in 
the Japanese island of Hokkaido. 

Lanius excubitor mollis Eversmann 
Lanius major Pallas, 1811 (not Lanius major Gmelin, 1788), 
Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., 1, p. 401 — boreal Russia-Siberia. 

Lanius mollis Eversmann, 1853, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 26, 
no. 4, p. 498 — Chuya River, Russian Altai. 
Central Asia in Russian Altai, Sayan mountains and northwestern 
Mongolia; winters occasionally in northern Hopeh; straggles to 

Lanius excubitor funereus Menzbier 

Lanius funereus Menzbier, 1894, Ibis, p. 379 — Ulugchat (Ulugh 
Chat) and Kuldscha (Gulcha), Tian Shan Range. 

1 LT. major Gmelin, 1788, and L. europaeus Bogd. are also synonyms. 


Tian Shan in Chinese and Russian Turkestan. Perhaps Dzungarian 
Ala Tau and Tarbagatai birds belong here. Resident, or with alti- 
tudinal movements at most. 

Lanius excubitor homeyeri Cabanis 
Lanius homeyeri Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Orn., 21, p. 75 —Volga 
and Crimea. The “‘type”’ is from the lower Volga according to 
Hartert, 1907, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, (1910), p. 420. 
Lanius excubitor stepensis Gawrilenko, 1927, Zbirnik Poltawa, 1, 
p. 272 — brushy steppes of Ukraine near Constantinograd?. 
In southeastern Europe from Bulgaria and southern Romania 
across Ukraine to the foothills of the southern Urals, and in western 
Siberia in the forested steppes and the southern taiga border north 
to about latitude 57°-58°, east to Yeniseysk (intergrading eastward 
with sibiricus), and the northern foothills of the Altai. Winters 
south to the northern Caucasus, occasionally in the southern Caspian 
districts of Iran, and the plains of Russian and Chinese Turkestan. 

Lanius excubitor leucopterus Severtzow? 

Lanius excubitor var. leucoptera Severtzow, 1875, Stray Feathers, 
3, p. 430 — Upper Naryn River, Russian Turkestan. 

Range poorly known; apparently in the drier steppes of western 
Siberia south of the range of homeyeri and also in the region of 
Minusinsk. Winters in Russian Turkestan south to Tien Shan and 
Ferghana; also reported from Chinese Turkestan, Gilgit, Baluchi- 
stan and Iran. 

Lanius excubitor meridionalis Temminck 
Lanius meridionalis Temminck, 1820, Man. d’Orn., ed. 2, 1, p.143 
—‘‘._. Italie, la Dalmatie, le midi de la France . . .”’; restricted 
to Provence by Hartert, 1907, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, (1910), 
p. 424. 
In the Mediterranean region of southern France and in the Ibe- 
rian Peninsula. 

Lanius excubitor koenigi Hartert 
Lanius algeriensis koenigi Hartert, 1901, Novit. Zool., 8, p. 309 — 
Tenerife, Canaries. 
Canary Islands. 

Lanius excubitor algeriensis Lesson? 

Lanius algeriensis Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool., (Paris), p. 134 — 

1 Original not seen; quoted from Hartert, Erganzungsband, p. 211. Quoted 
as L.e. stefensis in Zool. Record for 1928. 

2 Lanius przewalskii Bogdanov, 1881, is a synonym and Lanius leucop- 
terus Sever., 1873, a nom. nud. 

3 Lanius dodsoni of Sharpe’s ““Hand-list” is a synonym. 



Northwestern Africa, along the Atlantic coast from western Mau- 
ritania and Rio de Oro to Morocco, thence to Tunisia, northern Tri- 
politania and northern Cyrenaica, inland to the northern borders 
of the Sahara where it intergrades with elegans. 

Lanius excubitor elegans Swainson! 

Lanius elegans Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, 
Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2 (1831), p. 122 — “‘fur countries ... Hud- 
son Bay”’; error: restricted to Tilremt, northern Algerian Sahara 
by Vaurie, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1752, p. 16. 

Lanius excubitor oasis Jany, 1948, Oiseau Rev. Frang. Orn., 18, 
p- 117 — Djama Oasis, 164 km. south of Biskra, Algeria. 

Lanius excubitor batesi Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1951, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 71, p. 54 — between Sfax and Aguareb, eastern 

In the desert from interior Mauritania, northern and central 
Sahara, southern Tunisia, interior Lybia, Egypt along the coast to 
the Sinai Peninsula and southern Israel (where it intergrades with 
auchert); also south in Egypt along the Nile, in some oases, and 
along the Red Sea to about Port Sudan. 

Lanius excubitor leucopygos Ehrenberg? 

Lanius leucopygos Ehrenberg, 1833, in Hemprich and Ehrenberg’s 
Symb. Phys. Aves., fol. d, e, dd — Dongola, Sudan. 

Lanius excubitor jebelmarrae Lynes, 1923, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 43, 
p. 94 — Jebel Marra, 7,900 feet, Darfur. 

Southern Sahara, Timbouktu to Air and Lake Chad, and east to 
Sudan (Dongola and Sennar). 

Lanius excubitor aucheri Bonaparte 

Lanius aucheri Bonaparte, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool., (Paris), p. 294 
— Persia. 

Lanius excubitor dubarensis Grant and Mackworth-Praed, 1951, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 71, p. 55 — Dubar, south of Berbera, Bri- 
tish Somaliland. 

Lanius excubitor theresae Meinertzhagen, 1953, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 73, p. 72 — Galilee, northern Palestine. 

West coast of the Red Sea from about Port Sudan (intergrading 
with elegans) southward to Eritrea, Abyssinia, and British Somali- 
land; also Syria, Israel and Sinai Peninsula (intergrading with 
elegans), Arabia (except Yemen, Aden, and Hadhramaut), Iraq and 
southern Iran, intergrading with pallidirostris and lahtora eastward. 

1 Lanius hemileucurus of Sharpe’s “Hand-list” is also a synonym. 
* Lanius pallens of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list” is also a synonym. 


Lanius excubitor buryi Lorenz and Hellmayr 
Lanius buryt Lorenz and Hellmayr, 1901, Orn. Monatsb., 9, p. 39 
— Yeshbum, southern Arabia. 
Lanius arabicus Ogilvie-Grant, 1905, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 15, 
p. 78 — Amiri District, South Arabia. 

Southwestern Arabia; Yemen and Aden Protectorate. 

Lanius excubitor uncinatus Sclater and Hartlaub 

Lanius uncinatus Sclater and Hartlaub, 1881, Proc. Zool. Soc. 
London, p. 168, fig. 1 — Socotra. 

Socotra Island. 

Lanius excubitor lahtora (Sykes) 

Collurio lahtora Sykes, 1832, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 86 — 
Dukhun [= Deccan]. 

Southern Baluchistan eastward to Sind and India east to Bihar 
and western Bengal, and from the foothills of the Himalayas south 
through central India to Belgaum in southern Bombay, and Cud- 
dapah district in Madras. 

Lanius excubitor pallidirostris Cassin! 

Lanius pallidirostris Cassin, 1852, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- 
delphia, 5, p. 244 — East Africa. 

From the sandy region northeast of Astrakhan on the lower 
Volga eastward through western Siberia (south of the range of 
homeyeri-leucopterus) to the Zaisan Nor Region; also deserts and 
semi-deserts to Dzungaria and southern Mongolia in the Gobi to 
about 111° E. longitude and southward to Ala Shan mountains; 
the plains of Russian Turkestan, Aral-Caspian region, Transcaspia 
to northeastern Iran (Khorasan south to Seistan), Afghanistan (pro- 
bably), and northern Baluchistan (Quetta region). 

Winters from southern Afghanistan and Baluchistan west to 
Iraq, Arabia, the Nile Valley in the Sudan and Abyssinia and 
British Somaliland. 


Lanius excubitoroides excubitoroides Prévost and Des Murs? 

Lanius excubitoroides Prévost and Des Murs, 1847, in Lefebvre, 
Voyage en Abyssinie, 6, p. 99 (emended to excubitorius, p. 170, 
and pl. 8, because of excubitorides Swainson, 1831, which, how- 
ever, is not the same as excubitoroides) — Abyssinie and Nubie 
= White Nile (see Neumann, 1927, Ibis, p. 506-8). 

Lanius excubitorius tschadensis Grote and Neumann, 1926, Orn. 
Monatsb., 34, p. 87 — Tora, Lake Chad area. 
1 Lanius grimmi Bogd., 1881, is a synonym, as is L. assimilis of Sharpe’s 
2 princeps Cabanis, 1850, is a synonym. 


Northern Cameroon (Marua district) to Lake Chad and Shari 
county (Fort Lamy) and east to the Sudan (south of about latitude 
12° N.) and south to extreme eastern Belgian Congo (Lake Albert 
to Lake Edward area) and Uganda; in winter in western Kenya 
(Lake Naivasha area). 

Lanius excubitoroides intercedens Neumann 
Lanius excubitorius intercedens Neumann, 1905, Journ. f. Orn., 
53, p. 228 — Hawash Valley south of Sekwala, Abyssinia. 
Central Abyssinia south to western Kenya Colony (Elgon to Ka- 
virondo area). 

Lanius excubitoroides bOdhmi Reichenow! 

Lanius béhmi Reichenow, 1902, Journ. f. Orn., 50, p. 258, new 
name for Lanius schalowt Bohm (not L. schalowi “Sharpe” 
“teste Gadow”’ Schalow, 1882), 1884, Journ. f. Orn., 32, p.177 
— Boga Katani, east of Lake Tanganyika. 

Western Tanganyika Territory (south shore of Lake Victoria to 

north end of Lake Nyasa) and part of extreme eastern Belgian 
Congo (Lake Kivu and Ruanda south to Manyema area). 


Lanius sphenocercus sphenocercus Cabanis 
Lanius sphenocercus Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Orn., 21, p. 76 — 
“alleged to be Canton’. 

From eastern Mongolia eastward through Manchuria to southern 
Ussuriland and northern Korea, south to northern China, eastern 
Sinkiang (Turfan depression), central Kansu (Ala Shan Desert, 
Ningsia), and Shensi Province. Winters from Manchuria and Korea 
south through eastern China to the lower Yangtze and occasionally 
to Fukien and Kwangtung. 

Lanius sphenocercus giganteus Przewalski 
Lanius giganteus Przewalski, 1887, Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk, 55, 
p. 86 — Hwang ho and Koko Nor. 
From southern Kansu in the Nan Shan and eastern Tsinghai 
southward to southeastern Sikang in the region of Muli where it 
has been collected in July as well as in winter. 


Lanius cabanisi Hartert 
Lanius cabanisi Hartert, 1906, Novit. Zool., 13, p. 404, new name 
for Lanius caudatus Cabanis (not Brehm, 1855), 1868, Journ. 
f. Orn., 16, p. 412 — Mombasa (see von der Decken’s Reisen 
Ost Afr., 4, p. 331). 

1 Lanius boehmi of Sharpe’s ‘‘Hand-list’”’ is an emendation. 


Southern Italian Somaliland south to eastern Tanganyika Terri- 
tory (Dar-es-Salaam) and inland to Kilosa and Nairobi area. 


Lanius dorsalis Cabanis 
Lanius (Fiscus) dorsalis Cabanis, 1878, Journ. f. Orn. 26, p. 205, 
225 — Ndi, Teita. 
Southern Abyssinia and Jubaland south to eastern Uganda, the 
east side of Lake Victoria, and northeastern Tanganyika Territory. 


Lanius somalicus Hartlaub 
Lanius somalicus Hartlaub, 1859, in Heuglin, Ibis, p. 342 — Ben- 
der Gam, Ker-Singeli-Somals country, Red Sea. 
Lanius antinorii mauritii Neumann, 1907, Journ. f. Orn., 55, 
p- 595 — Karoli Mountains, southeast of Lake Rudolf. 
From British Somaliland and eastern and southern Abyssinia to 
northern Kenya colony. 


Lanius collaris smithii (Fraser) 

Collurio smithii Fraser, 1843, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 16 — 
Cape Coast, West Africa. 

Lanius humeralis camerunensis Reichenow, 1910, Orn. Monatsb., 
18, p. 191 — Bamenda (Adamawa), Ngaundere. 

Sierra Leone to central Cameroon, Gaboon, and the mouth of the 
Congo River (local in occurrence) and east, north of the Congo 
Forests through the northern Belgian Congo (Uele) to southern 
Sudan (east to the White Nile) and south to the Ituri area of the 
Belgian Congo and Lake Albert. 

Lanius collaris humeralis Stanley 

Lanius humeralis Stanley, 1814, in Salt’s Voy. Abyssinia, App., 
p- 51 — Chelicut, Abyssinia (p. 45 of Salt’s Voy... .). 

Lanius uropygialis Reichenow, 1905, Journ. f. Orn., 53, p. 560 — 
East Africa from Uganda to Lake Nyasa. 

Lanius collaris tenuirectris Clancey, 1954, Durban Mus. Novit., 4, 
p. 84 — near Naivasha, Rift Valley, Kenya Colony, altitude 
6,000 feet. 

Eritrea, southern Sudan (east of the White Nile), Kenya, Tan- 
ganyika Territory (except the range of marwitzi) and northern Por- 
tuguese East Africa, intergrading extensively and apparently irre- 
gularly, westward with capell1 in Uganda, eastern and southern 
Belgian Congo, and Northern Rhodesia. 

1 L. antinori of Sharpe’s ‘“Hand-list”? is a synonym. 


Lanius collaris marwitzi Reichenow 
Lanius marwitzi Reichenow, 1901, Orn. Monatsb., 9, p. 90 — 
Ngomingi, Uhehe district. 

Southwestern Tanganyika Territory in the highlands north of 
Lake Nyasa. 

Lanius collaris capelli (Bocage) 

Fiscus Capelli Barboza du Bocage, 1879, Jorn. Sci. math. phys. 
Nat. Lisboa, 7, no. 26, p. 93 — Cassange, Angola. 

Lanius humeralis congicus Reichenow, 1902, Journ. f. Orn., 50, 
p- 258 — Angola to the lake area: restricted to Milandje, An- 
gola (see Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 609). 

Lanius collaris dominator Clancey and Smithers, 1954, Durban 
Mus. Novit., 4, p. 81 — Muchinga Range near Mpika, eastern 
Northern Rhodesia, 11° 15’ S., 32° 05’ E., altitude 4,500 feet. 

Western Uganda, eastern Belgian Congo (from Lake Edward 

southward); southern Belgian Congo (south of about latitude 4° S., 
west to Leopoldville and the adjacent French Congo, but not Ga- 
boon nor the mouth of the Congo River), Northern Rhodesia and 
Angola south to Huila (except the southwestern coastal area): a 
confused mixture of capelli- and humeralis-like birds occurs in 
southern and eastern Congo and Northern Rhodesia. 

Lanius collaris pyrrhostictus Holub and Pelzeln 

Lanius pyrrhostictus Holub and Pelzeln, 1882, Beitr. Ornith. 
Siidafr., p. 97, pl. 2— Transvaal. 

Lanius collaris predator Clancey, 1953, Durban Mus. Novit., 4, p. 
62 — near Ingwavuma, Lebombo Mts., N. E. Zululand at 2,000 
feet altitude. 

Lanius collaris vigilans Clancey, 1954, Durban Mus. Novit., 4, 
p- 78 — Gillitts, near Kloof, Natal. 

Southern Portuguese East Africa and Natal, eastern and northern 

Transvaal to eastern Bechuanaland and Southern Rhodesia, inter- 
grading with subcoronatus and humeralis. 

Lanius collaris collaris Linnaeus 
Lanius collaris Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 135 — 
Cape of Good Hope. 
Cape Province east to Namaqualand north to the Orange River 
and Orange Free State, intergrading with subcoronatus and pyr- 

Lanius collaris subcoronatus Smith 
Lanius subcoronatus A. Smith, 1841, Illustr. Zool. 8. Afr., pl. 68 
— Latakoo. 


Lanius collaris aridicolus Clancey, 1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 75, 
p. 32 — Swakopmund, Namib, South-west Africa. 
Southwestern coastal Angola (north to Benguela), South West 
Africa, and southern Bechuanaland; the species seems absent from 
much of central Bechuanaland. 


Lanius newtoni Bocage 
Lanius (Fiscus) Newtont Barboza du Bocage, 1891, Jorn. Sci. 
math. phys. Nat. Lisboa (2), 2, no. 6, p. 79 — Sao Tomé. 
Sao Tomé Island in the Gulf of Guinea. 

Woodchat Shrike 

Lanius senator senator Linnaeus! 
Lanius senator Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 94 — 
Indiis; error, type locality restricted to the Rhine, Hartert 
1907, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, (1910), p. 434. 

Lanius senator fliickigert Kleinschmidt, 1907, Falco, p. 68 — Lam- 
bése, Algeria. 

Lanius senator weigoldi Kleinschmidt, 1919, Falco, 14 (1918), 
p. 16 — Spain. 

Lanius senator erlangeri Kleinschmidt, 1919, Falco, 14 (1918), 
p. 16 — Tunis. 

Lanius senator italiae Kleinschmidt, 1922, Falco, 18, p. 24 — 
Monte del Casentino, Tuscany, Italy. 

Lanius senator hensii Clancey, 1948, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 68, p. 91 
—near Syracuse, Sicily. 

In the north from Poland (locally, about Warsaw), Hungary, 
Czechoslovakia and central Germany, to Normandy and the lower 
Loire in France, south through the Iberian Peninsula to north- 
western Africa (to the borders of the Sahara from Morocco east to 
Tunis; also Cyrenaica), Italy and Sicily, Greece, Corfu, Crete and 
southern Bulgaria. Intergradation with niloticus is said to appear 
in Greece, and perhaps continues in western Asia Minor (but it is 
likely the two races do not come in contact at all). Migrates through 
the Mediterranean region and its islands to the Near East and 
Egypt, north Africa and the Sahara, to winter in tropical Africa, 
north of the Equator, from Senegal and the northern Gold Coast 
(Ghana) and northern Nigeria eastward to Darfur in the Sudan and 
northeastern Belgian Congo. 

1 Lanius pomeranus and L. rutilus of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list”’ are also syno- 


Lanius senator badius Hartlaub 

Lanius badius Hartlaub, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 2, p. 100 — Gold 

Balearic Islands, Corsica, Capraia, and Sardinia. Migrates through 
northwestern Africa (eastern Algeria and Tunisia) to winter in West 
Africa from the Ivory Coast to northern Cameroon. Has straggled 
to Madeira. 

Lanius senator niloticus (Bonaparte) 

Enneoctonus niloticus Bonaparte, 1853, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 
p. 439 — the White Nile. 

Near East from Israel north to Syria, southeastern Asia Minor 
and eastward to northern Iraq (Kurdistan), and western and south- 
ern Iran (from the Zagros to Fars) and Persian Baluchistan. The 
birds said to breed in eastern Asia Minor and Transcaucasia may 
belong to this race; reported, without real evidence, from southern 
Transcaspia. Migrates through Iraq, Arabia (a few winter in Aden), 
westward to the Sinai Peninsula and the Sudan; winters in North 
East Africa from southern Sudan eastward to Abyssinia and Somali- 
land, south to northeastern Belgian Congo, Uganda, and western 

Masked Shrike 

Lanius nubicus Lichtenstein 

Lanius nubicus Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. zool. Mus. Ber- 

lin, p. 47 — Nubia. 

Lanius atticus Reiser, 1905, Mat. Ornis Balcan, 3, p. 262 — ex 

Lindermayr ms. 

From southeastern Europe (in Macedonia, Greece, and Thrace), 
Cyprus, Asia Minor and south to Israel, eastward to eastern Iraq 
and southwestern Iran (the Zagros eastward to Fars). Migrates 
through Iraq, Arabia, and Egypt, wintering in Arabia and north- 
eastern Africa (from Zinder on the west to Upper Egypt (a few), 
and British Somaliland on the east and south to Lake Albert and 
Lake Rudolf). 

Genus PITYRIASIS Lesson 

Pityriasis Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool., p. 136. Type, by monotypy, 
Barita gymnocephala Temminck. 
cf. Mayr and Amadon, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1496, p. 22. 
Hachisuka, 1953, Proc. Seventh Pacific Sci. Congress, 4, 
p- 67-69. 



Pityriasis gymnocephala (Temminck) 

Barita gymnocephala Temminck, 1835, Pl. Col., livr. 97, 2, pl. 572 
(text misnumbered 570) — Borneo. 


Austin L. Ranp! 

cf. Delacour, 1932, Oiseau Rev. Frang. Orn., 2, p. 71-77. 
Rand, 1936, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 72, p. 460-468. 

Genus CALICALICUS Bonaparte 

Calicalicus Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 38, 
p. 386, 535. Type, by original designation, Calicalicus mada- 
gascariensis (Linn.). 


Calicalicus madagascariensis (Linnaeus) 

Lanius madagascariensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 
p. 137 — Madagascar. Type locality restricted to Fort Dauphin, 
by Stresemann, 1952, Ibis, p. 504. 

Forests of eastern Madagascar and also locally those of the north 
and the west, south to Tabiky. 

Genus SCHETBA LEsson 

Schetba Lesson, 1830, Traité d’Orn., p. 374. Type, by tautonomy, 
“le Schetbé” = Lanius rufus Linnaeus. 


Schetba rufa rufa (Linnaeus) 

Lanius rufus Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 137 — Ma- 
dagascar. Type locality restricted to Fort Dauphin by Strese- 
mann, 1952, Ibis, p. 505. 

Forests of eastern Madagascar from Andapa to Fort Dauphin. 

Schetba rufa occidentalis Delacour 

Schetba rufa occidentalis Delacour, 1931, Oiseau Rev. Frang. Orn., 
1, p. 485 — Tabiky, n. e. of Tulear, southwestern Madagascar. 

Central part of western Madagascar from Soalala to Tabiky. 

1 Ms. read by: James P. Chapin, Herbert G. Deignan, Herbert Friedmann, 
Erwin Stresemann. 



Vanga Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 41. Type, by monotypy, Buf- 
fon’s ““Vanga”’ = Lanius curvirostris Linnaeus. 


Vanga curvirostris curvirostris (Linnaeus) 

Lanius curvirostris Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12,1, p. 1385 — 
Madagascar. Type locality restricted to Fort Dauphin by 
Stresemann, 1952, Ibis, p. 505. 

Vanga griseipectus Shelley, 1912, Birds. Afr., 5, p. 194, pl. 50 — 

Vanga cristata Reichenow, 1923, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Hamburg, 40, 
p. 65 — Nossibé Island, Madagascar. 

Forests of eastern and northern Madagascar, south to Fort Dau- 
phin in the southeast and about to the Manambolo River on the 

Vanga curvirostris cetera Bangs 

Vanga curvirostris cetera Bangs, 1928, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Cl., 
10, p. 107 — 20 kilometers northeast of Tulear, southwestern 

Southwestern Madagascar, from Tabiky to Ampotaka. 


Xenopirostris Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 366. Type, by 
monotypy, Vanga xenopirostris Lafresnaye. 


Xenopirostris xenopirostris (Lafresnaye) 

Vanga xenopirostris Lafresnaye, 1850, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 2 
(2nd Ser.), p. 107, pl. 1 — Madagascar. 

Southwestern Madagascar, from Lake Iotry to Lake Tsimanam- 
petsotsa and Cape Sainte-Marie. 


Xenopirostris damii Schlegel 

Xenopirostris damit Schlegel, 1866, Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk., 3, 
p. 82 — Ambassuan [northwest coast of Madagascar]. 

Dry woods of northwestern Madagascar (Bay of Pasandava to 
south of Majunga). 



Xenopirostris polleni (Schlegel) 

Vanga polleni Schlegel, 1868, in Pollen and van Dam, 1868, 
Faun. Madag., 2, p. 174 — North West coast of Madagascar. 

Madagascar: northwest coast and eastern forests (Sianaka Forest 
to Fanovana). 

Genus FALCULEA Getorrroy St.-HILAIRE 

Falculea Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1836, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. France 
for 1835, p. 115. Type, by monotypy, Falculea palliata Geoffr. 


Falculea palliata Geoffroy St.-Hilaire 
Falculea palliata Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1836, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. 
France, for 1835, p. 115 — Madagascar. 
Open wooded areas of western and extreme northern Madagascar, 
south on the west to Ampotaka and on the east to Sambava. 

GEeNus LEPTOPTERUS Bonaparte! 

Leptopterus Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 38, 
p. 387, 538. Type, by monotypy, [Lanius] viridis Gmelin [= La- 
nius chabert]. 

Cyanolanius Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 
38, p. 387, 538. Type, by monotypy, Lanius bicolor Linnaeus 
[= Loaxia madagascarina Linnaeus]. 

Abbottornis Richmond, 1897, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 19, p. 692. 
Substitute name for Leptopterus erroneously considered preoc- 
cupied by Leptoptera Boisduval, 1842. 

Artamella Sclater, 1924, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 44, p. 91. Type, by 
original designation, Lanius viridis Miiller. 


Leptopterus viridis viridis? (Miller) 

Lanius viridis P. L.S. Miller, 1776, Syst. Nat. Suppl., p. 72. 
Based on Buffon’s ““Tcha-chert-bé” (Hist. Nat. Ois., 1, p. 248) 
from Madagascar. Type locality restricted to Fort Dauphin by 
Stresemann, 1952, Ibis, p. 505. 

Forests of eastern Madagascar from Andapa south to Fort 


1 Artamia of Sharpe’s ‘‘Hand-list’’ (not of Lafresnaye) is included. 
2 Artamia leucocephala of Sharpe’s “Hand-list”’ is a synonym. 


Leptopterus viridis annae (Stejneger) 
Artamia annae Stejneger, 1878, Nyt. Mag. Naturv., 24, Heft 3, 
p. 291 — Madagascar (= western Madagascar). 
Wooded areas of western Madagascar, from Anaborano south to 


Leptopterus chabert chabert (Miiller) 

Lanius cha-bert P. L. S. Miller, 1776, Syst. Nat. Suppl., p. 72. 
Founded on Buffon’s ‘““Tcha-chert,” Hist. Nat. Ois., 1, p. 246 
— from Madagascar. Type locality restricted to Fort Dauphin, 
by Stresemann, 1952, Ibis, p. 505. 

Forests and wooded areas of eastern and northern Madagascar 
to Fort Dauphin in the southeast, and Manambolo River in the west. 

Leptopterus chabert schistocercus (Neumann) 

Abbotornis schistocercus Neumann, 1908, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 23, 
p. 11 — west central Madagascar. 

Wooded areas of southwestern Madagascar from Tabiky to Am- 


Leptopterus madagascarinus madagascarinus (Linnaeus) 
Loxia madagascarina Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 306 
— Madagascar. Type locality restricted to Fort Dauphin by 
Stresemann, 1952, Ibis, p. 505. 
Madagascar ; widely distributed in forested area; in the east south 
to Fort Dauphin; in the west south to near Tulear. 

Leptopterus madagascarinus comorensis (Shelley) 
Artamia comorensis Shelley, 1894, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 3, p. 42 — 
Great Comoro Island. 
Grand Comoro Island. 

Genus ORIOLIA Georrroy St.-HILAIRE 
Oriolia Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1838, Rev. Zool. (Paris), p. 50. 
Type, by monotypy, Oriolia berniert. 

Oriolia bernieri Geoffroy St.-Hilaire 

Oriolia bernieri Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1838, Rev. Zool. (Paris), p. 
50 — Madagascar. 

1 Artamia bicolor of Sharpe’s “‘Hand-list”” is a synonym. 


Madagascar: forests of the eastern slopes from Andapa to Von- 


Euryceros Lesson, 1831, Ann. Sci. Nat., 22, p. 421. Type, by mono- 
typy, Euryceros prevostii Lesson. 


Euryceros prevostii Lesson 
Euryceros prevostii Lesson, 1831, Ann. Sci. Nat., 22, p. 422 — 
“Kast Indies” = Tintinque, east coast of Madagascar (Lesson, 
1832, Cent. Zool., 1830, p. 218). 

Forests of eastern slopes of Madagascar from Andapa to Fanovana. 


cf. Ridgway, 1904, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., no. 50, pt. 3, p. 103-114. 

Hartert, 1907, Vog. pal. Fauna, 1, Heft 4, p. 455-458. 

— 1921, op. cit., 3, Heft 17, p. 2132-2133. 

— and Steinbacher, 1934, op. cit., Erginzungsb., Heft 3, 
p. 222-223. 

Hellmayr, 1935, Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., 13, 
pt. 8, p. 103-105. 

Austin and Kuroda, 1953, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 109, no. 4, 
p- 569-570 (Birds Japan). 

Dementiev, 1954, Ptitsy Sovietskogo Soiuza, 6, p. 62-70. 


Bombycilla Vieillot, 1808, Ois. Amer. Sept., 1, (1807), p. 88. Type, 
by monotypy, Bombycilla cedrorum Vieillot. 

1 Aérocharis Gistel, 1848, an emendation for Huryceros Lesson, not “Eury- 
cera Fabr.” (not found), is unnecessary; nor is Huryceros preoccupied by 
Eurycerus Illiger, 1807. 

2 Ms. read by: Alexander Wetmore. 

3 Replaces Ampelis of Sharpe’s “Hand-list’’. 


Waxwing, Bohemian Waxwing 

Bombycilla garrulus garrulus (Linnaeus) 

Lanius Garrulus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 95 — 
“Kuropa and America boreali’’? = Sweden. 

Forests of northern Norway and Sweden south to about lat. 68° N.; 
northern Finland and northern Russia eastward to the Ural Moun- 
tains. In winter southward irregularly to central Europe. 

Bombycilla garrulus centralasiae Poljakov 

Bombycilla garrulus centralasiae Poljakov, 1915, Mess. Orn. 
Moscow, 6, no. 2, p. 137 — Zaisan District and Smeinogorsk, 
Southwestern Altai. 

Bombycilla garrulus ussuriensis Buturlin, 1915, Mess. Orn. Moscow, 
6, no. 3, p.223— Russovka, near Kamen-Rybolov, Lake 
Khanke, Ussuriland. 

Mixed forests (taiga) of Siberia, from the northern Urals (about 
long. 58° E. south to about lat. 64° N.), eastward to the mouth of 
the Lena and the region of Lake Baikal, and through eastern Siberia 
to Kamchatka and shores of the Sea of Okhotsk south (probably) to 
the vicinity of the mouth of the Amur River. In winter to southern 
China and Japan. 

Bombycilla garrulus pallidiceps Reichenow 

Bombycilla garrula pallidiceps Reichenow, 1908, Orn. Monatsb., 
16, p. 191 — Shesly River, British Columbia. 

Coniferous forests of northwestern North America. Breeds locally 
and irregularly from Alaska, central Yukon, northern Mackenzie 
District, northeastern Saskatchewan and northern Manitoba south- 
ward to central Washington, northern Idaho, northwestern Montana 
and southern Alberta (casual in southern part of range). Wanders 
irregularly southward in winter to southern California, northern 
Arizona, central New Mexico; northern Texas; northwestern Arkan- 
sas; southern Illinois; central Ohio; Pennsylvania, northern New 
York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and New 

Bombycilla japonica (Siebold) 
Bombycivora japonica P. F. Siebold, 1824, De hist. nat. Japon. 

etc., p. 13 (footnote) — ‘‘Fyco ac Tsikuzen” = Kumamoto and 
Fukuoka prefectures, Kyushu, Japan. 

Extreme eastern Siberia, from the headwaters of the Aldan and 
Maya Rivers and along coasts of the Udskaya Gulf southward in 
the valley of the Amur, and westward at least to the neighborhood 
of Blagoveschensk. In winter irregularly to Sakhalin, the Japanese 
Islands, and Riu Kius. 


Cedar Waxwing 

Bombycilla cedrorum Vieillot 
Bombycilla cedrorum Vieillot, 1808, Ois. Amer. Sept., (1807), 1, 
p- 88, pl. 57 — Amérique depuis le Canada jusqu’au Mexique = 
eastern North America. 

Northern North America, from southeastern Alaska, southeast- 
ward in northern Alberta, Saskatchewan, central Manitoba, south- 
central Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, 
southward, locally and irregularly, to northern California, central 
Missouri, southern Illinois, southern Indiana, central Kentucky, 
eastern Tennessee and northern Georgia. In winter, southward, 
irregularly, throughout the United States, Mexico and Central 
America south to Panama, Colombia, Venezuela and the Greater 
Antilles (except Puerto Rico). 


cf. Crouch, 1943, Auk, 60, p. 319-333. 
Rand, t.c. p. 333-341. 
Newman, 1950, Condor, 52, p. 157-158 (nest of Ptilogonys cine- 
Friedmann, Griscom, Moore, 1957, Cooper Orn. Cl., Pacific 
Coast Avif., no. 29, pt. 2, p. 212-213. 

Genus PTILOGONYS Swarnson 

Ptilogonys Swainson, 1824, Cat. Exhib. called Modern Mexico, 
App., p. 42. Type, by monotypy, Ptilogonys cinereus Swainson. 

Ptiliogonys Swainson, 1827, Phil. Mag., n.s., 1, fasc. 5, p. 368. 
Type, by monotypy, Ptiliogonys cinereus Swainson. 

Gray Silky-flycatcher 

Ptilogonys cinereus otofuscus Moore 

Ptilogonys cinereus otofuscus Moore, 1935, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 48, p. 112 — Arroyo Hondo (about thirty miles north- 
east of junction of Rio Chinipas and Rio Fuerte) southwestern 
Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Northwestern Mexico, on the western side of the Sierra Madre 
Occidental in Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Durango and Zacatecas. 

1 Actual relationship of this group to Bombycilla has not been proved. 

2 Not seen. Sherborn (Ind. Anim., Sect. 2, 1922, p. xxxiv, exx) states that 
he never saw the last (undated) appendix on page 4 of which Swainson (Zool. 
Illust., ser. 2, 2, 1831, pl. 62) says the original description appears. As far 
as can be ascertained no one has been able to find it. The accustomed spelling 
of recent years is retained here. 


Ptilogonys cinereus cinereus Swainson 

Ptiliogonys cinereus Swainson, 1827, London, Edinb. Dubl. Phil. 
Mag., n. s., 1, p. 368 — Tableland of Mexico, Real del Monte = 
Temascaltepec fide Friedmann, Griscom and Moore, 1957. 

Highlands of central and eastern Mexico, from Nuevo Leon, 
southwestern Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi and Jalisco southward 
in Guanajuato, Queretaro, western Veracruz, Mexico, Morelos, 
western Michoacan, and Oaxaca. 

Ptilogonys cinereus pallescens Griscom 

Ptilogonys cinereus pallescens Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., 75, p. 398 — Chilpancingo (8,000 feet), Guerrero, Mexico. 

Southwestern Mexico, in eastern Michoacan (where intergrades 
with cinereus) and Guerrero. 

Ptilogonys cinereus molybdophanes Ridgway 

Ptiliogonys cinereus molybdophanes Ridgway, 1887, Man. No. Amer. 
Birds, p. 464 (note) — Duefias, Guatemala. 

Southern Mexico, in Chiapas, and in western Guatemala}. 


Phainopepla Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin and Lawrence, Rep. 
Expl. and Survey R. R. Pac., 9, p. xix, xxxiv, 923. Type, by 
original designation, Phainopepla nitens Swainson (credited to 


Phainopepla nitens lepida Van Tyne 
Phainopepla nitens lepida Van Tyne, 1925, Occ. Papers Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, p. 149 — Riverside, California. 

Western North America from central California, southern Nevada, 
southwestern Utah, central Arizona, southwestern New Mexico and 
western Texas, southward through Baja California, Sonora and 
Chihuahua in northern Mexico. 

Phainopepla nitens nitens (Swainson) 

Ptilogonys nitens Swainson, 1837, Anim. in Menag., p. 285 — 

From Brewster County, Texas southward on the high plateau of 
central Mexico to Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo Ledn, and San Luis 
Potosi; possibly to Guanajuato, Mexico, Puebla, and Veracruz. 


Phainoptila Salvin, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 367. Type, by 
original designation and monotypy, Phainoptila melanoxantha 

1 Ptilogonys caudatus Cabanis should be added here; see addendum, p. 458. 


Phainoptila melanoxantha Salvin 
Phainoptila melanoxantha Salvin, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 367 — Costa Rica = San Francisco, fide Hellmayr, 1935. 
Phainoptila melanoxantha minor Griscom, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 141, p. 8 — Cerro Flores, eastern Chiriqui, Panama. 

Highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama. 

GrENus HYPOCOLIUS Bonaparte 

Hypocolius Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 336. Type, by 
monotypy, Hypocolius ampelinus Bonaparte. 

cf. Meinertzhagen, 1947, Ibis, p. 666. 
— 1949, Ibis, p. 472. 
Delacour and Amadon, 1949, Ibis, p. 427-429. 
Meinertzhagen, 1954, Birds Arabia, p. 175-176. 


Hypocolius ampelinus Bonaparte 
Hypocolius ampelinus Bonaparte, 1851, Consp. Av., 1, p. 336 — 
“California’’, in error, type from coast of Abyssinia, fide Har- 
tert, 19072. 
Hypocolius ampelinus orientalis Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 52, p. 64 — Kandahar, Afghanistan. 

Locally distributed in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley of Iraq from 
Mosul to the Persian Gulf, and in southwestern Arabia from the 
vicinity of Birka (el Birke), about lat. 23° N., to Wadi Fatima, 
about ten miles north of Mecca, and probably southward. Recorded 
from Oman. Winter quarters uncertain but perhaps African coasts 
of the Red Sea. Wanders irregularly to southern Afghanistan, north- 
western Baluchistan and India. 

Famity DULIDAE®? 
GrENus DULUS VtetL1Lotr 

Dulus Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 42. Type, by monotypy, ““Tana- 
gra esclave’ Buffon = Tanagra dominica Linnaeus. 

1 Allocation in the present family is tentative. Actual relationship of this 
peculiar species to others placed in the Bombycillidae has yet to be establ- 

2 Questionable, fide Meinertzhagen, 1954, but specimens exist. 

3 This peculiar communal-nesting species has been listed by some recent 
authors as a subfamily of Bombycillidae. Its status as a family and true 
relationships remain to be determined. 

4 Ms. read by: Alexander Wetmore. 



Palm Chat 

Dulus dominicus (Linnaeus) 
Tanagra dominica Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 316 — 
“Dominica” = Santo Domingo, Hispaniola. 
Dulus dominicus oviedo Wetmore, 1929, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 42, p. 117 — Pikmi, Gonave Island. 

Forests of Hispaniola and Gonave Island. 




Cinclus Borkhausen, 1797, Deutsche Fauna, 1, p. 300. Type, by 
monotypy, Cinclus hydrophilus Borkhausen = Sturnus cinclus 

cf. Hartert, 1910, Vog. Pal. Faun., 1, Heft 6, p. 788-798. 

— and Steinbacher, 1935, t. c., Erginzungsb., Heft 4, p. 344-345. 

Hellmayr, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., 13, p. 106-110. 

Ludlow and Kinnear, 1937, Ibis, p. 262—265 (Himalayan races). 

Meinertzhagen, 1938, Ibis, p. 692 (C. c. leucogaster). 

Schafer, 1938, Journ. f. Orn., 86 (Sonderh.), p. 205-208 (Chi- 
nese and Tibetan races). 

Rokitansky, 1939, Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien, 49, p. 282-294 
(European races). 

Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1485, p. 9-19 (Asiatic 

Dementiev, 1954, Ptitsy Sovietskogo Soiuza, 6, p. 670-685. 

Vaurie, 1955, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1751, p. 12-17 (European 

Greenway and Vaurie, 1958, Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., no. 
89, p. 1-10. 

Cinclus cinclus hibernicus Hartert 
Cinclus cinclus hibernicus Hartert, 1910, Vég. pal. Faun., 1, Heft 
6, p. 790 — County Cork, Ireland. 
Ireland; outer Hebrides, on islands of Lewis, Barra, and in the 
Trish Sea on Rute, Kintyre, Arran and the Isle of Man, and neigh- 
boring coasts of Scotland. 

1 Ms. read by: Herbert G. Deignan, Charles Vaurie, Jaques Berlioz. 
2 Synonymy of the group since Hellmayr, 1934; Hartert and Steinbacher, 


Cinclus cinclus gularis (Latham) 

Turdus gularis Latham, 1801 [18022], Ind Orn., 2nd Suppl., 
p. xl — Penrith, Cumberland. 

Orkney Islands, central and eastern Scotland, western and cen- 
tral England and Wales. 

Cinclus cinclus cinclus (Linnaeus) 
Sturnus cinclus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 1, p. 168 — in Europa 

= Sweden. 

Cinclus cinclus Sapsworthi Arrigoni, 1902, Atlante Ornit., p. 150 
— Corsica. 

Cinclus cinclus atroventer Floericke, 1926, Mitt. Vogelw., p. 78 — 

Cinclus cinclus wralensis Serebrowski, 1927, Compt. Rend. Acad. 
Sci. U.R.S.S., [Doklady, Akad. Nauk (-Sa)], p. 326 — Pis- 
mianka River, Ufa Government, southern Ural Mts. 

Cinclus cinclus amphytrion Neumann and Paludan, 1937, Orn. 
Monatsb., 45, p.16—  Varsambek, Lasistan, northeastern 

Scandinavian Peninsula east to southern coast of the White Sea 
and eastern Prussia; irregularly southward in winter to about 55° 
north latitude. Taxonomically indistinguishable populations occur 
in the Ural Mts., northeastern Turkey, Lasistan and Ala Dagh 
mountains; western Spain in western Sierra de Guadarrama, Sierra 
de Gredos, Cercedilla; Corsica and Sardinia. 

Cinclus cinclus aquaticus Bechstein 

Cinclus aquaticus Bechstein, 1803, Orn. Taschenb., 1, p. 206 — 

Cinclus meridionalis Brehm, 1856, Naumannia, p. 186 — “‘Karn- 
then” Alps, Austria. 

Cinclus melanogaster pyrenaicus Dresser, 1892, Ibis, p. 382 — 
Eaux chaudes, Basses Pyrénées and Gédres, Hautes Pyrénées. 

Cinclus cinclus orientalis Stresemann, 1919, Anzeig. Orn. Ges. 
Bayern, no. 1, p. 4 — Han Abdiposa, Macedonia. 

Cinclus c.c. alpinus von Burg, 1924, Der Weidmann, Biilach- 
Zurich, 6, no. 24, p. 7 — Alps, Engadine, Wallis and Tessin. 
Cinclus c. c. juratensis von Burg, 1924, Der Weidmann, Biilach- 

Ziirich, 6, no. 24, p. 7 — Renchenette, Jura Bernois. 

Cinclus c. aquaticus helveticus von Burg, 1924, Der Weidmann, 
Biilach-Ziirich, 6, no. 24, p. 7 — Mittellands und Voralpen. 
Cinclus c. meridionalis alpestris von Burg, 1924, Der Weidmann, 
Biilach-Ziirich, 6, no. 24, p. 7 — Mittellands und Voralpen. 
Cinclus c. meridionalis jurassicus von Burg, 1924, Der Weidmann, 
Biilach-Ziirich, 6, no. 24, p. 7 — Valleys of the western Jura. 



Cinclus cinclus montanus Troller, 1935, Arch. Suisses Ornith., 1, 
Heft 6, p. 198 — St. Gotthard Tremola; Pilatus, Luzern; St. 
Moritz, Graubiinden. 

Holland, Belgium, France, Germany and southern Poland south 
to the Alps (range of meridionalis). Taxonomically indistinguishable 
populations occur in France (Brittany, Central Massif, the Pyrenees) ; 
southeastern Spain (southern slopes Sierra Guadarrama, Sierra 
Nevada); Alps of Switzerland, Austria and mountains of Italy east- 
ward through the Balkan states to Macedonia. 

?Cinclus cinclus minor Tristram 

Cinclus minor Tristram, 1870, Ibis, p. 497 — Algiers, near Blida, 
fide Hartert. 

North Africa in Morocco (Atlas Mts.), and mountains of Algeria 
and Tunisia. Perhaps not different from aquaticus. 

?Cinclus cinclus olympicus Madarasz 

Cinclus olympicus Madarasz, 1903 (Jan.), Orn. Monatsb., p. 6 — 
Trodos Mts., Cyprus. 

Island of Cyprus. Possibly extinct. 

Cinclus cinclus caucasicus Madarasz 

Cinclus caucasicus Madarasz, 1903 (Dec.), Ann. Mus. Hungarici, 
1, p. 560 — North Caucasus. 

Caucasus Mountains southward through Georgia, Armenia, east- 
ern Kurdistan, Azerbaijan and the Elburz Mountains eastward to 
northern Khorasan and southward to north-central Iran (Persia). 
In winter southward to an undetermined range in Iraq, Iran and 
Baluchistan (western Pakistan). 

Cinclus cinclus rufiventris Tristram 

Cinclus rufiventris Tristram, 1884, Survey w. Palestine Faun. 
Flor., p. 51 — “Litany River and the Lebanon’. 

Lebanon Mountains, coast of Syria (Levant States). 

?Cinclus cinclus persicus Witherby 

Cinclus cinclus persicus Witherby, 1906, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 16, 
p. 71 — mountains near Mal Amir, 6,000 ft., S.W. Persia. 

Southwestern Iran (Persia) in the Zagros and Bakhtiari moun- 
tains. Perhaps not different from rufiventris. 

Cinclus cinclus leucogaster Bonaparte 
Cinclus leucogaster Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 252 — 
western Siberia (ex Eversmann). 
Cinclus leucogaster triznae Zarudny, 1909, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 
p. 180 — Flussgebiete von Ferghana. 


Mountains (above 8,000 ft.) of northern Afghanistan northeast- 
ward in the mountains of Kirgiz and the Russian borders of Tibet, 
Mongolia (including the Tian Shan and Altai mountains) and Man- 
churia, eastward through the Yablonony and Stanovoi mountains. 
Range in eastern Siberia uncertain. 

In the western part of this range individuals having white under- 
parts predominate; in the Altai Mountains and the region of Lake 
Baikal brown-breasted birds occur to approximately the same 
number, as well as those with all brown underparts. 

Cinclus cinclus cashmeriensis Gould 

Cinclus cashmeriensis Gould, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, 
p. 494 — Kashmir. 

Himalayas, above 8,000 feet, from western Kashmir to Sikkim. 

Cinclus cinclus przewalskii Bianchi 

Cinclus przewalskivi Bianchi, 1900, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 15, p. 91 
— Den-chu [Dre-chu], Upper Yangtze. 

Cinclus cinclus beicki Meise, 1928, Orn. Monatsb., 36, p. 138 — 
southern Tetung’sche mountains, northern Kansu. 

Cinclus cinclus szetschwanensis Meise, 1928, Orn. Monatsb., 36, 
p- 1389 — Taukan, Min River, Szechwan. 

Southern Tibet southward in the Himalayas to Bhutan eastward 

to Tsinghai, northern mountains of Kansu, northern Yunnan and 
western Szechwan. 

Brown Dipper 

Cinclus pallasii tenuirostris Bonaparte 

Cinclus tenuirostris Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Av., 1, p. 252 — 
Central Asia ex Gould ms. 

Cinclus tenuirostris korrejewi Zarudny, 1909, Orn. Monatsb., 17, 
p. 19 — Semiretschje and Tschirtschik River. 

Cinclus pallasii kargasiensis Koelz, 1939, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 52, p. 65 — Kargasi Pass, northeastern Afghanistan. 

Mountains of southwestern Siberia in Kirgiz (Semirechensk) south- 

ward through Tadzhik (eastern Turkestan), the Pamir and Tien 

Shan ranges and northeastern Afghanistan, eastward through the 
Himalayas to Sikkim. 

Cinclus pallasii dorjei Kinnear 
Cinclus pallasii dorjei Kinnear, 1937, Ibis, p. 263 — Sakden, E. 
Bhutan, 9,000 feet. 
Eastern Sikkim (where intergrades with tenwirostris); hills of 
Assam, south of the Brahmaputra mountains of northern Burma 
south to the Chin Hills, Shan States and northern Thailand. 


Cinclus pallasii pallasii Temminck 

Cinclus Pallasii Temminck, 1820, Man. d’Orn., ed. 2, 1, p. 177 — 
“Crimea” = Eastern Siberia fide Hartert, 1910. 

Hydrobata marila Swinhoe, 1859, Journ. N. China Br. Roy. Asiat. 
Soc., 1, no. 2, p. 227 — Formosa. 

Cinclus pallasii Temm. var. souler Oustalet, 1892, Ann. Sci. Nat. 
Zool., ser. 7, 12, p. 299 — Ta-tsien-lou and Mupin, Szechwan. 

Cinclus kiborti Madarasz, 1903, Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Hungarici, 
1, p. 559 — Jenissei bei Krasnojarsk, Siberia. 

Cinclus pallasii wildert La Touche, 1925, Handb. Birds East 
China, 1, pt. 2, p. 98 — Eastern Tombs, Chili. 

Cinclus pallasit hondoensis Momiyama, 1927, Annot. Orn. Orient., 
1, p. 52 — Hondo, Japan. 

Cinclus pallasvi sini Yen, 1933, Orn. Monatsb., p. 15 — To pung 
Shan, Kweichow. 

Cinclus pallasti undina Koelz, 1954, Contrib. Inst. Reg. Explor., 

no. 1, p. 12 — Bara Pani, Khasi Hills, India. 

From Bhutan, southeastern Tibet eastward in the hills of China 
(to timberline) in Kansu, Chili, Manchuria through Amurland, 
Korea, the Kurile Islands, Sakhalin, the Japanese Islands; south- 
ward to the hills of northern Assam and eastward to southern 
Yunnan and Indo China; Formosa. 

Mexican Dipper 

Cinclus mexicanus unicolor Bonaparte 
Cinclus unicolor Bonaparte, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 52, 53 (in 
text) — Athepescow Lake = near source of Athebasca River, 
fide Hellmayr. 

Western North America from the Aleutian Islands and Alaska 
southward in British Columbia, western and central Alberta, north- 
ern Montana, southwestern South Dakota, Washington, Oregon, 
California (to San Diego County), Nevada; mountains of Arizona 
and southern New Mexico. 

Cinclus mexicanus mexicanus Swainson 
Cinclus mexicanus Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag. (n.s.), 1, no. 5, 
p- 368 — Temascaltepec, Mexico. 
Highlands of Mexico in Sonora, Chihuahua southward to Michoa- 
can, México State, Puebla, and Veracruz. 

Cinclus mexicanus anthonyi Griscom 

Cinclus mexicanus anthonyi Griscom, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 438, p. 7 — 45 miles east of Nenton, Guatemala. 

Mountains of western Chiapas and Guatemala. 


Cinclus mexicanus ardesiacus Salvin 

Cinclus ardesiacus Salvin, 1867, Ibis, p. 121 — Cordillera de Tole, 

Mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama. 


Cinclus leucocephalus rivularis Bangs 

Cinclus rivularis Bangs, 1899, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 13, 
p. 105 — Chirua (7,000 feet), Santa Marta Mts., Colombia. 

Santa Marta Mountains of northern Colombia. 

Cinclus leucocephalus leuconotus Sclater 
Cinclus leuconotus Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, 
p. 274 — Nova Grenada = Bogota, fide Hellmayr. 
Mountains of western Venezuela in Lara, Trujillo, Mérida and 
Tachira; Colombia (except Santa Marta Range); Ecuador. 

Cinclus leucocephalus leucocephalus Tschudi 
Cinclus leucocephalus Tschudi, 1844, Arch. f. Naturg., 10, p. 279 
— Department of Junin, Peru. 
Mountains of Peru and Bolivia in Departments of La Paz, Cocha- 
bamba and Santa Cruz. 

Cinclus leucocephalus schulzii Cabanis 
Cinclus Schulzii Cabanis, 1882, Orn. Centralb., 7, p. 182-183; also 
Journ. f. Orn., 1883, p. 102, pl. 2— Cerro Bayo, Tucuman. 
Mountains of northwestern Argentina in Provinces of Tucuman 
and Jujuy. 


Raymonpd A. PAYNTER, Jr. 
CHARLES VAURIE (Old World Troglodytes) 

cf. Ridgway, 1904, Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. 3, p. 473-674. 
Hellmayr, 1934, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, 
pt. 7, p. 110-295. 


Campylorhynchus Spix, 1824, Av. Brasil., 1, p. 77. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation, Opetiorhynchos turdinus Wied (G. R. Gray, 
1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 25). (Not preoccupied by Campzyli- 
rhynchus ““Mergerle’’, 1821.) 

1 Ms. read by: Emmet R. Blake. 

2 In reviewing this genus I have been greatly aided by Dr. Robert K. 
Selander who generously provided me with an outline of the conclusions 
in his forthcoming publication. 


Heleodytes Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 80. Type, by sub- 
sequent designation, Furnarius griseus Swainson (G. R. Gray, 
1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 26). 

cf. Brodkorb, 1942, Condor, 49, p. 242-243 (C. zonatus in Middle 
Selander,” in press, Univ. Calif. Pubs. Zool. 


Campylorhynchus jocosus Sclater 
Campylorhynchus jocosus Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
27, p. 371 — Oaxaca, Mexico. : 

Mountains of south-central Mexico from the Distrito Federal 
through Morelos, Guerrero and southern Puebla to western and 
central Oaxaca. 


Campylorhynchus gularis Sclater 

Campylorhynchus gularis Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
28, p. 462 — Mexico; restricted to Bolafios, Jalisco, by Nelson, 
1898, Auk, 15, p. 160. 

Pacific slope of Mexico from north-central Sonora and south- 
western Chihuahua south to Michoacan and western México, and 
on the Atlantic slope from southwestern Tamaulipas south to 
Querétaro and northern Hidalgo. 


Campylorhynchus yucatanicus (Hellmayr) 

Heleodytes brunneicapillus yucatanicus Hellmayr, 1934, Field Mus. 
Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 7, p. 150 — Rio Lagartos, 
Yucatan, Mexico. 

Coastal Yucatan, Mexico. 

Cactus Wren 

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus couesi Sharpe 

Campylorhynchus couesi Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p. 186 (in key), 196 — Laredo, Texas. 

Southern California, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah, 
southern New Mexico, and western and southern Texas south in 
Mexico to northern (lat. 30° 50’ N.) Baja California, northern So- 
nora, northern Chihuahua, northern Coahuila, central Nuevo Leon, 
and extreme northern Tamaulipas. 


Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus bryanti (Anthony) 

Heleodytes brunneicapillus bryanti Anthony, 1894, Auk, 11, p. 211, 
212 — San Telmo, Baja California, Mexico. 

San Quintin district (lat. 31° to 29° 30’ N.) on the west coast of 
Baja California, Mexico. 

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus purus (van Rossem) 

Heleodytes brunneicapillus purus van Rossem, 1930, Trans. San 
Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 225 — Santa Agueda Reservoir, 11 
miles south of Santa Rosalia (lat. 27° 20’ N.), Baja California, 

Both coasts of central (lat. 29° to 25° N.) Baja California, Mexico. 

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus seri (van Rossem) 

Heleodytes brunneicapillus seri van Rossem, 1932, Trans. San 
Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 7, p. 188 — Isla Tiburén, Sonora, Mexico. 

Isla Tiburon, Sonora, Mexico. 

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus affinis Xantus 

Campylorhynchus affinis Xantus, 1859, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi- 
ladelphia, 11, p.298—Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, 

Southern (south of lat. 25° N.) Baja California, Mexico. 

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus brunneicapillus (Lafres- 

Picolaptes brunneicapillus Lafresnaye, 1835, Mag. Zool. (Paris), 5, 
el. 2, [p. 23], pl. 47 — California, error = coast region of 
southern Sonora, Mexico designated by Bangs, 1930, Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool., 70, p. 313. 

Central Sonora south to northwestern Sinaloa, Mexico. 

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus guttatus (Gould) 

Thryothorus guttatus Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 4, 
(1836), p. 89 — Mexico. 

Central plateau of Mexico from southern Chihuahua, southern 
Coahuila, southern Nuevo Leén, and central Tamaulipas south to 
Michoacan, México, and Hidalgo. 


Campylorhynchus griseus chiapensis Salvin and Godman 

Campylorhynchus chiapensis Salvin and Godman, 1891, Ibis, p. 609 
— Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico. 

Pacific slope of Chiapas, Mexico. 


Campylorhynchus griseus albicilius (Bonaparte) 
Buglodytes albicilius Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 
Paris, 38, p. 57 — Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. 
Tropical zone of northern Colombia from Bolivar east through 
Guajira and southward up the Rio Magdalena valley to about lat. 
7°N. and tropical zone of northwestern Venezuela around Lago de 
Maracaibo and east to northern Falcon and central Lara. 

Campylorhynchus griseus bicolor (Pelzeln) 
Heleodytes bicolor Pelzeln, 1875, Ibis, p. 330 — “Spanish Guiana” 
[= ““Bogota’’, Colombia]. 
Upper Rio Magdalena valley and on the west slope of the Cor- 
dillera Oriental in Santander and Boyaca, Colombia. 

Campylorhynchus griseus minor (Cabanis) 

Heleodytes minor Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 80 — Vene- 
zuela; restricted to Cd. Bolivar, Bolivar, Venezuela by Phelps 
and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cien. Nat., 12, 
p- 225. 

Lowlands of northern Venezuela from Apure and Cojedes to Mo- 

nagas and Sucre, and south to northern Bolivar; Meta, Colombia 
at the eastern base of the Cordillera Oriental. 

?>Campylorhynchus griseus pallidus Phelps and Phelps, Jr. 

Campylorhynchus griseus pallidus Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1947, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 60, p. 158 — Cafio Cantaniapo 
(alt. 100 m.), Amazonas, Venezuela. 

Known only from the type locality in extreme northeastern Ama- 
zonas, Venezuela. 

Campylorhynchus griseus griseus (Swainson) 

Furnarius griseus Swainson, 1837, Anim. Menag., p. 325 — savan- 
nas of Guiana. 

Northern Amazonas and northwestern Bolivar, Venezuela and 
adjacent British Guiana and extreme northern Amazonas (Rio 
Branco), Brazil. 


Campylorhynchus rufinucha humilis Sclater 
Campylorhynchus humilis Sclater, 1856, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi- 
ladelphia, 8, p. 263 — ‘‘Mazatlan’’, [Sinaloa], error = Mexico. 

Lowlands of the Pacific coast of Mexico from Colima to about 
Mapastepec, Chiapas. 


Campylorhynchus rufinucha rufinucha (Lesson) 

Picolaptes rufinucha Lesson, 1838, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool., ser. 2, 
9, p. 168 — Veracruz, Mexico. 

Lowlands of southeastern Veracruz and adjacent northeastern 
Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Campylorhynchus rufinucha nigricaudatus (Nelson) 

Heleodytes capistratus nigricaudatus Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 70 
—San Benito, near Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico. 

Eastern portion of the coast of Chiapas and the Pacific slope of 

Campylorhynchus rufinucha castaneus Ridgway! 

Campylorhynchus castaneus Ridgway, 1888, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
10 (1887), p. 507 — Honduras. 

Interior Guatemala through Honduras and Nicaragua, except 
Pacific coast. 

Campylorhynchus rufinucha capistratus (Lesson) 
Picolaptes capistrata Lesson, 1842, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 5, p. 174 — 
Realejo, Nicaragua. 
El Salvador, Pacific coast of Nicaragua, and coast and lower slopes 
of northwestern Costa Rica. 


Campylorhynchus turdinus albo-brunneus (Lawrence) 

Heleodytes albo-brunneus Lawrence, 1862, Ibis, 4, p. 10 — Route 
of Panama Railroad, near summit of Atlantic slope, Panama. 

Panama, in the vicinity of the Canal Zone. 

Campylorhynchus turdinus harterti (Berlepsch) 
Heleodytes harterti Berlepsch, 1907, Ornis, 14, p. 347 — San José, 
Rio Dagua, Valle, Colombia. 
Panama, in Darien, and adjacent western Colombia, in Choco, 
western Antioquia, and western Valle. 

Campylorhynchus turdinus aenigmaticus de Schauensee 

Campylorhynchus albo-brunneus aenigmaticus de Schauensee, 1948, 
Not. Nat., Philadelphia, no. 209, p. 1 — La Guayacana (alt. 
720 ft.), near El Diviso, Narifio, Colombia. 

Known only from the type locality in southwestern Narifo, Co- 

1 Possibly not worthy of separation from C. r. capistratus. 


Campylorhynchus turdinus hypostictus Gould 

Campylorhynchus hypostictus Gould, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 23, p. 68 — Rio Ucayali, Peru. 

Heleodytes turdinus chanchamayoensis Carriker!, 1933, Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 85, p. 32 — San Juan de Perené, Junin, 

Amazon basin, from eastern Colombia through eastern Ecuador, 
eastern Peru, and Brazil (south of the Amazon) to northern Bolivia. 

Campylorhynchus turdinus turdinus (Wied) 

Opetiorhynchos turdinus Wied, 1821, Reise Brasil., 2, p. 148 — 
Rio Catolé, a tributary of the Rio Pardo, Bahia, Brazil. 

East-central Brazil, from the interior of Maranhaio through 
northern Goids, Bahia, and Espirito Santo. 

Campylorhynchus turdinus unicolor Lafresnaye 

Campylorhynchus unicolor Lafresnaye, 1846, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 
9, p. 93 — Guarayos, Rio Heath, Guarayo, Bolivia. 

Lowlands of eastern Bolivia and western Mato Grosso, Brazil. 


Campylorhynchus nuchalis pardus Sclater 
Campylorhynchus pardus Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
25, (1857), p. 271 — Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. 
Tropical zone of northern Colombia from the Rio Sint, Bolivar, 
east to Guajira and southward in the lower Rio Magdalena valley 
to about lat. 8° N. 

Campylorhynchus nuchalis brevipennis Lawrence 
Campylorhynchus brevipennis Lawrence, 1866, Ann. Lyc. Nat. 
Hist. New York, 8, p. 344 — Venezuela; restricted to Puerto 
Cabello, Carabobo, Venezuela by Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, 
Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cien. Nat., 12, p. 226. 
Coastal region of northern Venezuela from Carabobo through 
Miranda and southward on the plains of northern Guarico. 

Campylorhynchus nuchalis nuchalis Cabanis 

Campylorhynchus nuchalis Cabanis, 1847, Arch. f. Naturg., 13 
(1), p. 206 — Cumana, Sucre, Venezuela. 
Central Venezuela, from Apure, Barinas, and Portuguesa east- 
ward through the central and southern plains of Guarico to northern 
Anzoategui and Delta Amacuro, and south to northern Bolivar. 

1 Possibly distinguishable. 



Campylorhynchus fasciatus pallescens Lafresnaye 

Campylorhynchus pallescens Lafresnaye, 1846, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 
9, p. 93 — “Mexico’’, error = southwestern Ecuador. 

Southwestern Ecuador and adjacent northwestern Peru, in Tum- 
bez, Piura, and Lambayeque. 

Campylorhynchus fasciatus fasciatus (Swainson) 
Furnarius fasciatus Swainson, 1837, Anim. Menag., p. 351 — Peru. 

Drier parts of western Peru from the interior of Piura through 
Cajamarca, Libertad, Ancash, and Huanuco, possibly to Lima. 


Campylorhynchus zonatus zonatus (Lesson) 

Picolaptes zonatus Lesson, 1832, Cent. Zool., p. 210, pl. 70 — 
“California’’, error = Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico substituted by 
Brodkorb, 1942, Condor, 49, p. 242. 

Eastern San Luis Potosi and northern Veracruz to northern Pue- 
bla and central Veracruz, Mexico. 

Campylorhynchus zonatus restrictus (Nelson) 

Heleodytes zonatus restrictus Nelson, 1901, Auk, 18, p. 49 — Fron- 
tera, Tabasco, Mexico. 

Southern Veracruz, northern Oaxaca, northern Chiapas, Tabasco, 
and extreme western Campeche, Mexico through Petén, Guatemala 
and British Honduras. 

Campylorhynchus zonatus vulcanius (Brodkorb) 

Heleodytes zonatus vulcanius Brodkorb, 1940, Auk, 57, p. 547 — 
Aguacaliente, Chiapas, Mexico. 

Temperate and subtropical zones from Chiapas, Mexico through 
Guatemala, Honduras, northwestern El Salvador, and Nicaragua. 

Campylorhynchus zonatus costaricensis Berlepsch 

Campylorhynchus zonatus costaricensis Berlepsch, 1888, Auk, 5, 
p. 449 — Costa Rica. 

Heleodytes zonatus panamensis Griscom, 1927, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 280, p. 12 — Santa Fe, Veraguas, Panama. 

Caribbean slope of Costa Rica and adjacent western Panama. 

?Campylorhynchus zonatus curvirostris Ridgway 
Campylorhynchus curvirostris (ex Lafresnaye ms.) Ridgway, 1888, 
Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 23, p. 385 — ‘““New Granada”. 
Tropical zone at the base of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 
Magdalena, Colombia. 


Campylorhynchus zonatus brevirostris Lafresnaye 

Campylorhynchus brevirostris Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 
8, p. 339 — “Bogota”, Colombia. 

Tropical and subtropical zones of northern Colombia from Atlan- 
tico to the upper Rio Sint valley, Bolivar and in the Rio Magdalena 
valley; coastal region of northwestern Ecudaor in Esmeraldas and 


Campylorhynchus megalopterus megalopterus Lafresnaye 

Campylorhynchus megalopterus Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. (Pa- 
ris), 8, p. 339 — Mexico. 

Coniferous forests of the Mexican Plateau in Michoacan, México, 
Morelos, and western Puebla. 

Campylorhynchus megalopterus nelsoni (Ridgway) 

Heleodytes nelsoni Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
16, p. 111 — Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. 

Mountains of southwestern Veracruz and Oaxaca, Mexico. 


Odontorchilus Richmond, 1915, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 28, 
p. 180. New name for Odontorhynchus Pelzeln, 1868 (1867%), 
preoccupied. Type, by monotypy, Odontorhynchus cinereus Pel- 


Odontorchilus cinereus (Pelzeln) 

Odontorhynchus cinereus Pelzeln, 1868 (18677), Orn. Brasil, 1, 
(1868[’67]-1870), p. 67 — Salto do Girau, upper Rio Madeira, 
Amazonas, Brazil. 

Northern Brazil, south of the Amazon, from the Rio Xingu west 
to the upper Rio Madeira. 


Odontorchilus branickii branickii (Taczanowski and Berlepsch) 
Odontorhynchus branickit Taczanowski and Berlepsch, 1885, Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, p. 72, pl. 6 — Machay, Ambato, Tungura- 
hua, Ecuador. 
Tropical and subtropical zones of Huila, Colombia; Tungurahua, 
Ecuador; and San Martin, Huanuco, Junin, and Cusco, Peru. 

1 May prove to be conspecific with cinereus. 


?Odontorchilus branickii minor (Hartert) 
Odontorhynchus branickii minor Hartert, 1900, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
11, p. 40 — Paramba (alt. 3,500 ft.), Imbabura, Ecuador. 

Known only from the type locality in northern Ecuador. 


Salpinctes Cabanis, 1847, Arch. Naturg., 13 (1), p. 323. Type, by 
subsequent designation, T'roglodytes obsoletus Say (G. R. Gray, 
1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 31). 

Catherpes Baird, 1858, Rep. Pacific. R. R. Surv. 9, p. 356. Type, 
by original designation, Thryothorus mexicanus Swainson. 

Rock Wren 

Salpinctes obsoletus obsoletus (Say) 

Troglodytes obsoleta Say, 1823, in Long, Exped. Rocky Mts., 2, 
p. 4— near junction of Plum Creek and South Platte River, 
Douglas County, Colorado. 

Troglodytes latifasciatus Deppe, 1830, Preis-Verzeichn. Saéugeth. 
Vog., Mexico gesam., p. 2, col. 2 — Distrito Federal, Mexico. 

Salpinctes obsoletus notius Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 16, p. 168 — Tlalpam, Distrito Federal, Mexico. 

Breeds north to interior southern British Columbia, southern 

Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan, east to western North 
Dakota, western Kansas, western Texas, Coahuila, San Luis Potosi, 
and southwestern Tamaulipas, west to the coast and nearby islands 
(except in Washington, Oregon, and northern California where 
does not breed west of the coast ranges), and south to Oaxaca, 
Puebla, western Veracruz, and southwestern Tamaulipas. Winters 
in breeding range from northern California, central Arizona, central 
New Mexico, and southern Texas southward. 

Salpinctes obsoletus guadeloupensis Ridgway 

Salpinctes obsoletus guadelowpensis Ridgway, 1876, Bull. U. S. 
Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., 2, no. 2, p. 185 — Isla de Guadalupe, 
Baja California, Mexico. 

Isla de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico. 

Salpinctes obsoletus tenuirostris van Rossem 

Salpinctes obsoletus tenuirostris van Rossem, 1943, Condor, 45, 
p. 235 — West Isla San Benito, Baja California, Mexico. 

Islas San Benito, Baja California, Mexico. 


Salpinctes obsoletus exsul Ridgway 
Salpinctes obsoletus exsul Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton 16, p. 169 — Isla San Benedicto, Islas de Revillagigedo, 
Colima, Mexico. 
Restricted to Isla San Benedicto, Islas de Revillagigedo, Colima, 
Mexico; probably extinct. 

Salpinctes obsoletus neglectus Nelson 

Salpinctes obsoletus neglectus Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 70 — Ha- 
cienda Chancol (alt. 10,000 ft.), ca. 25 miles northeast of Hue- 
huetenango, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. 

Salpinctes obsoletus sollicitus Moore, 1941, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 54, p. 40 — Juncana (alt. 1,400 m.), Comitan, Chiapas, 

Highlands from central Chiapas through Guatemala to central 


Salpinctes obsoletus guttatus Salvin and Godman 

Salpinctes guttatus Salvin and Godman, 1891, Ibis, p. 609 —Vol- 
can de San Miguel (alt. ca. 4,000 ft.), El Salvador. 

Salpinctes fasciatus Salvin and Godman, 1891, Ibis, p. 610 —Vol- 
can El Viejo (alt. 6,500 ft.), Nicaragua. 

Salpinctes obsoletus costaricensis van Rossem, 1941, Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 54, p. 172 — Hacienda El Pelon (alt. 700 ft.), 
Guanacaste, Costa Rica. 

Highlands of El Salvador, south-central Honduras, Nicaragua 

and Costa Rica. 

Canyon Wren 

Salpinctes mexicanus conspersus (Ridgway) 

Catherpes mexicanus var. conspersus Ridgway, 1873, Amer. Natur., 
7, p. 603 — near Fort Churchill, Lyon County, Nevada. 

Catherpes mexicanus punctulatus Ridgway, 1882, Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 5, p. 343 — Forest Hill, Placer County, California. 

Catherpes mexicanus polioptilus Oberholser, 1903, Auk, 20, p. 197 
— Deer Mountain, Chisos Mountains, Texas. 

Catherpes mexicanus griseus Aldrich, 1946, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 59, p. 131 — Logy Creek, Yakima Indian Reservation, 
Yakima County, Washington. 

Resident from coastal southern and central California and interior 
northern California through eastern Oregon and Washington, north 
to interior southern British Columbia, east to Idaho, southwestern 
Montana, Wyoming, southwestern South Dakota, Colorado, south- 


western and extreme western Oklahoma, and central Texas, and 
south to Pecos River, Texas, northern Chihuahua, northern Sonora, 
and southern Baja California. 

Salpinctes mexicanus albifrons (Giraud) 

Certhia albifrons Giraud, 1841, Sixteen Species Texan Birds, p.[17], 
pl. [8] — Texas [original reference not seen]. 

Southwestern Texas, Coahuila, and Nuevo Leon; intergrading 
with nominate form in central Tamaulipas. 

Salpinctes mexicanus mexicanus (Swainson) 
Thryothorus mexicanus Swainson, 1829, Zool. Ilustr., ser. 2, 1, 
pl. [11] — Real del Monte, Hidalgo, Mexico. 

Catherpes mexicanus meliphonus Oberholser, 1930, Sci. Pub. Cleve- 
land Mus. Nat. Hist., 1, p. 95 — Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. 

Southeastern Sonora, southern Chihuahua, Durango, San Luis 
Potosi, Hidalgo, and central Veracruz through mountains and cen- 
tral plateau to Oaxaca and southwestern Chiapas; intergrading with 
S.m. conspersus in southeastern Sonora and southern Chihuahua. 

Genus HYLORCHILUS Netson!} 

Hylorchilus Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 71. Type, by original de- 
signation, Catherpes sumichrasti Lawrence. 

Hylorchilus sumichrasti (Lawrence) 

Catherpes sumichrasti Lawrence, 1871, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi- 
ladelphia, p. 233 — Mato Bejuco, Veracruz, Mexico. 

Central interior Veracruz and adjacent northern Oaxaca. 


Cinnycerthia Lesson, 1844, Echo du Monde Savant, 11, 2nd ser., 
no. 8, col. 182 (not seen, fide Sherborn). Type, by monotypy, 
Cinnycerthia cinnamomea Lesson = Limnornis unirufus Lafres- 

Brown Wren 
Cinnycerthia unirufa unirufa (Lafresnaye) 

LIimnornis unirufus Lafresnaye, 1840, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 3, p. 105 
— “Santa-Fé-de-Bogota’’, Colombia. 

1 Probably congeneric with Salpinctes. 


Temperate region in northeastern Colombia from Cundinamarca 
north to Magdalena, where probably intergrades with the next form 
in the Sierra Perijaé, and in Tachira, Venezuela. 

Cinnycerthia unirufa chakei Aveledo and Gines 

Cinnycerthia unirufa chakei Aveledo and Gines, 1952, Nov. Cien. 
(Mus. Hist. Nat. La Salle), zool. ser., no. 6, p. 7 — Rio Negro 
(alt. 2,900 m.), on the Colombia-Venezuela border, Sierra de 
Perijé, Zulia, Venezuela. 

Temperate zone of the headwaters of the Rio Negro, Sierra de 
Perijé, Zulia, Venezuela and in adjacent Colombia. 

Cinnycerthia unirufa unibrunnea (Lafresnaye) 

Limnornis ou Thryothorus unibrunneus Lafresnaye, 1853, Rev. 
Mag. Zool. (Paris), ser. 2, 5, p. 59 — Phichincha, Ecuador. 

Temperate and subtropical zone of the central Andes, and pos- 
sibly the western Andes, of Colombia and the temperate zone of 


Cinnycerthia peruana bogotensis (Matschie) 

Presbys bogotensis Matschie, 1885, Journ. f. Orn., 33, p. 466 — 
“Bogota”, Colombia. 

Western slope of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia in temperate 
and subtropical zones. 

Cinnycerthia peruana olivascens Sharpe 
Cinnicerthia [sic] olivascens Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 
6, p. 184, pl. 11 — Santa Elena, Antioquia, Colombia. 

Subtropical and temperate zones of the Central and Western 
Andes of Colombia southward from Antioquia through eastern 

Cinnycerthia peruana peruana (Cabanis) 

Presbys peruanus Cabanis, 1873, Journ. f. Orn., 21, p. 317 — Ma- 
raynioc, Junin, Peru. 

Temperate zone of Junin, Peru. 

Cinnycerthia peruana fulva (Sclater) 
Thryophilus fulvus Sclater, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1873), 
p. 781 — Huasampilla (alt. 10,000 ft.), Cusco, Peru. 

Temperate zone of Cusco and Puno, southern Peru and of Cocha- 
bamba and La Paz, northern Bolivia. 



Cistothorus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., 1 (1850), p. 77 (footnote). 
Type, by subsequent designation, T'roglodytes stellaris Naumann 
(G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 31). 

Telmatodytes Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., 1 (1850), p. 78 (note). 
Type, by subsequent designation, Certhia palustris Wilson. 

Short-billed Marsh Wren 

Cistothorus platensis stellaris (Naumann) 

Troglodytes stellaris Naumann, 1823, Naturg. Vog. Deutschl., 3, 

table to p. 724 — Carolina. 

Breeds from southwestern Saskatchewan eastward through south- 
ern Manitoba, southern Ontario, and southern Quebec to Maine 
and southeastern New Brunswick, and southward to central North 
Dakota, eastern South Dakota, eastern Nabraska and Kansas, cen- 
tral Missouri, southern Illinois, central Indiana, southern Ohio, 
southern West Virginia, and Maryland; rarely in central Kentucky 
and eastern Tennessee. Winters along the Atlantic coast from North 
Carolina to southern Florida and along the Gulf coast from Florida 
west to Tamaulipas and eastern San Luis Potosi. 

Cistothorus platensis tinnulus Moore 

Cistothorus platensis tinnulus Moore, 1941, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 54, p. 40 — Rancho La Cofradia (alt. ca. 5,200 ft.), 4 
miles east of Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico. 

Known only from the type specimen. 

Cistothorus platensis elegans Sclater and Salvin 

Cistothorus elegans Sclater and Salvin, 1859, Ibis, 1, p. 8 — Lago 
de Duefias, Sacatepequez, Guatemala. 

Moderate to high elevations in Veracruz and Chiapas, Mexico, in 
the central highlands of Guatemala, and in the pine ridge region 
of western British Honduras. 

Cistothorus platensis lucidus Ridgway 
Cistothorus polyglottus lucidus Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 16, p. 169 — Boquéte, Chiriqui, Panama. 
Subtropical zone of southern Costa Rica and Chiriqui, western 

Cistothorus platensis alticola Salvin and Godman 

Cistothorus alticola Salvin and Godman, 1883, Ibis, p. 204 — 
Cerro Roraima, British Guiana [= Bolivar, Venezuela]. 



Moderate to high altitudes in the mountains of Santa Marta, Co- 
lombia, the Andes of Mérida and Lara, along the northern coastal 
range, and in southeastern Bolivar, Venezuela, and the eastern 
mountains of British Guiana. 

Cistothorus platensis tamae Cory 

Cistothorus platensis tamae Cory, 1916, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Orn. 
Ser., 1, p. 344 — El Paramo de Tama, Tachira, Venezuela. 

Paramo zone of the Eastern Andes in Cundenamara and Norte 
de Santander, Colombia and in Tachira, Venezuela. 

Cistothorus platensis tolimae de Schauensee 

Cistothorus platensis tolimae de Schauensee, 1946, Not. Nat., Phi- 
ladelphia, no. 161, p. 2— Nevado de Tolima (alt. 12,000 ft.), 
Tolima, Colombia. 

Temperate and paramo zones of the northern part of the Central 
Andes in Tolima and Caldas, Colombia. 

Cistothorus platensis aequatorialis Lawrence 
Cistothorus aequatorialis Lawrence, 1871, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. 
New York, 10, p. 3 — Pichincha, Ecuador. 

Subtropical and temperate zones of the central, and probably 
western, Andes of Colombia from Cauca southward, in the paramo 
zone of Ecuador, and in the temperate and puna zones of Peru, 
south to central Kunin. 

Cistothorus platensis graminicola Taczanowski 
Cistothorus graminicola Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, p. 130 — Maraynioc, Junin, Peru. 
Puna zone from central Junin through Cuzco, Peru. 

Cistothorus platensis minimus Carriker 
Cistothorus platensis minimus Carriker, 1935, Proc. Acad. Nat. 
Sci. Philadelphia, 87, p. 354 —- Oconeque (alt. 9,000 ft.), Puno, 
Known from two specimens from the type locality. 

?Cistothorus platensis boliviae Bond and de Schauensee 
Cistothorus platensis boliviae Bond and de Schauensee, 1941, Not. 
Nat., Philadelphia, no. 93, p.6—Samaipata (alt. 5,500 ft.), 
Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 
Highlands of La Paz and Santa Clara, Bolivia; probably not 
separable from C. p. minimus. 


Cistothorus platensis polyglottus (Vieillot) 

Thryothorus polyglottus Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 
nouv. éd., 34, p. 59 — Paraguay!, based on de Azara’s “Todo 

Southeastern Brazil north to Goiaz and Minas Gerais, Paraguay, 

and probably adjacent parts of Argentina and Uruguay. 

Cistothorus platensis tucumanus Hartert and Venturi 

Cistothorus platensis tucumanus Hartert and Venturi, 1909, Novit. 
Zool., 16, p. 163 — Tucuman, Argentina. 

From Jujuy south to Catamarca and Tucuman, Argentina. 

Cistothorus platensis platensis (Latham) 

Sylvia platensis Latham, 1790, Ind. Orn., 2, p. 548 — Buenos 
Aires, Argentina; based on “Le Roitelet de Buénos-Ayres”’ of 
Daubenton’s Planches Enlum., pl. 730, fig. 2. 

Central and eastern Argentina from Mendoza, Cordoba, and Entre 
Rios south to the Rio Colorado and the mouth of the Rio Negro. 

Cistothorus platensis hornensis (Lesson) 

Troglodytes hornensis Lesson, 1834, L’Institut (Paris), 2, no. 72, 
p- 316 — “at sea twenty leagues southeast of Cape Horn’. 

Coquimbo, Chile and Neuquén, Argentina south through Tierra 
del Fuego. 

Cistothorus platensis falklandicus Chapman 

Cistothorus platensis falklandicus Chapman, 1934, Amer. Mus. No- 
vit., no. 672, p. 7 — Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands. 

Falkland Islands. 


Cistothorus meridae Hellmayr 

Cistothorus platensis meridae Hellmayr, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL., 
19, p. 74 — El Loro (alt. 3,000 m.), Mérida, Venezuela. 

Paramo zone of Trujillo and Mérida, Venezuela. 


Cistothorus apolinari Chapman 

Cistothorus apolinari Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 
33, p. 635 — Suba Marshes [= Tibabuyes] (alt. 8,600 ft.), 4 mi. 
[north] from Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia. 

Known only from the temperate zone marshes near Suba, Bogota, 

1 cf. Hellmayr, op. cit., p. 255. 


Long-billed Marsh Wren 

Cistothorus palustris palustris (Wilson) 

Certhia palustris Wilson, 1807, Amer. Orn., 2, p. 58, pl. 12, fig. 4 
—borders of the Schuylkill and Delaware [Rivers, Philadel- 
phia, Pennsylvania]. 

Cistothorus (Telmatodytes) palustris dissaéptus Bangs, 1902, Auk, 
19, p. 352 — Wayland, Massachusetts. 

Breeds east of the Appalachians from New Brunswick south to 

Virginia; winters from New Jersey to southern Florida and Loui- 

Cistothorus palustris waynei (Dingle and Sprunt) 
Telmatodytes palustris waynei Dingle and Sprunt, 1932, Auk, 49, 
p. 454 — Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. 
Breeds in coastal marshes of southern Virginia and in North Caro- 
lina; winters in breeding range and south to Georgia. 

Cistothorus palustris griseus Brewster 
Cistothorus palustris griseus Brewster, 1893, Auk, 10, p. 216 — 
Sapelo Island, Georgia. 

Resident on Atlantic coast from central South Carolina to central 

Cistothorus palustris marianae Scott 

Cistothorus marianae Scott, 1888, Auk, 5, p.188 — Tarpon Springs, 

Resident in the coastal marshes from Alabama to southwestern 

Cistothorus palustris thryophilus (Oberholser) 

Telmatodytes palustris thryophilus Oberholser, 1903, Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 19, p. 149 — Sabine, Texas. 

Resident along the coast from Mississippi to southern Texas. 

Cistothorus palustris iliacus Ridgway 

Oistothorus palustris iliacus Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 16, p. 110 —Wheatland, Knox County, Indiana. 

Breeds from southern Manitoba, southern Ontario, and south- 
western Quebec, east to the Appalachians, west to North Dakota 
and eastern Kansas, and southward through the central Mississippi 
Valley to Missouri, southern Illinois, southern Indiana, Ohio, and 
northwestern Pennsylvania. Winters in breeding range, except 
extreme northern part, southward to Gulf Coast from Texas to 


Cistothorus palustris laingi (Harper) 
Telmatodytes palustris laingi Harper, 1926, Occ. Papers Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, p. 221 — Athabasca Delta, Main Branch 
(9 miles above mouth), Alberta, Canada. 

Breeds from central Alberta and central Saskatchewan south to 
central and eastern Montana. Winters south in Coahuila, Tamauli- 
pas, Zacatecas, Jalisco, Michoacan, México, and Veracruz, Mexico; 
winter range imperfectly known owing to confusion with other races. 

Cistothorus palustris plesius Oberholser 

Cistothorus palustris plesius Oberholser, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 188 — 
Fort Wingate, New Mexico. 

Talmatodytes [sic] palustris pulverius Aldrich, 1946, Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 59, p. 130 — Sprague, Lincoln County, Wash- 

Breeds from central British Columbia and western Montana 
through the Rocky Mountains and Great Basin south to central 
eastern California, central Nevada, central Arizona, central New 
Mexico, and western Texas. Winters in breeding range and south 
to Baja California, Michoacan, México, and Veracruz, Mexico. 

Cistothorus palustris paludicola Baird 
Cistothorus palustris var. paludicola Baird, 1864, Rev. Amer. Birds, 
1, (1864-1873), p. 148 — Shoalwater Bay, Washington. 
Coastal marshes from southern British Columbia south to south- 
ern California; rare winterer in Baja California and northwestern 
Sonora, Mexico. 

Cistothorus palustris aestuarinus (Swarth) 

Telmatodytes palustris aestuarinus Swarth, 1917, Auk, 34, p. 310 
— Grizzly Island, Solano County, California. 

Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Imperial valleys of California and 
the Colorado River valley in southern Nevada, southwestern Cali- 
fornia, southwestern Arizona, northern Baja California, and north- 
western Sonora. Winters in breeding range and west to coastal 

Cistothorus palustris tolucensis (Nelson) 

Telmatodytes palustris tolucensis Nelson, 1904, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 17, p. 152 — Lerma, México, Mexico. 

Known only from the type locality on the Rio Lerma, México, 

Thryomanes Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 22. Type, 
by monotypy, T'roglodytes bewickii Audubon. 


Bewick’s Wren 

Thryomanes bewickii bewickii (Audubon) 

Troglodytes bewickit Audubon, 1827, Birds America (folio), 1, pl.18 
— Five miles from St. Francisville, Louisiana. 

Breeds from southeastern Iowa, southern Wisconsin, southern 
Michigan, and Ohio east to the Appalachians, south to northern 
Mississippi and northern Arkansas, and west to northern and eastern 
Kansas and southeastern Nebraska. Winters in breeding range and 
south to eastern Texas and western Florida. 

Thryomanes bewickii altus Aldrich 

Thryomanes bewickii altus Aldrich, 1944, Occas. Papers Mus. Zool. 
Louisiana State Univ., no. 18, p. 307 — seven miles east of 
Philippi (alt. 1,750 ft.), Barbour County, West Virginia. 

Breeds in the Appalachians from southern Ohio, central Pennsy]l- 

vania, and Virginia south to Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. 
Winters through breeding range and casually south to Florida and 

Thryomanes bewickii cryptus Oberholser 
Thryomanes bewickii cryptus Oberholser, 1898, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 21, p. 425 — San Antonio, Texas. 
Thryomanes bewicki niceae Sutton, 1934, Auk, 51, p. 217 — Ken- 
ton, Cimarron County, Oklahoma. 
Western and southern Kansas and Oklahoma through all but 
westernmost Texas to northern Nuevo Leon and northern Tamau- 
lipas, Mexico. 

Thryomanes bewickii eremophilus Oberholser 
Thryomanes bewickii eremophilus Oberholser, 1898, Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 21, p. 427 — Big Hatchet Mountains, Grant County, 
New Mexico. 

Resident in the mountains of southeastern California, southern 
Nevada, southern Utah, southwestern Wyoming, and Colorado south 
to northern Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, and southern 
Coahuila, Mexico. 

Thryomanes bewickii calophonus Oberholser 
Thryomanes bewickii calophonus Oberholser, 1898, Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 21, p. 400 — South Park, King County, Washington. 
Thryomanes bewickii ariborius Oberholser, 1920, Wilson Bull., 32, 
p. 25 — Agassiz, British Columbia. 
Thryomanes bewickii hurley: Jewett, 1944, Auk, 61, p. 288 — Par- 
ker, Yakima County, Washington. 


Southwestern British Columbia through western Washington and 
western Oregon. 

Thryomanes bewickii drymoecus Oberholser 

Thryomanes bewickit drymoecus Oberholser, 1898, Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 21, p. 437 — Baird, California. 

Central southwestern Oregon through the Sacramento Valley and 
the northern half of the San Joaquin Valley, California. 

Thryomanes bewickii marinensis Grinnell 

Thryomanes bewicki marinensis Grinnell, 1910, Univ. California 
Publ. Zool., 5, p. 307 — Nicasio, Marin County, California. 

Coastal belt of California from Del Norte County south through 
Marin County. 

Thryomanes bewickii atrestus Oberholser 

Thryomanes bewickw atrestus Oberholser, 1932, Sci. Publ. Cleve- 
land Mus. Nat. Hist., 4, p.8— Twenty Mile Creek, Warner 
Valley, 9 miles south of Adel, Oregon. 

Northeastern California, central-southern Oregon, and western 


Thryomanes bewickii spilurus (Vigors) 

Troglodytes spilurus Vigors, 1839, in Zool. Beechey’s Voy., p. 18, 
pl. 4, fig. 1 — no locality [prob. near San Francisco, California]. 

Central-western California in the coastal belt from San Francisco 
southward through Santa Cruz County. 

Thryomanes bewickii correctus Grinnell 

Thryomanes bewickii correctus Grinnell, 1928, Condor, 30, p. 154 
— Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California. 

Southwestern California from Monterey and San Benito Counties 
south to the Mexican border and west to the western slopes of the 
Sierra Nevada. 

Thryomanes bewickii nesophilus Oberholser 

Thryomanes bewickii nesophilus Oberholser, 1898, Proc. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 21, p. 442 — Santa Cruz Island, California. 

Santa Cruz islands off southern California; on Santa Cruz, Santa 
Rosa, and Anacapa Islands, and probably on Santa Barbara and 
San Nicolas Islands. 

Thryomanes bewickii catalinae Grinnell 

Thryomanes bewicki catalinae Grinnell, 1910, Univ. California Publ. 
Zool., 5, p. 308 — Avalon, Santa Catalina Island. 

Santa Catalina Island off southern California. 


Thryomanes bewickii leucophrys (Anthony) 

Thryothorus leucophrys Anthony, 1895, Auk, 12, p. 52 — San Cle- 
mente Island, California. 

San Clemente Island off southern California. 

Thryomanes bewickii charienturus Oberholser 

Thryomanes bewickii charienturus Oberholser, 1898, Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 21, p. 435 — Nachoguero, Baja California, Mexico. 

Northwestern Baja California, Mexico from the international bor- 
der south to about lat. 30° N. 

Thryomanes bewickii cerroensis (Anthony) 

Thryothorus cerroensis Anthony, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 166 — Isla de 
Cedros (‘‘Cerros Island’’), Baja California, Mexico. 

Thryomanes bewickii atricauda Huey, 1942, Trans. San Diego Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 9, p.429—San Borjas Mission (lat. 28° 52’ N., 
long. 113° 53’ W.), Baja California, Mexico. 

Western-central Baja California from lat. 30° N. to lat. 26° N., 
and Isla de Cedros. 

Thryomanes bewickii brevicauda Ridgway 

Thryomanes brevicauda Ridgway, 1876, Bull. U. 8. Geol. Geogr. 
Surv. Terr., 2, p. 186 — Isla de Guadalupe, Baja California, 

Isla de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico; extinct. 

Thryomanes bewickii magdalenensis Huey 

Thryomanes bewickii magdalenensis Huey, 1942, Trans. San Diego 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 430 — Santo Domingo (lat. 28° 15’ N.), 
Llano de Magdalena, Baja California, Mexico. 

Southwestern Baja California, on plains bordering the Bajia de 
Magdalena, from lat. 26° N. to lat. 24° N. 

Thryomanes bewickii murinus (Hartlaub) 
Thryothorus murinus Hartlaub, 1852, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 
ser. 2, 4, p. 4— Rio Frio, México, Mexico. 
Thryomanes bewickii percnus Oberholser, 1898, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus., 21, p. 429 — Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico. 
Central Plateau of Mexico from southern Zacatecas, southern 
Nuevo Leon, and southern Tamaulipas south to Jalisco, Michoacan, 
Morelos, and Tlaxcala. 

Thryomanes bewickii mexicanus (Deppe) 

Troglodytes mexicanus Deppe, 1830, Preis-Verzeichn. Saugeth. 
Vog., Mexico gesam., p. 2, col. 1 — Veracruz, Mexico. 


Thryothorus bairdi Salvin and Godman, 1880, Biol. Centr.-Amer., 
Aves, 1, p. 95 — Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Southeastern part of the Central Plateau of Mexico in southern 
Puebla, western Veracruz, and Oaxaca. 

Thryomanes sissonii (Grayson) 

Thyrothorus sissonii Grayson, 1868, California Farmer Journ. 
Useful Sci., 29, p.7— Isla Socorro, Islas de Revillagigedo, 
Colima, Mexico. 

Troglodytes insularis (Baird ms) Lawrence, 1871, Ann. Lyc. Nat. 
Hist. New York, 10, p. 3 — Isla Socorro, Islas de Revillagigedo, 
Colima, Mexico. 

Isla Socorro, Islas de Revillagigedo, Colima, Mexico. 


Ferminia Barbour, 1926, Proc. New England Zool. Cl., 9, p. 74. 
Type, by original designation, Ferminia cerverai Barbour. 

Ferminia cerverai Barbour 

Ferminia cerverai Barbour, 1926, Proc. New England Zool. CL., 
9, p. 74 — Santo Tomas, Ciénaga de Zapata, Las Villas, Cuba. 
Restricted to the Ciénaga de Zapata, Las Villas, Cuba. 


Thriothorus Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 45 (corrected to Thryotho- 
rus, p. 70). Type, by monotypy, “Troglodyte des roseaux”’, 
Vieillot, Ois. Amér. Sept. = T'roglodytes arundinaceus Vieillot = 
Sylvia ludoviciana Latham. 

cf. Brodkorb, 1942, Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 
459, p. 1-19 (7. pleurostictus). 

Thryothorus atrogularis atrogularis Salvin 

Thryothorus atrogularis Salvin, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p- 580 — Tucurrique, Costa Rica. 

Caribbean lowlands of Nicaragua, Costa Rica and extreme western 
Thryothorus atrogularis xerampelinus (Griscom) 

Pheugopedius spadix xerampelinus Griscom, 1929, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., 69, p. 182 — Cana, Darien, Panama. 

Pacific slope of eastern Darien, Panama. 


Thryothorus atrogularis spadix (Bangs) 

Pheugopedius spadix Bangs, 1910, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
23, p. 74 — Naranjito, Rio Dagua, Valle, Colombia. 

Subtropical and tropical zones on the Pacific slope of Caldas, 
Valle, and Cauca, Colombia. 


Thryothorus fasciato-ventris melanogaster Sharpe 
Thryothorus melanogaster Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p. 230, pl. 14, fig. 2— Bugaba, Chiriqui, Panama. 
Pacific lowlands of southwestern Costa Rica and Chiriqui and 
Veraguas, Panama. 

Thryothorus fasciato-ventris albigularis (Sclater) 

Cyphorinus albigularis Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23, 
p. 76, pl. 88 — Isthmus of Panama. 

Panama, from the Canal Zone eastward, and Colombia, in Choco 
south to the upper Rio San Juan. 

Thryothorus fasciato-ventris fasciato-ventris Lafresnaye 

Thriothorus [sic] fasciato-ventris Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. 
(Paris), 8, p. 337 — ““Bogota’’, Colombia. 

Tropical zone of northern Colombia from the western base of the 
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta west to the lower Rio Sint and south 
to the lower Rio Cauca and middle Rio Magdalena valleys. 


Thryothorus euophrys euophrys Sclater 

Thryothorus euophrys Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 28, 
p. 74 — Lloa, a few miles south of Quito, on the side of Pichin- 
cha, Pichincha, Ecuador. 

Ecuador, in the humid temperate zone on the western slope of 
the Andes. 

Thryothorus euophrys longipes Allen 

Thryothorus longipes Allen, 1889, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 2, 
p. 188 — “‘“Ambato” [= Bafios?], Tungurahua, Ecuador. 

Ecuador, in the humid temperate zone on the eastern slope of 
the Andes. 

Thryothorus euophrys atriceps (Chapman) 
Pheugopedius atriceps Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., no.138, 
p. 13 — Chaupe (alt. 6,100 ft.), Piura, Peru. 
Known only from the type specimen from the subtropical zone 
northeast of Huancabamba, Piura, Peru. 



Thryothorus genibarbis macrurus Allen 
Thryothorus genibarbis macrurus Allen, 1889, Bull. Amer. Mus. 
Nat. Hist., 2, p. 137 — vicinity of Bogota, Colombia. 

Subtropical zone of Colombia on the east slope of the Cordillera 
Central and on the west slope of the Cordillera Oriental. 

Thryothorus genibarbis amaurogaster (Chapman) 
Pheugopedius mystacalis amaurogaster Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. 
Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 179 — Buena vista (alt. 4,500 ft.), above 
Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia. 
Eastern Colombia in the subtropical zone on the east slope of the 
Cordillera Oriental from Norte de Santander to Meta and also on 
the west slope in Norte de Santander. 

Thryothorus genibarbis saltuensis (Bangs) 

Pheugopedius mystacalis saltuensis Bangs, 1910, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 23, p.74—San Luis, Valle de Bitaco, Valle, 

Western slopes of the Cordillera Occidental of Colombia from 

Choco through Cauca. 

Thryothorus genibarbis yananchae de Schauensee 
Thryothorus genibarbis yananchae de Schauensee, 1951, Not. Nat., 
Philadelphia, no. 232, p. 5 — Yanancha (alt. 1,500 m.), Narifio, 
Known only from the upper tropical zone of the valley of the 
Rio Guaitara of interior Narifio, Colombia. 

Thryothorus genibarbis consobrinus Madarasz 
Thryothorus consobrinus Madarasz, 1904, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hun- 
garici, 2, p. 115 — Mérida, Venezuela. 
Northern Venezuela in the Sierra de Perija, Zulia and the Andes 
of Lara and Mérida. 

Thryothorus genibarbis ruficaudatus Berlepsch 
Thryothorus ruficaudatus Berlepsch, 1883, Ibis, p. 491 — “‘Puerto 
Cabello”, Carabobo, Venezuela. 
Northern Venezuela in the coastal mountains from Carabobo to 
the Distrito Federal and in the mountains of the interior in Aragua 
and Miranda. 

Thryothorus genibarbis tachirensis Phelps and Gilliard 

Thryothorus mystacalis tachirensis Phelps and Gilliard, 1941, Amer. 
Mus. Novit., no. 1153, p. 9 — Villa Paez (alt. 2,060 m.), Paramo 
Tama region, Tachira, Venezuela. 


Subtropical zone in the Andes of Tachira and their foothills in 
Barinas, Venezuela. 

Thryothorus genibarbis mystacalis Sclater 

Thryothorus mystacalis Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 28, 
p. 64 — Pallatanga, Chimborazo, Ecuador. 

Tropical and subtropical zones in the Andes of Ecuador. 

Thryothorus genibarbis genibarbis Swainson 

Thryothorus genibarbis Swainson, 1837, Anim. in Menag., p. 322 — 
Brazil; restricted to Bahia by Hellmayr, 1905, Novit. Zool., 12, 
p- 271. 

Northern and north-central Brazil, north to the Amazon, east to 
the right bank of the Rio Madeira, and south through Para, eastern 
Minas Gerais, and northern Rio de Janeiro. 

Thryothorus genibarbis juruanus Ihering 

Thryothorus genibarbis juruanus Ihering, 1905, Rev. Mus. Paul., 
6, (1904), p. 431 — Rio Jurua, Amazonas, Brazil. 

Western Brazil and northeastern Bolivia from the Amazon east 
to the left bank on the Rio Madeira, west to the Rio Jurua, and 
south to northern Beni, Bolivia. 

Thryothorus genibarbis intercedens Hellmayr 

Thryothorus genibarbis intercedens Hellmayr, 1908, Novit. Zool., 
15, p. 17 — Rio Tesouras (alt. 600 m.), a tributary of the Rio 
Araguaia north of Cid. de Goias, Goias, Brazil. 

Central Brazil in Goids and Mato Grosso. 

Thryothorus genibarbis bolivianus (Todd) 

Pheugopedius genibarbis bolivianus Todd, 1913, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 26, p. 170 — “Provence del Sara” [= Provincia 
Gutiérrez], Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 

Lowlands and foothills of La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz, 


Thryothorus coraya obscurus Zimmer and Phelps 

Thryothorus coraya obscurus Zimmer and Phelps, 1947, Amer. 
Mus. Novit., no. 1338, p. 6 — Cerro Auyan-tepui (alt. 1,100 m.), 
Bolivar, Venezuela. 

Subtropical zone on Cerro Auyan-tepui, Bolivar, Venezuela. 

Thryothorus coraya caurensis Berlepsch and Hartert 

Thryothorus griseipectus caurensis Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, 
Novit. Zool., 9, p.7—[Rio] Nichare, Rio Caura, Bolivar, 


Along the Rio Negro in extreme eastern Colombia, in Amazonas 
and Bolivar (except southeast), Venezuela, and at the headwaters 
of the Rio Padauiri in northernmost Amazonas, Brazil. 

Thryothorus coraya ridgwayi Berlepsch 
Thryothorus ridgwayi Berlepsch, 1889, Journ. f. Orn., 37, p. 293 — 
Bartica Grove, British Guiana. 

On the mountains of the Gran Sabana of southeastern Bolivar, 
Venezuela and in adjacent western British Guiana. 

Thryothorus coraya coraya (Gmelin) 

Turdus coraya Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., 1, (2), p. 825 — Cayenne, 
French Guiana; based on “‘Le Coraya”’ of Buffon and Dauben- 
ton, Planches Enl., pl. 701, fig. 1. 

Eastern British Guiana, French Guiana, Surinam, and northern 
Brazil, south to the left bank of the Amazon and west to the mouth 
of the Rio Negro. 

Thryothorus coraya herberti Ridgway 

Thryothorus herberti Ridgway (ex Riker ms), 1888, Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., 10 (1887), p. 516 — Diamantina, near Santarém, 
Rio Tapajos, Para, Brazil. 

Northern Brazil, south of the Amazon from the Rio Tocantins 

west to the right bank of the Rio Tapajos. 

Thryothorus coraya griseipectus Sharpe 

Thryothorus griseipectus Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p. 236, pl. 15, fig. 2— Nauta, North Bank of Rio Marajfion, 
Loreto, Peru. 

Putumayo and Amazonas, Colombia; lowlands of Napo-Pastaza, 
Ecuador; extreme northwestern Amazonas (north of the Amazon), 
Brazil; northern Loreto (north of the Rio Marafion), Peru. 

Thryothorus coraya amazonicus Sharpe 

Thryothorus amazonicus Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Brit. Mus., 6, p. 235, 
pl. 15, fig. 1 — Sarayacu, Rio Ucayali, Loreto, Peru. 

Lowlands of eastern Peru in Loreto, south of the Rio Marafién, 
and Huanuco. 

Thryothorus coraya albiventris Taczanowski 

Thryothorus albiventris Taczanowski, 1882, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, p. 5 — Chirimoto, San Martin, Peru. 

Lower elevations in San Martin, Peru. 

Thryothorus coraya cantator Taczanowski 

Thryothorus cantator Taczanowski, 1874, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 130 — Amable Maria, Montafia de Vitoc, Junin, Peru. 

Moderate elevations in Junin, Peru. 



Thryothorus felix sonorae (van Rossem) 

Pheugopedius felix sonorae van Rossem, 1930, Trans. San Diego 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 208 — Guirocoba (lat. 26° 58’, long. 110° 
52’), Sonora, Mexico. 

Southern Sonora and northern Sinaloa, Mexico. 

Thryothorus felix pallidus Nelson 

Thryothorus felix pallidus Nelson, 1899, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 13, p. 29 — Chacala, Durango, Mexico. 

Coastal plain and slopes from central Sinaloa and extreme western 
Durango through Nayarit and Jalisco to northwestern Michoacan. 

Thryothorus felix lawrencii Ridgway 

Thryothorus felix B lawrencti Ridgway, 1878, Bull. Nutt. Orn. CL, 
3, p. 10 — Las Tres Marias, off Nayarit, Mexico. 

Isla Maria Madre, Las Tres Marias, off Nayarit, Mexico. 

Thryothorus felix magdalenae Nelson 

Thryothorus lawrenciit magdalenae Nelson, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 12, p. 11 — Isla Maria Magdalena, Las Tres Ma- 
rias, off Nayarit, Mexico. 

Isla Maria Magdalena, Las Tres Marias, off Nayarit, Mexico. 

Thryothorus felix felix Sclater 

Thryothorus felix Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 27, p. 371 
— Juquila (Santa Catarina), Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Deciduous forest and scrub from southeastern Jalisco (intergrad- 
ing with 7’. f. pallidus) through Michoacan (except northwest), 
Guerrero, and western Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Thryothorus felix grandis Nelson 

Thryothorus felix grandis Nelson, 1900, Auk, 17, p. 269 — Yau- 
tepec, Morelos, Mexico. 

Upper Rio Balsas drainage basin from southern México through 
Morelos, southwestern Puebla, and extreme northern Guerrero, 


Thryothorus maculipectus microstictus (Griscom) 

Pheugopedius maculipectus microstictus Griscom, 1930, Proc. New 
England Zool. Cl., 12, p. 5 — Santa Leonor, west of Cd. Vic- 
toria, Tamaulipas, Mexico. 

1 Possibly conspecific with 7’. rutilus (vide Hellmayr, op. cit. p. 209). 


Coastal plain of northeastern Mexico from eastern Nuevo Leon 
and central Tamaulipas to eastern San Luis Potosi and extreme 
northern Veracruz. 

Thryothorus maculipectus maculipectus Lafresnaye 
Thriothorus [sic] maculipectus Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 
8, p. 338 — Mexico; restricted to Veracruz by Griscom, 1930, 
Proc. New England Zool. Cl., 12, p. 5. 
Slopes and coastal plain of eastern Mexico in Veracruz, eastern 
Puebla, and adjacent northern Oaxaca. 

Thryothorus maculipectus umbrinus Ridgway 

Thryothorus maculipectus umbrinus Ridgway, 1887, Man. N.Amer. 
Birds, p. 552 — [Verapaz], Guatemala. 

Pheugopedius maculipectus varians Griscom, 1930, Proc. New 
England Zool. Cl., 12, p. 7 — San José, Sacatepequez, Guate- 

Pheugopedius maculipectus petersi Griscom, 1930, Proc. New Eng- 
land Zool. Cl., 12, p. 7 — Lancetilla, Yoro, Honduras. 

Lowlands and slopes from northeastern Oaxaca, Tabasco, and 
Chiapas, Mexico through southern British Honduras, Guatemala 
(except Petén), Honduras, El Salvador, and the Caribbean slope of 

Thryothorus maculipectus canobrunneus Ridgway 

Thryothorus maculipectus canobrunneus Ridgway, 1887, Man. N. 
Amer. Birds, p. 552 — Temax, Yucatan, Mexico. 

Yucatan, Campeche, and Quintana Roo, Mexico; Petén, Guate- 
mala; and northern British Honduras. 


Thryothorus rutilus hyperythrus Salvin and Godman 

Thryothorus hyperythrus Salvin and Godman, 1880, Biol. Centr.- 
Amer., Aves, 1, p. 91 — Paraiso Station, Panama Railway, 

Pacific slope of Costa Rica and of western Panama, east to the 

Rio Chepo, Darien. 

Thryothorus rutilus tobagensis (Hellmayr) 

Pheugopedius rutilus tobagensis Hellmayr, 1921, Anz. Orn. Ges. 
Bayern, 1, no. 4, p. 27 — Man of War Bay, Tobago, British 
West Indies. 

Tobago, British West Indies. 



Thryothorus rutilus rutilus Vieillot 

Thryothorus rutilus Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 34, p. 55 — “l’Amérique septentrionale”’; restricted to Tri- 
nidad, British West Indies by Hellmayr, 1906, Novit. Zool., 
13, p: 6: 

Trinidad; the mountains of northern Venezuela from Sucre and 
Monagas west to Falcén and southward through most of Lara, the 
plains of Portuguesa and the base of the Andes in Barinas and 
Tachira; probably adjacent Norte de Santander, Colombia. 

Thryothorus rutilus intensus (Todd) 
Pheugopedius rutilus intensus Todd, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 45, p. 10 — La Azulita, Mérida, Venezuela. 
Northwestern Venezuela in the Andes rimming the Lago de Ma- 
racaibo region, in Trujillo, Mérida, and northern Tachira. 

Thryothorus rutilus laetus Bangs 

Thryothorus laetus Bangs, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 12, 
p- 160 — Pueblo Viejo (alt. 8,000 ft.), Sierra Nevada de Santa 
Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. 

Northern Colombia, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa 
Marta, Magdalena, and in the adjacent Sierra de Perija, north- 
western Zulia, Venezuela. 

Thryothorus rutilus interior (Todd) 

Pheugopedius rutilus interior Todd, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 45, p. 9 — El Cauca, “Santander” [error; Magdalena], 

Southern Magdalena, Colombia on the west slope of the Cordil- 
lera Oriental. 

Thryothorus rutilus hypospodius Salvin and Godman 

Thryothorus hypospodius Salvin and Godman, 1880, Biol. Centr.- 
Amer., 1, p. 92 — “Bogota’’, Colombia. 

Eastern slope of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia from Boyaca 
through Meta. 

Thryothorus rutilus columbianus (Chapman) 

Pheugopedius sclateri columbianus Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 138, p. 14 — Miraflores, Valle, Colombia. 

Known only from Valle in the central Andes of Colombia and 
questionably from the west slope of the eastern Andes near Bogota. 

Thryothorus rutilus paucimaculatus Sharpe 

Thryothorus paucimaculatus Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 
6, p. 238 — Balzar, Guayas, Ecuador. 

Tropical zone of western Ecuador, from Guayas southward, and 
in Piura, northwestern Peru. 


Thryothorus rutilus sclateri Taczanowski 
Thryothorus sclateri Taczanowski, 1879, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 22 — Guajango, Rio Marafion, Cajamarca, Peru. 
Tropical zone of the valley of the Rio Marafion and its tributaries, 
Cajamarca, Peru. 


Thryothorus nigricapillus costaricensis (Sharpe) 

Thryophilus costaricensis Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p- 217 — Costa Rica. 

Caribbean lowlands and lower slopes of eastern Nicaragua, Costa 
Rica, and adjacent northwestern Chiriqui, Panama. 

Thryothorus nigricapillus semibadius Salvin 
Thryothorus semibadius Salvin, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 181 — Bugaba, Chiriqui, Panama. 
Pacific lowlands and lower slopes of southwestern Costa Rica and 
adjacent southwestern Chiriqui, Panama. 

Thryothorus nigricapillus castaneus Lawrence 

Thryothorus castaneus Lawrence, 1861, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New 
York, 7, p. 321 — Loma del Leon, Panama. 

Panama from Veraguas east to the Canal Zone and adjacent Darien. 

Thryothorus nigricapillus schottii (Baird) 

Thryophilus schottit Baird, 1864, Rev. Amer. Birds, 1 (1864-1873), 
p- 1383 — Rio Truando, Choc6, Colombia. 

Pacific slope of eastern Darien, Panama and adjacent Colombia 
through the Rio San Juan and Rio Atrato valleys south to the Rio 
Dagua, Valle. 

Thryothorus nigricapillus reditus (Griscom) 

Thryophilus nigricapillus reditus Griscom, 1932, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., 72, p. 358 — Permé, Darien, Panama. 

Caribbean slope of extreme eastern Darien, Panama. 

Thryothorus nigricapillus connectens (Chapman) 

Thryophilus nigricapillus connectens Chapman, 1912, Bull. Amer. 
Mus. Nat. Hist., 31, p. 157 — Cocal (alt. 5,000 ft.), Cauca, Co- 

Southwestern! Colombia in Cauca and Narifio. 

Thryothorus nigricapillus nigricapillus Sclater 

Thryothorus nigricapillus Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
28, p. 84 — Nanegal (alt. ca. 4,000 ft.), Pichincha, Ecuador. 


Tropical zone of western Ecuador from Esmeraldas to the Peru- 
vian border. 


Thryothorus thoracicus thoracicus Salvin 

Thryothorus thoracicus Salvin, 1864, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 580 — Tucurrique, Costa Rica. 

Lowlands of eastern Nicaragua, Costa Rica (except Pacific slope 
south of the Golfo de Nicoya), and western Panama. 

Thryothorus thoracicus grisescens (Griscom) 

Thryophilus leucopogon grisescens Griscom, 1932, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool., 72, p. 359 — Permé, Darien, Panama. 

Caribbean coast of eastern Panama and probably adjacent Co- 

Thryothorus thoracicus leucopogon (Salvadori and Festa) 

Thryophilus leucopogon Salvadori and Festa, 1899, Bull. Mus. Zool. 
Anat. Comp., Torino, 14, no. 357, p. 6 — Rio Peripa, Pichincha, 

Pacific coast of Darien, Panama; southwestern Bolivar and the 

Pacific slope of Colombia; and the lowlands of Ecuador south to 


Thryothorus pleurostictus nisorius Sclater 

Thryothorus nisorius Sclater, 1869, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 37, 
p- 592, pl. 45 — Real Arriba, México, Mexico. 

Drainage basin of the upper Rio Balsas in Michoacan, Guerrero, 
Morelos, México, and Puebla, Mexico. 

Thryothorus pleurostictus oaxacae Brodkorb 

Thryothorus pleurostictus oaxacae Brodkorb, 1942, Occ. Papers 
Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 459, p. 7 — Bahia Santa Cruz, 
Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Coastal region from central Guerrero through Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Thryothorus pleurostictus acaciarum Brodkorb 
Thryothorus pleurostictus acaciarum Brodkorb, 1942, Occ. Papers 
Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 459, p. 9 — Kil6metro Veinti- 
séis (alt. 800 m.), 10 km. west of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, 
Chiapas, Mexico in the valley of the Rio Grijalva [= Rio Grande 
de Chiapa] and on the coast from Arriaya to Tonala. 


Thryothorus pleurostictus oblitus (van Rossem) 

Pheugopedius pleurostictus oblitus van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool. 77, p. 399 — Barra de Santiago, Ahuachapan, El 

Pacific lowlands of eastern Chiapas, Guatemala, and westernmost 

El Salvador. 
Thryothorus pleurostictus pleurostictus Sclater 

Thryothorus pleurostictus Sclater, 1860, Ibis, 2, p. 30 — “Vera- 
paz”, Guatemala; Gualan, Zacapa, Guatemala designated by 
Griscom, 1932, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 64, p. 291. 

Known, with certainty, only from Gualan, Zacapa, Guatemala. 

Thryothorus pleurostictus lateralis (Dickey and van Rossem) 
Thryophilus pleurostictus lateralis Dickey and van Rossem, 1927, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 40, p. 3 — Laguna Olomega (alt. 
200 ft.), San Miguel, El Salvador. 
Lowlands and moderate elevations in El Salvador, except western 
coastal area, and western Honduras. 

Thryothorus pleurostictus ravus (Ridgway) 

Thryophilus pleurostictus ravus Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 16, p. 167 — San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. 

Pacific lowlands of Nicaragua and of northwestern Costa Rica. 

Carolina Wren 

Thryothorus ludovicianus ludovicianus (Latham) 

Sylvia ludoviciana Latham, 1790, Ind. Orn., 2, p. 548 — Loui- 

Thryothorus ludovicianus euronotus Lowery, 1940, Auk, 57, p. 98 
— Gulfport, Mississippi. 

Thryothorus ludovicianus oberholseri Lowery, 1940, Auk, 57, p.101 
— Del Rio, Texas. 

Thryothorus ludovicianus alamoensis Godfrey, 1946, Auk, 63, 
p. 564 — San Antonio, Texas. 

Resident from southeastern Nebraska, central Indiana, and south- 
ern Connecticut, south to central Texas, the Gulf Coast from north- 
eastern Texas to peninsular Florida, and southern Georgia, and west 
to central Kansas and eastern northern Texas; sparingly north to 
southern Minnesota, southern Michigan, southern Ontario, central 
Vermont, and southern Maine. 

Thryothorus ludovicianus miamensis Ridgway 

Thryothorus Ludovicianus var. Miamensis Ridgway, 1875, Ame- 
rican Nat., 9, p. 469 — Miami River, Florida. 

Peninsular Florida. 


Thryothorus ludovicianus burleighi Lowery 

Thryothorus ludovicianus burleight Lowery, 1940, Auk, 47, p. 99 
— Cat Island, Mississippi. 

Cat, Ship, and Horn Islands, off the coast of Mississippi. 

Thryothorus ludovicianus lomitensis Sennett 

Thryothorus ludovicianus lomitensis Sennett, 1890, Auk, 7, p. 58 — 
Lomita Ranch, Hidalgo, Texas. 

Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas and northern Tamaulipas, 

Thryothorus ludovicianus berlandieri Baird 

Thriothorus [sic] berlandiert Baird, 1858, Rep. Pacific R. R. Surv., 
9, p. 362 — Boquillo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 

Moderate elevations and mountains of eastern Coahuila, Nuevo 
Leon, and southwestern Tamaulipas, Mexico. 

Thryothorus ludovicianus tropicalis Lowery and Newman 

Thryothorus ludovicianus tropicalis Lowery and Newman, 1949, 
Occ. Papers Louisiana State Univ., no. 22, p. 4 — one half mile 
east of Naranjos (alt. 1,000 ft.), San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 

Tropical zone east of the Sierra Madre Oriental in San Luis Potosi, 

Thryothorus ludovicianus albinucha (Cabot) 

Troglodytes albinucha Cabot, 1847, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
2, p. 258 — Yalahau, Yucatan [= Quintana Roo], Mexico. 

Drier areas of Yucatén, Campeche, and Quintana Roo, Mexico 
and Petén, Guatemala. 

Thryothorus ludovicianus subfulvus Miller and Griscom 

Thryothorus albinucha subfulvus Miller and Griscom, 1925, Amer. 
Mus. Novit., no. 159, p. 8 — Calabazas, five miles south of Me- 
tapa [= Ciudad Dario], Nicaragua. 

Arid interior of Guatemala and Nicaragua. 


Thryothorus rufalbus transfinis Friedmann 
Thryothorus rufalbus transfinis Friedmann, 1947, Auk, 64, p. 128 
— Jalapa, Escuintla, Chiapas, Mexico. 
Pacific slope of southwestern Chiapas, Mexico. 

Thryothorus rufalbus rufalbus Lafresnaye 
Thryothorus rufalbus Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 6, p. 337 
— Mexico, error = Guatemala. 
Highlands of Guatemala and El Salvador. 


Thryothorus rufalbus castanonotus (Ridgway) 

Thryophilus rufalbus castanonotus Ridgway, 1888, Proc. Boston 
Soc. Nat. Hist., 23, p. 386 — “Nicaragua to the highlands of 
Columbia [sic], error = Angostura, Costa Rica. 

Western Honduras, the Pacific slope of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, 

and western Panama, east to the Canal Zone. 

Thryothorus rufalbus cumanensis (Cabanis) 
Troglodytes cumanensis Cabanis (ex Lichtenstein ms), 1860, Journ. 
f. Orn., 8, p. 408 — Cartagena, Bolivar, Colombia. 
Caribbean coast region of Colombia, from Cartagena, Bolivar east- 
ward, and coastal Venezuela from Falcon east through the Penin- 
sula de Paria and south on plains of eastern Guarico. 

Thryothorus rufalbus minlosi (Berlepsch) 

Thryophilus minlosi Berlepsch, 1884, Journ. f. Orn., 32, p. 280, 
pl. 1, fig. 3 — ““Bucaramanga”’ [type probably taken nearby on 
east slope of Eastern Andes. Vide, de Schauensee, op. cit., 
p- 896], Santander, Colombia. 

Tropical zone of the east slope of the northern part of the Eastern 
Andes of Colombia, from Meta northward, and on the plains and 
slopes of northwestern Venezuela from the eastern base of the Sierra 
de Perija, Zulia to western Apure and Cojedes. 


Thryothorus nicefori de Schauensee 

Thryothorus nicefort de Schauensee, 1946, Not. Nat., Philadelphia, 
no. 182, p.1—San Gil, south of Bucaramanga, Santander, 

Known only from the type locality on the western slope of the 
Eastern Andes of Santander, Colombia. 


Thryothorus sinaloa cinereus (Brewster) 

Thryophilus sinaloa cinereus Brewster, 1889, Auk, 6, p. 96 — Ala- 
mos, Sonora, Mexico. 

Southeastern Sonora, southwestern Chihuahua, and northern Si- 
naloa, Mexico. 

Thryothorus sinaloa sinaloa (Baird) 

Thryophilus sinaloa Baird, 1864, Rev. Amer. Birds, 1, (1864-1873), 
p. 122 (key), 130 — Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. 

1 Possibly but a marked subspecies of 7’. rufalbus. 
* Conceivably conspecific with 7’. rufalbus. 


Central Sinaloa and western Durango through Nayarit, Jalisco, 
and Colima, Mexico. 

Thryothorus sinaloa russeus (Nelson) 

Thryophilus sinaloa russeus Nelson, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 16, p. 157 — Acahuizotla, Guerrero, Mexico. 

Coastal Guerrero, Mexico. 


Thryothorus modestus modestus Cabanis 

Thryothorus modestus Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Orn., 8, p. 409 — 
San José, Costa Rica. 
Thryophilus modestus pullus Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 16, p. 167 — Huehuetan, Chiapas, Mexico. 
Pacific coast and central highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, central 
and western Guatemala, interior Honduras, El Salvador, north- 
central Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, except lower Caribbean slope. 

Thryothorus modestus zeledoni (Ridgway) 

Thryophilus zeledoni Ridgway (ex Lawrence ms), 1878, Proc. U. 
S. Nat. Mus., 1, p. 252 — “Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica” 
[= Talamanca], Costa Rica. 

Caribbean lowlands of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and the Bahia 
Almirante region, northwestern Panama. 

Thryothorus modestus elutus (Bangs) 

Thryophilus modestus elutus Bangs, 1902, Proc. New England 
Zool. Cl., 3, p. 51 — Loma del Leon, Panama. 

Western Panama from Chiriqui east to the Canal Zone. 


Thryothorus leucotis galbraithii Lawrence 
Thryothorus galbraithii Lawrence, 1861, Ann. Lyc. New York, 7, 
p- 320 — Loma del Leon, Panama. 

Panama, east of the Canal Zone, and extreme northwestern Co- 
lombia in northern Choco and northern Antioquia. 

Thryothorus leucotis conditus (Bangs) 

Thryophilus galbraithi conditus Bangs, 1903, Proc. New England 
Zool. Cl., 4, p. 3 — Isla San Miguel, Archipiélago de las Perlas, 
Gulfo de Panama, Panama. 

Islas San Miguel and Viveros, Archipiélago de las Perlas, Gulfo 

de Panama, Panama. 


Thryothorus leucotis leucotis Lafresnaye 

Thryothorus leucotis Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 8, p. 338 
— “in Colombia aut Mexico’’; restricted to Honda, Rio Magda- 
lena, Tolima, Colombia by Hellmayr, 1934, Field Mus. Nat. 
Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 7, p. 165. 

Colombia from the west side of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 
west to the Rio Sint and south through the Magdalena valley. 

Thryothorus leucotis collinus (Wetmore) 

Thryophilus leucotis collinus Wetmore, 1946, Smith. Misc. Coll., 
106, no. 16, p. 9 — Near Nazaret (alt. 1,500 to 2,000 ft.), Ser- 
rania de Macuira, Guajira, Colombia. 

Restricted to the Serrania de Macuira in the northern part of the 
Peninsula de Guajira, Guajira, Colombia. 

Thryothorus leucotis venezuelanus Cabanis 

Thryothorus venezuelanus Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 78 — 

Northern Colombia in the tropical zone of the northern and 
eastern side of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Santa Marta and 
the plains of Guajira and in northwestern Venezuela in the region 
east of Lago de Maracaibo in central Lara, eastern Zulia, Trujillo, 
in the coastal areas of Falcén, Yaracuy, and Carabobo, and exten- 
ding southward to central Cojedes and the eastern base of the 
Andes in Portuguesa and Barinas. 

Thryothorus leucotis zuliensis Hellmayr 

Thryothorus leucotis zuliensis Hellmayr, 1934, Field Mus. Nat. 
Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 7, p. 164 — Oropé, Zulia [= Ta- 
chira], Venezuela. 

In Colombia near the Venezuelan border in Norte de Santander, 

and in Venezuela east and south of Lago de Maracaibo from Perija, 
Zulia to the base of the Andes in Tachira and Mérida. 

Thryothorus leucotis hypoleucus (Berlepsch and Hartert) 

Thryophilus albipectus hypoleucus Berlepsch and Hartert, 1901, 
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 12, p. 12 — Altagracia, Rio Orinoco, Boli- 
var, Venezuela. 

Plains of north-central Venezuela in Guarico, northeastern Apure, 

Cojedes, Anzoategui, and along the Rio Orinoco in Bolivar. 

Thryothorus leucotis bogotensis (Hellmayr) 

Thryophilus albipectus bogotensis Hellmayr, 1901, Verh. Zool. Bot. 
Ges. Wien, 51, p. 770, 774 — “Bogota’’, Colombia. 
Kastern Colombia, on the plains west of the eastern Andes, and 
central Venezuela, on the plains of Amazonas, northwestern Bolivar, 
western Apure, and at the base of the Andes in Tachira and Barinas. 


Thryothorus leucotis albipectus Cabanis 

Thryothorus albipectus Cabanis, 1849, in Schomburgk Reisen Brit. 
Guiana, 3, (1848), p. 673 — Cayenne, French Guiana. 

Thryothorus leucotis affinis Pinto, 1938, Rev. Mus. Paul., 23, 
(1937), p. 592 — Manacapurt, Amazonas, Brazil. 

Northeastern Venezuela, in southeast Monagos, western Delta 
Amacuro, and northeastern Bolivar, British Guiana, Surinam, French 
Guiana, and northeastern Brazil, in northern and eastern Amazonas, 
Para, northern Maranhao, and northern Mato Grosso. 

Thryothorus leucotis peruanus (Hellmayr) 

Thryophilus leucotis peruanus Hellmayr, 1921, Anz. Orn. Ges. 
Bayern, 1, (1919-1928), p. 41 — Nauta, Rio Marafion, Loreto, 

Lowlands of eastern Peru, in Loreto, San Martin, Huanuco, and 
Junin, and western Amazonas, south of the Amazon, Brazil; un- 
doubtedly in southeastern Colombia and eastern Ecuador. 

Thryothorus leucotis rufiventris Sclater 

Thryothorus rufiventris Sclater, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 328 — Goias and Mato Grosso, Brazil. 

Central and east-central Brazil in southern Maranhao, Piaui, 
Goids, western Minas Gerais, western Sao Paulo, and Mato Grosso, 
except extreme north. 


Thryothorus superciliaris superciliaris Lawrence 

Thryothorus superciliaris Lawrence, 1869. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist., 
New York, 9, p. 235 — Isla de Puna, Ecuador. 

Arid coast of Ecuador from Manabi south through Guayas and 
on Isla de Puna. 

Thryothorus superciliaris baroni (Hellmayr) 

Thryophilus baroni Hellmayr, 1902, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 
52, p. 170 — Tembladera, Cajamarca, Peru. 

Arid coast of El Oro, Ecuador southward through coastal Peru 
to Ancash. 


Thryothorus guarayanus (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) 
Troglodytes guarayana Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Syn. Av., 
1, in Mag. Zool. (Paris), 7, cl. 2, p. 26 — Guarayos, Santa Cruz, 
Beni and Santa Cruz, Bolivia, adjacent western Mato Grosso, 
Brazil, and possibly Paraguay. 

12 Possibly conspecific with 7’. leucotis. 



Thryothorus longirostris bahiae (Hellmayr) 

Thryophilus longirostris bahiae Hellmayr, 1903, Journ. f. Orn., 51, 
p- 535; new name for Thryophilus longirostris striolatus Hellmayr, 
1901, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 51, p. 776 — Bahia, Brazil. 

Interior of northeastern Brazil in Piaui, Ceara, Pernambuco, and 

eastern and northern Bahia. 

Thryothorus longirostris longirostris Vieillot 
Thryothorus longirostris Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., 
nouv. éd., 34, p. 56 — Brazil. 
Wooded coastal region of central Brazil from Rio de Janeiro 
through Sao Paulo and Santa Catarina. 


Thryothorus griseus (Todd) 
Thryophilus griseus Todd, 1925, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 38, 
p. 91 — Hiutanaad, Rio Purtis, Amazonas, Brazil. 
Odontorchilus olallae Pinto, 1937, Bol. Biologico Sao Paulo, 3, 
p. 5 — Lago Grande, alto Rio Jurua, Amazonas, Brazil. 
South of the Amazon in extreme western Amazonas, Brazil. 


Troglodytes Vieillot, 1808?+ Hist. Nat. Ois. Amer. Sept., 2, p. 52. 
Type, by subsequent designation, T'roglodytes aédon Vieillot 
(Baird, Rep. Pacific R. R. Surv., 9, p. 367). 

Nannus Billberg, 1828, Syn. Faun. Scand., 1, (2), tab. A and p. 57. 
Type, by monotypy, Motacilla troglodytes Linnaeus. 

Thryorchilus Oberholser, 1904, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 27, p. 198. 
Type, by original designation, T'roglodytes browni Bangs. 

cf. Oberholser, 1919, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 55, p. 223-236 (7’. tro- 

glodytes; N. Amer. forms). 

Vaurie, 1951, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1485, p. 1-9. 

—, 1955, op. cit., no. 1751, p. 1-25 (Palaearctic). 

Paynter, 1957, Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool., no. 71, p. 1-15 (New 

Winter Wren; Wren 

Troglodytes troglodytes hiemalis Vieillot 

Troglodytes hiemalis Vieillot, 1819, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 34, p. 514 — Nova Scotia and New York; restricted to 
Nova Scotia by Oberholser, 1902, Auk, 19, p. 178. 

1 Richmond, 1899, Auk, 16, p.327, gives Dec. 1, 1807 as the date of 
publication of the first livraison; presumably Vol. 2 appeared in 1808. 


Troglodytes troglodytes aquilonaris Burgleigh and Peters, 1948, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 61, p. 116— Tompkins, New- 

Breeds from southern Mackenzie, central Saskatchewan, southern 
Manitoba, western and northwestern Ontario, southern Quebec, and 
Newfoundland south to central Alberta, central Saskatchewan, 
southern Manitoba, east-central Minnesota, Wisconsin, central Mi- 
chigan, southern Ontario, southern Pennsylvania, western Mary- 
land, western Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, and Nova Scotia. 
Winters from eastern Nebraska and Iowa eastward along southern 
border of breeding range and south to eastern Texas and central 

Troglodytes troglodytes pullus (Burleigh) 
Nannus hiemalis pullus Burleigh, 1935, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 48, p. 61 — Mount Mitchell (alt. 6,500 ft.), North Carolina. 
Breeds in the Appalachians from Virginia and West Virginia to 
Georgia. Winter range unknown; winter birds not distinguishable 
from 7’. t. hiemalis. 

Troglodytes troglodytes pacificus Baird 
Troglodytes hiemalis var. pacificus Baird, 1864, Rev. Amer. Birds, 
1, (1864-1873), p. 145 — Simiahmoo, Puget Sound, Washing- 

Breeds from southeastern Alaska, southwestern Yukon, British 
Columbia, and southeastern Alberta, in mountains, through Wash- 
ington and eastern Oregon to east-central California, central Idaho, 
and western Montana. Winters at lower altitudes in breeding range 
and in south-central California; casual in Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, 
and New Mexico. 

Troglodytes troglodytes helleri (Osgood) 

Anorthura hiemalis helleri Osgood, 1901, Auk, 18, p. 181 — Eng- 
lish Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska. 

Kodiak and Afognak Islands, Alaska. 

Troglodytes troglodytes semidiensis (Brooks) 
Nannus hiemalis semidiensis Brooks, 1915, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
59, p. 400 — Chowiet Island, Semidi Islands, Alaska. 
Semidi Islands (Chowiet, Aghiyuk, and North Semidi), Alaska. 

Troglodytes troglodytes kiskensis (Oberholser) 

Nannus troglodytes kiskensis Oberholser, 1919, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 55, p. 228 — Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Aleutian Is- 
lands, Alaska. 

Nannus troglodytes tanagensis Oberholser, 1919, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 

Mus., 55, p. 230 — Tanaga Bay, Tanaga Island, Aleutian Is- 
lands, Alaska. 


Nannus troglodytes petrophilus Oberholser, 1919, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 55, p. 232 — Unalaska, Unalaska Island, Aleutian Is- 
lands, Alaska. 

Nannus troglodytes stevensoni Oberholser, 1930, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 43, p. 151 — Amak Island, Alaska. 

Troglodytes troglodytes segquamensis Gabrielson and Lincoln, 1951, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 64, p. 73 — Seguam Island, Aleu- 
tian Islands, Alaska. 

Amak and Amagat Islands and the Aleutian Islands west to Bul- 
dir Island. 

Troglodytes troglodytes meligerus (Oberholser) 

Anorthura meligera Oberholser, 1900, Auk, 17, p. 25 — Attu Is- 
land, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. 

Near Islands (Attu and Agattu), Aleutian Islands, Alaska. 

Troglodytes troglodytes alascensis Baird 

Troglodytes alascensis Baird, 1869, Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., 1, 
p. 315, pl. 30, fig. 3 — Saint George Island, Pribilof Islands, 

Saint George, Saint Paul, and Otter Islands, Pribilof Islands, Alaska. 

Troglodytes troglodytes pallescens (Ridgway) 

Anorthura pallescens Ridgway, 1883, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 6, 
p. 93 — Bering Island, Commander Islands. 

Commander Islands (Medny and Bering), and Kamchatka. 

Troglodytes troglodytes kurilensis Stejneger 

Troglodytes fumigatus kurilensis Stejneger, 1889, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. 
Mus. (1888), 11, p. 548 — Shasukotan Island, northern Kuriles. 

Northern Kuriles (Shasukotan and Ushichi). 

Troglodytes troglodytes fumigatus Temminck 
Troglodytes fumigatus Temminck, 1835, Man. d’Orn., ed. 2, 3, 
p. 161 — Japan. 

Troglodytes troglodytes utanoi Kuroda, 1922, Ibis, p. 96 — Tsu- 


Troglodytes troglodytes quelpartis Kuroda and Mori, 1925, Débuts. 

Zasshi, 37, p. 313 — Quelpart. 

Southern Kuriles, main islands of Japan (Hokkaido, Hondo, Shi- 
koku, and Kyushu), also Quelpart, Tsushima, and Iki Islands, and 
Oshima in the northern Seven Islands of Izu; recorded from Sado 
and Oki Islands. 

Troglodytes troglodytes mosukei Momiyama 

Troglodytes troglodytes mosukei Momiyama, 1923, Débuts. Zasshi, 
35, p. 402 — Hachijo, Seven Islands of Izu. 


¢T roglodytes troglodytes orii Yamashina, 1938, Tori, 10, p. 227 — 
Minami Daitoshima, Borodino Islands east of the Riu Kius. 

Seven Islands of Izu (Kozushima to Hachijo), and (?) Borodinos!. 

Troglodytes troglodytes ogawae Hartert 

Troglodytes troglodytes ogawae Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Faun., 1, 
p. 784 — Yakushima. 

Tanegashima and Yakushima Islands. 

Troglodytes troglodytes taivanus Hartert 
Troglodytes troglodytes taivanus Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Faun., 1, 
p. 776 — Mt. Arizan, Formosa. 

Troglodytes troglodytes dauricus Dybowski and Taczanowski 

Troglodytes dauricus Dybowski and Taczanowski, 1884, Bull. Soc. 
Zool. France, p. 155 — Dauria. 

Olbiorchilus fumigatus peninsulae Clark, 1907, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 32, p. 474 — Fusan, Korea. 

Troglodytes troglodytes lénnbergi Momiyama, 1927, Annot. Orn. 
Orient., 1, p. 90 — Sisuka, southern Sakhalin. 
From Transbaicalia eastward to Amurland and Sakhalin, south 
to Ussuriland, Manchuria (probably), and Korea. 

Troglodytes troglodytes idius (Richmond) 

Olbiorchilus fumigatus idius Richmond, 1907, in Blackwelder, 
Carnegie Inst. Washington, publ. no. 54, 1, pt. 2, p. 498, pl. 59 
— Wang Kuai Chon, Hopeh [at about 114° 30’ E. Long.; 
38° 45’ N. Lat.]. 

Troglodytes troglodytes swprapallidus Stresemann, 1930, Orn. Mo- 
natsb., 38, p. 158 — Mantuse, northern Kansu [in the Tatung 
Range on the border of Kansu and Tsinghai]. 

Troglodytes troglodytes longicilla Meise, 1937, Journ. Orn., 85, 
p. 571 — Tsing chou fu, Shantung. 

Northern China, from southern Jehol and Hopeh to Shantung, 
perhaps south to southern Kiangsu where it occurs in winter, west- 
ward through Shansi and northern Shensi to central and northern 
Kansu and the Koko Nor region in eastern Tsinghai. 

Troglodytes troglodytes szetschuanus Hartert 
Troglodytes troglodytes szetschuanus Hartert, 1910, Vég. pal. Faun., 
1, p. 783 — “‘Tsingling Range, Szechwan, Ichang”’; type from 
Lungan [= Pingwu], northern Szechwan. 

1 T.t. ort is based on a single specimen and requires confirmation; its 
description seems to indicate that it must be very similar to mosukei. 


Southern Shensi and Szechwan, eastward to Hupeh (Ichang), 
westward to probably eastern Sikang, northward to the Min Shan 
and to southern Kansu; a specimen from the region of Choni in 
southern Kansu is about intermediate between this race and idius. 

Troglodytes troglodytes talifuensis (Sharpe) 
Anorthura talifuensis Sharpe, 1902, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 13, p. 11 
— Gyi-dzin-shan, east of Tali, northern Yunnan. 

Central Sikang south to northern Yunnan, westward to north- 
eastern Burma, probably grades into szetschuanus in eastern Sikang. 

Troglodytes troglodytes nipalensis Blyth 
Troglodytes nipalensis Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, 
p- 589 — Nepal. 
Anorthura tibetana Walton, 1905, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 15, p. 93 — 
Khamba Dzong, Tibet. 

Troglodytes troglodytes kinneari Biswas, 1955, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
75, p.87— Thammu (ca. 12,500 feet), Bhote Kosi Valley, 
Khumbu, eastern Nepal. 

Central and eastern Himalayas from Nepal to northeastern As- 

sam, southern Tibet north to Lhasa, eastward to Pome in western 
Sikang; altitudinal range, 8,000 to 16,000 feet. 

Troglodytes troglodytes neglectus Brooks 
Troglodytes neglectus Brooks, 1872, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 41, 
pt. 2, p. 328 — Kashmir. 

Western Himalayas, above 8,000 feet, from Gilgit eastward to 
the border of western Nepal. 

Troglodytes troglodytes magrathi (Whitehead) 
Anorthura magrathi Whitehead, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 21, 
p- 19 — Safed Koh between 8,500 and 12,500 feet. 

Safed Koh Range on the border of Afghanistan and North West 
Frontier Province. 

Troglodytes troglodytes tianschanicus Sharpe 

Troglodytes tuanschanica Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p. 273, ex Severtzov — Turkestan. 

Troglodytes parvulus subpallidus Zarudny and Loudon, 1905, Orn. 
Monatsb., 13, p. 107 — ‘‘Mountains of northeastern Persia... 
Khorasan ... eastward to the Paropamisus.”’ 

Troglodytes troglodytes tarimensis Stachanow, 1934, Alauda (1933), 
p. 442 — Naryn Kurgut Nor, in the mountains north of the 
Bagrach Kol, central Tian Shan, Sinkiang. 

Troglodytes troglodytes cineraceus Portenko, 1954, Keys Fauna 
U.S.S.R., no. 54, birds, 3, p. 146 — Varzob, Tadzhikistan. 


Northeastern Iran (Khorasan), and southern Transcaspia, east- 
ward through northern Afghanistan, northward through Bukhara 
and Tadzhikistan to the Tian Shan system in both Russian and 
Chinese Turkestan, Tarbagatai, and probably Kun Lun Ranges 
along the southern Tarim Basin. Moves altitudinally down to ad- 
jacent plains in winter. 

Troglodytes troglodytes hyrcanus Zarudny and Loudon 

Troglodytes parvulus hyrcanus Zarudny and Loudon, 1905, Orn. 
Monatsb., 13, p. 107 — Caspian provinces of northern Iran. 

Troglodytes parvulus zagrossiensis Zarudny and Loudon, 1908, 
Orn. Monatsb., 16, p. 29 — Zagros Mountains in southwestern 

Crimea, Caucasus and Transcaucasia, eastward to northwestern 
Iran and the southern Caspian districts, also southwestern Iran in 
the Zagros eastward to Bakhtiari. In northern Iraq and to Baghdad 
in winter!. 

Troglodytes troglodytes cypriotes (Bate) 

Anorthura cypriotes Bate, 1903, Bull. Brit. Orn. CL, 13, p. 51 — 

Troglodytes troglodytes stresemanni Schiebel, 1926, Orn. Monatsb., 
34, p. 14 — Elos, Crete. 

Troglodytes troglodytes syriacus Meinertzhagen, 1933, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 54, p. 20 — Zachle, Lebanon. 

Troglodytes troglodytes seilerni Sassi, 1937, Orn. Monatsb., 45, p. 87 
— Rhodes. 

Crete, Rhodes, Cyprus, and the Near East. 

Troglodytes troglodytes juniperi Hartert 

Troglodytes troglodytes junipert Hartert, 1922, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
42, p. 140 — near Merg, northwestern Cyrenaica. 

Northwestern Cyrenaica from about the Tocra Pass east to Derna. 

Troglodytes troglodytes kabylorum Hartert 

Troglodytes troglodytes kabylorum Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Faun., 1, 
p. 780 — near Alger. 

Troglodytes troglodytes miilleri von Jordans, 1928, Novit. Zool., 
34, p. 283 — Valldemosa, Mallorca. 

Balearic Islands, and northwest Africa from Morocco to Tunisia, 
perhaps southernmost Spain. 

Troglodytes troglodytes koenigi Schiebel 

Troglodytes troglodytes koenigi Schiebel, 1910, Orn. Jahrb., p. 182 
— Vizzavona, Corsica. 

Corsica and Sardinia. 
1 The population (“‘zagrossiensis”’) of the Zagros is very slightly paler. 


Troglodytes troglodytes troglodytes (Linnaeus) 

Motacilla Troglodytes Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, p. 188 — 
Troglodytes parvulus bergensis Stejneger, 1884, Zeitschr. ges. 
Orn., 1, p. 10 — west coast of Norway. 
Troglodytes troglodytes weigoldi von Jordans, 1923, Orn. Monatsb.., 
31, p. 14 — Oporto, Portugal. 
Troglodytes troglodytes occidentalis Verheyen, 1941, Bull. Mus. R. 
Hist. Nat. Belgique, 17, no. 33, p. 26 — Tervueren, Belgium. 
¢Troglodytes troglodytes meinertzhageni Clancey, 1942, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 62, p. 68 — Ouessant Island, Finistére, France. 
Continental Europe from the former gouvernement of Archangel 
in northern Russia, Finland and Sweden from about lat. 64° to 
65° N., but farther north from about 67° on the west coast of Nor- 
way, southward through central, western, and southern Europe to 
the Iberian Peninsula, southern France with the exception of the 
low Mediterranean plain, Italy and Sicily, southeastern Europe and 
Balkan Peninsula to Rumania and Greece, and Asia Minor; ap- 
parently lacking in southeastern Russia in the plains of the Volga 
but present in the southern Urals. The population of Asia Minor 
(not examined) may tend toward hyrcanus. Largely sedentary, ex- 
cept for the populations of northern Russia, Finland, and northern 
Norway and Sweden which migrate somewhat farther south. Oc- 
curs in the Shetlands and probably southern England on migration. 

Troglodytes troglodytes indigenus Clancey 

Troglodytes troglodytes indigenus Clancey, 1937, Bull. Brit. Orn. 

Cl., 57, p. 143 — Carmunnock, Lanarkshire, southwestern Scot- 

Ireland, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, and England. 

Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis Seebohm 

Troglodytes hirtensis Seebolm, 1884, Zoologist, p. 333 — Saint 
Kilda Island west of the Hebrides. 

Saint Kilda Island, west of the Outer Hebrides. 

Troglodytes troglodytes hebridensis Meinertzhagen 

Troglodytes troglodytes hebridensis Meinertzhagen, 1924, Scot. Nat., 
p- 135 — Butt of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. 

Outer Hebrides. 

Troglodytes troglodytes fridariensis Williamson 

Troglodytes troglodytes fridariensis Williamson, 1951, Ibis, p. 599 
— Fair Isle, south of the Shetlands. 

Fair Isle, south of the Shetlands. 


Troglodytes troglodytes zetlandicus Hartert 
Troglodytes troglodytes zetlandicus Hartert, 1910, Vég. pal. Faun., 
1, p. 777 — Dunrossness, Shetland Islands. 

Shetland Islands. 

Troglodytes troglodytes borealis Fischer 
Troglodytes borealis Fischer, 1861, Journ. f. Orn., 9, p. 14, pl. 1 — 
Faroe Islands. 
Faroe Islands. 

Troglodytes troglodytes islandicus Hartert 

Troglodytes troglodytes islandicus Hartert, 1907, Bull. Brit. Orn. 
Cl., 21, p. 26 — Gilsbakki, Iceland. 


House Wren 

Troglodytes aédon aédon Vieillot 
Troglodytes aédon Vieillot, 1808?, Hist. Nat. Ois. Amér. Sept., 
2, p. 52, pl. 107 — no locality; New York City designated by 
Oberholser, 1934, Ohio Journ. Sci., 34, p. 87. 
Troglodytes domesticus baldwini Oberholser, 1934, Ohio Journ. Sci., 
34, p. 90 — Gates Mills, 15 miles east of Cleveland, Ohio. 
Breeds from central Michigan, southeastern Ontario, southern 
Quebec, Maine, New Brunswick, and western Nova Scotia south to 
eastern Kentucky, northeastern Tennessee, and North Carolina. 
Winters from southern edge of breeding range south to Mississippi 
and Florida; rarely in Louisiana, southeastern Texas, Tamaulipas, 
and Veracruz. 

Troglodytes aédon parkmanii Audubon 
Troglodytes Parkmanii Audubon, 1839, Orn. Biog., 5, p. 310 — 
Columbia River [near Fort Vancouver], Washington. 

Breeds from central British Columbia, central Alberta, southern 
Saskatchewan, southern Manitoba, western and central Ontario, 
and northern Michigan south to northern Baja California, southern 
Arizona, southern New Mexico, western and northern Texas, cen- 
tral Oklahoma, northern Arkansas, southern Missouri, and western 
Kentucky. Winters, in the west, from southern border of breeding 
range south to southern Baja California and Oaxaca; in the east, 
in southeastern Texas and southern Louisiana; casual in southern 
Mississippi and Alabama. 

Troglodytes aédon cahooni Brewster 

Troglodytes cahooni Brewster, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 94 — near Oposura 
[Moctezuma], Sonora, Mexico. 


Troglodytes brunneicollis vorhiesi Brandt, 1945, Auk, 62, p. 576 
— Pat Scott Canyon (alt. 7,200 ft.), Huachuca Mountains, Co- 
chise County, Arizona. 

Mountains of extreme southeastern Arizona, eastern Sonora, Chi- 
huahua, and northwestern Coahuila south through Durango, western 
Sinaloa, and northern Jalisco. Populations of southeastern Arizona 
and northeastern Sonora approach 7’. a. parkmanii. 

Troglodytns aédon compositus Griscom 

Troglodytes brunneicollis compositus Griscom, 1934, Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool., 75, p. 395 — Galindo, Tamaulipas, Mexico. 

Troglodytes brunneicollis culequita van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 59, p. 13 — Coajimalpa (Tacubaya), México, Distrito 
Federal, Mexico. 

Mountains of southern Coahuila, central Nuevo Leén, and south- 
western Tamaulipas south through San Luis Potosi, southeastern 
Zacatecas, eastern Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Distrito Federal, México, 
Tlaxcala, west-central Veracruz, and Puebla. 

Troglodytes aédon brunneicollis Sclater 

Troglodytes brunneicollis Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
26, p. 297 — La Parada, six leagues from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, 

Troglodytes brunneicollis nitidus Nelson, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 16, p. 158 — Cerro Zempoaltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Troglodytes brunneicollis guerrerensis van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 59, p. 12 — Omilteme, Guerrero, Mexico. 

Troglodytes brunneicollis colimae van Rossem, 1939, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 59, p. 14 — Nevado de Colima (alt. 12,000 ft.), Jalisco, 

From Nayarit, central Jalisco, and southwestern Zacatecas through 
the mountains of Colima, Michoacan, Guerrero, western México, 
Morelos, and Oaxaca. Specimens from Nayarit, Zacatecas, and cen- 
tral Jalisco approach contiguous forms. 

Troglodytes aédon intermedius Cabanis 
Troglodytes intermedius Cabanis, 1860, Journ. f. Orn., 8, p. 407 — 
San José and Quebrada Honda, San José, Costa Rica. 
Troglodytes peninsularis Nelson, 1901, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 14, p. 174 — Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico. 

Troglodytes musculus oreopolus Chapman and Griscom, 1924, Bull. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 50, p. 287 — Ocotal (alt. ca. 4,000 ft.), 
Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. 

Southeastern Oaxaca and eastern Tabasco, Mexico southward 

through Costa Rica, from sea-level to 10,000 feet. 



Troglodytes aédon tanneri Townsend 

Troglodytes tannert Townsend, 1890, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 13, 
p. 183 — Isla Clarion, Islas de Revillagigedo, Colima, Mexico. 

Isla Clarion, Islas de Revillagigedo, Colima, Mexico. 

Troglodytes aédon beani Ridgway 

Troglodytes beani Ridgway, 1885, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
3, p. 21 — Isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico. 

Isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico. 

Troglodytes aédon inquietus Baird 

Troglodytes inquietus Baird, 1864, Rev. Amer. Birds, 1, (1864— 
1873), p. 148 — Panama Railroad Route, Panama. 

Panama, including the Archipiélago de las Perlas. 

?Troglodytes aédon carychrous Wetmore 

Troglodytes aedon carychrous Wetmore, 1957, Smith. Misc. Coll., 
134, no. 9, p. 76 — Isla Coiba, Veraguas, Panama. 

Isla Coiba, Veraguas, Panama. 

Troglodytes aédon guadeloupensis (Cory) 

Thryothorus guadeloupensis Cory, 1886, Auk, 3, p. 381 — Grande 
Terre, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles. 

Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles. Probably extinct. 

Troglodytes aédon rufescens (Lawrence) 

Thryothorus rufescens Lawrence, 1877, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 
1, p. 47 — Dominica, Lesser Antilles. 

Dominica, Lesser Antilles. 

Troglodytes aédon martinicensis (Sclater) 

Thryothorus martinicensis Sclater, 1866, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 321 — Martinique, Lesser Antilles. 

Martinique, Lesser Antilles. Probably extinct. 

Troglodytes aédon mesoleucus (Sclater) 

Thryothorus mesoleucus Sclater, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 14 — Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles. 

Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles. 
Troglodytes aédon musicus (Lawrence) 

Thryothorus musicus Lawrence, 1878, Ann. New York Acad. Sci., 
1, p. 148 — Saint Vincent, Lesser Antilles. 

Saint Vincent, Lesser Antilles. 

Traglodytes aedon grena densis [ Lawrence. 1878) 

T. Hellman 


Troglodytes aédon atopus Oberholser 
Troglodytes musculus atopus Oberholser, 1904, Proc. U. 8. Nat. 
Mus., 25, p. 207 — Cacagualito, near Santa Marta, Magdalena, 

Caribbean lowlands and moderate elevations of Colombia from 
Atlantico east to Guajira and south to about lat. 7° N. in the lower 
Magdalena Valley, and in the Colombian portion of the Zulia low- 

Troglodytes aédon striatulus (Lafresnaye) 

Thriothorus striatulus Lafresnaye, 1845, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 8, 
p. 338 — “Bogota”; Honda, Tolima, Colombia designated by 
Chapman, 1917, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, p. 519. 

Tropical and subtropical zones of the western and central Andes 

of Colombia, exclusive of Narifio, and in the Andes of Trujillo, 
Mérida, and Tachira, Venezuela. 

Troglodytes aédon columbae Stone 
Troglodytes columbae Stone, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- 
phia, 51, p. 308 — Vicinity of Bogota, Colombia. 
Subtropical and temperate zones of the eastern Andes of Colombia. 

Troglodytes aédon albicans Berlepsch and Taczanowski 

Troglodytes furvus albicans Berlepsch and Taczanowski, 1884, 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (1883), p. 540 — Guayaquil, Guayas, 


Troglodytes musculus clarus Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. 
Zool., 9, p. 8 — Bartica Grove, British Guiana. 

Trinidad, Venezuela, except the Andes of Trujillo, Mérida, and 
Tachira, Colombia in Narifo and eastward from the base of the 
Cordillera Oriental, western Ecuador, including Isla La Plata and 
Isla de Puna, northern and eastern Peru in Piura and Huanuco, 
the Guianas, and Brazil south through northwestern Mato Grosso, 
Amazonas, Para, and Maranhao. 

Troglodytes aédon tobagensis Lawrence 

Troglodytes tobagensis Lawrence, 1888, Auk, 5, p. 404 — Tobago, 
British West Indies. 

Tobago, British West Indies. 

Troglodytes aédon audax Tschudi 

Troglodytes audax Tschudi, 1844, Arch. f. Naturg., 10, pt. 1, p. 282 
— Peru; restricted to coast of Peru by Berlepsch and Hellmayr, 
1905, Journ. f. Orn., 53, p. 6. 

Arid coast and slopes of Peru from Cajamarca, through La Li- 

bertad, Ancash, and Lima, to northern Ica. 


Troglodytes aédon puna Berlepsch and Stolzmann 

Troglodytes musculus puna Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1896, Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, p. 329 — Ingapirca, Junin, Peru. 

Puna and temperate zones from Amazonas and Cajamarca south 
through Peru to western La Paz, Bolivia. 

Troglodytes aédon carabayae Chapman and Griscom 

Troglodytes musculus carabayae Chapman and Griscom, 1924, Bull. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 50, p. 296 — Santo Domingo, Puno, 

Tropical and subtropical zones on the western slope of the Andes 
of Peru from southeastern Amazonas through Puno. 

Troglodytes aédon tecellatus Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny. 

Troglodytes tecellata Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Mag. Zool. 
(Paris), 7, class 2, arts. 77-79, p. 25 — Tacna, Peru. 

River valleys of coastal Arequipa, Moquegua, and Tacna, Peru 
and northern Tarapaca, Chile. 

Troglodytes aédon rex Berlepsch and Leverkiihn 

Troglodytes furvus rex Berlepsch and Leverkiihn, 1890, Ornis, 6, 
p. 6 — Samaipata, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 

Bolivia, from eastern La Paz, western Beni, and western Santa 
Cruz, south, through the Gran Chaco of Paraguay and Argentina, 
to San Juan, San Luis, Cordoba, and Chaco, Argentina. 

Troglodytes aédon atacamensis Hellmayr 
Troglodytes musculus atacamensis Hellmayr, 1924, Field. Mus. Nat. 
Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 12, p. 74 — Rio Loa, Antofagasta, Chile. 
Antofagasta, Atacama, and northern Coquimbo, and probably 
southern Tarapaca, Chile. 

Troglodytes aédon musculus Naumann 
Troglodytes musculus Naumann, 1823, Naturg. Vég. Deutschl., 
3, table facing p. 724 — Bahia, Brazil. 

Brazil, from central and eastern Mato Grosso, Goias, Piaui, and 
Ceara, southward to eastern Paraguay and Misiones, Argentina. 

Troglodytes aédon bonariae Hellmayr 
Troglodytes musculus bonariae Hellmayr, 1919, Anz. Orn. Ges. 
Bayern, 1, p. 2— La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
Southern Brazil, in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina; Uru- 
guay; and northeastern Argentina, in Corrientes, Santa Fé, Entre 
Rios, and Buenos Aires. 


Troglodytes aédon chilensis Lesson 
Troglodytes chilensis Lesson, 1830, Voya. ‘Coquille’, Zool., 1, pt. 2, 
(1826-1830), p. 665 — Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile. 

Breeds in Chile, from the Rio Coquimbo, and in Argentina, from 
Mendoza, Neuquén, and Rio Negro, south to Tierra del Fuego. Win- 
ters north to Entre Rios and Santa Fé, Argentina and Atacama, 

Troglodytes aédon cobbi Chubb 

Troglodytes cobbi Chubb, 1909, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 25, p. 16 — 
Falkland Islands. 

Falkland Islands. 


Troglodytes solstitialis chiapensis Brodkorb 

Troglodytes rufociliatus chiapensis Brodkorb, 1943, Occ. Papers 
Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan, no. 480, p. 1 — Two miles west of 
Zinacantan (alt. 1,700 m.), Chiapas, Mexico. 

High mountains of Chiapas, Mexico. 

Troglodytes solstitialis rufociliatus Sharpe 

Troglodytes rufociliatus Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, 
p. 262 — Upper Chirostemon Forest (alt. 10,000 ft.), Volcan 
de Fuego, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala. 

High mountains of eastern Guatemala and north-central El Sal- 
vador (Los Esesmiles). 

Troglodytes solstitialis nannoides Dickey and van Rossem 

Troglodytes rufociliatus nannoides Dickey and van Rossem, 1929, 
Ibis, p. 265 — Volcan de Santa Ana (alt. 6,500 ft.), Santa Ana, 
El Salvador. 

Known only from the cloud forest (5,000 to 7,000 feet ) of Volcan 
de Santa Ana, western El Salvador. 

Troglodytes solstitialis rehni Stone 

Troglodytes rufociliatus rehni Stone, 1932, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philadelphia, 84, p. 328 — San Juancito, Francisco Morazan, 

Cloud forests of Honduras. 

Troglodytes solstitialis ochraceus Ridgway 

Troglodytes (*) ochraceus Ridgway, 1882, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 
4, (1881), p. 334 — Volcan Irazi, Cartago, Costa Rica. 

Highlands of Costa Rica, rarely below 5,000 feet. 


Troglodytes solstitialis ligea Bangs 

T'roglodytes solstitialis ligea Bangs, 1908, Proc. New England Zool. 
Cl., 4, p. 29 — Boquéte (alt. 4,000 ft.), Volcan de Chiriqui, Chi- 
riqui, Panama. 

Troglodytes ochraceus remotus Griscom, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 141, p. 5 — Cerro Flores (alt. 6,000 ft.), Chiriqui, Panama. 
Mountains of Chiriqui, Panama. 

Troglodytes solstitialis festinus Nelson 
Troglodytes festinus Nelson, 1912, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 60, no. 3, 
p. 22 — Cerro Pirre (alt. 5,200 ft.), Darién, Panama. 
Known only from the type specimen. 

Troglodytes solstitialis monticola Bangs 

Troglodytes monticola Bangs, 1899, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
13, p. 106 — Paramo de Chirtiqua (alt. 15,000 ft.), Sierra de 
Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. 

Confined to Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, at eleva- 
tions above 9,500 feet. 

Troglodytes solstitialis solitarius Todd 
Troglodytes solitarius Todd, 1912, Ann. Carnegie Mus., 8, p. 206 
— Paramo de Las Rosas, Lara, Venezuela. 
Temperate and subtropical zones of the Andes of Venezuela, in 
Lara, Trujillo, Merida, and Tachira, and of Colombia, with the ex- 

ception of the extreme southern portion and the west slope of the 
Cordillera Occidental. 

Troglodytes solstitialis solstitialis Sclater 

Troglodytes solstitialis Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
(1858), 26, p. 550 — Matos and Pinipi, near Riobamba, Chim- 
borazo, Ecuador. 

Temperate and subtropical zones from southern Cauca and Huila, 

Colombia, where intergrades with 7’. s. solitarius, through Ecuador 
to northern Cajamarca, Peru. 

Troglodytes solstitialis macrourus Berlepsch and Stolzmann 

Troglodytes solstitialis macrourus Berlepsch and Stolzmann, 1902, 
Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2, p. 55 — Maraynioc, Junin, Peru. 

Temperate region of east-central Peru from southeastern Ama- 
zonas through Cusco. 

Troglodytes solstitialis frater Sharpe 

Troglodytes frater Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, p. 261 — 

Temperate highlands from southeastern Peru (Puno) through 


?Troglodytes solstitialis auricularis Cabanis 

Troglodytes (Uropsila) auricularis Cabanis, 1883, Journ. f. Orn., 
31, p. 105, pl. 2, fig. 1 — Mountains of Tucuman, Argentina. 

Temperate and upper subtropical zones of Jujuy and Tucuman, 
Argentina. Doubtfully distinct from 7’. s. frater. 


Troglodytes rufulus rufulus Cabanis 

Troglodytes rufulus Cabanis, 1849, in Schomburgk, Reisen Brit. 
Guiana, 3, (1848), p.672— Cerro Roraima, British Guiana 
[= Bolivar, Venezuela]. 

Subtropical zone on the mountains of Roraima, Uei-tepui, Chi- 
mantatepui, and Aprada-tepui, on the Gran Sabana of southeastern 
Bolivar, Venezuela. 

Troglodytes rufulus fulvigularis Zimmer and Phelps 

Troglodytes rufulus fulvigularis Zimmer and Phelps, 1945, Amer. 
Mus. Novit., no. 1274, p. 6 — Cerro Ptari-tepui (alt. 1,800 m.), 
Gran Sabana, Bolivar, Venezuela. 

Subtropical zone on the mountains of Ptari-tepui, Sororopan- 
tepui, and Auyan-tepui, on the Gran Sabana of southeastern Boli- 
var, Venezuela. 

Troglodytes rufulus yavii Phelps and Phelps, Jr. 

Troglodytes rufulus yavit Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1949, Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Washington, 62, p. 118 — Cerro Yavi (alt. 2,250 m.), La 
Cumbre, Amazonas, Venezuela. 

Subtropical zone on Cerro Yavi, northeastern Amazonas, and on 
Cerro Sarisarifama, southwestern Bolivar, Venezuela, at altitudes 
between 1,800 and 2,250 meters. 

Troglodytes rufulus duidae Chapman 

Troglodytes duidae Chapman, 1929, Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 380, 
p. 22 — Cerro Duida (alt. 4,500 ft.), Amazonas, Venezuela. 

Subtropical zones on the mountains of Duida, Part, and Paraque, 
Amazonas, Venezuela. 

Troglodytes rufulus wetmorei Phelps and Phelps, Jr. 

Troglodytes rufulus wetmoret Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1955, Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, 68, p. 118 — Cerro de la Neblina (alt. 
1,850 m.), headwaters of Rio Yattia, Amazonas, Venezuela. 

Subtropical zone on Cerro de la Neblina, at altitudes from 1,800 
to 1,900 meters, Amazonas, Venezuela. 

1 T. rufulus and T. solstitialis are probably best considered a super-species. 


Troglodytes browni ridgwayi (Bangs) 
Thryorchilus ridgwayt Bangs, 1906, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
19, p. 108 — Volcan de Irazi, Costa Rica. 

At and above the timberline (alt. 9-10,000 ft.) on Volcan de Tur- 
rialba and Volcan de Irazti, Costa Rica. 

?Troglodytes browni basultoi (Ridgway) 

Thryorchilus basultoi Ridgway, 1908, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
21, p. 191 — Las Vueltas, Cerros de Dota, Costa Rica. 

Known from two specimens from the type locality, at about 8- 
9,000 feet altitude, in southwestern Costa Rica. 

Troglodytes browni browni Bangs 

Troglodytes browni Bangs, 1902, Proc. New England Zool. Cl., 3, 
p. 53 — Volcan de Chiriqui (alt. 10,000 ft.), Chiriqui, Panama. 

At altitudes above 10,000 feet on the Volcan de Chiriqui, Chiriqui, 


Uropsila Sclater and Salvin, 1873, Nomencl. Av. Neotrop., p. 155. 
Type, by original designation, T'roglodytes leucogastra Gould. 
(Not preoccupied by Hropsilus Edwards, 1871 [18727?]). 

Hemiura Ridgway, 1888, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 10, (1887), p. 511. 
New name for Uropsila Sclater and Salvin, 1873. 

Nannorchilus Ridgway, 1904, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 17, 
p. 102. New name for Hemiura Ridgway, 1888. 

cf. Sutton, 1948, Condor, 50, p. 101-112. 


Uropsila leucogastra leucogastra (Gould) 

Troglodytes leucogastra Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 4, 
(1836), p. 89 — Tamaulipas, Mexico. 

Nannorchilus leucogaster grisescens Griscom, 1928, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 293, p. 4 — El Ebano, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 

Gulf lowlands of Tamaulipas, eastern San Luis Potosi, north- 
eastern Puebla, Veracruz, and northern Oaxaca, Mexico. 

Uropsila leucogastra pacifica (Nelson) 

Hemiura pacifica Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 72 — Manzanillo, Co- 
lima, Mexico. 

Coastal lowlands of Colima and Guerrero, Mexico. 

1 The genus seems unworthy of recognition but its disposition awaits 
detailed study. 


Uropsila leucogastra musica (Nelson) 

Hemiura leucogastra musica Nelson, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 16, p. 159 — Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico. 

Coastal plain of northeastern Oaxaca, Tabasco, and northern 
Chiapas, Mexico. 

Uropsila leucogastra brachyura (Lawrence) 

Troglodytes brachyurus Lawrence, 1887, Ann. New York Acad. 
Sci., 4, p. 67 — Temax, Yucatan, Mexico. 

Nannorchilus leucogaster australis Van Rossem, 1938, Bull. Brit. 
Orn. Cl., 59, p. 15 — Orange Walk, British Honduras. 

Yucatan, Campeche, and Quintana Roo, Mexico; British Hondu- 
ras; and (subsp.?) Petén, Guatemala. 


Henicorhina Sclater and Salvin, 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 170. New name for Heterorhina Baird, 1864, preoccupied. 
Type, by original designation, Scytalopus prostheleucus Sclater. 

White-breasted Wood Wren 

Henicorhina leucosticta prostheleuca (Sclater) 

Scytalopus prostheleucus Sclater, 1857, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
24, (1856), p. 290 — Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. 

Tropical forests from eastern Mexico (eastern San Luis Potosi 
and Hidalgo through Veracruz, Puebla, northern and eastern Oax- 
aca, Tabasco, southern Campeche and Quintana Roo, and Chiapas) 
through British Honduras and all but easternmost Guatemala. 

Henicorhina leucosticta tropaea Bangs and Peters 

Henicorhina prostheleuca tropaea Bangs and Peters, 1927, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool., 67, p. 480 — La Vijagua, Costa Rica. 

Caribbean coastal region of Guatemala through Honduras, Nica- 
ragua, Costa Rica (except extreme southwest), and the region about 
Almirante, northwestern Panama. 

Henicorhina leucosticta pittieri Cherrie 

Henicorhina pittiert Cherrie, 1893, Anal. Inst. Fis.-Geog. Museo 
Nac. Costa Rica, 4, (1891), p. 134 — Boruca, Costa Rica. 

Southwestern Costa Rica and Panama, west of the Canal Zone. 

Henicorhina leucosticta darienensis Hellmayr 

Henicorhina leucosticta darienensis Hellmayr, 1921, Anz. Orn. Ges. 
Bayern, 1, p. 25 — Tacarcuna, Panama. 


Tropical zone of eastern Panama and adjacent Colombia east to 
the Sint region, Bolivar and south along the Pacific coast to the 
Serrania de Baudo, Choco. 

Henicorhina leucosticta albilateralis Chapman 

Henicorhina prostheleuca albilateralis Chapman, 1917, Bull. Amer. 
Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, p. 524 — El Consuelo (alt. 3,300 ft.), 18 km. 
southwest of Honda, Cundinamarca, Colombia. 

Upper tropical and lower subtropical forests (ca. 970 to 2,400 m.) 
of the lower and middle Cauca Valley, Valle and Antioquia, and 
of the middle Magdalena Valley, Cundinamarca and Santander. 

Henicorhina leucosticta leucosticta (Cabanis) 

Cyphorhinus leucosticta Cabanis, 1847, Arch. f. Naturg., 13, (1), 
p. 206 — Guiana and Mexico; restricted to Guiana by Salvin, 
1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 26, p. 64. 

Southern Venezuela (Amazonas and Bolivar), British Guiana, 
Surinam and upper Rio Negro region of Brazil. 

Henicorhina leucosticta eucharis Bangs 

Henicorhina leucosticta eucharis Bangs, 1910, Proc. Biol. Soe. 
Washington, 23, p. 74 — near Pavas (alt. 4,400 ft.), Valle, Co- 

Altitudes above 1,300 meters in the Rio Dagua, Valley, Valle, 
Colombia; upper tropical and lower subtropical zones. 

Henicorhina leucosticta inornata Hellmayr 

Henicorhina inornata Hellmayr, 1903, Journ. f. Orn., 51, p. 528 
— Lita, Imbabura, Ecuador. 

Tropical forests of the Pacific lowlands and slopes from the upper 
Rio San Juan, Chocd, Colombia south to Pichincha, Ecuador. 

Henicorhina leucosticta hauxwelli Chubb 

Henicorhina leucosticta hauxwelli Chubb, 1920, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 
40, p. 156 — Elvira, Rio Maranon, Peru. 

Tropical forests on the eastern slopes of the Andes and adjacent 
lowlands from Meta, Colombia southward through eastern Ecuador 
and northeastern Peru to Huanuco, eastern-central Peru. 


Henicorhina leucophrys mexicana Nelson 
Henicorhina mexicana Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 73 — Jico, Vera- 
cruz, Mexico. 
Upper tropical and cloud forests of eastern Mexico in eastern San 
Luis Potosi, Puebla, central Veracruz, and northern Oaxaca. 


Henicorhina leucophrys festiva Nelson 
Henicorhina leucophrys festiva Nelson, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 16, p. 158 — Omilteme, Guerrero, Mexico. 
Western Mexico in cloud forests of western Michoacan and Guer- 

Henicorhina leucophrys castanea Ridgway 
Henicorhina leucophrys castanea Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 16, p. 168 — eastern Guatemala. 
Eastern slopes of Chiapas, Mexico and Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. 

Henicorhina leucophrys capitalis Nelson 
Henicorhina leucophrys capitalis Nelson, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 74 — 
Pinabete [ca. 48 mi. N. Tapachula, Soconusco], Chiapas, Mexico. 
Slopes of western Chiapas, Mexico, western Guatemala, and cen- 
tral El Salvador. 

Henicorhina leucophrys composita Griscom 
Henicorhina leucophrys composita Griscom, 1932, Proc. New Eng- 
land Zool. Cl., 13, p. 61 — Cerro Cantoral, Francisco Morazan, 
Subtropical zone of the south-central highlands of Honduras. 

Henicorhina leucophrys collina Bangs 
Henicorhina collina Bangs, 1902, Proc. New England Zool. CL., 
3, p. 55 — Boquéte (alt. 6,000 ft.), Volean de Chiriqui, Chiriqui, 
Highlands of Costa Rica and of Chiriqui and Veraguas, western 

Henicorhina leucophrys anachoreta Bangs 
Henicorhina anachoreta Bangs, 1899, Proc. New England Zool. CL., 
1, p. 84 — Paramo de Chirtigua (alt. 12,000 ft.), Sierra Nevada 
de Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. 

At altitudes above 2,400 m. (usually) in the temperate and upper 
subtropical zones of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena, 
Colombia. Occasional overlap of range with H. 1. bangsi is probably 

Henicorhina leucophrys bangsi Ridgway 
Henicorhina hilaris bangsi Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 16, p. 168 — San Francisco, Sierra Nevada de Santa 
Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. 
Between about 600 and 2,100 m. in the subtropical and upper 
tropical zones of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Magdalena, 


Henicorhina leucophrys manastarae Aveledo and Gines 
Henicorhina leucophrys manastarae Aveledo and Gines, 1952, Nov. 
Cien. (Mus. Hist. Nat. La Salle), zool. ser., no. 6, p. 9 — Ma- 
nastara (alt. 1,140m.), Rio Negro, Sierra de Perijé, Zulia, 
Known only from the subtropical zone, in the vicinity of the Alto 
Rio Negro, Zulia, Venezuela. 

Henicorhina leucophrys venezuelensis Hellmayr 
Henicorhina leucophrys venezuelensis Hellmayr, 1903, Journ. f. 
Orn., 51, p. 530 — Cerro Bucarito, near El Tocuyo, Lara, Vene- 
Subtropical zone of the coastal range of Venezuela from Lara east 
to Miranda. 

Henicorhina leucophrys meridana Todd 

Henicorhina leucophrys meridana Todd, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 45, p. 11 — Altos de Tabay, Mérida, Venezuela. 
Temperate and subtropical zones in the Andes of western Vene- 
zuela in Tachira (except the westernmost portion), Mérida, and 

Henicorhina leucophrys tamae Zimmer and Phelps 
Henicorhina leucophrys tamae Zimmer and Phelps, 1944, Amer. 
Mus. Novit., no. 1270, p. 13 — Paramo de Tama Camp (alt. 
2,540 ft.), Tachira, Venezuela. 
Temperate and subtropical zones in extreme western Tachira, 
Venezuela and subtropical zone on the eastern slope of the Cordil- 
lera Oriental, Colombia, including the Cordillera Macarena. 

Henicorhina leucophrys leucophrys (Tschudi) 

Troglodytes leucophrys Tschudi, 1844, Arch. f. Naturg., 10 (1), 
p. 282 — Peru. 

Subtropical and temperate zones in Colombia on the western slope 
of the Cordillera Oriental, on both slopes of the Cordillera Central, 
and on the eastern slope of the Cordillera Occidental, and in the 
subtropical zone on the western slope in Narino; subtropical zone 
of Ecuador, except the extreme north and the southwest; sub- 
tropical zone of Peru. 

Henicorhina leucophrys brunneiceps Chapman 

Henicorhina leucophrys brunneiceps Chapman, 1914, Bull. Amer. 
Mus. Nat. Hist., 33, p. 181 — La Gallera (alt. 5,700 ft.), Cauca, 

Subtropical and upper tropical zones of the western slope of the 

Cordillera Occidental of Colombia from the Rio San Juan south- 
ward to extreme northern Ecuador (Imbabura). 


Henicorhina leucophrys hilaris Berlepsch and Taczanowski 
Henicorhina hilaris Berlepsch and Taczanowski, 1884, Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, p. 284 — Chaguarpata (alt. 5,700 ft.), Chimborazo, 
Southwestern Ecuador in subtropical zone; intergrading with 
nominate race in central Ecuador. 

?Henicorhina leucophrys boliviana Todd 
Henicorhina leucophrys boliviana Todd, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 45, p. 10 — Incachaca, Cochabamba, Bolivia. 
Subtropical zone of Cochabamba, La Paz, and Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 


Microcerculus Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 19. Type, 
by subsequent designation, T’urdus bambla Boddaert (Baird, 
1864, Rev. Amer. Birds, 1, p. 113). 

cf. Griscom, 1932, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 77, p. 360-365 (M. mar- 



Microcerculus marginatus philomela (Salvin) 
Cyphorhinus philomela Salvin, 1861, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 202 — Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala. 

Eastern slopes of Chiapas, Mexico, of Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, 
and of Honduras; reappearing at moderate elevations in Costa Rica 
and Panama; intergrades in easternmost Panama and extreme north- 
western Colombia (Jurado). 

Microcerculus marginatus taeniatus Salvin 
Microcerculus taeniatus Salvin, 1881, Ibis, p. 130, pl. 3, fig. 2 — 
Balzar, Guayas, Ecuador. 
Microcerculus marginatus occidentalis Hellmayr, 1906, Novit. 
Zool., 13, p. 354 — Lita (alt. 3,000 ft.), Imbabura, Ecuador. 
Microcerculus squamulatus antioquensis Chapman, 1915, Bull. 
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 34, p. 647 — Dabeiba (alt. 2,000 ft.), 
Rio Sucio, Antioquia, Colombia. 
Pacific lowlands and slopes, to about 3,000 feet, from south- 
western Bolivar, Colombia to Guayas, Ecuador. 

?Microcerculus marginatus corrasus Bangs 
Microcerculus corrasus Bangs, 1902, Proc. New England Zool. Cl., 
3, p. 87 —Chirta (alt. 7,000 ft.), Sierra Nevada de Santa 
Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. 
Between 600 and 2,100 meters in the Sierra Nevada de Santa 
Marta, Magdalena, Colombia; possibly not separable from M. m. 


Microcerculus marginatus squamulatus Sclater and Salvin 
Microcerculus squamulatus Sclater and Salvin, 1875, Proc. Zool. 
Soe. London, p. 37, pl. 6 — San Cristobal, Tachira, Venezuela. 

Mountains of northern and northwestern Venezuela and adjacent 
northeastern Colombia (Norte de Santander). 

Microcerculus marginatus marginatus (Sclater) 

Heterocnemis marginata Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
23, p. 145 — ““Bogota’’, Colombia. 

Microcerculus marginatus bolivianus Carriker, 1935, Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 87, p. 337 — Santa Ana (alt. 2,200 ft.), 
Coroico, La Paz, Bolivia. 

Amazon Basin from extreme western Amazonas, Venezuela and 
the eastern foot of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia, through 
eastern Ecuador and Peru south to northeastern Bolivia, and east- 
ward through northern Brazil to Para; not ranging north of the 
Amazon east of the Rio Negro. 


Microcerculus ustulatus duidae Chapman 
Microcerculus ustulatus duidae Chapman, 1929, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 380, p. 23 — Cerro Duida (alt. 6,700 ft.), Amazonas, Vene- 
Subtropical zone on the mountains of Duida, Yavi, Paraque, and 
Sierra de Curupira, Amazonas, Venezuela. 

Microcerculus ustulatus lunatipectus Zimmer and Phelps 
Microcerculus ustulatus lunatipectus Zimmer and Phelps, 1946, 
Amer. Mus. Novit., no. 1312, p. 17 — Cerro Guaiquinima (alt. 
1,300 m.), Rio Paragua, Bolivar, Venezuela. 
Subtropical zone on the mountains of Guaiquinima, Chimanta- 
tepui, and Paurai-tepui, Bolivar and on Cerro Pari, Amazonas, 

Microcerculus ustulatus obscurus Zimmer and Phelps 
Microcerculus ustulatus obscurus Zimmer and Phelps, 1946, Amer. 
Mus. Novit., no. 1312, p. 18 — Cerro Ptari-tepui (alt. 1,800 m.), 
Bolivar, Venezuela. 
Subtropical zone on the mountains of Ptari-tepui, Uei-tepui, and 
Sororopén-tepui on the Gran Sabana of southeastern Bolivar, Vene- 

Microcerculus ustulatus ustulatus Salvin and Godman 
Microcerculus ustulatus Salvin and Godman, 1883, Ibis, p. 204, 
pl. 9, fig. 2 — Cerro Roraima, British Guiana [= Bolivar, Vene- 


Subtropical zone on the mountains of Roraima, Bolivar, Vene- 
zuela and on Twek-quay, British Guiana. 


Microcerculus bambla albigularis (Sclater) 

Heterocnemis albigularis Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
26, p. 67 — Rio Napo, Ecuador. 

Lowlands of eastern Ecuador east to Manacapurti on the Rio 
Solimdes and Yucabi on the Negro, Amazonas, Brazil; eastern range 
poorly known. 

Microcerculus bambla caurensis Berlepsch and Hartert 

Microcerculus caurensis Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 
9, p. 5 — Rio Nichare, Bolivar, Venezuela. 

Amazonas and southern and southwestern Bolivar, Venezuela. 

Microcerculus bambla bambla (Boddaert) 

Formicerius bambla Boddaert, 1783, Tabl. Pl. Enl., p. 44 — 

Southeastern Venezuela (Cerro Auyan-tepui, Bolivar), British 
Guiana, French Guiana, and northeastern Brazil south to the Ama- 
zon and west at least to Obidos, Para 


Cyphorhinus Cabanis, 1844, Arch. f. Naturg., 10 (1), p. 282. Type, 
by monotypy, Cyphorhinus thoracicus Tschudi. (Not preoccupied 
by Cyphorhina Lesson, 1843). 

Leucolepis Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 57. Type, by 
subsequent designation, Formicarius musicus Boddaert [= Myr- 
mornis arada Hermann] (Ridgway, 1904, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
50, pt. 3, p. 670). 

cf. Todd, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 45, p. 12-14 (C. ara- 


Cyphorhinus thoracicus dichrous Sclater and Salvin 

Cyphorhinus dichrous Sclater and Salvin, 1879, Proc. Zool. Soe. 
London, p. 492, pl. 41 — Remedios [probably above], Antio- 
quia, Colombia. 

Tropical and subtropical (chiefly) zone of the central and western 

Andes of Colombia, through Ecuador, to San Martin, Peru. 

1 C. thoracicus and C.aradus form a superspecies. 


Cyphorhinus thoracicus thoracicus Tschudi 

Cyphorhinus thoracicus Tschudi, 1844, Arch. f. Naturg., 10 (1), 
p. 282 — Peru. 

Tropical and subtropical zones of Peru from Huanuco south to 


Cyphorhinus aradus richardsoni Salvin 

Cyphorhinus richardsoni Salvin, 1893, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1, p. 32 
— Santo Domingo, Chontales, Nicaragua. 

Caribbean lowlands of Nicaragua and adjacent southeastern Hon- 
duras (Rio Coco [Rio Segovia)]). 

Cyphorhinus aradus infuscatus Zimmer 

Cyphorhinus lawrencii infuscatus Zimmer, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 573, p. 3 — Carrillo (alt. 1,000 ft.), Costa Rica. 

Caribbean lowlands from Costa Rica to extreme northwestern 
Panama (Almirante). 

Cyphorhinus aradus lawrencii Lawrence 

Cyphorhinus lawrencit Lawrence (ex Sclater ms), 1863, Ann. Lyc. 
Nat. Hist. New York, 8, p. 5— Panama Railroad Route, Pa- 

Lowlands of Panama (except the extreme northwestern portion), 

and the region about the Golfo de Uraba, northwestern Colombia. 

Cyphorhinus aradus propinquus (Todd) 
Leucolepis phaeocephalus propinquus Todd, 1919, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 32, p. 114 — Jaraquiel, Bolivar, Colombia. 

Tropical lowlands of northern Colombia ranging up to about 500 
meters in the valleys. 

Cyphorhinus aradus chocoanus (de Schauensee) 

Leucolepis phaeocephala chocoana de Schauensee, 1946, Not. Nat. 
Philadelphia, no. 161, p.6— Alto del Buey (alt. 3,000 ft.), 
above the Rio Baud6, Chocd, Colombia. 

Pacific lowlands and slopes of Chocd, Colombia, from near the 
Panama border (Rio Jurado) south to the mountains above Baud, 
and in the Rio Atrato valley. Intergrades with Jawrencii in northern 

Cyphorhinus aradus phaeocephalus Sclater 

Cyphorinus phaeocephalus Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
28, p. 291 — Esmeraldas, Esmeraldas, Ecuador. 


Pacific lowlands from southern Chocdé, Colombia to El Oro, 

Cyphorhinus aradus urbanoi (Zimmer and Phelps) 

Leucolepis arada urbanoi Zimmer and Phelps, 1946, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1312, p. 19 — Rio Caruai (alt. 1,000 m.), near Cerro 
Ptari-tepui, Bolivar, Venezuela. 

Tropical zone and lower fringes of subtropical zone in northern 

part of the Gran Sabana, eastern Bolivar, Venezuela. 

Cyphorhinus aradus aradus (Hermann) 

Myrm{ornis] arada Hermann, 1783, Tabl. Aff. Anim., p. 211, 

note r — Cayenne. 

Central Gran Sabana, southeastern Bolivar, Venezuela, the Guia- 
nas, and adjacent northeastern Brazil south to the Amazon and 
west to the Rio Negro, with the exception of the area occupied by 
C. a. faroensis. 

Cyphorhinus aradus faroensis (Zimmer and Phelps) 

Leucolepis arada faroensis Zimmer and Phelps, 1946, Amer. Mus. 
Novit., no. 1312, p. 19 — Faro (Castanhal), Rio Jamunda, north 
bank of the Amazon, Para, Brazil. 

Northern Brazil in the region about Faro and Obidos on the north 

bank of the Amazon, probably west to the Rio Negro. 

Cyphorhinus aradus griseolateralis Ridgway 
Cyphorhinus griseolateralis Ridgway, 1888, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 
(1887), 10, p. 518 — Diamantina, near Santarém, Rio Tapajos, 
Para, Brazil. 
Northern Brazil on the right bank of the Amazon west to the 
right bank of the Rio Tapajés and south at least to the Rio Jamau- 
chim; eastern limits unknown. 

Cyphorhinus aradus interpositus (Todd) 
Leucolepis modulator interpositus Todd, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 45, p. 13 — Vila Braga, Para, Brazil. 
Brazil, south of the Amazon from the left bank of the Rio Ta- 
pajos west to the Rio Madeira and south to northern Mato Grosso. 

Cyphorhinus aradus transfluvialis (Todd) 

Leucolepis modulator transfluvialis Todd, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 45, p. 13 — Manacapurt, Rio Solimées, Amazo- 
nas, Brazil. 

Northern side of the Amazon from the Rio Negro, Brazil east to 
the base of the Andes in Caqueta, Colombia; northern limits un- 



Cyphorhinus aradus salvini Sharpe 

Cyphorinus salvini Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, p. 292, 
pl. 18, fig. 1 — Rio Napo, Ecuador. 

Southeastern Colombia (Putumayo), eastern Ecuador, and north- 
eastern Peru (Lorito). 

Cyphorhinus aradus modulator (d’Orbigny) 
Thryothorus modulator d’Orbigny, 1838, Voy. Amér. Mérid., Ois., 
p- 230 — Yungas, Bolivia. 
Leucolepis modulator rutilans Todd, 1932, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 45, p. 12 — Sao Paulo de Olivenga, Rio Solimées, Ama- 
zonas, Brazil. 

Lowlands of eastern Peru and northern Bolivar eastward through 
western Brazil, south of the Amazon, to the Rio Madeira. 


JOHN Davis 

cf. Ridgway, 1907, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 50, pt. 4, p. 184-271. 
Hellmayr, 1934, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt.7, 
p- 295-303 (Toxostoma), 306-333 (Mimus), 339-342 (Allenia, 
Margarops), 347-350 (Donacobius). 
Bond, 1956, Check-list Birds West Indies, ed. 4, Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philadelphia, p. 121-126. 

Dumetella S. D.W., 1837, Analyst, 5, p. 206. Type, by monotypy, 
Turdus felivox Vieillot = Muscicapa carolinensis Linnaeus. 
cf. Rand and Traylor, 1949, Auk, 66, p. 25-28. 

Common Catbird 

Dumetella carolinensis (Linnaeus) 
[Muscicapa] carolinensis Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 

p. 328 — in Carolina = Virginia. 
Dumetella carolinensis ruficrissa Aldrich, 1946, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 59, p. 132 — Colville Lake, Sprague, Washington. 
Breeds from southern British Columbia, central Alberta, southern 
Manitoba, western and southern Ontario, southern Quebec, and 
Nova Scotia south to eastern Oregon, north-central Utah, east- 
central Arizona, north-central New Mexico, western Oklahoma, 
Texas, and the Gulf states, and rarely to southern Florida. Winters 


from the Gulf states, eastern North Carolina, and southeastern Vir- 
ginia south to Panama (Canal Zone), islands of the western Carib- 
bean, the Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and the Lesser An- 
tilles (Anguilla). 


Melanoptila Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 25 (1857), 
p. 275. Type, by monotypy, Melanoptila glabrirostris Sclater. 

Black Catbird 

Melanoptila glabrirostris Sclater 

M{elanoptila]. glabrirostris Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- 
don, 25 (1857), p. 275 — in rep. Honduras, prope urbem Omoa. 

Dumetella glabrirostris cozumelana Paynter, 1954, Postilla, Yale 
Univ., no. 18, p. 3 — Isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico. 

Northern and eastern sections of the Yucatan Peninsula (includ- 
ing Holbox, Mujeres, and Cozumel islands) south through British 
Honduras and northern Guatemala (Petén) to the northern coast 
of Honduras. 

Genus MELANOTIS Bonaparte 

Melanotis Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 276. Type, by 
monotypy, T'urdus melanotis Temminck = Orpheus caerulescens 

Blue Mockingbird 
Melanotis caerulescens longirostris Nelson 

Melanotis caerulescens longirostris Nelson, 1898, Proc. Biol. Soc. 
Washington, 12, p. 10 — Maria Madre Island, Mexico. 

Tres Marias Islands off the coast of Nayarit, Mexico. 

Melanotis caerulescens caerulescens (Swainson) 

Orpheus caerulescens Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., n.s., 1, p. 369 
— Mexico. 

Melanotis caerulescens effuticius Bangs and Penard, 1921, Proc. 
Biol. Soc. Washington, p. 91 — Chihuahua [= Sonora], Ha- 
cienda de San Rafael. 

Mexico in southern Sonora, southwestern Chihuahua, western 

Durango, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, Guerrero, 

1 Paynter, Peabody Mus. Yale Univ., Bull. 9, 1955, p. 224, 225 does not 
recognize this genus, remarking that it is a black representative of Dumetella. 


Guanajuato, México, Morelos, eastern San Luis Potosi, southern 
Tamaulipas, Hidalgo, Puebla, northern and central Veracruz, 
Oaxaca, and western Chiapas (Ocozocoautla). 

Blue-and-white Mockingbird 

Melanotis hypoleucus Hartlaub 

Melanotis hypoleucus Hartlaub, 1852, Rev. Mag. Zool. (Paris), 
ser. 2, 4, p. 460 — Guatemala!. 

Southeastern Mexico in State of Chiapas south through Guate- 
mala to northern Honduras (Volcan de Puca) and El Salvador. 


Mimus Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, p. 972. Type, by monotypy, 
Turdus polyglottos Linnaeus. 
cf. Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil, 2, p. 353-358 (gilvus, saturninus, 
Goodall, Johnson, and Philippi, 1946, Aves de Chile, 1, p. 45- 
48. (thenca, triurus, patagonicus). 
Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cien. Nat., 
12, p. 238-239. (gilvus). 
de Schauensee, 1951, Caldasia, 5, p. 909-910. (gilvus). 

Northern Mockingbird 

Mimus polyglottos polyglottos (Linnaeus) 

[Turdus] polyglottos Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 169 
— in Virginia. 

Resident from eastern Nebraska, southern Iowa, central Illinois, 
central Indiana, central northern Ohio, southern Pennsylvania, 
central New Jersey, and southeastern Massachusetts south to south- 
eastern Texas, the Gulf coast, southern Florida, and Key West. 
Casual in south-central and southeastern Canada and the north- 
central and northeastern United States. Introduced in Bermuda. 

Mimus polyglottos leucopterus (Vigors) 

Orpheus leucopterus Vigors, 1839, in Zool. Beechey’s Voy. ‘Blossom’ 
p. 17 — type locality not indicated. Fixed as Monterey, Mon- 
terey County, California by Grinnell, 1932, Univ. Calif. Publ. 
Zool., 38, p. 294. 

1 Hellmayr considered Melanotis hypoleucus subspecifically related to M. 
caerulescens because of the partly white ventral plumage of aberrant specimens 
of M.c. longirostris from the Tres Marias Islands. Areas of white plumage 
occur in these specimens in such random fashion that they have no bearing 
on interspecific relationships within Melanotis. cf. Wetmore, 1941, Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 89, p. 562. 


Northern California, southeastern Oregon, northern Nevada, 
northern Utah, southeastern Wyoming, and southwestern South 
Dakota south through the western United States and Mexico to 
southern Baja California and Oaxaca (Isthmus of Tehuantepec). 

Mimus polyglottos orpheus (Linnaeus) 

[Turdus] orpheus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 169 — 

in America = Jamaica. 

Mimus elegans Sharpe, 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, p. 337 [key], 

339 — island of Inagua. 

The Bahamas from Grand Bahama southeast to Grand Turk and 
the Greater Antilles (excluding the Swan Islands, Little Cayman, 
Cayman Brac, and Beata Island) east to Anegada. Introduced on 
Barbados, but now extirpated. 

Tropical Mockingbird 
Mimus gilvus gracilis Cabanis 

M{imus]. gracilis Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 83, footnote — 
““Central-Amerika (Honduras?).”’ 

Southern Mexico in states of Oaxaca (Isthmus of Tehuantepec), 
southern Veracruz, northern coastal Tabasco, and Chiapas southeast 
through Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador (Department of 

Mimus gilvus leucophaeus Ridgway 

Mimus gracilis leucophaeus Ridgway, 1888, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
10 (1887), p. 506 — Cozumel [Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico]. 

Mimus gilvus clarus van Rossem, 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 
77, p. 401 — Camp Mengel [= Villa Obregén], Quintana Roo, 

Southeastern Mexico in states of Tabasco (Montecristo), Cam- 
peche, Yucaton, and Quintana Roo (including Cozumel, Holbox, 
and Mujeres islands) and British Honduras (southeast to Glover 

Mimus gilvus antillarum Hellmayr and Seilern 

Mimus gilvus antillarum Hellmayr and Seilern, 1915, Verh. 
Orn. Ges. Bayern, 12, p. 201 — Grenada. 

Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, the Grenadines, and Grenada, 
Lesser Antilles. Introduced on Barbados and Nevis, but now extir- 

1 Mimus gilvus may be subspecifically related to Mimus polyglottos, as 
hybrids have been taken in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, where the 
two forms come together. cf. Wetmore, 1943, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 93, 
p- 302-303. 


Mimus gilvus tobagensis Dalmas 

Mimus gilvus tobagensis Dalmas, 1900, Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 
13, p. 134 — Ile de Tobago. 

Islands of Tobago and Trinidad. 

Mimus gilvus rostratus Ridgway 
Mimus gilvus rostratus Ridgway, 1884, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 7, 
p. 173 — Island of Curagoa [= Curagao], Venezuela. 

Islands of Aruba, Curagao, Orchila, Tortuga, and Blanquilla, the 
Los Hermanos Archipelago (Horquilla), Margarita Island, and the 
Testigos Islands. 

Mimus gilvus magnirostris Cory 
Mimus magnirostris Cory, 1887, Auk, 4, p. 178 — St. Andrews 
St. Andrews Island, Caribbean Sea. 

Mimus gilvus tolimensis Ridgway 
Mimus gilvus tolimensis Ridgway, 1904, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 47, 
p- 113 — Plains of Tolima, Colombia. 
Western and central Colombia in the departments of Chocd, An- 
tioquia, Caldas, Tolima, Cundinimarca, Valle, Cauca, and Huila. 

Mimus gilvus melanopterus Lawrence 
Mimus melanopterus Lawrence, 1849, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New 
York, 5, (1852), p. 35 — Venezuela. 

Colombia in the departments of Atlantico, Magadalena, Norte de 
Santander, Boyaca, and the Intendencia of Meta east through Vene- 
zuela (except the central southern part) to British Guiana and the 
adjacent part of extreme northern Brazil (upper Rio Branco). 

Mimus gilvus gilvus (Vieillot) 

Turdus gilvus Vieillot, 1808?, Hist. Nat. Ois. Amér. Sept., 2, p. 15, 
pl. 68 bis —la Guiane et les contrées les plus chaudes de ’Amé- 
rique septentrionale. French Guiana suggested by Hellmayr, 
1934, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 7, p. 313. 

French Guiana and Dutch Guiana. 

Mimus gilvus antelius Oberholser 
Turdus lividus Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. Berlin. Mus., 
p. 39 — Bahia [,Brazil]. Not Turdus lividus Wilson, 1810. 
Mimus antelius Oberholser, 1919, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 
32, p. 128. New name for Turdus lividus Lichtenstein, pre- 


Littoral of northern and eastern Brazil from Para (Cajtituba) to 
Rio de Janeiro (Lagéa Feia, Marambaia Island). 


Mimus gundlachii gundlachii Cabanis 
Mimus Gundlachii Cabanis, 1855, Journ. f. Orn., 3, p. 470 — 

Cays off the northern coast of Cuba opposite Caibarién and San 
Juan de los Perros, and the Bahamas from Little Abaco (not Abaco 
or Grand Bahama) south to Great Inagua and the Caicos Islands. 

Mimus gundlachii hillii March 
Mimus Hillii March, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
p. 291. cf. Hill, 1863, cbid., p. 304, 305 — Jamaica. 

Island of Jamaica. 

Chilean Mockingbird 

Mimus thenca (Molina) 
Turdus thenca Molina, 1782, Saggio Stor. Nat. Chile, p. 250, 345 
— Chile. 
Chile from the Province of Atacama (Rio Copiapo) south to the 
Province of Valdivia. 

Long-tailed Mockingbird 
Mimus longicaudatus platensis Chapman 

Mimus longicaudatus platensis Chapman, 1924, Amer. Mus. Novit., 
no. 143, p. 15 — La Plata Island, off Prov. Manavi, western 

La Plata Island off the Province of Manavi, western Ecuador. 

Mimus longicaudatus albogriseus Lesson 
Mimus albogriseus Lesson, 1844, Echo du Monde Savant, 11, 
2nd sem., no. 28, col. 346 [658], Oct. 13 (reprint, p. 214) — 
Gayaquil = Guayaquil, Ecuador. 
Southwestern Ecuador (north to Caraques Bay) and extreme 
northern Peru in Department of Piura (Romeros, Sullana). 

Mimus longicaudatus longicaudatus Tschudi 
M{imus]. longicaudatus Tschudi, 1844, Arch. f. Naturg., 10, Band 1, 
p- 280—in Republica Peruana. Lima, Peru, suggested by Hell- 
mayr, 1934, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 7, 
p. 325. 

1 Mimus longicaudatus may be subspecifically related to Mimus thenca. 


Western Peru from Department of Libertad south to Department 
of Ica. 

Mimus longicaudatus maranonicus Carriker 

Mimus longicaudatus maranonicus Carriker, 1933, Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 85, p. 33 — Soquian, Prov. Huama- 
chuco, Dept. Libertad, Peru, alt. 6,000 feet (Marafion Valley). 

Upper Marafion Valley of Peru. 


Mimus saturninus saturninus (Lichtenstein) 
Turdus saturninus Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. Berlin. Mus., 
p. 39 — Para = Rio Tapajoz, Para, Brazil. 
Rio Tapajoz (Santarém) and lower Amazon River (Monte Alegre), 
State of Para, northern Brazil. 

Mimus saturninus arenaceus Chapman 
Mimus arenaceus Chapman, 1890, Auk, 7, 135 — Bahia, Brazil. 
Northeastern Brazil in states of Paraiba (Santa Lucia, Campina 
Grande), Pernambuco, Alagoas (Palmeira dos Indios), and Baia (east 
of the Rio Sao Francisco). 

Mimus saturninus frater Hellmayr 
Mimus saturninus frater Hellmayr, 1903, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 
Wien, 53, p. 220 —Ypanema, S[ao]. Paulo. 
Northern Bolivia (Chatarona, Rio Beni, Rio Mamoré) and Brazil 
in states of Mato Grosso, Goiaz, Maranhao, Piaui, northwestern 
Baia (Rio Preto), Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo. 

Mimus saturninus modulator (Gould) 

Orpheus modulator Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 4, p. 6 
— “in Fretu Magellanico,” error. Mouth of the Rio Plata, Uru- 
guay, substituted by Hellmayr, 1914, Novit. Zool., 21, p. 159. 

Southeastern Bolivia in departments of Chuquisaca and Tarija, 

Paraguay, southern Brazil (State of Rio Grande do Sul), northern 
Argentina from provinces of Catamarca, Salta, and Formosa south- 
east to Province of Buenos Aires (Cape San Antonio), and Uruguay. 

Patagonian Mockingbird 

Mimus patagonicus (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) 

Or| pheus]. patagonicus (nessun and d’ Orbigny, 1837, Syn. Av., 
im Mag. Zool. (Paris), 7, cl. 2, “pl. 77 a 79,” p. 19 — in Pata- 
gonia = Rio Negro. 


Western and southern Argentina, from provinces of Jujuy and 
Salta south to Province of Santa Cruz (Rio Chico), and southern 
Chile (casual in Province of Valdivia). 

White-banded Mockingbird 

Mimus triurus (Vieillot) 
Turdus triurus Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. éd., 
20, p. 275 — Paraguay. 

Central and eastern Bolivia in departments of Cochabamba, Santa 
Cruz, and Tarija, Brazil in states of Mato Grosso (extreme south- 
western strip bordering on Bolivia) and Rio Grande do Sul (Uru- 
guaiana, Itaqui), Paraguay, Uruguay, and all of Argentina south 
to the Rio Negro. 


Mimus dorsalis (Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny) 

Or[pheus]. dorsalis Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Syn. Av., in 
Mag. Zool. (Paris), 7, cl. 2, “pl. 77 a 79,” p.18—=in Andiis, 
rep. Boliviana = Cochabamba, Bolivia. 

Bolivia, mainly in the Puna zone, in departments of La Paz, Co- 

chabamba, Oruro, Potosi, and Tarija, and extreme northwestern 
Argentina in Province of Jujuy (Tilcara, Maimara). 


Nesomimus Ridgway, 1890, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 12 (1889), p.102. 
Type, by original designation, Orpheus melanotis Gould = Or- 
pheus trifasciatus Gould. 

cf. Swarth, 1931, Occ. Papers California Acad. Sci., 18, p. 104-131. 


Nesomimus trifasciatus trifasciatus (Gould) 

Orpheus trifasciatus Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 27 
— the Galapagos = Charles Island. cf. Swarth, 1931, Occ. Papers 
California Acad. Sci., 18, p. 114, footnote. 

Gardner Island and Champion Island near Charles, in Galapagos 

Archipelago. Formerly on Charles Island, where it now appears to 
be extinct. 

Nesomimus trifasciatus macdonaldi Ridgway 
Nesomimus macdonaldi Ridgway, 1890, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 12 
(1889), p. 103 — Hood Island, Galapagos. 
Hood Island and Gardner Island near Hood, Galapagos Archipe- 


Nesomimus trifasciatus melanotis (Gould) 

Orpheus melanotis Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 27 
— the Galapagos. 

Chatham Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Nesomimus trifasciatus parvulus (Gould) 

Orpheus parvulus Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, p. 27 
— the Galapagos [type from Albemarle Island]. 

Narborough, Albemarle, Daphne, and Indefatigable islands, and 
the Seymour Islands near Indefatigable, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Nesomimus trifasciatus barringtoni Rothschild 

Nesomimus carringtoni (typographical error) Rothschild, 1898, Bull. 
Brit. Orn. Cl., 8, p. vii in text — Barrington Island, Galapagos. 
“carringtoni’’ corrected to “barringtont,” ibid., “Errata et Cor- 
rigenda,”’ p. [iv] before text. 

Barrington Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Nesomimus trifasciatus personatus Ridgway 

Nesomimus personatus Ridgway, 1890, Proc. U. 8S. Nat. Mus., 12 
(1889), p. 104 — Abingdon Island, Galapagos. 

Nesomimus bindloei Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 17, 
p- 358 — Bindloe Island. 

Abingdon, Bindloe, James, and Jervis islands, Galapagos Archipe- 

Nesomimus trifasciatus wenmani Swarth 

Nesomimus parvulus wenmani Swarth, 1931, Occ. Papers Cali- 
fornia Acad. Sci., 18, p. 129 — Wenman Island, Galapagos Ar- 

Wenman Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Nesomimus trifasciatus hulli Rothschild 

Nesomimus hulli Rothschild, 1898, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 7, p. li in 
text — Culpepper Island. 

Culpepper Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Nesomimus trifasciatus bauri Ridgway 

Nesomimus bauri Ridgway, 1894, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 17, p. 357 
— Tower Island. 

Tower Island, Galapagos Archipelago. 

Genus MIMODES RipGway 

Mimodes Ridgway, 1882, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., 5, p. 45. Type, 
by monotypy, Harporhynchus graysoni Lawrence. 


Socorro Thrasher 

Mimodes graysoni (Lawrence) 
Harporhynchus graysoni Lawrence, “Baird ms’’, 1871, Ann. Lyc. 
Nat. Hist. New York, 10, p. 1 — Socorro Island, Mexico. 

Socorro Island, Revillagigedo group, off the west coast of Mexico. 


Oreoscoptes Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin, and Lawrence, Rep. 
Expl Surv. Kh. k. Pac: 9, p. xxxxv’ — xxxv. Type, by mo- 
notypy, Orpheus montanus Townsend. 

Sage Thrasher 

Oreoscoptes montanus (Townsend) 

Orpheus montanus Townsend, 1837, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi- 
ladelphia, 7, p. 192 — “plains of the Rocky Mountains” = 
Sandy Creek, lat. 42° N., long. 109° 30’ W., Wyoming. 

Breeds from southern interior British Columbia, Montana (Bil- 
lings), and southwestern Saskatchewan south to southern border of 
the Mohave Desert of California (Victorville), and northern New 
Mexico (Grant, Santa Fe). Winters from central and southwestern 
California, southern Nevada, central Arizona, southern New Mexico, 
and central and southern Texas south to southern Baja California 
and on the mainland of Mexico to the State of Guanajuato. 


Toxostoma Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, 24, p. 528. Type, by 
monotypy, Toxostoma vetula Wagler = Orpheus curvirostris 

cf. Engels, 1940, Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 42, p. 385-395. 

Brown Thrasher 

Toxostoma rufum rufum (Linnaeus) 

[Turdus] rufus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 169 — in 
America septentrionali et meridionali = South Carolina. 
Breeds from northern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, northern 
Michigan, southern Ontario, southern Quebec, and southwestern 
Maine south to eastern Texas, the southern parts of the Gulf states, 
and southern Florida. Winters from Arkansas, southern Tennessee, 
northern Georgia, North Carolina, and southern Maryland south to 


southeastern Texas, the Gulf coast, and southern Florida; casually 
in Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, south- 
ern Ontario, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Massa- 

Toxostoma rufum longicauda (Baird) 

H{arporhynchus|. longicauda Baird, 1858, in Baird, Cassin, and 
Lawrence, Rep. Expl. Surv. R. R. Pac., 9, p. 353 — Republican 
Fork = Republican River, northwestern Kansas. 

Breeds from southeastern Alberta, southern Saskatchewan, south- 
ern Manitoba, and extreme western Ontario south through Montana, 
eastern Wyoming, southwestern Nebraska, eastern Colorado, and 
western Kansas. Winters from eastern Oklahoma to central and 
southeastern Texas, southern Louisiana, and southern Mississippi, 
casually north to southeastern Wyoming. Casual in Oregon, Cali- 
fornia, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. 

Long-billed Thrasher 

Toxostoma longirostre sennetti (Ridgway) 

Harporhynchus longirostris sennetti Ridgway, 1888, Proc. U. 8. 
Nat. Mus., 10 (1887), p. 506 — southern Texas = Lomita, near 
Hidalgo, Texas. 

Central southern Texas and Mexico in states of Coahuila (eastern), 
San Luis Potosi (Rio Verde, Villa Tamuin), Nuevo Leén, and Ta- 
maulipas (Magiscatzin, Altamira). 

Toxostoma longirostre longirostre (Lafresnaye) 

[Orpheus] longirostris Lafresnaye, 1838, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 1, p. 55 
—du Mexique et de la Californie = Mexico. 

Eastern Mexico in northeastern Querétaro, extreme southeastern 
San Luis Potosi (Xilitla, Taninul), northeastern Hidalgo, north- 
eastern Puebla, and northern and central Veracruz (south to Cor- 


Cozumel Trasher 

Toxostoma guttatum (Ridgway) 

Harporhynchus guttatus Ridgway, 1885, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- 
ton, 3, p. 21 — Cozumel [Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico]. 

Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico. 

Gray Thrasher 

Toxostoma cinereum mearnsi (Anthony) 

Harporhynchus cinereus mearnsi Anthony, 1895, Auk, 12, p. 53 
—San Quintin, Lower California. 


West side of the peninsula of Baja California from lat. 31° 7’ N. 
to lat. 28° 30’ N. 

Toxostoma cinereum cinereum (Xantus) 

Harporhynchus cinereus Xantus, 1860, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi- 
ladelphia, 11 (1859), p.298— Cape St. Lucas, Lower Calli- 

Cape district of Baja California south from lat. 28° N. on Pacific 

slope and from Animas Bay on Gulf coast. 

Bendire Thrasher 

Toxostoma bendirei bendirei (Coues) 

Harporhynchus Bendirei Coues, 1873, Amer. Nat., 7, p. 330, foot- 
note — Tucson, Ariz. 

Breeds from southeastern California (Providence Mountains), 
southern Nevada (Delmar), and southern Utah (Escalante) south 
through Arizona and southwestern New Mexico (Rodeo) to northern 
Sonora (Magdalena), Mexico. Winters chiefly in Sonora and northern 
Sinaloa, Mexico. 

Toxostoma bendirei candidum van Rossem 

Toxostoma bendirei candidum van Rossem, 1942, Trans. San Diego 
Soe. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 381 — 10 miles north of Guaymas, So- 
nora, Mexico. 

Sonoran Desert of central western Sonora, Mexico. 

Toxostoma bendirei rubricatum van Rossem 

Toxostoma bendirei rubricatum van Rossem, 1942, Trans. San 
Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 9, p. 381 — Tecoripa, southeastern So- 
nora, Mexico. 

State of Sonora, Mexico, breeding in the central and southern 

interior (Tecoripa) ; in the non-breeding season from Pesqueira south 
to Alamos, and to the coast at Tiburon Island and San Pedro Bay. 

Ocellated Thrasher 

Toxostoma ocellatum (Sclater) 
Harporhynchus ocellatus Sclater, 1862, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 18, pl. iii — Oaxaca [southwestern Mexico]. 
Mexico in states of Guanajuato, México, Morelos, Hidalgo, Puebla, 
Veracruz, and Oaxaca. 


Curve-billed Thrasher 

Toxostoma curvirostre palmeri (Coues) 
H{arporhynchus]. curvirostris var. palmeri “Ridgw. ms’’ Coues, 
1872, Key N. Amer. Birds, p. 351 — Tucson, Arizona. 

Southwestern and central Arizona south to latitude 28° 30’ N. in 
western and central Sonora, Mexico. 

Toxostoma curvirostre insularum van Rossem 
Toxostoma curvirostre insularum van Rossem, 1930, Trans. San 
Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 6, p. 207 — San Estéban Island, Sonora, 
San Esteban and Tiburon islands off the coast of central Sonora, 

Toxostoma curvirostre maculatum (Nelson) 

Harporhynchus curvirostris maculatus Nelson, 1900, Auk, 17, 
p. 269 — Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. 
Southern Sonora (north in the interior to Moctezuma), northern 
Sinaloa, and adjoining southwestern Chihuahua (near Mina Abun- 
dancia, State of Sonora), Mexico. 

Toxostoma curvirostre occidentale (Ridgway) 

Methriopterus curvirostris occidentalis Ridgway, 1882, Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., 5, p. 9 — coast region of western Mexico, in the 
vicinity of Tepic and Mazatlan = Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. 

States of Sinaloa (from Culiacdén south), Nayarit, northwestern 
Jalisco (Atoyac), and western Durango (Tamazula), Mexico. 

Toxostoma curvirostre celsum Moore 

Toxostoma curvirostre celsum Moore, 1941, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 54, p. 212 — Laguna Juanota, southwest Chihuahua, 

Southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, western Texas, and 
extreme northwestern Oklahoma, south in Mexico in northeastern 
Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, northwestern Zacatecas, and western 

Toxostoma curvirostre curvirostre (Swainson) 
Orpheus curvirostris Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., n.s., 1, p. 369 
— Table land [of Mexico]. 
Mexico, in southern and southeastern Jalisco, Colima, Michoacan, 
northern Guerrero, Querétaro, México, Morelos, San Luis Potosi, 
Hidalgo, Puebla, eastern Veracruz, and Oaxaca (south to Mitla). 


Toxostoma curvirostre oberholseri Law 

Toxostoma curvirostris oberholsert Law, 1928, Condor, 30, p. 151 — 
San Diego, [Duval County], Texas. 

Southern Texas and northeastern Mexico in eastern Coahuila, 
Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas (south to Llera). 

Le Conte Thrasher 

Toxostoma lecontei lecontei Lawrence 

Toxostoma Le Conter Lawrence, 1851, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New 
York, 5 (1852), p. 121 — in California, near the junction of the 
Gila and Colorado rivers = Fort Yuma, California. 

California (western and southern San Joaquin Valley and the 
Colorado, Mohave, and Inyo districts), southern Nevada, south- 
western Utah, and central southern Arizona, and south in Mexico 
to northeastern Baja California (Puerto de Calamajué) and north- 
western Sonora (Puerto Lobos). 

Toxostoma lecontei arenicola (Anthony) 

Harporhynchus lecontei arenicola Anthony, 1897, Auk, 14, p. 167 
— Rosalia Bay, Lower California. 

West side of Baja California from latitude 29° N. to latitude 26°N. 

California Thrasher 

Toxostoma redivivum sonomae Grinnell 

Toxostoma redivivum sonomae Grinnell, 1915, Pac. Coast Avifauna, 
11, p. 155 — one mile west of Guerneville, Sonoma County, 

Northern California from southern Humboldt County and Tri- 

nity and Shasta counties south to Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and 
Eldorado counties. 

Toxostoma redivivum redivivum (Gambel) 

Harpes rediviva Gambel, 1845, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
2, p. 264 — near Monterey, in Upper California. 

California in the southern coastal districts (north to Monterey) 
and the San Joaquin Valley, and northwestern Baja California south 
to latitude 30° N. 

Crissal Thrasher 

Toxostoma dorsale coloradense van Rossem 
Toxostoma dorsale coloradense van Rossem, 1946, Condor, 48, p. 80 
— Brawley, Imperial County, California, altitude minus 113 feet. 


Lower Colorado River valley of California and Arizona, the Co- 
lorado Desert of California, and Mexico in northeastern Baja Cali- 
fornia and northwestern Sonora. 

Toxostoma dorsale dorsale Henry 
Toxostoma dorsalis Henry, 1858, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- 
phia, 10, Nos. 7-9, April-May, p.117 [suppressed page] — Fort 
Thorn [, Dofia Ana County, New Mexico]. cf. Oberholser, 1920, 
Auk, 37, p. 303. 

Colorado River valley of southwestern Utah, southern Nevada, 
Arizona, and California (west to Providence Mountains and south 
to latitude 34° N.), east through central and southern Arizona, 
southern New Mexico, and western Texas, and south in Mexico to 
central Sonora, northern Chihuahua (Ramos), and northwestern 
Coahuila (Sierra del Carmen). 

Toxostoma dorsale trinitatis Grinnell 

Toxostoma crissale trinitatis Grinnell, 1927, Condor, 29, p. 127 — 
El Valle de la Trinidad, 2,500 feet altitude, lat. 31° 20’ N, Lower 

The Trinidad Valley of northern Baja California. 

Toxostoma dorsale dumosum Moore 
Toxostoma dorsale dumosum Moore, 1941, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- 
ington, 54, p. 149. Portezuelo, Hidalgo, Mexico, altitude about 
5,200 feet. 
Mexico in states of Zacatecas, southern Coahuila (Diamante Pass), 
San Luis Potosi, and Hidalgo. 


Stenorhynchus (not of Lamarck, 1819) Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. 
Soc. London, 3 (1835), p. 186. Type, by monotypy, Stenorhyn- 
chus ruficauda Gould. 

Cinclocerthia Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 17. New name for 
Stenorhynchus Gould, preoccupied. 

Brown Trembler 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda pavida Ridgway 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda pavida Ridgway, 1904, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 
47, p. 113 — St. Christopher, Lesser Antilles. 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda sola Bangs, 1929, Proc. New England Zool. 
Cl., 11, p. 40 — locality unknown. Montserrat suggested by 
Bond, 1936, Birds West Indies, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
p- 280, footnote. 


Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Christopher, Nevis, Montserrat, and Bar- 
buda(?), Lesser Antilles. 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda tremula (Lafresnaye) 

R{amphocinclus]. tremulus Lafresnaye, 1843, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 6, 
p. 67 — Guadeloupe. 
On Guadeloupe, including Grande Terre, Lesser Antilles. 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda ruficauda (Gould) 

Stenorhynchus ruficauda Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 3 
(1835), p. 186 — type locality not indicated. Restricted to Dom- 
inica by Ridgway, 1907, Bull. U. 8. Nat..Mus., 50, pt. 4, p. 273, 

Dominica, Lesser Antilles. 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda gutturalis (Lafresnaye) 
R{amphocinclus|. gutturalis Lafresnaye, 1843, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 
6, p. 67 — des Antilles = Martinique. 
Martinique, Lesser Antilles. 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda macrorhyncha Sclater 

Cinclocerthia macrorhyncha Sclater, 1866, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 
p. 320 — in ins. S. Lucia, Antillensium 

St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles. 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda tenebrosa Ridgway 

Cinclocerthia ruficauda tenebrosa Ridgway, 1904, Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., 47, p. 112 — Island of St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles. 

St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles. 


Ramphocinclus Lafresnaye, 1843, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 6, p. 66. 
Type, by original designation, T’urdus brachyurus Vieillot. 

White-breasted Trembler 

Ramphocinclus brachyurus brachyurus (Vieillot) 
Turdus brachyurus Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 20, p. 255 — Martinique. 
Martinique, Lesser Antilles. 

1 Has been considered to be congeneric with Cinclocerthia by some au- 



Ramphocinclus brachyurus sanctae-luciae Cory 
Ramphocinclus sanctae-luciae Cory, 1887, Auk, 4, p. 94 — St. 
Lucia, West Indies. 
St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles. 


Donacobius Swainson, 1832, Zool. Ilus., ser. 2, 2, text to plate 72. 
Type, by monotypy, Donacobius vociferans Swainson = Turdus 
atricapilla Linnaeus. 

cf. Pinto, 1944, Cat. Aves Brasil, 2, p. 258-260. 

Traylor, 1948, Fieldiana: Zool., (Chicago), 31, p. 196-198. 

Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1950, Bol. Soc. Venezolana Cien. Nat., 
12, p. 239-240. 

de Schauensee, 1951, Caldasia, 5, p. 910-911. 

Gyldenstolpe, 1951, Ark. f. Zool., Band 2, p. 279-280. 

Black-capped Mockingthrush 

Donacobius atricapillus brachypterus Madarasz 
Donacobius brachypterus Madarasz, 1913, Orn. Monatsb., 21, p. 22 
— Aracatuca = Aracataca, Department of Magdalena, Co- 
Eastern Panama (Darién region) and the Tropical Zone of northern 
Colombia on the lower Rio Atrato, in the Magdalena Valley south 
to extreme northern Tolima (Honda), and in the Santa Marta region. 

Donacobius atricapillus nigrodorsalis Traylor 
Donacobius atricapillus nigrodorsalis Traylor, 1948, Fieldiana: Zool., 
(Chicago), 31, p. 196 —Yarinacocha [‘‘just north of Pucalpa’’], 
Rio Ucayalli, Peru. 
Southeastern Colombia in intendencias of Meta and Amazonas 
and Comisaria of Caqueta, eastern Ecuador, and Peru east of the 
Andes south to the Department of Madre de Dios (Boca Colorado). 

Donacobius atricapillus atricapillus (Linnaeus) 
[Turdus] atricapilla Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, p. 295 
— Habitat ad Cap b. spei, error. Eastern Brazil substituted 
as type locality by Berlepsch and Hartert, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, 
p- 4. 

Venezuela, French Guiana, Dutch Guiana, British Guiana, prac- 
tically the whole of Brazil south to Stata of Parana (Rio Paracai), 
Paraguay, and northeastern Argentina in provinces of Corrientes 
and Misiones. 


Donacobius atricapillus albo-vittatus Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny 
D{onacobius|. albo-vittatus Lafresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837, Syn. 
Av., in Mag. Zool. (Paris), 7, cl. 2, “pl. 77 4 79,” p. 19 — Chi- 
quitos et Guarayos [Department of Santa Cruz] (rep. Boliviana). 

Eastern Bolivia in departments of Beni, Cochabamba, and Santa 
Cruz, and Brazil in State of Acre(?)!. 

Grenus ALLENIA Cory? 

Allenia Cory, 1891, Auk, 8, p. 42. Type, by original designation, 
Turdus montanus Lafresnaye = Muscicapa fusca P. L. 8. Mil- 

cf. Voous, 1955, Studies Fauna Curagao Carib. Isl., 6, no. 25, p. 


Scaly-breasted Thrasher 

Allenia fusca (P. L. 8. Miiller) 
Muscicapa fusca P. L. 8. Miller, 1776, Natursyst., Suppl., p. 170 
— Martinique. 
The Lesser Antilles from Saba and St. Eustatius south to Gre- 
nada and Barbados. 


Cichlalopia (not of Bonaparte, 1854) Bonaparte, 1857, Rev. Mag. 
Zool. (Paris), ser. 2, 9, p. 205. Type, by original designation, 
Turdus densirostris Vieillot. 

Margarops Sclater, 1859, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 27, p. 335. New 
name for Cichlalopia Bonaparte. 

cf. Voous, 1955, Studies Fauna Curacao Carib. Isl., 6, no. 25, 

p- 59-60. 

Pearly-eyed Thrasher 

Margarops fuscatus fuscatus (Vieillot) 

Turdus fuscatus Vieillot, 1808?, Hist. Nat. Ois. Amér. Sept., 2, p. 1, 
pl. 57 bis — les grandes iles Antilles et particuli¢érement a Porto- 
Ricco et 4 Saint-Domingue. 

The Bahamas from Watlings Island, Rum Cay, and Long Island 
south to Inagua and the Caicos Islands, Hispaniola(?), Beata Island 
off the south coast of the Dominican Republic, Mona and Desecheo 
islands, and Puerto Rico east to Anguilla and southeast in the 
Lesser Antilles to Désirade. 

1 cf. Pinto, 1954, Pap. Avulsos Sao Paulo, 11, p. 407-408. 
2 Has been considered to be congeneric with Margarops by some au- 


Margarops fuscatus densirostris (Vieillot) 
Turdus densirostris Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat., nouv. 
éd., 20, p. 232 — type locality not indicated = Martinique. 
Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, and St. Lucia in the Lesser 

Margarops fuscatus bonairensis Phelps and Phelps, Jr. 

Margarops fuscatus bonairensis Phelps and Phelps, Jr., 1948, 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 61, p. 171 — Fontein, Bonaire 
Island, Dutch West Indies. 

Bonaire Island and the Los Hermanos Archipelago (Horquilla 

P. 148. Add after Anthus novaeseelandiae malayensis Eyton: 

Anthus novaeseelandiae lugubris Walden 

Corydalla lugubris Walden, 1875, Transact. Zool. Soc. London, 9, 
pt. 2, p. 198 — Guimaras, Philippine Islands. 

Throughout the Philippine Islands, including the Palawan sub- 

P. 240. Pycnonotus barbatus somaliensis Reichenow, 1905, is pre- 
occupied by Pycnonotus importunus somaliensis (Reichenow), 1904, 
and must be replaced by 

Pycnonotus barbatus zeilae, nom. nov. 

P. 372. Add. after Ptilogonys cinereus molybdophanes Ridgway : 

Ptilogonys caudatus Cabanis 

Ptilogonys caudatus Cabanis, 1861, Journ. f. Orn., 8 (1860), p. 402 — 
Trazi, Costa Rica. 

Upper subtropical and temperate zones of Costa Rica and ex- 
treme western Panama (Volcan de Chiriqui). 


Pi le a 
i” pes 


abariensis, Anthus, 164 
abbotti, Celebesia, 182 
abbotti, Coracina, 182 
abbotti, Hirundo, 108 
abbotti, Hypurolepis, 108 
abbotti, Microtarsus, 228 
Abbottornis, 367 

abuensis, Otocompsa, 231 
abuensis, Pycnonotus, 231 
abyssinica, Cecropis, 113, 114 
abyssinica, Galerida, 58 
abyssinica, Hirundo, 114 
acaciarum, Thryothorus, 408 
Acanthinotus, 168 
Acanthonotus, 168 

acedis, Phyllastrephus, 264 
acedis, Prosphorocichla, 264 
Acritillas, 283 

actia, Eremophila, 78 

actia, Otocoris, 78 
acutirostris, Calandrella, 47 
adamauae, Phyllastrephus, 261 
adamauae, Prionops, 310 
adametzi, Phyllastrephus, 266 
adamsi, Alauda, 48 

adamsi, Calandrella, 48 
adamsoni, Coracina, 174 
adelaidensis, Anthus, 149 
adendorffi, Mirafra, 16 
admiralitatis, Coracina, 188 
admiralitatis, Edolisoma, 188 
adolfi-friederici, Dryoscopus, 319 
adolfi-friederici, Malaconotus, 339 
adusta, Hremophila, 79 
adustus, Otocoris, 79 

aédon, Troglodytes, 422 
Aegithina, 300 

aegyptiaca, Galerida, 59 
aenigmaticus, Campylorhynchus, 383 
aequalis, Stelgidopteryx, 93 
aequanimis, Aegithina, 302 
aequatorialis, Cistothorus, 392 
aequatorialis, Corvinella, 342 
aequatorialis, Petrochelidon, 122 
aequatorialis, Urolestes, 342 
Aérocharis, 369 

aestuarinus, Cistothorus, 395 
aestuarinus, Telmatodytes, 395 
aethiopica, Hirundo, 110, 111 
aethiopicus, Laniarius, 328 

aethiopicus, Turdus, 328 
Aéthocorys, 44 
Aethorhynchus, 300 

afer, Lanius, 314 

afer, Molpastes, 237 

afer, Nilaus, 314 

affinis, Campylorhynchus, 381 
affinis, Corvinella, 341 
affinis, Criniger, 289 

affinis, Dryoscopus, 318 
affinis, Eremopterix, 31 
affinis, Hapalophus, 318 
affinis, Hypsipetes, 288, 289 
affinis, Lalage, 204 

affinis, Mirafra, 19 

affinis, Nilaus, 316 

affinis, Pericrocotus, 214 
affinis, Phoenicornis, 214 
affinis, Pyrrhulauda, 31 
affinis, Symmorphus, 204 
affinis, Tephrodornis, 220 
affinis, Thryothorus, 414 
afghanica, Hirundo, 105 
Afranthus, 144 

africana, Mirafra, 10, 12 
africanoides, Mirafra, 16, 18 
Africorys, 4 

aguimp, Motacilla, 137, 140, 141 
Aguimpa, 130 

aguirrei, Galerida, 62 
aharonii, Calandrella, 49 
aharonii, Eremophila, 75 
akeleyi, Ammomanes, 36 
Alaemon, 39 

alakulensis, Budytes, 133 
alamoensis, Thryothorus, 409 
alascensis, Budytes, 134 
alascensis, Troglodytes, 417 
alashanica, Galerida, 61 
Alauda, 65 

Alaudala, 44 

Alaudidae, 3 

alaudipes, Alaemon, 39 
alaudipes, Upupa, 39 

alba, Motacilla, 137, 138 
alba, Pyenonotus, 247 
alberti, Prionops, 312 
albescens, Alauda, 26 
albescens, Certhilauda, 26 
albicans, Troglodytes, 425 


albicauda, Mirafra, 8 
albiceps, Psalidoproene, 126 
albicilius, Buglodytes, 382 
albicilius, Campylorhynchus, 382 
albidior, Lalage, 201 
albidus, Anthus, 148 
albifrons, Certhia, 389 
albifrons, Coraphites, 31 
albifrons, Hirundo, 120 
albifrons, Pericrocotus, 211 
albifrons, Salpinctes, 389 
albigena, Chelidon, 123 
albigula, Eremophila, 73 
albigula, Macrosphenus, 268 
albigula, Otocoris, 73 
albigula, Phyllastrephus, 268 
albigularis, Cyphorinus, 400 
albigularis, Heterocnemis, 437 
albigularis, Hirundo, 110 
albigularis, Microcerculus, 437 
albigularis, Phyllastrephus, 268 
albigularis, Thryothorus, 400 
albigularis, Tylas, 300 
albigularis, Xenocichla, 268 
albilateralis, Henicorhina, 432 
albilinea, Petrochelidon, 82 
albilinea, Tachycineta, 82 
albiloris, Lalage, 204 
albinucha, Thryothorus, 410 
albinucha, Troglodytes, 410 
albipectus, Thryothorus, 414 
albiventer, Hirundo, 82 
albiventer, Tachycineta, 82 
albiventris, Microscelis, 296 
albiventris, Thryothorus, 403 
albo-brunneus, Campylorhynchus, 
albo-brunneus, Heleodytes, 383 
albofasciata, Certhilauda, 27, 29 
albogriseus, Mimus, 445 
alboides, Motacilla, 140 
alboplagatus, Dryoscopus, 333 
albo-vittatus, Donacobius, 457 
albula, Motacilla, 140 
Aleurus, 223 
alexanderi, Galerida, 58 
alexandri, Andropadus, 253 
alexandrovi, Chelidon, 124 
alfredi, Bleda, 267 
alfredi, Phyllastrephus, 267 
alfredi, Tylas, 300 
alfrediana, Coracina, 171 
alfredianus, Graucalus, 171 
algeriensis, Ammomanes, 34 
algeriensis, Lanius, 357 


algoensis, Megalophonus, 16 
algoensis, Mirafra, 16 
aliena, Mirafra, 6 

alius, Malaconotus, 341 
Allenia, 457 

almasyi, Alauda, 67 

alopex, Mirafra, 17 
Alophoiscus, 275 
Alophoixus, 275 
Alopochelidon, 91 

alpestris, Alauda, 76 
alpestris, Cinclus, 375 
alpestris, Eremophila, 72, 76 
alpestris, Hirundo, 113 
alpestris, Otocoris, 71 
alpina, Eremophila, 75 
alpina, Otocoris, 75 
alpinus, Cinclus, 375 
altaica, Hremophila, 73 
altera, Alaemon, 40 

altera, Coracina, 185 
alterum, Edoliosoma, 185 
alticola, Alauda, 68 
alticola, Anthus, 161 
alticola, Certhilauda, 28 
alticola, Chersomanes, 28 
alticola, Cistothorus, 391 
altirostris, Galerida, 59 
altirostris, Galerita, 59 
altus, Thryomanes, 396 
amadonis, Coracina, 174 
amani, Phyllastrephus, 270 
amaurogaster, Pheugopedius, 401 
amaurogaster, Thryothorus, 401 
amaurotis, Hypsipetes, 293 
amaurotis, Turdus, 293 
amazonicus, Thryothorus, 403 
ambiens, Hirundo, 109 
ambiens, Hypsipetes, 298 
ambiens, Microscelis, 298 
ambigua, Hirundo, 105, 110 
ambiguus, Laniarius, 328 
amboimensis, Laniarius, 328 
amboinensis, Campephaga, 186 
amboinensis, Coracina, 186 
ameliae, Macronyx, 144 
americana, Hirundo, 98 
Amirafra, 3 

Ammomanes, 32 
Ammomanoides, 32 
Ammomanopsis, 32 
ammophila, Eremophila, 78 
ammophila, Otocoris, 78 
ampelinus, Hypocolius, 373 
Ampelis, 369 

amphytrion, Cinclus, 375 
anachoreta, Henicorhina, 433 
Anacorys, 4 

analis, Campephaga, 183 
analis, Coracina, 183 

analis, Pycnonotus, 246 
analis, Turdus, 246 
Analisoma, 169 

anchietae, Tchagra, 321 
anchietae, Telephonus, 321 
andamana, Coracina, 170 
andamanensis, Graucalus, 170 
andamanensis, Pericrocotus, 215 
andamanus, Graucalus, 170 
andapae, Oxylabes, 272 
andapae, Phyllastrephus, 272 
andaryae, Chlorophoneus, 334 
andecola, Hirundo, 88, 119 
andecola, Petrochelidon, 119 
andersoni, Ixus, 233 
andersoni, Pycnonotus, 233 
anderssoni, Calandrella, 47 
anderssoni, Cotile, 104 
anderssoni, Megalophonus, 47 
anderssoni, Ptyonoprogne, 104 
Andropadus, 223 

Anepsia, 282 

angarensis, Budytes, 133 
angarensis, Motacilla, 132, 133 
angolensis, Andropadus, 254 
angolensis, Anthus, 151 
angolensis, Dryoscopus, 319 
angolensis, Hirundo, 108 
angolensis, Mirafra, 13 
angolensis, Urolestes, 342 
angolica, Prionops, 311 
anguitimens, Eurocephalus, 310 
angustifrons, Coracina, 180 
angustifrons, Graucalus, 180 
ankafanae, Oxylabes, 272 
ankafanae, Phyllastrephus, 272 
ankarae, Galerida, 56 

annae, Ammomanes, 36 
annae, Anthus, 145 

annae, Artamia, 368 

annae, Leptopterus, 368 
annamensis, Criniger, 278 
annamensis, Pericrocotus, 214 
annectans, Loidorusa, 242 
annectans, Pyenonotus, 242 

annectens, Tephrodornis, 219, 220 

Anomalanthus, 144 
ansorgeanus, Criniger, 275 
ansorgei, Andropadus, 253 
ansorgei, Anthus, 150 

INDEX 463 

ansorgei, Dryoscopus, 334 
ansorgei, Harpolestes, 325 
ansorgei, Mirafra, 21 
ansorgei, Pycnonotus, 253 
ansorgei, Tchagra, 325 
antarcticus, Anthus, 166 
antelius, Mimus, 444 
anthoides, Pericrocotus, 214 
anthonyi, Cinclus, 378 
anthonyi, Lanius, 355 
Anthus, 144 

Antichromus, 320 

antillarum, Mimus, 443 
antinorii, Lanius, 361 
antinorii, Psalidoproecne, 127 
antioquensis, Microcerculus, 435 
Antrochelidon, 118 

apetzii, Calandrella, 49 
apetzii, Melanocorypha, 49 
aphrasta, Eremophila, 79 
aphrasta, Otocoris, 79 

apiata, Alauda, 16 

apiata, Mirafra, 15, 16 
apolinari, Cistothorus, 393 
approximans, Archolestes, 340 
approximans, Malaconotus, 340 
aprophata, Petrochelidon, 120 
apsleyi, Coracina, 181] 
apuliae, Galerida, 56 
aquaticus, Cinclus, 375, 376 
aquilonaris, Troglodytes, 416 
aquilonis, Hypsipetes, 284 
aquilonis, Microscelis, 284 
arabica, Ptyonoprogne, 103 
arabica, Riparia, 103 
arabicus, Anthus, 155 
arabicus, Lanius, 359 

arada, Myrmornis, 439 
aradus, Cyphorhinus, 437, 438, 439 
aralensis, Budytes, 134 
arborea, Alauda, 65 

arborea, Lullula, 65 

archeri, Heteromirafra, 24 
areticineta, Hirundo, 108 
arcticola, Eremophila, 75 
arcticola, Otocoris, 75 

arctus, Pycnonotus, 226 
ardesiacus, Cinclus, 379 
arenaceus, Mimus, 446 
arenaria, Certhilauda, 27, 28 
arenicola, Galerida, 57 
arenicola, Harporhynchus, 453 
arenicola, Toxostoma, 453 
arenicolor, Alauda, 33 
arenicolor, Ammomanes, 33 


argalea, Eremophila, 74 
argalea, Otocoris, 74 
Argaleocichla, 263 
ariborius, Thryomanes, 396 
aridicolus, Lanius, 363 
aridula, Pseudammomanes, 39 
ariel, Colloealia, 123 

ariel, Petrochelidon, 123 
Arizelocichla, 225 

armena, Tchagra, 322, 323 
armenicus, Alauda, 67 

armenus, Pomatorhynchus, 322 

arsinoe, Pyenonotus, 240 
arsinoe, Turdus, 240 
Artamella, 367 

Artamia, 367 

Artamides, 169 

artemisiana, Calandrella, 45 
aruense, Edoliisoma, 186 
aruensis, Coracina, 186 
arundinaceus, Troglodytes, 399 
arvensis, Alauda, 66, 67 
asakurai, Campephaga, 194 
asbenaicus, Anthus, 153 
ascensi, Macronyx, 143 
aschani, Hirundo, 115 
asmaraensis, Calandrella, 46 
assabensis, Ammomanes, 36 
assamica, Mirafra, 19 
assimilis, Lanius, 359 
atacamensis, Troglodytes, 426 
athensis, Calandrella, 51 
athensis, Spizocorys, 51 
athi, Mirafra, 10 
Atimastillas, 260 

atlantica, Otocoris, 76 
atlas, Eremophila, 75 

atlas, Otocorys, 75 
Atolmodytes, 130 

atopus, Troglodytes, 425 
atrestus, Thryomanes, 397 
atrialatus, Dryoscopus, 316 
atricapilla, Aegithina, 229 
atricapilla, Muscicapa, 237 
atricapilla, Turdus, 456 
atricapillus, Donacobius, 456 
atricauda, Thryomanes, 398 
atriceps, Ceblepyris, 173 
atriceps, Coracina, 173 
atriceps, Pheugopedius, 400 
atriceps, Pyecnonotus, 227, 228 
atriceps, Thryothorus, 400 
atriceps, Turdus, 228 
atrocaerulea, Hirundo, 111 
atrococcineus, Laniarius, 331 


atrococcineus, Lanius, 331 
atrocoeruleus, Laniarius, 333 
atrocroceus, Laniarius, 331 
atroflavus, Laniarius, 331 
atrogularis, Thryothorus, 399 
atroventer, Cinclus, 375 
atrovirens, Campephaga, 199 
atrovirens, Lalage, 199 
Atticora, 90 

atticus, Lanius, 364 
aucheri, Lanius, 358 
aucklandicus, Anthus, 149 
audax, Troglodytes, 425 
aurantiigula, Macronyx, 143 
auratus, Pycnonotus, 229 
aurea, Lalage, 199 

aureolus, Criniger, 277 
aureus, Ceblepyris, 199 
aureus, Criniger, 288 
aureus, Hypsipetes, 288 
aureus, Pericrocotus, 213 
auricularis, Troglodytes, 429 
auricularis, Uropsila, 429 
aurifrons, Chloropsis, 305 
aurifrons, Phyllornis, 305 

aurigaster, Pycnonotus, 235, 237, 238 

aurigaster, Turdus, 238 
austini, Paragraucalus, 179 
austin-robertsi, Mirafra, 18 
australis, Alauda, 71 

australis, Anthus, 149 
australis, Eremopterix, 29 
australis, Megalotis, 29 
australis, Melaconotus, 325 
australis, Nannorchilus, 431 
australis, Stelgidocichla, 256 
australis, Tchagra, 324, 325 
australis, Telephonus, 320 
australoabyssinica, Mirafra, 20 
australoabyssinicus, Anthus, 156 
Austranthus, 144 

avensis, Campephaga, 194 
avensis, Coracina, 194 
axanthizus, Pyenonotus, 250 
axillaris, Coracina, 178 
axillaris, Graucalus, 178 
Ayresillas, 263 

azizi, Ammomanes, 36 
azurea, Coracina, 184 
azureus, Graucalus, 184 

babaulti, Phyllastrephus, 267 
babiensis, Coracina, 176 
babiensis, Graucalus, 176 
bachlowi, Eremophila, 73 


baddeleyi, Certhilauda, 28 
badia, Cecropis, 118 

badius, Lanius, 364 
Baeopogon, 259 

betica, Calandrella, 49 
bahiae, Thryophilus, 415 
bahiae, Thryothorus, 415 
baicalensis, Hirundo, 106 
baicalensis, Motacilla, 138, 139 
baileyi, Otocoris, 79 

bairdi, Thryothorus, 399 
bakeri, Pericrocotus, 216 
baleanica, Eremophila, 72 
baleanica, Galerida, 56 
baleanica, Otocorys, 72 
baldwini, Troglodytes, 422 
balicus, Criniger, 281 
balsaci, Galerida, 58 
bambla, Formicerius, 437 
bambla, Microcerculus, 437 
bambla, Turdus, 435 
bamendae, Andropadus, 257 
bamendae, Pycnonotus, 257 
bamingui, Psalidoprocne, 128 
bangsi, Henicorhina, 433 
bangsi, Mirafra, 63 
bannermani, Anthus, 153 
bannermani, Cecropis, 114 
bannermani, Hirundo, 114 
bannermani, Trichophorus, 276 
bansoensis, Ptyonoprogne, 103 
bansoensis, Riparia, 103 
barat, Pyenonotus, 244 
barbarus, Laniarius, 330, 331, 333 
barbarus, Lanius, 326, 331 
barbatus, Criniger, 275 
barbatus, Pyenonotus, 239 
barbatus, Trichophorus, 275 
barbatus, Turdus, 239 
barbiensis, Chersomanes, 28 
barlowi, Calandrella, 52 
barlowi, Certhilauda, 26 
barlowi, Pseudammomanes, 26 
barlowi, Spizocorys, 52 
baroni, Thryophilus, 414 
baroni, Thryothorus, 414 
barringtoni, Nesomimus, 448 
bartelsi, Criniger, 280 
bartletti, Delichon, 125 
Baruwaia, 113 

basilanicus, Poliolophus, 244 
basilanicus, Pyenonotus, 244 
basultoi, Thryorchilus, 430 
basultoi, Troglodytes, 430 
batanensis, Hypsipetes, 295 

batesi, Bleda, 259 

batesi, Chlorophoneus, 336 
batesi, Lanius, 358 

batesi, Mirafra, 10 

batesi, Telophorus, 336 
baumanni, Phyllastrephus, 266 
baumanni, Phyllostrephus, 266 
bauri, Nesomimus, 448 
baweanus, Brachypodius, 228 
baweanus, Pycnonotus, 228 
beani, Troglodytes, 424 
beaulieui, Mirafra, 5 

beema, Budytes, 132 

beema, Motacilla, 131, 132 
beicki, Calandrella, 51 
beicki, Cinclus, 377 

beirensis, Psomophilus, 141 
bendirei, Harporhynchus, 451 
bendirei, Toxostoma, 451 
bengalensis, Pyecnonotus, 236 
benguelensis, Alaemon, 24 
bensoni, Ammomanes, 34 
bensoni, Phyllastrephus, 264 
bentet, Lanius, 349 
berengueri, Galerida, 62 
berezowskii, Anthus, 158 
bergensis, Troglodytes, 421 
bergeri, Laniarius, 333 
berlandieri, Thriothorus, 410 
berlandieri, Thryothorus, 410 
berlepschi, Otocoris, 78 
berliozi, Xanthixus, 246 
bernieri, Oriolia, 368 
Bernieria, 263 

bernsteini, Edoliisoma, 190 
berthelotii, Anthus, 153 
bertrandi, Laniarius, 335 
bertrandi, Telophorus, 335 
bewickii, Thryomanes, 396 
bewickii, Troglodytes, 396 
bianchii, Lanius, 356 

Biblis, 101 

bicolor, Artamia, 368 
bicolor, Campylorhynchus, 382 
bicolor, Ceblepyris, 178 
bicolor, Coracina, 178 
bicolor, Dryoscopus, 329 
bicolor, Heleodytes, 382 
bicolor, Hirundo, 81 

bicolor, Laniarius, 329 
bicolor, Lanius, 367 

bicolor, Tachycineta, 81 
bicornis, Eremophila, 72, 75 
bicornis, Phileremos, 75 
bilbali, Anthus, 148 



bilkewitschi, Clivicola, 97 
billitonis, Chloropsis, 305 
billitonis, Pyenonotus, 248 
bilopha, Alauda, 80 

bilopha, Eremophila, 80 
bimaculata, Alauda, 42 
bimaculata, Melanocorypha, 42 
bimaculatus, Pyenonotus, 244 
bimaculatus, Turdus, 244 
bindloei, Nesomimus, 448 
binghami, Lole, 290 

birwae, Ptyonoprogne, 103 
bistriata, Agrodroma, 149 
bistriatus, Anthus, 149 
blakistoni, Alauda, 68 
blakistoni, Anthus, 161 
blanchoti, Malaconotus, 339 
blanfordi, Calandrella, 47 
blanfordi, Psalidoprocne, 127 
blanfordi, Pycnonotus, 249 
blanfordi, Tchagra, 322 
blanfordi, Tephrocorys, 47 
blayneyi, Anthus, 156 
Bleda, 273 

boarula, Motacilla, 136 
boavistae, Alaemon, 39 
bobrinskoii, Hirundo, 111 
bocagei, Anthus, 146 
bocagei, Laniarius, 334 
bocagei, Telophorus, 334 
Bocageia, 320 

Bocagia, 320 

bocagu, Anthus, 146 

b6hmi, Eurocephalus, 310 
boehmi, Lanius, 360 

b6hmi, Lanius, 360 
bogdanowi, Lanius, 345 
bogotensis, Anthus, 165 
bogotensis, Cinnycerthia, 390 
bogotensis, Presbys, 390 
bogotensis, Thryophilus, 413 
bogotensis, Thryothorus, 413 
bohndorffi, Anthus, 150 
boliviae, Cistothorus, 392 
boliviana, Henicorhina, 435 
bolivianus, Microcerculus, 436 
bolivianus, Pheugopedius, 402 
bolivianus, Thryothorus, 402 
Bombycilla, 369, 371 
Bombycillidae, 309, 369, 373 
Bombycillinae, 369 
bonairensis, Margarops, 458 
Bonapartia, 225 

bonariae, Troglodytes, 426 
bondi, Irena, 308 


borbonica, Hirundo, 100 
borbonica, Merula, 295 
borbonica, Phedina, 100 
borbonicus, Hypsipetes, 295 
borbonicus, Turdus, 295 
borealis, Hirundo, 107 
borealis, Lanius, 355 
borealis, Troglodytes, 422 
borneensis, Pycnonotus, 231 
borneensis, Volvocivora, 195 
bornuensis, Laniarius, 331 
borodinonis, Hypsipetes, 294 
borodinonis, Microscelis, 294 
Bostrycholophus, 225 

Botha, 44 

Bothus, 44 

bougainvillei, Artamides, 173 
bougainvillei, Coracina, 173 
bourdellei, Hemixus, 292 
bourdellei, Hypsipetes, 292 
boweni, Certhilauda, 27 
boydi, Dryoscopus, 319 
boyeri, Campephaga, 179 
boyeri, Coracina, 179 

boyeri, Ptiladela, 168 
brachydactila, Alauda, 45 
brachydactyla, Alauda, 44 
brachydactyla, Calandrella, 45 
Brachypodius, 223 
brachyptera, Tachycineta, 84 
brachypterus, Donacobius, 456 
Brachypus, 223 

brachyura, Galerida, 59 
brachyura, Uropsila, 431 
brachyurus, Anthus, 156 
brachyurus, Ramphocinclus, 455 
brachyurus, Troglodytes, 431 
brachyurus, Turdus, 455 
bradfieldi, Certhilauda, 28 
bradfieldi, Chersomanes, 28 
bradfieldi, Mirafra, 21 
bradfieldi, Psomophilus, 141 
bradfieldi, Sabota, 21 
bradshawi, Alaemon, 24 
bradshawi, Certhilauda, 24 
brandti, Eremophila, 73 
brandti, Otocorys, 73 
branickii, Odontorchilus, 386 
branickii, Odontorhynchus, 386 
brasilianus, Anthus, 163, 164 
brauni, Laniarius, 327 
brazzae, Phedina, 101 

bres, Criniger, 276, 280 

bres, Lanius, 280 
brevialatus, Nilaus, 316 

INDEX 467 

brevicauda, Thryomanes, 398 
brevipennis, Campylorhynchus, 384 
brevirostris, Anthus, 163 
brevirostris, Campylorhynchus, 386 
brevirostris, Certhilauda, 25 
brevirostris, Muscipeta, 214 
brevirostris, Pericrocotus, 214 
brevirostris, Pycnonotus, 233 
breviunguis, Alauda, 13 
browni, Troglodytes, 430 
brubru, Lanius, 316 
brubru, Nilaus, 316 
brunneicapillus, Campylorhynchus, 
380, 381 
brunneicapillus, Picolaptes, 381 
brunneiceps, Hemixus, 293 
brunneiceps, Henicorhina, 434 
brunneicollis, Troglodytes, 423 
brunnescens, Lalage, 197 
brunneus, Pycnonotus, 250 
bryanti, Campylorhynchus, 381 
bryanti, Heleodytes, 381 
bucephalus, Lanius, 343 
buchanani, Ptyonoprogne, 102 
buchanani, Riparia, 102 
buckleyi, Calandrella, 13 
buckleyi, Mirafra, 13 
bucolica, Galerida, 64 
bucolica, Miraffra, 64 
Budytes, 130 
bugoma, Ixonotus, 260 
bungurensis, Coracina, 176 
bungurensis, Graucalus, 176 
burigi, Lanius, 343 
burleighi, Thryothorus, 410 
burmanicus, Criniger, 277 
burmanicus, Pycnonotus, 235, 237 
burrus, Ammomanes, 38 
buryi, Lanius, 359 
burzil, Anthus, 157 
bushmanensis, Chersomanes, 28 
butleri, Pyrrhulauda, 31 
buxtoni, Alauda, 68 

cabanisi, Criniger, 269, 279 
ecabanisi, Lanius, 360 

cabanisi, Phyllastrephus, 269 
cacabata, Stelgidopteryx, 94 
cacharensis, Hypsipetes, 283 
eacharensis, Microscelis, 283 
eaecilii, Pycnonotus, 230 
caeruleogrisea, Campephaga, 174 
caeruleogrisea, Coracina, 174 
caerulescens, Melanotis, 441, 442 
caerulescens, Orpheus, 441 

caesia, Ceblepyris, 183 

caesia, Coracina, 183 

eafer, Pycnonotus, 235 

eafer, Turdus, 235 

ecaffer, Anthus, 156 
Caffranthus, 144 

eahooni, Troglodytes, 422 
ealandra, Alauda, 41 

calandra, Melanocorypha, 41 
Calandrella, 44 

calearata, Motacilla, 135 
calearatus, Anthus, 164 
caledonica, Coracina, 173, 174 
caledonicus, Corvus, 174 
Calendula, 55 

Calendulauda, 3 

Calicalicus, 365 

caliginosa, Corvinella, 341, 342 
Callichelidon, 84 
Callichelodon, 84 

Calophoneus, 334 

calophonus, Thryomanes, 396 
calopolius, Artamides, 176 
calurus, Criniger, 276 

calurus, Tricophorus, 276 
ealviniensis, Calendulauda, 27 
calviniensis, Certhilauda, 28 
Calyptocichla, 259 
camaroonensis, Anthus, 145 
cambodiana, Aegithina, 301 
cambodianus, Criniger, 279 
cameronensis, Stelgidillas, 253 
cameroonensis, Dryoscopus, 319 
camerunensis, Anthus, 145 
camerunensis, Dryoscopus, 319 
camerunensis, Lanius, 361 
camerunensis, Nilaus, 315 
camerunensis, Phyllastrephus, 269 
camerunensis, Tchagra, 322, 323 
camerunensis, Telophonus, 322 
camiguinensis, Hypsipetes, 295 
Campephaga, 204, 206 
Campephagidae, 167, 309 
campestris, Alauda, 152 
campestris, Anthus, 152, 158 
campestris, Motacilla, 132 
Campochaera, 195 
Campophaga, 204 
Campylirhynchus, 379 
Campylorhynchus, 379 

cana, Muscicapa, 168 
canariensis, Calandrella, 49 
canariensis, Motacilla, 136 
candida, Mirafra, 4, 8 
ecandidum, Toxostoma, 451 

468 INDEX 

canescens, Hypsipetes, 291 
canescens, Ixos, 291 
eanicapilla, Bleda, 274 
eanicapillus, Trichophorus, 274 
caniceps, Lanius, 350 
caniceps, Prionops, 312 
caniceps, Sigmodus, 312 
canifrons, Spizixos, 222 
canipennis, Hemixus, 292 
canipennis, Hypsipetes, 292 
eanobrunneus, Thryothorus, 405 
cantarella, Alauda, 66, 67 
eantator, Thryothorus, 403 
eantillans, Mirafra, 5 
ecantonensis, Pericrocotus, 207 
eapelli, Fiscus, 362 

eapelli, Lanius, 361, 362 
capensis, Alauda, 142 
capensis, Calandrella, 53 
capensis, Hirundo, 113 
capensis, Lanius, 314 
capensis, Macronyx, 142 
capensis, Motacilla, 141 
capensis, Pycnonotus, 239 
capensis, Turdus, 239 
capistrata, Picolaptes, 383 
capistratus, Campylorhynchus, 383 
capitalis, Hemipus, 218 
capitalis, Henicorhina, 433 
capitalis, Muscicapa, 218 
captus, Anthus, 155 
carabayae, Troglodytes, 426 
earoli, Galerida, 59 

earolinae, Galerida, 62 
earolinensis, Dumetella, 440 
carolinensis, Muscicapa, 440 
carringtoni, Nesomimus, 448 
earteri, Chelidon, 110 

earteri, Hirundo, 110 
carthaginis, Galerida, 57 
carychrous, Troglodytes, 424 
cashmeriensis, Cinclus, 377 
eashmiriensis, Chelidon, 124 
eashmiriensis, Delichon, 124 
caspicus, Parus, 136 

castanea, Henicorhina, 433 
castaneiceps, Laniarius, 327 
castaneus, Campylorhynchus, 383 
castaneus, Thryothorus, 407 
castanonotus, Hemixus, 292 
castanonotus, Hypsipetes, 292 
castanonotus, Thryophilus, 411 
castanonotus, Thryothorus, 411 
catalinae, Thryomanes, 397 
catamarcae, Anthus, 164 

catharoxanthus, Malaconotus, 340 
cathemagmena, Tchagra, 326 
cathemagmenus, Laniarius, 326 
Catherpes, 387 

catholeucus, Telophonus, 323 
caucasica, Galerida, 56 
caucasicus, Anthus, 161 
caucasicus, Cinclus, 376 
caudatus, Lanius, 360 
caudatus, Ptilogonys, 372, 458 
Caudolanius, 342 

caurensis, Microcerculus, 437 
caurensis, Thryothorus, 402 
cavei, Certhilauda, 26 

cavei, Eremopterix, 30 
cavicola, Petrochelidon, 122 
cayleyi, Petrochelidon, 120 
Ceblepyris, 168 

cebuensis, Artamides, 177 
cebuensis, Coracina, 177 
Cecropis, 113 

cedrorum, Bombycilla, 371 
celebensis, Lalage, 198 
Celebesia, 169 

Celebesica, 169 

celsum, Toxostoma, 452 
centralasiae, Agrodoma, 147 
centralasiae, Anthus, 147 
centralasiae, Bombycilla, 370 
centralasica, Riparia, 102 
centralis, Chlorocichla, 262 
centralis, Malaconotus, 339 
centralis, Psalidoproene, 126 
centralis, Riparia, 97 
Centrolophus, 225 
Cephalophoneus, 342 
ceramensis, Coracina, 189 
ceramensis, Graucalus, 189 
Cerasophila, 283 

cerroensis, Thryomanes, 398 
cerroensis, Thryothorus, 398 
Certhilauda, 24 

cerverai, Ferminia, 399 
eervina, Motacilla, 159 
cerviniventris, Phyllastrephus, 265 
cerviniventris, Phyllostrophus, 265 
eervinus, Anthus, 159 

cetera, Vanga, 366 
ceylonensis, Eremopterix, 32 
ceylonensis, Mirafra, 19 
ceylonensis, Pericrocotus, 209 
cha-bert, Lanius, 368 
chabert, Leptopterus, 368 
chacoensis, Anthus, 163 
chadensis, Mirafra, 5 

INDEX 469 

chadensis, Tschagra, 321 
chagwensis, Chlorocichla, 256 
chagwensis, Pycnonotus, 256 
chakei, Cinnycerthia, 390 
chalcocephalus, Ixos, 228 
chaleocephalus, Turdus, 223 
chalepa, Perissolalage, 198 
chalybea, Hirundo, 87 
chalybea, Progne, 86, 87 
chalybea, Psalidoprocne, 128 
chanchamayoensis, Heleodytes, 384 
chapini, Anthus, 153 
chapini, Corvinella, 342 
chapini, Dryoscopus, 318 
chapini, Mirafra, 11 

chapini, Motacilla, 141 
charienturus, Thryomanes, 398 
Charitillas, 225 
Charitochelidon, 105 
charlottae, Criniger, 285 
charlottae, Hypsipetes, 285 
chaseni, Aegithina, 302 
chathamensis, Anthus, 149 
Chaunonotus, 316 
cheesmani, Ammomanes, 37 
Cheimonornis, 96 

cheleénsis, Alaudula, 51 
cheleénsis, Calandrella, 51 
Chelidonaria, 123 

chendoola, Alauda, 61 
chendoola, Galerida, 61 
cheniana, Mirafra, 8 
Cheramoeca, 94 
Chersomanes, 24 
Chersophilus, 54 

chiapensis, Campylorhynchus, 381 
chiapensis, Troglodytes, 427 
chii, Anthus, 163, 164 
chilensis, Anthus, 164 
chilensis, Ceblepyris, 198 
chilensis, Corydalla, 164 
chilensis, Lalage, 198 
chilensis, Troglodytes, 427 
chinensis, Hirundo, 97 
chinensis, Riparia, 97 
chiroplethis, Pycnonotus, 248 
Chlamydochaera, 196 
chloeodis, Pycnonotus, 249 
chloreus, Chloropsis, 304 
chlorigula, Pyecnonotus, 258 
chlorigula, Xenocichla, 258 
Chlorilaema, 258 

chloris, Anthus, 167 

chloris, Criniger, 289 

chloris, Hypsipetes, 288 


chloris, Lanius, 274 

chloris, Nicator, 274 
chlorocephala, Chloropsis, 304 
chlorocephalus, Phyllornis, 304 
Chlorocichla, 260 

chloronotus, Criniger, 275 
chloronotus, Trichophorus, 275 
Chlorophoneus, 333 
Chloropsis, 303 

chlorosaturata, Chlorocichla, 259 
chobiensis, Meganthus, 151 
chocoana, Leucolepis, 438 
chocoanus, Cyphorhinus, 438 
choucari, Graucalus, 172 
christyi, Hirundo, 111 
chrysogaster, Chlorophoneus, 334 
chrysolaema, Alauda, 80 
chrysolaema, Eremophila, 80 
chrysophorus, Microtarsus, 228 
chrysorrhoides, Hzematornis, 237 
chrysorrhoides, Pycnonotus, 237 
chrysostictus, Laniarius, 331 
chuana, Alauda, 13 

chuana, Mirafra, 13 

chyulu, Arizelocichla, 258 
chyulu, Laniarius, 328 

chyulu, Pycnonotus, 243 
chyuluensis, Anthus, 154 
chyuluensis, Chlorocichla, 262 
chyuluensis, Phyllastrephus, 270 
Cichlalopia, 457 

Cinclidae, 374 

Cinclocerthia, 454, 455 
Cinclus, 374 

einclus, Cinclus, 374, 375 
einclus, Sturnus, 375 

eincta, Hirundo, 100 

cincta, Riparia, 100 

cinctura, Melanocorypha, 32 
cincturus, Ammomanes, 32 
cineraceus, Troglodytes, 419 
cinerascens, Alauda, 67 
einerea, Alauda, 47, 67 
einerea, Atticora, 89 

cinerea, Calandrella, 44, 47 
cinerea, Certhilauda, 39 
cinerea, Coracina, 184 

cinerea, Hirundo, 98 

cinerea, Tole, 293 

einerea, Motacilla, 136 
cinerea, Muscicapa, 184 
cinerea, Tephrocorys, 44 
cinereicapillus, Spizixos, 222 
cinereicapillus, Spizixus, 222 
cinereiceps, Hypsipetes, 287 

470 INDEX 

cinereiceps, Iole, 287 
cinereiceps, Oxylabes, 272 
cinereiceps, Phyllastrephus, 272 
cinereifrons, Brachypus, 249 
cinereifrons, Pycnonotus, 249 
cinereigula, Pericrocotus, 212 
cinereocapilla, Motacilla, 131 
cinereoventris, Brachypodius, 228 
cinereum, Toxostoma, 450, 451 
cinereus, Harporhynchus, 451 
cinereus, Hypsipetes, 293 
cinereus, Odontorchilus, 386 
cinereus, Odontorhynchus, 386 
cinereus, Pericrocotus, 208 
cinereus, Ptiliogonys, 372 
cinereus, Ptilogonys, 371, 372 
cinereus, Thryophilus, 411 
cinereus, Thryothorus, 411 
cinnamomea, Cinnycerthia, 389 
cinnamomea, Motacilla, 209 
cinnamomeoventris, Hypsipetes, 284 
cinnamomeoventris, Tole, 284 
cinnamomeus, Anthus, 145, 146 
cinnamomeus, Pericrocotus, 208, 
ZO 9 seo 
cinnamomina, Galerida, 60 
Cinnycerthia, 389 
Cistothorus, 391 
citata, Petrochelidon, 122 
eitreola, Motacilla, 135 
clamans, Baeopogon, 260 
clamans, Xenocichla, 260 
clara, Hirundo, 107 
clara, Motacilla, 141 
clarus, Mimus, 443 
clarus, Troglodytes, 425 
Clivicola, 96 
clot-bey, Alauda, 40 
clot-bey, Melanocorypha, 40 
clot-bey, Ramphocoris, 40 
Clytorhynchus, 309 
cobbi, Troglodytes, 427 
cochinchinensis, Chloropsis, 304 
cochinchinensis, Turdus, 304 
codea, Alauda, 26 
coelivox, Alauda, 71 
coerulescens, Ceblepyris, 185 
coerulescens, Coracina, 185 
cognatus, Phyllastrephus, 270 
Coleoptera, 4 
colimae, Troglodytes, 423 
collaris, Lanius, 361, 362 
collaris, Mirafra, 19 
collaris, Telophorus, 333 
colletti, Macronyx, 142 

collina, Henicorhina, 433 
collinus, Thryophilus, 413 
collinus, Thryothorus, 413 
Colluricincla, 309 

collurio, Lanius, 345, 346 
collurioides, Lanius, 347 
coloradense, Toxostoma, 453 
columbae, Troglodytes, 425 
columbianus, Pheugopedius, 406 
columbianus, Thryothorus, 406 
commandorensis, Anthus, 159 
comorensis, Artamia, 368 
comorensis, Leptopterus, 368 
composita, Henicorhina, 433 
compositus, Troglodytes, 423 
compta, Campephaga, 195 
compta, Coracina, 195 
conceptus, Chlorophoneus, 337 
concinna, Colluricincla, 182 
concinnata, Prionops, 311 
concolor, Andropadus, 251 
concolor, Hirundo, 87, 104 
concolor, Hypsipetes, 297 
concolor, Ptyonoprogne, 104 
conditus, Thryophilus, 412 
conditus, Thryothorus, 412 
confusa, Campephaga, 206 
confusa, Tchagra, 323 
confusus, Harpolestes, 323 
confusus, Lanius, 344 
congener, Andropadus, 255 
congener, Pomatorhynchus, 325 
congener, Pycnonotus, 255 
congener, Tchagra, 325 
congensis, Andropadus, 256 
congensis, Phyllastrephus, 260 
congensis, Pyenonotus, 256 
congica, Cotile, 97 

congica, Riparia, 97 
congicus, Dryoscopus, 317 
congicus, Lanius, 362 
conigravi, Petrochelidon, 123 
conirostris, Alauda, 52 
conirostris, Calandrella, 52 
conjuncta, Lalage, 201 
connectens, Alophoixus, 281 
connectens, Coracina, 172 
connectens, Criniger, 281 
connectens, Hemixus, 293 
connectens, Hypsipetes, 293 
connectens, Thryophilus, 407 
connectens, Thryothorus, 407 
conradi, Criniger, 249 
conradi, Pycnonotus, 249 
consobrinus, Thryothorus, 401 

INDEX 471 

conspersus, Catherpes, 388 
conspersus, Salpinctes, 388, 389 
eooki, Laniarius, 327 
Cophixus, 222 

Coquus, 169, 184 

Coracina, 168, 193 

coraya, Thryothorus, 402, 403 
coraya, Turdus, 403 
cordofanica, Mirafra, 7 
coreensis, Galerida, 61 
coreensis, Galerita, 61 

cornix, Graucalus, 182 
cornuta, Alauda, 71 
cornutus, Phileremos, 71 
coromandeliana, Alauda, 19 
coronata, Hirundo, 122 
Coronis, 168 

corrasus, Microcerculus, 435 
correctus, Thryomanes, 397 
correndera, Anthus, 164, 165 
Corvidae, 309 

corvina, Corvinella, 341 
Corvinella, 341 

corvinus, Lanius, 341 
Corydus, 55 

Corypha, 4 

Coryphe, 4 

costaricensis, Campylorhynchus, 385 
costaricensis, Salpinctes, 388 
costaricensis, Thryophilus, 407 
costaricensis, Thryothorus, 407 
Cotile, 96 

couesi, Campylorhynchus, 380 
courtoti, Galerida, 58 
coutellii, Anthus, 161 

cowani, Cotile, 97 

cowani, Riparia, 97 

coxi, Ammomanes, 35 
cozumelana, Dumetella, 441 
Cracticidae, 341 

Cracticus, 341 

eranbrooki, Mirafra, 13 
erassirostris, Hypsipetes, 295 
eraterum, Laninarius, 332 
erenatus, Anthus, 166 
Criniger, 275 

eriniger, Brachypodius, 285 
criniger, Hypsipetes, 285 
criniger, Irena, 308 

eriniger, Setornis, 282, 286 
erinitus, Criniger, 279 
erissalis, Graucalus, 176 
cristata, Alauda, 56 

cristata, Galerida, 55, 56 
cristata, Prionops, 311 


cristata, Vanga, 366 
cristatella, Alauda, 65 
eristatellus, Ixos, 243 
cristatus, Heterops, 55 
eristatus, Lanius, 311, 344 
erocea, Alauda, 143 

ceroceus, Macronyx, 143 
eroceus, Pericrocotus, 212 
Crocias, 341 

Crocopsis, 224 

Crossleyia, 263 

Croteoptera, 4 

cruenta, Tchagra, 326 
cruenta, Vanga, 338 
eruentus, Lanius, 326 
cruentus, Malaconotus, 338 
erypta, Iole, 285 

cryptoleuca, Progne, 86 
cryptus, Hypsipetes, 285 
cryptus, Pericrocotus, 214 
eryptus, Thryomanes, 396 
cubla, Dryoscopus, 318 
eubla, Lanius, 318 

cucullata, Cecropis, 113 
cucullata, Coracina, 184 
eucullata, Hirundo, 113 
cucullata, Tchagra, 321 
cucullatus, Graucalus, 184 
cucullatus, Lanius, 321 
culequita, Troglodytes, 423 
culminata, Coracina, 194 
culminatus, Ceblepyris, 194 
cumanensis, Thryothorus, 411 
cumanensis, Troglodytes, 411 
curvirostre, Toxostoma, 452 
eurvirostris, Alauda, 25 
curvirostris, Andropadus, 253 
curvirostris, Campylorhynchus, 385 
eurvirostris, Certhilauda, 24, 25 
curvirostris, Lanius, 366 
curvirostris, Orpheus, 452 
curvirostris, Pyenonotus, 253 
curvirostris, Vanga, 366 
cuttingi, Delichon, 125 
cyanea, Irena, 307 

eyanea, Muscicapa, 307 
eyaneoviridis, Callichelidon, 84 
eyaneoviridis, Hirundo, 84 
cyaniventris, Pycnonotus, 231 
eyanochrus, Pycnonotus, 250 
eyanodorsalis, Notiochelidon, 89 
eyanodorsalis, Orochelidon, 89 
ceyanogaster, Irena, 308 
cyanogastra, Irena, 308 
Cyanograucalus, 169 

472 INDEX 

Cyanolanius, 367 
eyanoleuca, Hirundo, 89 
eyanoleuca, Notiochelidon, 88, 89 
eyanopogon, Chloropsis, 304 
eyanopogon, Phyllornis, 304 
Cyphorhina, 437 
Cyphorhinus, 437 

cypriaca, Galerida, 57 
cypriotes, Anorthura, 420 
eypriotes, Troglodytes, 420 
cypselina, Psalidoprocne, 125 
cypseloides, Atticora, 95 
cyrenaicae, Galerida, 62 
Cyrtes, 168 

dabbenei, Anthus, 163 
dactylus, Pyenonotus, 234 
damarensis, Alaemon, 24 
damarensis, Calandrella, 52 
damarensis, Certhilauda, 24 
damarensis, Eremopterix, 30 
damarensis, Eremopteryx, 31 
damarensis, Mirafra, 15 
damarensis, Pomatorhynchus, 325 
damarensis, Spizocorys, 52 
damarensis, Tchagra, 325 
damarensis, Urolestes, 342 
damicra, Aegithina, 302 
damii, Xenopirostris, 366 
dammermani, Pericrocotus, 215 
darica, Ammomanes, 37 
darienensis, Henicorhina, 431 
darwini, Lanius, 345 
dasypus, Chelidon, 125 
dasypus, Delichon, 124, 125 
daurica, Cecropis, 115 
daurica, Hirundo, 115 
dauricus, Anthus, 147 
dauricus, Troglodytes, 418 
davidsoni, Chloropsis, 306 
daviesi, Anthus, 151 

daviesi, Certhilauda, 25 
davisoni, Hemixus, 293 
davisoni, Hypsipetes, 293 
davisoni, Ixus, 244 

davisoni, Lalage, 197 
davisoni, Pyenonotus, 244 
debilis, Andropadus, 263 
debilis, Phyllastrephus, 268 
debilis, Xenocichla, 268 
decaptus, Anthus, 155 
deckeni, Eurocephalus, 309 
decolor, Stelgidopteryx, 93 
deficiens, Lalage, 204 
degener, Laniarius, 333 

degeni, Mirafra, 14 
deichleri, Galerida, 62 
deichleri, Galerita, 62 
deignani, Aegithina, 300 
deignani, Pericrocotus, 212 
deignani, Pycnonotus, 238 
delacouri, Lanius, 348 
delamerei, Pseudalaemon, 55 
Delichon, 123 

deltae, Galerida, 60 
Dendronanthus, 129 
densirostris, Margarops, 458 
densirostris, Turdus, 458 
deosai, Eremophila, 74 
déprimozi, Galerida, 58 
deserti, Alauda, 35 

deserti, Ammomanes, 33, 35 
deserti, Megalophonus, 15 
deserti, Mirafra, 15 
deserticolor, Alauda, 59 
desertorum, Alaemon, 39 
desertorum, Alauda, 39 
deva, Alauda, 63 

deva, Galerida, 63 

Dewetia, 44 

dewittei, Anthus, 154 
dharmakumari, Pericrocotus, 209 
diaphora, Eremophila, 79 
diaphora, Otocoris, 79 
Diaphoropterus, 196 

diardi, Criniger, 281, 282 
dichrous, Cyphorhinus, 437 
didimus, Coracina, 172 
difficilis, Botha, 53 

difficilis, Coracina, 177 
difficilis, Graucalus, 177 
diluta, Cotile, 99 

diluta, Otocorys, 73 

diluta, Riparia, 99 

dilutior, Chlorocichla, 262 
dimidiata, Hirundo, 112 
Diplochelidon, 90 
Diplophoneus, 326 
disjuncta, Cecropis, 117 
disjuncta, Hirundo, 117 
dispar, Coracina, 186 
dispar, Edoliosoma, 186 
dispar, Pycnonotus, 230 
dispar, Turdus, 230 
dissaéptus, Cistothorus, 394 
dissaéptus, Telmatodytes, 394 
distincta, Calandrella, 49 
distinguenda, Petrochelidon, 119 
divaricatus, Lanius, 208 
divaricatus, Pericrocotus, 198, 208 

INDEX 473 

divergens, Alauda, 66 
dobsoni, Coracina, 175 
dobsoni, Graucalus, 175 
dodsoni, Lanius, 357 
dodsoni, Pyenonotus, 242 
dohertyi, Coracina, 185 
dohertyi, Edoliosoma, 185 
dohertyi, Laniarius, 338 
dohertyi, Mirafra, 10 
dohertyi, Riparia, 96 
dohertyi, Telophonus, 324 
dohertyi, Telophorus, 338 
dolichurus, Pycnonotus, 237 
dombrowski, Budytes, 131 
domestica, Hirundo, 87 
domestica, Progne, 87 
domicella, Cecropis, 116 
domicella, Hirundo, 116 
domicola, Hirundo, 108 
dominator, Lanius, 362 
dominica, Tanagra, 374 
dominicensis, Hirundo, 85, 86 
dominicensis, Progne, 86, 87 
dominicus, Dulus, 374 
dominicus, Turdus, 197 
Donacobius, 456 

doriae, Alaemon, 39 

doriae, Certhilauda, 39 
dorjei, Cinclus, 377 

dorsale, Toxostoma, 453, 454 
dorsalis, Fiscus, 361 

dorsalis, Lanius, 361 
dorsalis, Mimus, 447 
dorsalis, Orpheus, 447 
dorsalis, Toxostoma, 454 
dowashanus, Phyllastrephus, 269 
drymoecus, Thryomanes, 397 
Dryophoneus, 334 
Dryoscopus, 316 

dubarensis, Lanius, 358 
dubiosus, Laniarius, 327 
ducis, Riparia, 96 

duidae, Microcerculus, 436 
duidae, Troglodytes, 429 
dukhunensis, Alauda, 44 
dukhunensis, Calandrella, 44 
dukhunensis, Motacilla, 137, 138,139 
dulcivox, Alauda, 67 
Dulidae, 373 

Dulus, 373 

Dumetella, 440, 441 
dumeticolus, Pyenonotus, 247 
dumosum, Toxostoma, 454 
dunni, Ammomanes, 38 
dunni, Calendula, 38 

duponti, Alauda, 54 
duponti, Chersophilus, 54 
dwighti, Chinophilus, 78 

eburneus, Phyllastrephus, 266 
edithae, Coracina, 185 
edithae, Edolisoma, 185 
editus, Anthus, 146 
Edoliisoma, 168 
Edoliosoma, 168 
Edolisoma, 168, 185 
eduardi, Tylas, 299, 300 
effuticius, Melanotis, 441 
efulenensis, Eurillas, 255 
Elathea, 224 

elbeli, Pycnonotus, 230 
elegans, Cistothorus, 391 
elegans, Coracina, 181 
elegans, Eremophila, 80 
elegans, Graucalus, 181 
elegans, Lanius, 358 
elegans, Mimus, 443 
elegans, Pericrocotus, 216 
elegans, Phoenicornis, 216 
elegans, Progne, 88 
elfriedae, Mirafra, 22 
elgeyuensis, Chlorophoneus, 335 
ellae, Irena, 308 

ellioti, Galerida, 63 

elusa, Coracina, 190 
elusum, Edoliisoma, 190 
elutus, Thryophilus, 412 
elutus, Thryothorus, 412 
elwesi, Eremophila, 74 
elwesi, Otocoris, 74 
emancipata, Coracina, 185 
emancipata, Edoliosoma, 185 
emancipata, Melanocorypha, 43 
emeria, Motacilla, 232 
emeria, Pycnonotus, 232 
emini, Cecropis, 117 
emini, Criniger, 276 
emini, Hirundo, 117 
emini, Tchagra, 324 
emini, Telephonus, 324 
empheris, Lalage, 197 
enertera, Eremophila, 79 
enertera, Otocoris, 79 
enganensis, Coracina, 176 
enganensis, Graucalus, 176 
Enneoctonus, 342 
enthymia, Eremophila, 76 
enthymia, Otocoris, 76 
enunciator, Anthus, 150 
eous, Pycnonotus, 244 


Eremalauda, 32 

eremica, Calandrella, 46 
eremica, Spizocorys, 46 
eremodites, Ammomanes, 38 
eremodites, Pyrrhulauda, 38 
Eremophila, 71 

eremophilus, Thryomanes, 396 
Eremopterix, 29 

Eressornis, 310 

erikssoni, Certhilauda, 27 
eritreae, Galerida, 59 

erlangeri, Calandrella, 46 
erlangeri, EKurocephalus, 309 
erlangeri, Galerida, 61 
erlangeri, Laniarius, 328 
erlangeri, Lanius, 363 
erlangeri, Nilaus, 315 
erlangeri, Riparia, 100 
erlangeri, Telephonus, 322 
erlangeri, Tephrocorys, 46 
ernstmayri, Hirundo, 125 
erongo, Mirafra, 22 

Eropsilus, 430 

Erucivora, 196 

erwini, Dryoscopus, 317 
erythreae, Dryoscopus, 317 
erythreae, Nilaus, 314 
erythrochlamys, Alauda, 26 
erythrochlamys, Certhilauda, 26 
erythrochrous, Ammomanes, 35 
erythrogaster, Hirundo, 107 
erythrogaster, Laniarius, 331 
erythrogaster, Lanius, 331 
erythronotus, Collurio, 351 
erythronotus, Lanius, 350, 351 
erythroptera, Mirafra, 22, 23 
erythropterus, Andropadus, 252 
erythropterus, Lanius, 322, 323 
erythropterus, Pycnonotus, 252 
erythropterus, Tchagra, 323 
erythropthalmos, Ixos, 250 

erythropthalmos, Pyenonotus, 250 

erythropygia, Alauda, 23 
erythropygia, Cecropis, 116 
erythropygia, Coracina, 189 
erythropygia, Hirundo, 116 
erythropygia, Mirafra, 23 
erythropygia, Muscicapa, 211 
erythropygium, Edoliisoma, 189 
erythropygius, Pericrocotus, 211 
erythrotis, Ixos, 232 

escherichi, Pyecnonotus, 241 
esobe, Anthus, 151 

ethologus, Pericrocotus, 213 
Etoimus, 3 


eucharis, Henicorhina, 432 
euchrysea, Hirundo, 84 
euchrysea, Kalochelidon, 84 
eugenius, Andropadus, 255 
eugenius, Pycnonotus, 255 
euophrys, Thryothorus, 400 
Euptilotus, 224 

euptilotus, Brachypus, 224 
Eurillas, 225 

euroa, Eremophila, 72 
euroa, Otocorys, 72 
Eurocephalus, 309 
euronotus, Thryothorus, 409 
europaea, Riparia, 95 
europaeus, Lanius, 356 
Euryceros, 369 

Eurycerus, 369 
eurystomina, Pseudochelidon, 81 
eutilotus, Brachypus, 243 
eutilotus, Pyenonotus, 243 
everetti, Coracina, 190 
everetti, Criniger, 288 
everetti, Edoliisoma, 190 
everetti, Hypsipetes, 288 
excelsior, Nicator, 275 
excubitor, Lanius, 355, 356 
excubitorides, Lanius, 353, 359 
excubitorius, Lanius, 343, 359 
excubitoroides, Lanius, 359 
exiguus, Anthus, 148 
eximia, Bleda, 273 

eximia, Lalage, 195 
eximius, Trichophorus, 273 
exsul, Salpinctes, 388 
extremus, Andropadus, 253 
extremus, Malaconotus, 340 
extremus, Pyenonotus, 253 
exul, Pericrocotus, 215 
eyerdami, Coracina, 181 

faenorum, Ammomanes, 37 
falciformis, Certhilauda, 25 
falcirostris, Certhilauda, 25 
Falculea, 367 

falkensteini, Chlorocichla, 260 
falkensteini, Criniger, 260 
falklandicus, Cistothorus, 393 
falsa, Lalage, 200 

familiaris, Lullula, 65 
farahensis, Molpastes, 235 
faroensis, Cyphorhinus, 439 
faroensis, Leucolepis, 439 
fasciata, Atticora, 90 
fasciata, Hirundo, 90 
fasciata, Motacilla, 131 

INDEX 475 

fasciato-ventris, Thriothorus, 400 
fasciato-ventris, Thryothorus, 400 
fasciatus, Budytes, 131 
fasciatus, Campylorhynchus, 385 
fasciatus, Furnarius, 385 
fasciatus, Lanius, 345 

fasciatus, Salpinctes, 388 
fasciolata, Alauda, 16 
favillaceus, Pericrocotus, 213 
fayi, Pyenonotus, 241 

feldegg, Motacilla, 131, 132, 134 
felivox, Turdus, 440 

felix, Thryothorus, 404 
ferghanensis, Cecropis, 116 
Ferminia, 399 

ferruginea, Alauda, 38 
ferrugineus, Laniarius, 328, 330 
ferrugineus, Lanius, 326, 330 
festae, Galerida, 58 

festinus, Troglodytes, 428 
festiva, Henicorhina, 433 
filifera, Hirundo, 111 

fimbriata, Coracina, 193, 194, 195 
fimbriata, Volvocivora, 193 
fimbriatus, Ceblepyris, 195 
finlaysoni, Pyenonotus, 244, 245 
finschii, Criniger, 277 

fischeri, Criniger, 270 

fischeri, Eurocephalus, 309 
fischeri, Megalophonus, 14 
fischeri, Mirafra, 14 

fischeri, Phyllastrephus, 269, 270 
Fiscus, 342 

flammea, Muscicapa, 215 
flammeus, Pericrocotus, 215 
flammifer, Pericrocotus, 216, 217 
flava, Alauda, 72 

flava, Campephaga, 205 

flava, Eremophila, 72 

flava, Motacilla, 130, 131, 132, 133 
flavala, Hemixos, 292 

flavala, Hypsipetes, 292 
flaveolus, Criniger, 269, 277 
flaveolus, Trichophorus, 269, 277 
flavescens, Andropadus, 254 
flavescens, Lullula, 65 
flavescens, Melanocorypha, 43 
flavescens, Pycnonotus, 245 
flavicaudus, Hypsipetes, 289 
flavicaudus, Trichophorus, 289 
flaviceps, Campochaera, 196 
flavicipitis, Campochaera, 196 
flavicollis, Chlorocichla, 261 
flavicollis, Haematornis, 261 
flavicollis, Macronyx, 143 

flavigula, Chlorocichla, 261 
flavigula, Trichophorus, 261 
flavillaceus, Perierocotus, 213 
flavipennis, Chloropsis, 303 
flavipennis, Phyllornis, 303 
flavipes, Notiochelidon, 90 
flavipes, Pygochelidon, 90 
flavirictus, Pycnonotus, 247 
flavissima, Budytes, 130 
flavissima, Motacilla, 130, 131 
flaviventris, Chlorocichla, 262 
flaviventris, Motacilla, 142 
flaviventris, Pycnonotus, 229 
flaviventris, Trichophorus, 262 
flaviventris, Vanga, 229 
flavostriatus, Andropadus, 268 
flavostriatus, Phyllastrephus, 266, 
267, 268 
flavostriatus, Phyllostrophus, 263 
flavula, Hemipus, 292 
flindersi, Austranthus, 149 
floridana, Progne, 86 
floris, Artamides, 171 
floris, Coracina, 171 
fliickigeri, Lanius, 363 
fluvicola, Hirundo, 122 
fluvicola, Petrochelidon, 122 
fohkiensis, Pericrocotus, 216 
fokienensis, Cotile, 99 
fokienensis, Riparia, 99 
formosae, Hirundo, 117 
formosae, Lanius, 349 
formosae, Pycnonotus, 234 
fortis, Coracina, 172 
fortis, Graucalus, 172 
forwoodi, Motacilla, 138 
fowleri, Criniger, 280 
Fraseria, 309 
frater, Criniger, 281 
frater, Mimus, 446 
frater, Pomatorhynchus, 324 
frater, Troglodytes, 428, 429 
fraterculus, Ammomanes, 35 
fremantlii, Calendula, 54 
fremantlii, Pseudalaemon, 54 
frenatus, Tephrodornis, 220 
freta, Tephrodornis, 221 
fretensis, Tephrodornis, 219 
fricki, Andropadus, 254 
fricki, Chlorophoneus, 334 
fricki, Phyllastrephus, 265 
fricki, Pycnonotus, 254 
fridariensis, Troglodytes, 421 
fringillaris, Alauda, 8, 53 
fringillaris, Calandrella, 53 

476 INDEX 

fringillaris, Mirafra, 8 
frontalis, Chloropsis, 306 
frontalis, Hirundo, 109 
frontalis, Phyllornis, 306 
frontalis, Pyrrhulauda, 31 
fucata, Alopochelidon, 92 
fucata, Hirundo, 92 

fiilleborni, Dryoscopus, 332 
fiilleborni, Laniarius, 332 
fiillebornii, Macronyx, 143 
fuertesi, Tephrocorys, 46 
fugans, Xanthixus, 245 
fugensis, Hypsipetes, 295 
fuliginosa, Petrochelidon, 123 
fuliginosa, Psalidoprocne, 126 
fuliginosus, Lecythoplastes, 123 
fuligula, Hirundo, 104 
fuligula, Ptyonoprogne, 103, 104 
fulva, Cinnycerthia, 390 

fulva, Hirundo, 122 

fulva, Petrochelidon, 121, 122 
fulvescens, Berniera, 271 
fulvescens, Phyllastrephus, 271 
fulvicauda, Myiosobus, 286 
fulvigularis, Troglodytes, 429 
fulvipectus, Hirundo, 110 
fulvipennis, Cotyle, 93 
fulvipennis, Stelgidopteryx, 93 
fulviventris, Phyllastrephus, 266 
fulviventris, Phyllostrephus, 266 
fulviventris, Tylas, 300 

fulvus, Thryophilus, 390 
fumigatus, Troglodytes, 417 
funebris, Dryoscopus, 333 
funebris, Laniarius, 333 
funereus, Lanius, 356 

fureata, Progne, 88 

furcatus, Anthus, 163 

furensis, Mirafra, 14 

furva, Mirafra, 23 

fusca, Allenia, 457 

fusca, Hirundo, 85 

fusca, Muscicapa, 457 

fusca, Progne, 85 

fuscatus, Enneoctonus, 346 
fuscatus, Lanius, 349 

fuscatus, Margarops, 457 
fuscatus, Turdus, 457 
fuscicaudata, Otocompsa, 231 
fuscicaudatus, Pycnonotus, 231 
fusciceps, Pycnonotus, 258 
fusciceps, Xenocichla, 258 
fusciventris, Ptyonoprogne, 104 
fuscocollaris, Riparia, 98 
fuscoflavescens, Brachypodius, 227 

fuscoflavescens, Pycnonotus, 227 
futunae, Lalage, 203 

gabela, Prionops, 313 
gabonensis, Malaconotus, 339 
gabonensis, Pycnonotus, 240 
gafsae, Galerida, 57 
galbinus, Pericrocotus, 209 
galbraithii, Thryothorus, 412 
Galerida, 55 

Galerita, 55 

Galgulus, 282 

gallarum, Mirafra, 9 

galliae, Lanius, 356 

gambeli, Lanius, 353 
gambensis, Dryoscopus, 317 
gambensis, Lanius, 317 
ganeesa, Hypsipetes, 296, 297 
garrula, Certhilauda, 28 
garrulus, Bombycilla, 370 
garrulus, Lanius, 370 
gascoynensis, Coracina, 171 
gaza, Melanocorypha, 41 
Gazzola, 168 

genibarbis, Thryothorus, 401, 402 
gephyra, Cecropis, 115 
gephyra, Hirundo, 115 
germani, Ixus, 238 

germani, Pycnonotus, 238 
gertrudis, Hirundo, 95 
gertrudis, Pseudhirundo, 95 
geyri, Ammomanes, 34 
ghansiensis, Africorys, 12 
ghansiensis, Mirafra, 12 
giffordi, Galerida, 63 
giffordi, Heliocorys, 63 
giganteus, Lanius, 360 
gilletti, Mirafra, 20 

gilli, Certhilauda, 25 

gilvus, Mimus, 443, 444 
gilvus, Turdus, 444 

giraudi, Eremophila, 79 
giraudi, Otocorys, 79 
glabrirostris, Melanoptila, 441 
gladiator, Laniarius, 339 
gladiator, Malaconotus, 339, 341 
Glauconympha, 307 
gobabisensis, Anacorys, 17 
gobabisensis, Mirafra, 17 
godlewskii, Agrodoma, 152 
godlewskii, Anthus, 152 
goiavier, Muscicapa, 224, 247 
goiavier, Pycnonotus, 246, 247 
gomesi, Mirafra, 11 

goodi, Pycnonotus, 240 

goodsoni, Anthus, 150, 151 
goodsoni, Coracina, 191 
goodsoni, Edolisoma, 191 
gordoni, Cecropis, 114 
gordoni, Hirundo, 114 
gouldi, Lalage, 199 

gouldii, Anthus, 150 
gourdini, Ixos, 247 

gourdini, Pycnonotus, 247 
gracilirostris, Andropadus, 256 
gracilirostris, Pycnonotus, 256 
gracilis, Andropadus, 253 
gracilis, Coracina, 179 
gracilis, Mimus, 443 

gracilis, Pycnonotus, 253 
graculina, Prionops, 313 
Grallina, 309 

Grallinidae, 309 

graminicola, Cistothorus, 392 
grandis, Criniger, 278 
grandis, Motacilla, 137, 140 
grandis, Thryothorus, 404 
Graucalus, 168 

Graucosoma, 169 

graueri, Coracina, 183 
graueri, Laniarius, 336 
graueri, Phyllastrephus, 267 
graueri, Telophorus, 336 
grayi, Alauda, 38 

grayi, Ammomanes, 38 

grayi, Anthus, 165 

grayi, Coracina, 187 

grayi, Edoliosoma, 187 
graysoni, Harporhynchus, 449 
graysoni, Mimodes, 449 
grimmi, Lanius, 359 
grimwoodi, Macronyx, 144 
grinnelli, Lanius, 355 

grisea, Alauda, 32 

grisea, Coracina, 182 

grisea, Eremopterix, 32 
griseicapillus, Lanius, 347 
griseiceps, Criniger, 277 
griseipectus, Thryothorus, 403 
griseipectus, Vanga, 366 
griseiventer, Hemixus, 291 
griseiventer, Hypsipetes, 291 
griseiventris, Neochelidon, 91 
griseogularis, Pericrocotus, 212 
griseolateralis, Cyphorhinus, 439 
griseopyga, Hirundo, 95 
griseopyga, Pseudhirundo, 95 
grisescens, Andropadus, 252 
grisescens, Dryoscopus, 319 
grisescens, Mirafra, 7, 11 

INDEX 477 

grisescens, Nannorchilus, 430 
grisescens, Thryophilus, 408 
grisescens, Thryothorus, 408 
griseus, Anthus, 152 

griseus, Campylorhynchus, 381, 382 
griseus, Catherpes, 388 

griseus, Cistothorus, 394 
griseus, Furnarius, 382 

griseus, Thryophilus, 415 
griseus, Thryothorus, 415 
grotei, Anthus, 146 

grotei, Hypsipetes, 296 

grotei, Ixocincla, 296 

grotei, Phyllastrephus, 270 
guadeloupensis, Salpinctes, 387 
guadeloupensis, Thryothorus, 424 
guadeloupensis, Troglodytes, 424 
guarayana, Troglodytes, 414 
guarayanus, Thryothorus, 414 
gubernator, Lanius, 348 
guerrerensis, Troglodytes, 423 
guglielmi, Hypsipetes, 289, 290 
guglielmi, Microscelis, 290 
guillelmi, Alauda, 66 
guillemardi, Coracina, 177 
guillemardi, Graucalus, 177 
guimarasensis, Hypsipetes, 287 
guimarasensis, Iole, 287 
gularis, Brachypus, 229 
gularis, Campylorhynchus, 380 
gularis, Cinclus, 375 

gularis, Lanius, 220 

gularis, Nicator, 274 

gularis, Philedon, 286 

gularis, Pycnonotus, 229 
gularis, Tephrodornis, 219, 220 
gularis, Trichophorus, 276 
gularis, Turdus, 276, 280, 375 
gulgula, Alauda, 69, 71 
gundlachii, Mimus, 445 
gustavi, Anthus, 158 

guttata, Alauda, 26, 69 
guttata, Certhilauda, 26 
guttatum, Toxostoma, 450 
guttatus, Campylorhynchus, 381 
guttatus, Dryoscopus, 329 
guttatus, Harporhynchus, 450 
guttatus, Ixonotus, 260 
guttatus, Laniarius, 328, 329 
guttatus, Salpinctes, 388 
guttatus, Thryothorus, 381 
gutturalis, Anthus, 166 
gutturalis, Cinclocerthia, 455 
gutturalis, Criniger, 281 
gutturalis, Hirundo, 106 


gutturalis, Pelicinius, 337 
gutturalis, Ramphocinclus, 455 
gutturalis, Trichophorus, 281 
gymnocephala, Barita, 365 
gymnocephala, Pityriasis, 365 
Gymnocrotaphus, 225 
Gymnorhina, 341 

habessinica, Lani, 322 
habessinica, Tchagra, 322 
hachisuka, Lanius, 352 
hachisukae, Pycnonotus, 248 
Haematornis, 223 

harmsi, Anthus, 160 
hainana, Alauda, 70 
hainanensis, Otocompsa, 232 
hainanensis, Pycnonotus, 232 
hainanus, Ixus, 234 
hainanus, Lanius, 349 
hainanus, Pyenonotus, 234 
hainanus, Tephrodornis, 220 
halfae, Galerida, 60 
halistephis, Artamides, 176 
halizonus, Pycnonotus, 250 
hallae, Anthus, 154 

hallae, Criniger, 278 

halli, Mirafra, 6 

hamatus, Dryoscopus, 318 
hamertoni, Alaemon, 40 
Haplochelidon, 118 
hararensis, Anthus, 154 
hardwickei, Chloropsis, 306 
hardwickii, Chloropsis, 306 
harei, Calendula, 64 

harei, Galerida, 64 

harei, Mirafra, 17 

harei, Pseudammomanes, 39 
haringtoni, Anthus, 157 
Haringtonia, 283 

harrisoni, Eremopterix, 30 
harrisoni, Pyrrhulauda, 30 
harterti, Alauda, 66 
harterti, Bleda, 261 
harterti, Campylorhynchus, 383 
harterti, Criniger, 288, 295 
harterti, Galerida, 62 
harterti, Heleodytes, 383 
harterti, Hypsipetes, 288 
harterti, Lullula, 65 
harterti, Microscelis, 295 
harterti, Mirafra, 10 
harterti, Prionops, 312 
harterti, Pycnonotus, 241 
harterti, Sigmodus, 312 
hartlaubii, Lanicterus, 206 


hartogi, Anthus, 148 
haussarum, Prionops, 310 
hauxwelli, Henicorhina, 432 
hayi, Mirafra, 55 

haynaldi, Criniger, 288 
haynaldi, Hypsipetes, 288 
hebraica, Melanocorypha, 41 
hebridensis, Troglodytes, 421 
heinei, Calandrella, 49, 50 
heinei, Calandritis, 50 
heinrothi, Coracina, 188 
heinrothi, Edolisoma, 188 
helenae, Galerida, 57 
helenae, Laniarius, 330 
Heleodytes, 380 

Heliocorys, 55 

helleri, Anorthura, 416 
helleri, Troglodytes, 416 
hellmayri, Anthus, 163 
helveticus, Cinclus, 375 
Hemicecrops, 105 
hemileucurus, Lanius, 358 
Hemimacronyx, 144 
Hemipus, 217, 309 
Hemitarsus, 224 

Hemiura, 430 

Hemixos, 282 

Henicorhina, 431 

henrici, Criniger, 278 
henrici, Mirafra, 10 

henrii, Alauda, 67 

hensii, Lanius, 363 
hensoni, Hypsipetes, 293 
herberti, Alauda, 70 
herberti, Thryothorus, 403 
herero, Mirafra, 21 

herero, Sabota, 21 
hermonensis, Calandrella, 46 
Herophilus, 113 

hesperia, Progne, 86 
hesperianus, Anthus, 162 
hesperica, Alauda, 67 
Heterocorys, 3 
Heteromirafra, 23 
Heteronyx, 23 

Heterops, 55 

Heterorhina, 431 

heterura, Ammomanes, 33 
hewitti, Megalophonus, 16 
hibernicus, Cinclus, 374 
hiemalis, Troglodytes, 415, 416 
hijazensis, Ammomanes, 35 
hilaris, Henicorhina, 435 
hildebrandi, Hemixus, 293 
hildebrandi, Hypsipetes, 293 

INDEX 479 

hilgerti, Galerida, 62 
hilgerti, Nilaus, 315 

hilgerti, Pelicinius, 326 
hilgerti, Tchagra, 326 

hillii, Mimus, 445 

hirtensis, Troglodytes, 421 
hirundinacea, Muscicapa, 218 
hirundinaceus, Hemipus, 218 
Hirundinidae, 80 
Hirundininae, 81 

Hirundo, 101, 104 

hodgsoni, Anthus, 157, 158 
hodiernus, Microtarsus, 228 
hodiernus, Pyenonotus, 228 
hoeschi, Ammomanes, 38 
hoeschi, Anthus, 146 
hoeschi, Mirafra, 22 
holdereri, Melanocorypha, 42 
holochlorus, Eurillas, 252 
holochlorus, Pyenonotus, 252 
holomelaena, Psalidoprocne, 127,128 
holomelas, Dryoscopus, 332 
holomelas, Hirundo, 128 
holomelas, Laniarius, 332 
holopolia, Coracina, 192 
holopolius, Graucalus, 192 
holti, Iole, 290 

holtii, Hypsipetes, 290 
homeyeri, Lanius, 357, 359 
hondoensis, Cinclus, 378 
hoogerwerfi, Coracina, 190 
hoogerwerfi, Edolisoma, 190 
hoogstraali, Irena, 308 
horizoptera, Aegithina, 301 
Horizorhinus, 309 

hornensis, Cistothorus, 393 
hornensis, Troglodytes, 393 
horsfieldii, Mirafra, 7 

hova, Mirafra, 7 

hoyi, Pycnonotus, 233 
hoyti, Eremophila, 75 

hoyti, Otocoris, 75 

hulli, Nesomimus, 448 
humayuni, Pycnonotus, 236 
humei, Aegithina, 301 
humeralis, Lanius, 361, 362 
humii, Hypsipetes, 296 
humii, Microscelis, 296 
humii, Molpastes, 235 
humii, Pyenonotus, 235 
humilis, Campylorhynchus, 382 
hungarica, Calandrella, 45 
huriensis, Galerida, 63 
hurleyi, Thryomanes, 396 
hutzi, Pyecnonotus, 248 

hybrida, Hirundo, 115 
hybridus, Laniarius, 329 
hydrophilus, Cinclus, 374 
Hylochelidon, 118 

Hylorchilus, 389 

hyperemnus, Microtarsus, 228 
hyperemnus, Pycnonotus, 228 
hypermetra, Mirafra, 9 
hypermetrus, Spilocorydon, 9 
hyperythra, Cecropis, 116 
hyperythra, Hirundo, 116 
hyperythrus, Thryothorus, 405 
hypochloris, Phyllastrephus, 266 
hypochloris, Stelgidillas, 266 
Hypocoliinae, 373 

Hypocolius, 309, 373 
hypolampra, Hypurolepis, 109 
hypoleuca, Coracina 181 
hypoleucus, Graucalus, 181 
hypoleucus, Lanius, 347 
hypoleucus, Melanotis, 442 
hypoleucus, Thryophilus, 413 
hypoleucus, Thryothorus, 413 
hypopolia, Petrochelidon, 120 
hypopyrrhus, Laniarius, 339 
hypopyrrhus, Malaconotus, 340 
hypospodius, Thryothorus, 406 
hypostictus, Campylorhynchus, 384 
hypoxanthus, Andropadus, 254 
hypoxanthus, Pyenonotus, 254 
Hypsipetes, 282 

Hypurolepis, 105 

hyreanus, Troglodytes, 420, 421 

iberiae, Motacilla, 131, 132 
icterica, Motacilla, 142 
ictericus, Criniger, 289 
ictericus, Hypsipetes, 289 
icterinus, Phyllastrephus, 271 
icterinus, Trichophorus, 271 
icterocephala, Chloropsis, 305 
icterocephala, Phyllornis, 305 
Idiocichla, 273 

idius, Olbiorchilus, 418 

idius, Troglodytes, 418 

ignea, Campephaga, 205 
igneus, Pericrocotus, 208, 209, 210 
ijimae, Clivicola, 98 

ijimae, Riparia, 98, 99 
iliacus, Cistothorus, 394 
imami, Galerida, 60 
immaculatus, Anthus, 165 
immodestus, Pericrocotus, 207 
impar, Microscelis, 297 
importunus, Pycnonotus, 254, 255 


importunus, Turdus, 255 
inceleber, Berneria, 271 
inceleber, Phyllastrephus, 271 
incerta, Campephaga, 190 
incerta, Coracina, 190 
incompta, Chloropsis, 306 
inconspicua, Alauda, 50, 69 
indica, Motacilla, 129 

indica, Riparia, 99 

indicator, Baeopogon, 259 
indicator, Criniger, 259 
indicus, Dendronanthus, 129 
indicus, Hypsipetes, 289 
indicus, Trichophorus, 289 
indigenus, Troglodytes, 421 
indistincta, Lalage, 199 
indochinensis, Coracina, 193 
indochinensis, Lalage, 193 
indochinensis, Pycnonotus, 234 
inexspectatus, Euptilosus, 243 
inexspectatus, Pycnonotus, 243 
infuseatus, Cyphorhinus, 438 
ingens, Coracina, 180 

ingens, Graucalus, 180 
ingrami, Spizixos, 222 
ingrami, Spizixus, 222 
innectens, Hypsipetes, 284 
innectens, Microscelis, 284 
innitens, Pycnonotus, 238 
innominata, Campophaga, 194 
innominata, Riparia, 99 
innotata, Aegithina, 303 
innotata, lora, 303 
inopinata, Alauda, 70 
inopinatus, Anthus, 158 
inornata, Chloropsis, 306 
inornata, Henicorhina, 432 
inornatus, Ixos, 239, 248 
inornatus, Picnonotus, 248 
inornatus, Pyenonotus, 239 
inquietus, Troglodytes, 424 
insignis, Hypsipetes, 294 
insignis, Microscelis, 294 
insperata, Coracina, 189 
insperata, Volvocivora, 189 
insulae, Hemipus, 218 
insulae, Pyenonotus, 247 
insulanus, Pericrocotus, 217 
insularis, Ammomanes, 36 
insularis, Andropadus, 248, 254 
insularis, Chloropsis, 306 
insularis, Eremophila, 78 
insularis, Hirundo, 107 
insularis, Molpastes, 237 
insularis, Otocoris, 78 


insularis, Pyenonotus, 248, 254 
insularis, Troglodytes, 399 
insularum, Toxostoma, 452 
insulicola, Lalage, 200 

intensa, Aethocorys, 54 
intensa, Calandrella, 54 
intensior, Iole, 289 

intensior, Pericrocotus, 208 
intensus, Pheugopedius, 406 
intensus, Thryothorus, 406 
intercedens, Chlorophoneus, 338 
intercedens, Lanius, 360 
intercedens, Melanocorypha, 42 
intercedens, Mirafra, 16 
intercedens, Thryothorus, 402 
interior, Pheugopedius, 406 
interior, Thryothorus, 406 
intermedia, Alauda, 67, 68 
intermedia, Ammomanes, 34 
intermedia, Coracina, 180, 194 
intermedia, Prionops, 311, 313 
intermedia, Volvocivora, 194 
intermedius, Hemipus, 218 
intermedius, Pericrocotus, 208 
intermedius, Phyllastrephus, 264 
intermedius, Pycnonotus, 235, 236 
intermedius, Sigmodus, 313 
intermedius, Troglodytes, 423 
interpositus, Cyphorhinus, 439 
interpositus, Leucolepis, 439 
interpositus, Malaconotus, 340 
invictus, Lanius, 355 

Tole, 282 

ioniae, Ptilocorys, 57 

iranica, Otocorys, 73 
iranicus, Ammomanes, 37 
iredalei, Pericrocotus, 209 
Irena, 307 

Trenella, 307 

Trenidae, 300 

Tridoprocne, 81 

isabellina, Alauda, 35 
isabellina, Galerida, 58 
isabellinus, Ammomanes, 35 
isabellinus, Lanius, 347 

isani, Criniger, 278 
islandicus, Troglodytes, 422 
isolata, Mirafra, 12 

isseli, Mirafra, 17 

isus, Pyenonotus, 251 

italiae, Lanius, 363 

itoculo, Phyllastrephus, 270 
ituriensis, Chlorophoneus, 336 
iwanowi, Galerida, 60 

Ixidia, 223 

Ixocherus, 224 
Ixocincla, 282 
Ixodia, 223 

Ixonotus, 260 

jabouillei, Coracina, 193 
jacksoni, Dryoscopus, 334 
jacksoni, Mirafra, 21 
jacksoni, Telophorus, 334 
jambu, Pycnonotus, 246 
jamesi, Tchagra, 325 
jamesi, Telephonus, 325 
janeti, Ammomanes, 34 
japonica, Alauda, 69 
japonica, Bombycilla, 370 
japonica, Bombycivora, 370 
japonica, Cecropis, 115 
japonica, Hirundo, 115 
japonicus, Anthus, 161 
japonicus, Pericrocotus, 208 
javanica, Hirundo, 109 
javanica, Mirafra, 4, 5, 6 
javensis, Ceblephyris, 171 
javensis, Coracina, 171 
jaxartensis, Caudolanius, 351 
jaxartensis, Lanius, 351 
jebelmarrae, Anthus, 154 
jebelmarrae, Lanius, 358 
jefferyi, Chlamydochaera, 196 
jerdoni, Anthus, 155 
jerdoni, Chloropsis, 305 
jerdoni, Phyllornis, 305 
jocosus, Campylorhynchus, 380 
jocosus, Lanius, 233 
jocosus, Pycnonotus, 231, 233 
johnsoni, Pycnonotus, 229 
johnsoni, Rubigula, 229 
johnstoniae, Pericrocotus, 217 
jordansi, Galerida, 57 
josensis, Anthus, 153 
jourdaini, Lanius, 345 
jugans, Tephrodornis, 219 
juniperi, Troglodytes, 420 
jurassicus, Cinclus, 375 
juratensis, Cinclus, 375 
juruanus, Thryothorus, 402 
juxtus, Lanius, 345 

kabalii, Mirafra, 11 
kabylorum, Troglodytes, 420 
kagerensis, Ardropadus, 266 
kagoshimae, Alauda, 69 
kakamegae, Pycnonotus, 251 
kakamegae, Xenocichla, 251 
kalahari, Orthotchagra, 323 

INDEX 481 

kalahari, Tchagra, 323 
kalahariae, Certhilauda, 27 
kalaharica, Corytpha, 16 
kalaharica, Mirafra, 15, 16 
kalaotuae, Coracina, 185 
kalaotuae, Edolisoma, 185 
Kalochelidon, 84 
kamtschatiea, Hirundo, 107 
kangrae, Motacilla, 140 
kannegieteri, Artamides, 176 
kannegieteri, Coracina, 176 
kanrasani, Microscelis, 293 
kaokoensis, Certhilauda, 24 
kargasiensis, Cinclus, 377 
karruensis, Calendulauda, 27 
karu, Lalage, 201 

karu, Lanius, 201 

Karua, 196 

kashmirica, Melanocorypha, 43 
kastschenkoi, Anthus, 152 
katangae, Anthus, 145 
katangensis, Nicator, 274 
kathangorensis, Mirafra, 9 
katherinae, Ammomanes, 35 
kathiawarensis, Lanius, 350 
kavirondensis, Charitillas, 253 
kavirondensis, Pyenonotus, 253 
kawirondensis, Mirafra, 14 
Kelaartia, 224 

keniensis, Phyllastrephus, 270 
keniensis, Prionops, 314 
keniensis, Sigmodus, 314 
keppeli. Lalage, 203 
keyensis, Lalage, 199 
khama, Eremopterix, 31 
khama, Eremopteryx, 31 
khamensis, Eremophila, 75 
khamensis, Otocorys, 75 
khasica, Hirundo, 117 
khmerensis, Criniger, 278 
kiborti, Alauda, 67, 68 
kiborti, Cinclus, 378 
kidepoensis, Mirafra, 9 
kikuyuensis, Pycnonotus, 257 
kikuyuensis, Xenocichla, 257 
kilimandjaricus, Phyllastrephus, 254 
kinneari, Ammomanes, 33 
kinneari, Chloropsis, 304 
kinneari, Eremalauda, 33, 38 
kinneari, Troglodytes, 419 
kirki, Prionops, 314 

kirki, Sigmodus, 314 
kiskensis, Nannus, 416 
kiskensis, Troglodytes, 416 
kismayensis, Dryoscopus, 327 

482 INDEX 

kismayensis, Laniarius, 327 
kismayensis, Telophonus, 325 
kitungensis, Andropadus, 254 
kiwuensis, Pomatorhynchus, 324 
kleinschmidti, Anthus, 160, 161 
kleinschmidti, Galerita, 56 
klossi, Molpastes, 238 

klossi, Pyenonotus, 238 
Knestrometopon, 310 
kobayashii, Pycnonotus, 234 
kobylini, Enneoctonus, 346 
kobylini, Lanius, 345, 346 
kochii, Coracina, 177 

kochii, Graucalus, 177 

koenigi, Lanius, 357 

koenigi, Troglodytes, 420 
k6ésteri, Psalidoprocne, 128 
kollmanspergeri, Ammomanes, 35 
kolymensis, Riparia, 98 
koratensis, Volvocivora, 194 
kordofanicus, Rhodophoneus, 326 
korrejewi, Cinclus, 377 
kretschmeri, Phyllostrophus, 263 
Krimnochelidon, 101 
krishnakumarsinhji, Calandrella, 48 
kuehni, Coracina, 172 
kukunoorensis, Alaudula, 50 
kukunoorensis, Calandrella, 50 
kulambangrae, Coracina, 173 
kumboensis, Cecropis, 117 
kumboensis, Hirundo, 117 
kungwensis, Arizelocichla, 257 
kungwensis, Dryoscopus, 319 
kungwensis, Phyllastrephus, 267 
kungwensis, Pyenonotus, 257 
kupeensis, Chlorophoneus, 337 
kupeensis, Telophorus, 337 
kurilensis, Troglodytes, 417 
kurrae, Mirafra, 10 

lacteidorsalis, Pyrrhulauda, 29 
lacuum, Anthus, 145 
lacuum, Phyllastrephus, 259 
laemocyclus, Nicator, 274 
laetissima, Chlorocichla, 262 
laetissimus, Andropadus, 262 
laetus, Pericrocotus, 213 
laetus, Thryothorus, 406 
lafresnayei, Aegithina, 302 
lafresnayei, Iora, 302 
lagdeni, Laniarius, 339 
lagdeni, Malaconotus, 339 
Lagenoplastes, 118 

lagepa, Alauda, 27 
lagopoda, Delichon, 124 

lagopoda, Hirundo, 124 
lahtora, Collurio, 359 
lahtora, Lanius, 358, 359 
lahulensis, Lanius, 351 
laingi, Cistothorus, 395 
laingi, Telmatodytes, 395 
Lalage, 196 

lama, Lanius, 351 
Lamprochelidon, 84 
lamprochroma, Eremophila, 77 
lamprochroma, Otocoris, 77 
landanae, Ixonotus, 260, 337 
Laniarius, 326, 333 
Laniellus, 341 

Laniidae, 309 

Laniinae, 341 

Lanioides, 342 
Lanioturdus, 314 

Lanius, 342 

lansbergei, Pericrocotus, 211 
laotianus, Spizixus, 222 
larutensis, Artamides, 170 
larutensis, Coracina, 170 
larvata, Ceblepyris, 175 
larvata, Coracina, 175 
larvivorus, Coracina, 171 
larvivorus, Graucalus, 171 
lateralis, Thryophilus, 409 
lateralis, Thryothorus, 409 
latifasciatus, Troglodytes, 387 
latirostris, Andropadus, 255 
latirostris, Pyenonotus, 255 
latistriatus, Anthus, 145 
latouchei, Pycnonotus, 238 
latouchei, Tephrodornis, 220 
lawrencii, Cyphorhinus, 438 
lawrencii, Thryothorus, 404 
layardi, Coracina, 170 
layardi, Graucalus, 170 
layardi, Pycnonotus, 242 
lazulina, Chloropsis, 307 
lazulina, Phyllornis, 307 
leautungensis, Galerida, 61 
lecontei, Toxostoma, 453 
Lecythoplastes, 118 

leggei, Anthus, 156 

leggei, Hemipus, 218 
lekhakuni, Hypsipetes, 284 
lekhakuni, Microscelis, 284 
leoninus, Andropadus, 253 
leoninus, Pyecnonotus, 253 
lepida, Phainopepla, 372 
lepida, Tachycineta, 83 
Leptoptera, 367 
Leptopterus, 367 

INDEX 483 

lettiensis, Coracina, 171 
lettiensis, Graucalus, 171 
leucansiptila, Eremophila, 78 
leucansiptila, Otocoris, 78 
leucocephala, Artamia, 367 
leucocephala, Budytes, 132 
leucocephala, Motacilla, 132 
leucocephalus, Cinclus, 379 
leucocephalus, Hypsipetes, 298 
leucocephalus, Turdus, 298 
leucocraspedon, Anthus, 153 
leucogaster, Cinclus, 376 
leucogastra, Troglodytes, 430 
leucogastra, Uropsila, 430 
leucogenys, Brachypus, 235 
leucogenys, Pycnonotus, 234, 235 
leucogrammicus, Ixos, 227 
leucogrammicus, Pycnonotus, 227 
leucolaema, Eremophila, 76 
leucolaema, Xenocichla, 269 
Leucolepis, 437 

leucomela, Campephaga, 200 
leucomela, Lalage, 199, 200 
leuconotus, Cinclus, 379 
leucopareia, Coraphites, 32 
leucopareia, Eremopterix, 32 
leucophaea, Calandrella, 50 
leucophaeus, Mimus, 443 
leucophrys, Anthus, 150 
leucophrys, Henicorhina, 432, 434 
leucophrys, Thryomanes, 398 
leucophrys, Thryothorus, 398 
leucophrys, Troglodytes, 434 
leucopleura, Thescelocichla, 263 
leucopleurus, Phyllastrephus, 263 
leucopleurus, Phyllostrophus, 263 
leucopogon, Thryophilus, 408 
leucopogon, Thryothorus, 408 
leucops, Oreoctistes, 246 
leucops, Pycnonotus, 246 
leucopsis, Motacilla, 139 
leucoptera, Alauda, 43 
leucoptera, Campephaga, 199 
leucoptera, Lalage, 199 
leucoptera, Melanocorypha, 43 
leucoptera, Sylvia, 300 
leucopterus, Lanius, 357, 359 
leucopterus, Mimus, 442 
leucopterus, Orpheus, 442 
leucopyga, Hirundo, 82, 83 
leucopyga, Lalage, 204 
leucopyga, Tachycineta, 83 
leucopygia, Coracina, 179 
leucopygia, Hirundo, 82 
leucopygialis, Lalage, 198 

leucopygius, Graucalus, 179 
leucopygos, Lanius, 358 
leucopygus, Symmorphus, 204 
leucorhynchus, Laniarius, 333 
leucorhynchus, Telephonus, 333 
leucorrhoa, Hirundo, 83 
leucorrhoa, Tachycineta, 83 
leucosoma, Hirundo, 112 
leucosternum, Cheramoeca, 94 
leucosternus, Hirundo, 94 
leucosticta, Cyphorhinus, 432 
leucosticta, Henicorhina, 431, 432 
leucothorax, Hypsipetes, 298 
leucothorax, Microscelis, 298 
leucotis, Eremopterix, 29 
leucotis, Ixos, 234 

leucotis, Loxia, 29 

leucotis, Pycnonotus, 234 
leucotis, Thryothorus, 412, 413, 414 
leucurus, Baeopogon, 259 
leucurus, Tricophorus, 259 
leytensis, Pericrocotus, 217 
lhamarum, Alauda, 69 
liberiae, Pseudhirundo, 95 
liberianus, Telophorus, 336 
liberiensis, Andropadus, 256 
lichenya, Anthus, 145 
lifuensis, Coracina, 174 
lifuensis, Graucalus, 174 
ligea, Troglodytes, 428 

Lillia, 113 

limes, Pycnonotus, 241 
limpopoensis, Laniarius, 329 
lineata, Ceblepyris, 179 
lineata, Coracina, 178, 179 
lineiventris, Anthus, 167 
lingulacus, Lanius, 350 
Lisomada, 169 

litoralis, Hirundo, 98, 99 
litoralis, Phyllastrephus, 267 
littoralis, Anthus, 160, 162 
littoralis, Cotyle, 99 

littoralis, Harpalestes, 324 
littoralis, Pycnonotus, 242 
littoralis, Tchagra, 324 
lividus, Turdus, 444 

lobata, Campephaga, 206 
lobatus, Ceblepyris, 206 
Lobotos, 204, 206 

lonnbergi, Alauda, 69 
lonnbergi, Criniger, 284 
lonnbergi, Phyllastrephus, 265 
lonnbergi, Troglodytes, 418 
Loidorusa, 224 

lomitensis, Thryothorus, 410 


longicauda, Coracina, 182 
longicauda, Graucalus, 182 
longicauda, Harporhynchus, 450 
longicauda, Motacilla, 141 
longicauda, Toxostoma, 450 
longicaudatus, Lanius, 350 
longicaudatus, Mimus, 445 
longicilla, Troglodytes, 418 
longipennis, Alauda, 45 
longipennis, Calandrella, 45 
longipes, Thryothorus, 400 
longirostre, Toxostoma, 450 
longirostris, Anthus, 154 
longirostris, Criniger, 288 
longirostris, Eremophila, 73 
longirostris, Hypsipetes, 288 
longirostris, Melanotis, 441, 442 
longirostris, Orpheus, 450 
longirostris, Otocoris, 73 
longirostris, Thryothorus, 415 
longonotensis, Mirafra, 17 
longus, Andropadus, 255 
loquax, Hypsipetes, 291 
loquax, Ixos, 291 

lorenzi, Phyllastrephus, 268 
loudoni, Hirundo, 105 
loudoni, Lanius, 345 
louisiadensis, Coracina, 180 
louisiadensis, Graucalus, 180 
lucasi, Criniger, 289 

lueasi, Hypsipetes, 289 
lucida, Hirundo, 107 

lucidus, Cistothorus, 391 
lucionensis, Lanius, 345 
ludoviciana, Sylvia, 409 
ludovicianus, Lanius, 353, 354 
ludovicianus, Thryothorus, 409 
luebberti, Lanius, 352 
liihderi, Laniarius, 327 
lugens, Motacilla, 139 
lugubris, Anthus, 148, 458 
lugubris, Ceblepyris, 193 
lugubris, Corydalla, 458 
lugubris, Motacilla, 137 
Lullula, 65 

lunatipectus, Microcerculus, 436 
lunifrons, Hirundo, 120 
lushaiensis, Coracina, 170 
lusitana, Ammomanes, 35 
lutea, Motacilla, 132 
luteolus, Haematornis, 247 
luteolus, Pyenonotus, 247 
lutescens, Anthus, 164 
luteus, Parus, 132 

lwenarum, Anthus, 146 


lwenarum, Mirafra, 15 
lynesi, Anthus, 145 
lynesi, Galerida, 61 
lynesi, Hirundo, 111 
lynesi, Mirafra, 20 

mababiensis, Corypha, 15 
mababiensis, Mirafra, 15 
macdonaldi, Mirafra, 17 
macdonaldi, Nesomimus, 447 
macei, Coracina, 169 
macei, Graucalus, 169 
mackinnoni, Lanius, 352 
Macronyx, 142 
macronyx, Budytes, 133 
macronyx, Motacilla, 133 
macrorhyncha, Cinclocerthia, 455 
macrorhyncha, Galerida, 57 
macrourus, Troglodytes, 428 
macrurus, Thryothorus, 401 
maculata, Galerida, 59 
maculata, Motacilla, 158 
maculatum, Toxostoma, 452 
maculatus, Anthus, 158 
maculatus, Harporhynchus, 452 
maculipectus, Thriothorus, 405 
maculipectus, Thryothorus, 404, 405 
maculosa, Colluricinela, 203 
maculosa, Lalage, 201, 203 
maculosus, Graucalus, 193 
madagascariensis, Calicalicus, 365 
madagascariensis, Hypsipetes, 295, 
madagascariensis, Lanius, 365 
madagascariensis, Muscicapa, 271 
madagascariensis, Phedina, 101 
madagascariensis, Phyllastrephus, 
madagascariensis, Turdus, 296 
madagascarina, Loxia, 368 
madagascarinus, Leptopterus, 368 
madaraspatensis, Motacilla, 137, 140 
madaraszi, Eremopterix, 30 
madaraszi, Galerida, 56 
madaraszi, Pyrrhulauda, 30 
madeirensis, Anthus, 153 
maforensis, Campephaga, 178 
maforensis, Coracina, 178 
magdae, Galerida, 56 
magdalenae, Thryothorus, 404 
magdalenensis, Thryomanes, 398 
magna, Galerida, 60 
magnirostris, Alauda, 64 
magnirostris, Coracina, 173 
magnirostris, Galerida, 64 

INDEX 485 

magnirostris, Graucalus, 173 
magnirostris, Hypsipetes, 294 
magnirostris, Mimus, 444 
magrathi, Anorthura, 419 
magrathi, Molpastes, 235 
magrathi, Troglodytes, 419 
major, Brachypodius, 228 
major, Ceblepyris, 184 
major, Laniarius, 328, 329 
major, Lanius, 347, 356 
major, Otomela, 347 

major, Telephonus, 328 
makarikari, Anacorys, 18 
makarikari, Mirafra, 18 
makawa, Chlorophoneus, 335 
makawa, Telophorus, 335 
makirae, Coracina, 179 
malabarica, Alauda, 63 
malabarica, Galerida, 63 
malabaricus, Parus, 208 
malabaricus, Pericrocotus, 208, 209 
malabaricus, Phyllornis, 305 
malabaricus, Turdus, 306 
malaccensis, Hypsipetes, 291 
Malaconotinae, 314 
Malaconotus, 338 

malaitae, Coracina, 178 
malayana, Chloropsis, 307 
malayensis, Anthus, 147 
malayensis, Irena, 308 
Malayornis, 225 

malbranti, Mirafra, 11 
Malindangia, 169 

mallopega, Hypurolepis, 108 
malzacii, Dryoscopus, 317 
mailzacii, Malaconotus, 317, 318 
manastarae, Henicorhina, 434 
mandana, Tchagra, 326 
mandanus, Telephonus, 326 
mandarinus, Pericrocotus, 212 
mandschurica, Hirundo, 106 
mangbettorum, Psalidoprocne, 128 
manningi, Malaconotus, 336 
manningi, Telophorus, 336 
maraisi, Telophorus, 335 
maranonicus, Mimus, 446 
marchei, Stelgidillas, 261 
marchesae, Pericrocotus, 217 
marescoti, Edolisoma, 168 
margaritae, Alaemon, 54 
margaritae, Chersophilus, 54 
Margarops, 457 

marginata, Campephaga, 189 
marginata, Coracina, 189 
marginata, Heterocnemis, 436 


marginata, Mirafra, 4, 9 
marginatus, Microcerculus, 435, 436 
mariae, Pericrocotus, 213 
marianae, Cistothorus, 394 
marila, Hydrobata, 378 
marinensis, Thryomanes, 397 
marionae, Mirafra, 20 
marngli, Cheramoeca, 94 
maroantsetrae, Oxylabes, 272 
marsabit, Phyllastrephus, 270 
martensi, Prionops, 311 
martini, Campephaga, 206 
martini, Campophaga, 206 
martini, Pyenonotus, 238 
martinicensis, Thryothorus, 424 
martinicensis, Troglodytes, 424 
Martula, 96 

marungensis, Anthus, 151 
marwitzi, Andropadus, 252 
marwitzi, Hirundo, 112 
marwitzi, Lanius, 361, 362 
marwitzi, Pyenonotus, 252 
massaica, Mirafra, 21 
massaica, Psalidoprocne, 127 
massaicus, Megalophonus, 21 
massaicus, Nilaus, 315 
masukuensis, Andropadus, 251 
masukuensis, Pyenonotus, 251 
matchiae, Hypsipetes, 293, 294 
matchie, Microscelis, 294 
matthiae, Coracina, 188 
matthiae, Edolisoma, 188 
mauritanica, Cotile, 96 
mauritanica, Riparia, 96 
mauritii, Lanius, 361 
maxima, Ceblepyris, 168 
maxima, Cecropis, 113 
maxima, Hirundo, 113 
maxima, Melanocorypha, 42 
maxima, Pteropodocys, 167, 168 
maximiliani, Clivicola, 98 
mayi, Karua, 199 

mayri, Cecropis, 117 

mayri, Hirundo, 117 
mcChesneyi, Aethocorys, 54 
mechesneyi, Calandrella, 54 
meclellandii, Hypsipetes, 290 
megregori, Coracina, 192 
megregori, Malindangia, 192 
mearnsi, Harporhynchus, 450 
mearnsi, Lanius, 355 

mearnsi, Toxostoma, 450 
media, Chloropsis, 306 

media, Phyllornis, 306 
medius, Alophoixus, 281 

486 INDEX 

medius, Anthus, 148 
meeki, Coracina, 191 
meeki, Edoliisoma, 191 
meekiana, Coracina, 180 
megacyanea, Glauconympha, 308 
megaensis, Calandrella, 51 
megaensis, Hirundo, 112 
megaensis, Pseudalaemon, 55 
megalopterus, Campylorhynchus, 
Meganthus, 144 
meinertzhageni, Anthus, 162 
meinertzhageni, Certhilauda, 28 
meinertzhageni, Melanocorypha, 42 
meinertzhageni, Telephonus, 321 
meinertzhageni, Troglodytes, 421 
mekongensis, Tephrodornis, 220 
melaena, Coracina, 191 
melamprosopus, Telophorus, 336 
melanauchen, Coraphites, 31 
melanauchen, Eremopterix, 31 
melanchimus, Pycnonotus, 237 
melanictera, Muscicapa, 228 
melanicterus, Pycnonotus, 228 
melanocephala, Alauda, 29 
melanocephala, Coracina, 175 
melanocephala, Eremopterix, 29 
melanocephalos, Lanius, 228 
melanocephalus, Graucalus, 175 
melanocephalus, Lanius, 348 
melanochlamys, Irena, 308 
Melanocorypha, 40 
Melanocoryphoides, 41 
melanocrissa, Cecropis, 117 
melanogaster, Corvus, 182 
melanogaster, Hirundo, 121 
melanogaster, Petrochelidon, 121 
melanogaster, Thryothorus, 400 
melanogrisea, Motacilla, 135 
melanogriseus, Budytes, 135 
melanoleuca, Atticora, 90 
melanoleuca, Corvinella, 342 
melanoleuca, Hirundo, 90 
melanoleuca, Lalage, 197 
melanoleuca, Pseudolalage, 197 
melanoleucos, Microtarsus, 227 
melanoleucos, Pyenonotus, 227 
melanoleucus, Dryoscopus, 320 
melanoleucus, Hapalophus, 320 
melanoleucus, Lanius, 342 
melanolora, Campephaga, 179 
melanolora, Coracina, 179 
melanope, Motacilla, 136 
melanops, Coracina, 172 
melanops, Corvus, 172 

melanoptera, Campephaga, 194 
melanoptera, Ceblepyris, 194, 195 
melanoptera, Coracina, 193, 195 
melanoptera, Prionops, 311 
melanoptera, Volvocivora, 193 
melanopterus, Lanius, 356 
melanopterus, Mimus, 444 
Melanoptila, 441 

melanopygia, Lalage, 201 
Melanorhectes, 309 
melanothorax, Telophorus, 336 
Melanotis, 441, 442 

melanotis, Campephaga, 187 
melanotis, Graucalus, 172, 187 
melanotis, Nesomimus, 448 
melanotis, Orpheus, 448 
melanotis, Turdus, 441 
melanoxantha, Phainoptila, 373 
melanura, Volvocivora, 193 
melas, Lanius, 191 
melaschistos, Coracina, 193 
melaschistos, Volvocivora, 193 
melbina, Atticora, 95 
melbina, Pseudhirundo, 95 
meligera, Anorthura, 417 
meligerus, Troglodytes, 417 
melindae, Anthus, 152 
melinoides, Malaconotus, 338 
meliphonus, Catherpes, 389 
melliana, Chloropsis, 307 
mellianus, Graucalus, 170 
melvillensis, Coracina, 186 
melvillensis, Mirafra, 7 
mentalis, Graucalus, 182 
mentalis, Prionops, 312 
mentalis, Sigmodus, 312 
mentor, Andropadus, 255 
menzbieri, Anthus, 159 
meridae, Anthus, 166 
meridae, Cistothorus, 393 
meridana, Henicorhina, 434 
meridensis, Notiochelidon, 89 
meridensis, Orochelidon, 89 
meridionalis, Certhilauda, 39 
meridionalis, Cinelus, 375, 376 
meridionalis, Delichon, 124 
meridionalis, Galerida, 56 
meridionalis, Hirundo, 124 
meridionalis, Lanius, 357 
meridionalis, Pyenonotus, 233 
Meropixus, 224 

Meropizus, 224 

merrilli, Eremophila, 77 
merrilli, Otocoris, 77 

mertoni, Graucalus, 181 

meruensis, Chlorocichla, 262 
meruensis, Mirafra, 4 

mesata, Hypurolepis, 109 
mesoleucus, Thryothorus, 424 
mesoleucus, Troglodytes, 424 
Mesolophus, 225 
mesopotamia, Pycnonotus, 234 
mesopotamiae, Pycnonotus, 234 
messeris, Artamides, 176 
Metagraucalus, 169 

mexicana, Henicorhina, 432 
mexicanus, Cinclus, 378 
mexicanus, Lanius, 354 
mexicanus, Salpinctes, 388, 389 
mexicanus, Thryomanes, 398 
mexicanus, Thryothorus, 389 
mexicanus, Troglodytes, 398 
meyeni, Petrochelidon, 83 
meyerii, Coracina, 187 
meyerii, Edoliosoma, 187 
miamensis, Lanius, 354 
miamensis, Thryothorus, 409 
Microcerculus, 435 
Microchelidon, 91 
micromelaena, Aegithina, 301 
microptera, Hirundo, 110 
microptera, Mirafra, 19 
Micropus, 223 

microrhyncha, Lalage, 200 
microrhynchos, Anthus, 157 
microrhynchus, Anthus, 157 
Microscelis, 282 

microstictus, Pheugopedius, 404 
microstictus, Thryothorus, 404 
Microtarsus, 223 

micrus, Pyenonotus, 242 
migrans, Lanius, 354 
milanjensis, Pycnonotus, 258 
milanjensis, Xenocichla, 258 
milligani, Mirafra, 6 

Mimidae, 440 

Mimodes, 448 

Mimus, 442 

mindanensis, Chloropsis, 303 
mindanensis, Coracina, 190 
mindanensis, Mirafra, 5 
mindanensis, Volvocivora, 190 
mindorensis, Artamides, 177 
mindorensis, Coracina, 177 
mindorensis, Hypsipetes, 287 
mindorensis, Iole, 287 
miniata, Muscicapa, 215 
miniatus, Pericrocotus, 215 
minima, Petrochelidon, 121 
minimus, Cistothorus, 392 



minimus, Neochelidon, 91 
minlosi, Thryophilus, 411 
minlosi, Thryothorus, 411 
minor, Calandrella, 49 
minor, Calandritis, 49 
minor, Campophaga, 195 
minor, Campylorhynchus, 382 
minor, Cinclus, 376 

minor, Cotyle, 96 

minor, Eurillas, 253 

minor, Heleodytes, 382 
minor, Lalage, 197 

minor, Lanius, 352 

minor, Nilaus, 315 

minor, Odontorchilus, 387 
minor, Odontorhynchus, 387 
minor, Otocompsa, 230 
minor, Phainoptila, 373 
minor, Pseudolalage, 197 
minor, Pyenonotus, 230, 241 
minor, Riparia, 96 

minor, Tchagra, 324 

minor, Telephonus, 324 
minus, Edoliisoma, 192 
minuta, Calandrella, 50 
minuta, Tchagra, 320 
minutus, Telephonus, 320 
minutus, Trichophorus, 285, 286 
minythomelas, Pericrocotus, 215 
Mirafra, 3 

mirei, Ammomanes, 35 
mitifica, Lalage, 198 

mixta, Lalage, 202 

modesta, Galerida, 63, 64 
modesta, Galerita, 55 
modesta, Lalage, 201 
modesta, Progne, 86, 87 
modesta, Pyrrhulauda, 31 
modestus, Andropadus, 269 
modestus, Brachypus, 250 
modestus, Telophorus, 334 
modestus, Thryothorus, 412 
modiglianii, Pericrocotus, 215 
modulator, Cyphorhinus, 440 
modulator, Mimus, 446 
modulator, Orpheus, 446 
modulator, Thryothorus, 440 
meeritica, Galerida, 60 
moesta, Lalage, 199 

mollis, Lanius, 356 
Molpastes, 224 
moltschanowi, Galerida, 56 
moluccensis, Chloropsis, 305 
moluccensis, Phyllornis, 305 
molybdophanes, Ptiliogenys, 372 



molybdophanes, Ptilogonys, 372 
mombasae, Chlorocichla, 262 
monacha, Campephaga, 188 
monacha, Coracina, 188 
monacus, Parisoma, 229 
mongolica, Alauda, 43 
mongolica, Melanocorypha, 43 
mongolica, Pallasia, 41 
monodi, Ammomanes, 34 
montana, Coracina, 192 
montana, Otocorys, 73 
montanus, Andropadus, 251 
montanus, Cinclus, 376 
montanus, Oreoscoptes, 449 
montanus, Orpheus, 449 
montanus, Pericrocotus, 212 
montanus, Phyllastrephus, 265 
montanus, Pycnonotus, 251 
montanus, Turdus, 457 
montebelli, Anthus, 148 
monteiri, Cecropis, 115 
monteiri, Hirundo, 115 
monteiri, Laniarius, 340 
monteiri, Malaconotus, 340 
monticola, Hypsipetes, 287 
monticola, Iole, 287 
monticola, Ixos, 232 
monticola, Pycnonotus, 232 
monticola, Troglodytes, 428 
montis, Pyecnonotus, 230 
montis, Rubigula, 230 
montivaga, Calendula, 64 
montivaga, Galerida, 64 
montivagus, Haringtonia, 298 
montona, Campephaga, 192 
montpellieri, Pericrocotus, 212 
montrosieri, Lalage, 204 
moreatica, Phileremos, 45 
morio, Ceblepyris, 189 

morio, Coracina, 189 
mossambicus, Dryoscopus, 329 
mossambicus, Laniarius, 328, 329 
mossambiquensis, Mirafra, 18 
mosukei, Troglodytes, 417, 418 
moszkowskii, Edoliisoma, 190 
Motacilla, 130 

Motacillidae, 129 
mozambicus, Harpolestes, 323 
miihlei, Galerida, 56 

miilleri, Telephonus, 322 
miilleri, Troglodytes, 420 
miillerii, Coracina, 186 
miillerii, Edoliisoma, 186 
miinzneri, Campephaga, 206 
miinzneri, Chlorophoneus, 335 


miinzneri, Phyllastrephus, 270 
mufumbiri, Laniarius, 331 
muhingae, Anthus, 151 
multicolor, Aegithina, 300 
multicolor, Bleda, 273 
multicolor, Criniger, 273 
multicolor, Fringilla, 300 
multicolor, Laniarius, 336 
multicolor, Telophorus, 336 
multicolor, Xenocichla, 273 
muniensis, Andropadus, 253 
murina, Notiochelidon, 88, 89 
murina, Petrochelidon, 88, 89 
murinus, Laniarius, 332 
murinus, Thryomanes, 398 
murinus, Thryothorus, 398 
murphyi, Progne, 88 
Muscicapidae, 309, 341 
musculus, Troglodytes, 426 
musica, Hemiura, 431 
musica, Uropsila, 431 
musicus, Formicarius, 437 
musicus, Thryothorus, 424 
musicus, Troglodytes, 424 
mya, Ammomanes, 34 
Myiolestes, 309 

Myiosobus, 283 
myitkyinensis, Hypsipetes, 283 
myitkyinensis, Microscelis, 283 
mystacalis, Criniger, 289 
mystacalis, Hypsipetes, 289 
mystacalis, Thryothorus, 402 
mzimbaensis, Anthus, 156 

naevia, Alauda, 22 

naevia, Mirafra, 22 

naevia, Muscicapa, 204 
nagamichii, Hypsipetes, 295 
nairobiensis, Dryoscopus, 318 
namibensis, Chersomanes, 27 
namiyei, Chelidon, 109 
namiyei, Hirundo, 109 
nandensis, Dryoscopus, 319 
nannoides, Troglodytes, 427 
Nannorchilus, 430 

Nannus, 415 

nargianus, Lanius, 348 
nassovicus, Pericrocotus, 212 
nasutus, Lanius, 349 

nata, Mirafra, 15 

natalensis, Laniarius, 330 
natalensis, Pomatorhynchus, 323 
natalensis, Tchagra, 323 
Natalornis, 105 

natka, Lalage, 202 

INDEX 489 

nattereri, Anthus, 165 
natunensis, Chloropsis, 305 
naumanni, Pycnonotus, 242 
ndussumensis, Criniger, 276 
negatus, Pycnonotus, 230 
neglecta, Coracina, 194 
neglecta, Petrochelidon, 119 
neglecta, Pteropodocys, 168 
neglecta, Volvocivora, 187, 194 
neglectum, Edoliosoma, 187 
neglectus, Pericrocotus, 214 
neglectus, Salpinctes, 388 
neglectus, Troglodytes, 419 
nehrkorni, Coracina, 187 
nehrkorni, Edoliisoma, 187 
neilgherriensis, Hypsepetes, 297 
nelsoni, Campylorhynchus, 386 
nelsoni, Heleodytes, 386 
nelsoni, Lanius, 355 
Neochelidon, 91 

Neofiscus, 343 

Neolanius, 343 

Neolestes, 299, 341 
Neomirafra, 4 

Neophedina, 96 

neoxena, Hirundo, 110 
nesiarchus, Artamides, 176 
nesiotica, Aegithina, 302 
nesiotis, Campephaga, 188 
nesiotis, Coracina, 188 
Nesobates, 263 

Nesomimus, 447 

nesophila, Lalage, 202 
nesophilus, Thryomanes, 397 
neumanni, Anthus, 151 
neumanni, Arizelocichla, 258 
neumanni, Galerida, 56 
neumanni, Hirundo, 114 
neumanni, Prionops, 313 
neumanni, Pycnonotus, 258 
neumanni, Sigmodus, 313 
neumannianus, Anthus, 154 
nevadensis, Lanius, 353 
newtoni, Coracina, 184 
newtoni, Fiscus, 363 
newtoni, Lanius, 363 
newtoni, Oxynotus, 184 
newtoni, Riparia, 96 
ngamiensis, Africorys, 12 
ngamii, Pycnonotus, 241 
Nicator, 274, 341 

niceae, Thryomanes, 396 
nicefori, Thryothorus, 411 
nicholsoni, Anthus, 153 
nicobariensis, Hypsipetes, 295, 299 

nicolli, Calandrella, 49 
nieuwenhuisii, Poliolophus, 243 
nieuwenhuisii, Pycnonotus, 243 
niger, Centrites, 153 
niger, Turdus, 197 
nigeriae, Pycnonotus, 240 
nigerrimus, Hypsipetes, 298 
nigerrimus, Laniarius, 329 
nigra, Campephaga, 206 
nigra, Lalage, 197, 198 
nigra, Psalidoprocne, 126 
nigrescens, Alauda, 68 
nigrescens, Chlorophoneus, 335 
nigrescens, Hypsipetes, 297 
nigrescens, Mirafra, 7, 11 
nigricans, Alauda, 23 
nigricans, Galerida, 59, 60 
nigricans, Galerita, 60 
nigricans, Hirundo, 120 
nigricans, Mirafra, 23 
nigricans, Petrochelidon, 119, 120 
nigricans, Prionops, 313 
nigricans, Pycnonotus, 239 
nigricans, Riparia, 97 
nigricans, Sigmodus, 313 
nigricans, Turdus, 239 
nigricapillus, Lanius, 348 
nigricapillus, Thryothorus, 407 
nigricauda, Laniarius, 338 
nigricauda, Telophorus, 338 
nigricaudatus, Campylorhynchus, 
nigricaudatus, Heleodytes, 385 
nigriceps, Collurio, 350 
nigriceps, Eremopterix, 31 
nigriceps, Lanius, 350 
nigriceps, Pycnonotus, 257 
nigriceps, Pyrrhalauda, 31 
nigriceps, Xenocichla, 257 
nigricollis, Chloropsis, 305 
nigricollis, Philemon, 305 
nigrifrons, Coracina, 178 
nigrifrons, Eremophila, 74 
nigrifrons, Graucalus, 178 
nigrifrons, Laniarius, 335 
nigrifrons, Otocorys, 74 
nigrifrons, Telophorus, 335 
nigrimentalis, Delichon, 124 
nigrimentalis, Hirundo, 124 
nigrita, Galerida, 64 
nigrita, Heliocorys, 64 
nigrita, Hirundo, 111 
nigritemporalis, Nilaus, 315 
nigrithorax, Telophorus, 336 
nigriticola, Mirafra, 20 

490 INDEX 

nigrodorsalis, Donacobius, 456 
nigrolutea, Aegithina, 302 
nigrolutea, lora, 302 
nigropileus, Pyecnonotus, 235 
nigrorufa, Hirundo, 112 
Nilaiis, 314 

Nilaus, 314 

nilghiriensis, Anthus, 157 
niloticus, Enneoctonus, 364 
niloticus, Lanius, 363, 364 
nipalensis, Cecropis, 116 
nipalensis, Coracina, 170 
nipalensis, Delichon, 125 
nipalensis, Graucalus, 170 
nipalensis, Hirundo, 116 
nipalensis, Troglodytes, 419 
nisoria, Coracina, 189 
nisorium, Edolisoma, 189 
nisorius, Thryothorus, 408 
nitens, Atticora, 126 

nitens, Phainopepla, 372 
nitens, Psalidoproene, 126 
nitens, Ptilogonys, 372 
nitidus, Troglodytes, 423 
niveni, Tephrocorys, 47 
nivescens, Anthus, 154 
nivosa, Certhilauda, 58 
nobilis, Spizixos, 222 

noomei, Andropadus, 255 
noomei, Pyenonotus, 255 
normani, Coracina, 175 
normani, Graucalus, 175 
notata, Bleda, 273 

notatus, Trichophorus, 273 
notha, Tchagra, 321 

nothus, Pomatorhynchus, 321 
Notiochelidon, 88 

notius, Salpinctes, 387 
novae-guineae, Corvus, 187 
novaehollandiae, Coracina, 169, 172 
novae Hollandiae, Turdus, 172 
novae Seelandiae, Alauda, 149 
novaeseelandiae, Anthus, 145, 149 
novae zealandiae, Alauda, 165 
novus, Pericrocotus, 217 
nubica, Galerida, 59 

nubicus, Lanius, 364 

nuchalis, Campylorhynchus, 384 
numforana, Coracina, 187 
nyansae, Dryoscopus, 317 
nyasae, Laniarius, 332 
nyassae, Anthus, 154 

nyikae, Mirafra, 11 

oasis, Lanius, 358 
oaxacae, Eremophila, 80 

oaxacae, Otocoris, 80 
oaxacae, Thryothorus, 408 
obbiensis, Calandrella, 53 
obbiensis, Spizocorys, 53 
oberholseri, Progne, 86 
oberholseri, Thryothorus, 409 
oberholseri, Toxostoma, 453 
obiense, Edoliosoma, 186 
obiensis, Coracina, 186 
oblitus, Pheugopedius, 409 
oblitus, Pyenonotus, 249 
oblitus, Thryothorus, 409 
obseura, Coracina, 186 
obscura, Hirundo, 129 
obseura, Psalidoprocne, 129 
obscura, Pseudalaudula, 51 
obscurata, Certhilauda, 27 
obscurior, Lalage, 200 
obseurus, Hemipus, 218 
obsecurus, Microcerculus, 436 
obscurus, Thryothorus, 402 
obsoleta, Cotyle, 102 
obsoleta, Ptyonoprogne, 101, 102 
obsoleta, Troglodytes, 387 
obsoletus, Salpinctes, 387 
occidentale, Toxostoma, 452 
occidentalis, Chlorocichla, 262 
occidentalis, Dryoscopus, 318 
occidentalis, Eremophila, 79 
occidentalis, Megalophonus, 11 
occidentalis, Methriopterus, 452 
occidentalis, Microcerculus, 435 
occidentalis, Mirafra, 11 
occidentalis, Nilaus, 316 
occidentalis, Otocoris, 79 
occidentalis, Schetba, 365 
occidentalis, Troglodytes, 421 
ocellatum, Toxostoma, 451 
ocellatus, Harporhynchus, 451 
ochracea, Prionops, 311 
ochraceus, Criniger, 278, 279 
ochraceus, Troglodytes, 427 
ochrocephalus, Turdus, 226 
ocularis, Motacilla, 138, 139 
Odontorchilus, 386 
Odontorhynchus, 386 

ogawae, Hypsipetes, 294 
ogawae, Troglodytes, 418 
ogowensis, Bleda, 273 
okahandjae, Mirafra, 12 
okavangensis, Dryoscopus, 318 
okuensis, Coracina, 183 
olallae, Odontorchilus, 415 
oleaginea, Psalidoprocne, 127 
oleaginus, Andropadus, 255 
oleaginus, Pyenonotus, 255 

INDEX 491 

olgae, Melanocorypha, 41 
olivacea, Iole, 285 
olivaceiceps, Criniger, 258 
olivaceiceps, Pycnonotus, 258 
olivaceogriseus, Phyllastrephus, 267 
olivaceus, Criniger, 276 
olivaceus, Hypsipetes, 285, 296 
olivaceus, Lanius, 335 
olivaceus, Malaconotus, 338, 339 
olivaceus, Telophorus, 335 
olivaceus, Tricophorus, 276 
olivascens, Cinnicerthia, 390 
olivascens, Cinnycerthia, 390 
olympicus, Cinclus, 376 
omaruru, Anacorys, 17 
ombriosa, Coracina, 178 
ombriosus, Graucalus, 178 
omdurmanensis, Alaemon, 39 
omoensis, Anthus, 150 
omoensis, Mirafra, 14 
omoensis, Prionops, 311 
ongumaensis, Calandrella, 47 
oreinus, Oreocorys, 162 
Oreocorys, 144 

Oreoctistes, 225 

oreodrama, Otocoris, 73 
oreopolus, Troglodytes, 423 
Oreoscoptes, 449 

orientalis, Ammomanes, 37 
orientalis, Calandrella, 45 
orientalis, Cinclus, 375 
orientalis, Hirundo, 123 
orientalis, Hypocolius, 373 
orientalis, Phyllastrephus, 264 
orientalis, Pomatorhynchus, 323 
orientalis, Psalidoproene, 128 
orientalis, Tchagra, 323 
orientalis, Turdus, 196 
orientalis, Xenocichla, 264 
orientis, Tephrodornis, 221 
orli, Pyenonotus, 234 

orii, Troglodytes, 418 

Oriolia, 368 

oriolina, Campephaga, 207 
oriolinus, Lobotus, 207 
oriomo, Coracina, 180 
Orochelidon, 88 

orostruthus, Phyllastrephus, 270 
oroyae, Petrochelidon, 119 
Orpheus, 282 

orpheus, Mimus, 443 

orpheus, Turdus, 443 
Orthotchagra, 320 

Oscarornis, 196 

Oscines, 3 

ostenta, Coracina, 193 

Otocompsa, 224 

Otocoris, 71 
Otocorydopsis, 71 
otofuscus, Ptilogonys, 371 
otoleuca, Fringilla, 29 
Otomela, 342 

ottomeyeri, Lalage, 201 
ovambensis, Anacorys, 18 
oviedo, Dulus, 374 
Oxynotus, 168 

Pachycephalinae, 341 
Pachycephalixus, 225 
pacifica, Hemiura, 430 
pacifica, Uropsila, 430 
pacificus, Anthus, 160 
pacificus, Troglodytes, 416 
pacificus, Turdus, 202 
palaestinae, Pycnonotus, 239 
palawanensis, Chloropsis, 303 
palawanensis, Criniger, 285 
palawanensis, Hypsipetes, 285 
palawanensis, Phyllornis, 303 
Pallasia, 41 

pallasii, Cinclus, 377, 378 
pallens, Ammomanes, 33 
pallens, Lanius, 358 

pallens, Xanthixus, 245 
pallescens, Anorthura, 417 
pallescens, Anthus, 146 
pallescens, Campylorhynchus, 385 
pallescens, Lalage, 200 
pallescens, Ptilogonys, 372 
pallescens, Troglodytes, 417 
palliata, Falculea, 367 
pallida, Alauda, 62, 63 
pallida, Ammomanes, 12, 32 
pallida, Coracina, 184 
pallida, Galerida, 55, 63 
pallida, Galerita, 55, 62, 63 
pallida, Lullula, 65 

pallida, Mirafra, 6, 12 
pallida, Molpastes, 236 
pallida, Otocoris, 73, 78 
pallida, Otocorys, 73 
pallida, Petrochelidon, 121 
pallida, Pteropodocys, 167 
pallida, Ptionoprogne, 103 
pallida, Ptyonoprogne, 103 
pallida, Saxicola, 39 

pallida, Stelgidocichla, 256 
pallida, Tchagra, 322 
pallidiceps, Bombycilla, 370 
pallidifrons, Lanius, 346 
pallidigula, Chlorocichla, 262 
pallidigula, Psalidoprocne, 126 

492 INDEX 

pallidigula, Xenocichla, 262 
pallidior, Bleda, 273 

pallidior, Calendula, 38 
pallidior, Mirafra, 12 
pallidirostris, Lanius, 358, 359 
pallidirostris, Malaconotus, 339 
palliditinctus, Anthus, 153 
pallidiventris, Anthus, 151 
pallidus, Anthus, 163 

pallidus, Campylorhynchus, 382 
pallidus, Criniger, 277, 278 
pallidus, Pericrocotus, 209 
pallidus, Phileremos, 78 
pallidus, Pycnonotus, 236, 242, 256 
pallidus, Telophonus, 322 
pallidus, Tephrodornis, 221 
pallidus, Thryothorus, 404 
palmeri, Harporhynchus, 452 
palmeri, Hirundo, 107 
palmeri, Toxostoma, 452 
paludicola, Cistothorus, 395 
paludicola, Hirundo, 97 
paludicola, Riparia, 96, 97 
palustris, Acrocephalus, 131 
palustris, Certhia, 394 
palustris, Cistothorus, 394 
pammicrus, Pyenonotus, 251 
panamensis, Heleodytes, 385 
panayensis, Artamides, 177 
panayensis, Coracina, 177, 185, 193 
panayensis, Edoliisoma, 177, 193 
panayensis, Graucalus, 193 
papua, Hylochelidon, 120 
papuensis, Coracina, 179, 180 
papuensis, Corvus, 180 
Paragraucalus, 169 

pardus, Campylorhynchus, 384 
parkmanii, Troglodytes, 422, 423 
paroticalis, Ixidia, 231 
paroticalis, Pycnonotus, 231 
parryi, Coracina, 181 

parsoni, Hirundo, 110 
parsonsi, Hirundo, 110 

parva, Calamocichla, 265 
parva, Mirafra, 6 

parvexi, Otocorys, 73 
parvirostris, Ammomanes, 37 
parvirostris, Chloropsis, 304 
parvirostris, Graucalus, 172 
parvirostris, Hypsipetes, 296 
parvula, Coracina, 182 
parvula, Riparia, 100 
parvulus, Graucalus, 182 
parvulus, Nesomimus, 448 
parvulus, Orpheus, 448 

parvus, Anthus, 164 
parvus, Notiocorys, 164 
parvus, Phyllostrophus, 265 
Passeriformes, 3 

passerina, Mirafra, 8, 9 
patae, Certhilauda, 26 
patagonica, Hirundo, 89 
patagonica, Notiochelidon, 89 
patagonicus, Mimus, 446 
patagonicus, Orpheus, 446 
patriciae, Motacilla, 136 
pattani, Pycnonotus, 232 
paucimaculatus, Thryothorus, 406 
paulus, Alcurus, 226 
paulus, Pycnonotus, 226 
pauper, Phyllastrephus, 265 
pavida, Cinclocerthia, 454 
payni, Ammomanes, 33 
peasei, Pycnonotus, 242 
pectoralis, Coracina, 183 
pectoralis, Graucalus, 183 
peguensis, Otocompsa, 232 
pekinensis, Alauda, 68 
Pelicinius, 326, 333 

pelingi, Coracina, 186 
pelingi, Edolisoma, 186 
pelopus, Anthus, 160 
pelvica, Ténthaca, 219 
pelvicus, Tephrodornis, 219 
pembertoni, Cotile, 97 
penicillata, Alauda, 72 
penicillata, Eremophila, 72 
penicillatus, Pycnonotus, 245 
peninsulae, Olbiorchilus, 418 
peninsularis, Troglodytes, 423 
peracensis, Hypsipetes, 291 
peracensis, Tole, 291 
percivali, Arizelocichla, 257 
percivali, Criniger, 257 
percivali, Psalidoproene, 128 
percivali, Pycnonotus, 257 
percivali, Tchagra, 321 
percivali, Telephonus, 321 
perenus, Thryomanes, 398 
perconfusus, Budytes, 131 
peregrina, Eremophila, 80 
peregrina, Otocorys, 80 
peregrinus, Parus, 209 
peregrinus, Pericrocotus, 209 
pererrata, Coracina, 185 
pererratum, Edolisoma, 185 
Pericrocotus, 207 

perissa, Otocoris, 74 
Perissolalage, 196 

perniger, Hypsipetes, 299 

perpallida, Coracina, 181 
perpallida, Hirundo, 103 
perpallida, Ptyonoprogne, 103 
perplexa, Iole, 285 
perplexus, Hypsipetes, 285 
perplexus, Pycnonotus, 250 
persica, Alaudula, 50 
persica, Calandrella, 50 
persica, Motacilla, 138 
persicus, Cinclus, 376 
personata, Calandrella, 53 
personata, Ceblepyris, 171 
personata, Coracina, 171 
personata, Motacilla, 138, 139 
personata, Otocompsa, 246 
personata, Spizocorys, 53 
personatus, Nesomimus, 448 
personatus, Pycnonotus, 246 
perspicillatus, Laniarius, 341 
perspicillatus, Malaconotus, 341 
peruana, Cinnycerthia, 390 
peruanus, Presbys, 390 
peruanus, Thryophilus, 414 
peruanus, Thryothorus, 414 
peruviana, Notiochelidon, 89 
peruviana, Pygochelidon, 89 
peruvianus, Anthus, 164 
pescadoresi, Alauda, 71 
pescadoresiana, Alauda, 71 
peterseni, Coracina, 192 
peterseni, Edolisoma, 192 
petersi, Coracina, 173 
petersi, Pheugopedius, 405 
petiti, Campephaga, 205 
petiti, Campophaga, 205 
petiti, Psalidoprocne, 127 
Petranthus, 144 

petricolus, Anthus, 153 
Petrochelidon, 118 
petrophilus, Nannus, 417 
petrosa, Alauda, 162 
petrosus, Anthus, 160, 162 
Phacelias, 225 
phaeocephalus, Criniger, 281 

phaeocephalus, Cyphorhinus, 438 

phzocephalus, Ixos, 281 
phaeocephalus, Micropus, 227 
phaeocephalus, Pyenonotus, 241 
pheocephalus, Trichixos, 281 
Phaeoprogne, 85 
Phaidrometopon, 310 
Phainopepla, 372 

Phainoptila, 372 

phanus, Pelicinius, 337 

phanus, Telophorus, 337 


INDEX 493 

phasianella, Pteropodocys, 167 
phasianellus, Graucalus, 168 
Phedina, 100 

philbyi, Calandrella, 46 
philipi, Aegithina, 301 
philippensis, Hypsipetes, 286 
philippensis, Poliolophus, 244 
philippensis, Pyenonotus, 244 
philippensis, Turdus, 286 
philippinensis, Galgulus, 286 
philippinensis, Mirafra, 5 
philippinus, Hypsipetes, 286 
philippinus, Turdus, 286 
phillipsi, Anthus, 165 
philomela, Cyphorhinus, 435 
philomela, Microcerculus, 435 
phoenicea, Ampelis, 205 
phoenicea, Campephaga, 205 
Phoenichelidon, 113 
phoenicura, Mirafra, 33 
phoenicuroides, Ammomanes, 37 
phoenicuroides, Lanius, 345, 346, 347 
phoenicuroides, Mirafra, 37 
phoenicuroides, Otomela, 346 
phoenicurus, Ammomanes, 33 
Phoneus, 342 

Phyllastrephus, 263 
Phyllostrophus, 263 
picaecolor, Hemipus, 217 
picata, Muscicapa, 218 
picatus, Hemipus, 218 
picatus, Laniarius, 329 

picru, Molpastes, 235 

pileata, Atticora, 90 

pileata, Notiochelidon, 88, 90 
pileatus, Hemipus, 218 
Pinarocichla, 224 
Pinarocorys, 3 

Pinarolestes, 309 

pintoi, Mirafra, 15 
pispoletta, Alaudula, 50 
pispoletta, Calandrella, 50 
pispoletta, Pseudalaudula, 44 
Pitohui, 309 

pittieri, Henicorhina, 431 
Pityriasinae, 364 

Pityriasis, 364 

placida, Xenocichla, 270 
placidus, Phyllastrephus, 270 
platenae, Criniger, 288 
platenae, Hypsipetes, 288 
platensis, Cistothorus, 391, 393 
platensis, Mimus, 445 
platensis, Sylvia, 393 
Platylophus, 309 

494 INDEX 

plebeja, Alauda, 21 pondicerianus, Tephrodornis, 220, 
plebeja, Megalophonus, 21 221 

plebeja, Mirafra, 21 pondoensis, Laniarius, 330 
plesius, Cistothorus, 395 ponens, Anthus, 162 
pleurostictus, Thryothorus, 408, 409 porphyreus, Pycnonotus, 248 
plexa, Motacilla, 133 poucheti, Hirundo, 95 

plexus, Budytes, 133 praetermissa, Alauda, 63 
plumata, Prionops, 310 praetermissa, Galerida, 63 
plumatus, Lanius, 310 pratensis, Alauda, 159 
plumbea, Ceblepyris, 186, 187 pratensis, Anthus, 159 
plumigerus, Ixos, 235 praticola, Eremophila, 76 
plumipes, Riparia, 99 praticola, Otocorys, 76 
plumosus, Pycnonotus, 248 predator, Lanius, 362 
peciloma, Hirundo, 122 presaharica, Hirundo, 102 
poecilosterna, Alauda, 20 presaharica, Ptyonoprogne, 102 
poecilosterna, Mirafra, 20 pretoriae, Ptyonoprogne, 104 
poensis, Dryoscopus, 332 preussi, Campephaga, 206 
poensis, Laniarius, 332 preussi, Coracina, 183 
poensis, Phyllastrephus, 266 preussi, Graucalus, 183 
poensis, Phyllostrophus, 266 preussi, Lecythoplastes, 119 
poensis, Psalidoprocne, 126 preussi, Petrochelidon, 119 
poensis, Stelgidillas, 256 preussi, Telophorus, 336 
poiocephalus, Brachypodius, 227 prevostii, Euryceros, 369 
polatzeki, Calandrella, 49 pridii, Chloropsis, 306 
polatzeki, Galerida, 61 prillwitzi, Pyenonotus, 249 
poliocephala, Prionops, 312 primrosei, Pycnonotus, 236 
poliocephala, Xenocichla, 266 princeps, Lanius, 359 
poliocephalus, Brachypus, 227 pringlii, Dryoscopus, 317 
poliocephalus, Lanius, 312 priocephalus, Brachypus, 227 
poliocephalus, Malaconotus, 339 priocephalus, Pycnonotus, 227 
poliocephalus, Phyllastrephus, 266 Prionopidae, 309 
poliochlamys, Malaconotus, 338 Prionopinae, 309 

poliolopha, Prionops, 312 Prionops, 310 

Poliolophus, 224 Pristoptera, 125 

Poliophilus, 224 pristoptera, Chelidon, 126 
poliopsa, Coracina, 191 pristoptera, Hirundo, 126 
poliopsa, Edoliisoma, 191 pristoptera, Psalidoprocne, 126, 127 
polioptera, Campophaga, 193 Progne, 85 

polioptera, Coracina, 193 propinqua, Galerida, 63 
polioptera, Volvocivora, 193 propinquus, Criniger, 284 
polioptilus, Catherpes, 388 propinquus, Cyphorhinus, 438 
polleni, Vanga, 367 propinquus, Hypsipetes, 284 
polleni, Xenopirostris, 367 propinquus, Leucolepis, 438 
pollens, Coracina, 173 Prosecusa, 224 

pollens, Graucalus, 173 Prosphorocichla, 263 
polyglottos, Mimus, 442, 443 prostheleuca, Henicorhina, 431 
polyglottos, Turdus, 442 prostheleucus, Scytalopus, 431 
polyglottus, Cistothorus, 393 provincialis, Otocompsa, 231 
polyglottus, Thryothorus, 393 proximus, Microtarsus, 227 
polygrammica, Campephaga, 200 prunus, Anthus, 150 
polygrammica, Lalage, 200 pryeri, Hypsipetes, 294 
Polyodon, 223 przewalskii, Cinclus, 377 
Pomatorhynchus, 320 przewalskii, Eremophila, 74 
pomeranus, Lanius, 363 przewalskii, Lanius, 357 

pondiceriana, Muscicapa, 220 przewalskii, Otocorys, 74 

INDEX 495 

Psalidoprocne, 125, 126 
psammochroa, Melanocorypha, 41 
psammochroa, Stelgidopteryx, 92 

pygmaea, Coracina, 192 
pygmaea, Motacilla, 132 
pygmaeum, Edolisoma, 192 

psaroides, Hypsipetes, 297 
psaroides, Hypsipetes, 297 
Pseudalaemon, 54 
Pseudalaudula, 44 
Pseudammomanes, 32 
Pseudhirundo, 95 
pseudobaetica, Calandrella, 49 
Pseudochelidon, 81 
Pseudochelidoninae, 81 
pseudocollurio, Lanius, 345 
Pseudolalage, 196 
Pseudorhectes, 309 
Psomophilus, 130 
Pterocorys, 41 

Pteropodocys, 167 

Ptiladela, 168 

Ptiliogonys, 371 

Ptilocorys, 55 
Ptilogonatinae, 371 
Ptilogonys, 371 
Ptyonoprogne, 101 

puella, Cecropis, 113 

puella, Coracias, 307 

puella, Hirondo, 113 

puella, Irena, 307 

puii, Calandrella, 45 
pulcherrimus, Pericrocotus, 214 
pullus, Nannus, 416 

pullus, Thryophilus, 412 
pullus, Troglodytes, 416 
pulpa, Mirafra, 4, 9 
pulverius, Talmatodytes, 395 
pumila, Lalage, 202 

puna, Troglodytes, 426 
punctulatus, Catherpes, 388 
punjaubi, Alauda, 69 

pura, Coracina, 183 
purpurascens, Campephaga, 205 
purpurea, Hirundo, 86 
purus, Campylorhynchus, 381 
purus, Graucalus, 183 
purus, Heleodytes, 381 
pusilla, Alauda, 68 

pusilla, Coracina, 178 
pusilla, Ptyonoprogne, 103 
pusilla, Riparia, 103 
pusillus, Graucalus, 178 
pusillus, Haematornis, 251 
pusillus, Hzmatornis, 236 
pusillus, Pycnonotus, 236, 251 
Pycnonotidae, 221, 341 
Pyenonotus, 223 


pygmaeus, Budytes, 132 
Pygochelidon, 88 
pyrenaicus, Cinclus, 375 
pytrhonota, Hirundo, 120 
pyrrhonota, Petrochelidon, 120 
pyrrhonotha, Brachonyx, 25 
pyrrhostictus, Lanius, 362 
pyrrhotis, Ixos, 231 
pyrrhotis, Pycnonotus, 231 
Pyrrhura, 263 

Pyrrhurus, 263 

quadricolor, Laniarius, 338 
quadricolor, Lanius, 334 
quadricolor, Telophorus, 338 
quartus, Lanius, 352 
queenslandica, Anthus, 149 
queenslandica, Mirafra, 7 
quelpartae, Alauda, 68 
quelpartis, Troglodytes, 417 
quiscalina, Campephaga, 206 

raaltenii, Anthus, 146 
rabai, Phyllastrephus, 268 
raddei, Lanius, 345 

raddei, Melanocorypha, 41 
raddei, Motacilla, 134 
Ramphocinelus, 455 
Ramphocoris, 40 

randoni, Galerida, 57 
ravus, Thryophilus, 409 
ravus, Thryothorus, 409 
rayi, Budytes, 130 

raytal, Alauda, 48 

raytal, Calandrella, 48 
razae, Calandrella, 52 
razae, Spizocorys, 52 
Razocorys, 44 

reditus, Thryophilus, 407 
reditus, Thryothorus, 407 
rediviva, Harpes, 453 
redivivum, Toxostoma, 453 
rehni, Troglodytes, 427 
reichenowi, Coracina, 190 
reichenowi, Edoliisoma, 190 
reichenowi, Galerida, 57 
reichenowi, Psalidoprocne, 128 
reichenowi, Pycnonotus, 239 
reichenowi, Riparia, 102 
reichenowi, Tchagra, 320 
reichenowi, Telephonus, 320 
reichenowi, Telophorus, 336 


reischeki, Anthus, 149 
remigialis, Tchagra, 321 
remigialis, Telephonus, 321 
remota, Coracina, 188 
remotum, Edoliisoma, 188 
remotum, Microscelis, 292 
remotus, Hypsipetes, 292 
remotus, Troglodytes, 428 
restrictus, Campylorhynchus, 385 
restrictus, Heleodytes, 385 
resurrectus, Pycnonotus, 237 
retrusa, Galerida, 60 

retzii, Prionops, 313 

retzili, Sigmodus, 310 

rex, Troglodytes, 426 
rex-pineti, Coracina, 170 
rex-pineti, Graucalus, 170 
Rhamphocorys, 40 

Rhectes, 309 

rhizophorae, Iridoprocne, 82 
rhizophorae, Tachycineta, 82 
rhodesiae, Phyllastrephus, 265 
rhodesiensis, Tschagroides, 325 
rhododendri, Anthus, 166 
Rhodophoneus, 320 

richardi, Anthus, 145, 146 
richardsoni, Cyphorhinus, 438 
ridgwayi, Stelgidopteryx, 93 
ridgwayi, Thryorchilus, 430 
ridgwayi, Thryothorus, 403 
ridgwayi, Troglodytes, 430 
riedelii, Lalage, 198 
riggenbachi, Galerida, 57 
rileyi, Coracina, 175 
Riparia, 95, 101 

riparia, Hirundo, 97, 99 
riparia, Riparia, 97 

ripponi, Pericrocotus, 213 
rivularis, Cinclus, 379 
robertsi, Certhilauda, 29 
robinsoni, Criniger, 277 
robinsoni, Pycnonotus, 249 
robusta, Coracina, 181 
robusta, Motacilla, 136, 137 
robusta, Pallenura, 137 
robustus, Lanius, 181 

roehli, Andropadus, 251 
roehli, Pyenonotus, 251 
rogersi, Anthus, 148 

rogersi, Petrochelidon, 119 
rooki, Coracina, 188 

rooki, Edolisoma, 188 

rosea, Muscicapa, 207 
roseatus, Anthus, 160 
roseus, Pericrocotus, 207, 208 


rostrata, Coracina, 188 
rostrata, Ixocincla, 296 
rostratum, Edoliosoma, 188 
rostratus, Hypsipetes, 296 
rostratus, Mimus, 444 
rothschildi, Campephaga, 205 
rothschildi, Hirundo, 108 
rothschildi, Laniarius, 333 
rothschildiana, Hirundo, 117 
rotumae, Lalage, 202 
rubea, Eremophila, 78 
rubescens, Alauda, 160 
rubescens, Anthus, 160 
rubeus, Otocorys, 78 
rubidior, Mirafra, 18 
rubiginosa, Calandrella, 46 
rubiginosus, Lanius, 333 
rubiginosus, Telophorus, 335 
Rubigula, 223 
rubricatum, Toxostoma, 451 
rubro-limbatus, Pericrocotus, 211 
ruddi, Heteromirafra, 24 
ruddi, Heteronyx, 24 
rudolfi, Laniarius, 337 
rippelli, Kurocephalus, 309 
rufa, Mirafra, 20 
rufa, Schetba, 365 
rufalbus, Thryothorus, 410, 411 
rufescens, Alauda, 48 
rufescens, Anthus, 157 
rufescens, Calandrella, 48 
rufescens, Melanocorypha, 42 
rufescens, Mirafra, 7 
rufescens, Phyllastrephus, 265 
rufescens, Thryothorus, 424 
rufescens, Troglodytes, 424 
ruficauda, Cinclocerthia, 454, 455 
ruficauda, Stenorhynchus, 455 
ruficaudatus, Thryothorus, 401 
ruficeps, Alauda, 46 
ruficeps, Dryoscopus, 327 
ruficeps, Laniarius, 327 
ruficollis, Hirundo, 94 
ruficollis, Stelgidopteryx, 92, 94 
ruficolor, Galerida, 62 
ruficrissa, Dumetella, 440 
ruficrissus, Criniger, 280 
rufigula, Cotyle, 103 
rufigula, Hirundo, 118 
rufigula, Petrochelidon, 118 
rufigula, Ptyonoprogne, 101, 103 
rufigularis, Hypsipetes, 287 
rufinucha, Campylorhynchus, 382, 
rufinucha, Picolaptes, 383 

INDEX 497 

rufinuchalis, Dryoscopus, 327 
rufinuchalis, Laniarius, 327 
rufipilea, Alauda, 16 
rufipilea, Megalophonus, 16 
rufipilea, Mirafra, 16 
rufiventer, Lalage, 199 
rufiventer, Lanius, 168 
rufiventer, Oxynotus, 169 
rufiventris, Campephaga, 199 
rufiventris, Cinclus, 376 
rufiventris, Laniarius, 330 
rufiventris, Prionops, 312 
rufiventris, Sigmodus, 312 
rufiventris, Thryothorus, 414 
rufocapilla, Alauda, 16 
rufociliatus, Troglodytes, 427 
rufo-cinnamomea, Mirafra, 13, 14 
rufo-cinnamomeus, Megalophonus, 
rufocollaris, Hirundo, 122 
rufocollaris, Petrochelidon, 122 
rufofusca, Tchagra, 323 
rufofuscus, Telophonus, 323 
rufogularis, Anthus, 159 
rufopalliata, Certhilauda, 25 
rufula, Cecropis, 116 
rufula, Hirundo, 116 
rufuloides, Anthus, 146 
rufulus, Anthus, 147 
rufulus, Troglodytes, 429 
rufum, Toxostoma, 449 
rufus, Lanius, 365 
rufus, Turdus, 449 
rukwensis, Mirafra, 8 
rupestris, Hirundo, 101 
rupestris, Ptyonoprogne, 101 
russeus, Thryophilus, 412 
russeus, Thryothorus, 412 
rustica, Hirundo, 105, 107 
rutilans, Leucolepis, 440 
rutilus, Lanius, 363 
rutilus, Thryothorus, 404, 405, 406 
ruwenzori, Psalidoprocne, 127 
ruwenzoria, Mirafra, 10 
ruwenzorii, Nilaus, 315 

sabini, Dryoscopus, 320 

sabini, Thamnophilus, 320 
Sabota, 4 

sabota, Mirafra, 21, 22 
sabotoides, Mirafra, 21 
sabotoides, Sabota, 21 
sacculatus, Criniger, 279 
sacerdos, Pericrocotus, 209, 210 
sala, Alauda, 70 

salangae, Criniger, 279 
saldanhae, Calendulauda, 26 
saldanhae, Certhilauda, 26 
salina, Lanius, 345 
salomonis, Coracina, 189 
salomonis, Edoliisoma, 189 
salomonseni, Anthus, 157 
Salpinctes, 387, 389 
saltuensis, Pheugopedius, 401 
saltuensis, Thryothorus, 401 
salvadorii, Coracina, 187 
salvadorii, Edoliisoma, 187 
salvadorii, Pyenonotus, 251 
salvini, Cyphorhinus, 440 
samarensis, Hypsipetes, 288 
samharensis, Ammomanes, 35 
sammetina, Psalidoprocne, 127 
sanctae-luciae, Ramphocinclus, 456 
sandgroundi, Chlorophoneus, 336 
sandgroundi, Telophorus, 336 
sanguineus, Pericrocotus, 214 
saphiroi, Anthus, 151 
sapsworthi, Cinclus, 375 
sarda, Cotile, 101 

sarwensis, Anacorys, 18 
sarwensis, Mirafra, 18 
saturata, Coracina, 194 
saturata, Hirundo, 106 
saturata, Stelgidocichla, 236, 256 
saturata, Volvocivora, 194 
saturatior, Andropadus, 252 
saturatior, Calandrella, 46 
saturatior, Cecropis, 115 
saturatior, Coracina, 188 
saturatior, Heliocorys, 64 
saturatior, Hirundo, 115 
saturatior, Hypsipetes, 287 
saturatior, Iole, 287 
saturatius, Edoliisoma, 188 
saturatus, Ammomanes, 36 
saturatus, Molpastes, 236 
saturatus, Pericrocotus, 210 
saturatus, Pycnonotus, 256 
saturninus, Mimus, 446 
saturninus, Turdus, 446 
savignil, Hirundo, 106 
sawitzkii, Hirundo, 105 
Saxilauda, 41 

scandens, Phyllastrephus, 264 
scapularis, Aegithina, 301 
scapularis, Jora, 301 

schach, Lanius, 349 

schalowi, Lanius, 349, 360 
schariensis, Lanius, 348 
schauenseei, Pycnonotus, 238 


Schetba, 365 

schierbrandii, Coracina, 195 
schierbrandii, Volvocivora, 195 
schillingsi, Calamocichla, 265 
schillingsi, Mirafra, 4 
schistacea, Coracina, 173 
schistaceus, Artamides, 173 
schisticeps, Campephaga, 190 
schisticeps, Coracina, 190 
schisticeps, Lalage, 198 
schistocercus, Abbotornis, 368 
schistocercus, Leptopterus, 368 
sehliiteri, Anthus, 157 
schliiteri, Galerida, 62 
schmackeri, Jole, 287 
schmackeri, Pinarocichla, 278 
schmitzi, Motacilla, 136 
schoanus, Malaconotus, 340 
schoanus, Pycnonotus, 240 
schoensis, Riparia, 96 
schomburgki, Lanius, 350 
schottii, Thryophilus, 407 
schottii, Thryothorus, 407 
schoutedeni, Anthus, 155 
schoutedeni, Chlorocichla, 263 
schoutedeni, Mirafra, 13 
schubotzi, Phyllastrephus, 257 
schulzii, Cinclus, 379 
schummeri, Melanocorypha, 41 
schusteri, Phyllastrephus, 258 
selateri, Calandrella, 53 
sclateri, Hirundo, 85 

sclateri, Kalochelidon, 85 
sclateri, Thryothorus, 407 
selaterii, Coracina, 180 
sclaterii, Graucalus, 180 
Selaterillas, 263 

scopifrons, Prionops, 314 
scopifrons, Sigmodus, 314 
scotica, Alauda, 66 

seullii, Hirundo, 116 
secunda, Mirafra, 7 
seebohmi, Alaudula, 50 
seebohmi, Calandrella, 50 
seguamensis, Troglodytes, 417 
seilerni, Troglodytes, 420 
seistanica, Calandrella, 50 
seiuncta, Coracina, 174 
semibadius, Thryothorus, 407 
semidiensis, Nannus, 416 
semidiensis, Troglodytes, 416 
semiruber, Pericrocotus, 216 
semirufa, Cecropis, 114 
semirufa, Hirundo, 114 
semitorquata, Certhilauda, 25 



semitorques, Spizixos, 222 
senator, Lanius, 363 
senegala, Tchagra, 321, 322 
senegalensis, Cecropis, 114 
senegalensis, Dryoscopus, 319 
senegalensis, Hirundo, 114 
senegalensis, Sigelus, 319 
senegallensis, Alauda, 58 
senegallensis, Galerida, 58 
senegalus, Lanius, 322 
sennetti, Harporhynchus, 450 
sennetti, Toxostoma, 450 
separatus, Pericrocotus, 209, 210 
sepikiana, Mirafra, 6 
septentrionalis, Aegithina, 301 
septentrionalis, Chloropsis, 304 
septentrionalis, Microscelis, 293 
septentrionalis, Pycnonotus, 233 
seri, Campylorhynchus, 381 
seri, Heleodytes, 381 

sericea, Criniger, 286 

sericea, Tricholestes, 286 
sericeus, Hypsipetes, 286 
serina, Calyptocichla, 259 
serinus, Criniger, 259 

seri-thai, Chloropsis, 304 
serlei, Phyllastrephus, 271 
serripennis, Hirundo, 92 
serripennis, Stelgidopteryx, 92 
sethsmithi, Phyllastrephus, 271 
Setornis, 282 

sextus, Dryoscopus, 317 
sharpei, Edoliisoma, 190 
sharpei, Lalage, 203 

sharpei, Macronyx, 143 
sharpei, Phyllastrephus, 265 
sharpii, Mirafra, 12 

shelleyi, Cotile, 100 

shelleyi, Riparia, 99 

shelleyi, Xenocichla, 262 
shimba, Eurillas, 252 
shimbanus, Phyllastrephus, 268 
shiptoni, Anthus, 165 

shiptoni, Notiocorys, 165 
siamensis, Coracina, 170 
siamensis, Graucalus, 170 
siamensis, Lanius, 347 
siberica, Tanagra, 43 

sibirica, Alauda, 43 

sibirica, Anthus, 157 

sibiricus, Lanius, 355, 357 
sicarius, Lanius, 344 

siccata, Pyrrhulauda, 32 
sidhoutensis, Pericrocotus, 209 
siebersi, Pericrocotus, 215 

INDEX 499 

sierrae, Alauda, 66 

sierrae, Eremophila, 77 
sierrae, Otocoris, 77 
Sigmodus, 310 

signata, Eremopterix, 30 
signata, Pyrrhulauda, 30 
sikkimensis, Irena, 307 
simalurensis, Coracina, 176 
simalurensis, Graucalus, 176 
similis, Anthus, 153, 155 
similis, Hypsipetes, 290 
similis, Iole, 290 

similis, Melaconotus, 334 
similis, Telophorus, 334 
simillima, Lalage, 204 
simillima, Motacilla, 134 
simillimus, Diaphoropterus, 204 
simplex, Chlorocichla, 261 
simplex, Criniger, 288 
simplex, Geocoraphus, 5 
simplex, Mirafra, 5 

simplex, Picnonotus, 249 
simplex, Pycnonotus, 249 
simplex, Trichophorus, 261, 288 
simplicicolor, Chlorocichla, 261 
simplicicolor, Xenocichla, 261 
simplicissima, Motacilla, 141 
simulator, Hypsipetes, 284 
simulator, Microscelis, 284 
sinaloa, Thryophilus, 411 
sinaloa, Thryothorus, 411 
sinaloae, Progne, 87 
sincipitalis, Pyrrhulauda, 31 
sindiana, Mirafra, 22 
sinensis, Anthus, 147 
sinensis, Corydalla, 147 
sinensis, Haringtonia, 298 
sinensis, Hypsipetes, 298 
sinensis, Muscicapa, 233 
sinensis, Pyenonotus, 233 
singapurensis, Aegithina, 301 
sini, Cinclus, 378 
sintaungensis, Krimnochelidon, 104 
sintaungensis, Ptyonoprogne, 104 
siquijorensis, Hypsipetes, 287 
siquijorensis, Iole, 287 
sissonil, Thryomanes, 399 
sissonil, Thryothorus, 399 
sloetii, Campephaga, 196 
sloetii, Campochaera, 196 
smithersi, Mirafra, 15 
smithi, Eremopterix, 30 
smithi, Mirafra, 19 

smithi, Pyrrhulauda, 30 
smithii, Collurio, 361 

smithii, Hirundo, 111 
smithii, Lanius, 361 
snouckaerti, Pycnonotus, 244 
sobatensis, Mirafra, 14 
socialis, Petrochelidon, 120 
sdderbergi, Mirafra, 7 
sokokensis, Anthus, 166 
sokokensis, Phyllastrephus, 270 
sokotrae, Anthus, 154 
sola, Cinclocerthia, 454 
solaris, Pericrocotus, 211 
solitarius, Troglodytes, 428 
solivagus, Nilaus, 316 
sollicitus, Salpinctes, 388 
solomonensis, Graucalus, 178 
solstitialis, Troglodytes, 427, 428, 
somalica, Alaudula, 51 
somalica, Calandrella, 51 
somalica, Certhilauda, 9 
somalica, Mirafra, 9 
somalicus, Lanius, 361 
somaliensis, Andropadus, 254 
somaliensis, Galerida, 59 
somaliensis, Laniarius, 329 
somaliensis, Pycnonotus, 240, 254, 
sonnerati, Chloropsis, 303 
sonomae, Toxostoma, 453 
sonorae, Pheugopedius, 404 
sonorae, Thryothorus, 404 
sonoriensis, Lanius, 354 
sordidus, Anthus, 153, 154 
sordidus, Criniger, 279 
sordidus, Pyenonotus, 246 
sordidus, Xanthiscus, 246 
soror, Chlorocichla, 261 
soror, Lalage, 202 
soror, Xenocichla, 261 
soulei, Cinclus, 378 
souzae, Lanius, 343 
souzae, Tchagra, 325 
souzae, Telephonus, 325 
spadix, Pheugopedius, 400 
spadix, Thryothorus, 400 
spatzi, Cotyle, 102 
spatzi, Ptyonoprogne, 102 
speciosus, Pericrocotus, 216 
speciosus, Turdus, 216 
speculigerus, Lanius, 347 
Sphagias, 224 
sphenocercus, Lanius, 360 
spilodera, Hirundo, 120 
spilodera, Petrochelidon, 120 
spilurus, Thryomanes, 397 

500 INDEX 

spilurus, Troglodytes, 397 
spinoletta, Alauda, 161 
spinoletta, Anthus, 160, 161 
Spizalauda, 55 

Spizixos, 222 

Spizocorys, 44 

spleniata, Alauda, 47 
spleniata, Calandrella, 47 
spragueii, Alauda, 162 
spragueii, Anthus, 162 
spurium, Anthus, 145 
spurius, Pycnonotus, 241 
Squamatornis, 225 
squamatus, Ixos, 231 
squamatus, Pycnonotus, 230, 231 
squamiceps, Hypsipetes, 294 
squamiceps, Oriolus, 294 
squamulatus, Microcerculus, 435, 436 
stabilior, Macronyx, 142 
stalkeri, Coracina, 181 
stanfordi, Cecropis, 118 
stanfordi, Hirundo, 118 
stanfordi, Pericrocotus, 207 
stanfordi, Pycnonotus, 237 
starki, Calandrella, 52 
starki, Malaconotus, 340 
stefensis, Lanius, 357 
stegmanni, Calandrella, 51 
steindachneri, Anthus, 149 
stejnegeri, Hypsipetes, 294 
Stelgidillas, 225 
Stelgidocichla, 225 
Stelgidopteryx, 92 

stellaris, Cistothorus, 391 
stellaris, Troglodytes, 391 
Stenorhynchus, 454 
stepensis, Lanius, 357 
stephani, Graucalus, 180 
stevensoni, Nannus, 417 
Stictognathus, 225 

sticturus, Laniarius, 329 
stétzneriana, Riparia, 98 
stolzmanni, Hirundo, 82 
stolzmanni, Tachycineta, 82 
stonei, Cheramoeca, 94 
strenua, Campephaga, 174 
strenua, Coracina, 174 
Strepera, 341 

strepitans, Criniger, 265 
strepitans, Phyllastrephus, 265 
stresemanni, Hypsipetes, 298 
stresemanni, Lanius, 349 
stresemanni, Microscelis, 298 
stresemanni, Mirafra, 10 
stresemanni, Pycnonotus, 233 

stresemanni, Troglodytes, 420 

striata, Coracina, 175, 177, 187 

striaticeps, Iole, 285 
striatulus, Thriothorus, 425 
striatulus, Troglodytes, 425 
striatus, Corvus, 177 
striatus, Pycnonotus, 226 
striatus, Tricophorus, 226 
striga, Lalage, 197 
strigata, Eremophila, 77 
strigata, Otocorys, 77 
striifacies, Pycnonotus, 258 
striifacies, Xenocichla, 258 
striolata, Cecropis, 117 
striolata, Hirundo, 117 
striolatus, Anthus, 147, 152 
striolatus, Thryophilus, 415 
striolatus, Trichophorus, 291 
strophiatus, Tylas, 300 
striimpelli, Galerida, 64 
striimpelli, Lanius, 348 
striimpelli, Mirafra, 64 
stuarti, Stelgidopteryx, 93 
styani, Aegithina, 301 
styani, Pericrocotus, 213 
stygium, Anthus, 167 
suahelica, Riparia, 100 
suahelicus, Phyllastrephus, 264 
Suaheliornis, 263 

subalaris, Andropadus, 254 
subalaris, Coracina, 179 
subalaris, Graucalus, 179 
subalaris, Hirundo, 108 
subalaris, Pycnonotus, 254 
subaustralis, Anthus, 148 
subcoronata, Certhilauda, 25 
subcoronatus, Lanius, 362 
subfulvus, Thryothorus, 410 
subfusea, Hirundo, 109 
subgrisea, Melanocorypha, 43 
subis, Hirundo, 86 

subis, Progne, 86 
sublacteus, Dryoscopus, 329 
sublacteus, Laniarius, 329 
sublineata, Coracina, 178 
sublineatus, Graucalus, 178 
submagna, Galerida, 60 
subniger, Hypsipetes, 297 
subocularis, Macronyx, 143 
subpallida, Chersomanes, 28 
subpallida, Coracina, 171 
subpallidus, Troglodytes, 419 
subpersonata, Motacilla, 137 
subrufescens, Mirafra, 6 
subrufus, Anthus, 148 

subsessor, Mirafra, 19 
substriolata, Lillia, 115, 117 
subtaurica, Galerida, 56 
subtaurica, Ptilocorys, 56 
subtilis, Alauda, 67 

suchitrae, Pericrocotus, 216 
sucosus, Phyllastrephus, 269 
sudanensis, Cotile, 96 
sudanensis, T'schagra, 322 
sueril, Turdus, 198 

sueurii, Lalage, 198 

sula, Coracina, 189 

sula, Edolisoma, 189 

sulfurea, Aegithina, 302 
sulfureopectus, Lanius, 334 
sulfureopectus, Tchagra, 334 
sulfureopectus, Telophorus, 334 
sulphuratus, Criniger, 281 
sulphuratus, Cuculus, 205 
sulphuratus, Trichophorus, 281 
sulphureus, Graucalus, 184 
suluensis, Cephalophoneus, 349 
suluensis, Lanius, 349 
suluensis, Pycnonotus, 247 
sumatrae, Lanius, 349 
sumatranus, Criniger, 280 
sumatranus, Hemixus, 291, 292 
sumatranus, Hypsipetes, 291 
sumatrensis, Ceblepyris, 176 
sumatrensis, Coracina, 176 
sumbensis, Coracina, 171 
sumbensis, Graucalus, 171 
sumichrasti, Catherpes, 389 
sumichrasti, Hylorchilus, 389 
superciliaris, Budytes, 131 
superciliaris, Thryothorus, 414 
superciliosus, Lanius, 344 
superflua, Galerida, 62 
suprapallidus, Troglodytes, 418 
sushkini, Alauda, 68 
swainsoni, Criniger, 276 
swainsoni, Petrochelidon, 121 
sykesi, Coracina, 195 

sykesi, Lalage, 195 

sykesi, Volvocivora, 193 
sylvana, Heterura, 162 
sylvanus, Anthus, 162 
sylvanus, Oreocorys, 162 
sylvicola, Tephrodornis, 219 
sylvicultor, Criniger, 269 
Sylviidae, 263 

Symmorphus, 196 

syndactyla, Bleda, 273 
syndactyla, Dasycephala, 273 
syndactyla, Xenocichla, 273 

INDEX 501 

syriacus, Troglodytes, 420 
szetschuanus, Troglodytes, 418, 419 
szetschwanensis, Cinclus, 377 

tabarensis, Lalage, 201 
tabuensis, Lalage, 202 
tachina, Petrochelidon, 121 
tachirensis, Thryothorus, 401 
Tachycineta, 81 
taczanowskii, Riparia, 98 
taeniatus, Microcerculus, 435 
tagulana, Coracina, 187 
tagulanum, Edoliosoma, 187 
tahitica, Hirundo, 108, 110 
taimuri, Ammomanes, 36 
taiti, Alauda, 66 

taivana, Motacilla, 134 
taivanus, Budytes, 134 
taivanus, Pycnonotus, 234 
taivanus, Troglodytes, 418 
talacoma, Prionops, 312 
talautense, Edoliisoma, 187 
talautensis, Coracina, 187 
talifuensis, Anorthura, 419 
talifuensis, Troglodytes, 419 
tamae, Cistothorus, 392 
tamae, Henicorhina, 434 
tanagensis, Nannus, 416 
tando, Nicator, 275 
tanganjicae, Pycnonotus, 241 
tangutica, Calandrella, 51 
tanneri, Troglodytes, 424 
tantilla, Riparia, 97 

tapera, Hirundo, 85 

tapera, Progne, 85 
tardinata, Galerida, 59 
tarimensis, Troglodytes, 419 
tasmanica, Coracina, 172 
tatarica, Alauda, 40 
tatarica, Melanocorypha, 40 
taupoensis, Anthus, 149 
taurica, Lanius, 346 
taylori, Chlorophoneus, 335 
Tchagra, 320 

tchagra, Tchagra, 323 
tchagra, Thamnophilus, 323 
tecellatus, Troglodytes, 426 
tegimae, Pericrocotus, 208 
teitensis, Pycnonotus, 243 
Telephonus, 320 

teleschowi, Eremophila, 74 
teleschowi, Otocoris, 74 
teleschowi, Otocorys, 74 
Telmatodytes, 391 
Telophonus, 320 

502 INDEX 

Telophorus, 320, 333 
temminckii, Ceblepyris, 175 
temminckii, Coracina, 175 
temminckii, Lobotos, 204 
tenebrior, Pyenonotus, 242 
tenebrosa, Bernieria, 272 
tenebrosa, Cinclocerthia, 455 
tenebrosa, Lalage, 203 
tenebrosus, Phyllastrephus, 272 
tenellus, Macronix, 142 
tenellus, Tmetothylacus, 142 
tenggerensis, Crocopsis, 244 
tenuirectris, Lanius, 361 
tenuirostris, Cinclus, 377 
tenuirostris, Coracina, 185, 186 
tenuirostris, Galerita, 56 
tenuirostris, Gracaulus, 186 
tenuirostris, Phyllastrephus, 267 
tenuirostris, Salpinctes, 387 
tenuirostris, Xenocichla, 267 
Tephrocorys, 44 

Tephrodornis, 219, 309 
tephrogenys, Criniger, 280 
tephrogenys, Trichophorus, 280 
tephrolaemus, Pycnonotus, 257 
tephrolaemus, Trichophorus, 257 
tephronotus, Collurio, 351 
tephronotus, Lanius, 351 

terat, Turdus, 197 

terrestris, Phyllastrephus, 264, 265 
tertia, Alaemon, 40 

tertialis, Alauda, 66 

tertius, Lanius, 352 

tessmanni, Lanius, 348 
tessmanni, Psalidoproene, 127 
testaceus, Ammomanes, 33 
thai, Pericrocotus, 210 

thai, Tephrodornis, 221 

thais, Molpastes, 238 

thais, Pyenonotus, 238 
thalassina, Tachycineta, 83, 84 
thalassinus, Hirundo, 84 
thamnophilus, Dryoscopus, 316 
thapsina, Aegithina, 302 
Thapsinillas, 283 

theclae, Galerida, 62 

theklae, Galerida, 61 

theklae, Galerita, 61 

théliei, Campephaga, 206 
théliei, Chlorophoneus, 336 
theneca, Mimus, 445 

thenea, Turdus, 445 

theresae, Alauda, 66 

theresae, Anthus, 159 

theresae, Calandrella, 53 

theresae, Galerida, 62 
theresae, anius, 358 
theresae, Ptyonoprogne, 102 
theres, Riparia, 102 
thermophilus, Anthus, 152 
Thescelocichla, 263 

thilenii, Coracina, 174 
thilenii, Graucalus, 174 
thompsoni, Cerasophila, 299 
thompsoni, Hypsipetes, 299 
thomsi, Galerida, 60 
thoracicus, Cyphorhinus, 437, 438 
thoracicus, Thryothorus, 408 
Thriothorus, 399 
Thryomanes, 395 

thryophilus, Cistothorus, 394 
thryophilus, Telmatodytes, 394 
Thryorchilus, 415 
Thryothorus, 399 

thunbergi, Motacilla, 131, 133 
tianschanicus, Troglodytes, 419 
tibetana, Anorthura, 419 
tibetana, Calandrella, 48 
tibetana, Hirundo, 115 
tibetana, Riparia, 99 

tibialis, Neochelidon, 91 
tibialis, Petrochelidon, 91 
ticehursti, Alauda, 66 

tickelli, Hypsipetes, 290 
tigrina, Mirafra, 13 

tigrinus, Lanius, 343 

tigus, Brachypus, 225, 227 
Timaliidae, 309 

Timaliinae, 341 

timbuktana, Tchagra, 321 
timorensis, Ceblepyris, 198 
timorensis, Mirafra, 6 
timoriensis, Coracina, 185 
timoriensis, Edoliisoma, 185 
timoriensis, Petrochelidon, 119 
timorlaoensis, Coracina, 181 
timorlaoénsis, Graucalus, 181 
tinnulus, Cistothorus, 391 
tiphia, Aegithina, 300, 301, 302 
tiphia, Motacilla, 301 
Tmetothylacus, 142 
tobagensis, Mimus, 444 
tobagensis, Pheugopedius, 405 
tobagensis, Thryothorus, 405 
tobagensis, Troglodytes, 425 
togoensis, Baeopogon, 259 
togoensis, Corvinella, 341 
togoensis, Phyllastrephus, 259 
tolimae, Cistothorus, 392 
tolimensis, Mimus, 444 

tolucensis, Cistothorus, 395 
tolucensis, Telmatodytes, 395 
tommasonis, Coracina, 191 
tommasonis, Edoliisoma, 191 
tongensis, Laniarius, 330 
tongensis, Tschagroides, 324 
tonkeana, Coracina, 175 
tonkeanus, Graucalus, 175 
tonkinensis, Pericrocotus, 214 
torquata, Melanocorypha, 42 
torquatus, Lanioturdus, 314 
torquatus, Neolestes, 299 
torrentium, Motacilla, 141 
torrida, Mirafra, 14 
tosariensis, Lanius, 349 
Toxostoma, 449 
Trachycomus, 224 
transcaspica, Otocorys, 73 
transfinis, Thryothorus, 410 
transfluvialis, Cyphorhinus, 439 
transfluvialis, Leucolepis, 439 
transitiva, Chelidon, 105 
transitiva, Hirundo, 105 
transkeiensis, Anthus, 146 
transvaalensis, Anacorys, 18 
transvaalensis, Certhilauda, 25 
transvaalensis, Laniarius, 330 
transvaalensis, Mirafra, 12, 18 
trapnelli, Mirafra, 17 
travancoriensis, Anthus, 156 
tremula, Cinclocerthia, 455 
tremulus, Ramphocinclus, 455 
tribulationis, Anthus, 148 
Trichites, 259 

Tricholestes, 283 

tricolor, Ceblepyris, 198 
tricolor, Coracina, 192 
tricolor, Dryoscopus, 319 
tricolor, Edolisoma, 192 
tricolor, Ixos, 240 

tricolor, Lalage, 198 

tricolor, Lanius, 350 

tricolor, Phyllastrephus, 271 
tricolor, Prionops, 313 
tricolor, Pycnonotus, 240 
tricolor, Tricophorus, 271 
trifasciatus, Nesomimus, 447 
trifasciatus, Orpheus, 447 
trinitatis, Toxostoma, 454 
triurus, Mimus, 447 

triurus, Turdus, 447 

trivialis, Alauda, 157 
trivialis, Anthus, 157 
triznae, Cinclus, 376 
trobriandi, Lalage, 200 

INDEX 503 

Troglodytes, 415 
troglodytes, Motacilla, 421 
troglodytes, Troglodytes, 415, 421 
Troglodytidae, 379 
tropaea, Henicorhina, 431 
trophis, Pericrocotus, 211 
tropicalis, Mirafra, 10 
tropicalis, Thryothorus, 410 
tsaidamensis, Lanius, 347 
tschadensis, Lanius, 359 
Tschagroides, 320 
tschutschensis, Motacilla, 134 
tsumebensis, Anacorys, 18 
tucumanus, Cistothorus, 393 
turanicus, Lanius, 353 
turatii, Dryoscopus, 328 
turatil, Laniarius, 328 
tureosa, Irena, 308 
turdinus, Campylorhynchus, 383, 
turdinus, Opetiorhynchos, 384 
turneri, Anthus, 150 
tweeddalei, Irena, 308 
tweeddalii, Irena, 308 
Tylas, 299 
tympanistrigus, [xos, 227 
tympanistrigus, Pycnonotus, 227 
typica, Coracina, 184 
typica, Pristoptera, 125 
typicus, Oxynotus, 184 
tytleri, Hirundo, 106 

ugandae, Andropadus, 253 
ugandae, Bleda, 274 
ugandae, Phyllastrephus, 269 
ugandae, Pycnonotus, 253 
uis, Mirafra, 22 

ultima, Lalage, 201 
ulugurensis, Laniarius, 332 
umbrinus, Thryothorus, 405 
uncinatus, Lanius, 359 
undina, Cinelus, 378 
unibrunnea, Cinnycerthia, 390 
unibrunneus, Limnornis, 390 
unibrunneus, Thryothorus, 390 
unicolor, Campylorhynchus, 384 
unicolor, Cinclus, 378 
unimoda, Coracina, 173 
unimodus, Artamides, 173 
unirufa, Cinnycerthia, 389 
unirufus, Limnornis, 389 
unitatis, Cecropis, 114 
unitatis, Hirundo, 114 
upembae, Phyllastrephus, 264 
upembae, Pyrrhurus, 264 


uralensis, Cinclus, 375 
urbanoi, Cyphorhinus, 439 
urbanoi, Leucolepis, 439 
urbica, Delichon, 123 
urbica, Hirundo, 123 
Urolestes, 341 

Uromitris, 105 

Uromitrus, 105 

Uromitus, 105 

Uropsila, 430 

uropygialis, Cotyle, 93 
uropygialis, Lanius, 361 
uropygialis, Stelgidopteryx, 93 
urostictus, Brachypus, 243 
urostictus, Pyenonotus, 243 
usafuae, Hirundo, 112 
usambarae, Phyllastrephus, 257 
usambarae, Pycnonotus, 257 
usambaricus, Laniarius, 332 
ussheri, Andropadus, 259 
ussheri, Laniarius, 324 
ussheri, Tchagra, 324 
ussuriensis, Anthus, 147 
ussuriensis, Bombycilla, 370 
ustulatus, Microcerculus, 436 
utahensis, Eremophila, 77 
utahensis, Otocoris, 77 
utakwensis, Edoliisoma, 192 
utanoi, Troglodytes, 417 

vaalensis, Anthus, 151 
validirostris, Lanius, 351 
vamberyi, Galerida, 60 

Vanga, 366 

Vangidae, 365 

vanikorensis, Lalage, 202 
vantynei, Pycnonotus, 229 
vargus, Ixos, 290 

varia, Otomela, 345 

varians, Pheugopedius, 405 
varius, Lanius, 345 

vauana, Lalage, 203 
vaughanjonesi, Pycnonotus, 241 
vauriei, Calandrella, 48 
velizhanini, Lanius, 345 
venezuelanus, Thryothorus, 413 
venezuelensis, Henicorhina, 434 
ventralis, Hypsipetes, 290 
ventralis, Ixos, 290 

venusta, Chloropsis, 307 
venusta, Phyllornis, 307 
vernayi, Alauda, 70, 71 
vernayi, Cecropis, 118 

vernayi, Hirundo, 118 

vernayi, Tephrodornis, 219 


verneyi, Tephrodornis, 219 
verreauxi, Criniger, 276 
verticalis, Eremopterix, 30 
verticalis, Megalotis, 30 
vesey-fitzgeraldi, Mirafra, 21 
vetula, Toxostoma, 449 
vicinus, Pyenonotus, 236 
victoriae, Coracina, 182 
vidua, Motacilla, 140 
vieirae, Telophorus, 337 
vigilans, Lanius, 362 
vinaceigularis, Prionops, 311 
vinecenti, Anacorys, 18 
vincenti, Mirafra, 18 
vincenti, Phyllastrephus, 268 
virens, Andropadus, 252 
virens, Pycnonotus, 252 
vireo, Nicator, 274 
virescens, Hypsipetes, 291, 292 
virescens, Iole, 283 
virescens, Ixocincla, 299 
virescens, Ixos, 283, 292, 299 
virgatus, Lanius, 220 
viridescens, Hypsipetes, 283 
viridescens, Iole, 283 
viridescentior, Pyenonotus, 261 
viridiceps, Phyllastrephus, 269 
viridinucha, Chloropsis, 305 
viridinucha, Phyllornis, 305 
viridis, Aegithina, 302 
viridis, Hypsipetes, 286 
viridis, Jora, 302 

viridis, Laniarius, 337 
viridis, Lanius, 367 

viridis, Leptopterus, 367 
viridis, Telophorus, 260, 337 
viridis, Trichophoropsis, 286 
viridissima, Aegithina, 302 
viridissima, Hirundo, 109 
viridissima, Jora, 302 
viridulus, Criniger, 277 
vittata, Coracina, 191 
vittatum, Edolisoma, 191 
vittatus, Lanius, 348 

vivida, Xanthiscus, 246 
vividus, Perecrocotus, 210 
vividus, Pericrocotus, 209, 210 
vividus, Pyenonotus, 246 
vociferans, Donacobius, 456 
vogti, Hirundo, 123 
Volvocivora, 168, 169, 193 
vordermani, Coracina, 177 
vordermani, Graucalus, 177 
vorhiesi, Troglodytes, 423 

vulcanius, Campylorhynchus, 385 

vuleanius, Heleodytes, 385 
vulpecula, Calandrella, 51 
vulturnus, Macronyx, 143 

wagneri, Lullula, 65 
waibeli, Mirafra, 22 
waigeuense, Edolisoma, 191 
waigeuensis, Coracina, 191 
waitei, Anthus, 147 

warei, Tephrodornis, 221 

warsangliensis, Tschagra, 322 

wattersi, Alauda, 70 
waynei, Cistothorus, 394 
waynei, Telmatodytes, 394 
webberi, Ixidia, 230 
weberi, Ixidia, 225 

weberi, Pyenonotus, 230 
weigoldi, Alauda, 70 
weigoldi, Lanius, 363 
weigoldi, Motacilla, 135 
weigoldi, Ptilocorys, 56 
weigoldi, Troglodytes, 421 
weileri, Criniger, 275 
welchmani, Artamides, 174 
welchmani, Coracina, 174 
welchmani, Graucalus, 174 
wellsi, Motacilla, 141 
wellsi, Otocorys, 74 
wenmani, Nesomimus, 448 
werae, Budytes, 135 
werae, Motacilla, 135 
westralensis, Coracina, 172 
wetmorei, Pycnonotus, 236 
wetmorei, Troglodytes, 429 
wettsteini, Lullula, 65 
whistleri, Anthus, 159 
whistleri, Pycnonotus, 232 
whitakeri, Ammomanes, 34 
whitakeri, Galerida, 57 
whiteleyi, Chelidon, 124 
whitmeei, Lalage, 203 
wiglesworthi, Coracina, 189 

wiglesworthi, Edoliisoma, 189 

wilderi, Cinclus, 378 
wilkinsi, Coracina, 182 
williamsi, Calandrella, 46 
williamsi, Mirafra, 8 
williamsi, Pycnonotus, 256 
williamsoni, Mirafra, 5 
wintoni, Macronyx, 144 
witputzi, Tephrocorys, 47 
wolfei, Alauda, 70 
wollastoni, Anthus, 166 
Woltersia, 125 



woodi, Lalage, 202 
woodwardi, Mirafra, 6 
woosnami, Bleda, 273 
wrayi, Pericrocotus, 212 

Xanthiscus, 225 

Xanthixus, 225 

xanthizurus, Trichophorus, 280 
xanthogaster, Lanius, 217 
xanthogaster, Pericrocotus, 217 
xanthogenys, Andropadus, 286 
xantholaemus, Brachypus, 245 
xantholaemus, Pyenonotus, 245 
Xanthomiscus, 263 
Xanthomixus, 263 

xanthophrys, Oxylabes, 272 
xanthophrys, Phyllastrephus, 272 
xanthops, Pycnonotus, 229 
xanthopygos, Ixus, 239 
xanthopygos, Pycnonotus, 239 
xanthornoides, Lanicterus, 205 
xanthorrhous, Pyecnonotus, 233 
xanthotis, Aegithina, 303 
xanthotis, Aethorhynchus, 303 
xavieri, Phyllastrephus, 271 
xavieri, Xenocichla, 271 
Xenocichla, 273 

Xenopirostris, 366 

xenopirostris, Vanga, 366 
xenopirostris, Xenopirostris, 366 
xerampelinus, Pheugopedius, 399 
xerampelinus, Thryothorus, 399 

yamethini, Anthus, 155 
yananchae, Thryothorus, 401 
yarrellii, Motacilla, 137 
yavelloensis, Aethocorys, 53 
yavelloensis, Calandrella, 53 
yavii, Troglodytes, 429 
yeltoniensis, Alauda, 43 
yeltoniensis, Melanocorypha, 43 
yemenensis, Lanius, 352 

yorki, Lalage, 200 

yourdini, Pyenonotus, 247 
Ypsipetes, 282, 283 
yucatanicus, Campylorhynchus, 380 
yucatanicus, Heleodytes, 380 
yunanensis, Hypsipetes, 297 
yunnanensis, Anthus, 157 
yunnanensis, Lanius, 350 
yvettae, Pericrocotus, 213 

zagrossiensis, Troglodytes, 420 
zaissanensis, Budytes, 132 
zaissanensis, Motacilla, 132 


zalingei, Galerida, 58 
zambesiae, Chlorocichla, 262 
zanzibaricus, Eurillas, 252 
zanzibaricus, Pycnonotus, 252 
zaphaeus, Pycnonotus, 250 
zaphonota, Aegithina, 302 
zapolius, Pyenonotus, 250 
zarudnyi, Ammomanes, 33 
zarudnyi, Lanius, 345 
zeilae, Pycnonotus, 458 
zeledoni, Thryophilus, 412 
zeledoni, Thryothorus, 412 
zenkeri, Anthus, 150, 151 
zenkeri, Phyllastrephus, 269 
zenkerianus, Lanius, 352 
zetlandicus, Troglodytes, 422 


zeylanicus, Pycnonotus, 226 
zeylanicus, Sturnus, 226 
zeylonus, Telophorus, 337 
zeylonus, Turdus, 337 

zion, Galerida, 60 

zombae, Mirafra, 14 
zombensis, Andropadus, 252 
zombensis, Pycnonotus, 252 
zonatus, Campylorhynchus, 385 
zonatus, Picolaptes, 385 
zosterops, Bernieria, 272 
zosterops, Chloropsis, 303 
zosterops, Phyllastrephus, 271, 272 
zosterops, Telophorus, 336 
zuliensis, Thryothorus, 413 
zuluensis, Mirafra, 12 


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