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FROM A.D. 1485 TO 1559. 











FOR THE YEAR 1874-75. 



SQ., Secretary. 


CIL of the CAMDEN SOCIETY desire it to be under- 
stood that tbey are not answerable for any opinions or observa- 
tions that may appear in the Society's publicat.ions; the Editors 
of the several Works being alone responsible for the same. 



IN its main features this History Inay be described as a continua- 
tion of" The Customes ofLonòon/' by Richard Arnold, froln which 
the earlier portion, i. e. as far as the 11 th year of Henry VIII., is 
a mere plagiarism. After that date the Chronicle becomes original, 
and contains lnuch .valuable information. Froln internal evidence 
it \vould appear to be the ,york of a scholar, and to have been 
\vritten contelnporaneously, the events being jotted do,vn froln day 
to day as they occurred. The characteristic of City Chronicles is 
maintained throughout by the adoption of the civic year, nlarking 
the term of office of each Lord Ì\Iayor instead of the regnal year 
of the sovereign, thus causing an apparent confusion in the chro- 
nology. This form was probably adopted by our author as he 
found it already ernployed by Richard Arnold, whose reign of 
Henry VII. he made the COlnmencement nf his history, ,vith but 
slight variations, for the reasons subsequently explained. It has 
therefore been thought advisable to retain this peculiar division 
of the year in the text, but in the margin the Anno Domini and 
l'Pgnal years have been added in their correct places, so that the 
reader ,vill experience but little inconvenience froln this devia- 
tion frOlu the ordinary chronology. "Thether the author of the 
Chronicle placed the regnal year in its present position in the 
text as synonYlnous ,vith Lord l\Iayor's Day, or whether it \vas 
afterwards transferred thither from the nlargin by the copyist, is an 
open question. In the earlier editions of Inost City Chronicles the 
name of the ne\v Lord l\Iayor and sheriffs for the succeeùing year 
are inserted in a blank space in the text left for this purpose in the 
\l\ID. soc. Ú 



lnonth of :Novenlber; but, when sueh chronicles or histories became 
luore widely kno,vn, the editor or transcriber frequently ornitted 
the nalnes of these civic dignitaries, and inserted in their stead the 
regnal year of the sovereign, thus giving a rough approximation 
to the chronology, for in no instance did the accession of the 
sovereign occur exactly on the :;ame day of the month as Lord 
1vlayor's Day. 
It is not necessary to follow this investigation further, but 
the mention of it was essential as affording the first step in the 
e as to the authenticity and authorship of the Chronicle. 
There is no doubt then as to its being one of those nUluerous City 
Chronicles which were at this period so often kept by intelligent 
Londoners for their own satisfaction and the perusal of their friends 
and descendants, without any ulterior intention of publication. 
In this instance, the 
IS., which has been preserved anlongst the 
faluily archives of the noble house of Percy, is not the original but 
a transcript of the time of J alues 1. bearing no trace of the author's 
name, or indication of the time at ,vhich he lived. vVe are conse- 
quently compelled to fall back on internal evidence, and fortunately 
several incidental allusions Inade by the author to his own family 
connections furnish us with the desired information. The Inost 
direct and valuable of these is a passage in ,vhich he claims relation- 
ship with the great statesman of Henry the Eighth's reign, Lord 
Chancellor \Vriothesley, after,vards, on 16th February, 1547, created 
Earl of Southalnpton: "This yeare [1540J, in Aprill, lnyeosin 1\11'. 
Thomas \Vriosley was made the I(inges Secretarie, and 1\11'. Sadler, 
of the Privie Chamber, joyned with hiln, and were booth made 
knightes also." 
It is likewise very clear from the context that the ,vriter held 
SOlne official post, which brought hinl into contact with the Earl 

farshal's and Lord Steward's departInen ts, for he not only pal'- 
ticularises which of the Heralds took part in certain public cere- 
monials, and the names and precedence of the illustrious guests 
'who were present 1).t the city and court banquets, but specifics the 



number of dishes and even the dress of the ladies. Such infor- 
lnation could only be acquired by one who was present to witness 
these proceedings. K ow such opportunity ,vas enjoyed by the 
members of the College of Arms, who, as we are informed by 
Koble, a had a stage appropriated to their use, at the "right end " 
of the table, at all banquets. 
'\T e can thus have little difficulty in determining the name of the 
author of the Chronicle, ,vho was also a resident of the City of 
London. On turning to the list of Heralds in the reign of Henry 
V III. we find that Sir T'homas 'V rythe or W riothesley was Garter 
Principal I\:ing at Arms from 26th Jan. 1505 till 24th Xov. 1534, 
and that his son Charles W riothesley was created 'Vindsor Herald 
on Christmas Day 1534, by patent dated 1 st Jan. following. vVhilst 
the latter held this office, says Noble, b he sa, v four sovereigns upon 
the English throne; these were Henry VIII., Echvard VI., 1\1ary, 
and Elizabeth, in the second year of ,vhose reign this Chronicle 
terminates. He succeeded Thomas vVall as Rouge-croix pursuivant 
in 1524, a short tilne after he had been appointed Berwick pursui- 
vant, and, as he was born in 1508, he lTIUst have been under sixteen 
years of age when he entered on his public career. 
According to the custom of those times, our author attached 
himself to the person or service of Lord Chancellor Audley, whom 
he looked up to as his patron, of which circumstance ,ve aJ.e in- 
fi)nned by his reference to that statesman on several occasions as 
"his lord and master," and of ,vhom the last mention occurs at 
page 147, where our author writes " The 30th day of Aprill, 1544. 
Sir Thomas Awdley, knight, Lord of ,,:r alden and Chancellor 
of England, my late lord and master, departed this worldly life 
at his place of Christes Church in London." Subsequently W6 
meet with such expressions as "my lord great Jnaster," "my great 
master," and" lny great master's house;" but these are to be under- 
stood as only designating the Lord St.eward of the l(ing's household, 

" lIi
t. College of Arm...;, p. 10:1. 

h I'ag:<> I:.! I. 



especially Lord St. John, \v ho filled that high office in the latter 
part of the reign of Henry VIII. and ,vas generally styled the Lord 
Great l\Iaster of the I{:ïng's houschold. At the time of his entering 
upon life our author's uncle, 'Villialn "\V rythe or "r riothcsley, the 
elder brother of Sir Tholnas (Garter), 'vas York IIerald, and it was 
his son Thomas, subsequently Lord Chancellor, w hon1 our author, 
in the above quoted passage, clai 111S as his cousin. 
As the Chancellor's fortunes had a lnarked influence on the life of 
our author, which is even noticeable in his writings, a brief sketch 
of his biography will not be here entirely out of place. The earliest 
notice of this Thomas \ve have met with is in the 27th of Henry 
VIII. when he ,vas made Coroner and Attorney in the Court of 
COlnmon Pleas, and in three years afterwards, being then one of the 
principal Secretaries of State (see p. 115), he was sent ambassador to 
treat of a marriage between the ICing and Christiana, second daugh- 
ter of the ICing of Denmark. Although unsuccessful in this lnission, 
he managed it with such tact as not to give offence to his royal 
In aster ; in this, more happy than his fellow-minister Crumwell, 
who for procuring the hand of Anne of Cleves for his imperious 
lord ,vas ordered to execution by the sumnlary process of an Act of 
Attainder ,vithout a trial. It ,vas no easy task to serve such a 
., gallant prince," but our knight continued to prosper during all 
the long reign of" OUI' king and en1peror." In 1541, subsequently 
to his having received the honour of knighthood (see p. 115), he 
was Inade Constable of the Castle of Southampton. He was soon 
after accredited as one of the Comlnissioners to treat with the 
Emperor Charles V. and he was elevated to the peerage by letters 
patent dated 1st January 1544, by the title of Baron \Vriothesley 
of Titchfield, Han ts, which, being one of the monasteries then dis.. 
solved, he obtained by grant froln the Crown. Soon after this, 
upon the decease of Lord Audley, the "lord and master" of our 
coronicler, Lord"\V riothesley was constituted Lord Chancellor of 
England (see page 147), and the SaInc year he was Blade a ICnight of 
the Garter. (See page 154). lIe was suLsequently appointed hy 



lCing Henry one of his executors (see page 179), and nalned of the 
Council to the young Edward VI., three days before whose corona- 
tion he ,vas created Earl of Southampton, by letters patent dated 
16th February, 1547. His Lordship did not long, however, main- 
tain his influence in this reign. Prior to the accession of the boy 
king he ,vas opposed to the Duke of Somerset, and he had little 
chance, under the new order of affairs, of sustaining himself 
against so powerful a rival. The Earl, in order that he might 
have the greater leisure to attend to other business, had, of his own 
authority as it ,vould seetn, put the great seal into commission, 
and had empowered four lawyers, two of whom were canonists, to 
execute, in his absence, the duties of his high office. Complaints 
of this irregularity were made to the Council, which, influenced by 
the Protector Somerset, readily seized the opportunity to disgrace 
him. The judges were consulted upon the occasion, and gave it as 
their opinion that the c0111mission ,vas illegal, and that the Chan- 
cellor, by his presumption in granting it, had justly forfeited the 
great seal and had even subjected himself to punishment. He was 
consequently required to deliver up the great seal (see page 183), 
and having paid his fine was ordered to confine himself to his o,vn 
house during the I{ing's pleasure. 
This eminent person's position as a reformer, it Jnay be observed, 
was within the bounds of Henry the Eighth's reforms, and in this he 
,vas in sympathy with the position taken by our chronicler, but his 
opinions were not sufficiently advanced for the ultra-Protestant 
régime of Ed\vard VI. He was accustomed to observe, that" force 
awed, but justice governed the world;" and that" he loved a bishop 
- to satisfy his conscience, a lawyer to guide his judgment, a good 
faluily to keep up his interest, and an UnivcJ..sity to preserve his 
Not long after the fall of his illustrious cousin our author would 
appear to have withdrawn himself from public life, for he no longer 
speaks familiarly of " lny Lord .1\layor," ., my Lord Chancellor," or 
" n1Y lord great master," as if personally acquainted with the oHìcial 



personages, but simply as the Lord l\fayor, &c. In the second 
part of this Chronicle occurs an entry, under the year L550, 
 the death of the ex-Lord Chancel1or. "l\/femorandum, 
the 30th of July, Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Lord 'Vriothesley. 
Earl of Southampton, and I{night of the Garter, and one of the 
executors of ICing Henry VIII., departed out of this transitory life 
at his place in Holborn called Lincoln's Place, about midnight; he 
had been long sicke, and the 3rd of August in the forenoon he was 
buried in St. Andrew's Church in Holborn at the right hand of the 
high alter; 1\11'. Hooper, Bishop of Gloucester, preaching at the 
burial." "I had never seen," observes Koble,a "any other child of 
'Villiam Wriothcsley mentioned than this Sir Thomas, Earl of 
Southalupton, I{.G., until I read the will of that fortunate states- 
1uan, 'where he notices his sisters Breten, Pounde, and La\vrence, to 
each of whom he gives legacies," as he does likewise to other more 
distant relations, including his cousin Charles, our author, to whom 
he bequeathed 20l., a SUITI equal to about 250l. of our money. 
The Chanc
llor left to succeed him a son Henry, the account of 
whose christening is given by our author at page 154, "This year, 
1545, on St. George's day, Sir Thomas "Vriothesley, Lord Chan- 
celIoI', was made Knight of the Garter at St. James by West- 
minster, and the Inorrowe, being St. l\larkes Even, he had a sonne 
christned at St. Andrewes in Holborne with great solempnity, the 
Ringes l\lajestie godfather, the ErIe of Essex [being] deputy for the 
ICinge, the Duke of Suffolke the other godf::'lther, my Lady l\fary 
(the Princess l\Iary) godmother at the christninge, and the Earle 
of Arundell godfather at the bishopinge; the name Henry." This 
young nobleman inherited the estates and title of Earl of South- 
ampton in 1550. He was the first cousin, once removed, from our 
author, but his religion and politics were of the opposite school, 
so that the two SeelTI to have had but little intercomlTIunication. 
Henry is well known to have been an intitnate friend of Thomas 

" Hist. of Col1('
!:(' of Arms. 



Duke of Xorfolk, and involved hilI1self in trouble by promoting 
the contemplated marriage of that nobleman with Mary Queen of 
Scots, "to whom and her religion," says Dugdale, " he stood not a 
little affected." 
The origin of the \Y riothesleys, like that of many other illustrious 
families, is involved in obscurity. a All we can say for certain is, 
that the COlnmon grandfather of our chronicler and of the first Earl 
of Southampton was Sir John vYrythe, who at a very early age was 
brought to the Court of Henry V., and was made by that sovereign 
Antelope Pursuivant Extraordinary, afterwards Rouge-croix in Or- 
dinary, and then Faucon Herald, which office he received from 
Henry VI. He was appointed Norroy Jan. 25th, 1476, and created 
on Candlemas day following by Edward IV., which lnonarch also, 
upon the death of John Smert, gave him the place of Garter ICing 
at Arms, July 16th, 1478, being the third who had enjoyed that 
office. This preferment laid the foundation in his family of that 
distinction which the vVrythes or vVriothesleys afterwards attained. 
He had 40l. yearly settled upon hiln, payable out of the Petit 
Custonls of London, and at the accession of I-Ienry VII. received a 
douceur of 80l.. together with a tabard (or hel'ald's coat), in order 
that he might be present at the coronation of that Inonarch. The 
next year he was sent to the ICing of the Romans; in his third year 
to Ireland; in the following one to Bretagne. In the sixth of this 
reign he took the Order of the Garter to 
Iaximilian 1., ICing of 
the l
omans, afterwards Emperor of Gcrnlany, and in the ninth he 
was sent ,vith the Garter to Charles VII!., ICing of France. 

a Segar, in his 1\18. Baronagium, Part III., in the College of Arms, traces the 
family up to A.D. 1214, as in the following table :-- 
Hobert 'V riothesley . -,- Lucie, daughter to Paltoll. 
'Vm. 'Vriothesley, s. and h. -,- Nichola, d. to I>eter de }'ontaville. 
'Vrn. Wriothesley, s. and h. -,- Agnes, d. to Robt. Giles. 
r- -1 
Sir John \Vriothesley,=Barhara, d. antI h. to J anuarius Dunstanville, 
Garter. a desccndant of !iing Henry I. 



During the early part of the year 1504, only four years before 
the birth of his grandson, the author of our Chronicle, he was buried 
in the choir of St. Giles's Church without Cripplegate, London, 
where he was laid in " a fair tOl11b," ,vith his effigies and epitaph in 
brass inlaid. He l11ust have been a very old I11an at his death, as it 
was more than sixty years from the time of his having been created 
a Pursuivant. Having no paternal arms, he took Azure, a cross or, 
between four falcons argent, in memory of his having been Falcon 
Herald. He often varied his crest, if not his arlllS, says Noble,a 
but he always made the former allusive to his office; his motto was 
" Humble and Serviceable." In compliment to him, who had been 
at the head of their incorporation, the Heralds' College have 
adopted his arms as their own, changing the colours. 
Ir. Dalla- 
,vay, in his elegant work, has given a portrait of Sir John on 
horseback, taken in 1511 froln a Tournal11ent Roll in the Heralds' 
College. He is represented in a brown or sad-coloured robe, and 
over it his tabard, with a verge or sceptre in his hand, and upon his 
head is a cap, which, on account of his great age, he had obtained 
licence to wear. He married thrice: first Barbara, daughter and 
sole heir of John de Castlecomb, or, as he is by some called, Janua- 
rius de Castlccomb alias Dunstanville, a lineal descendant of one of 
the illegitinlate sons of Henry I., by which marriage he greatly 
augmented his riches and honour, and had presented to him four 
children, two sons and two daughters. The elder of these sons was 
'Villiam, ,vho became York Herald, and father of Sir Thomas, Earl 
of Southampton, ICG.; and the younger, Sir Thomas, who succeeded 
his father as Garter, and ,vas the father of our chronicler. 
Sir John's second wife ,vas Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Arnold, 
Esq., by Agnes his second wife, and sister and sole heir of Richard 
Arnold, Esq. She was buried in the choir of St. Giles's Church, 
Cripplegate, and had this inscription upon her grave-stone: 
" Elienor, ,vyff of John 'Vrythe, Esq. daughter of Thos. Arnold, 

ft Nohle's College of Arms, p. 81. 



Esq." By her, Garter had three children, a son John, who died 
young, and two daughters, Agnes, a nun at Sion, and Barbara, 
Inarried to Anthony Hungerford, son of Sir Tholnas Hungerford 
of Down Ampney in 'Vilts, knight. Sir John's third wife was 
Ann l\Iynne, probably a relative of John l\Iynne, York Herald, 
by wholn he had two children, 
Iargaret, married to 1\11'. Vaughan, 
and Isabel, Inarried to '\TilliaITI Gough, and secondly to John 
Davers, Esq. of 'V orIning-hall, co. Bucks. 
It is, however, ,vith Sir John's second ,vifè, Eleanor, that \VC are 
chiefly interested; she ,vas, as ,ve are told by Noble,a the sister 
and heir of Richard Arnold. Now Richard Arnold, according to 
Hearne, ,vas the author of the Chronicle indifferently known as 
"The Customes of London," ., The Chronicle of the City of London," 
and "Arnold's Chronicle," of which the earlier portion of the 
present Chronicle, eln bracing the reign of IIenry VII. and the first 
eleven years of Henry VIII., is little more than a paraphrase. This 
is confirmatory of the supposition that the ,vriter ,vas Charles 
'.Vriothesley. It is also remarkable that the name of Richard 
Arnold's ,vife was Alice, and that our author's wife should also 
have been Alice; but whether she were the same lady does not 
appear. So far as the dates serve, it is quite possible that Charles 
'V riothesley might have married his grandfather's second wife's 
brother's vádow. 
The only reference lnade by our author to his ,vife is at page 108, 
where, speaking of the suppression of Barking Abbey, he writes, 
this howse ,vith the demeanes ,vas geaven to Sir Thomas Denis, 
knight, of Devonshire, and to his heil'es for. eaveI', .which Sir Thomas 
Denis hath to wife my ladie l\Iurfren, sometyme wief to 1\11'. l\Iurfen, 
late l\Iayor of London, and daughter to 1\11'. Angell Dunne, and 
sometime nlistress to Alis my ,vife that now (1539) is ;" fron1 which 
expression we Inight infer that Alice was his second wife, and not 
the daughter of 1\11'. Mallory mentioned in the 1\1S. genealogy in 


a Nohle's College of Arms, p. 8R. 



the College of Anns. It ,vould likewise appear that the writer ,vas 
contelnporary with Thomas l\Iurfin or Murfen, whom he speaks of as 
late Inayor. Now Thomas 1\1irfin was Lord l\Iayor in 1518, which 
is t,vo years prior to the date 
It ,vhich the second edition of 
Arnold's Chronicle breaks off, and ten years subsequent to the birth 
of our author. It does not appear that Charles \Vriothesley had 
any children. He had 111any book
, which had probably been his 
father's, but he kept them, says StO\V, "too long fron1 the sight of 
the learned." At his death Sir'Villiarn Dethick, Garter, purchased 
most of thein, including possibly the originall\fS. of this Chronicle, 
but w.hich I have not been able to discover. The transcript from 
,vhich our text is derived was probably Inade for the 'V riothesleys 
Earls of Southampton} and CaIne, through the marriage of Elizabeth, 
daughter and co-heiress of Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southalnp- 
ton, with Josceline Percy, the eleventh and last Earl of Northul11- 
berland of the male line of the Percies, into the possession of that 
family. It is kno,vn to have belonged to George fifth Duke of 
Northunlberland ,vhen Earl of Beverley, to whom it is supposed to 
have cOlne from his grandmother the heiress of Alnwick and Syon, 
and ,vas in his library in 11, PortInan Square; at the division of 
whose books and library it fell to the share of its present owner. 
The \Vriothesleys ,vould appear to have been a literary falnily, 
or, besides their connection with Richard Arnold, the chronicler of 
London, Stow tells us that Sir 
Tohn 'Vryth (the grandf:'lther of our 
chronicler), whom he rnisspeIls " Sir John Ryst," made a remark- 
able note of the Chartæ Regiæ, or Royal Charters, granted to divers 
abbeys and coIleges, ,vhich he gathered together in a book by com- 
mandment at the suppression of the Inonasteries, which book 
he left, with divers such like Inonuments, to his heirs. His son Sir 
Thomas, who likewise filled the office of Garter, is recorded by 
Koble a to have also wTitten and collected many 1\lSS., chicfly bearing 
on his official eInployment. The orthography of his name appears 
to have given hiln Inuch perplexity, for he continually varied his 
a Noble's College of Arms, p. 109. 



signature, at times writing hilTIself Thon1as "T r. of Crick [lade], 
from his place of abode, at other ti'Iles \\Trye "T aIling ford and 
"Tryst "T" allingford, the suffix being borrowed fi'OlTI his office of 
"T aIling ford Pursuivant, ,vhich he held under .Arthur Prince of 
"Tales; and subsequently he signed himself 'V reseley, '.Vl'ithesley, 
and 'Y riothesley , altnost indifferently. a Q,ueen I{a tharine Parr, 
,vriting to a lady of his falnily, spells the name 'Yreseley, but the 
Earls of Southampton adopted the spelling of "r riothesley. Upon 
his elevation to the office of Garter, Sir Thomas caIne to reside in 
London, and built for hiinself a fair house without the postern of 
Cripplegate. Stow, in his "Survey," gives the following very in- 
teresting description of the site of the fainily mansion :-" In Red 
Cross Street, on the west side from St. Giles's churchyard up to the 
cross, there be many fair houses built outward, with divers alIeys 
turning into a large plot of ground, called the Jews' Garden, as 
being the only place appointed thein in England wherein to bury 
their dead, till the year 1177, the 24th of Henry II. that it ,vas 
perlnitted to them, after long suit to the ICing and Parliament at 
Oxford, to have a special place aSBigned them in evelY quarter where 
they dwelt. This plot of ground relnained to the said Jews till the 
tilne of their final banishment out of England, and is now turned 
into fair garden plots and sumlner-houses for pleasure. And on the 
west side of the Red Cross is a street called the Earbican, because 
sOlnetilne there stood, on the north side thereof, a burgh-kenin, or 
watch-tower, of the City, called in some language (or dialect) a 
barbican, as a bikening is called a beacon. b This burgh-keuning, 
by the name of the l\Ianor of Base-Court, ,vas given by Edward III. 

a At the accession of Henry VIII. he obtained, October 9, 1509, a new patent, in 
which he is designated Thomas \\
riothesley alias 'Vrithe late eaned'Vallillgford, 
son of John 'Vriothesley alias 'Vrithe late called Gartier. See Hot. Pat. 1 Hen. 
VIII. Part. 2, m. 1 G. 
b The derivation of llarbicall is evidently from the h, 0 Anglo-Saxon words 
., burh," n city, and "heacen" or ., hecun," a hearon, signifying the City "H1Ü.h- 



to Robert U flord E
rl of Suffolk, and was lately appertaining to 
Peregrine Bertie, Lord 'Yilloughby of Eresby. 
" Next adjoining to this is one great house, called Garter House, 
sornetime built by Sir Thomas vVrithe or \Yrithesley, knt., alias 
Garter Principal I(ing of Arms, second son of Sir John 'Yrithe, 
knt., alias Garter, and ,vas uncle to Thoinas the first Earl of South- 
ampton, J{night of the Garter and Chancellor of England; he built 
this house, and in the top thereof a chapel, which he dedicated by 
the name (\f St. Trinitatis in Alto." It was probably in this 
house that our author was born, and after he became vYindsor 
Herald he continued to reside in the same parish, for in a Valuation 
Roll a made in the year of Henry VIII. occurs a list of the 
resiùents of this parish, amongst whom figures conspicuously Charles 
'Vriothesley as a gentlelnan valued in lands and fees at 38l. 6s. 8d., 
and in goods 40l.? a handsome income in those tilnes, while his 
father Sir Tholnas, then Garter, is valued at only 40l. in fees. 
Another member of the College of Arms, K orroy, was likewiEe a 
householder in this parish, being valued at 40l. in goods and 20l. 
fees; and curiously we find J oh11 .1\.1 urfyn, probably a relative of the 
late Lord 
layor, valued at 20l., thus showing that the l\Iurfyns, 
at whose house our author met with his ,vife Alice, 'vere neighbours 
of the 'Y riothesleys. 
Our author may therefore be said to have pas
ed his life in the 
Inidst of that part of London which 
as the heart of its ancient 
traffic. Here ,vas the Chepe or great City n1arket, which he lnust 
have traversed alnlost daily on his way froin his private residence to 
his office at the College of Arms, and in his way too was the famous 
Paul's Cross, at which the fathers of the Refoflnation deli\'ered their 
fervid harrangues to wondering audiences so often alluded to in his 
narrative of the events of those stirring times. At page 80 he in- 
forms us that he ,vas present in Smithfield at the martyrdonl of Friar 

n This li8t is preserved in the Public Record Office, and is described in CB.lendar 
of State PRp('r
, Henry VIII. vol. iii. part. ii. No. 2486. 



.Forrest, when he estimated the by-standel's at above ten thousand 
persons; and in another place (see p. 126) he describes the surprise of 
the people on hearing the tidings of the execution of the Lord Da(
wholn they supposed ,vould be pardoned. On the north side of the 
Chepe, or Cheapside as it has since been designated, and in the direct 
line from our author's house to the cathedral or church of St. Paul, 
the goldsmiths had their line of shops, called Gol
smiths' Ro\v, 
where they exhibited their attractive display in vie,v of the ,vor- 
shippers proceeding to the cathedral church, just as such a ro,v has 
existed down to our own day near K ôtre Dame at Paris, and in the 
approaches to other great continental churches. Then, in the ilTIlne- 
diate neighbourhood of his house was the ancient church of St. 
Giles, in which, as Sto,v tells us, of olel tilne was a fraternity or 
brotherhood of our Blessed Lady or Corpus Christi and St. Giles, 
founded by John Belancer, in the 35th year of Ed,vard III. The 
destruction of the interior of this church by fire in 1545 is narrated 
by our chronicler at page 16l. 
" The 12th day of September (in the 37th year of I\:ing Henry 
VII!.), about four of the clock in the morning, the church of St. 
Giles without Cripplegj.1te was espied on fire, which church, with 
the steeple and bells, ,vas clean burned before seven of the clock in 
the sarne morning, the stone ,valls only saved, which could not 
burn; by ,vhat Ineans no man could tell." This 111cntion of the 
destruction of one of the City churches ,vould have been very 
unlikely to have been made by a g
neral historian not interested in 
the locality; but is very natural as c0111ing frolTI the pen of an old 
parishioner, especially of one so intirnately concerned in the fate of 
the sacred edifice as was Charles vVriothesley, whose father and 
grandfather ,vere buried there. 
After this conflagration the church of Saint Giles ,vas almost 
ilnmediatcly restored, being, as Sto,v tells us in his Survey of 
London, "a very fair and large church, lately repaired, after that 
the SaIne ,vas burnt in the 37th Henry VIII. by which Inischance 
the monUlnents of the dead in this church are very few;" notwith- 



standing, says he, "I have read of these following :-Sir John 
'Vrith alias \Vrithesley
 Garter J{ing-at-Arms; Joan, wife to 
Thomas 'Vrithesley, Garter, daughter and heir to '\Villiam Hal, 
q.; John 'Vrithesley, the younger, son to Sir John 'Vrithesley 
and AlianoI'; Alianor, sccond wife to John "Trithesley, daughter 
and heir to ThoInas Arnold, being sister and heir to Richard 
Arnold, Esq.; John, her son and heir; and l\largaret with her 
daughter." Besides these InonUlnents of the W riothesleys, StO\V 
enumerates about a dozen others, including that of Thomas I-Ianley, 
Clarencieux J{ing at Arms, and several erected subsequent to the 
fire, as that "of the learned John Foxe, 'writer of the Acts and 
l\Ionuments of the English Church, 1587, and that of the 8kilful 
Robert Glover, Sornerset Herald, 1588." 
Some time after his father's death Charles "T riothesley removed 
froln Saint Giles's into the neigh bouring parish of Saint Sepulchre's, 
where he died in the house of the distinguished historian and anti- 
quary Camden, as we learn from his funeral certificate, ,vhich, by 
the courtesy of ßIr. Tucker, Rouge-Croix pursuivant, I am here 
enabled to insert:- 

Charles Wryothesley, Esqr. aI's "\V yndsor Herauld of Arnles, departed 
in his lodging at Canlden's howse, in the paryshe of Sepulchres in London, 
on Sonday the 25th of Januarye 1561, Ao 4 Eliz. Reginæ, about vi. of 
the clocke in the nlorning, and was buryed on the Tuesday nlornyng 
next after in the myddle Isle of the Chnrche there, as followeth: 
It'm the sayd corpse being cov'ed with a pawle of black velvett 
garnyshed with scocheons of his owne armes and hys wyfe, and all alonge 
the corpse lay above the pawle a ryche cote of the Quenes 
Ia'ties Armes, 
which corpse was carryed by 4 poore men in gowns. 
And at eche corner went a pursuyvant of Armes in mornyng gowns 
and hodes wcerynge the Quenes cotes of Annes. Then next after fol- 
lowed SOJllersett herauld as fiorner in a gowne and a hoode. 'Then after 
theym followed Garter, Clarenceaux, Chester
 York, Richmond, and 
Lancaster and Rose, not in theyre mornyng habytt, for which buryall 
the offyce of Armes sawe all things payd and c1yscharged. 



So far as I can gather from his writing, our Chronicler was opposed 
in principle to the usurpations of the Papacy, and went ,vith " our 
Sovereign and Emperor" Henry VIII. in his endeavours to found 
a Kational Church, and even looked with cOlnplacency on the 
complete separation froIn ROlne and the abolition of all supersti- 
tious images; but on the accession of Ed ward V I. the reforming 
zeal of the Protestant lllovement rather scandalized hiIn, as it 
threatened to s,vecp av;ay all that was venerahle in the outward 
ceremonies of religion. It ,vas consequently with a friendly eye 
he viewed the prospect of a return to the ancient tpégime on the 
accession of Queen .l\Iary, as did probably the great bulk of the 
nation, until her bigotry and cruelty alienated the affections of 
her subjects, and drove our author, with l11allY other literary men, 
to seek safety in seclusion; hence the la
t portion of this Chronicle 
,vill not be found so valuable as the middle portion, containing 
c01l1paratively fe,ver particulars not to be gleaned fronl other 
The cOlnparative inferiority of the earlier portion of this Chronicle 
in comparison with the n1Ïddle is easily accounted for by the youth 
of the writer, who ,vas not born till the last year of the reign of 
Henry VII., and had therefore to derive his earlier information 
from the experience of others. He consequently adopted the last 
portion of A.rnold's Chronicle as the COlnmenCCn1.ent of his history 
with Lut slight variations, and ,vas not at the pains to correct 
several obvious blunders in his relative's narrative. As it is only 
the reign of IIenry VII. and the first eleven years of Henry VIII. 
that our author has embodied in his history, it is not requisite here 
to enter upon an exhaustive analysis of the sources from which 
" The Custolnes of London" are derived; but in pa
sing I 111ay 
observe, that an ancient l\I8 Chronicle of London, preserved in the 
College of Arms, distinguished as 1\18. Arundel XIX., and another 
similar Chronicle in the British l\Iusculn alllong the Cotton. l\lSS. 
marked Julius B. I., seern to have furnished Arnold with the chief 
portion of his information anterior to his o,vn tin1e. 



After the eleventh year of IIenry VIII. our author ,vould appear 
to have chiefly depended upon his o,vn observation, and to have 
11lade but little use of the \vritings of others, and this renders his 
history of the greater value as an independent authority. As this 
point is of the utlnost ilnportance in estill1ating the conlparative 
value of the present publication, I will lay before the reader a fe,v 
passages, selected out of a great Inany similar ones, which place it 
beyond a doubt that our author ,vas contC1nporary ,vith the events 
he describes :- 

Page 53.-This young Lord Henry Fitz-Roy was maried to the Duke 
of N orfolkes daughter nmned Ladie 
farie, and her mother was daughter 
to the last Duke of Buckhinghame, but the said yonge Duke had neaver 
layne by his wife, and so she is maide, wife, and now a widow. I praie 
God send her now good fortune. 
Page 64.-Alsoe, the 27th daye of 1\Iaye 1537, being Trynytie 
Sondaye, there was Te Deum sounge in Powles for joye of the Queenes 
quickninge of childe, my Lord Chaunseler, Lord Privaye Seale, with 
diverse other Lordes and Bishopps, beinge then present; the l\1ayre 
and ....\.1ùermen with the beste craftes of the cyttye beinge there in their 
lyveryes, all gevinge lauc1e and prayse to God for joye of the same, wher 
the Bishopp of 'V orcester, called Docter Latyrner, made an oration afore 
all the Lordes and Comlnons, after Te Deuln was songe, shewinge the 
cause of their assenlblye, which oration was mervelonse fruitefull to the 
hearers; and alsop the same night was diverse greate fyers lllade in 
London, and a hogeshead of WYlle at everye fyer for poore people to 
drinke as longe as Jt woulde laste; I praye J esue, and it be his win, 
send us a Prince. 
Page 84.-This yere (1538), the 19th day of August, beinge 1\[onday, 

Ir. John Audley departed out of this world at his place 
of Hodnill, in 'Varwyckeshire, which sayd 1\11': AucUey was husband 
to the Duches of BuckinghaIll, departeù, and after was marryed to 
}'laister Spencers wyfe of 'Varwickshire, which remayned nowe his 
Page 85.-This yere (1538), the first daye of September, beinge 
Sondaye, at Clerkel1well, where the wrestlinge is kept, after th(' 



wrestlinge was ùone, there was hangeù on a payre of gallowes, newe 
made, in the san18 place, the hangman of London [one CratwellJ and 
two n10re for robbinge a bouth in Bartlemewe fayre, which sayd hangn1an 
had done execution in London since the Holy 
Iayde of K.cnt was hanged, 
and was a conninge butcher in quarteringe of rne11. 
Page 100.-The Parliament hegunne in ..c\prill last past (1539) brake 
up the 28th daye of June, and was rejourned till the morrowe after All 
Soules daye next conlminge. 
Page 119.-This yeare (15--10), the eight daie of 
lr. Richard 
Farmar, grocer, of London, a luan of great londes and substance, was 
arraigned in the l{inges Bench at \Vestn1ester for misprisOlunente of 
certaine seditious wordes spoken by him against the l{inges 
wherfore he was that daie condempned to perpetuall prison, and all his 
landes and goodes forfett 10 the King, which was great pitie that he 
used himself so, for he was a gentle person and wel beloved in the cittie, 
and had kept a great howse in the cittie, and had married his children to 
great nlariages. 
Page 11a.-This yeare (1540), in the beginning of Julie, the I{ing 
was divorced from his wife Queene Anne, daughter to the Duke of 
Cleve, because she was contracted to a Duke in her [own] countrey 
before she CaIne into England, and Sir ThOlnas Crumwell, Earle of Essex, 
had kept it sccrett from the I{inge, which was great pitie that so good a 
ladie as she is should so sone [have] lost her great joy; neverthcles the 
King hath gea\en her fower thousande poundes by the yeare with fower 
goodlie manners in England to keepe her estate during her lief, and she 
is purpose(l to remaine still in this lande. 
The account of this Queen's first interview ,vith Ilenry VIII. after 
her landing in England is lllore circumstantial, and differs rnaterially 
fi'OlTI the ordinary reeeiveù narratives. (See page 109.) 
Having, as I hope, adduced satisfactory proof that this Chronicle 
is synchronous with the events describcd, it is proper that I should 
call the attention of the reader to the rCl11arkable CirCIUTIstance that 
at folio 598 of the :\1S. occurs a direct reference to Stow's Annales, 
which, if made by thc original compiler of the Chronicle, ,vould 
scatter such evidence to the winds. The edition of the Annales to 

CAl\II>. soc. 



INTHODUCTIû.."'oi . 

which reference is Inade was not published till 1592, and is no,v 
exeeedingly scarce. .1\. copy, however, exists in the Archiepis- 
copal Library at Lam beth, and has been kindly referred to for 
TI1C by the librarian. The next edition of Stow was that in 1631, 
edited by Edlllund Ho,ves. It will be readily perceived, therefore, 
that this reference fixes the date of our 1\1 S. to the close of the 
sixteenth or conl1nenccrnent of the seventeenth centuries, which 
corresponds well with the handwriting and spelling of the l\1S., but 
renders it extremely improbable that the ,vriter of the note in 
question was the author of the Chronicle. The ,vords of the note 
are "the rest is at large 
et downe in :nIr. Stowe's Annales of 
England, p. 1067." This note is in the saB1e handwriting as the 
text, and lllUSt. consequently be Teferred to the transcriber, ,vho, as 
he neared the conclusion of his task, was anxious to save tillle and 
It is like,vise observable that Sto,v, in the list of authors Inade 
use of by hin1 in his 1565 edition of the " SUlnn1aries of English 
Chronicles," places Arnold's Chronicles first, and speaks of then1 in 
the plural number, as if n10re than one ,vere known to hilTI; it is 
possible that he may have considered this Chronicle a continuation of 
Arnold. This also ,vould explain the mistake made by the learned 
compiler of the catalogue of Lord Oxford's printed books, who 
mentions a third edition of Arnold, ,vhereas it is well known that 
only two editions of Arnold's Chronicle were published-the first 
in 1502 and the second about 1521-until a comparatively recent 
period, ,vhen 1\11'. F. Douce brought out his third edition in 1811. 
It would be tedious to go through an analytical comparison of the 
many points of agreelnent mo
e or less close to be met ,vith in the 
reigns of Henry VIII. and his successors wherein this Chronicle 
coincides with the narratives of llaU, Grafton, Ho1inshed, and 
Stow, Inore particularly the two last, who, although posterior, 
nevertheless enjoyed the friendship of the same persons with whonl 
\V riothesley ,vas acquainted. Thus ,ve find that Raphael Holin- 
shed's intilllate friend and assistant in the compilation of his 



Chronicle was Francis Thynne, Lancaster Herald, ,vho, being a 
Inember of the College of Anns, would have ready access to the 
saIne sources of information as 'Vriothesley, ,vho was \Yindsor 
Herald, if not the use of this very Chronicle. In like n1anner in 
Harleian 1\lSS. Cod. 543, ,vhich is a collection by Stow of histo- 
rical Inaterials, at fo1. 119 occurs the entry " Notes taken out of a 
book borro,ved of 1\11'. York Herald." In criticising the respective 
value of these authorities Hallam a observes that Hall, who vV'rote 
under Edward VI., is our best ,vitness for the events of Henry's 
reign, Grafton being so literally a copyist frorn hin1 as scarcely to 
be regarded, ,,,,hile Holinshed, though valuable, is later than -IIall, 
and Stow latcr still. We should here notice that the present 
Chronicle was nnkno,vn to Hallam, and is prior to Hall. 
. The chief rivalry appears to have been between Holinshed and StO\V, 
who both published their histories silnultaneously. Thus ,ve read in 
StO\V'S edition of his" Annales," published in 1605, that his" larger 
volume and historie of this iland," ,vhich he had" made readie for 
the pre sse " at the instigation and under the patronage of Arch- 
bishop Parker, was prevented from seeing the light, "by the printing 
and reprinting, without .warrant or ,yell liking, of Raigne '.V olfe's 
Collection and othcr late COlnlners, Ly the name of Raphaell Holin- 
shed his Chronicle." The manuscript of this last-mentioned work of 
Stow, which the author describes as "orderly written," is not known 
to be now in existence, and at first sight I h3.d SOlne doubt whether 
the present chronicle n1ight not have f
)flned a portion of the lnissing 
work; but a closer investigation and comparison of the hiftory with 
Stow's known \vorks entirely dispelled such notion, and led to the 
identification of the author as Charles \Vriothesley. It has been 
suO'O'ested that the Look entitled" The Succession of the I-listor y of 
England," by John Stow, folio, 1638, of which a de
cription will 
be f()und in Lonndes's " Bibliographer's l\Ianual," was a portion of 
Stow's n1Ï
sing ,york, and this very probably Inay be the case; but 

d l'onsl. IJ i
t. ed. 1
7 J, 1'. 28, nute 



certainly the present Chronicle cannot be referred to the saIne source, 
notwithstanding the close silnilarity of expression in certain passages: 
e.g., " It ,vas, saith mine author, a pitiful thing to hear the lamen- 
tation that the people in the country made for theIn," lneaning the 
lesser Inonastic houses. :K o\V this passage, which is quoted frorn 
the 1631 edition of the "Annales," is ahnost identical with the 
,vords of our Chronicle (see page 43):-" It was pitie the great 
lamentation that the poore people made for them (the lesser lnonastic 
houses), for there ,vas great hospitalitie kept mnonge theiln." 
The nUlnerous variations made by Stow in his several editions of 
the '$ Annales" renders such COIn parison the more difficult, and in 
SOlne instances even impossible, fron1 the disappearance of one of these 
editions, viz. the first, ,vhich, according to \Vatt's " Bibliotheca," 
,vas published in 1573, in 12mo.; and the second, which carne out 
in 1580, is not called by that name; while the third, viz. that of 
1592, is only to be found in the Lmnbeth Library, and has been 
kindly referred to for lne by 
Ir. I{ershaw. The other two editions 
appeareq. in 1601 and 1605 respectively, but the last is ahnost iden- 
tical with that of 1601, having only one sheet reprinted and a sup- 
pleo1ent added, continuing the history down to the 26th of l\Iarch, 
1605, being only ten days prior to the author's death. The circum- 
stance of the author of our Chronicle d\velling ,vi thin a stone's-thro,v 
of John Stow at the time they ,vere both engaged in writing their 
respective stories is another reason of their accord in the narration 
of minute particulars relative to the City. \Vhile the fonner resided 
in the parish of St. Giles-without-Cripplegate, near Red Cross Street, 
the latter was dwelling near the well within Aldgate, as we learn 
froln Stow's narrative of the events of the year 1549, w.hen he tells 
us how the bailiff of ROlnford suffered the penalty of the law in 
that precinct, "being executed upon the pavement of lny door 
where I then kept house." Stow afterwards rmnoved to Lime Street 
'Vard, where he continued to reside until his death in .April1605. 
Our author removed to the house ùf Camden, in the parish of St. 
Sepulchre, where he died in 1561, as we have before seen. It 



,vill be observed that Stow, although contemporary, was SOIne- 
,vhat later in time, h
ving been born in 1525, while our chronicler 
,vas born in 1508; consequently, while our Chronicler is contempo- 
raneous, StO\V had to borro\v the facts of the earlier portion of the 
Tudor period, including the ,vhole of the reign of Henry 'TILl., 
fi'OIl1 pre-existing sources, of ,vhich he would appear to lnake no 
secret, by the frequent occurrence of such expressions as "so saith 
n1Ïne author," " according to Iny record," &c. lIe however seldoln 
limlled his authority: this leaves us in doubt whether he or his 
continuator and editor Edn1und Howes had access to the present 
Chronicle. I alll inclined to think Stow never saw it, but that 
Thynne and llowes did, and the latter Inade use of it for his edition 
of Sto'w's ,. ..Annales," on which, as he tells us, ., he bestowed thirty 
years labour," i.e. in bringing the edition of 1631 "into that good 
order and Inethod in which we now see it." Upon this assertion 
Bishop Kicholson, in his " Historical Libraries," facetiously observed 
"that IIowes Il1Ust indeed have been very unfortunate if, after all 
this pains, he be justly liable to the sharp sentence Fuller has passed 
upon hiln, , that he is as far short of .
\lr. Stow in goodness, as our 
age is of the integrity and charity of those that ,vent before it.'" 
flow it chanced that the transcriber of Lord Henry Percy'8 .ßlS. 
CaIne to refer to the 1592 edition of Sto'w's "Annales" Inay possibly 
be eXplained on the supposition that this was the transcript lnade 
by Howes, \vho, kno,ving that the incident of the Russian ambas- 
sador's shipwreck was lTIOre circumstantially narrated by Stow than 
in this Chronicle, would naturally abbreviate the passage, and Illake 
a reference to the edition of that book then lying before hiln. 
Further evidence that the reference to Stow's Annales of 1592 
'was Illade by the transcriber and not by the writer of the Chronicle, 
is furnished by the attelnpt made by the saIne person to talnper 
with the date of the death of Queen Jane, so as to make it coincide 
with that erroneously given to that event by StO\V, Grafton, Hall, 
God\vin, and most other ancient historians. No\v this event, as 
proved by an original letter of Sir tT ohn Russell to Crull1well, still 



extant in the Public Record Office, took place on the 24th Oct. 
1537, and not on the 14th, as stated by Stow and others, making 
the Queen's death to have taken place t\velve days after the birth of 
the infant prince Edward, instead of ahnost ilnmediately, on ,vhieh 
error ,vas based the story of that prince having been brought into 
the world by the Cæsarcan operation. Our chronicler correctly 
states (sce p. 66), that the infant prince was born '
on Friday, 
being the Eve of St. Ed\vard the Confessor, at two of the clock 
in the lnorning, at Hampton Court beside l{ingston, and the 
same day at eight o'clock in the Inorning Te Ðeuln was sung in 
every parish church throughout London" After n1entloning the 
birth on the 12th Oct. our Chronicler proceeds at page 67 to describe 
his christening on the 15th, and then on Thursday the 18th, being 
St. Luke's day, the proclalnation of the young Prince at Court as 
heir to I\:ing Henry 'TIll., ",vith the title of Prince of 'Vales, 
Duke of Corn,vall, and Earl of Chester ;" followed on the 19th (see 
page 69) by a solemn procession through LonJon, "which was 
done for the prescrvation and \velfare of the Prince and the health 
of the Queen;" so that the Queen, according to our author, was 
then living. After this in the position of the 24th, nlthough 
'written the 14th, occurs the passa
e recording the Queen's death: 
" This yeare, the 14th of October, beinge Wednesday, Queene Jane 
deptU'ted this lyfe, lyeinge in childe bedd, about 2 of the clocke in 
the morninge." Ko\v the l..tth was Sunday, and could not there- 
fore have been the date intended by the original writer of the 
Chronicle, \vho ,vas lTIOst scrupulously exact in making the day of 
the week and month correspond; whereas the 24th would hav
fallen upon 'V ednesday
 clearly proving that that ,vas the date 
originally \vritten, but that it had been altered by the copyist into 
the 14th to n1ake it agree with Sto,v. 
Although Stow has so largely forestalled the infonnation contained 
in this volume, his narrative being in some parts even rnore cirCUln- 
stantial than our author's, that at first sight the latter appears to 
possess but little of novelty, and eonsequently to be of n1Înor import.. 



ance to the historian, who \vas already in possession of the facts; 
yet on a closer inspection it will be found almost as valuable for 
what it omits as for \vhat it adds. In the instance of Anne Boleyn's 
disgrace and execution this cOl11parison of authorities leads to SOine 
ne\v and ilnportant results. It is observable that no mention is 
111ade in this Chronicle of the oft-repeated tale of the I\:ing's sudden 
fit of jealousy conceived whilst \vitnessing the jousting at Green- 
wich. The fact of the jousts having taken place on the 1st of l\lay 
1536 is accurately stated, "in \vhich George Boleyn Viscount 
Rochford acted as chief challenger, and I-Ienry Norris as principal 
defendant;" but no mention is made of the ICing's jealousy. 
StO\", however, adds, "from these jousts ICing Henry suddenly 
departed to 'Vestminster, having only ,vith hin} six persons; of 
,vhich sudden departure many Inen Inarvailed;" and Sanders 
furnishes the additional inforJnation " that, the Queen dropping her 
handkerchief, one of her gallants took it up and \viped his flce with 
it." On the other hand, Burnet, \vho was at IDuch pains to learn 
all he could respecting this affair, observes, that " this circumstance 
is not spoken of by Spehnan, a judge at that time, who \V1'ote an 
account of the whole transaction with his own hand in his cOJnmon.. 
place book." 
Anne Boleyn, it ,vill be remelnberec1, w"as at this tilDe in no great 
favour with the ICing, and, as we shaH presently sho\v, the prelimi- 
nary investigation as to the correctness of her conduct had already 
been initiated. Indeed, ever since the death of the ex-queen I{atha- 
rine, in January 1535-6, she had been the object of detest.ation to 
a po.werful political party, which opposed the spread of the Reforma- 
tion doctrines, and .which sought to renew the alliance of England 
with Germany in opposition to France. IIer usual ùesignation .with 
the German Alnbassador and other leaders of this party ,vas" the 
concubine," a und now that the great obstacle to the 111utual friend- 
ship of the ]{ing with his nephew the Emperor Charles 'T. was 

ee Chapuyl'o Corre
pond{'nce, printed in ] 870 by Froud(' in his Histor}", vo1. ii. 
A ppC'1lflix. 



removed by the death of Queen l{atharine, it became a political 
necesÛty ,,'ith this party that Anne Boleyn should be expelled from 
court. The l\:ing had not made up hi:::; mind how he intended to 
act, being favonrably disposed towards the Gennan allia.nce, but 
resolved never again to submit to the Papal interference in his 
dOluinions, and, as the Queen w'as enceinte, he naturally 'vas in hopes 
of a lnale heir, which luight possibly have set all things right. At 
this juncture Bishop Stokesley, of London, being asked by one of 
Anne's political adversaries ho'w he ought to act, the Bishop 
ans\vered warily, that he would give his opinion to no one but the 
l\:ing, nor to the l{ing hinlse1f until he had discovered which way 
his l\Iajesty's inclinations lay. Verily, 'writes Chapuys, "the 
Bishop would not risk the effects of .l\.nne's displeasure if there 
were a chance of her remaining in favour." Crurl1'well's plan ,vas 
to bring about a reconciliation ,vith the Pope and so procure a 
nullification of the l\:ing's nlarriage with Anne Boleyn; but the 
l\:ing would not listen to any proposition ,vhich involved a subn1Ìs- 
sian to Papal jurisdiction, so that some other course had to be 
devised. Had Aiule's a("coucheulent terminated propitiously in the 
birth of a son, it is possible that the l\:ing's affections lnight have 
been retained and an effectual opposition offered to the proposed 
alliance with the Emperor. The Queen, however, \vas prelnaturely 
delivered of a still-born male child, and, as this ,vas the second time 
she had disappointed the J{ing's hopes, his vexation knc\v no bounds. 
He seems to have attributed this miscarriage to her levity of con- 
duct; she referred it to the shock which her systeln received on 
sèeing the l{ing thro,vn from his horse at the jousts. .A.t which 
accident, ,vrites our chronicler (see p. 33), " she tooke such a fright 
withall that it caused her to fall in travaile, and so was delivered 
afore her full tyme, 'which was a great discomfort to all this reahne." 
r chronicler might have added, "and the signal of her ruin;" for 
Henry was so passionately bent on having a male heir to succeed 
him on the throne, that he cvidently had determined to set aside 
one wife after another until this object were attained. 



In the Journals of the Lords we have preserved to us the royal 
speech read by Lord Chancellor Audley on the 8th of June, 1536, 
at the opening of the Parliament whieh ,vas called to ratify the 
condelnnation of Queen Anne and the I\:ing's 111arriage ,,,ith Jane 
Seyn10ur. In that remarkable doculnent the I\.:ing laments his hard 
fate, that, after having been so disappointed in his first two Inar- 
riages, he should be obliged, for the welfare of the nation, to enter 
upon a third, "a personal sacrifice not required of any ordinary 
Inan."a And, stranger still as it lnay semn, the Parlialnent re-echoed 
the I\.:ing's .words, thanking his l\lajesty for his self-devotion, and 
the care he had for securing an undisputed succession. At any 
other period such language would have been incolnprehensible; but 
when we call to Inind that scarcely half a century separated those 
tilnes from the Civil Wars of the Roses we can fonn sorne slight 
conception of the objections to a felnale succession, whieh might on 
any pretext be set aside by any ambitious clailnant ,vho had the 
audacity and power to appeal to afl'!ls. Sueh clailnant actually 
existed in the person of J arnes ,r. of Scotland, who caine next in 
succession after the children of Henry V III., being the heir of l\Iar- 
garet, eldest daughter of Henry VII., and consequently nephew of 
the I{ing. 
Disappointed and annoyed in his dOlnestic relations, the I\.:ing's 
health began to t:', and, rightly or ,vrongly, he became suspiciou
His fears ,vere further aroused by the report of his physician, who 
had been sent to investigate the cause of ùeath of the late Queen 
Katharine. The physician at first stated that she had died a natural 
death, but, being required to make a fuller report, after a post 
mortem eXaInination he returned answer that. there could be no 
doubt as to the cause of her death, her heart being black. h This 

a "Quem vel mediocris conditionis virum non deterrerent hæc a tertio matrimonio, 
cum in primo graves sumptus et animi mole
tias, in secundo autem maxima pet'icula, 
quæ illi, durante toto illo tempore, imminebant, in memoria repetatur."-JournaJs 
of the Lords, vol. i. p. 84. 
b See Chapuys Correspondence, Fronde, vo1. ii. A ppC'ud. 
CA:\ID. soc. e 



presumed elnployment of slow poison to bring about l{atharine's 
death was at once popularly referred to the Inalign machinations 
of " the concubine" and her brother Lord Rochford, whose known 
anin10sity to the late Queen and her daughter the Princess 
Jary had 
been but too plainly exhibited in their abortive atten1pts to bring 
their rivals ,vithin the grasp of the ne\v Act of Suprelnacy, and it 
was not entirely without cause that fears 'vere expressed by the 
Gerlnan alnbassador for the personal safety of the Princess l\Iary, 
,vho was urged to 111ake her timely escape to the continent. Al- 
though there is no evidence of any attmnpt having been actually 
n1ade against the life of that princess, there can be little doubt that 
Anne and her supporters ,vould have regarded with satisfaction any 
event which might have removed the Princess l\Iary out of the way, 
and thus left the question of the succession clear for the Princess 
Elizabeth, who was regarded as the hope of the Reforlnation. It 
,vould not be fair to attribute all the ill effects of these Court 
jealousies to one party only; for, while on the one side Anne Boleyn 
had made use of her influence \vith the l\:ing to oppose the interests 
of JCatharine, and is said to have had the bad taste to show her 
satisfaction on hearing of that Queen's death" by wearing yellow 
for mourning," l\:atharine, on the other hand, had never 
eased to 
plot and agitate for the dislnissal of "the concubine" froln Court, 
and had roused half the nobility of the kingdo1l1 to side ,vith her in 
trying to persuade her nephew, the Elnperor Charles V., to send an 
expedition to England to effect this object. IIenry ,vas no doubt 
aware of these Inachinations, but he lightly regarded thenl, cor- 
rectly concluding that if left alone they would come to nothing, as 
his nephe,v the Emperor was not likely to encourage rebellion under 
any pretext. 
It is scarcely necessary to say that there is no positive evidence 
of the emploYlnent of poison by Anne, neither is it probable that 
she should have resorted to such nleans to gratify her jealousy. 
It is luuch more probable that the physician's report \vas based on 
insufficient or defective analysis, or that he was prejudiced by the 
powerful political influence brought to bear on hilu. 'fhese suspi- 



cions, ho,vever, whether groundless or well founded, were not 
confined to the l{ing, or to the individual case of Queen I{atharine. 
Just at this time the Duke of Richmond, the Iring's bastard son by 
Elizabeth Blount, began to show symptons of decline, and his malady 
\vas likc\vise attributed to the administration of ::;lo\v poison by his 
stepmother Anne, 'whom he ,vas not long after to follow to the grave. 
In narrating the circumstances of his decease, which occurred on 
the 22nd July, about six \veeks after the execution of Anne, our 
ays (p. 53), " It ,vas thought that he ,vas privelie poysoned 
by the n1eanes of Queene Anne and her brother Lord Rotehford, for 
he pined in\vardlie in his bodie long before he died. God knoweth 
the truth thereof." 'Vith these suspicions rife in the public mind, 
\ve may conclude that a supposed plot against the life of the Iring 
and his children, as set forth in the indicttnent, was the real ground 
of the proceedings taken against Anne and her intimate associates, 
and that the charges of adultery and incest ,vere additional counts 
to support the treason, and to account for Anne's supposed object in 
,vishing to get rid of the l{ing, in order that she might marry SOlne 
one of the pretended accomplices. (See Appendix, p. 195.) 
This view is borne out by the wording of the indicttnent, which, 
after setting out the several charges of adultery, ,vhich are repre- 
sented as having been cOlnlnitteù at \Vestlninster, Hampton Court, 
and Elthaln, on days ,vhen the }{ing ,vas absent (see Appendix, 
p. 191, et seq.), goes on to specify, " that the Queen and other the 
said traitors jointly and severally, 31 Oct. 27 I
en. 8, and at various 
tilnes before and after, compassed and ilnagined the .King's death, 
and that the Queen had frequently pron1Ïsed to marry some one of 
the traitors whenever the l{ing should depart this life, affirn1Ïng 
she could never love the }(ing in her heart." 
" FurtheflTIOre, that the I\:ing, having COlne to the knowledge of 
and lneditating upon the false and detestable crilnes, vices, and 
treasons comrr1Ítted against hin1 within a short tillle no,v passed, had 
conceived and taken to h('art a sorrow and sadness by reason of the 
coldness of his Queen to,vards hirn, and her adulterous conduct, so 
that many injuries, evils, and perils have accrued and supervened 
therefrom to his royal body." (See Appendix, pp. 1 H6, 219.) 



The fact that the disorder of which the Iring ultimately died- 
ulceration of the legs-had already begun to sho\v itself is not gene- 
rally kno\vn, but such was undoubtedly the case, as \ve learn from a 
confidential letter of the Iring to the Earl of Surrey, written in 
1537, or nearly ten years before his death, eXplaining the reasons 
for which he could not Inake a progre:3s into the North:- 

X evertheless, to be frank with you, which we desire you in any wise to 
keep to yourself, being an hU11101lr fallen into our legs, and our physicians 
therefore adyising us in nowise to take so far a journey in the heat of the 
year, whereby the same might put 11S to further trouble and displeasure, 
it hath been thought Inore expedient that we should, upon that respect 
only, though the grounds before specified had not occurred with it, now 
change onr determination, than that we should be too precise in that 
which to us, and our whole realnl, might after minister SOlne canse of 

Ho\v .Anne could be held directly ans\verable for this affiiction of 
Providence at first appears difficult to comprehend, but the inference 
is that by her perverseness and levity of conduct, including the 
offence of her miscarriage, she had so wearied and lo\vered the 
Iring's mental and physical tone that the above-mentioned aihnel1ts 
had seized upon his constitution, "to the danger of the Iring's 
person and body, and to the scandal, danger, detriluent, and dero- 
gation of the issue and heirs of the said l{ing and Queen" (see 
Appendix, p. 196); which offence, by the statute made in the 
t\venty-sixth year of this reign, alnounted to treason. "So that," 
as Burnet observes, " the law made for Anne and her issue ,vas now 
luade use of to destroy her." Of the correctnes
 of this vie\v the 
records preserved in the Baga de Secretis and the Chapuys Corre- 
spondence furnish abundant evidence, and if Anne had spoken of the 
l{ings's death even in jest, as she appears to have done by her own 
admission, it \vas no slight offence in the eye of the law. From Sir 
WillialTI l{ingston's Reports to the Council of what transpired \vhilst 
Anne was under his custody in the Tower, \ve derive the information 
that Anne had actually been so indiscreet as to speak of the I{ing's 
death as a probable event. The occasion, as related by I{ingston, ,vas 



a conversation with 1\lrs. Cozen, who ,vas one of the ladies appointed 
to "
ait on the Queen whilst in the To,ver. 
lrs. Cozen having asked 
the Queen " why Norris had said to her ahnoner on Saturday last 
that he could swear to her being a good ,voman," the Queen 
replied, "1\Iarry, I bade hinl do so; for I asked him ,vhy he did not 
go through with his Inarriage, and he Blade answer that he would 
tarry a time. Then, said I, you look for dead men's shoes; for, if 
ought but good should come to the I\:ing, you would look to have 
nle. He denied it; and I told him that I could undoe him if I 
would." This imagining of the I(ing's death corresponds very 
nearly ,vith the phrase used in the indictment, and, although uttered 
without any intention of compassing it, yet might bring the speaker 
,vithin the meshes of the ]a,v of treason as then interpreted. It was 
not sufficient that the Queen of England should be innocent of the 
actual crimes imputed; she should have been above suspicion, 
whatever latitude of conduct might be taken by her gaUant lord, 
which Anne certainly was not. It Inay be true that none of her 
reeorded words necessarily bore a rilorc serious construction than 
that of imprudence and over-familiarity with some of her courtiers 
and servants, for which an eXCli8e has been sought by reference to 
her long residence in France, and the latitude allowed at the French 
Court, ,vhere such matters were not regarded as even indecorous. 
But such excuses were not likely to be adnlÏtted by her ju
ges, and 
at the tilue of her trial these laches of good breeding 'were con- 
sidered quite sufficient to lend a prÙnâ facie probability to the worst 
insinuations. It was, no doubt, also reluembered to her disad- 
vantage that her original connection with the I{ing was extreluely 
reprehensible. It could not be forgotten that she had for long 
months corresponded ,vith Henry before his divorce from Queen 
I(atharine, and had received from hin}, ,vithout relnonstrance, love- 
letters replete with coarse sensuality, relieved only by scholastic 
pedantry, thus laying herself open to the charge of encouraging the 
addresses of a 111arried luan, which she unquestionably did; and this 
illicit correspondence was carried on under the most disgraceful 
circumstances, for she well knew that her schemes of self-aggl'andize- 



ment could not be achieved except by ,vounding to the heart a 
kind and indulgent mistress, under whose protection she had been 
advanced to honour. All these things were against her at her trial. 
It is a quibble rather than any valid excuse to urge that she had 
persuaded herself the I\:ing's Inarriage \vith I\:atharine was illegal and 
null. Of this she could neither be an impartial nor a fit judge. Even 
if the ecclesiastical objections to the marriage had been as clear as 
they \vere the reverse, that would make no difference either as to 
the delicacy or the morality of her conduct. N or ,vas this " pure 
n1aiden" free from scandal in the 111atter of adultery, for before the 
I\:ing had gone through the fonnality of a divorce, and before she 
herself had been 111arried, even in private, she \vent on a progress 
with the I\:ing, and exercised such a suspicions influence over hin1 
that Christian charity would find it hard to repel grosser insinuations. a 
'Y11en after her ill-starred 111arriage her levity of conduct exposed 
her to the saIne taunts, it was natural to believe her guilty of the 
like offences with others as she had cOl1llnitted with the I\:ing. The 
suspicion too that she had elnployec1 slow poison to bring about the 
death of certain nlelnbers of the royal household was also widely 
diffused, as we learn not only fron1 this Chronicle but froln the cor- 
respondence of Chapuys recently brought to light by the researches 
of 1\11'. Froude. An10ngst the papers at. Vienna is a narrative of an 
intervie\v between the I\:ing and youn
 flenry, who, coming to 
receive his father's blessing, as ,vas the English custoln, before he 
retired to rest, "the I{ing burst into tears, saying, that he and his 
sister (lneaning the Princess l\Iary) n1ust thank God for having 
escaped the hands of that accursed and venomous harlot \vho had 
intended to poison theln." "Froln these ,vords," observes Chapuys 
to the Elnperor, "it ,vonid appear the I\:ing kno,vs something." This 

a It is difficult to believe that Anne's prudence should have been surprised at the 
end of so long a courtship, though, as Fuller says of her, "she was cunning in her 
chastity." Yet a contemporary letter of the French ambassador, and the premature 
birth of the Princess Elizabeth on the 7th Sept. 1533, heing only seven months and 
thirteen days after the private marriage on the 23th J aIIUary preceding-, countenance 
this assertion. See Archæologia, vol. xviii. 77-82; also lIar!. 1\18S. 283, 22, and 
287, 1, both of which are wrongly dated in catalogue. 



occurred on the very day on which Anne was cOlnmitted to the 
Tower, and \vas probably the secret said to have been disclosed by 
Lady \VingfÌeld on her death-bed, and which was reported to the 
I{ing at Greenwieh. 
IIo\v far the I\:ing believed in the truth of these crilninal accu- 
sations, and whether it \vere the conviction of young Henry that 
he was actually the victim of SOlne insidious poison, which in- 
duced him to give his attendance, ,vith other of the nobility, on 
the To\ver Green, to witness the execution of his father's wife, as 
noted by our chronicler (see p. 41), it is not needful here to discuss; 
certain it is that these suspicions were rife in the public mind, and 
were believed by a large section if not by the majority of the English 
nation. Even our chronicler, though. otherwise well-inclined, as 
1\11'. Froude observes, to Anne, gives a Inodified credence to them, 
as evidenced by the before-quoted passage (see p. xxvii.). ] twill 
not be without weight here to state that 1\11'. Froude, who had 
the perusal of the transcript of this l\1S. Chronicle before it was 
placed in the hands of the printer, comn1ends the writer of it 
as "giving more particulars about Anne's fall than a.ny other 
English writer of the time." This expression of opinion as coming 
fro111 so distinguished an historian is no slight comlnendation, and 
is of value in estimating its intrinsic worth as an adàition to our 
sources of historical inforrnation. It was not to be expected that 
we should find these charges of poisoning repeated by Stow or 
any of the chroniclers who wrote in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 
for to traduce the character of her luother and to question her own 
legitilnacy \vould have brought do\vn upon thelnselves the resent- 
ment of that sovereign. 
So far as I have been able to form an opinion froln the docu- 
Inentary evidence hitherto brought to Eght, it does not appear 
that Henry personally exerted hiluself to pervert the course of 
justice: he simply gave ear to the current Court scandals, and, 
being tired of his Queen, directed that an inquiry should be insti- 
tuted into her conduct, which resulted in the apprehension and 
connnittal of the Queen and her associates, as they are called, on 



various charges of treason and adultery. "Vhen once legal proeeed- 
ings had been instituted, witnesses ,vere not wanting to a vouch the 
truth of these suspicions, and we have, preserved to our tilne, both 
the substance of the accusations on ,vhich the judglnent ,vas based 
and the whole of the legal process. Alllongst the records of the 
I{ing's Bench no\v in the Public Record Office are the original 
doculnents, contained in the Baga de Secretis, which fonnerly were 
kept under three keys, one held by the Lord Chief Justice, another 
by the Attorney-General, and the third by the l\Iaster of the Crown 
Office; and in Pouches 8 and 9 of this collection are contained the 
identical instrulnents used at the trial of Queen Anne Boleyn and 
her brother Lord Rochford, ,vhich ,vere supposed for a long tilne to 
have been intentionally suppressed or destroyed. So far, however, 
frol11 the Govern111ent of that time endeavouring to destroy the 
evidences of the trial, as usually asserted, unwonted carè was taken 
to preserve a full record .of the proceedings, for, besides an enrol- 
ment or summary of the trial, Inost of the original doclunents eln- 
ployed on this occasion have been preserved. It is also ilnportant 
to observe that the Governlnent on this occasion, instead of resorting 
to the SUlnmary process of an attainder in Parlialnent, which Inight 
easily have been procured, and so shut out any possibility of escape 
for the pTÏsoners, elected rather to proceed by the ordinary course 
of justice, notwithstanding the risk of an acquittal by a jury in the 
event of the charges not being substantiated. The first point of 
importance we gather fro111 these dOCUlnents is that the prelin1Ïnary 
investigation into the Queen's conduct ,vas initiated so early as the 
24th of April, ,vhen the special c011llni
sion of Oyer and Terrniner 
was issued to the justices of ::\1iddlesex and I
ent. This circum- 
stace at once dispels the possibility of the jousts at Green,vich having 
been the occasion of these scandals, for they ,vere not cOlnlnenced 
until the 1st of l\Iay. It is likewise clear that Anne's condClTIl1ation 
was not a foregone conclusion when these investigations were insti- 
tuted, else the I(ing would not have taken her down to Greenwich 
with hiln to enjoy the spectacle of the tournalnent. It was not till 
he was inforlned that there were lJ1'Î1nâ facie grounds for the charges 



which had hitherto been only whispered that he nlanifesteù a deter- 
mination to bring the persons accused to trial, and fronl that mOlllent 
he took energetic action by ordering the Queen and her accolnplices 
to be arrested and lodged in the Tower, after which he never sa\v 
her again. 
Fronl the Queen's indictment (see Appendix, p. 194) we likewise 
gain a clue to how these reports caUle to be noised abroad, for her 
pretended accon1plices are there described "as having becolne so 
very jealous of each other, that, in order to. secure her affections, 
they did satisfy her inordinate desires, and the Queen was so jealous 
of the Lord Rochford and other the before nlentioned traitors, that 
she would not allo\v thern to hold any faJniliarity with any other 
WOlnan without exhibiting her exceeding displeasure and indigna- 
tion:" which passage may be taken to lnean either that they were 
admitted to a guilty intilnacy by the Queen or that they ,vere so 
jealous of each other that, in order to assert their favour at Court, 
they did not even refrain froll1 casting aspersions on the Queen's 
vVhen first brought before the Council, we are told, they all 
luaintained their innocence and the innocence of the Queen, and 
were re-colnmittèd; but being brought up a second tilne anù cross- 
examined, l\lark Slneton, one of the grooms of the privy chan1ber 
and an accomp1ished musician, in lnuch favour with the Queen, con- 
fessed his guilt, admitting that he haJ conunitted adultery ,vith the 
Queen on three several occasions. Fron1 Sir Edward Baynton's letter 
to the Lord Treasurer we learn that Norris, \\T eston, and Slneton 
made general adlnissions, but denied resolutely that any actual 
offence had been cOlnmitted. On being pressed further and cross- 
examined Smeton confessed to actual adultery; Norris hesitated; 
being pressed, however, by Sir \Villialll Fitzwillialn to speak the 
truth, he also made a silllilar acknowledgment, a1though he after- 
wards withdre\y frolll what he had said. \Veston persisted in 
declaring himself innocent. The result was un
atisfactory, and it 
",'as thought that it would "lnuch tonch the I{ing's hononr if the 
CAl\lD. soc. f 



guilt of the accused was not proved more clearly." Ko doubt 
RaYllton "was right in his stricture, and glad should we be if the 
rcsult could be rendered less unsatisfactory; but the confession of 
the one "varlet," as Chapuys terms hiln, makes a satisfactory ex- 
planation very difficult. If Slneton were guilty, as he confessed, of 
actual adultery, the Queen must also have been guilty, and as he 
does not appear to have retracted, even when brought to the gallows, 
we can scarcely believe hinl innocent. 
On the 18th of l\Iay, I{ingston, who was at that time Licutenant 
of the Tower, wrote to Crumwel1, telling him that the Queen had 
sent for hiln early in the morning to speak with hiln touching her 
innocence (apparently in the presence of Cranmer), and that she had 
again sent for hiln while he was writing this Salne letter, and at his 
coming had exclaimed, " 1\11'. I\:ingston, I hear say I shall not die 
before noon, and I am very sorry therefore, for I thought to be 
dead by this tilne and past lUY pain." I told hcr that it should be 
no pain, it was so subtle; and then she said, "I heard say the 
executioner ,vas very good, and I have a little neck;" and she put 
her hands about it laughing heartily. "Truly this lady," adds the 
Lieutenant of the Tower, "has much joy and pleasure in death." 
Certainly this does not look like guilt; but at the same time it is 
impossible to reconcile the supposition of the Queen's innocence 
with the admission of Smeton's guilt. Even if we set aside the 
confession of SlnetOl1 as the insane utterance of a bewildered 
cour'tier, or the base lie of a traitorous villain, it still remains a 
ll1ystery how little evidence of actual criminality can be adduced 
against the parties condelnned as accon1plices of the unfortunate 
Queen, and yet how they all died ,vithout making a clear declaration 
of their innocence. lndeed, if their dying speeches lnay be taken 
as genuine, nearly all of them acknowledged that for some cau
e or 
other they ,vere justly punished. The Vienna papers, comprising 
as they do letters of Queen I\:atharine and the Princess l\lary, while 
on the whole they tell in favour of Anne Boleyn, allowance being 
l:nade for .the fact of their having been ,vrittell by her political oppo- 



nent.s and bitterest enemies, place us in this dilcllllna, that they 
confirm the authenticity of the dying speeches of the 9ccused, which 
otherwiEe might have been suspected of being the spurious inven- 
tions of credulous 
chroniclers, or the interested utterances of an 
unscrupulous Government, put into the mouths of the condcrnned, 
and circulated in order to calrn the popular mind. Amongst these 
pa.pers, however, 1\11'. Froude found a Spanish version of the speech 
of. Lord Rochford exactly corresponding in substance with that con- 
tained in the present volume. (See pp. 39, 40.) This speech is not 
to be n1et with in its entirety in any other Chronicle, and it goes 
far to inculpate the Queen's brother by his own admission. It is 
very unlikely that the Emperor's Alnbassador should have been 
itnposed upon by fictitious speeches circulated by the Government, 
even if an intelligent n1an of the world like our Chronicler could 
have been so deceived, nor would Constantyne, whose l\Iernoir is 
printed in the Archæologia, vol. xxiii. pp. 63-66, and ,vho was an 
attendant at this time on Henry Norris, and had been nlany years 
a friend and schoolfello\v of 'Villiatn Bryerton, have accepted 
such utterances as true ,vithout satisfying himself of their genuine- 
ness, especially as such verification ,vould have been no difficult 
Inatter, the public being suffered to be present at these executions. 
Constantyne was a resolute Protestant, and he says that at first he 
and all other friends of the Gospel ,vere unable to believe that the 
Queen had behaved so abominably. ." As I may be saved before 
God," he writes, "I could not believe it, afore I heard them speak 
at their death." .... "But on the scaffold," he adds: "in a 
n1anner all confessed except 1\11'. K orris, who said abnost nothing at 
alL" In the like strain Archbishop Cranmer writes in his postscript 
to his well-known letter to the I\:ing in behalf of the fallen Queen, 
"I aln exceeding Eorry that such faults can be proved against the 
Queen, as I heard of their relation." This postscript ,vas added to 
his letter upon his return froln the intervie,v with the Lord Chan- 
cellor, Lords Oxford and Sussex, and the Lord Chamberlain, in the 
Star ChaIn her. 



Therc IS, however, a third solution to this 111ystery, which, I 
believe, has never yet been canvassed. In a recent number of the 
Palll\Iall Gazette,a 'when speaking of the apprehension and confes- 
sion of the supposed Kana Sahib, the \vriter observes: 

T!le fear of death n1ay be overCOllle in a fanatic Inind by nlany influences. 
In the late Kuka disturbances several people were condemned to death 
on their own confession, and by a luere accident it was discovered only 
just in time to stay their execution that they had absolutely nothing 
whatever to do with the outrages. The reasons for their false statements 
inviting death have scarcely been satisfactorily elucidated, but the nloral 
is obvious. 

viz., that no 111an's evidence ought to be received as conclusive 
against himself. The moral may be obvious to us, but it certainly 
would not have been to th08e who lived in the reign of Henry 'V1II. 
The worst of it, however, is that Smeton confessed to the adultery, 
for \vhich he threw himself on the I\:ing's mercy (see Appendix, p. 
196), but pleadeò not guilty to the other counts, on \vhich he desired 
to be tried by a jury, so that it is even difficult to believe him to 
ha ve been suffering froln ten1 porary insanity. 
Such a solution, if adlnitted for the sake of argument, would 
render intel1igible the whole proceedings and clear up much of the 
mystery which sUITounds this political tragedy. The King, the 
peers, the judges, the two grand juries, the petty juries, and the 
parliament, may have all acted on this sho\ving in their ordinary 
and constitutional Inanner, and the law Jnay have had its course 
without, undue influence being brought to beaT, and yet justice Inay, 
in this instance, as in others with which we are better acquainted, 
have grievously miscarried. 
I t has been aEserted that Slneton ,vas bribed and tortured, but of 
this I believe no evidence can be adduced, and, if such had been the 
case, Eon1e trace of it would certainly have appeared in the legal pro- 

R Oet. 18;4 


. . 

ceedings. I t is well known that torture was used in the case of 
Anne Askew, and no secret was made of it (see this Chronicle, 
p. 168), so that we sh0uld have had SOlne InentioI! of such a pro. 
ceeding had it been resorted to in this instance. It is remarkable 
that in the original precept of the justices to the sheriff, which is 
preserved in Pouch viii. (see Appendix, p. 203), and bears date 
12th l\Iay, 1536, the name of 8meton has been erased after having 
been written in, as if he had then confessed and it was not con- 
sidered requisite to bring hiln up for further examination. 
I n like manner the partial adlnission of culpability by the other 
prisoners, while denying the main charge, is eXplained on the like 
supposition; for, being in constant attendance on her majesty, it 
,vas to be pre8umed that they would have been cognizant of 
any marked ilnpropriety of conduct bet\veen the Queen and her 
favourite musician, and if they did not check it, or inforrn the King, 
they were to be held an:nverable for their neglect of duty. Now, as 
8n1eton had confessed, they could not entirely rebut the charge of 
complicity, and were possibly conscious that this misfortune had 
been partially brought about through their own frivolities and un- 
wise encouragement of the Queen's coquettish pleasantries. 
\Ve, however, are still confronted with the difficulty of harlTIo. 
nising the Queen's assertion of innocence with the dubious adlnission, 
in her dying speech on the Tower Green, to the effect" that she 
had been judged according to law, and by the law condemned," or, 
as our chronicler has recorded it, " I here humbly submit Ine to the 
law as the law hath judged me." Instead of showing any bitterness 
towards her husband and sovereign, Anne's speech, it should be re- 
marked, bears witness to the high estimation in which she still held 
him personally, notwithstanding the cruel position in which she 
was placed. It can therefore only be understood as implying that 
she was mentally persuarled the King intended her no personal 
wrong, but that her trial had been fair and open according to the 
law as then adlninistered, ,vhich is a vcry different thing from the 
ion of unfaithfuln('ss to the J(ing's Lcd as EOlnetiInes asserted. 



It should here be noted that the condelnnation of the Queen, and the 
other prisoners, was on the charge of treason, of which the adultery 
and incest formed only separate counts; and that the adultery at 
least was regarded by the archbishop as doubtfill, for, in dec1aring 
the ecclesiastical sentence of divorce, he preferred to ground his 
decision on the original nullity of the Queen's marriage owing to 
some pre-existing cause of ineligibility, which rendered the l{ing's 
connection with Anne Boleyn only a concubinage, and consequently 
the Princess Elizabeth illegitimate. Burnet has argued that if the 
lnarriage were originally null, as declared by Cranmer, the adultery 
could not have been committed, and therefore the Queen's con- 
demnation was illegal; hut he overlooks the fact that the sentence 
was for treason, which might be committed in a variety of ways, 
even by Anne's simply not informing the I\.ing that she had been 
incontinent before marriage, or that she had been affianced to any 
other person, for such were the tyrannical laws passed by Henry 
to protect, as he asserted, the purity of the succession. 
According to our chronicler, the divorce decreed by Cranmer was 
based on the supposition of a prior contract of marriage of Anne 
Boleyn with Lord Henry Algernon Percy, afterwards eighteenth 
Earl of Northumberland; but, as before mentioned, this was posi- 
tively denied by the Earl; and although it has been insinuated that 
no reliance can be placed on this denial, as the Earl could not have 
admitted so much without grave danger to himself, yet the high 
character of the Earl, and the fact of his having been cal1ed to sit 
upon the trial, from which he was obliged to retire by reason of a 
sudden attack of illness, combine to Inake us believe that no such 
pre-contract had ever been entered into, but that the true ground 
of the ecclesiastical sentence of nullity of rnarriage passed at Laln- 
beth by Cranmer was the circumstance of the !\:ing's previous 
connexion with l\lary Boleyn, as reported by Chapuys to the 
Emperor. This agrees too ,vith Cranlner's statelnent that his 
sentence was based on circumstances not hitherto known, but ,vhich 
had lately been revealed to hin1 by the parties thcnlselves, so that 



the lnarriage had been null and void from the beginning. If so, 
our chronicler, like most other contemporary writers, Jnust have 
been n1isinformed in this particular; but as the ,vhole transaction 
reflected no credit on the ICing, who must have known even better 
than Anne Boleyn of this impediInent to their marriage, it is 
reasonable to suppo
e that the cause was purposely kept secret for 
political reasons. 
Dr. Lingard had, independently of the Vienna documents, arrived 
at the conclusion that the sentence of nullity of marriage was based 
on the previous concubinage of the ICing with Anne's sister l\fary, 
who had succeeded the daughter of Sir John Blount as royal mis- 
tress, and who after being passionately loved for a season had been 
in her turn abandoned by the King before Anne Boleyn's return 
froln the French Court. This it was with which Cardinal Pole 
reproached the ICing in one of the letters he addressed to Henry; 
and this it was which probably rendered Anne Boleyn so reluctant 
to accept the l{ing's advances unless assured of marriage. "r e 
Jnight perhaps have hesitated before accepting this revolting story 
as having any foundation in truth had not the Chapuys Corre- 
spondence confirmed all that the Cardinal had asserted. 
I have carefully hitherto avoided Inaking any Teference to the 
well-known letter of Anne Boleyn preserved in the British l\Iuseum, 
and which professes to have been ,vritten from the Tower to the 
King pleading for nlercy. It certainly is most touching, a.nd cannot 
be entirely ignored, for had it been genuine it would have told 
powerfully in her favour; but in this I cannot agree with :Thlr. 
Froude,s who says he cannot doubt of its authenticity, although he 
afterwards adds, that it is better calculated to plead the Queen's 
cause with posterity than with the I{ing, whom it could only"exas- 
perate. Dr. Lingard on the other hand, correctly as I think, rejects 
its authority as bearing no reselnblance to the Queen's genuine 
letters, either in language or spelling or writing, much less in 

a Rist. Ellgl. cd. 1870. 



signature; and observes, that it was very unlikely to have COlne 
into the possession of CruInwel], amongst whose papers it is said to 
have been found. 'Vhile Strype, who wrote at a much earlier 
period, appears to have seen another letter, written subsequently to 
the date of this one, as would appear from the events alluded to. 
In this Anne is made to say, in answer to a second invitation to 
confess, that she could confess no more than she had already spoken. 
In the midst of this uncertainty as to the genuineness of con- 
temporary authorities, not to say veracity of the narrators, it is a 
relief to fall back upon such undoubted public evidences as have 
been preserved to our time. In the Appendix to the present volume 
will be found all the official records of what actuaUy. took place 
upon this unprecedented occasion, when, for the first time in English 
history, a head which had once worn a crown was struck off by the 
sword of the executioner. . 
It is true that they have all been carefully calendared in the 
Deputy Keeper's Third Report, but not so exhaustively as to render 
the originals valueless for historical purposes. In the introduction 
to these doculnents the calendarer states that the earlier bills of 
indictn1ent, especially of high treason, are virtually the depositions 
of the ,vitnesses, or the confessions made by accessories or associates, 
and therefore throw Inuch light on the character of the judicial pro- 
ceedings. l\Iany of the trialfì, as those of Anne Boleyn and Lord 
Rochford, took place in the Court of the Lord High Steward, and 
these records contain the nalnes of the several Peers of Parliament 
who actually sat and voted upon the trial of the parties; and, as 
the early Journals of the House of Lords are ilnperfect, this circum.. 
stance addß considerably to the value and importance of the pro- 
ceedings. In the instance of Anne Boleyn a reference to these 
lists of names has cleared up one of the most perplexing difficulties, 
viz. as to the presence of the Earl of "\Viltshire on the bench during 
the trial of his children, by proving his absence in the cases of Anne 
Boleyn and her brother, but his presence upon the trial of the 
other prisoners. They also supply the nalnes of the jurors both in 



1\Iiddlesex and I{ent .who sat on the grand and petty juries .which 
tried the Queen and the rest of the prisoners, proving then1 to have 
been Inen of good social position and the panel indifferently returned. a 
These doclunents likewise supply an abstract of the evidence, which, 
although inlperfect and to a degree unsatisfactory, leaves no doubt 
as to the ordinary fonns of procedure having been scrupulously 
adhered to, so that on the face of the trial there is no evidence of 
the Crown having unduly interfered to procure a conviction. 
"Thether or not our chronicler believed in the jURtiee of the Queen's 
sentence is un
ertain, for, in narrating the proceedings at her trial, 
he speaks of her as " excusing herselfe with her .wordes so clearlie as 
thoughe she had never bene faultie to the same." (Page 37.) I t is 
possible that, while believing in her fidelity to her marriage vow, 
he may, like Archbishop Cranmer, have been" clean alllazed in his 
mind, unable to kno,v ,vhat to think, his forIner good opinion of 
her l\Iajesty prompting him to believe her innocent, whilst his 
knowledge of the ICing's justice and prudence induced him to believe 
her guilty." As for CranIner, he ought not to incur much censure, 
considering he acted in this matter out of Illatives of hunlanity. 
'-Yith regard to the life of Anne's successor, Jane Seymour, there is 
not much noticeable in our Chronicle, \vith the exception of the date of 
her death, as eXplained above (pp. xxi. and xxii.), and the statement 
that her first appearance at Court \vas as "a waiting gentlewOJnan to 
Queen JCatharine," and not, as usually stated, as maid of honour to 
Queen Anne Boleyn. This particular, not of much InOlllent in itself, 
has SOlne interest as showing that Jane was no new favourite of the 
ICing's, but that he must have been acquainted with her for SOlne 
considerable period. From the position she assun1ed, ilnmediately 
on Anne's disgrace, there must evidently have previously existed 
SOlne relations or other between her and the ICing, though there was 

a Instructions were given that none of the jurors should be related to defendants, 
and on the 
rand jury panel for J\Iirldlesex the names of those sworn are all taken 
in order, which is also the case with the petty jury with only two exceptionR, all 
being knights resident within the body of the county. 
CAMO. f'OC. [J 



nothing beyond nunour to show ,vhat these relations were. All 
we know is that her character ,vas previously without reproach, and 
that she was chosen by the I(ing for her comely and agreeable 
person and proper age, as likely t.o bear him children}\ 
Another event which is fully narrated by our chronicler is the 
interview of Henry VIII. with his fourth wife, Anne óf Cleves, on 
her first landing (see p. 109). His stat.ement is sOlnewhat remark- 
able, and differs very materially froln the ordinarily received accounts. 
J t is as follows: 

On New Year's rlaie at afternoune the l{inges Grace, with five of his 
Privie Chanlber, being disguysed with clookes of nlarble with hoodes, 
that they sbould not be know en, came privelie to Rochester, and so went 
upp into the chamber: where the said Ladie Anne looked out at a 
wyndowe to see the bull beating that was theat tyn1e in the court, and 
sodenlie he mnbraced her and kissed, and shewed her a token t.hat the 
King had sent her for her N ewe Yeares gift, and she being abashed, not 
knowing who it was, thanked him, and so he communed with her, but 
she regarded him little, but alwaies looked out of the wyndow on the 
bull beatinge, and when the l{ing perceaved :::he regarded his comming 
so little, he departed into [an ]other chamber and putt of his cloke and 
came in againe in a cote of purple velvett, and when the lordes and 
knightes did see hi
 Grace they did him reverence, and then she, per- 
ceiving the lordes doeing their dewties, humbled her Grace lowlie to the 
Kinges l\fajestie, and his Grace saluted her againe, and so talked 
togeether lovinglie, and after tooke her by the hand and leed her into 
another chanlbel.' where they solaced their graces that night and till 
Fridaie at afternoune, and then his Grace tooke his leave and departed 
thence to Gravesend, and their tooke his barge, and so went to Greene- 
wych that night, and she rode to Dartford that night and lodged their 
till the morrowe; and on Satterdaie shee tooke her j0rney towardes 
Greenewych, where, at the foote of Shooters Hill, there was a pavilion 
sett upp for her Grace, where mett her the Earle of Rutland, being Lord 
Chamberlaine to her Grace, witl1 the Ladie Dug-las, the Dutcheses of 

& See Audlcy's Rpee('h on the opening of Parliament, Lords' Journals, i. p. 84-. 



Richmond and of 
uffo]ke, with divers other ladie
 and gelltlewoluell 
that were apoynted for dailie waiters on her Grace in the court, with also 
all her Graces servantes and yeomen; and their she lighted and changed 
her apparell, and putt on a rich gowne of cloth of gould, and so lighted 
on her horse againe, and rode a soft pace towardes Greenewych, and 
about a mile and Inore from Greenewych, on the Blacl
e Heath, the 
I{inges J\Iajestie mett with her Grace, richlie apparayled in a cote of 
cloath of goulde, with all his 10l'des and knightes, and, after salutation 
donne between thelll, the l\:.inges Grace and ::;he rode softlie towardes 
Greenwych, all the waie from thence sett on both sides with gentlemen 
in cotes of velvett and great chaynes about their lleckes, the l\Iajor of 
London riding in a cotú of crymison velvett and a rych collar of goulde 
about his necke, afore the lunges Maj estie, and all the aldermen, with 
the counsell of the cittie and six score of the citizins, all in cotes of 
blacke velvett with chaines of gonld about their neckes, stoode alol1ge by 
the parke side whereas she should J1asse by, and twentie fower merchantes 
of the 
tiliard in cotes of velvett with chaines, above five hundred persons, 
and above tow thousand horse of their serval1tes in ne.w lyveries, and 
also all the craftes in London laie in barges in the Thames afore Greene- 
wych, their barges being well trynuued with banners and targattes, with 
divers nlelodie of instrunlentes, "ith also tow batchlers barges rychlie 
hanged with cloth of gonld of the craft of the l\Iarcers, which was a 
goodlie sight; and so she Caine to Greenewych that night and [was] 
receaved as Qucene; and the nlorrowe, being Soundaie, the I\:.inges 
Grace kept a great court at Greenewych, where his Grace with the 
Queene offred at llut8Se, richlie apparayled; and on Twclfe daic, which 
was Twesdaie, the I\:.inges J\Iajestie was Inaried to the said Queene ...-luue, 
solelllply, ia her closett at Greenewych, and his Grace and shce went a 
vrocession openlie that daie, she being in her haire, with a rytch cronctt 
uf stones and pearle sett with rosenmrie on her Graces heade, and a 
gownc of rich doatll of, and richlie bchanged with stollnc and 
pearle, with all her ladies and gentlewolnen following her Grace, which 
was a goodlie sight to behold. 

If wc contrast the above with the account of thé 8alllC interview 
frOln I hUllC':5 hi::;tory, 



The I{ing, Î1npatient to be satisfied with regard to the person of his 
bride, came privately to Rochester, and got a sight of her. He found 
.her big, indeed, anù tall as he could wish, but utterly devoid both of 
beauty and grace, very unlike the pictures and representations which he 
had received. He swore she was a great Flanders lnare, and declared 
that he never could possibly bear her any affection. The matter was 
worse when he found that she could speak no language but Dutch, of 
which he was entirely ignorant, and that the charnls of her conversation 
were not likely to compensate for the homeliness of her person. 

we cannot fail to be struck ,vith the superiority of the con- 
ten1porary chronicler, who has left us so lively a picture of the 
manners (ìf those tilnes. 
Under date June 1546, (see p. 167) occurs another passage ,vhich 
perhaps requires elucidation: "After the conclusion of peace," 
\vrites our chronicler, " the I{inges l\lajestie christened the Dolphins 
chield, Sir TholTIas Cheney, knt. and Lord \Varden of the Five 
Portes being the I{inges debitey at the christning, which rode 
into France with a goodlie company, and was ther
 highlie receaved 
of the French ICinge." The French ICing here spoken of ,vas 
Francis 1., latc the enen1Y, but no,v the sworn friend, of Henry, 
who sent Sir Thomas Cheney into France to assist at the christening 
of the Dauphin's infant daughter, to whom his l\lajcsty of England 
had proposed to stand sponsor, as a mark of esteem for his brother 
of France, ,vho on his side was so devoted, according to our 
chronicler, to Henry, that after receiving the l1ews of his death 
he never rejoiced again, but died within three months after. His 
obsequy was kept ,vith great solemnity in London as well as Paris 
(see p. 184), and at the requicll1 lTIaSS in St. Paul's Cathedral, 
Bishop Ridley, of Rochester, " greatlie commended in his sennon the 
said French ICinf! departed, for setting forth of the Bible and X c,v 
Testalnent in the French tongue to be read of all his snbjectes." This 
c0111mendation by our author of Francis I. for his religious enlighten- 
lTICnt in encouraging the spread of the Scriptures reads sOlTIewhat 
strange, ,vhen we call to nlind that it ,vas under his governlTIent that 



the printing of the English translation of the Scriptures was sUlnmarily 
stopped at Paris in compliance with a remon
trance from the French 
clergy. On this occa
ion Inost of the copies then .worked off were seized 
and burnt. SaIne few, however, of this edition having fortunately 
been conveyed out of danger, the attempt to suppress it was unavail- 
ing, and ,vith the connivance of the French Governlnent. the work- 
Inen and forms were then brought over into England, ,vhere the 
printing was proceeded with. 
A complete version of the Bible, partly by Tindal and partly by 
Coverdale, had appeared in 1535, and a second edition, under the 
nalne of l\latthe,v, followed in 1537; but Crum"Tell and Cranmer, 
not content with these perfonnances, determined on a revised edition, 
,vhich ,vas cOl1unitted to the press at Paris because no printer could 
be fc)und in England capable of executing so great a work as it 
ought to be. It is somewhat remarkable that the English trans- 
lators had to send to Paris to get their work executed, as ,ve 
find it asserted only a few years previously (statute 25 Hen. 8, 
cap. 15), that "at this day (1534) there be ,vi thin this realm a 
great number cunning and expert ill printing, and as able to 
execute the said craft as any stranger." In all the editions of 
the Bible in I-Ienry's reign, though the version is substantially 
Tyndal's, there are considerable variations. Thus, in the edition 
of 1537, called l\Iatthew's Bible, printed by Grafton, author of 
Grafton's Chronicle, there are numerous Inarginal notes reflecting 
on the corruptions of Popery. These, in the 1539 edition, commonly 
called" Cranmer's Bible," as having been revised by him, have been 
omitted, and several verbal alterations made in the text: for exan1ple, 
the ,vord ecclesia in Cranlner's Great Bible is always rendered con- 
gregation, instead of church, apparently with the object of pointing 
out that the laity had a share in the government of a Christian 
society. It was, as ,ve learn froln this Chronicle (page 85), the 
edition of the Bible" of the largest volume" which ,vas ordered in 
1538 to be placed in every church, " as a lidger for the parishioners 



to read on, the curate to beare the halfe of the charge thereof, and 
the parishe the other halfe ;" the price being 108., as we learn frolll 
the first volulne of State Papers, Henry 'TIll., where n1any other 
interesting particulars relative to this subject will be found. After 
noticing the order for the curates to provide a book of the Bible in 
English, our author goes on to point out that, by the injunctions 
issued by Crulnwell as the King's vicegerent, it was provided" that 
all the lights of wax in every church were to be taken down, 8ave 
only the roodloft light, the light afore the Sacrament, and the light 
afore the Sepulchre. And that every curate shall keep a book or 
register wherein shall be written every ,vedding, ehristening, and 
burying made within the same church througl:out the ,vhole year, 
the same book to rernain in a chest \vith two locks and two keys in 
the saIne church provided for the same, the one key to rernain with 
the curate, and the other ,vith the church,vardens of the same 
church, the charge to be at the cost of the parish," with divers other 
injunctions. The progress of the Reforlnation, ,vhich evidently 
had the sYlnpathies of our author, notwithstanding the filct that so 
lnany of his own relatives and friends were staunch adherents of the 
ancient régime, on more than one occasion evokes an expression of 
his personal opinion. Thus, at page 81, he writes, "This year 
[1538] also, in Paske Tearme, the Bishop of London, called Doctor 
Stookes[leyJ, was condeInned in a pren1ynere, for Inakinge t,vo 
brethren and a nonne at Sion by the Bishop of Romes bulles; 
how- beyt the J\:inge ,vas better to hiB1 then he deserved, aud 
graunted him his pardon." In another passage, while noting the 
dispersion of the religious fraternities at Sion, he designates it the 
"virtuest house in all the land," perhaps frOln his having been n10re 
familiarly acquainted with its inner life, his aunt Agnes having bee
a professed nun ,vithin its walls. 
I would only call attention to one otller passage which ,vill be 
found at page 82, where our author narrates the particulars of the 
preaching of Henry Daunce, who Inay be described as the father of 



lnodern Dissenters. This lnan as he tells us was a bricklayer dwell- 
ing in \Vhitechapel, then a detached village situated on the skirts 
of Epping Forest. His practice was 

To sett a tub against a tree in his garden, frOlll which he preached the 
worde of God on divers Sondayes and other dayes early in the morninge and 
at 6 of the clocke at night, and had great audience of people, both spirituall 
and temporall, which sayd parson had noe learninge of his booke, neither 
in Englishe nor other tongue, and yet he declared Scripture as well as if 
he had studyed at the Uniyersities; but at the last the bishops had such 
indignation at hÏ1n by reason the people followed hiln, that they sent for 
him to ll1Y Lord of Canterbury, where he was demaunded many questions, 
but they .coulde laye nothinge to his charge, but did inhibite him froll1 
preachinge because of the great resorte of people that drue to his sermons. 

In conclusion I ,vouid observe that to the historical acumen of 
the late 1\11'. John Bruce, formerly Director of the Camden So- 
ciety, is due the present publication, for it was he who, justly appre- 
ciating the value of this Chronicle, procured the loan of the 1\1 S. 
from Lieutenant-General Lord Henry Percy with the object of its 
publication, and I have only carried out his intentions, with the 
approbation of the Council of that Society. In printing it, ac- 
cording to the usual practice, I have preserved the spelling of the 
I\1S., which may be of use for philological purposes, though not as 
a criterion of the contemporaneousness of the narrative, for the 
spelling has not unfrequently been Inodernised by" the transcriber, 
who lived in the latter part of the reign of James 1., whereas the 
author was born in the reign of Henry 'TII. 
If it be true, as Stow in his quaint lnanner tells us, "that those 
.who to their great costes and charges have brought hidden histories 
from dusky darkness to the sight of the wo
ld deserve at least 
thankes for their paines, and to be lnisreported of none, seeing they 
have laboured for all," then public thanks are alike due to the 
Can1den Society for bearing the eharges of this volume, to Lieutenant- 

xl viii 


General Lord Henry Percy for the loan of his valuable and unique 

IS., and to the good friends of the editor ,vho have aided hiln .with 
their advice and assistÆtnce in its elucidation, more especially to 
Samuel Rawson Gardiner, Esq., Director of the Calnden Society, to 
J. S. Brewer, l\I.A., to S. 'V. I(ershaw, 
I.A., librarian of the 
Archiepiscopal Library in Lam beth Palace, to Sir John l\laclean, 
and to S. J. Tucker, Esq., Rouge-Croix Pursuivant. 


Beaumont Cottage, Haverstock Hill, 
10 November, 1874. 



11es quæclam scÎtu digniores sub reg
no Henrici 

This yeare a was great death of the sicknesse called the sweatinge 
sicknesse;b and the crosse in Cheepe ne\v made; and a great taske 
and disme c grawnted to the J(inge. 

This yeare d Prince Arthure ,vas borne at 'Vindsore.e 

This yeare the Queene was crowned. f The Earle of Lincolne,g 

a Henry VII.'s regnal years counted from 22nd Aug. 1485, the day of the battle 
of Bosworth. The years in the text, however, are computed from Lord :Mayor's day. 
b This disease, unknown to any other age or nation, appeared first in London 
ahout the middle of September, and hy the end of October had decimated the popu- 
lation. Two mayors and six aldermen died of it within one week.-See " Hall's 
C This expression is copied from Arnold, signifying" tax and tenth." In .Jean 
grave's "L'Ec1aircissement de In. Langue Française" the word "taske" is 
rendered by the French" taux." 
d This paragraph is wrongly placed both in Arnold and our 1\18. after the next. 
cntry, but I have restored it to its proper date. 
C A clerical error for 'Vinchester. 
f At 'Vestmillster on the 2.3th November, 14:87. 
g John Earl of Lincoln was son of John de la. rolf', Duke of Suffolk, antI of 
EJizaheth, eldest sister of Eùwartl IV. 
CAi\ID. soc. n 

A.D. 1485-7. 
[Anno Reg. 1.] 

[A.D. 1486.] 
[Anno Reg. 2.] 

[A.D. 1487.] 
[Anno Reg. 3.J 

A.D. 1481-92. 

[A.D. 1489.J 
[Anno Reg. 4.] 

[A.D. 1490.J 
[Anno Reg. 5.] 

. [A.D. 1491.J 
[Anno Reg. 6.J 

[A.D. 1492.J 
[Anno Reg. 7.J 



the Lord Lovell, and one l\Iartin Swarte, a straunger, slayne all In 
a Feild that they made againste the I{inge. a 

HENRICl VII. Anno 4. 
This yeare the J{inge sent manye knightes with seaven thowsand b 
men into Brytane. Th' Earle of Korthumberlande slayne in the 
N orthe. C A capp of mayntenance brought from Rome to the 
H..inge. d 

This yea-re Creplegate was new made, and E. Francke e and other 
put to death. 

This yeare, in June,! I{inge Henrie the Eight g was borne at 
Greenewich, which was second sonne to King Henry the VIlth, 
named Duke of Yorke. Sir Robert Chamberlayne beheaded. A 
conduict begon at Christ Churche. h 
This yeare the l{inge went to Calis ,vith a great armie i againste 
France, but the peace was Inade without battell. k The Queenes 
mother 1 deceased, and the Lowers m set upon Guylde Hall. 

a This battle was fought at the village of Stoke, near Newark, 16th June, 1487, 
when Lambert Simnel was made prisoner. 
b Eight thousand according to Stow. 
e By the rebels, April 28th, 1489. 
d This agrees with Arnold and Bernard André, but Stow places it in 1505. 
e Edward Franke in Arnold. f June 28th, 1491. 
g This expression shows that this portion of the Chronicle was written after the 
accession of Henry VIII. 
h A clerical error for Gracechurch, in Arnold written Greschurch. 
i 25,000 foot and 1,600 horse. 
k By the terms of this treaty, known as the Peace of Estaples, the French King 
engaged to pay 745,000 crowns down and 52,000 crowns yearly under the name of 
I Elizabeth 'Voodville, widow of }
dward IV. m Towers. 


This yeare was a risinge of yonge men againste the Stiliarde. a 

This yeare was beheaded Sir vVilliam Stanley, Lord Chamber- 
layne, Sir Syrnon l\Ionforde and his sonne, and manye other that 
landed in the Downes,b to the number of viii xx, that came fi-om 
Perkin 'Verbeck,c callinge hirnselfe I(ing Edwardes sonne.d 
HENRICI VII. Anno 12. 
This yeare 'was Blackheath feild in June. e The Lord Awdley 
chiefe capteyn .with 30,000 Corni.she men. The capteynes put to 
death, f and in August Perkin vVerbeck landed in Corne"\vale,g and 
by pursuit Hedd to Bowdley St. l\Iarie,h but by appoyntment he 
came to the I\:inge, follo.winge the Courte.Ï 

HENRICI VII. Anno 13. 
This yeare, in December, was the weathercock of Pa.ules, the 
crosse, and the bowle,k taken downe, and all new made. And in l\Iay 
after were solemnlye hallowed, and sett up agayne. 
a The Hanseatic or Easterling merchants had their repository," Guyhalda Tentoni- 
corum," in the Still-yard in Thames Street, from which circumstance they received 
the sobriquet of :Merchants of the Steelyard. 
b Near Deal. 
C Other authorities say Warbeck's followers, to the number of 169, were on this 
occasion made captives and gibbeted; but our author has copied Arnold, who has 
" viii skore." 
d 1Varbeck pretended to be Richard Duke of York, son of Edward IV. 
e June 22nd. 
f Lord Audley was beheaded at Tower HilI; Flammock, an attorney, and l\Ii3hel 
 a blacksmith, wcre hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn; all the rest 
were pardoned by proclamation. 
g In 1Vhitsand Bay; and, having sent his wife, the Lady Catherine Gordon, for 
safety to :\lount St. l\IichaeI, assumed the title of Richard IV. 
h The Sanctuary of Beaulieu in the New Forest, written in Arnold "Bewdeley 
sent wary," which has been erroneously transcribed in our 1\IS. " St. 1\Iarie. " 
i In Arnold this passage i::;, " find so remained following the Conrt." 
k ball. 


A.D. 1493-98. 
[Anno Reg. 8.] 

[A.D. 1495.] 
[Anno Ueg. 10.] 

[A.D. 1497.] 
[Anno Reg. 12.] 

[A.D. 1498.] 
r Anno Reg. 13.] 

A.D. 1499-1501. 
[Anno Reg. 14.] 

[Anno Reg. ]5.] 

[A.D. 1500.] 

[Anno Reg. 16.] 

[A.D. 1501.] 
[Anno Reg. 17.] 



HENRICI VII. Anno 14. 
This yeare was borne the third sonne of Iring Henry the VII. 
named Edmunde Duke of Somersett, at Greenwich, the 22nd of 

I-IENRICI VII. Anno 15. 
This yeare, in June, deceased the third sonne of the Ringe, 
named Duke of Somersett, and was buried at 'Vestminster. a Perkin 
'Verbeck putt to death at Tyburne; and the Earle of 'Varwyke,b 
sonne to the Duke of Clarence, who had bene kept in t.he Tower 
from the age of 11 years unto the end of 14 yeares, was beheaded at 
the To,ver Hill. e A great pestilence throughout all England. . 

HENRICI VII. Anno 16. 
This yeare the I\:inge buylded new his mannoI' at Sheene,d and 
chaunged the name and named it Richmonde;e and buylded new 
his place, called the Baynards Castle, in London; and repay red his 
place in Greenewich, with muche new bnyldinge/ 

HENRICI VII. Anno 17. 
This yeare, the 14th day of November, Prince Arthure ,vas 
married g at Paules Churche, in London, to the I\:inge of Spaynes 

a Our author follows Arnold, but others say that the infant Prince Edmond did 
not die till the fifth year of his age. 
b Edward Ear1 of 'Yarwick was the last remaining male of the house of 
Plantagenet. He bore the title of Earl of 'Yarwick, though it does not appea.r that 
his father's attainder had been reversed. 
C Warbeck was executed at Tyburn on the 23rd November, together with O"Vater, 

laJor of Cork, and the Ear1 of 'Yarwick on the following day, or, according to 
some authorities, on the 28th. 
d Stow has placed this paragraph under the year 1507, being the twenty-second 
year of Henry's reign. 
e After his own title. 
f Greenwich has much favoured by Henry VII. and here his son, afterwards 
Henry VIII. was born. 
g At the age of fifteen, his bride being seventeen. The commission and 
articles may be seen in M"S. Har1eian. Cod. 6,2
0, Art. 1. 


third daughter, named J{atheryne. a And in Easter weeke follow- 
inge the saide Prince Arthure deceased at Ludlowe, in 'Va]es, and 
,vas buried at W orcester. b 

IIENRIOI V II. Anno 18. 
This yeare, in Februarie, died Queene Elizabeth at the Towre of 
London, lyeinge in childebedd of a daughter named I{atherine (the 
8th day after her birth), and was buried at 'Vestminster; c and on 
Passion Sundaye a peace made betwene the Elnperoure and the 
I{inge duringe their lyves, solemnized upon a great oathe at the 
highe aulter in Paules queere. 


A.D. 1502-5. 

[A.D. 1503.] 
[Anno Reg. 18.] 

HENRICI VII. Anno 19. 
This yeare the Taylors sued to the J{inge to be called l\larchant [Anno Reg. 19.] 
taylors. d And this yeare was a great fier at the ende of London 
Bridge next to St. l\Iagnus. 
HENRICI VII. Anno 20. 
This yeare was a great strife for th' election of the sheriffs in the 
Guylde Hall. One parte ,youlde have vVilliam Fitz- '.Villiams, 

a Katharine was fourth daughter of Ferdinand II. surnamed the Catholic, King 
of Aragon, by his wife Isabella, daughter of John II. Ring of Castile, which 
Isabella succeeding to the crown of Castile in 1474, the monarchy of Spain was 
b Prince Arthur died on the Saturday following Easter Sunday in 1502, being 
April 2nd, and was buried in 'Y orcester cathedral on the 27th April. 
C Elizabeth, the eldest child of Edward IV. by Elizabeth 'Yoodville his wife, was 
heiress of the house of York. She was born at 'Yestminster on the 11th Fe bnlary, 
1466, and died on her thirty-seventh birthday in the Tower of London, haying been 
delivered of a daughter on the second of the same month, who died soon after its 
d This Society, anciently denominated" Taylorß and Linen-Armorers," was incor- 
porated by letters patent of 5 Edward IV. 1466. But many of the members being 
great merchants, and Henry VII. a member thereof, he for their greater honour re- 
incorporated the same in 1503, ùy the Dame of "The :l\Iaster and 1Yardens of the 
l\Iercbtìnt Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist in the City of London." 
-:l\Iaitland's " History of J..ondon." 

[A.D. ] 50.3.] 
[Anno Reg. 20.] 

A.D. 1505-9. 

[A.D. 1506. J 
[Anno Heg. 21.J 

[A.D. 1507.] 
[Anno Reg. 23.] 

[A.D. 1509.] 
[Anno Reg. 24.] 



march ante taylor, and another Roger Grove, grocer, who at length 
was admitted for one of the sheriffes. a 

HENRICI,TII. Anno 21. 
This yeare a great parte of the cittie of Norwich was burnt, and 
tl1e to,vne of Berkwaye b more then halfe burnt. ..AJlso a great 
fieI' in l,ondon betwene tl1e Custollle Howsse and Billinsgate, that 
did great hurte. 

HENRICI V II. Anno 23. 
This yeare, about the latter ende of J anuarye, the l{inge of Casten 
and his wife C ,vere driven into Englande, d and had here great 
cheare. The liing was lllade l{night of the Garter at \Yindsore. e 

HENRICI VII. Anno 24. 
This yeare, in Aprill, died l{ing Henry the 'TIlth at Richmond; f 
and his sonne I\:ing Henry the VIII. was proclaymed Iiinge on St. 
Georges daye g 1508 [1509J, in the same moneth. And in June 
followinge the Iiing ,vas ]llarried to Queene l{atherin, late .wife 
of his brother h Prince Arthure, and were both crowned on l\1id- 
sommer day} 

a The two sheriffs chosen for the year 1505 were Richard Shore and Roger Grove. 
b Berkwey in Arnold, probably Berkeley in Gloucestershire. 
C Archduke Philip and his wife Juana, who, by the death of her mother Isabella, 
was now Queen of Castile. 
d For a full account of the anival of the Archduke Philip, and his entertainment 
whilst in England, see :MS. I-larleian. Cod. 540, fol. 60-66, and Cod. 543, fol. 140. 
e The English monarch invested Philip with the order of the Gmter at \Vindsor, 
and the latter made him and Prince Henry Knights of the Golden .Flcece. 
f At the ncw palace, on the 21st April, 1509. 
g \Ve should here read St. George's Eve, 
2nd April, 150g, from which day Henry 
VIII. reckoned his regnal years. Stow, however, says that Henry was not proclaimed 
till the 24th. 
h At Greenwich, on Trinity Sunday, June the 3rd. 
i For the account of Henry's coronation with his quecn, Katharine, see }.IK 
Harleian. H)!), Art. 7. 


HENRICI VIII. a Anno 1. 
The coronation of l{inge Henrie the Eight, which ,vas the 24th 
of June, A.D. 1509. 
This yeare, Prince HenTie, the l{ings first sonne, was borne at 
Richmonde on Ne'we Yeares daye,b and on St. l\lathie's day C after 
the saide Prince died, and was buried at Westminster. 

This yeare, in August, Sir Richard Empson d and Edmund 
Dudley 'were beheaded at the Tower Hill. e 
Two heretiques burned in Smithfield on St. Luke's day.c 
This yeare the Regent of England, a shippe, and a carike of 
France, ,vere burnt in Bristowe haven,g and Sir Tholnas J{nyvett in 
her ,vith all his men. 

ø. In consequence of the erroneous idea that the Kings of England always ascended 
the throne immediately on the decease of the preceding sovereign, some authorities 
make the regnal years of Henry VIII. to commence on the 21st April, 1509, the 
day of his father's decease, but it is clearly established, as shown by Sir Harris 
Nicolas, that they ought to be computed from the day following, viz. April 22. The 
years in the text, however, are computed from Lord 11ayor's day. 
b On the 1st January, 1510. 
C Or rather St. ]\:Iathias' eve, February 23. Hall, however, says that this Prince 
died on "the 22 .Feb. being the Even of Saint 
Iathy," which would seem to show 
that St.l\fathias' day was sometimes kept on the 23rd, instead of the 24th February, 
in which case our text is correct. 
d In 118. incorrectly written Sir Thomas Empson, which mistake is also made by 
e In MS. this and the preceding entry have been accidentally transposed. 
f October 18. 
g This engagement, one of the most striking recorded in the annals of the English 
navy, was fought off Brest Harbour on the 10th August, 1512, in which the Regent, a 
first-class English vessel, commanded by Sir Thomas Rnyvett, 
laster of the Horse, 
and the French vessel Cordeliere, commanded by.Primanget, called by the English 
chroniclers Sir Piers l\Iorgan, were blown np with the loss of all their men. Hall's 
Chronicle, pp. 534-5. A letter of Wolsey, describing the loss of the Regent, may be 
seen in l\fS. Cotton. Vitel. B. ii. p. 180. 


A.D. 1509-11. 
[Anno Reg. 1.] 
[A.D. 1510.] 

[Anno Reg. 2.] 

. [A.D. 1512.] 
[Anno Reg. 3.] 

A.D. 1512-13. 
[Anno Reg. 4-.] 
A subsidie grawnted 
to the Kinge. 

[A.D. 1513.] 
[Anno Reg. 5.] 



HENRICl VIII. Anno 4. 

This yeare, at a Parlelnent kept at vV estminster, a was grawnted 
to the I{inge t,vo fifteens and [four] b dimes, and head money c for 
everie man; for a Duke 10 markes, for an Earle 5l., for a Lorde 
4l., a knight 4 marks, and so after lower degrees; he that might 
spend 408. to pay 12d.; and everie man was valued that was 'worth 
in goodes 800l. to pay 4 l11arks, 400l. 4 nobles, 200l. 2 nobles, 40l. 
a noble, 20l. to pay 40d., and everie man valued worth 408. ['wages ] d 
to pay 12d., and servantes, prentises, weOlnen, and all other [of 15 
years and upwards] d to pay 4d. a peece. 

HENRICI \TIIl. Anno 5. 

This yeare, on the Assension Even,e Edmonde de la Pole f was 
beheaded on To'wer Hill.g 
This yeare aIlso, on the day of th' Exaltation of the Crosse,h Te 
Deum was sungen in Paules Churche for the victorie of the Scottishe 
feild, where I{ing J amys of Scotland \vas slayne. i The I{ing of 

a This Parliament was convoked for the 4th Feb. 1511-2, but was subsequently 
prorogued to the 4th November, which would be in the fourth year of Henry's reign. 
b Supplied from Stow and Arnold, but Hardyng's Chronicle says two dismes, or 
c This term generaUy signifies a poU-tax, but it is here evidently used for an 
assessed or property tax. 
d Supplied from Stow. 
e 1Ve should here read 11ay Even as in Arnold and Stow; Ascension Even in 
1513 feU on l\lay 4th, wnereas the Duke was executed on the 30th April, 1513. 
f Edmund de la Pole, son of John de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, was nephew of 
Edward IV. and brother of the Earl of Lincoln who was slain at the battle of Stoke; 
his other brother, Richard de la Pole, called the 'Vhite Rose, was afterwards slain 
before the city of Pavia, in 1525. 
g The warrant for his execution had been signed by Henry VII. on his death-bed, 
but was delayed to be put in execution by Henry VIII. till this year. 
h 14th of September. 
I James IV. of Scotland was slain at the battle of Floddcll Ficld, on tlJe !)th 
September, 1513. 



England that tyme lyenge at seege before Turney a in France, and A.D. 151H-1!}. 
,van it and Turwyn b also. [A.D. 1514.] 
A Parlell1ent kept at 'Vestminster,C where was graunted to the A subsidie of 6d. in 
I\:ing of all men's goodes 6d. in the po'wnde. A peace behvene the the pownde. 
King and French I(ing duringe both their lives; and the Ladie 

Iarie, sister to the I\:ing, married to the French I\:ing,d at Abireld,e 
in Picardye, in October.c 

This yeare on l\lunday, the 4th of December, Richarde flunn, [Anno Reg. 6.] 
taylor, of London, ,vas hanged in the Lo,vlardes Tower at Powles. . 
lIe was made an heretique for suinge a PrænHl1dre against Dr. Hunn slaYlle in Low. 
lards tower. 
Fitz-James, Bishopp of London, and Dr. IIorsey, his Chauncellor; 
and they saide he hanged himselfe, but it was fownde contrarie. 
His bodie ,vas burnt in Smithfeilde, on the even of St. Thomas 
th' Apostle next followinge. g [A.D. 1.313.] 
The French I{ing died,h and a new peace concluded with the 

ø. TOl1rnay, the capital of the Tournaisis, an(l one of the most ancient towns of 
Belgium, contained at this period about 80,000 inhabitants. 
b Terouenne surrendered to Henry on the 23rd August, 1513. 
c This paragraph has been misplaced in 1\18. before the preceding; the Parliament 
did not meet till the 3rd January, 1514. 
d The Princess l\1ary was in her seventeenth year, and her husband Louis XII., to 
whom she was third wife, in his fifty-fourth year. 
e At AbbevilIe, in Picardy. From which place l\1ary, three days after her 
marriage, wrote letters to her hrother and Wolsey. 
f The marriage ceremony had been previously celebrated at Greenwich IJY proxy, 
but was not consummated till Octoher 
Hh. For fuller particulars, see Ellis's 
Original Letters, First and Secoml Series. 
g AnlOld's version is as follows: "This yere, in Octobre, one Richard Hoone, 
awellyng in the parysh of Saynt Margaret in Brydge 8tret, was n.ppefl,ched of 
heresy, and put into the Lollar's Tower, at Powles, and therin was founde llaugyd in 
prison, whereupon grete exdamacyon was amonge people, how, hy whom, or 1)y what 
meane, he was hangyd; the dowt was denyù by the temporall 1awe, and was sayd that 
one Kok Charls, a sumner, and the Bell Uynge of Powles, sholde, in a nyght, hang 
ayd Hoone; howe be it, aftyr he was hanged, he was jugyd an heretyck by tho 
spiritualllawe, and burnpl in Smythfcld." 
h Louis XII. died 1st January, 1515. 

A.D. 1515-17. 

luke of SufIolke 
laried to the Frcnch 

ueene, the King's 

[A.D. 1516.] 
[Anno Reg. 7.] 
:irthe of the Ladie 

[A.D. 1517.] 
[Anno Reg. 8.] 
. great frost, that 
leu and we omen 
cnt on Thems. 



I\"inge and Francis,a that tyrne new made I\:ing of Fra.nce. And the 
Ladie l\Iarye, French Queene, ,vas grawnted her dowrie to be 
brought into England, and ,vas suffred to have aU her goodes and 
riches. The Duke of Suffolke, ,vith Sir Richard 'Vingfeilde and 
Dr. "rest, and other, sent into France as ambassadors. b A con- 
clusion was made that the saide Duke was ,veddid to the saide 
Lady l\larie in France,c and thereupon earn over into Englande, 
and with them brought over all thinges after their mynde. d 

This yeare the Ladie l\Iarie, Princes, was borne at Greenewich, 
in Februarie. e The I{ing of Spayne died. The Queene of Scottes, 
sister to the I{inge, came porelie out of Scotland to the J{inge, f 
and was richlye receaved, and rode thorowe London. 

HENRIC! VIII. Anno 8. 
This yeare a great frost began the 12 day of Januarie g in suche 
wise that no bote might goe betwixt London and ' 

ø. The Duke of Valois, who succeeded under the title of Francis I., renewed the 
alliance with Hcnry. 
b Charles Brandon, Dukc of Suffolk, Sir Richard 1Yingfield, and Dr. 'Yest, "with 
a goodly bande of yeomen, all in black" (saJs Hall), had been sent in embassy to 
Paris to negociate a settlement of the ex-queen's dower. 
C It had been arranged that the Duke should conduct the ex-queen back to 
England, and there have married her, but (says Stow) "for doubt of change he 
man-ied her secretly at Paris, as was said;" it is now ascertained that such was 
the fact. and that the Duke was reproved for it by Wolsey, a draught of whose 
lcttcr is still extant; as is also a letter of 
lary to her brother, Henry VIII., taking 
the blame on herself. 
d The French Chroniclers assert that 
lary brought over with her into England 
jewcls, plate, and tapestry belonging to Louis XII. to the value of 200,000 crowns, 
besides a great diamond called "le miroir de Naples." 
e February 18th. 
f ]'Iargaret, Queen dowager of Scotland, the King's eldest sister, being forced by 
a faction to fly to England, passed through London on her way to the court at 
Greenwich in :\lay 1516. 
g This season was likewise remarkable for a great drought, " for there fell no rain 



all the terlne tyme. And froln \Vestminstcr to Lam beth ,vas a A.D. 1517. 
common way over the Themms upon the ise. [Anno Reg. !}.] 
This yeare, on Thursday, the last day of Aprill, there ,vas an Evill1\Iay day in 
. . f d . . L d A d I London 
InsurrectIon 0 yonge men an aprentIses In ,on on. a n t 1e . 
l\lunday after, beiuge the 4 of l\Iaye, there ,vas brought from the 
Tower of London to the Guyld-hall 54 persons,b and there were 
indited. And the Inorrowe after a 11 persons were judged to 
death; fower of them to be hanged, dra wne, and their bowells brent, 
and then quartered, which ,vas so done; one of them at Blanck 
Chappeltone,c another at Leaden Hall, and two at the StaudeI'd in 
Cheepe. And the other 7 were hanged on other gallo,ves \v hich 
,vere sett up in divers places within the Cittie of London. 
This yeare the Turk ,varred upon the Sowdan,d and sle\ve hilll 
and one hundred thowsand men. e And the countrie made a new 
The 14 day of 1\fay the I\:inge satt in the ICinges Benche in 
'VestIninster Hall, and there was brought before him all the 
prisoners \vhich caIne from the Tower of London/ in their shirtes 
,vith halters aboute their neckes, and there the l\:ing pardoned 
them, and the l\Iajor and citizens also ,vhich ,vcre there present in 
their liveries. 

to be accounted of from the beginning of Septeml)er till :May in the following year, 
so that, in some places, men weæ fain to drive their cattle three or four miles to 
water."-Stow, ed. Howes, p. 505. 
a A fuller account of this uprising of the London Apprentices will be found ill 
Hall and Stow. 
b 278 prisoners were arraigned before the Commissioners at Guildhall, of whom 
13 were capitally executed.-IIall. 
C Blanchc-Chapelton, i. e. 'Vhitechapel. 
d The l\iamaluke Sultan of Egypt. 
C In a battle fought near Aleppo by Selim. 
f This event is more fully related by Arnold, who says, that, on the 16th l\Iny, 
330 nU'n and 11 women were bound in ropes, and led with cords from Guildhall to 
'Vestminstcr, the Sheriff
 waiting on them, and every prisoner" a peyr of bedys in 
ther handy
," and in the King's Street in Westminster were stripped to their shirts 
and halters placed about their ncrks. 

A.D. 1518. 
[Anno Reg. 10.J 
The comminge of the 
legate to make the 
Lord CardinalÏ 
legatt. a 



This yeare, on a Thursday, the 29th day of Julie, a legat b came 
from the Pope, and ,vas receaved into London at after-noone. And 
there receaved him at the Black. Heath the Bishop of Durrhan1, 
the Bishop of Ely, the Duke of Northfolke,c with divers other great 
Iordes and knightes, and all the orders of friers, channons, moncks 
of Stratforde and Tower Ilill, with all parsons and pÚestes of all 
the parishc churches in London, stoode all in coopes w.ith crosses, 
candlestickes, and sensors, from St. Georges barre in South wark 
to Leaden IIall corner. And ever as the legatt passed by them 
they sensed him; and so was he receaved thorowe the Cittie; he 
l1avinge borne before hiln 2 pillers of sylver and guylt, and he 
hiulselfe ridinge in redd chamlett, d ,vith his cardinalls hatt on his 
heade, and the 1\Iajor and Aldermen, with all the crafts of the 
Cittie, standinge in Cheepe-syde in their best liveries. And when 
he can1e before the 1\Iajor and Aldernlen yonge 1\Ir. 1\10re made 
there to him a proposition for the Cittie,e and so he rode t110rO\Ve 
Pnules Churche yeard. And when he came at the ,vest dore of 
Powles the Bishop of London,! ,vith all Powles quier, receaved 
him with procession in copes of cloth of golde, and a riche canopie 
of cloth of golde borne over his heade, and so brough t him to the 
highe alter, where he saide his devotions and offered; and that done, 
he roùe to the Bishopp of Bathes place at Tenlple barre, which 
was prepared for him, and so there ,remayned. 
fl This is the first instance in which our Chronicler gives a much fuller account of 
the proceedings than is to be found in Arnold's Chronicle, which ends in the year 
b Cardinal Campeggio, called also Laurence Campeius. 
c Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, had the title of Duke of Norfolk restored to 
him for the great victory gained by him at Flodden, 1513, Sept. 9. 
d 'Vhilst delaying at Calais for the return of the papal bull \V olsey had supplied 
him witb red cloth to clothe his servants, who, at their first coming, were but meanly 
apparelled.-IIall, ed. 1809, p. 5!)2. 
e Sir Thomas .More madc a brief oration to him in the Dame of the City.-Hall's 
Chronicle, ed. I80!), p. 5!)3. 
r Uichard Fitz-J ames. 




This yeare, on Fridaye before. 'Vhitsonday, beinge the 17 day 
of J\Iaye, Edward Duke of Buckinghalll a "\}"as beheaded at Tower 

A.D. 1521-2. 
[Anno Reg. 13.] 


This yeare th' Elnperoure Charles b came into England, and was ., [A.D. 1522.] 
receaved into the cittie of London the Thursdaye before 'Vhit- [Anno Reg. 14.] 
sunda y C at afternoone the l{in g e and he ridin g e both together in The comminge of the 
, .. Emperoure. 
one liverey; and there were diverse pagents made in divers places of 
the Cittie; and all the freel's, priestes, and clerkes, standinge in 
copes, with crosses, sensures, and candlesticks, frolll the bridge Foote 
to the crosse in Cheepe; and all the craftes, with the Major d and 
Aldenllen, standinge in their liveries; and the King, with all the 
nobles of the realme, brought him to his pallace at Bride,vell,e 
where he continued three dayes, and after went to Greenewich/ 
where was great justs, banquetts, with other goodlye pastymes. 
And, after, the J{ing conveyed hilTI to the sea side to passe into 
Spayne,g which was his intent. 

a Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, was restored in 1486 by Henry VII. to 
his honours and estates. He commanded the select guard of Henry VIII. in the 
battle of the SPill'S. 1513, but his observation, that the" Field of the Cloth of Gold" 
entailed ruin on the English nobles, so irritated the King that he determined on his 
ruin. It is also asserted that the King was jealous of his descent from Thomas of 
Woodstock and Edward III. 
b This was the second visit o
 the Emperor Charles V. to England. 
c This would be June 5, but IIolinshed and Stow both say June 6, being Friday. 
d Sir John l\filborne. 
C The Emperor was lodged at the Black Fryars, and all his nobles in the new 
builded house of Bridewell.-Stow, p. 516. 
f This should probably be Windsor, as the Emperor's entertainment at Greenwich 
was previous to his reception in London. 
g He embarked at Southampton in his great fleet, and in ten days arrived in 

A.D. 1524-5. 
[Anno Reg. 15.] 
Persons putt to death 
for treason. 



This yeare there were three persons, viz. Charles, sometyme 
master of the l{inges henchmen, and one Pickeringe, sometyme of 
the I\"ings bakeho,vse, and one Thomas, a servinge man, latelie 
come from the Rhodes,a which were drawne to Tiburne, and there 
hanged, their bowells brent afore them, and after quartered, their 
heades sett on London bridge, and their quarters hanged at divers 
gates of the Cittie, which persons made an insurrection in Coven- 
tree. b 

[A.D. 1525.] This yeare, the 9th day of J\1:arche,c tidinges were brought to the 
[Anno Reg. 16.] J{inge that Francis, the French l{ing, was taken prisoner before the 
The takinO' of the .:- f P . . I I . b h D k f B b f . 1 
French Ki
geprisoner cIttIe 0 aVle, In ta Ie, y t e u e 0 ur on, capteyn 0 tIe 
in Pavye. Emperoures hoste,d and 14,000 French 111en slayne at the saIne 
And the Archbishop of Yorke, cardin all and legatt de laterc, 
songe lllasse the SaITIe tyme in Paules churche, in his" pontifica- 
libus," e and 11 bishopps and abbotts, ,vith their miters, beinge 
present, the Duke of N orthfolke and the Duke of Suffolke, with 
all the nobles of the realme. And the saide Cardinall gra,vnted the 
saIne to all Inanner of persons, beinge within the precinct of the 
churche in the tyme of the lllasse, plenary remission of their synnes, 
à pænâ et culpá; and, after masse, Te Deum was sunge for the 
a The Isle of Rhodes, which was this year taken by the Turks. 
b The account of this conspiracy is more circumstantially related in Hall's 
Chronicle, ed. 1809, p. 673. 
c Francis I. was made prisoner on the 24th February. 
d Charles Duke of Bourbon, Constable of France, being persecuted by Francis 1. 
for refusing to marry Louisa of Savoy, the French King's mother, sought the 
protection of the Emperor Charles V. by whom he was appointed his lieutenant in 
Ital y. 
e After 'Volsey had been invested by Pope Leo X. with the solc l('g
ttinc power in 
England, he was wont to say maS:::. on statc occasions aftcr thc manncr of the Pope 




sayde victorie,a the 
fajor,b Aldermen, with the head craftes of the 
cittie standingc in the bodie of the churche in theyr liveries; and 
that night great fiers were made in divers places of the cittie, with 
vessells of ,vyne at everie fier for the people to drincke. 

A.D. 1525-9. 


This yeare, in November, the Kinge enhaunsed his coyne,C that [A.D. 1526.] 
is to saye, the riall at 11 8 3 d , the angell 7 8 6 d , the halfe riall and [Anno Reg. 18.] 
halfe angell after the rate; allso he made a ne,v coyne which was Coyne enhaunsed. 
a George noble at 6 8 8 d , and a crowne of the duble rose at 58, and 
valued an ownce sylver fyne sterlinge at 3 8 Sd; and allso made new 
grotes and halfe grotts after the rate. 


This yeare, in August 1529, Thomas 'V olsey, legatt de latere, [A.D. 152Ð.] 
Cardinall and Archbishopp of Yorke, was taken d at Yorke Place in [Anno Reg. 21.] 
"T estminstre and all his g OO des were seased into the l{in g es handes.e CardinalI Wolsey 
, deposed. 
and he deprived from the Chauncellorshipp of Englande, for certayne 

a The victory gained by the Imperialists over the French before Pavia so changed 
the aspect of affairs on the continent that Henry at first entertained a project for 
i:u vading France, and asserting his claim to that crown. 
b Sir John Allen. 
c By reason of the good weight and low valuation of the English coin, merchants 
daily carried over great store, because the same was much enhanced there; so that to 
meet with this inconvenience, as it was said, proclamation was made ill the month 
of September, the sixth day, throughout England, that the angel should go for 
78. 4d., the royal for lIs., and the crown for 48. 4d. And, on the 5th of Npvember 
following, again by proclamation, the angel was enhanced to 78. Gd., and so every 
ounce of gold should be 458., and an ounce of silver at 3.
. 9d. in value.-Stow, 
p. 526. 
d 'V olsey was ordered to quit his palace of York Place, and retire to his house at 

 Wolsey's personal estate was valued at half a million of crowns; this immense 
sum he transferred by deed to the King, "his gracious master," only praying to be 
allowed to retain hi
 rank and property in the Church. 

A.D. 1529-31. 

Sir Thomas 
Chauncellor of 

[A.D. 1530.] 
[Anno Reg. 22.] 

Death of the 

[A.D. 1531.] 
[Anno Reg. 23.] 



articles of treason a alledged [to have been cOlnmittedJ b by hinl 
againste the I\:inge and the realme. 
And this yeare, in October 1529, Sir Thomas l\Iore, Chauncellor 
of the Dutchie, was Inade Chauncellor of Englande, and sworne in 
the Chauncerie the first day of l\lichaellmasse terme; the Duke of 
N orthfolke and the Duke of Suffolke leadinge him thorowe \\.. est- 
Ininster Hall up into the Chauncerie. 


This yeare, the rnorrowe after Simon and Jude, C which was the 
1\1ajors feast, there dyned in the Guylde hall at the said feast the 
Lorde Chauncellor of Englande, the Duke of Northfolke, the Duke 
of Suffolke, and 9 Earles and a BiEhopp, sit tinge all at one table, 
epared in the lVlajors courte in the Guyld hall, and two other 
side tables sittinge with lordes and knightes. 
This yeare, on the even of St. Andrewe, d the Cardinall, Thomas 
'V olsey, died at Leicester, cominge to London to his indictn1ent,e 
and there is buried in Our Ladies Chappell. Some reeken he killed 
himselfe with purgations. f 


This yeare was one burnt at l\faidestone for heresie, and one 
Bylney,g a priest, disgraded and burnt at Norwich for heresie. 

a He was convicted of transgressing the statute of præmunire by exercising the 
powers of legate. 
b These words have evidently been accidently omitted in 
c October 29. 
d November 29. 
e The Cardinal had been arrested by the Earl of Northumberland on a charg(' 
of high treason at Cawood, near York, on the 4th of November. 
f Wolsey is generally believed to have died of dysentery at Leicester Abbey, on 
the third day of his journey, about 8 o'clock in the morning of the 2Uth of November, 
being in the sixtieth year of his age. He was buried at midnight, without any 
solemnity, in Our I.Jady Chapel in the chu1'l.h of that monastery. 

 Thomas llilney, Bachelor of Loth Laws, was burnt on the 16th August, 153]. 




This yeare, in November, on St. Edmonds day,a there was one b 
convict of heresie which ,vas some tyme a moncke in St. Edmonds- 
burie, and was disgraded in Po,vles by the Bishop of London of A priest disgraded 
the orders of priesthoode, and so delivered to the Sheriffes of London; and burnt. 
and the 4th day of December followinge he was burnt in Slnyth- 
This yeare l\Ir. Risse C ,vas beheaded at Tower hill, and one that 
was his servante was dr
nYne from the l.'ower of London to Tiburne, 
where he was hanged, his bowells burnt, and his bodie quartered. 
This yeare was a purser of London burnt in Smythfeilde for Two brent for heresie. 
]1eresie, ,"vho bare a fagott at Powles Crosse the yeare afore. 
The last day of Aprill, 1532, one Baynam, a gentleman, was 
burnt in Smythfeild for heresie. 


l\lemorandum: the 12th day of Aprill, Anno Domini 1533, beinge 
Easter eaven, Anne Bulleine, l\Iarques of Pelnbroke,d was pro- 
cJaYlued Queene at Greenewych, and offred that daie in the I\:inges 
Chappell as Queene of Englande. e 
And the 'Vednesdaie before the good Queene Katherin twas 

8 November 20. 
b Bayfield. 
c "Griffeth Rise beheaded for treason."-Fabyan's Chronicle. 
d Anne Boleyn was raised to the dignity of 1\Iarchioness of Pembroke on Sunday, 
September 1st, 1532, at 'Vindsor Castle, an honour which had never before been 
conferred on any unmarried female. 
e She had been some months previously married to Henry VIII. in great privacy 
by Dr. Rowland Lee, afterwards Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, hut whether the 
marriage took place, as Sanders says, November 14th, 1532, on their arrival at Dover 
from France, or was deferred, as Cranmer supposed, to Junuary 2.3th, 1533, sttH 
remains uncertain. 
f The general opinion in England was distinctly adverse to the divorce. See 
Calendar of State Papers preserved in the Archives of Venice, vol. hr. 1.')32-3. 
CAl\I D. SOC. D 

A.D. 1531-3. 

[A.D. 1532.] 
[Anno Reg. 24.] 

[A.D. 1533.] 



A.D. 1533. deposed at IIanthill a by the Duke of Norfolke, the Duke of Suffolke, 
my Lord 1\1arques of Exceter, lny Lorde of Oxfordc, Lord Chamber- 
laine of the I\:inges ho,vse, 1\11'. Treasorer and 1\lr. Contro,vler of 
the I\.:inges ho,vse. . And from that c1aie after to be cal1ed Ladie 
ICathcrin, 'wife of Prince Arthur, dowarie of Englande,b she to 
have by yearelie pencion for her dowarie eight thousand poundcs 
[Anno Reg. 25.] l\Iemorandum, Thursdaie, the 29th daie of l\Iaie, 1533, Ladie 
Anne, l\larques of Pelnbroke, ,vas receaved as Queene of Englande 
by all the Lordes of Englande. c .A.nd the J\Iajor d and Aldermen, 
,vith all the craftes of the Cittie of London, went to Greenewych in 
their barges after the best fa
hion, with a barge also of Batchlers of 
the l\Iajors crafte rytchlie behangec1 ,vith cloath of golde and a 
foyst e to ,vayte on her. And so all the Lo1'des, the l\Iajo1', with 
all the craftes of London, brought her by ,vater from Greenewych 
to the Tower of London, and ther the l{inges grace receavcd her 
at her landinge; and then were shott at the Towre above a thousand 
gunnes, besides other shotts that were shott at L Yll1ehowse, and in 
other shipps lying in the Th an1111 es. And the morrowe after being 
Fridaie f their ,vere made divers ICnightes of the Bath. 
And on Saturdaie, the last daip. of l\laie, shee rode from the 

a Ampthill, in Bedfordshire, to which place Queen Katharine retired while the 
'1 u ('stion of her divorce was under discussion. This castle had been erected by Lord 
Fanhol)e, and reverted with the manor to the Crown in the reign of Edward IV., by 
whom it was conferred on Lord Grey of Rnthin, Earl of Kent, from whose 
descendants it passed again to the Crown about 1530, and became a palace of 
Henry VlII. 
b Princess Dowager of 'Vales, which designation was displeasing to the ex-queen, 
who refused to resign herself to the judgment passe(l. She went so far as to 
obliterate with her own pen the words" Princess Dowagcr" wherever they had becn 
written by her Chamberlain, :Mountjoy, in his report to the King. 
c Anne Boleyn was descended through both parents from the royal stock of King 
Edward I.; paternallJ, from Elizabeth, daughter of that monar('h, and, maternally, 
from Thomas de Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, son of the same King. 
d Sir Stephen Pecorke. 
(' A light and fa
t-sni1illg ship. f )\Iny 30. 



Towre of London thro\ve the Cittie,a with a goodlie cOlnpanye of A.D. 15ß3. 
Lordes, ICnightes, and Gentlemen, with all the Peares of the Reahne, 
rytchlie apparailed, and also eightene J{nightes of th
 Bath newlic 
Inade, ridinge in blewe go\vnes \vith hoodes on their sholders 
. purfeled \vith white, and ,vhite laces of silke knitt on the left 
sholders of their gownes. Ancl she herself riding in a rytch chariott 
covered ,vith cloath of silver, and a rich canapie of cloath of silver 
borne over her heade by the fower Lordes of the Portes,b in go,vnes 
of scarlett, and fo,ver chariotts, with ladies follo,vingc after her 
rytchlic behanged; and also divers other ladies and gc n tlewonlen 
riding on horsebacke aU in gownes Inade of crynlson vel vett; and 
their ,vas divers pageants made on skaffoldcs in the Cittie; and all 
the craftes standing in their liveries everie one in order, the l\Iajor 
and Aldermen standinge in Cheepeside; and ,vhen she Calne 
before them the TIecorcler of London Inade a goodlie preposition 
to her, and then the l\Iajor C gave her a purse of cloath of golde, 
,vith a thousand 111arkes of angell nobles in it, for a prescnte for the 
whole bodie of the Cittie; and so the Lordes brought her to the 
Palace at "T estminster, and their left her that night. 
l\Iell1orandum, the first daie of J une,d Queene Anne ,vas brought 
from 'Vestminster IIaIl to the AbbeyofSainct Peeter's with procession, 
all the rnonkes of "r estlninster going in rytch copes of golde with 
13 abbotts nlitred; and after thell1 all the I\:inges Chappell in rych 
copes with fower bnshopps and to\V archbishopps mittred, and all 
the Lordes going in their Perli
tlnent roabes,e and the crowne borne 

x The City on this occasion appears to have been ùecorated in a more sumptuous 
manlier than at any time herctofore.-1Iaitland's "History of Lonùon," p. 138. 
b Cinque Ports. 
C Accorùing to Stow, it was 
1:aster Baker, the Recorder of I.Jondon, who presented 
to Anne Boleyn the City purse, containing one thousand marks of gold. 
d 'Vhitsunday. Compare thi;:, with the account of the receiving and coronation of 
Anne Boleyn in :MS. Harleian. Cod. 41, arts. 2-5, and 118. IIarleian. 543, fol. 119. 
e Henry's first wife, Katharine of Aragon, was crowned with him, and a mag- 
nificent ceremony was ordaincd for her 
uccessful rival Anne Boleyn, but none of 
the other wives of Henry were honoured with a coronation. 



A.D. 1533. afore her by the Duke of Suffolke, and her tow scepters by tow 
Earles, and she herself going under a rytch canapie of cloath of 
golde, apparailed in a kirtell of crymson velvett powdred with 
ern1yns, and a robe of purple velvett furred with powdred ermines 
over that, and a rich cronett with a call a of pearles and stones on 
her hedde, and the olde Dutches of Xorfolke b bearing upp her 
traine in a robe of scarlett ,vith a cronett of golde on her bonett, 
and the Lorde Boroughe, C the Queenes Chamberlaine, staying the 
traine in the middes; and after her tenne ladies füllo,ving in robes 
of scarlett furred ,vith enuins and rounde cronettes of golde on 
their heades; and next after theirn all the Queenes maides in 
gownes of scarlett edged with ,vhite lettushe furre; and so was shee 
brought to Sainct Peeters Church at Westn1inster, and their sett in 
her seate riall, which was made on a high scaffolde before-the highe 
aulter; and their shee was anoynted and crowned Queene of 
Englande by the Archbishopp of Canterberie d and the Arch- 
bishoppe of Yorke, and so sate crowned in her seate riall all the 
masse, and ofrred also at the said Iliasse; 'and the masse donne, they 
departed everie Ilian in their degrees to vVestminster Hall, she 
going stiH under the cannapie crowned with to we septers in hir 
handes, my Lorde of "\Vilshire, her father,e and the Lorde Talbott f 
leadinge her, and so theire dynned; wheras was Inade the 1110st 
honorable feast that hath beene seene. 
The great hall at ".,.. estlninster was rytchlie hanged with rych 

a A caul was a kind of net in which womcn inclosed their hair. 
b Grandmother of Anne Boleyn, being widow of Thomas Howard, Duke of 
Norfolk, whose daughter Elizabeth married Sir Thomas Boleyn, afterwards Earl of 
'Viltshire, the father of Anne. 
c Thomas, Lord Burgh of Gainsborough. 
d In Sir Henry Ellis's Collection of Original Letters occm's a very interesting 
letter written by Cranmer to the English ambassador at the Emperor's court, giving 
his own account of the pronouncing of sentence on Katharine and of the coronation 
of Anne Boleyn. 
e Anne Boleyn's father had been created Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond on the 
8th December, 152!). 
f As deputy for his father, the Earl of Shrewsbury. 


cloath of Arras, and a table sett at the upper ende of the hall, going 
upp twelve greeses,a where the Queene dyned; and a rytch cloath of 
estate hanged over her heade; and also fower other tables alongest 
the hall; and it was rayled on everie side, frorn the highe deasse in 
\Vestminster Hall to the scaffold in the church in the Abbay. 
And when she ,vent to church to her coronation their was a 
raye cloath,b blew, spreed from the highe desses C of the I\:inges 
Benche unto the high alter of \Vestminster, wheron she wente. 
And ,vhen the Queenes grace had washed her handes, then came 
the Duke of Suffolke, IIigh Constable that daie and stewarde of 
the feast, ryding on horsebacke rytchlie apparailed and trapped, 
and ,vith him, also ridinge on horsebacke, the Lorde 'Villialn 
Ho,varde as deputie for the Duke of N orfolke in the romth d of the 

Iarshall of Englande, and the Queenes service e following them 
with the Archbishopps, a certaine space bet,vene ,vhich was 
borne f all by knightes, the Archbishopp sitting at the Queenes 
borde, at the ende, on her left hande. g The Earle of Sussex ,vas 
se,ver, the Earle of Essex carver, the Earle of Darbie cuppbearer, 
the Earle of Arrondell butler, the Viscount Lisle pantler, the Lord 
Gray alnloner. 
Att one of the fo,ver tables sate all the noble ladies all on one side 
of the hall, at the second table the noble rnen, at the thirde table the 

Iajor of London h ,vith the Aldcnnen. att the fo\verth table the 
Barons of the Fortes with the l\lasters of the Chauncerie. The 
goodlie dishes ,vith the delicate Ineates and the settles \vhich were 
all gilt, with the noble service that daie done by great lTICn of the 
Tcalme, the goodlie sweete armonie of minstrells with othcr thinges 
were to long to expresse, ,vhich ,vas a goodlie sight to see and beholde. 

a Steps or stairs, Latin gl'essus. b Striped cloth. 
e Desks. d Room. 
e Suite. f Occupied. 
g Stow expressly states that Archbishop Craulller sat on the right hand of the 
Queen at the table's enù. Ed. 1631, p. 567. 
h Sir Stephen Pecocke. 


A.D. 1533. 



A.D. 1:j33. And when shee had dined and washed her handes she stoodc a 
while under the canopie of estate, and behelde throwghe the hall, 
and then ,vère spices brought 'with other delicates, which \vere 
borne all in great high plates of gold, wherof shee tooke a litle 
refection, and the residue geavinge aillong the lordes and ladies; 
and that donne she departed up to the \Vhite Hall, and their changed 
her apparell, and so departed secreetlie by ,vater to Yorke Place, 
,vhich is called \Vhite IIall, and their laie all night. 
On the morro\ve after w'as great justes at the tilte donne by 
eightene lordes and knightes, 'where was broken Inany speares 
valiantlie, but some of their horses ,vould not COllie at their pleasure 
nere the tilt, 'which ,vas great displeasure to SOlnme of then1 that 
ranne; and, the justes donne, their was a goodlie banquett Inade to 
all the lordes, ladies, and gentlernen in the Queenes Chalnber. 
This yeare, on 1\1.idsollilner caven, died the French Queene,a 
sister to the JCinge, anù wife to the Duke of Suffolke, and 'was 
buried at Sainct Edn1011desburie in Suffolke. 
Frith burned. This yeare, in Julie, on a Fridaie, one Frith, a servingn1an, a 
great clearke in the Greeke and Latten tonge, was brent in Sn1Íth- 
fielde, and a tailor of London \vith hilli.. for heresie. b 
1\Iemorandulli, the vii th daie of Septet11 bel', 1533, being Sonndaie, 
Queene Anne was brought to bedd of a faire daughter C at three of 
the clocke in the after noune; II and the mOITO\Ve after, being the 
daie of the Kativitie of Our Lallie, Te Ðeuln ,vas songe solernpnlie 
at Powles, the l\Iajor and Aldermen being present, with the head 
craftes of the Cittie of London. 

a l\lary, sister to Henry VIII. and Queen Dowager of France, died at the manor 
of 'Yesthorpe, in Suffolk, on the 23rd June, and was buried (July 22) at the 
monastery of St. Edmondsbul'Y, where her corpse was found in a perfect state on 
September 6th, 1784:, being 231 years after her interment. 
b John Frith and Andrew Hewit, both Protestants; the former, a young man of 
learning and piety, was condemned for his book against the doctrine of Purgatory 
and his opinions on Transubstantiation. 
c The Princess Elizabeth, afterwards Queen of England. 
d Between three and four of the clock at afternoon.-Stow, p. :';G!}. 



And the 'Vednesdaie next follo,vinge,a the Inost honorable yonge AD. 1533-4. 
ladie was christened at Greene,vych b in the Friel's Church, all the Christni.nge of 
I . . . I . the Lache 
noble lordes and ladies doing service about the c lflstenIng In t leu Elizabeth. 
offices -vJter their degrees, which ,vas a goodlie sight to see, and 
their shee had geaven her to name Elizabeth; my Lord Thomas 
Cranlner, Archbishopp of Canterberie, godfather; the old Dutches
of Northfolke,c ,vydo,ve, IllY Ladie l\Iarques of Dorcett, widowe, 
godmothers at the fonte, and my Ladie l\Iarques of Exceter, god- 
lllother at the bishoppinge; d and the morrowe after their was fiers 
Inade in London, and at everie fire a vessell of wyne for people to 
drinke for the said solempnitie. 

This yeare, on St. Clements day, the 23rd of Noveillber, beinge 
Sunday, the Holie l\Iaide of ICent and two monckes, two frecres 
observants, a priest, and two layrnen,e were brought frorn the 
Tower of London to Paules Crosse, and there stood on a skaffolde 
all the sermon tyme, where was declared by hiln that preached the 
abuse of a Iniracle done on the saide Holye l\Iayde at our Ladie of 
Courte U pstreet/ in ICent, by the craft of the sayde monckes, freeres, 
and priest. 
This yeare, on Tenebræ 'V eddensday, beinge the first day of [A.D. 1534.] 

a September 10. 
b Compare this with the account of the manner of the christening" of the Lady 
lizabeth" in 1\1S. Har1eian. Cod. 543, fol. 128-30. 
C The Dowager Duchess of Norfolk carried the infant, in a mantle of purple velvet, 
with a long train furred with erñ1Îne.-Hall's " Chronicle," ed. 180U, p. 806. 
d Immediately after the christening the Archbishop confirmed the infant princess, 
the 1\Iarchioness of :Exeter being godmother. 
e The abettors of Elizabeth Barton, called the IIoly l\Iaid of Kent, were Richard 
1\1aster, priest, parson of Aldington, <'0. Kent, Edward Bockyng, D.D. monk of 
Canterbury, Richard Deryng-, also monk of Canterbury, Edwftrd Thwaites, gentleman, 
Thomas Laurence, registrar to the Archdcacon of Canterbury, Henry Gold, B.D: 
parson of Aldermary (Alderbury?), Hugh Hiche, friar observant, Richanle lUsby, 
and Thomft5 Gold, gentlemen. 
f Court-at-Street, a hamlet in the parish of I.Jympne. 



A.D. 1534. Aprill, 1534, one Alis Gray, and 'Volfe, an Esterlinge,a whieh she 
saide ,vas her husbande, ,vere ledd fron1 N ewgate to the K eshe, 
against Savoy on the Thames syde, and there ,vere hanged on 
two gibbetts for Inurderinge of two straungers in a ,vherie in the 
Thames about the same place where they ,vere hanged. 
This yeare, the 20th day of Aprill, beinge l\lundaye, 1534, the 
Ilolie l\laide of lCent, beinge a nun of Canterburie,b two munekes 
of Canterburie of Christes Churche, one of them called Doctor 
Bockinge, two gray freeres observantes, and a priest, ,vere dra\vne 
from the Tower of London to TiLurn, and there hanged,C and after 
cutt downe and their heades slnitten of, and two of their heades 
were sett on London Bridge, and the other fûwer at diverse gates of 
the cittie. 
Allso the same day all the craftes in London ,vere caned to their 
halls, and there ,vere s\vorne on a Looke to be true to Queene 
Anne and to beleeve and take her for la wfull ,vife of the l{inge 
and rightfull Queene of Englande, and utterlie to thincke the 
Ladie l\Iarie,d daughter to the ICinge by Queene JCatherin, but as a 
bastarde, and thus to doe without any scrupulositie of conscience; 
allso all the curates and priestes in London and thoroweout Englande 
were all so sworne before the Lord of Canterhurie and other 
Bishopps; and allso all countries in Englande ,vere s,vorne in 
lykewise, everie man in the shires and to,vnes were they dwelled. 
[Anno Reg. 26.J This yeare the Bishop of Rochester e and Sir Thomas l\1ore, 

a A term applied to merchants trading to Germany and the Baltic, or natives of 
those parts, as lying to the east of England. 
b In the priory of St. Sepulchre. 
c The persons executed were Elizabeth Burton, Richard :\Iaster, parson of 
Aldington, Dr. Bocking, R:chard Dering, Henry Gold, a London minister, and 
Hie hard Ris by. 
d The Princess 
Iary, who was no longer admitted to Court. 
(' Dr. John Fisher, Chancellor of Cambridge University, and 1\Iaster of Queen's 
College, was appointed to the 
ee of Uochester 14th October, 1304; attainted 
in Parliament December, ]534; made Cardinal };'j35; awl heheaded 22ml June, 
] G35. 




sometYIIle Chauncellor of Englande,a were put into the Tower of A.D. 1534:. 
London for nlisprisonne, b and there to relnayne at the ICinges 
pleasure, but all the Bishopp of Rochesters goo des and bishopricke 
,vere taken into the ICings handes. Allso diverse priestes, religiouse 
lnen, and laymen, \vere sett in prison in the Tower of London 
becausse they would not be sworne. 
1\lemorandum: the Lord Dakers,c of the North Countrie, was 
pechid of hig-he treason, and sett in prison in the Tower of London, 
and all his goods and landes were seised into the ICinges handes, 
which was great riehes, and the 9th of J ulye, 1534, he was 
arreigned at 'Vestminstre, the Duke of Korthfülke sittinge then as 
high judge,d and there he diseharged hilnselfe of aU that his accusers e 
coulde alledge againste him, and so there he was quitt by a jurie of 
Lordes, and by the lawe allso. 
l\lemorandum, the 11th day of August, 1534, the freeres obser- 
vantes of Greenwich and Richmonde were putt out of their places, 
and all other plaees of the same order in Englande were aUso putt 
downe by the ICinges comlnaundement. f 
This yeare allso the Lord ICildaye g of Ireland ,vas putt in prison 
in the 1"ower of London, and there died in prison in the moneth 
of Septenlbre, and his sonne h made an insurreetion in Irelande, and 

a More became Chancellor in 152D on the fall of Wolsey, but in 
Iay 1532 was 
deprived of the seals. 
II For refusing to take the new oath of allegiance. It would appear that they did 
not so much ubject to the part of the oath regulating the succession, as to the 
doctrinal points involved. 
C 'Villiam Dacre, third Lord Dacre, of the North. 
d TIeing Lord High Steward. 
e Sir Ralph Fenwick and Nicholas 1\Iusgrave, who brought in their false Scotes 
for witnesscs.-Stow. 
f In consequence of the presumption of Friars Peto and Elstow, who took upon 
themselves to reprove the King for his conduct in the matter of the divorce of Queen 
g Gerald Eitzg-erald, ninth Earl of IGldare. After having thrice filled the office 
of Lord Deputy, he was accused of maladmillistmÛou in 1333, and committed to the 
Tower of London, where he died of grief and confinement. 
II Lord Thomas :Fitzgerald, aften\ards tenth Earl of Kildarr. 
(' A

A.D. 1534-5. 




there the Bishoppe of Divelyn a was slayne. It was reported that 
he was upon the coste of Englande cOlnminge out of lrelande, 
and then the wynde turned, and so was dryven backe agayne to 
lrelande, where he was taken by the Lord }Cildayes sonne and his 
head stricken of froln the bodie, and after his bodie cutt in peeces, 
and as many as were with him that would not turne to the Lord 
I\:ildayes partie were slayne and his goodes taken and spoyled; 
his name was Doctor Aleyne. 
This yeare aIlso, in the beginninge of l\lichaellmasse terme, 
:Thlr. Tholnas Cruln,vell ,vas made :Thiaster of the Rolles,b and tooke 
his oathe in the Chauncerie the first day of the same terme. 


[A.D. 1535.] This yeare, at a Parliament holden at Westminster in Februarie, 
was grawnted C to the l{inge and his heires for ever the first fruits 
of all spirituall dignities and prolnotions fallinge after that day, and 
allso the tenth parte of all spirituall promotions yearlie, to be payde 
to the I\:inge and his heires for ever, and the ICing to be taken and 
called snprmne heade of the Churche of Englande,d and so to be 
,vritten in his style for ever with these wordes followinge: Henricus 
Dei gratiâ Rex Angliæ et Franciæ, supremum caput ecclesiæ terræ 
Anglicanæ, Defensor Fidei, &c. 
AIlso it ,vas grawnted at the same Parliament a subsidie of 12d. 
in the pownde, to be levied and taken of the Temporalltie. and to 
be payde in two yeares next followinge, and in the third yeare a 
fifteene and a tenth to be payde of the tell1poraIltie anso. 
[Anno Reg. 27.J This yeare, the 28 of Aprill, 1535, being 'Veddensdaye, ,vera 
arreigned at 'Vestminster in the ICings Benche (the Lord Chaun- 

n John Allen, LL.D Archbishop of Dublin. 
b Thomas Cromwell, afterwards Earl of Essex, K.G. was maùe :Master of the 
Rolls, 8th October, 1534. 
c Statute 26 lIenry VIII. cap. 3. 
d See statutes 26 Henry VIII. cap. 1. 


cellor sittinge there as Highe Commissioner, with the moste parte of 
the nobles of the realme and the judges allso) a three munckes of 
the Charterhowsse, one beinge Prioure of the Charterhowsse in 
London named l\lr. John IIoughton, another nmned :Th1r. Robarte 
Lawrence,b prioure of a place in Lincolneshire, and sornetyn1c 
chapleyn to the Duke of Korthfolke no\v being, and the third C 
prioure of a place in Northamptonshire, and one, Richarde Reynold,d 
a brother of the lnonasterie of Syon, and two priests aIlso, one 
beinge Vicare of Thistle\vorth e in the shire of l\li<.ldlesex, and this 
day were all endicted of highe treason against the I\:inge; and the 
morrowe after, beinge the 29th of Aprill, all the saide persons 
appeared there agayne, the Lords beinge agayne present; and there 
their inditelnents being l'edd afore them, a jurie of esquiers and 
gentlemen of :ThIiddlesex were sworne to passe on them, and in- 
continent gave verditt of theln beinge guiltie of the same treason, 
whereupon the Lorde Cheefe Justice of Englande gave .sentence on 
thern, which was: that the saide muncks and priests should goe 
frorn thence to the place they carne from, which was the To\ver of 
London, and froIn thence to be drawen throughe London to 
Tiburne, and there to be hanged, and beinge alyve cutt downe, 
their Lowells to be brent afore thern, and then their heades to be 
cutt of and theyr bodies to be quartered, and then their heades and 
bodies to be sett at suche places f as the l{ing should assigne theln. 
And the 4th day of l\Iay followinge, being \Tewsday in the Rogation 
week, the parties afol'esayde were drawne frorn the To\ver to 
Tyborne, and there had execution as afore is written, savinge the 

a It was with the full approval of his Council that Henry VIII. took the resolution 
of executing the laws without mercy against such as impugned his spiritual 
authority. · 
b Thomas Laurence, Prior of lIexham.-Stow. 
c Augustine 'Vebster, Prior of "Bevall."-Stow. 
d Richard Reginalds, doctor, a monk of Sion.-Stow. 
e t10hn Haile, Vicar of Isleworth. 
f Their heads and quarters were set on the gates of the City all save one quarter, 
which was set on the Charterhouse at London.-Stow. 


A.D. 1535. 



A.D. 1535. other priest called J o. Ferne, who had his pardon delyvered him 
on the Tower Hill, and so was quitt. ... 
This yeare, the 4th day of June, were diverse Dutch Inen and 
weOlnen convicted for heresie to the number of 22,a of the which 
14 were condelnned, and two of them, that is to say a lllan and a 
'VOlnan, were brent in Slnythfeild this day at three of the clocke in 
the afternoone, and the other 12 were sent to diverse good townes in 
England, there to be brent; and the residue ,vere converted and 
commaunded to departe out of this realme ,vithin 14 dayes into 
their countries, on payne of death at the ICings pleasure. 
This yeare, 11 J unii, were arreigned in the ICinges Benche at 
Westininster 3 munckes of the Charterhowsse of London, and 
there condempned of highe treason against the Kinge,b and judged 
to be drawne, hanged, bowelled, beheaded, and quartered; one of 
then1 was called Francis Kitigate,C another called 1\1r. EXlnew,d 
proInpter of the same place, and the third was called 1\lr. 1\Iiddle- 
The arreign- lnore, vicar of the same place. e This yeare allso, the 17 day of 
ment of John J . d ' 
T . . I TT" B 1 1\ 1 
}"'isher, Bishop une, was an'eigne at Ivestininster In t 1e U.Inges enc le .n r. 
of Rochester. John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, for treason againste the ICinge, 
and there was condemned by a jurie of knightes and esquiers (the 
Lord Chauncellore sittinge as Highe Judge), who gave this sentence 
on hiln: that the sayde John Fisher shoulde goe froin thence to 
the place he came from, ,vhich was the Tower of London, and from 
thence to be drawne thorowe the cittie of London to Tiburne, there 
to be hanged, being alyve cutt downe, his bo,vells to be taken out 
of his bodie and brent afore hiB1, his head to be cutt of, and his 
bodie to be devided in 4 0r partes, and his head and bodye to be 
sett at suche places as the ICing should assigne. The effect of the 

a On the 25th l\Iay, in St. Paul's church at London, 19 men and 6 women, born 
in Holland, were examined, of whom 14 were convicted as Anabaptists.-Stow. 
b The treason against the King was for denying that Henry could be, in spiritual 
matters, the head of the Church. 
C Sebastian Nidigate.-Stow. 
d Thomas Exmew or de Exmouth. 
e Humphry :Middlemol'e, Vicar of Exmouth. 



treason ,vas for denyinge the ICinge to be supreme head of the A.D. 1535. 
Churche of Englande, accordinge to a statute Inade at the last 
session of the Parliament. a 
The 19th day of June, beinge Saterday, the 3 muncks of the 
Charterhowsse, afore ,vritten, were drawne froln the Tower to 
Tyborne, and there were executed accordinge to their judgment, and 
their heades and bodies hanged at diverse gates aboute the Cittic. 
Allso, the 22th of June, beinge Tewsday, John Fisher, Bishopp The Bishopp 
of Rochester, was beheaded 
t the Tower lIill, and the residue of


his execution pardoned; his bodie was buried within Barkinge 
churche yeaI'd b next the Towre of London, and his head was sett 
on London Bridge. 
This yeare allso, the first day of Julie, beinge Thursdaye, Sr Sir Thomas 
]'forc put to 
Tholnas 1\lore, knight, sometyme Chauncellor of England, was death. 
arreigned at Westminster for highe treason and there condemned,c 
and the Tuesday after, beinge the 6th of Julie, he was beheaded at 
the Tower Hill, and his bodie was buried within the chappell in 
the Tower of London, and his head was sett on London Bridge. 
The effect of his death was for the same causse that the Bishopp of 
Rochester died for.d 

a This bishop was of very many men lamented, for he was reported to be a man 
of great learning, and a man of very good life, but therein wonderfully deceived, for 
he maintained the Pope to be supreme head of the Church, and very maliciously 
refused the King's title of supreme head. It was said that the Pope, for that he 
held so manfully with him, and stood so stifly in his cause, did elect him a Cardinal, 
and sent the Cardinal's hat as far as Calais, but the head it should have stande on 
was as high as London Bridge or ever the hat could come to Bishop Fisher, aml 
then it was too late, and therefore he neither wore it nor enjoyed his office.-Hall'R 
"Chronicle," cd. 180!>, p. 817. 
b Bishop Fishcr's body was takcn up out of Barking churchyard, and re-buried 
with Sir Thomas :More, both in the Tower.-Stow, p. 572. 
c The interrogatories and answcrs of Sir Thomas ]'fore and Bishop Fisher will be 
found printed in the first volume of State Papers, pp. 431-6. 
d For refusing to subscribe the new Oath of Supremacy as enacted by thc last 
parliamcnt. " This Act/' said Sir Thomas l\Iorc, " is like a sword with two edges, 
for if a man answer one way it will destroy the soul, and if hc answer another it 
will destroy the body." 



A.D. 1533. Anso this yeare was commaunded by the I\:ing that all bishops 
Injunctions to and curates should preach the gospell of Christe syncerlye and 
preach I .. S d d 1:' . II d . ] . d . d . ] 
againste the tru Ie evene un ay an lestlva ay In t leu Iocesse an pans le 
U f sUl h 'pe p d power churches thoro\ve out all Englande, and al1so should publishe and 
o t e ope. 
shewe to the people how the Pope hath usurped and taken upon 
hilu contrarie to Christes filythe, and that his auctoritie and pardons 
should be extinct and putt downe out of this real me of England 
for ever luore, and his name to be blotted or putt out of the masse 
booke f()r ever. a 
AIlso divers religiouse per
on8, muncks, freres, and chanons, 
left their religiouse habitt, and took on them capasites lor benefices 
and secular preistes ha bi tt. 
Newe bishopps AIlso this yeare, after lnydsomluer, Dr. Fox, the Ringes almoner, b 
maùe. ,vas made Bishopp of Hereford, and the black friere of Bristowe C 
,vas made Bishop of Rochester, and Dr. Latiluer Bishop of"\V orcester, 
which men were great furtherers [of the Refonuation],d in their 
preachinges, she,vinge the abusions of the Spiritualtie, and allso ho,v 
the worde of God ought to be preached syncerelye and purelye. 
AIlso this yeare, in August, the Lord Thomas Gerard, e sonne to 
the Earle of I\:ildaye, was taken in Irelande by the Lord Leonard 
l\Iarques,r and sent into England to the ICing to \Vinchester, but 
the I\:ing sent hill1 to prison to the Tower of London shortlye 

a For the measures taken to suppress the Pope's authority in England, see 
"l\iinutes for the Council," printed in the first volume of State Papers, pp. 
b Edward Fox, Archdeacon of Leicester, and Provost of King's CoUege. 
c John Hilsey, Prior of the Dominican Friars in London, appointed Bishop of 
Rochester, October 4, 1535. 
d These words are not in l\fS. 
e Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, who succeeded to the title of IGldare on the death of 
his father in the Tower of London about 1534:, headed the rehellion of the Fitz. 
geralds, but, being msule p isoner, was sent into England an
l beheaded in 1537. 
f Lord Leonard Grey, fourth son of Thomas l\farquis of Dorset. For this service 
be was created Viscount Graney, and in the year following (1536) made Lord Justice 
and Lord Deputy of Ireland. 



Also this yeare 1\:11'. Thomas Cron1well and Doctor Lee a visited A.D. 1535. 
all the religious places in Englande,b being ordayned by the I\:inges 
grace for his high visitors,c and they tooke out of everie religious 
house all religious persons froln the age of 24 years and under, d 
and shewed them ho,v they shoulde use wilfull povertie, e and also 
he closed up all the residue of the religious persons booth men and 
\VeOlnen that would remaine still, so that they should not come out 
of their places, nor np men resorte to the places of nonnes, nor 
,veOlnen to come into the places of religious Inen, but onelie to 
heere service and Inasses in their churches, and also they tooke out 
of divers churches of England certaine re]iques that the people were 
,vont to worshipp, as Our Ladies girdell at "\Vestminster, ,vhich 
weomen with chield \vere wont to girde with, and Sainct Elizabethes 
gird ell, and in Poules a relique of Our Ladies milke, which was 
broken and founde but a peece of chalke, with other reliques in 
divers places which they f used for covetousnes in deceaphing the 
Also this yeare, on Saint Edwardes Eaven,g at the election of the 
l\1ajor in the Yelde hall, 1\11'. Gostife, the I(inges serieante, brought 
a letter from the I(ing to the Recorder, which letter was read openlie 
in the hall, declaring that the I(inges pleasure was that the Comens 
should elect and chuse for their l\Iajor Sir John Allen, maiocer,lJ 
being also one of the J{inges Counsell, and so he was chosen by 

a Dr. Thomas Lee. 
b A report of these visitations was compiled for the use of the King and Parlia- 
ment, but has not been preserved. 
C Thomas Cromwell was chosen to manage this L1quiry under the name of Visitor- 
General, and he appointed as his substitutes or Commissioners, Richard Leighton, 
Thomas Lee, and 'Villiam Petre, Doctors of Law, and Dr. John London, Dean of 
Wallingford, &c. See Herbert, p. 18G; Burnet, i. p. 183. 
d As Supreme Head of the Church, Henry discharged from their vows such as 
were professed under four-and-twenty yeurs of age, and allowed all the rest to quit 
their houses, and live as seculars if they so pleased. 
e All religious men that departed, the abbut or prior to give them for their habit 
a priest's gown and forty shillings in money.-Stow. 
f ]'Iiswritten ill l\fS. "while the." g October 12. II l\Iercer. 



A.D. 1535-6. the whole voyce of the COlnmons, which was donne against his will; 
SOlnlne thought it was donne by the counsell of 1\11'. Secretarie for 
somn1e consideration, but it was said that it cost 
lr. Alan above an 
hundred markes in giftes and rewardes to put it by, but it prevayled 

[A.D. 1536.] 
Death of 
Queen Kathe- 

This yeare, the 12th a daie of Kovelnber, was songe at Paules a 
Inasse of the Holie Ghost and Te Deuln, first with the children of 
Paules schole, and then all the orders of fryars with copes on their 
backes, all the channons about London, the monkes of To\ver Hill, 
Barmonsley, and 'V estlninster, with an the priestes of everie parrishe 
in London
 Poules quire going all in rytch robes of cloath of gould, 
and seaven abbotts and bishopps with my tel'S on their heades, the 
Bishop of London bearing the sacralnente of the aulter under a rich 
cannapie of gonld with torches going about it, and then the batchlers 
of the l\Iajors craft following afore the 1\Iajor and Aldermen, and 
after theln all the craftes in London in their best liveries, which 
solernnitie ,vas donne for the health of Frances the French I\:inge, 
,vhich was nighe dead, and so recovered againe by the goodnes of 
Almightie God. 
This yeare, the morrowe after twelve daie being Fridaie and 
the 7th daie of Januarie,b 1535[-6J the honorable and noble Princes, 

a 11 th according to Stow, which is probably the correct date, being St.1fartin's day. 
b Stow and Hall, with other authorities, state that Queen Katharine died on the 
8th January, but the correctness of our text as to tbe day is placed beyond a doubt 
by the original letter of Sir Edward ChamberleJn and Sir Edmund Bedyngfeld 
transmitting this intelligence to Cromwell, still extant in the Public Record Office, 
and which runs thus: 
"Pleaseth yt yower honorable .Maystershipp to be aclvertysed, that this 7th day of 
January, abowt 10 of the clock before none, the Lady Dowager was aneled with the 
Holy Oyntment, 1Iayster Chamberlein ann I called to the same; and before 2 of the 
dock at afternone she departed to God. Besechyng yow that the J{yng may be 
advertysed of the same, and funier to know yower pleasour yn every tbyng aper- 
teynyng to that purposc; and, fnrder, in all other causes cOllcernyng the hows, the 
scrvantes, and all other thynges, as shall stand wytb the J{ynge's plcasour and 
yowers. " 



Queene Katherin, former wife to I\:ing Henrie the V IIlth, departed A.D. 1536. 
froln her worldlie lief at Bugden,a in Huntingdon shire, about tenne 
of the clocke at night,b and she was buried at Peterborowe c the 
29th daie of J anuarie, being Saturdaie. 
This yeare also, three daies before Candlelnas,d Queene Anne ,vas 
brought a bedd and .delivered of a man chield
 as it ,vas said, afore 
her tYlne, for she said that she had reckoned herself at that tyme 
but fiftene weekes gonne with chield; it ,vas said she tooke a 
fright, for the I\:ing ranne that tyme at the ring and had a fall 
from his horse, but he had no hurt; and she tooke such a fright 
,vithall that it caused her to fall in travaile,e and so was delivered 
afore her full tyme, which was a great discompfort to all this 
realm e. f 
This yeare also, the first Soundaie after Candlemas, being the 1. 
sixt daie of Februal'ic, the Archbishopp of Canterberie, called 

Thomas Cranmer, preached at Paules Crosse, my Lord Chauncelor g preached at 
f E 1 d . . d . 1 Paules Crosse 
 ng an beIng then present at hIs sennon, an theIr 1e approved, againste the 
usurped power 
a Queen Katharine died at KimboIton Castle, about three miles from the village of of the Bishopp 
Buckden, to which seat she retired after her divorce from Henry VIII. She was in of Rome. 
the fiftieth year of her age, and thirty-third after her arrival in England. A full 
account of her illness and death will be found in Strype's "1\Iemorials," vol. i. 
b This would appear to be an error for 2 o.clock in the afternoon. See preceding 
page, note b. 
c In the Abbey Church, which Henry VIII. afterwards converted into a Cathedral. 
The circular letter addressed by the King to many persons of quality, requiring their 
attendance in the conveyance of the corpse from Kimbolton to Peterborough, will be 
found in J\IS. Harleian. 540, fo!' 52 b . 
Q As Candlemas Day is the 2nd of February, our Author must have calculated 
three full days, exclusive of the 2gth January, 1536. 
e Another account is that her miscarriage was occasioned by the shock which she 
recei ved upon discovering that Henry VIII. bad transferred his affections to Jane 
f Her miscarriage was thought to haye made an il
 impression on the King's 
mind, who from thence concluded that this marriage was displeasing to God.- 
Burnet, i. p. 196. 
g Sir Thomas Audley, who had succeeded the learned Sir Thomas More as Chan- 
cellor in 1532. 


CAl\lD. SOC. 




A.D. 153G. by Ecripture and by the decrees of the Popes la'wes, that the Bishop 
of ROlne, otherwise called Pope, 'was Antichrist, and also brought 
di vel'S expositions of holie sainctes and doctors for the Salne; and 
ho\v craftelie, and by.what meanes, and how long, he had taken 
upon hiln the power of God and the aucthoritie above all princes 
christened, and ho\v his aucthoritie and lawes was contrarie to 
scripture and the lawe of God, as he then honorably declared and 
approved to the cleere understanding of all the people. 
2. The Eeconde sennon, being on Septuagesima Sundaie, their 
preached at Powles Crosse the Bishop of Rochester. a 
3. The Sondaie of Sexagesima preached at St. Poules Crosse the 
Bishopp of Lincolne. b 
!. The Soundaie of Quinquegesima, being the 27th daie of 
Februarie and Leepe yeare, A.D. 1535 [-6J, preached at Paules 
Crosse the Bushoppe of Durhame, named Dr. .Dunstall, C sometime 
Bishopp of London, and afore that, being l\Ir of the Rolls; and 
their were present at his sermon the Archbishopp of Canterberie 
with eight other bishopps, sitting at the crosse before the preacher; 
and the Lorde Chauncellor of Englande, the Duke of N orfolke, the 
Duke of Suffolke, with six Erles and divers other lordes, stoode 
behinde the preacher within the pulpitt, and also fower monkes of 
the Charterhouse of London ,vere brought to the said sermon, 
which denied the ICing to be suprealne heade of the Church of 
Englande. And their the said preacher declared the profession of 
the Bishopp of Rome when he is elected Pope, according to the 
confirmation of eight universall general counsells, which were con- 
gregate for the faith of all Christendolne; and everie Pope taketh 
an othe on the articles, prolnising to observe, keepe, and hould all 
that the said counsells confirmed, and to dampne all that they 

a John Hilsey, Prior of the Dominican Friars in London, appointed 4th October, 
1535, to this see, then vacant by the execution of Bishop Fisher. 
b John Longland, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and late Canon of 
c Cuthbert Tunstall, tJUnslated from London 25th March, 1530. 



dampned; and how he, contrarie to his oth, hath usurped his A.D. 1536. 
power and aucthoritie over all Christendome; and also ho,v un- 
charitably he had handled our Prince, I\:ing Henrie the Eight, in 
marying [him to] his brother's wife, contrarie to Godes la,ves and 
also against his owne promise and decrees, which he opened by 
scriptures and by the cannons of the Appostles; and also ho\v everie 
I{inge hath the highe power under God, and ought to be the 
supreame head over all spirituall prelates, which was a goodlie and 
gracious hearing to all the audience being their present at the saIne 
serrnon. And in his prayers he said, after this manner, ye shall 
pray for the universall church of all Christendome, and especiall for 
the prosperous estate of our Soveraigne and Emperour I{ing 
Henrie the Eight, being the onelie supreallle head of this realmc of 
Englande; and he declared also in his said sermon how that the 
Cardin aIls of Rome bee but curattes and decons of the cittie and 
province of Rome, and how that everie curate of any parrish have 
as much power as they have, according to scripture, save onelie 
that the Pope of Rome hath made them so high aucthoritics 
onelie for to exhalt his naU1e and power in Christen realmes for 
covetousnes, as by his owne decrees he eviclentlie their approved. 
The first Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse the Bishopp 5. 
of Salisberie. a 
The second Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse the G. 
Bishop of 'V orcestre. b 
The third Soundaie of Lent preached at Paules Crosse the Bishopp 7. 
of Bangor. C 
This yeare, on }'faye daie, 1536, beingc 1\loundaie, was a great [Anno Reg. 28.] 
justing at Greenewych, where was chalcngers Iny Lorde of Rochforde 
and others, and defenders 1\lr. Noris and othcrs.d 
n Nicholas Shaxton, elected 22nd February, 1535, in place of Cardinal Campeggio, 
wlw was deprived by Act of Parliament, in 153..1, for non-residence. 
b II ugh Latimer. 
C John Salcot, alias Capon, Abbot of Hyde, consecrated l
th April, 1634. 
d Stow adds: "l

rom these jonstes King Henry sodainely departed to 'N estminstel', 
baving ouly with him six persons, of which sodaine departure men marveiled. " 

A.D. 1536. 

Queen Anne 
sent to the 



And the seconde qaie of J\Iaie, 1\11'. Norris and my Lorde of 
Rochforde were brought to the Towre of London as prisonners; 
and the same daie, about five of the clocke at night,a the Queene 
Anne Bolleine was brought to the Towre of London by my 
Lord Chauncelor,b the Duke of Norfolke, l\fr. Secretarie,c and 
Sir 'Villiam Kingston, Constable of the Tower; and when she 
came to the court gate,d entring in, she fell downe on her knees 
before the said lordes, beseeching God to helpe her as she was 
not giltie of her accusement,e and also desired the said 10rdes to 
beseech the Kinges grace to be good unto her, and so they left her 
their prisoner. f 
Item, the 12th daie of l\laie, 1536, being Fridaie, their ,vere 
arraygned at Westminster g Sir Frances 'Veston, knight, Jlenrie 
Norris, esquier, Brerton, and l\Iarkes, being all fower of the l{inges 
Privie Chamber, h and their condempned of high treason against the 
l{inge for using fornieation with Queene Anne, ,vife to the l{inge, 
and also for conspiracie of the ICinges death, and their judged to 
be hanged, drawen, and quartered, their Inembers cutt of and brent 
before theim, their heades cutt of and quartered; my Lord Chaun- 
celor being the highest COl'nmissioner he geving their judgment, 
with other 10rdes of the ICinges Counsell being presente at the 
same tyme. 
And the morrowe after, being Satterdaie, and the thirtenth daie 

a "In the afternoon." - Stow. 
b Sir Thomas Audley. 
c Sir Thomas Cromwell, afterwards Earl of Essex. 
d "Towergate" in Stow. 
e On her arrest she was informed of the accusation of adultery. 
f Anne's prison-chamber was that in which she had slept the night before her 
g They were tried by a Commission of Oyer and Terminer in Westminster Hall, 
after having been twice indicted. True bills were found by the two grand juries 
of the counties of Kent and Middlesex, the crimes they were charged with beillg 
said to be done in both counties. 
h Sir Francis Weston and William Brereton, esq. of the King's Privy Chamber 
Henry Norris, Groom of the Stole, and one Mark Smeton, a musician. 



of :ðlaie, l\Iaister Fittes- "\Villiams,a Treasorer of the J{inges howse, A.D. 1536. 
Ir. Controoler,b deposed and brooke upp the Queenes house- 
houlde at Greenewich, and so discharged all her servantes of their 
offices clearlye. 
ltel'n, on 
Iunday,C the 15th of 
Iay, 1536, there was arreigned 
within the To\ver of London Queene Anne,d for treason againste 
the J{inges owne person, and there was a great scaffold made in 
the J{inges Hall within the Tower of London, and there were 
made benches and seates for the lordes, my Lord of N orthfolke 
sittinge under the clothe of estate, representinge there the Kinges 
person as Highe Steward of Englande a.nd uncle to the Queene, 
he holdinge a longe white staffe in his hande, and the Earle of 
Surrey, his sonne and heire, sittinge at his feete before him holdinge 
the golden staffe for the Earle 1\larsha11 of Englande, which sayde 
office the saide duke had in his handes; the Lord A wdley, 
Chauncellour of England, sittinge on his right hande, and the 
Duke of Suffolke on his left hande, with other marqueses, earles, 
and lordes, everie one after their degrees. 
And first the J{inges commission was redd, and then the Constable The arreign- 
of the Tower e and the Lieutenant f brou g ht forthe the Q ueene to ment 
f Queen 
A nne In the 
the barre, where was made a chaire for her to sitt downe in, and Tower of 
then her indictment was redd afore her,g whereunto she made so London. 
wise and discreet aunsweres to all thinges layde against her, excusinge 

erselfe with her wordes so clearlie, as thoughe she had never bene 

a Sir William Fitzwilliam, knt. afterwards Earl of Southampton, held the office 
of Treasurer of the Household from 1526 to 1537. 
b Sir Edward Poynings. 
c Stow's accoÜnt seems to have been taken from this, with considerable vel'Lal 
differences and some omissions. 
d There was no precedent for the trial of a Queen for treason, so Henry determined 
that she should be arraigned hefore a commìssion of Lords, as had been practised in 
the case of the Duke of Buckingham. 
e Sir \Yilliam Kingston. f Sir Edmond 'Valsingham. 
g Her indictment, which comprised six several charges, is preserved in the Puhlic 
Record Office, with the subsequent proceedings thereon. 

A.D. 1536. 



faultie to the same,a and at length putt her to the triall of the Peeres 
of the Realme, and then were 26 b of the greatest peeres there present 
chosen c to passe on her, the Duke of Suffolke beinge highest, and, 
after thei had communed together, the yongest lorde of the saide 
inquest was called first to give verdict, who sayde guiltie,d and so 
everie lorde and earle after their degrees sayc1e guiltie to the last 
and so condemned her. e And then the Duke of Xorthfolke gave this 
sentence on her, sayinge: Because thou haste offended our Sovereigne 
the I\:inges grace, in committinge treason against his person, and here 
attaynted of the same,! the lawe of the realme is this, that thou haste 
deserved death, and thy judglnent is this: That tho,v shalt be b1'ent 
here within the Tower of London on the Greene, els to have thy head 
smitten of as the ICinges pleasure shal be further knowne of the same; 
and so she ,vas brought to warde agayne, and two ladies ,vayted on 
her, ,vhich came in with her at the first, and wayted still on her, ,vhose 
names were the Ladie Kingstone g and the Ladie Boleyn, her aunte. h 

II. Upon her examination she positively denied she had eyer been false to the King; 
but, being told that Norris, Weston, Brereton, and Smeton had accused her, she said 
she ought not to conceal certain things which had passed between her and them.- 
See Burnet, tom. i. pp. 191, 280, &c. 
b It is observable that, out of the fifty-three peers then in England, only twenty- 
six were present at the trial. 
c This expression lends some countenance to the conjecture that, according to the 
method introduced hy Cardinal 'Volsey in the condemnation of the Duke of Buck- 
ingham, care was taken to select those who could be relied upon to gratify the King's 
d The evidence produced at the Queen's trial is said to have been purposely 
destroyed.-See Burnet, tom. i. p. 197. 
e This sentence, affirming the unanimity of the Court, is omitted, and the 
jurlgment delivered by Norfolk much abbreviated, in Stow. 
f Had the sentence of divorce ùeen passed before Anne's trial she could not have 
been convicted of adultery, since her marriage with the King must have been con- 
sidered only as a concubinage.-See Rapin, i. p. 812. 
g Lady Kingstone was wife of Sir 'Villiam Kingstone, Captain of the Guard and 
Constable of the Tower. 
h Other authorities state that J\frs. Cosen and Anne's aunt, l\frs. Boleyn, were the 
two ladies appointed to attend on her in the Tower. 



After this, ilnmediatlie, the Lord of Rocheforde, her brother, A.D. 1536. 
,vas arreigned for treason, which was for knowinge the Queene, his The arreign- 
. II ' d bl . h 1 f G d d ment of the 
sIster, carna Ie, moste etesta e agaInst t e awe 0 0 an nature Lord of Roche- 
allso, and treason to his Prince, and allso for conspiracie of the forde. 
I\:inges death: 'Vhereunto he Inade aunswere so prudentlie and 
,viselie to all articles layde against him, that marveil it ,vas to heare, 
and never ,vould confesse anye thinge, but made himselfe as cleare 
as though he had never offended. a Howbeit he was there con- 
demned by 26 lordes and barons of treason, and then Iny Lord of 
Northfolke gave him this judgment: That he should goe agayne to 
prison in the Tower from whence he came, and to be drawne from 
the saide Towre of London thorowe the Cittie of London to the 
place of execution called Tyburne, and there to be hanged, beinge 
alyve cutt do,vne, and then his members cutt of and his bowells 
taken o,vt of his bodie and brent before hiln, and then his head cutt 
of and his bodie to be divided in 4 0r peeces, and his head and bodie 
to be sett at suche places as the ICing should assigne; and after this 
the court brake up for that tyme. The l\lajor of London b ,vith 
certeyne Aldermen were present at this arreignment of the Queene 
and her brother, with the wardeins and 4 persons more of 12 of the 
principall craftes of London. 
Allso the 17th day of J\lay, beinge Weddensday, the Lord of Lord Roch- 
Rochforde, 1\11'. Norys, 1\11'. Bruton, Sir Francis 'Veston, and 

sa;:tt to 
1\larkys,c were all beheaded d at the Tower-hill; and the Lord of death at the 
R . Tower Hyll. 
ocheforc1e, brother to Queene Anne, sayde these ,vordes follo,vlnge 
on the scaffolde to the people with a lowde voyce: J\laisters all, I 
am come hither not to preach and make a sermon, but to dye, as 
the la,ve hath fownde me, and to the lawe I subInitt me, desiringe 

a All the accomplices protested their innocence except Smeton, who confessefl he 
had well deserved to die, which gave occasion to many, vol. i. 
p. 20]; vol. iii. p. 120. 
b Sir.J ohn Allen. 
e Henry Norris, 'Villiam Brereton, Sir Francis 'Veston, and Mark Smeton. 
a They were all beheaüed oxcept Smeton, who was hanged.-llurnet. 

A.D. 1536. 

The King 
divorsed from 
Queene Anne. 



you all, and speciallie you my tnaisters of the Courte, that you will 
trust on God speciallie, and not on the vanities of the worlde, for 
if I had so done, I thincke I had bene al yve as yee be now; allso 
I desire you to helpe to the settinge forthe of the true .worde of 
God; and whereas I am sclaundered by it, I have bene diligent 
to reade it and set it furth trulye; but if I had bene as diligent 
to observe it, and done and lyved thereafter, as I was to read it 
and sett it forthe, I had not COIne hereto, wherefore I beseche you 
all to be workers and lyve thereafter, and not to reade it and lyve 
not there after. As for n1yne offences, it can not prevayle you to 
heare theln that I dye here for, but I beseche God that I may be 
an example to you all, and that all you Inay be wayre by me, and 
hartelye I require you all to pray for me, and to forgive me if I have 
offended you, and I forgive you all, and God save the I{inge. a 
Their bodies with their heades were buried within the Tower of 
London; the Lord of Rochfordes bodie and head within the 
chappell of the Tower, 1\lr. "r eston band Korys c in the church 
yeard of the same in one grave, 1\11'. Bruton d and l\larkes e in another 
grave in the same churche yerde within the Tower of London. r 
And the same day, in the after-noone, at a solemne court kept at 
Lambeth by the Lord Archbishoppe of Canterburie g and the doctors 
a This speech is not given by Stow or Hall. 
b Sir Francis Weston. 
C Henry Norris left a son Henry, who was restored in blood by Queen Elizabeth, 
and created a peer in 1572, and from whom is descended the present Earl of 
d William Brereton. 
C This repeated misnomer of Smeton would seem to warrant the inference that he 
was known to the writer in conversation only by hifì Chri:-;tian name. 
f Compare the above with the abstract in Constantyne's memoir, "Archæologia," 
xxiii. p. 65. 
g Cranmer having sent copies of articles.of objection to the validity of the marriage 
to the King in his palace, and to the Queen in the Tower, "that it might be for the 
salvation of their souls," summoneù each to appear in his Ecclesiastical Court at 
Lambeth to show cause why a sentence of divorce should not be passed. Dr. 
Sampson appeared for the King, and Drs. Wotton and Barbour for the Queen, hy 
the King's appointment. 



of the lawe, the J{ing ,vas divorsed fronl his wife Queene Anne,a and A.D. 1536. 
there at the same co,vrte was a privie contract approved that she 
had 111ade to the Earle of K ortillull berlande b afore the ICings tyn1e; c 
and so she was discharged, and was never lawfull Queene of England, 
and there it was approved the same. d 
The Fridaye followinge, beinge the 19th day of I\lay, 1536, and Queene A!llle 
.,... VIII h . h f 1 I k beheaded III 
the 28 th yeare of I\.lng Henry the t , at elg tot 1e c oc e the Tower with 
in the morninge, Anne Bulleyn, Queene, was brought to execution e a sworde. 
on the greene within the Tower of London, by the great'Vhite 
To,ver; the Lord Chauncelloure of England, the Duke of Riclullond, 
Duke of Suffolke, with the moste of the I{ings Councell, as erIes, 
lordes, and nobles of this realme, beinge present at the saIne; all so 
the I\Iajor of London, with the Alldermen and Sheriffs, and certayne 
of the best craftes of London, beinge there present allso. On a 
scaffolde Inade there for the sayde execution the sayde Queen Ann 
sayde thus: J\Iaisters, I here hUlnblye sublnitt 1ne to the la\ve as 
the lawe hath judged 1ne/ and as for myne offences, I here accuse 
no man, God kno,veth them; I reInitt them to God, beseechinge 

a Archbishop Cranmer, who acted as the Queen's confessor whilst in the Tower, 
pronounced that her marriage was, and always had been, utterly null and void, in 
consequence of certain just and lawful impedin.ents which
 it was said, were unknown 
at the time of the union, but had lately been confessed to the Archbishop by the 
lady heröelf. 
b The }
ar1 of Northumberland denied any such pre-contract, but the Queen would 
appear to have confessed as much in hope of having her life spared, or at least by 
the assurance that the judgment condemning her to the stake should be changed 
into the milder punishment of death by the axe.-See Burnet. 
c Previous to her marriage with the King. 
d The process in the Ecclesiastical Court was submitted, after Anne's death, to the 
members of the Convocation and the two Houses of Parliament; and the Church, 
Commons, and Lords, ratified it. 
e The beheading of Anne Boleyn was deferred from 'Vednesday, J\'Iay 17th, when 
her pretcnded associates were executed, until Friday, J\'Iay 19th, in order that her 
divorce might be procured for the illegitimatizing of her daughter Elizaheth. 
f It is generally believed her fear of drawing the King's auger on her daughter 
ElizaLeth prevented her from insisting upon her own innocence in public.-See 
Herbert, p. 194; Strype's "J\'Iemoirs," i. p. 283. 



Ä.D. IG36. hiln to have mercye on my sowle, and I beseche J esu save my 
sovereigne and maister the ICinge, the moste godlye, noble, and 
gentle Prince that is, andlonge to reigne over YO\y; which wordes 
.were spoken \vith a goodlye sInilinge countenance; a and this done, 
she kneeled do\vne on her knees and sayde: To Jesu Christe I 
comillenù nlY sowle; band suddenlye the hangillan C smot.e of her 
heade at a stroke with a sworde; d her bodye with the head ,vas 
buTÏed in the Chappell e ,vithin the Tower of London, iri the queere 
there, the sanle daye at afternoone, ,vhen she had reygned as Queene 
three yeares, lackinge 14 dayes
 from her coronation to her death. 
Also this yeare, at a Parliament holden at vV cstminster in 
Februarie last past/ and ended the Thursdaie afore Easter, it was 
granted g to the ICing and his heires, to the augmentation of the 

a Her cheerful carriage on the day of execntion is attested by the letter of Sir 
'Villiam Kingston, Constable of the Tower, to Cromwell, wherein he says: "This 
morning she sent for me, that I might be with her at such time as she received. the 
good Lord, to the intent I should hear her speak as touching her innocency alway to 
be clear. And in the writing of this she sent for me, and at my coming she said, 
'1\1:1'. Kingston, I hear I shall not die afore noon, and I am very sorry therefore, for 
I thought to be dead by this time and past my pain.' I told her it should be no 
pain, it was so little. And then she said, , I heard say the executioner was very good, 
and I have a little neck,' and put her hands about it, laughing heartily. I have seen 
many men and also women executed, and that they have been in great sorrow, and to 
my knowledge this lady has much joy and pleasure in death. Sir, her almoner is 
continually with her, and had been since two o'clock after midnight." 
b Up to this point this speech is in Stow, with a few verbal differences, and is 
given in substance in Hall's Chronicle. 
C The hangman of Calais was selected, as being more expert at his business than 
any in England. 
d Our author is correct in his statement that Anne's head was severed from bel' 
body with a sword, that being the French mode of decapitation, and not with an 
axe, as was the prevailing custom in England. We must therefore reject as 
apocryphal the story of the axe still shown in the Tower. 
e Iu the choir of the chapel in the Tower.-Stow. 
f This session was held upon prol'ogation at 'Vestminster, 4th February, 1536, 
and continued till the 14th April following, which would be the Wednesday before 
Easter Sunday.-See Statutes at Large, i. p. 452. 
g By statute 27 Henry VIII. cap. 28. 



cro"\vne, all religious ho,vses in this realme of Englande of the value A.D. 1536 
of tow hundred poundes and under [a-year], .with all landes and 
goodes belonging to the said howses, in as ample lnanner as the said 
abbottes and priors held thciln. The SOlne of the ho,vses amounted to 
376, a the value of their landes 32 thousan
 poundes and 1110re,b and 
the Inoveables of their goodes, as they ,vcre sold, amounted above 
one hundred thousand poundes; and the religious persons that 
were in the said howses ,vere clearlie putt out, some [went] to 
[oJ their [greater] howses [and] SOlne ,vent abroade in the ,vorlde. c 
Againe it was pitie the great lamentation that the poore people 
made for theim, for there was great hospitalitie kept a1110nge theiln, 
and, as it ,vas reported, tenne thousand persons had lost their living 
by the putting do,vne of theim, which was great pitie. 
Also the 20th daie of l\laie d the I{ing was maried seereetlie at 
Chelsey, in J\liddlesex, to one Jane Seymor, daughter to Sir John 
Seynlor, knight,e in the countie of 'Vilshire, late departed froln 
this licf, which Jane was first a ,vayting gentlewoman to Queene 
l{atherin/ and after to Anne Bolleine, late Qucene, also; and she 
was brought to \Vhite Hall, by "\Yestminster, the 30th daie of 
l\Iaie,g and their sett in the Quecne's seate under the canapie of 
estate royall. 
Also, the 4th daie of June, being \Yhitsoundaie, the said Jane 
a Or, according to other authorities, 380 of the lesser houses, being those with 
revenues under 200l. a year. 
b In addition to their yearly income of 32,000l. these monastic establishments 
were returned as possessing 100,000l. in money, plate, find jewels. 
C The text of our MS. being here corrupt, the words in brackets have been supplied 
from Stow. 
d The day following Anne Boleyn's execution. 
e She was daughter of Sir John Seymour, of Wolf Hall, in 'Viltshire, Groom of 
the Chamber to Henry VIII. and governor of Bristol Castle, by Elizabeth, daughter 
of Sir Henry 'Ventworth, of NettIested, in Suffolk.-Dugdale's Baronage, vol. ii. 
p. 361. 
f The time of Jane's introduction at Court is not known, but, if she held the post 
of maid of honour to Queen Katharine, it must have been earlier than is generally 
g Other authorities say 2Ðth l\Iay, lJeing the :Monday before 'Vhitsunday. 



A.D. 1536. Seymor was proclaymed Queene a at Greenewych, and went in 
processi0n, after the l{ing, ,vith a great traine of ladies followinge 
after her, and also .ofred at Inasse as Queene, and began her howse- 
hold that daie, dyning in her chamber of presence under the cloath 
of estate. 
Also, the 7th daie of June, being \Vednesdaie in \Vhitson \veeke, 
the l{ing and the Queene went from Grenewych to Yorke Place, 
at "r estminster, by water, his lordes going in barges afore hilli, 
everie lord in his owne barge, and the l{inge and the Queene in a 
barge togeeter, follo'winge after the lordes' barges, with his guard 
following him in a great barge; and as he passed by the shipps 
in the Thames everie shippe shott gonns, and at Radcliffe the 
Elnperoures Elnbassidour stoode in a tente with a banner of the 
Emperoures annes seett in the topp of his tente and divers banners 
about the saIne, he hilnself being in a rych gowne of purple satten, 
with divers gentlemen standinge about him \vith gownes and cottes 
of velvett; and when the Beach l{inges b barge canle by him, he sent 
to\V bottes of his servantes to rowe aboute the l\:inges barge, one of 
them were his tru1l1petters, and another with shahnes and sage- 
bottes, and so made a great reverence to the l{inge and Queene as 
they caIne by him, and then he lett shott a fortie great gonns, and 
as the l{inge Caine against the Tower of London their ,vas shott 
above fower hundred peeces of ordinance, and all the to,ver walls 
to,vardes the water side were sett with great strealners and banners; 
and so the l{inge passed thro,ve London Bridge, with his trulnpetts 
blowinge before him, and shalmes, sagbuttes, and drolnesla,ves C 
playing also in barges going before him, which ,vas a goodlie sight 
to beholde. 
Also the lnorrowe after, being Thursdaie in \Vhitson weeke, and 
a Jane was proclaimed Queen: but never crowned, her coronation, as we learn from 
this Chronicle (see page 55), having been fixed for the Sunday before Allhallows, but 
put off by reason of the pestilence then in London. 
b He was probably the master of ceremonies in the aquatic pageants, as there was 
no City official who bore that title. 
C Drummers, from the Dutch" Trommel-slaager." 



the eight daie of June, the Perliament beganne, the I{ing riding A.D. 1536. 
from Yorke Place to 'Vestminster with all his lordes before him, The manner 
. . I h b h ld ' I I T" and order of 
the Queene standIng In t 1e newe gate owse e 0 lng t le\..Ing the !{ings 
and his lor des as the y rode; and when they ,vere come in the P g'oiD l g to th t e 
ar eamen 
Perliament chaInber at "\Vestminster they putt on their Perliament Howse. 
robes, and so went into "T estminster Abbey on the backe side by 
the ICinges newe chappell,a in order as follo,veth: first came tovv 
pursevantes with their cote annoures on theIn, all esquiers following 
them, after tovv pursevantes againe with their cote arInoures, 
knightes following theIn, then tow haroldes of annes with rich 
cote armoures, all abbottes being lordes of the Perliament Howse 
following with robes of blacke cloath lyned with satten and sarcenett, 
which were nyneteene in numberj then t.o,v haroldes againe, the 
bishopps followinge them in robes of scarlett furred 'with white 
lettis b ,vith hoodes of the saIne, ,vhich were tenne in number; after 
them the Archbishopp of Canterberie and the Archbishopp ofY orke 
with their crosses afore them, they being in robes of scarlett furred 
,vith white; after them sergeantes at armes with their Inaces; then 
the ICinges haroldes with their cote annoures; then Iny Lord 
Chauncelor of Englande, in his Perliament robe of scarlett with a 
hood to the same furred with ,vhite lettis, with the ICinges great 
seale borne before him; then the Earle of Sussex C in his robe of 
scarlett bearing the svvorde afore the ICinge, and the Duke of 
Rychmonde in his robe bearing the cappe of maynetenance, the 
ICing following in a robe of crimson velvett furred ,vith poudre 
ermyns, with a hood of the same, the Earle of Oxford d bearing the 
l{inges traine on his sholder after hiln as lIigh Chalnbcrlaine of 
England, the Lorde Sandes e bearing the traine in the lniddes as 
ry the Seventh's Chapel. 
II Lattice or network. See Nares's" Glossary," ed. Halliwell and 'Vright. 
C Robert Radcliffe, Viscount Fitzwalter, created Earl of Sussex, 28th December, 
152Ð, K.G. and a Privy Councillor. 
d John de Vere, I
arl of Oxford, and hereditary Lord Great Chamberlain. 
C Sir 'Villiam Sandys, created Lord Sandys of the Vine, 1:523, K.G. appointed 
Lord Chamberlain in reversion, 152:3, and succeeded to the office in 1:326. 



A.D. 1536. Chamberlaine of the Iringes howse; then after the Iring fi)llowed 
the Duke of Suffolke, a and all erIes, Inarques, and Iordes, all in 
their Perliament robes of scarlett fnrred ,vith white, and their hoodes 
about their neckes, which were fortie in nUlnber; everie ùuke 
having fo,ver barres of white furre alongest the right side of their 
robes, and everie earle having three barres of ,vhite furre alongest 
the right side of their robes, and everie lord to,v barres in likewise. 
And, when the Iring came against the new chappell their, the 
Abbott of \Vestlninster Inett hiln with the convent, with procession, 
all in rich copes of gold, the abbott being mitred, and fower Inonkes 
bearing a rich cannopie of cloth of gold which they sett over the 
J{inge, and then the abbott sensed the ICing, and delivered hiln a 
scepter of gould in his hand, which was Sainct Edwardes the 
Confessor; and so the ICing proceeded into the church downe to 
the west end of the lllonkes quire, and so went into the nlonkes 
quire, where ,vas made a seate for the I(ing in the upper ende of 
the quire, which ,vas the abbottes stall, with a rych cloath of estate 
hanging over the ICinges heade, and their the ICing sate do,vne, and 
all the lordes sate in the Inonkes seates in the quire, everie one in 
their degrees in order; also in the said quire ,vas an aultar 11lade, 
richlie hanged before the ICinges seate, where the I{ing had a lo'we 
Inasse; this donne, masse of the Rolie Ghost beganne, which was 
song in the Iringes Chappell, the Bishopp of London executing 
at the high auItaI', and after the creede the ICing went to the high 
aulter and of red, and then went into the traves b that ,vas Inade for 
him at the alters end, and their he had another aulter made before 
his traves, where he had another lowe Inasse said afore hiln, and 
their contynued till masse ,vas donne; and after masse he ,vent into 
the Perlian1ent Cham bel' in the saIne order that he came into the 
church; their being con1en he sate downe in his seat royalllike a 
noble prince, and all his lordes, booth spirituall and temporall, in their 

a Charles Brandon, brothcr-iQ-law of the King, having married :l\Iary, si:::;ter of 
Henl'Y VIII. and Dowager of Louis XII. of France. 
b A cross-scat. 



seates after their degrees; and my Lord Chauncellor of Englande, A.D. 1536. 
which was Sir Tholnas Awdeley,a ICnight and Serjeant at the 
Commen Lawe, made a goodlie proposition to the ICinges Grace 
for the asselnbly and cause of the said Perliament, which contynewed 
half an hower large; b that donne, the ICinge and his lordes putt of 
their robes, and so rode to Yorke Place c to dynner in order as they 
went to vVestminster, and so finished for that daie. 
Also, the 9th daie of June, being Fridaie, the Convocation of 
the Spirituall Lordes d beganne at Paules in London, the Bishopp 
of London singing the masse of the Holie Ghost; after masse, the 
Bishopp of vV orcester e made a sermon afore the bishopps in 
Also, the Twesdaie in Whitson ,veeke f last past, the Queenes 
brother, Sir Edwarde SeYlnor, was created and made Viscounte 
Beochamps,g and that weeke Sir 'Valter Hongerforde, of Hates- 
burie,h in Wilshire, was made Lord Hungerforde also. 
Item, on Corpus Christi daie i the ICinge and the Queene rode 

a Audley, writing to Cromwell in 1533, says, "Lothe I am to move for eny thynge 
if a litel necessite compelled me not; whiche necessite hath growen by the great 
charges thai I had before I had the Seale, by reson that I was Serj eaunt at the 
Kynge's Grace commandment, [which] cost me 400 markes."-State Papers, vol. i. 
part 2, p. 389. 
b His speech is printed in Latin in the Journals of the Lords, vol. i. p. 84. 
c 'V olsey's palace at Whitehall. 
d It was in this session of Convocation that the two religious parties openly 
divided, the one to promote, and the other to oppose, the Reformation. Cranmer 
was at the head of the former, being supported by Goodrich, Bishop of Ely, Shaxton 
of Sarum, Latimer of Worcester, Fox of Hereford, Bilsey of Rochester, and Barlow 
of St. David's. Lee, Archbishop of York, was leader of the latter, and wìth him 
were Stokesley, Bishop of London, Tonstal of Durham, Gardiner of Winchester, 
Longland of Lincoln, Sherburn of Chichester, Nix of Norwich, and lUte of 
e Hugh Latimer, consecrated September, 1535. f June 6th, 1536. 
g Viscount Beauchamp, of Hache, co. Somerset. 
h Heytesbury, on the river 'Viley, near Salisbury Plain. It was once the 
resi(lence of Queen 1\Iaud, and passed thl'ough the Burghershs and Badlesmercs to 
the Hungerfords. 
i The Thursday after Trinity Sunday, being June 15th. 

A.D. 1536. 



fro In Yorke Place to "r estrninstre Abbay, ,vith all his lordes, 
spirituall and ternporall, riding afore him, and the Queene following 
next after him, wi th her ladies ryding next after her; and when 
they were cornen into the abbay their they ,vent into procession; 
first, all the abbottes quire fol1owing after the crosse in rich copes 
of cloath of goulde, the abbott himself following with his miter; then 
all the ICinges chappell in rich copes of cloath of gould; after thelll 
follo\ved all the abbot.tes, being Lordes of the Perliamente, in their 
habettes, without copes; after them all the bi
hopps in their 
habettes, without copes; then the to,v Archbishopps of Canterberie 
and Yorke in their habettes, without copes, with the crosses afore 
them; then follo'wed the Bishopp of Chichester,a being also Deane 
of the ICinges Chappell, in a rich cope and Inytred, bearing the 
sacrament of the alter, the sub-deane bearing it with hiln also, 
under a rich cannopie of cloath of gold, fower of the gromes of the 
Privie Chalnber bearing the c9nnopie, and fower other grolnes of 
the Privie Chamber bearing fower staffe torches; then followed the 
ICing, the Earle of Sussex bearing the swerde, the Duke of Norfolke 
bearinge the golden staife as l\Iarshall of Englande, and my Lordc 
Chauncelor \vith the ICinges Great Seale borne before hiln, the 
cheiffe peeres of the realme following the Kinge; then the Queene, 
Iny Ladie l\Iarie b Duglas bearing up the traine of her gowne; then 
followed the ladies and the Queenes maides, and after them followed 
all the 10rdes in their degrees; and then hie lllasse beganne, the 
ICing kneeling in his traveise at the alters end, and the Queene in 
another travers against him, and at the offitarie they offred booth; 
masse being donne, they rode to Yorke Place againe in the same 
order they went from thence, whic.h ,vas a goodlic sight. 

a Richard Sampson, LL.D. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, recently consecrated 
Bishop of Chichester, upon the resignation of Robm'Ì Sherburn, to whom was 
reserved a pension of 400l.-See Rymer's Fædera, xiv. p. 570. 
b Probably a mistake for 1Iargarct Douglas, daughter of Archibald sixth Earl of 
Angus and }'lal'garet Queen Dowager of Scots; she was therefore niece to I{ing 
Henry VIII. 



This yeare, on Sanct Peters daie, a after l\Iidsomlner, was a great A.D. 153(t 
triunluphe on t.he Thames before Yorke Place afore the ICing and 
Queene, for their was a great boote Inade like a caricke,b goodlie 
trYlnlned with targattes and ordinance and full of men of armes, and 
also their was three other bootes made like foistes,c which warred 
against the carick, and so shott great peeces of ordinance one 
against another by the space of to,v howers long; and the foystes 
fell abording of the caricke, and in bording it a gentleman, d a 
servant of Sir Henrie I(nevettes, fell betwene the caricke and the 
foyst that he was in, and so was drowned; also a gonne brake in 
one of the foistes and brake a great peece of the syde of the same, 
so that the said foist sanke, but the Inen that were in her were 
saved, for it ,vas a lowe water, and divers other persons were hurt 
with gonnes, a.nd so the I\:ing caused them to leave fighting; their 
dartes and Inorris pikes were stuffed at the endes with woll and 
leather, and their s\vordes were Inade of woode; and then was 
justing at the tilte before the said Yorke Place on the lande, where 
were divers speares broken of divers yonge lordes and squires, 
\vhich was a goodlie sight to beholde; the ICing and the Queene 
standing in the gatehowse beholding them. 
Item, this yeare, in Trinitie terme, the Soundaie after Corpus 
Christi daie,e the Erle of Wilshire, Sir Thomas Bolleine, father to 
Queene Anne, delivered the IGnges Privie Seale, wherof he was 
Custos, into the ICinges handes; and after Sainct Peeters daie, f at 
l\Iidsolnmer, 1\11'. Tholnas Crumwell, Secretarie to the ICinges Grace 
and l\laster of the Rolls, had the Privie Sea.le delivered to hiln, to 
be Lorde and Custos ther04 and 
lr. Christopher IIales, being then 
the ICinges Atturney in the La,v, w"as made l\laster of the Rolls, 

a June 2Ðth. 
b A carac was a large ship of burden, like a galleon. 
c A foist was a light and fast-sailing vessel. 
d "One Gates, gentleman."-Stow. 
e June 18th. 
f June 2Ðth. 





A.D. 1536. and another was Inade the I\:inges Atturney, named 1\11'. Baker,a 
sometyme Recorder of London. 
3 marriages This yeare, the 3 daye of July, beinge 1\Iondaye, was a greate 
in the Erle of d 
Rutland's soletnpnytie of Inarriage kept at the nonnerye of Halywe11,b besy e 
house at Haly- London, in the Erle of Rutt1andes place, the Erle of 
" T h t Oxfordes sonne and he y er, caUed Lord Bulbeke,c Inaryed the Erle 
,\' ereun 0 
the King came of "T estmorelandes eldest daughter, named Ladye Dorytye, and the 

ke Erle of 'Vestn10relandes sonne and heyre, ca11ed Lord NeveU,d 
maske. Inaryed the Erle of Rutt1andes eldyste daughter, named Ladye 
Anne, and the Erle of Rutlandes sonne and heire, called Lord 
Roosse,e lnaryed the Erle of 'Vesttnorelandes daughter, named 
Ladye l\Iargaret; and all these three lordes were Inaryed at one 
Inasse, goinge to churche all 3 together on by another, and the 
ladyes, there wyfes, followinge one after another, everye one of the 
younge ladycs havinge 2 younge lordes goinge one everye syde of 
thelTI ,vhen they went to church, and a younge ladye bearinge up 
everye of their gowne traynes; at which maryage was present all 
the greate estates of the realme, both lordes and ladyes; the Lorde 
Chaunseler of England and the Duke of N orfolke leadinge the 
Lorde Bulbekes wyffe hOlne frol11 the church, the Duke of Suffolke 
and the Lord 1\Iarques of Dorset leedinge the Lord K evelles wyffe, 
and the ErIe of Dflrbye and the ErIe of Surrey ledinge the Lord 
Roosse "\vyffe; and after masse there was a greatc dynner, and 
c1iyerse greate di
hes and delicate meates ,vith sottcltes, and diverse 
lnanner of instrlunentes playinge at the same, which were to longe 
to expresse; ånd after dynner the I\:inges grace came theder in a 

" John Baker, knighted in 1540, und made Chancellor of the Exchequer for life. 
b St. John the Baptist's Benedictine nunnery at Holywell, in the parish of St. 
Leonard, Shoreditch. 
C John de Vere, son of Sir John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, and Baron Bulbeck or 
Bolehec, which latter title was inherited by the De Veres from Isabel, sole daughter 
and heiress of "\Yalter de Bolebec, married to Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford, in the 
reign of Henry II. 
d Henr)', son of Ralph Nevill, Baron Nevill of Raby, and Earl of Westmoreland. 

 Henry, sOp' of Thomas :Manners, Baron Roos of IIamlake, and Earl of Rutland. 



Inaske, rydynge froln Yorke Place, with 11 more with him, vvherof A.D. 1536. 
the ICinge and 7 more with him ware garmentes aftcr the Turkes 
fashion, richlye cInbrodred \vith gold, with Turkes hattes of blake 
velwett and whyte feethers on there heades and vysars on their 
faces, and 4 other ware arayed in purple sarcenett, lyke Turkc
which ,vere as their pages, and so they daunsed with the ladyes a 
good while; and th
n the J{inge putt of his visar and shewyd 
hilTIselfe; and then the J{inge had a greate bankett of 40 dyshes, 
"\vherin was diverse sotteltes and Ineates, which ,vas a goodlye sight 
to behold. The bankett endyd, tILe ICinge with his COlTIpanye 
departed thense, and rode agayne to Yorke Place in their maskinge 
gannentes as they came thether. 
This yeare, on ReIi.ques Soundaye, beinge the 9 daye of J uIye, 
the Lord Fyzt- 'Varen a was created ErIe of Bathe at Yorke Place 
by 'Vestlnynster, and the morrowe after 1\11". Thomas Cro111well 
was nlade Lord Cromewell by the ICinges letter patent under the 
J\:inges brode seale; and the Thursdaye afore Reliques Sondaye b 
the Ladye l\Iarye, daughter to the ICinge by Quecne J{atheryn, 
was brought rydinge from Hunsedonne c secretly in the nyght to 
IIacknaye, and [that] after-none the ICinge and the Qucene CalTIC 
theder, and there the ICinge spake "\vith his deare and wel beloved 
daughter l\Iarye, which had not spoken ,vith the ICinge her father 
in five yere afore, and there she relnayned ,vith the ICynge 
tyll Frydaye at nyght, and then she roode to I-Iunsdane agayne 
secretelye. d 
Alsoe on Twesdaye, the 18 daye of J ulye, the Parlyament brake 
upp and was cleane dyssolvcd; at afternone the JCinge and all his 
lonles syttinge in there Parlyalnent robes, and alsoe the French 

a John Bourchier, Baron II'itz-""V a1'Îne. 
b July 6th. 
C Mal'y's known affection for her mother, and attachment to the old discipline of 
the Church, had caused her seclusion at Hunsdon, in Hertfordshire. 
d This interview of the Princess IVlary followed close upon her letter of submission 
and her cOllfession.-See "State Papers," vol. i. part ii. pp. 457-9. 



A.D. 1536. Ambassadors were brought into the Parlyament Chamber to see the 
order and Inanner there, which the I{inges Grace hilTIselfe dyd 
declare to the sayd .L.\Jnbassadors in Frenche; also 1\11'. Tholnas 
Cromewell, otherwise called Lord Crum,vell, Lord Prevaye Seale, 
and Secreta rye to the ICinge, was made ICnight there in the Parlia- 
ment Chamber, and one 1\11'. Pa,vlet also; also 1\11'. Secretorye, 

Ir. Sec.retarie Lord Prevaye Seale, was made Highe Vycar a over the Spiritualtye 
made Hlghe d h I T' d d . . I C . h 
Vicar over the un er t e\.lnge, an satt Iverse tymes In t 1e onvocatlon o,vse 
Spiritualtie. amonge the byshopps as headd over thern. 
Also, the twentith daie of Julie, the Convocation brooke upp at 
Poules and ,vas dissolved, where the Lord Cruln,vell was present 
as the ICinges ''''lcar, and their caused all the bishopps, abbottes, 
and all other of the cleargie, being of the Convocation, to subscribe 
their names to an Act made their, which is this: b That if the 
ICinges Grace or his deputie be cited at any tYlne heareafter by 
the Emperoure or Bishopp of Rome to appeare at any Generall 
Counsell c kept by theln at any place whatsoeaver it shall be kept; 
that the ICing is not bounde to appeare, l}or non other of this reahne 
for him, because this reahne is a whole monarchie and an emperiall 
sea of itself, and hath power to make lawes and reforme thenl booth 
concerning faith and all other lawes, the ICing heere and our 
Elnperour d being the onelie suprealll heade of the IIolie Catholike 
Church of Engla.nde next Ylnediatlie under God, and his clergie 
and Convocation of this realme are utterlie to disanull all the 

An Acte of 
of the Spirit- 

a Cromwell was made Vicar-General, having previously been styled Vicegerent in 
Ecclesiastical Causes, to which office he was appointed in 1534. In right of his 
office of Vicar-General he sat in Convocation above the Archbishop of Canterbury. 
-See Burnet, vol. iii. pp. 123, 402. 
b This document is printed in "State Papers, Henry VIII." vol. i. p. 543. 
C Henry having appealed from the Pope to a General Council, the Pope, in concert 
with the Empemr, summoned one to meet at Mantua, before which Henry was cited 
to appear, but declined to do so by the advice of Convocation. 
d Henry VIII. aspired to the Holy Roman Empire, for which he was a candidate 
in 1519, and' assumed the style of" Majesty" in 1527, but I cannot find that he was 
ever called Emperor. 



Bishopp of ROines auctoritie and lawes, saving fo,ver Generall A.D. 1536. 
Councells a which were kept at 1Iycenæ,b &c., as by a booke of 
the same it shall appeare, which the whole cleargie of this realme 
as recognised the same. 
Also t.he twentith tow daie of Julie, Henrie, c Duke of Somersett Death of the 
and Richmonde, and Earle of Northampton, d and a base sonne of 

our soveraigne King Henrie the Eight, borne of n1Y Ladie Taylebuse, King's base 
that tyme called Elizabeth Blunt,e departed out of this transitorie sonne. 
lief at the Kinges place in Sainct James, within the Kinges Parke 
at "\Vestminster. It was thought that he ,vas privelie poysoned by 
the meanes of Queene Anne and her brother Lord Rotchford, for he 
pined inwardlie in his bodie long before he died; f God knoweth the 
truth therof; he was a goodlie yong lord, and a toward in many 
qualities and feates, and was maried to the Duke of N orfolkes 
daughter named Ladie l\farie,g and her mother was daughter to 

a The first four General Councils.-See "State Papers, Henry VIII." vol. i. 
p. 543. 
b A mistake for Nicænum, or Nice, in Bithynia, where the first General Council 
by Constantine was held in 325. 
C Henry, surnamed FitzRoy, when six years old was made Knight of the Garter, 
and created Duke of Richmond and Somerset, June 18th, 1525. So great was his 
father's affection for him, that, on July 26th following, he was constituted Admiral 
of England, and, two years after, made Warden of the Marches towards Scotland. 
The Lieutenancy of Ireland was subsequentJy granted to him by patent, but, on 
account of his minority, Sir vVilliam Skeffington was constituted his deputy. It 
has been suggested that Henry procured the Act of Parliament empowering him to 
bequeath his crown, in order that he might settle it upon young Henry in the event of 
his having no male issue by Jane Seymour .-See Heylin, Hist. of the Reformation, p. 6. 
d Nottingham, as correctly given in Stow. 
e Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Blount, knt. and widow of Gilbert, Lord 
Talboys, famous for her beauty and accomplishments. She remarried Edward 
Clinton, first Earl of Lincoln, to whom she was first wife. 
f It is curious that, only a few weeks before his death, Henry FitzRoy is relatecl 
by our Chronicler to have been present at the execution of his father's wife, Anne 
Boleyn.-See p. 41. 
g Daughter of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, and sister of the 
celebrated Henry, Earl of Surrey, who was the constant attendant on Prince 



A.D. 1536. the last Duke of Buckhingame; a but the said yonge duke had neaver 
layne by his wife, and so she is maide, wife, and now a ,vidowe; I 
praie God send her now good fortune; and he was buried at Thetforde 
in the countie of N orfolke. 
Also, in this moneth of Julie, the Lord Thomas Haward, 
yongest brother to the Duke of Norfolke, was sent to the To,ver 
of London for making a privie contracte of Inatrirnonie bctweene 
the Ladie 1vlargarett Duglas and him, which ladie is daughter to 
the Queene of Scottes b by the Earle of Anguishe, and neece to the 
J{inge; and the said Lord Thomas ,vas atteynted by the hoole 
Perliament for the said contracte, as shall appeare by an Act of 
Perlialnent made for the same; C and also the Ladie J\Iargarett 
Duglas ,vas cOlnitted after to the Tower of London, also for the salne. d 
This yeare, in August, the scisme, seased heere in Englande, of 
the diversitie of preaehers for the ICing, sent a booke of certaine 
Articles concerning the articles of our faith and other ceremonies of 
the Church,e the which tbe bishopps of this realrne should cause to 
be declared in their diocese es J; and also another bill for the abro- 
gation of certaine holie daies falling in harvest tyme and the Terme 

a Eùward Stafford, beheaded on Tower Hill in 1521, having incurred the 
displeasure of Henry VJII. who was already jealous of his descent from Thomas of 
Woodstock and Edward III., his mother, the late Duchess of Buckingham, being 
sister of Queen "Elizabeth and aunt of Edward V. 
largaret, daughter of Henry VII., after the death of James IV. of Scotland at 
Flodùen Field, married Douglas, Earl of Angus. 
c 28 Hen. VIII. cap. xviii. By which it was made high treason to espouse or 
marry, without the King's licence under the Great Seal first obtained, any of the 
King's children, his sisters or aunts, or their children, being the King's nieces and 
d She was liberated in the year following, upon the death of her lover in the 
e Convocation agreed upon certain articles, which were digested in fonn of 
constitutions defining the doctrine and ceremonies to be observed in the Church. 
These constitutions being presented to the King, he made various alterations in them 
with his own hand, and then caused them to be signed by Cromwell, Cranmer, 
seventeen bishops, forty abbots and priors, and fifty archdeacons and proctors of the 
Lower House of Convocation. 



tyme, the which the King, as supreame head of the Church, with A.D. 1536. 
his prelates and cleargie of this reahne, had assented and consented, 
in their convocation, to be observed and kept from thencefourth 
through all this realme of Englande, as by the said Act Inore planelie 
shall appeare. a 
Also, in the beginning of September, Sir Thomas Crumwell, 
Lord Crumwell, ICeeper of the Privie Seale of our soveraigne lorde 
the l{inge, Vicegerent to the same of all his jurisdiction eccle- 
siasticall, visiting, by the l{inges supreame aucthoritie ecclesiasticall,b 
the people and c1eargie of this reahne of Englande, sent out, under 
the l{inges Spirituall Seale, certaine Injunctions c to the prelates 
and cleargie of this real me, for a good and vertuous order to be 
kept and had of the said cleargie, and declaring by the said 
Injunctions how the curates should preach and teatch their 
parishiones the "Pater noster," " A vee," and" Creede," the Com- 
mandementes of God, and the Articlees of the Faith in our maternall 
English tonge, d with other certaine Injunctions for and concerning 
the vertuous living of the said cleargie, in geving good ensample to 
their parishioners, under a cel'taine paine Iymitted for the same for 
the said cleargie that doe breake the salne. 
Also the coronation of the Queene, which should have bene the 
Soundaie before Allhalowen daie,e was putt of because of death 
· By the eighth article of these constitutions it was enacted that saints might be 
prayed to for their intercession, so that it were done without superstition, and that 
the days set apart for their memories were to be observed, power being reserved to 
the King to lessen their number. 
b This was the first act of pure supremacy done by the King, for in all that went 
before he had acted with the concurrence of Convocation. 
C These Injunctions (which have been printed by the University of Oxford) only 
enforced the orders for ecclesiastical discipline previously ordained by several synods, 
but were extremely unpahttaLle to the clergy, who asserted that they were going to 
be enslaved by the Vicegerent much more than they had ever been by the Pope. 
d Henry ordered the Scriptures in English to be distributed, a copy for every 
parish church, and that the clergy should expound the Church creeds in English. 
C The 2Ðth October. The intended coronation of Queen Jane is thus mentioned 
in a letter of Sir Ralph Sadleyr to Cromwell, of the 27th September, preserved in 
the PuLlic Record Office: "After souper his Grace [Henry VIII.] retourned into 



A.D. 1536. that was in London, and also the TearIne was retorned till the 
morro'we after All Sainctes daie. a 
This yeare, also, in the beginning of October, at aSSIse for the 
I\:inges su bsidi e kept in L yncolneshire, the people made an In- 
surrection,b and made of them tow captaines,c the one being a 
lnonke and the other a shoomaker,d and so increased to the number 
of t'wentie to,v thousand persons or In ore ; and they tooke divers 
Iordes and gentlenlen of the countrey, and caused theinl to be 
sworne to thelll upon certaine articles which they had devised, 
which, as they said, ,vas for the COllllnonwelth of England; e and 
such as wold not be sworne to theln they kept theln as prisoners; 
and they beheaded a chaplaine of the Bishopp of L yncolne, f which 
was his chaunceler, insomuch as the I\:ing was faine to prepare an 
armie against theme, and sent the Duke of Suffolke, the Earle of 
Shrewesberie, and the Earle of Rutlande against theIn, ,vith an 
host of men; g and also sent an harold of annes to theIn, declaring 
his chamber, and ymedyately called me [Sadleyr] unto him, saying that he had 
dygested and revolved in his brest the contentes of your letters, and perceyving how 
the plague had reigned in Westminster, and in the Abbey itself, his Grace sayed 
that he stode in a suspence whether it were best to put of the tyme of the coronacyon 
for a season. "Vherefore,' quod he, 'it were good that all my counsai1e were 
assembled here, that we might consulte and determyn uppon every thing touching 
the same accordinglye.'" a November 2nd. 
b The provocatives to this insurrection are said to have been the innovations in 
religion, the harshness of the collectors in levying the fifteenths lately granted by 
Parliament, the enforcement of the Statute of Uses, and the suppression of the 
monastic houses, which were wont to relieve the wants of the poor. 
e The two captains of the rebels here alluded to were Dr. :Makerell, the Prior of 
Barlings or Oxley, and one Cobbler, by som\
 supposed to be only a synonym for the 
Prior, but by others a cobLler by trade. 
d From a document printed in the first volume of " State Papers " it would appear 
that the real name of Captain Cobbler was Melton. 
e Henry's answer to the petitions of the rebels in Lincolnshire has been preserved, 
and is printed in the first volume of " State Papers." 
f John Longland, Bishop of Lincoln, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford, 
was a very unpopular prelate. 
g See Instructions for pacifying the rebellion in Lincolnshire, Harleian MSS. 
Cod. 283, Art. 24. 



them tray tors to God and the ICing, ,vherupon they, hearing of A.D. 153H. 
the J{inges provision against them, sublnitted them to the J{ingcs 
mercie,a abiding such order as the J\:inges pleasure should be; howbeit, 
their captaines fleedd, and entised other countreies to their lnyndes. 
Also the 9th daie of October a priest and a bocher ,vere hanged 
at 'Yindsore for ,vordes speaking against the J{ing,b the butcher 
was hanged afore the Court gate, and the priest ,vas hanged on a 
tree at "\Yindsore townes end, upon the Thames side. 
This yeare also, on Sainct Edwardes daie,c at the election of the 
major, the J{inges letter was sent to elect 1\11'. Raffe Warren, marcel', 
for major for the yeare followinge, which was incontynent chosen 
by the assente of the Commens accordinge to the J{inges 111ynde. 
This moneth of October also their was an insurrection in Y orke- 
shire,d and they made of them a captaine called Robart Aske, being 
an atturney of the la\ve and felowe of Graies Inne, the which people 
increased to a grea.t nu]nber,e and tooke the Archbishopp of Yorke 
and the Lord .Darcy f and caused them to be sworne to their partie,g 
insomuch that the King sent the Duke of N orfolke, ,vith an arn1ie 
of lnenn, and the Earle of Shre,vesberie,h to fight with then1, and 

a The insurgents submitted, but did not disperse till the 30th of October. 
b From Hall's Chronicle we learn the particulars of their offence: "There was a 
butcher dwelling within five miles of Windsor, where the King then lay, who caused 
a priest to preach that all such as took part with the Yorkshire rebels, whom he 
Darned God's people, did fight and defend God's quarrel; and, further, the said 
butcher, in selling of his meat, answered a customer who bid him a less price, ' Na
by God's soul, I had rather the good fellows of the North had it among them, and a 
score more of the hest I have.' " c October 13th. 
d This insurrection was much more dangerous than that of the Lincolnshire men, 
as it was privily supported by several persons of note. 
e 40,000 according to Hall, p. 822. 
f Thomas, Lord D'Arcy, who was forced to surrender Pontefract Castle for want . 
of provisions. 
g The rebels caused an who joined their party to take an oath" that they entered 
into this Pilgrimage of Grace for the love of God, the preservation of the King's 
person and issue, the pnrifying of the nobility, and the suppression of heretics," &c. 
h The ]
ar1 of Shrewsbury was appointed the King's Lieutenant north of Trent, 
and the Duke of Norfolk was dispatched into Yorkshire with an army of 5,000 men. 
CAl\IJ). SOC. I 



A.D. 1536. a daie of battell was apoynted by them, which \vas the eaven of 
Simon and Jude the Apostles,a butt, as God would, their fell such 
raine b the night before they should have foughten, that they \vere 
so wett and their artillerie that they cold not dra,ve their bowes 
nor shoote,C wheruppon, at the request of the Duke of Norfolke,d 
they desired him to sue to the I\:inge for their pardon, and that 
they n1ight have their liberties as of ould tYlne they were ,vont 
to have; for they were so oppressed with taxes and putting downe 
of religious howses that were \yont to keepe great hospitalitie 
theime, that no,v they could have no relief nor living for theim, 
their wives, and children, in so lTIuch that they had rather die then 
live in povertie, ,vherfore they besought the I{ing to be mercifull 
unto thelTI; wheruppon the Duke e rode in post to the ICinge to 
'Vinsore to knowe his pleasure herein, and so appeased theln f upon 
trust to have redresse of divers thinges, according to a bill of 
certaine articles g of Robert ...\skes devisinge. 

!IENRICI VIII. Anno 28. 

This yeare, the 12 of K ovelTIber, beinge Sonday, there ,vas a priest 
bore a fagott at Paules crosse standinge in his surplesse for heresie, 
,vhich priest did celebrate at his ma8se with ale. 

a October 27th. 
b This narrative is somewhat different from that given in Hall, who says, "there 
fell a small rain, nothing to speak of," but that the water in the river suddenly rose, 
p. 823. 
C The rebels' army was well appointed with captains, horse, harness, and artillery. 
- Hall, p. 822. 
d The Duke of Norfolk, as leader of the lay Catholics, although commanding the 
royal forces, was nevertheless trusted by the rebel leaders, with whom he kept up a 
e The Duke of Norfolk was accompanied by Sir Ralph Ellerkar and Robert 
Bowes, whom the rebels sent with him.-Herbert, p. 206. 
f The conference was held at Doncaster on the 6th December. 
g The paper presented by the Northern delegates contained ten demands, being 
longer than that sent up by the men of Lincolnshire, but the chief grounds of 
complaint were the same in both. 



AIlso the 13th of November 1\11'. Robarte Paginton,a mercers was A.D. 1536. 
slayne ,vith a gunn goeinge froln his howse at Soper Lane to St. 
Thomas of Acres to heare masse bet,vene 5 and 6 of the clocke in 
the morninge, and was not knowne who sle"ve him. 
Allso the 22 th day of December, beinge Fridaye, 1\11'. Ralfe 
'Varen, l\Iajor, was presented to the I\:ing by the Recorder of 
London to confinne his election for this yeare, accordinge to an oulde 
statute made for the saIne, which the I\:ing allowed this saIne daye, 
and al1so made the saide 1\11'. \\T aren knight 'with his owne handes in 
his great Chalnber of Presence at 'Vestrninster; and after that incon- 
tinent the I\:inges Grace, the Queens Grace, and my Ladye l\Iarye,b 
the I{inges daughter, tooke their horses at the sayde Pallase of 'Vest- 
mynster accolnpaned with a goodlye company of lordes, ladyes, 
and gentelhnen, and so roode from thense throughe the Cittye of The King and 
L d G 1 1 d . c 1 I T' . 1 Queen and the 
on on to renwyc 1, tIe mayre ry lnge alore tIe \.lnge WIt 1 a Ladye Marye 
nlase in his hand, as his livetennal1te of his grcate Chalnber ofrydynge 
I d . 1 1 h ld . ] ' d 1 C . f L thorowe Lon- 
...on on, wIt 1 al tea ernlen 111 t len or er, t Ie Ittye 0 ondon don to Grene- 
beinge caste with gravell in the streetes from Temple Barr to the wich. 
bridg-foote in Southwarke, and all the streetes richlye behanged 
with Tiche gold and arras; the 4 orders of fryars standinge in Flett 
Streete in coopes of gold with crosses and candelstickes and senseI'S 
to sense the J{inge and Queene 3S they roode by them; the 
Bishopp of London,c the Abbott of "r altham, the Abbott of Towre 
lIill,d beinge Inytherd, with all Powlcs quier sta.ndinge at the ,vest 
doore of Powles in rich coopcs sensinge the I(inge and Queene as 
thcy passed by them, and froln the north doore of Po\vles church- 
yard next Cheep to the bridge-foote, 2 preistes of everye pa.rishe 
church in London standinge in coopes with the best crosse of everye 

a Robert Packington, mercer, dwelling at the sign of the Leg in Cheapside- 
Han, p. 824. 
b The Princess l\fary having this year subscribed the articles of submission pro- 
pounded by Cromwell, was received into favour, and had a suitable establi
assigned her. 
e .T ohn Stokesley. 
rl Of the Crutched Friars at Tower Hill. 



A.D. 1536-7. parrishe churche and candylstickes and senseI'S, and all the craftes 
of the cittie standinge in their best liveryes ,vith hoodes on their 
sholders, ,vhich ,vas a goodlye sight to beholde. The cause of the 
I(inges rydinge throughe London ,vas because the Tames ,vas so 
frosynne that there might no bootts goe there on for yse. 
A French Allsoe the 23 daye of December there ,vas a preiste drawen from 
priest put to 1 r I 
 f L d 
I th t Ie ower 0 ondon to T y borne , and there hanged and q uartere , 
(ea . 
for counterfettinge the Kinges signe manuell, which preiste was a 
French lnan borne and keeper of the I\::inges place att Saynt Jalnes 
within the parke at 'Vestmynster. 
[A.D. 1537.] This yeare a in the beginninge of Lente the ICinge, as Suprelne 
A P t 
ocIa- Hedd of the Church of England, derected his writtes by pro- 
ma IOn to eate U 
white meates clalnation througheout this his reahne, that, whereas herringe and 
in Lent. other vitells was deare by the occasion of the ,varl'S betwene the 
Emperoure and the Frenche ICinge, that all manner people of this 
his realme Inight eate egges, butter, cheese, and mylke this tilne of 
Lente without any scrupulosytie of conscience, soe that they should 
abstayne from fleshlye Ineatcs, and specyallye frOln synn and the 
occasion therof, for that is the principall faste, as all Scripture witt- 
nesyth, to the ,vhich he gave his speciall lycense by his supreme 
This yeare after Christmas ther ,vas a skyrmishe at Hull in Y orke- 
she[reJ bet,vene the towne and one IIalanl and Frances Bygott,b 
which IIalam and Bygott had raysed a greate cOlnpanye of rebells to 
have taken the towne and so to have Inade a newe insurrection, but, 
by the wisdome of Sir Rafe Elderkar C and the l\IaYl'e uf Hull and 
of the towne, the sayd Halaln was takne and 60 of the rebells with 
out any Inurder; which IIalam was after hanged in chaynes and 
too more with him at the sayde to"\vne of Hull for the sayd treason, 
and Frances Bygott fled, soe that he was not taken, and the Duke 
of N orfolke roode theder as the I\:inges lyvetenant to appease the 
sayde rebells and kepe the countrye in peace. 

a The chronology at the commencement of this year is somewhat confused. 
b Sir Fraucis Bigod or Bigote, of Yorkshire. C :sir Ralph Ellerkar. 



This yeare, in Aprill 1536,a certen comyssions were sente into A.D. 1537. 
the weste countrye in Son1ersett shere for to take upp corne, wher 
upon the people of the eountrye begann to ryse and make an 
insurrection; howe be ytt by the meanes of younge 1\11'. Pawlett,b 
and other greate men, the cheife beginners therof ,vare taken, and 
60 of theln condelnned, wherof 14 per::;ons ware hanged and 
quartered, one beinge a ,voman, and the rest had their pardon. 
This "daye," C in Februarye and l\Iarch, were divers of the 
rebells that made insurrections in October last past in Lyncolne 
shere and Yorke shire put to death in the sayd sheres, one beinge 
a gentelhnan of the Inner Telnple in London, called 1\11'. l\loyne, 
which was hanged and quartered at Lyncolne, and an abbott also, 
and diverse religious persons, hanged.d 
Thys yere also, the T"wesdaye after Passyon Sondaye,e at 10 of 
the clocke at night, there was a greate thunder and lightninge at 
Calys, which sett the steple of Our Ladye churche on fire in the 
sayd towne; and the daye afore at Cohllnme,í a Inyle froln Calys, 
serten persons makinge Inerye in a howse att night, suddenlye 
appeared an10nge them a spirito in lykenes of a man, and suddenlye 
vanyshed awaye, carriinge a parte of the house a,vaye with him, 
,vhich tydinges ware broughte to London by the Lord Lyeles 
sarvauntes, beinge the I\:inges debytie at Calys,g in Ester weeke. 
This yere alsoc, the 3 daye of Februarye, 1536[-7J, the Lord 
Tholnas Fyzt-Garett,h sone to the [late] Lord l{yldaye, and 5 of 

a :Mistake for 1537. 
b Thomas Poulet, younger brother of Sir William Poulet. 
c :Mistake for " year." 
d Henry wrote to Norfolk to take severe vengeance and not to spare the monks 
and clergy. 
e :March 20th. 
f Coulogne. 
g Arthur Plantagenet, Viscount Lisle, was Deputy of Calais from 1533 to 1540, 
and died a prisoner in the Tower in 1542. 
h Thomas Fitzgerald, called Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, was tenth Earl of KUdare, 
to which title he :mcceeded upon the death of his father, the great :Earl of Kildare, 
in the Tower. lIe was attainted in 153G, and hanged in 1537. 



A.D. 1537. his uncles, ware drawen from the Tower of London to Tyborne and 
there hanged, their bowells brente, and their bodyes quartered, for 
treason, which sayd persons ,vere condemned by the whole ParJya- 
ment Howse, and attaynted of treason; God have mercye one their 
This yere, the 27 daye of l\Iarch) Anno 1537, my Lord Chaun- 
seIer a sat at the Guildhall in London, where ,vere araigned afore 
him 12 of the rebells of Lincolnesheire, and that daye condemned 
to deathe, and the 29 daye of l\Iarch, beinge Shore Thursdaye,b the 
sayde 12 persons C were drawen from Ne"wgate to Tyburne, and 
there hanged and quartered, of the which persons 5 ware preistes, 
one of them an abbott called Doctor l\lakerell,d and another the 
'Ticar of Loothe e in Lyncolnshire; God pardon their so\vles. 
[Anno Reg. 29.] This yere, the 15 daye of J\Iaye, 1537, and the 29 yere of the 
reigne of ICinge Henry the VIII. there were araighned at 'Vest- 
mynster afore the I\:inges c01nlnissioners, w herof the Lord l\iarqucs 
of Excester f was that daye hyest, syttinge under the clothe of 
estate representinge the ICinges person, as his Highe Stuard of 
England, \vith a greate nOlnber of the peeres and nobles of this 
realme joyned with him in the sayde cOlnmyssion, these persons 
followinge, that is to saye, the Lord Darsey g of Y orkeshire and the 
I.Jord Hussey h of Lyncolneshire, which too Iordes ware endighted 
of highe treason against the I\:inge, and this daye attcynted and 
caste of the same treason by a jurye of their peres, wherfore they 
had judglnent geven them by the sayd Lord l\larques, to be drawen, 
hanged, and quartered, accordinge to the o,vld judgment of this 
reahne concerninge all cases of treason. 

a Sir Thomas Audeley. 
b The day before Good FridaJ. 
C Five priests and seven Iaymen.-Stow. 
d l\fatthew l\fakerel, Prior of Barlings or Oxney. 
e Louth. 
f Henry Courtenay, Earl of Devon and :Marquis of Exeter, K.G. 
g Sir Thomas Darcy, a Privy Councillor, created Lord Darcy, K.G. 
h Sir John Husee or Hussey, created Lord Hussey in 1534. 



Alsoe, the 16 daye of l\laye, there were arraighned at 'Vest- A.D. 1537. 
mynster afore the I\" ynges COlnmyssyoners, the Lord Chaunsler a 
that daye beinge the cheiffe, these persons followinge: Sir Roberte 
Constable, knight, Sir Thomas Percye,b knight, and brother to the 
Erie of Xorthumberland, Sir Jhon Bolner,c knight, and Rafe 
Bolner, his sonn and heire, Sir Francis Bygot, knight, 1\Iargrett 
Ccyney,d after[ w"ards J Ladye Bolner, by untrue matrytnonye, George 
Lomeley, e
quier, Robert Aske, gentleman, that was captayne 
in the [in Jsurrection of the northen lnen, and one Hamcrton,e 
esquier, all w"hich persons were endighted of highe treason agaynste 
the ICinge, and that daye condemned by a jurye of knightes and 
esquires for the same, ,vhereupon they had sentence to be drawen, 
hanged, and quaTtered; but Rafe Bolner, the sonne of John Bolner, 
was reprived and had noe sentence. 
Alsoe, the 17 daye of 1\laye, were arrayned at "r estmynster 
these persons followinge: Doctor Cokerell, prieste and chanon, 
John Pykeringe, layman, the Abbot of Gervase,c and an Abbott 
condalll of F ountens,g of the order of pyed monkes, the Prior of 
Briàlington,h chanon, Docter ,John Pykeringe, fryer of the order of 
prechers, and :Kicholas Tempeste, esquire, all which persons were that 
daye condemned of highe treason, and had judgment for the same. 
And, the 25 daye of l\Iaye, beinge the Frydaye in 'Vhytsonweke, Rebells putt to 
Sir John Bolner, Sir Stephen Harnerton, knightes, were hanged and 

.at Ty- 
heddyd, Kicbolas Tempeste, esquier, Docter Cokerell, preiste, 
Abbott condam i of F ountens, and Docter Py keringe, fryer, ,vare 

a Sir Thoma.s Audeley. 
b Sir Thomas Percy, second son of the fifth Earl of Northumberland, and brother 
to Henry Algernon, sixth Earl. 
e Sir John Bulmer. 
d :Margaret Cheyney, otherwise Lady Bulmer. 
e Sir Stephen Hamelton. 
f Adam Sod bury, Abbot of Jervaulx, ill Yorkshire.-Stow. 
g William Thurst, quondam Abbot of :Fouutains.-Stow. 
h 'Villiam Wood, Prior of Bridlillgton.-Stow. 
I William Thurst, quondam Abbot of Fountains. 

A.D. 1537. 

Cheny burnt. 

A solemnitie 
at Powles. 



drawen from the Towre of London to Tyburne, and ther hanged, 
boweld, and quartered, and their hedes sett one London Bridge and 
diverse gates in London. 
And the same daye l\fargaret Cheyney, "other ,vife to Bohner 
callcd,"a was dra\ven after them from the Tower of London into 
Slnythfyld, and there brente, accordinge to hir judgment, God 
pardon her sowle, beinge the Frydaye in 'Vhytson ,veeke; she was 
a very fayre creature and a bewtyfull. 
.AJsoe, the 27 daye of l\faye, 1537, being Trynytie Sondaye, 
there ,vas Te Deum sounge in Powles for joye of the Queenes 
quickninge of childe, my Lord Chaunseler, r;ord Privaye Seale, 
with diverse other lordes and bishopps, beinge then present; the 
mayre and aldermen with the oeste craftes of the Cyttye beinge 
there in their lyveryes, all gevinge laude and prayse to God for 
joye of the same; "V her the Bishopp of"\V orcester, called Docter 
LatYlner, made an oration afore all the Lordes and Comlnons, 
after Te Deum was songe, shewinge the cause of their asselnblye, 
,vhich oration was mervelouse fruitefull to the hearers; and alsoe 
the saIne night was diverse greate fyers made in London, and a 
hogeshed of w"ine at everye fyer for poore people to drinke as longe 
as yt ,voulde laste; I praye Jesue, and it be his will, send us a 
The second daie of June, being Saterdaie after Trinitie Soundaie, 
this yeare Sir ThOlnas Percey, knight, and brother to the Earle of 
Northumberland, was drawen froln the Tower of London to Tiburne, 
and their hanged and beheaded, and Sir Frances Bigott, knight, 
Georg Lomeley, esquire, sonne to the Lord Lomeley,b the Abbott 
of Gervase,c and the Prior of Bridlington, were drawen from the 

a This should no doubt be "otherwise called Lady Bulmer." Stow says" other- 
wise Lady Bulmer." Hall gives the explanation, "Sir John Bulmer and his wife, 
which some reported was not his wif
, but his paramour," foJ. 232. 
b By the attainder of George Lumley the barony became extinct upon the death of 
his father, but was restored in 1547 by Act of Parliament in favonr of his son 
C J ervaulx or J oreval. 



said place to Tiburne, and their hanged and quartered, according A.D. lñ37. 
to their judgnlente, and their heades sett on London Bridge and 
other gates of London; Sir Thomas Percies bodie was buried at 
the Crossed Friel's a besides the Tower of London. 
This yeare, the twentie eight daie of June, and the caven of 
Sainct Peter and Paule, the Lorde IIussey, Sir Robert Constahle, 
and Robert Aske, were caried on horsebacke from the To,ver of 
London into their countries, and their to suffer execution of death 
according to their j udglnent. 
This yeare, the 30th daie of June, the Lord Darcye 'vas beheaded 
at the Tower Hill, and his head sett on London Bridge, and his 
bodie buried at the Crossed Friars beside the Tower of London. 
Also the Lord IIussey ,vas beheaded at Lyncolne, and Sir Robert 
Constable was hanged at Hull in Y orkeshire in chaines. Aske ,vas 
hanged in the cittie of Yorke in chaines till he died. 
This yeare, on Soundaie the 26th daie of August, the Lord 
Crulnwell was lnade I{night of the Garter and stalled at 'V yndsore. 
Also this yeare, after Trinitie terme, the sinode of the bishopps 
and cleargie of this realme brooke upp, which had contynued from 
Februarie hitherto, for an union and reformation of the Church of 
Englande, as by a booke of the articles now had in printe h lTIO]'C 
planelie appeares. 
This yeare, the 11 th daie of October, Anno 1.')37, and the 29th 
yeare of the raigne of ICing Henrie the Eight, being Thursdaie, 
their was a solempne generall procession in London, ,vith all the 
orders of friars, prcistcs, and clarkes going all in copes, the D1ajor 
and aldenllen, with all the craftes of the cittic, following in their 

a In the Priory of tbe Crouched Friars, situated in Savage Garden, on Tower 
Hill, now Crutchedfriars. 
b The puhlication of the Ten Articles occasioned great variet.yof censurf'S, tlw 
llefonners being scandalised by the determination concerning auricular confe!s
and the real presence, and the Roman Catholics thrown into unspeakable conster- 
nation hy t.he rejection of the fundamental articles of their creed, RO long- Rince 
determined, tll(' Papal authority al)oJished, and the cxistencf' of pnrg-ntory cfllled in 

CA '1 D. ROC. 




A.D. 1537. liveri
s, which was donne to pray for the Queene that ,vas then in 
labour of chieldc. And the Inorrowe after, being Fridaie and the 
eaven of Sainct Ed\vard,a sometime ICing of Englande, at to\V of 
the clocke in the Inorninge the Quecne [was] delivered of a man 
chielde b at IIampton Court beside JCingston. And the same daie, 
at eight of the clocke in the morning, Te Deum was songe in everie 
parish church throughout London,c with all the bens ringing in 
everie church, and great fiars made iñ everie streete; and at 9 of 
the clocke their was assembled at Pou]es all the orders of friars, 
monkes, channons, priestes, and clarkes about London, standing 
all about Paules in rich copes, \vith the best crosses and candlestiekes 
of everie parrishe church in London; the Bishopp of London, the 
Bishopp of Chichestre, Deane of Poules, and the Abbott of West- 
lninster being lllitred, the said Bishopp and Deane of Paules making 
a conation to the people at the quire clore of Poules, the French 
I\:inges embassadour being present, the Lord Chauncelor of Englande, 
the Lord Privie Seale, the Lorde l\Iarques Dorsett, with all the 
judges and serjeantes of the la\ve; the :l\Iajor of London, with the 
orderman [aldermen] and sherives, with all the craftes of London, 
standing in their liveries: and after the said collation Poules quire 
song an attempne d of the Trinitie, with Te Ðeulll, and the 9th 
responde of the Trillitic, ,vith the colect of the same. Then the 

" October 12th. Circular letters, in the Queen's name anà under her signet, were 
vrepal'('rl, announcing' the birth of Prince Echvard. One of them, addressed to the 
Lord Privy Seal, and dated on that day at Hampton Court, is now in the British 
l\iuseum, Nero, C. x. leaf 7. 
1J The story of Edward's being brougbt into the world by surgical art, and at the 
sacrifice of his mother's life, seems to have been invented by Nicolas Sanders, the 
J mmit, from whom it was borrowed by Sir John Hayward, and adopted in his life 
of Edward VI.-See Kennett's Rist. Engl. vol. ii. p. 273. From this source it found 
its way into various historical books. The error appftrentlyoriginated through the 
Queen's death having heen assigned to the 14th, only two days after her delivery, 
instead of to the 24th.-See p. 69 of this Chronicle. 
c As the King hnd caused his two daughters by his former marriages to he 
òeclared illegitimate, nothing' could be more acceptable than the birth of a son 
whirh put the succe:-:sion of tbp Crown out of all dispute. d Anthem. 


ICinges ,vaites and the ,vaites of London plaied with the shaltnes ; 
and after that a great peale of gonnes were shott at the To\ver of 
London, all \vhich solempnitie ,vas donne to give laude and prayse 
to God for joy of our prince. 
Also, the SaIne night, at five of the clocke, their was new fiers 
made in everie strecte and lane, people sitting at theln banquetting 
with fruites and wyne, the shahnes anù waites playing in Cheepc- 
side, and hogsheaddes of \vync sett in divers places of the Cittie 
for poore people to drinke as long as they listed; the Inajor and 
aldennen riding about the cittie thancking the peoplc, and praying 
them to give laude and praise to God for our prince; also their 
,vas shott at the Tower that night above tow thousand gonns, and 
all the bells ringing in evcrie parish church till it was tenne at the 
clocke at night; also the marchantes of the Styliard made great 
fiers, and brent a hundred sta:ffe torches at their place, and gave a 
hogeshed of wyne to poore people, and to,v barrells of beare also. 
This yeare, on Sainct Edwarc1cs daie, a at the election of the 
maire, the l\:inges lctter \vas sent to electe and chose 
Ir. Richard 
Gressame,b mercer, for maire for the yeare following, which was 
donne at the ICinges comlnandment; howbeit the COnl111enS grudged, 
because he had bene alderman but one yeare; for that tyme they 
would have had 1\11'. Holes,c which had beene put of three yeares 
by the I\:inges letter. 
This yeare, the 25th d daie of October, being l\loundaie, the 
Prince was christened in the I\:ingcs chappell at Hampton Court, 
the Archbishopp of Cantcrberie and the Duke of N orfolke god- 
Üühers at the font, and n1Y Ladie 
raries grace, the I\:inges 
daughter by Queene l{:atherin, godn10ther,e and the Duke or 
Suffolke, godfather at the confirlnation, the Princes nalTIe being 
a October 13th. 
b Father of Sir Thomas Gresham. 
c Afterwards 
ir William Holles, chosen Lord 
layor in 133!). 
d Evidently a clerical error for the 15th, which was l\lülllluy, whereas the 23th 
"ouhl have been Thursday. 
(' It is curious to note the incongruity of the !'ponsors: these were .Ardlhbhop 


A.D. 1337. 



A.D. 1537. Edwarde, proclaYllled after his christning by the I\:ing of Haroldes,a 
"Edward, sonne and he ire to the King of Englande, Duke of 
Corne\vall, and Earle of Chester." The goodlie solempnitie of the 
lordes and ladies done at the christning was a goodlie sight to 
behoulde, everie one after their office and degree; the Ladie 
Elizabeth, the I\:inges daughter, bearing the chrisome on her 
breast, the Viscoun1pt Beawchampe, brother to the Queene,b bearing 
her in his armes, the Earle of Essex bearing the salte, the Ladie 
l\larques of Exceter bearing the Prince to the church and hOlne 
againe, the Duke of N orfolke staying his head, as she bare him, 
and the Duke of Suffolke at his feete. 
Also, on Saint Lukes daie,c being Thursdaie, the Prince ,vas 
proclaymed at the court " Edward, sonne and heire to I\:ing Henrie 
the Eight, Prince of \Vales, Duke of Cornewall, and Earle of 
Chester." d Also the I\:ing made that daie tow earles and six 
knightes, that is to saie: 
Ir. Fittes vVillialns, Lord Admirall and 
Vice- Treasorer, was lnade Earle of IImnpton, e and the Queenes 
brother, Viscount Beawchalnp, was made Earle of Hertforde/ and 
Cranmer, the head of the Protestant Reformers, the Duke of Norfolk, leader of the 
lay Catholics, and the Princess :11ary, a bigoted Catholic, who had been bastardised 
by bel' father. 
a Thomas Hawley, Clarencieux King-at-Arms. 
b Eùward Seymour, elder brotber of Queen Jane, and so brother-in-law of Henry 
VIII. was created Viscount Beauchamp, of Hache, co. Somerset, 5th June, 1536. 
He was lineally descended from Sir Roger Seymour (temp. Edward III.) who married 
Cicely, sister and eldest coheir of John de Beauchamp, last Baron Beauchamp. 
c October 18th. 
II This passage would seem to countenance the common account that the infant 
prince was almost immediately invested with these titles, whereas he himself tells us 
in his journal that he was only about to be created so when his father died, in which 
he is confirmed by Burnet, who says that Edward was called Prince of 'Vales, as the 
heirs to this crown are, yet he was not invested with that dignity by a formal 
C 'Villiam Fitzwilliam, descended from the ancestor of the present Earl }'Ïtz- 
william, was created Earl of Southampton, October 18th, 1537. 
f By which title be is known until tbe accession, in 1547, of his nephew Edward 
VI. when he was created Duke of Somerset, and was made Lord Protector of the 



1\11'. Powlett was 111ade \Tice-Treasorer,a and Sir John Russell, A.D. 1537. 
Controler of the J{inges howse, 1\11'. Henage,b :Thlr. Long,C and 1\11'. 
l{nevett of the l{inges Privie Chamber, knightes, and 1\11'. Coffin, 
and 1\11'. Listre,d knightes, and 1\11'. Semer,e the Queenes brother, 
Also, the 19th daie of October, their was a solempne generall A soIemne 
procession in London, with all the orders of friars and chanons, the 

I pro- 
lllonkes of Towre Hill, ,vith all the priestes and clarkes of everie 
church in London, with Powles quire, and the best crosse of everie 
parish in London, with the baner for the same borne in the same 
procession, all the friars, monkes, canons, priestes, and clarkes, 
going in their' best copes of everie church, the Bishop of London 
following Powles quire with his mitre, the major and aldermen, 
with all the craftes of the citie following in their lyveries, which 
procession was donne for the preservation and ,velfare of the Prince 
and the health of the Queene.f 
This yeare, the 14 of October, beinge Vl eddnesday,g Queene Death of Queen 
a Sir William Poulet, Comptroller of the Household, was made Treasurer of the 
Household in 1537, when the Comptrollership was conferred on Sir John Russell, 
Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, who eventually became first Earl of Bedford. 
b Thomas Hennage. 
C Richard Long, :Thfaster of the Buckhounds. 
1I Richard Lyster, Chief Baron of the Exchequer. 
C The Queen's younger brother, Thomas Seymour. 
f The exact particulars of the Queen's illness have not been recorded, but in a 
despatch to the English ambassador in France her death is distinctly ascribed to her 
taking coW, and being supplied with improper diet, which accords with the account 
given by Leland in his "Genethliacon Edvardi Principis Cambriæ," published in 
g This date has evidently been tampered with by the transcriber to make it 
correspond with Stow, Hall, Godwin, and others, who assign the Queen's death to 
the 14th, whereas it took place on the 24th, which was evidently correctly given by 
the original writer of this Chronicle, as he makes it 'Vednesday, whereas the 14th 
would have been Sunday. It is very remarkable that the date of an event of so 
much interest at the time as the Queen's death should have been misplaced by 
no less than ten days by nearly all ancient chroniclers, but the doubt as to the 
correct date is set at rest by an original letter written by Sir John Russell, from 
Hampton Court, to Cromwell, and dated the 24th of October, which is still extant 



A.D. 1537 Jane departed this lyre, lyeinge in childe bedd, aboutc 2 of the 
clocke in the morninge, \vhen she had reigned as the l{ings wife, 
beinge never cro"\vned, one yeare and a quarter. a 

HENRICI VIII. Anno. 29. 

This yeare, on All Hallo\ve Even,b the Lord Thomas IIowarde, 
brother to the Duke of Northfolke, died in prison in the To"\ver of 
London, and his bodie was caried to Thetforde, and there buried. 
Allso the Ladie :i\Iargarett Duglas, that had)yen in prison in the 
Tower of London for love betwene hil11 and her, ,vas pardoned by 
the l{ing and sett agayne at her libertie; howbeit, she tooke his 
death very heavilie. C 
The buryeinge This yeare, the 12th of N ovember,d being I\Iundaye, the corps of 
of Queen Jane. Q J . 1 1 . . . d c. H 
ueene ane were, WIt 1 great so el11nIhe, cane 11'0111 all1pton 
Cowrte in a chariott covered with black velvett, with a picture of 
the sayde Queene richclye apparelled lyke a Queene, \vith a Tiche 
crowne of golde on her head,lyinge above on the coffin of the 
sayde corps, and so was conveyed to 'V yndsore \vith great lightcs 
of torches, with a great multitude of lordes and gentlen1en rydinge 
all in black gownes and cotes, the Ladye .l\Iarie, the I\.:inges 
daughter, beinge cheife mourner, with a great companye of ladies 

in the Public Record Office, and reads as follows: "Sir, the JGng was determyned 
this day to have removed to Asher, and because the Queene was very sik this 
night and this day he taried, but to morrowe, God willing, he entendithe to be ther. 
If she amende, he will go; and if she amende not, he tolde me this day, he could not 
fynde in his harte to tary; for I ensueI' you she hatlle bene in grete daunger JTcster- 
night and this day, but, thankid be God, she is sumwhat amendcd, and, if shc skape 
this night, the fyshiouns be in good hope that she is past all daungcr." Also 
Cecil's Journal is to the same effect. 
a One year and nearly five months. 
b October 31st. 
c In 154.4 she marriefl1\Iatthcw fourth }
arl of Lennox, and became Countess of 
Lcnnox, and mothcr of Dm'nley. 
d Stow agrecs with the text, which would appear to he correct, bcing 'Vcdllcsday, 
but Hall has the eighth day of Novcmber, ." hich was Saturday. 



and gentleweomen way tinge on her, and ridinge all in blacke allso; A.D. 1537. 
and there, with great solelnnitie, buried by the Archbishopp of 
Canterburie, ,vith a great cOlnpanye of bishopps and abbotts being 
there present in their mitres, with all the gentlemen and priestes 
of the I\:inges chappell, which rode all the way in their surplesses, 
singinge the obsequie for the dead; and the morrowe after there 
was a solemne masse of requiem sunge by the Archbishopp of 
Canterburie; and the Bishop of \Vorcester, caned Dr. Latimer, 
made a notable sermon; and at the offertorie all the estates offered 
ryche palls of clothe of golde; and after tnasse there was a great 
feast made in the Kinges pallace at \Vindsore for all the estates 
and other that had bene present at the same buriall. 
Allso, the sayde 12th of Novembre, at afternoone, there ,vas a 
solemne herse made at Powles in London, and a solemne dirige 
done there by Powles queere, the l\Iajor of London a beinge there 
present 'with the alldermen and sheriffes, and all the lnajor's officers 
Hnd the sheriffes sergeantes, mourninge all in blacke gownes, and all 
the craftes of the cittie of London in their lyveries; a11so there was 
a knyll 1'ongen in everie parishe churche in London, from 12 of the 
clocke at noone tyll six of the clocke at night, with all the bells 
1'ingingc in everye parishe churche solclnne peales, frorn 3 of the 
clocke tyll the knylls ceased; and allso a solempne dirige songen in 
everye pariEhe churche in London, and in everie churche of [1'ee1'(,s, 

a Sir Richard Gresham, who, in a letter of the 8th November to Crumwell, had 
suggested that such a solemn service should be celebrated; "yt shall please you to 
understand that, by the commaundement of the Ducke of Norfolke, I have cawssyd 
1,200 masses to be seytie, within the cite of London, for the sowle of our moste 
gra.cious Queene. And whereas the mayer and aldyrmcn with the commenors was 
I:Lttely at Powlles, and ther gave thanckes unto God for the byrthe of our prynce, 

Iy Lon1e, I doo thync
e yt, wher convenyent, that ther shulld bee allsoo at Powlles 
a sollem derige and masse; and that the mayer, alldyrmen, with the commeners, to 
be there, for to preye and offer for hyr Grace's sowle. :My Lorde, yt shale please 
yon to move the Kynge's Heyghnes, and hys pleasser knowen in thys behallfve, I am 
and shalebe reely to acomplyche his moste gracious pleasser, and yf ther be eny 
allmes to be gyvyn, there ys mellY power pepyll within the cite."-State Papers, 
vol. i. part ii. p. fi74. 



A.D. 1537. monkes, and chanons, about London; and, the Inorrowe after, a 
solemne Inasse of requiem in all the sayde churches, with all the 
bells ringinge, from 9 of the docke in the morninge ty 11 noone; 
a11so there was a solemne nlasse of requienl done at Po,vlcs, and all 
Powles queere offeringe at the same Inasse, the major
and sheriffes, and the ,vardeins of evcrie crafte of the cittie of 
London; and, after the sayde masse, the Inajor and aldernlen goeingc 
aboute the herse sayenge "De profundis," with all the craftes of 
the cittie followinge, everie one after their degrees, prayinge for 
the sowle of the sayde Queene. 
Death of :Mr. This yeare, the 23 of Novel11ber, 1\11'. HUlnphrey l\Iolnmorth, 

ihalHl draper and alderman of London, died, ,vho ordeyned by his testa- 
the manner of ment and last 'v ill that he should bc buried in the fore-noone, 
his burieinge. h . h h b h d . . I . b . II b 
aVlnge neyt er erse, raunc es, nor Inge at lIS una, ut 
onlye 6 staffe torches, and so to be buried in the churche yeard of 
All Hallo,ves Barkin, without anye bells ringinge or priestes 
singinge, but onelye a sermon at his buriall made by Dr. Cromer,a 
and after that, insteed of a Trentall,b to have 30 sermons, to be 
made by the Bishopp of 'V orcester,C Dr. Barnes, Dr. Cromer, and 
1\11'. Taylor, parson of St. Peeters in Cornehill, and after everie 
sermon Te Deum to be songen, to give laude and praise to God for 
the l{ing that hath extinguished and putt downe the power of the 
Bishop of BOlne, and hath caused the worde of God to be preached 
syncerlye and trulye, and that he may so proceed that we may 
have the verie true knowledge of scripture as Christe taught and 
left to his Apostles; and everie priest and clerke that helpeth to 
singe the saUle to have 2d. and the preachers to have for everie 
sennon 138. 4d. to be payed by his executors ilnmediatlye aftcr 
everie sermon; and allso that his executors shall paye to the 
churche where he is buried all ordinarie charges as hath bene 
accustomed to be payed, as ,vell as thoughe he had all the service 

n George Cromer, Archbishop of Armagh. 
b An office for the dead in the Romish service, consisting of thirty masses. 
(' Hugh L:ltimer. 



used at burialls. And he ordeYlled his goodes to be divided in A.D. 1537-8. 
three partes, his wife to have one parte, his children the second 
parte, and the third parte to be given for the health of his sowle, 
whereof he gave 30l. to poore howsse-holders in the warde where 
he dwelled, with manye other charitable deedes, which were longe 
to reherse. 
This Y eare, on St. Lucies Eeven,a afore Christenmas, was g reat A l gre l at 
t lUlH er at 
thunder at Rome that did great hurt there, for it perished a peece Rome. 
of St. Peters churche and the Popes pallace, and strake downe the 
angell that stood on the toppe of the castell Angelo,lJ and perished a 
parte of the sayde castle ,vith fyer, and other places in Rome allso. 
This yeare, the 23 th of Januarie, 1537[8J, the Ladye A,vdley, [A. D. 1538.] 
\vife to Sir Thomas Audeley, knight, and Lord Chauncellor of D L e d a!h A of 
h l e 
a Ie U(le cy. 
Ingland, departed this life, being W eddensday, at 3 of the clocke 
in the morninge, that day beginninge the last quarter of the moone, 
the signe beinge in Scorpio the 14 th degree. 
This yeare, the 29 of J anuarie, was arreigned at 'Vestminster in A boye Rl'- 
the afternoone a boye of l\lr. Culpepers,c Gentleman of the ICings ;)

Privie Chamber, which had stolne his maisters purse and Ill. of the gallowes. 
money, with a jewell of the ICinges ,vhich was in the same purse, 
and there condemned to death; but the morrowe after when he was 
brought to the place of execution, which was at the ende of the 
tylt yeard afore the ICinges Pallace at 'V estminster, and that the 
hangman was takinge the ladder from the gallowes, the ICinge sent 
his pardon for the sayde boye, and so he was saved from death, to 
the great comforte of all the people there present, &c. 
This yeare, the 18th of Februarie being l\lundaye, there was One put to 
h L d P d f L d d death for 
a yonge man, servante to tea ye argetour 0 on on, rawne c1yppinge oí 
from Newgate to Tower IIill, and there was hanged, his members gouhle. 
cutt of and bowells brent afore him, and his head cutt of, and his 
bodie divided in 4 peeces, which yonge man had clipped goulde to 

a December 12th. Eve of St. Lucy, virgin and martyr. 
b St. AI)gelo. C Thomas Culpeper. 
d \Vifc of Sir Thomas Pnrgitor, who was Lorù 1\la)'or in 1530. 
CA:\lD. SOC. L 



A.D. 1538. the value of 30l.; his head ,vas sett on London Bridge, and his 
quarters at diverse gates of the cittie. 
The R
)Ode o:f This yeare, allso in Februarie, there was an ilnage of the Crucifixe 
Grace III Kent. . . 
of Chn
te, wInch had bene used of longe continuance for a great 
pylgremage at the Abbey of Boxley,a by l\Iaydestone in K:ent, 
called the Roode of Grace, taken from thence and brought to the 
ICinge at "r estlninstre, for certeyne idolatrie and crafte that had 
bene perceaved in the sayc1e roode, for it was Inade to move the 
eyes and lipps by stringes of haire, when they would shewe a miracle, 
and never perceyved till no,v. The Archbishop of Canterburie had 
searched the sayde ilnage in his visitation, and so, at the ICinges 
comlnaundelnent, was taken thence, that the people might leave 
their idolatrie that had bene there used. AIlso the say de roode 
,vas sett in the markett place first at l\Iaydstone, and there shewed 
openlye to the people the craft of movinge the eyes and lipps, that 
all the people there migh t see the illusion that had bene used in 
the sayde ilnage by the mOllckes of the saide place of manye yeares 
tyme out of-lnynde, \vhereby they had gotten great riches in deceav- 
inge the people thinckinge that the sayde ilnage had so moved by 
the power of God, ,vhich now playnlye appeared to the contrarye. 
Allso it \vas proclaYlned in the Starre-Chalnber at 'Vestlninster, 
the last end of Hilarie Tenne, in the presence of the Lord Chaun- 
cellor and the Lordes of the I\:inges Councell, with divers J ust.ices 
of the Peace of diverse shires in Englande, that the sayde justices 
shoulde causse the Bible and Testament in Engli
he to be had in 
their shires, and see that the curates anù priests should preach the 
,vorde of God syncerelye and trulie to the people, and suffer the 
people to have the Bible and Testalnent in Englishe,b and to 

for the Bible 
to be used in 

a A Cistercian Abbey, :founded by William d'Ypres, Earl o:f Kent, in the middle 
o:f the twelfth century. 
b One of the books originally included in the list o:f proscription with the 
writings o:f Luther and the foreign Protestants, was the translation o:f the New 
Testament into English by Tindal, printed at Antwerp in 1526. A complete version 
o:f the Bible, partly by Tindal and partly by Coverdale, appeared in 1535, and a 
second edition, under the name o:f 1Iatthews, :followed in 1537. 



see that they accused no person of heresie, but that he should A.D. 1538. 
be examined and tried afore the justices in their Sessions, and 
there to make their auns,veres and trialls a
cordinge to the 
statutes of this reahne for the same, upon payne of the J{ings dis- 
pleasure, &c. 
This yeare, the 24th daie of Februarie, beinge the Soundaie of The Roode of 
S . d S . 1\1 1 . d . tl ' f tl d tl t Grace sett at 
exagesuna an ainct .r at nas ale, Ie Image 0 Ie roo e la Poules Cross 
was at the Abbey of Bexley,a in ICent, called the Roode of Grace, and the
. brooke III 
,vas brought to Poules Crosse, and theIr, at the sermon Inade by peeces. 
the Bishopp of Rochester,b the abuses of the graces c and engines,d 
used in old tyme in the said image, was declared, ,vhich image was 
made of paper and cloutes froln the legges upward; ech legges and 
armes were of tilnber; and so the people had bene eluded and 
caused to doe great adolatrie by the said image, of long contynuance, 
to the derogation of Godes honor and great blasphalnie of the nalne 
of God, as he substancially declared in his said sermon by scripture, 
and also how other images in the Church, used for great pilgrilnages, 
hath caused great idolatrie to be used in this reahne, and she,ved 
how he thincketh that the idolatrie will neaver be left till the said 
images be taken awaie; and that the boxes that they have to gather 
the devotions of the people were taken awaye first, so that they 
should have nothing used to putt the charitie of the people in; but 
if their were any persons that would offree to such images, that the 
said off ring might be geaven incontynent to poore people, and 
that the people should be shewed howe they should offree no Inore 
to the said iJnages, he doubted not butt then in short tYlne they 
would grant that the said ilnages n1ight be taken a,vaie; a180, he 
said, how he confessed a WOlnan twentie ycares agoe in Oxford, 
which ,vornan ,vas the lniller's wief, by the Abbey of IIailes, and 
a Boxley. b John I-Iilsey. 
C Prohably a clerical error for vices, as in another place we read" the bishop broke 
the vice." 
d This rood or automaton, besides rolling its eyes and moving its lips, was so 
constructed that, by means of springs or vices, it could he made to bow, and shake 
its head, hands, and feet.-
ee Herbert, p. 213, and Stow, cd. 1G31, p. 575. 



how she shewed hiln how the abbott of the SaIne place had given 
her n1anye jewells that had bene offred ther at the holie bloode, a and 
how he would have geaven her one jewcll which she knewe vorie 
well hanged about the said holie bloode, and said to the said abbott 
that she would not have that" bloude," b because she was afraid 
because it hanged by the holie bloud, and the abbott said tush! 
thou art a foole, it is but a duckes bloode; and this the said bishopp 
shewed that it was true, as he besought God he might be damned if 
it were not so as he said; and also how he had shewed the I{:ïng and 
the Counsell of the saIne, and that it should be knowen more openlie 
afterward; also, after the sermon was done, the bishopp tooke the 
said image of the roode into the pulpitt and brooke the vice of the 
same, and after gave it to the people againe, and then the rude 
people and boyes brake the said image in peeces, so that they left 
not one peece whole. 
 ll w d om h an If Iteln, this said daie, at night, being Saint 1\latthias daie,c one 
'1 e erse e. .. 
:i\lrs. Alen, sOlnet1me wIfe to 1\11'. Peerson, one of the clarkes of the 
Counter, and afore hiln one Gibsons wife, a surgeon, by the 
instigation of the devill cutt her throote ,vith a knife; howbeit, 
when the curatt and ncighboures 
alne in she had lief, but she could 
not speake; but, when the curatt bade her cry God mercye, she 
knocked on her breast with her o\vne hande and held upp her 
handes, which ,vas a token of contricion; but she died the Saine 
night, and was buried at Saint Swythens parish that she dwelled in, 
by London-Stone. 

A.D. 1538. 
The bloud of 
Hailes but a 
duckes bloud. 

n Another great imposture was at Hales in Gloucestershire, where the blood of 
Christ brought from Jerusalem was showed in a chrystal vial, and was said to have 
this property: That if a man was in a mortal sin, and not absolved, he could not see 
it. Therefore, every man that came to behold this miracle was forced to continue to 
make presents till he brilJed Heaven to give him the sight of so blessed a relic. This 
was now discovered to be the blood of a duck renewed eyery week, and one side of 
the vial was so thick that there was no seeing through it, but the other was trans- 
parent. It was so placed near the altar that anyone in a secret place behind could 
turn which side he pleased uutward.-Lord Herbert ill Kennett, vol. ii. p. 213. 
IJ A clerical mistake for" je"e1." 
c .February 24th. 



Also, the 20th daie of Februarie, their was drawen from Newgate A.D. 1538. 
to Tiburne a priest, sometyme cha p leyne to my Lord Beawchalnp, A P l ri
s h t and 
an rlS man 
called Sir a John Alane, for treason, and also an lrislllnan of lny putt to death. 
Lord Garrattes b kynnered,c also for treason, which tow persons 
were hanged, boyId, d and quartered, their heades and quarters sett 
about London. 
Item, on Saterdaie, the second daie of l\Iarch, the image of the Sainct Saviour 
. . in Southwarke. 
roode at the Abbey of Bcrnlonslcy, called Saillct Savlour,e was 
taken downe by the l{inges cornmandment. 
This yeare, the 20th daie of l\Iarch, being Saterdaie the second Harford, 
k f L f gentleman, put 
wee e 0 ent, Thomas Ilarford, gentleman, was drawen rOln to death for 
N ewgate to Tiburne for seditious wordes of treason against the treason. 
I\:inges l\Iajestie, and also a yong man called Y ewer, sOlnetyme a 
freeman of London of the Company of the l\Iarchant Tailors, was 
ùra wen to Tiburne for dYlninishinge the l\:inges coync, as he 
confessed at the gallowes, to the value of sixteene grottes, and their 
the said Harford and Y c,ver \vere hanged, their bowells brent, 
headded, and quartercd. 
Also this yeare, in Lcnt, the 1\1aire f caused divers worshipfull Gathering for 
. . the poore at 
111en to gather money for the poore people evene Soundale at Poules everie 
the sermon at Poules Crosse, tow parsons standing at everie Soullllaie. 
dore to gather the devotions of the people, which said money 
was distributed weeklie to thcln that had most neede thereof in 

n Such priests as have the addition of Sir before their Christian name were men 
Hot graduated in the Universities, being in orders but not in degrees, whilst others 
entitled l\fasters had commencCll in arts.-"Fuller, Church Hist. 
1> Lorù Thomas Fitzgerald, executed in 1537. 
c liindred. 
d Clerical error for howeled, but omitted in Stow. 
o An alien Cluniac priory was founded at Bermondsey, in 1082, by Aylwin Child, 
citizen of London, which was erected into an abbey in 13U9, and, subsequently, the 
two hospitals of St. Thomas and St. Saviour were attached to it. 
f Sir Uichard Gresham, who in so doing acted in accordance with the new statute 
31 [lell. VIII. cap. 25, for the relief of the indigent poor. By the same statute 
110 alms were suffered to be given to beggurs, on of forfeiting ten times the 

A.D. 1538. 
[Anno Hcg. 30.] 

rrhe mariage of my 
Lord and 
Iaster the 
Lord Chauncelor of 

Bishopp Latymer 
preached at Poules 
Crosse, wher Friar 
Forrest should have 
borne a faggott, 
but he refused his 



the cittie of London, and a registre 'kept of the same, and so to 
con tyne,ve. 
This yeare, the morrowe after Easter daie, being the twentie towe 
daie of Aprill, Sir Tholnas A wdeley, knight, Lord Chauncelor of 
Englande, was married to my Ladie Elizabeth Graie,8 sister to the 
Lord l\Iarques of Dorsett no,v living, and daughter to the old Lord 
!\larques late decea
This yeare, the 12th daie of l\Iaie, being the third Soundaie after 
Easter, the Bishopp of 'V orcester, called Dr. Latymer, preached at 
Poules Crosse, at whose sermon should have bene present a penitent 
to have donne his penance called John Forrest, Friar Observant, 
Doctor of Divinitie, latelie abjured for heresie,b the eight daie of 
the said moneth of 
Iaie, at Lambeth, before the lTIOst reverend 
father in God Tholnas Cranmer, Archbishopp of Canterberie, ,vith 
other, and after his said abjuration, sworne upon the Evangelistes, 
to abide the injunction of the said lTIOst reverend father for his 
penance; 'which said Friar Forrest obstinatlie and frowardlie, not 
like a true penitent performing his said penance, but standing yet 
stiff and proud in his malicious mynde, refused to doe; yet this daie 
againe, intreated by the Deane of the Arches, called Doctor Quent, 
with other, like a good Christian to performe his pennance, he 
yet notwithstanding, ]llaliciouslie by the instigation of the devill, 
refused to doe, although the said Deane opened unto him the 
indignation of God and dampnation of his bodie and soule pcr- 
petuallie, and also have a teillporall death by brenning as all 

a Elizabeth Grey, eldest daughter of Thomas fifth 
Iarquis of Dorset, and sister 
of Henry, who succeeded to the title in 1530. 
b .Forest was apprehended for that in secret confession he had declared to many of 
the King's subjects that the King was not supreme head of the Church, "whereas, 
before, hee had beene sworne to the Supremacie; upon this point hee was examined, 
and answered that he tooke his oath with his outwarù man, out his inward man never 
consented thereunto; then, being further accnsed of divers hereticall opinions, hee 
submitted himse1fe to the punishment of the Church; but having more libertie than 
before to talke with whom he would, when his abjuration was sent him to read, bee 
utterly refused it."-Stow, p. 575. 



heretickes should have by the lawes of this realme; which said A.D. 1538. 
Friar Forrest should this daie have borne a fagott at Paules Crosse 
for his pennance, and also with a lowde voyce have declared certaine 
thinges by his owne ITIonth, after the said sermon enjoyned hiln, for 
his said pennance; all which said thinges he re-fusing to doe, the 
said bishopp a desiring all the Rwdience then present at the said 
sennon to pray hartelie unto God to convert the said friar froln 
his said obstinacie and proude Ininde, that he might have grace to 
turne to be a true penitent the soner by the grace of God at their 
prayers, and further their declaring his said abjuration, and articles 
subscribed ,vith his owne hande, and sworne and abjured on the 
saIne, and after sworne againe to abide such injunction and pennance 
as he shoulde be enjoyned by the said court, ,vhose articles ,vere 
theise, as the Bishopp then openlie read at the said crosse, his owne 
hand subscribed to the same: First, that the Holie Catholike Church Forrestes 
was the Church of Rome, and that wee ought to beeleve out of the article
same. Second, that ,vee should beleeve on the Popes pardon for 
relnission of our sinnes. Thirdlie, that wee ought to beleeve and 
doe as our fathers have donne aforetyme fowertene yea res past. 
Fourthlie, that a priest maie turne and change the paines of hell 
of a sinner, trulie penitent, contrite of his sinns, by certaine pennance 
enjoyned him in the paines of purgatorie; which said articles 
be nlost abhominable heresies, blasphelnie against God and the 
countrey, b to Scripture, and the teaching of Christ and all his 
Apostles, and to abhorI' any true Christian hart to thinck. 
Also the 22 th daie of l\laie, being 'Vednesdaie this Salne yeare, Death of Friar 
1 . d 1 -..' F d L'. l\.T h I f . Forrest. 
t 1e sal 
 rIal' orrest was rawen lrOln J..,ewgate to t e pace 0 
execution in Slnythfielde, where was a noble senTIon made by the 
Bishopp of 'V orcestre, afore writton, to have drawen the said 
Friar Forrest from his opinions; but he, obstinatlie standing still and 
stiffe in his opininons, and beinge asked by the said bishopp in 
what state he 'would die, he openlie declaring their with a lowde 

a Dr. Latimer of Worcester. 

b Evidently a clerical error for H contrary." 

A.D. 1538. 

An image 
caUeel DarvelJ 
Gidarne was 
hrent with 
Friar Forrest. 



voyce to thc Bishopp as follo,veth: That if an angell should conlC 
do,vne from heaven and shew hiln any other thing then that he 
had beleeved all his liffe tYlne past he would not beleeve him, and 
that if his bodie should be cutt joynt after joynt or membre after 
melnbre, brent, hanged, or 'v hat paine soever Inight de donne to his 
bodie, he wold neaver turne from his old sect of this Bishopp of 
Rome; and also seaven yeare agone he a durst not have made such 
a sermon for his lief. And then after this, being a false traitor to 
his Praynce, an hereticke, and a seditious person to the I\:inges 
leighe people, was had to the place of execution b and their hanged 
about the middle in chains of iron on a paire of gallowes alive, a 
great fire made under hiln and about him, and so ,vas burned for 
his said heresie and treason. 
Also their was brent with hilll an idoll C that was brought out of 
North \Vales, which idoll was of woode like a man of annes in his 
harneies, having a litle speare in his hande and a caskett of iron 
about his necke hanging with a ribond, the which pcople of North 
'Valles honored as a sainct. The nalne of the idoll was called in 
'Valch Darvell Gadarn.d Present at this execution were the Duke 
of N orfolke, the Duke of Suffolke, the ErIe of Sussex, the Earle of 
Hartford being Vicount Bea wchalnpe, the Bishoppe of London, 
with other of the I\:inges Counsell, the l\1ajor e of London, with the 
most part of the aldenllen and shrives, and, as I thinke, tenne 
thousand persons and more; also the place of execution where the 
gallowes and fire was made ,vas railed round about; and their was 
a skaffold Inade to sett the pulpitt on where the preacher stoode, 
and an other against itt where the friar stoode all the serlllon tYllle, 

a Bishop Latimer. 
b Compare this with the account of the burning of JTriar Forest in Harleian :MS. 
530, f. 120. 
c The 'Velshmen had a propheRY that this image should set a whole forest a fire, 
which prophesie now toke effect, for it set this Frier Forest on fyre, and consumed 
him to nothing.-Hall, p 826. 
d Usually written Darvell or David Gatheren. 
e Sir Richard Gresham. 



and a long skaffold next to Sainct Bartholomewes spittell gate, A.D. 1538. 
where the Lordes of the Privie Counsell sate with the major and 
aldermen and other gentlemen and commons of the cittie. 
AlIsoe the same 22 th day of l\Iaye after midnight the image of The roode 
h R d S . 1\1 P . b T S b k broken at St 
t e 00 e at alnct argrett attIns y owre treate was 1'0 en l\Iargret Pat
all in peeces with the house he stoode in a by certeine lewde persons, tins. 
Fleminges and Englishe men, and some persons of the sayd parishe. 
Allso the 27th daye of 1\laye, beinge the 1\londay in the Rogation A f:rre amollge 
k f . S 1\ 1 P . I 1 the basket 
wee e, was a great yre In t. 1.\ argrett attyns pans 1e amonge t 1e makers. 
baskett makers, where were burnt and perished in three houres above 
a dossin howses and 9 persons of lllen, women, and children, cleane 
burnt to death, which ,vas a pyteous sight. 
This year allso in Paske tearme b the Bishop of London, called BisBop of 
D S k d d . d fc k o 2 London con- 
octor too es, C was con erone In a prem ynere or ma lnge dempned in a 
brethren and a nonne at Sion by the Bishop of Romes bulles; how- premynere. 
beyt the ICinge was better to hilll then he deserved and graunted 
hilll his pardon. 
Allso this yere in June came over into England to the ICinges Parsons of 
Grace certeine persons out of Germany to intreate of certeine actes 


concerninge the true settinge forth of Gods worde and the good to intreat of 
d f h ., I f h 1 1 d 11 cn uses of re- 
or er 0 t e spuItua ty, 0 w om t 1e lea person was a tempora ligion concern- 
man beinge well learned, being Vic-chauncellor to the Duke of inge the spirit- 
S . ] 1 h I T' d " D B b f unIty. 
axon, wIt 1 ot ler,e t e .\..Ing a mIthnge octor arnes to e 0 
their partie; and for the Kinges Graces partie the Archbishop of 
Canterbery, the Bishop of Chichester/ Doctor "\Vyllson,g and 3 

a "His tabernacle."-Stow, ed. 1631, p. 575. 
b Easter Term. 
c John 8to(' k('sley, Archdeaccn of Dorset, and President of 11agdalen II all, 
Oxford, was made Bishop of London, July 14th, 1530, aud died September 8th, 
d Premunire. 
C The German Commissioners were Francis Burgart, Vice-Chancellor of SaxollY, 
and George van Boyneburg and .Frederick :Mycon, Doctors of Laws. 
f Richard Sampson, LL.D. Dean of St. Paul's. 
g The King's chaplain. 
CAl\lD. SOC. ]\I 



A.D. 1538. other doctors, whic.h sate every week two or three tymes concerninge 
the sayd causes of Ionge contynuaunce. 
Allso this yere divers religious houses of great possessions were 
suppressed, as the Abbey of Battell a in Sussex, l\Iartin Abbey,L 
Stratford Abbey,C Lewys,d with other more into the J{inges handes. 
s of AIlso the Abbey of Chrystes Church, in the cyty of Norwich, was 

h made made a cathedrall church of secular canons, lyke unto Paules in 
preistes. London, the monkes of the same place chaunginge habettes into 
preistes clothinge, havinge both deane and su
-deane in the same 
ch urch. 
Allso this yeare in June the Kinge gave a commaundement that 
noe religious persons of the suppressed houses or such other as used 
to live of the chari tie of the people out of theyI' religious houses 
should goe abroade in theyr religious habytes, whereupon divers 
religious persons took secular preistes habittes, chaunginge theyr 
religious coates, as Doctor Barkley of the order of Grey Fryers, 
which ".as very loath to leave his ipochrytes coate till he was 
compelled for feare of punishment. 
A laye man This yeare, in tJune and July, a bricklayer, called Henry Daunce 
preacbed called ( 0 ""(lT h ' Ch II . h . h Al . L d ) d 
Henry Daunce. In H Ite- appe pans e WIt out gate In on on , use to 
preach the worde of God in his owne house in his garden, where 
he sett a tub to a tree, and therein he preached divers Sondayes, 
and other dayes early in the morninge, and at 6 of the clocke at 
a At the Dissolution its revenues were valued at 987l. and the demesne still 
contin ues an exempt deanery. 
b 1fcrton in Surrey. A mitred Austin abbey, founded in 1115 by Gilbert Ie 
Nonuan, Sheriff of Surrey. At the Dissolution its possessions were valued at 958l. 
c Stratford Langthorne in Essex, a mitred Cistercian abbey, founded in 1135 by 
William de 1Iontfitchet. At the Dissolution it was given to Sir P. Meautis by 
Henry VIII. who confined the Countess of Salisbury bere. 
d St. Pancras Cluniac Priory was founded at Lewes, in Sussex, in 1078, by William 
de 'Varine and bis wife Gundreda, daughter of William the Conqueror. Tbe priory, 
which 'yas the head of its order in England, coyered thirty-two acres, and contained 
a church, 150 feet in length, with walls ten feet thick. At the Dissolution, in 1538, 
it was pulled down by Thomas Lord Crumwell, except that part called Lord's 
Place, w bich was afterwards burnt down. The ruins of the cloisters, hall, gate, 
&c. were removed in 1845 to make room for the railway station. 

houses sup- 

Certeine re- 
ligious men 
theyr habits. 



night, and had great audience of people both spirituall and temporall, A.D. 1538. 
which sayd parson had noe lcarninge of his booke, neit.her in 
Englishe nor other tongue, and yet he declared Scripture as well 
as he had studyed at the Universities; but at the last the bishops 
had such indignation at him, by reason the people followed him, 
that they sent for him to IllY Lord of Canterbury, where he was 
deillaunded In any questions, but they couide laye nothinge to his 
charge, but did inhibite him for [from] preachinge, because of the 
great resorte of people that drue to his sermons. 
Allso this yere, in the llloneth of July, the images of Our Lady The images of 
of vVallsingham and Ipswich were brought up to London, with all 
the jewelles that honge about them, at the J{inges cOInmaundement, and I h Pswich 
. .. broug t to 
and dIvers other llnages, both In England and vVales,a that ,,"ere London. 
used for comlnon pilgrimages, because the people should use noe 
lTIOre idolatrye unto them, and they were burnt at Chelsey by Iny 
Lord Privie Seale. b 
This yeare allso at Hadley c in Suffolke, and at Stratforde in Preist
E h d . f h f I I masse III Eng- 
ssex, t e masse an consecratIon 0 t e sacrament 0 t 1e au tel' lishe. 
was sayd in Englishe by the curats there divers tymes, and the 
canticle of Te Deuln was songe in Englishe in the City of London, 
after sermons made by Doctor Barnes, by Thoillas Rooffe, and other 
of theyr sect, commonly called of the Papistes the newe sect; allso 
preistes marryed ,vives in Suffolke, but they celebrated not after 
the masse, nor had noe benefices spirituall, but fell to occupations 
and husbandrye to gett theyr livinge by and theyr wives. The Abbot Preis.tcs 
of 'Valden quondam d maryed one which was a nonne at the l\Iineries, marnc. 
called l\1istris Bures, and had continued there in religion above 16 

a Amongst the number were those of Penrise of Islington and St. John of 
Ossulston, called otherwise 1frs. John Shome, who was said to have shut up the 
devil in a boot.-Herbert, p. 213. 
b Lord Crumwell, in addition to his other offices, was made Lord Privy Seal, 2nd 
July, 1536. C Hadleigh. 
d The quondam abbot of the dissolved monastery of 'Varden, co. Bedford, the site 
of which was given to the 'Vhitbreads. 




A.D. 1538. This ycare, in the last ende of July, one Lancaster, an haroulde 
I L I 
Ulcns l 't l er' f an of armes, ,vas car y ed frOln London to Yorke, and there drawne , 
arou ( 0 
, put to hanged, and quartered for treason, that he had confered with the 
death at Yorke 1 1 . . h . 1 d L h d 1 . 
for treason. nort lern lnen at t 1e InsurrectIon; a W IC 1 say ancaster a to 11S 
Christen nRIne Tholnas l\Iiller, and had his bringing up with the 
Duches of Buckingham departed. 
This yeare, the 9th day of August, one Connisbie,b a gentleman, 
and one of the Groomes of the I{inges Chamber, ,vas drawne from 
N ewegate to Tyburne, and there hanged, bowelles brent, and 
quartered for treason, counterfettinge the Kinges seale, and his 
head sett on London Bridge. 
This yere, the 19th day of August, beinge 1\londay, Mr. John 
Audley departed out of this world at mydnight at his place of 
Hodnill, in "\Varwykeshire, which sayd 1\11'. Audley ,vas husband to 
the Duches of Buckingham, departed, and after was marryed to 
l\Iaister Spencers wyfe, of 'Varwickshire, which remayned nowe 
his wydo,ve. 
The roode of Allso, this yeare, on Bartlemewe even,c the roode of the north 
the north dore 
in Paules doore in Paules was taken downe by the Dean d of the same church, 

re which was the Bishop of Chichester, by the J{ingcs cOlnmandement, 
should be no because the people should doe noe Inore idolat.ry to the sayd image, 
more idolatry and the illla g e of Saint U ncolnber e also in the same church. 
done to yt. 
All images of Aliso all manner [of] images that were used for COITIOn 
idolatry put P il g rima a es Loth in En g land and 'Vales were taken downe through- 
downe through 0 
all England. out this reahne in every shire by tbe J{inges commandcment, that 
the people should use noe more idolatrye to them. 
This yere, the first daye of September, beinge Sondaye, at 

One put to 
death at 
TJ burne for 
fettinge the 
Kinges seale. 

The hangman 
of London 

a Thomas 11::yIler, Lancaster Herald, being sent into Yorkshire in 1536 to deliver 
the King's proclamation to the rebels, was required to kneel before the rebel Aske 
with the King's coat of arms on his bark, for which degradation of his office he was 
ordered to execution on his return. 
b Edmond Conesby, in Stow. 
e August 24th. 
d Richard Sampson, Dean of St. Paul's and Bishop of Cbichester. 
f St. 'Vylgefortis. See Notes and Queries, First Series, ii. p. 381. 



Clerkenwell, where the wrestlinge is kept, after the wrestlinge was A.D. 1538. 
done, there was hanged on a payre of gallowes, newe made, in the hange l 
 by the 
wrest mge 
same place, the hangman of London a and two more for robbillge a place at Clerk- 
bouth in Bartlemewe fayre, which sayd hangInan had done execution enwell. 
in London since the Holy 
fayde of Kent was hanged, and was a 
conninge butcher in quarteringe of men. 
And the lnorrowe after, beinge 1\londay, there ,vas one Clifforde,b One h Put to 

a gentleman, drawne from 
ewegate to Tyburne, and there hanged counterfet- 
and q uartered for treason, counterfettin g e the ICin g es P rivie si g net, t K i
ge the. . 
mges pnVle 
and his head set on London Bridge. signet. 
This yere, in the moneth of September, the Lord Thomas Injunctions 
n 11 L d P " S 1 V T' h TT" H " h sent through- 
vrUlnwe, or nVle ea e, lcegerent to t e u..lnges 19 nes,c out England 
for all his jurisdiction ecclesiasticall within this realme, sent out B for b t l o 
av E e the 
. ... . y e m ng- 
certelne InjunctIons to all bIshops and curates throughout thIs lishe in every 
1 b h h . f h K . } . . h h h parishe church 
rea me, y t e aut onty 0 t e lnge, t 1at In every pans e c urc of all the 
within this realme the curates should provide a booke of the bible realme. 
in Englishe, of the largest volume, d to be a lidger e in the same 
church for the parishioners to read on, the curate to beare the halfe 
of the charge thereof, and the parishe the other halfe/ and that all 

a One Cratwell.-Stow. b Edward Clifford.-Stow. 
c Thomas Crumwell, now Lord Crumwell, was appointed Vicar-General in 1534, 
and Vicegerent in Ecclesiastical Causes in 1536, in which year he also became Lord 
Privy Seal. 
d This order was revoked four years later.-See Statute 34 Henry VIII. cap. i. 
e The word lidger, ledger, or leiger, is derived from the Dutch" liggen," to lie or 
remain in a place," to be constantly there," as opposed to a temporary deposit. 
f The price of Cranmer's "Great Bible" was fixed at 10,. as appears from 
an original letter of Cranmer's to Crumwell, of the 14th November, 1538, preserved 
in the Record Office: "This shalbe to signifie unto your Lordeship that ßartelett 
and Edward Whitecherche hath ben 'with me, and have by their accomptes declared 
thexpensis and charges of the pryntyng of the great bibles; and, by thadvise of 
Bartelctt, I have appointed theym to be soulde for 13,. 4d. a pece, and not above. 
Howebeit, Whitechurche enformeth me that your Lordeship thinketh it a moore 
conveniente price to have theym solde at 10s. a pece, which, in respecte of the greate 
chargis. both of the papal' (which in very de de is substanciall and good) and other 
great hinderaunces, Whitechurche and his felowe thinketh it a small price. Never- 
theles they ar right well contented to sell theym for 10s. so that you (Crumwell) wol 



A.D. 1538. the lightes of waxe in every church to be taken downe, saffe onely 
the roode-loft light, the light afore the sacralnent, and the light 
afore the sepulchre; and that every curate shall keepe a booke or 
register, wherein shall be written every weddinge, christninge, and 
buryinge made within the saIne church throughout the whole yere, 
the same booke to remaine in a chist with two lockes and two keyes 
in the same church provided for the same, the one key to remaine 
with the curate
 and the other w'ith the churchwardens of the same 
church, the charge to be at the cost of the parishe, with divers 
other injunctions. 

Beckets bones 
burnt and his 

Allso Saint Austens Abbey, at Canterbury, was suppressed, and 
the shryne and goodes taken to the Ringes treasurye, and St. 
Thomas of Canterburies shryne allso,a and the monkes cOlnn1aunded 
to cl.1aunge theyr habettes, and then after they should knowe the 
Kinges further pleasure; and the bones of St. Thomas of Canter- 
bury ,vere brent in the same church by Iny Lord Crumwell. They 
found his head hole 'with the bones, which had a wounde in the 
skull, for the monkes had closed another skull in silver richly,b for 

In September, 

be so good Lorde unto theym as to grannte hensforth none other lycence to any other 
printer, saving to theym, for the printyng of the said Bible; for els thei thinke that 
thei shal be greately hindered therbye yf any other shou]d printe, thei susteynyng 
suche charges as they alredie have don. Wherfore, I shall beseche your Lordeship, 
in consideration of their travai1e in this behalf, to tender their requestes, and thei 
have promysed me to prynte in thende of their Bibles'the price therof, to thentent the 
Kinges lege people shall not hensforth be deceyvid of thair price. 
"Farther, yf your Lordeship hath known the Ringes Highnes pleasure concernyng 
the Preface of the Bible, whiche I sent to youe to oversee, so that His Grace dothe 
alowe the same, I pray you that the same may be delyvered unto the said White- 
church unto printyng, trusting that it shall both encorage many slowe readers, and 
also stay the rash judgementes of theym that reade therin," &c. 
a Conspicnous amongst the treasures of Becket was a stone of great lustre, known 
as the Royal of France, offered at Canterbury in 1179 by Louis VII.; this attracted 
the King's fancy, and was henceforward worn by Henry VIII. on his thumb. 
b In a letter of William Penison to Crumwell we have the mention of one of the 
last visits paid to the shrine of Thomas à Becket before its spoliation. "Yesterday 



people to offer to, which they sayd was St. Thomas skull, so that A.D. 1538. 
nowe the abuse was openly knowne that they had used many yeres 
afore; allso his ilnage was taken downe that stoode at the high 
aulter at St. Thomas of Acres, in London, by n1Y Lord Crumwells 
commandement, and all the glaswindowes a in the sayd church that 
,vas of his story was taken downe, with the image of his puttinge 
to death that was at the auiter, where the sayinge was, that he was 
borne aIlso, so that there shall no more mention be made of him 
This yere allso, after Michelmas, all the orders of fryers in All orders of 
London chaunged the[irJ habits to secular preistes habits, and 



divers houses of fryers were suppressed in divers shyres of England b theyr hous
. . suppressed In 
and cleane put downe for ever, and all theIr goodes and lmplelnents London. 
sould to the Kinges use. C 

my Lady of 1.Iontreuill, accompanied with her g-entilwomen and the ambassadour of 
Fraunce, arryved in this towne, Canterbury, &c. where I showed her Saincte Thomas 
shryne, and all such other thinges worthy of sight, at the which she was not litle 
marveilled of the greate riches therof, saillg to be innumerable, and that, if she had 
not seen it, all the men in the wourlde could never a made her to belyve it. Thus 
over looking and vewing more then an owre, as well the shryne as Saint Thomas hed, 
being at both sett cousshins to knyle, and the Priour, openyng Sainct Thomas hed, 
saing to her 3 times, 'This is Sainc Thomas hed,' and offered her to kisse it; but 
she nother knyled nor would kysse it, but stylI vewing the riches thcreof."-State 
Papers, vol. i. part. ii. p. 584. 
a The promoters of the Reformation at this early stage would not or dared not 
speak for the conservation of anything. In too many instances not only the images 
and madonnas were destroyed, but the choice mosaics and painted windows which 
adorned the churches and abbeys were smashed, the monastic libraries soM for waste 
paper, the bells sent to foreign countries, and not unfrequently the buildings dis- 
b In the year 1538 there were twenty-one monaRteries suppressed, and in the year 
following a hundred and one. See the names of them in Rymer's Fædera, vol. xiv. 
p. 590, &c. also Burnet, vol. i. pp. 144-6. 
C A very considerable sum was realised from the sale of church ornaments, plate, 
goods, lead, bells, and other ecclesiastical ornaments, which the government thought 
not proper to have valued, but may be judged of by this single article, namely, that 
in the Abbey of St. Edmondsbury alone there were found five thousand marks of 
gold and silver in bullion. 

A.D. 1538. 
St. Thomas of 
Acres sup- 

All shrines 
destroyed and 
all houses of 
religion sup- 

Lord Marques 
of Execester 
sent to the 

The orders of 
fryers sup- 



AIlso on St. U rsulaes day, beinge the 21th day of October this 
same yere, the house of St. Thomas of Acres in London was 
suppressed, and the Inaster and brethren put out and an the goodes 
taken to the I{inges treasurye. This saIne daye was wont to be 
hallowed for the dedication of the same church afore the I{inges 
acte last made. 
.A.llso divers other houses of religion were suppressed, and all 
shrynes of sainctes taken downe throughout England,a and had to 
the l{inges tresurye in the Towre of London, ,vhich amounted to 
great riches. b 
The fifte daye of November this yere the Lord Henry, l\Iarques 
of Exceter,C and ErIe of Devonshire, and the Lord l\Iountacue d 
allso, were arested for treason and had to the Towre of London 
early in the lnorninge, and the Lady ì\Iarques of Exceter e .was sent 
thither allso, after. 
Allso, about the 12th day of November, all the houses of fryers 
in London were suppressed and the fryers clene put out, a.nd the 
goocles taken to the I{inges use; and the 14th day of November 
the Charter House of London was suppressed and all the landes 
and goodes taken to the I\"inges use, and all the lTIonkes set at 
large, and chaunged their habits to secular preistes, so that at this 
day remayned noe fryer in his habit through England. 
Item, the 16th day of November Sir 'Villiam Nicholson, other- 

a The number of monasteries suppressed first and last in England and Wales, 
according to Camden, was 643, together with 90 colleges, 2,374 chantries and free 
chapels; and 110 hospitals.-See Lord Herbert in Kennett, vol. ii. p. 218. 
b The yearly value of the religious houses was returned at 152,517l. 188. 10d. as 
stated in Stevens's History of Taxes, p. 215; but Dr. Lingard, on the authority of 
Nasmith's edition of Tanner's Notitia :Monastica, puts it at 142,UI4l. 
C Henry Courtenay, grandson of Edward IV. being son and heir of 'Villiam 
Courtenay, the attainted Earl of Devon, and the Princess Katharine, daughter of 
that King. 
d Henry Pole, Lord 
Iontacute, brother of Cardinal Pole. 
e Gertrude Blount, :Marchioness of Exeter, was attainted in 1539, but subsequently 
pardoned by Henry VIII. and died in 1559. 



wise called Lamberd,R ,vas convict of heresy at the Iringes pallace A.D. 1538. 
of 'Vestminster, the I(inges l\lajestic sitting in his owne person in 
his estate royall in the hal1 of the sayd palJace,b and his Lordes 
spirituall and telnporall about hinl, and there heard the articles of 
the sayd LambeI'd, and the bishops answeringe against him,c which Lambenl burnt 
articles \vere these follo\vinge: the first, "Infantes non sunt bapti- for heresye. 
zandi;" the 2 nd , '" Corpus Christi non adest præsentialiter in sacra- 
Dlcnto altar is ;" 3 d ," Interprctntionibus sacræ scripturæ nulla fides est 
adhibenda;" 4 t h," Christus non assulnpsit carneln ex'Tirgine l\Iaria." 
For the which heresies the sayd Lamberd, the 22 day of Roven1.ber, 
was dra wne from the bridge foote through London into Sm ythfeilde, 
and there burnte to ashes the same daye. 
Allso the sayd 22nd daye of November ,vas a proclamation made St. Thomas of 
by the l\"inges commaundelnent that the Anabaptists should avoyde Can
. serVIce put 
the real me wit1lln 10 dayes after the sayd proclamation, on payne downe. 
of death, and that noe person of the ICinges subjectes, or other 
\vithin the ICinges dOlninions, should reason of the mystery of the 
sacrament of the aulter on payne of death. Allso that Thomas 
Beckett, sometyme Bishop of Canterbury, and Inade a saint by 
the Bishop of ltomes authority, should frOln hence forth not be 
estemed, named, reputed, nor called a sainct, but Bishop Beckett, 
and that his images and pictures through the whole realme should 
be put downe and avoyded out of aU churches, chappelles, and 
other places, and that from henceforth the dayes used to be festivall 
in his name should not be observed, nor the service, office, anti- 
a In Hall's Chronicle (p. 826) " John Nicholson, otherwise called Lambert, a 
priest." He was formerly in priest's orders, hut now a schoolmaster in London. 
IJ On a previous occasion he had been questioned for unsollild opinions by Arch- 
bishop 'Varham, but upon the death of that prelate, and the change of counsels at 
Court, he had IJeen released.-Fox, vol. ii. p. 3[16. 
c Stow
s narrative is very similar: "Divers articles were ministered to him by 
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterhury, Latimer, Bishop of 'V orcester, and 
others, but mainly the lung pressecl him sore, and in the :end offered him pardon 
if he would renounce his opinion, but he would not, therefore he was condemned, had 
judgment at the King's mouth, and was hrent in Smithfield.'
-Stow, ed. 1631, 
p. [,76. 

A.D. 1538. 

The bloud of 


Lord Chan- 
cellor made a 



phones, coIlectes, and prayers in his name reade, but rased and put 
out of all bookes, because yt is founde that he dyed lyke a tray tor 
and rebell to his Prince, as is set out at large in the sayd procla- 
mati on, a with divers other good articles for the wealth of this 
Also the 24th day of November, beinge Sonday, the Bishop of 
Rochester b preached at Paules Crosse, and there shewed the bloude 
of Hales, and recanted certeine wordes that he had spoken of the 
sayd bloude that it was a dukes C bloude, and no,ve shewed playnely 
that yt was noe bloude, but hony clarified and coloured with saffron, 
and lyinge lyke a goume,d as it evydently had bene proved and 
tasted e afore the I{inge and his counsayll, and did let every man 
behould yt there at Paules Crosse, and all the way as he went to 
dinner to the mayres, to loke on yt, so that every person might 
well perceive the abuse of the sayd thinge. AIlso foure persons of 
the Anabaptistes heretykely bare fagottes the same daye at Paules 
Crosse, 3 men and 1 won1an, all Duchelnen borne. 
AIlso, on St. Andrewes even,í was a man and a woman of the 
Anabaptistes burnt in Smithfeild, Duch persons, for heresy against 
the sacrament of the aulter; a11so, on St. Andrewes day, was burnt 
at Colehester a Dueh man, ,vhieh was husband to the sayd 'v oman 
that was burnt in Smythfeild, which was a goodly yang man, and 
. about 22 yeres of age, for the same opinion. 
Item, the first day of December,g Sir Thomas Audley, knight, 

a Proclamation was made, ordering that" Thomas Becket, sometime Archbishop 
of Canterbury," be cited to appear in court, to answer charges preferred against him; 
who not appearing, Henry assigned him counsel. With all solemnity the court sat, 
June 11th 1539; the Attorney-General pleaded for the Crown, the counsel were heard 
for the defence, and the long defunct prelate was convicted of rebellion and treason. 
The sentence on him was that bis bones should be burnt as an example, and the rich 
offerings at his shrines (his personal property) be forfeited to the King. 
b John Hilsey, late Prior of the Dominican Friars in London, who died this 
c A duck's blooù. 
e Tested. 
II: Other authorities say N ovemher 2Dth. 

d Gum. 
f November 29th. 



and Chancellor of England,a was made a baron by the I(inges wryt, A.D. 1538. 
named Lord Audley of vValden. 
And the seconde day of Dccelnber, beinge l\fonday, the Lord LordMontague 
1\lontague, one of the Kinges Graces nere kinsmen,b was arraigned araigned. 
at 'Vestminster Hall and there attain ted of treason C by his peeres, 
the Lord Audley, Chauncellor of England, sittinge there under the 
cloth of estate as high stuard for the l{inge, and giving his judg- 
Inent;d and the thirde of the same moneth, the Lord Henry Courtney, 

Iarques of Exceter and Earle ðf Devonshire, and the l{inges nere 
kinselnan, e was arraigned at Westminster Hall and there attainted 
of treason by his pecres; and the fourth day of December, Sir 
Edward Nevill, knight/ and one of the Kinges Privie Chalnber, Sir 
J e:ffrey Poole,g knight, and brother to the Lord 1\Iontague, Doctor 
Crofte, preist, and Chauncellor of Chichester, and a preiste, chapleine Certeine per- 
l L d l\ /f d H II d f h L d sons arraiO'ncd 
to t 1e or l:10ntague, an one 0 an , a servaunte 0 t e or at 'Vest- 0 

Iontagues, were all araigned at Westminster Hall, and there con- minster. 
dempned to death, for treason against the I{inge, h by the coun- 

a Lord Chancellor 1533-44. 
b Henry Pole, Lord Montacute, was second cousin to King Henry VIII. being 
grandson of George Duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV. whose daughter 
Elizabeth married Henry VII. 
c The charge against him was for devising to maintain, promote, and advance one 
Reginald Pole (Cardinal Pole), late Dean of Exeter, enemy to the King beyond the 
sea, and to lleprive the King.-Stm
', p. 576. 
d Lord Herbert, a contemporary, says, "The particular offences of these great 
persons are not yet so fully made known to me that I can say much; only, I find 
among our records that Thomas 'Wriotesley, secretary (then at Brussels), writing of 
their apprehension to Sir Thomas W yat, ambassador in Spain, said that the accusa- 
tions were great and {luly proved. And in another place I read that they sent the 
Cardinal money."-Lord Herbert in Kennett, vol. ii. p. 216. 
e Henry Courtenay, Marquis of Exeter, was first cousin of King Henry VIII. 
being son of the Princess Katharine, daughter of Ed"ward IV. and therefore sister of 
Queen Elizabeth, mother of Henry VIII. 
f Sir Edward Neville, brother to the Lord Abergavenny, was Sewer of the House- 
bohl. g Sir GeoiIrey Pole, brother of Cardinal Pole. 
h "We know little concerning the justice or iniquity of the sentence pronounced 
l1gainst these men, we only know that the conùemnation of a man wbo was at that 
time prosecuted by the Court forms no presumption of his guilt, though, as no 



A.D. 1538. saill of Raynold Poole,a Cardinall, and brotheT to the Lord l\Ion- 
tague, which pretended to have enhaunsed the Bishop of Romcs 
usurped authority b againe, lyke tray tors to God and theyr prince, 
The bishops of through the helpe - of the lordes afore written. c This yere was a 
children on St. d f 1 11 ' 1 l 
 h . 
Nicholas da e COlnmaun ement sent rom t le Inayor to a pans le c lure es In 
put downe. y London, that the clearkes should Doe bishops of ehildren on 
Saint Nicholas Even d and daye, nor Inake noe goeinge about as the 
olde custome hath bene. 
Allso, the 9th day of December,e beinge 1\londaye, Doctor Croft, 
Chauncellor of Chichester, Iny Lord 
lontagues chaplaine, and 
Holland, were drawne from the Towre of London to Tyburne, and 
there hanged and quartered, their heades sett on London Bridge, 
and theyr quarters on divers gates about London; and, incontinent 
after the shrives had brought the sayd persons to Newegatc, the 
Ringes shrive, which ,vas 1\11'. \Vilkinson, mercer, returned backe 
againe to the Tower Hill, and there see execution done on the 
Lord l\farques Lord l\larques of Exceter, the Lord ßIontague, and Sir Ed\vard 

ue Kevill, which three persons ,vere there beheaded, and theyr heds 
and bodyes were buryed in the chappell .within the To,ver of 
London, and Sir Jeffrey Poole had his pardon given hilll after 
Christnlas by the I
inge. f 

historian of credit mentions, in the present case, any complaint occasioned by these 
trials, we may presume that sufficient evidence .",-as produced against the :Marquis of 
Exeter and his associates."-IIume's History of England, ed. 1773, vol. iv. p. 187. 
a Reginald Pole, Cardinal. 
b Cardinal Pole was appointed legate to the Low Countries in 1537, with the 
object of organizing a powerful league of the I
ope, the Emperor Charles V. aIIll 
Francis 1. of ]"'rance, against the Engli
h monarch. 
c This passage would seem to imply that the charges against Lord 
Iontaeute and 
the others were based on letters or speeches of the Cardinal, who used his influence 
with the English Catholics to keep alive the flame of the Northern rebellion. 
d December 5th. 
e Other authorities lmve 9th January, 1539.-See Hall and Stow. 
f In accorùance with a promise made to him at his trial, when he was induceù to 
pleml guilty, so that his confession might be use1. to ruin the others. It is supposed 
that he owed his pardon to having first carried to the King secret intelligence of the 



Allso in this lTIoneth the nunrye of St. IIelins, ,vithin Bishops- A.D. 1538-9. 
gate, of London, was suppressed and the nunnes put out, and NU1
ry at Saint 
.' Helmes sup- 
chaunged theyr habIts to laye women. pressed. 
Allso this yere, the Sonday afore Christmas daye,a Henry Daunce, Hem:,y Daunce 
b . kl 1 . h d ' d h . h . h ] . bearmge a 
nc ,... ayeI', 'v HC 1 use to preac III IS ouse t ns sOHlller past, fagott at 
bare a fagott at Paules Crosse for heresye, and 2 persons more with Paules. 
him, one beinge a preist, for heresy allso. 
This yere, the 13th day of February, Sir Kicholas Carowe,b [A. D.153a.] 
l\Iaster of the l{inges Horse, and one of his Privie Chamber, and Sir Nicholas 
I T . 1 f h G . d ""'"'IT' d 1 Carowe ar- 

nIg 1t 0 t e arter, was arraIgne at " v estlnInster, an t 1ere raigned. 
condemned to cleath for treason c against the J{inge and his reahne. 
The 19th day of Februarye there were three persons hanged at Thre persons 
P I CI . S G . (.... 1 1 r 1 . hanU'ed at 
au es layne, agaInst t. regones v lurc 1, lor Inurt lennge a l
knyght of Chesshire, called 
fr. Chalnley,d knyght, ,vhich 3 persons Chayne. 
were named 1\Ianneringe and Jones, e gentlelnen of Chtsshire, and 
one Potter, a servinglnan. The sayd lnurther was done in the 
same place where the gallowes were made. There [,vere ] 2 other 
of the Princes servauntes at the sayd lTIurther, 'which we[reJ sent 
into Chesshire to have execution there, in the to,vne where the 
sayd 1\11'. ChaITIley dwelled. 
The thirde daye of l\Iarch, beinge l\Ionday, the second we eke of Sir Nichola::; 
Lent, Sir Nicholas Carowe was beheaded at the Tower Hill/ and 


a December 29th. 
b Sir Nicholas Carew, of Reddington, Surrey, was appointed l\Iaster of the Horse, 
29th September, 1.321, and Grand Esquire of England in 1527. 
C For being of counsel with Henry :Marquis of Exeter and Henry Pole Lord 
Montacute.-Stow, p. 576. 
d Roger Cholmeley, eRq.-Hall and Stow. 
e John Jones, John Potter, and "\Villiam l\Ianering, as we learn from Stow, who 
adds that they were hanged in the Prince's livery (because they were the Prince's 
servants) on thc south side of Paul's Churchyard.-Page 576. 
f "'Vbcre he made a goodly confession, Loth of his folly and superstitious faitlI, 
giving God most hearty thanks that ever he came in the prison of the Tower, where 
he first Ravourerl the life and sweetness of God's most holy word, meaning the 
Bible in English, which there he rcnd by the means of one Thomas Phclips then 
Keepcr."-Hall's Chronicle p. 827. 

A.D. 1539. 

Thre newe barons 
made by patents. 

Newe officers of the 
lUnges househoulde. 

Abbey at Tower Hill 
Iineries sup- 

[Anno Reg. 31.] 
A Parliament 




his body with the head was buryed within the chappell in the 
To,ver of London. 
This yere, the 9th day of l\larch, beinge the gde Sonday in Lent, 
,vere created by patents at the I\:inges paUnce of WestlnÌnster thre 
barons, that is to say, Sir "TiUiam Paulet, that was Treasurer of 
the I{inges House,a was Inade Lord St. John, Sir John Russell, 
of the I\:inges Privie Chamber, was Inade "Lord Russell, Sir 'Villialn 
Parre ,vas made Lord Parre,b and Sir Tholnas Cheynye, Lord 
"r arden of the Sinke Ports, was Inade Treasurer of the J{inges 
Househould, and Sir ,,-rilliam J{ingestùn was lTIade Controuler of 
the J\:inges Househould, and Sir Richard \Vingefeilde was lTIade 
Captaine of the Guarde and Vice
Cha1nber1aine to the I\:inge, 
which ron1e Sir 'Villiam J{ingeston had before. 
This yere, the last day" of 1\Iarch, 1539, beinge tbe 1\Iondaye 
after Palme Sonday, the Abbey of 'Vhite 1\lonkes at Tower HilJ, 
and the nonnery at [the] l\Iineries without Allgate, were suppressed, 
and the monkes and nunnes put out. 
This yere the 28th da.y of Aprill, 1539, beinge 1\Ionday, the 
Parliament beganne, the I{ ynge rydingc in his Parlia1nent robes, 
with all his Lords spirituall and temporalI, froln his pallace, some- 
tYlne calJed Yorke Place,c to 'Vestl11inster Abbey, and there had 
masse of the Holy Ghost, and after Inasse went into the Parliament 
Chamber, where my Lord Audley, Chauncel10r of England, Inade 
an oration before the I{ingc and his Lordes spirituall and temporall, 
and that done, the J{ingc and his Lordes put of theire roòes, and so 
rode to dinner to his paUace. 
And the seconde day of l\lay, bcinge Fryday, the Convocation of 
the Bishops and Cleargy beganne at Pawles in London, the Bishop!> 
of London singinge the masse of the Holy Ghost; and after lTIaSSe 
1\11'. Ridley,d Bachelor of Divinity and chaplaine to my Lord of 
a Sir W. Paulet was Treasurer of the Household from 1537 to 1540. 
b Afterwards create(l Earl of Essex, 23rd December, 1543. 
c The palace at 'VhitehaU, so long as it belonged to Cardinal Wolsey, was caUed 
York Place. 
d Nicholas Ridley, 
Iaster of Pembroke HaU, Cambridge. He was subsequently 



Canterbury, made a sermon in Latine before the bishops, wherein A.D. 1539. 
he touched much the reformation of divers thinges in the spiritualty 
concerninge the abuses of the same, his antheme beinge: "Tilnor 
Domini initium sapientiæ." 
This yere the thirde daye of 
Iaye the ilnages at the 1\Iounte The 
besyde the Charterhouse were taken downe by my Lorde Privie put downe. 
Seales a commaundelnent because the people should use noe more 
idola trye. 
This yere the 8th daye of l\Iaye, beinge Thursday, all the citizens The greate 
of London lnustered in harnes afore the l{in g e;b the y g athered and m L ust l er in 
one on. 
assembled togither at l\Iyles Ende and Stepney, and soe there w'ere 
sett in aray in three battells,c and so ,vent in ara.y in at Algate 
and through Cornehill and Cheape to 'VestIninster, and round about 
the l{inges parke at St. James, and sae over the feildes into Hol- 
borne and in at N ewegate, and there brake of every man to his 
house. The battelles were thus ordered: fyrst gonners and 4 great 
gonnes dra,vne aillongst. them in cartes; then Inorris pykes ; then 
bowe men; and then bill men; all the cheife householders of the 
city havinge coats of white dalnaske and white sat ten on theyr 
harnes richly besene, the constables in jornets Ù of white satten, and 
the aldermen rydinge in coates of blacke velvet with the crosse and 
s,vorde for the citye on their coates over theyr harnes, and theyr 
deputyes rydinge after them in coates of white dalnaske, every 
alderman having his standerd borne before him by one of the tallest 
househoulders in his warde, the mayor e rydinge in the middest of 
the middle battle in a coate of black velvet on his harnes, and his 
t,vo hensmen f followinge him in coates of cloth of gold and blacke 
velvet, the officers goeinge about him in harnes, and the shirives 

consecrated Bishop of Rochester September 5th, 1547, tru.nslated to London April 
1st, 1350, and, being brought to trial for heresy by Queen 1\Iary, was burned at the 
same stake with Latimer, October 1Gth, 1555. 
a Thomas Lord Crumwell, appointed Lord Privy Seal, 2nd July, 1536. 
b On this occasion they made as splendid an appearance as in the year 1532. 
c Obsolete form of battalions. d Jerkins. 
e Sir 'Villiam Forman. f Henchmen. 



A.D. 1539. followinge the ende of the middle battell with theyr officers, every 
alderl11an having foure footeI11en with bylles and jerkins of white 
satten, and all the 
est of the city in coates of ,vhite cotton, which 
was a goodly sight to behoulde. l\Iy Lord CrolTIwell had al110nge 
thel11 one m. men of gunners, l110rris pykes, and bowel11en, goeing 
in jerkins after the socheners a fashion, and his gentlelnen goeinge 
by, to sett them in array, in jerkins of buffe leather, dublets and 
hose of white sat ten and taffata sarsenet, which he did for the 
honour of the citye; and 1\11'. Gregory Crul11well,b and l\lr. Rir,hard 
Crulnwell,c ,vith Sir Christofer Norris, l\Iaster of the Ordinance, 
and other of the ICinges servauntes, followed the eude of the last 
batteD, rydinge on goodly horses and ,veIl apparayled. The I\:inges 
Grace stoode in the gatehouse of his pallace of 'Vestlninster to see 
then1 as they passed by, with the lordes and fan1ily of his house- 
hould; and the Lord Chauncellor, Duke of N orfolke, Duke of 
Suffolke, with other lorùes of the JCinges househould, stoode at the 
Duke of Suffolkes place by Charinge Crosse to see thel11 as they 
passed by. They were nlunbred by my Lord Chauncellour to the 
nOl11ber of 16 thousand and a halfe and l11ore,d howbeit, a man 
would have thought they had bene above 30 thousand, they ,vere 
so longe passingè by; they went five men of every weapon on a 
front e together, and beganne to enter the citye on aray at Aldgate 
at 9 of the clocke, and by 12 they beganne to come before the 
JCinge, and yt was past 5 of the clocke or the ende passed before 
the J{inge; and, ere the last battell 'v ere entered Cornehill, the first 
battell were breakinge hOlne at Kewegate. There was never a 
goodlyer sight in London, nor the citizens better besene, then this 

a Probably for socagers, armed tenants. 
b Gregory was son and heir apparent of Thomas Lord Crumwell. 
c Crumwell's nephew, Richard 1Villiams, assumed his uncle's name of CrumweH, 
and became in 1540 a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber. 
d This army, according to 
faitland, consisted of three divisions of five thousand 
men each, exclusive of pioneers and attendu,llts, being the greater part of the male 
population between the ages of 16 and 60.-See :l\Iaitland's London. 
e Abreast. 



lTIUster a was, which ,vas a great rejoycinge to the l\::inges l\Iajestie, A.D. 1.339. 
and a great honour to the citye. 
This yere, the 7 th day of June, beinge the Saterday after Corpus T
e empresse 
Christi daye,b there was a great and solemne obit kept at Paules in obIt. 
London for the Elnpresse late wyfe to Charles the Fifte, Elnperor 
nowe, and beinge daughter to the l{inge of Portingale, whose 
na1TIe was Elizabeth;C at the ,vhich obit was a sUlnptuous hearse 
Inade in Paules quire before the high aulter, 8 square, lyke an 
imperyall crowne, full of tapers of waxe, and branches with scutcheons 
and penons richly guilded of the ElTIperOrs and Elnpresse annes, 
and a rich valence of blacke sarcenet fringed with gould hanginge 
about the same hearse, ,vith a scripture of letters of goulde, which 
was "l\Iiserere 111ei Deus," and divers banners of the Elnperors and 
Elnpresse armes hanginge about the sayd hearse richly guilded, and 
one of the kings of harrouldes houldinge a standerd richly painted 
of the Elnperours and Elnpres anTIes at the feet of the hearse, ,vith 
his coate armour on his backe, and his mourninge go,vne, and foure 
other harrouldes houldinge foure other banners of ,vhite sarcenet 
richly guilded, with the ilnages of Our Lady and Saint Elizabeth,d 
in their Inourninge gownes and coate armours; allso Pawles quyre 
singinge the dirige; the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Arch- 
bishop of Y orke,e 'with 8 other bishops, sitting in the quyre in riche 
copes and my tel'S on theyI' heades; and the Bishopp of London 
sittinge in his stallc in his lTIyter as cheife executor at the sayd dirige; 
the Arch bishop of Canterbury and the Arch bishop of Yorke sensinge 

a This muster was the greatest ever made by the citizens of London till this 
time, notwithstanding the relation of FitzStephen, who tells us that in the reign of 
King Stephen the City sent into the field CO,OOO foot and 20,000 horse, probaùly a 
mistake for 6,000 foot and 2,000 horsc. 
b The Thursday after Trinity Sunday in 1539 would fall on June 5th, and 
therefore Saturday would he the 7th JUlie. 
C Isabella, or Elizabeth, Infanta of Portugal, wa
 married to the Emperor Charles 
V. in J 526, and died 1st 
Iay, 1.")R9. 
d St. Elizaheth, Queen of Portngal. 
e Archhishops Cranmer and Lee. 




A.D. 1539. the hearse at 
{agnifìcat and Benedictus; Sir Thomas A udley, Lord 
of 'Valden and Chauncellor of England, beinge cheife .mourner 
as the ICinges persons, a goeing in a kyrtle and roobe with a hoode 
of blacke cloth, the Lord Windesore, :rvlaster of the ICinges Ward- 
robe, bearing his trayne, and a gentlelnan usher bearinge yt in the 
middest, with the kinge of harrouldes b and two sergeantes of armes 
goeinge afore hiln; the Duke of N orfolke, the Duke of Suffolke, 
Lord Crumwe11 Lord Privie Seale, Lord l\Iarques Dorset, Earle of 
Ox forde, Earle of Surrey, Earle of Sussex, and the Earle ofllampton,c 
Lord Admira11, beinge all mourners allso, and goeinge in robes and 
hoodes of black, with harrouldes of armes before theIn, goeinge all 
before the I{inges deputie from the revestre in the body of the 
church of Paw]es unto the hearse, and there kneelinge about the 
sayd hearse till the dirige ended, and after that goeing all in order 
into Our Lady Chappell behinde St. Ekinwaldes d shryne, ,vhere 
they had brought them spyces and wine, the Emperours elnbassadour 
and the French Ringes embassadour standinge on each side of 
the ICinges deputy there at the sayd drinkingc, in theyr mourninge 
roobes aIlso, and soe departed thens to the revestre in the body of 
the church, ,,,,here they lnade them ready, and there put of their 
nlourninge garmentes; a11so the l\Iayor of London, with all the 
aldermen and sheriffes ,vith black gownes, and divers craftes of the 
citic in their liveries, were present at the sayd obit, with the 
l\Iastcrs of the Stylliard and the Spaniardes; e and all the body of 
the Ghurch of Pawles in the middle yle, from the west dore to the 
high auIter, was hanged ,vith black cloth and scutcheons of the 
Emperours and Empresse armes; a11so there was in every parishe 
church within London a hearse l11ade ,vith a coffin and tapers 
burninge, and a dirige songe by the preistes in every parishe, with 

a III placc of the King. 
" Thomas Hawley, Clarcncieux IGng-at-Arms, 1536-57. 
C Sir'Villiam Fitzwilliam, created Earl of Southampton 18th October, 1537, was 
Lord High Admiral from 153ö to 1540. 
<l St. 'Erconwn 1ft c Spanish merchant



an aftcrnone knill, and the belles ringinge at the sayd dirige till A.D. 1539. 
6 of the clock at night, and a masse of requieln kept in every 
church the morro we after, with all the belles ringinge till noone in 
every parishe church. The morrowe, beinge Sondaye, there was 
a solempne masse of requieln at Pawles songe by the Bishop of 
London, the Abbot of St. Albons beinge deacon, and the Abbot of 
Tewkesbery subdeacon, with their Inyters, and the Archbishop of 
Canterbury and the Archbishop of Yorke, the Bishopp of Durrhaln, 
the Bishop of \Vinchester, the Bishop of Lincolne, the Bishopp of 
Bathe, and two other bishops, beinge in their pontificalibus, sittinge 
about the high aulter at the sayd Inasse and at the offringe; the 
Lord Chauncellour offeringe as the l{inges deputye, the Duke of 
N orfolké gi vinge his offeringe as Treasurer of England, then the 
Elnperours and French l{inges elnbassadours offringe next, and so 
the other Iordes mourners, then the l\layor of London, ,vith the 
aldermen and sheriffes, the 1\Iasters of the Stylliard, and then the 
Spanyardes; and after masse the hearse was censed by the 2 arch- 
bishops, and foure other bishops goeinge three tYlnes about at the 
verses of the 9 respons, "Libera me Domine;" this done, the 
Kinges deputie, with the embassadours and other lordes and bishops, 
went to Baynardes Castle, ,vhere they dyned and had a great 
dinner with many delicate meates and suttletes, with the EInperour 
and Elnpresse armes garnished, which ,vere longe to reherse; and 
thus ended the solempnitie for the Empresse. She dyed about the 
begininge of 
la ye a last past in Spaine. 
This yere the 17th day of June ,vas a triumphc on the Thallles 
before the I\:inges pallace at "\Vestminster, where were two barges 
prepared ,vith ordinance of warre, as gonnes and dartes of reede, 
one for the Bishop of Rome and his cardinalles, and the other for 
the I{inges Grace, and so rowed up and downe the Thalnes froln A tryumphc 
"\Vestminster Bridge to the ICinges Bridge; b and the Pope [ and his O T TI h thc 

lay 1st, 15:m. 
b The King's Bridge was situated at the eastern end of tbe new Palace of \Vest- 
minster, on the river hank, some short distance from Old Palace Stairs, and was so caHed 

A.D. 1539. 

The watche 
put dowlle. 



cardinals] a Blade their defyance against England and shot their 
I ordinaunce one at another, and so had three courses np and do\vne 
the water; and at the fourth course they joyned togither and fought 
sore; but at last the Pope and his cardinalles were OVere0111e, and 
all his Inen cast over the borde into the Thames; howbeyt there 
"was none dro\vned, for they were persons chosen which could 
s'VitUn1e, and the ICinges barge lay by hoveringe to take theln upp 
as they were cast over the borde, which was a goodly pastilne. The 
ICinges Grace \vith his lordes and certeine ladyes standinge on the 
leades over his privie stayers, \vhich \vas covered with canvas and 
set 'with grene bowes and roses properlye made, so that rose ,vater 
sprinkled downe froin them into the Thames upon ladies and gentle- 
\vomen which were in barges and boates under to se the pastime. 
And aUso t,vo other barges rowed up and dOWlle \vith banners and 
penons of the armes of England and St. George, wherein \vere the 
sagbuts and waightes, which played on the water, and so fynished. 
.. Anso this yere the \vatche kept in London at l\lidsominer ,vas put 
downe by the ICinges commaundement because the citizens had 
bene at great charge in their IYlUster; b howebeyt the Jnayor and 
sheriffes had prepared divers pageantes with lightes and other 
thinges for to have had the sayd watche, and had noe knowledge 
till two clayes afore l\Iidsolnlner that yt should not be kept, ,vhich 
\vas a great losse to poore men. 
The Parlialnent begunne in Aprill last past brake up the 28th 
daye of June, and waf, rejourned till the morrowe after All Soules C next comlninge. 
Allso because the lordes and judges had taken great paynes this 

in contradistinction to the Queen's Bridge or Stairs, situated at the western end of 
the Palace of 'Vhitehall. 'Vestminster Bridge, mentioned in our text, was another 
of these river stages, of which there were severaì on the northern bank of the 
a Omitted in :US. 
b The annual mu.rch of the City watch u.t 
'lidsummer, being laid aside on this 
occasion, was not revived till the mayoralty of Sir Thomas Gresham, who again set 
it on foot in the year 1548. c 2nd November. 



Parliament by their longe sittinge the ICinge caused the teanne to A.D. 1539. 
breake up the fourth day of July, which was 8 dayes sooner then yt 
should have bene after the oulde use. 
This yere a 3 or 4 dayes after that the Parlialnent had broken up 
the Bishop of Salisbury, called Doctor Shaxton, which was abnoner Two Bishops 
to Queene Anne,a and the Bishop of 'V orcester, called Doctor deposed. 
Latilner, resigned their bishoprickes into the ICinges handes. The 
cause \vas for certeine actes l11ade in this last Parliament,b 'which 
after their consciences should not stande with scripture, ho,vbeyt all 
the cleargie of the whole Convocation C and Parliament had set 
theyI' handes save these 2 bishops and Doctor Craine d and Doctor 
Taylonr, 'which 
ayd theyI' consciences ,vould not be agreeable thereto, 
wherfore they stand an at the I{inges pleasure nowe. 
This yere, the 8th daye of J ulye, were foure persons e drawne 
from the l\Iarshalsca to St. Tholnas vVateringes,r and there hanged, 
headed, and quartered; two were fryers, and the Vicar of \Vans- 
worth, sometime chaplaine to the J\Iarques of Exceter late put to 
death, and another preist with hil11, allso for treason. 
Allso, the 9th daye of July, Sir Adryan Foskewe,g knight, and Certaine 
one Dingley,h a ICllight of the Rhodes, ,vere beheaded at the Towre 

:d b 
llill, and two servinge men dra,vne. from the Tower to Tyburnè, 

te of p
. . lutment and 
and there hanged, headed, and quartered, all whIch persons were some put to 

n Nicholas Shaxton was appointed almoner to Anne Boleyn in 1534, and the year 
following preferred to the bishopric of Salisbury, which he held till 1339. 
b It was in this parliament that the Six Articles, generally culled the Bloody 
Statute, were passed. 
c Archbishop Cranmer opposed the passage of the bill in Parliament, but ineffec- 
tually. The King desired him to absent himself, but he could not be prevailed upon 
to give this proof of compliance.-Burnet, vol. 1. pp. 249, 270. 
d Dr. Edward Crome. 
e The four persons ,vere Griffith Clarke, Vicar of 'Vands,vorth, with his chaplain 
and his servant, and 
"'riar 'Vnire.-Stow, p. 577. 
f St. Thomas 'Vaterings was a brook at the second milestone in the Old Kent 
Road, where executions were ,vont to take place. It was at this spot Chaucer makes 
his pilgrims halt for the first time after quitting the Talbot or Tabard Inn. 
g Sir Adrian Fortescue. h Thomas Dingley. 

A.D. 1539. 

houses cleane 
put downe by 
Acte of Par- 



attainted at the last Parlian1ent for treason; and allso the Countes 
of Salisburye,a mother to the Lord 
Iontague and his brethren, the 
lady,b late \vyfe of the l\Iarques of Exceter last put to death, \vere 
allso attainted of treason at the sayd Parlialnent,c and all theyr 
]andes and goodes with divers more anso, which sayd ladies were 
prisoners in the T o,ver of London with the children of the Lord 
l\Iarques [of Exeter] and Lord Montague d allso. 
At this Parliatnent all the religious houses in England, suppressed 
and not suppressed, were granted to the H::inge to the augmentation 
of his cro,vne for ever; e and allso divers opinions concerninge the 
fayth, which hath longe bene in doubt by seditious preachinge, was 
finally resolved, accorded, and agreed by the J{inge and his Parlia- 
ment for ever, and who that offendeth contrary to the sayd Acte f 
shall be adjudged an heretike, and to be burnt without any 
abjuration; g all so , yt is enacted in the sayd Parlialnent that 
preistes shall have noe wives, and that all preistes and religious 
persons that have avowed chastitie, that be allready wedded, shall 
be divorced, or elles to forfaite their goo des and benefyces, and at 
the seconde nlonition, death, as by the sayd Acte at large appeareth. 
It is reported that there be in England of preistes and religious 

a Margaret Countess of Sulisbury was daughter of George Duke of Clarence, and 
wife of Sir Richard Pole. On account of the treason of her children she was 
attainted in 1539, and beheaded in 1541. 
b GeJjrude TIlount married Henry :Marquis of Exeter; she was attainted in 1.339, 
but was pardoned, and survived the King, not dying ti111559. 
c Lord Herbert and others state that the Countess of Salisbury and the :Marchioness 
of Exeter were not heard in their defence, but positive evidence of this would appear 
to be wanting. 
d Henry Pole, Lord l\fontacute. The violent hatred which Henry VIII. bore to 
Cardinal Pole had extended itself to all his relations and friends. 
e These vast revenues, amounting to between one-fifth and one-tenth of the whole 
rental of England, if frugally husbu.nded would have rendered the Crown indepen- 
dent of Parliamentary aid. 
f 31 Henry VIII. e. 14. The Law of the Six .Articles. 
g This refers to the First Article, which enforced the doctrine of the real presence, 
not admitting the pridlege of abjuring. The deniul of this doch'ine subjected. 
the penon to death hy fire, HIld to the same forfeitures as in cases of treaKon. 



persons that have prestuned to marry above 300 persons, which A.D. 153D. 
nowe by the sayd Acte must be élivorced,a which is a godly Acte, 
and shall cause the spiritualty to shewe good example by theyr 
1 yfe. b 
AIlso the ICinge gave the bishopricke of Salisburye to the Bishop Newe bishopps 
of Bangor,C which sometyme was Abbot of Hyde, and he gave Doctor 

nt::ms set 
Belle, one of the Counsaill, d the Bishoppricke of 'V orcester, and to th
ir . 
LatYlner e was conunitted to the Bishop of Chichester, called Doctor penClOns. 
SatTIpson, Deane of the ICinges Chappell,! and Doctor Shaxton g 
was committed to the Bishop of Bathe, h to remaine in theyr wardes, 
at the l{inges pleasures, as prisoners. 
This yere, the election of the sheriffe, by the Commons of the The election 
.. f L d f ld .. . d b h S . of Sheriffe 
cItle 0 on on 0 e er antIqultIe, use to e c osen on alnt chaunged to 
l\Iathewes i daye, and at 6 yeres past changed to the seconde day the l O A ugusti. 
of Septelnber by the mayor and aldermen with the common counsaill 
of the citie, was now chaunged to the fyrst daye of August, at 

n In complianC'e witb this statute, Archbishop Cranmer was obliged to dismiss his 
wife, the niece of O;;iander, a famous divine of Nuremhurg, and the King, satisfied 
with this proof of submission, showed him his former countenance and favour.- 
See Lord Herbert's History in Kennett, p. 219. 
b The marriage of priests was entirely prohibited by the law of the Six Articles, 
nnd their commerce with women was, on the first offence, made forfeiture of goods 
and imprisonment, awl, on the second, death. 
C John Salcot, alias Capon, D.D. and Ahbot of Hyde, was consecrated Bishop of 
Bangor in 1.334, without resigning his abbacy, and was translated to Salisbury on 
the resignation of Dr. Shaxton, 31st July, 1539. 
d John Bell, D.D. the King's chaplain, and Archdeacon of Gloucester, was elected 
Bishop of 1\r orcester 2nd August, 1.339. 
e Hugh Latimer, late Bishop of 'Vorcest
r, resigned on the 1st of July, 1539. He 
was soon afterwards in prison for speaking against the Six Articles, and remained 
in confinement till the King's death. 
f Hichard Sampson, LL.D. Bishop of Chichester, was Dean of St. Paul's. 
g Dr. Shaxton, late Bishop of Salisbury, resigned in conseqllence of not subscribing 
the Six Artieles. 
h John Clerk, LL.D. late 
faster of the Rolls and Dean of the Royal Chnpel, WfiS 
nominated to the see of Bath and 'VeIls 2nd !\'fay, J 523. 
i Septem her 21 



A.D. 1539. ,vhich day was chosen by the COlnnlons of the sayd citye of London 
for sheriffe Tholnas Huntley, haberdasher; and the 111ayor had 
elected and chOf;:en on Reliques Sondaya last past for the ICinges 
sheriffe John Farye,b nlercer, merchant of the Staple of Callis. 
The cause why the election ,vas chaunged was because the sheriffes 
11light have a convenient t.YIne to prepare their houses before the 
tYIne of their oath-takinge, and allso because divers persons, beinge 
of ability to the sayd election, ,voulde absent theInselves out of the 
citie whcn the sayd election should be; in consideration whereof, 
that yf the sayd persons at the sayd election 'were out of the citie 
beyonde the sea, or elles at any other parte of this realme, that they 
Inight have a sufficient tyme of knoweledge afore hand to shewe 
theyr unhability yf any such were, and so to elect another; and 
allso that they should not be sodainely unprovided theyI' necessaries 
for the honour of the citie. 
Death of the This yere, the 4th day of August, dyed the Bishopp of Rochester,c 
R Bish h oP of which sOlnetYlne was a blacke fryer, and Calnc froln Bristowe,d and 
oc ester, 
which \\as one was Pryor of the Blacke Fryers in London, and was one of thell1 
of the newe 1 r I f 1 . f S . d h 1 
Recte. t lat was a great setter lort lOt Ie syncenty 0 cnpture, an ac 
occupied preachinge Inost at Pawles Crosse of any bishopp, ànd in 
all the seditious tYlüe, ,vhen any abuse should be shewed to the 
people eyther of idolatrye or of the Bishop of R011le, he had the 
doeynge therof by the Lord 'Ticegerentes e cOlllmaundement frOll1 
the I\"inge, and allso had the adlnission of the preachers at Pawles 
Crosse theise 3 yeares and Inore. 
This yere, about the 20th daye of August, the Charterhouse of 
Shene f was suppressed into the I\"inges handes, and the rnonkes 
put out and chaunged to secular preiste
. The pryor had given hilll 

of Shene 

Ii Relic SUllday in this year fell on July 13th. 
\> John Feiry and Thomas Huntlow' were chosen sheriffs in 1539. 
c The death of John II il
eJ, BisholJ of Uochester, is usually assigned to the 
preceding Jear. d Bristol. 
,. Thomas, I,ord Crumwell, Vicegerent in Ecclesiastical CausE's. 
f The Carthusian Priory at Richmond, or 'Yest Sheen, in Surrey, fouuded by 
Henry V. ill 1414, and ,'alued at the Dissolution at 693l. 



duringe his life for his pen cion two hundred 111al'kes ycrely, and A.D. ]:')39. 
every l110nke 61. 13s. 4d. duril1ge theyI' lives, and 'iOs. in Inony 
to\vardes their apparrell, and the pryor gave every monke like\vise 
40s. in mony anso at theyI' departingc, and the house ,vas given to 
the Lord Beawchamp,a havinge to name " Sir Thon1as Level'," b 
beinge allso Earle of Harford, brother of Quene J anCt last \vyfe C 
to our Sovereigne Lord the l{inge. 
This vere, on the day of the Kativitye of Our Lady,d Doctor Death oí the 
John Stokesley, Bishop of London, departed this worlde, which 

F. of 
was the greatest divine that was counted in this reahne of England, 
and an so counted for one of the famous clearkes in Christendon1e, 
through whose great learninge and knowledge, with certeine other 
of his sccte, and the great \visdolne of our sovereigne the I{inges 
l\fajestie, the great heresies that were likely to have gro\vne in this 
realme, lately sprunge up by certeinc seditious preachers, \vas at 
this last Parlialnent ended, howebeyt he ,vas counted of that sect 
to be a great papist in his hart. e 
o the morrowe after the Nativitye of Our Lady the nonnery Clearkenwell 
of Clearkenwell f ,vas suppressed into the l{inges handes, and the suppressed. 
nonnes put out and chaunged to secular habittes; g and the sayd place 
was given to the Duke of Norfolkc, but he chaunged ,vith the 
Bishop of Exceter h for his place, and gave the bishopp this nonnerye. 
a Edward SCJmour, Lrothcr of Queen June, was created Viscount Beauchamp, of 
Hache, co. Somerset, June 5th, 1536, and Enrl of Hertford, October 18th, 1537. 
b A clerical error for Edward Seymour. Our author would nppear to haye been 
going to write Sir Thomas Audley, to whom the site of the Qharterhouse in London 
was granted. · 
C Queen Jane Seymour died 24th October, 1.337. d SeptemLcr 8th. 
e IIe was onc of the signatories to the famous protest of the bishops and clergy of 
England against the authority of the Pope to call a general Council.-See State 
, Henry VlII. yo1. i. part ii. p. 54
f The Benedictine nunnery, founded by .Muriel Brisset, occupied the site of St. 
J aInes's church, in whieh Lad) Snckville, the last prioress, lies buried. 
g The friars and nuns, though dismissed their eonvC'uts, were restrained from 
nmrrying, ill ohservance of their vows. 
h .John VOYRCY, alias Harman, of )Iagdalcn College, Oxíord, Dean of 'Yindsor, 
was elected nishop of :Exetcr August 31
t, ] 519. 



A.D. 153U. The 14th day of September, beinge Holy Roode daye and 
T f he bU B r
i h nge Sonday, the Right Honourable Father John Stokesley, late Bishopp 
o the IS opp . 
of London. of London, was honourably buryed at Pawles, afore the aulter In 
Our Lady chappell, behinde St. Erkinwaldes shryne, the church 
beinge hanged with black from the west doore up to the high 
auIter; and in the quyre afore the sayd aulter was a goodly hearse 
Jnade of waxe and hanged with black, with scutcheons of his armes. 
First came from his pallace to the church a crosse of everie parish 
church of his diocesse within the cittie of London, which was above 
threescore in number, then all the clarkes of everie churche with 
certaine preistes in their sirplises, then followed above fo\ver scoree 
pl'iestes, in copes, of the said parishes, then the crosse of Poules, 
with all the quire in their blacke copes of cloath, then the Suffragan 
of London a and the Bishopp of Bangor in their pontificalibus, and 
then the corps with fower banners borne about it, and t,ventie sta:ffe 
torches borne by his servantes, and thirtie other torches borne by poore 
tnen, the mourners followinge them, then the major and aldermen 
of the cittie of London in blacke, and so had dirrige, and after 
soleJnply buried by nite in the said chappell of Our Ladie; and the 
lTIorrOWe after, at seaven of the clocke in the morning, ther was a 
solempne masse of Our Ladie songe in the said chappell of Our 
Lady, after the manner of a feast, for his soule; that donne, 
another masse cf the Holy Ghost was songe at the highe aulter by 
the Suffragan of London in his pontificalibus, and after that, masse 
of requiem, song by the Bishopp of Bangor in his pontificalibus, 
the which bishopp had to name Doctor Birde, sometyme Prior of 
the \Vhite Friors in London; b the ofE'ing donne, their was a 
sermon made afore his herse by Doctor Hodgkin, Suffragan of 
London, he having to his anteptume C of the PsahTIes in David this 
verse, " Convertere Domine anilTIam meam in requielTI tuam quia 

a Dr. Hodgkin. 
b John Bird, the last Provincial of the Carmelites in England, was elected to the 
!See: of Bangor, 24th July, 1339. 
" Antiphony. 



Dominus benefecit tibi," upon the which verse he declared the A.D. 1539. 
godJie endinge of this said reverend father, with the tow talentes of 
science and authoritie that the said reverent father had, and the 
great studie and stedL:l,stnes that he had taken and contynued in all 
the scysme and division tYIne, and the upholdinge of the f:1acramentes 
and holie ceremonies of the church, ever lnore contynued since the 
Apostles tyme, which he had alwaies holden with by his great 
knowledge of learninge; and also he shewed how he [the late 
Bishop] receaved the sacralnent of the aulter with so great reverence, 
and making a longe oration before of the said sacrament, which 
lnade all that 'were present to have weepinge eies at the same, 
insornuch that the I{:ïnges l\lajestie had hiln in reputation, and his 
judgment, for the great knowledge that he had in learninge, above 
all the cleargie of this reahne; and his Graces l\Iajestie a commanded 
that he should be thus honorablie buried because of his famous 
name and learninge, to the ensample of all other prelates following 
his example, and principallie to the great laude, honor, and praise 
of A1rnightie God, that had en de wed him with such giftes of 
knowledge and learning by his Holie Spiritt, so that he shall ever 
more remaine in men10rie in this world to the last end therof. 
This yeare, the morrowe after Sainct Edwardes daie,b King and Haliwell 
Confessor, the nounrie of Haliwell, by Shordych in London, was suppressed. 
suppressed into the Kinges bandes, with all the landes and goodes, 
and the nounes changed to secular ha bett. 
This yeare, in October, died in the U niversitie of Parris, in 
France, a great doctor, 'which said their ,vas no God, and had 
bene of that opinion synce he was twentie yeares old, and ,vas 
above fow
rscore yeaTes olde when he died, anti all that tyme had 
kept his error secrett, and was for one of the greatest 
clarkes in all the U niversitie of Parris, and his sentence 'was taken 
and holden alTIong the said studentes as firme as scripture, which 
8hewed, when he ,vas asked why he had not shewed his opinion 
till his death, he answered that for feare of death he durst not, but 

It Henry VIII. assumed the style of ":Majesty" in 1527. 

b October 14th. 



A.D. 1539. 'when he knew that he should die he said their was no lief to C0111e 
after this lief, and so died miserably to his great dmnnation. 
 ::\larie Also this yeare, in Octobre, the priories of Sainct l\Iarie Overis, 


tho- in Soutlnvarke, and Sainct Bartholomewcs, in Sn1Íthfield, ,vas 
lomewes suppressed into the I{inges handes, and the channons putt out, 
suppresseJ. . 
. and changed to seculer pnestes, and all the Ian des and goodcs 
cheated] a to the l{inges use. 
Abbottes and Also divers abbottes and Inonkes \vere putt in the To,ver for 
monkes sent to I Abb f Gl b . R d . C I I b d 
the Tower. treason, as tIe otts 0 asten une, "e lng, 0 C lester, an 
various other. 

Barking in 


rhis yeare, the 14th daie of November, the Abbay of Barking, 
in Essex, was suppressed into the Kinges handes, \vith all the 
goodes and landes, C and the nunns putt out and changed to secular 
habett, and the howse with the demeanes \vas geaven to Sir 
Thomas Denis, knight, of Devinshire, and to his heires for eaveI', 
which Sir Thomas Denis hath to wife Iny ladie 
Iurffen, some tynle 
wief to 1\11'. l\1urfen, late l\Iajor of London,d and daughter to 
Angell Dunne, and sOlnetil11e l\Irs. to A1is my \vife that no\v is. 
Also this moneth the Abbey of Burie, in Suffolke, was suppressed, 
and the monkes putt out and changed to secular priestes, and all 
the goodes and Ian des [confiscated] to the l{inges use. e 

a Omitted in J\IS. According to a valuation in Speed's Catalogue of Religious 
Houses (see Collier, Appendix, p. 34), sixteen mitred abbots had revenues above 
1,00(,Z. per annum. St. Peter's, Westminster, was the richest, being valued at 
3,9771., Glastonbury second at 3,5081., and St. Alban's third at 2,5101. 
b These three Abbots, having distinguished themselves by their pertinacious 
refusal to surrender their monasteries, were singled out as an example to others, and 
means were soon found to convict them of treason. 
c The revenues of Barking Abbey at the Dissolution amounted to 1,084Z. It was 
founded in A.D. 677 by St. Erconwald, Bishop of London, and his sister Ethclburga 
became its first abbess; many of her successors were noble, and even some royal 
ladies, who, by reason of their office, enjoyed the style and dignity of baronesses. 
d Thomas l\Iirfin was Lord l\Iayor in HaS. 
e The revenues of St. Edmund's Abbey at Bury at the Dissolution amounted to 



The 25th daie of Novenlber the howse of Sion was suppressed A.D. 153
into the K_inges handes, and the ladies and brethren putt out, The house of 
] . 1 1 h f 1 .. h . E 1 d Sion sup- 
'v HC 1 ,vas t 1e vertues a O\VSe 0 re 19lon t at was In ng an , pressed. 
the landes and goo des to the Kinges use. 
Also in this moneth the Abbottes of Glastenburie, Riding,b and 
Colchester were arraygned in the Counter, and after drawen, hanged, 
and quartered for treason. 
This yeare, on Sainct Johns daie. c in Christmas ,veeke, and The comminge 
bcinge Saterdaie, Ladie Anne, daughter to the Duke of Cleve,d in 

Germanie, landed at Dover,e at five of the clocke at night, and daughter to 

then was honorably receaved by the Duke of Suffolke and other Cleve, in Ger- 
g reat lordes, and so lod g ed in the Castell; and the 1\Ioundaie m h 
nie, i l nto f 
t IS rea me 0 
followinge she rode to Canterburie, wheare she was honorablie England. 
receaved by the Archbishopp of Canterbury and other great men, 
and lodged at the J{inges pallace at Sainct A wstens/ and their 
highlie feasted; one Twesdaie she came to Sittingborne; on N ewe 
Yeares eaven the Duke of N orfolke, with other knightes and the 
barons of the Exchequer, receaved her Grace on the heath, to,v 
n1iles beyond Rochester, and so brought her to the Abbay of 
Rochester, where she taried that night and Kewe Yeares daie all [A.D. 1540.1 
daie; and on N e\v Year's daie at afternoune the J{inges Grace, 
with five of his Privie Chalnber, being disguysed with clookes of 
marble g ,vith hoodes, that they should not be kno,ven, came privelie 
to Roc'hester, and so ,vent upp into the chamber \vhere the said 
Ladie Anne looked out at a wyndowe to see the bull beating that 
,vas theat tyme in the court, and sodenlie he embraced her and 

a Virtuest, i.e. most virtuous. 
b Clerical error for Reading. 
c December 27th. 
d John Duke of Cleves was a prince of the Protestant ConfedClficy. 
e Dcal, according to other authorities. 
f St. Augustine's Abbey, near Canterbury, which was surrenùered into the King'::; 
hands in 1538, and turned into a royal palace. 
g Veineci like marble. Grafton describes them as "n II apparelled in marble 
('oats. " 



A.D. 1540. kissed, and shewed her a token that the King had sent her for her 
Newe Yeares gift, and she being abashed, not knowing who it 
 thanked him, and so he commoned with her; but she regarded 
hin1 little, but alwaies looked out of the wyndow on the bull 
beatinge, and when the J{ing perceaved she regarded his comming 
so little, he departed into [anJother chatnber and putt of his eloke 
and can1e in againe in a cote of purple velvett; and when the lordes 
and knightes did see his Grace they did him reverence; and then 
she, perceiving the lordes doeing their dewties, hum bled her Grace 
lowlie to the l{inges l\laje8tie, and his Grace saluted her againe, 
and so talked togeether lovinglie, a and after tooke her by the hand 
and leed her into another cham bel', where they solaced their gra{
that night and till Fridaie at afternoune; and then his Grace tooke 
his leave and departed thence to Gravesend, and their tooke his 
barge, and so went to Greenewych that night, and she rode to 
Dartford that night and lodged their till the lnorrowe; and 
on Satterdaie shee tooke her jorney towardes Greene\vych, ,vhere, 
at the foote of Shooters Hill, their was a pavilion sett upp 
for her Grace, where mett her the Earle of Rutland,b being 
Lord Chamberlaine to her Grace, with the Ladie Duglas, c the 
Dutches[esJ of Richmond and of Suffolke, \vith divers other 
ladies and gentlewomen that were apoynted for dailie ,vaiters on 
her Grace in the court, with also all her Graces servantes and 
yeomen; and their she lighted and changed her apparell, and putt 

a This account differs very considerably from that generally received. Hume 
says, " The l{ing, impatient to be satisfied with regard to the person of his bride, 
came privately to Rochester, and got a sight of her. He found bel' big, indeed, and 
tall as he could wish, but utterly devoid both of beauty and grace, yery unIike tbe 
pictures and representations wbicb he haù received. He swore she was a great 
Flanders mare, and declared that he never could possibly bear her any affection. 
The matter was worse when he found that she could speak no language but Dutch, 
of which he was entirely ignorant, and that the charms of her conversation were not 
likely to compensate for the hOillt:liness of her person." 
b Thomas Manners, Lord Roos, created Earl of Rutland 18th June, 1525, K.G. 
C .Margaret Douglas, daughter of Archibald, sixth Earl of Angus, and lVlargaret 
Queen Dowager of Scots, and therefore niE'l'e of Henry VIII. 



on a rich gowne of cloth of gould, and so lighted on her horse A.D. 1540. 
againe, and rode a soft pace towardes Greenewych; and about a 
mile and more from Greenewych, on the Blacke Heath, the J{inges 
.l\lajestie mett with her Grace, richlie apparayled in a cote of cloath 
of goulde, with all his lordes and knightes, and, after salutation 
donne betweene them, the I{inges Grace and she rode softlie 
towardes Greenwych, all the waie from thence sett on both sides 
with gentlenlen in cotes of velvett and great chaynes about their 
ncckes, the l\iajor of London a riding in a cote of crymison velvett 
and a rych collar of goulde about his necke, afore the I{inges 
l\Iajestie; and all the aldermen, with the counsell of the cittie and 
six score of the citizins, all in cotes of blacke velvett with chaines 
of gould about their neckes, stoode alonge by the parke side whereas 
she should passe by, a.nd twentie fower Inerchantes of the Stiliard 
in cotes of velvett with chaines, above five hundred persons, and 
above tow thousand horse of their servantes in new lyveries, and 
also all the craftes in London laie in barges in the Thalnes afore 
Greenewych, their barges being well trymmed \vith banners and 
targattes, .w"ith divers melodie of instrumentes, \vith also tow 
batchlers barges rychlie hanged with cloth of gould of the craft of 
Iarcers,b which was a goodlie sight; and so she came to 
Greenewych that night and [was] receaved as Queene; and the 
morrowe, being Soundaie,c the J{inges Grace kept a great court at 
Greenewych, \vhere his. Grace \vith the Queene o:ffred at Inasse, 
richlie apparayled; and on Twelfe daie, which was Twesdaie, the 
J{inges l\lajestie was maried to the said Queene Anne, solelnply, in 
her closett at Greenewych, and his Grace and shee ,yen t a pro- 
cession openlie that daie, she being in her haire, with a rytch 
cronett of stones and pearle sett ,vith rosemarie on her Graces 
heade, and a gowne of rich cloath of silver, and richlie bchanged 
with stonne and pearle, with all her ladies and gentlewomen follo\v- 
ing her Grace, which was a goodlie sight to behold. 
a Sir William Holles. 
t! The Mercers' Company. 

c January 4th. 



A.D. 1540. This yeare the l{inge Inade many yong gentlelnen speres,8. and 
gave them 5l. ù a peece out of the Court of Augn1entation for their 
This yeare also all the religious howses in England were sup- 
pressed into the l{inges handes, saving certaine churches \vhich were 
bishopps seas, which changed their habettes to secular priestes, and 
were Inade channons like Powles quire in London, so that their is 
no\v but one order in the cleargies through this reahne. 
This yeare the fo\verth daie of Februarie the Iring and the 
Queene relTIoved fron1 Greenewych to \Vestminster by ,vater: c first, 
his Graces [household] going in barges afore his l\Iajestie; then 
his Grace going in his barge and his gard follo\ving in another 
barge; then the Queene in her barg and her ladies followinge in 
another barge, and then her howsehold servantes; then the 1\Iajor 
and Aldennen of London in a barge and tenne of the cheiffe craftes 
of the citie following the major in their barges, which 'were an 
rychlie hanged with schuchions and targattes and banners of the 
cognisans of everie occupation, the 
larcers barge hanged rychlie 
with cloath of gold; and from Greenewych to the To\vre all the 
shipps which laie in the Thames shott gonnes as the J{inge and 
Queene passed by theine And when they caIne against the Tower 
their was shott vvithin the Tower above a thousand chan1bers of 
ordinance, which Inade a noyse like thunder; and that donne 
they passed through London Bridge to 'Vestminster,d the major 
and all the craftes follo\ving till they see their Graces on land, 
which was the first comming of the Queenes Grace to ,,\r estn1Ínster 
synce her Graces comlning into Englande. 

a Fifty gentlemen, called Pensioners or Spears, were appointed in Deceml)cr, IG3a, 
to wait on the King'" Highness.-HalI, cd. Ellis, p. 832. 
b Substituted in l\1:S. for 8l. 
C The circumstance of Queen Anne not making her public entry into the City, 
but going to 'Vestminster by water, has been adduced as evidence of the King's 
little regard for her. 
d At this time the river Thames was so destitute of fresh water, by reason of an 
excessiyc drought, that the salt water flowed above London Bridge. 



This yeare also, after Chri
tmas, the priorie of Sainct J\Iarie A.D. 1õ40. 
Overis a in Sothwarke ,vas made a parish church, and the litle church The Priorye of 
f ' I . ' f d] b" 1 . . d 11 ' St. :Marie 
o .1\ ane 1\ a w ey Joynlng to t 1e f;ame prlone was nla e a In one Overi
 made a 
church, and Sainct J\Iargarettes in Sowtlnvarke was adlnitted to the parishchurche. 
same parish. And on Candlemas Eaven, to joyne the saIne parishes 
togeether, the sacrament of the alter was solelnpley brought in rich 
copes with torches brenning from Sainct J\Iargarettes church to 
the said church of Saínct l\1arie Overisse; the which church the 
inhabitantes of the 
aid church boro,vghe had bought of the I{ing 
with the bells of the saIne, to their great charges, which now is the 
largest and fairest church about London; c the good Bishop of 
'Yynchester, now being called Doctor Steephens,d putting toe his 
helping haud to the redeeming of the same. 
o this yeare in Lent the Bishopp of 'V ynchester and Doctor 
vVilson e preached the sermons afore the ICinge at the Court, Doctor 
\Vilson on the \Yednesc1aies and the Bishopp on the Fridaies, which 
sett fourth ,yell in the said serrnons the good order of the Church by 
the sinceritie of Godes warde. 
Also the 12th daie of J\larch, which was the Fridaie afore Passion Sodaine de'tth 
Sondaie/ this ycare [1540J, the Earle of Essex g riding a yong horse E Of , th
 Erie of 
by Inisfortune cast him and brake his necke at his place in Essex, 
which ,vas great pittie. 
This yeare also, the 19th daie of 1Iarch, the good Earle of Oxford h 
died at his mannoI' in Essex, which Earle ,vas IIigh Cham berlaine 
of Englanr1e. 

n St. :l\Iary Overy. 
b St. l\Iary Magdalen. 
e This church was begun in 1208 a
 part of St. l\Iary Overy's priory, founded by 
William Giffard, Bishop of 'Vinche
Ù A synonym for Stephen Gardyner, LL.D. elected Bishop of 'Vinche
ter in 
e Rector of St. :Martill's Outwich, in Rishopsgate Street. 
f The fifth Sunday in Lent, which thi::; year fell on the 14th l\farch. 
g Henry Rourcbier, whose death is correetly assigned to the year 1340. 
h 8ir John de V ere, fifteenth Earl of Oxford, K.G. 
CA.:\l D. soc. Q 



A.D. 1540. This yeare also the three daies in E9.ster ,veeke preached at St. 
Recanting of l\Iarie Spittell, JherOlTIe a vicar of Stepney, Doctor Barnes, and 
Doctor Barnes . 
and others, and Garrett b parson of Hony Lane, wInch three parsons were of the 
 t er d com- h newe sect, and recanted in their said sermons divers erronious 
ml te to t e 
Tower. opinions that they had preached contrarie to the Scripture by the 
I\.:inges comlTIandment; howbeit Garrett recanted nothing. And 
also Doctor Barnes openlie after his sermon praior asked the 
Bishopp of 'V ynchester, then being present, forgivenes for a sermon 
that he had preached against him on l\Iid-Lent Sondaie last past, of 
his owne mynde and not by no compulsion nor commandiTIen t of 
the I\:inge: N evcrtheles they not doing the I\:inges commandment 
so syncerelie according to the truth as his l\IDjestie commanded 
them, the I{inges l\Iajestie being enforiTIed of their sermons, and 
after that they were examyned and called before the ICinges 
l\lajestie for their offences, were cornmitted to the Towre of London 
the Saterdaie following by the ICinges owne cOiTImandment. 
Also on Lo,v Soundaie C following the person of St. l\lartin's, at 
the ,yell of tow buckettes in Bishopsgate Street, called Doctor 
'Vilson, preached at Poules Crosse, and their in a shorte some[ryJ 
rehersed the fower sermons according to the old custome of this 
cittie, and their by the ICinges cOiTImandment read their submission 
of their recanting of their owne handes wry tinge. And after that 
opened some of their articles that they had colowred by false ex- 
position in their said sennons contrarie to Scripture and the ICinges 
commandement. And also gave the a,vdience straight ITIonition by 
the ICinges o,vne COiTImandrnent to take heede and beware of hens- 
forth such seditious doctrine on paine of punislllTIent therof, as his 
l\Iajestie is bound to òoe on transgressions by Godes ,vorde, and 
declaring the hundredth psahne of the prophett David, which 
beginneth thus: " l\1isericordialTI et judiciu111 cantabo tibi DOlnine." 
This yeare, the ninth daie of A prill, being Fridaie, one Turkes 

" William Jerome. 
c 1th.A }Jril. 

b Thoma



,vi fe, a fishmonger, dwelling at the Redd Lyon against Sainct [A.D. 1540.] 
l\lagnus church,a slewe herself with a knife. 
Allso, this tenth daie of Aprill, tow priestes were hanged and Tow priestes hanged 
quartere(l at Callis for treason, which after they were hanged and at Callice. 
cutt downe arose and stoode on their feete and helped the hangman 
to putt of their cloathes, and so livinge ,vere laide on a borde, fast 
bounde, and then dismembred, their bowells brent afore theIn, and 
spake al","'aies till their harts were pulled out of their bodies, ,vhich 
was a piteous death. 
Also, the 11 th daie of Aprill, being Soundaie, preached at Po,vles 
Crosse the Bishopp of 'V ynchester, and in the sennon tYlne was a 
fraye, made betwene three or fower serving lnen, in the said church 
yearde, and SOlne hurt, to the great disturbance of the said sermon. 
The t,velfe daie of Aprill a priest honge himselfe in the Bishopp 
of \V ynchester's place, at the Clincke, which priest was of the new 
sect, and their in the prisoners warde was put in the bishopps 
howse to have bene examyned by the bishopp. 
The 18th b daie of Aprill, Sir Tl10lnas Crumwell, Lord Crulnwell, 
and Lord Privie Seale, was created Earl of Es
ex in the ICinges 
pallace at \Vestminstree, and also was lllade High Cham berlaine of 
This yeare, the Inorrow after Sainct Georges daie, my lord and [Anno Reg. 32.] 
Inaster Lorde A,vdeley, and Chauncelor of Englande. and Sir 
Anthonie Browne, l\iaster of the Horse to the ICing-e, .were Inade 
knightes of the garter at \VestIninstree. 
This yeare, in Aprill, my eosin 1\11'. Tholnas \Vriosley C was made 
the ICinges Secretarie, and 1\11'. Sadler,d of the Privie Chamber, 
jOYlled with hiln, anJ were booth made knightes also. 

a St. :l\Iagnus the Martyr, Lower Thames-street, near London Bridge. 
b The 17th, according to other authorities. 
C Thomas Wriothesley, afterwards Lord Wriotheslej and Earl of Southampton, 
at this period held the post of private secretary to Crumwell. 
d Sir Ralph Saùleyr, who in the reign of Elizabeth was appointed to take charge 
o f 
:1ary Queen of Scots. 



A.D. 1540. This yea1'e, in Easter tenne, 1\11'. Ha1'e,a Speaker of the Perliall1ent, 
1\11'. Browne, Serjeant of the Law for the 1\:inge, 1\11'. Conisbie and 
Gray, for an offence that they had donne against the ICinges 
1\lajestie, and the prerogative royall, and towching his emperiall 
crowne, concerning a Statute of Uses in Primal' Season, lnade in 
the 27th yeare of his Highnes raigne, in geving their councell to 
one Sir John Shelton, knight of N orfolke, latelie departed, in 
declaration of his will, as in the Starre Chamber before the I{inges 
most honorable Councell it was approved, contrarie to the said 
statute, for their offence had suffred ilnprisonmellt in the Tower 
of London, and after sett at large; and no,v this teal'me, the said 
parties humbly sublnitting themselves to the I{inges 1\lajestie, and 
knowledging their offences, ,vere pardoned by the ICinge, and 1\11'. 
IIare, Speaker of the Perlianlent, was admitted to the said rOll1e 
againe, which was discharged therof for the said offence at his 
inlprisonll1ente, and 1\11'. Browne, Serjeant, the 28th daie of Aprill, 
this same terme, was called before the ICinges Counsell in the Starre 
Chamber, and their hUlnbly submitting hilnself to the ICinges 
mercie, knowledging his offence to be so great against the Kinges 
1\iajestie and imperiall crowne, did not onelie submitt goodes and 
landes by his owne Inouth into the ICinges handes, but also his 
bodie to perpetuall prison, ye and also thincking if he had much 
Inore substance then goodes and landes, thought not sufficient for 
his parte to pacific the I{inges terror in his said act, but had rather 
lose all his goodes and substance and lief then not having the 
ICinges favour and pardon, for this 10w1ie sublnission ,vas taken 
to his Graces mercy, and was sett by the ICinges Counsell to paie 
for a fine to the ICinge for his offence, that it nlÎght be an ensmnple 
to all other heareafter, and by the said Counsell agreed at the saIne 
tYlne for his said fine a thousand pound sterling. 
This yeare, on l\laie daie, their was a great triumphe of justing 
at the ICinges place at ,V estn1Înster, which said justes had bene 
proclaYlned in Fraunce, Flanders, Scotland, and Spaine,. for all 
R f'ir Nicholas Hare. 



comlners that \vill come against the chalenges of England, which A.D. 1540. 
,vere Sir John Dudley, knight, Sir Thomas Seymor, knight, Sir 
Thomas Poyninges, knight, Sir George Caro\v, knight, Anthony A
great just- 
I\:ingston, es q uier. and Richard Crumwell,a esquier, which said inp a t t 'Vest- 
, nUllS er. 
chalengers caIne into the listes that daie rytchlie apparayled and 
their horses trapped, all in white velvett, with certaine knightes 
and gentlemen riding afore them apparayled all in white velvett 
and white sarcenett, and all their servantes in white sarcenet dobletts 
and hosin, after the Burgonion fashion; and their caIne in to just 
against then1 the said l\laie daie of defendantes, 46, the Earle of 
Surrey being the furmost, Lord 'Vil1ialn Haywarde,b Lord Clinton, C 
and Lord CrulTIwell,d sonne and heire of Tholnas Cnullwell, Ea
le of 
Essex, and Chanl berlaine of Englande, \vith other, which 'were [all] e 
rytchlie apparayled; and that daie Sir John Dudley was overthrowen 
in the fÌelde by rnischance of his horse by on'e 1\11'. Breme defendant; 
nevertheles, he brake lnany speares valiantlie after that; and after the 
said justes \vere donne the said chalengers rode to Durhalll Place,! 
where they kept open howseholde, which said place was richlie be- 
hanged, and great cubbordes of plate, where they feasted the ICinges 
1\Iajestie, the Queenes Grace and her ladies, with all the court, and for 
all other COlnlners that \vould resort to thejr said place, ,vhere they 
had all delicious Ineates and drjnckes so plenteouslie as might be, 
and such Inelodie of minstrelsey, and were served everie Ineale with 
their owne servantes after the Jnanner of warr, their drulne warning 
all the offiLers of householde against everie Ineale \vhich \vas donne, 
to the great honor of this realme. 
The second daie of 
laie, 1\11'. Anthony ICingston and Richard 
CrUJll well were 111ade knightes at their said place. 

R Richard 1Villiams, nephew of Sir Thomas Crumwell, Earl of Essex, assumed the 
name of CrumweU. 
b Lord 'Villiam Howard, SOIl of Thomas, second Duke of Norfolk. 
c Fdward Lord ('linton, afterwards Earl of Lincoln. 
d Gregory Lord Crumwell. 
C Supplied from Stow, who quote
 this paragraph verbatim. 
f In the Strand, 'Vestminster. 

A.D. 1540. 

Sainct Johns 



The third daie of I\Iaie, the said chalengers did turney on horse- 
backe with swordes, and against them carne that daie nyne and 
thirtie a defendantes, Sir John Dudley and the Earle of Surrey 
runing first, ,vhich at the first course lost booth their gauntlettes, 
and that daie their Sir Richard Crulnwell overthrewe l\Ir. Pahner 
in the field of his horse, to the great honor of the said chalengers. 
Also the third daie of l\laie were three persons brent without 
Sainct Georges Barre in So,vthwark in the high waie ahnost at 
N ewington for hcresie against the sacran1ent of the auIter; one was 
a groon1e to the Queene nalned l\Iaundevild, a French man borne, 
another an paynter, an Italian, and an Englislunan. 
The fifth daie of l\Iaie the said chalengers fought on foote at the 
barriers, and against theln came thirtie defendantes, which fought 
valiantlie, but Sir Ricl!ard Crulnwell overthre\ve that daie at the 
said barriars 1\11'. Culpepper b in the field. .....\.nd the sixth daie of 
J\laie, being Assention Daie, the said chalengers brake upp their 
howsehoulde, which had contynued ever synce the first daie of 
l\faie for all commers th!1t \voulde resort thither, so that no person 
was denied to COIne in of any honestie, and their had Ineate and 
drincke at any tYlne ,vhen they \vould aske itt, which ,vas so well 
donne that the renoune was spread throwe divers rpalmes, to the 
great honor of this realme of England. 
The seventh daie of l\Iaie the Lorde of Sainct Johns C without 
Smythfielde d died, and the I\:ing tooke all the landes that 
belonged to that order e into his handes to the augn1entation of his 

a Twenty-nine in Stow. 
b Thomas Culpepper, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber. 
C Sir 'Villiam Weston, knt. Lord Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, who, by virtue 
of his office, ranked as first baron of the kingdom. 
d The House or Hospital of St. John of Jerusalcm stood a little south-east of 
Clerkenwell Priory, without Smit1:field. 
e At the surrender of religious houses the Knights Hospitallcrs exerted their 
influence in defence of the Papal authority, and obstinately refused to yield up their 
revenues to the King, who was obliged to have recourse to Parliamcnt for the 
dissolution of this order. 



crowne, a and gave unto everie of the chalengers above written for a A.D. 1540. 
reward for their valiantnes above an hundred marke and a howse 
to dwell on, of yearlie revenues out of the said landes for eaveI'. 
This yeare the cight daie of l\laie 1\11'. Richard Farmar, grocer, of 
London, a man of great londes and substance, was arraigned in the 
I\:inges Bench at "r estmester for Inisprisonlnente of certaine sedi- 
tious wordes spoken by hiln against the I\:inges l\Iajestie; b wherfore 
he was that daie condempned to perpetuall prison and all his Ian des 
and goodes forfett to the I\:ing,c which was great pitie that he used 
himself so, for he was a gentle per
on and ,velbeloved in the cittie, 
and had kept a great howse in the cittie, and had lnarried his children 
to great mariages.d 
This yeare on St. Peeters Even e the Sergeantes Feast ,vas kept Sergeantes 
at Sainct Johns in Smithfielde, Sir Richard Crum\vell being stuarde feast. 
of the feast and 1\11'. 'Veld controwler. 
This yeare the 7th daie of Julie one Collins was brent ,vithout 
Sainct Georges Barres in Southwarke for heresie against the sacra- 
ment of the aulter, but at his death he confessed his error and died 
verie penitentlie. 
This yeare in the beginning of Julie, 1540, the ICing was 
divorced from his wife Queene Anne,! daughter to the Duke of 
Cleve, because she ,vas contracted to a Duke in her conntrey g before 
she came into England, and Sir Thomas Crurnwell, Earle of Essex, 
had kept it secrett from the I\:inge, which \vas great pitie that EO 

II The revenues of this rich foundation amounted, at the time of its suppression, to 
no less than 3,38.3l. 198. 8d. per annum.-Stow, Survey of London. 
b Richard Farmer was arraigned and attainted for denying the King's supremacy. 
-Stow. c "Queene King" in 1\IS. 
d And his wife and children thrust out of doors.-Stow. e June 28th. 
f On the 6th of July certain Lords came down into the Nether House of Parlia- 
ment, and expressly declared causes for which the marriage of Anne of Cleves was 
not to be taken lawful; and, in conclusion, the matter was by the Convocation 
clearly determined that the IGng might lawfully marry where he would, and so 
might she.-Stow. 
g It was conveniently ùi::;covered that there had heen a former contract of marriage 
hetween Anne and the ::;on of tbe Duke of Lorraine. 



Thomas Erle 
of Essex 
Crum well. 

A.D. 1540. good a ladie as she is should so sone [have] lost her great joy; never- 
thcles the I\:ing hath geaven her fower thousande poundes by yeare 
,vith fower goodlie manners in Englande to kecpe her estate during 
her lief, and she is purposed to remaine still in this lande. a 
Also this yeare in Julie, in Champaine, a countrey of the French 
I\:inges dominion, it rayned bloude b seaven howres long by the 
(', which was a very sight to see. 
This yeare, the 28th daie of J uEe, Sir Thomas Crulnwell, Earle 
of Essex, ,vas beheaded at the Tower Hill, and "T alter Lord 
Hungerforde C ,vas beheaded with hiln, also for treason of boggery,d 
their heades sett on London Bridge, and their bodies were buried 
within the Tower of London; they were condemned by the .whole 
bodie of this last Perliatnent,e Tholnas Croln,vell for heresie, treason, 
and fellonie, and extortion} 
Barnes, This yeare, the thirtith daie of Julie, 1540,g were draw en from 
J G herom d e' b and the Tower of London into Smythfield theise P ersons following-e, 
arrar rent. U 
that is to saie: Doctor Barnes,h l{ichard Fetherston, 'Villiam Jerome, 

a It was enacted by Parliament that she f:hould be taken no more for Queen, but 
caned tne Lt:tdy Anne of Cleves.-Stow. 
b The phenomena of red rain and blood-coloured snow are not unfreq uent, and 
are attributable in some instances to chemical or volcanic action, and in others to the 
excrement of a passing cloud of insects. 
c Son of Sir Edward Hungerford, was summoned to Parliament as "'Yalter 
Hungerford de Heytesbury, Chev." in 1.336, but never afterwards. 
d Lord Hungerford at the hour of his death seemed so unquiet that many judged 
him rather frenzied than otherwise; he suffered, as it was said, for buggery.-Stow. 
e The unanimity of Parliament is attested by the entries on tbe Journals, " Hodie 
(June 19) lecta est pro secundo et tertio, villa attinctnræ Thomæ Comitis Essex, et 
communi omnium procerum tunc præsentium concessu, nemine discrepante, expedita 
f The summary process of an attainder without a trial, which Crumwell had first 
devised against the aged Countess of Salisbury, was resorted to against himself. 
He was declared by his peers a manifold traitor and detestable heretic, but his real 
crime was having urged his royal master, as a means of advancing his grand 
Protestant scheme, to solicit the hand of Anne of Cleves. 
g The King's councils being at this time directed by Norfolk and Gardiner, the 
law of the Six Articles was enforced with rigour against tbe Protestants. 
h Robert Barnes, D.D. who bad been the cause of Lambert's execution. He bad 



Vicar of Stepney, Doctor Ed \Yard Powell, Tholnas J errard, Parson A.D. 1540. 
of Roni Lane, and Tholnas Abell,a pricstes, of which three of them, 
that is to say, Barnes, Jherorne, and Garrarde, were brent for 
heresie, b condemned by the whole bodie of the Perliament,c and 
Fetherston, Powell, and Abell were hanged, their bo\vells brenned, 
headed and quartered, in the said place of Slnythfield, for treason 
against the JCinges l\lajestie,d and condemned of the same by the 
whole Perliament. 
This yeare, the fo\verth daie of A.wgust, were drawen froin the 
Tower of London to Tiburne, Giles Heron, gentle In an, Clelnent 
Philpott, gentlelnan, late of Callis, and servant to the Lord Lile,e 
Darbie Gynning, Edrnonde Bryndholme, priest, vVilliam Horn, 
late a lay brother of the Charter Howse of London, and another,r . 
,vith six persons more, \vere there hanged drawen, and quartered, 
and one Charles Carow, gentleman, was that daie hanged for robbing 
of my Ladie Carowe, all which persons were attaynted by the whole 
Parliament for treason. 
This yeare, the eight daie of A wgust, being Sondaie, the J\:ing 
was maried to JCatherin Hawarde, daughter of the late Edmond 

drawn upon himself the resentment of Bishop Gardiner by his sermon at Paul's 
Cross, in which he had bitterly inveighed against that prelate as a bigoted Roman 
n Thomas Abley in Fuller's Church History. 
b A stranger, standing by, did wonder, as ,yen he might, of what religion the 
King was, his sword cutting on both sides, Protestants being burnt for heretics, and 
I>apists hanged for traitors.-Fuller's Church History, p. 235. 
C They were condemned by a bill of attainder in parliament, without trial. 
d For denying the King's supremacy, and affirming his marriage with Queen 
Katharine to be good, of the which argument Dr. Po"eIl wrote a book, printed in 
quarto, and I have seen it.-Stow. 
e Arthur Plantngenet, Viscount Lisle, was Deputy of Calais from 1533 to 1340, 
when he was recalled, and died a prisoner in the Tower 1342. 
f These names differ considerably from those given in Stow, viz. Giles Horne, 
gentleman, Clement Phillip, gentleman, of Calais, and servant to the Lord Lble, 
Darby Gening, Edmond Bromholme, priest, chaplain to the Lord Li
le, 'Villimn 
Horne, Laurence Cooke, rrior of Doncaster, awl Robert Bird. 





A.D. 1540. Haward a deceased, and brother to the Duke of N or folk e,b at his 
Inannor of Hampton Court, and that daie she dined in her great 
chalnber under the cloath of estate, and was their proclaY-lned 
Queene of Englande. 
Also this yeare at the last Perlianlent, which was dissolved in 
Julie last past, was granted to the l{ing.4 xv thes and to\V subsidies 
of 12d. the :t of landes and goodes, and 28. the ;ß for strangers, 
and for lTIoveables six pence the :t, and strangers I2d.; to be paid 
the xv thes in fower yeares next ynlediatlie ensewinge, and the 
subsedie in tow yeares next ensuing this Perliamente, the I\:ing to 
take the best Ian des in Inoveables; also the spiritualtie hath granted 
a dislTIe C of 48. the pound, to be paide in tow yea res ymediat]ie 
after this Perlia1nent. 
This yeare, on the eaven of the Nativitie of Our Ladie,d was 
taken in the Thames about Dartforde by Greenewych, dolphines, 
tow females and one male, which said females had followed the 
male out of the sea, and were first spied about Erith, and so followed 
by fishermen \vith nettes, and were taken all together. 
Also the 11th daie of Septenl ber was hanged in the l\Iorefield 
before Betchlem Bridge e a stranger, named Jalnes Rynacyacy/ a 
Florentine borne, which said James had slaine one Capon, a 
Florentine borne, in a garden at Bethleln, on Bartholome\v evin last 
påst, very wilfullie, and had stabbed hill) in divers partes of his bodic 
with a dagger) having one wounde in his backe of six inches deepe. 

a By Joyce, daughter of Sir Richard Culpepper, knt. She was also cousin to 
Anne Boleyn, but of very different character and persuasion, being a zealous 
partisan of the Church of Rome, and wholly under the guidance of her bigoted unde 
the Duke of Norfolk. 
b Lord Edmund Hùward was son of Thomas second Duke of Norfolk, and brother 
to Thomas third Duke. 
c Tithe or tax. 
d September 7th. 
C Bethlehem Hospital originally stood on the east side of that part of the mere or 
moor afterwards known as .l\Ioorfields, from which it was divided by a large and 
deep ditch, over which was a briùge. 
f Stow calls him" Rinatian." 



This yeare was a hott somtner and drie, so that no raine fell A.D.] 540-1 
from June till eight daieR after l\Iichaelmas, so that in divers partes 
of this realme the people caried their cattle six or seven miles to 
watter them, and also much cattle died; and also their rayned strang 
sicknes alnong the people in this realme, as laskes a and hott agues, 
and also pestilence, wherof many people died; wherfore the I{inges 
1\lajestie sent out cotntnissions through this realtne to everie par- 
[ticularJ bishopp to exhort the people to fall to prayer nnd to go 
in procession in everie parish in the hole realtne; and also Iny Lord 
1\Iayer and the Bishopp of London caused gene raIl procession to be 
once in the ,veeke through the cittie, which beganne the 17th daie 
of September, being Fridaie in the Ember weeke, and had a 
sermon Inade in Paules quire before the procession went, and u
it so everie Fridaie, which was a godlie waie. 


This yeare the Termc was rejornede till Crastino Anitnarum; b 
and also the major tooke his oth at the Tower. 
This ycare, the tenth C of December, Rafe Egerton, of London, 
being one of my Lord Chauncelors d servalltes, and one Thomas 
Herman,e sometyme servant with Fleetwood, one of my Lord 
Chancelors gentlemen, were drawen from the Towre of London to 
Tiburne, and there hanged and quartered for counterfeeting the 
I{inges Great Seale. 
This yeare, the eightenth daie of 1\larch, 1\11'. vVilliam Rotchmeire 
was presented to the Ringe at 'V estmin
ter at York Place, and 
t,heir the l{inge made him knight, and 1\11'. 1\lartin Bowes, one of 
the sherives, also. 

[A.D. 1541.] 

a Dysentery. The word in the text is corrupted from Lax.-Nares's Glossary, ed. 
Halliwell and Wright. 
b November 3rd. 
c The 22nd of Decembcr.- Stow. 
d Lord Audley. 
C Thomas Harman, scryant to !\Iastcr Flightwood.-Stow. 

A.D. 1541. 

[Anno Reg. 33.] 
The Ladie Poole, 
Countcsse of Salis- 
burie, put to death 
in the Tower. 



The nynetenth and twentieth of l\larch the I(ing and the Queene 
removed from 'VestIninster to Greenewych by water; and my lorde 
major and all the alderll1en and all the craftes of the cittie, in barges 
goodlie behanged and Eett v/Íth banners, taried his Graces cOIning 
betwene the 'rowre and London Bridae the said daie in the after- 
Doune; and at three of the clocke the I\.:ing came through the 
bridge and the Queene in one barge, and their the Inajor and craftes 
receaved their Graces and so rowed to Greene\vych; and when they 
were againEt the To,ver there was shott a great shott of gonnes, and 
all the shipps to Greenewych shott great shott of gonnes as they 
passed by, which ,vas a goodlie sight to beholde; and this was the 
Queenes Graces first c01l1ing to London synce the I(inges Grace 
maried her. 
This yeare, the seaven-and-twentith daie of l\Iaie, 1541,a being 
Fridaie and the Inorrow after the Assention Daie, my Ladie of Poole, 
Countesse of Salisburie,b and mother to the Lord l\Iontague, late 
putt to death for treason, was beheaded within the Tower of London 
upon the Greene called East Smithfid for treason c against the I(inges 
l\Iajestie. And the saIne daie were three persons more drawen from 
the To,ver of London to Tiburne, one called Lee, a gentleinan of the 
north countrey, 'v hich was hanged and quartered; and another 
called Tartarsal1, a cloath man of that countrey; and one Thorne, a 
yeoman of the saIne partes, ,vas hanged and headed; ,vhich persons 
with their affinitie had pretended to have made a new conspiracie or 
insurrection in the north coun trey in Lent last past, and were 
brought up to London by Sir Richard Gresshame, knight and 
aldennan of London; and tenne persons more of their affinitie 'vere 
hanged, drawen, and quartered in Yorke for the same treason; and 
one Sir John KevilJ, knight, was sent from the Tower of London 
a Nearly two years after the passing of the act of attainder. 
b :Margaret Plantagenet, the nearest relation to the King in blood, was daughter, 
and eventually sole heir, of George Duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV. She 
was created Countess of Salisbury in her own right, 14th Uctober, 1513. 
c For a supposed treasonable correspondence with her sons, Cardinal Reginald 
Pole and Lord 



to Yorke to suffer execution their for treason, which ,vas of their A.D. 1541. 
This yeare, the nynetenth of ,June, one Chapman and Davenport, 
to,v yeomen of the I\:inges Garde, were hanged at Greene,vych, by 
the Friars Gate next the court, for robberies that they had donne 
in ESEex and other places. 
The tenth of June, Sir Edll10nd I{nevett, knight, of the countie 
of K orfolke, ,vas arraigned at Green\vych in the I{inges IIall 
for a blowe that he gave in Lent to l\lr. Cleere, of Norfolke, 
gentleman, within the court, and was condeillpned to have lost his 
hande that he strooke with; the I{:ïnges master cooke redie ,vith 
his knife to have donne the execution, and the serjeant of the 
scullerie with his lllalett, the irons laid in the fire to have sered 
him, and the I\:inges l\p. Surgeon with the seering cloth readie; 
and when the execution should have bene done the I\:inge sent 
!Ir. Long a to stay it tiU after dynner, and then the officers of the 
household sate againe, and then the I(ing pardoned him; and 
proclalllation was made their, that whosoever gave any stroke heare- 
after in the court, or a certaine precinct therunto, should lose his 
hand without redemption. 
The 25th daie of June the Lord Leonard Gray, brother to the 
Lord l\Iarques Dorsett departed, was arraigned at vVestminstre in 
the I(inges Bench, and their condempned to dcath for treason. 
The 27th daie of June Sir Thomas Fines, knight, Lord Dacres 
of [ the] Sowth, was arraigned at "r estminster for [the killing] b of 
a fanner in I{ent in hunting, Sir Thomas Awdley, knight, Lorde 
of "r alden and Chauncelor of Englande, sitting under the cloath 
. of estate as Highe Stuarde of Englande, with the peares of the 
realme about him, and their that daie conden1pned to death, and 
had judgment to be hangede. 
The 28th daie of June, beinge Sainct Peters caven, the Lord 
Leenard Gray 'vas beheaded at the Towre I-lill, and in the after- 

8. Sir Richard Long, Gentleman of the Privy Chember. 
h Blank in :M8. 



A.D. 1541. noune nyne persons, three persons gpntlemen, one called .l\Iantell, 
and one Proudes, and another, was hanged at Saint Thomas 
"\Vatteringcs for the murther that the said Lord Dacrees was 
arraigned for. 
The 29th daie of June, being Sainct Peeters daie, at 11 of the 
clocke in the afternoune, the sherives ,vere at the Towre of London 
to have had the Lord Dacres to execution on the gall owes at To,vre 
Hill, and, as the prisonner should have come out of the Tower, the 
Controwler of my Lord Chauncelors howse, called 1\11'. Heyre, 
came and commanded, in the I(inges name, to stay the execution 
till tow of the clocke in the afternoune, which caused the people to 
hope that tIle I(ing would pardon him; nevertheles at three of the 
clocke in the a fternoune the said Lord Dacres ,vas had from the 
Tower to Tiburne, led betwene the sherives of London on Foote 
till he came to the place of execution, where he was hanged till he 
was dead, and then ymediatlie he was cutt downe and laid in the 
cart, and had from thence to Sainct Sepulchers church by Newgate, 
and their buried. 
The 12th daie of Julie, one of 1\11'. Gunstons sannes, ,vhich was 
a I(night of the Rodes, was dra,ven froln the I(inges Bench to 
Sainct Thomas 'Vateringes, and their hanged and quartered for 
The 30th of Julie was hanged in SlnythHelde one Richard 
l\Ieekins, an orphan of London, for speaking against the sacrament 
of the auIter contrarie to a statute Inade for the same; howbeit he 
died like a true Christian man, and confe
sing at his death that he 
beleeved it to be the verie bodie of Christ, God and n1an. 
Also the saIne daie one Harvye, a priest of Callis, was hanged, 
drawen, and quartered in the towen of Callis for treason, which was 
had thither frOln the Tower of London the tenth daie of this 
month at the charges and castes of the Sherives of London. 
The 14th daie of Julie the I(inges Grace sent to the Lord 
1\Iajor of London a froln Anthill,b by Philiper, one of his Yeolnen 
a Sir 'Villiam Roche. b Ampthill in Bec1fordshire. 



of [ the] Garde, a great stagge and tow fatt buckes, to make Inerie A.D. 154:1. 
with his brethren the Aldermen; wherfore, the sevententh daie of 
this month, being Soundaie, my lord major had to dynner with 
him at his house nynetene aldermen besides himself, ,vhich made 
twentithe, and divers of their wiffes, to eate the venery; and that daie 
after dynner at his table, sittinge [as host],a chose l\Ir. Rowland 
IIill,b lnercer, and a COinminer, sherive for the l{inge for the next 
yeare, according to the old custome of this citie. 
This yeare, the first daie of Awgust, 1541, being the daie for 
election of the sherive in the Guild Hall, the Comlnens had elect 
and chosen for their sherive John Richmonde, armorer, ,vhich said 
John Riclullonde, after the election, came upp into the hustinges 
and declared afore my lord Inayor and the Commons that he was 
not of abilitie and substance C for the said office, by divers waies 
excusing hirnself; the lawes of the cittie being read to hill1, alnong 
which lawes one was, that if any person elect to be sherive, which 
wold take his oth, with six other honest persons whome Iny lord 
Inayor wold accept., that all his moveables, as money, plate, wares, 
dettes, and juells, extended not to the value of a thousand markes 
sterlinge, that then his or their othes should be accepted, which 
act, read before the Commons, the said Rychmonde tooke his oth, 
and called five other persons ,vith him, as Robert \Varner, draper, 
Christopher Paine, bruer, Kicholas Barker, armorer, John Lynsey, 
armorer, and another of that occupation, which ,vould not take 
their othes with hiln; wherfore, after long entreaties mairlc to him 
by Iny lord major and the aldennen, .with great offers that they 
offred hilTI to help him, as ßlr Bower, aldertnan, offred him to 
lend hilll as much money as should beare his half yeares charges, 
with also all his plate and other nccc8saries for howse holdc; the 
said person refusing all this of his obstinate Inynde, would in no 

a Omitted in MS. 
b Afterwards Sir Rowland Hill, and an Alderman of London. 
C Richmond's almshouse in the City was erected by the Company of Armonrers, 
pursuant to the will of this John Richmond, ill the Jctlr 13fíU. 



A.D. 1541. ,vise take the said office on him, wherfore, my lord Inajor and 
aldermen, seing his great obstinacie, and knowing by their estillla- 
tion him to be of a greater substance, able booth for the said office 
and place for wisdorne and substance, comlnanded him to .warde, 
and called for the water bayliffe to have hill1 to the Counter in 
Bread Streete, and so brake up the court that daie. The morowe 
after my lorde major sent the conlmon cryer to fetch hiln to dynner 
to lny lorde majors, ,vhere lny lord lnajor lnade him great cheere, 
and exhorted hiln by divers waics to take the said office on him, 
and he should lacke no helpe; and when he could not perswade hiln 
by no waies to take the said office, then he offred to geve him to,v 
thousand markes for all his substance, besides his landes, and to 
take the office on hilll, and would have geaven him a peece of 
gould for an ern est pcny, in the presence of 
Irs. IIerne, gentle- 
woman, one of his wives sisters, and she,ved hilll if they could 
not find hirn 
o rnuch ,vorth that he and the aldermen would make 
upp the saine tow thousand markes an10ng them on their own 
purses; which for all that .would not prevaile, he was so obstinatlie 
lnynded; wherfore he went to ward againe; and his howse was kept 
by an officer of the majors, and to.w other officers of the sherives, 
froln the first daie of .A. wgust at night, because they should see that 
his goodes should not be conveyed out of the cittie; and the nynth 
daie of .L
ugust, the said John Richmond was sent for to the Guild 
Hall, at a court holden their of n1Y lord major and aldermen ,vith 
1\1r. Recorder,a and their gentlie exhorted hiln to take the office on 
him, but it prevayled not; ,vherfore they sett hiln to his fine, and 
that ,vas, that he should pay thre hundred lnarkes for a fipe to the 
use of the cittie, and bound hiln by recognisance to pay the said 
sortle of thre hundred lnarkes the 11th daie of A,vguste, by eight 
of the clocke in the morning, to the Chalnberlaine of London, and 
so diseharged hin1 out of prison; and the said 11 th daie, according 
to his Lande at the said howre, he brought tow hundreth markes in 

n Sir Roger Chulmelcy. 



rnoney to the said chalnberlaine, and so ,vas discharged for this A.D.1õ41. 
tyme; and the twelfeth daie of August the Con1mons 'v ere assembìed 
to a COlnmon Counsell and a new election, and at the Conlmon 
Counsell they assented to his fine; and at the election they chose 
for sheriffe l\lr. Henrie Sackley, lnarchant klylor, for the said 
Richmond r by all their assentes, .which tooke it on hinl. 
This yeare 1\11'. Longe a of the ICinges Pryvie Chaillber and the Here b
C . . f L d . d r h b I . . k f S 1 k . the variance 
ltIzens 0 on on vane lor t e ay lWIC e 0 ot nvar e contrane fortbeliberties 
to the Charter of London. of Sowth- 
Also 1\11'. Godsale,b one of the clarkes of the signett, by a patent Variance for 
that he had gotton of the I\:inge for the Inetershippe of cloth of the !lletership 
Id I . lk d 1 I h b 1 .. . of sIlkcs. 
gOll , ve vett, SI es, an ynnen coat, roug 1t an InJunctIon 
fro111 the I\:ing to the 1\lajor and Alclermen of London, and served 
the major ,vithall in the Counsell Chamber in the Guild Hall, at 
a court of aldermen, on paine of to,v thousand lnarkes everie of 
them, that they should suffer the said Godsale to exercise the said 
I'orne of Inettershipp and no other but under hilll, which .was 
against the Charter of London, for the major had the gift al waies. 
Also the Admirall varied ,vith the water- bayliffe of London in Variance 
} . ffi . 1 1 .... h . 1 I Ch f betwf'nc the 
11S 0 ce concernIng t 1e alnes, contrane a so to t 1e arter 0 Admirall and 
London. thp. Cittie for 
Tl . h I r. . h . 1 d I the Thames. 
lIS yeare, at t e \.lnges gOIng IS progresse, 1e graunte to t 1C 
citizins of London three churches of Friel's in London, the "\Vhite, 
the Black, and the Gray. 
Also the lCinge gave 
otherwise called Tholnas 

the church of Sainct Tholnas Acrees St. Thomas of 
, Acres geaven 
Beckettes, to the 1\lercerie, C bv the great to the 
.. for certaine 
money by thcm 

a Sir Richard Long, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber. 
b John Godsal ve. 
C The :Mcrcers' CompanJ. By the designation mercer has been generally under- 
stood in modern times a dealer in silk, but that is really an ahbreviation of the more 
distinctive description of silk-mercer. The term mercer is clearly derived from 
'lJW1'CeS, the plural of the classic word meræ, and, in its earlier and more correct 
sense, signified a gcneral trader or dealer. Hence the :Mercers' Company has always 
taken the precedence of the other City Companies, and may with probability be 
rcgarded as the most ancient of alL 





A.D. 1541. labor and meanes of Sir Richard Gresshame, and they sett open 
the church dores on l\iichaelmas even, and so had dailie masse 
This yeare, on St. Ed wardes daie a after dynner, one George 
Robinson, mercer, being one of the "\Vardens of the l\lercers, as he 
was talking with the major elect b in the old majors C house, sodenlie 
fell downe, and was taken all his left side, from the topp of his 
heade to the soule of his foote, so that he cold not speake perfectlie 
nor stil'l'e, and ,vas washed ,vit.h vineger and aqua-vitæ, and had to 
bed in the said Inajors howse, and laie their that night, and the 
next daie he was caried to his owne howse in a chaire, and died the 
third daie after. 
This yeare, the sixtenth daie of October, tow priestes wente a 
procession afore the crosse in Poules, and stoode all the SerlTIon with 
tapers and white rod des in their handes; the cause was they maried 
one 1\11'. Heringes sonne, a proctor in the Arches, to a yong gentle- 
woman in a chalnber without licence or asking. The said gentle- 
,voman was maried before to another, but he had neaveI' layne with 
her; but, by carnall knowledge of this Inan, her first husband lost her, 
as by a statute d latelie made for the saIne more plainelie appeareth; 
and this matteI' was exalnyned in the Starre Chamber in \Vest- 
Ininstre before the I\.:i nges Counsell, and by theim the said preistes 
were enjoyned penance. 

IIENRICI 'TIll. Anno 33. 

The Quenes 

This yeare, the 13th daye of Novelnber, Sir Thomas 'Vriothesly, 
knight, and Secretary to the I\:inge, came to Hampton Court to 
the Quene, and called all the ladies and gentle,vomen and her 
servauntes into the Great Chamber, and there openlye afore them 
declared certeine offences th,tt she had done in Inisusing her bodye 

11 October 13th. 
c Sir 'Villiam Roche. 

b Sir :1Iichael Dormer. 
rl 32 Henry VIII. cap. 38. 



with certeine persons afore the J{inges tYlne, wherefore he there A.D. 1541. 
discharged all her househould; and the 1110rrowe after she ,vas had 
to Sian, and my Lady Bainton a and 2 other gentlewolnen, with 
certeine of her servauntes to wayte on her there till the J{inges 
further pleasure: b and divers persons were had to the Tower 
of London, as Iny Lady Rochford,c 1\11'. Culpepper,d one of the 
J{inges Privie Chamber, with other. 
This yeare, the fyrst daye oT Decenlber, 'was arrigned at the Guyld Cnlpeper put 
Hall in London Thomas Culpepper,e one of the Gentlelnen of the to death. 
l{inges Pryvie Cham bel', and Frauncis Dorand,f gentleluan, for 
high treason against the J{inges .i\lajestie in mysdemeanor ,vith the 
Quene,g as appeered by theyr inditelnents which they confessed,h and 
had their judglnents to be drawne, hanged, and quartered, the Lord 
1\layor sitting there as cheife, the Lord Chauncellor on his right 
hand, and the Duke of N orfolke on his left hand, the Duke of 
Suffolke, the Lord Privye Seale, the Earles of Sussex, of Hertford, 
and divers other of the I\:inges Counsell, with all the judges, sittinge 
there also in commission the saIne daye. And the tenth day of 

a 'Vife of Sir Eùward Baynton. Both Baynton and his wife had done service for 
the IGng in the case of Anne Boleyn. 
b A letter from the Council to Archbishop Cranmer, signifying the IGng's 
pleasure as to tl:e remove of Queen Katharine Howard, and the discharge of her 
household, is printed in State Papers, Henry VIII. vol. i. part ii. pp. 691-3. 
C Jane Parker, daughter of Lord 1\Iorley, and widow of George Vi:scount Rochford, 
brother of Queen Anne Boleyn. 
d Thomas Culpepper, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber. 
e It was alleged against Thomas Culpeppcr, who was a relative of the Queen, that 
he had on one occasion, when the Court was at Lincoln, stayed for three hours in 
the same room with the Queen and Lady TIochfonl. 
f Francis Derham or Dereham, a relatiye of Queen Katharine Howard. 
g Archbishop Cranmer declared to the King, on his return f.rom his progress in 
the North, that he had evid
nce that the Queen before her marriage had been 
seduced by Francis Dereham, to whom she had been engaged to he married. 
h Francis Dereham is generally saiù to have confessed that he had been guilty of 
incontinence with the Queen before her marriage, but, from the be::;t evidence we 
possess, it seems doubtful \\ hether Dcrcham confcsscll anything of the kind.-Sce 
State Papers, Hcnry VII I. vol. i. 



A.D.1541. December the said Culpeper and Dorand were drawne froln the 
Tower of London to Tybur
e, and there Culpeper, after exhortation 
made to the people to pray for hiln, he standinge on the ground by 
the gallowes, kneled downe and had his head stryken of; and then 
Dorand was hanged, membred, bowelled, headed, and quartered. 
Culpepers body buryed at St. Pulchers Church by Kewegate, theyI' 
heades sett on London Bridge. 
Recantinge at This yeare the 18th of Decelnber, beinge Sonday, Alexander 
Paules Crosse. Seton, a Skott borne, and chaplaine to the Duke of Suffolke, and 
the parson of St. Antlins,a for sedicious preachinge that they had 
sowed amonge the people in their serBIons against free will and 
good workes, by injunction of the Bishop of London, did after the 
bee des b of the preacher, ,vhich WDS nlr. Rudde, chauntry priest of 
Barkinge, read the sublnission of their crronious opinions, sub In it- 
tinge theln ,vhollye to the Catholicke lawes of the Church frolTI the 
bottoln of theyre hartes, and never more to preach or teache any 
erronious opinions duringe theyr lives. 
This yearc, the 21 of Deceln bel', a shoemakers wyfe, of St. lUartins 
parishe besyde St. Anthonies, rode about the cytye with a paper 
on her head which fayned her
elfe to labour ,vith childe, and had 
Raine a catte and conveyd yt privilye on her bodye, and say yt was 
hir chylde, which catt was hanged on her bodie before her brest as 
she roade, and 2 qui eke cattes also. 
Ladies The 22 of Decelnber wc[reJ arraigned in the I\:inges Bench at 

;. \Vestminster, Lady l\Iargaret, 'wyfe to the Lorde \Villiam Hawarde. 
brother to the ])uke of Norfolke, I\:ath
rine Tylney, gentle,vo111an, 
Alice Restwold,C gent., Anne IIa\vard, ,vyfe of Henry Haward,d 
squire, and brother to the late Queue, l\Ialin Tylney, ,vydowe, 
l\Iargret Bennet, wyfe of John Bennet, gent., Edwarde \Vallgrave, 
gent., \Villialn Ashley, gent., all which persons were c.ondelnpned 

a St. Antholin in \Vatling Street. 
I.J l>rayers. 
c Alice Hastall, alias \Vilks. 
d Eldest son of Lonl Edmund Howard, and brother to Queen Kntbarine Howard. 



. 1 d . 1 1 1 A.D. 1541-2. 
In Inessprisonlllent of treason,a and la JU( gelnent to oase t leyr 
goodes and theyr bodyes to perpetuall in1prisonment; and at after- 
none the Lord "\Villiam Ha,vard, brother to the Duke of N orfolke, 
and Dalnparte,b gentlenlan, were allso arraigned and had lyke 
l\Iemorandum: On Christnlas even, at 7 of the clocke at night, 
,vas a great fyre at Esinge Spittle, in Sir John 'Villianls house, 
Thlaster of the l{inges juelles, and did 111uche hurte, and divers 
juelles and goodes of the I\:inges, and all so of his, were eillbesylled 
and convayed awaye at the sayd fyre. 
This yeare, the 16th daye of Januarye, 1.541-[2J, beganne the Par- [A.D. .1 542 .J 
1 . ",,",T. d 1 f 1 I Gh A parlIament 
lalnent at n estlllinster, an t 1at daye was masse 0 t 1e Ioly ost, begonne. 
the l\.:inge rydinge from his pallace at \Vestlninster in his Parliament 
robes, ,vith all his lordes spirituall and temporall in theyr robes, 
and. so rode to the church of St. Peters; C and that daye the l\.:inge 
Inade knightes in the Parliament Chamber, 1\11'. Robert Southwell, 
l\l r of the l
ollcs, and 1\11'. Pollard, the I\:inges Remelnbrauncer. 
And the 20 of January the Convocation beganne at Pawles. 
This yeare, the 23 day of January, ,vas the I\:inge proclaymed The Kinge 
I ..... f 1 1 d b 1 f h P 1 . b h f 1 . 1 proclaymed 
\.lnge 0 re an y t le assent 0 tear lament., ot 0 t 11S rea me Ringe of 
and allso of Ireland. Irelande. 
This yeare, on Candlenlas daye, IllY lord mayor d was presented 
to the I\:inge at his Pallace of \Vestminster, and there made knight, 
and Sir vVilliam Denhaln, alderman, allso. 
This yeare, the 9th of Februarye, a preist, beinge parson in the 
To,vre of London, hanged hinlselfe ,vith one of his garters. 
Alld the saIne night the Lady Rochford was had to the Tower. e 
The 10th of February the Quene ,vas had by water fron1 Sion 
to the Tower of London, the Duke of SufIûlke, the Lord Privie Seale, 
and the Lord Great Chmnberlaine havinge the conveyannce of her. 
a Because they knew the Queen's vicious course of life before her marriage and 
had concealed it. 
h Robert Damport, a retainer of the old Duchess of Norfolk. 
C 'Vcstminster AbLey. II Sir :Michacl Dormer. 
e For having assisted the Queen in her s
cret amours. 



And the 13th of February, beinge l\Ionday, the sayd Quene, 
otherwise Lady I\:atharine HawnI'd, was beheaded within the Tower 
on the grene, and my Lady of Rochforde a allso; the Lordes of 
the Counsell, with other noblelnen, and certeine C0l111nOners, beinge 
there present at the execution, she beinge afore condelupned by the 
body of the whole Parliament of high treason. b 
This yeare, in the latter ende of January, 1\11'. Thomas Blanke 
of London, haberdasher, ,vas adluitted aldennan for 1\11'. Paget, 
late deceased, of the ,yarde of Bishopsgate; he refusinge to take upon 
hin) after divers good exhortations 1110ved to him by B1Y lord mayor 
and a court of aldennen, was cOluitted to ,yarde to the house of 

Ir. I-Ienry Sukley,C sheriffe, and there reluayned five dayes, and 
then he was brought before the court of aldermen againe; and after 
divers la,ves and articles read and declared to hiln, which he ,vould 
not take accordinge to a l.-nve lnade for the same, at last, in a lnanner 
by compulsion, he tooke his oath and was adnlitted and s,vorne for 
aldennan, and after, at a court of aldennen kept the 14th of February, 
he dec1aringe such great debilitie in hiln, and by the luakinge of 
freindes amonge the aldermen, he was sett to paye to the Chamber 
of London 400 markes for a fyne, and to be clearly discharged both 
of his aldermanship, as allso all other offices of the city for ever, and 
had 4 yeres daye of paYlnent for the sanle. 
One b
yled for This yeare, the 17th of l\Iarch,d was boyled in Slnithfeild one 
pOYSOlllnge. l\Iargret Davie, a mayden, which had poysoned 3 househouldes that 
she dwelled in, one beinge her 
lrs, which dyed of the sanle; and 

A.D. 1542. 
Katharine put 
to death. 

a I.ady Rochford was the infamous woman who had borne testimony against her 
own husband and her husband's sister Anne Boleyn, but she is said to have died 
very penitent and meek. 
b The Lords and Commons, on the 16th of January, by petition, "implored his 
gracious :Majesty " that he would not vex himself with the Queen's misconduct, but 
allow the two Houses to pass a bill of attainder, which course being approved, the 
bill was carried through the Lords in three, and through the Commons in two, 
c Rowland Hill and Henry Suckley were Sheriffs for 1541-2. 
d This event is assigned to the 10th of :March by the continuator of Fabian's 



one Darington and his ,vyfe, ,vhich also she dwelled ,vith in Cole- A.D. 1542. 
man Streat, which dyed of the saIne; and allso one Tinleys ,vyfe, 
,vhich dyed allso of the same. 
The 20 of 
Iarch ,vas one Clement Dyer, a vintner, drawen to 
Tyburne for treason, and hanged alld quartered. 
This ycare, the 28th of lVlarch, the Sherives of London, Sit' Ro,v- 
land IIill and Henry Sukley, ,vere cOllllnitted to the Tower of 
London for the arrestinge of a precept served by Taylor, sergeaunt, The Sherives of 
F . I f I I T' 1 h 11 b . London sent to the 
on one 
 erns,ß a gent eman 0 t le 
lnges louse OU (, elnge one Tower. 
of the burges of the Pariialllent, and because they resisted the 
sargeaunt-of-armes to the Parliament House, called Saint-John, 
which ,vas sent to the counter of Bread Streat to fetch the sayd 
Ferris, [ the sheriffs] band allso certeine of their sergeauntes ,vere 
comlllitted to the Tower for the same; C ,vherefore the mayor d and 
certeine of the aldenllen shewed e to the Lordes of the Parliament 
and to the C0111mens House, allso the 29th of l\larch, desyringe them 
to be good lordes and masters to the sayd sheriffes; and the 30 
of l\Iarch followinge they were released f againe by the assent of the 
Parliatnent House and their officers also, without payinge any fyne 
savinge fees and other charges, which stoode theln in 20l. 
AIlsa the sayd 30 of l\Iarch the mayor was sent for to the Court, 
and so to the Parli
ment House before the Lordes of the Counsell, 
where they declared unto him that he should have noe sworde borne 
before him from Charinge Crosse whensoever he came to vVestminster 
or to the Court, nor have noe gentle[lllanJ usher to goe before hiln, 
which was never soe seene before. 
This yere on the Assention Daye g .1\11'. Rowland Hill, shrive, was [Anno Reg. 34.] 
sent for to the Court at Greenwich, and there the ICinge Inade hiln 
knight, and 
Ir. Peckhanl,h the I\:inges coverer, allso. 

0. George Feres or Ferrel's, a 1\Iember of Parliament for Plymouth, was arrested in 
London, at the suit of one White, for the Rum of two hundred marks. 
h Omitted in 1\IS. c "And there lay for two days."-Stow. 
d Sir 1\Iichael Dormer. e For" sued." 
f They were discharged by an order of the Commons' House. g May 18th. 
It Sir Edmund Peckham, Cofferer of the Household, 1540-G. 



A.D. 1542. This yeare ,vas a prest dell1anded by the I\:inge of his Lordes 
A prest or lone spirituall and telnporall and the COlnmons, and every man in the 
grauntedtothe. f L d h . h 1 d h J T' b . d ' 
Kinge of the cItye 0 on on W IC ,vas va ewe to t e
lnges su Sl Ie at one 
temporaItie. hundred a ;ß was sent for [by] the ICinges COlnlnissioners, whieh 
was my Lord Privie Seale, the Bishop of "Tinchester, Sir John 
Baker, Chauncellor of the Tenthes, and Sir Thon1as Wriothesley, 
the ICinges Secretarys ,vhich persons did so straightly exalnine every 
man, and with such gently handlinge both of ll1en and wydo,ves, 
that he that payd least 10l. of every 100l. volente nolente, so that 
some of the heades of the citie lent the Iiinge one thousande 
Inarkes, every 111an havinge a privie seale for his warrant to be 
· payd againe in two years l1ext comminge. 
This yeare, in J ulye, an arJnye of Gelderland beseiged the towne 
of Antwarpe, in Brabant, ,vhich ,vas partly wrought by treason of 
son1e of the inhabitantes in the towne, and was in great daunger of 
loosinge, but, as God ,vould, the treason ,vas kno,vne, and certeine 
persons put to death for the saIne, and the annye fled. 
This yere, in .L\ugust, the Earle oÎ Desll10nde,b in Ireland, came 
to submitte himselfe to the ICinge, and had great chere, and sent 
home ,vith great gyftes. 
Anso this yeare, the J{inge, in September, prepared a great 
armye of men to goe into Scotland with the Duke of N orfolke. c 
Anso, the fyrst daye of October, the great O'Neile,ù of Ireland, 
,vas created Earle of Tyrone, and his sonne had to name Lord 
Dunsane,e and had great rewardes and gyftes given hilli, and 
other that came a11so with hiJTI. 

n All such as were valued worth 50l. or upward in the Book of Subsidy.-Stow. 
b James Fitzgerald, fifteenth Earl of Desmond. 
c The Duke of Norfolk entered Scotland the 21st of October, burning and wasting 
aU the marches, and there taried, without any battle proffered by the King of Scots, 
until the midst of November.-Stow. 
d Conan O'Neil, Chief Captain of Tyrone. 
e Matthew or Feardoragh became eldest son of O'Neil in 1542, and was created 
Lord Dungannon, 1st October, 1542. Stow calls him "his base son, 1\latthew 
O'Neil;" and then adds, "for Shane O'Neil, the only son of his body lawfully 
begotten, was then little esteemed." 



This yeare, the 8th of October, the J{inge sent his lettre to the A.D. ]542. 

Iayor and Aldermen, the Common Counsell, and the Commons of 
the citie of London, in the favour of Sir \Villiam Denham, Alder- 
man, which was next in course to be elected mayor of the citye, 
that he lllight be discharged thereof and set to a small fyne; and, 
after great suyte made by the mayor and 14 aldermen to the 
l{inges Counsell for the same, the mayor, ,vith his brethren, with 
great payne and laboure caused him to pay for his fyne .E300 to 
the use of the citye, whereof .E200 to be bestowed to have the 
water brought more plentifully to the conduytes,a and an .EIOO 
in plate to be occupied for ever in the mayors house; and on St. 
Edwardes daye b the sayd Sir 'VilliaIn Denham payd for his sayd 
fyne, and ,vas disn1Ï8serl of his cloak, C and that day was elected for 
lnayor l\lr. John Cootes, alldennan. 

IiENRICI VIII. Anno 34. 

This yeare, in November, one Collins, gentlen1an, was hanged in 
"\Vestminster pallace for killinge one in the same place. 
Allso, this yeare, in Novelllber, were hanged on the backsyde 
of Lincolnes lnne two persons for murtheringe one Thomas 
Chesshers mayde in the same place. 
This yeare, on St. l{atharines daye, beinge the 25th day of Takinge of 
November , the Scotes entred into En g lande with 18 thousande men, th
and thought to have taken Carlile, but by Godes provision they 
,vere that daye, at Sandy Sykes Ù besyde Carliell, discomfited by 

a An Act was passed (35 Henry VIII.) whereby the 
Iayor and citizens were 
empowered to bring water from Hampstead Heath, St. 1\iary-Ie-bone, Hackney, and 
:Muswell Hill, upon their indemnifying the owners of lands, &c. in order to augment 
the supply already brought from Tyburn.-See :Maitland's History of London, 
p. 141. 
b October 13th. 
C Or in other words was relieved of his gown on paying his fine. An Ahlerman 
who had passed the chair was termed a "Grey Cloak." 
d Generally known as the battle of Solway :M:oss. 



A.D. 1542. Sir Thol11as "\Varton, knight, and others, and divers lords taken 
prisoners and Inany slayne, and their ordinaunce with artillery 
taken, to the great comfort of all England, and taken prisoners to 
the number of a thousande. a 
And the 19 of December, at 3 of the clocke at afternone, the 
sayd lordes and certeine of the cheifest of them, to the nomber of 
21, came rydinge in at Bishopsgate, and so rode to the Tower of 
London, wherc that night they had great chere and richc lodginge 
prepared for then1. Theise be their nalnes: 
1. The Earle of Castell; b 
2. The Earle of Glainekarne,c alias Lord n::ylmayre; 
3. The Lord Flelninge,d Chamberlainc of Scotland; 
4. The Lord 1\laxwell, e Admirall of Scotland and \Varden of the 
ô. The Lord Semerwell; f 
6. The Lord Olivante; g 
7. The Lord Gragie; h 
8. Oliver Sinkler,i of the J{inges Privie Chamber; 
9. Robert I-Ierskin, sonne and heire to the Lord Harskin,k late 
10. Jalnes Sinkler 1 his brother; 
II. Dan Cary,m Leard of Greadcn; 
12. Georg Ifunc,n Leard of Hemitton; 

do .I\Iore than 200 of the better sort, and more than 800 of menneI' persons.-Stow. 
b Gilbert Kennedy, third Earl of Cassillis. 
C 'Villiam Cunningham, fourth Earl of G lencairn. 
d l\ialcolm, third Lord Fleming. 
C Robert, fifth Lord l\Iaxwcll, 'Varden of the West Marches of Scotland. 
f Hugh, fifth Lord SomervilJe. 

 Lawrence, third Lord Oliphant. 
n Pn.trick, fifth Lord Gray. 
i Oliver Sinclair or Saint Clair, favourite of James V. 
k John, twelfth Lord Erskine, ambassadqr to England in 1534. 
I James Sinclair, his brother-in-law. 
m Mistake for Robert Ker, Laird of Graydon. 
n George Home, Laird of Ayton. 



13. The Leard l\Iounteth; a A.D. 1542. 
14. John Loslye,b bastard sonne to the ErIe of Rothers; 
15. Henry l\laxwell, bastard brother to the Lord l\laxwell; C 
16. John 
Iattland,d Leard of \Vyke Castle; 
17. John Carmell, e Captaine of Cra yforth ; 
18. Leard 1\Iountayffe; f 
19. James Springell, chefe storer of all the I{inges goodes, and 
in great favour; 
20. Patricke Hayborne; g 
21. 1\11'. Davie ICythe. 11 
And the 21 of December, beinge St. Thomas day afore Christ.. 
mas, at 8 of the cloke in the rnornynge, 8 of the chefest of then1 
that 'v are erles and lordes had new go\vnes of blake damaske furred 
\vith blake con yes and cottes of blake vel wett 'with doublettes of 
satten, shirtes and other apparell rnade for theIn, and so rode froln 
the Towre, Sir John Gage, Controwler of the ICinges household 
and Constable of the Towre, ridinge afore the In alone, and aCCOln- 
paned \vith divers other knightes and gentylhnen thoro\v the IIigh 
Strcat of London, the Scottes ridinge t\VOO and twoo together, 
folowinge Sir John Gage, and so to "r estlnynster, l\Iaster Leve- 
tenante of the Towre ridinge after them, and so brought them afore 
the ICinges Counsell syttinge in the Starr Chalnbre at ,\r estIninster; 
and after they \vare comytted to the custody of divers lordes and 
gentlemen to keepe. And the 22 of Decelnber, beinge Fryday, Death of the 
t y din g es was brought to the ICynge that the Scottishe I\:in g e ,vas I 

otishe b . 
\, emge 
deade,i which was in cOlnpanye ,vith the sayd lordes at there entringe the .Kinges 

a John Graham, fourth Earl of :Monteith. 
b John Leslie, son of George Leslie, fourth Earl of Uothes. 
c Robert, fifth Lorù :Maxwell. 
d John Maitland, of Achin. 
e John Carmichaell, Captain of Crawfonl CaRtIe. 
f 'Villiam :Monteith, Lairù of !{erse. 
g Patrick Hephurn, of 'Vaughton. 
h David I\:eith. 
i Jallle
 V. of Scotland, nephew to Henry VIII. died Decemùer 14th, 1':;.12. 



A.D. 1542-3. into Inglande, and heringe of the greate losse that he had, and also 
for feare flyinge in such hast, toke such a thought and sykenes that 
he dyed therof,a and also his sonnes dyed also. b And the Queene 
of Scottes beinge ,vith chylde, for sorro,ve traveled, and was brought 
to bed with a mayden chylde. c 
On Sainte Johns day,d in Chrismas weke, the sayd Lordes of 
Scotelande ,vent to the Courte "at Grenewich to the ICinge, and there 
had greate chere, and went before the ICinge to the chapell, and had 
lodginges prepayred in the Courte for them. And also 'weare 
s,vorne to the ICinge to sett forth his l\lajestis tytle that he had to 
the realme of Scoteland to the uttern10st of their powres e at thire 
comlnynge V'{hohne,f and so the 30 of December they departed from 
the Corte; and, the last day of December, 8 of the chefest of theln 
dyned \vith my Lord 1\layre of London g and the rest with the 
[A.D.1543.] shrives,h \vhere they had greate chere; and the first day of January 
they departyd from London and rode to dyner to the i [princes 
at Enfield], 'which they rejoysed greatly to behoulde; and so 
departed to Carlyll, whare they remained tyll there pledges 
calne,k makinge great chere and highly praising the I\.:inges 

a Upon hearing the news of the Scots' defeat at Salway :Moss, James became 
depressed in mind, and sank rapidly with a slow fever. 
b Mary of Guise had borne him two sons, but they had both died in infancy the 
year before. 
C The unfortunate :Mary Queen of Scots was born seven days bdore her father's 
death, who, upon being informeù of the event, is said to have muttered with his last 
breath, " The crown came with a woman, anù it will go with one." 
d 27th December. 
c This can hardly be correct. They were to further the marriage of the young 
Prince of 'Vales with the infant Princess of Scotland. 
f For" home." 
g Sir John Cootes. 
h Henry Habberthorne and lIell'y Amcotes. 
i Blank in 1\lS. They visited the infant Prince Edward at Enfield. 
k They were not suffered to cross the Scotch horder until they had delivered to the 
Duke of Norfolk hostages for their return, in case the intended nuptials were not 



l\Iajcstie of the greate benevolence she,ved unto them not as A.D. 1543. 
prysoners but as frindes. a 
This \vinter, by reason of the wett sommer, that wood could not be 'Vood skant 
carryed for the high flowdes to the watter syde, \vood was so skante and clere. 
in London that a thousand byllettes ware soulde for a marke and 168. 
the m 1 . b and coles also was sold for 12d. and 14d. the sacke. 
Also this yere, by reason of the greate cold and frost, Lentton Fish dere. 
vitalles ware excedinge dere, as saltfyshe \vith other salt meates, C 
so that the mayre and aldermen ware fayne to seet wardens of 
divers Companyes to kepe the markettes in Fyshe Streate, Stockes, 
and Old Fyshe Streate, and to see the people served at reasonable 
penyworthes, after ther discretions. 
Also at Ester, by reason of the greate morren of cattell the last Dere vittelles. 
,vinter, fleshe was exceedinge dere and skant, and specyally 1110ttons 
and lambes, which \vare at unreasonable pryses, as a quarter of 
Inotton at 28. and 28. 4d. and a lan1be at 38. and 38. 4d. which ,vas 
skant \vorth 16d. 
Also this yere, against the feast of Ester,d at a courte of aldermen An order for 
k . h G ld H 11 I d f h [ J dishes of meate 
epte In t eye a t 1e 20 ay 0 l\Ial'c, 1542 .3 , yt was in the mayre 
enacted by the mayre and his bretheren that the mayre and shrives and shrives 
h d . . howses. 
S ould haye and be serve but ,vlth one course at dIner and supper 
in thire howses, the Inayre to have but 7 dishes at the moste at 
dinner or supper at one messe for his owne table, and the shrives 
but 6 dishes, and every alderman lykewise in their howses, uppon 
payne to forfayte for every dyshe above 6, 408. for every tyme he 
or they offende contrary to the sa yd Acte; and allso that the 
sergeauntes and yeomen of their houshouldes should have but three 
dishes at dinner or supper, savinge the s,vordebearers messe to have 
one dishe lnore; and further that the mayor nor his brethren should 

a Henry bestowed on them their liberty without ransom, only requiring of them 
engagements to favour the marriage of the Prince of 'Vales with their young 
mistress. b ..11 tlll) or thou
C A proclamation was made on the Ðth February, whereby the people were licensed 
to cat white meats in Lent, but strict1y forbidden the eating of flesh.-Stow. 
d Easter Sunday this year fell on the 2Gth uf 1\iarch. 

A.D. 1543. 

[Anno Reg. 35.] 
An armye sent into 

lrishe Lords. 

Recantinge at Paules 



from the sayd fcast of Easter, by the space of one yeare, buy nether 
crane, swanne, nor bustard, upon payne to forfayte for everyone 
by thenl to be bought 20s. to be tryed by their oath yf it be 
presen ted. a 
This yeare the Enlperour and the ICinge were jointly fixed 
togither to warre on the French I{inge; 'wherupon the ICinge in the 
lTIoneth of June sent certeine souldiers over to Callis and Guynes b to 
the nUlnber of 8,000 or lnore, whereof Sir John \Vallope was 
captainc; and there ,vent out of London at the cities charge 100 c 
persons, 30 bo,vemen and 70 billemen, 'whereof Charles Haward d 
was captaine, and Tholllas Underhill, one of my lord mayors 
sergeantes and carver, was their pettie captaine, 'which sayd 100 
111cn were put to the charge of 30 craftes of the citye. 
This ycare, the first day of July, the Lord Obrune,e of Ireland, 
and the Lord l\Iat \Villiarlls f were created earles at Grenewich, and 
Sir Done-a-Brune g 'was made a lord, and had given thelll great 
gyftes by the l{inge. 
Anso, the 8 of Julye, 1542 h [1543J, beinge Reliques Sonday, 
three persons recanted at Paules Crosse, one called Tho111as Beacon, 
alias Theodore Basill, \V ysedome, Curate of Aiderillary, i under 
Doctor Crolner, k and one Shingleton, all three preistes; and the 
sayd Tholnas Beacon cutt in peeces at his sayd recantinge 11 bookes 

8 i. e. the accused to have the liberty of purging himself by oath. 
b Guisnes. 
c The MS. thus: "c," before which is a 2 in fainter ink, apparently incorrectly 
inserted afterwards. 
d Eldest son of Lord William Howard. 
c 1IUlTough O'Brien, brother of the great O'Brien, whom he succeeded in 1540, 
was created Earl of Thomonù in ] 543. 
f Ulick Bourke became :Mc'Villiam in 1536, and was created Earl of Cla.nricarde 
in 1543. 
g Donough O'Brien, eldest son of Conochor, the great O'Brien, was created Lord 
Ibracken in 1543. 
h 1542 in 
IS. but an error for 1543. 
i St. :Mary the Virgin, Alùermaubury. 
k Dr. ]
d warù Crome. 



,vhich he had made and caused to be printed, wherein was certeine A.D. 1543. 
This yeare, the 12 of J ulye, Lady l{atharine, late wyfe of the Lord A newe Quene. 
Latimer, lately departed, and sister of the Lord Parre, was proclaymed 
Quene and Inarryed to the J{inges :Thlajestye at IIampton Courte. a 
This yeare, the 28 of July, were burnt at "Tindsore 3 persons: 
one Anthony Persons, preist, another caned Testwode,b beinge a 
singinge man of the colledge, and a taylor of the same towne, ,vhich 
,vere heretickes and sacramentars. C 
This yeare, the 3 of August, proclalnation was rnade in London Proclamation 
r b 1 E d 1 I T' . h for warre with 
lor open waITe etwene t 1e · mperour an t 1e \..Inge agaInst t e Fraunce. 
French I\:inge, as mortall cnemie to them and all Christen Princes, 
he havinge ayde of the Great Turke.d 
This yeare, at the Parliament kept at "Tèstn1Ïnster, it ,vas A subsidie 
graunted to the l{inges J\lajestie a subsidie of the temporalty, to be r


paid in three yeres next ensueinge, in 11lanner and forme followinge, temporaltie. 
that is to say: that every person and orphane beinge worth in 
Os. and under 5l. shall pay 4d. of the ;C; and every person 
and orphane beinge ,vorth 5l. and under 10l. shall pay 8d. of the 
æ; and every person beinge worth 10l. and under 20l. shall pay 
16d. of the .-t; and every person being worth 20l. and so upwardes, 
shaH pay 28. of the L; and every straunger beinge borne out of the For strmmgers. 
I\:inges obeysance, as well denizon as other inhabitinge within this 
l'eahne, shall pay, of every SOlne above rated, double lnony that 

a Katharine Parr married, first, John Nevill, Lord Latimer, but, becoming a widow 
in 1::>42, married, the next year, King Henry VIII. whom she survived, and had for 
her third hushand Thomas Lord Seymour. 
b Robert Testwooc1. 
c Sacramentarians or Protestnnts. It is somewhat singular that Henry Rhould 
have continued to persecute the Protestfints after his marriage with Kfitharine Parr, 
who is said to have been well versed in the new l.earlling, and a sincere convert to 
Protestan tism. 
d The :Emperor and Henry agreed to require Francis to renounce his unholy 
alliance with the Grefit Turk, and upon his refusal made that n. cause of hostilities, 
the real object being to compel him to give security for the more punctual payment 
of his trihutary pensions to his l\ffijesty of England. 

A.D. 1543. Englishe men pay; and anso, that every alien and straunger borne 
ou t of the ICinges don1Ïnions, beinge denison and not denison, frOln 
the age of 16 yeares and up-warde, not beinge contributory to the 
rate aforesayd, shall pay for every polle 4d. the master with whom 
he dwelleth, to be charged with the san1e for lacke of payment; allso 
every person borne within the I\:inges obeysance, beinge worth in 
For landes. landes, fees, anuities, or other yerely profites, of the vale we of 
and under 5l. shall pay 8d. of the æ; and from 5l. to 10l., 16d. of 
the .f:; and from 10l. to 20l., 28. of the æ; and from 20l. and 
upwarde, 38. of every pounde. 
And every straunger borne of the I\:inges obeysance havinge 
lande, fees, anuyties, or other yerely profits, shall pay, of every 
SOines above rated, double the mony that Englishemen doe. 
And, aUso, that aU corporations, brotherhoodes, fraternities, or 
comlnonalties, beinge corporate or not corporate, shall pay for 
coine, plate, or je"\velles, beinge in theyI' rule or custodye, of every 
æ under 5l., 8d. of the.-t; and from 5l. to 10l., 16d. of the æ; and 
fronl 10l. to 20l., 28. 8d. of the .f:; and from 20l. and upwarde, 48. 
of every .f:. 
Allso the sayd corporations, brotherheådes, fraternities, or COll1- 
Inonalties, havinge in Ian des under 51. shall pay 16d. of the .f:; and 
froln 5l. to 10l., 28. 8d. of the ;ß; and froln 10l. to 20l. for every 
æ, 48.; and from 20l. upwarde, 68. of the .f:. 
Payment for Theise payements to be payd in 3 yeares; that ys to say, the one 
the first yeare. halfe of every somlne to be payd the first of the sayd 3 yeares into 
the ICinges Exchequer the 6th daye of Februarye, and the other 
halfe to be payd in 2 yea res next after the fyrst yeare, after the rate 
of every S0111me. 
.A subsidie This yeare, anso, the prelates and cleargie of this realme graunted 
g h nu } l { n.ted to h the ICinges 1\Iajestie a subsidie of 68. of the .f:, to be paid of theyI' 
t e lllg of t e .. . .. 
spiritualtie. benefices and perpetuItIes In 3 yeares next com mInge, that IS to 
every yeare 28. of the æ of their sayd benefices and perpetuities, 
,vhich sayd paYInentes shall be levycd but of the 9 partes of theyI' 
sayd benefices, because they pay yearcly the 10th parte to the 

For landes of 


Fratel'n ities 





l\:inge, and every priest havinge noe perpetuity, but recelvlnge an A.D. 1543. 
annuall stypende, shall pay yearly during the sayd three yeares 
68. 8d. 
This yeare allso there ,vas an Acte l11ade at the Parliament for For the use of 
the advauncement of true reli g ion and for the nbolishment of the the 
ible in 
contrarye, ,vherein is conteyned what persons sh311 read the Byble a 
in Englishe, and how they shall use yt, and allso divers bookes 
condempl1ed by the sayd Acte, and a newe booke made b by the 
ICinge and his cleargie ,vhich the lay people should reade, C and 
puttinge away all other en'onious and hereticall bookes, as more 
at large appeareth in the sayd Acte or lawe. 
This yeare the Elnperour d made wafl'e on the Duke of Cleve,e 
and subdued his lande and had the Duke prisoner; but at last he 
had his pardon, and was under the jurisdiction of the Elnperour. 
This sommer was great death in the citie of London and the 
suburbes of the same, wherefore the ICinge 111ade proclamation in 
the Courte that noe Londoner should come within 7 miles where 
the ICinge lay, so that yf any man caIne [1'0111 London into the 
country they could get no lodginge, and the tearme of l\lichaelltnas 
,vas proroged till Crastino Anima1'zun.f 
This yeare the mayor punished rnany harlotes of the stewes by 

a It was enacted in Parliament, shortly after the appearance of the King's book, 
that the Bible should not be read in public, nor in any private families except such 
as were of noble or gentle degree; the opening of the book being made an offence 
to be punished by one month's imprisonment in the case of artificers, apprentices, 
journeymen, servants, women, and all other persons of low degree. 
b Eutitled" A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christian l\lall." This 
book, which was called the "King's Book," differed materially from the" Insti- 
tutions of a Christian l\'[an," published six years before, and now called the 
"Bishops' Book." 
c Cranmer was obliged to order that the" King's Book," which contained the 
dogmas he most detested, should be published in every diocese, and followed by 
every preacher as an infallible rule. 
d Charles V. 
e 'ViI1iam Duke of Ravenstein became Duke of Cleves aud Juliers in 153!). 
f Xovember 3rd. 

CA:\lD. SOC. 




.A.D. 1543-4. dobbinge a in the Thames on a cookinge stoo1e b at the Thre Cl'anes 
in the Vintre. 

[A.D. 1544.] 

Death of the 
1\IaJor of 


This yeare the Inayor tooke his oath at the To,ver. 
The teaflne c kept at St. Albons, and from thence to \'T estminster 
at Hilarye tearme. 
1\Ielnorandum: That on Cal1dlernas daye d my lord InayoI', .1\11'. 
Bowyer, was- rnade knight at "r estlninster by the I(inge. 
This yeare, at the Parliatnent holden at \Vestlninster, the lone,e 
,vhich ,vas prest to the I\:inge in the 34th yeare of the I\:inges 
l\lajesties raigne, was given the ICinge by A0te of Parlialnent. f 
1\Ielnorandum: The 13 daye of Aprill, 1544, Sir \Yillialn 
Bowyer, knight, then beinge 111ayor of the citye of London, 
departed _ this lyfe at 8 of the clock at night, that daye beingc 
Easter daye. 
The 17 day of Aprill, beinge Thursday in Easter weeke, the 
aldel'lnen and COlnnlons asselnbled in the Guyld Hall for the election 
of a newe mayor, where they chose Sir Raufe \Varren, knight, 
beinge once mayor bcfore,g to serve out the yeare of the sayd Sir 
'Yillialll Bowyer, and imlnediately was sworne in the Court of 

a An old form of the word" ducking;" thus we find" dobchick," a small water- 
fowl of the duck kind. 
b Cucking-stool, a kind of chair faðtelled to a long pole, turning on a swivel, to 
duck scolding or disorderly women in the water. 
c l\1ichaclmas Term, 1543, was adjourned to St. Alban's on account of the plague 
then raging in London. 
d }""ebruary 2nd. 
e The King's officers having obtained l'eturns which showed the value of each 
man's estate, Hcnr
v addressed a royal letter to every person rated at.SOl. per annum 
and upwards, requesting a certain sum by way of loan. To refuse being dangerous, 
in most cases the King got the money he asked for, and then he made Parliament 
vote him a grant of all the money so raised, as well as whatever sums he had 
borrowed from any of his subjects since the thirty-first year of his reign. . 
f 35 Henry VIII. cap. 12. 
g In 1:>36. 



IIastings a for the office of rnayralitye. And the 21 day of Aprill A.D. 154:1. 
the sayd Sir Raufe \Varren tooke hi
 oath at '\T estminster, the [Anno Reg. 36.] 
craftes goeinge before hiln; and after dinner the sayd ne,ve mayor 
went in blacke to the buryinge of the ould mayor, the alde1'n1en in 
violet, and all his officers in blacke of the ould Jnayors gyfte, 'which 
sayd ould mayor was honourably buryed, and had a goodly hearse 
of waxe. 
The 30 day of Aprill, 1544, Sir Thomas A,vdley, knight, Lord Death of the L0rd 
f \ ","T Chauncellour. 
o Ivalden and Chancellour of England, n1Y late lord and Inaste1', 
departed this worldly lyfe at his place of Christes Church, in 
econde day of J\Iaye Sir Tholnas 'Yrothesley, knight, Lord Newe Lorde 
. Chauncellour. 
'V rothesley, was sworne Chauncellour of England In the Chauncery 
at "r estminster Hall. 
J\.l1so this yeare, by reason that wheate and other graine ,vas very A prest for wheate. 
skant in England, and like to be at high prices, the mayor and 
aldermen had a prest of a 1\1 l. of the COml110nS of the citie Qf London, 
'which was gathered of the craftes for wheate that caIne out of 
Danske and Brelnbreland,b which Sir 'Yilliam Bowyer had provided 
for in his tYIne after 138. 4d. or 148. per quarter for paynlent, 
whereof the Chamberlaine of London made bondes to every crafte 
to be repaid againe at :\Jichaehnas next cOlnminge. 
This yeare the 22 day of J\Iay, beinge Assention day, there were Victorie of the Scots. 
great fyers made in the citye of London and the suburbes, and ,vine 
set in divers places of the citie, for the victorie that the I\:inges 

rajesties annie C had in Scotland, and the 1l10rrOWe after there was 
a serrnon made in Pawles to the laude of God and prayse of the 
I\:inges J\fajestie, with Te Ðeuln songe, and after a gene raIl pro- 

a The Court of HU8ting's was held in the Guildhall, and in it pleas of laud anI 
real property were sued, wills enrolled, &c. It still exists, but is not much use(l.- 
Vide Nort0n's "Franchises of London." 
b Danzig and Bremen. 
C Under the Earl of Hertford and Sir Ralph Rvers. 

Allso this yeare the city of London were set to Hnde to the 
ICinges l\Iaje
tie for his waITes in Fraunce 500 men, which was borne 
amonge the craftes of the sayd citye at theyI' .o,vne cost{\S and charges. 
This yere allso the ICinge would have no \vatch kept at 
sornlner because the city had bene divers ways charged ,vith Inen 
toward his \Vafl'es. 
The 6 day of July IIay\vard recanted his treason at Pawles 
Crosse, which had bene afore condelnpned to death and brought to 
be layd on the hardell for denyinge the supremacye of the ICinges 
1\Iajcstie against the Bishop of Rome. a 
Allso this yeare in June the I\"inges I\Iajestie demaunded of the 
citizens of London by ,yay of prest. 20,000l.,b which ,vas levied of 
the aldennen and head comlnoners of the citie, for the which the 
sayd aldermen and citizens had certeine landes by patentes graunted 
to theln and theyI' heires, or el1es t.o be repayed againe at the yea res 
After this there was 3,000Z. and more levyed of the citizens that 
had not bene sessed at the prest of 20,000l., so that he that payd 
least lent 10Z., for which they allso had landes. 
etanie in This yeare the l{inges l\Iajestie afore his goeinge over into 
Enghshe. Fraunce Sl't forth a Letany in Englishe, which he commaunded 
should be songe in every parishe church through England, ,vhich 
,vas the Godlyest hearinge that ever ,vas in this realrne. 
This year allso the I{inges 1\Iajestie tooke his journey into 
Fraunce c in the moneth of July, and landed at Callais the 14 day 

A.D. 1544. 

fen found to 
the Kill ges 
warres in 
Noe watche 
kept at 

Recantinge of 

A prest to the 

The Kinge 
landinge at 



a During the last four years of Henry's reign executions for religion became less 
frequent. It is said that only twenty-four persons were put to death for this cause, 
fourteen of them being Protestants, who were burned, the other ten Papists, or 
Recusants on the subject of the Supremacy, who were hanged. 
b The King borrowed of the twelve Livery Companies of the City the sum of 
21,2G3l. 6,. 8d. upon a mortgage of Crown lands. 
C Henry, having entered into a league with the Emperor Char1es V. against 
Francis 1. left Katharine Parr regent, and passed m'er to Calais with 30,000 men, 
accompanied hy the Dukes of :Korfolk and Suffolk, and many of the nobility and 



of the same moneth, at 4 of the clock in the afternone, where he A.D. 1544. 
,vas honourably received of the Staplers. 
This yeare, the 13 of September, 1544, the towne of Bulleine Bulleine 
,vas given up to the J{inges :Thlajestie,a and the 14th day the French "\Vonne. 
men departed out of the towne, with as much goods as they might 
carye both men and women,b besyde that the waggons carryed, and 
the I{inges :Thlajestie entred the sayd towne the 18 of September 
with great tryumphe; C and the 20 day there was a solempne generall 
procession kept at Pawles, ,vith Te Deum songe, for the victorye 
of the I\:inges 1\lajestie, and many fyers made in the citie, and so 
after in every part of the reaJme. 
The last daye of Septelnber the I\:inges :ThIajestie landed at 
Dover d at n1Ïdnight; and the thirde daye of October the Bishop 
of London in his pontificalibus beganne Te Deum in P3.wles, ,vhich 
,vas songe for the good returne of the I{inges .l\lajestie, and generall 
procession after. 

HENRICI VIII. l\nno 36. 

This yere, the 14 of Xovember, there was one Robert Silvestre, 
ye01nan, borne in N orthamptonshire, set on the pillorie in Cheape 
by the commaundement of my Lord Chauncellour and other of the 
I\:inges Counsaill, and was burned váth a hot iron in the cheeke 
with a Jetter of P., and after had his eare cut of hard 
y the head, 
and had written on a paper set on his head, "For Inisusinge of the 

R Boulogne, being besieged by Henry in person, surrendered after a siege of two 
months through the cowardice of Vervin, the governor, who was afterwards beheaded 
for this dishonourable capitulation. 
b The number of all the men of war within the town that were strong- and able to 
serve were, of horsemen 67, of footmen 1,563, of hurt men 87, of women and children 
1,927, bf'side It great number of aged and sick persons, not able to rlepart with the 
C Hymer gives Henry's own journal of this expedition, which is a curious 
d Having garrisoned Boulogne, and destroyed the church of "Our Ladye" there, 
Henry returned to England sorely impoverished, and deserted by his ally the 
Emperor, who had concluded peace with Francis on his own account. 




A.D. 1544. I\:inges cOInmission and powelinge a of his subjectes," which the 
sayd person had done at Rigate, in Surrey. 
This yere, aIlso, the 3 d day of Decelnber, there was set on the 
pillorye in Cheape these persons followinge; Richard Potter, 
esquire, Richard Stitisborne, gent., lUichell vVeston, gent., John 
Casymghurst, yeoman, 1\Iiehell H:nvard, yeoman, Richard Deacon, 
yeoman, and 'Villiam Potter, gent., and they had ,vritten over 
every mans head, "For willfull perjurye and other develishe 
abhominations," and everyone of thelTI was burned in the left 
cheeke ,vith a letter P. with a hot yron, and after cut of the right 
eare of everyone of thelTI, and then sent to prison, all which sayd 
persons had done in I\:ent and Surrey, Yvhich partes they dwelled 
in, many develishe actes, as bUl'ninge of ,voodes, colepites, and 
frames of houses, stealinge and stroyinge mens pondes of fishe, 
cuttinge the barkes of trees, cuttinge beastcs tongnes out of their 
heades, cuttinge of the tayles of horf'es, cuttinge of Inens eares 
and Inakinge of rymes, b ,vith other abholninable actes, for ,vhich 
causes they h
d the sayd execution, and allso were set to fyne to 
the I\:inges l\Iajestie in theise SOlnes followinge, that is to saye: 
Richard Potter to pay to the I\:ing 1,0001., ,vhich sayd Potter lnight 
spend in lan(1e 700l., and of good substaunce of his 1110veables; 
Richard Statisbornes fyne 400l., l\Iichell 'V 6ston 100l., John 
Casinghurst 200 Inarkes, 1\Iichell IIayward 40 markes, Richard 
Deacon 40 markes, ""'lllialn Potter 20l,; and over all this they had 
judgement to suffer lyke execution in theyr countryes againe on 
a Pilling or peeling, from the French" piller;" from which is also derived" pillage." 
b The making of rhymes or political squibs was ranked as a species of treason in 
ancient times, anù was not unfrequently punished with death; thus in the thirà 
year of Richard III. we read in Arnold that 'Vylliam Colyngbourne was arraigned 
in the Guildhall "for a rhyme whieh was laid to his charge, that he should make in 
derision of the King and his Council, as followeth: 
, The catte, the ratte, and Lovell our dogge, 
Rulyth all Englande under a hogge.' 
By which was meant that Catisby, Ratc1yffe, and the Lord Lovell, ruled the land 
under the King, who bore the white boar for his conysance." For the which he "as 
put to a most cruel death at Tower Hill. 



the other cheeke and eares, and 
fter that to rClnaine 111 pri
on till A.D. 1544-5. 
they had payd theyI' fynes, and. allso satisfyinge all such persons as 
they had done hurt unto; and there ,vas one Gyles Crowe, gent., 
which ,vas not set on the pillorye, ,vhich had lyke judglnent, and 
'vas set to fyne to the ICinge 200l., ,vith recoIn pence ansa to the 
This yeare, after 12 tyde,a the l{inge demaunded of his.subjectcs, [A.D. 1545.] 
both spirituall and tClnporall both in the court and allso throuahe 
, t:) gIven to the 
the whole reahne of England, a benevolence b towardes his graat IGnge. 
charges of the warres which he had \vith l?raunce and Scotland, 
which \vas graunted him volente, n01ente, aÍter the rate of 28. in 
the pounde, after the rate as men payd to the l(inges sub
l\Iy Lord Chauncellour, Duke of Suffolke, ,vith other of the ICinges 
Counsaill, sat at Bayna1'des Castle for the citie of London, callinge 
all the citizens of the Salne before thC1n, beginninge first with the 
mayor and aldernlen; and because 1\11'. Richard Rede, aldennan, :Mr. Rede se llt 
] d I 1 . 1 d d [ ] to the warres 
wou not agree to pay as t ley set llln, le was commaun e on C in Scotlande. 
paine of death to make hiln readye to serve the l(inge in his warres 
in Scotland,d and departed froln London the 23 of January, 1544-5. 
AUso Sir 'Villiaul Roche, knight and aldennan, for wordes of ::\Ir. Riche, 
displeasure e taken by the I(inges Counsaill, ,vas sent to the Fleet :


the 26 of January from Baynardcs Castle, the Inayor of London }'leete. 
,vith l110st parte of the aldernlen and 12 COlnmoners of divers craftes 
beinge there present with theln afore the còunsaill, ,vhere he 1'e- 
Inayned prisoner till Passion Sonday after. f 
The 8th day of February 
Ir. \Villialn Laxton, Inayo1', ,vas 

a Twelfth-tide, the twelfth day after Christmas, or Epiphany. 
b The English people, who had made a spirited resistance to this illegal mode of 
raising money in the time of Cardinal Wolsey, were now fain to submit and pay. 
C Omitted in Nrs. 
d Alderman Reed was taken prisoner by the Scots in the very first eng
and was made to pay a heavy ransom. 
(J Alderman Roach, for protesting against the illegality of the benevolence, was 
accused of using uncivil and seditious words to the Conunissioners 
f When he purchased his liberty from the King. 



A.D. 1545. presented to the ICinges l\lajestie at Westminster, and the I\.:ingcs 
l\Iajestie gave him and the aldermen great thankes for the bene- 
volence to him by them given, and further desyred them to give 
thankes to God for the victorye that his !Vlajestie had of his enemies 
Victorie afore the Frenchmen lyinge at campe before Bulleine,a which was done 
Bulleine of the Th d h h d 1 f H r. d 
Frenchemens on urs ay, t e 5t aye of February, by t le Earle 0 artlor 
campe. and IllY Lord Adrnirall, ,vhich had but 5,000 men against 14,000 
Frenchmen, wherof a great nOlnber were slayne and taken, and the 
rest put to flyght, and all theyre tentes, treasure, ordinance, and 
vittles taken, and l\lonsier Ie Bees,b their captaine, sore hurt, and 
hardly escaped; and after this, spoken by the I\.:inges ßlajesties 
owne mouth, he made the Inayor a knight. 
A false miracle This 8th dayallso, stoode at Pawles Crosse a preist, with a broad 
e t d by a stole of linen clúath, couloured with drops like bloud, about his 
prCJs e. 
necke, which ,vas given him in pennance, by my Lord Chauncellour 
in the Starre Cham her, for fayninge and counterfeyting a miracle 
that he woulde had [been] done whilest he ,vas at masse, and 
pricked his finger, that the bloude dropped on the corporasse C 
and aultcr, so that he woulde have lllade 11len beleve that the hoste 
of the body of Christ, by him consecrated, had bledde, and allso he 
quaveringe and shakinge at the tyme of consecration; all ,vhich he 
openly declared at Pawles Crosse. 
The 10th daye of February, the Comlllons \vere assernbled at 
the Guyld Hall for choosinge a newe Burges of the Parliament in 
the stead of Sir \Villiam Rooche, ,vhere was a writt read, that Sir 
"Tilliam Roche should be put out for certeine causes by hinl done 
touchinge the I\.:inge and his Crowne, he then beinge in prison in 
the Fleete for the same; and that day was chosen for hilll Sir 
,,\TilliaIn Forman, knight and alderman, for the next Parlialnent. 
a The six-and-twentieth of January there camped on the west side of Boulogne, 
beyond the haven, an anny of French to the number of 14,000, where they lay ten 
days; and the sixth of February were put to flight by the Earl of Hertford and Sir 
John Dudley, Lord Admiral, then being deputy of Boulogne.-Stow. 
b Oudart du Biéz, :àiarshal of }""rance, and late Governor of Boulogne. 
C Corporas was the old name of the corporale or communion-cloth. 



The 13th daye of February there stade on the pillory in Cheape A.D. 1545. 
a preist for false accusinae a of certaine g ent. of the 'Vest P arte of A p]
ist set 011 
t") .. . the pIllory and 
England, and was burned on Ius rIght cheeke wIth n letter F, and hurned in both 
on the left chceke with a letter A, and had written over his head cheekcs. 
" for false accusation," which judgment was given hiln by my Lord 
Chauncellour and the ICinges Counsaill in the Starre Charnber. 
Allso this }I10neth ,vas one set on the pillorye in Cheape for 
bringinge a Inayde to an Estcrlinges b chalnber, which the sayd person 
had intysed [roln her mistres and conveyed her a\vay on Candlemas 
Day in mas
e tyme, ,vhich judglncnt was given hiln by the mayor 
and aldcnnen. 
This yeare, in the b<.'gillningc of l\Iarch, was a rode made by 
Englislunen into Seotland to,vard the to,vne of Gedyworth,C where 
the Englislnllen at the first gatt great prayes; but they were so 
greedy and ,vent so farre that a great army of Scots besett them 
rounde about in 3 battles,ù so that the most part of tho Englislunen 
were slayne and taken,e al110ngst whonl Sir Raufe Evers, Lord 
Evers, Lord of the l\Jarches, ,vas slaino, and 1\11'. Rede, Aldol'll1an of :Mr. TIede, 
London, t3ken prisoner by thB Scots; but a great nomber of Scots alderm:u?, 
taken pn -:oner 
,vere slayne. by the Scots. 
This yeare, the 18th day of l\Iarch, one IIugh "reaver, a fi
h- A fishmonger 
monger and servauntc by covenaunt with l
aufe Surbot, fislll11ongcr, whipped. 
was whipped at a cartes arse about London, ,vith 
 paper set on his 
head, for lnisusinge the rnayor at the stockes and strykinge his 

n In this same rear Stow was in great danger by reason of a false accusation 
given in against him by a priC'st; but the priest's }Jerjury, either against him 01 
some other, :It length was discovered, and met with its due desert; the pricst 
being adjudged in the Star Chamber to stand upon the piUory, and have his check 
marked with F. ....\.. for fuIse accusing.-Life of Stow, by John Str} pe, prefixed to his 
S urveJ of London, cd. 1754. 
b The Easterlings were a company of merchants traùing to :North Germany mHI 
the TI.tltic. 
c The ancient parishes of Jcdworth and Old Jedworth now form part of Jedburgh. 
d Battalions. 
e At the battle of Ancrum :1\[001' on the Tcyiot. 

CA3ID. :soC. 


A.n. 1545. 

[Anno Reg. 37.] 
Lord Chauncellour
sonne christened. 

Trinitie tcm'me 

The Kinges letters 
patents sent for 
.T nrvis, Alderman. 



officer in the open lnarket when he was for his misbehaviour C0111- 
lnaundpd to ,varde; and allso had after that longe prisonment in the 
counter for the same. 
This year, on St. Georges day,a 1545, Sir TholTIas V\Triothesley, 
Lord ChauncellouT of England, \VfiS lnade ICnight of the Garter 
at St. Jalnes by 'VestlTIinster, and the 1I10rrO\Ve, beinge St. l\1arkes 
Even,b he had a sonne christned at St. Andrewes in Holborne 
with great soleI11pnity, the ICinges l\1ajestie godfather; the ErIe 
of Essex, deputye for the l{inge; the Duke of Suffolke the other 
godfather; my Lady l\Iary c godmother at the christninge; and 
the Earle of Arundell godfather at the bishopinge; d the nalne 
This yeare, in l\laye, Trynity teanne ,vas adjourned because of 
the warres; but the Exchequer and the Courte of the Tenths e were 
kept open all the sayd tearme. 
This yeare in Whitson,vceke the city of London set forth an 100 
men to the seas by the ICinges COllllTIaundClnent toward his ,van'es, 
,vhich ,vas delivered at Deptford Strond by Grenewich. 
The 30 of l\laye, beinge Trinitye Sonday even, Sir Thon1as 
Parson, one of the ICinges Privie Chalnber, brought to the l\1ayor 
of London the }{.Ïnges ß1ajesties lettres pattents for the discharginge 
1\11'. Richard Jarvis, mercer, for his alderITIanship and all other 
offices of the citie; whereupon connsaill had by the lllayor and 
aldennen they went on Corpus Christi Daye f to the JCinge to 
Grene,vich, and there spake to his 1\laje
tie and his counsaill for the 
saine lnatter. And after that howe the sayd Uichard Jarvis ,vas 
instructed by the ICinges counsayll or other his freinds, he C
againe to the Court of Aldermen the 3 of June, and so continued 
alderman still; the citizens 111ervaylinge greatly that such a man 3.S 
he was of landes and goo des would procure such a thinge to the 
yll president of other. 

Il April 23rd. 
c Thc Princess 
u y. 
c Court of A ngmentation. 

b April 2.1th. 
d Confirmation. 
f Thursday aftcr Trinity Sunday. 



The 8 day of June my Lord l\Iayor chose at the Grocers Hall A.D. 154:;. 
1\lr. Barnes , aJderman, sheriffe for the next Y eare. A h sheri t fe th 
c ose a e 
The 12 day of June my Lord Chauncellor, the Earle of Essex, Grocers feast. 
the Lord Great Chamberlaine, the Bishop of 'Vinchester, with other, The last 
. 'I' f I I T. payment of 
sat In the Guyld HallIn London for the last payment 0 tIe \.lnges the subsidie. 
subsidye, ,vherc they charged the alderman of every ,varde \vith 2 
other ,vith them to call afore thelll all such persons within thcir sayd 
,vardes from 40l. up\vard as by their bookes of the last seassinge 
appeared, declaringe to thC1ll the I(inges affayres nowe r.oncerninge 
his ,van'es by the seas and allso by land with Scotland and Fraunce, 
and that this last payuIcnt should be payd out of hand, and they 
that ,vould not paye to make a note on theyr heades and to certifie 
the same afore them againe the 10th day after, and allso that the 
Hlony sbould be gathered and payd into the ICinges Exchequer by 
the last day of this 1110neth, and to ehose 2 of theln that satt \vith 
the aldennen in every ,yarde to be collectors, and Yll1llledyately to 
gather the lllony out of hand. 
The 13th daye of June were araigned in the Guyld Hall in Cert
L d R L . . 1 B arrmgned on 
on on one obert UkUIC, servaunt to SIr Ulnp Irey rowne, onc the sixe 
of the Jüstices of the ICinges Bcnche, Anne Askewe,a gentlewolllan, articles. 
other[ wise] called Anne ICeYlne, wyfe to one 1\lr. ICeynle, gent. of 
Lincolneshire, and Joan Sawtery, wyfe to one John Sawtery of 
London, which sa yd persons ,vere endyted for sacrfunentaries by the 
Acte of the 6 Articles for certeine wordes by thC1ll spoken against the 
sacran1ent ; L but after theyr examination no \vitnes appeared for the 
\VOlnen but one against Lukine, which was 1\11'. Bro\vnes servaunt, 
,vhich \vas supposed accused him rather of malice then other\vise ; 
\vhereupon 12 honest and substantiall Inen of the citye of London 
,vere charged, ,vhich founde all the sayd persons not guiltye of th
ß Anne Askew was the second daughter of Sir 'VilIiam Askew, of Kelsey, in 
l..illcolnshire; she was married at an early age, as is said, against her will, to 
Kyme, a rich neighhour, who had originally courted her elder siE,ter. 
I.J I3cing in London, Anne Askew not only spoke boldly against trallsubstantiation 
nna other Popi:-;h dogma
, hut attempted to couvert several of the laùies about the 
Court, gi ving them hooks awl traets. 

A.D. 1545. 

Provision for 
w heate. 

N oe watcbe. 

Tern pest of 

An nrmic out 



endytcnlent; ,vherefor they were discharged and quitte paYlnge 
theyr fees. a 
Allso one Thonlas Daye, pewterer, ,vhic:h 3 yeares past had been 
condelnpned for auricular confe
sion, and had ever since rernayned 
in prison in Kewegate for the SaIne, was this daye discharged by the 
ingcs generall pardon graunted by Actc of Parliament since the 
tiIHe of his condelnpnation. 
AIlso this 1110neth the l
inges 1\Iajestie sett forth newe prymers 
in Englishe and all in Latine, which should be used thorough his 
rcahnes and none other, as appeareth by his Injunctions set forth 
\vithin the sayd prymcrs. 
This yeare ,vas great dearth of corne and vi tualles, wherefore 
provision ,vas Inade out of Danske and Brenlberland,b \vhich sayd 
corne c
une to London this rnoneth to the nombre of 4,000 quarters, 
,vherefore certeine SOlnes of l1lony ,vas leavyed of the COlnpanies of 
the citye of LonJon, ,vhich the ChauJ berlaine of London was bound 
to rep
ye againe at All H al10wtyde next cOll1minge. 
1"his yefire, by reason the J{inge had tllre great armies, on the sea 
one, another in Scotland, ánd the 3 d at Boloyne, there was no ,vatch 
kept at 1\1idson11ner in London but with c,onstaLles in theyr \vardes. 
AIlso, about the 2:> day of J nne, ,vas great telnpest of winde in 
Derbieshire, ,vhere trees ,vere pulled up, the rootes upwarde, and 
certeine chappelles and churches the heades C pulled up and broke, 
and anso nlany how
es in divers places, and allso in Cheshire and 
Lancashire; also there fell hay lstones as higge as a lnan's fyste, and 
had printcs on them lyke and 80n1e lyke gunne holes. 
Abou t the 5th day of J ulye the French J{inge sent a great arnlY 
toward Bullcine, which cmnped thereby, and our Incn skinnished 
dayly with them; but the 15th day of July, at a skirtllishe, there 
,vas slayne above 400 Frenchmen and not one Englislunan. 
This 1noneth the FrencluYlen beganne to buyld over against Base 

a Tbis acquittal of .Anne Askew is not mcntioneù by Fox. 
h I,all<1 about I3rc11lCIl. 
C Prolmb]y a lUi
takc for" roof::;." 



Bulleine a blockhouse Jykc "The olde lTIann," a with certeine bull- A.D. 1545. 
warkes, and trenched yt about; which shott into Bulleyne, Base 
BoUeine, and" The olde luan," but they did little hurte. 
This moneth of Julye in the Citie of Paris, in Fraunce, was such A tempest in 
a great telllpest of thundringe and lightninge that 4 of the cheife Paris. 
churches in Paris ,vere set on fyre, and allso the great tower whcre 
the French l{inges ordinaunce laye was broken downe; so that the 
tClnpest ,vas so vehement and terrible that they there thought the 
day of dOlne had bene come; anso at Ke,vehaven, in Brytaine,b at 
the settinge forth of the Frenche ICinges llavie, his great caryke, 
called Rumpye La Conte,C by misfortune of fyre ,vas burnte; 
many lordes, ladyes, and gentlemen beinge in hir, with great 
ordinance and substance and a n1Ïllion of goulde in hir, which ,vas 
to have payd his men of warre their 'wages, was burnt and lost, and 
noe creature saved. 
The 18th day of J ulye, at 9 of the clocke at night, beganne a The Frenche 
thunder and lightninge with sOlnetilne rayne, which continued all navie. 
night till the next daye at 8 of the clocke in the morninge, and the 
saIne day at afternoone all the Frenche ICinges navie CaIne out of 
Newehaven and Deepe and aryved on the coast of England in 
Sussex, afore Brighthelllstl'd,d which ,vere in nOlnber above 300 
shippcs, besydes 24 galleyes that they had; and there they sett 
certeine of theyr souldiers a land to burne; but the beacons were 
fyred, and the Inen of the country came downe so thicke that the 
French men fled and did !itle hurte. 
The 19 day of J ulye, by misfortune of shootinge a gonne in one of 
fen hurnte in 
the Hedgho g es e afore 'V cstminster, a firken of gonnepo,vder f y red h the 

,vhich sle,ve 3 persons out of hande, 4 other sore burnt which shortly 
after dyed, and another leapt into the Thanles and was drowned. 
a The Old l\fan was a tower standing without the town, which served as a land. 
mark to (lireet vessels entering the haven of Boulogne. 
h Havre-de-Grace in Normandy. 
c Du Bellay (l\Iémoires, ed. Petitot, vol. iii. p. 5G3) calls it "Ie Carraquon," but 
 appears to mean only" the great carrack." 
" Brighton. e 'fo which ::;tow adds the cÀplanatioll, " a ship. " 



A.D. 1545. rrhe 20th daye of July the l\Iary Rose, one of the I\:inges great 
R The J\ ù lary Ù shippes, by great misfortune by leavin g e the porte holdes open, as 
ose rOWlle. 
she turned sanke,a and all the lnen that were in her, savinge a 40. 
""ere drowned, which were above 500 persons; Sir George Carowe,b 
knight, captaine, which was drowned; this ,vas done before Portes- 
mouth haven. C 
J!-'renche men The 21 day of July the Frenche galleys and navie came before 
lall(lccl a
 the PorteslTIouth haven and landed certeine of thevr ann y e in the Ylc 
Yle of W vght. ' .- 
"' of 'V yght, and there burned and camped there about to the nomber 
of 2,000 Inen, and caBle every tyde with theyI' gallics and shott 
theyI' ordinaunce at the l{inges ships in the haven; d but the winde 
was so (
alnle that the Kinges shippes could bear noe sayle, which 
was a great discomfort for them. 
Au army out The 24 day of Julye the Citye of London sent 1,500 men toward 



 Portsmouth, which mustred in St. Georges Feelde, the Under 
Chalnberlaine and the Sword-bearer havinge the conduction of 
then) all; with allso to assist thelll an honest citizen was appointed 
for every warde ti.ll they can1e to PorteslTIouth; but when they 
were COllle to Farnaln they were returned hOlne againe by the 
J{inges commaundement, for the Frenchmen ,vere gone out of the 
TIe of vVyght,e and divers of them slaine and drowned. f 

a The French said that they had sunk her by their fire, the English that she had 
gone down through great negligence, Leing overladen with ordnance, and having 
her p,)rts very low. .. 
b Sir George Carew was a naval captain, councillor of Calais, and lieutcnant of 
c .A flect of sixty ships of war was collected at Portsmouth under the flag of 
Dudley Lord Lisle, High Admiral. 
d Lisle, after a distant cannonading, retired into Portsmouth Harbour, where the 
King then WfiS. 
c After holding a council of war the French admiral, Annebaut, determined to 
defer the conquest of the Isle of 'Vight, as originally intended, and sailed away 
towards Dover, landing occasionally to Lurn and destroy. 
f In several instances, as at Newhavell, the Frenchmen got worse than they gave, 
being soon driven away, with the loss of thcir (.aptaill and many soldi<,rs, l,y the 



For the settinge forth of the sayd souldiers there was levyed of A.D. 1545. 
the citizens in ever y warde certeine sommes of mon y after the rate Souldiers 
of a 15th, which the alderman of every ward payd out of hand, and .. 
after gathered again
 of theyI' wardes, and every souldier had payd 
hiin at his setting forth in many 38., and a
 Farnain returninge to 
London againe 28. more to bringe them home. 
This moneth of July ,vere divers billes cast in the streates in Billes in the 
L d Ù . d I f 1 d 1 . . h f streates 
on on uecte to t le lna yor 0 t le saIne, ec annge In t eln 0 . 
eerteine preistes and straungers that \vould fyre the citye in divers 
places, which billes the mayor shewed to the IG.nges Counsaill. 
The last daye of J ulye, by the advice of the I\"inges Counsaill, For watche 
1 1\1 f L d ld L' k . andstraungers. 
t le ayor 0 'on on sent preceptes to every a ennan lor eeplnge 
a substantiall watche in every warde with honest househoulders, 
and that in every warde every night one of the substantiall lTIen of 
the saIne warde should watche with the constable, beginninge at 

J of the clocke at night and continue till 4 of the clock in the 
Inorninge; allso to search all straungers houses, as ,veIl deni
as not denisons, and to take froin them all sllch harneis and other 
In unitions of wan.e as they had in theyr houses, and to keepe then1 
till such tyme as they had commaundement to deliver them againe; 
allso that noe straunger should goe out of his house after 8 of the 
clocke at night till 6 in the lnorninge, nor that they should not 
cOlnpany togither in the daye tilne in drinkinge at any alehouse or 
taverne; and all so to take the naInes of all straungers in every warde, 
and such as resorted to then1, and to eertifye their naInes and such 
armour as they had to the lTIa.yor 'with all hast possible, and, for 
to see this watch \vell ordereù and kepte, two aldennen or theyr 
deputies should ryde about the citie every night tilll\Iichaellmas, 
the mayor beginninge hiinselfe, which beganne this saIne night. 
The 4th day of August the citie of London sent a 1,000 soulJiers, 
of gonners, bo,vemen, morris pykes, and billes, which mustered in 
Finsbery feilJ., and there had every Inan a ne,ve ,vhite coate, and 
so ,vent from thcnse to Tower wharfe, where they toke barges to 
Gravesende, anù to goe from thence to Dover. The Sworde-bearer 

A.D. 1545. 

Lord Poyn- 
inges death. 

Duke of Suf- 
folk{'s lleathe. 

k('pinge the 


bunlt by 
the I



and \Villial11 \Vever to have the conducting of them thither, and 
everie man had paid him for his conduct money to Dover tow 
shillinges six pence in money, and \vhen they came there to enter 
into the l{inges wages, which money ,vas delivered to the Chamber- 
laine of London by the l{inges Treasorer, and also 48. for everie 
This month of August a died at Bolleyne the valiant Captaine 
Sir Thomas Poyninges, Lord Poyninges and Captaine of Bolleyne, 
which had donne lnany great feates of anneS against the Frenclllnen, 
for \vhose death great lnone was lnade. 
This rnoneth also died at Gilford the excelent Prince Charles 
Brandon,b Duke of Suffolke and Lord Great 
laster of the ICinges 
Househould, whose death all true Englishmen Inaie greatlie lament, 
which had been so valiant a captaine in the l\:inges warres, booth 
in Scotland, Fraunce, and Irelande, to the great dammage and 
losse of the I\."inges enelnies, whose bodie was honorably buried at 
\Vindsor at the I{inges costes. 
This yeare, fro In the eightenth daie of Julie till the 23 th daie of 
August, the French l{inges navie and galleies rowed upp and downe 
the Narro,v Seas, so that no passage [boat] can1e from Bulleyne and 
Callis but by stelth in the night,C for the weether was so calme that 
their was no '''ynde blowing; but at their retorning home the ICinges 
navie mett with them, and had great shott of gonnes one against 
another, with little hurte on either part. 
The nynetenth daie of September Sir John Dudley. knight, 
ord Lislee, Lord Adlnirall of Englande, landed ,vith six thousand 
nlen at Trayport, in Bryttaine,d and their brent the to,vne and 

a On the 18th August, 1545. 
b The Duke of Suffolk, who was brother in-la-\v of Hcnry VIII., having married 
1Iary, the King's sister, anù dowager of I..ouis XU., died on the 22nd .August, 1545. 
C It was the oLject of the French admiral, having temporarily ohtained the 
command of the Challncl, to prevent the Engli
h from victualling TIoulogne, or from 
sending reinforcements of ships from the Thames to Portsmouth. 
d Tréport in N ormancly. 



abbey with certaine howses about it, and thirtie shippes, and a barke A.D. 1545 
that laic in the haven, \vith losse of 14 Englishmen, and so retorned 
into England againe to the great discompfort of the Frenchlnen. 
The 12th daie of September, about fower of the clocke in the St. Giles 
. I h '" . d churche burnt. 
morninge, tIe c urch of St. GIles wIthout Cnplegate was esple on 
fire, which church, ,vith the steple and bells, was cleene burned 
before seaven of the clocke in the same nlorning, the stone walles 
onelie saved, which could not burne; by what meanes no man could 
The 24th daie of Septelnber there ,vas a solemnpe generall pro- A solem 11 Pne 
. k . . . genera 
ceSSIon ept at Po,vles wIth a sermon, the blshoppe of London In procession. 
his pontificalibus singing Te Deum, and after the procession, with 
all the priestes and clarkes going in rytch copes, and 70 cro
ses of 
silver gilt of the parishes of the cittie borne before theIn, which pro. 
cession ,vas geaven to give laude and prayse to God for the victorie 
that God had sent the I\:inges l\Iajestie in Seotland, and that the 
French armie was departed from Bolleyne. 
This yeare Sir John Allein, knight, died, which had bene tow A coller of 
. f h .. f L 1 d h .. h goldc gea ven 
tymes major a 0 t e clttle 0 onc on, an gave to t e cIttIe, to t e to the cittie. 
use of the major for eaveI', a rytch coller of gold to be [ worn] yearelie 
at his anyversarie, ,vhich collar Sir 'Villiam Laxston, major, ware 
first on Sainct Edwardes daie to the election of the ne"v Inajor. 
The eightenth of October, being Sainct Lukes daie and Soun- Procession in 
d . P I . I .. E 1 . h b I I T' Englishe. 
ale, au es qUIre song tIe procesSIon In ng IS y t lel..lnges 
injunction, ,vhich shall be song in everie parish church throughout 
Englande everie Soundaie and festivall daie, and non other. 

This yeare Sir John Bald win, knight, Cheiffe Justice of the 
C01nmon Place, died in Octobre last; and the tenth of November 
Sir Edward l\lontague, Cheiffe Justice of the l{inges Bench, 
,vas removed from that court and sworne Cheiffe Justice of the 
CoronIon Place; and Sir Richard Listre, Lord Cheiffe Baron of 
a In the years 1525 and 1535. 




A.D. 1545-6. the Exchequer, was l'nade serjeant at the lawe by writt, and 
pleaded in \Vestlninster Hall in all the courtes with the serjeantes 
that daie, they being all in their robes of scarlett; and the tenth 
daie he was sworne Cheiffe Justice of the I\:inges Bench; and the 
11 th daie Sir Roger Cholmeley, knight, and Recorder of London, 
was sworne Lord Cheiffe Baron of the Exchequer. 
A new The twelfe daie of 1\ovember 1\11'. Robert Brooke, late commen 
Uecorder in 
London. sergeante of the cittie of London, was sworne Recorder, and 1\11'. 
Thomas Atkins, gentleman, was s"vorne COllllnen sergeant. 
The sevententh daie of Novembre Sir Richard Gressaln, knight, 
Ir. Robert Brooke, were chosen knightes of the shire for the 
PerlialTIent for the cittie of London. 
The Perlialnent beganne at vVestlninster the 23 th daie of 
Novelnber. a 
At this Perliament waf:! granted to the I\:inges 
lajestie a 
subseidie of the spiritual tie of six shillinges the pounde, to be paid 
in to,v yeares, and another subsedie of the teinperaltie, as faces b in 
the booke of statu tes. 
This yeare, at a eOlnmen councell holden at the Guildhal1, was 
granted tow fiftenthes of the citizens to bring the water froin 
Hackney and Finesburie Fieldes into the cittie, which my lord 
Inajor lnade great haste to sett it forward. 
[A.D. 1546.] The 13th daie of Februarie was arraigned at the Guildhall, in the 
A W d oman d f afternoune, one Johan Edling, wiflè of John Edling, purveyor for 
con empne 0 
treasou. the I\:inges oxen, d"velling in Smithfield, for clypping of goulde, 
and their had judgment to be dra,ven and brente; and the t'wentie- 
sixth daie of Februarie she was ledd from the Towre of London to 
Smythfield, and their bound to the stake to be brent. But then 

A perliament. 

A subsidie. 

For the 

a The 2:1th of November began a Parliament wherein was granted to the King a 
subsidy of 28. 8d. in the pound of goods and 48. of land. Also all colleges, 
chantries, and hospitals, were committed to the King's order to alter and transpose, 
whic.h he promised to do to the glory of God and the common profit of the realm.-- 
b appears. 



came one of Iny Lord Chauncelors gentlemen riding post) and A.D. 1546. 
brought her pardon, and so she 'was saved. 
This yeare, in ApTill, three alJermen, that is to say, 1\11'. John [Anno Reg. 38.] 
Sadler, draper, 1\11'. Tholnas Lewyn, ironlnonaer, and 1\11'. Richard Aldermen gave upp 
. 0 ther cloakes. 
Reede, salter, gave upp theIr clokes a by the assent of my lord 
Inajor and his brethren, ,vhich were discharged frelie without 
paying any fine to the cittie. 
The yeare, at Enster, the ste,ves b was putt downe by the l{inges The stewes putt 
1 . d 1 . h d 1 ld downe. 
proc amatIon lna e t lere wlt a trumpett an an laro at arnles, as 
apearcth by the same proclaInation. 
This yeare, in l\Iaie, the I(inges shipps toke one of the French 
galleis ,vith great riches in her. 
This yeare all manner of victualls was deere and at high prices, Provision for corne. 
and wheate ,vas solde at 2is. and 28s. the quarter, wherfore my 
Lord l\lajor,C fearing great penurie, Inade provision of corne froln 
beyond seas
 which corne came to London in June. And also the 
I(inge charged the cittie to take twentie thousand quarters of 
wheate and rye, which he had provided for his ,varres beyonde the 
seas; wherfore lny lord major was faine to levie great SOlnlnes of 
money of the company of the said cittie for the paYlnent of the sanIe: 
and also to restraine meale and corne froln the said cittie tiìl they 
had uttred it, and sett all the lnills, 7 en miles compasse about 
London, to grinde the same. 
This yeare, the 13th daie of fT une, being "T"hitsoundaie, was a A peace with France 
solempne peace proclaymed within the cittie of London, d with proclaymed. 
other ceremonies as hereafter followeth; first, my lord major with 
his brethren the aldermen asseln bled in the cathedrall church of 
Paulés, with all the citizens in their best Iyveries; and, the high 
masse being ended, there was a sermon Inade in the upper quire, 

II. Or gowns. 
/:) The stewes on the Lanke side of the Thames, in Southwark.-Stow. 
c Sir l\Iartin Bowes. 
d Ry this treaty Henry agreed to restore to the French King the town of Boulogne 
npon payment of 800,000 crowns within the next eight years. 

A.D. 1546. 

The order of 
the proclama- 



afore the highe aulter, exhorting the people to give laud and prayse 
to Almightie God for the contynuance of the same peace. The 
sermon ended, Te Deum was songen within the quire, the bishopp 
in his pontificalibus, with my lord major sitting in the deanes 
stall, and the bishopp next hilu. Then a solelnpne procession, with 
all their crosses and banners, of all the parish churches in London; 
the children of Paules schoule going fornlost with to\V crosses 
afore them, then all the other crosses following theim. Then the 
clarkes of the parishes in rytch robes, all the priestes and curattes 
following them in rych copes also. Then the quire with their 
crosses and copes. Then the quire of Paules ,vith their crosses and 
copes, the bishopp of London a bearing the sacrament of the alter 
under a rych canopie, bareheaded, his crosse and miter borne afore 
hilu, with fower great branches of waxe and tow torches, going 
about the sacrament,b Iny lord luajor and his brethren the alder- 
men, ,vith their craftes of the cittie, followinge. The procession 
waie C out at the north dore of Paules into Cheepe, by Sainct 
l\1ichaells at the Querne,d on the north side of Cheepe, and so by 
Stolkes e and Cornehill, on the salue side of London, to Leadenhall 
corner, and so homewarde, on the south side, throughe Cheepe, and 
then through Paules churchyarde, and comming in againe at the 
west dore of Paules church. 
First assembled at Saint 1\Iagnus in Fish Streate the haroldes and 
sherives of London, where was made the first proclamation/ then 
fower trumpettes riding in trump cowpIes, to,v haroldes next in 
a Edmond Bonner. 
b This was the last show of the rich crosses and copes in London, for shortly after 
they, with other the church plate, were called into the King's treasury anù wardrobe. 
e Probably a clerical error for" went." 
d The church of St. l\Iichael's Ie Querne, in Cheapsiùe, where the corn-market 
was held, hence the church was called St. 1\1ichael's ad bladum, or at the corn, 
" querne " signifying both " corn" and" mill." 
e The Stokes or Stocks market was situated at the junction of Lombard Street and 
CornhiIl, on the site of the present l\1:ansion House. 
r Of the peace concluded with France. 



their cote armors, the of the cittie riding bet,vene A.D. 1546. 
them with his masse. Then Wyndsor, an harold, in his cote armor 
following alone. Then Norrey and Clarentius a Kinges-at-Armes, 
in their rych cotes of armes foHowing; then the tow shrives in their 
scarlett gownes with white roddes in their handes follo,ving; and 
so rode in order to Leadenhall corner, where was made the second 
lamation; and so from thence through Cornehill into Cheep beyond 
the Crosse, whel'e was made the third proclamation before my lord 
major and his brethren; the procession 
tanding still till the procla.. 
mation was made their. Then throughe Poules churchyeard, and 
out of Ludgate to the conduite in Fleete Streete, and their proclaYllled 
last; Norrey l{inge-at-Armes reding the proclaillation, and Rach b 
Dragon the harold proclayming, a trumpett. blowing first three 
tymes, and after proclamation all the trumpettes blowing in everie 
place, and so made an ende. 
This night also was great fiars made in London in everie streete, 
with banquetinge, and a great fiar made afore IllY lorde mayors C gate, 
,vhere he had sett a hogshed of ,vyne and another of spruce beare 
with spice breade, with great pottes, one bottle of silver, and all 
gil t of great wight, for all comlners by to drinke as long as it 
The fowertenth daie of June, being 'Vhitsonn l\loundaie, dynned A sherife 
at my lord majors the capteyne d of the fortresse by Bulleyne, with f

other captaines of the French l{inges, w her they had a great and 
sumptuous dynner, my Lord Cheiffe Baron and divers aldennen and 
their wives, after the ould custolne of this cittie at such highe feastes, 
being their at dynner also; and, to shewe the said captaine some 
awthoritie of the major of London, n1Y lord major did electe and 
chose that daie when he was at waffers and ipocras 
lr. Richard 

a Or Clarencieux, so named from this herald being attached to the Duke of 
Clarence in the reign of Edward IV. 
b Rouge Dragon. 
e Sir 
Iartin Bowes. 
d Oudart de Biez, l\Ial'shal of France, and late Governor of Boulogne. 



A.D. 154(>' Jervis, lnercer and alderman, for one of the sherives of London for 
the next yeare followinge, taking a cuppe of ipocras in his hande, 
and bringinge a his good lucke for one of the sherives which was 
[at] b the borde present and his wyffe also; which thing donne, the 
said captaine said he ,'Voold not for five hundred crownes but he 
had seene the said order, thankinge hartelie my lord major for his 
great cheere and pleasure he had shewed him. 
A prettie order This yeare the watch was laid do\vne by a court of aldermen for 
on IVIidsommer b I d . d 1\ l ' d E d " S . 
Eayen at eaveI', ut Iny or maJor 1'0 e on JJ 1 sOlnmer ven" an C aInct 
night. Peeters, having an hundred conståbles going before him well 
apparayled, with their hensemen and cressett ljghtes, all my lord 
majors officers and servantes in cassackes and jerkins of yello,v 
satten of Bruges, the three squires in yell owe damaske, the swerde 
bearer riding in a cassocke of yellow velvett with a great chaine, 
and Iny lordes footelnen in doblettes and sloppes of yellowe veIl vett, 
with his armes elTI brodered on their breastes and backes, the to\V 
sherives and their officers follow"inge lIlY lord major, and after theln 
fortie constables more with their cressitt lightes, which was a proper 
sight, and all at the Inajors owne charges, saving the constables 
A contri
ution This yeare the I\:inges l\lajestie, by reason of the great charges 
to the Kmge. of his warres that he had \vith France and Scotlande, \vith his new 
buildinges at Bulleyne and other fortresses, he delnanded and 
gathered a contribution of his subjects through all his reahne of 
Englande, that is to saie, of everie parson being in goo des of the 
value of 15l. and upward, 2d. of the pounde, and of landes from fortie 
shillinges upward, 4d. of the pound, to be paid at the end of everie 
moneth during five Inonthes, the first payment to begine and be 
paid by the last daie of June next, and so fourth everie Inonth tin 
the first daie of N ovem bel' next comlninge. 
The twentie-seaventh daie of June Dr. Crome preached at Paules 

a Probably a clerical error for" drinking." 
b Omitted in MS. 
C Probably a clerical error for " to." 



Crosse, and their recanted upon certaine articles that he had sett to A.D. 1546. 
his hand the 20th of Aprilliast past, and should have recanted at a 
sermon that he made at Paules Crosse the nynth daie of l\Iaie, 
which was the Soundaie next after Lowe Soundaie, and did not; 
wherupon he "vas examyned before the J{inges Counsell, and 
remayned ever synce in warde with one of the I{inges Councell till 
this daie that he recanted and confessed that he had sett his hand to 
the said articles. At ,vhich sermon was present Lord vV riothesley, 
Lord Chauncelor of Englande, Duke of N orfolke, Lord Great 
l\Iaster of the J\:inges howseholde, with divers other of th
Councell, with the major and aldennen, and a great awdience of 
people, and after his sermon he was discharged. 
'fhis l)octor Crome, after his con1Ïtting, while he was in warde at 
Greenewych, in the court, under my Lord Chauncelor, accused 
divers persons as well of the court as of the cittie, with. other 
persons in the countrey, which putt In any persons to great troble, 
ome suffred death after. 
Also this month, after the peace, the J{inges l\lajestie christened Th
1 D I 1 . h . ld S . TI Cl k . h d L d chn
teneth the 
t le 0 p nns c Ie ; If lomas leney, nlg t, an or e Dolphines 
'Varden of the Five Portes, being the JCinges debitey at the christ- chielde. 
ning, which rode into France with a goodlie company, and was 
there highlie receaved of the French J{inge. 
The eightenth daie of June, 1546, were arraigned at the Guilde Certaine 
Hall, for heresee, Doctor Nicholas Shaxston, sometyrne bishop of 

ed for 
Salisburie; Nicholas 'Vhite, of London, gentleman; Anne JCeme, heresie. 
alias Anne Askewe, gentlewoman, and wiffe of Thomas JCemc, 
gentleman, of Lyncolneshire; and John Hadlam,a of Essex, taylor; 
and were this daie first indited of heresie and after arraygned on the 
same, and their confessed their heresies against the sacrament of the 
alter without any triall of a jurie, and so had judgment to be brent. b 
Theisc persons being justices, Sir l\lartin Bowes, knight, lord major 
a Other authorities call him J 0111 Adlams or Adams. 
b Fur asserting their disbelief of the corporeal presence. 

A.D. 1546. 

for bookes. 



of London, the Duke of Norfolke, the Lord Great l\Iaster,a the 
Bishopp of London, Doctor Heath, Bishopp of \V orcestre, the tow 
Cheiffe Justices of the ICinges Bench and Cornen Plaee, the Lord 
Cheiffe Baron of the Exchequer, the l\laster of the Rolls, the 
Recorder of London, the Bishopp of Londons Archdeacon, Chaun- 
eel or, and Commissarie, and after judgement they were had to the 
prison of Newgate. 
The morrow after, being the nynetenth daie of June, Doctor 
Shaxston b and Nicholas \Vhite, by the good exhortation and doctrine 
of the bishopps of London anù \V orcestre and divers other doctors, 
theise tow persons were converted from their heresie of the sacra- 
ment of the alter unto the true belief of the said sacrament; but 
Anne Askewe, alias ICeme, was had to the Towre of London and 
their sett on the racke,c where she was sore tonnented, but she would 
not converte for all the paine. d 
The seventh daie of Julie was proclamation made in the cittie of 
London with a tromp
tt and an harold-at-armes, ,vith the serjeant- 
at-armes of the cittie and one of the clarkes of the Papers, for 
certaine Englishe bookes which containe pernitious and detestable 
errors and heresies to be brought in by the last daie of August next 
coming, the names be theise: the text of the New Testalnent of 
Tindales or Coverdales translation: the bookes of Frith,e Tindalle/ 

a Of the King's household. 
b He had borne the most wretched captivity and poverty, but he could not face 
the stake. 
C Torture, having been again introduced into English judicature, it was now almost 
invariably applied to extort confession. 
d She was tortured in the presence of the Chancellor W riothesley and of Rich, 
both of whom are said to have applied their own hands to the infernal instrument, 
but without effect. 
e John Frith, burnt in 1534 for his opinions on transubstantiation, and for his 
book against the doctrine of purgatory. 
f 'Villiam Tyndale, who printeù the first English translation of the New Testament 
at Antwerp in 152(;. 



'Vyckliffe, Joy,a ROy,b Basiley,C Barnes,d Coverdale,c Tourner/ and A.D. 15-16. 
Tracye, which bookes after the bringinge unto the major or bishopp 
shal be brent, as further by the said proclamation doeth appeare. 
The twelfe daie of Julie were arraigned at the Guildhall for Certaine 
heresey, John Hemley, priest, de Essex, John Lasell,g gentleman, 

ed for 
one of the sewers of the I\:inges chamber, and Georg BIage, gentle- heresie. 
man, a man of faire landes, \v hich said persons that daie \vere first 
endited of heresie against the sacralnent of the aulter, and Ylnediatlic 
arraygned on the saIne, the priest and Lasceles not denying the 
same their opinions but confessing theln guiltie; and 1\11'. BIage 
abode the triall of twelve lnen, for he was sent for to my Lord 
Chauncelors but the night before, and this daie sent to Newgate 
not halfe an howre or he was brought to the hall, nor knew not 
wherfore he ,vas taken, for he was never examyned before he can1e 
to his arraignemente, where was \vitnes against hiln Sir Hugh 
Calveley, knight, and Edward Littleton, gentleman, who accused 
him for wordes spoken against the sacrament of the alter in Powles 
Church the Soundaie next after Lowe Soundaie, which daie Doctor 
Crolne preached at Poules Crosse, and so was condempned by twelve 
lnen, and all three had judgment to be brent, and after judgment 
geaven they were cOlnlnanded to K e\vgate; and this night Anne 
Askew ,vas brought by water from the Towre to Blackefriars, and 
from thence caried in a chaire to N e,vgate by the sheriffes officers. 
The sixtenth of Julie was brent in Slnythfielde John Lassells, Heretikc
gent., Anne I\:eme, alias Askewe, gentlewolnan, John IIelnley, brent. 

a George J ore. 
b A satirist of 'Volsey. 
C Probably this refers to the" Answer that the Preachers of the Gospel at Basel 
made for the True Administration of the Holy Supper," translated by Geo. 
d Dr. Barnes. 
e l\Hles Covcrdale, who completed the first English version of the Bible. 
r Probably "\Villiam Turner, who wrote "A Preservative or Triacle against the 
poison of Pelagius." There was also Cyril Tourneur, but he was a dramatic ,,,riteI'. 
g John Laseelles. 

CA::\ID. SOC. 




A.D. 1546. priest, and John I-Iadlalll, taylor, which fo\ver persons were before 
condempned by the ICinges la'wes of heresie against the sacrament 
of the alter; and there ,vas present at the execution my lord Inajor, 
Jny Lord Chauncelor of England, the Duke .of K orfolke, with the 
most part of the lordes, noblemen, and the ICinges Councell, with 
the aldennen of the cittie of London; and by the ICinges cOlnmande- 
ment Doctor Shaxston, afore conden1pned as theise persons were, 
preached there in Slnythfield, declaring his error that he had bene 
in of the said sacramente, and after his reconciliation had the 
I{inges pardon; but theise fower persons died in their said erronious 
opynions. l\laister BIage, 'Vhite, and Shaxston had their pardons 
of the ICinges Thlajestie for landes, liffe, and goodes. 
Shaxston The first daie of August, the daie for the election of the sheriffes, 


se. and being Soundaie, Doctor Shaxston preached at Poules Crosse, 
and their declared how he fell into the hereticall opinion of the 
sacrament of the auIter, and of his reconciliation, which he declared 
with ,veepinge eies, exhorting the people to be,vare by hi!n, and 
to abolish such hereticall bookes of English, which was the occasion 
of his fall. And because l
e preacherl. that daie at the Crosse the 
ion of the sheriffc was putt of till afternoune of the saIne 
This said daie in the aftcrnoune the major, aldenl1en, and 
commons asselnbled at guild-hall for the election of the sherifl"e, 
and before the election by the court of alde1'lnen Thoinas l\lalbie, 
fishlllonger, for seditious 'wordes speaking to lny lord 111ajor, ,vas 
dismissed of his lyverey, and hood taken from hiln in the councell 
chamber, and further was bounde in recognisance in Ì\ventie poundes 
to appere at the next court of aldermen, and to stand and obey all 
such order for his disobedience as my lord inajor and his brethren 
should awarde. 
The election Also at a certaine councell holden the same afternoune, by the 
of the lord 
major altered assent of my lord Inajor and aldermen with the commen councelI, 
to Michaelmas the election of the Inajor was altered from Sainct Edwal'lles daie a 

a Octoher IRth. 



to the daic of Sainct l\liehaell the Arkangell, and so from hens- A.D. 154G. 
forwarde the said election to be the san1e daie, the Inajor and 
aldermen to dyne that daie váth the olde sherive, ,vhich shall 
save the Inajor fortie poundes in expences that he was won
e to 
spend on the said daie of Sainct Edwarde. 
Allso the said afternoune was elect and chosen for sherivc 1\11'. 
Richard Jervis, alderman and mercer, whon1e Iny lord Inajor had 
chosen, according to the old auncient custoIne, for one of the 
sherives, ,vhich the COlnmons aflin-ned, and they chose for to be 
associate ,vith him 1\11'. Thomas Curteise, pewterer, which said 
election the said Th01nas Curteise refused, declaring his inhabilitie 
of substance, by his othe which he would have taken the said tyme, 
but wold not be accepted, Lut had daie geven him to be further 
advised; wherupon he was divers tYlnes sent for to my lord majors, 
and also afore the court of aldermen, but he would in no wise assent, 
and so contynued till l\Iichaelmas even
 on which daie the sheriffes 
take their othe at the Guildhall; wherfore all the coml11ons were 
sembled, and then he was called fourth to take his oth, the commons 
still calling upon hiln, so that at the last 'with an evill will he tooke 
his oth, and 50 was sheriffe, and he kept it in his owne howse, and 
would not paint his ho\vse nor chang it, saving the lTIOITO\Ve after 
1\1ichaehnas daie that he was charged in the Exchequer at 'Vest- 
minster to keepe his dynner at the Pewterers Hall. 
This yeare, the eight daie of August, the Lord Adlnirall of The comminge 
France a caIne to Rone band P re l )ared his shi pp s and g alleis to of 
, Denybowte, 
COlne elllbassadour from the French I\:inge into Englande, and HighAdmirall 
the twentith daie of .A.ugnst the said Adlnirall came to Greenewych, of :France. 
with the Great Zacharie of Deepe and 14 galleies c richlie hanged 
and laded with ordenance, and sett with pennons and banners of 
divers colors, not one galley like another, the l\:inges shipps lying 

a Clawle d'Annebaut, the French Admiral. lie was Governor of Normandy and 
::\Iarshal of .France. 
b Rouen. 
c The Hacre of J)jeppe amI 12 gallcy::;.-btow. 



A.D. ]546. from Gravesend to Detford, by Greenwych, richlie decked with 
streamers and banners, which shott great and terrible shottes of 
gonnes all the waie till he landed at Greenewych, and his galleies 
shott also with the Zacharie great gonne shotts all the waie; the 
Erles of Darbie and Essex, ,vith divers other lordes and gentlemen, 
receaving hilTI on the water at Blackewall into the ICinges new 
privie barge, with trompettes blowinge on booth sides, and so 
brought him to the l{inges place at Greenewych that night, which 
was rychlie hanged, and there had banqueting for him and all his 
lordes and gentlelnen that night. 
Hisreceavinge The 2}th daie of AuO'ust he came froln Greenewych to London 
into London. b d d . d . L.) h . II d 1 d f 1 
Y water, an Ine In IS o,vne ga ey, an an ed at 11 0 t le 
clocke in the forenoune at the Towre ,vharfe, and had great gonne 
shott of the I(inges shipps, and at cvcrie wharfe to the Towre, and 
then the Towre shott such terrible shott as heaven and earth should 
have gl)nne togeether, and, after the shott, he rode from the Towre 
uppe 1\Iarke Lane, and all the high streates of London, accompanied 
,vith the Erle of Essex and other noble lordes, knightes, and gentle- 
luen, till he came at the conduite at Sainct l\iichaells in the querne,8 
where Iny lord luajor and all the a.1dennen stoode, and their he had 
an oration made hiln by Doctor Pansgrove in French for his welcolne 
in the name of my lord majoL' and the aldennen, and so from 
thence to the bishopps pallace by Powles, where he laie,b and aU 
the craftes in London stoode in the streetes in their best lyveries 
frOln 1\Iarke Lane to the little conduite where my lord Inajor stoode; 
A. gifte geaven and that afternoune my lord major presented him with fo,vre great 

 the flagons of ypocras, tow all gilt, and tow all silver, sixe J\Inrch 
payilles, c 2 great boxes waffers, 4 dosen staffe torches, and six 

a St. l\Iichael's le Querne, now united with St. Vedast, Foster Lane. 
b He lodged two nights at the Bishop of London's palace, and then rode to 
Hampton Court, where the King lay.-Stow. 
c A confection or cake made with very little flour and a great quantity of 
fllherts, .almonds, &c. It was a constant article in the desserts of our ancestors.- 
See Ben Jonson, vol. ii. p. 295. 



dosen prickettes a of waxe, all ,vhich ,vas geaven him of the citties A.D. 1546. 
charge, which he thanckefullie receaved. 
The twentie-third daie of August he rode to Hampton Court, His receavinge 
and, when he came three Iniles on this side, my Lord Princes Grace,b 


with divers lordes and gentlemen in velvett cotes on horsebacke, Grace. 
and also a thousand horse of yeomen all in new lyveries, stoode in 
aray, he riding throughe till he carne to Iny Lord Princes Grace, 
which ,vhen he see him preased forth and mett him with great 
salutation, and so brought hiln to Hampton Court, IllY Lord 
Admirall bringing him to his chamber. 
The 24th daie of August he was brought to the I\:inges presence,c Hiscomingeto 
and dyn
ed that daie at the ICinges bord, and so remayned in the t

court, ,vith banqueting and huntinge, and rich maskes everie night p 
with the Queene and ladies, with dauncinge in tow new banqueting 
howscs, which were richlie hanged, and had rych cubbordes of gold 
plate all gild, and sett with rych stones and perles, which shone 
rychlie; and the twentie-eight daie he tooke his leve of the ICing 
and the Queene, and so Calì1e to London againe; and the twentie His departinge 
nynth daie he tooke his galleies at the Towre and so departed, and 


he had geaven him at his departinge a ryeh cubbard of plate all and other. 
gold to the vale we of to,v thousand Inarkes,d and six cubbardes of 
gilt plate geven to other great lordes that came with him, with 
divers other great guiftes booth of the I\:ing and other noblemen, 
and had all their charges ùorne at the I\:inges cost while they laie 
This yeare, in the moneth of Julie, was a campe foughten in A campe 
France before the French I\:in g , betweene tow stran g ers that were b t etwene t<?w 
s rangers In 
in the l{inges service at Bulleyne, the one going from the I\:inges France. 
CttInpe to l\luttrell; e and after the peace, Julian, an Italian, ,vhich 
n 'Vax tapers. 
b Prince Edward, who has not been mentioned before as appearing in public. 
C 'Vho welcomed him, and in great triumph went to the chapel, where the King 
received his oath to perform the articles of the league. I omit to speak of huntings 
and banquetings, which were wOllllerful.-
d To the value of ] ,2CO pounds. (> l\Iolltreuil in l'icanly. 

A.D. 1546. 

Death of Sir 
Knevett in 

:My Lord 
goinge into 

A tempest at 
l\facline, in 



was the ICinges servant still at Bulleyne, mett 'with the other that 
was at l\Iuttrell, and called him tra)'tor, because he went from the 
ICinges service, wherupon he cast his glove to wage him battell 
before the French ICinge according to the la\ve of arlnes, which 
calnpe at a daie apoynted this n10nth was foughten before the 
French ICing in the listes, the ICinges l\lajestie sending Sir lIenrie 
ICnevett to see the battell for the ICinges chaIn pion, \vhich said 
champion was in the field with his enen1Îe ere Sir I-Ienry K:nevett 
caIne to the Frcnch ICing; but that daie Julian, the I(inges servant, 
gate the victorie, to the great joy of the I{inges l\lajestie, and the 
ICinges l\lajestie gave hi In in England a perpetuall Iyving during 
his lief. 
Sir I-Ienrie Knevett died at Corbell, seaven leages frOln Parris, 
shortlie after the campe, by reason of a great bruse that he had 
taken with riding post to come to the calnpe at the said daie, \vhich 
was great losse of his death. · 
The eightenth daie of Julie my Lord Adlnirall of England a 
tooke his jorney [rOln Bulleyne to the French ICing as the ICinges 
ElnLassadour, accompanied with divers lordes and gentlemen, with 
fower hundred yeomen, all in new lyveries and ,veIl horsed; :lnd the 
28th daie of Julie he was receaved honorably of the French ICing 
and Dolphine at 
lillon,b where the French ICing laie, which is 
beyond Paris, and there had great cheare of the ICinge and the 
Queene, with great banquettes and maskinge verie rytchlie; and the 
fourth daie of August he tooke his leve of the French ICinge, which 
gave hiln a cubberd of plate, all gold, to the vale,ve of fiftene 
hundreth poundes, at his departing, and gave other lordes and 
gentlemcn that came with him chaincs of gold, and to,v hundrcth 
crownes amongest his yeOlì1en, and so retorncd post into Englande. 
The tenth of August in Brabant, in Flaunders, was great teInpest 
of thoundre and lightning, ,vherby the to,vne of l\Iacline,c and 

a John Dudley Viscount Lisle, afterwards }
arl of 'Varwick and Duke of 
b l\Iélull, in the IHle of France. c J\falincs. 



other places ther aboutc, ,vere allnost cleene destroyede, and six A.D. 1546. 
hundred howses destroyed and thro,ven downe, and three hundred 
persons, men, weOlnen, and children, found dead, and an hundred 
and Bftie persons sore hurt, with l11uch more hurt then cann be 
expressed, to the great feare of all Christen men. 
The 15th daie of Septelnber the forreine buchers beganne to FOlTeine 
keepe their markett in Leeden Hall, which was sheeded rounde 
aboute for theln to stand dry, they to keepe markett there, and in Leeaden Hall. 
no other place, \Vednesdaie and Satterdaie in the forenoune \veeklie 
and no more, and that no free man to stand amongest theIn, and 
everie man to paie to the ChaIn berlaine to the use of the cittie for 
eaverie stall 8d. 
The twentie-sixth daie of September were burned openlie at Bookeshurned. 
Poules Crosse certaine bookes of heeresie latelie condelnned by 
proclamation at the sennon tyine. 
This Inonth also wheate was solde at London for 10s. the Corne fallen. 
quarter, and Inalt for five shillinges, which was before the peace at 
high prices, by reason the harvest was faire, and also there is great 
plcntie therof in Englande, which by Godes grace shall cause itt to 
fall to lower prices. 
This l110nth also the water in Finsburie was brought into con- Newe con- 
duittes at London 'Vall,a at St. Stephens Church in Cohnan duites. 
Streete, and at a new conduite at St. 
Iargarettes in Lothburie, 
and runne full with great ,vast. b 
The 28th daie of September, being l\1ichaellmas eaven, the lord · 
maire was elect and chosen at the Guildhal1, which was l\Ir. Henry 
Hobulthorne, alrlerman, which was the first 111ajor that eaver was 
chosen [onJ that daie, which said daie from hensforth shall be the 
daie of the election for the major. 

a In London 'Vall, directly against tbe north end of Coleman Street, is a conduit 
of water, made at the eharges of Thomas Exmew, goldsmith, Lord .l\fayor in 1317. 
-Stow's Survey. 
b By the east end of St. Stephen's church is placed a cock of swect "ater, takcn 
of the main pipe that gocth to Lothberie.- Stow's Survey. 

A.D. 15-1-6. 
The majors 
feast served 
with one 



HENRICl V III. Anno 38. 

This yeare the majors feast was keept in the Guildhall thé 
lTIOrrow. after Silnon and Judes daie,a which was altered in the 
service frolu tow courses to one course, which was this daie all fishe 
because it fell on Fridaie; the lordes, ladies, and the Inayors bourde 
served with nyne dishes, and all the com ens with seaven dishes, and 
had neither brawne nor gellie; which dynner was well cOluended 
both of the lordes and all the comens, for it was plentifullie served; 
howbeit, if my lord major had not sticked hard to it, the aldenuen 
and sheriffes would have putt it downe for eaver. 
Duke of The 12th daie of December the Duke of Norfolke and the Earle 
Norfolke sent 
to the Tower. of Surrey, his sonne, were sent to the Towre of London prisollners, 
the duke going by water, but the Erle of Surrey was leaà openlie 
fi'om my Lord Chauncelors in lIolborne throwe London by Sir 
Anthonie \V yngefield, Captcine of the Gard, and the Lieutenante 
of the T owre. 
The major of The 15th daie of December there was an Oil' Detenuyner kept at 
London sitting h J . II 11 ' S h k 1 1 d . Cl ' f 
at Sessions in t e ustIce a In ot war e, w lere my or luaJor sate as ue 
Sothwark as Justice, my Lord Cheiff Baron, Sir Raffe Warreine, Sir Richard 
Cheif Justice. G 1\1 R d . 1 1 d . h . d . . 
ressame, r. ecor er, wIt 1 ot ler nalne In t e sal cornlUlSSlon, 
afore whome that daie were endited, and also by a jury eondemned 
for treason for counterfeiting testornes,b one \Villialll IIarpin, late 
of London and no\v of 80th warke, ale brewer, Sir William Bowell 
of l{ingston, priest, and Richard Bush of London, goldslnith, and 
there were eight persons suspected of the said treason that daie quitt 
by proclamation; the said aet was donne in an house in Horsley- 
downe in the countie of Surrey. 
The twentith of December the said 'Villialn Harpin was drawen 
from N ewgate to the Towre Hill and their hanged. 

a October 29th. 
b Testons, an old silver coin, formerly worth 12d. 



This yeare the feast that was wonte to be kept in IllY lord lllajors A.D. 1546.7. 
howse the l\loundaie after Twelve daie was putt downe by a court The grea h t 
<lynner t e 
of alderlnen, which saved Iny lord rnajor fortie poul1des in expences Mondaie after 
that ,vas wont to be spent on that daie. t


The 13th daie of Januarie ,vas arraigned at the Guildhall Henrie PeA. D. 1547.] 
Haward, knight of the noble Ordcr of the Garter, Earle of Surrey, The Erle of 
and sonne and heire of ThOlnas Duke of N orfolke, and that daie S l Ul" t l" h ey putt to 
(ea . 
,vas condemned of highe treason, my lord major a sitting as cheife, 
my Lord ChaunceIor, Iny great luaster,b the ErIe of IIertford, the 
ErIe of Arundell, the ErIe of Essex, In y Lord Adlnirall, \vith all 
the judges, Sir Anthonie Browne, and 1\11'. Pagett, the I\:inges 
Secretarie, being Conunissioners, Iny Lord Chauncelor geuving hilll 
his judgtnente, and for his jurie that ,vere charged for hiln were 
knightes and squires of Norfolke, Sir 'Villialn Person, knight, 
being forell1an of the jurie; he had such pleading for himself that 
he kept the COlnlnissioners from nyne of the clocke in the forenoune 
till five of the clocke at night or he had judgrnent. 
The nynetenth daie of J anuarie the ErIe of Surrey was lead out 
of the Towre to the skaffolde at the Towre Hill and their he was 
The 30th of J anuarie the church of the lat Gray Friars in London The Grey 
was O p ened and masse song therin; and that daie P reached at Poules } b 'rhtrs h 
c urc e mal e 
Crosse the Bishopp of Rochester, who declared the ICinges gift the parishe 
1 .. f L d r 1 I . f I ch urch 
gea ven to t Ie clttle 0 on on lor t 1e re eevlng 0 t Ie poore people, . 
which had geven unto thein, by patent under his seale, Sainct 
BarthoIome\ves Spittell, the church of the Gray Fryars, the church 
of Sainct Xicholas Flee ShaInbles,c and the church of Sainct Etons,d 
to Le made one parish church \vithin the Grey Fryars, and withall 
for the nlayntenance of the 
amc, and relccving of the poore, five 
hundreth markes by ycare for eaveI', and the said church had geven 

a Sir Henry Huharthorne. 
1.1 J...on1 St.John, who was Lorù Stewarù or I...orù Great l\faster of the King's 
C St. Nicholas Shaml)l('
. d St. Ewin'f;. 



Á.D. 1547. 

Death of Kinge 
Henry the Eight. 

[Anno Reg. 1.] 

Proclamation made 
of Kinge Edward the 



hi III by nfune the name of Christ Church, founded by I(ing Henrif" 
the Eight. 
The 31 of J anuarie IllY lord major was sent for to the Perlialnent 
ChaIn bel' at "r estm inster, before the lordes of the I\:inges ß'lajesties 
Privie Counsell, and their was declared to them by my Lord Chann- 
celor and other the death of the l(inges 
lajestie Henrie the Eight, 
our Soveraigne Lord, \vhich deceased to Almightie God on Fridaie 
Jast, being the 28th of Januarie, and straig[htJly charging them to 
keepe the I\:inges peace and to lake to the sa vegarde of the I\:inges 
l\Iajesties Chambre of London, and so they departed. 

[ED'V ARDI VI. Anno 1.] 

llnediatlie the said lordes in their ordre, with Garter, the J\.ing 
of Haroldes, and other, in their cote armors, came out of the Perlia- 
Jnent Chambre into the Palace of \Yestminster Hall with a trulnpett, 
and their proclamation was Inade by the said Garter under the 
Kinges brode seale. Edward the Sixth, sonne and heire of our 
late Soveraigne Lord, to be I\:ing of this reahne of England, France, 
anò lreland, Defendour of the Faith, &c., and of the churches of 
England and also of Ireland the Supream Head, ymediatlie under 
God, on earth. 
Also that daie, at tenne of the clocke, the major a and aldermen 
asseln bled in the Guildhall in their skarlett gownes, and Clarentius, 
one of the kinges of haroldes, with to\V other haroldes and a 
trurnpeter, and so rode froln thence with my lord major and 
aldern1en to Sainct l\[agnus Chur
h corner, where proclah1ation was 
lnade by Clarentius, after the blowing of the trulnpett tow tymes, 
under the Kinges broade seale, Ed warde the Sixth, with the death 
also of Henry the Eight, the Kinges l\lajestys father, and so from 
thence they rode in order to Lcaden Hall [by] the Standard in 
Cheepe to the conduite in Fleet Streete, where also the said pro- 
clamation was made. 

ir Henry Hubarthol'ne. 



The saIne daie, in the af'ternoune, the ICinges l\Iajestie [Edward A.D. 1547. 
\T1.J canle to the Towre of London fronl IIareforde, and rode in at The fi!st f 
· commmge 0 
AIgate, and so along the wall by the Crossed Friars to the 'rowre Edward the 
llilI, and entred at the Redd Buhvarke. where Sir John Ga g e, V T I. to th f e 
. ower 0 
Consta ble of the To"\vre, and the Lieutenant, receaved his 1\lajestie London. 
on horsebacke, the ErIe of Hertford ryding before the ICing, anrt 
Sir Anthonie Bro"\vne riding after the I{inge; and on the bridge 
next the "r ardgate my Lord of Canterburie, Iny Lord Chauncelor, 
,vith other great Lordes of the Counsel], receaved his l\lajestie, and 
so brought hiln to his Cham bre of Presence, where they were sworne 
to his ]Hajestie. 
Our late soveraigne lord I{:Ïng Henrie the Eight had declared Lord Protector 
by his will,a under his great seale, his deerelie-beloved. sonne and 


heire, our soveraigne lord, now Edward the Sixth, to succeede will. 
to his cro"\vne ell1periall; the ErIe of Hartford, Sir Ed ward Seymor, 
to be Lord Protector and Governour of the ICinges l\Iajestie and 
this realme of England, untill the l\:inges 1\Iajestie came to hig 
]awfull age of 18 ycares; and orJeyned also by his will for his Privie 
Counsell Iny Lord of Canterberie. my Lord Chauncelor, my Lord 
of Durhaln, with other, as by his l\Iajesties \vill appeareth, to have 
the governance of this realme for the tynle. 
The first daie of Februa.rie my Lord Chauncelor caIne unto The Judges 
' ",T . H 11 . 1 CI . d h . I , 11 ' sworne to the 
,vestlnll1ster a llltO tIe laUllcene, an sate t en a one, ca lng Kinge. 
of the judges and officers of the Court, who, kneeling beh)re him, 
receaved their othes to the ICinges 
Iajestie; after he sate in the 
I\:inges Bench, and their s\vare the judges and other of the Court; 
and then he sate in the I(inges Exchequer and sware the Barons, 
and. then he sate and sware theln of the COlTIlnen Place. Then he 
went into the 'Vhitehall and sware the Commissioners of that Court, 
and then he Caine againe into the ChauÌ1cerie, and sate there, \vhere 
he swore sixe ne,v scrgcantes of the lawe. 
The third daie of Februarie the sCljeantes feast was kepte at The sergeallte
L 1 1 . CI . I 1 . 1 b 1 feast one 
ynco ncs nne, III launcene .....ane
 W HC 1 was ut a c ynner, dynner onelie. 
Il The Parliament had authoriscd Henry VIII. to 
ettlc the 
si()n by will, and 
this clncument i
 now in the Puhlie Recorcl Office. 



A.D. 1547. ,vhere sate at the highe board my Lord Chauncelor, at the tovv 
bourdcs my lord great master a and my Lord Privie Seale, with 
other lordes; at the tow tables on the right hand of the cubberd 
sate the judges and barones ,vith the old serjeantes; at the third 
table sate my lord nlajor and fower aldermen, with the sheriffes, in 
their scarlett go\vnes, and other to fill the bourde; at the fourth 
bourde, next the judges, sate the newe seljeantes on one side, to\V 
of them to a 1nesse; and at other tow bourdes sate gentlemen of the 
Innes of Court; \vhich said dynner was served ,vith tow courses, 
seven dishes to the first and six to the last, and, after waffms and 
ipocras, so ended the feast. 
P f roc h lamation The fourth daie of Februarie, in the afternoune, P roclamation 
or t e corona- 
tion of the was made ,vith an harolde in his cote annoI', a tnllnpett, and a 
Ringe. COlnnlen cryer \vith his Inace, for the I(inges coronation to be the 
.20th of Februarie next cOlnn1Ïnge. 
The sixth daie of Februarie, being the Soundaie of Septuagesillla, 
in the afternoune my lord 111ajor and the aldermen rode in their 
scarlett gownes fro1n my lorde majors house to the To\vre of 
London, the judges also riding thither in violett, and the serjeantes 
at Iawe with their scarlett hoodes, and so they were brought to the 
I(inges chamber of presens, the I(inges 1\lajestie cOIning fourth in 
a robe of purple velvett and a hoode of the sanle velvett, about his 
necke a blacke mourning capp,b all the lordes in black go,,"nes, the 
ErIe of Essex bearing the s,vorde afore the I(inge; then my lorde 
nwjor and aldenllen called fourth kneelinge, the Recorder 111aking 
his proposition to the I(inge for the confirmation of the ellection of 
the lnajor, Iny Lord Chauncelor 1naking the answere and confirlning 
the said election for the I(inge. The ErIe of Hartford, Lord 
Protector and Governor, shewed, under the I(inges great seale, a 
patent declaring that the I(inges pleasure was at his death that 
the said Lord Protector shold Inake the IGng, his sonne, knight; 
The Kinge the ICinges l\Iajestie then kneeling downe and putt[ingJ of his 
made knight. 
capp, the said Lord Protector made him knight, desiring them that 

It Probably Lord St.John, who was made Lord High Steward in ]545. 
b cape. 



were present to be ,vitnesses of the same; ilnediatlie, the I(ing A.D. 1547. 
standing upp under the c10ath of estate, the lord major of London, The major of 
. London made 
Henry IIobulthorne, ,vas called fourth, who kneelIng before the knight. 
ICing, his majestie tooke the sworde of the Lord Protector and 
made him knight, ,vhich was the first that eaveI' he n1ade; then the 
lordes called the judges and cOInlnuned with theIn, and then everie 
of thCln came before the ICinge, who putt fourth his hande, and 
everie of thein kissed it; then 1\11'. 'Villian1 Portlnan, one of the 
judges of the ICinges Bench, ,vas called fourth, ,vholne the ICinge 
made knight; and then the I\:ing [reJmoving his capp departed 
into his privie chatnber againe. 
The seven th daie of F ebruarie, in the afternoullc, at the Leaden A dole for 
Hall, and at St. 1\lichaells in Cornehill churchyeard, was clealed an 


a1mes for the poore for ICing Henrie the Eight, to Inan, woman, and Leaden Hall. 
chielde that was there, to everie Inan a grote apeece, which beganne 
at 12 of the clocke and lasted till six of the clock at night, serving 
the people alwaies at tow dores, ,vhich ,vere in nUlnber 21 thousand 
and more. 
The eight daie of Februarie everie parish church within the An obsequie 
ûf London and the sn burbes of the saIne kept a solempne dirige by for the !{illge. 
note,a ,vitI. a herse and tow tapers, and a knill, with all the bells 
ringinge, and on the Inorrowe a masse of Requieln for the soule of 
J(ing Henrye the Eight, ,vhich also was this daie observed through 
, all 
hurches in Englande. 
The 14th daic of Februarie the corps of ICing IIenrie the Eight The bnriing of 
,vas solclnply with great honor conveyed in a chariott, ,yith his 

iInage lying on it, toward Wyndsore, and rested that night at Sion, g 
,vhere ,vas a rych herse made of waxe of nyne stories heigh; the 
morrow, being the fiftcnth daie, it was conveyed to \\r yndsore, 
where at the townes end the Deane of \'V yndsore,b with all his 
quire in rich copes, with Eton Colledg, lnett the corps, and so was 
conveyed to the colledge C in the l(inges pallace at W yndsore, 
a Night. b 'Villiam FrankleYll. 
C St. George's Chapel, where the college of St. George meets. 



The King 
riding to his 

A.D. 1547. 'vhere it was sett under a rych hen;e of waxe of 13 stories highe, 
and was buried the 11101TOW after masse in the quire 'v here his late 
,vife Queene Jane liflth. 
Dukes, Erles, The 8eavententh daie of Februarie was created within the Towre 
and Lordes f H .c d d L d 
made within of London Sir Ed,vard SeYlnor, Erle 0 arbor e an or 
the Tower. Protector, Duke of Somersett; the Lord Parre, Earle of Essex, 
,vas created l\Iarques of X orthalnpton; Sir John Dudley, Lord 
Lislee and Adnlirall, was created Earl of \Varwick and Lord Great 
Chamber1aine of Englande; Sir Thomas "Triothesley, Lord vVry- 
othesley and Lord Chauncelor, ,vas created Earle of Sowthampton; 
Sir Thomas Seymor was JTIade LOl.d Seymor, Lord of Sydewell,a 
and High Adl11irall of Englande; Sir Richard Rich was lTIade Lord 
Rych; Sir \Villiam \Viloughbie was made Lord "'\Vylougbie; Sir 
Edmond Sheffild ,vas made Lord Sheiffielde. 
The nynetenth daie of Februarie the I(inges l\Iajestie rode from 
the Towre to ,,, estminster through the cittie of London, which was 
rychly hanged with riche cloathes and divers pageantes, the conduites 
running wyne, the craftes standing in their raills, and the aldermen, 
the lord lnajor riding in a crymosin vE'lvett go,vne with a l'ych 
collar of goulde, .with a mase in his hand, afore the ICing; and, when 
his l\lajestie came where the aldermen stoùe, the Uecorder Inade a 
proposition to his l\Jajestie, and after the Chamberlaine gave his 
l\1ajestie a purse of cloath of gould for a present fi'Oln the cittie, 
which he thanckfullie tooke. 
This month of F ebruarie was levied amongest the citizens of 
London for t.he I(in
es coronation a benev0lence after the manner 
ofaxv th and a half. 
The coronation The twentith daie of Februarie, being the Soundaie Quinquagesilna, 


âethc the !(inges l\lajestie Edward the Sixth, of the age of nyne yea res 
Sixth. and three monthes, was crowned I(ing of this reahne of Englande, 
France, and Irelande, within the church of 'V estlninster,lJ with 
great honor and 80lemnitie, and a great feast keept that daie in 
'Vest minster Hall which ,va.s rychlie hanged, his l\Iajestie sitting 
a Sudley. b 'Vcstminstcr Abbey. 



all dynner with his cro\vne on his head; and, after the second course A.D. 1547. 
served, Sir Edward Dymlnocke, knight, came ridinge into the 
hall in clene white cOlnplete harneis, rychlie gilded, and his horse 
rychlie trapped, and cast his gauntlett to wage battell against all 
men that \VoId not take him for right I\:ing of this realnle, and 
then the J\:ing dranke to hin1 and gave hiln a cu pp of golde; and 
after dynnel' the J{ing made many knightes, and then he changed 
hif: apparell, and so rode froln thence to "T estminster Place. 
The 21st d
"tie ,vas great justes with runninge at the tilt, and the Justes. 
22 th daie \vas fighting and turninge at the barriors, where was many 
noble feates donne. 
The sixth daie of 
larch the great seale of England was taken Lord Chaun- 
.. T celor putt out 
frOI11 Su Tholnas" rythesley, Earle of Southampton and Chauncelor of office. 
of Englande, which daie \vas the second Soundaie of Lcnte, and so 
was brought to lny Lord Protector, and on the morrowe it was 
delivered to lny Lord Sainct John, my gret master,a to keepe as 
conservator of the same till the counsell had sett further order therin. 
The fourth daie of Aprill, 15-17, tidinges was brought to London Death of the 
1 F h L
 h I T' d d d d . d h fi d . f French Kino'. 
t 1at ranees teL' renc \.lng \vas ea e
 an Ie t e r9t ale 0 0 
Aprill last, and it ,vas said that he neaver rejoyced synce he had 
heard of the J{inges l\lajesties death. 
The 13th daie of Aprill :\11'. John \Vishe, founder, dwelling John 'Vish. 
without Ludgate, was presented to the Court of Aldermen, and by 
thcl11 adlnitted for Aldeflnan of Algate; he refusing it, was sent to 
Newgate, ,vhere he renlayned till the twentie-one daie of Aprill, 
and then he was sworne alderman; and Ylnediatlie at his desire he 
was dispenced with by the Inaire and aldermen and sett to his fine 
for three hundred lnarkes, wherof he should paie in hande ,vithin 
three daies an hundreth lnarkes; and he had a ycares daie given 
hilll and a quarter for the rest to be paid at tow paymentes by a 
bonde lnade to the Chain berlcyne of London; and so he ,vas dis... 
charged of his aldennanshipp againe and all other offices in the 
cittie whatsocaver. 

a Lord 8t.J ohn was Lord Steward or Lord Great :Master of the King's Household. 

A.D. 1547. 
Recanting of 
Doctor Smith. 

A solemp ob- 
sequie for the 
death of the 
French King. 

Priestes ar- 
raigned for 



The fiftenth daie of J\Iaie, 1547, Doctor [SmithJ,a of 'Vydington b 
College, preached at Poules Crosse, and their recanted and burned 
tow bookes which he had latelie sett fourth, vne of traditions and 
another of unwrytten verities, and there he professed a ne\v sincere 
doctrine contrarie to his old papisticall ordre, as his artieles in 
,vryting playnelie sheweth. 
The 29th daie of June there was a solempne obsequie kept in 
Poules [forJ the French K:ïnge Frances latelie departed, 'v here was 
a sumptuous herse Inade, and the quire and the bodie of the church 
hanged ,vith blacke and sett with schuchions of the arlnes of France, 
and tow hundreth torch bearers having ne,y blacke gownes and 
hoodes with badges of the annes of France on their sholders, 
the Archbishop of Canterbery begining the derige in his pontifi- 
calibus, the Arch bishop of Yorke and other 8 biE:hopps and 
suffragans being also in their pontificalibus, six erIes and lordes of 
the I\:inges lUajestie being the cheife mourners, the Elnperours 
En1bassadour, and the French I\:inges Em bassadoure, and the 
Secretarie of Venice in their blacke mourning gownes being also 
there present at the same, the Inajor and aldermen with tow 
hundred citizens in their best lyveries with their hoodes on their 
sholders present at the Ra1ne also; and on the morrow also at the 
requicin Inasse, which the Archbishopp of Canterberie songe in his 
pontificalibus, ,vith the other bishopps in their pontificalibus also; 
and there preached at the said Inasse the Bishop of Rochester, who 
greatlie cOlnlllended in his sermon the said French I{ing departed, 
for setting fourth of the Bible and New Testalnent in the French 
tonge to be reade of all his subjectes; also all the parish churches 
in London kept a solempne obett \vith knill, the bells ringing, and a 
herse with tow great tapers, in everie parish church. 
The first daie of Julie Thomas l\Ioundaie, person of Sainct 
Leonardes in Foster Lane, and Thurstame I1ikeman, clearke, and 
late Inonke of the Charter 110wse in London, W"ere arraigned at 
the Guild Hall for treason, which ,vas for the conveying of one 
a Omitted in MS. b Whittington's College and Hospital. 



John Foxe, parson of Sainct l\farie l\fawdlaine, in the ,varàe of Â.D 1547. 
Queenchith, which was late a monke of the Charterhouse in 
London, and Heed out of this realme the third daie of Aprill last, 
and sythence is professed a monke in Loven; a which said Foxe had 
kept the left arrne of one John I-loughton, late prior of the Charter- 
howse in London, which suffred death for treason, denying the 
Iiinges supremacy, in anno 25 IIenrici VIII.; and the said J\Ioun.. 
daie and Hikeman shold have conveyged the said arlnc with other 
baggage that they called reliques over sea to the said Fox as they 
had pro111ised, for which treason the said l\foundaie and Hikeman 
were this daie first endited, and after condeinned of high treason, 
dnd had judgment to be hanged, dra,ven, and quartered like treason. b 
This yeare wheat was at 7 s. the quarter, and in some places C
rne at low 
d h . d 11 1 . I . prIces. 
un er t at prIce, an a ot leI' gralnes at esse prIces. 
This yeare, on l\IounJaie,c the Frenchmen, with twentie galeies Fren
he . 
. . . gallmcs gOIng 
and certalne ShIPPS, passed the nan'owe seas Into Scotlande, and into Scotland. 
their landed their men, and laid seige to the Castell of Saint 
Andrewes, which was kept to the ICinges use, and tooko it, and 
burnt and threw downe an other houId, and so departed againe into 
This Y eare, in August, the I\:inges l\Iajestie, ,vith the advise of rr: h . e t K t 

j VISI a Ion. 
Iny Lord Protector and other of his Counsell, sent out throughe 
this realnle of Englande certaine godlie injunctions for reformation 
of the cleargie, the true preaching and scttinge fourth of Godcs 
,vordc, and uttcr abolishing of idolatrie, whieh 'were clene putt 
downe in everie parish church of this realme of Englande, and also 
the going in procession was left [off], the gospell and epistle read 
in Englishc everie holidaie, with divers other, as in the said 
proclmnation or inj unction appeareth. 
This yeare al
o the Lord Protectors Grace went into Scotlande The victorie of 
. 1 .. 11 ' 1 b .. f S b the battcll of 
wIt 1 an armlC 1'1a In t Ie eginning 0 cptem cr, and the 20th the Scottcs by 
daie of Sc p teinber he had battell with the Scottcs within fower t t hc t Lord Pro- 
ec or. 

a I..ouvain. b As in cases of treason. 
c Date of the month omitted in l\IS. 

I]). soc. 

2 B 



A.D. 1547. Jniles of Edenboroughc, ,vhere, by the po\ver of God, he had the 
victorie, and there ,vas slaine of the Scottes fiftcne thousande, and 
tow thousand taken prisoners. The Erle of Huntley, Chauncelor 
of the Scottes, was one, the ErIe of Cassells slaine, and the Lord 
Fleelning. And of El1glishelnen their were not slaine above an 
hundred persons in all. The Scottes were nUlnbred above fo1'tie 
thousandc, and the Engli
hlnel1 not above sixteene thousande; and 
also they tooke there shipps and an their ordinance, ,vith all the 
spoile of the fieIde, and certeyne castells Yfere yelded to hirn. 
A sermon with The 20th daie, being Sainct l\Iatthe\\'es Eaven, ,vas a solelnne 
proces<;:ion in d . P 1 b 1 B . h f L . 1 . 1 . 
nglish in sern10n Jna e In ou es y t 1e IS opp 0 Inco ne, WIt 1 prOCef:SlOn, 
Poules. kneeling with their copes in the quire, and after that Te Denrn song 
with the organns playinge to give laude to God for the said victorie, 
Jny lord n1ajor, ,vith his brethren the aldennen, being present, ,vith 
all the COlnens in their lyveries, and that night great fiars were 
nlade in everie streete with banqueting for joy of the said victorie. 
And the 1110rrO\V, being Sail1ct l\Iatth
\ves daif', an the parishc 
churches ,vithin the citic, and the suburbes of the SaIne, kept a 
solempne procession on their knees in English, with 'Ie DeU111 
after for the said victo1'ie. 
The comminge The eight daie of October 111Y Lord Protectors Grace Caine frol11 
home of the 1 'T I ] d . F . b . F . ld I d . . I 1 
Lord Protector t 1e ...L,ort 1 10me, an In 
 Ins unc 
 Ie s my or n13Jor, 'wIt 1 tIC 
from Scot- aldermen in their f3karlett gownes, ,vith certaine of the C0111enS in 
lande. 1 . 1 . - . 1 1 . 1 d 1 . G 1 . d 
t l
Ir IVerIeS wIt 1 t lCIr 100 es, n1ett 119 race, t 1e maJor an 
aldennen on horsebacke, and he ever tooke one of theln by the 
hande,a and after my lord major rode ,vith hinl to the pounùe in 
Sn1ythfield, where 111Y Lord Protector tooke his leve of theIn, and 
so rode that night to his place nt Shene,b 
nd the 11101Towe after to 
the King at Halnpton Court. 
A llew Lord rhe 23rd daie of October Sir vVil1imn ePaulet c], Lord Sainct 
Chauncelor. John, and Lord Great 1\Iaster of tl..e IGnges howse, deliv
red the 
Great Seale of England to the ICingcs l\lajestie and Iny Lord 

n Probably a clerical error for" he tookc everyone of them by the hand." 
b Richmond. c Saillct J Ohll in :MS. 



Protector, ,vhich he had bene custos of synce the dismission of IllY A.D. 1547. 
Lord 'V riothesley, late Chauneelor; and the SaIne rlaie Sir Richard 
Rich, Lord Rich, was chosen Lord Chauncelor, and the ICinges 
great scale delivered unto hin1; and the 26th daie of October he 
,vas sworne Lord Chauncelor in the Chauncerie in "\Vestminster 
The fourth daie of K ovenlber, 1.547, the ICinges l\Iajestie beganne 
he first Par- 
I . II ' 1 C f P 1 . 1 . .. f . ",""IT . 1 . hamcnt of 
11S Igl ourt 0 ar Iamen t at lIS ClUle 0 tv estInlnster, lIS }:dward the 

Iajcstie' ryding fron1 his pall ace of "\Vestminster to the church of Sixth. 
Saint Peter in his perliarnent robes, ,vith all his Lordes Spirituall 
and Ten1porall riding in their robes also; and afore the masse of 
the Holie Ghost there ,vas a serrnon made before the I\."ing by 
Doctor Ridley, Bishopp of Rochester; and after that the masse 
beganne, Glo'ria in e..7Jce!sis, the Creec1e, Sanctns, Benedictus, and 
the Agnns were all songen in El1glishe; the lllasse ended, his 

[ajestie ,vith his Lordes went into the Perliament Chamber, ,vhere 
IllY Lord Chauncelor made a grete proposition for the assem 11y of 
the said Parliarnent, and, that donne, the I\:ing putt of his robes, 
and ,vent to his pallace at '-Vestlninster by water. Sir John Baker, 
knight, Chauncelor of the Tenthcs, was chosen Speaker of the 
ComInens IIowse for the said Perliament. 
The sixth daie of Novelnber the Convocation of the bishopps 
beganne at Powles, afore ,vholne preacheJ the Bishopp of Lyncolne, 
\vho made a goodlie sermon in Lattin; and for Prolocutor of the 
Lo,ver IIouse for the clergie ,vas chosen Doctor John Taylor, Deane 
of Lyneolne, and parson of Sainct Peeters in Cornehill. in London. 



This Pouch is indorsed " Session
s Comitatuum l\Iidùlesexiæ et Kanciæ 
primo tenf apud villam "\Vestmonasterii in cOlnitatu l\liddlesexiæ coram 
Thoma Audeley, milite, Cancellario Angliæ et aliis &c. et secundo tent' 
apud Depford in comitatu Kanciæ coram Johanne Baldewyn, milite, et 
aliis, anno regni regis Henrici Octavi vicesimo octavo." 
Trial and conviction of l\Iark Smfaton, Henry Nor(>)'s, 'VilJimn Bryerton, 
and Sir Francis 'Vest0n.-Adultery with Queen Anne Boleyn.---Special 
Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, 12 l\Iay, 1536, 28 lIen. VIII. 

Uecord of the Sessions held at 'VestIninster and Deptford:- (::\IS. l-

Donl1nus rex mandavit prædilecto et fideli dOlnino Thomæ A udeIey 
Iniliti, Cancellario Angliæ, præcharissimisque consanguineis suis 'fhomæ 
duci Norfolciæ, Carolo duci SuffoIciæ et aliis literas suas patpntes in ha:c 
verba: HenricHs Octavus dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ rex, Fidei Defensor, 
Dominus Iliberniæ et in terra supremum caput Anglicanæ eccIesiæ præ- 
dilecto et fideli suo ThOlnæ .L'ludeley, n1iliti, Cancellario Angliæ, præ- 
charissimisque consanguineis suis Thomæ duci Norf(>IcJæ, Carolo duci 
Suffolciæ ac chalÏssimis consanguineis suis Johanni Comiti Oxoniæ, 
Uadulpho Comiti \Vestmorlandiæ, Thomæ Comiti 'Vl1teshire, Roberto 
Comiti Sussexiæ, Hecnon dilectis et fidelibus suis 'Yillelmo domino Sandys, 
Thomæ Crumwell arrnigero primario secretario suo, 'Yillelmo Fitz- 'Yilliam, 
n1Íliti, \Vi]]elmo Paulett., militi, Johanni Fitz-Janlf'S, militi, Johanni 
Balùewyn, militi, Hicardo, militi, Johanni Porte, llliliti, Johanni 
Spelman, militi, 'Valrt>ro Luke, ll1iliti, .A.ntonio l!"itzherbert, militi, Thomæ 



Englefeld, militi, et 'Yillelmo Shelley, militi, salutem. Sciatis quod 
assignavin1us vos decelu et novem, decem et octo, decem et septcIu, sex- 
decim, quindeciln, quatuordecim, tresdecim, duodecill1, undecim, decem, 
novem, octo, septem, sex, quinque et quatuor vestrunl justicial"ios nostros 
ad inquirendum per sacranlentum proborum et legalium hominum de 
comitatu nostro 1Yliddlesexiæ ac aliis viis, IllOdis et meùiis; quibus nlelius 
sciveritis aut poteritis, tan1 infra libertates qnam extra, per quos rei 
veritas nlelius sciri poterit de quibuscumque proditionibus, nlesprisionibus 
proditionum, rebellionibus, feloniis, murdris, homicidiis, riotis, routis, 
conventiculis illicitis, insurrectionibus, extortionibus, oppressionibus, con- 
luptis, concelamentis, îgnorantiis, negligentiis, offensis, lnesprisionibus, 
falsitatibus, deceptis, confederationibus, conspirationibus, necnon acces- 
sariis eornmdem, ac aliis transgressionibus et offensis quibuscumque infra 
comitatum prædictum per quoscumque habitis, factis, perpetratis sive 
commissis et per quos vel per quem, cui vel quibus, qualiter et quomodo; 
ac de aliis articulis et circumstantiis præmissa et eorun1 quodlibet sive 
eorum aliquod vel aliqua qtÏalitercumque concernentihus plenius veritaten1.- 
Et ad eadem proditiones et -alia præmissa. audiendunl et terminandum 
secundunl legenl et consuetudinem regni nostri Angliæ. Et ideo vobis 
11landanlus quod ad certos dies et Ioca quos vos decenl et novem, decenI 
et octo, decem et septeIn, sexdecim, quindecinl, quatuordecim, tresdecim, 
duodecim, undecim, decenl, nOVCl11, octo, septem, sex, guinque vel quatuor
vesnum ad hoc provideritis diligenter super præmissis faciatis inquisitiones 
et præmissa omnia et singula audiatis et terminetis ac ea faciatis et expleatis 
in forma prædicta; facturi inde qnod ad justiciam pertinet secundlul1 
legem et consuetudinem regni nostri Angliæ. Salvis nobis amerciamentis 
et aliis ad nos inde spectantibus. l\Iandamus autem tenore præsentiunl 
vicecomiti nostro con1Ïtatûs nostri prædicti quod ad .certos dies et loca 
quos vos decenl et novem, decem et octo, decenl et septem, sexdecin1, 
quindecilll, quatuordecim, tresdecim, duodecim, unc1ecÏ111, decem, novern, 
octo, septem, sex, quinque vel quatnor vestrum ei sciri feceritis venire 
ÜlCiat coram vobis decem et novem, decem ct octo, decern et septem, 
sexdecim, quindecim, quatuordecim, tresdecim, duodecim, undecim, decem, 
novelU, octo, septem, sex, quinque vel quatuor vestrnm tot et tales probos 
et legales homines de balliva sua, tanI infra libertates quanl extra, per quos 
rei veritas in prælnissis melius sciri poterit et inquiri. In cnjus rei testi- 



moniun1 has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud 
'Vestmonasteriuln vicesimo quarto die Aprilis anno rrgni nostri vicesimo 
Quartun literarun1 domini regis patentium predictarun1 prætextu pre- 
C P pt.U1l1 fuit vicecomiti :ßliddlesexiæ quod non omitteret &c. quin venire 
faceret coram præfatis justiciariis apud "r estlnonasteriun1 in cOlnitatu 
l\liddlesexiæ die l\Iercurii videlicet decimo die l\Iaii tunc proximo sequente 
24 0r tan1 milites quam aIios Iib(-'ros et Jegales homines de corpore comi- 
tatfls prædicti ad faciendunl ea quæ ex parte domini regis tunc et ibidenl 
eis injullgel1tur. Et quod idem viceconws tunc Foret ibiden1 in propria 
persona sua una cun1 ballivis et n1Ïl1istl'is snis ad faciendnnl ea qllæ ad 
sui et eOrUlTl officia pertinent in hac parte. Et vicecomes inde fecit 
executionenl prout patet per panella, &c. 
Inquisitio capta apud villam Westmonasterii in comitatu l\Iiddlesexiæ .Middlesex. 
coram præfatis Johanne Balclewyn, milite, Uicardo Lyster, nÚlite, Johanne 
I>orte', n1Ïlite, Johanne Spelnlan} 1nilite, 'Valtero Luke, n1Ïlite, Antonio 
Fitzherbert, nÚlite, et 'Villdu1o Shelley, milite, j usticiarii
, &c. dicto die 

rercurii decimo die l\Iaii, anno vicesinlO octavo supradicto, per sacra- 
n1entulll Egidii Heron, arl11igeri, Hogeri ì\Iore, armigeri, Hicardi .A wnsham, 
armigeri, Thomæ BiIlyngton, armigeri, Gregorii Levell, armigeri, Johannis 
'V orsop, annigeri, 'Yillc1mi Godard, gent. 'VilIeJmi BIakwaIJ, gent. Johannis 
.'Yilfonl, gent. 1\ T ilielmi Berd, gent. lIenrici Hubbithorn, gent. \Villehni 
I I unnyng, gent. Roberti 'VaIys, gent. Johannis Englonde, gent. Hel1rici 
Lodysman, gent. et Johannis Averey, gent. Juratorum, &c. Qui dicnnt 
snper sacramentum suum quod cum domina ....L\.nna. Hegin3 .Angliæ, uxor 
domini nostri I-Ienrici Octavi, Dci gratia Angliæ et Franciæ regis, Fidei 
defensoris, et Domini Hiberlliæ ac in terra supremi capitis ecclesiæ 
Anglicanæ per tempus triuIll annorum modo plenarie elapsorum et 
mnplius extiterit; eademque domina Anna neùum excelIentissimun1 atque 
noLilissimunl n1atrimonium ir.ter ùictunl dominun1 nostrunl 1'eO"e111 et 
ipsanl dominan1 reginam solempl1izatum vilipendens verUIll etiam malicia.m 
in corde suo erga dictum dominurn nostrum regem gt>rens, instigatione 
diabolica seducta Ðeu111 præ occulis non IHlbens atque ('jus fragilem et 
carnal em appctitum inùies insequens et affectans quamplures præfilti 
domini nostri regis diurnos et familiares servos eiùen1 1'eginæ aùultcros t'(- 
cOHcubinos fore et efIìc
re false proJit
)ric d contra. h'giantiæ sure dcbitmll. 



turpibus colloquiis et osculis, tactis, donis, variisque aliis nephandissirnis 
ejus instigationibus et incitationibus de tempore in tempus sicuti ejus 
crin1Ínis facultas abolendissima appetiit falsissime et proditoriosissime 
procuravit. Adeo quod ad illuJ ejusdem reginæ llequissimum et pro- 
ditoriosissimUlTI crimen adulterii perpetrandum nonnuHi dict.i domini regis 
servientes per dictæ reginæ vilissimam provocationem et incitationem 
indies, eidem reginæ proditorie erant dediti et inclinati J hinc indeque sic 
ut subsequitur de factis et verbis proditoriis insecutulTI fuit, videlicet 
prædicta regina sexto die Octobris anno regni prædicti domini nostri regis 
vicessinlo quinto apud villunl 'Vestmonasterii in comitatu prædicto et 
diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea quelldam Henricum N oreys 
nuper de villa \Vestmonasterii in comitatu prædicto arnligerulll unnrn 
generosorunl privatæ cameræ ejusdem donlini regis ad ipsmn reginanl 
violandunl et carnaliter cognoscenduln dulcibus verbis, osculis, tactibus 
ac aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, per quod 
idem Henricus Noreys duodecimo die Octobris :lnno regni dicti domini 
regis vicesinlO quinto, occasione dictæ dominæ reginæ proditoriæ ineitationis 
et procuratiollis eandenl dominam reginam contra legianciæ suæ debitunl 
apud villam 'Vestmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto proditorie 
violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat; Quodque idem Henricus 
N oreys diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam vVest- 
Inonasterii prædictanl in conlÍtatu prædicto quandoque ex procuratione 
ips ius lIenrici propria præfatæ reginæ proditorie ibiden1 facta et quan- 
doque ex procuratione ips ius reginæ eidelll Henrico Noreys proditorie 
ibidem facta præfatam reginam proditorie violavit, viciavit. et carnal iter 
cognovit; Et quod prædicta. regina secundo die Novenlbris anno regni 
dicti dOll1ini regis vicesimo septimo et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus 
antea et postea apud villan1 \Vestmonasterii præùictam in comitatu 
prædicto quendam Georgium Boleyn nuper de villa 'Vestmonasterii in 
con1Ítatu prædicto militem dominulll Rochefurd fratrem naturalem præ- 
fatæ reginæ ac ununl generosorum dictæ privatæ cameræ dicti domini 
regis ad ipsam reginaul violandum et carnal iter cognoscendum ac CUlll 
Jillgua ipsius reginæ in ore dicti Georgii et lingua ips ius Georgii ill ore 
dictæ reginæ tam osculis CUlll aperto ore ipsius reginæ et Georgii donis et 
jocalibus ac quam aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat et 
illcitabat, per (luod idem GeOl'gius dmuinus Rocheford omnimocla Dei 



omnipotentis precepta et singulas humanæ naturæ leges spernens præ- 
dictæ reginæ iIJecebras et incontinentias intuens et cognoscens quinto die 
Novembris anno re&ni dicti dOlnini regis vicesimo septin10 eandem reginan1 
sororem suam naturalem false detestandissime et proditoriosissime contra 
legianciæ suæ debitum apud villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu 
prædicto violabat et carnaliter cognoscebat. Quodque idem GeOl'gius 
diversis aliis diebus et vicibus poste"a et antea apud vilJam 'Vestmonasterii 
prædictam in comitatll prædicto quandoque ex procuratione ipsius Georgii 
propria præfatæ reginæ ibidem proditorie facta et quandoque ex procura- 
tione ipsius reginæ eidem Georgio ibidem proditorie facta præfatanl 
reginam proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnal iter cognoscebat, et quod 
prædicta regina tertio die Decembris anno regni dicti domini nostri regis 
vicesimo quinto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud 
villam Westmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto quendam "7illel- 
mun1 Bryerton nuper de villa "r estmonasterii in comitatu prædicto arnlÍ- 
gerum ac unum generosorum dictæ privatæ cameræ præfati domini regis 
ad ipsmn reginam violandulll et carnaliter cognoscendum osculis, tactibus 
ac aliis diversis viis et IllOdis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, 
per quod idem \Villehnus Bryerton octavo die Decembris anno regni dicti 
domini regis vicesimo quinto proditorie occasione dictæ dOlllinæ reginæ 
proditoriæ incitationis et procurationis eandem reginmn contra lcgianciæ 
suæ debitum apud IIampton-courte in parochia de Lyttylhampton in 
comitatu prædicto proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognosce bat. 
Quodque idem Willehnus Bryerton diversis aliis di
bus et vicibus antea. 
et postea apud villam 'Vestmonasterii prædictam in comitatu prædicto 
quandoque ex procuratione ipsius 'Villelmi propria prefatæ reginæ ibidelll 
proditorie facta, et quandoque ex procuratione ipsius reginæ eideul 
'Villelmo ibidem proditorie facta præfatam reginam proditorie violabat, 
viciabat et carna1iter cognoscebat. Et quod prædicta regina octavo die 
mensis l\Iaii anno rcgni dicti domini nostri reg is vicesimo sexto et diversis 
aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam Westmonasterii præ- 
dictam in comitatu prædicto quendam Franciscum Weston nuper de villa 
'Vestmonasterii in cornitatu prædicto, militenl, ac unUln generosorunl 
dictæ privatæ cameræ præfati domini regis ad ipsanl reginam violandum 
et carna1iter cognoscendum osculis, verbis, donis et aliis viis et nlodis 
illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat per qnod idenl Franciscus 'Yes ton 



vicesimo die mensis l\Iaii anno 1 egni dicti domini regIs VlceSlmo sexto 
proditorie occasione dictæ dominæ reginæ proditorie incitationis et pro- 
curationis eandenl dominanl reginam contra It:'giantia' suæ debitum apucl 
villanl 'YestIuonasterii prædictam in cOluitatu prædict
 proditorie violabat, 
viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat. Qllodque idelTI Franciscus 'Veston 
diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud vil1am "r estmonasterii 
prædictmn in cOlnitatu prædicto quandoqne ex procuratione ipsius Franeisci 
propria præfatæ reginæ proditorie ibidem facta et quandoque ex procura- 
tione ipsius rf'ginæ eidem Francisco 'Veston proditorie ibidem facta 
præfatam reginam proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat. 
Et quod prædicta regina duodecimo die mensis Aprilis anno regni dicti 
domini regis vicesimo sexto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et 
postea apud villanl 'Vestmonasterii prædictaln in comitatu prædicto 
quendanl l\larcunl SnlCton, nuper de villa \Vestmonasterii in comitatu 
prædicto, gentylman ac unum grometorum dictæ privatæ cameræ dicti 
domini regis ad ipsam reginam violandum et carnal iter cognoscendum 
tam osculis et tactiblls quam donis pecuniæ et jocaliu111 et aliis diversis 
viis et nlodis illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat, per quod idem 
l\larcus 8meton vicesimo sexto die Inensis Aprilis anno regni dicti domini 
regis vicesÍIno septilno proditorie occasione dictæ dOlninæ reginæ proditoriæ 
incitationis et procurationis eandeIn don1Ïnam reginam contra legiantiæ 
suæ debituln apud villaIn vVestmonasterii prædictam in conlitatu prædicto 
proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat. Quodque idenl 
l\Iarcus 8meton diversis aliis diebus et vicibus postea et antea apud villanl 
'Vestnlonasterii in cornitatu prædicto quando que ex procuratione ips ius 
l\larci propria præfatæ reginæ proditorie ibidem facta et quandollue ex pro- 
curatione ipsius reginæ eideln l\Iarco Smeton proditorie ibidelTI facta præ- 
fatam reginanl proditorie violabat, viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat. Et 
insuper juratores prædicti dicunt quod prædicti Georgius Boleyn, nÜles, 
dOlninus Rocheford, I-Ienricus N oreys, 'Yillelmus Bryerton, Franciscus 
'Vest on et 
iarcus 8meton sic carnali am ore dictæ reginæ accensi et 
inflmnmati fuerunt quod quem illorum dicta regina magis appetiit et 
affectavit alius eorum nlalignabat et indignabat et cordibus suis invicem 
murmurabant alter versus alterulu suspiciens et zelotipans. Et exinde 
unus eorum versus alium maliciatn concipiens præfatæ reginæ plurilna 
obsequia nocturnis te!nporibus inordinata diversa etiam dona et arras 



dicto proditOI'io vicio adulterino apta rliversis transactis temporibus dum 
dictorum proditoriorum criminum suorum tempora agebant occulto et 
proditorie singulatÎIn exhibuerunt. Et quod præfata regina pariformiter 
prædictos Georgium, Henricum et ceteros proditores prænon1inatos solos 
sibi concubinos habere tan1 ardenter affectavit et concupivit quod eorum 
aliquem cum alia quacumque D1u1iere conversare, colloqui, aut vultum 
familiarem exhibere minime potnit sustinere absque calumpnia, duppli- 
centia et indignatione ipsius reginæ eis propteria fiendis et den1onstrandis. 
Et præterea j uratores pr
dicti dicunt quod præfata regina prænominatis 
Georgio, lIenrico, \Villelmo, Francisco et l\Iarco pro eo quod ipsi eorum 
adulterina prædicta vicia proditoria cum eadem regina ad suunl libitum et 
beneplacitum iterarent et vicissiln continuarent diversa dona et n1ercedE's 
insignia tan1 pro supradictis eorum proditoriis viciis in forma prædicta 
commissis et peractis qUaIU ex
unc cum eaden1 regina comn1Ïttendis et 
perpetrandis apud villam 'Vestmonasterii prædicta111 in comitatu prædicto 
vicesimo septimo die Novembris anno regni dicti don1Ïni regis vicesimo 
septimo et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea proditorie con- 
tulit, dedit et largita fuit. Quorum prætextu dicta regina præfatos pro- 
ditores in eorum dictis proditionibus ad tunc et ibidem proditorie auxiliavit 
et confortavit; ulteriusque præfata regina et ceteri proditores prænominati 
eidem reginæ per modlun dictorum proditoriorum viciorum divisin1 
adherentes videlicet eadeln regina et singuli cæteri prænominati proditores 
cum eadem regina divisim et invicem ultimo die mensis Octobris anno 
regni dicti dmnini regis vicesilllo septimo supradicto et aliis diebus et 
vícibus antea et postea apud villam 'Vestmonasterii prædictam in comitatu 
prædicto rnortem et destruction em præfati domini nostri regis proditorie 
contra legianciæ sure debitum cornpassi fuerunt et Í1naginaverunt. Ita 
quod dicta regina scpius dicebat et promittebat se Inaritare unum pro- 
ditorunl prædictorun1 quandocumque dictus dOlllinus rex ab hoc seculo 
111igrare contigeret, affirmando quod nunquam ipsunl dominum regem in 
cm'de suo diligere volebat, iùemque dominus nos tel' rex supradictus fal- 
sissima et abolendissima crimina, vicia et proditiones versus eum taliter 
ut præscribuntur conln1Íasa et perpetrata infra breve tempus nunc præ- 
teritum, summa Dei gratia l1lediante, agnoscens et perpendens tantanl 
intra se concepit corc1ialenl ingratitudinem et tristitiam præsertim ex 
ejus d
ctæ reginæ et consortis sibi imp
nsa n1alicia et adulterii proditorii 



procuratione atque etiam ex dictorum ejus servorum cubiculariorum 
dignissimæ suæ personæ regiæ viciuissorun1 acceptorum, collatis pro- 
ditionibus, quod nounuHa corpori suo regali dan1pna gravamina et peri- 
cula exinde sibi accrevernnt et devenerullt. Sicque præfati juratores 
dicunt quod præfata regina et cæteri proditores prænominati proditiones 
suas præscriptas nt. præmittitur false et proditorie commiserunt et per- 
petraverunt in dicti domini nostri regis coronæ suæ regiæ et totius regni 
sui Ang1iæ contemptum manifestuln et derogationem et reg-alis personæ 
et corporis dicti don1Ïni regis periculum ac in proditorium scandalum 
periculum detrimentum et derogationem exitus et hereùum dictorun1 
domini Tegis et reginæ et contl'a paceu1 ejusdeln dOlnini regis. [Billa 
Et Inodo scilicet, die Veneris proximo post tres septimanas Paschæ 
an no regni dicti domini regis nunc vicesimo octavo coran1 præfato Thoma 
Audeley, milite, cancellario Angliæ, Thoma Duce N orfolciæ, Carolo Ðl:.ce 
Suffolciæ, Johanne Comite Oxoniæ, Hadulpho Comite 'VestmorIandiæ, 
Thoma Con1ite \Vilteshire, Roberto Co mite Sussexiæ, 'Villelmo domino 
Sandys, 'l'hOlna CrumweH, armigero, primario Secretario dicti domini 
, 'Yillelrno Fitzwillialn, milite, 'Yillelmo Paulett, Inilite, Johanne 
Fitzjames, Inilite, J ohanne Baldewyn, milite, Ricardo Lyster, milite, 
Johanne Porte, milite, Jühanne Spehnan, milite, 'Valtero Luke, milite, 
Antonio Fitzherbert, milite, et 'ViIIelmo Shelley, milite, justiciariis, &c. 
apud 'Vestmonasterium in dicto comitatu l\Iiddlesexiæ venerunt prædicti 
Henricus Noreys, \Villelmus Bryerton, Franciscus 'Y eston, miles
 et 1\Iarcus 
Smeton per Willelmum Kyngeston, Inilitem, constabulum Turris Londoniæ, 
in cujus custodia præ antea ex causis prædictis per dictum dominun1 
regem commissi fuerunt et per mandatum ipsius donlini regis ad barrUJ11 
hic ducti in propriis personis suis. Et statim de præmissis eis superius 
separatin1 impositis separatim allocuti qualiter se velint inde acquietare; 
prædictus 1\iarcus S1l1eton dicit quod ipse non potest dedicere quin ipse 
cuI pabilis est de violatione et carnali cognitione prædictæ reginæ prout 
per indictan1entuln prædictum 8uperius supponitur. Et inde ponit se in 
misericordialn don1Ìni regis. Et quo ad totU1l1 residuum in indictamento 
prædicto versus eum superius suppositull1 dicit quod ipse nonnulJo est 
inde cu]pabilis. Et inde de bono et malo ponit se super patriam, &c. Et 
prædicti Henricus Noreys, \Villelmus Bryerton et Franciscus 'Veston, 



nliles, separatim dicunt quod ipsi de præmissis nec aliquo præmissorum in 
nullo sunt inde culpabiIes. Et inde de bono et malo ponunt se seperatim 
super patriam, &c. 
Item inter dictum don1Ïnunl regenl et præfatos Henricum N oreys, 
'VillelmuIll Bryerton et Franciscurn \Veston, n1ilitem, venerunt inde 
juratores cormn præfatis justiciariis apud 'Vestmonasterium prædictuln 
hac instante die Veneris proximo post dictas tres septimanas Paschæ. Et 
qui, &c. ad recogn' &c. quia, &c. 
Idem dies datum est tam præfato l\f arco Smeton quam præfatis IIenrico 
Noreys, Willelmo Bryerton et Francisco 'Veston, militi. Ad quos dienl 
et locum coram præfatis justiciariis venerunt tam prædictus Marcus 
Smeton quam prædicti Henricus NoreYf:, Willelmus Bryerton et Franciscus 
\Veston in propriis personis suis. Et juratores inter dictum :regem et 
præfatum Henricum Noreys, Willelmum Bryerton et Franciscum Weston 
per vicecomitem comitatus l\iiddlesexiæ irnpanellati, exacti similiter 
venerunt. Qui ad veritatem de præmissis dicelldi, electi, triati et jurati 
dicunt super sacr:unentum suum quod prædicti Henricus Noreys, Will- 
elmus Bryerton et Franciscus 'Veston de proditionibus prædictis eis 
superius impositis sunt culpabiles; Et quod ipsi nulla habent terras, 
tenementa, bona, neque catalla, &c. Super quo instanter servientes domini 
regis ad legem ac ipsius regis attornatus juxta debitanl legis formanl 
petierunt taIn versus præfatU111 l\Iarculn Smeton super cognitionem suan1 
propriam in hac parte factrtnl quanl versus præfatos Henricum Noreys, 
\Villelmum Bryerton et Francisculll vVest.on, n1ilitem, super veredictum 
prædictum versus eos et eoruln quemlibet redditum judicium et execu- 
tionenl superinde pro prædicto domino rege habendunl, &c. Et super hoc 
vicecomes, et per curianl hic intellectis omnibus et singulis præn1Íssis, 
concessus est quod tam prædictus l\Iarcus Smeton quam pI ædicti Henricus 
Noreys, \Villelmus Bryerton et Franciscus 'Veston, nliles, ducantur per 
præfatum ConstabulariuDl Turris Londoniæ usque dictam turrirn. Et 
deinde per mediunl civitatis Londoniæ directe usque ad furcas de Ty bourne 
trahantur et super furcas illas ibiderll suspendantur et viventes ad terram 
prosternantur et interiora cujuslibet eOl'urn extra ventres suos capiantur, 
ipsisque viventibus comburentur et capita eorum alnputentur quodque 
corpora eorunl in quatuor partes dividantur; Et quod capita et qna-rteria 
cujuslibet eorum ponantur ubi dOlninus rex ca assignare voluerit, &c. 

24 April, 28 
Hen. 8. 
(:\1. 10.) 
9 )Iay, 28 
lIen. 8. 
I. 8.) 



In 1ïUfrg 1 'n. "Trahitur et suspensus," written four times over to 
signity that the sentence was carried out in each separate instance. 
Dorso. Per manus Johannis Fitzjames, militis, unius justiciariorulll infra 
specificatorum coraU1 domino rege die Sabbati proxiulo post tres septimanas 
Paschæ anno regni regis Ilenrici Octavi vicesimo octavo deliberatunl, &c. 

In this pouch (VIII.) are the originals of the documents entered on the 
above enrolment, besides others which have only been abstractpd or 
n1entioned in that document. In the latter case it appeared advisable to 
print these documents in full from the originals, except when only re- 
duplicative. They are strung on a file promiscuousiy, in the order 
indicated by the nun1bers in the nlargin, but are here arranged chrono- 
logically, so far as each session is concerned, that for l\Iiddlesex preceding 

Special COllln1Îssion of Oyer and Terminer addressed to Thomas 
Audeley, knt. and others. This is identical with the first document 
entered on the enrolment, and does not therefore require to be reprinted. 

[The Justices' Precept to the Sheriff for the return of the Grand Jury 
at 'Vestminster 011 "\Vedllesday the 10th day of l\Iay then next following. ] 
Scilicet. ThOlllas Audeley, miles, Cancellarius Angliæ et socii sui 
justiciarii domini regis, per litteras patentes ipsius regis ad inquirendunl 
per sacramentum proborunl et legalium hominum de dicto con1Ítatu 
Middlesexiæ tam infra libertates quam extra, per quos rei veritas Inelius 
sciri poterit de qllibusculllque proditionibus, lllurdris, feloniis, con- 
spirationibus, rebellionibus, insunectionibus, contemptis, concelamentis, 
forisfacturis, deceptioniblls, falsitatibus, riotis, routis, convent.iculis illicitis, 
transgressionibus, lllesprisionibus et aliis offensis quibusclln1que in 
comitatu prædicto per quoscunlque et qualitl-'rcumque factis sive per- 
petra tis ac de aliis articulis et circulllstantiis præmissa qualitercunlque 
concernentibus plenius veritatem et ad eadem proditiones, nlurdra, felonias, 
conspirationes, rebelliones, insurrectiones, contemptus, concelanlenta, 
forisfacturas, deceptiones, falsitates, riotas, routas, conventicula illicita, 
transgressiones, mesprisiones et alias offensas pra:dictas ad sectanl ips ius 
regis tunc audiendum et tern1Ïnandun1 secundunl legem et consuetudinenl 
rt'gni domini regis Angliæ assignati, vicecomiti l\tiddlesexiæ salutelll. Ex 



parte dicti domini regis tibi præcipimus quod venire facias coram nobis 
præfatis justiciariis apud villam 'Vestmouasterii in comitatu prædicto die 
1\Iercurii videlicet decimo die l\Iaii proximo futuro de quolibet hundredo 
comitatus prædicti 24 de magis discretis et sufficientibus personis per 
quos rei veritas in præn1Ìssis melius sciri poterit et inquiri ad faciendum 
ea quæ ex parte ejusdem don1Ïni regis tunc ihidem eis injungentur, 
pubIice etiam Ploclamari facias per totum conlitaturn prædictum quod 
omnes illi qui pro domino rege de aliquo articulo articnlorum prædictorunl 
sequi aut prosequi voluerint tunc sint ibidenl billas et sectas ipsius regi:s 
in fonna jGris prosecuturi. Scire etiarn facias onu1Ìbus ministris tuis 
quod tunc sint ibidem ad faciendum ea quæ eonun officiis pertinent in hac 
parte. Et tu ipse tunc sis ibidem una cum lninistris tuis ad faciendum 
ea quæ ad tui et eOl'Urn officia pertinent. Et ]labeas ibi tunc nOy<:,nl 
j uratorum et n1Ìnistrorum prædictorulu et eorunl pf'r quos eis sic scire 
feceris breve domini regis de intendendum quod tibi in de venerit et hoc 
preceptlllll datum 9 die l\faii anno regni regis I-Ienrici Octavi vicesilno 
D01'SO. Executio istius precepti patet in quodam panello huic precepto 
Responsio IIumfridi l\Ionmouth et Johannis Cotes, vicecomitum. 

[Grand Jury panel for l\::Iiddlesex. The dots in the 
names of those who appeared, and the contracted word 
against those who were sworn] : 
. Egidius IIeron, arn1Ígp,r, jnr. 
. Rogerus l\1ore, arnliger, jur. 
. Hicardus Awnsham, ar. jur. 
. Thomas Byllyngton, ar. jnr. 
. Gregorius Lovell, ar. jur. 
· Johannes ,V orsope, ar. jur. 
Ricardus fIarryyong, ar. 
Jesper Leyke, ar. 
. 'Yillelmus Gooddard, gent. jnr. 
. 'Yillelmus BlakwaIl, g<:,nt. jnr. 
. Johannes 'V y lford, gent. j ur. 
. Vvillchnus Bt'rd, gent. ju,.. 

margin show the 9 
fay, 2R 
" j ur. " is written Hen. 8. 
(1\1. 9.) 



Robertus "\Vheler, gent. 
. Henricus Hubbylthorn, gent. JUT. 
. Willelmu8 Hunnyng,- gent. jure 
. Robertus 'Valys, gent. jur. 
"Tillelmus Hollys, gent. 
. Johannes Englond, gent. jur. 
'Villelmus vVarner, gent. 
Thomas Curtys, gent. 
. Henricus Lodysman, gent. jur. 
. Johannes Averey, gent. jur. 
. Thomas Burnell, g('nt. 
. Ricardus CallarJ, gent. 
Georgius Aleyn, gent. 
. Johannes Elryngton, gent. 
· Thomas Hemmyng, gent. 
. Ricardns Bellamy, gent. 
. 'V illiehnus Goodere, gent. 
Johannes Hone, gent. 
. Robertus Smalwod, gent. 
. Willelmus Jenyns, gent. 
. Johannes Jamys, gent. 
. Thomas Sylvester, gent. 
. Johannes Chanterell, gent. 
. Ricardus Clark, gent. 
Johannes Grymston, gent. 
Robertus Redluan, gent. 
. Jobannes Rawson, gent. 
. Ricardus Ive, gent. 
. Johannes 'Villough by, gent. 
Ricardus Brown, gent. 
. Johannes Ederick de Edgeware, gent. 
. Alanus Nicoll, gent. 
· Willelmus Russell, gent. 
. Robertus Sherp, gent. 
. vVillelmus Snelson, gent. 
Johannes Nicoll de Dolstrete. 



Quilibet juratorum prædictorunl separatim per se attachiatus et 
manucaptns est per plegium 

Dorso. Capta apud villam vVestmonasterii in con1it.atu l\liddlesexiæ 
die :\Iercurii decimo die l\Iaii anno regni regis IIenrici Octavi vicesimo 
octavo coram Johanne Baldewyn, milite, Ricardo Lyster, milite, Johanne 
Porte, milite, Johanne Spelrnan, milite, 'Valtero Luke, milite, Antonio Fitz- 
herbert, milite, et 'Yil1ehno She1Jey, n1Ïlite, justiciariis, &c. per sacramentum 
juratoruln infrascriptorum, &c. 

Original indictment found at Westminster by the Grand Jury, Giles 10 
ray, 28 
Heron, &c. against Anne Boleyn and the rest, as copied fr0111 the enroln1ent. Hen. 8. 
At the fuot of this document, which is much rubbed, ii written " Billa (
L 7.) 
vera," and a memorandum in the margin that the same indictment is sent 
before Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Earl 1\larshal and High Steward of 
England [see Pouch IX.], to do all matters concerning the Queen and the 
Lord Rochford, on l\Ionday, the 15th day of l\Iay, 1536, at the Tower. 
The indictment has been already given from the enrolment, but the 
n1emorandull1 in the Inargin is as follows:- 
1\littitur coram Thoma duce N orfoiciæ, Thesaurario ac COlnite l\[ares- l\Ijddlcscx. 
cal]o Angliæ, necnon Senescallo Angliæ hac vice, quo ad OInnia qnæ ad 
reginan1 et ùominum Rocheford tangentia die lunæ 15 die 
Iaii anno 
regni domini regis nunc 28 apud Turrim Lon
oniæ virtute brevis dicti 
dmllini regis Johanni Baldewyn, militi, et sociis suis justiciariis, etc. ael 
inquirendum de quibuscumque proditionibus, &c. infra cornitatum l\Iid- 
dlesexiæ perpetratis audiendum et terminandum assignatis ac virtute 
præcepti dicti Senescalli dictis justiciariis scilicet directis ternÜ- 
nand', &c. 

The ,Justices' precept to thè Constable of the Tower, commanding ]lim 10 :\Iay, 28 
to hring up the bodies of Sir .Francis 'Yeston, knt. IIenry Noreys, esq. HCll. 8. 
'ViIIimn Bryerton, esq. and l\Iark Smeton, gent. at 'Vestminster, on . (
r. 6.) 
.., . d fi 1 1 f E ' I ' } C 11 :\'[l(hlIescx. 
J2 rI ay next a tel' t uee wee {S 0 aster. Ie onsta) e returns that 
before the receipt of the precept the persons within-Inentioned had been 
CA)ID. SOC. 2 D 

fay, 28 
Hen. 8. 



committed by the King's Council for high treason, but that he never- 
theless would bring thelll up as he is required. 
Scilicet, Thomas Audeley, nliles, Cancellarius A1'1gliæ, et socii sui 
justiciarii domini regis per literas patentes ipsins regis ad inquirenduu1 
per sacramentun1 proborun1 et Iegaliull1 hominum de comitatu l\Iiddlesexiæ 
tam infra Iibertates quam extra per quos rei veritas melins sciri poterit de 
omnimodis proditionibus, insurrpctionibus, rebellionibus, feloniis, rnurdris, 
transgressionibus, mpsprisionibus ac aliis diversis articulis in litteris 
domini regis patentibus eis inde directis specificatis per quoscumque et 
qualitercumque factis sive perpetratis et ad eadem audiendum et termi- 
nandum assignati Constabulario Turris domini regis Londonis:e vel ejus 
Jocumtenenti vel deputato suo ibidem salutem. Ex parte dicti domini 
regis vobis precipimus firnlÏter injungentes quod corpora Francisci 'Veston, 
militis, Henrici Noreys, armigeri, 'Villelmi Bryerton, arnligeri et 
Smeton, genty lman, in prisona dicti domini regia sub custodia vestra 
detenta ut dicitur una cum causa detentiollum suarum quibuscumque 
nominibus censeantur in eadem habeatis coram dicto domino rege apud 
'Vestmonasterium die Veneris proximo post tres septimanas Paschæ ad 
respondendum præfato domino regi de diversis altis proditionibus unde 
indictati sunt. Et habeatis ibi tunc hoc preceptuln. Datum apud 
WestmonasteriUIll 10 die Maii anno regni regis IIenrici Octavi vicesimo 
octavo. Per Sessionem. FERMOUR. 
Dorso. Ante adventum istius Precepti michi directi infranominati 
Franciscus Weston, miles, Henricus Norres, armiger, Willelmus Bryerton, 
armiger, et l\iarcus Smeton, gentilman, michi comn1Íssi fuerunt per 
Consilium domini regis salvo et secure custodiendi pro diversis altis 
proditionibus per ipsos ut dicitur perpetratis, corpora tamen ipsorum 
Francisci, Henrici, \Villelmi et 1\1 arci ad diem et locum infra contentas 
parata habeo prout interìus michi præGipitur. 

Responsio 'Villehni Kyngston, militis, CoÎ1stabularii Turris Londoniæ 

[The Justices' Precept to the Sheriff for the Return of the Petty 



Scilicet, Thomas Audeley, miles, Cancellarius Angliæ, et socii sui (
L 4.) 
justiciarii don1Íni regis, per liter
s patentes ipsius domini regis ad in- ðIidùlesex. 
quirendunl per sacramentunl proborum et legaliun1 honlÏnum de comÏtatu 
l\liddlesexiæ tam infra libertates quam extra per quos rei veritas melius 
sciri poterit de quibuscumque proditionibus, mesprisionibus proditionum, 
rebellionibus, feloniis, murdris, homicidiis ac aliis articulis et offensis in 
literis domini regis patentibus eis inde directis specialiter per quoscun1que 
et qualitercumque factis sive perpetratis, necnon de aliis articulis et cir- 
cumstantiis præmissa qualitercumque concernentibus plenius veritaten1. 
Et ad ea omnia et singula secundum legem et consuetudinenl regni 
domini regis Angliæ audiendum et tern1Ínandum assignati, vicecomiti 
l\Iiddlesexiæ salutem. 
Precipimus tibi, firmiter injungentes, quod non omittas propter aliquam 
libertatem in balliva tua quin venire facias coraIll domino rege apud 
'Vestmonasterium hac infrascripta die Veneris proxima post tres septi- 
ßlanas Paschæ 24 tam milites quam alios l'robos et It'gales homines de 
visneto de villa 'Vestmonasterii in comitatu prædicto, per quos rei veritas 
melius sciri poterit. Et qui Henricum N oreys, nuper de villa 'Vest- 
nlonasterii in comitatu prædicto, arn1Îgerum, nnum generosorum privatæ 
cameræ dicti domini regis; Willelmum Bryerton, nuper de villa 'Vest- 
1110nasterii in comitatu prædicto, armigeruIn ac unum generosorum dictæ 
privatæ cameræ; Franciscum 'Veston, nuper de villa 'Vestmonasterii in 
comitatu prædicto, mi1item ac unum generosorum dictæ privatæ cameræ 
[here is an erasure of three-quarters of a line which evidently contained 
the name of l\tlark Smeton J, nulla affinitate attingente ad recognoscendum 
super sacramentunl suum si prædicti Henricus, 'Villelmus et Franciscus 
culpabiles sint de quibusdam altis prodicionibus unde indictati sunt necne: 
quia iidem Henricus, Wil1elmus, Franciscus et 1\1arcus (sic) posuerunt 
se inde in juratam i1Jam. Et habeas ibi tunc nomina juratorum et hoc 
preceptum. Datum apud 'VestmonasterÏtun 12 die l\Iaii anno regni regis 
IIenrici Octavi vicesilno octavo. Per Sessionenl, FERMOUR.. 
Dorso. Executio istius precepti patet in quudam paneI10 huic precepto 
Responsio IIumfridi l\fonmouth et Johannis Cotes, vicecomitum. 

'Iay, 28 
Hen. 8. 
(M. 5.) 



[Panel cont::tining the return, with the naIHes of the Petty Jury. The 
dots in the n1argin show the nanws' of those who appeared, and the 
contracted word" jur." is written against those who were sworn.] 
. Johannes \Velsche, miles. 
. Edwardus \Villoughby, nliles, jure 
. Willehuus Askew, miles, jur. 
. Walterus Hungarford, miles, jure 
. Robertus Dormer, miles, jur. 
. Ricardus Tempest, miles, jure 
. \Villelmus Drewrey, n1Ïles, jure 
. Egidius Alyngton, Iniles, jure 
. Johannes Hampden, nliles, jure 
. Thomas Wharton, miles, jur. 
. Thomas Palu1er, miles, jur. 
. 'Villelmus l\Iusgrave, miles, jure 
Thon13s K ytson, miles. 
. Júhannes Champnes, miles. 
Johannes l\1ondy, miles. 
. Anthonius Hungerford, miles. 
.. \Villelmus Sydney, miles, jure 
. Thomas Spert, miles. 
. Christoferus l\Iorrys, rniles. 
. Jacobus Spenser, miles. 
. \Villelmus Hollys, miles. 
. Rogerus, armiger. 
. Thomas Carter, armiger. 
. Robertus Cheseffian, armiger. 
. 'Villelmus Awbrey, arn1Ìger. 
. Johannes tIull, arn1Ïger. 
. Johannes I-Iewes, arn1iger. 
. ThOlnas Burbage, armiger. 
. Edwardus North, arn1Ïger. 
. Johannes Palmer, arnlÌger. 
. Radulphus \Van'en, arl1liger. 
l\Iichael Dormer, anniger. 



. "\Villielmus Dantesey, armiger. 
. \Villelmus Gonston, arn1Ïger. 
. 'Villellllus Brown, armiger. 
Georgius IIenyngham, anniger. 
. Jesper Leyke, armiger. 
. Galfridus Chamber, anniger. 
Johannes l\[alte, arnliger. 
. Walterus l\Im she, armiger. 
s Sadler, armiger. 
Quilibet juratonull prædictorum separatim per se attachiatus et wann- 
captus est per plcgiun1 

DOl'SO. Juratores dicunt quod omnes sunt culpabiles, catalla nulla. 

Special Commission of Oyer and Terminer addressed to Thomas Duke 24 Aplil, 28 
of Norfolk, Charles Duke of Suffolk, John Earl of Oxford, Ralph Earl of Hen. 8. 
'Vestnlorland, Hobert Earl of Sussex, Thomas Crumwell, esq. the King's ... (:\I. 14.) 
Chief Secretary, \Villian1 FitzwilIian1, knt. Willian1 Paulet, knt. John I\..el1t. 
FitzjaIlleS, knt John Baldewyn, knt. Richard Lyster, knt: John Porte, 
knt. John Spelman, knt. 'Val tel' Luke, knt. Anthony Fitzherbert, knt. 
Thomas Englefield, knt. and 'Villiam Shelley, knt. or any four or more 
of them. [This docunlent, in other points being indentical with the 
Special Commission for l\Iiddlesex, docs not require to be printed here.] 

The Justices' Precept to the Sheriff for the return of the Grand JUlY 9 :May, 
at Deptford on Thursday the 11th day of May. [This being nearly lien. 8. 
identical in wording with the like precept to the Sheriff of J\Iiddlesex is (M. 12.) 
. . b . d ] I b h . d h . d Kcnt. 
not requIsIte to (j pnnte. t ears on t e reverse Sl e t IS en orsement: 
Executio istius pr
cepti patet in quodam panello huic precepto annexato. 
EDW ARDUS \V OTTON luiles, vicecOlnes. 

[The Grand Jury panel for I{ent. The dots in the n1argin show the 9 
Iay, 28 
nanles of those who appeared, and the contracted word" jur." is written lIen. 8. 
against those who were sworn.] 

(M. 13.) 



. Ricardus Clement, miles, jur. 
. Willelmus Fynche, miles, jure 
. Edwardus Boughton, miles, jure 
. Antonius Seyntleger, armiger, jure 
. Johannes Cromer, armiger, j ur . 
. Johannes Fogg, arrniger j ur. 
. Thomas 'Villesford arn1Îger, jure 
. Johannes Norton, armiger, jur. 
. Humfridus Style, armiger, jure 
. Robertus Fysher, gent. jur. 
. Thomas Sybbell, gent. jure 
. Johannes Lovelas, gent. jur. 
. Walterus Harynden, gent. jur. 
. Edwardus Page, gent. jur. 
. Thonlas Fereby, gent. j ur. 
. Lionellus Ansty, gent. j ur. 
'Villelmus Buston, gent. 
Stephanus Astyn, gent. 
ThOll1as Grene, gent. 
Thomas Chapman, gent. 
'Villelmus Iden, gent. 
l\Iarcus Aucher, gent. 
Robertus Brograve, gent. 
'Villelmus Swan, gent. 
ThoDlas Swan, gent. 
Quilibet juratorunl prædictorum separatim per se attachiatus est per 

Dorso. Capta apud Deptford in comitatu Kantiæ die Jovis undecimo 
die l\Iaii anno regni regis IIenrici Octavi vicesinlo octavo coram Johanlle 
Baldewyn, n1Îlite, 'Valtero Luke, lllÌlite, .LL\.ntonio Fitzherbert, n1ilite, et 
Willelmo Shelley, milite, justiciariis, &c. per sacranlcntum juratorum 
infrascriptorurn, &c. 



Original indictment found at Deptford by the Grand Jury, Sir Richard 11 
lay, 28 
Clenlent, knt. and others, against Queen Anne Boleyn, Lord Rocheford, Hen. 8. 
Norreys, Bryertùn, Weston, and Smeton, as afterwards abstracted (see r (:\1.11.) 
Pouch ix.). At the foot is written" Billa vera," and the same memorandum Kent. 
added as on the l\Iiddlesex indictment. 


This Pouch is indorsed "Sessio tenta apud Turrin1 Londoniæ coram 
Thoma Duce N orfolciæ hac vice Senescallo A.ngliæ, anno regni regis 
Henrici Octavi vicesimo octavo." The main Records, containing thirteen 
nlembranes, on which are enrolled the proceedings in this case, are in good 
condition, but the other documents, nurnbered fourteen to twenty-one, have 
sustained n1 uch damage. 
Trial and conviction of Queen Anne Boleyn and George Lord Rocheford, 
her brother.-.AduItery and incest.-Before the court of the Lord High 
Steward and Peers, 15 l\Iay, 1536, 28 Henry VIII. 
Record of Pleas held at the Tower of London before Thomas Duke of 
Norfolk, High Steward of England, Treasurer, and Earl l\[arshal. 

Dominus rex nlandavit præcharissimo consanguineo suo Thomæ duci pfS. I-G.) 
N orfolciæ Thesaurario ac Comiti l\IarescaIlo A.ngliæ necnon Senescallo 
Angliæ hac vice literas suas patt'ntes in hæc verba: HenricHs Octavus 
Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ rex, :Fidei Defensor, Dominus Hiberniæ et 
in terra supremum caput Anglicanæ ecclesiæ, præcharissimo consanguineo 
suo Thomæ duci Norfolciæ, Thesanrario ac Comiti l\IarescaIIo Angliæ, 
salutem. Sciatis quod curn domina Anna regina Angliæ, consors nost1'a, 
per nomen dominæ Anuæ reginæ Angliæ, uxoris domini nostri Henrici 
Octavi Dei gratia Angliæ et :Franciæ regis, Fidei Defensoris, Domini 
lIiberniæ et in terra suprcmi capitis Anglicanæ Ecclesiæ; ac Georgins 
Boleyn, miles, dominus Rocheford, per nomen Georgii Boleyne, nuper de 
villa \Vestmonastèrii in cOlllitatu l\1idùlcsexiæ, militis, dOlnini Rocheford, 



fratris naturalis præfatæ reginæ ac unins Gt'nerosornnl Privatæ Cameræ 
ùon1ini regis, corarn Johanne Baldewyn, H.icardo Lyster, Johanne P
Johanne Spelman, 'Vahero Luke, Antonio FitzHf'rbert, Thoma Englefeld, 
et 'Yil1e]nlo Shel1ey, militibus, Justiciariis nostris assignatis, una cum 
[tliis in cOl11itatu 1\Iiddlesexiæ inter alia ad quascumque proditiones, 
mesprisiones proditionum, rebelliones, felonias, nuudra, homicidia, riotas, 
routa8, conventicula illicita, insurrectiones, extortiones, oppressiones, con- 
t.emptus, concelamenta, ignorancias, negIigencias, offensiont's, mesprisiones, 
falsi tates, deceptiones, confederationes, conspirationes, necnon accessaria 
eorundum ac alias transgressiones et offensiones quascumque infra comi- 
tatum predictum per quoscumque habita, facta, perpetrata sive commissa 
et per quos vel per quenl, cui vel quibus, qua1iter vel quo modo ac de aliis 
articulis et circumstantiis prenlissa et eorum quodlibet SEU eorum aliquod 
vel aliqua qualitercul11que concernentia plenius veritatem. Et ad eadem 
proditiones et alia premiss a audiendum et terminandum secundum legenl 
et consuetudinem regni nostri Angliæ assignatis de diversis aItis pro- 
ditionibus per eos et eorum alterum comù1Ïssis et perpetratis separaliter 
indictati existunt: Cumque etiam eaùem regina et præfatus Georgius per 
nomina supradicta COral11 eisdenl Johanne Baldewyn, 'Valtero Luke, 
Antonio FitzHerbert et 'VilJelmo Shelley, militibus, Justiciariis nostris 
assignatis una cum aliis in comitatu J{anciæ inter alia ad quascumque 
proditiones, mesprisones proditionum, rebelliones, felonias, murdra, 
hon1Ïcidia, riotas, routas, conventicula illicita, insurrectiones, extortiones, 
oppressiones, contenlptus, concelanlenta, ignorantias, negligentias, offen- 
siones, mesprisiones, falsi tates, dect'ptiones, confederationes, conspirationes 
necnon accessaria eorundum ac alias transgressiones et offensiones quas- 
cumque infra conlitatum predictum per quoscumque habita, facta, perpetrata 
sive commissa. Et per quos vel per quem, cui vel quibus, qualiter et 
quomodo, ac de aliis articulis et circunlstantiis premissa et eorUl11 quod- 
libet seu corum aliquod vel aliqua qualitercumqne concernentia plenius 
veritatem: Et ad eaden1 proditiones et alia premissa audiendum et. tenni- 
nandum secundum legem et consuetndinem regni nostri Angljæ assignatis 
etianl de diversis altis proditionihus per eos et eorum alterum commissis 
et perpetratis separaliter indictati existunt. Nos, considerantes quod 
justicia est virtus excellens et .-..L\..ltissimo comphlCcns eaqne præ omnibus 
uti volurnu8; ac pro eo (luod officinrn Senpscalli Angliæ cnjlls prcsentia 



pro administratione justiciæ et executionis ej nsdem in hac parte fienda 
reqniritur ut accepiulus jaIn vacat de fidelitate proyida circlunspectione et 
industria vestris plenius confidentes, ordinavin1l1S et constituimus vos ex hac 
causa et causis Senescallun1 Angliæ ad officiuln illud cllm omnibus eidem 
officio in hac parte debitis pertinentiis, hac vice, gerendum, occupanchlll1 
et exercendu1l1, dantE's et concedelltes vobis tenore præsentium plt'nam et 
sufficientem potestatenl et auctoritatenl ac mandatunl speciale indictamenta 
prædicta eosdem dominaln Annan1 reginaIIl Angliæ et Georgium dominunl 
Rocheford concernentia cum omnibus ea tangentibus a præfatis justiciariis 
nostris et. sociis suis prædictis recipiendis et ea inspicienda ac ad certus 
diem et locum quos ad hoc provideritis ipsos dominam Annan1 reginam 
Ang1iæ et Georgium dominun1 Hocheford coran1 vobis evocandos et ipsos 
et eornnl utrunlque superinde audiendml1 et E'Xamillandu111 et respondere 
compellandum ac fine debito terminandunl; necnon tot et tales dominos, 
proceres et magnates hujus regni nostri Angliæ eorundem donlÌnæ Annæ 
reginæ Angliæ et Georgii domini Rocheford pares per quos rei veritas in hac 
parte Inelius sciri poterit ad dien1 et locum prædictos ex causa et causis 
prædictis coranl vobis comparere astringendum veritateque inde comperta 
ad judicium inde per ves ut Senescallum nostrunl Angliæ in hac parte red- 
dendum secunduullegem et consuetudines regni nostri Angliæ, hac vice,versus 
præfatos dominam Annam reginam Angliæ et Georgium dominum Rocheford 
[etJ procedendum, sentenciandum et adjudicandum ac executionen1 inde 
facere præcipiendum cæteraque onlnia et singula quæ ad officium Senescalli 
Angliæ in hac parte pertinent et requiruntur, hac vice, faciendun1, exer- 
cendum et exequenduln. Et ideo vobis nlandamus quod circa præmissa 
diligenter intendatis et ea faciatis et exequalnini in fOrIna prædicta. 
Ðanlus autem universis et singulis ducibus, marchionibus, cOll1Ïtibus, 
vice-comitibus, baronibus et omnibus aliis officiariis, ministris et legeis 
nostris tenore præsentium firmiter in mandatis quod vobis in executione 
præmissorull1 intendentes sint, consulentes, assistentes, obedientps et 
auxiliantes in olllnibus prout decet. :I\Ialldaviulus auteul eisdem justiciariis 
nosh'is quod indictanlenta prædicta cun1 omnibus ea tangentibus ex causa 
et causis prædictis vobis d{'liberent. :I\Iandavimus etianl constahulariú 
Turris nostræ Londoniæ ejusve IOCUll1tenenti yel deputato ibiden1 quod 
ad certos dienl et locum quos ei scire facietis præfatanl dominalll Annam 
reginan1 Angliæ et Georgiunl dominunl Rochford connn vobis venirE 



faciat. In cujus rei testiIl10nitun has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes. 
Teste meipso apud 'Vestmonasteritul1 duodecimo die l\Iaii anno regni 
nostri vicesimo octavo. 
l\landavit etiam prædictus don1Ïnus rex dilectis et fideIibus suis Johanni 
Baldewyne, Ricardo Lyster, Johanni Porte, Johanni Spelnlan, Waltero 
Luke, Antonio Fitzherbert, Thomæ Inglefeld et v\rillelmo Shelley, militibus, 
j usticiariis suis una cum aliis ad quascumque proditiones, nlesprisiones 
proditionum, rebelliones, felonias, 111urdra, homicidia, riotas, routas, 
cunventicula illicita, insurrectiones, extortiones, oppressiones, contemptus, 
concelamenta, ignorantias et alia malefacta in comitatu l\liddlesexiæ 
facta, habita, conlmissa et perpetrata nuper assignatis et em'um cuilibet 
salutem. l\[andamus vobis quod omnia et singula indictaulenta, recorda, 
et processus de quibusculnque proditionibus seu aliis præmissis unde 
domina Anna regina .Angliæ uxor nostra et Georgius Boleyn miles, 
DOlninus Rocheford, quibusc1..ul1que nominibus censeantur seu eOrUll1 alter 
censeatur, coram vobis in dicto comitatu l\Iiddlesexiæ indictati sunt, 
ut dicitur charissimo consanguineo nostro Thomæ duci Norfolciæ, 
'l'hesaurario et Cmniti lHarescallo Angliæ et hac vice Senescallo Angliæ, 
liberetis indilate una cum hoc brevi, ut ipse Senescallus, inspectis 
indictamentis, record is et processibus prædictis, ulterius inde hac vice 
fieri faciat prout de jure ac secundum legem et consuetudines regni 
nostl.i Angliæ fuerit faciendum. Teste meipso apud \Vestmonasterium 13 
die l-'[aii anno regni nostri vicesÍIl10 octavo. 
Et ulterius mandavit idem dOlninus Hex præfatis dilectis et fidelibus 
suis J ohanni Baldewyn, Waltero Luke, Antonio Fitzherbert et vVillelmo 
Shelley, n1ilitibus, justiciariis suis, unacum aliis ad quæcumque proditiones, 
mesprisiones proditionUII1, rebelliones, felonias, murdra, homicidia, riotas, 
routas, conventicula illicita, insurrectiones, extortiones, oppressiones, con- 
tenlptus, concelall1enta, ignorantias et alia malefacta in comitatu Kanciæ 
facta, habita, çommissa et perpetrata nuper assignatis et eorum cuilibet 
breve SUUIn clausunl in hæc verba: 
Henricus Octavus Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, 
Dominus Hiberniæ et in terra supremunl caput Anglicanæ Ecclesiæ dilectis 
et fidelibus suis Johanni Baldewyn, 'TV altero Luke, Antonio Fitzherbert et 
Willelmo Shelley, nlilitibus, justiciariis suis, una cum aliis ad quæcumque 
proditiones, mesprisiones proditionum, rebelliones, felonias, lnurdra, hon1Ï- 



cìdia, riotas, routas, conventicula illicita, insurrectiones, extortiones, op- 
pressiones, contemptus, concelamenta, ignoranti3s et alia malefacta in 
conlitatu Kanciæ facta, habita, commissa et perpetrata nuper assignatis et 
eorUln cuilibet, salutem. :J\Iandamus vobis quod omnia et singula indicta- 
111enta, recorda et processus de quibuscnnlque proditionibus seu a1iis præ- 
missis unde don1Ïna Anna regina Angliæ, uxor nostra, et Gem'gius Boleyn 
miles, Dominus Rocheford, quibuscumque nOll1inibus censeantur seu eorun1 
alter censeatur coram vobis in dicto comitatu Kanciæ indictati sunt ut 
dicitur charissimo consanguineo nostro Thonue Duci N orfolciæ, Thesaurario 
ac COll1iti l\Iarescallo Angliæ et hac vice Senescallo Angliæ liberetis indilate 
una cum hoc brevi ut ipse Senescallus inspectis indictamentis, recordis, et 
processihus prædictis, ulterius inde hac vice fieri faciat prout de jure ac 
secundum legem et consuetudines regni nostri Angliæ fuerint faciendun1. 
Teste meipso apud 'Yestmonasterium tertiodecimo die l\laii anno regni 
llostri vicessimo octavo. 
Ac insuper mandavit dictus don1inus Rex dilecto et fideli suo "\Villelmo 
Kyngstone milit.i, constabulario Turris suæ Londoniæ seu ejus locum- 
tenenti vel deputato ibidem quoddam aliud breve suum clausum in hæc 
Henricus Octavus Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, 
Dominus lIiberniæ, et in terra supremum caput Anglicanæ ecclesiæ dilecto 
et fideli suo 'Villelmo Kyngestone, militi, Constabulario Turris suæ 
Londoniæ seu ejus locumtenenti vel deputato ibidt>m, salutem. :J\Iandamus 
vobis quod dOlllinanl A nnam reginan1 ..A..ngliæ uxorem nostram et Georgium 
Boleyn militem, DomiIlllln Rocheford, de alta proditione per ipsos erga 
nos facta et perpetrata indictatos et in custodia vestra existentes coranl 
charissin10 consanguineo nostro Thoma, duce Norfolciæ
 Theasurario ac 
COlnite :J\Iarescallo Angliæ et hac vice SenescaIlo ad certos diem f>t locun1 
quos idenl Senescallus vobis scire faciet super præll1issis responsuros 
salvo et secure venire facias. Et hoc nullatenus omittatis. Teste Ineipso 
apud 'Vestmonasterium tertiod{'lcimo die l\Iaii anno regni nostri vicesilno 
Quarum quiden1 literarum don1Ïni regis p
tentium prædictarulll præfato 
Senescallo Angliæ hac vice directarUll1 pretextu. Preceptum fuit per 
dictum Senescallum Angliæ, scilicet tertiodecimo die :J\Iaii anno vicessimo 
octavo supradicto, præfatis J ohanni Baldewyn, Iniliti, et sociis suis 



j usticiariis, &c. in dicto comitatu l\Iiddlesexiæ quoc1 indictamenta, recorda 
et processus de alta proditione personæ domini regis facta et perpetrata 
unde prædicta domina Anna regina Angliæ uxor dicti domini regis nunc 
et Georgius Boleyn, miles, Dominus Rocheford, indictati sunt cunl omnibus 
ea tangentibus adeo plene et integre prout coram eis nuper capti fuerunt 
et penes eos tunc residebant quibusculnque nominibus iidem dOlnina 
regina et Don1Ïnus Rocheford nUllcupabantur in eisdem coraln præfato 
Senescallo sub sigillis suis aut unius eOrtllu apud Turrinl dicti domini 
regis Londoniæ die Innæ quintodecimo die l\laii tunc proximo futuro 
Initterent seu unus eorum mitteret ut ulterius, &c. Preceptull1 fuit 
etiam per dictuln Senescallunl Angliæ scilicet dicto tcrtiodecÌIno die Maii 
anno vicesimo octavo supradicto præfatis Johanni Baldewyn, 'Valtero
, Antonio Fitz-herbert et 'Villelmo Shelley, militibus, et sociis suis 
justiciariis, &c. in dicto comitatu l(anciæ quod indictament
, recorda, et 
processus de alto proditione personæ dOlnini regis facta et perpetrata unde 
prædicta donlina Anna regina Angliæ uxor dicti dOlnini regis nunc et 
Georgius Boleyn miles, Dominus Uocheford, indictati sunt cum omnibus 
ea tangentibus adeo plene et integre prout coram eis nuper capti fuerunt 
et penes eos tunc residebant quibuscumque nominibus iidenl domina 
regina et Dominus Rocheford nuncupabantur in eisdem coranl præfato 
Scnescallo sub sigillis suis aut unius eorunl apud dictam TurrÌ1n dicti 
domini regis LOhdoniæ dicto die Iunæ quintodecimo die l\Iaii tunc 
proxinlo futuro n1Îtterent seu unus eorUln mitteret ut ulterius, &c. 
Ac insuper per dictum Senescallum Angliæ præceptum fuit supradicto 
tertiodecimo die l\Iaii àllno vicesimo octavo supradicto præfato con- 
stabulario dicti Turris domini regis Londoniæ ve ejus locumtenenti vel 
deputato suo ibidem quod corpora prædictorum dominæ Annæ reginæ 
Angliæ uxoris dicti domini regis nunc et Georgii Boleyn, militis, Domini 
Rocheford, in prisona domini regis sub custodia sua detentorum una cunl 
causa detentionurn suarUlll quibuscnmque nominibus iidem domina regina 
et Don1Ïnus Rocheford censeantur in eadem haberet coram præfato Senes- 
callo apud Turrill} prædictanl dicto die Iunæ quintodecinlo die l\laii tunc 
proximo futuro ad subjiciendlun et recipiendum ea quæ curia dOluini 
regis de eis tunc ibideln ordinare contigerit. l\fandatnm fuit etiam per 
prædictum Senescalhun Angliæ prædicto xiii o die l\laii anno vicesimo 
octavo supradicto RaduJpho FeJmyngham servienti dicti domini regis ad 



arma quod ipse summoneat tot et tales dominos, proceres et magnates 
hujus regni Angliæ prædictorum dominæ Annæ reginæ Angliæ et Don1ini 
Rocheford pares per quos rei veritas in hac parte melius sciri poterit quod 
ipsi personaliter compareant coram præfato Senescallo apud Turrim 
domini regis Londoniæ supradicto die lunæ quintodecimo die l\Iaii tunc 
proximo fut.uro ad faciendulTI ea quæ eis ex parte domini regis tunc 
ibidem in præmissis injungentur, &c. 
Placita coranl Thoma Duce Norfolciæ Senescallo Ang1iæ hac VIce 
nee non Thesaurario et Comite l\farescallo Angliæ tenta apud Turrim 
domini regis Londoniæ die lunæ quintodecimo die l\Iaii anno regni Henrici 
Octavi Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ regis, Fidei Dentènsoris, Domini 
Hiberniæ et in terra supremi capitis Anglicanæ ecclesiæ vicesimo 
Johannes Baldewyn n1Ï]es, Ricardus Lyster n1iles, justiciarii, &c. in 
comitatu l\iiddlesexiæ solemniter exacti comparuerunt et præsentes hic in 
curia juxta vim, formam, et efftctum brevis domini regis et precepti 
prædictorum eis directorum on1nia et singula indictamenta et reCOrdUll1 
inde versus præfatos dominarn Annan1 reginam AngFæ et Georgium 
Boleyn, militem, Dominum Rocheford de proditionibus prædictis capta 
unde iiden1 domina regina et Don1Ìnus Rocheford indictati existunt cum 
on1nibus illa tangentibus ad eo plene et integre prout coram eis et sociis 
suis nuper capta fuerunt et penes eos tunc resident coram præfato Senes- 
cal10 Angliæ prætextu brevis et præcepti prædictorum hac instanti die 
Iunæ, &c. per manus suas proprias deliberaverunt tern1inandum, &c. 
Ac etiam prædicti Johannes Baldewyn miles, 'Valterus Luke n1iIes, 
justiciarii, &c. in comitatu Kanciæ similiter exacti comparuerunt et 
præsentes hie in curia juxta vim, forman1 et effectum brevis domini regis 
et precepti prædictorum eis directorunl omnia et singula indictamenta et 
recordum inde versus præfatos dominam Annam reginam Angliæ et 
Dominum Rocheford de proditionibus prædictis capta cum omnibus ilIa 
tangentibus unde iidem domina regina et Dominus Rocheford indictati 
existunt adeo plene et integre prout coram eis et sociis suis nuper capta 
fuerunt et penes eos tunc resident; coram præfato SenescalIo Angliæ 
prætextu brevis et præcepti prædictoruln dicto die lunæ, &c. per manus 
suas proprias deliberaverunt terminandum, &c. 
Et etiam Willeimus Kyngeston, miles, Constabularius Turris dicti 



domini regis Londoniæ, juxta breve et. præceptum prædicta sin1Ïliter 
exactus corpora prædictorunl dominæ Annæ reginæ Angliæ et Georgii 
Buleyn militis, Don1Íni Hocheford, tunc eodem die lunæ, &c. coram 
præfato Senescal10 Angliæ prætextu brevis et præcepti dOlnini regis 
prædictorunl apud Turrim prædictam parata habuit prout sibi præ- 
cipiebatur, &c. 
Necnon prædictus Radulphus Felnlynghanl serviens prædicti domini 
regis âd arma præfato Senescallo Angliæ pretextu mandati sui prædicti 
assernit quod ipse omnes et singulos dominos, proceres et magnates regni 
Angliæ prædictorum dominæ Annæ reginæ Angliæ et Georgii Buleyn 
militis, Domini Rocheford, pares, per quos, &c. summoneri fecit quod ipsi 
personaliter coraln præfato Senp.scallo ad præfatuln diem et locum com- 
pareant ad faciendum ea quæ eis ex parte don1Íni regis tunc ibidem in 
præmissis injungentur prout superius data fuit sibi in Inandatis, &c. 
Super quo facta proclamatione pro don1Íno rege per nlandatum præfati 
Senescalli Angliæ quod tanl omnes duces et comites quaul barones pares 
prædictorum dominæ Annæ reginæ Angliæ et Georgii Bu]çyn militis, 
Domini Rocheford, qui per mandatum ejusdem Senescalli Angliæ ac sunl- 
monitionenl prædicti servientis ad arma eis facta ad tunc in curia præsentes 
fuerint compareant et pro eorum non1Ínibus responderent, ad faciendum 
ea quæ eis ex parte dicti dmnini regis tunc ibidem in præmissis inj un- 
gentur, &c. 
Qui quidem duces, comites et barones tunc ibidem in plena curia 
existentes scilicet Charolus dux Suffolciæ, HenricHs marchio Exoniæ, 
'VilJelmus comes Arundel1, Johannes conles Oxoniæ, IIenricus comes 
Northunlbriæ, Hadulphus comes Westmorlandiæ, Edwardus comes Derby, 
Henricus comes Wigorniæ, Thomas comes Rutlandiæ, Robertus comes 
Sussexiæ, Georgius conIes Huntingdoniæ, Johannes don1Ínus Audeley, 
Thomas don1Ínus 130 "\Vare, Henricus donlinus l\Iountague, Henricus 
dominus l\iorley, Thomas don1Ínus Dacre, Georgius donlinus Cobham, 
Henricus dominus Maltravers, Edwardus donlinus Powes, Thomas dominus 
l\iount Egle, Edwardus dominus CJynton, Wil1elmus don1Ïnus Sandes, 
Andreas dominus 'V yndesore, Thomas dominus Wentworth, Thonlas 
dominus Burgh et Johannes don1Ínus l\lordaunt juxta vim, formam, et 
effectum proclamationis prædictæ ac summonitionis prædictæ eis ut præ- 
dicitur per prædictum servient em ad arma factarum ad tunc et ibidem 



solemniter exacti conlparnernnt et per eornnl non1Ïna separatim respond- 
erunt. Quorunl presencia per præfatum Senescallunl Angliæ recordata 
fnit, &c. 
H.ecordunl ac indictamenta et processus versus præfatam dominam 
Annam reginain Angliæ et Georgium Boleyn, Dominum Rocheford de 
alta proditione coranl præfatis Johanne Baldewyn n1Ìlite, H.icardo Lyster 
milite et sociis suis justiciariis, &c. in comitatu l\Iiddlesexiæ capta et 
per nlanus suas proprias hic in curia deliberata sequuntur in hæc verba: 
l\liddlesex scilicet. lnquisitio capta apud villarn 'Vestnlonasterii in con1Î- 
tatu prædicto die l\Iercurii proxinlo post tres septimanas Paschæ anno regni 
regis Henrici Octavi vicesimo' octavo coranl Johanne Baldewyn milite, 
Hicardo Lyster milite, Johanne PorLe milite, Johanne Spelman milite, 
'Valtero Luke nÚlite, Antonio Fitzherbert milite, et Willelnlo Shelley 
milite, justiciariis domini regis, per literas patentes ipsius regis eis ac aliis 
directas ad inquirendum per sacrmnentunl proborurn et legalium hominum 
de dicto comitatu l\lìddlesexiæ tam infra 1ibertates quam extra per quos rei 
veritas melius sciri poterit de quibuscumque proditionibus, mesprisionibus 
proditionum, rebellionibus, .feloniis, lnurdris, homicidiis, riotis, routls, 
conventiculis illicitis, insurrectionibus, extortionibus, oppressionibus, con- 
temptis, concelamentis, ignorantiis, negligentiis, offensis, mesprisionibus, 
falsitatibus, deceptionibus, confederationibus, conspirationibus, necnon 
accessariis eorundenl ac aliis transgressionibus et offensis quibusculllque 
infra comitatum prædictum per quoscumque habitis, factis, perpetratis sive 
commissis; et ad eadenl proditiones et alia præmissa secundum legem et 
consuetudines regni Ang1iæ audienduln et terminandum assignatis, per 
sacramentum Egidii Heron anuigeri, H.ogeri l\Iore arn1Ïgeri, Hicardi 
A wnsham armigeri, Thomæ Byllyngton armigeri, Gregorii Lovell 
armigeri, Johannis \V orsop armigeri, 'Villelmi Goddard gent. \Villelmi 
Biakwall gent. Johannis 'Vylford gent. \Villelmi Berd gent. I-Ienrici 
Hubbylthorn gent. 'Villelmi Hunyng gent. Roberti 'Valys gent. Johannis 
Englond gent. Henrici Lodysnlan gent. et Johannis Averey gent. extitit 
presentatunl-Quod cum don1Ïna Anna regina Angliæ uxor domini nostri 
l-fenrici Octavi Dei gratia Ang1iæ et Franciæ regis, Fidei Defensoris, Domini 
I-liberniæ et in terra supremi capitis ecc1esiæ Anglicauæ per tempus triuln 
annorum modo plenarie elapsorum et amplius extiterit; eadenlque don1Îna 
Anna nedum excellentissimum atque nobilissimu111 n1atrimoniurh inter 



dictum donlinum nostrum regeln et ipsan1 donjnmn reginanl solenlpnizatum 
vilipendens verunl etian1 nlalician1 in corde suo erga dictunl dominunl 
nostrum regen1 gerens instigatione diabolica seducta, Deun1 præ occulis 
non habens atque ejus fragilem et carnalmll appetitum indies insequens 
et affectans, quamplures præfati domini nostri regis diurnos et familiares 
servos eidenl reginæ adulteros et concubinos fore et efficere, falso proditorie 
et contra legianciæ suæ debituIll, turpibus colloquiis et osculis, tactis, donis 
variisque aliis nephandissimis ejus instigationibus et incitationibus de 
tempore in tenlpus sicuti ejus criminis facultas abolendissima appetiit 
falsissime et proditoriosissime procuravit. Adeo quod ad illud ejusdem 
reginæ nequissimum et proditoriosissimuln crimen adulterii perpetr2.ndum: 
nonnulli dicti don1Ïni regis servientes per dictæ reginæ vilissimam provo- 
cationem et incitationem indies eidem reginæ prod.itorie erant dediti et 
inclinati, hinc indeque sic ut subsequitur de factis et proditoriis verbis 
insecutuln fuit; videlicet prædicta regina sexto die Octobris anno regni 
prædicti dOlllini nostri regis vicesimo quinto apud villam 'Yestmonasterii 
in comitatu prædicto et diversis aliis dieblls et vicibus antea et postea 
quendam Henricum N oreys nu per de villa. Westmonasterii in con1Ítatu 
prædicto armigerunl unllm generosorum privatæ cameræ ejusdenl donlini 
regis ad ipsam reginam violandulll et carnaliter cognoscendum dulcibus 
verbis, osculis, tactibus ac aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat 
et incitabat, per quod idem Henricus N orreys duodecimo die Octobris anno 
regni dicti domini regis vicesimo quinto occasione dictæ domiuæ reginæ 
proditorie incitationis et procurationis eandem don1Ínam reginaln contra 
legianciæ suæ debitum apud villam 'Yestn10nasterii prædictam in con1i- 
tatu prædicto proditorie violabat, viciabat, et carnaliter cognosce bat. 
Quodque idenl Henricus Noreys diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et 
postea apud villam 'Vestmonasterii prædictam in con1Ítatu prædicto, 
quandoque ex procuratione ipsins Henrici propria præfatæ reginæ pro- 
ditorie ibidenl facta et quandoque ex procuratione ipsillS reginæ eidem 
Henrico Noreys proditorie ibidem facta præfatam reginaIll proditorie 
violavit, viciavit et carnal iter cognovit. Et quod prædicta regina secundo 
die N ovembris an no regni dicti domini regis vicesimo septimo et diversis 
aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud viHan1 Westmonasterii præ- 
dictam in comitatu prædicto quendam Georgium Boleyn nuper de villa 
W pstmonasterii in comitatu prædicto militem, Dominum Rocheford, fratrem 



naturalelll prænÜæ regillæ ac unum generoSOrtUll dictæ privatæ call1eræ 
dicti don1Ïni l'egis ad ipsam regi.nam violandulll et carna1iter cognosct'llchull 
ac cum lingua ipsius reginæ in ore dicti Georgii et lingua ipsius Georgii, 
in ore dictæ reginæ, tanl osculis cum aperto ore ips ius reginæ et Georgii 
donis et jocalibus, ac quam aliis viis et modis illicitis proditorie procurabat 
et incitabat, per quod idclll Georgius dominus Rocheford omnimodo 
Dei omnipotclltis præcepta et singulas humanæ naturæ leges sperllens 
prædictæ regiuæ illecebras et incontinencias intuens et cognoscf'ns 
quinto die Novembris anno rf'gni dicti domini regis .vicesimo :;eptimo 
eandcm reginam sororem SlUlnl naturaleu1 false, detestandissime, et pro- 
ditoriosissime contra legianciæ sum debitum apud villam 'Vestll1onasterii 
prædictam in comitatu prærlicto violabat et carnaJiter cognoscebat. 
Quodque ideul Georgius diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et 
postea apud villam 'Vestmonasterii prædictam in comitatu præùicto 
quandoque ex procuratione ipsius Geol'gii propria præfiltæ. reginæ 
ibidem proditorie facta et quandoque ex procuratione ips ius reginæ eidelll 
Georgio ibidem proditorie facta præfataln reginaIll proditorie violabat, 
viciabat et carnaliter cognoscebat. Et quod prædicta regina tertio die 
Decemhl'is anno regni dicti domini nostri regis vicesilllo quinto et diversis 
aliis diebu5 et vicibus alltea et postea apud villaIll 'Yestmonasterii præ- 
dictam in comitatu prædicto quendaIl1 \Villelmunl Bryerton nuper de vIlla 
'Vestmonasterii in cOluitatu prædicto anlligennll ac unum g
dictæ privatæ cameræ præfati domini regis ad ipsam reginanl violanùum 
et carnaliter cognoscenduIll osculis, tacti bus ac aliis ùi versis viis et 1110dis 
illicitis proditorie procurabat et incitabat. Per quoJ idem 'ViIlelnlus 
Bryerton octavo die Decembris anno regui dieti domini regis vicesiulo 
quinto proditorie occasione dictæ don1Ïnæ reginæ proditoriæ incitation is 
et procuratiollis ealldeIll reginmn cont.ra legianciæ suæ debitlun a pud 
Hampton Court in parochia de Lytel IIampton in conlitatu prædicto 
proditorie violabat, viciabat ct carnaliter cognosce bat. Quodque idelll 
\Villelmus Bryerton diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea. apnd 
villam vVetmonasterii præùictaIIl in comitatll præclicto qUClncl('que ex 
procuratioue ipsius 'Villehlli propria præfatæ rcginæ ibidem proditorie 
facta et quandoque ex procuratio1H
 ipsius reginæ eideul "-iIlchllo ibidelll 
proùitorie facta præfatam reginam proditol'ie violabat, ,iciabat et car- 
naliter cognosccbat. Et (JllOd prædida l'egina octavo die men::;is :\Iaii 
oc. 2 



anno regni dicti domini nost1'i regis vicesimo sexto et divers is aliis diebus 
et vicibus antea et postea apud vil1am 'Yestmonasterii prædictam in 
conlitatu prædicto quendan1 F1'anciscum 'Yeston nuper de villa "T est- 
monasterii in comitatu prædicto nÚlitell1 et unUlll generosoruln dictæ 
privatæ CalTIeræ præfati domini regis, &c. 
[The rest of this charge is eðsentially the SaIne as the preceding one 
of Bryerton. ] 
Et quod prædicta regina duodecÏ1no die nH
nsis Aprilis a11no regni dicti 
domini regis vicèsin10 sexto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et 
'postea apud villam 'Vestmonastel ii prædictam in comitatu præùìcto 
quendanI l\larcum Smeton nuper de villa 'Vestmonasterii in comitatl1 
prædicto gentylman ac unum gromettorum dictæ privatæ calneræ dicti 
domini regis, &c. 
[The rest of this charge is essentiaiIy the same as the above of 
Bryerton. ] 
Et insuper juratores prædicti dicunt: Quod prædicti Georgius 
Boleyn n1Íles, Dominus Hocheford, IIenriclls Noreys, 'Villelmus Bryerton, 
Franciscus 'Veston et l\Iarcus Smeton sic carnali amore dictæ reginæ 
accensi et inflammati fuerunt quod quen1 illorum dicta regina magis appetiit 
et affectavit alius eorum malignabat et indignabat et in cordibus sllis invicen1 
11lurmurabat alter versus alterum suspiciens et zelotypans; Et exinde 
unus eonlIn versus alium lTIalitiam concipiens, præfatæ reginæ plu1'in1a 
obsequia nocturni3 temporibus inordinatis diversa etian1 dona et arras 
dicto prodito1"Ío vicio adulterino apta diversis transactis temporibus dunI 
dictorum proditorio1'uIn criminuITl suorum ten1pOJ a agebant occuJto et 
proditorie singulatÏ111 exhibuerllnt. Et quod præfata regina parifol'miter 
prædictos Georgium, Henricunl et cæteros proditores prænomiuatos solos 
8ibi concubinos habere tam ardenter affectavit et concnpivit (Iuod eOTunI 
aliquem CUlTI alia quacunlque nluliere conversare, colloqui, ant vUltUlll 
familiarem exhibere, minin1e potuit sustinere absque cahllnpnia, displi- 
cencia et indignation
 ipsius reginæ eis propterea fienda t't dl'mons- 
tranda. Et præterea jnratores prædict.i dicunt quod præfata regina 
prænominatis Georgio, IIcnrico,. 'VìJlelmo, Francisco et l\Iarco pro eo 
quod ipsi em'um adulterina prædicta vi cia proditoria cum eadem regina 
ad snum libitum et beneplacitulll iterarent et vicissim coutinuarent, 
òiversa dona e.t mercedcs insignia tam pro sUl'raclictis corum proditoriis 



viciis in forma prædicta comn1Íssis et peractis qumn extunc cun1 eadem 
regina committendis et perpetrandis apud villanI \Vestmonasterii præ- 
dictam in comitatu prædicto vicesinlo septimo die Novembris anno regni 
dicti domini regis vicesirno septimo et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus 
antea et postea proditorie contulit, dedit, et largita fnit. Quorunl præ- 
textu dicta regina præfatos proditores in eorunl dictis proditionibus ad 
tunc et ibidem proditorie auxiliavit et confortavit; ulteriusque præfata 
regina et cæteri proditores prænominati eidem reginæ per n1cdum dictorulll 
proditoriorum viciorunl divisim adherentes, videlicet, eadem regina et 
singuli cæteri prænon1inati proditores cun1 eadem regina divisim et invicelll 
ultimo die Inensis Octobris anno regni dicti domini reg-is vicesimo septimo 
supradicto ac aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud villam 'Vest- 
monasterii prædictanl in con1Ïtatu prædicto mortem et destructionenl 
præfati domini nostri regis proditorie contra Iegianciæ suæ debitum 
compassi fuerunt et ilnaginaverunt. Ita quod dicta regina sæpius dicebat 
et pronlittebat se maritare ununl proditorum prædictorum quandocumque 
dictus dominus rex ab hoc secuJo 111igrare contigeret affirmando quod 
nunquam ipsum dominum regem in corde suo diligere voJebat. Idemque 
dOlninns noster rex supradicta falsissima et abolendissima crimina, vicia 
et ploditiones versus eurn taliter ut præscribuntur comn1Íssa et perpetrata 
infra breve tempus nunc præteritum, summa Dei gratia n1ediante, 
agnoscens et perpendens tantanl intra se con cepit cordialenl ingratìtudinerrl 
et tristitiam præsertim ex 
jus dictæ reginæ et consortis sibi impensa 
nla1icia et adulterii proditorii procuratione atque etian1 ex dictorUll1 ejus 
servorum cubicularioruln dignissimæ suæ personæ l'egiæ vicinissimorunl 
acceptorum, collatis proditionibus quod nonnulla cOl'pori suo regali dampna, 
gravamina et pericuJa exinde sibi accreverunt et devenerunt. 
Sicque præfati juratores dicunt qnod præfata regina et cæteri proditores 
prænon1inati proditiones suas præscriptas"lIt præmittitur false et proditorie 
commiserunt et perpptravernnt in dicti domini nostri regis coron:.D sure 
regiæ et totius regni sui Angliæ contemptllI11 manifestum et derogationem 
et regalis personæ et corporis dicti domini regis pericululn ac in pro- 
ditorium scandalum, pericnluln, detrimentum et derogationem exitus et 
herednm dictonun domini regis et reginæ et contra pacem ejusdem domini 
regis, &c. 
Hecordmn ac indictanwnta et processus versus præfittos Dùl1linam 



Annanl rt'ginmn Angliæ et Georgiun1 Boleyn Inilitcm, DOlninun1 Rocheford, 
de alta proditione coram præfatis J ohanne Baldewyn milite, 'Yaltero 
Luke 111ilite, ....\ntonio Fitzherbert n1ilite, et 'Villelmo Shelley milite, 
justiciariis, &c. in comitatu l
anciæ capta et per manus snas p:roprias hi0 
in curia deliberata sequuntur in hæc verba: Kancia" scilicet. lnquisitio 
capta apud Depford in comitatu pJæclicto die Jovis undecimo die l\Iaii 
all 110 regni rpgis Henrici Octavi vicesin10 octavo, cormll Johanne 
Baldewyn nÚlite, 'Yaltero Luke nÜlite, Antonio Fitzherbert l1lilite, et 
'VilJelmo Shellt'Y n1ilite, justiciariis don1ini regis per literas patentes 
ipsius regis eis ac aliis directas ad. inquirendum per sacramentum pro- 
borum E:t legaJium hominum de dicto comitatu K:anciæ tam infra libertates 
quam extra per quos rei veritas melius sciri poterit de quibuscumque 
proditionibus, mesprisionibus pToditionum, rebellionibus, feloniis, nnudris, 
homicidiis, riotis, routis, conventiculis ilJicitis, insurrectionibus, extortioni- 
bus, oppressionibus, contemptibus, concelan1entis, ignol'anciis, negligenciis, 
offensis, n1f'sprisionibus, falsitatihus, deceptionibus, confederationibus, con- 
spirationibus necnon accessariis eorundem ac aliis transgressionibus et 
offensis quibuscun1que infra comitatum prædictU111 per quoscnmque habitis, 
factis, perpetratis sive comissis et ad eadem proditiones et alia præmissa 
secundun1 lege111 et consuetudinell1 regni Angliæ audiendulu et term i- 
nandum, assignatis per sacramentum Ricardi Clement nÜlitis, 'Yillelmi 
Fynche nÜlitis, Edwardi Boughton militis, Antonii Seyntleger armigeri, 
Johannis CrOlner armigeri, Johannis Fogg :=Lr111igf'ri, Thomæ 'Yylleford 
arn1igeri, Johannis Norton armigeri, I1umfric1i Style armigeri, lloberti 
Fisher gent. Thomæ Sybbell gent. Johannis Lovelas gent. WaIteri 
I-Iaryndon gent. Edwardi Page gent. Thomæ Fereby gent. et Leonelli 
Ansty gent. extitit præsentatum: Quod cum domina Anna regina 
Angliæ, &c. 
[The rest is identical with the finding of the l\Iiddlesex jury, with the 
exceptions of place and date, e. g. Videlicet prædicta regina duodecimo die 
Novembris anno regni prædicti domini regis vicesimo quinto apud Est 
Grenewyche in comitatu prædicto ac diversis aliis diebus et vicib
s antea 
et postea quendam Henricum Noreys nuper de Est Grenewyche, &c. per 
quod idem Henricus N oreys decimonono die N ovem bris, &c.] 
Et quod prædicta regina vicesimo secundo die Decen1bris anno regni 
dicti domini regis vicesiu10 septimo ac diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea 



et postea apud Elth:ull in cOll1itatu prædicto quendan1 Georgium Boleyn 
nuper de Est Grenewychp, &c. per qnod idem Georgius Dominus Roche- 
ford omnimoda Dei on1nipotentis præcepta et singulas hun1anæ naturæ 
leges spernens prædictæ reginæ illecebras et incontinentias intuens et 
cognoscens vicesimo Bono die Decembris dicto anno regni dicti domini 
regis vicesimo septimo eandem reginam, sororem suanl naturaleln, false, 
detestandissilne et proditoriosissime contra legianciæ suæ debitum apud 
Eltham prædictam in comitatu prædicto violabat et carnaliter cognoscebat. 
Quodque ideln Georgius diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea 
apud Est Grenewiche, &c. 
Et quod prædicta regina sextodecimo die Novembris anno regni dicti 
don1Ïni nostri vicesimo quinto supradicto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus 
antea et postea apud Est Grenewyche prædictam in comitatu prædicto 
quendanl "\Villelmum Bryerton, nuper de Est Grenewych, &c. per quod 
idem 'Villelmus Bryerton vicesimo septimo die Novembris, &c. 
Et quod prædicta regina sexto die J unii anno regni dicti domini regis 
vicesimo sexto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud Est 
Grenewyche prædictam in comitatu prædicto quendmn Franciscum V,Tes- 
ton, nnper de Est Grenewyche in con1Îtatu prædicto militem, &c. per quod 
ideln Franciscus 'Veston, vicesimo die J unii dicto anno regni dicti domini 
regis vicesimo sexto, &c. 
Et quod prædicta regina tertiodecimo die l'vlaii supradicto anno regni 
dicti domini regis vicesimo sexto et diversis aliis diebus et vicibus antea 
et postea apud Est Grenewyche prædictam in comitatu prædicto quendam 
l\Iarcum Smeton nuper de Est Grenewyche in con1Îtatu prædicto gent. :IC 
unum gromettorum dictæ privatæ cameræ, &e. per quod idenl l\Iarcus 
Smeton decilnonono die l\laii dicto anno regni dicti don1Îni regis vicesimo 
sex to, &c. 
Et insuper juratores prædicti dicunt quod prædicti Gem'gius Boleyn 
n1Î]es, Dominus Hocheford, IIenricus N oreys, 'Villehnus Bryerton, Fran- 
ciscus 'Veston et l\Iarcus Smeton, sic carnali amore dictæ reginæ accensi 
et inflammati fuerunt quod qnem illonun dicta re.gina magis appetiit et 
affectavit alius eorum malignabat et indignabat et in cordibus suis invicem 
111UrU1Urabant alter versus altennn suspiciens et zelotypans, &c. QUain 
ex tunc cunl eadeln regina conlmittendis et perpetrandis apud Eltham 
prædictam in comitatu prædicto ultimo die Decembris anno regni dicti 



domini regis vicesilllo septimo et divel'sis aliis diebus ct vicibus ante:l f't 
postea proditorie contulit, dedit, et largita fuit. QUOl' prætextu dicta 
regina, præfatos proditores in eorum dictis proditionibus adtunc et ibidem 
proditorie auxiliavit et confortavit; ulteriusque præfata regina et cæteri 
proditores prænominati eidem reginæ per nlodum iJictorunl proditoriorum 
viciorunl divisim adherentes, videlicet, eadem regina et singuli cæteri 
prænominati proditores cum eadem regina divisilll et invicenl octavo die 
J anuarii anno regni dicti domini regis vicesimo septÏIno prædicto et aliis 
diebus et vicibus antea et postea apud Est Grenewiche prædictalll in 
cOlnitatu prædicto lllortenl et destructionem præfati domini nostri regis 
proditorie contra legianciæ suæ debitum cOlllpassi fuerunt et imagina- 
veruFlt. Ita quod dicta regina sæpius dicebat et promittebat se maritare 
unum proditonun prædictoruln quandocunlque dictus dominus rex ab hoc 
seculo migrare contigeret, affirmando quod nunquam ipsunl dominunl 
regem in corde suo diligere volebat. Idemque dominus nos tel' rex supra- 
dicta falsissima et abolendissima. crin1Ïna, vicia et proditiones versus enm 
taliter ut præscribuntur commissa et perpetrata infra breve tempus nunc 
præteritum, summa Dei gratia mediante, agnoscens et perpendens tan tam 
intra se concepit cordialem ingratitudinem et tristitiam, præsertim ex ejus 
dictæ reginæ et consort is sibi impensa Inalicia et adulterii proditorii 
procuratione atque etiam ex dictorunl ej us servorum cubicularionun 
dignissinlæ suæ personæ regiæ vicinissimorum acceptorum J collatis pro- 
ditionibus quod nonnulla corpori suo regali dampna, gravanlina et pericuIa 
exinde sibi accreverunt et devenerunt. Sicque præfati juratores dicunt 
quod præfata regina et ceteri proditores prænominati proditiones suas 
prædictas ut præmittuntur false et proditorie conlmiserunt et perpetra- 
verunt in dicti dOlnini nostri regia coronæ suæ regiæ et totius regni sui 
Angliæ contel1lptlUll manifestum et derogationem et regalis personæ et 
corporis dicti domini regis pericuillm ac in proditorium scandalum, peri- 
culum, detrimentum et derogationenl exitus et heredunl dictorum domini 
regis et reginæ et contra pacelll ejusdem domini regis, &c. 
Et postea isto eodem instanti die lllnæ quintodecimo die l\Iaii COrall1 
præfato ThOllla Duce Norfolciæ hac vice Senescallo Angliæ apud prædictam 
Turrim Londoniæ venit prædicta Domina Anna, Regina Angliæ, sub 
custodia prædicti 'Villehni l{yngeston 111ilitis, constabularii ejusdem 
Turris, in cujl.lS custodiam preantea ex causis prædictis et aliis certis de 



causis per 11landatunl dicti domini regis conllnissa fuit virtute brevis ct 
præcepti prædictorum ad barrmn hic ducta in propria persona sua: 
statinl de proditionibus prædictis sibi superius impositis allocuta qualiter 
se velit inde acquietare: dicit quod ipsa in nullo est illde culp!lbilis; et 
inde de bono et nlalo ponit se super pares suos, &c. 
Super quo prædicti Dux Suffolciæ, l\tlarchio Exoniæ, ac comites et 
barones, prædictæ dOlninæ reginæ pares instanter super eorum fidelitatenl 
et ligeantiam dicto domino regi debitam per præfatunl Senescallum Angliæ 
 veritate inde dicenda onerati; et postea per eundum Senescallum Angliæ 
ab inferiore pare usque ad supremum pariuln illorum separatim in de 
examinati. Quilibet eorum per se separatim dicit quod prædicta domina 
regina de proditionibus prædictis sibi superius il11po
itis cst culpabilis 
n10do et forma prout per separalia indictmnenta prædicta superius sup- 
ponitur, &c. 
Ob quod instanter servientes domini regis ad legenl ac ipsius domini 
regis attornatus juxta debitam legis fornIan1 petunt versus eandenl 
dOlllinmn reginam judicium et executionem supeánde pro dicto domino 
rege habendum, &c. 
Et super hoc, visis et per curianl hic intelJectis Olllnibus et singulis 
præmissis, consideratum est quod prædicta regina. ducatur per præfatunl 
constabularium, &c. usque prisonam dicti domini regis infra eandenl 
Turrim; et deinde ad mandaturu ejusdem domini regis usque Ie Grene 
infra. dictam Turrim ducatur et ibideln comburetur vel caput f:'jus am- 
putetur prout superinde domino regi placuerit, &c.. 
Et etimn prædicto instanti die lunæ quintodecinlO die l\Iaii COralll 
præfato Thoma Duce Norfolciæ, hac vice Senescallo Angliæ, apud p1'æ- 
dictam TurrÏ1n Londoniæ venit prædictus Georgius Boleyn luiles, dominus 
Hucheford, sub custodia præfati "\Villelmi I\:yngeston militis, constabularii, 
&c., in cujus custodiam præantea ex causis prædictis et aliis certis de 
causis per mandatunl dicti domini regi
 commissus fuit, virtute brevis et 
præcepti prædictorulll ad barram hic ductus in propria persona sua. Et 
statilfi de proditionibus prædictis sibi superius impositis allocutus qual iter 
se velit inde acquietare; dicit quod ipse it1 nullo est inde cu]pabili8. Et, 
inde de bùno et Inalo ponit se super pares suos, &c. 
Super quo prædicti Dux [Suffolciæ J, .i\larchio Exuniæ, ac Olunes comites 
et barones antedicti præfato cUluite Northunlbriæ propter :,ubitanemll 

eM. 18.) 

12 .May, 28 
Hen. 8. 
(:\1. 17.) 



debilitateIn corporis sui tantlllllmodo excepto et absente prædicti don1Ïni 
Rochefol'd pares instanter super eorunl fidelitatem et ligeancianI dicto 
domino regi debitmn, per præfatull1 Senescallum Angliæ de veritate inòe 
dicenda onerati et postea per eundenI Senescallum Angliæ ab inferiore pare 
usque ad supren1unl parium illorum separatiIn inde exan1Ìnati. Quilibet 
eorUln per se separatinI dicit quod prædictus dominus Hocheford de 
proditionibus prædictis sibi superius inlPositis est culpabilis 111Odo et 
forma prout per separalia indictamenta prædicta 
uperius supponitur, &c. 
Ob quod Ïnstanter servientes dicti domini regis ad legem ac ipsius regis 
attornatus juxta debitam legis formam petunt versus eundem dominum 
Rocheford judicium et executioneln superinde pro dicto domine rege 
habendum, &c. Et super hoc, visis ac per curianl hic intellectis omnibus 
et singulis præmissis, consenSUlfi est quod prædictus dominus Rocheford 
ùucatur per præfatum constabularhuu, &c. usque prisonanl ùicti dOIuini 
regis infra eandem Turrim. Et deinde per medilln1 civitatis Londoniæ 
usque ad furcas de Tyburn trahatul' et ibiùem suspendatur et vivens ad 
terrmn prosterllatur et interiora sua extra ventrem suunI capiantur, 
ipsoque vi vente, comburentur. Et quod caput ejus anIputetur, quodque 
corpus ejus in quatuor partes dividatur ac quod caput et quarteria illa 
ponantur ubi dOlninus rex ea assig:
.lare yoluerit, &c. In margin, Tractus 
et suspensus. 
..A.. duplicate of this enrolment then follows, nunIbered :1\'18. 7-13. 

In this same Pouch (IX.) are the originals of several of the documents 
entered on the above enrolment; 1110st of them are considerably damaged, 
and, as they contain no new information except the endorselnents, it is not 
requisite here to reproduce them. They are strung on a file promiscuously 
in the order indicated by the nUlllbers in the margin, but are heTe 
arranged chronologically so far as each session is concerned, that. for 
l\liddlesex preceding ICent. 

Indictlnent found at \Y cstminster before the Justices for l\1iddlesex. 
\Vednesday next after three weeks of Easter. 

Original Commission appointing Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Treasurer, 
and Earl l\Iarshal of England, to the office of Lord High Steward of 



England, to receive the indictlnents found against Queen Anne and the 
Lord Rochford, and to call them before hÏ1n for the purpose of hearing 
and examining them and compelling them to answer thereto, being 
identical with the Letters Patent already copied f1'0111 the enrolment. 
This parchment is the fourth on the file, and has an impression of the 
Great Seal appended. 

'Vrit for Middlesex, addressed to Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Uichard 13 
Iay, 28 
Lyster, and others, the Special COlnlnissioners of Oyer and Terminer for Hen. 8. 
the county ofl\Iiddlesex, commanding them to return ail indlctnlents against (1\1. 20.) 
the Queen and Lord Rochford before the Lord High Steward. 

',,"rit addressed to Sir 'VilliaIl1 K:yngston, knt. Constable of the 13 :l\Iay, 28 
Tower, and his Lieutenant or Deputy, commanding him to bring Queen Hen. 8. 
Anne and Lord Rochford before the Lord High Steward as he shall be (M. 22.) 

Precept addressed by the Lord High Steward to Sir John Baldewyn 13 l\fay, 28 
and his fellows, commanding theln to return the indictlnent before him at Hen. 8. 
the Tower on 1\Ionday, the 15th 1\Iay. (
L 19.) 
Dorso. Uesponsunl J ohannis Baldewyn militis, unius justiciariorunl 
inf1'ascriptorunl. Indictanlenta de alta proditione infrascripta dominam 
[Annan1 regin 1 anl et Georgium Boleyn nÚlitel11, dominuln [Rochford] 
adeo plene et integre prout coram me et [aliis] justiciariis infrascriptis 
capta fuerunt, coram infranominat . . . . . . . '.' . . . dienl et locum infra- 
contentos mitto prout interius michi [præcipitur]. 

Precept addressed by the Lord High Ste\yard to the Constable of the 13 l\E1Y, 28 
Tower, commanding hin1 to bring the bodies of Queen Anne and the Lord Hcn. 8. 
Uochford before him on l\Ionday, the 15th day of I\Iay. C
L 14.) 
D01'SO. Responsum lVìllehni Kyngeston nÚlitis, Constabularii illfra- 
scripti Turris Londoniæ. 
. . . . . . . præceptuln infranominati Domina [Anna] Reg[ina] 
Angliæ et Georgius Boleyn nlÎles, donlinus Rocheford, nlÎchi per donlinunl 
regem pro quibusdam altis proditionibus comn1Ïssi fuerunt et ea de causa 
sub custodia nlea detenti existunt; corpora tamen eorundem reginæ et 
ID. SOC. 2 G 

13 l\Iay, 28 
Hen. 8. 
I. 16.) 

15 ::\Iay, 28 
Hen. 8. 
I. 15.) 

lfiY, 28 
Hen. 8. 
C\I. 21.) 



Georgii coram infranominato Senescallo ad dien1 et locum infracontentos 
parata habeo prout interius lllichi præcipitur. 

Precept addressed by the Lord lIigh Stt'ward to Ralph Felnlynghanl, 
Serjeant-at-Arms, commanding hill
 to 8Ulll11lon such and so nlany Lords, 
Proceres, and l\Iagnates of England, peers of the said Queen Anne and 
Lord Rochford, by whom the truth call be better lllade to appear. 
DoJ'so. Responsum Radulphi Fehnynghanl, servientis domini regis 
[ ad ] arnla. 

.A. portion of the orginal panel of the Peers, annexed to the preceding 
Precept. In this panel the nanle of " Thomas" Lord Dacre is written in 
place of 'Yilliam, which is crossed through; this was probably a mistake 
of the scribe, who had confused Thonlas Lord Dacre with 'Yillianl Lord 
Dacre of the North, who were both then living, but only the former sat 
upon the trial. The names of the Peers are pricked off in the margin, 
evidently as they canle in, and against each nanle is written the abbreviated 
,vord " CuI''' twice repeated in the handwriting of the Lor
 High Steward, 
being evidently the answer" culpabilis " upon each arraignment. Only 
17 of the names are now left, comnlencing with the Earl of Sussex, the 
upper part of the strip of parchment having entirely perished. 

Il1dictnlent found at Deptford before the justices for Kent against the 
Queen and Lord Hochford, as printed frOl11 the enrolment. 




Wriothesley, C 

A chronicle of England 

vol. 1